IIohbUlll le\!IlJ II
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An In~ep: ndent rhyskian; rnl..\h .\LL F I I
Saddle & Harness 11 E A I (~I
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Con: tinl a ~ edical Practice
011 '. kt.1 1\\"1I r" Ih, .1 u h, ; h .. ),; IlIll. lU llr TU'· :I . ., ul i tlW AUIII'lf 11!)" 1 111111 ' 1.ld l""'I,I,l (' ·' 'dl" .. 1 ATTG RNE y AT lAW ('.. llll ". 'rrll I. 1 I 1 HIl 1 1 n A-r ING ,·k. Vu li -. Wh,p' , ,I ""', : ,.11 I \Yul e 1 llU Ul IIl, I 11 l' rt. •'11, lh I .1 h ItI ~b 1I 11 ~. ·urry-t tf11nbol, Uru "llfl llUU " t ile r l ·cl lI 'ut ll l " e" lIld • IUlll 1\11 IIth(>r c: . . lrumero •. . Wi P t ieutl in Europe, lha ~tl c l l '" b..I...,,,tr /I v, ~"u L.,.\I• • I '''" POlIti • • '- . th o wll(lle · 11.tl4 ill ll th c I,urt; . t li l' , II11t, llI lL Io·t tl l LIi ,,;:: II1 "t It IlIlLu 'J bl a ;1I ';:' fl>I'C ' UflltllUl UI. llf o wuuld b ll kupt S III in thu fl: t ll ' 011'0. West Indies, th Domin on 01. I cl~"tln )' hl~th t l ~lln 8l1d WII.I.IM, h . l'O \Iill r 'III(' lIl b" l 'l 'e n~I l''' IVl'l ~ E~ upIbu t w()uld It bo 1 ? 1 tl 1 llI \\' \o l k , Illld Lhll ., tLJ . Cauada. and in every State I' I ' " . I1I"~ 1 (,\1. 1 Ulor, '· .nd utbor. "hu 'l'Illl{tv, 10 Clr·, C rv ' rl 11 '0' V t i t ' 1I11 !! ... 11 1 Ib III ,d; (' 1I ~OIlI\ g l _ , j <..... n ;:: : lL \ 'f. _ . , m,1" tri lil. I rf,,-e L I}J.U .. fll.o tiuli buth i n ...,uul. , ::: Itll; ' - l UI' til III:! ·In·s. PI e~ ILt~l>1I ul. tho blvud I ? Is tho r c a· I :Ilt' th Ii Ie, If 1'1 'lI~tlllt IlIl' 01 the Union. F t IU I T b . ity li nd prlt:<' III". I'" 1I I' " L1'i!r wit ti e J ,.II'!.: "11H.th i \l~ :: Q • ,-..: :> <: aDO· or e U IIU!! plnLl lO nullho 111n ~."r It II tt I! n' will b il ~ l f ello er,. , "'1"' ,ul nl \.('n ~lulI i. cu lled to ·Ii \ OT) : : :l'U\ ~II - I I ~ I',Li11 fn l tlt.,tw d l hc .. l iH .. l llIv Ilcl ,IIU b l" C ~ I ~~ = ~ ~ ~~ -;; ::: ADVI CE CaVEN BY MAIL. E I. t,ld l ur\( IIIi! I. eet. '? f allY o rgllll I ln rt(~ -t.' k ur. Ill,} ~ If! I mll~i ne 1I 1lll'll1or i 'ij It... 111';; h ·11. - Ii' I drm J 11'/ t" tho Y" III ':': !Jo"plc r lll/Jl',' th ':'11 ~:t:~~ ;~i mUll wh.oll y ullclld o w ed w llh tho J' it'(!t am. FREE OF CHAR C •• '1'l YNE.. " " . I . B, 0'110. A CI~rl' I I I I'he ... i ' I 1'1'11\' 11 '111 I'll hl 'I ~II ' c.~ ",;,': ~ ~ ,~t-.- ~ II ·C • .;' J:iJ IJ~ ,\l' ~~, I '.!...I. I.. ~. 1 OJiSuO t unC}, 1 \ V nhluuJl lBt!O ·j .; ' . - - - ... ~ . - - h ·,-\.f - --., :: 11 11 \\ i lll but ut. tlJ of whic h h a .. )" f In m Moo m... ~r"l medlcln.. il i f f' '. 'r\I I)Hlf\' t -'IF, .,t· H 'lI I S L, 'ot Billie t ':te. I elollmu. 5,....- . Al tall· -.. I . -1/ --~, lIulon , ' .IlIl "I· 11 0 d UrlU \.bft In,.t , ,,, . ,,1), IUfIt lr\4W4 ~ Il fIHt H T"tlb~ l h l\ I'&I •• lt. :tp .r 'I J" I!>(l\\ tl rklU"n , '" . .I , • • •, " ~= .:= F = I' '\\' \' L1'J ' tuo f lIlJ nl'&J1, or qnll4tHJU'OO ~ AU(6OtAGDfto. I f I I I ~ 1 n «1 li b ..,,, tlU - . : t . ' ATTO RN 'E y ' AT ballcl f"ut'I C vI' U V'l u'I(I II ' tl,o .Dr-({,. flu :~tlt·-\~ o pIUllt bl.l.Ul l' ! n AII ' 'l' '", ," " )illll, \' 1-= ': 1::-: .I~I ·!~ ~ , I t t l I J , ' ''''''' arth m v l'\! 101 1)1111)" 1>10 rlllill 11/'1'. P" 1\ 0 ' V'' I' r!''l l'lalt ""t", " I" k ;" I' :!::::: ~ :;;,:",; V II)" .111 1,(rfi 1-:11" ~" r ,c... iC) . UI'll Ilia · 1I.' ~ , 1r" H ~l \ , BulI " ,,'b ." U!.!IlZI II O 1'. ,1 ' = Il IJIlr""'" Tbolatwr_oJl_.uao~ u . W 0 U L L I!: Y . wl lat u II I'll UulellS wurl1 c d L ••, • t Ulh ~ 'I. I 1 ••'I IIV I' '" ";I ::> I ·e l'.lI·lII ..lh,~ t.\II WU ,111 ." ;; .... J. ) ,', I P in/II . I I" )l~IL~ II/ "',,,,1/,'" J li Li n 08 o r I ., I, Ytl 1lM l'I' IUI1II1I1 I!;1 UII cu l'l y " ll ~," . '.l! ) "' . ' " " I ' n III " ,,(lw " I I' I II "r '~ I'. ~1' 11 'l d. ,1 ,..... ""I1)J,~i gll l ll tt. I I,U gll'l n lIac I' '1>l'il'l' tI "", I~ It h li il"d 11', 11 "met' t< ,.. , ,, • .J". S" ' , ~ .. ,' . T , Y.1I~'.la4 ..,,,".. ... t"'lul",IO""""~ -a U uy u ."r~ . •c WtJll I( t t .n"'"ln . .... n.111I fl' ,110 ('tI "'" · 1 "rpmlnqoo ... W!bobwtlllrl I "'r" "r olf M .. ,,, .. II" .\flam, tr"·I~. ;;: _ E ;:. E / E:: I l"'\ live In P ot I d :: : If II! 'r c" f. ' UI.I .. -1 Uf 100U "..•. or ' r.1~t:~·llI l' l·- lll! cru l'~ \\ ll b till' lI l1'" , ! ,,!, ,."Ud ill" II11lLter W I\ I""\lllc. , t tltl .. jp· r L, ,,t lIot lrU 1,\ , ~ Ie \VU''lll'',.,n ll ,I nin o ._ .e._. t .. ::: ~ ::.. ~ g' ltn ' r l""td,,, r,1 "uol "llh<u u ol ' rICe l = wOllld11 0t~~~1 ~~lIt.C(~II ~ ~I'(llllnll ~he wcath cl'. o.~ IM t bt'~111 tu Ill: I"'''" pI.lU aI\ ttLCUl ot rdRljj:t nntt pr..."u m ...... 01' J \'IL '. £1l\VA RD' . 'E",~ I )"; " ~€:'::~.::;,?,,:~p1Ili d \)1 '" 1.\ . •1/1,) l~ jll ~I ~II\: h' 1·,,,tl II"' ''")5I n''',, Q """I".lon. o-boI,ltA u,vur "c,,,lIl· .. uIte<l,O lI_", 5\116,u Mllnh I. h1;, ncv e rtholo s thoso ugcnci Ctl tilat ;;. - ' ;; =:!- = ' '::~<'O'" ;;.: lie, allu In 'Il'wnt Lh. vh,olIollt,,. .. r 'h. .. "'IrtI.~_M. hra.. bas VIII 1.1 I,I,!,I I, ,ill .m It> " 11,,ul d I).· \\ lIJcuw · ' t roCUn1>'111'ZOO by tL10 e III uu !\l'plI.:.I1' IL1I e 1I"l' the 11 11. 1' 0 1 III eV l'I \' 1111 11 - h clil II I Iilc Cu UII i unBU lOllS 111 I' • I I f' .' . . J . J..J ~ I I .J..J'a IIthorS w tl'l1ld dc t ".,._ U I TI i r lU IItlll -- .' C I ( i ) \1 1111t' 1 11l~ )l'OII I Y I t li lt-.. lll 'J IIS,11 ,),. v i . e . ' l I'; ....."1.., ...., fnclld, ill I ~. " Jr~ \r.~·1 Ifl ' r Q ' : : . : : . = I ::: mOllllw roftllof ol1r : l ~~l>lildl1~ t')~101 oXll'lIt .t:~tn1,/i ~ /, tl l ill 1 Ii . ...' ~ ~ IIp'recd e d hy 1\ " l· IY :>l·,' 1 ' )11. a mi iii "1"'ll k 1)1 It ~... Dr. E . B. FOOT E. . '~ Ll.)~ LEO W ELTZ, PaOl'su TOR illcupllb l o f nil the purc I'L l II u f ~',Wfl~t~lIl~~. d ll l'.J; ~~.~ ~ =·~ ;3_~~ ~ ; ~\'O Ih.tl;'~ '~" I\ " III l,ll.e DOI 'J88, /'Ie_Wo rM • • II lgh . t l~I'lI b ~1"cli ;j I'l" 1 FII'.~I N ationa thing l Bft 11l.: LJ I/; /,Jill.(j I 'UI.'I I AlII!! OF " Nil 11~;A'1 Eli I ~ ; that COIU08 tbr ugh tic Ill) I C C l lllt~ III l ,Ltl, a'i' I" , II " " U' " 1 .dh" • J hl ') lI li clJ ACE:N TS WANT ED•.• ' Stol1illl of foo ling. ' 1 fll u Id ~piz'lUtio., 1111 ,1 iIlIlIlClIZ 't, " t ll'l' t 1;,, ' , I' ,S I e Du FO<71'J/ 1. ,h'.nthOl'tif ·· lIIamo.u. cOll' WAY ~ E.' VILLE , Oil 10 ~IIVPOS tlll~ ul1f~ ltn~ {, I t e l' t t V A 1·~tl l'l!J \\'l t IIiU t h · b lu'J III " I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ M U ' ~FH'''' . .... ,k 'h ' .....0 ..... a alrculatloG . tut. 1I Illotclu t! IIl11l1 nl er Iu<wd l I\VII CICI'('~I'II~. II '' ' f r: - - ., ('''11111 1111,: ~A;~-;' !~;.ooo:' ~:;';,"~:;;':;:. :~~:~x,: ue If1lght bo t aught tl.te lillC ' Sit,): I ~etlt 1111 , I Ht l ' I ~\I Idl gl'l li l ~:;,~~ =: -. Ill' I ' \I. II I "!! 1111' O I·i';: II .d "''''IlU "'.•••~EET, ""n. " " IIIof7U,llllO eop ... : . IJoo.o'''8tu trCIII I' atll rr I ~y d I Lt i11" ' ~, ,llIUL .\o IS " ' '' lIg '.l y, .~l ' Ion; DI1I1 : ' " 'll dl' ("rll \1 1111 Ihe ,,"ly v tl. 1 ", ' IVI IS IH" .... .. h'.~~:::...: ;:~:".ho<llulW1 un Wi ll 1I l:at i I5Vo\lI). ,L\' ull ' lcI \,J '('ld l.dt" I,11I1\ 1,,11, Al'l' l cT'~e8 .· ·lve". 0Id $1" ,' ( ',111 111 111 1,,,01 ,•• l ;I"1 (;IN( ~. )l~NA !~, . . . I.llI""h.ft.....""' ..lon<d_ (.blob TI, l>r 11m. U tiClU lIS v.ulJUti OHl() . . .. "furlln " ' lll nlltl"g. G 1I(lILlhl I'lrtlit w i dl C" I'II '\!rllllfl .. 1 IJI I II " 111 .. t II flO 1. "" S ,il"' II . , ' 11\ III P. 1"''' '' IIJ',,,'J. •1I1beIlCDtrrceonappll<aUoo aVo 110 T.o"s. cunCII. WUII ( th oll wlll'ut /InJ I, :I. ' 1 11 1 ; ueJJ:j. A I,,, o t • It E.t\\illd -, HIII' \lyhul'! :i 1 I:; Ih .1,'", D, FOOT", or ,h. Bll1 "'11Uo 1J OW lIu IICflll altltod WIUI ho w url d 8:l 00 PJt)R Dil Y. I'ea I, Trees • .No I '" "II t 'IllS .1 ' I" ( II ',0 . , f TI I W ~" t 0 1'11 oU ;; I 1 11/ 0 UlIII I I .. AltIE" '" AnooN, Prop.'. Ii" "'ocu .. o 01" .. , f, y t II·UI;.g 1~lt 10 relJbtll~lIg ~l' I~OHi' all th uy M il, to ru; • t III P!\Il'l~ ' 40 1 ..." III ,. '" = U" Cu~-.h' • .,u,.· 1.0 .. h"ln· 11" --' - , will ' " .n ~ ,. OJ ,, 0 ;;- .L • ' . . ~. ..... y . ~,_ . . v .. IIl'pose , ur . Icr, 10 e opnvc u S ()Cl oty ill thl! oast, w~I'~ o ':~~~&~~ I;:~~;~'I;lIe nAll 'SOIl .1., to once m OI'c ~ ~,g :: !\la lta ( ' lIltl'lIt ul'! ~ :: !! ;; § ; ;. ~ , ::, :~~' m..ioh0\n~:~:~'K~r~I.=.,="W: \ tl.t.C S II S,<' 01 SlrJolI. -lIot It.'r 1,11111 CUIlIIl,UIICC life. by .... I "II pe"ch, hull,lill g nn o \\' , :to 1' 111' '' ' , ·1'" c '\I '~C; !lI1g tc) I' lly nClll . l~ a j~~ ~ ~J~] ~ I;::::. ""rlol. "I'LA" H oon T .... • to' \lAIllctll.rl7 llUlI Ch r lrl \\ 1I\lld I Ii th 1 ",,,1210 111 ollJ. M udul of. flll\ ur ,\lid II tho Illiu lS "f th Iii' UIICC uUllutlln - .. 1.1',eol" . ,llIl l, a".I"s.-u.• l r IHll'roat" Ja l t.1I .t tlll' t ill" ,~.I 1111, \V II I J Il II 1'1I t u IEI'&ll: !-llD ']~It~, I! h l'lIu,t.I:C Cl! .b r,~IIt1l1l1g In ce ll c:lIId PIOIUi dOS . alJd pl' l'lIrat ~~9 , ~::,;, '~~di:lI: e:::~,~ IJ. ~~ iu ll t; alld (' XllllllIl(· th c ~l."ru ·tltil.lt " l· hl' <JIA I N.T.••••• •• • W'O\VONH .. V . .. I .IK. :~~~~' :'::'~'~:::I,,~':.~~;~'I~~~· II:-;'~ ':=: \\ \.Il.u ?lclullI g .ballll- llil s en~o arrall!Z en' cllts . l'III'1'II:l .. C~.' 111111 1)1" lUl l IJU I( IW'· ''Il! !J"or",t. - ~ I " t, ~, ,,p. el" i:I Fi. . IIS lilt) \\Il.rlllu tl'd acuw,I,ud o urqu...L1ou• • h"hlcwh .. _...,u. ' -v-1\ Itil I I dr r~/I11 IIpll, UII d UIIO tnur VI' s l I)" , . .1,.... r'lpl II , . !Jo, eo .. 1 O,,'I 'c . . .. ,, ' 'e ,rolll , I) " }I n nnl ~ oa. dl ~ w d I I(I ill' til ~ " tl UIWuot 1111 I,; t d III'!\ b lu k U "d . t\ • ,. u.. " ',,'I.""h,.. ")u"uu ' ",k, ,~ orLl"'I.ph"_L ~ lc "·'''',I'' . I' II t U b , . , . ( - !!"JI'llg ,ur 6 'n • alr·""ttll l g. ,"r· reoQl.".,•.ul c.., I. ' ''I. ~ nr . I n ' , lIlI "pOO IO ~ Th.,u l'""Lhl"K III IS BIIII OIU ln llh r," 'run,.lI l1k••11hor , lI" If1 rl :shllvm" Ie 0 !Uti! ., dl1ne lll t.h lm.t.t)) c ol LI" I,, " " mp" ". o"e,,·.cr ol,l. ja IO'lking Iu II l.tI·ge IIlId CUII\ e ld ell! "', ! 11111.11', II11J of the to-~"k ''',Tka .. &r""OI or Ihoaw" 1\ 411 t gil C tho 11I11I1'r ' T 'm."r",1 A;t -T'l>llinus 1111 t o the world,t1 l1d lI.e Ull lt.II·Y II\val l 'l llg tl· r-.' t, a ll' 27:) • .. ~ y. It, 01 ,1. fi , 001 '10 0(,1, f S1l0I1T 11 1('11 t ll l' bl:, t :>athl:lc tl'JIlOt' IlIlYCl lltIHI IJ E::iT A:\ I) <. L' ICK Et>T I b 'tou to tI can , bo had 01 OJ!f'll'' uT of tlw ~ ~ -u \'011 rcy l'I,"ts 0 11 Y 0 r c II n l.,o ~ 10 UIII· , sh .. ps II lid uth or etr ll c tl1l'C Ill! 11 lIZ? - ~ I' til C' C - - - h-tll,."e l'(ll'J'I' I>,' 'I'U' ' LIIILl II II ' IIl nck b," II CS. th o \' t' ll S" ltlllI \V.III 'l! 1I Cu UI ty \ :.I'I.IINlIlI' ~ '·AI.I( " I.'''bll'llool labotbu,.. .. E\ c I') '·.CI·dO by the twv r uyal eMs II CUll. • '" ~. ~. ~!1 gw,q,1! _~h·" auJ ' •• ''''.0 I ...""..... On.,._ M, n,,". , ~h L' III , lo, Iln'I.I\e r''''8. ... . , " " ' Ib \\ altlill tcd IS Fill "lIle by J. ·.a...so :u.~_ ~"'D.*.d.. )IOUlIl",n Ash SIght Ilnd l~oarlUg H '~I'lIIg los t ' l 1 hnd hE' " It'ns ul' of WIIIlC ' 11Ie; \V LIII!;lI, L h.III\}11. 1-; W ,\ SIIINH TON & U\LT, 3lUttE i .t.ll!JlL£dI: I A.il wvva Thoy ~~I,~~:a~~p ~~;PI"r and 1~ly Sight r mUlIl1l1g, "nil' Il'litllo claB" r;lrill ill 1> 1I/llg b\ t~111I h UO l'CII ~ ,,'IIl! £lIl8 Ilud S OIlIIl-I :IIIi,l I . III 1I Ktll"lII' " 0, I'WIIl, little ul c xtertlul thlllg cuuld ~e Mi ;;s Fl ch11 :; (Il\' ::::s N or w.,y br.:llo .lf,'Cl lllkh ll'l,.IU (' 11 I ltelie" .. ). 1Oill u 2'~ ONDItNSEIl TAB lE. rIlICO~O Il' IRAINS. comllrc h e lld e d Ca bmet·lI IIaker aDd Un rierta kef , A I! lun g-I/a ge IS "'"~TK~."'" .. "310 ~ fcc' III" h '10 _ _ _ . I btl' , (;ortlrr .'No... h ....d Wn'r.r ".r".,... t' .L11 I u Ill11udg II III tilO OX lllillll"1 I I I S.OL<h 1'1110, 2 to 11" '1 II~!!h JI.lllCl\l~('sf 2'1 - - -- - - - - -acql1l1·o~. y 10 eXOII Cl llO U L t hi) IlIbc ed lill,g WA\ N .... VIL • • 11. 011l0. .. .. ~IO I q'llllI gh C' r " II C uf l ite II ? ,'. ~r" :.!5 \IA ,f 'V. L III'" v i Ll'hano ll h 'i;; n"I'II'ru, )( do I'lIl l\ Elt'iIIl'J t" lientletl , ue WilLI 1...1 ('11 Y CUIIIVr 'uCIIl MAY 31. I'H , .\11 c .... r'cllc. 0" " ""y T IIIIU'Y ),CAI'II " o on . 1curl "" tll1o. nnd 10 Au slr'llu Pi ll e. :I ~o 11.. , I" _h rrr<.'$RI \' 0 t He I :... "'·.1 I('rf"l ' ul l II • ( ta \ . l it . \\ ()rd' th e meanin g uf wd e h F" • • LII 'o :>/ LuuI. II: r '" Ihu FI •. \lo , "ud \re~o ,w.lc ·,,·ltb.sI I J' Pl (' tllr(lH F' 1"lllII t;'( I tn lL II I... l . I I J I' is'" I k t:t"II) t1 ~ t ~ i I (' I I .. ,·i!CII :I 10 I flO .I' t 1.,,·1, t "Lv ti rI lX' d"r ., e llt dlllt; ul ltV C >II e~ 1I1Ij' h" . ' 01111111 "(1 lc 1:.:>."'lII1 BUCUeSS )1I1 t D II " 11"., " 'ur' '" I,u'• TWO J I Wh,l , rin e, " f O ' II II ~ h I 111 ' d ' (·x I' r sed by I"'h t. Illlli tv h IIII IIUW I . \\a:!t • 2', Jt J:\l'XDt~HTAKIN(}llllOpr('paT<'dto 11 ' Y Inl.1 u 1 ",' " pi 'a h ' .. I' d I'" .. O tl ~· ! IIO I £1" ' ~rc~t " 1) III''' h;,,;h UII " 1 I.I<I . .I". tho. _ "(1 35 I lie I iC! I" . . LVLI' lUe '"I'"I , 9 "; \m . " n Id b e:) 1I 111r",~h II tl kllllh ul Durl~1 C ' .... nr ,.k., . If " n,loele ,,_ tv I I ~ l' 1-"' lh lt \\III ,.III(III,. · " \\ ll~ ." I C ~e 1\ I • ,1' " .. gfO 'v '100 Ie \\ II · bl'1I at ' l'l v 11I11ch I cd"Illcl'lllIllI I() 1 tee l I,'_h tlletc"ll1l\ or~uo I\Jeu8S "I) cU JlI'ICC' IIl! IIW \lrl<:o. A" 1.)1"11 ...,,, he I I I PilI ot~.u ~llu_lIe ~'V tll)U' I III ,\ "'. IllTnl'" ft re I)' IC' 10. ' . ,1,0 1.' 1 , u'or" ·lelsu.tUrll1 (!.t 1111 t il D ue. I ~Jll t ~,T b. , tl"IUlu , ~t~_ , u -! \~ "lil. n .. .. l'''r' 811'''''' " "" . ., .. n I" ~u ... I\~ v ~ij. t> or ~n"~~!' ,I,".r.!ls ' -' II I., " '" I Buch vcry s mul l .. ~1'''' ' lIR 0 . f, "f, [, 20 .. ", ' l h·· <"ll, ''''111 ' ri ll " n' "'l~'·"a.~ ct.e~, ' :15 th.o hIli c~ea he takotl cuguIZlU lCO ' at't rnuo ll we h e cinl dren. In th r , lIH~'Utt. I tHI \ · ,d t l y (, !'lll w" rlllg ~I ' rull', C \ 1)1 1'''' llIeJ'l1lt R~ ard Illectll l f~ m IQ "011.' Ll"c 'Yorlh 10 4' ..1.1", It' I li " 1·,lIhe tme gild 8 Cl ca , . I"",; " '111 " I II " •• 1111; • ,d b."" " 'Iii ' hu. Joo.I")~ - : ... , .. ~.. !to. , II. o ....tw0t. U:I, I 30 f, W, .t..MII.k A, r O",ltoll f I pu .. II PI' Idcut Cia" tI.2vl, of f.A·nt.i .... I, Ionll,:'! o;;ip1ci'rll '1 If, I I I ....... L !l HI I" II , .. " , 'Q. J"". t\c." , .. .. 'l"",. . proo uru~; IIl' -.oni lITRe ,pc ~ n r(n : tloll r ,a" ' \"'A ' . "O. kl.",1 L ,'"i,II:>."Ag<> " "". ,,... Co"'''' I Uollego , Oil tllo " ~l.. .. fNE~" ,. .. .. ~ .. -~ · 0111 ..,..Q~ . r"() "(:)l1oICO .a.· onl< Ib, <'OSI 01 I h. nHlt· ' 1,, 1 ~'lj r "'\1" 0 ditterut lt . . f be F.Da~l u . I WI • I I " Cnml" d ,,,,,1 I !III \ m I I ~ r;,'.I,~: u, Ullt" '" ' Ole \I ron" '" " , ' I''''rI.· Ign , I {I SClOlI.S 0 \ l!1l "U."" Li e .' 'J l'( I \\ fI .. to hi t "' c II . tIlg ~11( UWflre 0 Its mvdot> Or tea tlin K " Hie lootlll'l! :IOU" \\ hlll •• ll i e "r H, tull Pr,co L ,.t, or Oil' n mh'l t I 1It1!l I I\lh pr <!pllrcli• tu f ttf· cOInl.let, " 1I ",l's, · . ... ) ft ' ·2 .. 1 L£O " , ' 11 ' 1,1.,, " 1) tI ... t 110 pC ' ." " '" ti ll, ",.h " ll k,n<l. WELTZ , wn I t , IIV ' I' It." I_ 1 0111 · 'W t v" o'n Ive t Ilroollfe i 10 . relu.tll1n s to k ' n",rClUII1 Ull t LISlgu t W!\.Il e CIIll Cl1t ill IIr C.. ffin . ",,,I On.ker.. R ~ (f~1 I 10 () ;,Il .. I 0 ~:n DIgI~D. :;plnt, progre ; oIC " .. rid lh ,t ,. -u llc rlll_ \\Itl, 1' ,",,"\1'"' . I ".' . II ~'" I III I' m ~ 511 ,\ III 'll e . ·'1 1 1111 s" PI' me,,,"or, 'c" ,. If" ,Iu " .. l raise upon l OU CII" ""v" lIIc)IlAY IIl1d i{ t firKt· rem ov'd,d ll r · I1CSS.U llllttO'" 1l 0 0 I' ll tolldCIlC )·. 1)1111\1 1I" .h ICIlIIII Il c at ,,,nl,, I" "' ~ lIl1 d " " e\ecl I I r " , . : 1I 111~,',~~~~" ~ ~~ '"1 I.. ~ Jil l,," , ::::; f,~ :'~l~~~ C~:8~'r::ed~ '''T~tr~~~nl!o::: l .. g", lc 11 8 IlId, ...•.. t· d"" " urk b~ pRtrn"Iz Ulgmo e A ullm U\lrIl t R.·p"lr11l· m:E~T ""I.' "01,,. 110<- . H,e\" liellJ," Wit Wilt feOllses or 111"lIt uut IlII r<.t! ' h. , ou, !'II" " I " II k",d. c\ me , W · • pructic " , IeU ulllh' III . tO f nlh· .. AIC!O, 12 17 I'll ' 11 fin o lot 1 ,' 1 ,' 11, pOll ' ! " ,. " ' , ' '"" I,r "" • . ' lid ' I" 'In'. v , l'nll'II"" " " nl I "~ Il,." .' " ln'p '1 l lr. ",0 .. " 1'1 I I I I ' 1, • 1 I) n erve fib ~nr IS n o engy 0 cUllcep · IIble 'J ~ .. k ul L",,,,,,. " H",l E.t.IJ1 I.,on T"blo. nu ho, ,,I I I '0 uoll 0. am"l! 11I1gTB,I('J. DCI"'.. · ·" " r, rll <.llll,ou" " •• &c ' ' I i.'" 5 I , ' .. Nl"w,"Yur "' clproe Lli I" , CRII t , e l' ,"l ' tiori) bnt thc imngill ation mnv ur,' people" ~'lIunl1l" 6 II;. • d,,". tl C' tIt.t.erully " , tu. 'c "ed 4117 u e dI"O~ oJ ."d r.:uaG . 1t Olt;O ' . S 010 8 .. I 1', \ ,1 "lIo-lvll A (l,.us • v Ol IC, All. fi ,"r ' ,(I I ,. IIO '"R I {) '"th'JII ·1 tUj [,II rIll' L g ,.;t { l. BROTH 1111. BR r 1l!11\.'I "' li d t..: u rc Wlr.L G ,ow. Jt \00 douh t thiS. g t l to fllC.ture dueh a one. We The u rIlJel,,"" ' -1111 · '>'Iellt .(cui ha.. UOOII III 11U11l1111 tl'c1 110\" Uru" Il"I. e erll'~I!' 10 IUfor", I' T . , ,, ,,·,· ~,,· t nlll. y. tI," I ,, · fl'l ofo'lro .. n I A. P OLL. nil.! " I' L " >\"ml''' ~bb I' \. " .. ..,IIIC u mUll, lieu, per Iect III 0 d'" <' th o pllI,lce ~ ~' ''' nlll) t\,, 1 h.. h". 1', II'II m tim f' c t o tlmc CUIICt'II1 f'rls -e; t I1 ~nl~n IO' 'IU l'· 18uttle for ten U,II" "lid In ,I ~I:\ d b ' n b t 1\ b l t1 Y .H, J ' , oJ o p I l '" l''''' c dtln,"' I \I l' " '" "" " p " .1 ' nn l'LLUS ~le't~l n,ht"ll Hegul.r . hc ,",, ' , n "" l $ht:l', 7!ceut8 I",. r l \. r ~. lll 1' \\OUO , •• ,.I,I,·" TR ~C8 "d ATEDQu ~III of I~"k r.llc ll't~l n No ! )o n"wll u lVFLt) ' e<. ' ",h~r iA LWO " K he 11'1 11 - - - -- - -. 'I' It I at' U1lllilyl oe .. l : In otUal)Il!~ t o r:~t'lt' tlclll l.l1· utl)J cct II .\f'~III1It.; .0 " 111 .. '" h I (' I fJllllv 8 111 Ii!). \\ 11 1 1 ... n l t' J I II-~ 1fIt I ~ :t,. •p r e )lIll d',,,,r1m II'rme 1('1 D "".... ., ~~ d r ~ hUll ~ QUI. k,,'p c" ""'n,,~ly til (llltien II I trllclll). ' h""d . W.. L\t, Col " ",\c\l" 'I I II I:. ill' ' ll, , ! ,'II' ,1 1 ",'n ' :~" :;~' I c '::;:~~~,~I jtsc I f ,~".~.~ III CUIDmUl\J. OII \101 tl I tl Ie 1ll. ·,' ly ~'~t\:~~v~ It )' f.C:, eslV. ~ ~r e o n til l . 01l~ 'I(\~" Arc );0 • ., 1. I ! I', \, ,11 Putter ~ ~ l' H E V I~ R Y B EST . 1~urld thro'l the 1II.:'<i1l11D OIl' IIk~~vcJ' " lIf writ~'rd and leC"tlie ' 7 I III .. &:. Clld o '" '''" r' ,,' 1 'of ull Ll order o Il1re l'8 \ ,,"ld Jl a \ ,.1 ",,,,,,Iu for $1 .k 7 4', \"'. 1:lIl'd ,I) 'III 0' ell" ".1 " " lit " I' ', d i~ I " 011 1,1 ro'"I" cllul" • ,II lit e Il tl, nt,,," 01 W. sOlld 1111 \JO nl d tlUCI ~ ..,r~lJ1 tllll r t l ll Ut ll1l1g btltOlcJ (,,~tt.:1l Ill ng. ~ lI b " 1 :. ~:~::rft" ';"l lu I~ r;~ .: E ~ ' ~~ btlt II to" "11"ttl'111!r 1' ' 1 tllu •. col ",lit " 111" 0 n ,t·l hl ~II~S1e!l . thoroforo ]5 th"cltlZell " "1 Wll yn B" llo 1",,1 ,"ellll'y tu 1 t, I U ' I 11I Igl f,:/.!:B Iu J A" N C" 'lI k '7. ' 1" '10 I'", dilmtll lgC\'or y t llllgtl> m" I\col. t,on 01 I l ul tp r IC~ " 11' 1\ " rrcn ~ 1'2 I', \ ill ' I''' ' I' V · 111. to '\lv.'uh Ils ..arecom · JJtll'tl\' l' ~ I 75 Ilxtern'1 l wo rld . TlIOI'O rIligut bo ; 1Illlllil' uintion Rnd ~·'~.llIoll . PI"le8. J'rrc tlr , mO, .. r!!e WIi IBrd .', • III ,~ . " I 5f, .:" I m""11 January Eumbor . "Onl~hl lnJ; d Ctnvllllf rlltill 11 ~rl' . r. 'IIO' C8 , • r , fi 1 l:; thou ght, but It wuuld be ofanot bcf (nl oolt thcv d\lll't .. "'" , -u "r;.I I" "''' ",I E 'f;' ''"'h' ""llUue for L,tlle,' C. "IUIU"" IU,rt one lor 110\ hu. u. <' llic CII""~'~ a(forJs IIl1d 1111 will'" k,p! tell lI uw lo"IC Il11lt!se .. B"II IInl 'I?' 11 J... & .1 , " j 11,,,1 Yuu ri,. Olul!l""g ,·xchl. iI·el y f lui lido III "i"" ' " , be ' WlltCII ' or I rofCBIlon ' . to sucl a h('TI" l .... , ;tillS, .: 1\~~I:~~~::,g 1lI0< IOd °bee~~s ",nco- III . ' 1 1)0 pm .. '1 211 I nmpre"" " ',lto cUI .nll Illilke c10lblrlJ III , It,' , . e , J ~ ~IIW 0 1 I 'tl ~ III taphY!li Cd I\lId Di vi ni ty ood (Of It. OLEA N AN D NICE Dricil B IIf, 22 iOl ~5 "O ,kl,, "d II '4 )Vo.n (II r g,,, . II lId y , ulb a from Ihl. 1' 11110 .• 1.0 ' 0 ' 1,0 HIe . wor ( . \\'I 1.0.11 UO t illl;; tlll1<>ht), whil e anothclItr tu II ;I~ C'1l - I'" , ilp' l\ e I'll ce L'st • • O,rcula rtl. ' ('1.a Rs . _ • .. l>c \Je e, I'm I. I I 1.1 .. f _ t Is II t 47 JugICul flIIlI'SIJ .. I . I pIlLI, ' • •• rll8 1"0'" l'Olh pl~hS RL exec«l· ,01 Ir < I., ", ,, ,I " " " \11'11< 01100. tng Cn.nSClOUB.o I, be' I .. Cu, .. I.c cl ·.! I ,0 A'n I w ould just ...1\ jU CO USISliellt I rC.lC'ct ' ''I''II low I' ' CCI" a",1 "" Ih 1,,", .. 111 0 , 8 :! Uti Brig ~ s o.,cll"el er, N.Y. AI.o. t I, ,"klill I,,, tl .. 'on 1, !Jorill pIlt'OI"'~" [ to coOO6I" .e of him I1s . 1'"' 1II~.JI1 ';) all oU jl' Ol8 i n teachin g, vatllly t; II P' . v I '" Oh ,ell go. 1118. .. IIn ,l" o I') " 02 ., 'I . ,ij ,, h" c "C' I\ed I de s,re ". "nf,"Un" c o l 'he 'i ~~"" ~~~ w orld l If we \\'ore I e 11m 10 I pos1Ilg Ihat th :;:'~II" ~~7.~on; c ntile ~I'Clla lit' ~' ~3 ~~ IT HE '~utild I;mve no knowle dge of 0 ~C l ellce is to bll .ndted e,III1" ,\III .. ork d '0" 1I0n'h d v wn d · ll In [m r'luu, vu,,( An (l r,i ,' r Or t l1 r Prul".t. ,,"d 1" .. "",111 gUll, tnlee "84\lIlm ll '" f' 10 '\ 111 H I ')111' 1"m" A ':oI~, A fOI' ;E MI LL8. wholo or h, Ihe ""co nOr we of hi m. ".Beho ld I Bh';'W ! cUl11 VbO'! :LIId s ),stl!me ticall) I' 'Ill ' ~~:'~:1O~I /; 111' mc " call " II ,IInlllgt.4I11 12 17 pili " r' P ~h~:;ou~~0 ~~«~~·el "C~~~'t~h~:CI!"ri M,"clc2 1 2 m2 . -- - YI)U 11 mystcr y"-11 hllmun sun l Ill · 11l1Ig:ed thuugh th ll nlOdi\lm JEHU MULL IN . :' ~I''''~'~;~'k :, ~~ .: (If mel'o w,1I /f"r lit publlo :s.d e. IIU tho p,o,,,,u•• '" ~ ,:~ .: of habitill g tho world Ilnll out CvlI' IIl e llllll applil'ut l()11 Mll rch 17 • Ilo- ,,," all d Spl' c lllatlOll M.. u"t }[..lI) . ,m fj 511 Am 6 SO I, m !ndu:.~ria1 scious l>f it. . . • • " I\>1 11l. 'lilo gl'~at soientif iu pel11.lu · Friday - - - - '-'Pullma n ' ; Palace D ;aw'ing.R oom ,l , II" :>,J.)t!, J) m/ '!r' April, , A UEU7T IFUL NEW CHROMO, Ie s n h 0. man a hVll1 g IIItcth· !rIm \\ill ul'ubtl Cils finally bceolllc N umber Four SEE 0 SAN 0 P LAN T S. d 8 A. D . I i5. FATED BEFRE I~ , .I en n 111",10"' , C. O. Tlt e Tru e C(~pe Crld O'(~91 konce, a: sonl , \v~lon the Wires nro s tatIona ry bol wcc a.u lceplug Coaohe l n LII\)bc two 'x lhe (011ow,")(.c:! I'.,·rlloeu H,' ,I C.t 110' t".w,1 g' ::~~Nrt I~B~~:;~~R'I~18~~' ""h (lown b c t,,:oo.n him and the wudti ¥ tl c ancs', Ilnti he 0 U. b nl/, bcst /l07't fm' Upl n lid, I rom 81 \.ou ,•. Clnt 11111"" .",1 1' s h o, who is \\ 18l' ,\ part of Fn.el\"'1II1 ~,·~t~'" N" :! 1. town '"I um bu, 10 I Gi .... , .. U.nr 9~'oo "' ••~"'.e \ .IIStl .. I III '''" lioll <' ". II! ,d 'lI g 0", r ~I xty I.n?/!/.nnrl The materm lrets SIN flO. 'Fhey say. eIIOU!!11 t o fUI' seo G'l1·r/r ll. h1/ m l!il }I"I' thi s r(' u lt anu No 4, Hil ngo 1\ t.otwccl\ lh,' AI !.I"" r,v. 1'0 ...ll -( I d I t TI" ~ ic"g,' 1 "' rosollt. Oummodore OU· '" . "lc",lIJly ,I ·u· " nled )'lIlftnl"l J~tti", ttlIlL" • 1 J~t'1' 10(1, $5 I I r 1000,' 0 III th o r.. ,ul lun,!ihK tbo min d, 01' 80u ,18 t 10 pro uct TEN STElIlL Wl1'H OU'I' "ll A NC' E I l or l ix 1;" I"roIIIr«p s lll\)lo 1\ cuUl'se of I1CC()I'tfi ll g ly, will frn'" \V ,II fle"" '\'(11 UOTION B . tho pot of (lI"'"lg from one lllo to th e )lll ullt H olly I"C8""II, so l fnu ", u! Rjl DPROD . v tho ; brain, ~nd .depend B u puo tbe Sl>IJIlCst reac h tu~ It • • . 1,,1' lUl U rc 8. o rl~If1 .. 1 ~ II ' A t I ti, l' .v.,(O, Olwirle t" " " "l lOr III 11 "mull nptilt ho"t during • 'trl(1ob ,"I'UR 1'ltr" "" h I lol< oto " ,"1 furtlt I ,\l fll r.. ' fltl '" t lc u h e.. , 01 ~ultl~. "'I'ol><td goal of s ucce ,, 111 Mill. t ho II lr R r,lI ,1·4 = 1': II~I t"ct i IlIrr,"o 'bratn as digesti on depell<h l upon t Clle!J;n g. ButT gr"' "I Il ' 1\0' LI, $ J5 tv the B.:e 01 the (f nil I>Ubv/I/J8. cl oll'tnrl)\;lJse tu N ~(lU-4 ° E oorcet . thPtu)o N ~O.I·4" A prio.d C('8ta· e"" I'e olo L.. lllcd a' nil 1"' " ' ,pRI '1'" ll.. I d om N' , "" d AlItl"'''I ,o .. "elll " ... t p'"dl\l' h~hA '' rIIltl.n~lC n,f (1, se mId (fll Fhtit8, CtO 'III II ughouL tho \10, r \v tIIO ftut., thence ::;:lll "·4 ~ W trO feet • I' II '''' I. 1111' II' OIL i he Iitomnc .. ,a n app~ra ncotlscem advise ally u r tet\ch them /. ~ou ,Ic\\o ' l 111111 IT !lil ; \ f; ( ru;<t 1{1 BY ~!.' 1 ·2INCHES iI 0\\1 tv fl'lln t:u be!1l1lllt 1 ,,'d ook PM o( slIld ",,"0 t" " mo nlh s 0'dl",lrlllud "uQkh mit! E ;>I(I ,III., · t favor this view. We knuw th~t t e ach lSU I'll s tUll' ''' ... ~ . for ,,"ly 50 Ot'nnm ls " rr ,,' ". lly II lI. hcd ,n thirtA'en 0010"" l'1ttnl TrCfll , Jt'erg l' en}!, TIIUI'l ..... clay HAHICY , I" U. (;0 1.8, K" .1 ,. u.n"o" hloJlythe muuJIfI . t1 . f tle braiD pru tl ll'Cod lS Cent.. 0 " " r 10,nlrUlh,ee the I'" P"" 10 SIt I' ubs, BIi!OR, IU'abJooJiro. 1rU ' I' ( r ' R osctJ, TpIIM· I 'lallUJ, -On nlSOI\.8es 0 ~·thtrdOI W I l"hl!1ll1 J'''-H I. A;;. tn~, III. O T lle·lIe" (Jell ' '1,.1,, . uu.cr 1 . ·\ cl s ,., t, D' O) e' ''1 " " '. 1 ." ., g"WIIH'" SI"810 OO!)' ,~ c Il o pe t li S your 110 rovi' IIIIIJ III \I mo"Lh. , 1111,1 Ollq·t1llrd In I~ ' ell' " ' II ~ I(' s I'I\CI t<·,lue,.!lo'2.~IJ".. .f pn j"ff FJ.O I,7 L·}' e~e8 of the mme!: . his IB •tho done O,"cll '"ltl. I' "umlcor. Bnll ' Dlol'c 81X ,'C .Md ot' -IIUIil' to-o f frel' , " l1l1l:j::l oo W " h.vo "ta ...... t prllvon tln g ) to rai se some 71/ .II II lIlh. (rllm .ttl,. nf .,,1 (loC ., (l /Jrt I IL ~ , ,4> l Til 11 Del< rrod J'I\~' ,\ I nc"'s "\11 1111. o' b\ mall It " 11 .\ HI '. viowo fa largc mlt,)oT lty01 BOlen· tolOI aCl'e~ of ' u" tl ny .roured tl;o ' X ·hl.i" O<lotrol ' . r' lit Indu ('.Il .A N D OAR RN SHED S, t I,e "~' corll fo r dry i ng ",III.lo bclI ' ItItcrCEt lIu(llco .e",,,,,,I I M..8lcr of r rn ll s!",. lllIlon. 18 ,Iu of , to "lid Il,or"r,... 111'(1 "" uLled to pr&,y mell l l"n ~~1I I . "n'l clll ioi 'Hi" men-th e ~iow that 11. 11 mind I bno ldoo UIII \I n lll amo llnt 1" 1' 1: 11" "1110 clanc Jt icollcc tiollin tlw c(l ltllt1"!/, .171 . l y o f llluin~ I IlI0rtg.~o un the .. r'J.n"I"\', "M 'I " 4 . . Ildllm n rt.~hl IItllll " IA'11tL t' lt lA'Ourl'" L va ";.., I I'\'U ( "' ''PA'' d ... tlbove 1'"I,Ith, r·. .1'1. II !'., rk 1·I4\C.' . 11)1'(/, aU no'velt i C8, will be is the result 01 orgall~Zo.tIOll, Qn( I Cllrn anti ul 11 51)';liO '," I. L 8vnl N I \\ ' 01 k P lt' lI'c ,,11't.u In wlmt P"POI \ OU .o.cl·e of broom · '1'J... J.:.~I!ul1u,m .tJll.tltn d. l' .......mlnbnt Ad",'r I("," h rllr,. ,leo',! ". " Ihls ,.. " ' rll., Inellt fie , .. lJr,;~·uj" [('()h. ~.. N wHI)ap r. It", "mon. d .. that .mind and ~nSCI0I18neeS' are cum'; su thnt wh rp "t/II to ftU!I plain addv'088. 26 . e ll winte r wlOd ... ~v pnrtlll" .~ " I' ,,1I. .ttvd 1.0 ____ identica T, but .thlS by U'O m e ull s a lld '~lI1pC6ts IW • ~nt't8 of eit rag ing withuI.lt, Aer FWtncl ', Ga"tiM I. hl () T I 0 E 11. ,( ... 800'D I u.,. 1_.. R ... -':':'"'- •• Tr~e }"l'1tit, /:!\'P fm~~~m~·~·'~i "" follow B. Adlmt toot we nro 011 I y we C!\U ., l'fJ,'ef' n, 01' If, l'b ~ enscon ce oU l 80lves cozily ___ .. _. _ I". t I'" hi " ic c,1 , n. ~ , .J'\lUn .. f , ./ tJUHHt i" ..O N08Nfl lt, ..·" Ie_"-u , WI) ~h" IInd.r. ,/!'ne,l . I~hdholdll~ A,ljoln· fi at " 0 1 ' 1 eognizu ut of the externa l world iOl)uJI warws uop Dr Culve rwaU's Celebra _." -tec! ::)eerrx, . 07' .., l ,v , 8rnt ,y mal. Tl~EA.S URY DEP A RTM lind size t1l1uln gO .... '.. ~ c: , .'ok . f;"o ll ol ' ce tbdull gm· EN·I'. I • h' .. ... Gelluol N,,_ Be seA Essay " Il II .. , ,,,1,,,,,1 ou,. (1\llh · lJ1·epai d. it does not d TVIIOLE'Sjt L1~CA1: k b vel "ll.cn (" ,m Ihu bod of Ih,· Cr~ k .. ,II b~ t IIrpng our u..., OI' l"roF:OI" All out • ,,!v~ mr sort brbomc urD /tn mu 0 rooms. chal'!(e,1 ll,elll') ov,~ ncoo of ," rthe ·" "IIIAIOIIII oarQllnd 'I(". Dllilllt.ilL 0 G [J/t TO Tn E TRAD E nt Ihe ralAl of HI C"lIt" lor ever' or ~I'low that there may not be elM~t' Cmll·m o ••I.ER UW 1'111( CDilltRNCV IIlnl W. ~1.ue8., I nVI'hmtnry S Olil",1 k ~" to 8n~ply it. r""dol'S w,lh all tlia We mako Ilun ually 6 o r 8 hun two.horator I o lo;,d. WAd lll N01 O N • •Tlln " ..ry lIS, Itln T M w AT,~;R. cnce and con8oio usness o ut o f It. d......d dollar" w orth Lu.!e " huun . , '. MOllwl.lld !'hYdlcAlln Ag t'lIt8 I~r. lind a vllrwty "r relldmg that tlIlnnot ful to • m!.tc: of . slId'Il"'' 'arillu W .1 CO I,LETT. . W ..... R If ",TA d . RR Y •• o· ~(.nclty. ........ lo lorc.t 6,eh I\n!l o..~r,. member of tho but 11I'1'"llIno I't to, ll' . tv Mnrr •• ge .. elC.. h d" B. M. WA TSO N; OZ(l Oolony Who",•• , By .Ilti~rllljl .. -I' d ' f " IlA nBY~H ( n E~ . tlIe !IOU I we oee n v""" , E S'I'A!t lt Y .., " ~ 0 OIl' v"lenco p..,. bou aohold 8 uh.orl00 througll our 1IjreDr. .n RtlrvOlslo l> II ~ d p,," ,"du 1\ . I syrnp an", OOU~ "loa. me t1 ICI UIO lrr: D 't,Oll. , au 1 "'I' I e p" 1t01lted. IU' 1.0 tho , urg. u.ndul' is related MU,c!. N'lr8Cl 1 30 " to the world tb~o~g I o.uy of your' frOindB wBnt anythin g 'ieR, ani! It hna beell nlilde Ilr ~ud d,,'tIot 1.0 nil. ced II, ." If cudul "ellcc Or """",,1 exl,a",,· 1) to th t ''l'b lt" ,Vod. ,r Seod rIo.arello • J.t . u,qe, L .l g~n"c·. &e 0 "ynOtlVl' 11 0 N .. t , n M 1 " 0 d ~Iru ,til 1'W'nt "t every f SIght '1 11 '11.'t "D~ tooy oa.n be D.O<lommo· lymot,t ft, .la aBS. Sl' •alit, lIhe whole -...,.,nnrn 0IIae, c,8tav Is" er£ B," In tho v,Il"ll'" rl'- tl1S...o,._< vf NOT W.ynu8V 1l1e. in tho ..lid where none .ru yo' appolnleP""t I I 0 E .... . lFl'r,ce. in n ooulod on' elope. only s is 184~. d! 1......_ is con-'rul ltedl of mo.ll1er. ..~St11l1 da.ted. Ii " , 502 County of \Vurmu. and 8t .. t.o of OblO. It ... of our fr,ond. IApply fur tho Tho und er8l ... I 0611 duly Bl'l"'int<'d cellI. be I) dilly orjfl..tllzod under I.lld ' llstTum ent ill' P08te8BOO by tho /II' lrdlllg i . A 011 II Ii:toS ~11~ d'oor.yn~ds are beginn ing Ar!milll .Lr,ltv r ~of .1"t.ho __ _ _ • _ ___ ._.•.. _ 1 - - - - to tbo rU'Iulremen t. of tho Aut I~.t..to of Ef-TON The celol ,rllte,1 nll lhn r. "" ll110 ..dmlrn.ble. of (0)1111''''''. , tJ "R,'iIr .. all I r.. .. ,., ......_ I' t V , .... . DUDLE outitloel 'An Ant to prov,de a NntJOcal l sou}. How d~ 16 . ~ m r voyan to' iook green, &nd el'e IOD~ the dcouf\llOtl Y. laic of Warren Oonnty. OWo, ESSIY, e\c"o!) domoll.Ir.,I" • . f,om " Ih"I' IF o r 4 ~" .. lIIe .1Ii'Uf , .... . . . CllfTOhOY JOEL EV ~\NS l!I'Ourod by Il pl edge or UllitOtI ,.ors· , ucn" ssful prnel,ce. Ih,,1 ' he III II , ,,"og o r 8&IDD6lDbuhst see W H~ per· trees will be' in' Uloclll ilatt, O. • Stlltes bond •• nor! \:(I provld o fOf the eircu· bloom. Scllo I MIlrCb' 27. 1876: Ad~'r. ~~~.":jll~: ' , ~~~~ ~'h:lJ~;~~' cievea' "ltIb the 80oi, n.ot thr~l1gh wlll continu o all ;.';,uu!n~~o b:r r~~~:~~~ My P I";"O, a<ljoining tho towo of I"tlon ..lid nldcmptl on theroof.· t hi s m onth , and -- ~~ "pproved meOH'me or 'he &PI>"C"liOn of lho kp,lo, t he ol'tYamr of the bratn. Vlbr~' ox tend somcw hat W.yolulYllle, Warron oounty, o bio, Juno 8. I ~. "nd' hlUl compll.,1 into the next, with ..11 thO , Dullg" 110 morel Un.... Muob j l&Mre'la MI()HI~, poh,tlng 0111" meRn ' 01 cu r .. llonee ~IOlrJu, ~_..nt.untnIl ' r> d b t 11 tl O '8bout 118 AOro., " I. rlto Brlok c.. tions pitodllc e 80tltl , ? w en lA of AA,d I\I1t roct llir d \:(I bo oom· iJl cvory but_bol d t o 01 rtnl" li nd cflooIU~ I , b, nil "ns of whi ch ov owing to· my having lott a montb n",ollli\tr HoWMI of 10 rOOlDII, ",Ith b .. U run· p.,vtctlOt know thAt u..y ... WHOLE phOtt With tSA.LE bernrl) co,:"menn don; is' 8ll!lpeaded 1n BlcQP' LIB mg O'Y the oul\on-• bU. I...,. . no " I Ilt maLler laot ... procuro " romody for blll h.. cod,llt!"n nlDg 'hrougb the OODt~ of the hoUIIII. 01' in tb winter by sicknc8 g. of BAnkmg under .,1Id Rot. mlly he . W'" cure hllllAClf cheApl,. prlValQ. uoUK1,_, ""vera oold l\Ottl~ oa t.he ~. Joe~ in A:IAo, new frluno Ton.tc\llt HoWlO of lib: d o e . 8 t h ", Apri l 3. 0, O. HAlO'TO lf. Now. t.h refore. 1. J ohn Jilt Kuo,.. Comp- oon "~lmp~lon . or lUI)'' dJ_ ~DS .. oJ' ~ .. , ' IJ' t Alld I rlldlcnlly 0" tAle· TImIa'· . .. nevel'ofRllins »pnnfJ OOWln8' Into ~ !:S .uUll ear .'0 more trollor of tho O..,re~oy, do orelcy M~lty aDd Lltngl!, tHat; is oortliio IJr This r. 'cture shollld be In tho band. room tI , ~ leura I large roaervoir. und n qm thence ~ulrb.. that d 11' teh .... b ita 'being, by 8Owot biog, mil· .-Tho WaYU".Ylllo Natl.o"," Btmk In ....!ti!lfaotlun to know that1.0 ollr... Ii .. . ot every \'Oll~~ and evory IOlin 10 the I.nd The ast graD wroulJht;.iron pipes to ~bc hoy~. barn. ~ tho vlllago "PC~ Bpe 109' IOB .. . . . 01 W"yneev illo. 10. tho Cuunty from Sen~ IInder ae~l. In I" tiJDef more subtle than so und o f the SCD80U comes o ff tomorr ow dAlIgon 01 thC88 lll_dM ali~ ,' n,.lnpe. to J AKEl;! G CLARK E. of WBrron, ll.lIt StaWi.ol Ohio.llI an~horixod nl'tld d!he Watclh ee. Je,,",lr y. Sliver and 1\11)' addre-s. I'0.t ,p.,d.a11ftplain i'::l r: . ill tb gn to ynnr d~, /L. ~ n!ellip' or .I" et.o, e ... eniug. Let there be 0. full turn· Pl\rtlee wiehlng to buy or ron~, wlllpled l Plated Ware, Or t .. o petst stomps. dore.a Ihn pnbhsho n. cAli on or addret\ll WUUtuD Rage... Et!q to commence tho ~1l.WII6II f Baoking ,m· and get a bQUle " I Boeohee'lI, GlInQalllI1'" 'fe fIe pe-l' ve by aL.n'scn -. o nt, AD there lIlay be no I der tho !let other lUoreslUd .op· It ..... fn upi tw" or tltr d()l!lltl willl"Olie... lOll .. IoUv ' --. . ..., '1"8. ... £ K LI N E A c~.. W aY0el1vllle. Ohio. M I l!r.l' .«;.....,..,.. ~ i .-..-., In \.eijtlmony wberoof. "Vlttleo OllCe. If )'OU o.rht what Nil'" y ......... .... . . .MNIj the reachin g out of brain tllrough ponuni ty in t h e ~ ...y &.: .future for ont 1 BEAt,. I my hu.nd Spcctl .. n<,l ll<llli lclcs, of oillco, Tool thid II & t MIDplb bottlo for 10 ...... atena 8 . _ _-·-·NO;'IC E · -; \oJ ua ... . the Ue"08 to take cognim nce of Illg s u ch cntorta l1lmen t: spel Ing l!qtlt cS../of tJfjA\r W 0 ryKM~ SllIlb -a".w . 'lD , ... dl......""nt ........ nl· ....... • .. od l ~ul~r lizQ!_7 6 - 1it,ln b f 0"11001s will., no doubt, havo ."ono · ~ . u.o ...... . or. WI OII-th Ut.l.~ • O[NOIN ..... ,_.... .... l' ' NAT). O. I I ~ bv given tbm til<l l"n d~TI1I;m1)d hlUl O .. ODFI '.:tN·"O A iOod hoUle /MId 10," ---!W - -IIt·......~~'0 fo r ~rD~ "or . I recopti on, bi. all ths 100t of fl&ilhjon by an~ther WlIItcr. Ex.eulor or Ih~ 'aLlHe of North , Oomp\1"Ollor of Correno!·. and Founh titreoUt, whb e;'ut,, .:-.. _ !Wilt" -'0 ~ No, 2'>..20 tl na, boANIN' 400 P "P~~ n TI:IOM t. l'iHI The • ........ So 1,10 cOlne ot . fOOm.o.w out rhus lth and &jIOOll " .11 and Gia....... alva yourse lf een8e8, is feel1ng at as ---W I T bl '''a'' n Counl r OhIo Junod ""liar. For pl!rtlollIMflf, oall on ud .. - - - - - - . . 04IM. . . . . . . . _ . t> • D rVeR of the eye 'feel the vibr~tloD' a ~ho.nce t o mlSR 1 The A," ",' •• na il"'l1· 1 OWOil ardloo 0 .~ 1'1111 Ilollel ' ..... 1 ~iTl'fE ."fltM, - I.. ~. nns. LEWEZ Al\ ORANE, spoIlin g some !)~1l1 m..iI for 100'. E B.•',,,,, •• )l.0.• Ilc; • • ~; ~'I l""'~ ardiDea m. eh Itouu. Alld " ... It,a.. ~f li&bt i ~e .u~!tor1 ~!~ tho' e!lIIy wo'!" ..., ElccUt~r , , - ..... ...., W ,~u viii", J~n 20, I 75, bal( Ib .. CQaI QI hl' l'"l'led :!I.rd,,,,,. . b I lJe........ £u~ 'If ..... (:'1" ' IJ > ne, •. , ~~ .
"'''''1'11<''', .... .
i 11
u~i\'~rs~nl:\·o~~t~~~::~l1uk ~;:~ I
~~ .
Beavy a!:d Light HARNESS
, ~"I\ )~ ,_I~~h _ I~I.II ~" l!1'a. \I ",
("A I';"~J::r~' ;;;rl::;'~"::':":I; "~r rr,alfll'P lil
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jfl,6l)tl1nnb lc Bnrbcr
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".,1&, ~:' ;':!.-:"b .~'"': :~;;-:U:D~:':i
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Baltimore & Ohio ' "I' . I
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S \, II \ (NE S m,E,
\I'" ••
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one \
t !!t
Some th·Ing New -,
Beef, Veal, MuUon and Pork,
AdminisLratorls Sale of Real Estate , ."' ..
& Brot hnr
\X ,,;;,
WEEKa..Y :tNQtJlRElf A Pano;, the People,a I Friend the Farmer aDd Classes
"PERl ¥)S VICTORY'''' .... Washington and Baltimore
WA\ YNff SrmL Lf£---I
If atlo nal Ban k!
. .,
K L'N T &
--"--Il.;r:" ..
Sale or R ent
B---.- -
---r, osohee's German 8,.,.D .
Boose and Lot for Sale.
L.&lIE "
John & Wat r lit ... ClnciRDati. I , foclo,.. o llbe
u.- 'II>"
SAW KILLS. 11.1 'rno I'raru.. ""cUop r ...1
\\ tolll:b' l roQ Ua4 BIO< ~
llrud for IU 0I1n1'" eataiUlU
Burnett's Cocoalne l'ro.enbl the n ai r from FalUnr
Burnett's Cocoaine P romot ... ", Hualiliy Oro"u.
Burnett's Cocoaine II 00\ Oreu, nor SUelt,
Burnett's Cocoalne uuee no DIMc....... hl. Odor
Burnett's Cocoalne S<1b<1,.. 1\.000010l'1 n.lr
Burnett's Cocoalne Sooth.. tbe Inltated Scalp-Skin
Burnett's Cocoaine A8bnl. th. RlebCIIIL LUlU.
Burnett's CGcoalne 1s. ot nn A1colJo Ie W,.AlI
Burnett's Oocoalne Kill. 0.,
~ rutr:
Burnett's Oocoalne GI ••• N." Llr. to the Hair
Burnett's Oocoalne nomal""
Lon,., III J:;ft"ecl
Prel!lred only by
JOSEPH BURNETT • CO. 21 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere.
TYPE In8 rt
R'OUNTIR~ ~ ~II ...... , Ch. eh ..... "
A DEl'!GRVED CO'MPII\I F.N1 - 1 hI' (',n
ClDoaU Ga;eU~ of re<:enl d II~ 1<8)~ \\ I' take pi_lilt' in m eot.luDln,ll the fllct th H tilt' 24U1 anDJvef'Mry of Mr S H Pllr VIR'. AdyertialDg Agency OCC UI'Il to-day Mr Panin commenced th" advl'rtl'mg bueiu.. ID thiS Cit, In ISIH and he i *erelore .ne of the oldest ~dHr L. la,,,,Ulo the mood tates. Pea pie lr:aew but little llbou ~ advertl 109 ,,~n twen~1 (our yean ago, co ntmct.li r. r lachertiein, being m&de dlrt'cdy WIth Ole "blWlen of newlpapen but now J\ lAfP ,ortloo of the buaIDet818 tranallcted th~ adYer1IHn, aceDta. ?trany ueb ha,.. t.een atarte<i, bu~ com l)Rr .. haft been IIU ful In e&tabll a petblluleD't busi ullJl'!. W(
• .,.. lad to . , lba' Mr l'an In /111 ~ II ~ th mOllt l uC<leMfu1 anG by II JU
d lou aad CIlftlul man.mt'ut of
h l~
bta. . . . bu built up ill Lilil clly tint' of
.... __
I and rehable
iJlllae COWlt.r, I
Af1 ver-
NOJlIP l'nrlb 1IlI\h IItIM\., lit. 1M.. Mor.8TA:l ~~, Ll~IlIl" 11m OQ"" on .u«o......Itbo.~ tao . .. 01
B '!"~·~"'~~aJ ~" bleb ft J!1 e'apl __ ne tbll nAta"" a.1!!'I'!'\.~tMmn•• and lDMM W. oare All tomw ('If 1'_""uI uoowU. i.tl caund b, tbe Rrm,. or Ypu1b and ..IUabJe tufonuUoa on
other delicate ..... Ieolo
eont rllU 10 pWa 0Mi0d
------y Tilt;
t 1I~ "hldl ki t h. II .Ioor
PH II. 21 1 75 SI rllDII(
I)f 1 010<" 1
BER 61
... MI of Ollr )Ollllg llldl e~ should try BIll Ii their III Lue ra at thr II a.sh tub I \I E chelll'''"L , IY to make coemlCII 18 I.) f1,u II1W l (nl \HI ) b ,roo r tiliop Oil t.II rth~y IlIgl t till el your hSlr cuI I ~ I II S I au I r il ES Im~c hnd bal!6 ball Inti e Rio ld e \lid \\ e n re glad 01 I t, because bWiC ba ll CAO t be plnved III tho IIhAde 10
I Ilxllrlons J rllve llng Stllhlt' f( lIow II Il e:!crll'lI on 01 Lll(' ApJltlUtes P 11 Ie . c ~r III wi II h the ( II fur II I Ioor ><e< [ here I ~ n 1>0) III LIte employ of nne uf Occ ldenl nd:-ll Jam!'" " II tml el e:\~ 1 I r \11111 ijLree L grvcer~ "ho hM3 CODRt f wArd tIll '!el\P'O II I' e111 pc I fn m II I e~ 1h
I llh lilly III obulllllng board at nH bl1' rat(' on a ccolln t of hIM e 1 ppe LILc f o r bre Ikf""t h e hRH Irequl'lIt h be" .. known to eat thirty bu k whr.aL (,Ike.< 1x>~ldi'd" largo I Ieee of IIl(U\. Not long Hlnc e he " no; .....CII 10 'It'lL tllre lilll'1liu 8ucCCftllloJl 'IIJi eOltOl hearty met\1 lit cllcb He "'lid he did thlft to help along the fll1l11 bill. It looked 'ury 1tI111h II~ though be d d It \t bccau1!C he " "" hl1 gry He Luke" lilt. plirt of Ili A l\llgPS at 1I 0 . to re 10 ou ting ('rackel'l! !Iud Kl1l'(llr An I 11 0 1\ I (1 I HI ts good II( Brd at th e rI IIlr" ,wef'k - P air '0/1 f , (wrrlran ') h hungrac t. mun of the penod "~tho cutrsl H UllIiC l'Tllnkhn 11 few (InY H .go E nll'r lllg th o ollke nbout nooll III RHked LI c Inndlo rd th prtre of d ll re r lie \I lUI ll ill fifty ccnll< alld H-weu I go I It u th e c\IlItllg ruom Ill; dill 1I r IV 18 rr.lldy fh e mlln .he! IR he WI~ blrlrlclI IIlId before bl' gul nl' ' rolll that t.ubl., bad devoured fll r llllCH ,f corned b..ef \I Ith \ egctabl e. four I hlt.t'3 o f orackef1! 1\ pie and 1\ hnlf lind tbree l'lll~.8 of puddlog Mlno hOHt 8pont 1Il000t of the afternoon 10 lIOOufing the to .... for I'IOmeLlllug to s pread oofor bl~ gu()Mt at . upper tIme, Rod JU '~ !II! thlll hour Arrl cd up came tbe bero of tbe dmne.r ho ur, moo\[ly mqulrlng If supper Willi relldy Have you go~ rOllr dollar. About yo ur c lotb8llf yelled tbe land lord you can t bllye AOY .upper for Ie mOlley' 1he stranpr, IIlUmUCblLll be did not po_ four dollan and .. be '11'81 not v ry hungry anyWAy , slowly "andered away to the Infinite wonder of all the b)'lltandenl who bad been told of the c reature I appetite Fact -JJo.Iqn. l
1V r(' Lit lor1l101l ~
TlII; speed of tralOM III GermallY I~ II httltnlt.od by II report of th e Ralll'Olld
But th e poo r
III 1II111C oollid
never re t country at all tlmelol dAY lind nigbt In 8unlllllne Rnd ~to rm ~ ummer lind 'II'lIlter In the deepest &no",. IIIld drencblllg ram.. She called of\(>n At tbe houaee ofber brothel'll and Rste"" but the 'II'elcolD'I sbe receIVed from them '11'l1li10 cold that lIlte made Mort Vlelte and api';;~4the poor 1II1,"'&C went tmdrtnll! over :tiMfft)unded IIlIl top Rnd tuhbTe /reid through boggy vrJe Rnd tAngl cd wild wood, ever and anon h atelllDg, WI tb short I!t.ep ane! hfted hand, to tbe fancied creak of the weud plio"" tree on the distant bill, tbat one
~h e waudererl lbout th
were on
Burean of the EmpIre for the month of Deoomber lWit. 1t "tateR tbat tbe great.EIO!t speed pt'r hour includIng stop" at mtermed "\I.e IIlIItlOnl W&8, for expr81111 lind flIRt tra,1Il8 thirty four mUes on the Berhn Pvll!clRm tlOd '~eh urg Road for ONIIlMY ~nger trafna, urealy live mil. ~ hour on the 1tlaenchcn Mod POllen ROad 'Ihe slowest ,,~d. were, for expl'l!M and fast tramllt t",ot)"«\e mllet! an bour 00 the Eaat Pru.ia I:!outbern ~d ~r ordinary .,..nger traillft iii 11 mile.- pet' hour 0Il-the Ermlthal and tbe Cronberg Roads, of Wurtemburg Tbe average IIJIMdR per hour "ere for ezpreM and fait. traina, twenty-elgbt nllletl for Qrdlnary J1IINWI ger train", t'll'eAt.y-one mUIlIL
- -
Praetlt'1I1 IhoW'ledg4'. ThOflC prlrcnll! II bo lIch c , o th llL th e ~ II I\ e done all th y CIID 'or their souallv glvlnglh m a hberlll echool rdllr:aLlol make one ofthemOl!t dI8trt'8II\11gmlstak e~ that aflhcWllDodern I!OCleLy and bUKiuel!I! clrelCl!. No cl_ of young men ID City or country 1ft so de!!OrvlDg of pity 0 8 thOl!Cl who bave good educlltion good mornl ~ but no praotical kuowlcd.il:e 01 the IIOhd bllHtne8l! a1&.11't! of life They are .I()tI(l f> Ing of PIty becalll!e th ey are rully' worthy of a better poeltion In life thlln th ei r Cllpallliitiell 'II'iU warrant, And becaUII6 lbey are nnt to blame lor bemg entlf Iy uoftttled lor rMponmblepou&lon& Thou... IlndIl of well-educatA..'<i yO\IDg men walk the ~treetsoftb e ClilOlI:<, even In tbe tlush of p"*peroUll tim~j wbo do not know how to earn thClr livelihood aud gCl _kln~, day after day nch pGIIitiooS IIII they believe &hOlr tall8DUI demaad and meet -ntb dil!8ppoint.ment at eyery turD It 18 MRlXewOI&hy .. t tba\ _ I y If Dot qUI1.e all of tbe veat, aood, and MU\)._ IIt&nt.lal buli_ meo 01 our country ba..e COID8 up &om boybood familiar with the uae or tbe ax, plow Iorge or plane and tbey aTe Dot DOW nor lIa..o tbey eYer beell, amRDIed to own that tbeir ht.llds have been bardened With toll Lallar III a great free girt. It 18 a promoter (If health and moral.ty, an.I benee, of bappin_ and proepenty
on look. around and leeR hun
dred. of dougb bead. cettlnll ricb doing nothing, while he II 'II'orklll,Uke A ,lave lor hi' -dally brud, we tell yoo what It make! a fellow feel u thoOCh the butter of thiS world '11'&8 spread by.. ste~ mother
eb lUge lhe car s fifty feel III length SJld h lS lhe ] oOIl. y" !lIIUI radroad I "OlIlCngl'T Ir I(k. \11 t h Lh e W egltng!t ou8C 111 r lIraK ~d e tc klll g r ~pe( IAIl ) IldupLeet fo r th e ell!!' IInet w mfort o( racl' bOf1lC8 U IIdcrneath the car 1M carried a portable brIdge tor .Ioi,'plng 100...... at a JIIoment. notice helllg attended "Ith no dun ~e r e r trouble w\lsle Hr 0 11 th e lIl' ule the con vem ences lire of the mo.~ t supe rlor clll melcr rh cre IIrc IOllr pnrLJI blc slal1g for hol'l!(')! t" neur ellch e J uf th e ca r \\ hen It 18 11ecelilill ry 10 li e over (o r n dllY or tWI) ro r rr l thelle " glc "t.nll ~ ca ll he cOIH c rwd 111\,0 roomy box s lllli. th eir ~ Id es sre all!O lIMb lOoed to pl'I'veni accldeut E, cry aperture WlTld o\\ elC hM wi'r screrlls to pre, en L cilld rs from Ilnt.eflnll Lbe CIlnl tlie !lrrsngemenll! for prc\ On ling Ihes from Lroubllllg till hor_ Ilrc 11 110 very angclllou8 lind 11 ful Ovcrhlllld aro oonvtlnlCncc. for !"sckan g It '1ly sulhe" III one corner 01 tbe car 1\ Htc ' C IS ear n cd for t.he purpol<l1 of beating water for hol'>!es fcet lUI well as for cookang wben l1e~_ry all\< I reingerlll.or Illld n Ilmcrou8 can vcnienci'd that abow mucb IIlgcnlllLy III tbelr CO IL etruct.IOIl III the center of Lbe car Doblo IU1II a perlect gem of II boudo r fiued up III Lil t' mOlt superb !Danner '11'1 tb freecoed willIs And eeilingtl, Bru!!lMlls carpets tablel! cball'lI, lounges} mlrrol'>' 1800 curtalllll lUI ver lamp a.11!O a II no III deboard IIlled wILh eJ ~snt cut glaga and 'II'ell-lltocked wi tb willes A beU Is At band to call wben reqlltrcd JII facL take I hll In all it 18 one 01 tb IDO t t.aetJlyltnllnKeli can fo r man and belLllt tbat there 11111 tbe lJDlted tatc8 Tho ~ Willi allout 16,600 all told
1 he (. I 11., 11 Ilf' IlIgltllmd Mar, " H.c I Or <J1I ) I~r j,:IVIlS t ho foUowwg skI w ll of n JMII t I I col land One buur mo re brought II ~ tu II c 1011111\0 H otel l lit ( ro 1I0CK rtll M morning ,~o 811l11eu oul through t ho nlln to I 1 ~l t the oneBpot IU Or('onock will ch c, ery n lli n or ,~ o mau who h RH II iiOul mu ~t 'IM IL- th e tomb of Burn~ I h gl llll U M q J hl ~ poor daIry mllid- III llIorlnl ~crl III the k \\ eetnCllll of nil 10\ C so n g~- lI11 e from i\lontgomery C/l.~tlfl 10 ( rccnock ch ed hero BDd w illi lIllT\cd III th e Preslly lerllln kirk yard, Just . IL oj rRwfMd trcet W e l!Oon fou lid I he tomll t~ \\ h 1('11 II \I ell trodden foot r It! Ie His \ g race fill Ulnrbl monll ment tn elye feeL 111g b co yer. thegclltle ' ..lIIne ~ du. t It heMS a lMlulptl1red mooalltoll wI cit reI'~Dt<f BUrD. and the yo 1111> lady chlSplllg bandll and p"l>hl ng th~I'r trutl he holdlllg a Bible III hl < h 1mb l3eneath II lhllJ lD!!OrlpJ reeled over LI c gu 6 ,.f Ii Gl AZCI) MARY 10181!
o \llry dear
~ ~ I "rled .1 11M ~tI..r I "",'
Wue r i. thy place 01
1hevc hue~ ar from tbo IUI J>IlIli'lo ued , el'l!(?' fo Ullrv III l:lellHIl Rud bll~e ueen reRd tbrough tear by mWly uo ele " oli derflill ij tbe cbaml of gonlus wblcb coule! b~Rt II pnlhwlI' t rodden by thou I!8 nd8 of leet. LO the g rave of 1\ h\lDlble drury Illllld wb o Laved nea rly 1\ bundred yeal'll ago_ _ _ _ _ _ __
BEFORF t1 e M pelhll!; 01 8 ilia 18 allo ..ed to drop from pubhc Rttentlon one 01 Ita dCl elopmen l.8 d _ rvtlll et!pecl.1 remark III tbe 1I10t th at \>l'QbablYID 1\ lDa.JOnty of Lbo matches tb e \\ omen ha ve beaten tho mell Tbllt I~ to say a "oman hnl! ID more caseR t won th d ictionary or tbe leatherm eunl ~b",. a llIan lIud theuum 00r of ..omen remlllu.ng on ~be viot.Qr. 01111 ~Ide bill! geuera.lly ooen p:reater th&Jl ~he number ol Olen rtl~ difficult to eay exactly wlmL III to be deduced from tble fllct but at leMt Lhlsmwch IS IU IL thllt HI t.holjO branrhet! or cultu", 01 .. hich good poLling i~ jJQm !IOr*'!It.11 ll1de •• t.h. women are tb'l ;men I tlq 1Ul' , if IIOt !.belr 8upeno Ho" far \.bIt Ion equality or THE lOul that dClell ItoOd to otbenl, prove tlie in !fleet 110'" In goodDCM. He tliilt i8 a medium leU.., however I, .t to '"' detel'llll..ct of blCIIIJIIII. to othen 18 blmaelf blCMe<l thereby. -Hen~, IIIIIIlIbD_ IS a folly IlJI TII& .tar ch factofletl of New EGa",d, well l1li a lin lor while It prevents our which are very DWDeroWl, bave IUd. . . dolllil Jood to othen, In the _ e d~ good A lDark~ (or potatou \bat la ....y It preTenb our doinll good to oullltfVetI. plaoee the,. are the II&aple erop.
I ~
Ih'lllA r",,," II. .. II .... rll 'r .. f "hi \ a.n ll'. 1'1... 'ru~ • Ilt'~ill t I "ft·a.1 it_ L'Ur) t 00" ~I ' , ' ; " ~I"ullil ill till" ~nnll\ ",.,k". Il 1','" \\ .• • 1\ ,. 14 JI.,\".,. 1l1 , .J" .. t1~ 1'lIi ' lh" lr 10' " I , eT ... ln, do IInl -lop. .""' 1' On n:o{ IUI~ ~re t II~ " i rll th~ir ~lI l1 lo ', • . • 1 . , u J ~o . Il~ , l o..n, Lis _II '10"1(' r~I t' 11I 1 "lind tI '''"'11,111 It 111, 11:1. elcct a 1'1 ill , Nu. 10.,,,1 G ..nn ' II II uol· 1> · i n~ Ioun' )'1"1.'11 .J 1I1I1 b.\· t il ,' \\" k., ·r - 71lr. O .,1 .11 .r. '''' right pell~ iug 10 dill ' Y>' , I 2 , Ii nd; ru n ,I ,I,. ..,. (I IlJ I.'UIl pIoY ~ l n. I1.\·): \\ " ~ ,, t Ih... 1:\1 l'r hair "'\' Ia t we 'k ill 'Ill . Lu k nt t nlilm Tral,," nft !I , '1 ""~ I I, r :'I prl".:ft .. ,.\ hnllgc so n. tillr IU ' II uilci h,, \' lI<ln~ " I, , .I l.'illll"llI Tta \ ~ I•• , : oi• ."., II hlll ,·nol. 7 .~ () . th I l' k '. 11 t l • - ' th O 1 'lII ,h, (n ' . J" • .. , elkl I'! ~l&nd I 4!1 P m . , IS 11&& 'I , . WIII~ I ·It· lUI ._ r. J,,11Il 'i rn r tu,.nd 01. 'cn a1& Iie llo. we uN';""" T .... i1l. fo r n .. " unlS, Ii ( f() • • m, III ~~I 'r" ~ '\.' ii, .onu I kin wo. All Itlllrll. l ¥ I' 'Ial 'l' ti, M li lldll l'ro1 91 a Wt' ' k' "illit a!ll un • . • ., and to If> P ... I of meochttn ics have he n I' II ti ..nell lik l' 1'llIIvllli II" IX:U I~III" h . . ' . ~ .," ... J """ ,. r;~.-I .S b A..-n' DI .'." . )ur w Ill! a t I nl I b....I rI ~' !U " I IrlE!lId lII:md .. . . ...~, U'l\r Mt. l1 ull". u~. IlnltllS aull wII."'ollw 10K! RO t: TI LE . lb. Alt'\. a· • .. bad I IUU lIlgt·J b . "-8 I I. ' . Dr E f DlIl.iu Mr "IIcJ, ." ( " J~ , kel'l! bave be8il1 crowde d With \" r It, ' Xl ' IV' .. 1, frr RA' , a .. \; (>t1 h eln"t' ~ "6 a WOhI. . ' " , . ....1& o. Id "'t ~ d ld I { . b . ,' 11 b' i . A. D. l 'nuwall ad r Imd Mr. J . ,. ., D~ for W \ ... ,1 "" th .,L Bun " . 110 . ~ I cu ,1f'tlt weal 1.'0 , un nlll (' I to It \\ I tue C · Jo'l ' J .. d I , . A . L . YA UK, I'M . lamml'!l an nnnortlNlit1erto gave d up. 1 ut tllt' . \.' al ll lh.unce lUp UI'; - t their lit . c WIII allney - - -- - . " lite tl ·Ity -,. . 1 - rr.~ I. I . I I lil"'J ' . "e v ·tC'rriu p, t & ST. t . RiILW!\,. , 1I11 j; 1t I ~ 1 1l ' In,m UIIUI ' "~h I' J I urm Illlp emen ... tuorllug y repaIr· J ' • • . . • ed. . . . . . . I '~I II . v I muv 8),cuk "t Ull - 71lr. Wllhllt n Junll y alld bl f llu;/tlll() lId do Cllff'ng(1 V Il' WQII ' 1 iucidl'n t ur tw . r hl~t ll\' rht\ ~ d .. es liti lli l-,: al~ ,l el igl~tet.l wilh their 11 w - . hoom ~ ban b.a d rr:~ro "... • • U.II, .toO",. (ll ut !ll w lI·r ~ . ('I'vll 1, ~ ..i .. J i(' alk hnme. III ~ur v,; vlll e, lll vunt 0 Ullty, work ~hal\ the) conld d". but 00 , ..• .. )<0 . : '~t'" • I \'I.'cltr ill ,',tllu ~.'cLi. 'II" ul 110 • U" UU' l' "IIUCll...CC. THE mOST STARTLING JlltJSEMENT ENTERPRISE OF THE AGE. ("I IDn 11I - t,, 'II\ t I profit IG th& ~rJ, uooe," the 8~1 • HI UI.I ~ 1ft 'kfd\ /i} md-Arllo'c 10, ...111. R . 10 . /1\ 1(.1:, 10 ,1 01 try . I makers Pr'\Ul llluut "1II tln~ till Bay' "too much mendll WllS lg' Mr. . (.t il I.n prl'sl'rl 'cd a . !I 1.;t' W"n. rrh·. ' . II.Ifi . ' 111.5') p ili thfl ~\lC'\' ful t 'l"I"i llllli l'" of our cll rv ILli8 ill hi s IHllIS 11I,.t ",i utel' It don t pay to mend old t!14 .:,; jI/ , ,..C.· lle,. r,I•• IIl.1 n .. 1D 11 '. 1 1' 111 iXI1l"lI th ~ sclu)(Il tl'rlll :\ Id tlll,f vll(! day In ·t w '~ a I • 1 10 v'" \ '-' .1 ' l'ople88a~n ralrul weurth clr ' . ' . • • • ~c t::~ ,....tii~tii~~=r 06 ~ III ~.....a III Il llt urge, \Sh too .. b f I'e tI ·" got lilt lid · t lU\)lItWI I nUIUC8, I be IIIhtw lIuttt!rfl J y emerge d tl,,~re. t.1 '4.. • 110. alltll 04 who 'tha ... W y p d. frulD. 2:!... ..... ~ ...... ~ . \ m 1I t curry ung ~ ... _.......,~ ~ a lie WM wb,) 1\11rt 1\ 'y it" his ., _ ~, J I E G'bb .l · full ,110. m , oro d. '1 ' " I oro 'vut Bhvet! _ tv to~o . . . ' re. n 1' 1 . I uesl.re& to be repal I ., ,,f , / . '" ' " . II111cS8 VOII are \'1/1 . I P" I'I " "It I 1111l 1l \ II wanll " r ;\ 1' .. 1 tv rutul'u tltauk t ll '111 th e killt! I' Chi""gn- Len." t I I I' b • 7 Ct., P nl '~ l\ . m II II. I i . IUnu)" 11 ....I.'111 d" .r'"1,ll'W\l II IncIIJ~ 1 IlIlll .. wh lent h r •their t~id und IIlg 1 L0 )ll\y ' 1' Ib II.lIt Ie \, I 18 Wurt! b" · .I ; ;."~~.~~ ~~~;~;.; ~.~ I~ ~~ ~ : II::!~ ;: ~: 'f1:uI' IIL'r;" f ruu1' til ,childrl,, " ; 11110.1.. sympa thy ill h r s rroJw I4ml be· ~II~~, ~\': .uld e b~ 1(~b:,Jl~t ' ~I;)I~~;~ tl:: X ok m l . an1ve 2 "h" III t n 5 '. m WI! II t bc t 111111 k ali i /!III" WI III renVl"lUell t And ....... II. Arohr J I:. m :iIi ,. ", ht' parent gO:' III"I·/lll I f I 1 \e I v. Hilt th ey ~J O' \V S'J ~ •• It.u.. , "rrh·. wurtlu tie 1l100i1 Ilt r tloy nrc 4 .• a III !\ , r m palt I w't b h . I t ' t t" f - . r. onr~tl . I e hll.tl be II mended . 1I.)re Mlt- ... " , an in, (00 " "' ."i ·I, p m ' .l" " t' f l ~ I cl' Xl'I.'C 1\ WIlli I' V vcry ill with intlullllllatllrY' rlleu · JUCbDIOhd, .... " .., 0 Ii ;" , ~ m ?:l.t II "' II 11111 r ' U! II .'~I< III t II.' ~UIIIl! Jl ~IUl ' m(l li m. illL'c ulIr 111 t i~ u c~ but wo - nr merc1 I ,. ~ I In·nt.< 1&\ ' 0 vi:! n III y IlId ~ ... II , o...h ·" !I",.. . '" 9:~;) ~ IU UI.'t I: .t~l·ut. wh,' u Antlllll ll rouud Il:C glut! to I nnJ tha t at thiB' ti me 111 tuft!." Congre~s" N... Teo le l. e, Rloh m""d d"It . . W4IoIik I 'el!iving, IlII J.lu\· k· I!II IrU II hllih slrc wII." I' " ' . , . . ~ On ~ -III le., vo C"le";Il' Jail y. All ing a mi al'Nl rtgillg their sl"ing A tl " d t tWIl nu ler In CI en I WI'11 a ).Itt I0 II ' 'II11ul "tv'k vf new , ".oud~. ' , . . IS lIIure Iuvllrllu le. • Th" tred ' .,her T ralal ruD d I I". exe~ t "ulld.~ . I purliphl'u e lIP,) Il, th ollgh lIpokUII ," -Dlln t tllil tr. l(l~k lit th lin· Ilml ' idc walks are pilud fuH III' bvx. F W4V:' hYiLL E J,.KEf·TORI'. ut' in th ' Illst we\lk's iB' lI e. 1&& a lDl'n ~ ' tc,.c k of !.'rlllg and ~II I!-,- till, uld uar~ Is. h'lolli and tl'UW: - -'- " . I p M'iy !hllt had g'JIIC "II' ill , '11\' cor. 1~\lI',Vlotl,III.lg ~~, ~ullk\)y.\: 1IIse.l. ~ one pll8t! lQ . Ill"ug iu the ~nrk , fO~~::'....!:~':;l:v:":Fj~:~tc~--;}M;:~~~~ Il f'r. If this little gatheri ng bus d wo s. S UI t.! $6, .)11 ) a lld u\JWu.rdll. \8 chn ' t.1lntly 1U lhr.n gel' 01' g(lttlllg Il n..y. befinala" tit 11 (I'"locll:. Firbl-l>a y been rightl y nam d it is bdittin g (1 . nl~d Iwe Y' lll"8dl. Allin. nUI!t! broke. " oulat tl.U-o'olook A.K. I t o u\\ thut it Wfli ~ut une ufthat Sllltd tUl' Boys f(~r tr.om 7 to 12 years I --Clul:>6 confine mon t ill Cot1rt~ FIU.&m> .' MIIIWIN O (Ort.b~o x ). - Yeet,. ch:micter so frc' luenth' 8 1\ I.tlr. of uge. ! I... for clh'tft8 worAhip evory Fml ru>d 4t h 1 . •• •• •e ! witlr II lI \lu\'v prl.'ij8 nre uIlllW I us ~,A. GE R.~e • • . b-"y . btogiuntll at Ll u'cluck. Fit. t-Duy a ded by gazettc and Illt ll11 ng M ~ I B tt I ' I' I ' . b ' " pos· I . . r. IIDllle II E' . rwr.rt 1 S Itt e lIIe~~, I elJlIllllll~ tu te I UVVI.l io'o¥ funr years this Etllahli 8ch.;.n at t 1·2 ~'ei;)Clc A. 1I. I t ors temptin g t hl) ynung' und dUl~~htcr\ 1\ remt~rk t)m'. lIt bas swept t11~ olltr)' like Il- Ti lhti \Vn\-e. (" \II II,d l; lIJ..: IIIIII\. &hly bright a!ld EtiCjllirll KiluW-uugl! ·d· ll&ll lU. · "I th o (lldust l'If. E . CJm~ ,-The Bev. C. l'crgu.. " ' ) ill xpel"it'lICCo II) Ul auo oost kn own show to Wee frum its rooto lik e !!:"i1t hC't'lIr 1\11 !I :dlligh t rovolry: aC LI.vc cllliu Cli Sl~ m'lIl tlr ld , lei I - The Insc n' IIj:: i ll ~ N Ulllt· '1"'. Gllld J lied Clhle, Duo Ui co for ~t.,adcIr. DiVine ""rvice on ~unday~S' at 10 It wnd not u fustivu l' dmwin g by VClllttl iUlly Iillcce8@, ~ .Man 17 1":1 II a \'e thi y 'ar ulIgnr ,,, tl'L1 it th~ u/,1;ulIIsl th' stU\'e lust M'tlUnay, gnu selli·u" wb~ 'ke" came un o'ctook A. M., aD(L 7 1·2 P. . . . abbllt.h , • til ' . tv.day .11 b 001 ~t lll~ P . 1(. ,., . I r u r a I )o;plcnrt\ I\ncl Glnu II , b~' it., gl ow. WI1~ bau J , ..' . util e" III t I .uce. " e lind was Uispaie,l (If lit DUoo. (\!mll'TfA N OUURI'"-E lder J . 11. '~lt l'l ill!; Ilccountll of IOre:1 y d 11gb nuts, ar~ hu.prY ~ leurn, h )\vevur, thll t ,I uiltictt d l'rI3\o"'. Dl~;n e sen 'i"" (On the Fir.t .md ' hot. IIOUpa IIOU c"tll!o the dookeo eleur. with !-'.lOtry no 8eriOUS consequences nre t'tIMed. Dut long.l!Olarttd 'tltirol Lord·~,. in .a.ob month. Lord'.. \ . before n'if ' ht alluthe r <mSI? ) . . b ' nyt'ulw aa,. School. , II o'oloak, eVIlrJ Lord'lHl "y nice ~Dli ana I : .1 I row tll """. t.l!, to' . - ~Mr :J. 1. Zell 8 now .d on t a I uUu b fl anRon 1 rr 'l"IIE _ _ _ ' 10ell morniag . 0 V8 . . C.JIII ttf,-d, . ~nndc gInl'l ulI 1 : l e tl~o . 1:"' IIIl ~ Ill . !hc Rogors 1I 01l~elll"c J ockslIII Stewa\'~: trollulu abvut ~ . YII",r BAP'I'lI'"l' (vl'9"' ... ;m Cl.ur"h in l riC lI nll rell/p un'!I .., . I('k ; '~ Ith It., httood ITI' \\"rr1l excelh· nt tn, ttl; car· ditch. <t\r"pl. ,_ er,,,,,cs 011 the """,md :uturd!,)" Ibig ctLke nud guld rill" ill til e mid· pd, \l i c·tun'~, IImi lII'at rllrl l i ~II-I'e ' _ \V l\ und .. Dd Su"d~., In eRnb m " "ll.o . Elder Eh ,. ' I erstand there are othl'r .I . GlbIon, p w.\or . " I I . I U \l . \VII I It J plt::lt 0 tl·I ~'"C \\" I"'1'1: dl'11 - al I'J1IIIIILlg ~ III . I ' lice, . \\'I1/'J': tie wl,i:;lcc y elideS h i cullle lip uex r F,\.mIK"; a lLo\';(1 F. , • n. t:l. ratl"On" " I h'I Il"1"S nrc su ld , eal1 ~ l ng th(' g " CI', yUUIl!! d ' "~lilt IS lIupph('J . Wi t" a ll we k. HII'Ib:uI(l ry: ~illi" ... C,.nwll,~r...wr. :lfo ,1"lIS to lo?sen their purae st!'illg:l tl~ I'a test .. mpr? vulIH'nts Hllnstr u' l - Mill s & Hl\rvey, Carriag o tnOddfe ll ow. H .. lI o.ntho , tl\rrl ''~ l u l ld pvnr luto the L"rd 's freu, nrj·. menfs. of eaah moa\h, ",7 ud""k ,"'''OJl(lS. Gin! JIII[I a cal l. . p .llI .•• ,,<l, .n tho J.. . , .. . . . J ' , . .. , 1 .. . " follrth StLturolAr ,, ( o•• h m, ,"lh dl :! ,,'c1<1~k' l J:I\ 0 UlItlllllg uf . ,L ll l t~· j ~ • •ile , .. Il l!: a Svvu UU"I ' t ill k,"J. Lilt tho -A w(I,d to ILII wll o WRllt prlO~ IIl:ri judg iug (". Ill Hill cl , ~T. lfA ItV'~ 1" . K em K( 'n -: Corn r i rf : 1~1I1I ""1TI1~t' nll' u:ss uf wurk llt \l'a~ - "O u llJ e to ullr and :-)11 Inll1 PI' (io"us : G" I\nd ~c tlll'lIed u ut, it j,; eviden t th ~ IIt\ 'I'eThud &n.d ¥ l<ullI t <l"'to", D,nlll' se n ,,,.••/ rag ~e \\"I IIU:. Ouml' eurl y. We III '/UI tloe !!Irgl' stoc k recoin 'd nt Itf· ~ ,·cry Wlda,. ~t ~ p. III'. SUnd:IY'!!Ilhool at bIl SiiICSH : ' AIIU ttrm uudQl:' t~ld Lhoir bUBinll~ II nlolu WllS ti, e r ' cill uuli Cash Store. Thi sthe is tbe ! " "II" ' ~AI r" '; ~'LI'V " RI' O",""'" 'It(~ . tt" ' TI OT 011 ' I-'Im e. Tlrl'Y did C." IIIl· frvlII l'a~ t. cltll·d , ~. url'i\'ul tltis ACUSOJI. ~lIesti JI ' --:- ·.1, 111 m k' 1 11~mlll 1i.'Il,.I:~t '. < . ' . . '. t . I J I ' - )i'."I; Ir....'t .. "..,.r ,}!"iJl. I ' t . . EIJ"r .~ . D. ¥oUS IIUI I I all su llt I. I~II( r ig If UI'Il'f! " 'I til "" hilt bl'C1IIIJ('R (It. rel'l" Hlt(' P" "" ... Divinr .... rd.-·r "" ,,,.. utur' l well • nid '1 ' "''"u I I U sac. IJ · \·I.' . rv · I lie "uUf •.,d ell l'h perf"l'm her l':IIt . th e ~lIa ny :!vIOU, cuses nt' Dry Go\ dt! "liC I 10 o11". Olb. 1111 <13 ~rure th" ,.""nn I:llln,tllY II> .""h n," .. The uifferen d~:, tLTt . OI~1" t nguti frolll int"14I1C\' L" B IJtl!" 1t ,I ' alld I~c 1 . I I CI ~ .ceII ti!....fUl· fo~ " ~ " ulock. And '''' Uv> """,,,,If UUnCtld . hlB I•. l ,c.; 1\1I*"1&y. at to IIm1 ~ u·I,IQ<·k. 111,,1 fourth wutUftl Jr:wdJl ",lhcl'i' liud IK Y ti ll< Il "curt ullIl y very chell') I..r dlltad tl,u.t woro tlli n'Y / H .. tha pnLl ic soon ,lis· I " II) Wn)'be. &; M".,,; ~ T, ",,,. Iolp n,·lprme &. , I'~ l' ~e"~ "t'" ; un ..I bhes\:! . I ' ' "rcwl u vn\rtl '" v·a \ly vI tie E u' ca nN, Wltlt I:IlVe.,rd wllI.I tle lls thc heRr "vlld ~ Rt ° .... · I .,11 " In· r tl "II' ' I'INtep .", tl .-.u~·f·Iv" ... (I . I ' 1 voml' ''U). ro\PC '~~" IIU II • • " .1 It ernhmccg in i-ts stnp('nd ol1 l! ma crn I I '" . 1 tl6. '}' 11Il! . ...ex " Iam8 . g tIe en Ig Itellt:u lint ' I u<:uuty J ) 10, COt\ttllllill ...I, Ira . ' . I.... :IIU W IIC1 . III 1l 1I ~ Ma:j ...sty, Sublim ity, l\fasBiven ess. 1l''',., itnde a ~ rc at' N I\ti ()11III ~ aiuml Kin,yd , UI fRoh nc:',',UI,. u t . :} LclU'kT~;i" P.~?: , cheered hy tho h ri ~ht ~\\ n Tight; the OWCdt prices. I'' H' ity. D"ciltt\· IIl1d Sa\"II~ (l Il l.'>l ~ .,1' thtl.,\ ' r ilo I U '1I11t ·I"\'lItlUI . I. 1!.vury t.' the immell se 111111 cOll tin ll OU I:US!J . . W 11110) \S &l\s.o engllged III a J.,e~; S.S~~i~; Soo~e~~y . ' e~-e lallo IU~ c1iLOllte i ' he re r 'preSl' lIted - t he sllnd d\l~lll'l~ l.f Asif).., the f'"II"l'S • I thero Wil l! uo midllig ht car lIt;i~, FUllktty & :\li ~siluillc Ullly t" 01' Afril·a. th j('e til'ldR If tho' sny wha.t. Huck ~tt!r. uu.;rnOA!!, lind puytl nu:: North. tire plimp llS •• ._ ···-i nnu tllolIgllB uf Sl.'Iu th Aml:'riclI. tn" nl ~t pluill 8 III' N II .. I" AIII"I'ic-a, n·) du rk curners th ere. Their pn·r· they clln fully gnurIlll tOt! , thnt th l" jUllgl 's of India" I"eir 1e..lh lor loatU&fB lI,ud egg<!. A BI&.8u ow OOMINO TO WAYN~ "1puse WI\S' rlignitieu. alld Ilflultl; . the chappa rel of Mexico , and tho p:dllce pons of E ~ypt hu ve'all S,Y ;;!ook is simply ilnm PIIRP in quanti· g iven lip til ' ir nul uml trolhllrcs to' nJako' Will 1I.dMlS W 8S ill town tlrilr comple te tltis vast Zoologicnl Institu te. nLt.K.- Maoy of our readers Will they wore grntl'sl}llc mask;; 1,1)' ty! fil'i!l t·cla~s iu quaolily l enuless A. M., undoub tedly be glad to learll that concoo l theirm)faces, to strlll~bteu 1\']) the grvulld · , tlO q,ueer thill g~ ill yari ety\ ulld beyond Cha\ o. Illl' hng; Rt1lry. II He 8ay~ the repo rt.& Olle· of I),e largest Zoological alld I to I'ender l'iu iclll ,)us th eil' lilt JII, ... . bl.luiw·. COI Il PCtitCl'I'R, l.O W I N PRIOE ! R " .II ' , &Ia, ' I thut Iris fatbor killl' d t he ground · Arellic cxhlbit ion in Americ a will ; Indeed , th' wlwl e sceno \Va ehE'er· -Om rell<l e .. ~ wiJl'l (.11 un-e bv ! hllg un tbe 1st ()f Febt'u'&TY, . )"idit Way ne::lyill e .... n Slltnnl ay illg Ilnd intcrc till g tv witnes!! is out· . lt th o uu\'ert iflc meut il f this paper 11r1J1:l. Tile suppositioll noyt it; tbat May 1st. On that d~y,. the ~reut rcmiud'~ I)ne uf thl! I'c"'pect ahle that Oet). M. Zel! IlIIe I)~otitlcd u. 1((.l~ 1 the hog fell back into his hole se· Europ.aan ShOW, cull~l~mg til Me· un,l l\"~fnl cllgll~.:m~lIt" vt th o D&garle , Museum , C ircus wd 1111· moll 0,1 th t! oldell tllne ; the ~~o u ndertak ing establi;;hmcllt, oppo. i v~rely woo.nued, ~Jld M 'he' nd of tllue site the Gazette ofoHec. Mr. Zell l SIT weeks WIlS not able Ikl !lome ~oou race, will pitc.h i!/j ma~y tetlts wil u they w re rou IIscf'ully nnd c( ll\·telll'l'iI~t cd embark ing in r1lis i out, heneo ~h. late cold Blring. In o~r place. TI~ls eSbr.bhB~m~nt D,Ib.!;y c~gl\ge(l to tuttle ab\lnt w~· butiines s a year "go. ou,t was detl!l" 1~ C l1nderstllllq t!lut Dr. E. . b!)llra tbe reputatIOn of puSll:.SS ITl g: lllel~ s I'Ight..i-. .A t al~u ut that PCI'I-, .. cd fhlll\ Illllking the 1IlO VIJIllellt by kln ad heres to tint! theory as . the largest und best cullectlOu ::of od 1t WI", COli luered hOllorabl,¥ to not wiRhinjr to appear in opposition probubly the nearest cuprt!ct belllg w.ild beasts,.lls alijo thc lIl;)st exten· aft bd to the busines& of tl\e .· kitch 5iye Museum und Cil'cl~8 now tr8~ . eo, the farm 0.: shop.; and wiln~ · to th e lnte Mr. Gibbs. Now, - Will. CuUeU ..lid: EJ.. MiiCY e n ' how ever, he feels free to carry out have rigged up 11 new, lrrfnrrow ehng. The full attracti ollS of thI S cUlllJ \.Ic Ludros wltll'm t. ~elDg his design. Mr . Zdl iB too well seine ill !-,artllorship. These gentleshuw will bo th e .fincolt Rn ,l embrace teuchers. dre~& · mnkeI'B01' 111:1110C I'8; knuwn in tbi " comlJlunity to need men are looki\lg forward to Bome the ~o:>t ,noveltletl W (, hilVO ever I\~d men •coul.d bo ~rrt'l~B 1en: : rec(llI1 l11eo oatioll from. ns. at this \ fin~ BVOrt among the base lIeell HI thiS country . . 111 Lhe grent wlthon t clerkslllps or th e this Icorn.ed , tillle. But that he Will dl ~ c lrur){e aprlllg. , street parud~ , mll~ he s;en th e prof~ions : A nd I!Ien th?se lIoo\al , th e dll ti-:d of au uuderta ker Wtlll. 1 - Mr. Aka Oollett ~_ had gulden ebarlOt ~Ohe op~. rablen~ l , nod usotul gathertn~ m.,~h. t h~ve we IIrc lJIll!l~I'etl ; alld we hope his fi shing tackle , Oil exhibithis ne~ Oar Aurora , l"lOOrlll g O il Its SlImmlt hnd graven nn th eir IIlYIta ion' a' tlOll l li ew expenme t ruay prQvu ~ llC' DU\'iB' grocery last nigbt. a I'ull. grown t iger atten.u(·d b~ n i, C:11'dB, the .w,,\·d Utile itlllci, It i8 a in stead : cCilsfll1. vel'y tille rig Sl~ilt to have et>8t $H>. bollntlf ul.lady , represe ntnrg 111Qla, of Malum Ul Be. BALt W1Nl.ll' : :K. I - Mr Silus W JIaill os cab·net. .ft.er wlneb comes tho ElevhtLnts - There is arel>ort in circula tioo _ . . , d O el 11 .,. I tl 0 leu Den I. • ~M d • milk er and IlIId ll rtuk ur, Wi shes an .a!D s'b IO~1 I~ I dr' on ay, 1'111': Cor.n 5PRI.T •. - Th e very public generully to take nuti ce the on tue street this Inornm that that the HarveJ 8bnrg BUI ding audcontain Ing t .ret: l1I~rt IOns pl el\.Sunt sp ring wcath er t\"c hnu It e is r~mode ling" and, fixillg np in Loa!l A~8ocil1tioJr ill llhortly to be --tl~8ted . a~ldst th~~n "'I ~t~ear bccll enjoyill g lIi nep April ?ame in, i gouo.t , . style, his heal''*l, and that he couv urted into It. Natiun al Bank. their traUler the,gl cat MOl I~cha. ,,,"us hl'uugh t tu u Cc'~~litl 'm is ~eplete with ~tart1ing cnriosi.ties. a~d is nn e~'porill m o~ t,lIe rarcs laet , is pI·epure t e Ilcct ion of nl\tnl"lll wOl1dere, ancien t' o. tt) attend funeral s in' -Tbe firm ot: BmW" & Stout rehetl. Then comes ~he 1 h\te GI~8B dell of, l'hursdllY eveni ng, wlllJlI n. Autom atic and Meclu~nlcal TnllUlphs, With Illllll y II vlIIg ,,"OIIIU(·1'8 enid th o most dcsirnll le !Dunner . lilLv, ha ve rented the u stairs . .. • • , eerpent a pert.ormed, by Friday T~. min set in a nd tillally b(,("l'o over the THE nOYA L OOLIS EU M prosent s mllll." !lOW nnd novel )lCl'fOrlllllllcc', nlllJ m JI·n· rng had tlxpcriellce ill tll6 uUlliness TownBhip Ho~fl' Pfor IK.n talthl n! l'epl'Cflcntatll}JI & ' cari>enter of the ancicnt prototy pe at k~; ~llowlng Will ~ppear t 0 iug ended in II SIIlI\\' atlll'm. }<'rom I he liutLer:! Rome'l'he Et'crnal Uity' that 'SlLr npoll her ~even-llllls, allli l .. ul1l her him8elf that Ire cal~ shop The firm at present" hQVC of bOAnty throne ' tlurty·f our cages of ruled> the world,' introd\l~lng tl"on'pCII ' from' fivo grent n"nti oll8 of b!': r balmy urel'zed IlllrJ Boft ce rnloon : JIIMt the wallti!· uf th the earth, 1t is the b'1'lmdest e pnblic equnl t heir' entire tilllce at work rel'a-ir. exhibit i(1I1 of cnlisth ellic sports a nd' exorcIs ~e cag~ !Ire ~ancl~o me yem . s~ie8, tile scene WIU:! cbnHged to kJ any es e ver seclI inlllly show. une else in tbat1io e of l1us. ing Dr. J:lamII Gwe1ling. boUtie vn' " . 'FHE EQU'E8f! '&.l:4N OONG UESS is. an or.ig·ina l featuro, Qno cml1rac cs th e I 'lid Il' g l'rluestn uus of th o all nativlls will be wll\'ing alll lll!; drov pingOIInu 1I1uck with ·tile hlighttreef.· ,. . . , . !!lOu. uesorling, .~u . wei w~ k . lI~ Ml&inS - Hnrl EdWjlr the line. The w<)uitcr flll O\>Cnm· ill" lrut;t. Iruit of which ds j buildin g.1l. tl\(tV8 1 enf(!F(~e8 8"t e WI d ~epka r ~t ~ \lI1( S new d-....ellllljto o t.bo old law,wl ll .", I· I " 0 !:t'1II llre, an miL e I ,0 . t Ie I t M I ~ " ~~O~r~~1!~tlha~f~ u tt~c ;I~\~'~'; I&~. ~een~ed ?d'n re .~lleh a tine.rrflllp,~ct, : i~~eres t vi ;.rll " to trade \Vit~ him. ' 0 ~;o: . p ;i~;;,e:1 /o is la in tlie fifty mUl!icil ~lIi1 in. ~oncert, will did' I f~ IIllllrl) 1111 killod, 08 fal 1Lt! hcurd I Slllip at tl~e "l,ll'er e:ld. uf' Nt)J'th I fonndlltioll f,lr two new . . ' ~w~lli co lrse its wierd mOllie. 1:hi ~ Ivng 'l I ' l'L~\'. ug~ i8 comfOBed of tbe sbining lights of tlhe Arenic flrofession, emhrac f ' " eel I Strl'et. ~Ive him a CIl~J. . Uem('In ing oval' tifty first, ·Iu~ l~el'furmers. lino of tplend or will be gaily trim · TilE TRAIN ED A:NIMAlJi. DEPA lnMEN T is a- charac teri stic tlB ~oapt"~ Swl~t::cr ~?I.tlnu : ber the (.. my. Eagle Vablllet·shop.'· uo oue UI his n .town lots. W d to I moo with bcu~tiful bannt'··~ 1I1l1io: 1111111 ute h~ltlt I t nn ay t 'rn~~n, that K. introdu cing. trained ltIepba nts, Camelll; Lion8, Tigel'8, Zebrae, Leopar f611.tll re (If tAl VI' at BUl"opea n Sbow, g I A tine lot of exte!lsi ds, lIurses , !'ullies, Dogs, Goata. and on·tal>l es now" ,,, • , e ~re • • b B b e~ut' 8 :'I' n llonke ya brouaht! to a d"~eo of learnin a • ~ "er emper sccme" 11\' OIl hunu origilllU devices unllorlll C'u drt vers l VIJ g bordor ing on the ltlhrvelons. l' Ion ...1 • tl .Ie • .lUaev Id a .Te t 0 e auu " g.., '. . .. t\ r iliPi RAO,L" and fuotUlen A.tthvugll the street ;18....1 in .... H ~~ WCll tl. ~ tlr; . auu_I ' ..... ' tc... 11 f' ' ))1' 'Fhe thrlllm g BAl.l.O O \f 1',,,0 " m....mmotl I cIlO WI .t~~ICO I t'akQ pIlice l1lli'1y from tl II' 8II"t\" I0 I a t 1 1'1 . JU 00lcll11 \I~·l:r J udg ' k. a. I reo f," ' QIl1l 0 :vere I :e!t Balloon s tUe largest ever . display will' be fine yct it iii ollly tiel.' t IOltl e' €I' 'tll·:I 'l.~I! .IS flll~11 ~ manufl\ 4!~ed. will nng be lund t! U\g witrl hlllllllll <:iooJe hci ll ~<l 111111 Duan nqr TII7fair nd g to , the clouds, aud' \V~ttI1 . tb \a de,,?!..: alll\11 .:. long h ~. I 10 n " air : 18 CUu. ' ..uIH1ht' an index to the many uttl'RCtlOUS i'D' mid· air COlA\0t . o in . a race. The • wollli WI erfll\ OPEHON·I '~) N. "I' . t ", n ' II I' of the MOles, tbo' I eJa ge'W",,",' QOo!N' r" 10 1 k ,. 31'fJ4' 2495 ' , . .. . 1615' , alII... ~ . ,..... t·... F' ., to been inside the YMtl tents. . r: 'f # touUC8t and c{)st)llee . . -.-- ._- t . MIC IiIls.rhwen 10 <,1 0 Will' I(,I WI' 11 nppollr .III tl"" ~ r('a I ~ t I· ' f' t I'. 11 ,.,fr ." ,\ I n " AU ... .. ~I .. vtrt 0, ~m\)O 18;G 1 - , rQlt g:toW!p1'il ~y the rnl lS \PMSe8 tbrough bhe Ittreet, Another great feat" rc and one , The f"lIo\vlll~ ~R t,h~ pro~'t will dillCUur~e ill!! wild , wcird nlll~ ic. THE I'lH)UE~ S( I }~'{ ullIele' 1\l'Iy, :r ..., .• , Wlme l li III 11 11, ')1"5 ') ;' 8 ~! all killed. tne Enrt}L . B. ~1J(lJlJ>B8. pean Show will bo the fineat ever seen. A..mollg th e vrumi llont tbat ill origiou l with this compauY' j ~I' the ITxt ftJet,'~~ ot ~h~ warren l'cuturlJd will I the lu\\:iul "f Cheop8,con. 1 \V:II~, ~~~4 '2~~9 1 0~M i, the thriUiu g balloon race, whic b , "unty P.C l e,re ssocmtl .r..ctain ing tile Great Ba'Vari an Band; OlI. t.u h.e Tableul\ Cal' ..A.ul'ora , bellring on itll Ul Dnlit., '\ld llc . Si1l6Ui. II.nd 1"0 I. ~ .... a vaT: a!gA ' --led I\t her feet loose and' unrestr ained, ....ill tIlk place from tho .sh~w lo~ ~:eld at ~r~lIkhu, Satnrd ay, Apnt will arrear a. savage Brazi ll iun 1l iger. A dro\" of :fi: lephllncronch· T,otlll 1 7&4 855 ~ ts andl .Tan ney will hay e lit ItP. M., (woatb er penu\tt l.n g)-l -4-, ~S7~ . a Camels atteu'de d by nativ.o AI'lIbs j fl'~'id~IY 1'(l~11 1l~ :\I1d IIi" plate gl.lIS~ d 'n of. . , I ~r.)J·ming Scrp~ntsl 'th~ __ _ !?a.n d 0 Diaa T.wo IQ,tIDuloth Bllllol>1l6 Will liS, I A:. M. -Mlsf! Reet!,' e,f Frull~11, - ' _ -:of ali i Great MorlaclJIIo Bcated amldllt 1\ den '>,1 .LI\II),~ UlI,d r igor •. vpen .t \"I ~ w I1 Thlll'sd ny night laat, we wero . . Th o M:IHI~tl." · ~~ nag n , Min· po 8 B ....._ ....... iatnre C~' druwn o lid ladto WitJl buman heillKS!lllld 8chool8, Clnss E~rclse'ln'.~6(Jtng by Quoen. M"b'tI fairy lumot, cu.rl·YIll g KIII~ D,u' VII I. 11 ,11110 . visiteJ by a colll rain·sto .m, whicb, lm~enS!" 1'1'1 00. to\l l)wed by ","il,t in mid·air , OlD potu 1II.a . Mr. Dwd., of '~a.yn&ilV IIle, t()C.. . ~& ' THl· .jfug. , ~ n dlly turuedc iot&o6noW'i ~evaral SprI ng ut.ot hinlt C~AGF. C " ~1. m e. Rcmem b r, Setnrdo.y, May I IHlh ~lIld~f:It8. , \, . ....~~ • of onr citizens wbo had ;et\ plants recl. & 0 . the . . , J ... 1st,. i tho uILY. .' t(?1'h e Flags of all Nafioll 9 are wavlDg Disen ~D ()~' , ulong th e )1ne, Bnd brlngl ngll l' the l'tll1r Will 1, > tlt e! Wi ,\der~ ,. out.dtJu~·ij.' IWd othc.r who wore 80 _ _ _.. +.1 ,""~lIu' _. ' 0 r,ernieo n, or 'Steam Car of tho ¥UBU8 i trill wllllle thrllli!l~ A j}[()1 -1Sli P P. M. I Cl1B~lOn. , . ICliterp : IBlIlgue tOlJet;out CIIob&g . l NO I-lA.J.1Lt OF aLI. · 1 h. poooh Q."ctd are not 1111 kill · J Ion llo.lIc(lc k, Superl ntolld<lnt and tomato plants, lost tbem e e •. _~ ...e~vu.De_~ 1 1'J?RJJi.G SPLE NDOR , Nb'A RLY TWO MIL.lJ.i::J .L ON ! . by· Mon day• . .A.tt.e~" . .Ju th tl Igh borhood of BI I). of Day toll I.)chools , Addres s. . . the fr t ' aN E t 'l eKE T A D'M ITS TO ALL. . . . ... \:1 'wh re th re ure con id r- : .Mr. P.R..Eycke. of HIlrve 8burg i - . . .. " ' _.- -.___ 1:0 Can Child Y The Towns htp Trnt!tees ba.e A-dmleslOD,: 111:' Qt_ •••• • -' •. or • ~ " rchard , ~ j ... goocl shuw ; 'ch~le, ~CI~rellii. t a reu lIDdef InV' 17: "eats , . . IIQ .... • The nand'i s nmrtic ing 1.111\ I' w n.ire ~nt~ . t!,i~ ~. fof.. Dlsonij lOll. t~ Rnll ~ . tl.!1' Duoora \)Il·l(ay . J L1oL1C S 1}1ltiJleas, furTrn vue J\!ar. D .... t . l .. t '{,h'
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SpriDkl etileal-. .ufloo"" ; , U YOI' good t l·llolu. 11 Wll \\'1.'11 1 - th .lr DgU.of. naIr,;" d re·~ Iik J .. ~ "II lltl'!"I'''I 'k r '''Id 11-" II'" F h ' fl b ..... .. ,~ • • ,nu.. " ell t..rt, liY>o, w,/tlle!! doubt I II bllY' b"jlt WhU.b kfr\l tM h ¥..u':U .e"::'do .. Over alt \.he ..... titbitFaUdll't IIeIMth ift1lbrM tb ; Whlle I.he 110--' -~ &-..
,,"'1"\' 1")11" t" ""'ut . [Q I u I. rbhln" I "'u 1''''l''!rd tn fur''' . ' . nUa •• I, II iC'Ind o r e"ft\1I ..nd ' . k.. ~ • ..·a pUI"3I1l~'1I' und 111m. U, fill\-' an,-onh " . .v ' "' ~ 111 I•• o"n y eDd~ tfir..t. W
0' lillatlon', heert
t_lb .. bl ll"d
Mr. fi:.h. di .... W!&lt tt."Dllh. tu 10 II a. __ aM 11--..06' b~ ""I1 ... t~lin like '~nlh"" 1II'ina l". • ..~ a-.~ .., mellillgitill,l&nci- (\Ilrillt( lilt t vfl,i "~A YXESVIl.LE. on 10. Hickll~;, ' h'.
. 1)"00 hlleu-d OM .eder t1nt Inn. unda, forclloo u frvm the Bapti nt p?ay.r, "ny will be d ,,;" Uhnrch . Titt! IItt Ilduncc (If t"ril'lIU8 .~..' ~~,c ....,:.!' ~!':·I·Dowatilonn'1!:....t alld eitizona WII8 vcr.v lal'lf '. ·tNti. A..erect by tlme ..d rwn. 1_ fJing tbat the dec"w; d \Va Wllrm .a and' ..... I, , : ::: •: J[j~loIIderowno ...dkingll w1l1roll 11 esto,,1Il d by bi f ·ll uw oitizen8·. ...w:~, la tn pUJo 0116 lho.... ud Y8&", Th ord~1'II of Oddtull ow llud S OilS CRIBP lll if .ia4.. ., e en! at tb.. ».. IoOI"• ...u ot' TeIDperl11lc • of L tL of wh ich CaJl nd 1 k' g:g. . ('" ... p - ""~"hb trembli"I J Goods ' ,&ad of •• , "bftt Mr. GI·h\. . rial. ·· 1\11 U 'ce," lbl n mC111 . 3 S·;·S a 00 at ear . • Ail orden for..... "ko.rep~.'WiU I) ' \!1iI .. ldIedAr1tn_the"".lcMlt~ oti ~ lot " l! ... _ i .. promJl'a~"... _,.. ROMII. ber'lmu rehtd ill l)rocl!<!s illll ~ full ~".." ' i q-,~ 'Ii'm f} C. D. W L I. E Y • ~ --~; t<~ r ga ill, Ilnd lit tho gmvo f.'\l "-' rIO' I ". ~ ~ .~~ ~ Alwaye ope. ill Oad.,.I1.~ .. 0. build- . Ii SOTTQN'8 t.IH8U ll MI ORr... ,ed tho cercUlollies )Jru\' ili ·d by un, of which KK·HotT & We M"e beforo tlleir Iiturgiw fvr a dece~\ld broth· \~y:o r~ti. '~h!"ln Ind MiamI 8trlMlta. 1 ~ . _. _ _ ,; ~. ' ~ .'a ~ t a Ieeo .otcIlSllI O'D • t 0 s,......kWit LS EDWA RDS. ' I11.1.1)' 1er,. , . :: AKRJAG~; ANn W AGUN . B [; 11.1>1£B8 J. WI . . prabatJcm, bas 1lQw"-~Mhe<l its :0 -1 , \ ... --c .. a: -,,: oc Elder J . n. Dodd c nductc d tho , ANO U&I'Al kUS, Ma~:: ~t!76.. .!'-- ~ ~ i;::!;;~~ii:8t~ . ~ ; ~ eleveu th aDd twclt'th nUIl1UcI'll, of l e~ercistlll at . \h~ church j 1\lId The Wilmi the forty tarmin g the acries; and thc last solcmn c rcmoni when I Dgton NlI'JI8 rlea. , ~I ~ t: : : , ," !" ; Ewe fa ,r that we are perfurmi "K euued , \lae rllllllli II uf one em wor E bl' ~ 4' 1 5 '" II r e of .. - I A!ta lfl Ie ttl . nothiug more tban n duty ill again onr rel!pccted citi7.0llB were convoy tori I 0 ...: .•... - .••••••. - . ...... ~~ . LEO WELT Z, l'Ko I'KTlITOB callillg public IIttontion . ~ , ~ . ~$1';.;~" f9 the ux. cd t M iami 'clI] ctury and Illid SO CUIJrtl' ATOR Ot' AN!) f1EALER IN ~ [;i .;t;~~ g eoll lice of a pobl icati n mbody. away in til ·i .. Inng last s leop. ~ Or~ 8JtlJ't~fJlta~ ~2l ! ~ ~ ,; ~ ; jog mnch of a nOTelty II of --. • merit. To find 110 mU'hth urough ly 1ft ~ 1\I IIItU. UIII~lvlltor! ~ I ,g. excelle nt matter, 80 unexccpti II) • . Fnrme~ cxpcctl11g .to bllY • go; . .:: n cui· . . . .., ~ ~~> ;r::~" ~~~;.t~I ." ably priu '\.ld, und BO band80ml'ly : ~I:lIt~1' I.htlls l<c~~llnt' CwTlII.dOtwellbW , 0 illu8tra ted, at the very 10'tl' pricc of l .xumlla : Ie. lUU U. ~ tl\' l\ ur Apple T",.s. 3 TeII '- ol~. II~" ~~~ ~"' I ~ ';." ~'~':;' I :. e· AI'" I re ~.ore",o d ) Ih ·· l cll1.. wur" iI) "II 25 cent per numbe r- is 8 m .thing ture plll'('\IIIS III~, as It IS wnrrnn " .. " ·for ".'''pl. nting . to 5U C':l l f < !'I .. t : e!'l : .e 30 tod b,. or h.eft lI f th e I," ·'n... . . . ' !! . I P~ar '('re u . · 'B lldllrd . No. 1, 11 I ' 1.1 tI bvi.l' f 3:, ~I I c' ::! to he the trvn~u ·t most dnrable ifnlng .ngns,·d 'he _CII' ICC8 or ~ ))wllrf. No. I ur W ~IC ~ @ I ~. ~ Ie ~ro!d u~ \' c best nlllJc, /LifO tu' gi ve thc ti\rll\e~ FI RST CLASS PAl NTER . I'e.~ch T""e•. ~;:';"I,;~ Olm. CIlfi \18e 1 t grll u ' atu d JI1 t~lIllg l the best 8lLti~flLctivn of any cultiva ~ 40 ~ ~\ ; ~ ~ ~ ~;, i! ~ v. d . l,artjc;ul ~r auontion . rvm W.IIl will llc paid W , h_t 1'111111 T,.,c~-on plu"" wenD enl ,all 0 tlCI II' \I" :15 ~. ~ E - "'l fl.ncbofl lo c bu8i ne.. . !< I rapid illCrcaa e of oircula tion W,' ldO o .... Sh~ p . hl .... f)alll.on tor s.u l I" '. al'rOIl cuuuty. " ~?''l''''' O'l''l' Yory N . W :-' H F S 0" ;:e;'~h: ". , h ave no d ou bt tb U t tl ICY lire' RO.. Oli O III W31'rllnted. :10 C ~'Ol' e £I11\e II B e ~ s J. S " !W AND OR ALIC. Oberry T,ees, ) nod 2 "UN! old, b' • April 7thOKK ON 21\ Tho MIIICKr.I.AMl'. ft8 we lllav bofore I W • L'IlIgo , .L • . I lllJ~I.I, Oh,lO. . h. Y _ " • ..:.. ____• IluhlCC., :l nlld 3 ),eo ra oW', .I\)· • Ila" remllrked, dues Ilot J prctend l CI\Il. btl scen ut H . K1Ib 011 01, CorWIO, Ad . mJDls trator'8 Sale 0 f Bea1 (;ooocbe , Amc r'lc&ll. :;8 Curl'lllll.rrl"I 8-wl,i'" R,·ap" •• Ie. 1110 ur, to be elltir Iy origina l in ita Il ' . • • Estate . COII~?rd Gr~p··'2 t.ellta and ulllke· np, but to hl clla ':~;a~~d old, ~ IlIi Th ere was but 8011411 attend· 10 purMollnoe 0' an order of the Probl\to h co' Grapes . on. i'cur tbe very beet of origina l matter, in uncc last Thul'l!dU old. ' 1\ 40 _ _ _ _ __ _ _-'--_ _ __ __ ny c,'e uing at Oourt whhin and fu,. tlw Cuunly.o f Wllr. ,. .. ",yer !! year. old. .6:\0 ' II' -'1'''.I I 1 , " y n umber, w'U ,\.... " " nd Stst.e of I I tl I e C rea OJ 0 I Ie '8pe Oh,o. m~ directed. I . lrftwbe rr 1'111"'" IIlg' 8C 100; Icoce t ICI'Ij ' will uff~r Rt publio Sale to I roO Ii SBUR TE T AND QLICK ES1' on the premill('o in Kitt.,illl l\·)' Illaokber r.lre!gn . pcrtodi cnle, adllpted to A · was. 110 s pelling rieo. II liO Ili l . The weathe r was Moollnt Hull~'. on RUTTT E TO · i ' ' M • ."mo,i, 'lu, ler H"pb""r lc", IS 4 mtmcan. I~eed~ alld tlltltes wbellev er torbidd iug. l j'i'ida!!, tll(' 3()1" J)ay oj April, t~~~~,~~'V ~'':!'PI ..r any reYIMwb 18 llooess ory; and be· ~ lHSlLlN GTctN & In TIMOIE; ; .••• " - A. D. I 75, ·i,,".r Poplll" yood a question, in many regards , . All pcrsOils knowll1g th~m~()l 1:\ The Eft,. . .II. So .....EI•• &. 1 a publication thus a\lowed ' to have wdu.bte J to Leak &, DOWU8 v()s the rollowiDg-deMCribed R.~I Botato. to.... it: NorwKY Hr,:2 In:J f~el 1,lg'h ~; - - ~.- - .. _ '1 are A p.rt ur Fraction ..1 Seulion Nu. 21. town .. .. " 100 4 feet hi~h the uimmi ng aud picking of two requcsted 1.0 make immed iate 110 OON'oEN SED TABLK, TIIKOl: OII rRAIN~. set· N.... 4. RanflO II. betw~ the Vi.ml MV....... ; S:>O':;b Pi~~. ~ t~: ~::: ~:~ contine nt!, holds an llaVall!''''" tlclUent.. a~ th e hunk will 0 I he plilced IfIDDwUlg Ilt It ~Itol n~ .. lUtbthe,: :oMt I~HIId'lnlg Auolrl .... PIlle. . ., ~ 11" over thoee Nlri04i cal of whi cll -r> ,1 to:l f"" llli"b r",o .. 2:; yoeK VIA ..., PARKER 1I ... nun the III l'I'olJer hili Iud lUI' c" uctlOn III a Mill •. thence .. .iiI). 0.1-4 SB U n RG,. y MAY :U .. 1t;n4 3 4 ~ I ' I Lc :10 rl vA 0 E . 100 feot; thonoll F •• , Lmc .•S .. LOll '" Exp .. 1 aU r~O '1 .. ) ,. to ! ~" I liS I \ prinoip a t boeAt . is that what ! boy 8 bort tllll!!. . , N ;~"I'" C E "0 f ~" 1 N . Ii"' · " Whlll' l'iue.:I ;,., feet hi-b . u ""t; !.hen"" 2. • 'v J;l 3-4 ~ nnbli ...h ~- n ver \xlii re been .. ,. ~ '0 4 fe~1 hl~1 D .. 11-, . ... II'II J ~ -· . I , . (""t; tbuu"" S. 30 11-4° W.rlO 'eet. Hemloek \.... .6, t ..· .. I ...I! e " "" t) • '='" ~~""" Cnrll I.>rll1,,! Lvc. (1;nci"n. U 'r,~ Am i W.Sul100 e to begin .t 1 o'clook 1'. M. 01 ~8id J ul,il.I"r, ...,2 10 11eet hi"b m type. Not, as alrelldy eald, t lilt 9 :10 I'm i " F .' Arr . Ohillloo. be ' I \:1 1'111 . I ' 0 0 " I dRY· \ I Am I:l.vln~ 1 t.be MISOS f.r. ANY yicld~ to allY otb· , armer~ \\lIlltlll~. ti e !t~ .. POrl8U1oulh :;:;0 .. I U 2U .. I nglllll 'fF:ml~: -Onc·th eMh in "~lId ; uaO' "'Io • • riD Shrub_ , ter ih the qua1ity "( its origina l UOlllpl ~ ~ ~~~~I~~~II"" ote Co I'1J Dnll, the only third In U ," o.. th •.irdalld ~~ h i r 4 ~ 111 ]to ' l"" ,me .t . ..... . BUCI~E"l·E ...~ . \ :Ie At-r GrR"on ·0 U 15 .. ( ' UI'U ..Drill mlloe ' Can ,nn.th. from II" t.f onle. !I ·'0" I biAttt,t . tum y d 008 110.t'III b}(lrfect Defe,r.,d PRY' . I . ~RlIII8 Y ' f II CASH. F l " Oukl" ud R'11 '.' . () meni.o to Iw.. in\.en·.t. nnd be Roonred by..... . p'feture . 8, typngrn phy or mlltcrlfll II 04 .. " :14 " U) tJ~nl t or plI" kin" . ' . 1 )OIl,Cv IWIIl, •• ruurtgage ontho l'rcml~~. oh",'l'~ .. IIOI(\' on"'tb" I'O ~1 01 Ih e mlllo' d ,l l Fllrmn r,' "l)cerP ark II '"~:I " For tbe pRl!ttive number s IIOW we Al so uJ AIr. Ed\\ardtl, Hurvey bulg II ..... . J . , . . MARLA TT. ~;mp· 1... t'.:,le:~ W~~&s:~~LT~· 'a~I~~~~.~:~: :: g',:~)I~~~!np~~. ~ I~g ,~~n ad ' I . . ~ t) f" 1 1UltiLl ...,ve notic ~~;, ~: tiC runlllll Adm'r J08lah Craft, dcc·d. 11' IUf; 'Il • _ _ - -_ 01 #I li07·5w .4 . .. 7 .. Wn" h i "~<ton 1 1\1 .. blo . origi nul story iu it, callc<l ·'~I\fc· 6 50" )lllruhl .til "Richm l' o nd l :llJl'm Hill' nukes I . 4l11JAm . ! ' " D . _. _ ------~. .. Bnltimor e 8 411 8 tl~ 1'111 . UII~r~,; o~, "hc Mal!. ~'ro~n ~lIli: . J . . ~Y. Lilll$'" vI' ~\.Ibal1on. has 8W ftJrllla \"nttellcsp('cl~lIyt"l'I~h) . slxdIHcreut kIDde ul fluy Rakes Wilmlll~ton 12 17 PII.. ,~ ~~ ~~II. , E'V8 11S ~4i. DO I."'ollldn '"I" ' CIIUIl. ",.1I the"'kn~lonof __ . . _ _. _ •.. _ • ~ell kD~WO AU1crw~n \~rltcl" i 101' 81l1e. which hI:' is dct~rllli ::R:. i~" ~:·~I;~i" ~i~ :: OClf" ~ to Iho Ci l i&oll . 0 iCY ~ . ' Wayn;·evill ••,"d "Ioinlly. lo WhT(lh strikes us us bClUg tull of . 6011 at very mucb reduced llll~ The IIndel'81g,,1l4" heg. tu inform ,. 1l0001<'n a 5n Am. prJCOiI , mT n,'OOJl t'OIl 01 . UU"~tlok. n,·,' ~p",,,! 4 _ 60 P _ III I droll ch&n1oter·sk.otching as wcll ' Ir Ih r pu l, lie ;;" n....,l1ly. tila' he " •• Ill. t \" r IFII.lolo" . I'I .. le ~. d,rect Inlln o.'''''J;Q W.II .. rd : OI'CII,·<I a ",'11' Moall Ahrkel ill the v lU I! J t!1L , \'·1 A Ht::LLA u n " for L ',dle" C,'-"HU. · . ~ II oj unll 1t8 Inciden t · aod merrllll ('nt, Dill I 8Lalld of I.ea\( .I: f)uWIIC ri . where he .. ill _ _ _ _ _ _ • I RE . ~I.\ Y :11 , l ~ j4. . . _- . ' ''lid YO',lh ,' ClolI.ing l'1ol".i l'oi,·. for Bu )'. old __ FRi l LiUL" _ _ "."re.. . , --A LL KIX[)S t l F - kee p <o08'''lIl Iy 011 b."d quite equal to I&lly other IJIoVei 1I 0 W Th . OI'lh'~ ox Friend s.' g.r~vc· I ,.nl. pre: ,,,r"d to ,." , .lId muk. ~Iolhin~ LYe . 'olumbu8 II y~i ~{;n. hi CGurse of llUblicatilln. Thl\t YlLrd 18 tv be tl~ >d tip. tillS sprlllg. II '.'~. J~:': ' . ! ~:~.~~'h~~~~,!;'r:::~.r~,~~ 1~II:t;,~'~:'e~~-:~~ thOi!e wbo pick up the uc\Y e nttlrc~ T II EVE R Y BE S T hrr. KeW""k . ' It :I:, 1' .. ,. \2 f)U Am . ~~~~~~iI~ i"l;!I.Y 10" I'l'ioilAAn d "i&h. ,'.act"". .. ~ of Fred. Gwiler tho UliscitiuYOQ.II, L,a . S.ndu, ky A re you g01 ng to the .tdo.y Mu· 1 I b.nkf~I for th .~r.y "he ... I ""Iron" 74 ', 0\10. 7 II() I'm. ~ 1 ' : ' I' () a_..:l p "IL' t ' ~Io''''o" ItO' I e~tlll.II {mIBC Yilic . H • en :., ., . 1 i ba'·en!O" an d lie Ml ,. , 'Yed.ld 'lICU ea"e" ·contl,,u~n cenflh,. Beef.V~~lIuttOQ&UUI 0 I "MulI>flel.t 100i" lleV?n8 ell · rl'SIVa a ..ilnellloa... ' 8alno.all d will «ual'l\lllee work lIouo ~I>I" 118l1"~' ... \' WO-'I I Will 110t be Ilkolv to A,r . l'IcIlQI'k "J 1·! :IOI'm. . -.- - - -"u 1'!~5AIII' 1 1, -lId "...,m~U1 ' • .. A .N, A E. )II I..L.... d • otberwiae than to follow them ,.l{o. r u.f'e "'oHh I. ~""' ~ n ",. " Z'"le.dll e tb. I 3~ collnt,. " aft'ordo ·. "nd &II ,,111 be kept \ 55 " , M"rcb I. ~udl • I. , .. B,·1Iaira ---to the end we are safe ill 898umillg. !lick·ne •• pn>vall8 e,·erywhc re. l\Od 4 :~I .. ... . u" _ - ~ ....... ., . , . oven', .. Wbeeflu g 6 III I'm. I'leoty or~ther ood sborter storios I~'''y C LEA NAN D N ICE. ~ compl" In~ of . o,ne. di80i1118 dllrln/! t,, ':lr Q"~~. .. O,...fton II 0;; .. !I iO .. ' "Oaklan d 1/ ~4 .. II 34 " tntcreating facts,t niecel lonics : B_tler !'our. hou8eb old reci~ and good root!· wllrld Ih"t I•• "ft'erinj! "I~h OyspcI'sh .• " ·or . 1'.a.'l'BD '!O B. I'RBa,. I.an lna"Io.' . FINE SUGA ,AI"" R I'IIIItED aa..a ::"H ..rp ·s Py r. O:l .. i ~IJ g eberall y, Joi:\ witb the tine Coml I"rlllllnd lis "l1eel., .IIch as I..ldil«'.~' gruu"'Sto .. 56 " l1:.:..l,r",e , in I,ook fo'·m. *1.7'. , ' . 1111,. OOAlit·\,ne •• , Sic k Headach (', Sour SW· · "UA UAali: J W""lolugton 7 10 " '1'WSR TT 880R'1 ' 8'l'OlU1 I8: a rich to [,II .. Plctftl'ell Or tbese nURl eN. !D rna· m.ch. Ii .• ' I.bllr~l, i"~I~ilKlion· of .. Rlobmon d I 311 pm . .. SO Am . 1 'ho Hearl , I "Il"iety yf mi . ce lI.h ellus teadlllg: o\'II r .ilty klnS IIp a tnll88 of mOi& eruoyi\ble nop .e~,ed plr.w, n,llou , n 0: &e., .bole or h. Ihe _lief!. ljlye _ " ellll. "lIailim urc 8 ~O Am . to~ke lllrg;'.J>"ge9 !)llollolldll' -"Iu.trlli ed. I! .:411 JIm . d" Y Oll~~" AUUU" T I· LO U WI,h"ut can • JEHO )'UU'LLlN. d cqU8 11Y ' vaI oabl .. Wilming ton I:! 17 pm . guu,o!; . '1'.W 8-rli8L RBPRO DOCl'lQ lll'8, \ 31 A.o . 1l1I. e. rea lIl.g, "cUd .nd cur... If "'ou' dnub, , " , , " Philad ·. LItis, 80 I 'ttl to fllceimll .. esof 2 :10 .• ram ttl picture.' orij(inal en· 'Whlcb ebould be more Widely clr· Iour i1ru~gi8t, A . UOLl., nud go" lIIal'Oh 17 . .. I\c..' York 515" amllla ·g,r.vlng 6 05 " . wonh IJI. . ' cul.ted than it ball yet found time ~ol tle fo r len Ct' III. aud try iI _ _ •.. _ _ " Bootou 5 !'to Am. .He!:"lar 6 50 pm . All t he "hove oeDt poo~. p.ld wIth H"AMTH bee . f, .. BOIdo tb f pub- " I~C 75 cc.~t.. Two do ....... ,11 .nh.v. _ C.r ..... --A ND A F[.iLL L'-"/:; 01' -you. "liD UOID, Ih e jlrea, lIIuK'rtlle d ..... kl., .az to owe 111" e mon e.o l i.. L! .. '.Uma n', Palace Drawin g.Boom Inino, ,." moocb. 0" T&I&L . for onl. 50 Iicatiol l. Sold ou~y by lubecri p· aD'8le eping Coachea t 11 ... - - -I Cent.. O~.n;CT: to Intrud"M .Lh~ "a.,,,,,.. 10 JAMK S W HAIN~ M tioll at !)6 cantil a numbe r-cum· .. " p D , oew .u~crl!'."' . PrIce ..dllc d 10 11l,.1O " . 40 numbe N. Tb Ald' • • . ., From 8t Louio, OiDcioua li alld (Jolumbu ~ to plete, IU ,·ell'. lll!(le uumber. all oeDL.<-noD~ fre o. l - If' :. of every' d.li': e loe W&8wu I.!_gto D aD d Baltim Company Pnblisbor& 58 M.aidon MERRIT T. - Sul\dcDly, on Sa'turd. E 'At newo ellllld8 or by mAIl. ~...,., Induon . . ._P& ...I . .': ubi • •ate. or I' .. y, I ruen •• 100 a~ent. and ch,.,. . 1'u nllAl'HIe Laoe ,~ N ~w' Y ork' WITH OUT CHA April 17, 1871), Julill. younjCcr dllul!'hter . of CO. I'H v,'uh1i NGE 1 . . hc, Cutherin
... .... ..........
I ' -...
F' ui ,.
We may mentl-on a's Pl"OtIll.neut. among the many valuable
;;::11. ...
BaItl-more ... Ohl-O
fl l
tii .::
I SomethIng Ii
ter t red
r .
i . .· . ii' til, [ i' r3 1 11
'''EVO'l''V. '* II A'Y .n'" AVIS I
'C 01 -". i) r,I ILL
r ' ic
n...'D'EAT OF
::!~ \\~::'I:I~~i~.'I;b~I~~t ~~ ";:r!~ogcl~n"t~~il~
r.." " '-
g:::~b~~I'~ I: ;: ~~.
I~ ~ ;~ .
m.- . .
• •
The follo\Vio~ il a list of IIchocol
oirectors recently eleetod in the \ Di 'Btricti :
llevel'll tlUB. miT.
No.1. No. 1. N o. 1.
NN°' 8. 0.4. No. 6. No ., .
No.8. No.9. No. 10. N o.
Joseph Crews. Charltlll Whitak er.
3 2
Stepbe n ook. KWIi BuJrIMlC
. . 1'8. ~
J •B•
tt. ' m.. arman. P G R• . .use.
;;I 3
Samue l Archer .
J. O. McKay.
S S 8
Robert Furnll8 . Gt)O. W . Hamilt on. Kendal l "'aylor. .I Henry Grabum .
- •-
8 8
ST4J1Dl JlG OOIlllIT l'u:8 FOR
., 39-11 P"rk 1.'1,,«, . r C. Rnd the I"t e EWRn "MeM'.H, N e ll' ·ork . PIOAse olilloO In WbOII,~por "ou E"'I' of MuuIIL Holly, Now JerlMty, in tbe Ra w ~hi" "d"erlio. I[,ont . b06.~w 16th yOal' of ber ago . I - - --
__ -
Bit t I) ===========
£5 °
puhlishe d . • new NII,ion lit
DT. Cnlverw eU's Celebra ted
- .•- -_ .
:~~.c;:: aAaay .
...,_...... ,......
gnrr:r~~c ,
W eol . P •• 8 . Agent,
J Cw~ GI ~b"¥'f "4- tl1,.m"llts I
I.. M.
(lO . . . .
R10BIE.B. ...RlB ., UDdertaJdng EstabJiabmeDt! .~a!b:J';:.!rI~~li~.re hi\ll.lOlf ob68ply, prI.e'e- JIIS8 . . . . . . ., . . . . . . .. T.... r, I ar '\'hls Lee"" ... sholild b. In the henll. E"dl olde 0' )fain Str"t. ~, ~~
A JIO()Il hnnee lIod lot, on the oomer of ~ortfi and Fourth ~tr"eto, ",iOt eight good NOms, ,,11b a I!OOcl ..011 anel cletern. anel a goocl ilellar. fior parti onl ..... oall on .R8. ).EWE? AR CRANE. WaYDI!II't1IIe. Jaa. 90, 18'76:
1875. -The Oouocil bas QPpoioted the her, yout~ and ~v.r1. mAO In the IADd. ~ 11' m'tteee WA......... . " . . . . . . . .. for the year: 10 oWlDg com I Sen, utlder "".1 , on .. plalo en"elope , 10 • ..,.,..mr.v.ttll ..,... ......""""'£1S>f I ~ an)' add.", . , poot .pald, on ",oelpt of .1lI ct!!. u...,.. _ "'l~ 8tre6U and .Alley" Maolllg tou THlaD 8TBE ET. NEAR ""IN. I or \wo poOl ".IIIP.·. Addreu Iho pubtl.hers, aDd Steddo m. ~f. WI ~~ ' CH"8. 6 '. C 'KL'pN':_&~ CINC INNA TI, OHIO. . ..:.... E. S. B. WA.L~ON'. SidetJJalTu, GaUBe aod Rage.... ... . . . N~.. AT TOR. N E Y AT LAW , S 1'66t ~amp,! Doll and JOIl~. Re.pectfull110rorm~ tbe l'ubiio th"t be h.. 00 PER IJA Y. . NOTI CE LE...... ...... . . . Y.'Uafl' OrduUJnce" M.Plug · openeclo llew UndertAking E!ltabU. hmen\ tw. . . . . . . . . . . . .. t Is herehy ,h'ell lb,uh~ !'nde..lgn· d' Doll 1 TDorpe" MW bull"lng oppoa\te "",.POIt led Notice om'f a L /) TT. A bu. \_0 eppoillted Aoiru lbla&<ato ra 00 an .of • O. ;,v.ce 1DAft e IIfl.on ... o~ O'ts h b III k ' ~tl 1Int- l tbe Etlate of ALFRED LEAK. deceased. WUI prad\ee Ie IJI. ll. W"lt. and ut,r'u , --eel'S an d rua:~~ J ....Ie. tlft..u 01 ~n"t:' eep OIl t laLe il! Warren (Jountv. Ohio.,.. t !\o, JOIMlI. WnynenJ II •• a\ til .htmNt ' hy leI" $nel)l Onab e' Batbct' AUu GIDEoN ~AK. Vi'll • gr.. or po. . l_rd. . . . . . tIM, ....1 , . . p.,iHn lIaniog toD ...... .
,.M "-PF, ... . . -'--- ---
. BURl AL CA. S K E T SI ~",1I6 .18111.
po.ld elto.....,.le Wa,.... rill..
Cbu~h on s.'Vday next at 9 P.M., 'C"-~~~libieW:-it~~~
"nli Sunc\.- , ronowi ng at ,balf.pa st : ;LO .... . II{I<l 4
tor cenc)'llil d I"""'ttmi .
' III th~
"""II_l or ,"uneral...ltJ\ tJ... , dar. ~I' I
Do.. . ..
.IllY iii ol\'e<1. b,
• _
"1", •• \,,110, '\ rnl
IDD~~:~~::::- ~~, ~;.l'.
Itb , ID." .
_ .~-1D1I1I1..,
I ............. J. L. ZE ~L, ' ...... lI*-tt l... III!1I"Dr..u.tr,8ham~ u.e
• BIl __ . . 01 aU Itl.~. With ...ell ..JISIoluted H~ ~ ~~~& ~ . --EIde N 8. DaDb aad L. Parr all 1lII"'~ .&.istaat. aa 'Iri&b e bo". l' o~lee IAhoreb1 triYeIl tftat &he part . f) wUl J\!aoh in the Vaney Baptist wp of the 13I!. of tho oommald ty in "'reloOfo", nll,iog·' letw..D La.y" . ."", ~
P. M.
A . . . . . . . . . . . ..
, .. ~ YNES V ILLE ,.. " ~ ,
... 8Mm.I!f . ilMIe in Tonsoria l An.
'*' "'1....-.mthe I _ ._ __
BUilding, I- \ ,",;A,;;M~;;:di;;C;;:8
I ,
HeD rie- Bou se,
• ag,
Rouse aDd .Lot for Sale.
,,_Y....... . . . ...--__ IT_
&10 L III
Gell . " .k kc t Ag·l. OlDoion&ll,O. Ball.more. lId. , 1'H08. R . SHAItI·. Iftll )(uLerb f 1'ranopo rtatlon. 1 _ 411.IJ _ _ . _n"_lItm!,r•• Md .
~"!~~n!e~)'h:,,~~~~i: ,,'rt;;e,t.!t~ao~t' ~~i'.iE~:'1:ton!f t;ar~:!"~o~~t,.. L~~i! ' el-. ..... JOEL EVANS ...... .. .. SET H W. BROWN, Haroh 27. 18711. Ad".'r.
FA Rm : llT .!f\ GO ~ S,
0 n tbe Bes t of Terlns , d 1.1 U h t la(· kb.t : tue 10' es l ' ~ I!."" I, Prloce pOI-.• I ~or lUl:-O OL, I' YW E NOT 1 C . l' GR AIN ° The nnder Igncd hili! been duly alj!LiOIR<1 an«
D r E F Dak i .-"._~e . ..IO\........D, ....
Ileeay th l' rlldlen l cu •• (wILb· 1 00' medlcin_ ) of "'IIf1 l1ATIIRII II'U . . . . . . . BALLA RD.-MA roh 1<l, 18711, a da.\igh • •or W •• kue. · . In vl)lnntor , S,- ml",,1 "I'IJ', T ...ftl """M; ter ~ tho wife of Tbomas B.ul"rd. 11.ofo.. •• lMJ'OTW"~·Y. Mental .nd P.h y . ,ealln W A YN ~S V 1I l..E . ~p.clt' , lu,,,rdlln enl s ·10 Mnrr'lIga ••• e. : ADAK .-AprIl S, I 7~. Q daaghrw to ..'-0, Oo""um" ,ion , Evil,'p'), ~ . • .. IIml FilAt. lndn Oft,.. hift PtofoMio thAt trifa of CIII.rleA A.dulDo. Iced by o~1C iDdulge"~ ur . 0x....1 ellr...... Keno and violnlty . MI !!ervloet\ to the rl!'iHavioK h.w, t~irty .yelU'l! to a daugbte r ' ill •• ""Ied eD\'clup e, only . Ix ' f.. cen\. . HIRJo:. -Ap rill tt, 18. 7", !\ !!On 10 t h a"l - - •. - - - - •. . of Hr. Hire. nn t:!. Side.' fRrm . The ccle\)ratod .ulhor, on thOl "dmlrnbl e EMa,. cl~ArI.y oIenlonet.... fo •• (rom ft thlt1y 2 . - - - -.~ - - - - - - . - lye" .. ' 8l1coeMf,,1 ptIlclice th.t the alArming 1conlcqu ,' nce. of ""1f•• m.I.'· be r!,dlcally ~.u . A W, 4"" \ lUI.. onred witbout the danlieroU8 U8e or 'DIe'D,,1 AT TO R.N Ey AT ":L Imedl Clue or lb• .apvl,ca'i oll of Ihe knife ; ~~ ~ poluli,.g ...... oulamea ll , o(cu,c a,oo"".l mple, . .& .. eettaill .nd "n"ctuol , ~y moan_ of wWeh e. - -- - -- .".. " E W ery IUneN!r, no matter .~Ilt bit .... odkloo
Throuf,11 "'Iokell' "lid f"rlh~r Informat lnn ~L'~X ' nan h" 0 )t.ained a,.1\ principal Tide' 0111· CIIK ,b",ughou~ tho WeSI, Southw. t and I
OtBue aL ReIoidon.oe,
: "'~~Re•• 1 lie.. 1_1,11'... R..-... 'J",t I
'.'11 1111. 1111•••1 I.
... --
Bon.I_ 1 1
::it~~::. ':;~':.,~~~~ ~:~~:: .t1lan I .
POIPS for sale Cheap_ at"~-
Com e and see us, for you. con 't do b~t r
JJ ~NE John
"lit r St~. Ci ncinnati. :\I/l.lIu (n, \;; I r
re oC LU\I D i:iii\
Ho st.o l'
M",., ...
TI...".. SI""",, ..., ..."t, ''''If,.. t" The Vlol.. t aM 1\ Donap.arllflt Emblem I ho )jJ< I 'llCRIcIllIl: I tbl~ Rower as the~) mhul 01 une of th e poU tlclI1 partlell France nRrrat.e& th e fol\o" II g The Ilrlopll 1\ of th emblem dates (rom the
by Musil Dealers Everywhere
En ORT~ Ire being m Ide In TCllnel<l!(,p to plll!8 l1 LIILe 11\\ ret} IIlrlng all IInm Ir rlcd nlpn Olor tin rt:l' venrs old to pay
AOEm WAliTBD 1ft EVERY ron
allnlll\l tine of ten dollllrs rELLIN (; BEJ::I;
nre not 6110h a n ov
eltr after all A Phl1adelphlR m:m wTlles to the P rflU! thllt from 1841 to 1846 th er was nothlllg heanl of I n Pc nl1 ~J 1 Vilma but spelling matches which were ronduc ted In II very Illl1'CLn e Mtyle OIl ~ IC belUg lidded to tb~ exc r clfK\ll.
A f3nunlF.lI~ Clbl'.('n who prolldly
th o r Illk 01 UeneraJ In tho Confederate ISCrVI CC reccnlly Jow ed the 1 ntt.cd I;ltat..
army III Now Orlw,nl!, 11011 t.o-dllY carn!'! a musket III! a private 80ldler He Willi 11o, coDlpelled to JOID tho &wl-ward aquad Poverty was the call1!e fUEODORE
of 'lhoma ~ or
cbeetra dum whom tbl'r IS no hIgher JOUllical authority In the world says there I\~ no other cabinet or parlor or "raD eCLual to lholle mali!' by the M8.I!On & Hamlin Organ 0 aDd that mu"ltlsns ~ree With him III tbl s ")'InJon *
ELBCTJUOITV IH 111'£ - All nervo I. I . orders, chronic II ,uu of tbe cheal, bead 11> or .(omacl k 10 . yo Rud blood •• be alld r UI 8 ne rVftl S MlIIl ,eneral deblllly etc qlli ckly__cure,l lifter drugs raJ! by " earlng
Volta Electro 8 0118 au 1 "Bnnil. Val uable book free by Voila Bolt Co CinCln llati 0 Noti ce adverlHem e nt o( Ib e ZIOn ("I Ill. Pl1d They hue been thoro lllhly tuted and the gUluanlee or this Co 18 good Ask bard ..",e teo lers 0' harness mlJker'll for tbem
()ppreSalon artnreat1DIfo lI~ache ne",ono debOlt)' are tbe deetl of tndlgellion ODe or two at JUDoilof Parl/Q1!' PUrgalllle Pijl. will gin lmmed ate relief Jo~_... .AlIOdyt'" l ••",..:nt n 9y be ad ministered to cblldren with perfect s u .n CUe.'l oJ ~roup whooping cougb In lIuenra and almOtit Ilny of Ihe IIfteftftes to whlcb they are liable
Get the but. The bel!L E)MtI~ Trlll!3 IS Pollleroy.. 4. Broadway, N Y Write fur it.
~OPIUM ~H~'£~,,~~ koown "nd .01"'1'1 . .medy
for l natmeo t uotll c red
111 lob knet,
l¥O CRAROE e.u 00 or addre81
AKD IE X\ .--- •
~ ~fBER
\\' A ~ ~I"~' ILl E ORl , WED E "DA Y. APRIl
h III III fo l llU\\ !l1 I
1 75
MBER (j11 .
• ~OTF
TOUlVlllu ' Tight.
801 " IT _ ' "
lI.Je ~Ull lItH) ul n
I) I'I't
Ttl ERE IIro now four cill&!CS of bose-b III plovers 10 this couotry Th y IITC F Irs\ the IOgltlDllto ODlM urs, \~ h fee " e 110 fCllIunerlltlon of flny I!(Irt urn} IIlwllY~ TUE long recel' lld opmlon that gllano pnytbclrowntmv hnl!:ellpen eet! second I tb d pOint ofmyrtnd of lieu. btr.slll,
F or fift ee n mil Ui.cM \\ 0 could hear notillng butn confused grumblmg IlIld gro \\ hug such 11a would prohllblr Illutr lr Ile the dOIll tiC convemltlo na Iptcr COllr of /I Inmlly of fullllfO\\ n benTS Th eil th nOl sc r higher Tbere 1\ re HlmckK und ellr I\. I could tell tlllll
peo p\( NJIIC
\~ C're ~l1il1l11g aoollL III <TO k CI \ W 1M tir Jken <\t \\1lJ' n R houl 1\ h~n\y full a
th e regulur stOtUo: compauy pro~ eIlJOUlIU! who ploy for 11Il annlllll IIlIlnfY tlurtl the co-opcmtl\ c pro! !\8lollal~ who bare the prollt- of theIr Ilterpnl!lll! and (ourlh the IlCml profC&"'1 nllls, or ga1.emone, IlJUllteUrs, who do Dot "Ice to be aUed prof~IODIlI, buL WIsh 10 lDUta1.e tbllL cla118 ID the matter of Dlalllng'woney
length Inunn
out of the pme
ifF. thllt )" .. weth lIule dlluht. httlt
hI' paymg hie debta. milo barel, doel
duty and tl I au lI('two Ilt~",led ","Ih no OI()rt (If .Iory
accumulaLmg through long ages II! ren dered ulltellilule by th recent mil tillaII n ~ \). Dr Habel After treatinll tDe guano wltb 1111 Meld mlcroecopical and chemICAl l'saollll&tlflll revealed that tho IOllOluble r Idue W.8 eompoeed of ro-ll poDge<! Ilnd other manne aDlmal. aod plllDUi pre IlIfly Imn.. r In eoDltltutl')Il to 8U h.. un elII t ID tho.e ....
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- 'h~. E. i • • I>nliky nnll It('r . +;;a !.l'ul lh'l' " " Th vh lllll l\'llcock \' i . . - -. , I C·' ~.. ' . ,.' . ' ,~ "ul ~"D~' · "vl!.·'l ··' lIi,·ltlIhr l . - -:\r"(I ;,l" Ilel IIIlI lI lI ntl, y t lU ll) • .... ~" • Mr" • • •• , ~ I for divine "",I);.. P ..t unb -- ~II·~. . 1. C rhl'ltl lnol'r ~ ~n rt· ~ D be" w()nmipo nory ' Flr"~ I k l) . '1 ~ ~ • •o Oc, II' . - II} f'JI'. a vi" i ~ ... \. ~ \, , : .'::'" l'l!',u\llll' lill lfil •• •• 8 W100 lit 0 (\ A. .• tl l l ' ..., . ~ 1 t11 t' L un ·.... u n ax I ' . J . b • 1 l'U "II ,,"nduy j I v lIille: . ~' 'Dri " t '1- U t 11 t' I Ck. '1 '1I ' I1011 ~ ~ ~'- ~ :\,I (.I ' 1l.1'' I I rJ, 111' I F lU E 'OK" ...'IL'~'rl'O ' r .. I'1. . \ ll 1,do,,) •• I .1 .11" I I1I 11l1G WIll, <"iI.OI l' C 1'11/' . 1 111 11;; alll " l1~ Il'" 1'(' lit yell III IndIana. , Ingfordil'iMwor. ILi t'en't:'· Fil ot ,.,,"1 .lIh ,\ I ' ~\c h'd 11",11 1,.,1' 1'· .. 1,,1 11'111'1 t Ie llZelh" I"lI t 1" tY \'l1i - :II :,; . DIl.11 Itas l'l'ccil't'd u F 'lrfllll r ·1':lI·~ thiilE. I:1hli.dltn l'nt h ll<; s C'ptthC'r M JlII'.r l ikl' 1I1idli l WII\, (·omp<!lIing t 'any. of tht>oldett' .. t t l ' II ck F,r-t 0"" n'I''' I IJ.~ , 'I'll ~ll"l I ~, 1\ e" 111 1( . " I . 11i I ' , /!111'I r 1'c·f"",· ' . N . Gl~ " d D ,'y. gtnl l1 l1,f .n[ k "~o . •• l I \\"1" \1/'''11''11 ''1 1',·I1I I'I1I . I·re, . tllW mol' 01 ' I''''ant II lid i'11'!· a ll J he t 1;[/1)\\'11 . 1,,1\',. I.. I,,",' 11'''111 ih I'Ollt,' Itkl' "" enod' Sch""lllt H I ·;" 1\ CUll A. • ~~ . , ." , ., ,~ , ' '1'1 I " I I" J ' I . I d ' '" 11 . • nil a\'(' "~II1~ Clll. IS. u .. E •. IT' , n . Cr . '" , ' 11 I'''v n ' ( ,' '1, .'1 111 \1·'/1 11 ,,1 ' ( " II (? was :l ,II" In.' IOC . IS I r(':u r ' llIn e lit. C il 0"". U' I)ICl:ulli :lJ" $11/' '1'. ~ tl" J ~I f\tl llge r ItUI', tIll ,; ,, !lUI' illig 111 ell ted Il to ..... . IIl' 1\.H - . ... " P'. '~" "' . "~~ ' ''' ' ' '' ,. , III · r ·· 1 1' 1' Ib ' ~. . Pa ter. Dh'iM er'rc0n ' \In/by•. 0,111 kllll ll'lIth dcce,l-cdl"lIj!and 11' 11 . n e · ,,,,I\ 1I II lpVI"II ,r "I ~'V 'l .Y' -Dl'.T. II. CLlrn l'\',wit\., II '} " 1-2 o'clock A· AI .. 6l\.d 71·2 (·.ll . ~uuhllt h 1'1',,111 the \vol'd~ 1;'llIld ill .til l' 7111 \\ 111 11" ~' I hh" u ~ :1111/ \\'I ll tc fI("~'~r 11) SOIl. lit' Cilleilln.ti. epl:1\t t)ullcltlv ~~ ~'U ' f\. 't£(J, -;-~ 2~ ."'1!2. 1~' ~ {) ~~~ ~~~iI' ltChoolat2 1-2 P. lI.. . 1"\cI'cl at lll n:> CII IllU 1\'11 10 .' 1' l;tl. l' ' a ll d ~ l lt'. IOll ked 11II81 tl \' ,II'.. II..IIII Ii\l ra. 11. K IIl'11 cy ncar IIliS : ......:...~ r n n 11 '1IItl't 'r ut . , ) _ l · ... E1 \ OnlllSTI,\S Cnll l~C H - (er. . .. "' . , .' . Clllll'l lllll g. ~IIl Y lll l' IIl1d pl" Hpl'ri l)' 1 ' ._ .____. ",-,' , '0 I, - ' , " ,' -~ .... P stor. P ivi n lJ .,·r, i.·,' "n th" lr" . , .IIId CIII I! ut tlo l' 1-1th \,(! I'~e, IIlI lI Clld,llg l ' I . . t' 'I 1 . I ' P IIC(>. , - --)lAK IN IT TII P.--. h 11 I l' . 'I I ~ " I~ , Il' )Jvl'tl'JII V tIL' 1111'''\' CVIlP e. " s I r . . d rd.·' ' 1' Tl\\r ..)U10IUlmonl. ;nrl "- WILltl\J lllhverSlI, III Cl u:!IV('j ll ll d 1". -,ul'.~1I 11 11 1C "Ctl tlc wlilha\'(' T .1 ...y hno\'u~ .lIo'olook. oV""Y Lor~ .-llllv I t' . d ., . I I • •th ill wee k t11f; II pH bl IC ' sa !0 ot' j 18 ' morning. 011 .\1"llI.la.[, l)f hom;eholu luI" 9" o . 11 ;;0 1"1111 Wl1 r s tl,n ll u In tiC 14t I FIIl<'r U 1"I'1~'I' ·1"r.,,·wil1) Chu",·h ill ("l laf,ttl l' of ·t. J .. bn. fl'vltl the lsI \\' :lv ll f's villt' Nati ullul Hllnk rl" lIilllr lIn \Voduc day, .May 5th, lit ' WBrno ..-'I'", j"",," ,h .'.e(lO",1 ".'1Omb) 0 tlll 3.1 I ' · r~~". ill<.:I I!~I\·lJ . c\.il:cd it~ fir~ t i ll~llI lillC flt uf'hu ll k. l o't1 ' lC'k. 1 "ud' ~"uJIII" n C"'~, mUlllh. ,I::IJor Eli .... . Aft I' Ih" .lI VII . 1I C!1)!,dIOI' a. lld 1" lltcS---$.') lJ ill d. They a rc, lOt' C(l\ll'~ , : --'II'. 11. R E{"glo is IIOW 1m)'· " Gi bth)U. rtl~t ro. f I d II I . FA1tM I'H" OJ>. ~nr:. ~I.I. II), !",I t~'.n . .. r 1'I1" \(.R n ~l II III IlC e' ''I~''l·!:!III1 (1 I1. lik {· th"nlJ " f utft e r lIa ti ull.,1 ba"k.~, cling fur t!t tl W 1.lc:' nILI Ill illill .1'. ' 1' B".llfl ll '!\ '·: 'V jllh,," "rudl , M ""~J' )1"., 11'('1'" 1111'11001, a nd II ~1'I 'at tn~lIy u: l e:we P till~ tho 11 11 m b. ct '. 11'11 '1' h,," , c ,,!, \\' . 1· Thllyer & CP., In Odd ' oil,, \\," 11>.11 ".n the '~"" " 11 .,tunl,,), t IWIU l' til hmced I hC OJ IIPI<I'f lIlI II)'. t" ,,, .VI·"I I. I " k~ VC'I'\. WC' lI .,. d PI' .,;1 ' ( ' ill ('i " " 11! i. of eat·h mOlllh, "t 7 n('I"r,k r moo un I ,'11 th ~ (41]; t;l ,U il' lust I"" k 11 1'"11 rhe U{" . I '" II \I r fourth ~"h ... ," .. r "R'·~' .nto·,rh ",:3 0",·1 -k. I ' h' I 1"1l'11 n t I ' ll otuS. UH \I'l' U, Lite - .uI'S. , u lill '1':i1l 8 ulld~l r..:. ST. :'o r 'm ·. p, 1':. CIII :I!I'II - ('" me r of C.t'II1<lll; 1I1! ~ !' II' It'I, th o IIl~u r :~" ltl ' lI:l lll ICo S. S. Uni ll. ,s 1'l'egi ucllt , Hlld t;l;lt h Evau ~, of ~ i lll· illnati, han' 'rhird . .. ,' Mi.llu i Rlr,' t,. ] 1h;",' 'rl' Vi cr ti\'<"~ f1 l1 d 1t'l el1ds tuo k th eI r 11 11u l ,rllel EVllns Cllelt il'r. Thi ~ iA Lho IoUl'l l ~II{' _ , 1'1' ,\1 D. Hue hel EI'IIII£ ' enJl')' , undo), at ~ 1" I U . SIUl<l "y ·"uhl~,J at I CI~':e.. . . . ,nll' clell ll mll1:ltion this ha ll !; wi ll ill l;l (K 1'111("" . I ] Ite remaIn s we I' UI"luSltt' c1 111 \ ' ' , ' 1 t I 9 A . \!1 V IT.'!!>" l',,"'''lt' 'I'I)(n",,<; n , T''''''' Crr. tho bC:J.utlru\ Mi~In.\ I , meter ' 1""lIl' . ." '~·III~ I? lI rt .r I) t ie gl'l'1I1 - l~,·uu.y lIIad e Iulhiug uf fash- J . . II . ~ d t. t1~ ' c',SI .. t \.1'l.ldlu.:lng. the plnto~. lind) iOllubl e styletl lin ' 01' ltI\ qllilliti ('s I - MllI",i.!:'lruu'. II r :.1 11111. El,IIJf .\ . D. I . ' 10 bUC' llISO tlt chl ie 110' neco '~ it\· fur I . f' I . I Rite 1'1I~k,r. Ph'in a "ervic.. on the .. ntnT· t ICIO to U " III~ Ie tlOI I fl \V . I' I .t r 11'11 pl'lr '~ . "r ~ 3 e III HI'g e a:,;urt. , day ,,~, ,.;. the ~oud ' nnd .. v i n """h. ""u.. '. t.I'IIOIP d,aL ~hll ll wnko c sleop lllg' I I '1: ~ .~ ,,'''1< k. ""d ~ tb,; , ."",,;'d, ""d fIlurtb i' dl'ad, wL olI ,;11l' shull CIIIIIC 1'0 1';11 til .,,:, ~ . ' j"I' ll'e qnle prou V IJUI' lIkl lt lit F unl,ey (\; .1' ~H ild i UO'I!. SU II ,' yO, ~ .0000 7 ""I('olt. . "" . . . ' , '. \ .t) ll e~ VI )fl llk·note~, . _ ~I ' J J T ' I . . . . .. .. W " "o .. & ) . ;0 'I'mVT,.h ir l1 pterti,·p ,'I: : the I Sill I utlOlI ul till! lll CrlS tlt! lUI ' - -_ . .. . '. I. \JIlIiU. !\lIll ey, " r., I~ It C'lllh" :lI'C'~ In ti s ~t lqw ll ll"I1R " 1:1~!l1111I1 1' a ~1'I!:lt ~:ltlllllal Nllt-llral 1~ lnf!,J ll rn. cOlltalO tng the Beauty .. U e II g-i"u", 1m . Id IJIg 1I fJ Ulllltl~Y of IH' W Il'lIce a t ' JlI n i "Sly S II h IiIII it \'. Jra,,~i \,1'11I'~S. I;'l' I',1(' i I\' . u:./.,III I' all d ~n \' :tg-L' IIl'S~ Il l' tlte \\' i1,1 Deast Crentioo. ·, Ever,r J'rl'u,':tiw C,.ml'''n~' n~p('''': 0 1\ ' he aJ Sowr· l;V(,I'II1Ure. in t~i~ '~n,r:L~ ~~ ~ ~k' r ..~i: 1 GI,J gl'llnt tllnt wc ma.,' 1411 itn i· ! Jl:llll ll ll d 11 !1i ,. ti ll'. I' Pl'lllg. .J UIl' 11111'01 tllld clillHl It' r~ IlI'l'l' "I'PI'I'-l·l lt , ·,I -' lh~ ~:tll " I I I'~(" 'I " .. t' A ~ ia. tit.· flll'('Nt" 01' Af" icll,! Ihe ice ·ji elds of tlJl<oP ?'l~'~~.~ !.I'~\' .:. SUlit.i.: "e;;·Cti:~r . " , . tlll e L 'I'. l' XIUI1 I,le: a lld Ulllk e (>111' D-f i \'~n c se n ' i,co ~ill l,e held IS II 11l1Ol11 ,1 tU l'mertur lJl;UtIl C~S ulld , No rth. lit e \,all l l 1/l ~ :tlld ~I nll vll" ,, !, t" "1I11, :\ 11 1" i.. n. II,,· 1:1 ' 1 plaill " ,I\' NOI·th Arn cricn,'fthe jllngles of Indi ", ,-) II I tlt c Ep lscllp:d Ohlll'eh Ilk tl:. i tltl' chnpl':-l"fl'l ot' M.. xi cl' . :tlld tIl\' \,1I ~:tC" JI. Il; " f r~\'I" 11111I' all gi l'CII IIp their natural tl'easu1'CS to make • pl'l' IIIII'1l11 III wltd In lif o a nel 1t C'ld tll. ( -Corwi ll. so tl,atwl' l:! o WI:! ILI·t· called away . I~ !;: !(t t;lInd aY at 11 A',M. anri 4- P. M. ' - )[r . .r. Roberts has tnkuu cn tlll ,let e tloi ~ "ast Z,,"log i('ul 111,1:" ,1..,. ,. ~·V I I wc may a lso loll I'eady to <l epal·t ~1111"U 'y • ·IH'l.1 t~\'o ry Sllllrlay m(.I'Il· chlll'go I,ftlte Ll'llV~lIwortlt, J(111181l8, I - . l is~ Anna Gn.rn r is vi iting ' uud uo ful'lwcr wiih Ihl' Lord. In!!, I' ' II H pr.) mJl~ly:lt Ot o·clwk. DUi l.Y und W e(' kly l'untrn cl'cil1l. l .l , ;1.1 I I' , hC'r si · t\; r. M... K ill:iu ' rhu rstll n' j S. McC u ·K. All are curJ lll lly Hlvlted. · Ui ~ so n, F. ll .• , is condu cting tho , -MI •. AI1I1!I H izu r r(·tul'lluU to . - - -" . Cur":. ~}~i111!11 iUo[mluodll Jud elwnde ut. ' I.' , .. I~ . 11 1'1' home ncul' Ft A-lioi ent "OA· Jaln l' Ft l ' rl/i\lJ [Jl'" I1 Ctt was bnrn F ' - Mrs E I\. 13rown and dnl1~h, ~. II , J ' __ .is 1111 o),'ccl . .lcllt V·t··Pt ll~ )'UII C/ 'lei' 1" 1 \ pl' l'1":a nlI, 0 ' arm el's 'vl\ntl~ '1the (lri '~inlll tor Aal'oll - "B'Ol utnd lN' a nu wilt' ''. ~~~, "'' Iff'\,' ., . tc rd '" 'l\' . .!\fI> II ( . _ .. I {', I II 1 h ~"i~i.,,- 'l)1 . . . 1 7~ ' I 'l " I I /LillI' Ie 0 1'11 h I 0 (lnly t ~ '" ') .... ;.)i I I {.~ , " 9 . teacltcr, UIIJ hel' illIPIIi b""cI IC ' IllId .- (''or II I) 1'1'11 L Cnn A 'n Chan dler and All e n Chan(U er ' l~ ,.' ~JY ';'lJ.!<!!l,n~- · .r .'..-.- J .' v, II 1:( f'"lyelll' ' I .,OJ mUIH .hi ll ll( per 1'eCeLUa d e -~ , BIII ,ny eli posi r.ivn hu\'o won Iter uUyti, II t}"P 1011 Iflvc r. Alter 1111 b . II fIT R '1I C '· 0 Rtl eudl:!u tI,e fun cl'lIl of their rela· ~y. j -\~'" I~', : ._ .... ~ 1I1 :1"Y wurm ffionds iu this cOlUmn . 1OXCl:cUIII~I)' ~!!vere illll c II of ohllnl \111: (t~ rr\II(I~ Eu' o l'd):'IIH• urwl"bl , . tivc. Mr. Eddi e Piul'ce in S Ollth ~ liZ \ ,~",..,-' ~_~.;-:t.. . w"- :':?,.', I t,\'O wC"·· {I"nll I d I' ~ . 0 (I i . WiLl 0 , arvc) IIrg £'1 I ' ' II ~ I . ~I.., ... n ity I ~ ~ , ~u I P l'I'S\, 1101 0 1' '-' lur c"tOIi yl' ~t"l'(ll\y , ' 1' ..I I ~ - ~"'~i<o;;~401 "" fr ulll hj~ suflCl'ili g ' H"' V 110. " • . 'ij:~ .~ , ~ ~J "~ , .~ 'f"'''? -- ~T :ss ak lll ll. (If T."hn non. l . . : .e \ ~9. a:n -.. . , -" Ir~. D, h. F"tter & Co. ha vc :o~ ~" .r1. I{"~ , ~ '''' ',"" .1 ;: .. ~ ',;"'< 'W Hcl u g ncet ofMillc!M. Luu1:hvrnp 1,III 'lOlnlllld'UIIIYt ~ 'ntd"t l ~lll ltl lUI h.II"1 Great Bar~alns 1-- rccl~ivcll II new Int of milliller y u~t ~--\' .J; '~_G~ ···· '\ I ";',' ,.,i~( ~~: ;,:,\,J!} :; ng e . I . 11t re 11IIIe liS 8 U Il ~ e!l tl C d II ~ I ' I' I h . i '\t= " .i (. ~'"', . -. I tI H. I.' 0 I' a lMa ader Be. Jan- !-(lIlll ~. l\llI n n~ 1\' 11 0 I l\] tty e lIIell ', ' ' ~, "I I \. ",J/' /r,' ,.,.,.. I',,:., ,-. ~.{ y, T~ . 8011 I u:!t WC{I k'. 'O l - Mr .TI\m Gihn l'y !tne O(>1'm If " UR ·.! C h(J°I' ~r .Lln C I) 1I ~1 ne t . fi Lwn l'd 11 ol,lo ll di ,1 lillo of' hilcl",'Il's {'t' I i:..;..j·, .~. 1'" ~ " 'J.~;-' -. - . . • . ('Uu I(II • ,run!; II:> 81' k·lI e.. ~, Ill" Y --losh vv . 0 In orm I I I I , .' t ' ,I I I' J • 1 • \. , ~' , •• ' sOllt tu~I LlI'I'"w' t\Jr·tt!! wdll\, ~ · IIIR ' t J ' . h lilt 1lI 1\ ~ 1IIII IIlICt gun' t! . Hill I ' ," •. , • ••. ' \'. . l ... . ) ~ \vall C IJme ' 11 ..., () Slll g COlltll1 - t, e Publl ' C th t th I· I' . . . 'I ~I i ~ "I\~!"~' ",-;'place in th o It.\ l'lYrul'h I.flje;c i fill· 11 , . I Id _ 1 I '~ AI a ey IJt Il'l 1I " ,'l' 11(~ !l . wl ll ch call1lLlt lal I' \' } , .,' .,' ~t:\&, IoU ,; .>~ cd hy u AIr. W I~ill! of C\!uurville ' 1l ma; ULl )' . 16 J~V U " SIIN a· a.re still offering the tll pl ea. u a ll \\ It" tiP~' th e m. '~,~,I~ . j," " .::' \ ; ; . -",,' -:.. ~ , ·\ · tl ' IIg, fYltlg t!S Ujj. .I: U illig scem ~I I ' W. . I ' • ''I, . , '~]>;;. ,-O~lr s.chMl ci>I,!'u I !l.~t ~~e ~. e~ t? l':\$~ ft 'R pUill . 80 trlll 'l ll as best. inducements to .-:-:-.'. I'. '. h,:\RtC:~ ', . llltn,rn ~~ n ·~t (l~1 )~ .' .~., "((jJ'" 11, e llllbChll!\'OIlS bV~'8 nrc del l ht· dlll glllg. TIII'Y 1\11 thllt~h t It e was Ipurchasers in th ~I ,I I",~I ftll~IIC 1.l st .:\ c~k .. ,HI .1.1f1·1 ~"q '~ I ., I ,. _ , ' _ ' ; edat.thep'·06pcctofa fU11l'11I01ltll' bcttotll' ; C\'CII tllo, 1' 1t'~iciall huu nil ' , e l r ttc:d " ,~s l l.',nFi~IlIl , t..1 1 :tn~I:'C,..+{ I(:II . . t!}. ,O~_ ~~ \ : ~·:L f ... ""/.Jkl~: i "/lClltl on-n ot Su the paroll ts. 1 11,1'11I'('lloIIAi l~1I 01 denl" . Hnt oll jDry Goods and 010- 1I1 "1~~:,~ 1l111~1 k, '- ntf"l k, 1: ctt' l n lllll ~, - - ~--_-'_--" ~(jjj) .. ~ .!;;; ' -::ml ,~~ ~~ . _ l{~fj'~ -8. l!. Th ocl )lHu n h~8 pUI·cl.'lls. , llttlrsdIlY IIIght he Wllij ,\kell ,:i til t~lng Departments. l~J 11I. 1,~~~8h"IU, .~N. 0.,) an:1 ~lll.'~ r . _ , _~-;.-: - , ~;..~.., ~~~.k,':,i;....._ ed nnd moved l1ptHl hl~ I'rl' ml ~"~ ~ la~m8 a nd ~P'l" V \l'urtic I'lIpldly GIVe them B,. call !lIt ~.~ "~ the : ,\Ith, and enJo~ed "-n.:..-o. .4-1 - . ';,,;I.~.&<t' 11 building O' VIIL>cJ I)y Mr. Willium ulltil Friday, UULlllt 3 v'cluck., he ' • _ _ __ • 1I~ t li P Im lll'· tl~l· y , (;ur~na~"; whdcre Ihl e k~drtl ~ r~f'~'~I' Lk~ :;:;~:~~~"'~.~~~~ i.l~~~~(~II~llIdth~}r~~t~ ('II~!~!I:CTJ()N.- TI le \('r itel' d s ~l'es cn ....a:~!:;· ~;. ~;'f!'i:~~ ~\~IIt~III~n~i~~t~'I: ' is ,:q.J CLC witlt H,tn I'tl ing enl'in~i. til'~'. ~1.lll is lin III pror i'nOl o~ t! IU rflrl'Rt. co ll cc t ion of lllltnrul 'wond ers, ancient ' II I, nc I I' II I lIC to C" II Cc t It SIIlr.:'llelit C(lIl CICrlllll~ . ,.,~{. U., ,. I 1'l·11l· ~ t\ I.L"lIll1llt IIl1d '1 1'1'1,anlcal 11'1111/ '1 ./1" w,ll , 111:\111' 11\'I llg \l'1I 11 dt'I'R . prl'l ar.:u to 0 a tolll ithi ng in collllcction w j th h is' C'yc:~ W~l'o C OSC( In t lC list Ivug ," "I' se lHlol s mud o Ity t Itc pHI·t \' "'ltv 1'111: lc:sS I's'l l'I~PIll sJ.l ewe I'Y stul'C, I 'I' ll'\<: HI))';\ L ('( '1.1 :41·: I' '1 1'1'1 '';(':1to; 11) '1 ' :\' II <' W '111.1 ' II ,vc l I J1" 'f" "IIl '\Il~l'q Illld i ~ a faithful represcntation" ' I sle"I)' ., • tl . ,.J'>. t" II " L ' · . c t lerc II t oatilI' ay to tlll~:lgl: . . • .' ' ." :. , "" . . oth el'I)hu-illess ~. . I Ilall nevN beo n my Iut ucf" I'o uVUiI '" , IIISH \,111 c ; os un6111~SS·III b . ' 0'" at "1{"lIll'- ' J I" r~tl'l' l llIl ,Col\'' .111,tt 'i!ut alld. 1t'01ll her thtone ' \\r I ,. 1 I t I It r 11· . ,. h . 1\t!'III CSS 111 II IC I1II1I\ to.I. ~ 1I'l't. , of. Itill: nllt"l l' " t d1'1',,1111" 1>1'II' . tll "'" her :'Ie \"(:11 hlll ~ I 0 I. 11 et IlCtiUoy liS, ~ !1um ,er . .. . 1 '1'1.11 ITc.\ 'S IIl CO liT t ~Oll! I\nlI I' I<.! a ~all t III 1l!:lI "randest . g. f IIIC P '('1' Ie I lav o W .,11'0 . . .lt'v rill" . 1111' . \\'''''. ' ' IlIlrl)du r lllg tl'OI , .T 'I'~ tl'.1I1I fi. n' n",'Ll lt " nti,1I18 or til e curtlt. It 18 tIle <> o r ollr •gllo,1 III( I'les gat. I1el'cd lit . t IlC ' to . III vk 011 ulle B,' . dl\'lll ,11' . bIC.tlltl" ' IC IIUI.I', I· lty" tl •cman ' II! 1\ I . . t UXlllltltlllll "I caltsthl'" 1l1 " J1fl1'l ~ lIlId CXl'I" " ~l'8 (, \'l'1' ne .. " IIlnll)' ~ Io n,,·. , nn : ~, :c a le IlUIfY 0 !,olll e of ~1r. nnu MI'. ,TvL II ,trcer tn"l ~o 1III1fCllflrtllln oC:<Hlt ho lno kcd' l nnt hl'ell diR.'lIti"lh ,u with th · mnll· f':~1 I TIlE Et.,),I; \I;::iTi{IAl\ { ~();\(ll~ b::) ::; is nil uri.rillal lclI tlll:l· li nd 'LUurnccs Ihe lelld ing.cqnes trians ·of tho ' \\''1rkl.· .." tu IIgngc in tha t use ful oecn pat iOIl. \l'lt ~ II ll:uuLy n .. t t>~ elll·th. as 1.1l) I nor ill whic h onr sc lllllI l" hll\'o uce n ' o~e 11111 n~ 1\ CI,IZ 'II. our ,"rou...
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hoI\' to eo. rtain LeI' gUt!ots alld 1/11 8 dca r fncc, 8 1~1'f\)lrn" ed by pI'OHJ.lO l'UnS cOlldition ul' 0 l r scho{ll a. IIIg Il. few daY.l ut Mt. '.1 111111'.1;11 h ]' I:l'J!are a good 'C/illoer. to.0, , 1 1t~l o ol .g olllc,n hn~l', und bl1nU K Inll ' ~vhic l.' Illw ~ (!ollti nn e~ .to ft\)nri~ h 1\1 1'. ~c~. M.ycr .llntl I~Jlly . 1ho), 1 ' . I 1. G S'I I li 01 ~ n o "'y 1.lo~""nJ . J III ~ r" te ot th e oppo. ltlOn of s nch depmt lor t; lIlphu r Sl'rlng8, 11 l' lIry :- ~; . s ~o. I t'J'" I~II eon ~p. , Th o fu li eI''' J scn ' i('cR II'CI'O held pAni cs all w icld LnL~s kllu ck les 00., Ind .• wherlJ th e.v in tcnd nll\· is cll mpnAC'd of th o s hilli ng ligh t~ of lito Arcll ie I'I·oti'~. io n, cmbrncing ovur fift.,· first·class perrormel'8 . Pj'ItlI C( f :\1 c. lre o~ 111 , t 10 l at Ihe Ii ree Will Bllpti t (;10 n rclt , ' aud uthE:r 1iku weBI'OI Ic!. V 1'I~. king th ei r futu rc hOUle, abl.nt thc I'll E Tn A I NED ":'i I .\tAL D I::L' A I ~T,\ I E I'i T i ~ Il chHl'ac lel'istic lentil re uf tite, G rcat Ellropell.o Show.. T' ace 0 : :. ~:.n.. ~Ii:ROKKE . , Ilnd WNC conrtllct(ld bv tlt e l{C V. \ .______. _ fil'st of , May. illLrlldlwillg Il'IIim"1 El cphan ts, ('alll l' I~, Li nll ';, Ti ,!-Cc,,';, ZcIJI'!1.~ , Lcopnl'lld, Horses, P onies, Doge, GoatS nod " A CAI ln - To th(' kind lIei~h bll rs I A .. }.1. Si WOli tO Il of nlaDc~lcdt~l', Th p J1t1llllli(' Jl/,," tlily for May ' Ilr fricnd P. A " Wri (l ht, Ofl M nllk"~·Q . I,,:, ,"(!'ht to 1\ cl l'w oe of Il:a l'll!lI g hn:·t1 (·rin'· I".' t h~' mnrvclo1l8. I T I,e thr!1lln~ BALI.OON UA.( E II'd l I :~k r' I""C/' dntl y .It:UIlI th c sltu,y Iut at 1 P. M. T \vo mammoth . nnd fril'l lllR who so ldnuly um' will ' l nS,~ 1 8 ted h.Y the l~v. N . S . UOl'wln is.a. \'C'I'Y :.l l tract~\'c IIl1rn iJC I' CUll , DII~' I(l n , tn~(~e IIs ·a vcry p~earln~t illgly ~fln' me their n~pi t\ta llue und IJt Lnvclllllll. ,T xt, .J ameR, 4t h l tlllDln~ arLl cl t's It'u rn Ldllgfeli llw, call I~s t E nduy . . 1\11'. WI'lght IS Ral.I" "'!", tlo.e lu .r !-(~~ 1. e \'cr t;'alllltl' ctnrl',t1. \l'tli j" ., hl.all l'd \\'~t l,l Itn.rn~n ~ \}ll1 ga, ancl Mcend to the ctO\~d8, nod '. Hrnpath,' ill 111" tl':'ri bll' aflliclillll , cliaptc r Illld l .. th verse: W" el,\;\!~ \VllI ttlCl'. .lLLIIICS l{nilscll L,,\voll, tl'U\'etlllg fel l' tlw UlglIl' IIn(1 tob,lcc\) wh ol sllll 111101 I,ll' 1·" 'III ... I ~ III a mce. ril l! WO lld" I'11I1 OI' I'.I.O l ILOi:\: 01' !:3tcum Car ' of. tbe ~uae8, ~e , u'nu ucr('·Cl \·C'1Il1';lt. bcl:,l'e nllcl ut th l!',.l·c k tlLl IV n ~.t \\'IIat !l1t.1L1l UO o u t.lt: T. H. A lcl!'idl , J\J !II'K T\\'Ilill, W . D. establis hment of U. 1'. "''' rig ht & lou d ·~ t uud clI"tli ·",t :'I11I <!lcn.1 In ~ !nl1ll () nt. ill 11.11' ",,"'Id. will ~ll'J> C:l,r i l~ th\'l gl'Cllt, Mtl'CCt pageant; Q:fId · ~ i~ ' t illlo !Lilli allel' my belo"ed Su ie , :"~rro\'; . l',)r "'hILt IS Y")tl r ld o? ~IIW C1I 8. ulld. oth cl' able wl·itors. 0"' ,. f · Ha~ton. OUT mcrc llllll ts l pH8~es . t, III'OIl /!! ' tllf' tl'('C!-, \~IU dltlCo'lr,c It!l wliol. w"l rd lll l:S,C. ~1lE. l'H~CE:-;~I()N rn~d e by thfl EIi+O-l: ton k hCI' deplll'lul'e for. lltll r\·a.1019· I. 11'1 ven n. vllpor. thll l app~nreth . Th c A It a nt H' was nevel' wore wdl tiud till S yn Ull g gentl C' mulI u I p ~tll.' I.: hll \\' 1\'''1 h thl' ti.n e~ t CVt'I' RI"C'II. I\. m l~ lIg tltl' pr '1 II IIIl:llt I 'all1r l,!~ WIll 1'0 tho Chr. I·lot of Oheops,con· ,.1' gl ry: J otl~ I' 'on m \. hea rtfclt lor 11. short t.1 me and th en vltlllsheth \\'I)rth y of I'ntl~' :llIg" thull it i at P .IHc_ and rul. iahlu I'c[ll'esolltuti ve l ttlln Ill!; the Ur ';It Ih ".:ll'lnn Uaml.1 T!l bl~'H Ii 0 <11' A u ro m . h 'u.I·i 11~ ?n. ib'I ~,I.tr" 11 ,i t, ~ I u llo. Sl~etti, and croueh- .thu l)k . 1'11'1\ I' !lccrpt Ihem . Th (" II\\,~IY, H.vtllu · BUllg weI' - ... prllsell t. ..'! a YOUI'. F1.0. H UlIgh. of a Nv. 1 hou de. eu ut her fe"~, 111 IlC IlIiU .'1111' .1lt.rllll l<!J., \~oIt jlPPL'iu' II IIva~e BI'azdl,nll 11 g-1'1': . A dl'?ve .of Elephants a~d ! rllIIl 1I1brutl co (.f )'UIIl' killdll o. t. "~l! " " ",:. knu~' C>lch olb or ,},crA/ IUId' l tO il & 00., Hosto n. I, ••• - -- um('\;>.. IItten <lcd h.\· IIlttlVC H i'll !),; I' rHIlly 'l" 8hlle lIntl 11111 pint gl IlR~ d~'11 of p·rt'\l'ml ug . S.crl1ente, ~e mo- ",ill ulw u~: ~ rctlmin lott· ' 11 ill m ' ,,\\ 11" 1'0 I . O UI' '~"rlll: !! bllby n lll\' f ' .! This· sCCli ~n will do We' ll if it l C1r 'at MOI'lach" scat 'o[ lIll1iu:-It II ci on nt' I-..hnq all.) Ti gL\I'.'. np 01l to vi ew. Tlto Miniatnre MCllagt'lrie. Min, ' lU 'rROr~'. · :I.:II.L Mo OlE. l1 >was, ~l1rted In the Blunches· ()lit'~r ()lltic'.v J[ag az(' lIe Ii r pl'nllIlC'~::I n <tU ll~'1 r of u cro~ , of , ilLtlll'C UllgCS r1 mwn by Q nccn ~\Plb'~ P airy <JhMi (lt,.c.Lrrying Kinr( Udl'lvin and I,id Bride; f,I\loIVcd by . ,_ •• ' tor rcm t r . May would thruw 1111 the young wheat. the C')1111I1g hlll·o\.·e t. lh e rl~ ~ 1'ACl~S' Th will h n. UI ' 'ling al I\d· A ,'alh I' an rl mothol" nnd bhJth · ' folks illto ec~l~cjcs, coulu It ~,\' but field s h \V e Iwc n drclldfnUy dlllllllg . "\, - 1 .\.. V ' - ~A" ~ .~ .' w Illld r'" H all II nl'xt ~I In lay cr linti VCTItI 8i"tcl'8 m lIl'~ hil! '8OO it. Lee & "'h pluld, ilosto n j ed by the late cold tl nnp. a TI ,l' (·' 11I~. (.f u1l ~ ntiollR 111'1' \,n,i ng "1" 'lg til t, lill('., lind ' hl'in~i n~ lip ~hl' rClll' wi ll II Ille wonderful : 11ft ftWOIt li t :: tj·cluek. tn ml~kc IvA . 0), I wllat cun be aId to 3 a yuur. . . I . _0. ' ~ (~U l'niC II. III'. ' klllil Cal' ul' th o ~ll1 s ~ : ,th' \ 'h,,1 l;"'m i ll~ it il[£) I'I,,,VU i)AXOR~1MA OF O.b11t . III n rrllll~,. tn.('lltt' 1l11l1I1tlll c .1} . oomfilft th ~m? N ev'l' agllin ~ill l .. 1\I'O,Hil1 l:\J~al'c1 n9 1t:l\'eall hc~ n 1,];'lIiJ.r U ' /'f. IJ: 'fUOR, .N /~·A I r.r TlVO jJfjLES lOX O.' . ronlli\lll "f . "Idier;; gra \' . All thoy henr III httle busy p6ttcrlllg Th e ?h~ Ptl(lIU7 l('ol .Tolll.nat laid Illw hy thll colu. WhCII \I'll! 0 N E. TIC K ETA 0 MIT S TO ALL . h Ollllr.lhh· .Ii 'Ii" rgud 'uldior ' . 1f et or lisping tougue' null can f~I' ~ny IS tull of . 'xl;cllcnt; II len· ,. IOlltl (Jl'ing' !'enlly com~? , . . I:.n • .. • • . 1.1 lIlt : wll/) ,,- I th ir f"iNIU I.ho, holp hllt.le 1 U8 it' nil light ttflc. bil'f;l'al'h ical nllil litorllr 1 0- - AdlDlS810n l • - - •• - .- . - •• uv Cents. Children under 10 Yeara. .26 ·Ots. d ,lrl 1= IH' I '.1- I\: 1"\1 r ~RI'I1 U8tl ," und ,i l'" har!. 1(0 ri 0' 0 11 til' t~6. hOIl 1f!U.tt 'I': $~ R YCHr. S. It Wells. · ,l\.lIothcr S!I O\\'·",t 1·1l1. lu t l II 'i t .f .• I, COt. I Wt. ~I h, I{'ft hC'Ul! Bill tl~ ~J11I:· ti:,'w ) ( 'r~ \\ ,·d lil'. 1111 IIi ' iii . \ W ,· ' . . , .~ ., J.. , '&'1 . ,,. • -, • • • ' 1 • ~ . , ,tl ~ . .-. -- - - - -'-_. .. _ __ _ . . • .__ " _
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this II • i e olulne 0(' II II ire IIt'W editlUD uf The Il\"l·rlt·v ~. 1\ .·111, II~'W' ill e.m" lit' puhli(' ;Ii"" II,· T. B l''''I.'N't O , ' Ur ,th.-r. , I'hil,l.IL 'll'hia I,."ill': II, " I' " 11 ,b: T Qml -E •• t.r I. \ lilL tn. " ,..,.". 11. t-utitled H 1 ), " 1' ..... 'II ' , ',. ~I "~I' 1'. l i~ .11 /0: II ... u lIlt U ll ,1 .. n.tt , fljl 'ioll ,i/l' tl., · J,,'/I,' III .,t T!.. II";,· nll.I ,·L"rL. 'I'll 'I ,. I{I "~rl;1j J.Y" ..d •. " udl b ' lok i'i Wb, 'r i- 'I ,' I.", " •• Tv .·I/o!b, ' •
uf t/lrI IU j( h.lei- t hi h mc in al · I. 1 • -till... ,,,"l .. h, .. u Jl n., Ilvrllia au)utth e I r> t o f'fl· .~ 1Il11ll1h . print.;d frolll pln i ll, d ea r . 1"pE', ill l', 1I.' r~ .. ~h. I f·.I , un ' h~ 'arl ;I~' [ ~ ~'i ll I'i~it t J[' N,· \·;" lu 'j)\'l,'r 1') 111>11.' c.- ,I 11 lUll. Jl IIII 1.', Ich w nrk i'l " ,,, n II •• : 1:. l &nill\: i ll III~ r.I\II .. ; w ill'l'r' lhnh ly , "1Il',1 c 111'1'1 ..... in "Ill' lal~., ,,"a \' " AII~' I ,. d. "'I. ", '11\ n",:. ll.·" II. '\'I!II U i.x ''''l'itd, t In" 'I , ~ I.)l·' I't'el V,lllltlk '. I'·I·tll . . .' iI \ rl., •• " 1" .. ,· ,1 I "" AIlaALI,. . " . \ ' '" / 11,,-1, '" ". I · \\I,,:t~ .1lL:itu,ld uHU ... . t Ao"',,, v l LI, ..... 1\'·1' :fa iIII-!: in tlillt ·' ,"U' ...·. ~l r. Lllk ill~ (,1)1' ,.. IIt1li will Il' tOIlII'Il 'II'" ill I . ,o.•.!, \1lI''''~ Ih. . .'I.) I i~hl '" I, is HII "IJ lIli II ' r. I! . loft I 1tr\'l'.\" ·' t II'L'II r,t' . ~i \'~IIII IIll'''. Ht 'I' \\" ." t ,. Ih.. r'l" '\ . \ ~r "i. ,h. 1. t, 11 01 0." , Cl iO ' r,1IL. r I, ll II,,· 1\ " ... U~l'g 111 1 CI'IJ,.,e\~ t itl' pll1il" CI' !I ' , ,:i 'h, tlr Itil·'· D,·n;lI·. f' l II. · ,n,' A,, ·· "'" b on . W. ,,,1 ·tII II' lI h O.· ·f.cUIU'< ",h 'U It tUllk 1:1I1l);: '1I 1J1ld ... ~t. Tlt i~ b till: CLl',11' 'l' rnin Of ~ m"I. Ih u~h t h~ • nd I..... " "J ,I, II" " ' ~. ,,," ,\ .10.. II,, · :15 tI t .k ' ",I" d It , ....,-- 1\ to. ' " '. I HI ' II IlIlllI I U IIlU '.1.' II IU tI·I~. DrOullht inl ~ '1110 fruto _ """"" ',"0: • "... Wil e II ""'ll " .I · ~\f· Ilou •• · , U IU· . ,·~t U~ \ " I"ti~ I.·. "I .h I u " .•• tl'i tltv () III.I' " "111,1"'... !lItI 'I<I ' 11"'m.. Flcotaof 11,· Ihr''''ght lll' r~' 4U 11,," ;11 ."~'I! 01 ,h,,· · I be II IIg:""'d III tlte trllnlll>; hu~i Ed ilillllilf Th e II , 0# WU I·er i.·\· "'1·\,1 Ohll , .:,.,i .. '- f.nd ~o. a"d '\I.. Bro ugh l him arl I" milt h "" Ih th ' 1 1I l'~'l ill 1I0rtbu Flit "1' l'L~': ' 1'.\ I,TI~ I ru UlllifUl' lIi u. f r 1}IIhh,,11 I i ll 11 .14 ('(l n ui l'Y, II~ But he t'ount ,t n"'l ... win i"e it r lJ . II ... : 23 J (? 1[, Trett 'on . 1) ( thL' n.r .. ('1 or fllI,in; 1II't!. :,1. ". .., :,' :,,,,,1 <1,, .•. • ", Ii : JIi . ~ , tl uhr ,1\' '".''' ~ ;' I I,· 1'~ '01 t · t:,n I (,!"nlaill~ u II th u Autlt ' lr':! ~ "t .• ; a" \l' .,' h~" F I l lIel 1' 1 ,"'. ~ III.' H,'ar . ." W h.t i. wAIlI~h~" th ij ~ inJf woulllllli . 1,,111,' " of II,,· ' '''.i ll.·.. - "\Vo dfOI'J.lt'd int,) Dr. rl nm'~ w dlll 1I1111i~ I II~t ('1l1'r 'c ti nR , .. IXyon tW.tI.1& H p iU . U. \\~~ll'".' ,t fllld ~.nl( ••",1 ""t>l l ~ I,' '''''': t , ~o .. j;1 , ,'O f{1\ ~j>; 11 1"11 F\lI~ ol'llg'bt ur('ulJ ua,YIII ': lV ill tl'l'.llntl l "udi t i'II~. Atl hi.I:,w I_e. l'ric , (>I· ,'r~ 1 " ;'t.',,~'~ l.,",of, th~l:"·"J.; ,,"'ic···n.; : A!' ril~'h . 10 t ho r vel r lh O')lIrt , ~e f' lIIl1fl Dar NI Hnr l'llI 'ellted b.\· unu hlllliu g·t II filII ti ct uf ~It· B,,,, n.! I'>.' O,.ldc" P"I>' . InK " lid ,·ho A t ho ~cllith o f t1 \t· ~ p., rt. tl~ ~tlt l' ~llrl'l l11u/·d by II hlllt'·uuz - , \ Ilv.·rlcy L u \·!.!I. Ilt '! II ~" >' \~ I~~ •. h "m"n Ih. paInt, ,.f till hl_ flUC I', '", : WIlIl- . all I 0 I II buy wJt n wel'll II I'~ill~ hi ll l t" til .~r CII~ d ll h)' r;llIl ttl.lI~ l"~' Bu", d w-ith r.lnpJ)in~ tit lu!iC ,tt'8 , t,;'~I',~';:::'~',,~li'~'iZ,ngo l~ ..... "'''g otod :il) I )·r", umid hi,. n){.. lil].t ",in,., ('II h o ,'I " B ulll dlr .. t fhe e1l.'ur:· LJ ull ur III I k lll'l' . Ill'r h l',,1 I C,.. ... d.·· , IO\'1l1tr h'il IlIt" .11nduo I { n l",r""" " '" or un " ... i. r nf ,10" I·r"'"",· 1 Th r., wit WQII illin g 0 11 tit 1;.. T . B. PI!! rOil & Br" 1111111. 1" 0 ' .c, ,:uol . I.ku loolO 'ltr a (1IId,. lh I'~, P I,," 'Irf' ftOln '111, hut nlit. to ~l4y : 110) . Oo x; . , 3U (" .' u," •• ,.1"" ,.".1 ( .. r Ih., \"'"' ' •. ; \\ ," " '11.-;0: 0 IIJO il' s' lo t' th tov f te l .1 Ph ila le l p l tiv o n r 'c,.i li t o f w lli ,It • Even thi M.h ull I.lI\:t\tt "",I&i ,'" 1 I I, Il I! C, \0' l ~ fHeM El :rAL" ) u I r"1\ " ,"l S,,, ,,( " 'd" . I" "'" ,I ,.,,· , L I ;t!J , I , 011 1> flh.u CIJt'c ul iul' \\'illk " f bi .. . till'." wi ll, I "',Il ..If, r In 1',,101i,' ... 1... "u II,,· I'r,'''1I", ' . ill I! II d ' lI 1'1111 _ J ..t vi' ,It !' LAdy 'toirtl8t over" It 0' " , '''.. l )f".""A 'olh·. ,' n , ~ milch us t RII ""'0 uh eud tl\'l' llty ' ' ix \'(J lu lUcs I H' r I' ·tlll'll (,f C l mlllll h for hit, brltlM ~ntr 11'100n. o"!,,, .In l." """ ( fn.,,, .,,1 01,.:. a~ r) ~ A,'I/ ' }t'ri-day , 30(/. ]') '1.11 _1 II/'; Cuuohod npon tbf m n rri UIl(' l"Ht, C;chr.,· J )url'l.': lo ll thl!l n It ... w It wnt! UOII<'.' rna •. )IV I' PllI<l . tv IU I he Ptthfi R "to Murce.lU, " uny o ue, t u lilly \'~nll iin..n t Ilc!.'" ,. Wr. is l)(J rin~ to hi. ~,, "1 , loA ... ill: 'l" . '1.... . ,""'rd. III , ~() lit e $tc u'y 'Vil t l, 1J. I will CIl · plucc. . 1. il, ( ,'0 j .i. ~~~~§i.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!!~~~!! • \1, '" \' }l p·t(O r .. , F .. r ,t Rt. n l' , "Tho ug h u brul, 'f""'''' IW\"( r I'r~Bifoo §!~~!! 1 d . .·il\· lJ r til ,,"\ VC it n ~ Hear u.s J call ' ~~ I t ilt. f Hn'r t'~.r.' l l ""',oi l ,.d H,·; &! , : .. ' tlf' " ,,'., I ':: D eurot oooQm Iv hi. 1;,.".'. 1. , · 'Ih i nk (If )1,· ..... om tIll! ~. £,., .... v \\" .lIfl . · I .\ I'lrl "! III J'ru"1\1 11t d .... 1'1·11 . II • ,~! I tt t " d . I I, t II Mortal tlt..tsh m ll.wt ('ll ln e t l, (11u.y : I !' lII e n! )er &I) . ! f'm r' (' r llU e ~hrcll: \ ' ft!4 \'; .e 'I I'.~U C W') I' " a, It I :lit !\', . <, I' un", "', .r '\" . II tilt' 7\ i ' rrll r \' ,.... ~ II I R~ n 9 • )1,·" ore ,..uch itce"""f"S : 'IRV \lolkn : II . ;Even thitt IihuU V '~'\ u\V"y.~" 2 ' II . . • . . li t ttl' I " I WIIl! re I/lIN I by .1 r. I I ; .: . . ' . Ur1'l 8. . It " ',,!"J1tt\lI t t:' Itt H. .. t tl nl r n·j " lj lo diU' _ " ""II ,e "",~' M "o\: . was u long time IIg ' l: ill I , . ~tI r,·.,OJ Wa n.,,·,/I" I" i · 1 S:lfITU - AR II E H .- ,H Iho ,...,i.I" n , ;a llell., Uarl'''ll· )1 " ''''1 Fi J!hti n,!t on n ( urh,1ui {((t Id, It ',I1,· :J '.IIII .... ~~, \.u",~.·" , W,I."" . . '/ 11 . i\fill~, II "n,·,· K. . ' . ,1 :;. ~:. f I I ~ I IIW} ' 1 fr/'t. flo , '.. 1 rl' II1l'tlJ uut' 1'I/o!I.1. I 1',aS nh,,"t " L'~ >tI, . '.. part'IIr.;. OIU'O Il ju. \'elill piun,,: tld h i,. ",hi old. B I I I ..\ \',\hUIHU~ 0 1 hit 1*. ,\ ,111 '~IU, 11 ,,,1I\lh, 40 , . °m ·.J I ~ J. r ·1 r I n ~o r ' II., II " l' . I, .. ~r~, "" 1'1 .s ... , ~ I h"n ' l. ~f, I"die ';rn";tt1,o, M ,; Inth. III ' ',"" ' l' I(\"'f S"ldi,''- with ~ 1011,11\1111"" 1. lJul1')lIvh H. J lli n tli~. AI'ri t :!2d , I ~-. ;,. h · " 1 , . " , :ll"'~: ", : ' \ ": I'" I •' ., fl'I 'r'IlV Il l r. p UIOl I') r 0 f II ' I '! I '1fi Vcard u IIt '~ II u ln WU'i ,,: d"r tbn V I '" ' h.'I1 , ' . 110.. him h!.','dlng to hi, tent. d\ ·1' • T':' *1 \\~illk \ .,1 h't,t l illp: .' tnr~, tn ol"('\'rlud " ,cAhill , J: t'v . J n !\ .... J ', ~ \ I l 11 ~ '. . ,I riO i"t.',, :Q k ~IU I t 1 ( ' . ,. Il't:~k l ' • '1 , T he re , ':\"1 n, ~I ' -I'i i('k li nt Gn.)"flin g r r(1I11 hi~ t l'rt In' u ,.hle, . n UI ~jh f", '0 Cltu,.d, ..\lr fl .... ,,," r. ~",ith!" )Ii ," ~i ,' r ;: TIoe 11~~;:iRncl )lni,lrn , ROIll ' t ,-here I,rf. J\ ul'vi u Il u W li " •. UII IE . Arch er. tlaught :/I.e : 1\ iI ••oI •• ~i1 ' ~ H l)~i D i:. h,' rd t 1 b ar:' till to..ri rt : r r ./nlm Archer. E .... j, "dn nndltUtl. mt.re M I tie KH lf1, ~tn\'lf\th, itO r ~. It'" ,- , - t) n'··ll llr,1 c.,,\ -h In 1 L"., . f\lI "-1 ' tie I I'arlll u WIl U( 1 I. J " nut \fith pnli oncp.. 'Iny y d·u y. uy aI''' '' f Ia ttuu I I II 1 ' 1 4 I tl,, ' .1 ,n U n"·"II., , "",I '"1. -11,/1'01 ' " II • ..,r.:.'I:" 'Evon thi••hRll pROS .. WIl)' . ..• 1·",1. I ""- \~. "V"' . lJ'IIII"' r,' 1,\t,. " ." ,II '. n~~ ' I 1 I I'· tJ' Jw f I ' I JI f • ri ll' .... coto), I Lt\)o~ i· . R.t \' d'-I '"htclll.!r . J nm ca ine ~I.r Our hU II "Ie ( 1)(' m i l!'l1- t . 4 11 I'lt , .. rllill I !t \ I t .. I f ' " I' n" I ""_" P'"'' !.' I i .~ K i lt h '~ PulkA. ;\t n7.Ulk lt. P, G'ot, T owor ing in thr JIll lir uarc, 30 tlH ot!\ tl. tu'ur 111 ' 1'1'1 "". n l,H I 1111 ~l'l\ UI ',1 11\ 1I1g au ti aa ld he Intd e~ n deer :::!2 hlir\ L llud. rt(' \' l' rie . NOn 'f. Twen ty ouhlt.. ill Ih" Ilir. :ft' l ,u " rt~u~,' Cl U rw pr" l n l .f l" r' l rt n s nttltel i ck ' n t ' I ~ I,rd II Wt v l AJJ \\·.\J.LA DEH . - l n lI ", i~ I", 111" R II~' . Iii .. fl tnlu l' ,,'"f\"Nl in ,.touo, , sig r '. ~ I I ' 'h: I . 30 April 27, 1 7:., (.I f clIn"' umpt ion . l' H(ldi(> ill- "I',"k lillgJo" ,I•• p" II, :L. '; h!i FI,,·. · A I·1,;1 . 1:1~ ' IAn " l ' Tllt' n th o kin~. d i ~;.:ui~cd t Il U1nl n "~ n , I ,~U . "l t l u rn. \\ le i I lll~(, l'(' J t j) d U' / f'Ul t. torln ol H -t • III I'. f· ol'iI I ~ rlil r. l1t ·(, [ IJr Uf'e O . IIno .H attiioCud ~\.•tJ • • 1"t t'~' . . ..... flh .1t1 I ... .. . 0 f'h• • No'. t,'Jt:t:' 1 .")II';'· ...~w . ~ , tood befure hiJol 8('1 u l pl u rpcl nBm e t :;)11 w o fi tart·d .,u t tht'llll.~11 Ih . ' 1.,I ~r. "lI'crl .bout 'I mo"lh... • , II l .,' I J e~ " on " I .M u~in ~ meokly, ··' VllR.t i'l fumf1 ou"l.r." n!('. ' " I" 1 I ' k 1'1 ' '" I , I ......,0\ . n' r tiC IC·. II ~ Cllll.!ttI'Y I !.l OH. .·- N,·"r W"yn ~ "' ill , : April 14th. I 0"" ., >, ""'''"r. ,·to. 1'." cIt num b"r ,'on Y~ mc IA Itu t " I!lc,,· drrn V : l~1t ~itl (·~" (·'\I·.I~. Lui,,"~, " ' 0 0" E'I'h l SOlll" WIlS 1\ arly nil' I',)bd « Itt tl, nl tll"lN' I I~"I . u(lern , Even thl••hRlI pllA8 "WRY.'" I Oll ~ ,l ln\:·.<f. ]) ""0 r ll)."li P d ,'" Fill, " ... ""ch : re," ·I: . 12 ~o'", ~ .1. W had 'LJ ut ulle ",I UIl: i la nl CHr. rEm i",-Nt :ur Sou l ), Ch ltrlf''ttqn . Olli n, .·e •• · ... ' purlor ,1. ... 1.., No ' ... I, '. I ..' . :J . I':n c h Struck with pnlsy. BorB ond vld. . d't \V . ob t l b \i\1BS W. HAl l l::~ , . 1 U .. r ' '' U SunJ 'I\' m rrllng. ,\ pr il ~!jt 1 ~7fj, of 1 ,1U ~ IJln!)I .....,· C'UlltR. lITA I'C 10 r 'l t et,. , w d I1lI,Ucr W aiting al t"6 gnle8 of Gultl . fie 1: , 0 \\'e !'c l' I • al'o H..h) t.~ ft'vt"r. Edditl, firm (I f .J I, c'nb f\nd M ir in m II tu l v lbUic .lt t till~tI pi l' t tt; 1)~' Kinkel, Spnko be with bid dyillJ; brculh. bnt thl d dl ll nut IlI ndcr us (I'o m a rrl· Poi r,'<'. lin d ,,,"nel, ..,, of thn 1.l n A ,min , Bcdn. \\'~g"er II'H. olI. me . . "Life i. don ; but whltl i. dealh 7" villg at th e li ck in a. vel'Y tihol·t '1",,,,11,, .,f IhiMrl oo". Fill)' cent ~ad\. Y," " .' ·' IQ Ntltlllor r~. ~4 Then in nnsw r teo t ho king ti lUll W e at OIIC n C. III ut '1' F ('I U 1\ f'Unhl1tUn on hi " rill ll' 1.1\ l ' r ' ." d ~ I" (} '~ Dlr, NGlllb" .... '0 1 3· • . ' v I (). ' I" Inl-\ iii VOllr Lire " ' ''I'lh 10 . 'enl .. ! ~: II' h I.. ,u,bc' ,·.. ShOWing hy , ItcI,.-nuly t uy21 I n~e, " ,' d •• -i: np lo g and hi'll It f vr II IJ ll llt l. hc d W III' ~ II I h'lI',lIy lt I'i"n" ~"h" ~ . WI, .. lh al I'·II.~ uEven thilJ "hu ll p ll!'lll OW l\y ,tt . Ie I. ("U(!~ ..II Il'rl \' 1~ 1 Iit c\ el \ ' " II t' 1'l', li n I c " ,'r" - I ..11 ...1' ,1 dift.cu rllll we Im ( I' (r,.t I f 1".11' I \ f : . I '. ~'l."fI • , c,· " • ,,0' ~ '"'' I"'r. "i q l'I1,I~ 0 .:- 0 1110,'d'.;:(0.180 u., il rUV! , lty Cl •. : - •• _I II I' '\ II Br h 1-.! 'utnh l"ett led h elo r We heard Ro tn t:tl llllg I II~ le, .. I'\\! hen •• r ... fo r *4 , .,ck, ,10 0 I\"JOC I "" , ' 0 f! ' ~ " ~II. . • R~v . j,U 1E WH. L1AMS(I .-This R W ltls lt in t.he wal e I' t o thc I£:fr I, f 11 110\\ ".,' "". 1. 1""" ... , 1..,1. "" p~".o u '" ~ . ,, " I ~CL ""'''' IIr . enembl e brotb er u l:r i ved ill t:i ul · 1\111 hi th .l t , .. ..;\1 fOll llt· With I IY!I:'\'I''' \Il . I. I \ ' CI· 0 both looked 111'. nnd th e re , :It C"lII lo\ ,d"t.,.. .d i, " Oll ~ r l ', ~u" h ~ s In,I! !I·' t· • ' rolk on .J:t' r irl ny m o rn i ll g Ifl ~ t. and Ihe dititall ce t, f n I , OGle ut m'll'e tllnll ; II ' i .. . , ··".rh·, !It- .' , , ick E'~ '''I II '· h·. , Sou.· f.;t .. t' .....1 U c~ 1f1 , -ur l' •• fI,. · Now y .. ,\. ; I' 0 1:,.,IJ·U 9. , \V rr,,·, ' I ' hi ..d 111. ...1'(' • ' •.ynt·L ,H'OI". r ·I I W,u· h . I"L lu lbll1n. I 'n hiL' ll i " H ll f thcll '''I'' ' ' ~ prc a c h c d f r I1f 0 IIg regllt ill ll ill I'ac~<l • . t U{llt it . Il'(lr . 0 w e r" )l,t I 11 "1""'011 "pirit~. Bilion-nIP8, .~ r .. enn 'like 1 . 8uifLIlk 0 11 S a b batrr IlHll'uin g, nlld t(·I'nLI.v (· l. Clt ' LI. VAY~I·:SVll. I. E. .Ham u lit ,~ ( " ":~.N " ileO" "T FLP"'I R ·" ilh.. ,,1 W''' :n" Ic ft o n M o nda y t \), ' r~ hi ~ pl" JrI1 ~ . . i j'Tlrl1 ~ \- r\i t't.· .. n thl.' .-it I " p lid a ~l'a ,II gllll I h rolUlt l1 tllIJ f.1· e d . )J~.kt1 he d"(,r l "I'd and c.'lre . .If . ... . 0 dn,,101 .. II,!-, f!0 IQ ' 1' " . " /.J .. .. 'l n ,l "i f illlly I d..l btl· I ) r tl\' i ll g' lutr1 rllil'l ,r )'("11" ·... . I I I IIr ll~g ,.t . A. 1.'01.1.. ""d l:,·t With hiS s is to r , r elH ( !fIg Ifcur No ~" ", " I" , 1~1.t1 L U{(lillll j ,1Iel'l.I l'tl J/(/ya z lIl w . 1011 11 011 " t I \''' " ~ I t 10 '\','111 ti ,,,,,r l " l "' r i t'll lll. h e bop,." If) ~i\' \. t H\t, .. f "l: HI 111 B"lt lc f" r ' ell CI' III " lind Ir1 il . " He " u"' r 80m's in S Ullt h lflllptO Il clInuly. 0" An., I'i c'a , Ham t lll'u w d o wn t lt e gun, rns h e~ .11 \\ h" may fa\t '\f hill) \\ il l. u ('nIl. 1\tfj· 1 75 r e,,". '1' '' 0 do' •• "'i ll r"IiH,' , on .1 J alD08 Will iam :!llll WII8 t h e sun th\'(.ugh the "wamp , , u nu d isappci lr. J'; S TAU L I . II " '['I of Rev, FfIll1c is \ Vi ll inm Oil , 1I1l \' o f l l'd ill t h e d ir(,(·t 1 .. 5 7 . SBTH W. BnUW ~ , i" n th e <1 1'1' 1' It ad 1 N E \" WUAT I .. ' ClI'F.: IIl" "OK J I!>1:J . !"c p io n eer prca ch c rs of t h e h r i t· , tllk e ll . Aftl' r n I itt I". • . pick e d up ' II ' ,:~,~~ ~~_~:c~,~ IIIns. He w a ll bOl'n und f(· nred til ; vld g Ull Illtd A T TOR. N E Y AT L A W , btat Cud 11\ 1l "1",, 1I 11. I ' : .1 11 ,"'" 1l" ... ·11 1." .'"" will ",,, ,rill ute. fI " , Ilear Mu rfr cos h oro', N. 0 .. - 11'1"1 , A lIt1nt t of a m ile aII' ll ),. I fOUlld rin)!; t ho "'''I'. 1'.....111°". I:: •• U). "ml I'u.. ",, : li c nscd to p r cllch bv tit(> I::as t('t'lI Ih m s'll t e d n pon n log . vu flill~ 1 I ~'''I 1~· 'I' .li n m ..'.' "\~ ,I.' ''·'~'I •• ,.1 Hi'''fl IV, Y irg illin Ohri 8t i~n C o nfere n ce , at 1~lId b lowillg . j. 1 kr d' hi m w it e re ~E LL ',,;?~~. ': i"~'~n;',:;·: . I;; ''' ~i;ri. ' ~r"~'i;:l':" ill "~:~ ~~ l tS Dnllual 8 8SI0l1 h('lli at 11 0 1." t h ... d~ r WIl . ll c IUUJ!J n'o r cpl y, \l~ ~ I tr il."I<' S !.c ld' ~-? f ~1I.. i;'!wi R i,'''t' w. Neck Ata.y 2nd} 34. nnd t ookn blltplli n t d nort Plano-Forte ~lu "l() Teach er, . h : ho had eit h e r l ~ III . .' ~C !'Il h ' ,. 1 ".1 h?~;ed w'ce"fr'm '.I." lolho,,~,.. 0 "),, h . I I' I . ClrCllIt ~m 1'1lC1!,g C 11 1'('11('8 In E~ ~ l l"'hJ . , (If \ l ldn :"It. eL, n " rJ.!u~tel~.to )1'lIlg It I'ag, , ot IlacI Ii ,'01 I ""lor" ti l ... ,',t,· 01 L,,~ In W el!lIAr ond . ' . ' l:,.,h.. :"lId ,," f.n pk. SII t' !(""cd I,." hi ' rccenl S,m th at.riptQu , Nnll st' lll lllld , (Mle lIf 1,,-1 It 1Il l ite WA Y:>II>;" "II.'.F., cha c. Hu w oy e r. ' \I"'l'rr tfull)' ",f,' rm . the. pub'" Ihu l, h' h a' 1" ,il1lO, W ig ht and NO I·f.. l k c Ull nt i R 1I I:! tItL' I'O wa~ 11 " t inle to btl lust· h e :'i',;"" I " '!"'" f n. l,.' rlak,u!( F..,."t,lt,l.rn "ul ' Il: ' <l ,,. u in ""r", ",y. ,'I",rleo lIulllo ,! Wor· li'~li'~.-;, .;:i :~"'\~~J<t~ 'J ,~ :" illlllt' lIi8 h. d", ,,.',,. hl. r~~illo ""~,ill II... III rh orp"!1 He w UUillhnl.:'. " l'l'0 s ll t lh(' P tl"'1t r l' ,t ~ L 1I'IUI o rd lUlleJ E ld e r, at II ( o ll fe r - 511a l cheLl olf hi , h.etd ll''I 1)1 O ' I~nt"l Llh' I~nd I r tl\·cl. sea t·sk ln h at. a1111 'l!)ffI "~ ' whr "e h c will k C~1! olllumJ, 11 lh"t- ' I'" one!. I'""k:lt"n will cul1l ,ih"t.· p",.,r' Oil (o nce h o ld lit pring H i ll , ll ~S(o X w il h h il! ,jllek . knife If la d e a s la s h ..t",. E. K I ~. \\' A I.TO N , ,,".orl,nlU ul of ' .e Wll rs 01 ;0/ ",. r:n ~lu lll.l '''0 l' ,,,,,,d,, .• ~ , d ('(\ ll ntv M ay l .t I A'3:> Eld ' r '" at th u linin " b'lt ill d,) ill" ' 0 It o ' J ' ATTO R.N E Y AT LAW , ', ple lnrro'I"c el ' l <o" ~e " f til\' (l Id r')I"n"". I,, c t , , \;' h ,. ,,.. . .., , n ~ . , .Burwe ll Ba r n 'tt, M llI ~ B1Il'rett fw D III ll Ul!l,C(' kud ,\J o llt ron l d hrolip,h t tlt e klllft' ln C' tlltll J FI~hO. Ct WIth fi 1'. Iwlt o. r "Irikin:; l'''por "" i\me,,;~'"ohn Dall iel ''''b itley ofticiati njr. II,· I h i~ l \\\'11 11.)d ". ,, "d Alho' ~ t ri ldll j! \rim jllst l JfIl/l81 . 101:11. Li fo tlIlr"clod noo ·l, nOlice, .<ill fllrlli~h ... t l.nll ' ed . t n ' fi r s t ' I~(' I,) 1\' t l "?Il prenc I1 '~11t h IH 10 Ie "I't :':::1 II 'I ~ butt:' II . .Cllt · · or nil kin ,T•. W ith n woll.nppoint.o<l " 'i l ;~I' in Ihe ,JII !oil ;cr (101l,·t !'4 of Ht'ar. ," !' dbl.· In p''1'6,'' pnrsuR .ne. nf n I "rp"' " In rel'ord im- W ,~"II"ll \pI'ne CI r Clll t 11l1tl I t.h e closr ~t 1 :36, wit n ~ III~ t h rou ~h It IS 111(" li t Ill,· " h u r t ,'si Il ot i. I' It \ Lt· l e· 8111 I'IS n llll l "" oXI'. 'rienooo A .. i.bJ.nl.. lind ,,· illl • ~ n"~' 1 !~" r l. n~ Imi'" of 110. hi.w ry of ,h,' W".r. 1>' luai".l1· IIol'ld he reDwvc d t o th e W (·s t . n ll d trll v , tl'!'\l r lllf j.( II ~('\'l·l' l'two ' ''In l. Hod 1,1 til" u."d' ' ,r" '€' w oun d fn ' lIl I"'I!!" ,,I th o !.I"to. of 11 ,0 oo wmtrlli ty ,n ::;,·",'0.1(111 UI~O ___ · ALL K I :\DS ()Jt' -_. . . U I ' . e vent· I ~" dhlj( to iI. l u ~ i "dd !ltttd ll ' y~ in \\' ll\lIc,a ili u . . . I I I t 8e v ern I y(>a rs III AI h LO I . titu I I ",l""h 11 htlM 1\0 1011)1' r c, Iol oJ , he {ecl. ",,,,fl · , A Tf. AS T'C ,,, II I:". l'l't IIU fllltl- I(, u l' 10 BIX 1110 Ie" ullg. 10\1 0w ~Ir. Jo.pg)e, I.!l n·& ·H ee · I IIll g 1 ,I(',n Ih at he \\' illl", "blA t .. "';" ~ c n'li r ~ ""t. ,ollo.· ti" ,," 11 ( " R. h ., ,. " il h l'ii x I'ap,' r. on I lHl\nnn . H o Ill ll l' r i d iu O lt io, ! l hCO (, li t .v lu,! fr ·Iy. it w a s nut II i.f,u'li"n. by conductitl!! J'· n·Dcru l. wi th do· .Iolt!, Hro\\'n ~ett l ed i n I:;p r illgfiold 1I 11 e! \V IIS fl ll d all"l' r nllR .. hy F . O. nn bo,il . who , . "," 0111.' : h o wL'v'r · w' eene), and LlrJer. · (,10 ' qUIII " ,,, n('c w.lt h th e tl" " 'rlo', .~!~u ~. n~d ~e, . 0 I ' I. ' U t() n yell.r8 Ih ---dlh)r t he a nk1lS I\ t I1011' I fo, m.neo 01 tb o grCtlt "hol, IIO'"SI 's 1111 1. It It 'Il~t 11<.. p;o lt o m(J. IIUl I",," ct , . n d inli",nt. . T he 1I1"7'(f;ld, s l1 ceE'!'d ed I~ II!le N. W ill · Itl(tl ~eatolr hitn~elf \' ~ I .. n"'e orlic1 •• 011 t he lug Iv . . 0 T I C E . of ()"" id A. W~I1 . Jlnll ~' dw.,,1 Ai k in 0" on h'r i n till' c<llld ll C't o f ('h'lt " "pl' r 1'C'!lt n liul u b"ftlre s tartill 'Y w itI'll ,. \\ 0 takc II" s n~lIU h~J!' ~':If:''6rel!I IIIS ' r, _ . lIrt'C/l e.'· nltd rin .. /l o(l, d uoing I 74 . " "~ h. . . . , r',. J..' r: Co l \.. f ro m 0 111 0 hII " " IIf. t o 111(' V ICIIII,t,r' 1bt, ! ~uccCf'd et l l I Y )lHpe r!! on t he~Ul rnter t(,1 t /I n I tcb I II ~ ~C' II R :H ' Oil I n' I n ~ cr,6 nc o" , ,e/loA ~l'\ t. "'. l rIi Dl ' t I h. t h'" Ioc,' n ,·il'<'lI l" I.(',1 in II iI.· .,,"'. " uth...... . i" the ennepl ;or.n r. ( ) f' U ill b ruugh , l own, where h i ~ I()o t, flll il ull I'X: lI l1ill llt ioll' di ,cO) I" I,ltio ,i .· mil."I" ' he cb m,,/!,' or otl r k nd e ,xi,, : Dr. O,owlI ' ';'''I unrcl i . " ~ )lc cl l ' d to f"rn i.h fll mily still ros ide - HI' vit' i tl'd 1<: 1'<'" thllt n th " rn ha t! 1" !lIl.tl'tlle d . lh" .. ",,,. m,II ·,I>"" ~" ',' b"~ ,, tn, n " U' I,." lI;c .. • • • • .' . . I om ~ pOpUl ll l' I~up" r~ nn 11,' 11 I"'''n~h~" . ". 1·.... ~l n t ~rcf\1 rUII 01 Ice In th \! CI'l'tlk , " t' ! 1O,1dl V Il'gtnll1 ".1 1 55, 111~ th e tll'~ t tll ll'~ I t lt e . h " U .. m vi lll~ l'n i ~""'1('n C I ' III Yl'1 \1(:-h ho 1"'nutlt H"l ty . ttlot ami pns,.,l:!d ' h"l'" th .. 1 .he n. l:I owell. "'111 "o"l dbule " ~ I":)' it, nite r IC'I\\' l lI g h llrtl I n 1 :lH, a ll d 'IIt l l'\,l" t ll r, 'll!!:it It th\' ~ltarl' 1 !lld : ~ I AN , S(" ',,' ul pu,·IS. " lid Ihe to ",II "~II 100 n ;\ 0 ..'1 . , I <'IIm C8 n ccon d t llne I " . t o s pend' a Pi'I't" m' , , h,· I!t lin .' fllllt8 l1l1 g 011 ttJ I' .Just .. IIn li 4hntt ~ t odl'" fr 'lll '''lIl1tD h 'U I::II-J'J", bco\\' , ,,h,, ""cnl.te ll Ih,' rUlo.·t . mlllic",u ", l' \\' I1I UII II .I)· or ... T . 'J'r;.... b.-id "." JI' '1' . LI . ,lhl';. I . Ho, ,, T.-r rr . lSt up. 0" 0 'a ll' I d II IR 'III I11' 6 un t'IVt.l S0 11 tl I- I Ih,0.) il hA. ~ 10 ~ t "I'y. l 'hr" " gh l~/I " ru I ,,.e. 1 ..1., . CIN C I~ ~A TI, Oll l !). ~ k F Ol'N D . I ' lOry. · W:l hn m )\' lin r , . ",1 0' I'0" , upltO Inn I' He w n t a wny u yo nn .. ll le hflY\:! ,..l alllllr\·d t,'r the (,Wlll'~, . . . . . . . . ~ 'I' 'D ," .. ' ,t l "'r 82 00 l'f.'U D. l Y . ~ . ., ~'l l l l'r l~ thnt hp 1~ Si m ply, '.nJ "'hlc c rl rht:' 1'1111 11 .o f _9 r ~ (I y al'6 nnd r et ul n ~ , hc wi ll hr· ~'1' 11 r(lpr~!l:II~(' J I,! t he I. ~tl t elll lip , lin d IH II I..... t~l<I ' •• Ollr " .. "' \l' nR nnt "',II,,'eoi . nl ul t.h" I,,,,,,P()Olfl~' I\t t h c nge' o f 6!l grey h ead ed . With ,' had I' Htnnk E'. e. "I Cnnl/fell , ... , . Whil lier, L" " . II. ' Ii" hl oI11",n~, · d<II' . I~ " " ". rn!' " hn! b," " ro II (Jl m 'p . Al d,.10 I, . ""'dm tl I f' 011 , II" . " •. • Ii, · d ·J t l' \ V ' II '1 . '1 '1 ' IC . OS8 0 all. R, '1 (, I '· ,, "oe\. "",i "'0 ""' '''''' ~n "d , ,, ~ n uht ,"o l\ ~·1 Phel"" t e, n~l eV I (' n . ,' I , l'nr.Y1S Stl Celi" Thuxl.r. '1 ho I><lO ' ,lnteric,1II In 1 ·I OU I' ~' Xpt' ri ll cci lln li lli,n(.!' hll!,C1 nll\. i ll, 'c~ I \lS lJf)e(I ~' npl)( - AX}) 11 FeLL ./.lJ"E OF..........--"f ft>e ltn g th e 't'elght o t yel1l'!\ Up OIl m o nel, I nU. Ho n l ",iIlTheAl"t ll ti(J. .-;. rCtJlJl'ts UlI SllHlS~ IIIt" t ,t '" 1101 iJ •• t 10 ~'l l\rI fI" ur "nttl II 'B , 'I h· r,,,,,· drll ,rl m"'''B " I' r.i~.RPl re. ~In l\ i ll~, and n e ari ng the' elld o f Li s J.ivl:ly i ll t h at ci t y. . ,.. DE A l) · 0'" ' ~ic, Arl, lind F.rl " ~ lIlioli "ill be t. I.·d lIIonl ll'T . ' . ' I 1\1t to grlnrt It J"~t!'r) .fll' to "!lI ke Ihe re1c . ! I~! J.y Y I;.!II I OU!II IIrIIC II' 'I Il tHt rl..' \'k., J ~url1 " . '. . • - ~II'. ~lI tt H a ,.lalO . of Dayton l l.rllf Cd II' IH Th ,, ,. .. IH'~E F LO(11!, F''''m, I". . Onr acql1l\l ntance ~I th Bro. Wtl · is v isi t il1l! h i f,.iull 1' hcLu/\oIi u!tl'ontn b",o r"o(The AIIII'" t! tt i n t UII'II . ~i " e ". "n,' t,in!. 11 1111 ,'n m,' ,';th nil ~f ' " ur li e liam soD co mm en c ed III I Ra .!, wh cn Nt ' . tl ' • ., ",ite 1' " " II I' lit), "" M:'g"7.1t .. :. r.~tI ,,~o 1 Ii H. .". n",1 " "t ! ou,' hili ""Irked tip""" "" ..,n g'·" pml'"'. 10 ke r p ,I .. 1\.:0 " It I",: " " tl' ~ H :d r-f'1l1 1ill $!'. 1 LHi t' -DrflR~ in~. SJlllrnpnn inu tl .' 10 1I II", I . . mll ll . 1::1,} ' "" lit~1II fr' co r olu,,)!.' ·h () preaoIle(I rO~11 IIlr I.y 1\ t .13IJ.trtJ . , ! i~ lit.. lIA ''''II'" Sioud. lit Iho Ite"d .. t' JI"tJrk.u !" ,"". Hnll S IIlL\#jn~, (l.mo i ll 0".' 1.I ,~" Ht)' ,reH\ut (" .ntH'l' lc ll w iill IL l'ouJ I 11J of tllt~ . IN ST A na)" s :'lIlLL I""":" I n S Ol1thaln p t " n (,Oll l1 t y \\h erc h 1 11" 1,11'111" l'I'v n1 111 ·'·llll , . . Tl !IlMor i rll Art, l'IIIIIII·· · ~7;j t u "U I'. f d J 'n . ' "I. 't ll l {(t(lP1C u, r ~ ~'"Al orlll C Il/ cu mm otJ :,f H.Ql e or spec, ,,, n. nd ollr , r)llrC '.ltS \\'ors I li ppe, tllllt l llllll'l on '\tlmher .. ti..rl.'··fi\' . . (' , III . ~I A 'f )1 .'\ II"'E'\'''' II ' I \> (~ I. II h I. ,.!,," y ,.",·I.'· .u " '~ril" i"" 1''''1' ;1111 01 , .. · .. ' CI lun o lklr 1.3 t111 y e udr. • I H(l- miltnil ci e \1\' lII ,d l :- hu ulrl \,.. ·"nl 1.\ " t .e. Wtlll t le.n - TI L'II, 'l'. ~, ( . '"T l1lc!< I'S ',l ftl'l('t"" 1 IW e,.dI1Jc li'·"'· hflnur. tM I k,,,. ·,,1 ".,,,1 fec J",,,· m.n,c.y·" "IH,dr;" 1 "...... " t'>~ n 0 an H r a- Iri ng l it 1I ~ '- U . A~"el1 h" " · u ,,,1 1,,1.. "n Iho "''''''",0[ '01 1 1111(~ I RI ' I" wn' III I OW" II I t e mnr ,·1 pi lee. I \ 11 or .1 I , Un , OIlTIIN t..~ or n'r" ip'<\tI'd 1"' te r: 11) :-l."llrlh ina'tln'--r s, W8A! t eD d (ll' in spiri t nll d , WII II some t Ili' ng I ' k uwl i"n" llrth d , ~tr"Ht"', w i t }l £'ijllit. LJ"n qt1 1 Cu .• R i..... ide J 'I'"8;, • I ' C 1 10 ~ .. ~ .c IIUla· ld\' rs lefl, "ilh '" ~ 'nmlori.lgc. ~I.,.. . ru,,"" .•';Ih I\,,,,d w,·:l ·.lId ci_Iern. nll d Wc loved him. I n t'be autum n 0 1' t , Ill . . Di n \'\ " ' J )DE ' T ~Ut 'U ,·ollur . l',\ ,r pnr!i".tll,.nrl", r fll.l t !ll I • )I ~J.' . ill /;~: '• • , 0,.( . I J fr l /US .1, wo gnve o ur }, o . 1 ] 83... " j\f I,R LE\\ M'. A It CHA.:>TE . ... nn g 1CtH tt " II - From the m :I: " l' I' in \\'h iCIt th~ ~I ".t(I~CO ~ '" ... tI · 1 . , I".'tOIL ho la ' ,· h.·W:llrO/' rl · .\l . .. k " I' ..c"e l. " ': D~, r I.,'l"'III''"th!'I''tL. ,}csn s and l111hIie) v con fe ssed hi m 0111' ~tr('ct~ n rc ,' \Yuyn ........ c,,·1I 10.J,III. :l11. lti 7li. . r. _~ l ., £A. J (,1'I.wt! ,·U 4". np Wi t h ' " " " creek. i, ~.n e rnlly I· , r " II \ • JI b e fo re t he wUl'l·l • .Bro .. Wil li nm -I I'II"lill I I ' 91.l uro I I I I' E[) 1'0 .rTJ A V' CI. t·o It· 11' 1' 0 t I III t ,I S .b M.\N •• OUO , "0'" I ,n~'. How IC.' .to r t'tI , OX E , II I" "'atl' '\\Iii'll 08 ,... ( ~ RA IN o ll'r p e ni tenfiul I IH' prl'Rt' l1 t tOWIl . mnr~ IIII II Iill S 11 M , ",nn' ,ow rinm :~r I n t,h ~ mill (ja m. tit" " I .Iu.;;t r'l1lhli.al'f1 I t. :1 ne w Nlill"11 III hr~n ' I!ll'Iig" 'l e ane! in th e Y'llIll rY m CII'Il , r (' t ll l'llC'd IWIII 111 ~ .... • Dr , ll Cu lv e rw('\I 's Ce lebrated .1 11'11' np S nI t "ho • 10 , "''' ''I' YC·" '. 'o t, " 0 "I'" !,Ihnol 't> . " , ' ... • . '" ' 1" 1.1 '-f o f 0 11\' n e w liff! in ' at w~ IIQW lave 11, U t' . u UIII t ml . U~ E1l1l1a Y' n" It.,· ltl·iRt. \\' 0 ' \lv c r . r,'''''' ,,1 rill. ( IIi th· lti lOU D . [ , r UK I.K S. the ' oB t. J") , l o v cd bim with to nd e 1' II ttnehm( , lI l 0'" me "''''' 01 ~" ' ·E"" ,' ·( '''''''I<>~. " , .: -••- _.:.. -1 W"nkJl(,~ "" 111,", ,,l lllllll rl' !-i" mlu1l1 THE "h e u h c l e ft: fo r th o W est. W e I Lo,~e", [nor, ~ ,.1. l [Oll Cli .. "d Pli,.,ioltl LoOKES :r.iATIONA f. MONTHLY fo r prico of 1'10" r: Br, ' While ill /l o••. I !/.(I:- I "i'si'ted him at bis' o wn h o m c in ~I ay e"ntlli n ~ II d r" I,""i t1 . Imp" ,lintenl . In ~Inr r' ''·~c. r IC,: C('i d ed l.y intc ro~ t. secolld. $2.10. All "in~l. "I' "'ill reed ',r" ' C;.ltlll et~Jlake r<.' r and • fl UD.trt Id O h ' aker, . ,,100 . Oo n,,,m pl in,,, I,;;.i!e p.y [(oil F it•. ilul .. oprlng e , to, 1n 1 54, n ft or IlI g. t a bl u 0 1 cont cllts ~ nnd Its sC! nft'C, vet w A Wi' U L \\' A\'N I.,SV I ILl' 01'10 ' Cl'd Ly "" If indulgen ce u ,' s, 1 ,,~ 1 ci l.. v". o h aY8 somo u ll IlIl ncl stnd COl' we had b ee n 80 \'0I'al yoars in th o nr t lc I08 m·e, . ~,8 n I .1...1 ~ .... , ,I. . . (uwc. &.0". sru~l; nil r('a~l\'b l e . ale . inl' ludi nll a ~n .. d 101 or ""rll . ...,t. . n . ,I Tn . . t ' a nti h e \1sit ed uS' a t; ou r li n d e n tr l·ta tnll.lg. llnd"r t!lhi n~ , I fJr ep"roti to fnr· I)I'-I'ric •• in" <o.,IClI c nr. lope. onl y .i s I h e ' p.)n h lt s lt e l· IHI "' o,· ,·hop . wld'h w •. "ff,'" 01 .~i.ly 'cnt" " ~ I ni . )nlOI S r?, t . •• 1 " "II ,. II ki",l ... r Colli,," "".1 C,"kolA. Itc- ce",", . . 1!Ilm(\UII OeS ' tlltt~ tlte NATlONA:I, Ilu"b el. hIrUlcr~. " e n..,ke (lTI~ 1 1I 0 ID e III 'V Il'g l m a the ,0 o"' ln g " J ' • m"",I .. 'r, you r.", .,lV', mnnuy und ",'1, ,n~.l' Th e oelo"rnl.( " " ,hor. In thi s ".lntirlll, I.· J ' 11 • ' WO RK y ca r. W o w e lc o m f' u him t o Olll' 1\ ON f ll l.Y " Icln., w,ork , 0\' plltro>ni.i " l{ \ri O. Itep, M"'1' Eo~"v . cl"nr'" ",,1 lo r UIlO WI a 1 P( n r 111 'p".I. III' . 0", " 4".IIt."., ,, ~ (n l\",1 r",onstrn" '. rrom • Ihi..... · "ilh . • " . "II ki 1 "d. t ,to"n L ' 'd n l'''tI. 'tl ~ . 0 AI 'u ,,,. ' I n . n linr ew ,,,t a nd 11I\1l d solll l:l t\') e . wh tlc t he oul C"'·" 'charge (01' . heill n , ucl·,·i.f,,1 p,,,,'l iCC. ~ho t lhe "h" ·,,tinll I\o mel1 Give II . 1\ ll)f I... .. nl(o' "".1 E . I..... ",n n T n" I•• on ho gl.~ln ItS l' rl" a J • 1111 II g d ndo lil.m cO" il iu S"~IU r d Ctl ig.n" ,)t1 the Lillll "ull . OMn mual ,.ndO "" t.";'n.·. IItC' (. f "' Ir-"I","" "'''." I,,, ,·",lit,lit.· li n d w e III.te ne il to h H!'ll ll!con rsc 0 11 l ', n h" n,1 i i"lllroFr ~minlf duno tu.te fQ l1y . ,tn7 '11 ' . l!"r"~I ... i lhal\'tJIl' d. II~c ...~n, ".eorilJt"r!'OI ' x 'h n o W Ii STA It!! y \ '1 S d , ,'11 nt I suo o "'1 ue R\1 pP Iante d hy n n c n · fo r,, palI mud. r llle or ~h "11(lI,e"lIo " ' d .. Ihu klll l, . UII Ilj \ .' .' • f ~ • , p . ~I I . . . ti l'e poill ' ilil" 0111 1\ mell,, ' 01 c'''',' 01 OIlC" ic b w ill e h n l· '.in'l'lo' l -_ •. - - - - -- Rru. W tl1t1l1U8on "w tlll'C III1\IO In ' I ' "ly utlow 0d110. ' . wh , ~ l e"rlll i" und eUcclu" t' l. b. " Ill,"," f II or willch ov it V irg in in Iln til " . r t h e COl1ven . l, cn:re :"";'j "rYllln·CrCr.no 111" \1.... wh a t hid ,·oll.llli"" ~!!!f!!l~~ m ila lOll 0 1\ I I S Tho und crsigned h~" hru.'11 ly "PP"inl r d f . M V will retll l' n fo IIfftllk r ea CI'S. I T n 0' "'" . "Illy I",. ""')' 0111'0 himself ol"'I11' ly. "rivILlc • .:: h ede cuallglls , WI t j t Ie And quo liliNI " Admini. lm ...dil . 1011 In r R. r 01 Ihe F: to.", . .• I ' . contem plateJ illlpl·ov e m o l.lt in th e 01 YI ", ,...d r.dicnlty . Jo.oph E. , ;ih" • . Inlt' or W"nr n OOlr~t.'.; In 11 fo il' 'I"\!e ks- wtll \' ISlt r ntlvc I . d . aJr' This IJeclure honl d bo 1n lite hnnd s ' I" lit d d A,II "'\ . .. 1,S el)I' , d '' I' ' '' I ' , I n h Till:" E o f W I ' "'lIt oh m'a ctor !ln va rt ty. 0 Ita 1" 10, of very YOIIL!' nnd o.ur>· ,,"Ill in Ihe InnJ. ernry CCc,", . ~ n o ' NO t C • • d ' oro roq ue , t.pereon! l' .. :, b . l ' \\' II to make on' '!lido. 8~.. 1, 1." II ' Illl.ln ." 11' 11101."'. 10 illlmed;"t e par I e f:)t he ' conten ts, CllI IlI Ot fIII it0 IOU ke t l10 Lato m (l"~ , I nd Ih080 havi ng claims Agninot 8.n III . t o r. 11 11;' . e IOIP I.h~ N ATI (lNAL ~J NT.tLt'1 Ii gl'eal{)r fa · ! lI me will Jlre~~ 1\1 thr ill. .n"y ad d"" ' 8. 1'0<1'1'. ,11 . (til rrco 'pt 01 S!X C\). time SpCllt WIth llS Will h c " COl nn l du ly nltl h~ nlicated . Or ~wo PIl.t ~1.D\p" Adrr l~ '8 ~h " ,,,,hh.h r•• I. I hi t . ed ( r II M VO l'I. te t IIa n a ve r '.uC o l'e WitL r cn d ers to Ih e UII dCr.lgll CIIA ... . C or t\ oWlwce. & CO., Cl tl~ 11m 1\111 pro tn e 0 Ill!. h .... 11 I~" ........, ~r'.. ~ •"LINE o f all c lasses . Sub oripti D $ Un) • I.. ".0, ••" 4 15 U .Aprll !!1. H1~. AL LEN H .... IN).EiI~·r. ~~~ 11\8 dnys n f IIsefuln es o n eart e;~ ~~Q .. , 0 1. e r ' year' sin 10 c o py 10 e ' DI8 " DT Til (Hlltlll!
.-. 1.
. t 0 t h e' 'Ii e ta e p e .S ayln g pUb 11·C and the Far mor s especlOally
tllat '" tt er t · · ",ra _'a n evar vre ...· RId t f . h th ea pa re 0 urn lS ' em WI.th .
3.) 1 Admi '
nlstrator,s Sa1e f Estate. '
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l' NY 1 Al H0 S, CON.
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J L PE'f ERS 843 Broadway
Undertaking Estab lishment
('(t.KO 1m ,.
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l~vaHs &
Drc it·y "~ C o.on D'R ILL ,
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Henl·ie Hous e,
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BDB I1\1l' (Ial N' al('
Bouse' and Lot for Sale,
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'- ' 7 P.""M inllel'led 10 m on l'Wlok .... ~ e Re~ . Jaml'~ 'WiIIi,m80u i s • J. W . LlOgo, of 1 Nolle I. b<;rohy gh'en t 1411ho L e banon, h8!l.1I1 p lo.. ... n aod ,eUI., '" 1 ...." 0\ 10 010 II hlp ~ I. ,. f V J ,, "I rec:~i.ed al, ' . 1 ' ph differen t kinds of Bllv heretofore e~'Mtlng Itetwtiell LEA K . I OW~8 l up my hllai oe.. n F Il00" "" a hrutu e r 0 ~ ible. aad I r. .• I l!,m80~"'1 - I i h I ' d t - . Rukee • 0 I~ lI,l. ~'Y (Ii."otv d.l,y ,n ut".1 con'rn l- I / need mono! nr;r IIIl1ch al Lhl. lillie . Prl n,I •• , ClU8! 'l. BBO. :I ud \ 1)11 ~1'~111 th wi n t e r In th, lI trill e, W I e IP 18 ..e e~r.!l1n.ad ttl 8, W.}lIH YUle , ' . n. P. 1l0\\'1I•. e.11. r .. . .. . >; M. {· In:. 1If)1l Ht v t'rr ml1·h re "ue"" rlf'e~, . pI.... Ap,it 27. I r:; u. .... L " . l 'l lI e('. . I ~ , '" '"lill." ill • . \r.iI ;,1, I 75 _ _
Call and look at our Go"ds '
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can 't do het .
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t:crof IIOU8 I ntl lllllm ~ UOn l Indolen t Y crcu nnl Alfeetlon8, Old ~ re. Enll 01 ~ of tho kiD Sure Eye. eto III Ihuso Rij In nil olher cOII .UtuUonal Dis Ir'
"AI. KR I 8 V IN BGAR B I'M'8Rft
~ b \\ n tholr flrenl cu rat Ive pow on in lb. POWER CORN SHELLERS, I! 08t oU8110 010 "Ulll ntrncIJlblu 0(\80_ UUI'I' StOIlO }1eed lIilll'ol. For 111lluDimatolY and Chronlc Uhrllllllltism Gout, 811i0 1l8, RolDlt Belting Buckets, (( nt Uluhltl' l lDhw llt }'oyors DieoQIIOII of ASO
:\ fA(' TII N l I n.
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'1 ~t. I ~rf ~ t. Man rlh.lt o rr fa
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JeorSkln Df"easos,EruptloDS, Tet
ter SAl t Rhoum Blotchos Spot" Pim\llll.'! p .. In lco DOli. Carbunclee Rlng, w orm! :,c81 1 head Sore Eyo8 Ery. 'polu Itch ~ I\ rf~ 1]18coiornllOns of tbo Skin l1umurs II d \)1 3C11808 01 the kID of whlllaver Daru B <Ir DAtun Aro hterally dug Il l' lind cam",' ' II flf Ihe ~" ' ''II\ f I he. Bltt" t.
a Bhort hmo lly tho
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hili lU I! It\ t bo 8V!l em of 80 many thou8l1Dd . oro ollt etuan ) '\ CfttroJ ad lind rem oved No . 11 ' )1 lII "d clIle ),u vormifu g88, DO AU til I III"" ," lIfreo tbosY8tomfrum .. orms 10k, LiJ! -0 Ultters .. or .'(·male Compl~lnf8,ln young r 1,\ ' "''''''''\ r 810 ,;10 at tbe dawll of we>I I, I I r t ho t om of hfo thoBo r omu II It( r. ,I "l iar eo \celd tlan IUflu ODCO Ibllot 111\\ ro I c mollt IS ROo n porncpwblo
( \c'n II S!' till' Vitiate«1 Blood wben
n.1 Its ImpuntJ cs bursting tbro l\~ b I.Ulp!.,. Eruptlou8 or Sur. It "hau you find It OU8truOtod a u!\ .1 'I'IlI. b in tho valu. oleanae It wbe n It I.. f • I v, ur IcoJongs wlJ teU yon when It. t " t I h!0 d llUrc lIud tbe boaltb of tbo ' Sl t(. J , .11 1 1/ II
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yo. . . . . . . . . . A MhJ..Ur .U.II.lllIl· '~. Ni<-buUuo. 10 on ~Im r a viwher lOr Ml.,r ,ulClther hi f\ ~ Y coyeriugt<. aud I.t~ \", I"n) lhl'IIl" I ~ nd r gi rl , h r h nd Donald n' t< .,.."ter, crt'd 10 ilC'antv ""luti II, '<II )1", I'otoy_l 00. DlJb, hl'r dnrk y~ Btl b ing, I ' Y(' t 8 t I ry, W.Ot a()rOl,t l I"e a u.S ~. I .. u pemlcd from th Clt'ilfn g.llud a hell no ri d HInt! h tit d llTkc t IIj"ht fi.bes 1'1l1'I>1 t h if II . h ..... 11' Ib" ",hl ob illICIt\, I OPI · i te uphe\d a cnld, bl \ck Inne. re h hlip curl d ,,\·lth ~ru. _ .l 'trt';,Y1;/ta repo~ r 1l>1l. t1 mun.' 11l ' nl the 111l C a. Ir) dllY' Afl... "'1 nf _ la'-; " .. ..,. I~ II: ),IlUI1" I 111 rwun tum"" pal in I rend d ' ._'"-., ... >'<' mhling It uliscarv \)tRh"jt(' n girl. 11." lult drfyth Yet', IIlOQM liV bl . H w... \I.......,... of tho ~. From Ih. Idl bon and III 1I0u • n Ihe bench, tinder tb gilll d IIIlinl h i~ 1I010ui..hlu Ill. Til nl'llIma~Qu died , Ih 'b k?t" 104011111 .......,. • .C ~ w re ~R d lhe '\I' U1 n I",ho llRd 'l'atchcd upon bi. lip . " lWv:l !" I" "'Idou_..... . taal kll 1\ Aa for n", t~ _un lt ___ Alld I~II alioullo llI•• bld pf .._ "l:'hll I~ mine ulr('u(ly." bouted th lldedl~ . th ~t l1ln (C('f' uledlclllRl perCllrmaucc rb. IiIm,.,· .uru4!<l- II be ~ bllll hy I \\'ith ouch adlUJring lilicillnLion. Th y f lllfi lll1. "'hmll the ,:;i rl in h r con" lion . h ::I~.I U th a.:i..l)\tII".::::~.,,'\:~rl ~O~~~D "tu' .. r the bill Ille wbtrt b .,ift1l",1 ~'",... LIIlt nlr, 10 lb. IIor ; PhwkluA,! ra Huw ....--. hll f!I" Jl<lk It u -ifIll , I\ml ,, ~ lIur trll,' ' I r 11'11" bnd IlIlIed " "I t c rl~' lIubo rrent." ~ ~~n~ t~ 'IU!C n~ Tl·IITI• .. 111I d I rh ill(' 118\'0 their "Kt'lrbetbOllr I \10 h . .. a Tlclll 011 rooI •• bNd lu lh. hunl iI.\d, llO nOl'i in \.lint IUIlj!'UII!:C'. IIUU Imd h'lll llllnl htil frum tll hnnd of Bern 10 nd th e cnrth fa )f oil • .To dl .." b,ntll lballUPI.. t.on. 1"lft1y outolde, i n pIle of witbln W oude:rlnc . ..A~I rum nr _Id , I) pati ntly aCCj utlluted hm, If with uch t bot on 1IIOIJJe n of nrprll!C lind 1181(. L_ •. _ thl'ir uodil'1l, TapJttu wIt b du ·eri I haldl1l IIt.utTh rt ...... klll n ~ I" U. .. ( ... a\,1 • t ",tDtiS Idu 0' ".Y ; d'tD tip !<Ole t I pbrt ~ of l!allR.Iltry lUI u uMHy glv fi,rt-'t' lfllln • Ihe londcO pi tol. lind ftung I N • ulh Am rien Lh r i'~ II I'roli.fic '1'0 IbOUlb 01 trot, """...... : I"oIIIda't..."...lll. mUt' h I" tbe now. neva. eprang forward 10buud ' 0 11 ~lon,lRl " Th'lY' " he tUn! lEO My for \1.18 H I pl,,"~ure7 be 1 0 t DO time ill rt'1l(1 ri ng i t (on !;Pnll _ ' " t t a ul" urot'd p l , h oury·bel' "'hieh hM nOI be 1\ ftullj..bed d . d I a relic ,eu 'Ill , rujo~" "lJ'u~ ht~ .. If I eudfuOr liUy dttalllllli! .... 1 hi> day Itill \&' lf " [lrcl'lIhlc. an Sl' 1~ llC weapoll.. . (ect. It IV ~ iulen with n ~tlll g . ' .1.1 ..cape ''''0' I htl. II! ....... u (,'OU) I.~I o. T Ye8, I bout Ifl' di ri ~hi Ih .. mUTt' r a rI ily ~illre. ul· " r WIll r1pfrnd her With Illy liCe," cried my timl' rCMchNi Wlo". 'h.'· ... aIIao ...la- a"ok.. _ U'UN uM.r blf arlll h. I k tR I· t~~n lho ugh 0 11 vf lhe womclI WM middlt· B~ rtll.' •.M the ~ta l\l-a rt bllrblf nan closed but J I't'menlbe r nune 'ro ft'ad aloud to • lou("80lut" bn.,L: i .~ud ""booM,..y.; 'ruUt'. on"" bad b nl aged ami ug ly the other IV young and wltb btln 1u coUi bat. . tbe oold uwre kll(.'nly ~ oblntlnl, filln. ",,(I dt",pl'Ctty. VI' . ~pi' f hl'r conr&' garb nut l te"o cried "Huld I H . hilA lI\lid lvall chilled throu h ""U....td Ibe kh IIDd lu""tllI "Iu, A II' II AkE s lwkle f'urbed In.u-.... 101" Uk • bird. the crtti c pronoun" d h r <Il'ci dedly , nn d th e word truly. i bflong to bll~. TIlIte mOl'e mv limb 1\1!<l mRD upu," n frum ,b. hi, ,,.., Ilu,b ; t fterefure no~ 8 litlli. e,' Il-aftcr he hud l\IIld a f I\' cornl'li, ott thy c1ut 'h, lerBlliche, ITem the bfnumbed. dolltlls 11 month bi ' to Au., . fearfully .well. Ihey .11 .ttlll" hy m(1nls, !lnd hod seen ber dark eyps I. ranger. I &1lI ~ine wllen my flth er l iou is rem llrkllble. To ....... d.r 10 .. bll.,.... tr b •• Ultl i1,. At this el vatio", [ to Ih i rty, aud it tul'olveH I)ri m' .h~ poDa."",, lor·a.blle, o. LM biD> alone I" "1. 1I~" _ gl isteD, her chel'u 6ullh like th e ripen ed gll'Cd me. I &Ill ~hLD e so IIOOn as I per· and turned to 11 bottle whi ch are kN-lIly felt by I\lm If TURTLFjl dig holee i ll the ~II Rhore lind w .... ,'" \'Iu.... _,.... ramo 10 r. "'1~Jrlnenu ]X'lIc h l and ac rrus hor gInn 'illp; white l u~m the tllSJr !!lVen by my fjlther, Rltd two of which I had ll;:;:~ '~:~b' ~~&. " II. , 1L uo I*n Itl " II book 10 d11'hury th fi r egg!!, ()overi ng tht'ln \IP 00 be' tlnd fnmily: but ho ie ohlig d to Iil'o lipODly Ih. 1 n tb. _d... ..-IA nd .bo IOld tho IIftl..... purri.,. tt\('~ oer red Jip3 tedden- " founded- bn ng tht'l!e ge ntl tm eu to ·Kazala." and I found bolh on it lind h e d oes it, not oontl' ntcd ly. but hat ched by the bun. Ill. mlod 1l1I1ohlJulny l .. ·h. hod Ib"",b& 0/ a d. _ 1y" pretty. After !lOUle furt her parley tbe a1ed ge !led over \... 't)UI:C'I~er. ellOW or other ; and he milt th i nle .. Lee. htUl "'O"O !" t.l1Je t be 1II01Iru(,,1 ' n ne. To ._(ureao~1!IOd tumleeA ru:VULVER WiLh whi.ek fiv e or ItIl 80w Tbey talked uf Ulliny lh ingH. lind it moved onward, driveu by ono of the ~ way rapidly Dd Lb'. f.lh ..'. grtc/ I II hla,..1 ~y.,. hon'retfully of th money wh i h he mi, ht prevlou l! own eD! hlld comllll ~ted 801eide hreg Hlillog bll/lce In bl IffID~Uo~ lI.n,l.. Tberc IU'e d_o-. as rye Ileud " ' IIS not until the h t IUld return cd from bOl1!Gmen. ReVl1'd abh.orrent rum an J could _ iu th" Ol'e 511ved ifhe had bt.1CUIll) millded. M.oaoloJ;, II J would. 1 oouJd UUllt ' .otl ! In Iho ..,.,.-crlb ov r )'ODd.r, '\1'1 !!Old aL Iluctlon iu Puriil, tile olher f t ho a t tha~ conv'lonmtion hi 'nre formed with two fai lbful (ol1owerl a A tla ntic ity and Jlut .. ()od .,,111. It I I t f~ @iglli 6cu nt thnt in TIIlllltditcturing 11 ~Oll ooly., "" wonl dQ. ' . Oa..,.,plol .',..., U .,.,~. tu m d UPOD the 00.0 obitt de "'irlll, aDd dr ary iiCO r t. Revll, loosely robed in . bo t r to I l""! cav callC-h , r abolll4n ' t ..~. tllitrjct.8 whl'reRuviDl;l! BaJl kAw('r(' c t,abThtll .. at · lhe D _ ... be ...lIIed. n••"1"",, lor rOil II ""'01- , Pa~ £ N.U'OJ,EQN,who was madea. Iii!hed be fore th plLUi e. Lhere h88 b n tbo glle t illquired tbe 8.ignifiCllnceofthe her ~ur6, cl'ouched ou the alodge·floor, ~pll bu~ ~m:: v ~t~orue A. IlJlron'rolle<l ... 1I&1I'..u filled n o,.. would Ibat do loro lout f" leaDIng her head on "her strang6/"a" , , J • • b Ilcle ..toile. gt'D ral of eli vi ion Ity Napoleon 111, in Iiltlo di ~pue itlon 10 withdraw depo!!il.'4, }'Iu&tent .boat "Ith.n _I,l, boal 1...-1 fronllt.1aot.oa.... l lId I1I00l' I YO liD Till! 1.0101;0; to bo ~Lr\l k out of the French urlOy notw lth dtnnlli ng th' r(' llC'ltell rellu ti o ll ~ "It is Reva'il 00 ," Mid the elder kn • nnd weeping bitterly. In thi8 Oh tbe ldla.AI erlfK1, bow D1." J)rlI1od 0111 01 Ih. b u.)' qUIr. • ......r tl ••• " &L , ... 11110" I'U ba~' to . . ~. JOU li t. \\,Oll1l1n , with lin iUllniCJII IC' r Itnd II ' vi· >!Lyle th e .\ mbM'lRrlor's ('Or/eye c n~red . . You mRy rust at (h,U ..,bool' h'UOI'I"p U 1 "",,,1 ; uf wages. T he man wh o hn 1\ le w hun · W II. I go In fctcb Lbo mke." KRula. fled me ; 1 could Orllled olr 00 Ihe to ttl n b........ eiou" m pbllld A. dollRr1! ill bUllk , drawing int('rest , d red 'Jim <''OIlI strike in PenD~ v1vAni n lire aid lb. car • •, and Iltat wID &lie'" 11>U. AlIlLloo., with h La TeYU ~ • II. the ground thl1t by "It i tt curio~ity ," tiIIid Ihe hOHI glllm;· Yon 10 .... promlle not '" • ..,. d i lrous t Illoor .l wellll@c n pi tnl. It will ~trusgl e IOl)g lIucI bard bi-fllre he will DrIl"'" un u b la '",01 "';'U8111tion they had been 'I'lIJ J COlli baclt, by·ao\l.by." hlg ~lIgrily lit his wife, "amllUY d~ugbter o t on lla • ..uPl'lIIl 01 lbu"lll'. i ~ cstimated th'l~ t5QO.OOO,OOO of capital tronch u pun it. H e hM ""bjected him· here h .. 11 ript. to i~ "IDCI! Ilhe picked U A night ~c ne in a tent piched in the oC the balloon. Before l'1li tb. kltlo ... promt..ed hor If t.o ll llO rt of tli cil'linc ill 1!II"in l!' it, ~n d 1 OO,~O 1V0 rken lire now Ullelll ployed. PUTU. up h netf Ian wint er in th e SDOW.' r IIprillg'OOlIchcd Aaiatic wildemc8I! a hun· had them in my hand Tb,,,, , buuld \Ie uo .....od er~, l'b.f"'~ __ I. lb • .,.... 1.. p, rhe IuS!! III wagel id t down al ..,wo" which ill of U MI io ti me" o f tri lll, IIlId hi ~ they were within reacll, Anti tllf1'd ..11111...... DO~ 1111' "It cune to me," suid the gi rl, ~ 1I1. dred wilc~ !!Outhwltrd of Kuala ; a A04 *11 ~ be .. or lb. J!Uttlrc (fown. f'roru tbtlllace wilen Ibe, ..... 111/11; 000 per lillY. ILD d Oil cnpital, cuuntiDg in· nea urt'S will bo kept 8Il'T do Il~ jong ItK Icn ly-. youult man in lhe uniform ot an Ameri · 00 learn Illy m istake. QUlod \0 Ihe oowIIII. COIUIIDg A'ud 1JIl'ir motber lUllJIed 10 ... potitIible. It rel'retlent to him not onl y If my hands had not been 1<0 t r ti t onl y. $75,0 0 per day. " & M" i.ad Lady"-wblte and bro;'n . [£ow lb. plllu . orlled ...u,. Tbe g uest llTOilO IllIri exnmillcd th can offi cer uUlly with paptrtl at hi' improWhJla tb~)' .... U*'(I W'llb • • ld~1cd ~I ~rp AMiIll1 trntio n ~ of the limitletlil num ber II 11OlItIiblo l'Ct!Oure il\ CI\.:!e o f Kickul'HII or .rtolle. .,;\ meteorite," he pronoun ced it . I' i~e~ (leak ; a Ki r.ghiH boy noiseleaaly ro- thoroughly ~o.mlyzed 1~ith th e cold, J Aatho' ..m"prleed at bit: comioG Lb~ft ' Y.rr ehorlly alter Ihal. acciden t , but 1100 tJ.IC correction 0 1 110m Till Ino1btlr toue, 1D. blah('r lee". ' "and an .inter atiog t!~cim ell." mov ing Ih' rcmnan\.ll of Ii reput; the migbt, by gOlllg up on tho n('t.till'!, ar- of co mllinations wblch t he th ree primary bad habit., IIr a I'iet~ry ov('r lit tle lI'ld She ..\AIled '''' whol. InIII!IeUon Droughl Iholr obCI,.._ r..tMIIl!)·· ranged other ro }X'~ to WI.Ie, bllt th ie was Tn b.,. IrlOlld , T.l>lth.~" colO n! nre ca pabl o of, It mlly be mteresiWheu tht! h Ol!t hlD ~u, o r g rowled youug oflicc r, Hartley Berne i tbo Kir· "h 0, " tH! hlowJy toro :d Iud ft.U~ll{ expensive Vi Clt'8 whi ch impair h(,ll\t,h li nd IV IIh tirol'nu otll....uata.:doII; nolV impoMilJle. Tiler .,.s a sligh t 1\.11 Illg to .know t hat 10 a Gobelio tapetltry thnt It Willi bed tlm(>. all rClir('d ~iij ilave, hiij pag his80rvant, hi d adorer, ruthor, Tbe topmost. her t.o It... pmpcr fft t, A n1 llIoy lauSblo81,. qnoed , in tho wiud, and 1 let. ~,t 11 11 my rope, mlUlu(uctory t1l·cnty·eight lho\l[q\nd di&- derlet.c the pocket. Som ething nutl e.red Alona; a nd clUII&:; It .... ""01'..," .. ell I*,"". w tho "tate bed exc pt Rei'll. :lJ OdCIIly ".evn. t i a goocl eu~tom on the pllrt or somo A mome nL hhcrt ng at b le Lrel\"'tti let shlillinb'i! t)( yH rII I1re ernploytid each perhap8b:':d ore probably th e fact Ihat At KaZllIa, llt'mc bad parttld with tho with tbe ullchur nttR.~ed' :lnd !.hie A wJn~- _ rtd tragmtll' ol lopl ca l' Dill Ut" IIttl. k ItAl Ire .. tln>d rl oyorKoflubor 00 CJlcouruge and lIid Wb l h ,larIN .pl n. u h• • It uck III~ band tho Am . er I.oOk Uluch room , cu ul!I!d Amha Id or, to con tinue his journey to brought dowll Lhe bul, n. The poi nt a ile IIi.U n gui~habl o by tbe pru~ti d em Hy•• "d·by 01 wa1doll'eoolr. thClr1\'orkmcn iu niltninillg 1\ hOllle. t'POIl hb btl:"'t with. amldell dap When tbo 0.100 tbor 1M) d ,,_ where I commen ced to and wus IIbont eyC'. b~r to determin t~ keep watch tbll t Khil'll under native escort alone. It wall And hurrioo .. lJt n~ I{II'OOI Ih. IIlIM\: Camo in exVOCUltlou 001, i H III esulte i8 a good NlI'ingt! bllRk, uus twenty mill'S lIOuth \I'm f mden. 1lD<I nIght. ID tho dim firelight, t.1I \'Ollllg not until two daye' hud parted bim from 1IU1. 1\" clung ~e ""~ r.llulbllbe Jl\ll>oo ~lR. A . BROWN. W ClIt 13ald\\'il1 rarely prove a OBeI in\'eslmout in man· In."''''' uf ~.lnK to.1 p 01 aUIII. ""nolltd t'Ou nle nan... 'rbe, btgan 10 ".11 and 'If p . ~merican( through hls hltlf cJoolCd eye. t h HUf~ill l1 peasllnt that th e young when J rCllched 1\ b bt of 100 feet Muinc, hM a gun , wh ich belo n¢ to hi ~ J\ od a ,,1I,mou.ro' "rtu.en warda; aDd. bette.. ufacturing cUlUm "ni~iell. A home is the the earth, I bad gone about aUt IIbol'e lid fl, II&W heT without u,rprilSC, lo r hi. A.m"rlClIn discovered thllt, the boyish air .A milan t'llruer, IIYer til., feoCl!. grCIllrgnl ndfiliher , jJtlptain Brown of 1'1U .llt..tlbor n u ....,. thin g Ivhicll a 1I11111 lilav I!Ilfel y ~o 1lf'1"a l\ud . hr r~ Kone DJlt t " Y vani Ly hnd perceived tbtl ILtt mc lioll h" I IIda llt , furnisbed by hi8 Kirghie guide, milcs beyond t h Low11cl Atco. whic h iri Lexing tou , wbo cummlluded the 'firtlt Oll Saying ••ch 0001' Ibe olhor, in (I bt for, and Illan y a lIlan dat.cs hIS 0. "\.11<1 hlU" 1J,I1 fAr k"'.,'." ., WhOL' s the U&Q lur ". tn ,ta, ? about tlVenty·fh ·c mil 8 yond CU Dld II. po8."Cl!I!('d , draw n~tlrer "lid ncarcr hilll 1Vru! no oihcr tban t.he wild beauty of the ('''IIlI',~n y "f AUl ericun minuu-·'m en ell· fim step towlUlI indepeudence from tho H e (lh ar-«lll tnhl " lh lekel of tt, t Ail \lit &0 an" liud OLK wolber Il t My an cbor caugh t in Jl free, I\tlU tlI'c med Aud look I~ away froID tb., CI .,. tUUIf hret'~.. I llutil at 18J!t sho WIIIl !Juietl y sca led In! dCl!O rt, wh o, with 1I11!.h ar to fa. Pari ~ilL1l UUl 8J.. 1 the.r didn't kno'A'gag~d in the bnttl of l Alxington against ItCf'nllu f poper with .. rhy_ Co ' bls sido. . diplomllli tlt, had II ccomplish ed her will , to b old . fflst. Tb o ... Ioou, und er n ll!o Ilr.it.i@h .. Ollptnin 13rown, und er {\ day whell he Dlltde his I1rsL pa ymcnt up· Sl1Iy ,blnll"-",hlc ll ""1 to go. W rft LQU tbf!l'\" of aUJUaJllf ehue ' So tbo Ilight. wlIuCld. Wh inllis, lu,d wh o, ' ith tho iml."!lU ity of Juliet froahening wiud, pullccht. it liJc fl giunt . klud of oot.ml, left the gun &II an beirloom on a little I'roper ty tru ting 00 l'rovi· A ~n ct l.~ \.Cu of a dolrr maid' And "'01. bOy .. "Ito chanced '" bo ' d CDI:e IIl1d h i$ own l ndn. try for whaL WM l r n(h~_r " rarm·holltlC porch's .hltd ~, putJlble ijlnmbcr WM IILte ·t d by -u trio of plI&.. ionawly worKhipe<t bim. ' 11Ild there 1 Wl\lI bet een the two, 1I0t to the olde.;~ of CIIch g Deration of tbe 00 follow. In thi6 en\.!'rprise h e fQund l'tu"lIu8 rllllud for ,ul""blo' , r.und them. W orktng mt!trtly ; Alltl ... .., bltn t e . 'llbt tbe khlen&. one. two. tnfee.t knowing whether to tr.~18t my l! t~ the fllmily. ,Iud in thi~ way it hllll come i.nto ~norillg. lUlvn wlJispered to lim Bt mll ge r l~ 'on not bo de nied that there WIUI hUo bt r Joalun.""!lu h ,W(~L conlpnt the wife 0. helpm ect indeed; h er good ADd .. ILb cruel cII<>...e4 I .... : who r t(' I but did not ~l e p. ' lIO lIl lhillit i n H art ley Be rne'snaturo thllt rope benCl\~h or to tnk11 my chan ces in the po e iou of tbe prOl!cnt owner. That a " ll f; IIh u . unlt tn tb e lInt!ff llf'IQW \V b ~n the Cll returned, ah me I lUanllgcm cll~ hIlS »Toullhly 0 cn 'h alf the Made l' 01,,"1 ....... "IU>I ~ .r"""," : NoLA k,Uleu coltld tIle-. ." Wit!() youth, for you com ·cr. , J th iuk. re~ponrled to the ll!O lntion and IdolAtry ~h e balloon. My fCAr "114 thnt th e rope ~EII' YORK l1erald : There is a Britit!h bllt1le. nud lhere may hl\)'c bern Il fur· WIOI th o slar8, nlld unravel secrots hnv e of Lhle de flert romunC'e. HI' 11'1\.8 Ilot lu· would not bold, and J kn w if '( went up .• I!IO~ o . Thon . h. hu ..lod with II"let Iud ""Iu , ther wholeso me clIet t in t.clwhing hllbit.l! you tho willillgn_ to help Il ~T girl Re n~iblo W tuo charm s or the beaa\iful agnin I i!hould probablc CODle uown WiLU litem ry theu ry tllilt Tellnyson in8 ~iretl of indudtr.y lind economy 1.0 CIIe chilo " WbY do I .lne- ln-IIl.1o,.1o,. F:.~b~o:;.~~Is;.n.. In~~~.., ; '.tail .... klt,"T-Tn.I...l • •la. la . milch t roublcdY" I1UlI udornble Rev&.. Neverlhelea& ber nolhlng better thun wr\~r Lo r . t upon. Poe Wilh the idea of "1'he &veu, ' be- dren. Ilhu bad cauttod tboltlato, ~\JIII : . ' ca ui!C the ltmrcRte wrote in bi ~ yout.h two II' II. No.. "on uti 1 bad fIleh • "1 ..... 01 II>. I certainly would h&Ye got in to the 1' he flashing cyt~ of tb e wild bell utl' . pr !'Cnce troubled him. His manner t~ All b., wreU:bedu... . nd ruLh I CIUl "01 help bUI • ne ! It is only in this COlllltry thll\ Illv illh ('a.me hOlD t o..nl(M.lring willi' tbe truth . her cooSdi ug air. IIlId lhccl'ide ut cont"; _ wa rd her becamc daily more cold; bi~ ocean. In thi extremity I henrd the ehurt f;OOl11l!, in ouo of which tbe word cxpenlle is congidered a8 Iln evidence III .. more' OCCIlrl', lind the other h&8 in it .. Wh y ,10 I . mll&-Tn·J&.hI-Ia.Ja.-, 8\on111 nat ure of h er appeal lU"Ousefl tbl' \) row darkened wh en Nhe approRched. Mnnp ping of the .net, lIud knowing that ~l ofal-b" th r." rUUI wa1 read : good fellow<!hip or atRllding in 8Ocietly. Wurk l "~ Iho .. bll.r-Tra-La·\a.I....t.. E y er1 purtOO1Ml 01 «...,..,111l. ' RS !lellsibly al! hi~ And 1\.8 ijh bad seen the meteor cool Rlld IIOw e of tbo ulClihe. ha4 prev iou!!1y g iven tb llamll" Lenore." F or our part, we AbJ'Ull(\, in E llgland, Fmnce aud ~r· \\' r:k Ilk. thl.l. pllr." lrw playIng . U \I", youth'e cnutiou811C I8lho Irnetifrl nl ece<l II n o~ to trU dt hllve a di~tant recollc('tion of havina cordiality. darken, she saw thi s idol of her heillt away , I make U)l m;)' day ; For .. crop of lutu", aria'.!",. lUnny, the bC~l peoplc Iln d tbo~ wb o are l'e II tile word ,. more" IIOmewhere In t CAli uot bOlp h ut I{mlte' m, If aay 10llg h411Il')u. " If I cau hclp yo u," he Mid, nOl nloo- resolve' from a _tnr jnto n iltonel lA!\. whal will bor pl.... or loA, babpeasoel..))lAy. and allo in JohllllOD'. well off in worlllly -lroQds, I\.re rll.roful of lout with my Illc e IUId cut the TaU....., ltlll.ll., . ., g the r lIy mptllhe!.icaJly. " with ndvlce, TIIIK evt'nlng, IlII Berne bent iltudfoulIly " So, II )'ou pl _ _Tn.la-la.t...Ja.-. '11" on ' r h i. paper, R eYlI , ber tm done rope! whi ch' held it tAi t he t,'O nc IItmting t1l ctiourtry. and Pope Dl.AY ban read tbe.lr mt)o y, Rod lI"'.m.-menu otthe t.Jve .. t lour IIII!IiO--Tr.· ...Ja.l••la ! er I18»6 I' i!h a 11 not 1._ "" unwl Ing.' thr w hCl'I!elf upon a pnll et iu the '-nt'.' ring, and iu II moment the balloon wa M both. Hilt if T ennyl!Ol1 did iospire " The 111 11&.."6\1 are much ch('aper Rnd quIte . .. TRvrK8 vou;;~~~t to turD,aDd, 1O\l te4', H'. ~uud r "Couusel me, then , kind emnger, how ' "" it id II pity h e h M n ut ins pired good liS (HHII. ~lell do not npo It style 1 i!haU fin d wuy to tbe land uativ e to 111)' !!Iuulowy rcCC8S, aJld pretended to aleep. goiug oft' to Europe and I lind th e basket Ravl'n" 11 uol ,,\lip but pIe..., I" m ore nnd writ ton IC6l!. • whi ch they nre no t cnpnblo of ~ lI e taillingl fll II ey. 1 11m 1I 0 t II RlHlil illn. 80 is 1111' Bnt ftom timo to tim e IIhe cut at the wore tumbling to tbll 0II1r t h. I lell"" di s· JF tho eye of a u.-wt is put out, anetJa. TI •• l.rlUff pondor1.t and acratcbt-d his bead ' fil!.h e:, so Iikewi l!e is my HI .p-motb c; Amcriran stealthy g llLD ees. ~ J AOKSONVlLLE ( FIll.) co rre~pend e nt nnd there I ~ th ereforo be ttor lns\.() and er perfect 0116 is !!ODn s1Ipplied by "pi4 He, 1.00, moce, J th.illk, of ae(cn,ty-ti yc fct'!. but more cont('otmcnt. Indi\'idual fru gali . Jtnadh., .pin ucb wrrt1c ...onl ' but not 1. I aD1 II Kirghi8. My mothe; oCCI\8ionally J,!' lanced covertly tit her. droppiDg wilh thc bIlSJcCl, my jili l 11'1\8 Writes: Lookingoutofmr winn ow l aee ty becom es 1\ source 4)f national strcugh, growth. .. Som , aLL." Dr.wer'. work t" i.1 eaJd" A1s, he.fa'. ruor~.I" The good min read, Willi a glave, taken ill ~l.:irmi"'l ; II . llll'l.', Whcn llver he d id so he sighed. At 11IIIt, broken IIOmewblll, an d 1 e CIIped with n tloz n halllll1a trces-thflr groot green THE power of serpent.8 to charm blrdli " Patent appllod fOI J llly ,btrd, IlIIlO n wife. 'he died irf g idng me life.] . ure that she slep t, be drew from his only some 8Ove.re bruisell. I wn., etun ncd tropiellllookinJ; 16I\ve~, three or fo'ur feet a coulluy bn s ju~ t wbat itll people SIll'e, and small quadrupeds is a well authen.£1,htecD bundred and lM'I "foty.'our lot and tho ecollom y which ia 1\ 80urce of lind lay there /lOme time, I g~O&!, wbt'n~ long, oontrn$ltng with the curiolls blottwould gladly, now that I com preht'nd aU boso m Il go ld incused minatuI'D. He 80t Tbe l ral Rlent Inll trfJm hhl n~nOl1l grup, tlcnt.cd fact. B llawod II,'" Ibrilled .. ',h th. JO,O'" IP'L'P ; tblngs, exchange gifts whh Iter. E ve ry it lip beforo him, and 08 be continlled nUDlbfr of peo~le caine runni ng li p. 1!()1I1t1-1t sor t of )lllle-purple mRSS in size privllte hllppin tl!!ll dellC nc~ to be ranked .. 1 ~ tbe p' at to tlJe wbole l"Oneer n1\8 II public vi r tuc .-lndll~trial Bulletill . SEALS are all lutelligent RII dogs, and Someslnyed, whIl e 8 few put off to the ~ike an elrlDflatcd t~ npin bnll, lind hangday I feel tbat I would prefe r to bo far writin g he gazed upon it lit tbe close of UfI', ual<fe a .,.tt.nt on a cburn I" cnn be trained to perform many Uicb - Ht!GrlA. tlrldHofllt. dilltllnt, for my 8tep.mother is not b lo\'ed ench paragmpb or page, every time ~m· ooWlland ee nt in the di pllt ch ~8 nbont Ing down It ke IIOUle llpoplectic m ulk· Dramng In ScbooJ. like them. by _~cl" and-shnll ( tell you ?- I am be- ing to dr~w f!Om .l~ something callDing, my hl1ving been dUllbed to pi eces. That melon, with no e pllulotte·like sheath of Some. who have givou li ttle attention 11'1\1 a kind rellow wbo wonted to know llurpl o li nd g rllY partly covering it and tro~ to a ruffian utterly abhorrellt. enGoumglDghlllspmng. LOB8TEBI:I are ver)' pngnaci011l, aDd THE IDOL OF DR HEART. Do not DOW st vo an answer," IIhe added, At miduig t lin ilUusulllllOund without 'lVbat to do witb my body. I would like nen rly biding tbo wrCllth of Iltitminllte to tbe IIllltter, wh en tb ey hear in8truction figh t l!O yere bat tic!!. It they 10lI0. claw in dmwillg in the I'ublic schools spokcn to see bim. Wh en I recovered, whi ch lollolv flo ....er. beneRth it Ilt the st.cm. 1\.8 he bctILirred h imflelJ respousil'ely his tentarre8ted his attention. He sprang an other "'OWS out. I. "'A.!I very !!ODD, I ptl t oft' wi th a wagon to oomo of the tree!! hllvo C8IIt their bla. of, think of nothing clso but a wild Utcr " A light at Il\.8t I" exclaiml'd, fervent- "but sleep, my 8trangjlr, fo.r you n~ ur s ~lddenly. lind paTting the curtains tbe IT Ie beHeved that crockodilee live to pian 8()heme to make lICulptor1! and paint· nearest et.at ion , wetlt to DerliJl, nnd ly the 10ung American whouccompanled wearied ' of ¥our jouruey ; unu while 0 hIS tent, went OUt upon the moonlit .topped at a hotel oye l' night, and ,H, so ms and show 6trillgll of young banl111U e tl< of halJ the lIDPlllatlon . 'fhe bud a of be IIllUdredPi of yearl old. The Egypinetelld. TbeilO _ ntinlly tropical trees • . II RU!8laD Am~dor in Ulis hi. t.hird you lleep I WIll hold your hlUld and con. moor. tian8 embalmed thenl. "At loet! Ilt )l\.8tl" I!llid, or ralher rived here (Philnd elphia) Lhia morning, ~t'm f;O do pretty well here In protected artiltic gOlliul ID every nums1cull brain ata~ troIIi Uralsk, in tbe rout~ of a tong auot you througb the dream world . are to be cutivllted until they _prout out THE bead of the rattlesnake has been jouJ'ney!!Outhwurd. " Heaven be pral80cf, Then the door will appear to yon tbat hi ssed , bet wee n ber closed teeth. iu Ro. with nothing but the busk ct in II bag· sltuallons, tbough tbey etill ebow the ef· into tho folinge, f1owell! and frlli til of a known to inflict a (atal wound after begage wagon. 1 didD'~ {ue lM hap py IIlI 1 Joc\.ll of a. CtO!!t. In middle and shall opeu to give freedom to II girl mos t siall patoia, tbe di~ll'ull!ed page Rev .. lUI we are nearing 0. human habitation I" gllrden of lII~thetic del.iKtll. Young men ing 80vered from the I!ody. with tbe c olling lIilentn~1II ot a I18rpent; migh~. but under the cirC\lIlI ~ I~ U1 cee ii lIO ulhern Florida they flourish finol,y. Through the drlrun, sleet hi. keen eye uuhappy, who would ~oape." will be qualified to reave their ebopll i, perhaps, 0 8 wd l t ha t 1 1"118 IIhle H I "I mUllt ~ on if I die," 8/lid the abe drew horse!f from Ihe lIbadowy PETTY vexationa maT at Ilm. be petty, PIU.LADELPlll A Prt'u: Abent one when tbe fancy lIOill18 tb om, a.nd go had dlllCOvcred t1te twhlltUng of a IlImpbring the buket back ! I 'm ready fur ID a renlly iral!Ciblo Lone. pallet to ~he lighted desll~"at lalt!" Amblll!ilador Y"ll r lrom DOW the National Oommitt.ee out ioto tho ileldd and make slcetchea of but atlll they are vexatioIIIJ. Th, aaIaIleiJt light. The good 0.011'8 falloo, however b e held ill her hauds tbe miniatlll't'. the next cension iu Newark. I've aI- of tbe ltep ubli cau and Democratic partillll 00 aroullO hill Iemi-dormMt companieD: " We mutt have borsesif tbey arenotb. the charming Kcell(!8 of nature IUl fine lUI and most inconsiderable anDoyanoea an The yOlUlger tuan tamed toward blm' u ing nlore thlUl lIkeletou8. W e mLllltbAv8 She turned toward hcrt!Cl( tbe gilded wayll been in tho bllbit o f manng ing my will mee t in WlIshillgton 00 decide upou anythln~ left by Claudo· Lorminc or tb most piercing. di ijk. hut abo could not interpret the on· balloon!!. I don ' t hire th em to milnRge the tim e and placo holrllllg tho PreHi· Klnnce of comp8ll8iou. Thrown from tbe u. driver:" , THE repot!C of DaLions cannot be .... " If be is adoath·t!.head" Mid Be fl1~" l Itrltvcd in ription , "In Amore: Gertrude IDe. Thi, fello w WU/I new, aud perb ap~ d cnLinl Gon ven tions of 1876. The Illat Paul' Brll. Such are the ~lIddeu eonelu· cure wiibout arms, armillll eannot be s.l edgo !!Omo milea back on tbe day', sioD8arrived at by those wbo know little it WIUI owillg to hi~ 11 11 " ing n c,'cr ooen IIgree with YOII ; we ~hnll j:(IJ on, 'lilY A.thcrtoll." . !:)he iJl t.crrreted, however, Wll8 held iu P hiladelphia and BIlhimoro, joumey, tho poor Ambassador hnd SUitwithout pay, nor can the pay . w,th the qUl cknl,ll!ll of Jeal ollsy tbe aig. broken In that he IIcl>€d in ~u c h :\ skit· IIIl CI it i probllble t.bat Dext yellr will go or nOlhin g about th mlttter. There is maintained tained an injury so painful that only foJ' friend, this h our." no mor expeetlltlon that thOl!O wbo have be prod uced except liy taxes. tiab manner. (This Dono Id !!UtI gilt 11fT At nighL-fHII, lifte r a c1ny intllieruble nifi cA ncc of llu' po rt rnit. ' \V ~ t . ' 1. Lou is wu~ deairouM in 1872 of rcc('i ved instruction iu drnwing will bethe la8t hour, and undor the influence of Way iea clook the mOllt modest. cl Tbat night Hlutlsy Berne dreamed of In 11 very dry, mineral· water mUlIuer. ) III\I'inl: the Dcmoc mlic .Co,,,·ention beld co to the AlI1hu' "u or , II dllY made t.olt' rllblr opiates! he had ceased from moaning. me profcl!IJionnl Arti ts, t.hall Olero ia cr..ated things? BecaU80 it invarW!ly Thi s is. the ' IIr~t balloo n thllt e" ' r got to his colll)Jllni on by Hl o n Ul'el be1luty (;ert rllde Atherton. Wben mornin, The Isolated d welliult wh.lch the trav· t herp, linn AS "he will repent her re<JueHt thllt thoro who have boen tnu gbt writing Ireeps Its handll before ita face. and equal· elel1l approacbed, and where the Iledge oftdpring ot mi xcd m ce., li nd the simpl.: CHillI' hlR gllrment WM not dwsted, hil away from me. I hl\vo 11a<1 t.h em t c;U', it i. pottIIiu lr lhllt it mny g.. !.here next will be rllilled to the rank of the histo- Iy invariably runs down ite OWD worb. conveying tbeir luggage .had arrivoo but Marming coquetry of the (!ririe eyed spu rs were not brightened, hi8 repallt Willi but l've Il!WIlV' hrought un ck ..... me nf yCllr. Th e ItepubJica.ne of tbe \Vest are rioos lIoci poe\.ll of the couutry. It has TAX.B life e8IIy, and don't alway. 118 proved 00 be tho house of 11 RU88ill~ <Iallghter of the del!(' r t, t he trnl'elerH ro- 1l0t Mpre:ld. Ri a 1it.t1e vlllot, hid slove hill lobe piDCell. T bi. weilL oIT leaving only anxiou ~ to haH' their collvenlioll held in boo n Mid thnt it is nellrly UtI ea.y to innmortll.n., bacL.lfd. He eIlW he: no !!OljIe ' bRggake lJ hind. I expect ie You may .... peM&D t. No I!OOnor bad they plU!lled i Ut suuu.od t.heir j ournev. hi cngo, wbi ch i ~ IV 11 fitted for Ii teach drawing ItS it is to trnin the younll: trying to beatLheaun up. day or!!Oto 1il'ur ' o f itsl\rri\,nl .. t Li sbon, AU night. they glided along over the tntlre. CInco, irWl\ farther on biajour. wind gu&rded p~ee, carefully lined DIltioDRI conv ention by It.I! extensive pupil's hand 00 tbe acquisition of s1cillln lor awhile , but in tbe long run you are to be beat~n, and IOJlle morDiDa i' with felt, and enwed {rom the InteDle i!hill.wg com]J&et 8QOW, tho Ambll&l!\dor n~y . d~ per ill. tho IOnth be spont one or IIOlne point on 'he N ort h weKt A friclln uotel ac commodntions. chirogruphy ; nnd It is no doubt true. sure will rlee when yon don't. cold of tbo o\lt-door uir in to the no IOI!!! pencoflilly somnolent. nJld his compnniotl nl~ht III tho pl cturcaq uo tent. of 11 Righia ~t.. To k now how to dance ie considered ItU A RUOfll::8Tl\'E pllper b'll! In tely been ScarIng anAI~dlfl.oo~ TIlDa "u U! okl ...emU!, Jnd. "ltal dO .1•• 1IIfIIk' i IItenso heat of thll stove warmed iu· moodily wakcful , vexed hy a I'llir (If prillcc)llnd ftlllcied, as h e lay half 81ee~ c<)tnll1ulJicrlted by Mr. W. G. WAX to tho indispollllllble part ohbe educlLtlon of 811 Sh. dnMed b.raeII pU,1n uy.b!ua UI4 DIU. hlack eye!!, "burnin~ yet tender." H IDg, muned by MlubrioUl! odol'8 and terior, tban the A.m ba8l!lldor fain~ :rhe foolh ludinCI!!\ lind th e g~d luck of ' l'Ogrnphi ca\ Society of Vi onna llpon tbe who are ever to move in any circle of With nl.. palated .y............ Dd lo.~, tar.._... 'Pbo cnergillit of the Am bUlllLdor re gave him8t'lf for a m ght to the deliciou8 800thed by the dulcet tinkling of a. the trapeze perforl1lera had uu Illn tration <I rrre3RC of wuler in ril'erd and lIOurC08. what d esen 'c8 to be Clllled lIOCiety. As Anti alfocted lb. ".,, 01 tbo PJ.' ,Olllll. .. "'.... d'rM4lul old """'an'. aor. objec\ 1n W. devoted Un mediately to the care of hia tormeut oC ono tl'grctful whim; Ull ~he guil.n.r, that i n (lue of theldancing form s •n Newark the otber nigbt, which fur· Thl'l1l1tbor Slates !.hat the retlultll of bis " 'e so well Know, the object 01' this Ilr~ ia Tbl. Wu 10 lind _ YOllD, .... U ..1IO ... ookI IIIIIIre ... ·(rlend. He had already ordered hill !leI'- morrow he would arout!() bimself from of twu younlS ma idens c&1led ail!ters he nlabed a thrilling e.xdtement for a fcw obser vatio ns tend to !!bow-. be constant 00 open a new eo urce of IDtlocent gayetv; bla .. U. ; suob weak nC1!8. recogniud 1118 vanished Rel'a. rul ... to &Utt. va.nt 00 briug iIle medl~ chlllli trom moment... but fortunatllly nothing 1V0rl!O. but moro than that, to promote .11118 of Ana. "' abe bad sold b .. old willi...,. ... fl&lllW. Near dnybrenk horllllmen a,Ppreached. Two 'yenrs nncr lInrtl 1 Berne's ad· A ~UllS Emelin Emoclew WIUI perfonn· de crell80 of the ril'er~ of Germany nnd an movcmen Land soften the hard nel!l' oJf IU&- TbJa old "'OWIID'. the sledp, and he spoedft) IIDlected anti i Il"rea. of!.ho IIeIlI\. They indicate that Swift riders the,)' were, 80veu 10 numPer venturous Allilttic pilgrimage, when hits A CLEBGYNA.N eaye, •• J onOl rnarde4 appl~ed, with ~p,eeUOtl.8 oC tender iug on tbe tmpell8 lat 'Valdemllnu'" tU (\ level.. of ~lt o GerUi n riven! lire now tic mnnU!;r>!. Instru clion in dr&willg OJ' IIOUclt.ade, the '~.u.l&Iantl!, lotions who lIll~ed ~ldng I1>COd wit.b exp_ bride, (teriMe Athl'rton. asked- iii wlien IIhe feU to the ~ t.age, bend first, lIIuch 101llor Ihan they were lifty yeard deai gn i~ to have in RHother directiou, or a haudsome you ng couple, alld .. I toolr intent to waylAy t1ie Am15l1M11.lIor, or to wbat. WOIDllQ !fQuld not 1-whethv, in and batldagll8. He had the IIIItiefactlon etriking OD her lei UlOu]allr, Dud roUing ago, tbe Elb lIa ving decrea.'!I..>d to tbe upou unoiber clllIll! of fac ll1tie~, a imilar the bride by tbe band, at the 01010 0(* to !!eo tho Ambuador wly revive pounce wilh plunder011ll force upon th e all hl~ wlUlderinp, I n beart and thought o,er on the ·piano. amount or 1("'Cnteen incbet<, the Rhloe in611euce. Wbile the hand id trained, ceremo.y, Blld gave her m1 ~ loaded 81ed~ of tempting luggnge lhllt h had been true to ber, he aJIIWorcd, and to convince billialf that'tbe in~uY The dlstanee WM allOut fiCt.ecn (e t. t wenty· four, Lbo Oder l!II'I'ent.een, tbo Vi.. the eye i~ to be educated to dillQwim\nlLte congratulawon.. lIhe toed ber ".'*1 p~ed ¥in. "' i th love's entJiwsilWD, II Yea." " ' I&ce, and ~in.tlnr; to the ' bridepoHl" W811 nothing more llCriOWl than upramed There was a lInalllmou, cry oflllllrm, hu~ T he ...,..,. of th_ horaomon III! thllY And if Hart,ler Berne could have lleen ~re "~Ole IagIIl attendant conld tllla twent,y-six,lUld LheDtmbbe fifty·fin. between the true and the lalee in .oma· plied , ' 1 think he iii the ooe t.o be CCD- , anlr.le, whicn delay in aftbrding remedy 'j'he rcaIIOU 1I&lIgned fur lhis is the pro- mellt; between bormony and deformity .uld unoo'II'ard expotlUre had rendered rlllhed IDlooleu v.w betokened hOlltillty. at tha' mOIll. ent. hit once .-Ionate lILLIe rUD te her &Mi8,anoo lJiJ!/! Emoclew Will! grEllVlIvc dOl·&II t.otlon of Corcdlll, wliicb or proportions; betwceu tbe grace aud gratulatcd.' " TIt. ,.!mballado, frightened from hl8 idolaoor, Reva he ould bardly have on ber feet lIIlliliug, I\Ild in 11IIoLher in· !\Cutely painful. THE Pa~ Figaro ~hU.lt neau'y IlIUIMIII ClllI!!I'li 1.1 decreaee In the aLmOllpberie true beaut.y of nature and tbe ugllue811 Not ollly a handmme 1O-qtb' tal] 'letUiiY, and hla CODlIManlop, nervoaa!Y known ber in the"sWeet, .tidied wifll of ltant abo w. golog band over hand ll)l moislure they aUra.ct and convey to the of barbaric UCftA-N. Y. '1'imu. nn anonymous COfrellpondent: A DOW, tho Ri«ble cbleftahl, IharlDg with him the ropea. It WM in the web act that fltraight, broad lIhouldered, and ;6ntm; aler', pnpared &0 defend tbemeelvetl. wri~ten by a f'emllle hand, uka ua wFI' blonde, WII8 the young American Harf,. their 11....,. Wjlle seiled, ~d theirdll er, the Ilimple happy da,.., moyllll from abe fell. A pbonlO Le(Ouo, her partner, lIOiI, IIDd thoace to IIOUrcell o( IItream&. A SaUor'" ADtJes. in polite llOOio~y, etiquette allo,... a ley Berne, but a dMhing, apiriW merry a gigant;l~iIll.9'" wrapped t~ hls-elain ,jn l!Oint to ,POinhlong the river· kiIeed 11'11- eUllpende hlmlllll ead dowRwaroa (rom A !IIIitor, n&Bled Spicer has lately been to pay a viei t wi th her veil dow.. Indln Mou." 1.0 W.t VlrgtaJa. voiced iI1dividual, who, as qaJel:IY >lie sboopskillll, ",uunceremoDiouly diaaed detncpw. 10 h;. free nom~dip Ufe. the upper trapeze, hondjng a web loop performing ancb marvelous exploits at really do not !rnow, mldame; bui I would Bo ~onnd bil lent,.......lIg, betob .rth down from his - t ; Berne sprang rtOm exteDOed. I. bis band.. Eaiellne balances A~ a recent meeting of the Maryland lofty beiglita on the tlUIllts of one of the bet it is !.he ugly ODell wbo I18t tbe tub· "'.'. A.Nw...... . IDto pll\8.l!&Dt 8Il1hee, which bad the ellect the aledp, and with . hI~ foreftager upher!!(lIf on her bftck hi the loop and Academy of ScienOOllIl Jetter w.. rud veIIIIIlls in the Vall:io (Oat) harbor tbat lon, and that It la only tbe pretty WODleD aptain Paul Boyton wrote to the gradually lowors ber h eld IlIfft body un· from to make the Am balIIIadOr'8 face relax ,~tll' VIger . of his. revolver, made th e R ev. Horace E. Hayden, a cor· crowris of epecl.n.oofK ban heeu attracted who make inquirletl abolltlc. London 'l'iIllU before au.empting hi. f~om its dreary ..kew, a.nd to draw hi8 parley. illllhe geta at a certain angle. reMpo'n ding member, «lving II very inter· to the whArftl. Th other aft.ernoon, U AND he gave it for hie OpiDiOD tlaat. ''1;' il not you tbat we wantt crled ~nt aJlI\OIIt accorupraabed fea' : AU bll[ {edQteI iDto~n II &0 a la118h. Then abe drope Uld catCbetl het'!l.'lfby t mg a cco unt of J ndiau mound" In ¥Ia. the vC8I!CI WM leaving porL, an ·unudUll.l whoever ourd male tWl) ears of 'cora It w .. near mt n,hen 1he doctor- one of the ruma... who had im. thIngs C8Dsidered, I IlOO befo~ me • her feet., hCM dcnr.."ftlrds. Thi8 tim e lIOn county, Wetlt V1r,;litbl. Following number of perIlOUS IUllembled, lind be or '11'0 bla.dea of graM ' &0 ITOw .poIl • ing w.. AlII_eel. ea had been ac.eeped mediately ltlemounted· lIit III your ~uciblo teet of buman endurance-. • be did not throw ' hel' feet far enough ihe line 01' the Kanawha rifer, within a exhibited lOme of hi8 fOAtIl for their lien· .pot of around wbere oo1y one ' dlatanoo of forty mils to be acoompllllhed in the great RuBan tea-um, a.nel, Lad driver." outward to catch the "'fibbing and down splice of twenty miles arc twtIDty.fou.r (!fit. A local journal ..y.: While the ld "Our driver," ..id the IeUeved A.mbu&- t.hrougll varying .curr~Dta IIDd .temJlera- abe went. She 11''' b1ruiaed a little on mound8, though by tbe euld vation 9f the ahlp was in motiou, which rendered the fo,re, wQwd ~_rve better of .. u .... been sftl19wed 1.0 }lNd1«fo- 4IuantUiell. and do more _ntlallO"ice &O~..,.. l!Il'dor, "you ale welcome to him, friend, ture8 of water, WIth • probability of .If. The AmbMtador, muttering many but her arm, but WJII othel'wiae UDhu~t. Mi lIO il th('y bnve become much dimin;'hed undertaking much more huardoull, 4e try tban the whole' rae. otpolltlCfiDl,., Ilot varioue adjeeti ves of _depreciatioll 80,l00g &8 you (uraJah WI trith another. teen to lIO~enl;ej!n houl'8 of hard vaddlinc EmeUne aecended to ILbe trapeze again in Rize. One large mound five mile8 IUlCCndeei the foreml\.8t to the truck, wbere ~,ther. . Let one of your nW!lber take hla place ond expoI!ure. ,I am nerved Do,""er, 1 had been hoisted upon the bed of stateand went through the performllnce sue- frolll Kanawha Oourt-honse, is (orty feet there W1I8 an upright wire about ten A GAlIJIt.a'e P ..... mq.-'ne __. and IJInke Of! wilh bim ill weloome I to ~h by the proepeclol a ~ the IIOle {amlly bed, be it whlaperedeetIIItul1y before AI1)'~ooy eould recover high and one huudred and fifty feet In incbee in length. He bent thi' dO'l'n, ~hlc WIU prove ultimately beneftcl&1 to bom the lIhoak &be .Iit.U had occaa.\ooed. biera' ~lI8ln 1I01rte0ar1o, Oil the ....• namely, the fUl':1lpread roof of the haae shall be glad to gei rid of the IU)" Uld w .. IIOOn etanding upon the truck, circumference at itll base. Tbe tl'MH on , I • a) man.ldnd-~ acoompllabment that .ton•• where gradUally b.. ,roall8, in tile wbo baa slept ai lUI poet eaeaioaaly, iUt luwmit lIIust be from 6,l \y to aiIty Iwaring back and forth with the mo- IterraneaD, i the fetlOrt 01 the ......Y Tall Rev. Dr. S. O. !BarU.tt wri\rl -in y IIOOthln& spell of a elriUfully concocted we would. have been Dy thUi tlme break. m~t bnllg ID~tJnte natiou to • COlI" old. A mound neat' Mount Ple&lllUlt tion of tbe VeMel. He thell took hi8.ba~ and arilltocratie 01_ of Europe uil lI?l?'!8!1- tba~ ~ere are me&III and ~ the ~UI artilcle enLitJed The is tho oO:y one the 'writer hall ever eeen off and hung it upon tbe wire. and, .America. The haIIa are deoked ~ ..,.. draught, eubelded into .tWied grunt.. rutIn, in KualL" A.qewen o( J88o.," i)1 wblch he dillCu88es But Berne .iel "Give WI a fOIII!In (or III.blhtle8 o( 8CIence within their ni4!h. aaiI ... Then Bartl, Berne had leisure to study thatgivee .Ilvidenoo of haying * n hilt while lIt.andfng upon that stddI pin· aple.odor, with gilded. ,critically h.11I eurroundinga. . this capture. l.:ntl not couee.t to the whereby thl"Y may doubly. InllUre tbe tbe noyel ~ of Oh riat .. a humorist. from soil found lu tbe immediate Dei,. nacle, he dotJed both hie abirta and bung .he Qhandelien. ODe-third oC ..... ~ U. m_1'fJII die kul ty of cle,'er retort. ufety o~ thOl!6 coUDtI~1en on the Be ,.,.. DOt; Ionl i. eolll,iUendinc ~ Jridnapl'lng of an 'honest man." bolhood. A 1U0uod on the adjoining them allO u~n tile wire. In t.bia coo1 bl~ are UluaJlr leeU., mill the ~~ "You caa not II;!ep him ftir he J- ouft ,great blJlbway of colDmeroe &0 whoM displayed by JohDllOn. Lamb, Tallcyrand, farm was bllllt of amall ~touea tbroWD Ind airy poIltiOD lie bowed , in the four tl.!:J-ed Pam belle t.o contenU of the CIUJ)IIrl cbambe= LlDoabr, Fr..kIiD IIDdiSberidao, and ar· together. Upon examiution _ oC pointe ot the compua, and theD quietly matrolL At the rollpet-nofr. table'one-fourih 01 "hOle . . . . . . . already," . cried tM chi~ of t.be band ~~~~t.8r.;tl!:l pom~tut-~I \:o~ ~etI \haL ChJl• . , IIIII'JIIIMed them In all th_ fU17ltJli revea' nothing more valua- putting on hia IIhliU and hatapiD. be & word i'lJlOktID bu.t the I0Il wllJrI. 11 /I ' " ..... by the mud furnace, wlaole 4atteneel IOOrnf'ully. "We Will prove that," ....ered Berne 'lVe t at l~, ta not In mortltla to com· hi" .mea, that m1lllt iua,e been received bl tha.n 8tone pipet!. lton!& allS u<i lOme came iown the riQinl ou the run, amid illg round-, IUIGl the pad Na,.,11 al dome 11'" DO" peaOefullv ira.! by Ii» ddanoe. "The mIlD hie ben 'mand 8U-, but t ClAn _un all who bf the crowd with a IIImile or an iII-~~p chaup haDda In bnaWtillaUu.. TIle ~lRrade, A table of nll'IeCloal, 0ccupy- inl--a b . LA· d e.. 8YaJpathbe witb my mlMion that noth· pr.-d Jaup, at. the ex~nse of the plcc ! . of pottery. Near '4e town of 'he loud cheen of bll companiona. CUDfY&1 &011 on lor..,.. da,- ., ... Point Ple_nt its a larp Jed&e ot rock Altho. a large number of.eatarlDc Ing the center, supported hl~ own con· plu.J .... ., ~J _leUD ~. our protectle ing iIIalt be wanting, as far as in me II.., Bcribelt. fAcing the Obio river, which a few yean men Ut1l villiteil ihiA port from time to " . . dllril\l tIM ...... - . " templathe elbow.. A bench, roUl.b like Touch hlID IJ 1011 dare. to deserve It. At thlll moment the driver, with a - - -_ _ _ __ a li"fe ahead 01 them &IIIOIIDt wblGla _ _ . . . . . . . . ~ . the table, auftOUDded the 100m. 011 the WIUT animal la 111.01' to be pitied ' RIO wae covered with bleJ'Ollyphlea. time-, Spicer WIUT are tbe Dark Ape? lAdlea' '!'be iortou.; 1& fa In lOch a bud wll,tber of lnd.i1lD orilln or the WOrt ot when tIIere I 'anythiDg darinaI io be II ........' ............... .., dinaY waU, bettreeD two donltle ~ lIoariab of bravado, bepn to CIIIIt aside aaleeloll bJ. doDO. an earller race bt not tiown. wiliClo.., hlUll a PIded plctare 01 t hie abeepakiDl, t.cJaed on the mow ODe ..... CML
Rt: ..Aa.
_m ....
*e ""'....... _11
....... ..a 're.. " ........
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T the I1IJt •t l\, the. • Iftl t __ ll., II vioiDit y Are ro- ed IJ we"'.11 iol\1 I t tbc.\· ,I. .ulJ fail ' 'lilt tt'C1 to m ...·t in ('u.lrnl lalll.'r· If 1/" hltt",IJ tlt\· ~1l&lIJ 1'('1" '~'''''i''l1 Hullilt v·cl. ', !. ,' , . vU . Lu"lu)' x~· ~ Ala,.UI 1U ••'tl" t·" th~ j/;"'1-'" ,u "IJ _~ 1und 1'" ~ed '.'l: i'~11 5 ." . ,; l'hlUlut~ I. )\' ~' ill \ it \\' , Fil'l't 1. •• Ii.\: It> the gr1l\'('Il .If Iqlf ti,II"n ~III,1i ·.re, 9
~~. 14 llll! hUIlO WU'" III. , ·; th IUt: ...11'• "p ".... . .".1 " 11 ' , uorll' ~Illi tut! III' H" ~Ipr\~ ..
1o.I'rJ Il Utl
I ll' . il/llt· 11'111.
~ "lefT ~~~~ ~I
II.,wl' l .
I. t ( ." "'/lII' • t I f t ('be N.~ "1 J. "''1 '''1,,,,''1/(/1 .. tMlI I r Ulll w. i1d Ilea-I ullcllll! the Ilur"l'h.~.I'IlR 'I\ rg W,' J<~ii ·!!ltt. ' .. ~ Ir-. lV. , a u,l b1'illhiU ~r .d ath tiC. baliad ,.....11 0 •. ) "'"' & •• ' u " " od " , Ilit 0 1 t II ,.1H ' W. <. lllr v I·•u Irl 'JII. t HI'~ It lId tu ll \\ In . .\. UlllOglvll, !'" Eoq . fl II'. ry t,a I . lUI .~, r " II d I!r f UI . r I. I u.l7 IU" l4l'y hl'rwl", d i!l r 'CIII" th~ ell'l'lml lt, a llu the caml'l, . Ild ( '/l,,/ mitt .. 0 )/ '1"1 IC. rt!."-- 1\11"8, .&lI1O\,I(~ 1 (,Itt · ; . 'I"fWo .ud' rI MtrH .r prhl~fI." ltl , ~ II W ".nd charm · '~ri ng frulll til UUIICI/; tue Iw~rd on t p o f of blll1, ' ()a WI~Il. n"lt ll' U \ lIin MN lillie rill- I I1~ftl,.t rU IJK will bowlr u·ed le\'t!1\ T...:rl l) 1111 14;'" aJ ! •• • 0 I . wer 1111 p l'C:!Cnt i wu:! Il,c UlRll ,i ll ~I I'I! J uc"h Riln'd all :\1 r 0 by AU 111 J ulna allil will , "vt (/iii t u , - Mi 8 Ju till Me '"ml\ • oF-Cen. o. ' lOD u~;~fi.tl(ll. 111 , lU.~ in the den with th r livu; and \" .. H"IlUliltun. ~I i ' upl;io". K ' ar~ :utc II d· i~ II nti"o. I N vil1 , is \'i itill~ hcr houlo ill L _ .. ..,d '.~5 JI IB , _ I the caravan tLeil' ur i lIS. 1)(,, , ~Ii • UI' I~tli ,' . 11'''. J llMi ph vu ., " , The:;' ...wn.~& ~T~t~" JJ:l:f \ ~: •• ~ AII~lIl. and th Hag8,. n8Uc,I I' XW .ut :'" lip: I~\ this pia ' . ca('h Cl1rll nlll , 11\1 HlIilll'e :til\!. L~d l ~ W rig h t. lYr. c I1I U D.J am I~g I JO~ .tlll" " ~nu t llUtl e~r' - Mr. )'rallk 'Ilir 'hild, of : \lU~a, x.n••1-r lIl ... l And N:'r~h cll\"" At 5. 1, 1'1'(' h lid i!l hiKI~ <>Iurtl, IUlld~. U ' <:th llr IW11· II . G eurg l\' . (,d l . bUVIII .., ••.1 IIIr W. \ alld · ("I'b "' · I~. IO p. m . t<\I~ ' and Imp Vi Ita..! tU11I place llliuoill i ,.j itillg h is friundll in IlIg }lUgUlll lt· In · Eb ri~ht, Mi llar8~ A· ... A I'llrilln Fultun , tlUU~\l J(lQrs ~ with~ _ ..,-_ _ ,......,.-::,_ A. ~Ait R. !. ·~ dellu: it was CUIl I l' ~ by 11.11 ttJ ~ l\J rt!. Dr. Seller!!, llt'li. Dr. JOlles, tb 11' pr f, k ; Ilt the lI.t lit (If" tbie COUUI.>," lot lUll' IlI.cart r). ~V1th auy Mr. WiJliam P.. Dallgh t I'iI T~ L. &lll,\\' U . th", tin t . pro~ IIIUU is ro· J r UO IU Mr". "aptain H uel, M~"sQoj Li.u!e M:l unt f .' , " 0' . ft rlu~. t tl~' ll~~~ coverin g from .IlMtt~ ck of tYI,!tvid n' .. sn lle. GIIU Louii;e Jam ey Seurgl llluhmlJnd <l: (lH'(l!lO 1t' / /l W11. ,: Waync e a . w ope r o! lSOll \ I r-It WI\S all g eamoll ia but 'tbe 1'01 · H dde' I Elld "'bt·' It' ~ _ _,~~"" JIf8". . . . . I ..... I"U. 1'8 rom.., tbtl COl rt hberall y. T pu 18 11 , , i U . fe r' II. . " ~ • ' . .. cou. J D IH: St~um rl Our I>" of thtl \ Mil t ·~M 0°' :<8 !C.",,". Jilcob r. Ra FUll ndall Ie r met t11 ~ I'. 0 'C"rtwr 0 urn il1'ht, ,I · IIIr. • II' • lIy 1\ rln Clpa 0, I .' 6 1'I)"'e. I been n VI •. _ D _ ' ' e i"lllllat l-w"". 1 ' '< rIg Dr 1..1 . "~ V.:lllam .. . I 7. "l1 l' n,w"I. 118 \~u )lb"'t 11\1 I ped"'~ ." adt ellst 'dhW . Bruwu, G eurt;", w . nam- l '':"tb~1Uo ,~ c 1• • Ad-Am < IO.:JO. 111 111.111 " m nul lu:g e t eea !I.~\",\;lm, II)' \V.L. Rurlly . r, all .,.,von Jra· ilt n M4hl II Riul(e H IIr ' II, • Illr VW'JU _."100 " •• 1"1. , lIetl. 11 .16 a DI 1 11.~ I V III ki llg 1I delLl of n ise lilc'e .III ILIl , K ing' Aquila. " 11 ' n' I I ----------~=================== r. ('11m' J tllIleil ~ \ . . .. O... II • • '1,~ is l1i~ ratilyi 111 .10 a III 11..11' m lUOOIIIOli e wbi"tl ng to me to M II~& ~a. ~ ~" .unt, o(,)f IC. \ • • it did Dllt i1.dU / K ' ,.... , ~ U p. )lM ... eowweU lI to e cultivu tc<l ' tllsti;l mond , IS VISltlllg Mrs. ,earney. alll.l.\1lI 1 f II b ) f lboch aul io to thjt atfitir_ . I Hoel t K 'ld 0 Cfi . lJ6Ya11t1 ~:-J . Wileon E ll- 0 a t e 0' 0 that ~OlI.V n' ~'tv:, ~it! a. I. e~ • 'Pbe bli{) w ir.ulfCl lme f>tr.in tfrc WlU'd , S. S . I1 aiuc Jacob . K. An- h<>rn . " Co.I~p hweot, ~~; tao - niBil ~IZZI~ .Randall, 9 .0 : m ,uO .. m ,after '1ooll an'd it iSllllid, 11' " . t tell!,! · of Hnr.· d"ro!OD. W W.l~I'g ·' , Jdl'ltlll Wri g ht. Merria m SI81 . Tit! vual n~ clhsens of' v9'ysbll rg! UI .vl slting Mre. Jacob !>",,,,, ..,,,u. d hy 1 00 ~ (JO pcuJ.lle. E ve,.. , J[u;ic':- \ lUI'ge W. Ebfigu t, ~yuoIQllbu.I'i . 'ere iJlghly ....1.. Olllea,b- te. ,·e c nter'! 7,$ p u, Raudlll rlO l'." o a DI ybutiJ. 111m ~, \.a Uns p\llce. tlte re. Our lIu hl <>1l l~id te. VIII.lU& 10 ItalDud.. pro~~ aud .rully compOD' ~Mt'8 : ud ley has reeeive d an - 18m oB g:8, . ' rOW .. P"lut-a, rly. !, 4o fl m " m citizen8 wert! COli taut! beiug ur- 1" I I.ld I lA!",.. pcn~, a.rI.e 11I 1I6. 111 lo·t II h h I Bated ~ ., V 10 In glVI 'ed I alucil tluce to: t these othcl'lI t th Ko\nIllD . .. . upply t of litthose I pc ~ 06 .. m a l t lut nt n rllG.d. ~ .! ! I' U\ prJa w ! 1 0 uve DlluuiJIAll" ot' )y 01 e<lng 80m e 0 WI'C \,)ee f Y'Ula d I d . t! I d' ' tt A II'I.rtOD. atthe 'II " 3, . .... 4.11 pm ot,a id lind d ignifi\:d l1ei~hboi'\l au I , on .L UI e e VE! 0 e aUlt s' lor It let!. (III • n .p u.ce . , 011 ,co mllli 6e8 WI . \he ,:!Sth Jtew o••tI • • • rrl... , u~t: 'tbe' rc nditio'n 4'08 p m t'be jp'olUld lind under tbe Wilt. SO l ve, ofl Mr: J ohn K elsB of utr . but 11. tb~l~ Bater..... &tTl,.. !lolf .. lit: lue un, who mllB IC li n 5 . th P n. " m ea il11l wus Ii rare · I . " callUUt, tbey WIlli eon~r a favur by t /, M M' I ' . BlcblDOlld, arrl u 3.60.111 t e ~ I' m ..,0 rnally peop e wel'e n vcr, ;looru"', d . h ' I VIlle, I I! 11 g nCdt 0 . ttl r. • t th I~ Clocillnoll ......1\.... ' t.t reu • au no 9 .00 "no Izell W 0 IS a 0 \ ' r Brud Btreef 9.~4 p III we · 8~J.'p 08f\, aeen in Wa Ilesvil/e at re.p t ,'n; .M.r , ltelsuy is 1111 ill-n ' atam e 0 e CUWUlI ee , of pr~I'~ n who j Ot!~ t~e I ' Y a l i d . · · No, Ten 1."..' Rlcb,.nr,d'dRil,., 01 o ne time. . . 1 orlangfJ,well beautll ul o\lul -.ell atrord to let', lio. On ...11t ~ ... Ohkag ' .d'!I~. All Th o c lIection of nimals is ai d ' The ohll.lrman of eacb commI. . ttee pass by. We lMlow Iittl$ of tbe oUler l'r&lo ru d,ul, ... e"\1~ l,uJ., . --Ml'8'; .Mary Ta J ?~, ou~ ~M , 10 \)e I'cry g() od, Ilu d the IlCl'Oootid will IWLke ~eir o\~n' . .arran~1Il 8Dts ebll.nr.cter of a.ven 's mosic, or in- Ian d e te m~ -- , ... ~ ........ D ••• lelluw:clt u:en, I S ~IO W 1100 orhel' ~Q"'Ollmallcc it) the ~bvut LD\;t)\lo g' their C\')i»lnI tte s. d Ctld of noy 0 the r i.h in that uO\lsua~ l! leeblc, With very httle " . .4e, t· tl ' , '' ale ,., I • 1": a1'fl1Q WobilAl). -lfot'bDg • • KT,-T he curt I, H• flC Y 1lI0rll t"v L' rcpl e· . Tn .. l\{.l~als ()t)U tl16 g ood I II hope ot lmprov cloent. lI orne WII IlC I or.ohllt ~,~ Pi 'and F'"..rth sen ted IlS hn"i 1)g Cll'ell~ SIll. lies be u very be guoJ~bu t ot' his 1il'onor the MIl or, wa in ' ti nall y becullIe heil's, but Dot" ........... - at .1't cOCloel. Flrot-Day noar the closo I.f the J dn :--Mr. ~lart"' IIt'l el'II<>0Il '8o " ~w_ . , I .. Monuay ' J _ dY"'- d ' koo l\' tbut tlll'~l'u e nod " ood tiro qn1te ill tor t he lastt has adlooht 8l-lo 000 ... 4.:4. on nil ~ li t: l'erfur lH.lI1cc awind, ulld . raill.eto rl1.l' eestI,on 'Iy two w('cks , ." w 'n' " W t h d I . l . d I • ' '1 ~ t.: Ilo)b' ' Ho • . 's ol""ha vcr MU 8~it t 8 tbtl WI n ourngm 10 lie l eo "IUMOII' XllftlWG IOrthod:() ll)'- d){~t came up an;' the proprie a I tlil' o f the lalf for ell.1... 'IrOIlIhip e.er I :F,rat \ . I~I~ •.~1r 'u. co ore gUilt e· wllx iwuui Vf1rfe ction iu ilee lf is still COllfine &II ""l .' • UlIIO ullol 10'..t. ... UIl). arveys d to his roOID . l DoaY. bife'!tuung iii 11 0'0100. . Firat·Day show" leal\lng 1U1·g, Was . dUU1UgO, closed the , cQllorged )Vitia creati ng" disturb . tilkon W 1 ';~II . ed tJ W 8y m IZ wuat.eVE!r He&v"'-1 at 91~ o'clock A . 1. -Mr.- , a ter. be t arrlv ' . nere ~orm-.lOce, anu udvi ed the l alice Ilt the shuw. Be leaded . en w~y be. k~1 0W I ~tD but fro m ~lIdlallapoh8 . on M !Joay. to )f, B. Cll o~_Tbe Be... Cd FnpllC'fci th rong to make Wlod their exit guilt,}' and was filled tbre /d ollars speakll lg the nlimen t ot every !elltef'. wto tbe cabllle~ ' aud· uud r· t~~~:::~· \~'1q ~~ ~~~.·'"s..btuth from u uder the ffbppi ug- eanvll8 and C'std. Fa il illg to mako J.la _l llfprec iating h rt .tbat the mil ic...11l1li1 at ~ 1-1 taking busines s "i th ?is fat~ler . , and awoug t'le creak ing polcs. A I UlE:llt vi' th e amuull t, as tlIe ordi- given by these Sistea:t Mw~kelltl j - Mrs. Swoet O".IITIA'N CB~1l0,! -El"er J. ~, Dodd! great wauy became \'ery rec I..-ed laat o\·e· wet, and" Dance yro\l idas be WII8 senteuced!! BUIBe,,, hat the iconcc~tJOn . of the r:ing. a fr us h lot o f hl<>Ollli liP; pll.lut ' IUItor. D1~Il. ~~v::'hnm~~~h..FJf~:::;! th." gala-dr eases alld fine new suits to 80ven day~ illlVci&onmen' i u th e - gl'.8nd" ur of he~venly. mllSlC, Il~d I t o. w hi ch she r cq ~e"t~. tho r::r~rt ~1 o'clock, CJTeI"y Lord!e-day 01 au huur o~ t~o befure carne s!ld. vi lla ge priRon ll . th~t to. patronijt;e· t hcll'. e ntertam · ' of the Bo rtll public wl thuunttontio .~:-tIilltf· t, d~lay. d enly to grlof 10 thc uurelBn tlDg I F'rl\lIk Ward Il brother of Will. nl\' ~t8 IS but be plOfi ted /Iond l -Oapta in W. R . H oel wa. SUIIl ' i 'tillS'!' nA"."S"l" ~..,il ~uTCh i~ S~Uf!D' illUl, was l\rrest~d uu. tho c harge. uf d !llrght~d .. But why lI eed I attewp t l lllon ed oy i blegraw to N e w YUI'k, 1 :d~:~d!'i:;'':.,~''·aa~: r ~)dS;"".Eti~). ~ attemp t WIlS, ~e Ilt nig"'~ reeistin an officer. 1t 8~J8L>d ttlat I lrd~~rtpt\On oUbe beauty, po~ter ~1iIuD; P~. last Sunday night. on l;lCOOUtl t (f t~ gl ve a full exlll ~ltlOn, bnt the when iIlio.m WQ8 aPl'este d, Jo'ran k . uuo IIlflllCnC 6 tllose lovely r.\Jdl~M· G1I.A,m.... No. 16, l'.tron~ of rlflg ."'118 a vast mud hole. the ieata ~Qlce8 the criticl~1 i11l1e:ls of IllS bruthea"' , had endel\v ored to l' oue him from. exert?, It cann <f be ~ommll~ H".bMi Mt: ~llIi"lII &.~l: M lCut~d in·law. Mr :edwar d Mllrsh , of whose ' Me: t ~ro ~'Ot., and. the 1n OddfeUln," R ..I~<) .... ~b.:i'~(lOttlJ ~ Y tlon · o£everyth1l1g genera l cooui- \ tho hanos of d eputY-l IIarsbal s Me. ' well wlth ,lallglilAige • .It .relIlalD <J for illness wa ha ve beruru tllluded to. I . IY'IllI SO 11 II fllv or · I " "f el\llll montb. a~ 70'011) k p .m .. anol on the hi d D. ' Th ' btl· the eonl to amlJl'b to Simula te and I I . . I v <>mas an U G Iii. M 'J" IS fourth S ..-w.y of MUl> moolh ~ ~' Il o'elock . u o. Illg ~ ' rI ' . . 't 1 I' !low t IUt on y an 1110 rnpl cto sedulls otiCIJ S{Jal Frallk e --..... r. eo. . LA! IIIIllS ICll@e W&8 bound e nJoy I . - .n co nc uSlon, a , ST,lI,\l\\" s'P. . R. CUUII 'II -b.uMr .of p(JrfOrf1'ltlll~eWIL8,,;fvc m I Mr S McOulI a's new f:itoro-lmilll: ' n : H'uwc\, cr, j o"uto tbec..l~rtofOommon Pl ea8~ to say , . cultl ~a~, e and thus e . Tllinl&l ltllliam, K, re"tiI. le ,:ate in ., a~d has lJoou t l) tho city afld ~ '!"tvlC~ tllO 1:I:(,pfleto."TerJ Sllnc4~ ae 4.,lj.. tnI Sund"'Y-ilc:bool Q nrc fl1 vol'alJl .. and Ius empluy es in the enm of .82UO, tailing to g ive l y our IIpproCllltlOu o~ \~Ie beaut lfuJ , IIl~jl1 snokCIl of hllo¥illa ' a fille stOc k ut' OIOgllfit lind . tI A. 11' 't . f' h 'ch h e I"K.~Y E~ _n~ co m;t the eX (~U J lslte. r: the ~ hRI!'l&n , t· and .. Sl'curl y or \V 1 the . ...." u:,,~y PlI'P.m'l.'M~Al1T\S nAnl T e jel d OUtl tJle Ucst th~y cOtl l ~ nnder, ~Je m .... - ~ . I b b ' ..Is I '-1": .4 b B" SIH'Vlca hI C F Ilrlll" 111'0 0 f'"~II k'11101, . ~.. l ted to Jail. .:..., . C.l\8"1,~ Y C9I'1I1g t esc Istera which will UU o!t handtl ut --lhalG i 81root.. ~cl1r Moti". '&lder A. D . cln:um ~t:\lnces ; ~Id· t hei r dell1111gs l Geor~ ~ook was tritld· on the 8l11g. H • i"" . p ... l A .or Thia . Pi .. will· "", oerriCJII Ii. ' 000 of &he nicest s tvre~ !3.tur ,I,.. ~fo... th , "titI.l'f:!d,,,II,y on Ule cnah D'o.,· whi t ' le tl tnI the bJytllage Of bave be"l1 sarno oiaarm tlle victlm~ oc' the gaml in tv...n. . "- >-resis tillB aD o ffioer-- @he ..t ·:: u'ulook. ana 01' uiQ _ondInJl,ud fourth I 1 lono~bl e, ti cou~e M. r. tbe eVlden cc gOillg to ehow that he , bling d e n last Satnrd ay. was so , ' s-......u..,.. uJ~ 'i ~~ • -Mr. Seth Brown , Mr . ,J o~c)lh ' ....1(. . . . . . . e ~ IS /lot to am~. or the mdls had lIIade so m.e resislllt le? todepu t~ collfiae nt or w.1" sue "*III that • Town"b, he won p n t etAtotive J. Brown &. cretlon and M'r. of two Jo,;llgli E vans i of 1118 men. w,l,o , marsha l IT. ~. DlIVliI wUlle that o t- to tbe l' "teat.... C-patly ,"""Ie 0" il,a lld 8Rtur· huw\!vel' be ' prompt Nuti onal .u"nk t o obtain the l" d's D -/ d"" f II" d:l,; r . _ b 1110"\11 fl dia 1 \, . ' . h o'cloelo po. "" J3y t· '" .' . • 0/ an I C lI(J argeo elr am fice \I~8 r \I \ 0 LLS ill 1\ I r 'Lpll I~ . the 1 executi llll 01 t e loan o f $l 0 I)--"J.u st fo r 0.0 hOUf 8l'riyed .... n'''~'' '''' ' urTIgdtl13 ng o oI.-'Ioi Bp.,.",. u. mtuxlcu l ed h ere OW' • ...,.,.., ~-. Oil Munda d t' y on t' I a . v i.. it 1 Vall S \I tfic 1'1 . • '. \ a r lY"ie I t . II led U .IIS 0 I1S C I ,., . Or wO ; gu t ' u 'c llaucc t0 d'uU b'Le •It to tb e ir rdati icltmt. Le .... S. Sm,th, 8e<:rc\A r l" Ie a oo."-race , w.hlch 8u U1all) Couk d e med, hut e. vell; m ur (~sp". ill llv the Mayor th o't dowu hcre." h owever t u CUIDIllem rute the (ony. , , , ~ :az .-- - - - - ho~ d to WJtlles~, fllll ud to COIll l the 'e,' idellee sQ/B(li() utly ' strong tO I H e lI:ot it, 103ft his Ilotu payabl e eiE4htb a~llive Bec~l'ove. rsaf'Y'orMr. aDd Lt.;' uti, on ~col1n~u~~~~tlfur. ALL KINDS OF- - \I IIl'\'allt hili1 i." huIJ~!,g tho J e~cnd-l ono tla, .aft8r ret\lrned~ As h e r Brown' s·" c (ldillg-d ay. The l i--Qui tc a oumbe r of friend" and D ELAVS ARE DAN GI£RO t;s,- A ent tu IlPl-I etI•r I.n tho t;ommor - -~ I !S~l tu Mi a IlIll ~lal. J\Ilati~l't'auembleQ..at. the bo rne of good, j olly lIl1tared fr ieud of o urs H o ga Yle assemb ling of their c hildrc ·· 0 11 uad III the II\1UI ot, It WUSIl t lung befo l:c lie ClllU\" th is' occasio n 'VIII! 0 ' s'1lrpris Will If Cleave~ the otbet day. tb attende d tbe slto w eqtJ ipped w-itll,la e, antI 1\ 1 'i:!) fi:1.. \y'il~Cil ~~ releo.@ e~ : . . I buck, huwcvc r.. alld WIth l-aLthe l' a VCI:,. pleaean t o no, ~ial th~e to etl\er. (!)ro- aD umbr(~IJ.~ Ib got DV on o ne od. tu 'Ull\, uged ~~ Wllhal ll Da.kl~, trIed 00 t~e gruv,e exp\,etlli lUII of> countcu ~~ ~gJ ~ all ctJ, fl'iende . u:'teem ed to be ,t hegchie f amuse· of the P10st elevlLted seats I held lIame chl1rl:{e, w.&8, he1d-t().appea ~ w lellnll1g over th~ q C?lIl1wr tti d . he TI rebe 1 ~' . the \lmbrol la betwee n h' I ' . . d tlle-s um ,ot ,tuO: m a rkod t o) the ta. ln lOl' : ~p.pU~10 :. t1~Y'aut)ay!d n~tiiY2 became (] absorbt The wo rtlt · loato.re of IlUlt Milt'· . . . .. 'd iu ~~n~~' r~lt' l WlIli a ftl Cooper , arreste~ on the HI.. wi sh )"m 'd nmko tili8 note I uay'_f:l j.lIb,loo \\'~s .11 g lllll.blill g ~.~. wUeo .dil;ulY, w~s,&n'oolloced, i og the beantie e of art and nafnre same charge , plell. t '8' . . . . a,r~ d ed gUll ~v and . !b~. nmety day~, J oel ;, thu.) ' vo Kut ' tilblieill .] ' d f 11' t' f tJ~l1t ~hl~h. WllS t \lp 011 , all thMt I he loat I's b Id a d th ' Wil li ,fiu ed $10, wh ich be paid, • '1~ ~~I'IIl! D JUII 108 rom. . It. , 11 0 n the sh ow· lot Uy wrotChc s , e urn · • •. - . . -led - _ . ...... ' to be folluwe rs vI' thc II ho ll'.s"{lPOl: oAtil!! di.nner~ tho! relurne d to th.e blella droPP.'ld to the gruund . TiI(' C ' . !t Tnull' ..Id pl!'1"gron~', and, ptil~d ontJi was a good · waY' doW1l,. •. -On Mund" y a ' tramp IthYI' n '1II0. · 80 lw '''lId stonped at th e MUSil of..Mr iacob tb llo w8 ho istoo thoir can\' as and I 6.. · .M iullida BoorS pRl'Y.ed · tb be to, hilltselt . "It isn't raining --.r . ~ . . . Jed; fl' I ' ; 80' ~ n . ~.I.. Wand Mrs Handa ll not 11- -Mias Carrie . 1 h ~ y. don't need ' Olt1ieo s is on t4e tlLlt v~rgd' the'..... euamp ion ..... "WI. len 8tJn~Ct 0d: uur peop .~. lfl 0 1 t' ayer 0 f , ~"" .... , . Ilnd It now. " , . k ' I ' t b . at king t .. b~s l h a p ' d .... arlMlce t ... t lell1 _.. manner ell I A t "t, t e g nee .... lIIl urnuu lOme, 11 '.n e . Ieng t h't L_ s SIC I~, 11 WIl are g u o suy tb Ive l'S pl'e..., IISe8; • d u ow. . ' t i , t I (l('gan to rOID " . an "1 ordered him,.-df[ wh ou lie I'e torted" Sh e IS . e prime o UJcc, ,o we vel', \\'as Improvl 0 Il~;. Mfter biddil,g tbtlil' hos' and hostess he cwmf?~ tod hiwsolf thllll: . d th to b t l /UrIc I " Well, in moet l?rllfan~ and insultin g Ian . ! -Mrs. Mury Shrops hire, orS a· ~h!:e farew~lI, and lil1fli n~ 800n· to be l 'I,u. all right. 8n~~o... ; my umbr~l- ~ou~e. He afterwa rdll WOllt to Mr le.m, New J ersey, is visitillg Mr_ It was oal:: w e Ila~e ~~t rell~"cd l' . abl. to mUI'n th~lr kmdDe8lh lu not tbree.c urd . mun te s· llllder me. · But wbeD th c ~ , Cadwa llader's where the ' Tlmoth y Wbarto n\! family. .. 11 N E A' POLL 1, LYIf· 0 F-'- '--ta ed 1' 1 IJ. I " d I tt . . , I -Mr, J ohn C. RIdge and wife e Int d, ~ egan, .ue oo"e . ' ,' an~- young Mislles Lizzie ''' e or C IIIC k ·a·u \ uc k', s UIDS'tl illig und SiiJlie hap- Mrs. Chloe Dornell ,has Mert· with yiait,ed .M , r. IlDd Mra.. JOnD Bears co~o ~ e to tec~Hve , the sott· eprmg a wheel and • . marble lu1d pened to be alone; tb ey, howeve r, vo.isiting her dl&Ogbtifr't Mis. Jua. 'Be° h on Ill s. 'uay form Tb rs d J'OLU Wru. pointel 's and alura- Batao's 'own raID fig' He ba ' kl, OJ U b n d' b aYf' D---b G M r. ri1' .c h' I wants now to b. introdu ced to the aVlt~g w 8rnt'd '11 Yhadmlesskeedn. ~ portu ~ ~A~I!!U ' or u ,' fflVS-oC 00, • d ' 'Ii ' I w b ' U b W .. d d e vice for swindli . ~g ger rom JIII"B. R an a, 8 ' oe unSOPh is tica1 . . - M188 'I he e barton. V1 8l00 ted mell out ' ortllelr -lJIo.ey . giHnK ·,htJ Q\'erog e per cellI.. in de· ~:~al"~'::brella.°' enJoJed .that Ideo' ~ d~1'8, bot in their liaste alJd I Mrs. Rettie H opki08 in Way. n espoI'tme a$ alld lea OilS for the lIlouth W, 'e rlOgM to say tllafa fow we~ D'I? .., T ' . , ,. • .. ai.G Yi'llf t thght forgot t o socure a n~w'lUade ' ville reoently~ tlDlliog· Avrll 80 : f'oond who 'wcre dnpedl' in to bcli ev· ~!'r~tIJ!!;~ lCell31o..... ~~~~ cake and 80me eggs , w!lIch had I -Miss My rll Baird. of ~-¥ W aynes. !ng: that iNherc were n!l~' " milli.uu e Rolle Carroll ' 90 Annn Carroll 99 been s~t on the porch •. ~he trump I vill e, has beeD visiting _. Emma Ellje 9ol..' OlJie Legg bor bo we III It," tliere wus snffic le nt to JIl IJ ' 1 89 -Frien ds' Quarte rlr Meetin~ llot belllg ~rIIonh..-d ' II~mleB lou to the io thi8 plnce. tify them in ritlkil rg. ,hat w IIDe.v" N. Colema n to ' lWl A'tile B 90 begins 00. Si"tb·d ay of · tbis week. 110 016. gob led both 0 erUl S, ctWte and' eggs I' -Mr. ,Tal'lleS Bradfo rd , has pur. they had or could obtain Hila Albl. 91 L. Binglet oll 90 and contlOueSj 88' U8nal, on tlie and ; somc uf departe Hil, rl. I~""s . t ohased 0. fino 8e'. of b Ida Varner 90 Net. Colern ae SO Seven tit and J<'iret.da.18 barnCllll l them, too, who coultl Il ?t aft:ord to . ... . ·folJbw iog. . .~~ ~ast Sat~ruy nlg~t, Mrs.. Ie!BeI / of D. R. Elirigh t'. ....1lM 1 ... . Maud Rich 69 Lida Beal'8 IH1 -Di¥in e service in the Epi8CO." WrIgh lORe a uollar. Ono cld·. tly gentle· , t willIe .loDe 10 her OO SlttlDlt ~. ' ~' )( . OIeavo r ·00 I,i7.zie Sears 75 pal Church . Ilext Sunday man4 whowe- dare say' never'1 _ . Mr. J~~~ S)'d b baa 8tar4ed dreaune d of such. macilil 4nna K ing 45 Mattic Rich 4Ih,. and 4 o'e1ook 1' • .!of.' at 11 .... room, .....B·Mar~e:d b,}" a· knock at l le, and GRA.I~ . tbe dOOr( nQ11lrrng...,tlo !bere" a grocery . In I.,p a~. • . - . O~. njcb "ho 80 Auua Rich 85 ~eooyed ·jnto ·the ·den by ' - - _. • .. there, 'he re~ly ~rne, ,'0pen the l -Mr. ~f~ l~hok~l ~ J MOllie. I4ctgg '1J) Nettie Riph 70 Anothe r whishly 11" btuld aletOOt-p'iIe'6n, WM beWild ~rCd ' an~ glltl!wa y-t().he ll door, and you:U ito , oat.l • ¥oJ!tun - fug lion adlh~l~n to bls ~~alle. . , IJ¥l'J Collih. 8() Erank. Rich 95 has ~II O»tJIled i n ~obn Kell ner!e atel! the <lool" . . . frigl\teb ed untiJ.b e lost 8176. On & ltJtrlted; ~nd. MI'8 1 - .M r. 111 U~ID D~k.e I. build Ill,g 1000t NO~ aoothe r .~ '8110the T Gollioa 8() V. ()c)\e!Dll.n 26 bllildan g, comcr MaID ~nd Tyier, r ' laO; W~i~t' f1ed to. the npper reglon~ . , a new paliug ttmoe& 101 fioO w.n"e Outlier /Si') Ohail. C,'1lher 4 0 street~, .May the proprJe of· hl8 an,a th.e r ', tnO, and ,olle $30. .AI P toJ'8 SooD EVld,,? tly tbe fel1~w, w~olMver lie I bonae. · • Quiocy O&rro\l 25 Goo. Carroll 9 0 become tangled in the tbls bus lnesB. W/18 800n ac'Com phs b . I of was, Ilad 00 80od" lnten~lOns.' Id 1 -Mr. Tbof\)&8 Goodell. b811 pUro ed, and before the storm I.e.i .. Searl 9S O. Singlet on .30 tbe law, 1e the ve{y beIItI1!1.!shce came up, luok we ODr o.ffi~rI ; we tbUWto, . &b~t'/;1 chased a n eW orgall. , . fiJ. SiIlgtet on ill '. Singlet on 40 willh them. Oan 't they find SOUle keep a 'Y1pn" the villains had " .'roclt their t8llt looko~ fet' - Mr. Willi ~m .Burnett·aDti·'Wire, add !e R ich !56- D. V.... oer 65 1hooora ble way to make a livinl. vagabo on their W&1I it is p~. nG., and wheD' ther, ~ppew. ~r8. Iilaac Seller!! alld }liss Maggie Cbulie ~ 6() s umed , to Frankli n', before the in.tead of dealing out misery , de- ~moDg ue, should re'Nomp torlly nrge l Sen. . vieited Mr. O. RI- Morford'e oiicers of ju\itioe oo'd WtfU, V... nu" Tjl&Cb.er. trouble them. ~redation ~nd e.verlae ting d~tr~c. th~m to 'move on . obody k 1l0"11 1 family latelt: . - - - .- - .--Wbe th el'. tltia. dMlil'& ' trap is con tl? n . to theJrtpooI'J weak, UlJresI8hn wbat deeper~oee. m~y be among st , _ Mn R ebecca Deolln n..r. vis- l1eatoo wltll Mr, ,8arYe ,.burC . VICtlU18? ' Bells' show or IlOt , ~~;L hem, Dor "'llat . ctllB88 th,ey ~re l l ed I . .. MO ., "-t S d ' cAnnot be told' but we think l r d t 't. 0 . t' it Is t lelr ulcce -.-- n 3 oall11le i ea, rea.r o· CUmin I , ur -r.Th. )(...,.j~ Sistera will giv. RoBlIItJ- IV. : - While CI IZOllS" , W "11' I d a duty t the family too, ladiea especia lly, shfJu.ld bis gontl tllllan ol"es to be near ,ayncs" l tl, tht1 (It le r l1y. ~D 01 U»elr . ...aDd Oon.,. ... ~.~ were attendi ng the show ~n Sa~ bimself .aDu the peoplo lItl expects iD .... )(. E . Clftlrcb on Fndfty urday, Mr. Cbarle s Hawke s rOlli-. careful to take ever.Y'P.ree~.utum for i ~~h88 Ida H ongh h¥ the se&r- to'patro nilA bilD;' to prohib it any . ·yenfn . 01 this , w.,ok, Wp b.QJ?;e. deuoe. w•• burgl£J 'ized, &1ld all tbe 8afe'y wheu ' albnG '1II' thelr. hous88· let l lUih. soch wretch M to , fl"low him ' and Tt. M' • ~,_~ , -Mr.. na·R6b er'ta ie ' olellkin g in eet np thtil"in fernal iI\\'llldl e&, ",,~~i1L . be. c,'9... ded. O9Ok~ viotna18 and 8\1m.o clothin g I ne.y nnm,,;,,- o~ the Am.a Mr: Bmith's grocel'Y : Ira makos - - -"-;- -- . a . ... .._ p;Dcioln od tllefeh:om~ ! t~r, a. monthl y mag~zllle. of mU,lIe, . good clerk. ~ , ,, Q11'1te .. rr,e.. 1." 01\0 orSah1;dRyts dupes fl)Uowed . hteratuJ Ie and a~.. f.ultheh ed . ~ , s.Da~ NaAt. Ie. '~'med a ql}ar· , tb e \)1 ' to ~ k!' th~ whole, wbat with ,fignts Lee & Walke r, 9-:12 M Ohesnu t &treet, -E ver;ybod;r181>lowl III lor corD. da tv~..·iJ1~thicJr. nied ra~ I~~&ta~;~ , - 19ambl e ... doo.uka,lXis,. robberi es, a,UdP~liladelpbi~' is rec~jve d" co~- -:- W.h!,a~ l~kiI badly.. . • .... . . ganera l demol' allution , Saturd ay wos A ChOlC6 selectio n the bi'rds had fl own. j of mliSIC -MI88 Lilhe Baroha .' 4! &e nUa" apring ; elbereal wuo't a !ery wholea ome da.y for aod .milceU ane"ul matter. Terma, ' boroDg h; is teaob~o J't, of~mDg- !!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!~'!!!'!!'_""!!'!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!~ g. the RaY8vi lfeII .I NO'lllI-C;o;;== WaYlleavUl.e. -I . per year. (11 mll ·) j ecbOOI. So-AIlLft. r r... , " ••• . __ . .. a~ The allder i",1ld hM *0 duly The oirco&. gamble l'l ate 8Uppoaed 'For waY8 tbat are dark and Snow - - .---- -. d Sunda,T mornin g, the N "~i.-'t.or of til• • •IAI ofappoiote tit or four mQnth . tiU t~ ha e~ad local 888iatll.o il;l.rot - tricks D:'" vm " that · are vain. the heathen f May. Take thl&~down in yom J. : u8~~ for YO,III !:~~ "'IteO~:;ftGE?W~n:rBF~,loJr~" , .tl,llg. tb etr gante\ I Obint'e i " nor nlt l/m 1'1'lCt.1.'lir. \a l,tlal' rCC\lrd . ' "'ioru au,· lIHb. AllI,,',..
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~ . '~~"~~~~'~""'i --.... --. An draWll ellW9 .... Ilq IDOUrniq .· Wh.Ue the 011"" .... &ad .....-, -....sy aye, In IRan ad deod.
levcn(ng • P. &.- an1
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au ........,1. ., •• '" 'D1....ik 11 . ......0. ~t Dr~ . . . .~ • • , ID t b a' ~" ( . . 61) we qn'ote llreloll O"iogl "In Mueaeflulette, ... __ "1'_ , _
llil tile h~ ..._....1· ~
that . . . "..... . • "10'
..... i'Idib
.• .,.it ........ ...... ~_ . . b..,., ..aUfe Lt ,ltd. . W'~ .... fa ~
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see tJadIrta.ting Estab1isluoeat! ~ao'
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...aeNi - .18l1li1 - ..., .o .... eus· ~J
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t--.t ~ J'I"IC'8dent· for the wom .11' 'I.
" .... forllan 'l'ln o~hg. 6 I'"-r ""... T-• 3, ."" •• "...,'"•... 'd'ar.l. No . I.
tb.u Ii b;-· ""-f~ rarn'an·:'~o!.~"'iol'''Womal7 8oft'rage," and can '"I~on-"Wom'
Cm·rltllt .-whil\! gr.p l·. eL<: • Oefll'mod &,avel • one 1,"r oltt.
Glua .....rtlll".. t 01
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01 ......_1.., Itft,.-~ .tIt. . or\. ()uI bo(dcA MNr ao.4GlWlfI. IX~ .,.
0' ......... ot-._.
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.1 an;.~ UIe_.......... _ (...... \0 "'" "' print),.wIIl. ... _ _ . . . . . . - -' '" 01""" Dr. 'ocmo. ... lbe . . , . . , . _ ........
".. a-,..,. ..
. , v II lid ," " de . Iv ,!tme .•IL I'I.. n•• pie , .. : b,· "ink,·I. H echL. \V"Il ' er \l·U,OIl ,. el". . Firly. M , "" u: Y " 'I,'. 12 Nllm"or •. ,~ l .. e_oI I3. I:." dl uUUlbu, •..""U I .. '11 ""~ • Rod dillio ulL Pi,uW MU8:t!. w",'l• h,'11'II [,·1.,"",.. leu", f!!.bO. I 'ri,'" "I' ,·""h 1> u .. t,. r, I' ;... CI•. ; Yonrl." t! l'hmhn8 fo ,' *~ .
b_ . - .. , . . . . . . . ......
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aD4 _ -. . . . . . . . . .
w.......... wltom. I~ ~..u~ Tfte I<e!!Innlnro 0' ... oJ! ,_ _
h.'''1 """ nuw.1e to. ..01. . Dr. Foo...... J'QPUJu, _ urll". •. rL.lU' Bad T.w .. .. puUauter t, Waj.1oN ... -,,;tto, .. .....~. '"' IUA I.Iul L"1niI lor 'b.'.... ...,~ 1orI_.. &at"ee and 1M ru.. ywnel... ft. IbtIJMll ~ .lIIulUlI,M oC qllHil..,. . _ led,. ...t.......
. p . '· ~ "'L" "." I.L, EIERS I 843 BroadwaYI II \'
.... r..,l.dAo Il....,._ ......
TiuIrtI .. ""lhl.. " ... mo ..
. 1 1 _ a\ all . . ~ ......
.. __ '"'
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of ..... or "' . . . . . . . . .
"""AUf nuM)'; TALK" Ie ,ubllill..• h . . . . . .
. .tuta .,,4
"In.." t,."........ ... ..... ~
n._.... - ..
Dr E F De.
-• ...1 ratb # l't -0-.... e toO_ au ~I en· W I l l . are eIeC!""" er apr po I • . fill!! the e'baoDel, 10 . . ta • .- eire ieal, religiOUs, ot otbet ' ~SolDethleD ~r IIIU 11M, ~. tfj~ t tban lOr ,bel, eminen ... fo1' . rt .-8W B • hits1i ;toted .. ~t ~t( .... tbftpl d. Mr. Haucoet ftc k of Day. ( ...I~ _peo! ..U, :fl ~tr. • ...,.tfon of cit, aN .«;tOilUdtDg ~"" d..-· toD followed wlth,an addreaa upon me clll_a of W.r.: :1w ,till. . .leldy.1O hoK the la"~, I ~ ,.add ... Little.Thing'S Qr'tath et $hiaa miT.. robot. beret die ' JIM WIll ~ 'earn mele. The cIi&reDC118 dW :Ilh:'==""'~dl":'i~!kc).,= ...~:f: be- 0'" ror LeclIea' <1o.~Q_' ......._ ... Boy.' faet hicber thaa iD 1888, ~ile.' t"eeD aD edllClltted aDd an uoed. aDd Yo"-· 0 ...... UOll1!li1v~. Vkaua aoop it ... " , • bip bJ lic!8t.d ..,.lfle tile eli• • • in ro:B!r,J i';!!:b::'ro:"":'bl:PI:te:~!':! .....1' , reet. ..bil~" to ~ hm'-" ......... '-rr Il8'Il\o" "" 1M ,--.· A.• • tDIUIl1fac~riD' toWn Oh., bie po~ wh' hit · ItMlC I..., --"... . and wId! "''''0 tatJoop elaima great Datu~ .,d, ree~lt oflbe intoenf Ja o(·t ,* i" ...~.r:,;.:~ ~I=~r=o':.! T&IItag eI; the moDD. toe nnoan d· tie dti!'fJ'. He iDehtded in _ ..... WIll . -.. ace. ~orlt ooor nnd, •
ing ,he eity are _id 10' eooW e:llla128tible of lhe
u.r wA'~W' fJ-d
'I1~,.eilatio", ao~z::r..Iy . . ..i
wb~h 10 'min,.. · · ~ do DOt
It.tbe linJ ~i).ent~fo;fi~.a -;I-A .. ,a u. .... eft.fh:":Jita~ ·· ~iDe _. oLe ~w ... • .. , - - " ' " . , . u ..
No.Lh ... o,l.
..... _v. V"" • . A
. ' . . tioolUlY portaM. eO.8I. ., btMl.dJou'I 'ned meet at Waloe ee,. aod l'oeoaoti'yee, arid' aU kinds . ~ iIle on llie ,thto Saturd ay of May, lOr _ _:tt... aodllli ll - - 1 - anli Iat wbioh time .o.e 'aC&ioa 'IDU& ... , _ .. ~JI t1 . eutiD p in i~ ancl --;. .,e 'be lalnm la reprd to the .lIUllDer
• . . . . . . t _ _ . . . . _ _ . .- . . . .
FIRS'l ' OLASB PAINT ER, 1riU be paw 10 ... ,
. . . law-min., eve
,lamDg mill., Institute;
' twO' ItMm> Woollen' Bo~tew ...... ...... pnleaC" aodl ·ecKtoD , .• , a.m ~d ".".1it& .~ ""Da n....." aocilll&D1 oeber lIIUlafac· Ir.ted Ul theIe ...... - "OOiMioD b, the
ta~..c:f.~D~ . . .-'~ ....1i..:... oi~P!.~!:E!!:; _D
• Y.. " ,-
~o",eyer it i. claJ .... tUt 1M-.., cJ~
Pfwi _e. . ---, .0 ~. ~': !l.nfA aD, uec,..ttl.r~~
10 M.:i~f:: . ......I ...
Yoa &.&1:. cell
..1f gane., Ao. ,,-Prlce . a ellvelope, ooly 1111 centa. , T h e colehrated .uthor. III dtll ad.1IIt rable olearl, demolllt ntt... fro!II a. &hilt,!' ,eaN' . _...rul prectlfl8. th. ab.rmlDi COD ...... ur_ of ... If·abue -,. tr. radleaJl, cu...;;J ....ldtout "0 tID. .,..,,,. tIM of Inleraal DledlelD. or IiIIe .ppifca~oa o[ &be mlfe .' polnt;lo go'llame aDl-ofou ea&olla e .'l!1ple. oertain aJld elleetta.l, by meau. of ".Job·..
III 8,"r.d
OeD\I. OIlIlCt: 10 IllkOGtI<Ie 10 lleW .~~ PIoio. rad'" to ~f .... •
t"~~~'" 'lev. &1..'-...:... .......... ........ ,... s. W. Oer. 1Itzt. u4<.lfal . 8M".
...1'IDIlD' ...." ...
10 _
boat _ _
trill P~ ~ ....Ie ... I CIa
N OTIC'..~ fD.
I ad b
, efJOMp hK; 'Ibn..
:::::r;.q!!Zn:: . .114 "'_laa.....
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:::1- Y'...;:=......:=~~·~dttl):':"~.:~='t;a~"OWUlO.. . 1'1..... ... II, .oO~lfl. I AI.LEIf Ar.rfl tl: 1871
pMI '!I.
U 00 PER D.d7~
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no..., :,ou. aDd • .,.". 81". ID' , Sen'
Iud. u~ Mal , p"'o eM.lope to -1 add.... po,\,~, 0Jt __ iplof II. .fl.,. pot' _11UQIt. .Add ..... fhu puMi....... CN .... ~. C.,~nl.!l_. ..,--.., .111•• ~.-. .«le.. ...
1LUN ..... • . . . . . . . . w«_.........
_:st"!~III;,..':Ir.~.8ham.... , Q
La Undert.\h ill8'. 1_ pftPU'O dto fat.. DI.h Illlldllcl.eo.f Oo1ltnaant;l ~o ... :Re- T - W - ' -_ber yo .. can e mOlley lit «ra... Ari. ilia. ~k. by: - ....IlIaiD .. me; . .4~palri q of all ~ c1O:;;; "lT,· .&\\111> •• " fa lot T----.... - T Dbl . .... L. 0f u s - .. B Jt........ .........11 .. 00: 4.
Plot.... ~.... d,.... tuteftdl1 · te'l
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ier . . V..tI,du.r,
mdl~~"oure . bl_I' gb~apI1.
.HIe,., .......
.IQ9~10Mble IIlltb - Q'U~. U' 1IU AD- DUB .
" ........
er, lufrere r. DO IIlllltcr whal llie COlldiliul l ndhe • pri.,ot.· _ ra ... 1. · . l.eetet "'01114 k !nth. r.adl
tedollb~'1.""&e ·
'r0 _ _ STRS ET.Ita• • •"IN.
tla. _,--ThIrt
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W .....kae .. , Illvolul1l a" $(-mlnlll y. Menial An. Pby"e.1
~fte'.... .
'S~ W ·B AIN E.'3 o
Be --'e
Rlve...ut . .Pre....
=~~I!'!) ~t~:~R"::~O~~~:~
pr&f\:ula r a"eoli.on
brmb or Iho ""'Mne.. . WOD o. HUD AppU7d!.
0" .•
Dr. Col......U·. C.lebra te4
bH~~: n:n~d~~~·::~I~• or ~ Na"
attonal (Ink B'1Iildi'~" W AYNES VILLE• .OHIO.
JUU. ptlhlllhed •• De- cdl&lon of
.re prepmd 10 do fir'" el...
Aa ........ ... Of b'f DlMI. . Orear ,..... •••r. ........ . &lid oh.be. or. ~e CoOAlIT . l'IIbJi.be. . . . . . .1 P..k Plae. . ." York. Pleu ••!,a.. lit trllai P.l>JII!I' y,'; ..- .......aftl.. _DIo. . [~
fa tha . . . ·V»oItI Iie
1tt1u Jb . tm nts' htrfis 171
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Beue ~ and ., _ •....:.. Sat....
I\emm,, "cc. 111 mllil AIIO~ld 110 ."nt by a money· orde,. <l rn lt, or r<'K,·I<l,cd· l"t~Qr. 10
Oeii~~::',,!~{J: ~~~~ri~:~."M~:.
lie that 01 ,be OioeiDDMi 10..... Dlaytoo. &boo ~ ia.,. .... .lfr. B.'. L • .~ - - - . . - . l JOo., • • ~~ .. a . • If.! ' . ., • •UO ......... I ' l l . "..,,__ tow'. . . . . ID ~~.,. OUI'--U .-oe. er , a .. 1 ·01' '"'DB- ~nce 1 I"!_' ~~ ... " rifle . • In TMre II MId to. 00 ...,.<#.... tv.. .,.0100 aft. WHOU SALJ: teac!Jee • ohlld to I . the -~ ~ ..-.~. .. ricb mil1.iOD8 _~bd illY.1e d til harlllOO J Ii. aC "I of lIII.u l ·I'!~elo .IIINIldln . fae~ & . l:· o~er ~.~.,. JEW£l,P.BS M.ti0lt ql-t;;u. I.. the foooda tioo of eociety . a"l<'~~ ~tll""' P f Do eI ... __ ~: ftIIm. \lffi"" aBPiiO~tMI . » ill iro.. eft . , . . . ., .~ lllJ. .... ro . D I0Il UVOlIIl ~ appro ve.. _or 'allloUl piatt.....;DOOftO .0rilllDal " 11' facilili.. iD tI\e .." b malio gpt. br mell !Jein~.t.i.·cb. ~r wOrib " .. Watcb ea, Jewel. .", BUver _",-- -Jll·.L.- ..- , __ .J t'~ "'I. tba ~ ~L.... a ___ -'-6L._ i roo, nol~ rvu, _ All t aIlo.e MDt pna . pald _\tit H" .... T8 ....... WI e .,. toIRI ~IIU Plated Ware. VU" AB" Un• • the gr.allllu . lraled_H lLly IItIljt WoO, . , . an . . . . _ . ..., . . . ~ were retorh'ed to :Mr. Hanco ck for niD •• lwO IDOndia O~ TMU. lor ..wa.I~}j- of all J5indl ... hie ada.r6118 0111, 10 S...-tJII'I- Tool. '" Ma&f ...........
... ttl. ".I.E.
•. &BA.1tP.
&... na a. KE1\..JT .!!..-.r: JUJU K • •.ILL..
G... 0 D :! ar&.
DB N!"sm
Throwgl 'rTickeca and furlher III formatio n alu~. . . be olitamed- "' 011 principal Tlekd O'IIJ. 1:!1""Ic.fIr epec,_" . l'Ium i>e MI . "I.t~.l\ va ceH througho ut the We.L, 30ulhwn . mnd r enL8 . . ' eu , ly s.b. orl~lloQ . poet.pald , •• .
De va
1lR8. A.R W•."......m•• Jan. lIO. 1,8IlI. . . . .'
_II ~"'A
.-u ....e:.....""
. e F~~ ~I!i!!)t . b.!:~~"'1s.~ ...... ...... .. . -u~ .. GlII . .'1,",1O b~-rL:'-:::!! trI,\=~ SILVB B..W • BE l' ~ J '~I...d 1M .
W._. . . . .pI ' "
id,.p ijMN JjIJ" 93.1 J OIU l••a;, ..•. _'J_Till•.• ~AMIIIi: .111 t., ';!lc;l:t'ttt.".....K I Pot.ra ~ fI ICaJl ......1 I_I. at " ......... ! I......... '"" • .~ . ".,;,
~",,,e... ··
.... IUU&
.,....:It; B. FOOTB l.
,. nd ..., V.LY ~• rlt If a aOJ CSa leW aDd make aa Di..... hiall aU e-,pItI. _d A&811tllll alld with • u ··U t.., .... , u AJlDIlUI t AS, UoV1 1' 0" co mmunI~n"~ W.lIo1HI.r ty III. . Moulltuin GTW. LolltihO ffl)' A.1t (ltll'ttanooga at t p. ai. on the dt 0 taga • any that were..,- wound, ledgfl of tlte tA3te8 of t.lhe , .1 1 " ro,l., BI'LTIM ORE; 11, .. (' , L eaJil/g. ,~ l.i tcra.,. \~ ·y .1{(l 01lIaz i1Ie n ., g, " w'hlolt he lmt 10 loog r.Hlded . be fee l. _fl· '; H-" er 'IIpPa r _ ,- ___ ___ .... !!ZJ!i a distance of oW> miles. Poood Ion tlJe d.,· of l~ 'Rag SewinK" de1tt l~ Tk .... 80 h • \ L......t Ire '11111 be "bla f o !fl." eutl~e ...'" ~01'''/l.y 1"1,'. :l I.e> 1I r. el hii;lI flj AIIl "1'1tIt~, 1:. tlur friends (jlate and Nett tokens e .lEa _ _ _ '~'. . 11: 8 TAn 1. r a rr 1!! n 1 !l 7. •: . . '. =~~b!.k~~at'Llug I'IlDe1'ula ••:.;". S~1tr I'i~·e . ~t:;';t~!!L~::~b I'OOmiD~" ~e .o~o Honae.- " I 'tilll WAirBt:W (JOUlh'F ~~ OO!~~:~~~l.1t, TR ROUO ll THAIl'!!, · " ........ .. . O.I'IrHI II . . . . HIU. TU(JIfI' lIIa1' _ . - . 'J'be,t Ire d.1lgbted .itt. tb41 ell1. Ae800I .nJOl' met.t Frankl " .. 3'0. fm /figit JAME S W. HAIN ES. M,D .• 25 in 011 '-1 VOLUM B XX ~V . 1'it 0 't ICE , AUllrian PIlle, !.! to:l "'" h·i){1r the ooDotry' and the climale , and ,S .. turduy I..... to, April Il.; \' 1.\ P ,\RKER: :i I: I' Jt ~.. 1t\ A Y :11. 1"'74 .' !Utk. "" .... ~. tIloke llil. ~hOlf of eo rrerllng .~-.-.OMCE U ... T ...e Whl~ Pine:';! f.!t~~lj~gtcl higu ~ .... \ . Flut Li .. ~ . til. L oui. gOp· 1 J.IIH·. it". ""H L",..11 ,dll' ~·'ntrihut Ar'iOTHEU think of qaakiDK tbia their per.ma· ,·. d,,· Meetin i ~al1tld &0 ol'def at jl .rrG"e .. O~ re-t D. ti ~, ,- Oailv. tf',lt h •• heen cireIlIMt\••1111 1[" I :. n:\ 10" reel I" ;;h rillg tho , ·cnr. fll' ~u~n' " ~L~& lind 1'0J u.- : • .L.• .-.L. ~ neplt h om.; hat l&... "' . . A '11111 11 UB II .. ~orr , . . lTV""''' ~. _ ' ,. "'J t... l'a8i.... ut Ln Oi nel nnnti ,.... . 9 r.:1 Am . 9 itO ·0 ..... tld ": iI.".un C.,II n 11r,'1I1 .• nd .Ben,', W . em UC~ ... 10 '1 lec L. hifl,u Lhll "I C 1/1111' 10 Ihe dn m~~e 01. our trndc , .I7. " Cb-H~ i8 eitnate d in East : .!auip r. ~U " L nn g I r' I •0 ". , ••I I 1'""I I "I P Fil'lt ...._..... :z':l A ..... Ol.;/lI,·u , lIo I 1" )'1&. a _ . J 1•ug tbal .......1\I·d•• Ift." P er 1 10 A.iIJ --""!> " ~ m.t hy " !e .. " ' ~u~ln. ms "r • ~-. .-. : 1 5 . " 1' "rl 8l1 ' l)u lh 5 5~ .. . e. ureal r . . 01 lee 'Il I~ e1'\:tll We TeDTt' i:' upon the TeDne- rl· W. Ic.\--. \0 20 " 101' .p ·,·iul illt",,·, t. ~J" rl. Twnill "'ill C ' 0 , ")'- . ~ • "onduc ted by n_~. !lope I'" I.. •• ~IR ril , lta f, !>'5 '.' lh., thu . 6 20 "m H ih" .. S I. t",·he , .. r ~li •• i.8i l·pj Ith'!I' I. ile Flnw cring hrub.. Rosc... 18 ' t bal. populat ion of i2000, whieh .WII prono"need verI .De",,, 00 " P',rkergb urg i, 3~ fi :W ,I 1&8 IJe. Me d ,til ~eu .i t .rr Jm- ,I Pilot "h lH' At' . nIlYr' _ _ _ _W.potft ....I., sue· tb' rd IOreii tire Mire f MAN , _ _ ........ ~ __ it Ii r Arr . G.afton 9 Ii " on~) It co, 9 · 1 0" lOrd 'l'l ylo~ II m "' lite hI' L i fe in W C ifltllf UU11 r \to· 1!88", TII . . _ CABS. PM p!\ck-lng' "harge ort .• OIIkl.nd wbn oir~1'lI. II led 24 .. I e rer 11 , :1.... Dl"lIciotl (:Il.hr, . I~· 'O~ unh th e l'O"·Ot Ibo maLl'ri. 1. For mnre tbitda and un topi,·•• u'·Il" ted h.v bi . racenl lb, populatk1n .bout , A. very .. D,'er PA.k II ~:I .. ive featttre of tfte Ikro. !po._e . hAA lJ ~D II 17" rCBltlclIl" I.. I;e' mM.,. f l".. les llu,lIey WII'" . cuoi" let'· \\·h.,les.ll e ur 1i"l4il Prioe L in, ~uaJly divided , KorWe rn .nd Ienreise wattra<lt •• . - ' .. Cuml ... rlAlld I 1141 Am .. the iu~nig !1 011' enee P na the r .. ill forni.lt, duei" ~ hi .. rt·.iflult ce In th e 0 . . . . . . lie......... lite I'OUN SOuthe rn. Noeeetiooal feeHn. e. pupils DJaoire.ted .boDt the .pply 10 LBO WBLD , WUmfD st0u. .... I.,... ..... "Rllrper '. F ') Ii 102 .. piecos ere this ~h", he " .",,:,1, Mt,"kell . The Obi.. • 51i " E"8t, iil k.. whv< "f 0 i"III ,,1 Lif li nd 1'r. ,·ol .. -",. TIll... - .... . Maruh 17 .. Wa. hilll(lOll i 10 .. j .... , f8 cll •. Our d"fIII' " •• nM I" jared. and th e e /)(1.. Fr."cf. Pnrklll.,u \V1.1 \1{,ulllhulo t' " "J1er. 011 W A YN~SVILLE, •• Ricbmon d In the remarks that tbllaw· 1 :10 1'111·. 4 60 A •. Ihe Wilt! "f N,'" II:IIKIII Od alld Canlld ! g •. II&ne",o Ot'l r:". ~' hbCl'" re . There are BOnto tert inte'feating re.d. ... aml OW.... hi. PI'Q ......ioruU tIe .... l""" to lbe IIltllUrARV'~T' edt it "all said there aN three .pal i~l6fdda", R.himor e 8 4'9 AID. re 8 ~O • Allu w, _"'!l1nt {lr n,uflg r'K t 8101lg. m. I'm . pi.tnr.s· lve opl,"d,·. of II ..... I· d ... 1"_ oo·loIII .. to I . "f. .,I'.I·t . _eo. 1'0 and ........ n·. tbe kin"'- of --..lI·Or l·. me"'ll.n .IlL 80d vicinity . HavillI!' had thirty, ..". A . D . " W'ilmill:, WII J2· Jj Ym . r~ }· .. .;.lly, 0.... u"..ric llce ie lIIilrJ1l:! h If cUII"' nr ed u. I 31 Am. In Qllot. eo • fill .\\Ollt, . ,, \'. .. vu: ~ JuhTl Jl'1 .ke •• XlteMOlloo, bo bopell to give ...tldaotiu n &Q ue~ e tba,l.ia uotb."\ O..,3l'i n'tlL!-J u.,ulI'titi t.i" "I'hil.•d\·ll'ltil\ I :!O ' .• 2 35 " -- ---~ - ~ ti'y, The old (arts aod breast· leatnln lf tl1 , wh o~e 81.i kllUt I'"p~r lin A me,ie-I II " 0,1 ,t N". Alhe· York ,,\1 whn 51 m.y '"vo, him with .. call. -"1 ."j call the wo;dtt e'Orrect· 60:;" ui nulJi re. KltrI10-1 (' LlD\U \'!buot.1ce,will[ul'ui~h _ D~AD worb built dttring the war are in Iy; intellt!etmlltly, ~The \,~~er8ignedllllogtl Ilnr~rm .. Bo. t(ln attach 5 50 Am. in,; mean. « 50 hul Pm 10 allie grind 1''' iC 1'01''', JnsIIlO "" '" 1I1I1~e Ihe cele . " 'o f " t 'e pu J 16 genon, y. t I. . L_ !" ,.. d I hraled, ,'flrrE RO S t FLOtlR F.r ... ·.... a I mOlt a ata(" 10 pUrlll'lI'Il"" of B ,,"rrl'ftC 10 ro'CorO illl· per,eet preser y. 1U(§8 to ,..., SETH W. DOW N, ov" .. II. ~· Me"t .\I It?k.et III the wor it; e egant, the give UI un. V IA BJo:LLA IRE. MAY :11. )~... td,t. lind cua .... iLb . 11 of ,."U. IIId .nnd of n·d por ..... 1 1"Ilit. uf Ihe h i.Lo r.)' IIf Ihe W.r 01 , ti~n. Lookout Moanta in, em. utile Leak II no"D8'II, .bere be will teading that givee pte..llril. It is •• ·kI and gel rem' twll b.lDe m.rk4ld ~' Lito 8."" , ... ioll IIno Ihe IVOII" lea'l ing .... it, ttpon llee~ cbllBtoaell1 00 _"d eOllt)I'WCllt, toweri Uvo tbnUllltlld -' gl'9lit mietall e to try to re-"h . - ..t . ."..: __ );l'IFil~M. ATt.Ast ' e ,.in follow Mr. Ejtgl ..ton·. 'fll~ tbe Ibem frl' e o·t char(': ' Ree · AT T 0 R.N EY' AT LAW , v tb ' O,,;\y IN . 8TA.u Sun. Rr~ Es . ollocLl oO\' ur 0: It,·blll· ~iLI\ .·1,. Pa per, on f~tt a!»vhe. tli e oity, fro THE VER Y BEST I m tdhe, som· la'!!._~i t .... OOI.llwflD. lJ 15 Am. ~rat, 0llmitthin g the for the •. oommod~llon fir Ihe~ILL 1I4:; 1'1II .•10hnBttr wn , byF. B·. l'IanbDO'n. wl\" tl11 o. W IC1I on a c ear .. you eetrollU "'b'~.b m~le .. no· .. 10 1. res 1 & e most Arr. Newark I l :15 Pm . ,l! :i4J A n\ . qn.. hltull'I'e with tb1l tlll!"ri n . pl.II., and ,..0;. ___ , ,, , .. ' -A~:.~ . . . ,~~_ L,·• . Sinriu . kv 7 .. .. ;\111'. . AT BAR Voh> WI ~t«d states. "': r.YSU ' G f 1 11() Pm. form~lIce . or 1I~_r Ih e !i.eM .. Val a:holltioll " lrtiportaot and oooes u" 10 ill te", 18 run, lIIISS aa.t'II ntt R. EBbW nul .... 4 Por, k "M"".ft "Monro oville H ~6 .~ \Our We ,.lIt deil.~r lIonr meal alld fead an. ~.. . e ,mU 7 nO" ex u,,'. anti/ftli" .",.. The VlOhllLhl. articles ~ est, jUdt ~ mile. ie M~in Jandt whe~ almost everyo ne can MIll ... ~ Id 10 07 .. '~ !I 101 " . nf Dnv id A. W OII . and EdwATd: Alk lnton on ~ bero io lOWD lOt lite PI~r .....t ,..I;:e Att or. POint, a bluff from the top of which I read. Ladles Cltl) read PI ..,.... .IUI · T n&UII'T • .\rr. N .wo .. k • 1t 30' Put. better l :l than ~5 Am. den Ourroucy ItIIL 11' 1 111 "od FIII"" c~. duling 18i4·. will be Ibe country Jdford~·: .ntl ..11 will be loept. . . Gen. Steadman tired a 89." tbot Iiten 011 account of tbeir "lfN e1.i. e e eae er, .. Zone8\'it le • :t:; ., J 65" succe ede,) I "'l'e.1< 01' lURAM. MA,DD EN [h.sc ;IILe ... ·til,fI·om '&". t side of ·Hilln SI¥C.~ ri d't· .. Rt.,ltllire 4 :.0 " . L;D (he Po., 0llle6 II',1i ,·ee., "e pr .. mpt aU",,· tb rt)~gh t bII B· a If.W&y_ .D.OD~ 6 16" Ib,· .,,"'8 III1 LhO'1!, III Ibo cUI'reot ,Ollr. C LEA N A:N D N I 0 E up OD . e tCflU1ler-V0146 0rf!an tSatMl I, ft.1 .~1I"'1M"".r.., .. Wheeling 6 10 ):111. li&ll'. 111>r1... I~re .. k up of ie.! III th. rh'er. 6 4;''' i>r . IhowlI · S '. he elae of L()o~out &,lOl1ntalo, aet· or I' 4""r.1 i. t' s r~ct ed ~a furnlsl, 'lri1:~Iil::m,~ ~~~ml!..'&. • whlob .. 1 ~''1In" o !lll:' ~ tlUpntlRA,· that l."d creeks I. 1)o.....ll y 1120" . 0 .... popu lo.. I'Mper,; 011 'he !. rMft(''liea of I biG .f n .... h . L-...._ r-~ •• O.. klilld II ~" t 'log tIe rc q enera. TO HAVE DONE I I 94" t.D"M aDu DI.d ieo l selene.· from t 81r.., ... ill "bi~1I he Ie BuIII",·il, an' unwtb lbey are SUPPO SE AI.o, . .. lIe. r P .. rk II lSi!\-tf. .. · It 47" W. 1>, Bl>we llA will roulr ibuht a . Iory Ir. "ia stat to ftigbc. . / taU@ht that tltel~ IOle dutv ie to I n.ore duma,,_ to dte .. 111 d~mllhnl .. Cumherl 'd 1 ~:J tt' IS! n r,u Am. T &;;. II OIl pm . •• veral J'l'rl8 . "lid Lho.e ... 111 al .. o bo .. ~ovcl '1es. bel l h • • been FINE SOOAB-CURED IIAMS h ·" . .r...,. .. I ' .. &L d 0 , . 1. ... ,. . evun ~ 8 "Harp IDI do"e '••", :. &J .. for m.oy V~'''; "., "' . . . . . .lad 10 IAV OW t e cIty 18 to.• IP e.1l8e lin tor th.t pu.~o8e overy. Ihot .... 4 !i6" by Hemry J.mns. Jr .. IIl1d .horL "tone" frum AT T 0 A. If:> " DO'" "W II ... 7 10 .. De'" . _ Ihrtt " ..... ___~ N • Y ... T L,.. W. 6 ·.n n I .[. 'r ·d · l ' 8 Ald' h R -.,eek~· the river cbanne l at 'hIB , tbJllg must be IaCrt eed, "" '"""" M, "S~n T .. '' 'A ... f" ' 'William ' . rowM.b 1"n.,k, • ~e ,, ..... .. Rll.. tn"ond ) an I'm . . . riC . o.e err,· . Ivel) th. te... « &0 ....a.A .Ito-. " ..' ~&tI'O I" .&01. or by lb••Ii".. O"c me" oal1 . an . pit'" 810';' )loiut ie t~r, naifow, 1titb bigh, health: · . .. .. B"lIilD ll r" S ~O Am'. .. 8 >!O ruo. tell.".. THE Office J.ock'. blu&:. 0'0 either .ide. )t'hen I lift. Vodd \t88 not p'reaent to Jirloe in Le~a~o ,. JEHU MULLIN. Ilu'iU'·. .. Wnmlng tou I~ 17 PIl)\ I :U Am . 1'oolry wilt be well r;rCRcnl od lIy'he or I'lollr: Besl. Whll. 110". f'l.60:a . ... h .t. Will praceiuo III tb. JUliioe Oo.rlA fII . .... d'" .nk h' March 11. . .. Phllul'.. lecond. p,.10. All klDdl of wllJ feed a... I ~'11 .. •.De nte.. HI ..' 2:1S" u11 ' out nAme s of l.ongfell uw. a ....... e 18 par..'10 t he aerol !H1I1,· r. Lowell. W"yooav lllo, Ai Ihe Ib;)~ ..t ootlne h. t ,.le.. ". " t-c .. Y ork ..... 5 15 ad A .. WFtJL .. '--L 1\ OJ;" ..... Hul ..d me. , A ldric h, i:l lcdman. Hayne, Mill . ·... d·.5Q)TI~BI ~ 41 ... a 0 ... ...,• ...,w~_.. Il I rd _co BO~ lO n D.~v ... ed to 1.1. ... r; 50 Am , 650 pm . I'I,clpH. 'olill TIt . .... r . 1'I,e he8t caree, Y. ' we have I0I0 .. Olt band am for · b10 Ri~ An.erlo all grnm or J1 s e.. Cft ,A,., "I Ih~ 110"1\1 1'.1.,. .A-"i L: ..I: 0 eel n .....1_ • r.)I. • 1r '1\ 1' 1 \11 Ii -.- - •• - p~ I I I d • rll '" d _ I Id .. rtf "orne,.. uuvu n8 &0....l, p in Wayuel\·ilt,. . aUJ · 6m Oll y upfll'lHe I ,e c. to unHIIr at 2t P. It. Pull.IU I·. alao. DrawiD g·Boom Tho [.m r d op.•rloT .. ,,18, ~,un1.11.<>1' • e. ne u log a ~ 01 8Ora.oal a, and . .-d eotfnt:..~_ .... .ior iJJihil tiaclli' 1\" lh. g,en 1\111 .. , Mu · read 1U14 an .u .l.epio _y g CfOU· Coach barl". .. , chap,wh .' • oie. lc Art w ..... , and ..,r . , Edllcnlio tfn·nl b e 611lO;) mon lh· III SilIl, 0 .... I ,.. . , .&ate b.. uillue an appropnatloQ or el.'IDI we ....ka &rln of llI .few te8eelt4 I,' hh "~OI01l8 Rrjf""'~ Ilnd ,.., .. le WA. m1 011 the babel. Y'rmt.. WOR¥ F' S' 1.0 I 01 i II _.. 0 I b •• ' aL/,..,."O . .. I'Qm. U I, 110 Doa a.... ~ OO '0; the impron ment' of reuous ,why teachcr a lea-e 0 u~ " 011 10 tile a .-c1.fh. . Conr .lIetk. an" ..ou~ .fth. C.uauO Ii: UD WAGON T. aa<.li,,! Oll'Mr'flll lor. 0' Th!' AIl .. n· • rBOILDU II WUhiD '"' G'tftD a". IIU aDd Ba.htm ort, mam>«en .&N., R.p~ml8, lie writ. lOr ftO .. ther Mltg•• lfte ; and Iho ~ ~. "'d~itD~L~~'.i. ,~Olne wo,k ~rofenion !~ cbao r;,, . ' """,pun 10 keep it "hftr~ I~ h • • al · 'Q lJ!!IP . . . 88 tbeir pOli · ~:lll~x~:r~:;::':~ t.:!I:r~:i:: ..... em.... tlRlouc.....'aumm er. tiooe 110 o...n A, WITH .n W d OUT y h lMIhoo CHA fctrucb NGE l a-. ".Y8 W -.6, allh~ helld of Artteric.1I tlklr. }',. . • MAkRY .....1. b1 Iti tII .......t th t.._ "'d ~. 'd ~...a..
AlIlftovall.1a ... ' tflAC anre are reqafN"li to .,.. . .. . 0 .... LaauIaI I . . .r P'''. qQHd""", ..ltlch,,111 be , ....nI.Ila.I bl II1&II , _ or .. lb. _ .......
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COldictil( i
BUR L Iv~:·G'.rtpu:an.·;~·:r....,~J:I, . April2 T,'75. t IA 'CA SKE TS" " :l yuarBold . · . 'We I.' Oo",io the 92<1; at one al1'e Big tat' aUld "Men;1 Bighf.& ,'i . O'clock fl. ai., viII Oiocio nafi Louis' loa and .. the Balli• • ti"tn\ tJlI ~t- of .Uld.... WK& ~ "e1)..pipOi~ed Hearllfl. ~~:;~::?J;~~~~orrie8. MIUJII Wti, I;)u . ler .... ...., 11.
25 PeacltT reea. No . 1. 7 S.condC t n @ ( 5 I'lum Tn·,,~-& n plt\'ln. :15 WildO" o, e&::lh ro p., h .!aI>arullln
Oi'·~ .1 Wh. 1I f
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t;. elii I•r .
\ :fO ' Beepeetf uu,. iafoftQ1l tlte ptlbtlo th"t he bat! Chern T roe • • I and 2 r u n olil!l.~ CJO~uw6lll1i.., at III ~ 'q;I. lb.r EMtabH. hmeo't ~\lI",:e8 .!I .nd 3 'U"s ol d~, ;m forlOer period, poetleese'p t~ aure· in ~'. ne"Un"'rt.k . IlPpudite the Po.~ I:00.1'1lI' rrl'·8·, .\",,·riCII II . itrieta r ,,;,"M of It!A-ft e IQr .()re Ollfoe, ..lI ere h . ..btllldlug I'r ill k Gp 00 blUld .. ilT8~'
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.. . j 1" IIrrg1hn ll/'\llill libTHORN E.- lo )o' ","klln, April 211. '7';. , 1'....1 pl._na p' I ... r hod In KiDDie. dllu bter 01 E li .ud MlU'ia Tborne. the plOt, ,urd lj"..Jng ..... liDO . lh I... .JlecJ G ,.~..·•. , ~ .. ud bt-~I 1\')·1t " f S dl • ""m e.'. ':·I'II~ ..... "Tru .. k..... ~_ I1B' y !llip•. l l ".ne•. I Il ••11.- Ii· ... ~ -. 1" 1ft'''. . . n"'Y""O .ud .. II oll,"r - . • . or. e. I .l'Ild,,~ IN>iolllri"1I IOvo'· to'lh ... law O<\ufl· S,ekoe. pr .. nll •• '·er)~b ..... nd., ·r~ · d UIi L ill .1I.vl .. " thaL I ..... w~ .. n."iy t.o body com pllll .. > of 0·". dllll" 1e d~.ln · chrlr all m,. utOID,·". 1111 uti. •wh o will glvu IIf.. 1I1'lIlok .Ibe ObJ8C1 waa 10 Il t ...Ii ; m e. trit.l. ~rfl!C~ lIIlt1af .. ..-, to~h.l.r;ullI&l. DOW we I . , plal"l,.. Ihal no pe....,,~ ID t hl. 1\,. and;prloe . world 1.hlt ill .u!"enD~ -lUi Dy~,..p .. a , Lh'er I Spoc.Ial on ' ~ 011 Jilt It) . ttl • . "'r;f' Compl.i nt an d II •• d..,IO , . ueh •• IlldlJ(en· large I!toct.ttenti 0 Ion. ~I\I.~. ~.. 10k lilt dlebc, Sour Rto· m ..ch.B<lerlbol.r.~ "lljllll<Ii{.noflhe Hu rl. jl • 'J' 11( D'p .... ed pltlll.Bi ... &tc " can,.k. -o-onb .od •• lIof> .,,\ti.cll • • • GIl ••,.... Au ... ~' LOlou·no ... B .. ILhou~ ,<'11;118 0'.' lib. cr,! Idld.nd cu .... If Y"U' dOllnl tttf •• · fIT' I~ factu l'4!d II)' die ~ 'ell'pe '..a.tro~ j .. llIUt D~. A ... DoLL. o"d g~c a !'Iampl. . .nd' of the ve. y lieet m .. te r ,Dotal. ror WIn """I I .nd Ir.)' II . Regul.. All orde .. for ne ..... ~'rk ~I,.. jring will ,. 1111. "'e.llte . Two do .eo .. ill relle ...t }OU. 1'I!Oehe prOlOpt .t1kontlon by
B<lwth. bltad. lu h nl,. ........... • ••• \10. _ _ . 1...·11"1.. epeuA. T,ut1ln'lIMI:&rt....lllr.aldou . W,,_a etth ftJIbQr ''':_ " ' ., ,;t.Ki1l 4ilJeup la1lll.,. ....
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"ether, and pllWl" iu ule ridae- W e . . . . nl10tber of lar<m tield. which 11 ' 'Dlad 6ae0 mulled out and planted withou t bolog. broke. at all. 'Ve hue not been-so lIro"'" u to lee a n . -J . PO er nor a bal'l'Ow in T enneelOO. Tlie la~ freeze is .till the to'pic of canten atloo d wn here Tho Ii ' o.. rUlt crop w.. Ilearly aU killed on the night of tbe 23d . 'jl 1'( d '11 . ~. 'OUl lWlt an ~roUpe '111'1 ,IV", an onl j lIlent.iD' Ibe cit1 tlJis
BIIIM ......... ..,laaI ·.Ihl'ft
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W1 ... ~o ri"'19. ~n60lenth of nd JI1 .. II ]f"UueI'M U'cI • jrroo.D·· I '. Lbe lI....king iii Uli oouutry ill dune j m.n • .,d· hri<l"" ... id, w&dUo,,!!, ...... ' tl Pri te }f with 00. liUi. old poor 10111 hifeh· trlU." ... "" . My pe QO In a ba p,,,n.. ... eel •..,. old.... '--h'IOU.,.. ..... bn,· II II> t,hl'llugb lire. IIgue IJO .,ub
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~T~-AIOO.:' W~... ~. JoiiaDa, April III. 1m. lIIr. H.rV\'1 !nd ou:-m~L:.!:hw!'':!.D~::.':: :tB~:I~:llrD:'l.r~ !"{[. rill ';lIeh~:l 'ta.. d 011 _ .
f[PIIC ? J cer,¥ I·r l i
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........,.... ,>1 huttt'r II'hl h &111 I 'lit ••llInlih 1111,11,& a I"t 01 lII1Ian '''lah~ ~ bl< h h 11'1.......1 t.o ~t ,,01 .. ~ ... fTtl IIII! It ,,,I IltuW &bIn (ilr 1111'1 f ...I tvr I I , and thl' hllU"r .. , I". h Ul'- OIIlIp: And." T",\h,,1 11 -t I' ••1 tilt 1..1 II .. IIIi NlmDltlll'lod ~. 11,,: • I I 11 I 'It- !l'Ilun I t~fbl r ntllllud.,hnl unl "h,nt 1rllO III1X d u.1l1 III htllh r (~\ll, "J(t1I1l III \1"('111' ,",,1111 I n I \I n g"'''IIS 11111' ,ted til '1'.1111 " . r rltol 1111. I.. "III l" fl'l'<'lin,
1"'L:l1t ~ ..
II .. 11Il! r l,nn nf \VUlI r h "'" I1l1lklll)( II , ,, lid th hUlttT "II'I! T ..lth III III 111 t ~nly nllnllt I!OO fAll II I \\1 .. n h h 1 . h. ","k (lfn he lftrl~hldl A"r I 0 0 h I 1)11 t \ nl! III [h I' bllller " II. 10111( 1n milk' rt of th~t'I'd, I\tl ('I U Ie Il llll' (tlllllllg 111 1 tIll (I unitt)' \lUI :urocl. ,Iurlllg tb H I' tlt,n 1; pI th, II Iftr' .nilk I ttrot I I II Nltr - To nnp gttllnn of \\1\1~r un.1 Ilhrlc It \In 11mUriL 11111 ~Ibl to cut up t\\otloubl hn ndful~ofokm bl\Jt churn blllLCI' from It lb rt'l\J.ll from the n bour aftt,nurd add Otl hnndfulo olll1'r "01 ~ mu It butwr In tho lli uftl LIm lU.1U1 th", ..nlf.1l tend .. r!lCj1l ~r", lIml' U~,. ry p"lperly bandl'd thllt I Il l' I' f fre h IUCIIl, or II ~ wi bpded h If. r H r I lh, blltch. J'ij I IO()()n lUI h, hI wt'll <lout' n hour ~for.. } utile 1'(' rlu lIllk. I ( f f:.t lI rre t"O 1'('0 \I up put In fh e Ill'ge h lII'tneR,OI'~plD~ peo{ o 11 .11 ,.)11. IIhVII Ilttlrd ld 1I0tlOnl(, "r"mnllolH pc It'lluud heed and rh I) grOIl th, elo Y I Nnl!W I I " - I hI rl I. II \) s tock, II ~llIlo~L .IODl' I ut 111 1\ IUIIII f buH r, hundrod I\Ild tlle tnrm 11101'0 lIlulill U L<l TIltllll lhlll1 [011 d IU flollr a n WILh slllt nna p.gs II hrll 1\ .fi W w In old I\.ml to YO peJlPCr nOL I t It be too thick Put ell eggs are wo rth 11 d ollllr. \lI nch t h,., "1/1 anti th ~ m;\lr t rrelJC'e It n (,lIrly and DIy leL It IllIllDler 1I1"ree lJ) Africa, bu~ t.he mouke~d urI' III tla hllcel hrough"llI c h toerc('p be nt ChwCI - Tnk A chi kell orfo"J tit dc.tn.,IJlg thew !.hat 111 of Ih {II III' III f "hellI er II b(1 111 tb II hi, it III' II.'S If tn I trIed lay It III A llOt Illth otlrJlm farmer are loIllng (rom tJ,1'f'C II 1 fronl I'M I or g \r(1~n Lhrrehy ()(,C!lll{ II 1 I spoontul 0 / bult~ r JUJlt. no ugh 10 Ihe hundred doll r a'N k in~ IIIU(lh tro uhlt I r XlI ll OII lind O/t(,11 I lro \\l1 It n hL~1 Iheu po ur M much lU! boys at Brllltol \ rnl~t )(IlIrld tllne- <onRIII rnhl, Ilam I to lhe prem "I~r I It 1111 11111 make i'(ltllI e nough lor keTlllllne on a dog and 8elhlW on Are Ih e I ~ 'lun) lllrmers, IIIlDkl1lg tllelF a lDull fiullIll' Sit)' tll O q uartll, add 11 odler day The dog ran under it barn 11'111 gll lll 1'1'11\ tblJlg \U the WilY 0 thlD lice of bII on- I un Ill! YOIl C&O g t. IImMg a m of bay aul! tho burn 11 ith nDr! 11 trdln!, -uO'~r them to J'I)IIm b~~!. I II Illtle orllon choppctl filll' Ami sollie Ittl It eontM*" of lUI and ram \\ .Ltt V r thl') 1'11'11 1I11d If til y were r""", pal'!l y "'t W It gIlntly from early In d ~ ed ) g, Illg th m for rtl~rno, fi nd d~lrctl thrlU ttl tbc ntornlu~ untt! dtnuer &inle takiJlg ell roy lul' C 111 U Ie 1\J1l1 tOllg ho probllbl) car to 1111 ,b tb bones of the chIck n lUNA has n ler) ~UlgulAr plnnt ~Udl 'oU n!(' wuulLi b lJe~ 1 Bllt tf HI,,'e~ betor~ It. lri put. 11110 the pot .About. ,,,,,lied the chlulleleon ilowl'r II kUld 0/ Jllump IInoJ . o nt~lItcd porktn! be the t\\cnly IIIlnUlcK \:.lOfore the /lOUp II! re!ldy IlJINtI8T otth COUl'ohull lrtbe, "blth III obJecl c lOt'Cr ('OlIfilll'lIlt!nL 18 vc rulIlily fiU' t(,l KeflO make I thlekelliJIg of a hug t he mQfDlDi ~ a deep blue, III 1100\1 betlrr l nt.il 1\ }Jig i nearly or qU11 table ~poonfulof ~1II\dedi!ll8liafrl\lIleav pink, wblle ~t nlgbt It becollle... qUIt e thr~e 1lI!ll1lh d Olll he n III IInprovc mu¢h tbl!! IIIIDLX d ~ ulOoth III a howl with /lOm~ bllo, sud IIOOn afterward fadl'8l1wllv fMI. r by Jx>lIIg r 11'1 LCd to II 1J00ufortl! of lhe \lbovo l!O lIJI hquor a hHlo nee TUE Chllleso "I lima I 11 re'1ll1rkllbly LI, II( II 111<1 Yllrd-'~e !!Ily comtortllblc, ImprO\ll It It your I blckend 1\1'() young nne climbing plant. Tb hug t kn '~n belllUrIO II lIt comhhon I. ccrtlllllly more .ml ~ulIllI, ll\\;e t;v;o for the IlbolO quan plaDt 18 In New York, and c v J'!ll "all (ouduel\( to hill thnft thun tlrlUg hlln tliy or on Illrg pult~, which woult! be one hUDdred Rud fifty Jcet JOIll! nDd 'our tlClt b) rOllullng o\er the (linn III !!ClIr b fj III v&!c.nt.; • I ~ IIf frlOll t'><lx:clIllly "ben bls inrlosur I '1 0 UAKB A (ALF S HEAD - BoLltbe . tOf.es h1&1b A ~rongp(Jllt\\llllllllken W II hdl red dry nndnot.toocollfjnlllli: plelll!lUlt ebadofor no ordlnar) PIOW\ III We \ ent.ur ~ to 6I\y t.bllt Il lIt.lt1r of pl l9l h eld nft.cr belllg well c1C11ned ulltli all I! aI.ogJe -.oD thu cOllfln~'{I" III \\ elgh onc,lJul\rt.cr t.he honr~ m Iy be eIIl!Ily dm" n alit. Lnv TJn; ta heel) :;bo" !Lnd 8h rp III r at tbree monthl! ola thlill II tbey lhe IUCCCi! or Ulenl lID II. d.sb, nnd cnt ShellnDg E~JJJhltion Will be held on Lhe "ere illowed to rml out, although In l~cm into smull pltlCC>l. t:k-a~n With (~Ir grounds of the'lrothDg Park A both 1lI18e8 th 811m llIIlount ot loOtl be UY('ODil pepJX'r, mace clove, Dlttmcgs, elation III Roche ter lh e fil'llt '11 k In glveu theJn Ilnd eerlolLinlv tb If dispo;d pIIr.;lc) Oll\on~, 8wee"marJorom, and n :\far nest, when it III ex Meted that cx lions WIll h~ve become much more qlllet, little tb.vm<> 1\ s mnll bit of emch hopped lubllioJ'8 ",ill be pre~nt and compete (or wh.ch i8 a mOtlt impol'tant COD lderoUoll 1 up fine pruLUe ovor I~ to your 1'1'1_ from the djffer~lDt l.fIies and tho !lS regardfl tbCll' mtteolDg qualltlCs Al t<UlW Loy some lum (l>l of butt« over OlnadlU!. till pomt., or when weaned, they shouhi It., and 811 milch wale.r 1III~11l ce, r Itl IUlV In uddllion to an abundan 0 lit th n Jlut It In the own and" betl bll1coa N.w z.&ALAN.D hlU! !Lfforded to tit" o~be; food II ("Ionr lot to fUll ID 111 or tc 11l1l'r lukc the meat outl addIng half a botanl8t 6fteW 8~it of fucblSl!\, nam ed d ur to k'l'l'I tbmr dlgel!tno orgUJls III plflt 0/ ~Ia<l~lro v;lnu to tM gnlV) "Iso (UCMi4 ~II& llAI dMingul hing l)rollCr coudhlOn oocl after harl'cs, hould Ih rl'r or lour eMg~ mUllt. be beaten lip "lth hlaracteri8tiC8 ate erect fiowol'8 and Jt nlloll ed the run of the tubble Itchl tire b1\lter IflU ndded to Ihe gravy, wbleb e reepmg stemll Tho 1I0wer!! are de!!1 Indeed It I ~lr better t.o keep t\ pig lI1l1tit th en he thickened n, er the fire groll Ing fro III th e IJmt' It 19 furrolVed Kre p It during p"rt (If lhe S6C\lre beauty to the blO6llOIll.8. OrdUla uo1l1 It l ij put. l1p for fattelllnil ulld I' / I roc~1!d lin th~n pour It hot over ~be rlly t1iepl~ti1 of th fueb II\. extcnds fur till COllr;(' I pUl'llt!cd th ere I S 110 (hili me-nt willch mny then be served be d tb lit b t b ulh III IlIlking I "prtllg pIg \leI gh tlln --YOD e emmers, u ID t 1 ~pec.e" hlllltlf('(1 pOllnds the Mme fo/l l3ut. II , ..., . • • nlll ......" _ It ill on a Ime wllb them 'lhe plants hng put lip to lilttl'n wIIell at the point O:\Tf: ~rcat dlfficul~y experlencod by lire lII1~eady bc.ing ellltlvnted III Engh~h ofsluf'ntlOlI Dot only rctlll lrc fl long 1111 yOllng bOllsckccpcl'S 18 to decIde 011 nul'l!e ell LI[I)e IIl1d more Iced to futlen bllt \\bell Ih deg ree Ilf hl'1I1 neceSSllry to cook or THE BIOOJDlngton (III I Pmiaqr pll be beco trl C:! !l<I II\~ titt WIll be tound 111(1 dlnury dIshes III un OVCD It \lould Uc tilIyslour yeaJ'li ago Jacob Zeigler we ut on uperficlal1) mel not equally ellstnb- II II to II!!C II thermometer eOIJ"tulltly ID t1'Om Normal IOto DeWItt coullt.y. and ut ..d-much of U, ItOIDg \Jlto hlrd IIIgt.end the Intchen leLtJUg onc blln Ired lind r nted .Tudge navIs ] 700 !Lere (IIrm of pork xcy tlegrec o Ix: UJe stnnClnrd ot hellL tur nIlILl' OImtoD Hie worldly po!Il!e&!lonJ! fit rOlUllln~ DlenLo puddlllgs, and rlcb enkcll thllt ttme CODAlllted of ele,en !teau of 'IUE CUIIH';RE lAM - The Ynm or pull plUlte lOll M ~nge-c./tke would necellL hOrlles, it few family UWIl!1I18 n.nel abollt ~I 111100 rOOl Ifltel~ Imported from hili!\, great.cr degree 01 h eat.. .""" i 0 T b h d IK a most excelleDt vcgetllble nnd mny """'" n m ney illS year e M fIllllC bo cuillvateu WIth pmflt In laUtftdell flJE reck lClll! U!lC of Pnns green by like thoi!C of nllfidle Iilmolll anrl Indiana ror de_lro) lug .B r.roVlDr; to hO(pl; 1ho,..11I. in all stock hn band but genorlllly apcukmg" hll8 not been dilly be a . ollrco of ve ry COD HI erab e dl'nger " • notIced The yum reqlllres but Yery not. o.,ly to theml!Clvcs but to the con amounti1mato loo,Oeo The Pan/It little atlentH'lIl III the first year the 811mN" of lholr product! Tbe Sci61l/ifio I\()\l 1M to be kopt Inoite !LIIU free of weeds .ilmcrlMII culls attention to tbe (net tlillt. nfter thnt It tu\;es car of lteclf ",heu the denlh of !!Cverlll per!!On~ In a smglc DR MILES, of the lllChlgao Aj:rlcul ClIpeclIllly.~ bogll1H to be Jl\{\lIt'lIseful c1welhng III :New York city {rom eating tural ()ollege, lIhowed by expernneDts 1'ou may plUnt enougb At 1)110 tIme to do pI klellupon II h I(~h IIOIU PlltIJ! groen htl(l that three bullhels of MIt en n pIece of YOtt for yenrK t.o come th ynm roots In b ell blo\\11 by tho W\DU occurred qUIte llUld 'II'bleb 1D Ita naturlll state prool,ICed ereasmg 1lI l!lze wl~h every yenr Havmg r CCl'n I} oaly 1,867 JIOundl! of hay, tbe SOIl bemg been In the ground !lOme tllf or four V A1LNJ~ll~n ClU'ringes IIlIould not be I\, light 8IIJldy loam m .Yellll \Dereasc 111 yea~ the root 1M JUHt n~ good 118 If II had kept ID II "tuul er bUllchllg where v('g the Y;ield of 88 per cent. whilet t.wo bUM been ther but /I yenr fhev mny b" clIMlcs hable lodeeay IIr stored, or wher el. dtplMtet' made IlD IOCrenJ\e of only, 'i7 lL'lCd for the klt~h II ut In)' ;tf'lll!On of the Lhe ~tellm from mnllure wtll reacll t.bem per cent.. TweDty loads of muck nud yllllr and may be left III t.he ground unill AmmonIa IR n1wnYl1 prc8I'nt ID the !LII', three buebeJltor alt, the grtt8S bel'ng cut. neerled When bOIled thoy Arc tlryand cspoolRlly wherever o rgan Ic decay is gotwice in V¥b. yeru:, brougbt A crop of Jnllllly, and, as to Ilppeflrflnco JUld taste, IIlg Onl 1\8 III bnrQYnrds and stableR If 61S18,,".J/~ W the acre, 'II'1111e two bush I'C!!Clllble ollr COQllllon potato Y"t tit y L vnrlllshcd enrrtngc IS el'CJXli!lld to UIIR e II of plNte OIIly brOllgb ~ 4,168 pounds nre flt[ more reltaule Ill! II \t getable, (or glUlOOu8 RlDmoDlll, tb(l alkah combhleM to the acre flO flU no I1lI!eCt.I! have been ellHCQveredl\l\ "It.h tbe 011 of the V1I.rmsh nllli dtl8troYH THIIllB are 2,000,000 bc&-ItIVC8 111 t.he IlIJlIrlOUS Lo theIr growth whtle drought Its polrsh United States. Every hl\e yIelds 011 nil checks ItH groll th but httle compared 8<JME pb\ 81Ologl t.f! IU'() wrltlDg up t.hl' average a little over 22 ~und8 of honey WIth Its long lire In e rUlIn IIOl le tbe groot VU'tIlC of whCllt brend tt.~ an IlIt~1 Tbe average pnc.e at wblch honey IS I!Qlel yarn pro8}JCrR better Ullin other \egem- I lectunl stlmDlu s The populatIon of 1825 centa a pound, so that, after paylllg bieR They flourtsh I"eHl ID II hgbL dry 01110, 10dlllna nDel IIhnOl8 arc IIII.ld to tbeJro'll'tl boAr<! onr becl! prescnt us II Ith sotl but they nre kuo\l n to grow, too, III l owe theIr hlgb senft(' of law lind order to n revenae of over ~,800,OOO 0, er th e poore t day lOll 1118Y trllln the th wbllllt cropH of thollC 8tate~ TIle 28,260,O<J(J poll}Kls of "'1Ut ure lIJade IIlId Villes Otl st.nk llit IIr <'.l\pnllCrll, and are Lbull p!t08phorll8 I'onlmlled In wheat 18 the gneD to 118 by thue todu8tflou8werkers cnlcllhlt.ed t.c atloru llInny n spot You fecder of bralll" nnd it I" 1t8l!Crt.ed tbR~ The keeplDg of the bees .s ono of the mllY lellvo them HJlrcntl howc,er, on the 1I e greal brOlltlo('itter~ aro the greatest. mOlt profit.able JDVelltmeDts tbat our ground ) Oll sholild gnther Lho hlllb~ UtlnKcrs. All we CIlIl 6I\V 18 thflt we people caD make o( theIr monel 'l be from the Vtrle.~ 11\ th e 11111, and plnllt h,lve obl!cT\ crl th tl 11\ large (umlhee prolita IlnIlHIg from the sa10 of ~urplUB tlrellllll th e "pring Afteronll year they where tho grCllt vrcJlY eal~J'l! nrc numer bonllY average from 60 to 200 per e-Out o( 0 ,erLl tll lly Into the grou od !lOme t"o o1l6\J/Uier laml/r(u III often obliged to do 1\ the capltallDvested or morc fcet Perhllpc! the f.let that tbey delll 01 ce~ltnt lDg 1\8 to how be IIbnll grow 80 deep mlly be rcgurdcd liS elicep- supply theIr domADd s 10 tJIlS way \\ e tlOnllblc bllt" 0 ure 10 remember thllt Me IIIl'llned to thlDk brend cntmg 18 Cardinal's Hat. their d'fllJlcler mCretl8e1J ID rnllO to tbe greatly promotne of tblnkiDg-and Anne BrewBter writu from Rollle to depUt t.Ley Ilcq ulr(' - :it Mutt Globt pr ttv SCflOllil tlunklDg, too I thcPb1JAdelpbia B,t17dJn The CurUlnal S bat, that 18 the oappllorw, 18 no, or worn TAlml~O FE~(F'" ANn tH:\( 1 f:.l - \\ 0 As the SCMon H! nnpronchmg for the OD the head, it only appeal'! on grent n ote t.hat tbe old colltrovel'llY about tar renovntlllf Alld fi :t1ng IlP 01 bou8e!!, a OCCMlOU8, lIuch lIS a leut lor a canoUlM flU g or IIIIIltmg Mingles nnel fences IS hurt on t e ~ubJect of willi paper 18 not III tIm ed Everybouy knows thRt green tlOn, the opening of tbe Porta nnta In I the ~:rear of Jubilee, and oD!.he festIval belllg r ,.vrd agUIII, on tIt' pnnclpl e we paper ceDtaiDS arl!CllIC, but boullllkcepeT'8 8lJllpo;!C, thllt 118 no old geDerat.oD Pll5llCS nN not IIWllro thM papers cootalnlog ot Oo!"JHlo9 Domini, wilen It 16 carried by tho !lOW one wl\ll1A1 to learu II holly blue and red colormg are~ danllCroll8 the O&rdtnal'~ chief offiC61' After tbe a"ay, tOt' It~lf what It wants 10 know It Ih h I d alib of a Card1D&l It j8 ofUn lIuspended ought to ve ge!lcrllll) uodol'lltood by thIS to ben I 118 t 0 green COil Dlng as t ley overD1s tomb In the Lhirteenth cen tIme tho.t oot mOIsture onl v, but heat. do, :opper Pn'l!SlI\D blne mercury Ilnd , IClld Tho mojon ty of blue papers now tury it WIllI wom, and, by the nay It IIlId moi~turr either or both , !lre Ih e 1\1 usc Ilppear to COnuJl copper, and dle WIUI first bc6towcd OD Carelmul. ut the thIrteenth ECtImeOlcal Couucl1 U4i> ugent~ III Ihe decuy of woody matter eB'ecil! of inhllltng cepper dust are ver1 beld at. L,OIII1. PipplDl the cmolllcicr Mo~t wlitere <!Cem to think It 18 ~oIatUJ'e 11m \lllr to and nlmOll~ !III perDIClolul .. and henoo aU Utllt II reqUIred 18 tbo~ l)roiluced by arBCDlC All un.lued !.ellll a droll "tory about it H e lIIlys a alone, to CO!LL tbe "ood With some substance I II so I UO'- o{ F,landen ~ve Ute .1mft ~ug !.hal wIIIl.eC the wat~r out To be ell1'e papel'!! are (:o ntuHlIll~ glVtllg 0 IDlpa '" p.'\blo du~t lllto the air .md It Ie IIIIU ~1.Jon for~e COI!tume tbat nJst1ngUlsbcs tbe .rnncea of the CbUJ'ch 'DIe Pope they know L nt. heat, whl'n It 18 ul' to eVident thllt ~l'l!Ons oc upylDg aucil whDt we know JlI! Ole burDlng POint WIll rooms IIlhulo thlM dust continuollv of that dat.e '11'8.11 Innocent TV (the GeD deBtroy " ood, but they IICCrn to forget r oeae F1eschj), he reproached the Colln thllt even .... hen not burnrllg heat. IS desThe M.aula or t'e Period. te8I8 fur laillng to r;reet II IHdmal wltb It l ri terrible, tl1l8 maruA You lire proper ceremony whom Bhe had met In tructil'e only In .. 1 dCJP:oo Any billuk t\Jerefure whIch nlirncts heat. 8to~~d upon the Mtreets I\.oci IDl'ltod to publio. whIle she treated a lordly' Abbot .ubetnnce though It mlly keep out tile other de II dl ddl who WaB wttb Hla EmineDce wl~b great structlve eloment 1¥ltter RelelS to the de ape pee cr, or pe nr, or pe er, or I'Hpect. Her roply was thnt a~ thero ~tru cllye a~nere nt work eD the woou come oilier word Your WIfe Wilkes you up In the nuddle of the D1r;ht to .peJl WaB ~~~ of dl1!l!llldJe concluded II I \llIled whenever duration I!llrcophagus your chtldren bll8~D to the that tbe Abbot Wall ~e great.er pereon~e aud lIhould of the two. TIt_ p~ thea concluded '1 lUI obJect It needs no undBl'8tandiDg brealtfllllt table to aaIt YOII t.o lIpen eeof tbe~ Inws, however, \Al know that tar r"mb und you devote all your spare toFY. 1M Cardinal an eepecl&1 dr or:my bin k Rub lance tend~ to rot wood f . - L df t d Id WlieD H18 Hohueu InDoceDt IV be- n\\!LV.ll1l1eh (lUlt,r than wood that bad ttme.., tIe C lonary aD :four 0 eet Riowed OD theaJ th red hat he made a nothing at. all dOJlo to It A fenee tarred boy oom~ bollle late at 111gb In A weep; tog mood And explarD I It thtll •I IIUle iPMClll in whieb he iftformOd tho exPosed the fnll s uo, as aoy 01>- wellt to _ Mary (bi~ sweetheart) thlB o.rdin&la thai tlae red oolor implied Lhat Gild server knows, I!OOn crumbles awny In cveDlng be met me at the door With, they mould be ready t.o !!bed tlieir blood fut \he.ClhJUeh. 18 1277 the CaJodiollls .. fe" yC8J'8 tb wood ts Ute An 0' ordoDe 'H~lI ery1!lpellUl, Tom I r 'reJled It. pIe cru t. And theD all know how long wltb t.no I'S IIDd no y, and me Mid, • Sir 'II' re flnt allowed t.o wear IlCariet (pora mllre whlte-wallhed fuce lllAU Yet our engagement 18 at an end, I cannot porn) LeptMa alone had worn tb ,hel'() II no {lreaervatlve character ot I b d l l ' H Ltb 8C&rle up to that date. muclt ltC(Xlllnt ID hme Etlery rain goes ove more a n 8pe er er I. er,oD thr ugb It into tho wood, but It 18 Lbe belDg appealed to, -y., 'Ol.e To. one more trIal Spell conMJIgolnl\o12S, sfr' whJto colar wblcb rather tll1'l1~ IllVay the I spelled It WIth {our o. and two .'1, and hllllt, thllll att,nctl! It, w}Uch 18 Iq tbat he bade IDe leave Lhe houlI6 and never carre tbe great agent which preaerl'es It hope to be II III eon lD la,.," TlUB spell of 110 lana ] D 1111 d isclIl!lllona H8 to tbe pretlli bad _ ... h <II I .""'. er OIl Hpe lure '! !!ervation of wood by pcuata or coatings, wea er 18 titerefOft, we Uia tlte enlOY' nf th, -B~ 'T'rmItU_tf' _ __ _ __ wub " Of ~h P8ll1t.'I 1ft all unport.ant WUB.'1 a clugl'llJlln appllcs " t1Je poiDt lD lU argument. As for tar, IL III UCJM'!I lor a mini'" debs, _ .... of. the very WOl'Pll tht~ thnt eotlld be u d ficlal ventures to e.xpre a do~ u to wb~re t.here it expo lire to &lJ. sun hll c1ertcal elIarader, b..,. II PI! Under ~round, or where there 18 00 beat read you oneo{mY&erDIoD " The ticket {or It to .ttract ot CODIeCJUCDCle, It I liD I I' p81!!led QVt'r Instantly without any n!.hfr lIIalter, and dOlI ~ mOrl! Qr proof 1)111,
3408, TA.LlERWAlaT- .......... _A ••lim. ,.nMw\'b .D~~ _Ii . . . . . . . . . .- ..... .Ik....... Ir., II I ..... ..
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their Widow, p9uloned ~.,.., RIC", a ,6 P..' ~~, wllh )I<II'1on and boun Ia_ l'Iotokll.. can do ....ilhout IL Smd 10 cu (or It :Address (wills ILampi) NAT' "JrI
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B th n. kt~t "be heir- l' '!I ilk ~ra 111m 1m ', bl to i\th ~ froIn tb oth ~ C W In It utter In the uIII ti~\. lle "ery )1f()perly hao lbat aud ,vhll I W qm bu~1.e.I' t\'o b
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T ~ A ~ III1'K Fal -Tate two chI 40n ('ut tb IQ up. aOllla1 them I in your met with two Ii or MID um! tw IIIlIJIll baloCA, aod afawb~ or 11I('t'. Tb n n your IOwl WIth P'p r and. I,," del & little water to \II . ~I . ' 1~)'O1l CII.II jUlt it alll n ~OQr cb\c\ n Wbell about bate d . IC ' lIdd bait .. l'!n~ of erMlnud a Illml' of bu tAlr tb 1m or & waln.t, " !led in ,tI~ur. K p the fri eon· atully Urnb &iII done.
r 0 \' r to the butch I'll 611l1C)On lilt hI' uld ill k h r lilt. JI re t're two rell11M. why lh buttclr dl<lllC) come. "l!tO PI . -Thr i no 00 ib Jilrol lU iuclinod. W lV@m than Jri.P. ~ a lew weeb old ud .to do wbicb th ywill lind til lI1lahl!tlt cr vioe iu tho Ji nce 01 rough whlub to creep, boot CD miecbier, whelhn it be In th lIeld, front yard or gard n, tb.erebyoccul n· l~g much . trouble, vuah n, alld ofuln. . Jml!8 (t(JTJ Idembl dam~. to the . pre. Ill' Many fill'll)el'l!, ~lJlkin, theu _ gnlo metb\!lc In the way 01 biI aDd lillrdlo Wl'er t,belD to I'QUl wher, Te they pi : AlId If th y "ere bnled109 them'1br racere, and dOlired them to I
hllvo JDIII!OI and &ough {lrobo.bly Deh UnJO woold be beiit. But Ifl]oek, pl':lml' and oontentro JlC?rkeJ'l .be the object, 01 r eon1inement 111 cert&lnJy t&r
p.-T on gall n oC ".ter
cu, up two II ubl~bandfuIs of okl'f.· half an b III arkrward add one haudful 01 Lim bc&II Ilace aU t du u a of f«:8b meat. 'or. (ow tI II t10~ One bour foro you it up pUl in five luge ~DlJIot.oeA, Of & pia' of II1II1.11 on peeled aQd 81leed,anil wMD II.IJnObt doDe put in .a lump of .butter roll in fiol\r; 1Ie&IIOO with lilt aD~ pepper. Do aoUet it. be ~ tIIles. Po It OD early..aod oaly let It simmer. 1\1 - T.1te a chicken or iQwl cut It up l1li If to be frled lay it in a pot ~ith a poonflll of bulter, jUlli enough to brown it 1\ Iittl ; thoo pOur lUI much \Yater to it AA wlll make 80Up enour;h {or • qlaU lillnily, _y two quarts; jdd a. thiD eli of beooI!-lOlUl III you caD get i ___ li ttl onloll chopPecl.8ue, and 110m panley. te" j~ IeDt)y ftom e&rt!l.!n the m rnillg untiJ dbWer-\ime, . g care to ml\l!b tbe bone. of the chiebii beAlr n ill put into tile po&. .lboll~ ~wcnLy minute before tbojlOup il ready f.o rye make a. thicbnin« of a larze table-epOOnfulofpounded-t'raalenea;
be~ter. Until a I,IS l~ JI~arly or quite three montbs old b~ 1\'111 Improve much this is mixed smcot.b in a' bowl "iUallOme fJ\l!Ulr hybeing l'eItrieLed &0 a comforta- , the aoo"e IOUp liqaaor; a little rkle ble, peU lind yan!-;-we ...y co'!lfortabt improvea it. If your chi kenure 1 0 \lllg bec&u that COUdl~~ IIf certainly more IlJlti small, take two for the above quapeonduely ~ hie thnl\ tb•• · d!lD~h!m"_ tity, or IPlelarge pu" t, wbich would be IMILl by I'OIUJlJJIg OVllr tbe farm In iIearcll equivalent. of 1000, espealal.ly "ben hill illcl~ure i , . well sheltered, dry, and Dot t.oo eondnina. To BAD A; Q.u.1I' 8 HEA.D,-Bo~1 the Wo ventll~ 1o.y that a 1I\W of pip bead, tiler belDg w~ cleaned, until &11 thus conftn~ wl,lI weigh oDCHJurter the ~nell may be easily dra~o out. LIlY more at three montbli ola tJlan if \hey tbe Pleote o( meat. ~ a diab, and cut were allowed to NIl ouli, alllholllh In thorn Inlo IIIl1U pM!OeI!. fjoUOD with both CUe the lIIDe amoUllt ot toOd be OaycllDCl p:ppet, mace, clovee, nutmep, giv D U1eot aDd oenainly iIIai.. cIiIIpoIl-.. pa~ley, oOlona, Iweefi."IIlarjoram, and a Uouawm ~Te becomeaUdl_re quiet, IitIJ ~byme. ~ small bie eacb eho'pped baeb ie. mm hnllO'iaDt eo....deraUon JlP fuie. SpriDkle 011. " -.li ~ . JCMl! aa rega'ida thek (atleni. ~uaUtieL Ai ~te. Lay lOme 111m pi ot but. . oftr thil pOint, or whon weaDed, \.her should ~h aad: .. ~k'r .. 'Will oo.er itl 10 addition to abundance ot , n put-It 1ft the Cl"en, nd ~tn baleel oth~ food, • CIIorerlo;:: f1Ul In, ill or» ~der tAko tile meat. out, adlli!l~ ,half. der to ~e ~ thelr c!i ~ve Orpllll in plD~ ot IAdmra wino to the gra y : ~ proper OO1ldltion and. harvelubould tb r or lour ew mUl~ De beaten up With be allowed the r:an of 'he Rubble fields. t.bc blllter,lIod added to the g ....\7, which ).ndeed it i8 far better ~ keep a pig must .then ~ thickened over ~Il fire. groll'ing frOm tbo 't ime it is tarrowad Keep ,t MU rn.n g during ~h18 part of the until i~ is put up for (atte~nl, and it prOOOllll, an.d thOll pour It hol O"fer ~he th.iII eeurse i8 pUJ'ln:ed there 18 no dim. meat, which may then be !lerved. cult)' in :malting I' ~'pring pig _weiJdl tll'O 1 1 _- ; ; - - _ hundred pounds tbe' IllUDe WI. '"'But a -hog put uj> to Altten deb .t tbe point ONB great dlftleulty u~llnc:ed by of atllrVlltjon will80t only require 0. loug IIU youllg housekeepen Is ~ decIde on time snd more (oed to flltten but when tbo degree of heat ~ to cook or· ho becomell 80 his fat wiU be' fouud laid dinar')' disbCIJ in en oven. It "ould be 00 superficially, and nl/~ equally ~istrib- well ~ use n thor;mometer Collstantly in utecl-much of it. aQin, mw lard In ~ the kitchen, letting one bundred and of pOrk. IIIXty degrees De tile ~t.llucJard Of hI!!" tor toutinl!; meats. puddin,ga, aDd ricb cakes; TIn: OKlNESE Yur.-Tbe Yam, or Pllff-paate and spooge-Cake would need a Mani9(! root,lately JmpOrted from Ohina, greater degree of heat. a mOlt. exoel1ent vegetable, and .may . • cultivaLed "itll pro6' in latltlld TuE ,reekl_ u~ of ~atl 8 I~ by those of p1iddle Illinole ud IJIdlana, (arm n (or destroy 109' b~ I, proVIng to I- nUli,IP llcnOIl, ~n~ huD'o~ been doly be a fIOUrce of very COI!8ic1~le danl8r , yam requil'Oll but TOry not only to ~eml!Olve!l bot to t.h~ O<!nli'tle attentl.n. In the 1I1It year tho sume':'! of theu product/!. The ~fic BOil is to' be kept lool!O and free of woods; AlIItrIClan calls at&8atioD to the fact. ~at after that it iakca care or it!lefr, wben the d~lh .of several persona In a . aiDJJ1e OAyeci.Uy it begilll to be moo UIII!£ul. d~elhng 10 Ne~ York city froID ~t.iJ)g li ou may plaut 4lDough at one time to do plokleA upon which 8O!"e Pa~ ll'eeD JI~ you for yean to come, tbe yam 'roots in- been blown by the Wlnd oceulTed q!lIte cl'NIling in Biae ".lUI every year. Having recently. . V AlUfJ81l.BJ) can~ lIhoulci 0.0' be been ill the grouod IIOme three or; four )'et\lI,' the root I.. ju t lUI ~ l1li if it hd bpt in a lltablc, .r DUild.i:nJ where Vflgbeen there but a year. They may bc e_leAliable to deeal are s.tofeci, or w)ltIre u.aed .tor the kltc:hen at Imy _ n of the !.be ~ (rom u;umllre lflU ~ ilieDl. be 101\ in the ground until Ammolll. is al....)'. ptMe)1t III ,t.he air" boiled ,they are ary and e&WCiaJly wbore..er organic d_y ia !Oto appearance and 'wte, ing on, .. in ~ra:r.rcrtl and .blOl!. ]f NtI"Uible oUr coQ)1Don potato. 'Yet t.boy a varDiellell carri~ itI.x~ to thl_ are fill' more reliable 811 a vegetable, for ~us a~monia, tbe .~lb1i eomblnes 80 far rio inaetb! have been dieoovered III With the oil of the TIU'flJah and 'destroYII TDU _ ~OOO, tle.hivel in the injurious to their grow&b, while drought its politlb. " ' UDiIieClStllel. hive lieJds 00 all chew ita growth but little, eompaTcd SoME pbysiologlsts are writing'up \.he a~ a oftr , J pounds of honey. 'lfitIJ iUl long life. In certsill IIOIf8 tho great v,irtu. of wbeat. bread 88 an lUte)honO-Y ill 80ld yam pl'l)llpe.rs be~ter !.ban OtJlI~T yege..... fectual etilllululJ, The populatloo of Tbe ·aftnp price ai ie U ,_tII a ~lIDd, 1O.&hU. a(\e1' paying blet They flourish best in !' Ugbt, ,dry Ohi!,), Indiana I\Dd DJillol8 are Did to dlelrQWII board, our ~l)l~eent us with 8Oil, but they kll9wU to grow, too. in \lwe their high senile of l"w and order to a I'I~ of' 'Oftl: ts,lOO,OOIY. Over tbe poo~t clay. You mr.y train the Lbe wbed crops of thOllO tate!!, The 28,!60.ooo ~of ,... lUde and vines on 8talt.ea or eapaliel'll, and are thus 1ili000phOrUII contained in wheat is tho alTOn to lIilJt tli'!JIO iDcl'Ultrlou workers. calculated to adorn many 1\ spOt. You feeder of brain~, an4 It 18 II.I8er~ tba& The ~ wi $he beee & ODe of Lbe may spread, however, on tile the «mt broad.ten ate the ,reatel!t - - fI,'Oat.i.bJe la"flItmente that our ou Bhould gsther t.he bulbs ,'bioltolll. AU ' we can say it ~at W8 ban ,1Iiaab of their money. The nnel! In the 'all, ..nd , plant bave o~rved tha~ in large famill.eIJ .. .,... fi'oill iIIe DIe o( !!Ul'p]UB In the spring. AJ\e.r ODe year tIley where the great bread-eaters aro numer;oDe7 ave,mge from 60 to 200 per cent. of lto vertically IDOO the ground }lOme tll 0 oue,.gJUr {alffiMl il often ohUged to 40 a Ule capiialIj:Y~. J or more teet. Porbape the (aci that they deal of ooJltating .. to :bow he .-.ball grow 80, deell may be reprded &8 ueep- lupp,ly then demend!J. ~ this wa1 we 'I'I.e ~.4&Iio i , : " . ,' tlonable, but we .re to remember that are illClllhed td think bread-eating Is their diJ\llleter i,ncreasea in ratio to the gre.uy ~ve "Or th!pld ....... iD/I If WIIt.eI ~ .Ro~ depth they acquiJ'e.-St. .lAtIU ~ . pretty se~01l8 thinking, too I
~'nrOl ra
nnd aLllek raisCtll ba,,& frequently
told Wl lhR, ~ Lh~r hllYe aecu Yen' good re~1I1~ frolf' Ji"in, ",trldc.rI. Cooo'lry Oendil;;'" PUII'i<',. to co., hlne before ad .rUr th y drop the.ir yOllug. The powders I'IIL ib~m in good (_dHlon, and give them
Itreugtb to care and I'rClvldc fot &liefr wetlInlll!· ' EI.ECTnrCl'J''' 18 LlPB.- AJI lIe"OIlI dl .. o~den, chronio dlse ... e~ or 'he cbgt., head, liver, _lomlloh, kidney, and blood, llAlhea Qnd p.lu ~. DerTo," and 8'eD~nl debiUtJJ eto•• "dickly cu red nfter drug. rail by ...arlng VoltA Elentro Delta IOd Ba uda. Valuable book free, by Volta Belt Co., lnclonali~ O.
We have urten wopdored whec.her ther .. is a pCnlon iu the cC/unuy who doea not kDO·W and appreciate did \'Ol'ue or .T,/lIuoa'# AftD.1!1n.,, 'M,,"~ ItA II (aruily medicine? It aal\p( d to IDell" nil ""J'I'O•••., ... d J. tile lMtI~ pllln dntroyer thll~ can 1;>8 u..,... • ~ .
Pomeroy &; Co. malte tbe beu EIMlic Truse ever inv.ented. 4,lclresl 7'~ nroadwfly,.N. Y. • llUlUl1!'rr's COCO,ulq li the but Md
ubel\pe8t hair elr_161\' in the worM.
......~ Tbe Oardi,l Iars
t_ ... .........
TAlllll1loFENOES.A.g»SHtNGLES.-We ha\ t.bU ia ~,iII nil-yet wom on ....... ; it oill, }appeall on great - - J .bout taroccUioa" . . . a Ivr ~ caQonUa, note thai the old eontroVl!"'" rences is tioa" the 0peD.iDa of the Pon. Santa in ring or palntinK lIhingles being revived again, 00 tht v.rinciple/ w~ IUPJIOI'O" that .. lUI old generation)1U8e8 01 Ia' "'it~~' b.1 away. tile "" one wute to feua "~1lY' the oIIoer. 1ftet tlie tor italf what ..it wante to bow. It , • .Ut $a ~ Deled ought to be p)loraJly, ~i1eI'll~ liy thia , In time th~ oQo~~ 1DQiIIRtN 'onll',.,..t hea\ tIllY'. , b y tlU! ;ray, It and moisture, either or boi.b,. .re th WII 11m beetQwi!d OJ! Cl.rdiDaII at the the decay of' woodt aaaer 1Iii rt.eeDth BlNmllilear Counci,r, 12"6, ....., .... "...,_.. see, m to WJIIf l&4Il held aU._..,. ·eIIyoniclet, all '........ieni .. WI ItioJ with . . . . . . . . ••te,ouL •To be.ure heat, when It i. up to we wood, blew arthe bamlng Will dHt.roy bu. thel, seempoint, to forp' tb.t. . . . wheJi DOt buhring, heat II Geltructive only in a. 1_ d~. A• ., black JlubetanC!'. tberefore, wbfchattracUl heat. ihoup I' k~l.' out the- other de,IItnlcUn water, add~ to ~e de"fork on ~e ,wood,
~~- ~ tiiw ~,. ~ tbUt.etn~, ~q.
IIvoided wlie!1c:.v~erdllBt.!o.ll 1t !/leeds 110 WIU~ b\lweyer. W,~ow tba~ .tar or any subetuice tends to rot ,,00d ~"Nr':uch {utu tb~ wood t.hat had
no ex1JoIed at all~clon It.. suD, . A:lenoe tined and , tke full &8 u'l ob_ver 'know" IIOOn ontmbl81 aWly. In a.'es w ,.... tlMI wood ill Jib u overdone pte cruat. And Ulen all know llow long ... me,re 1Jbi..".... IIuce 1utA. Yet tbere ;. ..0 JII"O'Onati ~ ehlJ1lCter o( much &I!coaotlli Ume. E,ery raiD goee ibrouillil it bIto 1!I.e wood, but It ie \he'
' .As tile ;seuon is approach.
lor t.he
hint on tht and subject 0 WIill paper ia"nota renovating Jlxinf njl of ,koo.aea, iIl-tlmcd. Everybody knOWl! that peen paper OOntain8 arsenic, but Iio:~:~= are no\ .. bluaod
!i healill 0,
u"'!-Jt'-"nlnl\JlJlIg. Jl&PIlrs are pable ,duR
..ideat that JVC)DII .J
, It Is terribl!\, t~ mania. Itopped uPOI\ the IItreeta and epeU perlle, o'r pedlar or pll(ldl4llf, lOme »ther ;'ord: 'Yo~ "'....... '..,... up in tbe &i~e of the
.r~;)'OUr children ""Mn.tft~tb.1 i~:~j~~~~~;t:~r~~! b~ table &0 aat lOD to.peO I(~ rtmb, and,ou de.ote &II' your IJIUe time to the dictionary; end.J'Oot ol~ bOy coni homo late at n.i«hl bi a W.P-
i ;it;k.Z,,, ..,
.,..,. ~ ........ 10 Oat lUll. VtIdei or w"Mre there I, 110 heat . . it to 01 ~ueaeIt, l& Ia anotMr ........ doIa . - IlIOn or
W~'li'...w.;: .
lag an4 UpWUI it t.hus: tIlie "I ~~~~~ii~~~~l wentmood, to ..,.,Mary (hie ' Bweetheari) evenin,: ~e lDet ..e at ~ c100i "Ub rii~:~d,;:i'~::J·=.:::r.. •~U ,~;.l~ Tom I' I .pOIled 1& 'I,.~~ftil"(&~!~.Yilil~i~~ lflth two i'. DO,...4Jibllliaid, f Sir li=i~~l~~~ o\lreur;acementieatu ea.' I CIMIIOtI'l '10.. awe a bad IpeUer ' ~ idar 0. li)jIJuli'Jli bela _led. "';"Gi" 1Wa' .. I~ , H IIdIII e 0 ;:O::ZZl.,~'I':;;'·
wi~i».11;;::~ lilll~~~~I~~~1
lleat, :ta ..&lae ., r;Ued lie hade. me Wlatte ~ eol.r,atUaG&l JI, WlUiIb tutnaJaa".,. ii 1M_ ~ JaOu. aDd IUId VUt agent wblell preeervee It bope to be hie .,.1iHaw." ~i. In all 1I1llCUllloas .. to !.he pre- ..~ i. bad .-ther to _pell -...... ~u ~ eo<! iii , " .:.~'r8 ~. wube!I or \.be pIia.. J1. ~ laport;an& paiD'la the UPID,D" _ Au tar . , . iIIe ftI7 a' ootaJ4, be uaed
CUI th. 10 Jong.
IS", .1 ".
. . . .1_ MW CIon ,~ IIYilll h. '.he UOIpttal, aDd l DtheRf.a.""llI'ta. " " 1"-
hul1dl8J'. , Ollnlcal 'aqlucdOJl
WII •• O"'
"'!ll Orlh.."""I~
III""". PI't ... '.~.... ot I.eo'rQu.... ~IIWlolr.q" "_ an/_to all Ih. ftl~l.rf .Ioalt. Ad,I,," . In ....
PIa. lleal_.'j'
.A.tlll_ ' " ........................ .
A,._ _ . . . .L"' .... _II'..
B.EPOB.TEa. VOJ.U~dE X Y.--TI. .
fA Y 12. J 75
BER 613.
"tI .........
THE fliPROVUI A'SOP ror ........... al
<...... ......
1tY IOtn. Z.A.
!Jt\ckbone of
fr IRcom I 011 W say that a hRr will not 10 believed 1U ougl I e s pe k tbe trutl th o CO llI cn;c of tIJlsprOp08Ihon.JlIequnlly - trlle 0 It moro IInfortuDlt.c--tbnt amlin \\ I h 18 g lIlIcd .L reputatIon (or , o raClL)' w II not lie u sc r (hted though I e utter \\ I It IS rldi!C But he thllt "ould mako UI!(' of II reputntlOn for lernClty to cSt Ibh"h I I e "ould !<et fire to the temple of I rutl II ~th II hgot ~lolell from her III tnr
r\\ 0
• yelln! Illter
11]>clollr and Rwcet mot prollched II I!rny oil hOllfIC !!\It under spreading IVI 1m Ltree!!. Ho IlIIked for ] did Dot 1\[1 ltIITIP lind Will! hOI\n IfIW the pl\l'lol'8 fho rooll1s \\ erecool With Violet croq llet.- ~\\ eet 1m blown from tho ll oodlllod"" lIud gmeefl l \\Ith ehmblllg IIIClllllld hunglllg ferns A Itght Ah!ll-a !!Oft-eyed womlln II i th II bmw of h~ht stood beforo 111m Icely I E~bortl
a gQII Uemen
): ou bnda mo noL COIllO I ere Olcel~ bllt t he 11111 I 11K frvcd me frolllllllunfllllh f I lllld lIlIlo\ IIIg" fl' ] 11m II PIlOr IIl1d 10llely mllll IIho hn ~ sur\ 1\ 0111118 punish mellt. ] llv o longctll.o I cnr your VOICC IIl1 tll I cllllld !Jenr It 110 I()D~ r bllt r wllllIOt stuy ullle you wisli It 111I8wer tay Egbert oUter H \VIIS mucb bT(\k II-httle like tho All m\"chnnce for hopplllc J8()ler gallllot hero (If her glrhsh dreams but 11 went 00 Mv Wife lind I do not bor womlln s llCRrt YCIITIICd 0\ or him "yeak to each other {or dllV8 at II time tay EgberLl lind tbe hC11'C8Il of Oh It 18 hell upon tho !'Brtb With ber I The 'Vninuts CIMpe() him forover III hoI' l Why did you 1I11rn ? lI:oly M1"1111.0 gentle embrace lip!! fllltl r ng BeCJIllIte 1 II 111\ 1\ fiokle fool I he re')londed bltlerly I. [wa boWIUlJed by IT I~ charged by CJ:perllmced farmel'll a hAlld"ollIM 1ftC( )'111 ~holl id lOt her th IL Ih!'y t;nn not mU4!I "hllllt wlLh prollt illY hUI .. \...11' tl\\'f' I g'lfl-~h~ hllMII l:wC' 111('1' tllnollly rhllt It e htllllll,. th .. '"Id form hk .. ~ hOllri-~llt lItleY 111\1\ a !tOIl IrovlIlg heavy 11011" t1lO ('I)mJlIltl lind ftl RI,,1 torlll j'I(\ h"tflhll In mel 1 II \01' gent'nltlng tho wire worm l'he>e 01'0 ItlVl'd ber Cl(~ely my darhlls-I lie rr grave oharget', lind If true, prove lh.t )(lvt'Cl a010ne but l'OU And now 10U WIll timotJiy I' noL WOrtb, of a high place in e"'" me 0Ir. Yon tIloupt me eftrrtblllll tile farmer'81'Ota\lon
\ Donlsh Sydney \ merchnr t fl\lIl1ly of good Btalldlllg 111 tb e II ttle Dnnlsh tOil II of Fle nsburg, llenn! Oil Its escutchooll U 11I1f.cmpty flu!!.k villch commemorntel! the rare 110blhtyof hllmcter of a Inr 1\llIy nllces II r who III 011(' f lho IIIlIlIn or blo II an! ix-t l ecn SIIed ""l1d DUlc. of pnst lell tllncs IKlrvcd Ill! loot 80Idicr III Lh mil ks of IU8 fatberland B mill)' wllch hllppcned to be HetonOl1J! II tl1l8 p"rtlc II lu COl\tc~t After tho butUe 0111' hpro 1111 vld m 1U1 111\11 aWIIT\) I (hl~y AA ntincl IIId being overcomo by mtulor Ibl' UlIl'IIl wi~h d III IIlty obtametl U f1IL~k of bt.'Cr tit h ,~ pt"lllt B(I hllli Illmlly flll8Cl1 the cool deltclolL~ fOlllll IIg draught to 11Is lJ(l8 'Wh(,11 hiS attent 011 WWI arr t.>d brtbe Cltlflll Bntrcil by of 1\ wctll.h w i dler IV 10 With both legit "hot off Iny tI) IIlg cloNl by H begs tl fM 0110 dropII -l.ttle refreshment III 1118 f\lIgl1lsh Touuh d \\ IU1COmplll!810U ~he good D811e drow IICI\r lIlId I>cndmg 0\01' thu dymg 1H teh fors tllli of hid own urg ntn~. beld tho bnmmtng f1n..1c to Illd lIps But wAtchmg 1118 op(lortllmty t he trea hoI' 0118 wede IIItell10llly olljtrnttfYlIIg hlK hereditnry hatr d of th DlllleR b\ fmr mear 8 or h)' foul the ruhnr p"L"IIIC)1I BtTong JlI<.lelith it ftII'Crn_fi r('f II Icllldl'd p!~t(II at hiK gentle bellchl lor But God who I~ tho sllll!lld of th .. III rc.'iful tnrllPlI II~"I \1l<!JV 1\ tnlTael" \I" el( IWamlttl hot III I I,, ~ I1I:lj."nllnlmoll~ w\luhl he "rtin (I'li Ih rUI.1ll1t lh~ III1BIc to 1118 o'W II lip" lImllk hnlf the contentl!, thtn hondt(llt to thed,18rml.-d lind d,j pg man With tll_ words ow 70U call only han. balf of it. '
MIsJllaced COIIOdclICI'
April 10, "71
A ('rRek ahbt II Id good fellow I rom Now 01'10111 K whllo hlln tmg Ilong the mdron I trnck (l HI ort dllll IIICO frOI}1 that c.ty dJ8COler('c1 I lurge ulllglll.or ijW III 111111g IICI'08l! (I onyoll t.o Iho Ilnce wll 1'0 ho \\ 118 ~tandll g nU H ,,1\8 n atl'llngc pn ceedlog Ill! f1llglll(f8I1SlIlIllyuo (1IIit,q tI ~ revl\r;<c bllt tlu6 0110 belllg vtlry largo 1\1111 loo~l1g HIIVlIgo our frl oll(1 thouf\ht ltll oha llenge, lIud S1l, e hlln n baLI JU t bllok of h.8 fhppel'!l. The old fellow turnod buck at tlJl~ recro!il5CcI tho bRYOU "bout ~wellty y Irds Wide lind 01'11\\ led lit! th b'Ulk w!Jen a flCcood shot loud him out Just then II p Irty of truck replllrer rlll1 up to look at the game and offer congratulations as our might)' hunter expected, when what "l1li hlM ~urpr'!!\I 1.0 "lid I tnf!elfJ[ ~t~lId of the alhglttor ~u rroulJd ed and III 111l1ll1neot danger of hltl Ing ' h18 head v.unched by lin 'mgry crowd He hnd killed their pet.- nn tbey h.d booll feeding COY lwo YCllnI Till.' alligator llacl I.'rofIiied over, I!I'llIIg II. Ulon 1IU\'hling there. in 'friendly eJlllIICto'lLIOI1 of IIOwetlilng W e.t, and became a vldllil ot mlaplAced conldeave. Full • JlC!IClliei and esplana&lollll were m. and arumbliJlSl71ecept;ecl.
• - Hi lte U ncrl .ling io inn tl Qn MUDd a tteded bv lafK\' lIumbers ' ....IU ...... -<:aVluio W. 1 . 11"...1 ha 1&1Ipl',,:u'h .. I" Ihi d.i~'n'lIt . part vI' t hl.' . ell.ulltr.'> .•." • • t turn ~ 11',,111 .··W \ ·ork . il.' ri pill 1'1 UlII~.. 1 l'rll'm} E lisha Du~I.~ vf CIUI'IIIII1' tl . '.11 P . • -~fl·. .' ~'h"lIIil4h Y c Kiu c\' i~ .ri~' ill It Iwnnr' ad J I'('8 :tl tlill l' Ir t·day WkI~UJ' 116 P." 7 vel'." ill "ith t."ph .id Il·\·l·r. • "'Itilll' UII 1\ lIilllw~ 1 blag'. ,-:Ii" .'0. 9 ., 1 , 3d A.... IbOr.. . No. t:I - A til ~·I'I ,.1' I'mato 1'10111. fur - ~I r. ~l'tll \\'. 1 r.IWII flu Iukl'll t' II lew ul'thu l - 'he Ro\' ..r,)hll v.'. II ulcy w .......- " ul~. Ellljl1 d .· nt rill .. ttloo a r 111I "\\1" lie. '. ~ I c lillie'" lUil. r ,1: ti\I'~ III ~I'" illl rri 'IH I ~ uf f ill innuti I r,'u h ,t! ill tlao 1 IIi· !f"~ ztp...... .01 . . .... - .\I r. U~t Il ollcrt h a b Il lillcry ~tUIIU, 1111.1 litl·d It up ill Ii lr~ ·"ulh'*aa. IUlll \\ h~'11 IIII' du vOrdllli t Ch ul' 'h l Lid 'I.'vill " last ""T.· .. I.1Ie Aee., 7 .»i.. II , t t . I' I ' '" . J l' .., .I '--' LIM, 11.111 P • • qU •ill' .. " ....1 , hllt ' i",. fI'C,J\'uritl". :t. ,\' llilltllh'r t r II aW·lIttil'. :1rrl\,'J • MI ra I"U ~1I1·ce.· Cl IIl ollolUU)'. r..:t ~ [".,...... !ill ''P' , - 11 1 : 1'. J'. 1-\'1 (('1' vi~ltl'u ill' " I ' 1~IIPl' hi ulr~aqy. CUll idl'r?ul hcguilillg I'll. SUlIllturll tu h ' r . . ' ftl,tbL lUIll C<>.. , .lIi ~. .. 'i Ullutl . I 'lIlla.y UII J Tuc::!Jav . Ipr.1 '!tCI li la,\' I'll'plilly 111'1 U C IIII.'C hltU () wlJ ' he 1\'1 I tI lI--tUtl' l 0 1. . lllJrl~urt urrn'cu In t wu, _ .•' I r J 1':'etllr • .I I)11 1lu· Illg ' h· hus 'oltcn IUtv IIch utJruetlvc i"lacd Ilt lIIe tMI i"'" iiI' t vne IlIHI th ' n Th l1l'\lua 'j'II ulh.· rlHlon ,Jlulld I " I the - Ttalr.. cI n I lOp , .·I"P 011 i~n I. , . 1 E " . ud No Ii \\' .'I ~ rr.Ytl,~ mAIl. . ' tl. • . . " q 11111'1 I" ~IIUlhl'l' "I' I triuud ull f \l'h<.lI.1 II1 vrUIIl u uWlIlg. rei or s u' T .... I~ No • . 1 . nl1 6 r.n 0 11 · uhd .,y . cdlnr IIl1u"r lai Uwellillg.fl ull e. I Jf ti. caUle with eart" u~I"rlltlllat i III • N II I'ro\\.' gIlU!!; ' us ~' II t I'eudy .t . .... I. i. 6 oDd 7 run d1l111· ' I 'II \ k' t' X ' IIny of O\lr ti LrlTl\'r~ n .1.1 u J.... ,. t I bUu,I un d ) IVS8tllll oll lin • - .' 1·. •'1 ret t Ia" • 1Ir1,e x' II eu,. , un I ' · ulIII .g uuu w .III1U lit'. ' Ulltlt . ulll'1; '''110' I and 9 " Olle~ t I,.. r ~pri n R8.ld \·"1 d I ' J 1'111," \I.\1 .. ,. 11m . go , Ii n;·c I II I II I b T ... la. I••,. XeDI. f"r R leh m~D d. 7 ::0 '" 1;'1 t' I~I' liT. II." Ullu utlulI·. "at II" til'\' hvuld bll,' 1I1It' o t' thl.' CI'II lI'u al ~ tb I'l'eil'i 'II t IIfijl'\"\'rlll !f Ir,}". . 1M 11 U Ilg. l"l1 con·. nd a ." 'D~ )~ 2"tt l J.oU ~ . ~ 00 10 "11 . -:-- 1'. 11. D. ' IJe ', vf Day ton . \\' ·.. t •. rJI ;u Ith'lllor , ur'G. W. . iJ . \'C I'Y nice en. The d i 11 II ll r tiu lit ot th buuutc u rt 'hue vt I . In Cadwa llader 'S New Building, Main Street, . • . a~~'!:'a~~4l) 1'\'.:.nou1." a. m . .. n Ilcd h 'IU Ulldu' unu l lvlluuy. & II. The ' gl'ntl~llInll lULl' I>I"pul'ed II All'll. rl bpi ll wn ~h~ fl'llit of "our ul'rllw~~a,ug ." 1 J09. lofl.[:-' KY . rloh~ AgeDl. --~Ir. •Ivhn U. . FlIllc ·. I.f L Ull. la i ill lith 'I t' thv 'u culti" ut r. "llIllPIUull ' aod pUl'llIkell ut' wilh If It w<.I uld 011 1 · bl Ill. 1 hiS he ( (3 ROb: ' TI t..E • R... .' I:·t. dOll, d~itc th ill !JIlce IIl ,t ' atur. 1111" call !luii..1 r CIIIII Ill lid them c\' luellt "u~lo hy ull 11"11 .. «at d "'II "'.'\\' ~untj!dl'l'tI II IIC 'olllpli"IJI'd. - " '''-111 r~: ••t nd !\'orlh clo a . l 1i:!5a 1.111 \'. a h in .. without IIU <,quul. tll it. T ile pri ' .. fth e lIl'l:lhli ll ll l..I '·"t11 _\ (11'. ~ , •• .... lllleor Weil .. nd lIlII • llk. rCiuci n· 1 - M.;' rlllJ rtlJ- . A . P. O'NIIIlll til t C'<.I /I<:l·I'II ·11 I WI I Th reis tvu I.' "'1'Ulhl P iolluor H ..,in "nl rc'll illtutlill . ,I , . ' . ' . . Icurnp de II nw.t I' II ' . , Rill IIUtJ , Ut:Cllu·.. uUl'tl'rly Mcetlllg UI rl\" u- , IIlIlne I fult WCl' k. /1'11111 Eu· , ' 111\ ~ It \\'u . .. I I' PIC N. Ie.III l'rullu c ,.,' GI"IVI', il L-III' P. , C .&. "T ~ • ,. lI. , 1 14 . I 'ft ' . I' . I ' II alit t SlIW" 1I ~LI 0 1 II'Wlll II[' t ' III' '1 . '}'I ,I I I I'e. rupe. 1'1\ U\lm~'roll rI III 11'1 I' wi " ~I ,' ''lIr~Oll l"tlVil 1111 IIII'SuilV. til' • Richmofld . Mot/go n i1'lsiOtl. \ - MI'. R ulprt EvulI , of 'iIlCill. be ha~1 y t" !cUI'1I that the ' !lr' ill U " Ill' :lJll t 1'1 IV ·II IZ·I' . - t1. :37th ,If May ~r thc P llI IICCI' · "'ci . • ' , ... " . • • • """, ••,.. \ t" ' ro I . t III' ~"'·c·1 lit IIe'ultlI, ..n nlI tl. IU t tl 1 ~ .lr eh .:I'IlIY IU')l'll.~ lIeh !llIUD . na 1,1$ VI. ., l.lUg Ilid lLtl' ons III . bil.thdU · lit yel'oIuri 110 IHiPPY IIl'\" r ety . 'OJUl>ll 'Ou.1 VI' ID '~11 b urs .. I'I·V III . 1,ul"elgn ! om bUI'I.'U. ~, u1I11 d l' II '1" Bu tler lilld. ..\\',\I'r ·n. '1he PH. n 'er11 I . 01.",,,11&11-'~ .~O a m '7 00 p w PI.tCll. A . t 'IUI' IWll 1lI0dt 'IIJuyuble. . 0 ase "" .... a'aha ..4- ....we 10.:10 . m I ll, )~ r m -Mr. W . H. Hcigh way is milk· . ver Jl'U Ilnt ro(.'Cpt l II wail i hed by tile i'1I011 U1IlOII' whvm oc ~ . 0 1 1Ul~lIlg' llIl ery ct~lI nty WI ,Yo havc bOllgllt. llnd illtcnd 10 keep ou hallu u full li ne of Furniture B , ·I'IICOWII, arrr•• II. IS.m I O~:.r1l1l illg greut . iwfJruvllwlluw 011 hi gl" ~ 11 thl' I' I nl'lI~d \")YUgCrll ~lIId .sho hll8 li 00 ,I) lOll Y. g ul ~ JIII I~ t lHllr lIrutl,,· II IU tho.ex· or the \'cry be t q Ulllity and a t us' Jf~", O~ ... I•.• I" 1!l.10 a ID g. jl p m Igroullus thclr frlCllds lust Saturduy 'I' IlIllK, "fl e ' f tl K t,; relse of tho duy 00 tu at occuslun. :-:",olJ.*t~I.. ~ Jg p m :'~"~'::: I " t thollo lueof Mr.ulld ·Mrs.G. T. I names IV gU\! . uleatl . . . L:,:n~:~~'.r!~~h.e 4.00': ::; ' :10 II' - CO 1111"01'11 cmell t of Mrs. n, 0'1'\ 'a ll fu ll uwII : Mrs. J ohu H awku. :\Ir . Peopl udvcrti oing in this l OroWDP()iut ....In 1..Qo I' 10 6.!lo: m E. Feu I' ,, ' 'o's BCC Ild opelling u f ' ~tt'· . ' hurlcs H a y ko, i\Ir . "" illiulU papol' w i ll vl ea~c uudcr tuud tuat l Ch ic-it' • • rriyO 9.00 p m 11.00. m lllill iJlel·Y. -; b .C II IIIO~ IS ~fllroely Il ~cetl a· Watk insoll, Mrs. W illi lJ awke, they l~lIst bring their 1I0tiecs 10 GOllfU IOUTIl , -Mr. GCllrge E S mith i 011 hi I'~ 0 .Il CI\ U t 111 1:011 \PICIIOUr~ Mrs . T. 'weet h . allu i\h~. T. fore W eu ucsuuy as CUll bu fuulld ill uny Imu·kut. Our IItoek cuu8iClta or Ot.le,«,!-L~ n 7.!>.>pm ) .')~ - m l \\ouY h(] UI'l'ro lll ~~j oridu t(lspcnd u,V\'erlll l elllillt u ·"sr. :¥l'e r~~ ll.)I · 'o lll us.lIr. III1 U 1I I'o. A. c. . . _.•• . ___ . UI'1IWD Puillt-urt'ioe 9 •• 0 p II) 0 ..... " ID . , Uo 'y. \\' 11) llU 'C gllll O Ill to th o " " M D II :I '" J I' , . . . Lo,~u):'ort. uri.. 111 65 II III J.:lI"I I"n t he 'IlU1UIOr . I I t k' If 't ' . ill CvO Il Ill ' , 1 . u li n lU 18S \I la Th late I'Il IllS m'o HUPI'OV Illg the ' L' Kokomo, .rrive ~.ol) " ID 2,~6 I' w I _ ... 0 1' I E 0 1 f nUI\( 'r U.' lI lg nll t 11 1'111 ,li re buslIlo S. MOOvIlIUS. I " ppeumllcc of' the willtul'.uamaged Burea us, Tables , St a nds, ChaIrs I Sofas, ounges, Bedl ADd .....n.on"· 3,41" w 4 11 p m m I. la r . leoey.o uth gellt Il1 Cll urewllll a ll d fuvJ I" --. I fi II d M. d' ~ t 'E ythi N.w Ca cle, ard n 4. "m 6,,..8 pm J a U1est wn is vidi ting his unc le, ul>l.v knuw n ill this e'llIllrtllll ity, T ilE MERRIAM I8TKH8.-Th se w wut· e (K. stea~, attr~ss eSI an, ~n lac, ver ng ~rt~h'.:~:.n~rr~~~"C ~Jo D r. A . J n s. alld t hoy wi ll 8pllre nil pai lls .tu gi fteu dll Ugll wrs of lIong appea red a' t i m the line of Furnlture, from a elm,luII"ll .• Mh e, !/.oo aOJ 9.:!1i p Ul - }<'ri nd Ruchel B. H opki ns SIlI'\'e th e public ill t he v~ry hcst ill Cudwu lhu.1€lr'tI Ilall Iii. t 1'hul't!· wIt) 9 Childls Rockinb-Chair to a Nu.Ten I.. ~e. RlchmOl.d dnily.. ' a ttclldcd ~u art I'ly Mectillg ut a nd Il1l1st ,;atil!tuctvry munllC r. S lie .l ilY '"ulli ng uccvrLi ill tv UII II IIIIII C' - - - - -- full t f ~O" ,?II~ will lea~. Oh l~I4-'O .dIUI!. All Gree ll P laius. cesol to th cm. III 'ut. uud Iil.vurcd thei r uuLi i" lIce ' J A '0£ .- M.y 7th. 1 ~70 . Il dall!!hter to se 0 .,her 1 ...1110 rUIl dOily. ete~p ~ Sundu. I ~ ' tl b d f i r t he wife of Mr Churlc• .I:: I n,,,.bs I •
."tbF~Wi:l t: ~~:
A.l NEI...: TILLE . . : :: )RIO,
I =-~lr,
thl(llIdY d'~V
..!. .
g.g!: :
a~t ~~;~:~:~I~:~:~n ~~.:;~I~~;, 1lI~ ~1~l~c~:~~rt~;e~~IIu'i·llfll~~~f::I~~ 1~\;~ls:eule~~I~VI':~~~eelVl:\. \.l~ i.; t~::~~t
i m' t ill the B llbllrbs. ill SIi Ul Uu) AJ eCulle's ne w sture. to III WaYlle ",li e. MI ~~ ~lH ~g i O. J.:U en) 9 • J'ftlJ:sus'MKETISO (Hi. lo..it<l). -MI!t' ~i ul! I bJ' u d d t.r dl,.iuc " orabip very jo"i.r l ..ml F,.ul·th - Tlwurrh ~till ver ' feohl c All' buil Li i II!;. till ot th ncuwst btl ' i. t 10 III ~is te r, pl'csi e Ilt a V <:I'.Y , , . . I . .Best . , 18 . a ble .>, be up. ,ulld . ne."· . IVl·1I\ . . .III tV"" " . · 1'1Ie to.c k ~ I\I. . u: lIu .' l' iol' o..g~t1 OOLLE)\ .-[" X CII ••• 1Iiuy Il. I 70., I k F •' rot· D"y Murtlll > ' wh'ieb... th e, 8i~tt' r8 1 Of\,811,,,lIl'ox. Villi".II \ Vv olf.,y. bruthcr of' J:>.y."""lIniug Il~ 11 . ...000. &chool'" 91.2 o'olocK A. )t . ab lit 1. '1 pr ' 1IIl'~ .s ' lWllces b U I"CUI1 t1 doltc/lds 1"JCkIlW tnko "Ith the nl. allu xec u t ~ d dlJUIC 0"u..t s W\loll.cy o . Ihi. 1,11100. I I II C II Ill' 'llOIl .. I I E b I .... "'B1ENI)S' "'u"'TI ~O \O-Lhod"x) Meet· "C • " Wit I llc Fl1l'11itlll"e I " til lit! IIll lit, Wt) UI'O "nropar.,.. F' d 4tb GII ,I fi und I.th\lr cha irs ta ulcs ",hlltu••t ,..,· d IIii0 11 It O'l Il"~l' ca I IllU:l .IC, :m,; II II . GALLlMO IU:.-Nl",,· l'o.. L' Villin,", . 0 11 • I IUlffor d..vllla 'II' rablP overy k,retF~u D I u a llu so the li e a Bo rt · ta Li II d ' t t d '11 overtu 08 1'I'UII.I thu (lp I'l\ 1'1' Fr'L "" Ird,,)' Mny I I ,r. at the resiolrnue nf to attclid ull call" IU 110 ~.gionlir1·"~~ o·cloo. Irdt.- ..y mellt (If fut'll itul' at the wa reroom 11 '1111 1>, e l't,u~ll ,;e ·t.e c., IlI!' 1111'1 Dillvoio 1V ilIinID Tull Ilte ' ill 'a hi.dOn.in'.lll w. \VilKOll'H u" "icIIL~. Mr. ,BIi' 1 00 At . • OC A. ... of'Vl'el' & W oll e wo I" plly an IIIsp!:!e lOll. CU lit ' . , ., Iha Gullimo.·o. iu the t;3tll ycnr of ltis uge. K.E. OIIORClI.-Tlle n v. O. Furgu.t'n, 0 y. ull ee alld ll'u rlJ tho relllul'kll bly luI\' In !It · WI.llld C1· h~lJye l'r 'ctLlII U !lua u· I P.-tor. Divine ee"driQ7~ 0 112 SundaYAs' ' bath l bO .:..-Mis8 Afn es W illi'llDS'ln h.as l)riec~ Ullu l:lce 1'01' y' ull l tll\' ci:l li fn l lU alln er. 'f'Jg ther Ih u 'i · ' 18 "' uur Life ''''url.a 10 . 'el'I~ '·' 14 o'clock" II au 1· P. » . .L ..t \l . t ' 1 f' hi r d ' ' .b I ..... .. • 1Ih001.t:t 1~ ;. II. ; eer~ qU I C ~ VI' 1.0 Qst ew uJ a, --Til ' 1'IIIl 1lW ill ' llUmt' $ hllv(' beell t' l: 8 1111 g. some. 11 Iud" a uJ d nct~ s ; ~ici ll.," 1"·,·,,,,1•. "", )·,..h",·e. :1 11 01 e",.,.,'. ~~~TTNDERTAKI.G CUlild'I'JA.I'10IlUIIC'u- Elder J . H . Dudd. but IS now IIIIPI'UVlllg. Inrl ded to th e UUW~I' cUllIm itte ' fur ll l~::! J lITIU pel"tormeu \l olllo Aglltll I!ody ,'oll'pl,du. or · o li e. di ••, ••• dll rill" tl"'il' P,..lor. Di\'ino ...rvlceon tho Fir t "nd l -MI . Jall e ' Ru(>hun "i ited D , . ' D M D V · lin d Old H.u a,i\-ed lI lI tho rYtl tal l•fu . W hell ~wk ,lh co hJcC\" " ' lo g" ~w e ll ; ThIrd Lord'iHla in eMah mOllth Lllrd·· D . . eCU lutJOIl " y: r~ . I'. 11 11 · ' I' 1 I ". , . 110"' ,..': ,"." 1,I:,, "ly Ih"t 1111 PC"~OIl .11 II"" 4:1 School &* rlo'olfXJk. every Lord·•.d ,l' Ilyt n hl:!t wel:l ~ ; return lllg Wi th den 'oort Mr '1 '''IIC A ntl'llm 11 rl'l II l1J es; ln~ t Ie I' ,j " o·t~Vl'e ot , '~""IJ th',1 i. "'!"cI'in:, Wilh I '.I·""·I"iI, ..I.ilcl' '1 I hCI' dUlIg btlll' Ml lis Irene. A. . A t. ~l ' EI'" 1\.~ 'd th ll noca l afiul"ts wad the Ullotw, ~ "U1!," u "~I. "",I II • •" " ce' " 8.,dl .. s 1.1I11, ,:, t. morn Dg. 1 .\1 0 11 II 11110, 1 l<lse IZU L' ll . ' H M N ' f' tl "'" l .,8(1\' ... 0 " :S 'C~ He "IIId'l' SOUl' ~I" . FlRlI"r D.U·TIST (Free- wm) Ohureh in -·-~i ss 13ull ll ill'l'WII, of SI'l'ing ry Illittie ~lIh i ll. All ill AlltrUIll . ' . ~ltt· I:l, o~mu, . I'UIII III .upC I'Il m~~h , H,'ul'lbu,:.;. 1'. lloil.:'i"lI of' 'hu III"H" I, ha\.i no> purch ascu a finu Ill' W II t'ul'de, on,) II fullliu o of th e vury bUilt WftY',~.-Senlne. on the 8eCuud ~t .. ~d.ny bOl" I, v i ited Iter h" w e ill thi s place .H :~I'voys hul'g" Mr J:un e Dl1l1 \\'i d . 0 1 ..' lJ I"IJlU, ",luluh WlLa uOlle III S Il · I I 'el' .e ~' ClI "pi rl". Bilioll 'lIl@S: ,,< ' ., "" " I .~kc ,., &Dd 8..n4111 in eACb m oulh . Elu~r Elu... d .' , Q '1 ' I M t' '.1 ' n I 1\' . " purb ',;t ,Ie. o ".. ~s ,; AU G!" I· •.o~ ,,, w,th""1 '. ' I II;': . . Gibeon.l'utor. UllIlg IIUI or y ee mg. (h e, J) 1'$ IIsun IlS cr. (, UI"I EIl Il It ' . l b ,tt d I II "" Iid II nJ (" 11",·. Jf ",u .. ,.,,1.1 'h i- . .~" to '-.l ase.~ O( l asJ.{C s, F.\lIlCltBa' GRANUY.. _'0. 18. 'Patron of -DI'. J . L. ·Zd l. dOlltis t. is pre· Lenk, MUlll il:l Fc ttm·. Lidll F ustcr·. d ' I~ u e r~lg; c e t ~rt 10 an · I\ Ollr iI'·"l'l:(i. t. A, 1'0'." ,,,,,I g. I II . " ""' \' Iel It e 011 11'1' I~"1I 1e c".,. 'ell C':III .• "n~ Ir)" il. .. y~ ~ " nr , . , ., . U,uboalldry: Willia", Curnoll .. Md.ter Meet pared tu dv ull \,"ork in his Iille ill E l1lllllL FUl'r. Hach el 'u rtwI'i ht, : 1 ~IICtl wns lIul,! ~LI"'e ~. t ' t' ti E D R h t H P 1.1 tU IIIIDCllt WII~ ot a lll!,;h l<l·dcr vf .11.' 75 eu,.••. 1 .... ,I .. ' e. w,ll H h" ,e~ou . With 1l 111lC'U 8" 1'1111 1'11 1 f 11'1 111 1111111; or /Ill kllllls . lnOddf.. lIow.' H.lI on \hcIlOOOnd Slltnrd n~· tl ea:'b mon ~h. at 7 O'U lhook p.lbn....~~d ~'nl thke IC mMo. ~cplol" hi O' BIll~llaner 'f M' . M··I'S' t:ld·llIl ' ())E',sd'd 'l l!JIl 1,'Y eyl'ilt,I!\~. II til excd lclJcll, uh!vuti ng Ulld rcfl n i II g i puuu Uc..:E 1\1 \ l flrE T .- I , V0 " hall ~' ,"kl\ , ' 01' til d .. o ll!' hC8t tu II lll l'it I h . lin' 01' of ull who ruay ourt.. M~ur ..l6y 0 r OllC mont at " oc Oil · IS j(. l! UI Y 0 luml t; I U, U I nl I • aYll l'S'" I t I" I .' " I II '\' I \' 1 II k' d f ST. MAltY'S P. F.. O ll tJ ll n - Comcr of V II ] .. ' . ..dl ' h vill e. IlI lt ~ ClllrnC( I'; .ul.C It IS 80 SUo c n UlIll ~ . e :ll'ul\oU I,rl'plIrt:'1 tulvll ' 111 tlO Tbi"la"tl Miami Street . Dh'ino "oni . U ~Y II tllote,. VI I~C le.1 Ollie , ~ UIII ' tlillt ou · .lll tlzen~ are. thus Corrected by :Side. & O()mpuuy. I . . . S",,11 Y..\- " ". .... SuuWo.y.""hfXJl I\t 10 tillS ~)Iu~,e dll~llI~ Q~~rtOl l y. -:Do~l.hlc fll~!hsi~s: rv ' . i viC!!. fu vol·ud. I~y ha Ig s uch Jl kmd of " Upho!stermll' and PIct u re and Lookmg.Glass FramiDg, ... N . - MI a l. S\\ e ,t, MIS Anne O. hydlllllg lllS. ~Clbe IM ., bC'g':'" 1l ,80' ull turtnlll llll'JI rOI\ght 11l~l'c. thut Fioul' $:3,70 01 " _~~:;~nl~ll~nnK::I~~~:~. I!( ~I~~I~. ~I ~,,"cy ~III~ Mi:;s W e~nie EgaD dumtl, ge!'utlIl1I1lS, lind vILI'lU ilS 11 th · it is a mattllr . of ~I'cut rcgret thllt : W htlu't, 1 OU ' to~ th I' with 1111 k i 11(\8 .. I' J{~,I' Ii ri II~, wi th lie LtUIlSll and d ispatcu, uttmetl vu plants, u re OW.lIlg thc ~huy uv nut I' Icci\\e tl. e encotlruo>e. !' Rvo 05 1) . I ' , Ill' II'-I'clo .1' 1.' III'lI ilur" Hil4 P.··.t',r. Di\'lne ervic "Il lhe "tIll" VIS ted \V,lml llg-toll Illst rhorsday. el' . f ret!. ) II I " d by mrs. OJ 'I' . mllnt lhey tIl erit wil C!1I th ey '"do CVJI'II' , ~rOju l1s \1'1 11 110 1I v dft ~ before the Mecolld nnd",· in olloh nlU.. -M ... ('ierl:o Cndwnlilld er, of t I\u .. t8 ·l eeClve. 5'1 @ 5S 1 . ! \' t at '~ (.'uIOl:k. llud on the l!8Cond and fourth M .' ol·row. I'is ited hi s cOllsill, O. GIlS' 8, ,,,00t BII IC\) 0111: lost Issue. 1II1·s. CVIUIl, t.ha u is " inll1 b\' Il $ l u IlOlI80. Out s, 45 ~ 01) 11m 8unull .... lit 10 and 7 i)'cluck. S t t k t t tl b t "J Q 0 0 0 ,"'-': 0' WA):IlC & M. ~ie Town.hip Dotr;oLi ve,~ tun 'Vill illlllsvn, in this pluee, on W'e, II ~,' PIIIIlS 0 ge Ie ,?S '1'11 - ... -I Flux Seed, 1 (ill ~ ~ ~1 '_, ~ - ,,-= y~,,' ~ = Prote ·\ivo Comp',")' m t.o u,. the lid S"I"r· Snuda),. s~l()ctl~)lIS t~'O I~ grec nhull sutl u"t (:"1 cl ~)si IIg \'xcrcilles of the Illud ey , 1 :!51@ 1 a5 4&y in CIlch mnntb. Ilt2 o'olO<lk p. m . Dy ' M ST ' I ' l' IClllllUtl, WlIllIlII g ton aud X elllu ; Wuy uc:;"illo Sehlll, l will tuke PvtUt lC!l l OO ! L (' an Ii, n 'l"'1l1l1l1l1all'll 011 ~ h "rt n'lti cc by Il til·dt·clads W orkUlIIII . Nfl r uf tlle Comp ur:' J•. fi"rllloek. l'ros· I ' - b ' r. . d fl:ry. IS. re s llfn g illig fllId "'hnt shu hilS ' not ulrcalil y in tlUCll ill Cutlwallad~I" s Hall UII ', 'Io\'u~~' ed 7 "5 W.> Wllrrallt al l \\"L,rk to give 8a t i~ luc t ilJ l1. 14"lIt • -_. S mit ret.rv liS UI'II, un lttlng It up 01' tIe ,,.. . k I . ' 11 · 'tl I ' 'd '' I k 'J ' ~ . .... " . . . .' . r I ' .. I · t' ".oe, SuC WI WI I easuro PI'''' < 1'1 ay, ut 00 OC 1'. M.• J.I fly 21st. Tim vt hr 8\:cd 4 (I ('ru lll Jlt IIttcllti on pa.iLI to culls lit all " .:>ura, ei thcr at the Store • -. --- - -- - rCOe Jl~ 10 11 0 Ill! .eut lar' lOn ova IIIg , cnrll to ordor wh en eaired to do 187r TesthuontRl of Respect. UlIll:illllC . ). . Onllllul CUIII , d ·" vel eu. ~ 01' at MI". W010:1":; ill Co rwin. 513 3~ J. . ' • . ISO. I~O t' prl~es aJ'o the lim e liS Will the fri ends of Edll Cnti'l1l y" ug hiogl'u'y. " ~I) I W n~1!s"ILLE, May 7. 1875. . -Mr. . I. H: Hu~rls lust week those ID th e city. Callond see tho plt·use encoUl'lIge llnr grndlllltc:I hy Hocking Ylilley, " J tit --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --• ?pell ed IllS fi shing 1I000S(l1I by clltch· plants. t lleil' pl'orionoe ¥ All ILI'C ill\·ited. PCI'I'Y Co ull ty COl\1 W. 1).: - Your oOUlmittee rap IIl g, U fi ve.~outlu eat ·fi~h aud a two j _. P UBLTU NOTICE! .. . Shiold. s, th e A.II are eXP. cot. ed. W . u hOl>e 1111 , S.dt. I)UI' ulIl'rd , ' \.! 00 pointed to druft resolu tioll8 lJ I'e p 1I 11 a blls. II d I • ~(··t "pntl tho d~lith of BI' t1lC'r ' '. altlst. lelLvoe liS next week tor Hm· WI IJc r pILI Ivr tho II' /lttoll d l1l1e~" 'Vuol 4:0 1@4 ~ OP J OSl!:PII E. (iUlDd, res}Jco ~ f'ul1y snb· - MI'. Sn".ory. AdolD ~ can. dc'tli \·vytlhllrg. Il e hue been to th !:! city. if lIot g l·ut ificd. 01' delighted . 'furl/i'vs 40 ~~ga Jewelry, wit the following: ~uy v~hel·.I~rh i:lt . I~1 the ~1~le of mu~ . . has pl'Ovidud himt!ulf , with more ureitie~ illtcl'tll.Jlel·sed with good uP'1Appl es, 'btll'I'cl, 3 00 FOR MAY. . . I' lug be.<lllt,lInl "llIte ee dlJ)gs. HI S lI ew lll tltl·t1II1 C!lI ts Illld 18 l' rctla re;1 "1'''I)),lllto 1Il1l~ lCl. Clime. Ii v'rc 7 0" . W HEBEAS G Ud h us 11" 1\111 118 slleeCi<s. HI . t Il<lt way IS . po,u. hv~ . I y til tak e lI o\l'·pri ced ' p ictllre~, viz.: .. F ,;", 'J , ONOS AN j) (.!UOH t'S E . , .... fll' tIIIt l' I'e. 011 th o next dl\Y, May 2:!d, th e _ _ ••• _ _ all wise 1)l'ovid el'cc, se'n \\ ld Ii 1 I1 ' ~nlla II G'<: n1S 'fi·r W T I ' A ' "'ay .. e~"lIle 1'1.II'k e l BeHuli fll 1 \YUH" {.f (l h' :-<I'lt. l-" ~w" rl. :iO 50(:. LLiTCIl Ullilty cuu h!I'H . ~~1I ' 1lL' Darll ll)!. "",t YO il" ",,".1 ill ," ill~; L"ulli; :to m O\'e n much·csteemcd bl'otber '0: er II . -':Mr. D. R. Ebri ght ba~ b een 11 ' hl' BUIU C 011 CUI'lJs f,l r 75c. tiuu \\·ill lucut lit th e t3clJuul build· Bntter :!5 Honlt r l'g'\" lIIU ?tlary; l't'ro.\~ .U bl'l thcr 1Tl1l.'·c thlln IHt'week pu t, i Th ekc tilllies thun ;"g . Id't por htut;S &, ' /ttl iB Lurd . \\'IlS U fl4ithf~1 worklll' and a wurlll Wit I )1 IUUS fever. e IS 1I0W II rl:l til. ' 011 III v ltlUll1nll I at t Ie ~nnl\' . lOl'e , 'Ir II eas ( 1111'",. t Ja IC E~gs . J iru ill ie 13",,\\,11, th •. ['al',.r R.. ,,: /I lly", ~Ii -A ~Uiee . H e al II tuke,; 1)lctnrcs 011 elt,ze llS III' WlL\'lI sOlllewhnt better, ultlr ungh still Jennie. II", Jo: I"w"r"r the !loll: U",.~. ; :,I C'I' . d Ut· OUt· 0 1'd er' tl ICl"elOrO " (rWIl . cd vill c will II llt j "Ap I ples, 1j 5 u n l . d 'I'LI"t '1' 11 tile den'th of qnite f~ebill . hillll Ullf! l'!lI·culllin. JlIlilltl'd il. tl ellt the A s()uil,tioll st> CO("/!l lIs l v Icese J"lli.·,t Girl in T v \\,lI : 'itl·wa,·I. .. Ii I 0 C.lty·. Doulh, Dying wh,'ro lI i. thy ' i ll ~ ~ '\ 1ioe ~ . D ,n ht!80 t:t J a 'vb 11 D' ,'s' n -'Va are informed that MI'. Du coI VI'S; IIlerle II ru Pl'lll" I Ctlrl. ILlIlJ lII" re It IIUS bCI:l Jl t rl~1I t eU SOIOO \J I!lCIlS, H II illS, . ymn. :;01'. or " ' n. 1I/i ,, .Just reec h·ed .. ~ rvt er .' d' 1 . 8 Ie bll\ I) IU vid l'ugh d 'ce88l'd was recover ev~tly ; Ill~", th e Ideal. "I' N IIIpa· by 1l0n·uttel1dKIlCl'. Frio ud ", plell~e ' Dri ed Beef, 2 2 @ :&fi : or. U6; "Itu ur bu •• iI,·•.. IHa"uetti. . I ORISPIN BRO. ·S. W.),nenUle. O. I B l"d .ul\tallle nlll1rtl'eaP:~.raau efrl·oeSI18d· ing rl\lIidiy I'rvm hi~ old disease reil, lllld Vi Clpl'l lI 011,1 nUll TOIli! ~ n:tcItlJ ; uttellu I~ul'ly. IMy dOllr Suoettl); 'luarrelll'g rluot. L....ocq .Sn ' C)1 dI k au Ita WeIll b el'~ os ., r 1 t' ' . ' . 5 P . 8X10 f J II D Tho ~1"i d" Il'. Mi.tukc; Aridt.l. Glovor, H O I a an 00 at our Goods ! Mild aseociato. "d'"el~ uU .attnck v{ pucumoulIl CUUS· tVI' IC't ",'lct 11J1:!I II~Ih t . II'u!n!:!sll' ~. ,-:,-,_. _ vDD. . r1I[y LitLl" 0 .. ; Poroy; lit) 5 0 R e,oZ1)ed, Tbat wo extend our (' liS l'eJaptle. CUI,UP II a,. '11', ~ . • ' : ~grup 1:1 , u ANON\'MOUS CUMlI! (; NIOA1IUNB.' l' ut tho right umn " I. d IU whcel; lh:,,~: ar. ,- _. ----- '- -- - - -arules' svmpotll'leS to II I'S b"rcuv· . -"Ve w"I'e glud to see Mr. Geu. st,J Ie::!, 1I tUI S. I, 11 tVI $1.,50. Old ~- __ . ., ~ -~~ " -" ,,~,,-, Slool'. Lltou loypd 0' ''; "~rOn"dl'; Ol"vpr; all 1I1?Aar\l'l'i'mU f) 1 Ii ..' ,, ' ~ d Itis tllu ull iVEln;ull'ul aoi' ne ws· ~ iThe ... itiug Hcurt. ,·..1I ·('rt'Ol",,.. To"'·r. (J ~"I ~~ ·~\lll~ ~ ed fawilv -iu their afUictioll. 1V. Sides on th e stl'ect, 0110 duy p ,chll'es Oll)JI O , Mume 8 1~e vr 011- pa pers Dot to publish e<.l IUUluuiea. 0 ,01 n Aft IS"'eeL "nd Low- lullaby . GI"v(lr. all R e, ol.v8d, That ollr eharter be ItLtlt weok. AI.t hough st.ill very IOI·ged. Cull lIud 8ec I!PCCI IUI:!II B. t ivlls UIlIICCoUlI·I)lIniod b.y tile rear ¥~~ ~t!I,. ~ !lill!! mn t.. Klpop. Mut.hcr. Stowurt, an I b tt .. • A ~pli c" nt. for 11,0 ",,"ilion of toucbor ill Think ing of Tho . h·,ll",I. OIl1vur, 1)0 draped io mourning; t Ilot u OlJpy f ec bl e UII d cllJuem t ~- , IC IS, e cr, ' 1I,IIUO vI' til e 1l1lt11lJr ; 1I0t 1I 0CI:!~6!L1" tho Corwin S h01l1 JJi.trict will tnllke "l" WiliLillj;'. Lovp, for Th.:p. (;1 ri,.t! . at) C . , W D of tlle foregoi ng be pl'ead upon 0111' and \\"0 hup~ soon to see 1l lOJ ue· Latlt MOllday 1U01'II inp;, abuut 2 ily filr the publicution of the lIa me. pliOlltion 1.0 til uliderKi':IIc,1 ill writill!!,. Who.. Iiltl" J\lulili r Iii,,!. Hill'" !Iii ARIt/AGI:: AN D AOON UILDU8 . INSTRU MENT A L. AN!) RIU'AIR&US, minutes. a cOliY be sunt to th c lJfi- ql1il'illg !tis furmtlr heulthy propvr o't:loek. 1\11'. Glul·krion GUUlIO \\'/L8 bllt that th e I>uhlislt cr roll.v be ·.!.u t illg lorm•. &:c.• Oil or before th., .! i1·.e uf . II"U IU·Jv Mr CIII'I'"tl ' UII H I'sCy . u~s urcd vI' the ullthol',s good IUlt . . 1I. July. W. It. IIOE r" ,8 . '. " Clmi Ga zette fur publication, UII d tIUIIS. . ,lIro~.:: May 10.1875. Clerk of D",,,d. 'I BY 1>111,. ' L~ Il . &110 a cup, be sent to the bereavcd -The Sell8 Hrothe~ Mr. J oh1l who. eUlllu t o IIllunu IlIIn t./~ut /L I?t Tbe cvrl'eSpo"dllllt who s~nt" lettl' r • __ ___ IWtlltz from MIII~. AngIlL·. Daught.er. GO '.mi~y. Gao. E. BA.RGER ~ B. :l<'in)cy iufvrm808, are from a· , 01 JIll! Ilh~~p uad . tuk~" l"et~ge III of'thi s kl "d f'o,1O Lovalnl1d to the ~J D m ~\ B ~~~,~.I~r. :: :: : : .. J. WILL. 'ValTE I Oom. bout Loudon, Ohio, where tlJOY ure ~r. IlI IIl!y tI bU,IIIYll;ld, lJl ububly Gazette. wiL ' uudlll'stand hy the ~ -!:!!l ¥ ~ ~J -P-J Lilly "r tl ,,, Valloy. 1I'''''urno. hbylillh. 1111 J. E. JAlfl(ItY, "'. eU·kn.owlI allctionl.,()l's. transport· tWill .tbe Pl1l'~UI,t of. d,,~t! . •. Mr. t' 'rogoing .that bis. iu·ticle cannot Alico- [',.lI,". '~·i"J("n'l. all , . • . -- -:~og thou' guodl! through the cOllutry G.UIIRU.u..t ?1.'CIl " ?"~ In. 1'!:!~I~ch or Ilppellr wlthQ!llI, hI S I'(llli IlUIDU bO " }o"uiry .Io·ooti .. l. :~>r:.~~:,::::,n . Wilson, 7ft The cltlzcns of WayueavlI! e are, III wa golls. 1~l s fhlCk, hk~ u tlllC Sh llphcld . "nd iug iu UUI' IMllltlssiou. FRiDA Y & A 1'U J.'])L1 Y. Wrolt, fr ,". Oir.. /Iu.O;'o!\a, reminded that thl'. nex; lIlellt l ~lgAOI -Mrs. Hatfield and her sister. tVllud ~hfL~ ~IS £i'lok 01 ubOIDC y" - _ e ,. M 14 h . d ' 1\[ " ... h .. .. tho Warren County 'I cochel'8 8 8' and Miss McDvwelJ of Lehallull Cl heer b Lic~1I sealte"',, li" cr I IJ ScvC'ml bold l'ubberi es were com· · ".lay t an 15th, 1875. ~~~~,ur;i 80dation will be hold " el'e on at· t f M 'J I E 1 IIc 'g I I,.' IlIU Y OIl (J 11 ·, "g UII mittud ill .Frallklin 011 tha day Fuwih,pr'.l\[lIr'b. W ,it',.rnnd. urdav May 2') . The Icuc!tel's ure ~er~1 ~ue~ sTI o~l \H" ~ on · shc phcl'" dog Afte r riding ,,"hon S .l1 s Bj'o.s' show exhihited Our Mr... F. bll Yin!! j u~t relurned from Close t he hUll ... Willie', D ud ; Ar. I,rol'''''ed 10 d u Ii ,'ol clul work In a\l -..u~ted to b~ pl"esent. as manv as fi~mldl): uM I! t lursll~YI' 01'';· I. II ' IIDtilahvut day light, MI'. G,1Il3U thl'I·!:!. The Frunklill 'AdVI'I,ti8e7', ~:r~!~iri,:~~:e,,~~e~~~~n~ ~lfft~:oB;i:~t~~~ 'l'ru"""ril'cd : Puehar; fin brl, ucl, oe Hf Ibl! IJ u ~ illel~. --" . hi . ts tl IS II roo u I Ie I'pUlillt! f d tl do . ' d tl t of "II the R o"" Bnwer Red .. ,,·,>, Kinkel. :.10 poalible, t!tllt8l11tu C IIrrl1l1 gelll ou . H ome neur Lebullou . I~UII . g~, .ct·luulx.e b . ~ ellU . 0 huwever, dOOlj not 8ay whethcr any Florcllco W It K I 40 NEW W OKK ON HAND FOR S~L&. may be waue for the summer j IIStl ' , . '. ' lilli, tlCu t IlelD WI I IIti l'Iu e' I'elll, of it!! citizetl played with the mar. LATEST NOVELTIES I Il Z. ,"'v" , Ap ril ilh . tute. -MI'B. WllIl.um Seure,. of Flut· Illid muul ed tbe m to death with ble. Tho Grtmt Europeul1 Circus I "N"~ O'W"R '''E''A '''D'"'V'~'' fi.ork, "' . Ito hilS Ivr sl."n~ tllpe.i>tlcll utu·Iles. Sllb>eqll !:!lItly il wu· 1'0 1111(1 wl' ould out 100816 I'rom l' tS sl' de ""til. aDd at prices whioh dofy competition. - • • d I t 1 ItI d d 1 t F d ~ ~ ~ Jt All are cordinlly invited to cult lmd ex- N OH. 11 2. B Rnc1 {; Polor~t H tlU~d\lllt1 Mpln.LIL Tho wind ·storm ofSunduy' night, ID e .'ca e I~U !, I~ ~s, 1' 1 ay , that ten of the sheep hlld hoc II 811 IIIW!:!I'S, ooledl:J it wi shes to be held, umille uur .tuck I diCll. Price 110 "Cil lo <'' {'h. EVI.ry number . , • we arc informed by Mr•. W. ulld wus hlll'lcd II~ MlUllll Cenctel'~ n1lwu;l ed thut they had tu btl k illed. in & measure •. at; Icnst. respvntl ible H. E. FETTER & CO. I C<In\l\ine "rom Ii t .. ~ New Sling\!. Choru.· - - " - - -Taylor did great damage III W II · ou S~uduy. It IS oilly. ubout u Mr. GUUMO IUlLllifCtlted U gl'ellt duul t .r theil' varions immol'lliities. Wa,noAVille May 11 1875 . 08. ale. by tho \.P'~ write .., ~ 'I'be underelgned hegl to IDCorm fiufJ' the Collog\J year 81DCll she was mlll'l'Iod to her. of' .. luck alld cOllrage I'tl 111'u mode • •. Nos. 1, 2. :t . .j . "nd r., Pelcr.· r llrlnr M... io, ~h" puhlic gCDerRlIy. thAt be hu ml'n~'D" nnr"" vv .. .. " . Prioe 110 01 nl." e" "I1. ]~vc .·y n ll mh~r ""n' ol'ellod a .w'" Meal Ahrke\ In &he buil iog, a saw·mill an~ 0110 or !lOW boreuv ed ~uJ!blllld. of di spatching tho bloodthir~ty KU · Thut p)ost delightful westorll I t"h. BCY!!.. I .drllL IJiccoij by Kinkel. uld allll)d or LeAk & nu"'lIeol, wber. hi will two boildin-. besides dOing other -6. W. Sld\J8 & Co. have 11 imlLIs ; ulld hi s IIcighbul"s propuse WU.tcl'illt"luee, tohl! Nllfi' HUU~ll, • l'M chcr. Deeht. cl~. keep cOII.<Laull)' ou balld ~- d ' to prop· g oud Slll'l'YU I f ltle llupenor ' E l L I .. Number FOW'. 1 10....17nuh. Lll "emo III Orome. ~rice J_important eetrDctlon xce· tlelldiughim to the c~isuture to Yellov. pril1~. wi II be ra·opelle d FA'l'IIDTOBUFRBU Jean 1",,"10"". IN"". /lOcon Ev rydenumhcr contllln""t • THE VERY BEST .n.w; si or Cultivllt.llrs, regarded by some Ftrepurtl and introduce a IIew dog· 011 the 15tli of this month with a , t " I I I k" *175 I lellSt $2 wurth or . I..... io nod select Pi..uo oJ I ...... I. •.. t e l l T" d .. b II d W I g~ n ;!,O!i"-, p_r ee. ",00 .orm, 1' , . M . b H as tie """t eu tlvlltor ox .... u. u uw. ue uga wore strangers. ~runl/ 11 an supper. e liIlJe '!'W_TY 8aOR'!' B'l'ORIB8: a rich Il"th 00 M i1 d t'd B £ Pork • J 8IX'LSGG-O 1'1G •....-Mr: a.oo . on tliese gentlemen for 1l11ything thought to be fl'om Harveysburg. It will be a 6ati8factol'y uffuir. We varieLy M ml.ce ll,,,,",,u. reudillg; o~cr . ixty Any 0 tan vo .. 0 • po. 'plll . on reo I Veal, ~uttoD Ze11 baa a youog pli"( With lilA legs. you need in the agricultural im~ .. should be glad 10 see iha Neff largl: pHgee ~.Ielldiuly Iflu.trnled. Addre 0. ipt of Ule mj~'L~ r~TER . , L_ ' t lIMn this l Ul U' na· 1 I' . H . I ' b 'r ~ d Tim' .TUm. RDPRODUCTIOBB, tI4lJ D 4 N. Y. P. 0 . Dox 6429 " ~. ; aD 4 • II " Ill"~ L ......". DO ZtII . f, tbat p emeut lOe. . . 1011) CRtiAu.-Mr. A. L. Farr h88 . OU86, Wit I. I'" I!autl Ul BurrOUIl • raCtlimllelol ramoul plCluru; o.rlgID&1 CII' __ lOa WilY. IbU ooulltrl a/l'o.... .,. .. ", "'.... bu' ~~blel ::a~rm8T~i' is -A. few dl1>:11 81~~e. ~lmothy ?p~ned. hi~ ice,cl-eam . saJ~n, an.d Il1gs, become a 1~Ile88, gr~I~1fi:'e:~~c':,5~t net.p.id ",Ith H"""T11 . NOTICE. C LEA N Ii. N D N 10 E . it a vO. Tb ' ntel'ested Wbarton and IIIB Wllc paid Mrs. IB iurnlablllg the public With hIS C S Tl 1 AIID BIIII I . Iho greM 1)lu~~. ajed weekly mil/( I The uDdcr8ignod has bo"n uul, appoint~d ,81". cariOllt,." Oiel.b 1 1 ~ Orline a vi,;it, lloclJmpallied by suporiol' quality of tbis deliciou8 1011 ItIIAKA>LOON,:- le sa OOD ,.xlD •• \ . 0 mOIl\bs O~ TaIAL, for only 50 and (lu.lIl1~d liB AdmiuldtnltM of the EpL3ttl 1.1.0. . . 4oubtl_. ~.e e p e&lU MlU'y A SUrovshirtl a ui ooe of tlie Ie' Tiy't often of Mr. Silmuel Terry IS opened forre-nu. O&l~CT; to IlIlroducc tbe I'!'P r to of Joseph E, l~ihhe. h,le of W ClrJ'Il U' Oou.tv, -..!..-I .... rorth~"8I" I.. J . J t" u 'L EI' cOO I. r _I . the season and the~oplewtllbe l new .u~seri"erl. Prlc reduoM toill.50adeoPOl.•d. AlI po\'t!on.<lndelllcd tO lbo E, . FINE8UGAB.CUBEDIWIB v- - - . ..tu I!SIIU unell, rum I 01 IZII,' _ . -.~ - -. ' .. .,. b ' year. luglo lIumber, I I .. e~ II"'-nOIlU tree. laLe Ar~ rerl'~e . l~d ttl mnkc I",)nedl,,\.e p"y'port' tl at no pot. beth New JeNley. Mre. Shrvp- D:rTbe , sale of the cabmet ~Iad to learu that they cao 0 tarn At oe,.. . ..."nd. or'bl Dl I>II. (;reat indllClO men!; a,,<1 U\!'se ba\'lng claims ngain.1 th» Oar en re , . 8hi~ attllnd~ the weddiog of Mrs stock of tho late J. E. Gibbs will Ice cream wldcb for quality cuunot ment l lo 1{C'lIts &lid club.. Tu GR....UIO lame ,..111 Prt·~.D' thenl, duly Buth nlicawd. wbul. or "1 lb••lIce. Gin .....II . . . . .It • ~~ tbw IU;iOD i c · .L ' eJ h 8b . take place at 10 o'clock OD the 2N be lurpaued anvwhere. Indulge C Oll ....,s". l'uhlhbor. . 3!!-'1 Park PI_e\!. t tl tbu unuer"lglled for allowane . I ",," lib ""."Wtoter j r&D'UllrtYl!ltJ'~&gIl. e . If I · I N e", lork. Ple.... I.I<· III . h.q'aPlln oll \ £.I.ENR . IN J.;Sl, JEHl' MVI"u..,. . t '1. tb~ married,JOel Ward, of thII mooth. reqnent "!. •·a. Ibieatlrerti.,'meIlL I!II11i•.~;' "pril ·!I. I...~ ~ • ,Im·r. ~1 "ICh, 17. a WAYN . . n
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0( ndmult tade lion. the 'II"'!=' ~ ~... Avri.:ultu,illl fur May 1 t. ~ ~.lrri' t'ell t pyeMlnc;e b.lfu' til en t," Lik~ vcry uther vpy Uli yt... r, ",:" Do e. duullt J ohn I hont18t c lluwnunCt} tho nuulber befure u IIh W 1& de. ~ ~ and geuel'llf in nuoont ll\,pclIl'llnc.e cid~ illlpr<J\,~IIl~llt 0\' r the pre\'i r " hl&d a gr~t illllucn~o vcr l .h l! li. UUII i Ill' of thi j llITual dnring 0 ~ -Bu~ineu haa t-ln exceedingly S. Ouurt, but thero Ill, mo t likely, •it vu t "::1 Yl'UI'lt vf publication. ~ ~ , - - - -- -......:.. dull tnl. week; Jill. Yer, wIIOCY 8' methiug rulten lit ~be bottom .01' It gi\' U1UCit plnin. pntctical, ~ § I ~!::: tfg· £;1z matters appear to be ~sy, and the.whul.tl th ' lIg. wlllch wuy come tru twvr'''y · illt'o rmutiOD for the .t-t.'oo~ c> " bu~ineIW·mell utidfied w1th what to light 10 tho IUluru, N l'cnu. Huusehuld. including the little l? ,. ,. !' .. ildoing. . DeccbeGro u ,frtlleGKrden,for th"Farm ~ I ~ I !!!!!!~ .. IIP .~ -A very ~nterei!ting alld enj01' veo ill nil il:tl d llartlll ' uts-indced, illi' 15 g " . ... ... .. able elltAlrtalumeut wu~ given 00 1 A v ry I tl alit 11ft a em. lull claStlIl . Its bl11d . pO<lure!! f E!. i~~~~~~~ i 't )&8~ W0dn .adllV evo',llllg at tho bled at lue Ph, lIle J o"op h lllllllbugli hIlS b"l1 u. tl:tnur of e:: ~ . nl8ldenco o[ AI. W. Illduker. ~IJ~ SUllrll ye terduy for tl;e pur!>v e ur a lLOv t ~very lIulUb r for .nlll!1 g I a :::: = : : : : ; ~ llIlrty was ~otten up ."11 a lIur g~1 celebrutiug thlit gentlewulI's 35th ¥IlUI'iI n e curr D.t V OI Ulll III ~I \,· ~ : ~ ._._ .. __ .....:. ••_ ln honor. 01 ~tr. .,llld,;,keIJ. f:I ii.lty. birthct"y. All eu 'OY6" tl •• ·w "I V"~ lug IL vul nable IMIrl of vrnctlcI11 ~ ; . :: .. - ~.~ - ;;; = ~ fourth blrthda>,'. '10 bIOI It was 11 tinely; croq uet inti ;~tue~ y ~uth ' urtl ·Ie by Pr f. Atwat I'. huwillg -0 ; ~~~gg~~g~~~ ~ complete .urprls~. Ou ~V e.dnel!t.lay rul gl~me" IIl1d p ti lOUd' bllill~ the ",H ll w Sciellce doee allu CUll a id c \ ;:. ""'''O!'' .. ., ~ at !loon I'a. Shldaker IUVlt Mr. rdur vI' tho I1ftUI'1I0UU All to'" -I I nlll \ utur :' al u. u Iurgo n u rub r ~ ~ .• ~ ?I iJ t!l F Shldaker tv take a uug,y rid e ovel' er it Wa II very ' IOga;lt littltl ; 1I't; ot' IIwu\'cd lIvu 'u Plull and De· a' - - -- - to the ~Ulctcry, Ih nco o\'or tu higuly elljuyu.1 nlld rlea8l1l1t1y t~ ,",cl'i pt lvIIII, wlrh itUlIhl uf " t, 0 1' ;;;' 1 ~ ~ c ~~t !»ii~1 ~ Wayue8vllle t.o make ca1l8. Ou be rllID"rubul'U' b ,.1 A I't u I' til" .. 'lieu!' und ~ull vellit'Dt H ilmes fUI' 'O:'l """'0"0,,' " « 0 ' ·be U Y ·lIui· tcrousutl'i' " • wdY - .home • . Ull hour was .c~ n . arrival 01 a curtuiu u, t IIe I' CC~~ I'" C III Uonntry lLllU V il · ' ' :;i ::. : 0 : : : : , , ; .; e• Bumed Vlllltlflg ut Jus. DnkJll II j we al'o ufruid or net WUll uot \Jlay . lago. I hI! 0 Itt t ttr' ul une worth Ii I' tblll tbo _ poor mun WlliI k~pt ill ed accuruillg to d ie Iltl' iet le;ter uf lIlu n: tilllol:! th e CUlit vfth i .iuurllal. .
• - . e..a. I. AIiI/Qo.. ua the WIlII'1' . . . . Y.... lJa& of 'be IlUU D&I. Twu ....pi UDe i'M', fJ.liI'.
igDorance &8 .to ~,\V hllt gOl1lg on at heme ulltll 1'. M.WUII , Wh411 they drove up to thei..r own rl!8idcnce tu fi ~ d Q h OIIt 0 r t\'leuds rendy to re· C8IV~ tbem. Afwr WIlI!y hand ,haluDge an~ c?ngl'lltlllo.tlOns, the l!le8ti 'were 1I1 ~lted o.u t tv u tlplo,u.
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Conductin( aIB Medical Practice We take pleasure in saying to the
III u1eG4ed IIA of plalD qUeoUoD" .blob will be bl mall ".... LIto 01IIII'
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public, and the Farm.ers especially, lift C"l1ad,;r~e~':r:~8t1te that we are better than ever prei g, ADVICE elVIN BV MAIL lpared to furnish them with
!d~ 81~=rt~ ~~tc~d~:~II~h ~1~h~l~e~II:~ ~~b<l ~~~~III~U~I~~L \~:~i~~ill:il:d I~::d ~:'~~;\iu~.UI'~' \~~~):U!I ~:I1~:~~U:IIII~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ I~ ;.~ !_:
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. 0 Dlf!ftlarlal medlcllMl or deleteriou.. dftl r- ueecl .. B aa du"ac tb. pal t t ... nt, Ju.,.. tlft,ted 4lUQOMIoo l ull, n.r))' or q,ulte .o~oOO CUd. .All - fA-c", oon.. 1lCC\eCl wttb eacb __ ..,. _",f ully I\)QQrdld, Wbec.hlr the, be oommu n~ca.La.t bJ Iel.lMr or ta perIOD, or o~ved bJ \he I>uctA.,r or ble .-octele
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luwthc , merl'Y H uwev cUllflllliu 'r, 1111 8CUUlUd tu J( 1.(;0 p . tI pllid). OR.UWX cthe lljoy lI uf bllllll UJ) U , year MI'ANY uhl illhc rd :!,l5 l nnd Inall t t'Ill tl IC gil . 11 'Ilit I vOice . uI l:lrvlidw.~y • N e w v& "rk I v • our hOllt WU8 IlOll 1'01 illv itill U8 to " .- . I come iu anu )al.taku or tile ~cm )t- • :Sell. NeE Hi S·!·oRv .-:The. se· ing supper lI~r ad by MrtJ. Selrll ~Ie" ut bllu kll ?ellr,,,~ thlll. tltl.:, ,~ fur th e belleti l ut hUI' nosts. Of ( Will tlJ ll 1'011 0 1 . Dr. ~ ~, I< T K , ' : ;
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on the verll.ndaand Illto the yurd t bl ' I ·' d II I g SCI~lItlhc 11I8trnctwll . Tile lUll III· to listen to goo~ lIludic I1nd llllV~ i: di~ :~~ I~u~~:s~ ~b~1 ~;~sti~~ .y tl'st ~hject of' I hI! eri es iR tv nut a ~uerlll gvud time. 1'8 II tl e ' J , l,"ly III1J1Urt /I ""0J gCllul'ul Iwuwl· ~ II . " . I U I prul ~ 1.l lleeellsul'Y· j' I:' I1010 OWlIIglB alultof DameB A II ot'ICCU bl e t'Cl~ t ul'e u I' tue "" t e'geut thehnlllulI !ly. tulU. bnttu , CUll . I . b t o t 080 pr lIell t: I Wllij 11 b t'1'1 k t d t Iml-'l'O,;tI t Ie hllll1lLlI Illllld 111 t) With A. L. Antrum and wife, Wilson ~I' S . mm 1\ . Cli ·t\ iICa~~t~ . u clwl' ity Illld klll dn csti. TIIUBC wh o Barv~and. wifu, N ouh Baino:! and ce"' .~Ult·sl · y IdlS IA'r e.y 1 0 IIIC' IIIl1y ~ 1U1 , loy thei r tim e ill tlell ing ·t· D k' d " G c, LUU 10 uu nille 01 etl\·er. · t . I I k b Wle, ron u ' IUUII wile, ev. Aftc S " LI · flk k' I 'U Cllut S' lIlpy , o' ugents, ilL Redre~n and \\'ite, A1ICI~u Shidukur Jlc/al'~~I~:~llg fi~.!i·~II~~e ~reat fi:.~ un!, u i.t W '1'0•. mi tj'; ivllarit's in the and Wife, J . Hart<lr Illdukor Ulld I I 0 Id u tl I~ CUll so of hUlUulllty. . wire Bornal'd Y 0 II l t d . J U'e, II I LUll 0 It:l u 1'\J01ll!! illg Bark Dakin wit~ u~'d e~oll:1l M~~~~I: II' I witl.! dhul'PY . II IIgt!. m~ n'y B.U,LOI] 's l'II"NTIILY MAGAZINE D ' k' d "I'M ' uugltor,ulI plll'l ulltg .. lJl ed. rhc . FOR J .E.- 'rlaC JU Il C II111llUer vI'
An Independent Physician,
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II Lullltn 111l1l, Ow. &18Cl&.
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We may mention as
ple{.e 'yltam at .....Imtrlnw pn'lt.o t. IUI.take or ooof.aloD. Clue boo... IIftVtr ......ullO<l. uoept b1 lbe phytlel&nl of lbe emablbhmeDl. Wor'ft'O oouultadon .ead; tor Hat of qUMt icml. A Ut""", _pblet ol .vldlll_ of . _
_t.,.... ..... .-
among the many valuable
Dr. E. B. FOOTE.
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01 aU ...oepUq tbo ant-montlooed .....k (wblcb b oul 01 prlnl).•' UI be .. ol r.- O D" 'I.II""tloo
or :na, 1111 ,.,,\1\11-t. :'lS: E~::~~~~::~::::~:\:! I ID ollh.. Dr. 'OOT", ,b. II,COII'''"wb_om""lIl
l 1 1 ;rI I HAI ~ A(~Hl{~ 1M TJI.E1V1ENTS
110" anu," • book LIt ......ohtcl. cl.cul ••100 010'" 100,000 copl.. ; .1... 01 " PU'M Ha,.. T6UI." _Ie .-nUl publl.bed. which h.. .aId IDU.. _ t oI7ll.000oopl .. ; . I.... ol .. S"'."""
Duilu lI'tj Maguzine i!l flOmething thtl l'uhli tlhul'S lOlly wull be pl'llll,1 of' ~. '; bav. bOon mad. In ..III.~ Dr. P~on·. I ..,... I., It III~U "II ~XII'I' .,,"v,)(1 11811" I·tm"ll t vl'I ' ." = =,;, ';:1"0 .". ;: -, ~ . .. " 1"'- H Olla T.L""·· ·~rtICltll.rlr g" ~ • " . :l 3 S S SSp. ;';;;;;Le<I ID ';;~itl, . M .. Bc'UOIl ';,. sroa. · II \. ~ to l'iei!. o:luqucltt I' 'tl·Y· ti ut: illn s- I 9 j_It tbolhl... 1.. lbeyounll. Bendfor..,n...... fI'lIl illil s. Illld ull the vUI'iuty that ' ", ....,~-labl.. . nd .... lor yo....I .... T .... formo, lUI, we .. t k Ii t i d • multltud. or quc.."on. wblch I"d '' ' .nd konLl ... ~')~ IU lUll e ~IP II [I .. c lll~S lUi menl..l.dclicacy.boII, uklfllfOILb." I>h)·'lol.,,,. p"puf UI' maguzill o. t I ~ ti e g l'l'lIt Tb. .... oothlDlllD1I"'RlI~ " at .U Ilk• • Ilh... t'st av ul'itt> lur II uhllup tiCI· IUI. ul O J " [ " 'I of tb. torquing work!. " CE I" 81'0. . ·• "'T ~ S V II R v "". UII\, ill the CIJII " tl·\'. a ll d the 1'(:II,un fi'l lal r0J8y,. ..., ODI, be bad olllll,·n.. or 01 Ih. l'UblJ.b.... D an .au.CAUY· pl'lUg .. II ey , . ~cG u i nll. GlI'SV. · . ·PLAINIIOII '; TA',H " I, ,.ubll.bod lubo'h th. F. SllIdukllr Blld wllc, MCS" I·Il. it!. it hutl ' mul'(' variety thull oillcl' -T II~Co,II, b . lld j,crm."Unll"'C" 0 . . . ."0'•• Jame8 Pougue and Swuill illl l'l·t::tt. Uulou ;~.Illuj.C UZ iU U8. Th omcti & Talhut. ISIIORTEST A 1'\ 0 QU 10 KEST . .A.se:u.t_ -VVa.:u.tocl. -TOlD Wiltlon and his Cl'''\\' Publi 8hers, 36 Bl'omfield Stl'eet, ROUTE 'f0 oAI/VWlSB A.S ~uv& have been eu guged sillco Fr idllY D ea l' . Ed1:(01'8: ~ 'rile w(Ollr), lllldtUll. \USUINGTON " nUT. MORE; JUS1' ISSUED I ! : noou, Illu v ing the ulu ull iluing yc~r . I II ~I '". lI" Ulldcl'l lI g IUllulIg; tile· " 81'I£LL1NO DI£I':." a new hnmor. The Eot. lll.d SOlith-EII!!t, AIi,lulU.ilo I, pOlSt·p aid,"1t l'erJ"ipt formlllly own ed hy E . L. Mm'y d~ "I III~ \\'I od:; ulld uu.I J wcutliel' lI lI tiung lind 01lur119, by Sep. 0/ til e lIutl'~'(''' pl'i ,.I'. : and occupied by !J im us 11 hllrn o~t> ul winter. thl!ilgh SOC lIlIlI g tu III~Ll . Willnor. A fUllny subj ect, very ~D!~6"'n.. ~A ~~,-,rHII~~~i.2~~ I~~. PiCC, e~ mnrked • b~c IlI u~t" 6Ieo 'litlo~nsrs' l shop for IJPWUrdd ur "')I·ty yual'';. c rull:: U .v~l'." Itt,lc III 11.10 pa,;t lew j uclIlIIl'ly wurked up, \v ul'd B and VIA P .\ Jt K I!:R -:lIW J{, •. .MAY :11 . l"i4 . Thuy have 8ucceedeo ill gl!tti llg day :!: ::ill II WIl UI'O Il'ylng ro. lell vl: 1011l .. io adrniralalv UUUlltCt!, hns the Fasl LI ~_•._ S, . Loui. Exp. Murnillg 1!1r""k. U POI1 Ih · 1'OOlI_E,,~tor t , U Ut h l ll~ 1II1I10ll U V II 0111' t>art, III I hu J _ __ _ _ _ _ _ • AJ!,h " m ; ' ·holJla. ; 50 the Uld 8bell Ollt 1·1.ltU tl lo outrc"t ~, I'i ug of popularity a b JIlt it, would I).,ily. Dn;"'*S winl;ing 011 Ihe {la,·doll ante; 80ng and ut this timll, 10 A,M . ::illtllrulIY, way vJ pl'~pal'illg Im~ 1'ltL~ltillg onr pruve un effcpti\'e sung 1'01' the Lve CIt"'i nnnti 9 fi~ .\11\ 9 ::0 ' I'm ft ud (lho,'us: TbullIllft ; ~O tire load . in.u it UI)VII twu ltW ' W"l!UI;~ . gl·UUll . ,With t,hu u.m .. u HIII,'ltlg CJ·oP.~.'. " 81)0111' 'g Bo,,"" b I" Arr. Chll li"ol he I J:I Pm . I 10 Am Wbere i8 )1 ), I,o\'rd Onl: 1'0 Nighl ? .. t> , . 'V _ I t.l bl t t "I ....8 a Ollilt IlI g 111 our " Por,sII",ulh :; ~~ .. III 20" . 001g !Iud choru") Bill'S ; . :1(. Tbe Idea 18' to IlI(lVIl It with hortled. u llI\e II. CUII. 1 0111 0 quan t J (\uuntry. Muiled for 30 cllnts by .. !I1llrj,.t," 5 llfj •• 520 "m ' I!l' l)II rkiea,'illg I \A~ aU lig I,y C~rl A'bout fitly men and uuys hl.\V~ ~I pU~ltO()S nod iSWe\!t cvru nlrendy Lee " Walker, Music Publishers, "1'~ rkllr8~u rg.i -30 ' fI ;{n " ug n 'r; H"),8 ; .ar. 1l38embled un the sidowalks unll ill III the gl'tllllld alld lire .well for· l' Arr. OI·ufL01l !I Iii .. 9 ~O" Angel " .. briel. ,·o.lDle 8UII!:. 310wart. aOI the Btreet to sell the uld Cl'uft muvu Wlll'd With ull OUI' plUlltlllg. Wo hiladclphitl Oukland 11 2'l .• \I :14" ·\\'h"" :- it" ~ r Lncl,g · 't"l~ACe Ib" O"ld :~ 35 • -. - - ._.. I)"or P.. rl' II ,1:1 .. II 017" >ullg 0"0 ehQ"n,; (A""wc.· 10 IIvor off From thu uUlllbur 01' illdi et! at I11I\' C !lot Ullt Ii tl UlII II vro IIIlrd 0j ~ ~ - • .. Cuml 'l.rland I ' 511 Am 2 UI) P . Tltreno., Amo,,!,: the :;Qld;) I.ei!; h'''n. I ,I.e willllow~ ululIg the street, un pluUl tl'olo!d, lind the Sunlh family ~"crtl.stllnl'nts Iill"per's ."\ 5 1'2 .. 4 fiG" ·rou N"vor ~li·. Ib LIlKu,' ' ill tho Kog t' I ltd 0 7I d u ' ~ \1' ", hill. lo,; 7 10 .. 6 ao.. li.nM Dry; U" nJ ,C 8011),( : 411 ItIlire aud dowlI. it wuult! a pl>ulII' IUII'O J1 Itlll e sume 0 1' lUll I't! . • '. Uich ",uJld I :10 I'm. 4. 5U Am . UUlle A"''' '. Scu .... 1t ~Oll~; WII."I: :10 t thut they too (\I.t;) lI ut II. little c lIr i. \V(I /111 I·t'e. ~~ ......~~ -~.~~ ~~ .. Ihltilllore S 411 Am . B :.10 I'", ..\I ull e. ,It,d AI HOlllo : . 01111 '" clIO. Hlly. , :Jr. OUII tu k~ow 'IIO\V 11 huusc elln be Unl'ill~ April we had U shOl't bllt NEW .. Wdm i"~lo" 1217 Pm, I :11 A m . ·lJ ... w.., .~.; IO \\' .. II illll 6' ~)lc I)oor; E~VallS .ti.~ DI1~LL, I'hil " d d ~b i" 1 '10 •• 2 :1: ; " lnd<s: SIl8io Ih" IIl!-~: RS 4U ~ b I\Uled on a wagull. Oc 'usiu uully l' ICll,sall I \. ~11 \~. ." II E lu. cr H urvuy . Undertaking Establishment ~ .... New York S I,i .• G Or... OhH,II ! Mi no .: ollg IUIII hll ullO !lr.mure uf t.ll0 IWBtlllld ul'o; l,:ud il ~. 1.~UII'·~I. ,I\~ .: iUdl.e ro II, li d I,~ brothe~. .. 1Io..on 550 Aill . 450 1'", ru '; H • .,"; 3r. u helnlllg hund. TIlut Jrcll tl' .rllllil lh., till. u, til ~ t 11.1,111\,1.1 " ore 1'0<11' GiI'o ~Io but" l:iJfli lu ; •. '\: e., Stownrl; :Jf. r ... ~ U I U L Cv ~- ~.~~ , WhclI ~' i re t 1 Met TIIol· . N " IIi~ U.II' ; - - -ALL KI N DS O F ut tho front wheell;, Wil h '1I 1C CliO I!lItli vi tiuut I IIIVII. vgl\n " I VIA UJ,;LL AI RE. MAY :.1, 1 74 . 80 IIg And c1ll1 ro~; ,' I"" "rl: . :sIl of II setlntlillg uuder tht! 1mb, tho . ~elltllu ky j tllo lattel' I~ brotilel' 11 FusL~~~ F: xl're s . I'U! t,;UIILUili of ihe UII"rd,; eumlc song; 3.') other elld on his 8I, OIlI t!UI' iw ollr !rUIlI UllIltO ' Lve. Col,'mbus .Il Ollil,: IISI4"!. I~••x,.' 1J,.II\·olld r.y": tI, Guldell 0001' ; ••lUg ",,,I eho I. I " l'bul·Y . N uw I Uanll) ' 15 ,Aal. Ropretleutativtl T. M. \Val .:!!. Tltt! s ~Ir\l, W lU ISgOlIIg IV~I'y t Ie ~!r tlle .\rr. NewAl'k 1'J 31; PIU. · 12 liO ;\ m "u; Wbil": at) gentlewall with mlllls i\'O slJOuld l!rll ot II \II ure S'JlldlCl'II .cl,.llluto. Ii PO!'L,e . ,ul~u" kv 7 •.i Alii,. 7 1101'111 . Ge, l.h'·8 will, tbo AIIgeJ s N"w; 81111g IIl1d und b"re heltd at tIl" COI'II"I' ul' til" IlUVllll turo It IUll\' IID"I'OVU lilt! R,·.p",·tfull y inform. tI,e public tltllt Ito has .. MUlJro .. vllle ~ :16" 7 ~.O .. ollOrt'"; h,·;,lio; :10 .... ~ v ~ h 1 J r o p~ n l:d a"ew Underlltklulf E.l.ubli.hruont .. Mi,h,.tield 10 01 ., !I 51 " 1'1Oil. " , 1;lIl1.. Malw Uouru ful' 1\ Little bnilding thc~o ill DI·. nUIll. The Cil th.. ill '1'horpo'fj new huildiug. "Pp".ita tho P ...t Arr. NC"'ark I'! au Pm . I:) 4& A m . 110.1' ; Uox; 30 mall lying 011 hi s back in th e UlIot ' My soho,)1 closed. 011 Indt Sa.tlll" Offico. whore hn will keul' on Imud a tir. t· .. ZilllcA>'i 1l1l I 3~ .. 1 Iii) .. INSTHUMENTAL. Ilnd'boriDg IIp illtu .thll si ll, i ~1J-. dll'y (~ay .bt) , haVIng !J uld. Sllice 01"". "'ljOr~Uluut ~f :: tti~~~[;~g ~ :;~I .;,.'m. ~ ~~ :: HI' WAQ.' KII Cooper, the (·(,Iured 1111111 tlml plli u the tlll.nl ,)f ,I t\ ·t Octu \tur: With .thl:: .. liruflOIl !I II.~ !120" Ol'j l'8 AnilJ1,"n (froll' ~lIal ".t Mllt 'r) 4 '\ aixt\'.t!ve dullurs Illr thl! (lId bn dd , I' XCC IJtl l l 1l of une 1.l1illllh ul \'!lcatl"" ~ O"kl und I I . • .. I I 34 " -Ellhoe~ froiD ,I,e P" lIsu<i ; •. ~1 'H'ce" u , 40 .... Cund,erl'd Decr l'nrk III ~3 47" itegl' ttu, F'I'1' .... sel'illed. .10 ing.'J TIII~t gllntlullllln clI lUillg II· I t \\'u~ a ~I\ d. pUI·tlllg tu b vt1I to<IC I1:.Il All', .11 :! 00 pm . -Venoli.n )h'rl''' F",·e8ler8. .. r~.' Re,·,lI'. '2:J'~,':I~I': ; <:I'0Il tlltl street wi.tll all "IJ pIng er and 1'Upd8. aud urukc IIp With of all kind •. With .. wcll."ppoin ted H ...r8e. " 1I,,,p', J!'y :, ()~ ., 4 :.6 " "I hink of M. 1:\001"liml'''. 8a. y Wultt ... hat lIet on tho buck vI' his hOtl"1 is Wilily klIH.! gl' et,ngs. 'V u I'CI:!Ul't on oxperieuood A ..i.mnl. IIUtl with • know· .. Wll8hilll!tn,, 1 10 .. Ii :.U" · ,·eml'" ..u II·O ~lllrch; Cft 8_V; \v' I'11 lIU ll1ul'e tv C('IJUI'ul chat!tiselUl'ut, letl ~e of the tNtl<l. of. the community in .. RI" b , non~ J :111 pill. 4 50 Am . - ,\ h'o a'" 'uch Deceive,',,: ~n8y pollIa; A. T. Sall ·ln. Hc , 110 doul.t U whiuh bo It". "" IOllg re~,d",l. be feels oonll. .. B"lIin",,:,' I;j .10 Am . t!:.!U pm. *)JolI ;o Uuding. cos." M R,ch ; advance an idea belore this 'bll ~ i . alld lwvtlllI.d IIV ul:!cCl!tl ity lin' this dun' th ..t htl ",ill!>!) .. ble to giv~ entiro . ..t- .. Wilmingt." nl ·! 17 Jim. I :11 Am. La Belle Jell ,"·il8e. rolnculI, WII , ,,". r,u Delli is throllllh with. Tho old ' Illode of enf~lI·e. illg obudience fur i.'nct.ion. by oonduutiolf Fuocr~la wit.b·de- " I'hll~~ '" I :II) •• 2 :15 ·' *A wakening of Ilird8. ~11IJ'c o,UJ. M'i)'I. lh. 40 ~ ts d d d 000 0 .1' ,md order. 010 "l\I:W Y .. ,·k ,. I:, " 6115 " · Swcoiltoa,·L. MelodioUracicu80,)lu.\ IIIlh.40 --.AND A FULL LIN/!: O F geutlemlln stulluing O\'e l' on the wally ycnrt!, II mu 01' ~ !' all . . ~ _ .. B06tlll1 5 50 Am. II 50 pm. *TwlnkHus St.ars, morccnu de 811100, corner tuero with slouched hilt curlllll hll\'e tu be 61101'l1i:;ed, It Iii Wn. on. bO wbittlin~ a ti'ne stick, SUTi8: "Ooo~ t.l·ne, b. ut the guill in uthcl'. _direc.tPullman', Pala.oe Dlrawillw· Boom The Higl.lftl1d Maiden. Uom. ncu; .Wilson. 50 . I alld Sleepillg (loachea *Il ...·am l""d. mo,·c ' IIU 00 S,.IOII, Muyilltb . 40 . ~ per pai just sixty do lara more 10118••ILmp Iy. C01.npensates t vr t liS 1 ".o.ulu '·' · .r, o~lul"· ".,, 11 the at~' ~li II of , . . Ho 'kill!: WIIV(' .. , ""I1.cr;b"d, MIl ..a"Ih . 41) \1'fIJ ,~ ~ thaD tho old building i~ \\,vltll." suc.rdicll. For IIIstal.lcc,. by u. BUf. tb. e"'lcn ~ "I W"yn.·.\·"le "lid v'll'I1I,y to From SL Lou,s. Ullld unatl .ud Oolum;,us ln "Th" """Icb L"8M io Rcvo"ie "neber 40 l!; ~~A~ . ~ fi I I t my n ce~tioD or lIulkrick', Ill'" ~ prlll il W hi . Killi"', I'nl kn ~I nzu'rkll Pre~ot ' ~o ' . But no differeuce: whntcvel' ill done eICllt y Revel'S npi> IcatlOl) 0 cor· F".hiou . Pl"te~. dl,,'ct !'rom O"n'l!8 .Wtllurd : as ngton and BaItlmore, Fai ..· L,It,d. It~n rio. NOr1·el . ' :111 1 Dow-davltberei8alwayaaoll1cone pornl pUllisb!nent you c~n ~'ol'ce onc torL',d!e~ O.. ~ tume< .all:10.n u torBo."8· \VITHOU1' CHANGE ' pll,:klillgJcwel. ,plJlkft,Uhri6\iu. ~o J do tl t t1 t til " lid Youth, OIOlltlllg .·Xclu811·e.y. . g ill? A.I T C 1U I'lnIB 111m prllp.. ,·",IIO " U' alltl '"lik e ololbin~ Th"ough Ticket. And l\ar~b cr informB'.lnn P .......' H _........ "'r.I ....... N.'_ 'l~.3, ~r ~~4, !!l ~~~~ reudy to makc trouble. Why dun1t . WII ~c uc Ive res. ess Ins IOC he tell about Tom Wilson who olu clllid ur YOlll.h till ho ur sbe fllr Bu\" lInd Y.. u~h . from Ihi. ~I a tc ; ,,1. 0 '0 c all ho ol 'lIIlncd ", .. II p";nclpal 1'iokc&0111 · " Oullec. io" " 1' I'opular 150Ilg<. I. , Uil." . reed to place the old bUild!II" on will sit. all day perfectly tltill willi fU J'nisb plltloo'rns f!'o ll' I.olh pl"",'S III esce. d· t.h,·uu ·hout the West, oUlll"·e. &and j)llll k s . · t.,·""rl. i· LO . ~~A ch number COD· ... til I fid d iD~I, loti' pl'i eee ~IId wilb CX8Ctll"S. . :O;o rlhw,·. t. talns SCV" II or EillhL 8on~M. . a ot down on Paradise street ull no. W 118per. lmg I, get or 0 auy . • nkfu\ ' .• r -b" ver,' 1, · I.e' .. . . 1 "" 'ron"g" I T'.OI!l. ID.k 1J0LIl, ' L'r I tty ' ct • . e .. e I>: YOIIr y. Y2. N' _I t' B ,. I• deli re " continU"DO .... I) of ~Ibe W 0". F. P B-'BBIr, \ ('. L.1'1 • Prt~O o ~,.,.· . ufe and lonDd for Slo.OO· A t'ew mlsc h'Ie. ut WIlilt man or \vo ha.e ",c. Ived. n ~ •. : gent. ...n . L ut Ag t.. t I. I f OlnciuII"Li . O. Baltimore, Md . .......... P.rl.r lD"oIe. N.'. I, ~4k 3. E.".. llgu~ willebow how he will come man witu any ftlc ing tor tho ~II . I&lI1e . Alld will gu",·.•hlee work d'>DC ueolly TilliS. R. @H.uU'. numlter.conlains.ne7er•.! e".y Alld III.nde,· Oil . lU' leS 19 ar out: fel'illg of the little helploss, bopulu"s ,,"~)~~\,:,~~~y. 2m.ll AN N A E. MILL~. M ... Lur of 1'w1lnlJlOi1lltlon. "tel~ d,lIIe.,lt p'Ano pleeel. by KlUkel, \ . " ~~ 6 bomes ono day, $6.00 $15.00 uncomplaining 8crllJls of IIgony, - - -471.ly , • J!l1\.!t'1'!0re. Md. Pi~~c~~::!::b~ ;!!lri;~·I;~umhera. U lor , j drl~ ... " h 8.00 ,cau look ov~r Ii school in 8ueh 1& NOTICE "'-'I..lOODI H ..............,,-...t.... (J _ _ . . . . . (Jre_, N ...." . . . . . I3. · S roustabouts 4_50 IcOllditivn withouhhuddcring? Ev Pe"lo"l indebted 10 m e on- hook !lcoount .1 ".1 puhll.hedl'.a DeW ,·diLlon IIf J,;aeb numbe,· COillaill' 21 page. of cl"""!c Iaot ." . t t' f r d "ill pl""ICcall and .. et.tl c, R' I "'lin, to olose Dr. Cul"enreU'. Celebrated And dillicult Piano Music, ",n'lh "' 10118\ I Wear aud tear 1.00 14.50 ery 8weo OIllO Ion 0 ree om. up my h"line"s n. 80 'II s- pn..lble. and 1 Iluay "n Ib" Ml4leal our_ (witb. t2.50. Price of "nch Number. Fifty cI8. ; _ every impulse to innocellt mi tlehiel~ neod mono" very much a& thi. L;Ule. to'rlcnrh, out medlciD ,) of S,...IIATolln,uu YlI&rly. 12 Numbers for ••. .50 IIhut d owu oni ev~ry physiolugicKI pl"".8 CIIII. .S. MoOUNE. or W""koes" In'.'uo,,,ry S"mi"al PU BLI8l11D ny I"N-l ; & 1,008e •. hlPOT>. MCY. MentAlalld Pby. icallo J. L. PETERS, Got'!) Broadway, N et proti t, not muc h to d odgo 011. symptow8 of irrenrei!ti' ." Ible ellergy ~ \Jl ~ cnpacity. I,,' p" dimenl 10 Marrl"lfe. Clc.; O"I\JI But Tom Ba}'8 be took the job to -an~ evcl'y ' 8lgn of r~~les8I1etl,;, .tIO. Con -uDlpt.ion, Epllcpl'~ .nd F,te.indu Ne" York; P. O. Box G4~9. accomwodlite Cooper. Oooper laY8 wearlO~88-~nd . c:ven. pam, f'r,()~I1' WHOLE3ALE ;~~t~~ :~.If iudulgence or nal uua"Il' _ _______ ._ _ ___ be ill satiBfied' 80 tile] are both ed ut With InquIsitorial austerl~y 1 WELE S UlrPrlcc, iD a "e"Yed "I,elope. only HIs BU81nes8 Uard8• ..ti8f1ed and';h Dot let tl e Good Lord, deliver us from ull E 1\ i PTlCIANS cell'. . j --._ '. h i ' , I mat· 18UCh I1rtiticial arrluigemeots. The colehratod "ulhor. I~ this admirable ... r relt rig t Jere Wh 1 Well . EUIly.olc.. rl)· demo"al.....'I~ from" Iltlrly -Tbe .Merriam t:!i8tel'll ave a . ut . wore , .e , fwe are \n. WatClbell, Jewelry, Sliver and YCI\re' "ucdeeaful p""clice, l.'h& "'11 alarming f .' ... E g antiCipatIOn 0 a VIBlt I'om ulle ot Plated W Iconll.q u,,"cell of !ie\f·"huee.lDay be radlcftlly , . concert ID the .w.. • Ohurch here the MiniBtry from the Mother are, .. c" ....d wit.boul the dallJleroul UBO of Internal . I. e 1.., Friday Dight, !living great I01IUrC, b d ' t h'!tJ ,?ont. h I WI'11 S1)6Ctae'108. '1'00 1S UI" R. M . .' . modieiu6 or athe ~Pll JicaliOtit of tbo knife; Q • <!. urlDg ,Itellal". poiu&ing out mealls of CUIM!.L 01101' ~1'"fJlo... . • J . .~,ractloD to their audIence, . then be ablo to Inform you how ccr&ain ft nd ctlectu.ll. by ID '1lII1 of "hieh ev ,F,rat Natwnal B ank ]Jutldtng, ,w blcb w.. composed of ~rsODS they are progre8lling io the arduons S. W. <lor. Sisth .Dd M.ln II . ery lull'ercr, DO matter .. bll' bil condil;oD ..bo UDar/ertlCiate of Iauur L. ._ t' b 'Id' . tl t t CINOIN ~ATI, ~. Irna, I.c, mn.• eure bimulf chuapl,. prl ... le. W AY NES VILLE, OBIO. , , somethlllg . 0 1'(\ UI IIlg,81Oce III moe ~ and radicall,. _ __ , _ are8oeclo or. Ihe~olpts.'.'Vere ruinou8 di8l&8ter by fire overtook .I ·1r'1'ltllr.echirelhouI4 b. Intheb.nd. JAMKS W HAINES MD 116. W'-t) hope the gltled 81stel'll them in the ' m 'nth of February ~D, ol on'1 YOllt~ and ••• ,y m~D la tbe l!lad . . ' , . ., lila" come all'Ain Ib I' I ' . I' f ' .............. .... ... L~" cnt IInder INIal. In. pl,.1n. ,en\·elope. to . 'J.M ... :e- L' A . ·ted t rollg I tie Instrnment&. It1 0 an .ftJ, ;:b-. ...... : -..... 1U\1 .ddro... post·pald. Itn riteelp' ot . 11, ct!. . ••••• P ... TH.C .-- r. ~. ntram V181 iDcelldiary. who. l am told, ·haa WAYN~S'V1Ll E or&"npoU llilmpe. Addre ,llbepublllhel'8, • • OmciuDatlollllooday. ~'. (1 KLII"E A «::0.. .. I a • • D 'laince been tried aDd convicted of Otrera bla Pro'-lOll.1 Se..,!..,.. •to •the cltl· 1117 .(1""8. ._ ..., Ne. Y.... . . . . . . . . . . . ' - A ahort . tIme amC8, eputy the foul deed. ' . ..118 and Tlolnity. Hanns bad tbirtr ,elU'8 . ' T .....~ oIIo8.t Roald.1Ie U. S. Mal!ball Wbite, ot OiDciu. j . The O(Uttt~ ill aocb a welcome ellplri_. be hopei t.o art" 1a&iIfao&lon t.o . tIOlII=.l":~C~ De • DMl. dropl*i down on Joho Dod· me8:lengar every week, that I can't all who - 1 taTorhia wl&h aoalL 488-1 , . . GeM . . . . . _ · !!ar-TIIle , .~... ~_,_ IUD aod CI~ him oft' to the do without it. I hope- you au4 NOTIVI!: Addre';,.;:&h .~m~ SETH W BROWN oit, withou~ giving him ~ime . to your friend8 are all weU aud The1lDdempecJ beal.eu4aly.pPOlateoi ~~... ' . l , rub &he whlcew..1i off bls DOH. happy. aod will have a plenaau& AeJlDilliaVau of &he ..... of {>A.VID I . -- • - -UII, A .1~t MDUtiOD Wat created at proeperoQl ~r. PUOR. tate of W.,..... 00. . 1y. Ohlo, @MII"IC"II;I'MIJ.ag"'ljl", A T ~ 0 R. N.E Y A T LAW. tbe baa.. bat in two ortbree day, \ O. C. ~.. ~IO,It:llr:08(JJf- w. RUDA1'';;'ro 1etd.;'~lto;lO~"""J. ~.~., • .:....lnu.L ,0••0. ' I
~llklO. LIZZIC Hu\,vey, MI.l lt IC D ., 'l.. l\hd. W ill UII!U \'CI', lira. Falll l)' L n Bull" (K ,. I I ) &1 ' . "' , .auOO~ley,. ~U" II~ • . u\\ U , OurI', Misses J ul ill Sl!ur", Enllllil Sallie Cullott, M.~lIdlll ' W IlI.I.o All ' UlolLvcr, Auuie J UI'dulI , Ndtiu 'ram James llurll ~o n Le\\ IS D 1 ' . .d· {iell , ~llIltic Uilil Alllil e VIt.'Il \' ~I·, k ·111,.'J I'., J l/III! Pl4k)llI , J,ullia l L lzzio McGllinn, 'L lzziu Ulcuv ur . DaklD Borney Du l' lIl 1 IJ L'ycl· L IlI1I'U VlH·lI" r. ' . ~, . ~'. £0 " , IlIIJ Ml'~s r,;. J vh II and Joe Iho!tly. N. ew Burllll.""tu", \V oll'n, L'I"' uk J UI'II" II u"d \V 'III
Baltl"mOre & Ohl"O
ctu '"
Dl·'-'.\. cy's VO.-U
&1.0' Ell IKLL
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BURl LeA S K E T S ..
_ ..-.Iers,· FARM
W .4.GOrtS,
S'ome th-Ing N ew '_
-Ml£ HJ .",
flo tile Bes t of 'rerms, d t h e H· t t .- . ket 1 " -OOL ("rIce pau 1 Gil AIN I ALSO,
J L ZE-'LL E'N:f'" 8
D r.. E P - D-'•
'.1 ..
••• I.
fo~ sale
see tor , . eaD' d
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To MAKE ~t:'WRLI 1,0 F -To ~ ur pound of dou h /ldd on und of raw !lugar h Ilf 11 pouud of butter 0111} ouoce and 1\ half 0 1 CIlmllflY ed 011 oune lind u half of ground ginger Bllke LIl the u unl wILy [t ,cry much reHembl toh hot cro bUDS. It makcH tI, ry mell cako 61th r for tqu or JUil h ApPLES IN IIITATI ON OF GINOERTo throo pOllnd@ f \ery hardopple take two pound~ of 101f sugar and n qUluter of n ~und of bes t white 1;1IIger Put these 111 la) er (ho v I g tl fli t i!licQd tbe n ppIes in oll5ht pi ccs and cor d them) nlterntltely 11\ 11 Wide-mouthed )flr ' ext day mfll nn ounco of \\llItegmger \\pH brul d HI nbaut I Jllllt ofboihng wnler let It stnod tllllhe next duy Th put 111 the npples tbnt havo been two dnyp ID the glUger Illlmer lowly unttl lhe apple look cloar rllll: grellt care DOUO break the pIeces TEWPAN8.-AgJ:CaLmt tnle Ismade ID AmoTlcnn kltcb n8 ID 1Iot u IJI~ the tID lined copper tIlw plin 1118telld 01 th porceltllD bued which burn. far moro rt'adlly nnd I not nt all dumbl No d~ger may be apprch nded rrom tho copPI'r as the tin enn alwa)'l! b rl'l/la ell at sligh t OXJlOIII!O
John Drflflat on 'Lexington" The Dnght lIer
follolung retld Ilt
Ho_bo'd " " , _ KEI~<;EY forester of th
A '1 tlod F Rmlrond, says the ehll oh bn ne' or feeds ou flax, nod bliat It hos nov r been known to paB8 through n field or BLTlp of flnx He thJl1k that tJlese filclJ! mny ugg t n way of prote tmg com fiolds from tho bUgH HoW :rio) UIIE A GRIl'\DBTQl\'F, -Com mOil grmJ lone splnul • WIth II cr mk Ilt onc end nre Opell to the great objection that the Boone WIll uc\er keep rouud be-enu:!O e, ery 1lCraon IS IIlcllUed more OT Ie to folio v the motlOo of bls foot" Ith hIs hand wlllob cuuses ~he prCSIlllre on th stoho to be uoequal The harder pr ure 18 alw ly8 nr plied to the very am e p,lI. rt of tho stolle !lnd 1'1 LI 1I moke It uneven 80 thnt It 18 Imp(> ble to grind a wol t rue To aVOid this pnt 111 pllco of tb IS crunk i\ smnll cog wbeel on tl e pll1dle say With twoh cogs hay lIoother lIhort splndl o WILh n cr mk nnd n cog II lei of t1l1Tteon cogs to work \U tho former Tho Ki;Qne ,,]I make about 07 of II. re' olntlon moro thRu tho crnJlk ROd tb hlll''der pre IIro of t ho tool on thc5tone,~ III ch ange to nnother plnce tit vory turn! nnd tho st no "Ill ](e p perr. etly founa If t 18 tI good one Tlus 18 very Si mple but It win be new to mal Y A Grand Wedding. The laq~e t and perhllp!! tho grandest wedding In NolV York Ity {or mnny yours \VIIS celobrnted lit IIlvnr~ hurch l' ollrth a venue nnd Twenty first street fhe br de Will! 11'1188 A I co d IIIghter of Ullth aud tl 0 bridegroom MurrllY H Willum H Vanderbilt Jr son of W H Va nderbIlt and grnlldson ofCommo clore Vondcrbllt For dll\8 tillS \ a8 been Ule topiC IIpper t 08 t I I convor ItlOtJ 111 Ilisl ono blo Clrc l e.~ Commodore nnd Mrs. Va Iderb It md oLhers of tbe ~Imll) \lid II I rge IIl1nlOOr of dl ~t lllgU shed ladlC8 lu)d gentlemoll nttended t.ho weddIng Ihe altar I1ml eb LIlC(lI rOils wero decorated 'I ih /lowers 'Ihe bride wh\) )8 l ory benut ful w ro Whtt.eHllk tflmmed wltl POlllt Inco flounce a vorj long vo11 III d tbo IISllll1 wr nth of or IIIge flo" ers. All the bndesmn ds woro will te l!!lt ench dress was of (htl rent mlltonal Ind mnde lod trim lIecl dlfferently '1 hey nil wore whllo tllIll dan 18k roscs III tl o hair Tho Rev Dr WIU!I hllrn pt>rf m led the ceremony The \\ edciJll l! WIlA folio ved bv a. recept Oft nt U 0 bfl(le s f:lth~r S 213 West 1 orty fourth treot foUl three Uft til SIX 0 clock Over 2 OOQ p Irtlclpated I ho hoUl(l was thrown open fTOm blUlO II ent to roof rofusclr. decor lleu WIth flo vcrs n d bn h utly IIIUllllllltod The parlorll "erc a bo\\ or of ro!;Cs tl e bnde I nd bndegrvom reel 1 19 llpoll II C[ nop) of flo\\ erH At. x 6 clock M r V mder b It und lindc !tll r ted on thCl r weddlUg JOt rney TI c\ hud 1I spec II I PI\lncc CM ai their (hsP<1!lI 1 n Id tho TIght of way IIltlllg the hno
----- - ---
Curious JlalJuclnlltioll
A Curioll!! Coin om thrc or four ye~lr9 ngo toero was dug up from deep in the carih J\I the cell tTl,"! pllrt of llhllOlij a smnll coin thot h IS so fflr bnified the students to explno Its figures lind UI CTlptlOnS On 0 I 8 de it bllt! a groLel!que figure of II mllll belaborlllg II.no~l or n nn who IS IYIll!; 011 11 8 b 10k Ihe clinTllcters both resemble the 1 d 1111 1I0rc thun lI.uy Qther rn e. Surroundlllg the centTllI tracUlgg are a !!Ofles of chnrt etoJ'll that mc guessed to be letters b t of what Innguago nobody can tell 1\ th ther BIde of the COIU 18 I IlIrge figure nn Iod nn hcnd-"Very Indlstloct No olle hIlS been 1I.b1 to ex pI 1111 the specimen but It ncql\lrc.~ reIlllwed Int rost from n st{)rr of the carly I fc 01 tho palllllrds n thiS country It !!Conts thnt III bartcflllg w th lhe Il'Idlllne th e people offered them BpaDish COlll8 Thl'.se were to the red men only pieces of Ilcilll II Ith 1 nijCflptlO 18 wb cll were wile lIy nl~nll lillIe!!.'! to ihem or bec IUS tI C) rcprc"cuted "llIte meLl wero detost Ibl They looked pon tbe cows IU! valuclc ll!! Byan I1g mOils thongl t It ~aid tho Sp 1m lrds then mlldo co 118 benr g [mlillll murks lind figures nnd I !(gest Dg the I lell (If,~ Ir Ilnd U Cy 'ere Inlmcdmtely fmzed Ilnd pIssed cll rreut
\\ liEN AN" ANTIDOTB or remedy for nny pllrtlculnr cltll!S of dlSCIU!O obtnu 8 a Wide prendlng notoriety It 18 bllt rCJL':!O I ubi to RUpPO th t It mllst n r t the pOplllllrl~Y It rE COlve8 It 18 W U 11 our pro~ lIlee to II entlon that DR J 'VAl K ERS AIIF IINIA YINrOOAR BITT~RI'I 80 long nnd r.",orably knol'll 11$ the I!Ilfest II III mo t reI nt Ie remed aillgellt (or the ell re of I wer Kidney B1nddcr and G I IIIdlllnr dlgci!Ii!CS Mental Illd l'hyslCII.l Dubility /11 d all compillllltH mllnntll1g from a corrnpt Htrt\eof t\1elilood etc nfe III grollt dellland Sollati lied lire w of the II1tTlllSIC worth Ofthl8 medicIne thnt we do /lot hesltatc to notIce it In our col 111111111 It 15 well to mention ibllt tlua medlolne 18 compounded of root.8 horbs. lind flowers or (IIUfOfllln and bllS no fiery material or alcohol u din ItBprepllT ItlOn We cnn add 10 bett t ouloglllln thun U e filct th/lt \1 0 (on8t1lntly use It In our own funll)7 ItId each membor tbereof part Ikes oJ it, \\ hen neoCSllllry Ilccord ng to (hrectlOns.-.A~w Y(lrk Paper 34 N"E-TLrIRD of tho Olty of bk08b bas been de8troyed by a fire winch hIlS caused 000 While I I estimated loss of $2 it could Jlllrdly hive been expected tlmL I City could be nalDed Osbkosh With out Illcurring I!OODeT or lator somo ter Tlble calnmlty ~I 0 deKtruotn e fire was of 00 lIT tho 111m cd16te result of tho fOHh Ion of bllllding houl!Cs Ill! Inllan Iluble 118 k IIIdhng II ood a Id plncmg them together WI en Oshkosh r tee from Its lIJ!hes let U 8 hope tbllt Its I Ollse8 will be fire-proof III d tl It IIH 1111 e "III be chnnj;ed It OlliS to f lost peopl a wn to of tune and 'D OUC) to bUild towne lind then I II.lllhcap tIl'Clll \\Jtll surl! Dame8 lIS Olhk08h and I cboygnn -Ni~ York Grap/ilC
WE truet the tnne Will come wblm overy one wlllu lO Dobblll Electric Soap (lIlade by Orligln & 00 PllI)ndeJplun.) Its salo 18 dail.,. el'Ol\lllng, Ill! IS alllaY8 tho ....... Itl.. • le8 of merit Try it l{F."IC T..AJ100 FIomia Tfll!I()d fino pmeopphl8 I..-t Yellr
S".I,t,,.. It nt 0""0 I
r ,,111 onl r GOIt yo t\ r nA.t. ( ... bn N. ... n \;or' r \ prllJ . 1 u I
Unexoellod by any Weekly Litemry Pu.blioa.tion, East Ol' Wost. CANlASSER~ WANTED IN EYE ~O" N IN TlllH NITED STAT}]S.
g<'lltll'lllal1, nnd the t" 0 "ert' ... ,(111 ,l Prore or' LudlrroUJ! Advclltnr ' rwrlr\b OIiV III Wllh nflllllatJon MeanwLlle l\ Ith II 1111 Uull. Il0l,. a nd ,.ann t I> tho a~lI b~ 1.1t. Uult II IHill.. ) 1" '" I I u lbe" h n l an .J tlOIll!'l I ......ut ht t.he hurmng h l'k and QTlj:lbt <'JeI' "f the 'fOE IUV IILlon Qf pal r b/trrcl w Ou lh. pi.,. u..,.. h'.\pul aplo I lbe ...lta, It W Il ~ Iorlo\ll! ttft Inoon III arly nur onll I'm II to IJclok('1I that ~h( "O ~ lIatent d bout IX munth a '0, and A "'tr~I' ttl now-Iod JIII(,11 ltd , he rbUd"", .1 ttcbt. H.I " nlid",l .mt " •• IIIJ"""'11I blue TI,e) b••• (lIlri lb rtaIQ'. ttt_ a r I\ c11 pie LSIId II I til b r 0 101' 1I1110n, \\ h I' ~ l'fln !!, Ult~ Llrd t!ruIg ch eerll> frolD Lbo Ih ere lire tll'O fa t rleJI now worlo ug. nil I ht! Jtlf'lt m of Il Lhn.,tlU ut't'l; lI ""a1 fro... Ihil "Iodg" blllh tree-WPII, IIl1d th' b rook" ha(lpy IU th II" lur I" now nl or ~ IIC I ' I than I''l' r one nt \\'II1UII , MID . aud one at I It fVillll lky l <t tl r n 'h rou~h An.. . h I"., ... l x,k ""~.Hlkl ,.hlrlln mD" , II .. nt"t,·.l h lJiI I'u lly 1 th t 8'" l IIUlo hu.ty "I 11111 afrll1d Lhllt II hun hn o 1\ fr d In fro m wlllter r 'lptl\ ny, bnbblod comll. Iowa, tho IlLtt r Lurmng out Alld III " ulland ", urn'T ,lty holt" 1 111113 [ r ~m4: IIJl Q" 10'" '' ' pun tbls bellUtltul Htorm," III rcmnrkNI. pfllntll1l( VlII ml II jOYo u Iy III r~ llIrII I,' 0 Imr",l ~ pt'r day Thl'tr Strl!lI Tth I ,lurk clo ud , upon whIch Ih o Cllpllllll nf lI t'te rnoo n Prnf~ r L'odger, 01 mlth,lIle b) four tlln than II 1",1011 (be I. hI, I 1<1 Mr IIIlt1nrv, II I'" returnill from on o o f III~ UI~\IMO'I 11 of OVt ' 1 hl' • tho honl " . nllxlouHly gnzllIg 'Iood n Imrr I • bill( Lhe w J>t II ra l ,;doro", '1'lle Prof< r "" mu), but do lIot fi 11Iia rl/led, ~ 1]lOm o l o 'IclIl rrllnlll C!! Tb c r Arel8L tha t ~ " c.r Krew " Ill! hU JlPY , hI. c xpe,lIl,on hlld boon n mndllltl " Till! VllJllPtl "i.. uri reM )' whUp th ~ ' ''0' t litHo hul, elUi .. ... 111116 I~r ...melll lus 110 With nn air of non hnlnn co h plllled ~ II< C '!<lI , "II,, ~ llOl!I!e , Ion "Me 1110 of th o 1 r d cigar II«! Irom Ii lij (lOck t, IIKkcd rarc~L b etl • b 10 1lj:\lIIg l{) th U llnchld.~ hiS '01111 nOlOIl If be obJ ' cteil t .. smoke ~ I' I ~, lind 11 smil ~d Ilil he Lhouqht of IIne1 being IlIiBWe r d nct;lItl\ ly,olXllleJ 111MCOIlIIU" I · Lllro UllOA th hRUlt~ of t he ClIl!C '11.011 h larted, lind, qlll kly tho rIlro III t..-, lIod tho rellOI\ II lImt n wlllk d ~h o rrtllrnlllg lI\I ~ 1.0 bl~ pock t, puUI.'<i JOrl.h would c rb\lnly bu IllS .·'1Ifepl Prof< r, un CQn 10UMto 1111 ~ \.(>rnlll obnlloUJ r of blu lor th ~t.'\Lle of ~r marre, wn .. Ho" IlInrly Ig"rs do ) ou .moke 1U a J olK, flO lUuch 110, IU f'ICt, thRt the lltt! It. Al!~l:u~~::'1 ~I~ta~~:" IIllludlln t de LI nerlc , elllef of the day 1" InqUlr d tho IlIdy, eVidently roblo KIck d up hl~ b Is and 8Ilug Scawu-ud lu ".,,111 dhaun1 urr tblnk .. r h••1... alOt>tllhe It~t. St"lnjl of ttl t21M1 Mud I he ulle d'EqullJl~I (l lInt ' t \ r, olre of tla .. hoo Fly" \\ Ithout nttmctwg hi Ilt.IImu d at th sight nr t\\l) CiIIlC 0' t h e IJttwt llll'ul itflme A....YO. Tile hltrp ",ond n l11-1I11l1 ttln.W' I lillIe lady elegllllt hOr<l1l11en III Fr 1I1CI'~ IIl1d a f"l1r\Vh""" We rI II nod tbe pnnr alllnl .. III mMt, ten tlon Tho eUort!! of tho geutle Croll rhe uther colored, olld I t struck III III Ion I"~ for IO UI .I~ln g 10 do Aml ' haru 11ltho fnh(!1" I we I lUI ride r, ,,100, II few) I1l1r. I.neL:, \VII II thtlt hly ' OIC ftllt.- rc(1 8l1gb~ly tlml b lS \\ero lIS futtle, III KIVC test IIOng.! were TI~ nt;".!1 i.~1 ~\~d~~r a~IU\~g d_ . A 8u\111 l.!u It••t "w('\ p anu Guttetfrc(JllCnt " .. lor ut 81'epl" chu!!Cs ilL hllnd tro mbl~d , 08 be Illndo IIOm(l laugb 10 t upon tho Profi sor, "bose thought rl f1 t l~J r whl l'1lij)(1u n .. Tho rl.~. "lib lb.lr ..,t~ Dnd dllDly robeo, Vlllcem\C 111111 T,I\ Murch!' [n the list were lar IIW:ty 111 bng Illnd IIIIC retort A "'~ I' In III h. 1I nnd ."II,l y .Aud 11le 1100r with Lhliir prVlI!I1la thin A IlIgh mIl feuce now Sl'poroted the of- ) oung III II "ho COlli p<>ted m IgM be 1,lk • • bIrd 10 lho Ihr",,~ old I h. 0. .. Soon the ~torm CllIl,O ponrmg riml II JU u.hlng Illn'JI(i) th . .... t lItlio Indy remllrked IIll1l1y of the nobl c~ t nl1me8 II) I'ro~ wr frolll Il I.tr);o fi eld ttlrough upon us Wo wer mlt!l\lIY III th e t htU1Foq;<11 h0 h .. nolhlug 10 do. TUUTHS AND TItIFL Fronee-D I3rClj):II c. D lint IDlon, n II, so thlll 1' 0 tJllugh t tho Inll lorce of which ho 1\ lahed to (lRSIl Now \ tho l'ro o DampICJrre, D OUllllle, D exon, TIrE comi ng )nSllnO Mylum kee~r to lho t!CJ1l uud glllo Bulh" (If tcrntl o fl · r lIE'1 er cli mb dover n fc nce If h (!te Alt r n 8C fl CS of IIlltnl'UV rs brll A. }'ltEN II DE'J'E01'lVE'S S1'ORY. 'Iho 80n " ept til bont, wllich lay 8l) fllr could h<,lplt hi II trl ulllph ol cnglll r YOllmcnn that man WIth bl. ltlln tlyex('clIll'd, Ih fents of uudrelll! YI@ltnr .. over Ihtlt her IIlllclllllcry \\ II~ 800U dam III!; kill , he II d to remnrk, to bu ubi II ad bowed, hl8 eye Cllst down, IIlld hl8 COOlmen d With tJlllllg nt rll) ~ WhiCh, uJlon th o ot her I!Jd 01 the fouc to get IIged SO thnt It cOllld 110t "urk Th e n(ter th tiCS hlld b CIl pili) cd on, 1 De hp movlllgY h, y , he was pelled I 11 M tOPPIllK lit th H otel Wmdsor Willd, ECI'Cllll1lDg hke IIlloDloR, illrew lIt'r wlthol~t c lllnbing o\er So With II grrult down too , but he keep:< flgb ton prnntllldenl of til l ~ lIn g lind tugglllg, h e forced III the Huc de ftl'oll, Panl!. Ol or ~tlll furlh er TIl} proY1nooofRlo JaneIro, 10 Dmzll, Fouellet remai ned th WlIlD or, and \\ l1li In!;: Jus l th SIImc, 1 belle~e hl8 word 18 conducted before the Mtlnlhnl'R tund 1.0 hllll f!Olf through 11 8111111 (?ap, nncl gallled ueldenly we ob ,,'ed the sUllors I'n I 110 nt Orlllllg 1 II IUI 8ntoklllg III the Is the srentor port of It CO \ ered 1\1 th be dccornted wllb 1\ bouqnet of ¥t r~ llm 'IUYgy ,,, ncon sclOusly the Prneuloulllldl', whclIll Lilli d egllmly dre -cd dc/llonn g to 100 II th long bOllt II th e tb o othe r .. dl' mOlln IJL'"8, wlll ch nrc gc nclIIlIy ve r) ere, to \\ Illch \\ os nlllO added 11 hal1Ll&>me "ME[ ON'mll, the great French r, !!SOr hlld ero cd th e rubicon In lhnt grnll 11Il11I rUi K tI PCrllII HIli to hght III diLl It IUIt rn 1I1elluw lllie the re 1\11 fill uth\H'st of til cIty of ItIO fleld gh~ For the OQtrrM! <it a I tJr~, which pa ll.t r " Iys Illi exchange, tokes two sleep (Igll r bv min e I !!lLIY lit a glon thnl he OIllIllOUJS g rllllllllg, SlI1tl lung UOI • und er fi Id he 1\ II ~ destll1cd to do tho burde t Jan IrO th mOllntallls come cloi!C to the lin next, llnlf n dOlreu plL tebonrd )enn! 1.0 pall1tl~1l24, OOOflcture, I than WtU! II l·'r n hlllllll, al thuugh hIS Eligli h t.ho coualer The t rut.h could not long wo rk of III~ lifl', but stili h e souled und cout In thiS part Lhe shor 18 very If heuds \\ e r set up Oil littl e mounds of 11 foot sq lIttre" P hAW !.hat'. nothlllg wlIlked \In Wl\lI nenrly perlect bo Cllllccfliod-wc 'I ere IIlklllg regular, \lllh Illany boys and pelllnsUlo IIOnd, about th height 01' the sU rrup We Clln toke COil idernble longer than udd ·nly there blOk lI pon hiS ears a .. JI' I\ yuu hcmd tho 1I0\\8?" b In 'I'lto InlliCl! screnmed. th pA8S('lIge r and moll rocky 181ands alollg the sho res Itt equal distllnCl'H nlollg th e lists, and thnt to do I t III, f!nys the New York OontquI red lost hiS IICIf.po Sluon, und mil I\lldly l!Ouud which et~ul!Od e \ ry Jomt III IllS Northcost of the CIty, fllong ihe COll8t, Lhe UIUl of th o CO lll petitOTII wos to fide ut lIIercml .A <iverlllJt:r bocly to 1r mb le, alld "cllch pllrtlCulllr II No" ubout feum,.iule the COOl be hfLvlor of there IIr some brolld, low plalns, With full gllll o)), oud bendIn g do \\ n m th o to tllnd ou nd,~' Podg r looked ltrllr 'rI m young mnn who spoiled tbe word "r~ It I'0~ Ible? Why, nil P lln ~ I th lILllo llIlly III hluck COlllni ted \ or) the cenn 01\ ono stde and stee p mOllnt.- I!uddl ebow to cll rry them ofT on the btlz1.I\.rd , "\):n donble 1~.zI\rda-r-d-buz nhvo With II lit tllllJ mOlllcnt" tmngoly wlth til e ngitnlp(\ dOlll"nuor of up and SIlW lit n dlstallee of a'llout ten aillS o n the other 8\\ ord Few of tho r iders fnll cd to zn rd," fwd WI\S consequently retired WIlD " \Vhllt ho unppcncL\ '" lho nroum) b er There sh 8100d, rods whOL Ilppellr d to hIm to be a (ern '1'1101 most perfectlv sll1lpod mlln or S\'curo at lelU!t o n Lllnd !!Oversl evell gol 1\ trombono requiem, I ~ IIOW gotng arowld IO US bull lIe WII!! ubout to drop from '''rho lint Ill! do Mflflillc, the film" I culm lind unmovnble, ber bnj!ht, steel woman IS UD ymmetrlCilI-that IS to up 1.0 the fonrth , uL beyond tbls there th country With an open vQlume of of the fiLlr, ":Ii! foulld mlln1crcd III her blue y s fixed upon lj,' hllnd ~om e ill! er ffl gh t, wlt n th e tbo ught holV btUIC sny, th ore 18 II lDlLrked nuhkenell8 be \la8 some dlfliculty 08, If tbe bllldo WM " W ebst er" 111 hiS arms, bc&oochtng the bed IA8t OIght, her bur~lIl1 br kell open 8 t.rll n g~r of wh om she dlllllOt 10 "lgM fur a noble 11ltel\ect to succumb to a t \\ ()l' n the two B ides of til e bod~ The not pusbed hom e t{nough the fi rst h ead m re brute Ilroused hlln, lind he ileterm prlVllego of provlllg that b,s Rpe JliJlg WI\S nlld I II th o u ~nll\l Irnnc ~ 11111<81111; frulII It fo r IIllIulll Ilt. two Sides of the (ilce (win ch 18 most spitted, no part of It remained frre Jor correct. Ah, It WIUI tornliiol Th r0 \lore IIIllrkK .. K eel) qm t, InulI:s nnd geut! mell," \I1ed to tost t.he 8U p Cfl orl Iy of IlIInd Ol or lIecn , and, therefore, pcrmll1l of more the ue).t. At last M do In II succeed· of ling 1"8 Oil her thront, the bru te "bo nlll! out Ibe (,-IlpLilln "Keep qUloL. lIIutter A )JAN went IOto a stor(l bol7Owed lie orale study) Will be found alwnys to I'd 10 Impohllg fryC, lind '\Iovll1g hi' '1 be Profo!i!lOr concluded tha t the on ly lhd the t! (I c/1ected 1118 ('lItrn"co through clOll' t cro l\d around the boac 110 There hlilf a8 lDnch money ft8 he hlld and spent clCh Ibl t consldorabro dltTerencC8 Prob.L 8\\Ortl tllus chllrged to t11(~ PIlUlt obovc tho willdow of h r chllmber, neM which II ,II be roolll ellougll III it for 011, IIna, \\RV 1.0 succeed II'Il t~ XClte the R ill · \)\y no two 81d 8 of allY hUUlrlll fnco lire 1118 head, r C Ived l1l8 ro He of rIband s 8ix centill, went to another Blld borrowed unforLun lltcly \l1I~ I trce, plllll\.('d ) .ITS be IdCfl, lher 18a/lOhooll rcomlng tQOUt JUlIl's UflOOty, nnd, by h&lthng hIm at hillf 08 much Olt b e 11ad left, al1d S}lent preclsoly alike It 18 the SlIlIle With lind Il handsolll il ber A woodell argot SIX cents \V on~ to a third, borrowed balf 01;.11 b) th gnllldfilth r of the cuunt 'UlSlst:nnCl' '' llOllItlll~ t wnrd Il v(' I blY, \\llIt IlIItll !IOmc ehn nee for eSCIIIIC ev ry 11mb No pRir of hmbs 18 shaped With II Dl AAk pllInted on It was then t prescu\.(>d l\J!elf J:I1. mann erof proccod Littlo did he Ilnogllle the tcrnblo IIIlC comlll g 10" IIrd ue 1J<olore tho wlIld _ alike. lie hnnd 18 tllmost alwlIY 8 up 1Il tho center of the nren/), and each I1ll much Ill! he had remaming, 8pent IIIX UUlt II outd be lIIado of It " There WAA. ho\\ ever, II paille omon& III g WI18 UlIllJUP H mounted 11 lone centl!; and)lad l\otb,p~ left How muc;h larger thnn tho other, 110 WI th the loot, horseman ~as fllrJu sbed with II luvcllll to "TIII ~ I ~ bnd nCI\ i!. How I\ny man thoi!C addnll<'<Cd The 1II0m e"t the boat nnd COITlIll II 'ed :J. t;CfI '~of elolj uent oru· 110 WI th tho leg and arm hurlnt tbe ma rk n8 ho tode pust orne hod ho could mhrder Il wOllum titus IKDlore than IV L8 lowerl'd 1111.0 It tlHl) scrAmbl ed, nnd Lion!!. Tbe no\ elly of thc SCl' ne canljCd Tul".RE" It'grapber's palsy Tho M/ss m.A GREEt.BV, the eldor daugh ter took then flmg too far olr, IlIld lhe operutot8 kept ,ery busy Ilnd thllt I ClL ll 11I"\gln " "mo ng t b III til h llnd!lOme IItrllogcr A tho nlllmul to stop and gn7.ll I,ltll wonder of the Into Bomee Greeley, WAA marri ed ml~lle fell sbort , othefll sen t l~ beyond after 8()me yeo 1'1\ they are unable to Algnal "Ah, m onSie ur, If lOU h ,"1 cv r en huge !!('Il comlllg ILi0ng, r onflng like Arter awh ile Podg n! grew tHed lind ~lny I, to ()QL NicholAs Smltb, or ()Qv- the butt, and a good cast gC!nentlly rehe countclll! you \\ o ul d \lond er 8tll l thu nd er, part d tho b:LCkl<'", tcl\rJug th e &toPI d for brrull h Tho nlllmal 8tarted oortllll1 sigus dUltinctly They change Ington Ky, at the rosldence of her C~lI ved Il cheer, even 1ft t fluled 1.0 hl t the thclf fingo/'fJ alld get rid of tbe troul)l_ mor he II IIS bl'.lutlful-hcnutlful U8 boRt from t he ~tellme r before eithe r the for hlln ollll be comm enced Ilgllln. He aunt, John F Clevelalld The Rov marlr TWice the target WI\.' struck, but for II tilllO, but th~ ftnge/'fJ fail , and If 1111 nng'I," hu llt1ded; l!lrok lllg hla lad~ 11\ blRak or [ could enter It. Tho c sb,\u"ted Icry Ilubj c ,t thnt be could Farrell, an old fflend of the lhe darts rebounded and feU to the the labor 18 peollated III~ , tbe whole arm "III h 'r" With 1111 ullullstokuule VlIlIIty bllOc1!1Ollle pll ilCnger, 10 IIIg IllS bllluIIO(" tlllllk of to I'L Ify thnt brute. A t one nd. At M Des Mares modo flUlUly, performed the corernl)ny " I know her \\4)11 II r. 11 over tho gUll ll ale, IIlId, helllg Ull8blc tlill be IIl'l!ur u tho Alabnmll claim, adistaneeQfabout III vee out' aud tbe brain oecomee affected. then h took n~ t he LOlli lana a!f1l1f8, ellr rJ e~ " Intleed I" to SWim, Wildly tIne" up III arlllK act:onllDlr. '" the rita or A QlnET, peaceable g~n\\eman III abaft remlWled then tho I VII RlghUi DIU In fnet the " Oh Y 8. Th re lire III FII t III fo\\ [lIe1mow·edg. thllt J w~!IO e ugrossed ..._ ........ _l~ "wbleh ~t ell> PhUlIdelDbla DalMiiJlt;\J ~.,ell 1lp r 'II' in 1\lq b e uldn' Mop villtim 1l<!PU1l1Twmnen ul'lnlO1'l'tf"tO rn •• __ViUl trio pel'llIU8 ltu ..t.lon or my com- Prof< wb re tbe Ilea that IIIme ~ort o-. I6IIt hla family iDID &he . . . .VJa: • RIK III 1Ll)l'r lIOW WIl8 deCidedly e 11- palllOn alld my if- now tho on Iv ~wo for 11 momen t but hod to talk rlgh t on RUd where hIgh Judge~, m out. Ris _prize and elllmly announces hiS 1nte!lBPn Qt It~(l, a nd 1 felt dlllgu tcd with 11111\ left Ilho1ud tbo stenme r-that i paId After 0 II IlIle Ie began to get burd up for there 01 Ullt nl II ays After tbe oeremollY the bndlll pnrty W~ '1'110 dill-. te d ndlllgwiup. Grellt devotln, the remainder of rushCe My culdue Vld 'IItly r pelt d tum, for little IIttenUun 1.0 tb drownmg Dlnn 811bJ ct.R, and took \IP the Beecher trlal IIcs WI th the pAlIi!4llogv l lUI w II .I!! embarked II) tho steamer AbY88l1lln for wne 9 admlratHln W81l o.leitQd by the J;lbll With covering the man who sont hIm a pay. h o ~oon lott nlO Aftellvlud I h eard The tl'ame. " 1\lI, III fnct, gow g down Tha t IIUI! too lI1 uch for tile beast, nnd he t he steo llJship com pllnie , If t.he former Europe. whIch tho tlder , lifter trovorslDg the Ing at.ono by olt,lLfC!!II, with. llO,eDt.een Irom othen! occounts Qf the hLt tmgody fil!!t-wll8 ntrendy lI o.'uly eng ul(ed III tho tnrted lor the noWe orator He now wCll1ld bo lllIling t.n leDl!then tb elr voyTilE mttlesnnko, tho Dlost dreuded Among Ioho d tntls of tb aillur WllS olle stormy wnvOl!, her hellted Bud hulf.sllb- hAd rOCOllrde to the 'Mother Goose Mel IIge811 couple of days ~heir ( bllIlCe8 of repttle of A,meflcu, is bravely Ilttocked li8ts at full ~llop ulmost. t{) tho bamer dollllr. Cllll ~ell onlt I'TAXE cure of the pence, ami the th nt pccul llllly nnpr~l\SCd lIIe, and \I IlLch mel];ed bOilerHbiR~lI1g IIJl the stcn m cam e odiC" und other light h ternhure At r nclllng Ill! ellli Il ou ld be grellt1y In- Imd killed by tho untelope The mon- at tbe OPPOSite end, suddenly rei oed In their steeil\! nJld drew up In file. ThiS pounds 1'1'111 take cure 01 themselvel my firllt lnfornlllnt bnd not 8poken of- g u~I\JlIg ollt-l+ke the ~pout from n \\ lilLIe IMt be got hoorO'lC, ana I'S Ius hoarseness ncr of ntt.nek IS cunou lind ell'ectl o rOlU!Cd part of tbe proeeedmg termmated WIth was long Ilgo oxposed by Tom llood P 1111 0' cr Igh t I hILt II rprult'd me, lIS the I was ad vnncl ng to tbrow an .arm around grew ll pon hllll hiS lIudlcnce drcII Tho aggregate Cit 1088CB 18 not grent As soon 08 the 8nake 18 "18CQvered, Lh o tho 'Iuodrllre lind pnrade , tho equell- 1\ 8ketcli of 11 caP]ta\lst who W08 holding QC urrence he hnit Rot mcntl,meti WI\!! tlf tho Iltll huly, fcurlng t{) 0 1\ r II' h('(\ nruuor Podger kn " LhAt n cnBIS l\ M at hnn~ Ilb('n com pured tQ tbe vnst !lllmoor Qf mille ontelor commences trottll1g tnane being drown up 10 tbree hnes of With both ban(Js a quautity of coppers ,I kmu willch Il ouid be m03t Apt to away, when, qU letlv lind coolly moll on the enemy, lIOemll1lily SIi CC ful tripS thnt are mnde. still, SWiftly roun IO~ me bock II Ilh on hand . sho l'tod 11 "llIch demanded nnmedlnte actLOII So whell one dOl'S hnpllen, It 18 110 likely to With !l,e purpose of confUSI ng It , ttien ten abreast at cllch e nd of the arena, on hiS delik , whllo the pllper that reproeLrike the fnll cy pon th e t hroll t of tb cOLI n \.(> • the coil of rope nnd threw the elld to tho ho acted, and th IS \\ I\!! II hILt he dOlle Invuh o such n fearfully la~ge 10 01 life springing 111gh Int.o ~lto lur, and brJllg cbarged, pl\88l1lg 118 they motthrougb the lIOn ted the larger denomlnatloD. Willi murder r, III throttling her, hlLd luft /l hand!lOme stl'lLllg r }il'cllugbt lt,,,hen, First he JUIIl/ d 011 from t he 8t.ol1e and thnt olle forgets tho IIllrcqnency III bls IDK biB four sharp boors together, do Oppll8ltO mnks, 111ell whcole~ rounit and holllg blown out of the WIndow hy a IIIlIrk from a rlDg he '\orc-th e IInpres tnrnlng t{) lIIe, the lAdy re(l u(.'lltcli DIe to stood upon li S ~elld , t hen he '''liked h orror nt tho mllglLltude of the dUIIl8ter scend8 \\ Itb all hiS welgbt upon the repeated the figure 1'h II followed the strong wmd 101t o( a charIO t "beel WJLh l\ ~tllr III Iho hell' haul th I1Il1n a\) Ird 1 ~'OlIlphcLl, upon IllS handij, iI t th o Mille t llne edglDg Then, too, there Is ooe lIno, IlI1d tbnt snake The w stant he touches It be most Intncnte evolutIOns, formwg large THERE 18 a now pohtlca. party in cent~r, mal"vcllDg ol til 10lc and devotl oll tbus 1118 WIll' toward tbe fellee The!!O mil· the oldest, which b1l8 beyer lost II IlIp. IlCparates hlA fret With a qUick mnve Circles, breaking up IOtO slllllller' ones, procllIl8 of Ul cubatJoD. The dret convonIIO Ul cr " ero II cqmplete 8UCcc.'i.'J, tb e wmdmg IlUout 111 el\lUOU8 lilies, pivo tLng " Tills," Mid my lot t IllfOrmlln t, rdl(j\VII by II woman tOlVard an IICqllOl1l1r tiOIl of the por~r IS to mcot early 1.11 sepbel\8t wns tllk n III by the perfermallcc, nt I Rat, between tliJe UDlted Statell Rnd mont lind tenrs I t to pieces before it b08 around II een Ler etc., the rJders nil tember) lit Olllcmnati. It Id 1.0 be com- ; " may l\llld to tho dI S overy I Lhe III ur IIl1ce of lilt hour 1.1\ erpool If one IlIle can lIave been tIme to strike .Rnd wlllked Hlol\ Iy utter Podger, listoncarryIng tllLlOg lances benrlng gayly· posed of 8uch pohtlcnl economists as Ii re r J en n 1.1 sq ucnn I IIlroney visIt HIli pow r ove~ tbe (emilie lI: must thus free from cntutr phes, othen! should A OROING to the Springfield Reptw- colored pennous The spectacle terml- disscnt from the I?rmclpal of the lAte lug Lh j \\ el rs' shop to Gild Oltt from be greAt, I thougbt H c IS conClIltell, Ish rl beyolld m eo~ ure • lowly Podger lit least eloselv Ilpprodmate ~bl~ result lUXln, tho lurgesL maple SlIgllf mnllulac nllted by th jumplllg With chnrgers by Cleveland Convention o(Labor R~form· ",Iilch atld by II hom n rHlg With th hut not Withou t rell.8lJn '1'111" Idell wo rked 111m II atonIC, 1l0W 101 lill", 011 the There lIlUY h" ve beon !lOmetbmg of what turer in V~ rR1ont, lind pIl-.'IIII:Ilbly III the pupils of tho 8c hool of the stoff. Durlllg ers, and yet hope to IIttrnot voters frOB'l Chll fl ot whl' I dllVlce 1\ 1 purchl cI" lIa$hed clOllrly ncro Ill) mil1d 1n Mpite gro und, th II hOPI.l lng II10ng With biB 18 populllrl y te rmed" luck" In thll, but country, IS F E Ruy, of Wllnllngton, tbo afternoon the sun shon e bnghtly Ulnon g the laborJng clllJl8Cs " Who III .JennllJosqueau 1" of my dlln j(er 'rhe IIChoo uer, 1IO W,,\ er, hand s uuder 1118 knCCl!, holulllg hIS cars, " \Vh at, mon81(~lIri HII\Cl you not WI18 now qUI te n Cllr, 1l00l I IlILil eyer) until aL Illst h Ic.lehed the fence. He whllt 18 so termed IS genernlly the r suIt wh o t8p~ 3.850 trecs and setll 88 many through ~be gin roof of tho bUlldmg on H o..." et't to lbol""'. I. lb. Ii'I.hp<lI.1o I of never-eeMing vlgllnnce -Oinctnllatt AI mOlllory .",,,-keM a thought or tho l'lan~ hllrkllt HIS BHrngc rop of 6l11lllr 18 to Llle brlllll\lIt croNd below, deh ghtlDg thiS tlllle to Ilhow hiS e llgl hOllr.! ur MOI!I} ueftu, our fnmou~ clctec rcnsoll to IJchove wo sh oulcl !!Q411l be didn't II • dark, v\!rdl1nt. vJu8 14)llIIllUd beIlu,", u1 blO11OWI from four to HIX tons, clleh Rprll1!!. about the e) ell, while th e enr WI ohormCd with lIec rlll g skill, bllt JU8t ~oto \ er that fence Gaul/e. tl\ 1 A ItJHHlSh IllS cOU rll '0 • I ~ \\ II picked 111;1 III 1,le..lnglJ" ...tUoln nJ1 memory baulII one· hlll f of "llIch I ~ run III to rllllllnu tbo excellent mu IC of the Garde Ro A)ol Iboll/lbl 01 lb. rool !u profuowu once gro'" knuwlI yOIl would not, to I""k lit Ids fnlr, I \VII rlghL \\To WIlre nil taken Rbou rd I" elv LaOtto'. HIdden Treasures. lug W11fn Pnrlger re ilited hlsndl·entl~m to tl' O cllkl's, whLle th rOR1olllder g()('s in publtcollle qll10t fure nnll delicn lo lorlll, u li oVIl Lhllt the scboone r, tho hllnd llO m ~ pn II gllr Ou Ibe ,,"nn I Ullny bill . Ido RlIJolnlng tlao nilU I Some of our reRde~1I Will reCAll the 1.0 molassc", "hlch 18 put up III enns nml A·- ;n..c-m- ll- r-;k-:Il"h .. E;:" sc:":o:":ll:":e. he collid fight n glint" ",th tho r('st, Theil t hO Inrly JI1 billek th e stmJl'nl1l th!lY d ltln't "ppCllr to be of. At lb. IHJm"I<!011 how UlAny ". raloe<l, tbore'. 00 kncnvl uJC. A IHlOk Illte r I WI\8 On OOllril tho 'lllllltly I ulhng forth 1\ revoh or, pIllUled fended very sl' rl ously. by It One Irrel fncts conncoted with on IIttelllpt !!lllTle h rmcll clllly rellied H o empl oys sc vell Lnsl MflndllY morlllllg .fuhn Mltcb ell, For "'UI~ "ere bll ~ I!1II.U 01108 ond fo,. 10 • bill 81l'llIIlIIr, bolLlld from Illlll~ 10 Dov er It at Ihe hcall of hllll " hom ~hc IMd res erent you I1g III l1n sugges led that P odger fow yeurs ngo, mude by two..prlnter8 111 n me ll, And lIi!CS ~cve n yoke of fl xen , but of AlltlOch, II ) oUlIg mnu 1!Il ~ cnte n Th., 1O('llI )" J)Olulo tho lrlab potato, email SIlII boat, to renoh Errol J IlIlId, Tbo thllJ . kl uJlld Jlotato tllutgruW on tho hUI III th o luture bllli lItt ter Ilnelollt whetber Lh e Iinnuul receipts IIrc only about yeul'll of IIgC, rutlo uver lhe Dll'blo mngo AIIIClllg tho pilI' ngcre I oohclu 011-' cuecl TI{F. Rt_ 8 ems to Illlve been a pre~eeellwh 1\6 file hnd 1\ flllllllllLr look I WIUl .. Out With thnt N'd igltr CII c," 110 .~ uull!)r 1\ play ful hOlf"r \\os .Ieter 111m !IOUIO few miles lIOutbword of tbe Ohan t5,000 o( foothill s fiH'or six IUll e~ so uth of til e doleurs, PI IlE'nrcllo of bIdden UCl\ ur 8 sor 1.0 t ho POlDer.oy fi ond ID Bost.on not long In r CClgtl1ZlIIg thiS per ~n M the said, ster nly "I ,\oultl like t~ see \\ hnt huro re he Illude 1\ C IfCHS of hlDlstllf. A W OMA N Icstlfied 1Il the Deecher A. trlldltioll hae bc(ln bAndod down III the trllll, \\ ho declur d ItclMelf 1\ s plfIlUlI1 town III quest of a IDll!l!i ng hllr!!O He Droke, tlto bist.o rlou, of tbat CIty, 8ILys onc [ llild !!(lOll III frollt of th e Hotel mOIlSleur Climes In It " had !!Coured the COUll try fur sc veml r.'lIl1ly of 0110 or these ndventurel'8, that mcdlllm, nnd who I!llld Mhe IIOIV ~ plrlts WlIldllOt, and wh o h ud fir t mform d m(' "Wby-why I" at.'llImereu th e Ulon, MultulU in Pano. hours III villn, but rldlDg to the summIt them wall III 1725. 1\ bor. !!OVQnteen ;)'eurs tlU old IIcl!ro cook, 01100 em.ployed ou one of th e mnrd r of Lhc co unte H WIlli "what 1811>-" 'l' ho frenzy of nutlon s 18 tbe etll~sml\n. of Lnfttro'8 ve I I, had been a wlLnell8 ti OUllng around h er III the cOllrt roonl of a hI gh ridge h e recoglll zed the object of Rge, \11th n11 tbo trrul1l of Je880 Pom· oroy, who ntleed thrco bttJ9 chJldron oo rtlunlY '1 v ryblllldfiOllI man, although Jlefor he cc)lLld !!Ily Mother word th M h e olt'O professed to have tbe c\olrvoy hJP r f fllte • 1.0 th e 8Ccretmg of II very lnrge amount IlIlt poll er 1'1 readlllg all th e ncl1l (If peo of hIS Hearth grnzlIIg III tho dl ll\lIce mw by ~lllce8 nnd tortnred th em. Tbe hlHcon cCl ted rur W08 a blot un Ills good httlc nlURzon, thrusting her c1ll!engllged Puttmg spurs to hl8 Juded alllmnl he pa!!8- of gold on the CllllOdeleur IsllIlJds. A moment's thought 18 PlU!810 hand In 1\18 ~ket, pulled for th the ret! I "fi kutlll loolte. pie's In es" wntten Qn their l<OulM" It gallopeil 0/1' 10 thllt dlr ctlOlI, \lhen thl' penalty IDfilet~d on lum was thlft~Dlno About five years aao, tho last of the 1:10 mo\ ('(\ 10n!;\IIdly hith r nnd thlth r, Cigar-coso, and on OpeDlllg It l\ rlllg ought to 11D1l1lal h e WR S ndlllg 81'1ddcnly hlllt~d, loshe ilL tho cort'ij tall, twelve at tho fh ,~orld 18 only SlIV d by tho breutb brotbers ID thiS [!lullly, io \I hom the would acem thnt tbls wltn now and thcn turlllnu: h,s brown eyes ad- dropped to the deck. Trl rlllg she of tho Achool ch i\d reno , ha, e bee n able 1.0 toll whcth r tIle do bllVlllg, lUI the fld er 8UpJlOlllltl, stepped gflllml s, thirteen Ilt t~ othe~ places) po_Ion of theee were, sta rted out mlrlngly upun tho pretty Indy pnssell' picked ut>, nnd, holdlllg i't before liS nil, LIfe would be 110 plellll8nt if it were nQt ~lllgly aud alone m a small Uoot toward fcndllnt \HUI glllity or nut, bu~ the qucl!- Hlta II lJulrre l hole He aLtempted to lind hard labor at the Bndewell for 8IX gel'll, whllo 8troklllg 1118 whiske1"8 WILh exclaimed tlOn \\ as not asked her A grellt oppor reHl him II Ide at the Mille tllu e glVll1g months for Ill! ,lIeu ure tho (ntal Errol 1"land, aud he hns IIOt o no hOlld, upon Iho mlddl fing r of "I have found It aL 1ll8t The Jewcle r "bat 11 ..... t ]n tlllles of anarehy, ono may 80em a been beard ot 8tnC:e The repented at- tUlllly was eVIdently l08t to end tile tntll hlln the spur, whell horse /lnd rid er fell tbcn nod there, and pnt 1\ slop 1.0 all thiS 1.0 the bottom of 0. COlli shllft forty feet In wbloh \\n8 al!ll~rb Ihamond rJUg IIl!8ured mo It Wt the only kllld of de- d 81>ot III ortler to be 1\ I\Il.Vlor Soys Dr Wilham A. Hammond, in a tempts to rooch tillS almOllt lDyeterlou s l am 01 II. rother euspiCloU8 lIature, vice 111 all P,m _ n choflot wh e~ 1 This rAVO 18 the h oll spark that burns up Innd and tho many failures h,wo 1;1\ en fooh~hnelll!. depth The horse bad lenpeu IICrol!ll the rccellt lecture 10 New York City wllloh! oomblD d WIth 1\ livcly Imnglnll- IS the murderer Qf Oountees de Mur- the 1II0untall1S of ImqUity Wherever there 18 gtay nervoUll ti88ue A NEW ZEALAND pilper pubbtdtcs all IIhllft, striking IllS foro fee t 011 the farth er OQCil810n for con8idernblo superstItion 00 tlon , hI\!! oftcl1 led mo 1111.0 singular ville I" No heroes at all for us if theIr hero- the port of tboee 1vho 'ook with awo lip- Rcconnt Q( the capture uf two h vhlg elde, nnd the IlInd feet founclllo (ootlllg in ncllon, there IS mind. I removed t!l 0 rroM!. Now a stmnge Impulec movlld Tho hnndllOme p88l!Ongor s100d liS if Ism IS to eOtl81et III not bemg men on tho nllfalllomal Ie. Time nrLor ~1I11 e m01lll ( DiorDiI Glgl\nten) in tbat country WIth surprullng cooinell8l1od preseuco of brain of n lllrge frog, and waiting a few m to advance and hold out my 11I\IId to frozen to th deck, milkIng no rt',letftnoo The uprcme 8Clf.mdulgonce ts to wb- hn,·o ,nrlolls par~i e8 att mp_ted to IlIl1d 'rIllS bonus of gtgantlc birds Ie believed mind the young ulan clll ped hlll nrms IDIIlUtet! for tho I\Dlmll.l to recover from Illlllln whom I hlld 111\ 01 untnrlly (\J hked lui th e Illdy 10 "blllek 8Upped Il paIr of mit t.he Will fA> Ii Ipm tnaf dl rccWr UPOIl til weu'd shore of Errol htond by zoologlstll 1.0 be com pletely extmct, al Ilrouud hiS hOn!e'a neck, lost 111 t.bo de- the shock/ I pmched the left hind foot frOUl tho Ilrllt, 111 order that I mIght hAve handcutl', over his wrlets. The nlllfuosltlCII fire mortal, but ULe after secr eted tl"ellll\lroa of tho bold though Apeclmen8 probably oXlsted III scent, by BOme meanll, be should be With a pl\lr of forco)l8. Tho 11mb "'lUI at n chuDce to glanco Rt his ring Some· " By whllt rlgh~," h e then stamm ered. humRllltl8llltve forev r. sm ugglor, but ln every ill tano th el r New Zealund dUJ"lIIg tbe elghteentb eon brought beueath tbo allllDol. ,\ t the onci WIthdrawn. 1 ptncbl!d a little how tbe idlllt. hlld J~ me that' I II dQ you-" -Embark In no enterprise whloh yon elfor\.ij have been attellded WIth fatal re- tury, and were oertainly to be fQund bottom Willi a httle shelf of IIOlId nud hnrder, nnd theommnliltruggled violently should dll!Cover a charlot wheel device Ho pIluecd, l1li tho other threw off ber Cl\1I DQt .u\>mlt to the test of prayor. there dunng the prcCtldmg hundrM rock, on tbls rested tbe fore feet of the 1.0 ellCl1pe. and 8ucceedlD~, mado sental su I111 upon tbo ghtterlOg bauble. drestllll1d iullKl hair, rev(lRhn~ tb e person There Is PQ filii te 1I1e except un to Tbe stom 'a of the past comlDg down yeOI'tJ The fOMll remallls of tbe partic- horse , whIle the hind leet reached the leaps of two or three feet each. I t.hen The stntnger did Dllt at lIf11t recoglllze of a B1euder man, With delkllte, gir\Jsh dent.h , no death except Wlt.o higher life to us roll of con Id()rnble 8um8 of Bplllll ~h ular 8peCICII 110111 now 1.0 have !teen found IlCltt.om of tho shaft. ()Qmpollcd to re !.ouchell the right 81de of the abdomeD mo. H e Il0011 did, bQwevor, ",nd frlUlkly fcatures. , Wo know God eru!lly provided, wo money hRvlD~ boon hid by a LIe utenant IIhve IIldlcnte tbnt some of theae birda maIO ID thiS POSILIOIl, MItchell Will! With a glal\l! rod Qn which was a drop of extend d tho len hlUld, which was uot f< 111m Jean MOI!quean, the detective," d not CQDstrain ourselva to defino under tho commnnd of Lafitte, 111 one 01 lI1ust have attamed a heigbt of at leRet furtunately (r e from dauger of being vlUe,Kar Tbe rIght bwd foot was at once tho ono contAlmng the rll1g. he qUIetly remtlrk d , "and I robbed the bun. the CbOIDA of lsland ~ to tbe IIOnthwllrd te n and II half feet I and theae h ving- U1Jured by any 010' omenta of the enrrled to the exact spot I hnd touched, My bmlD ftmly reeled, the mon'a be- waves of thia I1U!C8I that the !CIIffold GIVO mo the centrallsllI Qf liberty i of the Ohandeleufls, bllt Il8 yet no proof perimel1B are dcserloed a8 respecLlvel,. aDlmal and WaH rubbed energetlcall,. agaiDII' the baviorwae convlctlou Qf my au plolou!!. might not be cheated" glY'O me hnperiahBm of ~ual rigbts. The dust occlUlloned by the rapId skin The lel\ Side was treated aimllarof thIJ trndit.lon bill! been fonnrl We eIght lind five feet in height. If tbe mOil .. Tbe othor hand, if yQU plellHO," I Thero 18 little wadd Tho maID proof Learning batb gain d most by tllOlMl learn thAt, 110tl'lrJt.h8taudll1g all the hllllllL IlUIt been found alive, the dll!COv. descent havlllg 8e ~t1ed, Jomes began to Iy, I\nd t.he rod WIIIJ beld jn oontact witH MId In 8. low, soorn 'Olce. hovin'S been obtaIned, other proofll, on hooks by winch the pflOt~rs have 10jlt. htlZllN18 eairf to be IIlOldent to thiS ery II one Qf the uLmost importanee to meditate upon tbo peculiar poSition In tbe S)[18. It was pushed a.a,. by ~e .. Monl!leur WIll excqse me, if ho the prleonor'8 trlalll, 1\'ere brought forlb, To tbQ ble88ed oterlllty Itself there ill Qnixotie pllgflmllge, there 18 Il pilrty orlll thologllts which he !IO unexpectedly found him- let'\; bind foot The aklD over the shoal. pie My othllr arm II lome with !!howlng him guilty beyond a donbt. no other handltl tban thiS lnstant. ~-----11811, I18veral miles from any human hahl· der 11' then eei~d With the loreleI" aIId formlllg tQ mike IIInother venture after rb umatll!l1'l'! Long before his execuuon hIS IlRme FOR keeping butter To three gollQna tAlion, at the bottom of a Bhatt lorty tIghtly beld Elfort. were made to ~ If n IDAn makCII himself a worm, be thIS sccreted gold By tho 15th of next He beheld me glllllee at tbe half-hld- was aeccrtluned tAt be LoUIS Boeeenau-a must not OOm(lllllD when he is trod- mouth three atalwnrt young men Qf our of brine, 8trong enough to bear lin egg, feet deep and throc fcot \II dlameterbbl~ move the IDstrument With the ler~ hind d n rlllg, and I "l1li \u'O I 11811' him etart noted adventurer and gambler, who, den on. CJty propose to dare the dllngllrs uf the add II quarter of a pound Qf nIce whlte only compamon bls fruthful steed, W Icb footj and theee not succeeding, the woole Ill1d turn pille, wlule, at th tlUl1le time, howover by cool oll'ront41ry and n Win A word unspoken ill 1\ sword in the de I? anil the strange spell 8ILid to be sUll/ar, RUd one tabldpoonful of 8ILltpeter lay motlulllel!ll. To remam WM to die, body olthe aDlmal was violently acitated, IQ()klllg mu h lIurprll!Cd He, however, nlng aJldreM, bncked by hla good loolo!, !!Cllbbnrd, n word uttered II a sword III I'CIItmg about thIfU:u;rsteflQuIJlsland, lind, &iJ the brine, and wheu It iN cold .traln and that, too, hy starvation &II he WR~, and througb the IItruggle the IlQlcl Ql tJJe l QpcIlc,l hiS nght hand, M If perfec~ly had ~ enabled 1.0 movo among the another'8 hand. come wbat may, b ring nllOlutlou to tlu~ carefully_ Make rour butter Int.o rolls. Mlfby a miracle, ul11l1Jured uy the 111.11, foreep" Wall broken, and &he frqc _ e wlIlUlf for me to ehako it If 1 cho llret circtes of Pansum /lOCI ty back U. baa.. time worn qu tion.-Ntlo Orlt(uJ,t Bllt- and wrap each rol Jlllparately In a clean the force Qf the blow havin~ been broken two leape. Laid Th n W 0. good look at the ring, and A a.ulHHELI. Baptist preacher t.hus lttm. wlllte muslin cloth, ty\Dg up With a by chnging to the neck Qf tbe hOl'Ee, diatelr resumed felt ashamed of my suep,elon. The Sian 1ft.e A.o~ ADte. cbaraelierbes the religious Beets in Ken. stnug. Pack a large Jar fuU, welgbt tho wbieh w.., during ~ho deacent, in a per· lUi beU,. With do vice on It 11'1\8 a common hCllJ't, which There' are seveJ'lll klnd~ of anti which tuclcy TbeMetbodfetll go out Inw tho Colorado J,lOtato butter dQwn, Rnd pour Qver the briDe pendicular potIaton. There was but ono then held the eettlnnly boro 110 reeemblllnCtl to a char- make wcumbna into the terrltorle. of a W\ldernc and no1\' countnee and Lluo tbey are \1\ too until all ie submerged. This wlll keep way out of the novel and dangerous vinegar apinlt dU8t ParIs really good butter perfectly 1'reah for a po6I tioD.. The wa11l of the Ihal\ may be Tile fJ'OA tried 10 iQt wbeel. • eertaln lpeele. tlfn-ebe Jlurpoae of taking tho trooe (Qr the Bapti8t8 to come -alollg After a little general conversation, to CIlptlv~ Th_ slave cnpturefll am no aCtar them and cut. uut" r9ftdl (or wagous of flour wbole year. Be careful to not put an7 Bcaled, lIut mOlt \If the way It had been a".y with its rilht recover my t!olt:~on I tuned away, In oolor while the capUVetl arelnV&r1A· ILhd cartil. When macadamized turnthe Vllles, lee npon the butter that ,.ou 1\'lsh to dug th.rougb IJ8ndetone, anil the .lIgbtest the foot, and It tben I'CIIOlvlDg In future JD lune a better blybIAc\.:, t1lldatte.beingvuJprly1rnown p(kellal'e made, you will !lee tbe.turdy the back 110 keep fot any lengtb of tlme_ In summer mIJtake in getting a footing would be w!tla it. lelt. bind ~~aDdiD~"'_1I; or atable- wben heat will uo .. admlt Qf ba~"'r heiug fi&I, BnlIdng tbat hiS life WM at .take ing 1& JDIde a lIap' opinion utmy RlIlow-c.reAtuJ'a &II" Dl~r anta." Tbi. il very uggee- old Prellbyterianll come InmberiDR along The Itl'lU\ger'1 good look IIC!tmed to tively lIu",l&r DId they learn fiom In tbelr bnggies and earr1agea, but after water, ap- made into roUs, pack clCllllly I. emaD iD thl aUempt,ne drew Q/J bia boot., leA then .ctatebed &Ie ~;;;~ tileD) .. jill'll, and neing the lI&IIIe briJle, allQW It Ida batand 00&t, and in a few momentl the ~ hiJacl........ aitnet the a'ten~iQn of the lallla' One men Qr men from them that" a akin not yQU heu the.tiIam wbulle lQundIDg ...~~ and give to cover the bUtter to the depth Qfat 1aA he wia QDce aplD buJdng ID the 1110- floC '- pIace4 ill to especiAlly modest lookiJIg II~Ue tbing, colored &II their on" i. the marie or QVOt the railroad then ma,. foar lIIOO. nia esoludeli the air, and abine abcIn. 'l'belwne lived batalllQI't 0Il0i ..... at\ired iD blacK, kep' dlrectilll furtive bUge or alavery" HQwever th1a may look QU' rurt.hekld-giQv~an 1Il1k...tocianswen ..,ery nearly &II well.. the tnt dIDe. 1& ___ the IbaA had JleeD dill 1Iaow ...' _ ,...... ,laDeN! a& &be preLty ranier. Finally be. tbe condltlOD Qt the lIIa.t!I i!JIrecl.. iop EpillOOpal1an8t_ a raDuing aroaDd. lb'llided 10 clCIIIII 10 him that ID tuna- Iy the IJIUIItI &II amQIII mea. are talking abou' the Ohlll'da, aad _ method .UAeetedIDI he brIIIbed&P-i- her, Aaape1clo', bewen o( wnocl aD4l iha*'n or ,...." 1I0D, aDd ordinaUoD, and l1leb Hd • .mliDall l8IlIi• ..,. ... 1lUIe lMIy, a while t.hel, 1IIMte1't the red anti, ....., tha" &II If th... bacl been -1 toe.s.::~~ will pl,dowD BoJ- oc. 6.- " . - .. _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . aD tile ~ 01 do "~IJ!I ebllnlb aUl daeJp .....
~~~u~~~~tb 'rc£,.=.t ~~ ~~~~~~~~;;ii •
aDd a
lbo, lot and
bliD1l with 'UI v r, fin carri&fC •
30 tb,' itt· 1 Thi" i Q . g....... belv" ' og tv the M N. Tlly)\,r. ~ ,'rk III \l hould be . C'.IIltlllllt'\l. ,,\) in orance. r 011 vile IDarl 9 . . lk'clI 1l~1I " Altbvuil'l! the IIlrrOUII<I",W' l'''' ",ot IUPpoeed to IX' 1I110. 'I'1.1tIUK.,tJIn r'I)llpilllwbvha\'"uot tlrtlKlft,lal'pearlUlcoll IiNt.. II.,,_ Mon\lay lIightffi dctr:d _...... ...... )ro. · 11 _ Y !lIll1g, II • r. It~ClUoatl. . • bee n ta.", '. , 3:! ba"il'~ adopt tbll ' ph," w.tl tI~ " Jo bn H IIr' D uglu ,. uwclllllg 4 • F~I nd ~cll\lI\,' 11l~I!'dvf m· tllll' oll'lIp,1 w hv hnVll lIel' " 'I'Y Ilrl l i t . re\\'urtl~1l with IpQ8e. LJi.;.. 3 . In uran' • I ~,~l Ne. G CIIII\t\tl WII III tllWlI . ·tcr ay. lh 'r bLocll lib nt II r t..ro ,-it t· u l}tif(d IIlu~de . \ h('11 tree 95 , t ud;' , tI.l· • . " • , '0. !~ , - ~Ir. I. II. Burl'i i remoo Iin~ li(' M ' eN, roliull lW<.·k 1ll1l.1I· ure allo\\'\.'<1 t 'l"\~W Ill-' und p~t.'Ild I Th fil'6l! are u\>P(lS J to b : "e~' d t' l 3·I\)t"· "0 I -~. aUtI ti:ill np hi", blml un I t bl. 011 LUCll , J uhnl!i ·Iu ith . am their rnnches uut o\"ur n hllildlng. the w ork of inc 'ndillrie . I . ",,11. 0 no ' 011· . ' P II ill ... · 1 • 'flU I t' 'tl . 6 ' )10. I lMl.ad "0. 6 '" H rr, \ • m.ll. 1 -Mr. J ol,n ill bUl! graded flit ' willi hu II f( ' civ u 1 {I p~r I~ not un t 10 p Ull t'1I~ WI 1\ At :3 IllBt nmlDg n r. wn . T .. III _No . I and. Mlll t'll "ulld',4. ' the id \\"l\lk in th ,nt or lJi hou~. cut in t.I p rtm lit. - llllllnah htt I' b'll~ preveuts the 1,.lII.l. discovered in the renr (!( ~Ir If'' I , '.G.lld7rul'~ly . ' . I -Mn! Juru . larke ) nta 'I'm, I{{'ttn.\(: r., Em Arclt.,r: II ~ dry", ut. thu . 'n~1 IIlg /I l' ~bl liyerY8tuble,WtllUlUgton, !fNl... 1 ..... 9 rt nneet ~ ~ ' P"" II I~ t' w dn' (If J. t I\' eli: in 'illlcinna. 'urab V tler, Kull S\lray, E,' 1 rapId d 'CUr of til NOI. fh 0 , II~ which ru.pldly c 11 um I tltem, ~nd I . , . , S II'ral .. l_". X nl. fur R u:bm nil. 7.:..0 . Y j.\lnrlnu I Ulllli Dill Elomu '" Ollrc ot health, lIuty lint! e· WIlB C ltl.Dlullicat 1 to ull thl' blllld· ' 10 Cadwallader's New Bwldinv, lYlain treet, • •..1. ••.1 Hi .tId I.'" p. III . . tt. .' G 'J ' I t 'I . ,I.. . . .. 4 • I . I TI :> THI .. for 0.0108 oul1. 6 .00 a. ID , 1O.:!O Mr J I - 1'. , f D 'uflelt, l ela r:lIU1I11 IIholll CUll llmy 0. 10l'll cuntlnue .uC 109 udJolntng. at Ulil nlg It1e a . • .,.N 6 46 r . · I .~ d t n~ orr , 0 l~~ tl P Ill; W illi D u~ht rs Vallio / good work a l ady b gnu. tir i nuder control with tho lOBS , • l,?S. MoR I N BY, "!ol t Agent. , ~I ttc " trl nd here In t 1 IIlrs· Myrr.l Will i E\"I!rhart. SUIIIIllie _ ntru\ Main str at till .re. r thu Odd F II WIj' bltiluill~. the I • • • a~o~~~ F.TIL.B d ,'f: . !~. i 1\ : lIy. mith. C.Ql'f!; Mllrllltt, Eddill R Ulaills partly bl ked ur. with wllg' Olinton lluilding, .Murble II nnd t r~; w~,~ ~';,.. ::lh :\~'J ~~ Il:~' ~ PI-NI~n rol ndA 1\ e.e t IPI~t-uto lind, J ohllnie 'mith, Willi UIIS plow, drill:! te. l'hero i no taking establi8hmont, \Iud several I H ... iDg enl"r ... 1 ;lIl" tho ' A. L. PAl R.. I'. M. antlJ urSl1 o. pp y t& . III 'h' jBingam Il Willio llIith. · xcu e in thi. mutt r. Tit r i8 a f 1 vulue. Ilb ut "2~,O 0, . Innn. . . A.verugl r c~nt ill. rcciwti It luw to prohibit p rson (rum blllc k. , a od on ly hnlf ioeul"\'od. V P., C • ST. L. RAIL" 'f. - Our II ulOr elittor, MrJ. "nild, rc Clvcd by the t;>ltowIIlg UIU1l(.! U ing lip 1;lIe eta Il.lId siJ~ wlllk ~ .L~ . , mo!a1fl.ond ttl 07ail'l1go D··i rfm. loft y ~ rdny for a viait in Sotlth· ' pupilsdul'iugth mooth ~ lIuws: un unne'OO88aty I ngth of tim; 1 - .Messl'S. Hums, . .Hrntls tr et , & . • 115.., I ..'''. rn 1 00ltAllIt. I Aritlun tie,-Hannah pm l O and uothiD~ but gr d n glcct 0 11 And~rson 118\1 ht thirty o f the htl· \I '.OllvnK. -1 0 0 NIlIl m.ond weot ,R etta Myers 75, Emma ' ffo· lt lun tlte I?ll.rt," ot &he Ilnthuritieo Will \ ny tnbe ye terday. , W I bit I . t d to keep II hnud, II. fu ll line of Fumjtlll'o l ell d t g I, Ri4Ila~.lt:~I~~ 1~:~::: IJ:~ :::; Putllt4> I ront.a r ady for sale by 11£\1a Ar her, 100, Eva Mnrl tt 0, permit it. - Mrs. Rettie H opki u8, Mrs. \' e llRve B.p"'ow....,...h'. 11 .16 a 'I' IO.6~ V IU A. L. FlIl'r. ::3 rEoh Vett I' 9 ), Ka~ie fray 100, - Tho anoooneeme nt that J·u.ck Monoce, (~f ~ale!D.' N. J .,~ a~l1 lr: 0 t 14: very et qun I y, an a as « e.. 0 _rrl.. li .'O a m 11,21 pm_MI'. und M ~. A. AUlll.n and·.ld~, ~{ook, , J ohunlO. 1 tluce, .90, Wurd a nd Dan Wl1I!h illgtun hud G. W. Orlspm vlslt.ed .OlnClIInl\t! ::::~~~~~~!;e I~.~::; M ~ter Hurl'y K.lrvin vi8ited Day. , W11hi!VElvl~rhMart, 75'0 11118 R Ia.md O)len d up a burber sh p ove r the Ilast Thursday. .0 p m 1 10 I m ton last Suuuuy. 0, n Ie eU I' 5. S l'oot mee building, lUlU thut t il , 'rl Oomm·tte·o 011 Flowel'8 for Lo«an.lIort....... OroWD Polot, art'I.. 7.!l0 pm G.2tl. 0' 'r J' n , Geogmphy nunah pray 1 roposed to havl.l b'j' 'ky r .. 1 t ' Ie I Obop, .... 1... 9.00 p III 8.0011 D'l - ll U ter villi J.'\.Il phtlll oaught Emma Ooffelt 90 Eva Arche r 75 p £ t . ~ fl' I~ I , Dccoration Day ure req uested to a ch 1111nel . cat , , e'I.gl'h 51. po nndB' Kuti Spl"Uy 1)1 , Johnnill Ponc ' WIl.S one . CIl.uwn II /I d ors ' H jII to • ns can be found iu !lily run rket. Our 8tock ct'Insi t8 of oquro 1Q\·1U. , II g '1 , . ·'0 ·t t U1yll t k Ol"le \I II• dllnllg ' fl'. , In et In \, Obla. WU, 7.60 P m 11 .. 0 a m hut W dll day ~lIght. 0 Silus Rolaind 5 Willi s Ev. llIo. Urt08.:'y b II kW tIel, : m orro\V (Thll rsd l~Y) Ilt 2 o'clock. CroWD ultlt-~,t!ve 0 .40 pili 10 , 4 " m V\r 1 h t ' u 0 III a. uave y S 'y' Ig 1I lUlu ::===~~!!!O!!!O_~~===!!!!!!!!!!! Lopa.port, . rrl... 1!l5r. . III 1..10 r bl . -. , e ate sorry ~o earn . t Il erhart ii.· ' o l l e rendered in the old WilY, IVO III • Bnreau8, Tables, Stands, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Bed-· '.koma, an·I,. 2.oS ~ III !l.>i 6 r m Mill .. ran.k H ul y 18 v~ry til at Gmmmnr,-Hunollh Spray 100, mouuteu the etairs and kuocked j ~ t ttl) 9 , steads, lIattrasses, and, in fact, Everything ~:~:O':;l:~:;~" ~:~::: ~:I ~ ~: h rhome 111 Wabash , IndIana. . ! EYIl Marl a t t , urllh V ett r 75, at t h IEIft.haud d ool'. W w 1'0 _ _ _ __ _ • = __~ in the line of Furniture, from a Ha~nio.. n, arrIve II alia m :I.S pm-Mr. J o~m~: ~uylor. of .Bnltl' K atie pmy 95, EI1IIl1Il Oufftlrtl)5. met hy Jnck, who curd iull.y illviltltl . l' Ml' -M~y 17th. I 75, 1l80~ to tho IUelllllolld, arrl.,e· :l.tIo "01 62u P ID mOl'e, Md., 18 Vlijltl.Ug h . IS futil er" ~\Igebru,-Huutlah 8p\"ny 10 . us to tnko "tho chllil'. " H I/ woveI', Wife of Mr . C. W . Stump. near Obo. Child's Rocking·Chair to a Cllldllb~li. a",lvt'. 9 .00 am 9 .~ p m M W 01 T I h I 8 II I l OO t·. • w. a y or \U t 18 P n c. I pelling.- nOllll t pnly • we ex , .lui ned that it WIIS Uut 0 111' •• full set of . ~:: b~~ ~~II'~e~;:bO~~!:i~~I1Y. All - Mr, ~rael Wright is laying R etta My ~ 75~, I da R ock.40. Evil. d llY shllvo,.tbat we merdy dl'vp- 1 Jl1 (\ t t tll 9 C 9 • olh,. Tr.llI. rUII t\ I\y. uccp' Suoday. tlte 8uperscructure ot' a large w8g· Marlutt 55, Emma Ovllelt, 9. p~u iu tu, ex~fniue Iho now lU eth"d ',~ - ,.' ,.-~ , ~'. .' . ~~ &! . _ .. - . • - . on·8Lll1p uearlJisdwelling. lt ooso. Bluah Vetter 35,EVI\ Archer 4: • nndwonlulik t"h nYoit oxl'lnin ' ,1. IIChH1A8N 7PL~,n.I -:~hIN Hm;:r EllLtl· -I MI)l~~ 1 ~ _ n L L . D • • •noBW K t' S 1 La D ' 1l 7 , . J ,t . 'I. " . ,'8 uy (lUge, 00 "" ..... ,," _ • -Dr. Willil.lmSOn inform81\ Il le prny urn I , "Vol'yw,oll .h, IIld . nck;· ' lulI wlI ,III .• bytheRe... R.Mvnl"llo B,.rIl. , r. PluKI'IPII' HaftiNG (HioJ,sito).-Meet.lng that Mr. N tlhcminh McKi n ey is AUlu,,?o L ucllB 6 , Mary etter ~O. tI ill tht~ r(1~t plll.cQ It uvos II. wily ,r @opb Chf,.ndlrr. of NutroRK.. ~r"",tn 00 • ~. _ _ _ _ '.r dl.,ine worship every FirAt. and FQurw slowly recovering from typhoid ,Johtlllle P e tlC 85, J oh nn,o mtth wi v t) tho big 10 kin' ghiSii. There l ~I., and M!lI8 .uoun~b A. Villi M tor. of Day. beslnnlo/! ,tJ.t 1~ /~ock. Firot.DIlY fe ver. " 1100 A.ddi Dol~on I) , Willie .E~ . iz a go ",I IllUIIY fulks II0W'~IlYtl ~~~ow SI)rl"ge,~ . __ ~== In con nection ,vith the Furnitul" E8tabli8 hme nt wo are propnred lJohool .. U,t:~ oo\ ( · O ~hodox)Meet,. -Mr W J Irvin and ' hi8 I erhar~75, VIII,he .My rsR4~: Wlllu! tlmtdvn' tlikutv Ivok ill th cglu 'l1 t ... t 11 ~ to attend all calls in t.ho I'aJuI» _JR'1'Jl'IG r . ana 4th daughter• Nellie, "of ,Oinoinnati , IDll.ughte r 65 '~. Slla olulI1d • 1\ ' ,,_ • cUm. wonbip overy Fin" S . 6Q.' specis y, tl 111m tl 1\1 t d ;>n t weu r _ I t' h ) t Jack D olton 70, Bumuue Ullth 0 honest C lln telll1llCc8. Tho s ky. . 00 n...y ......naln.. at 11 o·olock. Pint-Day " t d t ' " AOa ,""'" ~, k VI1I1 (' uOl r re a lon8 ere as "fl U d d 75 . llAlRD.-At e_ O.Tholo. W"rreq . M. 0 F gUII<'n SUll d uy. II crwb o·t·.I lo!loolat91·lIoolooTh A. Re ,' lUlDI\" L d k li .. " ht sYdte m du~ aWlly . wi ve n\l Oh',., . Mav • II ' 18"5 ,. . Mr. . EIi.uheth . . Baird. • . B . ClnJaoJl.e ci .r t 1Q w'n' R argeat nnm er 0 leu mol' 8, tl,tlae 011 lelW!~nt r tieution . Y lI lI wilo "f!lr Audftlw lluird, iu her fifty. p~ ~A"': -::l~ i.j "u~ a"·&~""th - Mea rs. I lI~m , ogers, A. J ohnnie Pence 6. 8ee also thut th e clmir is phlChl nint.h year. ~l:: it:' ;.11. . • D. ndwall~~er, IlDd. Jo~n F: Ond· N umbel" of decJ.amati os 23. '~~tly u:luer the fVllr.uy. ix s ky . HLrJS -~" Olinton c".unty. Mll~ mh, OIlJllI1'IAl'I OH'O'BOu-Elder J. ~. DtICld, TWllllad er .VISlted OlllclDDah lust The c heerfnl mann e l' in w!l ict. light. ~o wileD the operatioo 'i8 I:cnr:::'i:M"l~, ~':l QI~I;:~r.'lall!!' tc~ 0 DiTiD. lerTioe .bou,.li'lrLo»ir·d~~ the pnpili! io gvio' on ut night , the patieot Ims I' " '...-_ ...,..,,.,...,.~=~=,.,...,.==_'==~ .ItMtor. 'IIII&-d Lord'Hay in eachaDmon .' hursday. M d M G WI ' ot' thi. 8chool d I pertonu ." ____ ___ _ __ .. Seta )'. t 'lock every Lord'a-dIlY r. au r 1"8. eorge . t Ie exercIses I\R81g ne t lem meri ts I~ wide ra nge t study '~tronomy. Is Your Life Wo .. ,b 10 ('ell,s1. d fi H Ii f II I' r th ~ t '. !ridD;: 0 0 . '. Ebright .!p n~ hyo da.Y8 ~tte~dinf? the bighcst rcgnl"d.~f thei r .tellc h ·r. By dllY be ,*11 wateh t4e whito ; " ickDOS pre" all~ el'e"y wher<. and e"cr.'" \tnvIlIg purchase n no ne w ellrl!O, an n II lIle 0 every s. FUla'r BA.ftI'I'I' ~will) Cbu""h In the MlllHcnl F estl VIII 10 OlDelDnutl l W here so much dtllgeoce l il nlall ' c!vud' eallt1 as .$hlly IIki P like IIhecp hotly " O'''pIAln~ of o.ne dlse"eo durint; Ih ir WaY1le.-8erYl_ OIl \lM _ad Batard.ay Il18t week. ife ted, the dllties f the tenche r ac rose tine blu e mea(low of th o life . W.hon 8Ic.k . Iho obJ 01 "," 0 10 get w II ; \1 aD l OS e s, ..d SnDcla, in tIIIOb mODlb. IIIcler J W ' I' . h b I 'f I . b " now .. ~a.l· ~ I,ulll1 th~t "It persOIl In ' hiB OfbeoD, Put.or. , ~Rev. .ames . ,llUmson . 08 ecome Q p easu\e. ~k1'" be exp nnuL,wo clOg Sll.t· , world tl!hl is ""!fering whh O!8 pr psia..Llver . P~RI' GLUIO ••CoNo. 1118, Patrons of amv"d at IllS home In I owa gOlllg IDA MAY 1::I1'RAY, Teauher. IlItllctory wo P ltl'led d own on tv ~o mfll.I~1 ""d II. ,etfl,~t " .•"t h IlS Inda;rOI" 'tl II tine tl sortn'len t of TI'irn miugs of nil klnd8. W I h B I. d Ob'·Icngo, I ' . . II ' "'U.';I)Bt'Vl·ne,~ . lek Ben~RCht'. 80llr Rt.o· wt 1 • I f' r II b a.,band,,; Ullam.. "'0, If' :teBri l!feet d t lrong a tlmore an C h' t III streel; prolill dlllg to ca agalll milch H('arlbnrn 1>.II'lhli()Dof the H.'arl We s hall ndenvor t 9 d o om' best to tJl ' rlt t Je " "or (I 8 W 0 may' p: ' Odfelloy: 8e fl'om Murfree8buro, N orth aro • a t some future timo . Dil oU' O"@. &0., call. un U8. Weare also. prcpared tv do all kind8 (If • . . , "'OIl ,a 00 ' h' i3 " -k Iioin . H ' . '11 I' I . t , ",lid GlluK a c\.UO"~T F LO W' IL wllh" .. t gUlI ,ngl IoIU"t.hSaturdayof....,hmout ,t oC" u_. ; . . - Mi ~ Laura Sbles hll bt;!eu - . aV lIlg eli a Itte time "Od CUI·C.. if y,. u d oubl cbis . gll .to . , • . la F .. _I .. 8'1'. )h:a"'~ P. Eo QnUlIOD .- C¢l'ller or - .fh e Baud was out 10 Its new Vi8ili llg h e r rel ativ 8 neur X e uin. ~pare, we pi d uVll r to tho coruer! Your I)ruggist, A . I)OLI., "lid g'" i\ SlIU11" UphoZ.tertn , and Picture and Lookin~-G 88. fdolllW&,: . Third ... il H,atnl8tree Dlvla. eervioe wa"On lsat night and serenad d \ "'1 R .... tl' .... t rc 8tn.'\:t;a w 'nul'l. [or \an OIl" '" and t~)'.. lt.. .Ji Ill ar . ~ s.ma..,_hool ..L e '0 .A~ 'n I A 0 0' - l' r. • .......m."" '"' ''' ~ d T 'ft.T I b '~l' ! P,"u 75 eents. T" o do CI "I ll rtHevu )0... . . . l t d d' t h '~M: M~ I'll. ap~n oe..:l . • £1. i.Tt:ft'ol·sun , vi ited fril!llds bero ontl we ,ulln . , ~, t~ es III dlU~ II __ . __ .~___. ___ togethor \Vi~h ull kind8 \If ~ 'pnl~'lng, ":It I lieu. ness no ISpU. c .• • VALUY l'llBn..ft1URl4.N BAl'1't81' Oa. Ne..lI, Nehe anu\h MCKlusey, nnd day lust week. . new fell~ ' Il.CI·O h , lut, frontlll g PItODUCll I\JAitKET, P ersous wi sh ing any at tIc! t Furniture ........,01 Street. llear.Main. Eld:r ~tD. George W. Hamiltou. M .M . ' V D 's Main. The lot, wil er the old htu" _ __ Illte l'uatol' DlTlollftvl ... ont"e.,.. nr· MOl b' SIDa II Ilas t h0 fi u- engaged - . r. urrlil n nil u ' er I b tootl l be ol e ad AJ1 IIAftda.d. . , l>efore the _1l(l8und"1 in eaoh m.... 1"8. a EI ill tbo sewing llIuchi lll! lie. B s up s . lal! en an Oorroctod by Sic o. & Oompany. A Q\ A Ir"-, . Q • ~; ~~ft~~_ _ to·oIGOt. anclOlllM _ lid ..nd flturth est bed of tulipa i ll the place This ' b ' . 'V tV' . . oft lind sown III ~rlliI\! . ~h. Wal es , _ __ ~ ~ ~~. ~ • ..lO cI' 0'1 II . 1 US \llC~8 ttl os Irglola. d '1 . t' b . FI $" n5 - - ,.. at l1li a~ . lady wonl!1 take the premIUm at I .. . c xpl'e9se lnns!,! tl.d Ctllg sorry our, " ,'" W.Y1Ie III HUlie TO.... DAhip Detective & allUost l1uy fair f;>r her annual gol" ~Mr. W d)moo Thompson h~s the old build ing harl heen tak en Wheat, 1 20 ('an bo accomm odatcd on IlI'rt notice by a nrllt·elllss W rkmno. 'rot.ecti'te all ~ep.Sd I, bill It .n very neat fence urvnnd hIe ,'.way. , l hl to . R ye, G5 cia,. III ••cbOompany month, atmeete t 0'0100.. m.8.tuBr·y g·e ous d I'splay of tb""e "" r:t".ners ' I' n . p ow ho hnd. no 1)lnce ~ Wfl \mrl'!lnt all work to ~IVO Suti8fnetil)n. . .I'der of tb~ CotnP DT' L. Hart.aock, Pres· -Judge Keya is teari/lg d own jPI:eulIscs. . hi~e old boou, IIllts, ttn 'CU IIS, honp. ConI , 50 @ 61 i0" Prompt att ention ~ald to culls at all h onrs, (lithel' at th~ Store; w..•. R . P . QIIUM,8eCTetary. hi8 cl\biu et warerooms, and p~. 1 . -~1r. J\llUes W .• G,bney ~la8 skJl·t8cte. IOat s, " 5f)@ 60 or at Mr. W eer's ill Oorwln. 51a 8m ---:£- ~ paring to ereet R new and haud · , th~ tteket agonc?" 10 con ncctlOu -;-Whu is tbe (D1l.1I that I!aytl Flax Seed, , 1 60 ~--Ma. JONATBAN JONES, of Sooth some sIrnetnEO fur his t'u.r nitm·e I wl,tb· tel~raWy. 11\ .the Pe~dl eton putlltO.bIlE;8 are not proof ugl1iust l Barley, 1 25 t@ 1 ~~ Cedar, has probablydonemorethall and undertakiDg trade Good. !offiee; r. hlte Will remaIU here Il three·tilElt fl'eez~ ? Mr. WID Alaey l P otlltoeB , 1 20 I Large~ aP18ingleilldividllalin the county, Th f d t permanently. reports thorn in his patch by th e ' Clover S ee d · 7 ~5 j . &0. relie.ve the d.estitution. of bis t'o;;exteF::d:ye:v~ni~gea~~a ~:s:: ~Mrs. E. J . K~ys received Iln· IlOudreda.. On one hill , which hau II Timoihy Seed, . 4 ~O ~ 0, Jewelry, btllgltbore. DllrlDg the WlDter, he A . L 1 A • F d loth er lot of cl1olco fi ower8 last prouted Just three lell.ves "'e , Caunel oal, dehvered, J8 made. trip to !aill old home if! Ohio, M:D1~e AfcO~ma~~~Mes~~:W8}~~r ,weele. Go aDd 8ce the m. cOII~ted three buge, oue ~POI~ each Youg~iogC'IiY,:: 20 FOB MAY. wberehe ~eutedth?clalms.of Daf~ Gool' eBail and Aaron --Born, W ednesdny, Muy 5th. lent. HOllcst1y,. we beheve theY I HocklD~Valle~, 16; hi. nnfortunate felIo.~ e.lttzen8~ wlt.h MI·lls.' g y, 11875 , a dnughter to the wife of B . roUe lip with tl~o sprouts. T.o get Perry County COlli, 16; SONGS AND OHORUSES. b d. ted 10 Mh 'S i barre, I 9. 00 8eau,tilul W"VOI' of t.lte Bell. Stcl¥nrt. HOI 8 1 .uc reso its asarel!llca ' Mj Rah' R Eb'lt '11 IKilbon . l'illuft1te inlernalpesttl, stil' one I, S at,per 40';'~5Darling,ftI8t l'OILrbll"'lnmille; Looni;1I0 .., .port below. It 18 due to r. 88 ~ Ie.. . rig} W1 : . .... s poonfolof Parla greeD into f'our ' Wool., 'W ~ Don"fOl'1JCtme, Ma:a:; P.""y; IlO I ~"Q~flQ ~ Jonee to atate that he .weut ~8st of tlad.uati at. Mljml 0~:8erTrtory of. To S UNDAl"·8onoor. W ORKERS.- gallon8 of water, 8prinkle two or ', TurDlp8, 8 ~g ?i'd:::.?i':t; ~~:o? ~::~; ~, ~ Ii, own accord, bearmg 1118 own OSIC, elllR. lln~ . . Ie co~. William Allison. of Xenia, Ohair· three time8 over iu two week8, and Applell, barrel, J immie Brow", tho P.par BOYi Hny~, !I,~" L~~ .apeneea, and ~at 80 far 88 wo menee~eut . onrclses wll)' m~e man of the Execnti ve Oommittee 8ee if it don't do the bU8ine8s: \180 ' HCJg8, •. 7 00 Jennie. the Elo....er of tho Doll; I1><Y8, :l.'i y ~_ a. P. dn learn, he ~a8. h ODorably aDd pla?e d~n Olty Htill, a/ld ull ale of th e State SllodR.y·Scltool Union, a wateriD@' cnn with no,.zle made •• -- ~o~::h?';~!!.~~~:; ::fn~ar' Ali J".I reoel~ed at ~ IIltiefactorily dl8trlbuted th~ SUp· tDv!te . Iand others, will addre8s the citizens on pnrpo8~. 1'0 work ju~t right it W"1nelllvllle IU llrllel.. OIlI")"S DyiDg Hymn. Sop; or te n· U5 \Q1USPIN BRO. 'S, Wa'n..... l1l., 0. plies to the needy. He W~SID tlte -Mr. Ed . E. Janney .has suf· of Warren Oouuty, in the interest shollld be perforated with fine Butter · 25 or. 86; a\toor b"",311. GIllnnetti. . ti"' last M.,onday, p. urc. has.lOg 6 0111' fered from ague ever. 8111ca last ot SundaY'8chools next SUlI(lay, holes, not to m-ny, or the J'et8 will Lal·d.. 15 IMy dear Suoet""; QUarreIiDg duet.LecocQ,8Ii'I Can and look at our Goods I .~ groceries tior d Istrl b 11t Ion. H e Ilarvest, b ly un d .May 23, 1875, at tho M. E . Ohnrch miugle toQ;ethe~, .. causing . E ght'll 12 Tho )lBidcqne; ..'e M18t1lkej . and u. ~oro t P!lrs,st~ut it to drabMy Littlu Percy; Arletta, Glower,. 30 H? __ ._____ .. ___ _ _ _ anthorir.ea us to 81lY. that whut he severely W1UIIO a 8hort ~lloe PIlSt. in Lebanon, at '3; 1'. M. A general ble. .. Apples , 75 Put the right man at the .heel; HaT., l~, lIA~'Ii'mUt ~ bOW baa on band, WIll be roserved We hope be maY800n discover an attendance of all interested i8 de. -Tho Orthodox Frilltld8 are Ohee e 18 Slecp.tholllovedono; IJ8ronadl'; Gluver; 00 ~ ~~~ ts ' t HaUlS, 14 The \y.nd ~itingHeart, I'onoertlOllg.Torry, /I08() 1iO ; for e:atreme cases o.f wan. e ffiec t \UI. I rem ady. :8ired. MARTIN A . JUlE80N. '. collecting mnterial for a new b r i c k . , Sweet Lo ..- lullaby. Glo""r. REPORT. -Weer & W oolley have bonght .. • • Ohurch to be bailt on lite 8ide of Dried Deef, 2 2 @ 25 Siog me to Bloop. )luther, Stewart. 1101 . " . . .vod from frle.d,ln Wal'E8q. EdwArd8' eotire stock or SlldReligious. the old ono which ..bey will begin ___ ~__ 5 _ _ _ _. Tbi~~ID/! of Thee. b.. llad'o~~·r' lIO CARRIAOE ANn WAOO!! Bon.o.., reD OOUD', Obio. • 283 (\(\ dl d . t d t t' I -- . ' . b "'" f ' 't WlUtinl!'. Love. lor Thoo, • Ie. . to tear down lilt e uv~rse 0 e lg I ~t. ~\'k When Iitilo MlUllle Died, H ..y~. 1I5 A~D R EPAlRIUUI, J)ftftfrom B. F. Zell. Lorall Co., O. 211 00 ery, an III en 0 con .JUue t 1e .. . .. u .. .. 78 88 Saddle and Harness bU8IDes8 at ,,"",-The Twelfth Anllual Conven· or ten days. · Thay wIll . probably flU INSTRU MENTAL. .. Of .. " .. 1!1j7 ~ the old 8t1lnd, 8ign of the Bee Hive. , tlOn of tho. Wnl"l·.en County Sondny hold moeting In the se, hool bOl18e . BY DREf8LEB. Two buret. -a aom; two berrel. meat , O i ve them a call. Sohool U own, Will be held at tbe until the new olle is fini8hed. ~,~~~~, ~~ Waltz f M Allgot.', Daught.or ODe barrel aDd ona anck be... 8 : oue box ; M E eh h S ring boro Thurs R . Ul .u th Co dit rom mo . . ,, ' ........ .-d; oDeamall boxchildroD . buell. -Our fl'iend Josoph J. Browl/e d' • d Fr~d' PM 26' d 28' - Author Ma4den has formed a Gftlop:::: .: ' " The largest portion of the above writos to U8 from Philadelphill as ';Y 8 l"I grlat{b o'c'~!ck an ' pnrtnot'!\bip i the law ~nsine88 01 The W'al/neapille N(lti01~(t" l tm;e~: the V"Uoy. nooturne, Mflylath•. b.. been need lD eupplyi!f, the ur· tollows: "Without flnttery I mU8t ! sem II • • ..' with R. E. Doan, of WiholOgton. BfEnk, at lVayneslJiUe, in the Alloe-P"I~I1, WiCIJ1lDd, __ , W'I .. fl'118 ne y ~~Jg . I1· say th Il t tl 16 G " • con t aIDS . , N otwithiltanding prem tore N. • ~i."t· an, d .H a~ry .... 1 • , a t t' mOl'Olla .......011. 1 Ion, ,eot neee88ltlee.o (J2f)",,/J --J. B.. L'il rn~v. ota~e l!f,""' 0 (IZO ne Ct08f) q,'''"'IFalr1 Featlval. DV wAONsn. bon with aced feed and provlslon8. more news to tile 8qu8re Inoh thaD tpotLIl to the contrary it ~8 an io- Randall broua t 10 a mce 8trlng b u .8tne88, M ay 1at, 1875. _ W.. 11.2 erolr. Girufio-Olrolla, 1'1ODl. to .o.JamUiea have been any other local papeT I know of." . disputable fact that the geDtle of bas8 Thl~red,y, evening" RESOUROES. Maroh :: ',: 31! . lapplied. He .till haa · a ~rtiun -Mr. T. Sweet hU8 just receiv. : potato·bug has ugain made hi8 ' -Richard Jeslop enthu8iastic· LoIIII. and diAcnunt&, , fll7.078 75 ~:~p u r r l " 60 the fUDd. on. hand ·that Will be ed the largeilt stock of plaot8 that appearaDce, coming lip out of hi8 ally rushed out of town on Sixth· u .s . Bond. to oeoure ol""nl~ . !J8.000 00 Fawfioor'. )[....roh. WI~n~, ,. 110 Are prep.....d 10 du 11 ..."'01. . . .ork la a1l' .eed for the same purpoile aa the 8be has had for the season. The ' C08Y retreat in the soil 8imoltauo- day morning,' bound for the creek, U. B. Bona.. on band •. "'lQo. ~ Clooe the 8bedhnt~ .... Pa' hWI~UOl Dead. 31! 1bl'11llcbel!lf tho buill .... . . t y e!D.b races rex b ' • . 0 ft l Duo from other Nl1tional B , 111.620 Tranfl'rI , 0 er, 30 N BW WOaK o. fun FOB S.u.a. wan •..- 0 f th e D eed y 8eem to de . v.ane egonllLs, va- I\ ollsly WIth t I1e ten d er ville 1e " 8WlllgIDg 8, Iong reed poI e 'ID one Real ••tate. furniture & #btU.... 1,986 ow 6ft RoIJ8 Bower Redo;'a, Klnkel, Holton R ecorder. rlegated IVIes, cOleu8es. rosC8, ger· potuto. What · a docile and faith· haud and I,n old oyater can full of Oun...t eJ<p8lUlolaod tax"" p.ld IIt900 Florence W.lta, Nonol. 40 _A ~pr_L1_7_lh_._ _ __ _ __ _ __ •• allil1ms, heliotropes, verbena8 j all fullittleeompanioo it i8 to be sure I bate io the other. Seeing bim re- Premium. paid. G,OIIO 00 "'~""~"'~"~~, Oblto....,. fresh and attractive plants. Oall and how plluctual in 'its arrival j turn late in the evening, d~~ing ~l~:fe:!::'N:t'l:~ll~:,'k, l.~ ~ I NOW R.EADY, -. and see them. I bidding defiance to the 8everest of hi8 pol.e withont a fi8h, it remlDded Fne. 01W'OU1- (Iooludlng nioko\e) 221 58 . NOl. 1,2, a."nd 6, Pet.on' Houaohnld Melo; ___________ ALIa. S~... was born 10 Fayette _ Mr. George M. Zen was in the . winter~, and ignoring the. exis~ence 08 o~ the old addage, "fi8herman '8. =~~=d~~ 1I~~ld Troaa. lIOtee) gg I !!~i"i!f~.;:o5c:::;~O;.&~;:; Ob:'~. Tbe unde ... lgoed bep eo «MIDty, OhIO, Jnl~e 2d, 1857. On cit yesterday bllying additional i of Par,s green or the IUfnrlated luck etc. Ah, well. _ _ _ 9S, ew , by tho oo~t l¥rlt.o~.. . . . . the publlo g nerally. ,hat he baa tbe 9.1al of. Apnl, 1874, she was 8upYpliee for hi8 fnrniture wareroom heel8 of eXllBperatod gardeners. All -Mr. N. F. Haflan will offer TOTAL, ,91.!!311 87 . NOlO. 1, 2. S. 4, and Ii, Poter. Pft ~lor MUIIO. JI:I. oponed . now Mea' M.rhhl tn &but -led to William Beare Bnd mo- Hi8 8tock i8 excellent, embraCing ,a. , h'l . d 08 t' . • WI' th th e' SIX · buggtes . S a· t LIABILITIES . oQn~ ell.h. Every number oon· old of Leak & \)1I.. oa8. W ......,,. at, 111 rl?08 lDBec. at . blie sa1 e on " I Prlco ttli..R 50 oeTOral aelect 1'i60011 by Kinkel, kecp' tand conll.ntly 011 band . V·ok> bWa.rrehn rOoMIlDtYl' 187" h most inviting assortment of easy healthy nppetlte. urday at 1 0'0 ok, on the 8treet. 0o·plttl1a!H~l~d in ~.~: gg l Paoher. Beaht. etc. . ole,t 0 arc I, ",Be h' bedt ' tabl ell, tberall Bank vIe nol.oA pro llte • Lt. Ore1De la Oreme. Prioo THEVERY BEST takeD with iDflammation of CalI'S, 8,end 8, mirrors, W h : cd al . - The cr'y 0 fr·,·e-6· Iii 1 ·8· h'l as t NatioDal ontetllndJog 14.000 00 NOB 110 1 to....17ellllh EnrydenumberccmtalnB ILt . ..... I H er 8u t otc etc. llr. Zell is determined e Bve recelv sever COpIes Wednesday morning1:llu8ed a gen· Individual depo.i~ Bub. to'oheck 14.239 75 lea:~'2 _orti.. of ctlltl8lo IIIId eeleotPlano ,tomacb bowe s. h b - to ;tabli8h a trade, and we wish , of a new democratic pa.p er, the.Oo· eral rush to the atreet. Every eertifloato. of 11 .080 68 lIu.io. • . and ...UI ..... ,.ero InteDse l bllt 8 et'I ore h"1m success. . Ilumbu8" Herald' and find It. a bod y 8eemed d eI'ghted ",'th the Oulll.r. obecks outsta.ndmg 9,208 05 1.AJlY of the above hMailed.ked po.t.pBld. on 1'6' 'I . • l1:liI I . -rI Ulem with great patience Iln I on . well.prlllted 801mated sheet ",blch f th . '918U3 Clelpt ot t e m ftr p 00. I be k ... &L 19tb of Mayv death came to her -Me881'S. George W. Sides & 1 t Id tl'" k I t t ' d opportnm "V procllre 80me 0 e . • .Add reM J . L. PETERS, tho eounlr1.IIlJJd.: antl all ..II ..... Mle • , ~._ h . I h' b' I we 8 IOU IIU oug I 0 succee . 'brain. ~,• Butd al881d STATJII OP OUlO, OOUNTY OF WAIIRKN,II8. 1143 Broadwli,. N. Y. P. O. Box M2Il. Nliel. 1'be day before ber ...t , Co. are dotng a 8 as 109 Ulilness It i8 a g(lod paper and ' we can I .Jo"r. EVANS OlOlhtel' of tho nbove'NAN D N lOB .belDg ..ked by a friend · if ahe in both the Western and Ellcelsior , recommend it to a~y who desire n those who oom~l D.~ed Bftnk. do ~\omnly allirm th.t the I E S B WALTON C LEA , • thoaibt abe would get well she re- Oultiyators both of which are I fi tl State C •tal T to wero 8POl . •boye .tfttemeni I• .trne. 110 tbe bettt of my • • . . ' . .' ,-U_that abe did not bllt if warranted perfect 8ati8fac· and .• edfi • e ,do tlle 19oof Itno ..ledjre and EVANS, Cft,hler. I A TTO R.N EY AT .L. A W, FIVIlI SUG.:.ICUBEDIO' RAIlS. abe did not, .11 would be nght. tiOIl, and IIld1vldual preforence8 ' . • • Bh. men y se SublOrlbad-u.d afBrmed to belon me. thill. LEB~1'I0~, OHIO. AD __ _ ' 8be 1 ... a eompanion, mother, onll' rendering one 8llperio~ to th" Frost la8t Saturday .and Sunday ~poalEl4 we sugg~8t, Jatb .ay-otMarc 187a. . OjJice, 68 Broad.way. t.oeberf"ibd ,i• . , . aod & num~r other. AnY 'of oor rnrmerslD want night8. If they tradeb~lth OOR1lE~*::" EYS, ~ol.ar)' Publlo. wm "..olice' lo the JueLlce Oourtl of whol. or b,. ,he .lIee. 01.,•••• -.II. cI l'elati .. aod f'rienda to of tbOle o~eary implemeots l •• ". ••• thi8 oommuni rlOg S. 8. HAIf,iES, J w.J8I! .. me. at Ih0 hot1t'M nUllre h y tel.· JEHU ULLIN laC! ber).)ea> bat ear 1011 ia ber ,hoold at onoe go and see tbeee Graduating exercises in tbe Hall flah that have more ['IIi.\I. ) 8. W. ROGERS. ' Dinetora. .... 10 or ponal u~. and .\nth~ .. ;o~ '~~' Marcl,17. d SaA.. OultiyMoI'I at Bid.' warehouse. Ion Friday e\·eDing. IthAn three Nuon... "ON4~ JANNEY. p.ld aU ..rD'·!8in .~ne~. f o ':
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Tbe Ductor returning home on a . .. tlummtlr'lI e,-e,uog, Willi Ulct by jx I youug stw1cu~ who io i tOO II I ro-. TeaueeMe. shoal\! prcacll them 11 acrwon from a text of tbeir own cbOO8ing. The -AliI)---! lIUT8VlLLE, BLoun Co. ~ Doc r rel.Qonstmt,ud in vain as no E..urr TUNEua". excuse was alluw ·d. Having Dndertamg Establishment .May 1, 1 'i~. cended the huuorable ~taud •. a hulI/tl, Gae~t'B :-The recent Po. low tree, tbe Doctor pr eeded as --~~ lar wave', 8il it i8 pocticull v termed fullow : bere, did not ellcape us l'vi· w bad I am a little man, come ou a f'~ft M ~~Ii Ii Two 00IIia . . Year....le,.
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(rom an unwurtby pulpit. Ai t xt is Mult, to divide it into Sy llllltlcd I cannot, bing only OUO, 11 r into words . beiug. .out .olle. I mil t of
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..... lIrA aL.
Condnctin.! ~ !i~! Pro W 8. take pleasure in s8yiitgr- to the .IlJIlU01l8 Pr.tleldl ill Europe, the pubhc, and the Farmers espeol-ally w. 1Jnt1-. the Dominioll of .' \ :: : ~ ~ :-; : ~ ~ ~ ; ~ that ~~e~:r!'B&Ue 'I we are . ~etter than .ever Dre- -I~ !l'f-!'~,=~~!",~~ ~ f'!! ~ ADVICE CIVEN BY MAIL 'pared to furnish them With ~~¢!~~~$f<jg ~ I :u
there will be r.!acbea; Bnd we. a~ MAL T. .M I"r mil terol, A fl>r A~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Gi8ured that t lere never 1m bee" ,11.11 of YOII, L for listen,1 to my 1 ::= ;~~ I' a1earwheuthl'ro WIU! nofrllit iCli text. Lit l:!l'ally the thing Bpoktlu -AND. -0 the cO\.lutry. Tho e11l'1iCI' bloom of' ()I' is Mult. Alh:guricBlly th tbing . ~.. .... ~ PRE. 0 .. CHARC •• the stl'Bwberry WilS killed, bnt tbe Inonnt id the jllioo uf Malt, which I V ~. .~ ~ ~ &: ... •• _n~fI"....tld._ ... - . 4~ - . . • glater bloBtioms pllshed l'vrward, ami YOIl oontnbs IlIl1k e your dl1il'y h Oll t. t1 . ! 'J ~~ Ba 4.u1J1r tbe _ ""... "(T-I - I J or 411.\100 _ AU f _ .,.... '!J now tbe beds lire (;ovcrcd with lurge Mto rlllaBtel's. A l'u1'lIlIul YIIU,L / '. . . ~ : ;iO ~b' ~i':Q~S'e!S"1 ~i' .felJ7 . - wltb _ _ .... -ltfIlr aDd lu ciou bCl'ries J'U8t rillenillg l fur leavo off T ippling liS tho or. tlf till khllh. WIth!, ",cll.apl'olD~ Hea,,,,,, '< I if =,,:; 'Li ~~e: ~ .-... Of . . _ . oru.e. ... .ocwo b7 tIJo','I. n..c...~"" ........ bit _ _ _ D Ik '. . nn ('Xpefl~n"od A..... eont... lid ", til ~ kno .... ' ;. if .. a ~ 10 ' 1' D'''' Ii ~ .:' ~ ~ TIll loa« an til IIIIoodIIIa - . . ,0rAo~~:~:~~ \i~l\tlllU~ n~~~~I\nck . F~~\u ~r.?" ~~'~II~~~ S~:(:~lIl~~~~ ! :~~oi, b'e~::'.~:: ~~.,~:,'d.o.h~i':~'~~~~ ~ ~ ~ IS • £ Q ! ....... . '"*- _ NqC1IrotJ ... _ _ ward state in thid 'Switzerland of' the world to COUll!. III tho til·tlt ~o,'t ,l,a he w,lI be ".1.01 Lv !r,ve eoll.r 0 • .. t.. ~t';:~. ,.. ~ p\a/D q.-l6Do. .. Ill ell WIll _ . , . I I I 11 . . d" . 1 .fl ·'ion. by ClolltlllC tlllg Fllne,,,ls w,th do"tI. 1"':;" OJ '" ~ I ·I 1 A merlcn.; and Its worn·ont lilrms p ace SIll. notice It~ Ire/ul et- celloy ftnd orde<. iII() ~ g ~:I. ~ ~ _ by mall -'or., t l a l _ . _ witb their bllre fields /lnu gelleral Itects in this wurhl. 111 /jollle. :" 1 - - INSUlCANCE! ~ ~~ :z 't ..... .,-of~_.. _ . . CIIIII_... OUOboo........ _ 'Ited ••- ' ' ' ' ' look of negligence, lIro ubundll.nt, murder; in Bome, A adultery. L , • • ~• ::: UUo ph),II"'... 01 tile _1m_I., _ _ Roilltion of crops and fert. I·lir." ill all licentiousn ess ' in IIll1ny T I TATl I" n,n • h . II" .S(·K 11 p.~.nTMuT.! 1 ::1!,,"!,,"~;; !lC:-> :. ?> / " . ~:;: I • ,.. . TI f' I" . ' OOLUMBI'~ . Feltrlltlr\' 12. I ·lv. I ~ 58;~~~ :g8'5~ . .c. "':: ~.::.:":....":~::.=tK_ ! amoDg tlbp appear to hnvo bcoo all 1It1- treaso n. Ie uw u cHects ID the WII~n "'8 . The RAILWAY PAB9!!N I :;;l "!' I? ?:o koown systelUol'llgricultnredlll'ing wodd to como are, M misery, L ! GERS ASSURANCE COMPANY ~ t'" ' s : : : : : : l ' ;~ " - n.,. m. D_ 11'OOTE. the reigu vI' s luvery and a truo lamel'itlltion, 'f t rmollt. NlIw.M ~OC"lutlllt Hurt.ford ~tI the It\~ of l!ODIII'CI: ~ ; . __ : .. ___ . ___ _._. __ ~ __.. ~ 0' BoK '.8, New 1(0..... 1 T .. ·il '1 1 . . te A II I' .L I ,rul.II"8 tiled III lin. om e R ownll, . tate · t"" ~J1neseee. IImner Btl tl S the BOIl ~tLS rB, a 0 YUll, carll. to, melll. by the llroper office« tllftrcor.• ho .... lng t'"' ~ ~;>: bO ~ ::e - ACINT8 WANTED•• wltb the tllne· hollored bull tongue I .tnrn fr ro your ways. HavlIlg .its con~IUoo and .bU8ill ••••• nll.l!". ~,. tI ,p ll,d Cii t;; c:S!r. 8 ~ g :t. ~ A(~I(I(~ ( ' I : r( ; I{ . \I ~ plow, und year after year plauts bl'lotiy opened the toxt, I shall \lOW IU . II ro peclS Willi thr I tI"~ 01 11118 Stt\lc. O?- 'I' ,,!"?' ~ .S DtI. r _ .. ,bot aatIIor 0' "JlanCIAL CoIr. · . I I d 'tl , t" d . . rel",ln" tu In. url\DC ' Oompun,ee In~o rp ,"". Z iii '" ""''' 8 _ " • booIt lbat - - . arcuJodoQ I \ II JLE\ 11'~ "rs t b e Bailie ti e Id III corn, wheat 1>1'1couc 11 C WI I tIC all' e .Cl'lptlOll t<l<l h,v olhor 'la108 of tlto United ~ ttlto .; - I ~ ~. !! ~ ., ..... 1eO.000 copIoo : aIoo, of "hAD! U.,.. oats. The natural soil, however, of a drllnkard. Now. Iher.fore. 111 p"r5ua"c" 0 1' low, [ rJJ I ,,_ - - - - --- T...,.," - , pub/I.bod. .. blell ......It! appears BtroD~ aDd good lind where A dl'llllkard is the Bpoil of civil. I IW1 LLIAM F . Cli U[{ H. Su rerinl cuUeot uf .: : ::; •., ,:"",.:. 00"" _ ... ", i<::: til lb. _ 0 1 '10,000 00,1 : 1110.01 _ _ _ _ '. I. , n ~u ." "cc of th ~ Stllte 01 Oh,o. do hrroh,· ~ I " I~ .. ;';";':' '' · · P :.;,. "-:':' ,. •• 1Jl1IroIn.".bloll .. b"" boI,.. ""llIloIMd 1,,-a proper metlOd of farullng hilS Ity,tlwllllnoyancoof lUodesty,the ,·ertify lt.ut ... ld Oomp.nyi. aothori"odto It o_",,$~~c<ii:!:iot. ~ OO........ TULD I ~ell adopted, are fOllod InxlI\'illllt ; wt~rld'~ scoff, his wilo's sorrow, hi s : Ir"!l~''''1 lIs ap.propriKto Imsi ll •• ' "" INS U.R ~ I ~ ;0 • • • • 'l';:> Ie'?? ~ 0( l1li. """"PIIIIC tile II.nt.m... tIooo<t Cwlllell fields of wheat and clovl.lr , 1\110 tltc' , clllldl'l.lu's trol)blo, Al\\,;E III IIl1s Stale. In tlecM~I: "1CC wltll -0' I ""_. S • - - - E! S • ~ 3 \ II - or pr11l\)...w be ..nl IHo on .J>I~1oatJoo . , the dovil 1:1 sel'- II"w. durIng the ou,'r lit yeor. I ho <olldl. . . .. " . . co ott_ Dr. FOOft, .. tile IllM11Jl1 hw... ),oung corn bas the dUl'k gn'cn h,uk 'Vtlllt, thu brewer s agent, the tuv ern li oll lind l,uBines. of uid Compan v \I, e. m. !?· I ;" _~ • \atOlllpaa1....... allloo... 129 _ l 8 t h _ 10 pltllJ.8ing to tue rIlI>dOI t'arwel"s ' kcoper'tI benet'llctor, rcligioll's wor>!t , her 3181. I 74. i. 8ho .. n • • follow" : ~ I;: rl ~; ~ ~ !'!-:-:' I'" :!""~ ~ ::""":;j'':~': ! eye. enclllY, a wnlking swill bow I. tho Al(greWI le ~mounl ofav.ilahle ~' I ~ :/, ,- "'I •t; l!,;o ~ be au.-I. Tbot beslDnbJp of IIIIaII "",__ , ...,.~nrel"rg.nnd tl t' b 1· ·lctlll·"ol·al."u-t al'l dtlo t A·.< l o '47 i . 85 169 , .... '1;'I' be"' _ _ ID-n'--Dr.POOT&'ll·-·~· 1 For......... b.. ." c k" f 10 1111 ol'}f u u<l .. ' . . I lUolIS er Ag~r"ltate Ilmou,lt of Li~hi1iti'8. <;:: , "r fi''I';:> 3:3 9 3 3 !~ 5 .. ~ H.;;;-;..... ~ II ~ g.ood ,em raclllg 011. so ovol'y va· · o 1\ mill!. ( escep~ c Bpillll) , including~ . ~ lOad.1ti, ODd "8c1uca .. 810ft" II rlet'y,theblackoak~red o lU i nl\ting l Tbeyouugmenp!cl\sedwithtlte h}.;"~~"ce 4'U,2 . ' H o O " ' " _ _ . __ -_ ..:::--"",,,UUotlllql'ol'tbeJOUOIl. 1leD4foroo_ ' · k d I I I. Ii d ' d dl n elAelle" 4:'5:!26Ii~1 _ . Tb.'....... O&IfIWWe I - b Ie ury an su~ar. lUll ~!1 t Ie I ~e~IIJl)IJ, tulUl 'O • tIe octf'I', au ·. ,\ m'l netuRI plli<l.up Cap; ",I, 300.0011 00 ' .1II1lI1I_ of ~_OQ.I blab led_uti potJ. I poorer land. Ilre luund large grl>ves saId they had profited 1Il0rll by that Surplus 136.:;26 !i9 . 10 moo_.4oIklaoJ._tuklDwohbelrph,..l_ I of ,nine. . II short " whimsical sermon than !Lily "'~OUDI of Incomo for the year 13:) 711 60 . Rfal~m C!f TIlere .. " .. blag til Illerat",.. at III lin eltller I In Clllh I) PO,I r of tbe fo~nc work.. "8cnJnfO&" SToaT" I ~~t Tennessee is largely miner · Ithey. had Ilvel' heard before. Amoll"t I;f Eapenditures for tbo . Ii iii ~. ..., OI1lf be bad of """ta or of tIIo l'IIblIM. . ' allO Its cbaracler, Ooall1nd iron • • year in cuh [~O Ill; 79 - Y'U<-PLAII' 1I0Kg TALK" It rublltbed t. botb "in inexhaustible qualltiti08 are l Toe GIRL TU FUfD.-The true \.n~· ilnes8 ..hercof.lhue herunt'o.ub SHOltTEST ANt) qLI ~.KE8T ..lub."dG ...... D~ ••• O_m.... ~ d"11\ COlltlgUOIlS Sl:ctl~IIS. . 1:" rl I Ias t 0 b'0 soug I n ftc I'. 81 \0 .o<'hed mI' name, I\nd caU$et' !':c.1 of ROU'I'L', '1'0 • ~D't_ ~-.aa.t.d. ,OUII J\ oox· gl nil oRic" i" be affixed tho ldRIhe I' alld year 1,;. &IID~ A8 ~VJL ,. ill e, sixteen milcs distu.llt lind cloeR not plIl'ude IIer.IlM in IIhow a' o,'e wrillen. •" \SnINGTON c\ BALTtM RE Chllttanooga, lIimty miles t~ tue I goods. .t:lbe !S IllIt . fashionable. [e ....~J w:_f' ~ OII~ ROH , .~ ur·t. _ i 'rhe I>'UII lu nd OIIl"-IIl~!. I - !! Bontu,west. rival citlct', h ,Ih lying Gl:llcl'al1y 1IIIa \8 not I·Ich . But, ol!! And m.ailr ' , ]Jo.~t ·pa id 01) ree"i l ou the E. 1·uun. alld V Il. R.R., and \~' hat a. hcurt she 'hus wholl yo u OONDENSb:n TAn L E. "rr\\tO ' Q TII.IINB. · of tho m(f,/'~'/Jd p;'iull. P I both looki ng to th e 'incinllati 1tlud her 1 S lurgo. p\ll'~ !\nd WUll'l ' ~ ,,:o.uld rc"lleCllully u~1I lhe al,?~li('" of Piec•• u.... ked • hA"C IlI uB lrtlIOtlliLiepag •• 1 Southern (I>rnn outl·t tu Ibcuol'th· flol)!. When yuu Bee It you won" th, Clllu"s of W"yne.\'Illo n"d v,clOlly to \'IA I'AnKER ' HI n ' ; M,\Y ', I'~ ~~L~ITlUO:aB art' "ieing with cllch other 101' 1der if tho,,? sho\vy.th ings out woro : F:;~I~o~~?~\~~e~rdl!~~~~~nk~: '{~;;"': W~iI:i;:f _ _ ._ ..__F_".:. .~~~._"st. ";': ~: ~~r ~I ' :': :~ :;:R :i~~~n~i;1I Ihu Tomlt-E~.ter6P I the houor of being th c J> i tl sbl\r~ til' womell. 11- YUI1 gaIn hOI' luvc your ono I'or L.~ic" OO@(llme~ .l1 l1.1 Oli O ror llu, ,,' 0 ,ilv . J ~ l1 .· . *8 wlnp ":{ 0" nl' On".~ .. Q_~. -~-rl " _Io .. Jo:·.. _Io. '1'1... tormor city I.. ~., Ii two thonsulldtl are millions. Sho'Il 'I " '1<[ YOlllh.· OIotbing oxcln.;'ei·" . LYb Cillchlllntl 9 ,.:, Am 9 !'\) I'll , Rllli Chlll'II!: TIt" III"': ·10 of over t .} 000 Bot ILI!k YOII for a cnrria"l! UI' U first- 1 liD' prep"r~d to out .,,,I .""'KC cl...,hln,: A~~·R:~,I~:;I:;:~;i. ~, 13 Pili. 1 10 A'" l wh", ~ i•.\lv I..,., d On To Nigh' ~ I l:itJuulat,ioll r .. . ." nllJre' I . , '" . fur ~O.I·' '\lid Youtb, from th" rlAte; . 1.0 '0 5 r~ ,. 1I'!lIl " ' 01111 '"" ehUt u. ; U" 7' ; ' 3ft \ BUCIfrE.~ 1i~', th\1n ono.halt belllg lIurthcrn nco c lass lOUSe. he.1L we;II' Simple I fllm,.h I'''t~ro. r,'01tl ~oth pIa ....... n ......I. "M. ri< II" i! " t() "", l-h/$' rln l'klce •. ·iIlS I l'\ ~ ~lIng I y Ollrl ~ -t .JI2A ~ I '!' ~ ~ pie who have located there 8illce d"rc..'llses lIod tlll'U t.hctll when 1I0e- ing!y I..... "decs "lid w'lh. o. . clne<e. "l'lI rkeM!burg ~ :.0 .. -!i ; 1\ " ), " ,!," dr ; Ua," : 35 • I I te I B ·tt I 'fi 1 b'Hlk fll I fllr tho very " ~e'·',1 p.,' .... nlgu 1 Arr. Ornft(llt , 15 " 9 :0 " .\" ,. 1,;. brfcl: .OUllc: .ong . . I.',... rt. :111 t 10 a unp ellsnlltllCSS! nud man. C::I ~ry, WI I 110 vu gal' ru~1I1 cate bAl'O",cd.ed. I u•• lrel\ c(lDtlnU>tt,ce (}r ' " ~ .. O.,kland II 24 ., I I .1~ : : · Wh " "; i\v 'r L"ck. 1I " \lI ~e~ th o (l lIld :~ . , P".k III f,U ·1:1 .. , ~ 0.1, .0."1( : (AIl, wOr to Slhor~ 3!;' urac.tories of varloo\! kindtl m'c tu lI'uwn UpOIl bor eoclJlomy. She'll BlLme. and "ill guar,,"tee work ,I '",' neJlU.. "J)"cr •. Oumlwrlalld b m .. 0 P 11 .,,,1 I cho-,,~ \ I J I d ,II.:O l,ngl,." I nm .n ANN A g . M Il.l!:l. jugillg jlltl> exitltence like.magic. kecp ckvel.ythlillg nellt .and nice ill aIlM " Bl\rper', F',. 6 Oil .. IrC.I < , mOil); t ' 0 • 'old;) ,elghtOn 4 1\" 6 56" '\'011 N. ·.. er Mi.~ III Lugur Iill tbu Ke'· · ·cl .. .... ____ ., Il.hillgton 7 110 .. 50" 110'" Dry : oom.c 80 " ):; . '" 4 11 f RlJace permitted, I \I'Ollld CA . 'y0nr ' 'Y pUI' ur, all(I give y OIl lineII _. putiate largely Oil the h nlthtullll'8S· 1l wolc<)\Uo . ~vbcl1 !OU cume home Richmond I :'10 I'm. 460 Am O.. ne A"n·. cnttlh 401l)!' Wo " d ' 311 '.' '. ' . d ad that to IU w 11 II k i!' 4.9 Am . 8201' 111 . Aloll . "',1,1 AI Iio!ltu : >u;,g , eh,',. [[aY8.;)5 IL' ' ..Ill._ t • ..•. HRltimore or th e coulHry, WulCu 18111 e r e · JI 1 1111 your powcr Wilnllll).: ton 1:.1 17 tim . !l! ~:Il . ')1<' ""••. \~,I I O l'ol1 illl( 01 tho \Joor: ...~vans ~ 1~l!orkl\ble. W. seldom bear of 11.11,1 h~hor than .evel'. Sue will enter· Number Four. .. l'hil.dl·lphi" I ~II .. 3d . \Jall nd . 11",01". ~u Sickness, aud the roddy-laced bare. lall! t,rue frlOuds on a dollar, Illld t FA1'BD TO BE I'RE!! , JMn Itl4!plow'" :: ~:~o~ ork ~ ~~ .,'~. o~·, Oh : ~1i'8 SUBie :- ~;nd SOllg alld Uho footed boys and girls . and' hule. asto"i~h you with 11 . \lew tlJought g" 'fit Stor~ , price, ill bllok form. '1.75. 50 P n, ru ;: H~y : 3.~ I l' I h ' d d TWIll'fTY SBORT STORnJ8 · "rich - --Clivc )le Iollt .. ",i1e: •. & ••.• Sleo'fl rt ; 3J'i ' - - A L I. KINDS OF-1?U k Ing 0 Id erJy pcr~o!ls . alOpl¥. tes· lOW ,lit a a,PplneSI:I epell 8 · on ,:"riely 01' mloco ll.nouu8 r"n<lfng;o.~r~[xty VIA BJ:.: LL:l.IRli:' ~IAY :11. Whon Fit'" J ,\let Theu. N"IIi. \lusr; tlfy tu t.he llealth.gl vIIIg propel·tlcs mOlle~. She II make yuu love IM¥' ,,~ ~es splondldl,. iII" ol "'~d . _ ___ _ __ _.l·"!8~. _I.in . II,rc. . . tWn" nud chorus; :ltewurl : ao of the mountain air home (if vou don1t yuu'ro 1\ brute) .DN 8~IlL RIlPRODUCTIONS. Il>allr. 10 . E, . I'", l'Ilptaio of Ih" O llull~ ; c"lIIic "lOg; ~~ ,.: '1 . d t 'h ' I t 't I'" f~c',,"iI .. of famousploturIOB; urigill "l UII - Lve.('olumbuij 1116 Am. II j 1'... . \J OIn ; . "., MIlrysvi'II e I'lee 'ulrty, Ill! es.south an eac YOIl TOW. 0 'pI y, \\' II 0 gr.. vlng. worth SJ5. rr. NOWMk I! :'5 Pm. I" 0 \J,yui1(l.he Oul<\cll Door; ,o llg nn,1 dlO "f the Cumberland UlOIlIltu.ins 11ud you BCOI'U, a p or lasill ollable fjo , All tbe 1I110ve •• nt po.1 paid n'ith U~AItTIl L,·... ... ndu~h . 7 '1:; Am. "7 '0 .~~~ . "u'; While: ao IIOmtl Iwenty.live mile" Ilorth o'f th" ciety that thinks itlloll' I'ich uud A:C.o HOM ... 1)'0 /trOll' l\111slro,ed weekly .. MOII.oc,·ili.. H :l I!i" 7 0 .. (lcII,lv l~ willi ~he Anllels No.. : 80llg Illtd " . I t ' t tho k ' b If h' ulOe. two montb, O~ TRIAL . for IIlIly .. Mon. field 10 I~i " II I ... chorll i Obri.. i,,; · 30 Great StnQIty. \V Ilose toweriog som- vaIn y f1eB 0 In I""e uppy. Cenu. O .... WT: to lotroduce the pftJwr 10 Arr. NowILrk H JIO [·w. I ~ 5 ,1111 . PI."." . 1:0.1. Make Room fur 1\ LlItl .. mit"is always oapped witli a bazy Now, do not, I pray YOIl, suy auy now subacriLor.. Price <educed to i2.!,0" .. Z"nua,·i1le I 3.'i .. , !;.. UO,f ; Oox; 30 _ . , . , . . . . . . . . .~~ blue both of wlrich our never.wea- more-hI ellu't aftbru to. murry ." year. Ingle number. six ccnl;.-no~o) freo. .. H"I1,liro • ~,o .. Ii 6 .. INSTRUMENTAL. ....~ ... - -..:!!!!"~ r1 eyes may rest UpOll, from the Go find the true woman. Ilod yon ~~nnL:': :~~~~ ~~:'e~,~!: ~,.~u:\J~'~,~,~~o ~'r~~~(~::'6 !~ I~~I !:m. ~ :; .. 8\' WAum I.ine.grove ill front uf our tempora. can. Throwaway that ciD'nr. burl] CO..... NY. I'uhli.be". 3!l-11 Park PIBce. .. O"ld"nd II :. " II 4" CtljttS Allinl"111 (fr"I" ~ 1.hRI ~["t¥r) <l C\ r "'Now Y k PI I to' h n P k II 3 · E!"cl ... l'~ frum Iho P"Ii"..I" • . Muree.u. 411 r1 home ill tire outskirts uf the v'l up that 8witch cane he sensil)lo Or . .cue" .a 10 '" ..t paper you .. e~ ,. tor ~ 1•1, 0f4 7" Vellclinn RegatlR. T r" nsc ri lJ~d. 411 I. If k'..· ea.. tble ~d ... rtlscmeM. [bUll-II.... Cumherl'd I !IO A01. ., 11 lagc; 8I1id villuge having liulu t() you~e , l1nd lIee y ur \Vllu In a . _____ .. 11 "rl'· ••"y ,, 0:1 .. ',15 ~:n . ·M " rr~ Furesters. Fur". t Re.ne. /ill bOast of, e)ll:cept itsuut,'qlll'ty, clnl'mlIeUSI ble way. . WulilnSI..m I; :i U" ·':hink of MeMnrch; Somelfmu, .. R' h d 7t '10II .. · '1eUlJlCMluce oner; E""y W.lb. ~20o ln~ fur Itself a hnndNd yelll'S. We _ ._-._--- • • • :: B~~I1:~~'c t! ~o ~n~ . <I ~O Am. ·Men ~rl! Suoh \)ccei"cNl: easy polkl\; 211 tlunk of baying a Oentellllial of . IlATIt nvt. It is n:>t,vorth while. 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .e.;r.~...' .... LrllC" . . . . . .. WHmlngttll' I~ 1'7 p~. 8;U pm . -Mollie Dtlrling. easy MIl,ob; 20 lite 's not 10 ' I· to fllty, "'&re•• , " l'bll"d'~ I :l'~ .. ~ Sa! Am. La Delio Jeuncese. I'0locul\. Wit "on. 110 Your oorownsooll. . 1 I~g enongl WAYN~SV1LLE "r.n .. York 51,... *AwakeniDgofB irds.MofcORu.Mnyl"th,40 --AND ~t FULL LINE OF-The temf.crance causo is ad van· Imake It .p ayb to cherltlh ill-will or 0 ..... - b' ..... -~ . IS' 'h i i " Do. too 5 "n , 6 ~ *Swcelhel\rt.S Melodie (~rauleu80.May latb. 40 .' . rd h d uv •• ,. ","".aoo" erV1oelO to tee t "" "m "" pm *'1' . kll d Clug; our astealoonist having fliil- la ~ oug ts towar any one. ~en8 and violnity . Hiving had tbirty yo"n .- . . ~ .. --__ '''10 n); tar•• morceau e salon, v t!d to comr!y with the demands of What If tuat murl' has che.ated yon, ..experience. bef hopoll. to Pullman'l Palacis D,a1rilc·aoom TbWIJrl°~i d'I'd U wh h to gi Ithos8tior:lCtinTl 11 ,un I r."d 81eepl·I..... Coa 1e .. Il "n a a, eo, Romnnce; Wli Ann. ~o u 01 sur, 4.althe I~te gis1itture in regard to o.r t I.Iat wom.an h as:p Iayed you 0 rna,. &Tor 1m w "el\. C 1 *UreamIAnd. moroo"" de SRloI', M",I"tb. 40 1Wl I~' 'b U rabl • •ate. (alatIOn, locked his door behind falde ~ Wba~ If that frIend has forFrolll St LOlli •. Oil,..;nno\l alld Ooll1mbu" 10 ~klng Wav"B, tnn~erlbe~, MAyIMh. 4u A: ~~~"WI. f ed W hi . be Soolch La8sl ... Revnrle, Pilcher. .0 - . him, one d\1y last week, aud depurt . sa ken you in .your hme 0 ne , o r . . . . . · ,a s n6?,ton and Baltimore, .,Klttie', Pnlkll MazurkR. Prevot, 30 ed for a more coD-nial si tuation. that 011(', havmg won your utmost TIIiRO STREET. NEolR ."IN. WITIIOU1' CHANGE t'alrv Ltlnd. l\evt'rie. NOl"'el. :111 otl ed "lour warmes t Iove, IlaB .. . t\u:thrr In(orlllaLinn park ling Jcwcl~ , polka, • 3() ~~~X ~ggD Dome fewof t hecitizenshavetaken coo t icnce, ClNCINNATI OHIO ThroughTlckoLe.nd - -Ohri,t[e. tbemselves to the mountains, where coucluded that be prefers to COli' , . CAn he olotl,illed ..t .11 pdndlpel 'flnket om · P ..Ie. .' • •_ ..... ",,,'-a-, ".'- • "3, . @) . . it-il said the mOBtfrcqullllted paths Bider.and treat YOllllS a st.ranger? 8200 PER DAY. o~s thn,ugbout the W... I 30uthwe.t and a Oo\1eolloo of I'opular 1:i0DgS. ltv lillY• • to where 'Inouotal'n-dew' I'S Let It all pastt. What dlffierence . l\orth.'~pt. St.,,,o.l. 0 10. ·Each number con· .,.. . ....M.. ............. ........ THOll. P • • A..ay, I L. mi. ClO ..B. DIlnk8. tarn. Sev II Or E[ght Songs. 0 I-d dilpBneed, free of strychnine but will it make to you in a few years, We,l. P..... Agoot. on. Ticket Ag" . Price Fifty c'". each: YeArly. III No·s. , ·1. • ' w'here the fear of the revellne'.om- when you go hence to the "tlodi8OiooiU'![I!II.O. Baltlmorl. M4 · P."' ..' ••con,alol rl.rM .R .e10rtll . . . .'.ea.,. 1,11":1. Ball" , H(\S.. lit. SHAltI', oumher and moder ~ .. eor keepl the proprietors ever on covered coontry i" All who i1l-tr~t .l'tlSIJiolltlble mtlrbrr nu'" Ma...er of Tr.lIlportullon, Olel, dilllo.,h pinno pleo." by Klnke[, &he outJook. _ YOIl now will be more sorry for It U U 471 . 1, · ,ltllln"",nr, 1II~.. Bom." W&CIl4. , Wllaon ... tc. y. ' • , The relimoUB denominations here tb OIl,. thun you, even in your deepIBI'&lIl&-l11>mIllm~lEm, MiNiiiuoD, H.W ' .-riia';;"-.~ Flft, cent. eacb; Yo~rly. 12 Num1)ou. •• e' d' d . f. II • • .. Clre_4Ie la Clre_, .. _ ............. aOf 1W are Presbyterians Baptists Metho. est Isappollltmellt an grle, can A ... itT., - - - • - - - W .. V . . . . .I"A' publ~lhett.. .. /Ie" edil[on of F..cb numb.. r contain. !24 page. or ci ... lo l' • diats aDd Friend8; the form~r large. be. . Hlli&>Cuttlog, Hair-D.-.iog, Shampoolns ~~~~:etlbr::~:'1 ~!:'(:~~~ and dltllcull Pi.no M ".Ic. ..orth a' le.st ly preclominatiug. The mi88ionary A few more smIles, a few ~ore and Shaviog, doDo in tho beet "~y[e of the out medIcIne) of Sr".ATOkan,.. r~iy. t~INuo!h~ar~h ra:'4~er. Filly Cia. ; field is large embracing the color- tears,. Bomo pleB8ure, mnch paID. a Tontorlal Art. . 274 We.kOlle'. Jt.+oluDtary Beminal eel people and mountuinoors Much little longer burrying and worryBoose and Lot ~or Sal It' IKIPOTIt:i!,T, Ji~eDtal i.'jd ~"[C.110 . POUtsaao 8V bas already been done lor tht'. ele· ing through the world, some hasty A ........ b d I t, ., tb f ~i:oa.eO~~"U';~~i~~:E;\I:~, .~d I:~';; ; J, L PETERS, 843 Broadway, • of the former and one gen- gree t'mgs, an d aIJrupt t. f arewo II 8, North,,~OUIII ao&treete 0 onwith0 eight 001'ller 0 ced b, IeIf [DdUIgenlle c1• .IUl1a I utr~Y~· N ew Y or k i P. 0 . R0,. .,..~ ~. 9 vatlon and Fourth good . 'loman from Olinton' OOllnty, Ohio, and our ~Ia.y will ~ "played ont," room., with .. 11',,11';'4 culern, and a g·~:~~e.lu ., lIaI'ed 8lI~elop., only Bill BU8In~88 ()B~d;. ·---b.. taught over nine h1Jndred peo- and the Injured Will be led away, good oeUar·llM'" ~iQul.l'tt. oall on oenlO. pIe to read . witbin the last four and ere long forgotten. Is it worth Wa,.nuTille jan ~~n. ORANE. Tbe celebrded aul1~or. In till. admirable · t r h' . while to hate each other 1 • .•. Eeea1.olearly demon"rat.., from a thirty ,..rs, spendmg mOB o · 18 time . . ,ea,P' luooeuflll .praciticl, th., the alarm[ns • amoog the moontains administerMen who have .no faith m them· mlAa _ ... A f t COD.equon,ces of ,df.,.hu .. 1. .y be radlcat I, f o R ing to tho a~iritllal ~nd temporal selves have no faith in homan nu· ~ .,~~~@!.-~ cured ...ithout the danglrolla - of IDtern~1 # f" t II' d • ApplicaoLe fo. tbe JIOIIiUoll of teaeher In medloloe or the appUoacioD of thl blfo; eomlort 0 t IS pecohar and almost "lire genera y, an vt.oe vB-rIa,; the Corwin School Di.trlot ~1l make ~ pointing out. mllAns of curo .'ODe<' ~Impl •• diltinct people, , It ta\l;ee ~ rogue to catch a rogu~. pU ....tlon to tho undenlped ill certaIn and .tlee'""I, by ,.calll of wltlcb I" Fir/Jt National B anN. BI~ilding, The free-achool sYlltem bas not One eVldeDce of a trne Obns- .utiog~. _. on or before &h4I ~t ~ .r,. lull'erll•• DO matt..r what hli (oodltion \.._~ d ed' I ' d tian is a cheerful spirit, wbich tries J;111r· W. B. HOBL, ma1 be. mlly eu .. hlDll101f ohe"ply, prlnt.WAYNES VILLE, OHIO. _ a opt In many lJ aces. n.n . .,. 10 187& Clerk" Boar4. I, and radically. -lacltof government iBoomplained toaeetbegoodin otbersandhave • . . ....TbI.Lec'u...ltoll~ bl. ln&b.ha"da JAMKS W HAINES MD . 6ft b I charitv for their failinge. 11188 RAOBIE R. EBRIGHT of Sent e?.,y yout!! aod . .w·. r, man I~ til. land. .. • .., · tb e p~va",!, of III eo 00 s. J UDder Hill. In a pl~lft ellv.lop$. to We hear Dothing oftheeouthem ...- __ ... - -D1.':' I addre •. po51·pakl, on 1'II01[P' of.1ll eta. ..M. . . . .T • •., ootrap 10 mucb talked of by the Some theif entered the ~roonds .-_e- ·.Iie Tne'er, .~"' tlalD~. Add ..... lhe putln.h.,.• • Dorthern pl'8l8 ; and when we veo- of Hon. 8. ~. Haines one night . Baalilel. 01 )(a1n Str"', . . . . .!'.~I.:'C'r~~':'~'::... &are to Uk after them w. are last wee~, aDd robbed the bot-bed ... 0fIl0e at Re.ldeD08 IauShed a& for oar paioa;' and vin- Ior a qaantity o.f tomato-plante. VIIII!i~ II~ . laaiooe cl the law are mach mlW8 80me wretcbes Wllliteal anything: . promptly dealt witb here thaln in l .... NOTICE SETH W. BROWN, . maDy places in ·the North. I People ~nBtantly on the loo~- PINOn. 1od.1.... 10 _ o. '-It - . , E J for , slights and aft'ronta Will will p'- 11111 '''l1li "&UiI... I waD'lO oloM ". _ _ M.!~__ . _~.n\'. Ioat find plenty of tbem to make life .P!D1 bw_ _ .. ...,.. ... poItIItlle. ucI 1 AT TOR N E Y AT LAW, 0001 ~eather yet. mi_ble. ·"1 _ob a"ItI'~;··o~~i~ " ".'.~ ~!sf'or 10 :'.:..;\!!'.;::.~.. . w ..w........., ••••, I
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We m ay mentIon -' · as prominent the many valuable .I
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=0. .
BaltImore & Vh·
I' I
-jiiST- isSUED
ISome th-Ing New ,.
- -
H A, "" Il-A, '
EVOlVI G Bi Y .. RAKIS I D'"Ie Li.CY'C S.· oro DRILL,
Dr E F Dakin,
B e--e . IIouae
0 n tb e B es t f're rms Diad the HIfJ'hest Morket p rice · pal·d f·or ••:-OOL I G RA I
Y.L.... e.
Y........... .....
11111.' ••• •
for 8ale Cheap. '
..TCome .... see u.;ro cao't .
Dr. J. Walk
\ [Ucgl\l~,blo
e mr IUtters IIro n Jlurely \
SMITH ORCAN Co I h " ""\ on 1 u ..... 7'1... ". Nt/Ut.,." II .I .. " trtf/ltt"t"
Sold by
Dealers Everywhore
AOEm wmED IN EVEMY 'IOWII R..,11 U t u'tlitb. "" I.~ \ ul. l,qtlll" .. n 1110 II XT1IllEn' I LU TI "','
{I '
M l If' u
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prepnrolUoII Ol[vla ('hi lIy fr m tla Oil tlvo b I Us f< IIlId o n \.110 10\\ ( ' r;l\Il-tl'lI or tho lerl n 'nlll\ U10l1Otlll)18 f lI(or Olil, 1110 I1IcIlIe.nnl )lI"Op I til'8 or 1\ Illch III ~tr:t tou th 1 hom Illtll m tit \I 0 oC .\!lI>hvJ J ho l1csll II If! IIhll C t11\11~ u.~I,~\1 .. " hat IS Iho e u~Q l1f Iho ulIl'lIl\1l 1e.1 auce" ~ nf \ IS RC: \11 BI T '1IHtlif' / nr;\IISIIQrls, th l.lhO) 10111 10 t hO ll\ll oofdls I ,n lHl 1h ol'll. IIlrc COl 01 his ho l11h '1 hev nro th !!fCIII \,1 !hI pilI lficf uncln hfo "I' III", I rind I 1<\ !~ I'~I~ (t UellOlutll null Illli:<orJlor of lho ) stQm J\o\" I \I~n 10 III t ho hl"Wf1 of Ibu II (lTtd hM n 1I1~-.l. 1110 II t II t:Ulllpoul1!\ ell 1'(' ~""lIIg III rr '"l1rk bID 'l."l\hU of ' IN NO I R llll-rIOM 111 h 01 "~ t ho 6 ck of I cry tI. eft 11)'\11 i I Ir I I ht,)' aro a. ~uu~lo J'urltl\,h ..... ' II At> 1\ r uUU re\lull1lg 11111: lion r 11 nomn MK.II of Iho LII cr IUltl ' twunll rliolM 11\ JJlliuUR
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l)loop '1 o r l) 1l " ' " ElliS V'1~ RO A n"ll ,,.rHRs Rro A IlC rt, I\ l 1l1111i1 r 1I1\ drtlllntnl\u /(u lnll", .. l.... Mh 0 )anr 1 1~ edllm 0, • uUler 1 mlllllL, ullorlne, AJ~r'"
oull Autl llthou .. II' I
U u I /t ill! pl ocl 11111
EO I II IIll'n:l1 the In(\ ~t ' HmdOl illl Til I lgurllnt Wilt Orar PUKll1IUeJ Ibo all1~llb
'\ ~tCIlI
FARMENGINE. &ot1 for
U1 ....
TIl~ 'l'i, c- 'V8 Or Walpole hns l o~ t hi . b"'l1ll.fut Ilh CJIll1nt nlnr The (hed . ullil," I> In hurn III it IS A I1I'" o~~d 'roan bot o r 1'111 "orDlS tr Ih e ))o~w r hnd ueed Sh eri ,/<11\. ('«1)("'11 tv,ull/IIIJI l'olNkr. he " ( nltl nil doub t hlly e hnll hIS n11U'O to-d"y- Ihcy lire dealh eu 'form.
A Tenue see Pest. Tb buffnlo-gullt IS crcdlwd 1\ I til ce CIL 810nll u wid espread mortllhty nmong the b ~ and oltlks of We t Tenncs.."Ct' Mllnv tmnera ha, e loet 1111 thlllf workIng SUlek t III_OR of tbe ycar wheu they CIII1 I t a(ford 00 do 1\ Ilhout them Th(l blto 0 th IS inseot se 018 Il8 d( ndly liS tbut oC the flrlCAn tA!e t!!C, th pest of 1111 tra\ cle\'ll Soutb Afnen Mnn find "lid IInlmli l!eem 00 be anvuln('rtlble to the tsel4!e, u t carnell!, do~s, oxen lind horsca ClIn no 1(lDg survive Its Ilttaeks. In (l expedition Dr Ln angstolle lost f, y tb ree oJ(en from th IS ClIuse B was c mod to tlllnk that tho n was Nt rool, but the l'J(peraence of IllS last JOU e1 c()OVIDCOO hlln thnt h WlIlI an er 'fhe dOllkey thollgh not nil sus<:!'P Iblo lUI 1KI1t\0 of the other nmmnle llbo m( nhoned ftt,L1 couq,b" before tbe It I. brown Or With yellow stnrell. J ts probQiIC16 pi rcOII th. akin of It. v~o tim.,!V!d draws ~bence-a plenbfulsupply ofblOO!, NOdflfclnl bnrm at lim seems to bav1iH!ell dono, but III II fow dllYs tho oyel a~ I~ose o( a bitten nmml1l begll\ to runja illvelhng makes ItII appearance under UtEI JIIW, tlle muscles grow wellk and fillily the digestive orgllns aro dIllordere! and death 800n follll\\'8 Wljm dlll!!!Ccted, the cellular tl ne un der tie skm 18 found 00 bo Injected With /111', ,,-If 8oRp-bubble8 were scattered over It Vo have oot yet recolved fuillllfo!'maton of the operatIons of the Tennes!!ee uscct, but, whatever It 18 Its ravllge arelJlloo lake those of thg tsetse -Oinam
u __..... Hel... A Wlll:t'n IIBYS when Y9U VJ!lCrt nrtlcl1'8 Oll alfalfa or Chlh clover, pleR!!C ScalIOnable Adrlee. mention. that It i ~e lucofll of th e ExtremDII generally follow each other boobl theD I'ClldlDg fann ors Will not be llJls,loa by the gl9~lng nceouota some- III " cuther /Ill they do in mu.Uefil of opin Llm given tiC It. in (lallfornill. l e1.tefll .on or fl1llhlon.. henco we U1ay expect an unusunlly .. hCllt.ed term " durtng the and papel'll. 8umlnCr montbs To ulltigute sprtng THE BEST WAY 0);' lI.o.ASTlNO C UT:.8'I'1II11111dles l\Dd obvlllte all (lOll llble com l\ T8 -In the 80 utb of Franco cllcstnuts plulDts, the hygieniC rulo I~ na 81 AI pIe as nre first put IDto a pan of cold wllter the GlIlllcn Rule III rolutlDn to buman Ilillcod 0)) tbe 8ro, and boiled until conduot. In both CI\8C~ do ngb t, but ucariy f\. They are tileu tnken o ut what III rlgbt hygloolcnlly lllay be dim l'lU1b cl~ tJlut rccel\ lllg n i!ffiall alIt on cult for tho wayfurer to understand amid t ho dnd 'I'llh a knife after Wblcll they the interlllmable dJU and discord of prev lire put Ult.o n large Bat pan (an ordlllllry alent teachings. Iryl ug pl!n would (10) ana 00 over It Thero IIrc, howevor, a few common 1Iioll'jng fire until they become dry aud !!CnllC aXIoms that aro always JU order, mealy. aod a fow prudential conl!lderaUons are lLVD PIA-Peel and ~rato ono large \\nya aVRllnble \D emergeocies. De tern "lilt JlOtnto In a clean plate adll the perate in all thlog , be regular In habit. lill and g rated rmd of on lemon, thrco of etl~lng, bathe frequeotly, keep the ten eQlI, one. CUll ofaugJU', one cup of .Bowe18 open by proper diet but never IIIlIk, ~ ur your crust and bako , take drug purgatlvell aVOid aU 6.XCOIIICIl "hen done, have reaay the beaten wb1tee IU SODsuo1l8 l$'rntdlcationll, and all stlmu , f tb~ ~gp, balf Ii teacup or puh erlzed Ianta, espeolaUy lie mOderate m tbe use fI«jIr and 1\ ,few drop'! of I'OiIO wnter (or of, or e utlrely eaebow, hydro-carbona 1I11ier flavoring). ponr thl8 ovor all nnd ceOU8 dishes or articles, 88 Btareb, grea!!C, "'turn to th oven Wb n ready for the Hugar-they tluckeo the blood cauae lable, lay lumps of current J Uy on top blllous bumors, clog the liver\ obstruct l:1u thew cold' for dlnn r tb al"JI, cong t the bead and ungs l\Dd ~ tNQ WAJlu.-Dr GuttQeJb re- pre~h.poI!6 to Innumerable allmentsiOIDlIleilcD rubblhl. wartt. mght and ScIence 0/ Health Ith a moittened piece of man IllnmonlL Th y IIOlten WEI LS, F .!BOO Co gl ve tho PrQa wa1. leAving 110 ~ueh duct.ion of bullion for II 74 on tho fOlio,,, tb II' ~flllon "Pun Dc ~ope" at 174,400/000, of which tie. 26f SOO,0Q() 18 .gold, and Ute I'I!Ilt 81lver hnTua.-8llee thin half • Cahfornlll produced about Il~l.~~ ..,." appl~ uti prepare of gold And MODtaoa l2 600 I/IIU l'le....., thl ai' or.. nl ~h_ vatlA OVer f8(),()()O 000 01 ve., aod t areordia w tab about t6,OOO,OOO Tbll II the , ~ hiP Ja.rpllt plod nctlon Yer reached lD Un. OOUD~.... eaceedilll that of the pnmoua
.r.p~ lear p.IiOO,OOO
vOIce • Where IS Mr B " II Gnoe below, tIIr" But thnt did the bU8tncas for me My Ill1aKlDlltlon began to coostruct dnngen!. out of nothing, anti they mllhlpJted fn.star than I couid kcop the run of them. All at onc Ilmagllle~ ll!llw shoal water nhead I Tho wave of coward IIgony that 8ur~ed tbrou~h Hie then came nenr dlslocatLDg every JOint IU me All my oonli I d ene 10 thllt eroaelng HIDlilhrd !!elzed the bdl rope, dropped it, I18hamed eeb-ed It ogam, dropped Jt onco more ~_______________ clutebed 1C trembhngly once IIgllln and n~i~~~_ pulled It 80 feebly tont 1 cuuId bnrdly nafOa de Waldeell. h('nr tho 8lroko mYlIClf. Cilptaill and 'Th.o dCfllth of Baron Froderae de Wal mate I!Illli out lDli tantly, IUld both together deel the renowned trll~el er aod artIst, Starboard lend there l nnd CJ Ulck has >eOn announced III a. cable dispatch about Itl froll l'lIru III Ilavlng ,Ju st occurred at fhls WIL, Illlother shook I began t.o the t rent nge of ono hundr d Rnd nin o ehmb the wheel IIko a 8qILlrlet, but 1 yens Tbo Baron de Waldeck IYRS tbo would hardly get tho boat stnrted to port dCilQ\[lda n t or a nol,le ltuhan lanllly lind before I would llP.e ncw dnllgers on thllt 1\ lUI ~rn 10 Rome :Mareh 10. 1766 llls Ilde, and lIlvn)' I would Bplll to tho otber, fRthe mc urred tilO enmity 01 hiS gov oilly to find pori Is ILceuIDullltlllg to star ernUl nt when tbe&ron '1'118 , ery young board, Rnd be IlniZY to get 00 port agRIlI IIl1d lode rcfugllio Plm! 1vbere bo stud led Ibon OIlDle the IlIndsRll\n 8 sepulchral pRlIltl.l1~ lind music, III both of whlcb cry nrts he 1~IUI~d conaldertlble renown D-e-C-Il four I" DurlDg 10 wtlnl of ~he first Nupoh.'(IU he l>eep lou r III 1\ bot olJ)lc s crOl!dlllg I was 10 tI Freoj.!h urmy aud partiCIpated III !!CI e I of tho grCllt battle elldUlg rho terror of It t.llok my brenLh IIlmy Mar k threel Mil l' k throe I QUill' WIth AI te rhtz, wlll cb malle th e Em perur III tor of Europe Tho Dnron de te l'l IlS three I Half tl' Rln I Thlij Will! frtghtfull I !!e11.cd t ho lIeli Woldee I~nssod twoilty years of hIS life In AIM eil wbere be devoled conSlderurO~8 Alld stepped tho el!.!llnCI!. QUllrter twnm I QUllrtcr til nlll l ble tlln 10 tho study of :&Icxlcan nil lIlar/; I wain I" tlq lIltleL Ho WIUI al80 10 Egypt M n Durtng I WIUI helplcllS I did neL know whitt staff oll\CElr under Na{lOlIlon III the world to do J Wfu! qunklllg frolll 1118 nrtl s£.li fe he plunloil wltn I'rUllllon heAd te foot, nnd I could hovo hung Illy and Dllh I, Illld contlDued 1118 studiO work IIlmo!l!t lip to tile day of bIB death hilt on llly eyOll, thoy sLuck out 80 rl\r , QUllrter lcas twallll N me nud It His lOoomo IllI an artist nt on ponod halfl" wna larlr,!, but of late years he bandied We were drawmg Dlno! My banda the bru8b more a8 Ii 80urce of am UlKlment were In a lIervelel!llifutter I could not In 1118 old 1\g8 than for profit flo WI\8 nug a. bell llltelltgibly with tbem I mllrrled tb rea 'Imes aud 11'118 the (lither lIew 00 the spcak.wg lubo uDd shouted to of a large fulily, bls lost 800 havmg been,born to..lt"" after he hod alwuned the englUear 'Oh, &n, if you love m:o,ooiX; herl his eIghty 8ftli foat As 1111 jlrtl~t, the QUick Ben lOb, baok Lhe IDlmortai Down Dover receIVed academiC hOllors I lout out of horl" A. l'arttoolAr Hen. I heam the door CI080 gently I Capt Jacob W DuboiS 111\8 1\ hen 01 looked llround, lind thoro sWOtt Mr B, 81Dlhng n bland, Blyee\' smile Ihen tbe tile golden pb_nt breed wluch 18 very Iludlllnce ou UUt hUrricane deck lIOn\. up partloular 118 tAl her plnco of lay 109. Sbe a shout of humllmtwg Innghter I IIBW alwnys comes tn the house aod Dlllkes for It nil oew, nod I {elt metloer than tbo a cortalll cloli8t, wh('ro she arrange8 a UlCllocst mau 111 humnn blswry I then ncst, qUIetly depoal18 her egB nlld goes Inld III tho lead set the boat m her off \\lth n hapPYl contented httle cackle. marks, came lihend on the ollgmce, and If abe fiudH the aoors or wllldoW8 elosed Hhe WIll wllik llroulld {tom ono to the sRld otber until sbe attraots 80me one'a attan II It wn.s a fino trIck 00 play on an tioo nod IS adDlitt.ed When abe comes orpban loam t It f I suppose I w never hear tbe l~t of bow I 11'118 III!II IIIto tbe hOllse lIbe behaves m tho moat enoullb W heave the lead at tilo head circumspect manuer, like 1\ well bred tO'l\lI, Il8 ~he IS, t,I:1d nevor Mya anytblDg of 00-" II Woell, no you won't maybe In to Ilnybody or get. lD Bny ooe II way fact I hope you won t, for I want you to Tho han haa a ~ate lD a little rOO8ter, Ic»rn IKImetblllg by "Int experIence who RCcompaUl ber about tbe'lremI1lC8, e house, 8ll qUietly Didn't YlIU know there WIUI no bottom m CI!COrt. bor walts for ber u til JIbe make. her IIXIt, that ef088lng?" aod then wundcp oft' bllPPY and proud II Yee, 8tr, I did II "Very well, tbeu You shouldn't In her comflJlDlOIIahlP -King.to", (N. Yo) , bave allowed me or anybody else w Freemall, shilke your coofidence In tbat knowl S:rtLL tlle"'7 Ie for the Wilson *huttle edge Try to remember that. And BOWIDg ne..A1Id wll,.? Decauee it il ..d dealrable Be_lUI{ mA aoother thlDg wben you get Inw a the most IIUUInracturlo, yet daogeroua place don t turn coward That ohlne for inveo&ed aU11 Tbe Ooa. IBD t gOing te help mattera any " demaud for It 11'88 It good enougb 18II!On, but pretty I14nt mlldo It almCilt liDlJlMliblle hardly learned Yet about the bardoat facturera to 'tlpply aellD_~oa...,....lIa!lnllo~ -part of It waa that for mooths 1110 often will be dehvered a& bad w hear a phrase "bleb I had ceo thie COUDty, Ir.e of U'I;I1'lportatloD 1I01llpan7 celved a pam"ular dl.taBte tor It wu 1I ordered Utrp~ land, Oblo ;rbey ..nd . . elegant cataII Oh, Beo, If rou love Die, back her I ' Ingue aad cbro_ ab-euw me on appliCloo TrrE power of duly appreclatmg hUle Uun Tby OOIllP!lll1 wue a Cew more ,oocl thrill' tielong. wa rmat mind , • DImOW- 1&8l11.1. minded man baa it. not, for to ~Im the,. 81wlIm', II tIuJ ben ud oIleaJlll& IIalr ... wwkL are thiDp.- WAaIdr. •
RAPI'B U band . Are very commo n ... th tho e who havIIlhetr bRnds milch In ""ter " few drops of J o/lllJl/)" Allod1l'" LIIIIIIM"
rubbod over the hand. two or three timts •
d R) w.1I k eep ttleR' >oft J\nd whll.e } ish er m cl! 81ulofO Bull otlters ....iII do well to r. m embe.r thl.
}; a 'Person (,1l1I take t hl1!l nit tlH S nccllltling to clhectlons, nnt! rct'ln lllloilS \I lII1'cll , provilled tholr 11111108 aro tlO~ cir troJcd by Hlln ral polson 01 otllca mC~1I8, nnd Htal orgflUli waslcll \,10..) ou t! repnlr
JJlllou R(lllllttcnt Rnd Intermitt ent }teTeJ's, "llIeh IIr so I,ro ,l-
hmt Iu th ~ nl1o)s Qf 01 " ~I Cllt rhora thlQughout the nllo(l t al cs I'~ p dnlly tllQllo of the hhsslSSI ppl 011111 M IR uri, IIIlu0l8, 101111 SStO Cuml)ell I J(1 1 !\Iknn ens R ed olOindo, Brazos Rio Grnodo, Pu trl AlahRmR, Mobile, RI ~Ilil lb, Ro anoko JRmes find mally olitcrlI with their \ ast ltlb utllll Cll, thl \lllg\ Out our ontira country diU IlIg the UlllUl rand Ant\llllll, nud rom \I knbh so dUfll1g son.soils of uuusu(li heat nml drJ noss, me luv u ln\,ly ucconlpanlcd lJ~ ox tenslve do rnngeruonts of the 8tomlloll and livor, nnel olilor llhrlolUlllal vlscora 10 their ~rc"tlllont 1\ purllntl\ 0 exoltlng n pow orfu l inOucnco "1'11n tbesD vnllous or ~i1I1S is css nt! Illy nccll88nry rhoro IS no on.tilllrtio for tho purP!)80 ('qunl to DR J WALKRll8 ~lNEGAn !lITTEns, lUI th or ' ill speedily rC l1lo~ 0 tho dark colored \ Ischl matte r With \\ bl b tbe bo" ols IIro londed, at tho same tlmo stimulntl ng tho sccretlons of tho IIvor, nnd goucrnlly leetOl rug tbo healthy funotlOns of 111 lllgc8Llvo orgnna Fortlf)r tho hotly ngllillst discatle b) purlf) Ing nil Its tlu lds \\'ith Vnll!GAR Bnl EllS No "PIlIOIUI 0 \11 lako bold of n 51 GLenl ll1ll8 fil l (' "' med ~p0.p"1A. 01> ~.. d~.'''''L a.~
lIebe P alll In the houillers, l;o\liShs, lig htness of tit o Clt ost, Dizziness Sonr EruclatlOl18 of I ho 10lllnch Hlld 'fnstCi ill tile Mouth. DlllllUS Attacks Pnlpl~.a. taLlOu of lho BClIrt, lolllllUruatloo of tho Lungs, l'alo 10 tho reg l(1n of the Kid· neys nnd n hundred othor pnlll£ulsymp· tome, lifO tho offsprlugs pC Dy&p~la Qno bottle II III provo 1\ bonor gunmntoo of lte worits tlltlu 1\ long thy advertisomeut
Scrofula, or King's Enl,
Swolllnge. Ulcers ErY81plliM SwelllKl Neck. ll ol tl'8 Borolillpu8 lnaammllt.ionl, Indolent InflammationS Mercurial Atl'uOtiOUI Old Buroe Eruptions of Uto SkiD, 80ro EY88 \Ito ln1i1ose as In aU otber OODstltutional DII 1I0Sca, W.U.IIiU. VIJ(KOAIl BITTBIl8 bave shown lbolf grea\ ourath e powora In tb. most obstlnato and lutrll(tltlile casca
For IIlOantmatory ood Chronic Rheumatlsnt Gont, BIlIoU8 Remit·
tent and] ntertUitteDt Fe~ orll, 01 tbo Blood, Llfor, Kldners ~ud Bladder, the 0 Dittora havo no eqllml. Buoh DI.eaae. aro canted by YltiaUKI Blood Mcchallita' Dlsenscs.-Porsonll en· gagod In Pamts and Mloorals aueh ae 1'Iumborai '1 fPO sotWra, Oold beatol'l, &lid »'lIIor. III tboy advaoco In lifo aro IUbJect to ]l1l1'll11111 of Iho 80wol8 To gu_ard Against tbi. 14.1.0 II dose of WALKBII. VllI EOAR DITTHIllI 00..'II8lonall1 FOi Skin Dl"cnscs, Eruption-. Ter l.er Salt-Rhollm Blotoh08 Sp"te Plwplo8 Pustulos Dolls Oarbullclo- mllg WOl'\llA Senld head lIre Ely. lpclR8 ltch SClIrfS DI c(,jnrntions of Uto klU, lJum\'l1'8 4n/1 DI-cOBos 01 tho Sklu of whAt ovor IIRIUO IIr IIStliro aro Iitol'lllly dug up 1\11\1 oartlW ollL (,f w a ,v. rn.u an 11 sburt Umo by tbo USI(I of thORO Dittor.
Pill, 'rupo, And other Worms,
lurking III th e 8) stem of 80 mnu1 thousand" are cacctuallj dOBtroycd and romovod No SyRI~lD of Ulcdlclne, .. 0 vcrDufugclI, no an· I halnlllllllcft 11'111 froo the .,atem fwm worm. liMo th e BItters For Female COmpl..lnts, Inyollog or old married or single at tile dawu (r WOO mRnhol\1l or tbo tom ot life) lh080 ranlo Bitters dlaplll180 dooldell InJluenC41 lhat 1m1!!0\ elneot Is BOOn .J!6rool't1blo ClcaAse the VJUatea Blood when· ever 10116nd itelmpuntl""I/UratJns lhro"gh tho 'kin In Plmpl08, Eruption., or 80MII 1 oleaneo It wbon you lind It obtluuot.ed aaa sluggish in the VOID. ol!l6DlG It wbeo 1& i. foul l Jour foollugs wlil toll you "ben 1t01l1 tbe Dlood pilnl, and Ute bealUt of Ibe '.v.tc,.~ will Collow
D. H • •cDO....t.IlU 011 ClO •
Dr\I«JData an4 Go.... 1111. San ""'.olloo Oallfon" .. ....4 oor "r W"ahi"itlon An I Cbarllo . 6 ... N r hid b1l' aU Dr........... d Dealen
l"IInl'lX!y or nn cnred b) nle Ule I;lr Ho.. Epl tal"l"",rO IflPtio n t'J!I1ccUfMt Trlal rack.",~ , ••• ~ " or
('1rc:Jll"ra .. effIe-nee
Free I I
or 11lu
Free I I I
INETSi _lIakrla! _Ibr_~_. Prt .. LIolalow to Tnde hDa Ibr PrI.. lila BUDOLPIJ, aUJI 00. l, lArISa, 110
..... 1t..a .114 ........ Pal•• I. F" • W . . . _ ....... Tin a r . ' " J'ar oaIe PlIIKOER'lRTALLIO PADrT co.. )f"1i~""" .C..... k, lI'_Yod:. ....OA.UTION.-Plr.ZI l.wIIl ...... _fllM ..... _ all4 t ...... llI8tfI . . . . . . . . . . emr JIIIItIp. IIend Cor a CInaIIr. by DI!oJIn~"""
,or" .t o..ee t
It will .nly' cOIl ,ou. ~OI"'L 0... Mew. umlltlr lor ,",prJlJult Ilut
. . • •"'VIIII
....... Clo __ I . . ._ ..:..~..: : : . .
BARVEYSB VOL ME XV.--- U IBER 47. to Illnrry /l. hcdennol t' k "AI! \Iohmlly ~Iulken J k here I [ hlld Illell r to-d Iy rrolH nil oM frl lId of mw ile is.) I c I~ oomlnlr to us lind I me III you to lllllrr~ hun li ~ Ii blron t, {\lid hill! file tboUMllDd fiJear ' How 01 18 h,. fIIl1,a r n cnlmly I~lting at her /ilther How ,10 1 knoll 1 H.is ullm(' I ~ r llu rt lnre" II nnd ho lij 11 gentll'uIRn r f tC(l1O , ry Iughly He III tli llIun 1 1111\ nIl to be your hU8blUlfi m • flO look t I (I" YOU tr lit bUll tho Macdermott r~l'llI·cllIlll temblo \ 01 e 'VI n I Ir 1tupert omlng fIIIpn r -he I18kl!d To-morrow or next dny at the Inte t II() YOll tllW not much time t{) Bpare If you menn to hl\v 1\ ~c reAdy for hUll to lIleel) In Ob III put hllU III tbo <.red roo n RoIlIO nil lI cred calmly I m to be l..fldy turewell Not so ball for no Ie Mllcdermott D 11\ t you fenr pupn 1 II hllH SIr Runcrt Ifh ru!ks mt' I though t ) ou wer.. 1\ 1IC1t.1 ble gl rl I I I ghul to find th It yOIl I ok nt thc mutter /'rOIn n ro nllble llOlIIt of \ lew KI me m) deAr J/ I um nthcr c~ II H for Your good 'lll re 8110 feM b I~ Ir nupcr~ 1l have you-iA (net he Mid IIIJ much to lIle ' XISTERI OF THE TALL GUAY !H.N. EHry Irl h (IInlll) of IIny IIl1ttqlllly hM I ghu~~ and lho&1 of p Irl\Culilrly IIStl ,~r 18 n pll\lI\ hll t 811l»ltAn tll,1 nn le nt d~ ent hRlon bnush ~ 'fho looklllg houso, Ktllndl llg ttl 1\ moderntely Mncdermotts hnd both the gho~t for " II " ooded JIIIrk On the banks of tho m Iny yCfll"l! onfillll1g hllol!6lf III th l' hRllnon fllln s the bnn he n \ er troubhng the meholV 11 u\:h t.IHcdermntt "111mb rs of nllY OUI! d ud or ul"\! 1\8 far Ilw ner O( IIJ tlel(lIr DlIIDA d to I Hl n could be R!lCCrtJllne,1 Bllt till they From Ule III" yers who \\ bre elernally belollged to th plnce IIl1d were treated hothcrlllg nb II~ norlglll!:c. Iud bills hc Wllh due con@ldemtlOIl whl'n their Dlllnes \lid II or mentIoned Ro'I~ took gre It 1I1Id mnunged til cxtfllCt !!Om 1I11ng wh n 1118 mOllc) failed hllll b used Ill S III tiling Htmngl'rftof beth de rlblog the redlt 11111 \\ h te-Itlllrcd mRn clntl n I long But the ~tyle of tho form!'r Un. dcr gray mantil', II ho IIll('d to stund on tke motlH WM II tIll ng of lite I',st !l8tlegl\r batt1l'llIent of the roulld t{lwcr which lIlIJI no long r tho hunt of I%lIy IIqUIT H form the rllllS of old IIstll'gar and gl\1..1\ !ur Illdles, /lod dllSfJlII' OnlC 1'8. That at tit CJ\11lI ricel' Wl\t<l'rs of th e Illmoo I e nded With Pr nce n odt'rlclr .Hugh ~ below J hnt old mill I!(l>entcclI hUll fllther and !!O too did all hopes of rc- drl'd I\lId tWl'ntv fh 0 yenrs ago-he lltorlllg tbe property to tho flllllll V wrum told thcu-Ouug a Htrnnger kWl!;ht It \I M the d reliln or Hugh Macder frOIll lhe eMt c/llllltry (who camc lr woo moLt 8 hfe lhnt hl8 d Illgh w r ~hou l dllllk(' II ~ lid) 10\(» frolll lhe top of tl e to\\ cr Il gmJld mlltch IIl1d reLne' e the fullcn nnrl tltrell lifter hili] n Ilrent bllg of g( Id lIcb d rel\1lI8 nnd J II cis whcrcllith he sought to pllr ro\'tuncs of tho flll1llly llBve boon tbe solnc of mllny faLb el'll uhll8ll from her f:lthor MOil \ BIt\1 n th WIth ellcumllOrcd ~tal~s ullcI pretty daughter nf i\Inccosgra\ e Dhuo lord of cll1l1ghtetH But Ro@le JlJncderlllott lit Coolnf~ lin nnel th e prollllRed brldu of IIIneteell took It IOto her hend to filII III he 1\Iore Ml\cdrrlllOLt love with the h Ir or tho M rtins of N(I stronger hlld evcrnllemplt>d to wed iarttnmollnt., n famIly n8 \ ellomble IlIto the fRmll) froll1 that tJme lJllt the prolld Imd I\lI poor 88 her OIVlI glto t t.oak up IllS stlltlOIt on the bllttle Martlomount \1"1\11 on th other @ llIe of mel1 ts of th tOil or nnd mourn d olor Lhe m er and Barry Mortlll U8Cd te ro" tb A..'1d evellt, 011 more tlllll\ one occn lOll n.. ro."" the strenm bflener tball Lhore WIIS net loll \1r venllllg the hat(> 1 ul1lon Il) lilly ro .11l0oo!lSll y '1 he tllofl\lIHhe lV!.'r!' p111"l!OIIni In terJX ~ lt OIl I ather Ro he llot PIU'\tCUlluly gllot.! (rt\mll~ lind Hugh ~hc prlcRt firmly bcllev d lU Ihe old M".ac5Ienn()tt WAI! not ov II-(ond of the tor! ~ of Caatltl/l:ar And SO did Macdermott. flub wh~1t I ""n Oft "lIIan ...ho had been hlseu ful n' "I 'It ~ bool lit colleg IImll n lo\!! l.t1row 1\ wns told of them, ho pooh nut ROiIIO lind BIlTry were oot at nil COlI pooll d tho Idea nnd lookmg fmm the corned nL th cold glnnces IIlId tllliteu dra\\ III room wlIldow dcclal"c(1 It a I'(lit !.ene ~ "llIch s reeted the voung man matter of Impo Ihlhty for 11IY ghOllt to un hl3 dlilly '1~1ts. The, were too IlIl1 uh sllllld ou tho top of that \:(>1\ er- the occuplen With Cfleh other to heed whelll r lIlor "llCCtnl\\ l\f ~ Mil detu ott II~ Hugh l\fllcderlllotj, "118 CII iI or 1I0t YOII M.'!ur 111(' ther nr tlo stllir or nlly But 0110 dlly lbe old mlln 8 tnlldlll ~ III other mcnlts of gt'ttmg 11(> ho nlded I 18 Window MIl Bany !,lIt his rm r( und Th lt ~ 1\ mIller 011 whIch ) Oll ClIn )(08108 \l1I18t IIlld then tI torm" hleb ~ Itl ~ l) ) oursel r r R P(lft W II Wl\lk hl\d heell glltherillg for il()0\0 11110, bUl'8t dol' n to morrow 1\\1(1 row 01er nlld cxnm\lll' the plnce thoroughly I onfe III (1111 {u ry II Go wlllw>IIe I IInn ~ 11 r Id I c to [Ill no j(tCl\t boh()l er III gh sts, but the blltler, IIml llllY to Birr) Jlf trlllll II whell ) 0 11 u tua&ly lICe 01 0 It looks R<t.!Illl flllswered be glad ()f II few mllllltc8 OOIl'(,l'IIIltIOIl II I kcd to cloubt (1)elJl I,lth hllll III Illy sLlldy ( \8ry grn.vely When i A e onc I duo 81\) I ~hnll be Ro~le r cel'VC9 Roger" 1II1'f!t!Il{?e " I th n nl I thell 1 Cllllll tho rlgh t of very till I gmce lIlId 8 l1rr) \I 101 IlOme Iteve n\u'glvlng~ but tbey both 10110\\00 t1 e expre"'~1Il 1t my unbcltef 111111 J co fel\i! l'OrvRnt lit Ollce for Hugh Macdermott MISS !'lIn dermott I elon t Itke tho Idea Oborl.s /lr ullcomrortnble 80rt of thing IVai! lIot 'I mlln to bo trlOCd With 00 up"6lmfl! IWaic to YOln room t{) hnl e III the f:ulllly til baronet 8IIld ~l I III Jrelllld 1\(1 ItK them r 1 lid dOli t eOll\o down till I ~elld for you Rupert hut I SUppoilO It 6 becau II ere 10 YUII hUIr me? Go Alld lhen her futher ellwred t ho ut<ed to tl cm, nn« 1111 tho rt:f1l old ~tudy \\ I oro 13 1rry with I K I OIl of ol\re lillllllt(>H hKI O tl elll Yon can t Ullllk Ill.'lHnlllll! wn6 trying the conditIon of 1\ how fIOrry 1 shollid be If the gho.t dep Irled frolll Onstlegnr ~ 188 RoSie "ollblo-bllrroloo Sun Barry Mllftlll ' Hugh 1>lncdermotl I\ns" ered A " eek po I!I!~I nllcl IT Rllpert nllli IlCgnn III un n\\ ful VOICO IIl1d tbumplII g rhey VI~ltOll tho floor \\ Ith hIS stick, I ho" dare ~ ou Ro~le got 011 flilendld l) ( 01110 In .klllg lo~e to my dllllghwr With Alld explored the rlllll tog ther wl\lked out Illy perml lOll? Do ) ou euppose you Rlld rode IIlId oonled Alld the stern lire II proper 11C1"l!01I to ntllITy the lust of sit tel,. Englishman willIe lo e "n~ \c~ .TII the 1I1ICdcrmotte, I\ncl the heiress of 109 to 10\ e th I elrel!!! of tho Maeder UI1.~Llcgllr 1 My dnughwr II Ith bet mott8 \\I\S also bcconllllg hghtly In IIwe IJCI\lIty Ilntt l e~e rnt'.Jl!!, lind fllUllly might 01 bor It WIIS 1I0t II Mrly 80 eASy n mntmarry Ilhlke lUI It II\, sbe I~ t.o mnrrv II tor "" ho funcwl I.e go lip and My lmronct Do )OU h(,Ar thl\t Bllrry MIl'S Macclern ott J IIIlI Wllhllt; to Mnrtlllt-a baronet WIth five thousnnd 1\ mnrry yo u I alll Ir Hilpert tnrewclI til j yCl\rI NOli ~Ir toko YOllrllClf Ollt of my and I bn\ o Iii e thollBllnd 1\ ~ellt house and 011" my {lTelllil!ClI. I III va YOIl tb(\y got 011 IIdmirnbly lind It r fllth er len IIl1nutes to do It I\nd let mo nevor 111I8co u g mtulllttll ~ h mH('lfontb succe IIgnlll !lC'e or beAr 01 lOll sh Oil mg YOll r of his pranB Barr) MnrtlO was til< com fnco I\t C UlUegar nil if Ileum thnt you pletely forgottell I\.~ If he hAd neHlr I\pattempt to IICO or @p8Rk to Roll e 111 penred on tIl !I() lie or beell the fi rot t!lImh you to wlUlln al\ i neh of your lover IIl1d lov d of Roslc Anoth er lVeek life I anti tbe HtlCk came dowu henvlly Il/UI.'ICIl nwn'!' and one morlllng nt brel\k ftU!t t\ e MC].ure I\nel Ir RuperL botb , lillt, Sit Rosie-II Don; t dare W Rn3w r 1110 K lr It 8 11 lOOKed 1\8 L(thoy hl\d 8~ntt" ory rCKtiCllll ,.rctty J)l of bU81l18111 If A Inl\lI can t do naght but RoBIe 11'1\.11 lUI frellh And charm whnt bo IIket! with tU8 dllught.cr nod IIlg nnd lovel y 1\.11 ever Her dreAms hl\d you lIlly tollMl"l! Mllrtlll lhl\l I \ 0 hall Apparelltly becn plolUll\lIt It" all nrrnllged tllILt they RoSIe an el my tu rt 11IId tbe Mltcdermott lllUghed tho b/lrollet \l ero to IlInch ut Oralg Hnll IarcaeUcally Bllrry lef' tho room and the housc the homo of the BQ{lkins 1\ cbarmlllg I\CI\rcely knOWIng lVhl\\ be dirt H e Willi plnco, about seVOlI mlleH further UI' the bllt when no Ie rang Lo order III a toMlrtng rage but t he ]'Iartlll~ wore m ar a /illllll} who had I\lwoys the hIlppy the carrll\ge, her fllth or begged of her not filculty of keeptng their Wlllpcrs well III to go IillCl 8ttange to ~ny Sir Rupert band, lind he lenew that to a1l811cr the tJeconded the resolut ion IlO III mucll old mllll would only II\l\ke IU8 chalices ot wonderment she cOIIscnt d to star at over flO tng R.osie IIgftIO fowor than cv r home bu t Ilropoae<i II row on the rl vorJ 80 he held his peace, and went home willch amuflOlIlent WIUI VIolently oppol!C(\ vowing 10 have revcngtllll !!Ome shape or I\lso, and aga.\D lWl!le good noturcdly gave In other 0\ ell If he was RoBie 8 I1\ther " ])enr old CBlltiegar bow lovely I t ls i 'lbat evemng Fnther Roche dll ed at I don't IlOhev\' there 18 a prettIer plaoo Oastlcgnr, nnd at a Ii IV mInutes eefore In tho wOTI~ Good gmeloW! I Barry 18 t\l elvo 0 elock hOMld good lIIght 1,0 hl8 golllg, and hopromtllOd to !!tar to host, and started (or home Old l'togor luncheon and ride with me aftetward opened tbe door, and both looked acrol!8 What on earth can be menn" and rai&- In the dlreotiOll of the rUIns It 11'118 a 109 her window she put outher bead and clear moon Ugh t nagh Ii, and thero, on tile roulld Lower olell,lyand eliRtlBeUy Ktood called Barry I .But h 'I'M all'ClUly 1\ good way down Ulle Morel tho old IlIl\n Ih gray" tho IIvcnlle, And too angry to heAr OVOII Filth r RA>C.nc blelllOd him Hand rctl\rned to tj}e clrawlD$:room aecompanacd 1f he ba<1 been ncar enollgb Well, 1 II pay 111m off for thl!!, , Jtosle by 'Regllrl lVhQ WIUI wbite and trembUII" The prlet!t /!At dQwnand W1ped hiS face IIaId tU! tbo luncheon 0011 rllllg, uml lIhe It 8 no UIC, Hugb I can t go bome ran j I$htly down Stnlf~ .. Didn t I teU YOIl Lo 8tny III your room to-mght. I IIlW Ullc More on tile tower till I !!rnt for YOII?' hef filther snld 118 IIlId for all the biellop!!ln Bomo I '!'ould lIot \l{\1!8 Kllkeev\D me enLored 'Yuu dj) noheally menn t. I&Y YOIl "Yeti Pllpo, buL ) nr-~o hungry I!he anlwered, \aklllg hc:r p"lCC at the hel\d I!IlW the sbOllt Falbel' R.o\lhe T" 'BOIde of the ta~.It', ' ( rcnlly CQuh.ln L wnl j MId 11\ dlfffilo.V-' Ih ohl num on tho tow~ r 1' Wb('re lij 8urry ? As pllllDly 1\8 J II('e you 11011', m)' II RoItIf', It )'ou hn'll nny rtgar(l for your ure d!)n L~tUtluD tllRt naU16 III lIl)' dear tll\! priet!t alliwered, Ibaklng Itl~ ROpr 1&11' him too 110 that there hearing apln 11&11' h liD kl-d.,.~1 tell heall :fOil I 'I' him-you mar wtlll blullh- can be DO JD~e. You moat. irin me ...d I lUrDed him out or thl' boUle in a a bed, llu,b-anywbere In the IDbablted
..., be .,..', _ . .t. 1'be Idea o( a Me-
Y 26 1
...... OLD TDI&.
AORI .. I TVIl \l ITEM".
II Ivel) nlld prothnbly
MBER 51 .
'1 (' wrdl\y ""y tll 1) troll Fr~ Prtll8 :\ ha nd-orgl\nl t do" II before II hou!e Oil on're tre t IIlld begao to tum out 1110 er L melodIC bllt th fil'll~ tune hlldo t been thllMhed "hen lin odd looklllg Dltlll noout fl fty yl'lUl! ,Id hilling II gllm I g nnd n !:I'lleral forlom look olin nlong nlld halt d 1II front of th 1t.'11IM ow thl\t 1 weet he III aft r 1\ mon nL Cll rrl nUl I'lgbl bllek to the dl)~\\hel til nnd Hallul\b tOll U".. hllld t fHl P nnd IKJUOZl1 hI,," nlld told Ollt love ' Op- rl\ IIlU z(\ck, reph d ~he It III\D, l!JIl hng I\t th IIlllllKUI1!Il1 of bill all dl JI Wal now bllt It touchet! me rlgl\t here (!ouh nued th IIlIII! Wlt.il th game IeI!' InllUg hi hnlld 011 h i benrt ' I hnl ell t felt mu h Itke orylll for four tee.. yeltl'll before Inil ZI( I beard nngds buzzlllg rOI\lId III the nl r H I'CI!tcd hiS gnllle I g on :\ bor block tohleel hi IIrIllS, !llld 1118 look Illld nltltlld \l1I ~ thut of a mnll whose heart \\ I 1111ed With !!lIt! though13 IlId pnlll ful JIlelllOrleR In t. tU! the tears wer at IrllUg to bls e) I'!! the orgllDlst moved the top I>-creased tbe Mpeed I\lId' upt:l1D J\1Ik-s WI\8 lIIcmly rRtti d .off. r-lom odder kllld oof JII\l1.eek ' he ex clllllled I\nd tho hl\ndle badn t mllde fOI r re \ OlntlonH when tho ml\lI WIth thll gumo leg bAglln to smIle 'Ilion hll l u ~ b e d lus hut 0' er on the side of hL, ICIILl hltcheduphl troUllOr:!, I\lId smIl ed !!O III 1II0re And cxclulmod Bv gum If lh It ero tllne 11011 t JU t mnke mo hop nit over I Good mu !leok r phcd the Itolll\lI • Good! Why the dnmed tUlle 18 hCl\I ellly I I belie\e If 1 II IIl! dYIll it would tand me on e.d I I d gn e II billion d )lIl\r8 Ir lbllner WM ultve and collid hear that' He .teppcd ou~ ~Plt on hiS 111\1Id~ nnd then wllitzed 11(1 find down Lito IIlg" bls gnlllo leg fioJlPlIIg around hko 1\ loo~e weulh er·bOlml nod hId honrflO bnll Img
Jlmc\tcc f ~y U>JUlltiC Icrllhzn in re ~ug TU B or hnrd ~ f thi S Illllltf) are el' tllllnttld 10 occupy 600 tlcre 311<1 COli Will 20000000 tr rll~ N IItll kt "II~ tlnd worm lire ehcwlIIg t.obllcCl willci {IIIIII for th plnlltel"l! E P.LtI","T q UAhty I l l ' egctaklcRCIIII '1'1 ..... 1 no 10'0 OkOll 0 old 10'0, lb,t •• courlAld ollly b ured lhrough rnpul gro\\llt 10 0"," pride, Illid for thl f1 uh !!OIl I "IIIlllnl Tt ou&b our I""y.. a.. Iailln; falUnjJ •• a wo r fallJoUI b, old .. A VI aaer reft hlng mnturlty iltould TI ere are UfOUOUlO alJ .rouDa ....11\ tho mlQn 01 o r (Jdwn 1 elll morl! tltlln tl1e IIllue of her wight And .. IIr. In oorrowed .ullltbllWl wb Ih U.b~ III be f each nsoo of butler nod chee 01 ~'TI. gone. Lnbels nre IIltsolutl'ly lIeee Iry In the '1'1 ", .r••o 11m Ilk_ Ule old Um_ lb y ttltall lIu nocry or \ here II cr I" II collectlou n f"cr be forgot ! '1'1 ere It DO pllce lite tI. oil pra--toop S""'. U,. of frill I Hnl o 1I RUl'l'ly lIhlnV on <I.., okl 1)01 I hun I There ar. an friend. like LI 0 old (,I.Otla- mIT A NATtvNAI P Olltry lolltton \\ 88 Th .. 1::~~Ulf:"lm:~ :t~'o\:;-:~_aOll Dices orgulIl? dill tIIgo early III April All 10v1DII ... h I exblbltlon IS Lo b It Id In thnt city next 1\lnt r \r Kev Lnrgo Florldn II DlIIIII lalld Ihollt IIIlIely flv mtles lIortheal!t of K y THE Illcome of the wealtlHe b mnn ill \\ et!l th prod \I t of IJllleall l'Ic8 the the Engla b Hou8C of ommons \\ WI fill t y~/lr (,lCooed d "0000 ot superior ~ 760 000 last yellr IOY.Il lind qUlIlttv DnroNOLJ {ellppcar d 11\ UIII\lotl re1111 1 btlndclpb 1 1 rc& thlllk" tbnt celltly after 1\1I nb nce of eight yea1'8 tl\l1 growlIlg l rec I'llIllt-t'd Iblrt) or fortl Tbe critICS 8I\y hl8 VOIOO 18 not IvbuL It feet n 10) from II uUlldll1g IIlId surrol III, \\I\S once. but ho u_ It With s\lch !\kIll IlIg It IIfford lhe b t po Ible protect JIl I well Ulgh 10 lull the rovllgCl! of !.title Irolll I ghtlllug w n k' 0 .... U • I I'" .1 ..... Lhe •• t.r 11"'1* 1""'/11 .. Iro Ihe Igllt ...., t J1' New 1 IIglBud It hns been founel " I 0 ino •• Ibe bel"lt.., "h ro Il),rlill Il~bt~ Pili hoa,on wllh oudl... day' thllt poor g:tndy l:!Oll cnn be profttllbly Tie eou1b I!OO" ~u- ... u. d I""", Iho , u, IlIIprO\ d U) CHit II( on lay ulld nllx And ru~n In II tllDgOO delShl IlIg thoroll~ h ly "Ith tb surface I!II lIdy / ""6 whl.l, uo .....,lnl<l oba INol_ dAY Or wboln • uolu c\ a!li.I.. nlSht 80iI 1 he Improvement I permBnent -.sc.-Ib or Tm IlOhcfthnt HI fiOllerH) 011011 and mTlJ, the future 1_t laurente, lUI!! blue CllUllot eXist tog ther hit receIved n bc:tt II everyone who \\ r"Ote of the SCI\ ~boclc by the disco' r~ of J E Dommer 8011 before H hll8got th four !!Cuson of blue allli yellow c('\orlllg mntter III 1nto {Qur III ell, for which he chnrged tho 0011 or~ of !'!l0JUM llUC'('1 Int H whl\te\(!r (Od to r of 1I e J1ll1e B IUU four dullllnt th It ut rlt lij 18 the poem rllP. Legl Inture of ' ('rIllOllt recently f Inl (OmI)A II ••1lO6C 11 el00 u PPMC I!M d nil net tOlldlttULlllg II DORnl of II en 1\0 e ll. ncas. (JOllltnl ~IOI etK "hose ,J Il) It i to X fl CI It bogln. t. fteelC Rnll lC frollt tlllle 1.0 Ilm c I nd rCl'ort UPOIl A CORR}.lSIONl)E r wnhng frOIll Ule till ,nrto IS commcrClol ~ rtlltzl'fS uttered UpJler Nile MY" All thllt hl\8 been III mnrket 1\ IUti II till t.llte " rl tten Iloout th pntlcnt onel docil TN ccrtalD part~ of EuroJ?C t.he rcnllllg Cl\mel ls a humbug ~o grenter frlud t kula for the snle of thc lr SkillS I lin )( 8t8 IlmOllif the ooru,tts of burden 1;10 II l ortullt lHIHII('M those II I lOb COUI 18 lit v('r satisfied wltk allytluug. and is mnrtel the hlghcst prtces, III d nrc rcgurded IIlwny howling and yelhng like mnd 8 S 8 11 ('rlor 10 11 o lh c r~ being tl r. li e IlI vllrmbly get lip before you I\ro J ren ch ol1l1e I I ~h market }ICar J rurly 0 11 hllll, BIlII COIIICS (lown WIth II nat Q alts \\ I 01' Just I\t tho time I\ml 1)loc not wRllted My hqlc experience at A llRl-:sIONIJ I NTof th 01,,0 J UTI/tel Holfa I cnrly cost mo my gl\e a gloWlI\g account of hl8Clq encllcc \lIlh the DIlIllIUIk B IIUt.y stroll berry I t we 1'111 Jf I bnd a 11\1111011 of 1I011llrrl brut~ g t up before I IVIL, fill I'd h\l.X. bp.nri ~II nlld pln.y thll~ LUlie ¥,d to8!!Ct,l 1Il IlOV ml feeb 1~1WJ!M~t;.W_UiiltJijb~,liif' !Il~fe111';tivttlllg1Min ~, t(I trytI it r~ 9 n ha Igllt L'1,Il'I r 1!iX' lIIolltM 1Vltbout .!;IQwev r 11\ n f, IV dl\)s I I nH .",~cf-tI".ip~~,... a\.(tpplog ille crnu\; I trICKS und can IIQ\Y get lhe rulher an Illlllterly or lVesterly dlreetioll In hope of It 8 11CCI)1!8 ev rywh r He put hIli hanlls over biB fnoo alld Il~ AN old bachelor t.hus impel\ch~ 081mtlnr phenomena Ilnlobsen eel FJRLDIl thl\t 11 \Ve be n ellltivat d x !'M red ugltated, Jl.lld the ltl\llln! d.dn t mnll IlmVCII h her m the nnme of the As the r I nothll\gthnt :mil pro~rly hnustlvely for twenty 11lId (lV n forty to cl\rt whetller he colleewll a cent gr nt 1\ hllie or th Ocol1n ",\tOIle bone~ be 01111 d n mouutlUn III tho lIelg800r year>! hal e been rc tored to ortglnol [>1"1)- or UI lIut He grollnd the tune out tOllch {\ Ire lorn Munde~ to ennb\e bet to keep hood 01 Mo!lCOW It 19 I/UPpe d tbnt dllctnollell8 by clo\ erlng III olle trlugbt l \Il\pel\eb. her III the lIame or ther!! eXIKI~ bellel\th t hBt Clty e llorlllOU~ b) Cllrcful fcrtlltz ItlOIl Inlld II Ilch WI\II lh ~toJ'l alld remnrlced I>eMoe!; whose strut 1VIlhout 1118 Cn.VltICS occllplcd by /lLr OJ (lCrh/lpll by COli Idored gtl9d for notillug OdllUIC d III hn ! Very grllll-de 11\\\ zeok diS tlmo-- the pc rnll !!.~lo lI IIho hill! s(eJ\lthlly aod with lInter or tha t strOM of sollle 8ubdtallCO , ulueto $tOO pe r norc 11118 tllll e Yl\lIl;ee Doodle rolled alit llOlIor a umed I lmpcac;h her III of I ery II CU.k epeclficgrllva, Xlst ther BRrl'T-un ral f!CS Hry fille bor8CP froll'l tho httle !!<Jllllf box Itko sheet- the lIumt! of tho hQ1"l!C whose tnll she bl\8 or lIlIt thcro extends o\Cto tlto II hole of 'lhey nre rl'nll er~ d doctle nnll tmclflLlc llglt t ill II g ijltdlllg dOIVII the ~Ide of n lillY per, ertcd (rom It~ USQ to tho /Illlklllg oC the COllntry Hurrol nlilog t 1\ geneml through klud usage lite 1) lr~rtl p 18 tlte sttiok I'llvy trCi!i!CS to <Iccorote t he b\lck of th 100 ulI(:QIlHOhd ll ted 1Il8 of ge010glcnl cillof fOOl! of the horse th ere IIml It i6 rcllt Concord I yolled tho mlln head nlld IICCK I impench her in til mntertnl to a d pth hopoh Iy beyono behevcelto cOlltrlbu te mntelllllly \.{) the WithGblto guilt lell 11.'1 the tune Il)noh d 11111110 of tl I) kau/,'\ IrOO who \JOiIUt!flll 1\ hot human lubor ean eX]Jeot to peno vIgor IHld beAuty for willclt the JIO I"llC~ 1)1 Doo(1le Dnlldy ::i hold on 1\ Dllnute figure, sbe III taking UPOIl her the Grelrnt thllt COlllltr) lire reml\rknble t ill Igot till leg II1I(\er III I Thar-Iet Cllm belld h us brollgllt lllto III (avor Imd Tile Girl lV bo W1118. \:-r Ort hnrd of~ewtoll n IlIppills, whIch bcr cOme /10\\-dUlrepute • Wboodle I_ lie a"",Uo-dool .A u I Mid a. tllldl\y hool tclIchcr'I he limo hJlllIIl.'!IlCd whell women must hl\d produood nothmg bu t wormv knotty III Ikl ~ ooal. da, 411 Ih I\r011110 Jonel!, whnt do yOIl think br pille 11111 uchellte to oocalletllllterCllt- frUit for twcnty )ollrs Will! mntle to proAnd I e leaped urouud slnpped the you "ollid h/lNO been WIthout your good IIIg- wh n ~he mll ~t be loLuIl) IglIOT1lllt dll ce 1\ fille crop by tho t ree.~ hlllng Cllrefllth er lIud plOW! motller? ' I IIJ'I KtIIC, of all prnctlcal kllowlcdge to IlO c,'111ed fully IIcrn(leu nnd IIlIshcd WJtb /I Ilrepll!' Hal lin 011 the 11ICk threw 1118 bl\t on til mum) 'Jl8ld arohllc, who WII.!! very much refillcd 1111 I 11 Igh bred-\\ b II Hhe IIIUst ntton of hllle Itld slIlphur nnt.! the grollnt.! wl\lk ulld eOlllllllled coverell "Ith hOle and II1l1nllre I;lIlIlC nnel roptllc I bllt dOli t thot struck with the soft nppoI~L-' I sU Jlpoil() know lIutlllll!> of Lli cllrn lit po It tical OIlCIIAIID grnKH furnlshrs excellol t tune IlIllko ~ Iory 8wllld lIgbt out hke mU1l1 ns I should Ita been II hurphu.1l n c \\ ~ of the dnv or be ClII~d Illtll!f uhll ll Ou Io_tho ."grn....lrlnglog or .trOlllllllllldcd It I nOL 1\ MlglI of plI.!!ture titre II cekR bcfore OilY olher mild 01l1WllitC hou ! B nl] forus!' 01 IO~:'t~~~o:lla~r:kJng I !lh blft lt or refine HCllt to be Sick ly alld 111111 rlcr cl08e grnzlIlg te ll d I) K reHt.IM The It.nllllll ijnw thllt II crowd 1I as A oll.,r lear I Ignor 1111 TI ooe I ho n/feet ollytlulIg of suffiCient to I rodu ce another groll lh A gathorlng IIlId he !.troke the tun of!' short Ind Bll.llfd Rway 011 tho \I wOllee To hOllrlh.",,( MaT "I I. carcool, g th~ k nIl are belli lid the tlln~8 ulld III\1~t corresl onel lit of the Ja m erM H01 ~ To kn ~~ ~Ib.~ l~t~l~t~ blooming shnke "I' fll d IIr tholm<ell es mellt.nllv JQl r (1/ "rltcH th It IlIscxpcrlence IS thl\t Ulver '1 he first strnlllS of the den r old melody UIIOn lb. I.... CO \\ 8 feeel ng 011 thl~ Will prollucc lIIore \I d phYSically or Ir l p under thc firm hllli >sca rcely I rt the oox when tho IIlllD To - 1 • bini. relum l"!Iother lr del! of com mOil ", K" IUd be crushed nllu r her IIl1lk lIlIln 0 I /110 gr{u;.~ Fro", "''' IdoTing TI • 10 art 18 IIldTI fceJj all Ito 8Orrol!' IIIW utlN III ~ gmliclllc(l 111 these day A COMM 1'l'T1 1 of I he 1 rof~iIIlOrs at the \I tl tl I) gallll) leg Iel\uerl u p n~alD~t 11 t re{ box \II peel th 8WClIt from IllS !.trow 1n LbUI ring •. II OCtlH ro>lY faced girl, "I th bralll tnte expcrlment II farm of I (II11I ~yh 1\11111 1111 I I\l\Id - ....Jlp/tt... , """""', III ck Itnd ulea r \I /ltm h~ht benrt, \I hn\e mucic IIpor lIlelllJi t.l) ItIvcstlgntc lher R fIOllle thlllg more to r!)nllnd A MAN dre8i!cd 1111\ !!tIllor co~ttlllleWlld temper qUIck ly lie It.d at IIItclIded III the V ISlInge of fued th rough a cow s mq of lIy 100 Hl\Uller I ISII' t that per lip III 1\ Icrmllllafl cOI"rt the othrr.~~~:I! ~ 1I1t8 or IIIJury nnd J\lst /l.8 qUIck to for stOlll1 cb IIltl collclude that II1MI fct.! 0118 for tho hungry fIOul th.ugh? II po II II clarge 0 8tea IlIg a pl\IT 0 """..., g il P "It IIC feet can rlln DB fost liS ber OI~h or IIlone or mixed lI ould prob\bly ~" IS ' hnt str 1It181 WI"t teMsl WhItt 1\ As lIehl\d no cOIIDtiel, the Comt IlppolJI!.ed IOllgl e \lId not pi titer eu l of brclltl I IL8H directly t{) lhe fourth 8t.OIlIllCh I\lId a youn~ Inwyer to take charge ef Lhe de \Vh I Ie 1I0t IIfr lid nf rreoklcK or to thnt t herclore Lho orgnns CIlUflot be blll~II .," of the heart!!' ' k d tl reu8C rhe law1er opened toe CR WI th ery sort IIIU zoo, romar e brelltl C Iho pure /lir of hellIon \lnre- cnJoloLl oll tof (hclt propcr dllty hyallY Ie II speech JII willeh h alluded to bu! C\I stral ued hy tho drnwn curtAID8 of a clo~e lIrLlfice nnd thllt IUcnl fcd \II \\ e PII\Y ltallnn I ellt a81IChllc1oftllellAdtteAwaVClj,nnurl!u Hrll go lind I\bove 1\1I, Ivl 0 CI\U speak WIll probl\bly p I8S to the fourth stol11 l It ftl My Itell'BIlHI mill If yOlll hug ot th 8t{)rm wholn the pltllet18 hrr IIIlnd lind glv her opllllon OK Lm Without re-chcIllIIg pay my ooo.rd III travel the wholo bIllows had CRJlt 1\ farlorn IlDd (rJondlC811 "orlillt l.!ltJlC8 whlllh IIItcrCft mtelhgen L 'fill Snllglllllon cOllnty ( Ill 0018) toek country over nlld CIIrry tb It orgllD, JIBt waif upon the ailOre8 of time I\fter n hfe IlCClI'I( 18 the true girl wbo wlll mske a lind Proc1ucc tic As.'!OclntJoll \1 118 or to ht-sr you plu) !.hllt til lie I spent in fier ce and !torole eontes' With He rCllched Ollt IllS arlll M made mo- the elements Tben the defenelnnt wns !tood womllll Thlij I the girl who WIIIM gnllllC'd AugUHt I I SH 1Iy llhollt forty III II cee dn) ~ Ellm fops unci dalldlcs, reprcl!('nt It II 0 fnrlllcrH of the county ttO 1M Ill! If dmwlng tile tllne to 1118 pllt III tho dock, I\nd the fact WIl8 revealod who stron Iy OllPOflO womnn 8 rlgh LB, It ke 'lite object 01 thiS ctllCrrmc 1Mto bnllg bten8t{ IUt.! wlllspered thl\t he wna cook lIpon a Clinal boat, tltO1\ 11 01111111 \lito Cl\D ttilk lIell oven If 8h together tho product'r 1111" con U1ne r 01' Gory 1 Wh n I dl8 leL me die VIOUS to wblch he lind hl\wked fi II 1ho nursllllg 0/ the 8torm 'I now II) JIIII IS 1I0t hnnd!!Omc They ~ t lrl of the hve @tock lind olber fnrm I'rodllCll!, IUld h6tenJ[~ to tbeRI strains of' U\\nIlCO erl h Ulost UOl\l\tllll1 crentllro If Ite III II fool HO II nllnllte 118 f'lr IL' (10 !ble the Ull'lha orQ:alll t shouldered hl8 box I\nd for 81X mO_t_lt_I!._ _ _ _ __ 'lhe,!!IIY A w yM" she 18 a benuty Large \>ro/i1Ji of nllddlemoll e'L clRlly 11\ TREdl8lll!ter to the PfUlJ! aeronaUWI alld 110 nllStakc, but site won t do for conllnillilions cKP<'nsea of sillpmel)ts mOled 011 al d th ml\n wltb the game me-Incko brluns for whlllh commodIty Gtc Heguhlr l\ucLton elays nr deslg lej; IClillcd up ngulll8t tho felice nnt.! re lilted frolll the teeblenel!8of the hUDlan It would !\Celli sbo could have httle UflO nl\ted Illtellect wben the body II! subjected to The lIlembe1'8h p grow lllg WIped bls eye III her I1S1!OClltlOll with him However Il\rge Volcanlo EruI.tlons In Iceland. abnormal conditlolls Probablr the QXy to plcose evoll an empty hlllldod fop 1\ gell 151\8 wllicil they CRrrled ~ lUI thelll, 1 irE stul'le of \I IIltcr fecdlD~ through \\omall must knolV !!o[Qethl~lg The London l'J1Ilt:II of Apnl 811.18 lI[1d Inhaled when brllAthmg boCl\llle clL/ out the eOlllllry 18 hl\Y eIther LIIIIOlb, 1elegrillns from hetll\nd state thnt the ficIII!. helped to ullsottle tholr millds or clo\ er but the demaod for thl6 DRlIIsh mall steamer Dina nrrlved at Slvel th r(\w I\way bl\lIlU1t WIth the frenzy A lIlan Dies or tile HIe ClOughl!. IO/lterlnl n the t{)\1 liS lind ClllCl! IDduces l.~nvlck lru<t Thur1!day trom ReykjaVik of u madman aud 11I8compaololl8 aeqlll A!.tout ouo of the mOilt el n!Iular el\8CR 11\ mlllly portJolIM of the COlin try being her fil1lt tnp ror tho I!CllllOn he ClICed In the proceeding Si>inoll1 did ~ho of del\th that e ~er came wlthtn ollr pro fllrlllel'll to Htlot theIr own ullImlllf\ III order to brings pnrtlClllnrs of the grand ruptlon Mme tlllllg and ~Ildler, lVbo bl\d the vince to melltlon 18 lhat of Milton the high price It commllnds. reahze DlRtr of LoI\I~1\ county wbo died last Hence there 18 n greAt /fort to supple of tbe moulltnm Cfllled TrollllclyuJav, III clearc"tllelld III tit pllrt Y was tqo r. ble II cek In OILltfofll\I\(I( the!uccougb8 Mr mcuL It WIth other producbt Corn and the north ofl .-ell\nd rhe eruption 00 to muke nlJ~ protllllt 1toreaner wben currell 11\ December Illst IlIId WI\.II pre- neronlllltK go up to t he altitude of IX or Blair 1 1\11 old merchRntol LOUll!& county I\r 1Il!!O fed to lVork nUllnnls III ccded by ('.nrthq'lnkoij rhe weath r ven lillie t11(\y ought to.remember t.bllt but 11M 110t beell engaged il1l bU8l11ef18 for Ol\t nCltrly nil the cou ntIes reportlllg III dlt 1\ nllmber of yel\l'II He blU boon !"CHid ferout tBtcs of the Ulllon Iu ml\lIy of d urlllg t110 month was very foggy, I\nd they mlly beCOJlle the Illlltr\Ullenta of the flllmel! from tho bllrlllllg lIIo\lllmln thClT Oil n destruotlon, Ilnd that there hi illg nenr Morning UII Iineo rctltlllg gruln 1M gn en more or Ie fre II to could not be seen to advantage until the IIIJ milch clnn~r from temporaryabortl\o(rom bUalllelll. Ltu!t fall ho Will! IIttacked tbem IllIIClt-<.'OlVJJ, and to AOllllais fattemog fl)r With It. ti t of lllcoougnin« wlncb con market In qUite a lIumber ot COllntl1le 8d. of Janunry 1I'h n tho 81ght pre8Cllted 11011 oftho IIlllldl\ll there Is from aIIpb y.x I a t.mucd {or fIOme wce~ wUIJ _rooly aDY grolu l8 fed to 8tock-caulo and to elIeep was ml\gnlficent Oolumns of Bre and ILlId that the one il likely Lo ref!nlt from IIItcrml IOU BecoDlIng alarmed at the but th CllO aTO cotntnuolltOll of advanced ,LonC8 were eliot 8traigbt lip into the I\tr the ot.bor -Dait.m()re ,A,PItnCl(III to a great helgbt, 11.11(\ fell bllek Illto \110 long oontlDuanoo o( tbo Itpellj ?tlr erawr in 10 narrow aeircullIferonce thRt 8o)IB two yeal\! ago a young mall, tile came to :Burlington to consu t 'WIth u ldel\!! 011 the Mil bJeet ot stock ralslIIg tho formation ofa nelV illVA onlyelttelld IIlIn of [r John Kno"le. of Trenton N doctor who aftot treating hIm alVhlle, A NEVADA brcl\cb of rrom,!!O 8\1\t deelared ho could gho bim no rehef. pute tho following offer 0 marrUlg6 011 cd twelve mdcs from the northwe~t to J ~u(l{lenly dIIlllPp8~ HI tatler From tl1l8 City be pfOceGdcdl Lo blcago record " I wllnt you to nte and let me I/Ollthenst All OJIplorlUg [lul"bt IUlte h~rlll~ nothlllgof)lIm ad'fortJ.Mld tor In and colIslilted the best medical authorl know If YOll allY Ide of marrymg a gJllne, that CronL the l!ido of tho ravllIe at a formlltioll A. pcl"lllln iu J:ibliAdolpbl", tIllS tbore who dldallm tbel[ power for or not if flO rito and let me know whot poInt 118 near as they could get for tho who read tbc lIotlce!came toMr. Knowl him bllt could not rebe ,e him By tho Chance woul bee for Me 1l01V It you burmog hWa, thoy could fIOO d01l'1I and told him that be Willi jo a bMt 'll'Ub their adVIce he went to OilllforDla, ac have lUly n<!@bm all you got to do 18 to througb the volcanIC fi uroillurid ilameM his 8011 and three otbent croll!iDg compallicd by hi 81Ster thlolnng tha~ g a Ialit;( rn III Y ) I'll for I mean blsncll!. I IfaIle up lIke Vl\8t reeking nven of lire playlllg ill peakc &y, IUId younl Knowl. Ud \'11'0 the chllnge of citmate ,.ould helt\J!j1ll my mlnde to not IIl1ury cny lIIore oneo Wild confull1.l)n among • tbe wreck of others wertt-drowned The &&JiIr.>weId read the Ihmr FortllJlately no dlUlllIge WIUI to BIIltlmore, where &he bodr-lMuW. Roftle r UI\CU to fiml un an apllrtl IIlllr f('lRalnlng III1.hat tate to tbe tIme or bllt I hke you and think I Can Ulake you IIIlItter lIet!t In Ule IVy every 1I11:hL: Of (,()UI'110 hlR d~th, bh:coughlllg 1Iln;IOiIt CODtlllU hn,wv I wllI be gtJOIl tow 1011 111111 tllli dOlle (,Ither .., the earthquakeB or the bad It cs;hllmt.'<l, aJId w. . .Uded II thaL of bill ~ild we I'IAllnC"IIL Ix-tIVttll II ~ lllUl f!ulII~h lilly ilnrl hllVlIIg but few IOwrv"l!! of e1l1ltlrrul a 9 10ng~ 1\8 YOIl lIv '111m YOllug ('rllll(\oll n!lIttd uni.ll \Ii ml'n.t....mr f:lth r" ( rll .... ly 1111 1 tin ~ .Inl «t Th e contlllued Rtnlll'l and cllMtretl!l alld able to rke all,1 I ,I(in t CJII1' n BOY Ilo'tl'ermg hrube are eheap InWOIl nee I/t Hlr nllJl. rt Htaruwtll,' wore hun to a Die", IIbadow ~hl. (ormer whetber you hAve ,got al!eu~ or not It nU and earlli, groWJl, and .boalel be eultl· HOlt, alld lu' week hitJ UN! telegraphed ..me Low mll No Mo", at prnent Aneer vated more. BArry . .d ::,.;;.-~:--~--:.. You can'. thank rAtbl'J how hard I to friends IUId relau... ID \hie and thl. Immecllty ; Loa lIB In hatchlug la 1JIrl... wiU be he dad, aJld round U to beJl from laugblDg at hi Loubta countlee, ~~--:----: D TR i. &be oll1y auaawr &bat tabe much dlmeniabecl If Ua.......... . . . ~bl~ face and lIhakin« Mud. very warm, hi, ,,"...ta wltb4Ju& a ~baracler. mOrDiDao" BcIIIe.w. "I UtIed k) \brow rllt;
til u
:~~I~.~~==~.I~~~,~.,O:D ~r
'11 ,I t t!!~ I I .,'r" J. • a nd i II I II, retm 1 • i Ililu th· ' 11 - 11, "I lIi ll IIIl' .,·,mall ""Ji~ IlIld • erritt in Uti. pI o. ,1111 111 "t Iht.' til'\' JI'jlUl tUII.'UI. I',,· 1I11"IIIt'1I \\Ia) III&d ('''Uli,l t,'u tIl\' I r.Benjamin ther attcnd' 5 .. 13 I"'II~.I tl.,' ltv.l\..", I u ,'r IUlti I' ll . ' l",II r.t\: " f 11 .. 1.,'. J:'.I\I' thl:! 1I~ 11il1 - Tl.r,·, l b ' \.od tlit' t UII('11&1 vf hi a~ futh<'r. l )I II ('I ill F .;<'u ht l II. 1'11 .. Bab ~r~d\lllt"lJ:' "lIh:rtn ili lmml lll'f, 'T,' Ii qll lN.· .. 1 I' .. .. II v . Uicillud Ahlth'r, iu Riehm lid, I II' ;1':1' A ' li e .~. 4 ('vl·k .E t in~u l .. h,'1't! 1..111. "' t1 rin" lIen .. I,· ·r.,\\,I,.J h U"", in ( '01\.1 . \1 -. H,·. \ . n :tlc\' i \'i it· dillUlI, 18 t w~k. Th tll' ...a ,II 11I.lW" • t }to . e"I,1 \\'l:IUlll·r .•1"111.\'11 and \ '111).1. III I I' Hilmi.,,,',, 11,,11. ill ' III ~""l1 li t VllIlty. · ~'Il !l:! ... UI1l of age. lIe WII8 th :"I'~ P. .. • ",' O !~ ,·" n 1 fhlt II 1'l!1' lreu ~)A·t' IIJ1 :k· Th · 'r,·i ·, , 111 ,,1'\' "1~IIl.J \0,. - ~Jr. ,/ ""11 .la n·lIef, ,II'.• \'i iwd fOlllllll'r uf tht, wl'\I ·known lath. • ... . , ....: ,~f".... tlll'UI ,'il~·l'rll .. 1 in 'IlH' ,)f til Th,,\. l,ra\'I'r h." EI,k'r LIIIIII·,t.,II , Ballti' t 'incillllllli')'" h'~lu.v. ' r's.... ~Mill •, d uwn11 lIl'ar Pre t'p" , ,,- a-'O n ,. · ' 0 on <l[1. ~11' .'I ' .1 rt, I. ami II !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!i; " ""J S O Ii W" l e ..~ t ~ " 'n.1I bllu (' d Ill ! II ',I n fllllnh'r' IIIIII U' IlIi Hi tl'l', " " ,'r wlli'lI l l r. A . ( '. -~I r . ,' id \\, 'II Tllyl I' Ii ~ull e oi ..... II Il IY'r8 I Y 1 ~ ('u uy a T .. III. N ' . I .ud 6 tun "II ... "".,"~. ('n . jl lt . 'I'," , ", .. HI X" fIl a \\'11 'il' )1 ,' ' IIl(l-; l 'I·rfvrlll.tl :l " luntllr.,· tu 1.. \\,a UII liu incs • ....ho kn 'W him, o I . \I • • 1111. tI" .. "iI.. 111.' 1'\).1 at \·l'f·.~· Ivl\' ti!!lln'tl, • nil WOI'- LIII fh~ r~llli . 1'hl WM filII w ~ ' - ~r \'o\' Hro ' lI IIIIJ' to ' II ' - ' V(l(' r • " , ." h .. "o 1111 ('x· ,.~ I,, " I anel tin I r ':Ii ~~Id r:11I1l! fv ' iI'\) ",lli ·tUt·' , II. Till: liS ~\llIh' utlle.r filII i III J)l'rf t'lna ll- I'i . if i'I)<; ill "I}r~ -Ii 1.1. ' lIent r t k f rurnit ur I~()W 0 11 & t l'tiM I <e . , .. I r'.rRI.I. .. "d, i .·.'tI. rl 'ltllllllo': II,lrl. ut th" ' 11111':\ I'llf' n'". I""'r wlll·h tlu ~l'Il lllltl''''r'ltI... .. . Illund . fh huv ,II I!IIJlIndld d· ' • • •, .",1 . , ' , I and 1.411 P DI . \ II I I I J I ' < 7 1't1 I., !loo\lon 0 01 ,. ~.OO 11 m, I 'I,~ I chll c th" ,; We. 'I~hl 1'\ I'pr.t Wit Ib" ir l" ~'~'y ', I ti!\Jll w ' ; • i .~: " lfl~I,'~~V Ull~. rlclll. .IU II a I' ro ID il t ill durK WI ,'h.i h a .. . . nd 5 ~~ l' m. rcN:.,·"J. Ih'·Cllllllltt~c.:'atjllll"' l. ~r I\ron " •. ) IiU . e II~· . lI[) Ill.) I" I IlIInJ:t" lth III Il 1> • • • II'tlllL bo 8nrpa 'd at th prl l' . J .10 . I cKI~ EY . r~cl 1 All III I 'I'" thl! fvllv wing 1'\.,·,.l lIt i'):1p , ·d " :l'I'fl . . - M ~,. ' Hl liI H. OJk,.f 'I II III · Th Y huv cimil1land ofn in E ROt> S~ I L RS. ~• . Ait , . !nUliH illl II-I ' ; • ~\i, . ~J iI"J:;i ~h' an • (l li mp " 1II1tl. \ hllt tl I' er ' U II ' IIn dli ' . lind lounging chair I tic k , f\J'e . . • • uI ~I:!II ~; ~iI'~ ~~.~ ~:.~~~ :!"I!I ~il~; ~I.. . ' ,'e /111:1'11 , Il.~' Ihe ·11~lIll.'il III' rh l' ,,~ tIl ft~llIr,\ , - MI'. P~lIr lIlI IUl . b;.'(lfl \ (;r~'. ill pi 'luree IIl1d pict r tralHl'~,. Ill ) of '\ :1-. FA ll lt. I ..) 1 ' I II ' 'T! '''I'utl'd " "'n~ ' l1 arn·.,· '. ~I ." lillie f nrn1lS . " .OI'U . iur unl \ t u ... ~ but I~ J)v\\' ()Olllg the bt'st styles IIl1d lit I w hl!nrl' . ' P., .. & ST. I. RIII.\f,lf . b~lrg. 11111. ~"l' p"" l·lI r.c u h.ll':~. 1,1; ~~r. Wllit r J)tlkin, The ElI' lI\ent:! wei!. . . . (Tinl , hoIU nn earl J: call.. I . h" •• IWlle, h,,;,\! • • li d III t h\llus ntre." I.~ "I Il l" ~ • - MI !I IU," L 'II h 01 ' iI' I U~. - .Mr. larJlel W righ t IS no II I t v "liP1 I?Il!A mtlij ,{ L ' , (' ,I!lf) DII'l lil tm . 1 I 11l'(Jtl'l't '1111" ill tlp; 1'1'' '1\1 til-I' . . ~lr . 'l'llr~' . Ull il.l'. A ll Th ill).!; !lin i " i~itJill', Ilel' fl·i~lIIl .. in thia ngag in busine s in 'ill'i ll lluti , ~ Q IV." Ma • • 151"• • M,. . I ' 'lil"'" 1I \'l' I'P ill the ril{h t d i· '1.;III"e. a li J. Wo ( 'hll n" wilh 1111I~1l . twith Mr. Beresford. W o regret t u 0",1< 5"n ll. I t' t\ fl ' k ' U 'J'I . In·inn,d-L.. ,8 ; ,!«lan' 7 IHI )' RI r(,I·I" Il . •. 11\ ' \" ' 0 t il ' ~II \I'll 1l'1!1. . ., . I - " ' l' l\re inti ute.tltu Mr.lIt il. los s g a bneiDe ll ffiau trum IUc blll ,ud- Ar .. 10 .:10 '. hi IU,IO" til l int' li on tOl.t '0 111 lIIe. II 1.1 IIg" . hl;l cl A lllll Lyl(· 1 h ' Ho.l ut I ton lll'adtltroet rur 'ad \' " gllrdc/I sllIong I1S, but tl'll t Ihe olmngo ron !!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!~~~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R. l'1'lo.... , ar t \ B .16 1l 111 1~~: II III I ~IIJ ui 1.1 'd " y lll · 'VII 11 ci.1 . bll t Llll1nl'h~'u bnt ~"'I ~ I· . is th 'hur. . tiMi<.?' ~ • b greatly to Mr. W right's udvl\ll. '! 1!~ 0 ,,,1 . ·I·';·~ 121..10 . '" J" " . " P m, II met Wi lla IIch "lr II' unt,Huli "p' It W-'ttl•rl I e III Vld. wII8 tv Ill' cll y I - I 1'. T . ,B. .\" . , llIa s IIII 0 1 1 tagtl W o al' .~llld to learn thllt l A"" ',,"n • • ,T .., 10 I' III _. ". n , • I I t· oj • 0' . • K k".,o .~rl v. J'U~ JI .. I '.!.ub .. UI pll~I I IOil. t Inl I I ~ Il )lect \V 1l;:! 1'11" a ll Y Illlrtlclli ur 11]('I'l t bolunglLlg I f tl ... t '"0 I' ,. U . tl Mr W right WI 1 stIli make 1118 • . . orrh, J • I 0 . ", pl'd. . ~IW 'It Wo1 l1 )J Ilp peUI' II '. , .' n uru gul' l' n III II I h me . . Log.u.~rt 4 . 0 I' III 1111 'Itlll r II I thos IIY wi lOr • eacII 0" 11 I ' lUoa . hero, and go to lind 'tro , g;"",.. n OI~L: arm I~ ~" ~ ~~ the \v ilmillgt," til'C hM 0 fright. a uth r did his or her be t und tli rlt " Ilg . . . ' weokly. I . a.. , V1: • • ' llcd Ih' old t' '~i('rI thllt tl w ' IlIlYe be t W f\ so good' h lice wo CUll I - MI'. T. n. M 'Oullla, 1'., .1'; M 0 " Z 11 & S r. '" 0 801 TIl . ' .1 t " ! 1 . ll111 . onxton of tl Ie II ' " 1 tl ·t 111. . ~ onf • ~ 1& 1:1')0 a ' D l08t'l II c nhuell (II"1)Uk C"· onl\, II ") .uU) J eorge.w I'd Ob lO.. gll-"e.~y. . ' " m '. l c'' w 1 tlHl!; t. • I • u\'• • wh ile en tertUl11 . " 0 \11' en.'I , ' I han' a p ell( I assortmout 0 C roWD 1>,,1I,,-a..1,,0 !Uo p on 1.. ." 4 ,, Ul c t lm gadl', allC I\' d IIOt uC SHt l~ 1 ed 011' 11 "pi lI iU\I !lil t! pretCl'ellc tl'll.t 1111 C I. I brack ts wall -pockets comb·CUBes 1.0,.0 P° M.· . r ri ve 1~ 5~. m. 1"1" P III Wi l,L uII)'. thi.ng DulI't 1l1ll1 1S ... ' V UI' , l d V·otu ' C8, \·,'1'11'0"u IIICY lIre' J[oIWIIII. arrl... .. .O... n m !! '/5 r m A . ~htli't I of 1 11 l' lI ginc. ' the .l}fOJllcti I ' II ', 'Ilr hI 'Olllle ill itd & - W II fil' iI h I cull t dO d I k r ill I " '''.1 " r.."D1 " lid I'IlOD , roi," 3 ...·) A III 4 II r 1\1 n II 'l lI C It I , t ICII , 1'1I1'IIC II!lr hilII', 'rI' ro JIg I . C rt' . , \ • till ey,; ~ p tlU I !I OC 0 ottering a t very rellsouahlo prioe8. ~ 'W Oa' llf , arri'" 4.~ "'ll 1) 0 pm - '1'UII1 \\'.100\1 ha !lold une·ha lf itn hl\! 10 the gl'l\dnl\ll'S- thnt they rurn ltnro , T he uru '}; et a rc in a Dumber of ~ia'i.~:~:"~r~~!\'e g ~ of hi. ~ I'" I.Jlill und m;1('1I i.1I0'llh. ,p \\~I'I:e 'rI' II J I'tll"lI'~cl alld weill' ud, ; - all" . ~ ' . D. llieket~, of D01a· Illtrllctive Btyl es, such U8 anchors, 'In~itlll:\11 , ~ lIh c . 9,oo .uu 9.:.1(\" III to 1)1\'1to Sunl ';011 ; pu U8;;11I11 J4'1 \' j5IYII) r I;lVld clI ' u.f ,CI\\'Oflll Ulld I WII I'''', " ISllcul Mr. LeVI II . .Kdly lyres (h unger MUBon ie lind other 1'0. 'r4!D le""e~ Rlohmond d~lI y .. , CII tile fir t Ilf I)ext !Il unth. Til l' sunl --" f IlIlllurit>, of th vllg lit. dcel' lon :\hlll day. \II bl~ml! and t'u(l uog rllms ' lind we i · 'o'TO~"I· , .. 1lI 1".'''1'·1 Ohleago ..,dllld'" All neW fi llll will Wilke bu in ... Si; Ii,' " rC~t'l\rd l illtu sClence, ~acr ,() IIl1d - Mr l'il\!t Jc~ I'ellch will be ndvise unr readcrs to ~et' some of h 0' er ... n l r\lPull )', e ct l' \u\l ll nt' . . ·t;C'·l'1I ,. .:. • _ •• _ . ' •• !Y III' .In. tJ, 1 l:a, t <111.<1 III. to\\'n .-;- PI'l,IIIII' III' dtory, allu·, poI'tI e I't I (· tII · ·ighty yenl's old tU ' III UI'ru W, t helll to adorn thei r wnl s. WAYN Yll.l•• • • Rm'TORY. rlll\' wdl g' ) IIl1medlut~l.v tv \\' Ir~, t \l~·~... , Ih , :. 7th u f ~jay . . - .Mr. Edwnro R, Prin tz ha vi ng - -. . , t Ilrln g Ilt th e olt! cngll10 11llti llud1IIu l\J.'ssos E tm ght ;~ l1d Mr. U. - - Mr. W illi ulU RUlIli :! 11 III' CUIlI. l\1 \'chn~cd the stock buil dill ami ' FO, u ~SDII' MEIo:' l :Il(O (lit ote)'d ~~!,CI InJ I ' I!r, alld V"t ill new work r utH· W. Ebn g ht sang DIIII ' lOg 0 11 th e ' tll'n N J id vi~i Li ll{d ll L l li>! Illlltlc ,I .. ood will" of Oha's 'A Rubil~soll S 'ord,.I1\(\ "·,,nhll16very t lUl ", ..ur!1 . t 't t Ii tl I' W R it h I)' all o acculII llalii . ., ~. ,., . 0. ' ginning ~t \I o·clOQk. l" ir. t.·D"y olen eupucl ), rll n a Ie mil? II· \I \'\!. , ~,. ' t " II l1 d . U nl·""y 'l.>lII'g. ('1I8h F um ily Grucl.'l' )' in '," nYlles. ~C:OI ~\ \I 1-2 ,,'~)ook ., : lIf , U r ' ."1 vuc ". T he IJIIHlp·maclll uc, \I~I'IIt. Tin . .' \' 88 well done by tllc~ _~I iss E u Konrick, ut Ray . i1 le, propvses to iIlCI:ea e the taci! . I hu Kllfl)Ol' A1.~KT1NG (Onh,odu").;- M,,.. t- pl!\1IlIf g'lllach lU und BaWd lire CI)III · gl n ·u I1I lldlnlnns. '11 ' I ' f i l l I \I ities and assVl'tnllmt of guods to 4llo inc for cllduo '!I'onmip o... o~y~~i... tFIlI " 'I D Rarativul . 11 w. ull of which hn vo 'l'he w(l rt h Prillcipal. MI'. J . n ." 1 e 'tlS oUkll \'fH 1'~l! llIg r,!" 11 1I a' II ' t) tile extellt of' making it equal t () D..y ""gim,lng llt II u·o\""". ...... IIoV • " I ti D I I d n ' 'p r,'ato all d IlIg c1 tac 0 (.IIlUlUOllll1:l. l . IichC:O\ .~ II \·2 o'ulllDlc A. u. . 1 U} Il t IU \l p t'1'1l1l0 11 slIlce t l{j rll o( I , rell nil ppl . at J b l' ,I II . 1 .. I\ny 1)luce of the ki ud in town to .. 0 F f I 7') (lu l't'lIl1y ,writt n "dd re&! ·to hill g flld· - mI'. aOl' ~Ilnu u allu m li S' ' " 1LE. OItUkCll.-The A... . ~. n. ~, . . . . d tel'S Eddi e A llon a nd Eddil' H Ull' trude at ; a nd In cu nn ectlon With r ...tor. Dirino terriqe on Sand..,.._, ..t 1 - T ho n, ll HOIl e l.e~i8t I' SIIClW!I uat l)lg cluss, 111 willch he e\l IIl.t;C , . . I ' d t he trrocery bu aincsr3 he will engago I·ll o'ulook A. w., nnd 7 1·2 P . lei. Babhut h l' II' iI" I I' . II 'wid o I'u ngo of t;cholllrly I'CIIUlIIg, dul l v ltlltlld t 1e CIty ycster u)'. . I'" ~ , f l ' ala lU g 0 J II nrl' vu s U 1,1010 .. . " f" . . , . IlI t lo mannJ&ctUl'eo 110 g,·n u., Il l' I ..,bool at2 1., p.. . O\f111S·I·L.!. 1\ OIlUllcn-Eld~r J . n. Dodd. tlulIl hil iI, illce it it! genel'iilly BkanlllJ 1fI~ CIIlt!8I C~I, SCient I IC lIUU • - TfY II,e BUIIl)uct ~ t)(I~l,I 'I'Ow~I~I , D r. J . M. R obb" Hi ~ odl'OllIe Li n. """t.vr. lJh,ln.. l!I!rvl 8 on the Firot and kuuWII tbat rth . G I'(lrl thaIJJ, of 'V iI· !lJctll(.lhYr3lCal ~Ol 0, . a nd 8~ll r fur Kille .ut Dr. ~ . L. Zell " ~ el)tJ ,t· i ment. lir. BllrttH I S 6 ullgh Syrll 1', Third r .ml'",dAy ,In each mou.th . ..t.::~ miohrt un, l,as been hit'ed to teuch IIlg or Je~cl;\lId\llg III tO r('glU nc! ry . It 18 IL ti ,' t ·eiU:lS urtlcle. Dr. Ohll e d ] In 'kbel'l'Y mi xtur :!."~~:"I at 0 "look, e.ery Lo 'I tli Harveysburg school, with Mrr$. wliol'o bUI. fc~\', por.hapa, of rho U II · ~ ~tr .. I. IJ . lia rr.id bus r ·k· fur Di urrhooll, }!'ll\\'oring Extmcts I Ft/u!T B"~IIT (F I'I!e' ... ilI) huroh iu Miles H ll l' ve.v ns a sistaut tcolllli er. h: lt " r~'u vI III ~ Illl.dlell~e could COlli' cry I II Ill S yard t hat mll kes lls I!reuk ctc., otc., for t he lm :pam tion of ' W~yu •. -&r'-!ooe o~ thellOO(1nd f:I.turd.a~ MI'. J ulJII Stowart lias boull hired IVl'tubly lulluw ,. n hl8 IClld: .uut 1'"1'1 of tho l Ot!1 ·olumiwdwcnt. wh ioh his loug cXpOri(HICt! ill tho illId Snnd"y ln C!IIOb moulh. E lder EhM> to teueh Ih colol'cd chovi. th oro wcre. p1'llc~lcal sllgge8~lOn s to - ~[ r~. J tlile RUl'huil len hero d rng Qusincs' !'!iv billl s ll l)eriur Glbowll, 'P..tor. rJ'htlre lUll! be n ouo contolllt'd . the . l.tus U SIlure F& IUIU,,' QIUIIGIt. No. 18, l".trona of . I l' l u~ .ti'lntill I ot SUUIIU lid \'I 'e and ycstel'dlIy ~ur ....;.; ulcae..I. \\'llere 8I10 IL d vllntngt!ii. 11'"e 11IY' H ...M"dry· Wlllla lll CornoU, H ..~r. Moot seeue of npl'oar, hubbub aDd 1.:.911- JI ~,rllc \ . . . t d lolt'uds tv make II. pt'Otmcted stay. of the po plell patrulluge, anti I a ta OddfellU1 ' H .. ~ Q,lIlih~ second S:tur~y fu sion at Arn old aIJiu's tor n wholo ' . 111l) ~crclgei wor: . 111 tl'l1Ipe~E' 1 - Mr. Adi ll H il i U!!>! Iltlll'ttld 1'\ ) 1' prolll i CB il l rd uI'll , lu ir d el~li llg, Ollu ,1\111 HIS r~nlllillte Ph iladtllphia 011 M dny. to visit prompt uttuntion. a ll d rl'asunaMe • ;!ll~:oS~"t~~~;!t :":h"';..o~U:·~~~ o~;"ck. woek. First, th e carpenlers IVCI'O Wit I. gl~ • 8T" "I ' lIy'lI P R OUUIlCU - OUrn<1T of tal'llod l oose in tho eU8t 1'0 m oarl y DI U IC ' ): Ill' S'CII Utllrts'l e llllt"l)dC II' IIII~I' llill friondll in thae part of tl~c pl'iec!!. . ." Bt_ta. D'0"m . 6 .ervi ce Ull .Mon dII, 111 0 1'01. ng to repair . thu' Iw. pen.. 'lolO liAU f C• 111MOa ~ . ' cOllll try . Ex cl la ngo III . l',UrlD prod lICts eo. . )(i_I ThIrd. ""lid . ey,,"' Bunda" p. m. Bundily'..,]:'OO\ o.t • , 'd ' .~ '" I. N t tl I CIl1U, .... Tll , • • c umus. j, ' . ] ' 't- -" , • I~ A A: ~. III~I e WVV\J wurl>.. ex came ICI Elder LUlIlptOIl PI'l)o011 nccri u • - ,MIIlIY tbauKI! . t lac yonng le~ t'U . • " ~,,T.t;1h' l'R &IlTINAntA\'I BU"l'IST Cn. pamtel1l l1!,d vn l·1It$her8, fo lowc:~ benedicti ull. a uu thus oodud u W'J8t IIl~i 08 un·d gelltlclll 1th 'l creuu. ,....,.MtmdlLy.. f.lI,,>' lOth TIID?thy .:::.~ ... to' i StN!Ot, ';'~ M'Iln. Elder A" D by the wbo t .wll>,; hol'ii,.t\n~ soon fhro '\"rolluble on tel'tailllnont. Rud (1110 dcd certain pll\'Ile CJU lallt Tbl11'8- "V~bartotJ , . Ii 18 ",1 1:l .l\u Ll ~angllter, lltle P'\'ftv... D •• oneser'O(ceollt1.e hSatur. every room 11) the blllldlllt· As the ell ' I I ol)e to s"e rep' cuted 1111· LI lly Ili.-,ht. • accvfOpl~O\ed d ilY bef<m , tho eeoond Sunday in ..o mo.. k d d tl " 1 W 1IC1 we I ~ ., A S ' . by th eu'col1:lIl1 . , d I ,bMary ~e n lD ly~e, nually. Our best wi h l'll f" l\ o\\' 1 - Thl' ~Ill c \If tl"j l:1I 1dll\.t st \)ok . hrops llro, Vlslte ..e 1111011, at2o·"look. audon tbe _ a ..nd fourth wor mcna . va llc liIuntl",.._. lit lQ and , o' clook, t reated . 11\~\I~g 1I1) theIr q uurters I~I llao youll g grlldullteB, and we hope of tho Illte J 81:1'1. ~ (,;tibbs. tuo k first Ilt th e OOll rt 1l0 !1 e,. wh ere W ay .... &; II-.ie Towol1llp De.t eetlve II! ~he lI ewly.fil!lshed 1'0 0 III l:!. Hut It , tbu lI11tnbcf lor next year lOlly be plueo UII Sulllruu), . .Mr. Geol'gl) tbey went to th e t.op, v l ~wang tho , • • r:'~~hC:itb.Jllf2~oln~~~~~..tB; IS all ovorwl t.h now an d tl.'o w r1';· llltilllu l'ger. I M. Ze ll l' lIrchuod·t lte hellrl'tl. connh'y ur(l ll nd to~ IIl1l es. The ~~ Dlc . u ' V' ~ o:lcr of th e Oomp ny. L ii.rtoiook, Pro.· ~en h.uve hanl lnl a WIiV tll ell' to,)ls" The HOI'al tributes showered up- ' - MI'. (i('vr' re M. ~11 IlIll! lI oatly 8cenery .wus beo.ntlful , Ilnd vcry .. . Idewt. R. P. Ga_, ,,""~. Ibe nice I.'OW wUI'~robes antl lI e W , 0 11 the grn Illates were ahtllldau t. . ) d tl I ' r ·t . much ellJoyed by /III. They took ce::: - Sllmml!r kI tchen '111111 more lhan»lty , ..._.._ . l el vart! IC ' Hour' 1 0 1 ~~8 l:r.l1n ~O awalk~rolloo upart ofth e tn\\,u , Tnay's FUTREll RENOVATOR.- for all the WOrry lind tl'ou lile f th e ; TheftA lowiug persolls hnvo been : "t: nrel'oollt" ' W I I Ol '~ Y' t: nn ma when th ey wellt · to the OOllnty. - - ALL KJ ' J, . 01<'- - '~ II," d't! d t o.tl Ie f uc t pnHt wec. k 'S k'1(.1 I'Ig It 18 a vOl'y ID,V I u · I lav~ 'bc,oroa l , CIlar IeY,' nppoi ut!Cd .to IItrew flowera O\'er .. I IIIg roOlJl .. 11 ollse, . Wlllrc t h ey ' wore I.' Kill d ly 'l'e ' that S . l erry ba~ PII~ up bls f~atlt . Berr.v.' · • the vld iers' g raves next Suturday ;' -Mr~. E. J. Kc~s " t the CorwlII entel'talOe~ by ~h. anti Mrs. lrolls, ~r·reuovlltor 011 1118 preml8eK. - A hoI' 0 I'un aWII)' with a epring Lizzie S tllnsborry~ I(la Smi th All I t?II 'glltc, III~a rccelve(! a I~ew lind )Vho too k th em over the hUllse. Si noe t heil, he.bae rcn.o~,.'ted bedB wagon, up Main street, last Fri:laY. !lI io Munin gtoll, K'atie Eberly, Ollie l fiu e lot ot pl~lItll, ,1<1 ~"llI eh .l:Ihe k\f~r partaking of a good d.inn er · fvr ' 8e veral of ollr cltlze08, and The frorlt uxl o struok a hitchi ng. , SidC<l Mollie D odd . Nnnn ie Doll c~lI s th ~ attettlOll (I t bel II1101el01l8 willch was very lUu ch enJoved, anl'JIlg them we .have had th~ aut- .poat ill front of Mr. Mllllon'B honse, Ida Gibbs l A lillie H eigIJ\Vby, Ett,~ il'\('lId s: On I 80011 u~Od ~c.e thelU, they agnill Btarted ; wellt to ' the isfa~tion of te8tlOg the merIts of pi tching the d rivor, Mr. Duvo Keya, LnUrll Hu,l\'is, alld J essie -lhs l~\lnl '-l'O Il vld lnendd and Childrens' Homo, where they \\'0 1'0 this truly wo.nder~ul app~ratu s. l'> uck et, ont against the corb-stoll e,1Clark. They will please r pOI't Plltl'O~)S wtll ().o glald 'tu 1~1l1'1I t hut IIguiu ki ndl y rE'ceived by the !\fa. · We 8huuld fall dismally 1f we knocking him 80nBclesli alld othcl·· · to Miaa AVllrilla FultoJO nnd Al'ril. 1~1 r. E. l~ Pr~~tz h.~ ugalll gUllo troll. The.), thullg ht ehe Wll the . attemptod to desori~ how iL tran8' wise injuring him . No bones wero ' Hllndall at ClLdw allu.del··s H all on IIIro UUBI1l e88 11\ . tl1l8 l'_l n~c. ~~IIY ri g ht por801l in tho right pia 'e .1 . fOrms o.n old bed lOtO a now and broken. H e il:! still conti ned to his : ::llltlll'dllY lit 10 o'clock for instrnc· SUC~ei!B attelld h1ln. H e IS II III'c A ft Ol' goillg through the 1t?lIse I luxurious one; fl'Um, ~ sodden. 110- roum, hilt ill 1\ fuil' way to recover. I ti un. All t hose who will furni sh busllles8.1pIIU . I an d mnkin g what observutwn s l wholesome rnaS8, 10 a Ilgbt, sprlagy We e t i t I fl owors (everyb 'x ly is 0 11 that com· - Dr. S. J . W nv' <rfticc has la te· th ey eOllld, thoy stul'tcd for Ruvs, OU 7 ~,~O~S, c;,nch of do~'u , conduciug to th o S -d Stft n on p ~~tn. IO~I;, t lII ittee)' are requested to send them ly bcoll IIl!wl r lilted uv 'ill ' guud ville, "" 011 pl('us~d wi th theil' day's 1. . '8lVcetc' . t8I 1111 r ny'e a0. em ' . U 1)lee . , excurSIOII. . 1'1Ie d lI y WI' 11 Iong be cepd an repose, IIll d Gor 11 tt on, ",I \'I SI I ' IIIgb' lUll • CI' . I ill to th e Hall cnrly Saturday t. reo ety Ie, 1111 d now UWlII. II 'r IS • Ileu·lt h fu lllcss. 'We do not know a fi . ~{'t ' ;,e, to laS ICOll. ?Ohllt 00 11 ; the HilI! will be opell by 9 building a ll IIl unl{ th e I'rullt. ~'h i ' hold iu g rnteflll rrlIl('ntbrallcl! by wi ser, UlOI'C hCII!th.gi ving or cco· II C k (I . tl II ~ {uo m Ooar.~ l'gk' o'clock and some pne tll ero tu luko will 'be II grout iinpruvelll \lut, und 0.11. - ,I _ _ _ A V/) ..t FCI. r. !.l.VE 0/1'- - nomieal iu ve:!tlllent that 1111 )' olle w~f ' S tl".! I '~fss~r eorg l e 0 ;) 1': I ehuI'gc of th (,1rI t et e\'eryb(ldy I\seflll II~ w cll liS 1 ' '''~S11 l1t. _ ••• _ __ _ I) ~i ng ti.!ntber beds can mnkc, thlln I'!~ H' I' w!t"11, autr 10 IS /ISO Ills t·et come lin d let u; , We a c t' I I I' t 1" 1' Th c Tench ers' Assuciation .100t . . ' . 'd b . , JIm, I I I\venoul! appo I c. I , . r pur ICII IU' Y 0 1' II ••1 C ·d d I Id 1ry hll vlIlg t!J. ~u. Ieno, at? y lU r. wbich will 800U fotch I. illlu p again . I "O..,vor them ?vcr with baaut, r,,\ flowcr~ ; in IHwi ng JJI'IlSS N Ilcklus fvr 0 111' hore 011 Satnl aY, !in 10 t~,0 1tj'~ il1}l. , ;. of nery •••;, Terry. Our cItizens dcs .... ng to do B . tI I tl . . , Dook thou> WIth garl ....ds, thORO brothors H () 'lo d t H very plea8ant sesslOn8. Perhap8.r:J;, ~ '~ rable mate. 80 can noti fy Mr. Terry, anu he rmg (1 11 10 go')( Ilngs. . of OU':1". a rl'oys urg . Cf)tJ'osJ !' en. . . U the Soc rellu'Y may be t>n hand with ·'n II d t t l b d d '1· -1'ul'ncl' W olel. passed thl'.ollgh LYIII~ 80 Kl lent by nogllt uud .by d ill', bas excell ent JOIII'n ahl!tlc quahtlC8. l' t d t b , t k WI . ~\renall Ie WIthout .e a alldelay pi to \,' II last ',"e lJ, "k d 1'1\ ' r: ' t . t Sloopmg ~E lowe ova tegotbom IIIg \\ on y I ' u"'''v.''tho years of thelr rn ..nh •ood " rc trnst he .will . adlJoro • " . 'to ua with 118 ar yrcpO _'I _ _yl1~,.x wee. "Elll'r & ~ I.mg~ ' and ' J'eturn them to th eir owners' hond of cattl e and soven ty head of .. : . ~. -deep a nd abidIng IIft~91IOII. Already tnc boys nre sellking 1\ ~'~ ~ I!J ,_ ~ , at reasouablo price8, And whel: stock ~IOgS to ,grIl6B , up on Mr. Lin -' Tho Oill u .F~ R.Mlm 81~yS :. • " A - OUI' val lied Ic ll ow.citizcn, Mr. bath in tho translucent wllves of d pne, we are mistuken if it would ton's tur~l\. ~he hogs 'yere all ex. ! 11I~n wh o hRS li ved all. UI S Ide on E. A. Brvw n, wus n.the \' illaKe tho mea ndering Miami. Selah. be desired undone for twice tho tra lot, I'iJ' wlll cli he relu8ed Bevell ; II IIII'I'~ tnll dd but \'CI·.YIlttI,o cll nll cc the other day. litt er baving (I!lssed , . . 40 _. _ monoy . Jt i8 ab80lutely a good cents l\ pound . tu compote sllccc>!sfully WIth 111.0 11 m ilch of t4~, In ·t mQnth VI' tw o a8 , lbe NatlOI!nl Hunk has l,ad u ni~ilest MfH' lu ~ t tAinv· -AM llcssor J . 13. Sc r~)ggy rl'pol'ts ' who hav c been. etl uc.. t e~ and t~' alll " all ih valid. lit hill IrQllIO' ueur th i8 lI ew fluor put III. - --_.'- _ . the Illlrnber of hogs iu .Massie 'fp.1cd fIJI' epec ulllt,,·c VIII·SIII.tS. It YOII plnce. W e lire gl"d~: to note his N . I 't -;;t t tI Old NIaJl: Y OV NO LADy.~OD~. dlly greater than ut th is time last \'enr. I ha\'e Il gvod fa rm keep It, IInpro vo im l"'ovcd hClll t h. ' " D . CSt ~ "',e a III ' ll8t weak a female lIIdlV ldlllL~ 1" I f · d \ it adorn , it, bo pruud of it und . . . . lug QI e, 10 !lst term 0 school close I 'I ' d 'th ' t 'I d . - A Ii t tlc8Ix·yellr,01d gll'llIItllI B -- . _ _ _ to l'N,dto'...... tl·n one of ollr stofos ' 8 at I1.0 0 n. Ion yvllto your are one WI Ithe , lun . It.. I I ' . t I' TI Ie blackberry '.' n ro"""ct I' "~ good . an feeling almost overoowe by last FI'I'd"y n,. , . II\' it dowll children; beat IlClg 1\J<.l1' IO~( ',u·ecl.to: ~cl'.c~. ee.l1s.11I Cr the Blldden heat of the day Hhe - Alf, EdwllIds, A. 1 . Saollle, inheritance with n good nllme und and .not boang q\ll ~ J elfect III 1t, .F ine growil1g-~~~ther. remarked the following rema'l'k to Ike ~n!ram ~nd P. R. E yc ke \~ent I cdll(!ation, ' thut YOll could leave replied , to th(l qU.cstl.OIl , I:",.h~,~ her male compan ioll : to Cmcannatl (Ill Monday mOl'll lng. them." : ~lIldo £ I'e Cllt t he IVI'bldd~11 Inu t I "h's e.s hot e.s h- 11 I" - A fatnl dvg feycr hroke out - ,-: - . . Becal1 8e she thonglat It would ~'" CI ~bt-rtitt~ments 'fo whioh 11 8 replied the follo'~· tl~no ng the ~ (lgs last W ed nesdllY Sc.huol IS o ut for ~he sllmn!cr make her etollt." l ~h.lU 6",U , "'\ • j llg reply: lIlght, cnrry lllg off t.I\'O half breed solstIce. Who. would.n t ~e a ped · -On Monday, ~\,. Oom'ge D . _ _ __ "\~ee; but you' d better dry up shepherd~ he~ ol1gillg to H enry Oy. a!;?ogll~ ~\)d enJoy thel1' otW11I. Ct(1n Chcn<owoth killed a hawk, wilh a yoar d-d cu~ i \l'." ler. Bush Singl eton and Burt Ad, d~{/. "hlle com~lI~n.!)eovlo drndge 1 musket, at n.l~y yard, •. The bird I :\I. - . ... -.-: ' - . a ms 'cach lost II CIII·. A num ber of G t S Te y ~ C to' t measurtld -! ieot and 2 Inches from , . BW~ ~tr8I mil At the Rc~ub1icall CUll\'cll tlon oth ers are reported lost 0 1' misRill~. el. tl' rbr d ( ° d' Ikellotlva e til) to tip ThE' hawk was ill the l "'<I ~a A. ' l " eba. M ost I'lke Iy tllOY t18ve beon enptur- yonI' . . . off a youug, d uek,. f W arren Q un ",. .J ! IIe Id In I I I ell ler 0 a, all 11111 e 10m act of carry111g . . " _ • • but ~us debarred the- 'p leasure ot II:'",r8t N atwnal B ank iJ1l1ldwg, non on Saturday, se~en d~. 1 gat08 l e~ by some 'parti~~ Jiving over in lea t . I.~~ t.o .tlto Stute ~IIV()ll t!OU 'II OI'e ~p: Olark Ga,use.8 ~elghborhood . Th oro is said to be a quantity elLting it. , • I WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. .pomted . No 1lI8truCtlOUS were pl V - The WllullligtOIl J ournal .all · of old wheat still held by farmel1l - - MI1I. Sweet's 8tQet of flowers en to dllleegatee, d b?t re80Iu~lt~~1: noullcos, th~ Da mes of fourtee n CIlD ' in this secti on. haB been increased during the last l JAM~S W. HAINES, 'M D., were JlIU!!I exprC88l1lg Opp08t I didate fvr Tre-asllTllr, If they a1'O . • -.- - , . weok' alid tbiEI woek ehe will 8till l t? tho tblrd term p~alJk. Ex~r~t!, any way carce of material III' in The railway changed ite time· furthe~ augment it bl. ' larger arri. H.~CE.""T'II() .. IOU of COn~d(lDce 10 th~ a.blll t), Clillton, we might run in t wo or tabl? Monday. Refer to ' Ollr eor· vals than ever, botb fl,'OJD Cinein· 0( Judge lat\. as candidate for three mell over tbe edge of War· rootlon8. lIati and Columbus. In thiB week'8 1 • Go"etoor vr re m4de. reno There are Sorgom Jim and ' - - - . ~!...-, arrhllls there will ))e' IUlIJly now Offioe .. ~ ReeidellQe. Tb ~Oaklllnd Bill, either of whom Oourt of Comm?11 Picas COli ; plants which hl~ve DQt ·been iu thi s ! toek rUIJDlIl, looee Oil ur would rUII well eave in tbei r own vOiles lIext Monday for a t.wo w eks ma ket tbis 1100080ri ' espooilllly I "'.' __.01"'0..... I, I very a nn Ylng to PCI'8QII8 . ' sessiOn r. . ' I . , 80me tor . hllll~tng baakets, rock · I SE1'f:l W. BROWN, '. ould lik tbeir young sbade· .Qountr,Y. , ~~ COlllC to 8row. " ,I , - -It w~ l'e tJort,ed here, late I~t Doeor~tion Dlly 'lIext Saturday I worf< elc, ,- besldcl!, e lind -mI' 1 .' I - ~----: -~ . • . " T ile do :!lIg ht, that J o. .Blld )hrll;. ! 2f1tu. r~e8, alld other ChOHllS lllall t8.- ~hs . , AT TOR. N E Y AT LAW I SC(~ u~ . ) ' 00' lloy . d uu t dlllttlrb rhe bl rd~ " 1.i ppineott were' helping .J' JIIII lr · . • ISweet hM the' heRt stoCk of ,·erh .. , " 'r paint th Freaport duUl. . }l ull' dm'll ,rour g~rdclI gruw I IUU (1\ ' 'r ill t.hiB IIIllrket . .""""'" " .......: • ., ..... n Ul' t ~ 10,· alld I 1I!'loi
W e tl:t k e p1easure In - saying - t 0 th II e pUbiIC and th e F armers esp y cia , that we are better than ever prepared to furnish them with
1'- .: .
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may ment·Ion as promlnent.
among the many valuable
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Corn 1)llILL,
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On the Best of 'l'ern uil. and the Price paid for "-04 ) L, a nel GRAIN.
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DI-' J . L. 'ZE'LL,
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for sale Cheap..
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Y FIB8T, 18.,6. L1&D1CAT&D 1'0 CIlUT&aft&I.D
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tOoog maD, or O\'en l)f an old oue. Iaave NOOI.ud the JUDe ~e metal'by iCl1Mlld mural" ot' the nolmwlr of t1~e ... ·li~xaT.. a \'8r Bible are not picked np and learn· \'Il ullb C Mnd IIIstructLve httle book cd by the IlalUe prvc.: umployed ~tlr chi.ldren. Price . 1.60. year.
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:. z ture thut thea can be nquir11. fi eld t Boll tOil. r _'o:_'~1~ And without sound III ral uud ~ [' ;. ; ~ :.: ~~ ~ I! metaphysics, religion is not wortb · 1 Your 10 CleDh' ~ ., mucb. Th y nre the foundation I , Ie kn Ilr ' YI\l 11 e,·e r.'· ~hor·, II n~ e v~r.'·· ftI _ _ n of . o oe dle4lJee d " rJn~ ~h Ir iii I I: ~ ~ ~~, C '7 ~':;': ,," g · · hody.'ompbl t I I I Bones 0 f tleoogy nil d I'CI'I 1I .l\fo. Wbcu @iok .lho objoc, ..-" 10gl 1Oel\; .... co. g 3 ;;;:l:3g~ o 8g If' ~ And arc thesc young IIlcn servauts no .. we . a).' pl. it~l y. Ihllt no perwou. III ~hL I:::: 2' ~ ADd an tbot day rlng~ cheerily. of th Lord iu this grl\nd e · n c ? ,,:orld 1~1 11B uft'mn ~ ... i~h ny_rcp la..W, or F eling ~ u\rilll"" til v~r ' lib- ~ = .' ::: •. ::. ., e:' With IOllIf of bird .nd bUIll of bee. Ulllpl lot ""d ite n c' . ueh "I IDdl ~I' "" t'l\ll'a ~roD"ll' I • .,,0 reoeivt'<! in c .~ ~ I trl1st 80. lOll. t:<J.I;'·eue • "iok IlI\ da~h. , Our St.O · tbe ptUlt, and hu.ving. .... 1 believe. the 11.. ' ~ ~'.' . . I I .;; We 'eel the qule. lling imp.lle rue. Th town is full of thieves Ilnd Imach. Hcarli&r:t'!" P~l lliluliulI or Lbe Hoart. If'!.l ftud t -t ~too\c of .ddlo&, n . rll @ ••, ftI = e ~ _ ~ , ~ _ ~ ~ lD boundiJlg pll .... u,d lparltUDg ey•• In Cadwallader's New Building , Main Street, bnr"lllrB. Tbe MIl" or hu culled II I'te~ ~d spi rIt., ~II ou ne .' k e., ca n ~ke Culls.. , 1'ro1l\c. V.H . • "{bip . }htoe.. _.. :; 0: ,:;:;.;~ '" i ' :.:. -;.. I • ...• ~ .;. ·rb. voice I, cb wier thaD berore, ., • • J •• ORE A UG un- ~ J.o"· LJI ", ,~ hOU I gctt,1I1! Cbain•• Curry·combti. Bru . nd"n other (') ~ cc~,=e ., ,,,,a!', ,,",e f' . : Tb leaden h U1. I. light ollee more, on ull guod c lttr.ens t l~ 1St In 1...,1ief Mod UDr· . If )'ou doul'l Ibi • go LO Irlk l08 bel Iglng the t~e. I ftm c nli· g, '? !" !'!'".. On.... more "e.gladden with ~be h~ un , " ? ? ?-? : S :; ~: I ,', LL1~; , .0 00 00 00 .0 ( That p<tJn Lth~ wood. nnd .tNw the !lOWCnI. ridding tile cummuu ity of thoir vOur IIrullgi.~ . A. \lO LL . und gct a SlIm\,1 dot In ylng I b~t ( can.1II1 WILf. f:Ci v~ to s= >~ V I 1 f t ' 'h' RolLl e fur len ' el'''l alld 'r~ II. n egu ar .11 my cu ~to>ne", .nd ollie.... who .... lIgiv. · e I ::: . . . I 1. ... Q D prul!ence. u Isur lOW ? 0 Ill! lU ll 8i~c 75 cell u . T wo do.e WIll rdiove ) au. m o . trilll. l"'rf I ~ati.ra.tlo" bulh in 'IU I. g~ _ . -, Frolll OlQbool .. n~d nur ry .t.olen IWroy. un tit 0 11 0 1111011, lilld a In'c!'y dcuo . lty and price. .? Z ¥;:.t::t: t.: ~ p~: ~.:.-: With IoOng .nd ah.uut nnd ro L1 ~ pI ..y Nuw pUI8I' ahUdr n OD the WOOD ' beat .ism o n the otllt~r, IU' cunolllln· t"ROOUCE 1'1 IU{ET. e i I ..tt.enlion is cajlllCl 10 tl," I·.f)· 0 ~ " . -,~ :; ~i J::'; ' 4 C I Z '1' 0 ONWIl tbe l~ndlU''' queen. ing US with dry rot. And tho Illrg~ s~oc k of . i t. -; ~ -= :':And lo t 'be f Iren lDaid 01 all. Clll1ee is not far Ilwa\'. Correoled by SI,I". & Oump" " ), . Heavy and Light HARNESSI ;: : ; : : : : ::;:: 3" Hold. ""ptre ill Spring'. Qarniv.1. l\tl'fl. Monlt ". wifu of the " 1/1\1 . now on bKnd . .. II or ",I,i. h hlLll heeu m:O";I' t_. ;=:: . :'. _ 0 _'-; ", "'-'10 ..,. .... ::'=' ''c? '"-,,,' \ ;r A thoUMlld )hYI sh. lI bud and bjonm. t unl frieud" U lid 11 1.'('11 of thc Flour, $1'1 ,25 rao\urod by l h e m08L apcri ·noe.1 wurkmell - _'-;-., ,, C" ' =- ~'~' - :: I !r And never ling u'''r '"ll~n \ViD....... mb. But n, to t<l1~1I ," 0 11 ur [ " llfghlln" 8' I I , wu h(,I'1I in thi s 'V II 'ut, 1 15 IUId of tho v ry . Lm.t.er~I . .'~ .. ~ C <>0: ' a e ~. g .,. ~. . "" ' l>rlorl.l8uing HIr.. d]j fecllel' 11.0 I bcrrall hl's I"" Y', c 05 ' All orde... f"r II " . work-..,pulri,,"will go ...- \!- ~ o." " >! ;c· ~ .~ ;!- E \ ' - .~ ',,, 1 I' d" I k Id f Il l ' ,. to' 't IUd • C 1 NU wu\ch tl, .tate·, all ~ ~ .. I '" blld .." g .. 50 @ 65 roooi ~o p.Otnplllll8l1tion by r.l " ~ !f !! :: ii I ! ;:0 I n tl IIlVC ) Ilg I l ,lUI III t '111 \ . ' C p 1111 II1II • U \l III C (I i ' til" III I110 . l, •• " mO,. .... ~ "" alIftU w. tII"g brilliant career, lirst at Lllwrcllcc, Corn l U WOO I LEY ;:! I PO:=:- ~ ~ :E 101' th e very bes t IIUlllit '. aU<\llt 11 9 " S...""L ....loom.. to the h.ppy prlnB·~ burg and sl'condly at ludiulIul' li s, Oat s. 50 @ GO • • , . , ~" ii _ ~ ~ ' ~ r.!; .. 'I'he . ha d., .... pol 0 tl nl!' ealt, Ih~ ca Im, 1, lay 1 6I In~. Alw.y. C.dwallad ..r'.rtmi nQWSuoot.. bui ld· .;.=. .-;., -~.' ~'. ;",., T _' , t III. state, Ile,~orc htl Bettled i n " Sec" • u, oorn eropeu of inMain "lid Mi . .'~:':.. 1:oJ,I"'toumlike.. IOnorou,. tho reuderl l"l1 01' • I"'l1lm. Brooklyn, fur the l>url)U 0 of corn . Darl ey, 1 25 fii'l 1 50 WBYUCd Villl', 011<... ~ .'. "'. i 2.,.y' " u "". u tUIl" P J . "lLS ED'''' A "I)S ~. ;:> WILn UIt· full 'dtallY June, pletiug it. : : >t.atoes. 1 20 \ . n.. ~ . ~ 7 Brood....·(\4jt ..1l1l. . 0lcOlo round our ....y. The flowers Hnd bird~ are not n I lover Secd, 7 t5 Mllrol, I. 1876. e... :::: ~; ~ ~ .~ :' 1.:: '( I ~ :: Oll r ~ lI lc k ollsi,,1.ti of Ub can bu fllun d ill !l ll)' tI1llrkut·. ;;'I~~v:i~:d ~~~~ "~~n·g~~~~~;!:i' ;:~~ Ua)'. fOl'ward Ilt this time 1\ th,~y g 'nor· Timothy Seed, . 4 III) c ~ ~. r.: - .:.. ... !i ~ o ~. " :: nlly arc in May. The you ll g robin8 ,aun el. 'Iml , dch vered, 2 o. 3' :: , . . 1_
B"t • . 8. P . 8he lightly brea~ .. Oil woM.ad plaID. ADd 10 I tho worl4 II I'fMtl ~ . The lIOWaJlpoo.biDe b,1Pn'Y ril1a, The ..I Itlt. pain, the ~o. hit .., Th. lpet'lllotl J.,Nll.... bla talk, Tb, PIU'TOW ~wltters bl Ut. walk.
Saddle &; Harness g ;
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Dr E F D 'a ki'n, ' 0
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nlch.llloU~ J...,t.ter. . ~ba;e c~un~iytiO~hi: gy~:~.i llg B~t w:~~ ~~~ri~II;" gV~I;~y,. l~; o.c.... \ .. '"A:::'Yr.:~~~S·..V~II· '~.'·I:.r·E~... .. ~ I~ L I !" ; , aU~eaD8, Tables, Stands, Chairs l Sofas l Lounges, Bed· y Ll\8l evell ng(S d ) I h I l' 0 t e l 161. · J.. ' ~ ~ t: l ~ ;?t-';!!~ I " _:::= ~tt:lads,. Mattrass m' , and, in fact, Everything . I . un ay . eure I grl\8shoppel'll ' are jubilant. and 011 erry oun Y on, '1 06'01'0 Idol Profal!ltionlll/:lp.rvi_ I" Ih ~ cit i. u:." r;. :; _~;.. ~ <::> ' "( Bishop Tlllbo~ 01 tho EpIscopal tbcil' way hither. J. B. o. Salt, per barrel, 1 85 zen. and vicinity. Hav,"l!' blld tllirL.I· Y'oo r8 c , . ~-' .. " r ~ I :0 in the line of f urniture J from a Ohnrch. Hel8aprettytuirspenk. _0_ ______ Wool, 40 fii'l 45cs purlcncc,ho hopu. toIflVUllli. ft' ·li,," lo Z· ? : :;::q , ,,, I Ch'ld' R k' Ch i to cr. Bis rliseoUl'~e was (,Jltempore i Sout.hern lllluol8. ITlIl'lliPS, 40 ..II "'h::~"y_f~,.or him "it~, II ~al\. 4 11·1 en ~. I 1 8 00 lDbar a , IlvcryuncowmontbingiorlluE· . Apples,barrc\, 300 1 ~_ I ~iil~~~:ifi:zttI '..:?. 1 full~etof pi8cupR\ Bi5hop to attempt before MOUND OITY, ILL.. I Hugs 0 11 r Ii ~;.; =-:;t; ::~. _, <0. :,.. the critical R'chmonderd -or fvr May 9th , '75.\ I ' ••." = -.. . thllt matter, any Mudieu'ce hefor Errs. Gazette :_1 will e ndoavor f WUJftetvllle Marke... TIIiKO 8T(CEET, ~E"II *,\I~. C ". . . . . . ~ ~ . :: ';:: ~. which Ite mi~ht Ilppear, as the eX· I to write yoo a few Iiues t'mu)":.:)outb. ~u~~er 21'i CINCINN ATI, OHIO. ~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ..:. . ~ :: l' a, -- ~~~-- l'eetations 01 the peolle require ' cI'n IIlilloi~. Willter her6 are E . 1~ e2 00 PER D A1'. g ; I l~~f.~ ;;: :t ~ ' :/. 0 hilll to put f(lrth hiS tioost clfort8. l gencrnlly V Of"J !Dild, but tho past ~gs 1.. . I i!!"" , :,.,t; Qo . 1 A I 75 "A!tIEI!! WADDN ..... pr.. '" . III ('.<HI Il< '1.;' 1'1 wi th ti ll' F nr .lillll·'· Eo\t !l "l i ~ hml '" L YJ" a l<: l,re)lared 'fho Bishop had something tu !lay one wad II. 8tinger to th it! cuuntl'Y, PP cs, .;-' I '" . " 't! "0 '"d -e'" 'I ~ , to nIt 'lId all" call .. ill tlt v witlJl'6glll'd tupracticaIChrh)tintl. l n8wl.lw~re Ilotpl'epared fursllch ~hceso 1 - . SSSSS9 5 ity which does not orten fall frum cultl weather. ' a.ms, . ~~ I bt mioi t l'ilu lips. H· !Admitted : Mercury WIiS beluw zero twiceDried Beef, 2:! @ ..!., t Q,!.1 )t!,lllll C llrbrr tlt1~ ' I.I1Ilt thcl'o wa grClAt need of more 8 Q ilt on e time, and 3 0 at aooth· - - - - - - .. - . 1EIlI\!I:Ia-lIDlilE~~lE~i9 l' 'Iigiu() ill the cborcb,-prllctical ' cr. Now this will llot seem cold ~ '" ~b IIIA.N fIIT., - _ ••• - - WAI'lil'lll"" · ..... R. cf ~~~l1"1\TDERTAKI:NG roligion-but, lIaid b~, we. h~\'e to you that huve experienced cold· ~"rW C)',U .l:Iair.Quttinl\'. H"ir'~r('''!linl\'. SllIuup<ooin~ I ~6JI' CJUough to keep us irum fillUlIIg er woather, bat you, no doubt, "nd SI"",i" ... d lie ill ,he oo.t "' .-I., nf 110. -Tl't.:fault with the religi(ms of' ot lt or I were prepared lor it we were not; j ---~~. ,~ ~ " -~. To"""ril,' ,'-rt. . • :.!i~ ISllO Hl'l"':Sl' A X Ql' ll'l, EST dllll'chos. I do nut kil O\\, whether besides, w(' have hud a great deal 0 f h P (' - U -- - d-- L-- - 4l' - ·S· -1 '1 IWUTE TO thtl hud Idweighe.! the ~tii.oct ,' ot' &culd rain. f.l~"!: A guo oudslelOIuoe an,\.11(1 I0' ondllrthe ,,,orue.~r or W"SHlvGTON" Ba.TIMORE; d d '1 d' . h . 1 1 . IISto:~~ ~rl~ hllV~:~n:::lrj . .. ' 8~rpl:~!:" . :1 l~ • 0'111 havillg purchased n fillc new Heal'~e, nlld a full line of the very bM& . Bitlh'IV IliS Wlli' II \VuU ' pro \lell or not j D ereury stoo 111 t e nelg luor· hl~ t!lC!u .el\'~. lbdobted pr VI""Mto lho I.<L 'Nollh Mnd )-' Ilrlh /:llr "t.< w it h e i~J 1 ood I Th r , d 8 b'" . . I I J (. 20 0 b I t II or '",,,"ry I 76 will f d t .. " " . . ,,' !C e ... R...n OUI ·_1111. b lit, at II II event~l It was a surpnse, 1 1U0 0 Ii ove zero a mos a d '1 ' ·n b come orwa~ .. roomA. witlt u I!'"od ....ell ~lld Qi~t.e rn. and Ii I new and~'u8tly Hutterill~ to Ulally willter. All llccusionul south wind ~~~e~~ka'~~:i .=,'~,~~,.l f.Iash or 0 0:6. '" good oellar. Fllr Imrtiou!"r. . <mil Oil • v mmRNSEn TABLK THKou on TltAINS. 80(1 t.' • ~~. I "It t Ie. f() rcc 0 f' W~ u Id scud H u pto. ,"0 e 01. GO0 , ELLERS .. CO )II(S. LEWl!:ZAU ORA~E . ,.. .--.. r~plI!CUpO .full W to Itl W"~·nn ••·iIIr . J U lI . 20. 181\'1 . " " .. , . .- . thcI'lIluurk, By CUll t I'll tWllhwhut tlllllwuuld ll!)tJast long. but we MRy~6,187a . ~ .. ~. \IA 1 .~ IlKER IIl. ltt..- MAY ~L 1 ~74 witli n tinc1l8so rtment of Trimminp's or nil killd s. I -' .. L I NOTIC I FaSI Lill O. ,I . L v u," Elp. ... . " . ' Vile IIC~rs SOIIH!llllled, t lUBe wur"lI l nr' ~~ttlng Il wurm ellollg I nuw ; , .•. I ~ . • W !l11l111 ud ullvor tu 1\0 ollr lIe t tu merit th" favor of ull who wa, IlCll'd .Irk· 11 charlll. and I,ut e\'crY 'j la t .fhllrsdlLY the mercury ·toud NEW .P",· . "nlllldll ,wd '0 me "0 1,1\01, lI e.OIlIlI 1."ih . 91~J·oll rl· ' cull 1111 us. We IlI'e UI8111'rl'IJllred to do nil kinds of . 9!) 1. . • I'd I . ,111 ~I I ~ II . . . Uft\l " ud "(! lt ~ • A 1 W" nt 1u C:f''*l' L,·( ' il ,l·iu BMt i 9 :':J Am . 1\' I . 1IIJdy III n VCI'Y g uod hlllllur wIth , ilL auVVEl l!:cre In t h I. S Itt e. , ~ ~ V. IIp m )' LlI.ilOr. . . ... 8,1," ~ , p....i1Jl .·. !l lId 1 AIT.Oh illicolhe 11:1 Pm I 10 .Am ' . Ih uxcollollt uld gelltllllllll.n. .1W c ha~e hud 80 Uluch I'll III , lind &l ~ Q ~ I Doed lUone:. ~ OI'Y m'IC:1d.6 th . tilDe 1·:ri;· I!rl., :: l'"rl.81110ulh 5 ~ .. 1(1 20" Upholstering and Picture and. Looking-Glasg Framing, The ht'Avy 1Il'.unOIl WIIS l leurn th" gruuud bail been 8V cold that .. . _ pl~ •• e c. l\ . _':)"' : 1\!.. ~Q t NJ;. 1 ~l:In~tll\ ~ ~ :: li gO "10 I . _ Ilelivurud in the mornillg. 'fhu ~jg l· thi~l!.ts nro not so fvrward' this ; - . -AND~ A:~ \~"~ft~8nburs !I 15 .. ~ togother witb ull k~:lds IIf Rl'pairing. with lIeutnesB nnd dispatch. foermuJUll\I'IJlllway8pnt duwlllor , sprlOgllsuthur8. I A . " 1 "O,kl"",1 1124" 11!14" l'crsollswil'hillgllnyurticl e fl' ul'Ilitm'c !he I~Olll' be/ore dinller, .:tlld din nel' ! Uur fruit crop \~as illjllred more Undertaking Establis hment ~Wll dLES .\I..E: :: g~~I:'II~:~I~~1I1 1,' ;~ ,,'~ I~ .1~ the Blloiitl\nCC uf t1l1l1g~ huped 01' I U::ItI I)y a henv y fl'ost Illld hurd .. IIlIrl'or. F '!' 5 1:2 .. 4 56" 'ft1I? ..I, *fur hv ~o d III'idt iall:lC\'el'\I wh ero. frt'l.'ze Oil th e uight of tit · 17th lind _,. _.• _ JEWEL~RS [ OPTICIANS ..,. Hichmo Ir ,....ilO ljlOIl 7 III " 650.. ~fI.~. ~Q ' ,;),ft ~, 'ft> .~!!!I!!. ,'D! A~ . • . ., 1 d fi . d I '10 I' .. 511 Am ~\!:!.~ ~~JlOY. ~ r. TlIlmuge sllys the rl'a , 'II 1 th , lilt nut as ?a us W/IS I'~t . .. IlnlLimo~o 8 49 A:~ : 8 :10 1'111 . whJ: thereu l' t!o~llttlyp;~rprclldl ! thuught; tl~crc wtllllCa"~ry fu!r l ~Rln 1\11 lJ~1 II S ! 'r I &. M . :: "Yi.'millllIO!1 12 Ii I'm . ' :11 Alii . call be IICCOIIIIIIOdllh'l/ \III liil ol't notice uy u tir.t·claas Workman. We WlIl'rnnt 11.1/ WlIl'k tu !{ivu Satisfuctiou. "1'lI '8 bec~uIse ~rltjlbc(Jt IBHt!uch nl crop (esf.c~lally aprles) T: n ttlIl8 1 Q!!ltQ~ BIl ~Ol.Jk~ .1 ('I.at' "~ . 01 ) " 11 ·11·rlills. .. ~~'~t!i:~11I ~ i~ ~ g~ ~c.j\rc.<, al'IIC c Wit I Ilem. l' lOllY ' St!ctl.tJU 0 Ie ~oun ry. It! rees S . w. CO" Si l'll ""n .ll nin :'> 1.. .. 1J0alOn S 50 .\111. 4 :iU Pm h ri~ltt, bllt so far HS i::l klwwu are III full Iellf; the furcst trees, )( r 11 . , lb ' 1 1 1 ~· I~O I N~A1'1. O. if? Pruilipt nttcnlion pllid to calls ut aillt onrli. E'ither at the Store . , . . I fi I I ' I k" d •• peel 0 Y In.orm' t ,e pu "" ' oat '0 1ft' - - ur 11 t .nif r. '\' CCr,!1 .II I , Or\\'III. . (Jhrl!lt :! c.lhiCI p es woro S lermel!, II 811, aro 0 0 tIlg 'lit Ite gro n l till 1" I..",~d Il tie ..' Furnituro &".1 l' udol'lnk illjC I A IIl>LLA IRK . II A Y :11 . ... 1~74 . lind IIttl ,"cry Ii ttl", becl:stl'ak, lIliU the gl'lIsa bas Lrglln tll ~ro\~ so Lhat l ~bl"hli.bmenl I 1l8. 1\1"0 .. ,,,·'; Joe,",; I,uilol. rasl J.\fIol. };Xi'~.: ., - - - - - - - - - . - .. -.- - - -- . - ,'ut tb oil' prCllching was all ' power· we lire nut trouuled toedlllg our 1111 1\'. uellr t.h~ Pu.t·Offil>c . w IlY ,! ~~Ylli e. 0 .. •• . I,.. I>..il,.. S lI lI . F:, . 'III. . I J Rill d'tgrcsiung-tlo . I B 'IS h " Pti8 ' t i On d. I·~· t'ce. d I 8Orlmtlntof Wh~ re be WIll keep em II and u hral·olll>!8 8 ' Lv~ . Col limbus 111·1 . :l~I·III 10 "m. . 11 4; Pin . f1 '( " rr . ~o\l".I·k 125()t\0I:
B enne .:a:'ouse,
& Oho a tlmore 10
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'~fr~:I~"~~~~I~~~~~ i~~ \;I~:n~urt It y th~.11 ~~II :~~lL l't;Cn~~lStlli:1 :il~~o~~, LI~: IJU1Wlt1ll:TlWRE l!' Ni()eworeCOllfil'mcdilltheov~II ' yellr; sOlUellredolleplantingcol'l1' l
ing, und the c1"'pel was well fillud SUlll ll plunting alld g<' tillg I'l:ady tv - AN h ' with IIC f,le. Alllung thulII, were l l,lullt. I nTh I I. • II' (~CII. Ki patrick lind ,vitl·. He is .. ont lI UKS qUite \\" t\ tor I.L 1i' '[' ('0 \\'clll,lclls U w.ith Hicltlllond. aml few lOiles north (If II ., but 1I 0 L so J{J '~ I I l' 1' \lort II. is suid to Itave dcciuetl Oil I·cmalll· WI! 1\ f IHII ing Itl'I'(' l'C1'IJl1lT1elltly. It scorns CIII·1t is \\"ol'th 75 cents n hll shcl, lof All ki~de. WiUI~wclI'l\pp"illt.d Hear.t:. " t l 16 J'I 11"11 'I '1' III "" a" ·l rco lit tl 'IS 1' 1"1 0 ' nn . lCl'e.. rth ro PM Pd A. •• ,.tAnl..lln ,1 ,,·! tIT 'RnnIT' I· /IU IIIII' ll IlJ'OurCIiCelur :'erlu" " L,IRre< "I III' i· 1111I1,r",·,'· in I ~ ' 'u~" I d . I .' II I: . I 13 t!clphill uf the west. y t W 11':1,)', 'l no .111 a t(;lrl'l J e 8t" l'm lel'O wlliuh he !III• • , ' luu" rI'" d'.'d Io~ f,·.~. ",~, ti. 1
L; t 1 (hr. }~tA ~B[ on ~':~\ORK, L ,:: ~~:!ri~r:le
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I t\rr . NeWKrk 1"l301·m. An ~lhYS'lcllan, .. l ll ll081'1I1e J 3.'1 .. r· .. Wheelill:l 8 .. 1"',.... !0~OO' pm .. TREATti A~L FOR1IrlS OF. .. I;1·" flUII !I 0;; ' O.lklulod II "4 .. De"r Park II ~~ .. AA .L't£ ',D , ,, OUoth_rl·t! I t.u A\l1. AND REOWIVIII I .. lIarp·. ~..y r. ()~ .. .. W·'III·n"'"117 10 " Letf.e,./J J'rom aU pa1·... 4A " .. ". 01 "lticlunolld 1 :1111'111 . tl,e ClvlU;wd lYorlclo "n .. ilimuN' !j 40 Am . .. WilmillgLuu I-l 17 pm. .. I'hi/lld '" I :It I " If "" tAL . 'AY .. " !I.. ... Y"rk Ii If' " . .. Ho. ton a so Am
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PETERS' IL arge ." f? 1::", ,N E W II I J S I ( ; I O~ "
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SONO" AND CHon St:s. I !I!IIl " H"lIlItiful W.,·e. of tho Sea. St.ow"rt, 1101 I I 34 " D II ... in!l. rc.1 your hllod ill mine; Loolli: :.10 II 47" n·,"·I. r" r"r, in C. 1I1.r) : P~f"('." ; an :.! 0(1 1'111 . 110 . }'IlI.~ OM : blllllld. Perc·y. :10 .' ;'6 ' , II ,,,, III" II~I a. Hom o~ P"r"y; ;10 AS h I,' ." U " II',nl"I'," " ........_..~.' ·n 1'10 p'll;nr Tlnj"•lrll'" Ilf. • ~ • • 4 r.o 1\"' . •1"1111 '<', ,Ill' "I"w .. r lO f Ihe f) " I; ""1", :15 A 'D'rI 8 :!U pIn . .' .. l\ i~"1 Ghl in Tun'n; S'ewnrt. 110 ~ I :11 A no . 0 D • • tI •. wh.re i. til)' Sting ~ AIiCI' } I J"Ht I'ecoh'cd .~ ~ as ·· Cllr)" o n~'i "g 11 ylO 11 . Sop. fir t o· lll) • 6 (I:," or. :1[, ; JIII L.. "r b""" :m. nilllll1olll. IORISPIN BRO. 8. Wa7Del'lille. O. Ii 50 pn I'ofy <lear ti,,,,elt.( 'J. ll!lrr{·linl!"lu~t. l.oCII"'J,3(; CaJi and I k G d , Tha ~1oti,I.n'. ~"I"tOlR"; Ariutt-a, Olover. a~ , 00 at our 00 8. U II. Dl Pullman', 'alace DrawiDg.Boom M~' Lit!.l. 0110; r"r"Y; H~ . ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n 18 TlUIATl1!IG . aDd Sleeping Coaches 1'",. 1.\',' l'i!Clot m" " III d,e \\"h" oJ; H"~"; ;'.. .1:_ 'B-_ 61.. Blt.·!,p, lh 'l\1 ltlYfld tllI t.\ : "e rt'1I 1I clt'~ c n llv ' r : 'H) I . 1 \QJ~~ r" If'JDl f> .1UIllfOUl PatieDtI ·........0,., WI. frl)lIl St J.ol1i~. Viocinll,,1i alld Oolumou.< I" The " dli ll!, n ~II"'. I"("I'· '1'1, .•,, 1'. "'orr)". ·:)\I' , ~~ ~ W'-' IDdi- the Do:DliniOD of W ashington an d Ba 1tlmore, ' J J I ll I 0 1"'·or. ...~.,. : . ~w , (: , III' -,'w - II 1I 1~. .'111' Canad"orUthdelDunenioa.f'18ta&e WI'I'HOU1' I ' }~A NGE Silll( '" ' 1, . . lo"p. ~t"IIo";r. SIOW,"·I . ::111 & T hillk inlt 111'(1' •. hul1 Il~ , O IIl Vt'r. ao , . Thru""h TickelS ~lId fftrtlll'" i"'orlOloll,, o \V "ilill)(. L_,,·, . f,'.'· rh.~u. 01 ri.I!". : . "., (' AI' Il I ,I f; ".' A"11 ' ' ' .l n ON n ro" I T ' r" VY lLO¥Ba .aDYIC. CIV ... BY MAIL CRII I.e ohtalllcd Rl "It {.,rin ·il'R . 1 Tkk ct om " ' hen lillIe Muml" n ...a . . ",... '\" 1 n I I ' Ihe \ ed" OUI II~ Co'l a., t I U ,,....·,<..,rl'l AI .. ANIJ ny.J·AlRERS , ' c~. 11"'Ug JI>U. , ·. 1\IE N1·' 1\ FR.. OF I Nn••r~hw" . l..... RRW. _ CHAReK. IT O"'. P ... mi. t!O',IK. IlY 1I1l1 ~' BI.t:ll. W ' A"!iu l~. U""/l IIL,·r. " •• _ ..'Ill_I...... ora.I...lioM.dnaaw .... I ,.•r. ·ASB. Agl'nt. I (lell. 'I'k koot" "!t't, " It II, rrnou 'I Ii ID O. :i,;' 11M ••,It, ""'lftOItad CluclDUlltl. O. R. ~}f AIU'. BoltinI01r•. ~I,1. 0,,1,,1' .. " .. lal.,~.,lb.,D. . or qui... ,4Q,1/OO _ , AU ,_ 000' , 1·U08. J.llllO "1'. .." !III _ wttb .acll _ an qo~ ~" I :III.aLOr OJ" Tr3118porllllion . },ill)' ,.r 'ho ,'" I'''y. "" '·IOI rll .~. 1III1yl" III. :11 1 I ._. , ~ 1 .471 I II I 'f I AI ' I' Ik 'V" a .'1'. 1 -""' tho, be com_n ca.... .., r or • Y K rtmOl I'C. " • . "1<'- ,, ' 11. "·~l1 n.
i 16 .. S 4i ..
JJ. " . VoLlrhol!rt, tho tull SYCUIU,Jrll IKtlt uight j the'liktl was rt l) Yllr be· ?UnL Lbat II" ~\"jll b.' ...ble t~ )< h ~ .'ntl;o ."1· f tl W b I 'ce Uy de ·Jared fure experieoced in Southern IISrIMlUon. by cOllduutlllg F uu~ ml ..... Lh de· () Ie 11 .as I, ~. n c 11 ' " . d . . oonoy ""d order. 610 III favor 01 th\) Eplscopill church l"noI8. It ral!1e ' bIn, a pcriect d l , us tho rcljgion of his choice hcre 8 teet, accomparue y rlai the 8ize 1111\1 herMiteI'. of hens' cgge aud smaller, lasting l ome The Young Mell's (Jhristian AH' two or tbree minutes; they came I would reereouull., clIl1 ' ,ho ""enli,'n of llociHtioll ie activoly cngllged in with such force as to burk the the citizens 0 W.yncI\·".le ftlld vioi nhy . to . I. .d . r . I tl ICY m. reooptloD ofdireclfrom Bnll,·r,ck ·. 11~" !'l prlllJ; I!haklng up t he Iu"eWHrm lUI Ill' young 1I'II1t tree~ W lercvcr P;.hloo.PlateB. George WiII.lrd: c1ifJ~rcnt, and in calling the curelcs struck, al80 killing full grown one for L. die.' Ooolumo•. And Oll~ for Jlo... o· nnd skc~tical to rcpentance doing much You~h8' OlotbiDg cilc",,;'·ciy. . . 'Yes·. dchickens antI TI . II othcr allld am prepllrcd Lo CUi BUrl u"lkc " I 04ll1u~ ttlrday t ley took P08S()$SI(111 01 tlt)\ · oUlage. Ie worst 01 u was : for B '8 Rnd Youlhs from Ihi" plo,e', Rl so 10 .. d . t.le I Will . d t Ilat caule" 1 eral of tho chul'ches, nn d IIlUQI.·O Wit 1 suc h i.furnlan< patte.me (rolll I.,nlh pInt' ·•• ~ uc"ed· I Iow pnC8e all .I WitI1. u3ctlle' l. with the people fur tbe salvation iurce as to break down and uproot IDgly I!' II Thankful fur Itbe veryRIll1el'lll patronage S of eoula. Th~ day hefun! ( utur' ~reat IONlst tl'ees as we as many h"e Ncdved. desiro contina. nCG 01 I,",) rnen mounted a I frl1it trees. Some orchards lue al· I.ame, aDd will guar:lotee work dime nend., d .."y,) tile 1Iouog ~ store box. aDd talkell to the crowd must ruined; fences, both board ,and promptly . ANNA £ . MILLH. t, were bl own ft at to t h6 I _ M .. reh 21. 2m .~ n l t 10d au ·ril.l .___ .. _. _ flather cd 011 t IIe. corner. I I d d I b ' pII'IOII. or ~ed bJ ttl. Doct.cI~ - bla .-ad&.. \ ~\tliry il'utitivul. 11l1 , l' UUUIJ .m t"n . \ Vil ltun , 7~ I II "lor tle evening, L yccum H Il, ll(rOlln, no sevorlli ooses were JIII...... TbeIll_ ... .tII_UB.m041aol M.. N•• OOD' ..... I _. . ._H ..."'r"d. IIY \\',In:O<F.H nonce, llind on Sabbath afternotlll muvcd from tbt!i r foundations. ~ti ....lido M a 4 _.. an " ....1.... to aa_ , .llIot publlsloed. ". new cdiliuo OIl Wn1ll. fron. Gir"t1 'vir"t'~, lI(, lliud evening, was cl'v'vded with Oue of our neigb bo~s had his eta· Kumber Four. ... I... of ptobo , , - - - . wllloh wtU be Dr. Culverwella Celebr.~ed Murch , . " ali point bl e blowndowlI' therewe\,e sev. FA'l'IID'l'OBI1FRI1I1 ,Junlnzelow', .--~..u""'''Mu.. ........ _ 1l."" Ulllh.!,"d,c"lell·t (WIth · 0 .,1,,1' :1.'1 pcop le to hear 'these evallgcls I I . I I ~ f I' . tl . Igj"('n~ torr . priee, ln hook fornl. .1.75. __ .,._ aI njI\ItAirIJII _ _ mlllAU or I out medicine} of SI" If IlA Tnlt "'''~' P.'I·I.'"1'ri (HI , t IIe wily to 01Irlst 1111{ tIe mans lOllS ern oa~8 0 Illy III Ie mow, . TWI1NTY aSORT B'l'ORlElS ' • rieh _ _ . 0000 _ _ _ _ • lor Wo_kllo••. 1Il" "I""lnr)' S 'mi llnl ,",1I, ilocr'" !>b ",,,- \r i_""".1. .,u Ar .. I r"i'", e,ll u ~ , fI ", l ,'1"., work 111.11 in the skies. which fell on a span of lOules and varloty of miscellAnoouB rending: o";'r 8is~y ... pl\Jl\oi&tII f1I ... _bIIIII_L "" _ Laue •. IIiPOTt. NI"I·. Mell~01I .. ",1 PhY <lcall" (;Io,u 'h e """!.WI"". \\" ill".·. II.-.,J. • . ~' rn ncl Uji o f thu IIU . irJttil~ . Tracts and cards of invitation held them fast to the ground until lorge_pAl(el aplendlt!ly 1I111~ lrft~ed. _ _.. _4 for lilt of '1-" ' Clll'acl~y. Im pedimenl. III ~1 .rr' ''l;e, ..rC .: Tr"II." rw,Nj: I'lId,.. r; ~ . f I Id · I TEN STaaL RIlPRODOC'l'IONS, .l """,._ _pblot 0I..r...... 01 ' - also. OOIl·unlp ~lon, E 'III" I'~ ~' Bud Fil~ . indu It..... 11,, " "1 ii e<l"wlI. Kill k,·1. ; ;q \ .·;W 'V ORK ON nANO Fon SAL&. I I nnnouuctng the place and time 0 he p cou come. Fortunately , facsimllu of famous piolu,'u ; orill:l""l .u. aIoo. crd by adf iudulgence ur . csDal eSlrAVA· 1,'luro"",' \\,,,111.. :O; u,,·,·I. April :til . holding these meeti.ngtt were 8cat· they were not hurt mncb. I can· ' gruillg,.o worth 1 .. 5. .. _ Dr. B. B. lroOTlIl. ,ganoo. &0 . . ' " ........ . tered over the city. Especial at· not say bow far tbe storm extended' I AU tho 1l100,·u lint post p,"t1 ~ I~h Hr.IoIlTIi 110. "', .... York. IJrPrieu, ill "se_led eu ...·lul's. ouly eix NOW REA 0 Y . " . I I ' k' " ' 1o~1I HOlllI. the grelu 1II111~rAled weltHv m~1l " i eel1~'.· . ' .... tention was given to those who do t lin It a match ,or the one that· ulne. t .. o months 0:< TRIAL, for 0111y 50 ACENT8 WANT.Do. I Tbe eclallrllted aulho l·. illihis admirablo ~ .... I. ~ .;' ",ul f. I'd·r. HOll •• ll.,ld ·· · . ·I~· .III. • )lot 'a ttend religious meotiogs io tbe pl\88cd by . WayneSVille in the Cents. O~"!'T: 10 i.nlru,iuc,' the \l~PC! 10 EB8ay. elul'l v dsmoll.t,,"I u•. fl'Om a thlr1Y oii.,•. l'rict· ',U·COI\', """Ii. E"ory,,"ml"'" eitt.aod from tlle countr'·. sl)ring of 1868. I spcak of thi new 8ub~erJl,e'·H . Pried I·,·duc dlo fi ..IO • IlL p~ Iolile _ . r ."1bMe0L CoIf. years' "ocec.ill',,1 pl'ltc' ice. Ihut th_ .I.rmlng \".01"1,,. fl'''"' .i L,. ~ N.,,· S"":.f". l:I,· rn-. ' ~ The ulltlcr.iglled hug. &0 Inform • .~ J • . • yeRr, ~l n~l lo lIumbe r, sl:t o(' nt:t-none fr eo. 110. . . . . . a book ~ n1Q~. elrcaladoD. cou8c"Iuc-neet4 of 8C'lf·ft1Iu~" m"." be rf\ulcally Cf4. "" ' , b,' tl lH "(I"" " 'j itf.\ f ."' . , he A88OClatlOu ball also 1& read · sectIon of the country, 6 miles uf A. 00"" 8tll lldB or by mltil. t:r 'u induC(' f1I Il10.<<10 .......... II. ...... BOlla cured wi,boul the d.n l(erou~ uoo of internal N,,, r.~. :I: 4. '"1~ :1. l'PIl'r,' P"1'1". M H'''' . . tho pllnlic !;onl·rfllll· UII.l 110 hu I TALK," -tlJ ... l1li.... whlell 0014 ed " th r ' . lh k 'f II'· ..· ~le ,l ~ ~I.rk.~ In lb. ing·roolu and regular pl'llyer-mcet· ()airo un the 8 Meridiun line. III . IIts to ~I)Ollb Md club.. TU E 0 ... 1' 010 10th. _ I of 'IO.OOOooploo; o:r.o.aI -ao-a. m 1~ lne or 0 IIPI) 'C.AlIOIl 01 C 01 u; l'rit·o ;,0 000101< "",,I. l':r"rr o " ", r.~· . ". I. Jlllltd O ofII.Oletl. I.e~k & \)" WIlII ~ . wbl" h•• 1II ' ngs Rnd SO forth Tbev vropose . Respectfully' UO,.PIo;·<r. Puhli <hcr.'l . 3!J-1I Park PI.oe. .. ......._ II DOW ,*",ptlllllobetlla_ I polot!"!; oul • meall' 01 Cllr(' ..I ""C'· ~llI1l'le. lai". """ oml ",'I~Gt )Ii, c,·~ 11)' ",,01 .. I ba I , , INl'\\' 'ork . Pt~aa. "IIlW In ,,·b.t pAper fOU ccnmDI'ltI ~.... curta." .".1 ellecLDIlI. h." mea"" ,?f .h,ch 41" I ('.oher, 13<-.,)11. ••1.'. I' conlullldy UI1 uJ .J believe, bolding cottage pl'llyer l'UA s W OOtJROFli. uw thl~ .d'·ertis"menl. [!l06-;l" of all, uaoptIac tile In&omn&1aM4 _ ( ...... ler, lafferer, 110 m.~"" r ~h ., ~ hI! ,·ollfll'lo. ~, ,". 1 to 1j I.» e..,no ,Ie 10. Cl'f'me . rri.·. mcctings: that is, from booae to • _... I .. otIl aI prIM), _ . . _l_'" appI_ Im"y hI>. 1ft"" ctll'e hlmaull ~h eaply. p,·I."t.· GO ~O llt.o e ,lI'h. ~:\" 'ry lI .. n,\)for Ut'"t"I". ~ ' I THE VERY ]JEST f".Irtl _'I. ...... 1Ir. rooa, ar . . . . . . . I111 ..~ It! ft",1 rlWllcally. 1<!:I.l '2 ...·u.l.h of la•• iu ""'\ ••1,'<1 !'i,· " " b ouae, ; Wbenever an d w Ilerev~r OJiv~rUptic's MagaziueforJune. , ~ eA~.~~ ..,a.,.." .......... ' . . . . 1IIII1!4noI. 1 IF'TllbJ I>:-rture .hlllll,1 0".111 the h... dII .\I~II'. I CO()Velllent. Sowe oftbem are said ~Tbe concilldiug number of the \ \' til fr b i ' f ttl b I .......- - - - - to - I of "ver, youl.· .nd a•• r~ m.n III tbal""t!. Ally of the Abov~ ~l lIilpd . 1'".1 I ,~i,l. <o n r o • Beef. Veal l Mutton aDd Pork, to be verv aood day chers,.and, half· enrlv volnme comc.s r>nrly ' th.' pPorl..c~l" 8010100 tl DO 1·'!"tr~I'Ot.ltonWI?11 mft.\eer.! tlIo ' ........ worIJo, towll9Olalll>onl ,..atwUI · Sell' ulldor luI. I!. . plalO .~ n.elope. 10 e<oipt of the marked I'r;," I . ~ D J d 1 J ..... C • r ... . -. TIIo boJIImt ..... af "'""'- ,,"y.dd",!I, po L·pa,d. on ,...celp~of sls,cu. j Add I r Pt:;T (I 1<" I as a -vete..... Ohare l'gQ(l1' 8111 ·.to with the thii8hlng chapters of Oli· plioation .1.0 ~" lI11dorsignel1 In ... rltlng, !!aft ~ .. ..waa 1Ir• . - . _ _ 1or ~ .. n pt'W~ .IAmr"· Addre •• 'be l'"blltlhel'1l • . IUa B'''' I . ~ r' ; ,) n. :I.t~tl ' Ibe counlr ' .Iford •. nnd "II • ill I..- ke .... me, 1lI'C ~'i'eal sharp fellows." 1, ver Optic'i1 alld other 8eriuls. The w~Rtlng tcrm~. &0.,. Oil or ~(o'" the flni of - . . ............. T.... •• 10 ~ 4~ ".f!i.~ . £ KLINE. CO" roM WK~, • . . . . .• .. .I·d • I'k tl'd f 7t, I d f 1\1 July. " . 1~. HOEL. ...... ..... - ~1aaaC.1ll1hO•• • " : llIt' . ...,., New ........~ ........ 1oI OLEA~ AND NICE r' .CAI. no. I e Ie I a 0 a " ( regn nr : apartments 0 the IIga· May 10. 1875. Olerk of Doard. jllll& ... tIIiIII for 1 _ rar ..n...... ·. - -- .... ~E. S. n. W I: LTC K, chril!tiall at all; bllt pel'hnpl! he zlnelll'6wtlll filled. With til Jul" ~~~~ .~~.~JN:.~~~ ~ ATTORN E Y AT LAW , 1.0. did IlIlt mean devil· ranl'P, h ~ In ~not 1I1"111100r eonil1lvllC s U 1\ w volum '. 'MISS RACIIIE R. EBBlGO'r _IMI.--, ....- . . . , -.......... , __ ) . . 9 ........... _ I~ °111") .,.1 t t) f"'t. " verlh,"',Il'S . . ill , ·hie." o.lil'~" (Jpti : tl8('rial. will PI•••• M8.IA Te•••er ' 'non 10 _ . . _-.taNa' aII . . .w.r ddl'<·~ •. ,,'lIh 'lo&lOr · I,EH.li\flN . OIIU.. FINE SUGAR·CURCD BAII8 I 1 ... oJl . J IIlII" I Ie " G vlug \\' Illlt,urthe .., ." ..... -" I ,.'..,1... ,..... CIIf • f;'lli "1',1I tel,'" '". 1 1.._1 '''·ll! \·l·tlyilM~\JIJI{ ' JV\ Per.! ..r __....- ..- - ............ .u.',:, -.. i " I3dS'r .Ii" · I " t' .I~. I':n'at dallgf'r .• I ')WeVl'r. " f H?n· a Ioor ' l""'Y;' r, L'I ijBh K ellob-g'. E" •• sid. or" ll,,;n . , ....~. - -III ,10111_ 1 . _ " , " , ,,,'" , li ce ....-,"' IIo.eTAI."" • • I'r••·'i.·.· in Ihe .1"·,,,·,· . l' . . I ' L . I l' " I"' . A Y " ..........., . . . . . . . . . . . dU 1---\\','.n , ill". I rtu tHI \ I~ Iltlli Illrln¥OIl Xr.e, UlnCli1I "·l.C · mu.v rIa •• r"ugtlt t.lll ' rvllt. or th{' '.~I ;'~1"""' " ~ •" •. ,.... "':r.•\ ' 1" .' . •• a ...... _ _ _ - - - . ~ I I I,. 0 1'1..,t I "..., ",,,,' .. ,,,,,, . ,,, . -£.. . .__ . . . . .D . .d !'\ rn'''''ID ., llrorIO~,' ' E . B . l'loa.~t.ll, ~ " ", ,,., ... ., ,·"r l n,lo, . ' i " 11 . " bc b ;~rQJ" I ".... h it·" III tie I. rl 11 .lJf'1lt B .•y DE'lcllrll'r". ()rllI'l' I,·Mnr ·, .. J~~-li. • I-tO ..... 1........... :..... I · ..... .,.., 1, •.,1 ~(J ,,'" " W"",",, ', !III hI" .D1>a&IIIS .... UIIY&
.1l.. . th·Ing New .,Coudnct;nll' a-adieCtl Practice I
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PIlt: EItVE egg by (1'1111 k boLllllg I~atcr alul pauL:: III
dlPP ng in freijll lit mull (Illfl dowll 'VU F.N fOOtling (,\)rll In tho c Ir 1(1 h Onl(l:l It I~ " good pllll w!!OlIk It t\ICllty fOllr huu~ to I. wc.,k brule. 'fBI II heat crop of On'J.,'\)n h l\8 not bee n .. flllure llinco linst !lelUcll b) lho whIt ", llurty ylml'1! !\gO Wh It untr) (III "ho gloU(l C:l1I sho w botter r cord Hum thllt 1
Is twellty-o ne couul\e& of COrcl1l IL~ show l\ by th Inte cellSUM tho IICllnJCM OWIl /Uld fCf'd 4 2l l dogs, nnd but 24lb "heep or nQou t fin II dog~ to 0110 ~h !'e l' Vl goro\18 co mUllIlJ1ty I GrCllt ulduccD1 nlt! to mlgrllLlon I A W fiITY-R In tho Lu,-t tork J(JI mal dl ACUI!SCS tlie \ Urtou. UlICII In wllch C Tn cobs IIl11y be put IIl1d concl ude t ho Uc t 18 In U8Il them w th o hog ynrd all I\bliorbents . A DAlIlY~IA1" huvlIlg to hnul wll ter for hIS stoo k hili! found out that It ro>9ulrcs ten gnllon6 \'Or dllY III the wIn te r lor cl\ch cow to ~n 0 her nil IIho wLIl drmk To clenn whIle ostrich fcnthers, tnke four ouncCII of white l!Oap, cut lIIIInll di ll!!Oil ed In fonr plllls of ~ntl>r rather hot 1111\ Ilego blltll n OIl1ko 1110 lII) luhon Into n lathe r Introdll OO tho ft'llthenl nnd rub With Iho It and~ for fivo or !t1 x: IIlIn utes A foor thl8 lIOaplIIg, waMlI III dean ~11tc.r lUI hot IllS UtO hllnd ellJl b ar hako unlll dr-v Plc88IlIlt 1I0dcs
ot Suicide.
LS." r ork lIow, )
A ullday papcr rell ctll1g on tho del\th of WIlker trom hemlock jlOI8OLlLng \ e.n tmc8 Lbo IIlqUlry If lh080 who l\Te tIred of tho PIIUIS and tranls of thiS hfo and lire wllllIIg to Jump the Ilfll to COUIO, IIIlIy not uew that hem lock has pro\ en to be 1\ pIIlnlc poll!On 00 tcm~ted to I\y to It lUI n plelU!ant lIOureo of r ehef from wordly cares alld trlbulntloDIi. It does not howover appearl frolll tho narrativ o of the elfecta of conIum M exillbite d III tbe TIlR IIIveuto r of tho hfe-SIIV lIlg dre ClU!e o f Walker tbllt hIS \VM n pmnlel!8 recently 60 s uccc~ fully te~ted by CllptlllU 0)(1 Times 011 Long I lilnd. deAth, And ",ould bo tllernfore, Adopted PRill Boynton 19 1I1r 0 S Merrlmlln of III enrly tune the dlfreren t col 010 III New b) sUICldcs nor 18 It by ony menllS CI!York CIty n 15 of I!Chd IIllclIllIz ed tabh hed tltnt tbo ollly dCllth "llIub we Amcrlca " ore vc r) unhk e III th eIr modes rubber l1Iade III tl~O Illlrts-a LUll 0 Ill th now know 18 more or letIi! oonseq uont up- of hfo 1 hore \\ 1\8 httle III colllmou be- hood nnd glov c~ ultached and pnnt I on physlonl agony nnd cOu~ ul810n or tll ecn tho 1 unhtn s III New Ellgluld the loons It th boots nt tnched The d rekl! 1M tit,,!, If an ensy falhn/: Mle I' 011 00 dl ~ Dutch 111 New York tlt e S wodes III Delli sec u red hl a cmcTed would IIldllce Ircque.nt HU IClde. w Ire lind tb o CII~1t lICrK an VlrglDIII In W liSt., 111111 oulyWilLer tlgh t JO I t Ilt Ii 0 the mOlltb nnd II OSC The hma',,!/! "Ito commIt ~ululdo do not our days the old d stlllct uns lUll e dump- IrQ elCposed It I! ryes 1I,Ilnted by me II1H of al\\I\) K ch(olM) tho p:unl Cl!-~ mothod~ of vcured umlllil nro vcry l1Iu oh nllk e A the ~m~1l tube~ ondlDl: eXl8!onc beCl\UIlC lit Y aro luna recellt volumo g Ives somc Intel'll!ltlllg IIC con vel cn tlv Whwhich Olln be rOlCbed ti llS. neatb by tho furn e8 of CIIrbome COUlltH of Lollg Islond society twu Clln IS 1IIIlillcd IL makes en tho upper cbnntbe r 1\ complot e atr pillow aoul gall ('mltted from eha rconl 18 palll tunea ngo ul'on wllCh tho helld cun rest Tho They were a p<'cuhllr generati on wearer I _ I yet few ohOO!Ml It Prusslu aOld 18 kep t dry and comforta ble. proull~ an eMY death but tJle uurt.anCCII tbo!5C prameva l DlItcllm eJI Jrom "hom IVIlIlllllDg IS are t'xceedll lgly rare III whIch It h!18 bu ~ deecemled so III uoh of til e wcnlth OilS Iy lI(1on his anlpo iblo but be lies been reaorted to by 8UICIdos ulld there and rospe.utn blhty of the present day 10 Illly d rcotlonback and propel 111m If hy means of n doublo>are numerouH drugs whI ch kill WIthout 10 Now York ,[heir 1IOU8<'S 1\ re 1\ blad ed I addle A M iliall fndl" rubber OCCll8I01l1 ng lJaln or l,hY HICIII dlstrt'HI! modol of 81mphjll ly Iho white iloorH l!lg cont IIn8 provI810 U8 and i\ fow need which the 81uclde ne\er mabs U!le or. wero sprlllkle d IVlth cleun IlIlDlI drnl~n fill nrttcles Death from oxposuro to excCS8IVe cold IS Into YltTloul! figuroll by Lho broom I"lrgg Ou Ull JlS10N Nelr4 South Ourolallll perhllJIII the mOl!t tranqUil or dchghtf ul tllblc8 :llId ll1 gh backed chtllrK of wnillut fl1rm of dlssolutlDn, but It Is ex trem ely or lLI!1bogu ny deco nlted With brnss II tils CIlII (.'ontrlbu te a reI c of roynlty to cen q uesLlonllblc If 8111clde IS so delalJemte 1111 1110111/: tho edge of the lenthor b lck Illd ter lIIul exhibitIOns an 010 mnce II d by IIct thot nn IndiVidual cnmly IIl1d philo- cUijlllonod scnt fUll1l1w ed th e ,urlor tho crgllllJlt at-a rOle of tho Senate on g ntecly ellough tor 11IIybody lt~\I te r grc It oeen 1011 8 It Ittrllotcd II good d0111 80pillcally colltemp lntang IM)lf-de trucilon would be I\llhng to 'Nalt ulltll the ther pllll<g IUld dl shl's were 111 ge noral U8C of n lLlce at th o IIlIlUltUTlltlO1I of Governo r momete r foil 20 or SO degreell below zero IOd It " lUI A long tllLl O before tl ey g iVe Chnmbe rll\ln "ben It WM farst UllCd before he determil led to "ut 1118 long set pineo to tho eh 11111 lIud cllrthcnw Irc 811 co recolIstructlOfl In' Drayton II tied rCl!Olvo Into executio n fh e fllct IS "'IVlllch hlld UcCI1 IIltroduc ed II1tO the J\Itmolrs a flOte thue speaks of It rh lij DlRCO IS no\\ t he only rellllllint of I hey hud no l.IlJ!to for the 110 Y that 8111Clde 18 always or nonrly 1I1wlIYs COUll try a 8udrlen and ullprem edltnted IlCt and ftlngled. flllllMtl c novcltle s and thClr u/hclll royal ty nm(ln g UII. Lord Wllllllm IS RCcomph shod by menl8 thllt lire of ~hlllln g 1'0 \1 ter 4lll~he" l19rnllgcr~ nnd CIIIII(lh II 1101111 to Ive takcll It w tl hIm l\lOl!L OOIl\cment IICCC1iII DrownLng 18 l.Imknrd g, ivlllch IIro ~tl\t kept In tl 01M) \\ hCII he touk thc great seal of the the II Clln8 most \tHU 111 Y selected beCll1l1lO IInClllnt Dutch famlll e8, Ilro L fl'ght to lrollll :e hut It IH~~ fortunlLtely bovond ::;Ih er pIli to morc or IctlS \lILK /11 M control It I~ 11 Ilde of Hll ver glIder! It IS tho llIost IICCC Ible lind It I" doubt- behold luI "hotber one In a h ulldrcd who ro- to bo seen 11\ vory good hou ~ h! Id nnd over It th I!; 1,1 IIIlI IS IlBld to huve CORt two llUllllred glllnenl\, h 18 Ilbou t four 60rta to that mOfle of dllllth 18 aWllre that WlIS l'reHN\ cd os lUI bOlrloom G1_ feet 10llg, I~nd of 6Qmo cOIIHuleniblo It I ~ not Duly 1111 elU!> hut 18 If we may l\n8 hut little ullCd weight belllg suroooun ted WI th th" be nUowed tbo exprcl!I!lOn 11 mo ~t enJoy cro vn lind grcn lHClI1 Of England urounrl ablo death The str uggles at the oUl$t th e verge of whIch lire tbe two flCCII of are I!Illd to be prompte d by t.('lror 1101, by tb e prot IIlcIIII scal of Sollth Cnrohnn I'RlII which commellceR Illter und 18 HUC highly ongrn lied nll<l other ornl\lJ1 on till eccded by a plCalllng lAng uor A gentle deVICes. lll1H maoo W(\8 mlsl,ud for mUll o f veracity WllO WIIS dro",ncd lind I1IUIIJ years but wus discover ed III onc n/'tcrwar d restored to hlo sL... t ed lhnt bo of tho bnnk~ a~ P bllndelpblH where It hlld not experl enc('(! the , hgh test fcelUlg bud becn lodged for ,.fe-kee plllg 11I1! IS of 811ff'ocntlon The stream WI\.!! trail'" now 111 tho ecrolnry Ioffice at ColumLuu parent the oay brllhnn t nnd 1lJ! ho stood South C Irohna upTIght be co uld lWe Iho K\l1I . hllling ' tbrou~h the wllter Wltl \ d~ 'y co nSCI"u ~nCAA that 118 cye~ II rc It. ut h\lpollt.~ ~blhg8. to be (lolled u[>On It torcvN '\ ct he JAlud lind btliSteroU~ IAu ghang neither fClued hiH fato nor wl ~ h cd W P..codlllg where th ere I" tlllkll1g avert It A . Ioo)'y IIl!1ltlOI1 wlllch HClldlng luoud III compl<n y without soothed alld g rutlhcd hIm 1111.10 1\ belllg ll!kcd luxurIOu s bed of II watcrl g rl\vt' Anoth '1llklllg when othona nrc rcadlllg or who Willi dro ll ncd nlld rCljtorerl Mid Splttlllll lll!oul the bou!le that , uch wMllle dellgbt In gmplllg at CuttUlg finger LlUllis 10 eornplllly the bottom t1l11tll feeling of al gor IlIlMCd LellvlIlg church bofore worslup through hl~ mllld aglulIsL the per~)D8 clolled wbo pulled 111m out. Sim ,Iar plell!llllg Wbl8perllll; or l!lllgblllg in the houllC IM)DRatlon8 attend denth by hnnlllllg, alofGed though such arc not taken IIItO account GIIZlIlg rudoly at eh'ange n by thoi'e who !leleollb nL method of !leI£. I,envang alltrnng cr wltbout IL scat destruction which IS next to drow IIIng A want of respect land revorenc e for and shootlnll" pcrhRp~ th o mOl!t u ul1l SCIllOl'1! chosell by au Illd K J i 8111Cld08 w re nOI Correcti ng oldor persons thau your really tempora ry IUIIUilCl!, tll cy wOllld IlCI ~ pecllll1y psrenU!. die by the mOllt agrooab le metbod he ltecClVlllg I< prellCu~ witboUL nn ex: ClIIlSO tboy would dlo delibera tely ]juL pre8ollon 0/ grlltl tude. th ey Are alWllYK In a hurry '1h(,lr a ct lliklllg youl'I!Olf the bero of y01l1' own 1M always un Impul81 \0 one and thoy lT hllll been IIlIgg stcd that for the pur storJ have 110 lime to cbOOllO beLween any POSCK of Idontlfic atlon Q8 III the CIU!& of J..nuglung at the mlitillkos of olbens. mealls of denth lIod all(}l-hor, capccial ly cflllIllm l H, for ID3tanco . It 18 only nceCllJoklllg othan III oOlllpsn y .A wh II Lhey w(luld meet With the obJec llI\ ry to get a dlKtlllut photogr allh of the OornmenClIIg talkilig before othon tioue of the drllggu;t6 to frustrnte thf)m pnlm of one hal\d taken III" bave BtrolJg fimsbed obspeaking , LIl eecklllg to put on end to their ex Liqllo hl!iht 110 BII to bnng out the !Rarlc Anaweri ng queatlo~ that l!t.ence by means of nllrcot\ea and Be- In$8 plalllly ThIS wllIlle found put a map to othen datlYI' thaI are lIotono\ llly the mOSl It 18 IlIIld whlch II never alike In twO ComDlenelng to eat 88 Il0011 88 you get dCIIIUy pert!Onll no dlBgU11!O sbort of IIctuaf dl8- to the table fig\ll'll!.ion can do away wltb the mem Not h81~nlng to wh~ one 18 l!8yihg In TlU1 8 honCllL 'Vhe.n Il Calmunl r bas bltlnce compan y II. D1R1'rHI~abll,l rlaugllto r he fll ~ a nng from Lbe wp of bls housc AN Engh8h farmer by plcklllg over Wllllhd"y IH "holula t, thllnks to DobhiS IIIl6d wheat with the utmilet care and b1ll6 Electric Soap, ~, by OraglD &Co , ONLY III'IVeJI of the ~ldY'-oneC&ldj nall planting a gralD III a place at IntAlrval. of PhlllL,w hleh II rapld11~ who W1tn~ the Pope. elevatio n to a foot each 191,1, tj) gener pro(luce d 162 bllllhele III UIlO !tact. Itt\! m ~rnlngio e, bleathC18 cloth tho PontiAc al lhroac are ltilllivm g racTe Ing19Uheut
,fabric. Tq it.
nlJv.lj~!;: uuU! ured
Call OD or add""",
Dr J C I1ECK, lU Jo1m St.. Ciuciullati 0
----U llexoell---~-~--ed by any ---LIterar ~~y Wee)dy 111blioation, East or West. OANTASSERS
- - -- - -- - -- - -
T in KI!Ii (1 iii _ Dr U O ,
4• • • • 0
vi." A l'ro nlab l
1IIu1e. J knew a man and he lind In JOnM rWhlc b Jon 10 a <ow1I1 of ~U" .n<1I110__ A nd II li.ed I)I't\ 1 U Q h bJrodrlU "''''\ hi. uu'" .,.'" no hl"ll but ., 01' loa... And bl . hop .r... u ftat u hi' ~I ...." bon corD III'fIOd l1li_ Ami b had bou •• lJlou!land ....... 01 1011<1.
'\n Ilb ~re " ... Jane<, ol.od And I e I n In l no """go , lng 0
tIl lb. 'on""
m Ie., nor leDta, For ho 1 ad 16ft T('xA.I dootDor aDd ro CI<orglo to """ If h o could n ~ con 0 g•• 10 .. 0 Empl oymo 1 ood 1 • " 113 lookl gu h ~Ie Mil holu1 d 00_" o"nel l IUld.
]\hl WAU K H pllrcntti nove r whi chil dren The y lIo thel f clU1 p tllol r Iaround a bed post :MEN who tmv cl blLrefQOl Arou nd IL now ly cn rpet ed bed room ollenedflna them I\Ch C on the 1\ rong tack: ONY . of the hard est trl 18 of Ii fo i8 to shed t"a r at th o /lOIYS thnt YOllr uncl e hilS dIed nnd leCt her t30 ()()()WIfe 8 TILf tIIlk ntl\ 0 I lIten to no one for they nro onr 8pen kmg And the fi rst 0 1 II that attend~ tbOSQ who how to be lIileu t Ja--'ll.U tiloy -hMr ml!!f ill!&" '-l;o -:'_ ':'--.f'I I AT a rcce nt revI val mee ting 1,lnd A xo MJch a yo ling mnn eone ufe ncr tldd re byso ymg IWll l lh10 00 n fr cnd to tho fnend Ie I fath to tho fiLthl'flc ~ aDd 1\ "'ldllW to theerwido w leI'S 'rill nE 8 nnt hlllg kills n mlln 'lO 118 h WillS nobo dy 1.0 Ii ~ fll\ll t ~ IIOOn hlll1 O!eU It S 1\ dcu \ the hc~t wayith but mg tn~~ ter 1.0 lot somebod y eire 0 be do tho ordc.'rlltg nnd keel thg bhun mg In you r hnnds Tn III helltS founded upon " rook YOIl mus t bold ly dig to 8IlC Its foun djl,o lOll II ltho llt foor of deJ!t roYln~ the OVI dCllce but falllO hood betllS Inia 011 the &lIld If VOII oxamIDe its fOIUldl,tiouI YOll
Jolm Urlg llt's Secr ct An adlll lfer of ~lr Dnght wr tea M II1 chester pnper fIlL) R tho Pall to 1\ flfclll G helle thll~ hI' h AA Il 800v ercd "ecrc t. of t.be power tilK grenL splnkerthe POR.'!el!l!C8 of rive ting the ltte nho n of LIId lC nce TI18 he hehevcR to ho 11 thohl8 fuet tllllt he UKCS 1Il0u Otiy lflbl ('~ ' ery lurgo ly Tho gr II1d p lI!SOgo I I M r Dr,/{M 8 spee ch on lbe DnrlnlK 1,,\1 daR r IUlIg jlllle rni b~gln s 1 Will tuke U" 0 Qu Iker CI\l!O of my own l\Ilct l\Dd 011 Co ulltll1e; the \lord s of t.hnt rem trknblo orut It II III he found th Lt ollto f 1110 words lon lImn 76 per cent \l erc mOll J4!) more lllibled 011 t im It 18 \lrged th It th080 og~ 111 cllllrgo of) out h 8hou\(1 t.elleh them tho mo 0 yl\a\lle8 An Amerlenn u e of I,lel y III ntlOnell 1\ ~chool whe rJournal uel JIll< hnd been take n to III truc IOYs 11\ th o nrt of l' Ibl c Kpeaklng t ~ho If they hnd Ie Lrnc i not.hllll: else thM hnd nC'1U1rc\l the grca t(,gt contemp thoy III the ie\ ccs of ~ll n p om lory t fQf lhe Oliff< of tudy prcl'Crlbcd 18 lelt to the 1m gin .lion but do ubU eM Inclu tr1llRlll tlOIl IIIto O1onc~y\llLble8 de th o of the pond orol Hverbllge wh oh 1_ 8 cu rren t I I 1.0 t poll t.lcal n!!SOlllblll ll' lIB ge uulD o • Ioqll c co It wou ld bow ever bo cruol to 'D,,,st 011 tho llltroductlOD telle lmg mlo nny of the slanof ~ uch dnrds. l\hll Y arc obliged to spen k wbo havo to III thnn ltlr Dr gilt lind to t.hcm leI!/! 1I e ,e8f] Ipttlalla w rba IIrO IDd spellA Ablo
Tbe 1I11Uar1 Reso urce s or Eng lllnd I ho Pall MaJ.1 Gructie lllcnllllg ll poll tho deh Ito llpol l the E com nglls b lum y llJIum lL(,8 10 the K01I l!\) of Co nntO It ' d truo tbnt \ e may novo r IIgIl! ~R) ~ liD be pitte d Iljt&ID~ t tiC supremo A U' or tiC bo mdl o811 nn IIntbltJOII 118 t.hgt'III It of Nnpoleon J But AS regllrds our "yste rccru lIng Ih ere 18 IIOlII clhlltg Ill.- Ht of to be UlkP lI lllto !Lecount thnll clth er g<'nlU or 1\ n III lion nnd t.hlLt 18 t.be num ber of troop~ Ther e 1\111 Rhorl ly be tilTe polYers 11\ El rope IUlY 0110 of \lhlc h Will be oble to hnn !; gf(' I{or IIrml (,S lllto tho Utld than Napoleo/1 could com m Iud whell he held ~h (l COIlt.IDont the hoI lOll of IllS } nnd \\ I 011 theIII ordi nAry F.ngh~htnall I ~ folloWlI1g Il\!lt t 8 dQ bntc t would bo woll lf ho I\ouIIIgh ld test hiM aquan tlllty bv reCII lhng M Abo ut s !!Com f II comm ent 011 Mr Dlsf (leclanLtl oll llbout &lgllll1'1 Tbe lloh s Eng · lish ~ov(l rnm cut he IIIllti, h"vo decl lrctl l.htlt If tbe mdelloJ1d cJ1ce and nOll of Belglllm shou ld he relLlly t.llre truht~ thoy 1\ \luld i(IJOW thCl r duty tol\tclicd. thei r 1lO\ crOlg o douhll cljI! thl'Y would IH'()uolly WClllf ti e 11 ,, ~ had co meknow hnIr II 1m ilion of Ger man troPp thllt croi'llCd lbo Uu\g mm Itont. er Thet! .\tnd neer IS un/o nnded VI Are COllv lncc \D 80 Il\r M It 1I11pliu thot ID Any ()W!Cd Eng lnn(l w Ollrd nol figh t but I ~ 1ri unlll l), but t 1 w(,llt 1 tlde llD 110 fllr ftlI ll1pl It tl \t h \1 M II Jigl t agR l1\l!t tremlm(lIJe.~ 0111 nl I Rt. lrrlll(Jlld ou ~ mk ci dUll" ROil 1\1 IIeb of tlUg mk may net be !let down not to our mIli ta ry I)' tern but to onr heedleellne 10 (luulng tbat )'!.e m into l'rac
pus er'. ~IP-.-
CUU!!O It to fall RII mrO NO If),
qUi '/'1 Theil yOIl havo no d01l1 t tonellnll Is in heav en T ~nld II e ) .nk Ycs ho ~ thor e If ho at Irt~1 for It. Who III thlllllier keep 111m out Y rotu rned tho Jollycoul d old reh I
r"'M 01
orn- Lw.. oprln
T • nQII. with 8""'D .....g I ",wI.... I w ked .broa d ot nw" - I clad TWill [I un or - I woW' glad 1 10 I
1 SIlo mo ll" .. n - tWlL1'II autum n eve And 1 wi ) I!lliJ n eJJ8 wopt. I lid • lown at ghl - 100 lion t .... "I lOr - nd 1 alepl -M'1 IP w., (JAEtIl.lJuroApotJ
TIll ~Ht wny 18 always to keel ' 111' 1\ cheerfui bourt '1ako tho worl goc~ t he good and the evil d III It IIlI th Y Kove rll Ii) (,'001 0 along WI thou t r\)ll\I lIIl~ If fortI 110 fro\\ n g With phllOl\Opl1l en1eJI1( Illallon III1 J Lcob that trut hful .. Bottter luck nex t tllne A 0 E NTl f ~IAN pn!!lllDg acro! lll phLyground of a I ubllc 8Ohool W th o fron ted by the boy~ alld wWl lulvl II8 af complrun to tht' prlll eip II "bleh scd to he dId thUM I h LVO beell abu80d b)' IIOm e r ill\culs of tl1l8 111100, and I enmo ~I YOll of It \lI 1 IInd erstn nu-y oll nrcnt the pr IlClpnl \ T ""n pon II . 10.... I r g b\lnl'Cllh \lie brano1 h. edge lluhtLly h...r •• I • I......, hlgb TI • urlU r of ~ d .... M .1........ \ d walcb the "_ UII<\ ok, HoW' deep aa4 . Uen (IDOI ate lb. W'ooda I:\QfI . ""l l8hL gild. Ut. OU"'" In.. \Vb l >1 frnin I I'IlI!IIl bo nlra_e1bd Tho !nlgn n t 1 "ell of ne1l' mown hal II ",_flOd 00 the ~~~ CJ\roo Ik/e.
WHAT " nUisance I ' e,;clalm l a Prh ute Llbr arlel j at Anc tlon . j:cuticmtln at 1\ conc ert 1\11 a youn ID fron t of him kept talkl~g an g fol' 1IlJ'!O Spra gue hM teleg raph ed a loud Europe forb ldd I g t he proJlOlled from \OICO to a Indy at hiS SIde . I Did YOIl Hlilo of refer to mo/s lr'! th reatc her fath er s hbl1lry Dlugly dem ande hief Oh no I I mea n the mWliclands ChM e had 1\ large olleo llOn of Ju~tlce the fop book ther ! o wllo keep up 8uCh a 1101118 with some of wlllch wero vlll uabl e lind It thclr 'lDs trum cnts tbllt I OIU$ l he 18m ful to the can' t bear yeu r rcmR lD1I g mom con vOl'8I \,tlon was tho stlll&lng reply bcl'1l of hIs falmly to llllve It IICJ\t tered to the fou r" IndR ThIS Is Lbo wors Tag IIIdefinlt;ene811 of moet t thm g !l I~ noou t tho colle ctIOn of prlv nt.e CIlPltally IlIU11tmtcd by a rule~jpe hbm flcH give n by ID t1J1 A coun try A scho lar rellds h im an exce llen t negreaa cook who wu celo1101r ID to his workl' He mar ks brnlAld Jor maltfDg dehc iou. cqm brM the 811)8 d p088lll,l;es which IDtereat 1i10l He DlD llh \Vb, . darl in', lQII\eUmea Inak es , olea on thOlf mar gul gene ralJY I tak~ II littl e m_l , ao IQII\&; He show !! t.h o grow th of 111' iMte and the devo lopm ent tlmCII gtln rally [ t.akllll a little tou 11ft Of hili min d by Lhe volumcs ofte I kine 0 mixes em wiOl hot Rnd cost ly h~ proc ures wt\h dltlln rnre water an I pu Ui In up egga up an a But whe n he dies the collectlol c ulty Ht~l e III\I~ all' then I bat""eno It J p~ c rum bo\lL biei!, and greedy colleew1'8 aud lleco nough 4n you do 80 JeI!_~ ~oae nd aD 1, hand deal ers Plctr up the rema lne; you 11 make It .. goo cllil l--. DAn iel WebHter a fine IibratY, on whIc , h he !let hie hear t Bnd lor whicb ABOUT one tboWraDd bUret. oJ he buil t a -_ Q.othic I'OQJII at Man field i. IIO(IIJ be It i. CIInlllated, ~~J1. J1 I!()hl und er tho hAlllmer And 80 It to iam en 10 tlie lIJldt . - ... ~ be With oth~r valu able eolleCtlO Ie . , . • thf) ownel'll are wlae aRlI publ icDll unlt tl buf)1lOrt, ~ , 11 0 0 . . . . lIIIougb to p~nt tbem to aom8IIPlnted Ilppl6 ~ men publ ic .... ,.tU at tn8tlLution willclt will p~rv and Hw clcler It II oIMep •the.. au&U ID .. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Su,mnl.r Wllle l,. ht. _ . .\liPI
=. . .
f tb - I. at thl I't! Bit,. It'i\ bef.. U 011 th· IU • uditor W~ re- \\,lIl1w · l'rill~l!. W IIr.., illllrhtod .....'.UI...... as I. t II ti ll' uin.'d aturda ', ~llltil!g tJ.!~ Ih· Itl Ih" l'n& f.r Ib ' ~. ,1\ .. \ ill~ illt ... \\ h.·", ('lilt " II MVI I" wn pint 1111 UrH!Yl'l l ttl 1 ~1J j Im,1 l lill~ TI I, 1.11' II Ir'"11 . h;CIIII' ~.. r . J . I Itu' l!\: l'll I'hll'" 1 ,," rcc,'rJ, OJI till' h,'('II" ,h'lh 'n,l 1",1, I" 11 1I 'ILLl\ NIn; \'Yl'lC.F.lI NSI\' l!: - ',.1, ~ .~UI t! MaU ',v I" 01\ h) ,h' \ Thi II CW lell lik ' 1\ 1.J.'lIIbslt cia ' lit ') ,11a,w 'prilll-' by L'fol' I r'lII .) ollltn.... ' tl 'd t TI I k t I . 1 b _. .''' , • ' ): ' ~l J 1I~1 • " lor \\/1 r· hL p' u :. ' ...\ u ·t-{ l ,.. tatu· lip METHOD FOR THE GUITO. " ~.h, ~ ~", t!1 r Chundh I '>I \ I , 1'11,1 ; llcn , rOlgllcd ~}\' 11 tllll ; Will lu_ gl !JIIII,I I' tl ~~'" ' 0111 'J hu l.a • dt lind uo,," O. w~J, loliNe It lll!; III )11111 I , h, \\' vcr till e 1I1u II tIn t ulwllv . 1\11 11 in~ ill J'I\\' ; 1':III'h ill thr Iton It k lor llll I,.... rilu 111 Lrumenl , ('tllIIl',ll'f th "Fnth r uf \r:lI,'I" -:-~.[r. J l l'pla l~~ in ',r IIll ' Ill' , Wh 'II (\ r n:ti II .dill tnk plut''' t\ : dIlY~ W" ill I' VOII ' 111111" lIum J ric" f;l,:'U. nn (I II, rOK t pRld II' II~ gi\' 'II I I Ill" IIIlU Iliv 'outherll to 111(''' ''11 till Il \'i It. I' Imgctl d ~ 'n ~~UII Wll~ held U ntill!!; spin a C Il'llIlIl 1n th o g rouud Th AMATEUR GUlTABlS~ , IIfl'lkrn~) W 1Ul Ji\ i11L'1 ill twuill. i -:\Ir. \ lli d DI kiu, of .\vl i!l , t~ h ll'~nh l ' 01 111,'1111 'r~ . lit;. or under I lit · lIth,l' tl f w daYI! e " 'l'ultling 1!t~lw' 1\'0 bl:1I 1,1 III ; \\,I~ llIlu\\,IIVIl \&1111(1', I Edwnr,l "'u fi r tt,) hn ktho 1' 1 ullltlunth"ltil lllHl I' \, ' 1 , 0)111' AI'oll"HM o' F• • orit.. Son~ , ChOtDI11l~1\' h . I"~ ill blnu 'ivin~ fl' loll -:'III' " VI'II 'II" ' I I I\t'I1('C, 110 IlIndo tl 1('llgt h '''P eh, t im t wu ur tllI'('C hi' S· I p "'"' , unil In 111I ~'dILnl (:ui lar- M u~lu, by KUa. • I cir: I Ull"Oli ill at hJl . •n'~3iflin~ . g . ' e l l ", I ' I I a~l, 'I ,,1'1 wr .I notn I till pTlll~. ' J I r I IIC , t hf' kd, • I "nrl , Hunk . ulld olh r r · crill lIel ,! ol! lJ i».Wrllll'l:.ltl'nlth. III \\' lie I I, 11 a (I I'orlte)J ay, aUI~llIa. Ptle, 2,;,0, ncatly bound ~ l l)lldc Illl)' " I t II It I ' nlS J Illot, a mi -'1'1Il! I '-"C \ ' , - F , " "U"VII I llli mC lul> ;" " ORrJ" I I'I01 thl'" huu Lul I I1I 11I t! .r· chrysnll will rcmaill in 8/( I I' (1/1" I u. 'II 1'orl Hoy tI Y"U will clll I I I Li d" '" I tnnl t 1 positIOn III \\' IIC I 10 I f, r 1111111 ' 'U Tlte ' gu d,)wn ~' 5" 5 I'ru. . • " llllt Ul''' lllll'I lu h• .. ht pili C III I Bt t fl'um IIU t CI~ht .. . OPERETTAS & CANTA"'. a Mo. 01 ,nil" All wcro \\\,11 r rl'I\' 'd lUI 11].1' n :· 111 ', 1111 th 'brlt'l I {OI tl hili OIDO I, \.''' "'~J 11 W l' In t. U l SIhi' II IlU t n· fc t · freeZing &auy , ~Ric 'i}L~·¥-'\" J\,,!C~ '.\I! "L iaflou , 'J laolldcl l'C f 1r,J.'alk· Iidw 'cn til' IIIIlitUl' und ~h'~l'i. 1 -, 1,.P~leI' Eberl'lltl~.h ' III1H' t ' m t tu l oill t ullt r t1i·tnw tlr do 11 t!tul'tth Ill , 11 wtochock . 8 l1 ~IlLE ~'I)lt ' li 't II I' L :. ,x u /: 11 , 9 '''I illhll\'g bill" ICUI.! frQm M \\" LU I' ' 111 'I ,hie ' 11ICllt wlr ieh '!Jail" pl' 'VII1~ It 1'1'1.1 rty wl tll II \I 0 flH' thor tv IHII II U ill th i tIl ' Ill: bil'IIs 1111 \'0 II , tnste t~jJ' tJllIllI I r ft lUl u .. or 1 (' <' th l '" ,,., , • ~ \ ' .. Ii . Ul b. If, II I. I l\~J 'I -\TII I ut 111l'1ll, II • , •• DJ tor W " nil ""llh M 12 1" jl II', Inl'U ~lnJ ttl h 1'llIlbl 'd tv IllY bel I' ti, wh ul IlIst,jr vI 1I(\\'nl \l arfIlO, t 1J) ('f..'S. . IIltltt I•. ,1.11 ll' • tillf! th nt :J _~ ___ - ..!:', FA ltn, 1'.)1 _ ollr r [d l)l'$, Ii'. F rg ll llll's I>.:illg untl "h \l'ed Ihc " :ot IIi hed 1l,lliVIlil -~lt·. lI~hllll 11If" I' bn hC'unlt npp arB " huu uull CI ,UT: J k I It I -ru lLl~lIn llIl\i llcs nnu 11 tnbl AN .... " " . N ....A.l&v •• aN~,A(l_ P.. r. T, I, lU ll,\\, ,\ V. I xl II lp 1" \\ n ') II t r'lIdily 01>- "I' EmulJo wIH1t \n'I!I'iC,1 cvlliu d,). U II ,C IIlI,!!, " J th~ Ilhvtlv.~ Fri IlU~ IIlP d ~t ',\lnd I' t hu (,l1:Cllll~ tances IBeH )!! ')' JaIl\,O waked lip t tho :I·~'~~~'I'., ~cct,"}ur ~'~bf~~~'r\~;ro:I~~!IY I~: l -i' /I. l ( '1, ' • () D ' , , / tlnlll"blu. \\' h '1' '\'l'I' lind \\ II llIWC\' I hll A \lCI '1)' . t r Slgll . WUI k III III t. A J'f t trolllli vI' hln" II, ~ m. l .. 'lone h i( O. GIl o llb , 'n H' Iii ILl \ . It IT(J I (' I til eli . \ )11 of til " "I'I)i I!,.t f~'u tlll'l' !If lI",ril-110 (lII r!ur Ir lltl U ' II call d 11 N I, N chcmllih Mu.I{ i ll ijl'Y i~ tit r 8p Chl'S Wlli lUad by 'Clltll I hU1'1! s Bit ell hl)l'd alII I ~~ ,; I'np, r , 71i I l llt8 In I,o,ltd... , NO" MB .. l oll , • , .. , I ' I . , I I .\.Il't ~ II III Id npI \I) Id t I10 su t'Ill' ('Ol\va 1es II t Itli t (I t) II)I I Antrnm . ,lII D ..'V.N I .... ')'11£ ••• TTI.£ 11110 I UIC , t I U (' I \Un \\'1\ t I I' ct lun 0 1 II I ull I tlhllH , • , f llcy Lilllinc tt " c' W lI:!t Imv 'boen r m ' .lI l!::r.o,III rnull out 0 f 11I'llA N, All 1)l'er It ' In 1,'IYo Aels, for Ulnclunill-L".7 7 .:108111 7l1d l' to 1I1111ll1111C'lJt ,f'tI'Wl'I'S tc thed IJll~.t·l hun," ut'hi uoulltry, th d ll tY/IUS to rill vu t. lit l.u tt~I· ,1? 1I ~1 '11l~1I sll~d. h IIl1 d \t h pO\\l\d . the Inst tcnllfl ' . A t! ~!'lIllten'~ "-. lIr,Im. lie, ~lnlllllp,-04 RfahmUld-Ar,h IU ,llOn lll IUIU !' II. (·y~ .. lulcl "Iwo tr l 'IlVC~ IIll1lll1' h" 'nl)l'u11I Iltlv,e!tc'l'fully illl IJIj· 1 - Air. J ohn M Ihddcn IItISf' I' M r, EdwnICIII \\cr.o m prcis ly thcspI'i lltr01J 118 11I'as gruw"flllutl'O Il 1," ,I ,.u~, 1110" ,t.O " ,,16, III IlU por, 750, '{ ;, to'JI'U,lU'r,'" I J I IG i l l ' , " h IIIIUl'l'Icud . bl"j" , f rrllcJ. • , t d .., ... ill 1J0n ... lw , < "III J . ,IIl" UW!I \' {I'Untll,ClI hlllll' llulrus b 'l'lI C tlao lnttwo \\'ock• Ucllv'I' :I 'lt! ll<" U am fi Xias tl , U IUIl tt r uow SOO'bl'b"ins H ",. ~.alo urllv 1'1. 10 .. ln m /I " 1 I'DI J M In tl b tl l' 'd t 'tl f I. ' c ' lue\\, ' R" l&~ EVE, "(lnM.". . . . Aod.r<t,n. •:,II"e 1lOr 111!! .m .\Ir.l<'u lkiuhlllgsuld : pu~o ludllllgl'l'l)lwlllcll 1I11l1\O Iurdolpll, lll ioui . Iy 0 I I~ , 0 11 Sri ou l~ 11\ -M I' EU \IIUd Thomplln IIl1d 'lh'I'ol',.. ,., ...,,,,,, IllllIl; lbe F nr on.lQns. l.lO"1'1I1 ~ :)001 " ' hilt 11 ",Iil!;la t CUIIC.('"liulI, A . ido _ '" A I" , II' I c rpom ted IlIlllts 0 ti l \' Illug .. ' ,.". y I " I .• \"' ,~ollllllug , ot'~c'·u ry r"'llIito,l, ICOpllllf Koku".o,II"lvc J O"/l1\8110rl Rl'riv" ~ "Oi'tlI :l IOnl" J/!J .r1'/(/ld/l :-A notlrc l' Vl'II I' I' I I' ... ' I I' ll .U I. . , n I II l l1ltLu andth r f,o ro \voro n tlnrrnllll 'lll wrl 01 \ISltlllgoi I Ilal l lt!, • . lulol,uXlULrO.IoICllll i" ,r"I"ILlo enJlllnilcno, ' n ' '" ' "' , " lUIIi 110 /'llll;: ry I,U II 0 • t ' dh I I II " ' . '" 'r " I ,t , . I) I',II , I' II, C,.'" cu t , I1\ P"fle" ' 7' enI _ bOm rd I . Orown 1'0111 ,arrive 7 up III '-' u m III plIs<eu lind O"ll ln we lIlcd III QUI' I. I I el c n IIC\\ an IlIlt ~(l I1lU l \\ ' II J.. II IIC tl Inr tl R lUI t\ MOil Chltngo, 41th'" 9 } P 01 toR m b t'f I ' t ,n t (f; . tl \)nttlc II'\J III 1.11 It , tll ~l'u 111'0 tit 1- iug house on hi s timn. r ' . sturt illg to 1.os An~ 'Ies ulilol'n in, I',,(II.INI!, T.,K IIU .... £ OJ!' !JaR". , 1,(1111" !lUI TIl I 01111.1 II CIII ery 1.1 0 CI oll r, vI" ~ I',; In\' ' I'eatcr \Vllh which hu h.1.1I . 11 th I' Ulcctlng wn call U on . ., , . T 'UA . ~II upc':C ttn t,}r Adulu , 10 Two I Ohl 7 r. I' '" !:l" O II m a! trrltutl' lit tho gl'l1\'\l l of VIII' t " • II 11.\ I I" t" I'\ 'I ~ 'V' II) ' dS 11', a lld 1lI1'iI, Jl"~ ' WI'I~Iit. thc vOllin '" f tit 2(j th ~r.- W t - EsIllllr Kllubl'ough nn u tfLll1l' AU I R. ul tnhlo lu r I'n rlor IIr Stage, Ko ®&- .elY ~" P III It>'" .. f' II IIl'ro ,~. I WIO S; 110 h'I' v CU I UI 'I v I · c. I U I " t" pllllg ' b\)I'U WOI'U gllCllts uI' 1'1, I'. l\Ild MI'. Edwlll'lJa b '. . ,t d to a nlll . ty.y /11' ce ll .r, Il ull od Price " ~ • In bo., dt! lown PU\lIt-ft' rh !I,40 u 111 II ,'1\ 11\' Ifl 11111 'U ) the CIlSU of th • Te. v resi gned. Th I Y \ 01' lIlVl , ', 1 1.0 1I ron, r,iI' 12 Ii a n In 1.1" IJ '" Imllt t I' how hUlllblo tllui l' tatiull I ' ' t ' tl tt k ' T, J) \' itt 011 IIl1duy. MIl" or l,r 'n t :i ll wl'itten appoint. diouol' la t wook, All til r on was Coplell " nt, p08t-p ff'td, on ?/3C6ipe Ko"u !U~ 11)'1'1100 jlo51\ m ",, 15 1' m " I', tt I t tl Cllm CJ III III v r III 10 1\ ao JII J , t D k' V .1 b ' W (II" p "/ctJ Andno:"ul'Tloo !I4 !. m 4l1 pm l ll ] .1 C,1l0mH 01' wla 1011' COU' IMUbi le Buy ' !r'iking n sUll kl! ll 1 -M i~ Jl3 'lIoBruwll hn :t1'l'1\ ' ll1entofH on. T.M.'Vu.lcS IlUdA. gl von ." n' lI\ nllu ' l' urgs, 0 'J' h"o .... O....Lle. a rrh'C 4 :I" " m ~ u p m pl\I ~1)1I 1 "hO!1 Ih y. \'Ol ll ll t!ll'lly tttU~ h'l pO(lo wlal l ill neti n, sh \\' nt eli la urno t l'OUJ Sp~i l1gbul'u to Bp IHI T, Snoill to fill the vilcnncies, Both It llv 10rgottcIl tho a r , A(1<1 rOIl1l, ~~e:,stl~:'I~r~~~ive g~~:~: i,:: t~OI I' I ll' '8 HI ~hOlr. bands nn~ ul' lnlmost in tlllltly to the U Itlo lll, Iho SI1I1 I111 I' vllco.ii HI. ~ oLlcl~Ol1, 0 11 bing notified, cnmo - Why sir uld .Mul' '''' Tayl,r S, L, PETERS, 843 BrQadway, (' Iu illnatl, arrhc, !I,OQ '\In 9 !5 p m [lul'ed t irom 1111.'11 tit nlttl l' of, OUI' IOlln)'i Ilg wit h ir eI' hoI' entil'e C! '\1' , I '-~I', J ulr ll M, Til 'Iol' lett hell! 10111\ d~'~tcly , forwllnl find woro et m nll.Y lIo grlllublll~g ab .nt bIlB .I ' No... Yurt; ; P. O. no~ M~. NCl.1'colc,,. RlcI,monduuily. (1111111011 ~ol1 n li Y', tl~oy b Cl!lIl ( t iro ' by cl'\ cnp ingstelllll, L ok ut Ih .: on'fuls lny liJrth .u, & O, n It, ""'()I n llltoofli co, noss b lD~ dl1l1 t H IS busliles I N.>E W ~" i'"~ ,..111 I~~J Chicago ,da'JY' Ali Iult,J ccls ul t he 1II0::;t \U tCl1S0 IlIh:JIO t I Mou1l t! 'Ily in tho nc li oll Itt Dn. 0 11 wId ,It he is 111pili) 011 ~It-, Sab'n hlll'dly took time to nhvnvs dl'l vi ng. otl,or rilDS IWI ,}, OXC~PI un ~ tv l!B a ll. li"ollrtcen yCMS ng this.' vl~ll s BllIfk W ith h I b,)ilms -l'\lt-, J , B1/ntls 8 1'1 ivcd' lrnmc I n~ t wipo the 8Wt:lllt ft' bis brow, befuI'e ~'W(mthel' warm :\IId p1easnnt, E slJrlllg. 'SIl men,t ulI pi, . rCel1 I)y II SIlOt f10m ' 'd nil 01,,1'U1111111 t U I1'1, 110" \V NE..-" ... .... n O I ".W'I·OKY. . ,W tho 7I)ommenc ' t I,e 1'0u II I Vl!llIllg, a ltcl lI. \' llIg illUde It two. 110 J)i", v'~llt l>"... . ., D. N lJ ' KLES , -lho teil lb l" str llggl b tw ,Oil l ight bnl tUl'ictl n i 110 tenths ueaJ'ly of hcl' W cks' so' on I'll ill 11 Ii lIois ccrl Ilill tel'lltvI'y nl lgm llts tQ tho .. • • , Fnll~ 5' ?o,[Eb~'I!(O lm~\ulitC) -U;"'LiIlK I nnd ~n ng, A stlnggle \~ llIch Il l'll!,;' el w \vc:'e cnldcd tu d 11th by tit , - !II ~n ' ~ G . 'I . II, u ' i llcol'po~tltcd villnj;o of Il nl'v y. Tiro f, llowing is tll O l ist o f dol. - -AN0 - {)~ ~lb!uln~'1~~'~ l1r~'~I~~ (l1'iJ.~DI~; ~,~ l tS lOll ~th th roug h lOlli' J OI~~, calli ng sleam. By cullisioll, thu wl to 1111~i dll~~~~~r 1;l'I'i\~J\\l:c;~ :: b r, lhe llforoslllll ol'di llllIlCU WIl~ gntc8 Illlt:! 1~ltorllat"s ~lppoillted to Sc~ool "t ,1 1·!! Q' lack A. ~. ~ te~lry y ~l, Wh~ that luts ~x . On ('1 III withi n t ho hI t fow F 'III'::! S' tl t(] r " 1> " I t lit' ' 0 plls~cd, and no doubt has nlroady J'op: nt tillS onnty III tho S tn to Undertaking Establishment' FIIIRNllS'lII'lKl'IN(I (OTtl. ,lox}.- Mocl- p~rlOlIecd ~t clllII'cnhz thc ang nl h WI\ stl':lck hy a n ElI gli tlh VCil. Ill: ,L I MIlY ~roJ lll '~ Ig .', IllUIS.. L eoll placed npon th c connty J' 0 ollvonLivlI helu in olumlllls tu' ing fOT~'vin6'W r$hip v~r.y l!'irat ~d 4th of t hnt p n ud orne hnd liu!>u&:nd , Y l.tld JJllY, HUU llllk ill IUl1l' lII ill' :- , r, • :lrll1~II , ~1 1 1I 8 1~ lI d MISS ul'd. But d es all th is " vh il'piug dll : D" y, bP¢nnlng Ilt 11 o,clock. First-DILY 60111 SOli a1 d BO m bl' t lr ors ex t ' I 1 1') I' I [melYu K'uys W \) 1Il1l1 1'1 (I lutel), tho Ii vii Ill' lllill th stOIlI" tll t DE I FOnTES School at 91·2 0' lock A M. t tl d f tl ... ttl II ea, '1llTylllg 1 011' 11 • (l IC I· ., Rock l si d b ' I tl ..... , M, E : mm u-Tllo 'Rov, O. F orgu..,'n, 1~08 v 10 angers U 10 I'll C' ICI'C \\'. Tho II UI'O th most ilDpvl" I I Illl . ~ Wit I I ' Ill, m lltte l' ill any ~ ltcI' ahap ~ > t J, S. T'l tl II l 'lIiulI r lllitor, Dlvl1lU 80rvln lin SUlldnYB, nt 1 l 1i.Old, 1111d the 110 fllw r, pel'hu p Wilt' wh ile in not iou splillter'!! t U1'II 1 - - MI', E, R Bnlt I'\\·ol·th !Lud n g buck a foil' Y'I\I" n ll d soc J . U. Uli llfieV Fl'llll klill 1-2 0'01 ~ A.lI" I\Ud 71·2 1')1. SKbbutt. lIIure" JUllg 'l'tI of tb '~'lIt 'I'S, .till t I(,fl' lIS thc nem) s 'hut , dostrv' dallghtors, f)t ~Iimll i Vnll y Insti· how I>IlSillCSB Illls be n tl',\Il sac ted Tlllls, M. \\ Ii I s 2 .ohoolut21Etd JHDll(1d tLl ' t llUe has hmg s mco pn od. 111l1' Il hJro th ll.1I tllO lU i~si ll!:lIlaoll; ' Ill le,v lslt'd th ltl 'VhlCOI1I1 fonduy . in tliepnst, 11l1 67,n'")rdio IlIlCO " '11l. ' M'CII lltl1ck I'I~rn:. D~,~n Irol,I~~; on °Ul0 Fi~ t ll~ei l l.(!:~C; s p\'C:ld ouc lIlo:~ h r gol d.a: I IscI \ c . yet notwil hstllndillg the - Mi il AI.lI Ill" harp, ]jalli. WIIS pllti 'od tu I tln:~o II, ,old tOWII Eplll ai m 'olll!1'8 Tl Ird L"rd &-d~y ,1U elloh m01lth. !:"rdH' pllli urls 0\ or ollr IQved COIl II.tIJ, Idl',IWbllCks, gv vel'II 1l1 'li t Itas nevu' 111 11 0, ! Id" IS vIsiti ng IaUI' uu nt. l Ilt a buu t one·halt tbu 1m " w r J oh n E, IIl ith :!:'';n~~I..oht (I ocloolc, overy v ,rdg,u llY Ulltl tho SWOI'US wore tnrn cd ~lIto l b 'l.' n li t II IVHS jill' IU ' II , nuu ullly 111 I';!. lln,l)uu Uattuu, n Ill' t ill r~nrked Ollt nuu II rveyed hy J ocl 'Vilsl.ln E 'lwnl'll 'D.. g . BM! (F . ' II) CI l 'll f.\ IOOI?"'bhhIOS nll~, the ep M8 IIlto ill a f W IIU'U IlIstnnel' have th mw plllCC, ' E vans uno 1\ con e t pillt mnd e out At11'1tN \1'1'6 ..,J nST 8T rcc \VI mr I I I>\'ulhllg huo ks III so ld IeI' und I 1 I nnd 1,11\e'd in tl 0 c 11'0 of tI AI Iy , , . "' W"Ylle,-Sorvioeaon th.Hcoond Sflturdl')' . " . mCIl 1'. 11 1 d to d ;~c lt nl ge 'l ui l' c \l tios l - [\.Ii-.Illld Irs. J oIJII vlemnll I 'I, I I ' A n ('1'IlhUll 'flirtlol'C'o\' 111J11 \l1\(11'~ in cMh In(l1It!I, Ehler It!i,,,, Ih SUI luI', H~I 1\ ed Irom II,IC UI\~ IUIj 1\8 beCILlIIO lUi A III I! I iCIIII Iti zQII . htl l e 1II0l'e u Into theil' neat lIllll or lind Conll.cll in oH:ico at thllt timo. Aif ~ ,.1 L .,' Olbsom,lllUl r. lIud tllln gcl'~ ur tho Slll'VICO, II 'r' ' Id nut brill' forward t hesc ill" t t " , . I' N I It was tllell' duty t s c tllltt the ' ,W.II S ~I SI Jo',\II&I ~II3' GIlf.~O&, No. 13, L·.,trons uf wel culu 'd with ontstl'ctcil ed ilnnd. I t u t ' t ' I tVl Y IJO\\ 11.'111\ IICO on ort I pla.t was i mmediatoly Vlllccd 011 Johll S nuuk IIUlI JI It\lll -AN P HI\\bllnd1')'; Willilllll orn Il, Mil ler. )tccL t tI G s f tI . f T etdilCOS (I C I'UC lIJ uny, 110 0\ on dtrect. , 'd . . I I \\ m. V , UOlle T urtle 'I eu k In Oddfell W5' nun n \h 8Iloond , I1tlll'dllY \11 0 10 JSOIU. \1 lelr IIml lOS, tho sli"h tuMt Ilm ll ll e ~ IIOIIJ tho ho· ' G I 11 ' f I \ COl -It \\I\S not a ogn dOCll· A I' "" I "~V of QIUl1l lJlc)Ut b, 11$ 7 o'clock p.m" nnd,on lhe to l' coun t theu' dlLngcrs lind tu l. oic d~d ot' thc soldiel" flJ' f1'U1l1 I - 0 to I 0 0 IVO or np IIlOti t until this was done. n nt i n· . , I.' 'nl • ay ne TT ('I~', fOlll'tb Sll-tllrd..y of cllol. month "llto'cl"'clk. hand d owli t o f\lture genol'utiOllij l , ' I 10', '1 ' ,I . I lobe ~ dll tOI'S, WId hUI e covert! stcad of lltt ndillg to it ut ouc ' the C, F, 'IrUP lllllU 'VII~' 1I(1 ~~. 0' 8'1'. ~ ILY'!! 1'. TO. DUUll 11 - Corllt1' .of the st rics of tboi I' sntlerings anti l it ~dt 10 s.\ ICI IIHO Clt11 POI~t IWltd' nil ot tho lalest tJl and cheap Upel'S werc thrown 1I1)on s' me J os ph (j IthCIlK 010111' 'I uuk Third 0\11(1 Miami St u, Divino ~orv .no b B J I ' 1'\ n 0 to • \0 DIIlUC 0f rrll\ll,~ u lilT I\S th TI . 1 ~ ~""';·--""';;:';';Tl!r.:t;'~ ...,.,. of po til. SClucl ..,........I..,.,I .. U{! lovomont$, nt n as, w 11 0 Ullt ilt 'd flcld which i bdgntly I - ,_e ~ • u 08ty helf, ,~here' they h.nve rc. ley Ul'u I lIstll~ct l, t v tQ or of (11\ kitldA. ~VHh II WOIl'9PllOinted Hellt Cjo an ox[l~ricncotl A I~ tunt, ""II witb ,knowD,,-, u mnlly r tllrtle.!, somo bC!)l'I og 11011 ' blazunod un tl lu SCI'ull !' rulll '. 1 . -:-: I~~ ~I , tift, mllill d ever since. Thc pe( 1)1 Judge Iphou o l nft t lll' Gov I'n or. 10010(11 (If tho t ,"It Oll of tho oommunlty h. VAt.I.BY UI:lDEft1'INA1~IAN B "1"1'1 '1' On . ornblo scnr , ~om wh o !tild vas I! l Int ur tlto <lc tid &1\CI Hie sand : vlsltlng 111 }::;pI'lI1gfiold , hnvlIIg got· thongtlt evc)'ythillg was 1111 right. \vh(olJ 100 h M n long rc Idod, bo foela conn-,MIII.lln Lroel;.n~ I RlIl. Elder A, D. till' IIgh the n ol'Y ordeal ullso"th d, II' " " ,' tl " 'I j' , I' Iten Ihllt till' on ' her rUllt" hOl11o Tilose Ii i ulY ill tho 1l11PO ed nowly ho \\'11\ bo ~b\ o to give e"tJto aatn,t p, to'. r D,Vin O IICrvleo on 'ho "tu~· d 'tl t't t' tI t Ij ll Ol lUg 0 \0 8,11 Qr, UW u 118 t', r J to. , Slekuo •• I' r~'\'",I. O'~' ) '\ h~I' '. nno! 0' rl'. 'lent Ihllt II,)' 0 Ilduetlng Funernls with /10.d ~t 1'etl~e oOlonet ullduyln Qb mo., nO OU10 \VI I COliS IUI Q~S S it , It I'CV r!tllps "u ve Ill! intllllllte IIC. / lom l' W I I's ey, , LLOIJOX dterl'ltol'y tlllJughtthatth oll' lJouycohlpl,lIn.or .onll "ll!Uu~o d"rin'.! llltir l ~ rIlCI\"II, I'IlU .~2 o'cl.ook. amt 011 tho MooQnd nnd fourth tOl cd by th e hlU'dtihil s wit cir thoy q ll'lintllll '" IIld whil e \\ e to lillY -Miss Luol'U J! 1113011 hilS gune property wa subj ect to Ulunicipal Ufo Whon $ICIt, Lhc object W.I" 10 g,'1 IV I' nny 1\Ild orllor. SunWiYH, U 11} uJl~ 7 o'olook.. , hau CIlCuulltel'cd, IIO W Illnny 1'0· Stl' W Ol\l' IJ flu~\' 1'1, 1.1\ 01' tho III ve:'! ' 011 u vioit to h r rolativos nenr taxlttio:J, IIl1d tla ut th oy la nd a. p r· DO IY wo ' !I.Y pl"'l1 ly tlml no por on In LI i I.'r':' ')~?vo(~:;~~; ~~II ~:r u~O~il~,:tu~ tlll'lI cd !IOt I bow mon y a IlCili c' lof thuse IIf OUl' OWII fl'ierlc;l~ llnd Daytull, whorc he desiglll:! \,11 si Ig' fect l·fght tQ voto. They hM' \\~~~I:,li~~ :~,:t"ff~'!'t~~o~'~~".~:~h I:,~\I i,~,i,~;~~~~ • I daly In clUlh montb, Ilt ~ o'olock p. m. By hold wlllch bulol" pvSHe sed 1111 tlt e I bl ttl ll' n Lct LIS ,\1110 in s il'it be- I Illost of tho vaca tion, walkod up to thc po))s ollce a ycar ion, IIRtlvcno .. " '10k 11 , II u~h ' , SU UI' . 10' ordol' III tho O<:>m(llllY L . ]lnrtllouk, Pr - al 'monts of hap ill'SS, was blif! lrt' lu "k tI ' last restill " IJluco ~f tltoso l -MI' JUllas J rw nc,' 'lI1d h i~ fo r the pll t oight yeal's a ll Y votcd mach, It"'"l hllr!l, 1'"I!tiL,lIun of ~ho II MI I, L6Tilllrton AY81lU8, I d)lll~ , R P. (l un llU, Ol'ct.nry. cd l~ 'om I,)w II ' I , 1 "· cc 10 g ' . ' < ,', t d. 'I " I II Dep. ~ cd 1,lrl t. , Ui huu''''''89, .1:0 , enn tllkc .aUlfa ~ -- ~_ ' ~ " I ,.: I :LIlY I ' m,~8 0\ wlt o sleep I 'uoa th tho wave, Sud Ibnde Ul<ld ~1 no exhm IVO bl'ldal no I aID ing, tlat v 'y )a ot .0 Onul<. Aeouor FLO"" " wi LllOu~ R.'II'II" thBt NEW YORK, M'flUM. -;;~"Z'::"I.u Thlll'il'CI ay I,ng 0,)'e8 g,lze.d ~ollg lInd Cl nxlUu"ly illdooll to 0110 of us mu t nppeal' tOU l' bll t retired 1.111 FI'idll), to tlle i!' cost \'.. IS nil III gill one, Thn8 It rdld 111111 Ina'll, If "'" ,Iouht thl •.. 1>" 1\1 Oor, E. 2B I e 'Ltlcrn.oon at tho homo (,fth bl'id u's lUI' ii 1'1.0 wi llch. \Y,1I1, 11 vOl' m I' th o fnn cI'ul I'itc _of oll e of' these, f bOlli , D iallloud Hill. Will be so n thll~ living ,lI11tsido of n~~~I!lr~;~~~' ~:IIP'~Ol~~d'"~~/;': u n:I!~\~~ l\I'onts, Mr, and Mr~. J OIIUS Jnn· to ~ nuuol; t~le Blg llt ?nd ~I OW. clluld wo bu pOI'Ul itt d to Witli Ml1 --Th o D:uud serenndod .Mr, II II el tllCl old COI'~OllltlOn, us diU ~ 'SS8 1'8, ~I?e '15 oonts 1' 11 0 do. os will rull o,'u) u, r ne ' SI'. Mr, J onus Jllll lHl , Jr" of nll~ , y"o11.~II e !lCU tUrll~ '~~ th ,bl tt I thur'.' , ] 111', till' nWIL'y frolll hi s II !\- J'11'1I. J "lIl1 JaQlloY, JI', 011 Thu rs. W ,s t nn d E <l Wll l' at tiro time of . ! -~' - .....,. TREA'XS ALL ronO O:r D:n'mIJIl' Hill \YUS rnllrri~ to Mitl8 SUI I ~I\ 0 I~e hO~IUI S h~kJlud ~IP' tl,'e uOlno, Wi th 1\011e ot his imlllo' l day 'ov 'll illg , for whieh the l'ec ipi tb II' t~loctIOIl'd t11"!y WOIO not I~gnl t ttl) Eloui L\ Jllnn~y by tiro FrieIHll:!' ~t" t ~'tllll(l"g I'IIVO" ;1(> \vlII g ti illte 1'c1lltiycs m oulld hilll , Wi lh , OllIs I tUl'II t.heir than l<s, , 1110I[IUOI'S, un t Icrc \~ns nothing DA D ADa -AI'S' tl W n III lair ovc OMS wOle s Op\ll~ 110 luvil1 /l' hund ul' wirll Illuthul' l.I l C I II I J I loft fur til 111 but to roslgn, SW1~ET,~fIlY \It'!, 1 15, n dllll"lJtor to l AND DaOBlv.l corclO ny, !1"r, 0 \ " I'OWl~ lIlIU CI' a Suuthcl'u sky , Timo, I t , t " t h ,I ' . I' 1 't , t , - a \\' n fi( er unnoy Inv e n Bnt how do the l'cnmilling 111 'm. D .. r d lbe c I'tdlcnto which wus al · s tr lO t I "d tl' . t' Sl8 I.!I u C1\:01 IIlI as 1110111 II , hllu stock of dri c[ corn which lh Y I d '1 . lho wifu "I 1\[r row Sw el Letters rrOtH, aU pam ~ ' tl b' b I' II II, IllS SOli one lOll' grl o , d s I cutCI' 111 un that J'oul'uoy l MC ' lel'S stall til 1'0 ntlUIJ t tllltl mnt . ~!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!=====~_~~~~~_~~~~!!!! I IOl'wnl'l S Iligno y a ont t IIl'ty Il ll d mado thClll leol thllt their lov· f u I~ I I' I sellillg fIt tiro vOl'y low price of tel' ~ They WCl'e nil 01 cted h a I tl.e C1,v'U,HfJ WOrw. rnn witncs CS, ell 011 s, ill g iving th C Ul~ IVeiI tu WI'OIIUtlV'f H Otl, ~I.O td ! 01'1' I'Cltllllll:~' 10 cout::! a p mild. Got sumo. vOI'1 Bntalllll ll'," I,'ll y N o\\' tlYlo n II C n 19 • ( 0111CO, 10 I I' 8 lICKCIl own (tree y III M S \V fi ' • " • Ire lko the f eg' '~' ru ~ UI Ilig \U II I th uu' 'c onotl'y, hllvo earnod a lllst - aef on 01' L tbo lin ed n hund of 1'. , .1.\o)!,ers IS burldllig if t 0 twell ty .livo 1.11' thirty illegal ., Mil nl~.Al Waf It ' mont With I'eul pleasure. All the ilJg placo in the lIcnrt of'tho mI." , I y , g g, . , ' nil udditioll to Iri bam luI' ti le t , t b " 'f ' )' . r t 'd STEVENSON - D IOU, ut hiorQ~luenooiu 111 CircUUlSt!lIlC03 eonspil'ed to make' T I tl . d dlscaso, Ot' 1111 tlW ICtlili t ul 1111 '108, f I I' I' J vo C8 .1 Y rill les IVlllg 011 61 0 Rl\Ddulph CuunLy,ln,ltnnu, Moy 2 , UI75, Pra~ tI f tl I ' ' , t I ,tl OIl . 0 ItlW Ie gmtltu 0 we , his "'I'uve 1II11st bo tIre bvttom'oJ' tho purpose 0 B)(}' tCl'lIIg a InlH sUllie \\, OI'e thruwlI ont, it would appel1l' of typhroiil I'" umoll ln, Georgo Stov n501l, 10 evon dOllol 'o IC I.lpple::l c Iial ' fool to til 0 noble olle , !IlId Olll' I 'k bl no sen N o 1011 funeral new bnggy Lto htl lat cly b u~"t. to tho oyo of' n di sililcl' i ted \Jurty njterl;;O ) ,'on An(110 n1onth~ UB 18 TnBA1'lNO actel', un t liS "IlS nu wore t lUll rCITlCllbrlluco of II c', n,'tj . I Ul , g :M CI I E J I I I . 1 I t Ho WII~ \lorn nnd rnlHml in tllo n ighhor. tho hrido and gl'oom medtod , ns , I , I ~I S CII cc, ~\ oortugo call1iJllow Ltim t,) the pl nco -~ 1': lal' os '. HCU) IUS t I(\t lI\,t U BJIl p, C I1Il'lll lOr 0 that hoo!l or Wayn'Rvllle, Ohio, fl ull na t YCld I..., lfumeroua Patin" iD tie tl o'r I '0 of f ' [Ids "11"0 1'1 ,IIC mot tugot~l el ttJ·(l.ly, lLnd wltd of iutonnent ill somo bClluli ful bud t h llll s~lr n hau Isomc no w body, tuo Ml\)'OI' Ilu t excepted , can RAndolph oo"nly, In(liauu, ..bout iwollty. Weet Indiea, the DomIDlon 01 ITII gl ",. rle ",I t" " ItIY. we t~l'e PC' l'lulltod to depos it 011\ cometery' nul' CUll frientl s Iravo 110llbic buggy oombining nil tht! legally Irold IllS Aic. flow this two YClI 't'8 "go. CaDada, and in evel'J'" 10 Uldrt IIlge WllS prl va 0- 10 oil ' I'II H~ a ~ th gl lV of UI t I' " Itt' ts ' tt' b' '\I 1 f' _...:..._...;:;.......-==-..... of the 11Jli.... C <;' • t Ctl 1 ", tho S·ttl i'lIcti(1Il uf I,nowing wh vl'o a 08 lmpl',,iVCmeo 111 pu I n ~ np tlSIII CSS WI pan ont III t '0 ntul'c ---~ ----g uests 1>I'esllut Ibon..,.1 lIum be1'i lw '· ' · 'b' Q L ,1 I' > l IlHlIIIUI'Y Ol\l'l'lOtl III! bnck nnd bl'iJlgt! his 'rtlJnni llti arc dO I) itell A SlI ch ultlclel ~ , is a qll sti on. ~bcrtt ' Selne~lfs b t t a ou u1l',-)', el llg COlllPOSOu II' Ill) t ho forllls of tl who 0 ' .:.1/. l ADVICE CIYIIII BY MAl.. most ont irely ofJUe u1bol'S oftue I . " , 11.1 ,nr I'lIghbollrd,n piecoufclllIVllSI1.IIlI --MI',; 'It', Swc.t hllSIIOW tiro - "Ve atutl!d, s lIlo timongo,thlltc} • FR •• OF CHAR••• two ! mili 8 reprcsellted I>y II" : ~cpll1g In dlit:~it gl'IlVOS. ,Slt~(\. a couplo of rOllnd sh O)t to callso tho fi ll l!s t cull ection 01' plllntll f th e J ohu D odso n huu beo ll lLrrested ILnd " ' ft! nStlls UIlI' I e ICOUlIl1Ir"llty , ar body to sink aro 1111 the plll'Uphol'- scaS,lll. A In~e ~l1rply hn lately tnkcll befure the U. B. CoUl't at Ifo _ _rial or 4 0 _ c!fIIII .... Parties wost irrtere t d ' 'I III ti pl d ' , an d eo·C"JUCII1Uatl,. II0 W itS tried ' We ish tlrom joy olllpLllltically 1") f 111 t 110 ' 0COt\1l '1'un(I "way f, drom allYf un IIII II cccsanl'y, all d Wit Il ~ Ii 1ll'l'IV C j'I'om inellllilltl and 11L Bu 4urlDa u.. put tWftlt" .... flslIJ n_rI1 or '1"IIAl .0.000 _ All 1Ioct&_ If Wu enId ex pross th ~OOd Wish.' 0'1 ItOI 1'l\t' I'S 'fv IIC I burltOcfj pnll't I) IIl1d n plu llge lie descollds to hi IUlUbus, CnU 31ld sco them. found g uilty f soili ng wlridky - _____ ncctod wltll _ . . . uo ....roUI ~ " , 10 lell or 0 wal' n ew I'UIU fi I I I I bl . , . 'tl t I' d 1 T,~o 'l'hOU ARlhl D IIR I'''' wor~h of fulldy' ",bather tII07 bo OOOlIIlunloatetl '" ~ Of IIIl - --.- we , IIter tulfI lUI' llem 1Il0r 'u I' t ,.' 'l d tl ' 119 g mvo )cnunllllC 110 nalcl's, - MI'. nnd Mrs.'Gool'g E. Sl lll tlt WI Ion Icollse, nn sontonoe( to d ' OIothing Onl.8 nnd Oap8 now on tho _ , or _ned bJ lila Iloc>Im .. bia fOl'Ci y ' we would g1<\lJly do so ~lIIllltl II lCl lll °tlVlullll Yt serve I Itl ll' "lI l1kllCIl ,I, ulJ coflilled I\nd 1111 · I'eaohed hurll on SU1lday lDol'llin g thu'tJ days' impl'isolllllont ill tltc :~rkot, nt n 'lrolUondoll8 aoori6r(', lor Q ""'...... TIlt _ UII !Ill 1DIIIItIIe . . . . . wutl er" BIl( , 10 k IIU II' II, " tl )I)ro t 0 ILWIIi't t I10 I'II lnI h' um L'OI t Ol'llllge Florldn, , "I , an d t (I IllY n I'lIIe Q f' Itt' fur wo 'could not cxn "'~e l'ntc the'CO f' li IY I lIpO d' U 1 IC tr . They conn tY JaJ ,or .rno OnIy,'" I w,'ll ,b00 bl'Ig d t0 SUB1IlClII . • • to ow W 10 It ouel lOll' servi ces t 1'1 1 +111 L . ' 'II . ' . f 1 d' I I II, d t 'I'\' pelld buaillc • somo tlmo m July, lor tlto AU ",••1141 at .. dlotaDce . . ftICIIIIN4 t o _ ' gQOd-wllI wo bear tow; n18 thoUl, th el'C , l'otuJ'ned in t!afot to thoir I U111p. . Ie S,lI/> ~ tI Oil le~ COlli so, WI r0111l\1I1 on th II' IIrm IlNU' tllll:! ~1I0 III I! 101 0 (l.I S. nil ~os, liB pnr(lbi«lof huving m SI.o,o-I'OOOI remodol. .... _iSecI lIJt 01 plain q~ WIlIoIl W\U . . .M~ matrimonial lite bo t uuth 10 110S ' b t wi 'I e . d d bnt whrl u IllS matos, wIth thut pluce during thq sfllOtnOI'. We III' IS ccrtl\lllly n vory light fino , Dnt od nnd itoprov d In tho m06t modem style, _lIIed b.1 mall fnoe, ... at tile.... .to_ to_ IJII.GI'Il 01 ~ pn..a IIIiItIIIII • :iill,their most glowing fll n y eonkl ~ I~I ' d~d ld,ll 0111 1~leJ\ illld se lIlillg call1lu ness Ilnd in litl\!l'· indobtcd to M, Smitll I'M copies tile OOUl't, n" doubt, took into cOn· 1 will ,nt.inllO tt,I./IA\o for nbo\lt thirty OOI\(lIoIon, o..lIoOlIa ....... -JIIIIt, . . . . . . 1111701...... 01 _ _ I _,. 'Plolure' jt, ana tho yoars 10 mlilly ti~~d I~ 0 IS \ 0 l? Il POl: ,1~ ~It(! once whi(Jh is tlt e l'Csult of 1111 i II · of Subtllo I'IJ papelia, sidorlltion thllt it WRS John's f1r!1t :~o~~no;d~'!'..~:l:h t~!.\~U.,\~~dl~ lIle which they mlly pnss togothcl" onrs~l \'c~ Igu.~e ~:,rcM~~d: ~USI timllto no nuintl.llico with <.l ·nth -- ,_ • • oHence ill tiro whisky bURioess, aDd 01080d out Bt nuotlon, na intend opening A alnJ· _ _"'"' 01 ...w.- .. IIIIOIIII! ... • d ' , S II and Lur inl in this PllI,tiCUltl' form If"lIUglons. that L\ smnll uose of government my now storo-room with II olcan now stock trn.a 01.... r Sllllluel SidoB hilS 1IIIIIIIed all . brothers to sleep undoi' the mny Beem to so spoeui! fOl'trot ~ W'lIs wonld clIcot 1\ I)erma.nent oure of ,good, Thi. ill n raro ohanco to got bnr- ..........,.." Dr, lIl. B. FOOTJII" '. ' . tlll'hlll wntol'S uf tho Miss'ss' . ) ' , , ... 'fl 1\' E 01 I I Id t ' . ' grullB lUI tho goods musl nnd wilt bo sold. o a Circular wnrnlllg the !llltlho I lippi, (\ , hIm somewh 1'0 In tbis nnd in 101.. \lIrc I lC qllllr cr· e hope It wlll and we hopo t o o ' T T DOD ON Bos 188. JII'.., Yen:'" ... to ooware of 'three Bwindlel'" nalli' thc ~ lid cmbldc u~ tI~o COlin, 1 80m~ hcart will the remenibl'~nco Iy meting n "'~tnl'dIl.Y 8ud SUIl ' that it will Pl'ov'o a warning t~ otlt~ Wnyn ville, Juno 1,1 75.' ' ACENTI WANT.D." ed Mrs. Lucindn GrO\ 08, Georgo mus nut "? r 0 ~"·O to dmw lil1gor long' of him who r turnoth dllY, ,with goo~ attendunce. Mr. Cl' well·known parties living ill this CEMETERY NOTICE, Da. POOR II till IID~ or "1DIDIO.Uo aa. Groves and J ohn GI'OV S who are any cO~llparre Ol~ bot" ell ,tho bl'llu, not, Lot us thcn I repent while Ohullullt WClS prcsont. plnce whose hunds nrc st/linod with 110. ' - " .. book tIIat t-...bod a -1MIoa traveling thr ugh th o co:mtry rep ' ches .uf Ihe ael'VIC ; ?oth did all that Ol'nulliouting lho graves of ~ur ho. Wo are painoo to havo to l'ccord the s~me kind of crime as that for :rbo, Anmllli )lnoti DII: of tbo ,Members at ""er -,0110 cop\oI; alia, at- "l'I.uIr &.. or......." _ - " 1 publllbeo, ...blciII _ .... , · 1'008 who sloop hero, cnst ono 1111· , f IIeR ov, H • 0 , H . wlnc ' h J 0IIn 1S . SIIUI ..,' I omotery ,..,11 be bol" nt reeentilig t IlemseI vcs as ngol) ts or wns \' I111• the b tI powor b ( Iof man to dn~com I t I10 uolll Il Ot rlllg t Ile pen aI ' MilltO their Offioe on tileA~!!OolRtlQn Com lory gronnd8, nn to tile _or '11),lIII0 CCIJl\IlI; olio, at "ecotherwise. 'M I'll , Groves" collects P IS I, , I IIII1C lOll covere t IOI,n- gering thought to thoso wl10se Dndley, formerly Episc pal min· ty. ' Mon" a.~1 fh e 7tlt da of Jt£no '75 III ~," _ I I n"", bIblI PllbIlobe4lD _ _ COtrDna money up9n OrdOl'S tor Demore t's solv llS With g~ur:y, , and WOIl lor' grllvo~ cnll nover be reached by ister iu this pli¥\e, Tlle Bad eveDt The government is determined to botwoon ih~ bours of 211~ 4 o'olock P,M,: 01 all, ~ the _monllooal wottr (WIIIIa and Dom tic' pattol'IIS, Iln d l'opl'e- tlfe~lsel~osball ,1I~POl'lsldlab!e wreath any fricndly lral1d. occurred 011 the lfHh of lilly, in break up the whisky frauds, Tho for tho p,urposo of hoaring tho Report of 11 ant or pdDt), wIU be 011 eppIbb sente that she is llgent for J, B. 0 lI~n e, nt It IS my eS.lre to day - _e • Detroit Lako Minoesotu, the dr· officol's are iostructed to dig "I> ev. tho Prllfudcnt und TrusteeB, nnll "looting to dthor Dr. POOR, or tbe """" 1111 ___ II, OGapur, .. _ o/Ilao II 1111 . . . 181!1 .... ..... & n . D . S . to brwily cIIll yonI' attentlOll to thc b ' I • At I ' k d'" ono T" OR8IHGr, one OI urk, and two Trusloos H ea,,,, VI., omcstlc c\Vwg I' ts f b 'I d I TI c Episoopal Sunda scbool SetLSO elUg pnetlmO!lla. . pres~ lor.Y. t ling, to rna e no IstlDetloU. in the room of ballO 'Fl. Ant~,'ol and Ohl\'@ ....1I-botII _ 1114 _........t to II1II Machine, Pittsburg, C:leol'go douls ac lIevo on 0 . td e Bal or, an 'nil , . , MY J eut we are WIthout tuB rartteolal's, but prosecute crimiuals to tho end F, Cbapmnn, whol'Ct tmKof ffi oo will U\ n UIe ' . . .118 - . . . "" ..bolD II U..... JIICI\.w Illv,e a 1>IC0 1C In I'. ames .Mr, Dodley was weI esteemed of the law let thom be high orlow O~l)lro. A full nt' nd'lnCO is dcalrod, be aI.IcMOO, Tbe bogIIIlllDp at ~ ..... 'io CO operating gi ft el'lterpr.ises, l1lust ns • y OI\\' min s to I'evert bllck WI ba.o booD . . . . III -Wac 1Ir, PooD'a ........ dlU'k days whcn the enc· G, Clnl'k s grovo on Suturdny I\f· a d beloved wh'lo B resident and .' I ' , ) Dy oTltlll' of the Pre8Ide,,~ J oh0 has tll e appearauce r a (lie· to thoso .._ "l'I.uIr BOIQI T...,." II .......... h Id II 11' 't' tornoon All are invited to come n I IlC I r poor. JOEL EVANS, lurk, obanic or mill band and is II. half- Illy 0 a 1e communlca lOll d " , a rector in thi8 ptace particularl y TL fi . J d t adapted 10 ado.., I0Il4 .. SClDClil D _ _ ~II blooded n~ro G~orge is ab ut bot\veen the Southern states Pl'OP I' aD brlllg ,t heir bn kets, by those wi.th, whom lIe' was most x-: 10, rcd(l~gIIllEl purc lase a ___ ____ _ I~ c.be IhIDs for til. JOIUIIr, .... fur . . . . . tab..,. __ 101' JOIIl'III-. Tbt e . - _ . nod tllC lOt So tl t ' tl ' t . • onlB arrivo fllnrsday at nOOll, a~ 01 wears g d cl t4e , ':' ,e.. u l·wes WI I I :s "., closely br ugh~ m contact. He It is w-arrllut~ to 'vo satisfaction .. lIIa1UttIde at qlllNdeu ...1JIob liliiii ......... an m'ln rally hires a bngg wbore mexaustl Ie resourcos, from which Work 1S rapIdly gv!ng forwiLrd was a high,toned gontleman Bnd I I 'Igt • ' ~ monfllol.tIo1IGc7_~at~..... I .,~ d'd Y the bone and sinow of war could en the new cabinet Wilrorooms o f , J" . . . bl ' 01. . t. ' . .. d o~ no sa 0, t WI r be pnt on trIal A~pllenDta for illo yo Itfon IIf teaoher in TbIn Ie 1IO&b1as III Il*aIuJe at .u . . . . . h aato all rlCBaruudtb und" ' J d JWK &8 1 'II a SIncere, !lUW Q unSlll.ll, ..1I 688tlOnllsthellow\toscarrivca Atbo((Clr"'lnSohooIDII~ltwlllmnkt) .. p. 01 "~._~ ~ bunting b~ prey Mrs Gr ves be tran!! porte In Hbmense quanti' \l ge, • eys 011. t "'I not only bis famil, but the Obqrch fi 'II be 'zed th' plicatIon to tbo UUdOflS4::nCll in wrifJ uK, -. -11 be _ 01 . . . . . or 01 1M Pat"' • " d.roseee pUdily talk~ glibly tics to tiro btl.ttle.~elds of Vir ginia, be a nice building when complcted, has Bustained a grellt loss in biB ro kompBny WI orgnnl IS ltatlDg term", &0, 011 oj' burore) tllO II t or "PLUJr UO_I1'ALIt" .. plObl..... III . . . . . .,,4 0'11III1I~""" 0 - __ .nd ~teal .. towels or ~nytbing h; 1I IltIK, yon to cODEnder the deeperate -- - - death. MOfY the God he 80 implic" w~ b Q' •.. J0i{;y 10 187/i "'cil!ic!i :u~~tI ' ''~.D.'' 'VO"aD.•• d~ , 8aD lay handB on, 0 r Bdera fighting all~ bravery, lle~e888ry to The June Qumber of La,(Jrolne itly trnllted in co080Lo hiB bcr.eav. , ,0 n, u1I10y Haffls VJSlted --1.. ~~~ ...... ~, """"""'.r" ....... .wi. . . . . .aaova ill do well to watoh for these break up tillS C?JX1.nll~Jeatlooi of tho d la (J,.,. mo _is Ilt hand, • full of cd family ilo thoir atllictioll. Otn()JDnatl l08t week aD~ brought a mBS RiCHIE R. EBRIGHT, nh' m08ked batterl08 whIch opened at 'first· clns8 musIC fol' advanced pcr· - -_e _ ncW boggy home with hlm. Pllno-rorte Mosie Teacher SE'J'H W, BROWN. 1· . nlm t vory tur!) Qf th,e rlvel' " of formers, It sholl 1,1 have 11 good The TQ8c:hc1'8' In8titute will 1>0 -two oow buggi08 built ill Cin. , I Y F.. t .1,lu!lr ~I " ln ~" c t, I' thor renovator i III thoso treallheMlIJ hidden torpedoes circulntion here aml.lng our profi hold here und continue two wooklJ, cinnnti, ~nd (!hocked to Charlio '"'' yl't I VI .... F., 0 ...0, ATTORNEy AT LAW, lont rnnnhlj( rd r. (~ot onr I which Ill. in wuit in innumerable cient piani&ta. veil 1', ,J. L, this SUlllwor, Good. 'Ve wislr it , Antl'i\~n Rnd P. E f'k." nrri\w l f ~ ,',._, " ",,'" /I t. l,hl~ , p.lld wlti Ii unt many 1\ no, PC'tt'l'1I, N 'w Y I k. would (ll\thilltl f,)1' II "I 11th, hlll'(' JII t \\'l'Ck. )i, II itill~
I"mo lin IUUOr from tbo
JUlfI'' ' 1
p. \ -
, .
Ed ,
BURl \ LeA S E T
EBFOOT E,.Ib Mn 120
,A n\'ndenendent Physician,
tt (It'"
(!ondnctUq[ a Jledical
. ,.-----. = ===,...
==================: MUST SUSPEND
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oIame an itiuD or The a orl01 IV, II .. Ad ..... ill rutlnt, la, lIuW ill COOl'll of l'ublil mUon JlO .0.'"DOf titear."""bt.·IV.. :, b T. B. Twu ""P&1lI • Ptlt 1'11011 • & Urc.lh,,1'8 I ' P hi l. , ______________ udcll'llIU. cnlltlcd .. ~d. 1'1/1111 OlulljI Editi,," j;I/' .Jfill iml,if 111 nTEST A D Q ICKE 'T I 1'/,,. .Wi&v. rll.ll • ~o~" I .:' Eacb i R UTE TO • • •
!;:I~; ~iul~~:lt~oll~I~~,pl~~Jill e~l~~r. work it! i8 lIod ~omjJleLe
\nSBINGTO " I!LTdIOREI _...!'I~IU aDd SO •• b-E" • .
. I rgo 'tllo\'O \' 111m , witI. N n r ' OONDEN EO TABLE, TUR OR THAll/S. :'" oru ' r," . . , lJy t I .. . ill u8tl'at d o ' J' nud will 00 Illellt, rh ~ullgh moe, u1.st?rIOU c mplet«:d ill tw ntY'Bilt volUlIles VIA J'A UI\ER ,' I! an. MAY :11 .. I 74, under t~ndlOg Wholly 1:1 phcuble at T,,·ollty.tiv«: c nte .nch, r Five . Fn-;t LIIIII, I. L"".,, E.p. t~ out luers, th pr:oglam~n WILS 011lu13. lin·th C Illplet II t. TIda l D'lily. Daily. 1 UI ar~uu~ed. b . ettlllg n. Id ~h ' it! til 11 ape t 118 W II 6S the u. Lv~ ill.cl!,naU ' !I 55 Am 9 ao 1'01 uXllr I e III J!:lIgla It IIllly I willoh I · I t Ed't" f TI W AI·r.OIIl Il,colho 1 I!I Pm. ) '0 Am " '. y UUlp CUI I U 0 10 U vcr· .. Port OIoulh 5 55 .. 11\ 20 " I I, bat v on prul1ll.S :l~ IX \V ' ~ Lei . re I y Novels publi hed ill thi c unto "M rl 111\ 5 ns " :; 20 "m I , In Cadwallader's New' Building, Main Stree t rur Iho. A . ~m~1U1l n~ . 1' !'lIuk!II!, t r.Y Its it contain all tho Author'l! A;;"~~~nb\Jr~ ~~ ~I~ :: nnll nglllll 101. tillS mUi:!t Ing. 11118 Notes os well as nil h is last cor. .. Ollklnnd 11 2-1 " II 34 " I h.(Luge ma~ It n.ccll~ ur ~hat thll 1f'CliOIlS nlld . uud itioll . At thi "J)~ rPuk 114:1" 1147 " say Ul'ptilUICII 10r th ulturuo Il low pric evul'Y onu hould ct n "CumIWI'land I 611 Am 2 ou P I Id L r d r t 'I') 1. ' t ' g " Hllrl'or's lr 'y 5 12 .. "56 " IIIUU , a II'\! ., ,Ie uu.l 'c full sH uf th " TlIverlo N vol!! u.t " 11' 10 hill l Oll 7 10 .. 6 SO " P~ngO"I 'il lit! II [ :-01' . ":U ~\'n 0)110. ' 110 wh ich til y cun do by romit. .. RI·~O¥.d I au 1'01 . " 5U <\m. Hay-Illg cllturL,(\ iul.. ll,u of Intel' t. J I Mr. U III S III 'us ul ' · \" ·D II . I ,. Bnltlmore 49 Am. . 01'111 .' I I'f" t d ) ,tillg [ 1\'0 U al III IL ett r. pur I .. lI' ilmlll):'LOII J2 17 1'1\1 , 'lJ Aln 11 q UI11ICll tl."1I U gu,). t 'IIC I "tI tlr t Illnil to. '1'. B. Put l'dOIl~' "I 'hil"dell'hin I:.!U .• ' :46 :10:~ :: ~1'tT.' sholild pr vud . w~ nll);{ht hal·o. Bruth "I' ,Phillldlll~lIill' 1111 I'ccui l't N~ ,.. York 5!, 5" _ ~~ more 'ill the )In'fc 1011 worthy uf f I' I tl lOY WI'J 0 11 d t~ f'1I II 0 t I l3oslon 5 ••1) ,1111. 4 50 Pili . '}" 0 IV 110 I the nnlnU t Cdlll'; Ut('I'il. hu 1,111' or tha tweutY 'l!i ' vuluUle . pOI' 1'0, YJA 13F.LLAJI{E. M A Y :11 , JoN. ] ...A till' '("l'lId Ulld tLlrd LUI'n of Ulilil, post. puid, tv any n l 1'1\8l . L1 I1_" ._ _E. 'VO bavc hOll gh t, and intcud to k ep ulI. l.aml, u lilllli llc of l,'unlitlll'c l)llllh11CUti li S, tl ~a.t a teacher RIll/lilt! t uny pillco. • nllily. S\ln. E~. f Ill e YO!'y best quulitl', ulltl at tit! ~ kllow hvw l IlIl)JUl't kllvwl doro _ _ __ 0 _ ' _ _ Lvc. <.'0l ulI1hu8 11 15 Am. 11 4'; I'm, alld hull' tv guyurn ill nll iv I';;nlly n"""? DI' ....' ootc's Plaill IJ omo Arr. Nownlk I '! :.15 J'IIl . 1250 ARl. d . d I ' f u...J .1:: L'II. alldu$ky 74!iA w. 700Pm , FIGUI~ E""" a IIl1tte • t.1 r til" ow , tu,' whu Tulk , to which wo recolilly LOllde ,. )I ollro,·"illo ' :15 " : f,O .. • " I du llot ~ Ir llau I' 'lm tutl II at e me IlllusiOIl soelUB tu b n per. .. M'"n, field 10 07 ,. .1 51 " least, of p08sCI!.,iug tho si xth poJ· teet ncyolop~edia uf medicnl ulld' A~~'zNctl'n.':kll Jl~}O.!'1U. '12 ~j ~:n' 0 ' . CI~ tl.ullSI.1I · Ill' b · 'III ~ I10 h'y'gieuic ku wlodge. l ode d, wo " Dnlllliro ,UlleSI I 0 4 :;0" .. ~ us can bo ruolll ill !lily rutll'kat lIr s tocl; oUlIsi~ts (I f ~goglc ut·ItIS ~ ~ ')OJ IS ," hl'8t qunllflcntwn, tho c II tallt In· lire tuld or II. clergy man w ho said .. Wheeling G 10 pbl. S 4~ .. CI'OIlSO 0 1 his I1rcsent stilt. ofk~owl ' it eoomed to bo u li brury in itself, :: g~'I~~~:d I~ g~ 1~ ~ :: Bureaus, Ta~es" Stands, C . hairs I Sofas Lounges l edge that tile sulvntlO1J 0 1 the a nd tbat he IJad thought of throw· " Deer l'nrk II 43 .. 11 47 .• te cis 1t d 'n fact JE yth'ng I teach J' Ii ell. The lIovel"cllllllging ing out other books setti ng that up .• CUOIher!'d I 50 Alii . :l UO JIm. 8 a I a ; rasses, an, 1 ,ver! I 1 I. ·1In~'ta t'lODe 0 f t e.x,,·uoo (~]{I (~t 11; ,l. k 8 all d I·eu· to take t'heil' . plnces.' T here is 111].1'(' 1 " Wll8hluglun Harp's Py fi7 0. 4Ii 56 " In' the 11'ne of Furnl'ture , l',rom a I ,0 .... ,,0 .. Ii •. ,
t 11 A M
t ::
We take pleasure in saying to the public, and the Farmers especially, WAYNESVILLE, : : : : : <.}] 1[() Ithat we are better than ever pre. "pared to furnish them with "F URN I ',r U REB US-I N E S S,
I ::
W e may mention as prominent a. Iamong the many valu"'ble _ Bed.! .
aI" ~earlsome alld domor ly uny ineutul inquiry that can UhZlllg. A .hVll toaclll)r uroadena, ar ise in the minds of the sick that d~ pens, 6trellg~b~nB, and so. works is not answered ill its pages.' It
" RI~~mond
.. "..
I an pill . BIIlf.mor · 8 ,10 AID , Wilml ngl.oD l :lI :''0 J7 pol l'hilad'a .. '
~oo Arm. '.
Child's Rockinb'Chair .to a 11 f lU set 0
a s fol' itlsmnce LL unnecting liuo. His pl'inciplo i 0110
pupnlarity 8uccess. _ nlld _ .__ _ The Amntour is a very good mu· sical llI ollthly, plIulished by Lee & ) 'at"$1 n Wulkc'r, P hilllde phia, YllUI'. It is tilled With Ilttractive . ty 0 f I't mu .IC no d a 0 h' OIOC varlo I· rul'y UJattel·.
, _~. _ _' ._ _ ___ l'JtODlJCI!: IU AltJU';'l'.
of P tulozzis' own proce ding 1'1'om th kll own to thc ullkn owlI, wOl'k Lngll:ou knqwlctigo 1I1J'un ly obtnined. , .Adj nrncd to meet at 1:::$ 1' . .M. III the afternoon the lit'at hOUI' nn·t! thirty·ti vo t !lli ll lltC.S Iy :~o'f ~\uck :were 8P,0'.' III ~omll~g 0 0 II OW tng d CllllOlI, VIZ; 1 be S,IJIl III'r III ' • stitn oo allllll bu hdd It WnYII" ,;,i lie.. Tho . Ex 011 ti VI! 'u llluli i luu ·'· iorl!l\ld I llstltllto shall ,bo A:1caars, t:lell el's, 13CULlCtt, Guufrey, Eyok aud :Mi II P'.l ~jl y: . Th o OftiCC.I'B of-the A ilsooantJou tOI' t!le next SIX Jnolltbs sh~1I bo, .1'1'0 luent, M,', Mnrrl1y; V IC(' Presl nt , Ml'~ Ood· fr y, Mi S I~lly~·llrd, At I:. \ViJud; Scerotal'Y, hhssFlckoll! 1.0 tl r'l', Mr. eOllett; EX(!c ulive Oomm it toe, Me;; r .Sellcl • Mul'l'uy, Eyc\;c, Godfl'tlY, Ulld Mi s Ph >bo Dn1ly. It lIIUV be that tho ' VUlT II COllllty ,1'euc!acrs' Associntion is n
115 65 C"i~".. 12.1>< :.;' 5tl @ 65 ~ ~ 51) @ 60 ~ ~
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D r. E . .-; . Dakiu, Lyac....... . B
l'UTLETUS EY 'KE, I, I'(..... .I{J II t S('(' 1· ... t"I"·
••• 0
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can he accommod ated 011 ehort u.)tiee by l\ fi l'st·c1uas W (ll'kmnll. W f~ w,I/'l'Ilnt all w\II'k to give Satil:llilction . iJJ" Prompt attention paid to oalls at aU huurs. oithOl' nt tl lll Storo or at Mr. W t:CI"s ill CUl'wili.
L! ill
e. NEW JIllJ
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.~ RQQ~a,@)~~11111 SILVER-WARE
W .tl.GO.NS,
Best of. . Terms, tho'-' Hi ~... hest Market ~ '.:-OOL ,PriCe pOI.d ·.101" 9'9' , I GRA IN nt. I ALSO, IOn
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O!lJlce 68 Broad~(Ja'!l'
IIWa1IlU~m:, W1I1 ' lIoe' Ihe J.,.,\ee Ihco ,'
10 Oourt. of at .hor1Ctli lIotlce },~ &ele· ,""m or po....1cArd. aocI at th~" u I J>rI~ , nt hy 111111 ror 10 ct. E. B. F,!(jTa, .... ., "'~Id All t nl, .A in \V. nIl. ill, 5f1If1m
.. 1\
......___ " ... ""..
_ ~ ... cllutifb\ II'lIve" of tho /:lC(\, Stownrt, :10 f ') ID.. rlillg,l'o~ yom hllnd ill mill o; Looni; ~g ~ 4!> 11 . i« . ' ao v .. ~ ~~ !'.J Ho wllroDrIlIl.."IlLI1U1DO ? rcroy -A"_ . •~= i I Jimmie .. , th oP"l'or U"y;; n"Y8, 30 Wi . ~ t; J IlIH.'io. 111.0 Elvwcr of the Doll; lIny., !l5 ,Tulhl)st Ou'\ III Town; St.owRrt, 30 , Ii;:: 0 Do;.th, whoI' i. thy Sting ~ AHOO} Jus, rece ivod lit .: ; Cl1rJ'~ Dyill!; lIyml!' sOP; 01' tOil' 115 CRISPIN BRO.'S WlLynenille O. • or, 1111: "Ito I,l r blll!li:J.'l. OIlLnnottl. . , pj IMy donr S\I"~tl~; ·Iu.rruling rlllot. Locooq,85 CaJl and look at our Goods I --.AND .r1 F(JLL LIJ.]I; l j ) } - 8~ ITho 11llliden '. Mhtllkc; A.riott~, O\over, au 110 . Littl" 0111': Parey; AlY . Put th o right mlln 4. t t ho ",beo}; lIlly,;;:lII ~ fflllf.~ ' 810 p, thou luvr.l 0 110; ArroMdc; Glovcr; 110 itl r-''\, 'WI" of •••rJ~ a••lTho \~ aiting lI enn. !'Onrel·t Bong, Torry, no M!J • _ ~1iI7'!I'l"!I' Arabi• •ate. Swect IIl1d L",v-Iulluby. Glovor, 110 Sing me to "l~cV. Mothor, Stowllrt. ao Thinkill)! ,,( Th ee, b,\l1ud, Glover. 80 IP~~ W niting: Lo\'~. tnr Thee, Ohri.t!c, 110 CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS , . When littk Mllmic Died, libys, S5 AND RIWAIRERS ..
WII\tz £''OUI Mme. Angot'8 Daughter. ". !"'!'i'!'i'd'!'i'!'i :'" Oalop . . . . , .. " ,GIld Lnucc;n.... c.a 9 r- s s a ~ a a ~ Lilly <If Lito V.llo)"Jlootlllrno,llIl1ylnth, I ~ Alic<>-rlllk(l, Wlcgt.nd, Fair" FOSUVlII, UlOrooll" ...III ,J~n, WII..,,,, M"NUOOD, ......._1, D .... H " •• ore.., I ' JIlI'publiahed n now cdilioll oC w itx Iron. U!:~J)~~:n;I . O Dr. Cnlverwe'u:. CeJebra~ed M:roh " ,i • "'..y on tbe md.eRI OUr. (W.Lb. ! Oa\ol' " .. medIcIne) of "ICRMATOUDIJ(U Pot-pou r r l " UO We.knol., InvolllllLllry S~mlfll\l l FU8Ueer'8 Mltrell, Wlognnd, 00 ArB propared to do first.oln•• work In ,,\1 ' IMl'oT,,,,oy,Mon"'lnl1dP;hYi! lco.~ln . I Olo.otho~hntton. WiUio'sDolld; ~ brnnoheaoftbcbualno8. . t calPaoClty, ImmPpCttol:CElp·n top8ya~~d Fft~' iD~~' 1 Trnnsor.bcd; Peoh0rur!_L I !~ NEW WORK ON HAND FOR SALE. n 80. OUSU , , , Rof!O Buw r llod1)"'~ WIle, "" ced by eelf Indulgoncc or 8c"ul\l c1lro,u· Florolloo Wllltz, Norvcl, 40 AprIl 7th. gBIlCC, o. 1 1 I " ~"n""""'~~~,~'"'' nrPric(I,ill1\ 80nled cn" cope, Ol!ya x NOW R.EJ~DY eeT\~~ colebratod nu~bor, III this Bdmlrllbtc NOB. 1,2. 3 and 5, Poters' B:oullOh~ld l lolo. • \ Eeuy,olearly demODlllratcI, from" Ihl.ri y dloe. 1'1'100 (,0 ()8uta ellCh. livery lIumblo.r _ _ _ _ _ •._ _ __ ycan' Auccollrul pl'1\ctlce, thl\\ .he "Io.rmlng oontalu8 from IJ to.8 Now SonlJ'l, Chorus· Tbo undcl1Ilgncd 1Ic~. to Inform conacqu 'ncos of sclf·abuse mo.y bo mdlcBlly C8 t.o by tho host WritlOtil. tho ublic ~nurl\lI 'hilt bo haa ollre~ .wl,hout tho dA1l~er~u. ua~ o{h in~rr~l. No..' 1, 2-: a, 4. 1\1Id 5/Fotdl'8' Parlor :r.ru~io. opo.fed a fontYMl\rkot III tbe j ;::'i~~i~~ oO:t !~o:~~ o~a~:~ a~ 00(l('°8lmple: ~::: liO YO:~~ :t!:;t'~;:r n:,m'KI:k'!t k~~:~g:B~:nt;8~n&h~~dIlO', wboro ho will .....~iI!j certain And ellcctuol; by met-ci of wblcb IIY-· Paohor Boobi, ote. ' er, .ufferer, no mr~t.e!w}'bhl cOlll~\~on NOlI. 1 tq.'17 La Oremf) de 1a Cromo. Prloo TH EVE R Y BE S T a, bod • mdl-" Iiuro 11m c cap y. pI' ••• 110 oont.. eacb. ,£yory oumheroontail'ns at . lm 1 an ra ca J. . leut t2 'W'orth of o1aaeio and 1I0100t lano .... Thls Loc'ure ahculd bo in ~~~nda KOIio V al IIUttoB and Pork of S ve:, Y:::;:':;4 :~~ry pi:i! i~:v:lope 'to .uy of ~ojlhe.o XallOd, poat..r.,:id, OD reAny :"d':.I. poit:pald, on receipt of 811·CIa. Ada:Pt of tho j~~~ JET'ERS. . II t alford.' and all ,,111 be kept Or '''0 t:A~r'()A::~i'~~ ~:el'll. ~ Broad",,)',}C. Y. iP. O. Bo. M20.t e ooun ry , I1ft' . ...,. N..................._ , ' 0 L A:N AND , N ICE • . . . .ETI80 NEW . E. S. B. WALTO~, . . . . . . . .N TO DO AT~TOflNEY, AT ,LAW, AlIo, . c::s
Stock ~~~&*~iK~
Evans & Die iey's ' Corn DU1LL,
~ ~~ ~ , DO~,II~~,~o.~g~~,~"·,\~~i:a;, ~~~yy;,
t;&:~tg: ~ 8~~
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1Q"&'i'rii'fTU UJ ~
,;clltr~eB8 and dispntdl.
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1II f:I \if Rapairilig. with
HQ.dQj tQ? Q de~ @~ lm~Rdl~"R VOL vln HAY
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and Looking·Glass Framing I
PET~S' .
.., ... :::C;",oO-J~ (x)
t.~ 8 ~
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Ooi ... !.il
and Cosl{ets,
C>><.. <>> "'Qo .... ""~..;, '7.
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with a !ille assortment of Tl'illllIlillgs of all kinu s. We shall n.tcavol' to do 0 \11' be t to mel'it tho t'u.vor of nil who may call 01 1 UtI. Vtr 111'0 ul 'vYl'cparct! tu do 1111 killd s of
l Gt 16t ~ '" ; . : : : : : : : ~ 1 85 ~ Q ........._..... ..........
ion vI' lit lU:J.8t ono pel's n )l1'CSOllt, Apples , that thei l' I!nporiOl'ity WIlS of gl'cut Ohccile ~.. lIccon nt in d ~\tail s . till tlao elld BU.lIls, , ~ Cil UlO, uoll , t'xcitod us \\' 0 1\'01'0 VVC I' Drl od Boo l, 2 ~ (/ 2 5 thc grnll d WII IIWU Iaa..-o of Ul'i'i," ~. . . - . --ing lit stl1pellUOII" roslI lt,:i, W' C' \lId ~l' C!l ~bcrtt\~rnt~lltl't hurd ly CUIlII vse~O IlUUlllc\VCS to Ji!!tell ,4.'\U . () , (). t o Prof. Do IIOI '" ndth oss, Dut :h CI fi d d ItS rllciu 'ss nt l'St nrullso lUI the n its o .. i~illll.li ty illt ro~r Il, find, aftor tile fh'ot momcnt 01' tWIJ, 110t _ ••• !I a word wns Ivst. As a Illlln's phi· losophy,so is \ao, arid the Yroto sor's . hi! osuphy is thnt a ohi ld should Fi"at National Ba1~k B 1tUding, • 'uow thillgs and proce S'S botore . :N LE 0 tung ht "wily." That uooks oootnin tV AY ES VIL • OBI. all of the Dnrt thnt is wurth pre· , . M / JAM L'S W HAINES D serving, n Itit rDlll'widu nor S,~ehll' £0. • . ., cal' wore p:e8ent to eny. l' at . "OMa:OPA~HJ(l in object tOlLcuiug', the ruo t impor· f II b · . I b k ' • tant 0 Il Sll ~eots 11\ t Je 00, IS 'n now r.rinciple not recognized by Froebc. No school,said tbe ~rof., Oftlooat Rosidonoo, except t ho dunciliK school, can sno· W.,....III"', ow., ceed it. To beur l'enikese • d ·without .. d d d d 'rI au 11;6 10lln ere COil emile soun . cd sacrilegious. For Agassiz aod 0 ............. _ ....... otbers like bim who have rison far · .....y, 'I....b.i " - ' . . above the level of books, who Iivo WAYNBSVILLE, in closest commuuion with untm'e, Offorft his P~0r.088lont\l ~orvlllC1l ~ tbo oiti· who have become almost the sonrco zon8 ~nd vic.nlty. HUYm~ had tlllrty yetU'll ' ' . II k I d t\xpor18lloe, ho hopes to \1418atlsfMtlon to ~rom w h lob sprtngs a now e ge aU wbo may lllyor bim .. tit a 01111. 486·1 , tnbooke, dare we say that they nre notI tho best exnmples we oan b f . tl' , ' fi ' t . set e oro 'UB, In. 1011 111 Ill. Y 0 TIIiRD STREET, ~E"R 1ft".N. knowledge, capacIty for POI'Slstent efi'ortaud overflowingcnt husill8m, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Il.~ve 0.11, in the power they .ha ve 82 00 PER D.IJ y, to edllcato their scholars to be like , tl is' .. AMBS WADON, P ....r. lemee ve A dillCnsaiou fell owed opon the r~lll.ti ve lDC1:it8 boo~s ~nd pmc· KQ9htonablt Satbet (\U~ tical" teachmg, 10 which one party "J) I insisted that the shiold WIl8 sih' er' lBI'&IIm-JIl)mll~iBlIm, and the othol' that ~t was gold un· ..AIN lIT., WAleN a" ....... • ' • --0til Bome one remarked that III IllS H ir-euttiog Rair-DreniDg 8hampooio!l opinjon t it WAIl ,time to adjourn, and $ha.~, d~ne iD the heat .tyle of the which' tile A88ociation accordingly Ton~~Ia1 Art. , 275 did. On the main poiot, however, a1l. agreed. GO?d 00 ~horoug~ly studIed an~ their teach· · WHOLE ALE mgs constantly appltod. uYour . o'/Vn tbinkillg mn t '!lu,ke y ou wise ; EWELERS ~ OPTICIANS and your own nractlce must make d I, YOIl extor()U8. .
bOok~ s~ould
e.~ 1~ ~~ ~~ ~;~ .:.~..
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\Vu)'llc8villc "llu'J{.cUr. .
IInving PllI'ChllSe,d II Jlno nolV H oarso, and u fnll lino of thu v ' ry
"g- ~ Ji ~ ~ ... g,!, 0<;,r J' ~ ~ ..
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z ,g·sglD·g,a;;·gogt:;.
In C JlllectiolJ. with the Furniturc Estubli ahulullt, w a re pl' I'Urvtl 1 af.tolld all culls ill the
471 . ly ~b~ ter of Tr~'~'ir.%~~~~~d . - -r.:I ....... t:;l .... Q ...... i-<<">t:;l .... ~ .., ' :tii- .. §P' :;o~g~., if ...-I.
1' l 'l {AI .
lI\ll.JLEi\ I EN'I'S
'rHOS. R . • H A,RI',
Timotby Be'd, Cllnuc) Coni nuli v(trcd )'o\1g hiogpny, ..' HocKillg Vall 'y, /' ny Uvnnty OVid, nIt V I' bun I W u~l. ' TlIrllips Al plcl$,'barr' l, U,,"8 '" ,
~~ ____
Through Tlckots nnd further ioforOl"lioll call hc of,talucd at I'rillcipl\l Ticket om. eOB throughout thenilWe t, Soulhl\'e~ t Rnd 1\orll,,~c~t. I TIIOI'J. ll'. BADDY, L. M. COI,I?. W c,L I'lu •. Ag nt. Gon. Ti keLAg't. Oincinlll\ti, O. Dnltimoro, ~rd.
Corrcet.e<l by Sid.,• .\: ompnny.
Flax Sued, llnl'l y Putnt, ',~
12 ~"S , l A.,m,
, wltbl: newed I tlsclelu' ans wers hnndl'cds of queati ons ::r.cw York .. 515" ,' . that 10 what ver It IS .o u,r duty to wh ich invul ids would 1i cl somo _ Jlo LoU a 50Am. G ,,0 pm. act, these matters also It IS 011.1' du· delicacy in &8 killg tho opinion of Pullman'. Palaoe Drawillg.Room I ty to stlldy. Til e essay ~vusJlIglaly 0. phYl!ic inn upon. The boo k meets 'and Sleeping' Coaohes commended by the loadJllg ·od llca· 1\ llniv I'sal want aud henco its ProlU St Loui s. Oinciunati IUld Oolun! U4 10 . On too hlu~ . J:nprOSeD,t. tho :x I'CISO I n· mnosiJip that fol!owod, M I'. Wood ,ehowed how vel''' easy and illllllo J it is to teach wl'itillg frolll tho itul· ic I tt rs which tho chili! i ~ liJo~t ., I ' tters tung I It to USO .1/1 IJI'IIItlllg just by intl'odueing 0110 01' tw now
I ~~~~~~~~~~
,,11 10 or!Jy th" tUt...
Olvo mo a oall.
.TEHn '.MUL~.
lItANt nr. Mould bc lI ll li ed to ), Inn t III pot; III n It'! uld form H OI I WII, froll1 J,': rt'.nt r \XlIII III red M utt rly Iml,mClII:nhl 81t II I r orchardll1g A COnn FJII'O NDEST 0 f the IflClIln It I On ~tle COIIISIUel'1l th E x the b l'1!t breed of hog;! Thoy f.. tle" ve ry reltdi ly on 1_ food than othel'1l I-OVJ::Jl, m ItII growlIIg ~tl\ l{\ 18 not valued very III&hly fo r fOOd ll1g IlII It l ri too full of water And perb,p a CId.. bll t "be n properly e llr~1 It IS Il rc"t1y IIlpro.ed It will fnltc n horSCd fns te r t h 'II (1Illotln R RAItIl"" 011 en rly brood of clll c k e u ~ will IIlt tl rferc bu t Iilll If I Y wIth t he 11\1 ruge J,rOlluulloll of elU~ III th o ) liar Jf a h e n h tl3 Ilirl we ll /i,r 1\ whol e )ClT IIh " "Ill w ko 1\ long willI in rcculllO'; durlll g lIud Incr tht'Dlol l.-
IIlg ReM On
h any ono "nn ts 1.0 grow whIte or r rl clo ve r wh ero $)rrel gro\\ ~ npply a Itood 8ur(IICO clreII8J1lI:! of ICJtched Mh ,allll "Ithollt th e IppllcnllOlI of aood , OU \\ III get on o r th o othor wl1111n n yonr '] ho I1It(\r 11\ tbo leached Mhe8 lIeutrnhze th e IIcul 111 the 11011 IN 1\ IlOrtlon of Denmnrk, "here one "nh of tho land 18 ( lltl,atnd to elm e r the VI tnh ty of tho !!I;!ed u tCllte d by pl,cl11g, a quantity 011 1\ kmfe bladl' nnd ht'lltlllK It ovcr 11. lIJ:bted candle The good sced "III POI' open IIlId hoI' off wIllIe tho 1IortblCl!8 remallls aod carbon u:es 011 the blade ~~~~!!!!
A DarIng Escap • (Iii . ... \ or1< Tin co 1
ne of the bolde~t lind mo t dnrlllg known III bl ~ Lory UILfl recontly cffected from illS illS Pm!oll J list
north of mg ing I'moll bot\\ cell the e s I rem norlll guard bOUllC amI tbe fi~t arched rtulron(lbndgll IL~ you go south located tbe prll!On quurry on the CllSt 81de of tho rl\llread tfllck I rom It 0' or the raIlroad tmck 1.0 th e prl,;on yard on tho wcst ~Ide e xtend~ a bridge OVM wInch stone from tho quarry IS bundled III wheelbllrrow8 by the con hiE AORLO LTUltAI TNTRRE8'1'8 AT viets. At S 160 clock LllIs morl1lug nn TRt.; £N'lEN~IAI - fh Oentennllll extra fl'Clght trllill bonnd South Ill'Com1l111!1!IOn rcnbllmg the Imporlance of proaehcd tho prt80n brldgo 810" Iy mov the agrIcultural IIlterests of the UlIItcd mg not fllllter tblln thrco nlilcH lin honr Stnl.cH, and nrll.lcl(llliUlg the (Iemands flie trlUll WII6 drllwn by locolllotl\c 1'10 that" ill be made for proller representn 89 1I1l18 CIlIjllI1l englllccr, unci tho con tlon III the IlIternatlonal exhlbltlOIl of duetor 111\8 Mr Mauenl1l8 They" ore 1 76 If! maklOg l\lnL'le provI sion for tbo 810wly followlIlg tho SUlg illS pllSSClIger nooommod Il.lon of tillS department, train wlllob loft ut 7 50 a III A8 tho Tbo bwlcling for this department, oh~ .. ell~mo reached the PTiSOIl Or tresUe bl,. mtuated III Fairmount Par.x Will bridge /lve con vi" ... dror.JlCd UPO" Itcover len aores. There Will be proVided from tbe bridge, four of t lem rUDDIng al80 IImple and 8ul18ble necommodlLtlon IOto tbo cnglllcc 8 enb IIml tho othe.\" {or the sheller and dl81 illY of II vo "toele 11I1r~ Inl$ to the oupllllg wblch fiL,tencd whkb. .t 18 mtf'Jldl>rl ~\l ""' __ hlbltl!id the 01lgl,Ie to the tj'R1II ~ 1>0 oon ,,,1.1! during tho months of SelllclTlh.lr 1l0l1 011 tile cub WIll drnwn relolvors or Octooor Englnnd ]\ol6 1am and mltny dered tho ellglncor lind fireman to JIIll P other flirnllf" 0<> • • •rI"" hll vo IIlron Iy 110 off, IlIld they did whell the COil' ICts put tffied the burenu thnt ther lIIt(llld 1.0 on stcnm, IIl1d the engillo started dllWII compete largoly Rnd IIOlIle Idea mllY he tho ro 1(1 WIth them like hgMlllng. 'IhClr IOrmcd ot whnt mlly be OJ( IlOoled Irom upo \\ I~ detooted ulmost Imlnedl ltely tbe agnculturol dl ~trlCts of the Umted lind tIC\ oral Hhots "ore fired after tbem 1:!t.alc8 from the hct thl\L th stock 80- bv tbe pril!On /!:uard, 1I0lle howe\or, tllk <:Ioty 01 New Jcnaey 1111\ e Ill!ked for IIlIJ offect Thon commenced the pur .plloo to accommodate SOO hend uf 8111t Tbo SUJlCTlntelldent of tho filiI IItocle anll 110 dOllbt other tnt<lS Will .not rond "n8 notified qUickly whon IL tele be boll1l1d III ,IU8 n urn ber Tho Cum grnph IIhum WII8 lKlundcd lit all p01nt.~ mlttce hllll adopted n rulo regulating ad lKluth of IIIg Inr: A dls pnt 11 WIIS mlHII\on, which reqlllres thllt alll\llImul~ !!Cnt frum the Grlllld Ccntr».1 Depot to oxhlbited bo of pure blood- troLling tllllOIl A~tml Rc\oro lit I arrytown stock and fnt cnttle OJ( epte(1 A nolher ducetlllg him to turn tho sWitch lit tbnt rule, n~t 1.0 be ovcrlook(J{1 cltcludCII nll swtlOIl on the rlvor SId SO U3 to let tho alilmahl ~cn though they be thorough U1IgIIIO, With til" convlcl>! on bourd, go bred Whlcb are Ilot hIghly mcntor the blLuk mto tho rl \ or DllIIgor till; lonll. 1111.1" were Illso ordered to bo flCt on the HEN FAJt.MINO -l'eoplo who secm 1.0 dl)wII trucle aud prollll t UlClll!UrC8 of know affirm that II tllinl \\ tI\ e of the ben 0\ cry lellld \Iero ordered 1.<1 prelcilt IICfever IS alll"011olllng U8 11lI i 80me 01 T10U~ dl8l\8t\1r hy eollisioll \\ Ith tho stolon thel!C like the III1C1ont mlTlllcr Noah locomotIVe fhe truck men III lho nre g HlIlg thClr ark8 or coops I't'luly Vlclluty of ScnrllOrough sa\l the ellglllc SUpJlO II1g thnL lin "pl'c tlze r III I)' not be c 11111 g IIko IIghtlllng or mtllcr lI:l\\ n entirely ol8l\grooable wo prellCllt tho \II t cloud of stenm 1111 I "muke, al d follolVlIIg filets drnwn from a neighbor II ller wlllrl With IL dCllf~ulD~ ronT who 18 al80 1111 nccurnte IIInchllllst IIl1d II 1111 I gt\7.c11 II It, terror at tho Irlghtfll I reltnble gentlemllll lie ix>1t 111 the "peed tho IlliglUO hlld 1I11mned At fllr year 1 H With 20 Brnhmtl6 lhe nver ryt.o\\ n crowds of 1'00110 woro gllthc:.rcd age numbor of IltYlllg lions for tho ,car ox pecllllf; to see tho el)glne d \lIh If to WI\3 17 I1 0y shelled out 11" follow s thllt stlltlon nnd the "wll.ch 1111.0 the January 28~1 Fcbrunry 247 1I111ruh 41" fil e r but It dill not arTlle Alter \lUlLApril 317 JUay 328 June 224 July 244 lIlg IL Hhort ti~ Slatlon Agent R(lvcre Allgust 207 September 2(;7 October lIC llt 1111 elll;lIIe up the tmek 1.0 look for 172 No,embe.r 192 Deeember 2,,4 'I lIe tho stolen property lind found No 89 "ggregate lay \VIIS 3 152 eggs They WI th llOth C) linder hellu ~ broken three wore fed on COrll wllC It ~r(''0 1 II gil, IIlId milCH lIorth lind Il00Ut OPpO~ltO tI e refu flC of tho hOllllC IIl1d HLrnngo to lilly Al!plnllall place 1he ooller 1188 full of tholr feed COIIt Just $31 91 It would \\1Ilt'r IIl1d the "tellm down I he von have been very Jllell.t'lInt lind vlIs tl) \ leta left the dll!lIbled cnglnc half II nil Ie easlor to halve hml the nUlilher nf f'ggll further north and fled to A~pln" till ~ nnd cents wIlted [l('rfectly 1) It It IllUMt wood ~ 11111 IIlg firMt 8tol n ,II the cloth be rcmem\l('red when dCllllng I\lth ~IOI.I! IIlg tkllt could be found I n tho e ugllleer's di$lOrda are o( no account But the lIId /JrelllnUIi oolteli on the tender l:5oou whole 8tory 18 not told Home clllckells nner Engweer CUilSlII CIIDIO runlllllg w 10 mlsed IlO that liner eating 22 down the tnlck and ooco more re fowl s, 27 rORUlID to ll.arl11811 the prCllCnt covered hl8 engIne yoar and mId their lay t'O UUlt 01 the IMt Our friend furth e r say" 1I1nt II 1I0w lie got E,en wltla 111111. wnrm S\II1IlY crop nnd plenty of amI fresh water nro III the conditIOns o( In u lown III OhIO there I S (\ man lIueh KUCoo ' Brnhm I ~ arc excellent whom nil tile boyK regard Ill! , c rusty 'Winter 10wls bocnUISO of tbClr heav), old benr 'HthoutOIlO grllll of ")ml'lthy fe.atROI'R, and cor.quollt protect.lon from 111 IllS compo Itlon DIllI \\ho regnnl8 1111 cold Leghorns ...ld Sr8111arde (10 be~t the borg IIK80 mnoy pests It S II 110ft of III mlldor weatber AI bellS do os well lI1utunl feehng of dleltke on gCIlNul lUI they can In the spTlng lIme A flock prl11Clllc8 Olle night one of the IIll1reof well kopt fowls 18 a credIt t~ nlly IIIlld boys \\ WI on 11111 way home from family lind. ITl'eepeclne of thOlr profit (.0" II und paascd tho dllllng room their IOCIOty and oonVCl'IIIIt!ollare often WllldOIV of 1118 parllcular fOil A bl~ tlmcs more enjoyable thnn !!Ome of the ugly looking dog hud (ol1o\\ed hIm Ills pllrtle ulnr enemy had II dog thllt II tlJ1 If unfeatbered erenturcs 011 '0111111ge aoythmg ul;her, lind I]UltelUJ large. The . . . . .h ..tlM ...... fll1D11y \\ orc at Kupper and the hend of It To CLE.t.N BLA K KWI!-A good 'Illy sat m hiM 8blTt-8lcoves and bare feet to olean blaele kid ~Io\ PJI IS 1.0 talce n d01l1g VlgOroUH J lI8tlCO to a I,lllltc of cold tHApoonful ollll\l[\d OIl drop 1\ felY drftps pork and heans Au Idca selzcd the lad of tnk in It., and rub ItoV r tho gl o le~ He softly "!,I)TOuched lhe door lelldlllg WIth tbe til' of a ~ lither then lei thorn II1to the dlnmg room lIud opened It }lIS dry In tb un nowly found dog nn~r the II1l1nll r of To P.R£VY~'iiT TIN Ru TISO - Rub all dogs, piunged mto tho room wlLhout lreeh lllrd 0' r e\ on palL f the dl~J. ('.eremoIlY lind then tbe boy Hhut the &lid thM pllt It 111 A hot OHm IUld heM door I.nd ran for dear lifo ,]ho hrnte It thoroughly Thua trellted lilly tlll IIiSldo went for theslran&c dog and the)' ware m.. be lIllCd In water constllntly, commenced cbewlllg each other 8 gullettl IIn(l ~111.ln bright 1I11d troc ftomIust IQ "'Itb all the oordlanty of old ncquRlnt RIICCI!. They klloeked ovor chall's up8Ct Inltely the table en ~he old maR Rnd nearlv U RT RYIi TJU. AK - ne lUll 01 kIlled tbe baby Tbe frightened old lAf.t mUIt t U egg1I, a tablc;!poouflll 0' fellow I!Cl'{UDbled out fmm under the tiro D ~ I.nd • large pllleb of MIt rUlDS of hl~ ~ul'per tore opeu ihe door Add enougb l")'t! 80UI W mab II IIIf lind rllll dOlfll tile treet III 1118 bnre f, t n;mGlOD gr d.1t Ill: bl.t ter lInkt' through the 800W aDd- over tbe iee .all aD 11. IIr -ID ",;em ' Jlftll&. r\ e hot Ilourlilung I. ClIIe·kDlfe and Monting for eo! rtd.. h Ir. HUl Wife gathered tbe little onel, t. . " ..KRIa.-Dld you reatier inC UdlDI the demonUued baby, under like I\. &11 two ber arm., aad. fteeiag k) a bedroom for • .-. ou~ all '" IIIe~JI iAmached binelf III Uao micldk
& DODLl1Y,
Jollll & " atl I 8 (" , <.:illcluuatl.
r r 3 0 J tl c U l!liL
~'fII/(r.".f .lUH"
Sold by
Dealers Everywhere
A Mnll mOIl from Mhecr .. light Flvo ,,(.'Ck~ I'S0 Al oXIUI le r V IIr( I r of Sci eneetndy Ilccmt.cd n hnge r 1" DII~bllrn I rcltcltic IllCllnS 01 1\ corn~uUe r H e II l H tlttel I d "'IILL e r< f:ulh III dd ,I ne II Irhua by II Icnchng phY8101ll11 nnd III due COl rR(' of limo the wound he ,Iecl lonv ng 1111 rk J rClt cl" , ~s ubhllll', I~ l\ ''''tr ~H the fol for II wh leofplllk13la IIl1lt " O tilt \Vh Ie low ng leLter nttcndlllg church 8ublll'qllcnLly Itt the E~8l Avenue MI lOll Chnpcl I follo\\ pew OCCIll'uot nsked to I!CC hl~ II I d ObI!Crvlllg the partly hcnlrd IIClulld Ite whlellCred to Brower 111 IllS oJ> I I th e "ound bud morti/led Bwwe r'd (,th e r IIIlt In the lICut With him HI S 8011 look 1\ piece of pnper IIt1l1 wrote th e reoll l \1 handed to hIS filLhcr n r Illes t til It Lhey leave church The luther o n reucl 1IIp: the outSide lIskect the c IUIIC of the ~ ud den roq lIe~t The ,nswe r II 1M Utllt he (the lIOn) wnH gOIng 1.0 (lie Mr Browe r ridiculed the Idea but r,roceod d home Aller II tIme follOWing t 101f IIrrival tho fathor found the 11011 engaged III prayer lind WIlt! agam told by the )lItter thnt hlB tlille lVa.~ tlear 'Ibe 80n J1ld to be dOOn removed to a bcd, and the doctor wnll agAID liuOlmolle(\ fh Ilitter 011 arrlvnl found hiS I'IILlellt wIth high r ulllll lIllicb eXCIted nnd sholl Ing marked s)'mptoms of typhOid fever '] lie former wou/111 on h IS band WM fOllnd 111 the 1!I\m cO)ldl tlon R8 when 11llIt secn-th:\t I ever) tblllg )lrel!llglOg TI'Pld RI\d permanent healing Friday) oung Brower dledau eVIdent VIctIm o(fTlgbt.- Troy TlfItU
AN Englltillman proJll)lll'8 to run lJtreet carll by clock wort. Only two hand
lrill be nlqlllred
BRATTLEBORO, VT. The .08t Extenabe .an....,tAJ.., of Reed 0rpa8 latlle World I IF lLLU8TRATSD
IlAB.VETSB :!it II • •
1T J
.... 1I111.
fie thlLt J kn uy tb II( " rlptlon III h I hlu1 IL---i:/llled o ul 11 tC you Ih k The" amnu threw h.;>r 1),rOIl 0' er her h 11 n I1tl o)'en II 111 0 door "h rc" Die k t H .. hlt ~ 1I t c tile bnek yet retun th e WOOl III Uh h nm t Jen h ev )er hurd n hor '0 by to 1lI ~1 t· only II little \\ luI .. Igo-n small mun Y ' " Dr Illlg 11k thed III' I gllll!<l ~hf' S:LlfI nnd th n 1'!lU tI 1: Oil cn n hellr the hor-e UOII , fClgl IIlg to 1I ~ t e ll Art r It mom nt s glnnce In I Ie the bOliBe they II ere 011 I /lill Whitt ~hlLII J tlo Y \Vh It KIIILII J do ~ j!n'l1Cd tha \\OIlIlUI Th ev will b(' baok n lwonty 1II11l1l1e ~ tor J I lIel e your hor I. In MghL- liot mor UtllJl thr!' (UHten! of" nllie off. ~I) hnsbnnd IS Imble til corne lit nny I1IOm(,lIt Bllt II Itil hUll IIw clll the houso "C IlIgh With hlln -Hhe emphrunzeu It ill U plllrln~ tUlleJl- he ~ Bill Wolf s Lrother I J WRS out of tho Cloflln 111 a tnce then you mny \\dl bellevc It IS death for ) ou nny wny sh!' moaned- for I henr the ruLtle 01 DICk 8 Il,d s nlrl.'ody ~toy I 1 hero K th mill hnrr('1 I, In d('"1 rnt on They Ii' tfled once th o) mtl) lIot ngnlll Beforo ) 0 I II ou ld lie lillie to spenk II IICIlU'noo the \\ Ite r \V L~ d L,lwu O IlL of tbe eMI.: IIl1d Htol1l1ng UOII II IlIlO tho IIf1tJ SOIl 111(\ 1 WOR III th e Lnrrel I he "omlln ltllekly put a tub hlllfflllcd wIth wllte r In nt the top 118 t e ' or he b Id Ullral} tlmo to en ter the homlC - the door of II bleh fortulln kll} opened 011 tl 08 de nwny fro nt tb e moon - when n ratthng velucle drew lip at' tho door nnd 1 h CIHd II hoal'8O ' Olce rtl'log and Rwellrlng nL th o " omu ll for HOmethlllg dOllo or u ndollo and thell frOI I U e bungholl'-tb e plug I IVII g been d f!lodgcu III th o lip ttlnS of the CMk- J II.'lW the funolL~ return of the three relic gndrs There \\ r 8 n good delll of loud t.'llk Ing nnrl eX I hUl:ltIOIlR lind onths nlld stlrrlllg up of hot necta r and rough r marks :!bout the IJlstern 10 the cotnet but both Dick lIU\ the 110101111 sc med HOr nbout HOllIctlllng lind the Illllll porclllptonl) refuseu W JOIn the hunt bewuse of the colh I Woll you ro gOlllg our WIy n \11 00, Id" olfhkely enollgh ,Oll I 11 ,\e tI 0 fllll of seelllg WI wlog the turko) The couvcr.<tlllon 1\Ill! dlijlrc"'llDgl) p('r60nnl- mndo Ilclitcly so bv Dick lIi1k IlIg Is Ulere \I liter enoUjl,h o ut lhere J n
A low trtt.b., I ,fy ...11 lIt1n I"" 1, rl 11,111111 roll~b lloa ilclo !rl"~ 0",,1 1111 I burrrl ... "ft, r.&bln Stroud _ n 0" I 01 I'&"\"r. the 14, <urn I h"...,. pia, An4 un tbo r . . .t ,pla.w. II ~ I row 1111 r.W., '\I'IJ
Whll.l,. a)o"l1 III hili I~~ Ibo wlndln& ~ab .., 101.>0. ~~ w&Yln, .ethanllol And:"/I ~';"'~~I .h Iml lrunu or ka uti IJtc<"h/'8 til b And lor Ill. R ll. hili 10110 Il 100« and L I>lUnG
T hI() n,lden hnrd nl1d f",t nllll II n~ II<LOI18h('(1 to filld ull~lf cum liS Into u ~lfIlgghng seLti mOllt all tbe COUI'>IC ,duch I Hhollid hI' C tak", thor \I III 1I0thlllg of tho HOrL " lnlflWhcrll I hud croiWld the rI~ht trail Ilnd lIIken tb e "rong one Ahnost. nlly tr~o l er on lh e bnrdcr !!('cilon8 would hnve boon glad to thus stumble on n plnce for food lind rc frcmmenL Not so With m) sclf In the brcn!!t.-(locket of my co~t I cnrned fi,e tboumnd rour hundred lind IlIInetl odd
nr~II'f:!.iti~I~1Cjd~I!f+ft"'lI!CO~"~!!~le~rJl:lrlle mO\! ng 3\0\\ Iy '1 M Lae) nnd It " 118 IQ be carried 0' e r tho door 3JII Lear Ulg t() the ClI8k lhrou h to l- ort L - - IIlId plnced In she lifted out the tub lULU tlPI1Cd mv che blind or Coloncl A sn 1 ~oulllnrd pnson over n Iittl 80 tbllt I could ~pnng to uofmy u£ccl'i!llry nnll v e pcniK'R. o ut I" III belllud tho ClUIk wben DICk 'I here wer only L \{ men III the l,r CIlllle to the door Ii)d oblrrnped hiS room of th e I \\('fll will ch r entered- the lie I t up 10 th e tub til drlllk IlIltllord and tbe ho tier trol ling cnfC I II go Wltll you OM ~,r 18 the tOJ'kA l e~ly "bout th o r01l1ll I glnl\l.'c(\ out 0 he ,*lId 1'1 til 0 "fthem Clllneout II lUI th e tho \VII do\\ !II, hCllr L IClIJlCu II1tO uy cofll n lind Rl d It IOto tho body of the th ront- Cor in the IlHIl III unci 0 ] II ogon 'Ih ey then 6teppoU bnckrccog OlT,ed fronl the dekrlptloll 0 1 him prouully to cull the other • 11111 Wolf, ooe of the 1II0st u('"perl tc At thnt 111010 nt II" lid Ind de pern to chllrncte r~ t.h IL C\ or figurod III Ihc plnH e nte red my bmlO but feel ng for Inllll Kof border rnihuIll8111 rlt ro w IH III) klll(6, r found tl nt U 111\9 1111 illS' th e hugo red mUIII.ncl e th o tlllck hnlry t lolli II ith the belt to wllloh It wnA I\tl rOlt ILud til Ilouldcr hun ched III Ilcbl.'d It IIns SUICide to llteulpt!!Cl:t nil' Ilr lUnd llI ri hClld "ug c~tlllg th bllpe \If o ne of lilelll But as the wom"n With II mammoth Chilli lind U1& vowe II Ith L !!Ollie purpose III h e r mlndj. mng out to de p-down IIItOI\lLllOll hl.:eth o ViOl! plop tlto mell to como bacl.: nM gilt the l ISt 111011 of water IlurTIl.'dl) lellvlllg Il ', ug If IhpJ!Crful of h quor wbll:hl!h o had 1I11xed the description of th o 1l0torlOW reneg Hie I 8('11,00 the ollly alternative ] sprnng I ~ 1Il0legallt It. basil ment. of Iruthflll hghtl) lIlto the '~n go n hfted the collin IICB1!, Ilnd mUllt therefore he excllsed hd l4l1d 1I)(1I11l cmll led lOtO the long 1 went through Illth Ily SlIf [let In II Irrllw prlHOIi form but "hatevcr IIpp tlte 1 n\l~ ht Th e three rum Ins \I ere mounted, and hRl e felt 011 my entranco IlItO the 11111 III lI are I\~ut Lo s tllrt "hon the wom III 111111 \olll8hcli With 111) dl overy Aner rill out \11th some sortof/l blftnket Il1d II time the other fellol\ Clime 1I1- 11t111 Ig mutte red I!ODlethmg llbout covcrlllg the lJe<>n out h SllId to louk Rfter th colllll rhe Dllln yellell out to he r to 1I00mnl Inri nrder d slipper NOI\ Will! IIl1l1d her O\\Tl bU~ lIle88 IIlltllet the tlllllg my tllne to leA\(l willch I did 111 n cnre ulonc letlll manner he rctrcllted \\ Ilh the cloth but ~h e it \\11lI qUite dllrk o ul"lde rhe ho Iler h td IlIcolllplu!Cd her purPO!le III Its \\ IUI IhUlUg "bout the ~tllblr 1\ lUI hI M foldH ~hc bad conccnlcd II howle lin fe Illn t rn wlncll elTlI tied \lI\t h t Lie more IIde r Its cel' er she IIl1d TR ISOd the hd hght tbanawillt.c benn "ould 11IIVeli0lle and tlropJled the welponinsidc Itglvmg but he gracIOusly brollght out my Ht<'ed 111 6 a Cllt II It fell llpon IDe In the nt the o rdor alld. mountillg J th IIIklully momentnry 1I0l!OO nnd cOllfl1810n I ho.1 trotted away At\cr rlfllllg II nllie or got tho weaJlOn III Dly III~nd lIod WIth Its 1II0re] hMrd n fnlllt JIOlllld nnd drew lip llOlOt r(uscd th o hcn,y lid of tbe rough llI) marc to IIstclI 0 c hllllce tra, cl orH bo x tho fmetlOtI of un IIIch 10 th.lt eler rodo hke lit It Jt menot 1)\1,.IIIt. brc Itl II g WIlS elUlY If my po Ihon ww! I gnve my ste('d II g 11I1IIj; I n~ lI bo rrnmpc I broke lllto n con\UI ~ l\il ~lIlt hove her 'Ihe three horsemen sprl'ld out re body up With one or l\\o plllnge!!, lI1arklllg to ench olher Beat up the Htlllllblcd gOln~ dO\\11 frolll her kne es 10 game now AI1Ced lly before by nny h er noso nnd Jlltebed lIle hlera\1y heels miracle be ~ctl! InW tho wooded belt by ovcr bo~d I For all lO~t.ant I I'RlI Buford s " Prjl gtl pnrnlyzcd With IIJlwlllKhment The n xt l3y nnd bv there WIUla shout. off to Lhe mom nt I seized tb bit to fetch III' the right ofo tally hoi lUll! the hUllts(Ilion IInimnl lind discovered that 10 the ~ In Imd Sighted the qUflrry NoUllug m(Ulntlmc she hnd undergone 1\ etrnn,gc but lin uuwlumut.llblc IImollllt uf hquor llletnmorphOl'IB I She hnd lost her wlule could bl\ve inftuellc d them to con Juct {"CO on or III tho grW!!! ]'aJ!8l1lg my th emse h es IlS they did- for no 800ner )ll\nd betWCCIl her cyes I found the h lit hId they cnl\od out (rom tilo Tight, t.1l 1Il WIUI wet. In an IDslant J was cxnmlnlnj! DIck: clime W R Budden halt, lel1pea from t.he wIllie legs. M~ mnre had been the senti lind rnll off WWllrd 1hose who )1Ccullllrly mArked wllh "lute leg lind \\ e re hn loomg litoo and I fOllnd thcso atlcky With "hlteFor nu m~llInt my heart slopped bentWMb Whl\t then? 1IIII,Iy my trapllIll~ IIIg nt t he thought of the hll1Jlrd which hlld been transferred to nuother IlRlmnl 1 Will! nbout to run Tho next mOlllent I gotten up to enctly represent hlme m 'U'rnng frolll llIe eoflln to the ground A the evening 'l11l8 dlilCO, ery brought lin few liglltnmg hke etrekef! Iud I hnd "1'1' Ilhng IllterpretntlOn of the onCQlIlmg lleve red tbe traee8 and the holdbllcb of hor!lelDen I gnve th mnro tho whip lUI the harn6M IIOOn lUI ber ullsteady legs were well Tbe ,.hule scene IS vlvldlv pictured III under lIer, and ileut h~r a lICOurlllg on my nmld- the moon hfthtc<l pmir e, tbo ahel\d, while I ran off to the nght, mnk htlle rtlvine town\"1l which the renegades tng for 1\ little hollow mVlllc Jiere, to were oMhlog the wagon st.a ndlng in the my profound Il8Wniidimellt 1 dlllOo, crod /l trllll Theil the nltLling of the (" lIin ll: cubll or hut about tl)o dlmonalOnsot lin tbills renched the ellra of the purty nnd onhnnrl COl,lDtry I~ bOU8O Iml)ul~lvely With I~ Wild sh(ll\t they turned Wwnrd dllHblll1f up to this, 1 glrvo a rupid mo I WIl8 on the horse's blck but SUCe68810n of knoch. A hnolnog pl\le, boldly defined by the moonhgh t There nnd owenng womlln opened It 'was the IIhnrp reporb of two rill os I felt What III it WitS her tlrat question, n. sting m my foot, aoother tn my nol.I 109 my b[thlE'.1!8 hlUlto. ~oulder but the bol'8O "lUI unharmed, h 'here au chlUlce to b'lle hero? lInd the race for bfe begRn My IHmo Las lrown mo and I believo II 110\1 00 my steed dOe.P.Crotely a [lArty df dcsptl11ldocllare cIO!!Cl Ilp, With lipumd With 1110 potnt 1ft mJ: klllfe, bore me" 1l11NLd actually CIIu81ng m to gusp for No! not 'There IS no plalle,' Bhc brellth and not two hUlldred ynro,tl\ ill gnspcd hcr qUIck car ente hing he I!OUllti the renr rode my would be nlurdereT'l\. Qf I,he eOl'lung hOT'llellll'n "This ii ull On tho rolllll/S rn\lne II w ~Iy animal the r(lom th('r•• 1"-lhol'l 18 nClth. r L't'lIl1r tnek Ule d~cllvltl~ With II 1,lllngu lind nor aLtlc" the pi VI\tltlll~ wiLb a i!ur(' here ~trllie Uul tiIlM? I ('xclall1)l'11 "Iahing r. r n Au the browln)g ford Hilt r Ul,\! dark object III tho corner CllDle altotlter nfte-echo noel agalll II n .. a coffin I ' WIloI the quick reaponlWl iltTeam of Ill'll _eel to ,,'rib mT ~, But there. DO o!.ber chaoce-they are lIhull1der ney were e1nellil iD~loaiDg turolD, up 100 tho door-ge1i In ' up J could make out 001)' two 11I,neI had bartlt 'Imll to hide !II)' If In JDen 1011011'1. me On!! of \h_ had nceptMle fOr the dead wben a dilcharpcl hi. rile It me, \he o\her I
UMBER 517.
" A YNEH' Il.I.E. 0111
II ..
F.r" I r ~c4
Earh I. kl
I bt"Q
m.lbe mD<l
t'i ...~ rolle .0\1 Cl'{lwtI aud w.r
11001/1 0 had liT! uDlmer ptllaCt', aDd lIero ~I,. fIl a Ii 111JOllds DIlly ~tlll lie seen , bere ,,11 ullOu Iholr purl I" Ibm. aDd kC<1 1I ~ • lei o,tal !!IIIII Ls nnd poets \I nrrlorR IllId old ch rOll .. 1 hy tI. "" rlitr clo ,WI Ibat In tbelr Iclen! to \I hose nIlUl C~ nud deeds" hn.Hl F.nel.d"UIIO ""II thnll ed I\I llce cbild hood "ere borll, lived Fran..t I f Ibe I!JIbl<)<1 wlndo.. . l.. pod In a SOld II /Inti CAm 10 I)(>nee£ul or ' 1Olent emlillp; I.t, I ere I. tlte Arthurlan region all tremu n ang" I ho III I I'I! now bT I bado" no" 11, .,,111 • !lhru~kl~ lou!! "ItIt rOlllllTl e nud populous \\ Ith fJlll10\l8111111dow hor nr gentle-e"elllng '\ 111 ""ria d. 01 Ibaok",I.lng Ill, old""", 1 IIIIIM sh utting III 8tJ11 prtrtllhve ,alel'J IV • .r·~,own lI o tl'.. (loo. II tUrt seen Ib'"UIlIo ru/Sged chffil With f!I\"'g pl\l' Ii, elllLlOUls .1 • "Iudow l"'D~ - l qkl4. G\'I ,JO "'" rl 109 nbruptly (rolll orchil Til shnd d 1116111 \ell cd With II net"ork of brook T!lllTRS AND 1ltllLES. r veri! aud II 01 I'lth mYriad cottage > ga rtle ns, where slllll)odmgoll 1plhllowt1n1, and carnnhQns b 00111, IIl1d bee!! hum A S,utATOOA preaoher delivered ~\I II nround theu ,~ ea lher s talll~cI !ltra\l a powerful !!CrlOOll UII Chllfltv thllt tho Illves here Ire boiIky Illghwnys lind by congrecatlon W lit home IIlId huntctl \I\, \\f1y~ III lit unhurrlcd hke tho I!Oft forty live old coots aud til reo ~ l pilld I r8 drnw hng MllCOCh of the \Ves t-of. Ellglou,i fot the grlll!llhopper 8U fferen! folk H he r IllUlSlOn OOlll"r nnd myrtle WKAT good are nil thellO pelhng grOIl unproU!cwtl fueh~1 1 trees higher Ihnn ollr s henll bm, c Lhe 1I0r l thllt !!Chools gOlllg to Llo nny way I Nns!.>y II IlIt(' r C.1n d Ol Jlld 1~l eM chmb hll1.cls hili! mnde 111)0,) 0 BUt'lImg words I r n g 1I0lirliji RmlllOW erR erolld d(lIYn to Lhe Ilnd wher '11'111 you find n man" ho 18 perfectly correct spelle r who h lUl' mado \ery hpoft,h e~ [n lI:ummerzet, down by lhe 7.oel tbell hnlf thn.t amouut out of it eMlIIbh.hlll~ our hes III. thnt Brighton oCthe 11 "~t Wes t~n s uper Mere wb lice we eOMliv 1lI0d Ollr eXCUrRlons nenr lind far on (001 by C-l\rW\g Ilnil by mil A cle(lnh bright cheery httl pll'lUIllr<J resort 18 W cstoll lYing on the Bflswi chnn n('1 nntl bree~y Il.~ II OIoun\.llll1 top ror th e WilIer rl 8CS III thc cbt\un 1 here forLY Ih e feet nnd runs at tho rllte of f(lllr or Ii v mtle ~ nn hour tIU that ever) mCOI1l IIIg tlue IIlllst brlllg "ILlI It n. gnle 10 s weel' pie r nml csplnnlltle nnd whirl through a1ll1 thr ugh the rowa or tnklly 10dglllg house~ lllllklng them pure breathcd spli nil lodging bou se 111 tinet.e \Vhen the tule recedes the wnter eb~ and ebb! au I ebb~ 11K If tho very sea \lcr to be dnllned dry, nnd for houflI the whol hnrl r 18 but 1\ grott'squc streteb of mud but tiS 1\ flue, crescent ~hllpetl three Illile long Lleuclt I!I\fe Ill! (). hou floor, and the, e ry Pl\ro.dUlC of ba ~ ARllAlt, me dn.rhpt, crlcll hmle blC8 lind child ren They nre trottina over Flanlllgllil to 1118 loquaciollil ~woot The J ctrerlllln Dortcll MuUny. It Oil donlte) K rollmg Qnlt dlggmg 10 hCllrt who hod not gn en lulO the IIpP9r Aecordillll: to the Loudon correspond It C(l~ \lrillg It wltlL forlllllhbio ellrttl tUlllty to get IlL IL word e~ell eqgeW IIe'; ~'_Il"le lit of the New York GI1itf~ tJIO_ ~uth II !Irk", ell" trench WIth 1I1aDY laoon dllrinl a t",oliuJUT ~~~~~II ~ ~1 ~ , ftbmli: II Mil mty H"5Olii A"'iii!i-iCJi II tllt1l11 l1Clve~ and girls n8l1ear/y lin aftbor knoYilJlg your clieek8 are e schooner Jllfle rsOIl Dorwll g~cm9 to be IJnpctled by troU!ICT'8 aud petticoats 113 my POIII~" there T' ~'b\lr6 and lh betillS At Ne1\ Orlean8 frolll wh ellce th e , e I HnJll'd fo r Ln erpool 'HI UostOIl thoy COli ITIIUlllge. th Ir ~h ()('~ lind ~tock OI\U8C they're reu, 18 Itt.. quoth the 'Fruth ant! a better th crimps brougll~ Oil b O\fd three mell IIlgs slung (lver tlHlIr sholllderR theIr blu~hlD! Bridget -n FlIIlI nn Engh. llllInll nlld nn round legs red and <lrIPIllnj; thetr b'llr rai llO n than thllt, mavoumeen Bccnull8. mcutl! lJ1uch l'ncllmber d With the SIIml there 18 one 0 Lhom meh Side of n wag AIII/ nCfln-nll of Wh f m seem to hllve been of rl lery dl RI)(>rnt c eharncl r Til IIlId Ren lVced of til Ir IlmphlbloUR Cllrtler l,'1n tollgu ' while year old II lbll~s nre cr 11\ hllg" Ildly enplnln flUd Ius IVll e On bollrd I C IS n A. CORRF!UONDE:-J:r who eVIdently \Cry pretty IIld nttrnctl' 0 WOlllltn nbout II1l 0ng thelll, rod ~ a\\ny from their cares 1l0tlllllg for the fact tbat tho tre_1I nur_ell who 'look on or do uot look on 'l bose melt COllce vetl the Idell thnL th o( the Lydio Thompl!On stvle ha, e gono Cllpt 1111 1\ IIR rICh nll(\ that he carried a 3S IIn(lollcerllNl ly IIH If tlII 8 w(lre but n. out of ftu!iuon, pens t ho follow11lg Sbe Co n81d rnble. RIlIOIIIIL of mone) 1\ I th hun Bm\J(ilgnogi:\11 lIuri!flry 111 UWpin \Vhj\re \yhom I 10\ e ltl\~ golden blUr, the LoraInflnmed by t.ho pa onH <If 11~t. "nd 1Il1l! ( I lIIee ,~h e th ll r gnl'OUK or hght ley 8 Wl tehlllg goillen hall', j\J1 aureole could nllt IlOi!I4lbly bcfull -n~ Gala:tl!J 11 \ arlce they r lotI. u to (JOB.'le8!l them btiyond compare fit llImbllB (or her taee f!(lh es of the cnplll n 8 "1(0 nnd wealth New York !lents. IKI flur She wbom I love has goldcn On th e 20th of A\>rll they begnn t heir Wc quole Irom nn nrLI Ie on T h hklr cn!lCAdes of dnzzhng golden hair, '~ork by k Ihng th e t\\O m IteM '11'110 \I ere I nnkl\go or Vjlue8 by Dr J G Uol \I ilh danclIIg gleams that tlCem to dllre-.both relntl ves t h cnptalll 111 brother In I I III ';., hi , for TUlle e'en Dlock the 8UII 8 bcWlld rlllg ghlrc and eousiu and throlling t holr bodieS Jf N 1\ ) ork IR C\ e r to t hrh e agllill S he whom I love ba goldeo hair Gol 0 1 e rboard 11 18 \V1Il! U\ tho IIIg ht Ilml ond \,e rfeet Its gro\\ t h nlld unJlOrLnnce eoml" mille!! of b'Olden balr, sly Oupld !! t11l'Y t.hen t.nl.'d to get theenptolll tocome IL~ III JuL LIlUly Lhe grel\t Am etlenn CIty filii nud (ntal sllnre to bas te m e to fore on d eok 10 order to thll s\) 111m nls') H I ~ her rt II ~lII te "'lI~t shrlllk JIO that her seen dCllllalr \\ Ife seems to lu\Ve UlltlCIP lted the .Inn «lIYU IlCnple mny IIle upon Mnnhn.tt:lR IN my "oot.lI. U e. Im,un wInd ger nnd, she kcpt 111m (ro ll1 gOlllg ulltll IRlant nlill tl U M reduce h e r rnt4 of till[ llI.w. tlle •• q 1" lIe ....nL or Ih. ""'" I ho Ilad armed him SE lf The Bltulltlon ILtWI nntl!40 th ~t bll@ineHS CIlII be dene o lor tho gold. II'!ldco ..lnd 1J,,,.klnll lhe In do, && It II WIUI then tillS un the one aide Lhe tllree here !I~ chenply lUI It (1I1l be dOli ell!C Bl'l!'ltt 'gIbe Iud ... nd bon (lnath. S .... mutUlccrs who hnd ulreauy forrelted II I ero It IH hard for n mau 1\ ho has At d 81 1I11ng lhe ocenL of \I e r .... 1 their III es on the otller the cn ptIL1I1 hI I fifLy tI 011" \lid dollnrs I J enr for a o .Inll of tbe.llltnUlar worn hia 'Rlfc t Lhe cablll boy n S"edl~h Brondwllv BW ro to tllke tWOllt) fhe thou T ... rlng t~. JIOjUols lD 1...ln snllor 1111<1 tho cook Hul the cnlJtlltll 8411t1 Jt IS hord for II man who IIlL~ pOIII WaIlIng 1I rragranlllO"1 Of 1M...., I hroU3h ,.olle, and p1a1 , hal (it'6(lrms nnd the mutllleen; bt\d not, fifly tbouAAlld dollllrR for 1\ ho use or J oro lid you could I..... ny h ..rt \0-<101 anti he fin;t dro! tll em W the round th lrLy thoWllllII1 for II lot t~ sell It ut And ...lIer"" no .. cleM ... n house on deck n IIlcd thelll up t he re thirty per cellt dl/leount but tile Merl EVKR\ dllty brmgdts pecuhar delight, lind tben fired It. them oeclIBlO nnlly ti n fice must lie maue lIod the IIhrlllknge tbey gR' ID rind coo nted to be put 111 8ubulltled to Rnpld tmllMlt mny ne- e very dCIlln.1 Ill! approprlllto compelllll~ I rOil s the t me the mULIIIY hUltedbelllg eonllllodlite n 'mllted llumber of busUleSl! UOIi e l e ry thoug h t 1\.8 recompen8lJ, e,.~ry tllltty SIX 101 rs At UII& Lim the ~I"p men now III Ing "Itllln the city lUlIlt-a 10vOl tll clyslUm every CI"OtIII Ita crtftnt, WIII one tho\l ~ancl til 0 hundred Dlllcs frOIll but It Will not POlltllllto tho vaennt tor- pay goeK wllh performance u eWed WIth Engllnd, nnd It had t (l he bronght over rlLo" III Ie • It CIITI bo cheaply bought CllIIse Me,,"ne8>l overrellcheai&eelfI vine "ltTI the throo wou nded 1lI111111eers in nil I blllli lIpo n rh o cost of knng In ,Itintes whoever IIIdulges lD It, th Wicked wrong th elrolYo lIOul! ~nerQ 1.y iron~ IIl1d (If cou r8ll WIthout I\I1Y help Nell York IK8Omctlllll~ fearful A IllOII from thelll The , oyage lasU!d for IleVell CIIIl buy II Ull1l1Cr for 1118 fllmlly lit Wosh ~reatells 'Irtlte cultlJ, char.ty tranfldnylf At th o entrnnce of t he Ohllnnel IJIgton III Lrket nt II fllH price, but the ligures, and holluE'1JII is tlie eaecnee of they got II lIlan frOlll n NorwcglBn bnrk Jlloment the stnpleR of tbat mnrket nre llllgeibood Ood dOl'! noi. ~ulre UI to to help tbem nn.vlgnte the, ellS6l, 811d Ilt lllo, e<l up toIYII n sum IS ndded III mRlly live on cr dlt ho pays lIB wb"t 'IP cam 1.110 Nore th ey procured addition II all- IlIsl,flnC()8 eq unl to tile I r orlgulIIl cost at l1.li we enrn It good or eVil, heave II or @Jstauco but II more Clee t lllg lilt! pcr th o preducer 8 doot JJeef til at orlgmally hell Rcco rding to ollr choice IIoU8 YO) IIge hrlll seMollI be II slIfcly t~r COKt frolll four \,c) SIX dollnno on the foot nUJlIItcc1 Couldn't He HluJfect. rises to an ellual nd, nnce by IIrU!Slng from Fultoo t.ree t to E or~y-8c ond A coupl or ho ~mell, comlllg mtu tho A Dead,y Sprlnr. street yet we do not know thnt the city the oth r dAY from Lbe interlOr A wrIter 10 a nhrorllln ne wApaper IUllrkot-men malce 100 wlueh money overtook an old Illan and hUI w!fo _teal snn A b~ut half a milo over a mountam Turlroys t hnt cost 61gh Wen cen til At III th e botWm of II Dlule-cllrt. " illig from Bllr'tlett Sprltlg~ Ule ro IK whn t 16 WlII!hlngton mn.rket rl80 to t"enty five ID hIgh spmts, one of tbe men (",\led 01,,, IJIIIJed the 088 Sl'flng ThiS 18 probubly by mhng three mlleK All tbl~ must be Hello uncle! how mucb WIll you the g rentest c urlo!!lty of tbe \Il oun talll S changed and It 01\11 on y be chllnKcd by take for )ourwire, cash dowo'" The wllklr IS Ice-cold] bu t bubhllng Rnd a (11\1 of rents. Oh 1 dUllDO, he slowl y repbed fOl\nllDg IlIl Ir boiled rind tbo grea l e~ t - - -- ---:-Well nom e your pru:e. ' wondcr 18 the lIle' I table destruction of ImllOrtftut Itulln!" IteJatlYe to Nell8118· How III IIch 1\ ye gf\C ~ bolLllked. per Postage. lifo produced by IlIh llhng the j!:RI\. No Ten dolllln\. 'I he 1'0atmMwr Generlll blUl I ueu the II vlllg Ullng II! to be foulld WIUIlI1 II CI r 'IILk o her' Clllt of olle hunur fl )anls of til spring fnll owmg order IImendmg Miction iU3 of Th horsclllRn chdll t know "hnt to 1he ,ery birds If they bn[l pl' n to lIy the regulntlOns oethe l'OIltolfice Deptlrt 8IIy, nnd woll glltherlnl!i till tho rei n!!, ment b) ~trilllng Ollt tho wordl!, And 01 or It drop delld wbell the old wonum Jumped to the We expefilli ntet! With a lizarU 0 11 Ilit the subscriptIOn must be ro r lIot IMI tbnn gr.untlllud \l'clrunl d dcatru ctl,e properties bv boldlllg It Lfew three Rlonlhll, in thollOven\Jllllld eighth PAIIII over tile ducats, l1l1 ter' 1: \!k& choll feet nbove the wllter It stretcbed dl.'nd hU~8 IKI ae to reali fie r0110W8 the old man nnd he hkell me, Jju I. \\'e '"r In two DlLDlltC\! It wtll kill n ll1lmrul 108 A regular subscriber IS n. pcrlOOn afamily wbleh can't be bluffed by no homg LD twonty mmul.e8. We stood over who has nC'Luallr pBld orhlLlluodllrtaken man On 110f'lICback I It about five minute., when a dull to pay, a subl!cn ptlon price tin an WBPI" The blnlfen; go t ont of ~hl) c rapo heavy' ftCbllllllCn8lltlOn c roptovcr Ul$, and per, magazine or other periodical or for by ridmg 011 lit lul\ epood - V"lCtklbllrt/ our eyes begllll to sWIm The gll8 which whom SUell paymept hill! been made or Htrald CIlCItpe8 h ere 18 of the r.nkest kind of undertaken to be mlldll by I!Ome other CRroomc, henOe Ita 8ure d e!!tructlon of portlOU But, m the latter CMe, @ucb Mn ABRAlUM LINOOI.N baa heeo hl allKl of q UCDch mg of f1amea in tan payment mual have been made or uoder taken with the <;Gnllent, or at &he pro- pronounced IIIlI&ne b1 & Obl~ (lOurt taneollal y .. viou8 request of the perilOD to wholil such on the appUcatlou of her 110ft It wall I DO nQt thlOk we fully rCl4hzo any newspaper, map",me, or panocbcal .. \!howo tliAt !.be ecoeDlriohiee "hh:h ahe one or U8, how much woralnp there 18 ID !lOnt. A pentOn to 1j'bom any uch pu~ mowed immecha~l)' after .Hr Llnooln'. the mere 8ct of ereatlDg bCllut)' not onl, hcatlon l..eDt ,"'bout bls conllCnt or . . . .inatlon have Inoreaaed until ber safet! anJ tha~ of otl,iO" require tbal die III the beauty of loving looks aod <leed8, ~q oeat II not a' regular lulMlctillet' With but be1l1lt)' of form IIntI color and pro- m the meaning f)f tlle Inw, aDd dbllble aIIall be.prolected lrombenell &lid kladl,. JlIlrtlon (.tt>d Ion bettuty E.,ery ~t.ar lranslent ratea of potltage mutt be cared (or In an Ullu. It S.duIIltabl. tb :t.t 8billllJl every tlo" nr that bloom~", oharged and collectN on BU h puWlca 10 tlUpfIC*! t.bat ber menta. 1I~ every dO\l drop ill It gllleJIH 111 lhe ~UII, bon berore deli.,ory' In a fOot oote belran wlllleml~~or~wlUte lhat it .CCO\JD" tor ...., proves t Im. and 1 Ix'II ~6 that every add reIIIi!d to f1OIItmute.nJ &be htILn1uter WOlllan who HuhCll to ",ake her QWn Gen~raI it&1- .. P<l8tmaa&4>nI wl\l ober e J¢~18 pertoraaocee whUe ..... IlCIlIle and her OWII life 008Utlfll1 l!erVfj! that 1,,)' &hIli alilfndmeot of tbe 103d IItIC' OQd In thl~ M "uly IUIlihe ser~eII hUll tiOD of the reguJatio.... penou wbo are UPOD beDded knees Or In tbe hol)' lie" IlUbeoriben &0 a _~r 01' lCM of \he .actuary ADd io ju.. eo tar .. delDecl in the ",aIoD.. are to be ...be falllofmakiog that homuod t.bat reprcled .. rep'" _ribeD' wi..... life .. bNutlful .. abe can, in jUl& eo t.b8iptelKlaea or die ~}awe, wi fAr dOlI ab. fall of her dut1 to GOd ...d out ....,.. to *e J.pIi 01 dale of
Th re I" a snnctil) III ~ utr("r IIg when meekJy borne Our dull though t about by thorns Dirty s tili he mnde a stnff uJlflortlng c:.,e,1 1\ bile It tortnre CII!lt It n \ 1y nnd like the prophct Ilund It IJhnngfl8 10 n n IkE' When I tnk o ulllI book I lUll e r("nd b~ fore, I kno', what to c" pe L th e I'Ilt l8faction 18 not leilSOned by bemg unti ci p iled I Hhn\: o bnnds " t h IIld look 'lUf ord tf! d lind vnlu ed fneud In the fnce compnre notes :Inc! c hnt the hour nwu) nil S " orlu 19 not n pilino plnLform wh ere ) 011 II III hon r 'I hnlb(l rg 11111)(1 I'll) ing lL IS n Pi \110 Inllou("cWry \\ here Me dust nnd sllavlIIgH and boards nnd 1II1\\9 nlld fil es nod msps and 8lUJdpllper.o Ib e perfcct lustrum ent 11Il~1 the mUSIc Will bo he rclIfter Do we mild as we nil nr nfter fi ches hear often ellough from tbe pUlPit the sprrll of those word s In WhlOh Dcnn "1ft, 1Il hiS cpIlnfh on the nfllucnt nnd prutllgnte Colone Ohllrtre nnoounces the slllllll e!!tccm of wenlth In th e e)ss of Oltd from Lhe ilet of It 8 tJl\IS 11I\l811lng It UllOlI the lowest 1I1Id me Illest ot 111 8 CtClitU re:s ? T Ife lij 811 eel liS III trollS ollide nnd th e lisberlllllll dnpJllllg all d IY over 1\ cold I'ond th e HWltc hlllan lit the rnllwny III U'fl!Cclioll Illc fnrmcr 111 the field the lie ro 111 the rice "nmps the fop III the sL('('eli! tl e hun t r In Lhe \loods tho bAr mLer II ILh !.beJur~ the belle at tb e bull nil n crlbe II cc rtlllu pl{,Murc to theu ('Ill plo) mellt which they thcllIl!Ol ves g" e It I wOllld much rnllier fight prldo thlln VnIllL) becnul!C pride hlUl II stulld u,P way of fi gh ting Y OIl know where It I ~ It thrOll s Ill! blllc\; blldol'l on you I alld you lire not Ilt IJ. 1038 wbere to sl rlke Bu t vnmty 18 that delu"lIe th It lllsec t vor ous thnt multl pled feellllg IIId mell thnt fight ,nmLu s n.re lik e m e n thAt tlgi t IlIldges IUld bllttcrtll e!! It lij CI\ljler to chase tholll th 1II to lilt Lliem
boYIl IIppnrel \I h wcre g trill. The were bll) 6 1~llI g sellt for a )"utc, l'Or them to wash Tho girls "' M hed to tho el&"'8 nnd til bo)8 to the 1\ rI ~1l! flO KlngSolomon told by tbnt \\ I'll IlIlld tl e :la)or • you hal e d eKc nm-d evcry cu rd 111 tbe IllCk exceJ,t one • Whllt 18 thnt? II e kiln, e !lllId the l\fnyor • I will glle your bonor a d(,ocflptton of thAt too If 7011 1\111 !lot be /lngry [ "Ill not' i!IIld th e Mayor if you do \lot terr,n me to be th ~ knave The gren t~8t knll ve 1 kllow (If 18 the cotlstllhle that brought 1110 h re ' 1 do n<lt know 8111d tho 1\Iayor ~ If he I tiJcgr(,lIt.cMt krlllve, uut J kllolV he 18 the ~relL te t fool' When I couut bow many spotg t.hero are 111 n \>I\ek enlds I find three hundred nml Slxt) nve Il mnny dlLY ns there nr III II. ycn!... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Vlue And t\lIO Oale. 1\ l~ 15f1 1\ lng bC81do II thr fty onk Dnd hrod Just rcn ch Ed thnt belg htnt will ch It reqlure~ ~uJlllOr t Onk i<:ud lho II v IllIe bend) our trull k I!O th t) 0 11 IIIny be n 8uPl ort to
A ~ lIIe
me ~ly "1lllJlOrt re plied the onk .. 18 nnLurlllly) lIr., lind )IHI may r Iy ou my .t r~ ngth I ) !xnr JOU up, \m t I 11m t{)O Inrg() I nd too solill t o bC1ld Put your Irms nro Ui I lIl e 1\ v pr tty \ lOCI lind I Will I l\1\full y ~llr I Ol t nnll h~ fis h JOII Ify.u IUI,eILO allliltion UI ohmb ns IlIgh ns the cloud- \\ li le I thus bold VOII III' yon II til orOl\1I ant my rougll trllnk WI tl YOll r I "tty grulll ICIlVC8 lind ~11l n lng "car\e t berrl cs Th llY WII! lit n.~ frontletJl to Ill y he. I 1111/\ 1 111111 ~llIld III the forc-t IIko n ~ Iono JH "n~nor With nil IW'll ume" " ( '~Cr(l IIlnde by th I\fnslcr 01 hf~ to grew together that l)y our III110n Lhe lIenk IIHly be III Ide s trullg nnd Ih e strong rell cl e r ud to the weuk ' l nllt I wish to grow IOdcpendelltl) SJlld the' lIIe Wby C.Illlllot you tWllle IIround me IIncl let Ilie grow up atrnll;hl lind not be a mete d epelldClH Il pon you ? , lltllrc nnswered t ho oak dId not d eslgtl It It 18unpos;uble that ~O\l should groll to IIny height alone nml If you try It the wtnd8nnd 1110 m n Ifnot your own .wBlght will bring you to the ground Nctthe r 18 It proper for YOIl to run your nrms luther nnd von nmoll g t he trees Th c trees will 1Xl( In to ~lIy r t 18 not my viuo-It 1M I K'rnnger Oct t hee gone I will not cheri h thee By LIIIM tIme Lhou wil t b(' I!O elltll,nglcd nlllong the different brn.n Clh~81. thlll tblm CllIIKt 1I0t get b lek to t he oaK lind nobody will then nllml're thco or pity thce ' Ah me I IIllId Lhe vUle • let IJlO ef!Cllpe from such n de t ID v And "Itb lhls Mhe tWilled heri!Clf nround tbe ollk lind thy both grew IIlId t1ouru!hcd hllpplly togetbl r
Mirth at Mcal·Tlme should plnu to IUlvc Il ple8Mllt CO llvot!'IlLIOn nt tho Ilibio Ju~ t IL8 they hnve good food A httle ~tory wlhng- It may be of humorous th ings otc.-will otten 8t1mulate lhe Jo>,OI18 clement s cf the Jlund, and CIIU!<O It to net vigorously lind healthfully lhlok lind I<lly eomethlllg 1)lcuAAnt eultlvllte mirth nnd IlllIgh \\hen anything 1Iitty is Mid Tf l){)I••!IIlIe, nVOId eatwg lilone InVite n fnend of 1\ hom) 0 I IIr fOlld and try to hn VI.' n goOd tlllle fne ndsillp Ilud friendly Int~rcour:!l' nt tho tnble l'roOlote the flow of Amlllltl ~ptrlt8 nnd rud dl12estlon rhinl.: of Il sulky churl mUllchlllg hl~ menlln dogged temper He 1\111 become dyspeptic Never brwg corroding !tro\\ I or complaullt to the lnble Is the brend burnt? 19 the puddwg too IIIIlt1- don t mention It, pcclIIlly lit the tuble Let that plll!ll thllugb vou need not ell t. thnt ,xhleh may not be pnlutable or hCRlthrul, but pohl.\lly decline It He wbo brlDgli IT WlUl at aDakota spelling match thl\t lbe moat hn.ppuJIe to tbe t.ablo 18 tlie Henry Ikea Btood up and poUed button best citlzcn I b-u t-t-o-)I 1lnd Just t ben Bill Ter "Ilh~er whq Mt on a lback sent WIth AN ol(~ womlln bRde her dllughtel' IkclI g,Jrt, laughed, and hooted, and good bye 10 the r1o\Johe ter depot, eaYlDg ][1I1ked 111' thinlnng Hen ry had @pelled It Isn t hkely [will ve r!llle yon "glilD, It incorrectly aDd whea the wbole c10wd I III gettlllg 140 old I he "'lUI tortlllg turned around and looked at film wl~h for her hOllle III I"ougo Rnd as the trnlll their no elevllte(,~ Bill got. red Bround 8l.4-rtl'd eho pllt her he 1<1 out of the ('or hi" "hlft collar all(1 Jair( (lown under a wllldo\" t('l Catch a ~lim.1>'e of Iter reJa bench (or a httle willie tQ """ tnt! Tbe uaugMcr W:t~ l4Imllllg (In an I\dJ~ ('11 L \fit! Ir, II 1111111; her IlIlIIllk rChlcl A \tw'()lu(lth ~ dllKhed \I liltI (II I.'l'rllll Iter IUld the Ill8t ~hat the 1lI0~II()r I!IlW, 118 her ~raln moved out of !.be dPpOt, w.. tbe lJIuglOO corpMI 01 her daugb~r The grief or the poor old woman w .. fmnt.l Cally eJ:prellted. t the 8M nab abeao~ ou~ and roturMd to aoeb~r. E~ erybody
- --
ti II, '. rttl braucllt • l'h~.; and h · e. ibi P. . . IIU I1I Irt W G t v '. I'. 'Lou" (ur "uur .......1 urli ti l' t:I-I,' ill it II'!>II~II. , ., ... .. • ;\ '. II "".. • . '.'. .6.0"01 " • T~,~01 '1IIHII1 ' lkollt' IIll t ' tul\lu.y lI;urll' 111111 UII U 11.11 11Il·l·h:lll i,·.1I 1II:!.·,IUll., " ,--" •• • • iDg " in it CUll tr llt'li '11. T Ill' \.\I1r II",'I i t l• t l ' I lULL\. ' In; , \. l'l&l-:lI l\[\i In --.~o. A. .. .. ll1 11f'Nm I n "' rd I1& ~"" (l it,t wh I bll lI 'h all 1 1 . ~ "1I1 "I1I ,W' y It1& j"ul''h'~ - u, .ul Ynl L . .ual I' '.:U A . M , • 0) ", "'llI ft! l,lh('I' 1l1. ~ Ivrtnlllltc .. lide l·" luI ·:IIn . • ' .)t \\' irh t8 1lli illg thl' I' I tI. t (Jarli 8tuti~'11 to vi it fur u Ii.' w tJl.~tl· rlll ~ ·"Ilt.· Ulll n r" r l\ !tll< IllU. I~ IIETHOD FOR THE GUIT.IR. ~2,~' 11 .+ ~.o, I ~ II ill 1111 ""1'1I1Il ~ trc:llU, .fnlill ' ru ill 11 ·\<1 lUll.!. all ' li t 6fty \\'( rl' \I a~ll'I' 1111(1 '11\\111 wo k... ul~ t ,lllll.ng W' HII ~LI. . 111< L ,,, . 1 li nt! 0,,11' O"lDr ld ,' hlltnlG.3. 111 . Pp• •., e ., 0 . I II t IIIl I \. ., n ·. ' t It' III " tv !llm.,. k '" ------~ ti " llunk , r \hi f ... . ,'i~ 1'1 ~r~ ..ent . .... A.., 1\0)4 u tl \• . ·"mp Id l! t I It.' Ill . ~" I' ll t . It " F '" a I i! W l.. 1U1I.1· t·· I I• tIl'" - 0 I'<lCI left un:r lIight cal' (\lily , ", ' b ut I'u- ,... 1 , . • '(, I·'IIIry. ., .r .tI ,t! ~ ::It ., 4'1 " " t I) '" I' dc', 'I,~"I '" I"'d, Ilo~\ pIIid ·T""" .. 1I1l'' 0101' · "t:l"p u n 'f.;nlli.. 1Itt U lu pa ll, ~yuuJ luat · )I. , . '.IU'. lIt DU . F . D llklll I' ' tU l~f Iutl ""11'111 at~ 'kHled t. to Itt L 'llk ntiw ment. J.J ~ .. , o. t .......... ' 0 , 6 " • • ~rl'. tl'l' tIIlllI 'l lklllllll " li d th\'i r \.IJ age i a a l Thu.1Il ·cting pell <d "1' with II Ih'(' ~:~t'I ;:I ' Il 1.1 III u1 ' Ulhr 'a • The AMATEUR GmTARIST. ""la ~ No•. J and 6 rliUOD ·und.&1· · p ica 11IIl la ntl. lIul\I'lriug 0, th I IIi ' cu "ion II to II' P 'I' cv n r~c tv 1 11' \ d L 1 F M . . }Ju rll tt, of tho ' 11 .... 1. 11. '; ad 7 ran dall . V r~ vf 1I r'litr lI t.h . , • Illl r u ill tI , tt \ I . . ~ II I rall! an nr c~ . - . r. A l'oU.·, t i(11i 4)1 f!t \'orh .· ' (III • hor" ... JO . "3Ic.KI ' , E¥ r ill al ... ~enL ' ' r ' \~ '.1I I , II: tilU I'. CU I ." l'hll l'llll1l) \\' ('1'0 r III ted Trll r ' C8 ei lllluti 1 II " W Illi ill' th I' i!lug c "" , I4II.l l n- t ttlUh Jl l.tI (. ui tur .. \ 'u litfc, iiV' Ji iu01.)11010: TIl. n , 11:&. ;"··L. . glu t a."1 hll fJ. · 1\ tlJ ' Cil UWllh , lin' "'Ii kept I1 p l> ' 'lllll', slwvtl'r:! t li Sl'r\'c fur th,'\! . 'IU'lt ' J 1 fl ll' MOfldIlY. ~ \·I . H't)· . :-1 ." .rt II.llik-. " ' ltl .,tl,o. f llail. lt'rE. t .. "d ~orlh".,I(>"' .~ !lOll . V,lIl' Ivt'flclrll ~I'1 I fI(.!1II!, Mr. J uhn 'llI tI bll -llllr ha : kOl fNfllull pnrt1uf d:tll T rl:!l\ilU" •.l' lilt! J ,, -I' E\lIIl-< - ~I r J u ' 1'1' I ' 0 . it t ,. u t hlll P ll t·\~1 :'! ~:" ) I ut·uUy bound a .• aDJ r.. ,,'u, alld uUlb ilLliU O)l, "" U' I'f \II lO~c l·,m ' I l1n "tlC ur\ t It! It U " lUI' mure lh ,w lUI h'Jur l 'll k t l ' I f' '1" 1 cp I • uru o)' und hi ill t)<l:u .... \~ WJt '"y . I 'n : k, nnd \\ ho C III 111 t , I hi 7 aJ l'lcr ~" Ion.. a lim ' how \'cr' l~' ~1 ' fI' fl\~ 11 UI' l'IlC II'. IIm l: lave gun tu Middl to wu I . . L. F HR. P. :U . ~ -aAILWJI Itc Ir ' 1 11 d.. t' I ' k ' tl ' I ' t.!' I I ' . , . { r. )UI Y 0 c a r II IItI OIi. tv rl' ·IYe. £0'1 . • :1 :!'j OPERETTAS & CANTATAS, '. " . • ,. IS • • U 1 ~ If" l' t il \!l'C , ·tdl t.l' .I111l{ toC .11.l( t OWn t .bll · I IIC ~, ~IIU h'llI pl tin' tll recti oll \I f ' ui l' , . . 0111 , , n' It rl J nil' lr . . ulll! Il lh1 h Ul·tV, IlIH.! bidd II~ t lir W\ll n'lI t ru IIrd t(l r l 0 0 \ '"' VI' 1I I ' Id ' f A ' ". I - M,·. J uhn A ..I n ' lII IS t il · hr~ t \ LWIlI I' n lIl ,.. 1,.llt n' Inltl u' (' // (' /' 9 (1 / 1'; 1fl7l. l t still ('\I tri,jl ·11I.WY vI' the 1 1'1I1 pr'l'i llu:! eon iti uf erv ituol _ .11 1 ~ It UI' 10 I :!':Clllt l,!U, t r 'p rt enjoyifl'" ' II pcu III t H vo, ",_ ll C N•• (l ~!.~ I:~:, I 71. . f tillle.· b li t thirty tive IlIllO lj wer ~II' ~t' 1\ ,:t ' ,. t ~ t ".J.' rln ., IItlll'lil1Y· ':"'11, 1) \ III , , . ' '1'1 ' r ~1 , .1 ." 7 .1 ' r lie . tI ' l' J r II. " Cl' 11 1 l'n'utlll);' M J I U k I t I t ;:; 1) Qt. lilJ AN lIeH U I N F ,UI'" A Cltl'l.a II- Lv1\ ' " •. ;'O~ 1!l i UUp m , IC e ~lUH v • r. I.;IlIfu 3u , 1/ J1~ I CUU1.1'HIlY, ;lI t ' I' ",h id l 1f'lh oll ght Ih " 1ol l/luti')11 \\, 1 ' - . r. 11 111 II.W · OS U \ ' 11 ' ,a ~ . IlulI ill Onc A ,'I. ~o l'iIR II.(" O r~,. OIl.Y rI' XllI_nad-A rrh ' 10":IO. m HI.lOI In bll't~IJ I Y WII . 'Ulbl'llCCU by ui ~ nl" lllU : I,:t l n of IItlic'r wa h Id. - ll llllll iJll l u I ' "Uu 1.1 uul,!lo blll ~k Engh h Dmft hors 1' /;1, \~l'd , t I, I '1ulr• •I. "" "'[" 1'0 , 'I'u\, I... u < "" .odul' II h . !_pHOIOW II. l~dI\'II HI" WI s \'utc I ill to t he It p til ! w '11 fI ( t )J IllL:!t \\'e k. lifl l'l u , :!;, a) / (il IIj",I ,h,' 1011 111 ,·r l'nu . I'rire. 60 cellI., In tl ", arr,h.. 11)1 · ~6o a In 11()I·a~l· p II' , ~ I.:tl ol1aLo cllliur II 0 :1 II li ttillg I)' nit ~~ e. _r . \ . ~ III ,. P ru . t -t t I ' I ' t ' t l. li I II 1 I , I - .ur. ... J . N . t>r Hor hll lUau I' 0 tII t 00, ' J I I r I" r ' i & " ,',, " III ho,, ~,I • .l..st,. ... ...... l. e 1.10 I' hi 1'! .1 a m POI' 1111 ' .•11 0 e:p rc " t .ulr 0\'\' ,lllll "I' UIII CY v II u.e N t '11 n t, I ' n Ivw to not i ll II CUI UWl'\! with th _ ~: I I .~ ·I ' ~ llno l • • o n : '.. li E •• I ...... E &oIa "Il'O' arri ve. :1 00 ,, 111 1 6:'lLru VCllel" tllill I, It. '\ll uling lit t h hu ntl III C I\II~~tll·l ty .. n II ry Jyl'I· l l\' i:!IIl"~UiSCX PI't.' l' ll\. them til , I I"at illlprOVUllllJllt· 011 his PI't! LU ' , '~o \"('r co: II, • - ' IIIH I'II ,IN In1)!.,'rctl l lll f'1'''' AQ'~. o'Or ~U~ P UI a.~6A IU pllterll lll h\,l UIU tl ntll{ h· ill .r Ih hi \\'U (·I", ·ll.'d 1' 1I" tLI nt IlIlUt J . .\I .il1 th ' lId ptio n of tlii:I ros I f'S ri::! latoly TllUothy ~ I.'d, .1 11<1 ,·I,il.hcu ·, U'I" I'n.. " ••j,·, ItlSIHl[,IUld D 0 ~L, ...... 've 0, 1' 111 Ii " . m .... tl ' .\ l\'(I'mg· titUlI ' U1ella ll ". • '1'1It! The Presidl'l t III 'l'asi 0 11 1011. ' ehlt;lCo • • n iT 9 ... , p m 1',1 0. no g,," . I' I:J1IHI n 1' 1I1' pl'l:! ~:Ctl , t . ' ~' c"v I\"u L Il' tlll tHI - At Leak tI II IV lll11rkot, v I' ,allll eI'. ." I\.I t I l'IV lll\.'.! \1, '_~'~ II, '1',, ill 101, hunIO••U,,". I li e.'. ru "1'111.'. . III I''' pe. ; 16<:, ' (>I~., " ' 11. ' I·r· .11 1111:11 (l'~I~J 11 11 01 wll;, Oan il'l UII I l llJ~I UU nnd. lJy. Ltl \\·s pl'U cut· [il..lk cf sonll' vi lllt ioll "t' 1'111, ylhi n l will lx> frl' lt, C/UI1I1 , uud ' Yung.lllv/;.:ny NI~ '" "I~" "'" f{ ' "I.: . .. t ........ ~~Il~LeJtve 7 .[, . pili .'!o ·&m G!'~'d l1od . \\' I!l\ J t,bll Gnrd IIl1 d ~~ lJy, thc ~()1f1 l1li tt (- ' W r udupt d. g UI'Cflli llg visitlll to tli . tr I'll 11 111 1 • fi rst .e1u"". H(ock\il~ \ all l'\, ,. jI:t '1h" ,. I',... " r, r"'" ,, 11111( the ~"JU,. ' 611...,0. : 'l, row'POIR __ ~.lv ~,4cOOPIII 10,·4 .. ru wl1\1. Dund Gurd uli U wilu.\\' d. 1 Iw(JUlIlI dill,; PIt ' s tl 1111 vnlll1' ill ("ltt'III'Ylllld c"r ·ltl /o{ 'I\\~l .. ti.' \ I 11 A I B S 'h m.aJ I CI'I'Y « ('llllty l ctll l, Jli1 ~ O) "IIn lll\ o,'~, '"'' I·'·'I"' l oII . e~l!.pl'nr .opftilport . l'rlY.a. l oll .. In I 0 11 I' IU I' l ~ v v ... r ..l lor mit e , I I, I 1 '... 1'" It! 111 1\ IIIl ru (t 'h , IJ hi'li l i he IUl\i n Cl. J[okomD. Il":'!ve ~ I :~ ~ ~ ru 2:'lO r m IU m ' IIrd nDd ti e Irge ani. with all Cl' g~n!l'II lIlg uru c,lI npllli i .~. 11 or" nntl ~hruhb r . Th i '\'ill b ,., ';:- l~sul~ t vi it to ke V ' I 1\ t, )Jor van'\.' 1'\;) 1I',iI c. ri I·('IIli!.. ill " ,, ),<r. n ,'en", boa" . ~Dd.NOn, urri, "; 3.:17. m 4 .1 I I' m IL . dozen AI"llll d '1I! ~u rtlD , tug ther \\'us \\" \'Ittell ~" Il·",·1.d 1l III\ n~llIlcn$' strictly Wilt .hed in tltu I'lIt\ll'e II l1 d r .t ' k Sba r I · 'V uul.. i\ ~ 4;; PAI' UNI.:, '.. 111.: DEI.I.1e 01' ..A . . . . ,x· .. Ca. lle, a.m. ~.3j am o.o!l p.ll> With A bl": llJ Mtl~lII '~Y nud wifc ur II f\\' l' h'o Jcet r""I!. " ' Ith th e til e pC I. ).tl'ator ' IUI'" t tt. ' . tl C U " 0 • TUI'IlI » , -1- ) TI Il; A. Au lll'N CII Il Ii.,' Adull., i u TwoIf PH"' '''', .rrlve "n ~ m Ii:) 20 3 II m i d . alld by.lllw pell a ltv.I ., lUI! l/ II tll III - MI'. Aile n B ~own h liS had 1\ I A pp Ies, barr 'I ", ,,i •. hie I'll' Pari ", l'r Bla,,'Il. No JUcbltload, arrl~t' ' .S, • 01 I' m .1(i\1 1l"1'\I tog 't II ' " ,'n th e dl1.v 1111:11'", ('IlIlllplln y ,." COll. tl' tuth>n ", > 0'1 \ Aut '''U•.II''' Y r~'l'dr~d . I'rlco, 2, in hIlD ld~ . OfudDb II •• nh'e . 9.w .m 9 :1:) P Ul tlulleJ, uod tv ,k tho 11gcd tilthel' I~ tta(:h l'd It IUlld ' Il d llClIlllOllt 1 , Th('"lI ll'lltil w WI noLas 1"1111 Ilt I:ellt vet.rJhl?do h built ovor the w ~t jllog , 7 0) (lp h'6 h't l).' , '1" 'III-p rtitl, OIL rea ipt )fo.-1'•• 1 n u Rlchlllnnd dun, . alld nlt, tht'r C IIIIJI tely by stHrllI Ic t "lng . 'i nco nil th e~ pnptll tendo,1 os' t Id I lJ b uoor 0 IS llouse. . - ••• f!ll)I' It.'e . •2"'~·TOn~ will lad·,vll" Cljl"....~ d lLi!y , All , Til y OlllU O with hcarts full or l ov ~ pu sed thrlllwLI the hands of th 1 tll n l It I '\ \' I I' . llI " · IIlV C 0 1' UII'I Y - Emily A. Ha1.>,vard makes the 'VII ".ltl.\Ivltle linke'''. ra,ne rua ., y, u C\·p. unu. v. C '1 '" " I, · . III: .. , eVe ry vue II' W ID J ButteI" :!I) Add" .••. IlIlU' . • , I" . ' . - ' guud .wltIhl!s ~ I' thei,. ugcd IJII' I Il '1II1CI IUIHI . ~vere made legal by is II tuclklHlldor aull hll>J n vute aud ~Otlt 1:(H\~nblo I'cp:>rt of Teach~rs" 1,,\l'(1 15 J. L, PETERS, 843 Broadway. W4nr nr."ED.KE('TOKW. rtl l I t ; WI!h 10k II ~t IItte:ti uu tlc lIl , tl eOl tizensar not Ilfmidj ' vu" c iu s lyi n howth . ntor 'l'iSl}. s .. nell1tlOullof.anysecretarYWltlt . .Eg g S 12 • -. ex pr 'd It) VllrivlI urtlclcd ut Ud(J th Y Ilppear to bo contell ted IlIId l!i1 nll be c IlUll ctOU I Ifl ollr"·ocoill.'CtlOn. ~ N~w Yv.. ~ ; I'. O. nuX 1i4l!9, 0 .. UI'UUIU lit, w.i th la. . hul'pY , Thoy lia down nt I TlJc B Onl'd Mr. S - All-. J,unos G. Olarke arl'il"ed 75 N E \V --Day. beginning .. t II o'clock. Fir. "D,,), don down w l tl~ neh vlunlls to fa 111\ thnt they lll'~ securo Hga in t TIll iliool J r siuellt of th o A .:\\; .ill Il er from St·. Lollis Suturday eveu· IT ~i SchoolMtD 1-2 ,.'01 A. &!. f proud IIpOU a j .tal b Ul'll. And th o dr('llt! mOil t I', ti ro. ' tiull I;YI·I.ho en ui ng ' 0 111' ing, 011 a 'hol't vis it. D !!I'B f I 2- ~ ItW III 'f ~., r;r .... IUI~' (Ortll~oJ:). -Ph _ _ - .\1 r. J tUll S A • K earney Lu !"!"'_rl_ _ __ ce, _ _ _ _ _ -:! _ _ __ M ~ D. ~ !\ &. ~ '.Ior <liVIDIIK.&KT1NU wol'llhlI' uv ry Flr~L IIJld lee" 4 lh the tla , Ptl I ·S·" ,). (ff. Ill! I Iit slJould k I i .lotu~ Ej'oko lind J o. U·ISUY : • J ._ »,.y, hnarlnnlllg lit 11 o'()I. k. FiJ'l!t-Duy I!IL .' III rn y lUlU Wit I t 10 U t of too t I U' unl ci ll ells to th o Suld i .: I A C"I'I'l:Sp'IIIdcl1t hll v i n~ 8t' li t to bItely bung ht a hand~o lUo lIew _. . - -AloiD- 8o!iool"tlJ 1·2 o'oI""k A.. '" I leclll~g I.II~ ul·ound . It ~\'U8 ·a ·lap. 1D omo. Th ey nw th o I{ uight T ClII ' thc X Oll lu T.)rchligh t u stat 'lI\ lit· IJbeudgt".y-OIIO uf S. B. ThOl1l jl;un'a l ~b~rtr· r. II. B. Cn. I\l'H .-:t:h~ R v. O. Fergll""o, I'Y tl!DO Illdc d fllld will Icavo II plr.r mUl'ch nutl hoard thu silvcr t. tho (!floct tha~ Ml s fI\lOIIlI'l\ ~" .l J;H ~ r;:::.oo~'~I~~, ':;Id l,~~~l1YMSnbta~tgl·l.I~uf ul IlJ 1l1?ll that will .lInt ~aclo l lllllld IJlay.· · I H \l lllJrttl' uho" l, 1I 01u' 'Ii o. -Mis S()pldo Kelll'Hoy left this UD;dertaking Establishment! IICIh6OlIlUlJ.!ll',M. 1II1tl!.the p~rbCl pl~~nts go away IIItv l - Th e y tlllg fulks rll'o»p d ill:1.t bo~~ elo led. 11l1l1octuullt uf Ih o ill · mOI'ollig fin' (Jincfilllllti, whol'o sho CWlUIITI"'N Ollultl'n- Eldor J. B . ])odd •. the long all onco, I Hi 'li urd Wal UII VII I! hOJrt lIut ic , 'f!i: IOIICY vI th e t"lchur th' '101'1. will spend a few weuks with -hor lU. · Putor. DlYiue II?r"!ce 011 tI.e ~'ir"t snd f Mr. aDd Mrs. Gurd ha\'e boell SutnrUIl" vcr ' g TiV I , ot th d lOul Bo;u-~ l1l'01U1'tl" tllkl'" {jrl'en .ltI. 'l'hlrtl t-d'...day ltl eauh mon*h. Mlrd's· III \I'r ' c I Ii t · I J . tin. ,u a \V,L S M' H t t ,. d 'U - - -0- - - . day8chno1.t i o'olook (Joery r...nd'..-d"y I ' ( l.r J'S v n years ; I II'CO hu \' 0 Ii g •.IVd ti lDe lit R icli Mtl '" 1 I. " 0 'CI' :) Plu't ai' g l VI.' th e -Go and srlt tho now furnitul'e Two ThoUHIlII<1 D olhl....• worlh oC R nd)'. 1 ' aCll'Jl.iQg. • . I IllQr Yl'al'S ullly I\l'e neco ary to I -A \I .A t. t . .t I I' 'L' "tat\.: m()U~ thll folluwillg 1i1(!I'itl'd Z II ' mild.. I thin f!. UIlI.. nnd .,\" ""'" UII Ih,' !ll. 1'1-'" B""I'''IT (Free-will) Church In P 8 ovel' thuil' handa uutil tHeir c III N I', Ikl InllMt ~ . I. ~ et o r . 11I ' , und >lIlljhatic donial: at & ~ , and examillo the lI ew mllrkot. lit .. lI ~lIIelld'lll~ .n'·rill,·,., CUI' " _. '. , h'I " ., v \':ul'1I8'1I , O" u I) ' In orn 11 P W . . IJ d tt h "~1 t im" <lnly . a. 1 "ill 1.0" ,.I,1i 'cd It. " I s. W..yM:-Scrvicca uti tile tIOC)Ond & tutd.ft)· c I ",ren, wo hoptl, may have th I '1J " ,. , I g' I '1 wish tl> stly tl> the \Jllb)'c th t r a n Wlre >lpnllg, e ili a m s II rend bu ill~ ""lIIe li lllo io .I"ly. Cpr tI, Q R" ~I'~.·t(lIlty ill C "rll, Lhe plIl)lI tlu.t h.. lo .... Gi~:D~~ I~ Koh mon~h. Elder bOI py pri"j(ogc of celebrutillg th • -: I.lI'l'Y. " II llll retlll'nec! frl> ln I tlt o school tllll " ht 1.1 ,Miss IN ol~n It i a gl'Und invc l1tioll, ' PI"I'O,'" hllVill~ my " ,·Q-nHtII. r mo.l 1- "I","ed " n o", f\lrll ilurO! .. ntl rl"king G:' N 18 P <.. t Goluen W edding of'tbei r }J'uthl'" llldlllllu Jlv hs IltUl·d:ty. 1{ bel'l in ,,"UI·.D·IS Ytl'·ICt No 5 - -!to 'I't>. Curt. and R ull ubin d 11",1 ir ll\lru"L,l ill t ;,l' mu~t ,"l'ueru "IJ I~. ~::" llIhli .. hull'ul in S. ~r"OuJlU'ij IIOW huilti.r ...... ~_. nANGE. 0. , W... OIUl 0 d ~I I M " '''I' '\u k I ... u • , d Ed D ' ll r \v '1 . t will ounUtluu t,.i••nl~ fur "bo ul .IlirIY lUI'. n,'n r Ih.. '".t ·Olliel·. \V"YIIN,.ille. 0 .. a,"b",,"ry; WillilllD Cornell. 1Illl8tcr. Meet I1111. ~ ot lOr . ' uy they all Ih'o to 11 mm " e 'S III pUl'cllUsed ' nglLl'cJ ~ k tOI\"lIship, Gl'mme 0 nn. au . I , Ill , 0 , I IUlnO"tOll, dRY' ; nt th" cud ,,( \l'lI i,.h timo ..Il •"10,1 ..• 1whrr~ h,. will k "P 0" I"mtl" Ilr. t..,lU.!l8 liltlu Oddlcllow,,' H"n 0l! tho s cond BaturdllY ellJoy thut c v lit. 1th I l.'tllllKflll'lIl lIeM Oakla ll d, nt Iy, INt n ot a fil il11,\' at! annuunced weJ'? gn o ts of MI',. G o. Myci' aud mnd olothiulr r 1II11ill il1)C nil""'" will bo H rlll)Cll t (I f of ORO" mOIl~h, ,,' 1 oolock p,m .• nlld \Oil, th 1 A reUlIlrKllhle jcntul'e of' the lilo . $ 7\) PCI' acl'C, i II II AeUl h pLlIJer: hllt cl"sod flllllll y at Mt. H omu, In t we k. 610 cd .)ut li t IIlIol.ion, liS r inlrlld "I'N,i l'" fOil rill SIlturd"y of o,U1h month tit 2 o'cloak. r I' ' . v 011 " • I"y " ,"w .1 ... - r III w it h u 1",ul nrw .• I,w , 81'. KARy'IIJ>, R, Onon \I - Oorner of C) t,lIS aged couplu IS the '"et tll1lt - It WII~ l' pOI't.ed hero, lato SII,t· UCCOllllt vI' sicklles8nnd bad wonth - m l·. :Iud Mrs. \V. M. Hul'll>rd Ilf '{OU.!>. 'L'hi~' i" , r,u'" ~bUII'" 1M lo" .... Third and Miami Street... Divine ller"ioo Dot Il d ath haB ocr,UI'r d am fig unluy I'enill " t thut Frank Mills ' cr. Mi 8~ HlIbl'l·t8 is u teacher 01' ILud SO il , or L ' udon, tllld j\1rs. lIolI ' If,,ius, t1,~ t il b"'oru.,nlll.t "",I will b,' .,tlrl. yw • 1 Sund 'J at 4 p. ~. un$1 y-~"hoOI at theil' r.h ild l'cn within th e 111 t th ir. · hilt! IJaint " tl~r'l¢ MI' s of hOIl 0 'l ll 111I1·ge ('xIJerie llCo a n'" splorl.l·lu I'Y F. Dllkill and son . f Hanllibul, 'I'. "I'. D D. ON. - .\ Nll• A ,. > I Iell tha n I day' und u·hllif " W ay" M'lIIe, ·" P ty y l:lurs. 011 llllU lilioutiollS jfU ELLIOl'l'U ",\ 1........ , 111'0 Villi lillg 0 I:. E. F. Dllkiu. . _ JULIO _ I._ I 7.5... ____ • V 1I/tI>&J\TlNAnt N BA1'TIlI'r O'L , hCUIIllg .' I . new, ~u b HI~I'I'I ' . on ' '0 lerk ,f" Snb "N , \.o LUE" -IIALLaY ...,," St~t n..... Mnll1, 'Elder A. D. 0 t.. o.5." -We al'o .IIId outod to .M r. alld AMERICAN WASH J) " (1 A Dlee P.I !AlT. Dirine lervice ~n the S"tllr. l<~u R SOOR~ AND SEVEN.- Th,c Itl~ r w down his whitewa h·bnl h, . M.rs. <.;;eorgo E , mith for two For Laundry and Household Use: ~ ~':t~~:::";:'e =~dl"anedo~()::'~h Il1J0t~ three , oore Ilod ~-en i C kl ok.od U\'el' u bllcket t' lim , went , ~In . g1&(\ large, ~\lBoi()lIB. OI'Il"~O)", h.'" ~lght h.r . Jt ,' V • .• l TUArll .\'t , ll' & of 1111 Iti ,,,18. " ·il l. u " . II'''I'l'oin tf'd a IlM\O. Baa.t", Bt IO ...,d 7 o'clock. , paratlvely 8!.!ldom attained' bu t ont IIl tU th e wuod,., lI 11d !rua lIot l to. Itlam thll~ R. Uluwn, thtlm It'om IhUll' .lIatlvu lIOI I III Flur- A m I'WCtn UJ'mna!n nfJ or 'iI "D , .1'/" ""'""' _ , u , .. ' . " tb 'Ir I l'elln > hcar d f I .1,'1\11. ' , 1.8 I~ o \\· 'd ~ Iwldd. d~o "bo f th" I . • f II. oomulun, tjr I" W..,,,o' '" 'M_ io. ·l''' .... ntihlp De,b1otive & .f ~wer stJ'11 rIve ~ cole b rllt" I'lJm' :3IIlCO. , I 01 l{ .. ''lllmaz' l .. ' l [\. N'RW~ RK. N. oJ. h;" .~""" !! ..r<lrlCll. h fe J. conII· l"ro~.e Oorujlllny m ~ .011 \b ad.Slltur. eighty· eveuth birthday. y " t WIl ' - Not loug illco. nn old bUill. f "II I lUg. eng. llVlJd ,1 v I Y J u terca tl n~ - M r. Ed word Mar h, ot' San. o .. ~ WIt. h AI'I . 1< t"o ." CS t III .rho wor d. ~ lit 11", \h Q 'I'll! bp :.blo r ~!Civ entire ~Ilt.. day In eACh mnnth, at \I ° II) k p, ro. By Ita ve the plea Ill' or recoru i ng oue l mer Ii viog II bo I ' . I I . , 11111 P \11 thll OIJ Nol'th WCdt l 'erl'l- dll k v is .,. isiti II" 0 \1 It\.' W R lL ,I,,,. m,1 t,,,"k, ~"~'. "' IInlhlll!; I"Jull. r l. r, " \"'" ".v .,·nuduutlllg FUII.lrnl~ with ,10order of tlift Complny. L UortBook, Pre· . I J \'e lele, plltl e( t I' t.I • tOi'y h \I,,'n " tl e I t' f u J ' F.l I ' t 11\ • •. all l •• h.,. hlt ur lob,,(', "ud ig u c,1 ",. n!1 "ncy lin,} ur,lcr ~IO Ulent. R. P. G~D>!4l, Secretary. . JOsttlnc. 1I0W in this oommllui t , t\)\\'11 on his way ov r tu W ,Lyn ca. 1 11 " . ,I ~) . I ' 0 ' . IUn ~ . t Hod, and is mu oh illlpr\lved ill ~h.· Inrj:.UInU II,MI" 011 II"('U "", IJr ,t, plol . . , , - 44 . · -_. . ~~- but willch 'Vii cuno t do just,ice to \'ill o tv mill. On his retu rn he U l tVIt:i, t'a( 109 p->stol, m I S~ I O II ~ !telllth Sill UO j' tUl'llin" li'IIm New 'n'1. 011 C\ "'Id 6h,·1I11I10 .. S"pe,;o , rl'" .eY•• '~en'.tllt thistitne not 1 ·' ' to tu k'() 011 a ' ull clOth Y 01'I'\. '" ... h, t..... " . h l~II\', PIl IU lO .f\l illl'·I"'(( ~ C" "V ,· " i . , rl.lreWorlb.e . , la'mg bCCOtU II BtOPI el·1'JU ' 01.Wlll . .er pJ 1 ill t.of.1·historio into,' om tvr """, Iy 11 8\!. j1" '0 10 "" Ul 8 •• h _ _ • Sielln••• prevail. ol'erywherc., "ad 01' "Y - acquni II ted witlJ tho fact until ()ur ghlS:i vl' (III of beet allJ to , t II lit. 1Ctit, g l\' lII g l at.c3 allu ?tllor Plu~tlC ' F,,: ~~ I o h.' g r,," 'M C'·N Y., h~ l'u. A l w~ I •• ,. • ~I~dj ":irh,plulnl ..orh"O'"bo. dloe~oe dur1ru: 'h'I'I~ Pll~I' was lX'ady fur tbo PI'C&! I ti ll to tuko Illlllg tl d~ I , .l lI lul':\ cUllccrn lllg th lH !, u t ll lr" h - fr. William ~lcig", forlUeJ'ly aslno,· Ille Am n. 0\11 W01 ' .. B l l'l', if } 'll ll LpTinrrton 'T • e. ... en I e , ' e ° ~ec '''''' 10 get we I, . , Ie 1'011 1(0111 "111 'n t 'l'hi It LI 'II b I' . I I of thi ' phlt'o, but siuc ' of 'Ial'k:l' w~nt Iho (1I"a'l" t II n.1 b" , u~ 'A AlIIIP UDIlUI " DOW W aa, plllinly, that. 110 peNlon, rn ,Ioi. 0 may lIIenti n . bi,icftv, how· Dut, not b il1g uCililaillttld ill th e . . " ~ It I WI (' .IH·UI' 10.\ • b ,\V V . "J.rrl '!!' ~ .. ~~..~rln .. world lint I~ uf'erlng wl~h 0, P 1l8Ift.I.II·II'· ever tlrut OUI' I'e i{ected fe11 0w.cit. 1"iII u"o hl:l wa~ ut a 10 t k . I,) nlld"!<i:llllg lite pnl,1ishcr luI' urg est Il., I now reSiding Olnro, 72 II ,II IAm ,r 'd . ow \ kork. Cor. E. 28th St., NEW YOftl(. C"lIIpl.ln\ and I.. efl'eCf • ••IIoh 11K Indl"c@ L" ' 'I ., I • 1 .. ' . ~ V 11 0 \\ I Gl'f!l . iltt \\ 0 (r I " d t ill tl mt pl'ogre :livo villngC', V ine. 617 ,/,,, 1""1 OOoItI .. cna••• Sick lIeadache, 8our~fho. I~II. JJ 1'8 . ... aru I eya reached her W 1~1'0 the critter was ~opt. After J':/ ', ' ,• . I t \ nil. !orlze u I d N J - - - - - - - - - - - - -,-lDacb. B""rlb~"!l' ral\,IL.•,lu" ur lba l:Iuri . ~Igbt . e"er,th year on Friday lus t, 'I tuklllg I( gelloral ur"ey of the ,,1'Cm. I Il.' ~11U1. ti /l ~ba next I!lxty days, ,III, ow ol·sey. K I If G S PO , D' S O.p .... lid ptrl~,~l1ou.nt· : oI!c.,cnnt,!ke Jl1ll0 4 1 '75 ' Oil whi ch OC .. n81·'/I1 isos he tl'llck ., b"e I' f' · tl to p"CI In!H1 copies of Juuge Browll . - Mr. Fred. AmRn , nf D Ipho OS,~ i OnKIf .. Auou8't ~LO"' YlI WIlIIO)U' ge'Io" '. ' ..... - ' < ~ me VI 10 lie . , t f u, I ' ' 1 ' 11 I . . " , TREAT!:! ALL FORMS or ..,Ii,·' .odour". If you duulrt Ihi!. go ~ n'llIst (If htll' childle ~ l, gl'lllluchil. ' Gl'IlllgO stc,JI'U, wlllk ed in and l\ k 'd i . n ~~rnm c lI 0 m c l iga ll WI Ie 01110, vlsltl.'d III brother, Mr. A . • ~ ~our Drul!gl8~. A, rOLL. ~n~ g,·t ~ am ..1l ~ dl'EllI and grelit·gl'nndohil~l·e n us. ; tlll' n pint of whisky. ' ll1l:lIl:<h0\l to t?Achcl':j "nd ~(;hool Alllall, ill this plt~c> , lust we ·k. DDEAS~ SIIU'e (tOr teD C lit ftlld Iry Ii. llegu nr lIembl!ld at hel' hOUle und slll'pr' 'd l 'Wlds]' " I s· i I AI II i ' . l uJ:hl!lJl'S , pos t·pald, by lkvwn MOl l' Thes brother!! hllu lint seen ench IUf olzp " eelllS. T,..o do ell "III rello" 1l ~ 0'1. I . I , 'J Ii ( • II lies, \\ & Pu Lie of '1" ' 1 'J ' I I Ii " ANfl - ANI! naoirVII8 - ~---" . ler With 1\ tea·(,arty in hOllOI' t dOli t k P whi ky to ell laH·\!.' . ~ l ) • n i l ~lUazou, I, IC l. t 101' or IOIll·tOOIl YCU1·S. GLOSS Mr. Jacob K. Andel'S II hl\~ the (;lve!lt. r.h . K!l)'11 enjoyed th e I '0 I you dl)u t ', )\'cll, giulilly glass ; fj)r cVI~ n:I),y:tH;ol.colnt I; "IGv~'~""' - Mr. Allon Bl'oWII of this plnce , I \ .Lett,e)<8 b'o."., aU pat-u or 0 hlU.' II" . SO 100 ed ltlO ll ' IS . tho f.. rtllnat OWIICI' of. n c()w For the Laundry. ' the Oivil'lllletl Wot-ld. been engaged by n nllmber of the a ff:l' 'l r Ilpp"r"lltl .. u Y ns mllc II a auy. I' CI.. 1 , mont . busineilll 'holl 0 . uloug l'vst· ffiee ono else, alld l' ceiverl the '0 11 ' 'I sc )'on nro lUi tllk oll my Ivr UII ' ~ u l"~I\ .. , 1'!mILl'~ GUI'OI'II ' whi ch yi Ius fi)l'ty pounds of rillh '''''JY~CIIJh ''1o . .. ilnuaretusprinkle t hutlllrtufth gl:ntulatill ns Ilfldkifld cxpres ioli S fri cnd ; thi ' i llotu snl vo n." 1 !~l(~lI tu f OIIlV, fVlrsl~ tY·hVtlCCllt~; milkperduy . She hils becufl' h T, KINGSFORD & SON It III 1IIlfill WAY IF -os. ' ot bl!r rll liLtivod w'U e '0 , t d : 'Thed I I 'dl I I ~OV CI'lImcll tvt nll lUlhl" (110\\'111 tiCt' 8troot . durlllg dry weatbe,· . . Mr' I )' L I I VI G.I o· I . . -:SU I WllIlf1ar,S ow y I)rc ) fUI' S ' \' ell t .fi v . t: [). h tWC!.!11 two ~lIId thl'eo III nthe. T •Ile B r, t ,..," ((1'011 1' n. t I,e II 01'/./. .AndOI'8 JII brollghtout. ' is s rlllkici' II!: It. l!1\ tlug IllS cyes aroulld tho room' . Y. 0 cell >I . • . " ' " >, , ., U II. yusttwduy afterooon f~r ~~~ first Tlii l'~nl'I'ilble !tuly is stilllJO Iln tl th !:!11 I'C ti ll J!' tl.lem ou the clerk. / VCI' 4,( (} J CPIO:Il " I Ili ode nll~I,\blc - MI',. Wllhalll HCIlI.~y, former· :\~ ;~N~~'~ d :1,filF,:o~~ I~ ~~.~ ': ;~ft , ~,?t BB IS TJWTmG timo aud laia the dust ni ccl\' e scd ot 11 relllRI'knble Itlnount ot' j'H thi::! lIiut 1\ !:I'luoli. th ell L'J ' vie dbouks .IIII \'I' IJ(:CII to ld .lllld II IU·... I y?~ thltl Fla,v' bult otI Inr:e .yell~ ""III""'" III.Hell I. ~"" . C' I.. h Ii,,, I'Cht I". '"' Iumeroul Patie~t.· in Europe, &aa. W ' viii i fl t tuk' tl' bodily vigIl!'. a 'ld it! quite activo you to t t·tnko iu YUill' si n.' uccll III the .scIIOUI.a wII IlI1I tim.: ' u ,t zon 0 nhs!! l, ndillna, I VIJi 'I~"'Y " !lsoillg A.l. .' ou r hue '. fiJI' West Indiet, the Dominion fII:. ·Y"M . e. S us m~ on Ie for one of bo ' At ' I, g I months, It I ull IIDI' rtu ut that now Sl:lcretal'y Illld '1'I'Oa:;ul'el' of -Canada, and in evefJ 8,," all'l : . all ~!11POrtllllt. tUWII. So IDllillilig . ! l'~ ~~"i'ulJ 0(' jo;,!.!ru~lj -~ Ed":llrcl~,IUI~~ A. 1: Btl bill ' scu vol Otti <:CI'd I"'oj:urtl cu pic uf tho WabuKh Rch 01 Flll'l\itul'~ Uom· JUI'GSFO!~D'S . of the Union. ma,.. " . eo~ mut'. IJt!llcO slll'rolllldcd "S sll'e I'a b" ' ltgl' rlll;. 0 Ilt6Slls~ . . '~l\lcs iln , Ihose w"' l'h b VI'I! ul'I'ulIg ili g cut. pany. SWEGO RTARCHi -~ J C 1.'II11l1lg II liS g nttcl'llIIU tu plI l I '. b I . . L" l' . I ADVICE CIVE • •V MAIL naUIiK .AGAIN.-As Mill' hulJ those she love li nd by whom she 1up tltll gm s I I ' f. fi . . !l U~lICS 1/1 11::;1; 1· v , oJ tlll'tllu .eolll ' - AWflillgs wo aro Ftllld til ob . .1.'(1 1' ud'hn{JlI , B lcm() Mal/ye, JA.1'8U1I 'was cornill'g up stl'cet is well bolovod. . 'I Th 'Y wellt I1tUi~"!b~~~t dO>:~L ~;:\~; , 1111:; s~,It (lll l ) 'l'U,I', ~:l tlley Ill'\! ~lIglaly sen'o, 111'0 b 'coming fa hionuble in I oe Ol'tJrJ.1n, l!.'t j), FREE OF CHARC •• . - -._ -_. oud II tied by 1\!lId lllg cdn UI VIiI. om' village. Ah. George M. Zell [s the uriginlll--E.'n""~lt~d 'n 1~4H. Au,1 .,~..ter.av ." .aftorlloon ' on olie of hill .• . Itile ImW n.111/1;, UII d b hit· n 'pa t tell - ._ . ___ . . jl r"bol' I',. hs repul"L.on . ~ .T.UJNlH.M , Ifo attN.rla' at""lein.. or 4.1_... ~ .......... tlpriukllllg :ounds, he ·met a gill. 'Th" plonle ulIuouuced fo .. lust hlld uone up a g ad job. Uonvl.. , 18 th , latedt to put olle up tn front "un llu nlld . 10011 ~ ~,.HlATE Lh,,,! ill.)' HOI durlq \he pUt. tw.nty 7 ..........1ed ••_ rullt D. . .I, or qulle 40.000 _ All racu «>lO1&lIt cavalry mall, all drullk UPOII Snturdny WUtl postpuned boclluse I - deslIl" e C..eek 'Il' d ' t Ii t of IllS tltor.ll. \Ve IlQpe ho muJ' oltwr n!LI"I~ 01 thQ klu" Oller. wltII """" _ .......",fully .. -.... ~iB ebarg..', BUU iu.mch Ii loo:!ely of llin dU~1}JO~811 of tile woods. ' in thil.ty minnte ,I ;:~t 'l~~ duO - Plell!.· uf w~t wenthlli' 1I0W. not be the last. cd.~~L~'~l~f~~~e~":rt~~~~mo wb.u..< lb. , bo oommunl.,.lO(\ bl t_r or ID j,onoll, ... _,1(1 bl Ihe DooWr or .11 ........ llluoor wea\'y wal' tbnt tho tendel" .\~catlll:lr belllg fnrontbJ e ou sat~I!··I "IOrllilig. Nt! KI.IEII, Y Farlllcl'" ull cu nlplHillilig. -Mrs. 1'. weet now hilS a very , n vsseo, MA OA PA M. Ph. n.. •t e.. ,I. Pb,.loIaa&. T ........... are 0lIJ OIlIanua. _ ..... h~r~ Marshal thol1gh~ , !IO hud III.Jay liftllrll~ou next the Ilfttllr _ . •• • . . - Mr. Th oma!! Pierce i~ I1Illking fine assortlll ellt of eolel1sos, bew'oD- ltilllte. L"ltendelll uuthll,iLy of F. urop •. 0 .. 0 • In••lld••t . dla"",,,,, ..... __ .....••.... r. be tuk"u CUI'e ot III til"~ WIll . oome off . All! J d ollble n·nd sl·D, ..... .. le hIll ·y ""Illy,.et! Lt.iI Co I'll : Lkr ·l'I . ""cl ' ' YY It u u . S CII OOL 11·lflIJI"'I' CU lI'- u·w ' IIOUS 'Ill til I'as IIy d I'lln"'e _""""'" •• 1 l.. . .. F' ~ tl 'tl tl , tl b' tl ' b k ' wbo· I) en e 10 ' }'.IWVRT O~· J'JIEEO U( 11WYK v .~ Oil I'" LI h ~" ,. '" I. h must 'lccloot. nrlic I0 of die" aoll in u utcndod lilt 01 plain QIIHIlOD.. WbioiD wW be ~.UVUtie.. 0 .. 'Wt 1 Ie g O,1I c- \'lug . JOII' a~ ' O~S, I!WIOglf, CI'V' - Giving IlVCl'ago pel' cent in 108' wily vI' it lIew .."vt, whicb is 1\Cetl3' fuchsia8 of various colors, ro OB, chellli ,I and feeding p''Ovc,. do~ I. fully fltral"''''' bl mall ' .... 01' at A_ plote .,atom or "'8fat«IDI ""'....Ia ........ . . man WM Jugged. De Wild lIold tu quet sets, *'c., \\'tli moet at tho ddt Ii 1 I sary alJl>ut 1I0W We 111'e buuud to gemniums verbonas 1ain nnd e4",,1 to tho bU" "r, owror'~. contuol.oo. Duo boob ...... 00 _ _ • e&ICIItK '" be '. gu08t frolll Dayton, who blld Epis(;oJlul Ohurch abou.t 1 u'clock. sOldI. au u epgl'tlll , e: It" \)r t Ie mollt I kc I) dry • " vUl'ieg,~tod'lvinQ und' ot lor pl[lnts O/roollon8 COl' 1I\1\ld,,!: Pudding! , Ou. t..rds &be p1l11"'lIa. 01 Ula .tabUl1tat..." ... 011 bee . te . . I b 11"1 0 d CD Irtg mUy - 1 7IJ · ~' " &0., O\"co II'1'1I01 ell"h one.pound II"u k~!l0' CIOD.... t.oUon _ for lIo& of qu ..1IooL D\ ltl~ · tll'VI wing t!O e -JII ·t Ie· orne prepare ~f1JOy II. pJensaot Ros II N ·tt. R ' h ' '1 -Mr. 'Vh ito OUI' IlEl~V operator, whicb tlor~8ts will find exceedingly Ir_ . .I .. "p.U 1/1.....,.... G _... , A _ ,._ pompbIK of •• tl\oll_ 01 _ l w& a It e too affeotlonately. Ilf'tcrnoon, All Will be weloollle e tlrro e 11;\ IC O. Lt' ' 1 'Ii ' I bealthy ,vigorous pll\uts 511 tim at.,. -. - ••. - -' • • • Anna Oarl'oIl 100 Mattie Uich 14 1a ge IIIg I~ oog Utl y . ) . __ . """"... Dr. E. 'B. FOOT.1ll. Thero ia an utlC/Jmmonly good Durin the cro .. d ' '11 ;Eiuma Ellis 9 Com.Ricb 10 -Mr. ~Je8so Vandusor has re o -Wo are iuformed that Mr. N01'lO~ . .0]( 'US, II• • W'or'" bit of obituary poetry in this nuU)- not Il. t11!U8 lud lu·f e, III a VI age Ollie Lcgg 85 Auuiu Rich 1 turned frv)ffi bis vil!i't at Wilmillg ' n .o.i1y JIays, tho ~entlemnD wbo. On, of tho P~rtnCtR. of tho 'Old Drug. ber,.OU tLe doatb of Mrs. Willillm wns. Blispee:od of' :'il~wa1;lt~~~~~~ NUll. CoJemuu 15 Fi'unk Rieh 78 ton. B upe hLJ IlUd n tiuo Liule. ~ec 'ntly married MISS Julia ~oud. ~1~rU,o~":'I~'::\~~If~~~~~ ~..:~.\~:t:O"t~~OI\;~ ACENTa WANTED. ' . Seari. Miss Laura. Varner, of tiog driukil H Wli g'tcd b Idl1Ynrner 91 Fk.Ouleman 27 Welcome back, JesHo. IS about to open 1\ bakel'y 10 ttJe 01 Jun".ry, 11'1 '1'0, w ill com .. torWtl rd at. DL Jlocmr .. UIe ...lho, 01 "KaoJo.u. Oa». Harveysburg the author, is a a committc~ Ilnd I' s wall to°UL ,Y ],. Singleton 98 Will Oo!lior 4-:! -Mr.•JelJu Mullin WllS so un. ~orller opposito to Mr. Geo. 13al'- onoo lind IIOttlo. eithor by eo.. h or no :"'. IU ~~":":= ' I10 P088CS8CB ' U!lUlIS, . illllUirlca WilS , liS tears r(;'~ y stream. t elr Ell 0. Abl. e 87 Ob a.. ' 0011'leI' 50 IOI·tuuato ' . wuguu ger's. ~ ro'cory. TI's' T" J'IIdIaIl1 bllaIi"" bleb ... young lad y w willl . as to lvo IUij II IS an Ilceom· the book. UlU6t 00 oIUMed. SELLERS & CO. to-::':':01 '10,000:",; 01 ,,~ takable pc>etieal talent, auu all iog from his ~yes that lIo ne 0 Ida Ablo 75 Qilill. Oarroll 3 durillg the fl uud. Liberal rewllrd mod~tlon. lDuch needed horo, aod May2(). 1 7!i. 1118Tau." .blabla"o.belnspu~lIIl1d. . ..-n?Ullt o~ literary cultore not bad sold und neve~ would se1\ 8:e~ Nett. Oo~~nmu 10 Gao .. Ovrroll (j ofll:ll'otl: l"ust SIlW of it ~us going we hop a It may be a 8ucce88. - --OOIlDll'n ......... "~!' acqUIred by those 110~ b?ru 1iqIlOl'~' lie uded by '!egging tile ~t.uud Rloh , 3 LeWIS Beal's 75 south tOI' a. sun,mer vtlClltlOll. -Mr. I. H. Harris hll8 sold to !~:-:'~=U:=':'.""oa-:'~:'= \0 ~,e roy~1 orown and 8111glllg co~mlttce to pl'ay for hllD. I.lda .Sema 80 DeDt. yarr~o~ 45 - Dead bonts 118 thiek as evcr. Dr. W. L. nllrtl~y the old ;Henley :Number Four. 10 01111.. Dr. ~ ... tb.\blIfo1 mIl "~JIOo ro"'" 1 he IIIIme tel1der.heartcd, tCllrful ~at~le Oleuver 0 MRr l~,e RICh 4 000 rONAL. .propertl. OD MUJll atreet opposite F~TED TO BE FRES, Junn IJl!!clow '~ ~~ -:: :S"!:..!!~':':'::i -._e J individuill is nuw provrietor of a LIZZI~ Se.u rs 8 Oharlle Sellr!! 59 - - .. . - ••• - , ~ the 01'.8 office. It Is rumored thl1t 8"'''\ '3 l'l'·Yol.rice. ill II 10 k fQ'·u,. $l .'IS. Il1o r...... WorU, towt..aa H-.& prvII'w111 JIIIQV ••G , 1I.- "~ ast ~tlpor! SaloOD. . Anllle KlI1g 20 &11,101.8. Dr. Hartley will remo\.lel the build- TWBNTY SBORT STORIil8. II rich' be llIOwed. Tb. lleIrIaa..... or - 0 _ _ from Sell, ~tberl Il~ol'QI CIrcus "Pray for him." LAURA. V AliN&R, T ea(J1L61'. • • iug and fit np n drng'st()re therein. l:r~~t:',,';{e:'~'i:~~I~I;\Jiil~e~~~!J.o.';r ~.:=: ~o":'\!::"'~",:. ,. .. t'NOJ FIlI~ba~en, 1 rable OOlill' • ___ , _ _ ___ . -Ill the OurJ&t\all Ohurch, last Tho Dr. is II. success at . revolutivu. TBN 8TEBL lUlPRODt10TIONB, &IIapI.od 10 adal", _ MlBctDcm .. 111'0.. .. '" '1. where their ltttlc game to k II Is the gl'llll8hopper 1>lo.guo to be Lord's·day evuniug Elder J. H. izin'g old )ro rt d wo . It racalmHc. of 'amoue ploll1rcl; origin,,1 1m UIe Ihllll for ... ,.,...... IIe1I4 ""ooDl&te oODeido'r able luna of mOlloy from LHat SaturdllY nillbt, our upper vi ited upou us ~ .MI'. Geor~e 1.'. Dudd preached lon the following 11 '/ D1 g"od' Iluck~wl' Y' Uhl~ l"'t Wl8 gr~vllllIg~ .o.' ih I .S. . ",\lite _ _ fGr ~"" '!'be , _ _ tl I III .. e un t Of- A the Ahovu tiM pnst paid whh H " AlLl lI 'lL...-b1 tenan • . by t be O'N eal11111. il t ti Id a most BunJect, b' • •a1UIIId. or '1_081 wbra 1""100 _ _.... prea.cIler name.., I 8treefa wore IDa de l"1d Jl eous Il. pas u~· e II~ UD d'\'l J vh. n IX, 2: ' pl'iso v AltD FlrMr., tll U gru ' iIIu!L'nt.d 1I'00k"; DlU.tt ..... W.lIioIloa<IJobautlU\dafoitloelrpll)'lllolana. • en. BIIli&hJ who Ihoupt he saw through blaephelD.Y of a youth who had g.ot covered WIth th!lse industrious HWho did sin, tJlis mlln or his pil• . . a zh/c. t,." monlhS Oll or8'" L, ror or'tlY 50 .1'IM>n r. 1IOUt1i>l. ltl Ulenotu... at all ... 01_ it .... lb"t he doqbtlesa could dnmk aod was heiug' led around pe ts. reuts tha.t he was born blind '!', -MI'. O. P. Leak will open hiB Cent.a. O .'~ E'''r : 10 Intr~"uc\! \ltc P"I)OI' 10 01 LIla fIlnIollllf!l',<lrb. "lkuaaoa .. Itroaw" .L 10. __ ~ Tb 00') , J' • b ) . . t b I. • ' . . met t . . k t ' ~h It" nol!' Bub cribars. f'rlcu .~d"ccd 10 12."0 II - 001, be bad or _fa or 01 LIIa"'~ . Wle »AlII(, . e. I . 18 '1 111$. COl1lpaDlO\1 0 80 or urn TI I 1B d t M d answermg tb0;festlon, Whence De~ ~ mar 0 111 ew~ er 8. yea.. 10/:10 numbol', 81. Cunt .. -"oo~ r...o. -PLAIN.lm.1I TALli:" II PUbU.... I. betIa 1M .,.u, ~eraJ that &b racelptA! off. HI" curses, de I) and loud, I.e C I~O . oar. me . on ay the origin of evi 1 old stand, ou Saturday mornll1g of Ai 110,.. '~lQds Or by IDlliL nrl'at ;,Hluo ""'...d Oumao ...._ ... 0 _ ...... &lli 'rr:1 ,mora). circns'" and 'IV re 11011 hurled agaiust those who uv 111 Ilg. Tb.c lf ~ehberatlons arc Mr ,Qideo(l k respollded this week. Ho 'will butcher a tine ' ment to "gQ"t~ .'\lt1l clubl. '1 ·II Y. Un.. , 111 0 I ......on*_ ~_n~ AL... .. II &V r.Jo. • ' . to d.0 I·11m, ' . · tl) 0' I'ul)1! It r~ . 3~1i 1',Irk l'lne", - ...b llIi"'OIi. Into 0110 w~re tiD d . eavc>rlOg a. not yet matlo publJc. . _. -' _ •• _~. -_~ s tecr, Itl llS t t 0 10.\IV__ I'oun d'UI tf,' ula,I{)OlllPA. Ne ... fo'rk. l'l"ttt~ ,..t ill "hill ps'p ')r .I IlU _~'r AIII/Baa "._, · .u ABoTa,. .' . ~ frl IIdl·r lI~t ~ .takl1ig him ou Id· ....... . y. ',f1lX08 will soon lx> onoe moro in ollo.or. l:bo best thlDg~ tbe Stl'oo mAr",ket, and ndeav?,' always u , ~:"L!~~III~e~f m.~ nt: • [~Ii.<\¥ I MISS RiCHIE R. EBRIGHT. ' . or the JunsdlctlQII ·of tbe Inllrtlhal. demand. Oomll1l8s1(Jiller IJv()r dId \VW! to Ifurlllsh . good mellt, In beef. veal The ATL aNTIC MON'fBLY .lIIIe Teael.r aUUO&. I &lIk. hu au el.e. The drunk II '. outb houJd uav<' 1 "ravol tbe alley betwoeD TayIOl"s and 100ttuU.· lIe will n.ot deal in p. t ' - : •••...1 b,IU.,.,.,o l._. I kl'd IIp.1411 d the ilMl lIIJuitlt ' \I C £,,' L .ill · hI' Mllin ~h .' • ... n, 1 un da.,' Wa ' a Ivng, IVIU' rllin\' , ut.od· tore 1111d ... 0 'OlDl\lJ'Ii bl ack · re Ii11 e cu.tt Ja, bnt BO Icet "'hilt . j Til .. 1..,(.li" o 'I.it",.,o·./' Jf' /' /IL:< ifl t. ' hi llr, • r . J I ,.. J C l . 111I t l'/l'II" . W"VNhVII ••• It. . . . . .. ' . 1It n. \la~' . IIll1illt ~ hup , . ' 1;,,,111 , . IUIlJot ""d filt. . ,!t'
., I.
'b I d f 1 k I' t I I tIt' • n )rnnr l'Urt I . ' '' . 'II l't II g., ) t., th~ o? UIIIII I. It;t liP" " "l" it" ju, . J'l.r· "" ni ll/{ .. f It. · :i.l , Itn ll ~, ,,'1. t O. ! 1.111 ,III'C un iuu that ih~y 111.1.1 wa d ,II. lit II 1lI1.'(·ti llt! .If tho clti. . 1" 1n .. t 11I1\' c t,1 ' lfuUfc ,J 1 ," d~ Z\'II II Id " 'hip nnu e t II t! tI tt'T OIWII )1 0. Ii I t I'r~ lIj( Il i11 l tIlilt Il'lIgl 1I ur t 'lllil" f I' I I pur",f 0 ' Ir~an 'l lli l1 a li n.'
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iag aad aaUDer MOD ,,,lel!!!!!=tl~!!!!!! ' io fannillg b O~II00 Vl'ry lively and moch aeal and illt t 1ft t~ be manit' t d . by 1II000t of tit , I brethren, in repairing feu aud ..... _a "'11. 18;~, • wlr. ' building>! und '-;.ttillg ill Ill! Wcut ot:I~I_ I' . II. breadlLJ ur rulU u we 'lUI cum· ...: . , rm~ &0 ... : : : ; . th e f rtubly harvellt. W e tl" ul u to ~. • II. AD eUI I.. IIllI rl." rd; k ep up q. religiou ~ea1 nud a ~ -:''7:.~~ ~ ij1 ~ u.. ~taltdard Qf rigb ~ ~10I!8 IlDd r~ur- g • ... ~ nil ' Ity C</IDUlell urute wltb ou r IlI gh T.,.",tI(O~:·de'~"AroIICO"'~ Ithay t I . callillg nDd d itlti ngni h d. Ilrivilll" .. • • In • om. . . .. J .... U Ib. rragr III IJudl o( J!l.ay es, W h'l I U ut t II I:!Um tillie we fe .1 -~., 4re bu rwtlllg la w bluom I liberal to all, both uillt Ilnd ill' 1I =- -: Ob ! " , yO llng IIf. , u 0011 In fud.. II rS-ilec aud lartic -bdi ving =:!2 o JIOOO \0 11A .. be~'ulld Ou r Hight. that all wuu nr ineere aDd hOlle t = ~ '10", OUL 11,1.... ln1 "".Im "c . b"d. muat ulti mat Iy bo !tU P To • .-lULing ligh t I __ U. '. UII'1'O N. .... '
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\Vu vorlay uv· of pliblicutiull uy T. 1l.1~l!t I'\!UII " Br til rs. Phil . . 'nd elphia. elltitled • P et " 011 1" .s ~ . GhelJ,l) E11itiull J'"'0 /' 11.1"~ .,Iur:l' , r . . ."01'••'It' rIJ~ I D 0 ."'cD. el'e, ,, -, ... " PIIII" .T.'~ ~ )IT.' VIlI " 1/ l\TO I.J cls." E..u c'l.U 1:1 Tbol..haltfor~f;r 111.• I fig ' lo ~ .rt fr And tbnuSb to.day, " ith W " "I' l"a.... btoo k idS prbi]lIt I IW pillill , cluar w. la1 ,II,. 'O~'" "CIIUIJa lIi. lod,' ypa, Oll a co UIlID . 11.11 d elloh :: I DuplS. Our pai n . .... hav. nil fcau work is is ned cOlllplete in 110 ~ 1= I ....1og Ih•• to God. I!u·ge uct~\"o VOIUU1', with 11 N ew .S J. .. ou \· ....~Ea. lllusI1'!J,/,,,u C'01)fJ l', Ilud will bO i ~ = [Publl~;-~u-;Y] com'plete~ .ill twenty.~ix volumes, 6 Be Geutle It I tb WI~ nt 1 wonly.five cents uach, 01' Fiv ~ ~ y oC. Dollars. ii>I' the conlplcte ,;et. 'fhill ... 1Ie~, tllr you ll'tie how is the hellpest as welllls the On . .E AIt.bo~~t?t~:~:~~Y belm&lI, Iy Complete Edition of Th e Waver · ~ T.. her, otglant ley Novels published in (his count· ~ rY, lI itcout:u ills all the Auth or'd •.P'-tle. \boujfb perohme th..t lip Notes. lUI well a~ nil his lllbt cor. ••,. IIpMk a lDurmuring ton~ ; TH~ IDa), oo,..t wIth kindn ... yel. reieti oos and additions. At this Aacij 0 1 to he thlu" own. Ow price, e vtll'Y one sho~ld get a ".PIltlelwelUThourao'p..i n· full set f nt 'Till WOlD&ll'H lot to be.r: . ollce, which they clln do Nbyovlils remit. 'I'll 1ldb .... '1 • er wbat .upport thou .Ull ·HI. ti ng five. Dollu,n! in u letter, pel: ~. all ber 1OI'rO". lihue. tir8t Dlnil t o T. B. PetofSOIl & It. .-tle, lor lIIe110bleit hcarbl Brothurs,l>hilado)phia, OD receipt A~:!:."lom:{...,~~i.d.~~~grl ..r, of whioh they willselld a full set . "1 _ k to6ud ...,lier. • of thet\v ~l1tY'l! ix vll1uwes, 'IAr reo _ _ Ilwc . vt I 1 4 8. now III COll i 0
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Be_pIItl. tbough It IIU'Y i!COQl hurd To cbeek an augry word; . TM &1'1 .ad " .. Ill . urel), bring A full aud rlob ..... ard.
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tuck Cllusists of
We ' may mentl-on as proml-nent among the many valuable . ,
Be ,eotiI'. 'tl. fvr you be toil~. 4I!d Uil"u auli .irlvo. t.u !fBin Hllme onmfol'tA ,,"d hu,u" 11 .. "11'''"....Dua', Ie' blJU .~.ri ..c ill Ylliu.
Po'a '" .! ,.;
CUll be fuulld ill any mal'kot
AD .b·,d ..... deop. lie II bi. bruw. bu.llI_ tri .. l...ru...,d.
"'I~e b.
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honght. ~llId into.:nrl to k ' \ 011 !tallll, u. full liuc lIf FlIl'uitul' bost quality, IIDY ut Uti
Be .... Uo. tbure 4lI'O hllur. wheo bo B'l aDltiot.....re 18 willed:
r.n. it WI'" 1I0t
Ttm ea.
11«1 Oeutle to thy UUllhund.
.. ".: ....<Ii II,£,S' .. .;
Rullolls Mouthly Magazine for all1laniINl~)81\IJ It. AI Jllly.~The July lIumbel' or Bal. H l!!:~~iIlI:::,.!.!I lou's Magaziue upens with an -1'''''interesting uud exhausth'c illllstril SHORTESt AND : Q IOKEST ted article on I i -00!18. alludiug to ROUTE TO ~~~>'--=~~~~.l::;!.J W'D~:rlME.~~j , all the well· I; IIU \\oIl \ arietietl. It \f "SIlIN~TON "B!LT.MORE. wn written b~' a P <' I';ill n whll thor. . T . , ha vlIIg fJllI'CItIl~CU l~ fi u ' 1I0W Hcal'I!e, and a full !jOI.! uf the Vtll'y be!!t uug.hly UlldOfllt;:'lId" th e Ul~i\;ct ill _. lie Ell.. ~ .~~ .!.~~I"-EII ~ nil It.! vuri olls fOl'l~ .' Then there CONI'KNSED TAB~E •. TII1tOllGn TRAINS . \ lll'o tol'lC, nil exoltlUg soa.sketch 1 • , ' . by Will. H. Mllcy fin u Pllutl'" and I' lt\ P ARKER I1IJR' ;. MA Y ~ 1. 1~74 . . . . . I hnl f.a-dozell or m~l'e exe '1I1J1~t duo ___ _ _ FKst L ine. .'.~~~i. ~IP. wlth,.n II II a~ Il l'tl~Elut \If Trimmiug,; of all. kinds: , I (f?j ! me tic tales, slIch as will c \lI1Il/lOU D a,ilv. '?" iI.I'. ! ~\ C ~hull ell.u'.I\~<J1;. d!J 0 111' bel)t to IIl tmt ~hc !tWOI' uf nil who mllY Rne ntion . l~atruns wi II Ii nd . tll C ~~~. ~il l'il:r~~~~e ~~; ~:~ ~ .:g X~ ' ca 0 11 UII. W U ulll",,1 , }Jl't'pal'cd tu uo nil I(luds uf ! Jllly ulllnbc!' 1111 thut can bl.! desir· ...... rlsmlJ uth 555 .. III 211 .. I UbI" " , . , I c,.tli natil'j\~,C)1!8S l1la~Ui?e, Pub- :: '~:,~~~:~~uI's ~~~:: ~~:: ::'" ; p ostellDo , and Picture and LookLDg·Glass Frammg, nU('iK~YE Iished by 'Ihum s ~ talbot, 86 Arr. Ura fton !) If> .. 9 ~O.. . . . ) . I31'oIlJ6CId atrcLlt Doston. ' .. (hklRml II 24 11 :14 " togl·thcl' Wltll u~1 kl nds .. r Hl·fJairiI IK. wiLli Il ClltuoSS HUU dieplltch. ~ Ih'e r Purk II 4:1 .. 'I 4;" l ' ' rSUlle \\'I,;!tlllg lilly Hrticle u f It'ul"Uiluf(J . .. ·U WU,·rlOlltl I 511 Aol 2 00 P - ..~. ~br~tisrmtnts. ::','. 'lb~:;·:I~.! ~ ~~ gg:: 'Ur'a.~' Q A . A f "t 'ftli'a'l D~l a,~!, .11: , . ~,
lie renile: perfllct there are oouo ; T!lo.',t tar thl'" life:
It. .... tJ~ ;·thbu"b
•• : : : : :: I
:~r~l/l;f ~h.~~,' p:~aid, to u:y- une, Balti-more & .Ohi~!
~ ...~ for unkiodn .... now ,..... __ an aOIffY .. t()rm. ~ the afwr , .... r. " f IifB. Ia ..... -1 _k to 0 ..1....
Be rotle &0 lb)' ..ifo. - W ' ~' ly
1 ~ ... . ~:............. _-.... . ;~.S ~i ..
We take pleasure in saying to the In Oadwilllader's New Building, Main Stre~t, public, and the Farmers especially, I ,WAYNESVILLE, : : : : : Ul1H) that we are better than ever pre, pared to furnish them with H ... "nwred I ' BUSI N E S S, I FURNI''''URE ' '.I.
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Yet "Ill the H:rvlv: ' Ulld,.... lft,·.ragaln with fI.l .. to A. ajtu. oow"ld rull : N.vwaplll W fee l Ihe _li llg "Web 1'0"" " dl_'PI/Qluleli . I r ' UII g ive •' -
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u8U!l Ug)~'1 ~IRaD'*'411 SILVER-WARE
and AYNES VILLE, I I .. I L"'Olti: D, tO: - 11 'f'\til'l ... . ,.1 Stataee and other artlfioial orna ~____ ___ ~ OJ Harp'l F' y !i O~ .. • 5~ .p m' , Gu. F~I ..c O" t'; hul}",I. l">r'· Y. v ~~\e?~~~~~~~Q 1 mentation. Still, 1II1tIU'() hel'tlelf JAML'S W. HAIN ' ES. MD., .. W8Ihlugton7 10 " ~.• 0 JUiJulUie w .rel \,,11 lit HUIllP~ ('(Or ,,),: J:.I Ri b d I jf rUWlI, thu }'upcr Huy: H'\\y'f.I. b d IIOCma to ave one 80 mllcll Iv <"'1' ' C moo , :~oI pili . 4 •5 A m . J .,""~. . ,1 10 E'I " IV",' u l" ,I1 D " II : II "i,"j oc, I ~ • "Ilnillmoril tj Aol. 8 . "YH. thut eve' "vJ . 'Ilrl'na "ltd sum mel' HOM • •.PATHI., 1'111. J"ltie~t Oirl in 1'o,n l: . Slew .... t ' . ," q" .. Wilm iogloD H 17 pm. I :lU ;11 Am .. our premieos put on IL \'ol'Y luvely .. l'IJ iI"d'a 1 ~I ., 2 ':IS .• . U Dellth. wh"I'e ,. Lloy Slio!! r AhOll ~ ,IuaL rece ived llL I . . ' h I II "'II. ~('w Y ork [) Hi 6 'I:; ' . Crtr!'tt D ying Hyn\1~._ 'O l or ~n· a:; • . .~pearaDce, !,Il~I NJO!Ce our .earts ., .. Do.too 560 Am. 6511 m. 01'. aG : ulto I'" b.•~. ad .. 0Il4 11nettl. CRI~Pl. BRO. 8. Waynu'fUle, O. --.ANlJ A F{fLL LiNE o P - With the protuslon ot her lovehness. om"" at R..ideooe. . -, -~ - -~ My dell~ Su~ tL~: (I'",rrclt n.ll' "uct. Lr>o...cq.~1i CaJl and look at our Goods! Our crops aro all ill or nelu'ly so , . Pullman I Palace Drawiog.Room Tho Malll n. 1\l l.l.;.ke: AI·lot!..l, Glo~"r, ao . I and 81eep1l11;. I My Li ttl" Ull ~: P roy; :10 - -- . , - - - - - - - . ! ___~~ _ _ _.Ol&le. and Deyer I00 ked more prO~ pCIOIlt; _ _ ____ • Coa0h el Put th .. right InU" "I. . he wh ~oll I1 ...,0: H~ , of ever,. .desi· tha!\ at tbe .J?rescllt timo. From 8t LoulB; Olnu oollt! aDd \Jolum ou. lo ~.I e.p, th."!' 10".,1 "" 0; MP,·.·w.de; Glover: IJO , 1U?Jft\~'I?m'D f) ! ""1~ ~f.\ rable make. Our public meeting is uut bet I . . . a_ID, Washington and BIt' , 1h e \ • •IIII !\" Ilc.u·l. '·," "Iort """g. '1'orl·Y. &0 ~J ~ ~ ~ ~P-I ~ J;!l. if~ ced f, a Imore, S wrot IUld L u\\'- Iull"by, Oluvcr. an I tQmmen or tbe S\lJ\SlIlI, lit O.c. . . . . ." ..."".........I.... WITHOU'r CHANG}' IRing m e ~" "lfl~I', lI[" ,her. towftrt, .110 callnot go much longer unannOIlIlC' W 4)"'" T"~" ,,_... ThtO b Tick t d f tI • ~ \ I Thinking 'j f 'l°h • IMlIlIll, Glover. ao ' I cd aDd IlDio8uguruted, if wu have Ay~ ES V~L I.E, " ca .. be ~f.t~ioed~: :!~ rl~~1 '~l .j1ck~~'·o'O{, · Wl\itl",!,' I.""e. fo! Thee: Ohr~.I.!e, ~O ' CARRIAOE AND W AOON BUILDERS Gil? A\ anv at all thia S-ummer Ofl'er~ h i. ~,:"f.08l!IOIlRI Servl aeo to. tbe Oltl' Co" th:uugbout tho '~e'l P~OUlh""H and j Wh"" httl r ~l,,'nm Dl od. Hoy .. a5 AND R ' ~-~~ A J'ttl .' . zen. and.IOlnlty. }lavlog hlidthtrtyyears North west • , ll\ ST R l\IENTAL EIAIRERS, True, then! arc 110
w.,........, D . E F D k-
e exper,ment With my· oxperiell oo. he blipO.
"'.Ift (JOLH '
nllF.~K I I~ n
8cbooJ whicb•• _.. cloeedonthe lstofullwhoma)'f"vorhimwitba ooll. i86-1 W.~t. Pa88.,Agco'. Geo.B Tlr.kdAg·t; IWI' _ r M • .. •• • .] ) . ht ' w I <linciu nli 0 Il.i 'ld I • ..,. roUl mo. "ugo.. . UIf nr. lin Ma~, prom,acu ~c I membcr of' II • • a more,.. .\0 (\101' " .. .. •. 00 tbe grammar 01&88 a nice little TT~~~t.~~fS:~,~~~rIllLlOl1 L~.n ·e.·"" .. ,. '.. &1) cbromo, wbo 8bonld be able on tho ' ' 47 1.1, Dalt1more ·i\ltl. LI~ly of Ihe Vul1~y. n ooturne. l.lBylatn. HO 1, • 11 t f J . TlltKD 8'1·RBR. N£ R 'B'" ,-' . Ahoo-'p"lkll, Wlegnn d. 110 re 0 une to repeat tile cntuc • '" , . NHUOD I H .... --.. _ ... a ........... FaIry l' ~ ••iv"l. 1Il0rOCll ll ~".l"n. Wi\IIcm. 75 \ Mri_ of Grammar RulCd we hud CINCINNATI, OHIo, .lu.IJlubll.hed • no .. ~dllinn nl II\, w"ONflll heea ueiog doring the IlllSt torm of' ... e" 00 "''''D 1 y' Dr. culverweil:_ Colebrated ;Gltb fr.~JT. Oiro8?:Oirofi.. Bli l aDt th. 1Ch001 Th' W 8 t i d ." r'.IE... D..a • 1)~,. o nthe rHd ",.1 cu ' ' ( Ivilh· 1 .. ro US I '. 18 a 0 n lice .I . . . . WATIION . . . • OUI medicille) o f 1' £""1'0111111<11: " O a l 0 l ' . . . . ali ' them to t8Vlew tbem occallionally, _ __ . _ ____ ___' .. • WukDe ••• In.·ul uolury S"OIi".1 ~.. t-pou.~I·1 " • 00 ndPb and notatterly forget Lou8,. h,ronN c,..M.II",I. 1,lcal ln }u"II .... ,· .M"rc".W.c!{I\~IlI, ao Ar pre poredtod0 Ii r»1· CUI 1 kl II . dtbetn. I . Nino Colpacl ly, Imr"dlmeo!$ 10 \ lnrr l" ge ,' 10' 010." tt.. Shutte.... 'V,lhe'H D8IId: wor nil 011t 0t t we,1ye receive t lelr ch~o · , .ISCl, Ooo. uml'tion . Epll po". ftod VI"': lud~' TruJII,nribed: l'.~h r: 86 br.oohe. nf tbe bu. lneu . 1 mot on. Tueeday (.T»ne 11!~), With $agh\onabLc Sllrbtt QU~ c~d by .df iodulgeuco Or Me1ual ,.. Irna· ~{,... B'lwo~ R ed.. w.. , Kiukel, 30 NBW WOK" ON BAND FQa SALE. ODe to bear from yet, ho being an TIlt ,AI "m_'IIM~"~~MlJltm s""ce. &:~. lilorooco ,\ "It>:. N4Irv I, 40 April j tb. . outaider and too fur oft· I clluld OA&i\Ulola ""'-QlQl IJrPrlcc.lu" le"led ell' elopo. ollly s is ~~ ,,~~, . -" ."-,,------,, - - - - - - - - - - ..- .-. -. L_tb '. 1IA.,. .....,.· •••••• WAY,. .....LL •• cen u. I NOW READY IMI8 t ...t e SUOO088(nl oompetltors . ---u-..Tbo celebrated nUlbor. ill title Ii mifllb lo I . • feU T8't'1 wall aatiafi~ Witli tILekn, ' Halr-outtiog. H..ir-D",.. ing,Shampoo;"1I ·clllllrly dOOlODltroi cs. fro m " , hlrly No~. t. 2·lBnd 1>. Peters' Uo~iIObold Mclo· A...:. • [ __ Ivee thO t ' I ,.. "'... . tt . aud Shaving. done io tbo be8t 81ylo of the 8ucccflIIfui pl'1 lcLice. ,1t1\' ,b ...Iara lllng · dIOll. . rIco bOo couto .aob . Ever)' nutnOOr) - - ~ ---- - .'..._ . ~ • In , 18 rlu~ p 1 v,,! r to" TooeOrif.l Art. 275 con8~qu,·oce. of • Ir· nhna" mOl" be radlc~' 1-, \ coota" .. from" tn , N~w Song•• Cboru.. . . , Indolence aafi de.lrc"-tO thro\\' off CIlI't' d ... itholl~ Ih e dJlnl'orOll8 Ulle of Interll", 4l!!. ele , by tho be.t wn le... . . . The un~e,.Igt1ed "~ga '0 IDrorm .11 the oe0e8snry restraint imposed' Dlediclne 0,,r 'ho .pp licl\tiO," o ( tho kllif,': No •. 1. 2.11. 4. lind 5. 1·~tcr8· .PArlor Mw.io. JC:II. 'be pU"bllc gooe ... II" 'bd be h . . ". b i d I . po ill tit\g 0 111 a llIeall! or cure a~ollCV • lm r 1e , Prico no CCIIL' .8ub. ,E very number onn· 1 opelle .. n..... Me.t ~l.rk.t Ih. u.rlug 8Cl 00, aD tIe necc88Brlly . . , ccrt.alll IIlId ellectuIII bl' m OROI or whioh ev : I bUll. severlll l4flrct l,i~ce. by Klokol lold nao" of ], u k ok nnwn .._... bere b.. will lIOyere dill(;ipline in 8tqdy; The,Y '. . WHOLESALE . 1'1' .ulfercr., DC Dl.t~i wbo' bit conditioo , P~ch.r, BooM. to. . . , . 'I kc~p co~taotl1 on band . . seemed to be lUnch gladder to b e ' mal b\>, may ·olIN blollalf cl,c_ply. privll,e' l NOM. 1 to L7 L .. Oreme de I Oreme. Price '1' H EVE R Y U E 8 T bl ) l ERS I!... mOIANS and !adlceUy. . " 5U 001lt. oooh . E" ery IlUImhc.runnt.t.in8l\t D •. e to repeat ,the ru Ell . ~IiaD to rl!l· 'J'hla I,llctUI" BhClUld bo ' ill tbe h l\nd. I" .. ~ '2 wurth of ot_lo and aeloot Pi~D.O oelye the cbromOl. . ' . I I-< ",'e.J you&:' .ad 81""'1 m Ali In tbe laod. MOBlo. I ' . We .till keep up out' Lyqeum . .-; " . . elll,uoder .oal, l!ll\ plllin. co,·elope. to Any of \boo above M.. iled. IpotIt .~aid. reo Bee( Veal, Mutton and' Pork, which 1,.. b ft ed" .• ~ Spocla~I08,1 I uols &. Malorml!.'l , ""l adl'l'tln. post,pl\ld, on recelp~ot ~I:£ eta. I OOlpt of tbo marked pnoo. I
to g ive Allti.flUltion to .
...: BA.aV,
Henrie Bouse
. On tbe Bes t of '''CI·mS, . .... n 8ud the' ."hest -rtIOl·liet _!!L " -OOL, I· rice .POIll ~O::l· . J ~ .. I GRAIW· 1'-
tlItabh.hment, which ie ni~h unto 5,.re, ODe of the qaestlon. dar poeited iu the bOx at tlie I..t meet. ~1\ W&8 thi,: An oldpegro.aaid, ere moat be a DeYll, elae how CODld tol~8 mako hill cter 80 'rMlt·
:. '
B. W. :Oer. Sistb .nd Malo 'Sll. · ~ OINonfNATl. o. - . -. r Te._.~~
A '\loan" '-the (l<lI!itiOD of oolUlhe. io tbe 8!rwia ......1 Vi.tl'let will. make
J,lille It to tit. ua.nlped In . him?" I .. I ~\'. ia nol.fIIIa'I .. term. &a. on Ol' bet,,", lb. lint • l0110& J1fOpoIltlUU P ea&IO alate Jill . , W B HOlilL wbeiein conei t tlie logical i~ 10.1875 111erk or '8.1&~". . '
or ,wopo., _1.1111)1. Acid .... ". Ibe pnbll.here, AddreM lilt' ':HA.8.~." "I.INE'" CO.. I 64a Broad...)'.
w~ .....:... .a " - , - - -
__ ft! _
J. 1 •• PE'I,'ERS,
N. Y. )'. O. Boll M2Il. '~-
COODtfl allb": and all will be kept
E. 8. B. '.V AlLTON, C LEA NAN D N 1 C E • K\~: " ATTOR.NEY A~T LAW, . - - 110. • . ~~;::-. orIUi ."'mp. LE•• NON, OHIO. UG a D ~ I H.I, ..... w.... CJIIr • O.ffi 1', 68 Broad-fclt!/. FINE S Aa.ptJB£D BAlli "METINg l' BW
' . wm pl.o&lctl lu Ih. J ~1'11ce Cour.. OJ I m., a' II,.. <hur"'" 00\1"0 " .. "'Ie. 11\..nl,.,:.:.•••~ e 't....II:N:.F=.~I.n.• 11'1114·"r l'OItal "'...1. aad AI· tlt~ lI~u., 1 nrlee pa ."...... , la 11' $01 · 6"1
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h i ' · b I' u e or 'I,! I •• 'ce.
llarcb Ii.
.. ' II t .....· II1II.011 .
" ARF. T H F. ORo" - TRlklllg of ero1\S a &111111" tJ\ge dn ver yll tho country {ll'OI)lc nrc ~lOl !!Onll I; ttl~1II '" Ilb strych !lID acconhng to a Lm o-honored reh glOUli ell5tolU at lb Ul !!{, ISOI of U 0 YC!lr 'Ib ratal do I admml t.cred by belDg I!nturhteU UI corn wInch IS scatter d lround fre ely mo of tho crows dlo 011 tho spot othe r l1y aWIlY I1l1d III r SIiUlt III the liky II d otllcrs go Ilhnd lind d 0 of Btnn ilt on md tho RtomMh 'h An Il1ijJ;mHo ~ c l d of t worthy b I~ \ncke<l countr) lORn gllthanng up t\\clve hili lr 1 cw"," he pm ~l !fI t.Rl IJIg t.b Ir III lind l"CIlI,illg hiS rO'Wllrd frmn t.he county lIu thonllcM IX IIld II half cont.s lIpieeo-80\Ollt) five dollars. ro'~ 8. no doubt pcrtofm II. botter part. Jor farmers Ihal\ t.hey arc givlll1 credit for NAture iurlllshea soo\engllr buds IIlId nUlIURI IIdllllted to tho wan t.s of very clunnte In 11th America tbo condors perform tIns Jlllr t~ n ded by tbo llllUllro", ",blch IlIlt r blJ'UH nro nl80 nn tniporlllnt featllre n prCllC rv ng the ann ltary NIUlhbr urn In tho l!Outhcrn por tlOIIM of lhe nJted I.!Ltc~ ] II Charlcskin, uth arollnn tl Q bUlII'Alrds nrc I' rot cted by 'YIlIe 1m!!, ,,\uch Impose n folie of five noll u s fQr evory 0110 slain lite birds are IiO tume III Oh ulcston lhat tb y Hit (III the rooll! of the mllrket IU.lU!!Cfl 0 11 tho wntell to grab lip o~ ery lut or unll1 thnt 1 thwwn out jmm the l'UlWI!rs Jjlalls. In tho Slimmer tlmo tit bl rWi, bcmg very Ilumorous, do 11 large part of the city 8 8eILvengcr wotk I l\ tl e 81\0)0 wlI.y crOWl! no doubt I ro bcnllflcml to tbe OOllntry III tlllS llltitudo! III! their n tRI O of OIIrntJl1 crows ,, " ullt IndIcate bc8ldell milking tlu:ml!C hes gon mllv useful 111 roohug Qut the grlJbt! thllt 'batch IIlllCet" Rnd dCllltror thc Illool'I! of the 1inmer No dOllbt I tbe crow~ were prolJOdy \'ncournged to do 80 tlley would be useful m de troYll1g tlte potllto bug Intel y so d lructl v )II 1\11 pllrta of tillS co untry Who know~ ullbl we have tnC<! t4em -BallmlOl'c 8,m H W TO B y rn()F ITA III ~. P~-A 1110.11 wlw noted ror alw~i-1;, IIIg 'IIG "ll1ch fllttened Il:lIll ly gave thQ fol! lOWIng a tb seeret of hIli ij l coo 1 II way" ehoo good natured pigs TboN) \hllt II hen \'h y cat lIr constnntly run III ng from -one trollgh to IInother lind kuookm g their II lOU ts 1Ig1llllHt the text pig I sell to Illy nclghbors who dIm t know beUer thnl to buy Huch troubl e IIOllle ammlllH whIle my co It.ented plgR ge t fu.t 1 1I ~ I ~ only pUttlllg IIlto UlIO ful I mctlco tllo old proverb Laugh lind " row flli
nk tho ornngcs II Mit I\I1d water ovor IIIgbt Jlext n orlllug \lMh thom III fro h wnter, lind titan put Into I J>reservlIl g kettle anu bt II th('1ll pnttllL broom OO fll \ III pIC roo them Take thelll from the wnter and (rush th em to 1\ tl4ste With L pestle III 1\ Ie I durn removlIlg all th e 80Cds Add tu du~ JIMt.c Its oqual \\(,l gI t of loaf SUJ( If '1 bOll boll t\ie \'iholo until It 18 JU~l r Idy to candy l ou r It on to li ne Ilud dry It In a cool oven then It to l!()uare~ 1 be bO.it II I Y to obt \Ill thelt well\ht 181.0 weigh th(' or IIIgllli helor ooklOg th em lIud KuLtrnot two \JU I Cpg Irelll oach round to make \Ill for tho shrmk 19a III cooking GUAlIGll
• _nt, laJb.....tloa
LANE & BODLEY, Julm & Wutcr 5&t8 .. Cincinnati. lion Ir•• 1 Nlro oCthe IleAL rorl4blo
(Jarllla.l )leClOII!;.J'8 Sadne8ll. Clo ob&crvers among the mllltitudu that ",ent out to!!Ce thc CardInal on hiS rccent vUllt to thIS CIty could not ]u\\ e failed to be IlIlpre8I!C) With tie mild sad and .lrno~t pathetIC expression l!elltcd on the furrowed Cace of t.he ~ctlrc r of the l!C8rlet robes of f\ Prlllco of the cbur Ii W It I 1111 due rClipcct It w I~ rem .rkerl tha~ tl a venerable pre Into looked a It ttla Zzled n bttlo 8enred nnd a good deal red by hiS Ilew dlgAi ty It seemed IIIIll that he WAS not of the ~tlllf tha~ anlmnls are mnda of such CardlJlub! lit lenat 811 those With whom the popular 1I1111d connect/! the btle Thill Impr lI!:IlOI Willi borna out b)' tho glluLle bnt markerl rebuke thllt the Cli rii III II I gll ~e the 100 ntdent addr_maker who /!Celned to be In II hurry for the Cb urch to Jom 1!!!Ille \\lih the /:it.1.e III thl~ coulltry, alld for th e Onrdlllal tQ lay hiS heau on til( blook It 18 al80 8upJlOrted bf!.he CIT dlDal fl reply lit the recoptlon glven hllll and th o 1111'111 legatIOn III Now York at Delmonico 8 1I[onday c, cUIng I am <looply COnIlCIOu.~ BIlld (Jnrdlltal Me Vlo ky of tho \ c ry grellt and aven sublnnctligll Ly wlllch hill! boon conferred upon me IIld [ am only hllDuliatcd .t. t.he t.ho ght tillt! 11111 80 lIt.tle worthy of It Rnd that It hag not fllll on llllOn Mtronger and IIbler shuulders than mille Fur tbu on ho 81l1d The ofh co or dlglllty of CIUdlll.1 18 not now \\ hilt Itonco was It no longer brings \\ ILh It wcalth or }lO\'iers, or great 11111 UCllce III the world It h8ll no longer Ilnytllllg 111 It that ellll Justly eXCIte t1l0 Jellloll~y or the envy of klllgs or )lflOces or !,?ople It IS III of. lieo o( dl.&OIty willeh III theso days J nay lII'y J8 a post of d lUGer The thought of the burdell" tho dU~les of tbe po~~ IIIld tL a JlOMI ble day of trlnl or doy of dllngar \I hen the ord Inal III ust show hlmscH III the vnnf:uurd had boon the TCII80n of hiMaCCclltlllg more read Iy lind fr ely t.hll dlglllty conjerred upon him He lllll Ch of course WUII due to the occa elUI bUl It Id snfo to believe th It DO day of trouhle or day of danger Will be hlU!tc ncJ on by IInl leL of th K largo minded lIIri JllltnoLie Lruly Amonolln prclilte - Booto, 1'ro ucnpt
A.n Ingenlou Robin A CUflOUH dlght WlU! afforded by a robll1 ye_te rds)' In a yard on tbe west s de 01 th e city The little fellow Willi bUBII) cng II; d In galherlllg mater al for tll e con tructlon of a neKI In JIymg Hound he d sco\ e ro!d 1111 old lIet1t fl\8L CI ed to 8 tree Bnd intertwined 111 tble nest was a long dtnDg JUdt what he wanted Ono ODd of the Minng lIoat~d loollCly 'W hlle the other Wall fll8t.cncd m tho nest. Rublll I!lm:cd t l e 8tllng Ilnd endeavored to pull It out [1. Wall too tightly fll tened (or an ordmary pull, nne! he nccordlngly took a ~hort hola Ilnd violently throll hiS head bllek till It wouldn t como After apparently ttllnking a mom ot ho trIed a new 1IIIIn IZllljl; the end of the Itring firmly jn hie bill b tUlilbled beanlr Irom tllO hmb and allolled III~ (ull WIIIl'lht to (lull u1',on th coveted article Ihl8 he tried onr &lId oYer again but without avail At lllet. he ent.eTcd the nett and dill gently tugged III the futened end of tbe HLrlllg. III hi ht:' ..uc~ed In lOO11elllog It Th n he drew It tbrou"h and spell aw.y to make UIlII or It III bl ncw home -..M iltI'Qulw- II .tOO1I6I1I
.40, ,1;0, .7 Ii, I(, '100. GOOD DURABLE AN 0 Orl"AI' Sl lppr I n l!l\ 1f ror (j.f'
N . ruC.ol.,., br, cr \I'IIlAN , 00 Nou:I •• n 1 I ..-s.O~
6ifFSI.50A::UM MnltulII III PnilO Ul gI ~ mnkM 1 gilt J e rfect 1<'l e C1lsllll (ut fenr I 10 I ~ • I 111 \ boo;c"1 ie lor lidos It~ blllK' \\ hilt I ~ \ rlue LIl~ \ " cllle IU and " 0 bl t L \ OUll I r H Lhe gOdH Ilu nUcl t d ~I OIlCl!L tl l'Y are (10 gods • )f e wllo IK III eVIl ul lllllO III lha 111111 lit. mant of IWII The grellt proof of CI mtl \nlty u whnt 1t.1 ~
llllthfulnollllal d flUlce r ty nfO the 11Igh e"t t.lun gs 'lhe wll\(lo11 ( f 0 11 0 SOl o raL on 18 fully 111 the next Tho Wl80 neitber gne,o for tbe dend nor for tho It vmg Cluldh ood sho v~ II c mlln IS morning sho\\ 8 the dllY All meo love Liberty \lid !!\lem l,e It on deRt rOYlIIg her Whoever learns to . lllnd alolle IIlIl t lenrn to filII 1\lone Ilulluhty 18 tbo 80hd {ollndntion oj all tbo v rtucs Ti Il proper motived to religion IIrc th e proper proots or It _ God 1" the brave man 8 hope nor! !lot the coward II exoll:!O To be hlll py IS not th!' purr O!!C 01 being but til dOolC rve h Ipr n c"~ There I" lIO trcwlUre IHrents Cl\1l glvo their cinidron like 1\ brother TlOI III I, thllt men knolv not you gTIO\e tha~ you know not men HIl ",bo know8 right prmclplea equnl to hIm who 10 C~ them Friendehipl! a clu:\cnce of dlvlUe mill ody mol~iDg throu,h tbll hellrt A moull6 ca n drtn\ 110 more thAn 1\.11 fill from the Illi ghtlCl!l river
Wippiq it c:loau
Unexoelled by a.ny Weekly Llterary PuMioation, Eut or West CANVASSERS WANTED IN IVllRY T"VN IN ~HE UNITED TATES. u ....... PmnIoml .nd mob 1\018 olf."",
• Olrc:nl'r cantaln1rttr til I Inronaatl n oto OOpj .. larulJlwd on IppU..lloD Add..-
'Wn'" lor
PIUM HabitCu.,ed
A - . a __ .. ca.... wltbout "*>DY• • • _
IIId alllom.. AD. ..,.ldOIe lIlaC llaIltli p.....l,. OD I.. .... menta. Bead lor II_I,. 1IlICUIDe. <" ........"no/Ahog )ooDtoI.l~cer1le_otb_",d. 111&& line btu ",""'11101111,. cart<! I.lolat 10 "".. diocoTt>red ...4 prod_lbe >,.UT 0.'.01'" ....D DJlLT al1Q row O,"'11lI .A'f'"0 DB.. B. COL...... La JlInota, r.a.
~u1a&on are
TOl'sPI1lLD Me. 18 ~ory 111)1 ropriately tho hollte oj the tall t lIIan In Nell' Bngland He 18 SIX fect eight lDehes 11gb I1nd h 18 IIIlU1C 18 Uhllrlcft H Uol me~ He "Ill! for mlln~ y nrd n. Reprflle ntal v. and ~ull)r III ,ltl/Crcat rllrlllil tI c Ad ('< \ r III !!; L1 1111 ,tb lUI (lid ru.g all' aU" IIIg It II folo IE Kan!jft Dlrn nrc now III th nt m"tratmn of i!re~idf'niH 'Madl on b II th II tlr til. Ul l'b rokoo Territory pLUog out walnut Moaroe Adam., and JackllOn and Willi braa abeorbe, hi! _ tlmbtr There ie • large fOn! t of thl the !!eDlor member or the fif1ll or • John ~'_ ."....... IJ.....t Wad. kind bttWND KaNa. and Tene, anel the Holmet, Jam Madll!OD Felu: Grundy,
rur a Cel".' ••
.lid tile Dnil"
• •RCHANT'a GARGLING OIL "Ibe ....... LI ..I _ l or lb. t III.... .1.. fe, r.a11t
_all".~ • •j •• _ ......I.. OU~_
"hi 1IlIa ...,.. _ .M •............ elf . . . . .n.,.. I _
_t •••I... ",oto
_LII.J. .., ••",IIa., i
MBER 60,
"Non mel" [ ao wcred, "it WIll tak w uld repl'O eh me If Katie hO\l ed her GENERAL NO IIOlllclhang more thlln a gh t 10 frighten dUJappollltment J hn.le litHo doubt me out or thie marrIRge." • I'roft thllt be 10\ cd me far better thnn b lteon I8bor, lh_ "lib bOll'L'" ( ..... LEAV8N~ nTH TI'1Itf' 'lb IOtuation writ IlIt I hod urc Iy finJ8hed peolwlgwh n would conf< t;bnuhJ .etLiOUl lhtOw. ItoMe t IS a ltogether dim relit (rom that pre- 111l{(dm 11 .. b.. .~bh), I. do tber came Il gullt or Wind, olld a cra..h. h, well! tb y were married 10 du IlI!nled Tho lalk o>Ilb_ wbo aln by th vll!ltlltlon ot I t autumn ing of gl I on'tl the t!~nll aclually COUfIIC of tIme, And \\0 lifO all Ih'lIlg to.. Tile lIlad au Friday laut 'Ti. l.lellur.o OlllllU1eOQea t h OlD • wt'pt Inlo the rOOm We glane d I{('ther And !ronl lballlUhll ID chneclc" t. harl Bat The denr child rell do every In Kaof!IUI alld - brrulka. 'I'belt th with Mr farmel'llYiere pl1lch lIyhe1p to arr t loon,' III yi hich I w~ fl mpanled by aroUlld It' In dl lOlly. The boughs or a tiring ~he'y ca n to add to my happin \" e blye 00 rl",bt to lu'l~e. mlo Inrg elm tffi' tbfll slOod In frollt of th barl n, thQ MID person" ho IlLit b • falrl, l r fKl Katie i8 8ll) 1 a b utlful womlln. and the scoll rge. now th y hn,e the matter :I'he m· ol'com plllU d me Illst October, 111 the ta, "hi we o ot Ilk hb l"OlUpanr, hOI1Re, IIl1d 'tIl agallnsL th wlDdow hnrhe 18 ftlunly th IItuIT of DIy old very mucll III tbel r owu han I'. kilO" III ... rld b" I~ .. cta call do but lIul un'U 'FrankJIlI' blllloon, whloh Il\Icend~-d from a I'cculuir look, J Illull b'ftve me agl). 1118 IU&, baye I_ ntta and 'Who baa not" WlIlgtl dc\ lop; and Lho Toof of the huildlng fit the om r of 1 hft uld at w lIu young, COIl cred O\l!r til firp, IIl1d then barr'd I nev r 8ftW the gb Olit figfl lll In (Ilot, J~er h. lJI' " e luay. ror aURhl we bow, MRrket nll~1 Thute nLh @troelll, ' WRl\ tbe "lOdow IU Nuch n IlIl1nn r lUI to keep I hal I(ood rell90n to thlok tbat the goin~ on, IIl11all or on1ln" .... lJayv nUt to IbNr OUe!: and In dUlltr), cn n r.t II out the rllm purelv for IIClentiG }>urllO!lClI. \Ve myaLenoU8 visitant wu a C~1I 11l graceI'll t,1I1 0 JOu. IwHt!r IJlau stuntld oft' uOller a meridlllll 8UU, and to A Htrallg g loom ellVl'JopoJ u bolh Ie n phew of lOme. wbo hlld lallen IrI I r cellt of I hem, lint! flO dildllfllt:e And Ond It.orlll tnl we U rclllllluiler that they will kIp th~ mluutci! r Ii, J t.. otwlth· IIlId w {hd not retum ogllll) to tbe Hul,' 101' WHit Katie Of eour • I forgn,' T o .t1 OW" d crecu to eun,; I", ,UII. r tnllA I ,.al Btand 109 tllIB velool y of Lhe jeet Yi e bad bee n dilltlu Ing. ur coo th d Cl'ptlOU )on~ IIgO, 1\., it 84' ed m8 lit th earht'Bt opportullity. An~ Ih "vell IORlCUW I {'Ol" 10 toe mOllon of liself WU IDln,\l'MlntlhlA verij8\lIOo "lUI fiUul, 11IIt! it emed a r&- frolll n terrIble nllstuko TUE earltest mentIon e,f No wone tban .on) ~ J know, lier" hAIl '11'0 &cptlnLted at bed time. 1II1. """ o il " .... ".hl" hid If. lUIJI mu ch h appl r, probllbly, tbuu if 118 an Illum inator OCQurr,ud "J"he f.ul~ 41( 0\" h yo Tb re i8 no u IU denying that I 'II' I bnd married tbe young gi rl whOllC can J our/lIIlof &lImce III troubl filllaLtle With HUl'\l1lltitiOUS fll.11I. htlllrt belonged to lIuothor Then I t tlllU .. h n ... boIln All nrtlcle III that pelrlQIIJII" ~ To "IAmltt ftl nd or 'Vtt 1 peered Ilnxlously Hlto every corner of 1 11m not oorulln, however. lbRt ahe Dr H1ldteth of If Think of the "_rlJl one .. ord mAT do are aLtllCll.,e<l nly com- 80da foun taw to Lh room lx-for relmng, bu~ fouod no did not accept Cllarll from pique at my It lUI "begi llning til be for To tbo.c we.lhaJe kuC)w 81g0 of IIny my.teflOus viSltllot. I bad reJection. Any way, he 11118. mnde her II. lamps III workshop and muufactorles. panIon "8S descanhng upon Ihe ~nuty Illld break Ill! contig uous property n.mewbtr-eu IOmelln, ... like Our Cobl ltn!lt- h)06t at It toe .. 8uch a fear of the dllrlcnellS, howeve r, good hUHbond It aflords a clen r hTlu light when burned of the real eHtate hom~ad ~dottl llg the BoHton explo"lon lU~t hllve oecurred lXtu'l .,peak or oth ol"ll' raultl until tbat I leN. the candl burmng. 111 tJlls "ay " H e addi the r\r1!tJi,c ti'~nh country 011 arolLDd beneath liS, I 1.'Illled II co nfined ~P'l{'Il, lind til p ressure of thl' \Ve h •• c DO"' of our 0"0 ThQ lury of Lbe storm hfld not abated, " H WIll be a valuable fiJr llj;ht- hiMIlttention, or mth r the blllloon dld, 1>'1\8 mu"t lIal been exceptl 11611y great A. II I8alppl Sermon. ANA TASIA'S UIIOST. 'fh e 81111 III order to II coUllt {or the te rrIbl e d • and 1 lay awalce fIOmettme IIsteolllg to lUg the J!treet lamp!! of the f\lture cltle to allot her 0011 Idt'ratlon tRe WInd. At Iut, however, I fell Into '(Now, b;edrcII An'slstern, we wnnt" of hlO " It WII8 thirty-filve yeara befor Illlu ng full pi ny UpOIl ttl(' :11r H!I.'!OI alld strllctlOlI "ll1eh It cuused How well 1 r m mbt'r that dlslnfll No- all unensy "lumber. Ho'll' long r had mounabs heab to night. No foohn'. ef the fulfilment of th spirIt o( th lH re- expand lllg ILl! gM, CIIUJlCd th o CIIrbur('tted That 11111,1 explOSIOn WIll muke the pubvem bc r IlIghtl Some lague pre uti· "'ept I know not, when I wosl\wakelled you can't luouhn for younb SIDS, don't IDArkable predIction begalll to be realized hldrogen tooour t10wlI UPOll 113 a cloud lic t'Olllpre1IC1ld that the mllllulilctufO of 1'1' hill! been fllud that we enn earn mellt 01 eVIl" cl!;hed ur.<!11 my heart, 118 by an ICy toucb upon my forehead o deJlth,lIlthollgh we were twc h e ~ t I!OOU water I attendcd Illth ~ra,'edl\uger. come foohn' roun' diS altuh I know ye rill': U tica Heralci lAMs tlie foll \llVlOg below t h m lizzIe of tho blllloon ,fCOll rijO, 18 undcrstood. It 18 to be hoped genulII manJlood oUly by Hen Ing out I IIIIt ulone In the tWlbght. And y ot I ~tarled up with a thnll olnpprehen. You's trylll' nughty ha'd to be cOIIl'urled story of an old Indy itl Pbiladelpbia, there wu nothing apparently to make Blon The bgbt emItted a l'IIint, 8Opul. 'thout 00111' hurt De Lord '@PlseS mock. "' NOli, Mr CI"I'II.'\OII,' I remnrked,' thl Lhllt It WIll alflO 1111\ 0 the TOIlult of dUIlIll. lit 0;1I1yand fltlthfully Illc penod of boy· J eLlersoll county, who acqUired tlie habit llIakes It plulII to you how t he l AlfllUI I hlng to fIOme oxlcnt th o HRI of !IOda hood. me gloomy. On ~he coutrary, I ougb' chTaI gleam 0, horror I wblltWII8 that er) metunes you sinnllb/l comCII for· of U810g JIlOrpbla After UslO@:lt for to ba,'e been more tban uRulllly cheetful I I!llW? A h$ure, robed III whIte, enme mrd an' holds youah beads too IlIgh party HI J.~ rnn cc, the uther day, blld two \Iota Tho pubhc IS, R ~ a rul e, entirely TlH::RI'l are Clght milliontl of G rmnn· hef (rom !Jle pams of 0 t umor, no per· had I 1I0t r('cClv d a dehcious promi~ ghdlOg ~",ard 00(' from the foot of tbe u com III' • You come8 fonh you 's ready of their com rAd es @llIoth red 111 the UllIlwllre that thIS Iill Orlte 8ummer bel'. speaking people 10 the UllIled states, 8UD.810n could IDdu cc her t.o Jtive up the from Klltio Nelson tbat I ery af~rnoonf bed. The fllce WIL!I hidden from my You starts tew suno. You doe n 't reh)drogclIlIled atmosphere Yon Rre orago IS l ery fnr from belDg tho lUnocent and they navc th hundred new pn. Her family uDlted 1n a deeep- alreody It lMIem rl odd, to be Bure, that a gray· VIOW, but I Jrnew by the form that it ,,1\8 pent I YOU'$ no mOllnah, you's toolln' polflOn ~ um ran ~, J ~ee, lUld I lUll lIot lind who\ci!01I1e thIng wh,,;h poopl who pera aDd perIodicals 111 their own Ian· ~ lOn, substituting carcfullly prepared po' haired widower like myl!Clf I\'U to mltrry tbe ghost at Anllllt,uIIR. woulrl nl)t touch 11 gIll of beer fllncy it guagc. very com fortabll' myself , Illy pul~e IS You COUlCS struttlll' up wid ae Lord thIS glfl of elL!htoen Her Inother hnd " Wllliom Raymond," came In 1\ harsh to do almh, you dwops doull 011 youah tnto 8terch III morpJlla bottIa At first all tho double-qulCk, 11011 you Ilre gettillg to be Not onl y is the ex-treme cold of 0 R tru~ businc!8 111 1111 IS to malce B he tbol,lgbt the supposed drug lUI 111· be n 1\ houl!Ckeeper In oUr Camill, but \Olce from tb e figure, "I am here to knees, an' you peep!! fru youah fin gab~, pille, I!O J Will put u top til tillS po rt of soda "ater e l.tremely IInwbolesome, but th t [U d YIOCIUI1, IIho our Cle pe fllll entatlOIl oy oJlt'nlllg th e It 18 known to mechenl mell thllt tho con. c m Ol! 0 Ie means nn opportumtlc~ dlcd HOen after Katle'8 birth So It hap- n\'ell8O your IOfideIity, alld to dma you dl8 waYJ an' you cocks forrard youah feflor article, but her wo have-not to neglect 8mall fldvanwas 10 the &ccret, assure lIIer tbat it 11'113 Illhe ' pened that sho 11'118 adopted by u.e, as '11'8 dOwn to the gra\,OIll my embl1loo/' SlAlnt UIlC of cnrbolluted water 18 rlllu81y • I be t h cahs to lIeah hoo'a makin' de bes' pra'r ; "ages lItO{C y causc we CI\ll no ave hllli no chIldren of our 0'11'11. I sbrleked with terror u I felt her you'~ 'tirely too pellrt for pen'tents all right, IIl1d 1!l10 WI\8 satilsfied. ~ can· "We had 1I0watbLined 1111 altItude of detflmentnl 10 tho health III 1U0re thuu large ones. My wl(e treated her IclOdly, but WIth· lutch ot my throat, allu cried, fluntly, YOU'8 no mounah. Ef yer comes beal; tin ued to use the article f()~ fllb! en y 3111 7,600 feet. Had th muul of tbe bill olle II l1.y and to th e day of her death, amI co uld out mu ch .... armt" of feeling Anasta8ilt "Mercy I mer yl" If dmllK I('~ of thl8 mlschlel'ou8 H ow nature d Iigllte and amu80s, "" loon beell clo e on our h ead s, Ill! 11'118 th to fool, you'd bettith sLLly'way Bett.ah WI\8 of such Il pocuhar dl8J)OHl t lon thM 1 " You would marry Katie NelflOn, go to bell irum de pew 'sleep, or frum not do .... Ithout It, lIever having leurned CIUIC 10 tlle ZeD/lh bnlloon, " e could 1I0t drlllk " 0 should bl)!L mu ch hC'althie r by I arYlOg even the charact r of Intects , actually bche\e she WIUI ]ealou8 of thiS would youY" wblspered lho gho t, mock. youah cabIn a ·AWRTein' dun trum de the d~eeptloD . At "ne j ime wben aile hnl e Ill ed mnny tn1l1ules In ~ lI ch riO people, lIud it I~ tun e t hnt the tl')Dper- tile 11I·natu re at the WIUlP, the slnggl~h· IIU III the phYSICian ltavo hor Dover's infant IOgly "If you do notwlllh todie"-and monnnh's bench a·foolin' n~pbyxllltl'd IItlll o~ph('rc The throll ing aLIce people should d"Iotc IL httleoftheir net!<! of the drone, the 'oilltllit y of Ihe Ef yuu'a Poor AUII8tll8ial ahe warned me 1101· here tho icy fillgertl prellllCd 1M) tight that not m airoe', keep 'woy frum heab, powdera, bllt she could not rest a lter Ol c rbollrd of 1111 eighty pol1nd welghl Iltw ntioll to l-biMmut ter. It 18 not, how. Itutterfly, tlle slyne88 of tbe bug. ttlkmg th III until abe took ber stu rch omnl)' 0/1 her denth·bed never to marry I gasped fOr br Mh-"pmml80 me thaL dOIl't bed tIer UII - Doc8 rou waut us to gnf:l-bag by one of the Zelllth pltrty, done, He r, to be presllm d thflt beca\1t11la bel IN Cbllla, Il hq uor 18 di stilled from the morpliHl. agalll, nnd lbrentencd to n!Kl from her yon WIll IlOt manl KatlO NelflOll " 110 tloub ~, under a cOllfn d lIIontlll erug 18 Ull" bole me peopl lull lib tllUl fiOll ers of tb e chr)'Mnthemulll which III make ouahl!Cl's hoaltsc, ao "eab out ollah TIl EO I/ORB TILTON WII8 caught III a IIcLlO II, hrought lIbout by th e IItlull ntlon from It If, how I ()r, It 18 understood re~Lrded 08 all eliXir 'lire, and in the gra, e In 8uch an event "0, 1 proml80, »rooll80I" 8&lti I, hnlf IUI1If1 0. pmyll.lg fub you, "hen vou Katie li as III h er tenth year "hen my d cad "ItII terror liUlcse pllarmncoproia a powddr of the koo ~ YOU'$ only foolln' "Id de Lord f I ludicrous fix ihe other dny. Bo WII S MIt- of II 1I0XIOU ~ ~a~, e XJlI!II I1 ~ the c.uu.e or thllt, til euLer n g()l.ln I'lIler l' tllhhshment Wife dlcd I !!ent her away to a board· " Woe be Iluto you, If you dcOOl vo mOl " tells you t9 be 11lIgbty berful. I lI'nn ts ting III the Iront oHice of one of h18(.'O un t ho d IllIU!ter The mil fied cOlld ItlOIl nf 18 W l.Imd 01 er fIOmetlllug more dllnger· leave 18 pret!Crlbed AA a cure for drunk· Ill! school, and, as bu,nne88 called me ansll ored the gbost, fIOlerulll)' And I to see you com 111' flO buddelled by de se.!, Mr, ~Ioms, o\M)ut ten Q'clocJr 111 the th e atmosphe re Ilt lin altit ude of 30,000 \l Ug thnll II l'il188l1lIIl P stennlboat boiler, COllel!8 abroad, aId not _ her aglllD until my beard no more 1IUN¥ readcrA J'uilsrc of the ""wer 01 wate ob youah illS dnt you cun't hal' up morDlog, when Vlotoraa W'oodbull and rcct will not Clluse death of It If Or an, It I~ JlOI!8ll>le that tie consumC18 of the return, elgbt years nfterwards. It WI\!! !!Omc tlmo, however, before J youah hcnda 1 II Rnts to !!ee YOU I!O Colouel Blood entered tbe rcar office. the noted English Iltrilllaut, went Ull to bevcmge "Ill bn leM numorous book b 1 h k" ". 'fhe II1 vcstlgatlol1 lIltU the rC1I1 OIlUllO n y tIe B OC It gIVes their fccl· I Wall I!Omewllat belvlldered to tind a ventured to cast U glnoce around the heart-broke dllt YOMh kllees kllo'oks to· ,. Don't let ~bem see me; I 1I0u't WUllt thllt heIght Yiltbout IUJury, though be 0 1 the IJoston exploBlon may mow tha~ lOgs, 118 ijOmo 8ava~c tflOOS d termlne tho lo\ely woman, illlllead of the httle gIrl I room T1reghosLblld dl8llppeared. The gedder when l OU \\olks Vou mu ' be them to know I'm bere," ~lIId )Ir 'fi lton ullCd It bllg of Il11ro IIIf to I/lbille (rom hlld I It to bborL drCl!8O!l. Of COUl'tlO )OU sto rm, too} W1\.8 begmlllog to subSide; low·mlllded. Ie Dlbl IIIYf! great at'ess lUI he ran 10 to a little cloHet, c101l1ng lh~ •• 'fhe allllo phare \la.~ much Ilc rLnrb d aftor 1111, !lOme other agent thau carbon power of their I1IU kctll by th If recoil, can guell!l the I!e<\llel 1 follm love With but I couln not go to sleep agam, for I on de low 1'011 IS got t~ glt 10\\ doun doot bebmd him. Woodhull pul!bed her 011 Frlduy. At 6,000 lind 6.000 feot up It IIl1d gu~ wrought the ruin which 1111\ (\ so that oolDg C011Bld red best which f41rly tllill o!tllrmlllg Ildopted daughter. There 10und It Im~lble to rorget that phno. 111 de dus' De Good Book MVS. 'Low cblWr agalDtit the door nn~1 talked Illth wnMflu ctulltmg to IIml fro) ilud [ alll Hhoclied the commuDlty. If, ho\\ ever, pro trateH "he purchRfler SPlUliO l8 Il beauhful pIece of worle, 1'118 somethmg \D the fmnk tenderne88 tom and Its deadly clutch upou my (Lo I~, In de v lIU1u ob do book It 18 lIfr. )tOrTIS about belDg n wltn~ Tbo more COO\ IIlced tlllm e ver tllat we aro tbe genemllyacccpted theory"fUl oexplo. BIOII prev to be QOrrect, we onght to Ilave and not to be In tbe country to eee It of her manne r tbat completely Yion my throat.. I reflOlved to 1liiy nothlllg abellt wflt Now, linn' dat , un' be 1011, 1111 ob mIen iew llUlLed un hourI and ull the yei to find Iuul utlon Qf our remarknule !lOde. Wl\ter retort~ 8\1b), 'cle d to the I!IIme dono 18 the not r alizlltg what glorious While '[Ilton ",'l1li balf Mnlotberod At SCIISO rl S, from O.. I$ld ll pre.tlll,re UllOU OQr h!!&rt. It, m~~cJ;j(l~8teal'1 bOIler'll, and IIlco tbem mll8terll are, and bow cbeerfully, 1111· ell! en 0' cI \he I~ 'J. .. ~ et1d!\nt 10bat *e .... deeply: or COW'l!e peql11e would ridicule the you." ..rt~.. 11\11tlc m l'1l of RlT, a l)rl\!!l!ur ~n apel n~ .~ JD8Ja\)e):;J of the court 1'0001 TIl. \VoOdhuJ} n)l1laggin$'l~ the falrilngen attaCb,d to me. I td b itp, _IDr jdea.f . ,«bOlt;, , rtbel , I did not cburch more )lartIC uln rly, th , lIl11ste r (rom plan tany pt'rturhutllln, in con Jlrovldt!lMl1tb flOmo !IOrt of MJlrty-va1'Ye h...~"!'~;r_ did not seem dl ~ 1>O!!ed to 0001 0. ftflOn rofa t the~orld, bow till b blather she vu llled m) !IOcicty dare to wed Kntle NelflOn, yet how could contlDued JunctIOns, CJuadrature~ and IIp)>OSItIOIlS. wlllch Khoulcl lesson the dan~er of splo. hkely 10 be caIIed 1\.8 a U/l, than thnt Q( my nophow, Oharlc8 Rily I explnln tbls Hudden change of purpollll? \Ver It not (or oUU!lde lutcrre ren cCd OUI sion. It 18 II rather alarllllllg thought .. Bredren III de Lord, you mus' be 111 IIfternOOJI. and bnd iliad ull her TilE papers tell U8 that thcre lsa ~roccr HeRiIOn8 I~oul ~lneC('l'!la rily have to be Iho thnt nenrly elery drug store m.uy share Olond , wbo hnd accoOlpllIlled me from 1 f('n ently hoped thnt she would not dlC all1le»' pm) Ill ' foh dt'sc poo' 811111ah . abroad Rhe lIe \ er nddr(,Sl!Cd h 1m ex of a brokell heart l Whnt sbould ] any to You IIlUS' lIu~ e up In dl8 8prangtllll c relltalll III tho office At 1Mt rll ton ell- anmn from yenr to yelar, (lHfjllm IIIg thnt the lho faw of the IJostoll buildllli; 1.hat now 10 P ennsyl\'anla who I~ flO ml:an that he cert in mOIlOS) lIablt'@,alld\lQuIdOuHhtbe llOOrglflt ob de I'('ah, wholl de lellfs 18 u CO IIIIII' all ' cal;lCd through 11 wllldolV, " Ind Ilrrived III Cftrth Is regulnr III Its lll(\tioll ~ nnd 1t.K cun· heM III rUUIH, IIl1d tbl.' )l1lblic should net WIlHl!'Ct'n to catch a fly off his counter, III o\('r IVlth emburrlU! m e n~ If he but Atl.ercon81tlerllUle reOectlou I reflOlved de t10wllhs IS n· LlI IIIkhll ' all ' lI·bloonll/1', tlte co nrtoom Inte IIlId brclIthle1l8. dltlonK of tempem ture I ttl '<l untoraal lie oX llOa'tl to ijO g ral'e a rlnnge r I' It cnn hold blm up by hl8 hllld legs, and look cnt~red the room nut With me ~b Yillll to trust Lhl8 d ellellte alTulf to harlie whllt docs de I cnf.~ nn' de Ilownh. I!DY? Our plllllet II sub l lO~1 11>1 y he IlImllllllhed or ave rted -New I11to the olocks of his feet to seo if be H~ ItF IH8 l)uestiOI1 for young arlthme> I1cat aud polllr cold blldo't been s tealing some of bUI sugar. always self. po!iSC d, and 110 tllilcutive Tho propo.'<ed marrlag WIUI flO odlOu8 1n Dcy MY", 'G IL IIJ, I' [ " AnwII I dllt's HOI" tlcians, lind 8the~ wbo hh to IIntnlt An Ject 10 di rect l'~ ~ure frum Venus amI Yin ~ (,'rtlJ.lllc -"-- - - 'flier are !lOme grocc1ll n nrer tb8.n Pennand 80Cltlble thnt I could not hell) »Ity. IIIK eyes that I knew be would JU8tlry my from nil a~'" broth er 10 the corner ~ urlthlllel J('nl uut now and thell~ to try Mllrs, 1\011 they III turn fmm lIfercury Dlltlsh Arctle Expedltten. ~yh'wlla to whom LllIs tory IS appli. lug Cbnrlie Ilppflrent tl'Cllchcry to ber If IlO8IIlble th eir WIt. upon TW(I Aruhs IIRt aowll to and Jupit er 'The photoRllhere 18118 ijubIt'a mohmn' , d e day aUl brakc,"" He WIUI rClIlIy good.looklllg, alld Iud Morlllng callie. ond I Ilrosc III II le ler. ['AlDen! wuk e ' em u)1, hruddor Olin· d lllher, nil I " erc Ileoosted by 1 stranger, j e( t to dl dturbances by p'rc8i!ur 11M !twur The llntl h ArctiC e-XIII\<htlou "DS nt cable to \l ondt'r fIO llletllll cS Itt Iler an(lpathy. Ish sLLlto of mllld How I dreaded to too I" from anoth er co rner ] '100 mcnll~ I~he fC(luOt!ted to Join their pllrty, BIIY· ntmoHphere, lind II hll e tbe COSIDO~l1 l1y Id Itll!t IIcconuts III relldlnCI!H to &111 on Ill! A PEW dUYU Jlloell v ry nbllOnt-mlDded Poor fellowl how I drended to tell bun 0/ m eet Katl o nt the brenkfllMt table. Dut. ob )011 'f(''''ilhs ob ' h glOlI hI\,! been ~Icep IIIg, .. tbat he could /Jot gel p1OIIslon8 to n ha rmOHIOUS 8U IlI total, ,tA detmls IIrt! Ice'bo uml 10) age The I'(lIlIIOlft IIRII nr- man brotlnto a horHe cnr ntPoTtlabd, M:e , my allpronchlllg hnppillcl!i!. It " Olllrt fortullllt.ely, 511e did not malce her ap- 1/1' Oll cle wh eelll lib tlm(' Olt up, nil ' ~lIY III thllt pnrt of the coulltry If thev tho IhlferontlllttOl1a of evolnhon through rlverl ut LlVcrpool, oud prcflCll ts of books lor Deering. H e hUll a b&8ket wl~h bUll, • be a grcllt blow to '"~ hOlJe8, for h o IlIlll pcaranoe. hllrlle lookcll flO troubl ed pull younh IIhollldcrs to ,10 wh eel. Den IIould admI t hllll h, tnt ()Illy nn equal motion Futuro e XIlCTlllIcnts Will be and other artlcl('s fOr th e lIlen were fust 01111 to mako s ure that he would not for· expecl' d to ,"bent my for t une. thllt J almost [lInCied he too had Heen when you km'el8 rOIlIl ' diS llitah to OUIII· share Wltb theln ~ h es, he wClUld WIllingly Il8)JCChllly dm'ctcd to lbllt line of UlVestl· po"rlllg III nCijIlll1\ r peuted fllilurell get It" hell he got out , he plallcd It ~ Kati wMn't a bit IIlce other girls tJm! the gho.~t ' , allli tho II El1lrylng return of dl8llppollltOO curcly b tween lils r. ct. Thuillg the ' fut de moulllllIs, tlOII ' t holler [" i\men I puy til em tile wTlIlle." Tho frugal meal gatioll I had el r known nuythj ng abOut III An r breakflll:lt I IIlIId to biOI, with an hal.le-Iu.lc-rab I" screeched a Slijte r, Crom COIIIII!ted of elg1l t amall IOltvell of brend, .. While 11 0 wcr suspended 01cr tha meu, the government bus d eternllned to rId lIe all~aged "ery earnestly In con· 8tead of blu!llllng at my Cllllfe Ion thaL emburra monL tbut I !Strove to bIde the "olDon 8 sIde) vef!ll\tiolt" ItIt another gentleman, and Ebery tlmo you til' of wlll ch belonged td one of the nurthern part of our bUI lt-up c Ity the mako a fre h atl.clllJlt 10 penetrate th afternoon, ~htl turoed pIlle 1111(1 ~h\\'eted " My dear bo)" do you remember whnL 110114:111 do debbie b~ put IUlodder thought Arabs, nud three to tbe Qther. '1'he !!Cene lllldcrneath U ~ \ltl8 (!Ccnlinrly three millioll"of tKllmrCillilCHOf nllkllown when the cur arrivellat tbe plaoe whero lUI if 8trnck bynsnddcn ablll 1 noticell, we wer t , klllg about Il\8t evenIDg1 I illto :youah ha/ht. You'd betlnb whlspah strnngerl hnvlllg eAten II thlf" Pllrt of the h ~{'Iy '1Il1ler the nllondllY Bun. EI ery· al\'u whI ch Hllrround Ille [lOle! Ntl pnlus ha wished to fllight h ~ luu;tJ ly IlrollC, and too, tllnt there WIll! 11 stronge qUI \ or 111 IIBve i>t>e n l hlllklng tho matter over tllm- loll'. Let de /lIounnhs pray for dCII1l!CJiI e e lgh t lOin es, arose nnd IBId be fore them tlllll g shone ou t III rlldmnt beuuty, 8hllll hll\e bee ll Rpured to pIneo tlt the dl~llOI.ml lIaturally lell over tbo ooskeli Plclting her voi ce wb en abe fillnlly consented to ollsl, alld 11m afrAid Ulat a mllrrillge be- You boddl'l1I 'em youah yclllll' O lt eIght plCCIl8 of 1II0~ley, I\(IYln~ .. My merlng III th prolU~ I O II of ~pangl e" nlld or Olll't-1II11 Nares, tho IImmullder 01 the hllllself II P, be (lxelcLlIlI d, " \Vhat fool mc poliltioll, c'very nppllllllce wlllch JlMt I ~ ft that bltRk l there for peoplo to 8tumbe Illy Wife tYicen Klllio nud mYl!Clf will result 111 tloun 'loogtSldo Db 'em, au' "~trll ot 'em frl endR, ther is ,~hat I prclllllsell you ; Jell I!!~ •• Thl.\ trllll~ pDI (, I1C y of Ihe Dl'llllmrc ()X pI'fle ncc IIlny 111\ \ e SUll'g" stcll or pr.'scnt hlu over 1" llnd got out of the cnr, leal'Ulg I W11~ A\,prebcllsll'e lhllt Charlie bnd IInhappllleSll, but I hM 1I0t tho courlllle when dey Il.ns, but dOIl' L \\'lI8te no dll' lde It lIlIlong yo~ f1CCO rchllg to YOllr told her" II\t An lsta8," blld !!Iud 011 her to bral'c ber r proncbes. Now Ohllrhe ober IIny one who' ~ peePIO' roun ' all' las. fl ghtK" A little (hspute fllO"e respect- WM very marked aM ,, <' Htood ulmost, If nQed d Clllnlll1 The (allure forme r the Ln. kt>t whe re ho had kicked It. death bed And yet (could 1I0t belicl'e "Ill lOti net a8 medIAtor lI~d mnk~ tenlll' for OI ce talk 4 (1EN1J.EMAN from N w Ji'fllCY WIIS DOII' t tell dem to IIIg 1\ dl I iSlon of the monov . but, refer· nut qUIte, stIll OIel It for IIO IOC mlllntes, 1I11vIgn.tora hlll o 1)f0l d tll .. t nothIng IS he would be 80 IOconslder,t Somebow knowil thlK cllllnge ID Illy ~'le"'8r" \latch fob VI810ns 1111' Wfllt foh l11arl'1I1e8 ence hemg mode to tho Ondl, hcndJudged allll Ulltlill gentlo, ~JlII~mod l c puff of tllf to bo gnlnell by cutellllg th e dnft!,n 'k, tIIktlll by 11 frwlld, the otb,er dILY, to!!ee I eouldn't fnrget Lbllt wurlllng AhMtII· "Why, uncle," lIe onswored, and I WIUI JUs' show ' em how to r('s' on de wobd an' Feven )lleC08 to the owner of tho 111 e l!Cut U8 01 or t he 8lln"y pltun ~ 01 ,r r y " ulld thnt the 8ucce of the expedItion tbe plllcc whe re th e Pellll tl'Caty treeonoe 81a wu n romarknble womnn, and would almost sure that I 88W a gleam of mIll- resk de prom uses depellds UPOIl tbl'lf huggin g th e shor sto<Jd . Wh e ll they reached the place. I1ICl1Iflat. (Jolllmer loa\l!s, and ollly one piece to hlln wllo 8urely keep her nord, If ghosts are ~r- chief in hIS eyos, "t!OmethlDg extraor. rIal hnd oWlled tho tllree 101lleM Yet the I~nd gl \'Illg tbe floflting ICt! 118 wide II the fTlend JIOUlted to tbe ground and A Ch Inese I nn. mltted to wldk tbe enrth. lhinlimg dlDary I1IUl1t hal'e happened, you are not 'adl deCided Justly. berth It!\ IJO~~lble Cilptllill Nares " III n·lltllrkcd thllt It was the Q.'[tlet "pot A correspondellt of the yrnclUle ,!(Ourthus, I begun to g row frightened at the usunlly 110 ficklo." proceed hy Bnfil"'M Day lind '1111th'8 II heTC WllhBJn Pellll hnd 8tood when he )[01' t o Burn Coal. Selllng an Unwr ittem Book. na/ gil cs th e folio" Ins picture of a shadows III my room, fllltl hAAtlly rnng " W(' \\on' t dlf!Cul!i! tho mBtter" MId I i:!oullli \l(') oud the IIIner cl rcle of n IIl1'ty ('lIgngcd 111 th memorable t raneactiOll A I cry COIDIDon IIllstake I made and Chlllcse 1011 A Chll1(,8e Inn IH I~ peculiar Tbo N ew York EVl'"Il1I~ POIlI, 111 Il~ degrcCl\ Olll! ) thlllg 18 vcry much lL /lllI~ter II III cia lilt!! lllalic hllll fiunOus ill JlIstory the bell for ligbts III All Iffltated toue "WIll you' or Wlli mnch ruel wnsted III the milliner of ro- notIce of the II Boo.kmnke1ll" of tho II1StltUtlOIl 'fhey hllve no furnlshcd of cO IIJecture A t th e »Oint where Hall Tho J(, fllCY lIlan looked nL the plnt.'C for 11 "\Vhy lira you flO late, Bndget?" I you not grant my requcst7" ' plelllR lllnJl; coni Ii res, both 111 furnaces U UI tell States, t ells the folio" IIIg 8tory rooms IHLh firCH or hgktH. You Ilnve &8ked, IIbllrply, a8 tho &enalli entered "or course 1 Will," he rephed, "but It WIlli brought to a HLruldstl1l by /l olltanr; while, "nlked IIrolllld It a (ew times g mles 'They tihould be fed" Ilb Il In COlllleCtlOn WIth liCil!Jrll. Oarfetoll & up to lUI Inn, WIIlCh, by the wny, IS mns.'!e8 of ICC It lij hoped thllt th e AIl!rt slowly, Jllludlcd IllS cflne III tho groun the room. . , 18 fI dllhc ult wk. The poor cluld wJlI and httle coal at a blue, allli olten, but I!Cr,,· Co, »ubltsbers, One of the most populllr through th o ,,"llinto neourt-yard, wll!!re IIIl1y be IIlllc, throllgh ber ~upeflor ell gll10 nnw or tW ice, lin, I s:ud, " H'm" " nal lI]udeed, 81r, ~ftd It 8m_If that's bo 80 dlanl'polllted " ~n With ~~I S.~ KAte oyery ble88ed 111111· I detected a JOYous nng 10 his voice, ants, to !!IlVe time lind trouble, put 011 a wratertl of IlCnantlolllll bookfl fiftet'n years donkeys, mulll3, lind clIrt.! Rre cOllgre- power, to plleh herwny The eXistence .. Un I" IUIII .. Vcry IlltereHtmg, very I" great deal at once, the .flrat re ult being ago "lIB Prof.J H. Ingraham, whOllC 8(). gllted Pc rhllJlll 80m one WIll com out of 1111 CJlX'n l!Ca Ilt Lhe pole 18 W'serLed hy Thcu h e thought fm u few moments, and mit, and ~!IC s almost kilt With a PUIlI 10 and looked lit 111m ratber ,usplciou Iy. almo t all the heat IS absorbed by called r IiglonA 1101'01, .. The Pnnce or alld oBk what I ~ YilLlIWd, If to stuy all Dr Kall o. 111111 other explorers Kane MId , " nut when dId the 11011 stOlid when her beall. HIS diplomatiC mlSllIOIl was succc88ful that the ncwly put on cool whIch does /lot the HOlll!C of Dillld," reached the enor- IlIght, you will bo shown IIIto n llllrren chl!Covercd 0. tldul 8011 Ill! tllr D.8 the e>o Wllhnlll olhot tbe tipple 00' hl8 helld 1" Coald tllIB be the result of our conver· however Lato In the afternoon Kntl~ MtlOn thIS aft.ernQOb? Con~lderably CAme down 11110 the library wbere I Willi glve out heat IIntll It laft Itself becomo mOU8 eale of Olll' hundred thous/md room, frequently" Ilhout Iurlllture, nevcr could rench Captuin Murmy lIRid Its .. MORE thnll thirty yellrllllgo." wrote red bot. Hence, fOl"llwhlle tbe room IB copieR One day Carleton WIUI looking any beddlllg and on one "Ide II pllleo WIlI'C8 were dB8lung on the beach witb lUi 0111 fr iend of the Dulce of Wellington, atartl('d, I qU08!1oned Bridget eage.rly sittmg. I bad nover BOOn bcr look flO cold, but when It becomes fairly aglow over the proof·sheet of R ichard Grant caUed a Icang, wllIch is "Imply a rnl80d the Oharhc carne In whtle ' " were talking prelt" 'IIwell of I~ bound!e811 ocea/J The the beat IS 11I8uffernbll' Willte'. httle bOok, "Tile National platform, under which Il fire ClIn be built tide/< ebbed lind flowed 10 it, and lIe W1l.8 II I wu drl\lIIg down througb Hertford•"Xntie he eaill, Wllb a IIbad~,!, on , ci, .~fr. Raymondl" Ihe IlIIld, rl The time to replenish 0. COlli fire is 8S Hymns witb his Graoe, it Wall a beau11(p1 Ameflca," wherl Prof Ingm· to ~'arm the stonee wbloll cover the top, of th OPIOIOII that the tIdal wale from I!lllfe hlB br:IW. 1M It any thing BllrlOUa, "I am 80 glad that you have :::::gtJ Bummer tv nlng, tbe f\~n ~11.8 lIhinlng IIOOn as tne coall beglll to show IUIbe! on nbolef' your mlOd. It 11'&8 110 unexpeeted y08- their 8urface, then pu,i,pn mer('ly enough hnm called upon 111m with a singular and IllflO 80CUfCS the room from accldcnt the AtlantIC could no 1IIOre pllIIII under Illld e\'er~thll~ looked flouTlshmg an~ \~ha~ bU8incI!i! ~ad. he to take an) terday. I nel'er dreamed beforo that to show a Illyor of blndi coal (.'Overlllg the p~POSI l lOIi He otrmd Curleton II lIew lIy lire, And IH the ollly heat yon CBJI l!ie~ tbe ICYIbllrner thall the ~VIbrations bof Ia j oy0 UJ!. II e lice a I was ve ry SIlent "r 10 I~fml mtere8t III Katlo;, vou lovod me lD any otber wily than IL!I a red This 11'111Il0011 kind It', aud 88 tllere book at 0. pretty hIgh PflClO, I!CmethlOg When you retl re, YOllr beddlllg, willch m llSlca Slrlllg Cllll pllllfl a Ir t upon W Ie I Auartcr of WI hour or twenty minute •• oly a h(,lIdRche, I answered, dau hter" bke $10,000, one·thlrd of which must be you take WIth )OU, 18 plllced on top the tbe lIIusiclan hll8 placed IllS finger I I r I l ' d ' l '11 not mucb o( It 8n ex celli! of heat ,"II paid then In advanoe and lhe remn.lD· kallg, anti With t he warmth 01 the stonPH \Vhctber Lilli m,steflous scn L8 Isolated t t Ie em 0 t lilt tllllt', Ie 1liiI, WI coldly. "be 18 subject t,? 8uch attack~ '~1l8 tbl8 Rctmg? Wa she trying to 18 not be g Iven out. or eonJolllcd With the North Atlautlc tell you wllat J have been tblDklllg ofi Will allow YOIl to slecp qlllto comforta· del nL intervals after the l>Qolc WIIS pnb. Dflng 111 the teu, Bridget . deoelve me ID her pure and "I t . l\Iany nlflO put out tbe fire by 8tlrrlng hahed Upon inqulfY lUI to the nllture of bly 01" templeR, 111 fueL many !Food Ocenn 18 one of the problems willch have been contemplatltlg thIS be!lutilW "'Ve ehRII bave a loneflOme ovenmg," &elfiKhne!!l!" vee un thtl «rate 118 !lOOn as fresh coal Is put 011, Lhe book, It f1ppeared that no\ ono word telllplOt!, recelle tmvcle,. Tbe C hl~rg08 OllpLLlin Nllres" III attelnllt to fIOlve. It country, and 1 have been thll1lclng wlla~ Oharlle ~Ighcd "Tben you never loved me'" d h I I 11 Cllr80 wllr I ~ upposc I hnd to talce tbus leavlllg all tbe beat ill lhe IL!IlIes I balf belloved that be ,,1\1\ 10 lava "DenrAlr. Raymond, you know botter, when It should be sent to the new supply of It had be8ri wfltten, but that the are mod cmte-at slI oh plllces lII tho cou n 18 alltlClpute t at IV let ler the eXI)('dl IIlIhtary PO!!l!OlI8iOIl of tl1l8 co untry; I onl11t 11'118 not exactly tha lund of love of 001\1. The lime to star tho fire lij Just lIuthor propoi!Cd setting abouL It at onoe try olle tHlt) W IL eIlrt Our party of tlOlI reach the polo or not, mony vlllnl'l· kllould ha\'e to lay I{.\V every beautiful With th e glfl hlmsel~ It WR8 choerlC8ll, though, '11ltbou t one ought to feel toward a husb d when the new coal lnad on 18 pretty well or lUI 800n 08 he shouRl IInl l'e home I ~ lillie carLl!, 111 gOI ng 10 th e great wull, ble lillsco, crles IIIlay be mll~e 111 boLLloy, Llllng you IlOO Take my word, If you Loul8lana, wbero he was the )JIl!Itor of 1111 pllid at olle templ e, Yilth all our r!C rvuntll, geo ogy, geogmp IV, ethno og)" anll kID· had Il0011 but olle day of war, you would Katie I mll!l\eu her bright face bebmd You are &8 dCflr to me 118 If vou wereu~,; klDdled Thl8 method of managIDg n I I 0 I h the tea tray Ohllrhe left hili oup un owu rather; but you are flO' much older coal fire 18 troublellOme, but It IIIlvee Episcopal church. The $8.3113, then, WIUI ong dollAr Price ' ary, UK tho 011'"('8(' clred I!OICnCeH Tho upphcnLlon of spec· 0< that rou mig t domltlldcd for a ulere prom I~ to wrIte are III lhe hllhlt of IlIikll1J1; four tlDl08 the trum nnalY81s to the phenomenon of the prlly A illIg Ity tuted My jealou8Y WIUI arollllCd, and I than I that-that-" fuel, glv~ a more uniform hent. and pre- .. But SUPPOII8 you dOIl't bve to complete value of a thill@:, espeCIally of foreigll9111 aurora berealls WIll prolmbly lead 1,.0 lIel er ~uch II. t!ung agalll ' watched 111m keenly. Sh 'I d AM IIOOn Ill! we were alone I said half e leslt-llte ,and did not fimsh ber vents the discomfort of alternatIons of or ovel! begin the work," SIlIII Carleton A flllr cbarge for nccommodlltlons at a "OrlUl8 Widow." AIIIrUy " s e n t e n c e . I remembered my ~ray hal18 heat and cold nbo,'e reterred lo.-Halr. .. what about my t3 833 '1" II Oh I" an: fi1llt- cllU!8 ChlDCfiO Inll 18 about two and flOme IOteffl8hng dlscovertell. "Wbl\t is the matter, Charlie? You With a pang of morllfled vanIty. WIUI Journal of Health. JUtllllen l'loon. Jud~o Turple 11118 been readmg a ptlpcr II half t lao IlOr day, Lhl8 for one room $wcred Ingrabll1!'J "t{lat 18 hardly worth look &8 if you hadn't a friend on eartb not the gh~tly .~ 181t enough? 1IIul t 1 Wbat shull '11'0 pnt u~n Ollr kltchell to the 'Flat Lux" SocIety 00 the OrlglO antlolpatlng '" under tho cireumatances To the natl~eH ooe tillo leS!! per duy I dIdn't Icnow before that you lilced be tortured 10 tl1l8 maoner afterward! Death III a Strc~t Ca~. II Nothing," would of tbe phrue II gralll! widow," or ratlier the proposl tion WI18 r~jeeted . and It IS 1I0t Tbo foreigner IS expected to gIve more Ooors III wlDter? than the notlvpa, and generally flnds It probllbly be the reply 9f the 11811111111an .. grace Widow," for the lil'llt hu DO lounKatIe flO 11'011." The vClI YiM torn away from the delu· whetber any other p ublisher ac. know n The follOWIng pathetle IDcldent 11 told Tho crlmflOO leaped up to hiS very slon I had cbeflShed Alasl I had mill- by the San FranCISCO Bulltitn A ead 111 cepted It. Now (or the J!liquel Prof. more to hIS 1II1crest to subJIIlt to a shglit or of the scrupulously lleat hOUl!Cwite. A dutlon, III faet/ aod is SImply a barbarism brow. interpreted b r chlldillh affection. H cident occu rred tb .. afternoon on a Ingraham r turned home, and wltbin 8I)ueeze tlmn to light tbe Ilucatlon POltlted lloor, or, beLler sl1ll, one Simply or funguB wblch h&8 attracted itself to Oiled two or three tlmCil a vear, I~ un· the Engli h language. "Orlloe widow" "I am ,dad that 10U do " I continued might be that ahe lovell another 'I Fourth Itre t clIr. n Kenrney street, threo days urte r hIS arrival, one aller· doubtedly the most elellnly, for It ClIIi be 18 the term ot one who bec;ome. a widow butl11 tltor you 11"111 IIOO~ be connected looleed down into the face where a vivid 80010 dlltance beyond the Olty Hall, a nooo he WII8 chauglllg his coat, a p latol AI L women I snya!t[r Jo1111 WOIM, run wipec:l up ellllily, and is not cOllstaotly by graoe or ravor. not ot neeetl8ity, u b, by th~ ties of rolationab lp She hlUl _rlet Itlowed, aud there read ber own lady 8tepped aooard thll enr, havmg Id dropped lrolD hiS pocket MId exploded, ~fter their t houghts 1Il0re eagerly Lhnu 8prlllkhllg du s~ <tver tbe foOd hke aenr- dentli, and orIginated lD the tarly. ot IKlCret. promu.ed to be my wife" ber arms a bube !lOme fi ve or 81X weelcs shooting him dead upon t/UI BJIOt. Not "You are jesting, uncle," he MId, "!t[y dear cblld," I exclaimed, at- old The child 1I'U eVidently In plllll, one word of tho "new boo)," hB4 been men. Mou dollbemtc mol\'. \Vomen CBII pct; btlt then it 18 flO cold In wl/ltcr. European clvllizatlon,whl!ndlvoreeIWere dehbemte, but; when a plan 18 laid they 8I1D1tarl1\n~ condomn Cltrpets becallllC granted but &eldom, and wholly bl doubtlDgly. tempting to contml-m1 agitation, "tell Bnu moaned abd wrIthed ID the mollier's put upon paper .::....;' - - - - ()rOllll /lelds and brook_ they nrc a1l!'flt- tboy gIve 11 do t to IOhale, but perhaJlll authority of the Catholic Chureb. When "I 11'88 never more 8OrIOU8 in my lIf.,'1 me every thlllg." arms. he BOOmed to suffer ncutely nom THE pallaw or " forbidden fruit" grOW8 I:0Il"(1" . Wltb th m 11 hat IS worth dOlnlt: perpetualr.old feet are equally unhealthy, IUoIi a deeree 1'&8 granted to. "omall I ablI,rcred "0, Mr. Raymond," she anlwered, in anxiety for the lI~tle one, whose face was !.be weight of tbrt'e P9,undl or more In ahould be done on the spot. A woml1n and carpets "re warm. Novertbel sa, a the Pa~1 receipt stated ,I Vlduoa de Oharlie showeu eVIdent HlgVI or aglta· canfusion, "Obarlie baa uked mil to be turning rapid ly Wa lIvid, d athly color. to Flonda. It i8 of a hght yellow colo,r CtLD ~hamo a man into valor by seormog carpet iJJ not 8. deslrahle thmg ID A gftti~' whicb Interpreted Ii, .. widow of t10n. hI wlf•. " The JlRll8l!nse1ll were Interestt'd In the wlaen ripe, and hRl! a flavor Similar to A hiS love, wbell the mllll no longer ~ k ltehen. It should be taken up and grace.' In the laW' of the Prenelt h "You havQ no Tight to .crltic. thn~ The nucall No wondllr that he re- palOful anxiety of the woman, and when TbeJuicelJofthistree tend heve8 1118 0'"' e11111. Blonde women are Ah~en, at least, once a week, which is a read, II Veuve de ~CJe," which 10 Y9ung girl." he Mid, bitterly. "YouaTe mained with her such a long time ~at lIbe bUl1lt Into teal'll and PTe8ll!l<l the infant muskmelon to IIOparate the flberaln m~lts when 1m- leM affected by the fCftrB of IIIght than very !~at ~r6lJblel IUld even then it 18 I-I!<ogll . Jdv~ n widow of g~" or old enough to be her father Of course morning. no wonder tbat he boa8ted. 01 In her arm_, and ki d the cold II~ lIIeraed therein, and the vapl~r of the tree othe .... Ifr pectlye of edlfcatlon They real ly-clenn only aoout one day. Sweep· .. grace wIdow,'J " ..uYe" bellll .vaa.fthe aceeptt'd you from gtatltode How the IJIlti8factory manner In wblch every there wau not a dry eye in the car. It aUlwel1l the lIalIle -,rJJe tougbest will run up and down lonelilOme ,tai ... log it merely eendl the dUl' 'flying o,er lated u "widow." In dill DOYel &lid a· clare .Joll think of Huch a thlnKf' thlDJt had heen explained. bad died, apparently, withou\ allY 8trong jom'" oC :are rendered c _ without a light, "Ilh only a warm everythjng. Oil cloth I. mOllt oemmonl, int.ereeUocpaper JIIIIae TurpIe "No wonder thlltl;ou rave," I replied, "The impudent ~Uowl" 1 muttered ~ ofllHOuy. For. fcw millut.ea IJe:. tender among die hear, for II CIUIdle. used, and]t 18 e&BiIy kept cleau, but It allO .. apllI r1blfc tn iia~' with a mooklDg lIIule; "you are dillllp- impatiently. "What did you anawer: lore It blftthed itA Jut it 1'1\.8 perreolJl brancha II tIle beIIt Ja u C{,td u tll~ Ioor. If oC.1" Itlltorloal tae ... : • '!'bat . . wMIt pointed of your lllheritance." child f DO yoa love blm'" 'Iulet. The ear t6pJ)(ld at MI.n aDC! dOllQ of To make a liquid glue, dlllllOl\'~ I.blr'Y'· pet are laid about, &be, are al..,. law fa At that moment the wind pve a Low.alld ery 101\ly came the answer, Fourth t.reetsl and !lIe ' Hrlne 1110ther howlI vermifuge die julee o( &he bnripe Ute thNO partll of the belt g ue OD • •tea. eurUnll up at ibe eoruen, or worIJl.., op riIp ad cllftree ~~111!~ fIll lhriek oulslde, and J thought of An "Ya" lelt wltb th~ Infant. hodYln flltr arms. r,owdered III!Cia "I the lipe ex batb, III a porcelain tf'lllOlJ hI' thirty· Into rldpI, or,tripplllJ people up. DWI Okllftllt. I. ....... The hean ola WOllWl I" a 1II)'.Bt.ery t wl'pat.e eYery woniIlrom • parte of . .l.er. Then aad gradnall1, Won'''lOmebodl pIIIJI!II in...., 10. . . . . .claI "AN)'OU not .frald to marry IIPiDf" ean 1I0t IadloD\. I .... oertalblr outappean-tb.~IlII1' ClOpper DOt. IdrrlDI eoDI&aDU" duM parte of all'" dll~ b lritcllaeo loOn iIW Oaarlle IDqulnd, mallcl01lll,. "You witted bf III~W. Ue lIIiIk ha.. JIIOI&abIe. '!'be , , " " _ I ,lIu . .
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'l'WI n ft! IIIIlJ'Pf ill • un illn IIU Tu~ .' in Ihe [" '111" or ~I tin ,"l Ii c:lui8t-d a lIiC"e 1Il!'" hUI!JlY. ft.'w illtilllill (rit·lIll. 8hulII.v ulh·r - _.. f U ' D .... L;' C I ' II I . th lIuptial (·l·M.'\IIUIIV till' hlll'l'\ nOLl.A.· I)' . l\'IIIPUIIIC Inn l'11D "K ~\·t'lI l 1o!h.'Ilt II '~I ..f numu 0 .III , ... 1· -0111 IU/e III I' 11, er I • d I t' I " I . \It ,too,1t 111Mt.'tl in tltl' I• ...,oc 1"('IUI1'1 1111 ,el • I urlH-d up IIV r ... \\\ I I 'I'Y to Il..ru thMt vi iting lIt'r nllcl in Alton. pur I'.~~"~. oil" 't'.',r I" tmt \' III ,' 1 MET OD FOR THE GUITAR, • O. ~ I'\II'ID 0" tbe 0011- .t .,.1. • III " l • II~ I IIUI D. n"in I lire· IVenl.r0· _JI,IIII( II'nJ II .·n. • , -.,-. I • IIl1ltt,'r had IIa·v bt.'t'om(' th(lt tlll'Y II r II'll III" I .. I. Iln l 111(1:. - M r. A Jlx'rt tIt'\\' 1, I and, I ~." Ii 1 ~Il' Nom •had bt__o -..&u,"11 Isciuull\' 1It'1'1 UWII !'roru' tbe' CM.l(.k bc\!JI vut ~luttIl1·rilll1lg fllr "I.:\\·I·ul Noft..'tl his bvUIW VII ThinJ treet. , I.'I\I .V et~ml grut U I~ 1 ...u d g' The Vlrt:I' 1 '"ld ,,"If OOalll1 '" l)Illruc ...... ......... l\ . I mlllNl uh Y log n' ",.' . . d t . . WIS ICII U IV u rl II S. lion llullk lOr 1.111 11&,".i .. 11I.,ru_nl . ..a .,~ . 3.111 P.. S... JiI'"'Ctl OVCI' Ih . ,I t r.. • ~" ' ur u 'h ,I • W~ k. tor r",1U' t h~ .Iiil ·YI rIAl! : ' - Mr. T . J. Ur() .. n~. f lao - - ._-_.- hi • ·~.: u a\ dllll. ,04lil1 ""Id .T h.I . . .OI 10/1. + I'" 011 i~IlI . . I~I th ." • I .~ I u, rl~~ ,"~ Jill." IIl1gbt e.tIIl '1ft', dlll'ing ~h ir -I.t .n.lll1ro. Ull dMv lu I wl:l,k, lu:lt u till l.vt1c~""It! cI,1I latd (lIti th if brnku illw Mrs. E. ... •• I aad '0. II We , .. rr 'h.....I. P W h i "X.~T'lcl t lOdto, \\ I ul1t\ 'IIC '. W 11\' 011 bm' I) .. t ( II IIlId IIhu lJlld&-I'I\'ClOll thllng,ht It U - Mr MilttJ lI Wal'll SIl\' h is A . Dmllc{' tahl·. ru cll tlv , lilld The AMATEUR GOITARIS •• • • nil I ,'Ii I .e l'X!!1 ,e W '1'0 ' II ( , . ,,I f ' . I .• I -h . II . ,....... .... 1.11\1 nu, "".... .y.. d I .D U ' I y~n 0 l - 1111 1\vu ur t 11'00 dlffi'I't!ll t J!U4 tllll' ttJ '.... 1n tIl' , Vllt \' vllterDl'llltint; u gl'nlld Eurvi CUll t I U VII. 1mb 'aud (\ UIIII I'U l' :-0 . . .. 1. 1.6 lid 7 N" d.U), . ul~~llIe ' I'Y I'. ~IIIU 1'CllulIIl'tl IIC a~i II .11161 wl'uk hecum t "l1 hi ·h illlll lV A~ Ih ' I'\' ~1I 1I01ille tuur ' [Til \Iilluin i" klln"'lI, !Lilli if he ', 0,11," !11""or"·~IY,'!urll:~r· ~ln'~·lo' ,,1!OK":o".. "'IS~&V rl Jo." A eDt uT a 1t'I~tt'r ot Juhn Alll'r" . I I · • . " I. I I I . ~"I 11 11 II IIIIIH' J. --~ JO ' Tit£i EnlOE ' E A .~.. g . 1'.' . " '1 : '" J WI'.L II ~ Ii h ·)~ ,lo 'LlI\.I ",,1,,·1.1 II fvr PI'. l'lIt to .(1111)< 11111 III I.lli -M' D ' t.1 II 1 of W nl d .. void truubl, hud butlllr kd , Ho y" . ~ L ",u l: II uk~, on.l 0110 .,. r•• , • •'" j; . l'\\ DI "IU~nl>!. u I. IICI!, ~II""II ' IU !llcklll t.1 bu IlIIIIUk' but II we thlllp all 1111 uwn wuy. v. with 'I . I tl. ~Il .• \I ~lI , III r, Ir tllrn th Iltti.1 . ,o,ilu nUlh"I . PII"" , ' .;,0• ...tly bound _!WI II'r ~., ' _Jill :Sonh elolle.' III U I OU . til ' tiNt 01 IlJe gl1l1JII!Lt(· . 1 dl' IIII't ". lit I . r ' 'tj I . . IiU "1'111.1 '11,1 ur .tl'a~' · II (.I ·lln .... II" l ... r IW. Itl VI Itlllg I,ll ~ Agli s I.. bo.",/ • . ...... Jlor."'"" .o".lIuli IOp . •n . ' 1.1 . Al U III1l I I~O II "!!. \\ 0 ~ ", " illil1l1l~u - --~-A. L . fAlla. r . . ~~Il un , ~.;.tu • UII . 11111\'111111- IIIl'l't!l hilltl...t that tho h.. \\',) lip ~ luLldl'r til lhe ((lP IIf lhl! chilO 1 . . . , ' .ttl (\ r r t (\ ~\ r 9 • OPERETTAS & CANTATAS - - --- TI'ILW'I ~. ,lttr~ tro. vtlliu III t . r ' ulI~I ! likd,toul'I'ivc lit lIy tilllc; Ih i nl' .CI·lIVlm\.-d Ihe ..truwd WII tho - Mr. ~t!I'U\'I'~r/l!htll n~'~w~g· ~~ _.~~. I C & ' . L. . p~1\1 pll .ul muth'lllutl·.' It ' pr \'cdcllolIgh- II,,!' p w\\'l&i) t,hu\" illHiuutiIl l'h' I".1 ~Utl ubvllt filII, 1I6III'p.ltI I'upllly IIppl"'1l IlIlIg l'ILAt' IITER- llAKER.- AIL.ooll St: I'1'AIII,~ F ,R Iii !",o" ,t Chil'''!I') Dil'; il)14. \111\ \vell wrttWlIlIlIJ wutl duhn~ r· cd lmck nuu'r Ih o hou e. anel his tl,l'lI \~ th I~ 1Ulileh tUllcht'" it "fl' cvmpll'tloll. . , ill'. K,,,, •. I•. :\Ill}' ~1.1 j . .. tot II ,e h"""'''1 ....T . . lII"a. ,,\1 Itlllllher I'e teJ ea'>v (ur allotht'r tillY. bel 'w . 1"t.' WII t'~"t.'U( \\' . ' Iii - Mr. UIIO :\I ' d . A. \\' . II IIlIunl , . JJr. ~\I . •J. ·"nll"r. ."y I','" r T. III",,:,-.,.. . . '"1' ' ' • au N xt 'am I , A Hi t • . . I Ii " ... WIII",m Sl~u)(hl ,· r .•''''1 . fl f Luholl<' II). A t'! HOl' R .t'I .. ".RY LA"'D. A Cl_. • . l>i. 10 . .: I!lr tllI ' •• mg I. , Uul tile 11I1'" J(lokrd·lur h C UII'I\'cd 1 1~1I u ~o':k re, IIU Wllil pllt lIUt or V1\1 nll~ H dill, 111'\1 \'ltlllIlIg .\l r<l. · tv 1Il1 .... Amu"d.. C . U.~~r, f Oilloiun~fi. InL"u Onu AIlI roo "Ionn)\\' ur tlceper.v r.;. If . . 01 1111.:11111,,11. ' Ilh UII HI Illvu UII lit 11Iot· it CIIIIIO 011 'atIlNU \' Wltl. IhtJiClil lty W U 1l '",IIwu . 'h ' 1' ( I' ,1,, 1...·" I i"op' f, ... 1'.IoI~t\u. Inlrodu('.d u.., ~ .'If--I"',,, ~ .:SiI .. '" 7 UO p • • • luder Ed t Tl Ii k' .l' • •• ., ",H ' ~ I~ I .. ' "l'I'Y II ~ ov" II YI)UIlII 11 I I' . I' k.GiJ . balld -ArI.~ 10.: III IU .IU p . I ," 0. uC~ I II. • tUtl a ! 1'1'('I ,a/'lltiuIIS W(lN h'illJ!: 1l1:l1l0 - Mr. Shield, 'lie ilrtirlt. rutl'llU - MI'. ellill A . IlIkl'oI. "f F....v. dln., Il, ,nl.J ." ulur" it. I:~':; ; : " ; 5"~":I;i::~~Il .d/ e; . ......,., 'I> . . . .f'I\Oyll . _ •• I, lI 'l' III IO.~!p,u t )I.I~,~,. , \lle~ vi {IIIC PlUlt s,v.tC UJd IlII IIay MUIHIIlY, gettilll( thill~~ illto, towlI .lItOtIO llY. ullt.!I" 'lItud 1111 UUtlll vi it..J hit! f..101IL19 in Ih ill l ' Hl':!lfU~:\E'rTl -CflENOWET 1. -, ,, M ."~ U IHVlt'!1 08, TH ......... ' :IC . " • II•.·.p.ly !I ,.10. III tr ,~:J p ID 1,,1 rJuIICuLW II , 8111 theu P IIJteJ , 1'CllIly tur ,Iw di via A di pal -h MilJ>le tretlt.: plllce UII SundllY JII~' ,7. IH'.I." W'lI · M. lllnl(!-O". J ..P .• , Ir. IHO·llAN . .\" 0I'eruu", i ,j ~ ~'I,~ ACII. 1'0,· "DC1.,,,'II. -,·..1 1'.10 p.. 1 ~./8· . IU /lilt \'l.ry . learly Iho lIt!t.oUll of OUI" . M'\ 'L D .'. 1 • ' . . ' W,II""u J . Oh ' u"weth Il I1J II EILZ .. bollt clon.huII·. " '6 , llrn",u /e, thaiU);, .II~ &ek<;.• • ani. :I 00 1''' 1 ~. m WII tilUU ill ~. \\II ~ .t.'lll. tlJ. .r.~. . 11\ lutiLlII, -Tho' .t ti., n hij.t crol' of - M uIS AlIl1tl GlIU" hu r tnL'll- Auu hUlh'WI·lb . :1'11,,10'"11 >. I riu<·. liD ~"'" • • 10 ~p"r : 7&,: . ltII...~~··" 1!1',:· t ~ fi blet of Xeul Fu'e rtllKlllt,bIll utterill '" e h I/IU fl'lIm Millnli Valley C ,1_ III bUll r,I, . ...., 9 8·' . • !'Om ary t .) C'ID. B04tl,YOO U~IIV mvr Tb . I ' . f . t' J:>l{ O U UC~~ I\I A , JCET. run,' "IKAH'8 I/VE. A _ .. Ia I.• CI.I~" .."" ,·ri... .Ofl r III .00 '.111 W I'1;(,'lt, O!I t lJ suhJ t. - T,hll P llI!t lIill UI'l/ll t O·u'e1uck. 8 11 a WtltI ea. . ,1'1')' . tI . os ~re III 0 gc IIr HlCd Ion. . . ___ '.hl' " 1',11 1' , ~'T ,,,,,.,· u l" '1; ll.'e Fuur ·onlQn•. OO,MO 110)1' , . . and The }o ulllr." It took III hort . .g... A T b" I f. lORded dUWll \\' It ll " ·IIIt. 1 h <:ar· - M..... A . L. Farr IIlIrt h('r a"l1 o.,rt \l)4 by :!th" ('),lInllll",.. No .hI\II!\~ ul '"~ ""C r " "'.'I,ured, 8lIoep& rOlr Nn \. !II) :I • . I " C II L'''' CIII II..... lip to . • 1I1l! IIW 0 - ' t f tl I" II t" k' I ' I I k ,!,,,I ,IQII "x Ii' ''tlol'll'~d r..·1,,, ••, LI,e ... 110 cen,· . Ohlc"G',-Le:tu 7.00 p at .:!0 ·1l III ! l'e\'ll'W vI t l"lt v eg. I I ~, ~1II1 tice. Tile II Wi! 81)J't'ud IIVtlr t,nY n CI y.o v ier rll,lt WI (·f(· .. t U dt·· ~ rll!l 'I~ I~\· tl I !,Cllt t Ie .Ult Wt'" P,ke. l:l (·.IIta!. III I'Al'er; 7" " elth \lOIN •. 1:10.n PoloL-.rriTe .40 p m 10. 4 R III thell tuok a pl'ospect 01 tbo lutul . likc wild .lil' ''1'1 . VI . ' f' p mUlld for blutk\)I'rl'll: . III 8 'lUth I1111,1 est,tTl, . FI(lI'\!'. $l,~ I·A "Io' N~. Tile _ .• 101•• UI' '!IAHA. ~J.:':...\~~~;'i~~IY· - 1~~2: ~:~::: All vI' IlJo 0 .tlItY~ we re w,,11 doli\'· WilS in t 'Vl' l.' buU Il!a l:llolllh~"IIW ~ -l'h~ PI'O~J;'-'cttiJI' u h" II" . bU"dl - ~~i lltl ~~l~.' MCC.,Wltll , of L,'b W hl'tlt. 1 Hi ~~.::. ntL::I:t~e;~~'i'''~'/~lf ~~ruISt.~:. t;~ A,.. 1.....'oll. unh<l 3.;17 .. ID • II I' 01 1ercd, lilld ('\'lI\ced IUllch deep I1ml hUI'I'ied lip tho tl" c't to ' "hin" nt'. m ~Ltlt .t hlll filII, WI\S I,,:nor bettc!' Itt Illlllli. I VIB/tlllg ~'/'S. Mary Tuyltlr r~Y I!, 66 -.eul'rY"·'luiaed. !'rico. '~.ID bo.,II •. s •• C.. II....rri" • . 4.31 .. m P::: t'a~~1! t th~\I~bt,. . tice, in Iwl'P tll hc~tII' whllt WIlOltiuid lllls tl,lll.tl uf Yt'u/·. . " ""U Mr,;. J . A. F uuk y. Col'll, 61 ~ ~6 Oop ie8 8ml, p~8i.p~,id, on /., c'/Pt. ~i'tb·:I~~:~T~~;,e g.~: 6 fl,! ~ m lItel:xt'lol e.~ hIlV~lI~ OCCUpl~ '1I11d leal·lI. llolUetlli ng lIiMlt th pro. I. - hll'ld;l Uto urtJ>lt. l!tl:. arm'cd - M,r, Pcter ~ 11 01'8 Ulld SOliS. ~t~. " 6 oj Pnt:e. . l' lnl'illllll li, '''Th·e. !l.llU .. '0 9;~;) p ID 1I1~ll\t UII hout, B., ICCtlt!:l ot I<!II gl'lWIIU tOI' the duy ; bllt we tunnd III Btlt\'cy"burg H o IS tdl til' of Sprmgbll f'I, "IS t ..:c.1 Dr A . Sd. l"lux Slleu. 1 6,1 Addrc u. If,t. Ten I.~ve Riobnvllld do.ll, .. 1II . lIlJte~ Wllil nuw glvell. Ihe 0."," IIl1d windows IlI!'rudy killg Ch llllp IIr t cll1llt! ",ur.k. Vi:/;: ICI ..... III till" pluco y':lIt~rJu'y. . Durlcy. 1 :15 fa) 11 50 J. PETERS, 843 2 .. ° , On~ will Ie.... Ohl· ...".. d., I,.. ,\11 After thll l'Ccess, Am W . 1.11 Ckl'(.\. w til 11 dens' cr wd of:a Victuriu B" "IUlhl 25 Cell lol' l ~ - MI'li U I Zllll d I ' l'otutueriI 0'" r f .. ,ru! run d~n,. t1tC"V' u"JAY· \Vr' ,,1 t of CI ' ,., , . t. I , . IJ P .. . ' . II. 1111 IUr 11011 'I " cr S 'ed 7 ::5. N.ew York; P . O . BOI &H9. W. L. O·JIIl.IEN, U. I'. ok " . A., .d I." I d .1 I'IICU n O, \\ US III IV( IIC- I\1/x\:~1 cul\l/~ D1el~ lind -buy ,so IUltu>! .. , 1.50; P-I ctllrell III x 1\1 GIIY· of CillCifllllLti, 111'(1 vi i tin~ 'f'v 1 ' \:8.:d 4 0 .. E W~--- . lUl '0: . (j'\l.I)W ELt.:. G. M. , OOltIlD!'U' , llA dd ",tl l vered tho Auuulil thut It wn IIII pU8 Ible to gct C"OIl ' IrUIllCoi. L,60, MI'. Gom'go M. Zell Ulld IUlO ily . ,lInut ll~C ult' 'I I' d 2 " J Hllll 'p', loglD~l'o'1 Iud l·etS8. I' I' tl 01' t' I I D It> I fi I . . QlIlIl' 1111. , I! 1\' rc , . '. ' •. 1'1 h' f I d1 Il g IIDp C (j II! II , mile I t.'S:i un. ,,,til III 811V8 'I II!I ~ 101 -E~q n i l·tl,1 ,y E llwlIl'llr! Illld Y . I ' Jl * WiW'N.YIL'" • • • •t'TeIiY. ) . H 6 1' 11 ~ect, 0 I t le .a (~ee~ Wlttl hUlir whllt he hnd III lIy. . I pluYl:d vllt till 1',,11. - N l'CK'f~. will! 1;;l\do 1\ Vl:l:" pl~'I:lall t \J\·orlu .. d uH llf II II~V"I;' ., .• A t> U III.!8 • t polllr~ o.u t the Abllut 9 v'cluck Vu pt. EdwaMs . ' -.- - . _ vi tlit tv f't-iellds iu i'l'l!b l~ cuUllt ,I(l 'lilJ? 11 l'Y : FKI&1I1lo1'1I1Ut'fINU (Hi"k~ite).-XCOtiDJ( duty velY Ullt! wu IIn,llr III btllp· o/'dered Hil t the ellginc tol be plllrtld CoU R'1' MA·I' l'Ims.-Johll Kl'),mcr I k ~ Y P urry UO ll llty LtJ:\1 1H H i , ... 4i.YiIu;t' WcinlUp -r...· '.t .DI1.F(,,!!,.~b iil~ the\ll 'olvCB making thll n\l)",t' lit the Mllplc Htl'oet ci lerll. Th is Willi III'I'U t,\;d hlot ,n'tlk UII 11 war. Ilt!t we!! . . SuIt, pllr burrd, 2 00 --AND-- • Da" ~nnlplt at 11 ,ocloclt. Fir.t.-..,.y I . ibl'" O\lt of tl .'. '1 ·t · . . . •. t , b - D' .E O ' -Olle thll1l4und Yluds of IlIIC .. W ool 4 (@45 ~l "t.1t 1.2 o'o\ook.\. M. • • " It II 01.'1'01 11 111 Ie . CIIII:!l d a ~'llUCI'1l1 ru.. h Iv!' Rl'ul CII .' ILi I t;~'':'I'\l lJllt Y 1I'~ 1II • ~k lll . , : .1'1 Undertaking Establis . hmeDt 1 "'aluo.;' lIKE'fI NO \Ortbo<\lIll .-Meet.- gllllllilg . kllowlet.!gu 11'~ml c\'t'!'y 'J'l wlnp UII'S cow.~h('d the plncl! chlll" 'ud wilth 'dli ll'g luJl1l1r -tv 00 I t th e ullplccl!dellted ly luw pricil 1l1rllll's, . 'l' , lqlor divine woiahip ~ry Fin' !,,\d 4tb 8v1I1'CO. And . thu>! wllklllJ( thtllll' whel'l~ thu cn..,i lie WUII al'ol'el l (Ill iIs 1.1 I'lluk 011 the pi Cil lisctI whertl 'IlJlll . tlf 8 c.c ut.uL .)'Ilt~ 0iliulIllUtll' A ppll!iI, bUl'l'el, 8 OU Dt&r. betrlDllltla' ,.' 11 oolOclr. F.,"""Da,. lIelvC8 happy , lIud obltl to lIIStI:tlt llI'I'iv~1 Ihl'oo ~ctlks IIgll lIud wll ' 1'0 The. dclimdl ' t _wlliv exain illlltiull & Jaunt·y Il " lll"."I8, 7 0, leliool aU l .f'o'cIouJr A . w. oth I t . · d bo t titt Y .I~.I ' tltlll . ' • d " .~ . TI 1~ M M I P •.ll.1I. 0HUIlCII .....Tbe Rev. O. Fcf'!!"I .... n. . el'8. . . ucclIW e . u 1\ kept hy OI'det ot the Ounll' Ull wu . "104' ~ IV' to tha . VUU/'t IU ov. r. I at leWil. I'IIS' ,,, .. ,.o_vllle Unr'u~ , . , P...,r. rn ..1... ..,...ioe /lit SUlld.y , an ttl ~I.~lutes , ID'!"B do!tvelY, tl!ld wail CII. Tbu bOYIl booked li p nud CUIO!> or 011 I~, hytcrillll lII inidtet. vt' UclfuoIt. 11'0' Bn'ler 215 1-lJ Q'ulook Al.~II.....a q. 1·9 1'. JI . S..bboath lu,j:4Ui,«'!1 .t o wlt;h rapt uttentlun. down ttltl Sll'eel, milch . after the On Sut~IlY IUghf. Jr_ph Lellk Illuli. hlld I,UOII II gllCtlt of MI'. J ulw Lnrd 15 eobooJ Ilt2 1·81'. JI. Tills WU8 fullowed by a short style ul an ol d th·e.co mpaIlY thull' "'us l\l'te><~ Ull 0 Wtll'I'llllt S W\ll'II A. FUllkey. ~ \\. Em'lI l~ CnRI8'rHNOnullcn- ltlder J . R. J?odd. addl'ess by.' tho Presidont· aftcl' d ~1'II\g . u"er CIlI'b .tItIlOS, Ir. ight~lIi ' . \"" ' I d I. d to. J IIIJgo. A..r n_ p ,...tor. DiviD" aervice ()D tho Fi ....t u.. d '. ' . . .' IIg Ul~ t IVJ' ." .'111 111111. IIO I~I" C IUI'At' - We IU'll .lIIu.1 'vto pple . 75 ... "s" •• trully In'orm.' lbe pnlolln tJlftt he b .. Third Lurd'....u1 ,iD nob IDO .. th. ~rd'8' wlJlch h,tI dellve.roo tbe, DlpluDlII~, hUNe!!, Ilild i.!lIdtUl~erilig thl! lifo uf \~'Ith ~lIfl~i'lI+;; IL ~UlllC tv.bo plu,Vc:d AI:lYS IIIr II cOI'J of Ihl.: R~l>lIl,t uf Vhotl:le 1 Fl:~~ll~;,~:~t}i;:~;,itM':o:::'i~"''!:'':!:~r. '\"Y SchilOl.t 9 oc100k. O'fllrf Lorda-d..y lllld coulerredthe degree vt A. !luy i l~div idual thul .UJigh.t Iw ppclI t"I· ga lll' UI.~L It.,u. '0.1 '111 IIII1J Luak d the Sttlh~ \ )IlIU1i olSiIJIIOr til' Cum· HaIllR. Ii Ill!!. Deflr thu l',,~t- !fleo, W"'D~Il. i1I ... 0 .• m o rning. . • UPOIl till' thl'eC (haduates. til be III the wily. 1 hey Ictclllr' up CIII'O UIIU ~I:!Ud IVII. At the heul" lII un Schuvl • Drl'''ll Dc .. I·. ~ ' @'l .', \Vb ~ h e will k~\lV 011 hllnd a fI ....t-ol_ " •. FlIlS'I' BAJ'1'lff (Fr.-will) Obul'Ob 10 D · H' th ltd I " , '" . . , . ,,~ ' f W~yUt!.-...~oea OD t.he _Dd Saturd.y J. alDcs ell 8 ~ e . Ill~lDg ut the cul'lIor vI Mlliu lllld Mtlple mg. OIlI!~Ui!Y, de h;llldHII t WII - WlLllted l' \'erybl tdy to kllIlW , _ lIl'rtllhlltu . .d S ••d"lla ..,h "0Ilt.h. Ehler Ella!! ~n . p~vented by 8ICkll0<l8 fa·,JI.II IItl'eet.!. 1 ' \\'0 mUll screwed on 2 1) 1J' ,ulld IIv41r t Ilill Cvu.·t vI' Cu m thut thuy CIlI: liud thc IUI'geat 1111· ,P..~r. 'f oomg . ":llh(' Ibe IItu4~nttl lit thu.., leot "f suction hUle, alld pll1 l1gl'cJ it mlln Picas illl the S~lID of ,aOO. s<JI·tmllut tIt' Dlllck Aipucli :lUU Mu· t r H"'.~'lIC:~ ~li~t~oKc:..:~nl~!~~~e:t Ill8t Ill' emb Illg, he. ~I~bl:!d ~ lake down illtll the cist~l'l1 . while the 11lI1'lca lhelley. arl'estcd on u hair 1.U,;tl·08. nt FUllkcy & Missi l. ~ V • ~D'~"l~~~' Jt..~l":"n the ~d Sllt.irdn), the pi ,solflt I"PPIUl'tU\ll t~ tv ~X I)l'(i1lS <!ther h l~I'';UlI1e~1 I:eololl ull' IUllr or ~ "Ill'~e O~~lil . (r litll lld 'iu ~ stilte of ~ i ue tl . ~ 5 pit.'CC8 jU8t . l't!cei vod . ---- ....""b a""th,.\7 001<>01&)....... and~n ~be ~hat he ~ t. II elld~lIvulIlIg. tv five "CCtlnll!! III dltlchll;'ge hOlse lip ItI~Ux l eatl '11, pll'wl t!LI 'gmlty, lllld Il'um Ncw l urk. AMERICAN WASH f LUE. lo~~~~"y,~: o~e~~::~I~~~~o::!:O:f fitlll1e tybeea,~uhteICib .~fbeGeOo.ye,I:II'Olour rdbtUJI:lllntg Alliin to CflUl'chllta'Uct. 111swIJeu 011 WIloi ti~,I!~llili(lI~I'Jlhll oud ~)Sts. -~h. '1'. J . UI'owne, ~,f Clio, WU:I lor Laundry and HOQlehold U.e. S~• . "'Aft . D . . • ..... .. I un illdl nllzzl(i v C O. tr .I'"6·t(PI aJI u",t,J ill til .VVUl't III t bI'OW U 1..... 1 111 II. "\lIW. thu uthor dilY . ftmr it KIaIaJ at....,.... ;..1... _rv'Q8 DElm' "1 ti n h ' '01u 11gI t ' , und l'ep'II'WG I'ca:l .r· lIUV ' TtiIl .u> AT "fI' . .- , . ".......... 4 p. •• S .... d.T~ool a& . I ll " 0 II I}) WI \ 1 ~ O J. II. u · 'l'wellty. Ii,'e /lr thirty mell wel'(l "WllJ lI lI~ 1Jt1e.' ~I cob H .. Zell I'e· ulld drugged ubout -to · I·.td~. ~Jr. Ameri<'1'111 rTtII"Y:'I'''' ;'' l' lr. 'rk.tl. of 1111 "ind~. Witb _1I.up~lnl"d a .. nt!, e .\ ,.JC. dellt.,' It hud ~en .11 lIeSdun. rich ! pluced ILt tho- b!'lIkt.' , lind com men o~vol'ed II ,·e r~J.'~t. tUI' tl\.e lull vallle Dl'uWIIIJ WUII puilll'ully 11I·lI i~t't.I, blit NEWARK. N.... hn eXl'N-Ienco,1 ""18ttlllt. aoit ..ilb \ lull, ...• V.H,L1~\, PII&DR....1S"t:I.\I( BAl'TIST·Cu. expellence tv 111111, allrl ~Ill lelt ellch ted l'uU'lpill~. but II ,t 1& UI'OP 01' "'!L' vt l'"'c' bt'u 01 fj IIU cMtle killt:ld 1I0t 1;U bud I ill' ul't!d bllt thlll O"r \\',,"h III"" I. ,loe I CBI I.. Ib,. wnr'.1 le.llffl 1'( th o >i\te of the O<lm~punlty i" ir!'''~~!::''1,l:b.~iIo~~il)e ttu~: olle c~usely huun.d to IllS h()~lt by ter appearc I. Aft(or fOil I' ur th'e 011 tbe 1'31~li'lld ill t 72 . The ClL8(, ' J'J, It d",~ ".,1 ~I "'lfk, "1>111.11114 n lh ill~ hllil i whlt'h h" I",. <'n IIlDIl roallJad. ho r<llll! «m il •. 31'~ 'h_ .... -lI,d IldllJ in each a n.• th.e tle& of UifeCI)Oo. lie sl1/d. htl /.UI· l SIICC'~~llllllt· te ln"tll tu l'I.,wIIIC hllo l"'cn b~U(1 OIl Ctl I.IV . .. Ju,tice. he III llble t.o bu llbout. 0" l q hl·,I" h n,· h, b ie, ,,1111 Is 11'011 I.. "iI, ~onr th It bo wlll Ite i<ble ~ ,,-iva en~I"''' ..t· Il •• ~ .. ...~ ~ v d d \.. .. ....,., f" ~ v, 4 M A I lo' . lIIukill" a Ih,' lar/l.e I"u"d. I·, 0 11 . '· ~Ol' '' l or ilMr Ic ... , '.f.u/l..... by o<,udllcl.hlg l' uneral., w,tli de.., ,,' 'Iook, atilt 0 11 t,be, _ lid .nd fonrth I . not l'CDlem~r ever to bave dumBllcss. it wu" d i:;C, t\'OI'l\1 1 Ihut OIiCtl Iael;,rc j II t he 0 IInI'I ' 1U Pl ellil. r· .... lilT 1/1 ., I",: e/t"N '11)11 C 1,,'PIIe"'. - II Ofl nr 1'0 1O·' t, . ,· I,",l "nler. _ • (010, uDft w.". a\ 10 IIIId 7 ° clock k to I tl J", I r . ' s ll . llm · li ,l ll~ticlc IJI' icl.: "r""III .wlll·cll, h .. ~ , ~ . apu ell allYu . Itlm llllu"r tIlJ l. rheuuckln,W'lsto"lo'i\o. ' 1. lit .... ,cJ.It'lCei\'ltllulJi ~ trlcIOUIll·t mu t ". VI'!I , ... ~ . III· PUI "" lll l"l" I'jl OC '""i· . ~=~ 1':~"~~ t~~~:~,~ i J)tl~ellce of allY QII~I'Y thought ~r , tlo ligliwllillg 11., Illld 1I1, ~ wllll id king t''' III' b,~... rillg~ ill ill.\. ' . he tltliJl t" thu l'ul,l ic till Iy til C 'ul. tIlF(I..:rl,: \'~"i.~! ~'~s d, r :,~~/Ol ~ c:~·I~... ""IDeIob_t.h,.i~ o'olnek p.m. By feeling but three hiIlOS, ami lur , wurk ..11 right.' At tid :! t,illl~, III AI·thnr . 1AJO.-i \l'lIS hl'( }IIght h". chul'l' IIIIU i)l\' lgul'tllo IU";':lIlslai ll;': •• ,. ro Il,e ,\ l' IlI"~ \\' \' 11 , L · R. r I' U •• , •• • "'~r I.If the Comp,ny. L. Ibrtaoc1c, Pre. · these aJI well as .otller Il\ulI8, he A.M., two or three hllllt.!l'ed mOllilnd r.1I'tl J IIstico Maniulottoll chlll'!lcd hnw'Ulity. Cull UII ! ~ut \, UIIIO. CI · 'IOl lhe h.·,, ", ",I II t 1 ~: • . 1', ~~~I\t, ~retary. . ! l&lI~ed to be ror~l,v.(iI', llOp.lIg tho hoy~, Wlllntllllllld childl'en , ,.itl! II with lUI fttl~ml11 lit l'lll te 011 ·th.' thel' tv t IC oatUII UII th ", prell .. .(!:! ur Olli~::l~~~/~!:."',-;~'.r~~N~~:·~t;' r 120 'nu~, •• W. .r .............e r_'.1 evd wOIII~ be rlll gotto~ IIUU t.he l tl lIlIU·t IIpl'illkling vI' dug!!. hu,l II. ' pel'llon ot Alilludlil L;lto"~1II Th" cdld ·,j hUlIIe. ~ 7111' I Ow. a. ~&, IfEW YORI. 5Iieltu." Pte ..,l•• \·ery"bcrc, Rnd • • cry, good fClhe~:~shed ,. He jelt~ dee.IPI.y 1It1/ubll!d UII the street to wi tllelj8 delcllllalil 'WjlS Ji.chllrg"d, nu cmlt' -'~U)I ""'IIINO N I>w:-I"l\lIhy ,\: j[ I N G S I' 0 D' , S 'I 110<1, cO'mpl.~. of 10,". dllenle dllriDg llwlr g l'll t.e U . IN ~ve!y .. OliO . ur. t ICl r the dilll'llIY. • bui IIg IUlln J 1I'gllill8t h illl. ~1 1l;"il d, II," l'X!.:II U te, '1 r kiud lalvi to e, Iir', · Wlwn ..olt.'h.Dbjee~"L'lol!"'w.ll:mllny uctsotkllldOllr;ij tolum ut W c t\lriJt~rlour p'r t tl. _ _ _ ~_ . ti,,"t{j ullt. ' ltlLu' 1i~sto cull, ulld U~I"" \~ 14~(";/ ) "OW wo ny pl.IIII, thMt· n" PJt. 1'190 In lhl~ II t' OI!I 1011 U I~ Co tl " k I' I' I! .' I~ ~ ,. \ . TREATS ALL I'O~ 8P wurld tb.t I. ~\\lI'ariDg witb D)'.pop~I, . Lh·.r U ItDCB. IIl1zzlo over tUIl bl'uthor fil'tlman Ilnd • rwlu. Ie IIUUWUtl\' 1I",1(l • \I ICtI u vtlu B ~"ID"l~in' aDd It ••"eetH ....cb Il.I lndll'l'"" Thil l! ell(led the first Oommence' j tl'ollec.l otl' duwn to tbc cligino til " ~ I'cctllved frvUl New r ulk . win 1>0 ,. Iv", u8&1,,·lIe.. , Sin H"Kelacbe, Sour RI.O, ment of tbe doll('go. The (JtJllelle 1 \t. . d II ~M·r . G. Wh;to visited 'Ccdal" I'uudy tlli ~ cluy ...... ill~l'cct : .n. 1'1'1' A' U m.eb, H. .... lt.r1I. 1'"ll'ltAlloo of lbe Heft.... I b' " I ~ , . be ' 9. 100 W ~I, ua.s ~Olll~ UII uwn Il!re; ' 1I i I ~l l ('Ln ·(leI.I . . " ..-.n~ :., U.pre8 ad Splrlu •.BU,ODSIIVN •.A;c" caP tnke 188 U Ilg)t PIO~PCCt . . lore .It. [hIlt tho c.l'uwd WUI! IIncli dllll, \\'e VI IJ I~C('lI t y. c~ IlIwur ,~ 110 I I \ I J; 111'1" \'1'. . v ' j, ( _ 'J ~'<, f \ -.. OMU.· A-ueu'8T FJ,Owu "i~lioul gell iog FI'ee rrom debt ot I1I1Y kllld, wllh wel'O t'orced 'to dilll > th(i D E ~ . M;811 'hr¥r~: 'M ,m ' ltjoy is \'itlitrllg ~ -:'lIt.'> ~.", U.·· .\l Z ; ,\. S ,t., For the ' La 'lndIY . t ~~ 01 ~~I.:~r~~~~":'·A.IM:~ :~dl:,,-:b!·,S~::'p~ \~lUllb}1l f..cil,!t~es fur 1111 advlluced O. huy:scillet! ~lId lo',k u',:er "II~l' ill BlaILChtJllt"I!""" " ~: .' lUll' \: ;1j.{,, · 11 11'\.1 1" , ..•111 Ii \ , · ,,/' 1 M. IlY C f. , u\ j . . .'lie mv~~ Wof'ItJ. B~tli. fll. lell oo ..1s "ud II', It. Regul .. e ucahon, ~I~ a~ outllest. C"III1· I IIII1S8 ..1 hcuds III "1'(lcr to see what A.... FI'ellchi'ick ; ' ~I' BlI lti IJlU I· '. uf "UI'II .tUI'\: Ii 111\' ,I.", ", ..II .,,,; , . ~ • 1 4 L; '-.!. f ' U " D & t'ON, 't .1 •• 75 ~... u!e. TlI!o do... will "lll.... you. petellt lind Ulllted fuanlty, the ~I - WUI! being \.lillie '0 the lUuchinll.- Mo.I.. ill . 11 ~~ IH'~l vi' AI I' 'Ji'llil 111111 ",t \;i I' ll: c ... it·., .. Ii'.! It · :. . IY .........L.AY If . . .,. w. ••c Pr.-r. lege IQok~ . fUI'W~rd to bright Tbe Chief hud hitl Ijlecvcs 1'"lh.d Ill' Mlllliu'll tllmlly. . \'I\!ill chll '" tI. , te. W, . d ' 7'" ' : IJ,.,' .. i ' i ,I , ' , : (\,· / 1.. · Th ... I, DO nledlelDe pre.erllteLl by 'Ph .. ~I. pr~vects tur the 1~1tul'e, aud w~1I und WU8 ut wOI'k lit Iho \, 1I111 IM.A~Mt('r Hll\\ard Th " I1'll!i III ha s Ilu ~ I'" h ' cOlII ,It , ,. ,. " 'fI, .' .Ill .!. ~', ' 1 H 0 cl"n•• or.,,'.llb,. Dng,lltl,'bnt ~"r" le~8uch dO .1I she deserve thelu. ~l:!rwol. k. NllWwsckili g WU 8 b/u ng llt 1'111111 he'ell vII t"eljieklit;tli lra l~w .furs. 11 1\' 1I ' ll l,,· .. l\V "tll. 1! I, • ,. " ,:': . ';ii ''' ::'~ •u ·, ...·:TU!ftJfO . vltl.·..ee III Ie . Dcoelllllld . apHlor "lrlu" thll8 fal' has boen done 111 II plu lll T '1 ' ' 11 u . . '" I. .' " .... r "11, " .~I1'OU htiny bt __pe, tl. III Bo~OHa'" O[•• A~ 8,oul' for &.vere . I' d bl I ' um I "\I ll tl IIU\\, ml 1111 Cl'a .. l· An etll, Wl! illh illg tltl'CIl 1'''lI l1d" -.,LI'." '· " ·II' .O:l all 1: , a ' lI II , . ,1" I. " , , • OOQlh., Cp\d•••",Ied On tb Brea~l. OUII· ~IUlp e way, .yct lira e alld Utlt med ill, the ClipS WCI'e sCI'cwcd ~ i ... UUIIC".-", Wlh\ ctrn::.ht b "l le .. f \)"" " .. 1I1.' ·J..( t Ill' I":'; I ,d'. ..' -- . Wilt Inti., tIM DoaIa1oa of t':.':~.OIlAo~p:;'fd!~e~I:~o~..~~·I~~h~~l ~~ ~~f~la:1 i~,V~~IC~~080b~h~bl~l1v ~lt.~III~ l ll1od down, ..~ little uiling ruund. Ollr I ltltl- -:i dti. Ilollr -ihl:' hi ,' l'l'.d"l! at ll", 11 11111 111\' I Jl ""'L' t il' " \\, ,,'1. '.' : ,.d '. I ~ nCH CaDacla, and bt " " ' ...... of the tJaioL • '1108 dUcled CIIn gel .. ·R. alple BOltle r,,'r I f". . ' C r."15 uod the ell~lne fl l·al·tod np IIgtlin . 1a.4 "'(;jl~k~ Sh~ 11111.1 to ~nll D r VI' ~W .. \,,~,r.. ~I , I~,,' lO b" W 1 ,fln Vu el!a\Jl.Dd trw h. luperlor .1I'.c' Iwro~ through h",r CUl'l·ICllhIlD. Tllitl tillle the pnml18 workod t,tt· ull ....~I·sIIlO" .... ,t. ~.. ' " ..tltJlloIl", • IIII 'Ill II ,-t 1011" .. <II! ('I ' 1'1 l ' ) "fl'" /) 1,,1/'1' MIII1!JtJ, bll,lu/ltlt. . .,lIlllr.ize.t iliopt•. 1. b ill T he -hltle .-- - .IDcldent • .' I t ! I I I' _0 "" , 1'1 . I I I . J I ," ~,. ,,111, ~;H). , .. ADVIC. elv • • •V MAIL I.",h boeo la/roduced In tbl. CIOunlry, from cl'ueado rcll1' l l/ ~ I , 1111 IIIC I CU 1111111 0 Wutcr was -~l RatE ' . I I . vI tIl.: t!111' Y "'1'/'1,,-,- ,. , (J , (J"II·(j • PR •• 0 .. aHARa•• Gam..Py, aDd i'a wouderful cur•• " re allop· &lid ill last 'week's ", I , i : .. ,1 i , I 4 A, .. I per oft'endt!u a l!Uail.y l'III'UWII u\'l;r the tops uf thc f.I' r•t I ' l ' 1 mCll Y lilkl~ C.htti".~\· II~ t·. I'CjoIiCO II lid ,'x,·I., III . I.., ;' I, hhlllR . .. rJ'IIJIe Ib.t u ... lt. TIIl'I'o do..,~ il I d be ' builuillg>! VII ·· rl e '(1 "I' tl u ,Ie u °it ',L1P I alII! t C'ct I, (,U Ii ' t l II i II .'1 .. ,' ., ' r .". " '}Il '. ~II . "III r~lI.... on, caM . Try It. Sold by A. ~eo emull .gencl'''. y IIUPpo&e tu A ft· ~I I I' SI dt' v . Ie ill thllah~I:II ' uf Mr. J". McK iu \1""1 It! .. 11111", . ,""\' I" ",<> II ! (" "~ Ih """~' .o_utol.-dlGl_or_ ........ 0.11, ••,-.111.. lotel'e ted 111 the I'quol' busintltll! in stl·~et. II 0 UI t WlUl lUll e tv lurc\: , .' ", It·!' It" I' ....~' r ~·It'r , ,,' ,. , "." I" d 0"0r .... d.rIOlIUla' ....U • ..., _ _ _ • _ . thid pluce. This goutlemlAo c'.lllod all tIlch column over the tllI'eo'story lie,). ,~ . . -.' .. hll A FII .h\· I, a fil l' ( ' ,. , r .' h ••.11" .' omo ~a.::rb~'::" !;.ClOO_-:..r::=: • Be~u.. 00 QS alld most empbatica1ly deoilld bu ilding.lit H",dson'lI corn.er. which . ~Mr. G~IJrge ~tlI8tI: film,' ? IU'e C II:U,t . y""tLnlbY. t:, 1"11 .1 'I .t'.' I ' " '1 ", ;,11 ~. . _her *1b1 _ ...1_", ..... .. _ . . the tact. Hesa,Ys be husnocon r~'o; \llted . lIlthebll~t!ngoJtwe 8ec. V/Slllu~thed l,t:J~tl vc8 11IXt I II'.~. ully!! t.vi l·I J..lli- ll nll t .. \ , d T'·':.: " ,. ,.,., '" .) .,r ':, ;";~t,· ~,,t~ _,_~ed"''''n.. ~1~er'L~' n~' .:,A1lDostrong will oeetion with the I.tell.in.the-wall ex. tluns of hu-e. 1:h18 brouglJt the -MI:18 Ef,,1I. ':fhIllQ p...y~ 1",,,lll . ut:lJttl, lJ~' F I'loI .. \. t " . " ' "I , I ,' . 'HIli ".r~ l~ . ~ o..... i .)0 .- ... .p.QI&f(w8& burch Dext cept baving l'eote4'the rooma to an ex h'Ib'It'Ion t v a c Ioee ....• . ' t l •• ' •. , -[J 'lzur ' qedr . . F.r. ~ ' ~uy 1 j J J " I" " Il i~'" " ud I.. _ I. . . . . . "ll' . 0 rul'8 l"'111111 til ""11 .1 . t l'• l.u,I,.' \I .r .1 AIIla........ ...... - ... -. , \..."' . ~ at'Z E VOI''y II<IOY ·... IlI'I cal" d to I106llt1S' • A IIClent. IWIt Wt.'c. k , ., I lirll"'., '11\ (! Ii ' I ".... " 'I .., " .r .,' ,.II ~.•., ,,() 0 ' 10 ' i. full , .'""",,,,*, .... 1AII>ded Uoto' pIAIa,,~ wille" wiD " ..• other individual, and evon tlmt he it d ,;, I'\I~ "11· ..... maIl - : or .. ."'! ...... A _ The G;;;U;;m~; i;-;~der' obli now deeply I'llgl'ets having done'-- I tied with tll ~ WilY. th e thing Opel'lI: .-At re. MI\I'Y A.: Stl;mp it! fl pClld. tI\'tI " 0 1 I h y /1''.0 ~ IIl l" ill ;! 11 " \\ " "'1.:,11 " . I II I" ,I.. ..... .,....or . . . . - . . . . . - -'*- .. he asSUl'ed by him , t.cd. and. thlfllght,.l t would prove'. .l'I. in'" U lew w.:eks wtth laer rclutiY~':l ' c '"i1tollltl,\' 1.11.\ ' 1,111'1 ' 11 '1 '" II \ .. ' .".,. I 1" ..1 .1 . o. ~'·""h~~_OooI .. ~-Ik' tion8 to th ...'" Queen CI'ty B.... ke,'y· Wo re.J·oice to1 f\:!~ t IIU I HI Cilt1~ U I fi I'e . A nnID I1U1·.ineLIl F uyell." Ilid. . "" r " ,1 " bJ nil l'h""·I'laM f~ ro""... . -.~ - - ....... r a delicions an. d elegalltly adOI'D' that he il .uttOI' y anu it reproucbub . • i ~I (: 1I 1'~ t '1o Ill-lI ll1". a /. d H 'i I lu\\' t'" •G ' _""lIoa"'" f . . . .· or . . . .ct je.1\y cake. made by ita compo· inll~ent of the I.'emvtc~r c~1I.nec· 01 .. 8tl'llll~rtl IllIm the countl'y and -The lady whose nc\\' umhl't!l\a L'll>- h. · . - -':t:::~: _bill or ~ .. teut baker. It W&8 partaken of by tlOn WIth or ilympathy fllr tillS llII' \ 1II!Ig~.b\lIt",g tOWOIi were prese1lt ut "'!18 tuk~n fruUl uff' be l' vCrtlntla. 1 - :\"'11. E. A . Ollil l 'y i:l II.I\V ., . !,' A_ D .....;1!l1l' ,B••••~._ . Y.P.~ • uuwber of our friend8 wbo ca1\- ta.blishment; that tbe wbisky 00· till. ISP IlY·. . . . nut Ivngllillce. 8U'~8 she would like ' fering hul' ~t ..ek ul , 11111,nor 111111 , Number Four. ed at the oftJoe whilo it WIUI goin~, !on~ to &l1ot~ler man, and that ~e ~.u:nc Uml1t1II1.~, IIlcld~nts occorl'cd au introdllCtAon to the i ndi viti n... I 1IC1'y II t ;.!;1·(,I~tl Y · I'I\!IIIC<,d J.tl· CUR I' ATIlD T ' BIlI'RIlS . J~n n · 1I" "lo~·. ACENTI W'A. NT.• D. ' . aDd the united .,erdict wal that It !a elll~ed, agalllat by all whu pel'lilst dUI ~I g the. exe.'cltlell. rhe &:1 uOled whu borl"'''ca it. ITI Itl U"iHrtm 'II t I!Inlll'.lCl!~ I.l 1111111 · I! l I'" lor\"" , '"' 1'" III U. 75. DL PI!!I!ftI I........ or .......,.., 0 w .. a, .plendid ·c ake. . Tbe Bakery In beltevl1lg to the contl'ul'1' . ~llIlIlleSS ~lr ut vile yuung lJI~nllar·. -M C 0 H' OAA1c t ' Iher. "f l·t'UUY'" lilllll Iudi~..• sui ttl .. tt' ~ IlN1'Y ">fl OR'1' 8TORl f 8 "r",h _. 1Iaa- ...... ~ ........ _ _ · d tun 'lal'1 now, and ~ur We trust our iuiul'ed 1" .od '11 tlclllorly attraett'd the littelltlO1I 01 r. . . ames ""'. a rIp . . I" I~l '''' \'11 " 11 ... c d "K ; oY .·,· . h ly ...........IIGO ....... : ......... ' '',l'IouII BOD 111 un el' . .~ IIC. . WI a nnmoor 01' 1'8001 Htl \VOl' to his titther'll f"rrD recootly; he -the hlt(i~t tl l'ylu~, Itl .. I. hilll). l>" I\ I IOl~ . , If . ~". I. ,11011." II " ~. III"'1. TALa,W _ --111 ,.1IIlMM. wllleII . . ... JUdltl'lt w111 do well to patronIze regard. the foregoing as ~uffi~/elltty . ~: . e a hll8 l'etol'ned boweyer 1.IOkili 8 .Wel'tl. r bh . /1:< " tlU Il qll.L.ltity ,I' TBN ST ~.et. R I~P :lOI> J~TtOlf8. . ... lb. _ .. '10,000 q6w; .... 'It .. . . . . . it. See advertilelDeot. unequIvocal to plac(i hIm In Ilia plug hat, CRltled a lead penCil CU!!· w i l l' , g ljewtlll'Y ill g,.ld "lit.! jtli bl!ll' ,",' ~ frtu"I.~I, . 111 I,,~, '" .Ie II", ~; uragin,,1 ~ II ' I "1ho••,~wbloIa"_"",,......... ..... ~_ p'1'Opor li.,.bt before the world' but cealed over one eal', CArelessly dl. ~. 88 ulloa. . I . ' G I '" . n"','g ' "". ~ . '15 1 __ Se.S·d V· ttheOlt b f .e btbe 'tted • 'd pluvedamanuscript of eo me 80rt -We would tell "Oceasionol" llOlIlIy . utlcr attructIVII:t. u 1111 . 1 Al\ , l.e ll l ~, .,·.e"~ ,, .t :I" IfI I· Il·I II "AIt' lI , ot.ll,......,.....lIM .....- - . . . . . . . (~ I e le~a ~ . ., . Y I we mlg perml. ,.we "'0 . d " tl t .t f M M II ' , .8ee tla lll ti ne .. t'lck.at U II clLrly da Y ' I A~o , lt v. ' ,,' ' e III I n e,1 ,." ~ ,, ' Di ll . . . . .. of prI.'>, will .. _, riiao _ -'I M tbe8ea-AtlantlcCltY-lsthetltle snggest that hll 8lI8OClatloos are I~ OIlCha!1 .wblle.he .I';8tened f,!r , 1I~ ap~1 o. r~ u eQ8 ""glln ___._ _ _ --' " ·.,,u . 1 m ..... , .. IIIH. fur 1/50 .....lh.r Jlr. hora;· . ....'.....,.IIlJ ..m. Or a little book il8ued by J. B. Lip- eompl'OlDising. and & miaty miasma au··hulee III the snctlon pipe, heark. hll8 . :~turnM from It8sliOthel'n tour, . Cents 0 , . 'u 1."It· .~.' Ih '''''r ,.. "'0ta~/-= pinCOU .00., Philadelphia, and arises before ue as of aomething de- l out-it tu. the click ~f .check valves. htlvl0S: re~ust!d to go. further than ;Ht)uale BOKNKD .-Lust Sutl1l:day 1 ~'~I~~ u~;..~;' ..~"~III1I~ '~ ~;; ~u,:. '~ ::o~2 I'~'(': ~= ~~ ~~: Mol. i$b the compliments of D. composing in Denmark. ' .. ' looked \Uto the cyllDdel'llaud eXIlIR' Taylor iI mlll·dam. mght II tOllllllt IIiMlIIO 011 the Il1l'm ," lIe\\'! .l . II,I~ 0 l>.V m til. I;r 'lI l ",du. ,. lit ~I_. '1'''' ~ or ~ ....... II IilDmermaa 8eel'etary and -- ined the pietun8; whi8pered lOme· -Our tlttlla vitluge was annoy· of HOIi. S. S. Hai neA (ths Juq\lb~ IlIe ' l ~ lO "!llllll ' .• ",1 CH. l>a. 'I II . Oll 4: III C :::..~= ~.::...,..:-.P:---",,= T .......r of $be Oamden &: AtlanRu!" Eil'ATS TUlfftlue.-Ja's , tbing in the ~hief'iI car, and ..eu· eel lut S..,bbtlth at'kll:n'oon 'by' a Ifa~m), WIl.tI liurued t·.1 tha grU.UIIIJ, i/:~,P~,~\~~ . , '~' .~.;~tl r.I:,&~.'i~I ~, h,~:'I ::' f1!~ '::I~ odapled to ed.~ ~.~ III ..... " .. ·tic B. R. 00. It i. a beautifiy iI· M. SmIth to A. & I. H. Antram, I mod "knowlIIg louk. Theil; lOlA· onmber of dlrunkell men, whllSe With ~I It<l CU 'lto Ittl. , Thtl h"I1<o ' .1 " lllia I,hcr :' III~III : [!~lIi. I\' ' j ....... tII... row ... ;e....~....... , lu.,~ wor.k, deacriptive of this lot i~ Barvoysbur.g. Prictl 16'). king himself ~ ..t icularly cO~lpiel1. loud 8wcurjng and 6ghting dl'ew hll.1'\ ht.>cn '.ICI.I.II'it·~1 b. Mr. }I'ran k r ' !""':u"':'-:'~"'::~":;Iadioa_= Mtraotive watel'il,lg-place; and the Ellzabetb P. S~le to · George S . uus Ill~ng t~o lllle~ V.e ~ere JU:lt un a cru.wd 11....'11'1111 ttnlm, 1I11d h~,t f ,t " ,ll s Ulltt Itlllllly I lr a yeili' IIr tw I J I .... ollblb.....,...... beltt w~ caD .., .of it il tbat it SlAle, 188 &C1'e8 In Wllyne Tp. the pvmt uf spottlllg 111m all (lne ..t the timely l"terfenmce. "' a frien tl pl\8t. 0 '1 8litlll'lillY tho uccnl'llllts ~. _I ~ 1i.~:-,!:.!-!"~: .:-.;:.~ . _ ae aud IODg &0 be" in Price 11,BU.". the ctlmmitteemeil of hvdl'ul1lie en· of ODO n( btl Itftrtiee there il . 110 wellt "WilY till II vi sit. 1~1I11 in thoir ' ~ !)~ I'" 11 lie bell or _ _ or or 1M ......... • e pIaoe it of by tbe 118a: J~ne M. Arion to !rancee ~r. gioec!'ll, whe~ eome oll.e ga;-e, III a telling what might hllovo been the IlblltlllCU their "littlu.·lm" WU8 con. -:..., .... . .- ~ .. · pun, tru. :>: Ulolt .. Ii P.b~ ...... ... •- --_ _ - ryblll, lot No•. lIO 10 HarrllCln poke 111 the ribs aDd Bald, Its not reeult. . .tUll1ed. Tho wurk 18 811PptJlil:d to Ftru Natwltat ....B(~I.k B lttld~ll g , -:-:;~-;a_W;--=.. Oar inpuioQl 'a nd c1o.,er young, tSquare in WaynellYilIe. Price 192.1. ; iOj be ie ·D., C. & H.'a book-keep-We had • nice rain l88t night: ·be tbat of 11011 incen.Jiary , "1 ' ~JI'" AI : • . . . .nt, ....ter Barry K.lryin. James 0 : Sulc to Ml\ubew J. er. That ""per in his haud ill a CaDOKSB. L 011 Mllllde&y rtlr. Aarun·B Chan WAYN~VILLE, O~1l0. --.... -ie the ineDtof aud artifieer of a Sale, 88. ACl'88 in Wayne Tp: tbree thuuilllIId·dullar. bill . of dry· · •• _ "'Olor kindly cil'cul"ted a tlub-lcl'ip.- - ~ MISS RAGBI!: R EBRIGHT, ~1r of awnio" oyer tbe Gue.tte Price 11.00Q. . . Igoods tlnd gl'OCeriee jU8t received Several 'fl.~hing parties went tion JH&pt:r in bohalt· \If the family, Ie 0Il00'. f'rQD& WIndow.. Harry can Acbillea ~b to JooaaJanoey, 'Jrum New York.' through b"" !8&tanJay. Wail quite IUCOOIIIful ill obtain· 0" . KI".ldr or !\l.ln . tr.e' d~ PJ'lti"l he aocMrtak..,. aod ia a aDd U-1OO . . . . ia Wayoe Tp. 1 A cracker·match came off io the iQg~ntributiolll among oar 8Ytp · Jewelry, I ' "'&""~Y_LL" • • • ~, a 0. 1. . Price Il00. afternoon at ~.t., pocery. Jim PleDiy 01 in now. pathetiocritill8M. -' -. . . . . .1• .-.0.'1. W"'Il'IVIII. , O ~ ·;'N":"1~ . '! '1'~ '~l" '2
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We take pleasure in saying to the ~ ': ~:= ~ ~...... ~ ,xTAYN' R,r]"LL I~, public, and the Farmers especially, lt i ].5 ! 1 " ~ ~ ::: : : ( II I (), that we are better. than ever pre" ~ ... ;;~..; "~""I e. pared to furnish them with i" ges .! ·D..e~ ·!",,1 g.,g 1" ! Buio, e.. tered law III• j ": ]~~~c3~~.sdQf:;A FUR N I 'l~ U REB U SIN E S S . , DIVA @l ~ Ii S I '~ I =! ..... : : : : : : : I 0
In Cadwallader's New Building, Main S reet,
Wl4lter Swtt, puhlidlaed this day.!. i8 . the ninth. vol ulDe of an elltire g new editioD of The Wuerley Nvv- ~ e18, now in course of publicatiou .I. by T. B. Peterl!On & Brotbers, Phil· ~.£ :i ;\?~i;~!;;$~~ adelphia. eutitlvd ,I Peterso n8' 'i J z,..:;.. ,; .. ~ 0:0 qO.c...
'. ,
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '!
.. 0 .We have bought, and intenfl to keep on hand, a full line of Furniture It ; f of the ve:y ~t ,~lity, and Ilt as
I..~.; 1
a Ii: Ii S S ::: book is pr,'ntoo fJ'\.lm ..lul· n. oleur =~ ~ :.Q .. .. .. Q lb. H... type, double colulUn, and each ~ ~ e.~~~~~~~~~H~ ~ ~ ~- -.. -. work iii iS8ued complete in one = ~ ~-~.= I .~ .. (ror lb. Mla.1 .)... tl.. large octavo volumo, with a Ne'D 6 .-----.-... -------.-----~ ItS ~ a8 can be found ill ariy mnrkut. Ollr 'stock cOllsititil of Rub)'. itlultrated Oov~r. Bnd will be ~ '. e ;j completed iu twellty·six volumes, II 0 ~ ;> ~ i ,£::a Bureausl Tables, Stands, Chllrs, Sofas, Lounges, Bed. I f A • • " • • 'no.1'IIO . Twellty.Bv" ccnti! cBch, or Five ~;l; 'H~ ,;; 1",,-; .,·Igh, .00 radllat ••••1.lon steads, ~ttrasse.,,· and, in fact, E7erything DolIl&rs. tor tbecotnpletslIl:!t. Thill ! "__ ':_~~_'_'_" '_"''''''_I! ; ~ F"ro. th World beyond tb. ibN. .\C lo! I C( I LT ( H .\ L H~pp', III ... Ufe·••1' .... 0. is the Cheapest lUI wcll IUl the' On· a:; . Ii Ii ~ eIi Ei Ii ~ G) ill Ui~ line of furniture, from a . JlolhlDg h , lun, •• ra; Iy CoruIJlew EditioD of The Waver~ ....... II Ii .. .. i' ~ C!J . 1\1 PLE\ 11':"1'.'-' NCI\I!IOS ,e~ h•• dl ••ed her beallt ; Child's Rocldo~ "Chair to a ley Novelli published in this C"UDt~ g::!~~~~!2 . I c: ..i Pearl. or .Iado•• " '1'" of du" full set of She .... "er ' oliShl widi pl"."re ry, us it conbliliS .11 tbe Aulll"r'lI ...... ~..:>Si.;,;.Q Ie ~ In ber '"DIe be.rt. 41.... '0 , ....... ,.. N\Jtus. us well M all hill IlUlt c"r. . • ' t>o ~ Bapp, Rub,. p ...elou8 Rub.. . .11" h.. j.~ be pld •• !'Cctiolls aud I1dditiolls. At tbis ~ ~~ ~E low price, everW ono shvnld ~t a · ~ ~ J _ .J lie, lIIture I.,. ullClloudt!iS fiuII Bet 0 f t I1e aVtlr1ey N vve II at !lo • •~ ~ • "--.- I J "C! ::: .'~. • ---~--"n~"IM"';,t ~u::':luded Ollce, wbicb they cun do by remit· ~ r~ j g ~. ~ r •• p oom •• wldola ~o ooa ling Five Dolhll'tI in Illotter, per ~11!." .! P .~ .!! 1].5'; ~ In cnnncctinn .. ,·th I t he Furniture EsblblishmeDt, we arc prepared Iluit•••• llIIlla dl_1 Villi fi '1 T B P & l:i Ii a E: II c "' ,, ;a ."'! Q dO] Mr"'=-eO M&" ...., .. lire 10 .'1'1, bloolO ; rat mal,Philadtllphia, to . • etersoD In 'tille. -Zau.}o, M,.Dd recal:. Brvtitel'9, 00 receipt --_iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;oi-.i'-;;;;;;;~';- "_ to attend all c,a118 . BIIM. Jo, witbln &11. tOlnh. of whicb tbey will seDd a full atlt .B·PP.' Rub,. pr~clou. Rull.,·. of tbe twenty.six volumeS ""r reo lIfa, DOt tonow b. 1M, doo.. torn of wail. putlt.paid, tv IIny one, ..., her ••• , of ua ... a ••• , to auy place Dalii rAa..ll II ShlDe w)lh a",bl .bll' trolh .nd lo.e ; ......... __ . ti1I IlWJ ",I UJ. ~air ..&M ~lIk..... .... IOI"" Locltll:', NATJOJlAL MAGAZ'NE hus -1'11"Like btip.••er . abor., • < I ......1.dJa4e. e~erged from Ita cill·ysalis dtl&te, SHORTEST AND QUICKEST m int~n'Ii\'lE(l:9~ Cro"DIIII her PII~ fo ..hIlad .lllt.. alld I&I>VCU"s fvr J II ne in Il II~W und ROUTE 1'0 . £II U ~h1.!~ , ~~, . ' ...Ieu III t"e ",'eclo,,b d . I .. 8~ 1.·..iI!M lor. he &11. 1i,1,,, un svllle covol'lng. t 10 de,"([n tor 'USnIMGT"~ & .tLTdIOIE; having pDrchased. a title new ' Hourse, and a fllll.line o( the very best ~a!_' RuLy. l<'aU. Rul", which ill hoth ttuwfuland p.l';l1&8illg. Tile F.... au. 8e.'I.-t:altll" Jhllllld bel' p&lb ..~, SrearalaSllrl,b" The JUDe uumoor apvell.rs 1U Dew - , -----~--~ - . ~ ' SappbIeN ller "Wle port.ad.. type. eet 'iD a wide mellllllre. while OONDEN8ED TAUf,E. THROUGH TRAIN8. _ O"" •• "uDhollnded. wOIllth llDlold ; other typogl'a pbical iU.I"rovemclJtI\ ~, , _, ', . . H ....en', ble..lng. Woo de~ceod. . ... \ I A PARI ER::; I URI MAY II 1 :'74 Jewel. rare .'Dd p,ukliot! ,.hl. a~d grootly' t.) , ill l~ttl'llctiv?IJ.I."8. " ' YaM ii·"e. SI. Lo"i. Esp:' with a tint' assr rtr,uent: of Trimmings of all kinds. Pra~' the J."d In Ihe c• • kel . 1 he eotlWnt.s are clltlrely OI'lgIIIUI - ' -' I We shull endeavor til do uur hest tv nUlrit tbe t~vor of all who mlly B.~::~~ ~~ ;~t~:,:",~~e:~r:'"I~·· matter, ~'hilc the various depurt. L .., <'ill inna'i D"il" 1I~~~I.'~ ;clllI on UII. We are ulso prepared to do ull killds of u~ lbe >OI'W, u"h.p~-,. III." . . meuts o£ }I'ictiolJ. Hilltul'y, BJ(lgra- An . .Ohilli"olb. ~ .~~ ~: . I '10 A::: O~:~I~:!1~1 'f:;;~f .~";. ~ ~;,.". phy. Scien~. and P"et!'y. I\re '!IJ' :: ri~~~,:~Ulh ~ ~ :: 10 ~ . :: Upholsterinll' apd "cture and LooJdnrr.Glass Framing, )t . u8uall,1 well flllud. A now ~el'lul .. l'"rkirsburg Ii 30 .. ~:: .. In .. . . _ _~ i • :J BU.C~E):E HAY·.~AKE~ . ·; T. Hell". 8tor~-to "U~1 th,,·ee. multthll-IIJ the Arr. Or.f\oo !I 15 •. 9 ~o ':. together wit1~ a~1 Icilldf ~ .. r Hcpai~in.g. with lJ6I&t0e88 and displ1tch. , Come Unto Me. ICl1dlllg altlactloll, altd the tulle ::~~::·P~rk II~ ~~; ':. :.' ~: Pcrsvos wlllillng un ')' article vt 1< tJl'niture Art Iboa "".1','. IIrt ,110" lant!uld. of the mugl\zin~ is well Bu~~invd .. OUlDlo""ltllld I 511 AID !l 011 .ArliboulO~diAlI'\'_iJ T to the end. l.he ·poetry .ot tho "IJ"rl'er'8F'\" 51~" 456" w.i'adla <l>A '" "-Ill : " w.i' IIl .d " " ... . ft'U ·Com. W mi',' .,.ill, 0 ,," . , • •,4 comla,. JUlie IIn1Uoor 18 11110X~l!ptJOlIubly •. W". hill/-lWII· 7 10 " 6 60" ~@!.~~ ~~ Q;1~@!.e~ Q~ ~Q1.~e~ 1I.lh '::'rl.~·~~ Iud .elo bi~, good, and ;. indeed. will comp&u~ :: :!~~::~: J~~ ~ ~ t.~·1 If S" I~ mr ,.IIJ. , fu.~v.l'ahl.y ~itl~ auy ot the higher. .. W.hoir!;:,oll HI 17 Pill. '.' 1I! ~~: ('an be Ilccomnwdated on shvrt notice by II fi'r~t·cla8B W orkmllll. ....'8 'In Hb and h..l)CI. 'I'f "oUDd pl'ia l~ . prlcod ~lIbhcatIOU.~. (Olle dolll1r.11 .... :St· Pbll.,d.'IJ,hi" 1 :.:0 .. 62 "" ~~ •• W" Warru.Dt aU wvrk tv give Slitidt~'ctivtl. . V8 OS ~ Ie ,rn AIM! Hie ,~.' ... York '$ I.i ' .. .. J.,1Mtot dl.do-., .. _n .. ,lIla, year .j slllgie CVP'Cti, t.en Cl!uta. J . .. l)OSioD 560 Am . 4 60 Pm • , ", , 'ba& Hia "roo "cIo'a~ ' I'. JONKII ,- Pllbliilhet·, 1'vlooo, Ohio.) ProliJpt atteutitm paid to calls ut all hoors, either at the Store y ..... "',,"a, In ••,y,un't!. VIA Ot::LLAIRE. lIIAY :11. J ;74, 01 ut AIr. \Vcl'r'l! ill Corwiu. . Blithi.; nf 'hO"no.' Ti,e D,'''cCtol'S of tile 111'111111' , • __ ,_ _ __ .'..1 Liae. Elr'l'\l~s. --ALL KINDS O F If , 'Iud ir I. 10110.... • Wild i. au.rdon be... 1 Vall\;!.y -N BI','OW . GllUgC. Cu. hat! It D.. lly. Sun Ex. ·X •• eOl'I'O", .'a.' • labo,. mlJetiu¥ at the oflic\l of D. Allen Lvo.Oolu.bu. II 15 Am. II~ !-Oi APbi":·. PETE'I!I~S' Wi'ft.raJYr'mo f) . . , MuJ''' Mil' E sq. I1011' " /D1JtI t IIDpor ' talt t UCtIOIl, L,e. Arr.N .....rk 'l:! :f!'flll .... ~. ~J' ~.-~~~ ~ ~. :,~~~Wi If J 11m bold elo ....'I, .... Ri.. l$llII(h,,-ic, '74; AID.. 7 110 Pm. W ~ I" 1 . \ ~~~~g.iI" ~ Wb", ...lII· H,.~l .." WU8 toappvint a cvnllllitt.etl Con· "MOllru.lvllie S l!6 . ·' , j~~:: f !~ ~ J,' . .1 ~ ' .. 'I & JAC.'OBS,I - 'V .. ,~. " _, ·~o,,",.... oq.lt/Il". labo. _cd. ai8tlog of. Joel EV~II', Silmilol .• M.D.fteld 10 07 .. III ~ 6 Am. 1'0........ ~... , I k . H..u nplO •IIIIf' .a1' I rOll~ II ndD • All ell w1IQ aro 1111- Arr. N."" i '55 .. ~.& . C'aBJ'AO'" "NO " W'GON UU II .....OL."'.., ... a · " " ~" , ""i11 . .......... .. :lulle ••1' l,Ie . ' l·~,30P.. ...'i .. &111""11. Aft.·d DO' thorlled t.O I&dd such oth~I'8 . • thoy .. B .. Uai ,. 4:.0" ~ ~6 . " •. • • BONGS AND,g.aOUUSES. 'J' .&. JI)) .Rha'AIBI£KtI, • _ . ~ . . . . . . . d tl '" Whee lIng 6 10 plD. .. • _ ~ .... - _____ P I • . . fi ••, Inay cSlre to 10 COlll1Dlrtee, tol .. " "" !\oll !I U~ .. 9 ~ .. IBeautir,,1 W...... of die Set<. Sln.. !'r&. 110 "j,41i" r"lIo~ ~ kt:rla;;. "ru~gllil'. patlS over the propOBoo 10at! from .. O.lkl.nd II 4 .. Ii 34 .. ID",li ..". Net you~ h.nd h, lIIIille; 1.eonl; 110 ''':..1: '!~~. ~ pro",.I. MI\8011 to DOUr Ludlow's G"uve (" r .. De"r Park II 43 .. II 41 .. II).'D·' fOl'g1!t me. M",)'; PertlY; 00 i..w.r' y ..• ' 1' tIe I PUI·POSt!· 0t' 1l8celtuIIJlllg . . ' t h\;! .. OUUI".rl·d lIafl", .", ;,I 01 ,1\1' Am. .. :2" 00 1'6 Plu ., . a." HowFml..e lire ..One; II ttt HulDe bMU.d.~ l'I""Y' Percy; 1II1 110 . a_ Tb flll . prl&cticability of' the I'OlIte. th~ feel. .. WU!llng~1J01 10 .. 6 :0" Jimmio BNw ... the P.IH!r 8"y; UKY" 1111 ' .. . ~OOL 1.0"'.- e 0 oWlDg . illg of the peo"le Ilnd to tlCCnre " RI.·h".ond J:m pin. 4 60 Am. Jebnie•.Ihe EI""er ..f the De'II: H"y.. lIil . it a report ot the Alount H vll., .... .. a.hlll"." II 40 A.. 8 ~I(J pm . Jollle~t Girl In Town; !:!teWI"t, UO r -__-.." echool tor the month ending June the IIRI.'t vf way fl'om those wlw .. WillDin,111U 1'4 17 pm. I HI Am. 0 DtI"tb••·I~.re iM thy Sti~1! if A.tillel .. tl • 1876' . are Wlllltlg to elleuuruge the enh~I' ,. Pbll.d'a I aI .. :I ;;1\ .. I Oary·. DYIII" By",". ::iOp. or ",~. 113 ~ .. , • prise by IIhowillK tbeir liberlliity .. I\"w Yurk :; I" .. 6115" or.lIIi; alt.),,~ b... at•. GI"nnettJ. Number 'Or f,upils enrolled, 41. thO Til" t 'k' .. BO~I..o :; 60 A.. 650 p• . )(y de., SIl... tI..,; 'l"drrelllllfduet. Leoooq.8lI " --AND A FULl- LINE OF----Awe...- dai y attendance 39 III IS way. Jl8 18 a s rl e ID t • . The llhidoll·. Mi~take; ",lett.. Glon,• .00 . I '-e'1 , . the right dinlCtion. This taken in 'o1&mall I PaIse. Dra1riDr·Room)(y Littlu One; Porey; . 110 A'~ prelllll'ed 10 II . ft,·.I-cI ..... wuri< In 1111 1 N amberutof papl 8 who lll~ve not con8ideration witb the tact that the aDel 81•• pla, Coaell.. I Put the ri)Cbt ra"n at the "h,ee'; Ra.• •; 3r. br"Dch., '! ( 'b ' 1,,,.lne,' . 'j . ll at: , '1 I b t Dayton and SQutheattterD Ro..d bll' t'rum s, Loul., Oioclnn,,'i &I,d to .. :::: N KW W ORIt ON llAND FOR SALK ~f ... ry ·•••i· ' P bee :rd r °2"PU I S W10 Il,e no rllieed its stock; tb!lt the Spring Washington and Baltimore S!'eet ao.d ·Lo"~lull...b,. Glo.. 00 Aprl171b. ,_ ib!"... _ !O!'!I!LII!I'lIS' ,able aakt. o y, "1 b be field JacksonllDd Pomeroy &11WITH " OU'r .'liANGE J SIh"~eto .,ep."..U.o'.Slew8rt, ItO --- - - I en 11'00 • I tb "" tThinki ..g uf Thee. b.,II.d. Ol"..el'. 00 Names or pDpl 8 wbo ave neither abeeot oor tal·dy. Retta ro.& . mpany IS 110 on~ra lilY , Throug!lTlckecuod larthl·r In(o,,,,.II'1n Wl1itintr.I->ove.f(l"fhee.Ctri.~e. 00 A • Dl'l? ~ Y a lU IWiJlD At B nn .. S Am.nda makea our road a DCCI.'IIlItty ~,,'n~· "." ".ol,....la.d.' "Uprlnclp.1 Tlcke, 0111· When little M,"nie Died. H"Y8. 8Ii _ _ _ _ _ _ . _____ ~-~~~ e ~~@~ ye..., 'YT'~I as" praYL' p queDtly Mcerwlnty. Its bUIld,ng cu_ th",ut!hout 'ho W•• ,. 'louth,., aad INSTRlJ'-'ENTAL. , ' . : Luca, . .t e pray. ucy ratl, I 'be . f" ~ ol'h"(·.'. f . ,.~. • The "..d....'8 nell 1",~ &0 fnform , _ ". " , , , .'. . BY. D~I.&., 'A dd' l>c>Ito Job' 8 itb call oa y a <)ueatwD v tIm". TR. . . P•• A•• 'I', . . . . . CleL.. 1 • th.· p"J.llo.g. n.,.II,. ~~, hi' h.~ •• 0 IO:!.t O~ , ~..wnS '" .!eDoJ n, nUle · m 'Now ill tho time if thoee in illterwt We,'. P .... AgeD'. G.n. Tk:\e& AS·S. Walta frolft "mo. ~ If<lti::"I).\Ullbte.r. tIO U . (\,,1 •• 1 .. Ih' \\' ~'e .t )Il\r~et ill the .. J . r , • '(!~ I "" A I", a .rpa ", ' J aCa ton. . would only tbink so The illwl'\let Clooio",,'I. n. Balll..b... 'Md. Olliop .. , I .. • •• 00 "Id .t.",1 or l eAk k 1)" " 11(\ <. whero he' will . "t" who have roe' . ' Tuns. R. SHAR... Lonee.. , . . . . ,.,. .. ~. '09 It~. p ''''''Ilalltly ";1 hAlld e Itr es . _ e •Namee eel 100of pupill nt' de ·t eDt of the farmcr, mel'chunt. IIIllchalllc Itlau"r of l'r',)lpnrt..,loII, lAlI, of the V ..lle,.. n</Oblr..~. Jr..,.I.tth. 110 ~ C8 1I111t1.ore.Md. AI!__ l)()I~... Wilillnd. 'W TIlE VERY BEST A I'f' - ,_~r;:11 lCoft!it,Il)jem: infacttbe i~te~t.ot'KlI .demll.tld 471.1, nna JIlarlA-, e '0 , . prompt and Immed,ate awtlOD. Let RANa_D, • • • r-. a • • • •_ ... 1'1U'7 Fl'lltllml. mV_Il ...lolI. WIlIIOn, '1. .I .• mi. DlJI Eva Archer, Ida n u c k . . bee ' . , BY WAONItR IT_tj 8' Betta At EUlma ' the pl1lCttcal. step Ihat hUt' u ~. .Iu,' Tluhh'hed.~, ae" editlo .. 01 W.lta froa. Girulle-Olrofia. 11.'1 1 .....4' Veal MUttOD and Pork ttl. W l.~. . . e pray, yel"8, . ken be followed up hy others III Dr. OwnrweU. CeJ.brated ....reb . . . . M ~, • Collett, Mary Vette,·, LuQI'8 DIll. . k • B d ' (lor Il.ay "0 tbe ",die. I eu". (.. Ith· O"lop" w 33 L-'ia Jackaon Bannah SR"U)' qUlc BuacelllJlon: y 10. Olng, out IDt<lleloc) of 1·. . . ATn •• ~.A Pot-Pl'II,ri" 60 tb. ooun'r, all'ol.lI ; and.U wl!llN! kept ..~ .. 11 Jatt J 'h • P W'I' road cao &lid will be bUllt.-Star. '" We.kn.... In.oluntol.~ Semln.I Fa.llee,·. )(nob. Wiepnd. 110 ~.. AI' .., 0 ~Dl. ence•• I· __ •• L....... y. ".n&Aland Pby~lcalla 01.- t'he Sb"tl;ebj....WIJII••• Dead; hi BNrbart, Valhe Myera, SII.. EJIT&&T.&nnlltJIT AT TBIl BOMII.- c"p.clty. I 10 M.rria~•• ele.;· Tnnaruibed; P..,her; IL~ 0 LEA NAN D N ICE • . r I ·S I r ,.110. Ooo.u,,:,p'loll. and P,".lndu Bole BtI"er Redo.... Kiakel, 00 BoJaind Sammie 8mith Jack T1 ~..- W'11' D htel: h ' Ie veteran. 0 tIe '? I teN cl·d b, ••·If Indulg."1» or ... auaJ .stra..- FI_oe Walta. Nonel. 40 AIIO. I ~....n, 1 Ie ~UI ra. ~ nDle Home were favored 0'1 FrldllY e- g"n~e. IIc. . I ,'""~"'~, __~__." __ ,, 8pllt" Laverne OtnDeg, Edd,e Ro- veniDg last, witb a delightful ell- IW"Prlec.1h • Aeflled eDI'lllope. onlY,la FIRE SUGAR-CURED BAliS I_I d 'W'lUeSm'tb . b f> ' J 0 0811'_ , NOW REAI~Y" . I .. 11, I 1. • •• tertalnment y rotCllJOr . . The e.I."rat.ed oU·IIIO•. la lbl. adlDirtlblo No. I 2 II ""d /I PelMJo' Hllu...h..ld M.lo.' , A",rage per cent. ID •recltationl Kinney of LoYelaud, in the form Eo!.a~. cl •••ly .de",ob., ... t.,~. fro. a Ihl':" di~: Prioe 00;,.... each. £.el',. bumber .b II. or '" ,h ••lic.. q ... me n c.lI. reeei.ed by &be follo"lOg named of a seriea of readings from vari .l'C "'. ~UC"I'"I"I p'"llctice. lh.t ti,. at•• llling coa"'lll. $ to 8 Ne .. Boop. Ohoma. J 'E HU MULLIN ~ • aL_ -onth .. (0110," • I h P f K' eon._q,,"-nce. of "'1(."lou.... m.v be radically ... W b1~."'••Pi,," u ' 17 • . papIII. uunn. ""' M I ' ous popa. ar aut ora. ro. I11Dey Clift'll "ilboul 'he d.n!!'.roa. a~ ot inla.,..1 If i,' 3 , nol 0 1bt:eN' 'Pa lor )(ollie. _a.,... . _._ _ ___ _ ;,a,..tAIIlIM,C. - Anna ar att, ~ 1'0 a b,'artl d.... ree the rure medll·lo. D~ the 'PI.I,c.,loll 01 the k.. lfe. -p .• ;.... '.. b~ E '. r ... _ p -p, .. I i r I t rloe uu oen_ no . ....ery Dum"" .. ~ID~ ._1 ..... r - 100, Ey_ Archer 85, Belle 00U,",lt qtlillitiell of a fiDe voice. .•)erfect :"~I~gft=~lc~e-:::'~I~ :,. :'\~':.t:;:hJeh~:· lalnl ........&1 llelee\ f ifeON br Klake!, ~ 100, Ida Rock '16, H.nDah 8p~ay articulation, an easy, graceful bear· • .., no ••,,,,,: ... b., hie (>oodl,iun NP.~h:·It;!~cete( d I (J Pri .....................u"L,... ..... 100 Be.lIyera 100, Eva Mar· in and ezqlli8ite taste ill ml4kiD~ ...,I .... ID".. cu ... hi ..... ' c....pl,.. pri.....- ~ " .. ~ ~e.• _. ~I ~" ' Q _ _ L. V 7" E I I••nd radically • uv - ... MOp. ..ery aa.......,ooo_a. a. I_-w__ laU 80, - - .u.er '" mma ..ractiOD&, wbicb are rarely foull . ' - "'blt (;klll .. lhmald b. In the ..and. I..t.tt.urth Jf eIMlle' uld..aec,~ PlaDo W AYN ~V ILlaE. . ., Cc6lt 100 KatYl8pray 100, John· combined in one indi.idnal, aDd of ~o"'-" &ad ••• ry m".n la 'h 1.l1li. ..ule. . . ' OfhJ&'" ProfMaioo"Ia.ni_ to ttl. elti" tlie Pence 100, WiUia Everhart 96, wbich are a eore guarantee of' Incell' UAr _I. In. "I.,n l!a v.I0!l1'. to A'Il.y of ~ )(all~"J:{'" oa .... &ea. ad dalni&)". a.Yilllf ~ thirt, , .... 9" W'We DaDgbtere' hi ' d' H .,,' addr.l •• pool·p.ld. on n!c.'pc. 01 . Is ck' l tie poe...., ~....... eaperieaOll, bellOpee to gift aa&l8faotl.", to V II ' u . a Ie _1en "J I I • ceea iD pn Ie rea 1111" . e wu or , .. poA lIIo.pI. Atf,J ..... tbc pllbli.h~. ·.Add..- · . ... L. r.ETBR8. all -1 &,or hi. _ilb a calL tll6-J 80 SU.. RolalOd 80, S.mmle cordially invited to return aDd . (JH" ..... C K ... co.; 1 1M3 Broad.ay.lf. Y. P. t[). Bo~ MIG. .. 8~ith 76, Vemie Kinn.e y 100. 00 give a second -entertainment, aD4 ~~~" " ... Y~!... ~ l -:-- 8 -liw ALJrON - SETH' W BRO~ W;--' I Algt&ra. - Belle Coffelt 1 'will do so in a Cew weeb.-Dtlv- . . ....... ''0 "EW • • • , . ..... Uann.b8praylOO. • CoAJou~l. E Ii::~=-"':-':'-':""""-= ATTORNEY' AT LAW, - '. '. . (}eograplt.y.-AnnaMar1att100, ._---AdclI't\4•• lth"".p. '1 " ••" • •, 0 . , . . ATTORNEY " AT LAW, Eva Archer 100, Belle eu88lt 100, .Appu...... \M~tIoa of t _ _ la ~ ~"r' "e. " .... - Ojlce, 68 B'I'oad'f.{Jtl,!/. . HaDnah Spray ' 100, Emma ~It thttCorwlatos.::::~l~a·=~ . , ., - _ _ , WIU pradlae la tlai ' ''uefb Courl.ol .AND NOT.ARY PUBLIO. 1 ()O. Katie 8'pra 10lJ, Juhonle lpUaau.............. fit before .... ..... W.,_ ..III•• "I ,lie .......... tIoIire ht ..·1.. .... .. a.c;-. ~_ • l'euce 100, Will.. Everban 80, w. a. 8084 1" 'IY _I,'" 10 f" I . •. r--. II.D., Iir·' ~I a :u~ :..rtce .......w••__ -a....... toiil •• Roillilli'l 100. .1,10. 1m. .Ullmv:r'.!. ". Du.~r endJ,,!: jUYHl'be .plrlt. lbe IU"I Ire Ibf ....
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projlBrallon mndo III lIy fro.m tho nath 0 borbs found on 1110 101" r ranges 01 tho Sierm No\ nt! mountnl ns of allfor lila, Iho modlclll ni proporti es of whloh nro llmet uthtll from \~ IIhouL the use o.f Alcohol Tbe 1111 stlon Is ntmOBt dBilf I\IlI .1 .. ,' hnt 8 lho ctlllse ollhe nn)laral\ I 1I Bllccess of VHillOA R Btl:TEllS' ' Ilr III\S\\ er Is, th nt lhoy r 0\ 0 talo CIIUSO of d ISCnllO, nnd tho pat1cn o· IlOVCIS hIs honltb Theyar o tbe gr , lood plllifl r nnd 1\ lifo S" Ing prill 1(111\ a pcrluct 1IOUO\ ntor OIlU 111\ Igorotor of tho B) stem fliovcr before In tho history oC lllo world bllS 1\ mcdlcfno bceu Cllll1lllOlInd ,I po s.mg tho Htnllr1<alllo qUal ities of V'lIEnA a 1lITTB\t~ in hcnlluj!( tho liiok ~cr) dl '" man Is hClr til Tboy are II gonllo Purgativa as 1\ olllls It Tllulo, I'tlhO~1 1I Congesllon or InO,\lJllllllllOn of the l lrer II11d V1I!Ct)l'al OrlllUJll, Dl BWous DI84''''OI
Pf'lll !'rom t 0 d01.en 'II t 6raugt' u L m mt(l h h anfl I" I the )UI(...from. tl\em Then put the remalnm g pIlip on 10 \l4)11 an r uttmg It ul' fib'-
with an uat ,,(\Ight of I III sugar, nnaI II unlil Jlllt had to caud,.v ut III -prel Into nry fine Lrlpll, and boLl unlll teoeler m IlIIILnnri 'IIaler No'll take th A wrl ter the Lo ndon TIIDtI, nn til w Ighl of the oran JUIOO lind peel an producti on of whe.1 III Orcllt Bratmll loaf su r JIll tho wbole IIdd til tll apmc8 ftoll'! the t1grioult ural 8 t.'1tL81I~~ 'IIh n not ",Inwd, ab upphed llang llulpt', lIud lImi Doe r tW1ce a l ear with a good OQat ot th COli I toncy of Jell! ropldly, until of of tbllt countrJ extl ndln g ove r a ,>eraod 01 nille yelll'!!)'ll t tbe fa 1 tb a t ti e u. wbitewa sli, whlCih should be prepared m FTO P DDI"NO _, An Engh bwomlln ' crage extent of IlInd under wh ellt during th f"llowm g 11' Tlt.k a cia n, 1\ at r tigh t barrel or oUt r ultabl &nd wrttlng 10 the eruIILDt01l'0 m thll tim WIUJ 37IJ" 19 II r a h YCllr ~r/e!JfYl , Jlu~ mto It 6a1J a bu b I of Hrne. lind the Yield 12900 lad: MY' that wben Unwnll l" 18 out of or qUllrl rs, or lin " b,r poul'ln« '\\att'f ovor It boll n$ bot, own garden frUit, IU erog of 29t bushels per I\en sh falll back WILh IUld 10 aumofCIlt quan~lty t~ cover Jt IIv much lue on Hie frult.ll of lpaln ami IAN\, fanners "1'$ led by theIr pur lneb 41 p &nd sti r It bn kly till dnth Britannl I. 8 plum puddlllp ;and 'lilo IlropertlQs O~R, WALK.KR'S .trwgI through the credIt I'y tern AI n..hJ '~-::'-ed. '''b ..... L: cutro' dumphn VIIl BOo.\a)J ITTIIII.8 arc AllCriCiiT;1>laphonluo, I.Ie tba debr;ht o.f _ro",M YILa'"..., thongh they may hove valuable fllrm '. ea ...e DllICluog -be. I'OY1D« lluililJ' JD 8>' ry cU ... e, tJjou~h Cannlnall"&, ~lItntioua, W1nllve lhnrellr. .... tolerabl y well stocked and 10 th t'Yc of ted. d1Mo1 I't tn Wllter, the hUlt with whIch the, lire mad I Sednti~o Counler Imtant, Sudonllc, AlLenr ahd &a two pouud. f u/phale of zi08 (orrugn the C88ual ob rver 1I111lht 00 though t to "Not worth II fil:" may be " ",c ••lId Anti nlhO"L r &nd one o.r comm n I!8I t The be Indepen dent, the)' ore dmvnng hl wll uphoriMm III yrla, bllt' ID Enj;,lunu R II UcOO!tA LD & co CAW!e the wil8h to harden alld pre\4m~ It s11l\es ~.IJ4 tv th nJercilal ll Irolll "holll tlll~y n 1110. Art- SAD Francl_ CIIlrnNl .. It hAA 110. a'ppllC3lJnp partlcull U'l) If figs or&elang, whlcb gIve an Ulllicemly lip- be mllde lote puddlllg .... 4 00' (If W""hlni{ton an I barl" SU N Y buy tltCir Ruppll 8, Uld \\bom they In 8, IU t 1\11 plums 80ld "Y all Ur ......" • • d th.I .... pe&r&n to the work H d ltable, a ond eur ...nts lire I1IICd Lot the trU8t ro 8011 theI r crops fig!! be beautifu l cream COlor mI.,. be commun i cut up. Rnd mLXed with egge, fiour, 8uet) FARMER S mu.st n t ani) SO cultlut e c:ated to. th above wo h, by lIddlog three milk etc, 111 the uaual cu rrant method the crops upon" hI h they 1I1111111y de unds Gf yeUow ochre, or a 1I0Qd pearl [0 till WAy we question Jolm & 'Vatep Sts•• Oluclw aatt. whether any l>end lor lIIOOllle, II t41 make them profit.ead color by the addltlo.n o.f lamp VIne, tb)ug 18 D1ce~ lobll"r..I "... " ot Lh. ~.., able, hut thp) mu t m Ike all tbe IIlIlIor or Ivory black For fawn c lor, odd four crop!', whIch they rm fgr fct'dllljt stock pouml umber, Tluki8h or!m rt n the J or for fllmlly IIpphe P'ly ( ost of cultl 111_ •• - '.. latter I the cheapea t, one poulld In(JuIII , allon otherWI80 th pNIi t.i of tho lead red and one pound o( common lamP:' THE st.ronges t aide oca plece{)f timber )lounled "' II r••4r Coo lIleo IleAQ ~ 0111' au... ing crop~ WIll bo IIbsorbt>d b) th e 10llSC blact For common tone color, add \9 thnt wh lob ID 1t& naturlll pMI tlon, tnl e'" cala-IOK U6 011 mIDor arop&, alld thtl fUflll IIC ounta four pounda of raw umber, and two. faced the north WIll show 110 balance ~n tbe T1~ht sllIe poulldll or lamp-bl&ck ThiS wlI.8h may A GOOD tran@fer pllper for coPYlIIg be applied With a commo n" bltewlUlb Al.LllJn W to Il Jllragrnph now gOIng monume ntal IUscrlptl'Ons aDd metalho BOflio n. Mas.. brlll!h, and WIU be found much sU~lorJ the round of tho pros.< III relaLlon t~ I'''~_'' both In appellra nee and durabili ty, to ptItternll may be mada by rubbmg " nnx .f,,"~.,,"e"t. the Me ter 8 fnrm III ITIltogn County ture of black lead and liMp over the su I'oOlIUlIon wbltewa ah New ' ork which &f la~ beau sold but by MUSIC Dealer. ~verywhere. fa~'e of common IIIher papeJ' t" IC III 200 ) ears, tbe chohan A J,loTATO TJlAT Rl!Imrrs TUlli OOv ,1/1)/1 saXs: 'We an beat thnt raght h A GOOD v&mlsh for m&p8 18 mllde ot ORADO BBETL E.-A Jllckson , of FredermIl'S 'mtD II mIT TOO \\lt11111 the corpora te hUIII of old SehoIck County, Md CGmmumcate!! the fo.I oue ounco of &n&da balsam and t\\O hune Th IlLnn OWged by Marlin L lowlo~ InterestIDg facts to the Balhmo re ounCe of IIpifita of turpen1i lne 'fh18 i~ lIold Ibrou,l 0 til. UDIl04 8101.. 011 U,. cilaefcr hlUl ne, er been sold Amcncan Farmer, whleb be y can be Inld on With a son: bJ'nab over n tblll A IInlLlEI 'f fLII I SIlhaefer soUled ou It wh en tlllS \8l\e, attested by the 8WQl'II watlmen y of two ooatmg bf I$ngllllll! pr8Vlou sly dried ThAlli 00 a 8,lt681 of MOl tbly parrueDl. W8S first sottJed In 1709, 811d 80cured 1118 of hl8 laborers. About five yearsl1go he A WOtrND made by II Litle dIrect from the IndIAns ami lIince receIved lrom New Jersey a pecuhar sharp lllstrum ont I best tillfe or olher thcn It lin hoe" hand t'd dow 0 from lund of a red potato, uDder tlle nllUle 01 IDg the edges togethe bealen by bring r IUId pu ttIDg on a rlltbe r to son" \OOrl&l\ Red It jro\ed t{) be a vcry bandllge which wlll lohflo bearert &0 ofa monstro us 8lze, Nature will work thenot excluue tlie IlJr THE report of the ComlUltteeoll Frlllte c ure, If the peMlOn of t h ra~cbusett.llHortl c ultural SoCI Jtry mealy ana wholel!Ome for the table, be llenlthy , much beiter tban uny salve though lOme purple streaks "ould OCCU or o.lDtment oty for 1 H says tbat Robe rt Mlmllln g monally run througb the tubers. Last plncell upon t ile ~ble" of the SOCiety a ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ dJ sh cootal Ing tw 0 dozen orange pears, .ummer he p!lInted them in bills (our The "001 Market . feet apart, betwoon youn(; grape vines from II t ree belongm g to Ollptalll bartes Tb I d A~II."T" WANTf .. TO,q;I .. t I which ,tood eIght feet by eJght feet, and H Allen of alcm, anu that tbo trce I 0 \\00 tra e remulne compara Ive y ruaed, on one a(lre~ a httle better than q lUet frGm Brow n, Knech t .. Kemp f's two hundred and Lhllt" years ulu It the fllct that stock!. are very IMII 0 \ Ell "'M~ ICl t ... s ODe hundred bushels 01 magnLlicont small and IU!8Ortments bore tbree bushels III 1 74 nnd \lIght and cODsoquently are potatoMl He fertlliit' d the MUs by not Inviting But 1\ half bushels III 187'1 the prinCipa l caU80 The old tny m~IDS lime WIUt ~D per cent. of salt, of tbe presont qUi etude vcsant l>ellr tree whlub ~tood a few yellrs and mlxmg o.ld cow manure with about factory slate of trade 13 the unsatlllea. ago at the coruer of To J IIAI) AI.l Olll.'''TITo.Bli •• the 81m of ']['lllrd avenue and among the dry ~n per cent. of /laId lime and Mit com goods Bnd woolelT Thlrteen lli st reet Ntl'" York, and bore the prol rl"Lgr. of Ihe 'VII.on .hutUe se\\lIIg pound He ulled I. good 6hovelfu l of It contloue ddepres slonmterest l The longfrnlt ro th e Inst, W!LO about the MOJO age macblne It 18 £41 Indell 011 the \ery bcst eXlstlDg among the 10 e~ry hI'I, and embodIe d It With the ., ooleu l'rltlclpl • kIlQ"" 141 sew 109 mochllle .elenc~ good trade etLI/ exertl II baneful but thiS hIlS since died glOund, clay SOil, by dJ~lng 'fhe re Influenc e IImong the bnd Improvements In nllvnncl' of oil olber general trade, nud sewlllg UlDChllle8 ar" belli/! odople.. con ealt hlllll\),S, WIU! Il.ilroDl'JhlDg WbCII the thewbo le proce o.f purebasl lng bas beeo stBnll y 1 he \I 11800 18 rapll.1l, gum In!! the potato buge, which had tben appeare d In Qhllnsed to a regul&r A "flter an the pmllt JOIlY"lIalllllYs prefere.n nc of nil parties 1IIlIllro oequallli ed mynade , haa e.v,ten oft' II vine, prt'sontl y woril;tug on a very uarrowretaIL bU8iDIl@8 margln- 4Jr ID A Po rl sllIn (illlne r party 18 hlr less con with 8e" Lng mnchlllc., an.1 It bu filrendy two 'Of more Vllles would shoot up, keep- other word, the trade are all the duclVe to 1IJ(lJgcslaon thlln I_ one of our taken Lhe front rallk umong tbe 6rskhw i at work dOlllg nothlllg of any time Dlachlne . of III eountn Rlld I\s price cou IIIg on growulg untlI t h e ...'",ovem ber bard own Not ollly Ilre Lhe coursell fewer, as owing to 118 being mllllllfll tllred where fl'Ollta lUlled 'hem MOilt CUriOUS o.f all, so"'1 ueuce at lelUlt of IIny magmtu de, and 1 b fore rcmllrkc d bllt the v\IInds are Inbor and Dlnlerml I. much chenper thon th Y 'bore hl1n1 itnd there 8mall t><>tatocs, While at b est tile protlt8 III are ... ery leBII small, rach III ,.ullllty Illld Ilre SOf\cd III eoSlero cille IS faft~el1 dollur8 leIS Ihlll1 not eeed baU., on the VI nee. One ro- the nsks are, lIeverthe lel!8, lUI great lUI SDlllller portions Dellt RCY of flllvor Dlld nll (llhcr firal class wacillnes MachJllea markab le hlll Yielded fert)' live I\verago- oV not sohdity IS th e rc~ult "IlIIed nt by II \\111 be liellvered nt Rny railrond stt.llon In 1hl6 IS rllther lin uneatlsf actory state Iiud pota~ AU h18 othor lunds aa Ihls coun ty free of tn<nspor true Frencb tat.on ChArg •• r'dollbku The~e IIrc also Early Roee, Peac:bbl ow Early Goodrlc b, 'Of thlllb'S, espeCIal con Idcrllbl. tII.'!teli ud mgenwt y dl"playe d If or l ~re ,1 throllgb LIIe company al Cle' e lHRIc h " S t! '" ork 8t ", It }: s c hangQ l.loulht ly when we wke a All Uncomm on Ancor18 m. though trtlllted ID thO-lI8me manner, "ere glance acr IBUU And OhiO They 8el d lin elellAlit cala .ot , , Y 1 • 0 HI r@t uf U\' Iltlr i. t: t the ocean lind obacrve how an 80rvlllg the Iectl wb Ich are hrought logue and &II utter rlllion chromo Circular (ree en apphcR pro peroua the wool lUtbre ts appellr Thomllll uDllluglJRm s aneurism or an to tbe tllblc 1111111 ","nner of pretty and hOIl Tbl~ cOUll/any wnlll n few more good everywh ere bl\~ hero at homo At tbe artery clol!ll ro llls bcurt cau8111g an en fanCIful fonns Thus at one dlllllor (.lllrty agools Tag JOtNT,ER Pt.()~ -Tbe ObJoot of Coloma l wool Mles 110'11' prGgrelll'lDg In ormous enll\rgo ment, tbe rupture II bllSket 'Of formed of brown fltflligat wlUI u.nng II. Jl?wler, or 'IIma\l plow, In plilee Londoo tb,ere ill a aburp Tl"bllul\l competi tIon ex whll:h 11'1\8 u:pectod to be followed by handed round pnllOn leRd. to tbe follow of .. QOulter,I tQ 41IV\(1.o the furrow sli,ce, lahng aolGng buye1'8 It l\ as fill d With 1111{ ro "lt8 COllet! Iuflammataon of the kIdney. and high praces ore IInmedla te death IS stIli an Intere tlug aprIcots 1I\01lldod ID pench tInted tOO, alck and nerVOll8 headaohe apd thUB more olr. ctually pulverlz o tile lH)ing pllid As high , bll1ou80e88 d¥1Ias lOt !lOll The JOlOter c&mes 1t.11 amall tu... ev n 18d hilS been paid (or to l7d , and study (or th surgoon~nt Bellevue , where aDd of dehClou~ IIprlcot flavor At p.psln Inlilgestioot ]>I)e. LOM of nppetlte first quality bo hns b ('II under almo t bopelell8 treat- nnoLber the huket olld 8lreugth nil 01 "h loh wnY be avoided row~lice of surface 1011 over moo the grellsy, el"OS!l-bre was uf Whlte tlwI/g(lt d elothmg wools, nnd me nt Early y"sterda y motnmg the an I\lId the cream \\os co l o~ed and moulded h) belllg regular III your hBbll8, and takIng bottom o.f tbe furrow mol'$ effectua lly lOa for grelllY cl'Oahbr ed SUpel olothmg tl clpated break of hlood filled I!JlC oc to rep resent pmk and cramson rQ!lC8 On aft\" onc of ParlofU P"rgatw~ P~ ulgbUy than can o,be.rwllMl be done, !lod the From theee indlcnt\ ons It I, clearly Qurrfd When thetho blood began to flow another ocea Ion 11 Illr ~o 81 h er dish WRt lor four or .Ix w~ek. bIlck or large plow bnnS1l Its furrow eVident we shall obtllin little or 110 wool slowly nt first, aod th en tSpurtiog ou t borne III 0 11 which ellce Gver and covere It complet ely leav from thel!<! auctlollS ROli Al EX II tlTgI'HKNS-"Hllve derIved \\Mlllac ed abundle of lUI the ruling prIces ., Ith g rellt force and rnpldLLy Cunnlllg IIBpllrngu 109 the !urfa~ level and light It Will IIrc far llblll'e the 8 the swlh held bogether by a .omu benelll froIII th e U80 of S,mmon, I.Jler hmlts of America n bam prt'8i!Ild 1118 hnnd over the rupture bru Id bluo IIIltlD f1blKIII lltyu/u/or nUll WIsh to Il lve It a furthur traal complet ely Invert weeds 8tubble anu pUTchlUlCrs r wltb 1111 1119 strenglh and shouted [or WIIS untied the swlks fell The rabbon - Uon Alex 11 lep hena Oeorgln manure, or heavy c1o.ver 60 that.- L apart nnd one t will It would that manufac turers are belp WLlllaDl Knvllnn ugh the orderly J hMO n evor oeell or Irled aueh IL 81mple WIiIlIICf\ od toonch l1;uest tGgetbcr w~th a .fficaelo not drag up No corn stubble cun be bUL IagbUy sLocked u. 1lIlllsfnctor) and l'leruu\ut remedy well plowed, IIA It should be, without It nnd ID theIr anxiety ID Euro{'8 as bere, ID charge of tho ward, ran to hIm. aUfI nch sauce from II ~lIve r tIIluce boat The In mv hfe - u Hainer St. Louis, Me to ' lay In' atock a by applYlIIg a qUllll!lty of IlIIt alld t\\O nspRrllgl Bod, at one plOWHlg, 18 ml\de &II mellow fI\ alrf has set ID whlcb \s SUlIk W J\II compose s of vanilla mamfes ts Itself or t~rce towels, stopped tho tIo'\\ of 100 cream Joh1l1on &9 a SUllUller fRUOW, and can be har 11\ II blgber • .,41Jody"" and Ll1l;mn,t the green pIIrt of pattiachw II oy be uoell to scale of prices than curreo ~ blood le(' willie tb eauce WI\8 a dehcate ly advantag e where IInv Ihllmeul 18 dealrable rowed ClOBIIWIIIO of the furrow '\\Itbout prices for si milar "ools III our marke18 It IR the first rcoordcd IOSUlllce of rllp 1111\ or d crenm 'I he I nlltatlon In eMe.o( severe Or01ll1'8 nnd JlIlln. In the .ragglll g up a partlole nf turt An 1m- rhus f~r whereve r o( tho the market.ll hove ture of nn lI/1tmmm "Ithln three mchb~ \ugcl.3ble It Is IIDdoubt.edly lbe best nrUele por~t advanta ge the Jom ter 1111.8 o~er opened thl! WIUl porfcctlD evory partlcul ur, .Iomaeh Ibat CUll be used an~rnally 8Oll8On hlgb prIces bave been of the beart flllhllg to produce IIIstalll nnr! was thoroug hly deceptiv e The the coulter 18 Its cbe:lpnC88 of repnlr socured AILhou~h here at horne our death 1n the few secolH.18 durIng which Tbe coulter very IIOOn beoomes dull nnd marketl are deVOid dccorntl ons lit dllm r Jlartl e!! are T"'~_I_ of anlllllltaon, there the flow continue d tho patient 10 t about floral SlJ antNp. • • BlAOIZIlU for Jl DO '111 rull,. up to Il to utiulllly on II far IClI3 extollel' e Koale thnll blunt, requirin g upeottlu g and refaclDg J8 neve rtbelellll, &8tlffness ln IIlaudau J "~tel.rd. maltar while tl n Uh,.tratl In. price wbolly eIght pounds 01 blood, olle half or the WIth us A slOgle bngkot tasteful ly IIr ""' bettf' r UJA With steel, costfo!! from four to si x 11111(· at vllrlllnce Willi prtces a ulual C1lreDC!4t COO'" I'Ilptr on of mostly all tex whole quantity JII bls body lind the pul rnnl'ed Imjtll, &nd time in .s0lllg to the blnck tJ\e~ No. good for the center of the table I ~ con rell60n cun be u"gued I!JltlOUS of hiS hCllrt \\ ere hnrdly percept.~UI~I::tr~~'lJt\!:~Il~l&enllr~:~~~":I!~n11t~r:.'I~~:~lnflt sldercd qUIto suOwlcn " exccpt on 00 Inr-y "ulltll ebop wo.rth ID the bUllY l!eal!On, ror thl8 otber than a Inlctr".lIn~' dped desire w cure sup Ibl O~e o f thet II MlatweHs h If The tempora ry comprtlilll 1Va.~ In caH101I of ex Lnl m!llllllficllOce and 1\11 much more When the J'Olnter point lIlies r~nrdle89 of Impnr ~I(t,~ie~~ ~~ ..)~O~,~~[:, ~nd TI1'Ie".:rOt,' ! °1~rr'tft~~ L becomes worll out, the farmer bas only In Cahform a prlcesfuturo conseq uences. po ItlO!llLbout half RD bOllr rho blood tllJlce opened I!O hlgb 1\8 to hnd been cOlLgulRt,ed III the orlficc, and ~3':'~'~'lod~~.tr~l~kunat~~o~t'!,lIr~: ~r~~~~."~IM, ro 1008011 00 bolt a,nd replRce It WIth a deter all prudent purobnse ,r IOl flrntloR III fI I"ltrue ll". nlfttht r In Il CIun 1'8 from oper- tbere \VIlA not 8u/llclcn t pow.,r In tbe The Wonder s o.r tho IlcJ'08COpO. DeW o.U~J mqlDg hJ8 Jomter all good 88 atlDg extensiv ely, and dlmted rOrh) If Wtt rul,lHl V",utUfO " ciittcllnu ,.." Dew &nCl&t a cost of only Ullr\.y centl!, their backs eastwar d no~ a fe" turned henrt ro fGrce the httle remOlDIng bJood Here 18 I. liat of r~~~~::~ soma ot :~, ~,rn~'~ V:I~:~~ rJOI~ lb.~ tbent " " the wooders and flv minutes time, at tbe longest Golden State, ouly to10 dl8gUSt from tbe through it. Il000 through a mlor08OO p8 wltne8/) the sam" lowly and cautIous ly Drs 0111S.~ and van'Ous klllds can be _ I I In Jnllectl of The jOlllter dOO6 not Increaao the .iraft state of UlInll:8 ID tho on v Itles the more Souther n Isham removed the clotbesl lod Mturate d of IIny lIIore than a ooulter, and \'I'm work Stat..el! ID Texlll!l ~eorglll a gram of IIlIlId Mold IS 1\ forest of wllereve r a coulter cau be u d, and In the more .Nortber Kentn41ky, etc lint aod filled the ontice with lIeW hnt bellutlfu l trees With the branche s, leaves n and Western Over tillS th e usual cOUlpre8 itow ors, nnd frUits Butterfl ies are fully perform It.11 '!fork much more thoroug hly Ultes ou th lslllde ot tbe Rocky Moun plnstor hnt nnd bondage 9 of adhesI\ s were socnrely fen~hercd HaIrs lire ho\1ow tub!.'s The and IIlLll!fa"torily It does tbe best work talne thc shearang wlII be late on acOOllnt bound so tbat the bll)t)d ClIO escape ouly Ku r rnce Gf our bollae8 wben It only takea a shallow Curro\\ of the continue d long III overed With ahc and a half or two mohM deep I ~['rllll! I U~ from whal coltl wIDlI'r ILnd by II freeh rupture There I ~ a bare pea- scales hke fiijh A slll gl.~ ,ralll of sand Cllll be gleaned slbllaty that unllan~bllm mlly re over \\ ould covor one hundre' l In Eod the ataudurd ahould be pillc d I lhe IIIdl CIIUIJn8 1101 lit to n 8CIlie of prlc~K and hft)' of III! the depo"lt of fibnn 11\ tbe IIIIC Will be th ese nurly perpend Icular ~cIII ('ll, ond Yl't II ~lIIg le scale CO\ ers higher thull nut.llufn clurers of " oolen. or Rccelerllted by the feeble flow (If 14e five hundred pore!!. fhrough th OBO nor wool <1c1I1(\r8 clln plly With any degree of blood A .\llE(lJto\\, - I t IRwe II I.Koown I A cllre under ~ucb ClrCllm row opclllng s the sweat forces It.self ft,UJ"I _ ,..lft!I'II:IJ . t Iut I!JllclJ to theIr beet IDteresls out SIIlR C(,8 however wOllid be IIstolllell lllg blu6 Imd I5Cllrlet colora III Jllxtapll "ltlon lake wnter throu gh IL 81evo rho mites TIIII brlt an 1 I'be81M', t PoInt ttl ."e 1bo l.\IIle~ of the week eml:Jrllco 10000 nnd neather he nor hIS IIttendn nt8 have make favo hundr('d step!! 1 BOcond CIIU a daullng effect on thef.\)e Tbes Ibl!. X lind XX OhIO Wnrhl ror lmn Tin "_I For ...... Ench lit a full pnce ony hope of Il-}.~I(t TQrk Sun I>Y T1M1... "".... V"lI~re. PRTNOF.'I colors strun~ on" line and placed Ol'('r 10000 Ih5 selected dropof stugnanL I\Uter contall18 a \\orld :lO combIng PATNT f n Mon ,n _c'" 00 C<-<I.r!ltlIfF.1'ALI fl eeces, at N~ .. y ...t.. ell1lwbe rryheds produce a puuhng effect Il fian cv price 2600 of nlllmatc d helllg sIVllumlllg '\\ Ith 0 8 IW'"CA UTIO N. -1'IIrclIu Iin will pi.... on blrdA. and no bard \\'III enter tile 1(111'- g lillS fleece, pnvate Ibs unwlllIhed Vif VelOCity and Dnratlo n Qf Lightni ng. milch hber tJ lUI \\ hales In thc II8Il IICO 1\a~.nrnamD ond lraao mo,k ... oa_I>", ,4 Elich ""1 pn.ka~o Bend ror A Circular don While the colona fllItter tn tbe alf WII hed ( long staple)terma. 9,000 lbl! uuA large IIlllIh of h gh tlllng dlstlDct ly leaf hM a colony of llI80ct;s grazing 011 'jt, Pu~cet! o.f blue ond IICIlrlet CAlico hould 2000 Ibl! GeorgI \ on Souther n at 40c 8Cen often leaves uron A N U like oxen on a !lalM llleadow A speck of potho terma mlOd be uL abou~ 0110 &rid u. half feet lD 2000 tbs do hurry, at 26c reser ved prell/lion that IthnsllUltw full)'a lin lUI tatoo rot tbe 617.0 'Of II pm head contRlu s cond or 5,000 lhs I IIgtb,lIn a tied to a hne one foot arart un" lI.8hed combmg more but It 18 prove.] that 8uoh IB not uhout t '11 0 hundr d ferOCIOus !lute ani All oltl, flannel peLt.icoat WIll supply a 6 bllle old OrcgOIl on terml! reserved at 28~c .. 600 Ib$ the filet Its \ eloclty IS at th e rato of mall!, bltIDg al1u cllL\UlIg eoch o.ther lu' e quantity of iJlu:peolUve tlCltrlet OhiO flit sheep's wvol Tbe mole mosqUit o is on private torms 2 0000 miles per 8Ocond The utmost ~avng(lly trll Thi liM t~ to eupporle d. by 5090 Ibs lIn'\\R8hed u'tedlum fleece, IlIIH e durataon ora flub from beglUDing to end dewrate d WIth pillmes lake tbo e of pilI a1rfi labeltll t from toe !traw ~rm8 30 buies Nevada, on private terms. 18 estimate d not to exceed the SI%th part IIOme tropIc bIrd Tho eye of the com ~"l ~.. To .ppo'n etrawbe rn II, -Urlum rala EammntM of a lICCOnd thoujtb retam ed upon tho re man hOUlIo-fty 18 cut 111to flcct.II 118 dla t It (lIng tbem el tl IIlld enabUn g them twa as much Io.nger 'IbIS may be m'Ollda sollletlloc8 tlrc W rllll'D all I»und. ta~e • piece of stout hi Pam they make proved durmg I"", &1&'rd 10 length, beod It III right oDe by cutllng the shell two O@"giI out of dark IIIghL by II .torm on u perfectly SOilIng /I wheel ro work so With A \I RtrEE ID lhe .Ii flat/ilO Mtmthly &1\ I n inch from Mch end, bind diamond and then hCID~ the a gluier 8 ropldly tbat In a steady esg qUIck hght lt1 spokes says The I!8ddle mule II a frequen t th (WI belW n t.h tlgb~ &ogle!! Into Iy wl t b an 0.11 d Itnlfe £be t'l'G halves &ppear to blend and become IlIdlVldu&Uy rl vlIl of the boree For milking long dIS I. UtV Starn II Ih two enlh IIX urc d ftly dropped IOro bolling butter on InVISible tancc~ OHr the plaIns" IlihotJt forage he tn~ Illto th earth cJ to the traw the plate, wbleb f1X~8' tbenl, making It belDg dark, nnd tb wheel rapidly can nut be I)(,Jlten, unle by i he IndIan rry Jllo\il, tlI II d ..." the frUIt o.ver them look Uke two, and lor wb,('h the re\ 011 IDg 88 above wben a IIlI.8h of light.- pooy .(I.. good I!Ilddle Jllu lll 8Qmetllnos th N', eMb pilult requirin g two To Ull IU!JlCct lDg41uB nang occurs the wheel WIll Appear to tho mllku Hlxtyor I!C.vent) fi YO miles a day tomel'-w hohssnot n~ ng. pIllet! III WIIW III creo- tbe Qperatlo n-JlIl1" WhQ couldn' eeen eyo rnotulIlle ~, e'ery "ithout t.h r fOur W. &lId thon dry th German &nQ ~t back to Bpecle t pa.y tinctly and 80pnrate ly spoke being dIll- and Il l!C~nllng to be mucb fatigued , yilible I1IId atlll trustlVo rthv frontler6ID11II IIAIIPrc8 pay mont III three yean with BUCh, gaws a8 This WlUl first ob8etved by WhealMtone me tbflt be 11811 kt!!ll\ n oille to mue one th f and IS reoordl'd by blm, In conJunc tIon bundred mIles [)etween dayhgh t and With other IImllar lltatement.ll, 11/1 COli dark But the IiIlddie mule II nl't alw&y" A PM)! NA1;I thennolD.~r hM been elullne proof that the durt.tlon of tbe reltable Jrhe tak e" It Into bls hMid to ut the IDYented by & clflleD of I!I&D FIlUlCllCO, rlallt IlInU!I!Ir jU8t whele II "I, be l IS vl'ry QuartCOf d_gulld . to regiater Qn tbe deek uf I. JlIl8lI 18 eJ:4'e n el y brl f tllfficult to lrlln8pllln~ ~--q\WIt.ll y Ill&fryl llr I. C&rgo h&blet,o .pontane ilS Jt 1111 IN't'n well o1leervlld 1181 ~ unl 41\1.1 I'Ombu lion the amount or hut Ie n4l'11SE --------~.. III illt' prol)Orll f tbe Dumber of , TUE yl1eehm ner may return, wfllte r&1A!d In Ibe C&fJO Thill timely thlDga WI' I/.ve andon ~he number or tblnga a plo.U$ girl &0 her loYer, "til .bom ahe 'tI'UIL _ami. of. \WIpr 111&1 be Cb·eD, &h&t Io.n UL
Fruit and Jelly Press W"" .... DetMl"."_"
bAd paried iD upf.
)-:1' \
[BER 519.
'10 all men ami at RII t .mel!, the b t (rieod i virtue and the ben companion8 ure lugh en d ea~onJ and Iionoflll)le
0' r h " aL rooobwd I It wW blOOlll~I ,.. "~r.I.lrl
I_ IOU."I It,,I1'tII D dim \lft<'a gloom (lor • I rluJnt
A A Or •
fh., . I""!,, I oJr
'I: ou 10< 'hrll~ IM~~~t BaYU IIariU
1'1 •• oJ.'!!~' .t • I~ • ,,1\1 ' 1' 1Ilo6Y1nulir. yo rl"lillln - " -' YOllb tltl_ "II " ., .. ~ -Monl.otr 0>/11... BROOK! Y Ii A 1'9U8 A M I!Odn M tb.
bah) s teething beg\D8 the !'Om __ at InRmel1 life c(' U!ef! No woman Cftn feel lIn y HCn~lllll'nt {or 1\ man who travels lrolln(1 In 1118 night shift oe a hot IRlID • ler" v~ with 1\ WillRlhng InfAnt on hla !IIIOl1lder 1L IS th u thftt!!h 81.Op8 call IIIg hll I Dnrhn~ nnd de_ nds to such comn onph\co ob!<ervl\tl on~ M John arulirt' be (,Rrefnl how yon hold thl\t baby r. I us bee n 8lIgge~le~ by Dr Turret llmt U ru'pili HJlre III of the rbylloxora ur gra pe vlIIll lo use III France, 18 due, mor lhnll IlnyUuug elHe to the rnp.dex wrllll "t 011 uf II ~ ~ n all bini! of that coull try 1t 18 1\ llll II nowu thnt a regulo.r duwhnrl.;e of g uu ~ 18 1 Cfirel II o\er France lit Cf rln ll1 l!f 1110 8 01 Ihe yellr e very per I!\lll "I ) e m I lr or bormw 110 mueket enter1l1g IOto the erUl!n!It; nnci U at an nd IICfUnllI lte MI I gil I r '" ,made of nlll(\lId8 n"a c!lIf\cll'Jll. pe0r.lo IJefd III the Mtretl,th hig I tollell I, ubl w opllllon call g l\ c II em I I keel t lern hue to tbelr M OHI II Illel ~
,.".. ~~~~
1 ctte r
laugl cd
belt r
Illn ghrll
tu 1I11111re how he would I T all: an 1 ho (' ht{)r rcplieoi lUI foil \ ~ If ollly I' O ~ I ~oo I lVay woulll be to 11 I. t h I I Y n'enns 01 I~ long ell" n at. t, t e l to hl8 t ~.I to the top of pole furt) I -et frolll th o gtoulIIl Tbon hOJl t III n lv, rll! t ed I I I H 'oroll to "0 thl'f po" [hen 1 ~8ee n I on to IU8 back I fn e-ton plle-tlr I (' r 1111 Ir thnt I"II! to I reak hllll lot I 1111 sl ,rt I collntrr now,*" I 'PH 1I1l I t n M t llCol'l fur 8Ub!!Crl ptlons One 01 til t\\ 0 WIll do It eur I H R t Loul~ Glo~ man wao wrIteR Ilbout II res t1", ~ 1.h!ll;OurseM of a conftllgrn tlOlI III I. 111111 le r " Illiop The 1\11I1J"~ crowded th rough the door lIud atnrted In lur filII 'I hey tried on 8prlOg bl\u, Rnd Jun pcd IIIK' I th o cI .ir8 Ilnd lnbles to ad mIr tbcnllSehtlls In tbe mlrrol'lt. 'l1hen they Ilnshf!u hi the r 1I1d thith e r among Ihe I lel.'S In I embroldvrlcs, {eoomg on 08LrlCh fenlhcnI til I they became bloated, ",d the u trill Iplel l II e ruches under Coo," 1IIt1 KtllIl peil ilie beautIes from out tbe lI.,we rll, until I all tbe wreck of JIIatter U , Y 1\ U e left the onlv bngbt things. , So~IE sltufl tlOns III tillS world are too Irflllllltlll lor un~ LhJl'g For Iu.taoce a mnn In J ersey City II ent miu a cellar 'the olher IlIgllt teo dnlW aome Cider, aud,8tuck , ('nlldlo IIlW wi nt htl thought W811 a keg of blnck l1li.11\1 He IIl1t ncar i t drlnkmg untIl the candle hunled luw Neuter I nllllr r the lIame cflme to \be black sund 611 I drunke r nud drunker became the III III At hm glh " mlln came in MOn rell of hlln and be got up 8ta~red loward li e CIl' Iitl tlppe(\ It over lOW the snl1d nllll- 1t tlCl t I!Iln,1 Iller all IN the re.gn or l'elor the Great 10 UUl!l'lII lhe fi l'l!t nllt ollal 8Ohool& were f!l uodell ThOHC pupIls who had U1ade IInsnLlsfnctory proirel!ll Were !lot aUowel1 to mnrry ~ l prolnbltlon which m each C3lIC was aliI) nOlt/led to ouoh arobbifbop. TIllS Mtllt( 01 thing! o"e woald ~uP~ I list e ither h li e eef\cd tber,.UIIIl of SUO? Ie 1fI1IIlg ( r hnve dlmil1lshefl' bie mam 1Il0lllllili HIs Tt vII$, howe ver paralleled , by the la_ 111 a GerlllslI rearm,. h ylll\l'!I ago. where 110 olle 1"18 aUowecl to mnrry wbo had 1'10& been prevlou I, ClOa fim 'ClI IlO oue could be conl\'rncil who had not ~ en 1:i1l1)tu~c.1 IIlld 110 one could he imll\JIr.cd 1\ h ) luu1110t been vMromllted A Cllarell Dilllltlter. 1f t
The mOllllmentnl In rschaum wallaol emllly tllkell IlCcol/ling ""IlIlllCflltl tllree IIQn to the palace bl\rraek~ tho IDUlatl!\! of willch 800n reccl\ ed the fOllo~JIlg or der of the dny ~ DUflDg a fortlllgltt eHIfY relteveJ sent ry 6hall 8moke the Imperllli pip:edurlIIg two conaeeutlve boo I'll no lDt4lrrUptlOn during ,th e mght The Biok aoldlcl'II 88l1t lo the ~pll.al shllli be Imrue(hately replAced The necell8l1ry tobacco mall be deb vered freo to the I!OldH!f8 Oft 1'0'ceipt of a note ftom the commanacr • A forln.gkt afterw.r,l ~ the pIpe wall of til finest blackish hue 110 thllt there iH nn o~tACle to the remlH al of Lbe trench Ambafotador
P IONII;J;iI cllnfl ler II r t "orlhl. In good or eVil their geutleDe1!8 I I ilia blllt)' to f~1 anger thelf virtue Inability \f) dowMa«
'Ilu rect'llt. dll'll8t<>f at Holyok recallH I. mUll] I Rllntlar catftllLropho which OIl ell rrl'(\ at Sa IItldgO de 01,,11 uib Anll'flclI Decllmber 8th 1862 11 b I" by Ihe sudden C(') lIfiagrntlon the atbeijral ."lrIng Ii urowdeef HCrvlCO 2.1(100 women, Inn1 d~ aqd matruu.ll, IDol"d~ ,be,..ry flower of th ~ Ctt)' pqflllAe4 l!or{lbty U WM at all ev Dlug aer\1~e} ,w11ell Un!' churcb 1\'&11 delU!Cly ~,dWde<J A cam p'hene-illmp ulled m 110 lrtlMpareotly on the \ilw eetJire to the hanglnp. "henoe tbe f\. .elll~ IDI!&al\tanooualr aklDg tile l'11ilio~le fe ~oon8 t. gaqu p!d t1fl1pery thRt cov('~ tjJe ilJj ~d II " "8M, 1l1llolig Wlfteh toj&OO "andlai _ CliUl phene IlIlItpI wet"ft burnl.. Ia. II1 QDl n the wh••I. mUrlor walo ....... 8Il(la rain 0(, bluiog 9'l:: ,nd b cloLh fell1lpoa ihe ero"IJ below onl' door 01 tllil chuicla op4!8'ed Iftwa all'i wall Il0011 cboked In" thaD • quarter of IIJI hou r 2 000 ~""1IlI, I_adIJIt vtry few ml'D, 1Dill pe~ OIitiian Letiala&UnI ilrMcIe ...... IU.
fAD AII~triall Minl8ter of AgrlcltI tUft! hM JllI!t I",,"ed a repor~ on UJe-crop l!fI!I!" pectll III AUlI\na ..d llunp!'1 CoIfl weather ha inJurea 'In()jll~ or tlie orupl!. 10 South Au tria the crol* paeran, look _11 fD Buoiuy the weather b.. beea fayorable, bu\ IDlleCt.1I hayo greatl1 aiJlat.\eol fOr tlae Iu~ uti ",.... • injured tbe eroJIL The fruit r.nlpe IdIeInt a_ber of door. to
rromiltf to be aooil
... cJl1l1lO.....
h i . bait ia bud, ...Ue the eoterpri :1\ buNt ill lh U.I'.ukiDI EatahJlumeDt ~ ... .... .• . IMl&r Nln~. Gil '" 01ll'''4.'t RUden • I .N hi bat IIta' the , I and the wlaol. UaiD, rail tla iun IIr every rAIi!i1. .Ilnd I ., . . . . : DJIII. . -lir. ,lin U.hl h.. arrived trial, t.h...... r. Ed, with. Bat thil lluld lea e t!veno bo in ·OUAn. h I written _ _. . - . . Bowe .... twn Ierio"lly .f. hume fNID Pbil ...iel I ia. "'10 lUunod Ihe ",. }t'rieodl in a bad fi fie the old by (Jb.rlee K. Urown, late Judge . I ." e . .. 8icted with ieku iD hi f!lOll) ik pi be ~. r. Mao. ~ I cbarch h.. al ......y ~ turn down . uf the Ninth Judicial Oi triet,' and Ii .• 7.11 A... ,0. • fllr lome two week, an,] ("ven - f< e tn~~ hal ~ new bom. J~ f !ton t~ie lfOu'ld ..1 ir~ul"ri. , -Aka ollettand Ben ampbell if would be IIhnl t impooiRibl to Ill. . I:~:. !:~ ~~. 1= 00'" b~' IOn, John Howe,. il dllily a per to ,t UHl 0 a t illig. t,\' • . '1 lie CUllnm ' tee Ile 8lAi'tI,. w r have mad "nicc thio in the tlh lpeak io &00 high p''ail!e ~t'ita n~er. , • ... Mr.. IU P. . . • No. I. &ll~ct\llg thllt nmu~ni I~m the -Mr.IlIHl Mn: IlIIIac ~h"rp aro ,uut.WJel'i, IM>t y app0tllted ; llaeuin bu ill ,t~ ka 1I.! l i~. It otaioll UIO Intereoltl~lg . °T",-" ...."p. .~...p .......1. SPI"l IAllid. _n.1 teqlUrN blll.'th· at hOIl1t- frum Cincinnati. htln •• OOlr IIi I"lalot nut be· TI 1OtIC ~b ba t 'cd ooth on I history of 'he l·ady dllY of 11,0, BMpectfull1 iDfnn... ~o v.blle Ih., flo ... ... , . . . !'(• • • w_..-~Iie ...II. ere C!OfI tanl an IIl10n t hie bed· - M•. terTaft. of ' uth 'harl ' m a pllrt 01' tho hl inllt('. Uthe fier AkQ. i·ve r~.", .re·gbmo t' lstlitisli Ullt.! wattt-I" 01' 1.1\" which "petWdl' ''h-1I'YU~i~cC.nd. r.,.M~ n.IIa4 1'... ,. . Oa • " t' \f A . •. I F&fr. "" f b . t I U , • d in,r Eot.abliti t.D D . "D •• "0" kIIIf. • an 4 • ",0 ... ~1I1Id . ' . III'd1.'. Tb c Cll'C.'lImB ... I1C\... Ill· tUrI 18 VI I lUg .ur. f. IOC!!\.'UIOg.J 0 t e mo lIng w're ) ' ttcr' the ,mIU r hioc,"" I.ft I ill the ev rlbody shuil Id . L..,.,_ ucqualllte .,.... r ..... the r ....t.OftIoo W"rnoeviUo, 0 Iri 1.l,IUIOlTnantlall,. bill~ ..tthth w-etweath rof the - "r. etll III·t",ri ut i ' fCCOV \(!t>ululuWIII dillth" .lfiwll; (f it · woo] ihebett with. ,,' oh)1 10 'i tilltroduc· wb'l"IIblO wUlk ponb~nd .. ~I»e";: ~r' ~,,~'( ~n\. Lu~ f"w ..cc b, have mad. it illl- 'ring fl'\\ 10 an IllnMuing i icilnCll z tl , he W. lI tW 10 ahow a 8t",i~1l' !d' . b h I d ed illt om 11001 Illld thut it \"ilI .o._t 0. ' t'UI'WI&I" ... ,IU.IUelIS "0-... Ileac, wu . ulre ' a WI' delf'U ' I ' 1•• . . ....el_ at ' .00" r OllI'bl " for Mr. H owe, VOII WI' tl I -Mr ('urdell J W· ut 0 !J ' . I 1m rung hIIII! .wove 0 b tAm I\h.lIl amtUlg ....t IIr w.. ...t ~...r" .., ll.IO p.... .11 bi8 tilllj/'gy a"J indn_try, tv Jun TlI~~IlY alld 'Frd~~ . 8lJ:nT 1II0.'e Bu\x:O\:k bll int: f\l r h:1II -- :.~ mll'hlll o )~p uf; VII t G eorW r our itizen . Published by Moore ~~~ , --r--- -~ . ~._ l'.a.~ kHP' ev a ,'Ilce .. ith the 11'(."''1\& in ciullati I ) III 10 ' The qllestioll to 1/8 decidel.i "''' 11011 U vut .nlld ~ru\ llie tNtlts. . e & Q"tllu, KllluIII8Zoo, Michiglln. L hi. curntield . Hie neighlwl'll ' . . . important VI[I ; he v,a uted nu Ivull' rv.tbe,r th!"k tlll~ a bad m ove .tur Pric' j and tI nte for poetu~. - A::<_ • ... • : , • .' ~iJlg this conditiun \If aft'lliN alld -~r.llnd Mrs . John. <?~III116, ~f huluil I ft t.u crawl out at. Thl! the Esq.Ulro - . liv : ~g as he ~ucs II\'e l ' _. I III A"'(I"" 6 CA, :') DI ('ltIlOW. IJ.mp&thizing \\ illl him ill hie orw III ' . ha",~ Ll.'tjll \', ItIOg III uUII~il .. bolaJd talte 011 all th c r . at. tb .I-..ut t MaIn, cOI~ntHlg f('nr I T!le WIl~ren I:OUllty TelAche,)s . .. _ •• o. ml,tortullM g8thcl'('dtOf1ieth('r " " Cllirknalle. Ih.n 1IlhlY 'j nut I uve thv maltl' r trip ench da:r and fr onlllleul.s . !lotltitute Will 00 huhl at Wal 11 CII' , t\ .. 0110'0. ' ..... ;' 0-- III, I IK~t Friday mOl'lJillg, ::3 of them - MI'. lSa~lI ,I It. 'g~r ~Akl ill lI\H:I, u s bap" thllt if .truubl e ut tho ~.u~. ot 365 day,. b,e Will villo. bt' giu ning July 26th &lUU t~ : .. . I•., >oin :I,. , _ 1"1 I WIth double cultivatora, si ngle p\lrcha8l'd a IU)l'Iltl tv dr-aw h,a cu. ~hvuld cume n.)-hercnflcr It could have tln\u1ed Rhont 80 lillie. cunllOlIll two w~ka. lof allltlt;'cl • . Jf~thl_~~' Pl I~ ~&hIi, 7.:lIlam ,..~ b . . " . TI I S D OD ~~(I4Irt."C_A. . _ .. an d W",_.IlO"· Illeh.~...- .' r1\·., ,,~'lO m ltl.lO rill cultl\'utuf8 and hUt:. und ntllrrl,E'11 l!y -~ulOg n~gy . be h .fh!d off \Into, thll COIU 11"1 k-e. Ie poop e over h ro nI"e on , J oh n Haocock up. of ayton lleol .. 01 t.he .....ta of Ih. 0tlIDUlUDit1 in ..... _ .... r.i .• 11·. IS.. ", IfI.lI ! p nl l int(l .\Ir. H QWO' cornfieldll IIIIlI - DI·. WilliutU un lettherc M Ull ' Mr.l:iubiu I!.il id It ullly wallted 10 their head"tci know if Milton Ward 8choul8, Mi88 EliM Buntiug, l)' l whl~bheh .. ""IODg"",.d..a . .heleel~co..'•....... • wo" ,1•.• "1•• II1.I0pm .:oOam 11 ' I' UII ' d IlVIOrll\·I.!tl.tlhi . . sVIlE'mllklll . t!lVwt.'ecl"uUJl.tdltlUttl I I . I I l·YWl·I'O " ?"et~Ipll""S t 1-•...... k·llIg I118 ' 'L'ttl .....m""Mbl·""II1 .... u I• ~,AlTh·. 11.-IIplD .ISa .. . "'I'(lm wormll!!!; untl' 1 nCllry I e , aII Ill'8, 811 d H • II e:JIlG tt '\\'~re , el.D{thM'b I""oUon.bycl).4u. tinI!'F_...I, ... itll""" ..... JII •• 'a""y. ;j 011 p .. 1 6it" 11\ ,d .. wu, tlley waged R successful I Elf iuwuocl, Klilhlllli. not e~l tll"ely IIgnol ed by 1110 Oouncil. l' l'aud ou thut gralld European tour. , chosen by the CUWIUlttee as IU' _oy an4 urd.r. ell C:;''';:a':=';.. ~ ~I ~-:, ~:, : war~re agllini!t litO. weed~ therein, ; - Onr frieud E. T. MIICY, of :rho I~v<?lt 'wal of ~I·l·~t iOllhlrlaUCtl w~o has just returnt;<J .from l,h'\Iet ors amI mU!lag rs. - I .... G 8-1' D-; . ~ ,,"no. '.Oo~ P III !!,(Oo .. 111 \ paU~\QK 001] Ilt IIl1d·day, lonl ell' , H!,rve IbDrg, gave USIl very Vleu> IU &11818tlO, tho ~lJ\,IlIcll tu muke up OlOcIDllatl, snytl, th rough biB loftn· TI '11 b;.-" d' . . .. '~ "'l~' . oQlb to ptlluke ot a boQOliflll · a ~ 00 Monday. their deoilJOu ,I'"ving luvp· ence, E came within one vote of ).ere "':1 a grun EICOIC ~t 1'/1 ' 1. 0 3. ' dl~nu loeb all 0 • • alld ft . bolel IIl1d all that getting the A.ond_Ie ee'hool' tbat ,th!-, f1VI.lr-Bld nearJol~1l E . Taylor' l • ~ OItth,u-L.". , .. , p.. tt '!o. • her d~Dght~1'I:I know 110 Wtlll hu. · N ,. nlJe new lut of Wh.lpe, "Ol't ~r tbhlg was lIot Ili~ is out of the tbree d irecto~ olle mill, ou SatOl'Jay of tillS week . \1 . . . . PoIM-arrl" !I ~ P III 10........ lIt1tel'l! at thIS Bee Hive. H '" .' ..' Good mn . '1 I ()'AO I're I . Iii:,," II .. 1.0<1 P m Itl) p re l'lIre. e..t.UIUlu lI.nJ take Il louk !Iame. e would.liUuk out or noth· voted for t.ud two agaltlst hlm.BIO .IAUt c I I.. rc II I "' n . ~.:.r.~I~I~. I ....... t .",.ll'm l ~olll&yth'menlill workcdwith . _ . .' . ")g. Bemeunt ' to t"tch hil.lu(l Thenboveput8 us in mind of the menta. S.L1I1Jeran~J ..Venable'SILVER .G LOSSSTARCR A......o,lrr... Ul... ~ ~~ ,a Will I. uet'dle.l8, when we lay . . ¥J. ~uhtl A. F'I:lk~y and hiS oiqullre up tv til" mark, alld, II ne· man who lIIlid that he-aud A. L. Maoagel'8. A ~o? tIme IS expect. tlr ;::.:;:~:: ·':tf~ ~.~:::: :;'38: ", ItlJat they Vlowcd O\'cr Mr. 1I 0WO'8 ·!lIulJly wll.1 i!pcl~\1 tue Illlxt W'Ilk e(''II:u ry. euro.JI his lUlllle uo the fC t.... Antrum owned 26 shures in the cd. Iln~ nil are I~vltcd. . .O:A:!~:U~!: ~1I01Id ..."I... $.5.1 a '" sto p .. /entire crop of corll, albout .75 uoree. ' III l>~lltl~l, Indl.l1I1U. . ,. . or.!, ur. hnve it emblazoned ill the , Waynetlvill e & Willllington Tum' SaUl I Terry w:lI furnl&h refresh'U.,·IDuri. a,.lv , 11.\10."'. !I.i.l P '" and IlIIed quite a c",n8it,lerllblll purt ' -:-Mr. 1:111111 .R Oooke,.ot l!mclQ. Mlalm O(!~et ..", r allly (.ther r pike. Antl"am owned 25 8hares, ment . ... T. ~ IN GSF 0 BD " ~:. t~ :ni",.!';:lIo~k~K·l~iIJ All iut' it. Mr. Huwe conld lumBy n~t.I.• mild" hIe! usual to rtlll!,Chtly IIp\.'CtlAblc papel·. But he thouglJt, aud 'he olle. Ma A-;:--O.A I 1II Dc ut A. TIt, B e.t Sta1'cl. in til, Irma, .b."T,.in~ ..Dd"lIy. U"'"llt Sund ..y. lind \\'ordtl tv 4.'Xpre&8 hill grlltitude IVIllI! hUUlC lu~t Saturday. . fOl' the gelltli:mall\ OWII g ..od, h:s -Lippillcott & Sabin Iu.wyers ditor ~f Warr:1l ~u~t Pal!ci Mi:a alvJC~ A BEAUTIF UL J'tNIIlH ,.0 W. L. O' RllID, O. r . A T ..A. tt) thOlC) wlio bIW conferred UtOIl -Mr Joshua C. McKa is cnl· ~~lImc h"d hl~ttcr ' lIIl kept Vllt vI' are busy pulling fat ove~ E~quir~ Kate John80n of F06te~' CI""""I g THE 'L'NENb'l'o.l ""e cl· OItI' ~f l..lMIn 1! ..4 D. \\'. OALOWeJ,L. O. lit .• 001 ...1.... h ' m .u h a _. ".... . .1 t t'vnt·., I d ed . I t the "lIpe.... K" v S . , v_I I , C()D1DlOO ..... 1'(1 • oca.·"" .w II., a c... , .000U J .'BILL. ...... ~pott, 1M, I .C grc_ I~.or, Anu ley I 1O~ (lne Itt? I an elg I y r IwhrouJl:h s de.. k. .I oung aUlD, were ullik;i ill marriago at the oroln." wublog. A.k ~o'n C1roc:fr fodt. e 5 _ . _ . . . 1, ,4S llelllll.lDl' hotl?n), With cleao COrti , l, acre8 01 corll. tlII8 SCUIIOO. Mr.. aletl8~ud ·thc r:t'porl \~ad:l~df frulD the Xeui~ bar, was down two residence of tbe brido's motber - ·I NGm. .D . . . . . ."...... ............. hut Wit I a ,ghter belli t than b e .. - lh. W illiam · &ird, (,f Cllr· lfreat lOlllOr.tnlloo. comlll~ lUI It : days IU8t weck, hclpi ng glluw I.lit Sunday. .M a happiue88 aod 1 l"&R~DII-II&~lckt!he).-IIM\.l had had for .1Il~ny. u )uog day. . ! Iis!o, \·isih."<,l his. t'ritmds in th is tronl ~~ purlellced i .l'l'octl~I~1 mCII. cbecso. p\'Ollperi ty attend them.-Star. ()8W.£GO . CORN SfABCII' I . 4iriM W~I «e'1 Fifo' -.cl J'ou:.-:f , Th'1I\! anhltlog III the labtlr were I place nlld R idgevIlle, Illst wetlk, I~ m.~IIIK "I) thllif decl WO, the N \;O.L~;a. For P 'I,d'17198, lJlonc JIang., &1. ~ d 11 o'fIlock, J'lnt-Dr.1 Henry Ulemenla,. Jesse Clemllntd·. ' - Misi! Laura Mas\'n who is Cu~ncil wo~ld be govcnlffl uirnl."n -.. - . --_. i I~ Ice Oream, l!.lc. ~ A&I .'.. :~" A.~ l ilt- WUl. ~e, Hanoy ~11, Juhn Ilt· spellding Ibe lW&8on Ilea; DllylUII. l'lItJ~ly hy' II', He tbought AU ex· Beech Grove. Illh,. o.l~ ill" l . -~;ijl."II"he" ill , I"."'. -Antl .':;'~-:':=:'.'!. ~ 1'1':" aacl 4th tcrthw;altc~ Jacob ~18ey, Tlwllll1t vi::litlld bero SUliday aud Monday. I're&lIou ·o t tlume 1I0lt WAS ~Utl, b~t. Ilr,·aer·,·cr' Ii. ,·opUII.,iou I\~ ..n " NOK•• p: ...... b ~1'i Fil'llt-Da1 RlliIW., Egypt Robwllon, Fruilk ' . be was 0PVOiIA..'C:I !o the lUotlon liS It -MI'. and MI'II. John Selits Ilpent ~'R ,N EY -In Cor .. io. June 18th, 18j5, I nll d ;\IOnl!~~ ICAn ~7: ...."o'olock A. •• IZell, lLly Zull JlIlJlelI W wllc)' , • -Mr. Waltor DlI.klll. attlSllded now stoOli; if placM ill 't.he min. the gl'eIlwr lJ&rt of Jllst week among tho wiro of Kr. Tho_l'nuey 01& d"0:l"' O~~d: :I~t~~uor~b'~:.~~~.':!':r. 11. .. ~.-Tba ....v. C. J'etgDM'D. · Sllm'l Gal'd, "Jill. Gard. Gotltge ~1II".~to~eQlllut at tbtl IlIgh schuul utes. it wouhll Ilutk~ a'"elastr. 11' the their ..elatives ill ()enter'i' ill aud ter. c.r "lib .,lbe., ,flh'iI. P~. Dina• .nice 01\ 81lDclay.. at to OJtl'd, Alger Galod l Geo. HKwiltoli. III W.JillllllgtOIl, 1~8t wllck, lIud ge:1tleman would withdrll" the mu· Clio. .lt1 R .. t " R n t 9 ~T .. n '.ox M"r II' • • Ph 0 .• k ,' oo t.a ooJoek A. III .....4'1 ,.j P... 8ab,*th Corw-iu 'Uullliitou J Hockett wa IlIghly elltel'tIlllieU. tion he wuuld move thllt tho I'epol't -Old willter is 110 thinK of the . ..III ~ ~ • I bi\ihc, 1 ebcllliul .uutho.il1 or ~:tlrope, cUI'eaaiaool.'lJl-2l'.lII. ,. ' M '[;... rd M ' b hi '· d d I fi d 1 .. I ' ~-. -~~. ~ IUllv8u ·,".edlhl.llolft~nl'\!h ahd "A,.i~ Ctmln'l'~ ODllDCII-J:14.r J . H. Dodd, Petur Bergcl'. John Adair, Goo. - ~ 1'. LUwa. IC ener Rij Ie receIve Itn vaeeel 00 le.-- past, BO. gcot e eprlOg, In CUtlip I' PUGll -l.>Al~R. -11I Ci nei llnlJli. Mhn' r i. ,; moit e ••ellenl artlule 0; die,. ~ud In PMtnr. f)i"ine aoniee OD tbe ""'" .~d 'V.tkillso!l John D"viB, Mike rectllJtly b 'lIght hlmselt a ~ad 80we Agl'ecd t?, so th~"'ble, ended: once With oft. repeated ca1l8, has el,,? ~u.,e 14. 1t!71>. to' tbo r...id,'nue of I"" chemic.. 1 PII" l'eLodln:{ prOllel'tlc < i. 1'1111,. Third Lord...ar ID eIIOh _tho ~ ... Pellderg;:d, lIew L"~y. It Cl'lne frOID the A motIon to pure ue the euglll~ donc4ld nt 1\ May pUl'ty 01' twv and bl·ltl •• p.renl~. by ~h~ Mutit Rev. .... nd Arc',-, ell",!1 to .'''e I'e 'arl o,oro~' . . liar Sab"",I.' II o·doell. fir«! LoM .....' • • .. I f ,I .... H . .... d d ' 'd t' I tl d' d j' I ' I bi."op Pnrei'II , Mr. A , H~nr" I'U!!!. to Mi.. Il treUlloll8 loll' "," k " ,,!; 1llIldmgR , Cu,turo. ",n",'~ . B D 8 P I! lOp 0 • I y... alO...... wal past!e ,Ilil an 01 er or t Ie Ie" 18appeal'e or u twe emont I Kuy L narr all of the ~It: te.. Me ""'1'''''' ,·.,c" olle·,lOun.l lI.ok"l:e .- ' .Aln·y'li'l .~O d rlAwn. up agl"n., . "RoyaI J nno ..tI Ie mOil th 0 f &toy IrDlfllJrnvd . , v ~. ..\ " ' itll h.p' J , ,,... ~.I...•, ." 1'1...'·llln . • FIlIM BU''!'IM' (F ......IU) CbuNh I. J IBT8'M ' .ATd llBPBISEM - M re. Al . S tet' ei d an ami y, pnrc hIlse·UIOQl('.V" .... !!, ye~r crowd .. GI'OCII". W.,...-8erYi_ .... the MOO"a Saturda" AltIt. (In By waa . I'. Frallk of Xeuill , !til'll. D. VIlO Etten and Ilud signed; :after w 'cll, Mr. I. H. lovers vows aud t'tl8eIl, IIOW appears pioe.~ be Iheill'o,'Liun. I .• 11 \i .u ~t~~ .."h month. E\de~ ZIti•• Zell'a butlt .:?,' I!e Itavln.g on thnt family. vI' Richmond, Inri., al'tl Alltram got th" dour forali~e. mill' o,n the Icene, uaherillg in many McDRlAN1·-HARTMAN .-Neur OU'1, 1 .-.._.- - - - - --.-p . ·0' N 18 I'troD • da~ cOIn,rle. IllS t'Yentlcth year, visiting MI'. and Mrs. J. M.·Ro" . ers. ntea epe~cu .. He saUl: pleaBallt thillgs, promillent among klrk.ludiuno, J"',e a, I '7:,. Iho }It,v'el 8 B =~ l:00r:'t\ Ii .!r xC:t which 1118 frIends wl8bed to (;Olll ' - M 'S F K'ui' .. )(> ti I I ' 'Geotlemen tl.~ i'h·n'" i. doue ' which are picniC!! and fish'ing por. II~. B."b. Mr. William H. NcBlil,nt to • • n. --". • ",. , meruol'1\te in some manlier II I ~ I . . I eo lesp c u Y \D. , , 'R\ I'- I It . . ] • . I . M.Nlel" O. IU' . mun. • • , til OdolWlu_ ,B all ~ t.ba _ 4 s ..turday .' IU f'II'UI@ I he Illdies of W UY"CSV iIlo W t! have got thl! elephant on 0111' tIC~.. t la tdr t.le pnl') (I e 01 ~e· Mr. W IlII • •n ~(fu"k' • . nel 1\11 .... Mollie 1 :ithe:oa~~7 ~1IC!!:·~:a40~.!!'k~ "'Fould ,be a I pl~llBan.t 8urpIIBo 10 nuo viciuily, that ~htl it! salli ng oil' ballds i dUII't II!! hill! "tarve; tb"1'6 sCrlblllg one ll~ th~ lattcr. whIch ~ ..rt.m "l~ w,'rc bri<le;.l 'oo,o b"d brid.·, m.id. • . ,.,...., ran", 80 t ley ",bllpered to U I M' Il ' d t . 'I is wlIl'k t o do gentle e 0 tb' cilme off on Friday. Ihe 11th. thllt 1 b"I!~r'l li c~ m • •,:T 1110 (nU 11 11' In II' d.,y at NEW JOR" IT. • ~;p. .It. CRtlllOR - ~mor of number of their young' rri~nd8 to IC~ I me.,.y g\lo. savelY ~w . . ' " "'. I, r 18 'k . h d I T \J tbe brld"eroolO',,"liler'•. I'd • •. O.. rll Mont. • ... ..,.. 81.. ... 'nIl'll .... Kl_lInHe'-- Dime ..eui!l8 II' h '. 1 til prl c~: now III the tiwe for Larp;lllOs. t blng wdl gv d " wu llttll'c ou tltu ":6 t~ • (!nr pen 111 an. 0 e· [I:"Dlery. ' wlJ~,·e "II did .m,,'e juoli"& 1.0 th. • ....ry Su4to,. ..i 4 p..... S.n4A,._hool at ca In. t 0 Fevelllng, t I~U Q Vall lAnd lie<! table Jjf38 llll vrd(!r I\lr two hnlldred ' glU, It WaB a Iv\'('ly dllY, and R8 we • od thin:!". M 'IY!" .•ec " n.1 bIlPl'in."" be> t .\ . ,.. unespectl.ng l'Aok wna 1.lduced M J u' R . .ul1 tilLy dullill'1! tie p j. .·d Ii . 100Jked abroad over tho earth we wilb tl.'om IIJruugb Ii : •• J. tbe kind WIsh of r VA,.ut ~&()...".... n BAl'1'I!!'!' CR. toO retire early and Was quictly r. . . O(;,ef8 hliR hlld bl8 . , ! ! , r I!~ I al UI f4 It \'Ie r ' , ,8.. nt«. • -1I ...l s.et,.eer M.... Eili. A. D. n' in I 'I " WligOIl newly and taatefull), vaint . tho eng ue. fI,18 ... IIllt ,all geutltl· e I e l"el't'll IIIg, _ _ ftSATS ALL JOaIIa Q 1II'.. ~. Diwla• ...mOll ODtile S.b~ e f~Ol~ 8 ~P' t ~at 8h~eet fCS t ... ~er ed. Mr. ROIMI'B and bis f.wily wen. We IlI\ve ertlbal'kl'd in an 'Swut d~r,'" rool, I!O calm. 110 bright, PUODUUE JJAltKET. DI8~ABB ao:. ~ a..1 lD eIIOh mo.. 0 I na .m"e, w en b e "1i8 ... _..1 h ' "fi: enttsl'III"ae thAt ill ' . tIt I Tbe bnel.l", Ib .. e..r lb uud .ky, ~t 0·. . . . . . . . . . _ 4 ....a ":north a l'oaICd by the an-ivaI of the t'ol· ~e t elr. l'8t aj!pe_I'8 nce io . b' r l . 1 dred ' wd 1•.~q~l"e ~ , ellB I 'the de •• will ....ep tby Ian to'Dlght, Co db Sid , 1''-. ~ , , .....,., "'·1.... T lI'e1ooIr. lo\\'io IItleuaau aDd IIldi8ll . theIr new rig 00 Sunday, wben ~I~ ~ ,,!Oll , ~!~ wOl"e to 'lJut I "or tbou ...""L d"tr rreote y~ "..~pan,., ,. . AD . ,. . .' , ." ,...".... TOWftRl\\p DetNltl.., & MJ.~ Jim. 8ale' Joe. H~wke they vili~d tlie couuty seat. !t III gOod cqtldl~lon. Whc .... 1 ask, • And the dews Wero "?t the o.ty FI . ~ .~ J ......... o.s-y meN /In the J4 8ata~ S J M 'lt' K W'II' The Rev Mr Si~r()011 and III the ftiOU., tl), e!p_~e (I'om? A .dik!g sorry whcn the slllking 8un Wour, ' • • "'''" Jfq~ . =~Dot:(,~':'I:~~ tl~rt!:; ~ G~':;j, G~I~~Ga~-d I Geo~YH'l1mil~n: wife, of WIUiamsPoI.t, PIA., ha\'e 8tatemt-ntfro.,ul tb"~yor,.~iUilaow , t'eld us that on~ vleallant hOliday R I~eat, 1 ~: ' 14...t. R . P. OaD.,8eareta~. . 001 wiu Hllmilto~, Walt. Zell, Jo, b~eu gUetltB of' Dr. S. J. Way for uu~ a dolhU: .lU tbe treasui'Y' . ~ e : w.~ over ~nd bid liS rct~lrn to l)u,r O~I'I; 5u @ 65 " . . ~&L .AY If . - - .--"- ..- . - . . - - Zl')) Mati. McKil\se Juke Howe Ii week IJast. The Dr.'e tilmily dille uo~ b~lIlow frow t11.e SllnltUI Y• bolO,,!!. ~ e mU8t not g~ IlItO deh~11 0 ' 1)@60 ~;lIlIIl 1I...t'I. Y •• r ............e ..,.... , '. . . y, . ' d h . d 1 Fuud; It IS already dl'alUed to the &lOOUI, 1111 the funny t\lIngs cVl;:ry' Ilts, . U Sirk""Jlrn..,11 .,·•• ,."bc~. ItDd every· and &lulscs. Mlnme Smith: Lanl'll au t .e~r gue&~ mil e a v:el'y peas ' bottonl. 111111 not able to see turo' bod said alnd did. Ever olle CII & Flu Seed, 1 6 ,) llIIcl, ClOmpl.,ID" of ".na dlaeft. elnrlD3 sbdr Jooes. Sall1e Hyde, Molhe S~le, lint VISit to Shakel' V 11IIlge on tbis Ihing gelltlemen j y ttl · d d ' Y d ' t ' BI...lcy, 1 25 ((i) 1 60 \ iD II nIIA'fIlCO life. Wilen lick. WI 0lll" ..... 10 pi ".U; Mi88 Hugerman Viola KOV8 Ella Tbund"y Jaat. I "I • !cure 0 I~ Will i! or 10WIIC I IU Potatue~ 1 20 . . . . . . . 'aU_" .. ~ tile 110'" ..e ~.~ plalaly ,has DO ,.NOa ID shl. Leak Lizzie H ;we Ourr'le ~"h'nm L ' ttl Y.<II D dd d bo t Afr. Sing)eitou BaAit:\, taking the tbe watel'8 of CresUI'; lind wheu the CI S' d ' 7 'II! - . . 1'.011_ &lie D.talea .. "o.ld th~t Ia "tlW.rlDI; "ltIl biepePAI•• LII'e r , " p. - I e J:j a 0 ,age a uent i ' Ii .. t' t k tI . over C~. _II "" --. COlDp11l11l4 a041t•• _b .. ,..s~~ ,. BOO, Carrie Warwick, Dena Zell, 1 yuaN, got a pin io her t1m;.at 00 gd ellUatu 8 ,OWbtD I gndu,"eed' ItdamlllJUIlt- 1 b"Uk\) cat mello IIllpac d l(IItCIIPdaclQf' ul~ Timothy Stleu, 4 00 0uaM, .... ill ....,... . i n CoMI"HlUs,8le1l BHI1achp. Sour "to· L' 'e S'd d S Ille II' S· Md ' ' d fi' 1 t d I tl 011 Y 0 elg lit I' 0 al'8- 88 ell, a were ren y 0 0 u. C I C I d I' d !l'" . , \Ilt VIAl... ...;II.R<'aIt..........l1Ili1:li~noftb.HC'art, IUt les,aD piceI'. ooa1,an rlgleuc lerpa' nt II to t d t. h ljusticctotheiollumeralJledelicncies anne . ou, elvlSrr, _ .:J l!err- A'" apl"",.~:C='Dl... llc .• ca."ke Frank acknowledged beat, bnt eD rcota very much; bllt befl)re Dr. u ml c I gc acare a , e f i T ' d' ¥OUghll)bPflny," 20 AttVI08 OIV• • •V MAIL O.au·, ....., r.:;;;. "lthoD' I\lll:",. tered into the enjoyw\lnta of the Dakiu ~ould reach her, the pilll thought. tbat I1ru~nl\t could be bad , 8et ~ Ol"e t lem: he IUner, ell· Hockill Valley, " lllt ..... 0" QMA_" ftU.f .... ~-. If rOD elonllt IIIla. 10 &0 evening witb thnt &eIlt and liveli. fOI.tullately was removed without at any tIme, uati!dl!'; Money WIl8 IXclal}y Lhe c.ke, was u~8nrpn8sa Perry JOllllty Coal 16t =I~' "D~~!~U:~~f. • ::g~f!: 0Ct!8 which walcH him Buch a doing aoy ~riOU8 injury. plen~y,. and ~o,~ld be borrowed at 1\ .~Il. l.he pU.fty cung.h t '1 U1te& qUIiD' Salt, ~r burrel,' 2 00 '"'"""'1L&e,. ....... ' ..0 do," "ill relle" o yOD. genenll favorite. Notwi tb8taDding -M 0 M?ell & 80 low late of lIl .e~~. tlLy of fish. ml)J'C th~1I are I\'lIIall.y Wool 40 tal 46 . . . . . . . , ...... 411,000 _ All r.- _ .. , • th, . th I d ood t' eeal~. oorge . n Mr. Wahls llald It .onld tllb the 'hooked' by Sllch parties. On tholr T .' .,. . . . - ' wII' . . . _ _ ......., . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . P....r. .. e raw, ey la a g Ime !In· have I't!C8lved 8ume office desks big est end or tir' oe . h"lUdl'~d dol . I return tbc wholo Jl'lrty witla the nrolp8, ..., WIIIItw. .., lit _ _ a i ' '" _ .. • ",.... 1.00 meollclDer.reoerilled by pb~·.' , tlill ~Le ~ee small houl'S and tbe which are just the fhin~ for a )a ..~ to pllt the, dc'pIII,meat in -ood 1ell t'ion of a fcw 8tO S : ' Ilt the Apf'lea, bKrrel, 8 . 01.1 ....... . . . "' . . D-.fIt~ . . ... P .,1•••• o. auld b,. DNg Ito, Ihllttlmle•• uch U I ID ttle 8torul warned . helD to t' f1 .' . t ' .. : c,eP . . . . . Hugs 7 (II) "yld~_ .. t Itt ' UOft•• alld .op~riGr "'rlue dili el'8e The cake .nd ice CI"ealU ~OUI.I lUg· room, or or 11 , ,1 1\ . 0 rllnnlllg ordu i lIut tUl&t didn't WUI" i residence of lir. Joe oars. nud ' ___->-. _. __ v.L ' . •• ....... ~.• a ..... 8uer for F d j. W la~lly. (Jalllind see the: , 11I.d I'Y him at Ihi8 tillie, flo mlticlld plutook of an ice'CI'cllm supper, M.rluIlIl. ........................ ftI*' .. :~~~~~'~~1~:~':,:bu.:Ti::';'tO::d were e ICOU..... • • Rx.. willie lItere }'CmclI!oor ~o IIllpect u,)' t~e clock. t1lat it ~&tI gru ..... iug I wlJi~h WIl8 vcry delicious, and ea· Bntter 25 J .n,.. ~ proof of 'h .., fact I. 'hal an1 Deal' (}a2 t!t . ~ :-Accept au the "rge. vallety 01 furniture elc. lat.:t lu thll, lI lght, Illi&la8 hu had ~I I*lal1)'. l'efJ'e~h lug to I'll Ole wbo fa · Lard 15 ro~Q ~ pt .. :::.,pl;, Bot~t!ur humble tribute to 10ar worthy pa; -Mi.. .K!uie Merritt arrivac) rouling lIpowb to 'make 011 the iIIIb· tisued thcmlelvll8 climbing over . , E~gs 12 ............. _""ID ........ ;::"tho";'~:':-:7J~:"~ It liar: per; a .i~ht ICen by ODe of the hom. 00 ' Monday, after having ject, he wonld mO:ve;tO-adjom'n' tj)~ the creek hilla on their way borne. Apple8, 76 _",IIIII.. a . . . . . lilt .. ........ l. tel1·...........- lit ~I. oouotr, rrom citizeoi ot Oorwin, 2 miles !IOuth· spent tbe ",inter aod Ipting with the nClt regulnr ru'cetiqg,' when he After Bome bO\lf8 spent iu pleas· Oheese 18 ~.,~I~r"fL~b·":· west from tbe mil,oo which the. her ,.latlv88 in Mount Bolly, N, J. huped th~ geotlelD~lltbateOuld'not aut glAmtljJ and convtlT8ati!>D, the Hams, Ii . . . . ~. &. B. JrOOTJII, .:n~: u;r~ 1&. s!i': by A~ beholder I&W, not oue old mao For 'he lut siz weeke ehe hat undel'lltand big tbiDP wonl~ be party regretfully 8~pa",&ed, hoping Dried Beef, 2~ ~ 26 ~ ~.I, rIl. 0011, Wa,rD.. d1le. ploDgbing with twelve yoke of been villi tiog in Spriog cld, We PI'e8eDt aud bear whllt 1M! ~ to lOOn to meet aglllll. The entire ~!II!!!'!'."!!_!!!'!!'!II!!!!!'I'!!!!'!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!~ . oxen, bot twe\'V8 double plougba are glad to learn tbllt Mi.. lIer· say. . party compri8ed Mill Mattie 8eal'8, ~ ~ ~b ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . ,. 0.. . To TIIAOtl....-Th~ Norll}&l 188· mal'ing in OrdCI', dl'iven ~y old ritt'. beahh hili greatly improved -Mn. Sturl" of Jenia, . M visit- Mr. Ben Th?~':UI ~nd MC88I'8. J.S., ~~tw ~U _ - - ' ' ' ..... aM..-.s .. *-IMIoa .. _ . ._ ..... : ..... """011 . _ 810n of toor week., 10 Xeola 001· meD and young, aceompaDled by duriDg her ",bienl from home. ing at Dr. Hatton'a. . Oa1., JOII., EdGIC llnd John Sean, 'I'AY," _ ..... ftIoIt . . _ lege, will begin July 28th. It Be"en men driving sil1gle teams of M'118 Ra b' R Eb . ht grad M'II Ad · of 'LebanoD I r., Cout.roville; Mr. aod Mrs. &lm ... _ .. ,.,ooo ,........ ; .... at ,. _ _ o&n the.,er, beet tacilitiee for double shovel ploughll, all iD olle ~1 , ~. l'l~ f' . vi~i;iD~ at ~~sC II tt' , . , Hllttie ~1I1'tin and F~ aod .............. Io_ ...... pu~la ..... rrriewiog or takill~ adnoceci field, and tell boeiog down weeds oa. .18 . U a1 eVOlllng . rom . . ,0. e.. . Cort Bears, Xcola; John Bean, '~ branehee-'or prepar1ng for oral and settin" up tbe corn growing Mla';Ol Oonlervato"! of MUSIC at . --MI88 Ol,he: Elhsl8 taking.drll.w. Mr. aod M~. WiIJ Cleaver, Mr and 10 . . .~ . '-'l. will lit _ .... _ or written examination. aod the "ery flUlt. Tbl! .peetator Will pleaaed XeDla. Her pelf01 mance on the lug. and j>alDhog .1~n8 ot MIIII! Mrs. oJ. C. Sears Mrs, Fllnnie Oarr ....... Dr.••reon. ., u.. ut ...... "_ ... ........, _ ..... .. _ thti. of the achool room. All to see 80 milch good will manif8llt. oceaeion waf a lIonata floom Bet,tho· Allie McDowell of J.ebanon, and the Mi8ilOll Julin Soarl, Anoa • ..~.I:!O. ed to our estimable friond aod ven, a~ .t we doubt ~ot, waa exe-J. B. NicICeno'b of Duokirk. Jordao, Lissie Oleaver, ~ie ............. __ ........ lIaen& ~wIU AfN~ . WILUAJIl 8111rrB, Brother Mr James E Howe duo' cuted 1D a mOlt credlta~le manoer. ludiana. arrived he!~' FI'iday, and McGulon, Mattie NortoD, Nettie X.nnraotnrw ..u kl.... of o.b ......... 'DI - - . . . . ... .aII _ _ .... __ . . . Ie ...... Dr. hriII'. """",... ~ ColI., Xeoia, O. ing thc di~tjun DOW iOn his f~mily. We congratulate oor gifted young len for home 8atu,.,·, One han· Ricb, Lida,Seare, Mollie Rich, Au- ....~It fur Wayuo,yUl. and the ..rroDD~' ............ K .... 'f0l0ll· .. ~ , - - - --- - Th.nkll to Mr. J. Zel1 and all thfl tow~lwo:;n ~~h 80 C aucceee~lly dred ahd tweDty acJ1a of CQrD fen Die and 11 &tie Cleaver, Miooie aod 8peoial atteDtiClD 'I .lftII ........... ...... _ .. llna1Jlla • Ihon", " ~ ~1O. or Co-PUl'QltUIP. kiDd nefg1lbUl'8. . paI&IDII Oog e oD~a ~r:. hill!~i,.. . ,,(oeJ '. WS1 ~i_itio,,> Ol1i.. ~~.alHl .a..Seara, ,.AR£S' FOB "'""'DlUft'S -Rada' &nll Beeder eomel into .A Lo.... or GooD Mu,. """:'FDokey & MieaiJcline bay. "e Hi.... an Idea,tbai;, if the tratli aDd Rolla llc6uioo; Meun. 'Ermer VA W .... u u ... . . . . .. . . . . - - . . . .- - ' t __ ........ _ ....... ooart .nd.de~aud ia~ that . .. • • now a lal'go 8tock .of New GoocIa. ... bo~ tb.'"e a,'8 eome weeda and Loo 8eaf8, Arthar Alberta, AND PARTIES, ftoN 10 ......... - . - . . . . _ her 1a..band, Mil. B. er, i, DIED J. THE STOJUl.-~r. Ob.'1 Our ~elll W()Dld find it tc> their io $bat. patch of eorn. Charlie 8ear!t Obarlie MeGDinu, OIl.bun DOtice. lalllO lleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIaa7 .. pre •• igeotly tbe moet wortbl. . Montgomery, of CeOl.-evIU!', ao. adv.utage to cull ~oon aod !IeOa" -Rlcbam JeeIIOp i. in Oiociu· ·Uarr,y and JSroz. Oarr, Wa~~o I' co. Ibal eyer made VOWI to a old gentlemao well knowD 1n this tbe greatest BargalDlI evE'1' otre~'tId Dati with hil !tOD DI', C. JeI8Op, ,Cleaver, Flaok Jordan aDd WIllie \...I "."ADlRO""AL""" , ............. . . et ~ iD Wayoeeville or eillewbel"e. 'Iou wbo it 4t.Dgerouely ill witb inftam· McGuiun. WI)ID&O. They bad been mlll'ried ~!':J attended Dayton GU'8Y. ftt ..11 bDar_, anel ..."PI'11 of ~.--.ca. 6" . or .he ,years, aDd Milea had on a1" and wblle retul'lunf 10 'e o buy all the 1m! Oali~<M .. . . . " rbcumsltillm, The Dr. -A patty of friendll aod rela- Staple ud Grocerfn. AI AIIOy& no& 18 tbat. time earned a cent, or be eve~l1. wd' ?vertakeu ~ 8 eenia, aod splendid MUlhh ., ~ .,ery soddenly; the swell· gathered at tbe home 'of Ja· , . . Tbe hlghetlt Kullet Prl_ paid, In D prOvided her wlt\la .titch of cloth· • .,y ""ed b'~u •.... n .torhDl, w 10 Cflota. DrIl88 Gooda ve.,., low. it~II"" 10 ral',icl ~l1at bi. c1oth~ eob Sean 00 the 16th for the c...b or tl'W, Cnr OoUDt.r:r Prod.ce. fill- Ill, Md, dllring the 6!e ?veROrO 11 . wagon.,.; .... wit ,- Shoes .ud Read,·Made Olot.. iDg, had to be ripped 0& puroee of ~elebl'atiog his' 84th and Queen. Oity Balte11/, . ~ "orkecl two hoo .... aDd .&1 10 wort diStaD~ 9' hbll home, lower thaD at any other boqse in -Ihppeart that ·,the Olthodolt biB bloother Will iam's 820d birtb· WA8II BLuE. If_ber !'our . .0 ~tb.. be De"r ... U , . U8&t m~ng • yv.. the coantrr. Oall.od flee, FaieDd.bave r.oti~to a aqoa~ble day. We sban not attempt to l . FA'l'IID'WOBJiI'RIlB,J,,"nl ..."'low'I! . . .~ it ~.. Rutb A.nn -.;"I~d dead D....beeaog\Uv~rt,b bak'"iUD~l -Mr W - M Taylor b.. for aboat the Dew ~hor6b. Prom .,that flatter our boatess, but feel ufe 10f Laudf1 u4 110.... 01. V ... I''''U' :"'T,rlo•. III 1.001, ro.·.... *1." , "-4 ........ ~pl.ly ".red t .. IIlPpoaeci, n elt er ,. • '. f '':'-- ·b t I . . th d' . ) dt.l lIuurA(ITun.. AT .... 1 'I'W "OR'I' 8'l'ORlB8: 1\ "I~h '01. Iter ~,bl h .., the fa'll or drowned io the water, !lOme tlme been pasturlog ooe 0 we cao - -.. , l e.,.~p~ q la.,e 10 ~y.I~g ~ 100er W" spieD .... A . Ult, • lVi III nl1ely ur 1I;I1"'8 I1RIIl' i lU;" I'e ,ding: O\W li ~ Il .1.... . ,..... ~ ... )II' . Ppili .... the lIfl~ing machine tail bonea. in • lot adjoining Mr. been 00 bead Dor &JYliu &lie IUtter. which la pralle enougb for Maggie. m6Moan , amartne (Ir, largo· JI.:!r~lt ... dIJ!.! II1.p 'lrnled , . . . . a94 aU daat the ooart a'-t . J ' A Ori . , " 'b:rd I t - ' E......"tbiD ......mect &e alO.8 along AlIlemed to eo;o• . tbe larrouDd. ...WA••• PI.... . ~~l't ..TBaL ,.. 8PRODUC'ltO_, - ..... tbeab. el-.. 9' cli ...ol'Oll. apat, CIlme frem Dt.no . D the u,me • • ,Ipla 8 on ... ell' . b'-I"h" -11 ;~t 1It._ lIaa, ~.. 'h th . t 01 oJ. ) Led 'ad' Our W••b Btue I.. lito ben In Ihl.' world. rW~IIII 1.. ~ or r, Iu\~"M I' id. ,! .•.~,.• " 'Ighl:ll ,.,,: -::r:-;.. . evening aod the ,noel aDllet hi- la .blab 1a .n 0 1d W _: • c .. n._ Dp eo e JUgt, e.cep one, wuo 00& S It doc. Dol It~alt:. conL.ln~ nothIng lI\ItI.·\. ~villg, worth IJS. . . . IIIW WQIllcl - " 00I8e Into coart , d h k h' -N.,"-W. OO"red with botl.l'dB. wtaaeattoo came ap .. .·:to/,. beat aod 10. .ly. Thil day oue year 00. to health or fab.lc, And i~ ...ed Ilf all .... 11'1.0 "[,or. Nnt "'1~,1 "Hid ,old. HI.AK1R to den' .... ~. W, be not ·IJIOD an 1'0 e J~ -r-I~. iIerD'D'" tbe fione W. p~lau for the oe'" DeUdi... aod the ago ... Celebrated at hie father's Ihe la.g. lundrle. 00 account of Itl pleR~ ..... II .... JI,~ j:"" .,IUII.I ...I"".,.,!!·.!..· '"'101(. , . . . ~ 1.. to ... there Leba - •• ,. • .., I lit . •• ....... "1 La) b " . b f Willi' b' Ing efl'ec$ ..D4 cb ..,..... Superior rOr a"ID., l\\'O ,,""Ih /I, '"'~t . , f .. r 0,,1) 50· ~. .--: The hope . of ~e repq~ Ii. fOaa4 16 or t~oty .f~t 40wn io PoU'oo .It ..ho...u . oocop,.oo tlHl ot. ome 10 ?.!1 0r .o . e I Irtb- whlte"..IaID«. . Put ~ ID pachl" ooa~,"i~ oa.u. , O... ""~; 10 ",,,,,luOl. thu JI.....! 10 ~ p."..." it! , Wayo88vllle. W.~ hUDtiDl ttnl well ba...mg I. _uppoled 'l'be lot II • three ~~ one, ·ta· day, abo wedding dlooer. Ooe .0' tor la",lIy...... Price 10 I!I' bl 8 . . .b. 1Mw.alteorll_. _""- eetI.-I I•. ",:.II to. - - -.. _ . - '. f' -'_00& L..._L....oI.' i d' ri ...... ..... ~ i 6 treeta . --~. .....iOl'·'y ae&t .bieb w.. oocap'ed cb t d PO.Mle by IIlVC!<'fI e.ery",hel '. A I..an ' r."', SinAI, • •her,.It "'Da..-lIOn~ rt• ......... ,.OtJ1'tbof'lu.np~ 0 llMOal_on a yttU'~ _ _ lnto t o Og.,..,DI15 ....,CPg ••OI • --" I., • . . I a aY, ...tirort"'An." 'A~Wu'''ILI ' al i'\.;IlI · A,D.......ldaClfb' ...... Urea&luel.Co.' -old and intietift« .... penalty..a (led after lIutreting e:lcratia- tbe ..... ber. ":'8 i~V,or or a uaNe .......Dt to-d.y, but if! filled to a ..ani Ih, Il,,"~ ond ..... ,. ' . n.enla 1O ag.nu a.,d c'ub.: Til" (;_."".'0 • the oAnde.. Let the ball ti:fa ~i. The animal .... boueef&ciu "twoltreets bripter world where v.rting i8 ' • ..... ~I---_......... 'I. un. 1'01.11.11,· ••. :t!i-II Place, , •• - on . . . :::._~ . t . I '17" 1-~ 01 -L • ' ' ' - - ! . . ! 110 0 'A i Olllee. 711 Willi... , .... r! , ;\'~" \ \lr~. II"... York . Pie•• "ol,· Iu ",h ..1 " A per \·OU fl ,...11 on. __ 'Y ay or at ". ' ap .... uu.~ \ .......... _ vlh . m reo _,••10. flI7 tm .aw 'h.. ".h~rli!l·D1 .. 1I1. :.t\4i.~;" , . - ... . _ I • bU.....
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fbnai abe work. 'l1Ie
....... ' treat. j ••• 01 b._ poatiloalioD wbieb meat, VI' a ...IDI of the 11011. U aD ...... 1III..t...... from • mao andiDI pod Important eabjiet aDd reoeiYel at, eoaa~1 within bl_lr. teDtiOD eomm.DI..... with ite _ _ _ IITiL UDUn other cr-t not .cto.... Mr. ."U.lmpoJ1ance. yall are di ..... lIarclocll, .Ithoap haYing "to .. bieh a..N h .... u beir" d. ~DBNI heeD on th••tap lor a long tim'. ,lCribed. tbeir 'l mptoma ' and I • baa aeYer taken a formAl fare. 1cauaee explained, and proper doT. ~ tile bel.,. alr. well Wbene'ler be doee do 10, melric treatment 80ggeeted. . To I atoo_ n. ,sr•. IIIe Mul ..... Dot "re. I there il no doubt but tbat loch an reciprocate tbe maoy fl&vora be· , ' I ..., \0 tile Iw.liet. of .1. . o'latiou will be giveo to> bim Ai no :stowed upon him by a genol'uos WIMIN .11 ... rite UN : otber acwr on tbil continent ever ,' public, the author Wera his book \ a.,'\lec~ UO~Dd .......lck'.lnl,loo_ received. at a pl'ice (•. 50) little exoeediog IOlll ... 801 lhere. PJ Murdoch, thoogh be received im· the C06t of publication. Our read· I . t ttM la tIM ~ celli, mente IUIDS for bia engagementa, era can obtain thia pl'&Ct;cal and '~w.~ paiD ... ~ ' II .... pair; III c.cl1rlLlJadlrl. Naw BuildiDg, Jlain Street, h.. never taken a mereenary view valoable work by addl'e88ing tb. plet. .ed OD III~ Iirott:i.. Itap~ ttu .b~ ", . of hia profeuion, hil great aim author. . tbroogh life being a grand desire - .-- •••~~ - -I ,1Ie hou .. or tJod T. h,.r &he "'ONe of pta'·.r. to elevate the atage, and make it A committee 01 gentlemen com· ., S : "114 all .... " ~_nl ....._· jUlt wht ita moat antent aeiJoiren! of Joel Evane. Samoel lrone, D. . fbe .\'Irlt., th. 10\11 ...... ,bort'. 100g for. Yr. Murdoeh blUl many Allen, Dr. W , Van D,che and I . I .... I. ,h.·lIoue 01 death ; . aJ>plication8 from per80D8 wito de- Fel ix W.altou 1 ap~int.ed at. tho l TIle 91et1.·, bru ... ,. • r.I,; 'U' h, ~ ........doMain!: 1110010- ,81re to Itod, eloo~tion. from , oung I I~t m.etltlllg 01 the d lI'OOtOn! oj tbe , tmthueiaata who BOOk to go upon IM,alllt Valley N. O. R. R. Co., to . . .L~ TIle IJIltl&, &b. 0.11 .... Itut tb.,.. . the ~tage. ~fld to all he gives the paIS uver , tin! PII;'PUb~ I'OUW from I adY11e of hi. experience carefully ' Muson , V IU., SOClulvllle and Pleas· . pioturiog to thuol the Il&bol'll to ' Ilnt Ridge to Nol'Wood perful'med , We have bought, and il\ d to ketlp 011 hand, ~ full Ii nu of ~'urnitllre I ~ - - - ---I ' . ~ ' perform and triala t J endure belore I that dUly on M.onday 1811t. From lof the .\'ery beet quallt\bey are luoce.flll, if ever. He wbAt. . wo 'pt.ber ~le1 give the'l ~ .. allO b.. a BrUt maUl applicatiotla moat ,fa\~I'~ble tpxp''Cllllion .. to the to lecture before 8ooletios. and for p,ractlca!>lltty or tbat rou~. The the benetit of religious and educa. right ot ,way can be outalOed at " ' tional inltitutio08. and it we mie· corupa"atlvely no CQIlt, the people " . (F.r .... 11 ...1311.."., take DOt, t.he Preebyterlan Cburcb along the Iioe want a. road, and ' all can be foullJ JU !lny ruurktll. O\l r tU'k C'JlI~ I St.s ( ltab)" in bie town waa ~06tly built from are ~illin8 to uaist, in the building ' ' . ' . , , •• , • •• 1'110.1'80 1< . • the proceeda of h .. lectures. of 1t. After pa8S1Dg MllI!ou the Bureau, Tables, Chura Sofas Lounges Bed. 10 deecribing "Bemptltead" we g l'&de to Pleasaot Ridge, as we al'e lite A. • lUU8ea' d" t1 t •E ..mhi' t JI~!~-:'e b!;':~'!~: _. unintentionally forgot to meotion iol'ormed~...i8 all that could be wish. a..., 8L • aD, ,m ac, ve.,.. ng Hil P' ID~" "'~'. el,.IIAD, the "log cabin," in the rear of the ed for. .Hetween these two poiutt:l. in thEt HIla of Furniture, from a No~I~D:eit~~~!':: ~;r~ ••h; cottage home. where Mr. Murdoch if our impre88ioo~ a\'e correct. ' ChUI. RockinkCbair to a Pea,l@ of wlIdD •• pe.rl, nr dut; p~rv~ all the mementoea of hill they are c~mv&..ut'velf' no CI~tl!. fulll8t of 8he 11M .n, lou,ht ttl~ pobhc Ide. Theee thing. recall fills, or .brldgea l-equll'ed... ~be '.It.ru...h....c, ........... 'reNllre. . &he memories ot frieod8 and &880· ro.ute bemg along the dlvldll1g M.,~:r~p~u~.~:::!O=.~~: leiatioulwbich be wiU eyer bold ridge,.tbere is.asu.rliwe gl·ade. at FUnNITUHE.., . . .' :.-cred. and .. he looks over tbe 00 potUt excedtng torty feet to tbe X., he .Dclo,ul... I A,1M, all .vea fair ID J.~ ; , articlea, in his own inimitable way 0;'1'1 e. Tb'\I be'tng 8~, t be CODstl'UC' 1 ~ Xi{, lI.r be DO.' .nlbroudld deBcri~ events Qt hil Iifc coonect. tlOn of · tbe road IS a. Dlu,tter vfl -,-. - ._-_. Par~.!:~.r~b~:di:~.l~bl'~o,, 'ooo I' cd WIth eaoh particular object. 8mall cost. The grade II'om plOO8· 11 I . .t· 'tb tl e t.·ufniture &!tublisltnltmt. wo arc prl'lmrtld .. W 'ltll IIOme are ........., and memorl'- !lot Ridto tbe valley beyond iii . ntt c~ ml1ec 100II w~ .a I 4' "laD 1 • life In .....-' """'ID; eM d II Eln.1 Joy beyuutl roe.I :, while with uthers all ill euosbine, gl'eater tbau that on this side. but "" a , eu a ca 8 1\1 '.'Ie • lIurie. Jo1. ....ilhiu tb. '.omlt, : If we only 'bad space we wouid tbose who are t'limiliar with tb is l '. au",'. I"'.... IIIU. Hu' , • , I I' h be . lI.,. DOl .0....",, '1>40 ber doum .· , like to tell how Murdocb deacribed ocu .Ity, 8ay t at a I'onte can : I .. her . : tho great RCton! lind IiCtres ell with readily aecured where the gl'ade , . ~blne :{: :'~I:i.~U':t"l::~; .ntl I...·e ; , w hom be has been a8llOCiated, but wi II Dot exceed fl'~m sixty to eigb· Heir 10 IlIk.D. lIul<le,' evn . we have "ot aDd lUust desillt trom ty feet to the lillIe. It we were J.lke Ih. lUI}'. hrlp;hl r.~' tbe temptllt.i~o permitted to make a 8U~geetioo B•• 1..1. da..o. • ! When not profes8lvnaU, " ld I 'k L .~ Cro"alalt her pUN (o,eh"III! ,,'I.lIe, engage we "ou say t llit 111'01 8 yuhl ~ ~~~~~."II:~~~..JC::~ IIltll'l3il11UB, V..a.lr....a Ih~ p.·".luD" ." . ' ed and tiring of hil! uwn home commenced at once. FU'8t be .. i~I·Ra.,meilIOlr., In'o ', IIGhl , I M;. Murdoch vieitl! hie Boo.in.law: would have a preliminal'Y bUl'vey havin a purchaaed " fine lie'" Hearso und I~ full line or the ,'er" bll8t r".... U 1\'. «,'a t u ,,'. d 'I'l. • d th . b f' ., , J 'Ileulld her v.'h~"1 Ilioaml\'g l,riSh •. ~Ir. Mark Holling~h(llld, a&t "Uuad· mil e. .aulS one U "Ig t 0 lIidl'" 0\1 the Rellding' Road near way oould be secul'ed. liud tho cost ~:J= !:~ :::.:d:t:::'~~:'b'UD'(tld ; , Avl:ndilio. Cincinnati, and'i8 the uf cOllstl'nctioll could be appl'o~i· . " ••••D·i bleDlng. "0, deiIClnd. . I welcome (l:UCllt at Ibe homes of all ml\led. Thut! we would know the , I .I•• ~'. rAre ,,!ltI . p·"kHnll lpld. the lot!ol,le in thut vicinity. In butb allluuot of stock I'eqnired to be ' with a tine a8stlrtment of Trimluingt!! o( all kinos. ~-:-,!~..~:i~I~~~~ ;,~:~e~~ ~".... • J>uhlic Iili: Illlt) retircOlent Mr, Mur. ra~sed. and steps cuuld be taken tU We shall ellrd.elH'Ur tIl do ollr bet!t to merit ~be fuvor of lill who mllY Boo ItDlatnl.hed ; I.o,d, we .11. i~ , d(lch is rt'l&lly a grel&t mall wbo raise It. .i call 011 118. '\\ e R\'e alllv prepared tu do 1111 kInds of . "r Ihol urld'~ It"ltol..,.!loue . ' Will l'ver Ilhare with Forr~tlt the All that is neceasary now is I , . . UeA~~~'/~~!~1 r~;,!' '~:;.~):;I.r.. : title uf ~ ...'tlto;· of Ihe American wor~. hard wOI'k. and l1CI'>li8teut , Upholstering, and Picture and Lookin&-Glua FrCUDiD5. n~ .R~K a;T . lIou" . dtllge. wllrk . \ ' \ , A roeu:I can't btl puilt by the , togethcrwithull .killd ... fUll,,6Iirillg. withllea4tncssanddillpatch. . • J4"~ E. MuaDuCII.-rTllIll thie . A ~ AM T S lI rI'LlKD:-Tbe 8ub· fc.il~illg of '".nde-by the etfort~ ot I I"erilons wi8J~inlllut.Y ~~J~ uf ".t :UrJlitUfu . . d'ltio.'lIlh..t .~ \!Ott • gen. I Jeclei "I hlll6lt11 uud dtlleaie-bowa lew. but all IDUIOt 'an hold. ' . ., ...... ani al'tilt ie A . '&jA;eu~t:i tu I~l') tit., ODe Imd PI'8~lIt Lilia ma.t malre theenterprille his , M _ AIA .~ AftAA_ A ,. --_aAl . .... ~n , II., 1'Ce tit , th" uthcl'- "l'e . or IllIramuunt 1m· 0111'11. t!!!.""'~ ~¥ ~1~-8¥1!:!.- ~~- ~~~8~~ . pride .nd IM!,r'oongl'MtuJlltioli to all : pvl'hill('C to every iudiv idUal!' A A dete1'lllined efful't for the .. ext wlID .VI'Iec:iattl tI.e I'CPI"ellCfltutiV\.'II l lIl"I'Vl1Kh IlIlowlt'<,lg\J of tho con· eixty days will bniJd the rOald. Let , can he urcomrnodated on short notice by a tit'1lt'Cllldll W\)rkmun. &, of literary cplturc, the legitiUlllte dlriullt! t" bu oUtiel'vtld in the pbY8 . UB Ull&ke it,-Star. I W,. warrant IlI1 \vork tQ. give Sl&tis!actiun. . : " drama, and an exalted II1llnhuod. · jC1l1 den.l' upmcnt of man-..the i>wlIq.tt .utwllltillll I.'aid to calltl at all hUll I'>l , (lith!H' at the ~torc To tbe I'OIld.er auythiug ~1·t:aini.l1.g aVIJi dJ.llcc uf lh u~e e,·jJ pi·ftc,tices J AMl!:S W. HAIN ES. M - ALL KINDS 0 ( 0 ' - to the pnbhft ca.~r or fmvato hie that gt'ucrllto much of the Wlsel'y 01 at Mr. Wtltlr II In OorwlII. uf !tach Olen 1)O:!:4e:!:!~ a d~p ill, to which hUUllluity is luli,', and the ••M. . . . . TH •., : ). - > - , - -terwt. we tbol'ulol'o 'I'eproducc the fultilltncut of l),OiIO dUiic81'Cqnil'ed • •'1.110 All IIIIIDI I 'N71r\,lnJl't'mUI _. .. fo\l')"inS ,:sh'Mc.t t!vw.an IIJ·ticle for ,tbe PI'ClIeI'v.tiun of tll.OtIe woo· , ~~-",'~\Il)~ ,* 0 ~. ~ 'iY~\iD~ Ul~ ~'.:I:D~ ' the C.ncll1nah ,/!.1HJ'UClt'r of last /dol'lul llt,alth·tl·o~ts consigned to Ollie. at R""itleuce. w (~ ~~~@~_~ gi!!!!)~ ~ ~~ SUIld.a)'; Iketching the ..teer ufl 'Ul&u b~ hi~ Ci1lil~1\'-.hoold J?rm ....,......141 ..... ~.. LY I ~ & MI'. Hurducl&: .. , tblJ IMIIIS ~f a l~tlOI1~1 ed~cll' ,on. • 1'08 MAY. I , ' "Atler New Orlelln~. he Vlltlled : Tl.11) AlIIt!I'IC"11 Illlnd I.lldlve. It UARRJ4(oK.lIf0 W.OO)l BUJI,IJIUI."_ _ !'W •• ..,.. ......." . . . . . . .:1..:1. . ...-... .... OaLIiforuia. and IU:wd there fur : ba~ gi\'tlll lie ullob of tici'lull ·Ior " SONO:5 ANI) CH'O RliSES. ' AND IbI'ArBJ:KIJ. .~ . . .- - - - ~.... ~ . . .~ _ _ nearly 011" \tolldrCd nightti. wben . the IMllltiIJlell~liet, Illilrlled books TNI.D .-raSBT. REA • •".". i Be..ullfu' Wav"," ..f tbe Ito., lIte.rin. ' 00 • ltitl health Mgaiu !.:tlve way t'rvm tor lhe . II.-ilvhu· au:! t" "fouiuual . CINCINNATI, OHIO IDarlh.tf, r oot yvul' haDd in .. i",,; 4-ni; au ·.. . .....1 t d tit' . "" • . 1Dt>>>'t forget. me M.r,' Pen,., 110 O~~I'WUI'k ,Ilnd h0, ll..cl·lDlII .... un ll ; I ,I I Ill1. 11& J ·tUJ1 ~oo :~ J or tl/.~ '2 00 PER D.A Y. ' Go. 1".1... Uae ; ·b.U.d: P~r~1: IlO Vllilt to EUI'Uvt', Intending to bike }J&,p /'t1. A b""k )01' .It~ PWpl6 I How ..".u "t H "me , P.roy; 110 a grand toor ill cump'''"y with his mllst ''alate to a subjl!Ct of. uni •• r. N • .-....w'. ' Jimanil' Bro" ... t.h~ P"lJer Buy; H~,... IJ.~ ... . _..1. I' . S I "• . h D - ~ - .~ - _. ~ , . . .. Jeallie. tli Elo .. er uf tlte jOyu, JL,. 3.', d I&ug h tor. AIl<lr a INUCfltrlau tour Qll HI••".'tl<It. 110 III ao ~Iect 18 t " Jolli".' Gld ill Tuwn; Sfc; ••r~~ " ,'.' ' :10 1hrollgh In!J~ud, Scutl.nd alld l l'b~~'Ulll IUII'l. IIlId, Jluch a book ••• ~ ..J, 0 De.a,'" ..htore .. th,.8tillg r Wal.., Illlltin.J .tIe"",..1 mUllthtl, '"THe 1>l'.OPL&·d OVIIJlOX S u s . , . I c.ur·.yvi.. l1,...~ .• B®; or ...'!". IJIj thflY vllited I~ udoll lind htl "1&8 M.DICAL ADYI8E.· a copy· of or, ,M , .\,.. •,r boo .. .c". t}"",nelh. I ----;- 11ND A FULL LIN/<" OF--IAJ • dear Su.otto,; "ulUT4Ihng "ue~. f..e.Xioq,3f; oiI!l1'd by MI'. Buxtoll. the MilD'" winch b.. been l-eeenUy Itud 00 Fi' AT' • • IThe M.id~n'. Mi.take; Ari,e,,,,,Qtvv'r. 110 ' Pl'• • cbauce of tl'Y;lIg I!im~clf unr table. The higb ' prot_iooal 6rllt "Jutw nal Balik Rmldmu""y Lin'. Ono: P~",y; ItO; 'Ani prepared to ~u 11...' ..1.... work In.1l . with a' Lond,J n• lIudicllce'which ' attuiomenta of i~ Autbol'-Dr R WAYNESV ILLE OHIO . Pllt th~ rigbt m .... ~. t "'. ",hool; H.,.. M breDcbes of tbe ',uslne8~ . Ir eYlfr 4eli· . I . • • •• 18....1'. tb" .. lu..rid ""H; ......., ,.d..; Glo•• r; 110 N W H F' S t,·i.l ..~ 110 Iil&tllsfMctlll';1lu publiC V. PIUCJ:. of Bulfalo. N. Y.• and --.- . . _ The \hiti"" lI ... rt...oncerllOfllJ.Torr,.501 EW oaK ON AND O£ AU: , ' .~~ r.'1e ••t., aud ~ager th .. t the engllgemou& tbe acl'lant~ deri'lect b, him eet and Lu ...·- Iu".b,. 01....... 00 A.prIl7\h, .... contiuu~ tu~ oDe huodNd I&nd fl'Um ~n ext8oai\·tl. pl'IICtice, wo~ld SQlI)tOndblc Udtbtt Qt1b : ;'bfu::tr"':J~JTf,;,,~b..~.tti::e~: ~ ........ teo coDMCut''Ie II1ghb!. FI'OIiI I, n' , alone !lteOi'e for ble work a OOI'<1.aJ IWIIt.inll" Lo..". ,..!Tbee. mrLalle, ItO' ~_ A~.I.. O Il? .4.1 T GlIDDJD don h. OOlDmullccd munel Cll~~" rt!(:ept,ou. Eut theM al'8 not tbe lII&l11&-lIIU!lI$mllIl, Whell hlU. )"'hU~ Dled.lI.y" U6 ~r~~~ e ~~~8' 'l~tal to be,. ~xtoul~ud tbl'Ol"ghA!he "t,ert~ta forTw biAcb i! cl~iw~ oar a{t .&11'1 ........ :.::,~~YI'I_.ILL~· I INSTRU MENT.u.. ~ u:C;erelgned-l;;;~ I.rorm : t he utuor III a man 0 , Jllli .... .,.,;u:o H" i..D,·~, .i " ;, .Sh'lmpooi1l. . IV\' ucea ''O0l ,IYel'pOO. lIer en Ion. liT . I>HF.IIII,I.)!'II. ~he pultlic g~ncl'llll,. thlt bo h.. 11 two 1II't!Ilb' pel'!ul'mlluco in' the tAt: peopltJ . . Be lIywpatbi8e8 wit ud Sb··y;"S·, do,IO," .he be .. ~ . ~Ie 01 the , W..ltz f~?' M~~ •. An~.lO.IItr~.t.r. 110 °r· ned a ncw Me", Mark., hi ,~. laULtlr city • ..-e- i... hi8 bealth bl'O\ce them iu all tbeir eifol'ts A,·. . . , Galop .. .. .. .. : au of»tl, LeakOD& band Oow".s. whe.e h" ... 111 Oil t . ' 'and . attain· Ton..o~ial _ ' . _ .. 21$ _ lA1I...,. GO 01. lu,.paund con... . ~ dOWD\ aod uDable to pOI'TIue them, meuts. He perce,vea their want .Q.. 1('~H Ully " f the VMII.y. nlMltunae, !!It&,hllli. 30 Cltfloe1e4 Jil eogapweute, and -a illotl1tedue of lhe7ll8el1J61a, J '''F~!~r''I~''lwi....d. I w·t · !'! TH EVE R Y BE S l' . lor ... te' th d bel " th t II t th h Id ...., ",elta. . . .~I& /Ill oa. a.,.. .u· , , . _eo t '.0 a.a I'CUI'8.1D e aD le'ltng.'" a ru a 00 WHOLESAI.E ' . lIY W.le"u~ ., 'Olill MOQntaiDs of Worceete,..b,re-olle be mad. U uUlyerul lIB God'lI own W.lu f",n. Gitullot..f)l..... .. 116 W V~ IIat(aD ibd Port · .• u the molt celebrated of the kind suulight. t!'Um bie fund of learning JEWELERS i.8mC1AR8 I ~..c: .~ ~ 'I . iD tbe ..orld. Allier a ~idence atld e~pene~ce btl baa produced a . ' " PO.t-pourri .. ' ., . ' ," eo . tb~ oounlt" .lIbnl.; .nd all ... \iII,~ k pi tbere or three monthe, ba'lIO, re- work In whloh..",," Kinl them tbe IFUlI..r" ....... W......d. ' 110 . OOyeredllo "r .. tocanyoat bil. bftneflta oi'bis ·laool'l. In it beSl*lU&c'tIH ·ruo's&MltteriHII'l. I0loletb.8bntur.. Wfllle'"hdl .... CLEAN AND NICE ,. .... I'ID te nt'lon, he en ._.-_..1 L . ' . Tr.lIl11'<ribed ; Pacber; .... OnglDa ...._ OD ~ 001111'd. el'l . mall '0 eYery p baae 0 f IRo.oe Bu .... Bedu ... K1ultl'l, 30 ~~~unfe~~ ~r•• 'Ilidited t.the o.Pd bll ailt.:!"-fj,from tb.e mument he s , W. Oor. Slalb .Dd )(c"Ji-~1ii!f AT:. 0 , !Florsoe ~alu. 1I,,"el, , 40 AIIU, ~ 0 Wle prloOlp:. n. ·lunl. ao emerges rom a ..y 811 atom. too - - --. -~.- - -- I w ." •.• --~~~ ..~~ •. "'~.. .. FIRE 8UGAl.coJlED BAD ,...lnllDaob o( bil time on .root, diminu~ive for tbe light. 01Joti! be IIIS8 .1CIIIE B. EBRIGHT, NOW "EA~DY. I 1D purell Itudeot, ' ....mp.like maD " ..duny evolye;e to tbe matOl'it, TealMr ' NUl. 1, S, :Iud Ii. Peten' IlOIIBtery ..hnld 11010wbol. or Ia,. Ibe llice. IOlv~ 11I~ "eftll. lIer, io ~ml*0' with bil tdaulhter. o( tbose Oon8c,oUI .. ,-.• II~.. I 9'H., 1' ' diN, . Pr!...~ oO.(IlIDla :,"ob '80 ~lIJ!Iber JEHU MULLIN to.:. .... h ;;:.... ,,• f h" b ~ PotJJ .. b6t'1I, tbe b' ... ..., 0 r" "' .. n OOIIU'1I. ,rum a t.o tl pe... DP. vuVU.· Sh ort!! I allA:lI'Wal-u • re uro"", .., u~lae 0 W IC ,UI'018 C8 80 . W&Y"".ILL" ..... by th.. bMt wdtel·. &l b I7 . New York and commeuced a round Jectiye evideDce of our immortal· ~ii~1II\.fL Noe. 1.2: IJ. 4. IUId~. 1'.."'.... 'Parlor ......0 . _ ~_. - - - - - . .•of engagements. This WaI iD 18i7, Ity." Proceeding upon the 'theory Fri."" 60.,."", each, E.ery Du.her_. aud tbe great tiu .. uoilll cdsia 0010· th.~ eye,'1 fac& ok qlind h~ a phys 1f'Vt'6. ~-:-a:,t,,:,,"" ple_ ." Klakel, inion litler he' bad played 10m. ioal.antecedent, h. baa lI'IOn an . . . . . . . . '111 . . . . . . ..,.... . . . . . Noa. 1 co 17 La Ore•• de 1•. er... I'rice -,;. . Add",.i.•1&11 ""'DI~ 1.II1II• • lilty' or eighty nights, he retired adllirirable treati.. on Oe...bral ...... ftW ....... eo _too _b, E••r, a.'.ber_......t ~ ; . - . " ... II. . . .~ qIJ to hie IIlrm in WI&I'I'80 ·Co.uoty, Pb,-ioIOl1, .ud the ~ril'lP of WAYNKSVlLLE. o.....o. . __,~ '_ ~_ .. __" ..1, _. . OhiO, wbore be rem aiDed ontll the th.e facta thai ..tabliabed UPOU.10Ihtt IUe ProhNioaelllwvi_ t.o tile ald.' Ala, of ....bo.... )(alled, poe\~"', Tb .... oomweoced SiDce 'Andi'lhidUbell~ of tile - ,belL. • -". ' . U rd h·, -... reootbardt.perttoo·· 'I at "r le-ioc!altb .., Sw.lfare. dJncer th •• ;:=~..:'~~.~~~-=:-:: ........,.. t A ..... _ • -.illor ID ow ••, B, ' rouq,. 11.0., od IIr.... a oc e .. -: • wIto_r ..... 1ala .. U.·oelL -'1 tKa ......_'.N,Y. 1'.. 0'.110& a.. I !!!~. ~~ . ... =;n=;.!.~_=;.=;.;:.~.;: =~ f~r Cheap~ well known to requne ~nl' "&I Yl/IOrou healtb aa ,ta 1'= __ " "ee1ing It & dDty, be Vi81tec1 ' tliel~n1inl bipb Ipi~ila a:'8 larger ~ff.''&':!fALlL~t'~ , E. S. B. WA1:l'ON '.' S~'Tli W. BROW~, cam~ ?' ~e UUlOU troopa. ~ncl el'Ulen~ 0 "apl"n. . than aoy :..-=-tr.=:::~-:.s I A'tTOflN-EY A LAW . - __ : ), by h.1 IDlptrallg laDpap . ra~eecl l ~tber tillnge .. h!'tev~r, the j§ach~ L_AN.W. . . . . .: i AT TO" N E Y AT LAW ' . the enthulium of &tie iUld'td &o .'DI bow to IUInlain tbem il a . . . . . . - & ozs. • the hlghl'et puiut l.triutillll tei&ching that ,];•• '" 10 ........ , §P~ I O.fo~ 68 ~,. • . "liddnty. , whatever," ao aeoordingl, baa _. .. WI\I pnc\lot III tb. JUI"" Cd_ 01 AiV» ..\OTA.IJY PUBLIC. ICooeot.'." Mr. lIarduob hlle con· ' in."'". II oed an eaten.. iY! die0ae8ioa -=: ;:~~:.~~~~.!:i'::'~. ~i~ ~rl:~ -.r- • ft • • • • • • .(80'. &lIW IIl1lbull' ahnust e.ciudivel"tu 01 ~be lDetbodt It, " 'hl\:!t we lIIa1 ~-e .VO,.~,..in ' ...i .... IIle. iilll5.n .&'11_............ o
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ConsangulnCOlI1! Mnrrlnge • ] lIo work of Rloot 011' Heredity 'has been t rl\ll81aled from the French, and pubhllhed IU London This Buthor talle the VJew 111 regard to eon88llgulDoou mllrrlBgcft that as the tendency of her edlty Ie to ropl'Olluce the '1\ hole being of tl pRrent ~ueb marriage will not be harmful If Lbe pamllbl ellJoy perfect ) cII1I1I But If the PllrCIlt8 have morbid predlspolntlon of A8111l11ar kind .lId 8uch predlHpo!Il tion 11 pr 111., would likely to 1lf\ SImIlar III pel'!!On~ nearly relatef'''y bl ood th r, ull. 111'011 th olf prlllg 11'111 be the Porodu !Jon of an intensi6ed dIllJ)(I!!Itlon efthlRlOrt He th refore agreell whb Quatrefill(ee In thinking lbat thl' uDlon of blood" relations III not necetlSll rllv liurtf,,1 but ltoflen berolllell lOO and Mhould on that Il('ClIllnt ~ a ollied Likt! III' "nten on the 8l1bJect, he perceiVes the poMlbilit.y of ImproVing the human nee bl' proper .lectlou 01 parente but lib all o&henr to!». he NDDO~ I~ne_ way to brhll UabiRa\.-De GaIMj.
RUING to Deh rain lcavtlll kept III a confined Itmo phere IU darknc \'1111 absorb all of the oxygen And stili continue to give 0/1' Cllroomc aCId the r Istance to OHphlltlll mrymg WI th the species. The rapIdIty of growtb IIU!!
energy of respiration of plant.!! ore botb lavored by ob ure hellt .mllt IS show0 tlult the IDtcrMI combustIOn by tho libIIOr\ltloll ot oltlg;\n lind 'the em IIIt'IOII of CAr IODIC acid I ~ tho oragan of lhll part of the h at lie et!8II'1 to th elaboration of new proximate princIple! an the plant
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he I", II I . r p. an. /"',I<t ,."., I t. Undertaking Fstablishment ~ ' 1' 1 .1 II I IIlg lll'llr~ :u ,,, \ t· . - \\' " "" t-::lad tn Wd l ' rl lIl' thllt - .M r , .fllll"· 1~ 1 f\'. ,r )lnyL<lIl. "~ 'lI \' lI t '" I 'l m'" ' 11 '.111 , \!r.t'h:Il·" '" _ \\d Itl ttl"'..! 1.. t II' ~k . T. l lH!I\rtll;&,\ 'r, IIU'\' III '" I i lltn :',lIl A , • • ; I tlll'l r \l oJrk. \\ £1' 'ul .lto i ·J)i . - D 'UIIII, I '1 •• I,r ~lIlc aL thl' fIlU\.. " ft rllll,'. n , ha ' It" ll'pllt t-= E 7, I • . II . . 111,$4 p, ,.. pa t 'h', und nvt ellwll 11(,(,. lu mil H il uu' LD~k t rJl'II. " ut Mr. .. . :\1, 'U IIl" IIl illi nl'r , .r ~ " li 4 p . • . 1 I k .,Ia ' d. II IH I will conJlIl't t111l~ bll "j · :.: E 11'0. III t I l ' t litl thQ rug owut!r -Jgdge t;:, ' II('W cabinet nl'" lll'r'lIf! r. \Vi' w i ~ h I r. ~ 3.10 P II . It"I"','lf'lll in' rm~ th I'ubll,' In • he f \",'r ,~.~J' (ell the OJ t b 'Ctln • wlAr 'r I 11\ i l.rulfTc ,iug tilwl 'l1l!lmll atlcr Ih,' lilT!\.' t ~ U I'I:(' ~. ;S , .. "pt.". ,1 "'H W } ' unlitur\' fun1 T ,.. drot ·A k i lt ~ ' U1 tmJ ' IIgl? J uttelldcd t l ur - Pcr u .,1 ill~ ·'\lIll1l·t ~d.;. <! ~ : l"bll-Iuu, ~I III ' MI II '8 " ... Ilul\d. tit re I'U~P lJ II'lIlg and t k alung apply ut thi ' ofIi ,. J'd,,, ~I ..;II , - :\I II I' ur 1 ,UI';UII ill II I ut to E:: ';< iu&(. n " .r th l ..', ... ' ~ Of1:; lU'. \\ Uylh ,· n l ~. 0 , I\l~' hcurs •. Wfl ' lIl' r l lllct with - MI'. tllIll " 1'>1. l\ . t '. ,\1 , '< 'IIHIS r 'l\\,ald ' lli \llI.in~. h'Hl~C, utili in s: S t :: : t : ~ III r.· II" \\ Ila \; 1'1' ll\ lu.nlll1 tll',t ..c' l " " ". twJrtull'u' ., a rll cut li ke I 1\ k I It.! "" " I'Jer to elcdl' ttl WilY, will, II I ': .., ' " , .., . .f 1I (', "''' u el! t will "V" H,I II Ill ./i, _lIl th ill lJ· -y tll il . "..'IU l'lltl.\', JII I.v 1-" ufrer lit Illlction ~. ;ofJ I'll It t d, III I{'II LI u t dllrbhll I ' , •• ... ___ , huck. llnJ r !tI ll l' th e wid " lid t --:\Ir. IlI ld ~In. J ill) • •\ . I'U III-l') hi l'lI tir ' t ck nt' r"lltl Y' l1ItlCl .., ~~,4!;~;.:_l::_ _!=_;:. ,l~_:.. "':,., . pr" I",r II III " "II I II. 1II CUll arri n :\' 1'1' UI 1 .JiulIll Ja t ' 1 'lI il"" 1111 ·l iun. Tid r"1 _ ~:'" "" - - " • liS '" .. Iot ililll' .. lit IIII LJIi 0~~ '1'1I!1I(' Ilf 'II." tl'ilU tnlll ~ li nd p a i ll • . -~ I r . 'V. M. 11. 1'1: .1',) i' : III·nt.!· w ill Il, u r \l l'p)',)fluui t.\· to ou.. c ??t'p ~~B t Ik iuK, 'u\llli n t llW II Illunv \11 ' Ilchuvl COnV4.'IIt!1I1\ 1.11 P ut·ill· luill 1il' t cr l >I ~ I" t hi ll ~ a ('h I!> e ~ b II n. 1 \ltla rll. :11111 il/('I .IIIW' I 13I1 )' . ra t " /tllll \\' Ulld .,o till' public l1 ut e~'_,,- ;;:; ]3 H I I I><:ellill\' itcdt 1I1'I'Ul'th. Nonl!" - Mr. uuu l it". A. IJ. l u~tl , tuh,r~dt : l\.' d ay. 1-..., :.:,~~~."·~H~ ~~ 'l .J thelc , 1 tuk(' th trlJu I t I nll UIJ mad u bri luI II ip tv )ultll lll u l h - O UI' frit'n d T h II l l1d ll. G:tr r(·· ~ :;l ..,. 1= .... N u l '. ('!tH.·e, ifL Co '.·'Ili II l'ul ti '.\it hc.l ra \I' t(ll'i r u 1\ 0",I ill' "'lI rk whl' lI . \' 4.' r it i ~UIl, of I' kulvu 1\ , 1 "U , wtll 11 (" _! : : " ' , : ! : .e ' ;; I ~:.. lO r ,0\1 ~ ""I. " ',m 1\ ",dl'"PI''' II t (0(' IhK...... .. .. U I i,r .• n~~\l A ... i"ttl UI tUll "",ith , k n u~· . t IIClr Il u 1'1 1 "011 , tl illy " ' 11I d.,\wl t gl'cut un ou tl'llgl' nguin t my ("'I't llur t hl Ilk ' 1'0 1' u CI' I'.v lI t' the '= ;;': it"I",., "I tl1I1 lu ,•• (If th, · "IIIII1I1U" il), in thcirlJ wlI. AlthO\l'h Ih i mi \ 0 t' 1~ atll l' • for 1 urI! " r li cmltl uJ tlollt ci ty, j.rivillfl lUI e. !:.t!:;;,r-\:,,;.;..:r:~,:::: ? ::ai, \\, loiolo1"·I,,,. l.. u" .... "ltI.h (,·,1. limit· I' i m on y til I(IlJ tllu chun:l1, tid iuu . 1 I U(.I d wll n n Ii t t l IICCull ll1 " I' I \I('kl' n' ulli"n hl' ld ~ ~ '. ~'" ~ .; ~ :.:. .l.-:. i' ... ,1.lH' .h" .. I,,' ,,,tllo~ ,1.1" {" lfi " ,·uUre ~At.W U\l~<.I nut II ac nutl harl . irl, t hat \\'\I"t" v I' I' ' '\'''I.tll . 1 'I "g U,ero I: ,· 1.\' . Il " It II'U 1l 1Il! tl wl' ~ ~ ~ r- ~ ~ :.;; ~ !.:I' ,...... "H. to) ",,,,Iu, uUlJ l 1u llc ruLl ",i llllll h tIe.. v v " u J ( I bI ,,,, - " " " ., I: :;: ,' " H") "H<I ""Icr. n. .1 W . .. Hoth fl!. . . nl\ i \ orth d "lIg w..,ll. ,, "1'0 n )orll'nt OJlllly ) hi (1ll1 l1; ill III • " ~ . 1:. . ::.. c: _ ~ . ,vo. U\ \'IeI\' th u I'U III \.1 the old buildlUg F AN NY lluT'tHRwoIO'u. lel ' re. iting th llt ,.. eli ' II. 1)1' wh um ou r l 1;'\ ~ ~ 7'~. : ~ ] [ IN G S PO R D'S \V itl~ h.orruc. T ill,}, callt their 'j' ' . . . • ~ fri lid utld tLI; I c~ t 01 hi" tam ily I !: I 1;;' ~ r:, =1 '.r' ( ). " " r l i~( J " . •,.onn O\'cr th hnge p iI ' of Id.1; d ll ( "/"" ,/ ("hl.-~II,t,lh Ji s E tltC! ['''KL , 1)1' l illti,,· li re lI u t hy Illly m!:'lln inCOIlS idl'f' \ ~I g : ~ ~ "r. ... ~" I. • ~U.;I III rrCI" I uJ ,!l.I'II\\' oic k nt h",II't Ol'l!r , c I, ul1l .1' " Il' llu IIIC fu ll !. \·,'nt 1'0 ' Il Illlti, y i ited M i~ 1 ;1l'/ ft!1 ll tJ l'~ iu s l\ulo. I':' ~ :'! :. .~ ~ Obi '· w ,-L .. ~ Y. ~ , p no .' 0 ••n 1 . j I lu t IH ! .1; . I - .. ',own POltll-...-riYll !'.4" I' u. 10 " a m ~ IIll1tt UI' I HI! lUI UI ullght Uell trill! \ tl,l' ,,1' I ~ 0:. . . . _.\ ' r. 1. E. n.1' ·s IIlI 'n tol'l'd th c.. i I ~ r.:: ; ~ ;; ~ ! :/, t; ~ .' 0 ~~~~~:I•• !~; 1 .~lye 1~:1~ ~ ~ ~;: r. ::: III1lI CQ nte l1 t! 11 i II I h . UlIl' e I't'IIC(! I111 J / ,.. ,'vlll'I. , .I" t II I'1'II'" U ".' .tl'W Il . - D~ . S . ~ . W uy ~Il;s. the r\')lIItll UI lilt 1\ IA legal PI'uct lti ncr. Th uR • ~ e. -I .. ' -~ . "'.. I :' ;> GLOSS AmI ".nll . arrh. 3.:17. III .. t l I' In u'ld lin ))!>,)' li ltl· ~ll lI rch . .Olle gi.lIJ,I I·lJ ' tl "~ I .t huy ~llrel~S. ulld fl'1l1glld II III ~I hI v!ng . I)IIC III I ii\!. 1II, '~t who kllO lI .MI'. l\.I:!J al'o il\Vtl l'e !=' ~ r' :~ ~ ~ ~ Ne- O~.tl ". a.d... ·un 11 , ,. (,, ' I) 10 Id IIUIU \\'1,1 1111 I)' i m :I"III UI' \' ' 1111 ''llrlll(! ld ' WII I' '''~ III till' J UIlCO Inx ll l'1:w t kltc h II glllUt' lI IU till th ut h u P ,ISSI' '; l' Illlt olll y III I'e ~ ;: I For the Laundry, ~i:h~;'~~;:~"i~.~, e ~.g.. ::;: ~~., ~ ~; sulati on by )Jubl ld ' Jct· l l·imilli-t h"l·I.'~' ; (' I: I: tll gu~ h, .'I II'l· I·ut 1 IIcigh bll l'b q d. th an urdi 11l1ry for 'lhlio nbilit i s, ~ I .....~:.;:. '--~:-~-"--I . " ".' '''·'ITT Ilall Ql Ulodn)J II, a rrj,· ~. !I.'~Jalll !/ '!Sp Ul :t!ulIg th "11·l 'Jt. if thu \\'ull,, ,I' t i c h~lIl1 t gc).tl ll t o ll\). c ' lIt i ll.m ~· C'l o \·. - .\h.Eht,dy, . ) h ilttU"'I"litl , i~ but mt uri('ul giltt! of n" m un n 88'S r;a) ?' I g T, KINGSFORD & SON, No. 1'ellle".e~ RlchITI,,"(1 d ,. il y. h011 0(\ WCI'C but t IOtl iltg. h ' would l (I J h:l llll. ~lIl'tll lll 11(1 I clerk PI'/) 1('II~III'< ful' tl'''~1 . 10' 11 11 ' I ,rllel', :III.) r '1l lUl' ku ul ' SOllll d J· uJ .. •• c ~ " " " " • .. 1 " J> ' " , Ir 'i O u< " '11l Ie I' e O~ll'l\gll d"lIy. All l\CO th at th e I' If Iva on b lim! ti l n ut u, ~l1 · tllh ::il dfl' { k . . ~l i ','l ld'ln ' . ,::; ' - .' . ". ~ fI " ) 11/1 ''''"J','n / 11 tl16 ·orid. otlle .. r ... l lI. r"n\l .. II ,., Mm·p~"'\l u~)' . ' j) I .~ , rlll·llI. \ V, wihh im th (l l"·" g ni · _"'"' s~~ .. l li l \, ~:-':'\ IIEA l' Tn· I' !. 1' 1 I , B TO W. L 0 '1 III EN , I L 1'. &: '1'. _\ IIVC4'k l'l,lI·d around . Thu tho lI \L1 t · kl 'o ll it tllt· t!f ll . ( ; II ~ ,Il.ff 111," - ..\1 '" S ull il' C ' )11 ,' 11. III L ·l,· t i lJll he I II r i t us a lawyer, and en _ Till'; 1.1I0 :N, "n,1 , hu "osl 1".I .....~lIit~nd ~ · ~~·I~AJ.U~ ~;tL , ~~ ~ri I~~"uu\l~ ,:l!1' Stlll l(j t! Wllg !1 thrlcc \\ C~~" : I;IJI:'e; I ~"I'; ~II 1.'Ht~" u Il l..:g~': l y! UIll'II . i" vio:li ll g;h 'l' grnlill ll llll h"I , tbat hU lIIllY suoll li l\\" to sw('n o ! '; ~ ' ~;:S:~~.;!.:'~ ·t: !"'~iil,; ~" ';~;""'~'II"hh" C\~t' I!; llI'II~!,cen t~or ~1I , . • up, og., Il . . ----. luve lJu 0 Uwily s:ucu t IC lfl'tI ' I' I ~I .1 I , III 1.11 l' l ~, I cn ~ Il l! . JI I' . '\Iul',.\' 1'ay \",I'. ill 11 b all l'gi ollcc t t-; 1. 'I'i"pi II 1'01' , f" : l ~: ~ ~, ~ ,~. ::> t. ~ ... : I"" , "II ~ 1\ no "'g _' __.' "" , roc. r Or u . . . w,,''l'fBMt''LLE DIREt':"U"" . hl'llke (l uI, tue ond I~ no rt t lll'cr tha11 C,JllII ~.d E' IlI.1 l1 t III I C(lIll C \l'LIY' . - 11 , J E' . 1. •' J. ll, . l .t th t, nl UI'C cOHg c.ll illl /ttnl \! I)1a ' I'IJ 01' '". l' _ . • . ;::.." .-: - ~ I 141 :0. ..... uu o ·s Ilt lir ·t. ] )lIl , \,"tv hla nwd II I1'd; li lHIIIl'. • 1. ' . "I-\~ l!l .lI\1 5 "'I I'I Ihc llllf. r. I l"n1l1:. I)~' ~tt"TlS(\ (EJ ",!.~i ).-M~~tiUI! \ - A ltl lOlIgh Mr. tIl . A ntl'ullI ill \\'), nt n d,i; wll ll teo t(l git ~OII1~ ( .'trI~I~~ ? ~ll'l r.lbll'III IIY lit 1 1' • .\le· __ ' _ 0 _ ' =~ I ::' ? . . . . E!3 :::: "::: , ( , SWf GO l ORN . TARCR f"r di"ln \\·o...bl p vpr ·ll'u.. ~ fi nd l: .l ur lh I ' . . . t i ll 11 " fL" m l' \\ i ft..' ", OIHIl S II . ,l 1~11\l1I . 'I'u Tt;;A II Eus . -T ll e Normul 1 ill' P,,""infjd E l allC J[(I1/[J~, Dl\y bftWn.nlll~ ~t II o'clock Fir.t.UIIY \I ' til' '~c h bl'1 ~o the ollUcll lalll t'1 I '. . . - J .. .. ,. 'I' UIIII" I'\\ ol.tll · n IIll ~ ;: :. ' >:: ~ ~ i; ~ 1 ?! _. T (I j' 8ob~l "t l) I-20'clllClr. A. lt . 1 110 ·Iailtls tu li ce iul "1'1'1II II;C'" tillll! A 1111 .C \lCIII UII , mllt lt' rll1~: . . ~ ': . • rU. ':. .. 8inn uf l't ur wc!:' k . in ·onia. ' 01· ::; -r. l ",!':c~,:;,<;,r; j r'" ~ "~a /f) . ~ t('. r \Va J· . '\IIH I'.• 11' /" 11" ' I I,,' li t c.I'to t ' 1I 1'I 0 '• tu •m"" VII>1 . J nI Y_I('tl I . It I '_. :-: i" " ""''''''!'''' I I " I". "". 1111 I - ", ,III ' 1'1 I'III I " "··Y ,' l · ~ 1. - "'t ec.-' IlCg1l. 18 tv ~ Il o l\' that hu i' III RNDS' Mt:t;1'INO 1O l'I"~O" J)lI l Ja l' 0 J,. , tl'd .. ..M UI II II "\ ull l'".' ] 11' I ('1{ C, \ I 'I11 1Il'glll " , ' . ". u .. Ing for d"' in .. '" r hil' ... l'llr:\, First nn ,\ 4 l h 'I . I I ' 1'1 • elltn to IU , I:iIS.nHJIIY· uli"I' ill very b st tocil iti es for 9 E! a a E! 51 g :; I' pr,. • it, .Ot'UI" I.,1I. ". ~TIl., so.", D bo" I I 'cIOcK F l. t-D"Y', 11'1' IIg 10 I I c!; . ~ u :\ 1I0118. \C ~ l.\Y O lt' UtlU ll1'.--'1'ho f~\lI ll w i ll " .. ,. M ~ h I " . . k ' P,'L :,,1 'U.'. t)1 , 10 .1'6 \I1Qn ~l!y "Y. ''''''IllJ.IlI.J; '~I k o . 'Ulili cil lll"> l' I' (lI' IIIII' llg t •• tind v llt '" - .w I ~S UT.!' .~u~ el' tln" lu ll ,- l'el'l 'wing ' or ta 'ill g IIt! VI\O C d IIl h r ,"I , 'I. "I LIl " hind 011 r · 8choolMl PJ,. eM 1\ . M. v " ., v ea c~ ,j' J u Ik ' l o tI t ' t G'J . . . . ' I b i t IB E. OIl!JUCu.- 1'ho Roy. 0- F or!!u",'" . thllt it wiII II 110 cn Y llIattc l', uft" r l l' I 'CIII" II ,\' B Il'C 14.' 1' I . UI ~ V'.Sltlll g III .t Ul'ruw I'~ IIC ~ os- or pr.e p/l ~·ing f I' 01'111 I ""'.~~1~~.~1~ · .~:'I;o:'~:·;i,I~~ mo PMto~. Divilld!"u-iuc<1n · ulId"YM. lit 10 1111. to ];e p tlle 'OIO!IIIILl lt' ( I I' Ll. W I'e di~po · 1 of by ;\Iuy I' D d· VUll ty, at llI·c\ll1 glon. ur IVI' IIIen CXlInllllOtuHI S 1111 I tho 12 'otookAM o.nd7 1-:) 1'. 1.1. ~(\bb"th . . r S0I1SiIlCl'U lIl' lut : D ' E F 1 k' r 'l t unties 01' tho chool rU€l LO . All 1 Rfllrroad. -TO \'! o . ~I " " ' )II . P h I) .. ~ .. ' h., -:" '~l llt ·' I ·-'>. I·:" tnll(~ ) In' I.1I tlll'l ." W. A s ,IOU II Il~ U " il WI LW'I , "' 1 all d eust "' "'''I t -J dl.{,~ · ' . ~ II JIl S U.II II ' IH - " I , h i ,I." . t,·h '·II'"'''' ""'hmll" \I f lr. u 'OI't.c .~ . ~ .,. eX I'I' IISO '" 0 'I I I I ." ' l! !'. , . rch. ",,,I "')" ,~ L I n ., 0 I n I E ldor J H Do.ld th ' m Oil ~', Wl\ iOllnd t o bc HI! "III1U CII C OmI1H~ emellt (I U !!l UII ' , '11'.! • - -- , I II ' '' h ' "., ' "" " IIIU"'IIS n u 1..1 . . . , ,, t' Iii . Hltngdh 1' . H' I S I II k AdJ rt' WrLl I AM MITII -r,,",. 0",. 1 "" ,· '1.", ,,"i~ l c of di L.. lOrlln l p .. t.or. D ivin IIIll'vi co on tho F il'llt ",!d 0 ep (liul Cumw itlclol W US f'U heJ otT <:i t..'l) I'" At kin n $ 5, IIIld $ 3,71\ 10' 1 0 100 a WI.! . I ' '. , .' UORTE '"[' .\;"- J) leKE '1' e ,. i" ,1 " ",I fr .'<.Ii n: I Il'upcrl l o~ H flllly Thir d Lord'.od..)' in '" h m onth I:()r(1ti· down to ' III Ci Ollllti to beg a J o . 1 " - MI'. Miles . R cdcI' 1 t't h CI'e • cOla ull eg .. X ell m O. UO ~Tr; 1'6 0 \. " II ", I " L IIrlo \\rO'll. 4111 & hnul at 9 o·cl6ilk . "" ry Luru d'U UY t' fl' . co- ts. I f 6 Ill" iUII' I...• " ,,' , 1111.( l ' u<llll n:{~. (' u 'lurd~ . (ll·nlng. WI! I'o m r III 111 I~r~~l ee ?O ll1 l'nl \1~' \\"8. H UlI ,b ', ,5. Ilud .:! 05 yedlEl.I\ . y. I' ~ oule~· . In Uit;, '0 • . t I _ . WASIII~G'f U~ .\:. 8,\1,'1r~IOUE ' C.Ill II"rec. ""1"111." " "'. one · pound 1,."I; .• ~c . F lRr S l'TH!'!' (Fr ...... will ) ",roh in duwu thcl'c' bnt l !l allllg l ll l lili tu l co t wll eL" lil!lllt" uql tllrc~l d l'. W It 1 ~l. .. , " . ".o r. ~ .. ·c' b .. 1I111...I.CJh.M f.... oe ........ . 1 S \ r tlICY UCX t DIUd r· ' , Mayor it< 1" lltit ll' a b , o f' - ~It·a . Murtha . I he ~ lt I a li t, ~ Q l lIh - :,, ,,, . .,, 1 U , . W "YU Q.-SIirVIOCI an lI, ' S\!<lon.!.., "t.Irl I\Y rec " Ill U tI ( I I C t 'l' 'l'htJ ,Aud I' 011 mill - I &l!11 Snnu";r in euuh Inon th . ruder E1lU ~ tho 1'uwnship Trustees, lI1l l1 l' lI .., :\Iisa E IlI Ula Bl rn tt WCl'u 01 ' II ' L,u-:~ S~III O r'u u dl le. P '" J~ ,,~~ 2U. 0 ' OF. N ~: o 1',\'111,1'; . 1'11 1:111 ' (111 Tll\l'l~. .- --, - Ol\n!un, P r. . 1 0 d d k €s 'U t . tl . ,11' II II IHlIl llc~ Ih ro.: ;'h i ll til" ri ~h l " w,f" " f Mr. Juh n H . L ,km .. of . FAllSl .. ua· GlI o\ ·OIC. ~u. I II, l""tTont! O fl ) .11 C · lI e· . WI I ear I II I 'll' WilY, ami it ill hi" i IIloll t l( II 10 CU ll ' \'isi t to <.: llIrke '0 n ~ty lus t w 'ck. a "on. \'1.\ 1'.\ IL, EU" III' It ; )1 A \' '11 . 1, 7,1 i nu'4~ndry; W llIium C<.Mlel\, Ma.tn . Y e t .\ cs, .begged tor three 1r.ll l1 d red dul· tillil d illK ~ . If YUll ll, and - lI ustel' Ami,ew Aman retu1'll- - - - - - - . FI1'1 L,"o , I. ",,, Ii: r I • • , . • lnOddrCl\u\\'~·:R .. 1I 0!} th~ ...'O~ud Sd~tlJ.rd~y Io. rs ,,J II tto hel p Ihe tlun g nh'~ lg' IIII'll dO ll ut wi,h til IJ:!." II fi ll , . .. 11 flM O DII"ttf ' 11Is.t Thul'.·lbl)· , .!11nr t ,o l1C ~; -. e f """b mOll h. ",7 nloca TI''' ·, ,\I' :"".e bu t It \\' a~ ti ll 110 g o. Th l:l 0 1'111 111 " " J . ··1 . i ' ~\ • n " I) 11..111 . i LCIID'ro l ATcnno I fourth g~turd..y of euuh IMn thut2 o blo~k. , . <t lh '.,· 11111 tl" l'rai ll l'wlll l' i~ l t ing tho \l hcro.: ue hu n go:ng to C"I- ~~-~~ -~ -. ~. - . , Lv( ";i"o· " " .' 1 n ... , .\'n !) II) ""' I ST. YA.I\V'tilP. F.. lUJIIC II - Oun, er of Iy 111Uc.l1'.I ih Iu rttc~l 1)' 0 tctcil ~\, lbcl .Y 1'IIIIJh(llcr:!, I g(" .'; /E\,E Y;-W " ET ' I::L- At 110 0 hUIM A~: . r l" I1 " " 'h~' ~ ~ ,II'IU 111 ~a '\111 1 t:lt1r. E. 28/11&., NEW YORK, T hird '" 11\ ~tifU)\i Sll'(Jcl(!. Diy i"" "~ rvice COli C n .C( I III J WIl no t l ICII' till ~I A' d n e d .. {h~ brio! ' • l uther. " ," flk kvry " , li e. 0 .. """ "",", .• 'I.' .. - .. . ...er)' Snn,l",), a~4 p. m . 'lnd,,),- "houl ui inC8 tu lel'J so largoll!] an imal' till S 1I001..- \f l'. P tm' Sell"I'o hl).:.-I - . I: ',,1'' . • . al) . . . n · J ,!oo 2·1. J ~:;. u1 Ihe )~e v. 1) '1' II U\, ~, , • .\111';. ", 5 f!;,' r,!!11 "I" • A. )t. it would ullllen r t l;ut \lll l o~tI II': n " \\'u\lnu ci' llI~tl JuulIllea lipen! \\'!II' .O O. JlI ,' nuo. J }'.. A lt.<:rllll~'" Ur . A ;~ 1'",.~.~' I~::t,I"Ir' •. ,' 1\,/.1 :: :, all ,. " t • • l ei, CH t I U he en eleclcd y ~ :'Ici l HI o f I'll 11' I t TI \11' day ' tl ' Sold ' , " ,III.m L 10 M I•• ~'>1l'gl6 "llOt,ol, " !l ,10 .. 'V ~ t.Ll£ ypn "\) B TI N .\ I~LI."EI~l"'~I ~~ D \;ind · hell l·t d r ich old oeutl umall ~e h o I' Mi .. Bunting, ~Ii ~s nni l.v , II'> I, .- l ~ IeI':; 1111 of lIu w u c"uu t y. .. O,. kl nll.. I I :,!.j .. 1 / ;:4 .. TREAl'$ .ua.F:JO~1l8 OP . _ )l"""i Stroot. u "r i)loll n. .,,,'1 'I lil k .'. . " UOtrlu. •. IlfC ' l"H K II II .. II 17 .. R ite P'Ull" r. D itin tHl ryi(lOontl ,o S. tur. tl lull la e It Ill tO III hend to dll lI u d :\l i!l fII " II I' Ill' I'u ta iul'd ; M E S 13'\ I '. 11"" """,,,,, <1 I fill 1m • Oi l P IlIlY be"}'" tho 8OOpod utldll~' in eMh m,o., nllt n Ih on 'und ll r two, N cp. ", dl UII J Ali ' ~ a ll l 'iJc tak t!:! th e r . 11In) It· . • 111 . IUS re. , " 11 111)'0" '. F ') :; I ~ .. .1 !rH .. .. II'"-h', .. ,,,u ; HI " • ~2 o'uloQI<.. aodo'l th~ lIOOOud IllI.d f" utt h havc tv l emnlll ill t ho cOI\7:;hed y ·t 1'''IlIn f'lI I'IIH'I'I .r so II bly HIILI a ti· . InrlJ'J (!'\l UI QIII ' .L\!!.I'I(;U ltIlI'II 11 IJ ~,I) AND a&OllVlIII 8IUlil&YH. 81 10 .nd, o~locl<. D I .. (I wh ilo IOllg .. r to ""olil l t' U 1111 'k . Cvlh'go, lit ,)umu ll'), . fur thll , Or"" c"l,d by .<lr., \~ t~"rur"Q'y . :: JlIt, i. ol~".'I',',o"r'~1 I .~2 II' ,m• • I !oil .\ru \V M I T owushlp teet ve ,,, " ,,, t ItIC t ,'I' iJy Iillt'u hy ).!,,.; 1.UIII :1 ~1u , v ." I ,-,01'". L eUers /1'011& all 114"'" y,:,~ ~ .....,e 'd . V VUl'otron . I' " W iIUl il1. w"H I' P Il\ 1 :1\ .' % Prot tiV03'JOtDjl,my m ce~ O il tlie II IItIt - I r. ' V.. tll lllln LElI'I cy nnd MI s , 1.' . ill 1)\I II I IIl QII wi til Ll \I n!l\' AI J L II L' k' I F loul', 6 ::1 ,25 .. I'hil " I " h i I I ~I l ' ":1; . the Cl1J£.z.t~ed World. clay In ."oh m ontQ, at 2 o nlook p. 10. P Y Maggie W hctscl were UlI1I'1" ed nt ho I' o f vtll el' 1'l'il.' II d8 o f th e s 'h\lol 1' . 0 U • I 'm ms nwv· W I IIJIl t 1 10 .. N,.,. \'I)'rl< 5 I '• . , G!I;' .. I o rd\fr of ·th.·CofUp ony. L . R l1r tMook, rus· , ' I I . (,d r 'll n ti i\ l' t G "1 11 · 1 ' idcml.. R. !', G. u. u, &ouretnry. t hc "'rido's fat h rs lli r ll n l " ' hot. IIlid th e nd y, (ell ply I'l'g ret !\IISS I I I, II. I ~ ".1 l , R '0, 05 .. 000 1,)0. 5 (i(l .\ 1)'1. 450 r ". " •• , OIIUUL WU If sel's T hul'>!dllyel' :dllg. Ak e Cvl. Mu -on's I't, t i l'em o Jl t fl'o m IL plISi· I'll., \\ llt!l'c ~ (; hus clllll'ge u t thu llrn', 50) @ .~- ••y'Q",Liie Worlb 10 lett I ft R IChm on d , I nd iUllu Thurs. Ii 'll be is so well q\ltll~ fiot.! to hon - tci!:'g ra.ph ofti(..e. . . ~uts, 50 \' I A Ul:. Ll, I IL~'8t ~~,~: :u: ]~::~~".. g l\!~.t' t)M!yo'll~ .\'I\,y~hore. RII1 C"c rv- dl.'y momi ng, Oll e]. d l~wtl t1H'ongh t o I' ; bnt hel' s nCCel!~or 18 an. ~~x el - MI, . "U-I·t·. l EII IlI B nlld ~1l 88., l'I ax Soed , 1 0" l 'I,'ly. ' • '." '<'. \ DI III TIULl'tiKG \IoiSj "O"'I,I~lu ~ of . 0 no dl e"8e ~ 'I " l n~ UlI' lr I Jd d WIII, no I ~II bu I . I Ison spen to a c.onp.u I (l f B Il rI J , 1 ::! 5 'W f::'t " Hf • • When .i~k . llle objc~~ Wo1 ij II> g~t well : ll ic koryvi ll o i n tell lt o ~1'1! 011 p il I' Cll t yUlmg u y, un 1 5 II"'e. ol u m hll! \I I f> Am II 'I i I'll' . SumeroOl' Patient. in :Europe, ta' 110'" - \l 8ay pl Ain l y t ha L no pe,· ou II) ~hi. pose to be j.If~6en t a t Iho w 'd J ing. dO!lbt. IIl U ~ II ~o Ii tllurlher. . ~ Iln f!t .wetlk Wi th th ou' fl'1(!11l1. \lltat Oes, 1 20 Arr. l\'c Wl\.k · I)! :!.; I'en. I; ~I~l ~::: . Welt IncUea, the Dominion of C~~~I~~I1~ :~II~n~r!~~:;~h8~';~~~I'~I~di;~~~~ Alt hough ho Mil purposely II t ill Til e cho lCc of 1r. ell ers IS li D lit uw n V illage. . ~ \'er Seed, 7 :l 5 T" .~ M:'~~~~~v~~o ~1 ,\~ . 7 r,o .. Ca~ and in eyefJ l\ate Inn, C0911~l! lle •• • ic!t. Uondl1Ch ,·. So ur !lto - vited hu WIIS on tia nl! Ilnd took II xe\j lleue 011 , uou meet;; witll gO Il ' -Mr. L . F. Mllllin g toll hns dis Timothy Seed, ':1 0 .. .M.'lFfietd 10 07 .. :, ~I •• or the Vnioa. maoh, ll~Rd burn, Pa l l)1L .ciou of the lI ~\lI'L 1)I'omi n 'lit I)!ll't in t ho't1flh lr. A k ·'8 'l'lt! IIPPI.·OIlIlI; bu t th e ~IlI IlI'Y iii solved pUl'tlltlridl ~' \\' i~h tho II. ill Onnnel. 001\1 , d li vered , 2 Arr N 0 \\" \1 k I ~ 30 I'm. I 'j .(!> .\ m. ld '" B'II n"o. "0 CIIU like I f It! y " Z'\II oadll c I :1:, .. I 5 ~ .. t",pre ~e p' r •••• IOU ' '.Q. '" " ' hostl cr, Jim Bl'iget RIl " S, 'Thel'o'8 I'Cl ll ccd rum >JI l l) 10 to $900, lind thL W. Good. bo w kcep out of lIug.hlOgl'ny, " 20 ,. n ,.II,.,· rc " .',0 " •) 1< .. ADVICE eIVEN. BY. MAIL
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EB FOOTE M0. 120
An IndepDndent. Phys'lc'lan
Condnctin[ aledieal Practice
0 11:11-':"-8
A \iO U8T F I.OWtk
withou t g utt tHg
",'U~f olld e ll"". If vo u \l oul; 1 Ll!i •• g il to , our Dr uggiBt . J.. nOLL. lI nd g t n " n\ll pl" &"1. (." \en C~JJ'~ .,ltI fl y il Hegu l n,' 8lxe 75 cenlll. T \\o ')0 <" 8 will relic, . )011 .
no lise of such I'ccklctl ul'iVill" tIll\! he !IIay not Ilccept, LJut Wl! hOJle htl Ihut trude, a ltog III 1' . I.uli< . Hot;lo ng Vall oy, " H it .. Wh e !illl( 6 10 I'm :; '1'/ .. FRIEE OF CHAR IE. "ol'~e hnill t got o,'er th o Ii / u lll p wil l. - Mr. Ed M 'i choll 'I' and P erry ()\ltl oty Coal, Nit :: IO; ,'.~.;',.O'l':t I'.' 11:4, I!I' ?IOI :: Q I b I 2 00 1 ",0 mereortal1Dedkln Oi Of deleterloul drop ..... yot.' -, . _ •• -. Mi ss Mnl'y M ic hene r utteutltod t ho ...,u t. POI' un e , I .. !ler. l' ." It '1:1 .. II ,17 . B u d urin .. t.h. lNYt t •• nI11l"&n U'c)e.t. ' I~ r"ll, nouly or qulLo 40,000 - - . All _ _ • - - -\ .l he !tU Ii. Oil. Satlll df\y toterfered Hi gh SehllOl and ().;.1I '''0 UUIll- Wool._ 40 I@ 4,1 .. 0111),1 1",1'" I :,1\ \11\ . :.! 0" ~n' . . _ wl,h ..ch __ . ro .... full, ..-M4, People \"uII' -Proof. -( '1Tho III ltrll y·scu uol ·d e lJl'3 tw ll tl II .. t"t \ ... TI rr lllps, ' 01 .... ·v, 1111,,, '8 I")' ;, Ot .. '1 .-11 .. . k II S " \\ 1 I Ie I J ICII IC nu VC I' ISCt! t) cnme Dl CIlCCJnen t at iVl' fl ll' I" t W I!",k. 't .• "', · , .• ,,,,'.17 10 I', .',11 " whether tb oy be comtnunlcate4 by lett.tr or Ia . 1'lIere 1. 110 medicill pr ·.e rllled ... ph .. i . at ,I ti l' '; 1'1 '" on lltllruny Tl Ie )I , yR II I' A • <> A I b I 3 0 ) .. Ri. h ,"" nd I ' pIl' . l"'ntOb , or cS\)d(I:rved by t h tl Doctor or bt, auoct• • . I . I' .• I I I T ho J w'ISu eIlllitut l' ff 01'I' t lilt d ny. 'I 'I fI' \!u _I G III'tl lei' 0 f C·'0 ' 11 pp es, arro, 'I fiO .\", ai. " •• or SOld. by D rugl! l ~k' , 1 1I.I '. ".rllo• .,uo . leDu Ct 111'''\' ' ' w Ctl'C d I I - ! l r~ 1, ph)'slcianl. The tatt.er 1.1"8 au ecltntUlo mt4IoIl l1s, lI o t t ISCU \ll'll g ' , lO.wever, :.'.1 rl. II '" t I' - 1' 1. I . llg I /Or " .ID' t CI' ~r I'S u" G OU .. Ua illru,,,'" I' III .\11\ ~ t1 I'" I el' ill"UM uf ,b . UllCc.e "" d FUpl'r,O r , n t u ~ 11 0 11 · .. lJJ I ' 'b t \ . • • Bo, c URE's OhllllAS S,IIV I' I;' r C' CTC I U I\ \l~ 8 \l1 g c lV lr /ol.0 . llUIl I' II k tl tt ttl ' .. ... ,., II I "., " . .. \ilm ' ngtolll ': I II'''' I ~ I "10 1 Ulan. An In ..-ltd. a t. a dllLAoOli aN nqalred to &DI'ftI' Cuugh. , olda Idtlcd 011 Ib!: Urea . l . 0 1111 full.v Clell ll l:!c.I out hy t hu C IUl'kdvi llll \\'1 IU II ' I) 1111 0 ler a mp' sa me IIs I F ' WII Y llel'ly hill I" c . 1 11 1'U CUI. .. I' hll ll ' II I " IJ .. " ." , Satll nluy. Jlll y ad ill til ' ' nnu . wi ll. J1 1'"lm. Il yne.",· " :\ ~ " ¥ Ilk ~ I.i .. r, ;,;, "• n ottendtd U. t 01 plain IIn.lUon" ....10.. wlU be .uml~ ioll ,o r lllly .d",ens~o r lhe . Th ' O. ! l\ lId ::IlIlII'rltCI'. Th ' doli'gllti on fro LII I N ' to .' t ' Ig I' ~ l b l~ I ' ,I~ th ct'nmrn cr III thI S pIneo B n t l'.:I· _5 "llo . " ,n ,' j ' 0 \m G"O td b1 maU t_ or al t bo 0111... A _· LUllS •. A 1,rool 01 Illll t fU CI ,8 tl , I Rny I . "'. .I.. , I l 'tlCI.'. 0 lit XICa II l'l UUl o . L u ~ ~ .' r IO . Inrnllb.~ m . , rect prey..... milia... or pe rloll ultl lcled ell n gilt .. R.'In" I" BO lLle for I ~ r(' " US 111 0 . t .~ III t " O' IOI'SC \\ug- wil l bo all owe d wilh in !\. mi lu (If - - llC\U l! I1 , UC I' DU~ 811 n'!I. IlU ·t lllll III' 15 'Pullman ', Palace Drawin g . Room conlullon. CJM.~ books naYer eonrult.ed, U~ bf 10 c.' lIb a nd tr> 11$ 8up,· , iu r e lfce t ,,_ ru re 1I 11 ~ lin d llPCII·I.·p spring wngl'\Is. thu gronnd , and Snmucl Tc' ry will t,f l endy nlIId clothl.I'f' l:)n~u l'dny, E~gs 12 and Sleeping Co ac hos I the lthY llelanl of th e e. ta bUahmeDt.. )lor ~ oon aulL&tlob H od (Dr nit 01 quutlonl. 1,u1 hag t he . eg lllnr wi . . ..1 i ii cell id JI hns The lns t thl'cc mil S UII the homc· J I 17 . TI IE! l'e \\1 I b C 11 g r da l Al>11lcs 75 latl'l" b ~n Int rod'lCr d 10 l h,s countr l' ft'o m . . . he r)ll bon d with I'ofre!lhm ents. n J l, Prunl St 1.0 \lio, OIllCIIlIIII 11 ""r1 \Jo lnOl OU II) A lIlny·pog. po"'plll.. or e.w.. _ 0' . G er mAUY. and ,to .. onderl'u l cu.'., , 1I1l:"81011 ' stretch IHlij drl\'~u III that tc::\'\'I ble W hOlle th e weather wi ll be fl\' lu~h fo r th e Mu.vor's Ircadqllurter~. Oheeso 18 WlIshington and Bu1t1'more,! _ t me oloo. A _ Dr. E . B. FOOTJD, 1.I,lng ev~r,o nc Ihol use. iI. '1'I.r,·l· dose' sturlll. • bi l l t' Ik I ... G "1 '~ "II & S H ants 14 ., .. '1\ II '1' 'L - 1<1 b A \' ora de,t 'line t ie youllg 10 s Hove I -tu OSo l ~. CIl. !l . ~ Oil D ri e(l'n ee f @ \lI.l l'l·l~OU'I' CIIANGL' , Bolt '1'88, New Y~1'1k WI T. r\'e Rnl en Be ry 1 , 0 )' . , ' f l'. 1111(1 M I'O. L~d "'nrd 'I' h o ll1P' ' I t 29 21\ 1' I ~ Doll , W•.'"ce ' llI e ,,~ J:. U goo IITIO. 1111 (\ SUllll: bC\\,lI ag·mac lIt1 e c a~ 0 1'", ' .. -_ -_ .~. .. S'II !aaye lotn \'lled from a th roeju t the th lu g fur m ovi n g D'lIlch i lle~ ~ ' Cl\;:' I ':~'~~~III;~~~~.t~'~I'I" ~ .~~~1~::;r .\'~~.~r:;I~I;;{' ACENT8 WANTED. J'OROB I' u ~lr. --J oh ll O. StmJlfl!r, \\'ceks' vi:!it I1 p th e Ohi o rh·er. - Mr. I. 'vi Couk owns 11 cow, ubont til e houso un. Ca ll lind sec ~ "", - ~bcrtltt"111(}ltt!11 1, ~'~,t~~~:::~~hol\t tl", ,,' b l , (l lIlh" - I lind •DL 1'0lI'l'. Ia the .ulhor 01 K&DlOAL 0 ... II OK 8&1fU, 0' • book t.ha t re&che4 Il clrculatloa - ~1:s" E\'a Antra m of SCVCII fl'e II ubout tlmC'e moulhs, wliic b ' tholn. U ,I;J \ , ~. TI.08 . F . BA Gf P a. Iltl' ., nt Illr n mitt I ti n f", rce I ..... . t:O L I' . 01 O"t r ~,OOO ~.)lN; alto. of .Jlt..uJf HO~ pnmp, is doing a largo IUlld·ofli ce ~ il ' , it! vi iting hor frien ds ill nut! yic1us 4flt p ounds of milk P OI' -SOUIO beuu ti fol sets of flll'ni -_,;.,_, - . . .,- - ~~ We. 1 I'A'~ {\g.' "L. (lCIl 'I i, k" l Ig ·t . 1 T .AL. 8lON ~ntl,. pubU"bed, wble b h .. tiOW t .., the uteot. of 70.000 woln; a!1!IO. or ., 8Ctawaa business in our cit ics, tellnl S lIn d arou nd town. day. B ell . r Downos is tlHl luclenl III I''.) hl\\' " .11I" t ill en I'l'cc il'ed at ~ CiUC' U,", LI , I' Hultlm." ., ~Id .' ( 'I;I1 0 .Q ,D. ( 'V? '11\11:' It <: H AIrI ', I" Bro .... " ..hlol! \I now belli, p ubllah04 In l1l'i. . oountry. The pUllI p \l orks like a - 1\1. W. S hid nkor reports trade pl'ud uce r. I'h is i th.e g 'lsh iHgest ll.': ells'. A ora bed, and n pa rl u\' ~ ~~~ = til Ml\sLel'l,f '!'IIU1sp',rIHliOH. coJt'S&."4'1'1 1'AlILU .t ou, oxoopU •• t bo nnt-me.""oe.s ...,.... (wbld!. . charm ; it is ha ndy f o l' wushi ng iufl'U it tlccS l od . H e llu becn ~(.ww.c h n ~·" hcl\rd ol yet I f nnY I Bl· t in bl'own rep ure pus iti l'l' IYi B ·17 1. 1)' Bulll on '''' ,)I,1 SI ont. or » dnt), ,,111 be IOnt. free OU .",Ue&tioll Will~OWS, wut~ri ng p;tl r d e llfl, al.1 d opc l'at lng i n Bli nloruilld H ighland (jf UIII' rcnders CIlIl bea t it wo ho[>O, c'IIU'llI i lJ~. ' . I19UNIIUOB I ....... ...... 110 •• nUI~r"d . . to either Dr )'oon, OT Ih. I(u"., IIUI ".,Up. pnttmg on t fi reS', when curl y dls- coun t ies til e vast f OUl' weuka. to ue T.ulld e a wu" e of th e tlict. - Mr. T. n. Mc Ou ma~ IHis a • I. .,,,.1ru loli ",ml, n now ,·,Ii 'i,II' (01 1 I., O'''PIll7. wh _ QmCO II l !1l1.B.... lIlI.h 8' ..... Ajleol.Jt--ulIlh rn ..n a nd women - •• n ted to .u co\'cred. ')'he pump i s . highly ~1lC_ .folu ,1\ '1 R elt', the ~ntlelDl\lI T~ey. 1I11gh t tTf)t out the cow, 01' a gilI'd en whi ch would not fa il to ta ko _ _______ I)' . Dr C u. vc , wcll ·8 Celebrat e d th e: Illrcgnl og waru, bo whom. ItberaJ prant .m. d db tl d s H av ng .a nulku g OJ' t\ 0 M u.n llfllcturc81l1l k in rl~ l l' Dr uud & Cu k • E ssny nn. Il I I tth~,d t'\! e \.H tlh •• be IlIl()w ~1 Tbe tq hllil n• • or am aU tortuntl o~m~n e y tOUSlln . d 't al 0 from Tennassee, who has OCll !Jere J '. • a pl'em innl in tl COllte:> t. It is dll ll" fur W"y n e~v ille . lI(l Ih o 8urro unll in!j" , outn.crllr'n,\·) 0 1 :-i''''IA '''''·''"J!. ' h... b<on made III ..lI1ng D r. Poon·. populu trl~ It,'2we ~e"t; roencaombmycralll 110" 1\11 two or tl.'ree w eeks t,l'y i ng to d.l'iv.o Th l!I'c \~. ii l-- I;; oa-b-n II 'II~ ,tIl e Ilall si.m p.l Y splen dJd, a nd all dune hy neii hburh oo(1, S pooilll ott6ll tion i8 gi ve" 'l or SC ln ,n ot W,·.ltO. ... I Il, ., lll n, ,, \ • " mi ,," 1 ""OTt"UPunt UOil. T ,n.. .. II \}6I'tJculad1 nee u S .. I II dl> to fu rni ~hinlf 1."" 0,' . IM rl) " N ~ v , M .II I.I ,<n ,1 Ph y" ,",\ 11 , &dDrned to a"ultl. aDa .. SCl&.c& lit &Ioal '" it , ":"'_'_ '_ 0. ~ .. _ V " IU hIll'g lltn "lor. the F'" IlLy p l'l!lgs Sntllrdny ni g ht, July 3. N .Oha p. LI S own Il\n • I c"r " c.ty. 1II ' I" d,m . II I. III .\J ll rr ;,,~o . ,·, C.. jun t he \htna tor ' bo youn.. B4!nd lor ClOtlt.eDta n N.cd up Ill S dud . s Sunday 1l1~llt m a ll J o. Da \' is. and J. C Lee, -Mr. and Mrs H orace G. Cad · CAKES FOR WEDDINGS . 1· 0. OO Il ," ll' l lUn. J~p''''Il'' " ull f·'L". 'lld u tat)lftI .114 AefI rOT )'ounel yofl. Tbe former t..I1I1Nn Fn'ends (If the na rrow.gllage en· I gath d Id I U 11 01e J 010 Mn nllg 1'13. G()lId mllsio, 1'cfresh. ~"I\ II 1\d Cl' HI! d d a ug IIt(O r, uccom pllll ' cell by al·1t iU\h ile clicc h(' St xu al C ~ tlll\' ft. · • multh ude 01 q ur "Uon l wbleb ladlN and __ 0terpri8C repl'C8c nt that there IIl'e un S. I out , ean ng AND PART1ES, I g .. "o. &0 m an teel • d eli"*-,,, abont uldn , ot tb.tr pb~lftlaDL DOW v ery rair .promises .of sticces~' 1 MUl'rl~ ond Dr. HO l D miuus two ments, nnd a good IIITILl, N o gon ' l l e~ by MI'. J ohn. F . ~lld wlIll~der, on short notice. J "1>10 kcep [W'"Procc, i ll" colo,1 ~III .I ""C. 0111,.. fix Tben lIuLhloi In lIt.cratu re at. all like elUMI of lbo foretolo, ""orb. .. BelaCl.l . . . . ., '. tl eman odmittc<l wi thout n lady . left here last F riday for: DWIg ht, I ' l\ /f c·:r~~~ colol'rated n u ,lv)l'. in !hls ..dlOlrab le Oontraotors have sent tn I I'OPOSI- weeks bourd . ClOD 001, be _ 01 ....... or 0' UIo PII~ tions (liJering to build t.he road and - Tia r U1I10r that th er parti (·s lllinoit!. J ohn goes wc~t on a \....J :\, 1'.1 E•• II Y. oh'lI d ,' tlU ItIlIl'Rlll l ,·'. f ,OIn 1\ Ihi," " PL"IN' 110 11 10: T .... LlC tt t. publllb-S LD boUt 0.. tak a li beral par.t of t.heir pay i~ h~ vc purchased ~h e Snr i ngs is not At .80\,1'1'n1 poi nts bc l ~ w t )WIl t.he visit fur his heulth. . at aU h ou .., ond 11 . "pply of )"l\r8' , uce••• I'11 1 I" '\[' IICO, Lhn L 11,(: " l lIlIlIing • •1L1h .lUt Gorm an 1..a.oauatu. OOc.lIDO,", of ttlft.. v"OlO~~n I1Y . I.t IS eV I' wltl ll,l ut fOllndnholl. _\ tlll'n piko hll.s b . oll. cut " .Itl.' gulh es - Saturday ev'.,~ 0111g, Mr. and StaPIe an d F ancy Grocerles. . ('c1I0 1l8" IIU" II CU _ nl s, I" ' HI,us, noll" ". rnllie,.lh· "~.D.•• ~_:a.*~ . bo~ds .. .X> ",,1I withe1l1 w .l " "~c rou~ 11 o · h, te r ".1 • AJ)Pa&IIII A8 4JIOV& dent that if all w 10 nre tnt-erested -The foll owing d~aths occurred and othel'wlse 80ri OU Iy IIIJnrod by Ml's. H ornce Ohundl or glll'a an 12fT The highe.t Jlhrkot PrlCC8 paid, ill m~d ..:iue or thu "1' ,l io '1I1,o u (II lho kn lh'; "ill yet come ont all rigl,t. l!lst week: the I~t e fr.eshct8. It stands the so· ice .cream l)arty L Bevel.'al of their oa.oh or trad o. fur Cou,,~ P roduce. pO"' L'n ~ II I R mea,, " II I CI. II, .. t 0 " 01 <ill ' I'I ... · I d n. C\! rlUIII fi n CflC CtUI11. b v 0 1['" n 8 0 1 \\'11I~h ." .. - -. Lydi n, \rife of J ohn Rockhill, pcrvlsorl! In Ilnn d t 0 pay att.entH~o friends , all of W 10m. ellJoye vel'! ~ ,teen ity B akel'Jj. e ry 8utle r,'r. 110 m,.lI e.: ",h .. 1 hi. co ndl t ln n Doring tbe past w!:'ek severnl ncar Ollklalld. to II. nllmbcl' of weak places HI thiS thoroughly the hOSpltuhty of th clr .. M'ERICAN WASH BLU mR y I,• • m UI CIIIC h itno" lf ch uap ly , I'rI'n lo'drunks and disorde rlics' have buen a mnel Raokin, an old I'csideut road. pleasunt hOA und hostoss. . c : u u . E. I)' .n,1 rlldicnll y. Number Four. \-,. dlrt-bafi t\ Mayor ln ev v L d dB hid Dr '1'111 l.e.·tu rc • .,lI ld c III l he hR"d. FATED '1'0 B!lFREEI , J en n 11I!.\" lo\\ ·_ UIP~. ore ~ e . . - f Obester 'l'o\~n sh i p, Ol ill tOIl Cu. \v . -Mrs. 1'. Sweet has a splendid ..,or aUD fyan OUIe 0 Ule. o f " very )' O\l\~ !\nd OI' OI'Y .nalt III th o I"",t gr"11 1 "1 11.111 p ric lI . 11\ hou ~ fuolII ••1 .75 . • , cue the pnrtte . l)leaded gmlty Mrs. A. Oglesbee. mothcf'in .luw here will. you spend the heat· variety of double and singl e tilCh awn }• • TU.& r.lt AT Tn c n ~ Ulldo.· l oa l, i ll R "1.1,, •",(tt,)p <, to T W!lN'l'T SBORT STORUIS, a ti.·h aad goloft' by pa.ylllg fi va dollars to H II.rtel' Shidaker,' Deal' Lllmbel'- cd terlBlIs ? Is It Sa~!ltoga, N e ~port.t sias, besid 1_ double !llld single A mel'i cft1t .Uttra71ta1·ine TVorks, nl' Y Dddrc,s . {lo,<' · pnl<l . on r~ eipt 01 0\.10 0\..1' 1V""" ~.v " I mi." otl" u\·u .. . ' 0 'r\lllg : 01"1' .1~ly L ong rllnch, or Yellow Spr\n~ f and 008.... Tbe stare law allows ton ' . "III d ' I g' I'IBW.. RK 1'1 .. or L.o o post sln ru ps. 1\ .JJrO· 111I p" bll.h ro , l.r(l '· I'n ~e8 8 ,11",, 0II.1l y ,lt u 1r.",d . • .. I • 0" . W ' 11 tI F ' ~ geraniums, 11 r.mgeaa, Iun IIIg . ••• eIlAS• .I . e 14 LIN J~ k C .... 'l'IlN ,:>T IJ ElL RElPROD OCTI ONS t. the maglt trate DO ~lscreti O O to t l~Be I Miss Underwood ofWilminl!'ton J ~s lt uy ncsvi e, o r Ie IIty baskets alld numl~rout! other cboice Our W.sh Bl u I ~bo "'011 on Ihc wor ld . • !If B.",erf, N.. w "."", P.O. Do,. f • • .t",II," oJ' f" mou. plolu ,·•• ; " rlKlm11 e ll cuee. il) pri lO 01 8 'dronk' bclllg <:> .AI . IT d ~ I'd I ' S prlD ~s ? D o go somewhere aud fl al ' I' C II ' d H do 'I II I aIr alt. cOll lolM n o!hlng Inj url . _ _ _ _' ..:::' '. _ _ _ 1l.&V lng< wo . tl, 15 . . fl eel L fl lIan! ",ithout nddi- I ' l~ n. er,': WI18 WI 0. Y be cool. or nove tlea. a an see. on a 10 benl th or la bl'ic , " nd i8 lI! ed b. nil A ll il 0 "' .o\,,} orilt phAl l',i .d 1\ ILh Ihll ..Tlf ,X a vo . I known III Ultuton COUlI~y lllWlIIg _ ___~ -)lr. W. M. Harfoad is re.cb. !hc I.r~e laundd v, on IIcCOUII I of Ita plea. .J \, • I " liD B ...... II .. ' /('°11' m ".Ll l leJ we .. " I) UI"If t,on or _subtrae Ion. taugbt scbool in thot cOll nL"J mUll" - Dodson's Btock, to be '''uctl'ond as p. . .. nd ch IIpn~MB . 8uller ,o r for ~Q.al),nl1nblc D 'l"b"~ u"'ll~ \ "lIlnll. two mu., ibQ O. " lolL , I",,' ~lIly 50 _ __ _ ... _ .1 .. g~gc rill 0.1. paI 0 t· L Oil d 0 1) Wh ltl'eOcc\ ..IlSblO/C. P UI up In 'Pack ~g\l8 conv,·u l. "" I 11 '" ":' Centa . ••0 nJ I< ~ : 10 In!N,dnM the pal,or Mobllo meetings a t Shaker Vil- years . . ed ,off 00 Satu~dll.Y July 17, em· High School, una 'his sallir'y -+ nt' /or IUm il! ua . Price 10 CClllleu b . . llt~ lE , new u~.uriuc r8. 1'01.0. rt!d ~ocd 10 n fiO a, rtJc ra e ve r, where. ,,\ 110&) 0 . ~. l~lcl.in rd J C8 Op hn l'eturned braces .everything new good and creased to tl4t)O per yellr .M Fo.r ~'e b) II . ' 1)ellr, h'frl lIumbe •• 81f. Q"ntJI-~na ~ree. I ,.,~ h / --I ' TI D I ' 1 h' . . . Ai!K t or the AlI •• r.. A:l W,' ~ I\ ill.c II. If '·CJ RI I1I ... N lOr., •••••• · '..... ' N K tt\' .., •• • .' ~ nC~1 "Iuds o r by moll. Or eaL luduoe __ _ __ . - - --ome rOIll ... l CIt • I r. \\its fllsh iooable of read y-made 0 ot Ittg Harford is ~ port~'d WI giving lIoi· WilDt t he cbeapeM ,,"d b.I~ I. • I . . -:-" - . . III CilIA~ agent. ~"d ctub.. TN'- (; u r BIIl ,) i f; r 1\ ix'tter when lie I ft, bu t not nt f ITI Lis is your challco for ,\reseing up versal atistnct ion to the ].nlld OIl , ,, ...~ VII........... w.a:fae, , tr"' ..... ·nt lmg H,L.'",Urc llllt, ~h" 'nl'"olJ '" O)\~A:lT . l' uhli . lk..,.. :~ '-~ I PMk I' lace. dllngc'r Dt ll trl·li I' nno IlWI) De I d. ' I o m . 7~ "11t1.m S lr.'· L.Ne~ '0Ik. IIn .l . h ... . ul("I,III ' IU 1 I\I'~.·t ry l " (Lh., ". l·ork. I'h .H.,., t i l ' , hatl'ft pcl , t Oll . .. 11 .. .. n l,le. (10 I ~n . puop e . ; 5 17 ~Il\ ·r " " rtIlrl,.I ,\ r l · "16 •• ' Ihi" ~,hClr ,l. 11,,' ,, 1 tolllirtlw ,.
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Tllr. lill1 HWill~ 'elll: fr "" 11 1'''' un li' lilly liLh, 1 j ',. Th i~ 1.111' ,Ill' ",url hI luk c lJ I'lulU lite :-':ew 11'11111 "lIlt!lIt .uf I~ gloat ratlrvau Yurk UIl: ul cll i a~ it,; elltir,' Lin uf SeY rill I ,,,, uh n " Ll, th ot\:i 'cr "'0.." 1\ )'u1l 1.1II1lur d lIlil\, tOJ Exeur il)lIi;,1 til J .. n I ,.Itt·hiult J\llJ~ 1 Ilon')'.be nu). 1>10 miug' JIIIIO I were drul1k, L11111 IIi:. \'l.1l Ill\\, 'I\'t In\\" ~ ll . , Illl'lI'«ill~ UII 01'(1 rtunity » .ideu .. itb lh~ qu nly ' urm, drnwll a liI.·\, hrl'n It 'fur a \\. ·k. I"r vi iting ..Ii LUllt I'ri 'nu~ on th And tb b,.,.lh vfl .lId ..... rm . lluw i thllt~ .r"ltll~vll (' Ihc J UIO· Natic.nlll Ilulida ' will b glmll ' Ilaldeu with II, br,... Clf tilthll ' llald u .. IUt Ib 11' brig ht I tic. u"k tI vI' tit . Il(:xt pri ' '1/ ' r. r'c >iv d uy 'IL Itlr~ cll • whu, Maiil u wllb tb 1i1.~1' .... f. " 1'\,\' H OIl 'I', ' I-ui.\ J ,. IUJ"OIl, Uti II' III cll n ~i ( l~ t'llti llll And III h ear t 10 full 0' Ifl ..... j' l'COII III • he ur ,pJlvd VIW (mu OVl:r tho rnil b tu f ~illJ ' (lU I III all';. wuuld 0. 111W ... W .. IOOIDO tlu·e I l and l 'IIIl ' (\ uaek hadl' 011 I Ir u thl'rwi be lInallle to lIuJul 'e in - JUll ~ wil" h1ng .lullo 1 • Ro ,. hrhf.',l-i.' yt'ti. \;t.nny ,Juu ~ POliC'tlliJ.1I who lI\>rut'lcd .h~11I by tl )Jlca~ 1I1' XClIl'!l iu lI, n IV P P' I I I rur tli rU,r) "'''"D.I ~ Mtld . ilfhL<. thu " Iwuld 'r. "yllr 11on ul', It trUll. IIl1lr wilh all cIa e uu rina' the WMkiul.C " vur n ~ w d eli .111< ; In Cadwallader's New Buildill~. Main Street, 1 v 1.1' II urunk fur u w ek, u dllL/lI ll er IIIlI ntlt . P or II) .. B'l!ltl.n- vini.m oo ' ",ur •. 1you ul'. 1111' , ha\'un't /-:" II wunl _ _ __ _ Au.t Ih.. if n il' 1U 'lIIt l~ I bo "' c r 1 (.'" r Ih """.It ml ul1 t,ri, t<'r . t II to dt!i\: II II 111\" ·If. 1\·c h CO lI TlII!: PUlU; N UTOll h:A L J l'RNAI_ 'X And tl," ... uu, I . .... "ro .. il'tlr in tlt i hr· CUUI' : 1 g llUliil. U hUll ' nml l.it' 11111 Ir,Ite d t~ I' J llly up, 11 •• •• ntl itl~ u\" \1\ lu.ulJ ld IlK lI ir1ftmH ; · urcd t i llle~ bc/'\'r·. UII' every tillll! peal's upun OUt· h\hl " lad II "'it h ,ur th .. morn. lt~ li W""'" f(w tJ rttlun .. : I've lI"kcd • ' I' llo llur til Il·t 1I1u uU' Illelitul wellltl.. \V O 1m,,!) Uel'i ved F llr Ih IIr 1Iy' lin I"wl' H , .lug t!utercd inlu thtl LlgJ.tilll.C up nl ~J, I ·. ""I.,'" ""nl' : l ij;h t. But. thi t i lll' I t1 l'lI'L IhL\, ' li t) little I'l e u ' lIre from ILII ill spec, ' .. J'nr th ti,.t·iof IIi,, " nutl r . '" . Autl th e 8Ull iiCt.',. LJlll my l·)l,..\.1 : ' !l l ' teM . Yun CUll tI 'Ild IIl l' np f,,1' t io u lit' it ~ \'ar icd cuutell. rh o l e ll d:ty~. ,)\. " vu Cll ti !lelld Ill' "\' Tit . ILI'l i ·Ic~ all 1'1'01: Il l'lIr·. (lj' .&. ' Pur th ey oo thuL lov, r. h il i'. " 'Nh u tlto ~l uu J ·wr. 'A th •. pur ••ltl I'l1le. li'r t II y "ar,, ; it' I II Ime IIII \\' . ti, ' ' tll it,it SOlliulI In stitllt. ardiu , 1I ,tP. rlt '. a< o 1 1 1. ·n · .ln ~d. Ai! btl splo k c ht! bru It J 1\\\'11)' :l ul .\lc ! 'k '.'1. T ' IJ{'~ of DOI·el op. . Stoolm by'" •i II ",. .,' ....1''', ......",... Ou tht) ul "..r "ir l o , ~ leur witl, hi ll Itut: Hlld wbcll h ' 11\ ' ut, Lunge v ity "I' Brain W Ul'k · W", IIUY C b IIgh"-l.""':a,u p on halld, a llYn line of' Furll i tnl·l. FitlirJK oo u II '''' of llw hlt,,,,t! plLll cd It" c!JlIgl , ~d u dry. m eldll r ~' r, /:)Cil:llCll IlUU Ltuligion, Vuc' vI" the I'U!'Y b\!~ t For th o ni Nht .. bird'", !!fu 11i-lnn lI o ti!, \0 lI~h. Ulltl drow hill tu tte reJ coat l'iulIlLtion, lire wull wl'ittcu ulllI fnl1 A rul the ton ol'l " .tlt. fl.-1 ulId U~ 11 4) t ; cl 'r ubuut IIi" II,r vnt. " Wh ell I Ilf illl'urnwtioll. Get IL cu!,y. F or tI]1l .tIl .. th. 1 r o wu lI<y h ~ ,d. Awl thy ",ll\'\\t i'l ll h ·r .lld lk d : I Wl' lIt up ber"rc," hu 'ollt inll U. "I Pric,' 3 CCllld. N ul\' I tbe t illlO F " . th ,1 (".·~ tI,t ~ 1. 0. Ih l" I ., : ! tway,; 'uunted tho (! ay . nn' th u Lu -nd in IHILU (:~, A I"ttlllubio F ur .tho joy lI' ith .... h ieb w g reet. Ihullt·'; t i ll I'u 'UlD' olr 'fIli i! tillJo bULIk prem ium itl l,Ui.- rl:!d . F ,'r a , . Bonai l .. n. thr bl • . sad ",,,,, Illl\' I , I'll CUUllt th o bl u ·k tl to the P utter ' Yl'lIl'll ' nb:! 'I' ipti II, . :.1.1111, with 3li II'; CUll ue f.juliU 111 uny murkot. Olrr " lick ('1111 ' i ~[ s ,' f F ur llt a w ild b",.'. "I "l\f'~ hurn'ning ; For Ih o .kleo Il111L h"ud "bo vo tltoo, , Ficltl. l ' ll\ ulill ·st gono, J odgc. n C 'I1t I\U<I d fOI' postu~e UII ~lllga, I Ba,1l1 1.. Jun p..... 0 deurly ' uv th ~ ! .. ! 11u ptlu:~'d 1Il{1 ill, und I.ooked Z!ll e. and, J:>r~miUlll. S. R. W t::L1,S Bureaus Tables Stands Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Bed . , JUlle Hyillg. at hI S alrnu ·t s ll oe\e 01 Ie ·t. & u,,) ubltshera, 737 BI'O:lU wny t ' d M· t'·t " ' nd l' n fact Everything: , d OWII " Wlttln I WI~ a liltl e II 1I11tl'y New 'l. ol·k. S ea~, a r~s::;es, a , I, . ' ~ lIY W. 11 . C. 1I 0BMP.11. bo '," he w ' nt OD. my m lit e r . ! lD tbe hne of I urmture. from a 1 1~IPLEMENTS' In orim80n Of\k c.s lilt th o gnrd l.) u m )uld, uscd t o suy to mo, "Oltnrl io, if yuu '1l""~wtl'5tJl11cnts Child)s Rockinb·Cbair to a Are tbe fAllo.. r o•• ·I~uYII Iylulf. , wont to t ie II Ulan , never IOll Ch ~J ..., C}. l , J . U l " ' ' ' . &: 11 f And Ih. lIly.1i ",illd. tll~t I'Kr".. " old. _ --'- ~ IU seto Throu gh my rlwlll"ed huwer i. sighing Iliq uorj'an' rdalls wor, 'Nomuth· A low • • ail Itlnc. cr, I 11 'vct' wilL' 11' I'd klopt that JAM~S W. HAINES. M,D., }' or beautiful JUlJO prurn iee, you auu 111 0 wuulun't 1m,,' r. dying 1,('0 11 B') woll tlC(Iuaiu tcd, ·J edgo . UO~.O:OP~T.II(; 1 The whlatle olenr of the m llt hor 'I "nil , If 1 eoulLl ouly h U buy again I' e r , ~ I 'IB'I' I ft "'I I '1'0 .h .. lJl ~ud I..rk is r eplyinjl --~' ---I ni l' It rill.\' . il'l c"tllu g.) intu t h o . It \I '" I I All d .. iry t hlflt • in woud "li d d ,.k ,.ltl ~<:II'h.1 h . It c J' I', t ollce IUu t·O, ome .... t "' -.,·dn.,,,n. I " E hI ' I wo t, IlHmy· ,·oired ; ar (' ryi ,,::i' = 'stau la Illlellt. 1'0'0 arc l,t'CP l1 ~ " aT ..t) * 'knl, tou "I.."vn IL l " ~ l'U tile b .yo; a ll ' J.(irl.. as 1 us('d ,I I II e"llnoo t Ion WI tl I tl 10 "'urllitllrc J' Our \wu utlCu\ nlhJ tn HI! th r m in· t il l' uld uay. 1 W.,a"nllle.Ololo. I t u Il.ttullU Ill! c in tho J:.. d ,j u !..f,' I'l'lll.! I" .y ri;:,ht J M .I h u r e till' die • idl ,1.flllL1\.'u (1 Ih, t~ ,/t-'t tl w f,ulf'll i~l \, 11 1'lIp p y. BII!. il 'd lUU lal . Senumc , The b rn· ... Wh l1 ' l W luw it tt) i ll ~; , li p . •ll'llg·. .Muk it fot· t 'll tlay:!. TUlilD S..'IlEE..•• NEAR MAIN. A yonthful bl ,)OIU fl"tull th o Inll d it> f{lI lI l" Fe»" tho 'Nlra w be rry tIlU't',' 1", ,lyi ng'. Ul' mllk (' it t'CI' life. I t dUIl't mukc I ClNCI~NATJ, OHIO. And tho ur h·k l· l'" ~' rvO I\ ' Il U diU· ·rcllco. aile way W 1I1d bo o 'l'ba' """utiful .I uli' : 11:! I!l> ,I't us lite vlhcl'. All I a k i 82 00 PER DA Y. Is dy il'Jr. I tlU W i" tL> u io :tl ulle. l l'c hecn in ' ..... ,u an.. w .... nO,' i. P . . .r'. , Dry .um ..... r lLu.t. HULl " ... ih i L~ gN\t'n , :cru·\'t1 .<l I 11 mOllts ful' . ('a l·s. Tbrou}!h lh~ ~iIl"f!e por k itO R) i .. /<. Ancl cloud ' for nl .. on 111ft \\ i l1 ~ .It\' ~ I n , I cJln b · 1\101l~' II little wh ile bcfure , • •• " h:\\'illg p\l l'clfll~eSl u. tine II~W 1I ar8C, und It full lill e of the vcry beBt Tu Ile.utv·. dC'lh·~' . 1 hi "illll. 1 II", l'll drop uf)' cUllt('ntL'd.' '~ \~, 'rll ;,\i:'r:tLr ~7f,M] For th lu P f' rl ~", bnO Il , our 1I1". "r. JU II • .Tho sl! ,uld '1' uf II~ (' 1l11l l !J y C0!1t '111J!.t!' ~.![:J.J.. '~ ,,*QI ~ ~ n ,;lt ppcl l t Will Ihe POl lCOIII UII hllllU 1'" ".. . . I ' lLa \ lJJ uyiliit' ' I1n,( ,hl! \l ~"d ' l1 J1l11ll11 full ill Il heup '<I\~t 1.HlttMI (ll Ba ll/.: B m ldw{/, . t From 11l11I.)I~. t ll the , '~" I·. l1 l- W ~I)! (: \Irricu hI 'VAY ~E ' VILLE, OIl IO. with a lill(, t~S ,tm e llt of Tr im millgs vf all kinds. ,~ t hc littl e mUIll !'chi uu tlto ruiL _. - - . - - 0.0 - . - _ , We ~ ltall elld \.'01' t u a,) ollr L\Jt;t til 'Il cri t Ihtl Illv or ut'1I1l who may ~ BAROOLl'.1J. I II... I ' ll i . t ' lll l'li!~ W C' l'O bathecl, nlid his ~N & I call till II". Wore uil3v l'rc).'urcu tu du a \1 kinds vf 1\ Jnllo ~,J. '7;)-) ' wri t , II" 're ch uli-·d . Hu t it Wilt! 11 0 . " I Deal' G.az ttA:-A s'yol1 ~ ·l11t.' UR. '1'h" l1'h Id~ h urt ~t~1l bCII~, ! WH OU: ·Al. E \ Upholswdn nd Picture and Looking,G1ass Framing, nUCKE . ~¥E gel rellQl·t;$ ti'Olll In 11 II nlJcr uf .tllI · • ~u was ra~t ~Ol llg . to ~ O tn IllS; EWELERS !; nPTICIANS ! ..... . : liol'ile 7l ill to'tt'fl • Ilh ullgltt, I lOr II lScllll. l\tllHtCt; w ho huve Illased th e . ... \II . ,(;uw,thm' \\'llh all klnd" .. f J{l·IJalri ng. With ll el~LL10clS uIIlI dl s Plltch , ' ... rlety, 1 would r~'port a wide. ! f1oud. Th e sh nttCt'8 W(l I'O bu~1' .d- I l'c l'iio ll s wieldug uny ul·ticl e uf FItI'lIil uro . . ' . lit ko l)fail'ie t \lWtl - IlUnll']y, Bllr LI! c .U110 ,. WilS c~ u6,·(L He m ig h t , s ,{'(' wcll s Tools &. 1'i:twI'i:.[:;. ' ~EVOLVIHG *I do!P4. , dlce"u t' a teu; I"dill wlLa left ILl. , I 'ft.1I?allo A ,'IP, A I .~ A 'ft?l?a,n,III3,.d\ R '. r • BIr!~' Iph is si tnuted in ~!t-Dv. , . '111.'. , . W. Cor. Si~b B"d ~I~in :-> H ~ • I ~~~~ '!>~ ~~- ~Q~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ I (''S''l co tIll" ' I' (' 1'( , - -.,- - - . - - I L! IN CI N NATI 'O ' . I l 'u!;AGE .. 1If. 1 R. -EBRIGHT, (' an h ' lie ·,:nlhodnteu on ·tJOrt. notice b y 0. fh-dt,eIili!S W urk mall : &, COlon lUll frrllli Qui ucy Ilnd Hili l\lill's l t' l JII I.\ l~ 1 ta, ullltulm lut()S ufl F . W I:' wllITall lllIl wlirk t,) givo SlltisfactiulI, ' .. . u l l'U'' IU~o 11" 111 be chul'fred 011 con e, PlaDO- orte Musie 1 eaClber, ruill Ilc110 ' un d('011 ...1111 '; 11 VII .'" • • .rx "' .. I··t. Ull t ~. IRI".' )11_. ell<: to the 1,,1l _wlIlg clIun Eliot . Ide of )'~'II S hoet . iJJ" i'I'IlIUIJt ultlll-ttiOH paid to calls lit a;11 hom'b, ~lithol' Ilt tho Store " huu ~• lUUllul . " ' . .· tl 't l ' 111't0 d \,. .... Y~El!!IVIl.I.R. 0'''10 • . In the b~il1Cl)s 111 1 wu hlll'O uuc l t i l ~ , CU Ii tltll trng \\1 I Hl _ , " VI I4.t All'. WCl,,,'tllo Ou\'win. - A LL KINDS 01"-drug·sto re On ... ll'y.g\lud~ stvl'C nile ~tlltcS t 1.0 uCliernl P o:tlll U uj ~u, 1i'~~Wil~ . :Kl /.I\~@~~'fl. .!!:'. _ i. , . ,.nri.!ware, two Ii .• II Op, vllO ;\'ng fllnned uy til: treal y 01 ~el'nc VI Z.
aT ('.\IUIIE JlYl.II.
We take pleasure in saying' to the· public, and ' the Farmers especially, Ulll() that we are better than ever preAYN ~~ V1LLE, :' : : 'pared t~ furnish them with FUR N I ,., U REB U SIN E S
We may mention as prominent among the many valuable
t\C RIClIt;rl lHAL
Henrie House, i
U-Dl{":t LZELL-I
• '
IJuriol Cases
nd Caskets,
1\11C t-l LF
g~ lll'll~~g{on ,I1'Qlll~~;' It~' R: ' ~~
~?n It.nd.
Dr. E. F. D a . k i n . S'. I ·l . E PET W "~T I ( "
on'lIhop two smitb ·shoL8 ... t Illn G(lrlllllll EUtPII·(, . AI1" tl'ln, H .tlllga· 1 '.'11 , 13 ,I .. . D' 'k E" ')t O.cc a .... Ur.l,lelOc" •• h., ..101 (.,acb P . .I . grlat-1ll1 , 1\ pottery, "und 1I fir . r,J •. C g 11111, ellll~llI. ' .,) I . , ",." , 'Clolrd "',rea. . ~ ori<:k and tilu uJllllllfactol' , bl.t . SpUlIl, . Grent .1kl til III , l'llllita I \VAYNESVILI E. , 1 . I oi r Ctcl' huly N Ol'\\,lly N el\iur· Olfcr. hi . f~or.p ••ion ..1 .crvi,o. 'to. Ihu. iti· "t elr ~ ( Oflfl, ~ y. .
I i . . .'
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In tho r ~hg10119 IlIl o we have tho . "11~~, .u t Int ul, MuJl~,IIIlI' RdvUS~]lIn' l z '110 '~nd
1\Tr ,' \ r:G.=I'Ii'm'li'l f) 8~J 'I7\ ~',AI.-~ ~~ ~ J
VI 'r'1' & JACOBS' IDE . .
.~ . ~~~~~iI!~ UI'o =-'
.,...I!'...... _.,.,..,...
D 111.~L,
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ICA ltt(IA G" AND . \VA GON B UIl ,OEHS iI.~ _~_ old 8chool Pte by el'h~\l s Ollllluor. !· 1U, nil': la, uerv,n, ' I"n un, wo, . • xperl ence. " 0 h" p," to IC;" O @ati, ru ~i,,,, 1.0 80N'.OS D ID C" RUSE: AND l{."VA lIt ICK" \ __~ .... - .......... ~ .... -~ .. 'l " d~"II " den ' Switz r1alld Hud. • Tnrk' y .lIl1whon",yf'l\·orhiru" i~I.,., ou.ll.~(l.1 . ' " ladP n t ed ly tolllLllS IIlI ,u d IV·. , t b . . ' - ' -' . - _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ Rcftutlful 11 11\' • "r he S ••• St" .... art. !)O We bllV !; a' fin ne w !;choulh (JlIS(! ; 11. Il'tt l' r~ v.l, . one-bul.1 ou nce Ayer':s Oatonartic Pills n a r1.' ,,/< . ru.t ~''' nr 1"<I,d i~ m ine; L eoni; ;W costing ab"ut $4U{)0 . ( Illi E ·ltoul ' wl'l gl, t lll0 1' In1l'tl lJll th creof, I) con te;; , I lJun '. ' " rfl" " Itw. M :t r); P;ro)'j (10 , '. I·t ·. '" . ·, pr<'I';l r ·l. t " I,tio nu) but lotl (' I'S Yvr l llc"l i.r a ll' t , Oo. l' l\ I,pOo r-;IJl1 I1 ,!d.'l?~rcy. , :.10 ) ~OIl.SIt;bl 0 tile ~IIJaltDlel.t.8 lIUII, '" •• . .' " . cur.-'bl al l ,to·,··"·:,,, I Fluw uno 1111 Il l . H u ," ,' ~ 1"''I:.r; W) I . berlnl>'lI p W .1UI,llIut 15u IJIlIJdo;. 1I" I\\ .lIdld 1l l' p md OltllStllTiC,olltl) IlI P nt. ,I" 11,. '.:t. Ji""" i ~ llr"IV".'I"· ) lI l'crnoy· ""\"0 a.', Th~ pottery employs IIi II<' Irll!,ds, , pu id" will be c h il r~ed 1 0 ce\lt~ per ~1~1'~1"~;',. ',:::,:',',' I J etu.,it·•• h." l'; I"~l'or of t~e Dell; l1i LJ~9r,~~~ji~:'4 t " t l "L) (1'" 1 I I ollc·lu.l f OUII C ut de tinution 01,,,, 1.011. 01 ,,>1 .. ,. Jro lh eH t O,rl," T., ,,,n: St.ow>trt, :10 r--..":SI1i~::::'-4 · Bn d t IH liS Oil lluOU . u . '" gIL ' 1I.f • c" 'dle,, ' : 10 :;' .. ' 0 D Cllth; wh .. re i. thy Sting? Ali ) Iunt! uf fi"St,cll\SS w a r~ (J\.\r j (' UI·. .I.H , WS I'I \,, ·r• . 2 CCD~. ~ach j postal , ~~rtl~~ !J::.tl;'. ":,~ti,, I CIL1·Y·. D yi l1!, H ymn. t;Vp. or t.cn. { a~ The tile .wtl brick litClvry om · Clilo/S I cen t 10 nddltlOll . All otlt· 'lnn,..'·.·"'·~'" "" .• , or\ar,; " It ""r h.,.. ,v,. Glunnclti.~ I - - A ..YD .-1 Ji'Uf.!. !JXI? OF-1 f t I. d t t Ii or priutl:!u mOlter plrotogr'lph8 . "olllhU' \' \'" )1 , .. ,. i llv ,Iellr . '1>"•.1.'; 'I'IOIrrolinjfdltut. LVl,ocq.;.\T, p ~'yB or y uUII ij n pr~seu , nn am I lets mil j. ' t • et ' . :~.'I\:;:"" 'I1~ i. ~',;;:::::: I ~id""', )ii"luke; Aritttll,Ol over, ;10 , WIll be albIc, wholl rU l l lllll!!at lull ,P P', C. plI ternB, c", 001 II:. li.'ir ll, n,·,.' lI[y l.l t tl" 'to-; l't'roy: all ' Are I'r" lnl1cd,oll .. tit,. ~.cll\R8 "vrk In 011 capucity to turll out one Ul ; lli un uf 12 conts pOt· encb two ounces or " oe ; OIlId O\'0r)' 11\111i1y . ho ll"l 101\\.' I""'" .·n "u, ., 1 Pu t the r ,,,'I,t I11 l1 n nl heel ' H.,· s; !t~ hrl1l1""oo " f L111' lou.illos. . 8'1 "\ ".~.• I'~~' . , . f t' d ' t I· f' II 'd I r"r tlll'ir I" VI" " " " " " ,,, I ... ·11 '·' . "10,·,, ""1"""'1 S'cel' t\ \ I,· I ' d : rn ' lire, brick Ilnd uno lIli llioll 1:l1l boo ra' tOn. a ll rullS )0 n. y prcpnl . L onl< "'I'c"Ic" rlY"llll' l.r8"·" 11.··•., ' u I " I , 0 " ,,(. , ,~, ~ " p, ."or·. "orou. 1.', ,,":' 0 \'01'; ''.111 I N " IV \YORK O~ HAND FO& SALK. , .!..1'.1::'" ' ~' " \} .' , · - ' .' , 'j'l e B 0 rates of un ' 0 ta L' t, s u rOS l, 11111 1 h':~_lo!. t u f 1lt4 ti L(' "lilt \\ r It h Th e \\ l1flfl ~ lI t!ll l't. j'rlUOert ~ (lng, f orry, ;)H t!!!! ~ ~ aIde aD enormous qUI,utity oj stone . .111 "Uli, d I l l pUli go Uw ,,,,,,k.1 1\1)' 01l1 l1i - . u.y th.' " .~,'" "_'i'''''' ' '1"'. ISwoet ,.,,,1 J.1'W- llIl\l1 hy .• Glover. :10 Ap ril ;ll.. I' " WI va C large on c('rreSI)undellce Iho I1luo.t I'J,mlll,',j . 110 .. ~m·n,, ' I'OI1 ... , " .,. ' Y' lii"07 ' no 10 14''''1' !tl ll,lie' ' loWI t ' !l0 .1 ware' nun Uu.. Ily F " J tem '' ''(It'lI ,' , UUl'l lill ' I II UI~ rj ·tllo" ·l l Hhlt ' ht , !=' . • , • •. t"t r~Tue cluy for thesc works is ul> , 1876 to '1'l\llce (.11\ and uftor souary 1, IU' w',olo tna"',,, 'ry of life ,·".,,, ... 11 ' " I" h: ,,1:10., ' r!"!' ~" nlt "r r.,·(·, !~,I\~<I. Glover. HOI' E-~.I...s T.>. A.,~ CJ rl"ih' , l urr 'IIIlII II')lI1 Il !:l "III, ·1t l ,!.!o'ouu ' l' I •. n· ..·· I \\ lutln J,t. 1 .1~ \·t·. f o r I heo Ot.riltttO :.tn .ill raiued' from all iU l'x huu li bl,' m:ne . .,!,t 'l il"p'i ~1I hre ,·I, ·.""",,! I.y ,' (1"'" /",.11 •.•".,1 When Iinl ,' )[IIT11Io . lJi ed : 11o}'.• ' , ;Jr. ' = . _ • • . • -~.... _ • • • __ 8flll1 11uLCd 1111 1) n, 'h r' lI . rhtl l" 1"'!l, h" rH t Il " ll ' l' " I Wltlll ll two Ulllcs 01 tO\\,lI , lIl1d U' l' B U l' ch''''R,''II01,,,loonl,h. lllovlllo''' o: ,,II Io-1,''' ·'''''· '· I INSTlt :\JENTAL .. ., \.N OC I>I' O OYER AND LOWN P . whun rer.k,.,,,.. 1 ,'1\ ,II" \',, -, 11111 111 "",,· •. \0 '" >,, 1, ,) • The IIIIlI .... igned loe"8 to iuform ,t • . . ,"t.lll , t I t t · I ' I ., t b tl \ill ua CII IB [lC ureu 0 e to ace · - He wus blne ' 01' titan the ace of It. Cttl' hllnll ~' ~" COIllV I1IN t. T"."· ' '' I:" r .. ""I·UlN I IJV ))1l "1j8I. ~:II , .. n ' " 1 ' " lIy <\LI . I he ' I.. 11 t i t'\.I ~ d best clay iu tllo world m nk.·lh.'1\1 Vic" A'" to t.~~ .... , \"" . r ,w ' t\trh' I W ~h7. IrOi I l\1 A \' D h /j() I ... pu , 'e g. I~ ' • ' . . f>U • . R"atl S lIud old Bob had diachal'g V;;111 • • nl1 lml·lllro.1 ror f1 u,.·!engl, of Ii" ,'•• u G I ' I l 1l1~. ngo. aug Iccr , . , o~ el1 .1 a n ew ~lel\i ·~I.r•• t in lite Wultavollbcl\utiful c".lIItl'yhort:, ~ l ' ' fr' I]) ·u I ' Ih.L 'hCV'''CI •• ,' .. rr~.h .nOl'll'Crle''ilYI'' ;IIl I 'I · l l.''vp .. .. .. " uO ollrJ Ilaml of LeaK ' 1)0 "1108 . where he will aile I.r l ' all· tl' eu I mot 10 ove, cauae t ley AIII'Oll/(I, , o.,·pll "I( • • 10'·..· '"'0 mild . o"oL,o, ""n lo oucer." .. II .. 50 k ' ' P const ntly VII band I ~ E d S I f· aat ~~ ?ut I ~ . ~~WI1 , I~re I~ II could,,'t 8(le hi m nt night w.ithuut ~~~~'O\~~i~~.t"r.ll.l1c. to lbe 011;'';1",11, ... " ..liel . or Lilly "I the V""~y. nooturno, M llyllllh , :10 c< " v eaut.tt ul 'fjrlelh pllflllle, d,,~tdcd I\~tb th e Il id of' a Illllt<>rn. Be WIlB t1,r, ,liro' ,·lIn..,~ " 'r ",h' PIl ", lI'e \'1'- ''.'1'''' I' I AFllhl·cr·~·P')t.iI~"·lWlCl.C.n<l. • W ' I 7l.l;,t~ l' I1 EVE' R" 13 E ST liCe pUU 01 , lbuxnrl8nt 0 ds 0 g.-a ~ nil gl'lLlIl. . . b . oll" h I,Jux , O IIW h lll 'w lll.'111 II " ~ Hq, ., " \ X Ol'l Vt\. nlOrCOtA U IIItIOn, l Ion, I. . Bl ttllllZ UpUII th e uur stone,IIOIdlng 81111 1M lI.e follOlVll1g Cu ll'I'I"I. I', ,," ... J. 11.,'0 1 ' · BY WA ON E II. all ' Qn I Ite N ortb all d W edt IlI el'e III I~ " . l b" I' rnphll v r l1 ro;I'rWill 1 o · II o · fl 8! ~ • •e;::rt 0 f tlln ' be 1'0 fnt II I' I' q,UlllI't·Y· I I ·u 1Il (. om.m e7·CUJ, 'up .'P\' •• ,_Ii ........ Q" . . . .,,~·.·."n" . •.,.,14'" ' ',z ton. ,ro c· 1r0 A. • Bee4:., Veal, Mutton and Pork" . dt' t elore d 11m ......... n ;ru .. r ."'ILn....... 'I" ..... ,h' . I'IIIY .. oro . . . . . H.) Ii . d I' ereel' •.. ,. t <:;!3 I e" ny t'o 110 rylllg 0 rea eome oh"" I, t bo ,"keH 11I nd'·, .lrio l(o>' i""oI. "" he >t,,, ,,, IO"lop . . . . a.) 18 e lV III w\ II or ..... · l~dvcrti ~otllellt8. He didn't kllow A,·h. nnd r ·. to,.. It> h" OI lllo; ' ul1 .' .,,,., ••." .. " . P""'vourri" 00 16 ~er cord . Ooal 12'; ccnl pcr t'or .Lh·.. r<> .. ml.... lu*"".1 iI • •.", ,.. ,,' ·"'10 1' . ' . , • M b W lb. country .ffords ; oll d " II will IN k"pt d " unyt hin~ .a bout tho goat cowing 'nm8. BIII"u . . . . . " .....·1..•• ""e," .. ..,.... U ., flor • . ~ro .I .w.'n~ . 00 bu8 W nter, g~ud "ol~IL U.ullll· tuwlu;d him nlltil ho saw hill hcail ~~.~:c!ra:~~~Cl;.~';~-;:.··~:~~.~.'.~~~,::;';I~~,::,i Ic'T~,,~I~~ri~':!tt.:.,P~OI~:~~IiU'. Ve~; iJS C LEA NAN D N 1 0 E . d ant.a \. 0 rops are dOll lg II . 0 tl ) I. tL d r. It ' t 1>. ""t k ln" ' I)' IAtoOl r...·••·..· /o r'.. .·. ... ,."" ",., ,,,. Ito II u:.t X l 'k l'k e til " etse is P P 11', llgLl Ie paper, au e 1 dl sen. od Iloliou vl' r UIU'C lll" OU· l.'h:tiO'" whlcll u wer "O \\'B. III' el. 30 . F armmg, I e ev ry Ill", , land just about almidships. Ho c. ".c II. . ' , Fluren co Wultz. Norvel, 40 AI.o . aoue bero on a scale that would boo • tb' . k t I k" d k fi . ' 0. I)y ... at.ry 0" "h. r rh~ ... 1 ,"1 one " ,~,"., ~ .. " '" ,~",_ " · D ' I wa" e SIC es b' 00 ' lOg ur ey .or tn!ht do". I. \len~"nll\' ""'111 Ir., I. FINE SUGAR•CUDiC'D wlldera nckoye. O ne mllowltl If 1111 · evor •·Ol· Rh .. u ..... U.;... Go"'.Gr:..· .. ', r" f~ NOW READY . nu HAMS . " · t '11 ' fi· In a btl 0\1 )a our wc euw. 1'11 .. '10, .... r .1... H.· ...... . .... ..... 111 .. I I I d team IIU cn tl va 01', WI ral.se to . and. wheu they gut him · warm aud "'Ie'' ' ....... lind ..... n •• Ih.·, . 1.,·." .. I.... , ,.," ".. Nos . 1.2. a oud 5. I'oturo' H ouseholdl Melo. ot)' . ok"l1 ". rO'llIto·o·l. I" "hn'",,' "''''' " •. ••" 30 to uRO .... o"rC8 of corll , aDd In IIddl limber enongh to ~ e and brenthe \1011 dio' P ' ~o I h E he h , b Ih I' (.. I'· arUon " r 11\1\' ' )''',.",. II IIh " •. " ,'IUlI'I>" I II." . ~'. tl ce u c. " . ell(' . , very nUln r. .. 0 0 or y e. 'ce· "v.' m " 0 "" . tion' will perhaps hllve 30 01' 40 I I ked d 'd' G ' 00101'1.,,,,,. ,ti'l<l' " 0". OOlJltun.fr"rnft~"MNe·w 1)llgtl.OhortUl· JEHU MULLIN. I.e 00 up an aal :" am .oeD. For .hn .. :r unct DrOI •• I" "" "" .. II.,.".. 08. to . hy Iho bo.t writer. d d 10 f h IlCres O · W eat IIU oata, au 'IIn" III • ",k'l" III I" ",,· " 101 r '",,~.tt 110 ., ,: N<>s. I 2. <1.4 lIud G P e te.r8' 'l'Rrlor J\{U " I'O March '7. . f H 'II 'f Ior (I at's tIle tlll'rd bo.... t d.'t .. S bust Iler . tll.y to \.ro,h ... ' he u11",... t01 n ,1 ,·.. 11,· I'll""" . !.PrlCe " 50 uenl40 " ennh . E" e,ry number con~ " . ___ _SOMETINO "£117 lIS acres 0 gra8B. e WI , 1 10 bO' ler n' t h 1 r t nr N"I'P..... lo .. " Int ,• •In· ,· ,h" ,, 101 10 does hill dnty aud the season ia fa· ~ s. n . seu m~ ?,~ 11 ~.I::'·l\ . • ,.t 1"," 1"".,. il, .h . ln.'iI em:, t loy , ),,,. t..il\~ .... ver.1 ~e l"llt lIi"ooe bY' &inkol, , .• •~ . . . . WOM!lN TO DO vorablo guthcr from 50 to 60 bush· g~tJJg. to glt over dli! l he gost "n~I~.'·n " ,,,,,.,. " //1, I.,k. ~n. or "". / '/;1. In Pucher. Beaht. to. . . '~ '.'( G_ _•••Ioe _ e : ' d still Ii ves. I,rnnlll lc d lr:f(> ." ,m aurl T"(>lIc"e tho NlIIIIUh .h . NOH. 1 to 17 LA OroUlo de la Oreme. Prlce Ad I ' U\ .i!!!!!! el8 of corn, 15 to 20 01 whoat, ~n ___ J\n ,,,'c ,,-1001l1I, I,\'" ''')I"tll'''' II,,·, I"",n r10 .'H I no oenb< eacb. Every numb.eruo"taioe tat ~' ''1'.",.j''~~.'::.: 1i::'~I'J , '0 to 50 ot oats . Lund is worth 0 n Mon d ay, J ulle 21 ,Ut t b'lr t y- b,,,,,·". ,.,. . ",,, \II~ " I'I'Oh i,·•• nd 11,,'1)' 0'"<1 1," II,,, 1008i '2 worth. of ohl88i .. IUld ..,Ioot Piano ' .... - , :10.-- 1 B\ 'I'lf" " . Ji(\"1I " I l it I .fI(\1\ n{h'QntrurQ" u 6 " lim o y ' from 40 to 75 dollars oer acre and .... . t t h . I n~) "erlp,,, .Ie ""'l11N.l .,.,I, t3. One" Ito f.",,, WIIO. , . • t; • b ulDO mum ea pas tree IU t 10 ,,,I M ,h1r w ell . "/1",, Il nli s .hnt. d... ~ 0' """." AuY' 01 tb....bo"o r.1nllurJ, poat 'paid. ou reo DO 8tones to pIck or atuUlptl to gru • afterooon on the occul'rcnce of the j ' l/l. Iol.k~' lun, 1,'01 tieclol 1111., ..,. ... 11'" ,,, tll'''1 I uolpt of tho m.. rll,od )1n . 00. H'JMIIJal~'aIJiJII'J;'i;lt;JIJliIJiJ4'J Mr John .M Hadden uf' your ' I t' I f cltaM' .." w,.. ",no\,.,lI nij ctrl'i:l ou Ibe. ,,<>It. I AddrC8<j J It. PETERS Sent \)y m 1\ for .0 c ,~. E, B . FOUTa, M.D., n hore 'ri~iting Elills Thuley summ~r SOt S Ice. , •tlilo acas;d dO ""l>fUM" rlll.." AR ... BY I t!4<l Jlrolldwl1Y, N. Y.. 1P: o. BOlt 64211. Ill. 1fII~ life. v .... 1:1.., P lace'is .. '. . . ' aummer.aa ronom ica y COn81 ere, . •. , . ' . . _ • ___ . __ ~ ~eap. _. I and IS III fino 8ptnts. I pass,ed blm llad i~ beainlliog. 1t will cnd on Dr ,I. 0. ,, 1 I , .~ (, 0 . • ~ rtf," ",'"h··'II .. r, .. E. S: 13. WALTON . - ' - _ .t, _ - - - -. _ a few daya since and aa~ hun hoc- the ~3("otS ptembor next: buvin T. ()ff U.J., .lCd . !C., fT. ~..... . , ' • SE'l'H W. BROWN, . iog in a littlo pa~h of . corn, Of extended vo 8 . d f ' ,t ~ 1'01. ",\1.1-. It>' AI.I. DIII'U,lIi<H' ~\""'oRY""""n'~ AT TOR. N E Y AT 1.. A W, o r perlO 0 n.llte y - _ . ~~ - - - - . LEUANON C•• I about eighty &C1'e8. . . three d"ya &.nd Courteen \iOIlM: . . • 0. . AT I lie(! \)y y"ul' I'aplll' that a l\I r. . . .. . OJfio ,(l B/'Olld'l1JIt!/. AHen· Br<IWD uf your plncl! ha1 a . La Oreme de la Ol'eme 101' Jllly W,\I !'ractl"" in lue Ju·.'iCtl OOllr11 vI AX/} .NOTARY PUBLl'(J. .cow that giytlll Oil au avenagc 40 I itl full 0" ch ice mllsi~. t a ycar. , WarD. "iII" .C'tl.~ . h"rwsl ,,(lLi:r I). "Ic' , g.-a l1 r ]>('111.111 L·ud. aatl at Ibe a. u.!' price . 111 ilk per d .y. -Well J . L . P c ters, N l'W 1 ut"k . ..... ~."'-. Ann. I ~ ,")UIl d 80 paid ai.l .. ,U~,8;0 W.,..... II".. ~OI . 6411 VIUllu t y .
IIU\'1I1g' h ud· t lllrt,. y
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W .~GO~S,
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.) lest -. k' e t p .' . .I f Vi' ('0 L 1 G1Il4.IN
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for sale
SMITH OReAN Co H 'lOt> ,
.,.111 Nt
)\'[ .. .. ......... ",
",.,,,, ..I,,r,I ~ ..,,',
by MusIc Dealers Everywhere
fhat pecul m ty of CIHlI Lte or SCIlUer Y or wh llcHI' It mlly be In Its lILtllni j ~ lIrr o undll
gs II Illch Ilakes tho l' lfie lope L eh Lruet r ~u, fI' .ens LPf Irt! to IlIflUeUI:e bmlHund bCILtlts lUi weI II" ml'n A rouster Ilt VlrglllllL Ity 18 of qUIte I onglllal!L t) pe ILtI Illy hero 01 Mark 1 LI liD M 8kctchcs or HI' t Hurte S 1'0Illllncetl. Th 1'0 ster mentIOned I ILtI lutely t urned IllS/Itt ntlOn to tbo stud v of III leblOol'Y and m Ly I\lw!lY~ be found III th '1IIl1ll~umntlng room III the Oonsol Id ted \ Irg lllll mill " hen tl ey w{'re build II g thenllll the rooHter "Ill! Ill\\ ~yd lib tit und was fed and 116ite I bl thc II orkmcn and as 1<00n as ih work were eomplete(\ h took up Ill. Lbode Ilnmlki the m telllll rv Bo W'18 earned nwny Ie t he shollid gH hi rt but r eturned III il il IUI . trul fl 1118 Ilblilty to t lko cn re of IlIm ll(\ J~ lkcentl) the Illllchinery got out of oI'd I.' I' 1111<\ th o roo t I' \Ilia cllrrIed 1IIiO the engmo room but \I ould not rest lIntLI bnck where the nm"lgnIDutll g " rIA gOing 011 Every mormng ho rouses the hnllllil by 1118 cllmon nnd mllrcbeM"bout constantly to lICe that plenty of Ililver IS cOllll ng out ohhe ore rile men M ri thllt \\ hen he crows he l1li) 8 One IIlIlh on five hundreil thousnnd dollnrt!
Knife .11,,1 Fork FJlrtlttlon8. To c1rol ) 0 111' knifo mellll S J billy lx rell
Tu I'lIll\ til your kn fe mellns
. 1 I. I
I nm
nol posled 10 ilrol vOllr fork mellllS
perntl'ly III love 10 IV 1(' YOllr klllf< on the lnhlc-cllth A II I'Igh t I' yonI' C IWee " th II fork menll s H ow 8 1\ eet you nre ro e lt you r sou p "I tb It fork means • You ure very beautIful " To whet your Jelllle on your forle me 1llS You S08 1 am shllrp , 'lu cut YOUTmoutb WIth I klllfemcall8 JllIl1 very Impatient.. '] 0 pIck your teeth with Il fork means 1 lin the pIck of the lot. 1 0 wIpe ~our 11080 )11" II 11 kill mCIIDN I IITI II nlnll~ 1 f~ I ( fill) i'(\1f I drum \ I J JIIr I J lte \\ th y<\lIr ku r. IIId ~JI'k mell llM J 11111 1lrll08L mellUS J 0 ~t
the N \\ YI rk EIX "!I
Po., \\ bo lorn (lrly hv d III th e sllme wlt.b Sir \, niter f:icott! and reDll'JIl ber lum well, rellte the fUJluwJng char
tO\\ II
II tl'rlstlC
alJecllote of the grellt novehMt
It IV 11; lit tbe vest,ihuJ" of the court boul'e Illld the pluby or Lbo /!Ct:oud payt WIlli II very ol'pulen t la~ ~ or IJIIUled P tor Rob (,II' II P l'el'll bad Just apJ168red lind U PU:IOU WIUS fixed upon ScoLt 88 che 1I1I\110r As he moved through the rowd hil cOnical wIllie henll aJlpt'llred .... 00, Lhe olhert! a.nd Rowrtl!oo Te marlred to hl R rnend • Here comes Pev I!rll ] _ the pt'u' A langh ell!\lIed, .slid th" I' mark Wlltl not JOIIL upou the author who .... "ht'd, "1tb hlR lLollAl bu morL.. Ay . , won &II well Pe~el'll or tbe ."eak rEl~1' or th Paunch' The J9ke toot '" that Peter Dever Joat &he appetlladoD
hJJ;: cI t-'CklcsL flOrfllrlll In 011 tbe pllrt of Il trnlllil yet lrCJIrU of IS rcpurt.ctl from Hartford wi erc three of tbnt Ir .... ternlty Ilfmed wllh II rIllY ah ld II lllch they !!Iud tllllt tIll ~ bnd Just cllugbt beg~ lepvc to c ok It o\cr tIle kltcl en
fire The Ind) or the hOll>e, glad tll ... n courage tbell' UlllIl\Ual IIIdu ~t ry In c Itcb IIIg II h let them UM the t rl' after w\ilch tbey ulade Il bearty menl Dnd departed When the laclr wAe Ilbout 10
pr parI' her own dlllDer alld I"ellt Inr II lIbad whtClh MItt" blUl laId .way in a cool p~ Mt foulIII It n....the ~mJlll had !'tolen It., amI ,., I theat a ~U"PICIOD ahe had Ie' tbem Cl)()k I, befon! ber vert
--------l\fE XV 1.---
' MBER 1. I
lIIA.U,. AIlI'.T.
111' .)11 1'111')\1 1I0l'rl' he hn.1 hun III n lIlo JitnlJlrc- nlY "'r:UI\lti\lh~ r ' UT &t:ocnt!!f TAYIAHI I nr huuno, III I'yr~ Ii II 011 till' d oor 111 t I II I I)" Will hw/.( I r II" A lB' f ll\('rl''' tbl.' rOlla: l'(>l1 nC! I' W 1e I who hnll 1 tn I hlidllDlY ')(,S Lng hL nt'd IIl~ I'lIb... r IIUt- ~~II::~~::~cJ 1110111111 I!, by Iho I.'tluch, nlld Inlo lh.!f'nJ.l .....lt .. 1 h" hodl "I.rl.~ "tretchNI hll nd Lr lIlull',j n 11(' t/l~ Il~" " Jhe n Lh faithful folloll will d l II<J ri::'~:;", _hU. 1" ,.1 ... hi 1100 ~:O~l I Wllh th .:J.11I1)11I1'Iith dc " on III p.11 h VOIl, lind 11ft rWllna Ih~plltcll her lind rUle Qulel IlBd I I .... h " .1110' uo_hllml, I rlghl 1t1.4I~dlt"II:~I'. 1111 ~Ionr' IlIh~ III "hole Ih~r n;'~ 11,11 pro l,. lonul, nlll! their wurk I lu mukl' n confi!!!i!I_ _ hl''::~~e';,~r4:."." IU~'" .. 11th I." Irllb • I. Oil! I~'rrlllll' 1~ ~~ll~ lltl~fl:' ag.111I 1111 11(' c lulll ".lv 110111' If ule Or1l'rI. 1 I nm II IUU Tb"" b b 11,1' -wry "'[Hch 1 h llli bt.l:.tr' I:I'U ' ~Oto' ~tl?IIII[ 'lvlLIII,I~c:,utr!lI' 1111~r/lc~,rocll~kN tU~kll your "'"' r er Itl. '"1 . ... rlll«•• 1101'1') 1I~ , • , U'"'' >". D_ rl a, you 1 III Illy OW n I\<>rd. ....I ,•," ' llt'r 11'01111,1 I h.4 "'Id Wh.IIIUuuahl, ,Ill' n Ill' .... "1.1 I Il lpOl'nr. thnL duna ... Ih nt 1111111 • I 1I0 "..!OUr Itl\.(ol ' If YOIl are obtl unlt.e, I"{'""rTY 1)"llh I , I .. 1 II v Jllelll ""r you t Irt/W IlIIUy YOur Otl n I~. Th ('r~II'~~~ ' olll"ll,I., I... ""'0.,''.'' I ~~ ~ l'I~ 1l \~ li e ColltllICIlt, h" weilL to tlilho ut IlilIg h el'll She 1M ,Ioum:r t An.ll. III••, .'.l,'". clooe hy Ih. blO...", ... " • 1\ fill rccci I ('u Ily Ih e 00..1 110 I1\1 I\(' r o n nrLb Clln M I e hI r " ' 1 "~lh ph", tll,l,,.· I'O II( y, all( 1IH1" I IIUS I',lIlbly Cl1 lc rlalll etl It I' IS IUIII lo ijJll'ak or (':or lOKt I I mun gOr(' " I :~Ia\ le ll~lclr~tl::~,I:I~';I~"l'd "<T II :lIld p"II l IV,lh Iho tic l1llH III hUIIlan folrlll u iJ ~ U o IIIlS n XIIOEII••• r......'m v 11 I I' c r 11' 1" """"'( II1l1l1y I'l l',.... felt Ih y WHe I ~ Htl'rn 1I111 III orablc I I CIlIt·rtu hl H pi J IIhll~. I .. olk,.... 1."1 .." had I /o{, n hpy :CI~ IUt u r~1 1I ~',"11 rMlllg nne l .h u IIl g 111· Int.. It II nil n" crue l n.~ ho rrible nlld CO llI>! I "C.uch of U v .. 'If, . ec UII IlIIu l!< u!lltlll ( ~ lIbj C h ell dl 1 ' tl .1... Jl.a..... ""'''1 . liII .... I". I" ........... I••I ..""' • •• "'"'I. / I. try urgl' rv tt l,,1 ullce ll' Il r y 'II'C 1m II Il>I"Cmbled to WIIII(' ~w e y, ,I..., I ' I' ,alllOllg 11'!4e I l /l'l'rof,' 101l1a! luurtler rtf I YOUII I 1I11t1 l!!ud he Th 0 II.'." I "~ I W'OI "" In .h. cu,lal" L IlIIg8. tIt' U!16 tllld ml ~ U!K' (If pol i<OlI !Je lutlful 1\'/1111:10' What I fl" b IgIIIH, I»ur O( LoutH lJnRllIl. ....a I l'ropped lip III th ~ellltr of ' ti I • I u' dUll • In wl,l", .lIwlnle,lr Ion 11 I IlIld toODle 0 111' , , t:':11\ 1' r.w on II 10111 bnll "b e o frt'ndI'J ? me I!C rl'L 1I'1l.~ ~ondny, nnd I ~ II II Cllt I'llIolI of IIIllchlll(' ry \\ .. ~ Ilt work 111""""'1'11 \ler d unll ' Vedne!KIay •• If .h.~ been Ihhl. toOllI n otl' Ill" I ,1JII"'· .... " .--.... kl'iJ II lilt ill e rI.' IIIHlru1l1 0111 " tl 'I I f llO l11· n d • dI " 'lJl lheIJlII k~ I 1 (' t I I I n III 10 111111 $0 n lughe r "" ollll ll, an I • no" .... IU J 11w . ulJjt'('t lin" f~~I> 'd~r::'l~li It I tll'l 1:U:'I'r- t hl'yhntl Ol\lHd I~ llIu ch, 11I('Y fllllHh d Ho ,,:ud ringing, lor ., .....,,"" I 011.' ("c nmg hI' rt tUfIIl.d /'rom OIlC f J ~ I lIU lK' r""l lIalllltl'reHl III t ho IIllllter lolfld.LY , CllIne lie lhll 1,lcas: t l/ ,I 0 Ie) Ill'r I IMI' ttlULrryoutju II cr the y Ilcre'J lI eJ<ully Ulltil 1\ 1".1" ...........,.. II.",,· til ~ ..."' nf" j! I .•Il'ral1l,,,,,:lIIu In II reflec· MUld-Hl'Crptly' IL WIL.. tru e uut t l ' (ulI l II hell T hu r;du" Illlluvu u III llIu , Mt fur UII ho ur look Illa I I \.Ie ' I f ' Ie 110I .' .r IlIg o \ er Ihc 1I1110nil l c i ty III1J t l Id - I n III( I'll III\, ully tIOlluemn LI und ('xV fl llleu II I fumo us 1ll1y Jt \I lilt near Ull dll l~i; ~'.~I.CII !~~c'U~('~i'"~t o f til l' In W In U t be p n' ~t.ely III ':r W ::~ 0 ~n t;1I."11~171I ,lork .... yon I.k. no un~(r lI,o.I~""l n le t wo strnng('~ " ore ~b own Into 111m "I ~ 'r l • , ., uCl!Uuy. J.IL ~'d"ORI...... frolll LI, •• kl , 1L oI" ",ber..1 (here t'(l lICl!L d hl H InlJlI culll tc ntl ' I " I 111 II 0111 an " oye~ wl'r fixe d UpOIl 1 hey we re fi n • ....."'r and . ,111 ' en.se fir greal ur C II ~ II CUllll1Ce III U t Il'nl tbnJll g lltl u t LIlt' wh llll' of tllI~ CO IL' IIglI lII , li nd ~h nt fill, ~.'; III" : 1.. 01"0 .. like -I,," Ih. wind I" It. """ Ihnt h e WIlli tl"'~ 1111 ~ ~ '; re, Prlc>leDtcd \ r ItIOlI, li nd trnv e led fro ul Oll l! filce t" 1111 ho ur nml a T I r "K g Ii \ I I. II P ea-u rc Ih e olher .11 1 0)('1 feot H ., oue ,"" III ' .. 111".1. Ih" r<'l'd •• ",1 I r , ko \I In rl .. 1I0t lo r profl' ~ I Otln l 'J I ' I ' I ('~~ nl,'!lIIY , 1I0l 1 II ord • e llI\lu 8 110n, ~I':II ~.:LH~; I \l l' rE' IlI' r fedl 1\\ Ire of ICy I' L"'~I II( r I.'nr., III1lI onl y t he oll e ,Ie und h e WIL~ t! le rm by tlo.,nuo lilT h.. rt IIIl . u.IlI,nly II"UII'II Sllld. ~II II the; IIr~~d 111 111 ~/~~~,~:: ~,lhf'Y "PUtrlllll h tII gl' l., s exp rel!.'! lon !!SIt lIke II / d o 8() Teod.r .nd vure Dl lh ••• 1"" ... blrh lUll "'e I .... / ut I'L, t t hey II I (' rcalllo III. g Y t \, .Lt UI'OIl lo u fnce :O;h c kll ew th e rt w.il'! Whcn II I' gOl 'em iN h~~\ ~IOlle IIl1d he CODl'('tlLeU to', I !!C ru I" '>', 11,1 e", 'I't fo r h"r- II OIlI' '1 hn e II n- 011 1 , e l er) lor IlIltl !Jeen 'nrrd~~toU"J"ol .. holl •• , o". ,.I1" ,,,,,,. cnrrl ll'O \\ J\.oI It til e I ll" W~I' I hem A tl ll'UII O IIU·.tlOlI tllh.. ;;ol\('d ~II~ IIl1d(\ II t'llch (oot Th e 1.'~-::~ I~I~I:7:A rl~gh~ ".oJ Ihe 1U0W'" " . / t h E') f~lo\\ cd 111111, p~ll oJ :IO\~,~~illel{;hl;ldt tool" by I h, Ull llllhllg IlU nd of II PIty Itl g ~baJlc of a rIllllloow , l 1111,1 Ih e CllrrlU' n lttll'ti 1I 1' lIy JJ d l~j "l flLllf e r , o r ue kill d c ru elly Ily p rofe8- >'elf .ll ong by ReIZI • notlr ko III Il(lKILlOll, 111111 I.e' lII to SIIS "101111 lI1 urde rers t W lullll " ori ll o f w r hut It e lIit~u reU w e A-..IJ'P.RltmL.~ Al.l·EIU'ATIVt:. that a ll wrLII llol rlghl ~~ltt' ke L ~or III lI st hrll e he II t·o mpnl!.'1Cd II I tho8e fiL per~ ,tly ('MY II tler mell ef.'. y P ,e \l Ilt omelll~ of 11I'r Ilfc U~ ~ hc lay watch h Olll e J fe ll down '" UV I ,\OV 1\1 rrrrt ~ If tll>l 'J~I ~Y l!eelll c. l to drl\ (' .1 g rcnt,ll ol ll1l1 ct' Inr.-Hld wnlll ll~ th~re ! hnd to rJlle h Om e ill l he look bi>ll nll to dllllle thc qll ll l'o lhree Loot-Jilek YOII IICem to!Je I cry much . t ruck b) tUrII lllg lin d t u r lllll g Il1l1 n) tilli e_ V I ' t h nt Illc t urc," Slu d myoid frl(' tl d th ' hl'l nq lll red " li nd they fllr t 1" ICS I(' r~ , Il II Illl 'lloo lll to Lrlke A t 1\ cluurs ge t ti ng tho g ll l' n ~lglIlI I the I lt lle Irk!' " g llre .all IIl gh t fo r my • lo nel, ( for, ILq T d ll ll 't nll''' l1 to I.c'trrty ' rece il ci l Lh lm(' f Ul s \\ er " ~u,, .I~ o Ih mII Yl!Cel't!.3. I l<h ILl I" I",ak ofhllll lLl< th / 1.U!l t IlI'YLIrOI I' IIIIO Ihl to'lIrLYll l I ' l'pedtilfllllrd lIId rtlPI( Ii ) un cOI lpo] u o u t. " , Ion I" olll y), li t lYhO!!CC(J 'y n out. In grell t h o u ill' 'f1I Q ,llIo r 0 ,ell tI rc ~ b" ro l''' 1\1111" 110"" IIre•• Jy llI ude th ey " N Otlllllll' In th e Blle kln 'ha msili re 1 !l tU ' J" nrl e red 111~' 1 11111 ' IC 'U Il'ro ''''re IIU' lI~hl. h~IJ!II:1 ltv l\(rl.lI.o llt I... ' ''11 J~ me r hi hl'lld .m' · "Illd Lhe d eni e r, g HC lffo t n fetl dUYH Ih e p ICtu re h til . ' I~ 11 1.'11 lilli e brCII ull lldfe l I u t II IIII.!\' 111 1\1 10 Ill>< llt tl IIIJlch rlln il iong th e lI ex t da y, n lld h ltleti lo ce rtalllly hnd uttrucLed n il 1111 . wou ld h n l e bee ll 'L LOlnl dllr~I:'~'I'b u t'f~~ ce ll l.er of the cel ll n~ '1 he h o rror 01 fac- Ih l'lII 0 11. H e 118UIII nlllo uni of m y nlt<Jntl II, cOllsal.. r I he 1I1 00 ll bl'n lll ~ \\111 h ~truggl ('d t b I llig • sud d ell '11Ill 1101 li t e nd selzeU hi m ca ll ed dUll II t be 11l&, t1lnt, 1\I! n r ule, r nm ~Irnll gcly ti l'll Ih e 'tllll1ed Ilh~ '\ ItIlIOIl ,1I11l fe ll . ;'O~I~11 - h .. del~Ih 1I 0 ui d :11 1111 her 1I0thlll j; fur " e re fin nll y pul c liliit III arti stiC tus te lnstl C ~h "do I\ K 1\ thr l r I t I IIh lllll h~ Ih ed ]h ~ 8/' 1I8e8 we re III a o me b.lCk there " 'Veil, ) ('8," I nn sll e red , Illy "Y" rc )1 .lSCe nti(l 1 IIit' il ;de KLUIl H~~rcu; toil wl ll ri h~ t h r('w lip hi d h and Jlll d spmll g lind 8IIy thnt th e turning to reHt 011 tha t pn r t lculnr o bjecl rcac hlng t hl' fi rllL la llol lll ' th(l th rCI\ 10 ~~II!n l " );n e DI e fifty WIII C~ , h"d IIt~ract.ed Il mOllY lilli e" be. o pen It d oo r, IllI d (or .1 lI('cgnti hlr " (Ii! II I 111 do Il! h I' cxcln ll;n ed, alld fell 0 11 Rt l'l'et, Ilnd til fo ro I regardlllg it M IIl l1c tur(', I ~h o uld I lI1 o'l olllldl' d by t ll ( b lazo of" .h L Ihllt II'" kn et'. larslde h c r .. Th ey 1J)111 have IIlg T \\ lJ! drunk, I ~ I Ily no m eans t h IJeKt of your I . trCIl IIIClI o u t upo n hll ll 1 ~c doo r Lour lIfo. 1 Cn nn t !lIH e y o u, child ; wIIIILc'd to know Ir CO leI tion, but, regardlllg liM It 11Ortmlt, I c lO!<e1 1 hehi ll" 111 m liB It N' nlrrcll Lh e roolll Jut J ca u Hillc id yo u from lhe lr ro ug h , lll Y foot , tll O th ere I@IIOmcthmg allOutitlb« t fetchel\' H e look 111 t hc wh ole l"'l"d 01 t he room e ru('1 III! ndrl, n ll d PUL ~o u Plllu it'tl8ly W llI1d one of them d It Ie n~l tho i th e uUle I ~ e Ithe r .It II g lnnce It WM gor!{to u!!l) fllrul -bed res t I ll rg l\ e IIII'. fo rgI ve me, (or IL IH In nll\t!e bel' !lnd til lIn IIOme or m tellect uul , but Lh or IS II I UI II I b ri llmu tl y 1lIlI lIIlIln t ~tl II Ith wux lIl ~ rey to yo u I tlu tbl o c r ue l d eed.' lell, 8tra llgc,weird som e tlllngni:Jou t It wlll eb j Cll nlll cs; II I II tabl c nClir tlH' 11('4\\1 1 ' • rhe llilltc bnlld " ent ~u t lo hlmnlld Tbose boot.s tho AfU et Ileem s to ha ve ca.ugh t (rClOh e ur talllrli IIl n, low ' lII f1 n o f 81(\) closed o l cr hl8 III n 110ft, forg ll' lng c lll><p marked th e from tho hVlIlg face nll d t ml1 Rfe r red LIt colU II1a nd lll l? uppCB rll ll ~" ~IL II rltll~lI, ~he I ·d o u L o f tho , woot a~ I to ca.nvll8, and "hlch «II 1110 lift er IIrt H e rnl-('(I II\~ h ell.i O. Lhoy .,,,bar d ....
I l:':i
~ OT ES.
;\ " nit r llllh A _ " l1Iory_
TIJI II,*" III I:p pt, l\TeSl'nl ~ rUIl1 27 lUll .arOUlhl, MId c nllllllt'd no,,"10 CILllA' lI Ilnd 400,tJ(l1l 1111 l' Tll f lllld!I('r, lin IIl1,m:ll froll1 willch \\ 1 on In Lttke 1\Jl Ul ckllnlll ~ hn be COUl e almuMI exlin t In L1l11t N ~tl' T II P.RF 18 n French urt trYIll/( the q uf'lllion whc lher n rlln Ilollllry charged WIth It procell of thl.' I.LII I" JU'llfloo ill !<clzlIlg U l!lIlt!aer'M t il 0 \HKItlCII l('gM II hI.' " III get Ih 1M Ilt II nlUlIIl III ,\ he ll Ihl'y
nrc not \"o ro Allo t r e'ghL hundr('l1 1011 of old rub. ber ~boe IIrc \\orkCll up In lltl~ton IUto r~Lf ! l'flllg8, PUnl l) \ nlves, i!Ol c~ ILnd heels of lie " r ubUer h e, clotllClS- wrlll~er rolll!, a u d h k III u set!. DuOI
\ ..,
~Ilnd.) l'hn:: ul)
1 Thl' 1I\000t \\ ond rrful m enl ory IIOl I S.
MBER 521. II
U) II,V Ul:1n III Ih e lnlLed 81111es, Jler hnl I tbnt of Allrf'dl Dllehng, I hum b'e colored fllUlI I'lIIployccJ n iaat-ra ' k IIUll ra t th I"tropolltdll Hotel , In tlll {, I~y Alfr II III'Pllrently nUout ~hlrty . fhe yrnr>; of ng!', nnt! is (ir lgh t nnd III • wlh~ III III a ppearance H , h M Lh f'ICllrl) of rem 'IIlUc nng fU('C8, IIAIIlCl', Iheto<, rlc I lhut I ~ very " o nderful , 111_ d ('.) If flfty 1I1Cn ure In a roo l1l ,lI l1d nil nrl.' ~lrnll~"f!II to him. be c'nll \\lIlk 11 fO U I1lI nllU lIIqUlnl th 11 0 til of enl h , nnd Ih(,11 go nroulld allel clIlI c, ry 0111' by III!! prope r 11111111' Renu II pnge of II book lo tbb4 rl'lIlar\;nule 111'I'l1011, nlld 8c Will rt l>ent the IIholtl tfter " llrd from memu ry C8D t he Accounl.Jl of Ul
hi. bMd a
" IS
,t .
lafl ed to
to U\o t a r
tol lo. room, ~
or Bng r, mid fnee mid figur • as re \\om a n etre ic h eti ll pllll n co u ch. Wh e re form aud fentu re, \I ere COll1- hRd h o Il00 11 thn t filce he fore 1 lo wl y It , t h re wns n oUllng dnwlIctl UpOIl hili m e lll ory A le \\ ,Iuya Allm,,, .. nLI'V ___ ·0-_'- _" ·_ 111 the po rLrn i ~ to bac k ho h nd been to t be t heale r, mId nt Lrnet morc than a lin sing o bsc n a tlon, gln llclDg ro ull d wlI• str uok III II IJcn llll flll illdeed, OIl 100k IDS n L it. ) OU le lt It fllir fll ce, whi ch fu r the lim e flLSClllll te(1 o ught tu rollrescnt II kindly ge ma! gen· him , he t ho ug ht Il th o IOI(' h ost the re. tl clllnll: but someh ow Il dllla ' t T he re H e looked on It ngalll now , u ut h o w t!OOm ed to 00 80m etbl ng behind It , ,~ o rk · c lla ngcd I 'fh ' h n Ulls WI'I'( cills pe ll UpOIl nl g out t hrough the pOll1ted eyes lUI tb e brellst M t houglt In pm) or , I dumu, th o ug h It or th ey h a d seen II hilt th ey "llIte terror 11 M wnttt'n on Ih e fllce, a lld IIh o uld not, lind wc ro hnunt.ed Ily @Ollll' 111 tht g renL IIphlt!'d e) cs th rr~ 11'11.- 0 n wfulltly ~tcr'y thnt would n ot be hidden hl1 peleiOS, d cspnlrt Dg '\gouy Rick elllng 10 o" on i n th e g fl\VC. 'rufrllIIg my book bl'hold 110 lllq ul red IIhaL wn t he lIlatw rupon It] Kllllf.ed th eOI1\ erl!lltloll , n.lll my fn ond IIOOmed by no mellns dlsrlelL'lCd h o \\ ~h e hnd bee n nUncketi, nnd seelllg begged the m 10 to dl l!mls.~ the MubJ ect We h nd .llo ng thllt ~h c \VIIS [;ngg II, h )(()I\I\II'y chnt on m ll uy m lttte r~ to ole rclenl!C he r mo uth. th at h e nllg h t RnS\\ c r fri e ndll who meet bu t IICldom IIl1 d With hili q llestlo n", nd thll g •• I I1In ~t kn ow sollll'tll1ng of th e s YIIIPlong Inp~8 of tlln o ootween It \l 1~ IOLe 1 fllre 11 0 could make Ill' o ur IIJlI1ds to to m . he fore I call u lte lllpt 11 I' llre" " Y uur b u.lnO>lll h eTt' IS to kill , lI ul 10 separate. At IMt, lUI I It' ft the room , clll1dl e~ tl c l.: III h8l1d, I GOlIId 1I0t h oiI', c nro, d ucto r," M Id IIlI e III IL . 1rtl llge h at:aln ~t Illy II III , C8~tlll g a fu r tll e glun ce !<lid toll O, " h lch nccu l ded III I\l l h hi" II I. th e portfl\It, and hlUltll)' shu t I.h e d oo r sw rn fen rll)1 ph msc " \ o ur (lnll cllt lo ll' i-;h e -...... Lchmd 111(1 I II J\l! dMd t ired, fo r r hilll "1lOke n h er Inot " o rt! III l lll ~ ,,"tlt! ~ot1 1l 1llllg uTlley , bu t wh en I got IK II.ulll et! III th e hv II O«'c rc t tho ngh bed It WIIB a long lim e beiM'o r C<luld ~t rl ·tl y Ju . t tnbullnl, b UL II I' II OUItl comp{~o;c myself to ~Ieep, II mlwh en I "Id tl'm!,e r Ju- tl ce "I t h m Cl c v nnt! ~ 1'11rt) h ~ r J '''~ t roubled Illlll~ d rellm ~ 'lhe por· th e ! blllll e li nt'! pu b li c d l~grn e. "\ o u t riut hud follow ed m e uJ'!ltlllr~, _hppcd call CtIUse h e r to dlO e As al y alld ElCc rNI V 1I1to th e roOIl1 .. ftcr me, IIlId trll.'cl to gl't tbere fore we h UI O uroughl yo u h ere" " If till" lad y h \.\! coUlllllll ed nll V Jlllo tho bed besld&t me , but, flllhng III thllt, \l ent olld leanoo aglllllsl lhe wnll CrIIlle t!Ogrcnt II~ 10 d C8('r ve dl'lIth ," he nnd ClIme out of the fnmll) nnd c1ullbed t\Il Rlve rcd, fu ll of COlllpI\I\SIOn fur th e UII IIrto th e tol'of lilY bed lIud Ind in th e fllrlull ntc, " Hhe IIltl , t lIIe t he r {'Ulush c urt.llIn foldll, 8nd multlphed 1l8Clf by Ill e ll t from tho hnnll s of the pu llh c exe ' till lhe wh ole IItmosplll' re c utlOncT, not by lIunc " .. By yo urs, nnu ) ollrs o nly," SII ld 0111' mt', WII8 fill ed With th e fn ee In the mo rlllllg of IIIKCOllductol1!, g m' dy "The re ,s 110 ht) k 11011 S h8d slt' pt well I told tllne to WIISW In mtro \I o nls rgator, I hnel wllu r NI, Hh e b ill! d el<C r veu d Cllth, 1111,1 "" e knull s th.lt she must di e " " Goo (o rbld !" e " c lll lll l('(1 t h e Jlh~ 81 Clan, II fror.cll horro~ sWlLllllg OV(' r lum Th e UIlUIIOltS 6t lllll elj.~, t h e gnm IUl IX'ct.~ of the terrible m e ll. , tru ck n clllll lo Ill. m l11111' nt's h ellrl H o rellh 1.(',1 n il I h e h or ror u f hll! Mt.o ry CO li· IlO"ltl on t I. tbllL o f " A d oc lo r nCH' r trnv l' l ~ WIth o ut h I~rallltfRt,he, r-- 1Jloclor i\lntllllU!, leI 118 tClOl. ," re~ulll r tl th e lIl rnn gc r , nnd lIi AI' WM one o f t h e Jlh YRIClIlll1I- • pok~ hi' turned Li) o IlI cl' hick fWIlI th e I-Om"'IIIIn' """"""0 11 I wInch 11O~ 1 tlon lende r t h ront, 111111, pOin LIII' III It, lid ded OCIlllll,ied lo ng Ilc hud rea ched H l g lllh cII IIU~'. ' 01'1'11 l he Ju g lll H If' ln , n ge H e WIIS n cO ll rteo u ~, g mill , It I. th c ell~ l oJ<t ulld q Uic kest II J\~ to tll ~" kltldly 1111111, (lilt o f th Ol!e l!O~ ml qll ll t. i\l y g WlHtrlLth <"f ~tllr tc.J b.lck u n a 1.\?f1 ti C'S IIll1ch IIlnko a 111 nil II flll oril c of nllli horror ~I ruck Th ~ >Ill 1\ ere th ll I cry socle Ly .'0 IIIl1ch I hal h elml Wh e n wo rds h e hUll uttl'reti IlllringOllc of t h o... J kll W hllll thllls" " r redi/Tcrt'nt. Iu thc Jllen.~alll glllherltlgK a t th e h 01l><l) of II yMr L770, ftlll of lu gh 8 Plfl t.~ alHl pl elL~ cell'b rutet! N('allo li tnll ll lell d ll Y ~ LII( k IlIIt IIUlt elplLtlOlI, h e won t 0 11 Ih o Co n t i' " H(III du ro )1)11 prop I!C to lII e su ch Il Uf' lI t ror II mOllth 'A hGhday hc Cilm c rlln c 1" h e e s cllllllied " 1 lUll UII E ll!!:' bllck ut th ll end of It All Ill tercd IlInl\-hl ~ IU!lanUlIl Ilntl Will not COIllIl1IL lI1urde r " genu(1 n"lure c loud ed With lin Inc rndl " PHhi\l~ ' y o ur IIl1holl pro,luc('J! lUI ClliJl e ~llIOm H e gllve ul' all p rnc Li co IIInny hOll o ruhl e ' rIIl1llllll ~ aR Itlly o~ h e r all iIOClcty , bought this J> aoo lind tLied '1'0 ) o ur wo rk , 81r, II UlI q lllckly. If )'U II h e re, he rE' cl\ ed 110 VI SI!.M, pnill 1I0 ne , ha\ c co n "C l o llti O Il ~ !\CruplcH, r<'m e Wlbe r h e lived In hiMllbrary among 1116 books, All e nfMcll<1 ~ 1It lI eH li gh tly 0 11 th e COli ' occa.810 nlllly ulklllg IOIl ~ IIOlitnry rllllllIle~ ~C I Ilce, IllY th llt cOlllforL to yo ur !!OIII about the country. HI8 nature did no t No more lI o rd~, h c added pc rellll, ttlfllyd egenerllt Int{) bRl'Ilblll'lIl', but a &trullge not o ne, thlti 10 Ihe t ime lor Ilc tlon " m cltlneholy poi!I!Cf!i!Od 111m, Itt! CII Use II 113 .. I rcfnllC to ob y yOU[ enlol command unknowlI , lIO wns lt: c llrt' He turned hl8 Let me go '! bllek upon tho world, .lIJd th o ugh he waM Tbo mKll who h lld been Writing sud no world !!Corner 1I0thJ,lg \loufd Induce IIl1tll now hnd takclI nO ) IIrt whRte\ " r 111111 to e nter ilngalll H e 11M 8" 11\('"or, III Ih o !!Cell tbllt WIIS .,asolllg ro ulld him, l\ltd hl 8 olll y IlOII-m ~ Ill th e r- IV,III ttll'n Ih('11 ro up Imcl JOined ill g roup Lay· tL boy li t Ill1 ro!l W m lly IIII I\~ III O tlu ~ III hi " hnllli h gh Lly 011 my grrll1(Jf" tbe r'8 wl\!l'no L n Il\ e ly plnlXl fllrl\ high·'l'lr' lc.1 . h.. ul.I M, h e ~n.iu yo ung fe llull lOl'I1Il1!' hUII1 Cl til , th l'Y Ittlll' •• •, h.·rt I 110 tlnCn pe for you. octor , litth~ uf l'Ilch othe r 111 lilli' tll1lP my P" t ry mum (lnt ytHl ht'1OlLnU' VIl U prnl"n g IlIllie r Iltllrrlf,l llIld r ,,'n.~ 1 ~ lrn \' r nr:< lhn l I\ Omnll'. JIIlIII. • he IIln s (h e. :lIIU IIIlRllC,lun<l 11111' l'illllrv IlIg ht wlwlI I '''bI you cnll dlMJl,I tdl Ioc r "llh pnllll,II." nbout Ightet n )'I'lll'!l lilli, h e r cl'lvl',l" It' l I!JI('('(I " tgram 8UmmOl1ln!i 11-'1 lu~ re W e calli .. Wh at II r refullC? Y o\. canno t foroo and were Ihown llIlu the room where 010 to commlL IOO timl n murder" 10U lept ItIIt night. The old man, wl~b H e potnted to lWO warthy fi g ure \be stamp of datil ujIOu hia face, w.. (ell.hl'f euldlefll or hVt'ried IICrv"nli!
He d not Ii" n secolld lea\'c her t hu l' , Le m tnI' ll , I('!! t n wo ulld lllg ur ruugh to ll ch I1l1g lt t dis turb h er 0 11 he r "It) rrom tit ..! \lorld to th e next . Jle \I L~ conduc ted Imlll t h e place In th e 81L1l1 0 wny II@ h e had e nte red It,lilld whe n hl ~colldu c tm. l ook lea , cofhun ~h ey Kllg· /(cH ln l th nt It \l o ul d bc well If 110 \l o uld ICln c l llllll'" Wi t h Ill! little <leiIlY nM pos• •hl l' '111M forcl'l l murd er-for sucb It rCIl II ~ WII 11Iy upOU IllS J..'O USCII' IICO to th e a nd of h iS hfe, .lIId filled It With oll e long rClll onoe-1I lav ing m ghLmllre-fo r th nt sce ll c Will! IIhYn~ s prc.~ lIt to hI S I1lllld The ch nnge th ot land I!O lo ng pu zzlell u s I'li zz led u~ 110 m ore I Ie COII"\ not cll r ry III ~ secret to th e ~ rn \'e With IlIIII, !SO gnlt it Ilito Qur kecIl lllg " I t'stt te rrible sto ry P' I cxcllllltl (',l " Aud , unhke m o t t<Jrflbl eston eH, It I" IrII(I," he n1l 811 C'rClI "Come out for I b rclLth of fresh II ' r u n,1 - ulI-hll1 e, 10 b iOI! Ibl A,:IOOIII Y KuI!Jec t fro m o ur !\()nse" " MII ~ le Men. 111 0 ullg hl y III I II Irrl, rd In the c lly li n) befure ye.le rdny, nnd yo ur re port~r foil UI'OIl th ~ III , 80011 nfter tht'lr IIrrll lal , \\I th th o 1II11'I' IIdll'g pl'n cal Till t ll O \\ re.tler8, H Olli er I AIIl O ,11111 .John ]lrc !!lnhon , \Til t h" pe r><OlI agcs, nlld II humbl e nd mirer 01 lIIusclo 1\ ill h nndle lhcHC benl) II Clgh ts 1\ Ilh becnrlllng c Irc um· s pec tlon H Oll ie r I.lIl1 e I ~ til c feet ei gh t lind a q ua rter 111 b es IlIgh , \l l' lglnn g 011(' bUll d rl'd alld Re I ollty · til 0 [IOunds, and IIlClIIItiring for t y tw o m ches nrollnd t h o che t . He 11 /1 . bo rn III Lm IlI e, 1,c IV18 counLy, NC \I "\ ork , nll d 18 now fnrt) -tllo y('n r"lIf Ilg p JlI ~ fi r.t wrestltllg mntch "I .. It \ Vll le r tolln , N o" \ o rk , "he n lt CI' M bU l !!C, c ntec lI >"(" Ird old , a '1ullrte r o f a ce u· I ury Ilgo, ~lIl ec ,,11l11h tUll e h ( h ll- llIld 0 110 hundret! mit! c lg htcl'1l mll tch cM! 1 0~lIlg lIut t\\o. a nd h l ~ IIIC!'urell t he ~n!l b ll 'J 'u:1 of th o 1'111 he r of Wre"tllllg III thl Hcoun t ry , II he re o f III W, h nti It 1I0 t Leen fo r th o e n thu" I.IHIlI h e hus lIl"plre d III Ih l' 811Ort , ~ I e ullfi c IIr!'sUlng " o uld hll ve fl\lI c lI 111 10 ~l ccl\Y Mr L il lie ha" larCII for mn ll y ~ C.'\r8 111 t he Il ghtnlll ~ rot! bU ~ I n(l8.", Lu t hlH81; tli 1111" nuL a cqUIred the rl.', t l)(' tcntlrn cy (If Ihn l nccufJntlo ll be lllg merrly 10 tI! I c ln p faC Ial mU8C lc 111_ h UIll \' I ~ nnw III NI'\\ \ n rk 'Ity 'uhll M c ~I lilll l1 1"11 r.Lth c r gootll ookl nJ; 111111 l hlrly y('nr. of .1~f, lh e fec t te ll Ilml L 'j"llr w r lI' c h c~ 111g b , w C l glt ~ un e hUlldre' IIl1d 11l1I~t) ~I X POlllIll"! 111111 11Il·1l8 Urt· ~ /l,,1 V (UII r lillt! .1 fJ unrtl'r m cbl!'! liro ull d H c I" n IIRtn tl of th e S tate lIf V e rm o llt, bn rn II I Ru t land, \1 !Jere he too k Itl wrC'~th II); at an IIrl), tllly,llllt!lr M uel e r Among 1118 lu le wr sties losl II IIInl l h ure Ih oi'l' " It h il L }' .lIrfield, Vt , Jlllle, I 7.'1 , :O;hc T\l ood , at tb 8lllIIe place, 10 Au g u ~t o f t ho IIllIn e ~ en r , Copc llln d, III. Troy , N , , May ;10, I H, Hi gby, nt Ilrad gellO rt, Con II , 'u n 20, I 7-1, lind Elh s, tho f~ ll g lt "h c!JnmplOn , lit N e w H .., lIS 11 1'11 Y ork Il y, J 41 ~ 27, 1 H lUI I AII1\l , Ig o n th e II II ) III ('Uh ( lfllll\ to wrl'~tl IIl th Uuen, Fr 'n ch ~ty l h ll ch Ill! cntch CUll ), for two lholl!ltUld ~loll tl r. 1\ ~id~1 ",m ill t llll" "urlllJ; Ih IIlt," th 0 1 l'le,)o t.eIllJl'r nl':or l I' lIle! tll l(' 1':\11 Ih l'lI1 IL conld RCll rc Iv I, Imla'IJl r,1 th.l t f<f' Illll ch Illi g . Ieillh I.. !II I II I t y 1111< g r,u,<" ~~ren g lh fl llt u l Ih e q nei'titlll ,,S!O ultl Ill' e lllbrIU' l'1l III II h.l t I" ~('I'I ra ll y t OIl" IJ!\'ri't1 1111 u" k ll lHlI , . IIIIfl Il .,v JlI, tHllr. 'I'll,' alhl 1(' g,1 I m ill h ~ rt I', l 'ttl rll, II It 11(,1(4
- 1/111 JI,lIIlwl.
and 'vns rubUIDg IC'g ~Ietermlnlld to pull tli e boot.s o n ngulll, 11\ he ll I became n murde rer. He ne l e r 191'en grollnccl, \I\ld h e dltln ' t make n struggle J @houldn't h u 1'0 done I t, mid If It. were to IJe dODe 0\ e r ngnlll I WOUldn't rul llC my hondo HIS fll ce hns bn llllteU me uny IIlId IlI ght for yellrs, n l1d It II III b II re h e t fo r III to ben r pUlII sllm nl
TIn ee 'J'h onSAndl l'eOI1! Ago. M r Conway t ells, III n reccnt le tte r 01 a ~olltlelllnn o f HnhfRx, England . wll o, b elllg In Egypt, urOUigh t bllok for Itl! mUflC um H II II IIItl ber of A Il'lIalld riun mllmm les- n mUl1ItDlI' d IbiS, ellt, lin d HCycrnl h cud~ tnk C'1I fl:Oll' hum AII IIIUII1 IIll e~
'Ih el4C hea ds were broug h t 11\ !!C'Jlllrute 8111 nll boxes, J\td one of the lll III t!O me "lIy g\)l !IOU ked In salt 1\ ale r 011 rh e ,'oy· oge Wh en It WM o pe ned hy I\1r LeyIlI lId , n d l~tlllg lluili ed Int quary of Y ork~llIre , III t h e prel!en ce of uth er gC lltlelllC lI , tlu') II e re aM(lullde,1 to fi lld th llt t h e 8('sh hlld rcelllere,l lI s o Ulltne, thl.' cllln IIl1d I hceh \\('re plum p lind ro unded , th l.' o pe n cyrs louked UpOl1 t h e m , ulI II l'\('11 I!Cc lllcd 10 1110 \ e The ge ll t l em ell h M tl' lIell to CIIll othe rij frolll nil pllrt~ of the 111 UI!CIIIll to o b r \(' t hlMII IIHtlo rtul l,h c nolll cnOI1 F o r n le w mlllutcs t.he y b eh e ld an unml Rtaknuly Eg ypt illn cllunt lIall co - t.he fllcc of a mall \\ ho had 11\ cd nt lells t three Lh ou IIIll1d Yl'a l'!l a go Th ey collrd ollly (oncl ude thn t lh e powe rful n rolllatic g UlII s ,\ blch had larc n used \!nd nrre~tcd till' decny "llIch th e !'nlt " I\ I (' r hnd now re nde red lX)K~ lul e nnll wIn ch .. peedlly set JI\ lliler th o hcad II liS tllken from Its btlX aud wrnpplllgs ~ v (' rnl gentl emen w Ito suw It blL\ c tlJlsure.1 me that t he y Clln n e \ e r fo rget th e IIfl' hken llJ!!! of the fllce before th e I\wlft IlecllY 01 tl Ollh wit Icb followed The skllll l\ tlS sh Oll n Ill!, lind th e hunl' of II I ~ r('lIIllrknbly whi te nnd lenr, In 8tn)n ,,; cu n t rn"L II Ith th e ,lar kncMII of I' Lh r IllUIlIIII V henl J,!
A. " "rllhlg to Trllm lls • T hc S ln le i4 u pcrlntellfle n t.<o f til(' Poo r III III Cttlllg li t Po ughk ecJl"IC, Ne w 'l u rk , ulon te" t he fo ll l/ wlI' g \VII KItKA M. r l" e\ ,Is Ihl\I feoul l ' rom II .. rrc"cll r c 11 11 ,1 Inrrcase of Itbl bod l " l rlllllJlH III 1\11 Ill c ofl llul ... . ,n th e S lMe of Ne ll \ ork rt ftl ll rl! Il lU l , n e t tn e m etUl Urt\H ror rt I,rmull u g 811,1 l,reVl llllng Ih III . hc uM be ,"i 0 l'l~ lI lh ~r e o r ~,
1'''''/'''/1 Thnl. t ,. Ih.· 01'1 0'011 o( lill. CO il \Clltio ll Il lll 1111 abl e hOlll e" trRIII1'8 nllll ,'I\ ul'p r. shoult! , lUI I'raQI, onbl . , lJe 1'0 111 IJl II .. I to III I",r. 1\1111 lhllt eHortM . hou I" be lIIuli e b~ the Bonrd 01Su pen ,OON! 8nd O. e r seel'll 10 th ~ 1'uo r. nOli other . hftVl og th "
'I\/' '"
lI util urlh h, d ll flO , ,1 c t' ISO m ean " fo r th eu
omr,lo)lII clIl , an I\ddlUClD 10 Ih e otllln llry wor k now rerlulrl d of them 1:,,,,,/.,./, Th il l It SDould be Ih e ~.tahll >hcd rule Ihnl pvery r el'llon an d IlII olll el'8 who IISk nlm •• 110111<1 IJ .. requored 10 Inbor to th e ' nli ex len I. o f Ihe ir ablllly for \\hatevl'rlthll . the) rccelv e. RW'/IIfol, That In IId,lIho u 10 Ihe ord",ary ,lIduslri es ,to\\ pUl'lluedl 00 the 1)00r·bou8e groulld . 81111 farm , ~ 1 1I 8 ollvellt,on MuggC.lll IIIlHllIJl olher. IhllL11111 (nli" wIng k'lId~ Qf I,,· 1I11111"e8 IUIlY be protlla bly Introdu cf.I, VIL 'rh e "rellkong of ~ I(l n e. rOl' ron,'wJ>Y., th e unHurt! of broom coru un ..) TUol1ufa oturc of luoon'l> , tll ft I ull ure Allin prep ItAlion of O!I I~r ,<1110" Anti til ... nIAnurA"lnre uf , 1110\\ lI lIre, lUtl ,II .. toe1r il ••llng "1141 Ilr4' )J In tbnn o r Ih l (" HlHlh,1I lud hu, corn hUKk " rnr htHlihus: 81U. ~ WI1I1 I11: UN.'.:,M ::, ' _ _ _--.._ _ __
THERE fa nothlllg \I hleh baa yet been TH KRr,: III 1\ wh lll" ~ rlll.m fo r tbe ncb contrived by man by wblcb 110 much ha~ III the rl'ma rk Ihll l " IJNud ~ are neyer piJJelll i. prQ(h'~ l1li by A ~ ~\'!lrn or lII&de With pocket ," Inl1.
III Illllny ),ea rs, b j ; trave l UIIIIIII ful , lind -"
d all1ngc~ CIlII be reco l(
you nlllte ~1II1 for to-lIlorn)w '~ m g bt, when I A call I ~ rlll Wll ltelll who \\ e re Rlllndlllg li E' If hll ~tll y g llthe r d up r,1I the the polll:e, I mn<l II s trnlgbt bolt (or tho
~rlllll\ l"
1I1JII 011 IlI gh\l u) M or rtllirond ... II S Ullday, unless proo f clln be ," trodu ce< 1 tbnt t b e llllvehng li n" Inr II r ~""' Ily o r clrnrity. DR . T tl I'JJF" R T , NI l, J r, h M gOlle nbrotl,l for lhe pllrpol!C of CIIJ Oy lll g r('st for II fe ll week s lo'o r tll O y cnrK he h lL~ beell dOlllg th c wo rk of t ll'O or three men- Jourl1l1hst , lec tu re r, church uulld e r filllill ler b oldlllg \Irot rncted mretIngH, el1glll~rlllg po ru IIr H rVlce", con· ducllJlgspcc llll <lny flN I Ice' 1\ Ith a d ar-en !lOti tie.!, IIIMIl o r l el!.~, 0:1 III~ !IJII1<lS 'l'w o yenrs ago h e 1\ Iii wlLm ell tlm t III. 1111111 ~ollitl t rll ~t <10 JllILlly IrU IIM III t he fire lind Jlut II II \ e SO IllO of th elll bllrnccl Twi ce he bll~ broke ll do wlI .I nd nu ll h le.II CM for l :urupe Ibz;c,lntct'y \llI htl~, lllIr lIork Am I( I~ fro m 1111 po r t s of Sou lh e rn 1\.urn~kll !!Ill' th e g rn ...~h()ll)JlI' r rill ngr ri " e rtl' A. , Tho IWI' llCr. 1I IIve b -,~ n ('" n".." ..-u h li e nil lef t t h e coun t lca III lh nl >!I'c ll on \I f th e KlIlte o r th t:' le ll l h ut r~ lIltlln tirO tllll l1" \ cry 1'1t ll ~ dllm ll'" 'J ho"(' will cit hnl e" ~O Il1 C IrOIll K IUl'"l:IIld n n I ~" lUI() tlrl nllld l' bu t n Urll'f ~tU \' ulld h1\ e d Oll t, bitt htli ll IIIJllry "I h~ It 111111 othe r HIIIIlII g rulII Will h n n I'Ht Ir:1I11 n hnll to a \I holl cro p ncco rulUg 10 IOII' hty ulIll Ihe corn c ; o J) 11111 be full III I!CC'tI O Il~ whrrc Go m II l1d otb e r ' mlIlK II<'ro sc ra oUflly IUJurec! farme rH ha l ~ bt'C II r('pl nllt. IlIg Illld nrc e" pe l lIlIg hill' c rop" As IIl lelllJlt IIllICb h l~~ jIlHt becllll1al Ie to Illtroduce ,h~lU~ h 111111111 IIg UI~t! ~ 11110 Lh e J n rdll10 d Acc lllUuulll on nt I .lrlS h us fllll ed, allh oll gh II } r I\ clc r m ll llllgNI lo Utllig !Ill[ ah, e to Illrl ~ Ity. feedlllg the m WIth honey The bmlM" e re tl lllcelL 111 II Inrge C8~C III n ounll Y ~IIOI II nli /'1 e ry care WIL- tllk ell to . hllt th (,1lI III' dlrl'ctl y till' e \ elllllg CIUllO Oil , hut fo u r "'lOll tll etl , m ill th o co liluo rUI \\ illd k.ll etl l h e r' lIlallllllg Jlll ir '1 he o ill y uLh e r hUlIlnllllg.llInlo wlllclJ h IVO rcodlc.1 L u ro pe .. 11\ f' Wl'rll tll o!!C uro u 'ht by ~T ild"l tro IU 1 ~ 'jJ gl \ L I I I l rom -,c lltm , 1111''' II, li t t lel!O Cte, " furtlll " ht IIft c r lhelr IIrrl\lIlll1 I'lln.
i1nt lerlll g JliCCCH o f plll )~ r thll t cllllld be ,Ioor." 10 uIIII :UHI re turn ed th em w lhe (',h tnr A YO N O mlln ID Os wego jumped iuto 'I h ~ f':1I1 0 1l" JOIII JlflhMt lookell tb e m ovr r, t h o cnllnll\wl rUllled n fifty dollar BUlt Itud M ill " W c lI , nil lhut I cnr Aho n t of lI e w clotbCll to reMue n cf08lloeYClI Itrl' he r" , except 0111 Iho ut IlInefIC cooh e g irl IIlld the ll b e wouldn' t acoopt 110 h,bm I ' ll g ive nlly Clnc Avo d olla r" who button ~trlll R willch she collec ted (or II III lillll tl, al fu r IlI e" 'l'h o Ilro peCL of 111m H e Mllh l lh ut b o ne8ty WM ita OWIl gltllilng tltl~ rOI\n n.! IlIdll ccd th e willlcl'll re \~ar<l. IIId h e ll Illl) 8 t.u IlI nk l' Ilgorou" "en rch , "'1'h omn8 T owse r, nre you gl\llty or willch 11 118 ,'fll;«'c u ttod for SOIll ~ 1.11110 III IIInoeen t of thl8 cbllrgc t" ~ald tllO judge. \' lIlll , ullcI H u m ee dC'l'ltrlt' d r brc(\ or " Mill' It plelUlC your honor," h o rephcd, fo urh oll rKnJ'te r wllrd, whe ll Itllllselc lIUt " ldoll't wl\lItto commltmyself." "AliI" o r t wel yl' II clo k n t I1Igbt , 1\ \.Iell-boy s:ut! the Judge, blllnd ly , " then I'll 8IIve whu hull Ill'e n 1I10r 11Or!IC\ c rlllg thn.n t h o yo u t he t.ro uLle lIJ1d d o It myself, I!Ixty oth el'ri lit h iM I<Cllr 'h , found th e 11lI8I<1IIg dny!!." IIrt lcle I n 'hlllel!C 'oo h e lallO r, hllif ll u " l'c l III Ihl' IUlld III lhe J\r('1l o f th e ~r.?r:.'~~R~,~f:,~ ~r~:~~~S t.~~nll h ut. 1 1 hI' h tll e fell" " ru~h ed brcll th· Air... ",., . u.,... I"g Au.trall~n oro, let<.1 t .. l h e " ,i/,I/ IIP othcl', Il llt! up to th e ~h'~I ~;.':I~ ~ I~~~d~~\:::'~'~~'o' yore. r?ulII 0 11 th e .~ctl ntl 1I1IOr , wl!,efe Mr Tho glorlo--, 01 . ",pl"", ""'" a .... y • ( , r," Il'v II I," b UMY wr,l, tt n g Tb e re ~ Tho .. orlol . greal dl1llllo "III Ihu> unloW I cd the And yield . 1'1...." ... heUer IbRn ptd your lI e w· pnp... llCm p. c xe lum '1 0 he , ... Igooo ... hen Ills h."lnJld...~(.,,___ ....... h!tlll Il' lluII , h 1I11ltll~ t he mud betlntlb~d 1'. ,1 .. 1 "hen '••o, ..re ~. ~lt I' IAI the CIt. lor M r IIrceley tl lOk th e .. lIltpJ............I:.\ i<IIiifoP 8h eo I I l I t 1 on lh e h(.v nntl III "I",'om'a PItt. • IP, "1111 P.I I!' IIII:I" ) " .' lI hui.ili I.thl" ,halulohlle .."", .. ut .ho h...rl , /o:n l e hllll It fi H' ,lul hr lIol e lh e lIe x t , \tu,.llfrOlg,onceBlllelII IOh... vCD III Urlllll j; th!' a rll cl!' '11'1'1'!ln,tl III Ih e II R11T. 1', Ib't !11 I d Win II ovory 1'0 ng.1 b"""U. o·cr. I h I' m ORI ,hl.I~lId ILtell h nt. e ver p nee Whe.. ..ery .lOrlll b.. CCIlIIeII Co h. "I, 011 the r.Lck l eut! ln~ to th e Ml'trollOhtnn Wc';0':.II,r:;:.u~~r.:.II!,'~:,::,:,!ore, dllllllg rOOIll I\ IL~ Ide tllo of Long ,Jobn Down . h. ken from Il8porl,"'I)IOI... Wc nt lI o rl!,t, o t Chi cago Thl ~ Ide nti cal T h. a",11I8 hcorl oILftutt~"'lb 10 g h" t " ll~ " om b y th e noted I1hnOls poh A\: I~~;iil:::i:~':f;b~nl~ Dol.. lIc l1In ten yellr. , Illld th cn I\-IIS take n to th e h'l l ter'. IUd fllrlll ,.h l'c! IIllh n lIe w ON S UIldnylM t , Ill 0n eofourehurcbe8, bAud 111111 lalllll!(, 1111,1 1M I'wllably Kt lll snY8 u C hl ca!\o pallO r, toad a couple dOI ng gool l Iier Vlce O n 0 .... occn ~lon fJl l rel1U y slIIglll g from the bottom of LOIIIl .Tilhll , wh o ~talld~ KIX feet III 1110 110111" out of th e hymn book s tuclollg fee t, clime to the llal1ll1 g rUllfll h g lo usly IIIChllCd, lind ,111M IIl1d n.~ketl Lh (' IVlIll{! r 10 re mOIl' hi M h)'11111 book. our hul for hlln " 1311 t J ,.n n' t rell ch YUll r dlately IJehllld hnl " !o''1 ld the lI ulte r Mr W entll'urtll from the IIlIllle ro ,lied .. Ol' t II cillur IIlId s tand 011 It, end o( Id II " 'J he wnlle r dill 1III1..,.>tri11111f1lll an le n you can req ul'3lCd , 1\Ill! r(: II\(I\ IlI g tbe tll e .frolll begllll, t he hl' lfl llf th .. tJLllesl lllll1l III hi IIgo. h Ollally J\8 If th ey " e l'''~ltcd It 0 11 l h e r.lck LOII ~ .robll li te IlIg but the b} DIll I I d I I I I lilllllied enile,l the fIll r one rephed, /I Go 11M ll llll l' r, ItII "II'U 10 ," I I t> 0111' o f I.lt o bllll boy. got UpOIl n chnn Itll', f11l111 110 fllr tIS lam co noorned ." W b ere to j,he. 1111.1 rc pll 'C d the t ile 'I h e ~1Jl1I1I E'~t IIlsn I N PreHldl' ut LlIlcoln's !tllli. inllu g uml A ll roo.1 Ill en should II vc III A rt h "ho VI'r 1l"1I1 1' III. hat lllto Alfrctl'K keel' addrClllO occn ~ the folloll lug II1StallOO of I1I1Kel , IIlIlIng ry m e ll III Jr .111111 IlIg \1 3M' I ,ltllt· In c ," th e IIlIll~tr(' 1 olulltnry rh ~ me A II IIIlIrd e rer.. III Ktl lillro, 11 11 e orclI K l;l lI l r l('~ S Ulllll or o ne' ,hllc,llItth e Metu f olul Jy do w, hOlle, me n In i:'omclIlCt rOIIOIIl.III, nlld le ll. Ihe rJlIlIlIg·romll, fur Pen culI, ,lu we pray, Ali b rok or!! 111 In khollll , nlil'old mell ~e~lIn g to h ll\(' hl < h ill re tllrtlvd 10 hlln Th. l lbl. n,IBhl' "''''UI'IlC 01 ..., In 'hlh Th e wal te r h nd to folio ll lh e lib"" il L· ' el If II h. llOd'. "Ill All ~eom e tfl c l n l h\ 1/1 lIhn 1111 fools III 1I11ndcd ~lUlttlr e l('lIr nu t IIUIU the stree t That It comtoUtt UO\1I1II-olly IHIlmd III order III give hlln hl H 1111 , t1D1I10 r IClU'O'S All hortlcllltllrl ~tr! III llulIIn y ba y , 1111 rccl'lI ed UI I' hut, thnllk ccl th e wfIl ter, lIod 1I11l1 h e re the rhyme 11111,;8 III th e BIlY u f I' ulldy. .Itldl·" .. I decitlre, I forgot 1111 nloou Lmv 1' rD.-"C Mho"8, III places, 81m liar Instances Ali pe rfume rs 111 l\lu ~ul t o r Colog ne, hat I h ill C t!O much lin lily nlln ll [lOW of Involuntary rhym e. It 1M rather a 1111 bre ll erij III Mnltll lltn t IL IS n wonde r I d on ' t fo rget Illy bl(,l1Iish lIllIll 11 bcl\u ty , 1\.8 It II< hkely to leftlpi A qlllck·eare<l reAder Into ful88 I I bead IIl1dlC/n o Itsomewhe rl' " A r tem 118 \ V nJYI alld R ffl elld on ce came nCCl'nl.Jl. A II g l1l l tOll3 III 'furk E'Y, II I JC!;gllrs In ~~ d AlIlllcom c me n ,n J.11('I)I1IJ\ . nll mourll' to the dllung·roo m togethe r, and hn 011 AN earthqllako !lO IIfl ve t e 111 cbsracle r e[1! III 'loontL ur Wul E" hnt.~ e llac tly.alikE' It puzzled Alfred lo All cOllfectlUlle~ In CIIIIlIt I nil clul Lell "hlCh hat belonged lo th e rC8J1Cct.ve lUI that reportAl\i (rom tbe W etllern 8 tatell drOll 111 th e raml.'n oWlIen, aud he had to hllnd Lh e ttlCi! to i. r8re III tJie Umted States on this Ido All OIl s pec uilltors 111 Greeco, 1111 g,un. tlllq~.,ntIemen at random. Alfret! neve r of S le rrn Nevada. Tbe shake on }' riday have been quite JIll marked III bll! rR III the Fa roe Isles !ulew whoth er tho two hwnoflilts got seem" All Btulllble rs 111 Tripoli , 1111 curioUII abelr right bat.s or 1I0t. TIle fact thut IIOlile locaUtieM M lIIaDY of tho mioor d~ m en III P ekm Alfrel\ remembel1l hate and th Ir owners t urbanccK lo which, the people of lobe tal.etl pror_ to hay become All shoc lll ilke l'ri 111 nl~ lOll ; nil HOhhe '" 10 rea<lily is owmg to 1118 belD* tbe fJupll PII It!· III Alllrelllll o r Wn N!tl W of a teacher. of the art o( reIIIl' mbenng IICIJI1stomeU. It WAll moet Ylgoton. In hlo. but IJI)lII e or the wav. appear to thlDga wbtDI he Willi • ooy have IIWE'lltove r-or under--Indfaila and A III::NN l( t:n Ellg h hlllllll, lnt c ly lIeD E U' and dumb men clan/I. fltu nd IIhnoll~. W ma), KUppoIIlI \.haL th..---I\R('d lit 1111111, hll" "rc" kcd pUllLh UIIIOII~ revcngr upon 1111\ WlelOW by lcuvlllg hfty tIluch IIb.w in Teua,an1~ ReC(lllll y, WeMtern a liI I Soulohw tern 8",,," are ODe or dMIIl wu Ijehn g In bl8 hahle In I h ~ perturbaUolIII, lUI IIl1pt IOIIIIdK Ill'r 1\lIIHIIII I{) !Je I'xJlf'lllrcd III wll a ..... whlJ rtwlth to ear.JlIAkl'l' have b(won frequell\ In U.a' re1111\ 109 IIl11urnllll <llrgeH rllng, With lIIul potke t li ed clapl)!'"', from trl e !lbbey chIme .. 1111 COIlImlllllCllte 1111 WSftbl, a IlaLlve hot glOD, a n~ III J 11, dOrilll &lie fUDQtIII dill' 100Ig lIpoll lhe IIlIIlI\el'8llry of hl8 him JI1 tho band, on tile uppotlltlon lhat New lladdd Nnhqute,.. atea' of counL..,. Itre&cb1DJ "-_ a.ad... wedding day, and JOyful peal8 cele- he wa gelling aul a weapon. .,uth of t.be 0IU0 liYer . . . ~ ... brate the recurrence of Lhe dllte of hIS deatb, which releoue<t lIim from JIIalr,' mOil""""'" ......... teJrIIJIiIl.~~
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·" IH' II III t'r" u1 ... " . • 't' 1fi al'Cr ·1.Il'd . lr . ...1 M.• · nll .c \I , 10. ~ lr h pi IU, _ tJlou~h bl! Jdt hUUlt! til!'~ rl' \ '·~U l lIl·I\IIIU I. 01 N \' l" IO, ple 7 -. ,' 1•. 5.,. 13 bill UppvilitW'-'lIt 011 tit ("lIvwinl!( - Mr. IU It! M...... J. \. l 'ri'pill .or l 1l1I1<or. A 1'0.. t .. ) wn . 11 .. 1''''110" . dllv Ilt Wudillll, abvut tul'tV th" , illil cli ' illci llllu'i lu .. t w~ck. .In .l' I'-'I~lIl1t l By CARL WAGNER'61 r l ....0. ! lUi)e ' ~ t uf hi. h"mc ill li\·trvit -C' I'will ~,.t.'''' ·1 dir ' ·tors 1* ' In I PM'P'1 riM • .,: _. 0 1 tillll' IllU E,· . T it... I" 1 b, e. ' .. ~. " ... '" . .... c . . Yo: .; 1.uke, llill. TIll hlld 11 IUlI,,1 ti m" . t. :.. 5 p r IllY~ I' ll'" "Il tl" l dl r . Jl"ol~lrtion IlI rdl . ~yll)hl.: t- 'JI'Ii. \ .d ' Ii.. ~l . ~,~ , I. ·11. ~ ' . ~.-o:l_ I II oJ l It hvlliillg .crvic\· am.l I r "lIdl ' _ .\uf r • I';.' IIU D_ ( 'ul ,k ' , ll l' '1' 11' • I . . n ,hl' " " '':" or I•• • ••• \ I , 1.,,11 .•_, clA. P ...".(lat a lidcAe , ~ . III P. . . '111 tlllle In OM \ "'ue l i" uF I g.Il-I. h ., l' '' ~II 01u •~ oJ . 1<1 ill' tW Iet\, \1/ III ·h \\,11 Ilu itu to. ·1· 1III·.l'tl· ...... 1'.11 t U \" 11 ' UII I II ' . I 50 ·t.... n do 001 lop tilt II I" I l[ ".. " U • tin" IIIl,ny rrx oor Ie ' ro. r~ I ,'II". < . • • , 0 o n ~II. . much. i Ill'X! (.i lltU ICllt \\ 11 g. , 11""' 1 ' 1 '\\\' ' w ' I.Ecbue. h/lUI " ,,' 1',IIi •• d • • _ 10 e l l I 0 , llulaDd . 0 G " ' CI, rr,them.ll. . L" k I r . - ~ r". E. A . Dudlc uUi!i\1 he\' ,J Tra\a 50• • J a lld II run D 'und o, • I tt 'le)lIar - ; .' . \ I Il vt /!I,\'(J u p ~ ta ul c lur r lit 0 11 rCll II llul t ' rlll • lu lOe. I will By CHARLES KIN1{EL: I '0• • 1, II , li ' lid 7 f Ull d ny, tlt h ' llJC uf UI.' ItI&; th l.'ru till rhu r . d ,I d " 1 ' • A WllI ' I '\ 'l' ul\ 0 \\' r ' lIn ' " lit. · u r<., :J!> c l _ JOS. ~. ·'t . EY. r:" Lel AgeD I . n.\', lU ll uy vI' hi e tho - l\. . ~ t J 'I , ' T" I ... • r I'IUI" P.. I ~ ... r' wi 3~ U&()RO~ ' 'J:...I L"t'g. E". AJ;',~. I. • On the Mlllldn," I1nlll' IllllJ itlt' \' 1' 11 II \ ' hn () lJ I ' u.1 ZJ.1 • ll illI ' t\1 -MJ ... d ,I'l 0;'111'1 1 1''.. 1 ~ .1luttlo\'ll all rett .. llan. r~ r Jo:~ I _1Ie1 l'iorlh <:10 ,It 9011. hi ' la,t ~'-'r vice. hI: ' \'I'u t: ,IIi" bUn ; IlIwl ~· . • d \\·It·, .C \\' · J UIII.'. Ibe Fl uwe. ,.f Ki ' d~ ••. I D• • J;; Ct.l . In Cadwallader's New Building, Main Street • .,.al ror IIlta"d A .o thF~II~~.II~: H;: " ·'1 am ilutr' r i ng w ith au un - ~ I'l:!. lIu·thu AuJ 'r 1111 hilS t l'a rl' 111111 w i~. i l inll lJ i 'y L.• ""1'" n ... lhlUU . ~ UI C, a\l_ , 35 CIa . cummon lv 'e ' ore col d . .lo ur VI II I.' III'1'iv 'd hUIII , IlceoUlpllll il:o With ,i ~· nllu duughte J os£'ph llj 'l'Y, · .\"gd \' i~i ll . 1I0 muuutl . 50 d • • • a ...,. to:T L. Rlil"",'.... II tllll\: , pa t. Ilily 11I 1l~rs 11lI\' b l! ' 11 in uer I. .Johll cur Blldwit'v,T> CUlI'on By B, MAYLATH: ..-., "II .. M II EI 'I. ~ •• •• •• •• •• n lCnm ·• o~ ... ;1 lf\.r 0'1' . 1/ . Ilch a cunu" 'lt 'IOn tl la tIl( 'rcad plI b rtl llnd Oel. le.lnl,.1 MA ...·I.. :111 CI A. II H '/lg/J D'H ' I. 11) - "\1 t·. l''. . • " 03 1' 1 n IlUll tb C t'111 t R IlgC":! I\IIU wili:-..uah J.\.\l I Ii Li 311 ...." u.. n. IJcllking, und BIU ~"U1et lll1(, cubullI'e Ulld cucutll ber ' wo hu\" w if , ' c, r(je lIu tvn nlll I l'' ,_oof . Ih\1' Vull,·,·_ . R N.wItu/, ,,,,. II) r l.t _ .,. (,I u'k on 1m u wii". J •, . lih -to" .III~ " '. ·s . <\'el c _ . ..• . ': O I NO II ..... . ulmo t 1l'lI1 pt d t il yi du Iv tit lIecu till I!a UII. U,e ll m l.lt ud . llo '~"II I1 . .11111 N '" X o J ~. d si r ' vf I' ·til·ing from. u wvrk , - ~Ir. U. Leak uud Mi ' Flora \ . 11 i 'c ' "nd \\' Jury ICIt· ·~wa~ , ni .. ;,: 0 1 ~ho lIiolli. 1: , mOllee. ~IJ cll! . -, 00 J. * " \\' e~t 1_1"'_IrI. _. RUlu._"e . • 411 ' 1. . . ,. " P t1I wlti!;h _is tI labol'iv lI nt.a. p. ill tul U!uk laIL"l' h 'O tl " ' uuillg It f .w 0 111. 11.1. lu l" u I III 5 I ~ In to t~O_ , . • • d llYs ill Morl·ow. F rin '" pub. ..... Q • 11 :2 1 p m " ,rv II • bt,,:, UIl'" 101111 t r . ho BaIlJ , ) - ~lr. Wi llialU H ctl1llic k i tin· n ali I . J~ .~!) : ::: dl\l'l ng 1111\ !ltckll ' c : is hillg up It id cu luwudi ons rcsideuc() pRI)('r r (If\ico in. Bv WILL. S. HAYS, We have h IlIgh t, UIIU i ntenJ tu keop 0 11 Imll,l. n full linl) vI' Furn ... S o!> . nl "I want y VII to . re p vrt ~ ~ho Utt F l.lurtJI street. I vu v08 collsidleru axpllll U t~ the Atl'l' lfoR OP MOL LI E, \}AR U :O; : 1.1 1' tho very be,;t ,,,udit ·, IUlllllt IU! . 2, A m p\·oJ.llel 1 lllll lll'lc' t ly Imtl sh "u , 1 · !1'.M 11" S 'd I I uid publishl·r!I. living ' SONGS & 1l0BUSES, 35 I:N'fS EA u: with the rul lgiou 1 huvu - t I~ IS . V Ie I I.'~ W 10 ; . Ilnd kn owing I)[RrI.t. i"o O r~v_ 1 trll tl'<1 iu MI ~~unll , plac 11\ our . f' .1 ( '1 I Putlhl) ItIKM Jon ft O ,h.. \\' b~, 1 1~IGUlll~ , • n S Ibe. . VI' ", Ie r (~' 1 1)o rll lIl1rli llg . ' t' .. 1 f! itt , wll.l th is illl i- BIO rtll' Y ~' "cb ree . · S I t Ill' ru 0 our 01 Iztms VtSltCl t' tll ft l' I' SII" - Tltu ~Iaid of A" onrh,I._ 1011 , u ' WI lere 1 -8 til)' L OH dO II~ T 0- N" .'.' lJ Ii 8.lv I 'w ut X enan ' UlD J uIlit 1,\oUutrl 118 call be r. lIml in ully rourkot. oriptiolld ' , ' Ig hI? lind MUl'row IU8t week. I 21) ct:s. l or " illl:. rh r kiC8 . ing. ,.... ' r l'UI' uOl~tu.lNI'f "''' ioIlUI frum JU Il' \\,1 " '11 Li ttle )I .. ", ; ~ Die d . II lWl·nty·four li Ul before I -Mr. IIl1d :hlrs. liUrllIUII Mill ' \lory [ A I.lOU nud .1 11 0m . , ._ 1 Bureaus, Tables, Stands, Sofas, Bed:It e 1'0 \;) fro"' his bcd' i ( 11 M :Sd M.,i ncr\'a K > iI) urdved .Icijll i.,. Ihll F lo wer o f Ih . Oe ll . .... Th e ~chool H Ollge III ti l" D~II . steads, Mattrasses and, In fact.I Everything l Ilcrodl the rovm, s~atcd L el'e yE'tlrl!rtluy tJ'om 'he West, ~IllA'fH ~v IN H'I W I> '- IE b f 5'1 Tb cis. in line from 1It the table, and requlltltcd I - MI'. Matt. McKill~ey bad a Thief oong In ·t Frida y Y his wite, "to haud h im ' vllry II vel' bilioull atwck last I morlling lit lilt,.\, II lung ' A llie 1I,,, lillg. ~lJn!l '~ chI) .. H P. ll1l ll k~ . ao Child's Rockinf,-Cbair' tQ. a I IUld paper." e .. wCl:lk bu t ill II OW cUUValll:lCellt. 1iJllle d thlnl I ~i ~ r '- ~ \\'!'~,~u~~~ )c~:;:~i.'ull~II~',~· ~ i$tcr Y full set "~s .ho sut at the table, with lUlluel Everly louves ' ~ullilltl wero ill tn lite IIII ry- ort I" Urc"m. " ' ;',eot \' ole" 0,,11. . P.CtlCI~ Itl bnnd , tl~e ~l1n Itud not I hel'o to duy to spend tIle SIlUII.U.lll' t IIIg'gl'OIWd lit dvilll: Otl ·at. Mc_ ' Ollg .lId ·1,O,U8. J)~lI ks . 30 . 1i-'::::;==:::;:;-;.:.~.::Ift;_::;;.;;_~.~ rl eu.. he .I lt lookll.l gut thec,n t- I I• U Jud"II, GI'cen" Couuty, " ' I'S' Urdu)' . _ I _\!' ylOf l hc al>o l'I' mRil ,·d .. ~o"l- pnld. .. ..... • '" '"' 'l' r t' cl ' ll'l o f til !.! 111111 k, J pi i c t.! . f' ICCl' 1'\ ulUrked -- . er n _ky 'yblch was tit::ry r!!d. lh!lt, l· coUilin. , - - , . • h" ,' •. l'iclUr~ lill" 'I'I' ~e~. ,\ dd" " g FaRlIl).· ·lh:utNO (Hiok8lt~).-M ting I tblllk, sugg(''fIted th ~ thought With ! . . . '. lltc,)' m'c III! t [l nell II nlu,;~ I .1. L PETE"" , 13 11 r,'nll .. o'·. N. r . ~-< ,...tliriD~wol'3hipeverr,Fir t IInd.F " I·th which hOCWll /HlIlCC : 11 - .M.r. Walhel nO~er8 Ut'l'I~'cU , Uleddlillg with po:itulluw . It -. - .. ~.ul e 1 J)r,y. ~lQ)iD« ,.' 11 0 l?C }\N";-DIIY N ' {'o. .R R f 1 hOUlt It·uOl Ellrlhll.tn Coll ege, RIch· CU::It tell cenl:l! ill~tcllli ur tivu, . . ~, l I;., 1f'(1T.i f) I III CO tlll'uC;' I UII with tho l< ~ tlrlliturc &!taulislullIlIIt, we Ilre p~ . Iehoola.014loqlookA. lI. uR1Hl!.HN Am., 1 . ., mouu lustThul'Suuy tvsl'eud va· I d 1) 0 J IU ~",Al ~ ~~ ~ .May 5th 1 ;5 I ' 'r to ~II U •• ruu 1' 1' tv "ttl-I\U nil mill ill the . ,,' ~I 1I\'en ly ' \lrctlc . . .ruy, l catioll . William . l "Come .- Mr. Kiudlo, fSprin dolhu·d. What. I. they JlI next 1
'V \''Yr
( lIl(),
of Furniture,
aut or OlVer . rea
I .
IDE VI1"!'- &
ry bt:a~I~Y 1\11 ~It:.oll~h fi~ld Obio, fUl'loorly a ' rel;lidcllt lIud 0\ cr. the \HltCld, 1 tla i.. phlCQ. ia on a \' isit to Mrd. A. aud . spe.nk 111 . the unlvoJ:'Sal. IIIII· I B. Mcrritt. ~ I!;uug 01 lov6 to all U1en! I eel. 11.1 . .. . dyillg lIli sionary, who has IOllg , :-Mr. 8. C. Le~~cy, 01 Cuba. folt his greu.t incupacity, and t~lIt" 1 C1I11WlI county, . ~blO, hll~ .. ed to hIke r pOllHibility, now l eugaged tp ~eMch tho CorwlU heartl distinctly God'lI authoritativu 6'1 bvu1 , ncxt tel m. ' . voice. -lh-.,N, N. Mosher en tcrtalDcd , 1 tJavo fullen with tho .P. M. ~~or some ti me past ' BDd king hud become to me wk. My Inng8 Ihake
lo~r fi
we I1ru
tb~e tunsbl •.
EItlrvcysbllr~ 1 repurts.
- shorter. \ I
I murk .t, .
/ ___ 1hllving pUl'clll\scJ 11
new Hcardc and
. Durial Cases 8(ul wilu uf
with u lin e a svrtmc llt vf T"imlUing ' uf llll
full line of the \'cl'Y be~t
('~ aske~~, . kiIlJ~.
Aru IlrC,)" ,ed 10 oJlI ti r , · dn.RS work i:t "II " . c shall ondclu' ur tel do our loc~t t tl III1:rit thu IUI'vr vl'!l1l wifu of uraue\tU8 "r lll ' lJu. illu " . NEW W ORK ON !lAN\) ~'OR · AU;. c~lll un Ul!. W o IIrc ultlo pr pur d t du all kitldtl ,,1'
April i llt .
wit,. III lly
Upholstering, and Pictur~ and Looking-Glass Framing; •
To'tniiJ~11I I>etl!oti ...~ &
to his abundant many will cull him . blessed. THE VERY BEST Ibrte<,,,k,Pr!! OpP()J'tunlty . wus offered him lately Flour .. ' ean be lice IIIln ndnt d on Hhort I1' ltic.u by 1\ til' t' Chl . \VlI l'klll,UI. $ :J,25 tleuret,•• y. . to retire fl'o m th is· hul'u fi eld to a W hc;t, W f.1 Wlll'rllllt nil w\ll'k to gi vc I::intislacti oll _ ~ . • ~ I comfuJ'taule pusitiofl ill un est'ab-Dou't furget Mavol' Dudson'd Rye 1 ~~ Beef. Veal, Mutton and Pork, ('ell'.' Ii hed plll'i h; llnt he hellrd no all " ( Jorl; ; Prolllpt Ilttcution paid to call , .~t all 11')111'0 (·ith ' r at tlae 5 @ 05 ~it'klle~1 ptC ..."I. e'·e,·ywhere. n. nd e" cry' of uuty in it, and refused. .Muyallcti(Ju of ready-wudu Clolhillg, Outd, 5u @ 60 tho c.)uutl-y .. nords : ",ul ll ll wi I he kl'pL 01 ut MI'. W t:cl"s iu Corwin: ' Iood, compl. 1us ·of ~o ne 1!ileaSIl d\l.ill~ tlt~lr b L d f h I lints, CIlPeI, uud gt:utlcmllf\ 's fur· . life. Wben slolt.. tile oujcc,·wn.s to 11'( well ; t c ' or u t 0 mrve t sClid 1J1uny ui,dlillg 'guodl3 generally, 011 Silt. Fill)! Sccd, 1 60 OLEAN AND NICE . DO~' we .. y phlilll), that 110 P"tiI0U in this such Illbol'ers illto his hllrvest I U J I 17 It '11 b , . 13nl'ley. , 1 :l5 raJ 1 50 .- -----world 'hnt 18 ~lItrer'uj( ",I~h I)Y "II lI~ i •• U \'el' ":"Eo. IIr I1Y, 11 Y . WI en great Potatoes, nmp.lallll.nd \I s eft'ecl ~ .au ~ h nd ludi ~ , . tslaughter. 1 :olO AI ~o . ,11011, ()o.llv ene~l . Iuk Hon,lache . OUr SIOM· M S E S· ' . lov er Seet.l, 7 :!5 tD~ch, Q c"rtburn.. 'Pnh,It.:,t;'\U or tho ~Teart, Al-on's uRT .-The following I·il. . '. t:lCO gives noblce Timuthy Seed, 4 00 FINE SUGAR-CURED IIAMS OOl're8 s ed piri ~"BiIlou8ne8B . & • •• ciln ,ln ke C:U Ci! of druuketlu esd Oil tile strtlet that shll iij p re l'lli'ed 't~ . d o pilliu Onllnel Coal, delivered, OR&... ·~ AUGUST .· Lo l\-,a w,lhout gclt ;oll were t.lil:lposed of by Mllyor Dod- \lewiug of nil kiuds, ilH;ludillg '28 R8>i~rrQ~dJ~ relli!f .Dd cure. Jr >'OU eI,)uhl Ihi$. g !> to ' on since our last.' . pluin dl'e8s'makin", and reClllestd Yvughiogt'ny, ',' 20 wbole or loy tho elicu . Giv(1 me "call. ,Our Drn!!!I.,. A. Vo. ... • lId g~t R , ~D1pl~ ., Hoelting VIIlItey, " - ' f l l l.JEHU MULLIN. 1G.t M'lI'oh 17. ~Mtl. ~or \eu Cl.llf~ aDd try' It·. Hegul.r Thollllls Leonard WIlS up oun .the public to plltrollize hQr. Pt!rry ()lIunty (Joal, SIIOR'J'EMT A NO Ql'ICJ!ES'i' .Ize '" ceu". Tl\"o do. os will r d io,'c ~o ... cblll'f,e. of ubusiog his \vife aUlI hel' Il clIII. Hit ItcJUTF. TO Sui t, pel' bun-cl, 2 00 -p~; ;;';'--;·':('r_i.-- .-. filmi y. ' The Chlll'gO being ~llS ' -MI'. Elbha Uooka WIlS thrown Wool, 40 ® 45 W .'SIIiNGTO~ " BUT.MURt=i ,'he,.I. no Illed icill •. Vr!ls cl'il'ed by ph.I·, i. tuillcd. OUI' \' u(Jl'Il.ble friend \\'IlS from hi~ horse last Saturday, !Iud Turnips, W 1l( ILES " 1. E 40 'rhe ElulOt nu .. . OUI .. -I::I .... 01.. by Dru!!gl. I• . lh.L , "rri . . .ucl, Jined $10 alli:! c ts, n'l\king $~(j. 1 quit e sel'i ollsly hlirt, tho ,w in'lul Apples, bnrrcl, 3 0 ~ UCcC" .nd upcrior ,·irlu., 5. 111 defuult of IJuymeot. T. L. fallitll' on him Illld cru~hilw h iltl , rJ . . . . .--'iLJIo~~ IIII& '8 Ot ali AS S VIIU I' f ll" Severe d .. ... .. "ga, . o NP li N 1::11 'I'AlILI!:, '1' ,mO U(l1l ·rttAI~S. (j 0:.1 JEWELERS [ .OPTICIANS 7T::1••",.... on Ib e Urel\~I, Oun- WaS incnrcerate in the culu\)uosc bUdly. Wo trust the injuries nl'e _ __ =--~ - -"--'.-.. ..:.~. V1.\ I' . H." F.lt '" It t'ltl:: AlAY :U _ 1.'14 _______.... • ullrtlitlon, or IIny dl,e",[o l1r'tr,e 'I'f" oll'tllnd to r 35 duya, . at .75 cents a duy. nut unngcr \lB. . " " ')lllesvllle "I ....ker". e a a Y.1 . . ._ F~uu LIU ' .~.~ ~ e: A; ' Ilrour of Llilit r'ftcL is Ih.t nny We lt opt: lac Will ew'rge there· --Mr. Horaco M. Allen IIITh" Butter :25 Spe<:tacl o. , '1'0111:,; &- l\'latel·ials. ,; .;" d 1) ,; 1), . HI () ,"\:~~C~C~r~UI;1 gO;u~~~Pel~o~~t~:~r~~~ frum II wi olm' Ilnd bt!tter mlLll. ed home 110m Del!Lwllro Thurs Lurd 15 s . W . Cor. Sixlh alld ~[lIln Ht. . nui" _ z ~~ 88 ~ Lve li iu" irl!l llti !. :'."t A In 1/ :n, . Pili "ullnllthecegular.i1.". • ' 75c,.tll~. IIhll •. ~Ilturday, G eurgeBoovel'cumcdny , having grnduatcd from thc EE(gs 12 . GINOINN ,\TI.O . =1 =,:.: t:":~o A"" . CI,lIl k olloo I 1:1 rill I III Am 1.",1.,' buc,! IOlr.odu(lt'd In Iltl8 coulltry rl'om f1'0U1 Red Lion with the IIvuwed U niversitr: thet'C. MI'. Allen WIlS A)JpJ(!d. 75 V(, rI 81111),,1 11 r,55 .. \II 211 .. UermaJll, and ,f. wonderful curo. llliJ ... 1011 · i ' k ' k' b' f ti ... 0 1lecso JAML'S W LJAINES. M ., D _ ..~ " )1"ri.·ltll :i 9.5 j~l.iu eyt,.·,on~ thllt utfelol it~ Thrt·c dO:lcl'\ a>url)()Se 01 Ie lllg up a It 0 a rdt un t 10 het; Ius oration 'vas 18 ~. 1-, 5:.111 "111 :::::9 .. ' ·, or~e .. hll ' g .., :10 .. :. ::u " -III reI! ve 11111. CGee. Try IL. Rold by A . sl1iudy urid rositltitlg the ofticel·lI. entitled "U ndertow," Ilnu, we . Ham!!. 14 ee -: 0 ",,Au', Urllftuu !I Jr, " II ~ O .. Doll, Wnyne.",lle. . Coustilbl \J HI1I·tl!ock didn't sccm tt) doubt not, was B scholarly effurt. DI'ied Beef, g:. @ 25 UOIUa;OP.4TI"(l ~~ z .. O., kl.",1 '11 ~4 .. ~ 1:5 ;g :;; ~ !.?·8 II :14 11,· r Pnrk I I 1:1 •. I .-, . OUII,I>,·")" 11 1'1 .. ~=~:!=-4i-= .. • upprovtl ot hi s beg . inning of hos· We cOlIgmtulllte onr friend upon / .. _ • III II ~ ABO . ' I"'V ,,,I I sn .\m 2 (til " . PUM1':-Jobu O. ~tullffer, tilities, aud suddenly swooped going thruugh tho University with ~ k~ (;,t \;,.h q . ¥JU =- t !i ,. ~'" ~ tl arpe r"fj F', 5 j !! .. 4 56 .. "\\''' ' hill!ll...... l lU .. Ilgtu!t tor a mull tID fo~ee down upou him with the majesty ao Ulrich crodit to himself aud ii· OfHue lit Re.lr1cnc~. G 6(1 " )! ichmomJ 1:10 I·OJ. ~ dOllJg a Jurge IIIDd·office of the law, I\ud bore him off unre- 1l111·ly gradnuting with the "bighellt l, __ ~_,,~_ .. ,;-_______~~.:......__ ~~ W.'~.nlll". .~' ~~. -=: § ~ .. lI,dtlmvl'C /I 411 :Iolll . H tow liS. al.ll.d ngly to tlae calilboost!. Georgo bonol'8." mil . . . ~ iii 0 &.'8 ~ ~ .... ~I ill \\" " Uli fl /.: tV II &2 J7 Pm . I .. 1·I,II " d.,ll' loI " I , 0 .. hke a forgot to blllly, .or else like Fal. -We notice that Dr. E. F . Dn· ~Ule~. ~~t;v;> ~ 1 .. 0 " .. IS ", .0 il ;; t1 .. N. w Yur k staff cOllcludl!d that discretion kin since IIcqniring the Lynch . ii. ' 1=1.1 l~ ~.l~ ~ 'ai]1~ .:. .. !JUI "''' r ~~tel' plU·t 01' vILlol'" even I propcrty on Third street hilt! Illude TIIIKD STIlEE..•• NEAll JUIN. S ~ ':;iia~~o~~j8Qit ! ~ iIIIWIi!L'tlrrn- cdck 01' tho walk · ~f Retl lgreat ianprovementl! tbCl·'e, bOlh in -": CINCINNATI, OHIO. =..! .. I ' -IA UI'. . Lion; \\'hich ~'ns good jlldgemer~t I a.() 11'1\ tmd. all arol1nd the pr~mise8. __~ _____ _ _ . e~ 00 P Ell D.A 1' . .3 ! a a: : : : : : : .~ I_ • IIIg on tho )Jurt oi Gco Hoover. Hlil 1ho Dt·. IS B gentleman ot taste, M.""ufl1,,turo. all kinde or Brow! & Ouk e ' ; -: ~ """ ' E-o 1 ,Lv,' . ' '0 111 011>" • . recommclld It also. penalty \l'U>! $5, aud $2,50 co~t~ . und likes to see everylhing neut dully fur W"yn ... illv l<od tbc.urrouudiug __ ~_~ ~,U"1i:8 W.tT!lON. P ........ _ ':I ~ ~Si:~p~~$. ~~ ' tl 0 ~ !Ar,'. 'i C'\oIO ~ byallmcuns. (Jome IIgain, Geo,rgoj but kcep IIl1d cumfvrtah.lcuhollt him', 1l.1Id I ncl!Clt.w.l'h •.•u.l. Sl'oci~J.'uttclllion i....ivc n =::. Z .. ~ oo .... "" c oo oO'" 1-5 . ~ IL' o :-i ,,"01 .. k) _ _ / ;a ..:.CJ ! (J II -I"h '"i lrc III Oi ., sby of thc BIlle GOOSI), and don't when ho deslrce to nccompiJtlh I·tu I Ullll . Jling • •• , _== -II '" _. 8 ., )~ 1.'II fi cl,1 •• OltPH4111S' HOMy..-It is plet~\'Unt mi~d mllk.-ing . Il noise. W. c. have llllythillg in the way o_f bcauti(Yill g / CAKES· FOR WED . DINGS ,uga ~'ffi'lJ, l( m'l,'~rrST 1;; J . s e: Ii! ~ S S : : : . c ' An •••. ' :I. ~ ) ! lO 1:01. I tI'! 51 Ir, .\ III . k' I II un d emu'· • ~ ~~~ -l!!, .. 001 .! Ii,Ii, ' .-:i01 0 o ,.· Z'OI U~ l'c ' il' . "I :,0 :1; .. to lee B good woman UdSOCIU tCd n~ t Ive nOIScs HI gl'eut u fli cloncy; a Ilome, IIe I lasl t 168 AND PARTIEQ -. _ ol ~ . ~ = I: ~ ~ 0 ~~8"'0~QOO"'0 O.l 'l.ti J 5r, .. ;1 I ~ with a go d work. !:Ii8tcr Mel I sa don't nlleJ to im)Jort uny. gy neccssllI'Y to achiev e th o dCt!irod on hort n t' IIII~' Fir8t Nat i() a/ [j k B 'ld,' (3 Z li - e; ~ '\'J 'i'i ~'i'i 'i'l -:-: ~ " ...~ .. Wlo cc lill ' Ii HI ro .... :; a', ~ . M. Hatfield, the mutron of the - - -_ e . rusult. • ",'ce. lID eep . n a ll U~ ~n!1,.:: II <._::~- ~~:r:>:C 'i '~ CD " , ; , •.rtOIl ~ i l,,;, , . II ~ ) .. Warrell Countl' Oh_io, OrpLta.ns' .A.t.1l rC'll, ulur rneetl.ng ot W. nyuc - MI'. Pcte l' Sellers has declincd I , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. 0 1 .• ..------.. -------------- --..... is ;:e ,. 0 .11. 1"'111' ' 11 4 .. 11 :14 " ~, and I< oupl'l, of e : : : : J :': S <ISCl .'..- Cu Ile"mloerl'.1 I' Pn" ~ /II :.11 '3 _\10 .. 1. 11 47 .• Home, is so en isted band, hcnrt, oIV~S~OI1 N o . 391 IlC ld ut t Ilell' IIII. 11 to take the PI'inciplIIship of ollr tit 1111 h<ourl', ..- - - - - - ,, - - ~ ;,; .... .i: '.! UII IHII. and 80Ul.. She is spa.riol-{. no. pain._,; on Fr.'~u.y e,:eulIlg, July.2d, the schoolll.t $0001\ year. MI'. Se.lI.eri! Sta Ie d J~ G . :>0::> "' . ,g;a .. HIUP ·81. ·y ;. tI ! .," 4;i6 " to make It a mo dC1 1I18tltution III ,.10llu \~I . we be le ve hnd beenP rccclvlllg I .an ' ancy rocerle8, .. .. ~,. 0 .. ,Ig ofti ccre were lOS t a II cd i , I _... ;z; "'! " ' "' "" , ':! 1-1.:.. WA~llt-h~I("1 7 10 .. Ii r.o .. ' tl Ie ensUlIlg . t crm; SOlO ut SIJrlllgboro ' . U' PI " •III 0..,,, a" a"n" "...."_,,, ••"'e .... .Id ..,_II ~ '" '= ... 'f' ~ g overnmellt order mvraI .lufluence, t 0 Bcrvc d nrlllg and it wus .....,. "'"' Th 0 h'It( b e8 t, ",,"rllot r cet! pa,' ... T.lrd " ,. ...... . . _I: "0 ::: ..•. Rlehll'Olld O"lIiRlurc I ;lfl -10 P"" ARl . 4 M '\nI _ ' and Chrlsttuu . .' 'od H fl' , ..r P G~o W H k . ' ca.h or tra<io, for (.iOUlItFy Pr./dllce. ~ d -I : . d ,,; -I S. .. _ H :tU pill . go . or e orto ,y . . , . . . . aw o. beollu3e the dIrectors thel'e hud Q • O· B k WAYN ~S VLLI.E. ... " "'-:''' " tI • ",'" " Wilming~.u 1:1 17 pm. I :11 AlII . are appreeiatc.d by au Intelligent W. A. N . oab Bowman. ..cfll · d to advauce, that he made _ . __u.:.I~.!.._':~ _ 0, 1'y~ OfJ'er8 h'is Prof08Hionlli Servl"~. to tho Ol't,'. ;»0- c,>I.:: aI .. '" 001 ::a 0 •. I'hllll(l'u I :.~I .. 9 :15 .. R R S G G d ~ ~ I ~ ~_ .. !lew Yllrk r. [Ii .. 6 nr. o' public, and blessed ~y I i:~ldwbo A' Ii' S eRn U iJ applicutioll tllr this school, the :e~rl:~c:iO~:i~YPc,.Ha~iu~hnd :f~rty.yeK~ Z ~ ~~~~~~ ~ "liMo n .i 60 Am . G 110 VIII' lapremely lovcs the itt e c 11 rell. F' S G" eil · salary ot' whORe Principal hus for 4: I bl III b I !II. till wbo m~y ll1v~r .him w~tbeu"!lilt ao~6.1 .~ t<:l Sieter Hatfield tells ' us tLlat tho " , eo. 11m t(lll. IllIle years boen $1000. But ~Q5 )lOlla C .,elt rr QUu _ _ _ __ ___ _ ,... ~ PaUmaD'. Palaoe Dra~Il,..Roolft> Stmaa.y School H erald ill a pleas· Treasllrer, HeDry Sherwood. this year it occnrred to the Direct· lEl.A\lIm-lIDm.1I!~mllm SETH W BROWN i ~~ ] C! and 81eepiDi c..c." ant oompanioll f, ='. bcr d ar eltH~ou~ueto'A..Oyrae ThV~~n. 0fiI tbat they had been little too lllv· -""N lIT., _•• _ • •• WA.-N.J.LL.. '.1. , ~ ,.J F.IIIII SL Loui_, OiudolUltl Ol/Ium " u I " dren. Tb~)l1gb fatluirle~s the little 81stant vuDdactor. lola Keys. iah thl) Bchool fund, and tbe H' _ ---0-. . if ' § . .~ ;Cl j I Wasbington ud Baltimore, Hera.l(wIH . tt:to POlOt them to ~ber1y. ::f.lClllwordretl'Cllchment result· daS'I'-(I~ttin•• lhir-DreMlJlg.Sh&n:lpo'"nl! ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'il ~"",,· L .. ~ ~'8Q~~o· .....: I .W11'HOU'r CLIANGE La b f tl aI.S.,~ S J d D Bergnu ' ' . . an haying. dODe lin the boflt .t)'le of the 0.1> _ ~ HilD wbo 18 a at er to t e a Icr· O· .• " b _ ' ed. b cutting down the PrllJclpal's T OO!IOriai Art. 2711 ANT> NO ~19.3.a 2.~ ... ~llol l r ,.. . Through Tlc\;UIlIMud lilfI'll'. iDfo.mllro .. I... »a,GodblC118 our sister in bap-,aawScbDebl . I'y by . $ 100. We al'l:lsorry - - - - .- - -- -;..:-.,.--- _ JJ TARYPUBLIO. ~~~.!~~6~Aiil] ~ I ~ callbeOlJ&ala.dat.Il~.inOIJlf.l l.lokel()6. ber,ooct work aDd the cbildren - - , ••• lIr. Selle.rs did Dut nccept, tor the MISS RACBllE R EBRIGHT 0 " .. MdI_·. ,,_. BailoiJ. ., I ~:'rt~h::f.hout "'. a I" 3~h"'.' an<lbom a tra.ting publie b!'ve l at Motber S rt, of SpriDg6el~ c of the 8chol)l; but of course . . . .... "' _1_ ~. . ."__ A I OMBTINO ~EW ITH. . . . . ."_1f,.. ... S, ....... . .IU t be rIVCII ddressed ODd OOieaee u~ . .... Do ' .-Ide ... (.r ."-•10 I.HI. -- - , W w:. ........... OR... 7" 1II'OM." TO IHI Wo~t. Pasi. AgeDl, een. Tick... Afi·l. AD im ...... rtaot time a , a g _ a I.t is his interest to get a.1I be cau IIlil:Ja I ' . ' . . 0 _ ~ OloolDtllll1 0 SII1I-:.. d• r l- ttl 01 lurc.., ... .Q_-.1 ..... '" , ./ __ I , • _ . , I OD, COn fided ~ blUE er ~. 'AU"" ... IIg, tur "teaching the youug I.doas bow 1 WA1fN."....... ••••. SkI tllllp':31 _ 11 j!" - 'lilIf:I;t;tllill'JiUII] ._~_._._ . __ ..__ I ; ='. . Adllru ", \I .alle lIlt til "''' ' THuS, R :-;}-IA PI', -Ht-raid o~ Gotp,l Llbtrl!/. on the subject of Te rance. to shoot." 'j?fifIli) lt''''''' ""rillA~""'" '''. t nl by w~,1 ror If) iii. 1'.. U. F"Ilu. M. II.. I. : ••• llJ8,l'Iew "or" C'h, M" I,'r "r T.an"p'..t"LloII, N"'U...I
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.lUIletoUl PatieD u ill Europe. the W ..t lDeU.., the Dominion 01 CaDac1a, and in eveJ'f. Stat• 01 the Union.
ADVI CE CIVE N BY MAIL FREE OF CHAR CIE. Ifo .......rlal _cIt>OI Of doleWrlou. cInlll'l DIId • au cl"rln,lba pUt tw.nl), ,ean treated .~ f ull, .01.1, Clul.. 40,000.. .- AU ( . . .. ""'" . ~ witb ~ach cue aro ,:and'bUI ru00r4t:d. _beth_ lbe, be oolrunuuleaLed. b, Idf.tJ1' or ta J*W1l. or obMl'fed b, 'the Doctor or bJI -...oclat.e ph'......... Tile lall..- u. all _ ..lUo mecllool
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Dr. E. B. FOOT E. 80. 7 81, New York.
"\( ~ R I (~( i l:r ( 'I ~ , \ I ,
DL W'oora u. lb. aulhor 0' U MaDICAL Cow· .0" 8n..." • book th&t ftacb~ a clreu.l.tlou of ower 160,000 CUplllI t &1.0, vi , I l'Ul" 80"-.
T.u.a," ......
ll\lP LEI \IEr \'I'S
publu.bed. "'bleb. hOi 0014 &0 lb • .w..ol. of '70,000 oop' ; 6110, or ,\ 8011"_ III 8TO&'I,· wbleb 10 now bctlng plllllllhe4 ... _ ... OOMT&lC 'I'fI TAIIUiUI
01 oU, 0.0:0II><1aI tile I!rn-monll olltd wort (wblela II ou~ of priDtl, " W be oeut tHe on OI'PII.. II .. 10 tit"'" Dr. J'oon. or tb. lUI hllll.... Iq . , U " wb_ omoola JjIV But !l8l.b 8uetl,
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be alloWed, 'Ibe bci\DI>"'1II 01 omaII _.oo ..... _ modAl ID ..Wnlr Dr, Focmr. IIOPUI., ! worn. u PLADI H OM_ TAu ,t 11 ltantculad , ..s&p\e4 to a4uU~ &Dd ,. 8c1uoa I. 8'1oal''' iI J""' ...... tll1Dtr , .. Ibo YOUl>g, ~ nd for ...n~" Labl. aud 1M for r~ Vet. The former • maldtude 01 queuJOQ. wblcb 1adiN and r DU.. .... feel ac1eUoa.cJ about aak:lul or tbetr phr"iclatlL n .. iI DOt-hili. III lIlm"atnn .... aU Uk. ell..bel of Ute 'o~ worD. I I SCluc:a nr Bro •• " ,_ ..., be ..... ., ur tho! Publlob_
"PLAIII HOME TALK" I. publl_ I. botll !be
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Dr. J. Wnlker'/I C4l1fomla \ hI· ('gnr JUU"rs nro n purel) V ('gOI IbiD r .. Irft
In Actual Use: MORIl THAN
pI c(lnl alilm mndo chlelly floUl UIO onIho h rus lound on tbo low r rnnll of tho len 1\ N I'Ilda mountains oC Lllfc'rllll\, tilo OJ dLcmal proportLc or" hlcll nlo :l:ll1Iot u Ib rofroru ,litb ou~ Lho uso ot I.wl, 'I h _ ~ooln163L d lul~ n ll('d, r \\ tat I Ilto causo of lho uuplN\lIclcu SIICCO of VD: V.OAR Un 'JEllS' '. ur nlls w r fs, lhnt Iho) romo\ t} fuo causo of dlsrna&, nndlho patient ro~H)rs his h Ilh They oro tho great 10011 p unfl I IUld 1\ lifo l;lIlug prill Ipl o, n (leI ruct JtCllovnlor nUll 1111 igomlor oC tho ~) stem N 1"or befor hi tho hi tory of tllu wurld hM 1\ lIlodlchLB lwcn compoUL ~NI 11 S> lUg tho rOlllnrl<nl to qulllill 01 \ IIH O \R ll11-r81t8111 11I!1I1111f, tho 610k uf e.~ry d l e so \IIDIl 18 hei r t ll rlloy
aro a /!iUlllo l'urgllLlVO as \I ~l1 M a Tuul rchonng ongu8Uoll or J II 0 ftlll JrI"th n oC the 11\ cr I).lld V"coral OrgaD8# iu JJilloUl l>IOOCM I
1. ESTEY & CO., ' ...n.I •• Ib.....Uon
" swelled that No for "wenty four I All No 4 It had
twenty-lour ilouno, hal to do flO WIth perfect HUcceII for thirty t.wo yclmi Jie blUllIOt had the tiligilteet appearance of mut tn JaiB ,meat elnce be commencnd ~ng thla remedy AfWr taki~ the whent out of tbuteep he let. It b m a heap to drnm In broken weather h blUl kept Itafter belllg lteeped for ten days, tu rnLng it very da), Without any bad rcsult Lon: Fon WIIEAT -l'hc
lkQiIter g llieed
orating III qllnhty nnd lind 1t
CR Mome be dIll-
MYR I'h fil ~ canoot ~hllt our wbeat crops Me
~~ IlCr acre,
Ifd lIItood what th 'lite annuIII firEl!!, for Agea ih cr0f.~ 01 grfU!8, had eu t>-
phed lIle eartb 'Wltu 1\ large qUAntity of llO\.aljll, of winch" heatpurtllkeM greedily And wllhout thlM prmclpl prevlIlIs to a ootlllid mble degre ID 01 earth tbe wbeat wtli ba d fectl\e-Hbrlvel 1!CIll, bhgbt., musty, ('Lc, and be d ficlent In qllantiiy, III proporhon to whIch tb 8011 ou been depleL d Tbo ftrst crop of wheat on Ollt 80d I pi ump and peril t; but each yenr gmdlltilly dcg ner It(Tbi I ulUeiollt e\ldence to tbe htl&bandman that hl81and needs I!Ometiung WblCblt baR not.. Some of the farmC1'8 of Iowa hav ready nccel!ll to limo-kiln, especial\,)' tbe au 81acked lime about wliere hJ" burned Expenment811hould be made wltll (:are Sow a 8trip of land At the rate Of twenty bu.hels to th" Mre wlthl!lackcd lun ,nnd then lcayeastrtp and lU!CertaID the dltfercllce Then for another lrtrtp m lilt two b ... hels of ,.al t wIth twenty bumels of lamp, and 8011' (If. ter letting JtJay aWblle In tbls combl Dation .... ~\\ "".. ",:,.:mh::nl- CItrIIn take 1,lace, producmg, It 1.8 Mid, a fcrtl i ler valuablo for wheat. ThCllO nre Imple cxpenments, and may be vo.lUJ\ble. Salt bM frequently been ]lrofitably '"led on farmll. Near the. II coast, where the air 18 1II1turate<l 1fith the salt_ breeze-, It 18 not needed, aud 10 wuny Cl\!!C8 luetlously IDJUroul!. But 1D En gland. urrounded by M!t \\ IIlcr larmers scatt r 1!81t. over theu farms lit the rate of t.wo \ll1llhel!! per acre, aJllI xpetlence fnvorable re ulta 111 dlffereut ways. it d tl'(lYK the w rms \\ hlch would ue IDJUflOUll, alld md In rnduclng vegetable luntter Ul the 1l(1I1 lu to food for plant.ll 'rhls expenlnelli might III tried Oil our farme. Several IBrmel'8 III the tate, we \lllder ~t.atld, are thlll year experlmentlOg With gYI urn We bope they 11'10 not only rll)lOrHb result, hut ~hemodeofapjllyJDg, tholunount per ac~, IUld tbe crop to willon It IlIltflphed Itnd thq kUld and qunhtyof tl108011 TillS III an artIcle will ch oannot ~ fully ueed by tbe Ignoraot and !!""tTlo carelear; -And the I!:YJlI!UDl III Uijt bo Jlur lence and kilrmuJlt dIrect the farDler, if he would succeed III most tblDg8. MORB r.oVJ'.R -Very few men are nware of llleamountof 1101\ 'IMbed awny overy year 1n tbis I!CCtlOn of the countrY )f we k p on WIth thi8 ksnd of farming many farmers will now do lUI they dn in Eastern tIIl.c!\ 81ld put guanol usb&!! plWlter, superpb08pbatesor lIme 111 every hillor corn }~aml crS! you bOllld siop oftllls wute, don't tJulIK ofleavu~g '"l!\'~llllg hut the yellow cluy for future
To cure hndl brealnng, gel 1\ pIe or bedC\lrd, four timcil th Itllgt!\ of th horae aDd double It 11\ the mlddle t and at the doublnd end make a loop tbrough which th animal' tail 1 bon CI'038 the cord over hla back, lind pa8II both ends t h rougb tile hal ter rlOg und r b I cbln aud tie both ends of the cord to th troogh rmg, through VI hU'b tbe halter ~trap plays, tbe ena of the Halter being attached to a billet of wood Sbould the bOn!e ait.emptto pull baok tbe stralU will all be on tbo root of 1118 tull before the baiter strap WIll oo<lom tIghtened IIml bc wtli ut ouce let) forward to a, Old It A1\er 80 ftJtlDf hun a few tsll1eft III tbe stable lie WIl aballdou ally such propen Ity TUE beKt conducted experiments prove conclu IV Iy that M II de troyer of In cbI bud v r1Oln, whother u)XJll man or plant. the most trective remedv that CUll be used IS carbolic aCid On mill I l,>lanl6 whollC tende~, enrly MOOts ar ubJ~ct to tbe llepredations of the fly .Uld worm, ltd deat.ructwe elfucts lire msl'U1tnneous To use It pr0J'!lrly, dll!8Olve an ounce of carllollc acId crystul ID thrce qu tlrtd of WIUDI water, and sbower Lbe iIOlutlon over th plants from a common" IItermg pot. One Mueb apphcatlon WIll 8uffice lor the time, but should be adlUlIII t.ered lUI OCCII Ion requlretl, and 1\ low Huch 8lI01\crs,.,1lI effectually ml the plant.~ of all such pests. I N" order to IllIOOrtam the gnlD ID weJght of gr1lWlug cattle,nn expenment wlu! t.ned lUI follow8 A short-horn bull calf WIUI w8Ighed on the 12th of AprIl, 1 74, wben be WIIS )UI!t fourteen Illonths old and hl8 welgbt WIUI found to be Ii ve hundred Ilild three JlOunrlLl. May 12th
n .....nl\.·t·
(lll\telul Bll''IERS vlgoraut t.ht evor 811stalnoll tile BOAR
J . tem
Jio Person can take these Dltters
nccorulIIg to dh ections nud remiliu long ul\lI'oll! provldod weir lioncs arc DOt lie etroyea by nuneral 110Ison or oLbor meaDS, aod vlt II organs 'I aetcd beyoDu
lee alr
llHiou,,: Remittont nnd Inter· mittollt F Ofl'rR, "llIuh arc 5Q prom
lect In tbe , alle)8 of our !;I eat IIvora Ihronghout the Unltnd tnte.~ cR(.l(clally those of tbe MI8S1 Ippl Ohio, MIssouri, 1II iuol8 J 01l1l08S(,O, Cumborlaud, Arknn l1li8 Hcd.J:;.olofilllo BrnzlIs filo Grl1udo, Pearl Aliiliawa MolJllo~ SIIvllucah, Uo anoke, James nnd mnlly others '1f1tbtlleir V[\lIt tributurlcs througllout ollr entiro countrl durlllg tho Summer alld
Autul\m aud rcmarkauly 80 durlllg 8On80na of nuu8uaI beut nnd dr~ 11088 atOO lin nrla\llx,accompnnled uy extensive do rougomont!! of tbo stomacb aDd liver, lind olhot IlbdolUlIlnl vlsccra 1n theIr trent ment :t. pnrgatl v0 exenmg 1\ pow erful juOllollce upan weso various or !raus, Is eSll IltHilly uocessarv 1 hero IS no cn thartlll for tho purposo equal to DII J \VArICElIS \TUHG\R OITTIII<S, a~ tlley "Ill speedily remoyo tho dArl! colored Viscid malter nltll whlcb tho bowels are londed, at the SOUle time stimlllatlDg Lho secretioDs of Illo liver, and gonor Illy rcstormg tho bMllby (ucetious of tbe dlgcstlve organ8 }'Ol til) the body ngaln tell C'''IIO by pnrlfylllg all Its t1t11r1s" Ith VINEGAR
Th;re 18 a whIch, at one me, cqntntned 8Ome, er) warm 8Crlptu I texts It oolongs t(l II Mr cbebOlut a nR\IVe of Bohemlu It
be weIghed five hundred and nlDety tbree peund8 June 12th eeven hundred and 'bree JlOunde July 12th, elgbt hundred and one pounds August 12th, cighthun drcd and Blghty SIX poullds, and Selltem ber 12th, mn hundred and 81xtY-iDX pounds, .L total gain In five montbs of tou~ huruil""'\ ..ad M1t1' th_ .....-""'" .... nlJlllty two and ollldialf JlOunds per montb
Bll TE ItS
the 'u
Ihspop"ln or Iudil1'cstion Hond
nche P;1II1 In tbe ilOlllllors, tougbe, J Ightuess of the Chc I, DlZlIIIC8S~ Sour EI uct~t101l8 of the 101ll(lch Dnd rusts In tbe Month BIlious Attacks, Plllpita tatloD of tbo BellI t, (nHtlmmntJon oCLlIo Lucgs, PIUU In tbo rOglon of the Kid ceys, and a hundred otllor pn.lIlfulsymp tom8, IIro tbe otTsprlDgs of DY8popsia One bottle. will provo a botter gunrootoo of Its morlts tbllD n Icngthy advertl80
o..thollCIJ, tb:..t every
BIble In the IS of the people should be su rrendel:ed to the prlcKt to be uu rned Mrs Sc heb<,ld ~detefll\lned to Sll'e hrrs, 1I0d VI ben tbe party came to PlCorch her hOIl she hn(ljust prcpnT d n huge ulltcb of dougb f~r the oven IllId, tukllIg her erecloull BII~lel. she wrllppod tbe YleldlOg iJough atO~lDQ It and IlulCkly depolllled
It 1IJ the 0' en
:Hero It 11M Ol Ollt thorough!y balre~. bu t was SII ved \IIUOj II red from the fiery'fnrnllce of the prleHt It lIlay be eald to hllye been Slnen frol1l the fire by fire,and hMPIISlIOd dowu through 80\ eral gelll ratIOn as a memorinl of the c1a)'s wben men wer uot lI\1owed W "or sblp God In accordllllce With tbc dlc,toles of their OWIl consCIences It ough t to gq to tbe CenteuDml as a mute wltlle of tbellgbt of ot,per doys-II ligh t rlused by John & 'Vl\tcr its,. Cincinnati. a bOllfire of burtllng Blule8 M r" elITe,. of dIe UC!lJt 1 ortuIJ10
he Willi not III\U~fied WIth IIny CIl1:80ry Vlell of thlllgs, eIther, hut \\ Ollt lip close to the wh els notwlthe\.alldlllg tho repeated 'lVarlllng of the mIller
Filially ebe Ilpproaohed the belting
maclllne and proceeded to lD8{1flCt It witb n crItiC S eyo. Vcry close to the waclnn she stepped ane! tben two cog wheels took 11 nttle ntp at b er dre H The wheols
nppeared dehibted With the flUH)r, IIlId took in more and more, bavlOg a good mouthful before lbo Indy notIced her predIcament 111\
Blinker JUlI CelebraUun. Boslon bill! dIsproved the c urrent My IIIg tlCIlt Americans do not know how to lebrllle Her Bunker Bill Cenlelllllol W[\lI a brilliant a/l'olr In every eMentlal r peet The CIVIC and nuhtary proce!!-
seven I\Illes long III wblch all the trades wore represented, and abundaut 8COpe WBIl allowed to the /fT\ltef.lll ue humors of those who were \lllhn g to mnkc tbemL!elyes rldlCulol16 for the gon eral nmusement WII~ a ntBgmficent pee tacle 'Iho 8JlC"che, tll c mUSIC, the fruteflJIII foehng til excellent order, and ubo~e nil, th e thorough sympathy With tho Splflt of the OCCMlon \I <,r II!\llllrn ble, 111111 d l!C t\ o emullltlOIl III falt It !!Ccmeu ns though CI cry one of tho balf 1II1110n people ,,'110 pour d lhrough Lhe streets \\M dctermllled U\ ontflhuLc iIOmeilllllg to the plcn.• ure of lhe OCCllKI 11 lhe lIenrtY"'.!l.lcome extended to th o IUthern viSItors wu' 0 11 01 the lw-st ~Ign~ Illld result~ and the tWInIng of th palmetto I\nd tbe l ine III MUSIC H ull II lIS a hllJlllY lIugu ry for Lho fu tu re the Umoll Jt IS 1II'llOS!!lblo tI, overlook the )Iurt the htomry clll .... IO(lk III tile fcstll Illes, wei th Hunker Hili hteraLur WL\S Oil of tho felltures of tbe occasIOn J he gnod pc~ pie who \L ere alruld thllt th Qent 11111111 excItement " ould bnrn It.!IClf nIVny he for tbe Pblhldelphll lebrlltlon mllv lUI well cllrm th If apprehen Ion on tlHlt pOInt There J~ too much .DcclllrllllOn of IlId, lll!ndencc to the AmerlClln char ma hlne lIeter to let such an OCCMIOn 11K tho com IIIg Nlltlonal Cent.enmal fnll of proper Tlt21argcet Agneul~ural SocIety 111 the ohilervancc.-New ] or!.: Oml h,e "orld . 8 tlie Royal Agricoltural So loty A"\Aysdar to do right ICyoubo\o (If England) wblch bAli 5,846 memberS on It. ron u . . . ((tuDded thirty yea~ done wrollg, to the extent of ) our IM)W r ago and hu ever Inee puhhmed a hulf. rectlf>- It 1t I 0. lIlere (,,.,w mltce 1.0 yearly \olum nl LT8nlllLChnn~, In wluch ~hrlDk ftOnl rel'clltanoo, It 1M th 1Il 0~t IIlIlOY valuable (WI(lCntha\e bee-n gh<n io suhhme COllrag tbnt 8)lt'lIks out III 1\1>01 ~\ tlllH forgile6 while I~ 1M('lrltIV II lhl' 1'lIhh W)II\I('\t>f M rl~ht 1OCt. "bout It- nt onc(' Ill: Il(lt aHron~1 at "jest Ir eJIII' M'"lh')(JlI Will at. la~t, but hnllklllg lbrvw 1Il,,('r I!O mucb II1llt lit Lhef, tholl eluty, not at all Tller~~ re, rio righI, wilt ftCfne no harm I unle thot! ar~ even at II late day I (or It i8 'better late IlIAD lIeHt!' ' 1'111' aDd ulctroUlS. 610n,
Tile (;i'elltlon of \\ Olllllll. A l)rlllc once IlllI(l to nnbbl ,amahel '{our God IIIIL till f he 811rprtt!CII AliaOl llL 1118 sIc P tUtd stole a nb from hUll rho Jl.llbbl H daughter ovcrbellfll tIllS "P eeh, and wluspered II word or t\\O 111 he r filther & ~n rt n~klng 1)( rml88I0I1 III an swer th,s ~JIIg u or qllestlon ben!elf He gave her cOI~nt Thc.glrl l!tepped lim, H 1\ 1\11(1 fClgllln~ terror Rnd dlsmny Ihrew ler Ilfm~ nloh 1I18upphcatlon, and Of) d \Jut, "1>1) \lege, my hcge,jU~tlCe I revenge I 'Whnt h!ls bappened?' oskml the prince " A wick ed theft hill! tak II I'lncc' she replied A rouber IIlIs cr pt sec retly 11100 our bouse ca rried II way !l ~ Ii vcr goblet ami left a ~o!denone In Ilsstcad II WhRt rut upflght tlllcf!" exclallllcd the prince u Would that 811Cb rouberles were of moro freq ucnt OCCll rrell CC I ' .. Bebold! thell Ir th e kind of tlllef that our Onllltor WIIS, he .tolc 1\ fib from Adam and gave hlln a Ill! lutlful WIfe IU stead'
.. Well I ld! " avowed the pflDCOTal,nlm Sil.iWxJ.nm t--] ~ the K ooly mOlor, of wIlle h flO' IIlllch 16 now " !Ittell lind Pllld prO\OM ~l/ he whnt thu III v~ntor cllum K Ih nt It IS tbr problenj of lIe rtnlnllvlgatlOn WIll be s,,1\ cd at opec It lul.!l long been con crdcd that po ntachllle With wlllgs wlllcb should d('\ ~lope by maclllner~ till much po\Ic r III I't\oportlou t{) the \\01~ht of the IIl1LchlllC R1 ~ enr ns t he bIrd developeH bv 1I111i!C 1I1 IlO\\cr In proportlun to 1tJ! we ight eou d 1I'l\lgllte tho air WIth th co rtlunly lid 8\\ IftllCM of the 8\\ allow But 11Illacltp It h lL~ boon Impol!I!lble lo comblll power 11IId IIghtn f!li III the nec cSllB ry jlrOpprllOll" A motl vo which IS cupllblo olf !prod Ull ng a pre urc of 90, 000 (lOu nda to tho 8CJ lIllre Inch I" holY C\ or mnrc " han ~ulllclent. If l\Ir Keely slJC.lka tbe tl-uth COllccrnlllg hIs IIlVentlon It \\ III be nL WMLC of LIme \.0 apply It to rllllwllV C[JbJillc Air slujl8 will aL once Huper!!Cde rallwuy LrRlIlS, nllii the l'Om II eree uf l!v world Inst.cael of bclll~ car fled In Drt!pHb st.camshlp WIll u cllrrted tbrough th. nlr m t.he wlnb'Cti mOllst rs wblch lIfr Keely "'III call11llo eXI.8t.c[Jce -New Yor_ Grol"ilr A l'AIlA lLA t 11 I~ gOll\g th rounds of tbe pre\!ll to tillS cITe t 1 hero I~ 0110 good WIfe In tite ountry Ilnd e\ erYUlan thInks he hill! her Oil Brown," ho 18 bllid uml whQllewlf< 1<11" red h,ur Itnd a "Iekecl eye, read lh lH1I1111lUurmllred, fl8 h medltatl.ely I'lUQICri hi Mhand rov r 1118 hoau • I donno! 1 dllnned '
No CPIUUlIlIC clln takc bold
of II system thus fore arm d
WI\Jl formerly t c lIropcrty \If hiS gmnd mothe!t "hn" II \ery dc, ont Protest ant JJllrlng I of thollO unfurtullule poned whelll IglOllS }lerllOoutlOns were CIIDlmoo ia ... a. I"w Wll.!l l)l\IIilCd III
Cont4lllt 'W Ith & Doltlng .Maohlne. The t Lom Rel'tlQ/woJl 8I\ys Thero 18 a mIll In W cslmo rclllnd coulIiy wbere the DlIICblll. ry IS of II \ery fine clQS8 11) deed and VlSI tors of a pnlctlcal turn of mllld find tbcm!!lllves omply repatd for an eltD.lllmn.tlon of the work!! Among th rocent vi ltors to the mIll 'lV1l a Indy who bad Jl1llt 1111 much curiosIty lIS the m n concerlllng tho great wheels and tho hOPIlIlfl! and the apph anoos for trllllsformlllg whent IOtO flour and feed So tbey showed her through tho mlll, and she WM \ery mucb de lighted, and Dvmond Just QR hvely an IOle(e8~ III tho macblner y as though ahe had been Robert Fulton or George tepbeDl!OlI, o~ nnyof the "rent in, ent-
Then Hhe !!Creamcd! and tTied to get ny but the rnpllclou8 COg6 were tlOt to be cbented of a meal, and kept on chcwlIIg, overy moutbful draWing the fated woman ncurer the workH Th nllllef saw tbe tlBnger, and 8,Prang ttl tbe rescue 01 tbe frightened VictIm There waH but ODe course to pursue He WII.8 A huge, brawny maD, aud, clMpl ng the shrtclcmg \'ioman III IllS arms, ho braced bls feet agalllst all upnght post and pullcd I t was a contest between the man and the boltillg machlne-mlDd Ilml m\1l!Cte on Olle ~Idc, huugry Iton and Mlcel upon \')10 other Mind lind mu~cle won but c&lICUlll~IOl:IB I.() lIOed Motber part not" Ithnnt U clltlll!trnl,he 'Ihere WII.8 n IlH;UIIIU1[11 next year, and 11111 sllO rL long pull a strong I'll IlInrl II pull altoyou can have a two-yoar-old dOHr gether lUI I llwnuy 01 0 glgnntlc dlnrt fllxi to 1III\1lt om on tb II loo\t-out lor fille th flllil ... r bore the ,' omnn cleM, thut lm bIg est'll and bIg YIeld, groWD "ItI! \\ os n \I bnlfthe l"llOr thnt you now grow on those He ~I\cd the . tatue the mllchlDery \lorn ollL fi Ids thntht\l e beeDIII ollstllnt got all the drapery The I ,u) wus un \1;.0 ~ rcom IIlId whent for t\\ellty Ihcor IHtrt, hilt 3180 uncloth d ::ibo stOOlI tlLlrty ~eal'll OhIO lolh e best countf'V for there-hk th reekMIII\ -unsbackled rio y r 1 ever !!II II 111 fn rmers elll!t of 'Ihc lookerS-Oil ran Ollt lor feehngR' sak.e Ihls t.llt.cdoll't protilld toget alongwlth Tht're WII.8 lUly IImolmt of bustle lbout ont ~ wlll g clover, IlIId W IIlllke the 10\ cr lhe mIll, but not Il pllrt lCular bustle ~ntW th~ YII11C I'IIIJlLer ami hOlt' H rA there IIbou sh e "oman-thc boltIng macblne I no ut,C of tbls lit presen t nnd III Ild thJlL .huon I.() the mh Ylel\l of line clovernr hllli 'lhe rCIICued latly stood Hhuddermg and bay the clov( r d 18 proftt.ahl 10 tak hlu"blllgllllld rC8<Cller ewod pllntlllg eIIr (It: We h (\t' to sec W ~te rn fnrm ers IIl1d ltlll@IIIJI!; h'I rher WM II moment or IllvlIIg tbls6uhJe t lIlorc IIttelltulII lIYO of 11\\ ful em Imrrn!ll<lIIclIt and then the nullor !!OI ved th problem He fled from t.h mdl 1Ilid I!OlIght lll~ WIfe lIud ;. n~ her back with II l)t1nclle of clothllJg h 800n nmvllll upon tbe scene,llud the (It Il1l1ntled Vi om ID Willi orruyed IIgalll, thoughl perhape, nol qUIte 80 gaudily WI befor ber little aftIili WIth the bolting
Scrofula, or lUng's Evl1, Whito SWOiUDgII, Ulcera ErV81110lM, SIV~lIod N ocr GOltru Sorof'ttlo1lll Intilunm aLloll~ Indolent InOammRuonl Mercurial Afl1 aliollA 014 orea l'lrnplJuDB of tbo Skill Sore Eye~ otc In tbOllo as 10 "U oilier cunstltullonal D'8 eases W.ulun. VIRIlOAIl DITTER" havo Ibown their great ouraUTo POWOnl in tbo most obltinate and llltrnetaille OMOI
For InOammlltory and Cbronic
Rheumatism GallI. DlllouR,
tonUnd Interm~tlllot FlU ers, Dlsoa8Cs of tbo B100il Li ver, Khllloya "ud BlBddor tboso Bitton havo no oQ.unJ, Buoh DlaoMet aro nln.cd by VItiated DloM Mechanical Disensos.-Poraona en gaged in PjllUts aud Mlnornls, 8uob as I' lumbors rype sotLors Ould helLieR and Wmora as tlley uell 111100 In IJfe oro lubject to paralysla of tbo Bowel~ To guard sgollllllh ~ talO a (\060 of 'W A.\.ItBa'S VIIf .,\JAR DITTRII.8
For Skin Dheasc8, Ernptions, Tot
t~r Solt.-llboum PIL~~ul88.-nOlI"
TIlotchOll, Sp,*, l'iwplc~ etirllllnc\1ll' Rtng ~ ormA
EYIl~ Ery~lllellUl I tch I}l scolorntion~ of tho 8kln, Uum llr~
SUIIld head
and 1)1 801\80& of Ibo Skm of whatover n81U or nnlllte are hternlly Ilug lip Ind carnell Ollt of tbe ~~""IU IU a Hburt IIWO by tho us" ur Iho"o U,tle ....
Pin, 'l'IlIIC, nnd other Worms,
lurklnjl; In the 5) Alum of 80 0I11D1 tboU8 l1DlI ~ (Ire uO'o otnallr clMlruycd and removed ~ 0
gy.tem of modlcluO 10 yornlllugoft, no all lhclmluttllls \'1'111 free Lbo 8J stow Iruw liko the e Bltt.ora
For Femalo
AND HARVEYSBURG REPORTER. \ OLt ' )1 E X \ 1 ---~ I ~I Bi'.H -2. ~I~on
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\ ] HJ:: t ilth 01 Muv t 7 0 \\It., dl"LIII guu!1lrd by th ~ I'h ~ n ollleoOIl of I remark 111 Ie dllrknc!18 III over the North er ll A t t h It II lie t il
ur . . • "1,,1 th lYJ 'lellic dmoer n &1", ha. DOt piu I alellinW *i" aiiD ' _ n lll 'I the " .. ~ ~. pM\ houl gruu! • and · t:lellC, ;th of l,apill ho ha"" Dot beeD tarB d . I • "laaft l.' ~i w cuDCOded boar . tI ~ ••:b" ~ ' : ' ~!~·~·;o· _ " Auulph u. D. Rl)bcn . il ':ba';,. r. J ohn ::: olht'1' AI. I I ad ~rr"'l;(j( who 11 10 ;,1 1&1' 1 :\ ' . I Ill' ......_ .. ~ 1'11 '11 d., ;~ I. lilll 0. oI'JlOn! u . Iead~r. aac1-aed- w. lot " . .....,,' .... ,p , II .. I ~ ... of pupil" who Mgaiu Ii~ iDvahd. hOUle la t Thu~~y evcn~ :01 . "it" lillt !ittl Vi lie w~~ " \~',., ' 111.1: 11 have been neither .baullt • • IN • Ii II no It. 110, ~'J' b~ De,'er would Iuod ..... -~ 01&\ .•D!!. uurtlin iv, -Go to Dr J L Zell'. k>r _I cIo .. 10 til. eJ dllri ,,~ tflll Il l\~ " 1l 0<.t1l (,' ch,,~r Arru&ud BarJol ph, 11l1l1'0lS, lifter. lavJII~ • • 1 .. Aee' 1'" : . : : li Lucaa . 0·. 4 have yicMed. Agaill ,.h.l', your AIl4!::, .t~r"':d:~ ~~ Eva M'lI·lull Ida I - 1>0 tal . 'k. ' Dlilde a ru t JllllUWnt "'.l oum I' • ne : .. ptubDe ~ a Id t!llCVII a'~e II tt\. l!t; it k;llIlly Ulllhum , Kat~ ~." ..... ,. • .: 110. 8 D.. ~ne MI'. or M~. 'N.uckletou r ~:~b -C,,~c. Gmhllm, Lydia C us 1\ WOf I ' ~b~lad~ ni lle W k8 witb bill relatione there. ' d .';;:!~ Ln . pl,",,"l l~ ~uJ Il rec1at ioll. a.-. '1~ P . " :~. :~ It I 001." a elll 01 bt!UI ItteJ II .itltollt cbl atfias ur J1t. r!IIlJ d ..... . ...." 01 who t:lo: .....'l~~ tv t lit.! ~\'UI.. Jackito ll. J hnui Smith. NamOll I -~I"8 . .W. R. H oel . spent ut Notwithsland ing Mr, ~od~eo. ad· . . Me , • " 9 tat we: 1'8 ' wI of 1 those wouhl who II Q8 hue vilif, .,.... receiveo o.r of . . . . . . &Gpo t IP o n ';pal ~IIrhInte J 1 0 week 10 Richmond. Indlau,," .... p" uullon .' , nl ml"ht pfove to be U I . mires tt.1tt CUlluh·y, WIth ,tlrpnr e _ e..1 10 lb. In .p y .., lb ••• I.... d. hi udcl'cu \.) .--Ih. 1 ...... N. , W ., Hrr'! ,b••• 11. cllalll~lel . E .\ ' wl~'I I\Ofh . thu UJI"CK:l!n; 11/1; I ~c ~r ceot in deportm llnt, A nua M M K'10 liey , of Day nty do h.,1ed·tood ...,'u ow,""} "I'. iOllOfp".·. tN lit. oi th • welilh . /'8. • • ~l'y ib· r, rl. II 801'1 au d . healthfulnees el. ; a od Ih cxe.'C i·m Marlatt. HaulIllh 1'...... .. 1 ... d 6 hla a aDd01.· . '· ]lUll 10 lid 1)11\1, Retta tou, 18 V181t10g at P overty ~nv . Wilt the ( Gllce of harmo· 1\(0 vlll. . h wus gllld __ .. • t get' " II we hOID~ i III . ~ ItC 1ll. '· ull n • 01. I. • • 1 · 1 y CIUUl • 0 ..... 0 ..t au.1 lio .. I. Myel'S Eva AI'C hel' Laura Dill -Mr. T.. B, MCOOI088 I th would 11nnhQ ' A n "a 1 · no,. tall I I. . ,.,-- e J.onr• 18.We(olluw. ' We ar gl d to lcam that b18I1U(' : Dl' l ht "~ , t .h ;l~ . .. hi Ii Iy iutcr"1'1 uptorl .by 0 11 ..-o f the gl'Cli . M;I\'y , V cite I', Ida ' BoeIe, Katfe' fi n QloaJ~.· T~t~ :'~A ~ . I' ~ . 0 . !'ltl .~ I hlClUl ll l' t · .. •..... t·8m h;l ~ beeu IUto! :' ·1'\.... ..... DO "J'U blnl.( I" iu U.II ....... . :It roin.t!lo t , l'eport ~I' u COI'U ,UI' -e~ uln oer ,ermgs I~ ~ l·u" ...,a.. . na .. : ~ we Vl'r witll o\~ d . }l1':1)". E\'a Marlat t, Emilia ~offolt, lllSt Sunday "'_'1. rrr E I a nol orlll eloN 1\ 9.00. Izcdd Ib.V Il he !l1gl1bl ll~ . ~' pat~el e dle I ao;(WQ1 l!!''eatl lb y to beg ml\'«1lt ,,' dunbAlioo . t d' .... cd lJy h,a stilly • b' 1n The ruahl a "0 ll uronnd soul c I,, in e mndu n me v" IOOI 1m y \ J ol lll ille P lice, Lav 'I'UO Irinuey , 1 - Miss Ol&n'ie M. • ., ,.... t.r _.nul l oul b .. UI.IO j ' I. . b b . i I • 0 0 e ('flu ,.~ 1m· tOI'vU •. I nt · Tbol"" on has Ihe west. I .... Fo' iDn. tb~ ~try nOS". b...... luIOU.b ~ ~ . S . I Ad _ _ __-=':" ~...!::. PA,RR ._ . M..=- I .e ' 0 e. 01. a n owI. • .1 I . .IU. 1Ittl' 1· 1 \·I~I'8. lUlU 11 II I," I10 I la·I V.a II'. M vel , .J ~IIUn!e . . :-.1 'li J K Ullt I, . • ooen on a vllut to· her i l'lcnd8 .IU I·tt. _AA .J 0ff hh .bu: . It. .QomIDitl.•e did ~~t th wa~ l;ed to tbo school hou U hlld 1.0 ule I?olt 0, W dl!s - ... r, . . B aYllI , " • T .. aDJ..Wll. '~".......... 8 Il d IlU ,Y of t.he l1~n ~"o rhal't Sll~s Wilmin gton. Eutelp e, . .EUl• • • De,.., In~ln n II and rt!Ct' • .-ed ... wa lt for ., ~.. M • . s~. Wcer .& W~ne wl10 1 hll cOlw 1U th Iwe er;l\uee9 lO "ut :'!Jute. Rola.md. Aveni'" per cent III t1ye Jdod t I' thollta nd, of ooo tribll"'on of ~. R' " d &: Ch· go Divui011 I _ u E II . d ~ I . Furultu re bU81ness \11 OadwaUa· b ·\I ,.. · B . 0) b £ 1001'. : Ibal "I> "r o ... ilb ou - t :"W(Dt Du t tuough I I woo dl\l. I j' II mrs. . . Ke'y all ... \lng U:~ u I I' w ; ~, . II . yeaw oV(,1" te ,l ust,'loua a.l've a· preel""I,. . I' cltatlol ' U· lil r 0 1\' C( y t ie 0 ow· ters al visiting at Bco (Jollett a der's h w b11l1dIDg ; "I"'P; 1'0 $J() ; .ba•• ~I IIr.l. t'ol'biddill" aOO on 1II&I1l street. mfON\l le. it iug Dlimed pupil, Juring the wOllth • •" • blll'g 011 O,'S get thce Ilelll' Bal'v Y8bul'g ' u : WDulllapl'l';\'I .00." :i.1I .mb~d. Rowe.· wa n dn;' lon8 00 B will II ev ry dCllClription of ,)0'110 N~"'. . I A nd II w \ 01'0 tOl'lUl-OO behllld bc I 'me lllool'uJ a fo llows: bleedin g n, . ~ . ." np' •• " It ' ft I lb. w M f . AI No. . E tho ' F 0 .... No I ~. I'l l Fnrnito r require d by thi8 mark t '00 h . .. b ' \1 . . . e Ib~ iurion .ti l>elctlt lo!l comwiloet· l\S Vtl v".t PI 1oIl'C 1.11I!I. b~ u ~ Ii t . 1'8. mma *IaQIII\-t..a~. '7.lIO • 1\\ . 7 .00 I' .. all( ..ne~I~' t • A Tltnllle ttO,- Allna Marlntt h deal ell~ ~ . 0'. t e 'VI :!;;e ~ade thtl~ re!>Orl. \b ~ .Iso h .....I~~ l Q Middletow,II '" i 't'i iti .og Inuer, her rela. iD lUI ". to) II It low u lIOY ot er, . er .In tb·' J\1c".'''-Afrl~e }O.:lIl . ID 11).10 P m Ieho". I ~ ' Ive .yvm T hvugh olDe tumtl ltul' fae Ket~ My I 9, E mma UuH'e lt 90, tin'll iu tbitl ' "icitiit ~ ~oohuga., recla im bIll (\lr "xI"''' . tlutnthow. . .bp ,.me. we hud bOptld . . c lUDty . Mr. . . . ._ . . . . "~ , 16 .. til lIU"~ l' m yv"'· d ,s.~ W\IllLt to e , wc .· ' Ilbsent, Katie pl'uy 95, Evu AJ'cl1er 5, Hu 'Blttt I~ an .oxperl ' Y ••• CAII •. ftl''''''. 1 M • • J k~'pm ',]'1 S· · 1 ' dd charae tel'8 ae" o got the Iml'l'" 1 n ~b1t Ibe. rxpt'II"" Iyet It was a Ul , . eoced work mall, and give full cUJ\)Yllbl OOCllS" Eva Mad att. 85 Ida Bock 80 """'". . ... I~ . ltoo... umm .II. JEtudou. I,O I :10 I' m l·j.I a tn -Bora ce, MI',. Goo. J lIcobs h Ule 8ntiitfac tioll to hi ll patrwtll Ie IUglS 8, IIU once OIol'e bid·bol j ...t cllJecl1r eVell. nil' ~b,·~ .Nt... ...,. ,,~ \ i 11 t.o tboae 1111 " S O i l w88l'tu i' all B tl ill a.a.......In nn·ugly 1'8..pI'.Be n~, aud HaulllL h'Spray 10, ~.OO I' nl l .fIlI I ID world s dctillIlCO. illlllllt . Vallie Myel'S . ' .t wo " th or ' .. tur", I. lb. "l' 1 I "d .b.'r~o prepare one d of with the" a corpse .plt!4l'IM preserv It or to I' IDCUl· I 5 , Silas ~:Ip!ro'I~:ri~1 ~.~ ~ ':. ~;~~ ~ :', -T~I H ic~ it · FI'iellds ~re .1'0· ~~:C~:~ ::D~;' Roluiu a, 80, Sammi e week, ~ut IS now bltt~er. , pl'6l!OrVO bodies, alld With a b aI's.' ;"..ft'~:~'f ~:. bl'allcee was . . j ufurchnll hre Of !8mi ib 11>, Willis Obleap ......Iye 9 . 1' . l'1.co. III mod I !II~ the!l: ch nl'Ch, sobstlt "tmg Ii"". T be Wl'iter ..: ..t:::I"t Everhal·t 8 ., I ~M'~ ~u.b! Myer, of Blao· '" .It. llO'Utll\ltce did' token or a Bl' IVO aod e; te m Johnni e Pence a full line of bnrial cases, ca\\' oou'" OCT" . pln;;ter Ivr cell lUg. They, too, are ~ h I~~ .'EI"a .I!!'1'n.·!. "ud fAee.iY 100, haverll e Kin· eheeter, IS Vlllltlllg her Grandflltbel' nod kel8 and bu~ial robes ro atteud ed " con· betwee n • t Il(~ 11 h a " I /"O!! lid seh . lar . lIey 1 U. 'tik N ... I . ' .un :· . t hu· l .... v, II I.f Ih. ' '''11'''' '1'10 U. a l TI • .• MI'. Geo . .M:yer, Ilt Mt. llomu. I> " 8Wg. prom~tly all enlls for Undert aking. i the,. .i_i1cd bullhe l i' olle DiJ n y .. hen the .e sch00I h G ' hy.-sn n..... as II Ull\liinll y Inl·· ... ~~-:P;~~~·rt'l.e ~:!:!;: ,: :,",0 : : GOl"en .. 1 J . W l'lgut to((l'ap ' I. au J Upho a A,chel': 90 .. . --:-S in ce l rte overthr ow and de- fa[ IS~" (I" keu C, O," Ih l~pvrl .11 .tl'am1l1 -_I'. . g au d' stenng plctare Ibe ulOniv.u s ill a iS ·~I i ("." ~IIU cli li. IKa. ie Sp ruy 95, Emma Ootft!lt " I() p m molltio o of the rl'hodol( 95, Chnrch his daught IIm el'8 ~ I~ w . N&P.' m l'd~). ' ''ie tb.t .o,Jn _JIO"" AI'l'I n JlO . .. III "1.00 Illl~ Ihey MIlY v i I~ed I' <l UW' ,Ilt III the IIU lil t vt knIlWI 0l1 repairi ng prompt ly '~I attende III d to. • r I . g.c" . A Ulla Mal'latt 100 XolCU_ . 6(rlve be" of otbcr .•~ IIcIC~ bU ~ IDe\ WI I lJ Wl'IlC- 1 t L - ' 1.41'> • III ' spen t 188t TbD~'8day In tbe city . ' 11 ~ m a \"I.ow 0 I, 10. JII tet'IOI' o.fJD ___. • '.B' al" Il\lU. · ' 1 0 J ' . . p' HatllJah ~I"'y _ __ ' - $ ' 11 I . I~ eIiIlUe!' bpa I uo • I'''~.1!8 t0 1I;~·1 ' ~:~IO::":~~,~~.e ::~; ~ : 6.1\ l' m " Y black IIl1 t h·shop wl.II 0, ouollle . ellce ~OO, I 11\ -Miss Flol'a Crome r lIud Mi88 CIID\'JlIO O Be 01 .... it · •• Iho' ,be "olo,u ltl re Ill! iv.ed .~, Lllld ,, \tJ1l111 I) 9 • . w". anln :I otl a m ;; 38 p til the bchol,ler tlJnt tit" H leksite gao ~. lu I, !I! Evol,ba l't 95, SIlas R olalOd 90, Anna O'Neall, ot Lebanon, Mve No.. , then. wbet!,or tlll. I.• •' Wh.'lC II Ihol'v h II, ,*aSh!I'YCXC'.~IOI 5:10 6 20 p til o. the d ll· Ol'um mal·.- Hnn llub Spt'\iy 100 beeu guClits of Mrs. G. T. O'NcuU . . Dd . .. rrlve • h~ or .. bldr k ooe reu).'",. ro. be .... 0 . 1 1<6 J' . l n ~ ~ "".a.,: 9~;; III EOS on l I~ t'OI'mOI' III a t J lupme . r.ETALLIOK .~ul,. o. 1 ,~ 1:)' ~ d.u~b",", . ' altl' iatu ,a'!! ~b8 L Ihov on ly I'e oei vlod 0 prom 'lIt "\la l~ I . E 0 ffi I 95 E u ~'''II . arrll ll. 1 . 1I \U, lUI CUC I O ~I, I Inma. V u t , va ...al· att 90', . . d 'l . I' Iturle. 'lhel'o SOODl8 to be Ii copulA ' of f,lO, lind 'hal th ' f r M Willi at Retalllol<, J~ -Misa Ewmll r,,,m Bonner l'" w •• m.de 8t1u~ted .. uondi· ~ e .. , c o c(Jllo;1de rlllS ag;e~ l'uc.le ;l ud 1,I·tlct,ee , Katie Spl'ay OJ. r. ft . ~. 'o'eo ~~lllil\;~::hot:I~'.~I:'J~il . . 0\1\ tio ll of t be two ' cl.llll'Cbea; • fl'om Xeoia e8terda the !.Iooftl for l'ittsbu oae. 100 l' . Li ,be;" a:fe llt In H.rv, y:," wus ClIl'lLUI O or ItL SlIEDLEY.-.Tul,.11t.1S7;;. a IOU lo __ .,0.1·r~iu. ne , • ..' .liui ll;, II Id tlle \ Sp miny.-Anul l Matl~1t 100 ' 10-a aCCOlllr . . g I. 0,1oer rWl d~\I y, uc P' bU"g 1ronJeI HI ISUQu"~, • oerl .ID " I B ·'c 1, ·ltc, IIOwevel', !!I\ltlm umbe. nf ~ben mn i- " ,.yy Miss Pelha ! .. iCe of lIr. J . Frink ::Imedlo,. . ItO"· '} tue al- cl.... tlw . .... paDV wo,..',· pin. not WI T.o 0 0 811 . Sprny 9" r I " , . pilI' ",PI.' I"I bI~ .1... W . L. O' I~ RIEN . O .P. &l1 . A . ceudency. 01 IVe l· '&Wee l;ahllv ...... m,e IVO. t 0 '."II .r.1I1101L e t 90 , K abe '" of tbe tonnel'.--cit"'". u e T.ikeloollotfa l ·1 we. ·ol.I·. Io 'ver .il cd .o wo,'k wl tftU Il \\'lllltC'! D. 11" . QA,I.D~ ELL . o. )I " '~' nt\Jlt' . . zl·alll ml lll · ,E v,a MaJ'1l\tt 70, Ida B.x:k 70, 1 united cel'tllio y>l\l'ticles of l'he okl find ..I, n be .,,. .tale<,' n .i"3'I, on? IWI hall be Jl11 1tttl l9 t9 • lel'tI~t. Dot It' anv llll~ J . BI I.L, "Ill, Lo~au poli. o llj e' ~ .Rc tl~\ Myel'S 90. EVil AI'Chet· . 86, I-ed ?,:ereywi·thYI . ! J'lI iu viz ' Hick ··te canopy a Id 1t.~ l o be 'P~S. a s the . h rd 8I J "d. . s ~ l.'''l WUI:! 1\101" P,i\'1' \;fl' l \. aHoll ded ill. BIlIlII ih we I ~ ~ •. . . 8 ) ' IY l UO Lalll'll Dill 80 'c oth. . ' Nt p,un. , ~ bou... d .'" .' .·ow WA\'!' ID.U. . . . . . . . . . . . . .• .. • ·,hl·d. '1 he I ou oon answer t lat WESTCOTl'-1I00N .t:Y. -.Tuly ~. 1876. • O ... hodox pll1tfo l'm.SI 1hL8m '1 " ·t ~ • .11' ammot I ll 'lu' Pll rI." . o. ' lit" I ",. b ," . • •.• " ' I~ .,I I ••I"·(·;· t 1\1 11 1111.' 0 .CI. I W.I . "fit Illg. AO:U\lld questIO n chEaply ut Mayor '" • Dod· - . lte)-Keetln b III' 1uIlig 11 by 1 ,'he k n ••. C. :E·Ot·, ll LUC1I8 10ll, uu G-, IIII1lU'l ". Mr. Sft!"uel O. !llI n -nowli as Ihe O. ~v'" I•• •·0 .,.. d0 nOl be lOU'.! ij , t· S ltI11'" y W'r.loott oC Keokuk...... U, CU\\· rI'· F'1\1 ~1I1)8 lInTINo (BP'tb , . a F''''~ & W ChllpcI IN lI C IlII pl'O vel.nent·III l'Ua t I I" K IIl1lI " lo\V •• ~wll'd 1le110 V etter 100, A·'d· , auU'1 a Societ , of Liool'.•b~d nDY m Me tlW" I .. · o n •. ,1<•• .•ho· Il ..., u Ie D) 0· , 80n S ;lUC.101l VU lui, . . 0 }I.o. . • -I., • e .. utllel' MOI'ney. bnlllche of Hl\ueys $; WI\5 bu r3'. mll ,'ked ~~dI7~~ "ut it "~gl~ lIt~~·1:k. ...,i'lht-Day als d~dicu ' ed 'totbecomlDOllwea1th be~i'8'I ·o 91) Vel'lJie Killuey 100 Jobn. 1 -Albe l't Ohl1udLeI' Imd W,lham wa't-e nnm tbrc~."or;II~~IHel:p",.' . ' . ""as c~l lec ially dec:lIeu ill OI'l h n·. lun NOr.l;I S- HARVEY8.-A.( the ]>..... 1,,-. I 8elloola·tllt.9u 0100k 11.. 1( . • • lIie ' ~ l~ S;nith me it ' ,me 75 Willie Dllo~tel'l:l Howll1 lldwou tfisbiug , oue uight t~" i~n P ....,nn.o. ' .' I va ttl ,.1 01 Hllt·vuy "uu,·q ' "l " . • d"I(\u II m " U m·d•. - 0 . Itwoe Lebsunll. Oliio. bY · L~~ W I, .. d do!,"" ,·,,1 ."mll" Dcl luv ..llIg 1'1ll1l1l\) s' )["&'\'1!'I 6 lOrtbec':0ll).- 11 t.. tho l tlte '01"1· r '·t S fi I. ' 1 : . "R,p ,l Oa\' idCln r t.Jun. ~L Vnllie Mvel'S SO SIIQ ~ R o IllOd Ias t wee k, lin d . . ' . .J ' 0 tl~ ..,.. r. n rue~ _~ u_: c:\6 I~ U d .. 1" lo ~tlc " mpL. Sl, . le.l , . , . r " '1 l .. Il lJ,lI ' ' ill for dh,iD8 .onblp 0.""" F1I1" ...d ee ' to . 1 pal'" oft' on Ibp IlI'bl!c '"" 811' h c.lulioll . 4.tb •. •. of all I d' . Ctl'"d 0 9 tic: Ie cotner d kllv\fle 3 ~,. (I uo· '·e _ SO u .' Willis . .. "a.,. n " l>otter.,·td oJ Everhll ~ be· I .' U· . ' ",""0 '.'v·I· l't l)1 r . e '" d ·•.~j> .I OQ aK . .,,~. ~V '. SI\' Sammi at tl o'olook. Fint,Day Thi -d II fiClY I'III'IHlCQ trllit . e U~ . we lgu~ WI:! I' C . , , 1111 II ' ' Ui!. b andl ~II~. M"l'y J) H rvevs. 0.' w: y"Ucbv'"lll~, " " ' Ollce ery ...·01'11 of wh , b ;. c"uoin' Iy " Itl <I' • • • " ' u III Spe . III~, I C teu!' Iler iii S &ii';"1 :9Dl~go'olook A. M. I K M' h I. VUI' Sm.th 65, Juck Dultou. 100 01 · betd i~1dhlp\ltllble 6;11, ie now l'e. f~lI.\· rnot n'!cd {II" n,· o,bc' . Jollu· I -.wr. anlue • IC eoer, WuO 110. "~rp"'p ;h.tl 0 distl'ict has IUll.de ttli!! , ~ ill jl l'6\'i' l nie Pell ce 100. )(.E.Oll tl RCII.-Tbe Re •. 0LFe""""tUO' pJI8cd 811d beatell baekh y.hate ' . Ihas bee'lI at hOllle the p:Ult two _ B 7rTT;:~'VOR;1 : 1 -~~TEb~:0 h """f. ive.Jle ...,.dbe,. 'd" .l~'~ .9,,·euo.. . ID tlle om; 8cllUvl" hOI' Ii l!l\ C,I, . · eervioe ou Sannay" at P..to,r. kDIAVI~. Ju'y IIOU th ' lt Jobnui e .. 8 .... 11'." 1'.1 U . ' .11l ~ i il-lu. ·IQr. Pence and 7 1~2 1'. iii . &bboth al·.shop. ISOUp. bones made a llpe.• ~~Ta\\; receive d the weeks, :suffering wilh u carbullcle, .:.'.,: ~. by"~i':~h:~<D · ~~:t-!rt, l " t .., . 001'! ·vent ..•1ion ~.)(' l b ,· I ' ~ I.b 1'_ SUI.l1IlIe.1' IIcr I :~ullnl , E"'t rlE.i·w! rd f I ad k' t ed ~f~ 21:2 P. K . to X IlIve. . 1~.en . , M ._. rc' .... I·eai'osi. OllmOOI . ciality.' ' IC' . "P ·mill· " ·p .• 10 "r . re uro cilia 011 ouuay. 'W1> v,. ir/ lhe /IIr .oum .~ " I ;ll~m eln d 'l'e I llill WIth UIII ,.111l11l y gl'U.I .,V l U g :.t:. ~. nutt~rw. rlh .",1 mc.lla A. rot0 11 . i\le fil'sl spelti ng clutlS; b,,~el ue I' -OUI' t'1 ':elUl E. B. Bil. . C1l11l81·I.uI COUllcJI - EId01'~T· If . DocB,.. -For not, It ea .. (1",1 Lh~ " e· ··· Ine ... a· (u orduo Dr ·ul\.i; '11 llvely ·t!;.\) · tPl'WOI'l a specimell of ~ Ill.jle the h a I or \Vllr,,'" C"UII'1' l:oUllcll) K· i, o ll cd in · 'a ·I cu\\ .. b~d . . p ..tor. Dinne ..rvloeoD the FlrL r.,. I lie .. . " , I . . :" I ·trd·~d . 1 L _ 7 d I . t t 1\1I~y M' k II' ',. e~. C" 'II. . Third Lord·....t.· I.. eacb month. was Will'I Ie, I'U "" - -II V IS -_., , 8· all nea \\,0.' lUans lip, eumlll e a ly f U 'lVPck< " o~ '~ I I 'I' ••''t...." blp' 0"lowlO l! ,e l' l ~ 1III\II(·" u l l Nil 1" ',.· .. , "It·. elduel.lIll ~a:OOUCv. .1\IAH KE1·. r . ook .•." ...u,.d 1100.'. Lord·.-d ay If a' " .IS tltl U Pl'i cill" 'Vrotc,) . . .wdllM. 'bA. tl Tltctol . .. .. ' 18 W I ' ·' d (I 1. tl ,Yo ehher hruu'tily . .. .. lh .. I ·t • rS;UlI0 1.t II 001 ·. th,. Ie [JIII'I • e ..ury IU I g.II . "C flC snpI'0l'tlOg vel'all ...~ ovel·. . .le u)~ <i.u.clv <l ot ..... " 1:;10.1\ C l e~~n v" . '%..t . . Ie a11 Wish lb e huppy cuup aol'lllll«' U ' 01 illll.." ..,.r UIIIllOO ,' vf head II lU lk Ie POSSI' ble . itl 1'c;-lti .I II' dovI's of A. Edwall1l1. SlJtj lh w. ! .•., lit prove. Tul ·bo6 11OI'~ teo••"ctc.! lIy ide• .I;; C..,ul""I)' . T IIU ill ic e 'l lll;,II:rl:,leu hy III .. . lI"RI!T BAl'TI" ' (I'ree-W1U) Oburtlb III fl'o.ut " ll1e ~:o , romovetl ., .. " I ,~ ' . & Stu t . 1 I" t co . , . . . to Viii:,' Mc Gee'. "'''\Ion.•h. ~ jll" bnTelv ill uO III "" l lo tlO~ UII . I I I I JO)·. IL ec Wayne.- 8eni_ 01\ the MOOnd SatuP1t)' ,. 1'1 pol 01 .tIl> IlC.IO,) , 11 II I tie }I, !l1'C IW s. --Mn. '.' 1Ime .o ~ i \'u thl' .'mlli3 ' ~ "> \Vrllm'" .:ory 10 lit th ild 0 1' advallccd F. Daklll lel\ here Flom', &lid Sond..,. iJl ..,h aon\b. Elder J,25 el.lss pl cl4<;u.~ llJ~\t ~h t:y bI ke i ll ·1ll'I'l'OI·Ul. for B"lluiblH. ., -Thom as ilsoll Ulpollti a new a .8m"I ·,,00 o. truLb. Ll M.o thi8 mO I'uing Wheat, . Oibe<>n r ..lor. Lily Woullu l'lI IIIIU Mattie buiJlliu Crew. 1 10 g alm08' III'" lhe comple <!t,rtl!! te 8t iI!;~ig I'b ll(!d We I born, Y~K.KlI·GBA"o~. No. 18, 1'~trou8'" h~d (·ul:e ! Sbe '0,··,,1 WlUl 1 /I aC~\Ol)~ ( U 1l1 ~ "t\on 'l1ied tbe as far tI~ [h , I . . d . t " " d" • 1 Town.b;I' l ' I!. I ~ ;;'Olk.· I " thi ' lh ~y 1II tiC • I . . ,. fi 5 R,ub;mdn' WilliaaComell.lIuter. HeoL el1»t .. . S O.>U( erll1e I.ILUIIU10l'fl:>! .on of Mom. Hal VCYS!>U I;l: .s maleo u mele t 10 ,1 ';.1,·le· , . r;'::" 'l1 1 . . : I\ ~llICllll r.illl . .•"u ,aidy Ioe~ l ll,' It.... . class. J vhn T. ulpp III latl by r. IlDd MI'8. E. 0.'1·,1, ;;1 @ ::i 5 'nOddfelt;'~.·H.uoDthe_dSd..turdathY.1lI0Vluguut()ftowhu. Tbhl! .ma.lo~· and Cyrus toacbl:H'. lUA M. ;:'1' 1;.\\,., >1,':cJW1"1'1 .: /) I'. li. Dilkio. lion. kTh"d;\,I' . ~~,. ' ell\l:'~I'l " . .heh· \·~I Y1!i ''!lt Shat kelflll'd. 11llho 1h~tol' <)..ts. .feaobmouth.at'1o·olooltp.m ~ 1 ( Gil e tyor hel'cilizUIIII avo USlllt!b!I 1:1I. tlt pli· m ... .. .m. I".'". w,"" " .~ I. : Remer uool'M avor Dodson ' FLx;:; L'd, fourth ~turru.)' of e"ob mouth .•atI1JI?n "' 1" I' II ocloole. Wi hl'l illCf ton whollevel' a John 110u. TI lila 011l\\' Albu "t 1 (l ) ' . could " hh J~'"' t.'e .,·m. 1" 0. ,·I.:V do,!,,!e O~ .V f' -. . M Jll\IIY'S P Jll CUUIIOD- OurDer of . . 1 : 1 ." I M . ~ I STORM. --'llle gloal eiM ptorm. 0 El1blle anctlOn of Read·,r· mndl· • mon.·y 10 bUild 1100 Qu:oker cI,U., h. :.:5 raJ 1 5 11 . Thii;l a~ lIi~; ai-roe"". Diviue ttervloe I~SO Il CJl'CUS ~~kC8 !ts~ppe I lew, lU I tlY · 0 • Ulllt. . the se/1SUII Cl\mtl last evcDlug Olothin g on al~ OC4'. H ' c we ",,~o OUt ~ilo,·t r. vie...: Rud ".o~" Satrwday of this week l'tllllt"C ~. 8ooa4I.Y Tho 1 ~(I p. lU. SIIIUla,,_bool at Some go b) VISJt lhell' is the al'el'll:!, e about 6 o'clock . ck It f;'leods tltuodel ,. b en 1ld, . .(·(ler I bt. ull illllin .t ~~. ' I "",It! ,..I d dOIl ~. ~ ~ n"" I" pel' cent at. 10 o'clock. All 01' 'Iv\<' ! eelr. • wbCl.J.ul-vo ~nt fOI' lbe vII iu diifel'eJlI ,. L . ed bi . aDO our donbl .."malu " \ W"P " t(l .... ho I' a tl"'t'~ 7 ~5 · di g g &. , V,,1.1.I'; Y rIU~D""TllU..Ull BAM'18T CR. people ill"*';ll ' . I lM;uten .' ew an drallrea 'j" I' l5 .. J bl lo~ . f",. the;'" ~-:, b~·I;.:r -' , all Iyou be there. .~ 011 :"-:r- ~ " .,.' ,. IlII ut I) ce 1 , "e. 1ft . . . . - M••,tU s\t'Ie'-~" )I..... .Id.... A,. D. (HeDds lIlDon tb~ rained 1U tlueh torrell&'. that. tbl) -Mr .. William Jtteip, fOl'me1'ly .) ~ .. Dim ..'. - '1 I .. " Ibi • .'. heiu ~ Oll~ ,...,., • . :tt. ' 8p ~ I t J a .wel. ec)ul'l Jdl \' ~~'l'U, .-111',1 DavI~ nite p ...t.or. D •• ,::~::r.":o~ alld .ide sho:8. 81 ~tW... eoou Mrelled til 11Y1lN, aDd or Illig place, is now J'eshl ' . t'! .. ~ 1.115'1 La... .' bapplet ~nay" in "r Illy iu Ere:' y(jllg.b W." .. rr;'" til Thomas.~I'ew 91J,VIII I UpP. \llg~IIY, " ~~~ '.7::'i.~~ae:: U.e -Jd aDd fOQr1;1I 87 ovel'flowed the streets. The wo~, Viuela 'ld. New Je ,·"e. MI' • • ' .." ....w. '" o,,~ .. ~ ~b old I'ioo .... II., 0'1 ,' \)1 : Ann.a {:i j ( '~ ~ei H'Jcl\t ll~ ' IIll o. v ; ,llulI1 Suuol.. v••t 10 ana '1 o·olook. 600 . . . Slluk Ilord 84 par.t was at the old weai spot, Mi· has 001' thlluks rOl' : OURUVlLLB 0 July tI line bt bade 1'1~ uld " I.nll, QO,' IlOml.ldfs. DcttlO o.y:: or . ' P" ~'ly (Joll"t y (; 0111, _., D·-- o.! & 1 6~ "I'sbec 81)SII Ilte \V ul'd 78 ami Stl'96t. The wlltev came dt>wlJ ,.,. W"YDe r. ",weII,Il &; 1I....le Towalilip Lthr d ,,,e of'l'hu V'nel" o" JVl'e 7'l 0""" .. ,,0 ·,dK ' Jnlvhl h' .IEfti II Gazdtt ... aopy e ' .. Obse " ' 928 1 •. ' ~ . · Sllh II ' . . ""III 2 ')l't· tl 0(1 e "b'eb had been ' pen' ill oolebrllUug tho' UII I I'd, 90 F r,'\t!"<'ti ye Ooa!puy meet.: OD Ute 3d S~tu... 0 ~ , . . . . -:th t t' e!llc I IIalh .. tuel'6 II'Om '" ill' I' I ,,~g III I III t birlhday of E t ..kiol Cleaver. aHhll re I Mil1l1ie Keith 0'] it le .\.1' IIW I' a 1'00 ID a per-S II E ""y. R p . 'd day In eu b.montb ,.U oelak p. p B~ a,_I'~tll llll Item lU tile col ' Li Iy Wool 1.1111 98 foot deluge. on " I raJ 4,) ' . It washed away the ,.pond · ideul'e ee . . 1' lUtz a vertlS8' TIlI'1I i ,I~ . 01 hi8 or ofibi- 001D PUl'8.c ~() L.t..r;.rlMoo, left ence h'olD HII. l'vcysbDl'g uooot the Oompt"u. 'I:~"'edau:! hter. 11( .... lIIIrgllrel ' Albert Crt:w 08AIlIIQ GVltlOll 70 Baptist Chul'Ch bJ'idge aud: tlie Imeot of the Up-Tow n G,·OCCI·Y· A p" lcs .. ere !' IIll'D*1bel' of .!,Ibtl'l'll: Add. Thllckcr ~M.!t~i e O''CW 98 water becoJD i U Dt. . . IUIIe. re Silubat h·schoo S OU l fl'OUi tnat pl'liIce btl ' . ,·~,"nt I·eh!.ye~ .lnd f<lendl. wIt...." Dame. N I Wit·. inf illlbcd~d in its ;Mr. PI'intz is keepillg a fiue litock. ll":'1!.• harrel. - - -- - - - " - _._-- - _ . . b ' . . . B 01 r. '11 wr aro con' I'ell. d 10 omit ill D"I.ins thi. ' e. at n;ou9qA . 6 0·) ,. Y ... r lAC. " all bis old lIlI;t 1ll'J Ce.... ' 109 en ell In slIlglOg ~t u.r SVI e '·' l'Orl. to • 7u cOOl'Se at tho CII vert y Ondwnllo Iand is rapidly dl'Bwill" , Ihe "1 "ce 81l0t.d to It. 'Will not CIIlI'ke Duvis . Sl~II. . '" Sitkoe ~' preva,l. e\·~ry,:,h Gl'e. "iI!lelC·'·Y· ~undu~·sc~JOoioolebt'llttoD, Shuk!lf o)' o 58 .del' " COI'lIel' backed lip Main !patroD8 about b~·m·. wadeem perwii. I\e 11'1 ":'~ I'et nol' hniDg bee!, Ell II Dilvis '''''''''t l.vltte :tIlukc u•. S,ilFlol'U Bal·t;oo. S9 stl'eet until ~alf tbe sq'l1al'C J'ooked ~~: eWb~~1~~:k~rth:'::j:!:e:~ ~~I~:: ~~il'; if'i~:~t~':~ t~1 ~~I' tl~a~~ei:!!I'~ ~~~~,I~.'~~·r l~bee"~~~ - I f the penon who took u TIu ttcl' HI ~~o". 3 ;;I~i .. ~~·b:y~t e~~ R ead11(j.DOW lYe ,av plalnl, tlUlt nO pe rtOn In tI.l, .t VI'OW 9!l, Add like a l·ivel'. The Wllbel' filled 01'. bu~dle I f oJ' a far from 7u The cllnuer ODd rnu,io wel'e 'l'11l1Ck ttl' ~ 'AUi(lI o!' pllpcl'8 tied with 1\ world LbAI'11 .u.erlo; .h.b O.npe".ia. Live.' WIIS eo t'II'e II Y ~~~.::d Blla l>uv i 7.). ~ ~: Cla ll·e William e Ollt son's cella I' overflowed , as we mOl'lIed fe:u;ure.s in 8tl llag, fl'um my hoUtle, OQI1I\,I. luL lIod li e e1lM1 8, IUch ne lodlge t · as ont of iact. aOUI'rar.c: I1.ent. l'be D . 7- ;N II' W ' k' .... ~n MI'8 Sisco's sittino~.l'OOlB tilled tWlDe Il'lelK1s _lIle YUI'Dg ,folks " 'Jo.yrdIbeIhtQl.rt~;II I will ~m....l.ye, rno ,I, on give I ~ n, Oo.Llveo•• ~ • ..:lIck Se"dab e. 8001' fllo· ti'Om Hlll'vey :five dollal'S !lVIII , and nb A"ll/lcl!, sbul'g 88 a S bbl4tl 'he el'O(I Iw "'~ I'O ""d . W " '111 " ': i ll~ t b. ,. 'IholUlI ..,,' e _'0. II I II I 0 1 1 . , . 7fo to, ' t' k d N N M I r . m.c~ . Bc.rlb~\'D. r~I ! .ibtfon of d .. Helll." I J " (JI'UW S~I,; Effie Me Bnllnt Cadwa llader & JUllney Ci',l,'e"ll IS • • .' f", I ." ",ere ~oloe IDI 'e ~; ",.: :~d "te. I" ·v.~d tbilL 82 AIIIIlI s cellar, qUC8 10118 all e . Oepl... ~.d Spltl"". B.hoI18Uell. ~ . COllI 'like SC)oo ,flOt III . . os Ie . II G illlHD 57 Jcla DI.vis t:od lIeady 'Swamped W. F. RapeI'. Il Slllllt 0 nVll Iy, day. Il t . ould It 0 01 b ~ ve been, .14 (lu.-,i'. A.vo aT F tOW l!1l wlLloou.t get! :ng but came and paJ'tlci -The t<> ... ,t· grondCl ,. ' ~ !t clearln g , 11.1111. nnted 1'1'" n I II I ' I f ' •. .. l,ef d OU uure. tr ~oo douhl tbl' . go 1.0 Illel'Cises wilh beautrful sel it) the In:" to I" YO bt:1I '~ .lled ~ IDO U :J tlto' e "Id ho, F Ivrcnce HIU'It!vck 76. Jvlt 11 10 loot cl·osslug at ...,n( n .' I' rl BI'I· t·. 2 ' @21\ \Va a( er s JSIL e .o mcn s, uo,ys ' .all d . yon .tiOU8 ,,~opl~1 II t.".i.n ~ tu tbf;t I .l" . bout ~" rly l pp 72, Cy , us Sh(I(·ke _ ~our Drul!gI" , A. DOLL. and g~1 a r..a"y,le f lfv,·d ,.~, WBS washed ~way, • and I' b th tile way cl?thtn d ~. g ever oIl11e. known 10 tt.e .m ""nl. rO!· te~ Ge"le .ud try 11. .Ggu .. r 0 mlJ6IC, t >.td. mo.,i.d tbe couot,,.. Betlie Ogles~ 65. Sullie Gillllm the gravel tvwn WIle ev 1'e0 el~ lUI' .. hen lb· . a .1' dl~appe.I'Oj from tbe WIll be DooilOo's IlIlC~lon thlon~ Satu .I~e 75 ceull, "11'0 dose. will I" H.,·e '011 _ maunel' tbat e·c VOU" ·· 1'ho' eoldpeo ple 8 M' . K i' did t\.uim muoh l·· ~' t'~" 8l ,-, ~ M, .. De• .Iv of ...·bom w~ ; e , p"ed up togeth.; 0 Dw'i t IIU Ie e hi G. S;1II it: W u,·d Sl·dewa II;. ~ was a c aut·,?"' M r. J e· d f 'J t be ah - - - - - - -- - -- -.-- Their si n ' 0 is uuivel't!alJ clooit. \lU -4"\U~h.. \ ay. hi . bl I' along.Cl U em-·1 lIl'e C .. eJ.. •• ~d Ih. X b aU. In· 72, ...... "' ...IPl'... .. HU l'd fill . AU'II! Gv:'(\t}\I hu A!"\l~l\ ~d~ Inmsel f very 1aoy mcull8 k fbgth ' r . 1 g ~c1.ed. t l. h . dluIC" hOI" .•toldpe ople85 A~IJ" . LllIV WooIII I" 9.> Mlle,ie eifechv eJll aS81~ttngtbeftood to Th." 1I ~ ~'doioine ,~N)ge::W'L b~1 [>hril· :yPOn:od ~e eYu1'f.~te l -Seec urdso fourne wluwy cl'!I lyn hJl'eopeeot~matU~~ :oc,~~,o~~ :,:i!~,~ :~':.~ nu~~i,;b~~ t.;~:d"!~:~ OI~W 94, Loll. Shucke .1...1, 01'.0_ .... '111;:;",".1 •• eu ft' ~uc. , . . ... l rO I'(\. U abuto. Th(l Mayor allcJI Couneil , f\'Om LeUllOoU, MI'. Jllmcs N. . evideDoe or it- ' uace•• :lUd OUI'O((Irl . " . I'IOI' .... ue mny meet onl" fl'ielldi .nd enjoy ed ~ n . 1 '. ot .:" . ".ed I , BI.'! d · .t . . • A,·it(.m el -- Addle 'l'hlll:\u r 1l!1 0 tller d·",·t E S n 'OtT I u Bo.c.. ~ ·. G ~tl lI" 81nu r tur Sel'eoe TI '.. 111 alll:s sa upon tl ~e \,ao d " ill rutu l'O. .w.J'. . 1. ~ I. Ill' .b:.• 1<. the l HI)' Ke.. l.nil' 01 . h' ~ ~1 7 . Clal'ke Dil·. . .,I,J. n U Loll. Oougb., Cold, 8ellled .rn Ihe BrellSl. CO" tbei.. music muoy timee ICy s CI'~W d I sas~er last evel1\11~, an.d. tl1l8 11lJ'C bot" pl'om ising yOIlIl;!; 0 <oull11 v Iho."0 of ~ouog women ..... not 91 Effi oJ ..IJvis• 60 Thvma lumplion 0 ' . bY Ui.ell • "I' Ibe 1'1110,1 a llll l'\'Uc~ i. 7 LAIIK8V1LLE. L ' I IDorllln cou/lu('d " " CIIVk to g the 8tl'OOt bousebole evmmlS LUDge. A :••'O ilr or 111111 f~cl (L Ihd .lDY ~lOner l work. bu t tioners !U the bar and wu wish , j e II CJO>l'l:.l llt I> • l ' OI'Cllce d ,. _ • _ tb,,~ spun. ,,:ove, "ned coro li nd wOl·~td '0 HIII·t. . I tl . . , OI·k 74, }.d'l ·DII"is 73. Mi " nio 1\11 118 sate.II"!leS are VlgOron . PO''IOD aIIIiooe" 0111.' ~e, p 1';" m~I •. COI.le .1'01' Bra118 Nuckl s es y 8trlk_ a Ithom A.caln. success. . II'e h." ~">l .fi e'<l ~l1 d. lI~ou l:lhl . n olbltJ 10 c · ,,~• •"d It .V ' Ii 8ul"'dol eft.", /tclo." . ~ or Keit.h 4 Su ttie til : III! III . 67 C~·l'IIs work J'epllll'Jug damages. . T~e -Mr. S. McCllne must 8a\'0 llklO .: Ih lco ur fl UI (lilIes to chll reo . nd 81 _____ w. liuylllg ~b. 1'lIgula ' oi"e .\1 76 ctnl-. 11 b.l. -Nodift'oroDoe .. the 1. I " AI hat Irind of work eng~. I,ar\; wll h ft .... '111 . "n,1 maybe t"l'eroot _I IIIc"e " dllWlItO done th,'Oughout tillS I~"~:rt,een inl o;oduce<l 10 ,h i. coonll')' 1\" ", ged iD, It. i. al".,.8 beet d I · , r . '11 ' lv l'u 1,.,. J o\i" 1u,, Pli> H 73 . . .. to olean up .. 0Il~ 11I., t : ""hl'. no.... dav. it · equire. two h~ •.~.' Sill lie WIt ' . bl wooey ue 11m 101 011 tllery. II I' l l TO, ~e"u' Dl ' aDd d. "on,l. rfll.1cu ''';- .iI.., n.IOo· goes ,,",oD8'; It l~k8 80 Lou Sh;lckc ll'vl'd neigh 01 hood 18 qUIte cousldel a 0. ; wunl:a to go EilRt. muoh nloer; aDd e, :. nd " ~." J,l'. ,. t breo doI'ar WU I" . . WO Now do setl Ie .tblll:;' eYOI'Yono Lbat U8e_ 01. 1 br.e do.~ lobeD pareoD~ p...llllng ""II .eeand ;} Ann a GUJ\\o'1 8.J.. Mattie CI1lW 11l1del'lta • Dd I"" r 01 k.d :1' 0:<0' end U \oveu-dollu... I"u ~ 8" ' L·I W· 'I 1 8 • • .111 tell.... 001, cu e. 'f ry il. Rold b)' A. ju.t ..balfou ~re -\'\ u IWithout dela-y. Peoplo clln' l.ll·a\ el doin,. BaTta, laid dO'fD N ARRO IIi~t. t." h u!" 'oU" :>' I. dv 'hl'cc-rl!l'hl!w< ~I" ~, I 'J 606GB &avm A I. J 0(,,111'( 5. tl 1.)011, Wa. Dts,·.II.. " this rule to g? by. It now ~_, dDt,. .,," lo .? 1 p,e,, " ' ; n " v ,. oount . on not ling, uu ess ley tramp: tbo d.. "" ,o3' I Oeo(J. ( ph ,!, - Crl'll8 Shuck-el. par~ beadea by Joel Evans 88 tI'8mp, . .._- to follow ul' ~n tbe rearof Ute ladi,,~aal aQ . II'\.'~. tlllmp. . , ' 1\)1<1 QuaCK Ol'n' 7S. Jui,b l DAItKRY -lAst who goes off' IUlO . uoh QIlisotlOOOU1lhiQ08 . 74. l Miunie engmee r started out enrly last I -AlII1 el'Sons indubted te LClI.k . . <-ba lo b war •. hkoly to hom. t.o n" K ·ll 7" . .' over Lbe fe .. H.rvo,.abuj!f 1101111 pabllitbed ond-'I' . , '.'1· rp .1 95 I I week to commence a aurvey t.ot~·('1Ihi,~c ..... A .llon-- ofl'u, t IV", wade F.l'lday, while trlmg pntleut ly to iu the Gazette. tll I u.~.... for ,e WU\lu . ted to , ( ~.. of w(I8lt betore laat. · SJtulll,,~ an d D ow liS Ille ". ni:;ht '0 uDit<> requea tllO CJutcrocl "l!' fI" . IJlI vi ; (J!, S.,I .e-GlIla m 101 , A II 11 1\ a I~ut~ endure the tOTl'ld statc of the Thou~h unliko lbe IrIshman .t DolUly. ,or th~ nl\rrow·~a~e. ! imlllediate settlem ent as the book l\ r ~. Althou',h no. tll'/iuitc ·:oool u.iull "'dA Hu rd 80 LOa... .Shucl.elfvld weathel' and 10llginD' fol' some- bl~k f.m. the w~uld.be Do. Q.ai&ote 95 BegllltltllJ:C nt a pOInt II~ CincUl" will be placed illl propel' . \'fj vcd at. Ihe mem".,. art! tnrQ.'t8 ., ~U . t 'M tl' C' . .QQ. " ' ." hands fot· . to get 1\ r.lr blow. but wildly DOYel' beat.. 'tbE' 91' nati &n the Morietta. radl'ODd', they I lIt' pro.peet of • &pee.J,y . ~t~l eme " .. i ,be II Ie J'e·", .,.~ • .J~ nlll~ G OIl. I0 1 tiling to cool ollr fevered bodleB, ,,.ute . _L .t t' tbeai r u~tUbe~ iolt8do.... b'-lfe..heWlt.. dillloult, n r 1,' M h. h . .. A mee in<\, wll . be be',! nod Lily WovtIa l'd ~.\ co ec 100 In 1& INIOI 1me. "e A1.0 I \.fli . c 10. 110, ~I" n u ·. ··1 u ":,"d balo ., we wel'O slIddeul y aW8re of the ad I'Csi8tiog an Imtlffinary W!'OII, d008 came on to llSon, w IC P?lIIt ·tlle busines 8t'turd~y s. ni:;ht. when 8 dl.~lm entJ'Buce of .. m r nt I. () hI d .. t ·· 10 81 k I" d they, reached on Saturda y eveolDg. lmeanM J()\ people' . . . NUOKI .! S. A l' a \II mlUlS ellng Altbough wo may Qot be eertaiD .. too. b.···dl,. po.,,'ble. d I' r tt1l1m l'l· . 1I. 1I1c·e .01' We have nODe of tho pat·tieulars spirIt, who came towurd8 us, and, ...ho r. ID· '. rVIII an ·/ 73, Miltt'e OI'iW liS Sf. Antla GOl'dOI this chIvalric iodiri4..... ia, whetlier . l f h . b ,. . ' ' daught • .~ er, MI'&. M.a!0~ Dodsoll and in a blaud aDd geoel'OIIB manue r 'Bird or Devil,' he or Kbe, a prolouge 7n L'ly Wbulll1l-rl 8'.1: 0 0 t 0 sUlvey, ut It IS gtven out ichi1i:1 len made 8 " d aQ4 POBTI'O NEIIENT or OouJlTY TZAOJ{· ' ", I. a visit to Davtou de~ited 00 oot' table a massive terrUlc yeU bas been rai.ee4; bat ••• . 8& the genera l I'C8nlt of the work . iJl tile CIA!' ERS' INSTI'I'DTK -In ol'der to ao. d ' · " t ItS t rd d S . Alpha lO h bel.-lL . .V notoneo :l GOI-dQI ullceo'w l 61, that a tl'aCticabJe route was fl)und an "ICIUI y DUS a u ~ylI.n 4-a. l ea e, all Iced and Ot u.a mented In 001) t bi ll\{. bowe.er.ooIJW0 . u~· of 'tfIIich •• Tberell Givell 55 f be commodate a . . nnmoo r ot teacher8 i J0 IIII A II t I.'a !Xl 69,JoIn h h day . Mrs. the mOit tasteful an~ artistic style, sure. tbat the iDdh<ida od800 Will l'CmulU I • ' I'om t e POll'!t w. ere t e fi 1'8t there al who th. of the county who desiJle to attend IOhal'l1l8 SIVO!} W ; He~I'J; Se~t, 611, all tbi8 week . aud then be set down a large Ve8· 'orward to de~eDd 'What" MIl. 'rigt.t.,' stake was driven to Mason. And b.. both the Couutl III8titute ulld the IEtta Atltl'illU 63', Wllhe : . . GIllam this we believe W88 cou8idered \let of ice cream, and took 11i8 de· :~~o~;th~·tU!~.f ~'ba:! -Hal'l '! K. II'vln at the Miami !~~ bit short seoSsioll 0 the Norlllll l Schoo1 163, Lizzie W,,:!ke r parture as quietly as he came. an igao~an~ fool and blpt .:I4 58, AU8tin tbe 'wont }l,urt ~f, the conlltry to Gazelte office will a1. at Leballou, t.he two weeks Insti. ' Tbac~al'a 59, Lltll~ I'eceive olod.el's Who was this good angel ~ It W88 10wcd.h.mll6lf ~ be fl.ttered and ba.e ~PQ' to be held nt WayncsviJ.\e has betln Hattie Ogleab8e ~,5, Oglesbee~, get over. FI'Om 1\1'1180n to Leba. for Ol:oq,uet aets at the followlDg Mal:Y DaVIS DOll no trouble will be met with, rates. Full aahl, for lawn8, Ma. JAOO8 RnTKR , the skillfnl Bnd }:":b~~~08::~t:!fo~:,.~01~1:.:'~.bjdi! .to unaeEroacbablo baker at ~b. B. played i thus thro .. o<d. '" the pollUo. postponed by ol'<ier of the commi t. 67. nor i8 any serious difficn ltyantic i· '18; pa.t·lor aeta for table u.se, tee of tl, a\'l'll11g emcllts. The In8ti. ' D eolama tiOM H. Hu,' Queen Oity Bakery . no.. sp6~1' column of .t~ .... "h?le of and Ji.iBaYB.- p~ted between' l.ebanoD aud 75 to ,4:; pudol' 8eb; for 800r UBe, These gentlem an have come fl'om ;r~i~e:::;!":~=.. m..__~w.,,::,, tute will begin on Monday Augus t .Mattie Cl'~W 'JIS, ~n118 Gordon 15, Wayneaville. The survey will ,8 to '1>,7.5. Half 8eta of lawn ; 23, aud continu e tw,o week8 . An IMiuni e Keith ' 80; Louisa Sbackel some place where a pI·int.iD~.office go~.bo "". ~ probably be continu ed 8000 in the Ol'oquet, $1,50 .. examin ation ot' applica uts fOI' Ocr· ford 80 Ida Da.vis 80, Lily Wool· direction of XeDia. is appreci ated, eviden tly i tor the I Fi~t. be quotes H..,..,. kJw l&elll -M.·. J. A. G. Robel'ts (of Ad· ... 101· tificates will be held by the county Iluod 67, Effie lfclll'ia lit "[5, John ice CI'eIlm, delicious as it wae, was o~;he CouncU ue beai11nin g to flud out Tbe purty roepl'6l!ent that all ams Expl'CIIs Office, Ciueill nati,) namfn etll at Wayne sville on the :Upp 60, OyrD8 Shuckelfol'<i 66, along the line lIot Gxbauated by oue or two dishes} u...t it ..ill lle DO CiT. .atter. after they met 0111, with !aod .'dmily al'rived bCl'C on a visit all, '" last day of tho Institut e, Friday , Addie Th8Cb but there wae more than we coulcl ~P lbe 'elopbant' ..,tUDe frol11.ta l'S Floronce- frienlls of the ellterprise, With the to their relatives Latmd nlug,' Bep. 3d. The Instruc ton hereto. Hartso ck 6T, Hanna65, ay evauing. b GOI'don 40, exception of a sillgle Germa n who MI'. Robel·ts di8~ of iD the oftice, though 011 reRd.lng the tWo"' he .ppu.at1y falla ffil'e IMlDOonced are · expected to be retuJ'ned to the city • Tbolli88 Orew iO, Clal'ke Davis. 20, declared that the ' "d-d Done of it went to W88te; while \molt and throw. up JIIeliMtda; horrified MOllday evelling, but bi8 family .t present . Alool·t OI'CW ''0, John .Antl'Rm would make tl'oubles mit railroad the cake, one of the largest size, "hhllt he -., ti.nd"~~~!.d.,_:~.~1 his boa· will remain here a week or two. and e • • t . 60, LCl'Oy BaI·taock 80, 1& t "re.e 10 on....... _ _&t1l"' 1 AODa sea." Beyond thi& r:ib'ect ion all -M.I'S. Kate Allen 'tf&I p~noull cOO ". Jus . sp1en d'd"" . I . of burloequ H reI e, rbodo _.....vr 80 aad ~.. left her'" r h Religlo u!!. U· • . __ _ _ ••• _ ._ _ Long live the Queen Olty Bakery 'FIN!.. tbo OOUDoil lIN no~ li/winllin t e ~lara.ners soom ed' . y to le.od . yesterd ay for Indiana oolis, where~ a 10 For Sale Barne llsl and. Its gen~roua con~uctors. May ::!.k~' Lbat: thuy"..e an.. •1ephaD£ on their a helpJOg hand, offel'JOg to glve lshe will placo hersel( under : -:Elde r. William' Podd, of ~n. ~ the right of ~y and tben 8ub· 8kill of the medical faculty of the their b~ead,.caltl16, ICC c~1;1l aDd .Wb:.:, llir. of OO~I'. they "'l1o~JI1It.llOw the nfi tionane a be alway. In de· betJlUlUflI( to I\od 1t out: u..,. _ro .-d, l tervl~le, Will preach ID the BaptIs t Selling off at 10 ~ ceDt abov .. scribe stock h~rally. Surgica l Institu Oblnch te of next that Sunday ci ty. , aaod at half-pa and st Vortun coat p aI NT .Z .I ' 'or e oruh for thi,·t1l da.jB at We 8uppose It may be truthfu lly We beam aware of th. taot mn... than ...... _lit 110.4 .. tU.!... tb &Iw.Jtru8t the tl'e8tment she thore W· ..." by r. H.lt.ntl'am.wheab'polU'lldforth .. . F III Jul ;, ,,18'13. , . . 'd tl t .1 '1 d" the r.mp(>I' 1uro. , ......, UPOD em. . l may Ilnnel'8 and olh· sa.1 la, Ie new ral rOil 1810 8. recelvO tbal memorable D,'idlUjrbt:r.:b illto the "--=-~==---~ ultimat e in the com· ' ;" _,n_ e. - y iio lers inteJ'8lJted Wm NaW _. _ plete I'C8toration of MI'8. Allen's ' - ':il.. !at ~e ~~ 'h,..t. ~ Severa l commuDications are I'tice aDd give me ~npJeaee take 10· fair way. 110111 :1 . . . . . .N .... .. .. early A call, as ng to Barnum ' I~ • • fractured foot. MI'8. Allen ' i8 ac· p~.. b-lli.. Jib: ~e.' deferred till nex ~ week, from lack I ahall ouly coDliDoe thie sale for Another deluge ~~toI..-iPfoltlilf7 . fib .wbat Ii ~ia.: an.d _. wWclowe ot 8~. began to.dllY at comp_anied by ber lon8, Romee _ • thirty days. w":~ D. R. EBItIGR1'. noon: and ]asted two hours. land Edd'e. · • ~ 1 381·1" .
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I a eertaiD tbr and &Ir tro.pee~ by a conCeruoea commi ttee oa the ~==- of ~ -~ h en. In view ur l ill magnifi- cflarge or too rrequl!u adtlictiull ear,. cent territO l" .. Ith illl inexllau ti- to l,iritou8 beveragtlol,t WM ble tUOUI'C fi cupabl of Ilulltaiuiug qllenlly alluUe d to it in tlw fretel 80 lWWy willionll of 001' rllCe, we grnws. lIi8 naUlC was T. T. K'II ' rejoice that bountj( nl II aven has ilriek, and pevple (pf tlll'S6 IlU l'l.~· Eu.anrOOD. K...., July.. lin'iihed uIJon U8 iu snch ri II l"ml!lUoorlld thut bo hod fvl"lnedr 6d.8. Oaz,t t,:- I arrived here fU8ion, 80 Wilily hI sgi ngil whichJlrow had a CIlreel' in this region, i. about a week liace, ...(\ have ·been shoul d cndl'av or t "1'PI'Cc iut.c. A~ fcatlt!'e of which wn" a propellllit)" ." making .. ca.uCl&l and geoIOlfica1 /8QWe distant pl'riod of th e worltl's lor b'llding . And it wus wirll ~- luney of tbia I",:"t ~od rieh. Ar~. bi~t ory,. 80me . anth.ro ptllo.i ~ II IIU thut they vb ervcd t blLt a W tel'll SETH ,W . BROWN, au ... vall y, Whlcll I' 8u lUlles 10 pllllusoplJer " ,11 write th hi pU8tur Will! Dot wuutin g i'n tbe width and more thau olle thoulIIlnd and d lilleute Ihe melltal IJOWOI charmd which ultr~ t tho admim · A TTOF \N Ey AT LAW milee in length. ' A vlLI'iety of shells , olle of th most, lind l~rububl . y tbe tion 8 11(1 insure the d",.otioll ,,( tho .ho"s ~bu~ it W&8 olleo obul~I'ille' l wost )lowel'fu\lIatio~ ul!vu the !ace 8!ste"!' or that city which is 0 dis · AND NOTA RY' The tlOll dlifcl'll (rom the ord luary , of the earth, ulIlul'ac lllg Ihe PUBL IC. prairie llQil of Iowa and IlliDoi s.- combin uti on 'of I IlIpel'am VUl'IOU$ hoguls hcd for the apprech \tion hy llllt llnu itA w men of tho!le who fill the 0_ ,. IIIcCl_ . ft,,,,· •• 1,,1_ Tho calcare ous aud alkalin e pror'" , type!! of mankin d , til · cOlUmi ligling 8aCl'cd oftico. The tel gram 8ta- 1 • .U:~UI" ... L., 0..... ......
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Conductin[ aledical Practice
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bnllbels ot wheat to th" !lcre. It is 0 11 tile wust, bu lld u lllll! the iUllOor· her buloved pa:ltor, Mr. Kend r ick, not IL8 well adapted to corn n,q tIre till prillcrp .... ~ lu 1)1' rl!)Jllbl j ' _llIi 10 will ; why thc.n Rhe wO\lld leRve him, Ji'irlll N"liolll~l ])a,'/,; IIlliir! i,ftfll &llnvi albotw wi of the Miam.i , but bl· Iwrpetl luled thl'ulI g h all li rne , bisbc( \und 00& I'd , l1ud lI e w ight WA YNESV JUF OHIO tor llmall gl~in it IlCarcel! hus a and will bo pl'cijerv ed h.v I'ulight ell. Iget 011 us llest he he might _ ___ _ _ _._~, paralleL • 'eel wi..dom Illld 1110)'0.1 po weI', with 1 8~ bvW' he IHccu cOllld' it to he a K I';'u!8 Aualya ing the water, which is out which all itlt,hao and cou ru I wido,, 'cr-thu t be might. T lll\t. ••• in6xhau stihrl!, 1 filltl the alkal ine ' 8ion, llOlh ill nul ion!! alld indiyid u- hU 6buud, us we l'Ccollcct, didll't !••.,.. ......
. ... _a.. "EW YORI. In Independent Physician,
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1 C: B G '" my ulosL Chbl" U1~WUI'y nuu coulu l'cCIlH nuth ill~ Oller. hi. W I ~':"~ti""io ll"l • ~er.i '·". to. rb. oiti. l ; ' . . . I' ~ : "'.,:• ~ ":':: doctol'8 out ot legltlw ute bi~lOe8S Itlbed l'(lcu l.l~e.tlOll '. u III I ." :=: and Vl ulOlty . H tl VlfHl bad olHr Y· I~ ... \ ' ,I. " :!,') , .I t)'iu"!) -:: ~ . . - . , - of ~ IftYftIa . - . . or - ':' ~ =I - ~ ~ J I. ~1 lit' J t' tl l e tic caD be found alwost anywb ere j - pUl'don ed II III tl1l8 eollll sl l~lI b io ~he IJl'eJ u~l~e vi 1118 pustOI'; all experien ce. he hopei! tu gi ,'o .atigf.....bI to ;;. au. _ .._ -.dIIoacl, '""COP' by f I;' J.::: ::.: . : . : <' _. :.,: ~ } I I: 'u, il< ctlon 1 he 18 uow, It III ~;, to 1_ lie hupe.d, cu· 1111 who m~y lito I I h , _ .1 lito _blLoh _t. rw_ favll. him " itb. 01111, eome with a botUe vf lobel ill. i:. CXpl'CSS Illy UUmil'Rtion of ) . : 1 ~ .'~ ;-~ ' . " " ;"n " I ·. ~j olr" ' u. _It.otIo. _ I .. lilt of q _ _ th e Pu.- !joying the society of hl~ UCYVllt ~ ",. S 8;'" , ;.. . their pocket, aDd some with a min - tient t111111.I'Jil ily IHld IUI\gllll . C " 1IIt1' _ ','1'''~ \1'.1 ! It"w",,,·£ . JIIIIIIPIolet or ..w._ or .._ nimous alld Itifeetionate wile. ' ... . MI. S .RiCH IC R. E _tllM ...... I!rw compou ud, who nre consum- ' !.!heerfuI 1I0tlli of tb ut labol'io ti,.o , -,' r:: ; " " ;.. ~ :l: 'I ~' :':~:';'; )~ ;:~;"i~ .\!~:!h~<~·i ., lls clllss, . lU I' Ii Dut ] ' ~~'I all this is mel131y i IItl'odnc- P,no -'..·', Mu"le f •• eller" ~ Dr.]I). D, FOOT lil. mate quaCks, alld ouly waut a ral'mel'S , wh v III'U the ~ , c ~: ;;, ,_, j ;;: nerVll, U~1Il0 lory to what we now hI! \'0 to ~ay . Q ' N . " . " ''''1» . 7; "1·. ' .OK " ' , Ill. . Yorl!, E , -tliJ" of ~I l'i" "''ttl ~ ebanee to ram I~eir dl'u ..... down the and sinew of thi!! Vtlst Z :~ :: ,2 ;i; -: I ;:; A F.>c, : ' ) ~: u, ; •., i .. " . e. Dlpi 'e, In the mouth of Ma.y lus t ~he sai d oj , I D~ W"V~ !(~" ... I . • R. 01 . . 0 . aJimell tul'YCI lDIIlof theunin .... ACEft lTI WAIIT ED, , itinted .whieh has vi 1I,j icutod itscapa city Re v. M1·.Kontirick .'. ' ; ~;., CAEL WAC N R : 'ii'lIOO~ ~ ;: ~ dppcul'euOVel' ,II , ... A.' .@~.(II.~..ooJ:, The medica l cI'at'\; cannot get riob for the hi ghc8t uifol,ts of ge I:. " " " ,':. ':0& 3 DL FOOD II 1M ..,~ '., " lUDIc.... 0 ...., ~ r:: C, " Diu " ':, , e.: us ut " Levcl. ~"'" iu : thili " c' COl1lltl'Y, aud tbere JAM L'1.;l W H "'IN L'!'\ M D aro ...... " .boolttb a&_od.l llnnllaII oo here, but farme"", mercha nts aDd well us luI' Ili\lllccr dlu'i ug, meehan l '! " _: ~ '. : ,; • 0 • • - Ibroceoded to di sl)eUse lhe o'O,,\)el. II ",:. '. Mo. III. . ~. ,,,. !; ' I 11 - . j " ....... Il10,000 oopIoo ; aIao, of "1'&.001 n ..... 1'. ';' . 3 . ' a:.. .. '. :'. :0 = ,- = =- .:: mecba nic8are dourish iog. __ . On LI,,' W ill;;_ . !icalin gell ll ity aud cOIDmcl'cialen- 0 pl'each ed00 SUluJuy n of I., ',.•.. \ ,,1-,· " ;11 . :I.i CL •. T ..... " - - noontl, pablLohod. ,,1lIc>h bu ooId - \ " ' II\' \ I RII Hee; :tILI. s lLuddit MIII"ce, u . .0:8-= 0 .. " ' ... " 1 have had twv clhC~lIil1cO 1 11I1\'c t l'J)t'i~l.! . ('18 lID thII.ant. of 'm,OOOoop_ i .&.eo. of HIdIIUICa 7 ' ''' ' ; ; ' ' : : ' : > ' ' ; : ~ F. WILLIAMSON, I' a little tl'ading 011 week da ys. Hel M,·,,·,· F".C ' le 8. P"re. , SOl lie. foi"',l ,'1. I arllToaT.· _II"" " .... p..bIlIboo4 lD..., . ' Ii 1.- -tJoon hc~e i UII O II fract uro of thc... . ~;"huc · 11 (1 .' ,I... ;' .•Ii ·.,I, . . '1'1' -.-n c ,. --I I Iwas the agent 1'01' bls bl'Othel', who OOI<UllU ... . . bolles of thell'g . ullvtll~I' Ii .. kullk AHD 1,111 11'. "'.' OIl !·S. · - Il'Y tI ..c C leap. ;~ 'he ~ '"! , By CpARIES X'NICL: .... luuda in R ;'; COUll ' h' ' : ~~:' ':=~oa~:'= l.ll 'Il"e Iucil to t saidd' owoed " ::: olte. W Ilie ~ J_ ' 16 Sill'd' to b I ' h" e Illc ur0411'-I e (' ' h ., ~ II l ' lh; I'f ::: d . ., ", O:tJte at r. e,;,:.," .' '" I. " too elU,.. Dr. roon, y, an wile u O Odlreu I" u.. Ibm, IW raw.. or WllS " ..... I· ' u, ... 1·luDI·P .I.. . produc ing hyd l'Oplwbill. I vlt utur· sh.lI ' lll~ 111(11111): . Iu :IUt sec . ;, d . \ ? "C~ ., ~ lIlfi"' _ _. ..; .... a I.J PCI'l!OU ,." ,. I UI/, d'I/~, i ;l ll . ~5 ,'1 . ~tioUl _ aa4 _ _ _ I0Il '" 0011 " ·"' .... ,.11.'· . ...,.. tld, howe\'ul', t u " li t Ihe 11 ,, 1~' 11 11 I1atl" Wi ll i .; '" l Ul'I\" " Ih l' (')'~', Rnd willing to tJ'udo lor Wan'oll cOl1nty ' 6 ~:: ; ' 1 . ~ .! . M.ti U r 1'.. 1. ... la ml!!, In due time a u;lrga in was 311 IM ....... I .. woru. ... wlloal.l\hnlproItwlll m~n on Ii prevcutlvl: ·V''' . '-'U' IIICU ~lIh 1·~ l tl"I:I. · IJ'I- j, .lI lli ('.''' illls. It B I'uck betweell ,I ,,~' !r eulli " ,ue I" "we . rll!ilt)~ '"."!lI1' 1 '· · ,. : == z ~ 1>0 allowaol. TIle bofInnlD8o 01 ....... _ the pustOl\ us il;inc, which mlly ~1I{,\·I'C' 1. '~~i1 j~~~ ,d'J] :':~ ,:~:.?\-~:' ~:I'i':~ru ,I!:!,C:c ... :.:, ",;. :::"~J::: ~o-::~n!r~' .r~~ I~ \" . \' ,.;, I' til I,"L I,t! It, ~II agent, and MI'_ John McFerreu, '1'IIIH D 8"'UEET.~I:"RM"'N. '1111' lal'lllCl . hlld WCII'\"' "~' .. t' IJ lIg \) H ' lIl' : ill ."'glecl ..elldlllg and tile lattor gavll a Ul:ud 101' hi s ' I By H. "'I' ~t"LA _IZ:', IiilaptAltilollClolto, 11114 "Born aabl_" 1a COUI'5e ul'e lu,JI. illJ.:, 'Ill ile clICIII,'1l1 a I :.c \" .:1,11,1 . \II n JI •• ty ttl line wh o farm ueal' Level in oxchull "'c li)r a n. .151 1 1: CtNC l:.~~b::'!""~'='·TIIe""r!!:.=: INN . ', A 1'1 . I OHIO d . L • I I lei II II' whe n ,tltey UI'C rClIl,lllp: Lo I)a" S d d t' I 10 Oe"leuul.,1 M., r Ie . U,I iI IlIIl ali i !, "00 ... .1 I I .. Cl·U. , I~ D :• • :.mwOltlill 901 queo&l.......lob I_ _ _ U. ee UI' t le~089 eou uly la ud. 1 8:! 00 PA'R DA Y. 1'Iar\'c~t . Tlt i C 1I It)" .. .. d Ih'u r II " , . , " ' ,' .r ,: " or I;,e v II " " ,,, :.' . l r0A):u . ....~..I . _ _ oIioO\lt -..oItbe lrpb,.t_ r.lle '.III cct wit h- I Aller the trade MI' Alcfcfl 'en hm./ , \\. .... I: t, I" lie . II "1 _hi. . '" 11 ....w.. at all .... e1tl1et lIiXltdjvillill1-t COlllllic \\' :11 ",, ""U oU, , ~l'.'~~ I I ' ''' I':v' ,1'1t l.o~n "t. .. , .. It.. " ' .''''" O!\j, flr.,or'. - - - - .- •.a lln come, l thctitl llto his new Jall dq CXIlOl in- i /' >}'e. no :. ., .. ~ u '" IC . .1' , " u.o I_I.. worD. " 1IoIu0Jl . . . . . . .. .. IIIII'plu801' fin! lIJ il\illll hll, It .. I" ,,: ' cJ"I : , :~ II,,· .-x i,l l· ~tl .o i' _ ~. -r v_ . "~ *" !"'I'! ' ", :'.,;,, - \'..... people cd byl\n allvl'ne ! ut Cltillieuthe, l l{~NT & ~.\'ll( 1"" _oal,llOlutdoC_laorollMl'IIItIIMao ~:~ SH IInEST ~~I.) (~l 'IC' I\E 'T wheat. The ;';I'M,ItIlI'[ll'l' ·.tl,j lll il.,· '~I \!U IIII H ' :~"I- . " ,1 led ng-. C'· I ~" .. ". ~:_'~":::::,,:,, __ I. ~o~ , whv Pl'oooll ;,:;,~~~.:~o~.'!.!:~.:'..:.:.::'::I1:::'::':-~ uced it dolecl i\'c. nud • . IU!lt Yl'lIr hu I,ccil aJec dl'tl h~lI"lil :t " :b .C ll \\ 11 .II,' :u do so 1:0(, 1 J•• 10 a'! It !S tiJis. as well it might, e ~lIpled as ~ .A.• • ~AlI1• •de " (L . :\ £ "ttSUING~' ~ ~ .\ BlL'I'lM ORE; tv thefalll lC I'S ill (1I i'-I·d i,," . '1\'11 1';I'i\' II II I "" '.. I. . . , it w .(s All». . . .AI 1JIOy& wi th oth er bU ~I . ;l'ioIlS cil'JEW£ LE" (imt'B the qllllll lit,Y ul "l 'l:u L wa . L,iI til\' cll.":1" . l'UW,1 d!,v ~ S ~ O PTICi ANS The .: ........ d !!i~,... b-EII"" 1:1 1 ght t:lIm ~la IlCes, led him 10 J'ClIl' (Ullt By WILf . S HAYS . _ __ _ _ ___ _... ___ ' IIOWO 11\&1 fall thllll I·,'CI· li ll ,1 h~clI IS Ita . II :\ ", " . - -- -- - , .... l, l·III P,UUIO. H (J\'t 1,0 had coufided too 1'111' I'll tllc AU, ll Oll OF WII ,I.rJo: . I It lIT II G . I 1.1 I . 1' 1 I before, aud tll" .qu i,il :,'", IUI'IIIC'.·, :'i I.'; ' II, t·-.. , ". i " ';; ' I , a. CONOKN lllnJ TAm .• ;., TIII:O (;O Il TllAINS . & nett,o' l llo'ovldy n 1);lstOl·. He couclud ed Sllcel,I" ". Tu./ ' . S .a:;-.u ¥II 0 ~ D'S dON ~!! ' '1I0 Rl; ~ ~;S, 85 CEliTIl l!:AOII : K I 'E'TG & M 'iC ' 1i, 1... ,. 'r R beeing til!' ,Ibu ,alll ni .vi, It! , will ~I i ll I l" I" ,,:; C ".l'''1 ,"I ", ~'·o n tl '11 W' - - .----- - - ---Io ' l. 1 .0 IA , tha .-\ t he I,Eli:; would I I,U lh :. Il ot MAY g i\'e up :;1 h 1. i 74 g.>ou . }lul;ol,tiu l· Or.... . _ iuercas\' 111\· fl,t:ll1lit,v III'xl lull ill H·I.\' Cl'\\', . I , t " . vI . ' 1lI11);C~ . . ()C, I''r} fl'n~, L;.,c. 8 1. Lou:. Exp. Ptil , lee ii;.I;Io' .Ij,,,, .,t Illc "'lo,,,, '( . 11 Wilrroo county larw, a lill laht web]; S. \\ I, ... I ~ .; \1 ,., ,, ~.. I .~ ' l ~ J Ihe saulo 1~lti u. !\lul'."I · Ihu pllU- IIU' • 1,:, ·01. 111. It MI' . S'~rllll1 n Il' . 1) . ;1.'. " 0 ;' I'" I,ll;: l : filll.!d his vctil ion iu ou,' O"Ul't vI' I _ _ })Io havo ue>:11 Ul'IIl'1i tlct! i,y lilc t. .IJ Uld,' 1111',1 till' ('('I1 ;'HgC 1t1 'I NO ' N~ ~ to , 0 .· LVI ,' .",. " 'I' , 9 .,:drn !l ::11 " ... . !ii,~"J'";:\·'~,:' ·~~.~ .... ~c1.. .I.·iW); . i G, UlIUOIi Plens Ils kill'" t \lU t t be l . ' lJ " "rU8l!hol'11('1' o(·n l ·I.,l iu'" A, . e 1I " ulte 11 ~T'11' I 110 d it It ~I\y :i.'l' lO"'c! , " " C.. l·e lv r 011 1' who le t.lIliSactioli bc sct 110 ,\ WIcIl". ;'m'· Lo ••uOllu "'O'~;bh l l J. usid u, aut! .it': _I _ 1. 1 III 'b ,. ' ~vnvcrilliliull wilh II l'I'C~ hvll'I'i'l ll I\·.011l1, \11\" II IHI PI'I' ltl ll! VII I' 1001ll ' U1I1I that :: !' 1 ·:,',:, · ·,.' : :' . ' · 101c ~ ~.~ :: III ~uo ;'", ··l"g· P~l'k ie., !-l i ~g . . '. Lte be l'OstOI'C I to 1111 ~a~1 ]l lIIH\u C. uat I' l . (H I I J~ I~ GLOSS Sl'Al~CH 1'l'iCflt.who in lil1'lli ed ·lIll·tiIH t l hc l , )\)I\ . (· ... tlI!III " ywc ultl p~~ibly .. p,. Ke:~;.u ·. ;; ~u ~ ~\l ~I~~~" ~:,:~I.~, ~I),~'!:~tl oou thillgs 10l!t.by lending too l'e&\ly I j:o~ the La.undr y ~ IE1!\ ~,""''W('''kvl'mOl'R'I'Uronfl.r l i ll1l wll ~ gv- reply. wlth U,' eq Il H('v ~:.a·1lll R ·!.i! ~~:!.L·i. , . Acr. ,;,,,f\()Q " !lIS ,. )9, ';~. " II .~ polltc eX'llrJ( 'ul'LoO lio wbo goes ~tl':1dillg II ." "'" •.•..• .I,mUIC. ,h" Flowe. or ,:,t tlIU . · / I • '''4\· ~F~'· .. ,. , R • •~ R'!';W~I'~ 1,11~4: OOi .On mplllly .illCu I II~ I;ClIlll·;,r,I.·. 1"""~ " :\1 II I !' lll'lIlu . (:\,"11 111'11 ' .; but rl '7" '1,c c~ool l l:lou.Il;II!Ic" Dclr: wit,b his fed shod with the pl'llpa- B ,;'.r,i " "".' l:I-:::- 0-,-. ' . Sh " ,I., UP ".U '·."Uf und t.hal. the l'O" I)lc w \·c 1",wi .l:! \\1 \I., IJI' -'I'i'~u ~' Il t ~1."c~I~.m OIl '"I'QO'" •. C. m ,. I",,) I ~II Am 21111 P Ey Threads. T. IUN G SF 0 RD & SON, " I I I I .~r\ :5 :. ~ : 'l .', .'" IP , ',e ""., . ... Ieor t,b~ .. 1\1;. I'e, '. ~", 5 1,2 .. U ! lIU1\I , tioll of th e .,"'oSPE:I.-Slol' . tiomul't." I>cotf,l \·tltatl 1odwh "g:lve' l\I' • &6 I." C 'I ~ .: .e u .. ,." iii I C , 0\'1 Ie 11.1' Ii,, '! . ''' D.·_ '. -: 0 . " \ ",;1:,,:;100 7 l\1 •• 1 ' 1) "k ,.- • :.0 T I,e Hl'lir S i, ' , oJ. //1. tli . 1100·ld . . 6 --50 .. '' thein ' nil tho ute . ilUZ$ \.f l.tc. l L I:. d.i 1'1;: _ . 1'Oll . .. "o , , \.,t,. , 2"1'; ""RicirIUOIIJ tClery IS a .. e~ tit CUIl~ pleK 1 :.OI'ul. .Ir.U A'D. 'l' I,,' do"'I,·o u r. ri .e l o",e" 'J RID UTE .TO A MOTIf Elt,-. Ch,l· -. ~ i 5Ird j l,VJ" '\C!': ,\Ul")o' I, FINI - H '10 " CC .• lr\rn I ol·c b u 1(\ to .J , ,is 49 A \lc'-ul and COlltl' IIU -" rIII·vSIJcl 'it. wil l ;·l' I.o1 \O. I!!.· . 1>cup I"v 11' Ul . tJ '.:11 I III . Moul nDu ChlH'U9, Unnke. I. 0 . U l . . '1tin n, lOOk. I.n I uosc ::111 11H 14~ 1, 1 N I~ N ,InJ '"Ie ,·Ot:n ~ll" WcCII 't, ftlul . ---~(Q1 ' t .eyes, 1 1IS, t enI t'o ~ " 'il m' to 12 17 P 11 I r .!WI A . .b.,f ,t I "1 A 01'11 ill Dream a S weet Voice Culls dClll royallY tllltillil III' j", li\,1I1IlH . C~ Dl TIlOU 81n l'oh ill ~ cl\ l cc1.\' \ If'Jli 1!. ('(m t ( 01 u.n ~~~~ ,0. '. :~ ,· .lc c ·. . 1t:'y IIIVC ~I.n I IC~, <I 111 Iga- tl III t d ear vo~ce, notI ce (Ie .. III , " Sb , <I I .. rhil .. I) ,Io·I k ,,, ," 1 ' 1\ "0 " I 'J S;" I . e. '' 0'" le~ :ug D:; nn C'O. U8. nn B. ~ ou ill ,r), ","el'lng ·A8., 'Hc thut 1ll1mulul h " im 'c , 01 111 II w I .(lI ~ '. atH 'C· IOUS. Kliidnoss "N . .. Yo", " (·,\lC S UI· lo,iI. J:i .. Ii or." All)' c, Ihe ,,1'0\1' en. u~d of C\' en a slIlgle touch that IS be· 1I ,t. PO"t.p,, ;'!. u" ""lllte ' ,' &c., io i.1 l/vi'l l. l' toslon ul ' ll'II (" ~ ;I.I'C 5 roo lll. l Am l'ts . .,1 tllc 4 liO p,,~ " 'cei l" uf II", '''''''1...111I'iue . )" t , OR mncl; ed IlUWI'It8tvwed I1pon ~"u you by .. Ihllt . ~ l' lJtle 'J.his villll"'e i8 pie. ~lI l1t h' l v\~,j II'\1 -te I I~W vi "Jc,a I CU Ullllcrc e. A' _ _ .. bave l,io~uI1l Iii"·-ll" ge8. AJdr " 5 1 yet utncII M a k-e mnc h ot It wile J . 1. . l'ETEIlS , f 43 Uroall,,"y , N . Y . 011 thu A.,'9:i'. & o. F. It It. 2211 I!I.i~ll t i" iI ~,.,.t • VIA B " LL AlHE. :'vI ,\Y :il , 11174. OSWEGO CORN ~ STARCH "I' h:,ubcl' Y-U menu you .hA.ve t.hat n!08t prceiolTs of all ._ .. _ _ - '-- _ - - --miks we8t of TI'IJtlka, IICUI' th • AI" I'l c\;' 1 I1CC', I ~' II I't 01 rvuber~ , tl ~· •• t ~I-"~~ _ E! I' " ,. • . The-ATL'ANTIC- mOR1 i'iJ,· P 'IIII :i/l(/8, B llmc: lIl(I1l!le, Bi. Y, IO- good glib, n lovlDg mother .. Read M3aUr~C , u r's all HDds of Ih'edd &. Cilke 1." 0. Co'" n,o"S II \{;;" . liallSI1S l'iy '1', whic h is Ii b(':tut iful of ·tli . 11t1'tl:cC \llIe ~"IS II I'I g i <J<J ~"-I'ettm. l!.~o. I ~' ~ ~ ;:;: TiU) LtJadil lg Lite"a1 'Y j[aga'2 t . to i lw the uuf,tllhth oIDk.llbdle I~\'e . 01 f thl"se !:;~'~~l':~: "o~;'~~tDtl~~~~i: ~r ~n~:!: II r sheet of wutur half II mill" will l:.· ~x\,\ cl. . 111:1 ." "~ ' . cost I\uy~ 1 . 'c." I, 1'/ ::~, P en . 12 50 Am lI i1 g eyes; (If A 1n1l7'ic:a.. e 10 1111. ·'el·.V . u , t lat 100 fllrni$h;ng 18 lil~c~!:::~ O.I 'l~:~:~:~~ ·~~~~~r1"~"':'~~:~ II, ~UII L,c. ....,,;,, . \.. 1 4-,,\ m. W e plunge ;lIll~ it und cuj..] IIC(· ,111 t 110 UI;: ~U ~ . ~ ~ O\~. ~ ~U:lIIIC 1 \cO I'm WI• .lT .... O .... I!HI!I POR II>l'oJ. II, III"" "",) OR¥. " ' . IllA ·'· " Ih ,'"11,,· tOI~O lIIIO} 101lfk, hl?~CVCI' s1tght YUlil' CAKES' FOR WEDDING5 'pliallt wilve ' :: ~:~;:~(i~~~I ' e ~~ nnd ct n ' C'I 'I n";:;nlt! l UI' wallt , plLln. VOLt1I 1S 0 a xxxv.. tel' He you · luay hl1ve ol~~'::i';~ ~~~··Ot; 'l hl~i:..I;,:''':,u~~': '· . The finll ~f Llllldi & Willium - vI' n~t : c' atl J ".':olll'atil '."nd cheer! Arr. Nc .'·. " 1-1 ::0 I'm. I '.! ~5 A,D . Jam es n,ussell Lowell will (ol\trilcut~, <III (,r with "8'. AND PAltTIEf::l, lion i8 doin 111 0 1'0 bu~i ,ll'SS II~ IIll'I" hilI, 'I; ~ h l ll'· s . \\ ,:ul lie . IS I..mde f friends \ fOIl~i. dem', kind f!'i~nds; .. :I.''''COI I' e I 3~, .• I 55" oi "g ~~.'~ ~'ellr. f"ljuen~ ~~~Hay" /Lnd l'or "'~ : ' .·TOV" , 'O·. ~I"" "othel'titl !J , I ~"L1t neveI'. will ,Oil have IIg nll1 the , " . Ph . I) .. &e .. /flO on , hurt. notiee. 1 .. 1", hop "llu'll ~ Itllllg, lilly Slvr 1' " ,,' :: ~;I:~~;;~" , ' 1" "" T , 1 :, 1 1" ~~ II 1,Ioi Ii" I '1(; ~ ~~ II1J ·h.' :: JI "no IS r wOI·th . , IIIcx.·pl'e88Jule Jovc III1U. !.:cll tlcnos~ dhom Cullen \lry"~t lind Hen r\' II . , h i~lrc -t ,.rlo",, ;,·,,1 ""th" il.' of . ... IIpC. c.II·e, C J ~ I ' l~. vl· lle. Th"" 1,1\\'0 1111 un'll of C (:,.,f.oll > pm. !l 20 'I1 '1 .' Ill' :'1' .-" .1 \\'1111 ~Il il to I.Igbt, a lloth '; , lavlshc d upon you wh ~, Lu ngflllo'~ '--' , . .., ".11 1'"IoIl,h ~ ."",I .,P"!,, r~ 111 11,' " •• ,,1 "1\'0) ,";. CO " "; La,·,·I,. ,,,.,, ,."'> iL " U;, 'e:). 1l0U of, C "J! but 'Ilal 1II ~" rc U. .\I~"PO~I" (r,y it) this tl(' h vhllo.\\ ~o tnill'ls; n ld h ohl, IlH k I w".'" ~J.I c, i. " mu.~ ,·.cullenl II . ticle of <li el . •,id III ,-uy a I a . ru t? tl i .. O.. !. I,,,u II ' " '' ~~ t.v l. II 34" tr,lo ule Sk elC uC ~ I II:!; ltd (:) ,tell uO Ie ., L lce8?f H' M'8ai' eI'"u CstuW8. "!f.,'1 R,v,cr Llle chem;c." "nd .' f De t: fc,·di no" I",operli e. ;\0 fUlly . "lt d II I ... IIVU "'i. [Ill u U "'U(' ! ~ " u 11:l IHl 47 " leu ·· d· n.eA.lr m "' 0'1'0 " ""OUIII le1 Jf.Jc)11 .I~1)' A I " , diulUet cl', IIl1 d IUI I·I.! IIJoJlI"l'ulizctl ~C\;U . l lI .. III C. ,_ ••. . ___ . \ :1., t I,. '7 ""' :, ~ . ~ I I tl PI , I i, I I . ~ St ,u~e. Ie II.I .V. Oft' d "I t 10 t.1 1e 1,(! t nl ', oWI'o 'lt. F G 81g . 8 J I ~ my 8 r llgfS CIl Wit I Ie 111 1'(, "'II . a.1'11 I Qy,or " "I to' 'OC L11 0 III W Clln If '11<1: lJirccl io". ap an aucy rocerle. .. Ha ,, '. V' I' :. the busiullSll, Iluvin g ,llc lIlIly 111 1':4''' l'II UI ', \I'I;S \,1' ul' wspapcl's. fl "d IIIlCI.U:lIIg wOI·h.l, 101' the. sweet, h ld"i" ." . CU ·tl<l'<IH 4 6 .. t,,·tlon. AUt! " " IO,...·.' I" e8 .u~ g'·8tod 10,· h i- ,e 'UIII , &c .. aCcH"'''''' ' .'· ,."".I" til_ d~cp ~. The hi:~Ic •• , M'"'hl Price.• p11id. in .. W"8::iu )J t'Hi1 IU(1 ! .. " "",. ""u,,,) " :O('k , ;1.u. 1v' 11.- 1' IItvl ~.., 1,ICI~'~ . '1'11('" CIJUIIIIOIIC",1 H : O secul'lt " ,e.i,\,·,,<'8 iu I;,·,·m.,,,,.. l·le.tlcI lIu,II,·y W" '.. , .y] lelt WhOll, • of IU I\'e 1'1 J. I·clIl.lrly Ivc,,1 .Icw"f>'lPC ..ti, all eVCIIIIll! ca.b 01' j,·,'d ~ , f"r COUlll r.,·.Prodluco. P.r ",ul" b, .... 'j ... ,04Jl " .. tr...,,,r•. "}iitlb" 'olHl I ;,11 rOIl . .. J'lCSS here ;} Yl'"l'~ sitlcc, i,l:1 1',1"111 illll'l' ," dq,a " fill .\ \11 ", ., wililurn ;'''. durlJl~ NS ".iden,e ;n II... .. Dai,im.. I' ,: d Ulnilllv UpUII illOil' ncstlill g iI! hel' boson,l, I Ih;tOlllod ij ./11 Am . ~ ' 11 "Co. E" ' I, SI, ctch," or Odellll\1 I.if.. III ,tI 'l r."cl .1' 17 Ii." QII I" ' 11 Ol"!! B akel'Y' 10 foct 8qual'c ', IIvW the.v. hllv,", I'VIJ ILl:! ', 1" \ "1'1 ;' '1II," ",1I11 II I,," 1'01' .. Wilm ·uli L'." I l 17 pIll . I .: ! .~'" Ii'rll Mci. l'urkOl lll ' i I' c.. n"il,""," I'" P"" Oil - _tIIC ' , I' sUll1'0 _~lIme qQ. ICt tale, _- ___ _ _ _ _ ._ !lultnul o to In. Y u 1r~QIE • as lal'~ 118 A. D. CI,dwu\ladcI '11. - 1'''' I~ Yet" huw •• I·I,I'.ITI'I< ) 2U • td d ~ : 5 ·' Ihe WllrM of :0;." En gl"od ~ud Un,",d." n,, 01 1 'Mi'1f \\ rrllllly :1I'e 11,01'0 who ~ge, l'e~ d III l . ' I fl .. 1I . 1f " . " Itll' ;, I:; en .. el' a 1 . 1 6"~ Ihltlr' .. I picturo"'l ~ "e ~ el'i.odu They a.l'e doi ,'g Il ilU iu uus ; IIUdS, UoUU secm Ilut Iv l'ullli7.u the fuel'. , or the 0111 col'lOilll lile .~ ~ .. Lo, ' ,n ,. act A.III . Ii 5U ,",u. in Quel ... e 01111 M"n~re;ll I ustollu lllg \'Olce. N erci ' Ciln 1 1000gct bel' . ~ Joh" Fi.ke , = l'Cceivc fi'om Olll~ to 400 dull aI's dlli· ur r, i,, :,," thei I' p-l\)el' II. liull wcet "bo!e' mi,l ng l"'l'cr 11 11 Ame,·le.", .llId AllJco' u l adglances CIIst UpOIl me wb.eo l 1y io their sale~. 'ullman~. 8Plala.~e Dorawihn%, -toom :::'l~ ~::~e~~~rucled mile!!' notice. ~ furnish . \'e l isiol"o pUII'O Il"~C_ pe l'hnps ~ppeal'c(\ n91e~p ; UOV_Cf hel' kl88 Jfthu gral!tI\)(I)lpcl'swill visit th! tt, ive it II V,' (" a ;, d ii'thcy .' an e~p~ng oac, " a' leyeo UI ot pcuee ut nlpht. \C1tI~ have Ill pur8"~l1ce of 1\ l.urp'R~ 10 comllll1nitya!!:lIi1l iu tell YOUl'9, It en ""I'l.,·lllllJeui' i,,; !!ovt lip hoUl S. .Leu . C·,·OIO lO ... ' Iud lJOI~m ~U' l tl p ,rlanl trnil" of Ihe " I.to , ~ IIf re ord i",· , ill the pn ~cd away of . 8lU~e '\10'6 ~ latd hel' I ~ ~ WasblD<rlOD a!rd BaiLlmOl'e S C,·I.;O)" "",\ t!,e ne.n. 1~"dI IlAIIII'10 U.W,,,," n", ' d will be of gl'CIiI udvullt age .to t 1{,111 J)l nco. fi th tb Id 1 I lito pu pe:' ill expectc d to no b e~1 W . ," 0 e my " a. er lU e. o . ' C~UI'C I AT' AS'i'.C \. "lIllullo D1ol'UlIy and phy8ica lly - lo s lir licc it fil l' tl n,h ill"·' ll' Mr. P,~~lo-tn"'a ,noc ' j 1 J H U I CBA NGE ollol'li"o. or a Rcllol'. Is widely kn,own . yard ; yet still hel' \'Olce whispe rs \\ itb' iSis »" 1'('" on alone of the mogt I tl· k T ic ou :.h 1 icke~5 ~ nu 'I' , ."', 'II a. ",o ,"'" .Iohn Brow ".by c t. hem upan d mu k'e)ICIII from tbegl'a ve and her F. lin .?llt1 N uw il all t"evat lt e\'o S"~borl!. walch "bo, . "I" etltata efi'llCtDaJ remedica c.. "lIeo". ,i .ell.'" .I, ,,,'0" 'r·C. N om ..~ oI " ' , " · e .. , ~lctb~ dl." , , ' • .. J feel theIr entil'c dl:POIlUlllICC 1111 (,,'u. f" lpc r call c:'\~CI i8i'oullg • rI\" . p'I\ ... , "ndpcr ce. ,;'.ou , uQu& ,','e \Ie .. -;Oll lOVe" ,.... : (0 U that of t:, 6 e? over me as I VISit spots cverdiacovcNd for lllneU' of tlcc grent , 1",li,iou'" 1 i.r"l l. lung, Wh euever a mUII'1! lIIuml . 'IHli b;li · "c., I·,I \' 1','11' \\, ',IU,(: ill i e : c~' NO .I:, .... ~ · · 'It work8, SIlJCll hallowo d to the memo!'y 01 ,," lIel. "lid io,I",",o. The VIII,,"I .I,. "" Iide. dean'in l thll ,),s0 0 T . . . . . . . . . . . 11'. tb L I U loics beco~o till obtund ud t hul IIt' it wou'lt! -I'cm I h... l CVC i Y ... M. t :.LIt. or O"vid A. Well s Ind .Jo:dwl\l'Il Alk,ln.ou l We., . PaRS. oue 8bo' tl my 010 ~~~ .u::_.m A ,·U'. tern lUll pllrifymg Go •. 'I ', . ,. A". O.. rt·enc.•· .. ,ul Vi nuDc•. dll';IIS 18.", will on _ ~ ' (J,!!, b. ' forgetll hIli Cnmtvl', hc sholl lJ h" U'i \ c it Ihe ud~elt: Bi llg tha the b ood. 11 hn3 C·Dc:oo:oi. O. t , .. m.; e. ~Id. 8 ccePllu,lloy ,"'pcr. Oil II,e,,' ,nter.4_ . fnlmI t legitiB II ' M ""1 M . f' ICOUl'gOO, aud 1\ 1I101'all uuur CIlustic, "'1111l1" \Y "el"llgs t'> lt uud . tood . th ~ teel of THOS. R. (fA'I'" uot tl'Y A IL °t U8 Ihe ""one "uth".'(J. in Ihe coe rrenl ~· eRr. OUod ' O n~,r . · yean, with a ronn~IIS go '' ·fnnmIlgbIlZI~I ll~. l.cr uf 1·1·. nor" . " 0 el' A IS u.. OAr-RIM- I!: AoNO WAGON BUiLOR a 110 to speak, shvuld arouso h ow t.} hI ge"l uit vwilhollv Hr. 8\'O"'n· ";." u.,"1 I. "SI" 'cl"d 10 rICrlllslc 41 ' _1, t )laying fol' it I r.: V.,I " run .e. Md . swoUY8nnringrep.01110 popul,.. ,,"perl .,n .I,c I,,.a uche. of action fi A t l'~ A.NO· nlt\' AU:lCCS, l' . uta.lion, based . I • 00 ita I I I ' ou s - ' a~ZlUe 01' Th - . . m~dk.l.cl.n" ill "'bfch "t; i' .I1I11" ril), . . / 'ntrinoio ,..irtuea, and . •ustam..d lIgUS. ..., I f h Ite m 11: 1 a c Il ~S 0 M~A peop e T I IlIt it. nocontcnt s a1'O just wlillt the pcople " "" ''' e' oJ '0 tlo 6 ' ,l-cl\1,11~ WOI'~ IlUrp us ~lt \\'b eu 1tieelD to w. ll. Howelt... W .oulrobul. " Ilu.y II, mukl\ble CUNtI. So mild .., \.0 bebyeaRl • 8 Immen se Ka III pil EI 00." udge evel'Y dol!&." thllt wonl dlll'ing tile bot JII.A • •c'·t.~ltl p.r18 , ftDd 'bere will "I ... be. 1'0,.,·1 bcncfitial to children , nnd yet 1O'.eareh&M season for 110 b,~nclee. 01 Ibe IH.·iUeH. lDBonth-wOlItem \I8A8WI ann- g'ICS tv t hei r local papel's ' and ing - - - -- - . by Ioenl')' Ja",~ •• J~ .. "lid . • tl t .torlc. fr01ll as to' eR'c<:tu&lIy purgo out 1M g'I'Mt 001'I ' h 4anly Iupply caslern Kllll sas,whi ch .. I ill hOI V\~ NEW W Ol'r K ON HAND FOB SALE . • TbeunJe ,·.igned h.C;~ 10 iufo"m J}' . Tr""' b'ldg~ .l . B . Ald.)~url it li nd l-eatl it a~d al'e maga~l~e If : .conn . '"b. to 1to.e lasl 8uc Tc rr)' . ruptioo" A 'I 71h oflheblt>OO,.ucli.ath'\IC1'Olblou. LaB been vi8itcd by tbe dllYOtl rillg 11'le tiCV~i'Cli t Ci it;c9 of lbe puLlie ge nel'"lly. lleol I,. len. :I\I!~~~ M. Bilk r. and olher c~pllul story shol-t . a Vlltrle .Y o. 181 ~es, I! Ie lestlall d 2 " - and .•yphiliLic contaminati0a: ImpariLi ee, locu8ts. e ll6 <1 a " " W . -comi llg"l. ov · Me.,t ~I ao-liel ill Ihe poe Poel I'Y, ry anu "III n h. w ••ll 1'O-I',u. II",d I.y Ih e UJ. popn al' Bn 101'8, dlre~. that ~lI\'e lurl:~d. ID' the mte~. Hundre d8 and thOURlllld8 (rom '1".c pul' ll'sll "I'~ II "" to pay' "01 wb~ol' tare Tnloted 'dOL' tlll.oil' litlel'81'Y 1II ....0.D I a_ '--r. ......~ ........ ~~~;~~I:Il~;a:II\'~d·e •• where ~e will llallleR or Long fetl ,~ . WlIlult r. I. ~" 1. 1or for yelU'l, ~n' ylCld to thiS powerfuf anl1Jo" 'lubll.1c u ed." y ue" v ~"C Cdlllno of " a I I Y 1On8811 s 0 J~P)C Ill'e Mi880Uri and the castelli part 0 f labor a,id papor and eveJ'Y Holm •• , Aldri,·h. ::iltdll,.n Ha II . ~ i.. dole, and dISappear. Hence itl wonderfU rk Cul.-erw ell·" CeJebraLecJ nolice d Phelp". \·ell., '!'hut _r . The, I,eal b (\' Ball ou ' 'he state are DOW emigra ting to.Ari of any Idod ,I m dc., " curc~ many vr which arc publlcl,. It.own,l DlJl.", Oil tile ,,,dic,·1 cu ,. (wl ,bT BE V ill' E R tbe Y natu BE Y .'C S of T aD ruMa poel., e "!'I' ~appy ,II" in The AtI"",;,,, d reabJD~ d I"_ s . of ScrofU la, and. &11 ecrofulDUI di&eaoe., d Colora do Rieh andapl eu- d . 00' lIIeu;ciue ) 0; SI·&IlJlH Or.c,. U U . ' h b h 11 agRZme an we 8 on The r "" dep.'flm ' IIt! ,f LI~" ," tu,e. \' II Ulcers, Eruptlo I<?naaD I",e to o. mlUnl We."oea ·. In,·ol\1or-. ,· 8"mln,1 .' ed a vel'bee llll, and eruptive .. e oug t to ave I a 8ee many ,more BeeI'V I III' d P k in the sic, A 8ame "t. aDd pleae· .:dllc.tio did farms, we}l Impl'Ov ,caD DOW Ipaly for. ment l.o."" n ~' il1 be till. d nHl u·,.- orders of tlle akin Tumo..... Blot.chdee, . IJI ~o r", Lv . Yen!..,1 AUe! ~'ily8IcAI I D bas got to get his a t co d't' on . Publisl ad Ul."on an or ,. Iy loy "Ix .. ,,,n. " rllcl.~ "lid .. ,,·Ie,... . by M puebas ed In eastern Kansas and Iliving ont He c"pae;Ly ' BOlla,hIOPlClll,'pU.tulee.~ree,8t. . 11I1 ~"~i tlleol '. 10 1I1.,,·:,,;;c. . ol c.: of hi8 advel'ti sillg col- 'I!ll T:oe LCA,ling n &1 I'I' '100 86 BI . fi Id a180. oou .um ~' ,. ,on . EtllloJl M'88OU1'i for from 8 ro 5 doll ai'S per tor. or )le~ A '""- Authon }". Flie. Rolle or ErJaIp ... ...d ', t8. lotio d eIbe COll11try affo.-d.: .ud.n will be kept ti" .·.lIe foor 110lJontllb" . ' . d" d 10IDes a I t, 10m ",hel' 1 e • eed MIlg".iDo u. II h ' ~p l : r .. ,ulr ftll ul:;el.ce ' he I~ Tetter Salt Rheum . 8cftld nmu8, au IlIl.Y society 01' lU IVI - Street Boston 01 1It':u. .. ".... ,n"un",·" ~re. Iw~ldadv~sea W owaut ualClln M1ce pr"po.e lo-lI110P II , I ~ lc. wbrre il "" , "I· HCBd. Ringw withjll llt ll9 u1ucb pl'OIJI'ieorm, IoIId intel'llrJ Ul-' ,. "'_.I'. stood. at ~hl' h•• d II f Amerl ',m Lil ,- ceratlo Dl of tbe "' P', .< e . i,'''se '' 'e~ ""<clO"CI Oll"· 8i.ll rIch aDd deell'able larma to come to ty beg five dolllLl'8 of auy U.... _. Stomac h, OLEA N AND NIOE . Alure. other ~ and Liver. thO A k It abo7~other COllIc·','.'"b· alley I, where ' 1\ are ' I' ., . I . 18 ' . I' aneas v ~'" ') ~b~rtlStm~nts 11I~ l c .or 8peclmen n~mbe.", " hf;~ I'" pl8mb, to which it would nDC _1If' ., .__-' iudividu as to expect It gl'ato";e teell .' elr 'U' 0,·. '0o '''' rulll"·.' u e "W e!ipeclA'I!O. \ I . Eseay, 300,000 acres of e.l.cel ent .J·1l1 IVIOU 0081y ofl1l, ci•." Iy ';emon. I""e • ;'OIU ft Ilcl" ~ cenls. )c"rl, su'b-,C,:",plll·"t'Oal-I'"Il). ,14 a uew8paper. , a:" adapled luchu DI'o--' ilcmflt.l nc i loy m,,,1 8ho~ld loe " 'nl III ., BI';' land for ..Ie ,"ery low, Bn4 pnrch, .... " ... uceu"ul FIts, Neura l-a .,;-e:;.D i P' ,elice Ih,'1 lleoll .,.II:n, AllY 03 man who does not thiuk mOlley,order. d n,'~. or rcg,.tert,d h·lle,·. ,,, Female w~ DebfUl . d1 b' ~ eooa. 'I,,:'"oe. of 1Ie·lf-.,hu•• . dat' be,.cJ ,e. ll~ T &&9 at once, aD B . O. .JorollToM &: <ro .• Riverside 1',088 , • _ ay t e oou .IOU enough of hi8 town's paper; aud AMI eu ,,,d " 'lbo,11 .ho uan::e,ou sm.,y u..e ~,c lII,e,·".1 1 _ h .L_ l:aml,rld 'e. Al u"". for future comfor t and pl'ospe nty. evel'y tl'adel' me liei .. ...,UOOIT_ _ 11' en '-'18nl __~,,~_ wbo does not beJiave Por Laudr 1 alld Honl,h old 111,. poi,,~I":o 0,' ,lie epllticMloll of Ibe ~"' Ie ;: wliol. or \lyllle llice. Gi"c m. 1\ cln . . don, of oul ...e~ n l of CU l'eli OIlCe _i N."., It'ft)fbiou. poIIon" ThiB ia the beal_ thieet coo.utry 1 iD adverti sing, sllould move TWSDT Y BHOltT B'I'ORI118 ' ~ ,;e" It il &IItheucellent into ·MA sur. TUUD A" TIIC Cer · ,!rl·.u relWr'er or health aIId ; ':..e·. ' ~ . tl l euwoeclnu, . d,·,hOY.f r' wmb ~ 'U ) IDSbo, .• f Wco~ol~~,.e"ovl · l JEHU ever 88W; th~ III 'no lilaIa1'la It ~re BOrne town whero they have MUW N. varie'y II' " of misee ll"neou." , leodlwg )I"nlb·n . IItren~ and in the Spring. ~,renewing the 1;10 ~merican Uttratn at'in6 Work" mil! I;e. III.'.' clI· e .oi m,cl.' cue,,,,ly. I.. rgc.p.~.. ~Bihll1 .IlU'''llled:: o""r ei"y appetite &0 deraug e the liver, the turnpl ke puper. -Gal'diller Journa vigor p' ifli of e· &be cUgeltl... orpnl, l. ~~ B " ....... .... ~. R?JPaoDU~ION8 , It muipatet! the d~~lIlo I ~ I1ftd 1,~~Ic.' ".'. road 80 to a 11; for dootol'a &0 n and I\atJeU Ian. --.. -facalmll Our elof Wash ramlll Blue .. plolutc,; o~I;tlUtd ,u- guoroftheeeuon, E.,enwhel'ellOdlaorder i8 the beat io Ibe world'. IF I ,,10 I.~L' ule8ho ol<l De. In ,be b~"d.I . ' . ; # J>C'& " Th' TIt h f Ez H' h dO()l UOI make tbe.lr 10rtntlH Itrell ~ eooto<i grulnlls o. Dulhing wortb OU_, il\lul·j- 01 C' 0' 1 rOill.. ro<1 eve·' meo ID' ~lle loud. "IS. el'e 18 • e onse APpear!, people /eel better IIiId Un ~ ra aID.ca, Dear OUA to b Itb or (abrie , IlDd i8 u~ed IIv All ".e ..110"" HIlI-IIt>lI \ll!id q hh 1l ,·M:. 1I fbi' all Sen. ,llIIde.· 'It;,I, l!'" pl.ln euyelope. 10 no malarIa l cauae for dI8et.>e bere-. \ Cho, Greeno 0county I .Ift~ the blood -ihe........ , WIIo8 struck by 'be I-rge I..unddt, on aceo. ' 4NII HOII~, Ilc grell. fIIoltl, . Ied .tlOkl., 1111') [ u u~ 01 i' c a pl6JI~ ~u CeaD_ y .0Ul en, 1I0~~·lIa.d . • , 011' recell" 01 Is C", '.r~-VOW" along, theD, the .lazy and in· ligbtoi ng o'u SUll daY Iast. Th ere 1I.lue. ' ... 0 moutb. O~ lillAl.. (OT ulI I.v 50 1 ~D wilh renewed Ad,] Ib bllsl! 5 log effec~ and che.poe. s. Superior for 0..... 0 vip aDd. De" ..... vi CeDtal .doleot aDd dt·scou ... -d aud diup· were throe lightnin g rod8 Oone ': 10 Introduoe lit!! p...te l' 10 , Iifil. , K c:o el' • " T UpOD whi"'w. bi~. Put "II io pack!'p,oon.oui . a-.. ne'" 8ubeerll.e,. : P,·leu '-e' ..,due <110 I ,.'i ll " I' ., , •• ,,' P.I. • • D • F b h it, lot 1 1Ir Illmily UII. PrlOI 10 e~I ....h. poiDted, and ambitio us with yow and yut they dldn' A Y.Ar. '10"10 IIUIl!beJ· •• U 9"Dl'-ItO"" """ '\ _... - ' save t e OU8e . FOI' 8. 10 Ie.v grooen c •• wwbere. AI-aT. . . . " " I d wealth aQd pniul -all come to from injury. Tbe weathe r bo d ,~ A, ne'" .~,JK1. o· b, mal.I Ure".11 UCl' ar ' uk ra 110 .. A....wu .... R BLO•• If YO. Dr.J, C .aYER·..· CO 1n.~UI wllgeD,I-II. ............ -.nd clube. Tar. GUIIiIC . " &bit terreat riar Paradis e, wbieb will ing waa IpliDw red at a lively ii!I3!!J . ' • ...uw'III . . . . .. COllrA:olv . t>ohll.1re r~. ~I "'I'k 1'1.0., rate' I,,·ul 'h~=·I1~.._.... .. 1.....IIoJ _ilfor IOc,", B. Pra PI ' ........ ...... be popula ted b, uDborD miIHoDI, but fortuoa tely DO OIlU was ilIl...... B. PeN.n, M.[\ •. burt. OS,., Ne .. York. Pi ....' ... lu.,..b., "'~'.' QOI 72 Wilt hua·l)lnotl'. Me .. York . ... ....... .. &-.. III.-1I'1I ltI &:1Iy ' .... • e .... !bie thertiMmen'. '!-o ~~. I IOU) BY .u.L D~ •••, ...... ~-
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author of snver
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Fn \'N h l I N
SMI TH ORC AN Co T-J<1s t on
"'rife Stn'.f'" r,l
MaBEl ~,.."trf'H'f''''1I
by MusIC) Dealers Everywhere
Edgar A. I'oc os
olonel Rot crt Mnyo or WesllI ore hood rillY" n I,ICI oo lll1ntc of Edgnr AI
AND BAB.g-EYSB ......... -- --,- - -
REPORTER. 1B~~R 523. r rhougltl8. 1•• 1. ""
"TIll " ~II and
F~ r lh~
f.,,,weU! . . -
.... rl ':::::.:rrl.
1I ~' ''IlitY "I 11(' C IW O thl VI" \II I
TtUH~1 I I"oIlO\ OLhlllg'
Idr rflll III I"rll III
Hee< nLi v • li e uf lh III I IIUff till IlI g l L, IJllt two pmfll of It l ~ h OCH [)II I COIY lIul thwn look hI r hOllle rh lmll. r henr '"g n nOIt'(' u lIII I LOg thn hi M neigh
bors 11111 I'lIr"" f li lhe tim r 11111 tllh tJ lI~ h lhl'v 'HI O • melYl It I'lIzl lecl loy till III... "11 11 of I iJ II \\ " I oul I rtI I, Kit , \\ I c, I'lIhmll, n, \ , rr .1
I.., lho Sb dark A. blah .. yet \AI ' ('&1'1< 1I1llahl
jf old
OT£01;O comes bOln e so ~uch &0 a mlln 118 lin UII ttled blll WH RN Iloes II. mIlD have t.o keep liil word ? WboD no 011 wlll take It.. A BOSTON" beggar enD sohcit 10 fifteen lau gnuge but Ji can sa:t II&W hene 1D
Femlohll' Cllil
lhc ne\\
bOIlIl ~ I.
'I here Irp a g rl'Rt
of It. t. I" t.h e lalest Htvlo It. II! lite
rl!lbl bower
II." style ()f " IH frmu tlte h iM th e m()d now
f:1 ~ hIOiI ~
(l lkl
lor Indle_ I ~
lu "ear It slecklllg -{Jr tIlthor two MtockJIIWS- tlmt malcli t.he <ire", Jllc kch'
IlIIulo lui te looso III fro ll~ th e \\al st. III II,r
Iy til .bm\ wludl rc ~e m blc~
alld c ut Ill'
nenth, u v e~ t Jon ole fune lilly'; 110 bu " U~.I! IIro worn now bllt Hklrl of.t1trnllIMhllllrc fl ounccd 1\ t tbe IJIlek I!O U4 te prod lie 0 , grtlcefu I LoUflluro For summer ~ltkH II IlIlht eh eked ur ijtrtped pullcmH the tnrulIlIlIg •• rOI\ l! e f knife plcnung of sol,,1 color 01 Ihe ehllde rr~ \llhlllt III the @trl(le<i r chcck<.' d '1:1111 "UItCH hkl) tb~ trlllll) IIproll be CllUIlC tho horrzontal trimnllng brllllkd Lhelr Ilp~ullnce 01 too grent belght 1 hI' r Igo III PllrtH lor plaId stu fl. ltn llli'''' but I~ IVIIl not ~ u rrlvo the ~um QUIte Kucb u \llIlIln eh? ADd ,011 sbllil hll\ a comr,hmelllAry col"e8 of 1111 Ill) prod\lct\On ~ " I'll elllee there Ilin t nobody 10 IIr rest J II Illd >,.1II gOQd mornlll!; , re III Irked tbo pohce m.n III loft) delitlll(Je of llIodern ~Vl1lnJ( lind be bowed bun !It'lf out whlla MI'!4 Benson lelldlng tbe "IlV hCl'>Ielf to tbe Mlttlng' room, IDVltftd he r gil til I n to rest a bl t,' and c;,m plow 1111 needful armngemenlt! Mr l\£ooreenntp nextdny Tllo wIdow 8 blink bock remllllled U1I1:1I~turbed alld Itpr l!""nIlM gallled montbly Me8I!n!. Moore IIl\d llrowu ar two of tlte brlghli_I. st.llrs on Lb ~ bln of lbe Thtmdel'e1', nllcl tb lit) awry !!OI verl, 1\'£ r:I! Bellson bill! never hnd another tempt.atlOIl to enves<lroP/"n g und stou tly IlltLiotaill8 thut 8bo ll wlys did and always will, till 111< her loci '~ rH lhe two 'erv Illce t clo\ r 8t. 1()lkl! 11\ th e "hoi City! Fl'R II IV k lhe AlfollKlst batteries hlt\ k pL up IL temlle car'luuDlldc" on the IUlt~t cltleH of Santa Barbn,1'1I Iraq ue, j\Jane rtl, y.lta Tacrta. Artua aDd Elltt-1I1L rh cable Rdd" tbe 8larthog uewlI that' rugh teeD ebella bave fallen In filo latter town' At tbls rate--elgbteeo !!helle " wl'ek-Oul mil !IOOD be wiped
oot. THERE I" nothIng that "Ill !lend the Llde of grief welhng up In a wldo_r'1
boIIom quleker than tbe apa-rance 01 a
fretob nft. alollgllide the old paieh la bw
• DUTfF-S ar olin evenlAl lue God II t hI S remove 1111 lDiiOlte burden from tbe shonldcl'll af It ml!l8l'l\ble tempted, dYlDfl creaturl' On tbls coIIsldemtion only 0 111] h sec urelr lar. clown hlS bead and c lose h]! eyes - ecil CoNTEMPT IS not [\ thing to bedellplaed It m[\v be borDe \\tth a <»tIm Md traD qml mUld bll~ 00 milD, by hnUlg hill bt'ad b Iglt (,'11 \1 pretelld tl]at be dooe 1I0t lJt1 rCfl' e tb e ~co rus till,lt nlO poured down upon him from above. Din nOI r Fr~e Pr~1P< FI8hltlj IS pretty good 11\ tho I elUte e rt ver uet DOW 1he otue r tiny n lI.bermau ball ad up bis \I{e \\ bu hud b ell mi88mg for ~wo wtekH, lllld 8uHIl tho two hUlldred dol IlLrll rl WI rll Ito hud offered for h4t dJ800v cry' PERSONS who arc weary of 8(lYlOg, How doth the It tUe bllllY bee," may try the folloWlllj1; Olllncl!e ,al'llion 1I0w 1 Ie bIl\ly mill chlo-chlo .1IDK bill! Ito I u Inlp 0'0 ~bly. 0IIxl1 mIDnI~.U .. lillie Uo pl' kec UI . lID. bt II JIlke all .. da.1! All kin pl.c()O 10 It tl ft."el. Jeo~_ bUlIed.
M[LWAUllEt: NCtIJlJ ll.acl0e lIOOietl I, ilC:uldlllr7.ed ooenul!8 a h"'nd.eo~ young lady student at the higb 1ICh0Q1 ~III ferule,1 0)1 tb bllllds the other dav, by the prmelp,,1 but, pebnw I tbat'll DOthiJlg Whon we went 1iO ~cJ:aool they IlIIed &0 trike ul'lece of clapboard Rnd they duln't \tile .1 un the hllndH eltber A MAN wearlOg a Dice ' plug" hat was nrrc.ted llmllllCtlrccroted 10 a ProVldenoo lock up the otber day aud was very IIUXIOUS that no ene Mbould know of hill diKgral t' After 1118 rd84t!e lIe Will obo !!Or\ etl nbou t towo 1V1 th IU8 OIee bat on, Ult~ lOP; upon tt tbe tell tale legend "Th .. r The bB~ belongs to mlUI au cell No 17
oHlcel'll had boon very enTeful of h11 propet1,y\ b u~ hud fergotten t.o remove the 11100
Carruth'lI Case. mer I he case of l\1r Carruth tha edit.or of BOllllqt.f! With Wide brnu" I,rIlIlIllC,1 with string;! of blllck or Itghl tulle ne tbe Ymeland /mlependenl. who Will mot cordin~ IUl tho bonllet 1M <lllrk or hgh t, by CluLrles K Land18 III Murch 11IIt., 18 att.mcttng lhe attentloll of medl()fl men liN III1\\ Ol'lllllly lVorn A ftsillon Wltl It WIll tllke' tilt! wltl ~ b In BOllIe respecU! It 18 the mOllt 1I5marlr lite bullet penatrated IS bcgll\lIlI\g to 00 1\ Jopt.cd IS that of IIble on record the baHt! of the brain and loClllft{\ near trnnilllDg bollnetH With tbT()lIrllllcc The color mu~t wurn J u.t now 18 crellUl th e rlgh~ eye 1be wound InOreted w.. willIe or tbllt of ) cllolVUlil tlllg ::llih -upPQ:iCd to 00 IHld ordmarlly would I\o" e r" feulher. "lid rlbhonMlire nil 01 have been ! morUI\ but Cauutb 18 DOW lI\tve and III II faIr way of recover, The thIS 1ll1l
homee~tlt1~taol pjuIMe1phiaolalm~t credIt for the remarkabfe caee, though lhoJ do 1I0t take tbe pains &o88Y m wbil.~. rcHPCct tbelr 8l1rglen\ treatment of Hr Cnrruth dlffel'll from tlte ordinary praetlCl of t.he regular scbool Tbe abnormal consequeuces of the wound are of inteNit to mc(llenl \llan, and eIIpe«)lall, to 0ptICians.. It 1M fouod tliat Carruth .... acqUired a telellOOPIO vMon, wbJcb . . bill, bigger, lJcst DIll" more most,....... rroud Slro- Hold 00, Hit . tltnt a 1I0~ ablC8 him to see obJecte at a dlltaDce more dl tin tly tban common meD 011 rtght y\lU thl oUlcr hand, he _ the I 1\ aide of b 11)- 10c t.or tOrl~t 1!}1f)IV oUJ til LlllperlOOtly or Dot at aU S1aee bort gu llure ~nuL ro" , ro Ir tbe IDJury to &blYeye llfOD the rfcbt IIi4e, Proud Siro- I'lh}J ] my &be defec~ in Carruth', vWoo coaAnU IIdJ- Cblp-- Dnnk} lIrallk drllnl< dJlllk tho tol col'y 01 UrgeQn. tba~ chl\uk, chunk wlDk wllOk WUllk 1I11nk hght from aDylumrnOUllobJeCl~ other at the SlUt of tile tyf> In . . , thank thunkProud SIle-' You lnferrmlllttJe fool I to tbe retInL If ItIr ~ What III ~buoder-' thepr,.ol~ he ...." ChIp-" Good, bet~r, best wood wet- eoougb
A a.-on III .... djeothcs. 'Veil Illy !!Oil yOIl hllve go t I Ito graUlmar 110 ve YOII Y' 1:II.I.ld a prout! "I re to b IS tb IckeKt dl\ p the othrr nigh t Let me hCllr ) ou 1l0tn)Jllre ",11110 Id Joott \ ('I!.. .. Cb lJ- AIL rIght r IWe Ic;o.~ 1(,II~ t
1he..,. or
ter, weal. bad, wu r, wu t bile, bileI', whiCh lau 10111 bUIlt, lieII', !lewtr eoup Jlt'1I'. poor pu~ o-u~b! ob, pmlll~ntl11 dad I Oh-o.o ", trlbllwd The outraged ..,areDt l1ad brokea Into ftuIotioIII &be ...U.don wi• • boot-jIU.
artiel frum carried h t at Colorado ri 110.\ ,-I. Lewubo,., ".e 'B aDd laruvil le, buill 101l ....., 'AN JI!'j3, • _ JUIl au &1M wlf. of gviuR I -Yahl on Rtdp .. n&ill~ t illle den_ Inl be t;elUellt that tb to tand by and de(! this Illnd ofl frollt of hi . EpD. id\!oce. ollluda "l' t ' i tCII ' , tb i. It llar\'~'Y \'111'({ cl llllr ~ It bc~tl!n at pOle pi ,~ uotil tho I t ho~ .-Io Wan dll.. .Ial, i7, '1&. i• . - Mii8 Ollie otf\!Cn takes .. de. a _DE\TIT ~-':I\ illc" JUliO lIeg.lfI. alld wh i,-oI, th Sllbbalth..c:h ",I C\'1t!b~t 10 \Ita wife \If Mr. Tb_ ... 0...1" IUIi. W~ goue 1 N ccua. ,.l1mc nt ill baa Bellbrv (''OlI'ion ok ...d IICho fNau 1. them until lbtl " .:11' wronj 'IYlllfl}l'uu!d: I' WIIB the fJ .,.,.I.u:':,~,:', , -:-_. 1.")lh of tb proeeDt III oth at t' .. lnrk~vill oltoir thllt JCOt boaten.. . ... LI... r Ot~ liriduy , Jul, 9th, ~ba' ex· . - ) h·li. Alllla ~11I I, . ··tl h l t •. III. nt~rtum· " I • t al ' f ,Il tt I Q 9 9 We DIU!!t unr" ho wuver thllt uf· coedlllg ly " Il:>., "I I U uW III Il rv populll ' ",1 i;l .!.~ A~. r domest ic com· 109 eompa v "y frum (1IIClnIlUll . '. . ,~~ ~ ,~~ • ~. . Un. h ill)~ Ilan. bid " M 'I' S ' t'r roatl lllg both a'rtl . -Tral.ldu . ", 1.1111. . cll'S ovcr ca re · ""Yfi WRIGHT-SABIN.-At tla. realj..... of , Irt I' u surprl~e-wll8 . rs. . w(.oet IS T Il(' lItru rl~I.c ' ha\ ~ a nut ne been . lw bride'. f"ther. io ~lIt l b ,,'.' lu narYI lb. . biG, ll,v" W N Iclt.c. IIIpl,tol . ill th enucted ,1.U the yleu ant house 1'1 0 I Btl" .,," ~o of I t 0 1 pl"'l lIt (' r , ur till hin min r ·dn :ud prlc~. w uf ~ h rt du ro uu r k 1\ to Ih" sp IrIt IU wInch the . Ilr re p c t d fnclld, dn.....t.. .,'~ninlC. Jo117. rll1~.'y Bobtn . ~I. 1 Blld 6 rlln " und.,... J ohll Luk(jn~. - Mr. W II . , Curnell Ilt iOIl ' but liurc(', d rh'ing hc t 01' ~w dwi"" UI ·t. Th ' '1lIrk 'vlliu III th!s cu e,. th surpri~p ea~ne ill lOodl:!li ng purt uf his rosid IS r Oo .. r~ .w. D..uKI..... M . O.• Mr, .Jon.tl'laa .B. ~ o. J.!l. G uQ 7 ",u d"il~. U CI!. W\lt~I' ~~~~~~t~ft:!o~'b~r~~ Ii 1("" Lou_ I'Hnrillg do\\'n \ It It grellt 1('lId r, uft r dl:nying Ib at Harv ey · tll form JO · TlI.~1 ~~~~ AI!~. • 1 Agel". ot a plendld ~l n n~~ . Mis:! . Uluru Ma 011 v.ehe Ilrrived lOcllc,'e, ' ORA " 'l'AYL IR -J IUI :33. I 73, .by and IIC 'Olll 1' 1 111 ied at ~lIr~ \\'119. ~cat pr l.~d . ut. UIIC , I'hmn.ed. aod p.repl\~d h r Il\s WIt huwe from ~11'~IO L'_ . .• N bl! I • 9011 (',I Wa l'tnclly '111'1'1 d vllt, ' 1C~lll tl lO l' hy hail Il nd IIh\'t,~,,, by Duytu ll Oil Mondu y. I · W.'" t.--, y ....I~lFtu.. , J . P , Jrr. Wm. Drake w u" .. , rt ~o. thull ' III the • pInt 'tl 0 t 1 ' II t gouu Chrl ha ll; tll ., 8;:l u flttl og t tlmOll) of hcr regard III . ani (II' We I ab4 _ ulh ot I 10 p. "' . d d' I" J u' ~1g It rupo 1cr l .Ul'UllIlIc e; I I Of " .. I . . H' k I I· f X . IM_""I="""u=r, "' ' 1 f r hilll ;.Y",l",•.::.y_I'I.,.,"====~~_~ ' j(h loiug . ' 11\ 1111 111 t(Or U IOU 109 I" ' I tU W 1IIC A. L F AR R . 1'. )1 . Itr ,r iD tJIIII S '\:Ill fa il~ tu put \{' a c · cr an mI SS ...aura IC'S 0 I ' e\llll.". in ll ll The It,rlll wh i~h bewail last.. 'crnillgl v ...... ith,lUt 1111 .fl'i rt, '8 _ -- I Udt of M A .- ' M 'OOI11I1S !luw I "H,w.U u ngu~. d are mom"nt» , p () & T 1 11lLW'" ' I a gI , ., I'll. . . " pl'eUfllll·e. ''t n I: I, 9 • f' W l.'dne~dI yet ma,' herntd nu nd lasted InO t I'ruRl III· "h llgl'n' lld 1lII:e - Mr 1 R . sellburgcr \.!fCLy nch·"1 • :. '. •f ~, strclllll • •j: 0 I H o w Dul.ule.ly th. lrI'ootll '111 ' Tire b~o bllll club here h ~.\'1l 1 "f th~ ~.,.tLVIII nthl\t . ' .... dllY. w lied a ll hVllcy nnll !JUN ~ lId.' lI r fri nd B.' !lu ' If I :M" RP r N nh ~ 'I/(In ,I ~, /ltt,l!IO VII lj ~{ln" challcll 'l'd u CII WP"'''}, frolu (.111. D ~\V.od.-d · Oome IrippinlllO eallb g I~ !" burg I ~ VISltlllg MI'. ahlon Idge. J u"'Y 14, t7b:A'rti~ J::?Il''h:::r tll trcalD~ ill thi" vi clnitv to UII- IIY" h , ' CIIIUI tr.l\ \1 Hll rv of wun:~ e~'8bu rg I'UI ., 113, ."7~. u re U nc\u J 11 11 IIc\'cr COlli ' - cill ""li who 'II mu, Il n\l the gnulo Iw nt ud pl'llp rlio ll~. Bellch Rlln a 1I - .llr, E. J . Godfroy hIlS beeu ~nd E lIl•• oolh lurplty. nil''''' 11\ monlh8, .. rubhllnh ~chvul , not in II spir it I rebeu\l cd th o tru th of th ese Jines ,hllSII ~ u~~ ' WI\S pltlycd on 1\1 fllir-WO UIl U, and 00<'11111 0 h ke chusen P ~ I\I.'IIIU\ll-I....~. . ' .:\U .. ,o ~ull~:' m tlte LN baulI lI clll ll (Ihe Liglt t fllots) illt. . NewUlIl1\ ri\'ur u nll Cillpt in'? uf ri\'alry , but ClIlIIC IInll participa. 80 forcibly ill hi:! lifo, WI ho lIi d sc hou l. ri llcipill of Xe ni" hiH h Iter" ~ery . hun i11 n...... II'~ i(lI'" t he \'1111l11l~ teu ill Ihe eXllrci c wi lh heulltiful . wheD he vi WIl\l the JOIl Riehm\Il~- "r:i .·~ 10.:111 " lU 1\).10 r m w('re \- iClOri~118. It is e ti j;l tlIbl o ' - ll r. ~1Ii8 A. Stok(' , of L lll\. lWltcd 10 1, wMer thus el)"c ·ted, dashed :1I\llcctiulIlI. ut nlll ie, PltODtJCI~ l\lA~n:l.!T. U ;:~ .... ~o ·u.,urh· wh iel.1 11 ,16:. Ul 10 5l p m there wore blX hUlld red ~pec tJltu ..,;. i Ullume l'~blc goud ~Vl\, vi:!it(.'(\ hi" friends hl;lT\l ' 111 t \J un- uth l! mv ille inlllud vl'h '1I1I)ncO r IId" I' ',llu a ruau ncr thllt dlt! they l lll~ en :-vitb Currcot~ d by !'l ido.. OulI. p .....1 . them th\ll~ .. 1 whvBe pr ep,~mt loll he blLd Bund"y . !~~·< ~::~~:~;i~·~,·e ~g ~ : : .j :~1 ~:: (j~Utl\' ll\U II \\Wu chllrge d :!5 eouls \ ~ WCePillg d riftwoo d ull d d iJl'i of much credit.' 1\.011."",0 , Arrive been tot ull y, igll l)rtlllt. Little did ,'1.00 fl DI I ~3 . m I:Idm iuli nce' Iudicli free. - Mr. T. I . Fl'ttcl'. of 'i ll ·in· ' FI II r; 1~1l ki nds bclvru it.. B 'j,:!5uVI'ui ng Rut how docs th is IIgrc wilh tho he dream whlLt liltu hruJ iu l.oxll". 00" •• rd,·~ ~ .OO pill 3.05 ~ ln Thl.l ncxt WI\ II tQut·race on the II Itu'go must! of dritl llooI' CtJllccte sture uati, r hi ' rolllti\'e W hen t, d sta~enlent ID 1 Hi by the It:Uder of for him, aod littl e \lid he imagin e thill Vill \'iilitill g:~;II,~:,oh~i.~I\v" ~ ',," ~; I;.~~; ::: tr('ct around one qua~e; prize, lll co . II 1aguitl8t the ~ilw bridge jii't b610w> Hl&1veyabDl' ~y u, 115 liir : wbut WIAS occupy ing Mni. L.s lU iuJ nlll~\l 1\)\'.10. ih'cr p:tchcl'; '. noxt, ." 8IlC~ .rllce, the vlll toll·gat e j the UXPllll Mrs. K~ck h!J', of 'in 'iIlUlIli, 'IX'I~ 5 @ 611 SO of 'S~ncer ely. wc rcgret.' says N" I . ho, al\ that Frid"y morni~g! No 3. ODe squal'l! ; prlZl\ 1\ s&l\'er pl tchcl'; wllter retlen.!i . is \'i itillg her tl idter, .hl 1'lJ. JUmtltl <'~'.Itl4 ll.-d a :10 @ 1S2 OILtc g,,-Ll.lv e Mrs. Lukenll hlld trIed t l) begUIle G. IlIrku. 7.6, p n' 1i,:.!0' 1lI n~x t Il glllldor lIa e; a rill~ f rill· J thlln t ho m ·~ t NewUlr iver mther ' Ihe Impr ' lOll 1lI1ldu by Knuckl es I' lax S· "I. an RU II Ilnd roilltive to the HI~n'ey hurg wal'b· him ov ur to his bl'other 1 6. , .... ~ Polut-~ rrl.~ I~·!O ~: I ~.~~ ~: edt m C Il 1i1i1l t!lol d~, g under with SI\lllthiol M W II H ' I connll'd duwnwur\l tuwlird ' tho ' lurs. P t·e·.emilliJ lIl il~ O Il I' I Bur"·y ora> 1 Hi ~.c:, ;..;'~~~~~,;I" J.4 6ft III !UII r m be 1 011; p rize, a s ilvc l' bel l (thoII MlIllUi, e;cp t(· 0 11 somu errlllld , but he had 1I0t b rd. .. : lllg IWllY Il\ve PObto~, surging , ole th ing. Il ud de. 1t atin.IlI , tO~ w~r/l ~!U'Cl'llj'~1 ~'n ' got 7!'i )lml.r:oen. ftf.~.·(· started before the guestll bogun .~n~ . eut.erta lntng gnests :1.:17 a III 4 II p m , !I~ UII til • gande r) lind tlte g Uild or. Ivugtllii IIg. . The qUlllltity of dril't I b «1' /1/ [/ off.' tire tau rei. Th,11 1C(/~ to. arri 7 !Z5 I;:;tr."~ ~~: ":;~i~~ ~'~;: : ~'3: ~ : 1111s was \\'(' 11 by t\ one·",)' d trI ILl I, I, lod~ed VO. A nd r~u \\', thllogh ~Id OIlJOI OI.lIItl , , . Tim thy Seed, agaIn st til l:! bridge grtldUIiI. ! eon ceded bp (-« I'. Opp07l8n ts lead· fnoml 40 RichlllOllil, ~rr;"ij 5 .3.;0" 01 6" I' m Nt'xt, a wheellm rrow rllce twu Iy increl\d s IIlId relntl VC:! UIlJO tblok .- M I~~ .N Il ttlC Mort~~I;) ofAW II · cd; the bri dge allllel Coul, dcli \'erud , was in t l ',' &(1. :3~ Clnrion lli, .rrh·~. and fllst, uo suspici on of tr IIch ery 1u\~I~tvn, III u guc:!t 0 .lulSti 9.00 ~m 9 'lS t' m quares, .1IIM b lil~dlol ded, liv e el~ '1j O\)III'Jy ; al\\l Ill\er awltile a log gll cs Yunghi ogt'ny, .. Snr£'ly 20 80m' c onc i8 wr ng agaill . in camp entered ~~ : 6~,~ ~i;~ei.~: :hC~:;'~';:'·'~~IY, All tnos; ~)\'t:to) a ~l l vel' cup. TIllS the ge!ltl~lI1an's Wdlllllll~on. HocKiug Valley, ., Wl\S. borne d" "'n wilh such lurce 16i Abuut three olhet T"I,," ruo d. lly, 6'.Cl' ~ Su lld oy . weekll ugo, Alp'~u l! hcad, tw_ II rHee WIl.'1 WOII hy thtl sallie perilon IlgaIU t tile Illre.dy col\tl,ted pl~asati -~r. ~urry D ull hilS beun Pcrry Cunnty mllS8 Ward' Ii ttle bl,be ,vh ilo scated un Ilppllrl'"lly, until thet c?lI1cldcnoo 1st . W. L. <?·I' RIEN., G. P. .t, 1'. A. . dlllller hour ularmlllJ(ly III for u ,,,eek PUdt, but SuIt, ver bllrl'tll,Coal. I h u~ cupt.lIr~d ~I)(' gau dcl·. tllllt tbe Dew, 811~OO 2 ( briuge yield: itll mother'l! III P, 'beglln to ~cl'eli:lII urrived I~nd bc SI.lW th e I·rllits. D. \\ . CALDWt.LL . G, I. , COhlUl ,u . I Nl'xt, gfllllllU g throug h u hor e· ed and pllrtud compa uy with of, is now bl!tlcl', Wool, 40 f/i) 4'5 tho I\nd cry lind IIlmost wont J . HI LL, Stop't, l.upuiporl. lrul . C liar; prize, a "ih'cr bell. Tbi8 1IlbutlU ll lltt!. It pU:!i!od 011 ill a for 1111'11 III' til' l1Iure. At intu ti tll tho cOlIsplfac wh ich had occupled j - A nice lot f lo\\' priced Bew Turnip s, 40, the same the WAYN _ •• LL • • • • •('TO • • •:::s pri ze ~'a ~\:un w ind " of his h lJ u~l:! h oltl fur in g chuirll for 81110 1\\ Geu. M. loll Apples , hul'rcl, by all Americ an cit· 8ucce8sion. of .SUUltull l'lJllults until ', tim tl, Mr~ S Oil . 1\V liN lI1 i$scd Il needl e "u\' era} OaYIi. Th" 8\1I'pl'i' 0 was , & SUII'" wareroums. . ' - . . ' 1.0 - lIeetiu u.:el! ot ~h'I CIIIl desce nt. . . neur the rl\'cl' It ~tJdged all IlllU Ullt wh ich hn:1.b()~11 ttlstoll cd llllb"8, I> 50 ;F •• a.'H)S )hl:~TI~ O (l1 ·c\ltJU ). d F urtf I,b", ut .her cOIllV leto. \vhe.I·~ un~ by wbolD 1here I nu doubt bnt thIS pm;e - Mr. Dau. Gurd ill Ol'cctin g total F t wreck thtl f",ll"" IrUlIS "wors twisted up every uut b rs ess. an" 'ltlll1kl llg tlltl I' . bubo I IIJlth t had the bonnttilll dllHler been n handsu lUe ucw d"'ellin n"" begi..ni..g Ilt 11 0'0100". :Firtlt-Dny was aIr. y IIWI1l' ded . I t I.II.U' ' k no •. I . . not qnite ' g on his VI S 1I\pe,. all d nearly If \\' II,UMY IIl., Mink. ,.., l .... L C uId ' hll\'u s\\'l\lI owoo .It, tbe parent.! c· prepared, imr 8ohonl At Ill·\! 0'0100" A. ~, . hOllcst Jury w uld bave tllilcd to pust I epatr. Bu Iter t. . I Dl'. .lg. . linm llear Froep'lI't." 1'8 • ' CIlllle terriuly frighte ned , und IItrip· llIe. An old Irl llnd bPlL\'eIIOhId P'".lID~" MSl:l'INU \Orthodox.)·7 Meet,. awllnl it to him, evuu if he had UPIII ' ! M St A report h B glliDed t' currenc k' y Lard that ped the babwd me IlDd again. AI. iOIl that "tller~ hud beon a good , 17. Ing for d! .. I~e wor..~\ a.',AP- ilratFintJ!~ kept hi8 titce ill its normal - . r. ep en \lr.net . IS mu IlIg condi. the new Bnspc"siuu bridge across j though <l;Ii~nt - search E~l!;tI , I~ wua made, deal of uuder band work' going ' ~Jel\t: IIJlpr~v~!D:nte ~:~'i!;~~~2~0':~oOlt A~ ~~ . tio!I. The style of celebra ting the the Miami below Tuylor 's mill III 1118 IlllW re \ J1pll~d , had Ithe needle could nowhere bo tound. 011." , 7:1 1l. E. 01Uillou .-The R<lv, 0, Fcrgu...n. ~'oUl'tb of July certain ly ditrers, I ence wetl 0 own. shared a 8im illlr fllte; but fOI·tu .. Lllst SUlldllY lIlol'lIillg, ju ~t . . . Cheudu Hi P oUItor. DI.. inelOrvi on Sunday!. at 10 It·OUl wllllt thl'ec "Is it right fur ,a wumlln to de· . -:- ¥~s Thll,ver , I• OlnCl!l used to be. Inutely thllt was llatl. too tlecnre Hil IIIB , Bud ' weeks fl'OUl the t iule thc circuUl ' ceive hel' hll~ blllld 1" wus 1\ connn· [IS VISltlll~ 14 1-10'010011 A. loI •• and'j I·I! ,p , loI . sabblA'th , In the eveoin~ three handso hcr'pllr<'~ltd, ~r.lIl1d MI'. me too highly elevate d to) su~clllUb IstaII CtlB ubove mentilllled Dried He ·f, 2 '1 @ 2h occurred dl'UUl t'riund Ln ken ~ sol ufi(lllt that bal\o Sharpe , III th ...~7t'~I~r~.:;20~~;o H-Elcler J . ~, Dodd. , paper hlllloo? s of good s~ze : pl ace, were (lv en tv IIl1ch a del~,ge . . i ~rs. p ... tor, Di vine I8rvlne 011 ,he f,rot a~d suecCi!sfnlly IIItlllled Wllrd, :~iled .. ee~iug h~r babo, day. Tu \~h i c" all "readil y rtlply, lind rilised -:-Mr. Potel· . Sl'.11 r I!a~ ~ccn ~P"bcrtl·S(onlt'llttl..' Third l..nrd's-d IlY i.n scb mOllth ~':.t8- , 1l1ll\'ed ott' ill the dil'ectiu , 1I11t! The houae of MISS Mnry KlIIght , ; dl~cu\'l:!rl'd some rusty.luo klll lO ub· "Yes_ 0 11 b,,·thdll)'tI. )l'etu\1led 8S PrIllCl\>11I 01 Spflllg~" n , of op Ne wlu8n RUII , WIl8 8ubmer5. ed ject up ill it,. nUlie which io c},u \ , (I tlhtletml ln. ~,?':t;;:Ol.t 9 0'010111<" eYer)' " Mr. Luktlll" it! 74 ; IIlId the )horo school, At $100:) a yuar. "y I Wllync8.v ille" At nig!lt.t here WIIS Illld the w~ter stood twu ___ _ feet eep ' ugod t I'oxtrac t ~ilh he& fingers, como!ned 11/(1.'8 of hi Fllts'r BAPTIST (Free-wi ll) Ohurch in a \'cry fill e dl Sphly ot .lire wlJI·ks~ .two ~ruth ~rs" -:-Amollp; hor fille tlorul collec· ,m the floor. L. C. LUKE NS, M. D., It turlle,d Ollt tv he the lust needl~. olle 818ter UIIJ IIIIJl ' utt urc WRytle.- geryiOOll on thO.8eellnd s.turd." tho bl!t!t 1 ha,ve over WIlL1CS ed. J"~t auu, tion, Mrs. Cyrns Smith hll~ a mill,; ' PHYSICIAN Enoc~ Haines had a splcudi d lIt lOeailur lll nut quit" tbr,-'C inches yc~r". "':~ unil"y 111 endb month. Elder Tbere WIlS Ihe u~ uul 'druLlk> nnd i;.;urdell a~ the tvU .gate hou:le, Iuiticent f~cb-'ia lr6i! 1 fuet high. & SURGEON. bnt ' iu length, .Hld eutere<l the II 8e G ,b8un , ~"": r. _ :rbo dllY was very yleal!l\l~tly '.., 13 r t no of ' dlsol'd t rly' to bo wltu('ssed on sllcll It -MI'lI. McLullghlill, of OillCill was 'F.\l1lo1&l literally oml'" In NfttluII~1 Dank Buildiu.,. bI On A ~ wa!lhed Ot; . • , 0. out, • .. I\lId r o sharp , I:!ud ' U~), Th e rcpenI f tt MI'II. HI,",h~ndr ; WiIliM Ward says th e ,n Cornell. Maoter. M.el occu Ions. passed I ' by I al\; t' 1D l\ n~- 11It\! .....8 tlllg nati is vi ditiutr hCI' d'\\lgllter Mr l. . e d ".' b b I 0 10 II e crarce y 1\ vos Ige relllalu . f··l lIT A Y 11./ "' S'l"IIl L' 0111) cd t ". III OddMlow.' B all un the eecotld M " , in , l. turd3Y! ordinull c by til Legislu tnre last sv Illtely IUltUI'illllt vegctat 01 ulS I " C S IUWe 110 Sigilli 0 p&ID un- ane 0 tid 0 I' ..yu UId Oil f IIll\)..' w.tl/'C James ..::t c... _ _I j G. . Olarko thu suburbt _ .£,____ i on. ' __ _ (. .:. . dng the time it WIl:! nfBicrcd ; - if reluted, Of elWhmG nlb' llt 7 01~look~:h·~;~d():~;••~t~ l willtcr, thconl yp wel' ofvillu gell MI'. JuhuP I -M ' H P II hilipB . 13 , .. 8Ullth 111 I ofthe R ' anythil IQudhS. tu., 1 °( ouch.Ulo t f lg, 'lb was 0 \(."$s di ' h'ouble thllll , O\'CI' T~ecoU til e subj(Jct hll8 opencd tile bridge blld llis garden washeJ out 1panyrogretfullYJ)'\I't?rI, Hill .1. : o ,oc~, ~I 1~~ICI 81'. loL\lw's P. .)~. OIl I1IICII - Coroer Of ., ~ u~ 1I01. ,~por , o ~ 1lelO !Jrcpurl on ~~Olt ' I bop 109 • tu d 1111 mect .soon . I 1\11 I enJOY Tlail~1 uu(l MIllmi.SI r(). ' ,ltl ". Di,'I.. o IICryinc way t"r llg to .r"CVII OJ t(l" IItlY II<'lJvl./lc NA110f~·r ' I -Mr. J orms, au they lire 10 ' 1180. . ' I . 1'1 struct ~V~l'Y Sund"y Ilt 4 p. m, Sund ..y·.chool at erea6in~ 81l the N cwnllLll oht! '" Run Luk ens was not a a. SIlOl ,1\1' romlloll , bridge . A I B A L~'j{ at 11,., n t' vilft as faat as rooms call ue IU ts As before slIid, ollr oldest citi . little sur ritllJ\l uil hoill , . " ,. " - . ' Il .\. M . ' • tuld b a wore Edwar d Hlltton IIlId KU~S. .... .Y II • had. ll1c privil" fffl of solJing al e zells tilil tv rCCIIIl any wde. Mr. Sllm~e l ".le C IIII~ I. . It het.l' similar p HI raiuy Y tlt t • tttte .''./ ullln (II tn t! '.u< : BAI"rIK'r b P f fro d Oll d beer lUukes -" gd I t' " JUdey LukclIs lind wifo, Suluthil!l Munduy murnlllg lur ,\ O\I.I.I:\, ILR\) &'T1NA ~I. , . D' an nU11I the a or way VI"lt U -~ "",,i treet.o' r ~IMll\.. \.!asy tu Ion III to s SCluson UII 'I'C a I~CS L k ,./(ls,' ('/ iJ'UlU'fI eIJ8, Jrmll 30th., au\l 01 such long continuo '. ' Elder A.. . d" M . . K ul Iy. anu., old 10 10 .M . I ,·It , •..... bl' d , _ Ultie r: Dl~loQ ",,,'~outbe s..tllr- whisky llud Wuo were • •WI~IU .J. I /J, e Ilt IIItl UIIII" UII, ' 1Ie'st.0 1· lS75· .bome u'f' ellsD80 Wile,HosC:! Its kmdr od.. UIIC\). JUlie was al.most aD JIlc~' l un ' d " f, , Co Pil thu 9th thut they 11.1, ~foru the fteOOnll W\a~aDa:.i~o:~~b hUd como to \~I e,. I\rven '-"'--., -.- .~"~-~-,, arrhl all Tho Norma l School h~6 Just cum- sa!ltly wet munth ; III July, so WI e, :' ' . RESOU ltCES . ..I. 2 oulUllk. IIgd 0d ~'~ pleted 0. Ilucoessful session; aud a I'lun has fallen nearly ev ery tar, eulebmtll hiEI 7-!th birthdn y. At l!:zeklel Oleavor. M.rs. M"rgar et -Mr .. J. bn A. hV\ll IIl1d .. MlI8tur Loans lIud tIl.w uu"" doy firllt SUwml\j.)',j, a&t :,,!~. TO O oonSh'lP Det«t.ive & short term 01' six weeks will com· UI' night; a.od farmllrll havo had I hut ithe thuu.'b t thl:!Y wel'e wrong C"mptvlI, ]\fro!. H olllo Varner , Mr. Harry Vltllte\l Dayhtll Otl SUIJt!IIY· .!l. Bn"d. 10 ...· or" cir .,IIILion flm,71 8 III .ynn w._ .e ow WIIS tlll.OOO 00 hi~'elf thllt Ilud ID'is' cd' lind i'r.;\.Cutiv e OowI",ny Mrtl. I Will . b Kinney ' n.ee~ nil the lid SlLtur· mence next W~ k . , Mi88es Mrs. Muyor Doddllll \LII.I <: liildJ'oll ot!· !l',Buude un hlmd . !o el\\ e t ~Ir corn to d0 tbll be t IIcount onll d ..y. R I ILk I I I!OO (I() " t I h day h• • Il h .0 11th, at 2 0 cl k 1" m. I' D IlC Ie III' runt ""provod r ' or ... ftge ntll j .t! 6 48u ens, ! 1& •• vOtllptOU , re umoe owe WI'tl I II 1\.111. 1. Illll sUrJlrIsed lit tI.'e prices ~t It cuuld "!Ithout plowin g. Some nllO fr"m !lll,t" D~nk8 and l.tOken -It . ~drder ofRthepCOompm1S·~rLe; .nryart4KlC", re ",bl"h the scholars obtalD 7,1I2H k bl tl t tI M· . Flora V arnor, ~att\O KIn ey .lInd boul'd: ID Ii tluccecdod ID plowin g 01100, mlllly I . I III rtemur fla --SCI:! eard of L. ' . Lu kons, M. Lloul e.tlote. furn i ~u,,,. "nd R"~rM 1,11;17 11\:1 • ent. . , ""110, .v - • • I e ul!'1 I~ t•.'a Master Frank KlIlney . hALIA.. 13 I , JIll las nv o\'cr uwe D., who has optlncd 1111 office ill thc ?ut" ~i"t e" )ICl n :~~. "nd tux o.l paid ~ome JIlstallceS, t!tl gent cmen at not ~t a 11 ; a~ d no~. the • Ie vU ",un ~ . 7~:J 00 " . 8ta~k8 nre ' lIl1umber of \itnes this se_"n . I. Wo ... Lire W.r.lb 10 ~.,••• 1 'lI'1 ISO, a.od the ladl cs at $111 . eren, uln ~ p:tlu : Jv -- RellD'touli. h.21l! II() NlltlUulll Hank ~~IIIt1l11g. 'Ve Wlllh Ohe..k. "nd "LI,,'r lll..I, iWmM wel'k. so hIgh, plowlI l III unyrnc tlcublc ; I' R d FI t L' k I TlIe ,,V'.~~ I .'; t 0 f' Uommon 1'1 .... SiekD6J9 prevail, everywbere. nmI e" e r~' IIUS W III'1 e " ed 8 tlUrl8 . II UXl1f1a tho vvur young . I III'actltlU I lin 18 lll' un l' IlIlS ,; UU \1 ccesa. 11 '" Of Bi1I~ we lave holly cOli' p".in<of Ao.n.. di...IIII8 uf lI~er ucen N.,iv\lul Bllllk. nt y. I ' I tl durin ' I". lr not ma.de a si n e dh adjourl lm ent \Vhlit the finale will 7;,0 IJI) ~. W t· mb ' t TI . f tl · ct·IUU 01 .h life. W-... sick,the obj,,~ ... u lO get well: b be re . I ug ler lall .no, n ur a U\1 er,u -Mess rs Gou ,M ZIlll & Bon FIII l. • .."1ourrellCT ('" II' 1U di" I: . ' 10 s.e rvlces 0 Ie N"E • . ' b . , " IUrc . ' . Olmns . DO"- w . years; " lilY 1I,,,tnly thAt IIU 118...011 ill ~h l. ut tucre . whilc . Oresar's n Oreek ie ul.) h_llot lust Subbat h were ospecinlly illtllr· are IIK"nttl fo tile VIetor IS notlllng ~o\llg. III tl~e to e Ilcen wh~11 huskm g cunlos\ been 71 .11 ~llWl\Ig world Ihalla ~ utrerioJli .Ith Drlpepola, Lire" Court. The Le\l.,I-t(l to 8ay lldill' filiI. U u\1lII oM) 00 estiug. The PIIstor ·Rev. O. Fer Muchin e, the very he5t itl noxt seS810n WIll bcg\ll Let us be hopelul howeve r COID P.'uln& and il8 elT.cl ~ , Bnch RI Tndi;:en· in October, Ilud tile Rede,np tinn fund "'!tl, U, ~. '('Ico. · _ \\'ill probab ly con. I I ' The efiect of tile ruios '011 the R T k t V 11 d -Duri ' t I l it". Co.\1,"ne.8, Sick Be .. O. chc, Sour Rto- t'n c I 1'1 d' ng the flood, UN lutlt ' (6 \Vedne II,C. of C' sl'Il lll+I~' gUdO ~ll) U, II\V ug ~, ~h . ev. . mur l! • ' t f ' .'1 wi e t b 'I a 1111 tlIlU; 1 u lUll: moab. H,'artbu rn, PAhll~. IL ,n of ~he H".I". I U 10 I lie a I' tJ 10 Ii IS ts .1 Dile b um U. S, Trc.... IlI'~r. ~t hl'r I ,~,.', (1) HtlUry Oyler discuvel'e d bi8 Collutt, pilatoI' ut St. Jhim 0 .l~pll. I 11, al ~y, oa any Ilay Ilar· dllY Depred ed p\rit~ . BiI1ou8.",.., &c .. can tttke "btrs M. E. -Mr8. Well. 001'1I1l1 • I GellyolI, who "hot his brothel 18 I beautif ' I ul d ".'1 than:; S 1' 0, rcJllmlJ ,Oh '-in\'tlst tlOll · ·h fllud is discour aging indced·. Much CR.t coo tie 181\11 lil t> 00 1"11 . I d k' Ga""I"~ AUGUST FLO W£& wlthou,t g ' lI illg law Entz, ut R ossburg 80me time uw tarry II . \lIC, 0'" k It 1I1~lulla I, W 0 prcac II: IIIOC mg' b'Ird d'Ie d III~ t w~"U. uf all these crups will be entirelv dam, hllmmeul in by..,.,the T01' l t.. relief nod cu re. If .vou douht tb ,.. go 10 *1O:;,057 7U high wa 1~1 the IIIU ' rlllnl!; d tl e to tl ~ d hll'gu, uttOll' was abo.ut. 7 yeurs \lld . . 1be Il&t,e r",urDruggilt. A.lioLL, and get .. Samp1 ltgo, lin t l . tti· ter I II e, LJABI I.lTIES . Riding Ilbove tbe dllm htl tl\'e congrcg "tllln , trulll WIlS' CIlP t ured'III w0 tIl 8 BOlDe no twor 'B.IW. f.+r Len c~lIl . Ind Iry ii, negulare Ohio, u CD n g , ' 1 Pet\)r, Mrs. . WIlham R"gl' r ~ lIopurtl op!-,08ite to l'arkt:I'sburg, and andrIllS; ' l.h :d II .; . , a grllllt deul 8poiled Ilfter havf FI'd IllS throe 8hep"erd.d og~ Il- . c ,liP t el,. 8 V\'l o!r.o" cout!!. Two do~e8 will r-liel'c you. returne d here tho O. pltlll . tow< p.id in ."1l.8'10 00 dC . . fore plll.t of this ing bean cut, and belore the tarm. started loom urI a. Olhor ","Ii,·i.l",lllr"til' cross to l'etch the catlle 2. 107 ;,.'1) -vff; , .. -.-- - - -- ~ut lila Suod~y ~~hoo~1 III th~ al~llrweek and is 'now tile only bOIlJ'del" ill'S cuuld ~cur0 .i' undcr ~helter -Ml\y or . Dodso" made n ,QOIU ' N.ti"n~1 B.nk nol". ,,,,I.,tMlIdi"l! ~lll.700 sumeho w 00 the luoalle st d'vg (Falin People '~DU' "~oof. II! ) UlIU~I, was I~v,"cd . at H' rl u's n tel \nth ~utlful plete e1canlllg·out sule lut 8at\1l" Indi ;~!~;;1 ~ollU'it, E t . till The corn.fields of M r - . H ' got clInght in ' til ' curr(!lIt Bnd uo Uledlc",e pre. ortueu by pll~~I ,"hj~'1 to 1 1l,~7t'I 1M . . II. a o wus . col~rcd. U Z IS 8 I ,'hOle I. old dnLwlll gs b D uggi.,. Ib.Harri e8 such. hVllIg un c1uth, lor the dllY· r, J.A:Vl All h iH rcadY'lIIadtl clothin g D. mKud \J4!trli fl olltr~ of d Ul',..it bllt With 110 protl).lect of re- K~lIy were submer ged and allOlIt' b t t d' ; 'r ' I't revIewIng Ics ILln Thl!so iUrlO til a 00 o. Isappca wore :y~::';.~: ~f II.; !uc:e~. and- ' ''perior "irtu .. coveri ~Ig. t If 011 J.ur a d 1'1. i tl I ' t 0 b' , h k M O'., t· WOII 14111 71 K. lI, Il iit II aCI'es of corn dest;oy ed. Tliu Tu stand cahlllly , by I. III1U soo his Iii· brough~ oy r. all l·tt Iromthe t)t. clothlld at IJIIIlI'cce 10 peop e gu •• •er. ,' .. • uut.t,m, lI1g ~I 80, 01l n 'o G '~IUII S~"U" (or BeOver. d"u tly 10'11' priCll8. TOT." " water 8tood 5 feet deep ill some I ""dte pet dl'owlled was too Oough. , Cold3 ' "ltl. d 0 .. Ibe Orea. i. "n· *-1-0~-.():-"-1-?-9 much Jl)hu. SundllY Sclltll).i, -- preparod -. • .. ultlplioQ, 0' .. ny di, e'lle 01' ~he Throat Dud . Frank G allaghe r iB visit· S,'.\'n: IW Om" . ('Ul:STY " II' WAIUlIHI. "". [Deferre . so, d (rolll 1...1. w....... plllct's III " Ie t c h'1~lg I' h t:spcCllilly oy the U\'lI st \tlldor the, -Mr. tbe fields on the enst side f ur H Lnng.. A f r()f)f of that . fact I' that ,any .. l:Iory.' I ' I . , I~S ' h ortle d ' H t' Corwi n . 1 M' D A 'M . I , ut the railwllY track. 109 liB IUllle III ~PI'llIg oro. a SWIPll WIth a cowhid e, 1lI thcy II-eC perlon .tllielud Mn "e\ a ~'Implc llo~tle rur e I. Jool E, ..... Ca ,"i"r IIf t"o .. I.o,'&on ..",· 0 I. __ • . . • u~p 1)- will pruuab ly rUII down to Ken . M \V R, ' b tt 10 c.'n'iI _Dd Itt lie . uperlor effect I", rure fi Id plunged , hOI'se und ri lkr, to suve olle ut1,011 . •d " 'lOk. ,I,. ",,1 mnly . ffirm ~h~t t.ho aloll\''' the mO!lt dcvoted I . r. >:iUlu.lny 01. tucky ogers bDyinlC tile fellult.r liu at 7:; conti, It h. . bcli'rl;l 0 OlD, hi s e rut II I'll. Eddi . e d . totem. nt j . tM'6, i'J .h~ bt,.~ ..f my 1m",.tBtl' Rheu Mulleu is at houle agaiD. jcome Ollt witllOut sel'ious injury,s i d Schoul worker s tllne and R .. latcl.,' b",,' lnlro<inocd 10 thll coulllr~ tIe rtiwllIng ug. . . edMc .nd oolj"f. ~ . rOID 801110 • , d' I k'lIl'vfI Our In.' M ' H d .k f N B r I ' . althoug andull h it 18 waf! hI" feared 3U\>.;tll (;er_1 . au.! ito .ollderCul our•• Are ..from they ute wuuld In th,! c1l1lge, lleury JllF.L }:' -ANS, 01l811i 1". grew tl'lghtellcd at olteec 10K y II. I . U IHI( I lura In drug·lItorll. 100' ay OC 0 ew ur 109· . hd I. hlng •• rJoD" 'h~t u~ IL Threo dOle, ton 1'5, th" very fivdt slid ofl all I tlWalD to S.. b!iorilled "u<\ II ft1 rmod 1.0 before toe, t.bi" hll8 becu visiting her siSler SU!ltUID the condul:t 01 lilt! schuol as SlIper· muc amage. . I . .111 ...,Ut '" allYcaM. Try I', Sold by A. Mrs. Wm, Cartu"n TI'I Il.Ith dlly of I Ju Ii ly. ' inteDde ut The PlctUi e SCI' of this ' place, ' -\\Ir. Jllcob R. HIsey and WIll. Oom'l':C'r- Atl c"t :1M,S. Valllp RUIl, III 80, increusild in s 'l!dl'e. d , fteledlo~di' tt WI,UI~U t D~lI, w.. y....~U\e. j \lion in ' tl;o eVl:!lIiug "TI e Good G!Arll, und Mi~Be8 • volume , Ilud tore away Mr. Mlnnio Hisoy James -_.,._ gUI _ _ e, rl ,10 El'R 0 , !CEYS. Nntllr\' I'.. blio. wit I Ie lUI' , " .'. . I. . t ... Mr., t and Lillio Nickl~ visited tho tu'andd Mrs. K\I\scy Thllrston G 01 k' went rulll' nf tuwbll' ng curren "tId pluu. Shepllrd, by thu VISltlllg S ;\ HAIN)~ 3. New Burllu wton. IIIl00ste "oter lOe gUCtlt8 f·10m Masou .Tl ar e. s wa rer·gll es. ' r, Sid ' , H , d I' d Irlen " d II at I I 'O~A to Ii II I d 0 lers ging oVElr t e dum und strange to \\us Ullle 11I1 __ 16 Saturd ay and Sunday , . . . ,IA"'N"'Y e Ivel'CI ., ,.. . D'lre~t.ol"' . to a \'CI'V urge all D '1 r~tllil con WUC? d'" Ill. a most tell mirucu lously ~alDe ' out fifty or Ilppr~ciati\'e aud i.:ncl!. I S d s. w. U nOOERS J I G . t 1 tl • adyt:Hl :\1111 - .... r. 0 ID r&n laa Ie ',"~y l.\'Oy, a~ t utUI' ay III y,ofWI I an occaslOua IOterven Mr. JIlDles " - - - - - - - -- - ., yards has been called tion II. few hourtl' sunsbin e • A sixty clear in regard to the mercan tile to t~Ike chargeCnlft an blll"JoV, t)UDl unharm ay. cd save In Ihe lY ([lIdiann) C(Jrreof n tclegrllph office t II II th h' • I by a few scratches.. WII"t became epondenceEconoll #a tral.de. hi~ store ~ing ~he o.nly o~e io Cincinl1l1ti. We congra of the Richmo od '1'ele. . -Mr. Sumne l Terry has moved tulate I ;~di::: ~~. 1 • a I roug IS Bage y of the dog ,. Why, . it got out all gram app"lIrs thll followi , ill the Village, Jlluml e LllIton 18 you Jim. ng: ' l~tO Mr. 1:1. 'I~' R ogers' TI ThlJuse con · b'd Boa I R right itself. 'Our new ptlrtoer . p"stor the Rev. J t . F , tlguous to 1I1l. tore. Mrs. Hem'y McKin8e~ h88 been the }loot r~tW'g~~:l hill I onUOtlale he hOl1:1e , ) I.' I' 'liP. -Althu ngh Morris Darbys b ire Rhoade s, hilt!. by' hi s manly good , . r . Tleltrr' _ T, bel'c 18 a guo~ Iue ' wg among l!pt'lIdlO ~Iul'mbe~ . .y oc~uVll: g tue last wee !d . db~ MW ""til her Spring .. d -AtN boro .. I l'OIld,:il D.n ear Ridgev i)le j' had ' nearlY""'db . Ilouliahd newly- sellse all 800111 d IllS uw.D re .. rrange lOr 001' Ohurch es Ilud Sonduy ·schools. parents Dear 00 e" 8 _ aft A W~!8 , ~r~a y ~von Lat'lIeSd.sh o '. aft Leballon. lind the bridge near James Parlatt '8 monlded briclt det!troyed by .J • ~ II' ' ous ~~- ~ ~t!!.They IIib or t oget t..ler 1D the Ihe estcem and trlOndslllp of all re gl .Mr. Ch88. Haiues WIlS out on below Ridgev ille, 00 tbe DtLyton ~ I dl h 0 d I II d ' B . lid S I ~ I rain last wcek, he s "P" soun 1 w 0 lave. ~ ct I11111. -Mr matters and tbe teolper auco cause. the survey ing expedition Illst und Mrs Jolin Wolcott, of a er. u on!!'.... a II StrOl'l, \lC I all,ear' week. pike were destroy ed, Both bridg. IlDd has a good al..,etit •. . . lrA"YNES JTIL ll!.' · e. 0 HI 0 lIest Chrlllti an man ' O I cannot h f fall d to ~lIens, Mlallll county, attcnde d t~e ' - ur yOUlI1J peOp e arc avwg ' . Mrs N. Smith returne d from a es were 0 WIJO, and I.' do • a , " . good work here ' where df the fUlJend ally one was of til M1'8. a Charlo -A tte move .. Ryo . IS WIfe on loot Jnwnd. to open w I kllop . np un hand "h a full e . Uue god:> . of Fllr~ goo Dim: socl d 'I I .. .. of 'II' W 'IIII'am R . d! '1 I t WVIS.llt ~mo\)g her re at\ves Dear v ry 0 c II d.1't"~O,!: b' I d d 'hf t tht nlture f of the arvost .,ery be!tt IS rIpe qWlU\)', all . . d tIe at II. avvrel'lJ .Il . a tepW s d,eot, eKlnn n~ a III t~t are tew.'" ye, r. It' arqu hI\r an alDl y lave aug er L I mlllgtun. of Mr. Jacob Haines , "nwbich D 0 M gOlle to MinnedO\A for their health. took T 0 0 W FIG U RES lira Ise, alld ranUln g WeB 0 S h . Th W cd '}<" bAr roN M" AMI' place Illst EIIIT1N Thursd O:- he iJltlll'sect Mllplc, oue square lOuth . &8 el&1l be fO .Qd In lUI,. .....rlret. HI••toel< . ome t elvea, 8UppOS e . omall.8 orelgll . ~ 1I1,"~n e · Embur y Park • camp' ay. meehu g at of Olark Avenuc -Our farmers a~e doue cottlDg tramps . elltered the cellar ot omolata of ary SocIety WIll hold theIr Mr. third Dllyton -Mrs. will comme Kate nce Allen noxt and her sone B'Iwea u, Ta'ble So d Olt • • whcat. general meetin g on next Sabbat h arrived home from Indiana . 88m'l TboIDP8~~ 011 SUDday ~ight day, 21 inst., and close Aug.TuellpoliB s..~' 6th. -J . D. Harvey baa purcba sed oflevenio g, July 25th, in tho M. E. Fr'idllY tan I, Gfrll. - John Beury moves, thIS wcek, and wad:;) a cleao sweep of ~o'Ung ~., B6~lJt6ad" , ~. Bayne s the H·acre lot ad. [Cburcb , at which time Mr8. RUII' ceived evenillg. MI'lI, Allen reo , I!t to MouDt Holly, tor illto the mill· eVlJrything!n tho way of ~atable~ Railroa ds enterin g the city will grout oncourllgcmeDt from attl Illlles, Looku .g· lug bu.iDC88 with . W, Marl~tt. togethe r. WIth sevel'lll nr~lcles , convey persona atteodi ng tbe mee.1 l IDlng town. 0 ,11 ' tha soot~. Air. lyon, of LebllOOO, Ohio, is expectt.>d the physicilln8 of the Surgica l In. . of tiog at excursi on rates. GlGl':;:', BI'O, 'ket" GatlllrWill a~vey haa dmded the entire tract to muke an addre88. Tbe public IItitute R lea\'es Grant & Oomptoo WIth· greuter Importance, one evenlDg be open thero regardi ng her erip. 88 usual on SUlldIlY , . .., . ' 0 " &te. A up lO.tO one, two and three acre lots is iDVited. out a nliller. John is a good one. lut week. vied toot. cordial iDvitation is extende d to to aUlt purcha sers. I am al.., ropared to a~d all calla i .. nCUARLEY OIITI!iI!l. f ."Tfee.j - Mr. a?d MI's. Kindlo Tilylor all to particip ate in this "Feast . of -Al. Moore t!UI ,io. 100 acrea or ness K8i?;pA . ___ '-gave 110 Ice·crealn Bupper one even· Taberua b~:n r::~vl;d t~~;~ J fI «:les. plow :klongfing to FdOOr' coru. One of 11118 nClghbors, who . . I" I king last wook to the following J ' "CO wu . ell rom a e 0 ' . • .. The Indlan apo I has been throug b and eUloin ed it room8 ateI 1m lall ta en y If oecuple E ~ hy Mr. Sam · .Mr. John T. Hobert s, ' hlgr, rank among the political ollwed person s: Isses va ,KeYll, thO k tI b ln g a flne new H - . aDd .·ftaU IDI. of' b" AI d . ' [uel Terry as a reilldeoce where day and has not been the other 'P eterson '. Journal . for Aogust retul'ned \D s Ie ,est t lUg ebeet t the ClOuutry and is Anna Humph reys aDd PheOla At • caho 0 'ds lwill be found 11011 kinds of'tulrn es8 Tbe'pe rson wt 0 borro ed't s besides many other good ~o borrow slxtl'or .aevent y Id Burial CaaAfL Cuke '. Robel :~\.~\~r~ ~larked ubilitY. It i8 killion, . Mes8rs. SaID . Jones, N onh contain ts d t & Nepai ' .. I things, tile' cqnti nuation of a ' fat!: 8u~ar crooks &na:" 'ten ort. o~n ..,...,.., a twelve fot:g ~::~~r~ndusv::'ptf.Y atteDde~ o~hge ~r. Jacobi. by 111' I won • ~ rl and caudid in tbe disculi' B Wmll.lI, Frank ZeIJ and Horllce clnatin re~"r.~\Dg the ', g IItory by MiBS May Agn a thousan d sheen; aee the ~rOcks anj. 80. __ rtmeDt of ion of leading qUestiOD8 ot' retorm, Sprlly. to Give us a call Weer & Wo I. P ow a once. lUI e ncc s I • DaAII. IFlemi llg. Thi8 is a lIuperior Mag· over the corn, an e~ JaIl 'n urrenc yand finance ~ro ID the ley. • - - -- -Barr .! K. Ir~in at the Miami ' azine. 13 a yoor. In club with sheep to eat np tilethen ~ ~ foxtaIl, reserv· III~itt r':II~~al makc--uI1 PreI!en.U: At th,e Democralic ~enBtorial the Gazet~ __ ___ Guette otH~, Will ~ife orders I thall aDCle...nr to c10 ~y-' to , 'i,II.O_ H. Petere0u. ~ eoong!., of CODrse, to lill ..tit · aUra Ii U8 equal to, any Weekl y In ConventIOn held at Mao roc .v T.h~Na rrow.G lluge8 0r~eyi ngex. for O~oquet sets ~t the tiJllowing ::r!.~0!1l0!;~':';:-.!.=;:-', ester· & Co., PhIlad elphia. ucI aab. Qrllnee (IOn~t·pedltlon pulled out agalll yestertil country . 1"or terms lee ~d· ~av, Mr, P. ~', Dechao t, of l'rank-: rutes. Fon. sets, for laWliS, 13 to - .... , . A . -Mrs. ~' . W. Bayues " rti , of Ri~h. III e1eewhens. , aay. It cousist ed of .Joel hD, 111'&8 nomina ted for State SenaEvan, Ita; pa~lor BUt.! for table usc, 'I, M.r. John Crewe' · 'barn .1... _ _ ---"" --tor, Mr. N, N. MOiIher went lAS IItruck by_ lightni ng, ODe day wu mood, Indlau a, bllt been puilDg A. O. McComas, DaVid Evans, E. 75 to '" , .par.lor sct.q for Boor nile, UpAoUurt~& lutla Pictvr two . weeo' "J1af' villit f'or witb ber friondS ~ rll S.Bail y, rotting t.d1" Ob",rh.'I I Haines Ilnd d"'elAt e fr m thill .Tow·Dahip. ~Hlt' 1 13 to 5,75. Half sill I! of lawlI week. ~ ot mach damag e dOD'. liNG here. She left l;or homo Tuueda y. ,Bop,. . l dUI.." ,\"I.mrtJrFBAl . I Oroq Il"t , 81 ,5 I. . ,-.l'ruaI'UIIMl&iDtI au ..it..
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year increaMI the popelar itA .. X CIt' Drug· Seot" , ty uf valuabl e Hair prepw.~u. .Ith pit.", W"Y~ _ VIL_ _ I.B ~ Ii _,O. ___ which i.I due \0 merit. 111.0118- w. 01 N. 7', et A ]l'o,ot! Id 108_ .... ' ) rI ' .1 AYES N. HELL; OM UIIIlN our 0 patron.....u .It. •. ;. ~~~~,,~~~Ui~' ~i ~Q,. . . nAD. n .... ft.aftOD " ."1'1·O R-"' }'.'1' .1 T LA I" ~ ... 1! .., ,. - ....... l!~""CoI ... q kevtfu\ ly IIp ¥Z vaau. WAU'&'1~ t.o itl high .tlDdar 4; .. -. • anllitia tbeonly reliabl .udperf ect.- - - - 'i ~ E,er True 10 TIl.·. . J'olk~ M•• utk • .'3tJ ~u • ...,.. I'IttT". 1' .1' .L.t:, t:J pre~t ion ,.. fur ft!!toriu I: g G.... " eli. 0 ii I Birdie', ~orllhl/( ~·I,IaU"n •. ~. la. , OJliCf' C'/'fr A . /J •• lfll IJr ug· tore, 1>. FADED HAla to itl YOllthf uloolor, . . . .; • . \ -' OD th : Wons' et Lo.~. \ .18e t.rlli. ,I., eta. W" .." ."L-V
... »,&8
ILLE 0 I making I·t. .~ft, III troue, and ,ilkeo. ~ S~ ~~a ~ ~ ;:I~~~j,~::!:=: ~=s.; ilM. t.:::~. 522 It II well; llIgb un p0e8i blc to keep . . . ,• ....., .' 'fhclci alp,bli t.ue,be com.. white =~ t- "'~ ·Ecboe f, nm lb Pall_ad. .. . aheaa IIf. We have cut a little hay 40 ell aml oleao. It remon . allerup tiona 0 ,:u , but th e shuwl.!rtl UI'C 0 inces8& llt SETH \-V. URO\ "\ ~. and dandru~ and, bl it. tooio prop~; ..; : : : : : ,J 1 . thllt tJlertl ie a s yet very l illie orti\!ll, preven t. the air from falling 5": b Q,: t' t.: 1 ~ k I · . ugarPIQ mIP"lh . :If1 Ct • . ATTO R.NE Y AT LAW out,M itetim c unc 0 UIII e Illy wh i le the It;tl .. ,; ~ ulates andno uriab. .J .... v1 &. "bolti cb. 35 ,'1,. I': ~i3~~ ~ li?~ hi nc.' '"=' M.tI O,IP 1',,11•• , , tbo boir-alll uds. Ba- it.l UH, th. bair I 311 ol&. .:" "' t- .. ",::::_ th JeoDi,' .lbeJllo ..e. IICKildare.lralls. 3id" W e a rc eat' . od . zed , A_YO X{)TA RY Pi/OL IO. growl t i cker .an .trouge r. IJl 0: oS . - - - - ---- . lng Dew, go 'SI La H .tpu AD!! Ii~UO . 1I10rc".u. 3:' ots " . "" ~ -.;;; , ~. ear Iy p o tlltoes, ~i Iy kcepi 01( uhead R erect (II A 1\' baldneaa, it restore, tbe capillar y 1' ~ '" I I ' bg" y i II arm, t b e put.llo lh.t he ha. 0. 1 .111. ' om.b(,.,. 1BnuS "" cl. . .1 to t b' '" ;,;.- ~'" . _ Ie .. "C:._. • 1\~ . . . . . .... f the Uul ora'do bugs by u si ng P ~""" ..unew ' :t g elr nonn al Vigor, . ·uruit uru a"d an .. .idcrtKltlng .' ~ .!l ~ g . 1 • WA YlII ........ . B, ril green. 1ri.ll creatilll l now ft~wt~ , excep t. In Il' _ • g CenlenDI. 1 M.rcb. We are 10 1;i1l" 3(1 ce., ., fur a 111 'ltl 'l ater wberu be will ~'¥" . " ;0.,,. ,,~~".& f It''''I' un ..... tI " fI, k l .... " ~ " ~~ Llh of V,III -y. Noc"urn .. 311 cl, ~ • • • U ~ ..J ~ Rucki n:;the frorn N IA' L:!1'lluolI next W edneil- IOmu~nto Wavc. . a ••• oIe , • ~ o c&.. • , all 1\ I I:i::j i requtrOl i~ .l .:! .~ e .~,g si 3 i. tiewer lipp I"lcatlOns . ° UreAIIll I.nod. Morce.~.. dl1Y, nu Prvvid t'uoe pro\lt·n tillg. 40 l'I . ~ l:ii1l1"ffiD'Mi'Tr'~1"ffi ' D ° n-tiPl , ·t.~r; _ . r and 1 gi\'ell '1 the lWfupl endid,g lO8lY ~ i~·.l~ ~~ j~~Z: j -Awak. blng o ( the Bi rd•. Homou,'e . 4U c, •. ~ C\)~ I~ in lhi~ regi~1I is so fur ve ry ~- '-!lI g,g !; ~ ~ ~~~ ;t ,:!..~ appellr1lll~. A . .t\. Haye.. 1I.D., j OJ ... ~ ~:S w",·, He"r!. Ru_b.('. promllm lg. 4U , " State Aa~llyerofMauaohu~eus Ji . -- . - I~ SO~ -G ' S Fi nlt N atilllul l E Clllk BuilJi ll'J, "Tbecon~tituellt8arepure,and, uyl, The 1lll!IULe r,; tli' Our Lycn uln - .\:;11care..., I ..., • ha\"o taken II pon til l;! m e lves ~ the \V • '\· ....TE· VI'LLE OIIIO -, • ~ ,.,• idly seleoted for " .... O' quality ; rr.. £ - , '::" • -_ ' - - - and I ooDside r it the BEST PuP.· BAYS ~ .~~ ~ ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ l.$I\k of nlJting d uwll 10 t o 16 exiii ..~ ' , 1'4 ': . ;.!; t ,. .. ·~;:>:c~ e IUoTlO~ 1 .6> ~o '" = for ita intende d purpose... AU1' HOR Of" ~IOLt."II 1l1O)11e 01 bud grunlm ar lIud wri· ' ...-It!.l XO : • . II , 1oUt,.u nn.,gUt•. _ _ _.fflJlW ,*-. . =- - , 1 .0 & CHOKUt 3 CDI'I'8 tl1lg (jil t lu c rlt ieill tnR of til l' ~a me of .. 11 kind •. With 8 SONOS I lEa, P'-o-D ollar EACH: 0 ." •••• au'...."... ... ~ .111 ••, . .. h Pr.I'- , II.appoln .... d Henr..,. " Ii Ii. Ii Ii Ii i ::: q u till"rul l.'s Ol Il J Jtr.·lnlln lltl·c"lpre: .n e"peri. n. dA ...i..... '" Model.ln e Gr.,'. . ..ray, '1'11'''' tunt • .lrrel. • t\d "'itL ~k . "ow .. ; .. ,. oioi ' " ,; 1._' c phi UIIU CI111tiuu8n vi I t(.'<i . .. P 'Ih IC ' hL '1 lIb \\' 1 I t l ied", of thu """t<l. of .the commuDlty In I:\\' Y""l " VII' L' I ~ B ~ l' 'g u ·," ~ le 0 J ·a,.I' ~ I S,"f 51 . 1 ~ .. ~ aD .. ., J ,~( ~ 11 IO . 10 enc I wll1al, b~ b •• A.. long reotdcd. B f •• I. uo"ll. . ,A '.'" '.S. . •. 1'4 ' . . I I'OB ~ z.;.; ~ <!:i ..,; ~ :.: ~l ~;; ~ ~ ~ .: B.,o." M"c ee. purtl e u IIr cu e. ..~ Tlui! has to be <len\ tbat be ..ill be *ble I.!o gihve ........ Oft'u"" h .. ~ r"'.,.,..,,,,,,,1 tiur\'l.'. ' 1.0 thu "II ,. onti ......".... 1: .. 1 ..., - - . . . , A d Olle nnd rcpo rted in full to the 1.(ltOliun , by oonduotl our 'il Q) , Tho .\I ~ld ,,(, Am ud.I. . Renewe r in man I v ~.U' onJ " "w IlY . 1[,,,'1,,)( ba,j thlrl.v yell r. ' ng Funeral. witb de~ ~ ~ Whero i. bI " LOVl,d Oue .T o.S igh' , ." d m~etiug, e~~r.r t wo w.celu. It is : ~....~~N!~ ____ ._____ ,' xl",rl.boe , h. hll p". t" \1"'0 "'''tid... li"" tu require too long a time an too ~ Ii : : : •.. .. a ; ~: hS' ~~r~ le~18i ~g'D' d "II wbu '""y (''''or him with 1101111 . 4 11-1 mWubc~kCW:C, to tore gray orla~ (lUI.t . IlIItOllll:l lllUg ~O dls co'Vor what ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ::II AI.'~~ IIn~ ,~, 'H:~'::::. 'e a r1dICI1IO D ~ pat() ~11 we are tlpeak AM~S W . IJ A I N ES . M U. I 'clye:i~~ ;!"a::o~:eehicb will ,::J Z .,' i:i,~ ~ , 'g ina lind iJ"W gravely we Q ",ell.hle. IIII' Plower or thr· n, II. !'1 ~iokly Bill} eft'oetun lly necompli~h 2) • , be chuol !iOU'1I I" the D.II. nO--· UP "'T ••• Cl · th e l't It' inC '1 1,'_", . S Ii Ii '" every sentenc c. Howev er , all the a '>I Q. ... '" i .i .; ,; I m o ro necessi ty lor in stant and en · Allie ooog 4: cho .. H P.llnllk •• au . • . • neitber rub nor wash oft: Sold by ~ 3:! 3:; ~ ~ ~ Q ..i Wh.,' d,m 'l ! OU ~ rile 10 III e. ' isler T ergetic e rit iciSlll aud cOl'rcct ioRi ao Olfiee .. ' Ru.ldellce. i all Druggis t8. · Price Fifty Ceote. ,i 3i t!':'; ~ ;.;.:; I~ ~ w e are 011 tIle rl'~llt r"Il", und, o !.lly I . nd choru ,: I .nk~. 30 , u , MUllf.o tliNd lay It. P. HALL, .. t- t . II Drum. Ol i';weel \ 0. 11, ~ .Me. ~ ODg and need t go ulleal fl)r 50 ur 60 yeur8 cho. UI. l)ank 1 i. .~~ 11'.)1. 30 ~ ~ Q Aoy 01 Ih~ ahol'l' maill·d. poIl -I,aid . on to make cut1side l'ublu \,rogrCtls in -- - .- - -- .\Su~ oS J . I co ..J rcceirc of tbo lIIark ed prill.. I'lr ed olArlteti th n ile of (:Orl~ct languag e. ,., <I .l1 & S ... ~ - bave plelure 1i1l "-VIt~OI" Add",.. I
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I.1.110, Office for the A.....uf..o&ure "nd &10 af
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dlIllIlten </f tbe GO".ky• KlaceIlU l, of \he ~ _ ...... ~ to all olaM. of nad.n. TenDll, tl,'1I1.... : ,-r, poetpald. Sa",ple ~ fNe ... appUeMloL AcI~ blpUlfU Ol.lll!!U W 00.•
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JEWELERSl,"lImOS IG ' B8 .. C. 0 ·.8. 'W ':0 ·I'."JI" & W am AT
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Conductin[ aMedical Practice
Ck..p'le IUId Faue
I !;?"'I'I,:hl~~ , "'I ;.•~'!:;I,,'!!~:;~ I~hr~ 1~:~~t1~n~~~~~~.'
Washington aDd Baltimore,
E ,R PRINTZ _____ ___.... ••D. Glt )'
,gO RTO lf'S ,.
Cath artic Pills ,
EV EH .taO·I)Y Buy the ·World·RslIownBJl
Sbnttlj 881Jin~ Jachina ~ ~~Tb o
O() .. k~;l!l ~~n.;~~'.~l;~~~hllli\,
VOLUI IB %xX-V. For t he Laundr y, 1"'''0''' II- l~·"·t J '\ln~lll\laecll Lowell \\'ill cOlllri"ut.:. du "" , t'r C' U" K" "" ring the YClIr. r"'quelll E••"YI ,,"d 1'0c 1II I; ,Ii,,'"''.' :''' "r n... ler,. ---------~----· l ancfwilli " mOllllt'n BrYAnt .,.1\."'.•.. (ew r."· n' and He,,!>, w . SON, I, - ,n·',,· " >I ,'" ". ,.. Longl','110'· • ill puhli.· h P,u.roo .Ull Pup"ra SHOR TES I AN Q QUICK ' • II I"': i,." 10 II iI,i, l'f· EST • of Ipocl.1 In Lc ..... I . ~1 ,"·1i T,."i" .. ill con- TIl l! B elli Stlll'tt/l l?l tIll' World, I t S • Il·,· I"" , "''''e, ' '" , II • ' ROUT E TO \rihul< kel ch e. of !!II81holl'Il I Ri,.cr Lile' "hclI,Ju. " IIi' II';' T ,I"""'t , OIVg ' :\ BEAUT lf L FINI : H 1'0 IS '8nl.GTO~ •. .aLT "",. Ln,,~.... A '·K. I , EJ a. he used 10 . ee il fr.om K pi 01 hOIlIC. Bay- T lU; 1,1 N EN. li nd Lli ~ O III' dCllr bruUwr or til n . I' ,'~ co,, III'I""en il "n~ I II I .N! T."lor lI'iII "'r.ilC of Irial L' i re of in Wei.ra Ito "irlU ... / Eas tcrn nr aDd D CUmlllllD r l l p II"rch p " " d.f t A.D: lI O ' ,. AOKro~I.1' The En • 1I •• d So ...... llIinisli' Y has arri ved und Cum llien. M!!. t1U'OIIIt"out Ihl. anll .ut ha, .Cltl lln Io P'CBlul1gI.ILedh)· h, ~ I'ecenl ordinurl ,,·..bing. Alk 1",\1 .. con, fora" ~~~- ~~~ __ _ _ ,our Groc er feri: . , /. .. ·' rt'lldene. I b in Uermll 0'1,,·, n,.. coulltrl ('h"tlel ... 10M DUdley War· _ _. co d I1.S II orllilmu ng liS , Wh'Ie I1 w e , ~. . 1101111 thnl il doe. , .. iII rurnl.b, durilll! hi" ruldell"o in Ihe CO NDKNSEI) TAlILK, 'f'UKO UOIl TRAINS. lIer KINGS FORD 'S Eaal. Sketch ~. <If O:lenl.1 hOI e nlily ~ruvo n .) o rnlo rt IIl1d . Lif. uud 'I',,,·el. H'I' V ;.'· lind dI'et:lll . ·· .·'·r'.' ' 1'~'Tl TI,. t.'linlul!~· of naif be. . .llll111-y t ::::. ---~--. - - -- t·... l)I".~'I·ll"" ,. 0111111 p ul>II'c me"tl' llg roarkmau. .. i,1 c.'o~rlhu"" paporo ,on QTAR \,L~ CH l'ARKE ! .~ .• ,~. u ~ " ,I 1'1 • •••• , " ," ~ ".III!' II" , f.e~. that 1 SHe R" . MAY 31. l R74. tbe , g O", Wart of Ne .. Ebgl.odl .Dd I.:.nldll .nd lu st "'Huhllt '" ll . 't :,d II Ill ..... c rowd ~J 01' (; 11 . .. ,. , I ...e"?,, ..., .wltl And ,I,,,, .....11~'e un\ f'IISI Lillu. SI. Luui. E1p. pIc'"re"lne I d ' r b Id n e p _0 CI" I ( I " eo1on l• i. n 'V P dJ' 'e .1.'(11' 11. ' HI(JII, Bl allc lJ[,an(/B, 1 ·1.'"'';' ·"u l l".~"",>:" 'III, <'I '"'', '"~ d''''r''e .. or 'h.TI'''' D.dly . ludies 11110 g~'l'1tk lllt' II, sp~c tuh)l's, Duily. In Q"eloo:c. "lid ~J olI" 'e>l1 . John FII~e. uther mo,Ii"", •. The ''IDn~ moot 1 Ice lfi·ettm.. Jt.'tc. 1., " Ci",.iun. li 9:"; AII1 1 .: ·.~cl'O"i Illroeth":". of the I'II !monnr~' O'1!"'" l ,rnuCI.l t, .nlIO Cl, udll c te lj tlle ll)' 9 :10 Pill whot!e II flklllg p.p~r "" Ame,·,Cl'" "ntl Albe\"('I'C • . • A 01 \J.O ' 11' b , . ' ) .: '·1 '0 I' , fIOw or; ''','' en ••• ~i' ('on~umptlon • . " ' I 1'1 P l I O A ulBn Lire ..l1ract i:d mueb 1I0tice. "'ill r.rnisb 1'1", blh. orl" ID"!. - h .. a"lI~ h d In 1~4q. And ell"" I"l Ih i. proparnllo II h!or . W tll· II IV d CClIrutIJ m ahl e p.perl'lo. Ht.'1\ ' (of! WI' II I pr.lb~ ll. n..., r"hliol,. k"o .. ". . .. P'lfI llllu Uthe 6 55. ...Ill. Ilf\!~ft r\' ~f ItII repatlttu n A8 MTR(HWt: n , 1f)!IU " i "n ,rt.rtliu·k .llJ le u hftrdl...· to bo belie\'od. J wno : In I.,u rs"auc" of. I",rpo'io, I" reco,d iUl' IIl1d lhnt llull' lUn rrv 'rel1 ce du c to .. .\la,·it'UK 1 Ih.·v ""L , II "." 'U, d N 6:l6 . oall D.... t OAT~ lb " .' auy " 5!IU "ru .. " 'lrke rroven 8bu"g beyond. :. d l~ f,ule. ,A. A"'U'.'ir 31) .. 5 all" Ill' r "',c" pora.,,1 Irai .. of 1100 hi.tul" of lbe W.r of I ~I t h• "1 r tI II II1I f (; ll·gl·.)US ~rvl·ec· ~. 1IIId tllc W(lral h I ~" 0 er· A,·r. Pr.~'on I. I' ", tq\l.t•. Oil II' ,~, " c. pu I.IIc moy re '.J 15 " 9 '0" S.cL\ulon onti the e"eats I •• d"'g ~ II Tuc. , " 0 1' tl.8 "llpre nI C' IJl1le r ot' tl .. ed, eilh.' r ollb" ,I\m4\ name ~ A7 .... IIT 'o .. lI1lollow -IoI ... 1~1w1e"" ·' Reo. . c.,. n.1I 1,,'O'oNlon. 8," OU"".III ("0...... lho, --IJiD -t .• O,.klond .0 AIr wiUa II 2'1 u&ber • tille.. tr I.) lie " ',.T'·... n". .. .of mnre ""r ou_ Ji~..... I\ •• ," \In- 1 II I f R b I' . L . I' .. D"er Park II 4:1 " Ullinl o. \\ e I.:,\·u tv llIlvC @lIch 11 41 " 0 eel OD$ ,,,,,,,hero,1 I,v ••• on,\ nIl OOlo,, "t or ,"I1'~r1h. l ,. e II ,t.. 'x . pr ,. on !'\"CV,s. ov MA CM'.N. P h; 0 .. k c, . 1\,e I" not " OumlU' rllllld I 511 Am 0" c""'pnte,l, II ch.llell1tco 1,101 .•nd....ron200 P JOhD )CI'150Ilil C\IUIO . llt lind Witll(,S8 0 111' \lrown. by ./ F. B. S"nborn. "'ho, e . e- hl~ l ,e .. chcDlle .. I .l\u~boI'lL~ 01 ~urore. CU"': L I yil .... . ho 1Il1"I ' l'eptlc.t. El'ery ~"mI1Yllloul" " HArrier'. F',· 5 i 2 .. • 56.. qUllinl4ln r e . I ~b lhu lh •• ,rI" •. pl.n • • "btl per ,ully "".I,\·•• d Ib, . l Oll' Slarch , and · Wltll hillt:to,' 7 It' •• div i no ser vice 1111<.1 hcUl' OUl' peonliUI' ·Y· 660" k.o"" 011 h,",' ,I< " P,Io'OC"O" "!!I1m.llh early fo rmance of the 8re~t "nol itioldllt i8 full, ilJ .. mOil f!xcellcll • t a rtic le of diet, and •. Ri~hbloll d I ;;0 I' DI. nn :l 11111\ .... ..: h·(ld nUnl' k or I'urinonn,,:,' .Arre\,~ 4 liO Am. o •• c&• • "d iblima&8 . The ulualold \'il' WS nuu d uetrinci!. arlicle. chemlc,, 1 BOIl r,. din;: V,ro perl ie. i. fulill " ,,· 1I.ltimor limo'. whie!, ' :0'" on. iI~' m. t At n"", bnl 1'1010" e 49 .\m. 8 ~'O ' I' . no . of o...ld A. W.II. ond Ed·... rd Atkhiton on e'l".1 10 the "e·t IIr.owrollt. ' I I TI 1I i1 tS II I'OIUIIU t IC " Wilmi" " lo,, In Ii P ",. . ' I•• comn ioo<,i" ,h·o. "II<I Inti often (IIt.I, Il n1'i!- '\ yeur. aUf t 10 I :11 '" , . Ollr''8ne ,. Bnd Fin .. nce. d,"log 1874. ,,111 be Direollo,, lo " I'ur !> ",.kin" .. Pudding> . ~ IIIII}", I,u.. t1 II" . th"ln <tO.I. TCIl 'or hl"~ lie.. ' thl. ,,,cceede ,ll.y "pe "1 011 Iherae CI \' CS 1'1110 b CIiU l ' c IU Ild .. •• ; .n~ I frllm &c .. llo'nmr.n y cllch one· pound p....cU' .: l'hil ro d>'l "I"e . l'hin ' Iil ~o I: 'I:Iwl c t" ."e ,dtholll It.• A. de(.n 9,,"'' I b~. MOle all' I"10'8. III Ibe 9UI1'e" mt<lre"< .. N.,w " .... (eguard to \ York Ir, .... 6~ 01' l iflllilud wdi'i:l torms, while thc bl yea,. ~ c, P . . . . . . . ., .n II ...., MJI_ 6.-.,... III " ",. non"llho .I"''''' .. njr ,U "" •• which I I, Lo'lIh' j'I"".ILIII,1 Cloe. t o( chilJhood esCUERRY • .. uo>. to" I'> !iO Alii . fl'eqllet lt tlItOWCl'l! . altcrnl1 tl!d by .. 50 Pn, -O '-~'FF-E -- Ro 517 6", I·r.o:". " \I . i, 1 II" " hll. h'~: (or, by It I tiinel,. u... ~IU1'il'U$ ~ uII 8 hill e. gh'c the gardeo s, '''',btu·I•• "r.' r.,ello,1 fI'OUl urem,,!ure ...... . VlA Bl>:LLAI R E. MAY :11 . HI7.. ti n" , n"'Ul' to tho 101'0 om' nffct'tion ~en tred 1J~ld • 91111 IDUllt of ull, the forests, lflllDbe r FQIU'. on lloom. II net ,,,cedilY nIlII ."...,Iv "gal"ol onll· t .!,~ Exp....... FA.TIID 'rO.a nn.Je .n In(!~lo.' ·8 " III lJst gorgeot ls appearl lnce. . II ,,'v t il!" .' • • ee "rin~ .OUIlrl nllt! I:.nltl,.re •• • Inri,,!: 1)lIl1y, Sua El . 8r~n ~ SIo"y, priotl.ln book form . '1.75. Whil c choppi ng woud lute1,' in W.J1lI.n ll1e, Jill,. 14. 187~, ~ ',:~. ,111,1 ~') ...0,1:1011(111will " I{fur lls, tt~l1bleJl() mc Inlu. C.'IA Oroncbl ... hcn they Lye. COIUlllbul 11 IG Am. koo .. I 1 . dJ I 11 4~ ,\Pm . '!'waw n 8BOR'! ' tnolUl I8 ; l\ rich A.rr .. N , .. ark I i j :i5 P.n. I 12 riO til grt.'ell WllQ( 8 m , ,'," . leL,' oJ i f ml h"O ~l'ell_neo ", , o . : . ' , ~ , '"i,.· " I·I pel'lect e ' ~ u, "'~I' · v tendilll;; 0 I ' , ' ... ".,I I ', . ,"'t·".",' o'"r t Ie ( '''I· o "p.I''''or·lou ••• "'. ~1l t, Lv• . S.bdu. ky . t'v Il v wiUf7 StUlll':U8: . 7.~ AD'. ' 0 70:0 Pm. Larg., ~.<:~s . " Ielldldl y lI iu. t ,o"," . ~ .. )Io,mll'vil le fI ~ 5 .• 7 :,0" ",r UN' rOi I ch..."II,,,1 I"vNII",,'ion. 1I0r",I n. Call '!'BII 8'l'IlIlL RIIPRO DUOTIO NB , . A~I . I j. 'I'"rro i" " '''kl ng He.,· h(~ I1. III Ihe Dlmnp' Yo 1. 11",&dw It In \hc r.. IIOS 01 lo.e 'lIId hrlghl "lor.,· Oil high . I . vlc' U'·" ' ; cu· Ow. 8, 88t4 S, Z III NEW YORK, I 3- • n I 5' ., 1"\1\ And ".. "ide ,I•• ""wAver .. 4ne." c .·, • ing h,.f m ., " All II,e ,,1'OI'''iIIl llt1"'lt '"".id,dch II .. A"·'H ~., ~·r'" e" pn. ...oml! on"'.... " b ··IIAlre ' ~iO" Dt.. .5. IS " l'rodth'll ce !loue c~u. def...·; n·"or., I,I.n.tl, .~e.I-·l r A~n tl, ... v"r.ll--lc d. H"xE, tl,,· I(re:" lIIu ' LrI"e~ "·eel" . • ~ . 1 Wheeling 6 10 p'm . . ~I'· ' . 6 4, 01 ~. I h'.' \our uutm inlhlurh,\· l1u.·Kz itlti . ''AU mon1h. ON 'f ILI AL, for PI'd "1Il"50 .~ , II G .." ftqu !. U.1 Pr.:".\ft.K1 Yo"r rr,·~c"ec . how "'1'1 Rnd ~orene ! ) bY' !) 20" Ceot • . O olJ t:\'r: to illtroc fu ;'H th e' pap;'r 10 , -- -.. O,.~land II · . . . h 110 10 . in Ihu ' umm ~ I' I"". ze low. JeE II 34 R " & "e'" CO .ub, l cril,e. I II' P. ie•. r. duc ,.d I" '2 .:,0 • . Mnlluf. tltr"... II kl'I,d. of Bre-.l ·L Cako ,. TlLBATS ALL POBJl8 OJ' .. ,,- r P •. II '3 " 0:. . . AV ",. II '1 ., ~ .. owell, au., "'" w Alui ,,"\'~.' h, Ihe .h"~1l 1\ y ~h ~e n . u.C nn~ .. • dA!ly fur W.yne,,,,iI\o and the. "IIt'I'IIlUI . I .\' '''''''. • i ll~ ~· HU llliJl! l' , "' \' 11 Pr:ch:ca .. toO-hon.' ding l •• r""" , C~OVTC "Oumbe rl'J I 50 Am. 01 An n'-leII' Cllftllr.ta . :J 6u P"'" Al new. ,,,",<1. o ' by mlln., .: ...ar l"duL" cnJI h ~I!I'''burh ...d. 1>1'001 ..1 I4ttcnticn id lIiveb ~. 1 "b\! 6UU.Il . t l ' IUlhH U ,IU Ilrei. Cd lud .. Hatp's ~" , ;; n·! .. 'I IIADD , . '''L'' nv .' LI, t>uuoOla' tof\lnsil4 hhtll • .6 " I N lI:"~nT"'IIIEII" d...·I II Wasllso,, · lu :i.lun. tl tl ~i lv Ht' l;OcJ, "t.on7 It) •• fi : O" 1111 " !t loRgcnt <l II U 0 c lll ii, H I. vII A , If' C i 'cd I,,, e l II :!I,\; ... ' PA "" , PU I 'ii~ h\" r,"' , 3" _ 11 p ,II'k l'IHc" ' 1 " u _"eN ponc. , • it II.. , _oN! Richmollud I :IH JIll! . _.___ &'U 4511 Am N " II b' \'Ot~ . P;l'''tle .. n.illmM Hi~ herold • • ,· .~o utldln '~ ..... ,u..(), - 1,,10\1 iu whal ""(let ! OU II ~O Am. ~U 9 __ ~. 'rom all P(J"" 0 ' . [< Uc 0 ~_r 1 ,' 11 m' """ , Ie 'IfII'er l ,§ AND [')ARTJ~c 'I men'. C':' b'e. alt "' "miCh,d fro m~ rar ; " " ' ilmillg ttUl l '! 11 p1D . ~ U"~ " 0 I' :.VM~ 1 _ .... .1....... -o, ...._~ LC', " l'I,I1-~'~ Queue , e~,tt.'t· Ih i6 ZiHIl or rOl t ; I :/11 .. "'v 2 ~~"I :.6 " l'IAIolllU UUD I ...... 1 _ • . . L8ave to"rrn ,,', eonl.e .. liQn nud war, It l\~'fy(Jr k !. I:, I. 60!i " on abort. Dod.,.. 1.180 k", I , "I .. t Jluhli!lt:t,nl. II lie_ 1·,lhiliO AII~ r. eJ ill the Fold of th .. BI.IL. 80 tUIl Ayel" ~ j • 60 11 III .IIIIAL .AY If Am . 66U I,m Dr. CuJver .eU ·. Celebr. ted ~ ---- r ....y " I' Iho .:orliclI l eu. ( "'ith- ' O. O. HAMI'TON. _n Pullma n'. Palaee Drawlu lP.Room .t au Ito"",, and • 'lIpply of ) 01 :~ '~"I"' r"" " " r& ' 1 .. . . out I. WRlvtllglfl>' " I and Ble.pi a, Coaohe I ' I r . emllln ". ~ ue •. . ", .• " ,, 1./.r,l' S nllll" u .. ( TONIS UI' ,KAPb::; AND 'fHltlR U dK. Froru al 1.0ui •• Olndt1l'~li alld t.!ul llbl ~u .l" I,fl,.e ·. J_ro HB la TBJI4T1RCI 1;:0," '. Mental ,i utl Ph,. lc&l ln <:,>1 I'Kc\\y. 1111111 .lirnrlll. III lJ n rr;,,~ n . ,",c.: - It is f18tOO I hing ~ sec the lal'ge UP" 'rbe highe.t 10I rktlt Pri,_ paid, iu .1UIl1fO U PaUlati t in Buropt, UI.e II b"bcon urn t lu.,. Ii: ·iI, P·.' · ""' Fil- ,11.111 quaotit y 01 grapea of the fin~ijt aaahOr&rllde.fQu~~;~"(}i hili., r;"1;::1:ery. the Doabaioa of , WITH OU'r CHAN GE ~~~"./; QH . ".'"ID~IIee ur -.xu. 1 ". C'"n· ,tlllliity , and larg el ll~tAlrs, that _ _ _ Cauda, ..d ill e.'17 /Hate _ __ Thrtlugb Ticke l' "".1 furll... " iu rur",all"" I t r·PriCl, .ln "'e.ded en , elupe . 0,,1.,' .•1. , Itfe eaqh yeal"m~shl.>d up for WIDe, of the Union. . ~ "4n I,e ol) .... lnc" Itt ,,11 I'l' in.II".1 '1i.·he. 0111 c..... ' . d I' A .., l' _ I · eel lit rite Virlcyar B 0 tbrougho ll't thu \\'0 .• 1. ' oulh~e · t and . .,peer, I1S· Thf uelc',."r.otl :o ulhul·. ...... Lhl" .,lmir,,"'I " Sftrth"" H. Eoo~", . e:.·" , h· lie .. OUIILrn l,'I. tia ie, N. J. Mr. Speer rUlseR Ihe •. r,om " Ihl,I,· TH ... II •• "Rnv, L. l'I ......... ~·'· .r,; · > UC';".:~"nl (lntcliul. ' thA L I!, ,, .1.tr)"i"K ' OIlOI·to gl·t1!>U·, 11110 Ill\rCllal lC8 We.l. P • ••. •~g,·u,. r Gen. 1'Ir. ko' Ag't. '·"""'''1 I.1:·noo" III' ..·If·''I ....,· 'i1 ..~. be ,.J ie"",\' 'I r CltlCinll" tI. t I. Bal&imol'e. Md. uur, d w,lho.,1 th e d,II,qerou ...... or i "l~rn.1 large qllantit ica from which he THOS. R. SHARI' . IIltlke~ hill celcbl'a ted wine, withon t me"I";". or Ih~ "I' lioll l;oll 0' th. kll,I,'; M.dlcr u( Tr..... rta&lon . poin';" 1l UIII .111"411 " ul' en,,· .'OIlU.· . ill' I, le, the admixt nre of nlcohol or pirits. "71-1, S..lnOiore. Md. Ctlu.in ,,,"I (,n ee 0, 1....y of' which ----Thill wiue ia found by careful am&l · r . 110 a,a".·t "Jilii~ hw ~ondltlon "'~AT .A~17~To' try ,ulfer· YBis to be the bCtIt willc in market I... , m ,.· 1>' "'' hlme l,1t cllo" i,ly . p,·h·.I,· ~ A.I:.t tor ill\'aUd sand d ebilitAlt ed persons . It .nd rll.Ii.",lIy. - - - -. ---- - -- - IF , G 1 .'·C~II. 1 . hlluld be In the ha.,d. 1 • 11.. IIl1d .... lgned to.g' 10 Infotlll 01 "veryI "i. It is called Spcer'tI I ort rupo , ,,,,t'oan" e'·c,.,· ""'U in che I"ntl ; lh ' (\\Ihlic ge m·";" lI y. thnl hI! h.. Wille . aud is 80111 by Druggiet$.S"Il' II ". I~ ,· .,,~I. ill a pl.in cHI·elope. 10 opencd I new MOll t llar~et In thl all)' "tid ,,·· • . po. l·p.ld. un ,,"c.lp' Couriw. 01 , i. ct.. , uld Itlad of Leak .& n" .. neB, wbero bo wil l Or , •." P ,. to'" m"". dd re " Ih,' l'"bU.' ,e,·· , I It,,~p conateDll y on band .. • • 'II (:1'''8.~. (J KLIN CO.. , lilt' • • w • ." ..... WMII.! "'.0.E. .... POSTl'ONIUU~NT OJ' COUNTY Ts400- OUBI4 0K AJlD W.lOON BUILD&J&8 THE VERY BEST l>U' INsTlT uTB.-In order to aeAJlD RBP41& 1I:B8, cODlmo date a Dumbe r of teaetel' 8 Por Lnndr J ad Ilo..... hold 1118. I Arc prepared 10 do IIr 1-01 ... work In all of the county who desire to at od braoch.. of lila ..." . 1".. • MA:fl·p .\ CTua " u Nt' 'J"~ " 1 both the County Inltitot e and the Nzw WORK ON HAND FOR SALR. Am~ri can Ultl'amat'i:ne 11';""':" ', Ibe country alford.; .nd.1I .111 he k.pI tlhort Bess ion of the Norma l Sehool 'Aprll'lh . L. I .• .._WA • • • 1'1. ,~. Ilt Lebano n the two wee.... natl' Wnlh Bln~ IA,b, hell in ,b~ .. nrld. . - _.- - ---C LEA NAN D N ICE. h Our doell ou, .. "".k. coultlinl lI"lbinll inju ri. ,. to be held Wayne iVille baa been ·THE INDIA NAPO LIS 0111 10 beftltb IIr IBb, ic • .and i . ,,,ed I,,' '011 : 'pfitpon ed order., f the commi t- The leadi" .. INDEPE NDENT REI'OR K AI.... . Il bo I .~e 1.~~~rh"l 011 .<!COun' nor i&8.ple,,: , E LY" i \h U tee of alTUlp Denta. Tb• JDStI· litltlal hj( eHeel... .. c h:ap_" WE K. up.roo. ,0, ne"lIJIOper 11 e Ilio t te w'l1 "->tn!H I MOOAa • .A.8gu8 t 1Ietl8ta&e1 RAMB whitewa. blllj( Pdl ut> In paubg.·. CI,n",' ul- i 1; t e epeelll adToo&t<l of the Inu l ""'I!l' ODt t.,r 1.",iI)' vae. Price 10 cl'u" eo. h . I A -'-I.e of L"bor .. ",,ullat CombiDed c.pIand contiuu e two wee I. ]1'0.r ... Ie L.v grU<).·.. e Y8r~"'I,. ",. It IW a."8! n tal ; Lepl Tender P.""r I(oae,. .. r!\ilnlt wllol. er b, Ibo .lIce. I;IT~ Ole _ call. uII tor ella.m iDatw a.r epplieauta for Qer~ Bult r.._ aDC! Ihl! Iho AXI<&I,'u WA I. BLl·C. it yp a Golt1 Bu1e 1'1 lao,.. JEHU MULL I"". ..abt the ell •• nc,", .011 b<.. t. · tifiQt.e a will be held by .t~ county ~~,!~~ ::e~n~~~D~ =~t-tl.. Maroh JT. .' .. ~ tJ
· • I tl'r t I I1I1~tI, to r we IIlve re·c ',mlll c lI . ! c >d cuttlllg Iiuy. \Vo have 1\ better cro p of lilly and HUII#(l lriun gruss than tOI' sGvc nl1 ycal'$ lus l. IJIIs t.
Pectoral~ I BEST nt THE WORLD I
00'1""' C ..ldo ,
50 Dol lars ! ,
'I'1I 1:l
~· lr t) l.eJ'.' :lft!.e ':'bl'cMr.nd r.~'~l::a, . "J <1 ...
ftlll'lleIJL '""lIlu . .... awarded' 1,0 it at
VI EN NA . Uhi.,
stn: ~'
rd ~ r;
So :-I1"':'!1 ')11 1.. t'.lr; AIDer. IIIMtUuto, ~. L, Cillelnll ati 1::.\:,, ~:!ItlaA; .......polls BSpcIIl tIoa, It. LollI, Pair, Loal.r ._ 8&&t.e Fair, X1A\a' .pl State Nr, ••d Ueorsla 8&&.. PIIIr, FOR BEING THE
BEST SEW1NG MACHIIIES. and .olnl 'lllS r~ allf"1Iiit
ou.. Ihrke.
01 work. All MlUlblaes Ja tile were In tllreet
COMPETITION I ! goo For He.mmin,l, .I'eU·
int, Stltoh int, Cordin,~. Bind ing, Braid i7lo'. Embl'oiderin.l. Quillint aTtd Stitoh int fUN 01' heavy loods Is
Where we han nq Aca-
we will deliver a MaobiD e for .tbe prloe named ..~ a.t the nelll'8s t Ratl BOIl4 StatioD of PurcJ! laMn. "
-leeGles for all Sawing. chines for SII&. Bend tbr 0ircu1~; PrIoe Llat, &e., and Oovt at th8 WilBOD ·Redeo toz. 0Qe ot~ beat Period icals of the daI'. dl"vote d to Bew1D8 . . .
cillnes, Fashio ns, G..... u NewB ud Vi_oeI JU)'.
Age nts Wan ted .A.DDI IoEl!Nl o
Willon Semitaul CI. CLEVEL1ND.ono...
TYPE }<o
I n Actual Use:
An1lclulty or lntol.lcatiOIl. rhl' IIbu:!e of fern clIted drinks IS lUI uld ns tbe wmld bu t the extenKIOII \\ hIOh tf I ~ ubullC bM lIuule and the Ilg gru \ ntRd «bnrlcter wh Ich It hlls al!!IUlIlcd IIt\\o IIl1Ld. tOile of the KpCClIlI cnhum tI l'" "f Iur age Mlln d ne~ nc t get mel 1m, to dllY fit rn eJ\l~ only and wltb h'lllorKof l nllillrullilld g II Cro U~ charllc \. r AWRY from the utble and whIle il.tlll~, he adOllnlKtel'l! to hlmllClf au Irtdlollli preparati,'n wblch either R po lIOn or n. medlclllc to r nder hIm more effiClel1 1. Modern nlcobohsm IK qUIto IInotb er tiling from Lhe brutal, but tran .lelll Illtempenlllce of tbe pMI. It btlll nil the evil. of tII"t IDtemplrance whlcb tJle preacher forbade tbe lIcbrew! to 10 dulg 111 It caulIClb anger Uo arllMl 811d Imllg!'lh ruill UPOIl mOllY, and po8 C lDorCQ' r 8 ~urplull8ge of HceII or 1\ 0\\11 aod a mahgDlty unknown In lIIod rn Umeg. Recellt O1I:(h08I atudllll! IiI\\C demt'IDKtrated beyond a doubt the lOurderou efficacy or the alcobolic pOIson and the pernicIous InSuene& \\ b leh It ][erCI_ upon the OrgaDlZ& tlon and ID1Allhgence of man It II, tht refnre a scourge IIIlhcted upon mod. em tilO_a new IICOUrge--a Mpontall ~u ancl cbarack>rI tic product of our
A \ OCTflF L DICk Turplll blls found 1118 way to tbe Dutralo police court. HIS plan nf operalulIIH hns been very nmque After watching little boy8 or glfiK whn IUld heen 8el1t on errand" and ftndln!( they had money he wOllld come up Uo tbem tm thCl r wily home lind charge them wllh ha vtllg fo nd It 011 tbelr delllil be would !.lIke the money from them telling !.hem to come Wllh hIm 10 lIome hOUBe where he Mlud the 1000r h.ed iIO that the latte r mIght t!OO whetber tbe money " IIll hI. or 110\ On reAching tho b01l1lC he " 'IlIIlCc lI ~tO lllcd to ge IOUo tbe YRrd IClI\lng th e hUle boy or gIrl outHIde lind whIle ...:reened fmul 'II'W he would ahMtrnct a~ 11111. h money 118 he wanted frfllll the pocketbook rn a few minute" be would returo hanLl hack the depleted punte, lIly wg It was 1I0t the one lost and thell take to bis heels leavlIIg !.be child to go bome and 00 pUDlshed by ber parents, few of wbom would beheve that the mOil y had ~II ~tolco
IJbf!raJ P""ntuml a.nd Olub Rat .. olered Wrtt.e for ,00roulu oont.a.lnln. 'GU InrOf1ll&t;lon etc. 8poclmeD oopleo fumllbed Qn .ppllcaU01l M .....
TtlE LEDIHUt CO~lPA.NV Chi.,... UI
MOl1J~~ Hablt
orlnM IntBlllDerance
Speedily cured by DR. 8ECK S ooly DOwn and .0", ,Ie ncody NO (lU A.ROE ror u-tmea& uuUl CDn'" call oa or add.-
Dr 3 0 :BICI, 112 30b Bt.., cmcmnati, 0.
A GP.B~IAN phllOl!Oph r 1'111.11 the mILt.ter thll8 acutely 1h rcare I 313000 OQO buman 00lllg8 on thIS carUI All aU hv wg "Dlmals are pllrll>llteK feedmg 0,11: each other. jUilt bTJog home .. he questIon to younie1f reader lind reflect bo'll' mallv lieu IIIC8 worms, tadpolC1\ fo~et me DOts, /lnd other two legged ILnd centl peeled CreAtureH aTCstlcklngcloaer torou than a brother lIn the Ctlurl!O of hme there must be aD eDJ to aU thia, u an empty Mel!: won t ByRd up
THE total GOst of !.he t houis bridge but hwe Jeltl than 17 000,000 1111 J!OII ~Ipta In the J..t y.ar "ere 1286, 18
QOO, and I~ expen_ 198,000, leanng 1188 000 to pay the mtel'llllt on tbe 17 000,000.
AN D BA aV EY SB ----ME XVI. --~1I!'\OIt
'IOI'les ,
, " " . It t l..ctl' " ~T"H ..
l.EUIl \l
h......ft nd loneapln w. "ere IlIIWKI anti" ".'" ""'" U,. bt!JOyed of "tIu m., N ver 1111 , 10", WlIIl ,n
GIt1-:A1 HOuls halO wills feeble one JIIIVC ollly-" il!bed WIlA1 shouhl YOll lend to all Impor t.Ullllte biJrn:"o r ?-A deaf ell r Til & hOIl of tho dll)'- 'I'h lIdehon I he hOIl of tbe JIIght--L IOIl abed
[11 ~ rece nt h8~(, bt-en tbe
ll ood 111 Fr I" ~I\ I 11(\ d Iu mos t fI'IImrk Ible \ IKlt ItlOl of the k lid rn orclcd Lh lK , elllnry A dl lrlClll IlIrge I~ th tato of lIf IInl' \lid Ill! populou s as N e\1 '\ ork II IK del lIgc.1 I y IIl1prcccdclltedl~ violent lUlU long ontlllue d rain stor II ~ 0 r 111011l ll g " 101<11 of II fo Witt c1C~trll ctlO lI 01 prop. rty at wi leh th o IInngllll tlOlI I ~ r ,flIpA' I fo meet ~ €lIlarn ity thll ~ III.'It II It H"" tont Rml IInpre eden ted III It~ \ !Ole I ec nil the rCiIOurccs o f Frenr h d mt) Illd F rencb ad III IllIKtrntivo ~I.. II mll ~ t \I <leetl tn.lCW tv th ~lr ntmost
'TIJ 1-: 01\ FRliSION He "n~ 'Isited lit the jl\ll where ho b .. been confined "lnCO hiS COll I lotIO II by merobllfll of the Council who con verlle(\ "Ith hIm UPQ the subject 01 h is or mcs rhey f01l1l lin to be an Ijnll ~ullily brlghtlu ltllntelh nnt lad hId RII s\\ or~ ,~ cre g l\ ell 1\ lth promp~he~H and dc ei~lon there " Ill! no wRvcnn g or besl tahon III thom but rIght to the pOln\. Whon iUlkc I holV mlll1y mon,lel'1l h had cn mnlltted III qU10k ropl) was, T\\o ' Ir l 11 \\U ~ IIl!k d "hy he k illed the htt! Rnd rephcd thot 111,1 dId not kllo\\ H MAl Itlll~ .. be W~ 8 ~tll ndtnlr With others look illS fIt t116 worklllg of It lir e ng II II hOll he 11 tIC d n pretty looklllg II ttl boy stnnd lOg n nr Bo Kl.1dcltllly I.ked the IItMe t Ilow If he wouldn t take II wnlk ,,,th lum lind upon consC!nlm g hc WI\.!! I d nerOM mar hes n dlstanco f nt 10 I t n mIle when Slid
collego reg IU,1l lit Imtob'll tllI v yenr, Co rnell nl \ ~rI!.ly bon 011 ilio llrl Z J he ne \\ M of the 'ICtor~ IImu II the most mten IIth1l 8 1R~ u\ nt Ith Ie I N Y ) ho grent 11 ro bell lind othrr bell" cro ruug the lII~ e r Ity c1l1m c;; pelliod bombM IIl1d I1rl}\\Ork 8 " ere explode d g llns fired Ilud tb bU"In &! Jllllet'~ lind blllldulg H festoolle d "Itll the IlILlon II lInd Unhc~lt>, colOn! IIlId bUllls \lllfllcled tbe ~trcot.B. It Is c~lous til notl( C lbllt no w\( ge hili! WOII t\lll lMI'1I III sllcec' Ion The hrst)e Ir Amlll~fl!t Agnc ultll rill boN oft t bo I f1Z the Ill'l\t, ,\lIIh crFl theUml1 ~nlc II"t)rlr ol umb l lill nolV ruell ] 11 0 tlll1 11118 yonr 18 not eo good I\tI hLMt-lti ~I II!; l nst 16 -I' ~ till
AN exlfllord ll My 11111111 among tho Inh Iblt" n l{l of n tlllng<'H III \Vu lc fII J'rw<.nn lillY h He firmly 1111110 til' thClr 1Il11ll18 thllt thNr Bl1\l'l'ro r h l\8 lo~t ten thoul!I\.nd clllldrc I IItcllrdll WIth th /Sultall IItlll tbo.t II large number of Tnrks lire 111 cOlIscquence to be !!Cnt II11l0ng them to kldnllp their clul droll on thor I'IIY from I!C hool rh 6chool tell( bel'1l are s upposed tu bo Pfl V) to thiS ,MllmOlls plot IlIItllLre lind r toad to hn \ ., fi ve thnlcl'll I'fOnll8e!l them fur every luld ubducte d There llll\ e been I\C neAof tumult nml vlOicmco 111 conpe qUClIIlI' and much ,hfficult y I ~ xpen enoed III allaYlIIg tho I'xCllem cnt If thero hll!l been any denf!e r Ignorllne c thnn thlM ~ llIl'C tho dlllug!.' II ere I. It fin) rate 110 1118to n Cll l \ Iden ce uf II A l'O~1 OFFI( 1-: \gont tr:nehn g 111 'J ex tcll Mof the KUCCCSI'fll l u of \,IIC g II I o f Il rnt.llc snako liB an IIntldote for tho bllA! of that reptile In the CIItlC spoken of relief WdS IIlma llDstllO taneou to th e patIent, "ho wrltlllng in paroxys ms of great paID rapIdly swelhng and beconllng purple A gontlem Rn of Texas who ape nt tIe\eral vellr 111 Ca llformR alld New Meluco lII\y8 he IIIIW th(l ftllUi rt'medy 8ucce88fully used Jllllong the In dlans 111 the latter country In 0110 III 8tllnce lin IndIan H uog uellr t he (a mp W8 S bItten ID the noso by II IlIrge mUle snakl' fhe Indian Immedl& tely o(>ened 1.he reptIle and admID18tercd the gll l1 The ure Willi rapid Rml effectunl ,,~
AN FRANCISOO ex perl nco report.' tbot a Chinam an ncc lIstomeu to OlllUm when depnved of It by po\erly or 1m prleonm ent 18 the most pltmblo "'I'etoh unagl nable HI8 state 18 IYOfBC thnt that of the drunkar d lD the dchrlllD l tromen" He can neither sleep nor thlDk lind when waklOg, tremblcs a8 WJth an ague If ueprl ved of th poll!OlI long enough hl8 compleX ion turn ~ to II ghllKtiy "llIte, IIncl hl8 8tolllRch \\ III not retmn food Wben thl8 stato IK rea hed tho ollly remedy "bloh enn III1VO bl8 life IS the drug Itl!el~ Tho wllrdan of the county jan hM ofton been com polled to J?rocure opium for the Clnneae pri!!Oncl'1I In one eIUIO, wbere It wnll prop(>t!ed to discover If abfltmen ce would not work 1\ euro, the man's lips and tongue dried and cracked lind 1118 volt.'e Decnme eo hOArse lUI to be mAudlbl e, bu~ 1\'ben oJllUm wall fl.W1lab d 111m he I!OOn rogtU\Ied hl8 henHh • C APTAIN llovTON ANTI lI'ATIlI> - 1\Ir Alfred L1I(.'C wrilcH to the Londou 7 Wit.. The UI!O of IIIflatell hags of air (or tbe purJlOl!O of el'Ollillllg the water I_ very anCient. Among tho Nlllcvoh marbJCII 11\ the Urlti.b !\{u..eum there bauo-reIlevo lIhowlog the maoner in which the N lOevlteI orQeae.l the WAter An IOlIated bq I'm\lftbly mado of the Hkln of all anTmal I trapped mund the lmml'lJi atl'ly abOve t.he blps, and on thl~ bat! the man lupportl l hlll1ll!lf wblle hl' plOpell hlm.lf wl\b htl haacb At. the Odair eacI of \be . . ., whlrb utende to
:::':1. . lhere Ia • 1DOU&b pIeoe lor I.
ANOTII Y.ll 01'
10ME1l0 ' A
A t one or tbe hcnrlllb'l! before the
kno\lIng bet~r ho IIh rallk from lilt. rc 'lIiiC that IIl1 gi,t III 80me shnrp ln~w('r bf) n~ A h ce cloVi 11 from her pedostlll on "hick ho st III cbo!!C to plnee her JlI ~ lIfy IlIg IllS l!flgbt drellm s to hlln If by "lIyllll( h Is plOlltllll'lt to make Will hill bcl ev p III! Lhe cJllldrcn My But the Alice mcat",ll llc lmd found 1'1 cheor th~rll " M IIIg cm rlo~m(,lIt III puttlUf 'VII]; ! room stTJ\lghl 3S she cnll e!l ll Sucb a pIty poor 1111111 for him to Ill e III slIcb n l1Iud tile lind 111m eo cle\or too !';he hRd (ound somo torn drlll'lOg s In t.he hlt~red fire-plnco and carefully sllIoothe d them Ollt lUI trelUlurC8 O\er lookrd ,,' .11 comlD~ for II book found her thlls busy lind Mid smlhltg They nre of no I1BO r don t "!lnt thom • fllCY scem wonderf ul to me fIllld 10I11.. l1g u(I frnnlel)' A b 1J U6t liS \\ oDlen 8 work doeR to us I (lut I button 011 !"9y cuR tbl8 JI10rlllllg a lld It IS oR IIIrend)' Ld me If It 011 J hs\e s need le here' WIll m uUcre.h omeLhll 1g about trou~ ling her I but she answere d • I ought to uo allY tiling J Clln YOII den t ir.nOW whllt good the ('hnn~e or room e has done n,e [ supposo It IS hke riob IRdles going out of town ' • \'Ou bll' mllde IIgmnd Improvo ment hore sllId Will looktng around TIl" BRmo room, UIC 811l11e furDitur e but whl'lt hfld beon d rpa ry confusio n was now (1m pence 1 "I~b ) Oll "ollid stay here alwIlY~," lIe lidded A hce wI\.!! aoollt ~o Rn ~ wer, "I do 1I0t mllld I not Ulldol'1ltalldlllg him but 8(lmethl llg III W,II'1t cyes llIade her own droop, tlie hlUe Iingel'1l trembled over the\[ work slIddenl y WIII'8 hllnd caught tbem "Alice, WIll yoo .tay here-1n ll you leL mo love you-be my wire, Ahe IIhrnnk aWlly from him I ml1llt not.-lll lll t not. .. Why not? tell mt', darling ' • Mother I!ILId, when abe died, • ChUd, ne~ r many' l' atller made ber ., IU1bapp)' II • We are kindred ill tlOubl.. ........ 811 111 Mr fro 11 tbe
...., II aU,"" d
" DoClltlck8." The Boston Globe Kpeaklng of tb Inll! Mortime r Tbomp!!oll 11818 PersoDII lly, Doe~tlek s was p(lQ uhar III ehafILcter and appeara nce HIS atout figure was s urmoun ted by 11 largo roundllo nd 1118 dark complex'ion Rni] lo ng blRck haIr ga,o 1111ll!!OIl1etillng uftllnap penmnce of all Tndmn whll 1118 br<l'~d filee flDd Penl11l11 like moustache " on Bugge t lve ofllJo\la lOTlent al Ofillte ycars llClllld be ome d~ldedly oix'1!8 and rather fat witted Be 19118 IllwR1lI a l~ellllll fellow Rnd generou e to a r.ult tIO tbat when tbe flll h of his 8ueceM wu Oi,er be led a !!trugh ng hand tq.mouth eXI Mtenro gill n IDg hi" ~uboli8tenco by eoni f1but"/II ~ to weekly papt'nlll nd an OCCIIIII(lDAI lectuTl' or peonl (lellYl'red to pubhc audlellc\ In the \:hari&able euphul ~I of thl! IIay .. he Wall hi 0'"' wo... ~elDJ'," bl CODyi vlallty Willi him ~nto habiu
.hleb . . , _ .. ba*ned
W ....... . __ ........ ......
• dec:a1 of 1;1"
Comlcil there were I,r lIK'nt "Ith thei r "Lrcllt~ !!Over II of tbo Ltlo VICLlIlIK of IllS prevIOus ItrucILICI!. Their reCltnl of the IIIJUflC~ \l1I\lort ure. IIlfllcted upon them by J Cl!:!e I UI1\NO) were sta rtling He nil t 0 11 hLLle boy when there WIIl4 ~ 1I 0W 011 the grO llml lind th c the rmomete r lI enr 7.ero ~tnllullIg lookmg Into It \I III dow H e told hl11\ II sto ry 01 Il 11\1111 WIlUt.lIIg n blln lIoClirne d nHhortd l8tancc, nnd ILS bo had n sled with hlln 1. 0 wOlI'a g lvo the lilly II. q uarter If bo woull '18l!1.t bnll Cull lit bemg 1)1\ cn be led thl 8 boy nway !!Ome t\\u II111e8 to 0. . hed en tored nnd IIl1\d e tho boy strll) to the !!kIn tied hllll UI' took out. 1118 kDlfe .tuck It IIItO enQh chock drawlIlg It away, look IIIg ilL t he POUlt to !!Ce tbe blooa, then call1!C<l t he little fellow to dU ll 1118 cloth IIIg pi Iced hllll 011 1118 81ed Ilnd II rew tllm to the hoy 8 OIVII door Rnd left bllll Allother boy he enticed IIIto I boat house chmbed WIU, 111m IIItO 0. boat, III Ie hUll ~tr ll' IIl1d th en tl1rtured hlln for 1\11 hom or mor by ~tlckmg li nK Into hili n ~~h to th e d (lth ot froUlII qUlrter to IIfLlr 1\11 Illch IIml till ' IUllulrcd s flf times threaten lllg 1O lolllllSV lctllJl UI'OIl the Il'lIst ouil:ry fill Illy rol\'.RSlng hlll1 anel I!CelDj; him sofely home One thIng 10 lD\lxpli cnblo-ho w lild he dare to ret urn WILli hI S httle VIctims to IhClr ve ry doo rs, ullle It" 88 ns he ~ys thr.t he didn t know I!hnt he Will! dOlllg ? fhe Usc ('.per. Tho follolVlIIg tOtlKtlCS of the produc tlOlI nlJ(l consulII lll lfln of pnper ilre fur lII"hetl by 1\ Vlt 111m Jou rnlll It. nppcafll A I OOl~mIlIlWllol'l\.!! 111118~lcllth \,IIIIL thl're nre R 000 l'II1ler IIlIUlulilclOrl ix'u 11111 wbo dId not em q 1II!Al rc(.'O n III lhe "urlu mjlluYlIIg 0000 men lIud clled to th long Jouruey he WR gOlllg to 180,000 \Iomen be Ides the JW ()Q() em take, wa killdly couilOled by a gool l ploy !l II UIIJ I'Ilg trade 1 goo OOO,()Q() nnturt'<I frlPnd WILli tho comlllon plnce pounds of piper are produce d annuall) Ulflt we mUl!t ull dIe OIlCC Why, my One-hal f I U!it (I J1I prmtJUg , one-8lXth dellr Ir ' rtlJolDed the slt'k man, th.t for wrIting nnu tho remlll/l.l er (or I tho v ry tIling that \ elle~ me [( J "Icklng and other purp6lle 'I ht UllIted co ulll dw hlllf II II (\z~n tlJR('!l, J 1I0uid tRtes RVl'mge 17 JlOuntl.~ per head 1\1\ IIIIL mmd It Enl(h.hm all t>Oll"lIlnC'< II ~ 1\ (lennan , Jlound~ a F rl'nebmR n 7 pound an TilE 11Igbe t m9unta m III the world Italian, a~ I>ound~ a I:!panlard, 11 h.... unce more been rlll1COYered It I JlOUDd'l lUlU A R _ n unJ1 1 pouln1 ount. Heftulell, m ew Gw... and Ia aDJI1I&1,. on an a rip. Tbla Would id to be 82,788 feet, or HoU' els and allDdlm le \b., .b1eri aN dIe-.t mJleI hlP. teDIi -lill Ia W'IP'Id.
A 1LU rIO couple newly Dlarrled , mnrched lOtO 1\ drug store lIud cRlled for !lada " I~ter ) he o1.1l1gl1 g c lerk lOq llircd wunt syrup th cy \\ould bllve mi t, whell tile s \\ nlll, dchbern tely lelllllng over tbe connter replied Strange r mOlley I~ no obJoct to me put ugnr mIt Wm:N a HeadlDg mllll receIves 1\ strange box ,~h ell bo thmks may be all mfernnl Il1l1cbllle be th lI ~btfunr and cllrefull v 8 18 It Ralde Cl\ utlOns hlS wlfo (lot to open I L lind tben loa V(l!I tho houllC When he returns he finds tbo box open Illd hl8 WIfe With h e r heau tied U(l, lind hI} eea18 pawed tbat sho should ho.ve dl!j()heyed hi s orderll. JT I~ t.ho fll8ll1on 111 Englllnd now to I lime lilly new variety of /lower that 18 produce d Ilttc>r KQrno (Ie r80nal frI e nd of tho Ill!; IIIOllS c ultlvllto r An!l tllII8C wo lun IIUfBCrymcn scndlllg out cntalogu es 01 their nowe t rOtles \ylnl suoh descrJl>" tlun. lU4 these r.r.1I:I Hatl8ard- llcllUtI rill d ollcato I'lIlklSh IIc8h color h"ge full I,n I bll o form very sweetly lKlenled ' WIUI E \ mllll WI\8 guzzhng drmk III a 8I\100n II httle fI,¥ged girl e ntered and KOugbt h im ollt lind 1118t1'II<i of requestIIIg him to come bome dear father, as JllIor lIenny WIts (lead and the houl!e 11'&11 ILII dllrk she whIspe red • Now, old 1111\11 you d better he dll~tlDg out 0 here Mllm g conllng lIrouml the corller WIth 1\ cl ub III her hlll\(luu d both eyes sboottn' fire ~{F.Mrl1r S Alalanclle Oneby 0110 our Idol~ Lre HI ILt~n: I Evcn Plymou th lUlck 18 1I0t !!lIfe MUJ or PhlUlIey , of B Irll8t.lble ~11 1!3. declin es that tho rll grllUs d <ill L IlInd IlL }' IYUlouth Rock at 1111 but at I mVldenc etown Some 01 th~1!C dayB the I(lel sml\.l!bel'8 11'.11 be try IlIg to provo th It SUIIa\l B Anthony Goo rg 1 nlll( 18 1 nun lind Eli P erkins never hved
- - - -- - -
Japanes e KODCY. One of tbe gTl'Rtesto urIOllltlC8 In Japan t.. tllo strllngc r.8 tho wond ertul varulty of cOlll8 thnt nrc lI!!Cd 1IIIIIy In I!Ome In stllllCC8 It takes one thouillln d plecet! IA) mllke onc dollllr Tbeeo IIro called cru!ll, ' lind nrc !!Clllom recclved by for elgners, who I\.Il n genernl rule, reflll!8 IA) tltke thelll III dl LlIg Imagine making II trade Cli Ih 0 Cl'lIte I\nd ~iving II mao II. fifty "'('lit plerc thell rec\llvln g four bun dred IlI.1 fil't.y 01 ihceo coppers TbiM CUIII18 lJe IIhllrly made luwfng a lM'Iuaro holo III tho conter Tuoy life nbool; tbe 81ze of our dllne pIeces, lind nonrly twot1mdft of the thlckne Nl'xt to thla coniC!! Ihe qunrters of R cont, then the half. cent OIght tenths of R I' nt, aud the 011 lIml (IVO cent PIeces In 8Jlv r coin, they hllvo tbe fh e teu twenty fifty cent 111111 one doliar PUlcell. In ~Id the one, two, th e, ten alld twenty .Jollatll, willch ar \ cry pretty eOlllage8 IIIdeed l( I. to till S 00111 8 tbo governm nt II\!riM of paper money III varlOU8 denonnn atlons, fIInglllg from five L'Cni31o one bundred d .. l1a..... '11118 1II0lley Ie made 00 qmte Inferior paper to 0\l1'li aDd f _ _ genl'ral appearan ce "dl not lut 'ike the America n money nIB
amount or dealM pl'r MDlUIl
311,338 m or 91 9M per day, 8,780 per
per mlOlI~, or~~l:r,per;=~:~
bOU'i GO I more \ban th 18 OIlS the numlll'r birth&. .lion or
o...,r.arlilt or
can. D i e wouIc1 0 1 dae a en· b "' ....1', COIl at lIdo. Teachers aDd olhers -Theru ill ~ Wlil.lll Q1I\lay. f:tS mtere8ted in music, to the __L l I b ' • t _L :i0 (e Ii) 1m b· th ..... uo ce u ration IU UUA ..II OMl 5!l @ 5:! ... &a& wor ,as em!. e .,. 13 chll8Cn fur Ohairman, aoel \Vm. C. eelII . y t "' bMW g'veo boluw: .' -Try E. grove, ball' Ii milo w t f liar· }' J 's I ' 1 6U beat of their class: 2 McOliulock as ocremry. t 18 he~ 1 m!,dc the . dl!ty ?I ftl&\' oriog, etc. They tro useel voy burg, Ull ' IltunlllY, Jllly ;11 t. llau-I' 1 00 G> 1 15 :1.01 .... - Jl o. A nile was adopted \·iz. th upen 180'" 01 l'VILd lil trlebllll M Gi W Good MUllie, good epeak nI. dill I' ...utY, ," 7.:U •. • . .'0. 4 ,. tl ' t te t t.d r. ~Iorge . arey, logues rccitMtioull etc., will llid iu 1JO.... " '1 11l,~. M.t N.o. ti In caso the del gutiun i lIot full, It \l 11 u eu own, or causu to Lebanon Willi In t wn n Monday. ov r 7 "5 A ' CI B k I'. al • 5.~I.~,tl ••'. ~.. . .~oo.. 11~ it iii ti n;t t.o. be. 611..'\1 IrvlU nlt.ern . be nt down all weOO alnt burl'll I ' making the affMir aU that could be T' tI S ~ .. O il new ass DO lor rem e .. ,, ~ J I h I IlIld 10 <.' lIt d\)wu or cuuso tv bo cut -Mr. MI hlon Ridge haa be n d ired. uno llY °1 r d V l·ce Price p r dO rf6 n $9 -Traina do nol top . t:'\lup on 5i)!,,,al. a~. ' 1111 till lUg .t () , 1 I Il Ir 01 ,I ' \\' 11 IIIlJ l1 • tl'O ' J III n 'oolltr" puiu tin!-; tit frun t "f iii f'"idcn . -Rcbeccu Antrlllll died of con. yan n. l . • _, ' 0 Iv .~ , 2 0 S. e """ I lII u. tEuund To.6 W~ t l'1\trr'he m.il. , \' ''lIt r· I..··eut t rc)1II tIL cuuutry 1 ' .1 " I~ J 1 M' 1-'1' L ' nfI" .' f h oug llogtny, • per dozen. Sample Copies Train- No•. lAnd "'0 ou :;u;d. y . The fu ll " Otll i tl,) b ca ·t Ilt ull 'Ir. towus 1I 1~ rOllu ., t~ bu h .~ml I. mao a~ I S ~rtllg suwptiuu ut the ~ IJenoo 0 . r R kill!; V1111 \'1 ' 'J(it ' I . I.ll. ti and 7 fU Q dally. 1l~lers r I'O WJnF; wlth~n th public f~OLU polsonl mklln from pOI 1Il broth r, .Larkoll EdwlIrd ,l<~rHlur, r urry 'vullty '~ul 1 :. mailed, post·paid, on receipt , J , ' )1('\{ T~'lS ~Y . ~:cht Agc-ot. Th t" Uowing is R III.glt.wuYl!; 11111 cottm~ to bo dOli I ville . th ' 23t.1 tnl:l.t. Shu W ad bnrl I 111 '!lIt t r bnrr\'! 2 0 of $1. GE,lR ~. :iTII.E. Ik ,,~ gnt. ""I)(tint d : . wlHlI1l til. III IIths ot Jul y nnd .-~. F, W ill!lIm n urri\'f'll MilUDi .' mou;ry . . 'cca ll<l ltail.a lWool, ' <lUra> 45 • • il frr Ea-Ulhl /io rlh (I At 900 A l{id. 'ville- lin Elllas" ' "I'\ 1Ijl;II<t 01 cn h y lIr. IlIIlI ti l . II· huw ' h'lIl1 Jeun II ! \)\n1 ct·. III t Illrg 1N:10 ot frl nJ , who WIU Tllrllills 4( 10 ., "uJ fur W t _111.1A'.0't~ ;~\~~~.o I~: ~~: ' t '1'I1"t~ l1il'ilnrll La :k~v. ~, . pl'rillt~II~(!1lt vI' U!lY turupil. ro .. 1 ~uflIt'lJII' \:\' lIillg.' , , fuel ue ply 11 ' I' 10 . IAVpll· ,'barrel, 3 I~ ,.,. _Y. 'prillgbul'o- L' 'tel' 'cllcril, 1\1, t.I UI' HI ~"III('11 tull I II 1Iltillded fOI· 1 - .\11'. l'I h .Ev~lll nud - AbmluulI El ux ( oh1red) J i'd Uvg G 50 ' A Class·Book for Childr en. P.. C A n ~ Earh urt· Jra ThuIUlL Ilan·ltll· rh \jame. 'h:11I Cllt dowlI T 'IlI of 'il!ci llllLLti r.ru !It th re ill II u uf Iltlliu It·HI.' ill 1 U d' h • W ily lt .. "lilt> ;111".".,,... All roll W il on. llir CUII$l' Il) b Cllt d WI~ n'lI we d~~1 It·. l uchl'l EV:llIs. lhill plllc • Tu\' UtL' , J uly l :Jt ltj .,·a · se 10 ate prinCipal Pub· l'1.'r!h'liI-Ri ·hnl'll CUlllling . hun', hu~hl' alld bmw, 1~11l1 II ' _. 'D . JII 1II ' . E"-tll' nnrl ....'t' buried ill Mialui ·Inetery . .Ac· Hn t er 15 llid Schools. Price, $6 p r ojoellO !C l U II . hUI11' nit rnote 0 1'. 'ix n. UII~' t'UI'Cl'llI t 'lId lit Lull ruin e 'Jr ~ cI Jj hJI'~1I I' '11 bu ti I':~ viulc- curd ing to his own til:· lIlIt, .bl'lt· \ LlI",1 17 dozene Sample cop'es mailNu,. 110 10. F nlllklio-IL B II l1ctt, L. ;, Ill'glect tl> cut dvwlI or dll trv 'l illt; tlll'ir I'd:ltiYl'J in i!' ;~ I .!~IC(" ItllU1 WIIS lLbout!) yuar,; "Id fi t hi s .E"9: 1~ ed, post·paid l cn recei:>t of Oinclnn II-I.en\·e 7 .:10 a m 7.00pm AII ' I I~o n J u •. I'lTht 'v "II, ,nch """d. bul'l', bu Lo ·. allu G B' dcuth. H e had \)cC lI U lIIClllb(lrllf Al1lllcs, 7" • ll :~~~~,:!~-;,~~~II:'e :n~: :: ~g:~~;:~ llo~ll : tilt ,,:u;;c }{' Lockw ~d tlr·I.'I':! lleforo tit !ir t day of 'cV' -od r: b t I~ 110~V II .• tb M. E. hU I'ch for UL'lLrl y ti fty 'hee 1~ 60 cents. Now O. lie. rtl~ · 11.~'O C\ m 1 1.:.11 pm It 10' L 'lll ud E Ii. ' Thirkicld U ' t. lll bcr ill ~ach 'onl' it bull be tlt · ?; G O'ag IJn RI I°bell1ll~. IIC 'nul"S of ycurs. II wall kllowu an d rcs l ct· 11 H Antlcr~on, t.l'I'lve 1.10 II m I" I .. m . . ,.. , . dllt J,· of the trustees of th e t oorge. liJ ' rts "'l' . , aytou. _ . 1 I I tl T h' U1 I1S, , Jokoll'lo,IU'I'IVI I· I h 1 ' 1 1 Jwn · M E S'tI~ . ' I ""t lI'OUg IOll t 10 ownl! Ipns un Dried B'of, 2;! @ 2j . p m i :Sl'>a m J.Dllth. 1,AlP1I1pOl'I', pm 3.05 _ '" I Hamil ton--Jas( cr N . J \lbnson, s I1 p t lI'O llg WlI C I tie r nd rs.. . ' . 17, IS p r 'parc{ honest, uprigllt. induetriolls citi· . . • • Orown PoiDe. arrive 7. pOl 1I.!Io a III Harry Eastman E K SlJOOk' pa>lS s to catVie the same to be dOli , to do plwn I~ WI.llryClU g III sty.lu, z n. H e camo to BUl'voysburg in • The most popular Smgm~· Chicago. arrl.. 0 m .00. m,' altcrnates B. T~ .ried~a", Wm. IU~ th~ tr~~~ hall have II. ril?ht OD r~I0r.' ~:~!rerlUs. GI VO 1852, and has wnde his home most ~ ~ Book ever published. P rice, 001 N 1 No. 3. Legg, .Jr.• O. E: Spooce. 01 actIOn aPhID.' the turnpike h , a ~l., of tbe time since among the W elch· ~" $760 per dozen Samp le Ohlea~Lol\Ve it m 11.20 am ' Hllrlan-Israel Lundy, J. R. CO lDVlIny lor t e am~nnt paid for '"'7Mt:. Joho idgo is here ell and Wales, working 00 a farw i I. , • , rowu Polnt-arrlve 9 .40 pm 10.04 ~ m HitCilDlnn' alternates uDluel tho am , togethor With one ~uu· r~~lcatmg, nller cr.v pleiltlune by thcda1.or .month,aud by lavin.g ICfJ.. DI A_~ D 1Wf jCopleS mailed, post·pa Id , ftlr i':,r.:::r.~~t~:iye I~:1~ : : ~.~~ ~ : 'with , Philip nyricr. drcd .pOI· e~ut. l'enulty to be reeov·. Vlttl~ to MammutJi ()uve uud a littlo of each year's earnings he ~~~A~~ ~f) 76 ceots. Audenoo, urrivo 9.:17 II IU I) m I MILS ie-To M. WILles Alf. Ed I?re~ 111 l;I~tlUU of dcbt. be.foro any Put·III·Bay. '\ leaves a uice littlo fortnne (\f fout· Addre S J. L. PETE R ow 0. ti e, .rrive 4.31 a In 6.08 p m wUl'ds J. H . Li.ppillcott; IIltornlltcs Ju~tlee 01 the pOllce 01 stlld town· -Miss Su,llie McCuwen, wh o teeu hundred dolllll'B. He was 843 .B'/'oadllJ/ty Nt to r a'!'".. HRi·Itgh°ratod""'~~~'·o :n •: : I W.J. Collott, E. 'l'. Mllcy, lsuuc 1I11lp. . • • hus from Na8h· moo , arrt\ v · "55~' " : : ~·'":! M beeu 'I Vil6i.t ' illghe I . grnndw oth L ' br, born '11 aT811lve40 miles .-1 ... -ClocinuAti, artl. , 9.00 '!!l 9.:!iI P m ,A u t n L w . . LKOTURE.- Mi 8 Alic Stocktou,. I . u ~\I'Y lIy or, ~to l'llcd to e' j VI e, . Olluessee, ,nl~ .al..,r more No. Ten '8?,e! Richm0!ld dn i~.. . SHlem- F. CunU1 ngbll'~ , D r. J . a grnduute or F owl r eWell' N . 1\1I0U lasC /';!Itllrday. than tll~ ty years of hlsllfe had")(~en • • , • <I'TOu", WIll led"'~'le Olsll~eagp? u8nldlay.y, All 1. Moun ts · altel'llutes Dr. J. W. Y will dc'liver a free luctn re 'this - hlt'll. Mury S hroS~lt irC 1I 'IV speu t au bondage he'Ulade a con· 0'Il or ra D r un lU y. e ~ d W H k" , . . . ,t ' th I . t d h d ~ n. ~t A ~11 W. L. O'B RIEN , G. -Po '& 1'. A . 011 ~ n . . 0P I:IUS. evening, ill the E<Jhool·house, un J I' l·Y. I;' IYIII ' hope a~ 1 ill wi t h ' t1.lIC WI . IIll mns ~r nn pure ase (( ~ ~!I~ ~re ~og)lJer D. W. OALOr ELL, G. ~f., Ooluwbus. 1I1011- 1:1CI1I')' I?llntllslt ; ult r Phrcllol gy. To.mol'r l W vUll iug, Ill\"l' at tho IllIm of ~j r. l::it"I'Itell , Ille OW~l Irecuolll, .III 110 hnndr d dol. .\ S \ I J . BILI•. Sup L, Logt.lII.port. lod. . nut J. W . H . MOlllort. l!\I i's Stoc ktut will J eli ver ltet. eL'C' DII l'n tt IICllr this place. , Ia rtl ltClllg the PI'ICO Il~rocd OpUII . ~OP..IU: I(:; 1 1 ' - e ' WAncbYlLi.i.ISEt'TO!l'y.2!5 1 Wu ltiugto n-Stlnm ci W ilk 'r. ! ud 1l'ctlll' " w!t ichwill bcult tho -- hl l' .Alli·ull li th 1', w!tu has W ithn n W i.U1pn~!!. he Wil t !UI ~ _. . s U.. J ohl~ lIook; nlt"l'lI.t\t~s J or' lilltcl' ti lt /( tmbject of 1.ove, C01lJ't. beGII vi itill r her 81 tel', !'l!. Fa:,. 1work, Ilud b. IUd uatr) alld C OIl.Q· "dwRlludd. Buildi,,!!, Milito 'Ir (·t. FRJ~NUB' lIItlJtTINO (Hiokl<1to).-lI;oth~ OIUlllh Mill , E. T. M. WIlltams. hip nnu llll'l'illg. AUlIl i siuu to II)' 13'n" hil l It-ft t. te fur :! " i"it my the money wllscuruodnndpa ld ~ B 1m 11 ~W D ~ W.A r VE J ILL E, !flO, ~r,.~';n-:~:t~oir;,.~::. An~~Day l TortI 'cl'eek- Wm. E.Fl'ost, J n ~' l th i leelu,l'o, 15 cents. bildr~1l 10 to \' ilU\ingt~n yo I'(luy. ~ Il) l'el·.llUd Abrn!':l1II wl\s. ~1t(~C f~e, . Q Ail ~ & & ~ £t. ~Wl rut.eud. w ko I' un h""el 11t1II full lin "Iltor· Sohool at 91.20'01001< A. )(. IL, Ely, 'V m. H. Hurltln, J vhn I. cont 1 h" sec ud I ctUl'e Will I.e l I!: R t ' I. H e h vcd to enJ')Y th Ille 01 11 It . e; nitl1ro ot Iho very 1>0' 1 '1 1\IY, and AI It" l!'IUBMDI' XlmTmo (OrthodOI).- Moot- Koever, Bimw Simonton, Walt er I illn t~'uted - by' sclectiu". fronl th tl r·T · · II Z 18 IIl II \~lIg wall for 1Il0l'e thun thirty yeurs 4UlII . L O W FIG U R E . ' Ingforelhine"oreblpeveryFIr.tlUld 4.th Stokes, Wm. V. Bone' I\lte·rnllot .s !ludi ncus'everalyoullgOlltdius ulld blOtl p. °1\~ II . JCI~Y rl\ttll'llctlYC mude hims·lf 1180ful ill the eOlu, rua ~!U,l.tu louud illl\lIYIll"rkQt. l! i.lo le e Dav beflnnin.. at 11 o·clook. Flnt-Day TI 0" , y Ie I\pp lCatl o ~ l\ r ' I cuut muu't 'n wl'cl Ie I' ed t f Bohc:..l a~91,2"0·cloolt A. 111. ' I lomns H . DlJl a k e, E. S eII0ers,rwlU, . . ·gtmtlcmen, aod pointillg out \ltujr of paint. Ed. is ulive. I Y.I II. I I •.IV up U u , . 00 oon "rt • ., ILB.OU"OBCll.-Tbe ~. O. FerguIlOD. W. Handllll, Icbl\b?d IIlttural taleuts, marriage quulitica. . short. time before .hl s d~t~. ~t l Bill' aU8, T ab/e s, illl1(/ 8, (,Ilnir"" P..t.or. Diriueeenioeon 8undaY"s,.at 10 Robert Sellers, DaVId .Mullord Itiolls and adaptations matiug thew - Mr. nOfl~CI) \ d\\nllllder pru· one time he hud clllldren hVlllg {lfdS , L utlllq,'8, B rlli/eUi/II, lolo'olockA . ... , IIIld'71·9 1'.111. bbath Isaac Morris_ ' . t'fi II ' poses to tllkl: an II voyage to the South, bnt of Jiltc ycnrs no ti· dllatfl·allllt,~,· l ,o" l.;ill q' ..,boolatlll·tp.1II. . Wayne-AbiJ'ah O'Ncall John SCICli I ell y. Californin, for . heal th. We ' dings of thoir wltorellbollts conld ' PI-Cmre Ola8IJM, B " a<'kiof,v, o Omrn.on-Elc1er J . H . Dodd, Ii d be ue fi' I I •. ' p .. ::'I:~.T~!'u.o IIIIrvloo on tbe li'inLt lind W. KeY8, Cha8. Ohapman, . Wi I· SOnOOLKABTER ~UROA.D. - One It opu IIe wUY.? cIa. ' be had. All <:~\Irt \V III be. u~llde to (I·eJ., & ... .Third !torli'tt-day in· oaoh month. I:"rd'•• ison Edwards; altel'nates Emor day lately, as Dr. E. 1<'. Dakin WIll! - 'Wllltou IS IU e seventh heav· hont them uV It they lire hVlIlg. """"~.~ .- .. --~---day School at D o'olock. c~ry Lord Ma:r IBaily, Gordon J. Wright, Goo. traveling Il f~w miles .w est or 'his el.l. All 011 1\ ut of a young -1'he Ortbddox Friends held a __):::(__ 1 am olro propared Watt,ond 1\1\ 0'111. In m;ning. B.u>T (F '11) Church in Whitcraft., Wm. Rogers. villlLgt', his attention was uttl'llctcd lillie J-luulld (., . He says, meeting Siltordll,)'. night, which. rc· w ;:!T-Sorvl!:;on :::WUa SAturday I ' .. • • . to u placurd elovutcd ill fl'Ollt 01 a 'A n?IIJ(Jfly couLll va a hoy." suited ill II tieoisiull to build II ' and S\I~d"y -ln each month. Elder E1I1III , OIllLDREN'S SUNDAY AT RlDo"& farm, null whiell r~Ld liS foIl0~'8 : -'-E. R. Priut f the TIp.Towu ehl2rch. A vote \\Ill taken to d ALflO, having a Soe now Hcaroo, ttnd 1\ In ll lin " of Gibson, r ..~l'. . , us of : ~ILL!".-lt is a ~l1st n~ of long staud. , ----.~,---. (~r'Jeoryl... !Jus ~ mo. article ~f cid~ as to tlto plan I,)f t~le bn ildi lll(, tho bo.t . , WGJ.U1I:'OE;.._NO·l)l~.!teatrro""cot IIlg 111 the Un. lversultst Chul'ch to FAlUlBB8 { NO Hunnu ~ Gl)lden tsvl'l1l~ JU receIved. It 18 wlllch l'(;v~alcu tlte bet tltat :.. n Burial Cases, Caskets, Robes, HU1bru1 ary. llUD ..... rne , ..... devot.() 011 0 S lin dny of. euu II yenr C II ' tL Loud ' . . wus ppUS· , •• I I • 'I In Oddfel1o~8' 1Hall 00 the 8000nd Saturday 0 11 thi. pI..... xceII ell t-» <.'q nn1 mose to boney. overwhoJIUlUg IDnJonty lind .. fine ut<8\1rt lllQut \If of caeh month, at'7 o'cloo1<p.m., and?n t~e tireJy to the iotere t3 Of the chi l· ----~~~ ---- ~Ir . A . B. 'ru.mell nnd h -t' ed to the A ntrum plall. 'fho lutter, I fourtl. Saturday of oanh month at 2 Dolan f dreu. The tlme is geller:llly fix -J Tlt e Dr. \tlld no slIeh Il oisvin · ull ughl 'I'. Miss I ' II. ie, arriv ed IaflL' r declll ri ng to ~lt H k o the dust oft·, I sh ull end nvor to 110 ruy J!IIt h.l merit ' SirdT.MA:dRtsl~.F:S"t O~~lIoDIl'-I'nOo o r:~~i~ in the SOBSOI1 when flOWN'S' lI l'e ill tent i()tls a nd wltnt " hu utin ' I;e d id hCI·e I'I'UIII 'ililcil ' Ii last ev:enilw t1tOir feot, \\;itlJ dl'l~ '," t he ir sub crip .' h Sunday ao.lll. anu lV . -1 • , • • ", 00 '1'1le . th ~ fu." or of all who nluy (.nIl ou 111"1 !uld Tovory at4 P:roo_. m. Sunday_hoo1 at.• abun dan.ee, an d tl Ie ::tuny •IS Cll II I'M I:J I th el'e WlIS d UHC vcry sil 'n tly ill deed. Oil 11 visit 10 S II ·nll Coli 0' tt tlOn IImoll utlllg to $ ·j 5. . WlU'nlut ull wurk to gi,'o ~nti.fa c tioll . I! ~.I!f. , -.-'I . rthe Churoh cunOfls \Chi\.lr n'1I8\1 11' 1 .. • ._ nlld Ml's. l'h lli ' ..i~'wku. U ru OUlIt Ihns ' withdl'lLwn wus mad e l VALI'!lY HBDm.TINA.~~ ~~r~T qO· 'd4y.' TJlis day -at Ridt vi.Jle is al Mlifo"~8 COURT.- 'l'om l'(JIIdOl" " . '1' I.' it . I ' d np by xtm subscript-i n \.)(.11'01"0 -M ..uftIStrdl!t, Dear MIWl. DiVine l1li"100 • r' d M'k 'V' · b f' -JUt.. L). 0 11 I,\S S lo~ e U '1' d ' ~~~;iji.!t=~~~ICl~::::~' un !.he Saturda, before th.e eecond SunelllY Iways all ocoa Ion ,0 greut. JOY tv gllst 1111 1 ·0 . ISO W~I'O C ol'e II:! u hnt l'lI !1 of' ti p!l tliUlILtoC8 yes. u u~n on ill uIlJ~Ly . .1. 11 gl'Oll U l ' w9Qohmonth, at2 o'olook, and OIl thoeeo- old .and young, but never morc Mayor Dud!lon thIS 1ll01·1l1Ilg. 0 11 a t J U f'lh . hcmg staked off to d y by tlt u );.e fi el!1 ;~'",ghdd ~t Building Cou::.mi tt O. ,. a~ ~\loln8,one door uhove Pos~ Offino. oDdana4th8unday.....UOand'o'olook. jthan 00 July 11. 'rhe church, al· chargo of'disturbing uilil abusing ) l' u Wayne ~~....io TO,,!,.lhiP.pe8dteotiS·.te'" wllys neat and attractive, was made l Mrs. Kate Newman, lLl.st Sundny tllll~,lS~I1I)s~ . ~tl'~ ~ll'l' 'tlll IIIIILte . 111 -Tho ' caroent llrs briek-IUII.B01l8 Wnyn "ille, Ohio. 1)10 ProteotiYeyuoupanymee.. onw,e aur· . 't' I Y d ' d . Lt ' '1'1 I db I'd' 1.,1 I, liS glw cUlau 11 a . , . . day in each month ..t~ o'olook .,. tIL B,. very IIlVI llIe, was I'cn el'e very lUg] . lOY III eeJ) II Illg III " . crn'k al'd. . ' . nnd plastcrers ure brightening up order of \he 'Oomp;"y. L. Bart8ook. Pre8- ,beautifnl, by the ohoice decorntiolls, corn· field tli~co the Wllrl~lIt fur th.eir C ~g. G!lllt.l'. their tools to begin.the work so long' Report of the Oondition ident. R.. P;Oauee, Becret&ry. ,of evergrecnsand flowers, tugcthcr !nrrcst wus ISSUCll. TillS worulllg t. ('urge r~tt, i.athel of deillyed. 0" tlte Woy'n e8viUe NATIONE._ ._ - Iwith snch mottoes as 'Pence oll ' thoy delivered them solves up plelld HOIl . . At . .l3~tl·rutt, vt Spra ng VIII· "J Y. .e Y••r Life Wo~.. I. ".eD'" Eartb, Good Will to Mon;' 'God /guilty, aud were tined ellch $5 tlnd II::Y, died Suturday lIight at ~ 0'· ,-,Alf. Edwards. h~ opened up II AL BA ... K, at JVayn /J8vill , iekne81 preva,11 everywboro, i\n~ every· BleSI our School;' '1'I'OSS Forwlll'd;' COMtS. ., 'Cluck. ~e ,ms ~c~ sevcllty ..elgltt ~spectnblel.umbel YUld ntth~ West i n tlte State of Ohio, at tltll body compl._ln of 80'08. dl18U8e during th~lr 'D t D R' ht' & TI' .. • .. ytlars ot ugre and olle of Gl'eclIo £nd of .Mum Slreet. Ho IS .. Iso close of bU8iness, June 30th, nre When elck. \he obJoc~ WM to get well; are 0 0 Ig , C. Ie tIlOI· C ' I>' '. , . ' I . tI t t 0 io 'x 1875 . no~ we ~"Y pl~ln1y ~ba~ · no p8rtOo In 'his ning service wus at 10 o'c1ook when OMltf'~SIONERB llOCm;OI.NOS.- cuunty s plOnlluni. aYII!g Je ~apers 1'4C ur I' all c. . worlel tbnt Ie .u«erlllg with Oy_pep.IA, Liver a III e con f ' Contr!1ct tor Iron Arch Blld~o over -Cu tain ,V U II I tenslVO gralll wlll'ehonse, to rnu III RESOURCES. OomplAlnt Ind It. eft'eels, .ucll.8 JDdi, D _ rg W ~egtl'" 100 wus plcscnt. f irs. t Oreek Morrow WIlS awurded d ~ . k ~ . • I' oe I has councctioQ with tho Inmbel' bU8i Lonn8 and discounts ta5,718 21 lon, Ooetlvcneu , Sick Headache, Bour Sto· .I.",v. J . . l1ell ey, the pllStor, COl!' CI . i 13 'd' C I' tlll'ue liS stoo · · lot.O lUI w teat· U.S. Bond.! to lIOOuro circula 'on sa,ooo OIJ - A Nn milch, Rvot.rlburo, Palpitation of the HClLrl. ducted the sen'lces nnd Ftiend DI' . IUDI»I OIl I'on rI ge ompany 0 field where the "w\Jl!ut stll Jll la iu noss. , .. Bunruc on hand t!OO 00 Oepre.sed pirlt~,Biliou.neI9. &c., cantt~ko JUmcB W HnilJ.e; deli\'eroc tl~ Wilmington,Ohio ; 8 foot spll n, 'hocks ' bnt tit 'I'uill h·t,; Sloill!d ' -The authorities at Willlliu g. IDue frutDKpprovedrtlllerveagcnta7.616 4tl OuJ:1t 8-Aooun FloO"',...a without gell ,os , ' I IG footl'oadwny at $17 p '1' e I . f· " t · · 1 - d' t If' . Duofrun.Stt\te UIUllo"Uldb,.nkol'tl7.62088 r \lcr nnd cure. If you douht tbl~, go to ' sermon, whieh WILS very' appl'opri . ' , 'w e\ IIl a tllo gralll. 1 11l! 1'~ UI'U 1I1 UlIY marc ~!' Iec.elv ce IL 1flP'~ c I 10m apo . Rool c.lut '. ru.rni~ure, lind fixtl1ros 1.UII7 jll your Druggll~, A. DOLL, nnt! g?t n om\,lc! ate, und wns Iistcned tu with til e foot. . . . of our farllll'l'~, ~O llut"::;~, doillg G rrlll'd lCn, Mo., 8tatmg that vall - IOurro."t expO~.08 und t"xos paid 74.11 00 BoUlo for ten oents and Ir1; II. Rcgn ar I closn~t "ttcnt'ou ' OOlltmct for sh'llIghtetung the likowise pelt WtlS UlldC' l' niT ijt lit that place Prell "'lru. pu,d 6,21t! OU size cont.. Two do.e8 w,l1 rcllev~ you. I. 'I J f .' C k . I t' I' , . I '. I Oheck. u n(\ "Il,or nasb iter". 2, 2 Ie. , At 7.30 l ' .M. , the Sunday School C la ll~ l e 0 0081\1 II. reo, near -Tlte Rev. Jo~n A. 'Vlt itc. of UJ' tell tIIg II \\ lIgO II 1 ~ llI1UC l. Ill\( ' Bill.• of other Natiun,,1 lllluk. 7nO 00 PeOple Wanl Pr_f. ' gave a concert whi ch wa of J'l1 re ~lln O~Sblll'g9<)WUS n~'Ilr4ed to H. AthclI . Oh io. Vn il'ul',i t \'. (SO l' elf hH rnc~~ . n~ ItI\U U te:l~l ~ I t l'Ot. \ j,'ruot~or"l curreooy (inoludiug 71 'J! Thera i. no n,ediclnc prescrlhot! b~ phy. i. , C~COIlCIlC~. Thc ox ereis~o cons i ~totl 1 ullock, ut $ "'N . - tar. MI'. AII ':II '"VII ite. tl'l'lIJ 'ri y of tlri .. tel'd Wltlt .!III.U Illlel \~'ns .:~."UIlI I1' 11 1.1 1 L• •. ~~~t:(t)r l".te~ O,lltli 'uo Also, Offico fo1' Iho MUll" faoluro ,mel ':,,1,· Jf (\'Ul pli'~11 fUllti with U. S. Trcw;· oi,,:ndB. or 'Ofl~ by Drugglsu , tbat ~~fI'Ie8 ."utch ot. appropl'iate roli~i olls servi ccs, F-o~;,"'lli\rnC8!l. place) lll lldc n hrief , i" i t it el'c Ju t lSlou. bt, to I cacll th o lII h: l lo r ut tl ltl 1ltO eVI cneo 0 1\9 euccos. an d sopHlor Vir ue I ' 't t' d' d k 'I .. V rute ur ("I I' If c' rcnl t'o,l I <1 j 00 as B080uo's Gt:&lII ..N SYnu~ · ror Se"ero e 10lCO reci u Ions fl ll - rea ' 1111:,'8 Ull weu .. " I'. , it ite if! :t Prllfl~'!tiu l" . . D f or 'u s':r I II I 'I ' D Ooug"8. Ooids IOl.eled on tho 13reast., Con- vcry exccll ~llt singi ng by the choir S.elliu g off at 10 per cent above i1\ th u A t!tUIIS IIi vCI'~j l y, htl vi Ilg -<;7reSlll' C,·.:ck was Itl gh~1' tillSI uo t1~:~'lI l;'C: 1'e~oen:;i~'" °l~':~(~ 815 00 '0 lumplion , or anYfdI8fca,8c.o~ l~elnhl'Out lind lind school nnder tbe lead of MI' cost for oa8h for thirty da.J8 at hy bid IIII'll cxel't illllt! lll'i~CII 10 this m O:'l1I l1 g (MUlld :lY,) tlian It hus .. ,, ' • A proo 0 tla •• IUI. B tat IIny J Luoge. afIIlet.ed . the EmporIUm. , . Of' ' . . • b eell 0 t ally t'llOC Ulltlll . . !! ll Ie sell ' on . TOUI" ' 0"7 70 peraon cao get a flamplo BOUie for urnes K"109. Farmers and oth hotJol'llhlc puSltl UII. ' Ve. Wl. dh 111m .."["" u.), () • ]0 Q()n\ll ud tr I~ superior otre"~ I~forc I. We do DOt feel like intruding ou ors interested will please roke no. continued SUCCc 1\. N UCKl.E . UABlLITIES. L ~':!~~tt!: ~f;:,:~!!~e;\1~8°~~~~'ryltf!:' your sr.nce by asking the publica· tice Ilud give me an early cull, os --:\11'. R ichal'lJ HILi nus WIlS Now com08 tho II.I·UIY worlD to 00~hPitol stood'~dP"did ins ' ,1°2,8107 7°.00 A '~.'n]l, Q\ • . . . ' tion 0 th e programme,. su ffi ce I' t 1 s ha II on Iy con t'lOne 'h' I ~ . - . t or un IVl C pro 18 ,00 ~~ ~ ~~~ Ge_any. and.lta wODderful. cures. lire U8100' ~ IS sa El 101' qlllte l!erlOu ~ly hUl't 0111:: tiny IIlHt lick up tho crops. Theile petits tll'e NCltiotla1 n ,ank !lote. outJ4toodiog 2U7oo·00 khl.,'I"g lelyoryooo Utat U~B Itl: Tshrlt'ot! bdOBA"" to say, that the entire list of nearly thirty oaY8. D. R. EBRIGHT. week by tulling Ih-'I~l tllll IlIly .lut~ lightning I'Indivillnal depo.ltAlahbjcct'to ' • roWnyneavt1le. eye anz cue. ,ry.. 0 y . three dozen tieI""t' .' lun Joseph'lI h l~1'Il in Ilt· . - '. - _._ .. - - oheok . Doll, ''', .101lS) was I'18t ened -. ',. • of IllS . " HI [)78 HI !!!!~~~~~~~. to ~Ith great delight by a c~ngre· Soils Bro s ~reat ~oral ~lrcl\S ~o. tempting tu step thlln th~ loft to A great deu! of ~utt~1' eleaOlug 8=~:r~" '::'1:::'~"~~:~oddfu8't g:~~ ~~ SOLDlERS OF W.6.B.BEN COUNTY IgutlOll.that filled every avatillble has ~one ghmmermg, IOcludmg tltu luad of hay tltaudillg by to 00 .. has been dono. III till. Village lute. , .. !4 --ATl'ENTION. _ The scnSOD is ap~ ~pnee 10 the hOllse, alld .surroUlldod the lltt!egal~e and al!. .So,?c. ulllouuctl. Althullgh Il llitl: pllin. Iy. T~1''\L' '100,~7 70 _ __ ____ • ___ J • .b th I S J. lU I~rge number8 the wlOdows and whol'o lD l~dlulla tho . mstttuholl ful. ILlId uau:lillg hill eOlltiuclllllllt to J d W W · W'I . . d' t STArK OF 01110, COUNTY 011' WARlIIIIM. 8$. . . pronch mg lD W ..IlC enunna 0 doo camo to grief AI1l81 und shull . ' u ge . . I SO)1. ~ . Itor O . l ·JoolEv£LM Cuhier'of tit. above-nam. diers' Reunion of Warren Oonuty I Srs. . . h ld' R'd '11 wo nevermoJ'e . see the m!ud y "1'0 ' hI S rUOI? , .,~e .U.I:O I:jltld tu leal'n that the Lebwlon Star, is all invalid. ; ed bank, do CIOI~mnly affirm that the above has beeu beld ervlces ale e III I gevl e . .... MI'. Hlttrlt'S llIJI1~IElS are not 1l0C' . statement i. true. to tho~bo8tof mylrnowl. .' N D I . f tI t I on the lIocond SnudllY of euch costilOn and hear OUI' cal IOpO optlr· e'llrilX uUlIgUl'Uo. The blllckbel'L'Y crop is uttorly ' edgo 'Uld bollef. • D VJeW 0 e success .la IUs ' month by tbe Rev. J. W. Heilley ouicoul .. 'Twlls cver thus." Who . II D W'II GI destro cd RB far us heurd from I JOEL EVANS, Ouhior. lutherto nttouded 0\1r roulllons, the of N e'w I .t K Th . S d : is tllere to mourn for Sells 1 - 011. ()wnet, I. OUIl y__,-- .~_______ . , Subsoribod und affirmed Wbe foro mo. !.hi' Oentral Committce mkc this oppor· I . I 1 01 , y. e ~u ay __ , ___ _ _ _ lind Jus . PtI!ldcl'gtll!t uttornptod to W Ilrrcn CUllllty Fait· will be Hltb .IllY of July, 181S. tunity of Bl\yillg to the ·soldiers of del 001 mcets at 9 A. M. o~ry SunMr. J ohn Bisey complnillB that CI'OS:! NOWllltlll'tl I~III1, last Sunday held Scpte mber 21. 23, 23. 24. COlutli:.FoE1.~8~ KEY • yP the respectivo townships of Wanen \ ay. _. _. ___ . MIOUS. II qnanti~y of mullein is pel'mitt.cd night u.n,ring the. hea,'y raT.II: --~~~--""-~"-,~--,,~,, S. S ruINE~' NOJtlLr ublio. thot they earnestly request you .to 0 f th h . t . f tl to grow III SUlDO parts of hi,; neigh· ~torll1. ] ltl'y got Into tho swllt Nu nppl e", 11 0 pcncho ', no pcar", JONAS JANNEY, Directors . call a meeting nt once of the sol· I ca ne ~ II e Scuvdles ralll~ Ide borhuod. As this is LL weed vel''' currellt; tho IlllrIJEl8S broke. tile no blackberl'ies, no nothing. S. W. ROGERS, . . h' d S SOli Ie on nn ay evelllng nil 1' 1 .1 • J U • !\ d lers In YOUl: towns IpS, au pro· night. As usual it wus aceoru IL. relll i Y . propugat.ed, as lwe mOfl~ wllgon WIlS ~\\:(JIJ t, a\~ll.y, n.~1 ol1r Tho locllsts be'~tUI tu lIin'" In.st " ~ to appolllt delegates to meet nied by thuud~r, liglltning !rId weeds, It shQuld be the ~uro 01 h~l'ol's hnd dllhcll lt.y ID g,ettlllg out week: frost in sixo weeks. g mQTIh~Rl Q) In Lebanon, August 7th, at the \Wind and ill somo localities huil land·own ol'tl to ~rcvellt its II1CrCllSO ot the raging wutertl. 'Ihcy,finul. - -- - - - - - -~ ~ Court House.at 3 ~.M., for the pur- whioh did great damage t.o crops. ' us much as pOSSible. ~ sncceed d, . howevcr, WIthout Morc min yestcl'day. & J pose.of oleet1Og Field Officers and I On the' farm of Mrs. Sarab Jlln. D' - M--S- ' , . amago to aught but tile \vago n . Snmmer is wunillg. . Wr.y.lc8vil1r, July I ~. la7li. makmg such other arrangements as . e I . h d' th I' f EATH OF RB. BROISHIRE.-We hlLd not expected to lee I . . .. f I od ny, w \lC seeme JU e Inc 0 Th ' d lad d' d I t ' I t - ---~-wlll IDsure .a repetltLon 0 t Ie go I the fi est f th t f III age y Ie as nlg It, n a peacll this 801\8011 alld shonld m . ' A . times experienced ~n tho past. . •the fi::t fr~it-trt!: ~~:'d:~;v~d Mr: Stl.l~hen Bnrnett's. ~er 1'0' Ilot, probably, huve'seen one, had ~ t ttl) 9 • ~lIQell ~t eaeh townsblp take the mat' ib the wind. The woods of Wm. tII~Il1S Will be taken to ~htludel. it not boon for the kiudness of our • j tcr 111 hand at once, and send np oy B tt t fd ph,a. Mr. I. E .. Keys WIll leave young friend Ellsworth Mathew8 WALTON.-In Xeola, Jul,. 24, . 111111, a " d I h to G. urne presen a scene 0 eso- h . tI tI tb' Ile . , elaughter to tbe wife of Mr E. S B Wal. {rom t.wo to ,on~ e esa~ eac .' lation, so many of thegianta 01 the lere WL 110m 18 a ruoon. who brougbt us two flue peacbes ton . . . . . • ",present .t hem 10. tho COnventIOn, forest wore laid low. A th 1 • . M d out of a box sent him by bis father and we can then lOSllre to the sol· Frank Bnrnett had tl Id . I no 1~rh Il~vy , ~10 on .ay from Canton Mi8sissippi. We ' JIH ~ .. ¥' t' ~ t9 . . dien and citizens of Warren Coun- mucbjn' 0 ed 118 h d U Icorn'J ~ illig I~, 0 d Ittle btldge cross1Og thank Ellswo~th tor hil lI:indn~ .ill-I \I ~ ~ \I • .1IIl~re8 aUltlnds or Broad & O~ko th"11 'am"" 88 has I J r, a , a so, 0 In tie rl ver roo Ileul' Newman's Run. '~. . ~~-~ daily-for Wayn86ri1le and· the . urroundlng t y, UC1I a ~ orlllg I. () 1 'r Gruhllm, Il field OIl the fnrnl' of S. bridge renderod worthless by the qUIte as much 118 ,or tho trult. OHADWJCK-BENLEY.-In NewJlGrt, Ile\abborhood. sr-1al attentioo I. giv on not been Wltncs ed ,n t Ie county Dunwiddie I 'b f - - --- . Ky., July 7, 18'l5. b,. tho RoT. J. W. Hen- CARRIAGE AND .WAGON BUlLDJCJ18 to (arnl.hlng before since the wur. B ) R' d N ' R I1VIL lIue 0 0 witter. OPEN AIR OONOE&T.-The Bund loy, ¥r. George W. Chodwlok and Ki.ee ANP REPAlBBB8 ' C·KE8 FOil WEDDINGQ~ . 1 · W 0 KEEv ~ eec I IIU an ewmun s UD 'n' f d O ' . Emml\ J. S. Hcnloy. adopted dllughwr of , ! ! D.., . . Ell got 011 the rampage qgain, and The Narrow Gange surveying WI give 11. ree proldn.eua e .ou:e~ t the- offioillting clorgymrin. Arc prep8rell to ~o S... t-olus worUn 811 AND PARTIES WK. RODI)) ON, m. Iswept uU befor it. The Little Mi. }larty \ u8sed t1J1'ough here Satlll" 011 no~t Fnday eve 109, boglnOing A& Ii littlo girl ....110 lived hore yean ago, bruohelof the UU"llIeBs. . ' F. Cu~ZnNGI:lAILI, I1mi rose considerably, but liuieti to uny. rJlI'ongh WllynesvilJe, their at 7 0 clock . . .. _ ..... . _ th.u fair brido will bu remombered by many NEW ~ORK ON HAND FOB SAL.. OD .bori no~...,. I EBII!O kevp ll,(, Morrow , July 12. overflow its boundario . stakes wcre laid just above Fifth, The Warren County Patrolls of frlond w1l? wi~1 nnite. wih 118 in wi~hing' April .\h. (J -1 1'1..l. _ ___ str et, Ilnd on to Bellebrook. HUlbandry will ' have a picnic a~ ~or!1 mftrrted hro lIuea wl\h every poIIIihTo -at &lWt_ and II anpply 01 WII "" .. f Illnd permitting Canit's tho . army worm, ,"T'k . Mneon, on JOY, I 80M'ETING NEW S cy G. ......... d And now ' H d J E M d--'I - --. ~1' I 0 6"II G r()vIO Dear .:: .,OB \\'0--- .... tapi ed an h~an lucenes. to go 10 seed thereon , evas~tlfl . uugurlal.) Sri s un ume ; . UI' 00 I uavo a reau' 'S t d A' °8 1875 .-.~ • b Th tte d . . I. E u _ '? I h u ur BY, ngust ~ , . U. G . . . . . . .alle IW" Tlte bigbeat M~rlro~ PrluOll puld iu. iuing llighwlly, n~ IUl hi \ 011.... oy Ilr II n mg sOllie to Ing . It! tue' I&8t .JlIlpbst. ~urc, - __ _ Add ....K., wlUt ataml', . caah 01' trade, for Couut~· Predun . ' Curu III SQ. LcbilUon, last Thul'8dl1Y cveulUg. Another big raiD 1ll8t uight. s..nl.~ i!'!:~~ ~"""};~:'/:~;~·cl~·· "~r;" NI'. nl'll IlIrr I Qzwell u it?1 Q riJ.:-el'g. b uld
or roBo-i....
11 Ib h \ u h Il tu ItO 6 Dven~t)D. oa to It i. the doty of tb\. SO(JUni .... o . ; uNer by Ww. C. MeChotoek, &.q., to that thi is douo " 11 I ..... 9 aod J IIdge John W. K VI W/W b I I . ' \\ I ~ 1'11'.
IIuslca · 1 Ch-Imes '
Fairy Echoes •
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a uew (laper, Ilild il' thuy blly u I Twu 1'''1'1 one Year, ta.:iO. ~'OI). (rom thu 110W hoy, whl'11 too tar (Nm the omc ' t" bog un , til 11 [f',,~ tla Ii ,.....1 OueUe. thoy Of regular putrolltl and uuti. Petl' &here Cum a Morululr t o tlOtl to unlimited lilv, n. til
dear b" rt: look forlb t.o lh,; mo~ to gilt a
UppU:lI' to
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1I0t HlugglKhly cutiun of- Iollg obituaries, tumily rieb g oalM or thought and rikllbg Cpl• 0d an U pur UIIU1 ~u fl'd j' r t I1C "wily . Jlext IOl'ty Y&1I'I:I, gmtls, bccl\u~e 00 fo r .. ard tu d Uly, p r(!l!l!011 a"d be b, t1nlJ the y tako ' the vnpel', or o llce liad ,~h o h "nO'At uf ~oood; n" lou ger deluy . UII advertisement iu it. Ss euk of 'lilt true " '0 In uoL .tru!!!!I" o'or wlllIy II 'h .. luoun wiu . 1 pay ment, aud t oy gl'OW III 19nunt. And P'U1t wllb tho burdoD ot wearillome "Don' t I pllti'OlI ize your pupel:'I"
Y t d 0lIJ'~; tI
~ver keOI'!U rood "pirH".
Wi.dU II/(
year increuos \be popularity valll&blo Hair Preparation ; which is du to merit. alone. W 0 AT TOR N E V AT LAW. can assure our 0111 patrons \bat. i~ is kept fully up to it. higb atandnril j By CAllL WAGNER: ' o,tft"'"J, G' B/'/Jwl/r,I!I, and it is t ho only.reliable lind perfectE, r 1'ro"lu ' ·b,· •• J'ulka¥uurka . :10 Clol LED"~u~ . UUIO . ed preparation for restoring GU Y Ulniie'.Molllio.g ons· \'arla&l'tII" sO . I"'/ Alii .• II. V"r 1) rlly" ''''' , 08 F.AJ)lm IUm to its Joutbtul color, ' I I / II ": On lb" W in", of Lon. Val.., IJrill. :J.\ CtA. making ~ 10ft, lunrous, IDd Bilken. Vr ... IJan Kegalll4. ¥ O ~OU \l . 4() .'11. w"rNES"ILI, I~. o . - )dnry Jl'ur. tel'll . J'~NIl ScUIW. :;I" Clol. - - J-A Ml'" N U I" I I The eCalp, brit.ll use, beoom81 "bito e Bcboe. (!"(l ilt Ib~ I'. h ~ ""'.. 40 CI.. ~, • r. ... .., IDd olean. It. remov • .all eruptiona By CHARLES KINKEL: A 1'TONXe:y .1 1' LA IV IDd dandruft; and, by ir.a toIlie ~rop-. !' =- : : :. : : : fi ,,~., NU: ........ P I1 B . ... •• eni.. prevent.l tbe hair &om faIlliig ,;:,_ e u~ .. r P lum. Po lk< . . :!5 . ,tA . I:' : OJ/icc Vetl' A. iJlJil'IJ i n'II I/" '{III'C, ont, u it 8timulatel and nouri, boa - - - - .-. . ........ . Jc"cllIU$ 8.:bolti cb. • 3$ ( t • . t.ho hair-glandll. By i\l uae, \be bair ;:::.:-~,y-~=;;:.,,,,, .MadC.pf·" lka. JUc"" W"" NE.~ "ILLt;. O . g ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ to f.li , lbe ~·Io •• r uf Kildare. l rao • . a;, 1'10, :;~:! groWl thicker and .tronger. In c J.uni. La H ....I' A ngdl'lu., MOI"CI'au. :J!) CI • .. lWdnees, it restores \be capillary '" ~~:-:~ P . · ,.\ug·ln.1t8. l:o m 3QOI!. :,Ocla , SETH W. BU U\\ ~ . glands to their normal vigor, IUld Will create a new growth, «lxcept. in es:treme old age. It is the moat eooA TTO'RI-J Ey AT LA W I nowicul HAlK DusSING ever uaed, ooi ' _" _ ltu"khlg \lv·'d· '· 'IR ' V8dU , ·111 01·,1 L rll .rO·!'. / "~ . as it. requires fewer applications, ;:! : :. : :-: .. . :- ~, -lhuUID .uu , tI Orc.·UU. 441 ,, 1,... . . I!.' )· 1'( '{11. ,, and gives the hlLir a splendid, glo!! y ~. :? P E ~ f·Awak l ll ing 01 tho BiH.J•. H U01 ll lW U 411 c t " . appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., tl --- ~ tt ~ · :\ wu\' L 1I1-Il I'I. . ){Iun"uoo. -It) \ 1-,. State Allsayei ofM BII8achu8etts, 8ays, .. T ho constituents are pure, and coreI 1 . ' . . . . . . 4J . fully select d for excellent <LwWty ; and I consid,c r it the B X8T PJUU'A· .. 'i!! , B y WILL. S. llAYS. : , L g I~ ~ " ;:. ;::w, ~ C"J <fII: nATION fo r it.s intended purpo. ell." ~c ~ : ~ t-~;. t- ~ A l'UOROF WlLL I , I~AI:I ( \ (/ , I ~ ·1r:";fjl 't' ~r rf ·;r~It·;r ~ Dr aU Drtoggim. olWl ~•• .v<d~_. P.ioe OIlo Dollar. i'> l!'''' ':'! ISONGS & . ' ItOI! ' tiES, IUiT " CII : ~ .J.:J ~ ~ ...., - ~ - . ;}J ~ g ~~. ~ ~ ~1 ."lel';"c Gr.,'. Eirl.lt N atillll(1./ · RaJ/l' lJ/l I~"illr/' Buokingham'. Dye.
To wlIlflo!r lui ,(o,' lulI ~ IIltd "",kc u&Kli ll I IlOh.101·1! ill the <.:staut;"hlllUlli Iv l' Illl bl."t. t ' 'J'I, IllY U, I '1II!WU tho pubh· • 'I·UltV.
hI< llullthu,:.
d t' t .h. OI' I I IOUI' I' U Vl'1' IbUIUCIl . Ul'
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Jl'A J'S t:. 'I II. /./:: () /I / (J . E. ' . R W.\ 1.'1'( IX,
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Fa... TIle. W II ! . er ..lr)· Fe liul l!,ne.. I~' .1 . e ' r&Jld Ma-o"lc ll.anJl •• Ilb J.I · to N.' N . Y. Ti'olple. 7:. ,",_ . A POle I Hymn. 11lll1lwloa. 6J "
Lou"" t NI.rlat.
copy I' lur uotu. iu g, w hu would uevll)' d I'eam of Tt.lnd~;:':'f lho put; it m y tern to beggi ng a pocket. handkerchief The iI18 of to-day for tLe futuro will bolTOW from a I.h·y good store. 01' n piu "U A - w Il of g lodnOllll t.o trength dn of cuudy frolll u 0 IIfuctiollor , OVUll · Dc f\rru "" tbo rook th I III .. n I planted: upou th pi I~ of all olll ucqUtLint· B\l Lr ,.' U8 U.e Wml.Ctlt th ut f l>' tho nllce, or ha\'i llg Lough l llllll'tbill" "Iorlll : . OIlCO bel'oro. PilI 'r" lik the prod. <) uuw"ru 1\' ilh . tUllOf "hero Ilnduultu,d ; uct of othol' iudu LI'ie, U I'O mude Let bo nlo btl thy INllll' ' . IllId llre bellung warm. to s 11. Ono pUp r is uot much, De oom Land fl\itb rul, ·tIII ~ I pinlnsr. bnt IL copy hore llIlIl thul' ILruount Boo glhul'''''' "I Iigh\ on tllO tr k of lir to llOUlulhiug i 1\ tho c UI"O ul' ti mo. yet: Hilt thi ill a slUall umin COOl· & b OI·i ng n~ .Irivlng . n~ t"h.. tly~dl .. lninj( t\!· u with Iho fl'C'l auv rli illz a A PllLl.wUoY to <IOrr,)w wilh thor,," ill OOI!llt. ~, • '1'i" OOLi.or lo .valub t r II. rllinbow that 1I0W8papOl' i8 eX (Juctud to duo ~hir,uth' ~u w" 111 ' 11, wbo lit lUI l'Ul'ly pul'iod In bau uty boYD"'] whero thr' winds Itro III Iof lifo 1m" pall I two dullal' tor W'&j!'I!,
~; NEW SO~l G S .
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D I)""" .:-; " '·... J. L. ZEL .I,
Put III Highl :\13U
~~:-:e~a~t~~rc.,. :. ~ Wh cru I. m .,· Lov.d oIll' fa i. ::;iug, n arkie.,. !!lIng .
WA Y~.ESV lUI<:, 0 11 10.
I Tbe lIahl "I' A '·f) ud,d.>.
Dr E
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I'OB 'l'HB WBISIDIBS. All our Renewer in mlUl1 oases requires too long a time, and too much care, t.o restore gray or faded Wbiakel'll, we bave prepared \bls dye,in one ~on; which will quickly ana effectually aooomplieb thill re8ult. It is easUy appl'~ and produces a oolor which will neither ru~ nor wash ott Bold by all Druggists. Prioe Fift.y Cents.
but you l'ooci ve the worth of : ; ' Wbo.. LilLI. ~I II m ic DIed o.c., ••• H .... II " ...,... II", .'<1 ••,_.. p ...p. AND ~:~ .tl '1& A ,. - g". eo a oun. , muuey for wUat you puy." • A h,ne ulld _I Hum.. • .,.". 'rll'''' "I ... ", . I II<! "'~lAlrH "ro Ii_illg. tb~ll ll.vor deaprur ' l " But," 81I.ys tho patron, " it will Ilot .Iolloi • Ih~ Plo we r 0 1' 'hI! "til. 'V A Y N ES V IJ .1. L~. ,. "he 'cbool 1I 0 u ~e h. Ih. lieU . • c. Ket·1' u p Il !(\Iod be,...t. tho oo.t " "Y to c t1~ YO~I 1.lO yth iJ l ~ ~o put th i.; ill .': ~ E h f S'l Off'tlr-.. hi .o< 1'1·"f(~.~hH' ." ~ \n' it*l' t il th o tril i ~ hlfla w l1 whlclt IS JUllt, us \'IdlCul () u~ Uti Iv usl~ j> Y aut or Olver Threads. ,1.rll' "... d vi.~illi LY, n ""ill;! hll il tlt;"I)' )" " .r. '. ' UXI "'I'l f' llt"" . , ~ h'I I ~~ to )l1 \"i ' ~lt i~r' H.: tit.n t,) ' Bu, the World· Renowned The oare. Of. ~xi'l.nClJ. wh ntever ~b)' lo.t: n luun to grill u yU il l' ax ,III lli ~ I uc; • • " up; k c ho .. H !·. I)""k~. I A.lJied",,·.l :;0 ul! " ' la" "III" ( ,'" r hilll \\Ilh. c 'l .J~\l. 1 \\ hy UII I lOU \\rlle W OHI. ' lslcr1 I ' I •• • , Ere dlll~;h~nt~. d arko~t ; t he mnrl1lng Will ~l'iUUd~uuu, u n? gl'!\uiotlil ly toll h im Bong aud cboru ~ , Dan kl, :m ' , I T ala courage. for nil iM " ~un.l.iny .pol.. lit wou t co~t III U1 a eeut! OfLillDrca lO... S"'eo~ \' o i.. C.. 118 /J AMES \Y . n .H,·i.·:.' . '\1 D .. lIanuflolured by R. P. HALL, A 00•• Huld ru.t tho _UMIIIOO. u~d lirmly rely- I It tukcs l110ucy to I'U II 11 '11 IV:!' JlTA8BD.A.. lII'.a. Me. oug Ilud chol·us. DAnk.. 30 'I Any or the Ilho" ~ m a iled. po~ I'l'aid , 011 1I 0 ,tlU:...· ," ' ·. lI t i FUM n Ing. ul tbou wilt r up the roward of tI,. Im iJul'. a~- w ell us lilly 1.,11' lte I' ' b lI ol .l' receipt of tb. lI. urked price . 1'ieccd mllrked ju.t ; IIU .;; alld 110 pal,ul' wi 11 succeou " bavll piclurI! 1II11l,pAges. Addr.... '1'h rc·. pcnoo ~n d t1. oro'01'1 ""uro, "com· tiU:[IICilllly tUllt curries 011 a dead. Y$J , J. L. PETE " ,843 .Bl'OldWl\Y. N. Y. THE tor t undymg hClld• ..v't'm A ny 100 11 t'I II 0 j' un T" lh o~c wh ../IC pure 11 IIrlB ulU kc n uvon. IS":. . . . THE INDIANAP()LISSuNJ I boir ~rll¥t. 1I1l1 1v l(l l1lLl 's Utlllll'll Il lal; Ir e is a ux· Tho l"'ld ing INDEPJ:;l\- nlNT REI?OTtIlJ C ,\JlIlIY. !If. '}'1I01l 1'SO:O;. iOtl8 t .. '(' in Ill'int il! W l.,ll th pa 'ill~ W EEKI.Y politiclll IIUW8]: r ill tho VIIi· - -.. _ •• • 1'''1', !lIlU whclI pl'intcd is gcom'lI lly ~or DIseo.aoa ot Ibo ',['!'I'O(,r "-",I Lllng .. ~--- ----------- Led SttlW8; tho 8peciai lldYi tJrThe lltghest Prelil.lam WII or u. ~ iii· ~ & ~ . ll'~ ' auob. nil Oo u~l llI . Ool J o. \.v, '-Oping. N Jtw DOU K!:i.- T. B. l~ctel' UII & wurth lli IU lich II nlly othor illVfdSlto..., ta of Im.hor .... ")lai n. ubinnd ""i. ., OoujJb , ll ro llOhhiH. A.~bma, to It. at llrothlll~, Ph illldelphill, Rlluo nliCc mCll t vI' tbo !!a lUC IllLl0llnt. and ~OllUU"UlptiOU, tal ; u.S',,1 T en der P oper Jlidlley". "Kuin~t W II .' LI';-: .1 I.JI; Blmk [~.;ue" a nd L1,o Gol~ B,...is F"lIl1oy. Amr"ll: 11.0 IlfOftl til t he T l'Ude that they have CO I ~' The newtipll.lJeJ' LlUlIinel:!8 is vel'y R8Jil r@a\~e IUld tbe I nt.ereban)fc"ble durrency Bon d ..... JEW~l.f' .."'. ~ :5'- O PT~r.riANS ,H· c.),·" ,,:c. of moIl.rn 1'\l1d('d 1111 1l1'l'UU "('I UOlit with Ah s. uXllctilig Oil u I COllll cot e I wi th it , A." 1Ag3i" . t the High Gol" Int. . t Bond. .&.._... _ _ _ . '· il'1I0~. feIY nre (If -TIIKW ~u"ti(:ld , tit · well kllOWII SOllthfd l'l1 Il UO the.' (.Iuy is com jJal'uti ~ely Tbe SUN b ... R oa rPI' of .Ie oorre.p"nd· "'oro ,,',,1 .ftlno to Obi.. Mtllto FaIr; nllu,k in" n",n lhis ef. \\' ri t...~ r, ~1I1(1 Rillito." of " TIII!.HulIlw, ~mllll ; tl uj pl'Upl'ictlll':I l'isk more SHORTEST A ND QUICKEST en tA IImong t be ol""l'eoIt iUIIl 'rriost profoun d NortJI01'I1 01110 Fall' J thinkers of the oount ry. S 'l lec ta cl Iol, 'I'uul..; &. M ;I 'ri a ls f .... III.11 1'I" n~,I~ for all ROUTE 1'0: Iiold '!T B()IH'l'1"~" by WIIlOI.1th 'y ruouey fOI' sUlullul' prvl:il:8, a ud tho U illCullAnt of c choice"; aeleotion ad. cf tIM Throat AlIler. lutltute, N. y.'; I /lLVC \'ucamo tho Il1 tul'o pubhshe,·s cditul'1I nlld prinle1'6 wurk bllrcler '''.'SIIlNG1tO~ & BALTiMORE; apt.ed to a1.1 cl of read4l~ . • S. W. Cor. S is ih lIud 'I ' ,·n RIJ, ~Irtu~ Term.. 1.75 per yoar. Pillffl*ld. .. tJ I ud C1DelauU ExposltJoa; of' nil h r .wurks, ' Ril l!.. thut thc)' I und cheaper tb au the 8nme numb(!r Ell'" "lid So,lIb-EII.' . Samplo 001'1........ nt free od)lppllcl.ti II. OI N OI N N ,\ '1'( . O. counlrl!.~ t'!. hll \'c IIO W III W'css tho..A util','l· .s . ot llI u U i ll ItIlY thol' pl'olil~siou - - The b41lUUlpoll8 ES1J08ltloD. ~- , .. - - -Addrell8 ltfDIA NA 1'Olldi SON 00. , . -- - -- - . .ho..n that II doea' ~ ew, ~owpl ete, and U 1I1f00:nl Edl · , I'equ il'iug tho g iven (unollut of in . ~~~ ~AlI~:::,- 'J'lIkOUO({ TRAJl~8., 8&. Loall Fall' J lD.diuaIJUU" In,d. ~o,,'",1 Ihem, The ieltl'::~Yof"'c!reIf'::U:J ~ I OU ot th em 1111. They \VIII also : telJ igellco, tl'uiu ing, Blld drudgOl'Y. LoalllaDe 8t.1~ Pair) VJA l'ARJ\Elt l:l' fl.I.; , MAY :11 . I ~i, The ATL-AN ' TI C JIONTB L "Y, • '."'. of,,~ el:....,~ . . ..labll~beo the filet, that 111811 on Saturday , ~uly I1tl.l, 71,61' / '1'''0 lilo hns its chul'ms uud pleas. F"M: L ino. I. Lo ui. Esp, Number Four. C...' IIfIY I' HCfOIl.\!. will and d_ relieve aDd '1llIIIlulDpi State Pair J . - - -. - Til 6 L e d' L ; la FATED TO Bil FRIlEl , J eR ri I n '~dow ·. cutO Ih. affilcllnR dlsorde,.. of lhe Throat alld /l'eto ~V(}V t, which 18 011 0 ot / rent ant Il dociut iollS Clll'ccly known D 111'. Dull,'. I a ' ~nfl _rall' S .... IIL "'W,,' price in lJook fO "nI ~1 . 75. 1.'1111.'" beyond any other medIcine. The moat a4 . 000l'8'1& stAte Fall'; iutol' t,' a ud power, entitle " A : to tho outsid o ~ol'ld ' bl1 t it has Lv ('i lll'i,,"",; . :.:. :110 9 :10' rUt , oj A m(lr~p T W ENTY sao '1' •, I d,tnJl rou~ , a lfeclioM of Ille Pulmonary OfJIUII Oh illl.-oll ,,, I 1 > 1 1 0 .\ w \VHAT .T OfFIIBR,. R BTORUlS: u 1"I,·h vlul. I IO itll;lOwer; And caset of CoIItiDlapaOD, Art'. Double W cdd illg ; ,? r, H ow Sho ito eul'n est w'}/'k IIl1d IIllx ieties aud FOR BEING THE .. 1''' , 'o'''Oll lh I) r,:; .. H I 21J .. VOLUME XZ ,·nliot.,· ~I' ml,cell .. n.·ou~ .'\},IIliug : O".'I·.i Iy cure,l by 11111 preparation. arc publicly !<nown, W II::I W II . All tll1tl ro lICW WVl'k , b OUl'd of cx ha ustion wh ich ' also jIlll il'tll' a ~ .; •• 5 .' 11' I UI'~" n-:H~eR 14'JloIIUhJly il l u oI tI'IlLCtl . I Il~ romnrknble a.~ hnrd ly to be believed, were ",v J"m C8 Rus8!!1 1 LO,,"I\II will .(QutrilluW!. On TDN STElElL REiPROD OCTIONB IhDV not pmv n beyond IU8f.lIte. As a remed~ b~ ~rs. C. A. W urHo~') . An t!lO~ I UI'C not kn owli t o th o~o who think 1"'It'l 1k er~b\U'"" :.:m 5 an I r It I1 II IIoq Ut\ I0, .on . WoOhiCI1 t ie, pu bll c mRy re: BEST SEWING MACHINES, rUle t. ,., ytl-llr, t\'QU8I1 L 00881'-" aDd Po '111,, ; HU.!lJinli.I,, ¥ 01' fum IU8 pic1 urt.l8; Cl I' j",IIIIt,1 \ u. ot lho H~u ehold ot BOl1 ver.lO. I tuo busillc&I u11 fun.· Tho idea Arr. (1 .utan :J In .. 9 10 " '~Ild William Oull"n rl rYllo~ alld He,, ~v W . • r"vllll!" wo.oth SJ 5 , ' r." full pIOI.cla n. lIy CU~lIIjr Coal'" Ule (.lompletl) 111 on~ large du d~O) tn0 i tl.'nt Uow8pupe1'd~m is a charmed " Il~·':rl·r~~rl.. ',1'1 214.'1 ••.• ! II :14, .'.' LOlIl:fcllow will ~1I111l'\b p no ' and P II ' ''' U , II t h e "I'O\' e 8cnl t."s\ 11 l1 ld 1\'1111 'i I ",., n r.•rorunne", or more IcrfQl\II dl ..... OC , It ~IIV011l1n· and dolnlf the lurgest. and beet -~ ~ '~I' . II · 101 tlrk.....)rI . W'n, II _'!fIJI . 'oll.n o! ! AN,U Ii li lliE. III ~ IU ,H I'11u~ trl'lc ' " n"11I" •.,,1 IiV.' j ftlld A• • ",ollnt of . uJI'...~ DOl v~lume. bound , III . morocco cl,;,th, ICircle, whore the btvor d m m~rs Cuml,l! rln,1 ! fiU .\ rn 2 O(t P 0 pvcl a . n ~-cI"Cf::t.. tl ' ~r CO I~ h' 11111 " to ',0 coowutO( . It ohnllel1 ~6! trial, and con .. I'lI1lII'O 01 "01'1;.. All. other 1I,"'1'0 t' I," r. 1!J .. .1 li 6 " 1ril.u \0 Skcl che. of ~IIIU!MII~IlI'1 R, r cl' , Lilt) ,.;" \I ~ . , ,,. .. mU II O" o~ ," HAL. tu r (, .. I) 50 villce Iho ,n t $ool'tlen l. Ev.ry r"milvshjluld l<ull G il t Duc.k, P l'l ce. $1,75. ' The live a life ur Cllije all free ·from ..H \\' JlaclLluoil ID the Barket u.:hillg l "-II j 10 " 6' 50- I. lUI he UBcd to ,",ue It f r .. m IL ruloh boll8~. Bt.v. C ODtS. O ,1,( f'" , II) Illtr4i1tuc' ,· Llh' all"llr 10 ktto fJ It ..". hA ml n., tl protect ion ogalnltiheearty H ou ' bold of Bouvcl'lO" hilS ~ on ' eal'e, /lnt! go to th o ci rcus on a freo •• U I~I"nond i : ,11 " rtI , .1 liO Am . "rtl 'I'"y lor will w!'ite of' Li rl~'Jp WehRli I' an \l ".w ... h'cri L", . . P. io<' ••, ,III C' II III io!! .U " finu ·" "I",r<'.i'o<.l (' 1m I, or I'u'monary Aft"oolfere III d,lroct H I I lol ("(J~ III L, nll~ or! ,"ories 6U l'g08 &6d h~ hil'4lilt'Chl .n.~llr, :-; i,,~ I I' I.IUIII IIIJ I , ~J. c l ut · -nllfh' rll 'e t HOll e, \\"l!ioh 1\1"0 eOl il,' mot at fi nt, but whioh prouol~lI~ed. by ull the best \\'I'l tOl"d tlck t, uud to tbe spl'i nO's ou a free : . ,,;1,' 1' ~(Jru ~ ill _ :.,,11), !!O IJ I11 . r (!811I e,lIc'-;,III (. 4.. 1'10"111. hatle. Dudl ey WIU" A~ 1I0W8 ' Will So " by Ilhdl. C:rl'uL h"IIICli I I••', (.II-IH! ".'CllrJlblo, Cln~1 too one .. (Atol,. iI negnl~d Cl'ltl CI! 10 the countl'Y to be 0110 PWiS iu t,he aumm r, au idea • IUlII!:I"" 1.11 .... l :lJ Am , ne.' wl lll urni.la. durn.g b lol-caidencCin lh •• lI\e" L~ ~o'lge 'JI , ""u o!"h., ' I II , I;,.A "" iN I<'cf. l cn.l" rh'!I,t:_lIccdthb del1lnce, andlt 'J 3 .• " Ensl. Skelch" , 01' Ori.,ot,,1 Life aud " "''''e l. ' e.... u ". l' ul,II , I" ,... :)"-11 P,I.':' , . "~ . " .'"1\"110 10 ~c wltl.out II. A. II SIIfcgnllrd to 01 the best al~d 1U0st l'omarkll?l e which we desire to explode prac. .. I'hiJ."J.'lr h i., I '.11 •• " N. ·w York 6 I ', .. 6 01' " . •• ' I' k ill ~ N ' \" 1'1 ' . I • .:h,1 h~". nUl 1,1 Ih n tllltr einsr til en.e. whIch tiu 3ton ' 5, f, U Alii . '" 60 Pili r f, I UClb a r. ~:. JI w CliOi p ll)l4'rl$ 0.. . 1<\1 ,o ne ,':li se . t llt...l III \\ uLl ' :III'~ I ' ', UII u(t . .ec. l.2\u'l'hrnntIllIlIOhMtoCohUtlbood, CKKIUI'I' ,~orks ever wrlttC?, and we p1'e~:ct t ielllly und theol·eticallr. BU8iu6I!Is I~e WRre 01 N ~ .. E.ng lulld loll all a~" ,,!,d ~II" UU" ••lherhe..monl. [ .,UI •• " ,. 1' F.CTOn.l L I! hIVIIII."blo· ror. hy 11& Ilmelyuse. I:irFor Hemm~nl!, 'Fell· fur Mrs. W~rfi~ld ~ lIew b~k, A is bUl!i u\l~s, aud the Journal that IC\lI r etKlllo e pl:looOI or tb,' 1,1lJ colOIl",1 I I~ " _ _ _ ___ ,_ •• _ . _ . _ ""I IIiIl"lo" 11m .....clled iron. l,ren\Ulwe graveo r, inA, Stitohinl!, Cordinl!, " Q ueboc Mild l luI1".."I,. John Fil~ e. nnli OA"".I to Ihe 10"0 a nd aflcelion 'cenUed ori Duoble Wedding, or, How. She succeeds IS the one that is ruu on \"1,\ BELL.\ iRE. ~I"Y :11.1[,74.. holo suiki ng 11",le.· nn Amlirlcll lllloti Alb u- I Ih om. It net. ' 1"",,,lIy lind l urelY.plnal orol. ~;l!S WOII," ua great a popll~al'~ty U8 t\ square bU8iness footillg tbe sllme' ._ ~:II.t "J...i~_.·.__ Exl~es\!. I1II1 Rindin!!, Braiding, U Li fe aHl'Ilo l ~'CI muoh 0011108. \\'i11 Curo idb 'I, rv co:.I" ••curlng lIOund and hMlDr·l'lllltori,,« 1 he Housch Id of BOu,.-el·lo, and us b~nkiug 01' bUilding bridges, n"i' \". Sun . Ex. abl ll paper. . , .Ioop, No 0110 will suft"er troubletlOllMl Inill.. Embroiderin,t, QUlilt·· III Il"rl uanoll of a IUrpete 19 record 1m. enA nll,1 I'n illrnl BroDclal~""Jjen the,. bo"" a lillIe equal to auy work that hus keep'ng hotel or ruull ing a livel'Y ~~~: ~~~:"~U8 i~ ~' 11 4; I>m. ~orl ul I tIli~ of Ihe 1JlwlOry of tbe War of . • , " , how eo. lly Ihey c" n be ou~. ' int· and Sti~()kinl fino hcell published in the last twenty t!tuble.~EOl:chQ11U6 . L,'o . Sandu. kr 7 4:; Alii , 1~ ~ ~:::: S ec"ls ion anu Ihe eyeDU lulliri'" 10 It 'J" It: O.'I" ln, lIy tho . I'f<\IllIot of lon~. labortoas, ami y 111'8. Anthol"tI new re vi scd Edi · ___ _ _ .. Monl'o" vi c i'! " 5 .. 7 50, .. A ll."" rul ohem.cal Im·.. IIpUon. no COlt . . toll ill ~ U .. E .. . ' H 'ari. .t 1 '"f . or heavy goods it is T I. A ~T I O .0 0 0 ... w i'. ~:gl.'lon . · Roc· . JlljA4lll,tOI 'BIID h splI",d III IOnklng .,very IJOttle In the IItmoat tioll of tbellOllscbold of Bouverie." WINJe P'UO DUO'l'1! OF N EW J II:BSEY. " Mull fie ld 100; 'f it 6 1 " pile ·tlun ~ of R R.·b 'I' "i,h Sis I ·.p~r," on " p" ..n.i. per(oottnn. It ml\y be conlldonUy ""'1M' unsurpassed. Urown. by F. B . Sunburn. who •• R C' Ow• .a 118CABJ.. NEW YORK, "P"" .' JlIlIIIelSlnll all the vIrtue. It hU I'IOl will be' pnbli~hcd Saturday, July I- Th e State is beco ming cdtllll·ll.t. A~~ 'Z~,~:~~WI" t;I:~U. ~·IIl. It ~~ •'IJohn uul ntll n ~e witb Ihe thc",'us . pIa" • • aDd per .. hlnlled. ond capable nr produolng ouret at. 24th, 1875. The Hout!ehl'llcl of' cd fol' g l'llpe c ultll re. Some of the .. 13 ·!llliro , ·1 :,0 .. Ii 15 .. Where we' ha.ve no Agents fa, m il llCO. of t he grOllI a\iolitloli lu I, full • IDCIUON blo ns Ih. gre&teat II bu IVer elfoctcd. "lid inl lmnt,· , The "alullhl~ artiole~ Bvuverie ; or, Th o E lixil' o t' Guld. ! I'ichcllt " Ul't ill th o wod el is ll l'uduc ' .. Wheeling (; III rill. :; 4.; •• eXl1c~. we w11l deliver 8 Macbine .. .. l :r"l'lon " If'' !I 2() .. IIr O"vlIl A. W It s n nd I.; d ~' tl ..d Al k inoo ll Un P~""D BY lly MrS . C. A. W' LI' R , old. Au thur ed ill Now J CI'I:ley by Mr AIl'i'od .. O., kl~ .. d )'1 ',j •• I I :14 .. for the price named above, Ou .... c ne." "IHI I' III" .. ce, dllli'~'1 ~4: wIl l bo TUATS.ALL roDS OF Dr. J. C. AVER & CO.. Lowell, Ma.... of " A Douhlo W eddillg ; 01', H ow ' S pecl', who c n UIIl , hM boco llJo "flOel· Pur~ 11 ·1:1 .. 11 47 .. ."cceeu. d I.y l'''l'els all rl le:!!l nte·reri Ld. (rom P l'llotJe&lUld ~7Ue&l ~ a.t the nearest Ra.U Roa4 S II e wus ,Y on." A II tl' W I' ' d new cc Ic bI'U t Cd 1\ tl I l'u d llcer 01. stl'ictly ".. Oumuerl'd ! :,Il .\ In, :.! <I00~ 6pm. C~OwrTC .. I bu 8Unt6 Il U Ltlfl f', ,in tll e CII ..t" I yalJ r , 1Ial'l"s 1".1' :. tJ! .. A.IIt .MIA s nl.II B Y ALL DIII1QO.ln aV1laY1t1lU&. Station of Purohasers. editioll, rcv h:led nud C\ 'I·!·ectcd . / pilI' u l/au u ltl!I'Il~(!d wino. The "Wu~ld llll l" " 7 10 .. Ii :.0 .. M .. NHUOU I ...................-a-;...."'•. PD uoarns COUllletc iu 0110 hu'ge rllllJdeci lU ll l l'ol't Ol'll)le Wi ne' of MI'. S pOOl' is "HicblUOIlil I :111 1" '" " :;0 A OI .11I ~ t pu hl i.!'!ld . A DC" .'lIllion . or ' IIt II Ull dd tb i d 01' p u t III ' ulll rkot 1111til .... B"iti 8I :lU 1'111 . Dr . Culvorwell·,. Celebrated Needles for all Sewing u,ter, ff'O'Tn aU pa'rU 0/ voI um o 0 t· E Ig I'e ' pn~c 110 vtt (l Wi hllim.lr. ngl" " t'I !~ n17,\01. pili . ;11 A m I)Baay (I ll Ihu ....ull II I CUrt (w itb. contnillin g the wll\lle of tho two it i ' IUIlI' yeul'l! uld all d h ll~ boc lIl e .. Phil"!!',, r ':11 " 2 :'6 .. OUI, modi in\:') of Sr'Wn ) u 1'oluUICIL \ tAo C'vU(w World. \ chines for VOIUUl'CS tl uriginully (Ju bl itlh ed, thol'onghl , Iill e lind ID !') ll ow. It ., " uw Yo ..h :. I;. " 6 II;. . . U f ~V I nkoOt, .... 1u\'ultl ulltr\' SCmil11l1 HO ~ kl n :, f.il .\ m. 6 SU pm A ye: l :"ii Oathartio Pills, bot h vo1ume/:! beillg 1I0W comp Ioto II ll:! PI'U I'Cd itse I f a wundel'l'ul n . _____ ._ ____ . 1.....0•. 1...·(11.,.. ' , Mo .. tal uind pJi y ~ iCfll 1ft OIa MaciUncs takeD,in Excbange. It I .. 1II.lllL W" Dr c,lpl,ciL." , IllIl'niimuu l" t o :MlI r r1ugo, ct c ,. ill 0111.1, and 8~ld at the low pri co ut', ~itlt~u t to pbys.ioialls, whu ))I'cacl'ibo Pullman'. Palace Drawing.Boom II l so , Oou :" um:1t.io n E I,ilc p,," and F its iJld u cl,d by 1,,11' iudulllCUC8 0 1' "110llu81 ex't ..... ". Bend for Circuhvs, Price ~1.1,5 u. copy tor, the complete work, II t. 11'0 111 the ft~ct . tl!ut they bu~e and Sleeping Coache. gA .. ,·c. &0. • III the place ot $2.00 a copy 1ltI II1IthOl't,o round It diflicilit to obta lll From St LOlli•• OI"d .... ,,1i . ud (lolum ou. lu List, &0., and <;lopy of the IJr P ri••• In A o.,,, led on";elope. only HI s formerly. II. PUI'O Port W.ille. rl~hi8 willo i8 Washington and Baltimore, celt ' ~. WUson Refleotor, one of the Tb e cclcl, rll\.ll, I II Ulhol' . iu Ihl. admlr'uble METTA VICTORIA VICTOR, the recommeo~ed .10 1' dobilltated per· WiTHOUT "HANGE En. best Pertodicals of the day, y. e l",u·'" 1I."' Ollll"lloM . from .. t hirty 80lls nod Novel'lst, says'' 1. ; aud IS given to consumptives Thro ugh 'I..Ie' cIS Il n.1 ':oJ . IJ·"'·~ft ""........ .. lu r~ltcr IDforln aLin n ,I""lIrrr ' ouc ,,· .. 1',,1 pl'llclice . thAt Ih~ ala rmiug dtIVoteci to Sewing )(a,. "'Tbe Hou!lehold of Do , IIvel'ie' to use .wlth fresh ~a,v eggs, . and !lS call he o ft tAinllll nt ,,11 .~tind\l.1 Tioke' om ,·oul.'Ilu,·ntc._ IIf l ul f . II IIII.O aill " be I'adlcalh ob.IDee. FashiOns, General c"red withonl Ih ~ da ullerolll uie or In.. r ....1 is a noble novel' it is like" river a medIUm for takmg cod lIvor O Il. e~8 Ib rougltolll ' h" \I 0 ,· 1, oUl h wes I lind medidne ur tbe apll\ical1oa of tlJe knIfe ' News and JI1Scella.D,.. ruBhing along ill' a full and solemn Tbe difficulty of gettin~ an .import. ~:~l'~; .~HRW, L.I!L «:01.11. pointing 0111 a m e an . of e u.... a''OIIO(' , Impl.; tide, beneatb a 8tol'my sky , tllro h ~ or cvcu a pure Cahfol'D1a Port Wo,t. ~a •• . Ag '01. Oen . TIcket A§:', eel'",l n ond .·noc\ulI l. by mo.l... or .. bleb eO' t ry l uffer,· r. 110 m.tter .. h Ii hie coltdltlnn which break gleams of light f1'OIn. l lti woll IInderstooq to bo 80 great ClnolD~:l; :~, R. H A~plli mo.... d. ma , he . III ,I S ""'"0 hl rusc lf oItita ply. pri".le. Ij ood r .. dIOlllly. 1~ above. You tllrow yourself upon ~8 to pl:eclud~ Ductors fl'Om all~w. M""I,,,· of Tran.pc;rtallon,' .... Tltis 1.wLul'$ ,sl,ould 11 In th. b."d. , its current- you are borne along , III~ th e ir patients to rn~ tho ri sk 471 . ly , Ualtlmore, Md. of eve ry ." O " L~ And o"ery ""II In Ihe .la nd , with it-the storm uud flashillg of 1ts. use. Mr. Speer belllg awal'e - - - - - .-.,- - - -- -Sl' Bt HUllul" 50101 1, III" pla in \! o\'oloJw , to IIny .. lIoI n· ••. 110_1 ·!,lIid . UII nlCloipt 01 . Ix CLo . light iuvolve you, to? , sympatbetic /of .tlll~fact hl18 t~kcn the. lltm.ost 0" t,,,. I) ,~ t 81'1 01111. Addro,. 110 pu bliah cr •• rl:lltder. until the tlmo comes to cal c IU th~ making .of hl8 wille CIIAS.;J. C KLINE'" CO .. close the book; draw bl'eath, aris6, fl'om the 1'lpe~t nnd fiDCS~ grapes, T be undorslgned hega to inform 'IIt B .......'. N., ... W....I P'O . . . . "~l!f. CLEVELAND. OHIO. walk about speak to your fri end 80. US to supplaut the lrupol,·ted th e pulJl io geO!' ruliy, that ho h.. , , , , wille b d ' . opened" lIell' Mc", Market in Lbo AMERICAN WASH ---.-- - - - ,------ BLUE, lind slowly convince yonrsolf tllut .' ", Y . p r~ . llC,tIl g . a ~nulne old . Iaud o r I. eak 1)0 ""0 • • wbe re be .. iii For Laundry and Hou.eholcl the , it is but It drellm-thnt whi ch you . 111 tl cl ~. Hl ~ \\ lII e .. lli e klllm n by keep coustaotl y .. II h .... d ~e MA ~l " ~ ' T Ulum A'" T U ';; felt drawing about you liko a reali. dl~ml Bts to ,be vu.r~ and tho most , r h· u u u) s· ',U:l·:·.·•.. ,.; ~ ' ~ ." i~ , I Ira TIt I(;ri ne ty: you 'n~vcJr have known 'Tbe r~llablo for . med10lUtli purposes. '1: n E V E R Y n E S T .Am riCIlII NE\v~RK, N. ,, ,. .I1ousehold of Bou'te1'ie' -you did lbe Drllggl~ts , th1'OUgbout the (;IN V I~ N ATr, OHIO. not 8utler with it-no shadow lies country sell 1t" as bottled by .Mr. Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork, OUI' '\VIIsb BI ll e I. Lito I .~.t ill lb ... orld. $ :! 00 PER D.A. Y. ' I~ do '! , uul ."'<'Il k . coulnin8 Hlo Lb ing bU"d. up·on you', I't 1'8 but".. 8pell wrough,t Speer.-(Jhronwle. OU8 10 b Iilb 'Jr hlllric. " lid i8 u.ed ltv Ill! bv the singular power and con· OLIV"'B OPTIO'8 M'o'zl~" -The Ihe ooU"Iry ufto rda; and ~I will be ke pi. Ibo hlr~o lall udd ... on. ' OOUII 't 0 1' 1111 pl clI~' f f b b' . . . . . ... ...IIl~ effect ond cl..... pne... Su per ior ror Bistency 0 t e aut or. August number of thi8 veteran of whl lAlwa"bill;{. Pul Ull in pac ...g e. oonvoll i. --I C LEA NAN D N I 0 E . eDI for IRmily u.... Price 10 C III. ea.b . The August number of the liN ur· t Ie ju~enile n;t0hthlill!' ie bright, For .. Ie hy!'rooe,. v.ry ...... ro. Alwa) 1 Dory" '18 ont as charming and~ mi.)' a,ttra~tive a~d !D8ttae.tlve 88" e.ver. A110.. uk fO,r Ihe Avnw.... W . . .. BL ua. if yo u ..., .,- 'I he d fat bI -.I to 01 • wut Ih he .. ".'.~ II UII ...., &, 118 ever. All childreu waut it at .1':, e 19ae 00I\I1 r, 1ver FINE SUGAR.CURED BAliS A_...... .....ht. Parente ou~ht to 8ubscribe ~tle, 0.pen8 the feast of .~ Olllce.711 Willi.m :o\11'\..,·t. N... Yo.·k. I", . . •• , tlunga With fonr ehaptefS of his ' font for thc1r chl1 fen. Price 81, attl'llCtive story "Going West. or wbole or by Ihealice. 1~ln mo acall. 60 a . John ~ ShOfS'~ ~6 the Pe1·i1s of II. Poor ' Boy,~ i~ JEHU MULLIN. SQ9~t0t1Qblt Itllrbtr Bro.mfield treet, ton. 109 e which he te1l8 "whose fingers were March 17. TIll ~ 1Il1l.UD'lllJi,(oII ~'I'1Il copy 16 cents. bornNho dOiflf8 on l>Oard the - , - - - - - -- - - - - Q) ~._ "T., . . . . . . . . .AlrNlaJy'••• La Creme de 1& Creme for Au' Groot est, a~ a night in tbe ----.0(. I ~ \( l 1.'1' l H \ L llll i1'-<' " Ltill\f. n"Ir-l)I'O@Il; nl!'. Sbllnlp"oilill \ gU8t, is full of choice music for hold"; illustrated. .This i~ ~ocld. and ~11"";II)!, (l one in t h "'1le of the I' 1\1111,1:\11 -: ''1'''':' TOWlO~hl advanced. performers. All , g ood edl.Y the ~t of, tl1l8 yolumlUou8 . l Art! 275 pcrlimnors should laave it. PI'lce Wrlter8 .works .. , Tber~ 18 a h?8t of M a ycur. tJ. L. l'owrs, 84'.$ Broad· ' oUler hl'Ood tlulIgo. , . Tbere !8 .n . AT IUSS RiCHIE wily N e w Y(lrk. r llctter lIIonthly mugazlIle published. , Pl••• Tuc.er, •• _ -!'f erms, 13. 0 llOr year; 26 centi £',.t .Id" ur )la iD 81,..1. MillS LolluZoIl urrived horo froIU per number. La & Sa&PDD,~ JL CO.'l AWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . I hicagv yceterdllY. Publiahers, &eton. V.. .. 'ii'a~ 00 ~'i.
l( NT
Baltimore & Ohio
Shottlo 8owin! laehino !
i Cherry ~ectoral,
"In .
H h
f .
EBi FOOTE M0 121
t; .
An Independent Phys·lcllan,
t I
Agents Wanted
Wilson Selinl' lacme ca.
11.--........... MA HLO N RI UG E,
'.A.N 0&6__ -
be., -a 'EBRlGHT, i ·'.rte ... I
-Jai'ln, l-lIwl'"Ij 1" All Iiaell.n Girl's lAllC.
t.Oflt'l! from tbe Jill" 111 coulltry are I!O
lIumero us
1I"l1\l re~,""k8ble 118
In tho yenr of 1 <ill i\[r HnrnlQn rather to The followlIlg Janie!!, a Cltl7,en of 1'\ cIV Orlell1l8 ellught lIa II touoh of Imture ID It wlllch rccom tllo gold fOler Ilnd emb Irkcil on a sf,,!, mcnds Il, whether true or. flll~ A yo \f fllr tllC P ICIHe cOl\s t 1t bn<ln II ifolLlIII and II. IUllf a!;o all Ogallnla squaw, tho tl\O tluhlrcll for whom be h "I mal!. alii • ~I"olldld looklllg ' ,\lllugbte r 9f a oillef .plo prUVI 101l~ ttll h couhl be hcmd from M ID love With a yount; mClhclllo milU In hI" now borne '.I;ho I eill\Cl ho sllIlcd 011 nmoDg the A mpabOOll. Her 1ilther bad was IlCler henrd frolll Ilfter ICllvlIlg port determI ned to glyoiler to the chief of a and nfter ) cars of Waiting II 8 1illlnly baull Ofl:1I01l1l As they jOllrue1 ed north gave lum lip for l0;8t HI~ II Ire dechned wllrd to meet the favored Jover, aho fe11 !lCveral eh~iblc offers 011 marrlag e and re !lIck ani wllRted aw~y day bv day IIntll mlllllc(1 true to bbr h u~bllod rho 1111 sho appeare d to be dYing The re t ~r firen are grown lind they arc II.tiU hVIn§ the &Lot)' Clln be best i!!ven m the wOld~ 10 New Orlllllns A part of lIr Joncs of tho (sOrrOl!pOndent who tells It "One history 18 told 111 tbe follollln g pamgrnp h evcllIDg whHe ill thl8 condldtl on be told from a letter tec(lIved recently by ?tir the old 1!qUtl~, her mother io plRce some oroeliue Young from Ii I tor III New food bv Iier wherever they wouhl plll\.'(l OrleauH Tho writer says hor ~boll dlllld (Tho Tndil1l18 bere dp The 1lI000t remark Iblll pleco Qf news" (lot bury their delld but lIy the IxxlleM have' h~lIrd for a long tlmo IS that Mr0 011 l111l!eti 8O&1\01ds jeavlOg R supply of Harmon J on('ll 18 aU vo on IIIl I IlIlId III food l \mDluult lOO anti a pouy by 1.110 the Pa('lIfie ocean An aeq ulllDtanC(I of BcaOuld fOf the decellllCll to enter the Mrs Jones III\W an account in an English bapJlY hUlltlllg grou nds WIth) It I!O papcr of the dl covoryo f nil unknown happene d that the snme Dlght oftor tbo 1 ~ II\11d by an Eoglll"h VCIIilOI erul in IIIlerVlew wlLb the motber relative to the PaCific ocean It mentIOnedIDgthe grub tho girl died Of course the body llamas of peTl!()ns found upon the I land WILl! <liaposed of 11\ due Indlne ~U!lllon a nmon!l[ the number waft Harmon Jone bolt nnd scllffold "el 0 rrapored jar Its from New Orlellns . The number of ,onrs re option and 'Hell 01 due ceremQn y he hill! been on the I llind correspondll e :t nod mournlllg tbo youn~ squaw was con netly With the ullmber of years he hIlS vcycd to Iter IlISt restlllg \!lllce That bee n loat Ther refused lo I~u vo the cvoulDg th e Cllm p was a !!Ceno of bulltle Innd lIS they saul the lteH IJlndlllg th eI!\m 111 tlllnng do" 11 the lentil or wlgwnms, for to their homCll " ere probably en It I tho custom when nn Indillu dies for nnd they did not like to len' e onbrok uncer tile balance of the tf! b1e to move away talDty HI8 family ha\c lOeen the Brit q IlIcldy to another locality EverythllJK con8ul and stops nre helllg taken for \I 1\8 mude rlllldy to be moved by dayligh t Ius recovery - saiwi (Ala.) Timt! next morning and all well s tarted when tho old chlCrth ought h e would bave a The IanI!' of the StGck Exoh."g e. pnrttng ory besIde tile scaffold whorcoll A corre8po ndont of :Vatu find qllerlu hiS dead dllughte r IllY For UnA purpose the cbl2 f lind hiS HqUIIW we nt to the t.(lP reporl.!lllS (01/0\\ 8 th e I't'sult of 8n Invcsof the 11111 II hero they had planted the LigatIOn IIlto Lho antIqUIty of the slang t erm s • Bull ' Jlaa.r and • Duck," IVIiiiiii' III com mon III!e ILame n the mcnager le the S tock Exchang o 1 he carhe t mention uf the l!ecoll!l of theHO terms WI h \\ hi h J am acqUlllntcd IS III a I!I1tlre pl blt hCII by'l llowlcR, of tliX
clHlIwd orell\lht y
TIIEGnE AT MED! AI REFOR.\ lArI ); 'iatll niO T/~or!l thnt preparll llon
whIch mfiut1e the bmlll nre ID Illly sense o( tb e word rC/1l<Ylla has heen au /1/11'011 11 nnd ClIllneur be. rN'31abl #«l 'lha \\ 011 derlul effects wlncb hll\o IItwlld ed the U80 of OR WALK~ II A I £OAR BJ1TER 8 S an antIdote to the causes of di sease Bnd 1\ cure (or cury cOlltrolllble II I ment have demonstrn(ed th o utter fill !tle r 01 tb doctrl ne Lhllt nlcohol 18 I
well ~,
«l mllrl"" lt
The ne
IIld lllcompa rubio Velietll\)lo Rem ed) whICh hns MupeJ'!!ede d the dCllth drnllgh lll of rum bitLeI'll 18 III! frce from ovory in toxlcatin g clem ent n.~ ih e dew of Hea ven ye t IICO how it 18 IIlvlgorntlDg tho ncl' vous rehe vlng tbe bilious curlllg th e dyspept ic purifylO g th blooll of th scrofulo us Lrength OIng the deb lttated arrestin g prematu re decay, and rc plne lUg desponde~ cy nnd wenknea~ "Ilh cheerfulne.'lS aud activIt)' Tmlya grand
Medloal Revolution 18 In progrelll\
J5 BO s ton ]\["", .. 7'1. ..... St .... ",.. If INIt' ....IItmt.
Sold by MuSIC Dealers Everywhere.
of are
St Pauls Church) Ird London and con
Ice Pitchers , Teasets and Casters ,
'~I th the uth Sc.n B\lbblc the Bllbble r s I1rodJcy It 18 No 1610 111 the Clltnlo lle of atmcnl Prll1t8 111 t.he BritIsh 'M useum A prmt III tho 8Ilma collectIOn d Ited li34 en titled' The "'tocks e tc No 20Hi com pn8C8 1\ ' CfI!C \\ hlcl1 80 neAtly mcludes two of the term and RUggC8ts the third thllt J may be forg1Vel) for Ql1 0tlllg It ~tyled
D'l.1 1:l.x n.e c*! 00. , ..... 1'...
nu t II n.1I aDd llear dun 11011,
~n~ t~u~d~JVI'011~1~~~~:~1.lr
Cu ..... ijlO<k .JohblDg and jll oJr ta,o . Ir Doodle dOOll . doo . t
l'EBIlONA L.- E 0 Rblness, Forsyth On Sf ant IV Liver Rtg«lo/.()r recell ed ThiS medl clnc 1 had J1revlou ~ly used In my for
In the prlllt No 20 J 6 the ' lame duck~ are waddhn g" a" ny from tbo took Exchang e
- -hM----been bmlt at Homers-
field England on IL lIew plnn-a system In which all tho trOD IVork 18 complet ely 1m bedded III cemont concrete The Imdge blUl all nrcb ()( Il Illear span of fi rty foot \\ I th 1\ me of fi ve fec I. three
I11Chllll rhe I!kcleton or the bmlJ,'O 18 or lroll IInll tblH 18 cntlrely /lUcri III Yillh cement COIlClrcto IUld relld red With ceml'ut; lhuK fornllng ono oont.lI1uous \Jearn gettill!; stronger WIth ~ 111 addi t101l to the l/'tIli keleten which Ie of I tself suffiCient to do the ordinary ataticnl work of tile brlrlge. The weight of tho
concrete Itlon IIi over /lne bnnflrccl tOilS Th lim te!ll IPI'.IICI\ IVlU! t hat of u Ove Loll ro:ul rollc~ ,Irawn bv four bofS(l tI"o WIlK I L~~ I nero,," llOl'cral times anll nUllhe Il'lUIt ddl~ctlon Will! percepti ble
Ane",a'rti, a hea'y wagon weighing
With Ita load \lOme !lilt laD oyer, with the _me rel!Ult.
Will pu!I!d
... ,.,,.......... ...rl .......
111 aod I w\lhlllzly beRr testimony to lie b<:ocfielRJ eft'ecUl "
cODII:antly seeking and ----:--:-:--,AI L housekeepers should reael the R"var find1l g deatb at the North Pole, wily do not IKlmc of our 8ClenMslA turn theu SLOPS bsement or Duhroc !: Co I" anotber column to Iceland that voh)ILnic cfater of tlie plll,l Iet? The earthquakes nnd volcanoe s winch have opened sInce 1M\; year have de80lntell 1\ Ith thoir lava O~ twenty ono lbollsand !!quar" lIul_m ore thou hM r of lho )Klallti nle Mhe 1I11v fallen England , Scotland , Norwny wedoll, lOll eVQIl in '1'\ortlle rn Denma rk' ~L i!eIlD1 ~ l1li If tbnt wOIlld be a favor-llble l!)lOt to study the loternal economy of tbe earth to lll!OOr~al D how thIck the sholl 1M how ft lIent tbe molten matter II!, whether the mterlOr £\tlllA are at all perl rnltcnl alld I!OlIIetlllnl! ohb lawlI govorn IlIg all the plnnets or: urllJatem Where UfO all tbe entcrpris lD pologl" ia 1 I HAVR got 110 IRa to do ~da1 that I canDot (1OII8Ibl1 p& llIuoap with leal iliaD three ho~ 01 JftJU. -lMIMr TEAD of
and WalllUIy
etnn .. U
~ ...
!OEm WANTED 11 EVERY fOn 8u I I "81
Ill . U 11. 1 S lat .. o n III
t I, 0 ,, 8)'11 111 n or 11 0 1'1 $ n",D ent.
MI OR TOI'I( Tllp. ru.h IIIllf elUln 6i!h 011 Fn<l", IIml] ilL I deriv ed fronl th old J 11 /III 'WlIOIl Olltt 1\ h w re ere<! to ph roo';t(' tile oaulborn goJd , . 11111 to tl! l..oll1l1n \ ellu~ H~ n~ Lh ~ t u tOIlI gN'W of tot lug 6,;h 011 Fndny U. dllv ofl ngn /loti ID 8Jlnng, till! llel U acrt'tito til .. g04IJ or 10lt I
1 HF Hull 11 (N \ ) R t'f]ller bnK III tervlewe.1 Mrs Kclle) bouse of KllId, r kook, Il lally wbo II Ill! lx>ru Ju/\ II 17MI /llld who 18 nO\\ oue hUllllrcd 8ml I y n! old Rhe l~ unubl to IOUI nbom, but MIJeflt much of ber tim e In !!I'll Ing until wit bID lb IIIIIL year !'Ihe II[ Ueen the WI~ of three husllllld ~ IIl1d th motber of t.>n Chlldrl'lI Uer n10thu dlllQ Ilt th ag of on hundred four he 8tl ll bas black b,ur and Ill'r hearing 18 good
A "ISiI I I OINTRD Frellch 10 \ I'r WIIS r cently tined on huudrtd fr11ll~ 8 for 111. OOrrUl'tlug the mllrrlllge Cefl'lll OI y (If the garl wbu wont hllck 00 h im ' IU th e novel I11l1llnH of Btrc\lIl1g tb e !loo r oftht hurch WIt! fulmllllltlng pelle ts \1111 II exploded \\ It II I'acll mOH llIenl of th bndal parly Bnd the IJ('C ltlt unl, wllh t;O mu b 1101 at I'Ollle I lomen~ Il~ 10 um pel a 8U pellSIUII of the rVI e
NOTWITIIBTANllIN thl' recl'uL fiulllr(,s In EUI;IIlml It I~ IIllId thllt lh ~re In 110 plllIIC and th feehng excited b) ~lIe failures has qUll'ted tbf)DI Itscem~ thnt the fallures dill not prOlluce Ruyappre cl/lhl 6fft t upon t h mOlll'y mnrketr. 111 proof of thl o, It I asserted that ne , cr durlllg Its XI tenee of one hunrl red nn rl eighty y~af1l hUll the n'lllk of Englnlld held 110 mil ch _peCIC nl! It hold. 10 dllY Tbe rllo o r d'8CounL 18 thr~ p r cent and bll18 flllr to fall to lwo lItlfur mau y w~eb
49 Harmon Jont!l' \11th fiftcen nr tw nly lilzens of New Orlenn. 8turt~d for uhfofllln III 8I'.IIrch 01 gold 1 he v I the) Mil di ll hflll lle \(>f bee 11 h ~n rd fnlDl Recoil Uy however M r~ J on~8 • nMelltlon was called to 1\11 ntJ(!Ouut III nn Enghsh paper IIf t h discover) of til Uri known 1 ~land 111 III Paclllc In lho IIKI of peri!On found lbE're 'WIll! the uom r-{ll Hllrmon Jones, from New rlea n The men refu d to I~ove tbe lslllnd, 8IIy lllg that tbe old fllmlly ties "ere Ilrobably brok 0, aDd the> dId not propo tu /Ul' Illsh a full bou~ load of Dew E lloch Ardens JUF. ultanof ZlIlIzlbor l\lIO bn.s bel:'u \l"tlllg III England seems to be a llIun of liberal \l1t~llI! Tbe Archhl ~hop of nn l erbury IIllld to hn11 1 Lnlsllhllt ) onr 1I'ghll.'8 \1111 not ohJcc t 10 Ellghsh 1111 Kllll1arle~ bavlng Ireo ncce~8 to your do WIIlIOIIS 'Cortamly II l)t replied Ihe ultan J" ollld place flO obstucle III the wily of brlllglUg Engll~hmen t.o a kDowledge of the trulh Let thcm come and my '" lse men ~hnll be directed to III /liruct tbem Thl" kJnd of reply h/IM gl~('n the A rchblshop a w;rcnt dt'1I1 of ('11 courllgl'meot
New York Herald II Ith Cbortle 'OflMlio cnergy, blU! be('u coll('otlOg the oplDiOn of the grollt lawyers lIud clergy men of se vcr II of tbe hugest tillE'S nf th limon 10 rcgllrd to th g UIlt 01 lIlr Beecher It find s thnt out of one hundred lind 8C\ Cnteell 11I\\}cl'I!, 81Xty nllle behe\ hUll gUilty of IIdullery, thirty two not gUIlty eight IIrc III doubt, and eight behele ho \las gUIlty of II1dl l!cr tlOn Uf fifty four clergYlllen SCHn t.bll1k be \lOS guilty tllenty SIX not ,IlIlly ten aro 10 douht, I\lId eleven llAy be wae Indiscreet TillS shows tbe dJlferoooo betwcen the lawyer I\nd m 1\1 IBWr on tbl" qucati01\ The two parties are probllblf i!O Wide apart from lhe fnct that on llCCrotly wl!.b~ blm gUIlty, I\nd the other earne8tly ticlnre811lm IUll0cent The lAtter ha\e every encouragement III we filct wat he hM not \wen proven TUE
IHP. Scit1llijic .Aml'lloon IlIlVIIIg lieDOunced the Keely Motor 08 a h UOl bug, Chas n Colher, the attorney of the com pany, aoawen! that paper WIth a long I ner llJ which he Y1ndlcate the 1111 CD tion and the JD ven tor Be gIVes tho bis tory of tbe concern the hie of the In ventor and Cl0t!C8 wi th letter8 froOl i!Omo of the moat noted engllJeel'll of the dRy Theile, afLer sclling the exhibition given by llr Keely, do m08t poilltlvely afOllert thaL he haa dlsco"ered a II poWer In air and waler wbich by purely mec.haDlcal manfpulattoD will evolve a cold vapor and that by peouUar gradation! of bl~ machine he II capable of prodUcing a pretlllure of teo thoUl&Dd to 1\ fleeD thoul!and poundl per lIquare IDCh 10 a receiver of greater 1'olume than the total of tbat .,...-.. Cl!)alained In hll ••merator, with great rapidity and oerlaiDt,." £VDTY Flva thooaod &oal of .nil
lien were manul"uturecl lD BalCiaoftl lui flU 01 .... ".. IIID' So.da
_iii ... OIl die . . . crop.
Too Mil It
baying Wator.
A ceritllll 11111118ter havmg become much add,ct d t.o drlllk, bl8 preSbytery hlld to llIt.erfere (IUd f$tlt the nUlllster to Theil l OU II/Id helt r ~lI,ynt home 811
d Mr. J1 ol'gond I ohgbl\1g vlgorOllril)
II \\ II V III I he ~LC \II 01 her .11 ver cn rd r(' cOlver I tllIll k 1 tlee 1Il} ~ lf wllh nil the young folks III \,u \\ n dlln cllIg 011 my nru -c is caII,.,t, lind ca ke crumbs ami m.lled ~ rcll m dllub d 1I1~r c\Crylhlng Eltno mnd\). 110 III ~ " cr Iilll hCHOlln tenllllee fell I wIsb mil 111\1\ I kc Illy 011 else he t'lIId to herself the WU'll ob curlll&, her CVCl! I "liIll Khe \lII K like KiltI' l'lckett s mOl he r wh o letH her hn10 C01l1pI111Y every 'IhursdllY cvcll1ug J ohn llton IIOllt HII\ C to mnrry hlll1 JI I II IIS marri ed I could hll\ c 11 hou !<C of mY"1V1l [uul do M I plenOltl I Mother ' "11111 111 r HOII 0011 n" Cc k o r 1,110 oft.er\\nfll II th n trOllble.1 jj,cc IS It tr lle thlliour .EIHIC I~ Ollt II nlklllg With John EIWn e l .nlllg ,fle r el e lIIlIg 1 He 1811 lIor t hl ~!SI! li~Klpnted fd low Uld no fit RtISOClilto for IIny girl Mercy UpOIl li S I r dUll t kilO" Hilld !If ~ Hopgood , II Ilb 1\ pe rtu rOOu fuut> I 8uI J>ollCd thlt .he 1111. ",lh Kil le P,Ckett or Clam MOlllf"rL I 111 n grc It d('al loo busy With plckllll~ IIml h01l1!C kc plllg to rUIl nLII glCldy !!'lrI . hl' I. tbe wholi tlllIe Bull III gO ll g to comllll'IIC leRlllII!!; to-morrow aUfI th ~ 1I I II IIlIr mnt III gne her ellough to do, to k e p ber out of ml scillef 1\:[oOlor 8II1(11slUlc rr .. pgood gmlt)Iy sometlm cs I thlllk lhnt 11 1\ e Illude bome 11 little more IItlrucLII 0 \,u ollr chlldren-" o 1I01lSC1] I petulllllLiy lIl lerrllpled 1118 Wlfo "J ellpJ101!C you d hk e II ~ to have tablta!lr., like IIlrl!. Monti Jrt or' magic IllnLern like tho lilLIe Ml ckfords Our IHldren ha\ oll t be II brought up that "")' And Mr J:IGpgood 8111<1 no more Mrs H 0ggood wu. t{) \Ise h e r 0\11\ n pre88J01l • III the thick of Ihe hou clt'lIll1n~ the lIextdllY wlt.h the carlX'lJJ roll d 1Iito b\!Ilp!!, the 1100rs spotte r d With M08pi!Uds IIl1d hcr hend tied up With II pocket. hl\lldk erclllcf, II ben tb d r 8uddE'lIly opcn~d Talce CMe of my pall of sollp~ud s and &OdD I" cfled /!he, Imlly • l it 8 you 18 It, Ally f ' 'Yell mother, 1t.1\ me U &aId Alex ander( her eldeIlt Mn wbo hlld JUI!t gon into Dusioed8 I\Ij Junior partner to b18 fllther 1'1 eay-do hmve off wllllhlllg II minute, andatteDd to me I Ryt'l'IlOn 8 In town-my aid chum you know-onl,. ror ODe day, and I've II ked him to dio Der" I To dIDDer'" alm08L 8Creamed MI'II. Hopgood, drofPIII! her brullb 111 con Itel'lUltlon ' AlesaOller Hopaooci, are you oralY' Ofc:oune I can't 'han him to dlDDer JIJI1, look a' the coDdltioD the boUle liD." "0. lie wou', mlJld that, moth r BJIII08
II a
pod fellow.
:flsblng at Jloo8eh«md Lake.
she anslI ered Jill rgo SChO(lJ8. Th e commo n notloll thllt III clllidren shouhl be lllul!:ht nilkll 18 1'1II1l1entJv un rrn.sllllllble, on nccounl of lhe dltJe rence IU theIr prOKpect..! lind cllpncltles NI" I lurge HI uollRn Is to make cllll ,IrOIl n hk e beCllU>I(1 It 1II0ids th em nil to one fI , .. I r, rm but It l~ the InterCKt of tho cOl11mulllty thnt eneh dultl s l!lot'cm l gIft or gnH e should be Ked lllou. l,Y Cllh, vllled nOL ubillerutw 'Vo Am en ("lIns nre so used to "tlgillng mllltltudE' ~ IIntl Uelllg ruled by mUlonlles that \\1' IIrc \1 pt to undertllke the potentml III lIuence of IndlvldulIll!. Yet. \\e know that Aglli<8IZ 8 II ord llilout a f,188l1 6sb JU8tly outweighed the 0pllllon of Ihe whol e ""milo flee tlllHldes thaL Vo n ~Ioltk I_ 1I (.rth grollt ar1l111)S to On mllllV thut a frw pages of poctry about l!lo l ory \lid frecdolll by LOllgfelh \1 LOIIC'II , lind Wh lttmr ba~ e hnd tbe profoull le.t elf. ct u1'oo Lhe pni;ilc fortun es of till" country during th pWlt lhlfty V('lIrd Ihnt lh e rellgloll s of tbe world hu\ o Dot boon the comblfled work of multitudes bul h nl e been ac"ept.ed from ludn Id lIals We 1I1U t not be led b~ our fW('rtlgl.'S fllld our IllIlJ rltle to for get that ollr life IIllly 00 nlore precIous thao other millions t~at 00 heroiC character OIlO 8pleDdid gell1u8 may well be worlh mor to hUDlllnity tban multi tudllil of common \Dell
1'01 ITEN _ -1'0\1 bed mannerl have often mllde l!CQundrel. Kucce8llrul while tb beIIt of m njy th"'r hardne. and coolll ,have \Jon theDleelv~ IDaleu lable llIJury-the lIhe1l betng 110 rough tbat the wodd could not believe there Wail a prt'CIOU8 kernel wlthlo it.. Had Raleigh nevu ilung down hll cloak la the mud lor proud Ellubeth to walk 00, hi CAl'Mr ID 11,. would have III:IU'tlely been worth I'e\IOrdllllJ. .... 0' men ha e been ~ lD U. b, pleulDa IUDDltI alone.
rh o fishI ng Itself III hardly what It lI!ICd to be when the loke was 0\ erfull of p okle<1 trout It now req ulres more sktll 1 h trout do not flSC I!O fClldlly to the lIy 1111 I yet the sport 18 not let18Cned they lire 8tlll \bundllnt-If you cuu eatch them 'Ihey spawn 10 the brwks wlll c b flJ('d tbe luke pencer t.realll 18 11 fa mous spall Dlllg b d h 18 fill ed wltb little Olouuds or heop!! of gra~ el 8WIle8 lTIllIle by the trO\l ~ whi ch (:arry tho pcbbll'S III thclr moutb , and plnc thenl In rC!lulllr order o~er thClrSpa\\1l l\lth tbClr lalls. '1 he survival of the fiLtest IS the IIIIV of the realDl (If fisbes 11i11'IeIJ l1.li 10 the contORt of flees. The mal e trout pro tecta the fe1l10le while 8p1lwnlllg from the roncbes IIIHI red fins which _k to de 8troy the SpIlWO, olld the'lO mouod8 IIr tbo clldllc8 of defeolMl which the trollt erect for thl8 pur~ Even with tbi~ protection It I. e8tlmated that I~ore tlllLlJ one trout III ODe thou88nd4.rriVe8at mnturlty The little IItreams are IIhv e IIlth the tilly trout dartmg to nud Cro 111 school s 10 the shlmmermg hgbt I ho fi~h hn\ \! tben bauoll! With which 1111 the good gUIdes arc familiar They oft.en 'ollow the log boom!! 10 th sprlll!! and 111\1 c t heir hole8 III the meadow sLrCllms rh fly 18 ulled at alll!CllI!6ns though &>pttmber 18 the best month Ot>ep water A~llll1g 18 be8t m JIIDe, ruly and early In AUfj:u t Bllit tllllllng Is best lrom .April to JUlie White II b and lake Hout IIrc Clluj;bt III Inrge qUllntltle8 throu/lh the Ice 11l thc wlOLer Buoy fi8hmg 18 com mon all through the summer Famous sto ries are told or the lakel'll or tllgll The IlIrgtlllt specimen yet taken welgllcd twenty sevon poundl!. The Illkerd lIre the monste ro) of the deep, and pre fer to live on their OWII racc-CIlnDlbnlH III filet, Th e olld cnllDlbal~ III appeBrance Kpe kl,,11 trout are ~he beilt \,u ent ami lite mo t gamy to CAtch -Harp",., 1I1ag8
011 th left hUI k of the ( ,Ull illl!\" I vcr lit tho tIO\1th west ('nIl flf S~I Ille ~ o><c to the (1IIhedml, th IICfllJll IIl1d the tobn.cco 10 Illull\c t.;,r) th rc rt tle" n g rand pllluce II It It cltlenSI\O gllrdellK frontlll ),! the rl\ er f( r II consldemblo I~ ngth 1111.1 only lK'llIrntc<l from It b) the 1II11gllih cent al/'l8 or Almll'fla~ al'~lIg 1\ 11Ich \11 the cool of th o e'o lling, the carflnge romp Illy 01 tlte ,I ure-lovlIIg City AllY enJoy lhelr fll811101lllble d rll e hOllle mor(1 stlltely o r better R t uated or II mor perrcct. Ed oll of seOlI !.roplenl Iuxurtance .Europea n royalty cu n no"hHe b" ust I It palaoo IV(l~ orlgllllllly tlte ch ose n re~"I ~ncl' of F. malldu, Lhnt lIOn of bfl~toph r Columhu8 who Will! ehargcd b) III" dying totber II Ilh IOY1llg be8 dulll111 1IJ III~ grin e Ihe fetWrs \\ II leh 'panlHb grutltudc had req lIlled thegreoL ndmlral lor th o 111ft 01 II. Dew world rh l!4Jml ltalum I eman da cnlled LI c lint Elmo II name" bl eb thll Illocc paluard8 m od illed mto an Iellllll mllklllg th SlIIu t a 118nl h 811111L, haillug him o~ the hnrblu,;er of SIlfety, "l?peHrlllg to th e mflrlllers III tho ij bllpe 01 II hlml nl tI,wle ilt the top of the mll L of th Lem P;;rllr t.o8jIed VIlS:!Illll when \be 8Wrlll hOH pent II<! fllrv thot tlllmll which IIICdll1l\l11 11I11101'1! III th" Uedl t r rllnnClU1 Itlled II fuoco &Ilt 1: Inlo IlUd lhelr cln IClI l,uI CHWr Om tor and l'ollux Fernalldo Calm bc(l'lcllthed 11\8 houl!C Ilud g roll n<ls to tho late fur the UIleS of II uautlcul coli. ge, Dud wlLh thllL VIOW It IV lit nllf!;eclto Its pre lit (lalutilll dIJ1ll'n ~IO II S by lhe 11Il!!. of th ~tnt panl h Ha)ll!burg Obarl1l8 U toward A JlAIR-JlAIIU'NO C&8e ofi!Omn&mbululin the latter end of. Lhe !leI enteenth COil tury-that age wllIch co obi ned grl n Qt'Ourred aL Spnng Lake, lltchlgan, 011 deur of coneep11011 ,nh th 11llll OHI a recellt nlgbt the Victim oolDg _Joung perVel'l!IOD of e"trllv~ _ta8te 11l CJtc lIlAIl Ilarn~od Jlobbm 11011 of Davl PII~ t.1lI01I R-q, who aC- about. mJdOlght cutlon .,,'" ~ll!COvered by a neighbor ehmIJlng H&vnw frc<~urntly al1l>ellied to 111 lh .. IIl1;lttmng rod on hi" father'. hOIli!e lather to buy IJim a J,"ek klllr", lind re lie cllmbed to tbe top roo., eJtplQf\'Cl the cclvlng for a Ilnalan ~l"er, IC y(\U pcuk .. bule ot tbe tol) of the budding, Which, &0 me again on th at SllijCict I'll ~ Illdc bomg Gotblc Ktyle, waa very unev 111 you J) b weat I nd(bi.way to In" "nd returned Iu all beJ in the \lC!CUno motht'r, "1'1101 u If tiil ht'art would wry, chmbmg through &be wlod_ break &ad aid '1 ean't b Yt'r bP wltliOUt a mbat.top. In the momlng he !MId Ike Oeorp Wubilll&oD wi h.uob nmemberecl DO&IilIlI o. dauircDIIII&UCI
• W.I'YeIDt."
sign th pl(dge Tlll8 tbe mlDI8ter did, IIlId prtll1lllled lb It he would nover agalll tnko [I drlflk undl'r any proteo!lO whate\ er The milu tor certa.ruly kept bl8 word but tbo result Wftll that the sud d 11 reaction wll8100 lIluch for him anti be LOo k i!O III tbut tbe doctor had t~ be Kent for fhe doctor knew the habl lJJ of tbe mllll II ell nllel told tbo mllli tIlr thot be 111 ust JU8t begrn und tllko his toddy lIgnlll Tllld tbe IlIl1l1sto r I!l\lU he could llot do, 118 bc hnd Luken the pledge In presence uf the prCf!hytery rh o docWr rcplled thnt htl mIght get IL bottle or two qUietly and that 110Dody but hlmsclf (the llllUlster) lind the loul!Ckeepcr would know nnytllln!!i alx>ut It MllIl !;Oy! thlllllllllster my boulM)keept'r 18 worse than 1111 tho pre8byterr, )lut t.ni th er I!O thllt would flOt do However III armnged that the dltctor 1\88 to brlllg the whl8ky lind 8ugar, an~ Lhot tho mll1l lor was to mako he todd v III the bedroom \I Ith tbe hot _ r tllllt I .., III vays got for shlwlug puipcliiel 111 tbe 1110rn lUg I ho r 8111 t was, tbe nllnlste r gotHpcedlly \\011 and one on f!0lll~ out the doctor SIlld to mlDl~ter 8 hllu&! keeper Well, l\fnrgllre~ your mllllster 18 qUIte himself af,aln There 8 tbe doot about that, sir,' she replied he 8 qUito well III body but there 8l1O methlo~ glllle fnr wrong WI' hlH upper 8torr Whnt 8 wrong thero Margaret ? Rsk d the Iloctor Weel 81r I dlllna ken but be Rilles for shavllI wllter SI X alld I!ClVllfl tllnes I the dav '
raper iIIone). mOll ey hus be n u!!/ld l1l CIlln8 lrom a very ear Iy pt'rlO d TI10 nlltlve bllllic8 ()f F uhchuufll IIrt qUIte nu meronl!, lind the bunk bille 111 usc arc notcd for theIr Ulllqu IIppelIrRJlCe, and for the difficulty With which they lire counterfeited The hankflllf6 not under I!llvefllment In~l'cctlo n or control Ally Indn Id ual who hill! the CIlpl t ,I, (If 1111 Y company of IIId,vldunl. who <1111 furlll.h the necetlilUry fundI!, lIIay e;tl\bh~h It blink Ilnd I lie bills WIthout g ihug n ullrl.e r or IIpplYll1g (or IlIIy kmd of pe r ml!!lllOIl frum th governmellt 1 he out. II no of the bill, IluIL VIlriOUS dev ICC to make coullterfcltlllg ,lIfficull \ en~mved oeatly on a sohd block of bflU'8 1\1 the r propfletord caee of w(>althy bank ol banks use hard wood IIltlt.c'lId of brl\al, Tbe flgbt haud margllJ I mado an Inch or more .nder thlLt tbe left. hlllld IDatjClII or tbe block of bl'l\$I\ or wood rho val 110 of tho bin anti tblrlfliy of I uc are lilled III with ~h peo, and 0110 or more words to facilitate the det.ecUon 01. countern.-n Various etamptl, larp or email, round o~ ll4Juare or oblo'!lrllOw. of which are verycurioulll, and eJalloratel,. Paper
there 18 ihl~ pllr(lUox III lOon rUII oft.er thnt which 18 1101' but lITO pr~JudIQct1 In fa \or of th It IlllICh I ~ eld Os 1\ tombSLOll(l In ~mscy gmve Yllrl1 th lollowlIlpvery HlIIgulllr In"cnp tlOl1 nppears ' Mnry DOl\k1l11!, Ilbo, hllllllg bee n lllppcd for the l\rOI,lSY forty SIX t ime" r<' I O III ~Ifl t, 1>t~ l\lb e r 1, 1 26 I , HE paill'ed 11 Ilday afiernoon III 88(1 regret lI~er 8n unreqlllted 101 \vlllch would Dot die, wbile lie rem 111 oed 1D hlK b ardlllg hou8H alit! cursed the l!mndreM who had 1] gleeted to Imng back hiS other shift, SJtturdllY Dlgbt, AN old bacbelor geologIst was bout.IIlg thllt. very rock WllIIaB familiar to him 18 the alpblloot A lady deolared that she knew a ro~k of "bleh be WlIIIlgnor ont 'Name It madaOl, 'SIlld he 'Rock the cradle, 81r," replied tbe lady;
l;l~b m~ .':.d"~~~~ ~~'" &IoDl,
1 .llb
u",. I.e otrool-
lbat IaborioK _0 to I dl" •• U WJ .eoJlb for It
J .... h ""'II tbo UUlD U Ibo ...-rt.te bl 11'14, And 10Ued wllh lhe .....1 droppJDI do .. n,
I ..,.b I ... rlcll •• d\.bOD 1 coUld ride, Uk. !hat uillllOjlalr. oyer lb. to'"'
I .. I.b ..Id allllnU_ln eJIng Ibe \lair, Yo I bulb \\aU Jour ....b ... Iba' ••U: But lor '"111ear Ihl•• "lbU~1 I declare, I ~I ralb.r be DOlbla. I t au
W H.A r Anllch 1lIII18 i!lud of the viae mlly aptly enough l>e I!Illd of Pl'OIIperity be bean! tbree grape&-druukenn-, pleasure, and !lOrrow and hapP11t I, If \h hlllt can cure the mll!chlef which the former work 'Vhen affilctlon8 fail to bau thclr due effect, Lbe eallB 1111 deeJIIll'aW IT IICntenclOg two murderen! to be banged, the other dny Judge Reed, of Oharleflton Sou th Oarolm8, dropped into the followlllg IIClectlOn 'l'hll ".rld I, .11 • " ..UBllhow For III • • 111 ..... 0 .h.11 II••• 11<.01 J01 11. iura of .... Docoillul ,blUe d"""lllul [\0. Tt tlfU' Dotb'u. Ir"
b", u.".,.
The VICtllllS of the law fl1lled to loo~ COD110100 DETROTT Jill"« P1'I!MI A mao at Fl>rt .treet gOlOg home at a late hour In the Olght iIIlW that the occuJ>lUlw of a hllulle Ktandll1g f1um wIlh the 8tree~ had le/l a wmdow up and he decided to Wllrn tbem IIml Jlrevent ~ burglary Puttl ng h 18 bead IIlW tho wm.tow he called out II H 110 I good JlCOI)-I" rhat Wilt! 1111 be I!lIl!I A wholo buckot of W8UOr strllck 111m 111 t.he face, And III he "tll~er d bILC~ a wOlllao hrleked Id ' 1 U b t 'd Ollt 11 t ttl you w a you get If yuu wruUl'thom by nil} () cIOOk'l" IT Is 8\Jltcd tbnt tb mbblt forms all 1111 porlJlllt attn;1 of food \II reut Drltalll nnd Ireland In ndd!l1on to 1\ vcry larlte nllm ber IIlI porllJ I frum thu Orl{ihollt,1t I t1mnt <I that 27 ()()Q 000 mbbita RnI aOlIU Lily bred fo r fOOd The lIellh I IlUItl lit an avcrllgC raw of t.wolve ClllIl~ (gold) pe r pounil, WhlOh I fully a th~rd I thAn tile price of beef IIl1d coDllldl'rably UJ.d,( that of the bOlCellt portl n of thellheep. rho value 01 the IIIIDUId IIllpply I ..d7 i'Hi, mate at 7, """ \VATER urlDkJl1g ootween mtlllllllbouid reac ordlllg to thint It III "lOi Ulb to load a wealr .tomach With cold water.OIl th6 thoor)" thll~ It i a tonic AI a h."~ It II well &0 tab [I umb! r, or put of one,ot 10ft ......,. aftA!r clniiIUs fa the ....,'n" .....
:2::::;:=;:::;:i::ih, ..,.
of theare bill.imp _III nod or Willi Iat.' !~~rj~~~~~~§~: enlraved, d on dille.... 1b_IIIId"", muob the .,.,....... ot ........ (IIInII
1 n ruu of 1 II tv TIl Dr. h_ .' n '" Ie ~ cI that uNu• . · 111 that or l!.'l . lut Dipt, &b It bu _ . ur II' baaln ·room oar banu 'I'Y IIf hi \',,111 .~~ ., . • 0, ' ~un ...\ f, 'r t1predlt~ed • ~Il d"t .1. Jr. A', ,'III • O. J. lri·;'!/At ,10 " 'IIIIU1It ppearan. or ba UK in for i. revululi nllin.. ble work ntilled ' Our T" -th 1&11e1 d O:. '0 :' :. l\~' ~ ItI."r ,!'' 7l ' rL' rll I. I .r I t tl y IIIIl t · ,.,.1/ . ... uit f 'r t.llIm~ f r Ulll'''''U K ' • IODg-ilOllbDUcd lpell or t tho -Mrs. J l.lhn King is v r" ill their l"'re 'r utillu. ......• '. • I. ur ,Tb" bu.yy rai us on 14 nJay . . 01 po1.1 . e'. u ! l Jam ~ th "llV• tl l~ 1 , II uwc v"r . tn·. 1"1" 'fl Il' trl'd~11 t.....II. i tell'" ill to ~' u, 1& ,. . ". With b act dille . I _ r. Ed• . E. Jalllle I~n'" ... 1" •• 4 .\('e. , 11107 . . . !ro. 13 the J~~\ t ,~.lrt ~~b I ltI j whell ILo ha ulilJg hI' u IIUl\lltit~· vf 111m. rri ' 1IIlcl, tht! OIg~~'JundIlY, (" . flelj hll~h~, - Yr. Gall hur r Spri ngborv thill w k. fur 'th e II l" h IH' 111 un~ br"1 Ra n.... - . . ..,-:-.. N II ec th'".' ba;~ illdul 1: r t~ru;IlIJ' Ill'r Illltu fh e p~.:!ui \! 01 ~,Iailltiff. hl! IIlld hi w~ .. :1 r. re-.'tc an t 0 hh · i8 "i iting Dr. ' lIcl'll. ' I tuill8 in Jjcrks C unt\', I'll : lOr th o ""TII'nllu' Am:, 1:;11 ~: =: ..~.: 4 tw,. w~llth with ~I'~~I IC. ~t Th i hun r. th dcfc!lcc cluiUleU, lItrel'L>d ill ami: fVIU~ :lCIl i~1 uppe~nc r -Mr 1> t r Berger visiteu 0011 fit of his h I\lth, which hUi ~"ILiDl\. 12.5'h . • .t N.o Ii t iuu. IltunJ " d l. C(.,,:,· ltill! I ·ell.rc·~Il."u·ly c' II tr'cted lor" d 1I1b uf til a (,lII g t>: rl.' _r. I ere\ c ro· Blp.uch~t rl t w rok. beonimrlli l'\.'<i b' ll IUIlj,( i Jt of lb..,..., s, .. p . .. . ~" ltI'l d '1 . 11 \\ Ild U II.' ~'I 111111 " willi' pl uHl tijJ d('nicd huving UlUtlo Oll Ih~ J II. ~terdIlY. FeN- m lIC 1~lbl~~ 1\ nt 11 n ollllay. • . . chill. \Vo h pc th llt bnlciu' I 4.~I. aDd <'0. , J_I~' r. aI . 1\". 14 t , ~ll11 t ,\l HI t 'UN, alld IItlll'lJIIY ~uch I I: JIlin t. A \.tlr liet III' -l ie, wilh til littl boy. WM rio Wh n t Its ~\l · u I tl'e w! t r woo -M~. Froo k ~1l~li~ her I h III atlllo .h rc will cum )Ie t ,I, ru' n. J~I•'\tt"'.!d~ lUI°d' •':'(tIIoP;.. , \\_"IQPOn 11=1' "0.1. '1 lUI -ht Ih · hl'II\'ell t' p 'lIeu 1I1111 \ IIWllnl,.d Ihc Jlltu 'lti lf 1'1 ',' ,/ dill .. Il cllgi ll uf til , K . fr en 4: t o llldlCIL U.' P ov r th frow hi III1Ull 'r IUnll\;. ,'ollat! 1. 1' 11' I ~ " v"rrr I Ie w •• . ~) ureJ t.l lI WII wat ' . t t . I ul:' PI 'k l f tI .d I J l' rD v... ". T in 0'. I Alit' tl"ut tin ':ulld, Y4. I Wa h d I ld U· .r I~' j. 01'1' I~ . 1~'llC \\'U lIut tiQti -Ii otl with tbls P.l . R. lid I tb ' n~i l1 pi Wlu rll I'.) ro~a rl gd I r. UUl crry , aytulI, - Tho terribly tl'l\ ..ic d Cl1th f o . 1,2.11 ~od 7 ~u" ,tally. e . , It lj.t tuu) ' 1(\ llrll lit d 'l·i ' i,lll. uml \\IU ubvut UI'''110 witIJ twv J.lII <'ri u fur 1011 .11:1 ! eport .rel e . Ior wus in tOI U Il\, t Thu rsday . littl ' F I'ui h wul e of wh i h r" J O . '1I'K J'i hRY I'irk I Agenl 0 rlllllll~ lion thllt C'uuld 'l lllli ti,,' II Ill'''' Irilll Filll1lJ , llO\\' I't l' I~ " (lnd tit , thut lilt' bo'lI that tLo llnrn l WII lugh r thau e\" - !I r I i 'hllrd Ilain is re ·ov· bJ' I 11 I GE rl ROE .'1~I LEl . 1':1. :\g'L . Ithi UIIl'. 'Ulllllli' ull/ruing f'lllld b'Ilh I' lrt i~ 1I,;r.,l!11 t.. alll'll" b~ ~·u' I thought it UII to th c n 'xt or kll' Wll 'foro, a lit I that tb big -illlY I'r~1U hill Int inJ' urios . dW 1'\11 )1 I un latb·c uI" 'Ii ~\'I 1 f '1 r; F ' . . ,Ill,I ut 1u t Ill'hltrat iull whi ,.., ·11 vrt'$llIt "~, il' " 11 I~'i1:i ,11 thc \' oUlpt .. d tl' jU III 1' fltI: brrog '_I WWl I'k " ',.,Mr It It FII~lo of . lIum'l tlcep It-vI' Utlucn .,; /r w,o." ," ..1 ~urlb ~Io. III 9 0tl" tl Ili t IIIe• L'Itll laUlI I 'U IY to g 0 tr L. """ re I l't , ' 1 . t I tl'l'len{I II 0 t m ., .. " • • ' r e , I.ud 'uulh~, 12 10" In uehi '\'ct! \\ hut ' Ia lall all llae - ·u .' ' 11'1 I' I" b .I . 10 0 lid t hnt 4.0 r 50 n n bad . . '" • . 10 11 IC ee UUlI Y 1Cl II P lice. A . L. PARR, I": I : I ,. . ". be . l·" UII ,I·V IO I";l'. rt'qrr iri llg' the d fUIlOll Il' vt )('1' I Iy Ie Illu tli ' II lU ll I v , a II ' I . t n, i yi itillg MI'. ' . W. l og 'r. F ercl i \\. n bri:,ht li ttl lellow -, !\ II. eel! rr. ~lIg it ru to uu, 'nn'- t .. Il'IIII}\'C the lumb 'l' llt tll ljl1i ll - JIll t! tl\'('t II II IllY blllw cn beel! .ut work a IIIght tr lIlg to .. , .. ". .P I 'I ' P. (J ... , T L R.UUUf flu" Iter J ~Iltm t , uululilutle . I1I1lI II" I II '1 I I' I t ' \'0 It there Wu a g lIerul rtl ~ - ll r. Id\\ 1I 1 avi r I pu IllllK II lId Id\ lI1,lll ttl ntlll ler \\ I n . ;.. .. 7'\. . .. in t('au of a trellli vI' IJI.:a.t , t i ll '1'. 1' . I<JIIl[ C. ';011 {VI' PIlLlIItl ' 'ff nil,I ~I, lit rt Ie (':lllg ful' 0;" iu Ever ' k ind of c nv y'. thoOmllllu lilctu r 01 P tOll t Pl1illt. Iho I ftlt, '" ~n.. ., l.J( <t N /fI" .I/Il'/ luJ . • III \1 I C tI, Ullu I I i ! ' · . r ,. L I j lIIAY!a3, If!,..,. Dlmlll'ni PI'ot 11 ion n~ i h r A, T. & ll urHtl' 'ubi ll tVI' dl,d'lI C lilo 'ru hcd 10 ·t im;tlillth·.ICS ali ce wu gublllcd up ill II litH" or l sta . - M:"s Allc 10cktOIl, t il III Y "Ill. U ,·&Tu. wout. ~hll illtJut d t.> th ' ~il/:' f ! .JUl'll J Olla JUIIIl \' I U un ly un ill UII II I1Cull .1III 110 ti lll ; lI eudy ull tIuy the road - Mr. Charl' A. R ohin II, I' ad ntl""ll III Iccture Ill~~ \Vodll • (1. • '0 10. Ih W.I..'1 h. T ho \~'utcr xc l·tIl'd ri<l, A; h'IJ I' Dmwu, J I;h'n j1u~ t \l'IIy ti'r u f~w ul tcl' Iw Wild I ~cI\VC"'~ h rc . alit! thc I'i.\'cr WILli IWilmingtun was ill towu th ill dll~ lllld .TbllrsdllY .CI·llll~"g.,. 1:lul ' ID I Inn,..dI-toCIIIO 7.ao" hi 7.110 Jl III lIy 10 ' r wlll~r· 1 \ 'V'I t I'11 I't. .J . l'. Du.' t r wor tlI. J Ollll ' II CIII'ri ..~u, 1 ' IIIIIOU With carrul9 , bu 0....""lc ' tIVv' we k. ,l 01 ullinvurnhio \\LmtIt ur 1111 TI cur. RI A · I 0' 0 k III. 'he t lJo . h",b 0 •• I ' . m HO rr"'I' I .,1 II III 10.10 r Ui \JllI I" vf uny tJre\'luu ov rfl uw hy • .1 I.' U ' I I ' , H I ' ~ ,11\0 , , r t ' "11 hol'l!o WlI" II a u evory otller k ind Mr n oru 0 ndwulllllltll. WIIS tu rJ t lIlg ' emt Bft:,·"""town. Qr.lre 11.16 /\ m I O,5;! pili M d r · ' . Illlu. 1:. . u. I Iluwet I, tt'P lUll r __ r \I ll .mll IC \\ I I . I:" • • f 1 t 1cr pl\ll,;l'lIUll11 . I , '.t tl I t be kept nll der thc of COIl VUYIlUCU to be hlld; wllllo 1'5 sturt ye<ltorduy, pur UCClI ll voyugu, bra lllg I . W; _ g l' Ille ll lll ct III H.ew O,,~lIe .••rh·c IUO mIII 11.:11 P til ~ 0 11 Il,' 01"11 I! when It IIl'gall 13l1 l'llL'tt, J \,hll h . GI'uItUIlI Lowi - Hri 'I, anu J1 Aodt' r D,tlrt;,' c 1.10 I' n, I ~ .I Q m i l suu~ld " l:r ' "lvwJy. All tho J UlIlIl'V Jvlt ll ,Vccr ' ill tluL'uC ,I' dUl'utill'llI ful' ume or 2U with rnure norve thlln tho for CLlliforll ill. uL v ry t w " ra ved tho c Olll ijnt:l, l Kokomo a••h'e :1.00 I' ru 1.1;1> a m boUuro w ro 8ubill orffeu th· \l'UA,t.' , . J " d Ill II ti n ane . tl . .. rest IItru ck outaud mado therouud M' L'II' d T 'n n wcr l\llli tIle IS c,llId WII lIot IIIU 'h bet. l'Orl, lIrrl.. e 4.110 p 3 oli a lU I t I' ~ , , I vi tl (/[(/1 d, • lUI S,. . Il r· III r Vlllt{ I III \\ 1I. , . ' t' I SOS I 10 an I y ru lor AI i tI ~tLlo ktUIi huw 'vcr ill Orown Point arriTe 7.05 r m lill... m or lI t IIlg .ur Il l-' till r"lltl tillS rit! E 'il 11 Ilowel" Fcrdie uwuy I....) lll ItnUl trip 0 11 vut. f Miltonl bav been g uests of . u . I' ' 'I'I" CIlIcJ&o,&rri" . .0 0 , . .tIOa\IID • ' . t il ' . " U . •• uhllut 3 in a lr l'I·1l0UII . nlld :~t 5 About noon, standing on tire lUi'll. Levi ' ook. tcresto U I<, w till( ItOrs VIl 1111:11' 1 • 01_0110£.... rolld belweell til br it tOl,d l' a.l/~(,"tJt 6 and Wllmwr;loll I a.r •• 1 . I ' I ·t reek hill looking wcst along the M J ' II 11 11 d ~ ., J ay OVIlU:ug, IUll,i umpl I' pnld , N o 1. No , 3. 4 fa t doep. TLrc corllHelJ .. t' !"'lIjJ I 1.:1' :amP.(l1IY. ,. . T liomfl8 1I~. ~ lIg I~: U,~ ' I IJik ,CtlUld S Ill! far as tho eye l - 1" , U ~Il.. llr~ 1111 ~llI,1 ~ ti l til fu r ClilUillg o u t. Mis Stock ' Oblca8':>-L ""e 7.50 p m tI.:lo a mAbel Slltterthwaito 011 one .side j· /,ulI ('.'!.-J!... Bully, PI" it! li t a nu I ~ a" SI~ I .1I00\t" IIl'l,lr could draw II. bead illl1u~erabl v . hllYC bellO )~II~ltltlg Mr\! . J nll c Cm · t. II hilS be n rcc Ill ll lcnued in tb is rown Poln&--ar. f1 .40 p nt m 1111 d .ro. L' A I) , ' ' UI)OI·in ltlllLi l.'lI t vI' tI i II own ' tlo 'rullll 11111 , rri(' 0 t 10 1 . 1 ! . . I. " n W II ' ar.lvoiy JlI.~O Am 10.1>4 1.00 pIi III • wgert! on t1l1.l otlll' l'_ . .. I , ' 1II r a il " -rav fiJI lId lllclus 01' II II .uUlIcrlpti ous, Wltu loot mao ' nenr ~ ,. 10. . , u~lf\' II b .1'lIood boy P ro f . S. 1\0. e s J..ogno'po.t, Kokomo. .. rrlv. 1.45 /\ m 2.:..'0 Jl Ul W 1'0 or " ur u uhm r eel tI c bl lught 8111t "galll t 1 h, IIllId FI'll- ~ d M Y} meu on cither tlide ru'!hing along - MI'. 'I11ll thy Whnl,tou.~ or· wll ul N w York . n one of tho tDd el'llOU. ",rI ,'o 3.;17 ~ m . 4.11 II In oern ~I.tLOd i ng "c~hUIJtI t\\' ll gur ~I ,'~e IIcy. I'" .prietor r the Ih'llry tnbl u , r. 1111 , . I Wwalterdbll\'c milido f towllrd s ()orwin l'he scone culled chul'll sufl~l'ed cons id erabl u havoc b st of PI' 1'. W ulls' g l'l1dual S. "e " O~w~lc. arrh·o 4 ,37 alll Ii ... pm b ' r I ill \ 1l'Wi ll 1;'r'III I) ' I', tl IIlC 'C'lIll y all ott ww • I bythcllt storms «n~u IWII . artIVil liotl R m .'13 pUl I lle~ 1l v.cthllsnl'fo ·o vt' ," water. ,'" I ~11 1I6 IO .Cuurse wel'CIIIII'('11Il in kindn tit! nnd vivifllytolJl mory tlouppeorance I. . ._ . _ . . . n..luhruou~.lI.rl"Q 5.506 01 G20r .m n tho 'u rwiu sid of tho hi go l.trnvl llll th ruad be lung lng tohllv dune thoil' 'V\l'~I' I i(tfll t!truggJingrebelarmy. - Mr.JohoA.Fuukoyhas beeo. - MI SS FI~I·a .Scull , vf!'laou, OlnclulI:,h, a ,,'h'c, !I,oo ,un . 9: .6 P W bridge. th ' corntiold of Wm I 1I0" Old OOru pulI~, nnd ob' tl'tl ctilll{ tho .. .1 . . I I About !3 o'clock we struck a COli. laid up tor II weck with cm'bun. IS a gueat . t MI~ , ~ry Stokes. ~~. 'oon le~lvloel RlclJnOlholnd dll.ldY··1 All () lIud tit tobllocv·ti cl u 0/' Jcl ~1 wntcr'Olllll'!lC II I the dil eh in fr,,"t (/f Utli~tl~•.ltU Illl~ll1f;h ot tiel I YU\'lmCll lllld followed the crowd cles. H c ,is r cvvCl'illg. ' I lr. Jilt!. King 01 t kil l. Mr. M . • u , II "I enve oal(o,,, y. .I .fci d t' ·t bl Q 't h II 1I(·IIIIT!. U WU "Yl'IlI'" IW ( J " Hutficld I' Ue l lr v'l) othe.Train .uodully, exoept unday. Illllin sha.l'<'d a illlilur tllte; th o ~ wi /l1~ ISsn.~. \ll ~ ll lll~ m cr Illl un th the duy vf ' l li~ Al'I'iY i llgutth~ pointofattraetioll, -Ali~s Guurg ie Hadden culti. 0 . I_ . _ .~ . _ W. L. O' Il RI EN, G. P . . 'r. A. tobllccu bUlug cv mpillt Iy wllshtal O bnot' CB ,,, ele eXllllll n~d I ,hu t ll'nt". full , j"'1l W\l~O astoOlshed to learo that vates two " ury pl' tty ftowel·.beus The DiO' ll iulUi It Uayton was I 0 I .., d d" I I vng "re t I caso WIlli g ive" Intu • tl b '·d..,o aB st' ll sta d' d ' I .. E' 'h.J d C'> 1 , D. w . OA.L OWELL , 0. 11.. Ooluwuul. J, .HILL, up'l. Logan port, Jnd . u . o un 11Y all om ay, l . the Irll nd t' th o ' UI' tho 11' . '1 URA nl,N . , ,e ." 0 w .' n 109, nil 111 t I ll.I . • 1ll'O I·yur . hig hl! r Ihlln it hilS been . nt "his G - fresh~t. uttruct d u g r 'ut mllny " I it,,, ':l'lI tim lit f rl y I' I al ' -_. jtlrat It !md b~eu 111 n.o dangel" A I -OUI' fl'iend L. l\l. L II F ctra ' "elldull t~'r ~Ii \11':11) YUt rs. W'A.YiN." ...La D.all(,'I'O&~. tlle Cl tl Z lit! to bollUJd Ih o CUll '. , ~l" . " v Ie Ul!ll IIC~ \I'US ] Iiu'ge Ul tillPPOlutcd ~rowu WClS us· will uccept tluwks tor cUl-'i 8 uf l .... _ . P H --a-I .... ' ) U ti wh ich in it ol f wns roally fin o II1I '! Iln e s lu\'or, UIIt! It WIlS tlrO'l sc mbl ed in front or the Grall20 Lns AIl<Yel,s uliforn ia nF\pol'S The hay O ,ltS IIl1d whellt Ci'OpS , RIENDS ....RBTINO ( O"",W. -.OJ. ng I • t 10 Jurv " "Iu not dt other II ., . I . J I at 11':1 '" ,r ' " , fer divino 'Worship ov ry Fil'tit and Fuurth tllIC I 1\ vast c." PIlIlIjO uf W1Ltl'l' . i' 1 'h . l Ull - 1' l'I clI.l s' rly In edi ;Ig ho· BIIII'I', gazlllg Ollt over 1U ~u U III SI ~rs Miry F ' 1l1 y I as 1 I ht 011 Afr. Rocyo H olhmu's tUl'lll a re Day, begin'Di llg I.t 11 o'olook. Finlt.-D~y spI'eading up a nd 1l0\l'll th· vullt·y u~q lil t 11 111 . I was t c tC~tl nllll.)' I gi liS IIl'Xt wLek. tubucco putch and along the rOlld G .tlitl l H ' ~h t, p i t '01g Atll I'ottiIlg in t1IQ lil,ld School "til 1-2 o'olook A. )1. - tllll tl'(J('s lilong the riv 11' bllnk ' ~} Ill ost C(Hllpatull t witnc8llOS . tltut. ~r E MI'(" il \\, '11 tu\\'lln.l tho rivor bridge while the , l'! I III . 11l1l0 8 ro P Y' ~I ' Ill" .. •. . , 'FUIBNJ)S' IIlIBTlNG (Ortho~oll). - Meet.- U PI'.a I' ntly g l'o will Cl' out uf' til WII ' InSlend of i mpodi Ilg th o eVllr c ,,.. b 1~lu' I : k • S.'g'J I VIISt 'sou of 'Wilt l' ull b:ld expectod 111'I ellds weetmg·houile. 30 . Th fil'!!t ma il si nco ntlll. lo.y ing for cl!viJIe "lI'OM D4lh t rill l'i ehellt JIIXUJ~I\I1Ce ' tl'8vel. Mr. ~"l'IIney had irnpl'!I\;cd °dllS III \JI t i:I III Mill , lI y to ~e~ Willi ontil'el ' hiddeu iT m I -Mr, 1. E. Keys arrived homo mild , lit! ull J' ubiJllu t yu torday uf. ttIPl e\'00,~rylocFlctrat,,~d D"1, begint;.btg .. . , ,,,'lrtlt.- a)' . til e facil' ti 'S tl I 'V, lUi ull e II . . " j' tl E t . t d II I Soh.ool at9102 o'cloel:t•. IL , MondllY forenuoll , 1 rs. Jllfll e ' I , 101' .01'.. lat WIlS _ ' I' •. ". view by the curufieyds, boshes and rom HI Il~ ,}OS er ny. e II\~ te,'noo ll lit '.I: 0'c10' k. H. E. Qntrncu.-The Rev. O. Fergu....n. MirmlQII lind J ollO Wright It< ullch. b fu re a. lIarr~w stri p ot l' ud whe ro S .~ I ~cl MV lclIUIIS~. uf,. Iho trees alung tbe river bottoms. ullr thanks tvr late etlBtorn ptl.plll'i:!. P~. J>iTilleNrvico ouSundl1y.. .. t lO oill1ttlao will ufO. J. WI'i 'h t twoveillcl es cniu. CIIl'cIYPlIs . b .uld llr , DIl.'~vn,"'!l pIUI.lOh l Quitl:l unumbor of'tho citizens - Mrs . Sticknoy andhcr son, \\aynoDivi.it'" Son of Tern. ~Oil~ i'sK; ~d 71·2 P.!C. ..bbath the s plond id fa t,slliliug olip~ '1': cueh oth~r, Ul1d With till ug ly d itch II~ !Iu, 1311 S II~ " on ~~~~lruIIY I" from this pllico were peculiarly cif~ Master Eddie, of Oincin nuti , ure perall c it! aid tv be nv \' ill Il very OC:U~TI~ CI~~clf-Elder J . H. Dodd. built kitt~ Rag illg Tud, wlli cll upell besic.lc it, hlW bul'u wid 'IICd, II :. J'. 11. . a .. ~I~ . '1)' lit ~ A . :\I. (cctecl by th e .. nu uing muddy lip' vis itiug Mrs. Juhu O. Falkil1bnrg. Ilourishillg cUll diti vn. Putor'. Divino aervloe 011 th Fi!'l;t.u: d caUle down tho ctll'l'ent this ~iJ(; /Inc! thou Ult(·!~ clI ver?d tl nd u Cli lvert ~4T.E<.-E S. CllI'I'OIJ will ~l'Il l pearano of tho 1' 1\'"r wuter : , th ey I - Mr. amu I Dnnwiddie and _ .__ "':"' _ __ . Tbird.Lorch~ay in each6,'ery montb.Lord's.d"y Lord s· of tho rue in fi lle stylo. Slle •. lund u dl' tl' IICO Wllolbltjlltlwn j III!! - II t I)C k• 11 11 "..I U tt I!', VII tl 10 f'IU'1n i ruahed UIIr ill I'I 'U ltt vi th\) cI'owd • I family were 0.: " uest8 of AIr • alld I ummer 18'r1'l ll dl .,y drU\\'III" d"v Soh(lol at 0 o'olock 'I III It.. lhd·' '. 1 d I... 'tllI.> I ' bl'el tedrh billowsUlag lriticently . ....1 u~ exp ·lI.eu 'onSlu 'ru \l.lu o·ufE 'I I} J. '1. E t f ' ~nzedblltumoUJlltI1Cru ·sthe tl1r. Mra. W.J. Curman in Clio last OOSC, all we Invnt s uullr W~ 1QOrn::lg. . llU d as Bue I. IlOve ll1 . VUlW . . f'. 11 II I'all. II . Y FlIIlg thnt J'IlI't ' ul the ~ '('JI('l't. . -!l 1I11 ~. .IIS lit u 'd ' ' hut wellther yet. FLB8T BAPTJ8T <Free- lrill) Church III 111 -0'III kuI ' . F,' . , b g'lnl : 1lJ~ I . wa ICl'll, \\.'1lOn. tl I ':t . j'e II bIIC k S uo d oy: Wa)'1lo.-8enioee on tI.e aeoond, 8n\u!dIlY and with 11011 her colors flyin g Ilt PI: I~' I;!V( ~ Ol llc~. Hud tillS \\/:l:! 9 o'cloc k. Ho '('rt!, IInetiOl!N.r. ll'eeilng uud pltcillng I!ke drunken 1 -Mr. SItDl B. Oook came out of _ __ ~. _ __. . II!!dSundayin each month. Elder J!OlJU8 hel' mizzen mnst, ahe wus gl'ectcd ~1"c lI 11I 1 ~Ilt:d to lie th? only p.u't of J 'k ' I j! "11 II t I' IUleo. All WUI'O not aflect.d alike : the oity Sllturdny IIIlU WIlS watur. A gOlld Ma\:ion & IIulIIl,n OublllGlbion, Paator. .If ' t I . 1'011 1 III "'ood repllll' 011 tlli t! ,III III \q SA Il liS , . d tl I I d d ' It O . l' I. I E I . '0 'II' 'G ' N 18 Ptron80' I'I'ItJ8hol1te u appluuso tl'\, mthl' I" G . I .. r ' iI 'I' 1 N tl f 11 / 8V1110 cl'l e. Q lCI' lIugle Ull bouudat hOUlO Ion O'e r than hoe IganlOr u u CICllp. r rJllll BII t!.n~; w~~~I\)or:~n'¥IIII~r. Meet smull boya, aud a bCUlllillg smill ' rUlllt.I,~:~ c,. :\l1lI~ el' IS not po~tcd; V~'\'~bl:~~' VII N~~ 1 B~ltillH~;~ l:Ilt uutud, wuil ouc fullv.w l-'iI~d bis ,' iutuoded . h at tJ dtl ollie . tn OddfeJ1QWS' Hftll 00 ~be eooond Suturday Oil the countenances of ti, e digll i Ie 1Il~1. Y gn es leal:Suy. .. . •d l:) , I ' ICOllt, vcst und but up lD the mud, MER p.. • h tl - -- +_fo- - of eaob month,.t70'cloolcp,m.. and on Lho bLries wh inwllrd~ felt pI' Lid Thc .JlIl·y hl'oughtlllannLlnIUl\l1l81(~U , utllrl ll~Angl\st7thlbe~III' l lInd SWlll'll thntWh nit<:tlrne down , . r' ",. 1lnt7. IlS gr~nlY TlJu WUoCI' ill all oil' th e r llll 101lI'th'Sat\lrd.ayof otUlb mqnth mt 2 o'olook. tlnt tk s lad nt I st b > II verdict lill' th o dcfenda llt. 1l 1:l g IIL. 1 u· )ok. tho lauu elt .. IJ Iv wut\cle h was the chap that ' en IIInce d t,le ' nppetWlIl ce . 0 t ie tbitl' IlI 'Jruillg. Trains III I'n ll llillg ST • • bRY'S P. E. Cl\VltOIl.- Corner. of II I 1 a eCOllle II lIU v- l:). W. HI'own IlIHI A. T uhlll ~lIud~ IIf tllu I C Rl' ''l'!:('U A ntl·IIIII . 1 11.1 ,I ' t th _I I b ' U,P.Town Oro 'OI'Y by n III CC coat as u U II Third and'llliamlStt'eoti DIvine sorv.ce a POl't. f l ' . fl' F. S n W . A T S I' t' Cllll C oan ou e \\ 10 0 U IIIOSS. 01 n' t j • lllt everySund&yaUp.m. ·SWlday.aohoolnt Arrivedatthel ittlo hridgo.th e Jur pU II: tl";II '" • ., d 'lIl all d . . a 11 11, 1~ ~/~I"l!J'. Othcrti da1lcedandsnugjwhil one i PMIll . S '1 ' f' l ' 0Ilr ~1;hY8ici:l;;-p;-:'di~t-;icknes 9 &.. taO f tb Ru' '1' d I ., 1I11)('S • D Il lor defo1l 1I11t. '\' • M I u I' ~ .lIow it is repurted rolled I - t 1'8 . yrn8 lLIlt IS IIC 1~la .' V.u:fiEY PaJmBdlJfAJUAl{ BAPTIST Oil cup . Ill 0 e glllg n s rou teu J W'I/ T T D.idsOll GUl'dun J 0 Ilave If lui vc.1 f('om 1'. ; ) ' ' ' , .' , tl'e" 'spvken tlf II week or two a one uf the resul ts of the wot -)(uu"IStreet,near Main. ivin tlCr.l~ ·'Hal·d.to pOI·tl" aud the ship'lI W rigl,'t' J~IIU' Ed\\'llrd~ \"m ( CJ': J O\lII. n. Adlul., '''''.Will , a Allm l'lc mll~t. of tho wa.y h~m III the mud, 8ine~ ' ICS UVtll' i gh t fcot lIctnul wenlh r. • iw.th~turd.., betore the d Bunday bowsprit WII8 tlll'oed tv th o left lind /I n " h d (} ,( 'I . I bux vfStll l'clt Poli h v I' " 's 11I11lIll . up lull nlld down! trom. the tollgatc i ' g t ~"" ___...... _" __ ""~,,_,, in deaCh mouth, o.U o'olook, and on the IlOO- she entored the little bridge Ilk II n , . l:) lIoticll of P titiou lill' a new llllLn IC Ill' . uo e.. I.LI cs .Inp· t'IICtl1l'U It i,t c1csi ' 11 <,01 1'' '1' Julish . ' to tbe BUI·g. It IS estimated that l meUSllrlllUll . ODWand 4&th !.un~tY~;.~t IllhMl(.t~~'~tlOCIc . .. . tbing of life. A IlltldsllUIU hui Iud U N E ehelllllul'~ Able K IIlsoy" HK elll'Y 111" IIl~CB CI IIII\l'~ ~ Clltr~ 1I~ld I 11 from 1~ tu 15 Borgialls wore struckJ - J ako Anders II iii the luckiost couuty ruad. ~ I ou.%ht to be mlUio. aynet ....lUIIle £vwns p ""''''''' ... "" ' C . pp • vunlt'( .~o 01't s " , 1U en '~ , ., , ' . h' TI ' f h d Ii . tOWII ' TI 0 c1 0 d do I ;s ~ '- Proteo ye Coropl.ny meet.loo the 3d Sutur. tll apt.atu berC:l to kn ow IHlw rick ' E A R u Alb ' S· killd~ or Iinllll"'lI'\U (: llt p:iv illg Ull l lU •t IS wIl,Y· Ie ew cur rom mllil Ill.. . '. : '. n 8 I. S illc the flood, ti roa un ' bllOIL l ' daylil elOCh montb. o.t 11 0'01001< p. ro. By det:p the ~Ilter was 011 the bridge. , " 01 t IUC~. Iolegnnt fiui II, lIllU id tUI' SII pul'ior I ~11111 m .Jl'nlli~ arc reported as com· IItrcet sprl1l klll~g fllr 111 m and he osBonti ul tll uvmtort. order ol the 0 mp~ny. L. Harr..ock, PrC8' 80 the anchor Willi puyed out alld Md' h . k . to uny otlw r proPlll'lltillll ..I' the \ lII g_!1p ull right. gets all the ))11). . HI ' II " I be c Ident, \l;t. P. o..U8ll, 8eoretary. the log hcuv'ed, and tho al;tlwel' f ·V,~ u~. ~Ig t sl1l." t~lI slIrt i,i lllul'ht. Gh'o it u triul. ow.0 m.e t ~u~t('\ a number of ony. -Mr. Walll\ce Baird, of /:3p:-ing. su ' ~w lltl noso lOCO or, t.Q E_ - - - ~ - - r. . cume back "i" ollrteen iuohcl'.' lIIIlI.~ U r. . e m n Ill, .'0 ; ._ ._ . _. .. lookmg IUdlYlduals ovel' at tl,e riv. , bore, alld his mother, Ml's. Baird,]O . ··s~·ur ...,.elw.rtbh •• d,e.. , Tllis repol't bijillg sutistactol'Y to th e ~:'l'wm, IdlJdulde I!t Ineeessal'Y f~r I The new blid/(o ILNII;:j ~ Beech 1Cl', wbo were wllter bound. Amoug ' of RUYi,wilJ o, visitud Mr. O. J. 1'1 SUU ~hlllos to·day. Olory . .. preya, aAomedlscA8oduring e\'e.yw aro. lin e,'cr\'· ' . e and III ' R 1111, nellr I' 16 UI IIIlI LII l'r 1>'Idl:1C t - t I tIttIC'rs weI' 0 Jo Hawk e nn d 8 am. nrlglto}1 I S UIlUte.y. .' •...;. hody•cknn r.on,plaloMof ll,,;ir 1an dl n bb l·tI,tlie R u~lllgTlld IIllU ollli 10 sa 'tl e liS f' lor db'l __ WI a life. Whoo ~ick. ~be objeci WIlS to get woll ; her gallaut crew weighod lIuch or COdlPllllY h Ib krlCnf' ' I ut I .'J,IUIl!l · soho,~I.hoIl8e, IVUIllr cd vllt iu tho J ones, How they CIlmc to be -It is sllid that Mr J ob Rag. ¥HOJ)uc:m MAHJU~'l" DO"'1 "Alh B~YI plRi~IYI tMtl h"oD porso,\ IhL~hi8 agnin and hended with a fail' wind tbe 011 tbo ac 0 t la t~lthlul sturm vI' last FridllJ. The willg~ cnnght 011 lids side the l'ir er so M I" el'iI' sllio n IIl1d billinrd tl1bles ,"ere ' wo. d t at • RUuer ng wi yspeps,a. )t'er . east to I'CUst tire IIngl~ billows . . ,!I I I' I ~1 d " , • 0 t d b S'd 0 Ooml'lalut "lid ita crreots, such na Indl)1cst. for tho .Mlauli, walking tbe wllter!> f I' " M' . , wero lIvt wloe 6UOUj.( I, III" tIe wn· y 011 uy mormng, lB IL mystery. all washod hut and l11illed by the orrcu e y I 68 Ur:l \"UIY , l<)n, Co.tivene~B, Sick Headache. Sour RIO· in grand style to· Oo·surl:!. SIlO' tlleJ JbaglJl~1 'u·amr'· Ihey sn~ tol' cut jll behind the IlhUtIlICIltt\, . - - ·1-;'j"i···W I'floou at l)ccrti 'Id, FI IIlACh, a~llftburtl, rAlph. lion of lite Heart . d f 'I ' d I (;cC, e y I 16 al 0 a IIl1tarll III und \I'1l~h ed 'thelll out .Fd UlwlI ,.. (gev o. our, S3,21> r Dlp Il8Aed Splrlts,Uillou.n'tl8.kc.,CILOtllkO mil e BSllcces 11 CI'lIlSC, all IeI' fi)rdin r ti ,e ,ike ulltil botwe Il tho l : ,. . . -- J ohn McBryant says peoplu Whe'lt ] I f; G.",,·8 AUOU¥T FLOwn wltbout gtJltio/: brave, daring CI'OW roturued in bl'idge~ wll! 1 t1, I ' t II d dl ?I' 11I~8 the .etllltract fOI' I'l·· burllllllg -A birth-dllY Iml'ty in honol' hllVOII t lived IVllg ill tid8 Conn try R , . ' , M, rellcf and cure_ Jr vou douhl, this. go to safety to tl., un " b I ., I Ie JOI e 8 11m , 0 tillS bfldge . 1U S 8 k . i I 't II . ) u, vv 'l'our Orl\l!gi8t, 1.. DO~L, .nd g t 1\ Sample . I. . XI~Il.S IJ ?ms, u I1lJd t~11. precipitating the ridol'lI _ . _._ •• , _ 0 1 Mrs. Jluu'y . tu es was gIVOII . w III cml I'CCII uet BC08011Sllil UUtll' l)l'l l, 5 t ) @ 60 lJoule (qr leD C~1119 /Iud tr~ it. Regular th od'r respective fllmlll 08. lire 0 11 - intv th o wutery deell. Tho lantern It illuieatcs tlrEl Pli~sl',,!\irol1 (of' a at the residcnce of Bonj. A. StokuS I vorable 11/1 this uno. Ollt 0(\@5:.1 el"e 7' oellt8. Two dOM el ,,,II n!tlovo \, OU. Iy ruwbllck to Ihe complote 11 0 · , . J ' . , ' ,E J I 29tl 0 t . ' M}> H II d I'~' , f tl' d fl " I B 'PJlc trom Ihell' hold and went good heurt Whllll U 111'111 ~lIed til l I!q" 11 Y I. uc::! II \I rtl In · r. "eove V all says 1(;) 1'II\X Scud, 1 H, I - - - - - - - - - -- -- -. People WoDI Pr_r. cess d~t' 118 WO IIl Cj': \1 lllalltlclU lIilillg dv",,, tl1l'uII"h' tho corn. tho rcsehe :,f 'thc nude;' d"'7 in the vited alld presellt fru1ll Ll'blLI1 01l, hllSlivcd hure finy yoars, and nov Burley, 1 ()() iii) 115 • ph~p l · expo I Ion not WU8 tresellt 10 actto t lat . I"Ig It g I'IJlJ tn(;)l'lllg "'. . , (] OOl'gc Zull , e MIlSon" M 0 m'oe1. Centrllv'lIo There 18 110 modicine pNl~oribed by bllud wl'Ul II t ' I'" t'III )., u, Ittl on the fight,' lIB clu.! )' Ctlturday; . 1 , :> V' .I.I~ II. ! 131. bI.' I'01'C ~II~" SilO II Ull 1111 f'uvornlI I~ P ota tue~ , 411 Dru oillna, orsold by· ll'gllts.lboHar.IU8Sucb . "A h I (lit::! dllrk wa ters " us it sailud ad it thereby saving U I ll 'lIJ' little fI"g keo Street, lldgovdlo, 1 Uklll, 8eUBUli IIti thiS fvr the CI'UPt!. 'I o\'el' S "d, ' 7 :15 evidence o~ ~IS . UCCC. I and' on.pedo. "I~tu" ~l~W I~~r, I e 011 t e cellll slIiled." clrawod 11"I' by Oranetowll, elc. t Altngother 4 till &8 BO.OBEJl 8 GO .... N Sr. uI fur Se, ere "ave. " MI'. l\lullin's silve; walch I f'rum being uttl'rl" .f ., . there , t l - MI'. N imrod Oritc~. 01' ~VCl'llOll, Timothy , Suou, . COUg~9. Colds aC~llcd On the Bre.. t. CUlt · Tho other oujoctivo point f, d!lppcd from IllS poe.ket, lind now lin al'my of bl ood·tldl'lIly cllnillell. were ~Iekr !letye;] y bPOltl~~S p'rcsen . ' I Co., M " and MI'. O. W. Sitea, ot O,IL11II1l1. Cuul, dolt \'ered, ~ lumpt'oo, OrllhY d, ellse o(tbe.TltronlIlOd W 'I I ' or tICks out the hOlll's 111 the bosum .•• -. to pl\1ta e o tlO flun e B IOSPI · , Grant 00., \Vllst Va., huve been 'ioll -hlllg l'"'y, ,I 21' Luu!!"_ A proof of ~h"t fact 18 tltul, n~oy I aY~kosvl e tlpcctatvrll WIIS dUWIl ()f SUllie lail' mermllid ol' @ ll'epsinTheRandplaYNl l!tl'eetta!ltYllo.1 Mr. and visiting Mr Geo W lIenkle Hoc iu a VUill!Y. " 1t1i JlONlOO Illllicied cun get I. Ralllpl" nntLle '0' t 10 pi e below Oump nUll hdd .. o ' , I I TI onMuin I . ' M r A guud St kcheerdottl' t' 10 ocnlJl And try itJr superior eftect hcfore Til II '" . th e mud aud mire. neur tIe 11\11 is, ll1r.lll_y ·velling. rs '. ' . 0 es all lelr es I' --GeOl:ge 'V. Henkle killed a Porry Ullunty Cuul, 16t "uyiu/( \be regula. size Ilt 75 ccnlll. It bna R Je ~uter fia~dn over Mbr, W.nl. Wh ether th o gentl emen wcre 8uhseqlll:ntly. tJll'y ~l'rull lldud tho mubl e. tllmtly. Ic~ crellm lind hawk th e other dlLy measllrio~ 4 SI1I t', per barrol, 2 Ou lately b~un Int~oduccd 10 tbls couutry f,'orn ('gerll c~rn· 0 , over t 0 pike dl'lIwned 011 the pike, whnt becume Hon. S _ S. Hain es whu ill rl'inrll l cllkuB 111 enuletls YUrl~ty. and excel· j' t 0'· I " t" t t' , W ool 40 ((i) 45 (Jerm.oy aod.h wooderful cureo IInl Ulloo· and the low Illuds f Mrs All· " '. I" ", d t I eo III(' lea .rom Ip 0 Ip. r. .' ilhlng .v~r10n. that use_ iL 'l' hrc.. doso~ M H' · I M 0 PI '1' . en, of the hurse, whetber the doctor feasted th e glJlltlelll tI 011 ICC cn'um t lice \, ule Hcrve 0 I IC . guests, aenklu dct!il'cs Gou Ohonoweth to Tl1l'ulp , 4 wIll r. line any caso. 'l'ry it, Sold by A. 0 r. e)~klwny, rd. 11 'PS, ctc_ Willi tctclJed or wheth"r the putient and cuku. Ilod the hours we I'e nh'rrdy lost t ' • Apples lIarr ' l 8 00 Doll, Wnynes,·1II0. . n the pI 13 tbe water was over <j. got wC:l!1 witllOot him " o.re mutters - _. '_. . ~ight of by the pnrticiplCnte in I ry ag~llI. . . H ug " 6 60 teet deep. A few pers nil Oil uf stich Bm 11 m 't ..d The 1l100'C YUII I'Cl'lIl1t oth(11'3 tv ollttl'uues Slid 'other 8IJcilli itics until -MISS Llda poll gavo ao Ice ~ REDUCTION Olr TAXES iu Warren horsebnck sllccctlded ill c')millg to tI 0 ft · II f tl vlcr~ cOJQ~a~rlo inl)IUtlll 0 11 yVIl . th(l m"ru thl'y \i' tll l tile hOlll' of twu in th c 1tI"l'ni n~ I croom pm'ty to 1\ llumber of Ler \Vnyiaentlle ilIllrl"'l l • • OQunty for the yenr 1876. Reduc· through, bot the horses wero 01 · \\. t ~h tIll °t 0 lie .auf·c.'·llIdau t ·b do it.. '1'.. ilJJpvao 011 1!"'ld lIal1l1'o wlten ull ex(!e~ting 1'Clativcs touk frienus UII Munday evoning- the Ill11.tel' 15 ed b 8 I f '11 t d b h .1 II C. III we 18\'0 III c o o ' . b . . II f' 'I I . ' L .. · th ' f y .tato ooe·tootlo 000 III I mos covere Y t e w~ter; UlJu toiu intol'mation thereot: IS w ~t\ "ry It \\' WI Ill i ~u ' ' ' - I t heir Itlllvo. 'uillois Tibbals Ulld l oc~llalOlI L:elll~ e nnolvorsl1ry 0 LI~I'd 17 Pe~ona} pl'oporty returned fOr most of thos~ W~IO came Illto town _ .. • BVrr:~tll1l~~ Ilut Ovell eXccp.tlllg yVllr Mr. Geo. Riloy ulld thcir familics MISS Dull II birthday. EfCgs 12 taxatlOll lD Warren Co. for the froIn .thut direction, traveled O\'er AN EQOn 'OOAL ANs\VER.-At the deurellt h·ll:md. cVllclnded it WUtl Il gooJ plucu tu _ We ure glud to welcome Mr. Appl es, 75 year 1875. the lulls. . . kinllnst Saturday, Mr. Allthony " •• _. buard, ILlld (lnly the attcrllOtlll oflJ. R.' HIlYlilitt aod tamily, of Ohooso 18 No. Value. · Wayncsville wus c~mpll'toly ex· Gillem WIIB a witness for tlJe dEl' Wo huve roceh'cd sOllle IIn'IllY- the ncxt ~te.y. fUllud tbe'll roudy to Jameatown, a~ IInr eitizeM. Tbey Hums, 14 are occupyiug .Miss Untlt A. HolDried Beef, 22 @ 21> Horses 9,506 686,354 cludc~ from th.e outSide world- felldent. III his cr088·exalDinution muus lotters IIlbLlut sOllie 'trllll in· soek their humcR. Cattle 14 086 317,652 no traLDs ran. e.l thor. way on M.on. Mr. Gillem was IlIIked if the box wlIrdncss' in t;hi~ cOllnty. 'Which Tire names uf tho ~lost8 o.re: lurid'll hunB"', 'fbird street. ~~~""'!"'!1111!~"!"''''''''~''''''''''~'''''''~ , d t t d th wo dllll't belit.wo, thero uint no siol! M ... C _ __ _~~ __ Mules 365 32,442 ~~, oxcep , I JS 80.1, .e ~orDlng ill thc olllvert Was lurge enough to ," r. Illlu rul'S. . has. nlIlSB, Mr. -Mr. John }<' .. Oadwallader ~ /:3beep H,tH 8 .4:321 bam wcst, and evon tillS J8 d,IUbt· alluw the wutUI' to pass thruugh person III cbustc 1Iid Warl'en. and Mrtl. Gao. alley, Mr. aud Mrs. . d h F 'd " t~~' tt Hogs 86,578 219:477 ful. The trnck was washod out, it. . . _.... Wall Tibbals, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. five ere Ol~ rl ay . ,rom .ue ... lJ • & 6111 3'.l203"a uj> by David Mason's farm and at " W 11" 'd h d I I k d Air. Buruelt was billed for all P '1 0 tt M d M M ' West, milch Improved 111 health. Oarnages ·c. , 52'in F I'eeport and Morrow eo' rumor '1' c l ' 'dult' c, an bl 'c OOt' e eotcl'laillmeut here Monday uight, Bill Ii ~~ f err.. tdt Be visited Obicago, Dwight, {)s. Watches 1,970 , 'd ' , 1 us I C I1Cl a lUg a pru em rom bllt there was too mnch water here nllue, r, Ort'lB I 1vel'S an kaloosa and other placea and - A B A 1If?A4!>IIAA Pianos 337 46627 salN Enclid, "If the Wllter would nil gu and along the route tor Alfred.- sis tor, ~r Yankee Stroot, Mr Lion, ~njoyed bimself very much:. M~~~ g ~~""~~4!> Mercbaot's Jltock 44,8,342 o . sooh rreah~t was eVe!' thruugh tho box, why then the box Wo don't mell,n an thin b this. and MI8SCS McCowen, of Lebanon, . Mauufacturer'a IItock 07,7 0 k~owu hero be~ore SlUce Wl;lyne8 ' would bc lurgo I:Inough j but if _ _ ~_ y , Mr. J. Lougdtruet of ~ouroe, Miss. . -L .. ~. ~ndersoll. has resl~ned wif.u~~a:::':ne:;,~'~t,~!~:nCot~~!i!irn:~I~f MoneYIL 804,677 Ville had B h~story. :en Inches IlOt, why, in thut caae I SilOllld Ally perdvu desiring copies of Morris of Lcbllnon, Mr. Dave hiS POS"tIOO Ul tho Directors ot the Warren County, at their next ",,,...100, S I:: ~dits & book accouute 2,5~4,!>73 abovo ~lIy. prevIOus SPtl~g fr het, cOl1sid~r t~e . box. not. aUfl!ciently laet Satuduy"~ CommerCial, will ~ar'att, and tl~e Missol! Ada. a~d Orphan ~ As,Ylnr.n. A. W. Oad· ~~,ili:::,,~'ot·~ 6!:~i.rR!~~g ·!,: ti.~of:i,~",. Bouds and Btocks 132,707 nn~ thIS 10 Augu~t! 10. say tI!O extensive III ItS dlUlenslvns.' please loovo their names und order8 Ella Omllo of Oranlltowo, Juha walludol of 1I[<>rIOW, unci Will . •T. ing lino, to-wit : Beginning'nt & polot In llank and otber corporation nattyes . hav.o booo astoOlshed IS l'ho CUlll't j\W it in that light, with the agellt at thrs place. R. H.. lind Hannah Ke~yer, Lou Parlott, 0011 ott, 01 .lluI've,Ysburg, ure to the Oouoty Road, lit orOCllr M. J . S.lo'l N. g property 1,215,984R., Ageot M. H,lstead & Co. Unity Wells, Jnlil1s Oolbert, Miss tako placcB the Bom·d.-Star . :u~ ~:"::;dt~r.J~ &'i:':~"ag G~ It mrldly. d h und scemed to think s~ too. ' Dogs 14:99 2,578 Y n~on yestor ny, t e wnt~r - • .- -_.. _... Tibbals, Mott and Moigs Stokes of -A few very fioo real hUInnn M. J, Sale'8 N. Edlo~oDr"thQoC<lln tho ....... ,AIr other penonal prop· hlld C01l81dorably abated, aod .vehl· Wo ulwa~s h~J ~~ith ill phos· A ncw bal'her'lIhop hIlS bcen Ridgevillo, Rosa Williamson, Mi88 hair switcbeB foJ' sale at O. T. dlroo.tiou on or 1I0a!' tho line Ilf TholDU orty not included in tbo des passed to Bnd fro. It la rn· phol'\1s, and 111 nBh dlot as a WOIl· opeued in a 1'0001 adjoining Mr'. Emma and Dora Orune Bennie Oadwallader's Ladies don't f.1il WllliamUDd G. T. O'Neall to tho Co.::! foregoing 892,873 mored t!lat O. J. Wrigbt's dam dertlll bruiu·producer. ~till, wo S. Turry's grocer,. The pI'oprietor Oraue, of CrlLl~eto'wn.' to 8e(l th em: Iso, ~ stock 'Of ::U~,.:tt ~l~;::t !~e nrO::!~he Une - - - - - has sustained. w.uch dama~e! bllt ~ever hud the ploosnl'e o~ observ- seoms. a very respectl\ble culured A new use hIlS been tound for the hack hate a nd IL choice lot of gros of lands befonging to 1.brahlUllLinooln aD.d. Total 7900226 at present It IS not pOSItively IIlg (UI actual test nntLl latoly, man. cloth ..... wringel. Bill Wells baa grain r'lbt -os seUI'ug off choap .1.. P. ()'NeaU; \laenee Ewthr&l1l1.r 011 or JETay10r'~ Iavec, a Iso, w · heo our a ttell t'1011 was ca lJed . the. . - Call eal'ly,no noar1.. theP.Une of laude rtaldof A.A. LIncoln ~~~~~~~~!!!!! ' koown... . .toa -. -~ . . --:. been .... trying exporiment of r'on. . . ....d O'Net\U, to theoftinCt L;"""'lll Flonr '.60' per huudred 00 has beeu at least partially destroy. gentlemall whose cho.sen dlot IS In all prObalblh Y the httle bl'ldge lliog bis huy through one Bill's " • ....d Joeoph Hi""y, and on said m.eTa;;'d Monda!, We would not advise ed, although great efforts ' were principally herrillgs. His head is was prevented fr m w,",hing away a coss· and will wcar out 'Bome of " -:-Elth~r A. T .. Sabin. or the LlnoolnJ 811llo. to the tioe "of Julin LlncoiJI our readel'll however ,to get tright- mado on Sunday to prevont injury:. as large as . that of the Sphynx, by the atones pi ced npon it 011 these ~IlYII I JIl1l10r ed itor of thiS , paper mUBt~nd JhI)ClJl~ n:...~, the~h on Nld~~to enod and lay in their' winter bre(id Nearly all of Harveysburg came and hiB utterances thoso of ao oro· Sunday aftern()oo WhOll it was lIeen D' tatoe . writhe a~d welt~r,in hiS ow~ gore. &J:~ e&id ~: toa~~ HI:'d1O:toWC:: and ~ tbiswook. There are other states ov~r to the Miami to .benr "what ole. het us all take to fish, to be iu jeopal~" . , _ s - ~mp po s da:e, rottlll'a Snch an ImpQtat~?n as h~ ~t np~n ITOySjlUrg Road, and tl\ere.~ end. id Ohio to hear from 08 r . thc wild waves wore Baying" , e .. ' 001«: arm~,:! ~re l~glDg au our dust. cau ol1ly be_Wiped out lD I A. PETITIONER. prck til cer I "beat Among otho18 was our friend Wo saw a bucketfuJ of apples It is the ObarDpl1igu, Illinois, washlllg theIr potatoes ~o order to blood. Ohoose 'your aan~ioary , _JII_I~1!!'1!8! ! l'!,A'I.! !'I!D! ,'! 'I!l! ,87"! G, ! ,__!,,!!!!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!,,, -~~~~~.~~ "Braaa Nuckles' taki ug notes. taken up Main 8treot, one day last Oaaette, which ..ys Town Coun- save them. ' weepinga, A. T. A mowmg or I WAN'l'JU)-Boardlnjr by a PIItle;;; takin :-the coon .' • week. Will somebody be eo good cils shollid paa:s ordioallces prohib. -Wb~t growiog nioely, in thrashing machine will do U8 ;..:.. , aDd wile, in. I'I_~ 1.-11$y. 06."g . Slimmer elotbinl! di8COunt. as to toU us where they arrew itiuK barbors i'rom _ling WUOD8. ishoek. anytbiug we are familiar with, 1for two woeb, Boa 0, W.1 neevi\le, O. '
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ture. Wh 11 I callL-d u llim, ho Some eight year ag • BNwu, Wob· id: I ow that YOII huvo th' ruHr· or and GmliuID, wuul I drug· ul e(l\ll·tl~\·, 111 tl!1I 'uu th <l tunic 1 gi til ill bt, Loui , wer doiug tho have 11 ed with etl1"L I1I1l,UI ."t Illy largest ,bu8in in til Slut ur In\;llltl fur twenty yeurs. 1 \l ·P. ,t,. Mi UUrl. Amun r uthor good d of COlin; sum nil t.y 1111.'(\11'1110 til Y s .hllurge ,}ulIlltitit;s uf. p r'8 h:fl'j lmt ItU, h 'In' s 'I'ibl!d ~II 0 1"Purt Grape W me, willeh IS pro · un~o "'er 1II01"1I J11~. a hal l hUll\' IIU\1I1~U the !Jure t wino in th herur hr(·aktullt. 'Take thut l alld lIlurket. JII 1 6 UII · or tw I In m· y II \\ ill IIcilhur "'lIl1t li ({lll)r n )1' bel'S ul' tlla tirlll C n (li veu th id 11 ' ... .,I ;CI· U .' J 11 " " 0 d lIe all n·I'uh.ru ......... ., "" uf getting up II. CUllntcrf it uf thi$ I ; ou tinJ that 111111 r hl1 bccOIIIl(J wino by makillg II. chcup mixture rel'ultli v . Th e lu W uf the uro.ng ot' Ilavoring ingredients with whi . is 'Ill th e ul ivll II' Ih,' tUIIl!U , UIH.I -, \\"·11 t .. tr.Y 101 mix k yand wllter, I1nd cnlJud it wine. it II' IIld be \ Vith tLi't stuff' th y fi lled Y ril.l '\' a t r with il. u rnlll wilh tlly thuuSllud b ttlca, put a ll a CVllntor- tuste.' fcit Or Mr. AIl'red ,peer's signature ver tho cork, find upplieu u Ne w8pap<:1' atly I'I n ng UfiCftl !lT1IIBJ'IUTJlIO 1111
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byT.ll. f'ctCl·~un& Bl'oth ers.Phil ·
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Each book il printuu frOID plain. olear typ> doub] COIU lllll. Ilnd euoh work itl issned complete in one large uctnvu volume, with a N I'W 1 1l"lItl'ltted Oov r , Ilud will Lc C\'"II)I!!tod ill twenty· six voluU\c~ T fi I F' u t IwctJt,r- vleceotBleaC I,or'I'II ~C Dol urs. tor t Ie comp ete set. li t! i thoChoapeatllB wellas theOu· I 0 lete EdT of TI 0 W er • VIll P \ .10 0 I UV · Icy Novels published in this count· ry,. as it contains all th e A uth ur's Not ',,, us well 8S all his las t cor· arId uddl·tl·ODS. At tlll'S ""ctl"'IIS " v low prieo, overy ulle IIhuuld get 0.' (ull set of the W a " erley Novuls 1\1 once. wh ich t hey can du by rotui t· t.illg l"iv. Dullllrs ill 1\ letter, pel' lil 'o t D1U' II , to 'I'. B. l>et"r'on '. ll~lOth~r.l1 Ph il ade.l,bia, 0 11v ~cceipt o~ wlluch thQY .wll sleod n illll Bet 01 t Ie twe~ty·s. x vo .umes, per 1'0· t urn of mall . post· paid, to uoy 0 11 0 ,
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to I hQ IO\'6 Rml affection centred on
Iltom. It lie!' '~rr, I I1)' IU.IU ~ urely llgalnet o.dl· nnrv (10M ~{!UllrIIlK Wt111l1 Gnd henJih-re8tori ng ,I,,:!,. X,,' MO 11'111 oufTcr 1'0!Ib1e!ome loau. c n:m ,,,,d r "<ill(ul Drollchltb, when Ih'ey know lIulV . ·1'" tb. ,· Cilli 110 urod. Ori ~ill :illy I'" ol"c t of lonl' 11lborlo1lll, I\Dd ' !leee.·r'l i e ll 'no[I'ol hl1'o~tlgntl on, 1I0}1.O!!t or II:lU I. spR",'1 In nmklng overy bQtUo In we n!mOlt 1'0 .1"le (lerfortl"n. It ml\y bo aonJIdently reUed " pon I" ...... o..illl> a l\ t ho virtu .. It has OVO! txlolbltc. l. nOli 'npnblo IIf r rod!lolng oure, .. lOoluo","lo ... tloo gJ'OJ\I8At It bllS over oIfecllld.
I ,.
Or. J. C. AVER & CO" Lowell, M.... , PrncticaC end Analytical c:bemJata.
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PULlhollil(lt' ~l AII"tlbeWhcd Uorll O"l'li"t . B \1
ilf OCy .
~I Rid
Is wldely known
efliectual -'m-dl'cs . ~ ~ for e Vll1'dl8l.'Ovcred cleansing tho sys--
tem an purifyiug t.Lo blm. It bas stood th e test of th
ye~n, wi • con.. . . .. n t ly ........ wlogre"-
'c 00 oou. o ' n ' Ie Ey0 au thor 0f Sil ver . m1 hrea d8, AIII'o O.,rl,· llg • • uu~ " cho .• H P iI.,nk . . . u
.,.4111.000, • •...; .;;., ft.,,,, _ .._NIl. ., '"to u,e . 'i"ler ! .J 1I81 publlBhed. R oew edilion or Whl' duu't ) OU II' rite Dr. Celebrated .01'" nJIII chor us. DAnk.. IJ a. .y nil ( b U rad·,ca I "U r . , w,t ' 1I· on. IIIn I l rou m s a ti~'eel \ "I. ·' " Ua II " out medici ne) of S"XIl "AT"UU IIOL' Me. :'01\'; "od clio " 8. 1)81\ 1<8. I W ·"kneB' . Infohm l.ftry S I' mi nal A n)" III thl' "I II \.' m Il ' Ied pOOL. pHi,]. KNe,·. lhllld.lll1d P.h y. lc.l ln reo" irl of tbe """ r, ice. " ,ecl" III " }tan 'a!le. cle.; baY., p icLu r,' : il l . :,. lie.. .\dd l·,·8 Erlle, sy And F. t8. Indu J . l.. _ . _ " ' 4:1 Uro", I"·n'· . N ced Ind ulgelloe ut !eJlllal ex lrava· _
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nc ree.
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A'·ondlll~. To.~:i"lol ? i~Lle ~llImi
Ayel' ;S Oathartic Pills,
The " ,. Whe ., . ·i. OJ, Lovl d OIlC ing. 1l,1I· 1, ;"c •• l:I,ing. 0 ie d W\I 'n L Alone n nd .,1 II nmo .
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Britain. more tban eighteen hun· ~n d a IIne MIlO rim ont 0f 0 dred years 118 , tbey introduced ~IlDll\ ~ Il D ~ f) ~be "I~ ~ Cur'OU8 cn8toms into that ~gl!.~~~~ ts ~Impl again.~ mlln,! I fl ' ~v D~ eountry,-among Qthers, that 0 .::11 onde..or to do 1111 betit to morit CO~r\il")O , "mlln~ NeuralIPa.B_~D carviog 'the fiimre of a rose on the the vor of all wh~ -1 oall 00 me, and Fem~e "-. . ....rrant aU. work to g ... e eatlefaotion . ooilingsd of the banquetang.halls, or A~R1CAN W·aB BLUE 1 :'::"~h"'i ' . I ~~I~II ' ~uoorrbcea,fWwhtln A ~ ").~.,-~ ' ... 1 . th 8~8pon log a '!a... ra roo~ over e · 4 . ~yery '~e !.~d·IO dlOmg·table, With thebo' Latint motto, rr",AOlsu,.... P ';ot7're -P_ -u-';rrol' cnd~duoder I( ~ ~,,"n . to' v i' ,. , .. U; .Ja'. r ·~t..b "o,a,, wntten a ve.l"! In'RAHINO l" ,.. dlcate that whatever was SaId there done promptly, · Prompt atteotiOil to celie. 0, fr ' ds or '>"~er 01 13 rOle among len, ........ ~fI f h" ~n' t·. :~IU'II, -for that wasldthe lIleanlDg () t e 8OJIlIETINO NEW Injurl~ be . ed .... 0 worda,-shOIJ not repeat, ~ ~" .-" - ..." TO . . tl h 'te """"'" I.- •I og· the 8"mbol of •• lla.ple"@ .r"lI!l"'tOnnbl- Inrbtr .. e w I • ..-. u u " AddreH. wllh atamp;-' 8up~roor ·811enoo. ~I ~. t!lll. "ew. ....... .,.. lil.A\.![lB-lIDUIEIlBll . • .1t!lI·ly Dog-da,!8 have begun, but where '1 ~rl Dr. J. C.AYER &- CO., lowe", Malo; are our gypaies' , . I :'."o:~~~~=·~~:tb!:' u BLeE. It you n.::~:':'~'!:i'.t: I shull u::'ly continuo th i;! . alo forI ~ ... : ............ c~ "Water, ~e,e1'1wbere." ~.~'CI!O! IO~;...B~,/:=.:.:.. Ollice. 7t Wlll~~N:~. 1 276 Ilbirty Juyc;. D. It EUIUGHT. IOIoD BY &LL DIIOGOI8!IIIVDYWllU&
REP I R I N G ·i!J
OUJiIlI: Y ~ l' l ('It ) It .\I . \\'lIl Alit! dncs rohevc and Cll re Iho uUllO'lh'~ <li ' ul·del.. flf Ihe Tlu'Mt And J.u u,r.T4 IJO\'ol ~ ,l I"I~\· ot h I' mc. lIeiuc. Tho mOlt '11111): ro". !lIre Il ona "f tho Pulmonary ~ vie!.l to it", llOwori nutl I\sea of C OU DIIl ·0 Dt c urod vi' II". propnr"lion. tire publicly nowa, ." remink.I ,I. ~, hn l"lll.,· to "0 believed. were thuy lIf~t pmv II boyond tli C\lUl6-., A~ n l'Cmedy. It i< 1,,1~'l ' II\le, 011 whlo' h t ". (1U~.!fo lIl!'y for full f'l 1"Of(wlion. Ih' c n l'lUf( ~ tta. rnr~rnnll"'" .,r lII"rc ~el"ro u ~ tli 01110. It . 11_ unnumbe",, 1 !I\' .... nll'\ "" "mount of Inlfertng DOl to) ho nl" I'h ·e, l. It olin llcli ~• •rlol. a nd con· vlncr- tho "'''' .r.eptlcnl. bvery fumlly Ihonld korn it 011 h.. ,,1 •• 1\ 1,T<ltoollon· l\galntt Ole euty .IV)'t' un puJ'(·t\\·(tll ,lIt"ll·k of Pulinol1ary AlI'ee1\1111' , whi oh oro on.lly met a t fln t. but wblab Iwcmll 11"'11 1":11,10, nUjl too oflen rntal, " negI~,·tcf l. T... • hr 11111;1:< lIeod this dollince; "od 1t I. 11 11,,1, I " I.a .. UItOllt II. A. a sartguar:d to . hillr.". 11111 ;" Ihe dl-Ire . 11111 1\1_ whlob I..,,(·t Ihu r :lrO)" ~mi ·he.<tof ohil~hood . CtIZ1l RI' l' gcr.. ".\~ I illl'IIlunblo ] for. ~y 114 tlm.ly U le. t1IU!t il1l,lr" i~ re ~(" ttrl l n o m premAture g"WeII.•
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. holl'n Ihat II a_ . "''\lly tUld eft'ectufolly cou tm} ,11"'1 TIIl,1 hhti mnny or our best cit'" len". ut' :I ll ~!aI''''l"'' 1 Gl\tobli-d.IOii the ~act, thU
it:I..' ;'.~< .' ,~.;~\I, ,~',~'.';I\'.~ ~,',' ',\';\ Ii:.: .1.'
rnnuki, ul thnn this ~r1~ I1ICl l~ for all Avllllt
VOL ·' " ."...· .. ... XX . V .
i """" t ·"' to l ll ,,, .•.
"Im ea, till. and
'!( . 111< ' '';'' ', w n ,,',' n ' 0. 1'.' 1>11 '" linn
...t ,U·'CMO! of ' h" Thron\
.\~'L.aH no liIJi'~~ :i _'Y. . I . lr
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,I" ,' a:: a • . , ~I wlI~~hngw Il'ri' R orcM. U, ~I:' :0 ~ ;. : : : : : : : ~ !'" j:';-' ~r~ 'Fco. c I oo"!."ce. i"",.. erlury e !'l ll\tl\.. '.pl'l~e ., c;-. ;~·.: I ···"····::·-·-=· ... ·"' : ' : """ · .; r.nd ~i1S~nl .C ~bu·eh. ~'ilh pl "lurc W ,rs 1': IIf' I ",d ., ,, d ,II , ,I"." , ="'-t.O"'~- """' ~""" 1= ("). 01 N. ' .l"llIpe. . I <J" l'i ctllr;'"I"ccl' l <1,1 , .1' ' h .. Id ",I' ,,0:, '1 . ~., ~ I ~S;g~~~~~8~~ ~ . . A Fore'l Hy mn. ~le,hllll o n . .. ct,. , i ll . 11 .. • ' ",' "".I .•1,, "'. •• . 1 .1,,1 ... I~I ••. 0 f1: _. _. !' ~". _ = By CARL WAGNER: wll u. eri: ri hi ll,lI"' '''',, " l on' ';C ,, : "dA'':I'' £'w~ - :i ;: ,,1 .,11 Lile " II r.'el, (I IIII1 .h 11011, c. \1 .1. IIJrI,, "1 on
.1 j.. ciw'·rh.... or n.vtlcm 'l·:CI1("r. r\!W oro of
intrioslo virtue., a od . D.talned by Ite rem ark a ble cure.. So mild a. 10 bu safo IlDd " . to c:baltlrc . . benefiCial n. Illlt! yet so scarchlng 30 . s to ettectually purgo out Lh o ......at COr. . o· .... til .'Ifl ruptione 0 f th e bI001l • ~IIl • IllS t h C /lCro II OUB aod ftypbUi tic conu\1nill"tion. Impur ilic!l, II , or disoilloe that h " ,'C lurh<i In thtl l. e. 1 for soon yi ,It I to lliis powcI1ul Illl tid OLIl, anti disappear. U" DCtl its won<ierful '. , f j. J h I' 1 k cures. mnn) 0 IV lie I Ilro IC Y . \low n. & of 8cl"Olhl". nnd 1111 scrofulous g a oce, c. 1l'Ut' AN ClTTN Ulce- Eruptlonl' nod cruptive .dis-..-Price.ln a sell led en l' e lop • . only 8i:1. , ,I,1I£I n" . I IJ - ' . ... • •.., . B cent.. , ' Tho leadin g I ND;; P 1': N! lI ;XT fa: I :l !" [ ordel'll of tho . Iun. Tumors, lotcbe!!, The colelJrated Ruthor. iD adm iru bl o WEEKLY Ilolil :'Io,1 ,,, 1.· •• ;>,'1" .. ill r h •. l '", Boilll, Pimple&. Pustules, Sores. St. A lso E. -· y. clearly de Ill008t n(Ws. froGm IL th l.rlY led •• •••., II ,.· ". ' .. ,' .1" ,'. , ••" t,' , f I ,', I'll Anthllnz'lI Fl~Rosc or F.rys lpe'Q _ t Rhenm, S M Id ye.....· 8uooCl8f,,1 pmCl lce. t ha l ' Ihe ala~mlDg \.Orc8IA o f r.,.~"'r ••v ,,>t' •• ill.t C'Jl!lh tn"d I ' " " . I as, T c ...,r. .... . of '''' I f·~ 1 1I11I!l m.. y b. ~dlo.lI.v t ill ; L..~nl ·1••. oI"r POI I"' r "' "" •• , ....... ,. ", .' Head, Ringworm. !lod interual UJcured wl lbout Ih e dnll ;!OrOUI u.eo of IDlernal Bank h . u", ''', d . !•.. U r.I J 11 ,.i. '.'.li l H" ' . cerlitloD8 of the Uterus, Stomach, whole or b , lite elice. Give ine a call. medicine or the application of knife i liDd t he I nil''''''''''' '' "'; P"m'n"\' 9<",,1 ;,., lUll Llver•. hItI a1so ClIJ'C8 olller COlDI' poin ting o ut a meall ' or cure al Olle<' ... Iho H i)(h , :,1 1'1" r" B' n ,l. P la\ntl, to whic t wou ld oot eeem ".pec. JEH U MULLIN. certain and lI.cluut. by m'''DI IIr wblcb The ' l ' :-/ fo .•- n ."rp .. r lObi " " ....... p., d. .lIy adaptod, such as DroP87 March 17. ery lull'ercr. no mr.Ll oJ' wh. , b ls en IA the 01 l'e.1 111,,1 m .ost I',," 'OU II 11a, Flta, may bO.lllu oure hi msel f oh •• ply. prlvale· l thln kcr. of t hp o',,, ,,l r " . WeakDeae. I>ebW..... loll , I d dl ' II . .' . . "I sh Id b i th b d )li.c. llllll)' ",( Ih.· d,ol t n, nil· th.er are mllAifestaAU ,.,. ':c u,. 011 • II G all • apto,II 'J ,,11 .. r ,e. 'Ier... , tiool of the IICI'O ous P01!100l, Por LaulldtJ and Bou•• hold 'the, of cYery yout.' and mn.n In T"rI,... *L7:, I'<r ) (" r. JI' t l'·, id . It is an excellent nlllorer of health aod · le"ll. I!', " plaID ell PI • t 8 "'''1,10 !\vI' ,,. " ,il L ( "1'1'1i,".I;"n. tre ..tl.. th S · B renewmg . th• . " " )llIrAU'I'Ua RD " , TU:. &n, a ..,... po> ·pa,u. on reee p. o .:II 0 .. I ,. , o~:- In e prUlg. American U41tram.arine· Work- Or hl'o pO.IIIAmpI.· Addre •• lb "u bllaher.. A. 1.lre.... ;0(1.110\ :-; .\ 1'0 1"":> N .ppetite and vigor of the Wgeetlvo ofillns, "."'&.a 111 14 VRA.. '. V "LINIl. tit CO" h llli,mu f".II •. In.l. It a;..ipatea the deprelllon and liu len 1,,0• • • . ••,. . .- . II.... w- P . . " " • •11.. F'" I 1-1 mJlW'O( tbe MUOO. "'veo where 00 d1eordcr Our W lllh Bl uu I. lho 1'8111 In Ihe world. - '- ' - "::'.-- '- --'- .:"..:! - .• - - - • ",a IIrn -111:'1. people feel better. and live 1000ger • h do.·s uol el rcIlk ! OOlltll; '" n"lbing for cleaoaing the blood. ""'e . .....em lIIove, b ' I I . . . . b .A..a new J .' O<l ri W bUltll or hibl'ic. 'Rud 18 u' ,:" In' a l ' . I 'l' l i',g ' U Il . ut 10 per cellt a uvo lin with _wed rip and ItNe of Ih~ I.~. lauodrl~. on aC()Olllll o f Qll~ coat' t' Ir ("(M IL fur if, i .ty day, a~ lite. log ell eal anll a hcapne... ..IIkOJlC," " . . ' • wliitewu bil,g. Put tlp 10 packagt"1 oouTenl· 'h io.:ml' r\lfln. FUI"" t'1'8 allu oth· ,. •• P .. • • D 111' en' It)r I. mlfy UtIC. Price 10 ceol. eub. . W '. el'l ilit\!r&ltcu "ill plt'1&4\' tak<' 11 0 . For .. I, by gl'Ocen .ver, w'he re. AI ...a)". _AIN 11'1'••••••• '0' &WII_Y ""·· !tico Illld .ri ve me an call 8 9
B 'al Cases Caske+" Robes • . Romans conquered m ,WI" FINE SUGAR-CURED BAliS
Cl1el~'l~y Pe0~oral,
, '1'1." I ,M. I III!!
NOIN~ ATI, 0 ,
P L.&Df
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CHOIC~~ PlANO PI E.CES ! ~'t:t,' \'\:;:
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M :I tel'i nls
or tb. Ka"o, BIll
men t.111 dellmOJ about. . ,,'d ue of thei r I ,h)'~ fo'anl. T b ... I, not.hfng In UtentuNt. At. aU urle eilher ' of the foreg,)log .6Th. Ii BcnnlOll J:1f &ma," ..., GIll, be h..t of _ DUI or of lb. PubU.ob_
I s. W. C Ol'. Slsl b aud ~Iain ~I ~.
.. ~. . ~;~~~~~z
Mlnllr.otllred by R. ;. HALL... 00•• NA8RD'..... lII'.B.
a m aJUtu4e of Cl'I\la"ODIl ..bleh huJI6 and R'll1t.1eo
S')octacl cs, T ools &
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ftI(JI:nt11' pubUshl'.I, \\ hh_'~ 1 hlL... M)ld
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lId.apt,04 '" odlilLt. &lid .. SOl eNC .. 1M II.., .. " I. JUit the &blDa tor the )'bung. &-lId for oout.enll talJlea and 18 ' or )"OW'IIdYeIl, Tho furmer .",..t~n
01' .. 1'1 .... 1"
'" C.III,U7. wb_ 0111.... l !lll Eut !lSlI,8treet. Atrttllti-bOtb mID and . ome.n-wank'd to .ell th o 1.""",11tI! .. or1<l. to whom 0 llbe... uroftt will be &110W' I. "hD berin Gia,,, of IIlII." t urhillt.. ha•• been m.ada hl M1l1ua Dr, Ft,or..·. IlUlmlClf
Tr~~~~I~'~~I)id. l{ h:N T & \l leHJ b~, r::t t"~t;;~O~-~t;;" WU OLE vI" ~::" .... ~' .. ~ . ~ .. ~ \ z ' ~fH·n ~· ~l. !~ JEWELERS ~ OPTICJANS . ~· I':; g" ~ ~ , i ~ ~ 471 . 11
'" elth .. Dr. WOOT&,
sill r of .\( nil! :-;l l ee~, W ... VIIII!" V . .. . . I<.OIlIO.
I.lal timore. )1" .
01 . U. uoopttll(! Ih. 1Ir.·m. nllo...., work (Wb lcb ... QU.l
}t; lt ~ t.
T HOS. n . S HM I'.
COlrf"l'&H'h TA.U.LU
Piallo-Forte MU8 1~ 'reaeher,
O.n. Tkkl,t .\g· t .
anl-hor of ··l!XOU'.U. (.011·
th e t l lA'nt.o( '0.000 OOl'l,.A: .l .... •• n r "!kUt~ 8 L'i STO. , ,·,.,..hlch III n 'IW belul! r ,hl1.ult!6 in 1It'r'tH.
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1.1 11o'~ ('~'
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P .loe ODe Dollu.
J'OB THJI :wHISJ[JIBL All our Renewer in many Cfl8ea requu'eil too lung 11 time, a nd too much care, to r ' toro gray or fode.d W hisk rs, we have prepnr~d t1~18 dye, in 0116 preparation j whIch ~lll quickly and eft"e~tllally. accomplish thj~ result. It tS eBSlly appl ed, and produces a color which wUl neither rub nor wnsh oit Sold by all D ruggists. Price F if\y Cents,
F O O'~' E.
Dr. E . B .
.. oAdI·'H
" "" ~ 1; '. \,11 . 1. 1': u .
l u M. (JO', E.
The most popular Singing- ~ ~ .;;.... ~'" BOOk :J~~~lt l:e~~~~~~~IIl~oit~I:~~I:~!!I~,I~: • • ever published. Price, ~ _~ :~~ t~ ~ t lt!CII traJlsluted into the Germa ll FllIJrlldtlllJrre Dea~err $7160 per dozen. Sample .~,., i3 .B a .' te po • now extensive . IY • 'Ied1 pOSt'd IUl1uuge, un d IS -ANOIcoples mal ·pu I 'fjor -rn ""' ~ I tl t tGe nany M.... ntw dl -~ SO Irong lOl1 rl ....... . n , Aft A f t t 76 cents ."c ..;:"d •..~~~g8. - - ' - ' - - -wh ile, it is havio\an extraordinary ~ ~~~~8 :~~~t.~, ~ ~. , I Addre8s J I P ETERS " .
. 0:• • •
DI'1Il/gflt,. 11M D«!ler.;11
Buokingham's Dye.
mall ".,., or •• tb o otll.,.. A oom· ~ of ..pourlnl !>rnmto 1111"""'. or oonfusl on. Cue boob &ever ootIJi:Ql*-1 1 uoept bJ t he phyiklAn. ot the OJtabtilhmt"Dt. I'or '.rea oonJuhaUon aend for"", of flu",.tton", A Ilny-1'M'P pt.mphlet of ni(tenou or '1l~ .-enl frf4J .tao,
11lrnioIo.., b,
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. Bold bg all
All 1"..'''10 al a 4IIt.aoOO .... '"'lui"", \0 an ...... • " nt4uded llAt of plaia q\lM1 tf)I\' wh ln t\ will be
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Thruugh Tieketa nnol fu m or lulimunthlll c all 1'0 ol.t.. ined AL" II prill(pal ·r;ck. L 011\ .
ACI '-l k ~ Ch'ld , ass· A. GO lor 1 rent ,Used in all the orincipaJ Publid 5 h l P ' i 6 I C 0 0 s r ce,. $ p~r dozen. S .mple copIes matIed 1 post-paid on receipt of 60 ts J cen . :-Ofllno, I S E h -.v f.HI I . ong C o.
" ... v .
E. ' '. U. \\" A LTON .
Fairy Echoes.
"'''~· ~I' '''''' , ' ' v..
Dulld . . . .
t Pullman ' . Palace Da..nng.Boom . cSae h e. an d 81 eeplDIR I' rolll S, Louie. Clllc\olllul lid (]olum ou. ' o Fil'l! t Nt/tiona" BII I/l.; IJ llil,I/"[I. Washington and Ba~ltimore, NGE W AYNE ' V J LLE, OHlO. WITHOU'r "IA 'V I
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~I ~ I We would cal' the attenS' ! fT h d h ~::: bon 0 eac ers an ot era "'I interested in mnsic to the ~ ~ 1111' k ' b' . h E.. g,
'I . MUD.~!\£gQ.~li
~. H,,, ,,"". "JI~ d ,,,'r ""0"0 Pust IJJ""Dr. E,B.Footo's Plain H Ollie WUYII~.\'iI_lu. ~h .O). Talk and Medical Co mlllon Se1l\su, u book of nearly a thousaud pages, • -. -
'Staple and Fancy Groceries.
lit 0111 hOllr., II lId II >" I' )lly of
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~'i cl d 1"1:1110 the Now J ersoy "ruu· iUllmdiatt· ""·YlIlllnt. Illld lit.,"., htlvltl lf 1111)' • Iaim .. will j 1r08cnt t.hem t I r OIt." t l mil t'. J 1 III t tow roord hus nIL· "which 'tl l: " llo 1I.IU V b. Wilde w i tt. chhor m rob r o f 1,' I·d MI'. pe\ll' to rudnce th pri c' III lute tim.. O . ..'. WIUuFrT. .\lu" ufuoturCllu li kind. of Dr"ud & CRko III' l il t! WiIlO, n is N ew J\!rt3Cl' I ·HA.EI, WH IL: H T . ,I iii." I.. r W Hy II C'lI"iIl" :I II I I I," ~ urrouuding t1l't..l'i .. l alll'utitJl1 ill tr iven j '". ~ i!:l f'ar Sllllll'ior tu any Il erotu·J ___ __ __ _ _ lwi;,!hl'IJrlwud. LI' , ,, .. m oiling f L' I'C \'ltt ill tho fUu l'ket; nunc of CAKES FJ' R WE'I'JJ\ DlNGS I. I b I \\' 11( ' I if! vtt cd ull ti l fr,nr YCUltI ~ A ND I> 'l"I'JES (lId. It i .. pl'e:!crib"u by pily ~i ·. L n \, I
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th l'u lWh ll u t
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in hi8 shop_ the IILw '· r in hit! o11ice, th studellt ill hillstu<ly, til culti - D~ vtltcd "'on11'0 fit ' 1Ic' I'lltllil"J flr(!~it1 I ~. -- \Vb Co.lI be in nth II lind plll 'Od . at UIICU, alld 8 1 'uk to n millioll jJ\lV' I p lo ellch do.y, B.uyi llg to euch (I ll the bl'st tiling In tL b :lt munner.
tu Juso their bu'loC&!, uDd betvrll tlte 11";11.1 camo ofl'th firm foiled. g uu.Jbccumewol'th'Cd' Thisst uU'
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this ill 1869, Mr. Sp er at ICU w~t from New Jersoy to St. . ...n I cd detectivos a.lld Ul8, ...... poy , 1"U th~ head .quartors for deu l. II'" ill thiS\mitatloll of hi8 will to t il ""' l' Iace f! llrown, W e be r !lll t1 Gruht\01 . I h commellced tillit Ivl' ISO.OO dlllll~08 in tho Ullited tltnD CO\II·t ' 1 de pt'ou UII
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inci!,lIllu Arr. Olollh,·u!he .. PurUlllu"1I " l h rl,.tlll 1'lIrkel"llbt" , Arr. Or~l\o"
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\'I'r~ y ar iot-rea the IlOJoulan. ty I/l'tUI valuabllllIRi! Preparation; which i du to ment alone. • can aIIiIure our old P3tl'Oll.8 that it II T&&;\l" ALL F 1Utl.S F k!!rt lilly UIJ t it . lIi~h stlWdm; :1.1 1<1 it ill th only relinbltl a~d Ile rfecrt.CJmO~ !l llreparation for r ·t~\"lng GRAY "'N1) BBOIlv. on F AD.&D HAIR to it'! youtl\ful ~olor. Letlerg { rona aU parta 0/ making it 80 lUl!tr u.', !llld Ilk~n . tI. e Clt1iU:::Cll ) f o r-lde The scrup, by it~ u. c. become w~nto and lean. I romo') all erupllon. and dandruff; und. by i.t, tonie PI"?P'" I' III •• II IIAL W" If artie ,prc\'en~ th bau' from fll.Umg out, :Ill it. timulat . nd nourlJ:lh~ the hair-ghnds. By lUlU • the hnir UlI 18 TIlUT!N'G grows thicker and stron er. In iumerou. Patients in Europe. the baldn iI. r tor the oopillary Weat Indies, the . Dom1nion of glanolll to their n noal "i ~or, IlI!d will 01' ate a n w growth, exe pt m Canada, and in every State extrome old a Q. It i tho Ulost cooof the tJ nion. IlOJnioaillAm ORE SUI o,:er ~od, ADVICE caVEN BY MAIL 89 it requires fewer app.h oallons, and give" the hair a splendid, gl~ y FREE OF CHARCE. IlJlpea.l'Once. A . A. Hnye 1\1.D., 1(0 me:reulal medlcln .. Of dd t.I.lr\ou. fhl1J(W UIiItCJ. tate As>lllycr ofM_l8 ach lIsctls, says, 0". durin" "he 1)6'" tw.nL1 "Nt,. 1,...1 01 \ "nODI!" "Tho constitnent af pure.nnd . cI hl1, u..... ,' or qUito ..o,WO AU r.C'l~ oon· n ~ ,,'ILh ,-tteh caM . tU ourefuU" ~-ourded . fnUy selccted for excellent ~uality ; whet" t tb el bu ooll\munlcalo\l 1,1 1, ""'r (l r to lind I consider it the BE T PREl'o\fK'nuD. or ()~rYIki by Lho ()u(iQr or M. aDOC' Aut RO\ TIO~ to r its inteoded purpo~es." pb,Nc&&aa. 'aUAl' are al\ ~len\ln c t1*UCIl
An IndeijBndcnl Ph1sician, •
Th i! £a , . • lie
1/' mR
Ig vI"
121 JninltCI lJAU~ - "
VCrC\lIl~' with 11 0 ·if.(1alJvriII ' dru '
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i1y .hO\lhl hu" o lh"," oII I." ~"I ""I
the 11100,", 1.. /'u l·lllt..... til oOl'ruptiou," of lll(' ;.(\.,
Lelll ... ,,0110< . ,"('",,,,·r.l( anil ht .,.hnl" IUnl'l.hoer), or IUh •..,.100" .1 10 l. hN.lIh! aoll"ltv. 1"'urn,,1 nrgn,", ,,.,.h.to 1....0"". d •• "~ . ,;rt " "1',,1./1 ,.., ./"»,, ..,,1 by. I ' / O " j'm. :.I".,1 , Olitn lOl . " .. 1 I"", '1'1 .... 1,.,'11'1('''' ,n.• -0 eltn"II',,"t hll ll hO";l 01 wh l.l\ o:I1''':E! who II ",,.. k,,,,,,,, 011 IIIh , "Iho IU't,·,,111" mu.lIllluleO\vhO , ll. m il hn ... II) I,' """'1,"1",1. 1 ".Ir "'p." .·'-.ro t u!J lln 'Q ''(''I\t!)O vlrt .. p< IIlIh" " "h..,,, (no' nlll'••1:.lul 01I,,111 r ti ... r.thclr 00 till" tlI O" " 'e .. v.''' .......10. "i,,1 rcllr.I,lu. I Allhollllh .o",.hh .., . II " •.\' nrc n .. hl. ","I 01"'r8.10 w UI. uon. LlluLlou . ordJu.or l"U J ,lirCl'UnM nro !d • • n on the \rrnl'l>er lie " n,. h 1>0' . 1t"1I" I" '''''' IltOlll " n 10'.111.1.,. l 'hX'o :.... 1 for ,JIQ (011"11'1 118 cOllll.I .. IIII<. \I I.. ,,,, u.""..
'IInktls lhctn jJl~u~ allt Lob\k,
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.'or U '.I....,..la 01' ... IU ll"t'IIl." ... . I-I.,I .. _
••_, L .. n . ..... r no.1 L et..... r .t" J'. U"', 1I10Y shoulol be wl.e ll 11I",lu""III, 1(.. 1:111111" 1,, til slom.
,oh. n", l l·o>[o.·o I" '"lihy tOil , "" l.I" II"II. For L I\·r r " ..... In'II It • •• rluu.H ~ ..ympo 10 m •• B ,a.,u JI I .p d. "Ia.. , 1I11.,1t .... n el...........1I" .. 01' O r"!, ,, • • " ........... . . .... lIc ,\Uti D ill • • •••.. Y.. I'IIJlhey bo,,11I II<" ju<l"'ll1uol)' I.Akrn (or enet! rMe. 10 CO"",,,I llIe .or l"ntoVO Ihe wh101! t·o< ........a .......:!' or 'BI.......... bu' ono mll<l .10 'Q Ii grllul".II)" rcqul,'''!. ..
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":;'::d~:.:;"~~~.::..':~' :::~~:.:.:. w:. IO I,lfI••• "k .nll " o l • • • III~)' ho,,1,l be conlin. I I I I I 'n-lho tlloOIUIfIIl : :~:l~.r~~u:k~;~::.r~\lflj, Co~cll'Cataop tboM complnlll .. ,\1I11()pcur. L
For .........r an<l .....pItIe.I.",..III_
the), . houl!1be LAten In Inrge.u<1l1'equelu IIoIM &cl'rOduc lhoatroo~of .. dl'f&ltlu t. !'&to Yor ... PP ......... c be I tnlr..n. 1\111 l.ro(Jneel le .tI elrttl'lJ) I f . ..' ".,••••_•. PI"-. '-". OM '11'0 I'UI. Ie . ftn .I';:;iI.... ' lle . 10""..., An OI!cA 1""01.1".., , lIl1v,h.lelI the at,,_11 00",.1 oy.1Om.• ",-.Iohl. thoIII1tJ'~II oRen.... ...d IbTlI<Irat", 1M. DO •• rlo... deranrem\l!ll ....... OM ..... ..... •• 1I:('n · ftQlI- " .., ......
"t! . l/l~10 .MI~k\
I I'''!~J' p';;;'ote~lIm'U~"
If~~ce" Ad~"""""~ IoI~mb'h,".II 0' ,,,...• r.:~S,Ur ;r;;\r=~1= ~'""" ~
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bte Htlll( A cm!'\! pomlt ut writ frllUi Ih of M,. l'tl We \ldlttod tho National lu Il( I I II here 1 '.<holll<1 like tu I'U dav ) IOIeresllllg are lUI content" 'Ih rol IcellO IKof nlltllml history and of u iuu" II I ~ Ufl l et y l!uuU but not 110 IIHruutll 0 118 Ih l: re hl of th Aztec lind of thelt COlltllll'ru Nl [II the court )'lIrd IS U huge Klone II b,c\, It! KUI'JlOl!tld to hllve b,oll the lilar u ~n wblch Iho I w tllliS were II II ILl! sncflflce.., tI, .. r bellrltl u~ ut lIud carefull), prepared to be eaten 118 " Ie funCIlt.. Ibere lire 111110 rue hu ge I)ru I blone Idul 01 e of willch hlld tI IInt.eJIllIll)6 "bleh 1\'11. uded lUe of the ph)'llx III ~H)t wltb the lilmou rpt'llt 1I11UgC8 lIc ullltufttl {rum ... \!lUll, wl"ob lire pre IImec 10 h.II e l>et 1I 1I1!('l III tho \lursbll' ul Ibe Qu tzelcollll th featll cred tic rpent tbe god of tll Il1r lu the u:.UseUUl are mlllly curlouti mn HICl.llllldtrllu f llla Wfavou8 aud othu rtl Ice ul U e '\ztec HIh IIOme rUlilly 001111 UIIII terra (!otla fun r II va II. fhe.c rc ce (llad~8 fur r.1I1 Ulltl of dccllIUIe<l humlln Ity arc nearly t ~u fo: L blgh 811d o\" r I foot JO diamete r, WIlh grucelul bill dlcrl ond orll nlllelll~ 0 6UI flowers IIDd Illir 1 corn llc. Wetl ~I ell(> symbols tbe sLlII exblblt tb e brlllJdnl colors I I yormllhoD ~ellow lind brol' n \I [ueb they wure or!glllalJy ullled 10 olle room \\ e \\ ere shOl\ n on tbo ftcM)r tbe 8uIUl of 81eol armor \\ Orn b) Cortez lho conqueror and Pt:dru d AI Hlrado his '<llthful houlellant Both must Illu o ooen small Mlzed lIIell IIld [ I\'gretted tu learn IfWr 1 hl\d left ~h e IUrlUIIIIIl~e for , on \, It It IIIU/!eUIll thut tbere \\:181' po rtr lit of Cc r tru~ lovclle' or lu, s ru t ez III '1 slllck of ~flm plctllr ul 1\1, XI tllll vlCeruy s \\ III\lh II e I!IIW piled 11\ \ nlOlhlll nbollt to n II !!jll corllet but did no t eJlununo It I~ to be huved tlllit 1118 \\01 dertl I rllc,l U e (\ Irk n 11\ 11111 collectlOlI 1\ eight ot wlllch wOlild rel'fLy allY tmtiquarlalilor II Joutnc) to Ml'Jll~'o YIII IlOOII be ul'l\lIged !llld catnlogucd Meullwhlle Aztec Idols e tc, ure manll I"ctured nllllr tbe City, Illd soid to th ose \Vh" ;.Ie Ire thew to PUJOt u murnl ur adorn II lale
Dead as a Donkey. Tho h erOIC dun key t1 at wlllppt'd t1 c IIOIIe85 loliel\ I lils dnys r)f u fllllll'll~ 1\ r ol er wbtlu he expended II. yOlln g ~trength III k cklllg dl8gu~t IDto the \)rlllll of tbe queen of bellSts lind compelled her to retlr frolll the field of com\mt I wor ted fO(! /lOme mOllths IIgo The In eldellt of the honeSil csclIpmg from her IIgo III th e 7.oologlcal Uarden and ooullCmg the motrensl\ e nnld lind 1Il1lGcent donkey IS be was bolDg led IIlong the mllin avellue of the gnrden IS ~tln lre~h In the II1l1lds of our rClld el'!l lind needs no rcbeal'1!l\l It 18 BuffiCient to /!/Iy tl nt the courngeoU8 donkey tholl~h bl~e(hng greatly ond suffetlllg the In U>IISO palll of dc Illy inflICted I\ound M I" II ulken olT tbe fiellla conq lIeror H s ellemy the lIOness fted to tbe wooded hillS/lind 8ubsequfntl)' t~ death lit the bllll<l8 of -!lr MoAvoy The donkey ~a8 ca red for by the ZouIOKiclI1 Society Dl rectory prucurlng the be8t aldij of letart DIIry surgery For a time the herOIC b~uat improved lind was regarded as one of the most valuable IlCqU18ItIOIlS to the lIVIng curl08ltle8 or 'he gIIrden It WIU! leI C~ IIItende<l tbllte be shollld wprk ngnlll He WIIS kept III royal lllte, fed 011 I he chOicest hllY thtl most tctn(ltlllg o Ill! tho lllrj;cst Cllts of cora nnd had the t!O ftest beddltlg But In 8J1llO of nil tl IK I I e donkny died t111~ morrullg HIS re maLDS Will bo carted off to tbe fertlhzer but the memory of hl8 great achieve ment Will be kept alive 10 the records ot the ZooIOSlcal SocIety TillS donkey H hlrtb 18 unlutowlI but tbe obileurlty of hl8 parentage does not cast the lellst shadow upon the worlt of hi s life -010
IlIE F DA1RY Co\\ s -Wlllo n IImt.tlng tb fllCt tbat lhe cow ~ ( f 0 0 1 r. eli 'WIll make l\I! much milk o r butter fro m lho ,8I\rne IInollnL of food gil III I lin) IIIngle I!ClII!On It does not UCCeI'JllIt Iy fol· low thnt large beefy COW811re ooslr-most profitltble--for the dntry It takes tWice at! much food to rallle to lull Size II COIV welghlllg 1 GOO pounds 8.\1 one tbnt weighs only 800 and when fnttened lor bOef she selle/or hnce asmueh glvllIgg~ater profit If the beef 1II!1I8 {or more than it COIIt but less profit If tbe food ullCd III li.:ttenlllg Ie werth more than the bee. bnngs, There IS lIurlllg tht' life of lIny amID,,1 a CODSlllItt,8upply of food uet>d~'<I to keer. the amUlnl 10 ordmnry conch tlon -the uger aDlmal requtrlng more food lUI the phYSIcal waste IS always propor t.illhate to Blze ReCkODll1g the average Ii fe of ClIW8 while 10 the dlllry ot eight years (per haps lAIn . 8 neUter the truLlI) It follows tberefofe tbat tlte larger cow bas reqUlred an eIght rellrs 8upply of food to supply allilpal IH (not for milk) more than tbe I!m"ller cow while gI v IIlg ou I y t.he 88me amount of milit for the feed given 1t _ms therefore that daIry men who buy cow~ to milk unly one or tll'O yenrs before fattenlllg, would do better to select tho large cowl!, while thQllO who milk their COW8 elgbt or ten leara Illould select the smalle r COWII or thOlle which give the greatest Yield of milk In proportion to lllze • • _bwI48......
BERRY OAItB.- One PJOt o( milk, one
qua[t of fl Ollf one quart of berrteH one up of upr two egg., a little BIIlt bult~r th 111118 of an egg. one teaspoonfu l or eod or tbne of ye&llt powder Pit ERYEB -Jam", preserves, etc cat\ be en ted fT(lDl. gnu DIng by add Ilig a teaepoonful of cream t.l&rtar to every gallon of the Jam or pretlCrv R:u BM - Take loe-oold water Ill! lor wbeat gem "ud tlr In good rye meal entlrelr unbolted, Bll\mg wltb on band and turrln, With the othert until llIey are of a con atenoy mucb IlIlclter than liult required (or wheat E.zperi mmi. with .. few at 'rat makbut IIOme lI1iclk r than othera (the luI. as LTllek u 10U 0IUl II tir them) 10 as to be BU re to ~t the fight con iMtAillcy before milk tht'm fur the tabl Th n II; them • litU NOre tban you ~ould wheal and ....,. or Id .. you I'T\'JCII' We 1Ike th at _ana. UAY JAIIl _ tallr and erepas .... rUQ UII~ of fIt'" rt'r~1 tuugh
)'ut tb... Inlu 1-1"'
let .... aad
th '1 .al'lll IItlr alld Ii) briDa 014& the JIUOeo J..~
Ctnllat. TIIII(~
In all Indian Camp Hum lin nature 18 the 8I\we aU tbe world 0\ er We" ere IIDIUl!4!d 10 see R IIIUe Iud an girl plaYII g wltb her 11011 111 ber OWII ]loculi lr way S he had It In IUllltll to frlime for carrylllg her dolly obout In all cllrefully ullitated from tholll! of Rrown lollte. Her doll 11'1\8 II bit or fed flonllol mltde up to IOIlK hke II head aud It Wild very carelully wrapJIOO Ill' lind pucked n lUI case wJ leb Ill! we IlIIW It 11'811 8t1mdlllg agal1l8t a tree When we were 100Iktng at it the oIVner "1\.iI qUIte plelllllld to have It put 011 ber back to carry A t another place IIOmo four or fiv e girls of VllflOU8 aget were lIeated near three 8111UII lodge~ a foot or a foot and a hair bl~b COI)leJ after the large onllA they live In On iItopplllg to o.zam llle W found tbmr Inlenor copied as faithfully Wllh little bltJ! of fur and cloth urld blllllk t IIrrang d around tl e WilLI and Ill\le dulls IIlYIlIg with Lbt'lr f~ t towlItd tbe (It>nter The /loll wore uf JlOttt.'I'Y r /Ughly lIlarked 10 figurei'" wlIh nu ann~ And mOJOt 01 tIle headK were uw. which Illlld 110 ;.Illferen(.'t' to lbe cbll ,11\'11 or ~IUnoe Nner did cbildren ('-oP1 DIU", ~rketly tbe man orr of their Iden ~II Ih IItlle ladian air...
8peaklns hl Pnblln. Iu too DlIlIIy CMe8, the public speaker substItUtes lIOund for senae rhetonc for urgulnellt learned qllotatlUlls for facts he doea not understand the value of word.., md ualDg them procilglllly IfM sella their elrect Now tbls 18 clearly tbe reault o( the delleneracv of conven!lltlon 1\8 II fine Ilrt There 18 no I!Chool for the extem~re speaker 1\e believe equallc that 01 the tbou~hlfllJ talk uf 1\ company of IlItelhgent ffleud.., eltprce8lDg freely their Ideas on IIOme VItal qUe!!tioll Only let the talker In private or III pllbhc be not content WIth the IIllpehod mode!! 01 8pe9cb the vulgar slang the batr.bllited I!tlntcnCCJl whlcb 110 many nlllCan conver Muon but let him lUIpJre even III the oxpre~glUlI of the m08t commonplace fnets tbe m08t ord IlIsry nell'tt, the com monest mea8Rgel te clotho his thought III the language Which Mall be at once strongest and most graceful cleal'e!!t and moat refilled 8I\ylog fully al1d aptly all be mean8 yet not nn Iota more Practiced wltb such alms no day need go by In wlllch be may not tllke II belpfulle8BOn
A Prett, Pet.
A Pam corretlpondeDt writes
Last sellllOn tho hone8l! 10 nldel 8 menagerie gnve btrth t.o three cub81 two of wblch I!OOn died, and tbe thud, whicb lI'as healthy and promlllCd to live, bad I"" book bf'( ken by IIOmeaccldent M Bldel presenled tho poor httle animal to one of blH emplo)'Ct'B, who resides ID one of tbc Ruburb8 of Parts. Thle man had II. daugbter wbo took the little creature JII cbarge, fed It Watched over I t and tended It Bnd It it now a fine large bon devotedly attacbed to I!.II oonefactl'Ctlll and followinJt ber about the hoU118 and garden hke a dog I am promilled a Igbt IIOme day of thIS novel .nd metblnke rather dangerou. pet. r
THE ltfa.JfI~ Fal'liI~r ~U~('Ilte that farm era by bUlldlnJ all adJ< Illlllg corners of tben farm~ 10Ight organlllll little fllrm el'll Yllliget' whi h would (1:1 ve Lhem the .Ilvautlge c,f lIOCIC\Y And make !.helr children muc:h more eonteulf'! with farm
A OUlUOU8l11dlC&tlonoflbe fact tbat Lhe country bu _n hard ilmee the put year or two II te!!tified to by/.pe .... makera, who .., that the rBglllOl tJieDi of late have been more raged th.n formerly It _me people ban been wearing their clotlaee thioeadbue, .nd there muat be a~.I_....wI. time ClOIIII~ I co~ueD'll. Cor ... z.~ aD clu&billt U&dea.
0 UO" fr;;o
-"".,-- ......:1 ....... _'" ,_ .... ::.::::: ~ '.:"... .::.~::::.:::':-,.,:...., : : 1r"'n.~ .~ ~~,.!... PI.'! D.,-",SUAIIeN ••• D. PllJtC., ..... 1 _
'a8Y(lJIOIU.NClY, _
I···. . "allaa. ··...
. . . . ~. ..;
I .....u""., r ' .."... , ..~ .... - ...... ••..,..................... '"_•••.... I, C~~
Ttt... thn1-cau.~
-=':.t~~~~'Ql. ~n::::.
.. VI.---
MBE R 6.
,\\r A Y
ESV ILLE . 0111
''1' 11, I 75.
" fIOJJ~
1',.., In l .... f I koow.
U Il.!r. he h "C60-lul i\ lM"Crel . t Ade
an U
, rUt.lr"~ Ib ftoor
\ 01 "81! of • • ~I " \' fillon'
Nl:Xl>t CI Ell
1111 1 lIlIdatloll of 1I01llc@ ll bapptnet18 [I Ih 111 11Ill virtu 01 womllll the fOI I Ii 1~111I 01 pol\llcal Impptnc tem ptlr:11 n <l etnlllli 1M rchallce on the go JdncS8 01 1 rovldcl ell .AR fir \ reporlcll 1I0t n ~ltIglo haok mllll hW! low r rl hl~ ratO@ or JOlDed tbo cb llrch 11\ on l"CDCO of the @clentllic IInllouncement that u\ 7 00000 yean!, N Ingam l nll ~ \\ III h \ ve ce U!Cd to eXist Om A(O 7/1bll' ~ h matI ~x 01l\l\llod n br gl t ht tlo Roston girl to her mother 18 sho saw G llerollJu tler pl\tll! by 1"Jlh I a lin I Ion thore sour 1'II.rmn marble match Slife on hol't!& baole S
By the Llr. of the Duke of Hrun wick Just Ilubhsh d ill rllrlt!, It IIp(X'1I.11i tbat an IIscnt !'(lnt by bun viSited l.A11118 N apolcoll III the jlntlon of l111111 In 1 "7, and ga\o to lho pnnc 00 000 fn\n c~ or tlllO,OOO with which ho Imbed his Jlul era allcil!CCul'fd hl a freedell Ibe cOulll
J III III W 18 rccel t1y "old 111 London 1\ Hpl ndld 8 1. of h IIlglllg3 formorly be1"lIl>lIlg to 1\ IlIg I ordllllltld I of Nllplell. Ihore \I ore eight 1'lOoc~ worked 111 001 oroel ijtlk Ind onrlChed wJth l;i0ld and ijlhcr lhrclld 111 tb stylo ot ItaliRo lIeedlework of tit 0 ~ ll(tce ulh century I III JlldlJllla &.'IItlr/BI paU otllmliy8lng8,
LooK OUT 111111 dl rlkCll nro the ruge 111 F IIgtond Til ncoordnnce With a notice glU\ll by the colton IDllI!terd of Aijht.ou Laloy 8 Brrdge, Dunkelheld 1I1\(11tIl\tII!ly a look ou~ bus cnlUml'lI d 10 i!6vc.rnl of tho lIullll. nlcl!II the operntlv cs Yield with III tI monlh t.ho mills ijLllI open nre to be ci(I8Ct\ Ill! I h tim of Lhe lIo11c IlltJlITC8 III \\Inch CII•"C • sev\'ml thou>!:l n I (lI.'()I.lo Will ~e IhrowlI out of ell ploy \IIenlo A "trike I!('t Oil foot by the o(lor ItlHH III UI ibllm hllH gOllil lutO dl ct Ind I\1velvcd one hundred 111111 and (\lIrteclI thOIlIlllIl(\ bUlIlls 1 he Wor~\Il g men 8 AIIMIICI ItlOf ~ 01 ") ork.lurc L 1I1C:1 IIIl1ro nml bc!$1ur 11"0 resolVfd t{) ijllilporl tbe IlXlkcd out LIlt! stnklng IU II Optlnltl verl
r l. 8 '" JIlt 10 ... 11 b l~ 0" how biller
ILCorusll ll.ddun notglt or It 18 1I0t so ClxtrROrdJUIlt'f that NcbuchadllcZZlll' Ilvod on gratlll. We knuw of hili dreds upon hundred a who liv e on the turf I I is the London Tek[fl'{lpl. wbich put. lu.rth tbld ~I tnder 011 the Anlorrcan ba."bee: 1 he tranl!llLIILlltlC IDfunt bll8 a pecuhat 1Il0dc of crylug m 11 series 01 sharp, ap \811\0dlc ycll'~ very different from tlie lusle I to howl of tho British bantlmg , III1U with llltolllltion nil though It were I rrmlll,urcly 8trivIIIg to reclLe the Dealar It 011 or [nd pend noo With Its mouth full of pellnuts lIud pop-corn " I ElA V I tlte reputati on," aaad a BlUy fill' to a bright yOUtlg lady "of havlnj{ the softest lips tbat ever preeaed tbose of bel\uty Indeed! exolalm ed the young ludy spontan eouslya ddlOI 1 w
North Oer lUll' Ga..'t.U« comment on the recoil t tiU blJll\!lliOIl of Ontlroho c1ergymell to the law for the I\dmtni~ tration of oburch property fnys the Episcopate bl\8 tberoby nbanrloncq tbe prinCiple Illlhcrlo malotalllcd tllllL the pohtlt>! of ecC1CllI ~tlcl\l matt rs eRn only \)0 regulated by mc.tllIS of wdependclIL tlrfllngcmellts bet\~een the S late nnd dlllrch 'lhe GlUe/Ie mfcrs lint tho Roman Curta h Id gl~cn pcrml8.'llon to tbo clergy to deCide for them.oelve Ill. the snme time I\III5Urlllg tbem thllt 1\ do CI810n m Cavor of 8ubmulllioll to tho la\\ Will not be regarded Il8 Rn tlct of disobedience to tbe rl\pal autborlt y 1hl8,' cooUnueil the Ga:dte, may ~ con81d ered lUI a. bangmg strugglo betweon tbe pohtical and ncclel!l1llltical poweI'l!, and lhe Cathuho EplllCOpAle will probl\bly urge IIIIOD Home tbe nCC08IIlty of extend lug 8till (urthor freedom of lIetlon lit thl'80 mllttel'll" TilE
I..'lo~"'''' Are your I .ad .. "ud tour II po.: , Then AI lite
HIII!T I. nol qultUns 'tbo bUI1 r.areel'-
ru.... I.Ute fiu.fog
or 1:1<11 I<> lI. . pbere
I I. lho brook.
Alter I • Ill.
rlJJ 10.,.lng and
or IntoxicatioD
I IIIWICOD~18tencleslD our orthogra phy
] be IIbu!IO of fermented dr Iks 181\11 old as Lire world but tbo extellslOU wlucb thl IbullQ bM 11111110 alld tho aggravated c1ulfaclcr wlllcb It bll8 lUIIIumcd bave IIndc It 011 OfLho 8(>eclnltIClll of our age
OAMIlIITTA alld Uouberl lfe ulUvermlly
nCKIIO\\ led lied III France to be tbe
two elllef nntngolllsts for IlOwur The fil1lt 18 the hClld II tho H e publlC:tn , nnd the sec olld of the Impert II l'lrty llulfet anll J\(lIc~f Ihon uro the men of strow pohtl cally 81'cnklllg wbOi!C short hOllr of rulo 1M dO@tlllcd 10 fildo Il8 1\ Il'nf In all EllropclIlI countrlos lUI 10 tbe Ullited !States 1.1 oro I~ro bnt two real v"rtlC6 1n Engl \1111 r"JlllbhcaUI~\\l 18 oont.elldrng \\ILh fllllllni Rrr~t(lQrllcy,IU1I III Frlllec IIgl\ill~t nutocflltlC tyr luny roprl'!lCl ltc I by thu NlIl'ol IlII1CC mplrll In 1I rlllIlIly lI,d It lly 1IIIIIIIIy I r oc IIfll \1 WIth th Ir lIewly IC'llIIn:<1 nlLIOII d IIIdOI',,"den e th~re (\ 1St 11\ 1111 Iwt\\ O stnto ollly th 1" rty of 1II\1IU~1.o! lIlU 1.10 aloetton! (If til olu l rrI torrnl dlH~IOII M hendcd by LIm dll!POOil!(! II I'm t)I.'S lIud Rome, IfI AU8Lri L lIud 1~11l!l!1I1 the p'lfLy of progrel!8 IIg 1\ URt the party of old Idca.'I. And l!O 011 wuh the mmor IlI1d \u~lglllficIIUt con till! Iltlll COllDtneli. I bo world 18 movrng aDd atraw Ulell are beCOllllDg of ICI!II RCcount.
--- --- A I'AIIMD in Charitoll lound a way to
-MIl. .,.
Do you remember an old fll'Ce called The Worm of the StIll,' printed 10 many Umes over in tbe .. old nadel'll" That piece, leal than a page In length, made a literary reputati on for a man in ool1ep wbo lW lCarceIy pabliahed any Utlns ~ce be leA IL Jolin au II, the authOr, bu (or ~~~x )'tal'll been ~ • ...., ., Blu lUiDoiI, ..... IIti1l
get mellow to-dny at mealK oily nl I w lh IlIluors of 1\ natural and ):~ I rOil " h .rIleler Away from the t Ibll' IIId \\1 lie fW! l\U~ he IIdwlIIlstel1l Lu hun!lOli III n rll hClal prep trntlllll wI Ith 1M('lIher a polt<On or tI medlcm e 10 rCUller 101111 \\lore e lhclont Modern III ttl! OIl MIIl I 'Illite motber tiling from tbe brulal but LrtlllMlent IlItempemnco of the I \I!~ It h \8 1111 {hc Il I"~ of that 11Item per ulce II hlch the llrclLcbe r forhlUle the H ebrc\\ 3 lo II dulge III Iteaul!etb linger tc anse lind brlOg th rlllll upon many and V" III'C~ morom or 8urplU/mg., or I Ices of Its own aud 1\ Dlahglll~y un kl)own III modem hm. p ll.cccnt medl ell 81UdiCH havcdemonslfllt(ld beyond n lIollbt th murderouH ell\cnor oj thtl II coholt~ llOll!()l1 and lhe l>erlll(IO U 1II0U ODell "hlch It exerCises Upoll the urglUll ~l\tlOU nud IIItelllgence or nlllll It lij 1I crefar LI\COUrg IIIfllctcllupotl JIlOl.l rn tlllle_" II W HCuur 0. @ I~ I I4I"OOU~ I~nu ell Iflclc r'8t1 I ro nct 01 our clv.illZlI twn
I II E 1'1111 Mall Ga.r.lte, In Muggestillg new ~Jl her for Useflllno81 (or women, !Ill)! Amon!; other OCCUpatlOD s wono..ohzed by lDall but adapte<! for women, 18 that of navlgatloll The _ II pre-ewi nenUy ono of woman' "pher. The roar of the tem}JCllt would not.drowD Ute clear note. of her IlIUt\lca\ voice when _ulng ber ord8I'1!, and ber eye more watchful than man would dot.rct In an IDltant any ftaw In tbe ~ral &rTUI~enta of lbe y 1 whlcln niPt eacape. the iIb ...... of the iJilerior IlL"
lire lIOuletb IIIg fcarful to coDteJ'Dprate 'l o-ll'S' u e spells toDluo," and, &be man tuat first spelle. it 110 should been hODgue A c h 0 lpella ache/, and lbat s all you can mache out. of 1L E-I g b t spoils I elgbt" no matter how YOIl doprccolgbt tbe Idea, aod Utll' u 1-11 I 0 lihould spoil &lale and f.eoi S D fNj;l1 i& enougb to make anybOdy l!1I1 I\sle If tllo ellort were not too pClgnful
~ltllI d(le~ 1I 0t
I b LII~hOll' and Boo(
STATISTICS show tbl\L dUring tbo pl\8t 81X montba l08 500 pel"i!01I8 have lost tholr hves by wllat 18 cull on vlOlellce Appalhng 118 tbls shOWing Ie, the violent deatbs wblch ure not tncluded III It would fa! outnum ber thet!O, nud uccord Ing to Dr Druper and otber JlhY~lolo f!1KI8, bave renlly carried oft' nOllrly 1111 the people who bllve dletl WlthlU Ule (llIIIt half yemr Fow nlon ,he by Ule h:\fIUCJIIIOU8 decay of therr 1")Wers A ute dlJl<'8I!e, 8U1culo (which, aceordll Ig to Dr l>u DolijmonL bill! carrlL'd off n hundred lhoul!and Frenchm en alolle I!ince the oponing of tho century ) malarial pol !IOnlng, mjudicloua regrmen over.or leal\ tbeee and mallY more common ca~ 01 death maylalf ly be put down under t.he bead of violence. The nOll!tlleal m ur der wblch il doiD, the world to deatb at.traeta but little attention, and we \!tit down to "nolenc e" only that wblcb II
make a balky bOIll 10 Be took. blm to a Itraqe t.cnm ......JIII' him up at. aue:sto.. • b IIIIJ.
1m, witt ou'" Ill'''!! ], 10011 g 10 ...oon
have beCII figuring III tho de
(1l1rlmell~ of ngrlcult ure It WlIslllngton 011 the crop_ pr08Jlcc l~ lind Lilld tbnl III
Kentucky MIOblgllll Ohio l\<lill8OUflund the ElIstcruStatce thorels o\cry Ilr08pcct of II IlIr beLter Yield of wbeilt tblln II reo torore \041 the production Will be fllr III I'X~C~ of ~hr. COl8ull1ptioo The product III thClKl t 11et! IS r )JrCll(!ntct\ 118 being much superIOr III quaht~ than thai of 10r\llcr yo 11'\1. Qal ,,111 b a mal!;lllhcont crop, nnd rye n.od bllrley prom 180 well Thls 18 eire rmg If true nl\d \\ 0 He \Cry hop fill Lbat It IS not grelilly Clmggcr It I
- ------
evolved by frictIOn oflce Mr 10 1\ paper receotly read before tbe Gcogrnpblcal SOciety: of LondoD, 8bO\l 8 tha' heat evolved by friction of ice UWD ICO I" all Importa nt olement iD glnoi II u evc lneot By a 81mple apparat\l8 be Teduced Ice to water jD a temperature of tblrty two degroee. Ilt the ntoe ot ouo and u quarter pound an hour, by {llollon ollly of Ice upon Ice, the , _ u " applied being but two POUDil8 w \be 8tjUllre rncb By Imp1eev aporatloo,t.be ICC III tiro I\I1me temperat\U1l Ioit, on. quarter of A pound m the II&1II. time. In IL tellll\orllture of fifty &lur der- tIM! production of water under (ri_u UJrec and a quarter tlm.'......r \haD by IMmple mel tins wbeD tIIere ... DO fnetlOn actUal lata, friotlora of ice upon IQe ilI..,I~_ HEA'I
A '] llylor
") U lie lin t behove It unll'l4fl you wD.nl to, bllt tbere 181\ hol'\lO IU J'ackl!Oll Mlllh, lllllt 18 fifty 011 yoars old He W/U! fooled IU lnrence, Eric county NY, lu 1824, and b\8 nAme II Romp He Iuutu t a IlIlgle pu1( or wlDdRAll on hll .. from oak upon oak, wilen ftIl ...... leg!! and does a pKl day'l work every cated day
To boy. wbo play at marblee will Uke to know lhat Ute chlel pt.ce of maall faciure III at Oberateln, to German" wbore are located Rtellll e apte ~IIAI" rlee and mill., the . .toerial IIeIg w~upmwrel'1lle ~~~~Mij~~ II....... .~"',." itr the .u.erJ aail"' ",
.,01,.,. '"
i .., .. lcufal th trl'me ci . un r. muC'h rUlI. Ou th eam~. Jloopin~ and l'erry'" ummllhlt~l. Bnim~I,' nv 1fI~, .1'8ul tIl'. elJillg. rn hl.'lI madly thruuj.:!t lit" .1,1l'1I~ Ill'r pH Itlllll With I. M. -~Ir... R,' . Fl'~n is \'it!iting th I·rl\ Il.·~,,· ot rt'clt hmlgt'. laud Ill' th' hill hI the 'I"ut ulll! .llil' Ill~ 'v f. r AC.'ClIlIll . Th~ l1\~illg "" .atCI'l\ hu n' ~tr\'at· cd, Rllt! thc Llltl~ ~lillllii It ' rill Illll"bor"ugh. ull thu t'(.m· til'1lt tul'll wb r the bu~~\' , ill I d '0.: on l'rt'Krllullue II tIHIIC(' IHI ill'l t" lIgain _ ~.... F rllllk GlI.lInh I' 81' ut clllllJllwu c. IIf ~I\I,,"~ing th hll .... iii lIl11killtl: the I'''ngy WIIN. ':'11 -l F"'''iHII -.~ uuda. ill ~I'rill~b ,rl'. Ilut\' 'Hnil l!!. Ih urn' W~lIt IIlf M it Wl're Ull 1\ at th A. M. E. 'hur h, "',,. ;0, Ari! B nTU 1I111l1ll'kd lit . 11111 ;'.Ut \,,, • IL' t!U1I\'U~~. 1'b' ltlfl"cllt. l:ull~.J U"WII tit cmhank- 'j'l'IllI'CrUllc l>iI'l'iu ll -lI ulllber of per hu lIel. TIll" IIIU IIl1t 1'1 1I!.i· -Mi Agnl" WiIl iaDlsun ha I ... N I i .31 A 'I . \)cell visitill ill Murruw. til.' g U· llIeot f'lclllll~ np UUIOllj.t tit trec meulbcrs Prl'Sl'lIt,:!5 ! u .li lit m- fill. I !.51 r t Hie rs. of hlll'ill~ gllll und 8111011)8 II C 1111,1-\ \\ 1(' 'k. Tho ~lCmt(' J.ell~ u - ] ',Hrv!, " , 4 P . ,,-. --111'. Johll ', K lnJlt'I' Ilf Lj vi.'' d 1.111 ... ~Ilr, prel\ Ollll'" Olen Ul lr: eHl vu Iv ('~ ·npc.) u I)1"1l1l'1I 11111 I I'I l' 1IC ,UII , 1111""1 n lallli 1 "i~ilill~ ~\lr .Allin linin" vlcr CUllS ttrt'it 11", with their iiI' , Th. I;,ull.'ultul t • . II(lt knuwlI . N". tl £lIgo~· - Ir. E. I.'II~rs ]18 re Isncd 'lhC' It hUll!' t Iflcn; t th'HullUml c, \\hcl"cth ·wOtO . CIl1 '"tll ll hl'~rlll· fill 1\I~ut 'r,rp' th "maJ it !. lit tht· "l'ry killdly carcd lor, • I hlll<.' lillh ' 1"~l<lolleU lit I I ·hartl hi )'11 itiull u Trl.'u urcr of till ". ,2[) • tirst tlillt their \\l\.~ 110. hllm- I - U n alDpbell nil DIIII, aft ' r 1'1"1' ,11II1t! 01 III Ill' II lIt! II' .lll'lIIl10 FloUI, cunn ty. '" 1 15 - 11 I'. \'Vd lic Slntl'r alld IIi· (,·orwln. bllg, b thclr "lIllug III.'ddlllg a f ~ tcars ut th thuught " al·. II vi ' v mut It l'X 'r 'I ,lLlld Wheat, 66 rnm lllllCk, ,f Lebanun, visjlt'd III MOII '~ It) l\IIId 11\1011' I! lh uf IUII'ing thoil' old hallnt.. , h:mdl,t1 tho I' 'rl"rule~, Wl\It\ lip thlUlIglt Ryll, 5 @ (J I --. r. '\'hi te hag ~'11 to P 0- 1(~ IJlI 1,,\lIld It II th e'y . llld ' th ir Jittl all of this wmld g(lut.ls hecl I I hun tWtl, a 11\1 VII DI ro 'vru thi pIa' J terdu ' . 511 52 - Th o 11 e '1 (II' r will viSit Illd III, 'Ih" U IIho tll 'lr 'plulter tl) 11ll\) \\!I~, n8\ (lfIl' t1nr hl ,tw l.k,III1.1 pl'lIt'eful 'I"ict IUI~lIcJ tllloughunt. !lttl 1G .».. r & t\T. II. R,tll,"'!', friend in .x: 11111 betortl r turuin - Mr, IIII\\", of Milfol'll, i8 our Sl't ill, \'Cllt IIl1d c, III,' (flit muved (IR'lIli tlto old nud Ifr h 'fit II J\1.lIlny Ill ll rrtlll·... , ulld whtll Aro Flnx c d, fii>115 N i d l/llt/II 'lC' 111('nrl" P ic" itlll. hOIll~ tu 'Vllmingt(JII, nt -Itt ojlornwr now uPI fll"cntl • IV lit wh"t l"l'Y Il1ul tu Oighhtnl l IIllt.'". II.'IIVillg th ' '1lIzcns uf Iltll VU'y burg I n Barl y, ~I) 1'1 ,'" oJ:l,' T.l. - llr. ,B. W olf of Ciucillna. 1 - MI. Jc e Apple 1\ has bc('n Raw; lit h-a t 1111 Illud '}'" Ul Wih;un Illltllli! un cl" 'lIll't'I' ilku th ' gl· llInu·h<J" whl} VOllilltll' l:ftl\tuc~. 7 ~5 """ 0' ITII ttl, VI It~'<i M rs.' J. A, rispi n ill fllr everal wc'ks. .r~1Iblil1g: I ' b nud au 0 dl'if r. Iri'" tak c' III! hilS ll.bu .d' fur 1111 ftlt'~r T' o~ ~~ Cs d 4- 00 No 10. alld. G, 'V. Orispin In t Bunda. I -Mr. Will . 'I'll ml'sllu hn built . ,I I ~I'IZ ,ntn r "lIt"rt.oll), M d M 1\1 k J[ B Ii IIccl< s niter t 10 Iscovory 0 liS I unu 1 , I N 2 t"ill . fll" ,Ii- I ",1 0 '1..u" 11\ 7tlU p m Inft u t)lt lrvcralldtLb totlteuorth ide PlOt. 1 n~ and ~lllrltl"II\\' r Mr. n~ rSi' '\lnr' I '1~' 1I1 Itnd"w, ourICOplo,lIllu cd to " IOaollol ·olll ,dch· r d, :W Itk" ", t..l- \rtl\ O 10 0 II m 10 IU l' IU - Rov. buries Forgn, on ~ fl' IJI' 1l0llUCeu 'l ho turn · nu ISS aur~~ \ y," IC\. 'itelllcnt and Ilctl<)U bcculUo pr y Y ugbiogcny, .. 1I,:(lr-lO U , ·,ff l\ II 16 11 1U 111&11' In h~I"1 t ~v~k, for a vi I~ t In· v II cottuge. bllllg wnll ul \) Bllt tho mu IU nd, ar VISltlllg h r'. 101111 epldoll1 e VIZ' th e str.:!(:h I HO()kitl~ VUlll'Y, " Wi lOt Nn;I" ;- ~ ~~ n""I:~\ I: i~ ~ :~ : !,."il ~: ia.llIn, Ula n I~, lowll,und l\l lclllgun. - MI S, Mary A. tulUP !tn r com was Th :- Mr. Ira LII F tru.llt1d Is~or, yaw tiS, alld 1'{'j~cct"III' sillmhor, Icl: Porr 0 11 lit COlli, 2 OU Kokuluo,o"h'e :lUOI' .' 1M am -Away lMereon the: nbri OIl' tu~aeU . frum . it~lllong borrel : ne pic views MillS Annl, ~f. ' llsilln gt u CIty, todronlU li lt I, III thl ~ b ':ltltUlle, alt , j.lorbnl"l '1, 40 fii> ~ v LoRI"'~I'OH url;' u ,I no p no 305 a m All ghelli tl, Ed. E. Jnnn y is 10 • ntlv In BolltJfootaln . . ' were splclI ~ix CII~lllllni· alllveJ hOI F nJay. I f tit lI 'tlVO purt tak n Oil tho 'VooI, W d,~~ '~o' .~:l,\·v~l rh o,?I; ~.: ft:~::;: illg tb chills nnd living lake a - Th e flllud' damn~otl II. ·.Kit mal A, coosisti 1II,,"k·,. - M.r. J OIIII ~. Mil Y araiv d IIlt'lI\ llIlIl.olo j l t uf Jllly. ' . D. TIll'nips, 3 0 ,!(tI N.. fl ' " lurd. 0011' gill dell cvnsllil'ru bly. ,,110 bndg r, d,,/{, ancl n home II' m 0,,!t10l1l1ll '[11111 lin ·.- , I 75. AKMA!' IliA ANN. A pplcs, barrel, o5 N h I. 0 ~. ~Mrs. G rge Drown ha beell ' -MI JCllllie D/lI'id s(llI , (I f Pl~r· I>,·t COOD, Kll'ut tll'ul I 11 Ielt Laws 11 lind lilt Lo. Fctra l -- - llug, Ohho f(._ L .v 75 . P III ~o. m qlllt 8cri<l\l Iy ick. but ~o lire hI" blll·g. hn b(,(,11 cI'illu"ly ill fur uttelltion al alliln al ubo\ nt Lt, Augeles tito ;;,1 of July. J usT rCR's 00 wr.- J onn E. ~ v l:;'~.::~~~;r7\~~ " I ~ 4g ~ :~ I~ ~~ ~ ::: I hllpp , to suy is UvW in u fUlr wily s \' 1'1\1 weeks, ' bn t itt T\ IV , II' ar Illcutioned \\ I' - Mr. W Illium Mncy i vis_iting Ta!ll~' 1' I to If../f' Yt i!lh.-ll~~ul e Bu ~~~,.uefJVllle lUorlul. 15 Kokum.. ~ro l\O 1 15 " RI !;l '!1I 1' 0I1 0t' rccv" ry_ glud tu hl'ar, In a flllr \vOl: for I' • l>CS, AIIl\lIlg tl \ Ith IllS o.lullp,hl I, MI S. Dr. lilt h· Ju tl 0 ~I IIlI lllgt,,". -Mr. 1 I~h L 'u 17 AIIII ...... n II rll>o :I 17" III 4 II p m_Tile " i ShS I '11\"lall nn·1 E cm'cry. U ' r fhthel', Ir. r T. Ou. bt' tlllUIl U fllgC ell vf I",inllll 1111 'higun lit 181111 WII cita. g d With hllvtng, wlule EI\I I" Ne .. ~, .e"u l;' e III pm 1U '-. '. ' ') ' . .Richm . ' llnd. , 'I 'J' II VI r'II CIII PIoY, ICCOI. ve d " HII).or W,". ~I I> ~ :;I 0.Iill'" II III 11 3 P m Corinl1a Icavcr, 01 ,¥ tlmlll U-tOil I'luB lln, a II" 1\ cd htll ' trolll I l\l kUnI· A'I Sit C I'.rv~lI tl IC D onne' ill m "I. AggsI 75 P 08, H.cbmoll<l, l\rrI ' " 'ii'j,,, m 6~ '" DI arc gu ate of 11-. Goo. l1yor'tI blllg, VIl., III t Satlllday tnOl"JlJlIg, 01 putt I RIt!DI . _ '01. JI\ek Wllrd dlcd on th o $:1 fl III Mr, Eo G. Jucobs~ ,and 18 ClllduIlIII ', IIIII\ C, 'I Qu "... n. J\p m fillDlly ut [to H ome. , - Mrs. Jum 5 EvetialltallJ lilm. gla., eye, thiS 111111'.)" .HIlI- 'voliing of the 4th , a t th e rosilio)lco n?glcrtc.u tu 1I111ko 110 I"lllrll o~ It to li:\~nso 14 ~~.' ~.I:. ~e"I~er(l~~I~" no~::~).,~~ I ~~ilY All -Jno.lge J ohn. W, Duy, furmer . ily, of Nc\\purt, Ky., a r VI Itlllg mill W lI'o.tlther nDm lrit~lkllblc IglIS of i\ndy Dudl ey, Tho Oul. WUIl LII ell1l'l'l)' r, or chnrge 111m olf D ' d'B f IP @ 25 oU. r Tram run 01",,,, e e' IJ~ IItHlny. I I I th ~1I Il'IlItlVt' her IIl1d III CI or !lnt qillty. F nll., l'I\l'~ I') ti l l.u ' 1 r 1-, • WIth It vII I II~ WlI aCCullnt, nltlw'h fl C , ... I. I loo lo j' Ilit! . till I eVt'1Y 1 1I l'l II I I , . I "I J .!CU bi! Wltl . I tIe I Y of t 118 1) nce, is abul1t to le.n 0 ' IV L. O 'I~ I~IEN.I; . I'. ' 1'.A. 1 '. 1 I palt .lce • • CrOCIIII'" "I' ~ D W A I."W I· Ll,. 11. IJlu lIll,Ud . Oskul osa, IIolld pi nctlC\l hit! pro· - ,Il t W C1\ , \\ II e \\"a ... It Ilig . ~II S lUll I \\ 1\" IJUl' ,:tJ' h:s bod\" II It de - tUII ' s dllm sn talllod no Ill · S IIIII fli Yei"h \1 liS Su much l! l ~~. J , llIlL. "I)'t, Logan'l o.'I,lud fe sion in Top,ku, K1IIISIIS. "' Cln ll! 'llI rk HID n II 'e~lo .wlilch the 8tm! oltl g' nlll ~Il\\"(ll\~' .in~y Irvlll the Illto fl'e~het, ·ollli.l cd III h)' frr. Tavlul Ihllt ho .- - - -' I r. J 081:! EIIIIIS IIII h cOII.~n.f hlld olll' ' I J co,,1' d'lelI IICI. huddulIgc.,1. 110 I '.vovks ' lllllClL vr • " ", I,EDtRE('TOKY. I I b 'ell. C'II ' ·Ieesly lelt III t h 1'1"trud ~ ft ulUl 1I 1l1l1t'rI ." h.,\es - V I. CUlIIl'y ferlllg fl OIll tbl"clltelled luck I"\V, cut Ie , 1I1to h r hll llll t LL c 1Il"ld· III 1118 bud \\'(:10 ot VIII U \ lliclIC' lust !l Ight, Augll, t !Ith, at th IOlll' th tim e, HllIl ICCOII' 'J Illllney ont - - - F1\,IF.Xns'!!R ~TI~'" ( lll~k,\t"l -Mc~ti:~ l owillg to a bruised fuut, Ue IS ~l~a~lo dlstnllco alld t1.'ero hi It vf tit, til trl.'atn nt II LllIti lII et L1l'ncll ot M. M. 1Il1dsclll. Ilifluge ot will II h \Ill S pel 111 Ittcd to ,'Imw AdmiDIstrator's Sale of Real foArdlbVlnc\",orh,pt 'lo1r~}I'~~kt I\n~I;'~D"Y considered 11 w out of dnnger, . hie doct' lr lIt~c.eedcd III extl'tlctt ll~ \l lt h sillc eOig \\11 d li n D hut Wl18 4~ ),('111'8. H IS l' mllillS 11'111 Itl ,"III \111 '" ' . Mr. T. '1011118 Estate• ,IY, p~ nnluj!' 1\ v y 11 P.JlI t d(I It' th rest C'I It ~ h <l w 'dtl.e '· l, ry illd 0 1 tillt ' he b0 h ur, d'IU M sooooll\, Ul..)lo'c\ 'K.I" -All", A, D , 'ndwllllader W(lS on tb f "~I I If~ OlluW. d to· ny. thntth e Icl·... l.'II du t tlll'I'by g tin , FKJ&ND!!' ~hHrtKO (Orl l,udull)-Moob- , taken ularmingly iok BlllldlLY fl.'lI d 1. 0 1111 ••• I1lt~hle lUll I 11 hadl1l'C lIf 'd ~)II inc f'III' II~ illtO Nr KLIi. hit! dc!,t,lIl1l1 'ontllllll.'d to ~,t " I IIIll l~urb8UtUnCOUrt"nr O'vrder" Uu " cdby I f .II I 11 I FintF I\nd 4tll . L . k'd . wo.' IIlIt u,",,,, lw.llofl'rll II' ro a e uur" orroll u"tv. JIg or . "11,, "0 '~ .7k ' l-Dly lDlglt, wltb a t lIey II fl"uctlOlI_ cre 10 m It IS not l"n I y tll ( tho sh(.WIlI1I8 It IId ~. •l ,he Ilv ur __ • • _ __ IIIUIU 11I1 d 1I11I 08v ; all d It !'ubliol!l.lc.ollthcpro1 v Di • f~n·t10':~""~ A~~~' ll"8 , We Ilre happy to SlIY he i8 now DRAII. l\lld 0 11 01' two t"llcr dlgllitu;i('s Ilnr\'cy!!h""r~ 01\ the (~ul "Ive_ \l ll ttl t!.IIII'timo after lit y Itut! ndsQ, . oll WEON E. DA\', ~ E "C Il IlIt a - The R V. C FC'lPl8<'n' l blltter. I · e pI' St'd theilr d /1~ t the 1\" pnllcu that tho $ :& lliscrcpal1cy I'll lit d(J.'III/ 'Ptcrnbel,l 75, p •• tor DlYonelMlr\·.ne un Sundfty~, nt 10 -Mr l' B McComas en!) hl'lLt R1dllcvfllc. ' ot thi S exti llordlll&ry dog. But une Sh awakelled from h r l C!tlllLl~ic wa IltMCIII·OICd . 11t 2 0' look PAIn "".(1 day, tho follow"'!f 1~0'01~)A121f(·and71-2 PM. Snbbuth ' ttleworid IUI;ing olll' lIS Twulvo . 11 •<If the Itllllmens tledthe ql1c tlUII tlltU OIl Slltnrdtty, July 31. All Th o oI cf() lIdllllt ack llu\\lcd~cs, dCl;orlbu~Rnl]:.tIlW, l!clou),rlngo ..... lhc ... I• . , - .'.' 11'. 1I11l1wl Grllham ,~ nIl' I I I IIb I " I I l ' I I "'to of 10:110" Du ,lI~y, Ch'CCfl8Cd, lj.tllflW IU sohoolllt", - l' :\t Onnl TIAN OnUII\11 Ehlor J R Do<ld ttl ken tit mild m flom III crop thiS tu l)" out u · j~ fi lit CoII'C' 'Y' ('e uri tllt'le CVII ' e IIl1tlll" , IIlllmllte 1111' 11111lllmate I .l\ llI g I II~ C,'UIl , IUIll1g r · the IIUlIty 01 Wllrrt ll (\11(1 Slato of 01,,0 . d' l v galtl, a lei' a COli 11 0' I bt It'.' I . I f d tl o~ I I . I tl , S'>R 1.0 t I tl t ' , two ) a. desll:!'• rl.-l.ur D.vino IiCrVI060n the F-.r..t,": sell;;un, w igh t pVllllds. Thoy I11l'llt uf 17 mOllth to h iS III.'d nu l Ull HI I,ll t It;) I 'ly It l ' ll- 11"<1 III II", \\ 1 1,1 '1 UII ~ ua (' C lle, It •• ~ " , U C UIlIiS IU It bollltfpurtof 0 11 1..1 No TblrtlLo.rd'.·duy m Olloomollth. ~rd" j a1"e 'ust imrnen 0 N ht'al c\"g 'mc' owu by tb e Fllth~r gleD uf VIHIClty, IIl1d 1I'l er gil .cc 1"11 umlllllls WllgoB, ulld could III1Wtl OIl 11I'!l 0" ..'111 11 1 plat uf tho .. n of (111)' ohnolnt 0 o'iouk. e.er>, Lorde-day J. ' . ·lIl"l1lgIC,.1t '\llIIutl III \las th o of un l C('lIl1tr" tlao crelltlllll hus n IIlIal nh",t1, nn tlH:lefll lc Ililly bo cllllctl 1 'inl W..rll .... '.,Ilt\.uullllnenc"~/( lit .. """ .. r u" mon,m!!,. -Fri end HlIllllah Arn >tt 18 CIII " J ' , , l tllo e•• t . "Ie "I )11110 Stroot, "nil on Ihu FillS,!: BAI'TIST (Fr_w.ll) Obur h In sluwly cOllvalescillg frum a some- ' -N E J . 1'1 . The lIJl/l't iliiter tillg Ihing in the d,elgullu su ~a t a UI 'tnlllorl'lw I . dl'l ~t I Itl' latllllu to c hllr~u hlln /ioJu.h .ido of 1l'D .. lIey 1..1<1 out I,t ,luI: " . tt k f·ll. f . . 'lIp~{I1l1 t 10 CllIUlpIOII. lille uf It!pttlC8 w he yOllng hua'I1lt' IH ll rlHlIg ul the 31 t In t ul t with lit mOll 'y UI' t" I'CPlJ!"t J I' ''"''~!!•.,II~d r.. """,/( thollOO S :SOC .1' W,,,,,O - e rvl(l n th. oecoQd SIIturdl\y l t I I<nd Buudll>, m each month Elder ElIB~ II' ~a udar~:ng a t~O 0 ,IV 1l0iSS 0 wl:e8~le~ of tillS plncu, luttl ul constllct',r Cj) I 'tlll~ right hOlll ill dll Wil ed feebly, \\ nb but liltl' it to the I'lai IItifl~ th' del' nc' d ILl "II" ~~ t;;h" j ;"urr or .t~hnoth 'r 0.1""", P"oter 0. I"W ays durn lon, , e lope Y lrglllla f " . I " I I. 1'\ t· . I day 61 ou oy, 0 '" lin nf!" . enc , ,. . N 13 P teo of this estimable Indy unci mini ~ t ol' Olll' own villngr I 4: v ry snmo IllY nppeamh co u niall' ay, 101' l UI'" lIot 1~ ~IlI' ,LS Vlt 'IICC \I lutell( C ::0: ao m,n W. )\ r""t II "III. $l.d al· FA.bll"'dEU• WO~IAll'lOF.;... °e1l YIUlt':.r ~eet bit I to 'd -Mr. Oeo. Ril oy hn bcon l1.i I· the show u1"l1~ed I by .Afnl ~lJ1I1 IIIHl Ihl 'utclli"~ cl .. Ilt1" 0111 eloped fl"lllld I.,) . I" e~ co ~. r.(IQ ;)0' W 1:.1' " lOf.1 110 more HII; pn r~. I lum ""m , may sOun e eump 0 y res ro . ~ k t b' . I I I I I d ' tl I' ' . 1 ~ 01 10·" to th e OII.t @ Ic\O or .Mllln::it lh nre In OdMollnw· HfllI on the eecond S.tur,l"y ~I 0 E B . Il1g Hlr Il we pas, lit IS gottlllg nU IIICS n ll del IL b I\'rd pile back 01 t 10 I 'rl'tO vre Ile nrc Ie C,11I 0py, II 0 lIcc llple ' "UIIY ut.erlloon N 'I"'; "U ... f t I'U d '1 k c\ tI,e - I t I' eorgo nr1: ' r IS I A I I I ' d d ' t I I ' 'v .. 111m. c. co 111," I 881 ~fel\nhm rlntb.l\t70ooo pm,A~'?" k b' I" . •• Id k )ultlll·. gu"l mllll: utlU $ IIllC hi ' \\ vl ld.lull.' H :wthoshowlllen nn n tU11l1 ~oellle III Vl tu le 1I11l I I IIIII~, and was OOLl dll'ted >lr c~ttothobtJj{l lInlDs,c"nl'" I,, "g 410 "t rourth S.. turdllyofcllobmoDtl,"t~ooloc I IlIhlllgaoov tlllltheo u·ory b '(lI l al iT'" Clint IlI:'l $ nify ro d t'tl 'ttl I II dtl l::)uflie Itt,) Ily thclot'" I) ntlil' bl '. \V lJIU\l1I f(lr nlUlUtltfnnd 11II '''' ro .... Ul80rl''... RT 1.1 !tVA ' P}' CnUII '11 - Oorner •or b u ', Id lng, \Ii'1' , I' UIIk un t la Je ~ UI ' ' 'cUlild II l't " ultllll nnll Bell fl.lr defe " I I'five Ix en rcgll II\r Iy Rp' ., ll C'I1 II,as ~ur 80me t ltue bCCU Ii 0 Ihev.,'ll d" hatt r. . ~ IB III d I I .... rlef uf tho' '·Iond u '. Js \I I IIr1 '"Pili''''' Tlllr(\ "nil 1.1lllml StrceU. D,vlDe l!CrVlOO been vwued uy h1l1l and whon all ' snu 0 III liS I'U ~ lil li, 80 10\\"" pr"I....d undor n f"r"' ~r nnlrr or ~I\lCl Cuur~ every Sll1.dllY "t" P m SundRy-school At l ' d M.B --N cis. KUHll e got dowlI <.Iff n they maru. "ed hI ~n\"oy it to the wltbstalld the loulptntlon; C"II~C t iC' ~Ialllllgt III b un.! tho defcud · III IIIl' ~\111. of f20()O ""0\,,.11 not be 801<1o A.lI t II11g8 uro prepl1r, ~ Ilt'gcl' ii 'licc and 'pull ned hi unkle. mll seum III '11I1e 'to\favc it on exlll- qllcll tly thoy shed II\'CI8 ot l III'!:!. 1Ilit V\ ur 1(1 the Curt uf ~ClUlIIIJlI for 10"", ,I",,, IWO.Lhl~. tho app."I •..t ~"IQO " , 1' ED"" INAJlHJ' BAPTIST 011 Will 8tl1l"t a new bukOl-Y. lfuy Ill S ,S Eulus I'S IeC""ll·I·' I a' bltilln . tlt o MUl e CI'eIlIlW " ·1 n r " j'n.. 1r PI·III , III II 10 ':!L1l1I 0t' 101)', In d tl· lh,'roof , .\J. I.I_Y It • - D I . b b d I Ita and tint rnuc,I I t 0 tl IC (J .. gn II 0 v ur ,'h"prOm1ftCII . w. II be . 0 Id --f d -MI~lnl treet ncu r M~,". 1V no /IOrVI e entorl)l"lSe 0 n Illl unt y euc e !:I I ~ u ~ l">' ',. • . 1 tJ I' d t' j ' I I I I ' ....'0 ower ' a \'ol'y gl10d Cl"Oqll ti t. Ho nls tou, Iltlb~ k ll U W IJ to ubt idl'r , is bard C.. tIZCII ~ a uu . IUII" on III~ lClpll.· JlII.t II \\ I C I, t 10 IJI'lSUIIIJI" WUI! ""d Iho )[ulI.phold lmcrc,t of !llIo WIdow 0111110, oturtlny before Ole 8l!cond SUlldllY fol In <'1,,·1. ilIon tIl, ut 2 o'clock, alld on the ooc' , tell s II VClr go 1 tOI V-lIut 1\) III tu cxplllln. -, tlOU5 j fur be It known tillS \\ as tuk n tll Lclotulun, 101 Lho duu ,"",d , 011 th follllwlIIg l~ rm8. too .. d nnd 'ith UJII1"yij.at lOancl4 0'ulool< -Mr, Vv,J, lt vin, wife Rnd 0.1)\ b'll Itc l\' ~ ' J I u AI t S t I adny s t 1l1)llltflll' divcri! amllso Olllh e liJ lI lI willt! dl~yhi nttoll·· l wl t : I d r I h' D I ... h II I' C·· . d M' I ' , P UI . lOll no on 1\ un.II" Messrs. . . II ' . I . ~ . 0 1' 0 pUr,b88C-mnn"y 10 be . , W,lyuo ,II ( _'0 rown• •p .toet ve '" e I I ren 0 IllClUnutl. U\I • 1 ~8. . P ~ , , • J' , ruents, In W IIch 11 l1 iltJOUS Wit \Out nO)'li gll l'O \l llt,CO " I a I CXllll1I1H1 f P"dIlr-t"r ~,,,h ,n Iofi nd ou tho ,loy of .1(;" I1I1C- PrOlCllhV\C mpfi~'Y ,,,:e, rll~hoadSatB; Flora ill11 Bon,of Ul"Unl'illc, visitl.'d .-Utlcl\"lms orglllll? II u hn C \lily, CO. 6l'11:"1ll1C d by PO,jtlll rC!gmt\ t ') ex or clllor, dioi llct or tl OIl Lej~lIo t!IO Plvbate Judge t'"rd!O ml ,> y.'"r. Rn,1 0" .... 1....<1 It: two d~re;:" r\~,/(.~~: '~~ to nnrt!'oo'k. Pn!A. their r -Illtives here 011 Sunday. bll\l club. Ihuy playcd tho SIII'i ng' thllt th~y "'.Olllc. 1111 ow \l 1~(l1\ the den tnlnnllHn wer tll partlcipl1t . This tv k I,I.ICU 011 Tnu dll~ uf tillS ) ~" •• frill .. tho <Iuy or ... Ie • Ti,. der rro,l ~d(lut Q R l' Go!.c,~rctl\ry. Mr. Irvin r tnrncd to tlte city ~~I"V rillb SI~!lI&dILY; S~!lI' 1.'1 tl> d,o~r~ ~t thOlt t~t"t f1 'cl:lel : Whnt \101 dtr, then tbat I11Ull uut! "cok, tit, 1 1"~tl molly allut!lng g011U !::i~III:':.~ t;;.,";'·:,.~~,:tb~ ~~:;.jt~~;!! ~~'?H~! _ '.'ft . _ Monday morlling, h.'avllI~ hit! Inm· ,,111 1I1'or u . tlca. hey Will I',C (.c p,M • • ) 10 lIncllIg plI bl I b ust lI~i ulced whell tho \) gl"i I cd tllI"ngh ' " Ith the Ilcculld tilllo. ' pro .:,,""" JOEL EVANS, ,,- your Lire \lforlh to ('en,sl "y to enjoy cOlllltl"y!llr lor a short playa gam With tho D cdiold ~elltlllllUII lind ludy, 10cents U ct. clouds liad spellt 1111 thell" weep. Jnli"l! I(t' \ S hel d that the otlimce l Allgu. t!), 175 Adm'r , lc~lIe' pr< ~n.l! e\etV"hcrc, nnd e\ ~t\·- timo. cll1b next ~utllldlly, ut D e I field. IPCCtIlI Otl.s 15 cent., u~, thlo ~iovl't'-h bv eloven It . M.·, und now th WII!:! "' llllIl lil \' IJrovoLI 11I.!tIinst the - ~~ -- 'd1 ~~~ ~ ~-"~ Itocl)' n.aplllln- of o,nc ·d.IIIIII8C <lnrinll thc'fr -H" ,I' 'd I k . . t rOJlnrll IUrIS we l'c IU,luO ( IIr.lIg e J , . \ . , ~ I' I Aft! P.A lIro. Wh n .Ick, Ihe obJtl<l~ \t.~ 10 g ~ .. elt. -Mis Davidson of Purk'1"8I 1.11 ,IIC oy IS III OWII, ~ t I !l" tf scone changes : A band 01 1011 Ie pIlon 'I', 11 111 III dctllult 'III ball I ~~ ~~~ It " ,\t' 0 ", 1'11\,"11 thn~ nO pol'8On In th'R bur~Wout Y'I~"'I)ia' who I'S vlsl t. 1tulk s or goi Ilg to Lebllnon. Dick t U.1 'Iloon o JIl vo eHti',1 Yt !llng IIl g oo brcnks the still nes:!', it is nn1101l1l - 1" IIllllldcu !tllli tl) J'IIII. ,~o.ld Ihut 1& , "lTej.m~ ".Lh Dyapcps.a, Lhor ,D , I t btL b "tl 1'1111 as b OCOIn Oil II I' IJ asa dIlllce B I Notloo is b~r hy gil'on, Hull" potition .. m.1. lI1L 1111<1 iI. erfl\Cl~, Rnch ns Iodlg ,, ~- illg I r Jolt n Ilil in ill Oorwill I HIS nu een V uu on lUI' II ee hn so .F' 0 I d f i l e rI lhut tho 111 Illnevi li e ,HId hHS -_. -' \1'111 h" pre.""led ,., 1100 Curom1 .Iollurs o f inn. ".tivNIO'. ;uk Rendn~bc . SOur 810- hns ' be~1l alarmiugly ill for a weok l WOOkS. Idyllt . tI Ivbe r slx {III I" °b S'l~ put ill 1111 IIppealanco, and bllth It'IIA'iOUS, W"rn ll CUUIII), li t tho.r 11 xt 'nil. Sepmlloli, 8 . uri bu' n. 1'81 1'.L~tion of Iho H .\11 01' tall days past nnd for Romo - E qni Ie Olm'!! Eull It sin"'" .~1 8. WI Ii llX e ,' " b·\lLr~ "t'l °1L\r d, gl eat and smllll hel1d eve ..y ollert, mb r II .\ U I P"') lUI( r"r 1110 c_tubnopr eel .. I.,t., BilIousnC8., &:0 • (l8n take , . . d hi b c · l."C ,'Vere HUI Il'u 1,'1' w Ie lOW' b fi - F~ .. \' . ,). 'Y. 11"III"y pl"'ncllnd I". I""",, t "r " Q£, uJlty. [{utld ')11 III" r"lio,,'O"II"~' J U~ U'T F'1,own wl~hout g.1I ,nil time WIlS not expcctcd to Ii ve; bot uu 0 .18S ID the U III vel aitst (,' II tI 'Ill' t l' d gy tv e Irsl nt tho I C ptlOIl 1~' ,~~ ~," I".!t I,nc', t(}o \vl~ lIog.lIlIln1( " t II p<III1 L in . ~I I~r .od OIlrO If I OU (\0"'" Ibi., go to we are glo.d to lear ll that her pres ', ChUiI at R ltlgevtll\l. 1\I1 S. ~~ nllna gl" t ~I~I; Ie. snmd II wu.s n IXC Amoll~ ll Ulll bc l' f contestant , at t ltl~l'\'llio LI SUlIJ.\y, lUurlllllg til" u,, ~~ It..J"I, lit or II .r { .J Sill ·'M N: 0 ~ollrDrugl!i.t.A.J'OLL. lind got " SAmple cnt coodltion is n'lore favorabl. GrlllI ' IS OWIlIII~tur the Universa. tWhlelll Ie muu 111 1 0 IU olillva f' AI srt!, Collett, Mill • nntl Alfl ' u Illl clnt lefll ulllI . IW lOlIl"r.th nco rU""'''!! '''1 <It IIC'II' tho DoUle frn tell crill lind Iry II !lego!.. r , . . I (' I IC s Iscats,lIll IIxes 1111 J 1ml'l~ 1S WCI OII Oll vI" . I Il k "" I' Q I ' lin ',f ~I " ,l M. ,J fl,(le nll<l G T O'NMII to . be 75 ~ellbl T" o do.e. "Ill reloe\ "l on Her lather, Mr, T. T, Dnvldeon, IS 1St . IIII C I nlld l.lllt!LLy.Scbool. rl th o Iumbcl' tv make a Will Ihe I"ac~ ; not, huwevcl", \~It I IC ~ , to .. rl Cllt:l ulllter y M ,J 11 10', N I::. ' ullll'r th~" ec U\ 111c!IILmo - - ---With ber -The "hlly wllIIger" is good at st II' ~1 [) ._ 0 I rl out sn~talntllg some loss. The MOCtlll g II t'''1 Flltlt ·J ,IY· 1,11I. tI."" ,," o. ,'C 'OIr Ih~ hn o of '1'11" 1110" people WAn' Proof. • ago, II C8s rs. Ell I'y l.\1 O. III A t I Gil' ,. - Ol'thod"x Fr'clld:l' te'l IWoIIo "",. ,"111? '1' O'No.. 1I ~n tho C""Jlt~ Tlle.a i. nQ Dfed,c.ne \It <o!lhcd by ph .. l- -Our fl'iend Mr. B. A. Joy. pitchlllg h o rse·~hoetl, ;worke.:! thcmselves up til the boiiof , Il cope ..v ctt, III 8PI'lt!glllg I IIILr I y I Ro,..1 1\11,1 r"uu,,,,",, tho Ooullty Road ci"ns, or s uhl by" Druggist., Ih.,~ , ,,"IUP.B uob l'ecl! lvod thc lIad in tell igeocc of the -Rnin fell tel"l'ibly at Spring- that th y hnd slruck IL town ~hCl e Irulll, IllS lall It ko tlte fllnul:Iltcd M 'tll l~ \I'" Itl'gin llll 1:<'1 rst dllY at J S""L'IWllrtlly t(. 1I I'n lllt 0 0 or nOllr tho llno ev.nl'1\c" .. f .u , UC\leu nDd Buperlor \·lIln .. death of his venerllble m"tber bOl'o ~lIndIlY, rnising tile cl "eks tlley cOllld U1 U I. ~ .•, "Ig Ilalll "t tllo and tel OCIIIUS . IlzzllI·.lI 0, u ,t8 proy, 111 u'c .. ,ck 1I 1.lead uf 11. ,l\!UIIS' or Illud. bol" "jllrlll t .. A r.. hnmLinculn And an lJo. v"al!'- 0 , Rloi AN Srlll r (IJr vore ~ h ~ ,u .. tl t It I tl tl.: lcI 111'0 ~l\ I)C .to I t I I reBollt A ]. 0 No"ll, lh""M ERRtwnr.lIy COl. or Ooughs, Colli. Bdlled 011 Iho Bron"l . Con Inst SI1~ur~ll.y, Mrs. EI!zabeth C. 18. inchcs hi gher titan any othe!" JIC\v.style show 1Il1SI c8 • they 1Il18::!' lell1n su~p~cd IIlg \I U e~p8 WI I U , nu.r Ihe bll r 111 Iol1uh 111 ""ill A. LlIlo<,In lI\1 mpllon. or .. ny clISC'UI<l of the Tllrol\( and Joy died III Keurneysvtlle W est l'IUIl of the seusoo. eu it. Aft r tlll et' ! 11111 or Illud S~IO I It I~PI Ity n,. tu ClIlb 11 sue· from KIlIl :!lI~ IIl1d ~l ICl llgllll. Abuut a1l(1 A P 0 N, "U, • Ibo Ih.Il of A. LlIlooln Luop A proof of th"L rtlO~ 18 Ihnt An)' V ' . A I ' d 79 " I III tlOlI leavlIIg him IIlIIIUS 1111 $ .00 filteoll IIlilllstll l:l bel vlI'" tv lhis all.! .JIl"plo IU",') "",I UII 81\,,1 U..ey·. Clnrl po.eo. Itlllieled ClIO gel a f!\lImplu n,,~~le fllr II gill 0., UgU8t 5t 1, age - 1' II I mors III'e trylllg to get dl'urrulllllg thc dall l! Nune tu lin . ' d ... } 0 I b I IIIIUI tcrly IlIl.'utlll'.... 111 pub I £.'"1.,111'. I1n o I.. tho Ih. or Joh,n Loncoln 10 olntl\ aud Ir) its !up," lor eft"e , hc rQr~ y als. Mr. Joy Imd the plon~nro l lhl'lr hUI'vl'atlllg III \\Th out 1:1 gen. end. Th()'I'l!cclJ 't~ a' Ii ,uted lip ~It w~g 111" II. ~~ 4') P IIg d; litV 10 .. "'. U Ie "n<l ,r".",,11 H. ey. W'OI"'O un "llIrl Iino to ""yh.)! tho .egular . 1'0 at iii erull! It bllo of VISiting his vencmble llareot a el"ll\Jv III bad CO;ldl tlOIJ 111 thiS the clost', arrHlll l1 !'~/1 t!) 111'cciscly WIIIS.~ Ie I'IICO uy I bscco.II~. ox· al"e COldlUlly inVI ted tu lut lid JCJ!!0l'h Hi ey'. lAn_, thon Q Nortllw,mlly 1111. h !won Inhvodue d I" th.R counLry from ., I . J " tCI' 1UUI'SO srCOIl( ost III 1\ SqllUl'O MUllt lll,," \\ ti l ho IllIld lit lCdIII" a bIn,,/! "'"11101110 to the Jl(uMI towllllnd l{l\ratlllg, 10 ·.,II·y "'olne f:nIITIel's tllrasllod $1, 0, IIIU tl) C() II ~,~ M~' I ,'It tllo duur I ' f ' I 0 I' Ill"\) 'rc ' k tit 8 C)'cI"ck Flrut.dl'Y after- voy~bu...g R"K, d and "I.9\ro IO e"T([ I • I ourM nroR alo n· year ngo, atlu wus cont mp (:lr",no" lUI d I11'\\'00der,,, '" 'O! I at 'IS U ()Olver II lIllllmU pET1 ·O. . _ R. I~t.ing oVl'll,.oe that u.eRIt. 1 hreo dosc" another VI It t her wh 11 apprnised thcli rs out of the shock III oldllr to frOID a Ivt of I HlIIl era wh 110 d' .' . 1 ,1 d wllltllh,o unr.ealMl Try.t. Sold bvA 0 f Iler d ecease. H e h " d b I " . IglOll3 wClg It allu lICCIIstollle to 1I 0UU. July 31. AD 175. as OU I 8ym- '!IIve It With no t\uttcrlllg prospect elll t elll 1I',leod tit IJI>I)(I\·tUlilty b" I II I' _____=-:=:-:-::::-=-:::-=-_ _ _ __ Dull , WMneSIl II e ' bercnvemell t ' '. . tv he 1\ " ,IP do 19c by. ' lacllIg'' ut 11111d t 1I n 11:1 ll' I t pll tl Iy \0 lliB , uf s nccess, belieVing It . . .eller· - DJ' , J IIIU e!! IIIn~8 ec \UNOTICE 'l'lIe Only Sister. -It is eo.ld that Mr. Anthony -Everyvody that cno alld Iwhich they coul d g( in alld suc Ihb glcs wbr~.ca e IIIt.U reqI1l 8 Itl t"~i: ed la t SlIndllY cvolJlng III tho M. Tho pJtrtllcr. l"p herotbfore ox,~t'" " beGII\(1I11, one of tbe interestlDg Wit· q lIite 1\ lI11thber who CIlllllot' pi tch d,ll1ce, nnd nl~() j!et jJ RIJIli li t tit Iho ~Io\'tr I c urll f~ pe~lollcCl 011 .' E 011111 ell tu a 11I1'~u undicllce, uu ' tween 0 ,r W"lrht &, Son I",. boen d'~801vNASHVILLE, TENN.,! n08ses lD the Inte tl'ial between hUl so sh ues n ,o "'1'11 Pllt' Bill cnriulls IIl1illlal s, \\ It ·h , fl'OIl1 S trle b"uCt' ' I ' ~tlcl·e'tIIl S SIlI~IVtY nl,I'III ~ VIII th !mI IJ ~e t vi TUIJlf.ernucc. Tho cd ~)y mutn..1 c'uu""nt- Mr Lor".1 Wlltfb~ .. .. k I'<llll" WI I Ie I'IIp lul y. U all 0 ( 1" Ctlll" II lIS Ulle of' I Ie DI'.'s best IOllrlll!f f. o.h lA ID Ann. All por8o".mdobt. J:11 l y81, 1 75 . Baily vS. F:raney, hus been sllcd Woll s uud Jamcs f'lIl'lett agaill t lin ·110W lI eansa, k" pt lip a hideous t' '" d I I I~ tl ' k t ~ ~ .. ud to ~h. I"to firm nro ""que.ted to mllke ~r' 'G tt · WI'I b h W ' 1 1 & ''' '1 . t li I b L f l i me p IIbIOII Ullin, e, til I II' rOCC8",'Ull soc tl 8, oflvrt .' hi M I 1"lltllll" IB,O~nU I'cll 'Imm.dl".., .'-' ng nny f~'. 8. JlLtam1< M e .. Il II e y t e. ayocsvi e ., I .mlllg on lilly adveuturcrs III tLIDt II'ne, all " j,!I'OW nK nt t Ie \Ie .. , 0 tie tnt. "IIU llo " llt 11 'J' "-.. ""u., tl","0 bOn TkO f, no u" I 1 " p p ~ a1ll.1 fllflll vf t1lleCdutcd hllvo no claltn. w.1IpAy,"' pn' ..,,,t. them f"r ..,ttloment, I 11 B N louklllg over the aa IVI e allner llrnpl 0 ornpally or Jllmplllg s mile to see them wnxed, The .Dllt v what n dl~apl-'0 lllllD cnt nn ut,led bleeding peet lulu III. IllUit ' I "blOh mlly 00 m.do w1th oither member of I SHIV ill ~ne or the columns , Slln the tollgnte on said TUlllpike. n~o 011<1, ROLLA. waited I.hese cllger in~ivldl\ulll!- d:ed. "'F I ~etfoot Alfred, tIl c e l e . · ••_ __ I tho IlIto finn 0 J WRlOHT day wortll ng, tbnt Abmbatn Elex defenco wdl be that tlte pi ke IS • • .. bow theJr len1b/:ll'8 twl Olltlnt r- brut tl nth let' l' riolm U 11110101' We 1\1"" t lId tlll,t Iht:1 e uro 111'11;0 .hly al 187,j 1' ItA EL WRtOH·r. died io Harveysburg on tlte ~ ::l tb of not III II proper Stllte of rel~lul, and DClllocl,,,tlc JUcethlg. ing, to d~ficovcr l.bllo~ p.rtitlO1II~lld ous feats 011 U;o skirts of MftI',m's q.mlltltll.ls lIt "hl wh cnt \II tlJlli _ J\1~y. ,1t can be puul18hed 1Il .Iho ben~e cannot legally cllll.m tuJl __ ,been CIlrerllJ\:r. ( I r c d, sepl\rllt.n~ COtLt. nover before chl'tllliolcd ill lIcil;hlllllhu"u, 1I11111y of IlIJr lill"lllers W,\ NT ED- Bonrc]lIllr by , !,cntlcmRn ~Vwm ~ G~ett6 of W o.ynesvlllo, ~t Will, doubtless, be 0.[1 U1terest· The Democrats of W o.yne ~be So'~th ~I ncan ~1I 011 ~eys Wit 1_ tho 1\II11111s of history. SCVCII 'Cllts I:'ll' III~ l'dllIlI C~ 1 111 thl'''' grullllrl 8 flll (1 Wl fo . in .. ~C<l".nt 1,.nHloly ArMr" t~l~t tbo ~ald A~rahmn Elex h1\s, no 109 cn e. TOWIIShlp uro requestcd to rue t l:lIg tlllis fl m the ~~nol~cu.n. mOil will aumit you a. spectntl>I' to it dill 31)11111101 .,1)0 to 1001) bl~ hols f •• rlwo wooks. nx U, W"y"<'8V:UO 0 "~Ing children 10 the ~tuto of 'leu - -Miss Oarrie M. Thompson en· lit Waynesv ille OLI Satllrdo.y, An· keys wlth uut. tf\.II~. 'Ihe ICC?lptsor "N uek l !J" Shol'V.CnovlIs locllte I It Ille IIiUllt O" hyc IOpetentJudges ~ 8S~ . All the relations ho hnd tertained II fCIII of' th e yonllg people gllst ath, 1875, Ilt 4 o'clock, Illr Saturday l'lght ~ cntortillll tllOllt on the "Greon,' wh ero Alli ed pel' that hOlJlcI thclo not be a· gmin \I~ tho world, wh.en he lol~ N nsh· "I\ry agreeubly lit Mt. Home, the the pnrposo of selecting Five amuullt(;:d to b~lu1y..enol1gh to plly fortns, flom 12 to a 0 cloc k P. I f thl~ CH un s orup snved, thero . __ ~ _~ vIJlC'II'.I . t\VO al tors. nls cldcst uther O\'Ontl1g AmonCT them WCIO Dol orrntCB to nttcoII the COllnmtion the ~IIS bill. 11.ne Mayor und oll e N ' II . j' Will bo no dnllgcl' of d~titlltl'Oll 'II I ' d I ' on,orlD , I ft I I . '" '" f .., I I D I I If ow we WI gIVO!l synopsIs 0 10Ilmers'gn. WJ;S.o i wr died 8111CO he 0 lere. alO the Misscs Della ZeJll\nd Mary 0 to bo hcld III Leball n II Silturrla.y 0 tie 'O!e 100 ueotprs 1 Wit I III . th lid" d " . hOl o tho cOlrllng winter' neithor l th~ pUliloc I;t 'lI'rillly lhnt he has the on ly rehillon Abraham Elex has Brown of W!l.rncsvtlle Ollie King' August 21 t. Tho obiect of th~ a dozon other dOJlld·lllaas, made ull 0 uy 8 10ln gl "f1' 111 a", IImnta~YI WlIS th~ro nny lIeces Ity ~r J' uBtlce l 0Plll! d ot n,'" Mo L~IRrkot on Ih. l' Be t known ." ' E 0 C . . J • I tl e crowd TI e (eati al at the co manner as t 10 ,I Iont CII~C WI I . I 10' , old 8~'lIId.of Lo~k 1)"""0~ , whore bo will · . IIV lng III ennessOc. I. of Lebanon, lilian aDd IUma ounty ollventlOo 18 to oommate I I .; I V adnllt of' for to ox Milito UI' ollter In t I 1;l1t 'II lllmp floUl'took hore k "P con8~IlD~ly 0 11 hAII<I t..., the citizons of W nynesville, that Olenver of Wilmington' and the 0. coouty ticket Ilod it is higbly Iored M E. Ohur'ch, 10 doubt, work- . t . 't d .0>'1 PI' tl I IMt \V~ek Let liS nil keep Ullr · I' f' , , d . t th I Th d t 10 0 mlnu e e ... 1 0 Itl mlll ve III1S • I I IVIOg I nm tbe OilY rentlOn 0 M arB WnlteJ"Zoll FrllnkZoIl J importuot that every Democrat e agslIIs e810W. eerow a d ' Id . ' I rSOUISlI1 p"tlul'ce hopilllr fOl' tho THE VERY BEST Abrnhllm Elex, deoeo.scd; I 8ru his M ilel' 0 G Williamson Da: 8hould be presont lit tbe meeting the fe tivlli was llilmense, The OIngs, won. reqnhlro 11 vo u~c .o be t ., cd . I D' . ,.. , . I S d "f d S d vast llUonSlons' ence to uo:gan . ollly 81 tcr, REN UliLlG. Vld Evans, and Emmor S. Blllly. In WnynesvlUr, Saturdny, the 14th. leavy ralU Ull al all un ay 'to. t Ii tl I ''' ' - -.- , Bee£'Veal Mutton and Pork• · 'f InightcomIJletelyd ....... 'nedthe show wluon ar lerCOtnlllnt--"r \\0 NltwAlllllVIt[ Oli' .FuKNrrOJu'J I ti PI 1\ uns\\cr II Ie w HICS, I F "' d Tl A tt t • .. . . . . . . , I d " ' .. D' N I AI - rlen IOlDas rne me . . lout, It left herel MGndoy uight 101' 0.10 averse to a pro onge proluc ?oll-. J. H. ally~litt hns lately recoit·. \"Otl'. Ic~t to h eS80n es'l' witLI a narrow escapo from bnm- The Queen Olty . Bo.kery ovor- FI'tloport got as far ont 1\8 Bill -morning servicos from 7 A. }1. od a Iu .. ~ adJition to his stock ofl Iho country "flbrd8: nnd till 1\'ilI bo kcpl Flnlt ~"pt~t nrc I pruce ., ing to death last First·day morll- whelms U8 With .k\ll~oass • . e King'S ~hen tho storm came II to 12 o'clock or noon, were COil ' fine fllrnitl1l"o. conl~ i still ofela nnt bVIIJ~_T~Il~._ i~g week. He ~vo.s.l\lone in the nre now under o~J.gatJOlls to It lor ,and dr~ve the j~relf into Kiog'~ dllcteu 0.0 the hydroputbio system beJlvlJ lI1 uuu pari r Bet!. nnd !ther C LEA NAN D N 10 E'. TI 1 tlraulie dam that supplies kitchell, and while an the aot of a . basket 01 chOice bread, cakes, barn where tbey remained m t (If alter wlucll the gBlIIal wllrmth of aftl"tlctive IIrtlcles aU of wbich he b ~ Ct~'08 at Franklin O. aave ponring Borne water out Df the tell- g\Dg~r soaps eto., all of tho,best the ~ext day sunshine cuused mOl'ry oyM to is oflering very IQw. We recomAIIO. t 0 ~nr~~1 the flood th~ forco kottle, he fell, and in falling his qllaltty, and frOID tho 8klllful l ' twinkle with delight, and the her· mond our renders to call and exam- FINE SUGAR-CUREDIIAIIS "'t{I' wit ~ 'Fhis tilrO~V8 ont of I n hllnd strnck the top of the hot hunds, no doubt. of the new baker. -It appears that the two young tofore ead and dejected tilcos were ine this gentleman's stock and wo Ylllcnt' over 2 0 hand, who stove, burning the palm a.nd .fin- ~~~i~ the Q. C. B. still go on f1 our- m~l1 from ~ihniDg;on, who met lightoned up with a I' ,plClld~llt Mn I\8B nre them ' they will' find Mr. wh~lo or \)1 Ihe Blloo Give mo ~ oall. upply that many more mouth geM severcly. ~ad not Ius falthg. With. nn accldcnt on _the ~reek 11\ II beauty that was Mnpa1'6ll, First ItuysHtt a' courteous and obliging JEH U MuLLIN. ·th bread that thev will fe I lui wlfo II rd hiS alarm and come • • • last Tuesday week, were til'1lt struck on PI"' gl"llmme wa the Afrlcau M, IgelltlclUlll1 to deal witb Maroh 17, I d rut Frankllll vety _ to his nssistanc , tho consoquencos The blackberries were not qllite with the muddy wlter mnlaria on E.Sllbbo.th·Scboo] colcbration with ' - -- - ....... 1 "0".1 might hav been terrible. Friend a\l gone. They have been and Ilre Monday, wbde V1isititlgat Waynes- the Ilsuul amollnt of mm'chillg Notlvithswnding ther's TIn ~ tJO"':::,o!.~:v.. Te DO I Arnett is very feoble, in hie 6th still ill market in Bmall quantities, l ville. They lore tle latter place attendant on occasiolls of this wheM wo hUM tho whistle of !Iteam ;" . . a-.I . . . a year, bnt still in poeseesion of 11011 at 15 couts por quart. Tbere is a late Tuesday eV61~in, for homo, Ilnd kiod. N xt in good or!lor. \Va thrllsh'ing.ruachines III various di• ..,j Acid'"'· ....... ith ammp. - ' bis (acultiell. good domand for tllelll. lappear to havo g~~t ell all right un· tho Mainevillo colored wnd, their rootionil, -~ 1,a;,..!I, I..... v ....
rlu ubcrtr.srnteuis
f <
r .
I""" .n.
J t then • maa 1118 in cI nt collect a bill lor sticking Paakin h ad c.rd 011 0 r balloon that w 'nt up during 1 n anti ef· I great alan. of leet :tl a lIew ,ntract for '1 '1.'), ·, 'I',T . . . 111 • writIngs. aro to-duy iu print, with wbllt h· culll'IJ the "IJjviug ,'d , ._ _ h trId~l,. t - . willie th. 1'\! .18 Ii. IlIrge amount of bell UJlJlICUl ' lIt, al!reci ug to atliE. 'T ...I" .11. Id. B"iI.Ii ...... Y. ·n. tr. '1. OlHr It n, i,1 hce. . . ODe or the moe muou crll!t /D . Illd hou thllt hll tach a rtl to nI! d ivillg bell.; that I Jr. 1 l'J'.f.:'!'l f. l . /:·.. . . OffIO, ".'.....111 ........ effenual ~ e r w.co..-erec) Q IIl' v,'r oo llpnntd" go duwn in 175, without l'xtrll I1LTdIURE. lllo."I.t" k"'I'''"hn,l"futtlil .. ,,(Ful'' L ' lI rE' ---cleansing th ..,.. , 1 k ~IIIW t b · rc p t that th cit· chu rgo, U c'Jml'lilll 'I1 t h aid. to mlllr, .. r th,' .. 'r~ 1•• 1 '1'"litl. "",I , •• . . , , . . . , ~l. D .. tem M If PIJr/fytag . ,,_ . Izell lit tb town u nd vDlltr hud tb ir rcg.u lnr udv~rti - -I· . Wh 11 J 1.. (I W }' J (.. l" H E PH·YSfCIAN & SURGEON, tho blood. Jt IW W j! t IU C,lU lltv l' OW lurk' II \·i l· fo r I. ' d I .. I ' I, I J ft, . . . . 1 .' , , ., " ';' Im uu lav ,or II uor 'Uvel W C anOlh r II \' l·tlSlIIg IIg nt (] NOEN EI' TABLE, TIIR() Gil ·r HAlN~. "" ~'\J' I , fuund ill .m,· '" , kct lIi- took ltood the t . t 0( ugc m ~IO\I. =lud IDhnblt d by IUl- fnmll y and rri nd . oli onl hud to WlI III ing b fll r ' I'uukiu lwuu the ' -- -' _ _ ,·,.,1""1 ,.1 y elll'l!, wilh a 00/1, taotlygro .. io~ re~ kcrll. ,0 tllr, wcJIIU\' I' C iv d but / look ou til e vu t on UI' III' P o· g r at Ud Vllll hw (If illv lillg ill a "1 ,\ 1',\ ltI\:sRSItl' Rn: M Y :11 . I ~H . i l UI'II(IIIl, 'li"",H. ."" III/Id.•• ( '!.f1-il''', lJ'.-1 }, YH. ' rlLLR, ntation, hued on Ite til \'ag l1 t II tli u .hut frmn th pl~ i!1 uttclllln llce ut th <' IUII(.rallu t patent tum p, tu b' atta -h II 1.0 1- _ _ F. t L'~ _ !: L,ml. 10; I" I... .·':.,{'II. L /i I/"YI N, 11".1"" mi" inlriD!ic virtue., lind m.W,.,ed by Ill! roW /;llth r th ut t h . fi ra ":1.1 qui t M uu o 11 1'1.01'110011 , umliwt i 11K the S 'ut of ~I . , ' 1\U1 til wh 11 t uey I . , . . . D;,.ily,. I~,lih . .I, ,If r r '8.< . ... , 1./1"1. i ll!! , m:u-kable cure.. So n.ild .. \.0 be me and S " or nud do tructlve J t IS kill " , I t tl f 'J I " 'd . ' L" 11.1' 1011111, 9.,., Am !l .lIl 1'," I o ..c~ .... H ... ld _". 11,~ .'<1 '.,•• b prep. ben firml to biidreD, Ilnd yet 110 arclliag I . .' 1I I ' II r t! 0 Ie um uy IInl Irlell" ~II katlllg. \Vh 'lI t hoy got a tillt Ar,·. Ohilli '\llb I 1:1 Pm. I Itl .\ '" (; ~'''' ", BJ'("';"'!~ rl , '1'101"1 ........ .. • l as to fTtlClUluly purgo out tlte b'reat .,., ... IV\\ v I, Ill!..t I Ir ? II C .11 b:lr ll, w '~ P'JkNI by Dr, J u m ' W . hill uurue aw l un ill"s will 00 :: Pun. '",'"lh :; Gr, .. III 211 .. th'., .h'. WAY N k: . VU I E ru,,1I0D o,f,I1.,e hlood, s,uch.n the IJ(.TOf~~ nnd th hOI1 e III willcu their blred H a.l 1108 of Waynesv ill and Esther Il Putly ta mp d up I tle'c ,\lAI'Il't'" [, ~la .. r,:!I1 " 11 , lI ell> lodg nr COlllIUUlcJ Tb ' . d N tl L~' ' I I I e \ ) .. l'A,ker bu r" :,:lU .. " 'I II " I lI nl "I... I If~I '''''I ' I '' ,.It ,,".lnil~ II_ ill . , and yphihtlc oonl4lllrnatlon. Impuntics ' . . • '. . f r,·.... I...I 1' r,.r~"'lOn fl· or t!; ...--~. th 'h . I Ie d ' th .I ' ,.. . . I IS 11111 n Inu.l' ram f th is pluc ; that ull who skat may f 'Id. 'r. lIrllfLu" ~ 15 .. 9 ill .. ,t_l' n..a .._~ / ' Itltl~h'h~ . r\'l1oo,J tl'"l !lt ' t)',,,\ U1 -~. a•• '0 UT e 10 0 I'Y' 'm illl' \ (\ '11. l d~ in t', I I ' fo r "en . • Id tl .J.. • t~IO s~colld, ~ f not tho. t~lI rd d true· a ft r whieh the romain were d e· Wh II it m tv juuic II adv r- .. ,. ~I nml " 24" 11 :;4 " oX I~'ri" uc . he' h0ft", tIl ¥';"" lI-fl"":1I1 I ) ... , ~n YI ' 10 Lis ~".,..,ul Bnu· t l.V h r wl\1ch hilS VI It d thut 8 • 1 0 it<!d in the jum ily grnv yurl on tisillrr the rue of ·J 'u.ll killl.eud~ is :. I,, ~r P"r 1\ 1:1 .. II ~j " , dote, aud wsal'W'!nr. Him l~ 1I'OnderfU) el • ty 111)'1 W Cl " ~"""I ::1t. r ' · '" II' ,I,,"1I 5I 12 511 ..III , 2 110 I' Il'I\'II' 'jt n f1 Ut' U '· \\, 1-1 ,·"r.•I', ","l" rllll Ii ",· uf "II "hu no;,v. t.w ... I: iOl with n uoll. 4'11.1 cure .. many of which are pubUcI, .b . wo, U . u:"-l' . ,rm pntl I!. 0 tl Ult not u.' p t, 'Burr tt'trlllonnd,' very nUUlcr 1Ii1 . ..• OUIt.I tJnl) ,"r·.1'-·, 4 r.O" l:) E T II W , II U 0 W ~ , of Scrofula, RUti nU IICJ'Ofuloua diaeaact, With tho IJ1 111 tll Ir uttilctlon. En· It muy be W illi to !Illy h re, tluLt , .. "'." >h;lI:':to,; j III .. 6 5iJ" th" ~.t lJlcCJ'1Io Eruption!!, and eruptive d!.o\lg h 01 tho do troyed property wu du ring Iris sickll wh ich wa~ f VINE' I.TeRE ANIJ W ,NE ~Lu, . .. R'cI~IlI')'''1 I :111 I'm. ~ 511 ,\m Bu.-lal Case:; Caskets Robes ortIer. of the l kin, Tumors. BlotA:b-. covcr d bJ ·n . I J, I-I I . . ' '1 AI ' ., . , " Il"ltllnoro ',111 ,\ 10. "~III III , I I I tl'Cu pc r, of P'I~!!UIC . .. W illllifl ~ hll ' 12 Ii P,". I :11 .\ ", ' ".. ,] .. Ih" II , .. dtl" Itl "r A T TO R. N Ey AT LAW, BoUIII,Plmplee, Puatulee, Soree,St. . I ~lIallco .cuau 0 ll em SIX or eig ht we k ~' durntion ir. INO,- n I'. Anthtluy'. Fire. IIAIIIe or Er)'''~ to l' . bud thou' burn , Ill1u'rctt gIL\' as IIrtLlI Ce tliat all Wil N. J " 0 long "lid fa vOI'abl ' k llOWIl .. I'I,il., tl: I;,hi.. I :III ., .! :\;. . . '1'" Ilas, Tetter. Salt Rbeum, Scald urwcll.belo . vcd E ltl orG iles D. peuceful.llndtlrllt h \\'lll l'caci y t u U th\J II' ino 111 1111 ot' N, \\' J Cl'dcr . "N"w ' "rl, fl l,'... • (l' I~ " _ _ 11 _1, ~S~ , ASlJ Y IIT. l n r I' CIJ f. rc. Hea d, lUngworm. IUId Internal UlA f N L b Id I ' d I I . " ll".lull 5 50 .\",': • 4 ~,u 1'," . cerntlol\8 of tlte U~ StollJl'Ch. vel'y,o ow C tinOll , C C 11 eplll't nnd bl! with 'hl'ist. There- ex pect a ,1Irg l' yi d of ~p'a l'e!! _ _ _ _ I I, dl t ll,h-,"'''r I., .III nl)' \II'. t t u n,,'ri~ 1 om".. In .l I d1an. . . "' .. 'W ".11.11.11. aUll Llver. It allIo cure. other eomlabors unlU lIg liB 011 Ih e ~7[ b of Ju ' lore, th ~tl llJat mou rn. 1110urn uat tl li ~ yCIl\' than usunl, /Iud Iras \'c· 'I A "ELL .\lIlE . th . l'!vur .. r . 1l "I", nl ll~ ""llulIl1.l . ,,11<1 plaint" to which it would Dot seem especiI.r, IUI.I , tnrt~d . for his h O IU ~. vi a liS those who hu e uo uup . d ue I the price o f . hi . fU~I' YClL!' F".I W:lH.,"1 "II work Iv "h'U .,, ~i (lIo\l"n. "'_v ~.' .. v .... . Ii:, 0 " ' ' ' . 1 ally ntInpted, such as Dropsy, DyspepN l,l·th t: !II I' II, 11\ CU fllp n ll With our J . L, H. old I)Ol't U liS to) Imllg It 10 reach iI_i', . ~ E. . D. \\ A I.TON . 81n., Fits. Neuralg1a, Heart DJeease. Debility, 6Dd F male Weakn lII illi Atl'Y· l :lIt his stu nt N O/th ipl'i.n!l Valley J ltly.. • of t l ' 1001' I' falllili \\'lro n('od a L,·", \'olllu,bll3 \I If. P AT TOR. N Uni on Wli \'ery bl'il.'f, OI,IIICCOllllt . _.'. , purl! 1111\.1 rich win lor m('uioi nnl I~:'~' ~1I::,i~\" li~ ; .\:~: li d", '"/",.;",,. 1';"1 01', & l J[ii'l'fll' I EY A T LAW , Lelloorrhwa, wb n Ih r IU'6 mIlDifct1&tiOIlS of the scrof'ulous poi.'!On!. vI' IIU\'ill~ ttl l'I'pui r witbout 10 8 or TI:fIl: WAY TU E\' D h.- l,' re. pUI'PV os. MI'. l:ipccc's w ud ' 01' .. jl ,,"r"" "il'c ~ 5 ., l ·I l .. I .I/!.\'I,' (~/l:(', ..,. (i'i I1I'Ilfl, i'I'f'!J It is aDexrellent re.toJ'Clr of henlth and l :::: I' ;~: tim to Grov lan d. IIia lubora uere qlle lltly delli era are found wh d e. ti:ll'11lonting aud ko I ing his wi Ill' ,\.:; )~'~~~ ~::!'I !I 51 " <1"" ,, I'MII :,lIj l'I.. " . !' 1 .. lto'"li<o" t., "1111·. I," U ,i. ~ O"', • It If) , SlreD!;1 h in dlo prin~. B)' renewing tbo W r th I~ of love, pace aud ro cline to mako any expenditure d iffers fl'om tho usuul m thod ~. .. i', II "c,dl' J :1, " 1/ ,:~ .~~n . r 1!lS> , ,,, f .l' ~ -~, ;111'" /'f.: 1' 1/.. , .1" '111 lJ ruf/" \·!o)', . 8ppohte and vioror of tho dlgelltive OJUIlIlr, it u i.sipMIlS the del'f'eS ion nnd liatle 8 l.nCll llci lillti vn ull\ l OIU ·t, if dilly ap' ~\TllIlto v or fOI' nowSI up r udvertis· Thi ll i the 1'011 on why jt is so .. H.,II ,';I'. • ..11 " r. I~ .. . • JJ J" " Y '" A Y NI':"VILI. l : , O . guor oflb • tlSOD. EvoDwhere no wBOrder PI' cil1t d Illlli caJl'iCu iuto faithful ~:)g'lb But, let viM tram pi ng milch uperi l' in rpllLl ily, but if :: I'~:~:;"'~::':': !~i , :.~I I.n... f: J:; :: I I ,JA ~IEt) N . £L L, 8l'pear@, peoplo /1 01 better. Rnd Ii ye longer, }ll'llcticai fl'l1 itio I by us nil, 1'08ul t uea( eut come o.long with II I'l[ llil'cs fOllr yea rs Illllllugl' rn l' lI t .. 0,1,1 .. ",1 II .j .. I I :14 ., I .1 ,/T()H~\Er AT 1. 11 tr for clllllnsing the blood. The system moves on with I'\l!l '''''cd vigor nnd n new leue of III g reut petlce uuu iueronse iu spiro worthl cs , cutch.ptmnyaffuir, !L1FI IIl1d 'hanging ot' telllpC1'I1 turc iii .. nO"r I'.lrk II 1:1 .. 11 47 ., .''''1) I\' '''''AK~' "VII I . If·, ~. . itnal rrins. th ese vOI'Y cooolOicul., s mlll·t AI- ol·d el' to l1Iuke 811 h fl IJ'I'fee t fi u" .. C""" crl',1 J :,11 .\111, ;! un lilli , f " k < .. II " ",', F'I' :, n ~ .. 4 :,6 .. (~d;" ,· (11 (,' .1. D olr .• fll'u!I S (( :'('. Til l uin h~a destl'oyed lIearly al\ ec's nrc. th e ~ ery chaps t:-> bito wi no ~ it io, ; tllu kll owledge of .. wUI",h'I\Io,'; 7 to .. Ii :,1) " PRRI'AIIRD BY ()u r Ill all g rllIU and much of OUI' ~rst.llnd IIIvllrlably get sWlIldled . chunglllg to val'iolls tempel'llturcb ., Ri"h",olld 1 :1<11"". 4 511 Alii. \\ "1"~E.'ijVII . L":, 41 , Dr, J. C. AVER & CO., towell, Mus., (ti tt 1'- ut d iltul'en t tiUl os, und lIt the ri rr ht .. 1I"i'; m",'" III \ m. I' '.11 1' .11 . AN II Lloll~ ;" IJN . g l'U d. llul'V stlng 1S eonseqnently "UI'\8,""" .of1 tile Oiocinnllti II h ,., .. \I Hili IIgl'''' I ! Ii 11111. I :1\ Am, r, 2~ l V I'." IUllch I rutructed. Still, we I all ",H g llf, te oJ t e wuy tho\' t imu, i whol'll hc has tltc udv'all .. l'hil""',, I 'i" .. 2 :'r, .. __ ''' ' ' _ P,aetf<:,d ..M .fftGllfHcal CAemUQ, nrc doi ng 1I1 1 we pu sibl ' CUll to c· ~lltnk th~y udverti c in th ti,ll uw tage of getting u ri ch u wine .. .\", V."k :; I:, .. Ii II.; .. ' SOLD BY ALL OHU0I1I!!'J'5 EVEBYWHEB.&. CUl'll ",hilt relllni ns. t)\\. ct c ru Ill' .ketc h, H ('lId it 1111<1 oe it' it wltl wllt t he Ude of liquor. Lnrgl' .. I'o ·t 'n. f. 511 Am. (; 511 1'1Il. ' 0 0 0 , ,J. 'hlll'VUtlt, Ill! W '11118 that 01 broom flPI)11 1:1 to yon: l'Iulill titi s of Speor's P ort Gm,, ' P 11 'P 1 D . It ~t ~ -.n r ~1' ·.i~' rJ · r ~ll rJill (" )1'11 , itl 'vmilll! s wiftly on, promis· , N , htl aid, h didn't bolieve will c htlVO beon ordet'cd tCI Soutl. U man B a a~e ra,wmg· oom ~ " ( .an'tt!' , lU~ ~~~ .-- =t i g ~I: S' " . and ~leep~ng .Cucbea I ". '. ~ o;.;,!J i illg Il.li\'el y, ti mo tvr the.. br t.hl'cn In. ullVCl'tis!lIg ~II .the. n .wspa p ,I' . Am.er.ioa, nnd by Europeall s. l' rIlIll S~ I.OII'S. Olo ·III1I11I ... ",,1 u , u lll ~U" I II I ' .f'·;','I'l N 'lft·OII,.l B '1'.) 'l l' ... . .1 t tl k It ul " dh lID Ilny g v u., J-'.y ICluns,reeofll .lU ull d ituS~l1pOl'i o l' Washington and lBaltimore (till,' .JJI%r. 'I Il (J : 1 ~ h ~~ t r~, I'1I1 lUlu a ll fI '; I o\l, glr Is, I01' u Old II ,'1111 l tc wwuek . " hnda mnll shw- -moll eythrowu.uwa. j to mu t ofth e EurvpcuuwlU os. It 1"1 WA L-E';; £LLE;Olll O. I ) L .. , <:.' 1' tldrl lO llrn illg. but the wenthel "Bll t t\ vlltyouadvcl'tise innlly i dealt ill largely by drurrgists.\V I-lOUT CHANGE i AIKo. oflko rll"tIW ':I[Hlll1fu.tllr IIlI d al J: ' " u wa . t JI\'llru,. noon, un dtill ' way ?. we n -k. (] . D U't./Y £.;J)p ." l' e88. ,., '1'111""'0" 'I ic',,·t. ,, "J fm·t'",,· i"l'"r,.1:lli"" MISS RAeHlE R, EB}_\';I-G'i' l l'.. !\11' n ':.a.,'D' uf ~b .. ThrootlUld Lo,ft'" 1.1I1·CU ' 11 11 It" u '. !:dll~" 11 1,,11 ~ ri n.ip"tI 'I i,·I..·\ om · I 8UJ 11 !U Oou«b. , Colw.. Whoopiiii!'" ~ I' U l il'g the \vi ud is fl'e It fl'olli the "Oh ye ," h replied. "I s pl'lI d ... 0 ." th ,.lt ll.Hhnu l the II' " oll, h" c · t lI ud fi r • Plano-Forte Mllslc Tflarher, I O"""b, Bronoltltla. Aatbma, 1I I I'Iil· \\' e~t Illlrtclitoua of g oodll goodd cnl ofm ollY iIl Udvc rri M. [FromMonroe(Forsyth. Ga ,) Adverti8cr. ~n ' tl , ,, ' , r. • , F:" ' I ~I", uf)l.oi Il S"o" ' , I lind Conaumptlon. , N , T S N W Til"". P. ""lillY; •• ; "I , t·OI.Il. • ... \\',·lt t her, f l' which 'fe feel to relUI'lI mg. . ow, h er~ is a goo(1 thi 111{ I • m~ AVANNAII 8WS:-. e a· w ,.~!, 1''' -0. :\ g" III. OU II . I it!" ~ Ag ', . : W ,U ·N a.:"'VII. I ,Ii:. (UIIO, I' u i .~~.~F.. ~;o ~ tJmllk". hltve 11l\'est I III tv-d ay . It ill a gLlm feel called IIpon to lOvlte tu e I,IIICII,"" t,. n . Ila Itil"''' C • •1101. 'ii'i¥1.Ri:l~l~ " 'ft:.. o ~,[l.i\ri;o l'!:. ,d enc•. fow Rm or W t' n..o lIlukill(P some adJiti olml toothpi ck with Ill y Il l\/ll e ILlid uu i. /attention 01' our renders to thi TilliS It. ~B .\I II'. ' ~~ Inor ,'e,,1 value I ll1t1~b i n I' to Llllr~(\rn.dl'y ing ~tilb· st~mJllld on it . .I hav e paid a 111;\11 mel'itous )ournal, the. Daily and mi .'· M,H I' "I .,. ~~'::~:~ ~:,', I,~~'~ i,1. 1 ~~lLp)~Qd ;~ ~: ) }~~;~~"~e~::I'.t~';: ~{i li"IIIWll t, to )(lIeriite th u dl·y ill '· , o.s fifty dollar t v hllvo my ulldin ess We.c kly I.ssues of whICh hav~ao \"t.rOLE ,'I.E dl·el\.·e oftJloThroat ... 0 d dl I d '" - e , -. ., '" 1 nnd Lunll". A va.t we 01" likely to be kept bu y ill su.· 0111' Sllll'ol'cci 0 11 evol'Y to th ·pick l'ulH y rene ;Ie . every section of -:; " i:::;: I '" ' -, Il-Inl or IIlI YlrtUeA \' i ll ~ it us I'll t liS it is I·eady. Utlc!i Ilt tb o li utds ill this city li)1' the Stllte, WltUIU the last tew '~ ', c.i..:.::i..,::':i " I ~ I,.; ,JEWELERS OPTICIANS throughout till. and
"' D r. E. F. Daki
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110 kl·of s a ll enterprise '8.p~bhshed, nnd IDdIlS-
ngent stnti lied at ach hutel day 1 try and nbillty of the edito:illl I . I t I' . I I . I c l'pS I n o d tl. AT I ' /1111 Ilig I , u nll s lOr Il'It I U tnillp, 1. 0 • ' I..., IUn e u ~ .i.f CWIi '" Int lind Wh'IIR 1111\ 11 stel)U III' t.,tllke , lt Is-.a first-cluss Jonrnal,· and u tooth pick he d extol'° lIsl.y tlLmps th.er IS ~very. as uranee tbat it nc for hilll , lind there it is 011 the will coutlOue 11.1 tho same pl'oml . k. : too t. II I Ie c!1 reor. W 0 cordl"'l ... y c rnmen(1lf A P U NKINH.EAD to thc fnvorable consid eration 01 . . , all wh.o desire to acc nre a hve me· OHOOf; HI Ea AND 'I'll/NOS. tropohtan newspapel' . "I am' informed," he continued , B II -' ,M - '-0-. fi S t ' that 4. 72 touth ' l)ick "I'''' lloed . U ou.s uga.z 100 01'. ep . em· " " ~ b TI 11 t "1 t f fOI' tho Oincinnati hotels evory C1.-IIS . ~VOI'I 0 pUu ICU lOll 0 year, wh ich is equal to thnt mlllly tl1C peoJ;lle IS Is8ued f~r Sev.w.mber, L d all t t II to bUdincss curds ot' 'Oline distributed I n I .pa rOI1~ WI reJoi ce.
"untl, gil il1tu the woods and shoot, 11 ill , half·kill nlld wound birds, or 0\" ' /\ squirr Is, J 01' mel'/!- port, i infiu it Iy b,· 'o lld 1Il{ oomprohell. l,~ Id I slun, l' or Ir,y PUtt, wou l'llt I I' b II BI'uhlllill than 3ueh II. Ohri s· ti!llI. In the long run, it will b(: f" lI nclthut 'lI[ctUy tu ltim tb ll~ . h,,,". It i.A Iho plan .By whicl. Ii '' ''CD Ill''''''" in l'ardoning 11'" 11·
n cal'u~ and iUllUre their distl·i . dmllgazIDe III t l~ cOllutry. can pro· ~! .~ ,::: --: = " Ilce sllch u I at of t 1"::1 '" - -:: ~ , .., blltion. tl' . I' Wri ers. U ~ _ ;. §" c .. ,, ~l5!= ~ "Certo.iuly not. 'But this in· lla 18Sl1e WO . IlLve a sea story, a . .;l a ,L~ ;; ,J ,S i: 'a~ § 'i.~ cl'iptioll OD tho tooth· picks 1I1U t l llUdmber 01 ad~entllres, a~rl halt .-~: ".,S ] j ~.~ 0,3,:::. ,".l ~~L~~ b0 V ry smll. II I d ' I It ozen Charl~lIlll7 domestie love -" _ ... .... .-. ......... 'r' - , ... on t S lOW it .. ", "' . ' CIlIl b read. l ~tOII 3, bCSlt~os poetry ,Sll11 ellgrav· ~ ':: . . ,"Nothing ellsier. my delll' si r. IIIg<l ~ubllshod bi, 1110mes nnd : ~ 2 ~~: - - : : : ; \ on ce caohngent carricsl\ s m tdl l Tllllbf~t, 23lnblLwl eYI tr.oet'l Bloston, 'Jj.,i : .'?~'.~~~!00 !i ~ ~_ 5 0.". . , I.UI·'I'I) 'C('13e ,tOILS'I· tllc" ..- ' l)le l'IIIIIUk . ali t orsne y Illlnows ,<oa crs. • t!'. 1' -' ':;";.;jO·;; "; 06.r.; == it Ollt, ut that i n't th o ouly 2: - ---__ ____
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nnd died in Spring Vlllley, 0., Ju· with IIdvol'tising ¥" Iy ~.4, 187l5, ill the 79th year of hi a ."EvcI·thing, my dear sir, every· th111g. Th ere arc ovel' n milJiQIl eo.. His trude WIIS that of manllfac' sur , fingers in America evory turing woollen goods, whioh he en· yoar. At n very 10 derate expense ~aged iil from the enrly part of his un udvertisiug firm in Philadelphia Ji 10. III 1 8 he removtl(l to 0 la· prints my cnrd on rags like these --DIULRns I N - wure, O'd and ill 1842 camo to th is and fnrni shes them to victims of b I fi f f h I 'I " p Inc Illl bUI t l\ 1I1ctory w ere t Ie sore ngers ree 0 c urgo, so t le{ tl ' f to I .t I ' ' II t t d pre on on 110W s al1 . , I lavlOg WI use lem III . pro eronce a 1) b n burned in the wiutc , r of 1865. othere. A million of these ra"" , II .,.. At the time he came her, the are sent to a parts of the U lIited '1 I I ded d St d I I . d ral roae '\'I'as 011 y gfa ,an not ates, an am Oil y require to n tie or rnil Initl. In 1843 he pay 111150 for the ~rivelege of Ilav... Il1'OU ht hi fUllIi'"J to this cOllll tr", ing my name on t lem." J lind whilo bllildilfl! a dwelliug. ., And YOII paid it." , 11m I'y '1 oceuple . d '0 . Iy Id 'd IIOlIse, I1e au d IliS ' crtlllll I. I IilL d tu, .III a lo~ubin about three· fourtha of n ol'der to prevent Ilny othel' mall . milo ('\lst 0f wh ere tbe town uow trom ,.,rn>tting the chauce ahoad of 10tu is, for at tbl1t time there WLl8 no /De. ' town hore. It stood on the land "A sore finger then yon consider t ] at now be)ongs to Mr 1ra Moo a bettor advertising Inedinm tl / f ., '/ / ~ . I· . ' Ian ,':> ~ denu.llll. an esto.blished and popular Dews· I .I {'- . ~- - f t .. , .-.. - , '7 • MI'. ,Durl'oct was a man 0 grea pll~r t ' . .... ..!.-{.. persevercnce, and as to iJ;ldoetry, "Well, yest in tbis C88e. Been .I he had but few equals. Twice he traveli~g lately'? " . ALSo, .., h' d II "Yas', mad e a thp ' to JlllDnea"""' SU ffie r ad I08S by fi re, uret IS we· ' 'ieg-house and then his factory; bat ta and Iowa not long ago." in all his mllifortunes he never "Then you mast have seen m~ . b t •• b . r d ' ted i hi k new any tl ling a ou glVlng way usmeBS ca pam n I1C to discouragements, bat his motto letters on Do white board and nailed 'G h d" ' to tl Ie tel egra~ 1I poIea," was, 0 a es , .. He wasalife.long member of the "We hadutBeen anything of society of Hicksite Friend" and tho kind," with that, as with bis temsoral aC"Sin~.l1lar if yon didn't. A man · )Ie s b owed h' old t d I t "-II d 11 ted Iialre, . IS .. e I;Y an came a oug 88 1&1 an co eo eODlistency, hy being faithfQUu at- a hut;ldred dollars of me for nail. II f . h a board t I .... RoonI •• onedoor 61ioye Poet 0lIl00, ten d ·IDg on tl Ie mean o_grace as lng sac on every e e- Waru_ville, Qhlo. 1110 long 88 he had health sufficient to graph pole in the U oited States. 80cietv to wbicll he be- That. W88 his contract, and I paid do 110. T'Le ~J .. )on'g edhelditarneetinaRatWayneshim the money on his affidavit ' ek ' ville. wliich, when he became 80 that tbe wor WIl8 done. But periooble, "'as beyond hia I'ClI.ch j bnt hape yon wasn't noticing telegraph TillBD .... B£ET. NErlR ."IN. he 80 delighted to m.t with the poles. No, I dOIl't believe I will .CINCINNATI, OHIO. peopleot' God, tbatwhen heoould pnt any advertiaemellt in your 1 .~ 00 PER DAY. no )on e.......- r ,., "'0 to his own society, he paper this week, Yon see I am .. W......If. .......
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DR. . &'1.-l ORTON'S
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oBlrd' Il c" Wlt1l ornln~r' I~Jove. ,,"g· n t '0 ug"
"o~l a" H ogfl LI~. blurcoo u. (t
ConlOnllilll ltfnreh. S() AND PA [{TIE, LI,il,vk,!f tI,'\~ V,\1I0YR ' Nocturne. :1II .lJe 11110 uve8. "yo,le. 40 n il .hort nO lirn. ] ,,1,0 hel' al ) ] d 'I (I rOll m . 1111 . .. oree"u. 4 I~' i' ~ i *AwakcnilllCl of tbu lJ ird•. (lumullce. 40 D v ~ 1 11 *S'wect Henl'l. RomoDO . , 40 III 1111 hou... IInuII s\lpply of
1) E A
I~- '['h llll!'h e.~ Mnrket Prioe. ".. id . i ll enot: 0 " IrflJo. (ur COUll try l'ro"u ' 0 . Q1leen Ci ty JJU/."'I'Y.
, E\'or ~!~ I~~~ r~~~~~~ 01. r:~,~;:Ii:i~~hf.~'1~~~~:i!~r£t:1~~~
Staple and Fancy· GroceriES,
romftrkahlo lUI hllrdly to be hollevod, ...ere> Ihov provon b you<l ili pule. M 1\ remodT· It f• not .,lo'ln"lo. 0 11 which lI,e publlo IDlIy ~ .... (or n,u proleclloll. ..B , coring Co1l8'h8, tift. ' ,fnrerUIIIIUl'!lofmllre roou" U,••sc,lt . Rve. un_ ct. numbe''il,1 live" RIIII nn nmountor suJTcringnot tolice, bo computen, It c""lIon""" trlnl. and conel l! vi Ihe m(l" scaptlonl. E'very ftlnllly 8bould cl,B. kcop It I 1ft! II 'p'RI!\lUlI 'ttb ~ early CIS, I Oil lAl'" I' f\ I,rokte CfO on IInperro VC( nltne 0 urmonary Meec18. tlon., whioh lIro onsl'" met Ilt tlrst, bul wbloh become incnrubl . lUlil 100 ofton f"tlJ,it nog· ct·', locted. 'fowl"r I l1n~ need tlti' d.~D""; and 1t ct.. i. IIn\\'l,o 10 bo wltllou! It. As a safcguud to chil.lran, amid tho ,1I.lroulng dlllCasetI which
~I','~~~"'·rtu~.lhl ~C~~i-;rv ".::~d .~rvODa~cenl"~t ord°l~ ~'J. .~ "Illry wiNds, ""Qurinl!: o.ou.!'d 8.lnd bhlltal -l'CtIlto~ng
~~~~ n~d"p~l~rui ~':;:'bll~u,,:e~ey :~~
howen,lIy they o~n be ured. OrlgiIJlllly tl,. prodllct or long, laborlon8, and ' "ce.' rill chemlQnl Illvettignlion, no COilt or loil ".pllrad III milking everybottlo In the UInlOflt
!:,,:.:!)~~ ~,::!!y~~ 11\~h~~~~~~dl~n~~!~
"xhl~llob'Iin.lldlcllpllblo~rlJlhmduclng_,::uret!"" 'nO!DOMl oM I,ogrenles.1 8.!Ieyer ... ccCIL PBEPAUD ny
Or~~';I:m~~~~ ~~~e!-.owV:!!;'!:-"
ct.a. .''1.0 0\' ALI. U/lrroOI8T8 SV'&Il'rWHtRIt. ols. ct•. - - .- - -- - - - - - - - ctM ct•. ct•.
Ayer's Cathartio Pills,
ForUte rellctnDcl oure ot n\l,\t"",ngQo m<:lIl$ h' lI 't' "" ill , n"b, Ih'c,, "JO' • ,, \I '
AU l'll OR O~' al (l I.LII~. DAnLlI>O : ~:';r;\;:~r; '\,;;:i '''::;~ SON os & OUOR USIl:S, 35 01!:N'rs EAOII : exccllenLi", rgn,h'l'. e ;~ )1"00111111" Ora \, . :~;~~ 1l:~~'I;:o;;c~~; .- ~ PUt Ihe !l lghL ~Inn lit Iho Whc,'l ~ol':~f,~;~~~~I' ~I:::~; l "g "..., Do,"" ilnrl ing, oerlulI.old.lIe .. ".,,1 I ",..J OJ .... ~"p--n"rllfY Milc h"..,. 811Il'Urllll"i"I'I1"T'"' We' .""-"-"-----~ would cal' the atten- Tho M~ld " I' A"Olld"lo, ." ~y lItelr ' hll. I.~ . . ~ . ljsa ; Rll tl c\'cry I"ftmiJr Hhoutd hav" thtlUI un hun" <>l u ' f Teachers and others Sing, Where I. Of \' Lov"t! One To. Nlght ? for their I"'ot tlon 11.111 ,'('lief. whon "",lIh't' l. uon 0 ll. rkf.H, Si llg. LonK .)(,,6,'1 ''' co hM proved IheOi to h~ 'h" •• 1: • t t d' ' . h' Wh,'n Liltlo ." nUllo J)jed eol, 'Ir.>I, nnd ~"" or /\II tho 1'/11# with 11 /,1 :. meres e 10 mUSIC, to t e AI') l1O IIl1d lit 11 0 1110. Ute Il1rtrk". IIltv,,,"lo, ny thei.. OC!f'R.I.. , "I :. '; Iho 11100,118 VUI'IIICd, Iho com'rtloll. uf Ihe ')' ~ • following works as bel'u' the .I,enlllo .. Iho Flower of the Dell, Io,u oxp. u"r. ob.lrtI,'llon. romov"'l, nn,l I h. ~, 0 lhe Scbool ·Hou.o In thu Doll Wholo mnehlu.\,), or lire I'C ' IO''CI.I r.. I. heoli hy . E t19Jty, ItltCl'nAI m -gnu8 which Le,:om" dOf;&!dl SUN I best of th'el'r ""1ass: J author of Silver. Threads, .ac0",1 .It.ggloh nm c1ualllle<1 by .JI{,rr'. Pili• • • •111 ,imulaic" inl" "N lon. 11m. nC'l'leul d it.I'U"" REFORM Allie 1l,,,IiIlJ;, KOD" & cho" H P.Onnk. , "0 I, ehRnlleol h\lo hcalth,lhe v"h,~nr \f"hh.hnlti ,'. , ..111 . YOII "'rile '" to InO, Istor ? .J wben1"'O('lc nn<"I \ (·nlhcv" .. tnl\1l1 H"~I " "I ' \ .' v ill tho UIIi· • \VIIy dU"'L h, eIllI hllnlly be ('om.,III.,d, Tholr .11""r roull"g ofodtho C.i.',!,.· A new CJass.B"ok i'.or Female song and cborus. Dnnks. 31) mnk". 11,. 11) "len",,"' In rote. An.1\,r,w.n·<, their 'J J' on iu O r el\ m ~ II • wce t \foicc 01\118 , l rt1H'~~ 11J1 ln1 l uli r(oel IIIr nllY If'll,," ' Ilf I ' .(., , l VOI'CeS, ·n.t Prl' ,e piGr dozen $9 AlB", . So" g nnd 01,0 r u-o. 0"uk8. 30 lhnt they nro 0,,·,· I'r., h. n,,(1 I·.'rr.,·tl.,· 'r;.nl,l... e· '"' '. • AltholiRh ~('nr""inj:t. Ih<,), nrc 1lI1ltl. IHut (lI1('t'l' lO l'nllllcy, I Any of Ihe nl,o",' mll iled polt'I'Rill, 011 wlthol1l ""lllrba" 'cW lheeou8tllllllon, ol'l l~t,or Bnnd l1li per. dozen, Sa . mJ)le Copies l ~eceirl of th,' m.lIl·kl·d pri,cc. ' "iec'. lII.rlted °"i~:Il"~I?:~'r llo"" nrc ~Ivon on Iho \I·ml'I'o,· to I d d htlV ' p l otu re tlll· -pnges. Add" C,$I . ! each box how to \l ~O tJiC-fIl lUI A . ·n m ll)· l 'll)'':!lo, oorr "pond. mal e 1 post'llal I on receipt J . L. l' En; IIS , i'43 fil'O adw"y N. \'. A," I for ilia following cump.lnln~. ' hlO'./' U..... m08t profound of $1. n For fl.. D.I'.IH'I,.la rnl'"II.' ullro: -or ... dl .....fl~.. , L A.II.."" - - - - --- - - - - - - ' - MAN HOOP I ...... I.-a. II.... a .. _...,d. • ......... _Mor nn" .a..- .r 4J ,,'::;1 ''',If'''1 .III@ lpuhli.liotl . "new edition nf ~~~:'~~~~~~~::'~~~I:':'~lt~n~~~ :~::rn~,y~~.·tom. Dr, CulverweU'. Celebrated . For " .... r<lo.ph.I .. , nn.IU •• " 'I",.. ':rmp. • Ilesay d'un. Ihe rAdl<", t Cur. ( . ' it lt. ..., ,?m•• •11 ..... a •••IMd..... I!II" I< U ...... ... ;r......I".. o r G ....... III"........ "II A C1aU. SS-Book lor ~ Children. ' ,'" 0111 mo 'CIl1~) of '1'. 'U'ATOII II IIOt: .' j . . ." (i.U" and .UI .................. Lltcy ·Ii;;,"nl.i WCA kne~ • In,·oluntnr.\' emillnl , Utl jlld10l01l.11 taken tor ellrh ell c. (0 M>r';"L II •• Used in all the principal Pub Lo"sc.... h..ImpedlmenlA onli~"· ' Melltnlnlld ~hlslcal ln I ,ll OjOAcdlllltlOnorl'Omovcthoou.lnlctlo... whb,!la I" M"rr',,~e. ,'10.; I o.,~.., Ii, Pi..... 11 lid Schools Price $6 per- ~Icllpaclly. so. CoDFUml'tioll, Epilepsy aud F.~ , Illllu mll~rdO ~~:~yO~II I ':I. - . UI OM , I ced by S('1f Indulgence or sexual e~ trRvl\- For . _•• " ...... "'.... Q ... ....,I•••10 cent above dozen. Sample copl'es mail gAnee. &:0. pi . . . . . . . f ..... a_rt, .... In I. ,h. d - IJrPriac in n . ellJed en yelope only 'i. III ...., _ " " .n,I"'I_lh~y ~""""I bG romln· aY8, as ed postpal'd on recel'pt of co.,· , " UOII.ly"'kel\' 'l'elUlIIgc thodl'."fCl(1 d tl I I ' aclloll' or Ih ··~ '~III"""!t tom. 'v lIb 8ueli UlUltlgu III() an 0 I- 60 The celebrucd author. In 'his admlr"ble OO1llplAlnl<l,U Pileat'. tako nocents. - ... ~----- E~8a~. clearly~ 1emon~llralc~, frohm ~ 11lI; 1)' Ut~r.h~r:r:~::lnlf:~~~:~I~ call as .vellr' 0 0 00"88 11 pnl~ ce, "nt' e •• rll1ll1!; to \!ft1.lur tho cr"", oro t1_~ llllflre. '.. con ~qu~QCO of 8ell-ahulIC may be rAdlc .. II)· lor •••P _ _ • 1&11Il' n0!8 I hM'" lIe sale lor O. cured w,thout tho dangerous u.e of inlernal "'h.. , . I lt pI'tlIluoel a.; -~"" t ill' ),111 · ]~nRJGBT. • • medi~IDoor the .ppJlo_tiou of the Imlf'; PathyaD'"Ite" rltl.~ke ~nt> ort o] ,; t. to The most popular SmglDgpoln'mg out a mOIlII! or cure .tODO~ 9101),111\. p,..,mo.e dJ~ lion A".lrollu~ .t-II.,,,,,,,,, h. eCrll\./.n nnd. eOectuRI. by means of whIch e ~ An 01,."..\»".1,Inf'e ~lluJll\'" '. !l'e '0' r lUll" , Book ener published' Price ' ery luffer' r. DO maIler wb , bra coodiliulJ b"wcl , ""r"ro' lhe "1>1\4111. ,.rHllnv!«l>r t I !It." I m YI~ hi If cl I I -r I~m. H I'llrf I, 1_ IIftto" ad ..an' .~ "' \I OUu '760 dozen. SampIe Iy•and~.m"y ollre IUpy, pr"~le· ·atoI"",bl, 0 8 r1o... le_lItn, ea• • OJI.wllol~U I perailed well,o ............... 11_ fir u...~ ~... .... radically. This L\lClure .hoald bo In &be haud. ,..,,. 1M hIm ,loM<l",lI.. h<'tt ..... ....... ". th '" COp.,. in I post-paid. for or ever, yout!' and 0"01'1 min In tbe lan~ . =-~UMl """'''~I 0 11 Ib41 oItc;...t. I ~ ..,f
FaIry , . E-Choes
I I . ' I I I • ••
Selling oft' at 10 ~ h~ cost or ca80 m or tl e Emporl' '1 , ere interested will tics and giv,e me ' an I I II I 8 la on y continue thirtyday'1l. , D.
r...MARLON bl e
uul~~"!:t,:iD \he
doel relieve and . OIro the ,,1I"Clill/{ dltol'flers or tho Throat and L ll n;ro boyond Hny other medicine. Tho moot dM~'OI'OII. "lfeolion.ofthoPlllmonIU'!Orftlln.
Ln 1I1:lle JcuneS8D. PolnccR. 50 nillo'to. , ,. 35 oTw illkli ,g. '''1' •. lItl)rceft ll . 40 F~ re Thee W. III ROI'I" ".... . ,III .. -a 'Fairy Fc!tival. Cuprico. (j(J ' ,~ ra Dd MasoniC Mllrch, wllh I' i ~ tu,'(' 01 N. Y. Telllpio. 71; A Fore.', Uymll . Medl!~1 ion , IiJ
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,'I\I'illtlun8, 5U <I . \' ~I 8u hrill. :J;, cta , 41\ Ci S. '! I , -'~ ~ ~~1!!. ~~ ~ OMerry F.. ro~tc"8, Furest Scene. 5n oL~. A~' I' I 'Echoes 1"0 10 111 " ~1I11.n"cM, ~o CIA ~ By CHARLES KINKEL ' : a ~u:;nr f'Ium8 Polkn, ~. 1 • -,Iewel D/). Scholtiseb. ~ ~:~: " 10 I lII IIII.r·... lllre.ull ki llil f D rl "'Ck ~~~~I Fc"Plh~o~,kl n. fK 'IJ ~1" Ohj. _2 ,: I "U rco .,; II 0 , u "OM'oro I 'lI'o. lr:l118, 35 . ficCIH, ls, cO ' :; '1.oi l)'' f.. r • W.'),II".,- il1(. ,,,"1 ' ho -nrr"lIl1r1i n/!' t il l-hrl'u Allgulllfue. Mo,'oellll. ::: I ~ I lI oi ~ l lb"rh"", 1. ~l'(jui~l IIttunticll i. !!,ivclI -Angel Vi. it.. ltomullCo. flO ctH, It " I ~
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Spectacle. , Tools & Matcrinl .. 'CII~. or nU cln ·c~. e>lllblllOOi the foct,
B emie B ouae
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card printed 011 't 1 Y II [From tb Cllin Gtu!o~to.] I'd 't I I e.s i, "fi,e g; M·llIolr. YUII CUll \I "'\lOSS w lilt It la or, ~gQK~g III tell yuu. It's tur doiug up u lh. G eorge Blurett was born in sore fin gel·." Rutlaud county,Vermont l inI796" "What hnsa soro finger todo I",n.
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1I'lI m Ih e 1'lIva~ iIof thel1l'llly WOl'll. Th i ~ i Iloul.HIl· d owin9 in purt t u 1 .1 , el. k'i1 Ihe hll,it ing lin ues tr y in ~ ' III' b -UII II'j'uI 1 1ut' I "e b l· l·cl' . 11' 1111 ( cOlnllluni ti 8 wel'~ so en~Lt\l8il ti c. ally enll tod 'n fnv or of bil'dll U ou rs, t.h 1'0 " 'ould be Ii w i'usects to None of (111/' d ,')' t I 'uy (llir cr"po " ., . people; nut ovon boy , over dustl' Y · da, an d tl ley bu 'Id tl IO IIll' I very llelLr 8 11 , C,' on Q:n o ur w'Ind ows'Ills . .D Qve t! ha \'c bnlit 1I11e1 hntcbed tb ir you Ill', t> ulI lI ('Ill' ~C"o.,lIl1H1 SC ynrd , which i ~ 1'1111 of bOllo tii'u\ tree, is resonant with tlli;l sOllga of birds frolll ellrly
p .
Song ECh
76 cent&
8h_pooln. "'11e of Ua.
l\n,e:;d:::rt!!~I.'~ld~o~I~:.I::;!I~f~· ~~
Addl'e88 J. L . .PETERS on.,-f1pol&alampa. AcIcl..... t.... publllll. ... , ... " • .,•.trrJi cO............., CI/P", AS B d 1I.7:}' ' r. ~IIA;J. KLlNB A 00. I ....u.aa,...... .1.0 ...."". _ .. .t. 't l'oa t/J,t-y, J.~etD orli.. In 8ewet7, N.w~........... ~.. UB •• K
SMI TH ORe AN Co n o,, 1
.. ...
.,.,.. ... I'itflllt'fI . , , .. ~t,
, ....... ta
by MusIc Dealers Everywhere AUIN'I'S WmEn IN EVEHYTOWI
Blood Pills Tnt: BEST
Cl&tltar tul lam IN THE URKET
l.ewnrt ru 1 Jill store on tbe detectIv e EacbmlLlI feels Lhn~ I e K und er the cyc of I!Oml'llD c-tbnthe ! wutcl edInd no ono d";\~II!CH the ani oy \lI CC thI s filet 1;1 ~ c! h II I w \II 11\ the 6toro olle d Iy \I I In ()IIVOl'llftt on with nn om 110) ee ] L IV' 1I0t a bllsl tllllil ami 1111 1 ul\l 1!4" emod to 00 I'YIIIS 01T !:lome IlUn~cd 1!OIIIIlIcanil\\ 01111 or Ll\O I!I\t 011 tIll ll()~ elj. ] I a I lII ent tho IICCIIO In tho lltoro han~Jd nil callie LQ ILLcIl LIOII sharp io 011(' W UI !!CUI- II0 one R}lOke. Each wn Willi erect the 10ungcTti CllII e to theu reet there Will! not au Idlcr In the III re III a moment Mr Lew art came b (rom hlB htUe coupe on til curbilton e, He 8JlOke to no one bowed to no 08 IICtlmeiJ tQ recognlze.w> one He gaye eharp glance nght and len and went Ip 1Wn. DId 'OU lie 10hat glance l' _d lobe olerk be 8111 everT one of ns, and could tell wha .!ACh man 'I'M doing While tew.rt remAIned nut a man laid oft: '-lwrkig li II Nt:III Yori Ldlu ~yijt" l1
Yuuth i. a
la tbe (eYer Qh
1/JJ rI_ I J _
C".m"_ tl.",....
AlllSOI, .IIUI â&#x20AC;¢ JOHIISOI. I,PI! n" which I~ ..,., to fOIDlod 10 0.-
IIIU_1 'ouIq
\OLlMg X\ I MINtm rOI'lls,
"u. L, .11.. " t
t \
1£ lit·:, .
I:H\ lLLE. 01110 \\ EJ)XI~HJ)A " ""\
TBER 527.
&T 1.1"."0. I
III~ UlOI<t rlill rulILlIllllaturnl exercUle of ih ullnd IS (.'OIlV r Lion 'Ve find tit llSO of II. lU<lr Hwcci HUlII of anv other action 01 II f< A no T no uhlC fo t or nllW' meadow hny, or tWill 2Hi to 243 eubic feet lit hay from old stncks or from 297 to 124 lIble fuol. of dry clove r, Wll1gbK 011
A LoNI}ON I\dvertu!emelll. rUlls Lhu\! 'A Country pncaL WIIll:lllY 1D88I! ouce a \\eek for allY one wbo win r gularly !!eod the '/\ 11.3 n wspn.pcr, !!ecoml blmd, on tb day of It>< publlCl\tiolt WlIJ'N Lamb WI\.II n clerle at the India HOWlllJ tbe 8upermtendeot remoDstmted thnt IlO enrne laLe m9rmn~ 'Bu~.." f!llld t.he I,Jlporturl.lIlble Ella, I ~o homo very early nfteruoon That l~ about hutlor 1 tho wily buslfle peeplo d\l this Bummer A" I whnt will thu worlllll\Y 1-Ibo ,"••!dl- there-
IliltH e.~UlIg 1011'11.
r ill
0 ,
callo wi lulf .. It I. utl.,..1 I,IIJllI.. nn or d n•• I""blo I ~bouSH or .n
(~I~ \
~or let
cUo en I
LI e worlll Lbllt.
An 0 1<'0 AhOw II 0 ".rliL LI at heleel. Aln II qf H. Ii.rk n I L"III fly L I I. heel. I. L I I I.. 1"",,1, 11K... It, LwUII"",v him alune
.wll1 la wu aL ILl. It..,. tine
It. loon.. ~
O}JOlIIlIg his ellI kell bou!!6 tMellt.y oue 1Il0rlllllg 1111 !l tU9 lurds but thell on Lho other hfllld bo found tllO hugel'll III th teLl) '1 hey h ll von t bcel~ e med for
yt c:;", A 7 lib IJte corr Hl,ollli nt C(JIuJllulDe of tho l o\ls III. Nmgllra' '1 he GlObe1 lIIucrat ClI lI' 0 11 II' the V oon be tlvu"l, I though !VI 10llg 1\8 tit pineo c:ontllltiCS such 11 iuvonte r /IiIrt lor Lbo boll !j. \VUEN illl E>!qUJIIIIIUX Itontlewan eata hnl( II doz n tlllh)w ctludles lor lunch! und I1II8h08 thelll down Wlth Il Pint oJ lamp Oil, cnu he be SllId Lo hllvo mllde Il hgb t rOllnat? TUf ,lilhclllty With these dlmellovela I ~, tbllt II l;I9y who ll!ada them u!Juaplred wlLh u more COII"UlIllDg defllre to grow up 11111 IJCcoUle II Illrate nnd we Ir 81:t118tors III hl8 Uclt, til lit bb L 1111nl tllAl r lin wear II willto ncek tiC. WF thought the Olno the Ucst ubUllOd rl\ er IJ1 tl UI try buthore Is~boBur iJugtou 1ft£! k IJe wlllcb uyA tlmt the I ",ely thOU[i;LUt! ~hlld r cently put 1Ilto tho U ~ l\[olllet! river have to bel 8\>rlDk I<.,'d three time It duy Lv keep tbem ahve
llll-: Torollto Glu/1tJ llUlllttlllNI hUlcn columnK o( ~PCC I II r('llOrtH aboub Iho crol frum thll nnt pIlle K III On\llrlll Queilcc New I1runslVlck 1 nne PAl Wllrd ~ I Hitmri alld N,WII ~cotll I he followlIIg 1M " HUlllolllry F III "he II III tbOllgll holO\1 Ib .. m orng!!, \\111 Le n IlIrger ertfp U \\I " IK Itt 011 tllll ( pee ted Rpnng "h('\t 18nboutlh(' nIH llgO 0 II", lnrlcy IIIIlI pcllK IIr I ('II\1er than for mlUlY yoars ,"proportIOn to th, nron 00\ red Indlnn orn Isgrenth 1Il1 proved lind Will turn out lx>tt< r tlmll ox peeted fbe potlltO mp'" Inrge lind root crops gCllbrlllly v(\ ry helllY Ht) l, an "y~l'Rgo crop Bmllll frlllt", ar nhundaut, apples ar IC!!II pI ntl ru I I II otber frui~ there Will probably be a tloficleDcy IN UIII nnnlllll bnnquet gl\en by the Lord Mllyor of 1,(111(1011 to Her MOJCMLy M MIDISWI'II, Di~rRelt resl IIdlng to lh LoU81. t.o the governmonl declnred tho country w/u! I)rosperolls lind th pcople content AlllIdlllg to furelgn nRlin Ii lIRid pea ]Jrev81led allli III 1118 OJlIIIIOU It wOllld continlle to 1)I'f~nll If tbo (orOign reilltloll8 of Grenl. Bntlllll IIcr f!(lruLullzed he behoud II. wOllld Uc foulld tbat thoy had ocoen conclllcted WIllI )'Iru deDcc alld firlllllC81!. Tbe 0010111111 em plre would be Ilcveloped and conltOlidated Its IDtcrests uud IIYmpatllles ough~ to bo I\lIIIImllated With tbof!(l of the mother countr1, IIlId 1I1~llUlIloly the c(Jlo",e prove Il 80urQe not. of wenknel!l! but f HLr ngtll alld splendor Revl \~ ing th worlc of til Ilrel!ent _Ion of ['nrhll mOllt, he ndvorted at 80me length Lo the mcilient of the flhipJllIIg Lilli He Ht..lt • that III proposing l new IIItlMuro the government bad been _lilted not coerced l by public opinion In conchl 1100, be repeated the opmion wblch be once before declared he~ that the pe\)pIe of Oreat Britain were better ott'than t.be ~Uty of other eountrll'll The .,eeCh wu reoeind with enthuelutic cbeen. OUter memben of the Cabinet
.,.... IIbDgar IUaiIII.
\ Now Jer oy Girl SellK llert!elf. A Wllle \\ hilL eccelltnc thougb welllthy gel Ucll1ln n IllIcd GILtes h UI recently Lce I ere 1111 g qUite a tlCn8ULmo 10 lIud II Ot L:-\olllCfVllh He IS well ,dvul ced III HJlN< helllg uplmrl of I!(' \ onty hllll KIll I I " Idow e r ILIllI I cnpI>le wltb on II trrl d d'lugl tor- lit only chiltl He lIIoved Into HJ1lghorongh tall n.lllp over n renr Igo and bougbt C()IIBIdernblo rrll CALIII" gil 109 olte limn 1.0 1118 dall~h l.cr H d!!lll I l<' h lYe beell qlllto ht\l~h Wllh 11I ~ 1I10n(') - \.0 ~uuh 111 extellL tbllt 11I ~ (ILlnll Y \JeClIIIIO nlllrmed and an ('florl WI1J! mndc lIy 1118 (Iaughl"r and 801l an law Lo huvo hIm d ciared InllllllC lind plllccd uuder gu IrdlllltBhlp but tillS etrort prole III filliure Among h,,~ other CeCl'lItllClLIC8 \VIIS IllS (' Ident fomlur&! tor tho SOCI ty of young I "hoi!. Oil tI ( uth of filly ho becnlllo leI] lIulI...,d Iulh I young Illdy frum the \\ Mt who With her mother WI\!! l(l mporarlly dLllYlIIg III ~IIH~rvlllo und \\ ho 18 Jt yet out of her tecll~ to wbom hc II tde 1'ro(,o!lul8 of IIl1lrrlllgC Ihe g,rl Look 0110 hour to cOlIslder the lIIut~r, Iud thon IICCCI)ted altbou.h It 18 /!lud 'g III1~l th o \\ IHh~8 of her mot\lrr lind 011 M, mlny (If tillS week the pl\rLle~ \\(>ro II IILed III mnrrlRgo the ceremollY tnklDg 1,llce I" I 1Iullllcld, th mother III tit I11OIJlLllnO hnl ing becollle rcool1(lIled 110< 11 tl 01111<111 I (Io\la~ WI\II the mnr n tge po rtlOI1 of tho bnde, whIch flUIU \Vn~ lit OIlCO Jllllccd al. her dll!}JOSaI1/1 r, ~(l
AI, oYJ IIytr
------IIARA f the
Till P\I Al cro l\lI ~ ()f coullllCIIUl1 ~' uro"e
lllooeru perhaps th I 'Ht n: IIlItrkull 1M tho W If-kllllWI1 triple ro,," ofjuptl tlllro orperhol'8w Hhould !lily Ll3r II! for there IIro fOllr 01 titer I 1h tlllm IH ilCldolll worn by tho I OlfC I tl~ CIIrfi d befort': hun ID-ll1'()OOl!1)11 bill cxclIllL on rnre 00011810118 be IHItI'l! IlII1lLre hkc 11 nl~hop O( the ex Istmg tlurns the most beauLiful ill tbftt 1I'h Ich "118 lI:iven by N Ilpoleon 1 t.o PIll! vn In 1 o?l It II laid to be worth up" ward of .£9000 Ita tbree elrcleti are IIlmOlL lDeruat.ed with .pphirel,emeralda, ru ble!, pearl., and diamonda, aDd the great emerald at Its apex, aid to be the mOlt heautlnd in the world, i alone
valued at 161000 InuoI.
rt~lr,~oooU ~OJ~ ~I c~"i':~.~~.~~t-
IbN . u 'IMn Uo I or lOue~ II II&Id 131 U K g tn. boil UI1U b~~eKl York.NiJ I
H EN1\ ~ BEILIU IJ:J st.nYlllg at Newport 18 !e1'1I to wunder 1110110 for hours ulong tb bench 100t III thought, RIId It, 18 rUlllor d thllt he Intends establtsblog IL mllJ'IDO ~yn\ll Ullum III tbe belief that It WIll lid In thll development of tbe
1I0w ~O\ ernor "11011
Lookl!. A C Huol In II lotwr to tho t lAIu.s RrpubltMII thllHdeilCrlhes Governor WII \111m Allcn K per. 111\1 nppeuMII,e Oovernof Alien I ~ "bollt SIX fllot two lIIehe ~ 111 "eIght md UM ~trRlghl. Itlld Hy mmetrlclII to-dllY n8 he WitS \\ ben his ,oleo rlllg throll/:(h the nruhcHof tho old & lIl1tc ChlllllUcr Iurtv YCltl'llogo w uudlllg III contlOna" e I"Lh that, I Benlull lor lIltrd mOlley [lnll the r CIIlO\ II of the d IIOHIIHby \ndrcwJtck8011 I1I Kshoul de r. nro brolld Ulld sqllllro alld [100\0 tbenl W\e8 ono of the iIc"t .11Ilped heuds III tho UlIIlt d IlLt~ K crowned With a thICk I(rowLb orcreumy white IlIlIf,I'llICh I kt'pt, olllhcd Ilnd bru.hed 1\ .. ncutly 1111 If It holol1~cd Lo 8ilIUC I'ot III Lhe hUllIe c,rcle t Inte llt "11011 onqucRt of Lhe ~ 1"1Il1ll heart. nls fneo sltOll s 8ClLrcely (\ furrmv IIlId hll! L'IllllpleXIOII 1 or tllllt pcculll\r clc tr rod winch beripeak8 good livlllg II ILhollt excel!." Ulld u clear con 1!CIIlIICO I h lIIost rolllarimhie 01 Gov eroor A 111111 ~ leaturell or hili eyri!. 1 bey are dllrk blue 1111\1, whcn ho gcts IV ITlllcil up III ctJllvcrlllttloll ~IIlIP llnll spnrkle like the orb:! or II hoM 11 ng IIIlhool nlll!ll Jllst ollb fur 1\ \lIe ttllll\ rom II Iho IQut flillClllble 18 Limt (If I hno old gont)I'mllll wlro, hko thog<JlId willebeltl\\ay~ drunk uoprovcs wlt.1i Il til
IIIU clc~
TilE eliltor o( tho Tuunton Gas:dllJ has boJen' IItlllg em lor he .ays The" col\1ely ucumber cometb, coon11. coulLtlllllll CAIlCtI of cbolera lind coliC, cnU81Dg hoorful IlOmmel1t.s 00 the part of the com pounder of cunous but com fortmg eQrd ials. ' r A~r lold that our breatb pol80nM the ur lind thaL the tl'ctllJ bllve ~ k~p It pure \'y oU klUg t.b poison out It 8001\18 t.o Ille tbnt 0 great lian, people are put 1111.0 tbp. world lor nothing but t~ mike hurd work lor the trees I do not under stund It -OUt, Foo 'h ili T\\ 0 countrymen W Ill. Into a batter's to buy olle 01 them 1\ hilt Tbe1 wen! duhghred With the IIRml)le~ Inlude the crown of ¥I bleh WIUI inllllrLe<l a looking glll81! • What IK tho gll\t!l! for Til ealdone of t.be llIen The other, ImpatIent at such II dlsplllY of 19l1OrRnce, exelalmed, 'What fur? Why (or th man who buys tbe hat to 8CO how It /ita bim I"
) 0\ 0 ladlcs who wllnt to moufaotUfe blushCll 1I0uld t.ak wnrolOK from lh lnlllll' II dll"lI,el who blllghielled tb (olor (,If hur chcck before !WlDg t.o /I PllrLy th application of ~lie logredl (mt 01 IJOmu tll"'111111011 candy She look Llike Il new blow II r\lIOIl/lt 8t11t; bu. III'cllelltl, Lho JlQlIlon took IIl1eC:t and I1Cllrly IJclIlroyed her eyeelght. TIl ~ '1m l'anM} 'lI"f'O III<I!Crta that ~here are recell" for re<l chef-til 1. pl n~1 many American women 11\ thllt city ctllO, /III 1"1 ual amollQt of II"'PI loti 01 hVlIIg fn.>eJy 10 tbe \lIud and mire of the plain food, With JIleu!lnt Iho..... II1II1 rkntll/1OtWe am} lL(lilDII U lIplea for Gel" itood oompuio_ If tha\ .... . . many. TAey are .. Id to edract infono... lirin, \be caru'ioD, _ _ _ ..... tion from the omclal Fftloch I"D\'I, white ro-e Ia 1o.,.ller &baa wbo are drawn Into the circle of their GODteat. _ _ _ _ _ __ luciDat.io....
oe , ....
From She loweG ..., the.. Ja a pM1a 10 u..~hIifh\
riend' Qaa~l -Mr. ~\lO. ieil~\' i 1&rJt!1 aU nd on nth I ter " e . 'and Viret-d . l'b" W\'atller WUtI • 11 &1" St e. • fu.vorablu. and a gNat nllmbe r til' - '.'H ra. l e a l t
lIJitor ,
Aag·tVtb. 1
JritJIII ' (J,Uftt : -
IlIter vaA,P
VI..._ &'
Is .... .,
VI., . . . , Wb04'l ,
ti'r w. lI.rllln . larpri E' at thl' "lIu i..n ill 1,'or ill in Loudoll. . Ryo, --Morri l)lIrby put thl.! fir~t \\"a· sue ."f the "t~1 in t. til me of 415 the -Fri~lId Achillee Pugh W\llI III "rll, terllwl" us.on th" markl't IlUit ulur· t tlmooy g"'ull by wt' U5 111 on the 10WII.00 Monda y. ill siclt with day Ua&tll, 511 @ tl lJaily TB. Franey trial, is ti.lllowed e. 13 ItraDger8 were here troUI YlU"iOllllI'AU L _ r, N. M. Allen bUB rcturnc J "' Iu Seed, '-:'lle!'lI i 1 UtI ollctt c11ICCts to mov~ ~1 utoni hmen~ at th inl,)rlJlatioli fNOl • • I.. :I.f I... • .• Jlo. II poinbl. inciontlti. -FlI.rn wr8 Ilrc &rluy, lllvl"iolC Ivr iut .. II i' lIe\~' hou in Ilbout two In Ycl~r J1UI.I)(l 1 ~5tii) 1 51. 0 • • "I, 1,31 A . ". SO. 4 ~.()11 ~~t \"tIll tl /\ pu - H i lI11ire U811 'rly Mill; ; wll at. MI"l!. Ja ne M. Arion hlUl g ne l'vt~roos, , I. It.W r , • . t No ii i agmp I ,, • ...... ,""ulC I 11I",)rW . .J' 1 P" ... tu residc ill lh toll. Mr• II" P. · ... dlllll'l ' (,,·,1111111 i ltD· \\ \ . : C , . ' 0 10 Ht· alHWUII(.'t.'U 'Iuver S I, "~" .. III 1'/lit' J ,111"111 1/"" •• SI""" ./ .. 'j' 7 :tIP I " lic, that "I h il1tere" tint witncss " ..., ·1 .r. Iltr"lll • I I \\'110 Ulll P, .\ III ."" ~/ ' .• 1 1'I ' nlothy - .ur. lUll r" " ed No. U j;\lIow8: til lDV, 161h. Fai,fiu ( aL I'ru\' IIl~ ." d . MI' . . . in ' '11 th 1'"'1 lut 4 M" II) lrial ",i r botw gor 18 n uilv 1111 S ow , LI ~ tiunily, U V08 I -T 1111 do ....h."' I" t"",r on .I~II. I I I' I • I Va.' Sth 1110. :H 1. 1 - The IIrDJ\' wurm tllrnl! iut" tri(,IH,I IIlit' '1 1lI'IU III tl, IIr ' VI Itlll" Frane hlUl beell ~u tl bY the vh;iti llg Misl! amh l·ayl~r. !.. , y~I~I~lli N ... I &lflaltd No.6 " " ' .....r~ ,h.... oil. P.CllllllU ·I'\.~k, o,.,~:n'y', c I V~~ I , I . Ull1f YCIl"'Y Mc till!! at l truln n!j Iwd 1'{",1 ,.( r 11, WI~yn ville ~ ' W ilmin"1 II"Turo . -1\11-. Mil n 1IuI'I1cll18 rl.' \ - II . 2t. TI I". oJ .' nd6r"n "" ~und"1" d '\. g. . I 0 If ~ " I' . I' \ HlJ"lIlOU I' II Two I I, birlh Ill. lIy ; ock I':\lhc~ II III III 1110. : 111111.' 0 ' pike 0, f, r J"tJlJlllill'tth IW .y. :! 1 t" -EsI) w........ ,; ...11 7 rOil dolly . . Etllu d lll1"illited toll.gut hiB ~\I II· C\'lug I rlHlIlI1l ultu' - 0 bort reck ilt Mt. l'l a lIut, Ollio; t ivll 'uutll f H id"'vill u hL:>t k ux'. ' I'crry "'onflt'" 'onl, I \, .• wcek. II t wc· ·; uIIN~ II t •A I]IIJI\'1SlIt! III khr' .ros. ll,,"IS l'I RY, rlchL Agent. Sli W D k I ' , II, UII said Tnl'l1piko.' 16t J ll.Mt Pruit'ie ' his prec Ilu' MI'. Uri ... 1\ • U ' 1lI III tll other tilt, vcr bul"rul, lit IIUIl' 111' :111 ove II, II ar cd by giving III l E :~O~r~::_~=d ~:'r~~:~""u 9.00a W~~t \} 0 UIlIIt in fnll. be II vi iting ill UUI'V Y bl1l'g. i II: 10wII' Slb ,I)t ; - Til I ~lg dry. sl'ulI-- two .hlYd Oukl!uHJ. W ool, • .• aalr.,rW . tand ,)Ulhell llIOp . ... , 'VItI·ll~rou.J~t MOII~lI on, 1@4 IV, my deur Me rol . Editors , -~ll. N .d I ick of Miltim.1 Tumi IS 'p.;~; , ~twce~drlllk--18tll all·abev rb· -:-Thc) ut ,n o.ulh 't l~'et, 111'0 11 IN 4\1 knowin~tbutyouwi htvbu8tri~t. visih:lI hi8frie nds A. L. FAIlR, P. la. th 100, 251h, Soulh 1"11 Ilt EIIl'i IOII. Ing t~p,c. , h~'ell\8t week: Aplll~,'bllrrcl, wlt ,eh th u l·nl~lII· ll\On"u I III h~ I I~ IlC 'urIlte, ulld also Ihut yon 8 00 T I RllLWay ~Id.· Ih IUO. 51h. Ell toll IIIld - 1 h Oil ' rt lel"~l lod III go o ff. '''' \\1111 lit-s. JIIUO Ru )hun arrive\! nvga, • ,. 6 50 • ft I'" 't .. a' Gl IIIV ' II N ...· · 'I ut Mt'lI"lIt8t WII In t IInday Wllck null'It.'I huII,CUIwcn IIcullyell'HlIl.!d Oll' lglve liS ullu ahan c 1 I'rllSent tho \Jonlu 1'1'1.1111 PhiluUoll~ltill lust wcek, rl ~ Ollit'l1(J fl Divis io. 1I " II ... " cl'llllne " t 1 gl"oond , • . . loll J ., owlng • I . filets: tr I .. ,.. . . ' u. '1 b t' "h ' l mo. t ib, StiJIwl lternt I'llIino , ld . I ~tl II n. d I ' Wlarae tlYllle Marke l •• 5 - ll I'S am y 0 L I a Il pI1m , --B,lIll·l.. liml hnl'rcls of wlo ilf" 1 F'o :l!t: TI I~ W. IIIII!. VI' 1\ ,WINO 1\ ....T8. Ilnttor Ohio ' th mo. ~6th 1 Dnck .. lit ,, ' Ious buulI'" .uest~f J ouusJa --W ul'k ob the bl'idg bolow no ' wa.,1t Lard ba\'u bNlIl pltllld O\l'r A 11 . ..,' W ilmlngtull 1ul'IIplku . o. have l , . No 10 FaJl :ngb'u PII.; g lit mo. :!7Ih. tvwn 011 tho LehanOIl piko will bu 1. AIII :,III't\ y. • 19. pOl k·h ull U unlillin;.:; '!Il( slI 'd Antil vlIY. ~tlllIlIl; IIl1d .. I' Ni·I\:"'". ln ~oop· . Nottit""ball~ alE"t NOUIII IYIIlIIIl b gUll lloxtwc ok. tI M' . C nI ('itorhm ,1\-1 a\1I I ~ ,... • ulldOII ,or IIUIISl) in tltut l,t8 11" ... ~I'u. lUlLllthl' 1I1Ulk'utlOlI":.O nO Ul l glrht l t' -k·ltl.e 1IIUle a edr las our OIYY' n\c"b"ml-"nl"~ 10.:11,. ID III III P m Md. ' \V . I . 1 tb 1110. tlOth , Duanc hili -It, OO8oeB, 111101' thut I ICY '1I0W 111\'0 oot. 80 br 1 uetkr t lun HIII '8 or Il v ry h1111 80UlO bo118 ll Cllrd alit ..... ee k' . '811 ·"'l.Ow",lIrrh. ',I, ~h Q\ 1"1 ~~1 P m ILt Dmule!lbUl'g, N. Y.; ' tit 1l1lO . from, , I I I t ,t 1 a CI\llIlidl N.w OI ~I\e,"'·IIv. llo fur tho HIL1U8 oftico ..... or --Tho .• pta yunn 14 llY ~s Bt I' • III luu\' ii'/-t tOr ILtltt~tUlkPit M H 11 ~ Itt 0 arun8emen quu 'M JIIIII! '.. ' ,·r-. ani... \\" ' 1\ C (. V • l.lO p • • U.I ... 3let, III tlu . \I IDgto OIl.Dt r. (\" Ed. okOMO, arftft E. • y IIrrivod ~11. ,GO, . · 1.16 •• N. J.; 91h mo.\. {OI·':'Urd. to • IIIJll -- Willtew uler Ilt U at. I .. II • I~ - - r. ~in& urey• hilS f,uroblUl' IJett rI arrfv 'e~Qlttl : 1 "live OIl p... 3.01.. jumped home trom 'he AI\e~hunie8 Y(''8(>'t' C tI tb .. (M \lt .., c\ UIlIU~. (j eu· It c.:;~·P:ho' rrl,.e •,'oS . t ._. t ' never ~bbtr tt's' 11 tments! toll . p 01 ate 61u aID 1:1111 t I ' d " I~~, Jud.: 9th mo. mh, 00 Ihe l ' or U ClUJ' b'U I) lu mp t'Cll ..tore .lIIld wolhug e'~ tIIVI~tIOIlS WCl'll III 'IIC U "IIUU Neithe . g . ct· "y, Chi .go. IIrrr..o 9 .00"JI 1II .00 • 1II Centre ll\ Uelltre , PlI.; 9th 1II0.9th hOIMe r have 1 o&jecto..od to pilyillg - M ],', for I, ti n!). Go"ds at CUtlt. tLlIs IUOI·Ulllg. Cd , n dc / 11001111 "'''8, , t 11 l . l. /l duc dlllt or Sill m ut W ood tOWII, N. J . ; 91h Pull c :Ii VII givcu the 2 til r. . Icrco a y, ~f II D:: F of 8ep· - ·Esther Fillme ""I ,,'~r·t1 II ur· ya -cO:~~~:I// The' gcncml ~~ l[.')\V, IS a gucst N.. I. Ntl°~:·.1II mo. 18th, DnlLimol1l at -Gnn pow. lemuur . . AdminIstrator's Sale of Real 111011 in the I. £. Clout\:Io. ' 1I11dll Y II~::bl~ ~:e on ly the 'sodac Ohiuol '-L " "0 1.11<, P'" I " del' Md. of this 1 IUIUS I I . . I l1rowl! I)olnt-u ..h·~ ~I 40 P '" D II.! I the wifu of ()lIvld evenin " to II IUI'~o Ittldlcll c' .. I 0 .1\. . . ID Estate, It t M , t' IJ'fE 'U-l'or'. II" he III 10 1\ m t tt Bu' - Mr. Jltcob Rlttor, th e orlgllla I.~ p m ". B t" icksito Y " arly Medi llIlIl cr. llg" lor y Ill-lldd les Imvny vck 11 livillg Ie 11001' I' l b k Lolllillo I n, L WIUI cd l'XI'l'cte t tl d thlll Q een N "tllllll f:~~~~~~~II;'~~0 r In 11."110 PUrilU"uo Iy e of DU ordor 18ICllcd hy lo'mney trial WIIS slrlJstnll till' ~ '01'1, lUll Ie lIl"II ~.~~ ~ ::: ~: thitl yeal 111'0: (}hio lit Salem. Ohio Idtur Illil cia's of inlonl!1l ulf ling. v 10 U ULO Probuto Coor~of W,meD Co lJnt" wuuld be VIU'lo.lIt nt IItu lIIuotlllg, tcd by thel' l\n<J mauy. Ne .. c.. · ~' ,arrll'e 4.3T. 01 1\ .. P ID 8th IDO. Sllth; Illi noill, a t g d City Bake l'Y · lellr An!;ust 13th, J 75. ObJ", \o'IItlullI1 I will ofFor at ~ubliD ...Ie. 00 thu lIre\;I I' lJUt h" WIIS pi '\'l' lltl:l(\ hy illllctkI. H . ..."UlilWtt • • nile l\otln m fUUII. Th\J In '.-0 fact thllt on cross .-M!8S 1I010n S"tearn~, of 338 p ID OI1ll'k, 111., 9th 101). 13th Illdilllla vices uy n uv, Olmrl us }o'el" rll:iOIl Wyo- m1l104l, on WEDNE. DAY. l - l'uhli shod ill llhc GIIII ·tte Ju'.y examinatiuII, it u 'clune necet!8u ~~i'0ll~. ,,:;;;,~ !'i~~•• ~ :~ : : n ,cltlllond Iud" 9th mo,; 27; ry nllllg, I ~ a guest of MI 88es Mnry Thll 8th day of Sept m~e1' Dall · at the M. E. Cillll'ch , W ilY IIU,,' SlI, is Il Ictter flolD 11111 1875, d"II'II, III . tu illful'tl\ the attOl'lIoy o:mmi ning und Lou Jalllley .. 1t~~n'IM"eA 'RlchnoOlld dllil,. timol"c, 1 th mo. 25th. , CleM viile,ol ,,120' look PM. o• .",.d du),. tlov followlDg l SlludllY hL:>t. lit OUll v' 'l'1t& Wl ,tOl', Iltter 11111 1. 111;; " .. 10 ,€I UI' that II 1111'1.'6 box wonld ~:~: OU\' will I.". Ohi.:.j!o d.n,. , All CI'eek is altoqt 115 mil clI~ry -- Mr. Illld Mrs, J asl' r ~\lnzIlI08 :~..:r:~I:!:"b~:J~~~' J::~~:lf .~u~:::' \';; Bouth clock, Intunn e nt ill MlIlml Cem· mat\; ~ IIb"nt '1.111 hllr~e o\hel' l· .... ill.'uod ,,\I) , exceI'LSuod.,.. 11111 ", \\ 11 -< IIIUI U wntl'r tiUUlII rnnU VII 8ho'ld, ul'rivcu hcre from wcstof Ohicag o, in Pntnam conn · etlll"y. PenBucolu, Flor- tbo County of Wllrren .nd State uf Ohiu. W "'OI.!S L. 1111 O·Il IU&N til SIIV . 0.1'. IlIlIt a: 1', A. t y,., ·thrlll i,, " Ilkl' ill tend of s ub' l.!ctl ug mo to criti- ida la t Ol cnill 111 Id 11 D W . C~"'n""': LL , O.ll.Oohllnloua. ,t r g. ~I '" I'11111( \" belDl/purt of out lot No. two (~) ... dt'l!ig. 101 IOS SO il tllo,~a n III '~ Mr. ' 'Vm, D . Mnlfol·d J . of Leb cvcl'yt c ' Ml's. ~c IIut III J . 1l11.L, SUp'I. 1 ogan"l'ort, Ind. /7I t, II ' IIUI-I,.'~ CiS III, crCIlIIl lUI vull gati on 011 th\:l Oltted on tho ongllla1pl ..t of tho to"o " f il~nn eplIJ. the OO~lIIty sl.'nt: Ilnd 3 AUlIlI, ul'Ut.hor of MI·s . .Dcllj. A. d"m: ,1ullll W U . l,r n ar W .. 'nc.villo, Cl<.mmono lllg lit 1\ corner On :';';:':';;;~;;':"";""'::;"'':'''''';'---"''''!:;:Z~ miles northw est 01 JlI gnohu. "II Il ~ ·lIk· that "",,,,101 b,'" 11 · 1'111 t uf tl,u nttullll'Y Ivr the nddi· l 1''' cll v\\ S tv SPllllh"' ke:!. :\11-,;. " bUiI ~ulil bou iu ll Pu vl~j'illg; tlte u~.t .ide or M,"n Slr?- t. "lt d un tho ', 11 dllll "lI. dl'" II Iltll'l,l'.\ u.' 111111 t l,.1 1 h~' Illl'\ Il til)lI to III vuhlllb 88Y.''''. r. IICllI'est rtlilt'Qlld at f l", • ,"'''Y~ ... tock L t of t in_ Jonn '.. Jn ll Of lley, I' t)1'. • " outh .ideof 8 0 "I.l0y In,,1 Ullt ,,~ IlIlm a . III"' I Sl~ll. tUI vi lu i'. mUh),,1 1.1...1 LohulI "," Il, , 0 I'IU&::Ins'lo[&KTISQ (ltiol.lte).-lleetbog o~ the ~J111l0I S Cent.1011 ' 11111-(, '\\ IIl algl\ ' ~ ~ I t IUla tll.lll, II I1U ulltltlll me tOt IlC andpolc., rUtlltltlg U,OII CV ::I .,'1= al 15 llJ~ Ie IIIIU :\Irll, LIIII III M III ford or t)1I1 U111, 1L" 1111.11011 - Mr~.C ulllllllml a.lld~Jl s. Ullllk, J~"llInll" ru,".E.I.Z~ ~I md k Ilt 1111(1 III II k' Il~. \\ \.\1 lI,rm pllt lIy of ull whu ca n appreci ,,, f.rdl.ln ewo....hll. ev r)'Fi...tandl'ourth 8uutho j LIl 8nlle and orlc •. lo"nuther ' of 'illClIllI uLl hu vu boun VI Ilillg "n )' .Io,d lIut by ,IolluurJenninjp 45 \lili es O. dnllorhtOl . illluw of ~lt-ol. ~lI' · lhll;" I"ts ,I IIlllk .......lUnt ng,at 11 o'"look, I'lnIt-D." D..y....... '; tlo ellco S. ,tl hll II f HI 'IImlll' ' JIl t 1I1e the 1 difficili ' · I t I k tll~ " k ol'd " ofc lld illg u . 'f 13 McComlls ' ll 001 1 0 OOtlllllg 0 11. . , 10llC I jol'C.! 8ohoo1.·U 1-tooo" 1\ )I . HOO ,lOmm,V.t!lIf""tlHn,Wllh",,,u .. I· havo I,ue I u" u .nw II luw cuw to "I'V. . til . '11 ' l', nl'lI I' Itor III I, 'lI l! '01 \'1. olle~clt.UoTllIU t k tI .ul ~ . . . CI" I'RIR;ns'lollutTISn (Ortho~oJ:).-.eet- I' t fl"Om CI ueago, . 1 0),. wwdwi thenoo N. rill" " :IO'W J2 n: ~ ""I.. ",,,m '1" I e. ~e. " IIC't~.) dll) , willi th II' 1'~lutlvc, ~I I·. D. tull ~8IC T"1I" 1I IIII' f' ~ q '" th t d tit. ~b - l \ I'~ I f dirin ......,."ltIp n",'l' P.nt and -Ith and ltock IslandII nll uClIl'gU A C IICI' nn d .''I I'll, 01' I I" tlU past "nl' ~"' . .... 00"""' 0f lr 1111 . 111 C' IlI ~1 1I lOll, Y"u WII' 1 pcrt mt R elliv , ~ I" hoad to La A. Stukes unt! family, Zoll. uf Du:).ton , ILru ng.... visit. N I weeks, .lIIC 11 ilO '01 mlo Wll • E Ill! tm-1 PI v toDa IlIJI t~ in. UCl'lI Silo WILD Nlhl Ilhl() tie tu m to SIlY tha t sh'l u Id the entol', OOginnlng ,at ' ,,00 . . , a ~ r I B IIrrlUg to 0 UII( IQ IIln· 'I G . ., 'I"II d tl t .t, c. L \lI t .. d th" I ... bejflll"tll t I ' wisR t jf, 1'1 to oonl",tolu oon'oct . . jf 4.lll uf sli" llt or. 11 olle III Wl' , 8oh00\ .t9"1 uul""k A. N, C . I '1' ut!u I . cu. it C.J ,tI u; , cy rullroad to Melldvta, then the \'Or ill the lust t'tl hl t I a Boht PI'I:llllg I'l l! llJellt uoauru mo...,nrlo ... 1.1 1 tie Ul'lI PI' k 0 lug 11 1 ~ . ,rl' . II I . ' Oil in ollr sl'uleh tho pthl'r dllY, \l U lUll Uo. iU:ltitllt _ sUla 'prollli_ •. E . CIIOR(lll .-~ Ke·• .. -~O Illiooi'l Centra 1,11\'0 \;een ,"PIP.lllll) ' li' e u "ll it Ilg;aillst me, I l (IIOntll) to Tonica . - ~Ir, C., I PMtor ninne Ilen,oiI 011 S Gil..." , . UII \\a III el. I re prlll~ea undor a 'oroner onler uf .uld C .. urt l '. .. YM ' InCll)f!B a ;1 yt'al'.ul d IUlllb wClghiur, hall tl'y t, nlllku , .. -tao If I . , v IZ : 1-S o'ciock A . Jr., and 71·9 P . 1oI. 8&bbtlUo a~ LAA! was Wt'VIlf( it 118 illtcre lIJ g'vlllg tin" COVCl'll I'. lg It·O Ol IIIl ILltack of JIlOum- ,It Lh" M Il.t, w IC I 18 sOllie SIX 01' N . E, LIIl'tou cl'udit uf ul.ing the . ... " un, of t2t)Oll. "nd will nflt 00 .(.1,1 , .., t ;?:ICilb" ilJIIlJ edriu:l'\y " l'tl'I' ~ hl'al',.'· f th e h I W ,Is ...boolat. 1-1 P. II, 1 r In... tbaD ,,,,,... thlrrudho IIpl'r ,itcd ""III g nt! the IIntlll'O of the CUIlO will lid· eight miles enstel'ly fl'om A bel . challl ). 00 wl"sllc r ,t V' Ilill IV ". l' l . . " Ilh,.reo., I' ' nil Th o fl, ce 'w Igiled 1 ~ Ill<. ClIlllgTIAlICIfllKC/I-Elder 1. H. Dodd. Milcs, ..... bose p t·oftlce is MOl1ut . IIId 111 it. \ rcry T, ul y YOIll':!. - ~h.s Oillo Killg...... ho WIIS n Th e 1'"''''1 ..... \ ¥iJJ lJ,. I'Old f,.... ..£ r£"\I",'r I lid . ; t" I g Il \ bhecp \\:18 raised IIl'lI l" Ih l~ pTnco by F ..tor DIY;ne eorvioeoo the VmLord~d Pldlliin e Plttllam conutv AftilliuNl' Gil L. l' M III. 11'''11. g\ll'~ l . 8~ :Y III e x!> I\IlIL 1011 f 11\ Ma8ter Edllie Dllkill TbIP4Lord·...IaT In ...bIllOllih. , .. ~ 0 1" M i~8 M\lllle Il.lllow lI, ha8 1 "~l d the 1·t."L•• h"I,! In ter""t or th " ,lidu,.,. , • '\ iJIIU\."Y'C . .T~ the VlIglnl tw took lite d'llllvl lu ' . ,. d",Suhool ..t II o'dock, eYfit'/ Lorde-d., ~rom (Ildlllllo trunu hOIll ' to Lebuno n. • " uf \ho d~ L'\l..I. o lI tile folloll'itllf l rmri. to.pohs tuku theDlo om tn!ro or lIlIcl Icid Ad'" JVIVII 011 . LllP, hoy, who ~y.1 he ~hollld II ko to . . . Dlornlt.,. w.t : BIltIIlIlAY l' III'KI:!J ;,mgton und Wester n 1'II1I I'Oad to I ~ Innul ~h-. 1I1111'Y , D: I S ,tl ides t' IS III D~IY' , .1 I' ~tI<~thl~do£ tho l.urtoh •• •n1 nn~y t il h hl'lIr from 't)II(~ kL'r vII .. hccp. Fllln B,'Fnn (F..-wLU) dCb~trehrdln Bloom ington, then tho lllin 1' 1 11 tv IS 1111 CI'l'lIt t" ho ovo r ellt!: t ' JII . still 11"U~ chug and ije lh ug 1"'''\ ,"I.h \II IUlna Oil the oi" nUl~ t~oy,() IIl ldl8, YO,III"8e I' j' W. n. -8eni_ Ott the I!eOOU .,.. U . , C dll) .. r ...Iu. utl OAccord lll I " ( to I' C I llltl ) l 1.0 thclu \1"' 1 I~ hl'd III IIlt lll "l \1; hut W" l'lI it iii llI"I"U lI1u ·l, iul.-.! thlln "LIllY IIthcI' - I·U. ona ~u u 1(':\1'( 1'11111 . anlSundaTln Cllob mun\h. Elder Ell"" entl-a n ttl to " third fon ..nc y~"r. "rtld IOlll" I,I.'hlrd \"r 1\\"'1' taut. I I 1111 ruliably 11It"I'IIlU . d that Pl of. 1Il01'C sicklJl' 8" I ,. ""'''-.. p to hCledu i l'ingJn 1ull lyuud .... rul" t SII(; If' "III''' I 1111 \'I CUt II" \\lIS l,!.',cn ;y mall . IIU P " ','rr'·' • I . . "'.->D. . . . . r S It. No 13 p.tl'On. of • Im) mCtlt><t"bf·n r;tlWro.t U t tl e csellt I' 10 II all I us Chl'ist lall Il i:lll ' IIIllI NARROWGAUGK RAIl,WAY ENTKR' DOIUdd fr..1It tho dll.\" .. r 8\1!1 I hVlIIg WI" .. q II ll lCtly III t un R .. lip 0 I " I pi . . H~.;~:~ ;mi":' Cvm~lI, Jiuter. Meet PRISK - -The Bonl'c\ "I' Dilectol'~ of Iittlll 11'1 III . I II f .111 , Hila b...""u.rco,l hy ".orl""",(· ',11 tl,u I TIIIlI "d.I ' .•lu i:: I ~lh . thl'1I it C,I.I -----; WI'. UIll lill"lll, ..... ith 1I1 ~ llltnll y, nlml' b~,,:n 1..1 111:111) y cllrs belol~. UI O\\IJ. ~ .0 I'r"",.JOl."L 1:\' \l'fl'!: In Oddfollo"· ..• BOlli 011 the MOOnd Saturd." the Millmi Valley NUI I"Ow.Ga 80 CIII !love r be Il" l'l'tte!l hy tli lO~e "h" L,·x IlI~tOIl, 0.,.mra, tr huve. beOIl ll"c 8p,·in hoI'0. 'flult he i II,Clidd tu Iy III Ille S~ .I~'HI . We IIIU) "llIltmg .\ Ul' u. t n. I 7(;, of e""h mOOth' at7 o·o1oo1tpm .• andon the D 'lw Adlot'r. fcc I CU I \\ eld CI U 6\1 iltl lIlcd t' aM t b. to I hu II:);;UIU I IJl"c .. cllI O II i f,lu(;e It 1111 ill tlltci vi cU II I~tg\!d. II ,,\\U\'\'I' to knvw 111:11 th .". IIIUIIU ~ III thnl pluco nud R~~dl , th S t of eaoh month at 2 o·olock. h i I "y I IL met! Ill::; It Ie / ' \'ic \I 'olP K llIIly. CBUIlOIl-Comer of Burnet t 1£OU80 yestel'(l It l t II 0 I f l ist wl'ck It Il'Uti g;h en III hl" I"1 or IIIl' It" Lh Tl,e HI ~Liallli Valle [1I~ tilllt\!. That II I0 lej J.' F k I C:">l'l TlJI~.:.\IK~iStr.et.. Dl.lne eervloe cotltcm l}lnled lille of thirlayJ"/\111\l\y I I 1)1' til IIi I' dllll " hlul' ~hs Alux.wtiol -:\11". J lIlolI A. lin 'IlY i8 l"cc ,\'. h\:l Il" V Il I" wuut wilh II lepoltu l' ~~ I Ot .:IU Ilte;t'll t ..uy 8\lnuy a\" 1'0 m. 8uncboJ_hocl ..t is ii'olll the 1I1l" II11ID'I I','t GIlI'~:t . It~vlI" 'a' e 'm,)IOlO -II ' ol'illg Ill'"111 tl!l" l"ible 8E.')!,O (II" (;nr Nonco 1M h Of Ohy .,riven, t.hal. n ,willi , n city (WOI' the hityhll\l1 r\~ \"i'vm Ch:cug o; I~Jl 1'0 )01 t~ tu rho ~.lc' ..... 1lL l ; , tlllll)AtJ"I' I ~ ' t ICll' lSI ~~. 8 If; I II U . lo uI' whun tihe' C wtl1 bu Itrc,.'uttld tou tho C\ unIl11~hm r,; tlf • M L b ' •lUll ~.. \'11 " cll"!!. ~l I. F. WUlI i II ti ,e Li ty W t · , B '1 18t n ·J(Ii" C vIa. tl'iOU IS II • htil 110"° Il(0 . e allon. ltrr,u Co un1.y,"' their l lt'XI ~l ~ tr\ U • • rJ~ ayn e,,- COli l.llY uo. " It II 'JI h " "I' l' l r" lolI' ll q ~ It, . " !\I.I'! ' 'YtPU~I I )~,~~~A d .. NDt~~:I I J ' k :yf:; ville alld Behebl ook to Xellill, A 01' id I, lI ot ill UIVOI' lOf ildJll iiu,1 ~ I'end IU till Y \lt th hel' !la,o, It.'i'11 VII wV11l uy . t c nlb.,r U. A D UHf) (In')III,.t '"r lli d o"lHlJ- ... tltltll rcc .. n ~.. ..... . (0/ uve :, 1 III ling II"C I~II" IH'! "III~ Ilcr c h i ld h lOlI~l':! ho me, to fiU'1 U;u OJI the Stlturo .., before tbe llOOOlld 8und"y slll'vey Dnd l A ? vue .. 1 I II) I'~"'U bot III SIC - ~ 'U W. Curo 11111\ (,lit Ill' h.hmeu!. of II OOllllty IL",rl "" U.. [ullolw· genel-al 10Cllti(J1I hilS liI e G '::; Il.fll I'l wN wcat I' . 1111" h ",0 0 th , "'2 'lock .DdOll Ihe_ I ". u : 0 Y"II. ')1' 1Il" . in~ lin '. to- wit ' BOl(innlll.r III , I d nt in I 'jl'Om DUll In I. '1.\ _ I hullSC 11' 11 00. lIlIU ' yu.d 8 • filled k ' with leeo . wu~·m. mil e a . lI icu Iltllu *l\lll p h et of the II)" tltu C ,un ty ((..ud, .. I ur tlror . t . Jl\. S1>oI OIld alld 4tb SuDd." .... t 10 IUld. 0010011. Bell b k I to - PCII'l\lg of Ih Ctlhll l"" ma- Oi \ 11CItl 1l 1' 1'~'II':! l·,. 111 \'0 u ell II .• I '. ~. d I .( . ' . , . heUilcd w "lb.1II. X wnahlp Deteetl n& C 101ll .o W. lCS L' L' U mdr, and thuuce rUDuiu g on or lwar tho • t"liund.. Tu )l"IIlICllIlIg V Ill'I'lln ounty .rllll". cHol t 1)11 lilu 1'.11 t III III' town 1111 ' e 1'00 ,aD tie eutll'e dllltnnce clllUes, I'omlutl" roe thlLt thl,0 • :! II:! 11 tI '1'l.'8 to k linoolf ...,M M J . S"lo ..lid u 'r O'Ne.. 1I t~ I u' t Sll ol Com~y ' ':eetIo 011 &Mild WUf'> betwee o tbi8 city und !Illy thll dill llOI' WII~ Hpl /J I/Ilid, CUll' t Xenia will vel'y goo<.l yelli' tl) illdllige ill tho I~J'I I' 1 8 11 Imlld b '0 ' . U 1\( J . ulo',. N E 0J,nICf, thclIoc i ll th,· :qtlUO r~'~Hbur~ ci.yln e"ohmontb,.,to'olocik1'om. B" bo about fifty-six (56) wiles. IW \'U),8 hnl II taint idcil o\" til\' ttll/lIl - Mr W dlill H W oodlllff hlllJ lilt v I.illll ..n or " 0'" tlo ' Iino ,;"( 'l'lounllL" At, lnxlIIy ,cpec lltllytv l' alli l1 ,ldll'Jl- f"alJlI t.r·tl t'ti ·vc vucc·i'Y "drder"(Rthnp~pln~.~_ ~~UtU'tloak,PretI- the latter point it i8 d Clliglled :' lu, t it.)','\" '}llIIl .ty; lind it 1<.:lIIovud beCII OIl'llvi slt W.III.,",. ,,1111 U. T. O'NulI1I Io.II,e C"nnty lO ..... It.llovel· thllt ill. Dot thef'l 'you IO~VOtVer, la , Ie "110 I etlt. . . ""'U"", """re_r ,. ' tl tl t'l :. II ~Il" 1111 thvllo,.b t"l \11' u hLUl iue 01' 'Ieu II Grillne ll luwa to'hi8 rollltl\'ci! in IL,.d. 'Ulti lullo", ...!! U,e Cr,u ll tr R,,",~ D t I I. 'f ' t . ------""!!!"""-----'""!"~. counec t WIll I POlll II COIllIU He iS ' lLt ,Cl' hiri ~l'Ul old C 1111' : III ? . Il' ay UII UI!I ",[lOW, I I I a 101'SEl power YOII 18t. hilt it" tim SuuthwH I',lly til ",.'lllt un ur u uu r IIltJ hllU " T I II Yo ... 1.lre W ...... . . c • •• 1 Southeuetel'll .Radl'o od and cvel' .... 111011. hololll(luli to A"nllo'\1" Lim'olll ""d ..... 011 CllII s~n get yonr hO;;508. 80 thnl ~io' . the ettlllll~18 u•• did oI l1CIt II sClllciiy uf that wb lch SIlI'PlIl' ;S occnplltion ugain now , in XUllia. IIj,t aWlI, c ul Ihe 'iIlIlCl' IIl1lU .' Slc~n••~ l'""v~ll. e' ery"hon!, lInd e\'cn- tllllB bt;comc Ilnpol't aut 118 0. cOlli A. 1'. O'NeulI , then"o E"tll.w.mlly 011 ur - MI'. und Mrd. llnl'v y N . ntmr Ithu wllllls-- pl' nonnC0- -WIAlid I of It rr gm IlIly 8·IOW .. t W'I'" IKltI,. 1'iI",pl.ln , o,n.. dIM.I ... dnrlng th~lr lIupplYlug l"ClUd thu litH' uf lundM uf Nud A Lmu" ln dune ill All ..... CIO fillot! with e llj YIIIOllt GI nuh bUllcd thoir littld IIf• . Wh.lllllo'kof j lleuvell c 1n . the obj.e~ wltistlo Y wn~ 10 8~lwell; Ilnkee D"odle Tl '., () . " "nd child • A I' U·N~" II. to llou lon, of A. Llloo"ln . I , I tl I. ' t I' tl oc ,v hO ' .......... plllil'l,' ,11.\ no perlOn In thl~ · that dil'Cciioll, The glltiel'o . d I I ttll I liver • ,,,,,1 I\IH Ie l oad IS dllillgned pre·em l· 1tlli Olltt h (heIr , J"""I,h 10 J-li..,y. MIUl oll M"hl IUt'Cy'. nllr~ pilI 0 10 'UriIlJII 1\11.'1 yestul'dllY, It diU of e 101 UI"II m· 1'11)8. /\nd tileu sell t(JWIl lire c1o" " efl "I' ""Ih " 1~18 tully ....rId th,t 'e ",fferl,,~ "llh DY 81lr p!la, Lh'er nently ns a local one, nlld Lincoln'~ liuo 10 the Iino of .J"I,n {.In.. ,11I> culul'ell IlIto, 8S snch thelll 101' operollicons While 011 the l'untlllll lIc: allollt 9 months . d ed d filtl. "m'jlnl,"lt .nd ill eltlkeclH· ,. AlnchhAnl SoJDudrl)tgp alld ,r....eVh HIHOY, th lIoe Otl ""i,1 II",.~ . Ily 0 1 " N ot the lea t plOl~ nnt \\' 01'0 thl' to\' will possess mnl kcd ad vllutlly,t'S bOI'8e, I .....ould "I.e t" settle I-UI. I.,' I. M' ' Id' fll! \t ..'ne"J'.o.; c en.,ac "" .J~~O l.h l-1l~ey'l4 Inn C'. thenoe Nllrthwltr(ny tvr 1111 wtlleeCclll'o~nst '''e.,,·',lllc\'ls lll·l:,·,C: III I'll vUe"t'llgc ~. tl j ' , P IIY'I . ide, ohOeh H,·nrtb.ll1 1'.I"ltrlll" . I wh ich to,. O lW wore II i IIdecd n of f lhe I Il He.rl, .~ ~ 1111 ,(loy l ' • '~Sl I~~ II I't (1)'u IlIHII :.c Jlliu,1 Inl1c t .. tlut l\I,ddh·ta. ov~r ully 0 ler lIle entEll'lug t j'lI 1'lI1e, I te 0 I, 10 ( ' ,. U "hd Bar ... .. ' 'I" 1 stm'Y 0 k lOW . t.o 0 roc I~ IV ' In l u I g . I I H y,"'e eW · O'(,l l~ l I.": l(l llel',-e<,e I fi 'U . I ulUU ·ullo'.·ef d P'l'Iu. II l tl, treat. ) Blllou~Dr.., &:0 • • can I.. 0 clty- -mooll g W IIC I nmy uu men · od I \'C)_hurl' kl"lII. "",I thor" I,,'pnrl. 100 WC ' ~llIlIg, tou, lit th~ Y on tnke . 0 ' I ,," I l . ,1II " . II Il', 1 1 te " d 0, u,,'. '\110 U04'r FLO' II go bl IOI'IIe. I , I O'L& wi~hou' Bt''':ng t" . . h ' Ill~, u . d ullt' InO" UI'O allilost old UlllI , Idtur Ul llIlll l", WIl:! utlll 101 ~Utll ' A I'E rl'l:lON Rlt I t ~j tl I. tl I d nlil"f und cu .... It \0& doul,1 LIII., go ~ lOne tI Ie f a~ ttl. IIIt '. be Illg d II I' .,1'1.1\\ p ll."1Ie Ie I,,, I \. III 'l'ue 1'( nn Ull CIIC le( •• ' oc~ eu gUll Y u.Y . . d I Ie I.ell "an . [ ll ~ III . $\ Ial')(OIlHSO I1 mUll t ti l a II Jnl) Ill. An. I871i. pn lIS Imtin:ly hlddull \Ollr A. !'OLL, and B"I • Samplu ou the-sum mit, It wtli be ulla.ftec fUll! \lIUW. tCI"Cst:n g lcatlllO . UII t III S lll'P" I~ tho late sl Il'lI Calicu ' OOi!t VIII t· heall down until IllS cur 18 011 II 'Rotll. t,r len co IIt ~ .nd 'r~ It. .!legoln cd by Hood, and , (lH1l8i n~ till K b NOTf(.;a~ I' Iii In~ wei g ht,; we,'o ololclltl y c1VC I I Y " y TI I ' ItA' q It 'Ie, I!II ruug 1.11 (I CC WII8 All to Boon, and long el1l II ujllCllt. fbc -., celllll. T."~do~.. ~ ," ""he", J?~ the I'ichest lind tn ll~t hlghlv ongh le vol with your m"lIth , then tell I tl I Wl' ,'l! COil i.u. hiUl. tI • • h< I'tJ:~ &"1"~r., .:~ill :tSt)~ the sC\JItO ot U 8 1~lrUlJ II' ,a l. lIll last a\\'ul'u the timo to SCI)I1 " ~"~' dl:" 1: P_ple w ••• p~ pl'oved district s llu had . MI of 1I:lIIi ilto ll . Molt, ".' lll"Udll\)-oet Itl 1I11 t! lid by nlUt,...I """"",,t- i\\t· I~r"el WrlllloL -1'1 !t1"lf rd U B. 01 b f T'II\ ..~c IIlY, WIIIIIIIII..R.II.'klll I'CI'dl\~ IlIl·i\' e~l. ami leluctll lltir TI,. e 18 no medicine I'ro. eoll,ed by ph"l. W llJ:l"en uud Grncnu 0 011 ut ie8 \I \) tonk lug a IIC\\' it 'I 'll' lie II 0 d t'l k'lI,j tlf 8weul co I'll , I. irl n~ fn.. ~ tI,e firm ,lIll ,,'r ,,,,.mdoLt. • db I h I . u I t'ti °t h Alf, Ed WIIl"d iJ "ilUlIl IgtOIl C'"I,~,()rl..1 1 II rU/lgw.1 ' and 1 l . dOIl/\ IlI rc CU I1"y'I1 I1 ' with n~ t, FI'olll' hl' 11111111 ell I', tmlll 'wollt. l1ye ,,' , arr e'sue w'lI oiler !"Uro indncem ent8 t o 01I bVl'l, 10 .I~ I . 00 'll I'" ... e,·itl, Ife,' "f i\, ~ UCCO~I and HDI,rrlor I; t· t I. . ' our "u t. " IIIIAl IIrl" tire drc<tI" e'l..J to "",ko I" t ,;"tue , ., U • . I P nrg U\\yI.!I S \lCIl mll llSI'C II C ,ur t ' " , r tot ed U JAl anyll, un lU l"l II . fill t •• nIl CIIE 'o:"' O,.'IAN SI Mt .· fur S~ 'ere thosc sccking ..Io, I tI),rn nM, .." 1100te h."'1111 nny: Y',O)IOI 0\ 11),\ II or "II ". I; . Oil I' h U LD~S tecl 'lI'>R \11 dec l' 1I1111I"u. twell country Ics idcnCl'8 the11 Iii "111<1 glow 011 Immed, \ 1m II' I'o unds. 1'11U1'U 1\ I.!I~' " nn. ellt I)' II""~' .u tloelll fur .ettlemcnt I I t i t II ,. I Coul<h •• l"ul<1 ••,~Ucdotllb Bre••I, C,," I1cccssl blotot hecity bYlail N I 8 '" c .. . ',l .. ,II vre~'llt "I '~n elutiun c 01' lite h uspitali t y ul ~J I. 1I11( C us cr II IlIII . Onr IrtltlUlltllbo~ltl.O, ItJ S.lCCtlltOI''; lit cutt.' ''l"phl.'"t ltlij Ie Cll~ 111. o· whteh "'tOV h.I made with. either nlemoor ~~f• 10m " iuD • Or ""1 UIMO"•• of lhe 1'10,.0111 alld , 'I ' t )JUUIIU C 81111.n. ulldM ls.C . -I H i OV. - r of tl",\ ract I. tI,al om cal le8 . :.luC. I but Mtltc.) ulu clOlt , wcal'C thoh,te filln I unit' A n . I th e "llille """ , '1/ . I .~ 51IUl'c lt l.!:l wel'u OIad o III lUelC 1.111 t tI, \t'I10 wel'u III ?S~;\~VLR~~rGHT. (>er head IJIllklllg ,.•~'OlIn 'rIIlIS!! pll' CIIL Wl'IU a~I I /til d ,''I III bouy Il. I I Ila b' E t' .. 1lI·e. . 'I ' v. l,ell4lll . IIl11ie.e<\ 1Ie 8IlCCCS~ Be~ Ii R,ml,l. UlIlIle fur. Itie • ... It 0 Ih'u gOlllg UlIllI "'lIst · III ~CIll t l . ll Il uIIlIIgton tbut fur nt lell:lt. Jul)' lit, Iii,. I " 10 ~' """ Ind Ir\ III .u",,~lur e/l'l!I!t IK'f"n! ioldcn timc throngh Lebano B F D I. ' '. , H . ' Alexal.t 01' ulll":Jer. . n Ullrl The ' Milfurd' i8 Il 811 )uri or clnb wus clIll~" III lilLO,' ~ I(n' llg l'" lUI ' I d ..n Imffe )!lhereg '" r ul.rllle.I ,liecnlll. 1.I.fll!'l'I' to> II ~I~t llud wile, Jobn Hisoy, ,81"., Uhlll. . 'VI'11 CIllit0 mill IlouVIII 'd tl 10 ... ~ . I , .1 beNI i.tf'()dltCt .d In ,hll IIl1d couolryIIbas toek frOnl xellll\, 01' 1IIIIIIt8 I lIlIIn .;h" dC8iles to .111 ..11 1. thCCOi l i t 1\1 U\lUll· 1 ', \VIIIIIIII und suppor t ouch other 1IC1I1'ly tb I I! II II kill . J • I n d S .' . 1~~~II~:tn" .lId I...woderrul cu ..... an! "AloD- ty uud fcrtility of the couotry 1 " 1 ' k ., ovo.,\.' t'I' 1\1I-s T. l:lweet . wtle, 0 III uUI • r" UIII \\ I e. col' p"rI'cction. They ol'e ql1ickor UIlU IOo;tl hed III! !"l1 u\\ l! : •I \\ a \ III C , • Idloin;; eYl' I 1"o. \bal u... • h. Thl'< c do." ~ l ulong this lino, :! SUItIIl Lewi s CUI 1', IlJld wife. S UlI13()1l o fti: I d II ch,,:ce ,1:!SOl'tm ellt at rl.-dllc lay u closer luno tlun d 't1 lI"tl"lldol'u lOl Ihl: g'nR··I'Yl·d.l'o Tho nndor.lgned I.,.)t. 10 Inrvroo will roJ: 'VII AII11Ie•• e. Try it. old b,' Dm'ill~ho Ilil.cl'lloon of ye8ter. nou, ,btl ptlhllc ): II. r:o II,. , tlllll I.. Ion I t fools Afoot' '-t I tchV I~ \\ hUll Ihe ullctiO Il l" I' k II jck~'d n~y, U id"e unu wife John ScnlB uud cd (ll·icee. Call aod ellallli,!e. n"'Dud ! e, 1111\1 . Wlffjo 19 I ' 'Goo . Hlr~lil 01, ' turl cu 811d or 0 'v.P OIH' " ~ 11\ w ~ Ie l" ,\I"r l\ ... 1'-. Ml6 Ilu U Some If - T' ' I J w ttl I ' tl C fiuld of the lJcst variefe s 8:ill duy tbe irectol's had 11 lengthy the Lub!lllo n Club 8truck a fvnl" • . . , , Id ,1111 .Land o( I.ollk k n.. wne· , "herO! u" ..ill IIC I. en lIW 1111 I Sor.oa: lIs'RlI:UN10N 011' WARRBN intervie w with citizen s intel'cs J Odoph lJisuy tl ': d wife, J. 0 , I'('mlml !Ind O • ted which 8truck hilll 'l) lI thc sid e vf' 1111,1 1)I,~"'!I ,d (Iii tU70 ""1 P 'Ott Al"nLI~ "n bll"d up on ( 11(' Johllson, CoUNTY Ohio.-l 'nrlllll1 nt to a call in propert y on Waillu t lIillt!. w;J'e, Ql'l'k:!on -Mr. Thllmlls 8teele, Iho \,CII · Nor· ' the 1I08e, brill~in g the claret li'cu ly II 11 lIlOCti;lg WI&8 held at the COllrl. : wood, l'lool!llllt Ridge, and '. tI t I GII1180,111111 wile, Jv iuh Huge • crabll.! faUIl'r 1)1' Mrs. 1'llE VEilY HE S T Mout· lind puttillg hun out of tho "lillie' e C, l·t~ I ',:: h0l18e in Lebano n AUgu8 q 1875 gomery with referen ce to U IlL t Ie nnd y, iru, EIIII'KO II TIogc, , hllli d ied III Delio l\'ntre, Dr. Atlams , locutio u The cutcher of thu Milt~.rd ~ got g-llIss'~'yet1 IInl.lllal licd Lngltn tollli' III cVlltrov c l'Si1 wife; .l\I1'tI. for U:c vurpos e ~r all"Ungi~g 1'0; of tho roud throug h Walnu 1\1... y Nieku k AI 111. ty () IlIlIt fridllY n igllt, Mr. Beef. t lIills , ! th", rap of l\ foul on his furdlcu d Wlitl UIII IUI" ~I I~lg pUlluy Veal, MUlt.)~ and Pork, the Allllua l Soldier 8' Helluioll of' VelY encoum gillff reports 01" IllOllIli Annll Ll·uk. MI S. MnlY Fet tel ~teeJo \\IUI III lois were wh ich, 110 doubt, Illudc him Bee 6th yellt·. UIS itllDo he, d,,11I r kll i;w W~'C~, Mi ti. Mddred Englu. ~1'tI. Illllllllih d eath ..... a~ qUil u s udden, a8 Wal'l"tHl County , Ohiu, j'or the made Ill! to the fee I~g of pro~e he \\"llS the counlry ,lfordo. "tid "n Ifl I I., ~'JlI .. tr ; or 80 dollul"tI ' wOlth tho ..... 0I'k8. r til.:e lClJullllt 1\ at! Il v\\\~ II , UII!ogo Oreswc !', ]\II-tl... ensUing 8CUt10U. I oW!lel"l! UIO!1g the ltue, th~ IIldl' Foul8 flew ovcr IllldofI1rol1l1d L1:'.7.iu . Co]l(1~t, ill only Il "' \~' hUIII ~. ~l1t tilltlUIC<l C I. ~ A NAN 'D N 1 ' E .. the 0 .1I'9U..:.... _ . . . ~CKI.KB. AIl'S. Sal'lIh IInrull toll; M' ~ c:! LI;t· intull~ul) du Ill;!; lltll' \I\UC, The lUo..'Ctil1g came to order by cutJOne belll~ thnt the l'lght ofl fuir 8ex pretty livoly lit t!l!'e8, but At thc l>~Ill'JC"I.;r:C lUoetill _ lust zie alld AlIIIII . GIlU>!C, . Ed,t elooti nil Capt. D W, C. Keever to wooy would ~ ery generl\ lIy bo donll- . I"oosted 1I0t. Leban on's lam ladi es S I I and - Tile ~C,I 11111111'. .Jo,u ruul tl I II ' the e h . l l r · ~ Flora Lenk, M ISoi A blue Uogel" . tla y::! ' • \\ ill H,·V..... II I~wl\, • ted, in I1ddition to liberal cU8h . W\:lIC out in g; ,o dly I1I1IUhe .\ 100, 18 blllldlUg a l"S with IIIl IIIlIlV , to " IO\IT.lng.;lu r i g~" , Jennie St, O. Dllkin, On motiuo Gen. A. W. Doun ' dollntio ns. Alli e All cv'Ulri'c Tho ofticel'B of th o I their CiLllil'8 1I1ll1 camp stool M C~I r ill IllS hUldwlU e ruow tbn\ FINE SUGAR-CUR£D HAMS OI". \\,.~u ~I i'I 'I'IIII~\1 ec:g11 ~s tram Mattie John 011, A linn UII\"' i:l IIhead of WI\i! elccted Comm anucr; Oapt. Compu ny intima ted thnt if, un,) thing w" hav08e en upon ' Eve n thcir Ilr~son cc did' II Ot 8C I've uCn u 'I.!t· 1I1l l'S 11IIIrtieildi llll • EL) I . t l11 L D Pauly Lleutel b tl Y , t nOI' , Tilli e Nickol8 , Minuio Hi sey, both ful' beullty of workmall8hip' lullt '\JU olle ; examlll u lOll, te IOU c pr \'c d ILR tv del"cut whole or. 10,110 ••lioo. mn mull cftll JII MillOi'll" wh o kept Unl'Olll d MIl !:) I llll ' H 18ey, C· I lll)CI\~leI ··· and nClltllo"d .. Je llilon I Mo j. Ca' lIt Jol:1I L Ely Major, Ilnd lilVoruble n8 though t to bu, Ullt! uth 1011 the cventhe Iio G aI", 0 Ie ' lIt IIltlC 1.11 desl, ',n Tlteil'O tellor Clf t';ull' , W IIV IC ?~ JEHU MU ILIN tl IJII lly: • /1 tt .I.I\l . oglliAes It ,u. d U8 Iua Ridgo Cllpt. J,.M. Thlclltl cl',' A d"Jutullt, Sallie Ell"lu, ]\1/11 v Hamil· iii llIude vI' till eo.i ncl~ beaded ceil. cr Ina crs resll c 11 8 reprcse ntc d , glll'diess of thu jecli l"''' buillg ' villey es~e IHIS ICT. SI M.,ch lOe· 17. , ., 0 hUll '1 F:t k" 1/ . '1 It\\lld dcterminec.l to hold the they should probah. G I' ' j . G'U too. Maggie Hi sey, pll :lAml' iu'" o\" walnut lind pinelli temate ly. ly IId opt thu bydvin gthlldly . Th u~curo atllod 111.1 CI 80nE TI NO NEW ~IIIY _ ' II"II~i<' u~' . IW' Mr:Jos eph His",y, SOil ., Juscph II xt meet ill'" lit or ncar Morrow . route, !lnd cuntra<:t tor the TI~c top is hlllck walnut molded . rond lit llt the cud of th e 9th inning : Lob. ~'S. IIAI ~~'~1I1tct ~I ,_ "OK WO.B~ Ttl De ,;aZleJ Gilpin Hiscy, .Ed. A. Mncy, Ge~1 with wloite pin e. Will is 11 '" 1l1"1"Cn Cori.lty , Ollio, Augus t 27 all curly ~aY.~~!~~8:... _ genius, 1l!101I.Light.fuOI8, 2. Mi.lfu~d s! 119. J.oI/~~e. lIeo , A ~.~:? _ G _ .... _ ... _ III , enry pp, Barn!lt oll, J~':, Will GIlI,d. Cor~'I~~ aud Cllll 010 IIIU8t Bnd 2 • anythin g he tries. .. IlIlJlre, R . Cranda ll :.t ClnUllln!l' ~ ~ , . .:;~'8:;..~t\:."~'~1fp Tbo cOlnlllittc.'C of ur"lmgemel~ts Ham, lton, Ii lAnk Bamllt on, l.llli 1'1!e Trustee s of th~ ~-o1ll8':11l1' I ti, ~vho sp?ke up like" little - A VClY 'njoyab le icc--crellm ""I . . /iIIll.IJ I\IlIll, N SlY J!o-n.:'l .. Mr. Samue l Tor ~Iie .Thlkill ; . .Master HIlI'?,on C. 811rprise W I'e instruc ted to ul'rango With Medl~ 1 College (Lol1l~vllle, lIurty WM given utthe I'\l8ry hus opouud u hotel. for the DaklO, .charli e ILnd n"hble .Major G"noll1l W. T. WUld, of h!,~e, 10 acco~ance WIth the Ky.) Iwhich he IS. Gar- idollce CIt' M I" Henry Hurley 11081' THE INDIANAPO . pro· ThclC ..... iII be 11 gume "Iuycd uccvlDlUoc!atioll ()f trantliclltguC8t LIS SUN. Loui8v ille Acntll cky; Gen . D, vllions of tltelr charter , estab!ls s~ ne!', Veroie ~resweJl, Wa.ltcr aDd New Hnrhll" ton IUBtSatlll'daye iJed hete next Suturtl uy vo The leadiDlJ .INDEPENDENT REfORM ulterno , on . F beN ut hid lIew IcsidlJn u.. fi ' co ill Mr. S. 8 W. to CIIlI1ln 'I cc WI\I'fI, Uov. K . oyes an d H Oil, a vune 'b Humllt on . 8. IU, \Ii IC.I~ Y UllY tWl'en the M. K. O. " 11 'l llg (l"'!t.. ' Mi88eB Allie and WEEKLY pol1&a1 oewlIJMlp clary . . u . UtlCU er In tho Uol· ILncl Sp",ug boro j R ogors' bl11ldm • g, COl'ner ot .waUl lllltt rworth to speak 00 tl,e yo~ng mlln 8tU ylllg medl.clllellnd - - ", State.· the special adYOOllte of tho III• e H 101 LL T: h lfntrmu ll, Almira Tho1D~n, ted In bs. ' ticn 1.'/1. D -..01 L..boua et"ileld , last unt! aplMtC North ombme E 8treuls d o.pl~ uc.cMion . Mr. Tel'ry DEAT\{ 011' MR. NOOII 'ItM~ I'C~ Alice Dchllyon, Ella auc\ EYIl Le- tal; beIng ulIllble to pay for 1118 edocu· Sutl1l"i1ny' Ute 4) Dilers 22 '.. LeplTe nder hf-)(o ne1 ....~ IWlll keel) n first clll.8s hontle, . n.. ,fi . MI'. 011 motion Hllmm ell, , who It was d C:C''ded , t 0 t'100, may. reco~ve . WI ., ' m ' L',I 1\. ,LJUne ~ll\ry wuea ruul ~ Gold DUi,Foil!aoy, AI the Loball on game, one be"d most of 0111' Cltizellil UI , .c. U, U0 r IA IAml Allulll Iut'ley' 2 Ban" have l\ lIotioo of the meetin g l'rlllt- Schola rslup, which relieves . mem Ie bv ...d the Interchangeable Ourreno" BuDd J . • Melissa Mills; McesrB. BYI'on and ~ of William s filintecl IIlId didn't half1 Tbe Collett.McKIlY the HIgh Gold IIl1IeftIlt Bond. .. od in tit pulJCrtI publish ed io the Professors tiJe8. The him nnnllal re· a8 a formor I'CSldunt of tbl pl-1IoC!e Bru'8C Elmore Charlie Mclnt) 're public tl·Y. Sympa thy ~ r Light.f oots I union CUlM oft' I,t The MUN bM. corps of ..ble oorreor.:::dMount Pisgah and fOlluder of the HUUI,!,oll Holloll&, Ben;y Hawkin WIU"I'ClJ ullty Ollio, Middle· will be pltll\8Cd to learn that thi s 8uppos s' Willie Rurley W: IIIlbl.lD~ the c\_t "nd.mOll~ pro Olllld. e WUB the CIlUSC RULIA' \ lust Slltllrd ay. Ovel' two bundi'U tOWII GCl"llll&otown Dilytoll , Wil - well knowil ColI~gu hus abolish d died at bis hOlUe ill White County , McDon lild R~bort Linton ed ' - Omer tht~~ ... tbllf~~__ IOllOtiOll 14. -.~.' , . lUemools of the filtnilies and their Illinois , )U8t FI'iday , aged .7alyc IIlillgton und WIUlhillgtoll C. H. all tees for its diplom as; the a~ J oy Joo~ Baily Ed DeI1I1~tt, and .pl.t.oU': a1~~I~ 0,0 reedeN. File· .'or Ubollt the lIext mouth or 80, connec tion ' \ \"01'6 . present ' .... . lli<.." The of militia As yet, we hllvc no pal·tlcu Ilt'll (l Sal~ Seddel s I'ootmtl y or· nlty being thus wlwlly uil interest · who wouldn ' t w r'" ' . like to go nnd Iill- occasion .....us uu TWIIl8, '1.76 per ycmr, ~tp"ld. .. 1 exceed "1 ingly ' I • Hamme I lI'd iSod ill Leb&OOD, ~'IUllk I'Ill, "... f death 11 I . pecnnla rl y 10 tie resn tOlL gar "by the 1IlI(1 sea waves,n I t 8AMdmdpIII CClPieeI-~fNe OIlIl·p~oaOotIOU ~ --easl- p e&8un one, - -•• iddl luwn 0 l'UlauwwO, Dayton , clI8111iniltioos for gnldUlltioll, Teache rs' Institu rea te begins next IlDIAWAPOr,1 Sun The , Mardhn l ought For to haTe ing dnll ur· care to , tbe wind , on C D ¥ (ndiAtlRpull .. IDil I t'lell I dd rcs8 D ellll f l ' ~ I·hlliu .... un W ublllgt d Monda y. We hope . . the I)UI" lIlanag ars, ers a l'OIllllll I Exterm tbtl8e 0 dl'unke inute ..oU1 8· n bl"Uwlel" the rag·we l!. fruw ~ e •• 8. _ w • . -""';"'D I ,. • , I -I~'''fc''r lire n .. .' ft _ d -I b 11 to be villO' Mt-odicul Coil"'.... 16S Second . S atllrday 'II 0 e publio N . . "'-A........ W u!;crwelolls ..,made tholr first Thel"C never WIl8 a more luxuria ..u.r tll" I'I~ity. \ " goa - "'".... IlIg IIt - .."d wlf ....., .. in"- pleu"" I nt WI prepare 1 m . enter- the Blue GuOBO bi., tim -it- oolled Adtlret8 for. tnd Louillville. -Ky. I... I " . upl'l.'Urll tuiuwo UCC • hlll'e for ots tw" durin Satul'tl w· -.kll, crvp • .. ay. the Bu. Qal810U (), ~ W ...... ,"Hvillt, 0. . I t ....l1 ~ 10 prl'l ..mt. They Wilde IIIght h,duoll8. I
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- - - - - - ~ rllli or Wi..,. and for UIOlllllnt I10 "'1 pratt red lipe qai red; but Jo' thci1ty broke pIlne, ned let T_ ...... _ y_. temptatioo WIll too h'onlJ i the hia hand, l'ushoo bacik til" eateh, m~, preftlrrcd little demona remmed, Mild moek· and through tbe l'IlillOli 8&8b tb the perpetual boatin~ nd ingly gleamoo througb thuM same amateunl 800n &ctoo au entrance. and sporting excunlOIl with 0& IIcIuMlI LIIetIe ele1, at hi. pu8ion. She ran up They CIlrefully made all right ~in, pntltlmen, ,k) b r ~piln~. to ~ Dna .. 1 !.n. __ efay cla,. tbe beach laughing, alld ealled bl\.Ck and clOlied "an 0l'eu hutter wllich vent h r 8plte and dlearpolOtml'nt llaqb .....lid to •• 4er J 'Firat pt your cage, then caJl prooluuO!I uny 011 seeing the bro· 8he Willi ueoodingly ivaly with J.. C. L KEN', M. D. II)' eI.aWl ,ollila btaby drie I-J p\ayCEE-OliI" DISEAS Dot (onay It,etle bahy. the bird. • ken pune 1'he~ went to the roo~ Job. • PHYSICIAN &. SURGEON. A!lD ~J'" Vh~n I look of dem I tie tnH, 'Get tbo cage! Yc thut I will, where tho sporting p!lmphernalla Do Willi In tbe 6 venth heu\'l'n; . • . . . I eU,."" Il'm,' ali 1Hrr1if n/ Uut .... dot funny I.,.,tlc UOM. at any rate, if I dio for it. What was kept; threw open the blind, he fl'isked, be giggled, he wriggled; om, 111 N.t","ul Runk BUlltl'n!,. ~ III B f ~ tile C:1,.,ltl~(·(t Wolid. . ut heAr dor ...y duL """"l.er ro .... a fool I am, Oh Horsy, Hep~y! and FOllthtlrRy elected out his UWII he took liberti witl~ B 'PS I hap· lI'.·IJ·X1-..' • V III 1-.'. OIlIO. If g AI. A &. 18hmUe IIko 1 "I0Il gruy. . you'll make u de pcrate lIIun lIf ·1II0.' pn.)Jol'ty. ~IIU ,bug, I a kot8, liuc , pockct·Luudkercluef It hun f d E-~ 1) , If 1111 nil"" WAY I' ~~:;~~:' d~r"!I~°.i; :i~J ~l, ::~I. The hand IDe follvw drew him· Ir )(is, ull th implem~ot.! of g II I r a <;ltl.B8 of cid r, 1(IPpill~ hull' ~ 1D, RI~ht In I,I. I.,..tle ""bt.oma k 81\", ll. 8ell' to hiil full hight, allJ tllkillg uff old lunk'il craft, corl'i J them I,ut over llilll ell'. She, the witcll, 11 - Olk,,'" .......... .cf!•• Ior eld 1.,_10 ...... I Dut'• lA, \>"d'(Dr d r b.hy. hi. hat, wiped bis bro\v. H' had ' 011 thtl piazza, ul,d tb 11, qnite f r- juyed the 1'011, pc 'i~ll.' Il8 he im· TIo.... .......... UB 18 T1lf:41'~O Dutm.kc him .ingat ni/lbt .oWl t, 8uch a kind, good, op(ln face, ~nd getting to '10 I' the opou blind, he ugilled ho saw amp, s w l'ulh ri W AYN~: ·V ILI.E. 00 I Un' /(011'1' barril' lu' mUll .."d. yeti hi8 80ft blne y08 filled with tears and his triend lel\ by the h!tll door, sing higbor Ilod highe,'. he ti'ul d Oft',·1'lO hi ~,:"f;;,.il"'.1 ~·f\'i"". tA,. III dti- , I ~hm 'T"" PatitDt. In 1l1Tope. tllu llnt r mw" rllumb ahpry ou my' \ WI he Il'1I.l'.ed after tit r trentiIlg fellow to th · top 01 hi" lit' z 'n 1~lId ' ·" ·lnot)' . UI\\'lll~ 111,,1 l~lrtY)'l'lInt Wes~ Indlc tho: DOlJittion ot To bdlp dot loeUe baby. 'lr.:::~.-:, ' " wbich pr perly Clltcheu . . its If and the _,I b' . ''"I'"'' Il l" . he hOI"" ,,, K\\' .tI .. fact,"" 10 _ Can- d,l, &" d ill enry t:..Itt! ure. In the dnrndllllt tool I.e lIlul- shut them ont With 14 click I nay, she VOII LLllow~.oy J UI tu WUlt "II wllu lII.y (avur him with .. c .•II. 486-1 I ot the Uulon, II buill mv no... uud ltiok_ "'J hair, tered, 'to let hcr '> WUIlIP mo. Sal j Taylor bet k himself to tlte do· 011 her II mo, when !iho bonl'u ·s L~1'H W. uR \V l nd [l:r.... 1- mo 0 (0" efm ywbere. Mount I why, lie's a homoly U8 u IpotJ• }i'eath rRy cnrrilKiull his trails SUllIp. huu beeu 8ndd~nJ v culled r. .u 0 N, dd .Iollbur. me-but vot I OlIn! ? r " 1 A ... VICt:: CiVEN BY MAIL D ~ Viii DIy obmall ;vouug wby. stem r. 1100, I.md would talk a bIll. k I to SUlup 0 11 Peabody's boat-bon e, llway tu attend to lUe Illonting FREE OF CHAne!:!. -):::(h088 whito; il her OUt'go WUd' all cO lI si(!IIill them to tho cure of thut bout. D owever, she hSld Ill' idea AT LAW, Arooo"l m1 h,,~d dot leetle ''''00 OJ' Va~ ocI"luu'n me 10 nl eo IIlId varmgold, I wuuldn't couvuy hor ucross illdivlduu , . Who was rejoiced to of a l el -a· l~!tl with th,Q UIO"I'Ollti ~ .. "''' .... qt1.1 ""(11,," Of' ".-w"" u ""'It' nJlC!d. Ut\iII,l,,, lnll' \lIt" I." l,.. en' ,. .f...,.,. t ",j .u~ Ob I m".v derolle"erooomlOme borm tho bay; and liS fur that Job Kit- me t OlUe who sympathized in hi s boat·bu iluel', ulld sowi Iy illvit U ~LVD X 0 1'ARY Pl BLIO. f I l i i)' w··ft rt". .. ,' ~tl ll(O .... ,,ou ,.~. "n h et .. CtlnA.L80. To doL IIChmK~ I:Ue baby. tletaB, the I,iu, cheatin thief, 1'1) tojing lifo. He reuuily undortook Tabby MUl'tin aDd CUlllfurt JOII08 u_ •• a d l _' .l\ew .......... , w t:tf"lC wtt .. • A4' h. ~ . , . ewnfh.!I)· ",-'GIIt&!d . """ ht1 " f"r tt\"y \Ju '·!;tHUlIU', '''l4">1 hr "'tt\1" 01' . . For tho )llaml Guetto.] have him- Hut the rclst uf tho to pllt everything ill ship·shal:le ago to V'uill tlae pllrly. ,. """"'. or . ~.... .. , U)' Lhft 1)l1iJf;'f" or h i. tQ W~'Ir!'lQ"".I .Jt, • UlrcnmKtantial EYlden08. t hroats an d regret.! were lost, us ainst the approaching seWlon ; alld u1iunt with loye :cJ bent on ~~....~:w ... ,"'.•• ,.... 1'bo Ill"....no all uakollO. u,."u.a I I 1:1. n. __ Samp entered the boat·bollse, 60re utter a fishermftll's snack, such as some deed of high en prize, Jub, ~" S. B, W A I.TO , .>\ft tn"",..t. at. IU_1aMW U'eftqa llWd to.,... r 'W (.1) Mr. Itnpodonce who give from love and jealousy. Samp,'s lockers alway. afford d, dl'OSIIcd ill hl s I:)Ull l!I\Y suit, t ppoo A T TO R N E Y AT LAW, IIUI t l fO 'lfkll' H.Ht III .ll,fa C.~tl "'''' . 'blnh.tII be ,..,tI . . . . I by ft,,,11 rM t or at tlMt oIIIce.. A. cow.. JtlU "oorty tu do that W' ' He was the most popular and Mr. Featherfir departed, not having out of hit! dour. Hl' 11Itl:lllt tu lIIako OJ/h'l's, (\ Broal/tca!/, I~ .Y,.,fllm or ~ ..U'rinR .,....,'11' .. D,ljllIlkl lor '.,Myself· Mud 1!ive it back jf you 8killful fisherman and houtman 011 mot a 8ingle lUdiyidual. The OICl a cin uit, unu ufter l'u .,,,i ll~ the cot· LI::U.lN()N,OIlIO. .00h'tt .. lvu. 0... 101.... ft"vl!l' RJn. u'_l, I1Jlotpt dOIl't like it or I'll take it off I' Harbor Beach ~ the most val· Hurboritcs were either dead or all tug", wandering o\'er tho Lcucll, I Uf! IlhJ·.. I l"Ll u~ ,.,t the'vtabt ('.h,IOODIi. Fur rtoo c olt. nit a' ,v" . 'uJ for il10t Of qu~HOI" 'Now yo~ quit Snmp. hUlmin' ued and trusted companion of tllose gone to the 'berr'ill', Ite thonght.- slupping to OI',IW liver ,sUlnl'., ho A IL·l Ol't'1' 111 N,·to Dl''1'U· 10/'1', A "" '1 "'1 .,,,, ' iUml~hh'L of n'tftlce. or 10 _ _ sud kissin' we ~here e~erybOdy amateur nautical gentlemon who Bow diflerent from the snmmer Illeall to briug lip abuut II!IL tilllo ___ "'_." YNF.8V I LI.~. c-'o:....___ 1 ~~~~~illiIllloQj~;t:i~J=~ ,,'III h ioou .. Jr-u. .dJ,u . .. Dr. E. B. FO<Y!'l!l, can 800 1" annually luid aside their broadcloth ~cen08 I Phew! there was life en· ut Hel' 'y\ nlld ~\,elld III' l~ \"11 iug JAM E,' N, BELL,' Boa 7811, N". York. 'And what do I care if they do , and bea~el'll for duck and 80n'w~8t. ugl~ ~bere; ~nd r~callillg the fleet- with her'. But A'1'l'ORNJ!.·Y A l' LA IJ tiJI" Roo.ns. fino door .. huvo r oot Of!oe , ' Aillt I mOlt as J(OOd as your uwn era; wlllie Oil 8hore they occupied cd VISIOIIS ot tbe past summer, aud I ''l·b. b...t·la'd III'helnv. of m· u ~nd ", ico AI'ID 1'I0'l' &B'" PI/BLIIl. W"Yllc"·i\lc.. Ohi,,. 61.11 , I' AC:NTS WANTED. ' man Hepay' 'llld who's goin' to the hotel8and cottages, and becuUle the ufterltoon Wlpects of Old Bur· Gang " I~ ... Ie,. ' 0.tjio: VI'l' l ' A. l)oUs D,'uU· {MI', _ , fl • . 'orrn I. tbe I ntbor 0' IIlrIlf)fO.U. et.'.. see ~'bat wo are doill' behilld tho ,'" free alld l'usy ill their manuel'S bur Bcucb, FClltbcrfly, Lusy with HI;! hao not tllkclI ten Ntcps for. WAVNESVILLE,O. .,(IN PK};IK,'O a hC)nk Ihat ""elk'd " clrctt .. tloa. uC o ~' ,r 364,).0..., f"lph o. l .' '''~ nt "!'LAI~ fl o,... bOllt.house ·j PUllt, ht!'s getting up &c. u~ the ("VII ,01 their ducktl or ~is ~en~ories of ~~I1,wOll!e!l' boat~, wal'u 011 hit! sCllt;me.IIt(L1 jOlJt'n~y, ANU L!UlANON. 1'.\I,"!' mure " 'CI ll O), 1"llJIIIIIIII"', ,,,hlch lu.~ .tliol Jtitl appetite 1.1 11 I'IIW dUIDB.' tit' (I('r:all II ell. fUll, frolJcs and fOltiles, reJollled Ilt8 wheu he wut! U,," IlI" ul UI~O\IlIlJOtlUll 1i:l:J I , . :1.. . . '.'nl 0 ' ":O.CXtU \'OI,le,, ; "'wo. Qr . . . 'k..l ..aa l J:\ 5 1·'.',- ,,'l&l\'h 11 I!U'" w i nJf rlllW hN ill lerlt", 'MUdt I1S ~,,"d 118 "ou r VOl/ng These'swoll.l,' as Hepsy perti· friend, It WU8 out lung before he in the street; Il e l"dlLw lllel1 l1l1U bOYtl , D1.J IFl!flrA~_ ' UJr.\.~ ."u_li)eafQr T.\I1UCW 111811 t' rcll'lit-tl thc 1 'I'~ lty ih'peY IIClltly callcd tl.em, could do lIuth· IIlId Taylor wel'e Ilying buck to tbat rUlJuillg; t heo CUII~hl\)lc hob· I .\J '-'" ., (I, all. f'x.-.rtlng th~ nr.t·DMlulioueJ work ( ..hleb IIH,ving to tho further 01111 .. f th~ jll~, ulldertuk o nothing, wilhont th.e other sporting uod fishing grounu, . blillg, allu U littlo ~1'lI n ll ot' excittlU I • Yr'I? A I tf:, ' ) U: IIIIL lit print). wtll .. !ten' "'" on 1\1'1'1'" , II, ' . h' 01".,.. Or FOOT" or lbe 110m, BIU I'IIlllQIlCllch in trunt of the boat·hlluso nill lilld advico uf this Bismark, the slUooth, u,.een l1JpanlJrJ/l a11d v:llugcl's congl' 'ga;o 1 ill tho CUIII't· ~ j)mi l~/j~i ~! ~ ~ .~~,~~~ ~~ t) I.S C''''P'"', _b_ 0lil..... 1:111 BaM tSlh_. tlldfting hack hC'I' hn:r, nnd looking this A!lti"lIllllll, who wus as astnte pools of old Gotham. yn .d.ol' oue of tlw cUlia·' : rs . . Hil l ~ i> CudwaUuu r. Building, Main Strll"t, A - u,Ilh nk-"O ud WOIMb-,,'anWd to ern th .- r..rrIotj ~hlJf • .~ to whom a Inlt-niI PftIftt Wi), lit I.l!r IU\'el' thl'lIngl.' hcr picrciu .. II m,all1pllluto~' uf old ~CIln, tho ~. IJUITI~d forward, .wo~ (I\:I'I I1~ If a First l'Iutioll ttl B all I.: Buildi llg, ~"AYNESVI'LLl!:, . .. OIIIO, lH!: .11I'IWt"'. Tl\e be$:lnnhtp ,or II:mllll fll 'l\,"~ hillek eyes; '. ·,m thlllk a p;uoci dca1 1J: h~h und r~utl~ered towl, WI, ~I e so E oN h: III. whllie hilU. come ut;hole, ur t Ie flea· WAYNES VI Jntend8 to I'N'I' un hand a full IIn/\ Fur. '1:\ 1..' " 1~ 1ft. \rl: '~ . 1't':lIn::.. ~...r-? OTJ~' ""':'11,,, of yOlll'8l.It~ ,lOll'. y'u, !:lump. P\·a· hili prv~otypc8 ~t P?pe ulld .KaIser. Job Kittletua wus oue of those serpeut, p rhups-perhnp> Il steam· LLE, OHIO. niture I1f 1100 'cry 'b8tlt quali\y. lind lit uS I " vI.. • r _ ', r.. • •._ _. ,. .. IlftIfI 1,,'u Il.rTy "',,n'(..1 t,. aJ'tlllt... and .. 6cl•• ca .. &rOilY" 1.1 IltMly? 'Cullse u girl hap!Jtllls to . B\l~ h.r ull IllS sklJluud popul~r. lung.legged, long.headed, goggle. or hud becn WI'UCJ,;~. Hu 600U LOW}' 1 G U RES JII 'I I h,' 1,11"11 fot the you. . «. .0"" f", UI.I.:. r ia lIutico YOII , !lUll UllltCO with yuu ulld Ity, l'ortl~ne hUll not vet p.roved him eytld fell owe, who are alway8 careu· learned tlillt olle ul tl,e cuttugos had 1 .8 Cln be fouud In any mIJTKO' HIIi.Wok ."MI'II allll ,..... '''I' 1ou.-1n' j& . The rnrnV!l' anJ'M1T8 "tnitllllu...• uC "'~'Oll l'l " 'hltlh ..., .... euut M\'nu. glJ 11 !!Hilin' with you, nml, mebhe, her fuvurlte, allu he h~d 1I0t us y~t luting how the cblUlgb8 of tide, b~clI broken upell . IUI~ clcllllcd uut TIURD s·rllF.E·r, NE"R MA.IN, Ilonsi8t/J ()f , f'Mta r",oel u cktiNCJ :,tlCMtl ....."' • ., uf &.MIl' ph,.te.,.1. • 'C1l1l80 8he hlll'pellod to be 11 looki II I~rvught . bllck frultl IllS ,lIet or hiS tinle., wind and weather are to cf· ul 1;111 Yaillubles-;-:u '~ ' udow 8111118h· , " ,• B1(1'ea1lR, 1iIM,.II, , tan 78, Oka;)'", Tlw~ I.. ltolh lD${ In tfll'ntum IlL •• n..... rftbtor tit thc Wlltel' Whl'lI VOU WI18 mll,·s hllo enough to enllble hllu toO cltm · fcct them; aud IwVl lucky and UII· ed III, U!lU.l hut Udl Smull, \\:Iw had CINCINN A J 1, OHIO. 8(1/«", LII'UIIg 8, B o /"t"al/8, I ut Ib" futl·J,t'foC na wor"" u Bettl"(". 1. 9ro&,," call ..I, be " .. I .1 IIfI"DUI ur of , ... PuWlab.... ($:.! 00 PER D.A Y. .Mllltl'U/Jl!fl! , 1.1I01.:ill(/' u\\'ay I thOlwht -vvu lhillk ~hc )JI~tc tho B\.'llClt Cottage, and to LLsk IlIcky chances aro to be turned to LeOIi Ielt III chu ..;.:;e, WltO oli tu th ", ,. t il. \ : S II I)L : T \ '.1: " I. "IIM' I"""" to bUlb lh. rrlllllll~ !ll/Illothi~I;" tell you w!i at, lthc Vr.olly UC)Jzibuh to COIOO uutl tbair adyalltagtl. He had wriggled 'ben·in:· eOllsuq Ut'I!II:y 1I11 olle liked ""Mils "'''TI!IOI'I. P . . . .'. Gla,v8 f '/J,o,."c!.:dlJ, Cua.: h " ,, 11.1 ••• • DH.. ' "_"SUlt,,, .. .OnCllnon. '&50u.f;. ~AD.tecl.. SI\IIIP, yuu'J! tilill out, Ulle of theso lIluko It IIt~~ h u lU~. . . ' . hi,lJl~clf ~p ont ora dirty low hovel tu, clitel' 1llld Il:>:CI'IU!ll th ' umullut &4;., we, . J&DIIW1S9 AS '00\'lL duy , tlillt w"lIlen d 'II t I1IOUII ull .HollllY \\ll~ qllltf'l JII t III her IC·· ot. IU8 birth, thro. ugh ull borta of of dumage. dou~, . .. . .. .e: . ,." " ,-..-------thuy 8UY, und .I,,"'t tl:ol ub!e"g<:u t.• plu~C I that BI~IllP801l WI18 alw~ys off slimy ways, uutll he had sccureu (CUl\CLUOJ:;lJ til::Xf \~ llf.K.) . ~n91)ll'll\nblc I3m:bct ll\1~ I am alao prepared to attend:tl ~I. in l'IlIllCIUlllW in 1\10 I/l,rnill wh:it lltey ·Iutillg.' . Durlllg,tho s~sou, It \\,11 tQr himself u }!Ositiou, und' wus thu . K. M. S. IEI~r!m-11l)lllm ~~lEm, \~llU\'onb 8aid over lIil(hl. M('II do just the 1\ rart! t11111~ tu linu blln. lit h ~lUo mOtlt prosporoutl buat·builder ill tho Ad(ll'tc~~~ _ _ n.uN "'T" • • • • • • • "'~VNI!8" ... LB. . . ' ~-. H~'6'~('l~~r:~~~~-~~ MUlIl llliU jt'd ubollt lUI o\"cu thi III:;' tvr two duys tUI:l!lthcr. HIS putlent \Vitolo district. AD, W . H - 1b..vlug a fino now Hcal'lte, and a full Uuo of ~ ii. _.~ !II S· 0 e ~- ~ ~. t;u tllI~l!t "Cr:;&IIIIU ' ' I ulrl mot'lcl', ~\ lieherlilan's widuw, From ]>ickin'" up chips ill tho '" ,.:l t.I~~, IWhIlING'I' Utt , " °AW Hd .'lr-o~t\.lnK' H".ir-Ore.· .IIIf, ~h. ",1' O; " '~ tho belt . . ~ I; ' g.1 ;. 5' i· ~ ~ !.~ . ,. . ' .. k' , I \ I . " . . ollK ,'Y AS nON, y" ''S. v. ,all blw"'g, done II. tl, bOnt otr' " of lbe B 'I C 'Uh, lll'I'~Y llucklehcrry, whut's \\I\S cUllt~lIt to c~p tIe 10\1,,0, .ttl dockyard, Ill'll! crl'ublllg us much WUl'lidd. uuth,,)" or "l'Ilt: Hunsl'" l'on"" riul An. 2.;) Ufla ases, Caskets, R0bes, .......:: IIi~ " " E OJ " " ~ eycr gut i1ltel· "V\l ( 1 IIcn'r hce)"d elll'tl lUI' bit! b Iungillgij. und tu WUlt, Iuo~e WOVUll8 ho cuuld curl'y off Ito I I·' I' U ' .'" II I d - and a flne SIII!Ortmont of J .• I}u \.lIrll. became It. helpllr, ill a smull way, , I" u 1 U L "" e: ... I"l) N'1' & L' ..... !'" ~ .g , 'll; lIieh \\'ordl\ culll ont of' "cr hcud us lItuny a mIltlIt'l' I11l~ uUIIO 1.1. T \'CI'I 1\ t' • 1\IS" It·1 I K L' ~ '-''H L~;, ~ => I " J- <"I . \. k I • , ulld wi 11 do uf'tel' hoI' fur the hUIII>Y' tI l f P' T . t ., t 1 tI uny u.v . u . utollon " ul III 1' 1 'ftl DaI w:w:II D gJ;Q) t"" " I ~t ~ ulol' • Oll ' 1Il1\\' ~ 10 "ay wo Vtl .' r HI Ie 810pU lurre OIlt!dUIIi ,anu el',; l'hillLllelp!t ;1I UIIU, we pi 'diet WII)LE AL.E ~-. ~~ ~ee!!) ' I0 " ~ .. .. bellukCt!pill c.' ml'"I1Y thitl thl"C ~11I1II'elhlltgIlYIl hUll hu.ckto her b'y'degrcesgraduully wOl'lIIedhim- lul"itui 'I'''ltU. 'IOlu'tn'i~ I\I~dl\ol l I . . lahallflnMawrl4>dn ...."~ _ ~P.: :s:l p.. • t'I l' wuitill fvr un· tvr two tlnyll, 11110 duy, a tew Iw\u·tI, self illto th cOlltideucu of Iiis 80n I. . '{!;I' I ~ I : 'k 1JEWELERS :; PTICIANS' tho ' .."or of ~f who m~y call ~ me, an,\ ~fi:j ~ ~~ :i~~, ·e; ;·~ ~.g o"~ Yellr • und 1111 ,,"ly "k ' IJCrhulls olily D .. WI· D ' .ll gtlaljaeu~ .el pl'(jVI II II~ v , . 0. a ..ltrrantaU ..orktogive .atWactIOD. 6 ::o"'!" ~,:;;o .... ..tit or eas 1\ to ta eyer Inter )8 r , , . OWl III que. ten It oame oml· ··The H,,"eehold o~ !JUIIVO ·ie:' . .& aT S' ! \lWU huuo!(' ull c uif,)rtulJlo. Alluthl'r H tlr heart Wll~ ulways open,8"·opt, niqlle'e turll to be heaJ, Job consti· which laas buell p '''IIIl! i, (,uu uj' 1l'1I . 4 1., Q ~I '" F po po ~.,!, "!' ~'" 8ummcr'1J jebt tix II ii, ulld you'll ga~lal~ded alld It'Ugrallt, to welcome tlltl-d hiwlIelf hi8 chief'adviser. The the Ix'st wl'i Wt"l; u:.u iti c~ ill the S,Hlcladu., Toul~ & M ;hennls. Upl,ol8t6ri~' Pi .ttwe cf: Afi1'I'(}" Ill' ~ P ~ ~;;P? ~ havo U8 nictl tL CIIUUgc I1S auy of the tu Itt! UI!DOst I'CCOSseS, and to keep master liked fur better to sail a t . •. b I' I b I ' 'R' A :rING I ; S' i·· ~ I.' , I 1"1 ... .' .. 1' , him a tlllre Ictl'lW,t wheu friends and bo t th to b 'Id to te t CllUIl Iy "'} e 0110 U l(] Ctlt !llll 1'. W. Gor. SIx.h .IIId ll .. in ~I . . m. . i! g co ~=> .., '" uig lIIgt:lulltle IlltlUUll,IlCCUI'UIII.. . .1 .. ' 11 un II I one, mp 1Il0dtl'C!D'Irhlblewot· eVCl·\\'I'it· lJ INOIN)iATIO duneprompU,., PromptatteDtiontooalJ•. - p. l\i g18! ~ 't 'll II III ph, I'll rnther agoollsillht turttllleiaut.;". tortuuewithrod, lilloundrillethau t It I', 'tl . t "t \. ' - - - - . . . . - - - - - - ----~ - - e: B~ I .. ? .. . II ...• , I 0 mllther's heart I 0 mother's . I b I I ell . 1.1:1 10 gl e mel I aT - .... ~ II" ~ 600 It thUII lIellr Ie 011 t. • 011ro , t o Will ler y tie Inore ar, noua urvu'Iillg curivsity ILn ~ keoping it ~~b .1, g: .•• - - : .- • - il . al1us u prl'lJIitiin lind u Vlal)lIill, III1U I~vo I ,dear h(lm~! dear sllrlllc! ~he t~sk of laying kL'8ls and ~ending ulert, 1'1'0111 lhe til'St 0 the IUlit \ ~ ~ g. loun'tknu\\,Il\llwalltwlin,bY l llmldl tlognl1rdodbynome!18C1l1gumbel'S, J ' b,tll(l8elf.dell.YID~,wUIII · ' '1'1 . \ . fl ' " " . 1'1 ,. a. I ~=_-"" ... _::: ....... ,,, .. IItI"'..)'S 8worJ- lIut even 8111 cuM 'too d > ~ .. I bl . I tile. ,Clc IS ,.,I\JU l"l\\el 0 _. -"" ~ . :" .." I! I'f ~ ~ tt :... __ ~ I.. ~ Z e . 1 k th", rullrlll8l'U, t mll ·l'B m.e nllr· I"~' I . poorun IAI\J HlID ,etom ~gc IU llglIlIgO in it IIIllllife3t~~t.lllot 0111,)" . . I .... G I' 0 B D' S l":l ii:i~i:>Qi!!_~~~!> :""1111, wlloll Yllu'~whell, fulk" I , c utle It __ lllwtlelf WI u geutltlmall. He ~1Ud. ill the desoril'ti\'e po;·tilll'hi. IIlId in . . . . . . . ~ P: I .. '!' ';' l' I' po !" !._= kllllw a.re a bl'utlfl nbout III thl'lII Iy assumed churge of the b1l811let!S I·tlre iUlU"(' uut in tlle 'll1I·j[Jy el)i B I>' - : : !iI!iI?l!il: ~ ~ ~ ' U(' ...... ts ,,'d L_t>• t I 8 C K NEil. 1·1 M I.' D omtnlqUEl .. b t ... . 1 , - , ... I IIIttl lJUli. • on ~ wr gu 0 1 wile Will! 11 I10U thet th 'lt ortell tolls the whole CT' :;- - - IoD Sully MOllnt i sill'S I!:".t Ivts "I' 11111- . 'Herc's It p~tty go. Smull! vu hi8 pl'olollgod exctlrtlioLJs, ulld stul'y, 'The plot is sld\l 'i'II11 y CO,l ' PV , jl!( ~~~;~i:~~ ~ i~' ney. all~ a house tilrlll~ht·d'. I'('ndy ~1I:ull! M I'd , SllIull! Illltl86 II!ey tl~)k su~h guou cUfe, that the ~Oll of ' dl\c\ell , IIUU 1110.-0 id 11Il hli'"C:ahIC~3 A;O>U .~ ~ _rr '" '" ~... 0:>'!' ::.. and " 'Ultin, I lI!&oulu II)" \'UUWUtl l l'o all tlcuf allu du~b. ver.rtl\l~lg Pierre 10Ulld, one dllY] that ~lIlj Q~. iiI :11l) h 'ltlt1 lllt is cllllo'miwl, Fl'om I S1LV1.'1>GLOS.::!S'}'ARCH -AND-·~ . I ~ ::::::s ~ p i~Q awflll swOOI 0 hc;!' shut up; hl,tI:;o ns tight us u cuflill . Iy roof WtlS th" sky above him IllS II ,. t' t tl I l .J t>t till .£j \. u . t' l • .. II I I ' b B b ' !. 10 II II Ie HS \#Il llJ! I', • I .. 'Nvw: .1I,'p~v . .vlIll're ,enllll~11 til Til: ',I I w:~\;!(j n oy.- \I ,Whl'l·t' tl ollly foot-hold the p.18nk~ ot. IllS rcudel'·tI in tul'ost ill thl.' <:Itv l'y IIcn:1' Por the LauudarJ'. ~ I :P.t:;lcH"'~lCg~t:;l~'" muke a tclI,'1' BWe/ll·. llillt.H 1001' :l11.l::)lIIull. bUllt, Strungc1't! ocouk~d , MA •XU ~'M'I't; IIt:1l IIV & !:t!~~!! 0 ~_ "'''~'' r;::;. iiI;' II S i l l )3' 11 S . I\I~ tath· I'UI' a Ul · ll1e t h•. t\ : ll"1. U·10; U U l' " ".)t)lI, Y • -, ~ "" ... :J ;:rP"'" r ta litlleholltd.ySull l e~Jo\l~It.1 1I1~! J ' I'II'I; 11111 I. ' IIItlJJyorddho\lB~,alt?Jub Ittlet~lswa8\\" h : c hi tluxcitu,,7i1 t he vel'y cOI;I · T KINGSFORD&SON ' ;' I ~ g-t;:·cs 5' ..· B~· lj' yoo know I CU I'~ Itture luI' .r"ul' Itt mean; hll tI tor thu barr'lll,' IlIUilter buddor III Old Hlll'bor, POltl' lIle ICClllOllt r the tal e' thonl"-J ' . , . g 1011!l ~ f' ."; "§ -i c:: tlo finger thall I du forr the htlll kit 'Where ? wh,,!!e bel'r'i ll?' lJulJlillique! he cumfurted hiUldtllf' I" 'till' I l it~e b I't I: u the i 1 /,,' iJ",e ,'tur,.f/ ;/1. t/',> lr" ,.[rl. . I 11 ~ . a. ~ir-Ig: lSi nndpoesuufl'emillillc8inUIIIHal' I 'Uldl::itoklla; II OSpCg!;l:dollt,' \\'ithhiilj'l'ielldtheucean,ullduttlte~t~'Y I~~I;" .e .t!ed itl~IOlt':~lUplctely laVES A m: \I·TlFI·1. F I ~I~H 1'0 AIIIO,Olllooforthe'Hanu(aoturoandSale;)f , &; t"<> II .,1l t~1 bur' an,ln" li,r tlCin swe~t didn't 'Whell will he btl uuck I Bvw c\use of oue weary t 'Dlpe~tllouB : Ii I C ~'I tl' ....' b't "H~: LINE .... "lid 1"0 c" 11",lwcr" it un,l 0. § a .. ~.~.~ ~ 'ell . If ' I t k f I h t . I d ' 1d ~alltl el , IIlItl Ie OUlw&ln 18 a 011 comm "' .lnrch i. ~c" r"eh 1",11'" ce llt I'" r nIl 10 ~ yer t 1110 yerllc to go all' II ;C , a~ IllS ~ gl,nll , IIIg It! weut VW~I to .S eep un er tv dl'Vp lit Ille III0se of tho book. ordin~l'! wn.hi llg. " .. k YOUI' IP'OO I 1;lr it ':'! ~~ ;0. 1;1 llerout,whOll8h080tstucku p a g lU lJUllllu; up to Cleves lot.' thekllld protectIOn ot the waves, 'J'hOI'Clllillit....a lJlellu ·u ofhcul't -U ~1"':::0:cr=~1 -='r the wall like 1t!1 old oo~ V Nu, Hc\>" 'Where's his ~jte V' whi~h mercifully 8hiel~ed him from UIlU hlit))l ect 1'Cll.lIy wo~!el'ful lind IUl'IGFOIlD'8 • - III. ~ ~ 8~t):::z;i~ II! ,~ 8Y, I'm 1I0t gOlD to give ,,:ay lur ·WI~ut,. NUllcd She's g?lIe, too; all future scorn all~ pity. it!! delille:ltivns of charllctc; lue OSWEGO CORN STARCH t;1 : 'd ~ _ == anybudy. I sec·that J"b Klttilltall Itot.h I'IUIII the grt.'8n w&ggln, I'm Job was a reul lUllkee, and lov· vi\'itl d"lIr owelful lind X( l1i". \ " , , . ~ ?:;::: ~ , . I Id 1'01' 1 !til 'Ul.gB, Blnll c Jl/(£IIVt', U makin e'·fS Ilt yer "IIU a grillll ill ~ill ufoot; I S!UCl!8 I'll git a Iin.- cd women as much as hll luved " 'N 'bP t.zj q ._., . .,_.•..•___ ., ... __ ._... " It J .H • I t 'il" • Itt.. vila ut a woman COli T~n O" e-llII Et,· . IlI1 vver wltt'n . .YOII Wlitl n UIIIICIII. galO " IIU\'e WI'ltton . ,It- II 1\0 b ut a womnll .z." "" !:a . 1 un 0 ter go • I E " rId · . tl4 ' \ J I'tI o.l!<' ~ :?tly I Hepsy IllS Il'J.,f8 lookedn PUlt'l ' IIV, tllllllk you. 1 wanted Mr. It 18 not to be supposed that such oi. I I' I d Id· Is Il,e o' l:'ln~ - .tub ~I.e III I '. , " f7.l 63 ~8;:; II! ¥= . Id b k.' [ .".' 't tl ' k S II' 1I t '1 tl ' be r'. I f ) I' b i t Itl II~ ItlSt 01' III' (:011 give p,·e-er,·,·. 110 r~r uL"t"'b ". , Tn " " '.. C Z ? 01 o. ro c t.,ng::l. .UIU,II 1111 , 11I1I, II I, lere s ~ . r !!I, a sweet rose 0 aug ling canty SIlCla skctohos of chul'a~:tel'. It is •.• """ Iud " .......SL"· . ~t: I;," n nlly .... . . ., i' i' ~S ~ tiC 1I0tblll whclI la" \l'OS IUllhn r"llnll till1 bight.' and could paIlS ....1 \II ' ulle Iurge d uo,IeCIUlO . 0.1"" nrli"lo01IIftlo~hl'""' \.IUU vh ~r· ~IC< I (j) B ~ ? ._. ~ I. • 1supVO ]' II·het'WUII tthbe homc ~ '.' freahnC88 h . and relluse r I'll bl ·III IIw 'd ,eiLher c nllme '" _. __ y?u. B ut Id IUC 1.~lc 1I u,lU Cv llllU \. '); 111\ ."fle ~. tUnem guetlt ulB 8 Op, ene~uu~r hl~ ILt meeting, vulllllltl. \)uulld in 1Il0l·0CCO cloth, C • or with o~ber ~; 'I C8 g' 5: I lIIp;her!' I" . WUII .1~~tOIlIIl!l; <:)11 liS wuy to the eu· ~Ilnc~ a~d PICIIIC8, wtthout arOU8- ~ilt h"ck lind side, IIl'icc $1.75, ~TI \' E"O~ ~fA UAIJA •• P" II .. I'.c , Iho "'Q ~ ~~~~~t~~~~~[ II! 'Hoi ho. cxclallned tho"I!lu~e lurtulllmellt, ~1111 Mr, MUnlh'" Fcn· Ing.wlthlD him uu uneasy ioll~lU- IIlId will be fot1nd tUI' lillIe by nil hi/<he8t,·h"m;'·nl.ftUlh",I,,: .. r Enro"e. I'.re: • ~..:; ~ ~'''' !i,,'Q,,' " btlnu:r; tUlSIIill1l her head, '1 til' e therftr, stood lrl'C801ute befure Mr. m&tlon that was all die wore VlrU· b k II •. f ·t "11' full.,' .".Iyocd Lh,. CO'II 1"111I'C h .. ,,1111 .. 0 fI' po • • • • '!' '!' .., '!:f jO I ~, 1k ~ &1 I. . S I' d . II d 'd t I I l._~_ h &'. II "I I" Vol "e el'S, or cUPles 0 I WI LJe I. " moP' uceJl~nl II rllclo .. r ,I ... L. AnI ' 0 _. ...,; p .•.• a" t i! " Ii /. you m YUtll(! Ie 011) lIIall .111 mu II 001. O. I no, lo,,:ev · ~n,t ~uBe t e.e ow Ie t liS lila· tlellt tu IIIIJ Olle, Iv lLIlY II'luce. pOlSt. chemi."1 ""~ li'~11l4l : l,"ope.·ticI i8 fully CI s' .' ... Old Harbvr; Ihem 1IffJI' llIJ !Jus 8J1llt 1ever, poBtle8II' suffiCIent magnetism blbty to pUl'Ilue sny manly ntteln{>t paii:l 011 rcmittillg $1 70 ill u' letter G'IU ,I lu Ib" be.' ",,,,wl·Q.,I . -ANDS' If -yon. I goes!! Mr. Job KittloUt!! IIIt8 ,to attract thtlllnllch of key8 which to attain her favor. With aU h18 I.' bl ' I ' ' .... IHrecfioOIIO' ml~IIIg l'I,ddin;;., OU.' ttir<h = ; ~~_. ~Hl~~~ z? . I 1 hecbUJdL':IUll J ' Ito k lIew IIIIl1gUj.ltlIIUleWlereIllI!1I0, I . . i urrogaooo,efIironteryalldchloanory" . to tuo pll .. IS leiS. "c .• ""u"d Gpack,.S"· =-F· ~ •.~;':"''''''''''''CI Q"oo~ UI'lglttogowlere ••••. 'If .. '., ceo"'!,A"Y "'-I. each all(l1.. no·I~I to ~o &II h(! chllosl!8:. At Ull,)' ruttl, out to bi~ balld" Mr. Smull hud he was inwu.rdly oOllsciollS that,the I Hgl.I' TO .MIITIIEKII NURSING IN· 617·~11ll e, . . . . . ....,,9 ;'13 aaaBe 3 ho Isn't alllltl prolD181n '''noxt sum· Itlhllrge ot olle vt the Old Hurhm' heart ot a good, purtl woman 18 a .'A.NT8.-1t IS a conccded fact t1mt - • lOer," "IICxt 8ifmmer." He's ' got u cottugetl, now cl08ed mid impervi. citadel that uo strategy cau conquer, mothel'S who hll.YO the c:al'6, IIllxie· AMERICAN WASH tiLUE. --'"?--~ good trude, alld don't go oft'l"atl!lg ' o~s. Mr. F~a,therfly Will! a 'Bwell,' He looked II:nd I?nged. and smarted ;ty ulld dl'llll~ht of nnl'8i~g infuuts Por Laundry and Ho:uehlJld Vie. I I dllYS alld tluy8 on the water With a sumlUtlr vIsitor of Mr. Smull'8 uuder herwltherlllg gib;, and went Ill'e WCilk ulllI ne(\d tho uld of tlome "'A~ I ~ .. T V. .. .. AT 'IIIK "",cells," 11 sailin and fishiu Mnd patrull, lind had como duwn with mad and behaved like a fool when '8tl'ongthenillg touic to make up Americ(w Ctt l'l l/fl I /,l'illt' JJ~ ,I'I:"~, '" II " We would,call the atteDshootin. He sla1s to hUlu aud fol- Mr. Vitus' permitlsion to upen the in her coquettish moments 8he lured Itbe noul'isltmcut l'eqnil'Eld for the I'IIlWABK, N. ... 1tiOD of Teachers and othen lers M"-'g'lar buslnCl8, And more, houlIO and take out sowe of his him 01.1 to a giddy hj~ht, jU8t for lehild, Ale, porter, and luger beel", Our W•• h IlII1 I" lhO! }Ie.~ ill Ihe wurld. l' iDterested iD music, to the by tokell won't GraDn- give me al)()rting equipment.e. the pleasure of nnettiDg b,'m aDd . ha ve oneil beOIl recommonded." dOl" ",,1 .1 "'" k, "~"I"'''' ~"I!'lng Injurl. , J . , . . , . , . • OU8 to b,!nllh or lubl1t, lllIil '8 ", ell \r,. nil follo win fita' She IIOnt me to look after Here he aud hla frIend Taylor seemg him spraw below In agony. Of late, 8111ce phY81clans havo be· tbo IA,~e I"undl'! " II" AI'Cllu,,1 ,,1'118 p l e " _ _ , . I .. •l g "!ork~,as bel~ t he Pont and the clam8. bn't that Poot arrive .t the inoppllrtuno moment Coquetry, my deaN like Love come n\\,ul'o that the P'ort Grape Ing elf"cl nn.1 " I"'ftpne ''', Su: o";or (or WayncMYlllc. ~uly)". 11:I11i. . best of thell" class : the lazl08t dog' Pont I Pont I' when the lameoted Stok08 has oho· knows no rank sex n~r age' it ~ Wine produced by AI~red Speer whl~.a .. hh!r· I'ul up ,In pl\Ckage.cllnvenl. • . . Pont emerged from the other !II de IIOD to '~ out.' ' . the lieritage or' all Eve's daugbtera. of PlUlIIaie, N. J" is stl·,ctly pure: .n~~~rA': :II~":,ll ~~~,~,.'::~~~..r'.?,,~,;~~ael·l~a;.• ~• • of the boat·honse, w.ith hie weU.I~. Bat he 18 a man of resoU.roe8; he Repay waa couscious ~hat Samp. they ha"e pI'CllCl'i~ it, ills~ead . ot ~k fo;, t1:~ '~I~.~a,: '·A!< .~.\ "n ULI·a. If YUII i/ A new Clus-Book ""or Fe- 'e den barrow, and hiS mouth 8uapt· h88 nOf; beeu a 8portsman since ba·. hon08t aod true, 8tralghtforwi;d ale aod pol·wr. TillS w~ne IS pl1u· OI&nll ~~:..,.. J:!!";_ It ..... eionely full. byhood, not to lUtow that there are and loviug, wus worth a milliou eipully Bought fur by mOlthers wbo om "c,7!2 Willl"m ,'1r"tII. Now \"o,·k. Voices. Price per dozeD, lYea,1'1IO here, Mi88 Hepey. I more wal8' of ~kjng asalmou than 8uch keynule 68cap68 Il8 KittletaB i have ollt'8ing infRlltlI tit the breast, ~ . ·, per. dozen. Saaple Copies, bin diggio like bllU'Al8, and I'm a by6peanng him. but 8be WIl8 pretty, and a woman, as the be8t supplying IllcdiulU to C O. ail d t aid _ ..... .... nnln aa.fut 88 I kiD,' He trampe back to the olosed cot.· and knew her power,' and therefore be found. The wine iB \'Iieh in bo(l.. The most popular Sl'ngmg' dally MIUluflUlturo8 al\ kind. of Bnlad & Ouko me, pos·p \If on I~Pt for W~Ylle8vUle IUId the 8urroUlllllillf I $1 . . lOb, POllt, how dare yoP' YoP tap, inforlD8 hia friend, Taylor, of would flirt, , and 1I0t into. icutillg bot gently . - neir.hborhood. Spooilll ..Unntion itt !fi.~11 0 • know that Slme dug every elam the melancholy cat.atrophe that Of "'I dnys iD th~year, ou tbis 8tilDUlutillg. DI'lIggis~ gonel'&lIy IBook ever published. Pricej to u",loWing tbere. You ve bin a eatin 'em, and has taken the custodian Smull oft' eventful .April day, Kittletas·took keep it, nuil 11011 it lur .a dullar 11.'.760 per dozeD Sample CAKES FOR WEDDING 3 aIry . if you don't run .home y~u'Jl get on an erranll o,r .mercy (not crema· it in hi8 head to pay a ,,:ieit to the Ibottle.-EJ~Qui,'el'. _ _ _ COp'ies mailed p~st.paid for AND PAU1'IES, A 01 D ...I. fa • bl.,.. !--Good bye" 8amp. tory, we hope, If all reports were beacb. He had no p&rtloular hur· Blackool'l'ies were 8 .. gt.'ne 7 ' , h' rl . ) I k UIouuva r ~ . lOb, Hepey, don t go OfF 80,' ex- trne, Mr. I:!tokes had bOOn bnrning ried wprk, and hie head 'had been . . ' 6 cents. . ~. 0 notIce. .. .... l!ep Used in all-tbe priD.olpaJ ... claims 8amp., aei~nR ber hand, himself up with tho bad combu8ti · in a bnzz ever siQco the UllrfCO ou IIIS8 RiCHIE B. Address . J. L. PETERS; Schoo" PrIce' ~ it (III , hllo'S . uf Old Harbor tuvorn8 ru,: !Wed.lesdllY· Hepsy hud talked 1\ . . . . . . 'I'm miserable wben Ie 848 B'I'oadlcay, New York, at aU ho~.... and ..lipply ( d a ... _ple" your ltjgh bOlhl, a tackin In fllliIl 1yuarll.) gll.J<! deal t~ him, aud being u little ... ItIt> r)~ oJ S."ple· .. Wid F G" ri neD. utUD copiel Mud ~ill nbout. Do BIly yon '\lve The geutlcmen then illdIl8tri(Mls- , vexL-d ut Sam}), hud boon l"l.rticu· . ~u 0 aln 'iH~II'IU;'ilmIiIIiJjOI.illJ"lliIN<u& anc1 rooa ea. eel, poet-paid; ' 01 ......"" , me aud that yuu'll cum!' 11M Iy "itlilct1 every 8id~ 01 the buutu '1llrly chllrwillg to $Cvcrul of hur l "",!"':r=.. Seal I., .all 'or 10 C", 1:. B.•·,ltIl., )I .U,. ... Thu lligb ·.t ~,"rk ·t PM .... paid. iu ~ , • I U L&II\lIMiW I " ........... A.e., New" .... £1.. «,,,,,b ur lrud", fur Ouulltry Procl1aoo. UU 08D_
-.t='a Year ."t:::':':a" t3.'lo. Dab,.
... ..........
-Dak° . I .
6". 1
An ~dep~nderlt F~~c~~
,. .
IL ki
Glasses, Candnctin[ a Medical fUGticn /'
IPlcture Frames,
J. L. Z-E"LL,
(""~n': TI
-s:-enne H ouse,
: t'", ..
Un de r t a kIn g
lJt.lU.u ,. ctt'tSemtnts.. OC! "rE'G ., 0
;.' r::oj!
I .(".) . ,;: i
T I,
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UP·"Y '1'01l1l:
VllIITI i tDre
Dr J
I\obb's i
IIlpPQdRQ,IIlQ E . .
Song E h
r.ne _
eD. QitYt' :Musical Chimes! BAK ERY '9 A
__ ... _
I C"E"· (j,l-t E A l\llid
f ,ltANhT IN
TYPE lilt ,
"""7 I
n I 1U~lc t l rcr. polllledwlth prtde to the g rowth f f thClr IIIllcH of from tl\O to fOllr hUll Ired per cell~ IU four y~nrH referrin g 1;< 1 till e whell c\ cry Im)IIHtry n the Of I IItry ,~ U! highly stimulated The IIIcrCllSC In thl' production nud 1II\le of the OhIO Vall Y PIn no Co 8 V .lIey Ocm nnd 0 r tllll & lle Pumos dUTlng the PIlAt four y enrs two of wIll h-Bance the 111111lC of 1873-1 Ive been yC1l1'!! of gencml depres,lon hll8 heen five /1111 tl cd pc C<11t IUd might l1I1,e heell grclllt.er werc It 1I0t for lhe necc/4I!u rlly slow growlh of au IIId\l ~try where months of tlDlO mU8~ he takell to produce n ~ u penor Irtlole nntl the dotermltlntloll of themllnufll tuTCI'1I til Lt llotlUlIg would III !luce ~hcm to hurry U 0 work or III lily way cndanger the qualtty and durnblltty of tit i r IlIIIn08
I tod ill from
OME East rn l)IIIno
hn~ e
Blood Pills GABLE
TIlE 8m
Do not bo above your bU1!I1I Ill! lIO mnt.ler wh"t tit lt lIlay be but trn e to 116 tlte belIt In Umt hne Ho whu turns UJ) 1118110110 ILt 1118 work qunrrels with 118 .\ HAr.JFAx dj8pat it Ilys tlllt &11 IWr KnlllbllCk II dwelltllg 11I11 Ollt 1t0UI!C@ at A ~OVJlI but practlcn) IIIIJlroVCIllll"L 1 u\l(mburg 1\1\!1'O IlIwly diltltroyed by exhlbltang ch_ OLl anle dllY Ii! in hre, nod II wr¥ant mlllllUld womnn " erc III baYIng fIIlmple _ fellemblmg physl bu roed to denlh The tiJt'm befll of the clane ml'(iJclne CMell, eacR vUII bemg ranuly nanowly Cl!()I\ped WIth theIT umform In 817.6 representing n 88mple or 1 h'e& c.aeh day II mMe The cheese-trter \>('THE '.-g101l around rAke up4!n(lr II 109 a trl lie emaller tban the an Ide o/tbe Oy!!'rrun br exploring partia. In ~h of vlal t Jlve" you a cyhndTlcal specimen .. Iver which I eald to abound ID Jarse retainmg Ita Savor and clmract.er com qllallI.iUea. plete.
brend nnd butter Ho 18 a poor smlLh who quarrcl~ With hl8 own sparks theTC 8 no hnme al,KJllt any ltOlll'ilt CIIIL lug don t be afnud of eolhng vour hnndlJ, there's plenty of 800p to lie bad You cannot get hOMy If lOU IUD frlghlr ent'd at bees, nor plant corn If you arc afraid of gettiDg mud on your boolA Above avoId luinetlll. There I plentl to do IU It, and we mu~ 10 work that 'he world will be richer becauac of
our hariD, Uved In It.
lELIA aLE, "'11, .... "'FlcrlllT P aOli", Portl •• Ute ...... ,...1a&e!1 '.0 Lhor •••
IM ...U'. 01'1•• ' "11.... u.. ,.t.,.1 ..... .tll......... II, t.dlpotr... __ Fer ..I. II,
" ' A Y ER\,I LLE. OH lO. " 1~ J)
III \ 1"1 IIIt IllnOUllt lhat will cr~ltubl~ Til (I } II t ,\ lIIt'r ICRII n eTO I litI011 - , c1nthu I - -E trnortllnllrr JIIllllllll8' Mat II. 'I I 1" d k'~ liol\ many pl'0l'le Rr th re Ilucnr- t !.; " I It: Ti > ou < II tl8 gro\llllg IrHC J,) III'S l RTI H nil tortol av ~"e lr i\r Ie- the XI''' r1~an 8 R l'} I/){rcntt "bo know ICUI)l('I, 100.1, "II~ (Vld,uh on tI", n \<)I1 s l'arlly OUt..ltlO or IlUI of'l1Lhm th ~t III ].(lUI InnA 11 ~IT bile!.: n 17 1hc JumpIn g I1lllhh IOl101If1 o take thl're 11 1\l!11II obtcU1ptIDndl' to e labll! h a r.11\\ e !.et"cl'n thl' d LrHI d JumJle~ ] ~lll-nw Mlo r alJ(l wt'f'1 l't'rlult6 1 , Wl,nt do you IDpnn by !!4IrviCCt!' the body I \ .. llh '1 ttre uu IN Ih lI'I4UU .... hOlll!elVllrk' I !lin ur /I home 18 Ill! ANAPA count u(lOn a nhf,,1 har republi c upon III "U ti of ortb menea, JI\l1\ W f r lOll" of (lHClgO nnd much (or lour IIDtlilfilctwn 118 fur mine I LllllM Yl'l1r, nnd he ho thereb) 10 llnd thlll III e 111~en8 of New rlellll Ltl/lJcrt 11 R) III of thI S ("I ), II1IK detllld 1 11111 HI1r th \J\ll"r <Iocs nOllelwe coun terb,,11I1I e th pmsc nt 110 IIlr d 1'111<1 for the /ltl mpt lth lit Ir Ill e ~ clded 111 Il.oolwn J ) terdll) III u h III Illy K'IVIIII? for) ou to 10" 10n t)ICrl' , i uch 18 Lh fnCl lind tho dUSlY record A IlIrge r rOll(1 1111 1001.:00 10TIIllrd to t 1 don ~ cUlIlplll1ll of hOIl!!Cllork, or of nd I I III tht' ulh elnl nrcluvcs lit Mildrid and WHh cagt'r Illt rc t lI1d therc wcr Irlrg ·III.n, vour I<C \\ !fIg bllt 1 d. thlllk tlte lIu mrc~l:iY LI l'lIn. hellr te IIIOUIIY to th<lr' gllilunt Lilt !!luns of mOlle) Iltl l'-too tin lhe re lilt. , \I I frultl en lelll or LII ~t '\[ondIlY th mcn JllmpllIl three 1 I an 1( 11 of "HIe Johnny h118 11111"lIulI 011 1111' 'Cullnua y It oocurrell sbortly ,flcr Frllnec hud ~~nll d\llg JI1I11 P~ "r 0 n Mlrl c, when 1 L ~trlkt'_ I II'," 1iI1lr! hI' \lltla I pr.... ceded I UI Il10a t . 1"1111 1 helpll' I,yun \I II- I I Ili rl U_ J111111J1nK 3G fect TilE A~rtc llltlll'lIl ])01 artltlllnt II I. "tl A'IllvV 111m Ihr ,vlI"ny "her nug lubniJllAnL!! ,I.llkcd lhc Irun ~ r hut "f III he. I ( e1lt1l 11 Imm dllltl'lv chll loklllg ",IIII,JR'II l of tUlle, " tbut If tlslle colic tllltllgclhn 111 Icn ~t'lI~ )UU tllr n d II ~ Il\lI1g )011 1I0uid hnv g('t \l orth II hundred lin 1\)' dollul1I the} II f O poIINI 8~ to hclp tI o l1l!;(ll\ e 1<>l1g<,d It)UII 1 Illutla rconteKt, o.nd on Ir", to !lily llbout Iho ill1rllw filli'"g 011 IIll1 Ch m ou c.xp re , IUOl He Allhough tho PIIIIIII((I_ formerly I1 C MOlld Iy 11Ight IllunLch WII mad Ih wlllch ..how Il ult III 11l1ll1l\ry Itlilt ther lUll th ught It \Ill!! ILcobble- to c pted tho I(lft III 17112, tho hr~t ,punl. b oond,tl0118 of the OOI\t<"t yeKtertlay" r wor III tb e , lllt< 011 houf I4 J I 1 1100 11.11 III \\ er mohol1c.IILlv 0 Poofthl' grl'll t evil ~o\eruQr. lion d ld uotnrmo 111 [,()lIIKI for tb o men tu jump ono I!JOgIOJ U111P, 101l n hog"- I he Wuro ,lIv Illed D o YIlU work hu nler r fln)' Ion r tion deenvlngl"",h Q a f na unCiI (OUl r . 1 ea h to u VO I lrl I, for ~ a • IlIdlllll' ..! t 711 000 JIIIIIUI III \V Ihll ll ~ ou dll helvro h e II nH oorn r vltal MgnullllllH Llmt 1'1 uro or t'OIOIll8t~ blld ma e up the.r mind tb d~rl!-~ t."'~"''''_Ili~.lItt~~~''~'''. hili 11, 3, l\I ),0011 M' il>IV url I don t kllow lUI [do ...'wi he I IlO t mllrit do lL!! 01111 work like 111m I1lh] tltcy dnl !!() Ho l!eOIllS to conte~tallts enm vri 1 0 111\\ 'YK hard 'I'II B (I Illl1'8 (111 cUllnry I.ul I1111 () Ile~ II n /:11) soou., I11I1I10rt'l:, I lIoi till" )\110, J,13-1,OOo h elltu cky 1,706 01)0 nmlI w, \10 (lll\l J ugli Rut' 1I0W 118 to I '" rOIJlUlcne d1lt)RII' frl ellds b'llLlDg Wellworke WI ~co n .lII , 67 OUO It Iii (~tlll1llh I tit It 1 I 1 '~ -IX th outlUlld Igh t hlll1dro<l l ory dulilllue t rlller, \l ho tned tu lIultlll S 011 to tllhut e lIould \\111 Me o Inn\, I r, 111111' you 11111 alluw l our clollird IIl~t yenr \Vhf do ullrllly ij U~ect;. 111111 f,'und thn t he hlld IIrclghlulI nllll ~lltl It 11 w ro tho Judg , B ONE T lI1t1ust ry hn brougbt many a return. from ol/aur !-it Ih ij II III IIllkl LlI ~"flfllf UI\ller of 111m lUI thu luwal lOlvK i I nll,l Wnllrr M III lltW 11 WI cho n ClH pent('r LO til allold h.'g crop r, r till. )Ulr over I fI,OOll,OOO 'our elllll' l ! Conlrolover lll'll H OlY 1111,,,1, gel'Ml nl (lOrtClll18Iy!!Ce( nn "0 1l1111'C 1IIII1IIJOI IUlo 1111.: lhty ' ' I I I I. ., v OIVU b,rdK ? wem unc1a Ja ze<1 bcCIlUIlO h I11l1rrJ n l r .cre/' 10 g r lllll uCll1g prol)l1r d, AN ounce or lIIother "iL 18 wor th. a do y( II 1111 lur hll1l t f PAllA OLS Cltcogt In the II It i IOUt II IC 101 8ent 0 " F lither 1) 0 IIl1d th o IIrrnll~\fIl('nt~ lor til ,,111-' , .,. (lOlll1d of IIook I IIr nlng HAil 110.1 II CO"'lru,llIm IICCIIIH tu bo I mlllltlllll hUll I domYl,nrt' "-. t ' .11 , •. I ' I I t'CUi cti the 111111 I bt"'llll I'r IOI'nIl OII "N J I dllY (Iurlll" tbe" cnled t vcr IlIlu lur. ""cnlt ICtlell. to 1I\ 11111l . . ., 1111\ bud \VII VLhe worhl • vt:'r Il"J rt:'cen t A or woll at th e lU omen~ and YOllbav " 0 OIU youllro l\rong, youd ol1' t ,., 'or ' IliS CIII II( \V liS lIot 1"('U'810 tbet\l~'"UlI]tylll1hnd toJ" l1Il)/tr t Ihe "Y arc i.b report of the Bntl ~h 110 Ir I of J rude fit , I0 },,"r r Irt .., . l1,m tb 0 first you nover IIICIOUS Lblll'!8 ., <w r" II nu I.l roc t lor f I _., I cro W\! lurmcd 10 tllO h'let!. (Iud ro"d d l'orl orUlcd n gooclllctto1J to 1111 eternl t.y I J I I b wll1 c l~ 1!O many flll!llIolltu,le IIIU nu u 0 IIrnlf la gOIl\l elloug '1Il1r t th cX IHHl8 for the t1r. t hull fl f lhe yo Ir IIIC ) 11 110t \l eJlry mont IR go v 111 tbolr fil'~1! Ih a eulfll1l~t.t COllll'llUIICd 01 hl~ prCllClIcO upon Lho Cf)III~8tllllt~ llUt 1lC(l lllllljr t~) be ]1'1 n ot h cour t a WIL swore to I hUlh ) (u bore IIU pl1LIIhlllever 111 tho ~ t'" () I b d I I h h Ihe hll t IItrllld 01 boln" Rtrll ck by tbe the Id 01Jtltyof 1\ chIcken fr m Its rel!C.mshOll !lUlt .!'iU,a07 lOIl Mor nlllrond !rlllllll hLrrlrn1' 'luy.tutulnumberof olBfcHlnU,o 11In .,u1t{',1 ow th rrllllM, ut Ite llC M llrl'( t llt e hnd d unllJ\.. .. LcIi~ 01 tho Jlllllper~ " 01 "hlln taye<1 lit Dllh7. A ~ Ityall 1111\11\,6 to I Ut 1I10t.bcr nil kllHIH 1\I' ro cxported III I 75, IIg 11 list \\ ..11 thllt I ~ ell rlOU8 C III plnllllng, eDtm R UIi8I11n Em plr III J.urol'e for CI\llti months 'l hoy Mh II t b,m ul1d stel'(,1{ d fllr w ud to th mnrk to mllke the ItIll) 11111 1 N( 1I0UII 1_7,I07 tOU" III I llil lhe ltporlllllst II hut II ou ld yo u IUlI c m il do l' lind A@ III, I~ 8,200 In Ido n "Iflne 111' \\lle 01lL.,1 /!Oclety, IIld th ella()cuHlJd ti l1ltJump $tOO to. 70 \I IS offcr d Ihnt ~~i. :11~(tI)I:I~kt.~a~d ~:~ne "",,,, 11.-1 111111 K lJ ood ycnr wert' "uLhclellt to I 'y four lhout:!llnd lIefe /I th o I I«a:c CD I 10t ever Awt(l, ~ 011 1111 ht hll\lO got 1\ !!Crvnnt In thore uro 580, aM IU EllgI 111111 Wlllc& hlln of hl1ugll tv xcl u . vencll8.. 0110 of he \\ ould Will lind th e odds \l ere r~lldlly It U IJ II mir y "01"' c.. nnwtuga d.t.luk-en hono l it: r ~lrl"ll ,lUll" nlll III HC{' I Ight hund red Ilnd 11I C lillie uf tfllck stead of l eLt Ill~ all the bou!!C\\ ork fall on thor nrc 1),280 th e SCI re cflllrg IIgR1l1Bl 111111 '"\11 tbat t4lkell by l te IIllln ij fncndt!. On the JllIo like III ml .. bl.r M.ud TI t! chll tnou • llJUf'M J m wltb lb. t.ouL .1000 I , WIth lift) l.x po\lud8 of Iro n, LllOsc 01 ONLY 150 COPlllll out of 2f. 0 pn nwd ho III Ide the In babltlll1ts of No" OrluII8 firet I rll1l l ynn gr 1"1 d 1118 fifteen IlOlIud me Or you nll ~hl hlLl e kept a hor8C I!O Throlgb llli 'J )Clr lI uft! krll hcr tUfU 01)' ~'cr lj:rcen that l eon Id mle out alld ellJoy the flne of Nnpoleon 111'11 LIfo of C I bave bee II go HIX months out of tow r) 111 ordn to dumb be ll~ nnd l:OI ered 12 feot2ll1lcbes tbl~ ) tlllr only eno ugh for t\\O lholli<lInd I ~ you Itish 8UOCCl!ll In !tfe, make per'Halher but tbllt IJ\ all p"st 1I01Y " IIOld, aod the publish era 10 broujrhl wlllp theIr 11106 beclluilC, fOnKIutb MillO Freemlln, wllh II J:rIlceful ololl1 llO n sevO!'lID!!e your bosom fnond, experience nnd tllno hundred IUld forty se\ cn mllcs \"" Y' I- \\\lto 001 II \01 ••• hll • Or w ho d ~ to u.mo h1m ? • I R bould lill y lbnt it COI!t me enough H lIlt II1!;a1ll6t the ex E~p~ I lind tbe 11011 ~ uerves \l oro dldturbed by til e fo11o\loo Ilud landl'd o, er RY811 8 murk,' your Wl80 cOUl1(j6lor, ORution your elder or one tltOIll.llld IIl1d I g h~ hundr..d nllrl Or Llo~ It " tmglt.! IIt ur1 u 11. u the lIext broth er aud hope your guardllln geDlnll. fur th .. doctor nurse, ew, WIthout LIllk Pnuce I.mpc r181 for 175,00If(rll1)1.:~ daUI ~llTI eks of tbe I ICtllnS of tbe IlIlIh Whcn JUDlllUg 12 fc l 2~ mcllet! 1\ Ill. "1,,1,,, "" rCl lcle' fif\y-ci ght !l11lell Ie )toughly fll Ilk III';, Itlg ILbont kceplllg Ii horte " ugCS be saw ih at tbl) colonists hllli ng reod to Lrlal R) 8 U JUlIlt'Od 12 feet 41- Incbes -.ide/lI01l " hen wr 10vo " u catTI a t b the moraJ ,,!tho Il doubt Lho exporUt of II1Is y<'tt.r \I ero n\)(lIIt rru , tt (IOl!t eno ugh bUl I 8m talk LAon:s sulferlllg'from n~ou8 debility <lIsgrnce bUll III elcrythlllg, 11 6 gIl e iJut "hclI tho Judges lIL1uounced that -&I'lbn ... A ~IAN ollght to oarry himself ill the slItllUlel1t for tb e nllUntellA.1JCC of fl)rt ) ll1~ 1l00Ut tb e d, YlfIIOI1 or ihe burden IU 8ummer 8hould bewareOit! 01 er o.xcr up trYll1g to plellSe tllCm !!Coluded hUH E rCl'l11ll11 8 Jump 11 11 12 fecL tiJ mcll es li e world 1\8 an orungo tree Ivollld If I t could \\ II the part you bore m tho payment CI 109 The fltu.1t WI!.h 0 mlLlly III 8Clf nnd studied tiel n~e, to willch ho '\IS Wll.IIloudly. hecrell AII eyes Ivore In wl1tk up thou81lnd IIl1lr ~ of ordl1Jary IrOIl bllck lind do\\ n tbe gal'dob_wlDglIIg ONE 1tWIIT A E. of tho bdls equlII to my part 111 tho \lIla18ls tlmt they overdo bell tr) IlIg I d votoo Meuuwhde the populnr dlls.. tently \\lI wll1n g R YIIIl when he \.oe\1 th e perfume from every httle ccnscr It holds dllrmg the bill r) ar mailer? Waul" ) ou llIlve taken my lo rCCTlII1 lind tbUK8CflOIle!YI elard the.r co ntellt grew 1I1)IlCC 1 \\ 01ve prOmlllOllt mIlT!.: fur the Llllrd trill) 1100 to $UO W8B up to lhe aIr Cltll'()118 fornu'd" plot to Qlertbrow Lhe o'rorc~1 that 1 ~ccmun " ould WIll, l\nd Johll ' M ill I (Jno mght 10 my hU8- place for tb It mOllev If It were to bllvo Improvement.. A. PER N of l'lke's Pellk, wrl"lUg to a A GASP. of peCl1ll11r 1111 rcsL to lboilO G RAOF.R8 at the cornor of U, SlOIl fi nd ~p ,t! ~h uuthon ty ,,0\1 (»j \.ubll~h II rCJlllu th ere WIUl u chllllce 111 the bettlllg R) ILII hllutl 118 I p'ut my b'1>ket 01 w \vlIlg ImllY boen pUld yo II, 1118lcllcI of thosc wbo c&red who use OIlllImplI hILS JIIKt IJc n deCIded pre(llrtlory to retlfl ug .. Julu, 8S you lor Jon /' 11Itecnth Htn.'Ctp, Rn .FrILDCI8CO, un IIc undcr Llle prote tlOn of th e BrIti sh J U1l1 llCd 12 r, et ~ In ches 001111 tb\! l\11DI1e80ll1 Journul 8I1ya t.hat tbe mlDel'8 • Dlllutlhllvenlllll dlothe~tobuyr' eartbeda keg con ltll DIng $Old In !!Cll11'9 oHiC('r tb cIIColUma nd1l11:j at I'cllf<lu:vlu \IUd st ubre tlng bU L wh en Freeman Ilre greatly dl llCOUrllbPfld III that regIon, by the uprOIllO Court of Loua-Ulnu A go dll\\11 I(HIJ Or rO I~ mornlug, [ wlHh ,011 0, lr 1 llenL II Ithout now cLethe8 lind nuggct~ the valuo DC "Illeh IK va October!!(i 17G t UI! crl~18 came A rm cd followed 111111 ngull1 Inuded ovcr R) an K they hll'Ve lo dI g th rough a I!Obd vem of womun \If New DrlE'lIl1ti lHlrc!tnlIOO !lOme would stop \ltMr~ W c~L ~ door and leave lIf ull tIIlrt for II seaHOI1 and tbe money noullly esilmlltoo Ill. from !.bITty 10 eIghty L IU d" ucc upled tbe sLreet 01 Nell Or mark, th II lid st exen mont pr vall d 11\ OJ' fou r feet lluck berore tbey reach " non-Gxpl08Ive" 011-111 ti,lS I11sl4t ncc her fivo llollllnl from me 88ve /rom 1111/ wardrl)~, 8upphed alt thol1!!1lnd dollars. lell lls Ulloa flell to a fngllte \I bleb luy amollg the crowd Fre !Dlm'a Jump 1VUK th e gold , I "I) dolloral I\D <I my lord looked named "llCptolille"-\I III h ex ploded Ill! that \Ins needed and I mIght add tbnt A FREIGHT trR1I1 on th ' (l Trunk 011 th o cIty 1he uperaor CouncllK met, 12 fcet 9~ lO chl'~ At Oh loago 111 July A J..oUJ VII LE enloonlet h8ll/' Amen,al1d the \I oman IVIIiI filling n lamp, burll1ng a up qllll.<l Il8tomshl'd • For I\hai Y 1\11 ll1 otb er clotbl'8 have been got III Ule I Eo k Dod d cxpellOO III the ~tyl e of mor rc cenLd"vs ]810 Bob Way WOII th cblLmplOnKblp CRn learn cocktA1ile," It ReuuDgton cob'Vhy, ~h e 18 colle tlllg money to Iud Mme "ay , ral way, near e W , IUIIl II, 'HIS nil tllo "dlleroDts of 'lie other .,de ~11"1 of:AmeraclI, by co, crulg 12 feet llnchcs girl of olgbteen her daughter se~e re ly, that IlOCloty ahe 18 I!('cretllfY of, nnd lUI 1 blers, and" barp' flOe whIsky" The " ,., II detalned for balf an bour b y gru8l!hon.. « • " " a Tb I I d fe ,really, I had 110 Id('ahow much pers. Tbey were over an In( h thI ck ~;I adopted lin addre dcclarant t1l1\t tbe IS JUl1lp \1 118 tIe lest on re cor liP to fir tWill kIll at clght hundred yardlS, the lind mfllctfttg upon Iter If tbe burdon alwaYH felt IIIterested III ItI I told ber 1 of II murtyr you were Next you wllI... I to SIIP colony ~ IIl1eFIliDce wus duo vn Frallce Juno, 1870 I\\hI clI Ned' I url('s UD~ed cond nt nme hundred, and tbe last at and care of nur81ug the injured Clllld, ll1Jd \l ould glY ber five dollnrs 13"1 I B J,., ... eml I~, an d COUtle d t h e:w b II'S not pnlD bl8 \~n.~ II blind 'lila relll 'cc . Inc 1, lIa mll .c 1 WILL OU ny Ol1e thou!!lJlJd I. SIlnlthl II Ith qu1t~ IL how (:{ IU!8 Uf b e c IotInng mo III t he snmo wny How 118 If rUDDlng Oil grcll!!C the tl.xpon8l) or medlclllutd 1 be mllnl1 thankful 1 ought to be for I!O olllcniating Intellt 118 the nrc111 ves of I' inS sbow, 1\:\8 nt Bmghllmtoll for Iho Cblllnrllln~hlp of " HAVE you no heart T' grOAned a ger of tbo ptollDo 011 Compllny WIIS nllCe, though 1 rell llv fi It qUIte un cll8Y II \I Ifel So great 18 th e rArncjty of sl1nti~h to cSla\JIIsh II r public modelcd afLer th e Am cr.on, Ilnd Lbo filUl 01 Freem m Mlchlgllo Ill! t.o the recepilon of Ill y rl?l lu e~t fur woman wheu .he was .. Now, In the t\lO yellrs," IIIIJd r con LSW8, Rnd pIckerel III IJa'ko ,corgo thllt WI 8S Governmont UIIOII reported tu covering the ubovo dl ~tllnCI) created told that avonue IlIl1de dar. nd ln t, nnd .1111113se wore IUld Johll IS IILiher 1I0tl\)I111 1 111 8Dll1e of Ius be rstellk Willi sevent II ccnta t1l1Ulllg In tuc fllco IJf IU8 IIIlcor, /, all of fish ermen declarc that of tI,e l!evc uty or l\[ 11lrul On pilln WII M to transform the II furtlr 011 th fO urLh t rial ItYlI1I III. KIX thoutlllll.1 dolln.r -thoiIC f th e wily ho\\ ever, 1 Ilild bocn t!uglt.ntlllg II pOllnd 'No but I Illif 8Dme lifer dllugbter at live tholul.'lIId dollllrs, 111111 of I!O II1C II1lltlers la tely 111 111y Ollll Ulllld, the cll re lUl(l confinem('nt conf!CCl\lont on Ighty tboul!IUld trout Il.Ijwed III these c(llollY Illto u republic, undcr the I'rotec JUlllpelll2 leet LH w ehcs, amid t remon whIch you CIIn puy very cheap, ' WIL~ the \VlLters by 8cUI OreM s:<lircoly one II) I\. tlon or Enl1ltlllll. UUL,8ccIPg thu t. th ey ,lOUd cheOTlng ] rcel11rm {01101lCd, I\nd utLenlllllg Iho chtld bllve fnllen on me ICllrllud butcher II contlllUng reply lobe m(lLher one !.houMn\! dolhm fh e IUld d \.firnllnOO to mllke 1\ bold 811111d I hu~ e maungcII p.ome wo.y to IIccomplum a tbouSllnd will como t'maturlty could not obtallJ from her the IUll!ISt.nUC6 the rll1U beglill to como duwu Ho ' W I& 'lit Ie th ClIme the re":,ofi-~ III . . . . .l'....&. L[TTLH Ahce Willi crying bitterly, and I hou I ork d IICwlIlgua 1 used. I HOJ/~U.N H UN I lIR;ye ImOllt lin they lViehed fur. theyllame to the deier. I)d 1111l dJ mb-bell., Utllllg his fiflcen ~~~~~, d~ y 1Io!Hi 'dmte JIO"lbl 'ftir IIrti to WIUtou~ l~, and to. ~ of :r-powul bells After 00 being quest.lon ,ooofcl!IICd to having any.uc tiling 'I onlt apl> oftT:tut' Cltn 11 , red receIVed a lap from oue of her pla~ socIety at all, nud not one ccnt of my DId It cvcr occur \.11 you to t1unk how lioseed otl lUIthe nd ler I~n even ex trllm 0 un or oot tho orde 0' thdl,."J!~ '1'8 , . You 8hould hn ve returned " 1II111Iy tl111CII 1 have been t{l church Slllce tends to tbe scedH oot'o", tbey aro 801 erCign tie c om 1110 11 ~ hllll go to llell) It II llaId q uHUooe~ " groulld 1he only wily to II ake ~uru of For IiCvemimonth8 th e cololllste were inch, and WIthout malullg any gren I gllC It Oll t of Illy 1I1011(lY," lIlud J he \\R 8 born l' , You \\ ouldll t I'xpect n mall to take ~llIre 01118 t.o ha1'o tb e seed picked over left to rulo thell1 l!elvc 'lh el1 tho futuro fort I reomRn 1183 110'1' mnde "be returned It lJefore," IIIIld tlte little grcl\\ III!; bulclN I olll y III\k ~d you to Cjl ro ofll blll1y wottld} Oil? Thllt 181l' t n Ih, s lti not Il cil up procel!8 grew lhlrk f rllDce und Lnglnud both 1C fl\vorlte ILt ~100 to $60 and tho odds THE dlll\Lroutme of eXI~tonce devel ' Ie 1I(llt Ilt hrr dOllr for IIlC" AN excItIng tUll0 \I 11K recontly CHlllCtI A I F.H \I IUH<'C(,IIt1y mud.> o f tho buoy fuoed theIr Illd pllln l!ellt I ho I rlsh I~cre rOll(1t Iy tllken 0 11 the fifth trllli ops a coulltlus II.nd VllTIed a8llOrtment of J nu, 1I10ney 1 \vh"t .1o you 11\(11111 t m lIl'a 1V0rk JlI ColulJlb'l1, ~ uth Irolanl Ly pro J_n tit ? illlld I L.Herly ' Ihen I tint llOl\t' r of n 1(llf of th e IInl r hly 0 )tmlly, WIth t '\{lIIly fOllr 8lllps nud Uynll cUI Ned II g (~uLc r dl"tull c thun IlUIlOr mlHCrlE'/l, but wbich them lIur, 1111 (' \11 wI1l1t. lll:.ty-m!J 1I10ney lInve cecd ll1/!l1 ulldor 1\ hllhe IS oo rpu ~ fur L1w ro 1 nIl rl!;hL to ~ I lid 11IUIIlIV L8 \l ell lUI wouldll't hlil e rI haby I 11I1\ e ken 1.0 kl1O\l1l lUI tho VlCtorlll Hef,ll, III the I1Il1r tl1l11l tbree Iholll'IlIl(1 troops, t.)lI(\lze I re IIl11n ,umpllIg 13 (cet ~ mch Fre?" )JIU!8CS tbut ot findiug tbat lOme onll haa hnrch Ju~t fUllr tllll(,~, Rlld thcn i!f'Ime •. I a ) tho rellOilious col ny When illo Ilee" mIll! fllloll ed, IInil Jumpcd over Uv:tn @ ICIll!(l of C~ I rCII@lIl\lr J' \rk.r lito lip- V OII I T rio not R\'provO 01 the .MU"IJI1" walked otT WIth tbe I!llk umbre)]a which uotmllc gtln ~ J1 III. bel\t~ rl k~ \\ oru • k b t AI r io, I th ; 0 JUIIJ]l you hll\ OJust borrowed for five minutes phc.1Llou \Viii! rcoII IlI' f'!r< J lIdg" hil t lhllt ll\)c~ uot lIud<r YU II fru1l1spelld vlsllor hM _t.,lll Illth fohnny Hvw bellped oler ItR cntlrellre., 111111 Lelor It. ('tl llle III KIght Ild(lllllClIlg uI' the 1\h IH !lIlIr, II Ill)lJ( O1ln 1111\ Mackey ]' l1rker's co u)lsc l dal 111 IlIg 1I1g l\I oney IIl1ft tllm Itlr thulIl Ill! IlIlIcl1 !lI! I11UIlY tlll1e8 dill YOIl e H r get lip In the 1\1}" submerged III the wllOOr IL IIClght of KIPI'I OIlC of tbe C01JHp,mto!'!! 1\1ur'l"I~ wus 8corclllI~lIIn t hUll Ih n followed from a fr. clld l1l t::h~ tu I'UfJthu hllll II h~ u he 1!lId beau !lIck !PC ven hUlld red IIlId 8Lltty-ollf) l)()lIulls 11M j,roclltlmod I bo republic, but iCM tllllll I~ the finlll trill HeHIIIg \VII.'! stI li $100 to Ius dll!Clmrge uuLler the l'ro\ I 10 11 of Lbo ) UU 1111\1.1 [I l1unll II TilE frl clldsh.p 'Of high and IIILDctlfied i1onw\l IlIllflr U lII ell rC3pondcri to 1118 CllII for $(10 on Fre\ mAn RYAll kept Ilultc coul Johu l\lOkcdlttwe qUlt~ ILI1IIIw<l lit l1Iy "ud fretful Y' ConHtltuiloll proillbltlllg 1111 Prll!Cl1Il1cut trOOJl~ 0 Reilly landed 1I11dlslurbed lind hrulll liLLie the best of the oo ntest. apu Its lOSt' notllll1g by death but Ita How do you HUPllIJ!!t'," sfI(ll he, ' 1 ~Ull ll c n outbr Ilk YOII Ill C I h Id all\ll) 8 for debt 'lh!' honO ~ return f:lllcd to been th e most nnlluble of \I II e~ 1 h u could \lorl.: bv d Iy If 1 didn't get mv Eno AR POP. B "RllIen" hll.'! been tmns- ] IIl1r days aflorwnrd the t\\ clVI! lelld er~ for Fr CI)lI\1\ 11lld to JIlIUP IlrHt, 1I0t IIlloy fwllug8 dl8Bppear, and the vubn811 D1~ht s sleep yr, lilted 1I1to I rench by te phulll Hl\lIl1rm e, wer urrc~ ted A montb of torture lind haVing IJcIlOOn RYUll'S last effort Intense of tb08C whose faccs-faces we ",hall beIIl1eg thnt th o I\!C \Viii! 011 or frolll, II ho broko out, ql11tc trlumphulltly Jl~ st tho IIIl l11 e ""y thnt I do \\heu IIlth onglnAI IIIu8trations by Etlouard innl ended In -the sentenco of five of ClIclteulent provllll Ii among tbe orO\l'd hold no IIl0rc-lIpfll!ar greater and more chllrgc II hlch IS~SfJeCllllly OXI.:Cpte,1111 the 0111(1 DOli , who carns the moncy my II1ght 18 broken e~nctl~ " llllnct) nnG bna Illst beon published Into them to death One hnd already been when FreenHul stood on thc mRlk to !!Ilcre" whl'n behelll Il rough the shades coustltutlOnal IlroilllJltlOIl of I1Uprai!OlI lhnt. l1IalllUUlIS thl8 talllily 1 ' Well , Snrnlt "hnt la tile dnft of all fo!to form 111 Parts rhe El1gh ~b \ orses kIlled wlult' trYlllg to spellk to hla Wife Inake tb e fint\IJllmp lie dId not kj!ep of tho IIOpulober , Vou lind J tog Iher, !!Ill.1 I ment for debt Ilflcr UrSUl1l0llt tho talk lin) WIl) ? For 1 don t sec anv are pillced !!Ide by SIde witb tl,e tral1sla 'l'be lAck of u hnngmllu I!Ilved the fiv o from tbe ntlwti long .11 suspeusc, aud cle\ erl1, DU.TY dar. h .. s..p'.mher logntber' Well, 1 shou Irl 11 kr to NlC tillS 111 AI rli JUDe 'D~ Nowoull_ Judge relell8ed Ibe IIrI IIO U r 1he court.: prolollglll\; IL tlon Iho 11I1I8trllt.ons ure saId 10 be the 8clltrold Thoy \lere shot on tbe Jum~d ] 8 feet 2t IlIchell ltynn s the firHt C lit you hl\.~ o COllle d 1U tb o 1I1!\) Well And {'Oln l l.br .rr uDllI MAT thcn It)R m) orlsmul state \ or) fall~ti c morDlng of October 2(', 176!l-the fi l'l!t frI end s I~ e re !l11V Jubilant, and oil. red roum "a tilled" Itb 1111 e~cited crowd, SC I cn r Cl lr~ II e havo bc~ n Illlrncd TuT~. raln 1'IlI".lb day fill': tnte !!Obool fund of I ennll8l!Ce mArty!'!! to AmerlCllu IIIdcpcndonce $100 to ' 50 thnt their 1111111 would WIll IIl1tl Pl\rk er II lUI 11I1111(.>d IIltd) re-arrCl!led g, th, r Well I cull thut preLty rICh " Ilwnt- Ih It 8ft 1 dId my haro 01 the All (lto .... L b ... thirty",' e He at on c picked uJ1 1118 L llij ILlld Wi thout. 1I081e gloam of 8U O Q'tIIlCr1ll1I1111 lIarmllt fllr Wllld I"rccny, 1\[y ijl)lflt<l lI ere VlijllJly deol lll1l1g 1111 fllullly Ilbor 111111 took 1111 tbo cnre Df IImounts to two Imllton lUll: hundred A." IC Ih 1 . hourd I .. Ihl rty t ...o, folllllV Illd 10Ullro IL \111111111 prosperOllR thollsand dollo J' ! l, tho Incomo from which I,en Ills EHlfY lillY lilt at lIome. Jllm\lCd I f! teet 8l 1Ilche8, bea Llng Freehut hIMCIII1I1I'('I wlllvcd CltilUllllllllvu, lind, dH hI MrIdI cul e, but I k< pt 0 11 Uti oohlly Thoy ~ 00 ~ II R ,d dirty 100 clr(, lIlll ~hI I1 Cr" I un cuLIU <J to n~ much 18 olle hundred and tifty th ousand dol mun 8 wondcrful perfoncullce one bulf IIrg"'g thnt lim IlDlOllllt 1l1Vlllv.d III Lh~ II ~ J could IlIIJ11C'Y for thll t liS If I were ~III)1lo)c,1 lurs Tb.81s dlVldcd pro rat.n among th e A few nlllcaout frum PrOVIdence, III, t IO cb 1 1l1d IWllllng tbe match Fre Till! ultun of ZrulZlbnr W8B IIOOn on l , When II were murricd )OU lhougl t, IIl1agcll lobbnv It Id noUl1n g to du \I Itlt lI r prulclIllcd to thll1k, youfflClf I cry Itnl'" nnd P lid bv tho month for tb snm e counties wblcb In addlt.ion, Iltro requlrod W<>dncadIlY, an old gentleman boardea man 8 fn ends wera very llIuuh 81l rprl !!Cd hIS VISIt to ruris to be IL CI'Ol!ll bet'Yeel t.ho ILmu Int of bllll,8Ilc"ecdcd 111 gcttlllg I y III I _mng the cllre of b(lllrdblll8 \lark IIIllll IlIl\ e n fi ght to "pend money to mltIC a scbool lllx of!1!n PI r cent and o.n outward houDd tmlll, lind after I!Illts- at tb(,lr I11 nn 8 11efcni I reemnu belongs the negro ollll the Arab WIth bill coffeefYlllg hllmclf by numerous I1JqumeH out Wesl and \I 118 brought East 10 de- colored complulon and cr.sp and curly hUll releltlCd 011 tllO Ihou'""'U1t1 dolllll,!! III1lI \llIrdrobll!. 1 dldn t!ll!k It {1/ y OIl for thlllgs tillit don I. BUll. you If I pleasc 1\11 l11uch morc lUI the)' deSire _ thllt bc WIL~ 1111 right, fIOt down OD tbe foot tb e IlCst JulIII)('r 111 IhlRsectI on He beard to \Io !!() lI11d 1 \lIAy udd,' MId I \11th a He wore a 100tIC H.lk robe \ ou lijkctl me 10 ho Y011l \\ I fc, k 110\\ II1g suddell \ chcl1Icncc tbat lt IS menu al1<1 Denilly Frllit. front !!Cat al1d begllll to reRd Be wns bit» fillled, l"lVlllg been defeated 111 two slightly em broIdered" Ith gold, lind had htME )/I!I quautltlcs of LlIltuu8, 111II11U well 1111 thllt meaut.." A Lu cknolV corresllOndont of th e OVId ntly trv11lg toenllct thocxpone1Jcod outests :Ii rCell1ll1l 8 frlcnds Lhought, 011 hlHhelld a Iruge "lute turban, harreD As nOllrly liS I remember Intcr \OlIlOl11ptlblo In vou to try to oppose fltcturcd from pcllbles, arc produced 111 Or forbid my dOIDg 80 " London N~tC81!1IY S T\\o Ilntlvegardl'uel1l travelcr, ,, Ithollt hllvlng bad eXllCrJcuce slIIce tho (Ieuth of Ed Sea rles of Sing of decorations ruptl'd Jobn you were mIghty relldy ParIs Ilud !\(lilt to almost e\ cry part of Johl1 SIllrJlIO more I 8IlIV by the look ILIld (\ htLl 1J0y lluvlng been 8udd enly ellough to support 1118 J1reteI1810n~ That lng, N'1 Uob Way, of Olean and to accept me ' A OERTAIN clork III a W tern V11111£0 tho globe Thesc pebbles wh.ch nre or • • mnted- to en\ e orgu Ulcnt," 1I.~ld I, III hlsoye tbllt ho WIUI qUite aogry nnd !\(lIZ d WIth ularl11111g Bp8BmS, accODi he I'IlI! extremely hard of bellrlng ItOI\ Ohur1ps A LoOllllS th It a Olun thnt recently !Dllde the followmg comment on 80 W IU! I That was tbe first tune 10 our pnllled by fOllmlllg at tho mouth I\f't.or over IVIUI more apparent 'lhere I\II.'! one could o,er L3 f~eL 2~ Incbes could llout erystuhv.ed felspar, co1)ulInll1g na hiLIo coloring Pocauontas " Pocahontas Wail a great clay Ill1d hme or lime MItSM pol!lllble nre .. Well w6 st.ood up III church together 1ll8rned lafe LhllL we fUlled to kl8!l ench Ol1tlDg~quantlty ofpeacbel! tbe EnglIsh of thosc nomudlo mU lllcal ~enllll;es anybody In Amenca but ther wert I11l1n Hold on," cfl('d hl8oomf,aD othN gO<XIlI1ght Indced I felt ~ullty, mall to wbow tb e peach orcbard belonged aooard tbe tram, who S:1011 look up 1116 mlst.llken Rynn IS II wonderful Jumper reduccd w 11011 <lor by bcaung them to aud you prollllsed to 1010 cheTlsh etc though I hardly knew wby but It W8B forthwith proceeded to anulyze the frUIt pOllltlOn Immedlll,tely behl1ld him nnd aod hl8 friends dllun thllt he can hellt lOll, • 1'0Cl!holitus WIUI a woman" 'She cherry n.'<Illnd thon plullllUlg thl'm IIlto Illld so dId I Vile before 1 fell asleep To 1118 borror the JWce WIUl foul1d to struggled through IllS proa:fall1me, from the be~t JU'lllp on rccord- mude Ly 1'1'&11 eb?' lIlud be "WeU, tbllt'8 juet o~y 100 slIId I ' but you ID " And mv luck How 11m I expectecl to know? cold II IItcr The pewder IS ecpllrat.cd The next mornl1lg nil wa~ !!Crene No contuio a conSIderable pr oporilon of • ZI)I <X>oll to' Cust.a DIva, on II Sea rl es at {tl , 18 fcct6i IlIchcs return eudowed me II Ith all your lI orld I nover rend the BIble ' frol11 .t'! lIupuntlc8 by bell1g p~"Cd Iy goods l\Ud tbe mlDlster prollounced tracc remlulled of the Clel11ng 8 8t~rll1, JJOI80nou8 "rua, II dl8COv('ry wblch VIOlin nOllc t.he O1oro mllllical for th c but noUllng more \lIUl8Iud noout tbe ob Ilutnrnlly led to 1\ close eXaml11otloll of morllIng f(>g. a performanco by the \\l1y _MILWAUKEE &tuUld A Tex&II mail through 1\ wlro glluzc Ile\6, alld 18 lIext us mall Rud Wife aud 80 we have 11\ cd Illn\'811nu )JllthCr8. bought ten cents "orth Ofjlug tobaoco • well atured HI wllte r The re Idutlm l~ • YCl!t" BllId Jobn comploccntly, 'and nOlUOU8 subscrIptions Next day I met tbe tree from wllleb tbe (nut had beCII of wh.ch the old mun wal hllpplly 1111 An olhcer of tb IIlled tfitcs flAg nud ID paylDg for It pullo out a roll ot treater! II Ith II qUlllltlty of hydroohlorlc ns I lOOk back over tho hmo, I tlllok I Mrs. West, nnd she thllnked me very gathered Afwr IDspcctIDg tbo lenvCl! consClon!!. When he gOL Ulfough ho hearhly for doublang my money tbe branches, even tbe baric, WIth no pu\led off Ills papulous looking bat. nnd 811l~ Pen8llcoln III a private lett r to hundred doliRr bIlls A mlLn who eaw aCid, vllrylllg from three to ten por cent, bove dOli whut 1 ag reed lind made II Dear John' He dIdn't Dl6IIn to be !\(llentlflc result1!, une at' the cltRnul1lng held It eltpecl4tntly before RUlltlCIIS "ho ends de unbe>! a VI ~lt to Lubulnllt, 111 hIm followed hll11 home Imd murdered to freo It from tho olt.de of iron wb Ich pretty b"OOd hllsbllnd I rClllly lhmk you unl.:11ld but he bud never stopped to parLy suggested thut tbe rooIM sbould be falhng to comprehelld tho sItuatIOn fri th e Island of MUlII IIIll1dentally mcn 111m for hIS mODey 'fhat's JUBt wbat lVe ollght to be thankful wbcn you see how t would give Ibe hlltton3 a reddil!ll tlllg III HOme wivCl! 1"0 ' th11lk ILoout such thlllgs When bl.next uncovered. '1'11111 belllg dOM, the OrigID took It, lind looklllg It over carefully, tlOl11n~ th o sce ne smou!! th e surfbatber8 ulw"ysenld would huppen, wben folk! tho bllkll1g prooe nc bundred pouuds Tbe hnthel'll take a bolud llilked wby we dIdn't haul out 8undred , Well," slUd I • I thuul: I 11avc been a IlOttiement came, and be B!Jpped a twenty of t.he poll!OU at once (,Ame to hp;bt Be returned It with a negatlvo shake <'f hI. He wrl teft of powder nre mlxcrl With two o( cblortde dome tic, prudent wlfet nnd I don t foel dollar bill Into my hllDd and I!AId, "That mg anxlolls to enrlcU the !lOll of the belld The boy modOltly explained, about twelve feet long, "blcb I~ brought dollar bIlla. To aVOId auy Bllch result, ef Ilo(lIum lind four of Hour P&llte. dl l!- ol1e atom mora of gmbtude to you for III for your pnvate pI11'1!1l," I really orChard, tho gardeners had buned dead but hIS explanatIon, like his mUBIO, WIUI to a blunt llOlI1t at one end, and 18 made we have always told the tobacco man to tbollght he 1'1'&11 the bel!i hllsbllnd 111 the dogtl under many of the tre€ 81 IDcludlDg wholly IDaudlble, I!O when he &gam pre convelt 011 tbe nnder 81de Alter pre- mark It down 011 !l shlte 1!<,lved In Il ve qUlLrts of water, the wbole beIng II deceut husbaod than you ollgbt world the one on whlcb the deJlaly peaches sented It the old gcnt IIlud, mildly lind paring themsclves for the wllter tli y take feel to me for beIng II deL't'llt Wife Is to 18 thell pl\.88lld lhrough Il sieve alld dried hlld growu Under its roots luy tho firmly No tIIl",IY, It IS BOt mille I the bOind and plunge mlo the SOlI They It an, I110re ment tbat you keep your WaDted, a MinIster. Sharp Sparrows. to a prOllOr con818tency for mQldlllg Cllrcllllfl of n defunct pElrtab'J,roved by loft my overy day hilt at home' The watch theIr opportllll1ty aud a8 a tremarn~o promll!Cll tbnn that 1 keep al)peanllleCl! to bllve died ofbv rol)itoblll boy slunk awny, makll1g HOOle CR8uni raA new pllllOr.n Milwaukee, Wie., pubmine?' mendous wave npproRches Lhey throw We find III one of our exchange the WITH reference to the Prlllcoof Willes' thorn II es on tho lliuml WIth Ule 110IIIted h hcd tho following IImong Ita advertIse"Sarah, you IlOlUtlvel1. aro very Ilcrl followlllg plimgraph III referencc to a ACt.or thill dUloovcry there oould be no marl.:s III hIS nntl\e" bngo" vlllit to Iodlll, tt 18 armnged thnt tbe m0ll10Uil to-mght.. Don t you tblnk we colollyof sparrows wblch a man valuly doubt about the I!Ollrce from whlcb tbo end townrdl! the bell h And III! tbe lip- men til the oLher day fruit denved Its poilOuous qunUtles DestrollJJl' Bed-Sop. WANTED-A reotor furSt Jum 'ParBerllpls alld the Roya[ yucbt Osborn bad better go to bod ? ' attempted to dl810dge 111'OOchmg wnvo overl.llke8 th em nnd of hydrophobia had fll'llt The vlrue One of our buamel!ll men, whoee sJ.ore "No, 81r, well, 1l1Cautllne we have Inld WIll lcave l.'OItamoulh on the 6tb or Oe A COrrCII)lOndcDt writes After light- carries thol11 furwllrd With IigbtDlIIg rn Isb l\Ijlwaukoo W,8COIlSID Be must impregnated tbe .lI011( Deltt the 8I1Jl of tho po8lle1!ll 1L1l Ule ObrMlan graces ILlld a lew tober fOr Brllldlsl, where the PrUlCC nnd by mODey enougb to buy this bou!16 lind has a fine front, WII8 annoyed by a amull treo, and subsequent y trllIlJ\mltted 1t8e1f IIlg thell1 81gh t years, I learned from s Vldlty} th ey gUIde the bonrd IDlln obhque '\Iorldly onea, musthave8uch tact anti culon, ofthcse 8prlghU,r Little bmlsover haYe 80me I n the bank ' !prl who haclllOned AIIIL chambemlaJd drrectlOu ~lUgJ U6t un"or t.he curl of t.he 1118 SUIte Will embnrk on the 16ib of Oc "till to the fruit Yet tbe poillOD appeal'll to "Thllnks to my hard '\I ork," chimed one 0 bl wmdow (:opmgs. There WIUI bave loet 80me of Ita POWOI 111 Lrans.t III a largo boordlllg bOl1t1O tbat bugtl conld IIlwe, contlllDlnl! I!O IIntll the IVav Ian\ disposItion 8S w.1I enablo blm to 81de tobor A guard of honor of one hnndred In Jobn only a net or two yet m OCcupatIon, IIIg rE'llllhed shallow \Vowr, bUrtl!!! them With 1111 l'artlCl!1D the panah on all JIOIIl\ll, smce It 18 related tllat the tllree patlenlAl lie ontlrely exterminated fur all time beneul.h mannell and a captaIn will be IlOnt ont In It 1bey com e to t.he surfacc glvlDg offellM to nOlie, ahould J1OilI!6tII a " More thaoks IIll1d I " to the perfect but be had an apprehension lUI to what I Inlrne(ltately followed h~r dIrectIons, were ftuc(lel!8full y treated and all ro the 8enLpl& So far !\II lit preeentarronged, bealth we have a)wlLls had We made lengths the alTHlr might grow Accord covered " wlllcb Willi to take grellllO that W&ll .mmedl8tely, lIud dl\ Illg beneath tbo wtll of hlH o"n, but agree with all the melted out of 831t pork, to melL 1t and approaclllng \\IIVO tukillg thetr board vcstry must 00 HOCl3ny inolined aod of promlee8 for better or for ingly, tbo owner dotermmed to move at tl,~ \lumbor or IlCrllOnB golDg out In her all tbo ONE 1\I0RE BRAVE MAN -Those who to keep It melted (the vellllOl enn be kept With thcmbthoy sWIm out lind lie IIlt-, 3. rllgl1llied OlaDaer ilfallie to III I, neither WIll not exceed four bundred, and as she WOl'8O' Now, It baa been {or tho bet~r ouce upon thClr worb and dl810dgetbem It WIUI truly rUllnin/llllfter tbe wlIaltby nor ~uromc Wlt~ UI all tbl8 tlllle Had you been ThIS WIUI done and the broken up nests 1JI a paD of ooala) and to ]lut It With the IDg for t e next roller h&ll accommodatIons ror over one thou ~Ick, or bou08t mls(ortune befallOJl YOII, wero 800n lying In the mIddle of the enve Ilfc at the rl ~k of !tfe nchly de featber end of a qUIll III cvery pillCO IIlllghabl to see IOl11c ofthemgtt CRught hl8 back upon tbe poor. a man of blCkIIIlrVIl to be named all tbe world over, Mild, It Will be pofllllble to rendor thOlhlp I should have malUlged lOme way to re- street, and now mark toe J'C8ult The and 10 It ill a plCAllure to chromcle tbeir wbere I could.flnd II lJug It Is uec_ry as Lho wlhe broke theIr bOllrd gointr 111 low church tendenclee prefim~ , must thoroughly roomv All Dnnec_ry duce our expen8CS 10 that YOll 1V0uld feel feathered ownen of their homes had deeds PatrIck Oonoy, of St John, to see ihat tbe bed cords IIro en tlrely free one (hrectiOD \llule t.hey went m be wilUng to preach fint-e~ _rmOPl and do Oret-eliuJll workj at IIeOOnd-c1ul cabins aDd flxlng;! are belllg removed, th burden &II little a might \le Had I watched the dire proceerllOgS, but were New BrUnIlll'ICK, lone of luch 011 from the peats, and r warrant there WIll another II compen8lltlon lIIlIar1 should DOt be 110 und a general clearneM hail been mllde on been 1I1ck, more enre woUld have fallen neither dismayed nor dIsheartened In the evening of the 24th lilt, All !.he ferrv be no more trouble It IB more thlln much of 1\n obJect All the dellre to be a TJI.E Quaker q ulet of Phlhldelphia haa zealous laoorer ID the vlne)'ard, mould the main deck, With the esc ptlon of the onl0u But we helped each otber enve, teD minute! &ft.er their diliodgement boat from St John W&ll .lDUlang the thirty ye<ll'l! since a bug h81 hccn _nln on now I claim an equal right IVlth you a cloud ot' ~pnrrows were QD the ftpot, dock on the Carletoo ~de olf th' river a myhoullO kcn dlstu rbed by II 10rn;ldo It tral'Oled be able to cooymoeall that th~a;, ~ ~1al cahin, receptIOn aod dining rooml III !}lOndlng money' ptllerlng up the I!Cattered fragments young "omap was pl'Cl!l!Cd overboard by 1\11\ pllth about four bUlldr d (eo ~ WIde, ... on tbe port SIde, ~bus makUlg an excel D1AMOlfDl! -It is qUIte reJlI8rkabie uMflOfed ahimi " dozell houllOll tore' up erableaiooe,.wlthoutglvingo "Whew I 'Vhy, tbat is trell80n nut and t:OItoTJng the habitation., wi til much tbe orowd and 10 the dark lle was en lent promenade and 10UDgtng place, ex ~on" chattellog, to tile old place, and iD a tlrelr lOll eight ol Ganey Jumped over, thl\t not for many yeal'8 bave our ilia tro~8 by the rooil!, \lllmolisbed IIgnl\, II8rmon mual. be ahort,md eoaalJlt!te 1D it. of old fuhloned theolCll1 III " If we OCCUpied the reapedl ve posi- very brief time the nell'- were rebuilt dIVed and groped around the bottom un mood workel'll been 110 drt ven wi th ordel'l! O\erthrew fenCl'H, toppled d"wl1 clllm II8If-full tenduig lUst)' fee~ 111 three feet wide modeI'D d _ _ _ p, but JIOPUlar, ad An entry for the esolurrive WI8 of the Uons of 'l1peTlOr and subordinate, I the frien.lly Mllstants dl.peJ'lled, and .D~1I1, and onlr came to the Bur aa at preeent. ;Not many new .lonee are De) , ! threw bOl'diU! to the ground, and free from the"l!lClueDOe~toDewl)' beln, negotIated forI except a few rare Prince will be made on to the promeoad", abould do IVhat I do for )'OU (or a bed thlOgJI were All before The owner oCthe race In order to' repeat bill operation.. and eltpenrrlve onOl, Dut there IS a great lIlDaaued "'~or'" to IHece.l. The ltorm graduated tbeo~, iIIoaId be)'Oll~ atq,end, and no qUMtlon ah.oud be asked building noticing a nelgbbor over the The lIeCOod tillle he dived under tile lasted teu ml1lutc8. .No Lives were lOti. enoup t.o'bl_lli......,.ba.~ from which a baDdeome atalroaae w:\11 All to the uee made of it. Being equal., way watcblDg the man4!uYen of the deal or reeetUng and furbIshing up of JudgmeDtQfone 0( ripe ,..,. _ ..,.. lead ur to the s&looa deck, and above I wUl not uk oompenatloD All a eervant, blriisat tbecl.- of the drama, CAllIe out floats ID the aUp, where be foond the family brll!tants, doubLl_ to make a dillglrlJ Ibe haV1~ hee!l dnven there by the TilE roots of a two ycar old peach tree rience He onl)' wllo pi &he ...... that to the new errata! deck boUle. bUi ~U811 the oontract we have made of hi .tore, at ODe look took iD the ..tu- unaertow ~L backlOg plav abroad, or at tho IIOl\Illdo cltcles at 1\1 light, 1011 were found leven (fet nine qualUlcat.loDl Deed .....,. Tct • home Ie lII'elonlll and net euil)' broken, J do not ation, and, witb a abake of the bead, water FroII\ I.e Incbellioog In dry, llaht 1011. _ _ _ Taaa fa OD, toWA III Oonnectieu, tberel'ore call it ftl)' :r:lmoll8 in a pYa up the COD,"&" _ned her after , and the SEIIPENTti -;re 110 ten~ or thelr lOp, Wail p-ulltd up ODe panaip three • ..... I'w oDe wiUar,..... be that ill 110& afraid of &he mr.i.. It'. ~~ IIWI to aoce &h_ _ rviOfll ReeLI,. pair were tUn from "aler lOOn hre that::::l will Uve for lis mODthII feet and a belf Ioog,. Of ~ iIDaDar d_ appI, 10.., _ ....liI ...... to . . . til, &id'. iamua wi&laoll~ WIIlt dowllllUllanlier.
NINon 'JOI'les.
IT I. 110 ~K"y Illullt!r to • t rul/ul .... loll .., th" Ont'nlll mmullIt) In Ihu Ilr t 1,11100 110 pc n 1I~ nd 1111 tIed lU t he O!'lIN unle a good "UIlI of monl') IS pledged on lhe start UI"J thell ugllln vcry gl'n t1~mull I\houppllcs 11111 t Lc IlC~ ptAlJ1 to \ Icry huI) Il hu 1JcIIlIlg ~, nnll elcry lady I\ho d(",r lo UlIllc Ili llot he "l' prtlV ,I by ull llo{ m CII "dulI ~ in lit th tllll.
t SDK,
T ille h it 'UQ \\ H Uudllr iI ( Imu"" Ill. Ih" II\.~ I Ira,,", II ~ 1 .. , .11(1 It yrU() Ami oohut 1 It t Whtl ~ lIl........ I "I t flei:A '100 IJ
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:'I!:: :' c";l""'''' ...... If.o . • 1 l-;'\:U:~.:'''!.~ ,_ I~~up~. N:: :~I ~"'~~~b' M""'p.. .aonf.r IbaP "old. A.....ell h.........
...._ ;Ia
ontil ..
Ii RE A T F A I R F 1 HE SOUTII-\, 1~ T!
.;d;_ ; -lin. F .... of X .;a,' by what .nd lin. A. T. L10 d. of Wah· h r home on DiatDond Bill. lut "'t', nlcUl.., • Itbguce !l0t, ling D City, IU'C makillll a short c 111" .... po M J;'rid.. • -Tl1Iln.40 •• " <WI'. t , lop on .lp.l. uuy al'O IInquettti~'u \' C'"\lrClUlid B ..... 10 til It old h'I~ t. "t &; • r' '. t · M ••. ILMan d:o. ';Wtltc:&n,.tII•••II. ' of'l I . VI I Ilmung rlen d H .. ... ~.otk·.·da.liI~labl ...' . \\ 11. n. -~lr.Ellis.~.Stoke '. ofl.ehl l' ~ Ile.xll/I.II).... .... 'I? 'I'.-In. 0 . land6~oaub IIDda!,. L , .. 11!loyd ,in CII~II\.lU!IY with .Ira La ~ ft.. WilbllliDj\ lIIo"e hllhnDd •• ".l. non, v!tlitlod his fri" .. dshere ~Q ou la t . .• u .. t I ...y fe,er R1.lkl."S Fctru.lllld bill Itl.'r ~Q~. Q ~'tl· If .. 1.',6 lhd 7 ~IIII d.lly. Allllle. lel\ ~-S.I.y to III' own Utle fa! ad! Sunduy. IIB 'UPI Iltance fr"," thc . lllt" to here I'll dllY murnillg for Q J os. MoKIS BEY . !'Ichl IIIplll. I Ir .. " .~ on m •• liled Wa~h· D ~K 'RGE TILE. EI. Ag'" th 15tb of A II! t and It ,\utll' i ogUm 2~ _~I uurCooliIWll1 Ih .•II ••c\!ull t. alld Mnl. T. 11. Kearn v, tillil i ».11 In £a.\ MId ~o.r 010 d 9_00 a 6 wl.'eks. In 110m U .. " Life '. broad and rQ'~ d I r\ vf Cillcilllluti, are visiting Mnl. P. 1'1.' pecte it' tu ... .. aol tor 'W'~, and ollih AlIi.IO . "' . ' rc cmhlcs II e "N'C '\lIJ -M~" Fli Will , . "I .'utl':. U •• I th,..lID foo r "'a' thc "iDa \llIr· Kcurnc y. ... L PAIlR W ',U tl,o b~~d "1-' Frlllllout a rloudl ...~ Il • poIi ul elllbarklllg III tltc nut lit· _ _ _ _ ____._. ___'_'_'_ "a .1 u Ma,llt .. o'.IM,t gIA me nlh,.. IIIn' .lng ri,1 . i. 'hine : t b1 . -MililL nurlLV llrner, thePoct. llllIgQcenatBi I t ·... I ~ ')1 ~ted"'i thilrt" .AP_Y'''~'. __ .~' ardit IIU , '.'1 rcl1uu I:Sml O-S.b, ..de: rrl nd. ,00<1 1y: II, i a gocat uf Mr. Myer's fomily ' a this alout';' but it i.I aUII~thillg ~?j!;1 8 g '1ltlcman trom W""hll lg II . . . . . . . nulllCoe' )(UTINU IBiCbilel.-lleeu n 'Obitu ary. lit Mt. HilDIe. lr wVl'C-'-iIU1Delhing more! The 11Il' ",vette c \lilt ' . 1w.t\n. ......~"'hip.".. ry.1l'ir t tUld P"..rth _ , - - Mr. Juhn W. lIett and fum . · ti ntts uOie aud eyt:S mn with a • :-Thc I Ich :~~~~(fo.:f~..lll.~~I. II. Fint-~)' market WIlR li,-cl OUTB 01' .4 PIOIlfKER. ily V p<1Il6 pendin g Ihe ro nppronch. ,l watury diIKlharl;- ; hI! nel'Zl'tI with Friday und 1"1I1~M~' ll ltltTl It lOrl.h~o1l). -ll"t. ' Died, at hil late retidenc~, An~. ill;; winter IItlll'd'IY· 1£' 11 t • • in alirurnin. . ~llo greate.!' em.,ha~ill; hi~ ay It Johns ~r"\1~ ~ncknl.' ,k, MlIl'yll\ • . 1"Ir for d!vwe ..urwllip ,,,.ery 1'....1 .lUIci 'Il> I \l8t 25, 1 75, ElIi8 Ward, lId, New and .Elegant Half-Mile Track, FORTY FEET aged 'ltl - Mr. Harvey Zell, f Dllytun. " tch IUtulerRbl " ulltll he wi he Wide! ~,~.~n;':. .af l~ "u~OCk. H ......Day . yean 6 months and 7 dny. lie father of Ur. J . L. wellt oft blldk nt three dullllnl per 'Ri1 ~ Zell iB "i iting Sl /1ll6 kind opricilln wOllld telLr bu bel. )/."':£."Olr ~; :.~b ·~Y. o. p J'I1IlIt'ft. ~ ,,'u bor~ in alem CoUtlty. New .nJ! . """ , Mr. J . H. Ze1\, near ~~ tlli~ place. I ~holll ~ut Ilud S\lb ~t~ tute gl6 I! orbll P.... ~r. DI'I'lo....ni""on Saoday", at 10 I Jereey, FehtulirY 1 th, 171J9. -Bartl ett ~.ellnr ure ready 8ale • lJ e ' -Rut, · t:. Myer wbo hT! becu · J11 tI!Clr p'lu~es. lhcn thero • 101' . L • ~L 1 nlO)O\t" . .... II and 7 1·9 ... 11. Sabbell> lcumet o Warren Connty Ol, io with i!! a at $ :WO to :.. .10 PCI' bueht'1. •l.9o lIhllOl"t E .. YIIIB lll.9p lTION I . 't' OP t PEED IN TilE.' RING I!.'AO/f DAY I I ' 'dt • tl ' It arlllg, ' l1I"pmg 1 CO\l~t.· Villi IlIg n lor ",rull -Broo ks and Fowler took a l·P. a Ollnllrn .u O~Il~clI -Elder J. B . Dodd. , hiS parellttl, io tho. s}1l'illg ler r t' 8 . b , - , , ' the II e ...tor: Di.ino moe on tb. FiAt and ~hey cnme fNm Pltttlburg Ilfto ] ?4.' hlUl n.:turnl'<i to lwr hume iu Blan: : 18 IInl!l"'" 'n~ (that is the word, if pound ,cilIluI1 01 . cat.fisl! uut oflr GRAND mUSICAL TREA""" BY w ·anoE u CO Baun S• CIII· Ichester. D L . ABU L~ I floe eleB!uu), ~our fvO\I 1111 . e m Spence dam SaturolLY night. . Third Lord·...a..y .In ..ub IIIUllth. Ifrll''' lclDnati in a fiat·boa t, long before AI'UI , ~-te-.n 8 I -.M Ed d M b h 1 Itl) be golD UI' II)to,)'uur he.a.d . and .-:-Mr.r e.Lornill ~ h,. hnol ..t II oolook. ImITJ Lorde-da,. the da~'1 of ateam ' naviga Vurner · _ IIOld ~ . . . . tion; V I bee r. . war . aN , ... 0 I~S unyaf &' ODS lOr v"'Il.ijyw Ibo ItRu 'hla tIll Ihop in 'Martinlville' and _;:alnar. B (JP Ill) Ob b I !th DOlI 'lnto tbe ~ntriM wilderue8s j w lilitl)~ so~e tl~ tt u.P~IU ; 8ub.:ibln~,e . littellded witb exqllill' mu\'cd upon his '" ,.=~on :~ncl 8:::rd~; I '? Wayn':llv~1Je: The town Ilt father't! far~ near IDg 0 0 IlIcllI' l ite tvrture.up i~ \~h"t would S '1\1 ihi. place. .nd S ..nd'1 1ft tIIOh .unll>. E1e1 ... Ell .. tllne wu \D 118 lIIfilollCY , and the thllt n8U thill":. ~kre urn In. ' , ' Oihto... PMto.. ' to Illl . . rvtess 1000 I dian bad not yet foreake n his hunt. perdon thll -Mr Tum B -Mr. J. D. Thurston hU8 Bold bp of 10 110 e. 1'.\1\111111\.1' O~A:-O • . No. 13. P.mma uf in"gro uud. The Illtilina fi I d' . I am .hal moved o:::TJo'or further partieulare, address . out his blackBmith.shop ill Corwill . which i, lU i Illlll" t 1111 JIu.blllle lry' W.Il" .. n i venial Cornell. ae> ¥aetor. t1r~m Mee' j n Illthn~, lIe thinks of ICt · 111 0cId( 110;'.' H.1I on Il>. IOOIInd Satnrday n tho .)'4:jar 1823 . SAMU EL IRONS , P"1'8id tflt, was married to 110\1 EII 8tern mall, . reIat'IVC ()( cOlllpa~1 ..."ut, -.~.18 pel I ef •. b ltlooth ••i .7 o'olook 1'.m.. IUIdOIl the . to Mary Newma n '; he(or hlP' tho IlIg nllal' III P 8ce. " 52 yeaN Mr. JIlOO' Thorpe. Or GEO. W . ·OARE Y. • t!, ( I't'faf!/· WUI',t I ~tllr" of tllu di~8" . The . -Air: .Ban.ks 081(10 an.d JIIB follrlh .turda, of oach mouth atll o·oloolc. Ihey flOOded life's journey tollotb. We return thallk8 to Mess . 1. ''ylllptums do 1I0t IlI\ 81sler ST.M.AHy·~P.. R, OBtrytOR.-Comor of er al of which timo their abode H.- Harris tbe Mute and G. W. Sid,.,/; for a (',' Ist ut (mC(). Wbeu tlltl uuse AlumU l' AdmiPlfztrators Sale of Real Tblrd 1I,1l1D' Streetll. D,vino Mr"lo e' . i ssoclatlon at ColumbuB ~" W . Hery San" .. nday Ilt (p. Ieu d'd m. 8ubt1~'lIChool at wu near bls . d' late I relllden . ,." ce. I Estate. I 8p I strmg . last 01 o A.. ... week ba8s, pulled out IISC l.tlg~~ "n" y. He W48 the fathtlr of aix chil. by them yC8t rdl\Y. lie II.re iO • • • CUIIIIJ!lI·!UI\·,e ptlllce; andeye8 geDl'rully , VA.Ll.ltY PUllltll'l'llC"BIAN BAPTIIT CII. dren, fuur of whom are now living' -Mr. W II... , Harv ey received a 00 lllV1'Y TR l!."'A 'jU R ER • William Mnoington ie , bllt vue I'Y ut u time ill uffi lclt.od postal In ~ ..'tfluance 01 .. n order i.... ed by -Mtb~'siSm:r' '\:{ Mai~. DI..~es,,~oe IIlso, his posterity numbe n tourtec~ I' nuw-Mrs card dllted ut Obat~lIooKI&, _ _- • in a' fair . VIl way Of recover ing I with ti,e itclaillg. ~h" Illro~'1 ~nur~li' WtrT~n ~,unt'. They' :: e~ e :~::U:' _t 2°:'ul:.c.:. -:::dnon tllke AuguBt 191h, 1875, whicb reud hild reD .nd fifteen great· I ber many friends and rclative~ EDWARDt3. of W"ynn mi:~. 0: WED;E~DA; OlIe. Oil t e p..... h 4th ..,,'ouda, .. et 1o' d' • 1 k grandc tUrull with }I~al:h uther ill thi8 little t'ulloW1i: "Resid nce in stone IlII J . 'HLSON d I 'Id P undalld ... ~ 00 oc. grllu C11 ren~. front rn.hI , "', 'w' c.lDdid~te lor tho! office of ThtJ (II day (II' "':tnlllJlJI' 1875 Ipa-t' 3~l t a.- ullY t'Ime I WI 1 be happy to learn. . " I III' . \;l . ..,...u.... rof0 _, W ... ~~ '" V ......;. Tnwnahip DeteotiYe & "rreo vo.unty. @ W lUll Cor•8th . alld Pu oot ~ log tho Itt 2 0'"1,,,,1< . PIllr St8. Fonr deal.lou Industr y, rrng.1i ty alld honesty , the RepuhliO llo lth Nomin·.t -Mr. Joab Smith P M. On'J .... Id-rdey, the follo of Elkhar t 11110 dl ea ~ ~ 'I ullwaru, there is lIew IIhlrt~ open III ~he back: • to~tiy. ColGpaDh)' ~ 0" kt.lielld s.t.. ... were leading .. hll(" trait8 of hiB Ana cbul8c, Ooll"""t! County on. Iud' ! My 10 eooch mnnt • o~ .. 001nc p . lII. By te . 't' d_rlbed I' ul\uugh aool l' : .tI.RI<l. ot It III belongin lIIake g t() the \1 ... _ luft'w-er H at bllPPY Ilmld the smiles of fortuue . To tlJ,6 Oitizen, ,,~ lVm'l'e11 00 . IU 1.. .. d "rder of the Oomp n,.. L. Uartaool<, P...... r. laua, WILl Vl81 IIIg 118 utte 'l ' tn' Ii l>1 e ~u a k'\U d hIIl\H11n of EI~n Dudl.y. d·""JII..oo ...itn.te I.. tit Ii alld I brotber,• Lewi8 b' S. Smith Bud other Signed 0 0 L." I .' III 1\1 rll C, 'clent. ll. P. O.IIIWl. SecretArY. un " ~r USI· .. •• £vu~"ol Wureu and t~t.. 01 Ohl.. a good uCJghbor; these attrihuted Irelativee in this vicillitv' IIllIt , .• .n.....er to ,.oor IIrlf'llJt roqu...t., ( am buill!\, !l&n.uf-G d 1", Nil. w.. (~) "" ,1...1 : : w",ek I __ . ~ "__ _ IIr. pll!ai,lro, and a nUisance to nty . _._ -The fire compa oy were on ed with otbers, rendere d him, Tl. B .' h°\' .. Y••r LIfe W.rt- le ".'" combin d . • n IlIm::ielt no· .... ted 0'. Iln~t ~e about "lilt of hill\, ~ alld "'.11 p!LflLdc I Satnrd h' ay fi I LLfteruo Sk'k on. - ue on. T. M. Wales Will life ' w · A d",. 's.p~bet lf l87ii t hen' nd • ~ 011 ~t..r· w"y"''''\'~ll.., oom ..o.'",in)l' eltBmp e to III el ow·mell. lease Btl "t .. ~',"Ior , )1\' ' d" " acce tour th lea t' V I ad . . 18 ellrl • lUll, • u t . lere , bod, I'O~-;'!I':::r ~:~e:~r ue· .~rID:·d:li; S 18 no IIiP y tllOoa was ~ ~.de m uf e \0 .... " · 1I1t t. rood 011 th .. IIChool·yard. e waa made C<>DlICi • conBid' -. . TOTTEN . lSuutb .Ide of ".. . 110,. of 'Geoln . in S ur 0 .. pll~n-IlU aiclmesa, 10. to I\*k; No'~lt .... d out by I"hn ute ' WileD .Ic~, the 9bjed •••.to gel.ell; eruble length or tilDeunlibufore lOhio athe h8tand ing the brakee were his N OTIC E v y 'nt glc; Je.nninlP u~vey ' a~d I 01 ru"oin8" It 'e a thnoo 8 !Ml'= ao IIcuur;e , an a~gl'llo.. tioll, • only about half manned , tbo engine Nutl~. 110" ::1.") pl";,I~. lh.tl~on PO_ol I~ :hl. deuth·, that bis earthly career would Iblo I. hpreby Ii.en th~t th ~ork er I ere8 lUg an VII nil.· tormcnt, U lenllnce to the ft~b. worked fully up to the roq\lire d ~~:n' ~~.~~,\\I'b'"~ "", ,In lIa"tl.e.. C~:"lalt:~ :n~ult:~'K~••n!h':P\:cii~~~~ 800n c\()8e. Tbe d ca· .iJ(1lM b.. bMu.p loted Exec"a:r :~ tb 00/ ;JIl'lIIi;~ ,l ti;rhUj~o~ thnt affiict (:~'I bl~.IfI~i h~~';d 8~' 'Vhllt llln, ',,"ltnDeu. Slcl< H~..dache. 800r~8to. ed him rendere ddi8ease cllu~e. it? The puilOnooa paeity, lhvwin g thllt it har! been E.uu" of 2LLIS his suOering-in' - Weare under .obhglLtlllns. tu pollell ,/II the rl&(I:.weed QI' RoIDIlQ W'ARD. I"t.e nf WarreD ley. II .. nllC ~.IjOo IIU' w . \~N i"' ........ ".,.; ....ch. H" aribu~. 1'111.llalion of til, Hurt. tense' yet he bore it to the IIlBt properl y cared for, during the tour Co.:~tY'J"''''-;.e4. with Mr. W. M. Taylor tor vulllllmrily WOI'n,\\,o d il! Il"ld rcspou, JOS. O. KEY~. D.',re.ted Spirit> Bil OIl'D~" tc ClIO take 01' 1_ 0 to. ti.u.•""t .. i~~ Ilf M~ill Sa.; -tN.•.., .. .' ible tor w~1w it hlUl beun off active duty and generou~1 v Q . ..... A'uII • ~ FLO"". wi\hn~'t gelling patienc e an d resiguRtion. ,ltt7 l. II . t L Exea~"'r . ~. ~o d ~ lII~n ..E. II r""t '!l" ""Ill> ...I,f , J 1U')Wlll g Ie . .... \I .f noel CUi'll. If YI' U doub~ thll. go IAI lIoll· I 1 N curu}l~:t OTIC Ullt E me icul writen •unreet His remainll were fullowed by a 10US rag· weeds on the side·wa lk tu t Ie ""1'"11' nlf. uontl\mlng 4 I .. f -A IItrge crowd of' plusur e ot' l who 11ll\'e illYt: t:gated too matter seekeN \'0'" Onltr1f\lt. "01'0. more vr I~.s. rOLL • • nd ~t • Salllple large pr0CC88ion of rellitivo . lrom :Hid .... 'lie ..(Cd th s lind the Episcopal Oburch, Th )s.,"I, forten A. PMtn,· •• hlp ~nt. and beretoror e Iry It, lIe,,,I., r' d exl.tin/t beanci ,,,i,l tho prem'l!Co hnil lJetn rO)l'lIh••I)" ap· U 11111 iltukab . le fact . tUllt i1- L"'" S.· W'II' "1- VI ..vlkS\ TI e t ..reo O. J. \VrigM & Son h•• bo!tin ,tl......I.· pni ••ed undru: J ,I.e " ce,,". T..-o do-e. will rell. ... yo". n~1l ~ to their Il\8t restlllg . tHo l b ' r II~y "/,)fInnr pi IIIg8 .. m.:r !IoBt .placil ill -:- r. .Kid Co.. et . Ie 0<1 by ....t"al (lOQ....ot- }lr. t..ruel WI'I",II~ Mt 'h~ .UII. uf ,.'(10(1. ~nd will ofhl/t I IbDl ~nney aud lUll anyone 8 . 1~t~ /I l e .leIlst With long cuhtiuued raills wee • be IWlId ; .MIami Cemetory. curl,,!' ill the ~tiriftlt '",no Ibe Ann. AlIIMlrllOn.ln~bt family have moved hom Tennessee a sIl8cef· tlb.th, . Iv. leM th" .. t"'v·tJlir(l~ ~he "p\lr,,1aed .,.1.. 0 to tbll diatreY acaeoo wure a df1lwba Th,.• ck tv loas.?rl to tJ;wo late finn ph...... at'll reque.ted ~ "Mko thor""f. . ABA CnAlfDLB&. . Hllmilto.n, Virgini a. .If. CIIIDI!S in Cia .. l. or ... Id bJ:Dr~gl.te. tbaHanl cs Iuob with thla poison. ure p.rtiCl8 Ilt th." Spring s;P bur Rid --Iii were II. lIatlve of Old V IrglO la, UII" vegetllble dlls~. he e.iol,.nc-: of I.. a..cc~•• and anpcrlor yil'lau at \lllce lIiMe the r!line ceaaed and the dry whiuh.u.&y be triade ..ith oither !reve . l wO 'd never leave it either. m~nobor' of of tbe d()()~~. 1\" tho foll"willlf terms W. \iii BO 'o .• I:II·, O... ".~ Bra". fur Su"." fe~ls its ~ffl'ct, Is une overt. weather set in . thliY are rIlllidl tbo lu"'·fIr.... -k Ooula. l'old~ • tUed on Ibe Breu~. Oon. . iblo t!vid -I '0 10. t tb' incontr O..1. W1U GIl'T. -'Blui ng Thunde r' ruol at the . - M'r. C0.0, wiO~:nl)-t hlrd of I . . ' • . our r ne,",: Iy I!dl/)Hl 'u lm~. .0IilptlOI l, or any dlee... of the Throat and nose. I , I ~ IC -Tlb ISRAEL Wl<lGHT II 8 a correct growtHg popullLr agalD. Indeed, Jaty ~~, \t;75 tho pu",'h~ r-mnnPJI Ito · IilI ' clpul, haa tMktlll up bid uboldc In I~ po~ It'IIIS: . p,,!d "".h in hlmd . \) Po ... ~IIDr. A I'ro~f of that fact II that .n, popnla he tiM,. r of name (MI.: on.,. uf there is 80metlt fll.8cinatillg in . ~_ "J~~ ~ 'Wh' 1 . d" bo . Mr. Hawkli'll houee on ,.....on ...lIIicfed ClIn get a ~.lIIple BoUle (\lr u .. nj. In "nil ,.~... ""d oDl'-tllii!d in , ... " I I~oy tovcr It! gl9cII becallso the dust thOle gl'lllld oldillll: \r win 18 tthng water t John Ot1l8ar hill8 IIside II) c.'lIb ..nd Ir, I.... upcrJor ell'ect bdol'll fearin t. M C k I ' d Third ~ . Ir')\D hllY a Ion it! 61Inp dr 8 yeltr. f".u. tho d"r of .... Ift. 'r~' ;l,,' """ J II. I ' to . b ' a ree !'. , uo • . a8 . ilia ' 0 u very li..,.ln~ 'he "!ll.ia. al •• at 711 cell.... It bu . . A'I!l I~ . IllOe a , Il .110, • B. ave (rom I'M)'ment tn bear IlItcr... ~ from til .. day nf T~" G g Y pe tmy beallttlul 81>rings tbllt favorable ImpresSion here. ~'~;~~! l ~'> 81111111lrly aggravatlDK .,.,t. bunt the . 1010• . nnd be "ecu"cd by mortll'nlle }..&,I.. b,!('n latroduced In ~bl. eOlllltr! from • ~"""Ie ra~lam .~d ' '.... t'b. timh pC;IIJring their crystul W e hn" for 8~le'f"e hi8 8istere -Mr. huudred Matt. McKin bosh. l. of se' p .... nlll'e.. , re "elite Dllt; the JOEL EV AN8~ . ~vllcn .fru~ . horae·weeds wateft!. 6\u~o thc rocky 810;~IIA. t;", n~D1. and.il' ",oaderl..l 0..... , ere .•ato.· plcnlce d at Flt\y SprIDgtI, Wednce· UI to _.y llillt Ile !I"a IloScon q t' .y. fo~ &led 1 . Ilhln« e""rynna Uaai "" ~ Thfl'. dOIle. da'" lut Augu.t n. 18011. IIIU, bl' eq u_'ll ~mtatlllg. "-dm·;:. T.Ju 1 -"I .,.II~"".II' oue. Tr,w.. Sold by A. OJ l' 1 ' 1"1-1 j . "'" lIec Ion "Y ao.'dd ~'!!DcI n • It! titer 0 0 6 h88 d ' d ? N . TI ~.-- -~~ - - ~ - ~, .,- - ~-" . - n.... Willi Ive y 10 with the Freepo rt Picnic. a olrec· ulld .thllt no goo . lICoon D ..lI •••.• _<111.. !.I.IlI.IY 'nllll ~1I1t!. Bllm' Y : O. ' . TB Ie tions . 1-1. IllIIt week. Stock bu 01'8 are Onu liOOond4l ....d O~rrl.)I'" . np..rly n."". .. -Old tolka, as wull a8 young. hil Dame appeured 011 the bill8 E r.DIAN medlcul h'lI~rlllt1 111 couveutlon scourin thc couutr APOLlS SUN, I' enjoyed the picnic at HafTcY8burg withou t bie knuwle In y. ~ " 1. H . ANTRA. M dge & CO! or conlJel1 '1,. 0 1""di"K t. hpve INDEI"ENDllNT ' Rt'''OIt H ollthl\,"e 11. !r It.; A8T, after being dorman t lor last WeduC$day' tI. ~aem it iB a small I~ of cattle L A rhel.'.~ ~~dnF. o.og np ~.... yeyOo~. : Allgusi:l4. was D 529-4 WEl!:Kl ,Y I)I·1Id ... 1 "~W~I',;,~. 'r I.. ti.1t 1 ni· aome yurt 01 ....1t•• GleD- Or Fil\.Y our friend Jam~,P I tt whoUl . 8llult.od book, It ulyetery pa~t their . ' I I" '11 1 - r. TboDlaa Sherwood arr.v lUgs . NOTI 'E IN PARTIT nu wd St.,te.; t\ .. , ,,,,·oi ability tu suh·,c. ai'rin5 ~ .h~ .. 1 ..,lvuc .. I.6 ,,' the iu· been lIrchase wherev d by H. er found please for accent aule. th ark e&, wfilu wthl ed here last Friday evenin g fmm A dozen v r n ' P. . I'll"., ~.... e~tIl of L"b"r U. ")I'.•ill.t U,,,,blncd' Cllpi· Mlllly tlu;ol'·'es I" . au I are elt.,ont. C. or e W ltoll Jun t'o d or more sm611 lots ot' Bt,?ck ho~. SMr"b A ..n HI .....y Mid Chri.ti.n M t' Jt: UJI aim. aud J -. M. Mllcdo~ald transportation C ... Iln have been h R i..y Bt.ul. ;_Lf,ll:"ll'~lIdc.r !" Iln MUlloy .n. "If1'ill.t furniahed Rolla on I I ht d d' t herbuilbllnd R"be.i H c 1'11' It. UBCa me .0., lIIun)' eXplll'illlll.'lIts huve been tried; Leok l'mnMA fh>m . Atr-. <llhlrk tor $90QO. 1 bcee A on....... "•• Mill_ .."" ~.td :o.. •• ~ l'l\l\~oy oug Aau fi rn'cn 011 Phillil,..."/I·G cOI'ge K Pbi)li"" . OWL e ~I . ~t\.e~d medical bllt as fllr lUI ,,0 can learn thtl 0 (. t l her h",,: ".&..'b.·~'I~rt~"!'1I0:lbl'e (!lhnenoy Bund ...; ~ntAeluen bave boon here tor Borne that day. 10 cOlWtry E' . h i d ew furmen l bauel. of W""'un lecture ooallty, Ohio; EIi •• beth "S:"Yl·t tI~ H.!:" ffi.IJlljnten",t " ...,,1. at MIIlIIII Mo(i1cal Oullegtl. IIvllil little or 1I0tl· g TI' tl . t" f, '.1 B' - Ig t IUU red dugs is a good Oinciulslati IY have gruwu wc.>ak ovel' the COI'Il Blaok. of - - couotr thia tull. IlI8 nttgllia ung or 8"',", . I' r · Miohigllll: Julia h • r ud"· rhu .. l I N h.... .. oorl'" ." Kblu ".. rrc'otp"nd. many dogs Ilnd 00 mllkin " III o~ y PI'08 t and reduced tbeir 118111&1 . ' Eil lcl< "od E .. ,,·tll. Tfte" intendl ha.ving ·a stockprlDge. E<hu" b. r Iill.band . of ell.1I< IImnn!F re III we ave loun WIIS by gomg com I find tbat 'no tho e'le".eo~ IllId 0\1\8t I,rulounol . ' t. h d ~ IIlq\llry -I. n. HarrillU uuI!''' .uunty. alld G. Ohiu W ' Willh.m Sides to Lc.k th e mountll ins of Murylu .lld- rUI~ r 0 ?g~ to 0110 thtrd Rob- thmkn'M III UUllJOlllltrv. 1'1llly 9qtlUJie ed" aod. will IInke. im. tl t o~e aruuD nr crt ere Le,\k. Owll8 1 •• 001 went L a"k: out Hultio AA' Illtit S"ok~y: ThllndR .,. Wd J. Y at~er. din Oaklund and Dt'lir Park arc reo ,.. t. A majority of the btltlt !o1l_cellO/n yof the ct. ..ior_' 1M'1I,,,I.i,," ...d· • la many- qlllte. ue' d It 1" b J.O,~llI.te actIOn. ID Improv ing M. ~a.. k•.y 1I.'r I.~.l", ..d. of Vlgo c"uuly. "I'!;:rt to, n~ "~'._" I' ap· -1'h fi d 1 Judges Bily the fRrmer8 ill this 'e Indm f b i an callgl11 "f rcud"-... 11 asa, .... Wtllg ; ?t.l"ry IIIlg Ewon gl&l'ded 'Proachcs, buildIng hotel, developand WarrUD as t.h" Ewcn hest <In ... , ,,1. ., pcr year. pcolt..."ld . ' Iocalit ies- . ey. n p e~ty 0 oea, axes 17. poundll, befure Ii o'clock. Thil where t!~ • her hll<b,,,,": IIf h :oqu uis eOllllt~·. II\louiH' SlImpln ""1''''' rag· weed ill litt)e known tl~1I are. bollnd tOo be ugreellb "" .. t froo 1)11 "1·I,\i·mti..... iug tite curativ e propertie8 of tlie Qnd saw8,'n the rolllS of Pomr.! ly \!lllun M"tbi• .\lld I!l. G ii ; is \ln9ue8tionably the niccet IItriDB where the Rtll~Oot 1.lere-is lNIlIAN.\r<ll.h! ~"!'I Co .. freo fro~ ~llIappo~lItcd-thll.t Uu~ corn cro!, 01 Ver~illioo cou o t. v,M.,h i, ller hll.IIO ud· AJdre Spriugd , and reDderiug the place bt~ttllnatrY ~ hI1ee·b"n club. lblhk (Ilillol.; wilii.'~ of fii!J that baa btl6u caught thiB theBo vegctllhltld,MtlI of whatev 1Il,lI.n'p"Ii.,lml. r • 0 la f er tllil M0881e TO ... llslllp Will be 1II0re t~~i.·~~d~n ~~~~ ~~/h~~;:J.(\nlll; au.... ~ ttrac t'Ive 8umme r resort lor 8eUOD \0. • ~'r~ . d ' IIe".. L.. Ib -: T-E R - S', '. IIlIl nil averag nllitle. e an oni! \\' valtd8 and pleaeure.seeker8. the climlLte poeLe(la. .. .AI~nn t' ..c"k • -Mr. DeIlJ. A. Btokee and tllml ' • • r .t. . ltbe I"tit two ..l<lII4Id -Mis8 Susan Hainee and her SIlI'Bet! Borne IIl1ilcconntuble eharm \)') io)l' ' Mtlt!8!'8' -Mr. Alf. Edward &, B hus Illtclv mlllor ohlldren of llobert LelO ...." deue".ed) Iy atteuded hom" picnic. at nephew, Muter Willie, urrived 1Ur. -nffords tho enffere r' almost come into posse8aion 01' the IIi· tlee":' Arc I'cllabb b08I11e88.meD, Tbelr l'I}ae0!llaet Saturd ' ' p along With bere from New Orlean s last weck. 1O.8tnlltlluellUl! reliet: r . . USle l'IuuI1 for improving .the Springll Eeqlllre Cbarle@ H..y. A doctor U,IOIIS made by 1\11:. Ben. thr.... ooi"!f "" .. 0 1' "bildrlln uf Enla88. They have heen t dd .. I.e .k, absent !IOlne fr .. m Cecil CoUIIItV. Md. wh om wo ~ollett bllll~et W . . ~re OUIl e durlllg the war. It Ie a CII de,'te."''<l.) vi .Wnmn COl!nty,Juhllldl.oul\. . I d' npon common· acnae b' I . ..... e \Ovlte t I " nny an d a II who 1D0nt 0 ' rIO us 18, piece urmg A or mechan w IC I time tl.ey · 1II1l ast Yllur at Ilklulld, IikewiBIl isl I I .. ,II t"k ~ Dull'" Ih"t princip les ~l1d if fnlly carricd out, know of anythin g tbat need8 8 ~t.I."'n ..... led . . . II, anc illS .gRinol II II'm u" th" Se' 8111061l'h fidny , have viBited St. JOBeph 71Iefi , ChiclIg ,llnW;II" o, la MUM;r victilJl, writes liS thnt hois going u~ \I~tereclltlll~ ~18tOry cUllnecter! HarveY g up' to let \II hear from St. Loui8 and the Orl!scellt ()ity of June. " J>. 18~5. In ~h" C"urt o f knowltdgfti'/bo;"' II.~ I¥,I B· 1A· ~will .not h only 1 Iarouse ' b Bburg W'I 'touchin tl All' to I Colul'Itd .. · ' he lIIIys the fever iB With ItoUl er et lnrglCo state, It. ·seekel'l . k' ut I' lem. Cnn,U\un J'I~II.••.tl",",.thin you IIlve to lind fur thO' ... "ul\~y Par/je~ /Mlldl " d IUId examinurlOslty IS to e it free -We tendcr our thanks to Dr. of' lI CILII seot uf worren. SlKl.6 of Ohio, lIy OIdeon un 'nown tllel·\!. mington alld Wayne sville and oth · back up wbat you 8LLY. do ' . ~'. /1 ;< or ,.,., ran HCUf'e'• I B 'Id' e largc. Il Lcnk. nnd I. " u" if it ever E. !,'. Dakin tor a bl\llket of' fin e I'undi .. ,. .... herein tho 8:",t lI,nll. po.d !,(lId. "!I re",illirty 118 II.. W crt! th is nut LID ' anunal ly reo t 10 er lIeighboring town8 and the Bur. become8 ucce8llary just as 'v~ ~I I.ng and L~a~ . office. Gid~on [,.,.. k dem. ndl> p.rtitl~n of th& fol· 7IIarimt 1'r;ce do. Nansem ond IIwect POtlltocs 1'1 currillg Dllllady for lite d' 'Ii f,eeI ' ' to those \~here It .wlll rOlln IlIg country WI be.on . exillbit Ie ioll lo wlOlf re.•1 cot • ...,. w· ... II: Sitlll\~o. in tho a Dew -The Utica 'Bncke ye' base.baH Dr. rlocs well ' whBte"er he ntlder. I first of Jilnuar y' tt e nn· -11' t county "r W .. rroll .. oil BtRtc " I Olulluf"ro· 1W 10 arc so nnlnek.Y as ollee to take til'1\the Iife.cnr rent fj.owing in from tbis club have played • be ~ d d , t",'o I game8 n I •.oiu, .. ntl bvunded IOnd dettOrlbed .. folio .... : • 8inee takee, and hie ~rden is inclllded it, wo shoull1 nut btl dO a hT TH I·: UI~!,;l'! neweut erpI'ise . egotilltic as ~I ,or~\'~~ e to the Int~rflll ' r .. rt nf }l1I.t.. ry su,·v~y last reportI in.both of wll'ch tbey in • thie remark H'B N... 7111 oI'iKiu;.lIy The Re. L !'I~nfl In<""u ol" r I. . • t II i til devllte this lItuch attentio ll W tlOnal I. • I vege II Exlublt ) • • .~ ' unt. cume ont VJctorlOuS, bcatlDg the tlllslOO3on, have hl'en as fille eo; I I .. reel und-lIrve yutl lUld:com R I b lun. ... thu nUIll" 'Id Jam,b POI"" 'U"elrie " ' ' '• •_ ' . Uro .... n fur mill .. nre~ ,eyod of ns ,,. lilt ~Iai bee? to us a pOi'lOdlcul to DUIII ..1 1.t r. Asher B. Smith brought D8 Springboro club 8~ to) 12 1'1'1"" $.12i'h onr 1 • UI . ers nod cuntrllc t .Ioouo by .Ium.·, Joo\mO<ln , by and the any found Ileed anywh banring ere. TI,p Un.t I! cerl OrlfHn I."tructotr I. ~ lLfHlCtlO I\ for three a 8m nil damson· braDch stuck full Mason 82 to 28 'llsecut ive yeard' 01'8 ure de.YllIg Illto the ell'lI'In(Jtld dlle t.ho Oth d Will' Crane .• ), lOr Fllbrn·uy. 18.~2: Beg.n. ie -Sb' Id tl of fruit The rt' t 1"••10. " .... 1ft ...... '111 were so tl . k taken togethe r with "I~ gravel .dcL1osits made in the creek .. In!\' ' , . s. Ie a 18. WI ell1'e . f'hut thiB 1um8 ~t ~ m".. kc,.l ~"''''lRore "" th6 b;\Uk of I!C Oaptain ot the . h' I . .' . Nine' Jim Wella, HarveYIe Th .. ne.t I".tru"",,r for the 'il'~'~fl~'~.· ·:.o· d . ~I b 8burg . in one week' b lIellee I Lhe LIV,le uct t U,OIml at t Ie dlsea$e 18 on tbe- in· an lIel",,1 Ol'lflg 8tl'eamS y t IC ment Rly.njllst "Imy/! ~he abut,. tillat )on could .ardly eee any tiling Pitcber ; Dave and' Jobn BoRer, L _ "'. of M vK"y·" be will ,;ld t1Lke nlill-d"m pictul'e! : formerl i until M"II~ ' crease ull a.round 118, justifie& nn· la!e ~. ..-, 110•••" hi.,.,. ~ lie. and the frUit .was t><;rfect, hav. Lafe Graham LoD llIo harl Cba't! day next Ing etlCaned ae follow • 2 l' T ' "811al l\ttOlltlOfI. To look fUI'ward taln freshets .. Tbesc d~p_l.sits CIIII · owned by J:lm,:" Ellio~t. thonce N, allo 4~' Th ..- nell" SIn... jnl! 01 .... U'K'~~'::':~ f,lJ.:.o.. , . . . . ,.rn ' • IIplend \ _ the stangs ot tbe cureu . Boacr, A. I vin8 .. d roud.bD lldll.g 8. rna '011 · E. l\I"Jut. ",' pole", to the Sootb.w;""t hne. of 1111 t 1'1" and _ Hoppin g Gems, 26 cents; Ollrd Photo 'rll )),9 F • ...,. Irek_".. . I l Oll I etlllle allIIn'll I"nd. uw ... 11 by he.·vo ho.TbTluB bronch came from II tree compose the rest of the_club. Hollnnd t.lienue .... t.h nce of te r~a ellsy 0 f Ilcce8S. A 1-ong H I'n (I\} t oi h", d'" liI\~ ~ U::~2U' W . " ••.. 12 for II 60 6 for '1' Picft .~ .' "nch a scourge is !lilt 1\recurro '","';10: f" .,,, ..... lin ulUU Durnett's place, where 0" . merry proll string of gravel wagoll~ have the bonl, vf tho r;'·,·r67.4 D R A' Ii d . 8 10 ti' , from one small tree were athered, I' 11 pclo. ... "'th ~l · .. III . ..... lV'ct, "my nil18t:e ' lI" and the eon. beell conBtan,ly passing ulllllg the tho"". Iluwn an. . Il<lel'8On ouu a cn· x J'rlne 75 ot.. . ramea, cump ete, $1.50. ' --I ' tw " h a f I ' . A ~ h' . noid ~he nl.1 oho!"",.1 I wltb ito DlL''' last FridlLY that is uew to ''' t JI . . ie ... l::khllee. t I U8 Any kind of (.Id pictures copied • Ih~ pl.108 ..t ~nDlnl! cont"lnlng 8(1 ntlOlI t lat 111&.1 ' "or never provQt a rei.e t 10 o liB eso pume. n t 181$ and b' h WUlU"le. V"i._. rrl" e *1.0() 1'~ teh n d aY8, 8UIIl6 01• dor.t<. oolJeC ' attleb k' oightOf>Il lind olle-lu,Unol'08 of 'lan:i J bB I .• nore . or ,tatalaD The t\ vcry poor season for fruit, too. l Be dkeept ,t o.,I\C l. OI.hU' her "f b diseade "",." ~fUdio 8 at I•. WIlCJ are w IC can Iltt e employ or the le"". I ~ .an.·, l-~r. 1000el,p. art ey hllII. been bay. is bllt 1I00ail wbile ..t.~h.nextt.r,"o'AIIldoourt . • • • ~'n ·house of Mr. . • ~. rrl8 yolt we .. Wilmin gJon &; Watne svillo ·Turn· th~ .."ndtbut In a armIDg y I r Blnce our JIlOlt ld u IIItIUU. ~~nn K t !>eail ' be wllhppl RSADUiQ. D ' ..,. fop annrder h ayn .... ul·lle "r George RI'ley I dd 't' f. 'ke C .. $1 1';1'.' lie lutter . ure Lh~·I... r"'tAlIn. n.~y be II\I..Ie 0 r .aid 4'11&. INNEY 8 ...... on t l'-. b 0 ....... oW.. premi. The fl",,~ Suore,l ft8d Boo .. I.rPrl~ "r,,,.t tll-t D a I Ion to b'II' O"I1.....iull.l. umpany. I lonl ... \tel', e lost 8uu6nngt~.' tortUl'ee- 0 ' the pi M M " _ .... d""'hu. ·ho~bo. prooeed ". th'IS. evenl'Dg in-'o"y . be ott' . rJ. .0. fouud a Baeri crinoidee on a atoDe waB ta1.~.. -I 'tIl ti,., .... n"n tl a congest _.. l· ..e clll'll, b' . _. en . . ,. P lD~rroadm .. Ie H • arveys KIDney, wII.1 glve. hls readmg from that b~ been hauled up to.~k -~~ .b)' )"..... • ofthel TbeBe.t ,ood urg fur OluoBoo re 8ectlOn Mixed ir. A had ... I,",'.uthorlzedGIDEU Voi""... Price tUiOI e& and fur som.e NLEAK daya . IllS hfe was ltie· Re,lIgIo the 0d8 , 111 Cadwa llader'll Ball. foun~tlOD W t~e new &tldltlo uIJ. new bridge is oolOg b\lih Ilt thtl By S, n W: be BKOWN. almo8t bi.Attor despair n"y. ed of. He n .. " WII& .. PI_llh not nl, ,. . - .Adml88i(l" 25 cenle. .Mr. Kiuney bas JIlII' bad bllln. • foot of Oollett's hill. Angust 24. lIfrn. ~7t mncb better, Jut evenin g. Dr. . Tho hc~~rG~!:~0~~~8M .. I!"~~i!'. ~. j" a fine ree,der, aDd those who . -Tbi.l i:ind of we&ther will make Oharles Bartley and .Mr. Alo\lzO .The ()1~CJllnlltl •• E. C'OIlfe,ellee . --~ -.. ~-~,..... _~L-,~ -~ ~ .........,..-... ,!11l h?ld Its.alln uai ee&8ion in ()in. -F~ler, who. Willi . IIlIac go will be wel\ compe nuted. Judge J. W. Keys feel more keenly Bartley , bi8 brothe n, were by DA AAj 'Mi'a .,*"an ,A Th BOIl sum' ClIJnatl , Priae $1.50.. comDle nciug Septem • • _ ber !cCrak uCrOla~k~vll1e, died Thul'8·. ~~~~ 8~ ~\!l~~~tl bia IUaa (I) iu D<lt baving the ice to moned, alld have been with :'''I~,! bim lat. !~'''~~! :,-:~=,i • DauH O~ Maa. M.IOHAEL WISE. Bell thi8 Bnmmer that y. c ay 18 ID cn8tody . Notioe melted on tbe for a few dMYs. 1M hcrehv given. tll .. t .. pethlnll MI'lI W Th D.. . . . d ed ,b 1 . -Quit l'rloo e ~1\().' a numbe r of 8Cce88i ons -Mr. J. O. Whet8e l 80ld his will he pre_anted ' too tbe 4ilOluoni••lone.... of ~ '. II e I ,a:. er lome ponds Ilnd riven lad winter. 8 ......t Ou.l.o.r ilIu••o I. -Duri ng the past few montb8. were mad e to the m.moo rehip r titrm near OIBrksvi11e Monday Worren Couuty •• t theIr ~ellt _illn. near thlljl aco O? FridMy . of IllIIt Set>..... A _ _ 0 ............ 0 ........ -Two bridgee 00 the W-.r ' Mr. Reeve Hollan d has been .ak. " ...mlklr II. A.D 1!!75. prayIng for tbe .,.tab. nell Th Bee U · the M. E. Chul'loh, Jut Sunda y.£""" ....50. N OOKLEB. Hol.ment of ... Oo>'ffity ' Road on th.lfollo\ er W&l.'91Dterred ville & Ridgev\l1e pike need atten· ing exteuaive improv \-· .:. ..... !, ~l\'Ul n~ V._I X1lIio ill emeots 00. hi'! The Rev. O. Ferguaon held hi81aet 1h auon OD a.u ay. DUTS tion from the Supervi8Ol'8: olle near fllrlU near this place' EU,18 W 4BO _ } . They are servicce for the COli erence y~r on This' Noe 1 2 8. aged citizen died ou AA.ode-on'lI IItreet Bpr'l nkler 1'0 .. EsqC . bEd, warda' and .0De .t W m. Wed~ee. W. cornQ~. th~lIue .uoolo8'~ or "..... the relWly: Prl~o lib c~n~ .....b: • lUI no H. lLb<mt compleu, DOW" and all who tb&t day. ___ _.__ k .. day Iu,t a ftc r a pro tl'I1C te d I'11 lIe88, lIno poaitive hi aaing and refreabmen" are" 8. ~. E. J. S~I. Rndthenoe u . T.InO'Neal! 101 . J.01: ..~Id I,,'. N. to The. _ corner. Boot....... . llaguin .. foe: ~ the ....me ....... . .. Piaao)/. I0 PEAOH., MBLO•• &c.-M r. A. of cancer in the etolUucb. theee IlUltry .U\DlIler daya. DoD't>' -I'arm eta com~lai~ tbat ~ro\1nd uow Mr. HollllDd e j!;Ood talte Bis clireotion on or lie... the line of Tliomaa and mechanical a~i1ity wH,1 not C. McOom Year. &"00. lpaN! t~ dampDetI8 Jacob. break8 U!J unusual y .hard, thlB f~lI. need be told .tbat hl8 farm 18 Bec· peachea a8 ill iu dail] receipt of funeral took Vlllco on. . Satnrd ay WllllalllR and G. T. O'Neall to the Cuuot~ N.,.. 1 to D IIOW reedy.PerPriae , 30 ..... te and (Ither froite . . , .••••_ _ trom fr", m the Orthodox Friendll' mee~ ~....::t.,. f;;:I!~:t ~~e oro~: -MarS hal, Earnha rt .nd Damel olld to oolle 10 the way of dwell· ..n.t)h~~e Th~;~~Mapallle for AclYIlnoed &no Oincin nati. and he wlll take picas. tin~.house, Tbe remain s W~at.. rem.r)u&bly, eaey thing it Crane bave I!tarted • butchering ing,houlle, were 01 lana. heloftgln8 to Abl'llham Lilloolo anel . .. out buildin gs etc.. etc. ure in 8npply iu" our. citizenll duro bDried . PI..ye... l~ A'd rop . to , b 181' r 101M poop Ie 'III> ill Miami Oeme.tery HI! takee 'd' In po- 188.':bl· I' fi A. P. O'Neall. tbenoe Ea.t..ardly 011 or .. 18 ment h ere. d • . . C'. . •• 11_ .. prl M e 10 W ' liS arm, a. 109 the 81i&80U With tbe cboices t . , : Dnr tb.llDe-o -1.' Uk~ Sil.. W~ - ~pecially i -Died , of cholera infantu m, iDf IIIIId8 "f aid A. LiuooUa r. .ard wAS lrorn 10 New Aftd A. P. 0",",11 to the lin .. A. Linnolll YCIU:.....00: 8paret no plLiDI to make it __ good varietie s in the ....ket. Leave \ Noe. 1 IAIIIl no .... rudy.1'.,.I"riw , liU Jersey ill l71J9j hut: b.. long been 'alld J088pb Rilley: and on aa1dofHiley· th pan,l ,,toueb mg elegiac. . lim•. nont~bb .. ild of B. ~aw .~ • ...,.f .... d 8 .. Id the eaob. bee~ PnbU.hec . _ -e_. l. '. ..... _ .. _ ..u..t. . . poe", .YODr orden, '"I!I""" and ·lilve _ yonr _ _ rrnit a . bighly· d r red 1 11. bTt..chera InRi.·t1Ite _. .,e an I .IiD11•..... to. tbe lioe of JOOft 1'.100010 p& • by.' . . respected reaident of thi8 Llncola· . _ _ IIlId J'_ph _ LLA. _ )", ~heboe To .....~ are 11,no . b--1I. l,.aDd· e lve "n .... Id line etil P Dr . I~ a your I> 1 doo.... V,!.ttftltY.~ iii e JCM8ph H'-y·. lao •• thence Nor'b ...... n1I·; . ' •••• ~noo:.' I IlPpromj)to enterta tnment . Hall, .rdent lutDJDer I at lengtb plDmll...211""'" • '. ••• , ~A" ..r. V..i. \ ~: . cenCI. quart np in 8oo&b D .. " B Th.n ka to Ea.q . •n,,,gtOn for.. See ad "ertisel llent allO I.ropare 1\100!!, aid IlUIe to the lIfiddleto.... lIlWclIlJr· . ' . .- • ~.. t ball, _, Tbanda 141ft1 1iu,..... bia tbee bail. I..eyoborp- R·lIId. Mnd. th",.., til ~,!d. CharleeloD, ~ I roauw . ballet of UlaguUic:eet pap_. ay I . £ot tbe WarreD Oounty H"ir. I July 31. A.D . H:l15. A l'EUflO . ElL N. Y. •.... p • • •t ::-
-M .... Alln JobnllOn .rrind at tbell..
"!M~her the, )mow
September 21 22 23 & , , - a , IfI1 "" 30
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to ..... 000Iti&a • chl'ODic Flour tf.D .,...c. toaclaiD i IOCieIJ hen. I IUD .w.... , lie dietiDCt ftum an acute Whe~ uld. a&tract i • I boIa.ft 1 to er tbia. bat 10 no purpoae - . -.lady - - - - _ 2!S &bal ~11a the Borth . Tbe plain .. t pretebt ation Wheal, new ...... ftlle" on the Arb..... riYer,wbere W. rod. in the ~ "IS P., eaT . L. IL II. to beh.v. chat the life andarepropert until of tbie aubject tt.t we bave met Ret, tall: enjo1 ODe of the moatdeliKha. abqat noon, whea ' ucitem ent with i ll oonbli ned", "Plain Home C'~ Ri.:/tnt on.i <! CAi('(I " Di,,;, ion of a norther n citi_a are uneal_ iDy Ihllcan 66 Ii 71) portion e of the Ilobe. Iwore off' and we ~ to our ,'laUe," comme ncing Oft! page .&W . . . . ~.. • T.nnea.aee. .It ia certain ly 80 credil 3 {3. ~tl1 ' 6IJ@ F. 80 WJUI4 IDO.. comfor table qQarte" ~ ia tbe a1oop· Tfl. an,b rut thill work' hili) bee n Flu .~-d ....I. . .... y. . to tbe mtelhp nce 01 a people wbo 1 25 , . •••• -- er. engagt.-d for over twenty }~ i n B. I ' No.~. 1'0 10. IACcept eQcb .ta~DI('nte , ,!h~n 0 • ~~1 5 JI'roIIl ~o....o, The plaioe, ' at fir. . . . plfindid ; treutill g ell c!n8ive ly chronic 'l. oI•••,rl-I",. ,·. i.:m a In 700 p . mt'roo. and ~aeed IIt.tl bee .... d~. '~~" . 4f1 D C eight, IIO()O 'becom e moeotoAoUIl' jBe&8e!' , and It woul 8eem Rleh. ..... - .~rri,·~ 10.:10 1010 r· "pen an" &CCIIUlble at all tim.., AS 11" eluv~r 8'100 • 8 -00 "''IUIy.... H·k·"I0 · • . arrh·. 1t.~6. III In.$;! pm proving tlJe rn'S1Jt. and our e, .. wear,. of looking at by tJli time be slJ oult kno w pretty T ' ~1 rl; veree. M•• 0•• ,1•• arli" .4ugu. e 18, 1 iI. I1.JO a II> 1I .~1 1'''' the d6801ate Hody ~·on . They TI . , ' well what constitu tes t~ d iO'e rence .'JJl() ~y . eu'd ,' . . . . D AIIII. r.nn. • "h·e (). It Lea' D' h ,1.10 r m hU 8 a Ie clt,lsell l here are polate, t 4 ~8 ' I clYII . e~r . / Ga o! evlng WI~ , ,have. 1lcl 'oM the appear K"b n,o • • • rlve. ance ud 0 Obr mead· Tt 3.00 p Dl ~tweoll a ch ronic ~nd'. &cute affec- Call 1·51> a and hU8Plta blo to all, and they weI· 1111001', AUguBt 3d, at 8 Yuu ,hi u ' '-11 ck,hver .~' !J P. M" owa JQBt after being ~~::~~~:It .~I;;~.. ~.o$ P w ~'!' • come k indly all honcst pc.ople who we arri 't mown . in J.: ved in KanA8 City next dr1 time. The gr&18 lleemd to ,be Itloo . The d uctor IIm t Slid r · 11 6..l • , .CJ P n, '." . oei VC8 consult ations frora' ahc ic k l~ ( I() IIIIf y cY: I \!h!ca CO, .rr;'·. ' 9 .0 (1 I' III day at 10 .00 . III cUllle t 0 lua ke .L AM· the count1 ebe wUI COUD t ry tb' ll! ell . " a 11 pInts 0 f' I . . ty 0 8 , . - d e ad,an d growa in .... .... I." ao\lT.. ' II 'al _ nchee, acd 10 crry home. They meaaur e men by the t W e4!n he!O and. , Loul81a t I \\' r I·' u, all d Wit t, I:r(,un burrel ~ Ist na 00 l' 109 never IDV • . over tbree I.~hcs Nn. I. lIlieh IUe No . 3. large practice it wftnl d · 8cem W II' 8landa rd or moral worth, uo mat· eoyered wlth wator to the , .( 4/ depth There.a D re no wceCl', ~1c.I"-L.... , nothinF 7.50 p m Wilt hll Ill ight be conBidt'retl IlU' T ~\l: tI.~ • m ter bow hllmblo or whllt their Ott... of about one I) Ii> foot. The crope were slive now Bnd then a Dunch of Ititvrity 5 C... aPoI.l.- ar' l.u 9.401' 111 lo .u. " . · be "& 11.. _ unun bl the looking " oi po" arrl•• 1!l40.m nt aJl\Jd cd to. AI\IIIIIP ~ , well notwit/ stand ' na b t loo pm patlon maJ 8 ,80' 1~ ......... ora e l 40 ftr r• ' r I I .. , U Bago bru8h. Horsee , caulu und lLllll8 'r< J[ok".o, ,. PP\.'8. harrel . :45 a In ' :'lI1p lit' and not iu y-j(.lIatwn of the lawl of 50 til <1 50' wo rk" plalll Ho me .lurk l the , ' country 1 8 li. I did ~ 1I0t b II Ilft'ord a 1 vory <)5 l Btock 1 5 ,ft..t of all ~Dele_D . • 'rlv~ kinds eeem to gro w full uf valuabl u sngg t ion8 to the pp 3.:17 ~ m • II P Dl i the land. The batcJlet is buried pleasao t osef es T' U8 Ie , prospec t, nor was it inter· tat on thi8 pasture ..,' E . lC. . ~ •• O.nl., err.. , "'" . .. 4 :17 It 'n -. 3 ... 8 P ,. ' d I Bick '. nnd " i. hllvlIlg ed. Ali ' e8t' na to oe w settlers At Kanl!a8 H'IIO!'WI.n, ard.. a o 1\ DI a v ry etten. IIUi!.Ii, ., :t8 p .. jan tIe !lUllat.lO n accept 7 50 I . I ' I .. I " .. We took dinner .at Wlilluce, and SIl Ie.' W . ~Idb.ond. arrive 5.1o It DI 6 ~o p .. parlie ' Dleet frle odl,. and peaceab- IOlty wo cMled the . . •I o. wou d JU\'lto uttentto!J;'1 aWdJ, (i~s Ulircill. ~188ourl river at II:~, P. M., tbat c,vening. arriv. !lO his ad vort.iscm \JIDulaa ,tI . a,rlve. 9 .00 am 9 .:l~ p . ly. 1 bave nc ver witne88ed, at the \ oll.one ot these ent. . 8plend t ld stru~tu reB, ed in thie bellnt1f ul cit, of D Il\'cr !!a, To.a 1.~IY1.1· RICbuol~ln d dMllr ' _. -._- _ •• Ali i vnriou8 politica l meetin .... and elec- bUilt for the accomm . JAMK S W· HAIN t;S M D •• 0 . ll n. odatIOn uf foil couvinc ed thllt we had '·-· r: n "a~ .. ell,. . " o'ber TsIC M ONMn'E RY, by Sir W Ill tet. Trai ao r..a .1.,11" "C~p "1 ad t 41 ' unda,., T 'l.. tiona 0 that I have attende Iy ' d 'in-Eut , . .: I ral ro """ S rawo; t bl 0 ' • L_.I A!'nl88 I' d .ty ridden . I ull tbe largeet il W8 had ~ot. pn IB....... t Hoi ay ,. IB tie . W. L. ~' I' IUEN , Ii. P. • T. A. Ten ne88CO and N urthern Georgi a, ' be~onga .th~ flrat brldglll g BOml • • • &TI . . 1l AL: , of the ever dreame D. w . CA'~IIW Io;LL , 0 , M., Oolu .. IIUI, d of. In oar nest we tJltJ.Mn t.A volnme of' nn untlre oe\~ :..... 81lcb demonlltrllotiol)lI from tbe Atassourl river. 00 the Fourtb ot will give you a . de&C1ri iflfl uf thie editiull of Thll Wuv~ J . BI I.L, ~'\P'I,I,,,pu.pol1 .lod . r1oy Novel tt, ... a81 did at "iut OCtober July, 1889, ita CUD\pletioQ WM III. • ••• r . place allio ollr experIence of a 11 0 \'" f': l coul'lle ot'luLl iclition , Khnlllla r 'I'r tbe Uhlldr en. br a ted, an d ' by / 10&88 meetio g In my .nati ve town. Iee Ie Ii 0111 II I' R II ' H T B. j It l' ~u & orma , tl week PI amuliK 'I the R~k1 Muuntains, . . ec & - e.-. (.mae. . et eri!nn. · I merely apeak of tIll. by way of l o~n~ ~ tbe p,ubLac. ~01l&1 ro . lora, II a ·, 'mininj( district l, &c. KI)(~I~Lthe mora"', d lllvlia, ;~t: tlcd, Pete7.'8v;a~ I compar ieou. 1 know of no countrY jOity Ie bUilt on fllflh bluft'lIl w.,_.u........~__, _ lIae ..... dill' oeem brlcbt. u the Very truly y .. I1.'I) Pini.tl en ,J' oorner Ohd1i E dtlt ': l " Jor the M~tlHm where a law·ab i diDg man i8 more ~t ben d' 0 f th e .l880url" I V ... LUKE NS lf D I d' 'I rIver, . v .ttult.tOIl CAOWALUDE.. II •• wll •• I~ ol lIlf"l;. • OJ , J.' . Ie " uver,·ey 1.r" OVel" lecure from molefta tion, tban in JUBt below the moutb ot tbe II. ""10 I, Kaw , •• -.A°Wel.b.b~~b"t1p~lI!e· , book i8 priut ed I~ 111 plain. el l!al}~BYSI~AN & SURG 1 "olllllMM . tlli8, let biB politiCi and religion be or KaDl~aB, on the 80uth bank, EON·, o, .... at en 0". mpu "'lOOraUl,. From K8D.. .. I b Ity pc, doublu cu lumn. lind ellch ' • d'IDJllno DeparU. " and ,"V~. no 1<1_, point wb 'cb' 011100 in N,uiullul 80lnk nu ild;n... W let t ey may; WI'ld ao t th e u. tl'e " I 18 k" a d same To the oLlld.... In the m..,..u., . J t . une l B. ' . . atateme nta of ,.eliable corre.p ond. ~ime the fartbee t ~etlt 00 the . 18 IsallC C lUI' e e HI ." nav · . [Mr. I·IIJ. MIsall~lne Wfltes to wor' MIII1 llalilk Ill'oll, ; Illrg octavo v lultw, with ~ lVe·u: \ Wj t· T HE VJ I• L cr, ', 0 ./rll(} en" to the contrar y notwitb .tand- 19able waters. Since the comple , . , bl.. brot~er, John 1'., III fulluwI , I I llu8t1'a ted Cuve/', lind Mall, Rull', I,ll,. ; . . will be \ tiou of tbe tint railroa d, in 1866, frOID Oxford , Btlmuo c:w- n"oon•. nn" Joo ' .. I....\·~ 1'0i0C ' OIl"". r Ov., KauBus:) , cOlDpletud in twenty .six volumes, ' "e>; much dcpeadlng . will write you what I know tbe hiatory of the city hlU been Thi8 •. • • In, _W~"_ll_''_',"! ''' ' i,. .I1._.•_ ll'_i'_' _ _ _ _ _ _5_t_O has beeu ratbet a wet scaIllt Twellty .livc nt!! each, ur Fi\'e :•• CC"'II.oIcI"=~:.I. L,..,II . -.... ,.., Ih.~~I=~:~lf~.!uo"o~l:":OI' ,.about Cbattan ooga at aDother time. one c,ontinu ed e~c~ion . -. o,f m~r· SOli, with 118. The curn will muke l p ollarl4 fur th e com And I'd b.,·. y"u aljl4ke .a,nlng. I YOUni O. O. LOKIIl"S. plet.e sct. Thi s ' 'lela 10 the 88tontdblDg rllpldlt y With a big crop. ,,'/ FS It E bl . WI e .. t 'W,~ gu,>d. , 1I0t IB tho Ch~'UDt'8 t lUI wdl a8 the Onl y I h' b i~ucrc lb~I~ · r,~g· I ' h ed ' I I . .. de I. ' • I I, I . - -- .. • I d'd C IC rpuat lon f , • .. pro~ , Inlu IllDl\g d Off.r. hlo ~ ro(e.'IOtOII.1 ~~ rviue. . 11 ~ ~ , mucl ltlew II II c 1D0r.... t:t 10 rbu "Itl' I umplet Tbe Ark.D ", VaUe7 ' e EllitlO1 I of Th e Wa vt'r· it,. ' •• an. n.l\nrl the v\";"i ewitt ~". l" vinl: I'" (ltlti rt\')·, and giganti c not IUde a bu~bel. I h.d lj j7 bush· ley No~e llll'u~1i .. ... KI . ... ladl ....."Ial Qa.alldr s h ed in this cOlln· ... Kperieuco, h e .h..l'~' to If;'·•• ~ti.r"';ti ..n __ IItrldee It h&ll &eken toward8 the l'1~ 00' 3,) neres. I had 15 ~ ~ t\,tl acI'CS try, 11.8 at cOlltaln s 1111 th e Author's ,,11 wb" mILy r. vufl hlm with" S'~'l~: ~~:~g~'da~I~.I:. Ed', Ua~etu:-Tbere pre about lUIIumytiou of metropolitaD propor which 0.11. ~. t .\NU I fa~ture d Illhvill Wilbaft'e. t1i>II" glo. . ter with :,I Notes, 811 well as ull hid hl:!t cor· 3000,00 0 acres of escelle nt railroad tiona. At that time thepop SE'rl t W . BRO\V~ oletion C",Wilau' 15h' .gs,arl\~whichml1de re(:lion s nud addit ,1 Q "''''';4 , ., • II~O::' ~~':,~ :i:;':l:,,'.: ::!DI,I,'!': .ln. Iland on the AtchiBou, Topeka ions. At thi s ' , " aod ~IUI ~ l~ thaD 6.00.0" and to·day if, 3~ bushel8 to th~ aCI'Ci, tbcn I hlld -:.!>~~~ ~. ~ . Who .\I·e wooed to pu c.rul .h~lIIber,," Sante Fe R. R. for sale, in the low 11rice, everyo ne sh.JUld get n 'A T T OR N£Y AT LAW S. 18 e8tlma~ that It la at least 4:5.· to acr"" 80wed m the curn ,('\,~;"nll'~~"~. nl\ildill~ . {...\!, Streo·I. 1l, a dOllr 0 11" . (O/ad c"r,"lag , and not . full lIet of tbe Waverl ey N uv el~ nt W. portion of Kan8&8, Tbi8 land 000. We tbink tha. Jut etltimat '. .1 1 N I~ I IL r. "-, ,. 0111 0, e pallt\lr ~. which made 1\la,oet In Ibe m"'IIlng 4:l!5 bUoIhel ... ollce, which tltcy CUll i8 of lIuperior ~na1ity. I have jn8t too bigh by about 20.000, but p LI l 1r.' ,r,,,l> I" I"'rl' ,m h ll"" " f:,l\li n8 "f l!' ur!five 111180 blld /) acrell ou /IUd. which tiog Five Dollnra ill UO by remit · A fVD V'()'TA. R A .. QOI uut uC ~Iac. ; a l(ltter, pcr I made a chemIc al and geologi cal it to your readera a. it ·W&II ~ I ",tu't: " f tI .., :~.ry.,t.v.t qUllh~l. "nil Ilt '" given mllde 125 bU8hel •. Huw ill that tor first mail, to T. B. KI •••• III Ihocvoliing i 811rvey 01' this great, fertile valley. to UII. Buaine al in Kaul88 Oity Peterao n & • __ '"' IIMlClilA"'a 111., ... B.lIi1~ U\\ · _FIG U RES iB a wheut crup? It' old! Wllrrell can , BNthe rs, Ph iladelrh ill, on recei pt . A~al~·':e~~I/lr.-:bc.i ,bl, I. ! Th~ I.aud differs (rom the ordinar y at ~nt 1.rgely overdo no, ~od ~Ilt call be (" "nil In .~y mRrket Hia ,Iotk that, For ladlllgeao. la.fal r."un ; I.8houl d lilul to ~Ieur t:ro,!, : o~ which they w~1 scnd a full 8et - - E, S~ It. ' pl'llme laud of Iowa aod Illinoi8 lWmplamtll are beard ou every - -,. . (lt1n~l~ta 01 8W48I." ,ullp_1 mun kl •• c. I •, being far Buperior. It pQ8lIetI8ee ~ 'o f hard times, .nd aeareit 81de It. Whllat I. wurth 8l,10 111 W Icln. ,ot th~ twenlY 'Blx volumes, per . \\ ALTO N, I B "~ ~: I/H, 1 (l U, R, S{lI1J'/R" Ohm.". y of tI&, alld i8 going ulli i\ I:U61S 20 ct!. Ireturn of mail, post·pa , 1'...... D~:~:~'~ ~~"lOa ! id, tu any A T TO R N E Y AT LA 'W " I ' ..... ,rH. I .II /mg"", rich ~Icareoua deposit , with tbe mo~ey! . and allO of bigb .Berl.'~tl''''III. ~es, • bU:lhel to bave .it h~llled, 1.011 ' OnE!, to any pillce. From TeDDell8ee, alkahn e for~a~i?D, witb jU8t eu- WhlCb.1I fiTe per cent on ().tJi '''' , 68 Broad way, t .l/'ri( I'II R~"II. 6)tl. "(lkm{l " a bllSh can lIeo whethll r It wll} pay to ml~ . ~~;l~. ough.o f t~e~1l1~loua oraand yaod valuat\(~n. We felt well fiBDK ON; 0...... (}.[((«."~. D·r ~lJlcetll; . repaid wh~at hure or not. I ,ounS mel) IU O~ATJ'Al(OOOA, Aug. 18. I all'!vla l to give It atreng~ aod dn__ And over the NeUJ Drug-S tore, ~or 8taymg over one ~.~ .. ___<:!~':~~~:'...:._"_ , dliY, Bud ~' . OhiO. who cannlt~ atrurd to own . E·u. Oautte :- Now that tbe Irabllit y. These propertIes, whicb 109 for ou~lv~ the -Scho ol opens here nellt week, W.lYN DVU.L E, O. 1 am 11100 prepued tb'.ttead '.U ·oal\6·ijj ,8 nbstant lal lalld the~, hlld better culIJe ont Wont we be glad tide of emigrll tion i8 turning 8 utb- l-boUn d, pre-em ineutly adapt " it to growtb of the city. It II now the ucre, I t1uuk. , ~ ward. it iDJ.Y not be out of place tu email gram8 .anda 1soto M' AI' H 1' " d I J A M E S N. HELL, corn.8 0term inuso flever al railro adll·H .18 briefly note lI"me of my diBCover. and 4:0 b08hela of wbeat, - -···· · - ", .-;ll ssIS tdw e\.s ltele r. and 70 From here we took tbe Kan888 . ATT ORN EYA TLA Wb• .I1incr • flno new Bea..... and a Mllia. KAT AND SICKNE:8s.-Durll1 g ,llun I~re.>n a or By. of iee nnd ob30rvationa among st tho bushel8 of corD to the acre AND tor.TA. ~ .".....Cl. the belt hill8 and vlllI"y" of ElUt Ttl unell8tle, 8ily produc ed. I am much are ea- Pacific train tor our trip acrosl tbe the hot and 8ultry w~~ther an nn· -M.18B Lou Tho~ps on 8pe~t a 0Jlice oveT A. DOlf}B Drug·S tot·e, Burial Cit.aes Ga k pleased plainl. Tbe tra!D leaves daily at Ils~al~y amoun t of 's' Robes 8!ckul\88 .pre· part ot last "'':Elk WIth Mrs. Hlzar, of which Ohattan ooga is tue grand witb tbi8 fertile vale, tbro' W ... YNDY ILLII, 0. . which 11:80, A. M, inoludi ng SundllY8. VUIIS ln cv ~rJ commu I • e I I lJlty Cl!p~c1Blly ,'ellr Fort AUClent. centcr. I 8hallll ot attemp t tu give the brolld and attracti ve Arkau AND LI:RAIIION-. eu The first plllCtl of note in tbe IilUollg lem.uleol anc~ eut of . anel. a flJ;le an elabora te dCdcriptiou of the roll8 ita el'erlu till8 waters. cllll,dr II, . -Mi8s Jennie DI&vid8on 11118 en:12:1 lao· Kaw Valley after leaving Kau888 clAu:lc.. d ~Y the r~rmcn ._ .. . f} country or ita resollrce8, bnt cootiuo heeitl&tingly pronoUDce.tbie ~mlt. m.\!8. • ,tirely reco\·e.red ber Qsoal health j - - - - - ~-- - - :; - - the moat Cit, ill uwren ce, popula tioa about ~ or Il~tro~o?us t!!!>~1'JO ~ m*tter m~lt to a few racts. ffltl&t~n g ! credit to Dr. Dakin alld the many .. bo&otiful al1d invitin g country I 10.00.0., Its eurly bistory iii til I.ball el1e1.ellvo , to ~o'm, Dea\ to merit known IU tbe ~Ir, arltll~lg from ,declIYlIlg / I do 1I0t think tbi8 the bQ$t couu - ever saw. In mYe8t imation , hav. ,. ' ..:r'!~!lIo!:~~ ~~~y:a!~~:t~o:.e. and to all. Manya ddition al improv e· vcgetHt l.on. Tlal .. bud air affeet!! warm friend8 8he has w,on 8ince ber try or the must produc tive 80il ttl ing trav4l1ed over twenty 8tates coming alDollg us. of menta have been made. Among ~v~I'Ytlllllg ~ve ~Ilt, and. ellgond~rs -Misses E~a Keys Hanna h be found. But 1 have yet to aee tho .UDi~n, it e~rcely bu A7Ai111"'., AI ~ At !if a pa~l. which i8 th~ State l!n!versi~y, a III It a scml ,fermen tatIOn ,wh~ch l Spl'IlY nnd 1Jl .1"dill! ooullb'y where natuN hll8 been lei, and 18 deetine d to 8warm. Elva Tho,~pBon, aud Firllt Nation al Ba~k Bteildil1(J, Upl&ol wltb tr:uely m&fllDlfioont bUild lUg, situa' when taken 10 the Byawm ,terin,f/' P~:ct1lre ~ Nirror ~o profusc in her gifts as in Ellst i~ millio~s of buman beinge, wbo, ~ IS like ! M088rs. S . O. Levicy and J.M.Re a· on a p~winent peak ~d io le,a\'~n, ~nd t'pernbotes °ln the wbole . FRAM ING '£eII lIetltlee. 1 tlVCI~k nuw of tbe ag o WIth their we.ltb aod ingenu son repre8e nt onr town at tho Teach' I_ _ ~ AYNE S VILLE, OHIO. ity, 81gbt for mllee along tbe raIlroad . "taftlD~ III th~ . duae Pn>D1pti1 ' PromptatleDtloa to we ill and 8.OO'; ·ers'los titute. greg.te Ildvaut ages this cuuotrr . will 800n de\'elop the almost inex· Our oext place of note i8 Topeka , I'md.llclIIg!l Violent fer~ell.tatlouf l --M po8$e88ea in climate , bealth ,80i. hau8tib le reBOurcea of this d M 8 B TI &It&AO ' OUB e, fertile where we took dinner. It ill 8itua· cUUdlllg dllir~llUe and dl,lIent U P · T Olft -N watur: timber iron coal 8tolle valley. Ita rich and never nrY"l>aiu a ~i.a::e dayr:,' vi~it tll~::!: I~ ITOIR D .TRBE'J!~ NEAR . . . . N. failin~ ted on tbe north ' bank . of ' & Kaw &' It had T' , been .' found that . t.he h noj.o(, I . , W'I . transpo rtation, c., e. . d . L II b lie sod Btream., Ita ox aUlt e8I we II 8 0 river, CINC INNA TI 001"0 . b SPCCI"" old !'ort Grarle Wille uf ,litl\'1lII all II 8urronn ded b y '" rio III I rnll.lgw ll, ync I urg preilenta a numbe r of varictiCrl, riv- w.ler, pure ~l J r . , 01:. aud Martin and healthy , oot afJ'cet. atld fertile country , and tbe sville hl8t week I 82 00 PER D~ Y corn l. uw ,ersoy h.1I.8 er and creek buttoms, are Illluvial, ed by the dronth -it8 magnif . e~trl¥'rdlll~ry I " icent pl'08peet at predeut iookil very eHt'Ct IU ch~c:ktngun . thla h!rlllenr.ata~n I -Dorn , August .I.3th" 1875, a with clny 8uu'lIoil, and Ilre vury fer· Bccllery, ita lIlI8Urpa88iDg bealth "~~~_!!:''I'8ON. ~.:... - promiBing. It is al80 tbe head· 1l1l.d . J"Cojtllrtllg the ly8t:t~U tile.. to Ita dllll~ht or to tho Wile lit John H. MISS RACBIE R. EBRIGHT for the medica ! craft caooo~ liTe quartel '8o( the .Atchis on, Topeka <lrlglDul IItl'Cngth .and .vlgor. and . Ad.lr. U poland 18 cluy loam and good, bere-a ll comllll1e to render It tbe _ _ _ DRAB. Pln,. ,.ne Mule er, ' & San~ Fe Itllilroa d. Our next whun uaOO l.n tllllC It preven ta Saturdu but t'ertilizel'8 mlly be used 1'1'Otit, most attracti ve country on tbe y e\'enin g, 88 MessrB. EAsl lide of Main S Ir.d. globe place of Dote ia St. Marl"e , IIOme the?8 COl\lp~~lnt.l altoget ahly. The ridge·lllnds make a large of which I have any knowl her. In· George and Obllllter Myer ulld [.cw. ~A"D'-• .....~tor. .n ...... OH.d. edge.- lW miles from Kan8&11 Oity, ~nd vullds . dobltatated pel·~tl~18 have ri8 ISlIIith, and Mr. Bnd .MI'II. Edwur d propo,rtion ~f the c\luntry , and with ~und.red8 ~nd thousau da ara 'ii'~[fJ ~~ 1Rl[i£~f !JI1.[ I. ~in the mid8t of a . fioe. ,farmlll g fOIl:I~ It , t~le m"B~ !lUtlrl<!:o o.. nnd &<,burld were returni ng mtelltg ent ,.llIlge lire made to Vru· klllg It tbelr happy homes from Cor· for hfe. country . The ~wu ltaell IS swall, l(~H' duce well, anr: ure particu larly welt The Vompa ny of tbe above RR bllt bere are 81tuated the II&I'gD8t t!tnmgthulIlIIg tunIc m .t.llll m~r~et , win, thcy were 81urtlc,I by the firing J, uud th~ grt!uw3t . help 111 reelstl~g of HOVCI'ulsbots fruID sornl:! IInkllowlI adapte d t\lstook 1l1I~ graziug tiuws, are uft'ering induc~~enta which , WHOLE:'lA\.E eo- inatitu.ti~n8. o~ learnin~, west of the pOll.un"ulI Ilfl~ct~ of. thevetlB' pt:r~,)n d 011 the I'nil fond. 8 e\'el'l1l l lUI the.gra ssee fl"llrI~b well. able the ~reI!t cltJllen8 to buy Bellldc8, t~~e rldg~a prod~ce ac~ of tl1l8 rlc~1 land. on a 160 !be MIBSI88lppl. Ita I"story ~nd u,l ut~J.'8~hllre. ;1'luB wIDe 80 long lime8 they ordered Ihe driver 10 nWE LERS long \Odu8tr~ we could .learD notbmg eM~b" ...h~~1 has bee.o.me iOPTlClDfS good. whent, trUlt, and every vllrle· credit. the. ';'ao. '8top.' ench time th~ ul'd t'r a ecom. !" Any Ihdll8tnotrs fariDer -:bo.ut, !utb.er than It WIUI a Catho· dUld ~~IIO, Ollihe for t1ie :M'~nuraoturo ..lid &1"',,, WIlIO "l'on ~lllch. phYSlclan8 panicd by threats whIch WIlI'C. nU.t ty ~f vegetab les, but a8 yet to a ~au Y':Irchase lO(} acres, and I " , pay hc IDBtJtutlOn. Tb.e cou,ntry fro~ re111.UI th~ 11I0St rich . HI blld~ limited extent, and many of them tor It In three or four years, ~Dd distinc tly blldert1tood, Illid by two SI)Cctllcl(]!~, lools &, M,lterl ltls. lire nlld.~laid with inexba1 l.'ible .nppor t hi8 family, aod tlltim!land Wameg o, to JunctIOn Olty, thro h genum e 11\ cl.lal'llcter ~9nta"II.lDg abota (.ill in all wero fired) ",hidl \ , ' t~ll ~aDhll t~n and Fort ~iley, WI' the gr~ttlolt .. amoun t o~ ~c(hcl.nal thou~h lIeda of lrob and coal. not very we!1 uudcrstll\ld 1»\' I S . \\ . Co•. SIElb and ~iN3~NN ATt .. ~. ~eco~e weillth y, ~Ule t~e taclh· dId not like, 88 tbe eol~ ~med a . .... ~ropeltled . ~lth the least ~ntollICU' to object or intentIOn, W(' Fe . The bottom and table lalld. pro· he~ ot traD8portatlon obtalD Y"I'Y ~_ __ there very aballow , . an~ the mevlta ble tlllg .qual ItiCS. S~r'8 . _ dD"!G IlOO<i corn, ",huat. tollaco ', hy the great artery, ~e R. vI?eyar ds plainly seen nod heard, lind 1l1\Kl\t I R, 50 bBaYt~f.tJl and ali" gurdcn \'I.'gt'lab1ee u the 11 ready market for hll produc and ~k w~ proJeot~ng out ~n ev~ry promlde . u Inrger ywld thl. year have caused much dlllllll~e , it the I • • e pIa· little ralle alld hIll. ThiS eection tlll.1n 11811,\1.. aD~ he hu ca"d,~ wHth UIl . .a A Alft A ...... . Vret!ellt BeaHOn hUB 8iluwu. ' rOOuc..'Cd tho hOl"SU8 hnd taken it into tho i\' hoo 1:l IY()U1" na"..~ n CUB him on the ssme footing 811 tbe iB good eatl!l p"~nted on @.~~~~W~-~¥ for gruing , and, we think, prIce of IllS "V1~e that Illly ~me cun f>racticallUld pl'ogJ'e8aive !i1rmers 1II08t d~nBoly ~opulate.~ portioD to run away. They wel'c fl'ightlJ lI' th em, and 8e1l.t to any addre. 8 8. of Dotbl~g ~Ise. ' At\er leaving D(1W Vllrch &tle It ot dr~g~l~ta ~or ed .t el&ch • relJOrt . .MI', M,e! ' .. I(!am ipollt.p aid, upon r ee'C ipt ~ 25 ct,.1 are ill demand 1II.II'e, who WIll hus. , the Unton. Till' alooe' 18 a great tn· JunctIo n Olty, the land become s ~l pcr hottle .. .N?l1e of t IIti ten a !'C\'ollltiulI ill eV61:y dllpart. \ duce~el~t held out for emi~rat ion much better, an~ ~roul1d Abilen~, IS IlUtt~l!d untIl It 18 fuur yea...Wille was especia lly hurd I1u c"" ltrol, but 1 Addl'Ollll, IUcut of agricn ll llre. Tlut! dl'UlIJlld tlJ.tlu8 rich valley. l'haok old. turtllna tely all lUllnll~ft. ~ I'n;~ the THE KlA~..~n'!!~~hlo. t:iod,f0 r SOIOm?D nnd Sahna the land III -Ga.;; etie. __ __ ._. , ___ ' . intl'nuartl witbou t accidllnt. will be 8upplil' d, Men from the l l'll.llroad lll They pen~rate the wll~. Bplendl ~ . . These towna, alllO .the The Septem ber lI\lImber 01 1 Buch conduc t caunut be tuo New ElIglllnd S lates and th~ ~reat 101 the Wee~ ~~Id ~re InTala ae· ablepl. fum, bUIlding&', deno~ prOllperlty, L"ck'8 Nation al Magazi n.e Op41nl , vcrely .ccusurert. It is, ~II uutru~ \ lIorth·w est call be seen dal.I)" lip oneen o.f ClvJII!A"IOD aDd wealth. __ ___ _ __ __ _ ~n~ 10 f~t overy tiling aeema to with a new .. itory entitltd ."1Iae \too s~rl~U8 to be' e:r.l1cd and down the vulleya, Belectlllg 10· Now Ie the tlm~ to purchu ;e and ~n4llcate rIch ,la~d and fi~ Th. uode ... ll"ed· hcgr 10' \!IfClnll flttrn· Traged v of tbe W6lit Win~' '&1 a chlet mIght not hllve toBy: MIt!. cutions for tilturo Immes, 'l!'here eecnm at once a rich farm, beclI .llltend. 'bo puhli~ l!en~",lIy. lhat' b. hat wltbon t 10f' Tb's.rID Clpal c"'P I. It'hnt, lIew contrib ut"r . ~.um-· . . d "'II H a:. L Ied, bu.t whatov81' t,lI11 11Iutl\'O , tile l id ' they WIll de\'6Iup the ferh~e~ . h . I ~llllo mO.ney "lor,yea~,. on Iy. t he Interea 20 t V .~ op,OIl,ed ka ~"Iw Meal Marboe' In tile . .w.. t. .~. w ~IO Yle s on an .yel'l&@C u Shepar d. W. O. T. contl,nues 1M8• dlU1ger ttl oth()l'tI WU8 tbll .t •• ", 0 rich millilral l'CBourcea of hUiles · 1'hl8 land II rapIdly bemg taken Iowno o, • ere be wll1 Bailie. I<C"P conslAII,.I,. .on'" ba"d up. 26 hUllbel1 per &O'r'e. and "'as "orth intel'CBting accoun t e,f ~'Elllht !We. Later in the \)vening, thll trulllpd . Europe ie dil~giog i~ thoaaa~ at the time we paaeed through Month~ 011 Ii Tin ~llIId'~ ~Ioj 88 they wero' eu1'IIOt1I Wbile thi8 ~~Io have not pro- wh? are making. their way. !oI to be, wl!r~ 1'1i EVE R Y H'E-S 11 ~th ~re, tl.011 OD t~lI. illite of Murtha L: Thoma s. wri\()8 in,tru~t- I ~n ill Mosl!l'r 'oI clI!·n. fI~J4., whel'c gretliled. 80 rapldlr UI wealtb as Home their wealth aDd tIllenta to thl' r~cb • freight to &ao ... Olty _lUI 17 cta, ively of portion8 of the 'Union, ~ey have valley. I woul.d tberefo re &lIIuta clore of tbey had boot II. tiru 1101111 wefe Bee( V-eal adVl8e per hundre d, and. the beet ofland Perfum es i""The MuttB D and PoI"k Aliu- ~al.ie . 1.a l ro'astiu g curn . . _._. surroun ded tb elllROlng WIth many ~h08e who bave, no meana, q'r __ I Bpl&1J 16 per acre. Thl8 i. the .onl! pa~ Forgo contrib utes· a pathetiC , " . A f tl I mllhtll of relined life and meanB, or may have wealth, ,to e Ge ... I l' '. em· f of o Kenau le e e S we .be woald ""an~r. afford. advlle ; lind an willi", kc , . ' . b Iblml' •.• d I th - , t'tl f "Kil. I , he . to tlllle. f\)r I~('e~n' g () the will compar e favorab ly ID theIr race an ear y OPport 11II· man 8""ry un er · e leo P t day.sch oul au DIstrIc t N () 9 hu to lie- gratlDg I • . moral and aocial 8tatUI, with maDY cure a riob farm io ODeltOl'l trine ." • au\\' ouutrib utor ulld... bee h gett. 1Jo.1I ' I k j. &1 of abe moel At G'n Balina E A NAN we ~k D 'Ilpper N [ C , E and the I de 1I~""'6 of "80bre tM- 0 n. c ~r TI' conimu nitiea in tbe north. ' . 0 e SO att~ti.ve ~rtio~s of .the earih, ~ 9, P. M.,._e retired &o.,our berth . ,' , che" f'M'lIisha.. a very retldlible p... anl c. • , IUIl!PSUU :... ocretar ~" ..., • It i8 true that tbe Illbor .yetem whlc~ II rapidly ~mpJ?vl~g. y. A1110. ~. In tbe e1"11'n l ca~, beot OD ri.log peroo, hEigbt eeutb: Oentu.r Wayoonille. Jul,. 14, 18'76.. bere before the war was open to y Noy~' Thoscho ol~'Mls c lot ha8pro duced FlRESUGIl-CDRED HAMS Elhowo od, whlcb 1'. In ~n early .Da& mornlDg . to take. . . - . _._. _._,_ . our ele ~rr W. H, Ml&her hM an amU8·· ~ nohlu crop' t)f rRg wOed8, ju.t criticie m; that elavo labor ell:· oounty , on tbe afo.....ld which . raIlway , aret TieW of An 'be ,reat ~mene an iDH, .lreteh, entitled . "Yuw 1 Made' libe guntle "01l~ 1Il018lltetb bausted and laid wute tbouean de two yeal'8 .iDce had a few not. . MI. I I 11 IIC&tter· plai., anel aleo If pu8llbl e pt a an •.\uiHD m8nt H. ~~¥¥~ ~~tb" of acree or land tbat undet ~ diB'er· !Ol bo~ in i.t, the prairie l It. RobiDlIOn,I · . ".. . . • or" II... arouod ' tab_ DlO ~ a.11. at an antelop e •. At 6, A. M., .. very enterta ining paper givin~'! 'llIlIle grell~ :::n:d n• tl ElIptB :0n ent aystem might have 'been .. Par- .t .wum ml WIsh lMifflrtloee M.toh 17. and la· .... rollow lnl mOrlun l, we were &0' aooouDl of hie JEH U MULL IN. , coDlul adise of pleaaUJe and ' 80. empire or di!,ns! il now a flourilb ing pt. _ Til. . . . .wakene d by the baogo f fire.... .., encee' in BrltJeh Nui'tb ar'expe r,. I"U . open . II ay next, _ __ .Ameri ca; ; 8th. All Will gu, of cuurse. wealth . 1I11t 'he people bllre were ~Itb Its fine ICbO?lhouae a?~ JII£BICAN WASH BLUE. .plio- .nd at ODce procoed ed to the bag. and\ in,a word, tho' ' . • entire iSine ie IkIrn to the "Y8tem, and we,., by dId etore. ~ndle & ~.lllta aad Bo.,oh oI4, U..... ....,. .... .11111.... 01 . . . . . 0IItr' lD'Oh ~~. w.bere we fouod thet oar U8Ulua ll,'read able and enterta iu{Qrce of oircu~taoeea, cempel led are very actlvfl, eoterpn alDI Ir• • • • •u .... _ ..UU..ACTU.a. AT ,... mor· 8~ Lou18 f'nenda ~ad already got "io~ 'Viae pabliab er of ~1,.'''W~.Tille ..eI.· thotlUrG lUl4llw the lfa&ioa. , ~ adopt it. :~ . . . . . _ _ .....' AmM'Jcan UttramtJM.1le IJ1(,rf". to~b chanta there, and bave bmed a ..Yeral .hote "lthom ~. 8peoiaJ ...."011 Ie ....... .8l000I •. al i. eeaUin l,. -.king a mOM g . ' J\ ua ...... ~,h.. 1I&a"~ . " . . . . . . . . . It. .... .. of the beet land. bave beeu in. the' ; For mil .. aroan!! thla .in.... &tie. lOde fr"?M th. W1c~ and . Taylor culatio o. I\!ice .ODe dollar .J8III' :: market , aDd are pnrehu ed at low land i. taken, and .the OOQ.~l . w~"y "'e •• ..-. ~~: l':I'Il~~~'.!'.~~!a=;.,.::::~.:; Ita ~\~I!. rJ~· ..ve blla • ,bot, .blcb took eff'~t publiah ed b. '''.the. Blad.,," Toledo· ..ri . . . . .odoe'. I 'IILol ratell .A. Southe rn land.ho lder erally alool the raIlroa d I...... ~~~~e" 1& 1' in~ ."ee' ..... fD Mae fore Ihoalde r. The engl· Obio 8Io.-lor' ~. f . withon~ hi. eervallta,blll an .lepha nt I improYing. uanI 17 ...1"'....1Il~. Pat ~I. pack.I!" OO"~III- I . , Floar iehh'l "'08 oeer, ...iol he I.ad woande d. bit \..J .l i D~ ' .. -.- - •••.• ..... . . on hi' band. and man1 of &hem.d o com. up like U1&Ilc. ~ 12 ~~r.!i::.r~" pmtt, 1wuU," t the train to. awp, ~~~I ~~.1I~ ' " * &II 11--. .... a 8chrul of wIII, oomme nce not hellitate In DullrlQe , admil it, too. An1i The ellcareion &rain 1. . . .. Oia· 1Iu.... 18 ....... l ...· .\11 ...".11' 8 ...·•. If> '.' al StapJ e IIld. 1I9o and th~ b,,. p •• '&be .Nt .. ~ Oil Mua~1' 8aptea ,,*, ••. UliOOse one wilbing to 00'" ia .Itock·r ai.. ciDDaci ror &bit great ".U81 Ha.I1111, . 14 ."ab e=,; ib., •. earl, ....... .. an. ama.. .. CNaM; uu& Oame la~or, T4Ni0ber.. ' . , ... Th ...... ..... Prt. ' I • Or~~ Deet, 2~ @ 25 o.~ 'ft. Willi •• i.:.!!~" ~"h or IftI~,lor Prod :' ta·
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An ArURclal !o!cll. IJroJCCL of tur IIllg the waters of the Medlterrnl enn into tb Del!Cl't of 8ahllIll maklllg Ihe lotter a ltu'ge Ilell hili II ttracled :OIl Hld()mble attentlOlI nmong EI !Ill h ~eugrnphel'll and slatcl!men The Idea I" n ~ pl endld ODe and wull ClIlOIIIlWd te ca pture the Imtlgloa tlOn by II.e mngnltud e l:Iut,Ednlon\l About the French writer, pro\.e8\.8 agall1 ~t the !!Ch ellle lUI Imprn tJ(mble If IlOt W Id H Imys 1I11lt tb arhfichll ~l 11'0 ,Id ooon degenerate tUto 1\ m cre Illlit m Ifdll surrounelcd by 11 blu ron cO llntry It woulel be Inother Dead ::seu r wllluh fMI could not hva 1h tropIcal 8u n I'ould rllpJ(UyevllllOnlL\! lK Will I'l! lind It wOllld h IVel\nuufuvon ble offect o u the chm~te of Europe winc h o wes Ita fiu summer to the dry WlllelS of the AfrlClln eCJuuter Tn foot, It would bnng baclc1 the glacial p(lTIod and practl cally depopulate tbe whole of Southern Europe AbOllt 8 Intense feehng on the s ubJeot howeHr only Ilelp to ndvertlse It as It ~ ObVIOU8 that most of illS oppofUtlon Ilprin/l:8 from n It on 11 prejudice W th true Fren b patrtottsm he cannot benr to see Englllnd manur.'1etllrlllg ocenns for hOl'llClf to rul Ilnd re II' co m Illor JIll I an CIIt~ from till tho I TOject i~ B gr II d OJ I~ I vorU co ' 81JcfJng nL till.' loost It 18 dIrectly III tho hno of mod tn nntional 1I"d Bcientlfio development How to u tiliz the globe I~ the grent queJllJon Man Il~ yot 1i8s oDly be \!IUD to s ubjugate and lnke JlO!lI!C lOll of It All 01 nt elvlh~Jlh(ln had ItIt cmdle III the NIl II Illch W!18 to II great extent n 1 IIrtl( elll creatIon 'Ve lire Icnrlllng thnt Inluro hUB only hllif nlllue lh MI I~SII)I)J! lind tllllt III order to deriv e the fuHeat Denctll f~oUl it for our agrl cultllre al d commerce " 0 1Il1lKt Invok e the IIld of ,j(llcnco 1I,1'(II11't J hry CIInul U at I~ opon d I ~ 1II0thor \lttem pt to 1111 provo 01 nnlure lind tile 6UCCCtS of L1lo ucz IIl1n) nntnrlllly enough ijl ggcal.!l the york whIch \8 now pr( )lOied 11 e Bub Jed mer is tile Ittc ntlOll of gcognpllcTII onglhoers, and DI"teorologl t6 but thero I ~ II mlly fl quesllon thllt; economlClIlly ,,01l81d rod lin ocean of wlltor i~ ror moro frT0fitllble thun aD occlln ofbllrren slInd rt IS generation blls di!!Covered the vl~lue til Rea lind forestl! lind 1M dOlllg wllllt It enn to go I lick lo fil'8t prlllClples gcog r II hlCally 118 well IS In otller tlllng_ lI'e 10 k 6mJ I (
'I bo Servants of TWODt) nyC \ ars Ago 11 I J~hor of John Halifax Gle lltl ~ mlln j,l:lve thI S r mJUISC nee of the actvallt tll lliIL scncralLOII It will !!ou d , we \ e nturo 1.0 sny to t h<, Ohcte I house whe of tbe I HI nl like an Illite dllm lIilll'Omnuce-tl ~nl of H Ipa or hllJlulU Tho ",bo rcmonlber tho [VIU ts or e \ en twenty fivD yc Irs n~o cltbnot flLil te dl ov r i\ gre It clmngc III tbo whole 01 U> IUl a cia for IcSli \I ork 18 done by each lIldl\ldunl and ( rmore \\I\Kell ('Xl c ll'd 'lhe most fl U ful III teUigeut I\ud d ver tl\'rvnnt lover lme v began Iir\l at thHteen youriof uge III! mnltl pf.allwork ID tlle famIly of II gentleman -a poor ODe certalDly stIli it W8S 8 gen t1e.man 6 famIly -C(lnsisting of hlm aelf bill "'I(eand three cJllldren Her wages the IIr11t year were thr e pounds per /lDDUm Wll/lt wOllld be tbought of lIuch a plnce 1I0 IY a-daY8? )' et It turned out no~ a bad one The glTl 11'88 taken hten\I1J UI 0' e of trhe fillDlly II e 1m tr tra\U()d her the htU oncs loved h e r the e1dCllt daughte r oduc reci h er -aye even up to 11 pomt th It tho most IlXlWtmg WOl ld approve for ijho could rend and under t.nlld hllk81'ellre am) WrJ to 118 good 11 letter l\ mOdt ) oU/lg h.diCII 'fI heD they ICtlve schpol and mArry e nev er mllrl cd but Mho Tcmnlllcd fit thful to tll(\ faOllly I I Ilenl and wocfllr morc woe thu weal nlllsl-untll he d !d but not UIlLll she bllll !!Cried two gcll era tlon~ Her grll\ 0 hlU! been gree ll for mtlny a yenr yet tll l illlt remnllnt of thaC ftlIUlly I V\lr llenrs tho 1!01Iud of herlllllne-- 1 , cry common one D~I!.~y - wllhont n throb 01 rClJlewbTlllco to we t for le Irs.
A lJscful } lower
A Story of hules I and Clueen Hen riethl For LI ree da) 8 C h8.rle~ kept e ntIrely aloof froOl 1m qfe IVllltlllg "ulklly tIll "he ~b o uld CO ne 111.1 beg hl8 pltrtloll * * * 1-11 C I!()I gl tim out It d 88ked 111m tn \ hat she barl offended hnn He cxrec~ I c r he Ul8"ered to acknowl edge her ermr * a * \\rould he not tell ber whllt b er ~l\Ilt IIlld been ? The qU~8tlOlI !\CE il cd to tllke ll1U1 I y surlm l!e After BOrne I CA lntlon I e ",ud You told me that It rn d \Ihen ] mud It (ltd not rain 1 Kho uld never hll\ e thought that to be nn offen!!!! slle re i I cd but If you dunk He I Will tlunk !!O too Ple/llled w1th such * * * humlhty bArle took h" \\ lie n hIM arms Rnd kllllle'i her -Fro I Card" t:r ~ Charla I
: ...... ..... p-
Cincinnati Industrial Expo itioll
SURE Ueruto b rl A
A CUlltaln IUdd story Tbe U ~URUy ' lllIet toll n of Methue n two mllc!! 1\00\C Lawrence 1tf8l!l! I II! lately bad a I!CDl.IIlt 0 I \ few days ago at n ,cry late hpur !!Orne children notIced a stranger dlll'glllg III the ellrth on fl rl 8C of lallel IUdt 10 tbe rear of De8(!On Charlet! I ngllllK reSidence, 8nd lit a Inter hOl r theyapprenched the llpot and fI und a Inrge trunk open Rnd empty They ImmC(h ltely sprelld the nows when I nllmber of )JIlt pig ClIme and dl!!Covered holes dug tl e grmmtl III var OilS pllCel! e\ 1dt nlly IIlllde 1Il !!Carch IIg for the trullk The trunk httd been brokell, the wood work Wftll ro~ten and tho Iron bllllcis ruskld ofr III many placel!. The )ldor IIIhabllnnts were no~ 10llg III gl vlIIg II rcn!!OlI ble !Olut <In of tbe myeterlou8 ntrul r Ixteen yenl'!! ago He, erond John PI II hps I" cd 1\ borL UIHtaDce from tile spot, and "lte OIlC nrght a bold robbery w III committed on hl ~ I,rumlse~ rel!Uitlllg In the 10I!t! of a large 11lId vlliusble lot of Ih r plate aDd gold and Silver coIn No trace of tbe robbeJ'll or , ro{!8d.y Willi ever fOllnrl It IK now the belief of tho OIL! zeDS that \lOme reoeDtly ~ped oonvlcL wae the rubber/ aDd that he bas returned for hllloDg III(\den treuure
l' ~ !oI t ,,~
t o f\.. R
C Iht'
I lie Boy Mnrderer TI e llO!toD Globe g ives till I! pe n "hotograph 01 J(,1!Ile P I meroy the boy mur dcr r H c 15 llbout five feet \I hCl/tht sl \I Rtr Igh I al I \\ I en stlllldlllg WIth IHrle I fll ce prel!\lnl . II very goo I II IX Ir mce Jils gult IS shuOhllg \lid slow Illlll there 18 lIoll ir IIlllnly 11\ IllS 11\0\ e IlIcnle HIli ~Ice 15 a study an I physl Ogl 01ll18tS al d II oso who dellgbt ID the study of tiN! IIun lin conntenance would <10 \Yell to lllly c .reful attentton to our cuL of the boy II fi ce and 80rutJmze It closely fhe story of hIS life 18 WTltteD tllera there III the Irlgh t rul P088lbl!ttl08 of h, s c ruel notl re are dep Ic ted nnd It ,a easy to believe I m c pable of Jl!:rpe tmtlllg tho dll\boll<!lll 1eeds of WIllch be UIUl beell convIcted The C/IIIt III the ngb t eye hilI! very 1 ttle te do With this Impl'08810n for It is the heavy under J IW lind firm llet teeth the lowerlllg forclum \11' d au 1ken Illld lusterlel!ll Cl n tlla t p cture forth but too 'pla\llly tbe Dll'rCllC!II! and unsympathetIc !!Oul bel' 1lE'!ltb 1t IS tho face of all IIntmal j III te ll gent to a certalD extent but stIli sumlped WIth brutal ty IIId sen811!1hty It 1\1 a face lIuch 1\8 iH seldom seen Rnd one that the people of thIS tate mlly pray te never !lee IIgli r
A OORREBPOl'WBNT of tho New York Eff,lng 1'011. who WIUl Inlrodu it' I to lAIrd Byron by .Richard llnnlloy !J e ri dtlll in the gr I'll room oCthe old Drury l Aicu Theater tbus dCllCrllie2 th peTl!Onnl t\p~rauce of the distill ulilhed poet I.ord Byron 11'1\8 standI ng agllll st ono of tb ]'111101 wbich tlup)lortod a fOI t.n.stlC Itlllwro He Wall drol!lled \0 1\ dark bluo dl't'll!ll coat, 100 wblte pIIntaloon8 III 1 Y Ilow ve t. Th l>I&lIt.aloon w('re very lOll' lllld .ltrlOilt C(lYered bl~ f(!(' i A nat" ... 1 clef, t rvlllll'~ Ium Vl'ry IIell I U repnhug one foot, at leaaL He rouJd D t bear that It mould be loolred aL HI. ~lrt collar ".. aDIpic and Illmed dowu over the roU.r of bl coatl .. t Ibow hi nd of "hleh be baa kl be TAID long and bl&6, abd IPportecl a ~ble bead, theD l l i JOHN MIT('IfEL of F.irfalt Iowa, led Wl&h natural brown cllrl I h lately imported a Dumber of long =~~u.t b1. . . . . ODe ofwhleb wooled Ibeep from Scotland OOIIting him \he pillar, ,wo bwtdred dollaraMCh wheudelivered
i 'w..
MOl .~ - Allow me fur lhe lie, efl~ ut thOIlO troublcd wltb mol 10 lit Ie how I kept my \ rCI1\1808 olllJrely Ireo Irom tl om lit an ex pel (11 til ro of b u~ wn cents III monc) UI d IclSI! tlllll t\\ 0 I OUnt oftune per a/l\lllll1 My lot \. ono hundred ILnd fifty by ono hundred lind forty feet aud for a tlmo tbe moles bId IIlm(Jll;t eRL re P088CI<IIIOI I Ildopt the follow 109 metbod: J tllke a gram of corn aDd WI t.1I II shllrp penkmfe sph t oper the s mall end of t.he g rnlll and open It liS lUuch M I CUll without brenk ng off mU er HIde then I I.ftkeoll the POlllt of 1I1y knIfe a !tttle strychlllue and lllsert It , to the o~ntng III th e corn lind prE'S!! the gral\l tlgli,tly ngaUist t be bllde of tI e knIfe I!O as to WIpe olf 11\1 lire pol!!Oll then p(e8 togethllr lUI closely III! po88lble the se)l&l1\ted parl.!l of the gram ~ re JllulBg a suffiCient I\mount of corp in tlnlS way I takll II sm III round stick and mllke 1\ liolo lIIto Ute track of the no Ie an.l drQPIl g1'1I1D of the pOisoned corn into the openmg lind cover up the opening olllde by me stick: wltb dIrt !!O WI to exelude tho light I drop a gmln here Ilnd there ID their tracks 1111 over th e pronl sea Itml "hilt IS the Il18t of the o ole for lIt lellllt 8\lC months al\d wI en e ~ er olle Ilppeanl, the Mille proC088 1m mc(hatel, stop!! the ev,l trychnll e bemg II deadly pCllllOn the ~rel\test Oflre II eccl!llllry III bn .. dhnjl' It and 1I0ne should ever be ullowed te remmn III the house after the com bll8 been prepllred By lIOaklllg the COni III wllter for tweDty fo Ir hOllnl before prepllrlDp; It makes it Ie huble to brellle In open mg tbe end of the gml1l A fr,end ohn ne Mya he Ules arseDlc m dough made lip 111 @lIInllblllls WIth ROOd effeot lfmo)Cl\ an other 1J8rt8 oftbeoounlT,Yare the86me aSlDArkan8lll!, the al,Jove 1ft a sovar Ign remedy -
\, E had the curiosIty whell III Nor way to I\CC for ollrseh Cd what the chick ens would do lit Dlght In lhOl!e long day. of 81mOl!t JICrpetl1ll1 sun So 011 the road from 8tookllQlm lUte Norway wo took palO8 to IOform oUl'llClves III these IDte_tlng matten!. We (ound Lhlli wholly duuegardlng theeun the hen81\11 went to roost In Norway Just about !!even 0 cicek ID the evelllDg all through JUDe though 1I1e sun wu four er five houfll hIgh and tbe world "'Ill! .. hght .. a carli They returned to the acUn dutiM of hCe befpre ~fjI4! &he DeS'
momiJII.-a.. , __ ell lIDrtfonl PM.
N. Y.
" Degenerllte Country. ~Ime~ "h ell PerH 1 \ as tho le:ultng \Uttlon of the world ar II at,. tem pled tbe C(lIICJ ucst d Europe tho i>OTl!IIIIl! were lIot d for theIr love of truth Tbe clllldrc n wero eduCIlteti It wue 81\111 ttl L\\,O tbl n~! -to tlespl@e cow ardlce and to bate a lie 11118 Ilnd been thc 11»1 rlt of tile fow ders of tl 0 lIatlon nnd It reta\llcd at thllt tlDlO much of ItI! early vIgor The mlhtary greltnellil of the people Will! nearly nil ed to thell moral supenor,ty They have bccome 8I\dly degenemte In our da)" IUId tho moral churacter 18 III keeplIIg wltb the wretched wela) state An Ame rlCIID r08ldent III the country glvcsa sad Ilccountor the,r Iylllg habits Thoy hltVo no regard for trutli even when 110 oliJecL 18 to be gn\lled by ClIl ehood He 86y8 If Klllg DaVId bad hved here one month be would have MId not in 11\8 ballte bub,)D hl8 most deh berate Judgment All men uro IInnt It is qUIte ImJlOlllllble for one In our (Ilvored land where there 18 110 mueh honesty truthfull10811 and llltegflty, to rel\\tze the sad ~tate of ammll III thIS country
J n ancient
EUZAJ!E'n1 STuART PJiEI P8 11/18 wrItten many touching Iintlll and tho volume of Poetic Studies contalll8 a number POll~ CUTLETS -Fry te 1\ IIIC. brown of real gems. Bnt It holds nothmg bea~ three eggs WIth three 8)lOOIlfuisof 8weeter tban these bits of Droken Iloor dip each slice III tho blltter alld fry Rhythm ngBlnl untIl the batwr 16 cookod Thie Ie very nice M1 011" Iteep thue 10 III'U. rl yu 0 Th.L III.,. .nd oIkl.,. .... , Irom I~O .u T ]'OllK STEW.... hce lind frv the A«_ my nlnd Ilite Idle "Ind .A lOlL U,.",bL IJeatolb IIlU1 pork wlt.hou' fJ'Cl!llelllug put e pork, well dra1ned, into. II ketLfe of bOilIng A a ...... aftoatilm,. lillIe1ioitL water mId t!IJt potatoes shced and bOil ADd 1 a1o.e flIil oul 10 .... t weD ty nllDlItes. Sell80n to twite, aDd Ooe VlUlIobed Yee. 0 Loll Uld DiIat Yqu rQwed tho llllla 00.1 for DIe serve hot •• _
.,.: III
reU b,
Abl WbO"D oIDI of .n,lblD, SWB~"r PlOltLllD OJ:lERlllES.-Seleot Wllb DODO 10 I~n 10.ln.I1' black ohurles of the largel!b SIze, aDd to Or wbb \lID" Uta , .... 10 rb;r,each JIOund oHruit WIth the steam 00 WheD left 10 row alone to _r take half a pound of tuart'K coOee IN Europe cattle are atabled and orulbed Melt the lugar 10 one quan vinegar idd to it hol'lell rUD ou~here. the revene Honea ODe of IIOUDcf elo'l'ea aad oae can &land ex~ the beat, but neither
of pollDli oInz"moa.. IoU Iboulel be ooaapellecl &0 ItaDtl U.
tI u
11 n prt1'e
- 1
{BER 10.
A PI/OT fl\I'tI V,1l III !'; II Fntllei • ml\d a Iikell for a 0)1111 \\'11 refll",,11 til l Ie tb e pidllN', dlli n,]" -LItHI It .Iill lIut cor fl'l' tl y N' rr '\I h llll. 11 tit uglt tlL Itlllll" It ll ll "KIiH tllllll lh rellii ty. Th mllk (' r Mu'd t<l I 'CO \ I' r tho )Illy • .1011 In th t rllli th c 1' 1'(lIrl\ " iii !,tt L III 1'\ irl ' ltC(l Illld IIlI WII til Lh l' j ury Tit J ury. I)y their VNII".:I, llplm!c II Ihll t th l' Cillfc llcl.lllt WIlM111 IIg ly " thcI l'huwllrll l'h "illl'm l"l lo ly 1 1111 Iuflu x of " II w vuri tyof 1111 111 1 ' rllIlIH !wror" IUllg. 1'116 NlI ltlrclll'~ .}I lIulIgllry, II I"}wl'rfll l nnd f; l'Owiu - t!l'cL u l ltu Lkc rK, r fU I!(' ttl rello) r ItllliLstry ' T\ It ",l~ th M""l1onitl f refll l\('(\ III ltuJ«Iln 'I 'll u ""Illot of th l' Illlltte r \ ill I , lhn t l h u NlI 7.arinl'lI wllI have to tlbollld n Lheirc.lr)lot,.bllg Hll ri ' 0 1!\.1tI \l \\ III rIl'l '. ~ uc h !'co,,1 lIfO of IIU UtlC) tu II F.lIJ" pCII II power jllllt 'It (bl f.'url, <ulllr tim ' . 'I'h rl' lI re thirt y t hlllt tllWd 01' th~1II In IlttttgarJ ' (' 111mB
- --g IItletull U
SEVt' RAL )~ I\ g ll h
,- ;; , ~;~ -her ;('l lIlr - hllud, "hllt e J I.. lied you I" " . 1.('1'," ~he ellclJ\hued. .. Llstell 1 '!'here I n boat. IL Is (:0 1111 ng to II .. D orothy IS upen) h"r kllre_. Illld II ",rid uy of U,a nk ri ving conI M from h'~ r hp,. El'"rtlilll F unl IoIU1 fc,lImvc.1 hi... T il' I .u '(()In 11,<, h II b wn tn f)wVlIII, 1 "'~, lo e."y IKJII L lI,ith it.. ~in!(II' (It. u l'lInL i 'I hQ IIh:ltlo,,"' C'tdJtllJ ftl, (rofU h et WAr; In~'"ltl Ilf ,IU'liIt, lu loW' amt tl r'$lluy tit Ul~, t runl( CllulIAh t.. rC~ I ~L II... WIIVI' , nlllll\'!! \\ f,U e p1l " I'\,lIu,1 ttl "mil "I Hh.l'Onlll:ht 10 • U('lIrs tlll'Y gu .1011\" II' I II~eL 1.1111 . Antlll1 t n II., lOl.. l autl ~aJuhl1lJ Ill" 1111,,,, ,A , JOU. IU) Ih.nllulf, luml a nd ~I.f" t !tH 11l1 tI lIuck I" hij I r. CII, " l WIll 1101 l:lkl' l lllt ull ~ of ) U II . I I I lIot sarr" ~n you nOl ' tUi L'f how fl or hRl,l" "" 1~1I"rc: It. ;rIhn I n I waiting h ' tJt:'l.id I II . ,r "IU, T h ~ri lll l '"lk r, with hi ~ RL rll, mu A lid c_lltu\t-lh,__• I rho I - Ih. "blt ... l..t t lonl fll r, \ r('11 h<'8 nWll y thl' I IlIler ~lAllu•• hunllij th llL chnlllU hurlcH, [lull cll"'plUg 'l Q k l "1;6 hi ( ")III In h" , 1.11 IU I)rt!1Ho, Ht!:r r"~tJ h.dC drooJ,'d, li lil" hUN" t;,y'" un iqu\.Itd . J)ofll thy ti llh tly .11 h l~ II r lll ~, I,LYK her n L fvlluwhlg lh.· Aold 1\ I rl or It~r ~""'IJI f hl H OWII fl'ct III th huttolll uf th bOll t, o word I pok II ullt.1 t hl'Y I't'llcil tile AUII whrtt ~ hoard t h hu ltantl 1m!! hur'rlog ruul 6ll'1 OPIJOIII lihore. ThNI ho tnk,' hu up l "rolU d lUl r (lr l\t wood IhfYOft l"" ' , ll.gl llll uud clim b r to Lb II CIl t 6 h r Ifl" il iAd fI . . m.1~ " 1 Iht flCltt Inl; InoanlJahi , T hl. fj"Wl1 tlllO ... ......,vll I", 11& \. hu t up Ihe be.lch. h Ctll' d n t llIyn • l)H I I II h rr I!Jvtt, ItOO Il t,tt 1'('(1 A t hey slullcl Wl tlllil Lhcl\h Itl' r ofthf' l nlhRte llll t wt. ifilte.t r II tr I() v~' lI"Ul~ liul C3 1l1 II , Ih,rolhy lookd lit 111111 wlLh Th~ leu.,. hlti(wl ~H II I tll o f'lJi h h:: h ',l a ll ~l walLod ,,, Ill eyl'8• •111\1 It c ry of tortllr I I!.~ U rM fro Ui Th e Inrk. J\lllkf't1 1I f' IlJlll,bhtJrttJ i ll It II I. bl'r "hl w lip r he W'P l ' 'II we1't abo ~ \ en"IM w hul "M" "","UI, Np r ttl d ti l' ..:loud" l'itlt dt'Ul11' (1 UI.IOIl iI . " 0 0 huck, go blll k' ' -011\,,11 'o bne k l,rcflJ't t (or hlln Y , The lilt" , tlUI 't] ~Hh lilt Itefld" UU.tU1 lit , f b.I!D ftoall"fl fur IW ln /Ii h, ) ou tune WUhIA't.l ! 11 Go blwk (ur YOll r 'It'glln l ll. ty lo, e r, II " UI( h ttr b l lJlhan~I ' tnu r h I hul lih u bl'" OQlt wC"I" d 1 \\ hoK(' Ig u(lntnt c.lrolc "Ilf lll! Illul e~L y(,11 Y(,lI r II fll hll L fur me til Whht ll lh~ .4,)OIt h\!r ,uU"' l' r l1 hH't'-r tRy , UJs ti"' oni u Ul heul h 'd, _tt ll .Gr.}ol~d witbtn h' " Dorolhy '"II ~ Oll her k tJ0l'6 nud . maps ftlJ~ "' I )Id blu)J in ugo ll Y oj nlre,Ity. hI 1.. ld hod holJc<on '" 8ghl •• 1o h. I"'1 \Y o h .. r II line "'h hl l~r d III IJ Ul t cJ yi ng m OIlI t!n t Hd blick, !;U ·k ,.. , U 1tlA."acn, Anll who Ibe trut h a u 'f 't II Promi me 11 r~ ~ t hat, Oil will II t I" wenr Il .I th ' 1I'0rll! 'ij No woman'" ry hMl IJI r • lllf" midnight "llfn" , m.lrrv him AII.I . UU Ih. " ftl " Ire P Ili Ir .""" I ~"II . 1 'ol, le do." '1'\M.Iay Ihe 11th.- Hflgur Ih l b£l.lr tlmnlll hti:; I- , tnkes her hnlt" ll lld h old~ It. ul' l{) OHr Ihf' lil,tfl l 'lf hf'ff' l ady AlIl'e I,ll , A nd r ei HOI Mil I be m,slc 01 beaut)' hell\ II , lIud wui l.ll for th e oil~h . 'llH' fUrrow of Ihit p.ll C# U ",' r dllt l • Du ro~hy ' III'. JlJo ve. bU L 11 0 roulld come.. 'he lin (Ilim d. 1 h .~ 1ft Cho Ie eud •• hndo","}, And hil I r[~ 1 lila .. ro Ihe Irlll b ' n Ih ~lIrl('l\ ug' II I . 'rhe lidher· wiftl lakc'~ tho ull con 'iou ~ A I! l n lllt-;(' rll Cl:11 I,lb 1{ru1ll1"td I lH lld eA(! r1 L~ clilid nnd II1Y8 her on hc r el\ n bed, and "'v more t Now, t urn IlWtly your IAdde.n'lI e)' f'rul u !hflr long pu l.to "" Oul "no., hl)' ,larUns, Ephrnllll Ford goes upon bl$ rf.Lnd of I'rolll hl lh aua 1'rulh 110 gloolllylt'\!ond. nOll: T Ul er 'y With murd r in hi bcnrt. Th etorm hM lulled for n 1l10Uleu~. 1t GOlllel! en til) -gradulllly, toPPlog ev ry A WO~U"N Al'rER .H.I.. now nOli L1um, ns If to malco tho ellrtb " Toke on t.ltnt ItldlloUR ~}onnct, Doro· belie ve LhaL It we re doubtful of Its pOIH' r thy. J W(\ !1L t lII!C your ijwcet Iittl race Tlte tcm)lllst knows Its llO \\ 'r, nnd can wHlIoUL IL." niford to wlllt. "Tholl l!houldat I\Ot Bpeak i!O, hnrles. Epbratln 1()()kH lit the SKy. It IS sLIII It IS V ry \I ron ~" red III th e 'H's t, t.h e wlwes are ri ing " Why, llttleDj>rothy f T II mo why 1" steadily, bllt hI stout-built boat, direeted " 1'hClII lmo\\ t fllVor IS deceitful und I.y his powerful 8trengtb'r can yet make oolluty l ~ valli. W nUllll t lo benr te!!1.j. it.~ wfly throu ~h tbem. here i8 plenty mony IlI)llln t Lhe VtLUity of pe l'$Onlll of time, the tId WIll not turn for half look ." lin hour. • "Ought w Y Then toll me why it ,Ephraim figbl!! his bllttle with tempt.ll· plell80d Pwvl.:len ce to mnk e you 80 tiOD, Ilnd win8 . the vlctorv , (or twenty bclU,Itll\ll , Illy ~mnll COUSin Y" minutes fater Lhe SLurdy hOat 111011'8 its " Hu~h, Charla.. 1 will not permit wily bll('k to th ehore, Ilnd two silent th to SPell!.: to me io this manner." men struggle &gRinet tho Wlnil up the And Dorothy Elick!!, the little Qultkl}rt' , bwch to tile fish rmlln'! hut. Dorothy put on her graH18t nir, am! truggled is wllltiug for them. H er outstretched "lIliantly to tum the corners ot h r arlils would Wind them he a bout both, mouth down wbeo thty wan ted to turn bllt the ~terD , fixed look In .f~phrmm lip. ~ oyenoatrains h er,Md barl~8 tum (rom II Doo't look I!O eellous, littlo girl, h er and fixes hlsglnnce uptin tbe ground. YOII poe)tl\'cly Illltrm me," And hllrle It is a torrlble moment fllr lJorothy. Maynllrd "urijt into a merry laugb tbut She lmOW8 th 'I love and lIhellbiTtmI TELLING
MI.NOIL "'OI'le ';
11 1)\\
un a vi it to llti H ""try, Cit IIJavurlll g to eRe I. auangellll ut, h) It Illch dire ·t Lmdc' may t,e e8tliblt ~II l\1 be t\\cclI (irru t Un t,. lIill , the 1\li '~ I '~ I "1 1\ , .llI r ) lind th WC6t. Thoy bUI'O U" ~IIJ y I ti d t heir I'l tl ll~ I'ldi' re th husi n III ' n 01 Ual ve~ l'l u. IIlIlI Jl I , A UCUllll 1111 ,1 l e lllt>hi ~, lind t:l t. Louil\. 'l'h c~ Enl;1i II \ I It urs r pr~ lIl, It 18 81\1.1, II C\~,ol'll n,ti"ll urglutimLI.m win ch ItOW IIt1lnlll'I'IIIiOO,O()(\ 1IU'lIlho r~ IIl1d 1111" II C3)Jillll of .21i,O ,0 O. 'l'UF. IAl1ds III O'lll fornia ArC Ill! lollo,, ~ hy th '11 ·rftmenlo R~1'I. 1 About liO,ooO,OOO ncre udnpted to graz· Ing RIIII ngfl 'ulturul pur)}o ,[lOd 23,· OOQ,OOO C01l8U!tI! of lIIoUn(IIIO", covert'd 10 II grcat e xt nt with hrA"y timber; Ilbout 10,000,000 III co"tred With urld pluII18 or del!Crts orbllt lit tle pr nt valu for lUIy p"r)lOMO, abou t 3,000,000 n re colIHi t 01 IIwt\m Jl and overDowed landKu n recl,u med, and of bUL little pre ut value, IIl1d th e balAnce, ,1,000,000 a reB, 18 cove red witb lakes, UBY~, rlvel'll, lind other per· l1Ianent water.
Jr is a rather nO,'el tbing to find a firm offering to pill' tho government (or the privlleg tlf dOing its worK fur nothing, hutthat i~ wllllt \\118 di 'lo!!Cd, when tbe bide tor f'llrllillhiilg JUternol revellll fttam{'" wcoro opened at W R hiJlgtoll. raf1lidden oHered to do tb engravbqUbe lira DO: 1h6it ri.tler and oCI'e to pay t.wcn~y·fi\"o thQtliI6lld dollan a 'Tur for tb~ pri \lilellO of furnl hing the tampa free, COil id ring Lbo ndv rtielll it geu froUl ""\ h.g it~ iJllI,rint them worth 8() mllcb moro thlln lh co t of th o work,
EdiUII!\' a Tco
.... Jon
Thl I. th • .,t 1 -wt-*> run tlla I ntlWh('re1Ad, tlw aloud 10 lu., hrr II Ill: Tn ,ul1o'DlJgbt' n tn ..,IUDd suM. ho ... c J II eh.lfre 01 t be JUy' hlclOlli D hhul , , Ie Iud! WI' l rlM;ht wlah OIlrlh an ll nn It', l.1610U", lbt.. wOOtL4 .t'r~ wclr\llu Ulidn~h.l .g hlUlli
u • , .. . ..
";118 It . u r e . - t . mad..., '--1'N e/II~
nil" lIM11 +. . . r ~ Y I yuut ......... ,I. a liddon ,La", Or I;I ...b .. \I , II 01 . h. I\••
1f, wben 'YOU b ear
011 '
111\.. ;{lrml. hoe rt I
th ~n. lb.
01 1 0t11
'opot it nih r at,n I n .. u [lbony JOl'm yerr nmr. h . bd,
;\ f't\ U t.hAt. ",Uft
All tht r 11.111'.,-1 \bluJr I n u" he To ven ture tb t' "pi." l ,ou" In
.ronf 10,.
H,~ .. b" n .~
lui, lie ., Pld e ....."". ) 10 11 !nut tbe .... ,at.a 1( 0" pia" Y .", hrlnk ~,""h "a ' odor. II mod &lau~ A OO ' I"he. rorgct lhe .0"11 you m ea. to . , ;
,A nd II, ",.reo. , .IUI_; . l h"" hud .
\ ' U\\ w.l8h \l llOU tba t. buft lOU Wfl"I5" ,love. l Llfol , 'til"" h_n1 tn uHde l tlA ( Sro U Uomeo and Jul1 \"). you·,.lD to" t
U....tlb two oL...... tad , on ............ ,.. hlnl tltat.l I Ii Mlllg I'flit4lf I'O!lO Irly Iud wellt YCH t. II h, \hi3 ~hu sne I" heoh ote/I,1Il! he lnlk I nUIIlly rOllnd thu roclill II h(,w nl til Ul li n t hat I riL il," IIl1d IL~ h ' rllsitClI un to hun t 'or tIl lighting edito r tit l)' I >O~ forlU t'll n I'n)C( lI)ll, ont! lIIarched rollnd ~ h o roo III g il) Iy \I "rhlt IIg
LJr tt! rull of tNub! null caJ"t!,:
'rbe ";;.bUuy ,",dUoI
r n \It
Tbe wind 311l110d ll round the gable- nd nnd wblsllcd through :\ broleell willtlQwpune. A dOli: Itmvlc(1. The JlO~' wb r W,'ro tb lidin!; d own tlt e lI ghtning rod : whizzlll": tH rough SPlice, lilhllg up Lh - Vil lilt placcs 011 tb 8tr ts Gort OI all gooe. W I k: d. This t.lll e It WII8 ollly tL H»IltlelJ.flll d youth. with IL pan of hO\'i!()·pis toIR, lind we felt relieved, nlld veutllrcd to !15k, " Youllg ll1CUl frolll "henet' COIIIl'lIt thou 1 me~t thou fron"l tlte fllr·otl', Sl1ow,clIPI d mountllitl8, to creAte rl t, fuin, d MOlll' tiOll, Ilnarchy, d08truc lIn, c1\n s, trlfe. ceOllllotioll, mltery, deVIIst.llLioll, de· U1illANT SBIt 11, -1'hiB i a deli iou)! l!llOll!lolley ami d Cll plllr. or dldst tb 1I preJlllra LI 011 , rendy at all times, IIl1d ~u merely II'lIft thy scrllphlc form III to pOrlor, 1\ Ii drink'. t~ jelly dil!8Olv~d til I"osltostieale for liN n prelollged lifo IIf 'Witt er For two quarts of currnnt 1111 00, u efulne 1" The young mnn WIl\'ed his hand, lind Me six pounde of sugar, ix lemon_ t i, Meeds oorefully removed-and one ill eadnese and ell ' lice sli pped- awJLY· pint or brandy. ,l ice tlte lemons fille '1''''0 hours l11ter h o wu IICOD leaning over and boil for It. few mill utes in 11 8IOal l Travl8- ~reet bar, Inqmriug, "Millter, If q unllt, ty o f Lbe ellrmllt,julce; then IIdd you lite old GILupan-whlJ--wbatebertb e remaInder ef the Juice and the augl\.t; namo Progn08tioote come in at the door, boil fiv e minutes; strain and atir lLOtl1 Just speak to me about it-I might waDt cold~ then add tbe brandy. BotUe and to run." U80 n few 8poo~ls in 0. glW!8 of water . Elhting II. newHlln)lllr In Texl\II is not whll~ it Imgbt be. Durmgtho brief.lays wbeu rl)lldy to-tlJink. ~ of tb Dftjlll llegla(lT, wo nave received I)~ . i._.u_ overtur~ (or tnHul'rectiunal ma\ineOl! for To compute the number of tons au two frOID no lef!8 thall a d07.en inrurio.ted lco-houlje wjl\ coutuin, onlCll1lLte tho num· gel)tlemcn. W e ha\'o been orowded ber ilf cubic feet in tho bOil Iltld divide bRck: on th o gllble of te.rt:Or lIP !lften that front teelh lire loollC In'our ",um~, by thlrty·five, tlli ~yes tbe number ef find'it to wear A bri k tons, If olOilely IIBcll.ed.
(A ,nIle or toO' b.... I1.,.,,.'eu ~ 1: ' Ilnd JOlt. "II I~"'eto. ~J "hi!!!...
YOIl a<al'tlely 10 bu JOU'N IbID ..... 01, 1t"1 p",l11 go, I, .. lIb the ot.h alrlT b re'......... 11 rUT IUI'I-'al ,,,,,' ro In Jon ,
Jr, aU at un....... your am tor,. pen (lVhl It I '." bel I'Il.U.... plecl 11rl~ 11-. J.Y1Uo 1I1 ....- !JI\" I god ud mt n I)
1'0 I.. yid *'" g and ntAdr lgal ludlaM, 10 r 0lt ru bl, , h1 '"0 01 .. rOll11l .. AJICl " truth "
And Cftllyour I"J l HdJl rUn, ," Hduck" or .1
h eJ.-,., h cr c ~:
1 ho f"l'hves como I lul tb , All Bu.l lltaL t l\ mun-- wntlllJl 11
MBER 630.
d OT!!! ,"
Or .adl y ",,*lOlDe~ruollod,· • .,.I/loTh • • ymplOm Is uo1... I1 .... lu I••el
no ~ t1ler ,ou ""n ftnd Ouo ball flO brlllbl or "".uIU,,1 II lb. ; 1/ Lu h. r f.lIIn l!ll you are "bollr bllilcl
I{ol her .."
_ I,
(Th. 10,,11i, I "'''''11, tba~ 01 her peopI. 1f io her H IUJ,'· ),ou • U Grocijall POll'," And (I Yor (loubl the . ogel band .but'e
.',ro lieu'
"h ~n
, be I ln_yuB way 8ul_.
8<10nd lb I Ugbl ..1 qlll!lttlOO, you'n 10 1"•• 1 - no GII/ur. ~~~~
TRUTJl~ AND 'l'BlFLES. I~' a borrower comu, lend 111m your Cllr. WHY oro E amI A like good people' Dcoou!!C ~h y meet in bcuven. 1~1 liT bard ago.ln~t a huty temper. Aug r will COIr. , bllt resist it 8Lrongly. 11' you wa~, t.ci plo.ce a. weman ou tbe ,. ry Ilpex of Lbc pInnAcle of 6ehght., try I)n of her blllClIlt, and tben IIIIIl ber wbnt baker she bought them of. A""'" •• whU.I .. h..ull/ul d~Th• •wrm ,ml be eft......ocl Ii bier l_e"'D. Tho "coribOil Ofe~ lbe taat "I be d.-.
Some ......1 tbl"g
~~: :h1ie~~"'"
TR.E printer ",ho, in eettlng up a fiulhionable article. made one hne read, " IlOOndalM nre fl\!lbionable this year," lu· tlteild of eandals, was not very fLU out of the way aller all. A HAMILTON girl the otber night "D~ the !!Oil!!, .. Dilfling, I am Growing Old,' ' with an exp\'l!8ilion l\O pertlOent_ii foroiblo tlmt her p,rocrutlOating lover '11'118 brougbt to time 011 the s(lOt. 1l1LNIl wbllt you run !ler I Never be qontent. "'ith a bubble t.bat will bll.f8\. • 8 re"CIOIl wUI eud in amoll:e aI!il
pRn suden. .- 0" me.. ro y-T Then aho remem bel'll th& lire ng upon inm t Ilpon k"no",llIg, and RI\ A member not lpeak, altd a wild !IOrt of oorror at The /leat home-made tl re proof Ilppeattl to IiQ eet in rcote, apple or pol13~I)e81 to of your fimu ly 1 co_ider that 1 have the ~lon of Iter !IOu!. She I\pcaks, at a bole in tho gronnd, woll lined iI,u·IrI1 ..... ~ Tit" bOuy 1IIc~~~;~n::.I~~~~ rlgllt to be informed-nre yeu goi ng to IllSt, And trie to tunnle Epbraim lor tit he should ke p R little bri ·k and CC)JIlell t. glaring eye· bnll, I\kips U tina\! while ntlng lind . to IIny IIlllrry DrC)lldbrilll t servico h c ltM dOlle tllbm. A fOIlr-hprllC !;cum will houl (rom twen· th rougl\ the inky solitude of our office, if I t ty-flvc to tlllrty·six cuble 10 t Ill" lime- IIlId "Ith horribl Illught.lr nnd demoni· II FrIen d Epbrnim is an esLnllAhle Ulnll, .. pnre me thy gratitudl1, Dorothy," oose of ehoking intmedlIlLeI,.; Itarlte. thOll nlust not spdllk 01 him be commutllis In II ~I o w, MOlemn ton nlone but for" shllrt timc, i.I~e IlArt8 b . @Lone Ilt. ~IICIt h)IId. 11001 "ntl08 chills our cou~ lind cllrdles , II TOM, you l!Cem to gain Rem every thu II pecultllr to his people "J kn w J hllva conlo lllllalJled lULl! the tCll\bVo.l or til Ollr b lood. All the hO'lIld~ of Jl8)ldemo' .. Look, D orothy. '1'hero Ite I~; I WIll done Lltce It t;(lfl il:l.I. 1 would not bellr of obstructIOn! bellolll milch 1"I!re difficult., - 'l'bo fll\lowillg-j~fiiOiiii8iMii0ii8 Ilium snAp nOll Hnllrl. Itnd frvm afltr we day; the grocery bU8inel!ll mWl~ agree quote 110 vrm arbs, lmtthe rim of hi" hut it ngain. I tried to lIIllk - the 8\\ Cllr 1111 even if death dOCK not tAke 1plnce beforo ghly. K for COIIIIII.,11 CIIrl.hellwnr : 1. 11\. ~ 11111 lbe Irngranoo of brimstone. We arc with you. Whut did you weigh llUItT" 'I'hey l~1l a l'I't'LLy tory uf II onte of I!Oda nt flfLy (1~p;fI'eil n, one llUII' " Well, Jim, 1 really lorget no,,; bllt it girl at Watch HiI', U I She i tcaill to jllkt turned tho (''Orner lUI 1 MpOIre. Ns \\ ootlt. Dumthy, 1 IlIlI glnd it Wtll! not Ule enl!6 id dUlcover d. dred llnrtH. powdered qna rtz. lifLccD IICIl rcd. Th hai r en ULir herld is tllming strlkca me it WIUI a pound of ~utter!' don't Iw k .IS if you inlcnded to go bn k sVOken. '1'011 ma 110\\', thoul?lt, docrt. tbou NEW 'rOI'S ON OI.D PEA TUES.be I\bolli eigh II'('n ) ean of a e, tlnd tit lo the hou . for yell nre lIot gOlllg. I'll love this young ml\n1 Wil L thou for· pnrts; chalk lln~en part 2. '1;ho !![IlIIe whIte, whIl e our fllco looks like I\n ueh· A ou Hum but ungl'llmm.tlca1 editor prettie t girl lit till' phlce. For II lon g toll you II ee<:rct. When 1 WIUI down by swear thy reltgioll\ fllrSllkl' Lbe fmth of Thill. tbe pear is Il long·lI.od trce, tbe WIth the IIddiilon 01 t~n part of oornx. blmk IIln 1I1ltrcb gnle. BIlyS, ,i Wo have received a fine bullet of fulllOU8 Endlcett and Stuy reunt ]>CILr Give u a r p.st.IIcmUl'll RC[llf tm·. tlUlO a young doctl) r follo\\'e.d h r about, lbe ri v~r this lOormng I fOllIId It hOllt thy lorefathenl, anc oocmne ene of tbe trees, going back bwo hundred yean nnd A tllblespoonful of blnck pepper put in grAves from our (riond Mr. - - - , fo r tho\lgh keeping n r pecLful distance. H(\ with II tcmpting pnir 01 oan! lying In It, world's peopl '" ' A WarJllng to \\'1do1"ol'll. whIch accept our 0001 plim~n", !lOme of more, ntte~t. Yet we ftequenlly find the fir t water in which gray and bllff Dor thy' yes lootcd tOWllrd hlllies t ~ 8 thot look old n*' fi~ yean and letlll, lillen& nre '\Vflllhcd will keep them from had never been lIItrodncec1 )Jut one uml I mude np my milld Ihllt DOr tlt) Tbe Hllmilton ~(,lalorchrolllclc8tbe "'hieh nre nearly an iuoh in clreum'\ itb douillimbs, mOllllY trunlu and fruit- sI'otttll. It, WIllllll!o gencrlllly keep Lbe o PJlellrnnce of II epecter lit G rim8by. The ference." D1ornin$ Lb Iy mi wct.t bllthingwlt n HIcks nnd her wicked, worldly COllSIU willI A lIIut.oIlPJlCa!. 00 Lke lKlll\lleuij eiLy of N II' York "lie h !![Ivcd Iloth eur livcs, d -IIf," le~H bought!. These old tnll are OneD colofH of hluck or cororcd C1unbrl or h aunted mnll WM Il widower knowillll! WOA'r is common ly called friendship t.he yonllg d()()tQr \\tlS WI t.hi II eMY b8.\hng fn were gOlllg 6r a row III LllILt very OOllt Answcns tho yotlng lIIan ill leply to her edliogfl or poor varieties, tbAt hnve mlt ~l1ns from running, nnd docs 1I0t Old Kitehell, who~c dl'ceulICii wife bad be· III no moro tban pnrtn<lrllhip: a rec(prodiKt.Ilnc. Young miS8 wall d julO (\CIlII thi venilt\t." g lance l II IUld he' worthy of YOllr 10 v!'. " otlb, U DO pnr~lcular ind"ce~ •• nt W tl:ci~ hurden the Wilt r fore bor t\ cllth a yeur IlgO tit [eatonee) to CllI regard for one 11Ilother'II1ntel'Clltl, ad wtller, I t ber {oo tittg, tit rn illg her preLty "It I IIc)lghbor JlRncookls hOtlt." Theil hi ll yeft ck tbe floor ngnin, lie OWIICn! to Cllre for them, A. crop of To r '~ (oro the color o( Il marbl n"llIn· bltunt !ljm If ho ever IUlUltuytlJin,g to do lUI excbnngj! of geod oflicet!; in a wo.rd, .. He Will let u ~ have it." bllll ro~h' d hl~ h~ from Litis m,ln's IIl!tflligont or t.octIU(1 to th o 1111, Btlel dug gravel with III pea... 11, not mnch telpie'l\ "hi It hill! heeome 8lflilled, mIX witb anoLh r WOOllln. He prolllll!l!d to a J.llere traffic, wberein !!01l·Iove &191'.", "Y·e·~. Out, Chnrlc6, 1 fcur Utili iL i ~ bund", IIn(l now he will spcllk nu 1\0r<1 to millllCd" when It flll\1I. The ber tal r fingers. .Horrible ! The )'OllOg heR, III1l} lI.ept hId propot!etl to bo a gainer. old tree" u~ a qll llllht-y of Ih ~ln:l l1 ge~L MO"l'lcCM comrly I~ith llc r ",i M my <luty_" rob bim Orhl8 llearest trcMllre. ItC1lnoti mes occupy lawnl! III' fieldll II Ilr wll h q uick little tl' lbe COli l ~tl'lI CO of milk, won UIILII a ehorL lllnc ~lIlce, when in 1I0dor rul!lhlfl t.o Ihe rtItICUC, I'ulltld Lhe "I SAY, Paddy, that is the wont.look" 0 , IL lijll'L. You know Yll U don' L "Spcllk, Dorothy," Ejllmllm r pelllol!. tho hOUllOj and Will rope)' abundantly IIl1d lay It 011 tho IIO,\P III1lI ~tollO filf company wlLh a 1111111 unlO !l1 'J lIylor, be gi rill tihorl', r('vtl l'll hr r, 1lllllllVW tlt ere i ~ \\lInt Lo ~I ' 1IIIIhi" 101'ely mClllng in the '' It I ~ fur you to eboo.;e' ing hol'l!C ),011 drive 1 ver IiaW. Why ,Ir()~ e to i:imitbvllle to visit A couple of the hLtle()l1re tbat iell_ed to give them tl\ 'nly four h OIlI'll. Icnll u flcnll\rd wl~h going 1M be a wedding. hOIl nk' rtnilllUg Broaclhrim, 111111 YOII Dorotby'" vOIce I ~ chuk J \\Ith telll'1!, l\ ncw SUitt) nTld to gra.f\. t1iel\l with youug lod,e" u 1118 rt·turn hOIDn lIIte don ' t )011 futton him liP?" "Fat him UJI, iH it? Falx, th o l)(l()r bute can f' WilDt to ~o IInrl "'nlch th e 8uuKe t on the nnd he r br nst odlukcn "'Ith rob , .\11 she ~lulldard vnrtctlee. The eecJl'Ct ofsllccel!l! MOIlI' I\ml l\IIte r ILt IIlght, KItchell 00111111 Vl81hly IlIteMY· In ~ 1l11111 bh1.8t;s on llO Ulll! of \lO\\'der hardly Cllrry the little mate that', 00 ALTHO 011 imprisUlllllcnt fur d"bt is ri"l)r wiLlI '1It'." IInswen!' wi~h these old tree ill t.o llLi r th IlOII till will 10()lK'n uUou t 4! t<1I1 ~ nf rock. III IU8 IIgllation IlIcroMlllj! III! they "1)- him \lOW," rto11licd Paddy. lIuppollC<l lo be nbohshud III Euglu ud we Dorothy luok ~ doubtflllly towllfll Lho " 1L iK v('ry, ve ry wiokl'd of Ole, nrolllld thom nil fllr us the Iroo~ extend, IlIrgo llla\.!!ts l)IIel pound of IlOwllcr 11'111 prollchec.1 un old chllruh, III n g raveyard Epbrtlilll , but I 101'e him 1\0 1" 'fH.; world i8 govofl\ctl by three things: e it "t~llell that lIe..,ly twenty tboul'llnd hU1l1!e III III wi tlully to\um! tb river Lo ImUiure Iioomlly, t.v Cllt out all tho 100000 n 2 ~ LoIIH. FifLyor ixLy pOllnds 01 utLacJted to "hloh Ill" wlfo WIlli buri!d. .. , F emme qU l " (life csf fll'rUllf ,' Duro. Then she slret ' bed ouL hor helplel!8 lIeu~ wOOll, IInlll\1J(",t the ""oond 80lIII011, pel'llOlIl w ro luro t d in tltll ()Oll\'i!() of When ol'!lO~lto thC HJlOt" Ihe whiLe robed Wiilllolll, Autbority, and Appcarancetl. poI\(lllr IlIclol!Ccl ill It bfll: and It ling 1873, a f.,urWI of whom W lit to \>r\!IOl1 thy, whiuh 1111::1111" If II' don' L hurry Imud, lind Lhe awcot Itlll! wltl"per wben the tree hili! got a ~~ood at.Rrt. to IIgnm t a barri er will denwlisb any ordr- form or II womall WM l!Cen to ruse from Wiilllom 18 for tIIougbtful ~ple, .AuOmycont will CI11l\e Ollt IIml oatQh 118 ,J . j Charlcs." commone grn.ftlng. We~.te tbree !!CA' nil ry strnc tu re. 000 m.", Clln bore wltb tho gmvcyard l aud "Ollt through tho III r thorl~y for rough people, nnd AppearfIlthcr thlll! 1'lIttsr) th(' (\~ IU'lIId8 of thoir Only n ~illglo word, bllt it dccides her hnrlcli tnkes norothy 's hand iu h,,,,lIlId towcml them. ' Klwhen I!Crcllmed out Illl(es for Lhe grea~ mOM of ,u~IOcl.l re(lt lortl. 'l'he ex I' IUllu tion is, Lhn I. tltC!lO ill II mum lit they lire on thlllr \Illy to life. In a momeut sbe is in her lover~ 8Ont! to put on anew trip, ~ldnning with It bl t 0110 i nclt in ditllneter frorn 50 to GO III agony of lerror, the hol'llC gllve vent to people, who can look: a~ the outside. the bigbCllt hlDbs and working itown \pchcft p<I1 dny of tOil hOllf8 in granite, per80118 wcr' cOlllmitted, not for their tb shore. uno ll, and for Lhe eeeond tllne tlmt Dlght ]1\ ronewin!? the vigor of Ihtl nlmuat or 300 to 400 illclle per dllY In IIll1O> a. wild snort of fear, IUld rail dowII the TUE grt'lltest obatacle to bQiog berolc "But, III_rlc~, I!C that cloud In the uncouI!Ciolll!. inhabllity tu pa y therr IlebUl, bul. for I\ny kind 01 UlAnure or COlDpotIt lann· stOllC. 'fwo 8Lrlkef8 nnd n holder CIIIl mountalll ut II brenk-ueck spced, Ilnd \be il tho iloubt wbether one may not Tit nobler mnn of the two goeH lin IIble. Wood R8hCllis one of tb best ferapflllri tlon COli tl n lied te follew them, float- goiug to PfIlVO ono'e eelf a fool i the their uml'illill&nc to do 11C!; III otber !IOuth. J( Lher wore to be a st.rm 1" "nllt there WIll not; com~, jump in." beeded out IlIto tho storm to conquer tilizers. Olel bonCl!, w~1I burled!.,will pay bore WIth n bit, two inchcs in dinmeter, IItg through tho IltlD08phere in terrible truest bcrolsm Is to resist tbe doabt, word, they weret.'ulUmiLted for 'olltempt 10 r. et per day in rock of medium hard· 'fhe OlIn! lIre hftt'd into tho ro,,'·locks, his heartacho alone. prOXimity to tbe flllLhlell!! widower. Tbe and the PTQfounde t wiadom to kno" n IlIrll:e \I1terest on their COlt. '1"lle con- nell8. of "·'lIIrt. Tht're ,,,ere ,lbollt hair 1\ 11111- DornLhy takes Lho m:mngemout of tho other mlln state!! that it "looked like tbe when it eught to be resisted and ",ben tents oftbe privy VAult nnd Wee pool, lillD verdiclt! III fll vor of plRillLilli as to rudder In her hands, and IKIOn th y gil Rehllleer-M.OIlII. corpse of a womllll with thll dootb clothes to be obeyed. com [I0Il ted , are exceedingl, valuable ill (roo Drlcb. moro tblln OliO hUlldred thou IDd of gliding 1)ver the 1\I1\00lh Rllrlnce of tho We re all more or lelli! familior with thcl!6 old tree ; in stirring tbe 8OiI, cllro • on The faco Will! qlllt dead and ex· A YOUNQ man in Oreat Barringtoo, This 18 tbe lIomo gl\!t n lo the bricks pre!llliollleJ!8, and the eyes were elOlled: wblch it Wit d oDled neCll8llllry to ill811 Willer, Iellving n tmck 0( 81h ery Imbblll8 tbe " I rUID mo "from wbich blllllCo lIllIlI Qe 8hould be tnken 1I0t to break tho rcot.tl )1l1li8., couldn't got up coura~ enoup them It IS II lovely evcning belltnd with the plow. We altAcli a.bout ~unl whIch aro now manufactured ill OerIs lIIado, but ulltll lat Iy It hRs uot boon olle hnod was extended towllrd KitQhcn, judgment 8l1mmonees. The mere throat The ml.by shadows of t\\ ilt,ghtare gllUlcr· imllOrt.nnc to tbe stirringor the IIOIIaJld mlUlY, iu considerAble qunlltltl('~, from almost tOI~ching bi~ hend, amI the otber to ,. pop the q \loatioo" to hll ghl, aDd of talrlnlr this step brought mUIlY of the Ing in the el\llt lind III the wl'at. the Known that tho " roindcer·mm!8 II which to tb fertilising, III t.he pn)C!t'III of reuo- Blnck of smoillng iurnlto I!O eellt hl8 otTor by mail. He ~ot a poetal According covers the Scandinavian Moullt.llina cllllid pointing toward SmiLhville." Final1l def~ndallt" to Lerm~, IInll only In 1\00l1t cl()ud!, blood-red and Jlurple, are CMting to tho proc devitlCd for tbie pur)l9118, tbe buggy WIUI Dl06hed again t n tree and oord in reply, brlo~y lIIIyillg: 'Feteb 00 be u!!Cd for nny other purpoflC tban food vation. knowo M t.ho Hartmllnn operation, and !Jle OCCII)lllnte tbrown out, and ",ben your preacber." She doesll't 800m to twenty·Bve thou!![lnd OOt!tlll were 'l\'arran1i8 a rosy ligll t al\ over the broad rlY r, II for tho reindeer. Tbe recent experiments actually lI!eu~d. Further colllprol'(!if!CS ffl'Hh breeze Is blowing found their f8Cel!, of Mr. Stenberg, a wedlab pro(t!IIIOr or , Buy 8lfALL TU118. ll1Je n, I'IIge whl h dlfJ'era (rom anything of the kind they reooverod from tlt. 1&11 the gliott hAvo lacked con6deDl:e. American II In '" great ny to fI!l/.lize heretofore deeeribed, the 1Iigb furnaces now," of IPnn, ma, wlilter; 11M boptll of resulted. IllId of the IIIl1eteoll tboulllllld aud wllves sVlnsh ttgIlinlt Lhe sides of ehemistry, bllve not ollly showed how on , ' TIl._Uinta . . I.de: . hl8 inv tment.ll. If be ONOns a fow are proVIded witb a continultl fto", for Willi gOlle.-Toronto NatioMl. Tbo .ullll\\I1 droop lD wtuter. l .... blJda f - u the And tbree hund re!l and Ix pertiOua theIr bont like low monotonous music. perJe.ctl, \biUllhst.llnce 19 SUIted to be garden IIIlOdI ill JanUary, be i8 ansiou. tbe !lug, which rllna through a narrow hllrlell III tlt.lking abonL bis bome, tell· Human ~a'Qre. abair.· aetually nrreeted, three-fourth~ paid liP' ing Dorotby nbout the aunt aud cousins tho Ilffioient and (llvorite (ood of tbeae to hll\' o them ICnt Immooi at Iy; and If ",utter, formed in t.ho BIlnJ, inte a. shal· Tho .Ind'be lulled. Ibe ..,tI Itld .._ forpl iIIeII' allima\8, hut bn ve 111110 pro\'ed it very A Detrol L commercial tl'lweler walked olddocr.. : on the pot, about II thollf!l\nd lmid after she hM not seen (or 1\ long tlDle, and valullble to mnn. he forwards 8ix cente for II copy o( \lOme low pit, through whi h a aman etrerun of But"~ In oatun'.1alcwt hour, 0 Lorcll will en,. to down tho cusic of Il pIIIliICnger coach the paper which coutalns a story or whlcb wlltor Is kept running. 13y lhis chilling boing " oortain IlCriod in jail, while IUI\U IlIg 'Ier with stories of hiM college tb .. 1 I t was found Utnt lhe verdant carpet, other day , haVing 011 lin outlandiub lineo -BllIIep &Wr. three tboulllnd and eeven hundred eerved daye and hie' efl'ort~ to IIlRke bl, wily III which drape mnny hlmdrods of 8I}uafl' he hlUl read or beard ho doel not forget pl'OCCl!t!, Lbe 810g II.Mllmes tbe form ef .. duster I\Ild all 0111 stm what, IIl1d scven to rcqUCilt tbe publiA\ler to ltend it. II by fille gruvel An endleJ!8 bain o.t once ONE of our pby8iclt\nB reporta t.bat be big profeel!ion, which At 6m were 110 miles of untrodden field and bleak 000110' thel r fl\1I Ume io )lri80n. who hud 1II\1lt!! by ~hemllClv~ recently had a colored C&!e wbich reeuccell8flll. Neither oftbt'ID nDticetl thllt tain, WIU! "source of wealtb till Lhenllll' retufIJ 1I111i1." Patience which tUl)I! t.hc Uf\e the Klag Ollt of tbc pit llnd Ipans it \Vomen piled thei r baggage 00 tho "paM .half ~nd TilE Secretary of tbe TreMury, accord· tho breeze grow. evory mement ItrongClr known. From ix~y. ix poundll of well- form of quiet waitinG! if & vIrtue 01 llpon clln. By grindlOg thlH mllterial looked out of Lho window to aVOId lIOClng ported IUett to blm hI tbe foJlowlD« style: II Doctor, l'm jes' dredful. r.e hi aud fresher, nnd tbat the dark eloud in wlUlhed mOllll til clover profCll!lOr extrnct,. "bic11 he seems to 00 wbc)U,.lgnorant. II ue in 1\ cement mill, It iK (ormed into Ing to II "V • lUI ngton speci"l to the Kler- tho IIOU th blls sJlread over tho horizon, nnd ed Jive gllllonH uf p"re nlcohol Eigbteeu He can not wait tho ilrogr_ of oven til, an excellent altnrp buildillg Mnd; tho him, While he WIlli Hitting on the wood had de fteuriJlg in hip, an' a lOre 00 de box alld chewtllg the hitter c ud of rodeeDan Ne~IAgcnoy of New Yt!rk, blls ren· la coverlOg it wlLb darknelll. hundrod·weigbt 01 tile IIIlme DlOII8, under but. mUlt constantly burrlr and fret In greaL bulk or H, however, is u~, WIth· tlon, n mall with 1\ brllllll wuteh·chaln and roof of my tongllo. I've put on a mude rod Lbe followlIlg dccision in reference Preeently a low muttering growl of proper treatmeot, yielded to lIlr. ten· order to mnk!! natnre move .1ltUe futer out furLh r reduelOjJ itllgrnill, formaklng • ibree dollar eet of gllUll! dll\mollds en. tard aftereation an' g~led my mont• bricle\!. bUL it's done me D() goOd. ' W (,.2OtI of 1865, M,lY IIl1d November, amI thunder startles Lhem fJ'Cm the droom berg the onormolls amount of nearl,. tbliD ber wont.e.l pace, ThIt oondency cropa oull vrzy plalnly l~ tbo Har~IIIAnn operatioo! tho alag tered the oor, lU\d six of the womlln l).20s of 186Ii, Jilnuary and July: The into which tboy had fallen. twelve hundred-wclght of unrefined IF your fJ:irll or her big brot.ber, co.hft.ed their IIIlte\\ela down and moved books nlld rcoordl of the dCpI\rtment "Turn blick, OhMle!, turn back I" 8U&1'r. 'fhe ugar-cane and tbe beetrrcot, wben he pureblUlCil trea. lie Rnda tbem ""od I mixed "'Ith one half or Ita mor- cloee up to the Hido of the (tllr. S uch along aDd JIOtotA! a pletol a' you~ aDd d ribed io tbe catalogtll8 lUI "lIOoond tar in a trough, in which th,ce ehaft.l! IlCrMm. Dorothy, "the stokm iA on ns I" cultivated at great COtIt, and nlqlllrin« , t tbey alwaYIl tellB you to walk down t4t t.be lDiDla&er'. IIho", tbut Lbe 1).2()s oT 1865,l\Jayand No'But there is 110 turlling bnclr: Th y peeulu(r tlUndhlon~ of 1011 and climate, c1M8," "medium," II iii'll' cl. . " and provided wltrl long blades revolve. It ill things nre n t right, I:m alld be married, go ri~ht .1001 ad do will be. "extra." Tb difference ia thOle clR8llell ih n shoveled into the brick mllchllJeI, v mber, kllown R8 old 6;;11, wero th finst pavc> been rowing "'iLh the tide. The (10 not, wClghlo for weight, compete wit.b it; ilia marriage will be ~ TIIa ill principally, If not wboRT, in tbe lllze each of wh"h turnll out about twentyJosn llLLLI1IG8 8um np biA moral ex- bat! recently been decided I), the &a of theBe two 1000n illl!ued, tho date ofillllue river ill very wide and tho inerwing this wild growtb of the wedlab bm.: an'il height of the tret'IL The 1.lll8r the flv hricksl\ m\Outc. Tb~ are piled up perience thu : U Men, if \hey am't too preme Cour~ of New York, aiId ., .... being October 21, 1 'Ii, wblle oollllOls of force of the waves and the wind t.ogeLber nnd it 18 not Burprlsing to henr that the 1866, January aud .Tllly, knowu 118 the i. III! .trong tba~ wbl1n they attempt to price mop ftt, RlOOlcholm bR8 of late tree the higher Lbe prioe-~ut the farmer in the Ol)lln air for drying. ad Rre ready lazy, live BumtjmCII till tbey are 80, and great relief to lola of . ulIClOIUforiabie ., doo' t care anything abo\lt that.,l He (or \l1!O aller about six" 118. Tbey con· deetroy tbe time a trOOd deal lUI follows: rI.en 1.0 about a half·penny a pOuod, and n w 66e, altJIough Ule bonda bear on turn about, tbe wal.er ruebel Into th young lel_lo_w_"_ _ __ __ wan .. good UMI or n~" and giv& tinue to harden on c:I ure to ilio air, tbelr face IUId dRte JulY t, 18M, were tiny boat. Botb lace" II'row pale. in tbe tbat lack of capitAl and ml\Chlner,. alone hili orde ... for \bOlO of ut.ra iii. and and Ilr lIAid to IMl!!lle OYOII grCJIteJ' The lint SO yellra £boy spend in tbJ'CwJ • murkyligbt lUI they _ tbe danger. bill' ,tUII8 at II OIark; Lbe I!9cond 30 the), retard. \be practical ~ult.ll · of 110 1m. whioh A1'(\ four or Ave yean oleL 10 llirengtb than ordinary burnt lIriob. I!)IWd In eXllml nlng til not il!llllCld unlit Oclo\)('r, 1866; therefore "It 11 im~ble; yon callDot do it I" portlt.nt a dllcovery. mark Lo., doing thl, be Iblob he Ia aeting wlaely, They are exten8iv~Jy uacd fot aU kinds whtro the tun bit; and the remainder it (olio",. th.t tbe 6 20" 1866, lI.y and Co Tell me, Dorothy, wh.t I, tbat dark WHAT are we comlDg to' Here i. a but. the nunefJDWl kIlcnn, ADd the of buildings, their light. g~y color pro- 18 "Iwilled In cUdlllllg the tun·throw ing November, known all tbeold ~ being obmtjDltabeatlf' , \be firet I_ued tinder the law, mUlt be the • It Is. ledge ot rook., but ",ben the hone wlonlDa a race on tbe turf by farmer will find be~re llia& tha., with duclng a .ery agreeable etJect, and ·...e busin~ ,Ilnd IIU Ing \he rumatil," , II called 'l11 d gI tide comee lti (rom the Ilea It '11'111 be drinking wlttiky I 04 two IIIveralocca- equal care, the IJPaU ' - wUl (10'11' rougbn_ pettaiDing to t.belr .ur(aco fit,.. EI.JZABKTlJ TUAIl,. 1'11£1.1'8 Ill!&id to nt . e ate ven on the 1- oo.ered," and "lib a 10" mCNID DorothY 11001 th. bOJW BripDd woo racee .fter fUt.er IUId, it a fruit. • • COme Illto UJ!g tbem particularly weU for taking of the bond, Ie not to be taken u the a b dOWD flOm ber _t aDd coven her belol doeed with • plot of old Bourbon. bearilll oondiLloD IOOIIeI' tbau .na retaining a cod of "Ulorlar. written 110m. o'1rer beet atorlel • buge rock which rI In tbe w.ter In date of the 1_114\ bn t the laet u eatab- faCII "lI.b ber hand&. WUt will become of bone llIIIh Itltima- aDa. In blllt. ~ tNe tllUw.. JA III Goanow BmorE'l'l' hu Import.- froat of ber bome In Eat G1o~rl IIl1hed by \be nlC(>roll of the departmftlt II We ,,11\ try and lad there. Tbe law ot thl' klacl are to Der'fe whaD Iupr and eel elab& 8ue bur-. all of wbleb, accord- Mala. Tbe rock I. OY8rruo with WUIl &IIem till RreJlGOUI elerta oa she tar(' In .ppl. . . . of UJto la". tide will not turn I)r aD bour." 1M, t.ban . - tor 101 iO til ,y~, eomblue power, roe., and " a .pot coodqd.,. till I...,.... '!'lIe ellm " ~ftlL TIle ledp Where are the temperaDOll aoeieUn' dill. obYloaa. the elip~, and b100dUlrtt atoutbD... to aD &loa Ud a .... CICIld. So...,.,y l'ftIIarb, with proa,.nd NMIbed' ad Ohar curiel till "lNordilW')'detree. ThCJarelllldMl&OoLOILlDO IIu .... JUetala, aU.. ~ tile ...... wbIIcIm, tIIM It Ie . . . . . to tmQIe .... 1I1i'_ rock, apd ..,. ber ...."7 caUl... DloaII.,Ia.. ... wd ...... wUl • It, and &"0 pldiap of the . . . . . with toariltl _ 1aeaI&h ...... &hIa . . . . aftD 10 It. .bI•• t.bIrJi •• bI£ fII dOWL IIOftl,
. . . . ....
..., loft, ID1 U. Joye." ......
• .... to . . . JJiIuIIWa ph'lt...
III • 1' ___ 1 ~IJIOr ,. •t t lnala I Ita oatiunaa O. 1<' Ikillburg' pri ,. • roed to Loudon. C\lll'nt pal,,'r. W nd tc"'Qt i"K. en. 11- 'b IncowPl Itboa~ .. puD' ",putlLtluU lie th Grand rnd trial ' nIHI. :. ;,' : .: e. r. and .... S'. W. ... :nli I . ~r~a. t~ture of j"unl.l. • . I(IY~ at throngh 'IDe 01 , Ill' moet ~probli- E I ition. ot. Ameri.... It 1., Mr. SauDuel)Jeam ball 110'" hill . 'r. .H" :: • a at homo from I ndIana. .m , Ifl' 1111( II. It ell ,,,lea nt l' nday H'II- II nt l~tlW ,~,>er cuinmuli. Th h&llt !'Cpr&! elJtlltlve 1ft the fun t et'nae hou8C and 1 acl'l'll of J,Cr\JllIId on ,,,, lid \l1li., I I . , . .. K... 13, -Mrs. Joelaua aft!y ia rt'COV .... tilt 'II' II 'W from'" I'IOintti aroulld 'JII~,th . pl·r-. I .~l' illY rl.ably I~ th revrc nt· su~rvillg IIv priVllte iuwrc&t u r tbo I y ,·me nlad tv Mr. Sumu I - .... --... lUg frum a ro iIIn \'ell tb IIIl t obticurc i a real l,rt.. n 01 atllln of belllg <,uuncut! IIQperior profit It hlUJ 110 tockholder DUllwidllie for 50 ,.,~~.~j~. ,:, ::~II ~~,: : -Mr. J . e Whart n ~i ited the ~I ing t~ 118 .all, .~d ~n iutereat· uiu Over- t ~ anything in~~nccd. Of, bing . rrrpor~cd by a pub!io gua.r . I .Mrs. Josl')'h E Gi~)l)j\ hut! hI I L1.. , I~,~ p, . ,t NA . '; oldi rs' Hume y terday lilt( .tep III J urollh tIC pn g . \\ 0 ca~ but mier f~Ul th, tllllt a.llt 0 luuu of a (luartcl' ot U mIl. her hou nnd lei' 1111 th' lell' "illo lbp,,'. p. .. .. ~ . -AI R. R E I ' . . und Ilnpr "Clllcnt not only, but i .. ~uv . Edwllr I , th I aum P Ill' 1011 mad, hut hou doll.. UIH] \ evot' i wit Ie runu, to 'ullllleI B~.'IIm , fi,r , TIlt a., I .\ .. :1.10 P. . . !lio. I. t' r.. . ug e of C O ICIO. ul un unmit't.ukabl tti'll 1l1I1l Y"I Itlllg III t Il WU. , v ' 1\ a credul 0 public lire loth to rev nu tla fall dtw I 1)01 lit 'I J I D ,. I Id I • • ... In. do n ..t -t\>,.. t "1'Ol' 011 al~ I lin I W8S 11\ t WII JU t ,,"cd. I 1. h f . .\ r tl " t' I . J IJ r. ,I III 1I W'; III 80 1Ii1 ~ 1... 1111 .'0 ,; "' on ,1 " . II M' . . pI I Jl·C.", uol " pr ~lIt fri >lIdly I' \', It d .uu )Q I t) I(! lut D1 IIts, t[ I' ut 01 t I' lit rpl'\iw,' UO the nd uuoo· , hOlls (Iud lot II l'hi rd lit t t In Wo . I ,,» 6 '''II n I mA . . -I I AUll'lm }'urr i 110 \' I'l'lAti oli helw(.' 'U II ij(huIl rtlood w k. the buudl'uds pllbli h :c.l Ulil ' 00 Ilw nt lIf Ilu ti IInl iodustri , Tll o) 1 . J I F <:i·bb.! f 75 u ·N 1 , j',lJnn,J7rU"!\.I '~: n..... . IIJtalcdu cpnt.Yl'ottuULcJ.l'. ;,llId tlt'n. j(lriuu8 utnre "'hcr'i ~ udwllllnder nod fonudl\\·. tumuUl.' t uf"\'~criptiv: , ixth E-xJlos iti n .opens · . '(~IIY r8 . VUJlI ": •• ~ . ' VI' • J'OS. 1 1l~t. . V. l'ieht Agenl -M r. Jam . larke, \It t. ' 111' Ih hn Will In It aw . mu" d t Morr 1\\' form .... b, h nr 11k. Illd , It ~ op t. th , lind contllllle until tit· IT WI\8 ,'mil k l1J;uin lIlI ~(,)n. g'IRO ~ . '~I !.' , ~ • . 1:',. . ui ,i huro vi iting his fiunily. ~l' r. I't! (ton rou and benevolen t .thl! tichul;l tcrlll . ' ,hns ~vm S~) C IDlIlIU~1 that w (l rUII ', Oct. til: E orr !furt lin L1n,Y. • I )(llI - !t! ~ -, fI '") ~ O., " 10 9 0u Mr. Itarl A . Rubin n oj' III t (\l' ~t III 011 un othel' "'hi II A I> .. ' I I I find it lUll' Ibl to Wl'lt a furm lbeen lIlud t In sure Its 8l1ce> • ~===",. . =..-..",====== • . aa l nIL' .. e t cu,~ ~ uf lt t l'l III " W I'l Ilungton ' .t thlu t ·IUI\I I r I IIlvlIlg " I . . '1'110 m Ol t (lIUPI ct nrrllngl' ntcnt~ ~ " L "\IIR , w . ill town yo •t<'r. IIUII I' rod IIC Buch 1\ J.O ' all' I I ' ac t I npV Ur:.I.lI " I all \1111 0' Sir t I) 9 --' . :,..:':.- da ' . . II ut Jlr 'llent wo Cllllllvt c nc i\' ill '1 IICil ..,k l'lr 1lIIlIll I "ution; h II t:l, incu tli I'll is Ii ttl " ' hu\'o e'l\ mati I'u ,' r cluccu rat · . f nv rigi nul it· ill ur 'llln po it i II uJ' tUI'C, a nu ull illt r ted r pro- = WAVN"'Y"~'. £""".w . -Mi Ella ' Il. f C ,It'. , ll ' "'. ' . , or -:-=- - - 'FlUS DI!'l1 K'l'1N (n i ""l l'),- X Inll' tow II is vi ·.tiIl Y ~/ ne J 0 1;111 ' W e nro huving ,'ery warm Ilr -~ rrls tir d a 1,,111 ~III '- w rull 't ,,,lIll\\' ill tit ....·ur or \.Ith · pu ilJ~ to "ttend will r i,' n CHANDLE R.-A"I'I'"Nt al t. I 71i, the fer di"h., 'II'!'",hll' e,·e'1.Fir tid ll'un l'lb man ' I g rs. villi vlu· \vcurhcr, und I\r 111.1 ilv nguged 1I111r1l1ng, • l ~o.OOtl brick. r, ulld a 'knuwl c.J g tu tI ,\) I>ad ciroull1r ulitaillilll,; the J'a tes uf wHo) At AHron D. Obn",lI ~r, "f a ...n. Day, betrnotn at II \l nluok. Fll'llt-Day . ,h' ill" our coru of ·,,'1' I is I:lcrkill .... f r prtlctiCI.l vf 1,llIg iaritllD tmu purtatil II nud tho fric uf . IIchoolatlll·2o'oloo.k"'M -AI W 'W Wb 't ~ I' n , IICI W 1\1 M 0 r ' • 41attla nn t' 9 . 1'aI&l1) ' )(Klm,NO (0 ~bod ) _ M t,. I I r' '~all II , hunl l\l lit 60 a res 1II0r ' or Ie . i , I No,,', al\ I' thes pr lillliunri I tit J itferollt Howls alld teatnur· ~I J \C • I e M '~for cllv~ wohhlp v ~ and ~" d~ 'IX? ndny III .Butterworth W U l'llll vur drYing·pall niKht and I - Mr. 1. IHoW WlI in- ' \~O will gi ve lin ubridgucl d ·crip.IIlIILl, b ' I1ddr!l&!in~ the Socret.ury, Day, begbl~r.1lIf ,.t 11 " "k. Fi1'llt-D"y I trlct: . . dlL', alld tuke of!' about ' bu hela ~nrcd by. tllJ'ou~b u hole tlOU vf u lJirthday sllrl ri ' lII.ade in 111 . Clliln ctiOJl WltU this suq,j ct, 18~~~'1 th.;\\.,~~~R~~ib~:t'f}u!'~_ a.;oo~ a~ 9 1 ~ o,olook A.; . . - MIS EmlUlI Bu'~ mall, of U\ ' cvery hours. \Vo 1\1'0 IlltlO III the IIndl1Y "cning our town Ill8t we lit the rctJ luunce we IIro pI 'nscd to say tlaat th e "h B. <)f W KytJp•• iUo .Uld MINI NIUlP..~.. I:t::~";;~ An \~dR~:,rll'~""l' olllnllti, i8 vi itin$ Mrs. R l't:l\'" I}lIit ~ r.wanl with 001' wh 'at CI'OP lJI old th~ 01' MrJ3. Pink rtuu. Thi ~el\l' good Hnt III Ulld Re tuuranltJ bn v y 1::. H,ud reoof GNlOlle :.uunty, 140·e1ook ........ . 7 1-$ P . aI. bbo,tJ. Hullnnd. , pi ))IlI'UtIOIIS, hal'i ng abon' 46 uew I' iclcllc ut tbe huly wue IJ !,!/ much surprltJud , ut· plodg d thomselve tIl oharKo ollly , _ ." _oo1.U t.a 1'... ". -Don't forget the Inrge tock ,. narcs ready fflr drilling. I&.wt II Iroct tu Mr Juke ul'day mortllllg, to behold olle pro- tho IlsllItl rutet! lluring the Eltpoai· ttllih:onb 'tnt£; O.nrl!lTl~ - 011118 ,!- Elder 1. ~. Dodd. R{'t\.d~.made Olothill'" ~t ]'ullkey ,\: Ncxt Momluy wa commollc Rill for ' . c ion after unuther rolling in, nod tion. • P ..tor. D,nne "'1'1'108 un FlQtt .nd M ' . d' , " . d . fi nIL I propara.lOns .' I' TI' E .. . I Third Lord·M.y in o.ul.h nlonth. LAnl' I 81 III s. 'CNIPlug an cnrlllg our bro 10. 1 - Mr Y. ' 11 VI' a cuet. A li lt xpo .Itlon 18 now III BIlC ' e e s's 1/ s s 0 dK,. bllOl at 9 o'clock •• \"erT r..rcr...ta~ -Mr. Frank Peirce, of SUlltb COl'll, of whicb we bave 4 to 5 I th 1al1' urn { I ~acl~ Ig\) lily ~Iumbe~ ot' inn ent mRrIll1d. / n lo\,\varll stut c rn~lotilm, that ,; ,;.";' "" ci. ci. "" ~. lIIol'lllog. Charleston. visited Mr Asa 01 a ll. o.CI' . of "ery good corll. ' kins BC 1( 0 III nw lors ho.vJllg nrl'lved, !-'ully ",-Ie ' 1'1\ - npoll th ItOUI' f ponlllg, P. M., ~ .~ gi!"" ~~ '" ~ I'II'. ~~~'l!T (Fl't'Oob .. ill) -,O!:~"'~.,in dler this w e e k ' l llluuking routld ou r farm nnd , d iUllry, the cho un committee of ent. th, it will pres lit a U1 re ~ ~ ·,,~S ~':"'~ ... .:I W ..,.ne.-.,.,r,'lCC'8 on t ~ -..m" o u t U " , I l Y ' • - R ~ F' is dol'1\'0 Iln~ .' p \ ' 1" / nrt'lmgements, ta k' 08 tIe I Ieud ,ran· .fi illS \ h'109 appoul"lnoe tht\u at ally - .9 and Bllndn)" ' n each JOOntb Elder EIIM~ - Mr W J I ' n f C· , prCIJII!lCS gencru11y, wa IiOO nlllch , ~ u Clthtlon. PUftor. . noti visited' bitt rla1mh; illlll~iI1~ to regret · uuu 8Qme thingd to be ?iconnty ID Har\'ey burg at suc kingcnpboRI'ds, cl osets, bureaus previflns op lIillg day. The opeD· . ~: !i Ii . _ : : Ii E=" J'AIUlRB4·Q'.I,\~OJ;:, No. 1!1, Plitl'OlIfI pr la c~ last !Sund as ltllmeu of; still, ollr crops hl\vc . gurr t and coUnt·, iu q n st of arti · IlI g cerelllvuie will be precedl'd by .. .. Po'" ,;.ci.-' ,,113 HQ~b.u..lry; W,IIi"m Cornell, Muter. Meet P .IIY· be II fully as wdl cal'e,l tor and .- All wero mnde glad this clee rcquir d lor 1\ w(llI·disciplined the g1'llud st Trodes' Procession ,0 !'1~!,iI~~~:g$.g=B -~ ~ ?!t'~:u~, ':.:~ ~n~~n~h~ R I~S Moille Eberly, ha g. ".C harv · tl'd , thl) pre en t sellS \I alld m ' the old school· bell i table. 01 cuul1!e, she bllS no curio ever witnessed in the U nited ~ ~ ~ ""~ - Co; ~.';.:l~ ~ - -g-. _
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)('~m' t~ll<. DIvine 118l'\'IC - W e . regret to say thut M". by. " r~ ferv(,ltltly . d cai I'() the ~ift 'fU8 .v~~qnday aU p. ru . Sun.uY-l!Obool .t J oseph Har~rcy is eti!l. lying in aut: Ct uti llllanc ill tllis dircctiou, ~olkJ,
~ Mmes wor on- I111110 daval'hn eut aud If chaos reigns frolll allpllrts of the U lilted Statcs, S d 'pllrtmollt, ..1 !hl'oughout tho !lo~18e. Oh, IlO, tbis a~d occ~l pying the IltlBign~ posi.,.~
ThIrd ... d
UAI"l'18T On. very pl'tlCarlOU8 CondltlOll. WIth eVCQ nn incrcMe. !III lo~\!er: or d ,ch.ool opell- Ils not charoo~e~lstlC of. the. good lao 'tIOOS. Th,' \lgh. the exertlOn~ of ;ro -1I"IIAISt1'ee~, U<'IU' ~.III. Divine I14!rvlce -Mn. E. S. B. Waltun and Our public mooti ng still c utili , cd wlt,L . 1 1I!'8; thiS IS, 111 '0, a ldY. Her rehgl.OtlB obJeot IS to ren o th e Art C,)llImlttco, aud til e gon. ~:! on the Sotnm"y \tef,n., lI,c IIOOOnd Mi8s Amy Burlow of Xuniu uea Opell and woe to U3 if we gllOll 11'1' th o firat duy. der nil tho service sho CIlO and uave c rous l' p n e of the owne:-a of 'i: I n ....eh lI'OOth, at I o'o1ook, and on ., d I I ' " TIt· t' I I I b t d . . d v -of III ' ;rJ:;: :;"Sut: ut s;d:c :: I' o,f ProfAIoltlve Company Ull't'Vo An tho sa Sntul'o dinnnpolis ht\8 bCl)n he'C t' fi . IIlg thurowlth. If we al'o not 1 lit' IlIrge and. woll · be- Ilch, you know. H owever, wei erl)elll rc~ publicly exlublted have c:I ~ :re!n,,;~e O::~ ,:~~ By days on a 'villit to his ~Iut~:e:. tl\\ indUlih'ious ~ith our hllndtl, saving hllVed,. was wcU se' l must not ~well bere, but no~ice the beeu ~e IIr d and taking th,?ir ~ Ic1C11l\. It P QautM! 8ocretlt11. C I Z II d ti 'l . nnd eeonomu:1I.1 chnritable to the lcot d ItI a of tL grove I table, whIch, by the wuy, IS com· places III the Art Hull of the Ex I " , ... ~, 0 an ....oM . . Ioru hi e artls . t'IC tQ8te P 't' ~ I ed-mI'. f C" t' I 1I0l1 y Arl'l' po r, ('c. as w ' II Its being udorned WI'tl.U "''''... IS III the" ' Pltd . 0 ODSI( I, J II. ~: I. ~•• r Lire Wo ..... 18 ~n a ~Ii~t InOIl;1nll I Mt e~ .~ifl~. wit!1 th~ gar ments vf p l'I!ollul ~ny of' wuter, etc. MI'. I ~s well ns architecturo is di8played Th grt~lIa Florol Hull, whi·1I .:: i "ckne' 1I1'\'\'I'le e'·er,. .. h,'ro. AntI e~C!".- I ' to Mr. G. M. ?ell s falOl· pUl'lty and pructieul rightoonslle 9 1 erry refreshment stl1l\d 1m tue nrraJlgemellt of a fnll.gl'Owu has b n III the hall tl8 of the cor~ · ;S _ l.' ,c;;;r~'!icko~bo,o~ (lI~ee :ur'nf 'h Il~ y. . ill vllin mllolt be Ollr preuchin Ullri ,, \V,II. look etl bnt he tailed tu put oheese i, h~r and there around tLt o ; mi 'h'llerll uf th is d{'partlUent nnd .. no"' ,..-,' .. ,,~· ,'I"II;ly ~I?n~ e~(I";:~DgelnWttl; d~.Mr. S~ID~ul EVCI'lcy bas Orl'l~· singing; liJr our SlLvior Mi:, UI\ . j'1\ an The dallci llg ! border Jt ~'as p .rforuted and C\1· , expC!~·t docPl'Iltur ful' lIIonthe, hl1s .; I] 11' rid Ih:lll, pufl'orlllilwiU, n1.pe,,~i ... th'or () !I:om ,l\IlchJg&n alld resumed lil s ledt! tho righ teous uess of his pro. floor wu o.l\d roowy cumber pte"le9 IIlsortod. III the lI u \\' Its gr .. tto s, cnsclldetl, lukes, ~. ~o"ml!.I·~'lt ."d-lll 8,lIiktcH t •• I," 'hh "I !~d'j.: ,- V08ltLun In Funkey & ..Missildi ne's tossed li>lIowel1! exceed tliBt ot' tile \ fiDd from 8ix set were kept' centre a rich blluqnet of dandelion !strCIII\1S, rn tic brid .... cs, &0., is all •' II. " ..... ~n"8 •• " en, ftC .... ...'u. ,,\0. StOI'O d . ~ ' .. tl . . t E bite t f '" l ' . .. mach , H,·Arl born. PII'/,llIItlolD of o.e Heart, ' , now-prof< 8Sors, they could in 110 UIIClIIg anerooon .- ro~es pel'le~..,. liS V'c lire. . verY- j U u. II sta 0 0 cllmI' ~taOJl, 11\. (IJ l>elll'e~~ed ."I ~lt~ .BIt o~pn M:tc .• call lake -Mr. A. L. }'urr is at homo wi so entel' into the K ingdom .of Late ill ing, Q young man tlll~l~ was III ,kcepi ug with this, clndUlg tho vines, s mull plants. ~.I~:"1f~:d~~:. T Jr~~: ' \~)~\h~h~~. gNI ~UI~, after duing Washington, H eu\:e!I. . , / fr?1U w~bblcd in frollt I whlc t : etldcl'ed the efft!C~ ~ gl~a.nd : aud Ilowertl used to doourote the ~ . "o\lr Drut;8le\. A. DOLL, nlld «,'t .. UA.ltlmore, Clarklllmrg und otheJ' . A PICIIIC 'B I\(~ld to-day at Our of tho. WIth a bottle of /SUCCess, a nd u.n cr. pl1rtakmg of II1- j rock w~rk. Its b~a l1ty fur exceeds ';1_ .. , B<I'ttl,e.r.'f ten c~,,\~ and . try It. POlllts. ~olld by the PI'e8byteriun Bahb'ltll cnluinlty n bis pocket 11 sip numerable dellcllcle8,wo proll ounce tlmt of any brovlOus voar, aud... FlO OiIII". "' 11"0 do~ ea wlll ~lIevc'Tou. hi" t f .' . tl. e " e t t· · tl 1.. .. _ I tl I. · ·to' I ... ' -.- ~ .....,.---~__ _ ' .. . -:-Mr. Fabnestock, who hllll' been ~ . ~' Chlldl'eu ot' .Laballon fWd or w~ 0 had given hlln a l U U sseI' 0 0I110US. Ie ~~ we w I~II.. Ie OX ul I rs p 1111 ,:", are III ;: .....Ie ." ••' Preer. vIsiting bis dllllghtcl', Mrs. Kij~ V! ClUlt,r. May t.hey have a good fever In The mBDagcn e ver SIlW, Ollr appetItes. blllUg up- posltlho.n Sept. ?t!r, thIS Hull -=~ TIlele I, no mea,el nt) pre,crll,el1 by pltv .. l- AleComall retur/llid to NewtowlI tllue and be enconrageJ tLt el'eby hnd IIU ng him peased, the remalllder of tbe after- alono wtl 1attrnct VIS Itors from all 1 on • stu lsticlk . .to their Sllbbut.h · tAO take a , and be P,\Sijed' in ! par. of the. Ullitbcld Stutes. Thl' is • • Do' 011£' O,allA. 8"NU" (or s..were -.Mr 18ll8C V 6a f R' I C lOU lustructJons. But this 8 fern and Alex. ..YlOg oro C 10 nn IIlUIlY O~l)er f manngel1! m e nnu c to uceummo- .., V"'U,1i:Y PllllDU,-T!l'O .\1l1Al'!
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not illtothe rda " We are e!!,ccting our. dear oft tHe tbe we retllrn~d to Onr dl8mlll abode, th e busy contre ot nttraction), is .. '1 S = 'fle..~.I!c'" C~ tell ~rtOf y; . ' Brother 811d Elliel', Fredrick W. , !ng the hoy, their np ther.e allxLOl1sly to ~wait auother lexpected ill its d i play 01 II velties ~ Ii ~iEi Ei E 8 l~ ~ ~?1~t!'.: r::r::,:~:.~.fi: ~~.GC'::*/I(!~ W Nelhe N~lId!.t o( Fort Evan8, fl'om Alt, Leban;)n . New III the feliCIa Cl),nler ill very delt· n~U\yel1!ary celebratIOn of this and processed of mlltllufactnre to ~ ci.ci.·c " Ii ~ rb nud MISS J)o,. Cad· York. Ha dite the 81wkel' and cute manlier. ,. !lide {ro.m brnised k~nd. The gue8ts wel'e Misses J u-J eclipse all form~r displays of mn· el, ";'A",. lind 1I~ ..onderflll on,. ....lIIon· ~7:h,lndi' M ~ ~~ $. ~~ ~ ~ / hlnp:ewrr,tlne &hat 11188 II. _ dOI8~ wa er, 0. . orrow, Ilay, been 8liake'1'888 aud also i8 no of onr 1nose and oth~'r humrs and knocks dltb P enoywagon and Malin du Bets cbinery in motion. t» ~~ .... ~> ...", E~ D!llt"":~;~:'~hl~ee. Tr,ll. BeN by A. g~esta?f MI88 Agnes. Willi~U1son . IJrill.ci plII ~xllollents of Shakeris m , n five d ollllr ~iU wit prObably pay ! Josach~m, Bnd MetlBrs. Josh String- I F~om 1111r. kn wleclge o~ th~ rep: ,; 0; ~ _. ' :; ~ -MI88 Kate Hopkllls has III her IUVIIIK writteu sevel'al books and the dumage. bait, .Ezra Fetcbus and others. utl\tlOlI attullIell by the Cmclllllall li ~ < ~ Q ~JR. }{Uillln'sRK1DTNO.-An ~vw~r gar~en the largest·calludinm pamphlets and contributed qllite l - An geline :rancb was arrnigned -W. T. Mucy, an old and hone ExpositiOlIl, we fed Ilssured thllt ~ ~J ...:l pl'f.'ciati~e andienoo ~eted 10 tlu8 neighborhood. It is im .. libernlly to several spiritl1al and 'before Esqu~JItl ,lClmbrough, lallt Sat- lo.red citizen , hM ~een ulllllmally ac. all ~iI.1 .be .~I'at.ified and profit ed .~ ~ :n ",;: , ~ ~ J. C. Kmncy, at lhe hall, W menso, and a very bands IDe !3eculur papers. He is going to I urduy murlllng; chal'ged with com· \ tJve for the last ~Igbt week!! ill the by VI Sltlllg It thIS yenr. ~ :; it:l ~ ~ _e t.Iay evcniJlg, the occnsion of plant. . th e Auti.Monopoly Convention to ' mitting nil aSSll.lt 011 the 'person of .constructioll of a StOIlO pavemeut W e beli eve the abo\e inform« ~~.!! 2 .~.:! g il ~ readillg nnder. tbe auspices o.f -:-M.il!s ~m~a Black, of ~iucin- cOlnmenco,its seBl!ioll at Cincinnati , AUllie FU\'g~rsl)n. The 1lij;r!lY took ,leading fro~ the gate ill frout ~ tion wil,l illdn~e a large attendan ce £A8~~~5~&~] I A Teacht'n' In~tltnte. ~tr. Kmn ey natl, 18 vlsitlOg Mrs. Lewe~r <!u oext 1 uesday. Your bumble ' P~l1CO dOWD III til COl'/lCr ol Para ( the hou8e, d Jstant abont ten reet. fl'om th,s scctlOn . I . ()1'lCned with Jim Bln(lsoo, which 0':l1 ne and Mrs, John . Oolell1ol1 in correspondent a180 propOilCS to dl" .and Grant 8treets, and WM all -This 8d of September some -._ , •• --- - J~'" WIIS !ollowed .by The W 0 tIllS place, und hel' reluti Veil in ~!tond 8~id conventioo; bccllnso' l about an old bElli und her chickens. Iparties nre endMvoring. to iitigate The Qneen ~ity ~kery ,Pel'fcct. ~1C('tllJJ! of ~!tJ!·Jamcs al , Orunoto\\,u. I~ thtlre IS ulIY hope of the con. About tw~ dozed p ~90IIS were more an IIct ion betol'c Judge KilJlbrough l!! ?v\lrwhc!lUtI UB WIth k,.ndnells. \ H.'k Dim, Ram OD ~he Tho. -Nllthan Jone8 Bnd wile, Da· tluuMC~ nnd prvsperity of thi s or less. mixed ~P, ID tile qllarrel. who, from an unknown cllllse, up. ll~18 IOOl'lllng, on onterl~ OUI' - - - - - - . : - --;-.- ."':"'--:-. -- Land ~cdeelilecl, ~1B8 Malony ou VIS Fnrflas, Rachel H . Hopkio s our .gl ~m.olla governmcnt or count· 'I,lt o trial jasted. nenrl.r all du.y, a?d , pca~ sa?ly d tiniollted; at times l office,. . ~" O f'll1l1 d .0" the tUble a KIN G I' 01 B. D II B the Clllncac Que8tlon, the Dagger alld Mary C. Brown and Sullie I'y, It JS III th~ gradual exwrmiua· .....as condncted ~ WInslow & LIP' J rnshmg franti clllly forth with 1001-1mllglll.hcellt e~L~e., loed n nd ud urn· ~ S~ene from MIIC\letb, On ~he Shore Steddom le1~ here 011 Munday for ~ion. of. the diubolica l spirit and PI!,~Ott Oil th e ~~t of th e plniutiff, 1odies and . patuetic song; agllin, i ed With ILI'tlfi~lnl . fl u\Vurs and ~ ~U of Tennesset;, A SqD~re FIght, and Oskaloosa, Iowa. . mB~lt~t\Ons of ~nopoly and Sublll & BIII'get!l fur d~fe Llc : The blnbbering out ill recitutions frulll l e~v.ell, lLlIC~ beSIde It IL box conother selectJ<lJls. wblch we do - :Mr. Andrew J. Grtlbb, of Vir. thel! mfernal ~ntag sm with all court ,~1l8 crl,wCied ~lth. wItnesses , Byron, Burosliud otherdi ti ng uish-' tlllll!lIg 1~ldk a nd brown b~eud, . AND Il~W recall. It IS late to ~ay M ginia, arrived here lnst }'riday, to tbe mtereett of . labor alld IlIboring and fi leud~ of tlt,e part.es IU trouble, ed bards, cuu8 ing consterlliltion alld ! m li ks, g lllger' 811ap8 nl.ld tWI stS; ~ •, Kllmey reads well, whcn for years enga~ in milling with his brother men aud Womell, ,The blood of Mrs. AnUle FUl]el1!ou ·wus culled awe, which IlUlIle is plainl y depict. . 1111 prel~:\I'l'd by the 8klllfnl hllnds GLOSS he bM been clcct!ifying andi Mr. Harvoy N. Gmbb in Mr. Job~ millions now cries to <:iod f"om npOIl the witnel311 stand and testified ' ed Oil tile countenauces' or'BUI·gess of ollr J II y, . luge hearted frie nd. . For the taundarr fUI' a~d nea~ hy IllS rare E. ·Taylor's m i l l . ' the gl'OllOd aglLil1st.tbese blonted, liS follows: '1 WUS. coming do~n llarvey, Mill s, ana othel' uld chums: Mr. Jacob R ,tter, the crack, bil~er ll,\~U"'''I''1'Uln:D JIY , ..... Ilry gl~8; s~I~I, he Ilppcars moro :--Wallted ever bod to ' knm\' ?vergrowlI aristocrats and cnPital·.1tll,e street whe~ I . lDet Angehne ~llt this i8 nU B del llsion; for dll ! of thll Wost . All these delicacIes T, KIN G SF 0 R D i. SO If hOOle 1Il tragIc and melo·d tl t ,y y IStti, who rnn the Jngget'llaut ot With n slop buoket Itl he l' haria; she ' rlDg the mnlly years in which he .and 8ubstautlals were 80011 pllt , than in comic or patbetic 8election8. "~h ire Pdepw~d to Blpply a~ Monopoly over the mi Ilioua of stopped me nndl ~aid: 1hIlS beld the office of J.P. he h ~s . to the to~t, und one and all pro. TII IJ E ,lst Stm'v" in elll' Yet bis rendition ~f Rain on the :.in d IUt~r outsd all bal'L1working Ulen and wumen of ~.r11 sbow YOIII Low to d og my Inevol' had tu a m ortificati o~ of htl~. 1 nOlluced th t!1Il first'clu BS, nnd not TI~:~vL~~E; I1E"I ' TI~TL FIXI KH Tn Roof w~ 0JI!fni8ite, and thatJa fn L~unk' la&n M~n 'ld?US om mil. C.- our devoted country, every flay I clllekens,. YOII U-d bucket.eyed ing a decision rcvoked Ira at to bo exceUed either in ricbnc/3s COlQrn uII ftI~~Ci,I\~t1sc;~I~~e"'I:'''h ''','.'woon, !I 1\".1 . r ey 'J C ISSI . me. . . ' • • ' • .. th IIll k'S to onllllnry I\'II"hllll; . . A " .. k y!.'u" . ' gruc.'r 1\ 110 11 ... r lI'l he d agger scene III ('J f pat1 lOB. M rna k'lUg Ih e rlcb richer Illld the l c~,~. I . . ' tends strIctly to busi ness• and we- or I I(>pctlnmc. e . llIany n,r h. Macbeth wae flnely done, and 80 -:- r. . . MII.ler, of R~kpo'11 poor poorer. A remady for uU 'Ilten 1 went to go past her, Bod hope to see' him continned in tho the QlI l:len CIty Bukery, and mlly -was that precious bit of blallphemy IndIana, (broth~Nn .law ot Mr. J. thi8 is pOSSible, and it is at hand she sliovud tho ,s lap·bucket ugaillst ' office. Let the popnlace ever hoar Mes \'s. &,ys anti Ritter long live IUNG,FOIlD'8 Jim !J.I~d8OC:' l.f we were incli : . Funkey), IB abont to settle terrible though it, mlly be to him / lIIc. I W~lIt intt) tho yard, aud she in mind to MSt their vt. tcs in de- to COndll?"t_ I ~. .. ... SWEGO CORN ''fARCH tQ crltlCJs~ It might be suggested ~7 aud H ope.n the ~hotogl'lll'h who cuu Ilever tlllnk only ot~ und stood out 10 thfl stroot and reared fellce of the qualified. 1 FIJI' Pwl illgli Hll • Jl t~at Air. . Ainney'~ el~cutio? is nt g ery. c will be we come. for himself. O. C. HAMPTONJ uud caved. I t<>ok II clnb a nd weut : -FI'esh Hrrivul , jnst from Cill ' ~OA1~ IN L/MBo.- Bln~kstolle Itl~ OI'lJa~n, E:~. · IUl f/ t' , times 11. little !ackrng 10 action and, -A block cloth oloak. trimmed - -... vut to hoI' alld l~tf'IICk II.t her, but cinuati, Il flew carriage for A. T. wa_ found del1d dr~nk In tI.le l - Ille oriJtllIl\l-E_t."bll~he,' in 1840(. ,\'Hl llband on; ThiS w~ ~y at a yen· 10 bogIes, Wft8 lost last Satorday nell~lou8. li el' hu~bulld pulled ber ont 01 the Sabin, worth $350, glitter 011 t"~ corner of ~am pre.emHIla r.·.. u\...i.. o II. >TIl",,", a. tllre, wLIIJe recognl zlIIg tho cRminl week 80me where on the road way. Then ShE' commenced rearin ' 0 n8 t tl . . Ii and Tyler s treets, luet even\U~, ,·c" ... Blld ;"". " "RLI"~'" 111111' ""), trnining of a naturally good voioe Il'a4ing from Lebanon pike to - The. Rev. J . J. Hil occupied Rud Cllssiu and throwin rocks at t b~ te° Bn y edrecelvllIl~I ' resb lind was gobbled up and placed III o'l ,rrJ'," 'clo ?(I th~ kind .. Werd 1 I 0' 1'0 • • 11111 ""h,e f • ' nutIII> r"S Ridgeville. The tinder will be the pul't ma al'an ' the calabOose tl correct. concephon ° f l 118 pi 0 f th e M. E . Ch urc h ·tbe house ~nd • Oue of the , sn ~ec 0 ragwe . , I~re ~nce. mnre to . C • e,er IIr lI'i\h Ath~r titles. meanillg, and the general excellence reWarded by I.Ying t~le cloak at last SundllY· The ~v).. Oharle8 rocks, Il bulf of .h.rick, strnck me -;-Ten boxes te~der peachos, l atB plll'!l~le IllS It'gut IIIVCSt l~UtI OIlS lLnd lU\'II;" . Oll ll A AHAII, PI,. II .. &c .• Iht) of bis efforts. However, the nnin· tws otltoe! Ferguson preached ID uincinnati in' the stomach.' . arrwal8, for Da'llis & Gnrretilon. stndles,11.I\ well I\S medltato on thc hl):hos&,·h. 'ml ...,I."Ulhu"i!I· \II EUI·O.IC. "III'~' epirlll~ eir.e of the audience WQ8 D I . d G t thnt day. . MI1!. Furgerson's8tutement being -Erasmus Bennett has become grave qllcstiollS of the day, Yes- ~~Y,:,:~:I~:~~t:~I~~ ~orr'lnOI~o'''"'fh;I",noJ 8"!< 11t. · . . . e day IS an""roua. 0 a ' C reek .... '" S80cluhon .. . d us t' l' d a chemlclIl . • " 1lI1 "" I'fll ll;{ prol'ur&ioa .. u, . ia~no rull,.n crItiCIsm, O'r f h - TIIe I n d Ian corrobo I'IltedaU tijrough acasewl18 an 1D rIO us Iaborer. I wrd ny ~Joon, T om d elvere en(\ng to d Isarm nco apol gize for Bny trifling defects, i ~n re :om& °M.t ?Ilre~t of Old School Baptists will be made out. Tho dtitendu~t gave bail -E. J. Sabill and 'Nuckles' ad- very . edlfyi ng and glowing dis- ell~11 til !h~ bc~t '''''''101'0'". n"~s\lch existed. T~k~a~b~ lit:l! :6ange yl:~ b::es: held, wi~h the, Valley C!mrch, fo,r her appearallce at the noxt term mitted to J nstice McGavitt'8 bBr. , jertution on Inw in . one of our ::!~~~~I~;ro::'c~hk~~tl;'~~~,~I'~~~~~~ "e are gllld to have hnd the 0P"'lI . Waynesvllle,OhlO, commeuClllg on of Oourt. -Oswcl Li incott brothe d awyer's offices, to a select audl' ••r ..... ~F"I.t....() ... O _ _ vortil~ity-;-the fhst i,n severo! years ~~I:~to=:f:dfi~dh:!el~tiioU r~ach ~ridny, Sept. 11tb, lS:r5, at 10 While addrrat!8ing the Court in si8ters, make Ptteir e~it fro: ~~e once. Tom's style . of orlltory ' Ilt7 Om . -of h stenlllg to tillS gentleman.'8 't . t t i l l em ue~ o clock A. M., and contmue three tbe abo e Cll8e, one of the' attorJ mumps wuile agoodlynumbe Iresembles somewhat that of the Inusterlyelooution, andwellopcto I deqUlres'lf~edal y\:cand1ry , days. Theweuthor 1uvorBblc,tbe neys~ld: Ij'nstpa;ticipating rare prencherwh<.ose text WaS "They enj 'Y maoy similar pleasure8 in the :: t you ~I ~. t I:'. st at ar meeting will be. held in Brown's •Your Honor will remember that - I M Sto t G M O L ' Rhall ~ee unto the mountains of • . •• , future; 0':· ass~~ me~ ~Ih 1IodS sec 10~ °d grove, on the ltke west of town one of tbe ludiCl! b8inv coming thi8 HBrv~ j BUS' ' . CalcYk' B' . Bepsldnm"- ah I ~ , lIt·lit . . • • to. c~ a ,go s receIve each duy, an services in the way with a blllBket in her halld eroggy, nr ur- I .•• _-_._~ AA At An eft'o rt is making to have H. l?da~ IS~ p,eces ofR<?°hheco Me~ church each evening at cantllo while the other lady b~ing fl Oill E. Mfr1l8 ~hd t~m~ others, RAII,ROAD MItETrNG.-There will Fi,..t Nt t' l B A: B' j g way om e a yrlnt 8 'of bo a Narrow·Gange Railroad moeL. Morey. Esq .• Republican candi- lDUlc., b~l1e, IIC mon an light. . tbat WAy with n Ilop.bncket m her ' a t.O'la an uddinVt mB rlmony. d.a!-e for State Sena~r, addree~ ~h~ .merlcan a lCO, on y.8 cents .. ~ ___ hand, tbey met I' 1 . :ting in Cadwl.llfader's .Hall toWAYNESVILLE OHIO. citizens of WaynesVille Ilnd VICIDI' r~ece8 ~tnrJ~o!t S~eetlng Muslm, Tho Teachers' Institnte closed -The report that a move 's 0 1) -~xpectant from Lancoln , Ills., mnrrow (Thtl rsday) atternoon at - - - - ~.- _ _ t1, on Saturday afternoon of thi8 cen, allto~ ~Iannel, last Friday, after a very agreeable foot to extend a vote of thBnks ~ ~.: WIlson, Mary Stump, Mr. and 2 o'clock. There will be, s~kweek. Further announcement 10 cen.ts. The above WIll glv.e Ic0u. and successfnl s08sion. A60ut 80 1IIr Tom Frane havin v'e I Mrs. McDonald, L. L. Hutton and ing, and 90me important business ......" potter••hould negotlation8 prove 9O!De tdea <:If th~extrccii' ow ladies and gentleman attended. era 'apjtointed vi:w tbe ~k~ ~~ , family, this .week. There i8 a nat. / tranilacted. Let there be a g~ner- THIRD S..,REBT. Jt.IIAl&lIIAIN. 8000MIf'Il1. pn C8 on new g 8.· a 800~ Thf! ex~rci8es clo~ed witt, an ex- tweenUarveysburg. and Waynes. ;tk l attractt~n that draw8 them,. al tum·ont. . CINCINNATI, OHIO. • • .an soo. _ • _ amJllatum of candidates for teach. ville, is DOt ll>oked u n b tbe I 1 ~ everyone (lIse, to tbe home of ,2 00 PER D.A Y The two new bridge. on the p'ike ers' certificates molft d be' I y. k 1thetr yonth. We 8hull welcomo The Bchool·house lot bas been ,lAB. . . • Welt town were fiui8hed last Y'e hear on~ .mon: tllo question . , .. --:-Btl nd~tr.as JOg ~n lre y ~ JO e' l thero cordiBlIy. AIUlANTRA ANN.l 8horo of its rag-weed' crop. Ex. 10 . A .....N! _.......~_ k In ~ .tyle, onder the 8U' agttated of bUildIng 8ldewalb and Th(l turnpike case of Bail V8 • U no I erence 11' at t he lncent- .. -~ - - . cellent R. ' -L:::~ .;:::ion of Edwlll OtIandler. planting abade-trees between here IFraney was up again yeaterda! but IVOi fbe ~ b,!,,~rk The Mrs. E. A. Dudley hili! a choice I " . Pl.... -DIe TNe.. " ,..,1100 ""Ietl'll 011118-. s ..i!!1 DoUle
.. . ell) . bbcrtis. emcnis.
OS W E' 0
Shoos f
." .
I ita :'t":O~d~n~:;;\:~e~. goodn~l was adj,oumed un!~~rro~~ :=fof '~~tab~.~,th~8~~~:~ ~~~~iv:tY/ail ta~~ C:~ :'fJ!t:ir ;:'a!la~:k,tK!I~lJ::~itYanOJ Some new carriagc-ebeds bave ter. B.... HOOKLa. and see WIthout delay. eured for hay. Nucklet calla it "calamity water" JlatelY boon put up in 'he Hickllite Old Strabia.....= ..... "on it ~ain Wbisky·d C&1'a't be ! S - -. - good nama. cburch-yanI. big~r'n an IDjan, lIcmd.y ulgbL careful of 8P~kea~n too I d~y il~U!i~:::th~n
• • •
HaDria '& 0••'- -
rvt ili'
I in a ""1 ftonriah· I on.
g:i':!"t ..
iaal ~al11 fal1 .... WI"'••boat
-last MOil'
V!UJQ ~~
.n.LI...... 11) Crafty. • 8hif,lf, aIy; canning in all
tho trick. 01 b.. willlM.'K....., live hOIile take a. tera Ita" if it com
e. tbe tramp iu. tile pooriD prillOD, ur to that, bUl trollo uf work'
UO'1I0 M"a,,,.
th "And you e DO pay'" "Not frum thelD." .. h I from the to.a r "No; bere," eaid Tramel, la,inR hi hand on hie breuL "l'U ~n 011" he addod, emiling. "One
midst and our commllnrty llna got an came tu me aDd
And HorticultlJral
___ _
for a
OF TIlE sourrII-'~ E 1'!
~~:b~~~~=r.:;,~ j~i:: j~~I;:·m:!mo~~:t~f.~d~!~~bY~)~Ol:glb~::I ~:f::y br:h!' ~~:~~CI~/hf~rcoh~~ 1
PB!~:~h,n ~1laIl~~:~
8hould ,POOl' snif'ering children. At fir t ~ ... ~' f ~ D J~ D W.I Y V"/( , r flL I:'. OJ/fO. 11.50" m ll.:!) pm f be taken CAre of by 8uch mcanl\ n I bcsitMt d, but fiually I Wolve it to I ~ ~ MI Q: M ~ l l\ D. ~1J All _ ~:~~I~~~~r!;· ~:Jg J ~~ a m will pre\'ent th increase of IIi , hur, and as her bl~ sings raog in D~E 1.· 1.o1"1I,['ol1.ar,l~e ...oo p m ';:0~::t~ibeIlDdthewa8teu~hi8dprcd~·l myearsnfter8h had go. no, 1.~lt September a~l Oro.. PollIl.arriu 7.0!irm ...Qo am tlon8. His dtliltrnctiv th l\s,11I8 my henrt rrr w wurm. Tim , 40, ,U O"'~ ••da~""e"""'_.""r_"_·" Ohl'Mgo .rrly· 9 GO m ~ to ....,. '1'101'" ,.~•• • 00 11'0 ~\'TI:' ...Oam terriblu reckles .nell~ iu the UtIC f were liard. n~d there WUB 110 gnod j . ' Looking _ Glasses '"'bl""..-Le""e .• N... a:!/ Acraa of ·NI·ce Lawn Forest ~ .. VII at'n'III"! vicillity. J{IIvlu !; had thil·ty Ye". ·ro .... Poll>i.-a.rl." ~.40 p m 10.04 a m cure of him elf al thor too cost· could affu ' to give aWRY more ._~~ "D"rI . I' lI"ptlrieIlC~. It" hoI"'" t il ,,;.-...... ...,,..,a;.,.. tOo. 11 wh" "'.y f"\I,,r hloo wltlt" ..,[L 4,'I4I-L. tfn:.r.:~I~~I"" ~:~g:: ~:~ Iy ~) be .enuured. Hc ide, h i.B bread., At len~h .aD idea strl.ICk ' ID~ 4DdeHon.llrM Ve 3.:171\ ID " .11 " m a dlBgnstlllg and 0. dreadful nUl· m. I OIlOOP drlll~)ng, nnd g!VO ' COMPE'fITlION OPEN ]"'0 THE u'ORLD Sl!1TH nnOWN~. Ne .. Oaule. ar.i:". 4,37 a m a.o p . IBanc , and unght to he abated. thut amouut away II} bread. oddlng Jl 'tV. ~ic'i.e'::o':d.n~.~~t· g.~ ! Ry a .rec nt act of the Oounccti· on or two !oav.es ou ~y own uc· New and Elegant Half·Mile Track, rORTY FEET Wide I ~TTOF\NEY ~I LAW. --):::::(CIDUloMII. Irtl\'e. U.oo all\ 9 .~6 pm Cllt Lcglslature, wI! never a tramp cOllnt. I did It, and It'll \)cell a ~ ' . No. "eD le""e" Rlohmood d"i1y. IShnll apply for bounty the persOn blcssillg to me. My heart litiS LLYD X()TARl' rrlll/C. No. One .. [\I Ie"•• 0 ""'111;0 dail,. All to whom Buch application shall be grown bil:(g r nlld I've growo bet· . ~.. olher Train. run dall,. exc 'P~ uoday. d ' t · . th . , ... . 1 . ' d A AL 0 W L O'IIRIEN ~' \' , &\ T A ma e, In N IIrn IDlI,y requIre e tor every wuy. my II cep IS soun 1 -! O"ee I. Metl_ . " ............. D. w. OAbI)W~:LL. o. ll.. OoldlDbll~. · appliCilut to perform a reasonable and sweet, and my dreams are EXOIB {T SPEE.D IN TilE RL\'G EAOO DA:Y. WA"~IUJ"-" .•• " 0 •••• J.BII.L,Sul!·,.I.ogall!!'Orl,.lod. amount or lubor. a.nd •.on. plelLBaut. A.nd that's what y,-,u GRAND TREA'T BY WARRI.N CO BAuns. It • - -- .. - - _ . _-. . . . • . , •. Iref1l8a1 may call on the authorities soo, I suppose."-New York Ob- ' n. . AJ....u E. S. n: W *J.TON, Tn~TRA)4r.-Ihevlsltor8 to the foraBBistullcc who ifnecessary 8C1'1Jel' S·VI t· ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, country, thiB Bummer,. who hu.ppen shall commit' tho tramp to jail: ' . X en 1 ccommo Ions lor vO./jit.f'8, 6 Broad'lntI!}, to be of an abeervlug turn of The lost Legislature of Ohio also TElt!I'EllANOE WJNK roB ll'I"'llms. B mind.• will Dotice lounging along passed a law, under the terms -It is well known that there are ery l n g ~n very 0 LE ,~~IJ~. 0"''' , the l11gh. waye and byways of almost which a~ tramp retiusI'ng work cases "V.hen the most strict. advo.. And f/!'{' 1' 'lip lV/,tt' 1)r-ug· 8t.JJ' , ,,' -.,...W~£SVU;LE,· o. any nelghbo r1I ood he may resor t when 0 red may be fined or cates or temperallce are 0blIgeaI to to in the Atlantic States a 810uch- committed to inil This is the trne nse some sort of wille. especially o:::TFor further pnrticulul'8, nddres JAlmti N. BELL, ing fi(!:ure clad in the motley of doctrine If a' tram will not those who ore . old and infirm. SAMUEL JRON . PI·r.~ident, A 1'TORNEY AT LA IVm~ndlcallcy. with a certai.n uncer· work he' should not Jt.-PAila- ~any: weakly fem~l.es as well BB Or GEO. W. CAUEY, " ,t'I'I'II~I'Y' UJ~ lV'om~. nile door ah"vo ru~t OtRue. A.ND NCJT.~'H'· .11 •••• ~ talQty of manner, 110 furtive. half· del hia 1n ttit'e)' IUvalids and debllrtated persons W"yne.vi1lo, Ohio. /)10 cringing air, a~d a stealthy . side 'P __ q .... .:. in warm .wenth~r need a little i ~ ~ Admimstrators Sale of Real o.pic·e (/tlt'1' A. J)Otf}R J)l'l'V· StO'l' , long ~Iance willdt at. once at :acts Trrz TRUE . GElO'LE1UN.~It is s~engthenl1lg wme: The fCreat~" C::>'''' • Estate, IJ HAYSLITT ", .. \,tv~V'LLE, o. Bttcn~lon nudlocpel.s IIlterest. almost a defimtioD of II. gentlemao d,.fficulty has ~en l~ procurlDg 0. . . • • , AIW LKDANIJti". TIllS creature IS the tlamp. to say he is one who never inflicts flCh Port tb.llt IS rehnble. There -- 00 (J. YTY 1'IlEA '(1 . 'R In ~U""\1'"I00 of 811 oreler 18A nc:l by i 2' . a A 11 1i2'.l New to qur.coulltry sid,e! he i8.yet pain. T . hi8 description is both reo are mallY cases where wine wou~d ;.:::"!:'":" R.ff. ~wl~I~~~~~..~:~li! ~~~:'ro~ ~:;~~ I I( Wlr~lIt~lre w.;ealJQ 1- MA EfBBt beeomlOg n fumllul1' obJcct fiued and as fnr as it goes accu be uiled to gl'eat ·advantage to .1. WlLSON EDW"RDl . of Wayn mi•• _, on WEDNEsDAY. . -AND-J.:.I, eVen in tho most retired ond out· rate. H~ is mainly occup'ied in placo of alcouolic drinks, if ooly ,a TreMurerofWarreu T......n.hip. I. " OlIndi for tbe. oftico oel TIM 8th day 0"" ,,'>'>tf'm bf!9' 1 75 'Yrl?-. A I£lift. a OWl'" J'llalJl0llnblt Inrbtt nl1~ IIDty. "ubJco~toth ' :t.r , · I .wll!.!e~~g~@!!. ~g ~ I b ut a tiew merely .removing tbe ' obstacles genuIne article eonld be had. aud deel"ion of till! Be bUIlUI~ h fU Ie-WilY PI!lCOS, were, o· Nomln:Lting Iat 2 ~'QI <)(Jk l' Y; on ."Id <lIlY. ,u'1> following ' . -:.. ISI.A!L:t-- W:tl.lt~;~!la year'll since, hi v~r! nnInC was which hinder the free and uIlem- upon ~hich I?hY8ician8 conl~ rely Conveut.ion. ' Idetlorlbe~ 1t...1 E.cb,to. b~lollgtng ~ tho ell- I 0"dwollt1lltlr8 BUlldlDg, :Ma,o 8tr.>t, .AI.. leT•••••••• WAy. . .J.. L •• Ullkllown. He elthlbits the same barraseed action of those about as belDg 8trlctly pure, Without To t1l1' Oieisen8 if 'Vim'!'n OO"' I !b~~u~!~~fDW~~%~ '1:;;·:tst;to8'~~l\bhl~n lVAIT NE8VILLH•. . . 0T/IO' j , • -:-• chnrllctm' under similar conditions, him; and he concurs with their alcoholic admixtnre. The Port III ..n...or tu your t reque.t. I am ~ beinl! Ilart of out lot No. two rJ) n" dCftil!'~ Jnton.'" to ]"",1' un illLnd .. fullHllo 01 )fur. ':"'~"""~ttill~. H''':;»:;e""'::Il.Sb''r''7'~ foJ', though he cun fawn and whine movements rather than takes the Grape Wine of Alfred Speer, B oa.ndldato for l.bo 0 of CMllty 'l'rc" •• lnutod UII the orillinlll .. I,,~ of tho town 0' nlture of the ."r1 beAt qu..my ..."d Itt u " · II I l ; ' 0110 t " . .t Aty e' where he thinks abnsement will be l'III'tl'ritl've lll·mself. HI's benefi0ft Pliseaic, N, cw Jersey. al80 hi8 IIrur...t the oleotLon !!! be h..ld , on atu .. Waynoil\'lII\l. oPlDlnonoing ~t .. oorner on LOW FIG V n. E S . tI. . - Sambuci wincs have beeu analyseJ d,,),.SeptolDberll,I<..6.:. 8 .. TOTTEN. I:!outh tile W!t~lele ..in Streot lind on the ' m.'ko~ JlI~ .took safer UI' lDore lIcl'viccublo, y t at may..be considered as parallel to id of ofRnJ\ljill y loid '''lit by .Ioltn M Ollfl be f~IIDd ill Ilny some Ivne furm·holl e, where he ·what ~re culled comforts or con. by ch~mi8ts in nearly every State" Jet\nlnl!~. and ruullinl! tholloO S lill Q 110 QOll.lota uf ,. • • , I' hlUl only fl'ightened women to deal veniences iu arranmments of a nod have always beeu pl'Qved NOrICE. min,.E. I:lJ pol..... ...",'0 or !,,"., to .nother BU1;e(W II , T(tbtt>fI, SlallriK. Ol..ftil'lI, . tl.y pure a~ d be neti· I Th'.18 .\I{tled, 'Notice I, b~roby ...1....,. tlIIl' the moder- 1l11'l,1ai4 ~uiby Johll Jen."ID!!,"; thc~OII S. (I;a8, Lnt~'/lnl'&, Bl'tillfl'fulll 120, v Lnxinu\Oll ATeUUC I WI'th • tl Ie.bl 118 tCI" Uf tl Ie I~w. b row' pe~ona1 natllre; ike all· easy· st ~IC C'!l' b. been appnmW !;I,eoutor of tho eo 00 rulll. W. Ic,lt trl .• with 8Illel al· ;t 11' L k" .. ad brutc IS silvage and Importu· chair or a good fire, whicb do their wIDe IS now belDg nsed 10 b08J>1t- E8tat.q of ELLIS WUD, l..to of WarreD leyj tho~o~. 69; ...lO• W ·..l;~ ~1[t!II. mote aGt~I'(tRII'111'B '(//,(/ ., !t[J' Oar. liJ. ~sli. &., , NEW YORK, nate. part in dis,...fling cold and fatigue, o.ls a.nd by families for mediCinal Cuollty. doo.!lI>'l!d. J08. Q , KEY. or ,CMllc tell". Wo' dII 0 f ....'~UI st. i thenco .aI!81'S, 1'(1/' oi lj tlJ, · II I rI b Oh h Aug. 80 llnS EXllUutor N. IIO to-the 110 hliD. E. 83 fo t 8 '," .• WIth uld ,Go d&c ~, U e 1S genora y , seen a o~e, though nature provides oth purposes,. a so ~ ur~ es . ,. . street bi>gillning. contalulng 4.10 ' ~~,,~~, __..:!__. p.p~n although a chance encounter With mean8 of rest and animal heat OommllOloll 8erVlce. It 18 prlU' ' NO'P CE . an nore. more or 10... I am alao prepared to attend ,,11 can. in , U . \I . J . 0 ld pn I 0CCBillOna . II.y ], ~I\ d @ t 00 ' withont them. Th II 80Jd by D ruggls~. . Oft M r. Thoptlrhwr.hip It""",fure axl.tln' be- l'...u..,d Said p",mi8\!fl havo order been an ... ' e true gentI e- ' clpa., uoder 8 former •• Id de 'Im:AI '~ ALL rORAl$ Qt' temporuryp0l'tller Illp Ill. vagn· man in like manner carefully Speer s l!lode. of conducting t~e t\\'ec.n O. J . ~rlJ!ht & eo.. h.... btotlll diM'!").' uL lite Oum 01 '200<!. and will not be lIOld r 1n Ta" a a", bondnge. But the tmm}) IS nutn· aYOiJB 'whatcver may calise a J'ar fermentatIOn IS such BB to retaID ed»~ lUutl!ml e"n"~nt-Mr. I fUel 'y.,ght for I,,,,, th ..n tw<>-thll-d.! tho t>prraised nlue h'- fl .Dr DoL .LDaARa . I I' b . ' f f . . . ' . I • h 11 d t retinu ~ frou. thOl lmn. All 1'_n8 tndebt· thereof , "VUlg' 11 no 1I0W Heal'l!e, and • full Une of ra,II Y llnS(lCla, lie clIlg a OI'1ll 0 or a Jolt In the mmds of those WIth t Ie ric a.vor an swoo Dess od tu Ihe I"tu II.","", l'IIIl~d to m"k" 'rhll pI'Clni8CR will be Auld froo of dower the beat .A!lD JIlIO&IYa misery thut does 1.lOt love compnny whom he is cast· all cllUlhing the grape. Without mnch fermenta· imtnetli.to I",ymont. "ud' thurle havinjt IIU Y- lind Ule Hou~ellold lnto,·.."t of tho widow Burial Cases Caskets Robea LeUe"R t,.o" .. aU JHlt'te 0/ and drink, or Lud temper, or both opinion or collisi~n of feelinFc all tion to create stimulative proper· 01111."'. will 1"~.llllt til. .. , ,r ""Iltemont. uf, tho dcccllllOd. ou ibe following torm., ' I , 1 Ch" Ci .. ll'* .... W...,.JA , 'd f' d I . t d ' . . ,. m _. · ,,'10101, tnnv bo mlld..- .. t~ rt= II <IIIlb.-. uf Wlt; and a flue lIIIIIO'ttment. of .... .. ........ ..'~ 11 b fi ~nora y or I. neu Ii lip ex n . restraiut, or 8usplciOn, or g oom, tles.-~ ratt8or~pe. tho luto linn.. . ~. , ltl(J,S'r. Ono-third of tho purchwoo-mon to be ""I1r"~r..---,ItIIII!I~iiiiii~m;:w;;::=:::,~~~""'-::~~ mg beyvnd a low <IlLya. Dut he or resentment; hie great concern 1 - -~E:lr. W'n[(}H1. l!llid C,tiib in b"ud 0" tb.o>--..." ....'!:I..,:--:::t~~~l1~~~!IIIItIl~ ~ BOmlltimeti hus allother 80rt of being to make eve one at ease -'C:PitODUCH MARKET. ;Jo]y IIr.l ,II. . third in ..no year. end ""....Ioi ... il>--....0 IniHfllIl . • I ot lea d H II .... ~,.. , ~"""'V",",",," ,.,~ ~-( dar III Nle. Tbe .deferred ahal1811deavol'to 'do my lleet to merit &\UW l IiUlili compamon. one w 10 can n ve an at home. e as eyes on a " DI 0 1\ I'uymuntl! to bonr IlItel't3l from 'he day {a"or of aU who may call on me, ud when .drink mak08 him disagreea· his company; be is tender toCor",otod by81deoo Compan,. ~-QJrl ~@~Q~ AllIe. Ittld 'be oecured by mort~ cm the ............ t all work to glYe utlafailtlCln. ua III 'l'RUTlKO ble or dangerolls. olle who hus 110 wards the bashful, ' gentle toward Flour .~,26 We hl\YII 'or saiD, ImO hun •.bod bll.helA IIf I'r~ml·c;8t Il Itl76. · ,JOEL EVAfa8, '1:. 'D .a W .1lmeronl 'atleuta in ltUQI. tile refuge fl'(lln bis ruga but tho gl'llve. the distant and merciful toward' 40 R1 0 for Seed' ugUK • III . ~.d .1" ' Wee& IucUee, t.he DaiDiaioa " Ou a summer evuning the tramp the absurd '; be can recollect to ;~,ea:, old. 75 to 1 20 Ono }''''".y Road ~; ~~~ Uphol8uriif1J.' PicturiJ ({; Mirror CaDacla, and in ..,., au. may hQPpcll to bu ' lIe611. stretched \vhom hl\ is speaking; he guards R ~ea • new, 65 =,d.b..:t~,.~~rl)' now. THE INDIANAPOLIS SUN, 'RAKING of the 'U1lioD. ' at full length 011 some bit of grU8s agaillst nllsea80nable allusion8 or oy , 65 @ 70 A & 1. B. '~RA)( & 00. ' Tl,e lORding INDEl'ENDENT REFOllM donoprompt1r· PromptattoD"OII tooalla. &DYIC. elY." BY '.&I&;; by the l'OIld side smokiug a stump· t 'es which may irritate' he is rn, Ibrvcy.bnrg. Alllfutl,lN. li:!~ WEEKLY politinal new pmptlr in tho Unl- · "I ' IIpl .. '. Oats, ISO @ tAld SlAlte,; the ~peolal Ild,ooAte of tho In· • '. . FR.. 0" ON & ' . 'h'l 1. black pipe, w I e a ,Or ol'n,. seldom promlDent 1D Conversation. Flax Seed 1 25 - ., tom.1;! of Lnbor.1W! Mgain8t Combinod 0"1'1· ' • limpan~ IIlt~gurd flemblance otandneverwearisome. He makes Ba, l ' 21S®160 NOTICE IN ABTiTION. lIIl;LegalTenderPaper'MotloyaMAgalnlll l ' o _.. I.I_Icbo ... do_ _ . . . . . . . . womanhood, bends over the brands Iight of favors while ho does tbem r ey. 1 8...r.h Aun Jii""y ..d Obri.tian Wooy O.. nk I"8,ICjI IUld the Gold 0",,1.. Fa111lo1' I... dllrlDillbo ""'" .,..nll'.... . - _ . Ii gathers in n d b e ' . I Potatoes, 40 her bUlboud Rooort It. I.e.1t FnmcClt< AnDel tbo II)t.urcb8ngeaJ>le Curren"y Bond CUI ' ''''1 n... ~ll"" 'lillie....... «J.{IOQ....., All -f 1 o a Clip 1'0, or . . I\U seems to reCelvtng w len Clover Seed 8 00 l'billips ~ud·lico.ge W. Pbilllip8 her bu.: n3RIn.t tltu High Gold IntoreHt BOne!. _..-1 _Ith _ _Ill ~ greasy. old hondke1'Qhlef the he is conferring. He never speaks Timoth 8e~d 400 b'Uld. of Wllrren DOlinii'. Vhio; Eliznucth 'l'ho" Nil .... " Darpa ot ..ble oorre"ponel. " whot""' U"', be ..,m","QI..c.e.l bl ~ • Ie munched and mnmbled rcmOllnt of himself except when compelled, Y. • 1$1" k. of _ - COIliut) )(lcMgun; JIlIi .. cn~ IIlIlong tbo ole"rCll\t and 1ll00t prufollnd -...,.-: or_.''''' 111 c.be _ ..... - f be ' moul-:..a eccolld.I.JRnd d to d h' If b Oannel Goal, delivered, 28 1!;diol< "nd Erlll!tllll ~ ber 1'lldbllllU.. uf tlutl ~cr~ ol th country.. ~bJ".I·I."" TIltIaU. are . . . . . . . . _ . . o 110 .ggar I I . never e el18 Im8e y a mere Y')UghiQgeny, , .. 20 Ueall~" oow"y, Ohio; }'IUill~" Lc3k, Rob. XI_Hany of lhi! oholoc8t 8Olcotlon. adm''d, '' and third III~nd Ro.YILljl; that 8tlL~ds, retort; he has no ears for slander H k' V 11" 16t ert L"..k . l~TtL<l1 Lenk- .little S~nkuy ,ulol J. ~ptod to ..u 0[0_ of rellde..... AlIIR~id,"a d r . - ............. in the life ot tltis wretched being o.r gOBBip, is scrupulous . in irnpll.· poc lOe' at ey" I ' M. Sllukuy her Itu.ba~" of "l~; county. Term•• *1.~6 ~llr Y08l". po.tpdlel: . _ A N 0-:-., :...=~~ t!!~:~.~:.: • 1 ce of all the 8weet asbes' t' t th h ' te erry ouo y Coa • indian; Yury ~weo ",d 'VOl" n J::WHn SlIlIlple UUl'lU. ""nt free on appllt~atlon. '" w..rlDcI _ _ ....... . In P a U tlOg mO.lves • 0 lose w.o 111 r- Salt perbarrel 2 her lIu8b ..ud. uf l.J:oqu<>lI QQun,t)'. illinois; AJdl'C1~K , lNOIANAPOJ.'SSUN.Oo., ::..':,Z':"'o-':.iIII ....__........ . Or. household. (co.nomy. nles8 fere WIth 111m, and IIIte..prets W '1 ' 40 ® Ellen M..Lhiuud E .{). Lotbl" It r lIu.bllud, IlldlanlLptlh8.lnd. , tbe I'hyolelono '" 'M _ . . . . - . . . . . there is sometlllng 10 the presen?e everything for the be8t. He Too., 40 oIf Y tmilliuu OOlltLtY' lllliuoa.: WiIIi.m ..,.",hatlon _ for 1110& 0' of the approaching party to forbId never moon or little in his dis lUDlPS. w.k, O.dtMln L.!uk. Mlfhl J..,IO .Ion"" IIUel PET E R S I A olxtj·l.,ge _pb~" '" ~ CIt_ h h' l't' th I ·k ti . dApples borrel, 3 ISO to 4 /10 '\'\;r"hwn A. JOlltl~ he hlUfb.md. R.,oort • ••,,' r.... a1ool auc an ex I I! IOll t Ie c lan~es putes. never ta as un alr a van· Apple8'~ bnshel 1 25 to 1 50 Lo_k; AUlI" Leak (fbe I",Uwouwned beillg ....u- ~. E. B. FOOTJII. are the tramp Will take oppol'tunrty tage, uever mlBtake8 personalities no ' 7 50 minor oLildrun of l\o~lAt,k. douc"...oel) an .lll.USlC I ' , Be. when two ' or three -people are or sharp sayings for al'guments or . ga, ~,~~. __._ of Oonwu county, Indh.; Ann.. O. Leak, . . W&NTKD • &ll8in~ by to lIis pl:J; hl8 bl'utality' . teB '1 h' I led re' Wa,a_nlle .arke... Hel oa .J!. Lut1k. Olart. ..\. Lemk (~bOHO AllIO, OftIoo for the ¥anufacturelllld 8aleaf ACENT8.. • . . . k \DBlOna eVI w lC 1 I ~ tbree bem~ OLln"r ohilcha oJ! Jobn LCdk. . to 1M author III .. _ _ _ C1a. Y bur mg fonl wo s, or a stle , say out. From 110 long'8lghted Butter 15 dCll\C&llCld,) of . WIlr",u Countt. Indll"'", ' , '. "D" i'I!...... book I"'" __ a ~ or a stoue at the unhappy slave prudence he. observes the maxim Lard 17 wll~ tulle noliN! that a.pelition WI\A f1led\ Th~/ollolJ)ing HUlK. Buo'" or~ no of ••er 1IIO.1lIlII copI.. ; alIo," "l't.ttll S wbo would fain hide herselt be- of the ancient ,..uw, that he 8hould E~aA 12 "rIJ".t tbu,!, ""D the ~ve;~toe!!.~, day, knowltdgtd to be llle b~1l 01 lluir clalN. ,0 s '1''''•• " ..-.111 PI,ItIIJbect. wblall 1u_ ....... . . If h 1 -e-:' 0 ' ~ne 18 u unv, A • 1... e vvur. 0 P f Ill" rtf • •• to' ,Ito _ o r N,OOOCC/\IIOII; .....,ot " a n _ ll1nd 111m. suc au 118S0U t ever conduct ourselves toward """ Common PI"" •• within ... for the county ar 14. _til &'!'f1. UII 0 ~,.~ .can. '(letl/" , L~ Btoay,""ILIcIIlIe_~pubilohe4"' _ _ comes she benrs it BB one used to' cuemy BB if he were one day to be Hams, 14 of Wurren! i~ tho Stata~Ohlo. by Gideon llum. post'f ald , by rnnullnu U/I th, . oc»."n... 8imila~ attaok!:•..Jhrihnltilllg laud our frieud. He has too mu.ch DtiedBeef, 22@25 ~d~:'te::kn~:m:n~i .w::'~~:~:'::{~ mark,dprlc~. •• .w:aa :.~:~~;-:"~~1a:=,=,,0tl-:"= ft A clutclllog her r'"Mv~ s IlW c oser good sense to be affronted at In· lowin~ t 111 ~ tote, to-,wi: IUtu"to In tbe - ••M ~8~-~@!I!!!!!.~ .... 010"", Ilr. FOOTS," 1M 1Iurar 1IIl . . . . . about ' her thl'Out, perhAps, hilt suIts· hei8toowell employed to AR'I7''''T ct)~lU'yofW~rfllnand taofOblunfol'6GET THE BEST % IllQapa'.·_ ...... • . . _ making no moun, nor raisitlg her reme:nber in;uries and too iDdo- ~A"'" ~ .... ld,lmd bounded ....d d lbed iUl ~UI.[0"'3 : The B lit Pil\no IlIotrnntOr I. A,!.~R,~ =:~~:7n::."!!= . I ' " I" H" - -- ----- - -P.rt uf )UIIt..,y Snne1 Nn. '1'01 QI'llI'mally Pe'e ...• Bleclrlc ...... IIe....1, w •• .... I lea. d B er ~,ace IS rllrtl y seell, lent to beBr milo Ice. Q IS J?8tlent; • Th. uoderelgn.d "ega to InforlD ontered UIICLIIU'VOyed iJltho n',IllD J"Il<)b 1'rioo $3.25. :~:I~=I;";'b'","'!:~:::"'Dt~F=.~= her eyes. never. Wh~ther those forbearin~, resigned, ou phllOiloph. tho pllblio gene ....II" that he haa Brown for 600 DOres a:M0Ye~tAl n..~lel Tt..~!:~:;~e~::~!rllutur is . . ' ....'k.. "1'Lu" Hm•• '1'.... ,. to ..,u...'orl1 window8 pf the 811Ul lllde the con- ical principles' he submits to pain opened a now Meot Market In tbe Jone. by J ..ID8e Joho br' be~n~g PrlC(! '~MO. • .,III'''''~' .. h,IL'. 11",1 .. anao&ll1l _,~ II siousnesa of Ilwful dellthB of degru.· 1.. ___ h .'. 'table to be. old .'aod of teak a: Oo.neft. wb.re he will d~te the 9th dtoy 0' Fo ,1852: Begin. TIm B""t In.truutor for tllo Voh", i, I"'" •.,. \I.lner 'n. Iho ~'Ol1n•• _ 4 lteepeODltAD\\Jon hand tIlnl!'", .. n..... ked 8)' "'011 tit banko' ........................ l&101 ..... ort .... r''''1OU,..'I.l... .,.,. _ _ . ,.,.,.,..use e Ie Inevi. dation, .l\r wlwth r the IIght ~f reo.vement because it i8 irrepara· the Llttlo Millmi. River j .t .boD"e tho abutPrioo $8.00 • ruultl", ... 0( qu,.lon ...bleh 1aolW_ ...... eYnreBSIOIl hus "vue Ollt none WIll ble and to death becauB6. it; i. his THE VERY BE ST mont of MoK.,. old II~... formerly Tho BnAtSln.R'inlj' 01 ..... Boob,.re _ .. ,...4.lIoII0l0r.-,-.. ",IIMI,,,,,,.,-c , k co' '. . , owned by JIlDLtIII ElIIu ~. N.lI&IO 41)' --.y ........ ' TIle.,," n..,hlnllla'II-,..& all ..... ever now. deatlDy.--JohR HeR1'!I Nevm&4n. E .•bou' 40 pole. to th. "'o\b·••at lin. of Prloe flO ota. of' 1M ,"""""lilt """'.... _ . . . . . .. Onr observer. if faithful to his • Beet V al Mutton and Pork lande o,?eeI b,_Been iihiland, thenoo ,,£th ........... -UDcall oal, be Iiaol uI-*" oi 0( . . ........... callinjl; wilJ'f\m1 tho tl'amp bM a How Taol'l'LEB Dm It.-I reo ,e I , HOllllllddineN.1I302O'=.aeuurtnlrfrom 111-'-."......,•• ' Prloe 75 0"'. MPI.~ 'N n. ll :T.\I.K" I. '.~I'" ..... 11ti curioll8'jJabit of poking ab,"t the turned to Ashville after an ab ~~:..~n:n~t!':or!l:ror.;...cr!:.~t~\~'::::~ (Femllio Vuiooo). lIrieo tUM) ... ¥.::~~';;~~.. roots of Il troo by the waytliue, or sence of three years aua found the country alford.; and all .. "1 he kept to the pi"'" of bcla!~ln8'. conlAlining ThD!::I~~~ 1iI!~~~.2::olL )(11810 I, AUIJJU;IIS .u .wva. the foot of a telegraph pole or my friend Truffies grown fat and 0 LEA NAN D N I 0 E elgbtoen ana 00..,.""11 - - of lanil, .more or tJII--. . . . .I • •e. The A~mr A uTiC MONIMn''', and if care is taken iD J'(oviul with a foce the very mirror . 1_ and t!'"t lOt tho n.~( term of ....d court Price $I.!j(). I........ lDAIo. ate post, g . • . . theeaid GlClcon Lo.k wl!lawiT for an order Tho Bcftt Racll'l:d Slid Sooulftr Culleutl.tn 14 watching him he may be frequent. of peace and self.aati8faction. AIIO. that pIlrtltlon ma)' be mtde 0 .ald preml. TIle tJI I.... Tlte Lee,ding Lit6ra,'y Afagazin. Iy seen l"1lgage<! in this oceufsotion Trufflcs WBB' the village baker. and BAlI -. and that 11I.·h other r-!lI1181' may bel for 'ii, ~od V"~CM. Prico'1.00. . . " . ~. Am riclI, ~ ,either quite earl1 or quite ate in he WUB Dot like this when I went FINE SUG -CUllED S htld jlIlll1'O lIu\borlze~'lb~N LEAK, Th~::·~~~~.!"~~I:':" ' , • W.ATJo..=-rz~V~ !..... tile day. ' Examme the place where away. By S. W. BRo.... bUI Attornoy. . for Mlx",1 Vuillllo. Price $1 00. , , JamUl Uu_1I Lo••n .. 111 contrihllle, du.• he baa been aeurching. and cloee '''Truffles.'' said I;, "how is it ¥ whole or h, the allee. Gin me a call. Auguat 26. 18711. ~1' TltO best Glee nook for Hale VoiUeIllK TTZ rlog the VOILr, Inlque"t 'E _y. 6nd Poelll.; lIcratiny may reveal three or four You have improved. JEHU MULLIN. ~~ Til .. 8a...,_" Price $1.60. I ' "lid WilliAm oun~n Rr,an' and . B •• .,. w. HI mfroved ; H ow,." )I.rch IT. CARDS uv ,," 1"",·,·':J'·,l Th G' [ t r •. . ' LongfeUe will pul,lI.b PoeIDll and rapt., tch· cabalistio CIlaraeters ro deIy ske .Qvu""., .. :.::i..:..~~~.:.;~1r1 W"1oo,....me' Jul7 14. 1876. or t"""I,,1 ...intortl~l M..tk T.abt will _ . odoo ,woo<iorstone,a C1'0880rdot "W y, in every way. AMl!IUCAR BLU& • ,...card'8~ dtIJith i'rloet/I.00, - .:. . . -.- - ; - -•. _.. -....--:- " Ihllt" 8kelch ... Qf Jlilalnll'pf. Rlww Llf. in the centre of a circle or square, have you been doing t" your name neat.~ Ih-/,Rte on Tho IlfJAt Guit.. VlI8io iA " " ' ..ill A _ _ · Irtla .... -vr 118 he uJeCI \0 . . . .It "",•• r.llot hou.... :p.•• triangle signs resembling phonogJust theu a little girl came in .or ta1UlclrJ aDel Boultholcl V••. t",em, and lent to adCZt'848. TIl .. A _ - G........•Prloe ~~~~~ ~~~4Y ~;7,~1~:~1~::d :~I.:;~: ~:.~ I!~I-..:e: raphy. Jr other signs looiing. more with a tattered shawl aud bare• ~A!lUr'CTlluD ."..... upon ,·tceapt of 50 OU.· The Bettt )[RIlUI.ne Clf \'ooal Mu.oic Ia 1'l'8idlln~. io l~e ....!'n)' harlaa o.J.., w.. Ultrama".n~ . Work" VT ...... 0............. .P......... H--"" .......... nrr.1II (,,","h. d"rI~R bla rHid.ne.ID ""' 11"..~eJ:rioters' proof·marks. These footed, to whom Tromes gaveM a Amer,oaR.......... N ~ ........ -~ A n . . . . . . . . . l ' e r You "'.00. , &ua. 8ke~el of OrM"'al Lite aad 'Ny.l. are e tramps' guide-boards, the loaf of bread. "Ob, dear. r. 0 w II BI I III be" i.1t rid ,W.,.....·Ule, Ohio. NOI. 1.2. u.... 3.0.7. e, and 1/ now • fnll"'t. Park_no,.m ertOlril,. ~II _ blued trees of the path, the trail Traffiea," the child said with brim- ~I ~: .~: -COD~O" Dll':.twa: ~arl: ' roall" 1...ioo 110 ceut» each. . Ibe Wart of New I ..IIond aad 0 . . . . ... jr1 tohe"Ubor labrie, ud la 111M Deo<tMIl{uine for l!luyPlanoHlillo --- a.-tUrell aI1klno.......... de f B -.. ·... Ck .... epllooclet of &he .... 111.of h,- .huuting expedition8. They minteyes... she took tbe loat (I b, Ic all '-' , Tho...... ............. ~ e J1e&t' rn Qu.t.eo IIIId lI"Da..L, JIl0l ... "*e. ten him that' the next turn lead. to of read • "mamtna i8 getting tbe la~lIIndri. 011 _an, 0 .. p "1Per YeaI'. ~.oo' . cI&ll)' for We)lIN"We uti the Il&rroandiu.r who.. alrlklag paper OD A..n--.... AI__ a rlch pi ...... where can eafelyl8k .,.,tter, and 8he "6,8 .he . owes , 80 ~":I~."JU!:~ P!ti:':::"'k~~:'::~e!r. WHOLB8ALJ: ' NOlI. 1 to 9 DOW read)'. Price 50 oentl .ei,lIbnrhood. 8peoial aitendo. I, riY • n ala. Lira a.. _eeI _h ........11 ....... --. Id' h B bl a ,miti PrIoer = -.-h eaoh. • to fumlahlnlJ _hie p"pertI. for money; that the poor 80 ler mue to YOQ. e eaeee yo , .., 'or tami , -. 10 oeiala.... JEWELERS The Beet~ for AdYUloeci PlllllO OAKES FOR WEDDING3 la or. c.ia a good dodge to try in another indeed .he doea:." thi r ..:~.::.byF.:::~~!\~~~ ~~.;!: ' Playe"" i. . traJ" of Ih' II direction j thattbe (armer OD the &lThat'~ 0:8 of the. np ..-e wlllt thec::= aad beI.t. ; ··.,...- .... "";:'YMr, $6.00. _ AND PARTIES, . ~-::I the ...~~. riaJit keepl a ...v~. dog. that a been dOUlSJ be II&ld, after the Otl!.1tWtIlr- __:-.~T:Ir. Spectilcles '.'0011 -'·l~alerinls. Noe.1 tulll now ......'. Prloe lIO_ta ,,0 ahOrn.oUCMI. I alIIO keep oh ....I!Ii~.. .COlly crili or bOQa f NIIOrt for child had gone. • • ,. , each . Publlelaeci.nd mall.d. JIO'tI' trampe, C!tUl be t'ouDd in the viII.. "You are KiviDS the aaWerlDS ........ ••• 8, W. Oor. Sial' u4 Sta.. ~d. bY. V on the canal. The tramp Dot OU1'lfamily bread" I qneiried. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ __ o. J. . J at all ................, 01 etodi. thIM IDdlcMiona for hll "y.,." .. ....... ..... M3 &\ap" aDd Fa., GrooefteI. z=~~iii~ OWD IDIWCtioo." he II boaod "Ba.. J08 &Dy IIlCII'8 . . . .. I IF1'Iaa ............ PrI.- ..... by "the ral. of ,be 1'CMId" to rae" Itba& I" t ~.... « .......... ~ ~ H."r ",,'n .• rr ..·• lie. C ~ lle. mi..
11 . 16 am
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~you,n~IJ~li I 30
212ft '23 & 24 1871:. '. '
..n.gMIUMS. PictuTe Frames."
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AnIn'ddt en PhYSlcran
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Dr J M 1\' bb'
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tlllETt it.ore'
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E R PRI.I.,. ..
D __ L
Broadwa,. _
II. fl • • UNHAM'. Tll .. Bll. .C
Water Wheel
Now 18 the time to Subscribe I
TillS IS a pb older than 1II0~t l;col'lo 1111 11I" ll Do yoll tl t milli! III w ry uf lJld r;l Pun 01 Tyrc t H!'rhu bUlleI, Ac rbasL ('fIt' t ! I Her ul , lInk mil l'U w i lor 11111 " I\b by 1.11 Kill ':; l>~ gmnh Ill, brother to Dido 1'L I\ u iowcd prmCMJ WIll 611llblcd to C!!!CIIJXl r/'illll 'ly re bearilll Ith her the wealth of her hu ba nd, ~ocl ACQOnl{llllllcd by a number of ,.h-m~ted noble8. After n vnnety of ruivR'nlu th y lnnded upon th con t of Africa, "here Dido bllrgaJOcd wILh th c 1I1ltlvee (or M mil h lund tu. ella coullil uclo8C ID a buil'" bide I ~ctlltg n hlrj;e, 1011gb ludell the CAU <I It to be ut Into tbe 8/IIal t po Ible thrclld. wllh which sh lDolOllCil a large Inlet of country, 1111 whlclll tbe cIty of ( arthnge n began to rilE The natives were bound by the lette.. of their bargaID, and altowctl t be cnnUl DI Queen to 1t11.\', h er Wily, lind a fter Uui.t, whim any ooe bad
II Seala Beredltar)' I A fo w ye.n IIgO Hr Ii' GaLton, F R 8. wrnt a 0001[ to prove tb. t It was, and bll mf8ll\lptione are xtremely Intel'eMing.&JJd Jn~'ructlve. If Dot conclu IIIve. He coll8idered h quite practicable to prodUIlfI • hiplf gtfied raOO of men .. by judlCloUII marnagu through ,raJ conlMlCU~lve .Kt'neratlonll," and lb.t It 18 our duty to Inv4/t8tlgllte and exerCI8e that pow r (OF the future advantage of th humlUl race. Be found \bat the custom of Englilh ~_par"cularly Judt(e~ ud etatHmen-marrytng herrtlli8ll! " as moet .fiItal to the contiouance of t.he order It II ~tnral that a Judge or etaiaman mould "iah to marry all belJ'e8l, but the Jatter hal geDe~lIy oltber only one chilli or none. From flal. cauee, mlUl1 of what WI! 1I1&y cell "peel'1ll"!' of meri .. " bave beoo~1! ox • ijaot, aid ftluaba. qualillee not trau8.Jibed W ce~lonL Of (orty twO of aalJqu'lT, half bad .. the Oiuaeel and tillltilJl:en;_ eminent 111
IU~:-I01t ~\
!"4. ,
~ u Mn. v Lu.@t
I N:~.~~ l't"Y
cwo , t ..... ly
ub .. ,Iltfl r,
'!'lto New York }'h'o 'ide COIupnllioJl Pit
TUS l"Olt 1 76. ,
r.!~~e: 1)~~~f t¥~ ~J ~~:et~=
tisoullllnd yeara as:O.,.,IIId the I!!I' lng la M come down to OUI cW;.
- ---......---
"I'll Del
~ e~l:=~!:~~ \die U. IDON lathe,," In ofteJI esprelltd
tha.. the average auch men 18 abov Henee the alllhty and careful their IIOU dll l'lay I. often, ~ a gIVl\t extc n ~ to be traoed to the intlueJlce of au able ond IlOOd mother lWllgloul and polltlcill perMcutlonll, by dralulng coWlLnea of theIr intelhgent men, have proved-m Spain, (ot eXflm ple-l1llcldal policy ?tlr Gallon }lOlIltB ou\ bow laJ'R6 a l'rolJOl'tlon of thll. eJlu lIBnt men of all countrJ~a are the child teu of refugee!!. He thinks t hllt the long }lI!riod of \be ~k Agee wsa much (1% tended by the celibacy of Lbe clorgy and monaalle urdefll, (or the .rrar ot tahmL entermg the ranb of tho • rehgloull" IJqt belllg able to traU"lDlt itself, I>OOame to a great e:JtenL lost
Cruelt, to Plante, We trn t that eXpe1leu(.'cd oolsn lijt run no rlllk of comrnlUlDg aots of crnelty uch sa rellder the reaearchea of spahr ml8LA alld \.hyaiologi8t.l! 80 uOlNltl. fllc tory :rhe folloll lO,g note 00 D,QllffJa ,nuMI!l)u{a read by Dr Balfour at s l'I!CCnt mootlllg of the Edlnbllrgh BotanIcal SoOJot) , l1Uund uneomfoJUbly like VIVI*tIQO 'rhe doctor begun, h II1licl, putting black ~pper on the senllltlve lenf. Tbe leaf lOeed, and had IVmamed closed lIin the 24tb of June, aecreting what he called It, g&lit.ric luloo Another leaf bebaved Imdarly, but othel'll aner clu!Iing on tbe pepper, soon oll8noo &gallJ It III dlBtreMing to find tbat the exper ImeDJahlt, bellevlD~ tb.. dlllCrimlDsiion to ,.ide In IIX ha\r6 that grew on til upper IIl1rface of &eh leaf, he dehberatcly cut tbem off. Their lOllI _ moo to COD I\ue tbe leaf, whIch would aomclimeB etOIle wb(lll Inltated while at otbel'll it '!'ould remain ulkllv open Til roe of the bal.l'II only were then removed from one leaf Without producmg any I!peelld eAct. The otb,er tbrve hafl'!J were tben lUIo,od, the leat at fil'!Jt clOllod bgbUy it. \beD oe&I!IIc1 to ftlI110ud to britation thoulb tried on luceeMlve dlY', but 1 t. wbllo being repl~ on the ahelf i ~ ellddeJIly cl~ in what the operaLo~ J heartl_ enough to call an • nwkwllrd :\Danner"
Ind a ten . . . t.be immll,~ialtll I etep[l'ld, and exp),aliled the removlIl Lo bill excellency WIth 111, hllnd on the door knob, he mflde the (ol1p",lnl5 little pc la, and th(l de\lk re mnillod 10 Ute corner where ( fuund It to the end of the admllll tratlon neml Jnckao n'~ , 1 , 'that del!k WOl! love the m emory of General JacksoJl , IVbat~ ver WI\8 Old HIckory 6' J revere 1t Iii aoout the only tblllg about tit Willte lCOUIle tllat i. a memcuto of by Ron(l )cnrlf, whell Lbe OOns tl t utlCJD of the United Lale WI\8 worth moro than tbe peper on whlcJl ~t was printed I dellll'o tbat. the dllllk of Andrew Jacbon remain III that, corner A8 10llg 1\8 tb Jnl\.ntle of Ill! one-time grllnd (lOlI!e.l!SO r I un my' 8h nldel'll"-or wqrd. to t1mt e/R>ct "nut Ur Pr(ll!1I1cnl," I r eph ed, , If tbe de~k 18 IIOt r p)oyed, where WIll J plnce my lIlblc?' " Wb ere you pIc LIIC , bu t Andrew Jllck8Qn ~ dC!~k Will reuuun In that cor-
ner "
1I1e doof clQllCd and tile only plReo the room wll rtl J cou ld Ilia my t .. bJe wu III tho nlJdtlIe of It, wh re I lliiI pillce It, IlDtI hud lh e ~I U sfuc lJOII of IK'CIIIg h 18 ex cellont y lor t.wo YCI\I'II "Iler l\IIN \\ alk lruuod It 8C \ Umt tlDICS a <IllY 1I111111tlUnbl agllll1st I~ repeaLedly ID aite tallon 01 111 de vol l II 10 the memory of the grout A J of fnrhl r years. From th at dl\y to till/! 1 never see an old dl'~k or bed~tctla but I tiP my hnt l\l It With e peciul revc.rcnce IlIId venero tlOD III
Senator JohnjjOu'. SueCONOr. Tho HOIl D M K llv of Ohat tanooga, who ha beel) npllOlotcd by Gov Porter, of Tenncl'I!ec, to Bur-ceed ex Prelildent Johll!lOn 10 tile United tates Senate, I' Ilt p rel!Cot one (If t be cbancelol'll or the Lilia, bll t hWl not ligured mucli ill T II DC! poliLI He 18 (orty five yeai'll of lIj!e, of deCided talcnt, dltl1d nt IIlld retiring, very popular in 1118 ction, but not generally knowli t hroqghout t he State. 'flte appointmonta gt vee general aatllfl\ctlon in Eut Tenue_, whlcb portIOn of the S tate claImed the IIppolnLmeDt of Mr Johnl!On'd euc(''eI!I!Or The Legll laLllre 6f Tenn_e meets only everL accond yenr lind Ita nut tlOOtion will P\',glll January, 1877 Benator K ey Will therefore occupy the acat by the Gover nor's appointment for two whole lie 10118 embrlletug tbe long aelIIion next WlDtet, aDd the short 8e8II101I succceding tbe p l'C8ldentJal election The n xt Leg; Jalature, Lo be choaen \lllhe fali of 1876, Will lect II: Senator fl)r the remamder 01 Mr JobllllOn'a term, and "III silO hive tQ elect tb o succClBOr of uator Ooopor whoee term ex plree In 1877
Rom.&Jltio-Yerr. "AmI you'll IIII-y yes, WQn't you, BaLtie?' h Mked IU Id.remhhng "<lne .. h, lUI for ttillt, Job II, you know I lovo you, bu~" "but whot, Battle?" "You know YOII aro awfullr and (1lLber Will lie' or conllellt Wish Ie WI\811 t I!O proud and w ~Ilhy" "It's pride and wealth, II I ~, that'! \U Ole way 1 Well, I don', give a nickel tor 11111 weal tb and 4 for pride, HIItt l!', I ba vo a8 m ucb of tbat II!I an,.body, and I wouldn' t care a 8plmt m myoid Itraw hat, I( he Will worth Il mdliun d ollan 1 would marry you JUIli the ame I" Tho lady reached oYer tl!e..ataod to 1'IDK for Ice water but eomehow I J Wf'led hand J'CIItt'd a moment in thc Il'tll brawny o ne o( John, lind they Wf're bappy
To American Team baa retunaed
tt. Ita YIocoriO\ll Wllr &0 IreJaad
A Yonthl'nl Operat9r. San FrllDclaco stnnds "'I\ba t lit tbe audaelo\l8 tack operatlon~ of olle Oharlel! Kuehel, a youth of mn eteen, Without capital or aVllllllble mOllns of hiS OIYU The Olirolllci81!1JY ril lS IId~eutnr01l8llDd onterprllllng youth, a mere broker'S clerk, With no Clll)Jtal e!l:cept bIll n l\~l, e andl\U1ty oml crnn, n tUlllly rlv.led tn tho mngllltude of IllS @tockoperatlonsthe vetcrnn unlll0nlllf\J who arc properly ul'Posed to control tile mllr\ret, make corDen, nnd ecnd stuc k "I' or dowlI accord mg to tJlelr plcl18u/'ell. HIS operu tlOns, thus fllr Illlcertnilled, during t he .Brat two weelrs of Illst J lin unry, amolln~d to , 167 , ~hllo dUring tbe mOll tb ~ of May alld JIIIIC 1.1loy figured up to th e Incredible 8um of over fStO,OOO His trsn8& LIUIJS from th b~gllllllllg of tho yellr to th e twenty hnll of Jllly IlDllIulltcd to 0' er ,I lOO 000 nll~ tbcse fi g ure Mtuunmg II~ they llIay acCIll ollly co ver Lhrough t wo Ius I!II I ~'I:I and p urcllll brokertt lIo It! kllo\\ n 10 b w e IlII!O opor al.cd tluougb oth ers, and the full OlCl l!u t of hl~ stuck drulhng>! has n ot yet heon I\8OOrtllllled 'YIII I ClIrry IIIg 1m hU~lJI c On thllllJlltgl)lftoollt &:l1le he drove 111gb 811,rJted hoi'll!) on ~h Ohn rond lI111r 1M ~nltJ to hav lIecn th ownel' of no Ie than three do hlllg .loublc-t:ellm@ H e 11'88 go rgeously appareled, fared ~ umptu ously every da" nnd had the belIL 01 overytblJlg gOlllg thnt could bo obtlllued for mOllcy 'fbereWlIs notbJllgmggardly I\bou t t1H~ IIrCCOClOU8 prolhglll If h o Illvurncd ble 11lI;mey freely It " M not all expended \1(1011 hllll l!Clf lind hiS ill dlvldual pleasure Only a fow weeks ago be lit hili mother and 818tor 011 upon a EuropeAn tour, and IU8 maw 80h cltudll when arl'Cllted seemed to be lest they 8hould bOllt of ble dl 8j;rllC6 Tbe fae that tbe boy "'1\8 able to continue Buch 1I Cllreer 110 10llg undetocted, using the .. wcb lind the c redit of hi li crnl)loyc l'll on such aD xtcnBivo ISC:lle, seems lJIax ~hcable Tbe defruuded broker, wb en a .mnd apl)lied to 111m R8klJlg the 8Jtulltlon mndo '\'aCllnt by Kucbel's deteetll)u (or ILDother youth, made nll,wer "n you have a boy thn t you care allY thing about, eeLhim at nuythlng but the SLoCK trade Put linn lllto a gAmblin!? den If you hke l !let hlln to deahng tllro, but don't maKO 8 brokor's clerk ofhml The reol gambbug Will be IeI!'! trylU ~ to hi morals than the b/IItC Calilorma street InlitntlOn"
Learn AboRt the rulle. Every lu telltgent pcl'llOn "hould know how to aBCCrtan tb o stnte of tho Jluille In health, theo by compRrlng It with wbot It Is when be Is luhng, ho may have aome Idea of the urgency 01 hIli CIIiIe. I'nrenUs should knolY the heallhy pUllIO or each chUd-&I now and the n Il pcrllOn 18 oorn with a Jlec ullllulow or fAst plllllt', "nd th C&l!C In bnnd may be of that pecuharlLy An mfRnt'8 puille Ie one hundred Imd forty a cWld of Yen yeo l"llj llbout OIgltty and from twent, to 81Xt,Y ylllll'll, It Is lleventy bCatloa IIlillUte dccllJling to IIIXty at forescore A hea thf,tl grown penlou's pulllO beatl! IIOvou(y tlDlet! In a mlllute There may be good health down WHiny , Itut lethe puile 'lh,ayeex ceeds lleventy, there 18 a di8Cl\8O The machine III working lbelf out, there 18 Il fe \er or tnftammation somewhere, and the body 11 feeding on I t.l!elf-1IlIin con 8umptloD, when t pulle--ts qUick, t.ha L I~,uTer tsty, gradually tnC~og wllh llaerelll!ed ChllDcetI of cure, until It reaches one hundred and Leu or olle hundred and twenty, when dealh comet! be(ore many daYI WbeD Ute pulee 18 over leventy for montha, And 'here I' a elight
ooup, &he tUlIp are aleeted
B Oslo n, MUllS
! THE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR I , L • 1!Ior"," ..4 W
I' 8 11001. ollom I.
Th e 1110 11
Sold by
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' MI., t o 0 very POltul"r n Ola or 81Noufn whl<h b.. beou .lm",,' unj •• " n, ..... In 01, 1 Hohoolll The Phtlfl nt wl,k I. It no W4r It rulur hl It. pre loc:ellor "nd III or t1 r. 1)' Irtfh fln ct UtW
By B R. PA LMER ...1,1",' by L 0 BIJ;lIIllON 1)on IlI l nk , ' I•• hl" ~Al!lng'"c8'IOO l w ltb"\ n, h . thualtr""'ivr POP 1111 ah' IfCfnl 1 W~ k gpool n ~ n copln.., t IKJ"1 ,",U' (or r " ". pried
...m :1 Imtli .. ClI , . . . hl
8tn,..tn,." 1,,"'-'....
Dealers Everywhere.
AGEm 'Amll II EVERY TIln 8\1 11 Lbrol , I uut U "
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Indnstriul Exposition
TI at I. on. is,.,,," or At.lll1r
C·· melDnat I
paY "loll ta
'~tld IIc8thlY, t'lel't. 8, at 8 1'•• , '
JBEIt 531.
IlLOOD"- "'.",..,•• _ Loudoo DrlllgC'. ilnd lJy l!l\nd·hj ll s thaL lnok d bcwild rShooting> ~I'rua• r... l",h.,. .. rll 01 ""au... ' ","gh! in rly Illike. Along the whole dim 111 September, I :!!l, thl' owner 01 th A ~ Ihe boat h"',I.. 1I11f1f'r t it arelil" IN the garden of the Ill te Andrew "" Ioh,w'.lIbuill l~tl .. horitqn th re W /tII no mounl..!llu to Rene lK'hoouer Michi,nn , the I!,rgc t a nd rot.- and up th e riY r, til . hri,1 '()Iil~ inti' W b'-'Oeil honor Jr fl Uu'! m_n _hD .Im, Johnaou'H resillencc LI a lIlaguI6\len~ lUI 11 luudmll,k. Billv \/f1Ul puuled and ten,st Cfan on l.ake J.~ rie, hit "I'nn" "i('w- Ilto bnKir t plllt'1' in All ~U"y Lon. An(111..,.lh tb. '"~ n ho ,ll'ld ; II., I will "rit of I\lm ..b" fiyhl. willow, grown from a ~"'ig t.aken from plan to grt it off uf hi~ hnnds. antlllLtbe don. Abou t ei h L lhvu!<:Uid people on I l()!lt, butliot friSbtcli d. H e ran on Ata 1'04 ""nqublh bl6 &I n' l the willow wbtcb be".! onr the gmve \'euture JlIL!'t thicket and hiUock, liJI It IllUIle lim not 1 a cent . H ili.luced foot alld niTle hund rt..y ,'chi '1"8 pll ,,"er Who 1t,,"1 thmugh 'h~ ......r 1d1" A I ..lu.8f htul..leU, Iud wl~. hnd grown durk l 110, dark, iude I, tbat till) propri tors of hotols 0:1 both ides 01 it e very hour ii, tile dllv. '1'lt runl".. of Nlpoleon B\ln' llIHt on tbo i land 01 he could IICt\r Iy , and had no longer Nhlgarlt FIIlIs lo uuy the hoon r 1IU11 of th e tmffic as it COIll ~1I tu Uk VIl thu JI""! 1JJ a hC!~ Jtaoorh .nd ',ra.e, L Helenn, IIud !lent to the ('1(·1) id il L . Who I-"I",.n UII It roe, the l!!l1st idea \(lWRrll what point or tbc nd il. Ol'cr the fllll ll, co unting on th e bollt is lik e thu roll of diswnt tilllnder. A twig from tbls no.ted tree .will I An.1 pUla atl L bon n, blo reo l 'ln.. 110 11trlee1 , tiete b.nlly ..ould 1m " crowd tbat would drawn there lo I o.n colllpare it to Ilothing lilt', trite lUI ocmpa he Will! going. 1111 .....10". 1_ autl lo.. ; planted over Mr. Juhll~ n'8 grave Oil Tb dlll!('rt i · /lot Il comlilrtl&blc plll('e to II'itnl' tbe novel Ki ht for their pay. t he sim ile i ~. In th ubdtl!n)unu you And '1a,t<lI" '1 In m... bClllll·llI'hlhl, I Q~ :U~I~.~~:~!.::.! f.:lIld "Ia. John n' Uill. 00 100!\.. in, nnu llilly's IIl nllULions were IlIr For IICYcrnJ d", InC,'io\lJ to the grea~ emn t he lower, In which ofl'e nde n! of l.40vdy without-, 11'lt no ... ul . I::rn' The 1b!!'!~~,;u~~~l~~Sle~;••onr I~~ .lid ltowen, and a IUrel. rom..,. Crom pleallllot. To (1l1I iuto tbe hands of e vent, tbo stag' lIud the cllnal bOatll, the Government were impriM(lIlcd in the J " to"" or In .. Id. A Birl .. h.... lolltb l> ro",.o, BOno I TUE Emprel8 Euge nio iM.. hout to com· tb blacD aod 00 kept II prillOoer, or per· lIud the 1I'IIiYon (rom tho country were w.rbaroull tiOlIJll of old ; llnel Hillin!;... Willi Iklll!... RORcr. I bo I.. hlent .. lIt) ~~ .II , II. fur NlI1il!lblu3 lIIo •• lb~n L""n hill'S be 1'ORlIt.ed ""d ellten, were aDlong crowded. Furmen leCli th ir fi elds lind gille. tbe Ilirg t Il~h. market in the menee a ui~ In her own nliIO C, lind 1\8 Lbe I·",UI..I ""1141'''' ""do' Lh~ I"n. ~ fr .u\ll,d t Ofem» I Th 1:1'" .latlltlnbc4tml OVt1f "" '.11. cbllnees of remulning long i.n the hUAin Dlen their counte)';4. n th e ll~ world. Tb denlen! lind thlli r cu~ t.omer the ' An enuwy who Inartbe\b n&t guardian of ber IlOn, hdorc the ivil /lilt D .... Lbo .. lUe IOl OOII'N 10 aIL Willi Lanucr, 1)lum ~ IU"" dtumlOCAlity in wbi h he found hlmllelf. pointed (lay balf n doron excunri on ar 'hutorioll (or tho. 1I ollm<1langlmgC', ,]'rlbun,,1 of the ine, for thc recovcry A toe (ur.,,,cr lurklnl{ Qi~b JII tlaJfl\ln l 1'0,,", a nd 111P J'C,rt ot CUll, On hO l'8elllLck there wa little danger Iteam I'll wcra callOO into HIIrviCtl. iALch nnd tlui word" flillin g nl.e" ill<'ommnn. Willi 1I."t, .,4't011II, lI'81d, of variou. obj 'Il! of Ylllue, e~(te IlIlIy It\i<ldlJ'll Ib I.. I non) o.il. J,'.,,,,vt.!r ufar 1UU" IIOlU'd to--d.,., of bei ng collght by thl' "nt\ve . On foot, had iLl! of expectao\ people and a lyaccepted ill wrltlllg nnd convt'rl!lltiou 1'10.01"1,...,,, r. r rlnolful "00: At olxbll I~ ,our loed.. certain statues alld jcw('ld dt'llQjIiUld at ( hO lui tI •• lud r , h.ol'l, JOn d, 11M;) howevl'r, few Europellns would CIlro to The Latl" of towing Lb e M meaninlZ abu or "r ..raDity. NnlblD, ul ..... to brlol h ... d~; Pierre foods alld it'ontaineLI IIU. try a r t' with tb 10ug.J mred bill kB/ WM Intruated to The "rid h.. ~ rebu L eevGml All I.oDor, Iht'.n, t" tbat b .... d heart. Llle. .. Ilb 1... Jul. hu .... WI t h thcir boomeraogs wbiii]jng 4bou~ '" ~ .tThough P91.)'r or rich bl! be, ~.U lul Aloud 1,.. ~,"ItU d _ Wb ~'I.rUM... .. jl" hI ""- P"'1....1\ INt ..an (1.- lind I lb. n. hi~ car. OD a ~ 110111 or dolla D , . .._ TlIAT AUgust lind anciellHribuDlll, tbe W.. .....-.,.adlol.... lIe r. "ero'l <7O"a. A kind of Inrge black awe, very the ntaol , threo agi08 bow ubilLan"al it i In thc rei.gtl 1~: =c~ \~: :.~~::~;,~.,: i::~~~I, CourtoC u n's Bench, II lUI plll!l!cd away, 0, tifJ • bero', III'U.; active, /lnd a deadly biter, is common in boan from' Green and Orand river, of Quc n EIiZRll th tbere we~ storcs on nut trutb .. 1II pll 'blo no .... !l0l00, after an exi tence of a U10U8Blld yo.rll. " Oh IIIU'L t"ovel" A P"rf<<t 0,1 tbe scrub. Billy dreaded the Inakell two fox ,a .raccoon, a dOl(, a cat, four ellch tdde, with arbon! 1l.1Id gardens. and Tho hr1lY I of th bnu'tt. Tb. ",.klofl ' lrin •• 10U know. Tbe eollrt @at on the Gth of October ror IIlmOO!t as much l1li tbe blacks. Thcn, too, Jteetle, and Pllt UJlIlOUlO ell1gill8. Whe. lit th e ' lIO uth end tb ro \l'R8 a queer ( I " lYon' I l b. mon., ; ,b.·11 bo.• to IIaill the bull Llmc, In all pn,bllbiHty, th l)ugh I ct<.'t .... ll\Ith.re<! "lib II,ot-<lb, DO I) be Willi wet, nnd tbe night '19M cbilly. they c ut the tow line thl~ edn'Clrdioary wooden house, brought from Bolland TRU~HS AN)) TJUt'LE '. 1 1101'" b .. IU·on r bl» h . ~d.· it does not C6Il8C to ,t echnlcAII'I ClfistuuBe had , however, a bit of dampu crew did what many olher crew have wbich WIIa covertd with enrviog anal A. nOv.... ',1I'1il _ lIy pro ...... . ~tl "..,.. to tW'W nly 4""""" of all. bre.tld in the leathern po ketofbis jll<;ke t.. dooe. run (rom one end oC the deck lo gilding. In tbo mld:lIe ag~a it WM the ,A. !.Ow lI1atcb-A W dding Bflor long til November. To :r Alex.nd r Cock~,uette. t wi, h to Iller th ... J'QM!." , Thl~ be at.e wbile peering about for IIOme ~ho other j n de pair. The ·"hlp .Larted sccoc of IIlfray~ of 1111 kind~, Bod it ",lIS 1I0url..t!Wp. burn belong" tho d istinotlon oC bel ng the 'I'h... m.. Ilod l unbo)!tUlI o. I' u ,.11, lIu, Ii .U tbe ,nulo IOl ll<! m .. tu " U. nook or Khcllere([ ~pot, into which 110 off majeBticolly and IIOOmed toFeetwitb bnrned down 8Cveral timt!f!, three thou8NEVEU wllSlc yOl~r time i wllllte someIftllt Lord hier Ju lice or Euglnnd. a ~lOile ~be ' high Khores 00 either lIide and perllQns peri hing i n one "re al olie. migh t croop to etlCI\po the cold wi.nd and ~16mI DI .. m aplD . Ij~r U,. boUto IIIU!II tbe nigb ~. erowned with coger spect.ators. be The beads or TCbels were Ktuck on th e bodyel 'M. Caine at It CC)UlOll, In SIa..loNli Dr g1001ll, TIfE I'repnmtinll (Ilr thc I'1'ccption of Tv 100lluid dIn",,", 10 . talel,. bon. At fil'll~ Billy WII8 not inclined tg I~p. containing darted tbrough th tirst rapids f\8 true as gate-houIIC8, amo ng othcrs tb()I!C of Jack 'fm; most etriklng featllre about IIOme the Priuce or Wale' in th" EtlKt bave be· Once a kan~aroo pll8lled at a little dis· pieCti of ..r..IMI~H1 k~D~~~~t~[& any riilot could ha.ve led her. Two of Cad, nnd of GILmet, who wero eon- Inen nrc th eir, flllt 'T(~' ~::': II[u!~:~r.I~':~~.O' ; gun. Extfll !vealterationsand improl'eIn alrt I d.DOft nOlI' h .......,. tlillCE', making tile ground jar h!!llTily at It is 9,uite evident \.be bellrs here plunged into tb yen ty ee.rued iu the gunpowder "lot to blow Tm~ 1Ioy wllo IVII8 ki cked out of time F... I' U 110 h1ln>Ol. 1h 0\1' bn...oro mentll are beiug cftee4>d In the Govern· l'llch of illl unwieldy leap!. lAat.er, he -taken Dilly's voice (or rapids IlIld IIctually s wam to land and op the Bou ()I' i'arliaDll'nt. 'fhe \ly allun s,,\hl be fired anel fell bock in AI loYel1 • d..- u U,I. tGod,y. bCl\rd the low, IIhrill pAm of a sllluce clOll6 of diVinity, wbom they were cougbt. 'Che other HIlt to work bead of good ir Tho)lllU1 )l() re, bmve good order. . meni Lou8L', nnd the j~;\8t Illdia RailWAy The ame a lad l un\Jnw. OYer ua fall , Due 1lC'ftt.r Ibe "Ule 1,01. OOIDH to .lI. at hllnd, nnd hll tily threw Btonea, Iticke bet!t to propitiate with a "'~)ue climbing Ule mut. n he went, mal.· Wnllilce of Scotland, ami the r.ious 'VllFJ U man i8 1'tl1UJy to go whore duty Company i construotlng a royal train, and dirt, lo fl'ighten 011' 110 undetrimble a and theo leave to his ing II nlun~e " hipping a 1ICl\, and rising BI'-"op of n-~hoijter were also Illiood d I 'f h' Llillelbo'U b..... bo- (he moralDa OOlU~ which will con8i~t of five corrillge-ono • 't 'Vith t .- di <; bo "U nv<> calls, he,hbul "'0 lome, I not Illgmore III eoIor 01 ':;'01' Palllel '"', ; ~. VISI or. au at""n ng from It in utlful 8t.yle. At her 11'- there, 1ll1d until n comparatively recent I!61-iou8 offers: ., . of them a IltAte recep~ioll loon. onc a LlI•• "lib UI ..."IIII,I.......t done ', T,,·o (lr thn>e timet! he fancied he beard inge, or in the least undelrlLarHing Aprit WI\8 the American nslg~ and at dote Uell gbl\8'ly troDhies Il'1i1D1.'e d down .1eepl~ 0. rringe, Lwo o.rrillgell lor the o..l~I<>r':II"'Tro... hI'IDlIt'lh all·.1' 'Il queer sound of. nllffi"g fort\ier up under the boy first lLIiu.red her 8t~rn tbe English jllek. In ber de- on the ,pIUIIlIlrll'i,y. 'l"hey ;'ere Iil8tcned P£()l'LF; who complain that. there lello lI~lo~l~n:lr:.I~~~::~ar.; ~:~~ br8d i the rocle, nnd ooncluded tbat there wu a const Will! clear, then eceot oYer the IICco nd rapif,l her mll8t on iron spikCl!, nnd in a gal&of wind they pleuure in tbi~ wotld, should joiua hIIIIeltalr, and on for the 'Prince', peraonal lane<! to.dl!tl,hrort\I.f1l1ul.u,n. burrow of wombatll behind the Ilowlder aod IIOOn left Ille rock .. went by tbe board." Sbeewunground, IIOmetimet\ rolted to the groulld or into bII\1 club and scenpl\Lyer killed. , attendaols. T.?n:.:::l,:f:!~;.!::.no..~:t:I~1~41 wbo were di_tisfied because bc had That thi88lo~ular aelln~_Dce and prclCnt.ed h e r brol\dside to tliedlUlh· Lbowat.er. TIll~ ~QOIlO tbat wlUl struck by light. UlIl ne. ol' lh. "'on 10( 00"'.. t.o .n. token po88CilIIion of their frollt'door lep. an,wer. to Billy . IlIg and foaming watel'fl, oud after 1'& 'fbree hundred alld LfteCIl venrs rum nl'lIgl' ll t. Louis doe8 not 'believe that TUE caae for the Common"collh ' - IJII¥W.1kIMI.,. But though somewhat nfmid of I~gc quet\tioDed by Inaioiog stationary for 0. moment or two tlleLord Mayor oe London waf' ir Wl'I- leatbers arc a non.conductor of eleoanimale, Billy bad ,'ery little fear of era will llllree, wa, by its forc3, 8WUUg round, sterD l!am n"wet. HelVet lived in a bouHII on tricity. . against WeM!Alrvelt, ooe of the alleged kidnapper of Cbarl y.t:l.Oi!:!, WDS opened 11 0'" BILLY WAS SAVED. wombatll. least, It foremo t, lind Imving paHlied to the thi.rd the bridge, and hnd nil infllllt dnughter TUB only way tbat IIOme people can lately iU,I'hiladclllhill lit the conchiaion T owar,d m o rllll'n g he gre ", dd~~y'uab~ ~raye~~old"liv;'...,r'.... rapJd she bilged but o.rried her I i_HI Ap- named Aline. The current of ,tJleTbamlJll kees their lIames untarnished is to make fl ' ''''[ Ro fYollt"'. Companion.] at l ellgt I J1ell a eep. At b roa \U\y Ig e ce r DlJ parently whole, between GrRH If and Wl\8 then very strollg, Ill! there W/lII" fnll Dri get spend half her time I!l!ouring the f th --, • o e "",ectlon 0 t lC)JurY, Rnu" r. !!II, Dilly l\l errlman WII8 a "CIIttle-boy" at he awoke. flirting hastily. a suddeo Be wondered and the Dritish 8hore to the B(lrBe8hoe, of !!eve-rol feet underllcath the arohel!. the father, 'l\'l1iI the first . witnclIII called. IL' took. farm in tbc "bul!h" in South rumble caugbt his enr, alld, turning, be it was ncorly over which she WY corried, ttlrn fore- One dny a nUnle WI\8 playing with yOUDg door-plato. It wu claimed thllt the original abduc· Au trnUa. He Will! a happy·go-Iucky IIOrt e picd a big mottled tail di ppearing in heard the guna moet, nnd launched into \he abYIII! be· Anne at 1\ window overlooking the river, To prevent bel' IQver frqm "gQ1nf ' tlon wu collcocted uy the l,rillOner; that of lad, lind, from nil aCCOllotll, a rather a ' rather la~ blllck holo, thllt seemed to stockmen, ~ho low, and dR8hed Into a tho~and pieces. and in a carelell8 moment ~he let her lit.- blLtlt" loo bls promise, a Detroit girl a .be I. 8up(lOlled to be the pe~n who gmeelel!!l onc. lend back undcr tbe- rock. He concluded him. They ·had The cot and dog and tbe foee were tie charge 1\111. A young apprentice waY8 illtrOduceabbn tnberfrlendsu" my Ro ffi It Willi hi8 bu ineM, in comp'IDy wlLb the animlll was a wombat that had .noL comiDgin,ad;~~~:i:l~1'l& Dever heard of more; bUL tbe geeae, numed dboroe plun~d Into tile b9 llin,g intended hUA/>&nd." wrote the lettAlrs to Mr. l1li, 0 ering to , halr.a-doU!n other stoCkmen, to watch prc)bablr been oheen'ing him coriously. coming home riderlees bl6118 tbelr Iittlc lleartll woro (ound be- strcom aft41r ber, ami with great 'dimA WOMAN roa)' so far forget hllneU M l oom,romll!G (or f2().OOO, Rn(1 thRt he w~ over a herd of eleven tbouSAnd Mttle, .. I ' ll di~ you but of here aome day," eveaing. low on tbe bank qUietly oiling their culty eaved h r, thu8 eumlng the liCe- to allow a nllLll' to lACe up her bOOtll bein leeguc throughout with ·1tIosber nnel tbat hRd. their pl\8tnrage ' In tho vnUoy of 11'1\8 Billy 8 men.tIIl comment. Tben be So .Billy unlb.~". feathers. Tbeeljigy of Andrew Jackaon long gmtitude of bl8 masler, the, ~rd. forc they UTe mllrried, but after marDouglas. .' a 8mall rivcr called the Wimlm, flowiilg bethought himself of his situntion. and but, either . 11'1\8 al~o found unl.njured-Iike tbe~.el!C Ma}or. Anne grew to be a beautiful rlag ~he att.endll to the laoing benelf. into tho Murray. eat lip to conside.r it. . Be felt hungry re;rllapil - ·t browing bis nrm~ about lind Irnocking womllo, lind, lIij her fath r was very To II dornlng.oeedle once ",clalil.e<!. ib. kllebeDM:rsa MlNIU.l\II, of Story County, Ne'nUl pastlire, or " run," cxtended 'for and by careful tiCBrcb he fouild a few cverish bieknees wgcther in theeddiell. wcoltby, nUl.l1Y noble men, 111~IUdin~ r" You~l.eoy.e.I'OIOI'I.bubrou8b10UrbocJ1,1Ut41"On('arls !llld l.J1I.ronc tt-, lIOught he.r blind. B\I • ...ada, d~r\'ed abetter (lite. Doth her many mi1'811l1loog tbc lIOuth baulr of the dirty crumbs of clamw in hi.1I leather or more. dt!J' how 1.9u Ii '0 I · b d b Ith b covere ea~'''J '1110 Ced,," or LebaDon. sbe loved borne tbe be t, and to al BUllbe noedl. (who ...... Iull'p)·.... plle<l. " ltoa"'TtI arm. were talcn off at once by the Mickle t ream. No {oncelj cnolOtlCd. il. To tbe polich, and ate t elll ooe y ooe. lIOutllward it atreatehed oil to tlle alm()8t Whil" thlls ollgnged, II .warp snapping 111.1. celeurateQ othcr luiton h cr fath r 8I\id "No; ()s."oua.red 0(. reaper. Her father al1d the h~red bouodlE' de8efw o( sand aud "(crub," of t w.igs drew his attention. It o.me ingBlinker a 119nlo won bcr and borne sball bave Tbol> ~obuuD~:::I.W1onobole 1111... 1!' 10U tb_an . . . Wert! paral,. wiLb horror. Mil'!! where. roam the wild black trlbell, tbe nearer. and a mo~enl later there bunt 89, whHehie ~~i::=.~;~;;I:i.;~~~~~J~~~:I her." So be did, alld he . be.1Ilnkle~ quickly Cltllfd to t,.em t:ach to nent:. Tho Btookmen are in t)je .. ddle black paw~, Ilod graYl 'l\'oTll~ bead of. cape Dn~uced 144. fI'i of' this lII.",n18 southem trailing lea."811 t he very .C&III& the .tump' al)o,· tho "ound~ and .. him oLber, our iIIec1 them, wblch tbey dia. he tbtlo aU day IQng, and lead II rough life, full nativ~ dog. ' , Ahight or him, Billy jumped up in , !!!!'!)!!!!!!S and ~lIty 0Tn~h ~ . 1I*&eIJ told \hem to walk her to tho road, ILlld o(advcnt.U16 and peril. day a wild YOUDIf buHock beloDIr' "uddcn apprehen$Ion. Thc dog Inarled, A 0004 (loutrj for tile N~. fBI"famed mountain of'Lebanol). .a n i8 pretty AAnemlly uudentood tbat ilion conllOlatl-on in being bald. t.lte1 obey~1. hc Wa~ tnk(',n home .mll· ing De w Billy's "div.ieion" made a" bolt~' then barked noielly. Immediately there Sierra Leolle II a terrEletri.al paradise WM the time when tile monarcb ofTyre ill order to be lure of a letter going to lng, \he wounds drell8<itl and til poor \.bat' is to lIl! y, be put uil llelld Rod tail, anJ a low peculiar c r),. apparently not for negroes, where the,r havo almoet - ",fOity tOen tbe queen of nOtiOn8~8ent aoy put of the lJnlted Stales! except a Ilead wal' thpolhil~eJbclauub s.thrlekeadocYto°Ur d~,t girl t. goIng to recover. . ut.aered il V1CI0U8 bellow! and dllllbcd 00 a hundred · Yllrda oft. It was ans1!'cred everythln'g their own "IY. In ier~ thon8lluds of hill workmen to felt cedara drop lettt.t, and Clloadn., .1\ tliree cent •• oyer the hills toward t.be IlCrub. In 1\ from all "bout-r<~r' "oooeJ" Leone a negro mlgbt ftlsauLt and balf for Ihc COU8trllction ot the temple of stamp at le!\8t IDUS~ be bed UPOll It. bave to Wllllte auy time ill' cutting hllr A .aBIN'1I nest 19M lately taken from meaint DiUy 11'l1li following him with a Tbe blacks were abroad 011 a hunt. kill a . European, and 01111, be fined a J oirul!ILlem . 'I'holM) who would view the Drop Icttel1!, 8 they lire called , fOr city away from tbe \/found. A PART\: oi'n"turalis\.8 were very much I pear tree in [afl&chul!(Itle.r.be mate- wboop Alld a balloo, hi8 101J~ wbip coHOO, '8illY'1i heart alm ost came .through bis emllll !111m, bnt if a filiget 1ft laid upon a CCd"rd of Lebllnou now . muaL be some- diijtributioll, lequire only a' two-Cent ribe. It he. rRII, ih dug wouJd follow l1egro, the fine II twenty pounde. It is wbat afTecteol br th r. wneljil of t.heir st.alT)p. TillS mU8~ be paid at the bto/l:~n- runuae(l one day lut week, ·by the rial. or whieb it WIUl CQn.tructe<illaving ready for a etiDging CIlIIt. But Lho wily brut e gained covert ill a him, and the whole pack"r Daliljes WOllld no uncommon thine fur a npgro to rollow llUQlber,lllld their d cay und d!l8OlaUon. oing. or ei!e tbe letterdoe8 not .tart. 'lbe 8p«'ctac{e of II 'Viaconeio potato bug jerk. been Mlected with gl'rot tWlte. ItwaM ravine fuJI of tl\nglllcfgl'll8il-tree., wbich SCIOn be a t biM hellls. a white mlLll all ovor the lown Abouting little rem"nu~ is I. ft., aud tbe trll veler regular dODlCl!tic J1O!Itllge is tixed lit tho iog ao ox.cart around a ten.ocre lot in Of", composed of a lady 's collar wIth a cam· led up out of tbe val!ey 00 tOl the. ~rt. lie glllnccd help!CI!sly around. The after him, or Whltenlg~(,r," which 'tbey ga7~s lIpon ~helll wilb II leolillg' that hOll rate of tbree cents ror every half ounce der to get up an appetIte. brie center and IDee etIgillg, Rnd 'eevel'Rl To ~UlII him baclr, Billy 'W8R obll to !\'Clmbf\t bole met biB eye. The blaeh col)sider a moet opptobloU' epithet, and £" It a luuch of ·I!llduel!ll. All tbrollgb or any fractIon thereof. So long 1\8 one Au, bacbclol'il are uot entlrelyloet to yardi of laee t wo alld. four Inchl'l wIde. Dl,ake a longckwur.over tboblllll. p tbe wllre coming. 'Chere wlUl no time \0 dnnchig around with menacing gt'Ituree. the Midlli e Ages a v~it to t.he cod"", of rate or three cents i ll pald,l\ lctwr, no tbe re/Jnement of HIInLiment, for the 101The neet had evidently been nbandoned meantime the bullock returned to tbe think twicc. BilLy instaDtly reaolve.d to All this is done in a/rdEIt to mllke the Leb.'Loon was regllrded by many s;:;r<!OnB matter how mucb over an ounce it may lowing !,of\8t "all lately given by one of me of weigb will be forwlIl'lloo,alld the balnulle them at a p~bli\l diD ocr : "The IadleatIty tho OCCUPIlOt, whOll6 incOme WI\8 prob- plain and I'1\n £rom thicket to thicket, tako his cbnnCC!ll with the wambal.ll, and "white nhlger" 1_ hill ~mp\!r nnd in tb o Iigb t of a pilgrimage. · • strike tbe .''tbIRCK gent!llIDaD," in wbic11 the tree were thought to bavtl been wilf be collected on its deJlvery. \:iot Sweet bricr~ I'n 'tho go.rclen of ,ife I" ably not ~u/Ji'cieut to ju@tify living 10 ilartlD~ in and out of the tangled IICrub, dived into th hulo. where l~ w~ ill1polJl!ible to follow him on Thc dog snapped Rnd tore at hi. boot&, C&I!6 lhe latter immedl"tely takt!f!· out a plan~d bv King SOloOloo himself, ao.d 110 however. WiLh IICWl!pepel'll 'o r other , luch a etyle as would be required in 8ucll horsebaok. but be worm d his WRy in. Tbe hole led summons arhllt hill AlllBallant, who is \Yore loolecil upOn as eaered relics. In· cl:11IS of mail matter, and hero is just TUE }lorristo".n Heral4: They talk a coetlr residence. Haifa score of mil66 arellOOu gone over straig ht back under the rock eight-ur. teo mu1cted.ou of twenty poul)ds. As " deed , ti.c ,'Iiiit.ors t.ook away 80 many. where the . public docs not seem to be of building 11 menument to John Smith in sueh II. chaae. 'T he half·wild Au trallan feet, l11to the 'ery heart of the hillock, lafl!:e proportion of the floe ~ Into the pleoos of wood (rolO tho baric, of which 8u8iciently Informed. By act of Lbe Iut ill, Virginin. We havtl 1\ vagu~ recolleoWB~T remarhblo strides we are mak· cottle are very fleet, and havoremark.ble where it expanded into a 110ft of den, l1li pocket of the peraon ueaulted, many of to make cro_ IIlld othe r artlcletl, tba" Congl'Wl tho J>OI!tRge u(lon nU domestic tloo of lICeiog thllt. name befQret b~t we ing in ~he lucrell8ll in our domcatic ell' endurance i but Billy overtook the run- bill Ill! a bllk.er'iI o'l'en. thllllC •• black gentlemen" find that it ie iL WIIa feared Lbe treo would bode troyed. mail maher or th IICcoad or third cl888, dldu't know the gcDtJemuu WIUI aead. Seeing him cowing, tbe wombatll more profitable to provoke white men to Tho ore maguificellt grove is buL a 8peck Includiogtrllu8ien t ncwl!pI\p'ors, W!\8 8~ea PJLCUER WJOKER BRINsON FJlA.lf1tporte of produce ill shOll' n by a little away at lnet. Tired Qut and .breatbICl!lll, atatement jUlt ilimed by tbe dl.atistlcal tlle stecr stumbled and foil heavily. 8uijJcd n ..illity, and went scrambling at rike them thllll to wo:r1l: (or a living. 0h~vct.~~. ":no~ni~it~:~~ian~~llbr ~= Ilt one cent per OUlloo, aDl11II1l1l C8II6S to LIN L~ BE.Urn ABD JAOXSON SWA.lY There he lay palJlitaLlng, wi th til whi tea fnrtber baclr under the hHlock. Here 1n thiK negro rI Utopia," instead of the .• u.'" be fully propaid or oot forwarded. .EsTES DoA DON, iSIl ybung man wbo Iivee h!Bureau. In tb e Aecal yenr which ended of his wicked httle l'yes glaring at his 8.i11y IlI\d the I!l\Usfact!onoC being able to ncgro being the mil!ll rllblj~ d~wn.trodde.n of fit·t fC6ll; but on approaching ncarer When this law fil'l!t went inlo effect, Geot:ghl, nnd hili the good lienee to IeJune 8 , 1 '7:1, tho 1ft t yl'lr of which pursuer. . tum over. wrelch he is gjJnemlly deplclAlll, be I~ a nd taking n clulICr view, the tre resume a pril18t of tbls yellr, it WM I!CIlrcely du ce the fo repart of his Imine lo si~J'le tbat Bureau hf\8 rondo lip filII retufll8, "I'll teaeh you a lellllOn I" cried Billy, 'fhe dog wlIII stiU worrying his heels ; tbe great man to whum tb wblteR Illl11!t IlOm wba t. oftbl,lr 811Ci cllt mnjes y . The hceded by tho mnJority of the public. "Eates." THEY eavH YOIl want a free fight while . the domcstic oKports nmlluntcd In ~pecie gallopinlr alongt!ide lind leapiog off ,his but taking a atone, he struck at the defer. It il! llot surprlsi~.g, after all, that space they cover 18 not moro tbrm Ijlll! n As a conllequenee, for a 10llg thllO the i' h f1 W t muet l1nd value to over MOl mill. ion ~ of dollars. hol'llO. N I'll tale the quirkll out of YOII, brute's head with 8uch Illl'ect tba.t it the lIegro ~hould be inHaLed witb ideM mil e ; bu~ onccamid 8t lhem, th e beauti- official8 at the BrooklIn poatoffice, IInder of hill QWU importance. He llees a large ful fllu·like branohes overhcad, the ex· strict ordcrs from tbel.'01Itw8\lter.Oeueradl !rG~~:~r !~c! O~ld8eh~V~0~0 d~va8For tho corresponding 1I11t'1I1 year of the .ir I" ·nod the ' heavy huh com() cruelly backed blUltUy out] howli'nj; with pain. down ",ith allOundillg crack, which mllde Meanwhile, be l1cord a Jabbering out- fleet kept up {or tbe pUfJpo8e of prevent- Quisite green of tbe younger trees, and at WllIlhi ngton, retained and det\troye tilted by gJ'Ullhoppers nnd coogratulate , previoll~ ciecadl',.thRt ('nding June 80, tho h8ir fly up tn a long line, and drew a side. The. blacks had come "l'. !:!everal Ing hie countrymen beilng carried into tbe colO881\\ 817.0 ofthe olderonllt\, fill tbe every day about one bundred JlOlInd~ of him on havlog die........;! of bie crop wi\h18&i, the _pecie value of the exportll "al wild oollow of ""in froUl tbe prostrat.e other do- 'r"shed 8UCce i"ely into the Ila,'ery', he knowe that.. tbe COlony of mind witb Interest and admiration. The newsp0fo;rs. After II while, aod by COli' I ' t t· ...--- r 'ddlelilln .... "~. .. at dl···p""ar·ln<l e or' to I'n~orm tbe public thro~h out t 18 10 enoo Ion 0 a nu • but 148! millillns. Hero ie an Increase an.i mal. hole, buL on gcttiDY Witb'10 raoge 0 r ierra Leolle is mdntain,ed 1101cJ.tO y rJr t h e t fOOIJ 8 r 0 'I.... ~ ..' .,. from the face ~otau'.." 'lhe wild, ro\lgh boy ),ad no pity in his Billy's henvy boot·heel, bent a ~pecdy benefit of bl, liberated compatriots, hc of the earLh. F..ach @ ucceedlug traveler notices plaood In conspicuous placea, e 60MB months ago, on Oregon named or moni thaD three-fold In ten years. henrt. · One stroke by no Olean Ilatisfied retrent. eees and mi1l68 with the mi158lonnrics, finds tbem {ewe.r ill number than hie mte of dostruction was decreaeed. At his girl baby after Queen Victoria, and Tbere Ie no need to-remnrk. that he and. being Ignorant lIud naturally vain, predeco!!llO r. Thero are now but !Oven of the preseut time only' about twenty·five wrotAl to the Queeo to tbat effect. No~ . ']ill; total illcreK of tonnage which hill temper. A score of IlIIb(\ feU f88t piII!IIed lhrough th 'ur ll Cllnllllaet year, and heavy, and whell his MOl ached, he Ii~tened intently to h!!llr wbat the natives ho imagines that inee "hite men take tho cednr remaining. wll":I1, from thclr pounds are destroyed daily. It Is thou,ht hearing from Her Majesty he changed rtaled a few momentll, tben commenced wero about. Thtoy were chatterin~ 110 much trouble about him he mUBt be age anti I'xporieoc/l. indicolCS that they' by A158ietant l'OO!tmR8ter Brown t.hat be- th chlld'lI name to Hannah, aDd went All compared with 18711, wa . 392,229 tone, afr~ i and, to tell the trutb, kept flog- eagerly, but io n jargon quite unintelJigl' a perllOn of Immenl6 im)1ortaooo. There hlld an exi8tence in Bible dayll. (ore tile y!!llr i~ over the rate of dcstruc· out anel pounded thefirst Euglishman he of which 202,005 wt're Drhil!b. The ging the poor animal till the bllir WI\8 ble. are many excellent and ploua millsion· tlon will be till further reduced-even JIIet. mercantile AeeLof England enrried], UB,- nearly 1111 oft'its back, and not only tbe . Prelll\otl, the hole darkened. Bome- ariell, but, IInfortunatel:" the spectacle (lurions Namerleal 801a0088. down 10 II ve or ten pounds per diem. SUOIeo 10100 bop tbo cloud.lrom .alaiD' 9~9 ton , n~ aglliullt 892,1149 tone 'under bll'ir, but the bide with it. th'lnf..bAd been I,UAbed u~ iDtO the of tne IOCtarian divilrilll18 carried out The Illngth of a IIOlar " OIlr is 806.242 W....k lullo tbe ll\c1bl)tl~.oomplalD1... t __ r '--" 1 J f • PheDomeaon. the luI< Itlld ' ibo ioU rlltla IDe 1--1Il JOl t lit. thi~ IItllge or tile perform~n~, mout of it., At nt Billy ought th,t tbere from Europe haa bAd a ..... reau t daye. Singularl, enougb t the length 0 A . Tbroulb OIlh., the flagtI .,f all other n"liOlls. Belgium, A curiolil pbenomenon frequently 'm et Yetdut,I!IO'" aear,for b.or Denmark and Japan hnd coch' one ship. an unexpected event ~appened. BI.lIl, 8 the b laett. were .topping it up; but a in !!Ome res~~ What .' the negro to a degree of longl~ude at toe eqllator-as I.... PortuSli1 til reI', nlillSill V(/Jl, lmd all tbe 'h one-a nat.lve-bred and a rather Wild momen~ aner an omlpoUII crackling, ae- think of Ohriatianlty wi en be eeea mis· tl\ken from, the printed geodetio.l tablel wIth In tbe Indian OCean, the real cause AJld wlloolo..... lttOft.er fat I creature, n ..med Blinker-ftndin~ his compaJLied by a smothered roaring, be- ~ionaril!ll of the VariOUI ehurchet con· oCtbe Britlllh ordnance u"e,.-II005.284 of wbich bu not been lIIIC4!rt&\ned, is t~e J.:'ch urI bu lOIn. pr\!IO 101' plDI... 1 DatiOnS whl II hn,'e plfrt" on thc Mclliter· m8ilt~r'!! Attention occupied, conclu ed to gIIn The nativet had 1,laccd n fire lit tlnuallYllCJuabbling among themllelvegT- feet; 80 th .. t If the length of a degree of exillt.enee oft' Malabar, and in ce~\lI tC:":=t~':;"r~,!foo~~: l~~:C.J.,er I l raJiean 'MbolY a dfCfcoee from the Pfaced- forage for bimsiM, and !!O trotLed briskly the 'entrance ot· the burrow. Gooi- lVord~. the equator DO diVided by tho number or spote aloDg the Coromandel cout, of va It For tbelalerol God 10 ••..., .. bm, in« year wbich 8Ilt'ms to indicate tbllt awa,.. No very. JtOOd understanding ex· It Ilaahed to Billy'" mind that be had IN -ba-t---.-o l-n-' --n-d-ed - ·fiora very 'prettI daylln the year, it will ,ive one thou· mild blink!!, nnd of tracts of mud Wbenl,ll.a.,..... da""I ....4""'alDI. ral British fthlpe ()(\mpct<l M\lCC (ully with ilted between BIUy and Blln r. There heard tlmt tbenatlves captured wombatll ""_... ted Mnd feot, or, more ex&etly, 999.977, 8uspeDlled in thOlea, wherein manyk.inds WRAT iB oharaeterT It 18 the 010 frequently arOl!6 IIntagooism betwixt by lIlItolring them out I An agony of apeecli a ,reat blu~der wMperpetm which would give the foot within one of fi8h find abundance of food, Immunity mark by what we diaUnguUh one maD the vellK'ld of th09C Dations' them, which. BiUygeoerally eottled with t.error HIIized hIm. Ten tlmCII rather by a digmtary of the churcli, who '19M thoUl!Rndth part or no ineb, a quantity from much disturbance in the surround· from another. A man', charaeter 11 , would he hllve preferred a race oil the asked to marry a · yO\l1ll couple In a which can not be _n or dlsU nguiilhed ing element, and place in which to within him. It ill true hili ~putetloo IT is roported that one of the tabletll a few lIO\lnd cutll ofbl wh!p. The hone took no notice of BUly" open plain with tbewhole tribe after him. country place wbere hel hapP!lned to be by the ordinary meanll. breed. The elllct caU" of tbe existence may-flay, doel!, depend uPO!l public recently discovered in the flIcovationl angry Bhout of "Whoa, Blinkerl" other . ' . 1r ked back auving) aod wu alllO called UPOIl to Again, the length of a degree of IAU. of these large tracts ohea wherein mud opinion i but theformatlo/lDf hi' chaJ1u>at Pompeii.. contained Illia Inaerlption tban to dlapl&y both ble hind hoofs, and At fint only httle IIlItO e wor propGIII the bealth of t.he bride and tude at the centfal point of the Britlllh remains io IIOlution Is 8till a myet.ery, teLdependl upon hiJDJeU. "Written by Marcue AlJelU8 arpUI, the move awa~' at increased speed. .toi"bhtore:e la,., an~o!~i:OpedM!::i!: bridegroom at the. lftlbeequ8n~lobreilifi&8t. lallLIlda ill, eingul~ly enuughj.foOUd to but at any rate the tracts are so smooth "PD.OI!I d'- Dot dwell in outward n·III.". t - - down hie whip and Bet m g "e - p e au . n.. .. To lum up ali .our ""'lOll w1 .... ell or th e be 0" ".242 fieet, and the lengt of a d- th t duri tI eheigh' of the lIOuth """ W 8\h day of the Jtalen~ fl of J lily ; •.Qulnlua 6 . . . '0" h d hea the b'A ~L. -Loutln& aln~ h 0'1 i'-" ovv ~a .even ng ' . thl'n-, but" -ithl'n the ..., - '01. e may b'l- ' '' thI -8teed,uhortln,hllll e ()ou r ow .. lUI •• I - barap'" .... Ir w om we lave _n un --. d ured th t I r _ I. l'Ar .._ Volnalus Saturniue and Pnbliue Come- offaf'-r "" 0 IAI ~ I d be tI the roc'' tbe r • r i greo of latl"O e ' meae on a parw-t mo. n llOOn. v _ 8 can run lor ...... e.., pr~rve i' In til" mi"-tof the bi.te..... . . a ~g on '" "Iv th I momlng," he laia in. conclUlljoo, • , ~O . 'd d th re 88 ~ • ,,\UI • ..,.. to '•.top, in 'yery strong tetmL But ngt ~n IlUi belli Con~u 18 [56 arh r I. 0.] 1 have IlUdi· to {rIghten out the wombate, I d be th ' allel divided by the number of day8 In into their mt ~t, an once cre a "Aln if your:wlll remaiD' firm ud IU~ BUnker, having JOt t.he ItRrt, kept It, W 11..., 'd '. had id " we can not, am .on~, 0 tter an the ''lear, "'vet! exactly one thoullAnd m(e u when in breakwater. ml""'I:-'v. ~ D......_ I'n ..... life .....l~ fiom received from Lueius C cillu! IneuodUll and the bOy IIOOn Joet IliBht. o( him amidst probabl,., for tbey e"l entLY no ea ellp~ a deelre that the retlult of their ... 181 ", ... _ .... -r........ 1~ 1e'~rcetI in lull, money owl", to the thieJrets and Mnd·!tiIolk that there. " .. larger game in the burrow. uulon may pron .td~,o, ana1aaoue to feeTht. ere is, or coune, no """";ble COD06Ch acquieacence enn in dil8lt~bJe &hInJI, . me on the contnct made or .tipulated . To add to the lad's iiliJOomfort, a AI ICOn u \he lint bundle of JeaYM that or the J!UUw of the, fair "'bride." Uon botwoon the num~;;;f days io a al~ll=-:Ntt!a::~~rt::~ :h: not In elleDIptlonlrom aUlrerin,. by him. Madeat Pompeii." uppoaiug "lOud" had arisen. It bepn to rain and gram w~ burned out, anotber WM Whereupon the "lair b,rido" .went hito year and the numbel' of f~t in a dtgree other moming. of the burnhig of' the IT requlJ'fll nicedleeriminatioD toj.-Jy We to be gtnuin it DlRy l'tUIt light on furlou@l,. To etcape a drenching, he brought. Billy now \hough~ 01 driVirifc hyeterlee, \he bridecroQaa'. elf. ftaahed of latitude or longitude. NeyertheIeta, Hawk.Efe 'Inmop, the lIremau, anxlou8 under a gra..tree, tho long, droop- out the. wo~bate, and of .vlng him. f dagenl tbe brid_aid. colored and alter a Iapae of a few thou8lllld yean, the not to excite .. old Tom," the hufIIO taat draw the linOl of demarkUiOtl beiwwa the mAunr in which the nnllieDt Boman creft ing.leav68ofwldchdepended nearly to the by eacrif)clng \hem. But. on hiM tQlng lool(ed Gown, and the mater or the houee IOlen""c 'ravel6r firom New Zealand ma" I ' " __ " I h the 6rmDell and blgotr1, ' prud_ . . . banken admini.~red money and credit. round . to Belie \he animal. \hey retJelted Into blew ht. ~ .ioleotl,. He whQ h.a w.u. ~ 11 ., t'- 11'118110 bacll! DJIUlN n t 0 runaway meann- b'&'ler, and .rrap~ ~ '--, I ___ But the blellds properly, were the first I It con' tinued .- -'n-Mit -'ne onl~in _aIler holea leading ' 011 from ~be main eaueed all t.hia comm.oijoll wi..~ ..~ pay the Brlt.i.h Lbe 8&IIIe compmeD , In othcr nigll', quletly 100 the hol'll6ll out to W raJ... h It 1m ....._bl to b e1d h'torn wblch lOme Eng!iBh lIQientlftc tray- their pIaees without ~ppinl the bellJ,. II I~ ' and "tl _ - . eau 01 the month, And hi July lobe non8llbe- AUlltra11&-foran hourQr 1.11'0• .A. yio ent den, w ere "III mt'" 0 reac do'\!'n and h ... peace, won~ nl at elen' have paId tbe ,l!jgyptian"l and a ... is ueually don\! on IUch OCIlaIIlons. vld cowardice, dignity and ,~. . ' • Ute elect or hie innooeD' eompUmeot ,t o tribute to IIClent.Uie rellnement. that Tom 8'-"''' in hil tall and "ltneBled the Wbeo a low nature. Qr u ....,na' Ian on the 7tb,IIO tbo the 8th da, olthe wind drove the blind IDill abeetll or water. them. . Gradualll the Imoke Io\lnd ·1&4 way the hOlt ud h-*- Be - , however, " d tal""'" <1_.' hae .uddeoly beeome rTClb, beol BI'lIy cOuld only remalu where, be WAl, Jralellds would be In tbo limbo where and walt for the ebower to pall. Whe\l back into \he burrowl.Let by holdiDg found OIIe to enlip1en him. "She I. which il sImply a eunou. aC<:1 eD p1'OC664linrr with a kind of stu.pe....... the "hanDel and ...... the Gre.!k hlon(le IIfC (lOpul.,ly IUP- at length the tornado alacuned. It. willi hll lace oloeo 'do~ to e e&rtb, Billy IIOt their da~ at all," hli 'Infermant agreement in llUmbera. :~reO(ID~~tI tc:,:A!~~!"r:." ~~ -wll:k,!iae. or foU,.. Wbea IlII!tbJer poaed to be 1Iled &II a mea&ure of time. latAlln the aftemooD and owin, to the manapd to brea ,~_But It grew more explaIned," t a niece who came &0 NoaWlOH BlIlkti,,; P'-Dgeraon We bitched In bia place In front of t.heeteam· no' bu, a'" bntl'1.... black, rolling eloucl~ Itwa. raptdl!~h~: !:-;'iftI~:y:t"li': IDIb-,:~d ~ live with them whell her fathe. and Northern road are probably the c1eaneet er, and then, raivy roaming with rapat he . . . . . . . . . . . . THKlIE are over 2,700 Yarledee 01 ap- in, dalL The boy CIfeIIt out JIVIII . . L~rrlb" .. _.?."' ....... him ._ .L_ ,___ mother were di,on:ed'" .• 01_ of ~¥elen in the "orld. We lofer beln.. thUI d i ;;n1aOOd, be p'Ie &. &lte _L lte Ii 'Ier aDd l'6t.oI'l~ a JO DV . . -... lU ..... ...,.,. l1li at ~ lrom thefact thatllbooia ... -!'.. ..6.1 pIee Imowa by onr 1,800 DIUIMII, 2,000 ~nc):~~ ~~t if he would reaeb the UDder ardlD." d!!.ft)-~rJe~ I A dll8lle hu brokm &I!ODC 110 Bible. were placed 10 raeb In the :~:.eJui:af~o;o:r"'hli ancl pean, 200 01 cberne., 11\0 01 plu... 800 of our II&tive ,rapel, 00 of ounutl. iuebe \hat Dlgllt he had no time &0 10& lUre \hat Billy . . ...... _lbr the acccomDlOdadon 01 the ~1I11c, CIUIIe churlng oot with hi' mo.&It wide r.ra.,..... lit ~ ~..!~~ Mrl_~·Orl.. ~~ dllcti Kla ~&4 'were oocop\ed ra~r thO\llbt be w.. at death • door. 8a1lbca- -- • ua - . -l - &ad tcMIa1 &be, are u IreIb ud lind boiled n - - I 1181. 80 or ~rrlea, aceordlal to I coaa"l11 upol __ lIP' 1--' he mean' to "on bad itl fearful pip on Ida throat. Ia . , . .lit of WbeD .aIUed,.. whea tltel left &be pab:ilben. and """"'II~ diU h-.eward, .. 0 lAIrd," he oriecl oat. ... -- . . fIrooIou .. i' • • DO' lUi III. Utat III a little into the dirt, .. take III..... or .aUIIU 1.... 1d 10 ltaft abantfoaed her ... -of . . 'l'IR ....tor or I- eo.~ - I,118..W 0 dear Lord. ~t out tbi' 011\ ~ witla die Va&leu,la ~ .... II"!" 01 .... !lUe. witIla
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. D. ad 11 er h 1>00 ht tI. i A. hoD IlIADl ' 31., . 0 , 1 CharI and ~n,()d,i. I. II. AIIII'llIll'1I Oklrrel lOare. 10 &he . - It Itrik ID that B A ~-t·d.• no' __ 1:_ th , r-... 10earl, 1toIt, Jul s-tunt. , 3 t II Ilftr. 01'l'O.. arran conntv 110 -I' ' I - " . . , . tiual I r • . • t.ua v ~ naa_ 11...,.. wndt. ~", . ,, ', 10f holena I nfiutum, Jui' 31-1: - ~I .' aUIII "' UI~1 1 v tho . one· , tok Deyerge lonelOmelorthe ,l&eIIdotgiviDitbeir ]ll'p-r liriog"'Ii- ~~~ __ ___ • __ . • ,I , 6. .. ' 0 , t 1 75. ~'Cl 1U month alld ' ) 1 da" _ her,;t t\!r, ll~ B. 8 , nay . w 1" Town blr. wa nt of oompaD, at I ' On ad rei ing patronap. they pe~ 1 Go tp the F.ir U' t w !Ok , , h. ~1hI \~. 1001 . . . N~. " lIe Wat! luid UWIlY to re t, ; bOOth -Mr JII ob Itamlan visited P ut· 10W Itooda, to· Sanday he orNonded b yan bap' give it none; ind it a levee '!'~!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!"!!~----"""'!!!!9. _I " ....w_~_ 0 1 "• 0 JI '" A~u tIt. ' ill Hay, Ma ,mically. IWlt wec!k. nl k nJ 10.. Ott~:1 r bit 8011 in·lu.... FAq. has. or en"'rtai nment is gut up in the l -PBOD1JCE BKET. .. . " .. " . . '" 0 , ,, . , 1100 1&.. t till E J R'II y, an d W 1\11 • I l~~, I I ....~ , M "I Q At'tI. 7.:'" ... II , .' , ~ lOong til li tt I . mil' . \\ el t - ~J r. id ,,,011 TI1~' l o r hIlS de· " l!)i, . ,,~. t Ie pa~r 1. e-y-..... to 0 0P Lt. , .\t.M I' • •t rI" Ii belll\'oo Ilnd t utl rho clll ri h~.J \ l'lI'l ,·U iu lu 11 ra g- we '11 Ilhj~ ,t. T 11bbal ,wh t Id m 1 erred when llee It fur uO&.h mg. &n.oMll by 11cJ.e.. .pall!. r. ,1ft" EIr .,. ,,~ , . .. • , 0 , Ifl . ' ., It Mn bask t mUS8 1 said h wold tel "'-h ) t i N ' t' II t l tro " .\ ht .,"' ..... :1 . 141 p . , '0. 14 who hant been tllk ~ 1 I~W,l y, 11 1111' - lhe l{c\,. J uhn Pear VII lUl d mectill t . . I 110 lUi as ow I .. I pa nage a pa~r F Ut;. oTt1Iil' II 11'" 40 , t~1 P on II,",al. wore ,'('r deRrur tlmu litt Ie A I \" 11 , f.;m it y IIII ,. , 'C ll gUl! t uf l\lI'. I ~ ~ o!f ntxt . at urday ~OIlday. . He did cutch 0110 s un, \cllo x c~ HI thai . f the ,Iocahty lour, 1 ~ , " I E. , ~n" ~o 'i w,· t c'n ry ' he 0I~1I. 1 Among t h lIlan b Ill ' du. rkc lll'd A . L , b'a l'l'. I. , n Ie nCIIJ I top~c of c II ' tis h, tb SIZO of a amul1 button· Ifor wh IDwr tit worlu, It would W heat., old . 60 to 1 2 TI'l~lb' 0 • • 1 . nd 6 M'n o n undo! ,. b ' dcnth Ilun e ur' llIore .1(' IIla t ' _ :'II D d ' , ,ycn~tlOn tb w k. 1 ~ IJwct· hvle; tw~ baac!, ou with the other m Ihat vory one sbould give it 'Wheat, w. 65 III I. .;.~ 7 rll ll d~l!,. , . than tIle one Int I bri"h tl' lIC11 " . ',,~" r '. u oj 8tul r IU~ I~ !lIg IS look a i'O h) '~'Ith K':"Qt WGu!d W 19b I t han u uDd , the ud" 'rt i illg that legitima tely B y , 60 tI 0 J , : r KT ';i'I'&)". r!aht Agent, b v Uti pr 'ciou bud of I~r mi \l, ntlli . / ~,a~y Ir\ t\ grnlld VI IIl1lg IIlt~l'eII~ and ry dro~t Iii nllt klllg and no~,' II w.cuI'll the belt a lh e buhlUWl tit, IUK! not try to get it Corn 2~ @.o 'BO ~. 1' 1LES. £.1' A/t ~. ~' ith hi mild arel I 0 IIq 1\ tile. toll ," nrc- a , good tI me. I n or- gr t pI cut rlu! rllDlbl r f Ridge- without pay ing lor it. Th ere is a ~t&; Mall. fr . \." t ft ll4 ~or~hf'lo,e " t ~ OO" . L gt' P , I WR" U!l. - ~I rt!. 'th " . Bl'vwn will Itt· tlcrto I1vuid 1.111 clu;lh or eli 111,.1ville. H. A, tuk " yon m ust clll88 oi' pi t bat G""'m be F laxSeed, 1 26• •• aM fbr W. t alld (>ulh .. t I . 1It ~. '" av n te-tu tlll'!II, I' t J I dd ' f I ' . ' . I . BarIey, t 25- ~ 1 60 .\ . L , FA I It. I , M. P P CCILI Hible. ev II III r t\lall hi "II ,' , ,! ' , 'Ug II 11 ro I1tlVO III POlII l lI,ICII.t, . 18 commIt! 0 VIS rt;mcmber. I t h D emocratic ('un· grudg every dollar that goes to • 40 W A 1'J • • "Ii:L .1 • puruute, hi re e ll e wa a ontin. III Cllll1l1tl W· ·k. ' ' . ItOlI .o!",CIII hut we ~ and mAde dld ate '?r ounty Trea urer, and ~ hei r Jool11 1~II[1er; and Btill borrow I ~~tatOOl, 7 00 . -oal ource cOIllJort a mi d Ii -I I -~Ir, harl , W llhlllll 0 11 pc 1111 arran IlICIlt. Ith (l oYer' l wea hiS hon I lUI \xx:omel h the It and I'eIld It, und are the sever t l v lover 8 , 4 "ftl . D ' )I ~Tr.<O (tIi ," At ,- Veellnll' .Bot it itl hard to Y \\'1 ' cl J.: I • i ' tllk i ng II CU III ~ ut hicklwing'" llur N l'Y tI atHIll on. TL . L. Y\lung lIext Trea urer. If h is not lact· critics 0 1' th hortcomings. T imothy Seed ~!,~i~n:,:;h:.':, ";l r~.~~ A~i!:D'!~ loved him b st, who WUtl liS II :~III A' Id l' my, 'i ll iU lln-li. to .I~ on It II !lud . uddre ~ IhU C<J, it will. be n. tiln lt o~ onrs, T he pubJi ber has to ' pay ~or Cannel 00aI, deli vered , 8 8cbool "t 11 1-2 0'01 A. . helo,'cd by a'll. . -~1 · rs, I" lC Ui ne and R.,L, Ilwctaug. I , .tb~.r pr 111111 nt - I, uotle d In tmvellllg aroa nd, ,Ia. r IUI~ pl1~ r, and every UOtice Yonf~lio~:iI' ~ 21) FRrKl!l) .' )hln'fSO tOrlhod :r). - lreet. Their " Cat'" ~'cul do wn h, l it ~I .I\~" II" crt J c h, .,1' X enia, \\' 'r Aile l pcnkor ba ve l:>ecn Invl loo , ulld x , a greut dcul of "fox,tail " gru 01 uny. k lU d , an the nature of an H oo 1~ Ie!, 16t In tor dl vl,!9 ...onohlp e'. ~~{Ir.~~!~~!h hIm, e ur .\ lr. My~r) ,It t wc k. p ect \lJ be P ~llt. 1Vvrkmcll ha\'e being put lip UB huy . I t t nrns ulh 'ostlS ment, he ought to have Perry oonty Coal, 16t n"y.00""I"~t)ilnl'':! '''It. lltt aU a. ' .' Y And ~he world looked .. d. nnd coM . 11 1111 ' [ ' .1 J beell ng a&edt t h PI,t two duy , lout nobly anti supplics a pluce hi lt ]Jay for. He bas to g et his Salt, er barrel, g 00 ... 0 ~ , •. 111111. - l' Ill. II un tunos a ll u • 118· I " ~ d ' II ' f . . . W ool 4:(} ® 4: 11', E , 0 " 11 II -~be Rev. C, FurS'" n, \fboll .' he 1i1 ~l e on~, pur.'. ',nd "ri~ "', II lIoJ WI' " ' illi Baines rotllrued on c . a ran,g up ~ groun a, .rcarran. made v aca~t by th ~ exc. Bive rai ns vlIIg ou t 0 IllS ,ad, e rtls~ug . ~I. • 5 r~ r. OivimHornno nn lIuda)" M 10 fll... ~J nu ' Y to j I '1 d I I ' glllg t Ie HI thll Ilmplll theatcr, we bad durlllg hay tng,tllne. \,Ilnns, lind uny aootety or lodlVld Turnips, 40 l ·il o· Irc1c A. ~" and 7 1·2 1'. 101. ..booth W". I Id, in hi ~ . il"ul white".IlI, rb." ,. . I "U I) P 1111. . nlarg in, 8peakers platform - M S I G I . . \lal ca n wi th as much propriety A ppl , bnr reJ, 3 50 to 4 tiO 11 ••hnnl d:! 1. ] ' , M. No nner III fo rm . halllbe I'ehold ' - Mrs. E . A , Dudley WIlS t h a ud the IDa,' lItauda. 'l'lie me t· v' n r. I Blnue ra IIlm IS 1m· beg fiv d Vrr ll1'8 from a ny other Apples ~ bus hel, 1 25 to 1 5 II ouly and Inst all pro ~g s ~~ M C f individua l, Il8 to u peQt it gratuit, BUgs, 7 ~o P C:!,11 Ti>I~ OlfVK~~;;;;~~d t'i.o'\~':"~!d Wben prin budd lIl'G1,k iliu!ugl, lb; fr",I, purelll!. , r ~I' hCI' , lut" hu bauu's lpte .n.iraPLoM.,..;"~)' "l'•"Iv"""h III nth. LoM'. darlr mo,d lion und lut; \>I'IC 181S0. oay. ~. ona an c Ul'( y .was oUoly or u newspaper. WII". ~ -=ytlle -.rae... II Ilord'a-d '1'0 I;l'('e& Ih n rll.1 bhd ~ , nor .... h n M 1:.1 K ' • . taken SIck a bout a lUonth BII\OO A • ... " "1 Snhool a~ .. 00 OIl, Y ry ay Tb" BlImmer du w~r • •1..11 bloom ~gu lJl a:ltur ,l llrry . I rvlO left - At thelr Igular tnocll ng. IllSt ' th d ' " 1 to t b ny Ula n who does no' think B utter 15 r ..o"min . B m 111) 011 h i llul d liIll b I ' II . to duy Ii" Ciuci uunti, where he week , the Q4nlcH roo ived senl d ~~ a 'l !I!:&i' SIGI ~r h e ~e enong h ot bis town paper, and Lard 17, w .;!!:r-a::::or:· :r:; :-'nd s:::Ma~ "orlft:~e;r:Uw~ b: r Jr~:mw:bl!~ ther If e will tip li d ~he r ~t of th is w k , propoenls for fUl'n isbing lUuteriul~ r Wt C ra am as n e very trader who doea not beheve EJma 11 and Bn~rl""10 e.oh month. Elder EII"p ,~V~en. far he: ond. i~ th~ pl.au " ":';, " - Mr. a lld ~I r , S. E. Elliott alld th lH~'iW!1 of a uew ng inc. SIlC ; ong M s u e.rer. . in ad vertisi llg, should move into · Olieeae 18 Glheun, P M r, 1 b':,,':c'.cd. who hal c gon h COla. ' Lho)' will IlU llnd t he wedding of Mr. h unso IlDd fi renl li S hall. ']the con. -;- r. , . om s ~11vers mak~ some town where they have no Hama, 1~ ', !'ARMItRII· GIlAl'lOK. Nu, HI. P"trnnlor , ' B lliutttl con in in Cincillltnti tl'nct w as lc& to Mr Al f Ed wards s mIles ooeaEllonall y near onr VII· pap r. Dried Beef., no &10 OJ< ' 1111 bAndry; WlllInm Oor"ell. V.Ator, K eet 0 I I h~ /I ' . . . . , , lage ~ 1iI '=' ~v I. Odd re\l!lWll' H"lI 011 t he nd S~turday ~. t )@l\, n, t . eld~ 01 li nd "Innm. wcuk. a t 1 ~75 . 8e<lUrl ty Willi I\sked and . • • • IOXLY .f 8Mlb month, at 7 o'olock p .m .. and ?n tbko T::'/;b:,:t~':dltrn~II~~~ tp~~~:,:'~~~\'~i,~~ I ,- AI r W . J . lryi n Imont III t p rtltn ptly g i.elli. l 'he building i8 - "F urg oBon" , geologies our MW EAKLY AltO Sb P EB80 HS.'inr"'. tbnrth Saturday of eMh raonih a il 001011 , Oowe' 8 ,S tl . 'I ' I ~{ , d to be CI'eCted on S outh st reet on lot creekll and raV1D1l8 freqnent.ly un y persooa w 0 are wook and .. p 1I U ST, MA.RY'I! P. F., OUURCJt - Comer.of Thill abloe. for .y~,ln Ihe hrllVculv oo lvOr., '1 IUY III 11 . pace: a n . rel.tnr?1 fi lrnll'rl v ownecil by E J Babi~ fin d ing pecimeus of wbich R olla sickl y Ilt t his season of the year -----l l Third and lliami treet.., Djvlne acnloe 0 '" /J (lilt ay mornlllg, WI I I liS IIml y, , . . . . k ... F ' re ut a I .~ to k w -- bat '11 lIS .!IIt II ail ' 6 , tve Sunda), at . p, m, Sund"Y'lOliool at .. U 1II ".n ", to the cit .. Th e pceificatiooll reqnire·a briok UOWtI no name .lor. llrg. IS /lOW t \ . . ':" n? w WI .,; DE! · , J b.ild ing 28x60, d ouble walls, tWQ' np .uear Ctlntrev!110 trying to be- res tore th Ir health . . It has }l\tely .. ci. p. ~ci.ci. "" l VALLR\, PnIllDltiITIl'l ,W l AN BAPTIST Cu. TH , OF M.B. J oSBPS R. H ABT-Ehllha . k Lns t he . ' sturics hiJl; h ti;) \)., filli sJled COID. ' eome acclimated, ra u for cong ress beon found by experience tbat ~e :z; ~~i~~~~ ~ s:l - lrlllllJlI trcet.ll~r Mllln. DI.. ine """,Ice LKy,-Thls estun~bl~ y~u ng g,el.ltl . bauy -wLlgon III. t he eoontry. I t 18i llete btl ' °ddl f Octobe IbUild a barn or what not. ' nBe of Spcer'tl Port Grape WiDe ...... J .!: Oft the SatnMa, berore the 8OO0nd Snn~.y man departed UIlS hfe ou l!'l'I duy a regu ll1rly ,bllllt buggy, made by I Y I~ 1m e o r. . ' . . when taken i n moderate doaes is .1 .1 ' • .~ g In el'Clh IIlonth, at 9 o'olonk, and 0 0 the IlOl)- night last at 12 o'clock after a I' tllr E vel'ly - Mr. Slm.1l8 the gentleman -A hall ·storm passed over thIS f th bas. t t' 1m or,; ~ .. ~ ~ ~ =; : : : ~ ~ <5 flft" and "th Sunday .. "t 10 and " o'clook. crotracted eriod of suW! ;in t rl)m . . who ren~od Starl·;". mill on recui. part of the country, riddling the one o. . c res ora lvee own .. ... Q,~ . .... Wioyne & }["~,Io To_lIbl" DeteoU..., .t ., p g -Airtl. J e so Hllrtsllc.k arrl \' d , ' i ,I' LI b' 1- " cum .blades fearfull ' com )letel PhYSICIllOS, clergymen and temper0 =:i Q 10 ~ Q ~ ~~ g~ ~ " ~ ~rDtc ti ~1Il1'.n, mL'8tM on th lid. Satur. ,hous fever, w\aoBe rUVtlglls t he home Jt1~t ,week from Ddu W<lre ) l . og,u UISpau: I, t.bat IS laml ,y WI1S . . , 'ld ~, fI P Y 'unce ad Ilocate" should encourage :z; OJ ~ Zi ~ ~ oB ~~ ~ ~ g4.1 I. p.":1h ftlonth, KU 0'010(1" '" m, 'By combiued skill of his I vi ug lilth c!' cuunty l ullhl na ' where s he hus slck', threw "P lilt! contract u.nd left rlllnlllg SO 111 0 he I!, tor Odder. . the use of the Port Grape Wine Os w, . r.{er uf t 1(' Oom!"::l~t..~..rt.eook, Pree- and other I'll)' iciuns ti, ileo to ar· been vi iti llg. ' , for.F a~'ette Q\lUnt y, where III 'U lU' ! -H gs,;--i tock h gs-ure III and thus aid t ho cause of temper; . . ; , S II c5 ~ Ideni. n , P. y. rest ere d t!nth hlld done it.> d ire· ~f N I 13 d M ' 111 r Ides. M,. StIlrry took POll' d emluld. rhuse who ..ha ve them 111100 un',1 IllodcratioD I· I'S es"-'w III Ii : .; ~o - ,. -_I - f I k -i' r . ou I OW Dlall an ISS se S'IOII 0 U d t d I to II . II h Id tl t to • ~ r- ' ~ , .. ;. " .. ,... I. 'I"_r Life W.". 10 e'ea'" u \\' 0 1' • Anll ie HUDl ph reys Wlll'~ married. I n mOD IIY, 0 ~ ,rogu ur . Stl gen,elll, y 0 10m a u iully recummeuded to families for.~ ~' ~ fS !'£ u SIC!he•• 11I'c u,h .,.ery" h 're, ond IIrory· ~lr. H artley was a young IJIUIl llist W edllcada e \'ell i II in C ur· C , l? II work. 'll'htl oreek 18 III g ood Jugh a tlgm tI, 7 per hnndred its purity, exquisite flav or and 1:1 ~.:~ ~!~ II\ ~bod.)' ~m pIAI~ of o,ne dlllauae durl"g Ihelr lI llI v0l'tl8l1y respected aud btll ovod . W . I YI • g nullmg . tage.. ponnds. Uell. Stokes offcred to healthy p roperties. Medical meu .-.--.- ..- - .-': •. • - ~ ~r life, W hen !IICk'l lbehf1bjec~ wat 10 ~1"l'eIIJ; in this community for h. com !et \!lID. 0 Wid I I lem JOY· - The famon8'H oifwnn bog paBfJ- 1cont ract 'o no hun d red hur' (ut certify t(l its valuable medl'cI'nal ~ ~ •• _ ' ._ '. = Ii = . ; DO ,'\\"'" n ~ lJ "IIIY t at no peNO O ot,,~ d ' bt!lirillg, I1ll d -Mr " E . A ' Dud oe Ie d t IIrong b tOW Q·1 IUIt Tb ursdliY, Illl OIlCS. "'II0 r.BCv '0 ... ~. "'I.lrld ~b,t' l. ~ "treri n~ wilh n ),"peps i", th'er eportme nt, ruodll~t . ley hIlS . ..... D.n. If l i Ul beeu pow <.lr~. Mr. Speer has been for i"'- ..;.. Po t1nm:~lllln~ .and Ila etl'eoI~. IUch III Tndijle~t· stcrli'ng manly quulities ; a ud his to th~ ~I ty to,day tur hc~ flill stock r01tlt to Clinton county fair. Said ' " fiu Jail With SiX more dulltll'8, and yea rs e ngllged in preparing aud ~ ~~~lq~~a ~ ~ lon , lJn.lIVtne~8 . Sick Beadaclle, Sour Rto· Joss ill all irrepuruble 01 n t of millinery. Look out f r LI spl en. ho~ is a little o,ver three yoal'8 old 'jl seventy.flvtl conts there wonld 1.'0 t' II " d 't ' t- <:0 ... Q,...,... m..ch R~llrl bul'll Pall,I&IIlIon of t.he Heart Ie. v d 'd Op • I th I t t ' tb ' k • h L.._ J.' b IJ per ICC lu g liS wlne, an I M- =:i - ... .. lJel'n:'.ed • p'irlt~ .llil oo"oelll, b ,. can ...~k~ ollly in bis own afflicted fi4m ily, I , CIl !! g ,.e !LS 0 IS wee. an wlligba' liM lbs/ ' av~ oo."D a ,,(ma1IZ 4 - ut a is qoires 8 (ullr Y88I'8' proco88 before IS ~ 01 ill ' GHIf~I<'~ A uoUI'!' F LO"" I & withnllt , g~It,~ bllt io- lue society ill wh ich ht;l -A mos SIdes 84yS thnt . he - The 'fiehinfr in Caeear's Oreek ,'anl~y. it is tit fVI' lUlLrket -8. y. Baon. ~ II ~ 'E~~~ ' Cl.5' r~ lI ~f ft od Cllr('. If VI' II dOllbt lh l~ . get eo '.>, . d ' ,. , b back 01' tl e t I ,tIe L" I t ,I. , . ~. " TI ....I L... _ • • • • :r • 1° aIS ,our Pr~, A. Do~i. . IIl1d S~ m II' 111':' ~.. , "." . Ul W lIC I e ,: u I II " cllug I , .ue du rlDg the mo th of Augost and lere was a gAme VI ,~ t td. " ~ ~ .; bt,ule fur- ten , Cl'IIII ~nd . iry If, 'Regufar ~IDHlg hgl ,t . B~ l!R8 left .behind other d~y. WII~ as bl'oad 88 t WlI !np to tht: pres lnt time hus been baH plaYB<! hc~' last, Saturday (or OUI' drdggiata ' have _proctJred i ~..r ~ .... GOt ~ ~~.,u,.....!..~ "Ill rellere you. 111m fOr othe~s to IIUltat!;l, nn C~ll,nt , .'Icks of ,8 ur, a nd A UlOS oug ht to [splendid. Olal~nnel cat.fish baye , the c.halDplltll ~hlp ?t tbe two ,stor. sIJme direct from the Vineyard g ""g D , r ~npte " ',, •• p~ pitt of m~rahty n nd c&n l·tcsy which ku ~\t'. mllde therr appeRl'Ilnee as iitr up AS dl VIIII18, MmktoW'1I lind Ridge- It is exco))oll\ for temalll8touselil) .11!-a 9 ~ 9~ ~ TAme i. DO tn~dlcine prescribed by ph,l' I· there IIl lgh t.envy; I - M:·. Ge rgc W. Sides pulled the F ifty Spl fngs. Mr. Ed. Macy l \,ll1 e. ~he M,IDktuWIICrs p rocured especinlly {ur thoee with nursing I!M~~~.!~~~ ~ cl 01, tit . '.,Id by oru"gllta. lhll~'~rrl"~ I·u"b Be baa g«;me from os jn the out t\ thrce· pouud bass the p tlle r took one o ot Iallt week that we~ ' h- ' the serVlceB 01 Mr. W illI. T ibbl1ls illtnuts. i::i 1!5 eyld,'oc or iu , uC(!e.a and upclIor" .Iu.. . fl' S ' . I Ito . I "be 0 . 11 ll.F" ...... • O ,.&3Ulf S YDUP (or s"nfe prlwe 0 118 you ng ma uh ood, whell day. GtlvI'ge ellers h ~ oked It, cd Mba. ,Mr. Ed. ' ltedfem Jan ed , umpire '. Itl. ga~ ? u Llmo gall , , • • • .. EI EI ::I 00\11;1-. 'old~ . plUt d ou tbe Breast, Con the world was opening li p £i 1(lre hu t WclSII',t trle little mall to brillg one a few d ays after tbat weighed Wit h the R ldgevilhans at tile bat· The Burdmg Paper 00. h8ving- ~ l:t oi ci.: :: : :: : : : 'j! .. O• •" .. pllon. o~ any di~eIIee of &be Tbroat.Dd him ,with the brightest "!'USI cts it shol' ~ ) ~tlboJ. Soeh ..'\lowa beAr hard on at the 18tlt rtlll , firet innillg, sOlDe ~u rchaseu t he lease of tbe Wate r ... Ejj L••p A. PI'OO" or ,b., rut. I. that .n~ ol• t· · , .. ~ r tl ' M'HI k'toW" c1u b.' or ' I.-rr' · owerBlI, d d i. - I ' 0 g ~ $ ~Ui !;; ~ ~ I'tiOII ..tIlictcod ,CI,nget a & aaplcBoUle fl'r uture J vy.allduseluln tl~. .B ut , -M I', J oseph R ichard nand theblt,'lthaU:KYou.' ' o . Ie gl'Un s ~onglng to '0 Z"':-eO~~ .o aO.c Cl ,§ c nt. a ll4 ley, iCa AlJI\lrior 1I1'e et 11 fol'\' wJletlHU' f or 111m the future held I'limil y ' ,of McOolluelavilJ.. Ohio - It ap' .........d 'bat the ' trial and f"ends, bought the rnhng of the the Fnmklln Hydrauhc Com':.:ny I Q .0 . '''''In~ \lle reJt,lla..r . '.e At 75 C(!ota, t bls fame or r. • th " ..... , rI umpire. for a d'mo ' d All ~ «q.,' ). ~ . , I .i ..1 : II~ ~ Illl· ." h \"\/I~'.n inh,OO ..""d h\ fuil conntry from • ur~un~, more sorrow , a~1 have moved to Corwin. 'Mr. R. hindil g over of Angelin~ Lynch . I - 80 sal. , from W m. A . V an H orne, "'" :; \ ; 'l'1" tlQ)" and It@wond. ,M cure, are ~ftlon· J OY:, or happloess unlllloy.ed, It hIlS p na'cb8sQd the blacksmilh .sh up lur an assault 00 the persou of An' l lb all, It was a cloilO shave. ~e have a&8n~aocea that the breach oD " .. .. ci.ci. .... .1 \.Ing eyn,'YoDO \hilt, 1I~8 1"I' "shreldll bd o"A~ matters not now; he is bOYllnd f J D Thurston .Ad is uu'ld ... Die Furg"reon .... not tot be the '-"BlllZin~ Tbunder" had hiB In thc dum shortly be repaired, 0 ~qo~"lil"'~~Q "'~ ~ 8) wlllr,·Il ·Y. an,,, " , Ir),', 0 y , th 11' h h " . , '" .,. .... v • • ted .to h' ~ :z; 'i!"" ~"'61'i'! 'i'! ':"1~ S 1)011, W..~ n",\·l\l e, , e11l a , 1\1 t at orne whel'e lS bo uN o, 1 blacks mith . winding 11p ( the G"ant Streot nose out ~n.t Ie hall storm , and ola I or a llew one eree . AS t )S ia 'Q ou" .... . .., cQ,oC il ..:S!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!! ouly freed om from care ulIII sOr· M J I R ' t I' f T ell icktlll riot at'~.:l that mure partica how rad It ls I red hot. the beet Water Power on the Great 6 "-" :':':~," "-""'-- ..e, 2:1.. , ' I'OW Mil. th' t b It' r. 0 11l I C 1l1lS. 0 roy . I "" Miami river and a b If '11' . Ii G or RE rUBtiC, A N . Y IS oug I 10 a meas· N , Y ., is a g uest of' Mrs. T. Sweet. thllll olle are \if, oly to come to grinl' -The bridge on the Leba non .'. a ml Ion IU' ,.. .. ,,: .: : : : : :: ~ I ~: ~II:!T.u. ft"Io. ore console tho bereaved OI!tlB who It is about to rty-three years since beforo the end iB roached . 'Mr. 1'. pi k~ is finished, and is a good vested III mllclllnery and ne~rly ~wo ~ Ji ::it M} • tali!. ~- are, now bow~d d.o\~11 wlt h the these old f'ri ends met in their n8 Wilson, who is the beav iest real ea. substantia} structure. . hundred bUilds have lMlen IYlDg ldlo 11 ... ii In Cadw.llade.... H.n, w ~Igbt of theIr aftbcCloD. t' t . E I d d I tufe owner in that elld of town TI b'd W ' H for se vtlral weeks past for the want .. iL JiJ, •• lay & e?t · 9 ~'Pt 18 1875 The fane III to k IRce 'S Ive own IU ng an , nn eae I , Ie rloge near m. enry of water P (lWOP DO. t' . '11 be %" . .... .. -...... .. ... ...... r-..... .s C P 'I lt v .ttl , . , . d fI' "1 k . .Eon. un; was u na,,,,are of the , other's ex ist · proposes to blwe a hand in and lise Carey's needs repairing badly. I t ' I' ' h! ' 't The w1d ii4 ~ EI ~~t li Ii 'Ii Ii 4> ' \0111 h~ I~ ICd Site I "r!enddt! ence and whel'eabouts in thia his influence ill the fillal settl~ment It ia actually dangerous. ' 08 urlll: '~ita t ~~l a .a: . ci.ci.·a" .... oj ,,~ n ~Q, , ' dl~r~tll'tiw. IUd WB8d onse y ,cruwD • country until within 1\ short time. of 'the trotlble. Nearly all of the -There be a eooccrt held crata d tlC\.lIl'!I,r~!:. 'f a WtftoodWlt • Z 8' Oi~H~6i "'11 IO~ ~ 1C 9 ~~ e VI I rlen s an monrncrs. r' l M . s mall residence s on GrlUlt and Par. . .. " n 10 euee"" 0 any , is .. ':"I C 14 £"I d'd tel ~ 8t t 8 t 'n James 'IV Hainea , add ressed the - e88rs. Merratt Buunellnnd d' t t bell t T om d In t,be UlllversahBt CllIlrcb here, I'elld ily ~d ll1 i tted and the enterpris 0> ... "' OlC':l.", ~ ~dtLn I ,a or) 11 e ::~11 or, WI throng i~ bis usual acceptable Simp'llo[\ Nutt nrrllled here last a 180 ~~eeb ~ .,ong La aTin are on the e"ening of Oct. 10. ' iug Oumpall Y that now has eharge , : H 1t- ~. a n~ t let peOj 88 auvve, mauner ,' Thursday (" 0.10 the n ighborhood ~cn1,lcu y ~fi~l!dters. Istlf.dllJrs. -Rov. .Tohn W. Heuley prcuch· of it will ,l!eu that iN a done i1 ,, -4j A· "",Iue ou an ear. : ' The ~offin was beantifully adorn. of Grcenb'rier Whi te Sulphur /ty.l .om nhotl ~. som~ la - ,,~u ed here on last Suuday. The leue purcbased ~m M at ~.I . W t V h th lalDl les w 0 W'~ more or l0$11 1m· V lJoo r. s ' 'D ~ ~ (.;I The party wbo made last Wedllcs ed With floral devices, a cross" prmgs, ps a ., w ere ey pliooted in the cbicken rumpus t () ' - One of ODJ" citizens has a an me runs ioto 1898, 01" ~ ~ day night hideous by their so·call- ~ crown, and all anchor wroug ht went, so:~ wee~ll\go, f, to ~cif" eVllcuuLe instanter. The li>rty .dol. family of sufficicnt numbe1'8 to rou twenty·two ypars from tbe 22d duy a g., g 0 ~ ed "belling," would! doubtlcss , an ~owers bei ng among the g ifts o f ra~ ~ee c.v~r, 1C,V O\~n t at lar sowin .machine d e 3ited b 11 game of base buH and have of Feb. next. The Hardillg CO ! 15 ;'1 ~ have been arrested If thei r per· 10vlD~ ~ne8 who monrned tho lucatl ~n n ' OI Y pleasRnt refuge. Mrs. Fnr,,~rsoo as aocorf:;, for th~ enough left to make a respcctable now O,W~I npwards .of 140.0uO. of '- a: ~~. ~iiS I A ".rmances had been withi n tbe monl erlllg clar ben ea th. I - S III ce MI'. W. kM , TaylOl' costs in fi rst tria l is cOlnvaratively audience, to the same. thed oraglllall stock, 10 pelJ>8tulty~ . oorpo l'II.tion z and it is a pity th ey After t he s'l le mn servi ces were raked the gl:a~cl wal hy tho M, a smull I08S. To 'leave old haunta -Furmers are drilling their I1n contr" t he whole until 189g. NOTICE IN PARTITION, could not have beeu summarily endo~, t~e remains wer con veyed E. C hurch, lt IS a pleasure to walk l1ud break up old friendly 888ooia. wbeat. ~r. Van .H orno dcserves .t~e last· Sarah Ann ~ andChrilottan Imiiy deal. with. It ill an . ontrage 011 to Miami Go.moter], fO.l1 owed by u ther~on . l\1 0rg. ollgbt to be Su- tiona , and most Jikoly fur tho want - No a Iplca &0 ' ick. IIlg g~fltlt,~d e of e~ery c.ltlzen.6f her hll. band. :&bert X, Loak, Fraace A. tbe parties to r whom the noiae is long prOCC8S tOll of vehlclcs. IJ r\,1 0 1', for he underetallds roud· of Ill1eant huuses t,() ':'ove 'nto be ~Il Frankl In lor devoting hIS capItal PbilIipe and Oeorgo W, PhilUp. hol' hUllparticularly intended as well as Imaking and ke Iping the m in (lrder, to ad t I I ' d I, - .. DI?pklDS WI be the Btan· Rnd Bevel'lll yea1'8 of hard labor band, 01 Wlll'l'en COWlt)'. Ohio, EI ....~th move communl'ty at llirge "'or the M. £. Sabbath ~chool Memorial. I and moroover adheres to the cor ' . rtc tl 0 eave ~~hn an h ont durd ,frolt crop on some farma. towurds cOllsl1mmating this g ..... "t t1~ ofa-E ' collEdjnty, Kiohll!M: JuU.. t "e u , II __ I h fi d III 0 Ie countr" w ere t ere never P W· L b d . A h'0 an rutUII 011 her hWlbeond '" racket nnd firing could be bcurd WI ' I rect t leory t at lie nn not euaree is Iln 0 k t ~d I k d at. ,I Stl"as IIa a very ente rpnse. mQre onorable Geallgil OOWl~1. Ohio; WiUll\m LeQJt.Rob.11 over thit plaoo, The dis turb. H HEjEy' ht h8ti1 pl cused our ,gmvel s hould be used, at ICUBt as liS a ~~ r ' t ~ 'do'edIJj QO e upon nice little house built for himself and J,ublic IIpirited man cannot be ~.,Ia~ LMk, Ha~tle SUlkey IWdJ. ance must have been especiall ea.ven y a,t e~, t Irough whose tho top coating of a road. By tho 101 y m C • • tlli8 summer. The. Wheaton and foun , alld in the retirement of hiB hdiana;'7Xary h:H:!:~f:~ou~~l~ hard on those wllo lay sick ana c".ergy we stilI hve, to remov e our ' way Mr. Tayl or is keeping the M. - Mr. aU.d ~rs. LeV! Rlltton and Jus. Eullll\8, buildere. ROLLA. old age, he has the aati8faQtion of herhuaband, of ~,-- .. -t1. DUholl, b oded 1;1 t t . t faltbful and zealous co·laborer, IE . cilUrchyard in better style tllan dllllghter LIZZIe. Mr. aod Mrs. Cia. - -_. __ . - _. having conferred. great benefit' EUCllllbtlUa&lla E, a...\Wall rhu.band an
n . an
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:~~~' :fn~.i~\1~~:~~~::h~~~ ~~l~c~~~:tl:t~/ron~vc~~~I~~Il~ ' ~~: ;~e;o ~e:~, k~p' d g cd d I l!eb..!~crellesy oCfoDtbeempchac'e :,nlouldsucb'el ', " treatod as they deserve. __. ••• Corwin. ' .-;-L,\ttle Tillie Payton lana beon qUIto III for se~eral days. - Mr. MOl!l'UIBOIl Va ll Duser,ol Zanesville, ia "isi ting his parents in tbis place. - Mr. R. T. Sltaw Attended the Fair in 'Oampbell 00., Ky., ljat I
~cE~~~~~,!\I~ ~I!~~~~i!~~~nto!~ Te!~~S' Starch
Snbbatb aS8embly above, therefore M J b T i l ' last night . 8 ez rs S ,1!68olved, l:hat w . 0 88 a Sab bath !q ll'l to n s'ucc0ss ru l fllo\r,rl.Pst' WbrolOu~ISt - Miss Auui.~ S.lKo'is going to Cuoo 1 recoglllze an th e rtl movl1l ' sclloo} ',1 X"n' .' ' , OB, th e other dllY, 1\ bloom of t e ' .. III,. uf ~UI Brother, by tbe wl ~e a nd lobe cactus-~ variet we had - }lI'Il. MilU.~ Eagle and Miss
10vUlg hand of. thc G ood Sl~epherd, ~ever before soen, alll which is S,a llio arrived I~ome from Illinois our 1088 to be IllS e!eru.al ~alR ~ ,very mre. It is a. trumpet aha d, ,last week. R esolved, That lt IS right and Icream.colored flower, the oi1t~de - Mr. J. M. Macdonald made a commendable, ,th~t tho membel'8 ltomewhat resemhling a pine.apple, short run over to Hamilton last of onr sch~} ImItate tltos.e e~ ' l whi1e inside tbe petals and loavtlB week cellent quahtlCB, of moral l~tegrl· 1 are exceedingly rich and delicate. b ' k ' ty and gen:le modest" which so IThe erfume is very fine and altoe .n~ ~ork of the new ende~red hIm to all w.lth whom be eth~r the flowcr is a cu~iosit.Y not churcb bUIldlllg 18 up to the square. =~:r~'~~! we fl~h ~y~r 'hdold ~ften seeD in flural collections. , NoolU.B8. week ory 0 e rlen s<> _,_ __ .. __. -~ - •• EI Th ed suddenly taken from our midst. ' Adair's Starch Polish at S Rellt,pona. 111 • va o~pson open R e8olved, Tbat 14 cOPY' of tbese " • ._h~r school I,? R}dgeville last week the sentiments of our school, be - 'The Indialll ,creek A88ociation WIth 86 pupils In ~ttelld~nc.e' . placed 011 tbe minutes of the Bab. . . of Old School Baptista wm be - Mr. Jo...McKinsey IS.1ll bath School, be publisbed ill the, WltDess the yO,ung lad! go held, wi~h the Valley O~Qreh, ~. ~e mten~s cnteraug lOtO Miami {}az~tt6, ,a ud Q copy be up 10 a .balloon, boys, at tbe Leb· ~yneeYllle,Ohio. commencing on bUSIIleB8 ~n thu~ olty Bhortly . Mr. conveyed to the deeply.bereaved anon Fair, Ilext_,!~k:. _ F"nday. Sept. 11th, 187~, .t 10 O. C. HaIDee 18 the day operator family as a token of onr sympathy F T G M J oelock A. M" and eootinae three ro tam ' OX ' .AlL ••46S.r. ease d TIt tit fi bl th ' l> . . ' . aDd regard . Hart800k informs us that be last a1 B: eid.".ora e, ,e -MI. Eva XeYB IS re-emplo,Yed S. J. W .u, ~ week 8ni8bed taarvestinghia volun. maetlng WI I. he 10 Brownt ill the ~ool .h~ ta~ght last spting, W, H. ALLBN, C"m. ' teor crop of (OI.taU, cured it nicely gro &, n the , tuke w!-t 'of town ill the DI 1 DlttrlCt. • BAOHR B. EaaIOBT. with salt, and that his horses are ~ h ay, ha~cJ 8!'rTlCl8ll ia the - Mias LiDie Mountjoy bas re' • very fon"- ofit ~ Mr. Hartsock sayB ). i.'(C eac elyeolDg at candle tu.rned froID a "itit among ber &dair's Staroh Polish at S, fox.tail iB far ' better than . atraw 19 t. • rnendl ia Olarklrille. for feeding to stock. . -11.... ~edoira Smith it Alai8*- W e ba.. not beard tbanke ' - - ••• Mr. Amos Hartsook, also aaved &nt SU~Mo~en~leot of the Sabbath ha .,... tendered to the serena· !J:?There will be a graod Bal. a crop of fox-tail. School 10 Dlltn:ctNo. 9. , (I) ,_ edDMday evening. loon Atcention by a yoong lady, at _ • EO. . -Rev. Ohadea F~n, 1)1t Kou QUAIIIlJ)(. Itbe Warren Coun ty Fair, nut BODO'" DUTB.-Lut n.iRfd. a' man! frienda.nd admire... bere • week. about 11 o'clook, Mr. Jobn""WOol· will be glad to l~ wiD ,remain • •• UDoe'& ...... U. BallOOD A.B_. ..a-. ard died after a ahort illDeil from. PMtor of ihe II. &. Oharoh anoth· I "ir 1l t k. Plant more t hade-trees, spumodic eolic. er Yf!IU.
loIish at
~t:till~i~ t~~onwou~~;:~:.thH! ~~~~~~!~t:::~
, hl18 tbe best wishee and respect of Leak, .AUJla I.-k (theluUwoDalUll beUur MONUMEwTAL. ull who know him.-F1'Mlkli minlll' oblldren of :&bart Leak, ~ ~, Ad ' t ' n 01 'Bentoll,oouty. Indiana; Aftu 0 , _k, . -. .a. ver 18e'l'. , ' Halon p, Leak. Clarl_ .A. I.-k ,.... I dcslre to caJl the atton tlon of ... • • throe belolf minor obUdrell uf John Lettk, the citizens of Wayne \'i lJo and .85 rewR,rd .. 'lb. ah?v8 rew~rd ~'iIi~~ ~~tl:::;:' a ~~~~ w~a~~~ viej.oity, who may contelllplllte the WIll ~ raId lor any 1Of~rmatlon BglilBlt them on the Seveo teellth d..y erection .of monuments or a>1Ilb- that wli . I~d to the dIscovery of ~une, A D. 1876. In tbe Court u f stonM thiS fall,. to m! Il1rge atook and convlQlioli of the person . or ~W~~*h:tB'::.~ !~i~~, ;=~ of Scoteh graDlte, which I am sell parBOII8 wtro dea.tro!ed the DOUce Leak, IUIdlanowpendlng, .,betetu t.hu ald iug cheaper than ever offered be· to hunters at F81lVleW Farm. 1IIt~t!'.r.;r"~o:. ~ {1;1; fore. 1 have just receIved a large J. A. KtiuBy. D01IIIty of Waft'eQ'1IIII1 S.... of Ohlo " £",,0invoice direct from Scotland, also - - ,_ . . eald,aod bollllded iliad 4etIorIbed .. follow,: sev~ral fine joba from Englaud, old<:~E~~d r:ar.lJof ~Llad'f!ee Parlof )(W...,.SIU'ftJ No.'1tloriainRn~ wlllch make up a etoek of work not ., " ' ~tend.an~ , .... - - of J 0 equaled hi the Btato affording a lWl~azlDesls ~odey8Lady~ Book, Jon:Uby°A.-~:a_~;~:ato~~~ rare 0 rtnnity to m~ke a screc. w~lch stands its. ground 10 tbe dau t.he O~, da1 of FebrlW", 1869: BoarintiOD. PPO ~lIdst of, many . lmitato~, an~ as w::'\.at a_ked .,_ore Oil ihe banll of I have also some of the Ameri. It .grow~ 10 age, lDereases lD favor the IWe Miami Ri9Gr jU8t abovo tho .butcan granite, which is ver hand. WIth t~e pe.u ple,; ~J1 far tae .most :::ao~1~"E~~!t~~=N~~e~ aome and just as durabl! as the- attr~tl~e, fo~ fashIOQ8 and htera E. &boat 40 pol. to t.he South·w.~ lin of Scotcb. . ' tUI'e, It.18 itill o~ly 13. a year ~;:U!.bk~;:lQ~,!:!:,:;=' 1 hl&ve at all times a ,""",I stock L. A. Goday, PhlladelphuL the bank of the rivv8'7.40lIOleItothe, I!>""'" , .. th-.,o down Ute 014 oblllUlehrith 1tll~';;: of work of ~be bea* Italian marble, Thirty paper mills are io opera. den the p'- of ~, OOlltabtlne at loweet pnces. tion in the Mi.mi Valle ' rOdnc. ~htea&lldo_half_of laa~mo...OI' . Oall and eumine before parcha- ina: over three aud a ~Uion .... II1II1 U. u.1It,a.uat.t.a of eaId ooon 8IDg elsewhere, at 89 & U M.in dollars worth of paper aOQoally; ~-::~~baw.:..--3!id-= street, Xenia, ()hio. • 0 _. Q" thahull o&bw Jl'llUliIbap-r be GSOBGIC DODDS. Rain and hail Btorm last Thol'll' ,u.. . . .~_ ~ law. - - : •••• ' day afternooo and' DigbL, The It ' S ' G EON LEAl[. ([7'"The grand Balloon Asoon· atmosphere became quite ' cool Aupa["l~G.B=t hlaAttoney. SiOll by a young lady, ' will be one afterwards. ' of the cbief attractions at tbe Paw ' J t' • 0 nrt baa bOO'to NOTICI!1, next week. Be there t o . . b !18f 'e8a fI 0 d n qUI , Tbo UlIdertlgDec! haa lloon ... ul, aPr lnted .... UBY or a uw ay.. , E.mulOr of I fltl 1M Will "r . 8RA AL. Several Dew cuee of rag.weed 19 round trip to the - Eiposition EX; I.te or WUlClI Cnunl •• Ohio. Mo'd, fever ha\'e developed here lately. I fl'\lm Corwin. ill'" 14, I- n , JOEL RV A1\ 8, Kit ·...
" .....,.... Ib p'ubli. h
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I hal
Twu ""'.....M Year. :t.CIO
J Do
OIl' ut u.. ""'.""1. 11·'1 ller tor bouk , wag.ai t'
' I What i it made from t P., t -' T. L. 111"'\ I Why, ru . t .. 'UlAlIllg til u lbing be pl('IUI' n;e!wltmd ~ llll"IIY" Di ,·i ;U"'j IN Till!: 0 .. l , MIlIJ will )' ill all good (llith lT " . . I u. 11 to uu fOlilld th di carded h~\'i1. 1I~ld ueigh bo~ly ~harity,. thllt tao ilUClit vI' .\ (lrv IIUtiflO; '1"0 (II k •.ng uvcryllllng IOto account, wo N 10. lilli. kingdom' tl'ut 111111" Kulukauu \v.II.w1\ lur hunl Ivw lUI ·tholW ~~l:::~~~=~~I\;~ I~:\~·~: I~ :I~ :: u 'uv~r~igu, ill rt'prc otl!u. lof an ther .rond in th. W ,t •.Ilt'. lI~gt· t"w", arrl.. 11.1611 b' III ~l p A\)I)ut.. f, Illul of 111\ &gCK are te~ (~l reductl ~~ p m ~ d. tor ,un. ~ ~ :::i\.~~.~,I:~~~~.a I U~ ~ :~.;I ~: ranged IIlung the il.l' 01 thu 1'0 Ul p.o~ ~1D~nt8 (m f!~lly I, alz~ed. ~ Q 'lJ Kullo,,,,,, arrIve a.uII p 01 l.~ .. III ut taLl" with re'll, bu y II rting Till. n qu tall 1\ jrvln one vf I.og "'J'cn:l , .rrlv.a 4 ,00 (l Ui 3: 05" III iutv t.liB' reDt c.laiI ell' the oolllenld th , r ceut maps. f tIl abo~e R.R. 10 WO POIUl. url\'. 7.05 II ,,' Ii " " u m of d b I r. t ' TillS ought c rtlllOly to stImulate I.ie go , arri Ve 9 ..... r w .1/0. m uu ry Il c - a per" m6 aJ&U Il 'h 'h t " . t' h of linon cvttuu woolJ nand we lu, 0 WI to em.grate O. tn\CS atJO once C cap, ,-1/, G ihl TIJ , , , " . ri ch\\land to • I N" I. No, :l. ill lk. 'Ihe boss 8tands .n the c nter , tI . . h' 11 Th d ~ ObIO&gft-L. ;. 7~ P no !:i.:!o AIII 8upervi8ing Ilnd kctlpiog tallv ofl 1111. ric. vu . y. OU8an 8 arc .\'t \XI. ruwn Polu~ ••rl.e 11.40 t> m 10.04 .. III th unlount II rt d by each. 'th 0 '!I!1 km g It ~h Ir h.appy homes for • .... I l)[ok.lmll, .... K'"npor~ .• rrln 12.,IO"m 1.0llPUl~olers ...., D .loa........... er ! lit/e. Arrive 1.45 II m ~: , pm" r ur Pll''d s \,I IIII1C.I b 10AnYludatrloU f I d ' furmer h Ncan . And N!OD.Arrll'{' 3 .:17" OJ 4.11 P ill Jb and avcl1Ig frulll 1,5 t 4 IslJo u 0 u rea an lor ~ .n.Itt.e Now 0 Ue. arrive 4.37 .. III ".( 1 pm per WI.! 'k with b r d ' alley, lind pay 1n a f~ w ~~ • yea ;;: f, :: B ' 1'0 ut lilis tubl : thut young, l \, the New and Elegant ]lIaJ;lYIi1e Trackl FORTY FEET Wide '10uil1".'1. .. rrh·e. :/.00 .tll 9.:IJ P w hln "y d girl is catting th buttoo8 J ~~ ur ry, 1 . IS ur., a~ ~ J ' '1m: Nu. "nlellYUBRlchmnml dlli1 y. from i\ pair of cu.lzonors8 which at 'Iexas R. 'R, WIll trunsport Illd . s ~ 1 ~o . ('''0 "Ill leu. Ohi· 'ro d ~lIy . All . I h' f wheat sud corn to market, und he '""" " oU,er Trolns run IIlIil y uu.'p~ 8 lm d~ v \,IUC ttUie was t 10 oet er garment 0 'II . ' II tl f' 'l'tl ft III t 8' l , • ' .;: 1\ Mexican. ' w. e~Joy a Ie ae., es 0 railS, '" til D. w. o:':J'w~~t.~.~ IJci~I~lOb!~.A.· Next to her, thut lderly ludy in ~ort:'tlOu be .pJIlCed o.n the 8111110 EXlflBITION 01' 'PEED IN ·TIlE RING lfA DA Y. _J'"",R.,.I...,Ir"","""~"" " I';, , 'L, , '""l.o,.;;g""A"","P;""O""tl",, ' I""Ud",,'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ispecs is busy d ismcm)lcri ng a putch- 10000twg u.s tho .. ~1 the most de~8e. GRAND MUSIC L TREAT BY WARREN CO, BANDS. ~. ed Sirwallie. which Clime ont uj a P plllatt:d pOI .tIODJ~ of the UnIOn. . • . ' [Fur the Miami 0 .... tto.] baltl marked Aleltl~udria, and may l lh JII IS a strong IDdllc~men.t to p~rE~tenslV8 It 'lullrkablu 'l'elltameut, have enclosed toe upper portio of chase u home at once 10 th18 fertile • the lower extremity of a Bedonin valley. ltXTENSlV& J'Al'ER lULL. AbO' d k 'bo 'A ff e ride to Generu! Land Of· _ • •
ucHic ·
EAT sou']'} -'VE 'f!
()F T
September 1, 22, 23 & 24, 1876
~~o~o:'~~d.'~r~~fh· ~.~:
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~Ild ~lom.M~ealt~y'K:
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Dr. E . F. Dakin,
0 . . . . . . . 11""1......"". tI. el,. ~J'-.......... "F. Ttl .........,••
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LUl\'E ", ~.
Olll"u ;11 Nutiufl"l Dft.nk R,.11 11'.:1 J'Xf;, ,/,fl.L}"~ 011/0.
l",,,,I. · r,'l, to Ih "i'l"icinily , Hn"iuK il.clthirty 1-." '" h" lou!"," t~ Ive .. ltll.,,1I.4 _ • \"IlWboon"YfllVUrhlm _
101. ]'ruf
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5":'}'" W. llRUWN,
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AT T" Ft N E V A lr LAW A _YD ."01'~,11. )' l' 'Jj'~L ) J". <-
\\' Ay I'...T I". . \' 1LI .E .
" "d
00k.Ing. Gl asses , Forest ' . lOft ....... I ""n>l
30 Acres of Vice Lawn
- n K A ••
. '.....Pl••• 1lI••
~., .........
1\ ................
V" , • •It. ( .......
"oommodatlons for EverythlDg and Everybody
B" lmt! til"!!
And IJ '( r t /, . !Q l);"lt!/., 'tUI' , --. •. Thator faded mantilla speaks r d ,to the b uyer ot' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!' !!!!'!!!~~~~!!~~!!!!!!!!!' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!I rft a IlJreoe on ey· y. of fi. ce over tlII8 'a ain Ilnd fun ' iotm' 8 it U quartol' of a actIon of. land, and -. . The other tiny 1 paId a VISIt to the Bunn V~":"''''L'.U. 0 , Beckett Pal'6r (; .'~ Parer Mill at hP d ' f d k ) ~ d 1 thil,ty-three and a ·third · per cent o::?Fvr further particulars, ad, r uiS ~ JAME~ N. DELL, Woodlidalo, Butler 00., 0, . I was f~1 w~o o .. a Ala!ee: discount for payment in full on ali • SAMUEL IRONS. P'I'eaid nt, A l'fj'OHN EY A l' .LA IV courteon8ly r coived br tbe manu· d' I, rlppmg ong le)!l contracts' i8 certaillly a stronf in. Or GEO. W. OAUEY, S,?(;'r ria1''!/. ~ It' om'. 0110 dour allOYu Pll~t Oftfue. l a to vespers, pElrchance et SU11- d ' I' h h ' W"yuel<ville. Ohio. 51cr M 0 H D b·· k' A~U ~()T"R'" PIlII"It1.. ger, r. . , .0 I lOS I, w.o slaine i.uto the heart of 80me OaOO1- uceweut lor t se w 0 W!S ~ ~ ~. THE iN DIA~ APOLIS SUN ___ _ OjJie,' OVI'" A, D ol(lR u rltg· tore, 8~IOWed we over t~18 large estab luro us sbe Pll88ed. p.urchase a val.uable. home In th.s Tloe lellrlinl( INDEPENDENT REFORMI WA.VNESVII.LE. o . I. hmeot and cxpla\lled tl.le proc088. Our'ou8 th'n are 80metimes rich valley. WEEKLY ""litiel1l now~pllpcr lu (be nl. Here iB mude ev ry descriptioo of found ~m'd tl ~8"f:ra My recent vi8it to it hhall place ___ _ ted 't.ot.e.o : the 'p...,inllldvoolloo of th In. • • " C1"" AN\) L BANON. book pap r, of the highest and m st, p. t I I 1 , gsth' 0 I f among most cherished recollec' l N01'lCE ' wr"" .... C" Lal.or ,,8 "EU8t Combined C!'I'I. • fIIrr.lill""II~A m ' AoIlAD _ .. _ __ ___ _ ' . Id las ers lavlDg e vyp lor 0 ' . • h' . I •. tlI.l; L"~I Tender laper M Oil y 11ft ugllLMt If' \ill 111111 ~_II'" W'lil..,lI'it'~ ~os~I y graded. '11'1 Ie ave~e yae the Kh~ve of Egyyt, Italian ceu- tWlls, uo lD ~ lS connection I!lust Nutic i. horeby gi"en, *hat til Ilndur- Bouk 111 uea IIlld the 0 Id BoIlIi8 Full. Y, -AMD, ,I'J, 18 ~I'O!" 4. to .00 ,0 It.s daily. The ta8imo bearing the effigy o'f l '" Y ~uy that the kindness and hospItal \ lIllf noo It ... be u "ppoiuted Enclltor of the nud, the Inter~I"'n!l""ble Ourrenoy ll""d 1M ~ .,:Il, "";'1;1)\ :l11 bl" n u'b"'r '\ ~ buddlllg 18 ot brIck, new aud Bub· II V' E I .ty shown me by IlIIUlc T. Gooilnow E.!t&to of ELLI WARD,lM. of Warrell agl\mfit the H.gh Gold ["!.ere., ,Il.,lul. . aft Q A'ftI ~ l "A ~ Llln L h U ' I a ' I' I d tI go. anto tlomo Ittoro manne 6; ill . h ld red I ' County. dcoeued. JOS. Cl. KEYS. The UN hlUl a corp" of ubI" oorre_pond. ~~- ~ .~~ I Ttlr ~\ HlU lI!)'Cl'I'lI~' (\T'tiOIm 8~ntla" storlell IIg I, no Ie lOll· guilders, groschen nnd schilling wever 0 a sac p aoo Il),!Oy I Aug. 30. 11171). • Elt~lItor. entR amonlC the cleare t flud mv~t profuulI(l O"dwnllAder's 'Bu.lldlng. M"i Sa-t, ! ~.n. .... "'}. -\:,IIlI,.., .')~, clllllory IB ot U!O ,uewest amI ~08t th.m tht! Germanic states ' Polisli !Demory. He is Land commlSS- , OT E ' thlnkel'1l of the country.. . W. AI YN·v"V.I.LL L' TiTO "'I., ••• " •••~"~h" ... LIr. al:'PI'ovcd de 'CI'lptlOU, From 60 to , ' ' . loner at Neosho F",ns, Kan as, and , N IC M~laD' of tbe clJolceat eeluctlon, ad. .n DQ Ci, • • • .. ~, , .~' ... '10 I I d 1'1 0 n schlotte ,und RU~8.an kopecks. One tl t jj ,t d d. The rtn~rIlhlp be~to~e clIIMting be- aptOO III .11 01 •••..., of I't'l\dcra. TDtend. to Ireep uo hand a. fulllille of For- H.•I.... ·,~ttl\l~. H:~or.nr~ 1Il".l>hU"'I'OI>l"" rt:°P Co "f? Illp oy . 1 ma f balo opened whIle I was pre8ent a g ~ eme.n 0 l~ uemeu IlU e twnen .:r. Wrlgbt & Son hll/l bocm dLoeo1v- Term.. $1.75 per yellr. po,tpald. oUure of the yetJ belt qoality •• D.l at. "!'U :;";\\'Iu).(. uuu~ II. tI,o best ti~yJe of the ager 18 stll!mlugly nb IIt.2 2 YCUI1I 0 (''Ontllined 80me 20000 Oonfedel'- ucubon. Ct11.y tIlut;IRl oonlH!nt-Hr. It.rllcl Wright Samp1eoopi 8 MDt free oD,appliootion. • LOW FIG U RES 1 .... 'vl'lId A.'t . ,s7li ago, Bnll has tlJe reputlLtlOlI of rail k, t ' y b e k 0 f ' , d .' .-retirin).! f!'O ll. t.be firm. Al1lpeDlOnsllldebt- Addretlll lNDIANAl'OLld BUNI Co., ' , - ~ ing with the he t }Japer makeh! iu a ergre t·" s 50 tVarl~u8 eooml' THE H'oUSJtHoLD 01' BO OVKRr& hy !" C" tI:'~ Jate firm aro reque,.ted ~ mako IndlllnRpo i .lod. IIA cu~ be found io ..ny'm .. rket H~s stock ~. ~ , ~' th I ,A. d btl . h , 'f tl' Illl L008, rom 0 ", now wD8te 0 W-..l! Id ' ' . IIn ,,"' d•. , " pRyment, and tIIo~e havmg uny . uon.i ..... "f II t; U il ' e Ill~, • Oll ess III cr. 109 ,118 paper. , ' M~. . A. IU'Ue, 18 (lno of cll';ll\~ will pre nt them tor fItltilemeDt, PET E R S' BU'I'(JQiUR, 1 (,"l<'8, 'ta1Ifllf, 01,ai1'S, ' . • ,trOIO h18 father, WhUB~ I' putBtlOU 'I.'he bos8 of the tag room infoTlIl' those books which at .OIlC\! !'alatell whioh IDlly be rnRdo witb, eitb.r member of lia8, L ounges, R I'I/s/ l1(tdll, Letll[tO'l was wlde-sp~ad. · , cd lIle that on one or two rare 00· the atteotion and intere t of the ' tbe luto linn . ?SiA:;.m::r~BT Mat/NUB B, LuoNI.ltJ . .Bef~re gOl~g over the IUIll,. be casion8, in rag a~uals, large 8ums rc:ader, ~nd by a subtle ~pell.hold8 loll' al. 18'711. · Glas/lcs, Brackets, . Ct)r. e, 1« oSl., NEW ¥OnK, MId, Oome lOto the office until I of genuine cnrreney have beeu hIm until the page !S fiDlshed. , . - ..... ..... ,..,- -. , --&(1. PhYS1' cl"51n, ehow y~u II. f< uud , ' Mrs. Warfield IB one of the. most KIN G I' 0 ,R D' 8 • ~.,~---~--~ . u U KIeMO Ol!' THR WAS. S t' t '11 ' M'd fllsclnating novel·writers of the ..... ( ,.,~ .. I I ' u ' B _L I "m a1110 prepared to attend all Ol\U, III ' , ome ,Imeago,a ami 10 • ' . c£"eJO 01111119 _lUte 0 """. areac th~u handed. lJ?e a ~cw ~e . ~Ietowu, a woman found,a package oge, and h.er work8, the Hou8h.old • I htolDkdgttl to ~ the ~., qf Meir cIa .. , I TOEA I':; ALL Foaxs 011' tall!0Dt, 16 mo" tDHII?n ~yPtl, prlllt. of 700, and being a widow with of . BouverJe, A Donbl~, W ed~\Og, Partiu "Jf"#~!l /I' ordt!T.' .can .eeur. , I:J , CIiROmC DIBBAIB, eel III Augusta, Georgl,a, 10 1 6:J, by a lurge family the proprietor gen. Hester Howard's l amptation8, AND . IMm. pOll pa,id, by rnnutuig u. llu Myl", a fino Dew Ileana, and • full liD. of tho Oonted,cl'Ilto l::Ita~ B.ibl Socia· oroll ily allowed her to keep it, etc.,. are eagerly read and bi~~ly 81 GLOS..tS ' 1'ARCH marked 1"*11. tbo ~t . ~D BIIO~ . q., bouod Iii lilLper, havang an En. III allllthcr mill, the rag.room commended by people and antiCS it -UBonal Cases, Caskets. Robes, Le~"11 1)'0',. all ,parta. oj field bullet imbi..-dded iu tho cOllter bo"s foond $150 which he divided evorywhere. . , For the LauuilarJ, GET THE BEST! and" fine allllOrtmeot of el16 Ct,,'li~a WorW. of the bo k, The origiunl owuer with the owner df the toill. The The Household of B4uverie is HAIWIrAOTUIutD .DY TI,e Be.t Pi,,"o In.upotor is
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Sta'n,dard Music BOOKS
An lndep(n'dant
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had oVid. otly cultivated the I$races same man shortly after paid '3000 published by T. B. ~c.terson & T. KIN G SF 0 R D &. SON p .. le. .' Eleelrk ·1aae"P~:~3.2:l. lq~~, If III "llllAl WAY If of the toilet, as on tbe outsldo of tdr 80111e real estate· so that as my Brothora, the enterprt8lDg and • 7 ' Tr.e &.t Reed QrKtUl Io~trUQtor lA, I ,hall cndonvor to do DIy beiot to merit or the book was a smllll cfircularhpook. informant remarked, 'Nobody but gentlemanly " PUp.bhl~151hdersl' h ShOO T~~V:&8~ ';:Nllf:l'~d. IlIaWe"l!I.. w*.~ Prino $I!.OO. the fllTor of.ll who _y call on me, a.nd et mirror, "the rim 0 whic W88 himself knew whllt he actually did Ohesnnt Street, I a e p ilL, W 0 "1' Ll'NE N d tl' ~ .. t hi ' I d TI,,, Belt In8tru tor for tho Voioe iA warrant all work to glye oIlltl.faotloR. 18 'l'lUWJ'UI'D' .. 'per...ora.'edb tl b II t l'h' t1 61'15 '11 ;,. dth' 'the ,... , ~II l e~o ,' c "een t ' o " ......... k ........ r .............. . 1. Ie se:mo a e: , .18 find.' . . or "'" WI s... n IB or 0\ r commo ...totoh I. 8CIIrce I. Ylallf" cellt for 'UI Price 13.,30 .llJIleron • . P"tionu in lraropt, Ua~ leaden '10188lle of plou~~rochvltlee • .I,~ these bales of rags, manyar- of Ml'S.' WarBel~'s b?o~s, to ~uy ordiUllry w... hlng, A.k YOllr gpocor lur it, Tho Doot Sinlling Oluo Books are Wilt IndiCt, the DomJDloJi 01 went cl~n through the Evangels in tlclos nevQrintended to be sold a8 a;ddresll, post·pa1d. lhe!r pnbhcllo' .UNOPO'D'8 ""17 ...1Ieeti, I'rloo 60 e..... r"oad., and iii '"17 Bate. a summ~ry maODElr, pene~tod th" old rllgs are found, which by ac~i. .tlons are alao for sale ID all reo OSWEGO lnODu SIIIADCB .... .... of the U'JliOIL ' Acta of t~~ A1?'J8t1es, and dIsturbed dent or carelessnes8 'have got there, 8pllctable book'8tore8, . ., ~v All &An lIIaWco., Clw.-, Prioe 711 cta. the eeremty ot the Romans up to such as rings, brooches' and trink, ... PIJ/' P'Ua l ~nf}R, B'otto Mange,' (Fem.le Voloctl, Prieo $too ADVICE CI,VEN .Y MAIL the 12t.h. vorso of the. 18th chapta.r eta escaping the Argu8 eyo of tho PETBBBON8' CotTlttERI"Brr D8rltC· I oe 01'eam, to. The Be.t Collection of Church Mu 10 ia FR •• OF CMARUe P ...... ....... r'._ hlec!dea. W I lore It ,roe ted wit b prop IIe t IC rag gatherer to be at la8t revealed TOB, AND NATIONAL BANK Non: I Ihe 0 i..;lll lll-E ",hlliled in 18411. An4 0 _ _, _aria! ~ at ...- . . . . . . ,,"'__ ....... pOint, admonitory that the black in tile rag ~oom. TOUlUST. LlsT.-Thi8 excellent publication I"·o,,on·o. III r putaLiuD M~ ~"lm«IU. Prloo $1l!O, 11M darl.,. lhe.- , ...nll1 _ _ _ 'un, or ..vII...II,UOII _ An r..... __ nigjlt of rebellio08 war was about - • • of incalulable advantage to overy "~·li:·,:~~,~.i:,:rLt~ti:dt~~:."" Th·:!:.~.:'~r~~dS.OOUlftrOOlltllltiUOI8 . . - "\'lIb _h ..... "" ..nfuUI ~ .. to dawn into a day of pence and Tbe Great NelNlho Valle),. one in busincsB from the m.i11iou· cd. eltllcr or Ihe nm.! n~lD. for Mixed V(lIOCfI, Price tU>O. ' .helll. . be ...... munl...... bl . - . ar .. preservation of the U,liou. Header, airo , banker a~d auditors of vast or 1'Itll ower ti'l.... 'rho BOlit 0 100 Bonk i. ponoo, or 0_.l1li by U,. Jlodor .. hlo - ' -.. turn to the verse, if yoo have B . )11' II• .WlLLl.UlSON. rail~ad ent~rprise8 to the retail . 'h ilnSAOW A~"OAPA~' Ph : 0 .. ko., Ihe TIo"fo~e~~'!d 11J~8. ' Prio " ' 00. pb)'Olc\ol'" T!M IaIIer .... au aoJellUIo ....... . Testament; if you don't, get ono ' --UT" , . dealer, is even mo~ perfect at tbe ~,:W~'~~:l~~~ ~;;I~u8:,~:;'~j~~,:u<;'.1:J·~;~i; 'Tho 'be/ol O! ° Bonk for Hule Voioo8 iA All ID....... Ill. dW'O"·......uJlWIllo _ epeedily. It lDlly be yoor ealyation. E.dJ~ O~6tt6 :~. ~ hllo ~"Joul.'n-' present time than it lins been in I "':~DOI ~e.' lIuot ,article lof: ~ICt. anol Id ~........~... Price '1.00. AD ~ lIlA or plAltl.,--.... "lIle" wlU be -ANDbl 0*' ,.... ........ . - . .. _ to have and to know as tius WIUI In~ 1n the Wett; 1 VISIted thiS beau· the past .It is a semi.monthly chemlcnl and re~dlug prul,.'rSl" fa fUll)' The 13 '., Gultu In.trllctor 18 ,.tot. ~ <If ftIJIWerID' I f t - '' ' - .. the salv'ation of. tho o~J)er. 1l~!O titul ,vaney, and pron~unce j~ .one pllblioati~n, cootaining LiBti! of't~ll 6q~i~~~I::I~ehr~~f ~:k'I~;P~dd[n~, Cu~,.rc," 0 ........ 1'1.._ 1II·..... e $8.110. . _l1li011. 01lIo boollli ...... _ ..... uoopt lor iIo. "hpl...... 01 the _tabllabmc:.... a. rr. into the p088esfHoo of Mr. Doblhn· among the most aL~rac~lve pOitlOn,s th Bank8, Nation,al . lcLnd State, \D &0. Uccoilipon., uoh (\D"pou~ld pack"l;'l. The Bcl't Ouitlor )(o~ic I~ Pri , 11 .& D Jl~~V OOIUIIIllatloD .u .... 111& aI II_ _ ski in tIm fullmving manner: ' uf the vast Weat. It 18 far sllpen· thc Union. Names of Prellic,ienta .,... " ... ltF ..III'INMJ.... O _ _ ..... " _ _ 11........"., , lIr AD.l~ I I ~ A 11&1,1' _ .....I*let <If .~ <If _ During the period that Ander· or iu many re8~ cta to Ilny Pll~t I and Cashiers, and amount of capi. 1117 Om , Tl.~ BCAt Uftll'lLllint' of VOClL~~O::~':·~· . . a t trw u.o.. ....... Dr. E. B. IJ'OOTB. -:. aonvillo prison wWt a churnel' bon8e sow • .The. ~hemlcal. and geolog.~l tal in every institution, Full and AMERICAN WASH BLUE r ...., ....' I . . . I", W• • •erll.. f ~ on r ..~uion sol~iedrs, one °t ~~do :b!V~;~~C~ !1~yad:ho:~~let~~~d'b~ accu~ate desc~ption~ of all·ONoun. Por Laundry and BDIlI.laold 1h.: NOR. 1.2. 11.4. 3, 6. ~~8~':l~' ~~w Alto, Oflloo tor the lLnut.otorl a.nd Sale 3f ltlUerate goar S Willi pros ra"" . ,'. , terfelt notes m eXl8tonce. ew lIAs tt'AC'I'O&KD .,. 1118 ready. Prloo 110 Qeut.. l!uoh . ' ACEN't1 WANT.D. '. with aicknees and rtlCeivinsosym . calcareous formatIon With the bme- bogue b1lls deecribed as Boon as.. ' . IT, . • '"'" 1.. Tbe Be.t MAgUioe for ~y l'i,lIlo MuoIo . De. fiifii Ii ........ fII "1IIIDIiiiiO 0... . "t1 ' . to to to t ' it . n.merlcan v.tra1llIln :ne 'l'(trM .....,. ....... KOM _ _ " a book tbat ........ - - " pa~by and attent!on 1'?m a UIOO s ~o. some ex n givesrta a 81\· they appear. Every nU';Dber of N1!W".a,l'I. ~J. ' . P r ~ear. $UIO. or onr lIIO.ooo ........ ; IIlao, of "l1LoiM JJOIIa of the tbe ~ETICOTOB also contaJD8 con· Our Wlish Kluo Is tbo be,' .lb."O world. NOlI. 1 to 9 now read,., Pnco I$U prl80ner, gave hIm thIS before he 'perlorlty .over all other 0 8 ~"t.:';"=:;::':::~~I1~~,= died, as a lad memento. West whIch I SIloW. :'be water, ci8e, reliable, and impartial reviews It do('s lint 811'ea.k, cOb~lnI Ilo&lllng 11\1 uri· Tle&Onh't'n ' " d ••• '.S1'IIn•••bIohll ..... btblallUbll.hedr..--. .H e said that it was given him by ,which i8 pure and healthy, is.s1ight- of the National and local monetary 0" 0' kJ h 'Hl lb Or rabric. ftud i, uu,;d br..11 'p\ 0" ,?1'8'"~lne .ur '" Vlltlllllu,. I" •Ulit" ' • OOIlftlrft T _ • , " I t I e I bo to J:e der 't . . " ' Ib ' IIlr)l'6 lauhlll'le, on a.COblll: or '~ . p e... • "ye.... Ie or .u.""oortIDi ihellrot...-_ _ (w_ hie mother at partlD~ trom rer 0 y .mln ru , en01 so. I! ~ sltnation, buslness Items, and late I'ng Olr('C~ ftnd oheapoe t . Sup.rior for La " ....... '4.00 &&l AI _ II OfIt ,,' priDlJ, will l1li _, .... 011' fIJIPl~ join the regiment, With th.o rC9.ucst q IIlte .lle~lthy. ~ thl\ respect It railroad neWB, A8 an I1d vertising l .. hi"'wb.bi~~. Pu~ up 10 pac1te«e'4wovenl- No~. 1 tn 21 now read,.. erPr?::' !'ill ct';,ts ~oI!.apQ~Q,_e 01111.. In. r--. Of tbe ...,., au! fOII6o that be wonld l'EIad a portlllll \:lvery, agrees WIth many people who are medium amonf the very best 0111 lor I"""ly UIIJ. PrIce JI! c~Dll ...b. ' eMh. Pobliabed and manCtl poot. ~ larGail,.." . _ ...... I.......... ..... . • H e currIe . d 't I 'th Cll81' IY a fIieo ted w'th l' 8~1 1>1 grooen cnry"I...... b ' Avtoloo-bO&II ........ wI.a' ,..- .. ... eveDlug. I nang WI I the p ure alka- classes of pnre as8rs p m'KBSOl'lS" RlkFOfo,' the AxlllU .... WASIf BLUI AI"Ar· If YOII 1 ~'"' 10fII'II. . ,....... ",wl!ltaa UbonI ..... ..w tbe mirror ina brea8t'pocket, Du· liue, water which abounds in the DRTEO'l'OB has not its' equal in the "Autlhocb.=~d b~~t. . ' , . ' be _ _ • 'III....... riogan eng~rnent with the Union S ~th.westerD part of, the state.- world. We advise all ' ,Business om~~~ Wlllia:S~N:~, 843 Broadway ~= 'd~':.':n:.= troOpe he felt a Bhllrp blow ovel' BelOg accustOtlied to limeBtone wa· M"n 'to subscribe The terms of - , ..,."..,1\", adult.. _ ~ ...... D ...... w .. the region of the heart, which for t\ ter, I enjoyed better health in this ;I'bscription for th~ Monthly i88ue 50 lJeautv.'Ul N. Y, ' 1••1 tJo. 1101.,. ''''IM~ Iftd . . _ sccoud Btaggel'cd hiUl ; but qllickly vaHey than farther west, where tbe is only tt,fi() a year' Semi.month. .. , - oarlU, w,tA ~, • recovering, he continued in tbe alka.1ine properties prepon~erate in ly, t3.00. Sobacrlptions may your name neatly ~'l"inUd on MISS RiCHIE R, EBRIGHT _'•• raDke, and attended to th~ tough t4e water. The scenery I!, grand commenoo with any month, and til, m, (J~ld lent to ~~!!f rsdll","" , . , :": ~~~:::. :'lIIIII":: PI...-l'lrte ...Ie Toeller, -AND-"IF l1li W <If . . . . ar <If ........... J' ob in band of t""ing to whip die and ma~ificcnt alon~ tbt8 great aro pavable in advaoce A can. post-pll'u i, 'Upon rtoe'P~~ oj 60 ot" v '01 II Th .... t"'· l' , t ti. be 1/ ' . Addret!(j, BAit of ~f.ln Ireet, • ~ank8. va y. e ""IOU uU orea m r vasser could get np a large hst of THE MIAlII OAZETl'E. W&YN ",,,n, eOI., .;:~~~~~".~.!.!~~.:'.:..::.:...","=~ 1M After th~ engagement in the eve· th~~ borden this valloy; the ne~cr- sub8cribel'S for it in this neigh1>or· Waynet..l1le, Ohio. 'ii'e~ ~U~[!)Il.!I. ~ORmoWI '1:1 , ~OD.._ "OV__ ningby tho camp·flre, he took ~ut falhng8treama an.d. unslIrJll18l!lOg .hood. Addres8, T. B. Peterson & ~_ ~. .u-.... ~., g ~UlU!llll ,u ~ Ilia Teatam.ent to read, dOQ~tl~ 10- h~ah!l, a~d the fertihty and vanoty Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., for & CHI~, 'Ii'Il 01 cited thereto by the proml8e gIven of SOil be!Dg well ~dapted to wh~t sample copy. Wli LB$ALE' 8~~~ e~ e~ The ATLANTIC MONTHLY, bie mother. Imagine his IllIto~sh. nnd corn l al~ combllle ~ rend~r It · ' , o w . hbye fO~ AllIe, one bundred bu.hel~ of T'j,(J L eading L'ie "Q.'I'Y MagazintJ ment when he found the bnllet Im- one of the m08t attractIve portlons , . • JEWELERS ~OP1'lCl.vS Ryc for 8oed, , II " . of AnMMqfJ, , _~ ..; bedded therein aod that he owed 'Of the earth. Better and cheaper t~ ~-"'~ArttlJ.tm~" C>o , AA' One boay)' BOl d WRgon; ... aT .............. _ ••,.. • ' I. , se Ian d t I .w.u.n ~ . Ono good eeoond·b.nti Bu8'8'1; ' Jam ..yRu_1I ~onlrlhu~ du o biB bodily ealvatio~ to ~t !,"!p lI~n here cannot. be t1ou!l d on • . , , O n.luoond·band O.. rr~ DMr1y tleW'. ring lhe .. r, lreqLo ....... n, lI.1ll ¥ . .Xud. 1'._;; supposed mi88ion ts safety to the the ,contlqent. Now 18 the time. to ' . Spectaclo8, rools &, Mil Ler 18 ls, A 4; 1. H . AN'rRAM.t CO, and Willlul Oullen Bryant 'end B.n,y W. ,sour. The Union .oldier wae s~ort- bny land ch~p. I would adVISO J!ar"uy."urg. AUJJWlb U, C12S4 ,. . \ ' t . Longfullow will pu"II~1i 1'1It1lUl apd Pept,. .1 nt\er d'lsch,,--1 from. the pnso,D, th,08e wbo WIsh hapty homEll! to go s. w. 00.·, Slxll> and ....10 St.. ' . W"Ybo."Ule Ju1, 14 lS7G or ,,,,,alal 'lntert$&. Mark' Tw.J1I ...1)1 __ ...~"", ' O1liOll'fNATl • 0 . [lJtl~!i"aI;'M;lIllliIi=I'j\IJI'lljt!IJ _ ' _- ! -_• • . . ~ III ulhule 8"e.tch.d of MluI"llll'l 81y.... tlr. n.nd.. went to bis home JD WashlDg. dIrect1y to the Neos 0 FAllsl Knn," - - ------.....--,--• ~ b.1IIed .... . .. it frolll "Pol ot bo.ae. •.,. h b ' h h' h tb U . , r .. 8enlhym nrcrlOclJ!, B. B.FouTl."t.D., WiIIaA... Vt' "" ;:.n, • • . ' .'. • of prieon life. On bie 1,000,000 of Acree of ohoice land dalld ...pOI r&1l'l?SlDl . death·bed he gave it to hi. mother, the Oompany of the above R. R. lteep .collataD&ly 00 head '4.lU!:m' ~ _~ 1I .!:!I ~!b~@ Eu ••, SlcelOhew or O"lenl.1 LIC'l awJ rnve&. Aunt Kittie I8minger; thi8 lady oirel'S for sale on a long credit, • to'rllooJ. PUkDuD will OIlDlrlba.. fIII~" OIl taught echool; Obarlie · attended o?eaper than ever; eol~ 00 10 yea~ TH E VE R Y B Ii: 8T Fi~,e National Bani BuiZdinv, . Ib:w~u:r.:...::,:;~:= ~ II r 8Chool Shortly after, ibe fell tIme, only '1 ~r oont. Intereet, one- . , WAYNES VILLE. OHIO. IX ma Ilaaofaahree all of 1Ined.t Cak. D Que'- aDd )loall'eal, '. Julua Ne, sick and died. On her death-bed , tenth. .lawn. No ~ymQJlt the aec- Beef; Veal, ••_ &lid Pork, dall~ for.!d:enilIe MId th.lUn'OlIDdiDg wa.-lCrllIll\fI P&\l8' o. A. .rl........... sbe p.e him, her. favorite pupil, and year, e;xcept mtereet. No iD. :U~1I8 8peeial _!-tillllia Ii"" :~Q !!~~~"'aletllII.~ Dlltioe, 'lUI , . . . thie talilmanic Teatament. Be now tereat in 'advance; warrant.. <lead tb. COU11tr7 db. . ; 8114 all wru be 'M': I· "AIFtIa FOil WEDDrA'las f. pUNDIIDCl! 01 a ..l-'J TlIlaD lITa. . . ., . ' allA.N • .III.& • V -'.. IL t~_area it tor her aake,aod aleo given; ti tl e r.c~t. n O n ' - 'tt " _ on aoooUDt of ita aingoIar bletory. , These lan • are no& be1d OD epee· 0 LEA NAN D N 10 E • ClNOINNATI, OHIO. ' AND PA.t uIE8, ..1M . . . S\*", and lime are too limited ulation, but to ha.e them in the 111 '00 P8B D.&Y. ' . uq ahorhotl.... ,I eleD laMp :,~ e to glYe a deecriptioo of tbe,Proceae ha~de of ...sen who will improve AIIo. , . . . - •• .a D or making paper. It may lDtereat them aDa make bOlineee (or the,FIRE SUGAIl-CUIlED IUJIS .......II".~' A I I U D U -:tlI ROme of your to know ,that road. To e&l'I'1 thilout. the Com' I ' . . . _ _ _ woe _ at all bftn. UId " ..pp!,. (If 'eveD a~b1i1l ill .ogeetive of pan;, ofFer new aDd freih bldaoe- .,laol. or ..,. Ilia .\lee. Gh,., . . " all. ............._ Staple and Gro.ie& III • .., elll \'Omanae: wh,thoo1d it not be mea.., 'to co,down &be prieee to JEHU MUlLIN. Weur _~ ~"~~Oo~~ 1'rIIeI~' Ia ~"1=:;1~= R re is abe means to the ..d-the mUIIh &be *im. . . . dale,..., aoct ' )fueb 17. " "..... ' _ __ ~~ II
Condnctiq: aMedical Practice
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Ramie &')uae,
. Gazette'
-d Su1..--r1be lor ICE U
Looal PaBA".
tsII:'-:: t!.......
OOFING }'olt 111&(1 l'itch, Axle &. Itollflt n• JUIl G.·ou c,
."100 Till. LlUlll) Bllwk Ro in 011, llllll'k VaLl'nJ It, Tolmc '0 IJnllfo! &c. MANt ' FAC'I' IIEO BY
J. P. CAY,
C(" SOIl ro 1) 0 J\INII, 0) No. 65 Weat FI~h St•• Clno n~~ (
Arrow- cad SopentlUona. 'th('rc tlrc ~om cllnou~ 8u~>er~l ltI(5'11~ IlLtnchcd U\ fllllt arrow heRd!! III VI~flOIl8 I/,rts of Euro(lC! 118, ivr 1lI tauco, III o~lalld lind Ire'and, \\ h ure the collntry Jxople clllI th m elf-.;hnts or elf.bol t , belle, Il)g them to -be the Illi lI es of th 1I111lg uUlry belU~ They l lserl to wellr tbNn 'tI1ounted III ,)lvl'r frllmes It pro tectlOU againdt (lV11 1II11UenCfs. Ir W R. Wlide 8tate~ tbllt in tho ncmh of Ireland, /I lib II ea~Ue lire ICIr, lind the CIlt tl do telr or {tury doctor 18 !lent for, h e 1!8J'a th beillIt hllll be n elf MoL, or trlcken by ftury or eliln dR rts. lind forthWith he p'roooedA to feel Lhe animal aU over, and br 80me legerdemaltl on tnl'e to find 111 11M "kill ODe or more POIIlODOU wMpons, WblCh, wlLh 80me COIUll, are then placed III the wal r wblch It ISjllven to drllllt, and 1\ \lu re I IIllId to be effected" According to Pro{el!8Or N il n, the veteran IIrob1Xl(llogl8t of wede.l, there ]8 eUII ilngerlllg IImong tho ScrmdlOIlV\fiU ]Je\UlllnLry 1\ belief that fhnt arrow heud and 8tont! 1m plements In g n rill nre ell dOlVe(1 WI tb oortlUn magiC {lOwers. 81 mI 1i&r 81lpentltloll8 Url'lVO III Italy In lOme part of tbJS ountry t he' pCIl8Illltll pre no llint arrow hoods 10 tb If hou , lit order to protect thcm from tbe flects of IIgh tUlng, lind lD the Islund of Elba they are mounted In 811ver Rnd worn &8 alll ulelll, WI III Scotland ODd Ire land An fifrow-heall of Blnt h38 been /hund allpended to lUI Etru8Clln necklace of gold, flPpareutly 8S II IIOrt of cbarm, "bleh aecms to mow, y8 1\{r Evans, II that 1\ belle flD ' b 8upernlltural Orlgln tJlCllC IV OpoliS, and tb elf conllCquent nlra IIluUI l>O'II'crs, 18 of v ry ancient date." In tl1l8 Cou ntry, l'Ihere dt()n arrow jX)lllt3 Are probably more num erOUII tban 80yW here else, no wtrange 110Uon 10 referenco to them are enLorbulI. d by tho rural populatlont thCIl' onglll and bcillg 80 well unaellitood llUlt yen tile cluldren In tho coUJltrl dll•. trlC! , "ho pUll.: llJem up 10 tbo lipid are fully nw,,~o of their belll~ the mil!811 Wltid, lit no r mote peruxl by the ",l)on~,u81 cllpllnloft 01 the 80li -J[ar
A. corr~ pandenl> of t.b Sllir (\lId Htrald 01 Panama, Writ ng from ullyaqull , th 10th ull., ~Ive th fOllowing Blo ry 01 LbE'
Tol/et AIchem1. [""rl. rrcspoollenl l'IIl1adelollla PrcoI I A very curioud Indui lry in PariS, Il"d one tht1t IS more exten8lve tban nllght be upposed from I ll! naturl\, 18 tbat of patnt.!. penOlIs, and p owders for making nl' the cwmplexion 1\[(181 of tbe gleat perfumel'l!, ~oeh 1\ Gu rlall1, Pifer, etc, lIa HI a bnck room lo then ~b(l[lS, speCially ric voted to tbis mVMterlOU commerce 'l'be ordlnnry m thod of dallblng tbe lilee. JU8t With whiLe pamt! and then With rouge, fiml s no fl~vor With tbe con SUllllUlLte mLlsts "ho telleh Lhe UI!C of thc~ bealltlfYlllg compounds. For whi telllllg the Nll in n prepllralion 18 ~h(jwn thllt 18 com posecl of Mille lIuloluble powder 11111 hqUid j the bottle must IIl'1!t be \\ell shaken, 11Ildll very mllll quanIttyat Itt! conteuU! mnst tb II be taken on II ftl1 old IIl1eu rog o r a blL of cutton nDd rubbed round alld round till tbe Il rc parullon hall peuctrnt~d tbe skln t ho roughly Tllls wlUih makell the com plCXIOD beRul1(ullv wblte ,,,tbont a trllOO of !lounn of po"der or ordInary paint It ill ver, coetly, belDg 80Id at twelve dolln1'1l Jor n mall boulr full Nt'xt comes a rougt', "h Ich III nl80 very coHly, being I'ulucd at mghleen dollartl rot a box of tho b~Hl quality From tbla superfino luLiole the grndes deeceml Lhrough dl'llcrent priceg till lie rellcb Lhe rOllrse sixty ceot rouge, "h \Cb no we ll brad benuty would condescend to use Dltrerent ! had, 8 of ronge ure (\01<1 (or different occuslons, there 10 II shllde fur d ll\ II gh~, o ne fur \hc theater, one for the \,,\1 room, Oil for tbe rllce l'OUI'!Ie, etc. The n w hav e n Irl t hq\lld ueed fur coloflu g tbe h1'8, and a bhwk polldor (or bluckclllng tho cdg of the cyellllll. 1 be IRMt rr qulreR so lDe dllxterity IU Its 1Isc, Ill! It IIIU t be JlIlL on as 0. powd r and deheawly .. wftMt'{1 IU" WI tb a fine Imen rag and IlIk lVurm water Black und brown JlI' lIuI ls lire IIl!Cd fur marking Lh e nrch of the eyes b eav)', lind n pencil of delicate blue ce mea (or trllCltll1S tbo VClU8011 tlle wlute8urfnce of tbe painted 6klll ro nld HI thllllMt crowDIng touch of tbe whole nrU tie pnrlormall~, a cuart hilI! been llrepar d wblch gl VCl! wl~h mC<lical accuracy the po81Llon of fl very veill ID tile hU1l11111 fn cc, neck aud che~l 'rbe neglltlve quality of barm1\lIIl!llelll! 18 cltilmed lor th rnt'lllt of lhel!e pigmenlM, )lot deatbs from too fTee a UljIl of them ar not uncom mou AI OblO, of the Grand Opor1l1 Wt\8 killed by the wblte pawt wherewIth b wlutellcd hili h~.nuwlwn he playoo "Wllluun Tell," nnd M'Lle MIUIIl, the clllebrated RCtl'CM, fell a victim to the PflIIIOIIOUII e/feelM of the ban dye, where'fltb me rC8tored Lbe ra'fen hue of her proful!C t/'Cflles.
nation of th P~.ldellL of Eoua dor Th .hol Ity WIIS tJlrowo ID ~reIP.~ IIclteml'ob by the newa of tbe WI n_yon of GarollL llarello 10 hi pall/, at. Qu to by au oflic:er, apt. Rayo, wbow b. h",1 di Illl.ced, and by "10 young OIeJl r Ulto. 1If'Cl rOPJ Ray fi rat the Prnldeat o\' r tbe b ead with It. and " .. (aldaoUy ruo throug" ~ who Bred hie piece at th lila., lilh,.,. \be _10 immechmeDI after Ba,0 P ....." ..... ., ared on .be wl&ll a.h vol".... 'fbe PMOIl bIa _olta11, "oundC!d, MT1J'1 J.U, babll'll at varlllUl priOOll clW. The 'wo fOuo« meon are lid r41aed HI Lundon 1'bey lie 01 C-:~~~The a DOt ~Iae tb thE' (:tyIng kind, aDd are purchutd by • • MIl ... afraid to at. rall".y ~ra tier. whc' by their uee I!t'ai'\' iaed off JII'- "bo mIGht other"lM' try to HIIIla La in th ame computm .. nL 8, \bll doldp ..... kaOtfiIl( _ a1wa,a
__ I""'"
...." 01_ " ... ..., ftveL
Tbe FllleLnation or .Florid •• Tho A Ibany A"9~ hill! II correspondent. In Florid" wbo. 10 a recent 10lLer, nlell The wllttors of "'Iorullilire "l'ry Intncate. and a DIY tery to m('> and I think 1\ III jllwaysl'('llIRln 80 You will 00 told tllll& tbisl nver 80 Rlld eo Yon &111 liP a lit LIe way und euddenly run III IInother streRm rllnDlng In A different du eLlon Th mor I trloo to lie!, uAte them the more I Wlllt confused, and at la t g llv a up III (lil!g u8t I had IIhm) H s upposed wbaL WIIM Cfilled Inlilan river \\ lS nil IICLIIOI river. IL I ~ n9 llllllg of tbe kllld It 18 II large IJ(lUnd of !lult II Ater, with ono or two OIlflOW ent.nulcc!< and aUnut one blludred and se\ClltJ mlledio length \Ve got lo~t \!everal tlmCSlloloog the J.lCrfeet lulJyrmth or p:ll!88gl!3 In Jupiter Nurrow8, but we at Ilist emerged mlo IlldulU liver We madl! I\bout thlrt): mil.. and then we nt 38hore to CIICIlIllP I Rtarted out to look for 1\ 8ultable plalle. when a wildcat 01 erheud gave II yell. 1 Ilirn d lo retrlK'C my sl I-t!! 10 the boat, and WI1ll COlJfrouted Wilb a IRrge sbe pnllther. Lh llt stood lIilnost dlreetlr In my lll\th, IIn(l !lfnL furth IL VICIOUS whimper, ('.II lIglllg me lIgam to turn, sa ~h e ~bowed 110 dll pot'ltwn to move, and go arollud wltb no II10w IIl~ps back to the boat, "hleh we entered, and s t·IUted to hllnt 1\ Jl e~ camping ground We found one, but the mogq\llt008 nearly devuurcd 118 We bltd a net, bllt they crowd d umler, and in the lnC/rOID!; we found lhou~and8 of them In Id\! The next morrtlnlC 'Hl "turted and mild Furt Pierce, all old furt con tructed by the goverument uurlDg the Indian war, but which IS now deserted. We pulled otl our 8110011, IUId after rowlIIg the boat 38 fllr lIS we could g t her, went a h re Th e 8a nd was 80 hot tbat I t will! al mhilt uoendurable A8 we were sLepping glll~erly alung, ~our corr 8pondcn~ put Ius loot in a nest ohand gp Ur8, llnd !!at down ver~ Muddenly to loolr at the ilCellery l ' he !!:lnd epur 18 routld, lind abollt tbe size of II bellU, It IS covered wilh httle sbarp .pun, lind WIll draw a yell when atepped ou, espe clal1 1 With bare feet A mile above Fort .PIerce IS another old fort called Fort Capron Opposite the fort 18 IndlRn River Inlet, callable of adlBltl.iog VdlleJa draWing not more than {our feet. This place IS a port of entry. altbnugb It hll~ but t\\U families IIvltl~ here and i\ ,osselonly nrrlVC8 when It hllllaccumulatccl I lonrl 01 turtlrs. Judll;e Jllm es Payne 18 tbe only rtSldent lit Fort Capron Ho 18 th counLy Judge of Dreford coun ty, Imrl county cleric lliuoll I~ collector of th e porL To Be Taken With Salt. Ifriends Scribe WIIS 8pendlng the autumn with the country, whose oVl!llIng
.\ Urne Wrl. FreqllellL (l()mpl Int~ hal''' be n mnde IU MOlD at dlftl'rtlllt LIDI ,of III lilts oJfurrnl 10 females 1)11 the strect.e u(ter Dljlbtfall 1.11i L obbuth ~ enlDg a young IICIllla"l~ ellgnged In tillS duty bu ID recolved II rebuke thnt be Wilt bo voq hktlly to remember 1 WO g irls, sto ut, bCA rLy :::,wOOell, " ere ~Olng wc~t 011 Loonst 8tr~t, lifter veiling IlerVI e ilL the "cde Church TheglrlB were ulon 'rtll ~ WIUJ nnUc II lJy two young Oleo, who followed aud \lOO1I ove~tOOK them Wh en thl'Y armed wlthlll 811enklllg did hillel! they adlilret'lled the gul l!, who Iltt m pWd to ll8Cape II) flltlt " IIlIong 11118 tbey were 1I0t nble 10 do, nnd tb ir tor OIentol'l! k pt close to the m Filially one of tbe mlln mllde all JD81lltlllg pro pot!3J to theDl, when tbo Illrg r Klfl wbeeled abQut and ~ Ized him With one blow be. Docked 1110\ dow n, 1111 com· pleiely All if 11 mule had Id ekad hlnl Then knt' oJeti On bill prostrate form alld pummeledl the whelp until be begged for mcroy, ory»ng hke II clllid When be (hd thi s, 'lfomlln hklf IIlte rdeulcd. und permlttcd 111m to d part, 111 tead 01 tUrD \lilt hllD o~erto() the JIOlice The otber lIlan fled wheu he HillY hi companIOn plll!lled IWrI du cvnnbat It w&.!! tbe CQIfIJlletcst t.llrlllng of Lnblce ever known in Dcs MOlues, 1I11d was TilE VITAlP"TUI" r."t.TI"I. 8 tt e nest. o r all tf1~t~"11l or ure Sindehlt Jil worth a dO~6 n IIIlntence8 ID tbe Police I lruolC! I " OIl run I.ht' 11 t ... , 1)II'l!!rnJl.... ~ll1U,!!1 urt All bon or to tho pluckl girl IJf~e"I"!I"'" ~ Aflrl, In " ... ICA....... ~.n ••• 1........ worth II ......... UI loin ,.,1 Ohl whOse IItrollg arm did t.he til rllII11Ing Dc, llfOlll1l3 (fa ) IUguler
Tbe! lM!.t 1'1 &' t ouk or 11 ~
FASHI\JH, Ttlt'! Ilnmte
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" Ik "Uh.1I tli. l"t It t hupro YI!J. lJ)
Atultllfh ~ I Il1\.-d
," o'n"nU.
- - -- -
TUB lorty tblrd .eaalon of th " Chlclnnllh
Law School beglU. October 20 Tbe corll. of Pro(e oors now qoo.loto oC Rufus King. PENNSYLVANIA ... r. u ... ~. Bo pl Deon Judge nnadl,. Rnd Force .od H A iIllII ....... AI ............ _ II.... '"II E •• ln. rln •. Ih. IlI... lce t;n.II, h 'D~ Morrill, &'1 Bemdcs Itt long estllbllsb ed Mlltt_1T It rt t",.'llufllll t" n.ht .. or clrcu lan 60 pl110 I)OL TUttO I YATT. 1!.... 1~. nt l eJlul~lIon, Jllla ..,bool olrerl great n,lvRu lagl\& to studellt., by givlDg them aece~ to Ille Bar Llbra'lr of Clnolnnatl, ono of ~he beat In ihl8 eoun,"" be!ldetl thl' hbrury of the 8ubool, alltl the numerou. CourbJ of Ihe Stllte au" (J1lI,ed Slates held In Cinclnualt
I GEO. P. ROWELL I; Co. I DOUBLE YOUR TRA.DE! Drn.,"I.... Grocer....ltl ne..ltl,.£-h,.. U",,1tO Japr..,. to pnckaJ1!8 lop QG"'1 bof" !f~,:~r..~·~".~°Cri=..r~ 11 u~:g J~:ee~,"U ;r J' Itt
Now our hopcll are flilly blw ted LlghtDiog recently slruck 1\ feather bed The geeae ",uet bave been fed en ta OkL But IVe regalll our hope Agalll, for we are lold that Il 1\11s so url fllrmer bod & cow and ealf ~t rllck by hgbtntn~ dl(fIlJg a tbunder gtorm, lind, 8UppoHWg tbem dend they \\pre <I ragged off lute a pa.ture the morn II1g. hwrlllg O<lC&llion to viSit tbe pll ture, be found lhe (10" and call a8 If no thun lief storm bRd occurred Lhe night before Hereofler we IIh.n put ollr trust 10 Hili when It thllndlel'll. RooHESTER.Dtmocrat
.. Yell, he 111 a chormlDg young man, but lather ungrateful We Ollce wrote a piece together, wbl.ch brought wlln two thousand franCII a y('ar each, and noll' he won't wri te anotherl"
T)Jo .rea' .lrlOU ortbl. D,wl Inel. thol Il rl ... nl
r~'E moo L a.lonlehlng eure
of obronle dl IIrrllmu we ..vcr heard of I. that of WI U'8m IMk, FrAukfor& MIII,/ Wnldo cOllnlYl.Me the facIs Me allMLed ")' t, xnt Treat, Upton Tr~nt 811d AI A KurUI, ellh r "f "bom might h e Rdd/elled for parlleuln l'll AIr I.. rk " WI cllred by JO/tMO,l'. Anu"!!", LUll. llI<ltll. BOll JOSRI'I1 FAIIKWILLL, Ma,or o ( Rock 131111, Me Isaac II Bragl, ~ "'1 , Ballgor, and Me""" POlle Bro. MaclllO, Me, lumber wllrcltRntll, fully iDdoraed the Slrtrttlan 04,... al~1I Clil\(/,I,1nt P'0flIfknt, anti h ..ve gh on Lh .. Ilfel rll~Lor. hb rty &0 u.e OIt l, IIlImes lu rc 001llIllell,lI11g them ~~~~~
Dr. ht.t
rtlD~l ...
. , . . In1par" a D~ttlt.1 onlur tb_ .... d erreoh of lnlc- r lor d),H The Dar f . . . . . . . 11'
bt r. an reco........:: '~:.:I.:. l :...-_ _ _ __
). Dck'. lPuh.... nl~' Syrup.. AIr 'tllo <Jura
C .....b . . .nd
old ...
l"'~ DIIaUer and lhrow. It out-v' th e 'ff'"m
th. tJ100<1, _tad tbu. tdrt!etl .~lIre StaDCI:. tlU WUD TOJII IC, rCJR T...
D" .. ,relA
rurld8. as 0 '
t tl
T e Tolllc r.rodpQWIa baah1_ ,. . tioo of llia.l 010.eli
enaU". aD .,,,,",Ite, furraln. hyl t , an~ urin, tho
"'OOlob.IJrI.I...... orlndl"'.Uon aeNu,', IlA!U)IU"& Pili....
Fua THe
var. or
At a meeting or tbe Farmenl' Club, 8 LJ ... (!OJlI'..\!IIT Th ofllfl PIli, ".,. ..Itlrat ...·e .ntl prUttIU (' .. be~l'hr ftC correflpoDdent "roLe 01 the virtues 0/ the pumpkin, giving the fQllowiog ID lion of tbe IJver wltbuu, the IctI\Itdllh ler, '8 the)' Irt (I'Om calumet anti ,e' mure emeacloll' In r.,.t or etance of h8 value for iunammfttory JI"M I beallby • JIg. of ''''Un, rheumatism A woman's arm Willi Iwell· !~~':&~'j'J~::;l.~~~J~ ed to an enormoUi Ilze. aDd J18lnfully ioJllUDed. A poultice Willi made of ste"ed pumpldnl, WhlCb "as reae"fd every fifteea mloutee, and 10 a Dort time produced a perfect cure. The rever dra"n out by We poululXI made them I'~tremely afl'llo8lve, &II tbey "eN taken olt I he" a man cured 01 • .,ere iD&ammatln of &be bo"ela by the lIJIIe
kiDd of appIlcalioa.
A WEED delltreyed before It npel\!llt~ l!ef'd mlly I18V'~ t.he labor of dcstro) IJIg 1\ hundred next year
IS now open to the public, bR Vlu!! licco 10 ftuguraterl by t.be frtlnde8t trod •• ' procrllJllon III er witnessed , remalD s ol,en \lnUI 0 0 \.Ober 91h The Itr~Rt del !lrhn ent. or rna ohine r)" horb IIllurt, fioe arl ~, etc, are more I,Llrllcllve than Itt IID11,ro\10U8 t.lposlt.IOII F.llher of Ihe Ilepartmelll. ot Itself woul,' amply re,'AY A 'ltllll &0 Clnelnatl. olld whell II 0 8111te lb., 0110 admlMlou (110 or tweoty /l.e ",,",. MiI$I,. II. ,.1.ILor to enler nil 1'luU of tbe EIIPOlII1\lftLU 11'1/1 sufficiently ~ho" the hberaJity o( , 18 grent enterprise
Ylrt_ or tile P.m,k...
IImUf!Cm~n t con~ll!ted III h sten mg to Eng. hm novele, read eut loud by the g"I'er nca Oue day this lady, durmg a p8llSC ID nmtllllg.l!I1ld to Scflbe, With aHlgbIf Ob, tbaL I could hope 80IIIe day to ~ an IIIcome of one thousll nd twe hundred france, which would give me rest and lndepenaencc I" Some daye after thl, when the IAlIt cb/lllLer of the 1I0vel, which WIUI but a poor one, bad been read, Scribe, 8udd~nly l\Iud lo tho reader • Do you know that Atory 18 a cnpltal AubJect for a one-act coml'dy-yoll Mill'" plied me with It, Will you write It With me '" Hie neoole. lo eay the compact Wll8 made IUId carried out \Vben the piece WIUI about to appear, Senbe IIlud to hie drRmatlc ageat-., Whether tlllll piny SUCCeedll or not, tbe lady who 18 R8IIOCllIted With me In the authol'l'hlp muat receive from ltOBo tboll IlSnd two hundred france a year for hfe , tltls must be made to appear as a mere matter of buaineea." And so It Wail arranged The governCfll!, however, dellgbted With her we. C4'l!I!t conuoued to find fresh 8ubJects for riDe! wbo al "ayll dechned tbem Theil! when 110 W88 pr&leed before ber, !!he woula
Industrbtl Exposition
It <4/W1
It-Il l ~d
AND CleARS A 'PECI ALTY. tllhl"o~ k ~ n untq ll111 tl Mod cel t"
Ii:"". BISHOP &c. CO., CinCinnati, O. FASHIONS and GOLD-COIN PRESENTSI AP,mtA 'ror .,
I ,Ated
Po ' . " rid Ill)uowo e 1 Tubl\C!Cl o MIHI
lorll 0 .. 1Pur
No ala. Thl , Co.lumu "In.lho admlrallon of all Jt lion. of Ih.,.., ot,I •• ~h.~ 10 ouro to plCAt. eopcal.ny AI It ,S o.llPl'Ilprialo for.l\1 'i.trr('rlo~ir.:li'~" lIIawrinl. Iud rCllul,ClI I .., goOds 10 nll\ko Ihnn • allY IlUler . ult "r '"IIIAI bUIIll11 It Ie one or lIie ....... ''-',-"' . ,,' .,~~ le.41all _ta.u of ollr ell, '.I'ho .IOU~ I..dy wUl flnill t »01_ _ jll.~ Iho octroi chona Ih.~ ImllJOVCI hu ftl:""'. ",Ion. tbo aUKh! or "urr..~ I~i';""i; rorm ma,. ft!C!l 1Key wero novor IOAO".nt.Wo'ou.I!l1 attll1ltl The WAI.t Il lho tcj,'1II.. ",bUer IIUlI'.\ Ih.o.urekl,ll, draped to fann II wid. MlmOeach old. of the 030\1. "hlch m",! bo 0' !h. Mmo 6rTtlblJon. Rcqlllhl81 pnllorJ17 ~;ir;~~-~t,~ ~· Inoh good. rur, nllr. o.. IL No. of "",II'" :.: II'r.i3 raucm 1lllh clo!hmodol,lI!Ictl No 0 Onrtklrt 8'r~I. ,llucm. 1"1111 c101h model ~ cl.. No o(undartklrt, -:':':='::=':===--===--llm$\ ~llA!rtI. Wllh clo'h modo1, IIOt\e Jof. IOd on rcc.I,,~ of prlCl!-_
ImItIt'I "
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n. ,..ar.
Olt 'hr P."~!'!! • • II~ Vlo,. M~'r the IIlfTlltll 8\J.IT wll ".f «IVS" FKEIC P~!I'!': 11M tp . . y ..,npD
~!llAWll'''l'''..1\'lt:.f'' 0••
'."""~I"l&.D '.'he
lonthly "World of FasMon," FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature. 81 ...1" Coplea !1Ii CeaC •• S..rlpU.. Prlee Uo. J ...r.. ......,.... l .. prelllla'l\ or Two DOllan' \\'Or\b or pan nIl f'rwlo oaeb •• blcrlber t1 W. Had ~~ £e.'t.fo!l'{~W n~n~ul~~.~~'Jj llIj',"~\iloa8 wlyl be f,von Il't PLACB or 0".
!)Ollar. wor\h otNUn..l det.1rtd)
TIlle" MOllfTHLY "W'ORJLl>1 OF FA,.eH.lON," 'lie _o.c MauIINI, auraell..
'0 lie Ibu • • III chi. eouncr,., eyer,. penon ",,110 be..... twltb I ... U, will KBVBR tIIlJcOllUD1IO
wbll" " I. p1l.1.......
Illustrated Panern Bazaar ~'Y III
SaD\pl. BnbttcrlpUoD PrIce,
CelIII 1.10 a1Ul1'. pMt.\'Illa Dollar. wOrth or .Itern"lIl.cn to nt h 111b-
free .. rrtUllJllIII
$4,500.00 in Gold Coin to Give AwaJ.1
We Will ,I• • • :J.C:OO..;~ !~e~~~ (!~~ ~ol~I:'·~:~~!'!irl~.':::~I~~ CO~ ~4') ~~ t. °o~r .. wor.:"IIr IIl1mh"r or ool'l!Crll'ort to 011' Ba. .ar," I I ;':'bloD ,'I'I.t .... dl bdortl .a..,hl, 1871. II III •• th, bofo, • ••..,,, I, 18'11.
"'e rou.';' •• To ........ 4ll.11
'.\='::';.Ll~fCl~e "'r.Co2!!fr.:~ To th. .~c:)."Sel~~ ~r.~
Ut~ ~:.: ..... -~ ~:.
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1.oUl1"" Brltl pe. nd·blJls that I ked bfoWilller- 1 h repc tcd it o~ rand ('~ r "ilia 1111 hi Ingly IIlike. Along tbe whule dim sLr ogt.h. b..-. uf _110 .~4 hilum r 01 .lIk. IN the garde~ of th lot Andrew b ritoll th re WI no IDounuuu to rv '1'h. !Tect of chja pe~iUOIIOII the bl ck A ... l ru..diu rlhl)(HIJJot Mlt n110W RJ ; J~ 1I1~ 16011111 I\~tf ' I ~ n I utllluuk. Blliv w fluzd d and Qllt IIII' ~ m to hAV llCenuhllllnlllflcou JobnllOo'& rt'lU,lell i a maglli61ll"0t . .. lry-ftll ... Ih. "'1Il", I'. " ,..y . 10, t, but not. fflgh lt'ned Ho' ron on At a I'll j bherlng alld ht,lu&lng · !!I'd M 1_ buldlnJ thQ UD In their hellr' wlllo .... grown froUl a LWlg \.Ilk II from l"'.... L and lU ill nOneU f!, ventu )lMt. thi >'ct and hillo k, till It by magic. l 'here " lUI 11 m em n.'~ the ... illow whi h belld O\'(>r tb grIn-II bud growu dark; ~, dark, 11I!lc d. tbat lienee, Lhen Il Illperiflg. V'~1I' :t·'I';;!~~II:l ,::-,o~:~::f( of Nlpol 00 lloliliparte 011 Ihtl l~ll\lId 01 h could I\Cllrcely Mel', IUld hlld no lon~ r WIth III" moulh loth, HroulIlI Rnd III ThAM ille ctlld * 10 ill O~ r " III IIU. t. Heleo ,lIl1d nt \(, the t'x P re id nt. lIut 1my .. r the u. lot 1 10 11.. the leM~ Iden towar,1 whlli IIOIIH of th (\\' . lIghLly h u t.. Ullly I.,. Illld list ned. A twig from Ihis nULI'd ,r will be c mp... he WIII\ going All utt.cr tilln hnd til .. Ib I'lft !C of ~'Io ... _ ... ,,.., ..... , . __ h.n1lr woul(1 know . Til dClICrL 18 not u comfor':Rbll' 1)10 8 to tb e nOI y jolhficaiJolI. li r hf dry The.,. utI ... ·r a drop of hout"r eould .nu planted over 111 r. J ulill 11 '8 grnv on I wquder If bUllllU lIuwen are thut, be II" tin, nnd Billy'" f!Cnt!llltonK " ere (ur Il'rllJlS burn d out, and b I bt'~an to JohollOn's 1:1 III, tAlV 11 wilhu ut, h\at h O IO u! "hblg f froan Jllcuwut. To fnll into th banda of clear of the moke. for a whll lAew .nd nO"f'r!, aud • sarre-1 ",,' 01, A at.1 .. " .... 101llb I lure ... lI'lor : Lbe bllieK nnd be kept IL pri1!On r, or per· BIll)' had no tbought th e nMivc THE Empr EuS uit' 1ft nhouL to com· WUh kllUIII Ra ..r. ." I •• aleu. "lib 0 0 ... hll/lR 00 rotll!t d /lIld ea ten, were among had j!<lne. 110 lenew or theIr li.',..ttf l h.11 dJ'el(lll u tu lu ,-ht .un menoe .suit in he r own Mme, and III th e th chAnces of r' DllIlI1l11g long In tbe IICrl!Lltiolll!. He lay '1-',....The "1111 gtad 1,,"bc",tUft OYt!J' Ht l.u. luardlan of ber !!On, heforo th I vii Out Dn., 'be...... 10, com..... ell. locsitty ill willoh h found him8clf. Tbe wombatjj Tribunal of tb ill , for th r vcry n blll1ll'blUlk tbere Willi HUI danger Argy and COlnmlen'~l : or beiug ca ught by the IIn tiv • On foot, ioW!ly. The1 01 "ariou. bj cLs of v.lu , eilllCcially ","In aloatu 1\ aDa J " ..1. dar-I .....1 .... how vcr, Ii w Europe&lll would c:aro to put him, but try a rBL'O wllh th Ion ..iel.:OO blll ~lt... An hour or Plerrelonds Rnd Fontain III aU. WIth tb ir boomerangs WhlKtliug ahout WW! about m" ~""P1'n. hi. ellrl!. o ut, when a \tght TUAT lugu t and ancil'nt tnbulilll, the A kind of Inrge black Bnake, very vi nct'll b im that. IIOme ~fountanill, fal o from bow Kuh.t. nl~i.1 CourtO'f ucen'e I!cnch, blUlplll'6ed I\way, 3<lLI ve, 11Iid 1\ (1l'ndly bl l.e r, 18 common in 8tl U nN" the place ; 10 I""ftr~ from Green Bay and Omnd rh-er, Quccn Elianbe Lh thoro were 810r 011 afl.er 1\11 I'xi8t.onlle (If II thou 11111 ycarH. h Oh , 18n't It. 1 ,elf T .\ I ~r(,.ct fltl the !!Crub. I3ll1y drended tbe MURke~ thr e hOllra Dlor AI ho liDk , then very two fuxc~, a rnccoon, (I dog. n cat. four aeh eitl , witb nroor8 Hlld gRnlo{1f1, aud I h IlI.kltl': ' Ihat t. M.rltle.rou know The Court i!Ilt on th o Glh of <>etolle r for fllmo t n~ much llii tbe blncka. 'fhell, too, ClI UtlOUHlv crept do" n be' Ule Ulouth of ge , tlnd )lut up !!OntC cm~ieB- Whe. Ilt the touuth eml t bere Wll8 II I)u r (I h"ven" Ih u monel: IJhc Jllllne to WJIIi. h wn.~ " ct, alHl tbe naght WM chIlly. tho hole.• the la8t time, III alll'r"bnbllity, thou gh l l>a Q'1 Ue l"lUlbef'f'd .. IIh "I b l no r) th ey cut th e tow hno till xtra rdloary wood II hou!!(1, brought Ironl llollnnd 1 "", b .. m '"iii r bl. bona,' I I hnll, however. 1\ Illt of dum!",r Tbere WI\8 no IIlltlvo ill . h t, lind after or w dId "'IlIIt mnlly othe r urewol hnve which WIIS o~ oretl with \·.Irvlllg IIl1rl It does not cease to \.eoh OIcally Xlst unA nonh, _y, .111 r.,.n,. Prul~t br lid ill th e I IIlburtlllocket of hIs jucket. wutch lDg nnd 1t8t.en ing lor a long t llnc, done. run from one end of t he deck 1.0 gildIng. III th mttHle a~('8 It was th ~" 11reM I, t."(!rtuI I\1 1I'w~tetl t of a ll A ,.ow mal h-A W tilling aflcr long til November. To, if Alexalul r 'k1..,IU(lUt. I wl.h to alt r tb rd rOilC ThiH he ut.c whit JICOrtllg ubout for IlOtn the b<IY ventured 10 con forth. 0 lane- th e oth er In (Ie plllr. 'I'ho ~bl(l BtnrteU acon of affrnys of nil kinds, :lnd it WWl urr"hlp bum belongs tb di tillction of bei llg tbe '1 hI! Mille Kh,d JCUlIl:Joft,UII oyur us f.,I, nook or "heile rl', 1 s(lOt, lllto wblch he iug guurd edly backwarc;\ ovor L he rouk ofr mlLjestlemlly nnd C1n~d \() srI' t with hurned down veral time~,.lhro thou&Uut lI e",e, lhtj f Ut ile Jot ,olL1e~ 10 1\11. N ~;VF.I\ wl\8(e yo ur time, WMte IIOme: IMt Lord hi f Jl1~ti uf Eugland. might cree p L(lI'~Cul'u the cold wind li nd he SIUI', t 011 it, a broacl 1I00tleu platter, a 611111 th high .hon·s on mther Ride nlld )lC1"801I! pcriHhillg In ,til firo ulouc btllly eh!(l'~. ~l(prIlIDg ~me apin " Iter th" batlLtl l' the lIight. well 100lded with frIed t3p polC14 !lnolher crow ned wi Ib clIg r S(lC tnlor.. be Th h cad ~ o f rcools \\ ero ~ttl ck Oil th , 0Alllt] " It (.!Ofll~, 10 Khldnl1t9J (lr Gloom_ Tu F. I'repl\mtion ~ for lhr rf< I'Uon 01 At lir~ L BIlly was not inclllled [.,} sloop co ntnining bulrll h rOtl , a larg d.lrled through thtl ti 1'l\1 rU[1lus II.I! true 118 l!ute.boul!eII, omong othe", tilOse of ,!.lCk 'I'm: mo t striking f< atn rc abonL IIOme 1 0 hmgultl d.n('~rtt III at.lul,. hili, Ur IOllel, wlurlu' r til garrt!L flIUm the Prinoo of W ll l c~ III Ihe I~~it have be· Ooce a kanSMuo P llllSell at II li ttle dl ti· pil'cc of I!CO rehed kangaJQo meo'll, lilly pilot couid hllv lOll her Two or Cnde, lind of O:unet, who \\ (lro con- tIlc n nrc thei r fi81~. Till hu t lit ...• dll' t! flitlt!'4! "be W~ )'OUIIW:, ta llue, mnklng tho grolUld jllr heavily at I t iM'1'I1t.e evldellt tbai tho blllCkll hnd the bt'urd hero pl un ged 1111.0 tbe yel l ~ty ce rned in tho gU lll>owd r phIl to hlow gun. Ext"n IV ll lllt.eraLn)ngllnd Imp roveTU E l>oy who w ki 'k(ttl Ollt of tilDe l u alrh'tfft dan OOI '14''''1111'.''"''11 ~D l r a.a the r.1~I, ahe 111.,. tune WQr" lIeh of il.<! ullw leldy leups. LIIter, he taken llIIlY 'H voice for t\nl of IIO lIIe l!O rt rnJlld d lind ocLlIlLlly swnm to IRIIlI .lIId up Iho HUU Mel! til Purlt alllc lIl mentll are beiug I' II00wd tn tb e OVCfIl· 'rhe oy II ~ nn Ijd he lired 1ItIl\ ~ II bllclt in A 8 Io"~ll & drefllt.,. 1hilt UH1'f hea rd the low ,lIh rlll l"u:d of n snake elO8e of dl\ lIIi ty, wh om they ~hought it WII~ were all up:ht. T he oLher /let tu work heads III good 'j r 'fhOluM 1lum, br'!\' gOod ord er. ment OUI!l', a1l(1t\l(' E.ll!t Jl1lhli RIIII","y Th" KllbiO 111t1i IIunbMIm" orer Us r,lI, aL III1Ial, IUld h n~t lly threw stun('s, stickH besL Lo propltulte" Ith d generou meal, climbtng the IIln~L On she went, mnk· \vulln e of Scothlllll , ILIld the PIOIIS Ilul U~fr.r Lbo "I IUU lull'OIIlC8 to "II Complmy ill constructing a royal trt\III, Wm:!\' a mllll I r ally to go " ,her dnty alld d irt, to fngbten ofT so unde Irnble 0 IIn'\ tbun leave to hi O\\'i] devlcol!. Ing a plnns , "iaiPPlllg 11 800, IUltl n ~i llg BlsllQP of ltocbllstllr were UliSO J,lnced I ,ltn~ .htl'lI ~OOII ho .. Ih morain, <OUI . ., which ... iII consi8t of II \ '0) carrhlgell-OlItI \' Isi tor \Vit.huut at.tending to Ihe llI\ "age offer· lroll! It ill bea:1ttlul style. At her bow· thero, l\ud un ~ ll a com pllnttl\'cly recent calls, he~houl d go homc, if nOLbiDgmore In oolor o f J'Ui(lor p.-.tJIlI Km, ; 8I!rloull offers. of them a atAte reeepti 1\ l\lIIoon , on fI Ute, .llh lUI Hwlu , foru r (lone; 1'\\ 0 ur thrr tlmea be fRn cled he heard iugs, IIr in the lelUlt undrr~tanding tb em, apnt Willi the AmeTlCtlD en Ign nnd lit dute uch ghlll!t1y t roDlu glllnced do\\'u I""'th lor.n . ,' ro" hrJnV. ,h A11"y a qu r 1!Ound of.m!fliny filrtb r up under the oov li nt lIJ!8 ured himself tlint the her ste rn the Ellglish Jilek. J.n h~r de- ou the JlIU'I!Cr8 by. 'they wer fustened P£01'J,l1 wl,o complaill that there is 110 a1ll11ping carrillge, two cIlrrtage8 for tbt' lI ouor Iud Jmrhy dlOClltihH, Inllell(1 th rock, nnd etmol "ded tbat there WI\II a COR t ,,:Wl clear. then loi/k Lo IU 8 heels, plell81trO iu thia world , 8hOllid join a ba8ent over the second rapid ber OJtUlt ltaff, and olle fclr tho rrine 'II personal on iron splkll8 nnd ill n gale of "'tnd tlley ~1~':,~(!t:'(1::1~r!~e~~'tI~:,l~\~~n~tr bl'Old , bur row nf wombllt beb tnd tb e bowlder and soon l ei~ the rock fill" behind. 0011 cl ub and /!ee a plnyer killed. .. wellt b y the hourd" d losw ungrouud, IlOmcl,illlll8 roiled to the I!roulld or tn attendao l.!!. Unc.."8 IIbu. WL, lair, Lut now t be 11 de-."t., wlto \l e re dillt!llti fled because he had 'fbnt tbillllin~ular d~ll"erance WllS ill nud pres"nted her brond~lde to til e d1l8ll- tbe wate r. rh IJtune ~.d un ht..'f\ntS oyer u. , • .11 , Ttt& gool!ll that w strucK by lighttllken po8I!Cl'Ilion of their front door step. allswer to nllly s prny f; mllY pe.rba(ll! bo ing nnll fOllmin.!: \I nters, ond aller rellut ncnr llau 1110 I l conlutl 10 All 'fhrce hundred and fifWclI yelll'8 ngo DIng III St. Louis does not bdi v tbat - lJnr,JCr'1 B lUlJtUu' TBE em!!O for tit mmonweal4h But though 8Ol\lcwhat IIfrald of Iurgc qUel!tioned by I!Ome people ; but a\l felld- mlulllng stationa ry for 11 moment or two lho J,ord AlIIyor of Lolldon \Vils, If Wil- feathers uro 1\ non·cond uctor of elec~~~~ RglUo.t \Vesterlclt, one 01 tho IIl1eged animals, Billy had very lattie fellr 01 el1l wllJ al/ree, I think., th.t phyelemlly,lLt WUP, by 118 fore3, s wung rollnd, ste rn ham Ullwet. H c... et lived ill 11 ho ul!C on tricity. wombal.8. leI\8t, It 11'1 \8 n Sood thinr ror hIm tbat be forom o t, And haVing pn d to the thud the Ilrldgu, IInll hod all iufll/lt daugbter Ititlnappel'8 of Cbnrl ey Ro~~ Wild opened IIOW D1Ll.Y 'YAS SAVED. 'fH E only wILy Lhllt some poople can Towllrr! morning he grew drowsy, an d prayed for dehveranoe. Withollt prayer rapid she bIlged but earned ht'r bull, Il»- named AJ10 0. The currt'nt o f the 'l'bll\llC8 lately In l'hlladell'hla nt HIe conclnsion koop thel r namCII lIut.rhishel\ ' " to make I V(\\uh' , (,;tllU Pfllnlo )1) J lit leng th fell atilee p At brol~d daylight he c.c rlainly would not ~ ,e C8CIIpcd pllrently whole, bet\\ ecn G rM8 leland WIll! the ll very strong, nil th re W RS a fnll of the 8eleoUon of tit JurY. llud Mr. n o. , Bridget spend hllif her tlllle !!COuring the tnrting hMuly, a sudden He "oudered ahout iJ.l the ecrub Ulltil TItily M rrim:", WII Il"cattle-bol ' at be Il\voke. the lat her, WIIS th o lir \ WlllIC Clilled. II .ltlllk llirlll III the " buMh II in lSoulh rumbl e caught h,s enr, ond. turning, he it WIIS nearly D1ght, whe~ 'be fort ulllltely nnd th o BritIsh shore to the HOM!esboc, of 6I\veral feet undern euth I he urcbt'1!. door-plut.c. oyer whi ch he Willi car n ed, titorn fore· Onll day a nu rse W1\8 pluyinj; wltb young It WM claimed that th originnl abdu" Au~tmlilL H e WMII hRppy·go-lucky ~ r t esPied a bIg mottled tlu 1 dump rlOg in hMrd the guns fired I),: a party of the most, lind Illullched into the aby88 he- AUllo lit a w1OdOW overiooklllg tb e riYllr, To pr vent her lover from" going tlon wa conooc\.c\1 by t he prl!!l)n r. thai or Ind , nnd, from 1111 aC(.'I)unl.8, a rather a mthe r large blllck hole, that _ med Lo sLock men, "ho were o~ IICllrching for low , and da hed Into II tbOl1AAnd pi('ces. lind in a emrele i! mom 'nt ~he let ber hi;. bock" 011 bi ~ promise, a Detroit girl aTlend bnck und r the rock. H e concluder! him. They had becom alarmed at his T he emt a nd dog lind the fuxe wore ti e cbarge till I. A young IlpprenLice wny8 inlroduces blm wher friends 1\8" m1 he I. nppo!lCd 10 be the perllOn who gmoole88 one. It w bls bu loel!!!, in company with tbe IllJilllal WI\II a wombllt that had not comlDg in, and still ~re by Bhnker's nenr heard of moro; bu t the geeae, named Ooiborno plunged IIl to tbo bo ilin ~ iotended husbllDd." wrote the letwt8 to ~I r. Uo K, o!ferlDg to A WOMAN may 1!0 fur forget lIerlllllf III comproml!!C (or $20,000, and t bat he WILl! holf·a·doZl'n ol her ~Lockm e n, to " atch probably been observing him curlomly coming home rlderle!l!ll8tt~ that p revious blCSll tht'lr httle hetl1l.i1, w r fou nd be- stream IIl\.er her, and WIth grollt difh· " I'll dl~ you out of hl're 1!Ome day," evaing. , over II herd of eleve n thouBand emttle, low ou t b ' ban k quit)t1y oihng t.heir culiy IIneu ber, t.1lUK eumlns tbe life- 10 1\lIow n man to Iaco up her bOots bein league tbrollghl,ut II iLh Mosher and that had their pa turago 10 the vaUey of wos BlIIy 8 mental comment. Then he 0 BIlly escaped unlin rmed at last, fea thers. The effit!"y of Andrew JlICkson long grntitu(\e of hi B ml\8tcr, tho Lord foro ~hey are mRrried, but afWr mllrDougllU!. frIght 01 the smoke, or was also fonuel uOlfijured- like thc ~el!O Mllyor. Anne grew to be n UcnlltlCul rin.ge she 11Lteuda to tbe laclIIg henelf. I~ ~ mall nv er (!lIUed lho Wtrrum, flowUl g bethought blmself of hi e SItuation. and but eIthe r th 8tlt up to conSIder it. He felt hungry perhaps both com'blDed, brought on a -thrOWIng hiS arms ahout Ilnd knocking womaD, and, as her fillhcr WIII\ very inlo U,e Murrny. To II da,nlng-nec<lle once ...clahuocl tbe klklleoThis [lllstur", or "run," xtended for ami by cnn1ul f!('llrch ho found Il lew leveri b attack wluoh lalled a fortnigh t bi k IIce8 wgether to the eddies. M.J1Ii l\lINRum. \,r 'tory Oollnly, Newealthv, IIIl1ny lIoble me ll, lIIc1uding '~'bolD rlgh~tbt"O\lgh yourbod1.aud ) "00· dirty er\llllb~ o f dalllJH'r in hili leather or mor('. Ultimately, however, he remany DIlIel! Illong the lIOuth bank of th eo rls aod \)arQlle~, 80 ught her blllld. nut " You~~ vada, de1!ervC!'d IL bt-ti r flll(' Doth h er d\lr how 1011 lIvo lit , coverl'd h,ealth, nnd,l lun very!!Orry to 8tI'CnR\ N o f~n l. eM ('nelo d It Tn thl' IKl uch, lind nte th em one by one. tlbe lovcd O ~ho rll o tho ileat. nnd to all DlIllho ntwle (wbo " ...10",..) rol,lll!<l," I loo lo... &nUS wore t,aken of! aL onL'\) by the tiickle 1'ho Cedllrs of Lebanon. l!Outbwnrd it ~trcllt chcd oil to thfl a lm08t Wbtle thu ~ en~lIgcd , a shnrp snnpplng Bay. eelellrnwd his cunvail'llCence by ~v. wood.rod other suitors her faUlcf Stud "No; O~ of a reapor. H er fathcr lind the hired houndle d_r!.ll of H.'t nd and 'I!llrub," of t WIgs drew im lItte ntion It came iog Bhnker a mOllt outnigeoull beatln(!: The eeda r$ of LebullolI, onc tho glory borne won bllr all(l Osbo rJIo sbull hllV8 Thai 'OU nOlh.,,! lit'! ()n~ bole wben In f <t1.llbetoart .. buttdr«J fI man were pllralY7.ed wit.h horror. Misg wh~ roam the wild black tnbes, tho 1180fer. and a m omeut later there blll'8t So, wlule bls pl'll.yeJ'f! lIIAvcCI his Hfol, it is onlle eRl"th, hllvc bccome llko 1\ history her." So ho diil, 1111(1 be a(terwllrd beA OAt.lI!'OlLNlA llUoler, who went tell the 'l'imc Wtl.ll wben their ..,ide- came the 8r t Duke of I Ilds - t. Njcho,rurp,e"lnIL cs lIiokler quickJy CAlled 1.0 them ~ ttl llborlglnee of UIIII I trftnge 8Outbnrt;l conti· through th tmilln g lca \'eg tbe lean veryeerll\lJl b!.8 alll1 IIlIIellLo wneNgame 'ft . . P\eot,l.aod .... rAAn"ain cl~, tI8. ' ~ach - formi11!!: II ~reat lall I tf c L upo eef "11 ttliJII]lllllOOV th wound and neat., 'l'hll too\mOll ftfe iti tit a.'\dd l black paW!!, lind gl'llY, 1V01Il!b bend of a (lOpe produced '10 bene lound ~bllt he brought a box. of pi\\al.Qne tho olhe r, Ilourtshed him othl'n \ lI;e. comllreA!lthem, which they dill. 'hothen all day loug, and lead R rough life, fuJI native dog. ijtead of peroll iOD'crop!!, retumei:l home all th eir luxuriance nnd beauty on t be of adventu re and peril. note of ..o tltl • At slgbt of hllu, BlUr. Jumped up ill ="""'===""""""~ told them to walk her to the I'OIId, and in di gUtil. f"r. fam ed mountliin of Lebanon. That One dAy a wild younff bullock belon§- Rudden apprehenSIOn. l 'he dog sDarled, ,\ Good (Jonntry ror tho Negro. It is pretty gC llemlly und erstood tbll t they obeyed. he wa~ L,.kc n hOOl lIUlil· ing t.o Bllly '~ .. dlviaion made n .. bolt i ' tb en llarked nnisily. lmml'd illt.ely there Tn ElIE'~ on CODlIOlatlon in being bald. 'ierm Leone is a terrestraal pl\radl!t' WWI tho Lime when the monarob ofTyre in order Lo be slire 01 a letter golllg to inl, the wound8 drelli!ed alld th poor tbat I Lo v, be pu t np head aDd tall, nrOloO n low pecnlaa r cry, apparently not lor lIeg rOl'II "hef' they hllvo aitnn8t - 0 CIty then th e quelln of ulltions-Hent nny PArt of the U IIi ted States\ CJtcellt a When It poiteemlln 8~rike8 you on the J utwred a VIO iOll8 bellow, and dUK bed 011 Lhoulmnds of his workm en to (ell cedord II hundred Vllrtl8 uti H " rut answored eve rythlDg tbl'ir own wily. In S icrm girl is going to re~ drop lettt'r, and Cllnuda, a t Iree cen t helld WIth hl8 club tbe doetor doeen't over tbo hIlls towRrd the !!C rub In n from nJllIbciu~" CVCil'J" ,~ '" lAloue a ucgro mi ght allmult and III:alr for th e conslru ctlon 01 tile temple of slllml) at lell8t mUl!t be LllCcd upon It bavo to wnate "ny lime in cutting halr mement BIlly \I'M follOWlllg 111m with a .J'Jru@ Illem Tho who would view tho A ROBlN'S neat WII8 lately tllken fwm Tbe blacks were abroad on a hunt. kIll 0 Euro~fln, alld only be fiued 11 Drop lettel1l, as they lire called, fqr oity IIway from the wound. a pe&r cr III MO ~lIehu seUl!, the mate- whoop Rnd a halloo, hislon~ whil' co tled, Btlly's hClI rt nlmost ellme tbrough his smull um , bllt If 0 finger 18 Inid upon II c dllr~ of L ebanon lIOW must be 1!Ome- distrIbutIon, rl'qulre only a two oout A I' A"' Y of Il"turnll~t.a were very much y for a stinging CII/!t. the fewnel!8 o( th ir staUlI)' 'j'11I8 must be paId lit the beginrib. Jf he ron, the dog "ould foUow negro, the iine is twenty pOllnds. It 18 whnt ,,!feoted rials of which it WIlli co n ~lruct ed baYing telId J3ut tbe wtlr brute glu ned covert III II hun, ftnd the whole pllek ofnn tiv(' \\ onld no uncommon tbwJ: fur 0 npg ro to follow numbe r, lind th t! lr decllY lind dcsuilitioli. niug. or elec tbilletlef dOl' not ~tllrt. The am used, Olle elilY Il\8t week, by tlle specillclo of:l Wlscon~in potato bug jerkbeen ael(lcted II IIh grrllt laale. It was rnvillo full ot tanglod grn!!!l-trCC8, wh ,uh !!Con b lit his heeld. a wh, te mlln all o, er the III" n tihouttn g A little re Ulnllll t IS I tt, lind the I ra vcle r regulM dOll1 esti ' postllge is fixed at the Ing lUI ox·cart around a ton·acre lot ID OfOQDlpoeed of a lady'll collllr wllh a cam- lod up out of the vRlley on to tbe til' ort. 11 glllDocd h elplc~8ly around. Tbe aft.er lum, .. Wbite nljll;cr," whi ch they 1>/I?'~.8 upon thelll with ",feeling thllt b/l8 rate of three ceoli! for every balf ounce d or to get up fin appetite. brill ceuter and lace eclgi ng, and aeveral 1'0 turn blm bliCk, BiUy was obhged to Wlo'lIIbtlt hole IDet bls eye. Tbe blacks consider a most opr roillolls epi t het, nnd III It II tou ch of 8lIdne1!8 All through or any frac tion thereof. So long 08 olle AI.I, bllChelorij are uot entirely loat I.Q yards oC 11100 t wo Rnd Cour II1 Cbl'8 wide. nhlke a long d<!lnlLr over tbe hl UIll. [II U,e wt're coming. Th r WII8 no time to dllitei n!! around WIth mcnllClllg g(lstures the lIhddle Ages a vi! lt 1.0 the cedars of rate or thre' cents is paid, a lottor, no The neBt had evidrntly been ab.ndoned meantime Lbo bullock returned Lo the thillk tWIce. Billy instantly re80lved to All thIS is done III ord er lo make the J..cb::w on W1\8 re arded lIy many rerdOn mlltte r bow much over all ounce IL Dlay tb r l1uemcllt of ntllncllt, for the foIby the occu pont, wb()tl(l lOetll\le Will! prob- pll\ln and rRn from tbicket to t1l1oket, take hI cha nceR wltb t.h \l womba .... aud "white nlllger" 1o 0 his temper ond III the Itgh t of 11 pilll llmlige. Somo of weigh, will be forwarded, and th e blliance lowlll g tOMt \\'1\8 lately giveo by one Qf 'The ladi_ dllrtin!l in and out of the tnngled !!Ct ub, strike the ''t black gen tlem an," in whIch th e tl ceil were th e ught to laavu hccn witr be collected on its delivery. Not them at It pubhc dlllncr ubl, not uffic iant to JU tlfy hvlng in where It WI\8 hnpOl!lllble to follow him on dived illLo th e bulo weet briel'8 III the garden of life I" The dog slIapped alld Lo ro ot bis booter CI\8O tbe latter immediate l>: tl\ke8 out 0 plllnted hv Kmg Solomon hilllf!Olf, und I!(), however, WILb IIElW8ptlilOrtI or other lueh a BLyie as would be required in such borseback. but he worm ed bi8 way iu. The hole lea summons Rguiust bl8 8 IIIllont, who is were look d upon as Mored relics. In· 'rnE MorrisLowlI B aallt. They tallt a coatly re8id(!I)L'C. Half a score of miles oro soon gone over l!trlll~ht b3e k under Lhe rock eigbt or teu mllle t.ed out of t " enty pounds. A8 a ,Iood , the \,1 ~ ll.orij lOOk a way f!C many cllltlS of mAli Dlatter, and here is JU&L of bUlldtng IL monument to Jobn With whl'ro the public does not !leem to be iu sueh achlUlC. Tbe half,wlld AUlltrallan Jeet, 111 \.0 the "ery heart of Iho billock, large proportion of the fine g0l'8 IUtO the pl~ces of wood from tho bluk, of whicb ill Vir~lIuu. We ho.v~ II. vague recollecWHAT reotarkable strides we are mok- cattle are \'ery fleet and ha\'e relllllrkllble where it explluded IDto a sort of den, as pocket of the pt' n!O n a888nlted, 111uny of to mllke e rosoos lIud otht'f nrtiule8, thot Hulliclcutly informed. By [let of tbe last ti on 01 !!CeiDg tbut naane belore~ but we Congrelll!, the postage upon 1111 i1omt'stie ing in the Inorclll!O ill our dotneati c ex- endurnnt.·e; but Jjjl Iy overtook Lbl' run- bilt n 11 bake r'Hovon. thef!C " blnck genLlemen" lind that IL IS It W,1l! fenled Lhe tree would b(' II' troyed. mllil matt.er of the i!tlcond or thIrd clB8ll didn't know the gentlemnn W1\8 uead. porIA! of produce 18 sbOI\ n by a ltttle oway lit llUlt. Tired e llt lind brcnthle!!l!, Seclllg him comlllg, lhe womba!.ll more protl tablo to provuko white IIII'll Lo The 0 ~ nlA glllhcent gro v~ i ~ but n. ~peek PI[ IlER W ICKER BRI.N80N FILurKU,e titec r stumbled alld fell htlllvily. 8ni!fed lI .. illlly, and wen t I!llrambling t.rlktl them tbllll to work for a li ving on Lhe mountain sidc. Mnny JIilr~n~ inoluding transient new8pllpllrs, WIlli tlll;i st.atemenL jl1~L i88l1etl by the tatilltieal There il L one cent IlOr ounce, lI11d ill all cases to LIN J.. P:£ BI;l I1IUWARD JA JC:80N SW,uN be IllY pal,Pltatiog. witb th e whil l'S farLher bllck under the hlllocle. Here IU I\'c tuken It III tho dl 6l1\oce for II wood in this Uf!;rO It l WPIn," IDsl.ead of tb e he flllly nropl\ld or not forwarded. Es'I'.: sRADUN, I ~[tyoungman who hVetlin Bureau. In Lh o f\!!CII1 ycar which cnded of his wicked IIttlo eyes glarlllg Ilt bie Billy blld Lho l!atlsfactlOn of boIDg able to negro belllg the mi"t'nlble. do\\'n-h·ooden o r tlrLreel!, but 00 IIpprollchlllgnearer Wbl'n Ihis law Ilrtlt went inLo elleet, Georgill, and hus the good aeDae 10 reJune 30, IS74, the \tlllt year of whIch pUl'8uer. 11111 lnkin g a c1ui!ll r Vie w, th e uoe6 re.'!lIme turn ov('r. wretch be is gl'nernlly rleplcood, ho 18 A prillst of this yellr, it WILl! Cllrcely due tho forcJlurt 01 hlS name to SImple II I'll \.each, ou a 1t'8I!On I" cned BIlly, that Bur~au hl\8 IItllde 11[1 filII relurn s, The dog W1\8 stIli worrying his hool8; tbe great mlln to "hom Lh wlntt's mu.t 110m I~hllt III tbeir ancient maJl's',y. The he('ded by the lIlaJorlty of the public. " Estes." galloping IIlonb 'l!ide lind lC llplllg . 0/1 hi a . pace Lhey CO\·t'r 18 not more tb:m ball 1\ but tllktng a stone, h slrlt<k at the defl'r. II. 18 not SIIrJlflStng. a(ler 1I1I, thnt the domestio nports omounted In Bpecie As n consequence, for 1\ long tune the olO. " I'll t~lke the qUIrks Ollt of you, brltte's head \\ith sucb effl'ct tbat it the 1I ~.g ro should 00 mll AI d wltb Iflell.'! DIlle; hut o n cell nlld ~t thl' lII, the bcuutl' e fficials at \h o Brooklyn )JOstoffico. under TUEY I!II Y If you WIUlt II. frce tigbt wbHe value to Oler 5(9) millIons of dolllll1l 1I01' 81r I" nnd tho bea\ y IlWi ClIlI1e erueJly of hJ!! own iIDportllnce. H e f!('U II lorge ful flln like brnnchl'8 ov~rlll'tI(l, the ex- strict orders frolll the l'08tmarter·Qcncral traveling in the lilr West, you must find For the corre811Ondlllg tll\('lI l year of the down" ith II sounding crnck, whidllllade bal'ked bastilY out/ howiint; with pain. Mennwhlle, he beard n Jubbering out- flee t kept up lor lobe purpose of prev~nt qUI~lle g ree n of th e younger Irelm, and lit W IIlIhlOglon, retalOcd and delltroyed a Grullger wbose fleld8 have been clev.... previous decade, thllt (' n,hng June 80, tho hlur /ly lip III II long htle. lind drew a IIldo. tated by g~88boppors, nnd c:ongl1ltu~ate The blacks hnd como up. severnI ing h,s countrymen bewig carrIed mto tllecolo~sll1 8 lze o(the older one., fill th e 186•• tbe specio vnlue of Ihe expor!.ll 11'811 Wild bello IV of pain from tbe prostro.le other dogs ru shed 8uccoll8i\'ely ioto tbe slavery; he kno" 8 that tbe ColollY of miud wi~h InWre~tll ll\ludll1lro L IOII . The e ver)' dllY about ooe bundred l)()unds oC bim 011 having dl.JlOl!Cd of IU8 crop WithlIeW 8p"llOl1I. After n wbil ,ana by conout the illtervention of II middlcman. but 148~ U1ilJion ~. Here IS nn Inerea!!C allimal hole, buL 011 gettinr within range of Sierra 1..< oue 18 lII binuLincd 80Iely FJr the IreeK tlre fWlt dl8llppeuri ug from the (ace lhe wild, rough boy batl no pity in hi8 Dmy's heavy bOOt·beel, beat 1\ speedy 11e n eflt of hLS hbertllcd compatrio!.ll, be 01 th e enrth. Elich 8ncceedlllg 41.\vele r etant ellort to inform tho 1mblic tbrough ot more tban tbrl.'e· folll iu te n years. notioos 1.laeed ill conspiellOU! placllll, the SoM.E montha ugo, au Ore.!on named beart.. One sLroke hy 110 tnt'II\1S IIIltlslied retremt.. l!C('s and mixes WIth th e mil!lllOnaneil, find s them fe \l e r . in num oor thull h,d rato of d estruc tion WOII tleorell~l'd. At bi girl bllby nfl.er Queen Vietorill, and TUE lottll Illoretll!e of tonnage whicb hl~ temper. A sco re of Il\8hes fl'lI filst There il! no need to remark tbot he and. being ignoran t tlnd naturally vain, predccc.'!l!or. There ar now but !e\'en hIlIlVY, ond when hiS IIrm ached. be h st(!lled lIlt.cntly to hellr whnt the uuLi veM bo Im8gmf8 that 8111re wblte men take the cedn rs remall"ng, Ivhll'h, frOID thO! r the pre8ent time ollly abollt twenLy· fh'o wrote to tho Qucen to that effect. No~ pa1lIMId th rough th o lit z C,lIlsllR8t ycar, alill tested 0 fow momclIl~, then commeDced were abon t. 1'h"y were cbatteriuj; so mucb trouble about him be must be IIge lind ex pe rience. indicates lhnt they pound8are detiLroyed dally It III tholl£bt heuring from Her Majet!t.y he changed by ABelstant PostlJlMter hrown that be· thu child's lIame to Hanuab, and w.ent Alcompll1O,l ,,·ith 18711, wos a92,229 tons, Rfre~h ; Rud, Lo Wll th e truth, kept flog· eagerly, but in fI Jargon qUIte unlntelligl- a pel"l!On of iIDIIICOl!C importnnco. There hlld nil eX lst.cnc to BIble dny . fore tb yeM iKover tbe raLo of d,'strue- out and pounded the lint Eughsbman he of which 202,505 wcre Britu~h. The ging tho poor 1\111111111 tIll the bllir WIlli ble. are mllDy ell cellent lind pioul milllion· tion will be 8tl1l fur~her reduced-even met. mercantilo /lectof Engitrn rl,:nrricd 1,149,- IIl1llrly all of!' HI! back, Bud Dot only tho Curlolls Nnmorlcal ReI.Uotll!. Preseutly the hole darlcened. Some- aries: but, unfortunately, the s pectaole down 10 /I vo or ten pOllnds per diem. TRONG fIIlI"" tOllJl the clouoh frow raJllh" 9f9 tons, 118 Kglli nst 892,949 tona unde r hair, hut the bide With it. thing hat! been pUMhcd up into the of tbe aectArian divil!io~1 8 carried {lut Work hula tbe IIail beart'. complalDlul ,. The leugth of a solar year i8.865.242 J uet at thiS fttage of Ule performance, moutb of it. At tint Billy thougbt that tbero from Europe hilS hall a bad teIIult dll)'1I. Throu,h the tAllII 0,,4 1110 toll run. IDO 1-.ro'Q tbe /l~, of all other nillions. Belgium, !Ilglllllrl>: enough the length of .......enomenon. acbe, DenmarlC and Japlln hlld t'lleh one lIhip, an unexpec~d evont hllppened. Billl's tbe bloekB were stopping it up; bllt a In f!Cme respelltll. What i. the negro to a degree of longItude at tbe equator-AI Yel duty gro". dear for be. 0" 0 11ft.. _ " ., A curious phenomenon frequentlr met hOl1lC-a nat.ive-hred Hlld ~ rather Wild Portugal dnet', HUl!8iueven, and all the creature, named Bhnker- lInding his moment after lin ominou8 erackHng, ae- think of Cbristiantty "ben bo __ mie- ta1ren lrom ~be printed ~etical tAblllll witb ill tbe Indian Ocean, the real eauae ADd mil""''' ..... 1Itro. ",.lor IItnOIJq. by a lIIlIothered roaring, be- monarl" of \b ,,~ ..buri!be. __ or~e Dr,ltWt orcfnanoolurve1-IA OO5,284 of which b&.ll not been I\BOertained, i8 the Eoeh life b.. 100I6 prim lor plnlo, ; nlltiona which hnve port" on the Mt'diter. mWltcr' ~ aUention oc<:upied, concluCled 1.0 conlpallied gan. The nati"etl bad placed · a tire at tlnuaIlYl!QubbU"fuloongthemeelveaf- feet; 110 that;· il &he JeDgth 01 a dlllre6 ulltenoe 011 M.labaJ, IUId 10 certain ... t1iId> woe ... s.J.~ ~i!'i ;_: ". _hI'orU III _ill .... _ forage fur hlmeelf, and so trotted brillldy tlle entrancooOf the burrow. ranean .how a dcoteA8e frem the GOO« lVmm. the OCJ.uaLor be dl"lded' b1 the number 01 apo&8 along tbe CoromaiJdel __ t.'OI~t 11M a_ III 10 ...., .. _ . Jng 1ear whloh eeems lo indica.., \b&J.. a1lQ No. "fIg. ~ nndel'!l~i. . 11][. mud Wit....... It Daehed to Billy's mind that he bad I - --. --:d'-ed~ C. tt day8 III the yeor, it will give one thou· mud bank and of traets N what Will! III ten or a very pre '1 Britl.u ehlpll 'cofupotAi 8uel\Cl\flfuHy wHlI i(fJ(I bet...een BiDy and B1tOker. nere heard that th natives captured WOlD bate WHAT 18 character' b la &be ...... frequent.ly afOllO antagonism betwixt by "molnng them out 1 An agony or speech a ~reat blunder WAI perpetmted Mnd feet, or, more exactly. 999.977, suspended in tbeReat wherein many kinds the \le1l8C1 of th()tl(l nil tiuflil. them, wbich Dilly I$nernlly 8Cttled witb Ioorror l18izcd him. 'fen tlDlIlll rather by a digmtaryof the ebQrcli, who WILl! whICh wOllld givo the foot within one of IIsb lind abundallee of food, immuDlty mark by wbat we d18tioguWl one IIIWI thoul!llOdth pl\rt of IlII lOch , tl quautlty from much disturbance In the surround- from another. A man'. character 11ft a few lIOun(l cuts of his whip. would he bave preferred a race on the aeked to marry a young couple in a IT la reported that one of tbe t.ablets The hone took no notice of Billy'" open pillin, with tllewholetrlbeafterhim. country place where be hlappened to be wblcll can not be lICell or clistingniehed ing element, and a place in wbleh to within bim. It ia true hi8 reputatloD breed. Tbe CJtllCt ClIUI!O of tbe existence may-nay, doetl, depend npon pnblio recently dillCOverod in the t'XeavAtione angry shout of .. Whoa, Dllnker I" other staying, lind W&8 al80 cm~led UPOD 1.0 by th e ordinary mean~. AgaIn, the le ngth of a degrl\l\ oC lali- of these large tructa of 1\81\ whe",in mild opinion ; but the lormationo' bill cbaraoAt 61'8t only Httlo IImoke worked back propoee Ute llealtb of the bride and at Pompeii contAined lhlH inllCrlptioD than 1.0 display both hi hind boofs, and to where he Jay, and he hoped that he bridegroom at the subsequent breakfast.. tude lit the central pawL of the British remains in solution is t\ll a mystery; ter depends upon bimflelt. "Written by Marcua Alleiu8 arpu., the move aw~y at Inereneed epeed. might yet escape allffocatioo. Meantime .. To sum up all onr good willhes for the lelands is, eingulurly enougb, found to bnt at ooy rate Ule traots are f!C smooth Billy threw dnwn his whip and aet 8tll day of tbe kolend~ July; QulDtutl PEAOE i10cs not dwell in outward off after h i8 faithle8ll 1!\.eed, ex bortini hIm he could btlllr the billeks lIhoutmg, !ling- bappy pair whom we ha,e _n united be 865242 feel, olld the lengtb of a de- tbat even during Ulebelght of the !tOuth- things, but within the lIQuL We_y • Voluliu8 SaturntU8 and l'ublluB Come- to ~top, in vcry stroug ternl8. Dut IIlg, anel beating on the rock \ViOl their tblll morning," ho Baid in conclualon, gr of latitude, measllred on that par- west DloDsoon, ve8lMl1 emil run for lIhelter Uus being Col\8ul. [M aftn I 0.] I bave Blinker, baving got the start, kept it, wnadlCII, to frigbten out tbe wombate, "we can not, I am sure, do better tban Illlel, divided by tbe number of days in loto tbelr mld~t, and once tbere lire u preaerve it in tbe midJttof the bit~ ~in , if your wUl remalnl finn ud ..~ reoeh'ed from Lucius Croclhua Ineundl1ll and the hoy I!OOn loat sigh t of him amidst. probably, for they evidentl, had no Idea Illlprllllll a dctlre thllt the roIIult of their the year, gives exactly one thousand Mfe iIa wben in brealew'\ter. miMlve. Peace In this Ufe aprinll ftom that Ibere wlUIlarger game to tbe burrow. uDlon may prove atrictly allAlagoua t{) feet. 1886 l!elterces in full, money OW1Og to the thickets and Mnd·klloIl8. even in dillllreeable ibID... Th re is, of COUrllO, no po88ible connec' BURI.ING)'ON Hawk.By. Whell tho acqoill8Ollnce To udt! to the !Rd's dillllOwfort, a As soon aK the iil'8t bundlo of lea'\le8 that of the p'arentt! of t11le fair bride" me on the contr.ct madl' or sti[lulated not In e.remptit;m from .Utlerln.. and grao WIUI burned out, anothor wilt' Whereupon the "fair bride" went into lion between the number of days in a aillrm reacbed tbe fire department, the " ltCud" hod ariaen. h began 10 lalb by blm. ~1RdeatPoml1eii." Supposing furlou ~ly. To e!C8po a drenching, he brought. Billy now thought of drivinjE hysterica, tbe bridegroom' s eyea /lasbed year And the numoor of feet in a Ilegree other morning, of tho burning of the tbl. to be gflllline it Dlny CAst light on crept und er a gra88-tree, tbo long, droop- ou t tho wombats, and of I'IWIIl!\ blmNIC dagen, the bridCllmaidel colored and of latitude or 10ngiLude. NevcrtheTe!l!l, Bl\wk.Eye tiu,bop, ~be firemnu, lUlXions I r requi1'e8 niee dillCriminaUoll to jue"'1 the manner in which Ih Ilnclent RomRn Inl hllll'esof wbleh deponded nearly to the by l!Rorilicing them. But on bl~ trying loolfed down, and the mAlter of the houae aIter IL 11IJl8C of a few thoU8llud ycal1l, tho not to excite" old Tum," the borse that draw lbe Hnei of demarkation betw.a bankenadmlnlstered lIIolley and credit. grountl. to l!Cizc the animals tbey retreated into blew his nOllC violently. He who had aclenttlic travelt'r from New Zclliand may 11'1\8 ~ badl, injured ill tbe runRway the Dr.muet!ll and J>igotry, prudence . . . It continued to rain- WI it raln~ only in smaller holes leading 011 from \he main caused all Ibie commotion wieel, SlIt pay the British tho tll\me compliment, 10 other night', qUleUr letl tll,o borses out to mea.nn!!... braver1 aDd Irropnee, hi" But tho Itall'nds properly, ~t're the tll1lt 1 _ _ and reckI _ _, eautioa . . . oUhe monLh, Bod in Joly the nonell 00- AUltraJiR-for tin hour or two. A violent dell, "here It W&.II IIllpoMiblo w reach down and "beld hiM peaee, wondering at turn, whicb 1!Ome EDglleb scielltific tm,,- tbeir placeg wltbout tapplllg the bell, AI the elect of hlK Innocent compliment to elllnt have IlI\ld tbe Egyptlan8, and at- i~ IIslIl.Ily done 011 such occal!ioll& Old cowardice, dignity and lDdlAnaet. pn 00 tbe 7th, ~ tbllt th l!tll day ohbe wind dro\'o the bllndin~ sheetoll ot 'I\'Ilter. them. Billy could only rematO where he WAl, radually the IImokc found itll way tbe bOllt and hOl!teI!e. He IIOOn, however. tribute to !!Cleutlfic refinement t.bat '.fODI eto\ld in- hili atan olld lI'itneaaed the When a low nature. ,or aD ........ hlend. would be in Ihe limbo where and "ai t for the 8hl,)wer Lo Jl81!11L When baek into the burrow; yet by holding (ound one to enlighten him. II She i~ which ill SImply a euriou8 accidental l'rocee«lnga wltb a klLld of stupelled natu~ ball luddeD}y beclome rTcla. lie theOr~k kalend~ are IKlpularly aup- I\t length the tornado 8lackened, It WIUI bis face eloee- down to tbe earth, Billy not their daughter at IU," hie informant agreement in numbet8. .tare IIntit he realized thllt .. GeOrge," only wideDl thq ehannel aad ...... ttl poeed to be ueed AI a melUlure of time. late III the afternoon, and owins to the manapti I.Q btelltbe. But it lrew more explalned, "but U nIece "ho came Lo NORWlOH Rlllltlm' PlL88engen on tbe 000 the b08ll reol bol'8ei!, had 00en h18 wlckedneBI or folly. WIleD a ~ black, rolllni cloudil, it WBII rapidly gro ...- denllll. Hia eyCil becau to amart, and It li"e with them w"ben ber lather and Nort.hem I'OIId aro probably the cleanest I.nll~l"l'U ill bl~ place ill Crolltuf thuteani- wina be dOCtlllOl ba1~ltbn". llirb cllll!8 of wavelenslo the ...",rllt We infer er, and then, fairly foaming with rage at a coU., but he IlOublea .... TUBI\f, are over'2,700 varieLie4.0f ~ ing dark. The boy crept out from hie W!lll difficult for him to breathe. A moth"r wore divoroed." ttbilter, kowenr, and ~et off' at a round horrible death .tared bim In the Ii • !to at ICl;IIIt from the flct t-fllltAbout a year being thus displaced, be gaye- a powerful fII __ plea It.nown by ovt'r 1,800 2, Under ordinary clrcumetanCII J am of ~r. 200 of cberrifl, 150 ua ",,' ___ '" pane! kno ... lng that if he would _ h the A lUW d l _ baa brollen out among ."" BlbleB ...ore plllced io rach In the aprlbl£ f\lrwaril, IlDapped the cbalD Itretched in front. of hi ~taIl ' and ranebe that nighl, he had DO time &0 lotIe. lure that Billy seldom f.rayed. But he .wine In \Yettem HllIIOurl; a&c&ll ....800 of o~r nati"e grapn, 50 of the acceolllmodlltion of the public, came cha-'nr out. with bla mouth wide Hi, thougbtl were occupied rather thonaM he waeatdeat.h Id90r. Su", \hem molt IJinlularly, an,i{ reBulted eIonlor 80 ot raipberriflll, at(:llnhng 10 a fOuln"lnl r' I 0 aDd to-day they are 811 freeb and unod' I wi&b the prodlgioua ftonlnl Jae IIIMIlt w tloD liad ita (earfullrip on .1118 throat. la \be dea&bofanulllberof Wben euUled .s ... ben the .. len the publiahe.... open, a t.ac ed corp n a maDDer u lip of lOIDebody. ~ u it wu aJarmiDg. He"u Ii"e BUnker tIIan the con,. "Ollleward, .. 0 Lord," be eri~ ou~, bla D_ 1m aUacbd, the hog If In --.--=--- ----1. aDd " II not aurprillnl that In a little BUIlII14 Ie said to haYe abauoo-l ber _ured and ~ UDder auird;· ...' lie law the din, It take ,I\;r OD _I i ....... paiD or lright: TaB ~Iwr oran~'r~DIDW time be bad loat Ida "a1. uego"&DI with die Vat.lcaa, ID ~ lau DOt I'}t o"r the ....lUa~OD of . . 0, clear Lord, pllt out, that I.... ud ..... bniak 01lt "hb a :;=~ JIlIe. Teo., !au been lire....tllfl He WII . . an aJlIIOIt. JeM ~, Rr- drift ,,_,. th-. ba&bell Ditpnr' aacI the . . . taw, aacI bla pc to the ~atiOll8 of die 0_11 and the _. . Ida oco. 01 ..... lIaril ~&Ia ........ 1'OIIDtIIIl. aU ..... \tJ ......... ...., 8alrll .... ......, wHII ..... , . . , ..... pos" . . . . Ca&laoJkcla..... ......" nel,lfMlllla , ~_ • INOH TOI·. ·S.
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u \ t tbllt II .. not II., t.llia fact. IDkll.t .. I J,ti\'illj( their pal~r 1& living 1,·:& t. 0 '1 11111 "1'1 i~ i IIg I'all',,,,ullt, they I 'r. ,,~. 1111 hili' ;,:: iVl' it IlI ltlll : nlHl if II I,'wt! UQ 1, K " ' \l'r:, Tn hm Cloms. \11' ~'IJ I 'rtaillUII III i got up ill tho t Itlll. j Eul . ('t I. Itile, ulld \V all. I~IIIC . , rht' I"I}J':I' i ~'xIlCdl'tl I 110' 1 Tibbul~, wll I hllJ JU I ('rrcd wlll'n II It [IIr nllll ll ll r. a id It • 11 (l u l d caldl lit) Ii h 111 t 'ow if all tlt~, I'nlroollg u pupcr lI omlu \'. Ull J i,1 '(Ill'h , n~' UII· CIlU o, ' P ' t i tha t or the llXUllit 4,25 ti ~ h th~ 'ill' uf a ~ lIl!l11 Ullttllll' fllr 1\'11 d illten,,,t it works, it w Id, 1 4 ; tW I) Ul ~, 1Jl\t.ha with Ihc .)th 'r ' ' 0.:') 11.1 IIIU 'r cl" ooe ijbould ~i\l ' it 110W, tHI to 1 20 -~. l ur.I/' U 'UOlOlI'" -I II'CI' ) 11\ i I ill" i I"ot.t'd fur"'nr,~ hi with "I'I'm \1t;)I~ 1' u!J \\'l'i,-Io 10.:. s n u p. Il ud ' tho u.1 '·" rtiiu~ tllllt I gitillll~t 'I. (lIS e 1I1.'.l rly r;·all:,· I;w n gru"d ol"lIill;1 [nfl', s a nrl 'l.;rYI.Il;I'ti 1I1l~"ill~ II nlili \1' h~\\:I'1I tlJl' hL,!t :~ lltu ' uL:I" II~~ tl.l it, It llllll. t tr ' t . Crl:t lt (J @ 0 (II' 11 ' II' r II "lllc· k . I tv ill 'I1I'" 0. .i,'lIy ~' ~III lilll . 111 olr. ~rcat pi 'ut m ill mlll !.I,'r vt R ldg-c. \\,.tI, 111~ P Iy lllg tur It. lit I Ii! n 25@ 01 d 'r t. lI \' ui li I II,)' cia h CII' tli Il l" \ ill,. n. A . '!I,k', ., ·n O. mus t . c111~~ ul I'~ 'pll' that 0 m to b '. 1 25 I' 'Illth' III 1,,,ill tlll'lIt, 1\ 8Jl oi ul t'olU mitt 'vi:.' r ' 1l 1l:1I11J'1', i~ til\' J)" II!Ilnutlu 11 11· ~I'U~~' CI' l' tI Hnr tllll~ goes t P t t cs 1 ~IS Iii) 1 50 .I le,) 'illcillllutl h\~t \ ·c 'k l\II d IlI lld· d id.lI t' j;.r • IIl1ty 'l'rcn lII·~·r. und ~ h 'II' 10 al I."POI' ; ilnd t.1I borr W t,fo: r ' cd 40 W·It'· 1" iu i II rrutl g men ! with ;\1 1',,1" W CII I' hi 110110)' WI II c" nll'l h t lt ll It u~1\.1 ro.:.'ld It, lind ure .th s v r<' l T' othy ';"1 70 . k' r U UlI.Tlll .1..r " II 'I · lIuxt 'f rcull rl·r . . If h 'id Hut ,I ct· t'l'Il,lt' 01 .. 1t 1'1 OUlIUf,"S . Ii I /l1,d livered, f 00 1\ III Iflg /I , . . . • CI ,., I' v h' un hllt1(1 Illi!l mll n"-I IlL, ed it will bo n,) t I\Ilt lIf om·s. pay ,vr Yong hi "'(,IIY " 1 '] he I'nlJll Ii l' hu t • 1I Il','tin. ulher prtllll illl.1llt , :""l not i cd ill tr,n' 1l1',ll1 1U( 111.1>;1' 1II1l! )1111 . r, nnd v ry nO,tlc 11 kill Vall' y, " - :\1 . l'g . . lIud I III I II a k ' r, IUI\" 'n illvit '(I. Illlll l' X' II " l'\'at dU1l1 or lu il' grllS ul lilly. kll ld, III th nntur i ap P rr (;o ullty oal I 'iCI·t 1, OJ'h lit X "II11. \\' ' I" j.{lI ' I t hi ble' P"(' nt. Will kll llm hI \' p ut I1 p liS hll \, . It tlll' 1I8 a h' , II cmcut. h ought to hal: It y . b rr 1 ' IS! III' Myr r lust weck. I CCII clig/lLl'ed, th ' Jlll.t two till 'S, Ollt Illlbly !lnd u)lpli 's 0. plllco fvr. ll. bas to, ,got 11111 \$ r a , 2 00 So. "" . I", .. " I " , . ' I, , ,.." p II,? ""''' 0.1 b,. tI, . X'!',,;'' ,..; " ' h " " " . ,,' "f " . ..d",', '.• g. I 40 tQ) 41S tel' WllJl\! 'S I' turn 'u 0 11 ging th cat the IHll ulll tlj('nl('I' wo had Jhrillg hIlYIl1/.:.11lIlU. . lllU lJ, 1111 tlocltSty I Hllhyld Appl o8 fro] ' J\l oudl\y tu Philudclphill. ullu glng thu pmkcl"' plm.lill'm -Mr amu I Graham i ill, \1111 wdlthU mI rlloh ty busJ' e], -All' E. A. Dudley 1\'a th and tIte mD i IUS. Tho III ot· proving' lowl . ' ~()d~ .ti1vo \ . !U' xl'()pmot~nt Y.rrut~i;: "~,ga h I b ba d'. " 11 I !lnd lugt all 1lI .\'I( !lII , n ., .~_ __ _........._ ,IUU 011 U 109 "1 -Mr. J nathan Mc urdy WIlS or Ii no\\' pllp r. \VllflletivUle Marllec•• lot; Imoo, cluy. .• . takon si k about .a IIl lmth 'UC(l Auy IIIllI1 wh docs not think Dutter 16
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IOclllllatl: hej \\ c<lk, tlJe . IV d d from wlllcb Mr.. Graham hns be n ' v ry trlldl' l' who do 8 not ooheve Eggs 12 YJIIIIT DU"J'f'l' noo- ... lI1) Chul'Cb in r futnlslung 1.1Illti suchalollgtlllfl 'ror. . ' 11 ud\,el.ti iug .shonld mov into hee on the nd turdll V l or Ib • r'ro It C, will 1'0 111] Jr :lt ot' till ,,, " W .. ,, \;t prop u theILl I't 'cti of a ewmato lrIllO" k I 'b 11 .,... , 10 Eli . '''''' '. .. ,." to, '" . .,, ;. - M,. ""d . , . S. , 0 _ M,. M, m S, I••" m.. ""''' to",,, wh"", '" Y OV..o < F ;:.::.- '0» ....." 13 l'ui.ronft \'I f ",.. ru,... d. . "'''.,,,.. "III '"Ii ""I II..in w,d,1i "I' M,.s I,,,,,, · ".d I8M '" 10,,,: "","' .mll .. occ, ,,,..,11 y '"'''' "" ,il. p.V"". D,I.d Boof, '2 @ •• t. Elli utt c II ill (Ji ll cilillat i thi t,'UCt Willi ·t t MI'. AIL ElIwllrt: tid Ingo • ' • G R)(RR R N ~. " v. . r t "' 7~ ' " k .. . r . m ell , )fO. Wf t 01holl In II> 110"'11 Or Ii 'hLnnd 1,I ,ona Wc 'k at 1,,1 <>: Int.y WII II:) ' U lI11u1 F " r' l r ' VJJ:AKLI' AND SICKLY PERSONS.Oddl 11.. Hun 011 tl,o _ond SlIh.rdl1Y "ftr, Irllm Ihe r.r lIij(h, ft uo.l ' . • . I pl'c'mptly gi \"'11 1 bllilding is -. U\' neon . g 0 ogle I .Mnny I t' l OUd who are al\d .f OIIob month, Rt 7 o'oloak p.m.. l\nd on til TIt"y ehllllind hltn lhe.c mid Ih d'ed"t, tt , - .MI W. J, TI VII) spcnt list , t ue C1'l'OtcU un mill stl'e t 11 Iut cr ektl BUU rllV\llU8, frcquou.tly f I __ ~~~~ IlQilroab foo,U, '''''''T'' ..... I" ," I ",,, .•. ,,,,d ,."",." ' d , I' . >od'b • J S fi .. dl "g p d .." " . 1' whl.h Roll. "kl", Ith' ...m" 0 , , , yoa,' , . . tints. , .. , '" 9'1;. !lAur . P.. R. OmTII(lu -: Co.noer.of 'j'h"l hlne , rllr lIy e, In Ih hCllve" I.,· ho .1e,·" ,\ lfl uJ IlY mUI'lI ing, with IJ i l'umily, ':11;1"1), . t J .: '-. I b ,: k know no Iltlme /01'. Fm'g. is u IV are ut n' lu 8 to know wuat will c:i.c:i.1>o I'i. c:i. . .. j.s Third anct lIf,aml Di Vino r v.ce .':l' "II. I .' . pee l fi ClI 1"qu it a IIC , '11" b r t " I' tit .iI' "'alth. It bas Illtoly Q :g ovory Bund ..), "toll" m . Bllnd"y' at . • tv t Ie, If" bu il illg _ x5 , \lvllulo Willis. tw li p II car r entr e Illg to . b ell fUlllld b experi.enco tbnt tli e :z; .. ••. ,. D'OTn " . M L J " 'PH R. R . - EII,h. k h,. " . .,"" "" h ,,, .bo n"I h.d , om· •• '" ".. "not· ,,,,, "' .. I , "".r .V' ,', p ... Omp W I" "_ V"", ' . . . . •. I. II ",.bl. roo,• • " ..,,,. h, ' y·""'"" I" ",. ''''''''y. It" I"d" by ,h. '" '"4 1, of 0 ·",be,. b",," • b,,,., '" wlm' ,..l who" ",k. .. in ,. d""" d 00 I '; ' '. ; d ,art«l 'hi lifo . ,d",·ld"y ., b,II, bo"",', ,,,d. by , _ k ,II "''''' I -A. ',.11· .. "" "" d ... 'hI. j' ,h , "".t " ,..,,,'.. know.. . .0 , ....... •• o.d -. ", '''ghtl, a' .12 0',1 .k, • "", n I '1" I who ,"",.,j , ... co",i p,,,,.1 II ,. ' """ nddh U,. I'h y,loI,,,,, of ".ym....d tomp'" .r ••"d .<t, ....." . d p "'1"" .f ""I ". J, 0 .,mod ,.1 "... dl tin" " " iI y wn p .tely '''''''' ,,,,,.,,,,,,,, . mg z . ;, t ill,.; } , M ",o. T.. hIP. I "d bilions fev r, wh ose mVllg s th o 1'lolUo III t wcok h'olU l} ,lulI'.I I'IJ "i .k thr \\' 1111 h ' olllltmct alld le 't I'U IUIIli1 SOU l ,.dds, lUI' f lit u r th e P rt 'GI'IlI "ViII ". ...... m . B """";,, "" ,kI)I ." ' hI I ,.1". ,;,11" , . vo'" y, .1mll"".. .. h,.,. ,h. ". ,n' " '.'"10.... hi,",. " -U0ll" -;: 'ook h g _"," ;" '. "d "'" " I, I U,. """'. mp,,: ,, ; ;, ,;(" ., .. " Co",,,,,,. L. u"...., • • "d II.., ph . ,. "''' 'CO' " ,,,'.. . lily , , I M ,. '1""1 I ,. 1 h • "h I". ,h. m "" " " ,, ' mod ""... lt I. Ictcnt. R. P. G .. S r rcsl·t r kd eath IHld dOllo it.! dil'u" -iii I'. Noah llL)\\'mn!, anu ,M.i . iUII 011 !loLldly to J o J'('gull I' ell gain)' l'uJly 1t" 71d atdtu, ill ily ud d to fUlll ilie fo\'
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-i-~c "'" n' Proof. pia of ru mllty und COlll'tc y wiJlch kll uW. . I I I mlld~.}h~i S ,1 j}1PlI Ilnc nSE~1 At I ville. The M'll1krowllers PI'uclu'eu Cilp 'cilllly (" I' tho:w with Mr . . .a I tllO service: of AIr. \Val l. : l'iblml o; iIl rHlltzl. is no lire crilled by ph,·.I· otb I'S mighr I - M!·. GCOI'ge W. Ide ICI I tho I ty pI mg n. h... f" .." .. I" 'h. ".,,, I~ rue I' lid b , '''a olh~, i "~k . ". otl~, "'ok tI.., ... ~: .. ... ,,,n I, 'h. g.m, . G"m. b' K'" ~UC~,," nd ' ''pe roor ,·"tu. primo of his young mallhood wlilm duy. G "II'~e S(!II rs hllok ec.l ed I fb. Mr..Ed H dfern I~~ I!d I 'tl t~e R 'dgevilli at the bill ~ Th ' ll ard ing Paper Co. '\lIIt! ;
r ('
i ll C)
. . .:. "' , •• b,· , .." ,,,• . ",," , .;,••, ., ,,.h e-.hL·/lO tlf il '
"IT t;l ''"cre I Icl . ~ ·ul~donth~ DrTMst, Ound tIC '/"Ild opetllng 0': tbe. "roM ft~ him 'l'fi th t 10. bright tit
'b r I t 't tl 1.0 1'tt1 l\nn t ol'ilw lip (lol'e .111 I e I ,., VI:Oll jJl' t:I It to 101'. of j<>y, aLld U8 t:nlll tl8, .But . -:-MI'. Il M d 1': "" ... ,,,' •." ....71; ,..,' I., hnn tho I..... he'd I MoO nne' ..110, "10 " , 111'1... a IIle. 11 II I fume or fOltUlle, 1I)00'e s rrow tllllll huvo moved to. Cbltwill. 1\11·. R. j 0' h'ppl".., ,,,,.110), d:, It ,,,,, p"""",!,,,d th. h.. h.p m."" "0' .... ; 100 " hbey""d "f J. D. T hn .. .nd" .. ,d ... .o" •." """ '" ". ."d· by A. Ibom "II i" h"on. w . ,. i. b"" No. 1 ",..k' mltl,. 1>;111, ol\ly from Clll'O u.uli lIor· Mr John Hitchins of TI'(IY I'OW MILY thi thought iu 1\ lUCUS· i' II. g il st of Aha'T Swe t' ltEPUBLlCAN m'e thc bereavcd on(;l8 who I ' "s a"b lit ItlIiAl. a o . II t h e thello . 1 .. nil. uI'e now bvwed clOWII WIt old fri ell S• met. III thclr . I. "", Hatt, w ,.1" of 'h", .m lot'",. " '."" In Eng,."d ."d cue" " pt. 18 , 1875,. "''110 lunel'a] took plnce on • UIl · wns ve unawu. ' re )f tI1°v ' o'tlle Jr"" .C"· Friday Evening, oe .I. , lst . ---day 'fr III the Hick ite Frionds' OIiCU and who\'(!uhouts iu this MOL ) L'Y Church, wllich wu.s densely crvwu · cou lltry 1111til withi n 11 short time. • " ' , "" d ·.ltl, f,I."d. a.d m. " •• ". D,', M 'It D II I o CILlld addresscd tho . - lessIN ·i:!·li t t arl'lve I'rl . . d' ll,l1n , I Slml)SOIl lere 1)ID{t 8 'td. ., zoor State Senutol', will -James W. RlIines w .. H d f th . I bid m...ong 'n h.. ",..I .ooepmb a. ... Du
0 , R'U S
C" EB .
t'/ I' C ',.
l.un~·II11tcl~7a'.;',";e~h:t ~~:PI': ~~~:l~~f"~ !'lI ~Ul'O Allmi,'lon-, or nn,
W ' (,II 8
"~wh"h~ ::.~;!:.~ ~.::::i.~'::,,:!.i:.,~':":::::~' .:.~::: ~, '''''' .:~, ,oo. "'., M,". ''''', d.~ ~~. ~ " herel!lllftt"i ~.at
W"~· n!l.\·lll'.
~""TlIl\.I1m \!i.~1J tJl~'QI. w.".......
~oscph Ricl\I~~d::l
tor~' three ~"~ar~ sinc~
NY '
fe l\' 4hr aftel' that wClghed Will ., , l 'J. ~iI) fellvwa1 b'C31' hal'd. 011 \ lituf.the the 1 th run, tir~t inni ll g, some ~ .. . .Su~il' . .Minktown ol nb or thcir
the Ult, 1 thalilk you.
- I
.'nl ' d I'riCll?S, b tight. .tll rllling. of th ... ,,, .n , .m P'"' f". d "n _ 0 .,d. A"
hindillgv\' er of Ang Irn LYUCU all it cloaos ha v . 0"11,, II.. p .. , 01 A j;' 1ill _,; BI.,I 'g TI.. "d" ' I.d hi, " . .F." ,"."'" 10 be , " n....'tI n ,h. l"iI ,w'm "d.", w",J"'g np '" d.. 0"0'" S',!",', I .d " '.' .... h'" chiclhlll riot, ulld thllt III ru",)artl e 1 w Trel I :1 L 1 tlUl.1I 0110 Ul'0 likoly to cOUle to grief .Ie fi on d C'llil d before the ('nd is roach od, Mr, T. PIl.0 IS. I ntiS 16 , IUl IS 1\ goo 'V 'I I9, '11, \\' I10 I! ' tl'o hca\"Io .'I'eal ea· nv tnntln ' l'llChl'rel
COlllC out and hear.
- --_a_ , _ .
At'tor t II su Iemn servIces : walk hy t the.' Ik L were mk d t heI gmvel . . I
r.,rmance8 beenis nWltJlln t he · had d't p'i ty thc"
'?' w' t~. N,. 1"''''''
t~~ utmost."d
l..id.D th ... w". I.y
who need ed.
rcet th cory that fille and not ,tt tol' ..,"
.nd r.lth"" nnd ...1"" 00·1.00,. " K
J osoph R . Hartl ey, from our S!lb. it hilS
e~el' ~CC!1 kept
,I.. ,."y"d I,
i ~_~"''''''''''''''CD'''' . ~. .~~~~~~~~
Jlil d~:
~' ~a 8=
~. i
~ " '.: a.~ ~ ~ : W," .,..", 1 ~ ~~'f. . .~. ~ ~ ~l! ~~~!! ..~_.. .,., "". "". .,," d. A .",. i.. 'j 'h' b ,W. ..,. !',w.",",h. Groa' c ....._.._ ...__., :I' . =:
fl,', : .
__:;j ;!....
::l ... ...
Mium i riv r, lind 1\ half million in. 1It' vested ill llluuhincry and nearly two unndrcd halld havo been Iyillg idle .= Iior "eve ....... .. ' well ks pos t fio r tb"., wau... t
~': : : : : : : .; . ~ .!
.j. .
~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ .... ..... .... .__...... __ . ____ ..........
• . 11.
;,~,f~; ~;:.~ I~, ,,it
amall 108s
. twellty
To leave old Jmu llts
. I-Farmers aro dl'dltng t
.,' b
• •
~ t! ....
'''~'. '.8' S...... i!:A8~~~c~~~.s
lIo ul' Lill oolll lIIillOil!, al'rivcd in town
brou~ltt I-~IlMI~I ~ 1l1~I'e
'"'"'!!~~~! !'! !IN! ! !'! PARTITION, ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
~ ~~~~ W!.~'l:.;r; ~l'l.:!" ,t:::.~ ba'~ oou~t,: ~d Ed... hM_ ?"a:k:'J:".::il~!::::J!l!::'t!k:;:.!tt ~pirited"'''",m",,'.f hi. ""'~I JLz, E.~ ~. w.... ..,d 1'"" ""d In old.g 10 '''.' ,,,. ..<I.f""", of ~lr.~";l:'~t ::d'E:l>~:"U:::":i; b";"::'!~::
tholl' .MI'. Villi n " 1'1l0 desel'ves the Inst.f'
SlU'Ilb A,IO d nHilMlY - be t
Adair's Starch J'OIish at
Hiohi'lP ; JuUn. b.
.mol'"",L~"'" """'0; ..~ ... ri. J~.
h•• 1"g . ..,'",od n g"o, b..efi, .1 V "pn" hi f.",,, .ltl.... . wIU"", r-.,
oheating u.
and r ObrLItillll K . k ........ - HiIMlY A' . •• _ .
man cannot b() M. Sanko.)' her 1t1l8buud, of Vigo OQUDty,
l..e ...:IQ :
to.O It) 0 'b. "';gl ,,,,1 ",k, In P"..,,, ily, __ und ''''''''.,' 'h. whol •• ,tII 1 o . NOTICE lIoW
\\'I)rk to do is ]OOklld upoo uice little house built fOI' him elf allU J,uhlic
"''::'11;...,d .~·d no';"', WiI"'",
13 .:I .Ci,"
J •a
tw 'yearsThfrOIllHth ed2.2d day O lwxl. e upwnrds of
z _ ~ :-, <:l ' ~ ..o~ 0"'1 , ' . ! & , 8 g!! =.. s a ;0 Ii
,'w ,.",. ".
• ..
Jj -.j
:I .. .9 :g
CD '
" "d b",ok "I' .101 ''''.''.'y " • " • . w ".. . . '''g gmOl'",,. of ...,y "tI,,, 0 b" bu..... , _ . " , ,,,, .. d ,. 'Ii " 'y, lin 'h. N •• ,,,1 to p>ok. F" .. kli" 'be d.'.".g hi. ""pil,1 of "'.m" h••" . to ,• ••• into, he ""P''''pkln. will b. ot." . .,d • .,,,.•1 y _ .• f I" bo, ..,,'. • , __ I.",.d '0I "vo '.W" ."d ...v. on' d"d '....," ."p •• ,,,n, f. "n. . 'OW" ,.". • ",n..m.ti'g tb" g" " Ed.k ....... I"" 'h, ' ,mn',·y, wh... . , -Put. WI.. I... had • ''''y .''''''' ''1.. A m.re b""'nbl. iii
b, tto,· "yl. oro,n
,, , , ,
. •
S~ w."' ~t ~'hlol". ~,do"'."d. ~"'d: .1,. '?". " ".!<: "'''0.' ..~"".,. 'h~." ("'ura~ '''h' .nd fl""g oonld b. h " "d W"'...., I, h.'h pl""'«1 on, '. " ••, , ho,,]d h' ''''"' I.. 'n. . . . "'1t""It,. l"d~'<I. . tho m . Th. Wh,,"'n oil .v.'.•i> I. pl.... Th. d, ~",h. II..y"" Iy F.'h ~, ' h....h "ho•• •'h. ng of • rood. Dy 'h _ M,'• • "d M... Lo,i H."" n.d J~:. 'Eul::! ,'imild,;'. n .... mno' ha.. boen ~p,,,.11 Y n. ,", '" I " ••, ' 0 ......... "' . ".,. M'. 1'.,.1. , .. k.. p.. g II, ' M. I I , ... LI"I. M, .Dd M.... eh. . ." . ... _
""P .• ',,",'n ' · .. " . nded the remal.. w,ro ",n ••y"" K. 0 1""" , ,'". p ..... • w• . "",1d b.... b"", ""''''.''',. to MI"ml O,m.Io'y f. lI.w.d by. """"". Mo'g. ,,"b'" bo oIcuit ".n n"'''g. 0." I"n """,.. ,.".f . P ",1" ,', fo. h• • fo<. whom ,h. gI • .... "'g .nd ke p"'g 'h'm '" ot d.. , p,,,,••• I,,ly . ,,,"',d,d ", .. .11 .. S.bbo.b ""d m ,... '.db' .... to 'h ••" th6 comlmm.lt.y at ]nrge, for the
I ;:;
TI"""" y wh'''''''I. ,,,,,W.d ... e "'" .. a '''"''', a., '""", ..m. ....k' ogo to ..... . " TI lo ,,,.y d.' f... ,ly of . ulh..."",,", . " ,,,',m ...... y 11igh t hid ous bytlleir so·allll· l\Crown and all Rochor wrought fovor Thev'fonnd that d .r· · "y' a gume of buse bal\ 1111,1 Ililt: 0.. .. bI '1 11 fl owert! bing among tbo gins of " . ' 1\1' sewl ng·mac line OpO ilte d v . I I ft t , I. . , t ble ed " helli"," w."ld dno t "', . . d I....,nn ,""ypl. ..." ...'I ..., M ¥. . f" ' h••"""g" 0 w..., . , g Y h... """,, ..."ted l; I ·e "" ,10, i -81"00 M,·. W. M. T",." " ":; ::'m ;."" ..1y ••rl I•• "" 'h. "".'. . . t
~ i~ ,~ ;;"
hnving .l f.11I.oblltSed till' lellse of the Watel' r/l .> J d bel . to -= ,)W rail gN llD 8 onglng thl) FI'ilnklill ll;rd l'aulic Company. 'Nru W",. A . Van a . , "" E q., • \\'0 l!liV e II , llnlllcestl,at tho hi' Loh § ,,, tI,e d"'lli Y be "'p.... d, ..
'd.. . ow." I. ,.,,' '''~ .1 """'''' , - Th. b" Ig""", . W m. a,,,, · . f w., , P""''', • • tim. wHl be;;; .,; d' ; d ;; alld liset It Carey I'opmrlllg U Ladly. lost in "ul'lIi~h ing it. l Tbat a oum ~. ......: ..:.!f~' flc to hay, . tl n baudI ttl ' 8' I I ds d l ' _~ •••~ _. . IllS III ncncc I!I 16IUjU.C emoll I no.ua.. angoro~. can be tl'l\otelithat wi With . ~ ~"' $.~=~IO o/' tho tr?uble. Nearly /Ill of t,he .. --Thore . will ~ a concert hold IItnnd tlt o ottocts of nny flood, i "'~~"'~cQ:iJ .m.1I """dno"". nn "wt "d Po<· '" ' h. Un"."a1 .., ''''''h h,,'" ....dll . rulm " ted "d 'b. ,,' ....p'.I.. . • ~' ndiso stl'lleh bel ong to 'l'om and are the ovening of Oct, l ' . ,illg 0 1IIIIIIIIIy that now haa cunl'go S ;; I
elvncnllt~ lllsanlu.r,
]~$;.jcj~~~8Aii:• i'A
-a~ Il~.
L t TI urs 0 .0 f ' ' 11 -b t 't' do e ."np"'. yy '"".... no , . - R.. J "rIO W U'" I'YI' rotI.1t • • n. • . ' ''g ' " , . d"y l'om ",.n, d ..me halr·d!"'" .d I" ... I" t S. ;d,y. . 'tho I '''' p..."..ed ""'m M,. I lam;;;" who w.' •. more 0' , .. ,m· -Une of.", .itl"" It.. " V.. H "" ".. lUI. 1. , 0'
I' h'''a.Of
r~(lgod .
'~m ~" The coffin Wat! beu.ntlfulfy ad'lll'll' S of .G'''''''i\; 'eo; \i'''''' S"~i'" d " t1 fi· I d . os~ prlUgs, cs w lere ley pIicated in t IJ' chIcken rUlI1pus, t o .
,dd ....."h. poopl... abo···
Irlll~ out of a
t!':~~n~r.:..k'(tilllbi:.t~::~~a~~t Ao~a hlc 10n,~_,P- Le~. A'fL:'~ Inf~'m.hl'" :r'S::'""A~Uoo~ 't....,.".~ 'l;"':l.':~"'.r. cent'.
J"M Md
n • ., .• • d"g· 14k'" p"de .. ,'. I , . II ' h. 'hD h",' ""h" .nd ...... ' .f m;_""Od M' of . .""' .... ...;::II of " bellillg" cannot be too II scmbly above, therefore -Mrs J aboz Th\lrp, who is us I 'A . S r, . goingr to luo.NuiiEiTA r-: all wh o know him.-Fm1Ikli n of BllDtoo count)', lndiana; 0, L;;;."V, b I aevQrely condemned, and such R esolv d, That we U8 a Sabbath qn(te U s'lleee sf...l. 1I0rist X a lIT IS Advm.t1'1!I!1': He OIllri.(thOIle" n .. of the peace should 'be S I I .. tl I ' ' i!B 11.10 111 e UII.! I'IlII "",og IIUDor 0 ren 0 "" n Lo.\ • ".'g" "" '" ,. ,,,, .tI.., day, a bloom .f tb. . ," M. 1 d.. l", to oall .h. ""'''t;on of • • . d_ th .....' 'I W.m. hi1d """.",. ........ _'ed .. they of ou, n .. ",,,, by ,h, w,,. a"d gl.be 080"0-, '''''. 'y h.d - ltIno. M,I". E""I. ..II. . . .1' Way"o,,''', nod '6 ",,,",d.. Th. abav. "'...'" .m .b "'" • ••• "'., '''ing h,,,d . f. ,", G.od ....,beforo ..eD, ••d whl.h I. S.OI. ,,".ed h.m, f,oro llro." ";:,o,:y, ':.b. moy """'",pl... the ,,'" ",d ,'. any 'The ..", .. h.ad
.... ,-
b,d.,.... b,t" S."",I .. II""
. d....... -~;;.i;;~--
-L'Ittle Tillie Paytou hus
w. SI~.pl"nJ, onr loss to be 11IB e~ern.al ~UIl1 Ivery mre. It is a trumpet shaped, Jusll-Mr. wcak. been R 6olved, J. M. ~ d hI Tbat tl Itt tl rIght b!lnd Icream·colored fluwer the oillside
quito III (""...noJ d"YL ... V.. D " 01
Zan vU e, 18 V-181 ng.
I "'I
~",no.. . . ,
0>" ,
!l re' · Oft
1.>a n....
wh.~ "'''~
'h~ '.m, ." ','" • ""
her &eh ! In U;dgovllle last week the sentimi:mtiJ of our school, be with 36 pnpll. " . pl.,«1 on tho ml ","".•1 S.b-1drUJo. M.oKlDsey IS III CIII· bath School, be pub hshed ID the ' . •... d t · . 1 . nto u ,· • 0 tt d P l)e • .. ." ..,' g' M y bo . il'e in til t cIty sit rtly. Mr, ;eouveyed to NJe deeply.berellved o 0 Haill is tit day op l'Iltor fllmiIy as a token of our sympllthy . to... , , d. pro. .,d <ega> -M' Eva. Keys is re.omp)oycd 8. J# W AY, . ·'·'"th lalla ta.ught laat sl>ring W. H. ALLEN, Cum. 1u , . In '" -JlI Di""o< RA ..." R . E . . M r I as ro -Mi Ii LIZZI . h r Adair's Starch Polish at
~". .
~~o ~::rotl~
,t ~~. · · on. . hooW
t:,n d . "'(;l
tomb. JS U onald made a stonca fall; ... large stock eomm.. . . , .. ,. m.m en "'m. .. h.......mbl"'g. .v., .WJ. Hamilton \'a s\ of Seotoli. ' . wh'f I . I .m ...II . ' P'''·'pp., .. I aD"" h rt of 0", "b..1 1m I",.. .ho.. ex ,.,bi!. I" Id. .h. p.taI. ODd loa. ....ook. . . i". OMaP r tho••y" ofl'red he. ce1lent qualities" of mOI'nl intcgri· t \\fe exceedingly riah and delicate, -The briok work of the new fvre 1 have just received a lal'g d tl ., , t . I' 1 so . 11 d Ito I b ' Id ' i to th '. . f S tl d I '> an "en.. m••",!, w "" ITh...,fum... YO". •• .0'. 0 • ehnro, "' up • I....' •• ' ree'. ,.. """, . '" .. ,'..... b, m .. nil w,," h. '","''' Ih• • • • • >lu .n,,,,,'y ". , N .01".... .. .",1 d.. J'bo from E"gl."d, associated, and we will ever hold often acon in floral collectioos. _ _ _• __ which make np a stock of work not :
I... . D P lib ''"'" h - Mr, R.. IlW a , It e Fal,;n Campbell 00., y., "" oo,,,d 'h. m.m"y of •• d.. w .. ",ddonlY'w", f...m "m,dat. -MI .. EI .. ,Tho"!"",n op...d That • ""py of th...
·'1. '~tI
: - ._- . -
of monuments
,N"''', ,.~
0 1'
~18<:overy OommOD Plou, within ..nd for the QUILO~)' of, Wlltren, ID State Ohio. br Bid ,. .,,_ . .lanow . "'nd. _wUnia _ ..... M.d ...... n.", ...,.., ....r" .f<.... unt)' of WarreD Sl&te of ODloll~f, 'ro. _ UW~: &,11.-Th. p.,i., m M' ''''r
that wtll . . leUll to the and convlclion ot the porao.u ,Qr I)IIS , who, dcstroyed F" F tbe notice pars to ,"0 . . . . " ..... w "m. J, A. KEARNEY.
. ... __ • G.D~'. LA.Y'. .Id." m,d b.., of
00 .
Leal\, ......
thii lilt
fa .. and and boWldecl .and.deeorlbed .. ,o
Hill"'" .""'" " . In ... _ ."
Ih. I.d I,,' ....... ndoo• ..,.oi
~h:;'~:~~~.';' ~',",d
l::.~.t....~, ~1".::::~.~;l, 'T-_~~'" 'l::"i: ...
.,s .s Gode 's Lady's Book Drown for 660 ""mund OODveyed toDlUli 1
"I"a1ed I, .h. "a'o, .fro,d Ing • i" i. '"; ,"no .p..""oi'y 10 make 0 ..r... mid,. of m." Iml"'.... .nd ......., . _.... f,. _ Th. 1,dl.. C,..k Aooooi." ••. ·••n. . It "w. I. • :. In"........ f.." ", a,", I.M' ............. of Old Sehool Baptists will be I have also some of the Amerl'wifh the Dy far the most II? Wit.... "'. young lady go held , wlU, Vall.y ObDreh, .... g""'ito, whi.h I. v.'y ""d. .tt,..."'0, to, f.. and II to". Eo .........................;. . .. ., 'np io a balloon boys' at the Leb· OtllO, com men ClOg on 80me Ilnd Just as durable as the tor it i still ouly $3 a ycar lands owned by RQevo Holland, thlltlce witb . ' " ,,, . S ' '17 h 1875 t 10 S 'hl ' . '. . olland'dUno N . oao SO' W. mouuring1rom u." F"", ...,' "'ook. '" .y. 'P'. . ' . ." OOw " . L. A. Oodey, PI"LuI.' pi"", ,......"" of H - - - . •••.• o'clock A. M., a,nd continue three 1 hnve at all times. a .good ,_ --; . ' thenoo down th olll:ohannel with item_.
Adan's Staroh P.IIsh at S, T 's. erry •. _
Fox·TAIL GRAss.-Mr. Jesse &,,,",k' . '? fu 'm. ". tl' .t.i 'e Ill8t week fiDI Bood harvesting hIS V?!ou , teer erop of fox·tail', cured it nICely ., . .1 . . dth • t h'",""'00 1 are W,.' " vory fond of it, Mr. Harlaoek says fox 'lI\il is far better than straw
S~ 'f.". ding'" .took.
l)o!J~le. hi."
wa~ne8vilIe 'h~
days. The wOIltber favorable, the . ' B...wn. ' m••,... wd. 1 be . h• Id on grove, on tbe pike west of town each day and service in the ' b .,...' ng a t .an dl • .b.roh "" light Medol'" Smith i8 Assist-
of work of the best Itahan marble, ' at IOW"" Cull and oxalDlUe before pnrch!lsing elsewhere, at a9 & 41 Mlun . Ot· "'"'' X ."', ".. GEOROE DODDS. _ _ • _.. •
p".... .
"'D. "'"-i :;:!dot:'j::r!!.sErli~t~!~:=Nfoome4 1.r. "u,..,".......... ""_
~".~ a~lr ..td~
Thirty )Juper mllIs are In opera. d.crt! to the place of )leginrung, aODtalDlng . " '" . tb lt11 .. ' 'V II.y, p'. d.••. 'olgblee" IUld one-h more... or t.. - bd thot .......U""ree of lan:1, of In(/! over three and a half million th said G"loon Leak will for anOMer dollo.l'S worth of. paper anonally. thllt lOlly be made 0 lIIid premt. , . !!Os,an ........ tlll1l'hotMrpl'ooeOdiugamay I 'I".. . I t Th ... q ,... ... . . .. . HalO and . 1111 s rm as urs· GIDEON LEAK, day afterooou and l1IJi. A By DltOW.N his Atto1'1ley.
Pftdrt hlti~ .~
J. 'ii.
d .nfs'''-'nt."d.., ofthe Bab"",h II?Th. ,Nnd A..... """'m. q....... ....... " '....., i . ",a.k. • • ••••• . M,. !,moe - k , a1....YO Soh"lin DI.tri" N•. D. .1.. by n yonOg lady, wd' be 0 . . • • """ . " . N OTIC E. ha do;::. .. U,. ........ II? Th,re will be a gn..d B.I· , ....p .f ,,"x·wi!. -R.v. Oh."", F""",..ti, hi••fth •• h'.f at.""tlo", a. U'.' Fai, J oatlce', 00"" h.. been q.i'" '".. , ......... bu , . . ""J .,"'.., .. d ( I ) ...\v"'_ay ... In•. !loon A.....I.n by a y.. I.dy, ., S ..... IJ .... .ighl, at many friond. and adml!,," h,,!, _k. De th.", to b..y '''' • few doy.. • ... th AS'" AL. l1oe& GJ&.UCIUII, the Warren Oonoty FaIr, next aootl' 11 o'clock, Mr. John Woo);. will be glad t() .leamL Win remam -d t' to tb EWnt\Ilition EX, late W.rlen CODllty. OhIo, ..,'d. k • ~C1Pe sb;d~.t~. " P utor ' Beveral CAlles bere of mg·ftCd e . ai-d died a short iIlneee frDw, er have new developed lately. f from4> 'roun Corwin, rIp 3 •1'&• 1• , .-75. JOEL blVA1II8,. Ex'ror -I(7'Don t r. ••.i-r tho ~kn• AI· weePlant spasmodio colic, year.of t he M,E. ub OI'Ch ·anoth • fevor -_IIIItJta't ne. w..-..
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It m I • tI h ' I IIInklng II th Ir happy homes fol' L<Jg~nIIO~.llrri\' I!M(I~m 1"" 1"" tl Ull1UOIIII,' I ! x~". l\n "i,.ir.il), . Hjl\'i.. ~hu.llliiry 'y"'" .r e YClI · 1. " l~1 I li1e. Anyin dntrio us furmer cun 1(Q!l.om . arriYo I.!!i Rm .1.~1 r In vrlol' ur lulltl -=... ,~ b 1IIl1eli .p r 11)0 lJ ] ~'1 " 1\(. hOI"" to K" " ", ",,0 11"" l n .Lf.&. f I • • d ' tl t N • "l'!'tr ames • IIl1"lK'ri",,," w hQ ",.'y AndoNDu .• rrlv~ t"v"rhi m \\l~h .. <,It. :,!(J.I· :1.:17" III 4,11 I' IU III ulldlu,· c~ullg .. 1'1'\'1111 1,&U U r e s; -1 sl~~ VI~\lllye , r ~~lJ II~Y" f~;1 it :u a W New Oft. L1 • krrl vc 4 .3 7 ~ In VN /)., ~TIO II to pur II'l" L WI I ull ll' . I I H~~....tllw", rrh · 110 11 m 33 pm U (' llltlh itllhl , lhat 'ounll, lyem I S 1'.TH . UU~~ 1 , RTY E W'd ' tll1\lbe RlcbwUlId, arrivu o')lIIt~eatl!y'L~tll' I NewandElegmt8alf-lYIi1e' Track l 0 ~,;.v II lit G!! I' u, t I ., . I . . I I t " gr ut urt ry the FET ·IIIUlulI'lli . llrrio c, le It! Uri, n.l1n sus ,_ O.U,..,II . ~)-:: U.:!JI' IU '1l · ·Y"u.gll· Isenttl llgt. ' 1,1 ton :(_ I \ LTTO :" R.NE r,_ 1'J Y t AT ,~ LAW , ~Te.xl R. 'It will truns ort hi I ';(' ,j~ l' 0 • '" ~ ~ N... T. ~ 1 _e o Ri elth...",1,1 .llly. • •1 Il\ i } N~r ~ [''I rJ ' r ) ~1 ucm , whICh lit I • d No. ('III' III Ie 1'& 1t 1~ lv:" ,I, II~. All fl'vl\It'II pil.I\' uf"I" Ill 11 ' t )~ k t,P I · ' I ~.it'~ ~l t f 2l~ W lOlL, an ~ C lll'lI '-"J 00 ~!!.:.J "I" ~~ I1Ju I l!. ~ r .,be, 'r r 1111 run,I"'' 1y, e ~ "'1" .,_,,,,,u., ny. UII' 1\1 11110 ' \VII \! • IC II lor glLrlll ' U U WI'11 nJ. 11 II tl Ie IUCI .loYiJ .Y 0 7'~lfn ' P l /Jl .. 1(). l' 'I'I t 'os of t I'.." II I j W . L. O'Il IU EN, l l. r . . '1'. A. . n. LS , I~~II'I II t I I d . ~rtution .and b pluc OUl", I .. Mel ...... " 1\ ..... lIodl.I .... 11th awo .EX/II BITIO --._ jt:P FED IN J'lfl~' HLYO A'A Oll DA Y. ~: t\~' 1 ~1·::;,~,~,~ ~~~~I~.:j,1~~I,whU.. spe' ~ b~ ~ l~~~mh .r~ :·t~ a'p;~cl~ ' rtooting Inst tdho .it~ the fllltOb " ' " ,' l'( ' ......18. " . . . . . tuderu~lor ' l GRAND MU C T REAT mI WAD l:.N CO. BAND S. S· II' J• h t I v popu u" 10 1 IUIliI 0 B e 1' 1 E. S. n. Wl\ I.TON, tt..] ~Il I::~II\~ ' AI~~llu :.~~e I\~~~ ~\1; I 'fhiS II~ II. trong iildu .1lI n.t to P~I" It '1II1~1'~l\bl • 'i'e tum ut. ho.ve ~jJ\cl ed tue upp r portion ot' cllt\so a. home a.t once 1n thlB fert il e ATTf DRN -EY A T LAW , ". v"'TEN BJV~'K ({/l.il'l8, (} Broff (t,.a!/, R MU.r... thA Ib ower oxt~mit Yd fkl\. :BcdOUiu I VU!~Yit e I'ide to Gener.. J Lalld-ol~ ..... m or II lIueue on ey· boy. Eve ry~ ody f . l ' .. . . --. LBn~N (I\'.. O'J',IO . . 'fllat fad d 1Illilltiliu spoak8 of lce ol'or t 11.8 road,. to tllo buy r Th (lth r tltlY I pl\ld a VISit to the IIlInD ot 1/,.1 0,' , 1' t fl e J.. 0(1 1'U!I" • 0J'1' , 8 Jllill 1llld limc' ictUl,etI it n (lU BI·tel' o[ u scctlOn of laud, and Becket t Puper 'u. II Pllper Mill at , .\" ' ~ : "II .Lt.:, o. ~ . . y I '. J V thil'tv-t hre alld n third per cent [(7'1' UI' flll'lhl~ r ~lllrt\(:u.lllI'tl, ltd, r 4", _ I U I .0 J II tue II lit! 01 a dark-tlY'd tloncel- d" Woodadn 0, uut. \)1 0., . , , • f II Ii .J A ME::; 1\. IIELL, wa la, wllo tl'ipl!ing ulollg the A lame· 18conut f,. ' A M b:L Ino - . JlI't'/liJ 4 1'~' ~no.:nt III u OU!l eourteonsly I' C Ived ~y. tit. nlam).· du tJ'TO Or to vespers, POI'ChllOCe I t BUU. COlltruCt, ,VI.ISpa) OJ!:! P'I'F r I 1'1 111 . W. 'AH EY . ('I'cla r y . ~. H. omI. """ u.O',r I.. ,,,,, 1',,0, cOltuwly a stro.ng tnIr'I:e." " ,', : j ger, M.r. O. H. ~OhlhIlSkl, who IIhillO iuto th hClIl't ufeom CUblll ~ . I W II.''' '~.i llo. Ohill. ' ldllcernont for tho e who w~sh ~ ~ ()I v ~I\U U ..·.lll\' •• 110 .... 1. ~. \'fHe a!loweu me over tl~1 Iurge iN DIA NAPO LIS SUN tub I 'I'u u~ she 0. sod. _ _ _ (~Ui, ', (I)', I ' A . j)nlf lJ IJ I-1I9' I.u~ ·hMO a valuubl In!llm~lIt und explalllcd th , p~ S. '1'10. "·,,,rlll( T. -nHl E::<D'ENT :H.EFOHMI UI'iUliS Ithiu "",, nro 801ll time rICh valley. . . c. home III thl8 H e"'" IS \Uude every desol'llltlOu'0 of , ~ . N I~. \' lI.r.":" o . ' (WI!:}!;K Ii d I.r 'd I~O!i'il·. tl lllow'I''' I'er ill the ~Ii- • 0 .v My rCC6l1t VISit to It I sltall pI lice r • uun aUlI lose , rags ,\N"FI' UUAN u N. ------w J :'lJ("' : lit"" "r ,al "d"oollte or Iho ltl· .I uk 1)llper 0(' tl.l? highest anti n~ol:lt --. I Pin tel'S baving .,. d .) Cypbor of a.mong my.m st. ch l'ishe~ reoolleC'~ D 11 vr,.,., ~~ costly ~I'a.d . lli e uveruge YIeld tho Khediv e of F, th~ N 0 '11 C K . ::~,:·t.':"ll~~:,\'~:.~~ '~~:~:~~ r.;::~~'~:' !{ui·,~'~~ t Italiuu cl!n . tlUlI ; and JO tillS OOOIlC tlOIl I mUdt tIllftU I Nul;", i. h"rt.by ~ . iv~ iafro\U 4:tvo\ HOI; tlaily, l 'lIu t · •• II ",~ L'" Iho Il1ld c,'B',T ,k 1..,"" ","1 tbe ,Id B •• 1 i. FlllltloY' . tl 1 ' Ym' -ANO -sll.ythutthekinulloss builtlill" is Ill' bri -k lIew a ll d all )- C'IIIIO leurltlg Vi. e gYEOt' el 11; pital l ~iO:lled hll~ b",·"uP""it •.adE.rn nl"r"r thc II'l\l t"' JII1""" IIu\~.II"""rroll )' B""1 "' wr • \.. 1'" 'I'cy ity howlI mo by IsulLoalldhos T OoodllO • h w J;:. ..' tMc of 1:LL1S WAin. • Inlo ,,( Wtl"'''" l fll;''ill 'II''~ II i),:" (}"Iollu1Cl'loL B,," ~ . gallllll to 1101110 Itlurem aIlUlo ; . ·. t!"ll', IJt~"lI"',bC B(\\'bcr lUl i) , ~ '0 \ ~ 8~1I tlO 1,.3 tlturlct! high, Hilt! lit 111,1- /.Ill ·. ... unty. d .oolld. JO. . . KEY. iklm's schl:!u anu sch ill ing IwIll ever hold ~ sacr d place 'fit N Ill ... U 00"1" vf "ble MrrC"l'tlfHI· aJ!!, ~ IU !lly I Aug. 30, I 7:;. eLIIOI,'I'Y I ut tit\} 1I0\\, ' t anu III t 1" I II ' 1"gr ~lP :1m.' [!'lID )~1n6utor . .n~. "lUr'"~ tlall ol"~rc L nn\1 ... ",t 1I",follo ,\ , ". t . 1'1'1 CII,I\\,IIn,..I","~ J;luildiIlK, Mllill 8 1rcet. . ., I I Lalld Oommlss. , . t' I 11 Ie \:II rmlllllC ~ • ~ ______ 'VA!'$I£lUl V ~ _ ;....,t:. Swl e, 0 IS I .melllory.NHe tlnn h r.of Ibo ·ouutry. " . appl' V'U I ,. 01'1 i' 1\111. .,G' 1'0111 v"() t v cit [' II 1.' . II"A'lrV d E TfLI,/< N01'l .' CE lott e alld Husaillll ko) oks. One ' Ion 'I' lit f eOijuO ' 1~ 8 , .1.\.311 n , an OIIlO l u .UN 'I., MI ed l",,}, of the Qhol e<'~t scloutlOn ad. -f....~, I , 70 ~ pwplu . • • IU'U cUlpl,lycJ. Tho lII:ln 'lulu 0 1 Cil d wh '11e . , . . IIl'tcd t nil cl,," of r tid rd. 1 '~I ()I'C lIt IL gOlltl mUll 01 l'enllCIII l! lIt lUlU ' . Tnt 1td~ to Iw PI' tI " haUlI .. full li"" vI !i'1Il"' . I t t 9: ) ~ II ,.,,·-,·tlttilllf. II ,.',. ])r.... h ,l.I. : h:unpo"I "11 1'h (l'arJtll<:-"~~'PI thelSoetolQhl'O ~X."lbl".lf Lei' agUI' I. II 'l'!:l"llg ' Terno<, $ 1,7.'. [ttlr ),enr, l'".tp"ld . Y 1\ ) UII :,, :, Y.!1. I' 0 f· cull "'\' C'l-'fl l) . , . "rl~ I , l i1~ lI ' ct {I III , i 000,. 1 unt' dol'- UCII I lUll. nitllre o f th o yory ben qU I\1i1 y, ", "l lit tlit Itl1I,1 "It~" IUl;, .lu"u '" 11 IIU uvCII ( I IS" O \ ' S 1 • 't I f d t a ~hv 1At.,\ .,),1 '2'f7thO r r . ,1 II)' 1II ',~ .. ,,1 r '", .., l - U T. T..rtlv l Wright ~ n AUd"'ll> C\U{'4 ag , lin I,. l.ue h• I Pllt'• lt I 0 11 01 r• u 0 1\ l 4..1 \ t' : k CO )"l'O" [ ~O.. ' re~ au tiPsI' '~C,on. . LOW :F I G U RES , of various denomi · . _ ._ .,..... ing with tit hv t pUI' J' wllkol III al e .greybu. ks 50 •• - - - - - , r U..... " f ru". t.l. ' 0 11 rm , ..'II _ . J bt ( r clW :\J)IANAJ or.18 U N 0 . , . pl'r~nll~ '01 C T Illdi J~ ,. ,. I A. d I I uBpolis, H Ol1SKnO Iud. LD OF 'IIS CUll bo foulld ill ""}' "",,'kot B{l e ' , i t· • .." 1"'... . I .. tj • tI · nu,twlI, Irvlll l' VElUg hI' :<1 to ~ ,h" InUl 11 firm i~ "look IIro roqll to, dtell 5, nuw wust 1:0 lIIake I . ____ _ , - I\nYI . ' . . III"" ,I' It· Jlllymoot . ",.<I. Ilto_e hov,"!, OUJte S IlI lell II!!; ,liS ~u\l.'.t.. of r. .. 1 '. I' Mr<>. C. A. Wurfie ld, 1- unu • ,, ..,t ~11Ii!l.. \\'il1 prc"""t t m for .~ttll·"'C"Tty , r (] . from IIi fllthcl', wh usu I' p"tntlOtl ~ ~ J .:. 1.:. _~ ~ i1'" II'. P B ' ' 1 T b ER ftl S' · BU7' . ". (t11 1'. 'l ahll'S, thosub . . I· ., d o ks l a whi l/'I'!, ch ,, ut /t/'t/1'. IIIIC' In t \I wl, id'lllt,."l . Ie Iu mlldc OilS wilh )0 cilh lag vr'ItNlIh rOQm er IUI "r OI m . , . ' . • was ,~\C )J~cn. .'" . 'O I'U8 Lit , lut" finn . /. lI1l llfJlIl . 0, J. WR IG HT. B,', l xll'wis CU IJIO thllt on one or two rare oc· the attelltlou 1 ~~ Ln ,'''ltld AVCnUB '1Ur . alld IlIlcl c"t 01 th e l ;J' , ~ B lor gOll.lg over th? 111111,. he CltsiOIl in rag al1l1als IUI'ge J .' .. ' . ISRAEL WRIGH T. . ~ v ''-'' .I . I .11.LUSIC M(f, ti l (18,~r8, /'11 01" /lij' C('r. lJ.'. 2 ,II St, eaid, 'OOUl ' IIlto the uffico 11lJtll ut (,(ol:uioo eul'I'oucy' huvo II illS 1reuder, lIud by 11 subtle ijpcll hold I Jllly;)1, 1 7;,. NEW YOltK, Gla/f/ft' 8, beeo,' JJI'II(''''' him et~, until the IllSt page is tilli hed. - - "~r r Ihow YOll a t'jllild & 0., &c. ~ rs. Warfield is ono of th e m st ~ J[ I N G I' 0 1\ D' • S 'BELlO IlJl' 'fUE WAil. • , . umo time ago at n mill ill Mid· iiuiciullting. novel, writers of the . --~,~-~- -~--~--~ I urn uldo prCI,aro[1 to ntteud 1\\1 ellllR in lie tit 'II ham.letl.".lo.a New ~es. dllltowlI , .3 woU)n~ 711e/nllowiufJ Mllsil' B ', oKl (!I'O (l C a packag a~e\ noa her \VOI'ks, tho H~1J8h.0Id &alll lit 16 mo. mll)!!)11 typ ,rl'lllt· .11' ,"700 Ulltl beingfound I. ~ knmoletlged to be th e Lest 0/ tl,oir class. TUEA ,•.. ALL FORMS OF' a widow with 01 Douvorle, A Double "edulI 1g, , ed in. Augutltn, GllOl·gil~. i!l) ~J , ~Y 11 Iltrg . family, th }ll'opl'ietor Par/;c8 SCl/elLII!! I/.~ Ol'tierll can Sti!:zll'8 gtlO- Uest I' H oward's Tem ptll~ions, AND ' t1UIII. p O&/llOid, by rcmillill! J UN tIll bilVillg II fiuG now Hcur60, BmJ· the on' .d.cl'lltu tntc!! n .. blc SUl!IC- 1.'1'11\1 l~lIowed her .tu keep it. " full lina of etc., are eagerly read Ulld ty, bUlllld II~ !,Itt' r, 1t;~\' l lIg UII Ell' 111 IyIllluthe GLOS S tho bo.t lIlal'~'8d pricc. r mill, the I'IIg.room comme nded by peoplo and In!?I~ly XND liEODIVS S crltlC1l ti Itl llllllet lIJ1b deled ."~ the ccnt I' bus fOllnd $ L50 , which hcdivid --uBurial LettCI' d l ev I'ywbere. H Cases /,1'0111, , Caskets, Robes, aU pat't8 01 . • For the Lanndi llry, ef the bu k. The. orlgllllti OWllel' \ ith tlw owner Of . tim mill. The GE~ 'l'HI~ UEST! . TI~c HOliseho,ld of DOtlVerle 1& tllo Clvilir :ccZ World . Doud " fine oeoortmcmt of MANUI',\( )"I'U II£1l U'V had eviden tly cultiva ted the ~I'nct! . ~UIl1C Ulllll shOl·t1y after. paid 'fht.!~': ,!;.;~;~~.~l.,t~.li~~';~_11 30 o· publt$hcd by '1. 13. l~c.terso ll &.T. K N G SF 0 R D & SON I of the toilct, as oD th outSIde of for (l0l rC1I1 stlltU' S that I'r; co i3.~I'i. n my ;Broth el', .IT HII .111I1~Al .AY If the cntel'pr Hllng a.nd Til B t S ' !. . the bo k WILlI 1.1 Sill 1111 cit'Clllar pock· illiormnnt I'clIlnrked 'NobJd I. 1r l d TI'~(~,:~\~:~.,~rr~~~~ruuwr is y but gentlcm anly publish ers, 1",,,,11 of endcllvo 306 r to.' III do " my Il . best ta?'o to tl I mUl'it 11 . t ~J t· 0 1' 1 ", wn . ' .what , . Price $.2.50. et mirror! Hl 1'1I11 0 W llCu bt Streot . Philade lphia who t1lof""OT of ..II who mu)' MIlan ,': hims If knew t:lVE he actuall y did. 'heslI A l' IUId F " l ' . 1::tH' '1'0 . 'I'lw•• udd".'.l llc t I".l.... et.or for tho Voi"" is . . perfurllted \)1. th 8Rm bnllot. llns fiod' '. i 'li I~ 11 "NE~ . nltu wt\rrunt all work to givo .,ltiofuctiomo. tho Qh' ~ 1 ",( wcnlt it lint! u. !'choolf utbo V.lee. lor .1,75 WIll. seod tillS or elthor com,"'", _lllrclt i bc."'cul." llB 18 TRBATrN G leaden miSSIle' of pious Ilroeli vities hlllf" uom l' th b 'l f I'rico ~.50 ld's books, to any ord l" " YwII _hi "g. Mk your grocer fur." n eso a C 0 rags, mnny' ar _ ofddMrs. Warfie for lIum~ro is. Tho ul Do.t. Patlell u in Europe, the went elean t IIr 'ugu,. tIIe Ev81lgeIB'11I t,iclos inuillj< CI"AS Boob t ' d Ilrfl " never intende d to be sold us' a I'C B, P .pal. . TI Ic~r Folr,. Ee ....... I' u bl'cil I West Iudle.. the DOllliDLon of IUNGF OltD'S a sumlJ?IlI'Y n'lilunor, p netl'~(oLl ~bl' old I'U~ Ilro fOl1nd, whi ch by Price 60 eta. Canada, and in every State .Acta oj l~le Ap 'lStle8, aud d l turbed d ut or curelossness huve got acci- tions IIl'e alau for sulo ' IU 1111 1'13, OSW EGO (~ORN ~~TARCB there, of the Union. ....J ~8 seremt y pi' the Roman s up to lIeh as rings brooch and trink. spectable book·stores. I'doo 75 cla . Muol.,,1 Vhlwu, . Ji',(/I' {'ltd ~"lIfI'~' lJlane Mange, the 12th. verso of lhe.13t h ehapt: ta, eseupin g'tho Al'glls eyc of (r' IIll\lc Voiet'.). Priea tj;t.OO ADVI CE CIVEN BY MAIL tho PWrERSONS' GOUN'l'ER.PElT DETEo, I .lI:" Crea m, I~t l' . Th. T3csL Onlil1<ltinn of 0 11 IIroh ?or usiu is 'W~ere It \'C8~ed With proph tiC rag ~I\thorer, to be at last reveale d' TOR., AND. Drl'l!MIle NATION r'. 8el.dl FREE OF CHAl iCE. ' M.. ••• Ihtuc. f." N.O'rlt ].. II e 0 k innl-f!, I,l;li.hctl ill I 4 . And "'omt, admoDltory tbat tho black }'ll t'e rag room. C hure. ulld 'fOURIST. LI T.-Thl s excelle nt publicatIon, r b II b 1',. ·tT "'·. -' il S' rol'"t'lli,, ,, ". STIt" . ~I:t a. Priuc $1 no. night of 1'0 · ious war WIlS Q. ut "0 meftarlat medloinM ~t t'ltlokr1oU ' cJrultl GIld. i 11 , I:U nIH1 'I (l K ~.lIF:LUJ\" ~ .. hn,1I lilly .. • • of iuculolable advantu go "rLO ol'ery '1'1", n ·.t S""re,1 "lid SiXltIlar OulloCltio ll i8 B"I dllri()~ die puL twent)"yuft Nl tre_tod BU~ to dawn i.nto n. day o.f )lence nnd 0", r . "Ii.:l,' of II," kind oll'or. Th" C'I" tn. The Gl'oat Neosho V(~lJoy. olle rull)1 a~1'1 , vr quite 40,000 1108. All r.cta COil· ill busines s, ,from. the millioul·d, clth" r "f Ihe MOle "limo 'I'I-oervutloll 01 tho.U mOil. n ad 1', fur Mixed VOillCi!, nocu.l . wll h ....h c... a ....... rlllly ruoorde\l, Prieo'1.50. a' ~ • ..., l re, b~ n kel', and aud Itors of va.t IIr \\'ith olher title. whethor they 00 communica ted by 1 Lwr or IA torn to the I' r e. If you have a , Th ' Dr·-t 0 ro" Boo k i. .. BY F. WILLIAMSON. \1 I' (I milt-olld I. h enternr Til .. ise8, NO! PI.. penon, or olhtorvec1 by tho Doctor or nil a.ooitc. to lJII the • .., retail 'r>:\·. , .-os , . CAIo.... " y u d ' .. ..:c., f 0 (or ~Iixod Voice.. Testam ent; If Pri 0 $ 1 50. 911 t, g t on .. mUTe perfect phyalcla". . Tho laUAlr ",.. 1111 ooIcoUGo 1Il4M\1a. . at t I10 Il i;: h\. ~t dlP ll1i :·n.~ ""t\.(I I'I1 .'" 1)1h. F.uro . . doulel', pe" I'IU 0"is eveu Th e heR G lee Bt)uk for Malle Voiced i8 ejlcedily. It lUay be your B\llyntion· . e,cr8 (Jazelt :- .'Ylllle ~o.lourll foil. "lIoIly,,'" l},i. Cto '" ' f,,, ·h. lind ' ''y' i~ men..' The lfn. ."rf..... ' preseut tilDe thl1n has been ill i<II m"s' ,·xCI·II,·II' "" iele of diot. 8/101 Alllnnlld. a~ a dlllta.co are reQulrtll t o _ to have, aud to know, as tillS WIlS Il.lg hi . III the West 1 VISited tllls.beau. the pll t. It is ait semi.m Price $1.1.10. 0" ~"d.d II'" of ~Inln qu.ItI• ..., ",bloll wlU be onthly cit mie,,1 Iln,1 f""di,, ! prOIIOI·tlCS i~ fu lly Th ~ nOHI, O,.itAr In_truet.n --Al'iDthe salvatio n 0 f t he oWller. I teamo 't II tI I VII II ey, an d pr 1I~llnCC t e ri8 furn lsb ed bl man free. OJ' at \bo oIftca. .. comIl1 lh· Iocs, I .011 publica tion, contain ing Lists 0,f a II m,lIl, IIire,lion, I. ....lInnd'. Ne,Y 1tI".hod!. . I,\ebt-"Item of rcalt.t.orlDN vn.,a".. mtltate or lm UIIIrr"",·OD • •• kj,I'~ p,,""i .. ,( •. Ou-tarh .into the possOt<diol1 of Mr. Dobilin · uruobg tho mo t 1It1l'1lcllHI pOl'tlOn. t'rtco lj.3.uO. s U", Danks Nutiollul und Stute, ill &c . "oeo'''l'''''!" .. ,,·h """' I'ou'l<l I'II COllfUl lcltl CAM: boob never colUlull41tl....oept bJ ski io the IlJllllwi ng manue l' : "I"I~". The n,·.t Guitllr ?of,.. i" I. vf tbe vast West. It is far Sill' 1'1' lho UIli on: Names of tbe l,h)'e5chll'Lit ot tho uetabll",hrn cnfl. .or '* Pre idents . I·~.r. ",nl" by olll'l ....-VI ••• Groc"... . oonJlluhAtio t n .end for II!!" of q,ue61lonl. Th I .. Dllring the p(,ldod. that Alldm" ur 11\ "n,,,.ell r GII".. mnny r Sl~('cts to uny pll~ alld Cashiers, nnd nlU Imt of capi- I '- "I, \,,~ _ A outy'!"''''' l"""llbld 01 oyldea .... 01 , n _ .I'rtr.o ij;~.••i.O. -: 80nville I)ris II WIlS a chnl'll(;ll·honse tin \\". Th o. chemlcul nnd geulogl 1" ' 0 no-, ~r"I!"l.i ll r of V"""I MII _io IN!l1t '1 co allO. ~t1 1 tal in evel'Y iIlElt.itlltion. FuJI alld AlVIEKIC li N WASH BLUE , dddl'al . Dr. E. B. FOOo:t :E. .for Union soldiel's, ouo of th survey wlllch 1ll1aue of the land t·"..·.·. ' ..ou."h ..... 1l:~:·':~:7: *4 .00 . I 1l1 lltCCIlI'a te d e cl'lptiol lB or ull CUUII' For Laundr y and Kouleh old Use. Nos. 1.2, 1l.4.. Oonfed rate glJltrds WllS pl'ostrnted tho NI' ho Valier, sh~ws thnt. Do.l< 'J88, III.... Worlh 0.(\, 7, 1:1, ulldll no w A 1010 Otfloc fortht) )!""uflloturOf\,,dS~le~f the i terfllit notes in existence. New ,,. ,, ~ " 'TUK t: O AT Til K with sickness, alld J'C:;Cei Villg SY:lI cnlcul'colls f,lrmuhon w.lth th.e reully. Pri"" r.o < 'olll, .... "ch. ' . ACEN T8 WANT ED, lune. , bogus bills describ ed ns ,. I\S .A In t l' i" (j /I Uttl'alf/ rr,rine lViI'l'kR, 'l'h~!.~,::. ~~::!~'lJ~~~:I"Y PililiO pathya ud attontioll from a Dillon to~6 ~ some extellt gIves It Musio , sn' l t1ltly appear . Every nllmber of DB. FOIITa Is tbe ""thor or "lImlCAL 0011' NEWAR K. N.... ~oner, gllo\'e him this oolore he PCI'I I'It.Y .over all othcl' .f,arts ofa the 110M SE .... &. n .. hook tbat rftOhod .. olrcQl&tIoD . Por Year. *4 .00. U the DI>'T;EOTOR al so contai ns con- Our W". II, 111 ,10 i- the I,o.~ III Ihe • of ovu 100,000 copl~; 811U, ", "l~n' Do•• II;j\ ~ a lW!t momento. world. N~~: t.o 11 now roudy. Priuc 5U ccntH We t WUlch I saw. he' wuter, \cise reliable TAt..K,'· ;"on rect~ ntl' Vl:III1Kb""', whlah hal ad Q.lld imparti al review8 hrl ·... " ·, , ~'"·,,k een~,iIl8 notlnill!: InJu"; · Th" B' Be id tbtle i~ was iiv n him by which is puro and hcalthy , is sliglltK tUlIgllzino for AdvII'l('cU 1';,:n" t.) tbe e.a:tt'ut or 10,000 co1>les ; alf1O., et H8a.alfa. of tile Nlttio~al aod roca'" moneta ry 011 •• t , h " ' Ih ''''. I ,l\b'·i~. .-S . Otl " v all . . I lind is I l'r,c.d "I to . d PI · "y~r. t . IN SToal" u "'hicb 11 now WIDg l'UtJllahe4 1D 88ri-. i~ · • I. m ' . at l)artll1l!' rom htlV to 'IY .ll!I.IlOJ ' . fh l' lr l l';':'(! I UlI u ti,'h.lif 011 1t ~'COUllt 0 II , ono1l 1 so . Its P CIl M· lell er I (.l Oll, busllIesB Items, und.II.lt e i"u. • I () Ii' con.tcft T41ltU ell" 'ct. """ ch" nllll."~". SUlorinr ' Jom tl Ie rei,b lit With ·1118 reepec t II. t iSltlllltl rO.r tho rl'cll1cst qllltc II~UII .0 "" ... e • ., u r ..... ", I Iy. .. 00 ·n. 0' dU ••• ee,'\.IDg the mrit·D,e .. tlpned work (whlcll , ruilroad news. As an lid verhslIlg \\'Illt "" .IIIt., ~, 1'''1 "I' .In pllckngrs """ve",, ~ that he wOllI(J 'd a nOI'livn m'OI'\' 11"1' 'cs witli mnoy people wbo l 'e.· Y~ "r . .,4. . DRt No>. il\ l' r to fttil.' 21 III no,,! 011' I::WttIA rMdy. of prln~). Prio~ .,lI oent. wUI be .... , !toe on appll~... are I d' . ~~~ ~~-~~~. II . I: , ../ ""' 1' t1" d . t I 1:,," 11y U. ,·. )'''00 10 0 111 8 . t<l elll,..,. Dr. FOO.... or the Xuna, BUl hl1J8. \ IDe lum among tl 10 \.ory best I CII'FoI"r Cll oh . event~~. . e CI ~~cd l'nbhshod lIocl"'"ll o<l, p,', L. It alll llg WIth ('.11 r "". I,,' grllc~ rs "ytTy,."c re. en.h I Y n \)ct ~Vlt) tlO pure. a I"" Alwl'. l "a 'd lill' classes of purcha sers, b IDS Comp"J, w PET&B8 ..... omco .. 1lIt1 But Iilll. ~ 0NI:\' nsk fo" Ihe' AM " IU " AS w . ~ the muror 10 1l ltleu 'puoket . Du· lin e water willch abound8 m tho A)tcut..t-bolh men and wcmeo-wacted to _l DETIWl'OB bas not its equul in the WIl ,,1 Ihe ,·hO"I'~.L II "d ~'·H. u U" l ', If )'IIU 1'81, Y ring an engn.g' III Rt" Nt the UlIioli untll·wc tem part of the stute' t he ")I1:IOlog 'Worp. to ~tholU a IlbOral pI"Ofh. WUJ ~~ l~: ~'1 '. - Iworld. We ad vi se all Business be ulluwL.. 1. The ~Inntnaa of 1U\al1 tortUDGI om~:.'7~\vill~~:."~~~~~~N:Dv';tt. troopil,. he lolt II. shlll'p <JW 01'('1' lJ 'ing n~eu tomed to limcsto~e 843 Broad wav, w~. Men to hutl subscri h(.'t.l6 mado in IQUlo-Jt Dr. ]l'oora'i J,1O))\t1u be. The terms of ' - - , , tlie region of the h?tll't, whl\! Illr II. tor, J 011.1 yed better health . WQrklt.. PL41Jf .l1nln~ T,u.e ~ III putlculU\ 1 10 tllls lsnbscr iption 101' the Monthl y issue IOOOn.d stnggel'(.od Imll; but qll~ly vlllloy tban farth r west, wbere no beauti fyx ,",'''",lNt t.u ~llIl t... IUlll .. Sent.a ,. 8'10 . . . . . . N. Y. the lis only $1 50 a year' Selni-moutb. jn;;-t IIIl! "hiD,. for tho young. Bond fOl'~UteD'" ' pards" 'W~t ~~~,_~ recoverill~, It cuntinned rn h.~ II lk llllllO prollorties propoll talil~ and 80ft fur lI'0UNVeA . Th r-u.. aoewen in Iy 83.00: Subscr iptions ' may YOltl' 1U1m neatly p,1' i1It6d, 01 MISS !Bn~s, I1nu utt?"de.d to the .tough 1e wnter. The scencry I~?erate • luuIUh\df"'C}f Cf\K.~tlon. wb'ch lad..- Alltt ~"'" RlCH IE R. EBRIG HT mOlt'wI a dcll0aG7 .bout ..".,.o! Ut~ Job m hand of trylllg to whl p tile all:! magnificent ~oog. tlUB gralld'l co~menee with any mOllth, and tIl m, a~t(l Bent to (fn11 add1eB8 rfIIIio -"'i'le Tea.,l er, ' no.." ........1.... In II~" 1II: 111te _ .great arc paY8ible- in advanc e. A. can- 'p08~::! upon ":.,OCf)fp rJ.' T ' ~ Yanl8. R~et 81d of . \ (lIln helil~. vnll~. . The beautlflll toreet tJlnbor va Cl' could sct-up I/o large he' of ... ell """,.. _ell ... . M. ...1,""""" lie batl _ _. ar.'"_ _ .1 After the engage mellt in tho ()ye- Ihftt- &ul'Ql.lnf . THEoMI A. AZl!:'nE, 't1il~ 'r ...Ua~~ D.~er- enbeo,.;........... r.,... ... .;. W"YNIlIOjV ... LE,O ... O. ... ~nolghbor" ~l'L'UI 11" 11 1 ',u.~" I. publlllio4 .. _ Wrco..lIIll, Ohio. ... 'ii'~~~, ~~~OOll, , Jl!og by lho camp·fire, he took ~Iit fniling atroame an.d. unsurpu~'ng Calth~ h Iil hJ (J erulall Lauau .... 0 • ....., hOod. Addl'CSS, T. B. PetersJ n & 1111 Tcat&m.,nt to read, doubtle ss Ill ' health, nlld the fertlhty & .A.5 1\1 1}1 D.'t_ 11H OOOV J I.' _ _ -.cs. 0 nlld varIety Inro't hers Philade lphia 1'a. for eited thereto by the promise givon of soil b infi well adapted iU \...:I .1:'., to whent samplo c~py £.B A.BOV&. " . l' Iii mother . I magme . I d ---ll8 a9tol1l.8 1- 1111 C. I'll', '.' c m b'lIIe t. Q ren d --.UUIIllBS --. - - . ' ~~' t I WH OLESA LE _ lDent when he foulld th bnllet Im- Oll(lOt the mo t attracti ve portIOn The ATLA NTIC MONT RLY" W e hlLv. for .. 01 0, oM hUIHlrcd s I bJl"hol •. 11 • JEWE LERS ~ APTI ICIANS Ryc fa,' So(\(1 ; bedded therein , and that he owed 01 tho olLl'th. B ttel' I1l1d ehenpe J'IUJ L l'adill(l, Lit l'a,'I''Y j[a(Jo,2 :ne r ~ ~ ~ ~bt"'t ttJ.cm ~nts hil bodily Balvo.tion to that whose laud than here cannot be found Oil On o hc"vy R nu d 'VII/\,Oll ; Q. V of Am 1'~CfI" ~.u OJ ' \0 • Oll ~ g'O"d RN'f","·huud DlI!N!Y; .uppos ed mi ion is Sl~r. ty t<> tho the cOlltin nt. Now is the time I WUI\T IT 01'1'£" " FUR 18MJ. ., Quo to 8lll..: on rl ~ hunfl CI 'rril~n~ nellrly n ow. . __ • Spocln cl J ,snw " Il.ussull Lowell wl\l IOntril'ut tlu · eour. Tho Union soldier WI18 allol·t· bny land chcap. I would advise Tools &. M .ltcl'ials. A & r. 11. AN1'RA M & 00. : r tll~ tho )'unr. f 'quell I !,:ullya lIud 1'0 II'd; ly after discharged from the prison, those W}IO wish happy bomes H~rvuy .hurg. A "K""t :J4. Ii!!!!-" 11 .. 0 Willi am o"n 'llllrYlillt Rnd HOnr,. W. W . ·or. Six'h "lid Mnil tAo aDd went to his hOllle io Washing· directly to tlte Neosho Fo.lls, to go ' . • ~ . • Longrclhlll 1\ ill I'uhfl , h l'uclII~ 5tId (!"pc' Knn. ! _ _ _ _ ___. _ _ . Waynesv illo. JUly 14, 1875. CI NOINN ATI, O. [l!IIMi l]i1Ui1Ijlt(li IIIrnIn9jiIl3N 01'. apod al Inte",.t. M" 'k '1:"...1" wl'l o~nton county , Maryla nd, whel'e tiC MS, throngh which the Missou __ ri, ",t,ot Skol ultooI)f ~II~. I• • llpl Rh·.r t.lJeI 'rhe undorslgned bop to Infotlll Sent I,Vm .1 I fllr 10 C~'. E. B. Pllllnt. )1.11., AlII a victim to sickness cOllscqueJ1t Kansas & TexM Railwa y pll8ses. 1Ir11 I"R ho used tv ~ ce it frl,m " I'ilol hC)nae. Bav. ~o 1.lIe.ln, ,". Aye •• Nto .. V...&i (1'11, ~be publio "en~rall,. 'bat I~e Ital ."..l:~ . , ~Q @D . . I·... ~ 00 hardslu. ps 0 f prison h' . ~ Vi' 1 , 00000 1",·t\ 'IIIYlur will wdt" vi' Life in W hl)lI' aDd 110 II IS , 0f acres 0 f e h' d" &IIOOowoe. W M01\~ Mllrket olce Ian d I' old " .. "d Opllll In tbe of Lellk iJ ,: " ,hll, nlld (In topics wbore be t will ~ ~1rjl I, dCiath-bed he gnve it to his mother, the Oompa SUl!g " ted IJ.Y bl recent ~~V gRT 'r. Il IhS)g ~11:', ~ ~ of the above R. R kl!l1p eonlt,,",ly on band ' . . 1·,· ~ ld ~ II COill1.; · '0I1lIly.l ' hnr losDutllc1War. . ~ ~~ l!I . ' Aunt Kittie IsID inger; " II,'" ",ill l"utni. lI, durill/( bla ,,' ~ldl>"I'e In 'bo lady offers for S e on a lonfr credit, taught 8chool ; Chnrl ie t~is Fi"St Nati01~al Bank 1J~6. ilrlillfJ, EU8 l. SI, etoiJr. "I' Odon1al Lire lInd ·rtll'·el. lIttcnded cheape r than ever; sold on 10 years THE V E . ·R Y B EST I I", Inci. I'nrkman w ll l O,Hl1riu U . pUI)(lrii .on ~ her school. Sbottly o.l'ter; she f, II ' time, oul.y 7 per cent. interes t, onelito WII "S u i' ~ " w FIIgIl\ lIU .. nd ..n.d~. anel ~ , WAYN aick and died ESVIL LE, OHIO, 00 her death-ood, tenth Jown. No payme ut the sec- Bee( Veal, picture 'I"e opl. ode, ur 'h" old colon.illl II,.' IN 'fli'l~. Mutton and Pork, _ ___~___ ___ Manufac turel RI~ kiudf! of Broad L\l; CI?KO III Q,lIohec .lId MODI'·enl . 8he gave him, hell favorite pupil, ODd' year, except mtl)fest. No _ .lobn Filice, ind"!l)I~~b!d:"OtI~::utula~t!~t::r'i~u~t~~ whooe . trikitlj; p.uur VII Amerlo.n aDd Allie' . thie talisma nic TestameI)t. Be 1I0W terest ill advanc e; warran~l r:'fur.n'ahl ng deed tb eoaa", ""brei.; IlIId all will be kept ' nlltll Llro nirr,.clcd QlU h no lice.... UllUmlah treasur es it for her Bake. and also given; title perfect. "hie . , TIUR D STREE T, IIIE" • • "IN. eD acoonnt of its singula r bistory_ CAKE S .FOR. WEDDING:;", 111 p,lpers. Those lande are Dot beld on 8pec· 0 I. E.A NAN D N 1 '0 E P"UII~nQl' l)r "1.~rp. 1IO to r~td 1111• ... CINC INN A 1'1, OHIO. pOtlnlll It'Il'~~ 01 Ihe h,.to>, I, Ib" W•• 01 , ti~ and timo ate too. limited nlation , but to have them A,ND PART IE , 'in the Scct·.~loll Alia Clio !>Vun"" leadh'II '" II. T•• . . 82 00 PER D~'Y. to give a dOBeription, of the proceS8 hands of men wbo will improv ' b ' . I I Ie ATI.Anl ...1\1 J'o\lo~' AIr. EJtRle ,,'\1'. -R_ e ' AllO, . . . on 8 or. 1I0t1OQ. • Ill> ,eel' . ....l11l18.W".....:......... . o\locllllu, I,f • Reb '1' "ItIt b I'.pen _ ef making paper. It< may interc t them ul~d make ~u8illeee for 'the FINE SUGAR-COIl£D BAlIS - : - --=V. 1\1 1,tD It UBroWII, b". D. 8"nbcl"" ,,110M 10SOME TING N'iJ w earne of your read rs ~ know that road. 10 carry tillS out. llie V 11 IcJualnll'n re .lIb tb~ 1II11'ri ., plIlRl. Com· ~';:J\ . . . . ,,"0••" .... . . 1I"n a paper-mill is sugges tive of i any offilr new and fl'tl8h indnce at all I........ and .. 8~ppl,. of , fOl m"nco or Ihe tl'llAC &loOhllol1l1& .. 1I't,. • 'i _GeeoI . . . . . . . _ romanoe: why 8hould it not be so j ment.8, 'to cut down tl!e prices . , whQle oih7 ~h8 .lItle. 011'0" .. .call. , ~ ,.CI. ~ltd IUt/1B1 • The 9&1".1 ...... ' to Staple and Fancy JEHU Grocer AlULU ~eB" N. ot. IJIIyid .\. W,·II and Rd ..... 4/11 ..:/ Add .. 0, wllb .~m~ Here i& tho means to the eDd-U te m"tch the timea for th18 year, aDd II.... IT. . . ..""/,, ".Id nil lice ...... 1 ~.. .,JlI . W" Tbe lltllbc t M~rk,·t "!,rlC<l' 1'1\1.\, iI. '1Oo,. I I ~lr!~"·'" ,., ,J' I I! I' e' "" II 'P" C:!.L h flf tril"\-, ff\r r ... mnttv 1 nl"U(I t lh _f,Ut ....... ,""Ut • In I ...,rr I'U
ti l'"
D E September 21, 22. 93 & 24, 1875 ! I .. . ,. . Acres NI"ce Law n & . For est , Loo kIn g. Glasses, . \\'
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L Extensi Accommodatio ery t lng and
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Jadu ...4"\hh CJ r irs rntfuts t
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I PRE MIU 1\N S Pl· OPEN 1'0 Til E \\'0 ItLD, ,
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08\ 1 ]"'GO I,
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Un d e r t a kin g ,
~~Jlm.lBiR~~ ~
An In~l) ~ndBllt Pn~sic ian,
Conductin[ aMedical Practice
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IDr. J • m •. nO bb'
J. L, P
K' E'N'1'
MEAT MARKET! . !!l DR --J -L- ·-Z,:,"L -L
Hen rie Hou se,
Miami Gaz ette !
And Subscribe for I C E ·
you r Local Paper.
,.1R n A
Th. I, ... ,
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Til" 01. L t· .n'
''.pf'r 1.-
SIXTH ORAND ., Dra 0 Girl. Frequent e, IIIpl~lItb hll' 0 ooen mnd III Des A.[olne , Ilt 4ifferellt llmCl!, of In 8ults olli rod 10 !e'l'"le11 on tb IItreeu. I~(tcr nl Jlhtfall !Aft Sabbuth cvclI1ng n young callawng eilltllged lD thiS dlfty bU~lne received a f rebuk tbat he IVlU be very tik I,) to I'ODlcmoor Two glfl , swut. hearty t' \Ved~ were gQlJlg we ton ~ust tltree~. aftor eUing rvlce lit tb wed h urell !l be girls were alon8 I'bls \\1\8 nnill-oed ~y two young men, who (ullo\\OO and IIOOn o"ertooli th em When they arrlvr.\ IVlthlll "(>ellkmg 1116tllnea they (Iddre cd th gl rb!, \\ ho ~t LCIlI pted t CISCU pc l» (IUIt \\ al k Ing 'J'b 18 they wero no L I~blo to do, nud their tor lI1olltor~ kopt ciUllO to th ~ m }<' lu811, on of th e men mllde lUI IUfIULtlllg flro pOllnl to thl'm , "hclI Lhe larger girl wbeel d abo~lt and 8(17: d h,m With one blu\\ she Iknllokell hUll down,88 completel ya8 If II Dlule hnd Icll;ked hIm Tben she klwclcd UII IllS proKtrate form and pUlJlmeled the whelp unLJI he begged for mcroy, e r~ IlIg 11k II chIld When he did thl M WOIl1t\ll hke he relonttld. Ilud permitted hUll to dcpn rl, Ineteudo{ 111m IIIIt bI m o~ erto I he "lIhoo. The otb ... r mllu Oed when he I!aIV hI compflllloll 1'IIUll'd fum du romool It WM tbe elOmple tc@t turning of ...~bl ll1!
RUN III th g ranary I ar. If the $rilnllrl, 18 a ' U ru O~ '1'b 11 h as Il0011 WI (lOflI!lble, wbether tbo grain bo II()ld or uo ~ orno tluuk it II III pay 10 bold gnll u 1111Mb l' yeru- Tbllt lIIay be well ror thoee tbat can offord II, bllh Ir on I@ ID debt "od borroWing mOIlt\y to hold !tmlD, I~ I \V 11 to thInK tWI (wd counL up til a t 111 I nler t. 1'0 pllY un intere t n " doM.,l\lId I I11tcr('&t on money III bltllk Ot ldlo (and ~ral11lH m II y), I ~i llll'ly pnying rlouble intere t
The Fa clnaUenli of i·lorlda. The AlballY ..irgul hMl\CO rrespoudellL 10 (I'lorlda wbo IU I~ r cClltlcu r, wrll The 11 titers of "' lorida are vr ry Illtncato, and a I)lV8tery to tne Ilod 1 tlunk Will RlwayuemRIU I!(). You wlll be told Ihat thl81l1 river so SIIlI eo YOllllllilup I~ ht tie way and suddenly run 111 auothe r ~ tream .rull11lng 111 a dl(fc ren t directIon 1,'bo more I tned 10 sepllnlle them t be more] Willi con fllKed , Rnd Ilt IHst gavll lt up In dh.gust I hRd always UPI sed wllnt Willi called Jncllllu FIver \I lUI un IT I tho sam wltb Inf!('ctl! (Ill With lI'tual rl\ or, I\; 18 lJOlbtllg of tb e kUlc1 'lleedp, be LlCII, bugs, Cl\te r\,llI a r~, and It 18 II IlIrge lIOuud of I!ult wllter, wlLlt inlll:clll 01 all 8()rls lu 1111 th Ir form s on or two lIorrow fnlmnces. aDd about There mil be (101I~tant warli~r I1g lUlI t oue hundred and unty miles 1lI1engtb thcm, 110.1 they IIlIL,t be kIll d by every We got lCl8t i!Cve ral t.imeanmong tb e J?Of 1110111111 JIl our p<lwer Bllh a furm r mU8~ feet labyrllllh of ~ge8 10 JUplt r keep hili eyt's ('~n, III h Will ' tul to NllrrtlwlI; but we at IlUIt emerged 11110 tbo CIlC'It;1 y unbl tOo IRt.c IUllecls ILnd rndlau flver 'Ve mado ubout tllllty weed ret. I'IlTIIl 'r~ IllIlf their I)rofi ts, mIles und tben 'II e nl Wlborc t.Q encamp I h ~H UICI[ ro l, nttll doubl their work atark'd out 10 IOl'k fur a 8l1lLI,blo pln\ltl, Untrod tlod con ~lI t oflort I~ II d~d to wben n WIldcat overbelld Il"V a yell ] ~t rid 01 th clU, bu t Ilrwr C\ ery vellr of turned to retrace my step!! to the bou b, enort the work: will be It Mel' lind lI88 ell II fronted IH tb a larl! sit mtlchmrs a nd tools that lire pRlllher, thllt stood IllmOlit dHt-cUr 111 110\\ ollL lit 11 hould be ete.lIlell \Iud nly path, lind sent forth a VICIOUij [lut nWlly Ullt Ii pi Ice Any 0 11) rags wlnmper, onUSl11g me agnln t~1 turn, 1\8 Utle l 111 ICfLlltng sllollld lJe cllr fu((), she 8howed 110 dl llro~ ltlOll to m clY(" and ." cr \mow.. .D 1-"" J,.L,ln and wn_ go aroun'd wtth no elow 6tepll back w th e II orth 1\ doz,m sell ten ~1I 10 th (l PolLee burn 11 . II th row n 11111 corner rc l~ Iy hOllt, wlncb we entered, nnd 8tarted to Court All honor to Ih plucky girl they 1I11\y hike Ii re by SpOI1\.nu OU8 co m hunt a n w camping ground We found whOll6 strong n.rm dul the t1ulU!hlng btl tum 1111<1 t1 ~roy Inuch properLy onll, but the m lII}ultOOd nrurly devoured lkI ~'ollle8 (1(1 ) l lc'J1.kr Now I n '()O(.l lime to W d (lut th~ us. W e hila a net, but th ey crowded I.U\:k-to gct rul (If un prolitnble nUI01I1Ls under, and in the mor.llug we found nnd l\1oollre be t ter Oil\' Tbere Rholltd A WEED delltro)ecl before It ri pens III! 1'6 tI nlltnllt efT()r~ to IDC W til vatu I;b(lufallds of them IIlside. The llfxt seed nilly 8a~e the labor or dustroymg a rnurU1lJ1I: 'II e started and Dlal,\e rort hundred next yenr ottn Il-stocit by P11l IIflllg tnl,ltfml;bllred PIerce, - Ull old fort con8tru cted by th 111o le>!, choo lIlg tbe be~t fernal to breed governmenL dUring the Jlldlllll wur. but from, ILI1d lectlng tb berl. 01 produce Tu II fortv third E SiOD of the Cincinnati for tock whIch 18 IIOW dellOrted. We pulled oft our sboo-'I, and afler rOWl11g the bollt II!I Law School begi ns Outaber!O The corps Arroll·HeAd Superstltloos. fllr lUI we cOllld g t ber, wellt I bore ul Prorflsors now ca n iRIa of Rufl1.l Kin g, .. 'fb IlIInd WIUI 80 hot that It Will! IIlmo t Delio . Judges Hund ly and Fqrce and H A 1 bl're IU me cu rlous 811 (l0rStltlonK unendurable As we were atepplllg MOrrill, Esq Belides iu long establis hed attacbed tt, ftnlt arro" It lllld~ 111 VIHlOIIS glllgcrly alollg, YOllr eorres(KllldeJlt pu, llllTUl of Europe, lUI, for 111 tnncc, III Ilis foot It1 a nest ohlllld Splll"l<j nnd !\I\t . e flut ~ tl on , 111l ~ 8~ b.,ol otrl'rtl grell~ atlvan H ot\IInd IlJllllrelilud, whcce the ()Ountry Toilet Alchemy. down very 8uddenly {() look at tbe lages 10 student., hy giving them ftCCeMI W )'('ople caU thQll1 <llf- iI,lots o r eU bUlt!!, 8C('nery fho Mud @pur 18 rouBd, lind the Bar Librnry of C.ocIOllatl , one of ,he I; b()hevlIIg th em to b t he OLI \leMo( th ose tpn,l. Cor,.,.""...I~"ll1hlladolphlo P,... j about tbe 81ze of II belln. It I~ covered best'" thl8 COlwntrv, be Idee ~he library of IIn'tglll'r.ty l>e11l~8 'rhey u d to woar A very cu rlOu 1IJ(III~try 111 PIma, a' d With little sharp I!pUI'I!, and WIll draw II the sohool. Bud t/le n.. lDerous Coul1lr of Ihe TRADE! tb ~ \ll 1lI01llited 1n 811H' r fmm c8 118 pn) OIlC thaL I 111 re xtenslve than nllght yell wh('R stepped on , espeCllllly wuh State aud oiled Sl~tea hetd In lDelllnllll n...I.".~·J'tor. •.., tt' tl()n ~11)6t eVi l IIlftuen~~. Sir W be u(>pol!Cd from 11.& nature, 18 that of bar feet A mile above Fort Pierce 18 R. Wilde etates tbat ID th nortb of Irc pallltll penCils, and W .... dOI'll for making anothe r old fort called Fort Capren Ro U[STEIt lJemoorat_ Now our Isud, "wbe n catLI lire sick, aud the. CI\'" up the compleXIOn Most of tbe g lcaL OPpD8lte tho fort 18 IlIdllln River [nlet, lire fully blt~ted Llgbtlllng ;;';;;'~i;l'T.H, tIe d ocl{)r Qr fl\,lfY do ·tor IS nt for, ho perfumpr8, sucb 1\.8 G llerlinn, Plrcr, elc, cupable of adlluttmg V~&!Ol8 dnawlD g 1l0~ stru ck n feather bed The geel!e must have aye tb bet t h aA been If shot, U~ hl\~e I~ bllck room to thl'lrsbopt!, 8peClally more than four (eet ThiS place 186 port been fed on tacks But " c regalD our strick n by fILlry or el6n duris, and devoted to thIS mvstenous commerce of entry, Although It bna but two hope ~RIII. for we at told t.hat a MIS lorthwlth he l,rocceds to f, 01 the animal 'rhe ordinary method of daublllg the famlhes hvrng here nnd n ve8!!elonly solm fnrm er had a cow and calf struck flU ovt'-1, Rod b11!Ome legerdtlmn111 con face, ftrst "ltl1 white ptlln t, and then srrlves when It hllll accumulated a lond by IIghtnlD~ d ~ rIng a thunder storm, ur."" rM11e41d ' Ale" to Clnt:llnoaU .n I r, ulll!" 1It1 F.:l MIlILloll . h."., an trlVes to find m Its skin onc or more With rouge, find. no favor "Ith the COD- of turtln. Judgc James PRyne Is lhe 'LII!I, ~urJlOll' ng theUl derul, tlloy were AIfI'.r.c:JI.L LE~ nlt.,1 •• 11. poisonous .... enpoos. WhlCb, with IIOme ~u mmtlt.e mtists "ho teach the 11M of onlv reSident at Fort OI\pron He IS th e dmggcd ofT mIg n jl8lltll\'C 111 the morn (.el l''' t r DU l.... ~e ti.IAN x.. COlDS, lue tJlen placed 111 th wuter whIch tbes b('.lIItlfymp: compounds. For county Judge or Breford county, nlld Ing. IlUYlllg OCC3@lClll to VI It tho plUlture, AWN, • •umr t.n \V Fourth 8 , Cl1I(lln nllll oro r Ji ou!'1h "1UI1th.rkfl t 1St.. L(Jllt .... llh' X, 1\ I P;lVCU to drmk, nud a cure is 8IIld to whlte nrng tlte , kll1 1\ prepllmtion IS county clerk. HIS IIOU 1S collect(lr of the he found the cow and calf 88 IC no I bun~R TI.I') be etJ'ected " KhOl~ n thtLt IS COn1 IlO8e11of some InllOluble pen. der IiW rm 11IIci occurred tbe Dlgb t before b I t e Hl", rr .... Paull 4CCOrolOg to ProfCi'llOr Nll~n, tbe powder III u liquid , lhe boule lIlust first .,eIn tho worhl JI (lelO Herenflor \\ c shall pu~ our truet 1n v(,81 ."h•••a tU, bet. raper, nteran arcb ologlst of wedell, there IS be Il cll shnk<'lJ. lind lIfo~ery 81111111 qURO To Be Talen lflth Salt. wbell It thunders .a Ea"elopel tJoldeo P .. n, Plm lIohler l'~uonll'.to ~ ~J1l11Og rlllg IIlllong t h t;.1.lldlDnVIIUl lI t y,,' ItI! contellts must tllen be taken ScrIbe W8I! spendlllg tbe autumn wltb tar'll Me".ure .,,11 .. PI ... of J ~welr1 tJln.~e par. ~~ with ,.lPllalll_JI'rls'k'PO:"" ,.Id . cu 'ClrcuJ., ]X'RII&ntry a belIef that jhnt nrrow-head. 0 11 l\ 6no (lId Imen rag or a bit of cotton ffl ends m tbe cOuntry, who!e evelllng Till' els e IS SATI INDUS'I' Ra L ExPOSITION rree BRIDE .. CO ,...0,"'.&1 . Now y o,k anll, stone ImplementR III gent1rrd are en and rubbed rouJld and round ttll tbe amU80ment COn~18t.edln IIstenlllgto Eng 18 DOW Oi,e D to Ihe pllblte, haVIng beeD 10 dow d ~ Hh certalll magIc powers. Im i prepnrntlll11 haM penetrnted t ho skm lltili novele, read out loud hy the gover "ugun,ted loy the vri ridesL tradea' pro ces8ion Itlr ftuperetlttons urvlve in Italy In thorollghly 'flus w8Jlh lUakes the COm- nCM. ODe day tbls lady, dunng a paUIlO eve r \Oltllu.tied U rem.1Il1 ol,en \tottl 0 0 taber ULh Th e ~r~t d~pllrtment s ot ma tIOme parh! (If this country th pca8tlnts plC!r1oll beautifully whIte Without n trace io readllJg,l!ll1d to Scribe, WIth a ~Igh chlU erf. hortie nhur., fin e Mr~, e tc ,lire JUore preserve jhut arrow heads III theIr of nOllrlUC!!l! oj po\lder or ordinary "Ob, that I cou ld hope 80Ille day to attractIve than at nay "re"loul E_ Pllllltloli hOU8OII, In Qrder to protect them from \Jlliut It 18 very coetly, beIng tIOld at POIl'ilOII8 aUlDcome of one tbouJllmd two £lIher of Ihe d. portmenl. of it,elf would the effects hghtDlng, and In the I sland twelve dollllrs for !\ tlmnll boul.. full. hundred franca, "hlch would gIve me rt'8t 11II11'Iy rC I'OY A villI &0 ClnclnoU. nn,1 when of Elba tJJ yare mounted 10 811ver And Next comes" rouge, Which 18 also verr and Independence!" we Alate that line a(lmllllioll fee oC tweDty WOln lUI aOlulets, lUI JO Scotland and Ire- collMy being valucd at elghleen dollllra Sollie day., after tbi", "ben the l&IIt five cent. entitles "'11 1&0' 10 enter .11 Pllttl ot 'bll.fu"..!J.!I-1~O It ",111 slllli"l~ndy .bow lao</ • .All Arl'i>If-helld of thnt hWl been for a box or the belt~ quality From thle ch.pter 0' the _J, whim. -....bu. ~rj1h,. . , IIreat coterpnle round appenlied t.o an Ettuecan DtKllrlaoe ' ~81Ipe:rJl nle, the gr&(le!! dllllCC'nd pq<Ir one, bad linn read, Scribe, auddenly Q( gold, apparenU, .. a IIOrt o( charm, thrOUQtll dJlle,rell~ pncC!! till we reac~ the jj&ld to tbe reader 'IlH. meo""'t.;,14:I.JfllS C I) Il1lrool0 cll· whIch IIe4!IIl8 to . how, 1!,I11 11 Mr. l:,,:au, cellt rOUgll, whlcb DO "eU.. Do you kDOW that ,tory I, a capital ."bola we ~,.. r hc&ril of j. that of William "\bat a be;ier 10. \h lupernaturalorlglo "ould con(\eecend to UI!C ~ubJect (or 110 one-act comedy-you IlU~ OIarltl FrnukCorL MUle, Wllldo countJ'b)Je • of tb_ " apob ,and their ooD8\llluent Dlft'ercnt of 'rouge are !\Old for pllet! me with It, "Ill you write It wltb the t rw l8 nrc ..ltCAtoll by Ex", Treat, ploD miraculous po"en. " of very anCIent dIfferent OCCMlons. there IS a shade for lDfI Til TrtlU and ~r A ~rrllf. eI ther of "hum date." In tlu country. where ston dlnllgh'. one for tbe th ~ter, onl) ror the It III needle to eay the compllct was m,sbt be adclreM Cor I'nrll Clllartl ldr auow pomlJ! are probably moro numer- baH room, 0110 for the raee coune, etc. made and earned out. Wheo the piece IIR,It Wl\3 cured by 01111110,.', Anodyne lAm(lUll .,bllD a nywhere lse, no IJtrange no- Theil we bllo~e n I!CI\rlet hqUld ut!ed for Wall abou\ to appear, Scribe 8IIld to hl8 RWlt t,ion III "lferouce to tltem are imtertl\.lD- colonng the bpll, aud a black powder ror dranla.tlc age.tBON J OS RPJI FA IIW'Ll t )[ayor of Rock ed by th rllml popuJatlon 1 th eir ongm blnckcnmg the C)llge. of the eyelids .. Whether tbls play succeeds or Dot, Inn\l, Me II r.gg, ~.q, Ballgor, nod Rnd U1l8 being 80 well unuentood thut Tile IMt rfq lllrt'8 somo dU.tellty IU It~ the lady "ho 18 R8IIOOlated With mc ID the M.... n J'o p~ Dr" Mac h ll, Me, Illmber 1\I rchllll"'. fullv "dol'led Ih ~ SfttrlCl<lI~ Ca .... ven t.he c1nldr n III the country dllr use, us I~ lI1U~t be put 0 11 1\1\ a powder l~uthorl!hlP must receive from ItOIlC thou tncls, who pick them up III th neld~ and dehca.lely Ii IV lUlherl Ill" WIth a finc !ll\nd two hundred fraDClla year for life ,,1, V CUIIl/illOn Po.l'Iler,. Rill' havo glveu th e Ilft prletnr. hhert)' to \lI e tkelr II1lll1 e8 In reare (lilly ,mare of theIr beln~ th nns- linen rn.g IlIld IlIke w.~rm wl\ter DIRck tlill must be made to appear 81! a mere comm ell lhug U.ero lies used, nt 110 remote JlCrJod{ by th c lind brIm n pl'ncllH nr e used for mnrldng matter of buslDCI!I!." :=~=~ It r ll!ll1al 0 UPllIIlll 01 tile 801 -Har tho IIr b of th eycs heavy, and a pencil And 10 It W1\8 arrangetl The gove r ptJ". i1fagatlllt . of delicate blue (iOllleS (or t racltll;' the net!l!, however, delighted \I Ith h er ~ uc veI ns on the wblt 8urfnce of the paInted eellll, contiQued to 6Dd fresb subject" for Ecaador. 8klll '10 IlId In tlll811ll!t crowolng touch Scribe, wbo I\I1'fa)'1I doohned them Then, A r rel!pondentoHhe S/a ralld H< rald, of the wh olo lull tIC pArfOrmBlloo. a. WhCD ne ,,&II pl'1llsed before ber,shewoulu of Pt.oama, 11 rlt ug jr\llll Gua) oqull, th e churt bM been preplifed which glVl!1I 8&y1 lh ull.,ll:ir th e followlIlg tory 01 tb With lJIedl(lUl accuracy the potIlllOu of . t YtB, be IS a charming young man, nAtion of til PWlldcnt of EeUB very VOIll In th(\ hUlillUI fHCC, neck, aud but latber ungrateru\' We once wrote llor Th wbol city Will! thrown lDtO cheMt '!be negllllve qu ality llf harm- a Pl!!ce tog ther, whitb brought u~ 10 two I( t lUcitctmeJlt. by t.he newil of tbe 118 Ie UCI!!! III claimed fur the mo!Jt of the1l8 thoullllnd francs a year each, and now he IlIt1l.iOtI Oareialtfarello 111 bll p&lnce pIgments, yet deathH rrom too free a Ui!C won't wnte another I" at uito, by an om ~,Oa.pt. Rayo, whoOl of them are uot uncommon ?t[ Obll1, lie lUld dl \JI..O\.'Il. and by two yOllng men o j tbCl Gmnd Opera. WWl k-Illed by tbe VlrtDeII of tile Pumpk.ln. C lli . <Jailed rDeJo Rayu fil"!!L wbil t.' pRllI t wbere\\ Ith be \\ll1lClled hla At a meetIng of the Farmertl' Club, n mck Ih PI'\' Id I,It oyer the bead With hend wh n he played " Wilham Tell,» and ama t~,Alld wulrlltautly run tbrough M ' lIe M , the elebmted ac~rellll, leU a corrCflpoodent w row of tbe vIrtues 01 the pumpltln, giVing tbe foll OWing in br the ntr1j bo 1lre4 bis piece at tho YIIltlUl 10 the poi nous efi'l!ctfl of the stance of It" value for IDOammatory ~ umt', klling th lin Immech h"'I'dye, wherewltb 8he I'e1!tored the rheumatism A woman'a arm WIUI awell· at"ly. Tb(\ two (Jung mfln, after Rayo runn hue of her proflll!e tre8ell. ed to an enormou III ltC, and painfully bad Lr UI d ent, dred 00 the \ROamed A poultloo Willi made o( wlt.h &tHolr re IYMI. Tho PreHl ARTIFIOIAL bailIe!! I1t variouv prie8 .tewed pumpkin", wblcb "a8 renewf'd t II un hi" fIIelo, 1DOIUJ.\,. "uundt!d, clHd. The "wo youlIl! Dlen Ilr ' Ilctv~r\11!C(1 III Londoll They are 01 every ftl\eea mlnntee, and In a .hort not rH.\11C\ tbe the "ing kand, Rnd are purebiuJed by tIme produced a perfect cure. The fever afraId to at. fllIlw.; tnI,"rll'n wbo by theIr uee lK'are drawn out b,. the pouhloe made tbem alanD h.. luod oft pef'l!l)lIi who mlgbt o~berwi.. 'ry to ,xtremely 8&_ .e, u t.be,. "ere taken _e;a:\IIt o"taln a in the .me companml'n&. 011: I bew a mID cared of ."ere 10B, tb.. dodp the Iraowl. a'wa11 IamIU~OD of die bowel, b,. the _e
Industrial Exposition Cin iUllnti ..
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A gftnlJl l or I' l orll ll4n1 "
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BISHOP 8c. CO., CinCinnati, O.
FASHIONS and GOLD COIN....... _.
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Illustrated IIIPanern Bazaar
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DQl1ar. WOTlb or ftttcm,.I.cn to ca.h .ub....ee I I
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TuF. fllilur of Lit Brltl~ h ;ovt'rnuleul telegraph 8) slem to !'lty ex penl!08 WIll, we bope, dU!COllrng a gren~ dcnl of tbl' unwise clawor mAde in uur own counlr. for rallwayll, te legrap,h Hnl!\!, ll nd otb 'r connnlencc! underpublie cou\rel. There 18 a 'II' II founded IDlpfel!llion in Englllnd tha~ ~be governmen t tel'grnl'h OJlcrator lVere I!OYerely wotked Illld poorly Jlald, and the offiolal recorda show that Lb bUiln d one '1\'118 cnormouR, yet the elltimatee for th e cnrrellt twel ve-nlonth !!how a dofi()Jt of more tban a mllhon dollal'8. I T lI(1peare, a8 tb e result of lOme in· terestlng experil11cn l.ll re ently mlldo In Berhn, tbat while a bar of ordinary brenze .... A~ utterly IDCllpable Qf bearlllg a 8t.taln IImounting to len tonK til tbe 1!qllsre incb, a bar of ph(l8phQr bronze bore this strain applied os tell. ,le loor ' than 400,000 tilnes beforo givillg 1\ ny. A I!CC()nd bnr of tho snme pho pllar-bron z aetlUl\t y wu.bstood 147,880 apphcatlons of a load of twelve lind one-half tOilS to the l!Iluarc inch witbout. fracture article hlUl now COIIIO Illto uten.i\'e usc in Europe for tbe grlJllt, bellrmg8 o f the plates In g neral rolhng mills, lind for conical gearings \II unlvorsal rolhn g milltl.. It hIlS al llO been apphed Wi th great advaotage not only 111 the mllkmg of pinlon8, but In til driving nxle of mill.. in the latter casc Lbe superiori t y ,ceming to depend, not ou th baulne&:', but on the great resistance, the arbors ID &.be phOllphor-bronllO Lwi ling muoh JellS &.ban forged iren, ami not breaking like "(roa.
WH l .E
Y. "El TE~[BER 2B, t 75.
ti C ll'1:'1II1 d yeJ I,llIg I r the crime llQ ' inllChiid H alulOI't cd cII(\ol\e,1 hllll unpurtlt d. With bumnn pa i(Hl, 11 r m ny were On day, "bt:n wlLudmn5t on it. .. b''I'e Ev ry vllIllge, probnbly, bM il nM- rl'llIiy til mnke nth that tb y I\W it, That UUC1t ...... r.kod It 3larlndl. 1 /""lkl ,,\tbln • d./"d ....,k tion lit me time. Rnd that of ~11\rouk 'h k /Iu!h ... ltlt aUgt'r b n i~ tUlllld the A. Itnm I,. lwlJllid, Mlrtou- h 11, I me 'll'l\h the t ry of the children. A ('ntilll town Ilvoldillg it Ip un\'On enlP<! II1hh .(lfnl ... borll ./ 1,....,11 willi , lbe tldlng~ )Ireod frool ItOIl!!e to bOll , terror. Blltlt. w a pt'r • I It j(b I, (or "' "~ boll. ",lIl1fl 1 ,,1110 _10 nahl 1 the Jl('opl gIlthered In lit Inn, aDd it wnlked tcadd)' Ollllnl It reaell d the Thl • •b,·11 ,,--.1 a .. undron IIOW r. eag. rly d,-cu "('<1 WhUl h (luld d nE'. ' gote of Ih cult g . rdeD , ",hlch It found lour, plaiN. a.,alo I tbft llatt!uf.r. nr, He bl'AN , thnugh & nll~ r.lnt, ami lu_, aud who ~houlcl do It. At In t 1111 the I II lied up; nOli It bee It talhll\e Tb fl \UtI 01 thOM It bt'ld til t) , t1l~r male Inhl1blullltJI, b adtd by tbe ' uir , ghOl!t when I~di v red lht 1'1~~ rUnnill1t TbQugh I .1"" f....y I nd o. " ... . Tb /.III1/u l.b. lI o". hn benri llg lL lanlC'fII, nnd Ildol d by th e rlollll the rd n. In'~ Hry l'OIC Clf dlllMen, tarll'd out to In Ye tlgl\lc thc th e dead ~lIn y Hu Ii: D\ II. snicl, in It II Ilh "aM" J:th Iv "",,0,11 Jd I ; IlIl1tler. nu t thc JlII()1.!! were not lleeded PC'TI h t n,' : ~'f)r Il1'«lou Humth ,.JDI r'" art, n~ Ihe do "ti ll mAllItAln d tit II'nlch, .. Thnt. ,1uhn Uu k .. 'II be th d Illlt 1Iow uh .baJllhuu, In lit 'Int tlllll ". t on80le t ho tlyu-,.Ubl t'" h ell.d , nnd WIth hI mou rn"ll h OI i1ng8f)ChOlnb orm e yr t ! Ju L!!ee ho he teL, tbel!e firIng I.. ,b. <I. ,,!.htll .~INl opln. through th e dUll WC><1ri _, th party co uld pe~ky lI ogs root up thlnltll." ' oil la~" fro'u . boeJlCO lUi ""Inl" 1101. go lI"tray ~II bing t h 81><i t, th ~)' H WW!, iudet'd, Nancy luon h Cl'IIClf. gl\th red llrou lld It , tlnd t be &qUIre lId· I t I needle,," to prolo Y~~~r~~1"\~~~~~lt'{':II~{!~~r~:,[ plied , 1 b.. ... • .,..1' lb nlUM" u...~ I.h,,,, "..n'*", 1Uld, low lin down. wiped th e the mght ftheqUllrrcl C aD IIdl""" ftOm lb. I.,od ~ III dirt from th fall 01 the "elld woman 1ft, 1\ u ~ u ,II, Ilf tall ou bi 1001', and The dbt.nL MiuntJ I. o~lr a\Ullht, wllh l he brtof bls COll t. 1'hell he beld Nuncy, mllrllDg undt'r \!(I\' re cen· UUI nc"u word (.I r nu: I~ hro"g l~ t.. the lante rn o l'er It. ur h hlld, for the I1l'i't time c :r:pre!l!l6d, " 'T"HI only will" ycarllln&l Ylln , "It'M . ' lIncy Buck80n ,,' hlld g'lne oil on foot, dUlI,:!1 til m ght, to h ' l'"m unl,.,1 ~ t " ~ 11 . ,' "new ADlII .. llIg '0 nll",1 with tonlul,IIIII/' H e fell baek II r, W pace WI th the ex 1\ nI'l ·bh nng town, Ifbl're 8ho Ivn un· The I.nlulab of the IWllatl1au c1l1matlon, lind bis coIDpf\mon~ turned kno\\n, alld lind Ih .. re tu.bn n (»I 11 to ~~~c:.::!.lIf~';'! a:{?:b"~&1 to imItate the ('Ondllct of the c1uldren begin a journ y to Maltle \ 181t II I!! ter ~lUrtlv loeforo. Thol' ra lhed, b o\\ eve r, H e r nb nee Irom Lbe co tl\ge not bo"',....,. Il urpeIland Ib ... wlhe IIfll aL hi • ~umU101l8, lind fell ~lgor6u8ly to known until oner tbe fil.diug of the Ben.. lb I" 1....1111/, 1...lhIIlIJde. Too w- 11 can IOl'Wur1 wakelt grid. wc,> rk to uhlJll1e Ihe body. A few !!hov- body, olld It" Identification WIlS llO ubllOJ1~~~te~ll(i t·~g~~~~~:~r:ra:~~~llJell(1f! : reh wa8 11111de elful of elHth, Illld tho body 0111 womA Il. lule thai, uf co ur ,no \\ bon Illi lh. Ihlll.' of IIm t are .... 1. wlthollt plaroud or cotH n, bnt fullydre~d for n womlln known to 118 dead n lhe In tbe otdlDary garmellt of hIe, ex- other bn.nd, she had he~I" noth ing, in (I po d Abollt th body a "hi te Bub lnnce reu rud pot of II. di~l.tiDt tate, of ber TilE DUOKSON (lASE. IVa pI nlll'Ully prinkl d, nml "'lie fOUnd ~upposed delltll IUld tie ub@equent nv RIIII A"II t:: 1IA1'SE\' to 00 cltlflrid of hm e, doubtl~ pIa ed ev ntll, Ilnd her r t urn t tllUely RS lt WI , I N the year 1 " I, lIpt./lin .rohn Buck· therc to ID ure 8JXledy decompo8ltlOn. hlld been purttly accloe,.tal. She was 8(')n hvetl, WIth hi Wife NRn y, 1111\ hlltHIE I'ery ODe recog nized poor Nancy horrllled wh en confren lttlll With the rei!Omll uag III th "Illnge o f Ikonk , Buckt«ln, and ~\W the r Igid lind Itvid sui ts or- h er thou'!htlel freak, and,. III· Denr Pro\ld nee, Rhod e I sllInd , III the mllrk upon Ihe neck, pointed out by tbe tbough sb eOlAdenonol :raemoo ~tTllllOn S enjoyment I'f II competence acqD1r d by 'Squir It W08 plain thllt she had been of regret, And IV ti not ]'IIQfuee In promlf!eM man'y yen l'll of fru gal indu"uy. .tie Will!, olurd er~d by HtrllDgulation, and tol!8C<l, of 11m ndKlent in tb e futu , It I~ plcl\.'lllll t howel cr, often nb nt frow 1I0Dle, a be dre d 1\ sh e WA$ ot the mom nt of he r to knew that t bls terrIble xperlellCtl \l OS shU PU"lUed bl ! vocation, lind \~A8 mn.8- vlolent dcoth Into the rude gfllVIl' \\ here not witbout fruit. ntickeQn W88, of ter of th loo p Or gO ll, J111:lD~ between tile dog hnd f~und h~r. course, Immedintely releafed from pru,o n, Providence nnd Norfolk, \ Irgtnla. Tbe Delgbbor Pouls now recalled tbo lbe I gal proceedlDg! lII!a.lnst hun At He bad tben reacll d bl8 fiftl elh yenr, quarrel or tbe 'precedIng day nnd lold once dl8mlll:led\ und' tber~iLfter he found and 111Mhlud !!en· tilTi ng hfo hnd 1\ot made bow Cnplnln John had stood kfore the 10 his hom II ~a~en of t th at WI\S II hIm look yO~llJger thnu he WIU!. He "'86 nngry womlln plavlng \V1th the whIp- recompense for the sulrEtrf ,by III"d, It lilli, gnunt and nnguluT, weather· tamed cord The cfltlilge - Willi carohed, and a bad been purchased . and !torm·beatell lit . hort, atilt' hair cord WM found fying ou the floor of the But a myst cry hIlS alw"l'l brooded over IVI !;rlZllled, and hiS long lIarrew faco room which wheu tried on the woman's the cottage, and th e murder alway~ rofurrowed by deep IIne8, bnt bls pbyslcol neck: 8tted 't' aetl y tbe rigid and livid malncd an JlI luble e!ligmn Eighteen powere nppenrcti to be Llli untoucbed, circle. Iu the cellar was II. qUIlDtity of a yetUS bave elopsed wlthollt ny ccond IUld be lK'emcd 8 ured of Jllong contin- whIte Bubstnnee precisely similRl' to that IdentIfication of the holly uncarth ed by uallce of acliv life. found in tho ~rave. ROd those articl(', the Hule do!!, and, IlS a COlJsequenee, HI8 temprramenL WM favorable to a belonglDg t~ Mri!. Buckson found upon WIthout any delectlon of \be murderer lusty longlmty. H e IVa patient., ond the corpse " e re missing from tbe house. The c10lhes In which }.he Ixxly wo~ lIJlpllrently f!O pOM)(lIIle that he I!tnred Tbere could be no Inore doubt 811 to the dre sed ,and tbe anr-rlOei' and artIcles of nL tbe car 8 alld troublell of life, IlS Ilt crlDlInal tlll\n the .crime. jewelry u pon It, were IlDaoubtcaly the strangers wi th whom be could not p'lsslOnfltllin Jobn Buck~n WIIS not found prope rty of MI'8. BucklJ()n, ~or, upon ber bly have denling~ lIenvoided quarrels, In the n!!al!e or In 11rovldence, but it retorD, she fuund thCI!6 artIcles IDI@8IDg lind \III ulIilCemllne , WIth sc rupulou8 WIIB asee rl.tlfned that he hlld IIluh'd with Irom the hou!e. A clo"oollOrn of the Cltre, Rnd WIIS "T OWn on hId \,I'~I and his sloop, nnd the lreeumption w, liS coUuge sho" ed that , not booII in his villuge only 88 ,\ sedl\te, God· rU1.SCld thlll he intontle to touch at Ne", only been tb re, hUl. h fell,l'lDg nilUl, kJud-hl'lIrtcd I\nd evcn- York lind tbere, leaVing tbo ve_ 1 l\etIk murdered there clurl!lg ufler l~ ch:de the oflieel1! of the IIIW in the Bucki!On lind hIS Wife The tempere<1. nut he had Jl('Bltt y points III III! labyrinlhs of lh great city. A mil&- co r<1 lound 111 the chll.ractet, IIlId the rcqm ite fdetion @ellger Willi therefor dl~palched, IU great neck. lind th o In the the '~Iltur ] irlow. As in haste, to Ibe city before him, wItb ,,'Cllar ha.d wollld Tilt: . . . . .
in l.olldo ll ha u a neighbor for keepin!; II hanlrun cock that rowed in th IlJorning at fOU T 0' lock eQ I habit UAlly Bnd vigurulIHly th t lh r covery of h is wUi , who "Ill! ID dl'lIC1\te bc Ith, Willi r tard,d b)' the nOIIle. The defendllnt ubmiUed t hllt he WR" ~t ri tty wl&.bln hi legal righ tll lll k (Jlng fo~I~, and thllt lIe 'oulcl not prevenl th e phtmtd biped from chanl!n . hl ~ HIVI'I't lOng. Til Judge \1 g 8t" to tit def, ndllnt tllO propn ty uf abllhng th nUl' &I'ITL£
lin, Van 'ott, 1he 11",11'1111 t.
A-a -B I - L-TUB.\L JTEMS,
I:s lin agnl'ulturlll OInentlou lit Hnllun, UI\.,I1 sentlemlln CllII ... 1 u(l(ln nil pre nt who 0 III'd heep aOlI no dog~ t{1 rt, nd thlrt(' n r up. H lhen nll(ld upon all whn own d, nnd nn h ('1' 10 rI , lind illt,- to nent,. r('pond i'd 1': ' "1'£ tilER I I. I tb llCgillDlng of tlt(' v r 80 fnr 1\11 hop mark c~ l\fe COllce rn ed. 1-'or tit Year ending Augll ~ 8 l ~t, ·H, bulcs wer recel\ ed at New Y rk , ag8111sl24,5U0 lhe ycar pr YI O\l~. The e.s(1O r lor tillS ) Ilr 11' r IOlnll" unl . 'fh De", e rolllll\ml'lc~ recclTea nt .. ew YorIr hay n in One co ndlLlon. Tbe pr ~pecl for hll)h price I~ nol tll\ttering. TAJU]!lo gootJ CAre of t k means, In 1\ ~e.n raJ way, maklllg Ilntmal comf< rtnbl~. Tlint 1ft Ilbout all ther IS 01 It To be u "ssful ill feed lllg stock 11 mun mmt become Intere~ted . th e work \\lO ;,t be " plea~nre, not a la~k. the pel'llOlI IOU t \)e qUI k to apprehe nd thl.' wlll1 LH of !JIll IInllll d ~. IIlId prompt 10 llpl'lylllg tbem IJIllnoering, heedl lI11\n hnll 110 hU KillI'M amOllg tock Ev~:nY 8U' 'ef,lIl1g ~ene ra tio n of po· Uttoe I" hk ely to IDh ent alllhe tlll!C8.~" of th gen ratIOns before it, b.lck to tho time die anco trill potlltO WIIN 1(11 II from II @eed. A tuber doe not, Ilk li n aOl' mill produetion, receil'o nn Inlualon of n ew blood. It is not 11k R g rllm of wh clIt or bllrl y, a ncw Ulld ntlr produotlun I t IS pa rt 01 lbe stem of an old plant whIch I prese rved aud pl,luted ullew THE follOWing tabl of Jle rl OlI ~ wlncll some of lh mOMt COmmOIll!(.oet! re~lIIre 111 /Ce rm1llati ng IS g" en 10 the "hchlgsn P armrr Wh ellt, 1 day. millet. I HUnl[llTIIID grit,", 1, barley, 7; "PlDllcll , 8. lIIuMl.nrd, 3 , lett uc, 3, nni'lOOd , 4 , melon, [, , creS.'!, Ii; cucumber. (j, beet. G, purslll ne, 9 , cabhl\ge, 10; pur. ley, 40 to I)Q; hY FSClP, 110, almond, I yeu r, ch el<inut, 1 ; pench, 1, rolK', 2, filbert, 2. and hawthorn , 2 IT IS stated thnt the amount of moun· t.alD, moor IUld strcam ID Scotland leaves ICES than one-fourth of the arclI or about 4,500,000 aCles for c uhlvallon. To every 100 acres In crep, fntJow lind grass in Scotlalld In 1814 th ere wer 2u.2hend of callIe Rnd WI 3 ~hccp, while ID EDgland tit re wore only 17 9 catllc and 827 shcep Th 1Iumber oC pig'!!, hnwever, was tW Ice U8 !trent, pro.portlonalely, \D Englund as in Scotland. R ural Netu larker A correspondent who aSKS Uti what to do for his horse's mouth, wluch IS IIOre, IS adVised tu feed sort fund The liDlmal bas probl\bly enught cold III hl8 heud 1 1Ihlcb l:!C~tle8 abollt the gums 118 It dooslD people IIOmetiwe3. Don't burn ItoUt, unleM that Is your ractice I.. hen your own gums are The method ill ~ u@t. aa I16D~lble
"'TUI~llIo ",~,JI~~Ie:~!~~tn~IIII~~,..
IBER 533.
Inl r .... IlYILAI
.e "1< ' 0 1'"".",1" 11 ' All nlAht I I!'8I ol book I r l.r !Ir Van ( 'utt hM ~n, ndiug 1\ "' lid wnlb ... . If I" pola. portion of the 10 t month In I!tIrn~ t I ~e.. "fh~ pou of ,uI.1 I' cJ}ClrUl for tbe hrl tl nit 109 of Ullliry Q':I~··~~ ::;~tJ:'.::'ln.i.d unn. town alld 'illng In)' nn ylvaniu. ' I rod, •••, to }·alr,laud Among the pl~ceH I tb Village of All rupbL III bol\<)wloR 011.11. lorm Fr dom, III Yerk counly. where Ie met Tho mIIll hlm""r roek"" ..d ohoo1l ; TUI "'Ntl of tbt ,tl iln of .,~, II' lth marked BUC ,and h Id uthll W"", fin o.od, u" amJ tumd. • olllle meetln. )UII e l'eulng, whll A btldl an.. lchnd _lIh t.: N!J can\'l1l!1!illg tho hottee for repcnl.tl ll t 111 ADd rode In hourtbroul b "~.Ir""tlil' , n no, !!lIe noticed II nllddle aged man, the ~Ioltd eX flreMion of whOllll fn e l ~~~~~:J:':'-,,~ ~':'~ct,:: I'i!.~e an,1 ".t o, nttrul ted her ntlcnllon IUld excIted h er ~' ~ ". ry 01 Iblllllubbo,n " .. rt. Tballhrobaaod tbrobo, b,,, ,,111 o~ , relninl ne cnrlO!!It.y, IICI, III b r U ulll l ""flh" rUT heron a nd btl land , mng ne!'1 mlluner, ~ he nl'proach d him. AII<\ """" I.D ~ lb,o. II I'&I.,,"oel. lind D k~d bim IIhether h wOllld not I /ouOCllh. ~"rl; In la • aad d.or, hketo foll ow III tbe pllLh of the rt h lA\OUl!. I w'lled a" 1 lb """,or no",.; '0lln8we r oould he IIln, and With an J~~h"'!' rr~:'':f~dJ~,r:;!~I~o":I:'. nud lb ltl pl'nYN of "may Ood drIVe tb e .Ther all M,.,,..d 1I1{ proud comma""l, dumb deVil ou~ of yoll, my brother," Th""" 11111. rolk. 0 }"lr,lrull). gIl(' (llU!8ed 0 11 to Inten 11m more Imprel\Kible ubje ts Two Dlghl.!! pn~l, lind thll ~trnDger I\gain IIPl'earel1 at Ih e ~ hurch , bllt tb\8 tIlDe 1118 ey P wero hghted WIth an alm06t maniacal ghlter, lind hi. cOllnleD8nce Ilt't'rn ecl tb I'lllygrolll1d of the Ia\' LI e t '1'RUTllti AND TRLFI,l:!o!, mutlonR. '!ulckly appr08chlng the lI)t./Ir, 11 kl1el~ omoDg tbe t«lbbi llg and 1MB kind of eve for b U8ineas mensh outing on eo lind M t ho rehl;iollS hep· ad verl-lse ' borde drew n Ilr bo II ked her If tilie kll whim. " Wby yea, yoo Ilrc the man IT mnkC8 I~ man lind m!ll'fla woman to who hnd tbe duw b oov \l Lh olh r IIIgbt," be talked II!)oUt.. she reph ed H e th n begged of her tbe L F.A VIN tbe boot b eels llnblacked is prh Ilege of l!Ily tng It few words, I\nd th e no longer a sign oC gem us. r('qul'~t belOg g ranted, he oro!!C!, and deTmutF. is notn Btringattacbed to mlTth hberate]y draWIng ~ rC\'olvpr from b lj but hn.~ i'l.II cbord of mellln choly. brea h h eld It Illoft \0 n thnlhn ~, drum- , n!t c mAnner, while be told hIS blsto ry of As turning th e loglt WIll ~ake u dull hfe to the eng r liste n"..,.. Ill> W 0 real' fire burn,. 110 'hll ng uf etlllh~~ I\wt\\::u a dent of CIIICIIgo, wbere h o h lld ('o r mAny dull brilin. yeai'll folluw bls profe Ion of photoLOVB one that dee8 Ilot love you, an· grnphcr. For Ul e PWlt four yeots h e hnd swer ol1e thllt doe 1I0t enU you, lIod you atruyed (ar from the path of right and Will run a frlllt!e race. Virtuous IiviD~, lind, WI 1\ consequen ce AlA liE no VOWII to perform tbis or tbat. of hi a dl ipatlon nnd debnucitt'ry, bi ~ It bows no great euength \ and makea wifollad deaerlcd him lind roturnefl to his th ee r' d e behlnil tbyself.-Fltller. frIend s In Pennsy lvanln, laking hiB tbree WIlU 011110. world .. ota , Il0l . children with ber. Driven to frenzy by Alld III We tft8 are brown; \od all l" ••porlI&r lale, lad, thIS, he 8I\Ilk l ow "I\nd lower, until, II!! If AII~ al l lb. wheel!<"''' do" .. , the fiendilbnel!l! of hell Hsel! pol!I!eMI'd loy II home,.ad take ,our pia Ih TC, hftn, he had purchased thiH Ivenpon of The pent and mabiloo &Nong! God Kraut you ~ud one face tbere denth a nd 8larted for the E IlSt, deter· You loved .h~n .U WM young mlncd to murder hl n wl~ and cblldre n, .. 18 the-09\onel here ?" shouted aman, and then put an end to hIS own miserable existence. Only two mghl.l! lI8fore b e BUcking bis hClld mto a KllnWl ILy I!Ilt ID that cburch lunklns for bis wife, ~ treet car. "lio ii," answered tblrteen Imd glon nng over the fielldlsh plot. The men 1\8 they rolle up. I' THE bU &l ne~ end o[ a mule/' is the words lhen spoke.n to hIm had oroul!Cd hi8 nlmOilt lost mllnhood , and flllhng way a TellSs editor desertbe8 the heels Bg\l\D on bls kneea he desired "l'tI11I. Van of \ be team which unlooded baH a bun()ott to. pray for hUD She spoke at on co, dle of paper at the back door of hiS , , exlelldtng her hRnd toward fl'llll , " Oblld. oflico, gin me thllt ," ~nd WlUl the meekness WE orton Ii\'e under a cloud, anti it IIi of n ohild he hand <1 h er tho \I capon, well for us that we mould. do ~O. UJl,inand then feelin g tn his pockot produced a lerrupted 811nlblll0 would paTCb our box of CIIrtrlds.e , ,hlon be aleQ plRtcd beartll. We want IbJde,oo naJa .. in her Tit sU<ange t wns and refnllh t.bem. . '
i' l
artl .. men, l\J1idIJ.JDO ....... •• searched f -he offi~--> to beuen m Iy among hi ppillg, until h ",om 0 II IN 1861 r Prout bought a (arm. of a 0""" -b"- In "---Ia &.b Ie III 1011 inolber men" -' I I 0 d t JlnrLy of ~hllt Ilnd entered tho r Ilulldr·.·. Iln,t fifty u"r' In Hertford- prltye r for t.hc t!l1vjog of thi" from lU.CO:;"'·" "···'- ~-C7 nnd hl~ word '" r.ltb WIIS hel\Vier Ihan loun .. t 1(\ H 001' regon moore a 110 cottlll!r, finthni; It d rt.n<! bad ..Ollr IOU.. th burlllllii' A~ Mre VUII Ccltt flnl~hed worth meationlllg except a 1'1\111' Lb bm~1 r'!! blow. l)ut ho t!O lo\'c4 EIl, t nlv r Iiler OOlng 011 boord,Oap- IClHurely fllll.8llcked j t. 1'bo womnn hall ~llIre, l~lIgland, for £16,000. He ex- t.olling tbe inCident 1.0 tbe P OIt and .A/ail Wllkr word i8 that in ibe E..,glie'h dllOrder, "'Ith an exodus of WOmen and [:J:c-', lind 1!() I!edulolU!i,v L'Ourled 1t.Lc;tbat taill IA. onard greeted BII~kllOlI, w)to W.18 {Irrayed h Cl'I!cll In tbe "rei rty of the pended ,£7,000 more in lmprOYCL1IOlll.i!, rennrter, 6b e suid "Never In my hIe Innguuge, the two lint letten ot which 'f 0 . ,v I!I)ntt'd on tbe deck lind Ilft~ tried Lho 8wgulllr eX ll8rll1l enL of 1'l ' d obitdreno 1 n t b 1& t I1l1r. 0 oflll!govllln I)S 010 t I\ItlmalUI\.l!llOCllIl 8 r mem red I d IIY,8Ir. /I abl!Cut. ml ~ Lre@8, olld III\erwlud soma rl'lYlIIg entire . Iy nn g uano nn d cIIcmlCII I did 1 e l'o rr fecid6U" III pmyer, ,"(4O\X I I powor If t'" I\nto SIgnify n nlllll, the first thre 1\ womao, the first foor a ,great man, and the whole lying Wll!It of Ii Iille clrolm (rom NllrsklK M mCCllorllble ell6ch ~ lbe MIre oc a .,lIIts 'rho ~(lilo r carl' Iy looked III', 1\8 he '1l1l1rr I hlld amlen, an,1 8bo It .ul been mOll"OrCS, dl6pelllllUg almo t. entlr Iy lIeve r helure II () or up Ii pe hlon to MOI!t-llr, \b insurg li t.! I\ppeAr only I\~ \Vh nn III temper hnd gl~eu \\,1IY· mechl~uHlIllly returned the IIlllutnt\on. lllurdere.l by tho otker nl\lmbel'll of th~ wltll Ih'o~tock, lInd 811nually l'qllillg Lhe c~lrYcuHlne llt\'aOIIl12_.f,ot!h~ l~~~~rJ:ycl~I~!r~~~e, a grellt wOIDanT- Heroine. bande wHhout cohcrenoo, dl eclphne, or 'fh only l rollbl of hl81it broo<ledon . bl b l' pnrty. lI!Jseqllelltly th i~ thoory WIIS , . s th stand In Ibe fipld s ~~ ., WU~~.N you benr a good story frem the I hll 0'11 n hel\rlhstollc Mr... NIUICY Buck.. I'm IIOrry to trou II rOil, Il t ve 1\ III pari, thoroughly elabhebed,,, hen II grulll cro(ls 1\ d <1 I I ' c1(llbcd III 1118 11gh t nllnd, IUld bllTlPY ill colnple'" 'clul\1 \lut.fit, OOllr,oo mltterl J'his yellr three un re JIll{ elg Ity hcnrL 8011"hL th IDJurcd ",Ife, eflected n hptl of a stupid man, lind t!ee a SIlk umpurl'O'll!' l'h!'yare C\'en withollt COlli' ~II \\ II!! \lIony yl!llrt hie Jllnior in o... e, warrant for your orrCllt ' brella 1 n the hllnds o f a man who doos . WitIi tI ~' D Y .. \ .... tl F~" " , ,, mUOlCAUon Ie CO Mt e rn t' por lOll 0 I nnd 'IU ImllOrtllnt "".rvoCh l, h I8 0pn'''ltC' J r,,· vr WIiaI.." , 01, tl'I'" "" annldently fished Ollt of 1111 old Ilcr ~ wero eold, t wo hundred of wh ent, rccollctlhlltlon , JllUlunot1lor WI'11 800n be not plly for aIlC"sJlupe.r, you ml\y know ! . ,.., .. I'~ "'I I 1 .1 .. - ~ one bundred lind ~hlrty 01' bllrley, fiftyJ i li ' tbe province Tho Herzego\'hll itn Jlllrt H ill Chnrllcter. 'I'u her youth sb nddl'd ';' I CC lUMtlon nnc slI ccecu lug !JU~8- nml IInll cf well in th.e cottnge-gll,,1 n tl\ 0 of Ollts; nod :lleo liftv. two oerOd of ndded to tho hilt ul hllPPY lom C8 n I' thllt both hll\'e \)eel! borro .... ed or thel!6 bands lire more lIlelin d to I'll. co mehnllt'fl r (lC 1'lI011 Thou gh II Lhor- l Inn wcro thO!! of 1\ rhlcglllatl ' mml l)electivl'H lire apt to Ilttllch lito oamcft c\uvc r. Tho receipts wer '£4,680, an cllgo '1'Uf: threc 'II'onders of tbo world ~t laging and ""Lty thie"in" thnn fighting o ll~ly gllO\l W(lml~1I nt bcnrt, she yet slll!htly IIstOD! hed Of noted oritnlnRls to extmo[lltllllry l\V~rll" of £ 10.161!. 7d. nAr nero. Tho W'IO ls Mr. Sankoy: present ara-How fluff nccuJ;llulate in 1 " 1 Ii I' d h b oon···lnt tll!'or th Olllurder of your wife." .• mlmy yl'IIr1l flf·n " ""II valu of lho I'"' ~vAn tIle '{lr01gn \'oluu!A..o.... wlto make e1l1 IUerCI or hO :1,1 I Y oW <1_ crlnHlt!, nlll1. ""r II Ievent-a II vern III nil II ro lI!!C!d D 6 ,,.t torata ILt New veKt Ilockel8, wltero the pius go to, I\.IId L4 u " "., cnorte to tlu more (h81l her duly. ~en .. Murde r 01 wi fe! '''''IIIITO, \JUlt normtcd, II rumor Wll~ prevnlent uOlolIg " ;£ \Iring ollr r~ puB tho figbtlllg IIl1cle~~, KutTe~ frum thclf ous Ilnd ~rrll.tlble, sho tlel'lIme fretfully CRu't be. Nllnoy I~n' t. dead." th e IlOhcll of Pro'idonco t hat the mur. nnnunlly 18 HQlIlelhing ovcr 700, Lbe Drtghtou ill t 81;2 3, 1\ line-iooklllg young when a mllli COIDce out of a I!Illoon he mer.. "e", sit is-strangled Wltb 1\ cord." d e red IYOWllll hau becn the ",,'ro of lin IIverAgo cost of labor IJ £(;34. lAtrge \llI mlln from Now O"~Ue ulled to come down looks ono way nud goes the other. P redR 'Ious proUCll8ltll'l!. 1 hey number Voilible III h r 11M rlion~ Of her o"n " 1 ~be Cllllltlli Invcste(l Illd annuol cx· 'unllil" lind alng wilh our cbolr one thOIlIll11111 ltd 'Inu hi" 8lI9rlco U' .... l·ng~. ,in the Illl c k ~ ~ n ro "h II b lIrg I d Colli'l! , ilicn pcndlLllro lire, the (IIrm ylel<l~.a goo d ncensl • A F£'~ days IIgo I~ Norwich man In nllllppar ntly 1U. 'n"CII w III~ fect, IIlId , looklll:F, E' Itj;I I@ Ilr ' DI\Ol,' H o IllwnyRJbrought lIunshlllO ill bis . .. , and two thou1!&DlI but a OlIlJonty Ilre ummrr 01 1851, tho neighbors begun to tbe ofllccr eteudlly ill the fllC, SUI , Ii vmg In 1'rO\ Idone ". II1~d cdcbtillcd 1111 I'roHL Rnd mlldo mll~IC ill the 80ulti or All ,,.Ith bou"ht a chest of tea in Providence, and usunlly abt!ent dur:ng t4e lightllll!, al1d li Ly poor CuptltlD .Iohn O~ \I hen-peeked M\owly 1\1111 I!Cllemnly: over tho lIlIIon for 1118 ~UcCtl lInd reekwhom he 1111I1glc<1. He slmg like \I Oil opening it found n B\,OlllS welgbjJlg romarked n there ig rome boot v I lusblllld, Alld the IDronll o f the Wlf< •• , luirl'-{ If Nnncy'~ dead , I don' t lCl!8nw 'Ih rumor hlld 110 belle r Tbe t'uLllro of ~_h~Da. I Ohr'lstIQn, olld lt~ seemed ('ntrr!'ly free nearly eleyen pounds. H I C I on y reappear \\,1 , III"'" the dOntOHtleqlllctudewcre noticed knlll" I' had II qUllrrcl Wllh IIl' r th.e foUlldllllOU tllIllI tb1lt Coli 1118 IIl1d hI W e were Illuch IDtereswu receut y 10 I tbllt tho weIghs of l'revld nce are mye'Of '10 bltnll 110011nllll" • f h . til ' t Cb from ~hc peLty envl ~ whl e I too commonto be '. .n"en..1 .' lie of cOlltiLuntly IncreuslOfl IrC!Juency nl " ht lief!, Ilt:d "nvo her U \,ICoo of DIy Wife d il!ll~jX'n r cd I\t uhu ut tbe time 0 col1l'Orl:\O tloll Wit 1111 111 0 I~en lDe~ Ii ' I I. rl d terlou~. ·" ve three hUll IlIIel bitlerncl\.,. C upt/lln J 0 lO , h owevcr mind, .. but God Ie ..my wltn(,!lI! lll\t 1-' whICh the tolllc o\ Iy er crop Ollt III 0 OIl'll, I\.II( turu8t Iscor un d ('r J II bob ~a t ICll IIO."\1"" .. id n ' ~ th e mur er, nll(I "I. on Iy IIvcd lICCI\U' mArclllln' , • of thl nl'y,llI, ~ • into ~h l1l'o tnmunion \If the Cbnrch U U UI , groon·glr<Ulocl lunlb. r 0/ 'UillC, &A, Ibuu "r~clothed with lb ••nD 11M Ibe ralo, dred men mran fight11l g bore tbe 1n81ction with hl ~ IIccustome pu LlI hllnd upon her." tbcortes alwu ys thri\'I' wben Incts lire IVll" hl8 0 1\ n co un t rY , il.ll rCI!OUrCC8 and Tll ere '~I\M 1\ fmnkuei'l! 111 ttll~ Young Thy . WOQL lund klaea UN drong Uku w1n.-, 1.1 e t u 0 litII In It..< future U n ontirnlcd UleEimprl'l!I!lonI mnu'e colilltcnnnce, and (I WIll <In hId T hy .. rge (llI1bract.'tI a..., keen like plLil1 , P'ltJellce. Tho o/licc r looked WIth I\O mO Intuest Impo8~ ILJ ave mo l\IId hldo mf wltb nil d~y tra'C'l"', The CIII!Il ,Yet rcmllill~ al\long UnlinH!b d that Is gltlll1ng grollnd in urope lone~ nnd I11l1nnCf, whi ch onll~led tbe Hut the end WRS lit bund. Ono \'cu- u\m.n II lllllll wbo could tlme,lcny II enm ll noli "'. 000 Ira•• 01 lh y LhoulAnd gravel!. 1\ I confide nce of nil with whom he a!O!Oci· JUIlIIF: Oll,Rt;;11T, of ~he S~ll'rel11 eOollrt, lng, in the III t week uf .luly, allelgbbor WIth wlllcb he was t«l c!elHly lIoked by police bU ~llle"" No lllunllll enOlL haM Amencu.. t hn t the pohLICI\I Tbnoe pun> 00111 JIOpuloUllO'"veI! Of tbln ... Wrought "llhoUL hund III ""orld "llbou\elAilu, were nlwl\ys glud when at Brooklyn, hill! rendcred II dec l. ioll 1:1 -Jllmcs }'lIul_ 1II pa~.tng the house! cHcutnstllntt nl evldcnce j hut. \\ Ithou t \'er learned morc thnnl \IllS discoverer! hM !O long pnralyzed -&bIK~."'''' henrd ~III1Cr'l! touguegoll.~al1\U \InU8U8 pnrley, took bim from the @ loop,Rndbythbrutelnstinclaof the d g whrnltc forces and Clamped the be dropped III IImong tbem. Tbat W.IUI the cl\'i1ughts ClIIIC wberelll WilllIIOl F ~ere t of the (nurder from the binll18 "e~tl\led soon mther to brenk up tbe begtnlllllg of nn Reqll81ntnnco whl clI Tnf: dog8 around Fairfax, Iowa, are h WID dOW, Vlllccd bim ill a cell of the @tatlOn IlOUse pawelt tbe "" rate, nnd, g anclllg t h rou g ItO Johnson, colored, IlC) Ug,l I. to oo\Dpel the Rnw Ducksull stlllldin g before her. lIe He made no re~iet4lDce, alld did notagllin ahullow gfl\ve In th e durl( forest. or to unde rgo lInp!lrtllnt modlf!cIlLlonA. we I,,'ve cbort"bed e\,e r 61llCO. After· holdmjt congratulation meetings. MIIJ ' The e x c lu.lvcu e"~ ufthe Oel('fttlal e m p i r e , ' " I principal of a pubhc school 10llumlt hlK £CClOeU rousel I nt Ia~t, nn d a Ith ougb volunteer any )ITOteSlation 0 fl II! InnClIncldellt8 of a MarrltJ"e, ward we met our fn end 10 Now Cllst c John AllteheJl, of thllt platO, hIlS lately .. It 18 nllw IIpparent, bll~ for eQme time lllkl el!!ewherc, IIOt! ol"oysfonnd him the 1m JlOrted anum ber of remarkably fine lIOn, inslclld of \!(I ndlllg blm lo a school ['\luIs could nCoL hellr hie words, be 1!IIW cance. Whllll In Lhe station bou8C, and A couplo who nndCJrtook to get mur· pnKL e('n Yieldlllg to thnt modern world .-Ine warm-suul cCl nnd rndll1nt Chrl tllln sheep from ScOtllllld , eaoh 01 which ooet provided foref/lored cluldron 'fit 1I1~ the kmlted brol\" IUld twilobing hands, dUrlll~ the JOllruey to l'ro vldellce. wh en· • d WI\8 o\,er t e ~uc8tlon \\'1\8 d 'IrectIY put to n ed 'he o'ller dar 111111 ratller . n WhlC11 110'" hedges it ill on 1111 sidell, and -mlln. lIe -118 not al,r0 1r&8lOlIal In~r him $200 to u.' IV IIIpcor I I 11\ one of \\ lie I n d . • " bolds that. the common schools arl' II UO(1II "~n nt hl\nd wh en ib "igBntlC .. :/' sweet 1'8 e, co nvuIKI\'C!' I'I grl\8llCd . 'l'h 0 Bcene W88 bim , h e n ways dom ed bls gUI I1.111 t I10 t rou bl esome t Ime 0 I'. . 'rh"y " ,. '" '1Ill • tlille IS """ '" d He loved mlleic for il ~ 0"11 AN Imhanapohij Conrt deciciCII that public 'harlty, thlLt benellt1 conferred tndellbly ~ Inmp!'d by IIher·events UflOU SIlDIe emphnllo terms, but hll WIlS nOl'or nccompllb ,ed by a brIdesmaid lind dormllll ~ PO"c." "'Ilt bo qoiekenc into nnd 1\ __,1 It 6S he mo\'cd Among the peathe fact of ~ glrl being engaged t~ ICVlind m ~l·m IIfl'. It is weI) known that the.. """ I by tltem fire a free gIft from the latc, the memory of t Iie ncci' d en tal WI't ne!\!!, the fi .... t to brunch the subject, lin d It groom@ml1l1. t0 011 e of our churcIl·· ~... '" " ., pI e, 81'B'ily. rellgiou8ly, lind RS a G08J>1! ernl gentlernell at onlle is no uar to her 1" llO lVer In Ule hurch to which Bumg ellch of them for breacb o.f promil!e. lind, hke every other cionor, the late I\\ld ho CO llltl lllwl\ys!!C! , e\en to th 10000t ''''M es,.".,.inlly noticed that he neyer were u shered IDlo the l!IIcretl edIfice and dlmclIILy Clf OpolIIDg 'hlna to foreIgn ~11l , .• I d' tl It b tho ~xton who c'llnme rclnl 1ll'·reOUrl!e hll8 bee 11 IIOlely " ~ , " "" Il belonjled WM cq ulIl to thnt of tbe (1l1li- And if a woman wanl.ll ~ore rIghts !.ban may l'reACribc In whllt m"lIllleT, nnd upon minulo detll lls, t he enraged wumlln, con- mllde lilly inquiry fur the details of the el!COr e "" 10 \I ar l' fronled by tltnt qUIet, conc IItrntcd mllll, murder. howeve r, got the 1 )' 1 I rties Plrxl'<l lip, due to the \\eok Jellloo"y of the governlor, nnd II' S h~ IVIIR onc of hAr!"ony Bnd that 8be's bonl to plelU!O. wbat terms and condItions Ihe gift mnv WIth blsllll'BlOn lIud fidgetlDg Wh en tbe officer I\nd hIS charge ar- sl.tltlO\IIng the hrtdesll1llitl 1I0xt to the mcnt lIud Lhe Ignoran ce Illlt! corrulltlOn pence He bCJro nbout with hIm 1I11 unbe onjo) ed. J'n COllclllBion the Judge struggling A OERTAL~ edllor, ~n after he begao with II whipcord t tho t1l\1 8, howeH r, rIved ot !:)eakonk, the!' latter scemed bfld~grooro , IUld the bride !lnd gr:x>mllo- of th e go,'crnmellt officer" The hmCtle conl!ClOUS l nnUllnCe willch "'118 positive, 1!&ld thRt the 8tntule, by gl1nrnn~ IIII! Plluls gayo no eJlpccllIl. \l Clg!.t to Ille aml1r.ed to find himself the obJcct ofulli- man in correspondmg wrollg POSltIOl!S. Il litioD il rcallv Among Lhe m.l>8t mdus- pructiCl\I And IrresiKtibl e. The cblldren to learn Lhe prmtlng bumlle~. 11'1110 love equal prlVllcge8, does not confer the rigM circuDl~tllnc~, and, stoppmg lit the vt!· \'erl!lll Ilxeeratlon. " ' hon he reached The clorgymnn not nOI~lclng the mlst.aJre, trlous, nnd mo@t tll~rn8e4l to general nnd clustered around him when be SlIng, nnd with a (lreacher's (lIIughter. '1'he next. to enjoy them In common Inth any cllll\8 lage IOn on hl~ woy bome, only cRI!ulllly tbo villngo, lind wIllie he walked \)esidc went on With the CCl'tlmon'y I\nd be~aD active cOllllllcreltll nte rcouTee, 111 ';!dc tenrs of JOY attCll!te(1 the spirit whicb ae- time be attendeU meeting, he WIlS rather I.tIken down at bearing the preacher lintJlO Imde- world. • bould the oblll.tlcles be remov , compllnled tbe l!ervice. Ofpert!ODII,Or In any parlicularscbOlII, and relllarked to the inc\' ltnble loungers that his captor through the slreet to the jllil, marrying tbe bridetm1l!ld. !lounce: "My daughter 11 grievou~y he "~ckoned )lnnoy Ivould keep Oll 11 he WIU! surrounded by a It(lOtlOg mob, groom when tho b~~i(e /IOrved aD Inwe moy Cltpeet to llee a revollltJon In the And, so, we do 1I0t wonde r that tbi!. tbat nothing hIlS been abOll'n from which nag" \L1' of aptaln .Joltn until she rIled tba' pelt~d hl'm wl'th opprobnou8 epl- junctIon on him by exelaiming that she Cblna trade '-me youn~ man, now In the maturity tormented with a devil." It can be Inferred thllt tbe relator has .. v ~ th a rylng ""Irty 1'be mllt.nke It il a {act not "enerallyknown that In TOE ,Scott~h.·Ant",«U1 JOIINlal on EnghIm" "'e'-, ond witb dIfficult" ",118 re·~rained waa e m r .... . . .. of middle ife, a develo~d '1.tI ... "" •• • B being remedied, the clergymnn took Chinn coal nnd Iron, " In their comblnaI ' f Christian, h been deprived ofthe equality ofprlvjlegtl Tbe Jlext morn ing t be co. ge WIl8 frem doing violence to Ii! person. e anotber hItch aL It nnd tbe rrforn.anCtl t\on the smews of indu~try and the cndowed with a BpeCIII gt rom caven, Ush pronunciatIon: to whlcb ho i, ontitled. The motion for closed and del!erted , but the circumetance bore himself bravely alld undIsmayed hI I t It be roo ster key of tmd('," h e in abundance 18 so ble8lled In singing snlvatlon to the You. halr'lyour air-air, hair; YO\lr batt lll10UJ' 'at. smoot y a onl~ un I clime I mftO~1 In Oreat Brltaln. We feel bon- Your ann" ,our b. rm Ibo "1110u"U Ute .. l , a mand"tlmul 1I11l1 denied. dl'd not illicite remark. Buck80n, It WIlS tbrough It all But bis collduct '11'811 went oLe brl'd"f rOCID\ to ploduco the r~ady At halld. ience and pracUea hi"" ,OU' 'aDd a Jl&I'tr JOu C11I. pa,,"; presumed, hAd J1;one to PrOVIdence to noted onl1 to hiB dlseredlt, and the Clll- tilne fior \ d J ' " orad to number Brother San1l:ey, wbo IS YOUI' A bone. an '011 : Ilnd fOl'k 10U o.n a fawt; repare IllS sloop fur 'ca, and Nancy hlllt zens coul not remember anu hRrdened nng essential to t c complctiou of the eXJXl ri enco are to be had from Europe the fellew worker with Bretber MoodlL' A brole. I b,UOOL aD -100 ..11 a b.... P I cerernOllV But wh en tbat gentlemlln alIt! AmerI ca, while labor oC unnnrnlieled I.N a reoen t add reM before Lhe 8m ILh- a hab 'l t of mum" sudden pI Igrlmagcs to wre'nb who had e"l!r so flaunted hiB ~ It. n hIS f ~ I •• our pel1lonlll and beloved frillnd. e YOUI' b...r~'. ,ourl.rL, aD . .110U 0111 . 1_, " '" v-t pocke t It w--n' t tiler in e~celle n ce andcheapne u ond Blmpd' un· We h_ JOu CaJltbe "on! " _ , llfOJIO"., nei~hboring town ... Tile event, then, crime III t.ho fuce of an ontraged people IC. I va ,~ ...., is a genuine cvanfelis> and the multi- "'nd w...... lhan !baL. )'Ou cAll,our nOlO Jour 110..... IIOnlan loatltute, Dr. LinciCline givea tbe 'h • I I t it the other-not th ere, and tben be dov lunl ted III quantity, 1M ready. An tbis ., ben'. au I. It lOU" bfJlld you calJ an 'e.d; following InteN.ting report or the curious "'118110 ar from belll~ 8UBPIC OilS, t I" In dlle l.imtl the Orand Jury WIUI con· down to the bottoD'1 of Ihe remalDmg \ll\Iproye a more pretilable oppor~uuity tudes ore moved '! his vOlce as never A A man'i. mlo, an egg .ltb you'•• b'~; h WILlI not even unusua vened and bis caB e con~idered Tbere pocket, nnd finslly C'Xclllimcd, .. Well, for til., CluneI!(' ut home, Instel\d of by the pomp and hturgy 01' t e Suceee- In pllctl ttf u'an 10U put In double " U 'i" little balloon spider and Ita work, and TlIiIod.,'8 1000II11; Uto ".". wllh You'. II" n.-. days n magnificont forest 1'9-" _.- nn d th e bprClld Ill " \In III·reward e d pro f U81011 over Klon I-Nfl/lOlli" RtooJ'(Ur, Pilt8burg Tn tho ~ no mor doubt of his guilt 10 tbllb sure, til rll ,8 1I b0 Ie III my po""ot the account will be reoel veil by our readstretched to the northwl\fd frOID the little official body tban In the commulllty at ring h 811 "lipped down into my boo t." Am ericl\'" and Austrulta. ' hlDn, it has 'l'IiE funn), man of tho Milwaukee en, we tru.t, with special Interest In inish the job W811 been estimated, Inclodes WIthin iiH hmll.ll .Aaclent • •iA. town,lntetllpel'llC<l WIth patches of OpeD large, and be WI18 formally IndIcted for And the only way to M NtfIIM tellll the following domestic ~Ie: view of a recent lI\uatrated account of land, where the blackberry grew in great tho murder of Nancy BUC"lIOn. for the bridegroom to SIt dOWD, and fUll abou~ a fourtb of the human race, more Says the Dubuque lima: We lite a .. Jane hIlS got a nicelY turned ankle, oertain "insect wondel'lL" II I once ob- abundance. This wonder and delight of When the newa WM IAken to hIm in off bls boot, I.tIke Ollt the ring, pul on homogenoull, more industrious, and per- slice of meat yellteiday that was euUrom baln't abe f' !laid John to bia wife the I18rved," ...ye the writer, "one of theae the American gladee hl\d fully ripened bis cen be only said, "God's will be hLa boot, stand up like a man, put tbe baps bardly leIIII enterprisinl!, where tbe a chunk sixteen yeatll uld. It was jerked other day And thon John noticed a lpide11l at wor1l: in the upper corner of under tbeltot July sun, and the ohildren done I" rlDg where !t ought to gOI !lDd W:IIlk out O(lportunity 000U1'll, than the 1Dbabi~iltl buffalo, brought from the plaine In 1869, atrauge, unearthl), gleam In the eye of Bi8 perfect resignatiol] had, by thIs 1\ ith biB brIde-and all tnll he did. of lftIy of the more modem nationl by Bill Welllngton, and put in hlsltore, biB lPOUIC, which D)ad6 bim feel very an ou1.llde dOONhutter. ahe wu Bpln- of the village were bu By employed In which bave outiltripped her io the path now Hanl!CD &. ~lnehlUl'8, where it bu uncomfortable, he oew not wby. But aiag sc-mer, of which she '11'&1 formln& gathering the fruit. 1bat af\ernoon the time, won slightly on \Jle Jail6r's beart, Ma. !l. WEI.t.6, II large farmer I\J1d of weath and clvlliutlon. lain ever linoe. whllt there 18 left of it. the next day the pI~ wblob Jane bad a balJooa, and clinging to her \borax Willi patchell were unluually crowded. One alld he illqUired if he did not wish to greup of <Chlldrlln atarted home juat ...~ counsel to defend bim at tbe ap- stook J:!reeder of Weat betllfteld t Conu., in The eoal fields of China arc Dot onl, 1be ehunk hu fumiabed Nie many a fiUed in the doaieetic 8COoomy of U1e a cluater of minute young spidel'll. She beforeeundowo, takinl\ their way direct p Ingtrla1. Buebon's faco bright. allawer to an Inquiry put to l1im at a ex~.nalvo, butthe qll8lity of the coallB lunch, and at hi. request this reporter bOUiebold waa ooo.:~ by a middlefinJabed up the body of &.be balloon. lllrot!:t:...~~ wTh'!'y h;abgoO~~ b::ra~o~ eued witb tblB fil'8t faint mgn of sympa- recent ILgriculturtll convention, while excellent. A few years &g(! an Engliab ptlrtookof a piece ,.eatebrddaYI' d Itht~lIIweet qed woman with Utie theee of a and threw out the 10Dg bowline., wbicb istancr.- when tbe little dog that WM thy, but he Ilnl!wered: advocatlllg t eo syat(IJU of stenm~ng feed admIral OD hia return to .England car- and palatable IlS thou~L r ~ 18 aMm- ~ulUnpr heifer. were Sapping and fluttering in the now d .th them atopped, and be~1 to ani. "I thank you, friend, bilt I don't need for cattle, made a ,statement In IUb- rled IIOme spt'cimena, wblch were Pro-I mer. We doubt ~~_Ulohrei ant, 'Tob' eir owe I am Innocent of alanoe Ill! follows ', .. Although I am In nounced by anal,sl41 to be fullyequll,ll I grub in America t ...... t II mea IS s pntly increuing breese. Several min- WI Iawyer. God ... eagerly a' a .pot of groun which. apa an favor of steaming bay aDd grain for nbt Illperior to tohe beat llteam COIJ of the obunr tohat Bill carried 011' tbe field utes before abe got read1 for the _n- peared to bave been recently disturbed. this crime, llDd He will ,Preve iUn HIJ cattle, and am prsctlcing It on an e~- Oardift. This WIlS brought from .. place the time be ran bl' celeb,", ted. foot race Ilion lIbe *med to be biog &.be bottom Giving a long, mourllful bowl, the dog own good tlme." tonave aie,. I would not do I!O if all my witbln forty milK of 1'e1l:1n. At &.be with old" WantoeeeyouJ a SIOUX chief, aod winding ber hammodNlbaped bal- ICrat.cbed (urloualy wl&.b hie pan in the The day appointed. for the k1al or the bay waa of me very belt. quality i" but preeent. moment. !;Iut few of the many which W&l iii near a aead one .. enr loon; and aow, the breue belag .utt- .od, and in a moment had unCOftred a pdlOner wu clote at band ",heu the he added, .. I don't think one can dard coal mines In China are worked, and puuled the JUdpa of a race. B1ll didn·t. able, abe moved to the cabl' In &.be ltern l buman hand. Bowlin! more moum- quiet. villaa:e W&ll lltartled by a DeW ter- to feed lOch bay "ben a poorer and none on ICIlenti6c princlplee. There are Ieee hi. _lp, but he waa nipped a Utt.le, alit. b teaml be no steam en...lnell, pumpa or t.ramwayll. . . . .red It, and ber craft bounded upward, fully than before,he bounded oll'aoouple ror. One pleuant September morning h 01 feet, and tore at the grQund with re- a ghOllt dellC.'Onded from the eutern coach, ~!trt!· eqq':w Y,o: stock!" TbouSh iro~;lnell are numero"" and TllB population 01 Trebi~ &be prlnancllll&llJll DOrtbward, wu lOOn beyond doubled energy. Be ICIOII completed. hi' and walked lellurely, and "Ith ell:3 &.bougtllron baa been in. nte from time cl.,.l town oll:lerlelOvina, • abo,-.':l ~ the IOOpI! of 0""&&100. N .... ud the children.w a W01IWI'. eemblanceof life, np\beBtJeetto",a In'-emorlallt.d -_fturacture i. carried thou-.nd. andawnicbed..no ... &._1.. and ri..&d imbedded ill the the lon-..Aetlerted oot~ It wu a BTH GUEIf. by hilown uperiDlentll,...... th'.. - t h 1--" r 1'1 --' ..... eir .-cult.ure • of t.he radeIt :","~,..,eutb~·WithbutonesJuaOl horribleihOlt. for it nOdded familiar hu MOW. that an acre water 18u ~ell:oe:o_"!I~ ~. ::dlu~~:udaa"""u"oaood ....... bonor,~~ tbeii pailI areedapto.veralper1!Ool It.me&upoa TalaableuanllCnlolJudlorproduciDl p~" "'......... 1'"-"'lDUa'COlUltIJltIIue"DO~ let to tie '1'Iae . . cIiteo- tbt "1, aDd onCl tried to paL albrfDk· W6)r.... --an t more
w.... ........
ft :;::00
'!'-:r ..
and ill n brulli·1 tit d .,'. :~~~~~~~~" - . J D right I CD tft~ . tu DUI~1wr TIlt! 1·.! J lid th n. pell. \1hllt ograph g II r. ill la. frit'lIll. J.ftIU . Pa~ett. II . . lIng t. r.f t' rrla I'IlVltll. II blo euilV yed over to I wr'lJ old IItl1ntl, HUlllm 11 nnll. C It, I' n"I"rlck ount •. ~ • r •• ' S -Mrs. T . B. Y c('om ill i it. mu ~lIg 0 t of to n. on th" Vik~ ( '.)rwin in II .•'1'&0 'v' but, whil haUding. "e beli \' Mr. l illl.r'. Ill, MllI'l'11 14•. 1 1.". IlIttllht-tl Sl.\,t. ~ " ."J .. · .II T illg in ('iucinnati. I·adl~ It U,D Ille.' I.' uutic· Mr. ]tailcv nd Mr. . J.o'n.wcy rod~ intontl n i. to remaill ....rmanelltl" l!;'. 1 j~. L~ I" tl~~l'IN' "I' I~ulrg • 1.1 \ . h.M" • II· ~, t,ul 1 V' "'~r . ' In tt.'r'I I,rl\,lltc . . r - . . n. Ullt "(IIIU"lltl\'" .'Ihl ..I \~ . 10 ; ,. ,. N'l . 13 - A her U. 'mitb a.nd wife arc"" .'" ~ that th. "hl " I 'I(" 11 10 C III Ill\' CIU'rIIlKc amoll~ u • and w~ b opc Ih 'patl'1ltl ' ..." ' : I"\"'r ' ulHI , III •. ,.lllih' " , . - - . - - . .. VI iting in tht! 'II' t. IUtmtlllll~d c ntallll'd lawye,..!!, d,oC. Tir. I' l'l'lt! 'II' I'l'lfreatly II looi III,-.d Ilbte lxo ·towN OpOli him lOll ' bu II !~·w dllY JIII·UtlOI!. ti, k.1 e>ll ~ C ..... 11,11' A. 11.110. II - M n M All . .. tuno, lI1at \lI~n. murclraotl! Illrtllera. lit Ilri 0\'" displa.y of t'riulld hip l IIch as to jo tifv lrim ill lalJli 'h. \I~llu Illld Ull',l'lI (.It.lh lr nt,"! urll v' "nl'll ,,~.. 1,:U t.. . No. . . . l'Ilee . • n I It· IlIld meehlUIl 8. u'h IlI1 Ultlhll1~1 ul1d brulI~rly I v~ The two IIv.ling II pietore gallery in thi plllcu, hlil I, . 11 Wl\:i wuh·ly IIml, hwnr· r'v~,,~·Q~· 3. ~~ir:::, ~.':;. I~ tng In . n I1hapolr . . •. . 1lI0 OIll"I~t in our qni t litt! "i1. peuroo t be d ligl;t ,I 'Rith euch Mr. Mill r hal I It all ex Hent 1I~1 '. kttuwt1: N".ollc ,Ill VC nk . ...-i II. all\l . :I.IU P II . Xo. l. - M188 ~Dlalldll1 erry \'1 It ·d In IIlgC .alld that tuu 'urI III the ,othertl lIoci.et, . A thuy rodo r putatioll behincl him ill R ockplIrt, ~ hllll hut Itl 1'1't1t~: "Illler:ul ,tle~. ·T"""" lin "At In,.. t-1t np On "t.:al. Lchlmoo laet k. nlOrnrng. Ilt 011 MOU d ollr e ll ' duwu the SIr'et't, thoy talked to jlld ing fr m th roll wing notic VI \l W~I" held u~ hi S lutll fe I~I;I~ iii., I Eaal ecll'\Q, /; \''1' t ",orrJ l • ... It. -"'"f~rgos( II at nded the Lev· ri(~i !y, un~ w @ l uhunt, d~t 'rll1i tl .l l ," h th rand Illughed. tim which we lind in the pal I'll f that b, the. Hev. J. W. 11 .u! )I, uf 'III' ~h'.lto.: I ~I\I\ (; l'O,n n , undrty . IlIlon hllr last Friday. cd II JlI"",IJ~c tl) \~nrtl th ('1I11 l'. Hh win~ that 110 P'" unal hutrni city. Th N'11/tliliclll 8IIY; CIlI 11 I\li , , IIndn '. ti, 2 th, at Clll OII'JIO!l·ij~;~~t7;u;;.III;;lhl Jo I . ' - Mr. Rue. ull in iii agaill W-e(j~ll<>tlflllctl ovcry' illdividUll1 ur IUldic rllllkiud ill their b '111, -Mr. J . '. Mill r th hotogra. v'·h, k ! .~. W~I«11 n~1' y II ~llo~. , ;!: ltlH! S1\ 1l.F. • ' Ea. A~·,. g . brakin on a treight.train. '" nll't tOt the, 11 t IWllr bllt 110 ' a1111 that Ihl) C mmlllldll10nt W8il pber who hilS r itl~ iu ~tock portl ~lId I'ersutl j.)ILltl ~1\(,lr l8ill Inb.1I e :11.11 ' • f:A I lind .'orth elo.e At 9.00. - Mrs. O. J , D IIny is I ill' ~IIU ' VI~O c uhl. '. plulII ~he ~IOV .1JI~nt . • not f rg ttlltl, and that each \I'll evcl;1l1 YC8rs 10ft n th Pt\wn 011 0 1 r ~.I'. t to one?t o~l.r .ln O ~ \ I~I • .,onl for'" taml'" utb.'l!l. '/I~ . ,n . gerou I 1lI with pn nmolli". ~' e w('r~ at th POlllt ~t ginll~ lIp l ll ut IJnly willing to f!:ivo up til I aturday wilh hi wiflluod lumily n .d CltlZUlJ. J;l ld Wil II! lYing III __ - -- !-. t . FA~R, I ~ . , . . . In de plllr.~"e~1 b· nc I lent we rtlll i re uired oIllalic bUI. If Ill"~ ury, for Wa I;e ville bio w\r ('r th : I\vlth the 8Ul. dl elUl , 1~~ltl h~ the WI' " " . ... . . . . . . ..,....... , -M;r. EdruHnk ~ay8 )VISIted. III ' oguill t II dilapidated old nt>grll with d, ~.t all h ilS' worldly g uds ill .'11 Y Ih '. tl • ~ t . J symputhy 0 1 veryouo . In h r f!~ I -clnnull un Bnult n aat, work a. tlliwb Ick II' rr I' I I . , ~ I 0111. ke e ll lome III Ie II ule. r 1"'ll tltCllt Iny sll SOOIl r gUIIl ""IK I)M'V"RTfM (Hick Itel.- V atlna' i M J ames H Dr t , . ', I . 1It1'? 1\ r II S IUU . onl\!r tu IDak~ 1 tlng p'IICO. 1 ho I Hockp<!l't pc\.lpl regr ·t tllO depart· I 1'1 lllte tier, ~ho 8II~, III all for tll"i~e Ilt'IIhlp e"f'1')',Fit'll\ Ilnd Fourth '11 h~' b ·S... t~..eI I 'ld to or b-v i tulllierd 8IIIW nil tIll IIlId eut ur 01 Mr. Millel' and his rnmily . hc~toll,l ell It~1l t I. . t k ~Alli~ .a' 11 .. dook. Fin..Da,. I a l ome II '4 en .8 an . 9.l1e~ tl." I1: ,. ~ , lin, 8 pllo! dem ut> Ilshullt OJI Bppirllitle. \Vh ile r ' id ing h re til . tlll jo 'cd ~. ~Lr iI romatns ~ere a on ~I Il' 11 ,1:" look A·O'I\.hod V t.- A. number of our citizcns tit· tull> Itl Il d e war OV r t,) . Waynes· Shllr.ly after tho lleplutlll" from tl.re friunu 'hil uud h'igb ~ste of to .M tlItnl emetery lor Intrldout, In.8 ~~~a:ne ~ ~;1')' Fi:l";;a ':tl, t(!uded the Conuty Fair lMt we k . ville to de big tl'i \ dat' ~will to the 'uurt·r m II r Ulllllr ,,·US 8 ,t Ion~ beet citizeus wllo w iijh t hem I IU~1wed ~r. ~ne l1U1l( I' Vn b.&y. bfogionin'l" t~ o'Clloclt. Fint.-Day - Mr. aud Mrs. A. Am un and ~r~1II Foll' twi~ q uir ' Buily and uft Ilt that th j ury IVlJulJ "it UpVII ' every SlJCCIlI!S in 'their new homo.' IAIIC c~. k 10 pR . '1lar r,il we:' k . 001 at J) 1· 0'010011 , K. tnUll' 1Y.VI"tI CdD ay t n 1ast OlllluUY, " .1 um ran~y to IJay." I b 1'1 I{: , d tl. . to C8, rllnVI e V. • E Th t 0 F 'I'I t lOX, wil e n1U CY mil I And this from the D(·m.ocrat: l\1 Ii I R ' I tll k W ' • If RI'lT,• 'no . l'5'\llIOn. M d M A A nu . . 10 trllth wail revelll I, til IlI Wlupt to e rH wL thrllugh' if he , \iii Ilr "", 10 mr .ao y, . 1',~.t~'I· pi"i. n diO@'l"'! Ilnda1";._·bL~~ d - C ' r ..Iln . 11'8· T'! IlId VI It· wllOl e truth anti nothing but the ~ho uld UCCOUJI1Hfth the 'Iellt it ' Mr. John C . Miller, the talented W oll s Ilnd J onah Salld8. I ·" Ill' "" .. A . II,. . . .,. P. II. .... - ... C 10Clonati ust IU rs ay uud I. '\" b fif~ , arti8t who hllB be n a resid nt in l MM' I' .L b ""b'K.I"ti l-2I', )(. F'd trntu. '. pent II " lit Leen w01l1l1,OO cOlldll ivo evideuce t hllt l '. , rs. nlm ruo, 0 1 e allon, Onltl~"IA Ouullcn- Elder J . H. Dodd. rl~: " . m inot' lookillg for a "ohi cle go· th ,f'jux Wt lurge tllll'lI <> h. Mr, o~r ml~st lo~ severul years leavcs i8 visiting lit th e resi d elic of DOIlj. p ...tor. DI,.In.e _nloe on tb. Fi ....t m:d . ISS LIZZIe Furnas I uttctld· illg to\~ards orwin, bllt til iling to Ball" h ow .vc I' w"Hld 1I0 t be ":Ith bl8 fallilly to·duy fo~ \Vayne . A. ·toke". ~It~l' Yo'~i:'e~onthLoJ:":!~ S;atbmore College, D clnwafc, firld on~, we 8truck Ollt on l'oll~,. allowed t o m~lkc t he Ilttempt, M i VIIlt.l,. Warl'oll c. lII~ty, UIII O, whlll'e - Mr. W urth Stl,ke:l I'lltUl'ns to ..!miDC' . ry ., 3. d cll'rmlll't.I t b PI'C cnt, und II it was gell rally bel iu\' fI tlillt I~ he. Will Ula~e In t,;,toro h~mc. ~r. his hOllJe ill IlIinuis this week. Mr. P)1tA1' lIA~ (P...... m ) Obut'Ob in - Mr. W., ~. Heighwny IIIUI possibl u @'e 311d. llm~1I ,sulllcth ittg tllll, spare man l iku him c(llil I I Mtlle.r, Whlill a re ,dc,:t 01 onr CIty, Stukos is r uding law , I\l1d will ...... ynf'.-&r-viOM on lb aeoond Saturday 11. entertallllUg c mpally froOl Ilb ut how u "blg' tl'llliiS cOllduct· wil!'~lc t h roug h a s mllll hule. ~ut by IU8 n~ball . aod courteous. de· make 1\ good.looking lawyer. _4 'IIIril1y In 6Mb montb, Elder Ell,. tbe City, ' cd lIll th ther ide uf the river . t~ t 11 I' I I" I meallor III private ·and bmllnoss . ao...•. l'oIC! r. ' . . . n t.\W nc 1111 Y • I\)\ UI ta. su me' l . I I Ii -Tho concel't to bo given nt the PAm't:K~' Ol\,\Il'nE. No. 13. PatnJn. of - Mr. Frank Thompson, is at . We r acll d WlIyn s\'llle JIIKt III thiug " I' tll O ~IIJ W IIld take mattei'S . w~n t I resp~ct aD( COil niyersu.list ch urcb hilS been 08t. :n....ndry; Willialll Cornell. Kuter. Keet home on a visit from OoluwbuII, time to c. a larg? crowd \If mon und pine '. anti Ndle aor ss tho ri ~ r to ~onoodot 0\ erlone wltb Wwhom h IpOlled to the s coud S l1nday inPNo. 'e Odclfello...' Hall 0!lLho IM,alIDd Saturday Kentl1cky. buys rtlllklllJ.( thtllr way to the stairs s t ire fUll . l'h Y w I.t! di!lllpP'I)int. • orlllc ncqllnlllian ce. e regret be .,t _ h "'OIIt.h, at '7 0010011 p .m.• a d ~i tbtre M' M H B . 'k>d leud :ng np to aJ,walllldor' Hall ed of c II I'SIl u it tlll'lIc(1 (' lit to l lO lose so ole ver a gentlemall alld vom r. '".rth Recu!'day of eaoh month at DO 00. , 188 al'! . rown VISI • I , 00 t ' I Id A ' , " , 80 illgellious ao artist.' -George Richardson ""'-ve ave. ST MAlty'lI P . JIJ, CUOJtCII - Co1'1ler of the Orphans' Home near Lebanon w Ic ~e ur \\ as JC. S we be n !rOIlX. . . .,,'-. Third anlt lIliami St~u.. Diviee l!ervioo 18ilt week ' , hlll'ned up tho str er tire Call tuble ()ond COllltlll!nCO I ngllin at vile • ry ~IIJ lIyoblc IC(l-CrCtLlII pal·ty at the rveTrSund.,llt .1', m, Sundar_bool at . . _ , . made I}is IIppeara neo nt olle of ,'cluok P . M.. Thtl next witness l P VIlUO. SALES. -:- Mr. James G. resl de ttctl u! Mr. Sl1ll1 Carey, Sat· II ... M. ~Mr. J. Edd!e JannoJ: V.ISIte<! the upper wllldoWB alii! began to call ed Rtlltcd thu t he was /III " old C.larke WIll sell 1118 b?ulle~t Id fur · IIrduy v mng lusl.. VAl.L~Y PRtOtm'I:(ARI,\N ~A."r8T Cu. Lmnngton, OhiO, and Cinclllnati cnll !C,udli the 118mes of din"I' tit d' I r-" I d I d . d ' f IlIltme on. f:i~turdr.y of thIS \~e\lkt - Ouo of 0111' Intly citiz liS t ok -MI'''''' Stre t. near Main. Dl'I',n&fIe "ioe last week . .. . . . . Ito Icr, III 1ft a glL'Ilt CII U 0 t 9 J In Iront of Rogerl:l' Livery fi . I d b' . d onthoS t\trdll, befere the eeoond unaay . • Itld lV ldou t:, adruoUtsilln g e; 0 10 t'x periellco ill ·tile ditchi og. A ' S b' - , B .... ':1 , rst premlu lII on )fcn, 18cUIt n~ in 84 month al2 o'ulock nlll} on il•• NO- -Mr. I. H. HBrr1s has bud a tnrn to "CulUe i nto CV lI rt" A I· . . I t' l Id 'l I til Ie, eM,u at 1 0 cock, rusk at the Wllrr It {Jonuty Fall' • .... .• - ,.~. ~ 10'and ..~ 0000 • 1 ..... new.,.rn LA b nl' \ t on b'18 fa rlU nenr thol1gh 0111' nalUe wQ.8 nul. men · ·S I~· III C'"t I e'I won D k E . I'11 s \\1·'11 seII II II l' (lnd ab,t 4th Il" • h elllli I y convoy f J:rall lIs l las t , week I1lld I'eq llestcd t hat me :: ~.~. hOllsehold g ~s, .in Harveysburg, would sl\y' noth ing ·ullont it-wh ich w:\,~. & ."",,1.. Tcrwnt hlp Dete!lttve" 0 ntreville lately. ti olled ill tir o we h nrril'd Ill) ~I~'ny..~·e Vtl;,IIIC .~o - rilte.·tw Company mee t on the M Sct.t"rTl k .. , I . . cr mBo, sal e, a I " Ion Sutl1l'du,)' ot th lll week ' UctQoor I J d i d" tid . 11 dav In """b mm,th, .. 1. \1 o'ulo)Oll p, m. By la tl s to our frlond Milt the ijtep all( wto tho hull , will ch ditch hUB II dlrqoght like a to\'e· 2d be " 9 ' I k E T ' 1I0W It O; Ull U U COil 'ntul y ....... !IT ,,1 \hl' OIllO\1 ·I\Y· L. n.rteook, PreA' lll'ads trcet for a basket of vCI'y is a lar~e. woll·tini.;hcd ""0111, lind pi po." lie ul~~ slated thut he did , M ' ·glUnl.ng at 0 c oc . . . \ that h er.lllllUe i8 Mrs.n. A. ::;toke . •/l nt. R . P . o.UIkI. Secretary. fine sweet potatoes. ~' iIl comrortubly sent perllul fj'''UI 1I0t jump the toll .gate Bt the tuy l, GY'tloaI10~OISee~. h .n II k -:The cOlI\luurnm proponnded.by pr..r.· - .- M.i88 ,Alloa Rock~iII, of I.eb· S~][ to eight hun~red people. ~t 01 . OoI',\\'~lJ hill, uS hlld bceu her . 1 chnt~~l!:nd · h~:~\o~dl go~s, ~~i~ I ~lIctollllU in last wee k 'd Sta1' is. tin· Thlr. I, no medicine r...,.onhed , UII '11, 1S a gueet of .r,llss M. L uu ~fiS ~ot overly Cl o \~dcu un till tolore c~rg.d , . Ifarm 3 m ilCtl below Wn lIes vill e sllyanswe ..ed; Served them rI$ht ci~n •• ar lId by Orng&i.,•. lbaL Thompson ill Corwill. i5ccaslon; yot cvcl'y Illc h III roo m The Ills t " "itneSs ' cnlled wus a th F t d yw d ' . ttlr goin~ into 811Ch /I henthollIsh lles . ,placo to plt~y, . erlrl~nl!" o f ib· ~ace I .nd 8apf~lor S Messl'8 J080I>h W Huines 8ud wi thin ea y heurillg rung' of the Yllullg JUllll fru~1 Harveys burg . a °d(lO e trebopo6r Ib·oa., ~n tCIO R or.r.A. S a ~lt1n'" O.aIlAII mUI' ,ur ever. -. . Jodge's desk w 8 tukeu up How I ... I I I ' ' . '1 co ur , eglllntng a . I C~b_, Colth lIe,tled ollihu Urelll, Oon· J. J. Mayers have gone 011 a bnnt· 1\ • • • CIII'II0u Iyl rlill Ip ollglll oer, W 10 P D Vunderblll' will sell stock _ _ ~._ o. . . _ ,u"')IIOD, 0' Any i1I,rue of the Tluoat and ing exoursion tip North. ever, after 8UIDe time hud elap od. COllltlOuded the IIrt, the lnwyers d' l't I t ' " gfj 1*'1 ! Oblt~lIIry. 't_1' A (lrooC Dr thAt fact I, that we were ellnbled t hroug h the kind. d I' . I h' I un c IS to s, a ulS arm , nil eS I -ll l1~tIO~ al'!licted emn gel a Rlomrle [\oLIJ. - (). J. Wiight e.aught 11 oice ness of a particulur ffi e nd tu pm . ~n t In Jury ~~Itdl I~ grfllt ear~ South of HlIrvey burg, ou Thill'S' Died sl1dde nl .>' ncnr Wayo8ijvme, strillg of 0088 lust Mondny. cure a seat 011 the stage J·tllit back Ihl~g'l e t~ tl II. Ollt oW BIl day, October 7, beginning at 9; Sept(' mbe r 14, 1 75, J ohn H.Wool. 19 01'1 n&at'" trf l~ll:U:;~~e~~CL }t 'u . 1Il( " . . .gil ar I . "n. . h r" d'd t" t I ' Ig I pe'CSSllrE' ongtnell, 1\11 d ex· " d 59 A I d I no es: c J 111lY.' of the Constable's des k. The I ' d th . : . I f I d' r. ·R 'I i", ' aru, ug ... yeaI'll, ' mOllt \S an 1' "';.ly b.,.." t.nFroduc,·d In this co~nLr1 frOm -'-'Vnc a ~John W. Day Eso., has mov. position WIIS 1\ Iuf!.y C01l811iollOtl paille 8 prlllcip es 0 Iy IfiU IC e g 0118. cl IlY!!. lie hud be II 11 gr lit suf. . I:',"".u~. and il ~Lw~nlleMIII\ cur;'l are . i~hl• • ,..",,," ...a u n . .ree II ~ d I' 0 k I 't 1'~ k K 'pressnre, e 1c. , -fel'c r f I' II \ny " car bl t b . all .. IR ... ·lIne anr c •• e. 'I'ry it. old by A. rom .8 a ~a, 0 ope n, an ol.' e ; It ga\'e II S.11 CllIllllllllJdillg Tilt! h'iul 111:1 ' d 2t days, WIIS -On Mundny of this w uk, fjyO . O. II J . ' . I ole LJoll, W. ,n-...JIl.. T, BaS, and IS prachomg law there. VIIJW of al l that mIg ht tt'u..- rire ill deci dc'd 801ll<l" time between mid. youllg ludi es were bapti!] d (IS mom. patl ntl). He to.lk 11t8 be~ Mon· ,y LlIIt W ..... 1. Ce.'" -Mrs. Sidwell Taylor une had B the I'oom; bellidcs, wo Ol;lIIltl clellr· night und day itt 't'u.vor of the do.·J bel'S of the hristiun Oh nrclt by ?ny, ubllllt .2 o'clo~lkl.an~ hng~rhd, • _r ' quantity of new post·a{ld·rail fence Iy hear all that was suid. te ndont., Mr. Fro y I About fift,tl Elver Lamb. The eXOt'oi 011 ~"ere ~~ gr .I\t PIII~. ~ll1b 10 ~Cill 8y IIlg t, tiuilt her farm, west of lown. On the floor, about threil. feet witncslles, WONl - a~illcd all nt beld at the I'ive r~nelll' the old f\-lrd I Illlllute,s otdore d OClock, wllun b. y cat • ti!O}t ()f t\10 . s >.. ' .' Ie Ii wusI re ense I ~tha 10 .... ~e,• tl,.e J 11.dI e. whom appear~:d b9 ' honest meu , and a large num r of lI el'llfl lS Wit, e* Ii.'. Ke,. 'Ie fawyers and flIelr e ll ents were determUlej! to ~l ~Ie- truth nof. neB cd the IDlnlt'rsiqn. 'T be nRmes e cav :.a _t~ an e tg ht: cbil. for N seated ~roulltl a long gnly ash withstaoding t l1e ' luwyel's appar. of the yOIlI~g ladics hllpti~ed nre- dren tv mourn thell' g reat . ~ '. H e tralizer. , tablo, whicb fairly g rl)n.nuu IlIldor antly di.-l e very tHing to make them Elln Doll. Auna MUlIillgton Lizzie j'1\~ 11 dtvloted hU8bund uud Ii kmd,. -Mr and Mrs C T Cmne I\lld the greut weight of Il'gll l IUlltttlr li e. StauBberrv Mollie D odd nnd Miss OVlOg ut Icr. heaped npol1 F.Lb,r, thllll li d gone f" ru'. • " . . dal:t~hter, Miu Nellie, have been " .,' it ' Th . ere we re IIIreo. We left the Conrt·ru(' m at dm!k. . H owe. '1'"0 ~Ilese were a dd. ed , 'I'hy Wil d 4011\)<".8 HT' o'er: s et a visi ting .MI'. and Mrs. Goorge E. wh~clball u\\ . loads . (If lu w b oks, The . 00. tllbl'll nt that , tjme . w~ I yCKtl· l·dl\.v~ M 18~ef! Flol'l1 MUllIng. Th , hOllle .1. 11010 ~tltOIlIl Ihe 1.11'8', fr, it. Smith neat this place beSides hUl llh ccls of lbil. of othe r ont In scurch \.It-..one uf the JIlI'Y'11 ta ll a lld Eva DaugJlters. Safe .... Ie ~Il Ihe. oUll'r shore. .iII 1'I)1I" 'e you. M' d M .G d J matter, sucb as b oots I\lId shoes , men who it was sUPllOScd bud .. - _ •• - _ At]'n "I'I". "b~lolwl.'hl'l J~t a"bd gl.dor>. ~'P.!!!!!!!!"\!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!'!!!' or• en . '1 cs 0 f, rega I gOlle · , out ill , lown to feed his 'horse, I n-;::. E x t I'nc t f'I'om n 1e tt cr dut e d II.. " ovo. - --'!""":---.... I " • -.' t _ _ , , 'W- . Ir' and ·fi rs'1' . .' l lat d au caps, great pI U-.J WllI'rtl ~horo81i. Uno....gl~ oom or ••,,1, ...... 111tl weather 18 perfectly beanb· rlg!t an ami y, wl.th thel paper iuk8tu mls steel pens d' tIt .. Boulder C itv Clllorudo Se pt. 17th liallgM I,ut hal'piue•• and lovo. ~UC8tsl Mr. and Mrs. Tudor, vi8ited pens 'lead ll(j ncil ~ !Jouhrifes' UII . gu os . N 1 75 ' ., , ' Though in Our grill" antl . orrow fnl. • ......( t Ie SId' ' H omo IIl8t Th nrs dny. ' " , UOIIL-ES. · . Wo 'd Cllil lho bbok to carlh , - -) - - - ' - . o . Icrs · knif~s, gl'Cllt, hngo otiiciul __ 'Let me tell you of a Sig ht I aw '1'0 II ht Ihe d,.. keoed ," Ol roW , If:clll~ mbel' 'iil~ Rtiohle H. - Mrs. ~r. A. ~ooes. excols. io envelopes stutt~~ full of legal DODIION OF'Elf8 To.MoRRow.- severnl ~vellioge ago. Abol~t sevon AII~ choer Ihe lonely h eAl th . 1'.iurlght II COncCI'l, ro about ten the prod~ctlon of glganti~ dahlras, "apel'iI, be ides TIllie pui r . of poco Mayor. Dodson's new ato ,·o·roo m is I ?'cl o~k It c~IIJlmenced to. rUin, ~nd Alltl 11'0' 11 ml'8 0"" flllher ever. .. l~avlIIg produced t!iem thl . tucles scattered Pl'oU1I80uoltls ly at 1at1t compl.llt d find .~lllgtllltly It I'alll ed ·tlll about ball' plIst lillie ~I<"tlill:;. 110(/0 alld nigh l; (hlyll\ . ....... D. k' -Y)..1'" (M-t" to the ellormous lllgbt of ten teet. through to u siet pel'hnp., in IDllk· fitted up, allli tIe, will op n Ollt to \) olock. AbOlllt 9 o'clock I wont,to . W.;'~~I~:,:o:I~~~y~'~~.~~"J·~b~ ri~l.t, ":IIC '8It~ ear y ee I~g 18 o~. - Mrs. Martha A.ndcl'llon ing eompl te th mi slIlldt'rstnlld tbe public gawe to· m orrow positiv e· th do I' t ook out, nnd whllt l T hOll Oft ml ••• d more bv un",lle•., Wllrd ~t Rlohmoutl , Indlann, thIS Eli. S. Anderson have gone . to ing. Iy the nll'~Sl~ a1ld .handsomest houl d l 'b.e hold bllt II brigh t rain. Btl r Lowell hUild Linged wll b grey. week ' . . . . . . Ce d~rvl'11 e to recolve . U .J ' I t· b . tl I d . tl Ie ~ c~ t I. 1\ ~Ii.~(d ...· 101lel .. Mulh.·•. me,ai,IC81 at· At pl'cci tltlly hnlf·past ni ne 0'- s~ock of adY·.llu4tJe (J ot "!Ig, ,ow III Itl COli \I 10 HUlIr L.' I" uhllOl r " "U· JII'. 10, 11" ., '-->.....$-,,tentlOn at the hUll de Qf Dr, Paul clock the cOllteuding parties de- piece goods, a d. ' geotlemon's fill" Sig ht I ne vel' s~w beforc.. 'Ibe Though we I,aw ill ll ' cek ; ubnil •• ;"n The Ortbodox I early Meeting T omlinson. cll\red themselves reud for trial nishing.goods, gCllertllly (l\1I except moon s hone so brig ht, thut JS whut '1'0 ou r IW.• I. 1"0,.1 en, thl)' A" '-'UII. will be held in Richmond Indiana I b d 8h oes) ever seon III . • d 't Wo m••• t , (liV e 10 " ,eel Our F .. ,ber . ". . ' -Mr. Peter Eberly COlltluUCS and straightway trou Ie began. oots lUI CHuse I. Oil Ibl\t b igll ' olerllu llHorro" . IllIs and .next week} begmDJog tile blacksmitbing at tho oM stund, Firllt it WlUl discovered that only Wayn~il1e.. :Woe ~lIve looked . 'W e hnve some of th~ tOost ~euu' l l\IRS. MARY A PIIILI.Il'S. to-dn,y. _ and will, as form"rly, spare eleven jurymen wcre prescnt i so ,throngh P?rtwnt! of III!! st~k, alld ~Jfll' sun sets and moolllrgh t Illghts l _ _ 0,. . __ _ . .--)....C-pains to giye entire satisfaotion to all effurt WIlS Illude to go on \\lith ~afl eay With lit Q:ragg~ratlOn that l!l Colorndo; I k~ow yon would , Th o Lebanoll Star says that in , TI!e FaIr was la~ely at~en~cd, his cll8tomera. the cuso and let th e elev" tI decide It surpasses m,ytlnng rn the way like to see alld e(lJ~Y them . . The readin g the follOWing teat of roo lind: It was Il good tau, cOllslderwg M E S 13 W It '11 the question But 110' notbillg of merchallt.tailoring stock we scene ry all al'oolld 18 surpusslIlgly , nunCI' -t' n .~ orltl ' e s· P t a on was I . , . . b'f I d d ' .. IU ,S l~ g m 0, re Idee n , r. . . . 'Ie IW1iB0n. -.J' fi'om a hemorrhage lust " 'lIek bu.t short of'. tir e illevitllble. twelve ev~r-8u,w ~eroro 1U tlrlS. ~I~arkct. callt! 0 all gran.' , .M. N . in Lebllllon, hllve caeh missed six - - )..... <----:-11 be I with his usual elasticity heis around would slItl!!fy ull the partIes. So IWlth. all I'rilt mereased. famh.tles for M H d S .I f C. words. Others II timberless have 'fhe walnut crop WI nrge uin read for more bollte with two hOIll'd tl.re Cons table ke pt dl'e8smg "V' OIU publiC- With the - ,r. owa~ n!lt I, . ~. II\~. fail ed 00 mor tlllln six 'There. Yd tl'Oltillg ill and ont of' "he best gO-lods latE'st lu.ehiOll8 8 lIew ford8vlll e, IndIana , IS VISltlllg hlB f hit ' t 1 thill season Save them all, boys ; ~ , . · '1 f ~ . til wltlle88e8 an courts. • 'I ," '. 'M R ee' H ollund n d lore, yon Bve 00 y 0 ge t lem IcUVrl1g n s IlIre, 0 course, 0 1 e M M' U I bl Cuurt·room l' ach ill torll to be tul ur. lind nil the acceSIlOrle8 es· eO Il8I11S, rs. Vll , n nil stJ'aight ~nt' five without the ven I!quirrels, eto. . - rs' f tl II Sic ~e . M-1I e exumined ~od I'ujected 011 the sential to a fi1'·Jlt·clnHIf /1 01186, we Ali'S . P. McKiusey. I aid of a book-and forthwith YI)I1 - -):::(-~Ido~ 0 le a squIre . I s, ground of incompelellcy. At Ill8t predict k)l: Muyor Dodllon 1\ lal·go. -Miss Rachie Ebright's concert become the oham 'on of the incor. Park Lellk takes pleasure in an · d!od ID ~arveystur~edlB!'t t'~dll~ however ntter nearly tho ontir~ Iy iucrel18ed tl'lltle in tlie fllturo, will tako place 011 F r iday eveniug porllted Villllg or Lebanon nouneing to his numerous CURto· night, an w~ Uri 10 lalDl mule poplliution of the villllge ha!1 alld briJIinllt ef1ccess "1\11 along th e of next wcek. A male qUill tutte" " ,. '. mers and the pnblie generally that Cemetery on .Sonduy afternoon. bee n exhllusted. tbo Coutltuble line." Go to I'ho op !ling. ' from XOIli a , R ta len ted violinist I 1. A .8aclll cglous son ~f. Behal, ou alld after tllis date he will run -Mr. Will. Gard has gone marched in a tall. su nburned .luok. . • _. from iJlcillllllti, I\tld at other able ~"ho s ulfercd fr~m bronclll~ls, hav. a daily meat market, so that the north to buy. win.ter apples f?r stl'UlIge r jnst from the llll\ck Hills, We bu..ve n s peclul ~eq nest to lltIa i8t~Ults, will lend interest to the illS eX~III11ste~ Iltr fifll~nfiesl' 10 :;rdor pAople mllY have fresh meat every mllrket. WIll. IS an oxperlenced whQ said he hlld QC\ler beard ,make of our yOllng fr terld8 the OceasIOIl. Lot the ho ose be crowd. to.'nu e g oo II li S. e ~ t, ete,.. \illY early and late at all hUl1rs. hund at thi8 business, und we may of tho cusu and thut fie Wll&' ion 1111 boya, who attelld IIchool; and that cd. IlnlDf'tl tl ~ Y hl~dlf'l to some lIe;"m continue to'keep the best anticipate ~ome choice fruit as the way related to . either of the par. js th~t tbey will refr~m fro,!! -- .- .__ w~n.t loY, enl ·tt t. art OCI e youllg Uleat the country affords; beef, ' rcsnlt of bls reseurches. ties that he WitS a,,,ure o( He throwmg ston913 or balls III the VI· G Rl!:A'r SLA{10H'rER I-On election In T J' I f 11 mutton, pork, Jamb, veal, and S8U' / -Mr. David Ft'tter hl18 bought w ue told to tako a SOlit with tbe cinity of the ~pil!copal Church, dRY, the 12th of' October, we will I . ~. OJ UCCII '~ I~. IS 1 ~7ce~1l t~ y "age. Remember the place, one a spleodid uew born at a cost of Jury ElDlllor Baily President uf or rattling stones from tbe roof. offer our tine and exte08ive stuck hiS \ 'lI g llr(" 1 IItt ~eh" leel!e d oor abovo E. R. · Printz' np·town eig:hty dvlJars to ~aVed by the WaYlle~v ille and 'Vilmitlgton Already fom of' the costly stained· of Hats at Ructioo. . YIll,el!IM , 10d lIr I Ims kl Wit If . . . ' . . .. t wltll . e88 ~I""" w'lndo~s C ADWALLADIIR & J ANNEY. 'I a hca wpe grocery. hImself 111 'he band. e " , eader, TIll'lIplke Cu., WWI tir --- . " ' Ilave been brokon . . r all a cora nee ace 0 c:::==_ -===sa Mr G W Ebright · prooonnces it called, y thiS causo, Rnd of conrse It IS ••• c amo Ion hue. CoJllou'I'.-M i88 Racllie R. the' fi~eet horn he ~ver 8IlW. . " impo88ible to mend them. We Mr. J ohn E. Taylor's mill is in 3. H~ se.cured a suit of rooms Ebright, assisted by se veral of her .• . . . (Q.)-Mr. B81!y, IS . oot the Bub· hope this request will be heeded firsl. rate running Order, and is now at tho prlllcl.pnl botel and engaged 1I11leicnl friellds, will give a co~eert - Horace Oa~wal1ader, wnttng Jeet matter of t!1tS SllIt the ~me by the boys; we know it will if turning out flour, etc., of the very tbe bead ,,!alter 88 bis coadjntor. in Cadwallader's Hull on FrldBY f.rom Denver CIty! Colorado, ~!s; as that 01 a SUIt bronght agalllst they reflect upon the disastrous btl8t quality. Try Taylor's flonr. IHe th'en dlspatch.ed a letter. 01 the evening of next w:eek, October tile .Her~, 8e well as to every thrlvlUg Mr. Fran~y the 30th day of last consequences Ii kely to resuU to the - _ _ ~_ _ , . most . \1n~~cQPtlOnal calt.graphy eighth. Preparahuo8 bave been city ID ~ho weet, 80,:"e of old August? . . chure)} property. The Q~eeeo CIty Bakery s busi' extaut lIlvlhng to the matlllee, to makiog for some time 011 an exten. ' WaynesVille fOl'Dler ~Iden~ help The plalntlfl"slawyers , allm ono •• _ ness has tncreased so ~ to compel be held on t.Ile morrow, the hand. h 'e scale ill view of this event] swell the nnmber of mhabltants. breath: "Stop, ato p, dun't a.n· Faun AaRIVAL.-Onr stock for the eolargement of theIr oven. somest.yonng lady ill the town. and our citizens loal look fOrWal'Cl i Among the mORt prominent are swer tbat j dOI~'t ans wer Ihat .. I the Fan and Winter trude is now _0_ ' . 4. Sbe revolted at the idea aod onfideotly to eojoYlng ' a rare mu.' Ez-Govemor Evans, (brother to 8IJy do n't do ."t '." The questIOn complete. we baving just received Me88rs. Geo!,ge W. SIdes & Co. refl1sed to consider herself ~ri • ', Joel); he is considered olle of tbe thus rai"ed was dl8cu88ed at great from the 'East the jineat linlJ of have ~en selltng peaci~e8 at 'l,25 ' ficabl e to bis desires. She accord. • ica! entertaiument. meet energetic busioe88 men in the length, the lawyers all madespoech- good, ever brought to tbis market, a hall· bushel bl18ket, tillS week. ingly sent him a polite note of - - ..... - u'lLLlNUY OPEIlIlII.O.-Mrs. H' I Territory, also one of the wealthi· es, read and quoted law from old which we prep. se to offer at sllch . . • -.--- - Irefueal, on receivillg which, this E. Fetter & Co'! wlil ha!e her . est, his fortune ~i~g eetimat~ at Gr~k and R oman law· boob .low prices as \1~i1l not fail to give There .1S ~aul to. ~ a good, ~eal misgllided y oung man, procoring ,rr.nd fall , openm~ of mIllinery · about I18ven mllhons. He IS at wrItten perhaps two thoueand entire 'fJtu/action to all who may ~f typhOId, lOtermlt~nt and biliOUS /a carbine and bOwie knife, proceed. ~ ! ~()vea, notIOns, etc., I preaeot in Europe, negotiatiog Ir yeal'8 'ago, . by Solon. or Bome one favor \18 with their patronage. lever prevalent. ed to an isolated spot and deliber. Qn Frrday Ilnd Saturday of thls l loan on a ,new railroad running of the ancient )aw·glvers of Ath·Particul.a,' ~'JttlJneio" is direct- MAP aN 11' hately ' severed his jngular vein. k. L&d~, ooe and aU, make1from here to Fair Play, a miniog ens. Thtl Judge's decision was ed to oar Drees.Good8 Clotlling. r·. · · s new I «UBe ,He discharged tho carbine into his it. oonenieut w be proeent. h town in the mouo ·ns. . cl~ar and prompt; ono·half of the and Shoe DIlJ>a:rtments.' , 18 rap' dl y app~~_I~g ~p e on. Iabdomen. Will p8Y· .__ ~ ____ _ • N:~zt comell Col. . .y 8 Fllher., Iaw181'11 all.d spectators looked OAO'WALU,DBB & JAlilIBY..' From all appearanees, tho Nar. 5. It need hardly be said that iami metery Al8OCiation who IS at pl'6Ient DIYI on So~r. pleased, while tbe. other . half look• • • . row.Gauge is a settled fact. the result was fatal. The debriB h I fe oed ita rchaae of intendent ot the nl88 Pacific cd sallen and dlsappomtecl. At FOB SA~.-()D8 of the beet bill' . . was removed by 'he coroner. ne J y n., Ii pu IRailroad &olb Walaoe to Vbey· this hoar the COort adjourned in gy Horses in Warren County; fine Bohool opened Monday morning : __ . _.. . Jon anney .J!:~, a~:. leone. H0nc8Filber allO fill a oJder to allow tbe Jury ·an 0ppOr- trotter, kind and ~ntle in aU har· with 'a fl111 attendance. . . Mr.. Sidwell W. Taylor h.., sold in~.h I numbel'll '5 pn. IncrUift o8Ioe in the FreiJbt deto visit the premisea and neBB. Applyal; tbe office of E. 8. ._-- hll mdl to )4et181'8. Roes & Binkley e\lftl tnClI'tI ~ n nat. "rartmont of tho 8Ilme Mad. the box for themselvee. B. Walton, Atto rnoy at Law. '&1J,ml, linen clothQIJ. tor 8000 without tbe illand. ,J
r ur
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~I all~
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"Il".. n Ul1,ri ~ t, t tilt ""1111111& r tlo('k .,1' 1'1I1·t (,lul'" \Villd on IUIII.1. it i 11'1II .... t flllllllll' FOIllf 'torell lllll<l'll IIrt' Ii 111'11, 11101 t il'l'8 "1'"11 tiUR III' l'II~1;~ lip 1I11t' , " IIIJ I'll til. 1111'\ I "•IKI'>! C O OA'II I< 11InI, I hll~h \'Ill" U(' 'uPY "\. 'I'Y UI nilahltl i I.t Ic Tillf; 11111· Httll' uJll'.\ " '11) throllj(h wlJlch III wlIlL;. It i lilt illillJitle~ f1llftlltity I,f willI'. N IJll i uld utltil it 111111 11 quin·d 1111' 11"'0 "f OUI' • llril, and the bllildill~s, 1,2 3, utld 4, ar uf th Ii t, se" lind, th ird Hilt! fOllrth Yl'nrs \' ill. tng , Ollrdruggi t lillY s m!' .. til\' old t (If tire ullo\'o wille Jil'l·(·t 1'1' III ~h. Speer'lI. - Pu.tt /'811 /0 '
r;uartii(JlI. ~t._---!!!'""-------_ ..Ill Q tt i n g t 9 •
EAS1'ON-llABl'. ~ rtcmber ll9, '7&. ,,~tll rewld ROO of Mr. AMNn ox. Ul'ur RIoys"iII , Mr. Brew8t.er &swn Imd n ... rah H .... p.
A New Idea! A
WILSON' --Sm1TTLE- ' -
Sowing Machinff
1 r
-- .....e-.....
Ij "Y'
EVEHYROI)Y 8uJ the World-Renowned , '
.ShntUo SOlin! lachioo ! T il l'.
BEST IN THE WORLD' tir'Tho IIIgbl1!!t Premium lflAilo ."anted to It .t.
VIEN INA ; Ohio Stille .'nlr; Northel' lI 0 11'" .'lIl r J.
Anl ll'·. In ~1It IlW, N. Y.;· 11Il'lnnall ExpMI Il "Il:
InllllulI\I,ctIl" Ex.pt~,"t1\11\; st. l.olll~ f'lll r ; 1,,)lIlslllll 't Stil l.' .'011'; lll!i:l I H~ llIt .1
MIlit o .'Illr I 11 11.1 (lI'\l 1 -b Shll o t'ulr; FOR BE !NG THE
BEST SEWING MACHINES •. and Itnlni th e JI\I'gC'!4l irnd Ilflllt muge or ","rk. All otlill' 11110111111'-1 I:t tho Murko~ l\'I'l' C h direct ,
COMPETITION, t t C':ir Fm' J[,' 7TUn; "1f, Fdl-
i",g, titd,,;11 g'. Ccmling" Bir"d ing', B ,. a. i din !j~ Emlll'uicl,el'ing. Qlliffing a,nll I til oh ing Iln~
or . hel1/vu g'ucx/:' U · ill. nn87ll'j)( t,.'·:,'·r-rl. Where we have no Agents. we will d eliver a. Machine for the prioe na.rned above, at the nea rest Ball Road Station of Purohaaers.
Neetlles for all Sewing I.chines for Sale Old Machines taken In Exchaaga 8e~d for Ciro\lla.rs. Pr1oe' List, &:0., and CCQV of the WUson Reflector, one oUh.· best Periodicals of the day,
devoted to ·t."ewlD& II... oiWlea, FuhioDtl, General NeWII and. ¥taoelJuy.
Agents Wanted ,
iilson Sethl( laa Cl CLJo:VJt:l..\ , D, OHIo..
I !!..II'I!«:EB~ !.~ ;c.: ~.. ilf_fJi(iiiJ •
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Dfi::J,-LU,INi~i~L, 9BJ.:I~ Jt SO'IT !@ ~mtl~T1S II II b III l'
-aenn.e- House~
Looking .·Glasses,
s:r ·
Beef, Veal, Mutton and. Po-l'k,
V1& IllTI
T. K [N G SF 0 R D tt SON, n
ID I '
Dr. J. M. I\obb's
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Hoga, _"". __.'_______ '1 50 'r cbl'ef oha.... "ten·l·tl'C8 .- - - to • • Tb'I ........... B tter lIS be e,sibiJity, el.. ti~i'y, d .....bility 17 of point, nd a near· and ev.nn..... ~ 12 .r approximation to tbe real quillC 18 aotion thao baa been heretotore 'U_eetl~ 1" .,,_ • .La' '~l Tb DAms, ~ . _iII~. 1D a I...... .peD.. e • D·ed.Be t' 22 (i 15 8penaenao are compnied IU af· n e , t. . numl...- all di&rin.. in flex.
ihility and tiDeDtIIII of point, aod for· tlaeoo...enience of those who to &ry \hem Mean. InIOD! lIakeman, Taylor & 00., 188 aDd
,._nlle B"'e...
".8'1" ..0 Ita... ... . . .
~epl. 14',1876.
JOEL EV At. 8. Es·r.
• TIl. ~lnenbel=c!IP Iaere~_exlau... . - _. 1111 UI
. . . . . . . ._ . .
kiD« bUI.... II.. dl....IYed by lIIuta' elCOMeaL PU1iee iDclebted to ~ lase flna are requeeted to m"e lalDedlate.to u__, with ~.ter Bt..rl,. ,rho wUl _ . tiD1I4I the bnda_ .. h..tofore
PETER BBDLY. ALBERT D. IIAIND.. Wa,_rill.., Sept. II. 1871. ~.) . . . . . . . . .-:... . . . . - ,~ ~) . . . . . ... . . ,;.,.-:; ~,~.,.. ............ PI; Seat ~ . .II .... 10 c*". I. 8 . ""Un. X.I)..
AIt1ERICAN WA8~ BLUE. ~ d~~~l~~D~TSR ~UoN.
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Pectoral, "oJ" OiJO.\.lU or tho TbroDt..lDc!, L~ .UJ ' M UOU jll,•• Colds. Whooplll&• t.: ""l-'> • .BrououILl•• Aatbm.... IIIl<1.
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few 1\10 or 11'('111 ""Ine to
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Ih,," !lIto ef-
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tbl. lind countrlt'f. bll8 thllt It dora l lIrel .. and eD'echlatlr ' '''1' '''\ 110 ':11. 1'1,. te.limnny · of our bll\lt clll· "411' . \Of .1:1 el,,;.~·. 'l..hIM,... th" r..d. th.. • ' : UHutY
1' ••«'rt')II.\I, will and tloe& relle.,., aud
dl~"rde~ of Ihe 'I'h",IIt .net 1.1I1111' ~.)'Olll! .IIY utl,er Inrdlclll~. 1~ 'be t .Inllllomil. "l1'o<lln"o of 11'0 I'nlmonftry ... ,,1010110 II roo"~r I Alltl c.- of ee.rll ....1 hv th1. prepJI'IIl1tIo, , .. pdbllcly · '" rnm,irkuUI.. ft.; hArdlv to be beli.. • they IIol rro~clI bel'on,l,iJl~,,"I" A• • I'IImed" II I. n,leqllnt•• on · ..... Ioh tI,. public may re~ rolf 0111 pmlccllflll, lIx CUrill(t COa..... tIio. fO!'l'mnll."' !)( lIlore- Fertou,,,dl!e.' • II un-
<lIro th~
lIuml,ul'Q,l 11\'1" ", nwl nn n.-.-tlnt of _tlWerfn. not 10 be comp" I.,I. It ohnlr~~I\M trlill. nnd CIOD,'Iller' Iho III <I ~,·~plie~l. ':"ery f~mlb"8hould kC"JI it o.. I""~.I\' •• ~rn'HIIOII "j!llli,.t the :11111 lIup... n.·('Ii,\"o.l n,tlwk of I'ulmonn.ry Affeo-tI"" •• whIch liN) e", lh' met at 1\1'1'1. ~ltt ",hlro h(\C't'unc' illr lrl':lh1e, nlill tqo uf'l£ln (hral. 51 "clji;..
II."Ctl', I. '1'1'" If'r-IUlt,t!:"4 I:~t.'tl. thl" ,-Ie~nre; lind ." i' nnwl '\~ tH' bv witlu)ut It. AJ, a E-"rO~ to
·hll,lrl'lI. ","hl ,h. ,1i-lro.. i"l1 dl _ _ . whlqh I,,· .., ,h.,'1" ,,,,,,1,,,,,1 OI,e,1 or Childhood. CIIERnT 1'1 (>1'0011 \I. b 11I1·"Iol"hloj for, by It4 II ",ely II,e. 11I'~ 'd' lI !, l :ll'n 1'(t I" UCHl .mm prcmntuf'fJ gnl\'('~t
II) tho It,,"u nml ntr~tlon eenti"ed Oil It "ct< 'p"... ,IiI), nlld . urelv nl!:all'~t oNII· ,: u: d ~ , [IIoc lirill~ H.H1ul nl,d l~culfll ...retltorlllg . . I, ~ :' I on8 will ~UnlJ r tl'OuhleMtI"W! I ...... CI:=·.l , ,, I j1.lil.:ill I!::::!c:hllw, when tl,~y kilO" II l1 ll l'o:l\'(' "
",,·'n. ' t lr\'
II" ,. p , I j\ \' II1t'\I enn he "H~rl. Ol'hd ll:t lh' rl;o .,t{'\-.h1tt or lou,:r.lnbortotu',nnd. lh','\.' .. · fHI ~'h mit>;.' il1\' jo:t1:rntlon. nO cost or t(HI ' : "1\:11'1 ,,1 in H\1I~ing (I\'t!r~! l)1)(tl0 in the utmn.<if of'I ~tiltt" 1 ~ I~ri()II, It m ll.~·IW! contldentl~' 1"8Ilfd 11"'11 II ~ t"""'''f' .. ~il1l! ~,Il thr "(rtut'~ it.. I",., c,'el ~1·I'\ itl" t. rill ., r :'p;II,IC' or rl"l('nrln~ ('1111!lll. lUi 11I l!lIllt nlul~ II I
,Iu.' gl'cutc:.:t H ;1111 c-Ycr cft"cctcil. pn cr .\II.EU bY
Or. J. C AY E~ & CO .. Lowell, J'r.~t; c:\1
ana Alllllytletli ChemJata.
Sarsa parilla Is .... Idelv known III one of the must efltJctua\ I'llmediet evcr t1lecovcnld lOr clca"~i,,g th~ 8)'1'" tCIII IIn,j IlUrl(l'Ing Ihe blOOl.I It h stood tho' t€l-t u"l~ yen",. wilh " COli' 0
IItatio". bUFCd on its Intrinsic virtue., and An!tained by its rt ... markablccllrel!. ' &Dlltt1al\oho~lIfcnlltl beneficial to chilclren, unt! yl.,t 50 l!Ca~lIlng as to elfeetlltllly I>urge Ollt Iho great ro... ruplionlofthobI00l1. 8uchn8tbc!!CroliIi0Ils !lntl syphillli' conlominntion. 10lJlurltlcl!, or that1",111 I"we to lu,koo In tbe aYBlcm for dlacWles yea.rs, soon this powerful I\IIUdotc, and db:rpetlr. H""l'O its "olld,,'I1'ul h ..I '·1 1 k 0111'0 •• mnny ... b, aro I>uu Ie: y 1I0wn. of Scrofula. tlnd All ICrotulotl~ t116t'AP('s, 1Jlce..... Eruptions, anu eruptive ul ... onJera of tho skin. 'J.·.. ruort, BlotcJlee,
Bol",PlmftlPWJtu'eo=-S&. A tit r: --. '--' D 0:t:,8 Fl~ or pea Ins, Te ter, t Rhe..m. tkIaJd Head. RiDgworm. and intemal VIceratloD8 of tile Ute... •• Stomach.
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!hvt'!t flne new and II full IOf 'u •ell 10K .. '. . . E lUI e . . Uont of tbe ~ ~, . WEJ::KLY polJtulI'ln w'pIlll<'r In tI'l! UIII· It 18 an exeelletl' ~rol heal.. a4 ~ . ."uV~~l''''DUD AT.Tn . 1-od!!tlltef·B~"peelftl.dy~le ~f the i~. U 8888. 'lr'enlrth In the 8prIDg. B~rlaf l .... mer.ca'~ v, t"lunaru/,tl Wi.rks tore-ttl 0 I r" agllilltit mblllOO 0111"· anel- ~ e rtm ' f .~tlte and y l - - or ilIe d "' ___ ' tal ~ Lepl Tender Pllper ifoney flO "IfIinJl - nil 11Il10 til" 0 I lui .L~.i:.-.,.-. ... W.A... ... •• Bllllk tli.ueM Rnll .lIe O"ld BouI' Ij' 11 ~Il Il f) , llipatell ..... -r.!.........1oa aDd III&IeIi .... Our W.,h RIlItll.lhi .he t in .Ihe ~~rl.J .• nd ~he lnto... ,bungoabl" Curreua; &nd°!.: t!b ~&.._&. t) guorof'che_ Eftllwheteaodr-M h dote nlll "reak/ co."t'lIn.· nllthlng lRJuri. "l:''';lIIIt tho Higb Gold Intereott 80",1. . ~e!!) :1 a~ p8opJo AIel beUer.J.and In. ...... ou~ to be.IUt or , .. brlc. IlDd I, ll~ell 1,,' .11 The:: liN h"" a corp" of IIble 00"," nd. 1 . .11 eadellYor \(0 do my ~t t.o .. erl~ 1 1i:ir c~_ blood. tile I Z lundrle. on ac:eoll'" or Ita pi . . . .,1It.. "moul!' che oll!lll'OAt and mOllt pror.:'anel th" ' .."or of all who _ , q'lll OD m•• and j on wIth..-wed .......... a . . . . . . . , In~ e\ and ohcapn~a.. 8upe,.;or f~r t"h,Kor. of the ouulltry. w.'l'IUlt.1I work to!pft .,..tI.laeti"l\. . 1Ue• .liIte.... hlog. PIU U III packaj"8 cOn""II. It 'ooell f til 'hoi t \ . ad 1 tot 1...IlY u.,. . rlee lO c.e:'I. e..h. a "":1 to "~~I:_ ~fo eotion. • ilL J.... A ••" • r ..or.l.hylJ'OCl('re ....r'.h.!1I. AI ... ,., I'T ,.711 -'d . f ~ C. _ . ~~,.t:&:=!~.'"'':',~'. 81 ~c" Ie ....i. S:~D;i:. oopIOtl~D~t::;'.,~:;;tioatloa. UpAol,t~""Ji fj[i(J(/u do Xirrol' , ur.. AII.n" N A Allar~ s II'I"....l'IAI'QL.. 8W1 Co.. .I' Ir 411·. . . . . . . ._ _•... Oa.. ,.711WiIIlIUIISlmlS.N ... \·urk. laacliatl~l"'Iu.1a'" dunepNIIIl'Uy, l'r...l""'....iUh ... c.w-. IIOIcDH .......UIIII. . . . . . .' .or ta.8drT aDd Hou.ehold the
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AU lunUd. ot. dlotan.. a.. req.Irt<1to .lIft.r
it. crojS of clover and timothy hay Uia hank of the .. wer 07.40 pol~ to.the racw. ? • ~ ' " A Y N~V ILJ,E, O. A ""'ly·'..... l..mphleL or ..Id ... _ of .u.... And to feel tbe blUow.· motion. . , ' thence down the old ohannel ,.. th JlA mun· t:::I '" ._ -: - - -____ "'ll I... . 1.... A, they bear U81roDl Uie thore I un IS Ull excellent turmor. dore t.o the place 01 beginning. oOllteiniog • r' ~::::: ~ :: "dar'" Dr. E. B . FOOTE, EYer onward. onward. on.ard Mr. Anderson has become BI) oighteell aod on... half aurell uf I~n:l. mono or trj~ ~ .. _ . ....... _.......... ... _ ~ (» 1 .\ . Bo& 'f18, N.w Yorll. Woulel our noble v_I .weep. fund of dealilw in peaches when I""", and that at tba "e~ term of OIlid oo u r t . . . ... je-'ar; l)tO)lOblC ill('Irbttr 0')""" · AAlh.r ..hitollllil,wingedu8e:weeU,.. .. '. tho llldGldeon Lo.alrw illllPplr for I\norder 0::_, 1~ ;., 'U ' ACENT8 WANTED. O'er Ulo boIIom of tho eleep I Ius own and !loll other CroDS failed that p.. rtltiull·mllY be mllde a oaid premi· ti.:l 1;1 8 8 ~ ;;,0 7. IE! "11m f!l\1~llB: ~~\lII'~ in the West. he went .East this _ ... nc) th"t AU"h other proceedinga may be C 2 .. ." l' = F ;:' .l'... ~- WI~ "; Q)w~, nil. FOtn. I. tlMo •••bor 01 .. U&",c... Co • . I d b ' db .... . :;: ~''''N ..T •• , • • • • • • W~WIIIBMV'L ..It. "081'...0.". l.ook thol .... cbffl. c\r.-ul.11oo Oh I to elAUlel Ilpen tho mouotaillB. seuson to ubtain 0. supplr for hiB III ....ro MUt orlze I"... .:'"' 0 s p~ .5 -.,__ I 01 o • • r IeO.OOO ...,,1... ; ..... ftl .. I·... '" lio... Lookl". o'er the lIUIp-lllae eerth; clloltom~rs in Ohio. .Indlana and B, S. w. B,?ow:,o~ ~~t!!~" oo!;. -----.~ -. II"ir,,· ultill j;. Hair·l)n,."i,,!!,. SllIunl'ooi ul! ·r ........ ",.. r. " ....."", publl' h,...... h,. " I,.. ",,'d Drinking flum the oryatlll folUlteln8. '1' I' H unl l · llIlviug' • ..l .... n e iu th e bo~t Nrylt.! of tho 10 the ..","tor 'iO,llon ooJlIc~. ; allo. or ~·lk1 ln'a. Where grand r[.,....., ha.,. "'"Ir blrthl ,. III IIgall. 0 tound the eastern AugWlt lM. 1875. 6~7t . .g~." oc ~ _' ."",. "' •• • ~:.: 'L 'I'ulI .... rl,,1 A .. lo 271> •• 'ho....... hh;11 10 "u,.. boln81,,'~I,.h"'I" oor1... WhOll8 uleo.r tid"" !U'fI pourilllr down· tl'ees loaded with this delici ous t ~~~s:ti;t!:~t. ;~t.~· COST •• '" uno •• rd, ," t d IIe I1Ill! b cen engage d lor ~ Awarded the Hi-he.' .e4&1 at C":I I tt I' _...,. .., - ... ~,.- ~ . 5 b.' (lItt zifu I 01 .11. ....pl"" tbo ftnt·monll.....s work Cwhkh rill un .. I. "'It "I pr!IlL), will be _t frH 00 ."pll",,1looI P".t the lI!Ut!tO of the pI"in. "" lIl ll tilUll pU8t iu shipping car Vienna. ~. :;l !! : ~ !! : ~ il 13 anN"', 1ct'fh tn 0111,., Dr. Poo.... or n.. IIIn&11111 h)~ Tilt Il~ I...t. their _Oell III'\) .Iceping [II the wilton of lhu 1I.II,in I IOlld!! til the Wedt by the flult peach JI. l.:. "" yiltl1' nalll. ncatl!! printed 011 Ide Co,.paa,. "b .... 0111.. .. 1110 I!ut • • 81 ..." uc. '" ~ J, I 11 AM'M1""-b..~h "left aDd WOmetl-waoteofl to ..tJ lillO, aud ill now cl08iug hiB p e a c b ' ;, ~~~~~.~:.1 7: t,lnn , ft.n( 8'."t~t t() a.IIY ftc r 1'e8t1 , Ih,' lotoll'>lnl ",..t .. ",.hom. 111...... .,-L"," Oh. to wnnder through the "Id on. trlld e \\'ith shipping 'Smocks,' the . 591 Broadwa,!/, Hm' York, .~. .~_ ._... 1'~~. _.rr.::_s~ ? p08t·pu.id, (~jJon /'eo/! ipt oj' 50 't8. llo .11......1. 1h. boIel"nl.... 01 .... 11 I.." ...... Mighty rullI. of tho PlUlt; .... ;-' Add )otR. ' h" ...e """0 nllWIu In .elllnK Dr. Pnon(1t )111111\11., •• . .... ...... "" Rlcb with lDem·riIlI!. quaint lind golden, lutt'8 t pOlloh uf the 8cusol1. ( O pp. JUetrcipolil"1I flo"'!.) r TH" ur .• '11 GA.Zl""""E. ..o,k. . .. P....," 1I0"~ 'I'.L." I. 1,,"'lct,lorI1 • 111&...... • ... _ _ . . 0 S995!9!la ..,........... H, From Ille wlnlJll of 1l1l'l6 Olillt I Next yeur, if the seasoD il fa· Wayn ...,itlc. Obio. .....,"'... 10 .. IlOIlo, .IId "1I<'.~"c. III tI, . .. . " I. Mn"illg 'monl{ die broken a",heM I I FRAME~ ;1\ t. I he thing for ,he )'CKlng. Bend 'or (.'ullltm'. '11 1 Wl'lIllt III Ivr "uel decay\'llrU bl e, IIe WI lave tie argeet .. . ~, - -. .~. "'"I'.....d ... ,or yolI.... I' ••. TI,.I.. "".r.~_ Houruful wrliOkd of furlD or "plundur- CI'UP i 1\ the state, if hot in the STEREOStOPES J.ND V11m s Q .~ mllllllUd..., quo·.I1..... "hl"h 1..11...n,1 ,,"UU. I cullld drwm my Ufe n·"y. ..... Cst.-)?·ankti,1 Arit'ertiIl67. J ...... l ~~~ , . ~Vr .PlaDo-Forte M081-~ T.,...a...... ', Thore me",,,·,.drll.'''Y.,..''l ...kll,,ul,),.lrl·I,y.l<l.n.. .. Ji\n lii)On~~ ~1l5H.\""~ ~~fCI ",," ~ • i/ ~U-.;ll La .. " I hill" In Ihe".",,'" fit. aU Ilke rlLbe r BARVIIV8B no. bopt .• 187;;. ""~_~::""'~~;""''''''ir~'''' ~ E .:"'~ oi,le of )I .. ill Shee \ . or lb. luf"ll"I,,~ worC'. "8I:I""r& II' 151'0"" LocK.:'B NATIONAL MAOAZINK for _ __ "'w;W~. W~WIII_V ... LB. 0 ... 0. .." 0111, btl h• •I . II1II<' .. tA ur ol.b. Publlall .... --~.~------ I ~·o., th .. ~Ii.ml "ate~lo . l ctober cUlIe.ludes the "'J'rugedy ot Is, • __ 'ij'_.J._~ ~ ~'(l~lA~~I1. . "PI.AIl< " "~ : n,.~ " I. IH,~\I,h ... In bulb .... V I.ICc'lI {Jllau'gel!. nr M IU . " llllll ttnll 1 .~ tUlttO '..-u.;u.,a. One. &Do .... tho ,\!tit "lI1g,"by rd.Shepllrd, . 4.aOD.'t_ ~-D.'tecl. 1I"- CAliRI. M. TIIO.'l ON. IUld ' prints , liS a relief to its tragic We are Ho'"lquRr~erd (or cI'llrylhing III the Munu'.' t;;':;:;;;:ii ·k;~I\. "' n...",1\ &; O"k~ ADDm,as .lII AlIOVIL rec. itul , a bright and. h.roozy 1U't~ way of . 1'h II I of .1010 ell'th "'0.0 onen lJrokell, 8TBllBOPTIOOliS A1ID .AGIO dllily fur W,lyn,l....iIIo .. lid lh e . \lI'rlOllndilltl WHOLE ALE ~ AIIII form. ~o 10" 0 turn 0 eoldl,. ...... y; lItury by Maurice Thompson, the lIollfhlJorhfJod. Spoci.1 .. ttenliell i. givell 'u ~bertlt!.~ments Our elgh. IIl1d our " " ..0 .... ~ur"',.... lolcen· entitled "The Duphne." W. tA1ITBaliS . to furnl sillug ~ .u ~\. . _~ Id ·1·IIIlt"' · brlghl"t alld laioell.lw"1 """1· 1. Mulll'r 'contribnWs 110 plel!.8ing 1tII.(J.o~~~~~~~:~u~..~~~:". WE1~DINGS 111 mor,. weell" , \'Ir hope. carly fadod. but pathetic story, which 18 culled ..... t~::E~~.,:r,J.~ PT.IlO.. PARTI ES, ~ D ADIt:fl D 1M(' O,:cr l'rlghL d .lo".l"n lov/.I.,· to 1•• 1; ".Arthur Mallow, Widower." "The .. DVllaT •• lla ... 8TE.BOPTI()ON. • SpueLaclu', Tool::> & MatOl'illls. ~~~~~~ ~tl 1'h .. brigh' Io" I)CoI or lifu too ulkll """ .Io .. dod YUII whu is I ike ShakesllllD.ro" 'is ~.TO""·.().". UII kllOrt nulice. 1.1 1I By the ...d. uua"ail lllg " 'grell of tho rn,.. t. finished iu thi" uUlDlJer. Articles "CH I.'IIT E'~:; ~J S. W . Co •. Sixlh (\I,d )I"io S I ~. ~ .OOL LAN1'EllN , . F, . ,V L A.T...... , , PEOPLE'S LAN1'ERN. L we 101 Ill. too ofton. oonceoll"" "II "TI'I' Uk" 01' S~'hCCII" ""'lie T - '-'.-I-hlp. U,"" " ~ 'A ' Each al~; u being lbe b~ at of 118 01.... 10 the lit "II IlOur •• "lid a ~1II'~11'y .pf . JI •• _In '&be bearl 'lII!"tll p.oli.·••1.. 1I8 of A . t '"'T g.ruCI" d I 'PI • ",.ura~o " oS o....er IllAl ke'. 1011 arc!. l1li. ".CII r~ revelll Tra]>8. and unu s ually good poems O~I"ll)gllel or LnDtcrns.nd IIdee wltll Cjt. 'rhe Ili!(llellL M.,ket 1'rloo. l'"i,l, in 11IIf. by Eben E. Uexl41rd aud Henen A. dlrecllons i'or u~ln' sent on application. '1'ba' nee', w\ltlhlpptd Idol.lreacb,roul Manville, fill the pugell to the Anyenwrprl.lng mIn cao make . money C&8h or trlllio. rur O,ulIILry P",dnuo. j ,ro\·,. "Ed'to • I N t II d k .·Ith ,,))ll:lr LAntern. Quec·1t Cit!l Bllkery. Firtlt Na.tional Bal1k lJ~tild'infJ, Ikarwollldllf~IIeU ~w("Urulh.DII .. lfeoUon I ria O,!!8,. an. ma ~ a ....CulolltLhlaadv.rt.leemeDt(ornCerenc.; ~ _ _ _ .• ~. _____ --DBALEII8 I N - WAY NE::I VILLE, OHIO. 5$101, . , "'~ . Would cltt Jl band iD haDd, to blea~ IIlId 10 more .than Sordblna!II.~ IIlterestlD g ' cbt~r: magazine. II BcrlPt IOl•I, one d 01· ~ jU. .Ja Ollr buras would 4elisblln Ill.d rolr08 pll<l' 'Inr Il year j J.P. Jone:!, l'oledo, 0., 1... ~ L' ~. The IInllor81gned hog l to I"rorm Andt~~~'eye. moi.-sen with plmul'l! I publisher. SONGS & CHO.nUSES. ,h,· pilloliu "I·n.·r:tlly. LIoIII h. h". TIIIKD STREET. NEAR MAIN. ope,,,,,1 Il li e " ' 7>ro.1 .I hrket III th e "ri,h' se"r. llllll"o~'; ~-;;i~-;' fo;'""&tobel" 85 OEN'1'8 EAOll. (;lNVINN ATI, OHIO. "ltI s bn.J o( Lenk & I)" WII. ' . whero hI! ... i11 The Ihought Ii hut vain: Our ~ .d 1I.lIrt· "itt - All cxcelllent llIunber is Bllllon'l Wholl Liulc Mumlo Dicd. k c, p \OulI!it.nnlly VII hnlld 8~ 00 PER DAY. ~l'lItIlZillo tor October. It hl!.8 .J~Dnie.• the Plo.er or Ihe Dell. Deyer .. chool-House on Ihe. Bill .' Flod comlort Or ""illo thil mul.tlbl ""hUrt!. TllE VERY HE ' Wh.re dellth. 'he alurn I1rhl"' ... g.,:·el·8 fur· o llie thirty differeut articles, ItO· Ileaale. will Y"u LO"e ftl1l1 ric8, poetry !loud iI. dozen or more My Dour Old HOUle . ever . II' I I Nuhh. ;~ weU . . Lir,,·,IAIN.t 1,lo.>ullIl.iu ,aluqd !lIKI tlell •. '11 of W lic I tirst The 1,11110 Lol, O.hin·llh" Home... fler all. I ll1!tratlOns, u clUBS, Ulld snch US any mugaazine Ie 310,her 'here T Wh.rt1 lo,·e. joy .lId ijorruw. lik'u DlelleOn Uli~ht be prund 01: Among the Tic Orl\plI ollihe Ouo,~Willt.·g Dead. 8 ,·tllIg. ALSO. . w a lIotl'O . I II ~1 " d l! lnille l:ra~·. Succl'81<lvely pall o'"r lh· lo ul·. "ouhlull tlIOI'II'S a t u'i ing Bea Bnrnc l' Mnehreu. And lim', hy iLl ubn n~Hl, itt \)\' ''1' repur"in;:. YUI·II. cullcd "(Jubbing tho Oook," llo"1\ blll·llng. LEA:,\ AND flUE. '1')1, bop,,~ Ibat )~ ,. chu"; , h, tik. phnllLou'M h' WIIl.U. ~JIICY, an old whale- BY HAYS. ,uall 8y.' 1111111, I\ud a good writer of sea BONos AND CilOKOSEB 30 OTS. EAOH. .\1 .". Ob I 1I1el\ la ,I, • pr""'i :\ ~: the hope of 1\ clillle tilles, ill lilct ulle of. the best ill the Wbore 18 PIlP" t.o,"lgbLY , .ISIlWhere In beRUt. al", III ,lo~,oll\ our hell "'. cunlltl'Y, UllIl wlllLt IS most Bingnlar ~Jullll r~ .lId Cold. l wl"',r d dow er., • i!! I he luct thut Mr. Miley is bli nd · h,~do ... ~ ur 1.011" A g o . . I Alld "'POIIII "nover Ihe .... ~r "1111"11 Time. ' wh .. le or I.~ 1Iot- 8l1co. ,;Iv", DIll II cllll. ~ WileD oblhIOIl·. 1I,.atle 1.lls o'""r 1'.8t ILlul Ul)t!tI ull uf his writing by the ~~'inu~~~~',;;~ a Sw/·et "oleo c"t1~ It.. lIu..... uidiJfllUlllchinewhicbishisowlI I'hotloldo n Weddill". JEHU MULLIN. . I : '. t.o1~ invelltiull. llltllon'.a Magazine i8 u .'Yhy I.l!l\l·' \'(1" Wrh" 10 ~le . l'ii~l, r1 )1'Llch 17. . ' "'~ . 1.....'..Ld~~t>!i.IilWiI:~~;IC~..::CU I ho II "hered Rose. , . Wh~re d ... CVN oun" ... "".... re~lgl\l h l a . ((reut fllvllrlte, &nd we do not won · Yull ·t1 Furgel M,'. U .\·. ~hd·By. I dumillion. Alld cl\IIlrly ''I''eal,'II ure life', Wl8\llrie8 at it, cIJlltaiuillg s nch tl variety as Prol" ie ' ~'"u'llloe 't'ru,· ~o lIIlI. Our o.rr,,",,~melltl! for U'hiertllkillll "'" 1 .. Lillie }I'rdl ' M y oompleto. Among tI,o.e f~oititill. i8 our bl;lh; by Thomes & U I' MI ~_ I" ' . .• " I IQ . , I Abo. Office fur the MlIlluftioture ""II Salol _,f OorpllO Pl'IlIMlrvor whlob I. the be.t to be WMftI hl'h will fold her lar·BOarlllgpiuioll. it dVU8. ') "Published HIS D __ ", .. n 0 'Y """ . .. ftcreu ,' 0" n\ll · Iln.lo.. ed • AIIIl our beRrlll er mourn uV"r ouo I,,,.· TII Ib lit, .. :~ IlW ey tl'eet, .uveton. 8 Y 0 AN K . ' • obtliin . Thi. i8 no mere p,·ol'"rntion . bllt I"n II •. ut ollly 'L.50 pel' yeUl', or 15 ceuts 8. 11 oompleto CillO, with Irl,,". in the tOl', alld >lingle copy. Dul ins FemaleEnd Swell. aerlo·coml. oong. GLAONSII in theand bud,.. mllyin be r llUled. titato dre fted L' An~e l Gaorj"t. 80ng. ~udwh.el, tendlld. kapt a perfeot of A BOUT STaJU. . ENtI.- r ew per· ,. ,,--,~-" " " "' ''''''' ::lIng }I e 10 leep. Molher, Ro ng .nd choru . . prevervatiOIl for any lellgth of tinle. with. lOt.. doubtless UI'C IIWIlt'C of tho S\\'~et potatoes, '1,75 per bu. ,:"tIl.al Girl In 1 OWII. <unK "nd choru8. Por the Lauudl~Y. out Roi Ung tho dretl. or in 'Illy wily di.ftlJur. f'Iet that the Ol'~iillal illvcntor of lrit!I. I'utatootl, 85. Tr\l81\l1 SI~eli I'lct.II'tl ; .ad .. comi· .ong. ing !he bo.ly. I l' . . I" S' J SllIg 0101\ Soog of my Norab. BOllg" clIO. )/ .\N l".lC'I·U IU-:D UII' g- Room •• one door ahovo P\loi, Ollleo. tee enl 18 8t~ Ivmg. Ir o· J~RO"UCH MAItIU:T. WOll't W e Cut a 8wellY orio comic eOllg. 611 ._ BftA ~."':I[\D':Il 01 WaynCflvUlo. Ohio. tl1.0 Bia&b Mason; IIOW the great pell Etll. dc"r. ror 10U 1'111 ..·.hlng. oug k ~ho. M.Il.~~~~~· ~~~. , __ __ _ _ _ . manufacturer of llirrningham, IH''''~ r"rg.·t to 10"0 '"~ . Song In,l chorllS. I'll d tarc!i, in tAe Irm·ld. . Hell' 011 .. ADoll,er. !'Ichore. , ,,";o·comlc. Currootcel by Sidllll & Company. England, enjoy!! that distinction. _ ::I ..... ~ ~!ollie )(oore. lII'g .lId cl" .. u.. 1:I\'g$ A DEA.UTIt·U J. jI'I:'iI:-:H Til • I , .' . th c SL ree'. . . I0 IOllg. co 1'Hmmoll I~ LINK!\' the co, hair" t Ioelwe 0 ilIad H e .II! IIOW very 0 Id , Iucang u bo vo .... 10111' $4.25 FI'1ftIIIg Ull e''1O·com M"rcll,. olld I. ""'I'<le'" cell' rll r ~Il II!'IlIl R t t ' A II eighty. It is ill hia gtel&t I~ctory Whc~t, old. 1 40 BY S T E WAR. T • ortllllllt1 wll<hlllg. A. k your II''Ooor for II . ' Ii l1li'"1111 .-!~N~_loIoIIeaIlO' that eev(lral of the most vopnlur Wh~"t IICW, 00 to 1 20 l.ittlc Glrtle', wltll tbe Ang"lllIo • . S &: O. n ~ of tllu widely fumed Brcll 'erian ny() , 65 For!aken . B"llad. IUIWGFOKD'8 Trl? A Blft~ Q, 'l},.,e~ T"'U1+, E.~ .. tic Stoo . I '>nll:' I'I'U "url'l 6(' &10 00 W.. lllng, 1.0" .' forTh ,' • . S. 'njfllldchoMl~. I ~~@l,~~- ~@!.~ VV u 'W.... ...., 0 .... • ~ ome .. IIU kl66ed me In 1lI~' 8 Ie.p. S." O. \.. ~ made, the mod II being snpplicd Oat!!: ~5 @ -10 Little ~.nd. wo cI.ep no mora. 810g '" O. FOI' PllIl 'iny8, Bl,,,tte ltla.tlge, Owi ..allader·. Building. :&lain St_t. •by tbe propritltors 01 the veilS, FlaxSeed 1 ~5 BY CHR.ISTIE. I c:s CrtJaJll,Ete. -MWWAYNESVILLE', ... OIT10, .M...... halon, Blakemau, .l'ur.1or Burley, I 1 25 t/i) 1 50 Pllbli,h~d aDd (or ale bv 1. lhe o"IJ:hll,I-E. blbU.hed In ISCS. And Tn tend. \(0 kcel' on hand R filII line of }'lIr.' 0 . , oitu ra of tI,o ' cry be"~ qu"llty, ."~ I\t "" & 00., the Eduh-tl'onal Publl's IC'" .I'o•.,tocs. 0 .. 12 p.." •• rv co ... rcput.aU"n •• • ·r."'...... of }!few York. Tbe Spenoori8P Clo \'cr Seed 7 00 ',,' I QIN I'U"" nn,1 1>",a " H",Ll C.'TIC than OilY "l , LOW FIG U RES , !>:13 " N E\\ YORK olher II rtlde of the klntl olfer. ..L:l~, • eel I ' } ' ena I~ave altaID • tIel!' !"ll&t Timothy Sood, , 00" . "d. eilher of the n,ome lUI oan be found III 1U11 market HiB stook 28 NOTIVE. or wilt, oLber title.. con.lots of pop nlanty from a variety of reas· CanlJ"l Coi&l delivered all f l ' I . U be. apparent You~hiog(>nit, " B tWI'aft8, l'a ble8, ",tan " ,,8, J ()" ona, ~ 0 w lie I WI u 20 Nutlce iB herebr gi"eD. tb ..t the nncle... 3nn:uow MAOAOAII. Ph. II>" &0 .• Ihe " flalI'S, to an1--ime who may try them. Of 0. BOO l't1~ V" ley " 16t .1 ..... 00 h ... been ap;lnted EXe<llltol' of the fully hlgh~ILnnnl,1.f·1I rh '1IlICllLtlllulhllril;r ..t Elilrol'e. n... re·IL SlifaB, . . , . . . . li8 Oorll Ilirch .• 00 la" M Lounge8, B erilJtscJ.(lil, one number alone more . thaD six Perry County Coal 16i Eatete of ELLIS ARD. u.se of Warren Is a motl. cacell.ol. .rticle or did. Ami In attral!8e8, Looki"g. millions were 80 . ld Inst . year. Wo Salt, 'per barrel,' " 00 Oonntr. el_ued. "08. G. KEYS. chemicnl and fecdlll~ propettl,n la full.. Ola881'B, B1'ackets, "" Aug. 80. 1875. Euoutor. II h b I I . #~ -P. . ule \hem in our office , and are 10 W""'l, .,.. r..'\ ~5 ,qUA 0 I ~ e8 arr"",roo . 0 10., we. uu 'tV'W .. NOTIV~. Dlreellon810, mft klng PlIrldlnjt'. Oll terti well pleUed with them that we TUrnipe, 40 410 .• Mcconopany eAch OM · pound pa k,....-c. I . • I 11m ;i~ P;;P;;.;d-io attcnd .. n ollll~ in h'"e 11<> besitation in saying tbat Anplcs barrel, 8 50 to 4 1"0 . Tllo uode ...lgned b.. h.en .. ul,. appointed . _ .... lty ....I.-tI ......o.ee... tbey are, in our opinion, luperior Apfplea'Si bUBhel, 1 95 ro 1 "0 E~ecutor of the lui. Will of ABRAM AL· 6178m ' _._._ _ Wnp,""Vme. Jlll)' 14.18711. ". " EX, I,te of Wa.. ln Oounl,. OhIo. 4.0 'd. --------
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het""' ,ho, be «Hn, nun l.,&lw by 1<tL<r or La ""non, or "_,, ..I by lh. DilCt!.f Of' hll uoocI.... pl,pl I..... 'flit I... er ~", .. t ."'OMllo Dlr " .
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Conductin[ aMedical Practice
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pr~r~i!,g ~verything E~::U~~~I: ~I~C;::' ~~n:':';'~no~; ~" ~ _~._~_. ~ calculated to tertlllze IllS ground. landaoW1ledhyRoev"Rollllnd.thenoe .. lth Mr. Anderson ,,180 raisee large HoLland·.line N. ~qoOO' W . me... urin~from:-~~~~ ~ ~ ~ '2:
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TlIJIATISG f !.:. If,·r' 1,1. C.H •••i" .. ,,1 He.vi,.... to Ihe oil i. B'umeronl Patienta in Europe. the .. :: " 11 1II1 w'"huty . Iil\\'i,,~ . h¥d thir'" reI'''' Welt Indies, the Dominion of " ., J ~;; eX l)i,.lr ien..:, he li nl' ~ t., gil'" I,d r"-'!t.'un to CaDada, and in every State I l! "It whu .Uft), ravu. him" ilh " cllll ().I § of the 11niol1.
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Dr. E. F. Dakiu,
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Utte,./f {"om nil parts ti,e Ch.U;.':.: tZ World.
ftI"" in N~tiun'" tinnie Building. 10
••• __ tier,
. 'rREA 1'" ALL POltllS 0.'
I,. ' . LO 1\ EN ' , M. D.,
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An Inde~ndent Ph~sician,
01111> lit R< id ncl'. War-ollie, 0 .....
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NEW yeBit
bubud. Ruben It. Led. F ....... A. ST. I.. PUCH OItCIIAKll.-lJr. J.. C. An· PbilU.,. &lid G-.. W. P1aU~I.,. lIer 11_ J W~A C'lIil:"flll D it·i.io,.. du-on,ot I t i t bud"oIWana_at,. Ohio; Elbabe'" II · I. R U)"IItOIt ~''', . l'arl'l 'U e, wo ml 88 ~es Black. of --00Iln'1' JIll hipa: 11111& I:' l. I 11.& Y 11:1, u;ta. 1of l' n&nkhll, commollcOO cultlva· Ed.i k.OO Erutwl E4bck h r hub....l. of I ::fI ... -------,,-"-. 1I .. 1l<1I ,IOIIIU. tillg peaeb tret.'8 in 1 67 and has Oeaup.IIOWlt,. Ohio; Wlllhra ~lr. Ro~ ~ ~ I . "._-" I" n Leak. ureellA>ollr. Ratti &uk)' and J . t'" 5 M... . No lct. ,1\:\:11 eV'r 11100 ~'~ar y lUcre 109 ll. Somite, h r h'l bud. of Vir ouunlY' 1 t; In"lnn II-I ... , 7 ~:11I. '" 7 .1111 II .. the number of 1118 or lIilrd8. Ho lndJ&II ; lI.ary Ewell anel Wa.. n Ew II e. ' '~ Itich ..und- .\rd.~ 111 .!1lI11 III HI.llI I' Wi lloW bas twenty. ix thou8and bear. b l' bOilban~. of !Jooquol. 00';1111)'. IIHnoi.; ~ ~ ! ILAI:~rLo ..... rri<e 11 .\0 .... lIl.i"'"",. I b I' ' EUen){lItbl Qlld~ .G.lhtbl~b bU8band. ::l 1> \'" l'r~ .. O''' II ....rrl .. 11.:,O.nl II.~I pm 109 peael tre • ut tll8 seaoron .. , Vermilliun uutv [IIillOi8 ' 'Villi ... <II p .b!hNn••• I.lIIpw I~ . I .m IUI.ay bcarno f..uit in COU8cqUCllce I Letllr. Gld nl.A~k . kriaJ"lIe'J n "nd l !;: iI; ~ ~~~ z J(Iok/,nlt> ... ,.,.Iv.. ~ .oo p.. ! .5!>5". of the 1JC\' crit" uf the frost la t · Ab ....h III A. JOI) her J,U band. Robert .... :r ~ ? ,ojt&II.I'0rl. arM"" •. uo f' L J I • Leak. Alina Leak (Ih la ~t two named ~Inlf .... " _ "" Oro .. n Poln\ ... rrlYe 705 I' n. li.!lv .. m wwter. ~t y~l4r 10 had a h~o mJuor childr n of Kobert Leak. 01 ed) ~ 51 \ .• : : : : '.: s. ~ C"lell~ ....i"" 9.01) I' m ttuo a - tcrop and IllS urcllllrds ecldom faJI. of Bu.llWn collDty. Indiana: Ann. O. Leak. .; ~ J _ _ ....... ... . .... : ._.. , 0011'\1 IUI'TII. Mr. An<i<lrsoll bas about lix hun- Rclcna I' Leak. CU' A. Leak ~ ~... ~ _~_ N... l. No . :I. \Ired acres of land two hundred of three being minor childr n 01 John. "", _"t : ~~~;!,~i:!.~:~~~ ~ aiCllln-L..... 7 .50 p n. ~.:.!\) a.. •• ' • d_IUI<ld.) of WIU'T n OoUII y. Indl~n8. t'"l. . 11 Q~,Q;::;Otii;::;"'_"FDa ~ Uro .. n Poln\-.rrlvu 9 .• 0 pili I .. .... a m l whlCh ' IIS dcvotod to fl'lut trees. will. laltoh notice ll••bt II pe~iti ..o WWl ftled -~~ ;:. 1 J ~.,..... ... ." ~. b d ID ' I em 00 t Ltill"n'pon, urrl.e liAU a m 1.00 p m All of this lund lics from two t vent.ecl1t ay c > !i !i ;< e . s. I[uk.....,. "rrh-. 1.45. m !J.r.~1 pm '1 ' t f F kl' . 0 ./UIIO. A D . I 76. In lh Oourt of 8 .... 1 AnIlel"OOlI •• rrh·. 3.:17.m • . llp .. IO\·Ollmle8 WCB 0 . rull Ill, In OumowlIPIUWI.wiLhinandforUl ooulI~y Q";; - - -- - - - - N.w Ca ~I • • arrh" 4.37. '" ~." pm the Jer 'e~ S ·ttlum nt,' thc. ~t , ..f Wurr n. ill Uie tel:" oj Ohio• .by Gideon jl ~ ~~~:~~~ i6 :_.~. ~ ._ . n"!Iel ~>"" .•rrl ... lIotj"", .1.: pDl land and liuedt Bettl 'ment 01 tUI'· ILellk.lWd1Jtu.. wpendlnlf.wherelD tllO Kllld 0 ~ \ ""~Q-.a!': .. o~5J';" .. hI & lIo JI .. • A . II d t Gideon Leak lIelDaods PlU'titi Dof the {"I· • :;! Rlch.-ond •• rri.~ UinclofUlli. .rrh·c. 9 ..." alll 9.~6 I' m mCN III .1CIt!rICil'I ' .c eve:, es a lowlll!r roal •• tH.... t&-w.t: 81tuato in the ~. : ~ : : : : ;~. :. ~ Ifo. Te " I,~"e~ RlchulOOlid dall . ~I'cat pol·tlon 0 r '.18 tlllle to lutten· oo~ty uf Wllrrell "nd 8t1l~ of Ohi.. a/oro-;:' : " N"o ('n .1It leave Ohicll)l" J.ih All IIIg huevC8l1nti findB n r('ady sale . ... d ...ndboundod .<uddWlO .. b.>dufo\low.: et.:.;TraID. rUb d tty •• , '.p\ :-\uUI!ay. for them ut the '81lId ierd' Hume" Purl, of ~lti""ry Survey No. 7111 vrigin"Ur ~_. I ~!;' ~_ S' 104 .. e: I>< ~ !!! E'e. c W L O'lllllEl' II I' 1\;,' A • enteroo and ur. yed in the " ..mo of J.oob .~ j! IS ... ,.. w 0 I'UW I' LL 0 }i 0 I~ b ' . ]3(osltJett culL", lie I5c1\15 ' ''<':1';'1 1..11 Uru ..... tor 000 Mre ....d bOny roo to D"ui~1 ~ . &.. 5. ~ go~. g'ii' HI·l.L~ '''p'&. ··Lug~lI;I,_·i. 1~';"1\ II" all ut he!ld o f 1Ir1'!!n e.)unty .Jonos by J ,unea J 011011<10 by deed. bellri."1f .. . ! II ~ g . tat ho""'.' His extuntlive corn fiold s d~te Ihe OLh dOLy ..f February. I 2: BeglD' 1:.;q ..... 1; !: lt~ ~ i Q) ('1-. • • • 11111;.( At a 10llrketl .y!!Arnorooo Ul6 bank of ;;" ~.. ~ ~. (F ur l b u _yo... ... m uetto. bear & tine crop tim! SCllotIOU alld It tbo l.hUo Miami Rive.r juat bove the abutrJ. g t" ~ ! ~ oj' L
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B rial C
C....et.s Bobes, am-a
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.A. R. w G ' 1'e... 1'1"
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hUll a Dd the g und F or n r. w IUIIlU tt'll George gll7. I III h or ror at the IlUl III a I "ho, !!lIghtly gro\'lillg Ilt the tlllgl! "hl(~h now Murrounded the root of tll t rt'!' IOC!CllIed to illterpoM I mble b t rul." han ootWC.'en hIm a nd 1\11 lhll t \\ Ill! dea r lIJlO(I Ilrth After e pe.rlonCl llg tho ler r of not bcmg able to gilt duwn hIS ne t thought WII the bellr mIght be Ilble to get lip lu faut t th ro WIUI nothlOg on cart.h to proven t b f1l If lie fe lb I!O In clill d In A ltttle wbtle howe~ r corge 8 e trem rrlgh t va a~ ny- lor he " qlllttln bmve boy-and be put him If astrid e tllo 11mb he hild stood U)lOIl wllh th /lXe ill both h IOdl!, prcpllrcd to lall ~h bear or ilt ICMt to try to do should hi at.lempt to a scend the tree Although h tried to move with 88 lIule nOise 33 ] Ible th bellr lIenrd 111m Ilnd turn 109 hl8 bead nround looked trRlgbt up nth lm George thought that neyer before In Ills hfe bad be _n such ngly eyc& Tile bear seemed astomshed at findmg tbnt he WIUI not tbeouly occupant of tbe tree lind, eea.sing to plly any attention to tbe barking dogs, he gar.cd stendlly at ,.corge wltliout, bowever, maltlJlg any attempt to IW up to hUll For !!Ome t-Ime the IIltulltion contmued tbllll, Georg IttlDg with the axo In hiS hand ready for a blow, and tbe bear, "11th his head uptnrned watching bID) Wlth the gteIlle tint re t The North Ameru:an black beRr will ecldom attack mM unle brought to bay, althougb he Is a very unpl_nt comparuou wben reall,)' at close qual'ters. One tbang 'W88 certain, he auld not climb over the bear Tberefore the bear must he made to get down flr$t Hd\~ to manage tillS WM a qUellt.Jon i ndeed ·If the dOP Would but go away r perhaps the bear "ould vaeate the premises of Its own a.ccord l but they mamlRlned a con tinual harlung.nd bowhng ThiDgs went on in thl8 way for balf' an h~... or 10, III though George thought It mut be llearlYlD.1dnlgbt At llUIt III wondering whllt on earth heshould do be hllPpened to remember IlOme matches he ~ad In hl8 pocket. PerbllJ1l! the bear did Dot lIke ti,re 'Happy thougbtl Putting 1118 axe In 1\ crotch of 1\ limb above him wh re be could easily g t It If he sbould need It 11 llgUted a match all tbe beel of hiS boot, and Mter leavmg It burn for a r. w I.IeCOnds dropped It on the beur II head Tbat worIDyanlmlll gave II distinct tart and grunt aud shllted hili poSitIon n litUe Tbtm Gcorge dropped another but It went out before It reaoh d the bear This was tlle fate of the thlfd and fourtb As be bad but a few mote he thougbt of an economIcal vlan He bnd U )llec(\ of newlpnper III 11\8 PIXlket He lOa lid light tbat aud (lrop It all the bear But the paper WJlij uot heavy enough to drop Htrmglit, aDllsoGeor~e put anold kDlfe the ul1ly hcavy tlllllj; b lilld ubout I11Ul In tbe pa~T rolled 1\ u IIgh ted I t and dropped It fllllly and lIf}uluely 011 the
bear' ba Ie:
The blnze was so lllrge tlllLL the ant mala balf caugbt lire and Gforge MId I hat the f1smtl8 for all III tuut l!Cemcd to hooL along hl8 back 1be old bear wllnled 110 more of that run I'urnlllg qUIckly nround be sllpped backward d01V1l the tree 11 l es.~ tIme than It takes to tell It, nnd With II bound W II! off 1D the busbea ~ Itb ull the dogs m full cry after bun Gcorge dropped IUs llXe and went down the tree 0. very hUle slower tban the bear He never stopped runDlng un til he I;ot out III tbe open 11 Ids fh cn be whIstled long and loudly for the \Iogs Pomp came bnck fil'llt, nnd then lkiver retllrned Itmpmg BUi nev r enme hack I t 18 likely he IlUBered death tor too much braTery
un E YoullMoTlIER-DoN T FORGET -My little boy waket! early lind dehghta to creep ijlyly IOto bed and ALWAY
wake me WIth kllltiC One morDlng, (;Qulng hIm to he still awhde, I fell R.8leep agllIn When I llwoke he WR.8 loolttDg ... ery sadly at me perbupa my dosed eyelids had made 111m tlllnk of a neighbor 8 child he blld seen s1cepmg tbe &Ieep of death Ighlllg be 81\1d BOftly Inmma wbat do little boy do wh 1I their mam 1Il1U1 11:0 to hea,en and leave tbem bebmd t My own mother left me 110 when I 1VR.8 DIne yeaM! old While now my boy B IIIxlou8 face lay close to mille 00 the .,11 low, there ca1!le over me smothenng mcmorlell of the lonely dRY" that eRme lfier, when 8be WIUI not there to belp me all' to lIChool nor welcome me at !llgbtthOlle moLherltl!ll! Dlgh ts whon Hl'llt a ser Vllut put me to bed I \I Ish Harry neIther you or nny httle boy ur girl need e~ e r know bow hard It 18 to hve Without a 100tber' I !!Illd to tbe 11 ttle fil10w but to )'OU older boys lind guls I can t uelp glY Ing an older ~18b that you who ba,e II. n10lher lo~ ber carefully De as good 118 vcr you can be, and you CIlD not ua\ her goodn to you Gul be q lU 1t to IIIIve bu tepll abou~ tHe bOllse lib b .. taken miles of for YOll be lore you could tIlnd alone BoYIl you Will alwa,.. be in debt to your mother .. mun '1 ¢an 1101. b u'e lIch fal th fill IICrVIC6 M herellu been It can barely be paid lOr D pu~ ~rt.<;oln-Lovel Txwa A Lut '" ITII A. FmOER-A little boy f, r a tnck POlDted wlLb lal8 6 r t the wrons rOad when a man ~ wblch way the doctor nnt . . . .1&, \h mao ml_ \he doctor,
r O ~I .I.
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lner dllltlcr or II platform speak er he had few eq u811!. \Vh tie lIover CO:1I'1\e or vulgllr he wns yet IIll!escnba bly witty and could be R.8 Mr Tappau ollce described lum a perfect corllucopia of fun 0n one OCCllSlon be was among tbe )nvlled speakers at a New Engl(lJ.\d dInner 111 N ew Y(lrk It \~811 n weaknet!s of th dootor s not to be over fond of Now England A KDlckerbockcr ratber thnu (\ Pllrltan be always In8Jst d that' rl1.mou~h Rock was tbe blo.rncy s tone of tbe Yankees.' Tbe speaklDg of the evenJug WIUI of tile 1I ~ ltnl hnd dilalr lng With fondne88 for tho nlltivellOll lind IlOme"baL extmvagaot III Its @lRten:elll:! of the Dumber of tbOfl8 who althougb deDll.ens of the native l!Oll, bad found tbelr way Into 1\11 tbe eartb 110 thlll New Enghuld dr ver$llnght I! foun(lon the slopc9 of the Andes and Ouuueetlcut clock peddlofl! on tbe slepp08 at TlIrtllry When tbe doctur ",n H called oul uear the clo!M) ()f tho relltlvlll08 be b~gan by snYlOg that the epccc hesof tbe gentle men who had addrclltiCd them rmght be divided IlIto two cllllJllell-the fil'8t of which rlwelt upon the love of New Eng Innd!'1'8 (or their nlltne !lOll nnd the second of ~hlob onumerat~d tbe multI tude of them who had rUII all and left It How tbls WIIS 10 be r conclled be could uot 8ay unless It mlgbt be 011 the theory of a tory he had I card about t\\O Scotchmen II' ho cume to thiS country some yenrs ago At br(' IkfMton e morn In g a Ii w weeksnfter tI OIr lTrna! one of tbern wore a stnngcly trc ubled look Tbe other not.lcllIg It a-keel lum An drew 1Il0n whnt i! tit n IttCI "I yo tI IS morn ng ? I hnd It fenrfu dream III the rucht What dId YfJ drellm mOD' 1 dmnn Itke to teU Did yo drellm ye saw lhe dCII man? No, It WM far \Vaur tban that Old ye dreal1l your mlther \Ill.!! dend 1 No It WR.8 fllr wllur thnn tbat Well what dId ye dream, lOon 1 Wby I drenmed lwns hnme agllln Your renders Will readily conjecture t bnt thl ij lIud Icity of humor orought dowu the b01l1!C wILIr thunders of npplaUl!O On IInotber 00Clt810U wben on our way 10 our fllvorlte rellO rt for a htUe fly !isb ng In ElL.tern MlIlUe wo stopped \lver Illgh t 1tI Boston where the doctor WR.8 to speak lit SOllle ann versary lIleel)ng As ,a8 not UD ISlIIll WIth hllU he WI\!! a II tUe Inte In hiS RppenrRI1Ce at Lhe gnthermg lind tbe Mpenke r next preceding him Oll tbe programme WR.8 eV Idently talkmg agalDst time on bl8 arfl VIII 8eBlng the doctor wulk up the aIsle be wddenly brougbt bls remnrks to 8 close by Mymg tbat tbe distingUIshed ge ntleman wh o would next Ilddre tbem hnd now ar fI ved and he could not understand wby lie (tho speaker) hnd beon appolDted to precede h III uule.'!/! It mIght be on tbe prIDe pic hy \~ b eb the !lIJ1nller wheel of a wagon 18 made to precede the larger There "at! a Blight tWlDkle iu the doctor s eye lUI he unhuttoned and Iud off bl. grent bra" n overcoat} nnd commenced by sayIDg Mr Pre.~ ldent Ladles 8nd GC111lemen-Tbe clOSIng remarks of my fnel1d who has JU8t addrcSlled you ram1l1d me of.a Highlander wbo on II. VISIt to G1Ql!)I;OW CIlught h.s first ~lImpl!C or n fou'I' wheeled cllrrllLge Flxmg hiS eye" Itb amuzement on one of the for ward wheels he exclulmed! Weel done little wheel the big whee nnlle cutcb you A bllpPler oJ>flnlDg could hardly bave been made even had tbere been a month t{) conSIder It
A Ponderou" Locomotive. An englOB bll8 been re enlly placed on the PennsylvanIa Railroad wbl h wClgbs !!Cven tons heaVIer than tbe ponderou :Modoc whose drawlDg capacity 18 almost tWIC that of au ordmnry locomotive Th Modoc 18 cupable of taklllg eighty loaded cars from Harrisburg to Oolun\blll whIle-other englOe ne put to a IIOven: leJIt when tboy pull filly cal'll on tbat pott.ion of the road ThiS lucomot1vol when fully IDltU1,ted IS expected to gel o.wny WIth on hundred cal'll The only Ilt'guruent tit at can be nt!ed against Ia~e ngines 18 that they are hard on traCKS hut 01 the Pennsylvania RAIlroad Com' pany hilS adopted steel radII-able to ,rlthBtand A greater fretl8l1re than Hon on -the wear wlI not be malerutl The IDtrodu lion or thue mammoth en eines hI con Idered a very economical
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""I Cook
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111S 'I .. N.... I ('I <, ~lllSON
,II Ohio
SMITIt &. JOHNSON 1(1 il! frn c
FASHIONS and GOLD COINPREiNTS! Two lVnys lit Looklu g lit It. CIV Ility COijU! little nnd pnys II U a long rUIl A story at the eXI onse 01 a Lawrence mnll who hnd n smnll r 'rty under CMcort t{) a M el\!!lde re lrt 18 t.h e neuest 11111 trntlon .Arnved at Lhe mil rolld term nU ij !lit re IV 18 01 Iy OliO hllck The Lnwren ce man wUIII~d the exclu K v~ UKe of t lor b mllelf Rlld LI reo pCI'S Cln ~ wbolll he cons dered lum" If honored by escortIng An eldt'rl)' Indy ver) plaID m appearauce dcsI red II seat lIIslde nurl that tbe Lawrenco mnn should aceom modate ber by rldmg upon tbe box "'Ith the drn er Be \\as firm In h 8 )llrpo~e ~bough of monopohzlDg the I aclr nnd tbe IHICk driver wltb un eye to b\1SlDe8~ auctIOned oft the use of the \ eillcle finally milkIng II ba'brnin With lhe I IW renco man for lUX dollars 1 bo bnck rolled aWIlY wltb Lhe Ln" rence man tTl umphllntly 111 po 81OIon leavlDg lhe olt! Illdy ~tandlng upon the depot plat lorm to make her wny as bellt .h e could In the evenJl1g tbe Lllwreuce mn 1 W(lS rllIlltwg to a compuuv of U.C(IU lIulances hiM exper ence wltb n troubleso11le fu !1 old [rlsb worn lin at tbe station" A gen leman wbo was 8LandlDj; by well known n.s qUite prominent 111 bUMlIle affairs 111 A New Hump birO cIty ro marked that tbe IALwrencc mnn s CXpefl ence Wll.!! mdeed Singular and thllt there WIl.!! tool (\ strange cOlDcld enc(' 1\Iy mother h /!Iud lin eldcrl) Indy upwards of eighty five Cl\lDe dOli n from home tbls afliernool1 nnd WIl.!! telling U8 at ooa tbat she bad a grent row about gettIng II hnck nL the station "ItI a orunken IIlsolcnt red beaded I rJshlllal1 There !!COrns to be ft good deal of trouble about hacks t hiS afternoon Tbe :Law rence man took, nnd I!O did t.he by slanden The story goes back to Lnw rence, I1l1d if you I\8k blm bow Ilbout tbllt • fU8IIY old Irish worn lin from NlU5hua,' the Lawrence man \VIII prob I bly aak bow your fllmlly a.re and jf YOII o.ren t glad thnt there has been 8uch n ple88llnt change In tbe wenther
Tillers \ T Ifls corrpspondt' nt TI ler 1 III t P ok whIle fucl' I alf wom Inl h I air ('h Idl b IllullllDlltcu by tllO eyc~ filII o f IDlechlef belllnd gold 81 pCllIc les thnt restless mo uth th It bro ,d al d pol l ed forebead surmoun ted by tufted IlIl1r \lIllie :l881l0w, ullthese h nn ctc r Ktl C!!-- oli e ven to h • g rR) hnt \lid bro \ n coat ,h"le ver hl ~ letr leL r8 IIlay ~lly to tI e COl Lrnr) b(' lon~ to hI tory al d at e e' en nlreudy lI ijtoncal \.ud he bID self exl! bIts tl e CUrtO us ca ll tradlcLlons set fortb by hiS fnce He IIR!! nil tho cleverness nil the IIttrnctlvene88 of the II Ollllln Willi the IDlpntlence un INmNNATI DO ...." . WEI'lIl"Y rellecting pnl'Slon and Lbe unjustIfiable A I I.... lOb' Ilr N. w. p.... ' "I """" 8ulklnees of the chlld If be WIshes to ." Ooln. n. or R.. 4In~ !It'1 ..... YII" __ be seductive be 18 coquettish and 0. Allr!:;:~"" ':~lr.~"l~ t:.'::Ir~r:. perl!On losc8 ~~ll eharm h hl8 eyes I\.~ 1. WAnt ,;- n uk-;;- L"RGF. soou M be III sure of hll' Ing oonq ue red r.::.O~.~~ ':J!~' ~I . ~"';:n'i~ him L.ke II "oman be h M n.J\\nys diS mad. ,13 I Ih .... tru ted e~ery (ne except lumllC)f I Ike 10." Tr;r It Ad~~:.~A'."1 U_D . . .OIII<. . . II clllid whnt he excels III 18 d molltlon .... ta. . . .II ....... nnd every t me when he bne been called upon to bmld he h811 hlUltcned to abandon powe r to become ooee more a destrovor I Ike a woman or a chI ld he hM more percC'plJon than nudacity hut the dRY when he dl(1 the most audamous th 1 9 In hiS life WM the day "ben be protes~ed courageously agnmst Ib.e late IVllr 011 thaI dllY be conquered tbe supreme poWj!r of hiS country and dC!'flte Rlf enl ullluie8 was tben patrIotic Ill\( devoled At A later date he knew I ow to appenl!<!! nn enomy but httle dillpD..oed to be IlIdulgent, aud It W811 by hlft effort!! and by hlB pqllcy thn.L Frallce IWt rId of foreign occupation two or three yours earher tban would otherwll18 have been the CMe
Q UI:rl recently at Pompe11 hlUl been di scovered a smull woolen flWtory llear tbo hon'lll wber was found a short tlmo ftlllCC the Tono" ned frellCo of Orllbeus In tbl" fuctory lire sttll lIIIen pIeces of woolenc1otb q.ultecarboDl:r:ed and many lllstrumentil tllr carding and weaving Similar to tho~ ulled In IlOme amal1 fae torleR of thl k\Dd at tbe present day
THE discovery of II Cblcugo woman 18 how to Il8ta peach at the table ISracefully TUE English SJX1f1ing Pimu says that Cut the peach open 1Il the middle and remove the Pit Hold one of the halv08 the prIce llilld by tbe Dnke of WeaLmlO In tlle left baml, and use a Aptlon to IIOOOp ster for tllo hol'HO Done&l1ter 11'&11 the 1m out the pulp nnd carry It to tbe moath mense !lum of 177,000 Thus !.be fingen are not l!Oiled and the UUII boy 4lhd bec:aUIe \he doc- meulU'e br *e rulload oompaor-Jrotl bother o(~lin, ia avoided No ]!8tellt THE &n1mOSlU. are mortal, but !.be _late $OtUe ..... boDe hili World upGIl thiI device hal been ,,'bYiDeCL humanities live fb!eftr.
,-- - - -
No al5 Tb\Jo Co.tume ",b • tbe odmlraUon of all 11 II one of \I 0IMl 11,1•• Ibot '" • "' •• pI...,. apeelolly a. II I appro""l.to tor any maurl.1 al d ,..,q " "" Il~. 1iOoII. to malee II ... , alII. , •• It of "'I .1 1 oan"ly, n 1.01. "r th. 1.8d1ft8 .... , ..... or 0 , .111 Tho .tuut lea, wUtIl, d III " ....""" J II tho ..erot <.hlll1ll tbal
Improve. her ng '" wIll a II 0 .IIKI t
[orm '"", r""lIbo1' cr. " YO' ""auvanlllj{eOu. I, alUred TI 0 \Vnr.lI. tllo I'<'golll1' \lIbll ••• bape iij~iiii~;~rcil;'; lhoonrtktrtl. dl1l1 l~llo fOnD"" Itlo, moea.h .Idb of \I q .. ~I "h eh 11 ny bo 01 II 0 IllUDO o,Rlbl"" 110.. I'CII IOy.rd .ofV Ineh good. (0" tlro. It No o( nl., 1m3 pallo", ,.111 . 10111 mod.1 1ll.1I No of o"croktrt,lI'N-l laltem will clotb model \iii Cia. No orund_kln, ;';';':::';=";:::'::"::=---=-=:::"---lm6\l"!tlI!l'O wllb clotb n olio! 150 ct.a )lA leet on r.celpt "f I ,Ico I!! r.lI~rl! •• "d (JIoCl. M~lr .r ,he
")1*'JIU1~{\1~ ~~'::'0:: :.~~:'.!':!:i..;r:..~: A. BURDEnE SMITH'~
MonthlY" World of FaShion," FINE ARTS and POLITE L1ter.ture. IIIDale (lopln !16 cent.
S. . . rI,tlo. Prl.. f.Ul ~ pald, Intl ••I., A ~=&!,~r T",e Do Ian wu, h or 1'"L1or I rruo to ... eb W e It-IUJ OUf CBRTIJPI()A'ftB8 tOf tblJ • nn nt.
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mo.1 be.u .........&tr.eU,,!! -:1~:.~::IS:mittl's 11I~ls1t"lte 10 be "ou ••• ID ,II'. counarJ'. ever, p .. non who I . .hla with Inc It. will NIIVIIIR cUlK!oullllu. ","Ue It la pubU.he4
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Tit I! hl'AI rt \If nn II ie 11011 kept IlIlbo IlIIreh of Ht Agllthll, Home and It I~ r porw I that h I to be cnllOIllZ 1:50 highly IIro hi ,irtuOlloxlllteu In Italy thllt pal'AllelKllrl' llrll WII bet II eE n hlll1 I\ull 1 III~ I ,and he I~ dcscnooll as rlmlllg th bllnner of mllgllln Ill! the 011 Iy Illcuns of liberating hl~ counLry men Irom I b I b"'IIMo( E ngll.h l'ml('"tl\ntl~1l1
'1" .. 11 II •• ~
I HE IInm1ll'r of IIlflrrlllgl'8 oolebmteu III Pllrle durlllg Ihl' III~ I 6\0 ycnts 8bow~ a marked III rCII.ec (or J i2 J 73 RI1II lIl7f III' 70111111 I 71 tho WAr IIlItur all, cau8Cd atlllll\lIultulI In the forllll'r yetlr Ithc lIumber tlurlllg the twrhl months, WIIK J.! 201' lu l Si.! bOlloH'r .10><1,lh Lhe 1111 I, thllt Ihe> war IIIlfl thll omll\Ulle hl\d reduce.1 Lho populatlOIl by 2/j(JOOOlllbnbll.all~ th mllrrlagetot II rotIO to 21 SiR, 187 ~ I!'I 520 uUlon~ ClifTI'd, IIl1d III Kt l ellr I , 27 TUJo:1l1r. hav I"'~t beell dle<lC' I? roo III n h01l1!C III (.rent !'elcr st r i't Loll lon , I 1!J\lebonrd, II book, OM' lIlIcI'lIl IrOll che~t which 'II'cro llIud It) I' It'r lill 0 renL whon be "II" 1I~ Ing II II II rklllllll 11\ F Ilgland RIIlI 1\ lllch aro tlllI el to JIII\O rt' \lla1l1al ~her 110\1 ,M h.. I It th III 11\ 1M) '1 hey hl\ve nOI\ lweolllll frolll hllVIIJg bt CII cl)lI ijl ct('rrd M\therl\8lullIber, lho proper~) IIf n ltnlSlllllll noblemallOreglHre 1 80h rtkon- who 1IItt'1I1 pre IICllting Iholll lu Ihe Emperor of ItUIlSIU 'll ordor that thoy JUny be lillie II IIInollg ot.her rell f l'eLc r t I l.rt\Ilt lit U d cow Til E Ii r nch u rt of (J1U!l!ALlon hl\8 J llst g" on a deCIllion of III Le r 8t to glenn ers (Frell h fllrmrrs are n~ do Ii lell IllI our owu tYPICltI Nt'''' It'rllC) IOflll) IlIId they bave III Uli geuerntnm lin. n the I,lIClIUt'rd out of the If Ildds l\lI tllll've!!. It Id now deCided 09contrnrv to la'Y for n farmer 10 Lurn site p III til b IS fields for two daysafier hnrvest or to glenn tit field hlmfMllf, or to l!ell the right bCleau the poor would tblls be depm ed of tbe benefit whIch humanity aud Inw bave reserved to the IIIdlgent Is Ihere any oth r coulltry II hClre the pItiful tlmn of 1\ gleaner could becom I subject of litigatIon ? IT hll ixen chllnl d that th yprl'fIlI d Solllma, III Lombnrdy, 18 Ihe oldl' t t~ ~J'!IQOhl, but' .. 161.0 writer ot'crlbrow tb claim by etatlllg them I II t Anurlld bapura, In yloll 3 bo tree that wa: "Ianted n ~ 8-thnlI M, 2·Hi ) elite be fore tbe Lombllr,l, vllrl! ~pr u.g Hlto eldst.ence. lila bo;. tree I >Ill d crop\( With IIgc Lbllt It Illlllld h 1\0 hllJWlld(Jwll loug ago ~ ere It not for \ gLron' "all enclrllltng the trunk lind plllllte ~ upper\io IIIg the mlllD branllbc~ Every leaf lhat fulls froUl Lhe tree IJI plckrd up WIth plOll ~ CIln! by the Buddbl8tpnCl!t alld pre ned III a boll' part of tbelr lemplc 'Ih leaves are tbelle 80Id to the people ~ a l!OV(\relgn p!UIIICca lor the I r 61111\. TH~ Ilttentlon of lil.e llallll1 MIlII try Willi recently drawn to til oonllnualal). _traotlOn 01 \allllLble boob Ulllllu.erll't~ alld w(lrk of an from the Hllllan mOil lISterletl, more peolaJly from IhOlle under tbe Roman Jurladletlon Energlll\o Ulel\8 ures, It 18I!ald, will bave 10 be takcL1 Iv prevenL tbls branch of IIIdllgLry from beIDg camed 00 for Ihe mOllks IIl1d ullns bave (ollnd It 80 prolltable that they will lIOt wlUlllgly rehnqUish It Not 0111, II IlIInlUat.ed mllllUl!Crlpte ohoml bookH small palDtlllg>! elllbrOidene81111d IIl1ages have been made objects of traffic, but III IIOme calMlll even colOl!ll&l al tar plecoe have boon taken down from theu placolIj and have found tbelr way IDtO the hands of Parl~ and London d alefll Large con ventuallibrarle8 bave been disposed of In the same manner, and to add to the M"andal, !~ Ie Mid that hundreds of ches1.8 of unknown oontenl.ll have been 10111, out of the Vatican Itllelf proVided wltb the rapal ~, IUId by tIm mennsal\ol'icd to p81!1! froo of lK'arch amI dllty, alld have been expedited to OlVlta Veceh'" to be Rent aW6Y on French ahipl!.
AT II recent meetlllg of tho BntlM AIIIIOCIIltIOll, ~Ir Beauoharu p Tower read A piper on a machine for obtallllng motive power from the motion of a sblp l\Dlong wavll8 A BprlDg III wound up by tho motion and th U8 tbe power II stored away for Il.8e ThIS 8uggea1.8 a mod" of goulDg foroo for our rllpid tran lilt In falhng from a gIVen belgbt a etone gtlnerawe force enougb t~ rall!e It lipID to the height (rom which It fell By pllrlty of rea8()Dlng, a man ID walk Ing down from Thirty fourth street for cum pIe, eJ[eru force enough to carry him back ap1n, I! there were only lOme means of atorinlli it up for uee The pl't'lllure of walking feet against the Bid&wallt could be utlJIzed to wind up an Immenee epring, or a eerll!ll of email eprlnge, the tlnwindlDg of wlneh could be made to dl'Aw whole carloads of men whitbe~vtl1' they would go. In tum, the pret!8Ure o( the cara on tho ~racka oould wind up springs 1ID0IIgh to draw them back 19a1n, and thlll wbat II prae tically perpetUAl motion might be arnTlld at.. When we think of all the unutll 111M p.-are in the world, of the myr lad, nf who lIllie down eellar doo"" of all *he naira tha&are uceadM, all the oontinuolII p_re ot litt.i." aDd all &be tho-.d aDd ODe IIOUroel of power whleb are allowed 10 nan to wut.e, we are ..... a& the bUlldD. of maD
........~.=w 01...... .t:.n.~1J::iw::. ........
UI I lark """ IH. will oulllo".o... 1\ \\ 0 b"TODIIARIl Ib re II IlS 1101, In all We~Lern 1'\~ , York n n10re truly rurtl dl Lnct tll III Arll ~y 10111\ tllP twenty) 1118 ngo It ~ould h,l' t;lk~n:l good Judge to d t r mille wJuch WItS the Rloro dl,'lld nllv arwn~, I\rwllY ~)Jlter ArwllY JiOUT Oa rn rH or l PI~r or Lo\\ cr or EI\J!~ or W Cfjt An\l\y of Ill! U u vlliag ~ Into which the tO\\ n ' TUM cnt u r flull 1I0t nmong th m nIl (>fluid he o r nn?, oLb r m III I"" c dl em, fI (lulJuc('rc r qUH' r duck thllll old I jolte r Nobody kne\\ preCll!Cly "hether Sol s yellrs wt're tifty or aixLy for he seNncd nll,a} to bale been Old Sol (llId noLo, l) el~ Probl\bly ho couldn t ha\e been llllvbody al If he bOlt trl d IUId rlcll 118 he WAS 111 wbal went (or riches III tho56 plLrt.B 1I0t a solll ID Arway would hll~ e swap cd plncc with hpn Truth to t.ell old I lIas lUI OIelln as h looked and the ollly really davoted friend he had beSIdes 111m I!OIf "ag the 80rry IOQklll~ rough conted rope 11I1('d long ellred \iLL! old mlllt thuL carned 111m to ID cetlflt; Imd the fell other errnll!l~ IlllICh lOok hun IIwny frolll bls "mil or IIIW howe I er Sol ~ 111 ule bnd 11IK errlln(\s lIlI(l otht<[ troublcKllIulLll'Uld lor blm, for hi mll6~cr bnd seen 11011' Ullug throllgb hiM hOrn nmllle,l " l'ectnc\""" of a >IIltt whl b h ,0< Imlllp;ht t l"Uubl .., 10 h 'gh Rnll low ahke ~IIIUC the worlll lIc~nll Jf Sol ho,1 ollly 100kClI as enrnlll!tl) ut i!I.'lIIe lIch girl a" ~II) on Lennel be fore he beglln I) w('ur ~ I ec~ 1!, it IIl1ght hll ve blnd u " llIan of hllll Hut now IIl1d of 1111 th Iprl8 III .A r\\oy I 'Well If 11y h ,tI bL'f:1I left to herl'Olf I ~ mule ,~oIlJd lIelor b~, e IIlnf[e ~he !!Ceon,1 trip to th VIlli Lellllep homt.'s\A'lId I bl.'re w,,~ "bere tbo trou ble clime HI hO\l ler fur 10llg aud Iirl'Rry IlJI \\lll! lho rOlld n ro thellll1s old ,I tloulclltlln()~t feel nt hom when hI! reJlcbed tb o 1111 WUll(I'l4', IUo>llOuch 111 be beld tho oue morlb'llge 011 tb /lirlO And Ill) eUt!y go IDg, uoublc hlltlllg Dell all I.ennepiJlld begged h IH merr,y eyed dllllgh ler not to mltkll run af old Sol an<1 l'(l old Sol I r 81sted 11\ tormelltll1g lh hfo 0\ hlH lIlule balf out of blm wltb tho.'!C tnJlll ll{ I'OI!S the 111118 &11 b Illl ll4lJf would ne, or hll Vtl cared If Sallv'8 IIry lool"ng "dmlrt'r IRUlO e lery I1Ight In th e week bill there 'Icro olbers whose IOterCllt In the Ulatlc r 1\J1lI mo re aclIVe. r rlmps ~,lIy 11111 nol fecI so ' or) bid at first, 1\11 old I IIcceedcd III RIUlIIg out olle ol\'( r IUlUlher (lr her l!eleral heRUX for Mbo telt Mllre !!Om h!)\1 that olle or them, at lelltlt, \I ouM sLI k nnd If she bat! cho!!OJI, mlgl~t hll' e been Ilhlo to name the Olle, for ?lfllt Omuger w8S a 80rt of man not all likely to gIve up ,ery crullly it WIIi! a httle hard on Mat though all through September lind October-Ill moat 1\8 bard a on the mulo hlmsolfand Sol Potwr WIIS dreadfully ID tho \I ny ID splto of every devIce" Illch IlIl1le lind female WIt could de~ lse or slIgge t Moreoler even Ben Van Lannep beglLn to get nervous dreadU1g oontlllua11r the exylollioll wbleb WU8 slire t~ come, \I ever So Potter got hl8 courago up to the POlllt of" spellklDg ouL" to Sally. There 'II'lIS a hne, 1\8 Ben knew very well heyond whloh hiS parentallluthor ItY,wero he lIIean enollgh to stmln It tha.L far, was dend sure to 8nal' lISunder Jf b •• oro.,. turlled OU' well tbat yenr lind !IOld to IlOOd ILdvllDtagO, be knew be coult! snnp Iils lingers at Sol Potter lind hiS mortgllge but, thell wha~ 1 f they didn't f Tbere 'II'1i8 tho rub allli 80 Ben let Lhmr ~lIdo "fter hl ~ nccu8\;(IDled fllshlon nntl November CIlme, With ite oold tonne and raw blLlDg nlght-lIlr whIch made matter 110 milch worse for tbe mul , and tbe dread of whIch kept old 801110 very late In SallyVI\II Lennep 8 IItting room AIMI for Mr ~Intthew OrlUlger and alllli for Sally'e oomfort! A.las I too, for the mule and now tbere ORme a tlmc wben Qld Sol Potter be gan to have hl8 own rCllllOn for IInCIUII
Dry and crOl!&gramcd and 8016w lIS the gum old bachelor had alway~ been, he WllS, ne,ertheless a greedy oollector of all the ~tmy news. tr\le or otberwille, that could ~t IteelfaOoat In uoh aeom munny a. tIlat of Arway township, and every man or woman be nllght oome In CQDtact With W811 compelled to I etand and deliver" whate,er hc or &be mIght have to tAllL Year after year, untIl tben, the got'lIlP of Arway bad been dull and ''''pld enongh, e.,en in election timet, but. Just .. Indiln aummer 'WaI comllll on, ., belaD to &.IIUme a decidedly dltlerent Character Nothll\l but robbe ... Uld robberielt-blghway robberiell at that.. nOIll of the.. . a t at baDdJ It w.. tnle, but 00\110 "a_y .. to root.bemol'aapeclell of loeallAtAlrea. and all them wlt.b Jut daM ~liar dalbaf ~ and
Os I of the Ne\\ HI" I'll FIre Depart ment hor 08 "!lIch \\ I" pro lr IteU "Ith colle Il'd had I er II men \l orklng o ~ c r It ro to 116 feeL:lt II fire allirm nnd though . unetln~ lotel lO pllin took II plnce I\t Lh cugllJ rl'lldy for duly fVEIIA 1 amull I"CCCM of ortlllllllce \\ere reoen1ly hrl)ught lip \'y n IIredg\llg 1II1 hlllo (rom the "".. ofthu Appomnu,ux rll cr "hare they hllve 11111 I<II1Ie> J n(ny ottu frolll hiM 10 IIIOD In Pocllh IItRS shell ed the ClIClI1 y \\ ho OCeUPICt! 'l ork w\\n IT Iii cllllllcd th ,t the first cnmp meel IIIg. III A mencll I~ he r h III III J fu7 b} two B Iptlst 1Il1illster R-the Rev i5 l1l1l1cl HRm nnd the Rev James Renrl-llbo prCAched ID that part of Vlrglnln IYlIIg tM)tll'cell the UIlPJlllhanllOek Illd Jnllles t1~ erl:l. TJI E nRllle of the thimble 18 said to havo beell d erl'ed from bllVlIIg bean brst " orn o n tho ~huO\h II Ih e8.'1. llor s tbllnble stili I!!. It ISII))II\,eb IIlVentlOIl nu,l" II~ IIILtoli1l cd mto Eoglund ID It 05 by lohn l olt ln g who DlAllllfll t ured II It l.lll1gl.,n "11\1
oonquer Till. \\ 0 8 the 1\ uy he felt \I hen he 8Larted, and for II lIule or 80 he kept It up faIrly ~ ell But thea, th e NO\6mber wlIld. sunny thougb the IIay blld bllell, grew cblll1er ami more searchlllg, the very 010011 had 1\ warnlDg and tbreaten IIIg look m ber faoe lUI sit peored from IIchlDd tbo clouds nnd. I a eyOll beglln to -peer fllllOllg the e}tnd\lwe IlI'Onnd hi':: Dlore nnd more all X 1011 I) for p0sSIble sIgns of the pertls .. hlcb bnd envl roned him the IJrc-.ou8 tlIgbt Alld 8uddenly (rom Ollt tho 811enoo Oil 1118 right alld a little belllnd hlm, th re IIrOllC R 101lg, shrill, trebly relX'lltt'<l wIll&tie and tlII8 WI1iI nn8wered III Klmllnr "tyle froOl ouL the Mhadowy UllcormlDty befor hun I wonder" IIQ dog they ro , "blst.Jill for at tbl~ tune 0' IJlght 7' snld Sol WIth an IDvoluntllry 8111ver 'Peate lit.e 0110 follow WM IlIgnollll' to anotber fol low bllt I don't reckon It km hev any tblDg to do with me Anyhow 111 lUll. tnke the long out by tbo lower rond Tho swamp tUn'to' lDuch account ai.tbis time o· year" And 110, at tho next crol!&-ronds" Sol de.eertod bls accustomed path nnd <lug hiS beels IlIto hiS mule, IIOmewbat Jlerv oU81y R.8 he qUlckoned 1118 Splice down an unfenced and hul&-tlsed byway • Nobody Il ever dretlm of my lenvln' tho J'OIld ' he IIOlIloqulzed, • and they OIn1 do all lb 'II'hI8tlin' they take a noUOll to" But Just theil, nearer by IL good doal than before, .nd more venomously &brill than c,vor, tho lIOund whlcb had dl&turbed bInI ""ng out be'weell him and the v6ry eroee-roade wbere he bid turned
l\wfuJ Mhapes on As lIe drd 110 howe r tho I fttlcnt tnd so rely tired hnlte ben til him Clllle to I 1M IIlllslor'lI ISLIIII(I(''' Itll a long .Ir 1\. n bmy I\huoe mouru/ul f'Ath o~ n lldercd fllly l erbfl l dccl\lrntloll 01 \lId R"I ~ Inloll tlOIiK utterly unneel' ry I ~ \\ \lj I, lellr Clli!O of 8urrender lind ' l!UIII It I'lorclIIl; thr~fltll lllll g wbl ~tJ raug 11 m ..' Ih e SI'iILIIIP while Sol wa ur III COl Id III COl or II lOllS Ilrlll rCllchet! out III 1\ IIll) LhllL I\C Uleil to 1)oIIIt hOl1l o\\ard ol "lIother l!Ound nor a wortl or 1\ tokell nud 801 !letLlcd bllek on h IS In U Ie 11\ hope Icl:V! despondency ell.c1lllDllng IIr roull led' ~urroulllled I IIl1d aglllll th e frog -(lilly thIS time he knew I~ was the frogtJ- lIIleme,1 to cronk llroulld the submerged legs of tho 6bh erlns Dlule Van l.ellnep-Lennep- Vlln Lenuep -better go hOllie- go hom e It \\118 n gout! balf.hom IHlll cl cr he fore t:l,,1 uoulll muster courage to 1II0VO 10 "ny direction and wit{ n be d .. 1 It" liS to follow tbe UdVIL'C of tbe frogs wlIJI I d Izcd puzzled doubtful ~IRte 01 \lI1II1I 118 If there yet relllRlIlL'(\ 80DlC degree 01 uncrrlUlnty wh etb r b(l hlld been 1~lllly robbed nnd mnrde red or nol A lid tbllt IIIgh t tbrfll \IllS no mr to 11\ terfere 'II'ltb Milt (lranger nt the lire Ide In 81111y Villi Lenllep H 61ttlllg rO<lIll 1I0r the uext lInr tbu lIext lind whell, fl roulld \\ el'k a(tcrllllrd, old ::!oJ Pottcr IIlIddle<1 bl~ mule alld suurted III tbo mId dIe of the afternoonn, er the lullH toWllrd Ben ~ tho first acqunlDt.lIl1ce he stopped. to exchnuge gOl4Slp WI tb IlSked hun blllntly • Boord the 110\\ s bout Mnt Grnnger and Sal "' Iln Lennep? "Well 1 can t say liS how I hov fiLl wred Sol dreadful dUsplclons rncklDll 1118 bram I Married YIHlerdny 1111t! gOIl off to lOWD and won I, be ba",k lill 1 hallk" glVID I Am t tllllt lIudden 9 'l'owerful lIuddell" ~~.ouillted Sol and then he ndded, 'There no.. If I alii tglfld I metye I'd'! forgot suthlll If I hadn t I ve got to go tlgb L IJllck home Ilrt.er II ' Aud back home he". nf., but I f the n10rtjIage Will! the thlJlg ho WII" lookmg for wilen he got there the crop.~ lind th market, not to speak of Mat Grallgfr were AA mucb IIhetUI of hlln then 1M Mat nud tho frogs and the HIli dows hud been the night he WIUI 8url'lllundod 10 tb(' swnml' Women nrc II bud s \lCculnhon mllroh,.e<t I thnt 1 hllnk.egIVlDg dllY mornlllg ' I nevc r 1r1l00,ed one on cm to pay,l\nd DlarrYlII' d be all IIwfulox ira vRgance for a keedul m an like me
hi the preface to hll relCent excellent book 'I he Abodoof 8now, 'Mr Andrew WII!IOn, well kn9wn RII tho author of one of the m08t IntorelLlng works on the Chinese Empire rev C8 the old theory of M Adhemar thnL e ell rth Will topp'le over one of thel!e aye and send tbo ~an~ sweeping o'ler the conLmcJlll!. Tbe tbeory 18 thllt o~ln~ Ito tho areater prepol.1derance of 'II'a\ilr In the SouU!ern I1emllpbere tbe gre&t.eet aceumwat10n of water Is round WII Sou,tb Pole, wheu the a.ccum Illation reached a certalD the balance eartb must. be .~~~~~;~,d~:~~!tll~"ftd--t.IIle Clenter. of.pberI, tat from the cen wbole earth aI ow. • tum t~ntr I Jemaall'm !" uelilmed &1, I they're OCIMDA, IIl\.er me tlu~ time, and no ml.talte r .randcata AIn't I glad I fetebed my lun a10nl r JIOW altered Anybnw tbere'll tbe swamp illaead. and Some very they canlt have been 1liiian enough to .lIUItbe!\D.,t.iciianl have have \JId fur ml." down there .. DO& A wlalltle, aDd thea a 10DHrawD, a faIIe moamftihort 01 a halloo, w.re tie _I ...
--.uD\7 of cIecall wldc:b linll • be:D • " JOIIf ......, .,....'" We ...
.. oa . . wiI40tD Gl8oI. . . . . .
1 h I keoeu 01 the 01 her world 1 , tl u I d " • ..., I nd 1)1)0' w o ul~ boo ., IQt billow IVI( I 01 L II ft I I • tow ola world 01 bll ...
to . bow
MOIW.!!1'Y 1M the red rilllO that 18 worn r n II 11110 henrt AN \ 0110 who JUUlII t been IlIVlted to dt'III' r \III ugrt ultuml addre bM 1\ tigh t to be lTIad 1 RARKIIT " .eLlu'l D;>nll boron ... A d lh1 I "e IlOp Y 1..101
lo • ( 1(0' ,till I. I II .1 11 on eo 1 I !Ilt . good * 1 aro
EVillY 1111111 hilS III blDlself a oonti ne ntof undl cover d chnracter Happy IK he wbo ac ts the Columbu8 to bls o,.n 80111 ~IANY ml tben mark Irom lOItering on the road Lhllt leads to I ~ The day of ,,1\ dllY 18 to day the hou r of 1\11 bOllrs 18 lbe pr nt I r .8 8IIld that nrl~\I\I\1 Young baa ac (pllred tbo tiLl of l.eneml (rem bavlDg been IlIl11ell I Btlggy II IIr ' !!O onen by 1118 nUUlerOllS \VIHl<. \ \I ~e nnOIH1A'I'II," SIIld ydney mlLh \" Ic1ll\ If In w re \0 be t.aIlell • from men 1\8 Eve ~1I8 from Adam-by CII8tlOg tliom fn to 1\ docp sleep , I fII HE nre III1I11V wbo MY rna", thaD the lruth ()D 801110 OCCalllOnS, lind balance tho IIllcount \11th their consolence\! by IlIIvllIg less thnn tho truth on 01 bers IHJo; Now York deteotlV1'8 llrell t much 0[1 murders IUd bu.rglarle8 bllt they 1\IIIe J\lst reC(ll red I~ J[old beaded cano lolen frem (lo\ernor Vllnce, of North lIroilllll lu ~t JUII A, 'IAN Ivould IllIve prencbed ID ViI" glOlO Ity the other dllY hnd not 1\ rock 8uuek 111m between tho shouldete Tblll 18 tbo lIen~eML lh Ill! \(1 unday e6rvlCtll the) have bnd Lb ere 11I1II e yelll'l!. tHE 'Vorce~ter Gazette -bopes that the \8l!OCll\tioLl to Elevllte the Grade of nutt r lIIunula cturell III tbls Country , "111 1I0t e nable the blltter or the future grently w outrank tbe b!l~ter of now
D llINI theplllt)Cllr th number of CIP;.'\\'II conMlllllcd \U Franco IIIIIOlilltod to 'Nl,ooO btio IInllot lIlonufa tured <!lgnr otiC&, JjU8 000 000 J 11\8 I" Ill' Aver,'b"tl of twelltr clj!llrs Inll th/rt.ee' o /I)orettc~ for cueh 11\,11\ Idu II tho population (f \vo lIIell 0011 chlllir II belllS IIldlllled III th e cnlculntloll
Ih Jo;~1 lebL r~ (rom IIlIytl rclute that ~ cs nUlbnll slll eXI " ~ til III IllIrmlllS cx lent Wllllt t lIe~ do. In tbat 01 ghwi I't! r( 1'1 hh e III the rropen ~ lty III lIIolh rs to I)Un C~lIlc their All Elll,;lI II chellllst, n lnl~d F.merH()u dilldrell ~ ho(hc8 Illld Ih e u Kuck Lb o biulltl I'ubl . heH III tlt e r:ie,t II tiji( A, ,eMaIl' the o uL of them blldren IIrc foulld wltl r lilt of hl H obs~ rvlltlollS \11th II1e8 With boi lls Il thlHr heuds II lid Im()k~ LLlld Iholr \\llI clt he hllg expe r'lIl P lltc I [f who I, b€' ~eln. Slicked dry r port IS trut hlul there ~hollid be lIIoro klllll heurted nde Tobys to nc kno\lled~e 11£11 &: 111 rnrX K&11 IIf CI \ IllIti CIIlI the tlebt lie OlIO theE hulo lllscct@ Old cealed une hundred \I .d tllenLy fh~ 1101 ) HI ' er " Rl cb n Ily II hll hnHJut I\ligbted Inn< 11I11l ~ parlor 8tO\ 0 lIId went 10 0 IWr ",JRrh'K !IWllt the room for 1I01IIe trOlt ImllO lll ~ Ilb-euce the re W8" all little LIIIIO? H gOOd tbrougb II !!Orl i of artlll oflow temperature Illlho VIClnlly of tJPcrll\lOIl ~ willch remlDd you of a eaL the InkeM ILlltl Mrs hCldl'ckcr hlld II IwklOg h~ f'l!e ll ut\cr a meal or 01 a bird Ilro lD the I nrlur stO\ O Mr ~heldeckcr plunlltlll .t. (cllth r8 First tho hUIII I" nnw 0 )11" .1.' I til ,wle nl ~'lIItr l( tlllll lee t llro rubhed together tben eneh hlDd \ MA"K mcn,nlflns three fe et fronl lep; IHl'luoJ..;edOll' r u ~llI g Ihellthe fillr A !frORV II' 0 11 t()J leafiC III 1~ 'it lIHJ .fut & III fO,lOlI well t ul l.'O1 cilMJ u d new WIUSto WllIg tic. \IIthroll~h n pilI 0 of IOIlH lllld.rgl~ hk'lrrlltlllellt 1\1Idinstly A d "h\,I 80 er It tlOl'hll.Ott from ~he8 r 11011) Jrll. one UVCIIIIII! wIllie Ih e 1IIIIIIIy vi Ir VOII look shurl' ynll" III see tbe ID TI 0. wi wl11 alee, It die. e" " III 1M tfl 100 d lIr H hUIIII,lllu o(O LI. i\l1I~, \l e re !1I.ct c lrry 11I 8 probOHC I. over hi. legslllld - $I 1111 !1I«l Mrs ( baml18l11 nLln ked hlln lib lilt h, . body liS' Ilr II" he ('nil reneh E PA HnN W EIl l ON I" 1I0W tryIDg to Iw ~ 8'7"U II lI eClI Ho I" II('W I he IIIlllute lrullk I" perfectly retractile get Il Oovert mellt omce but doeso't IllId Cllt;,d IlItI tho clllillrell Clil Hllllly the IInll It l e rlllllllt~H III tW<l IlIrg(\ lo1ll's \ nd tho mce I wlIlk ove r till be cOlllllrltll e IDIIOl\lvolllll\Vk ~ IIldhlllll "h eh )11111'111 !!I'oH\.r<lIl Ollt "hell the Olll!ht to geL l'OlIIotlllng If be II I!Ign a 1111'" I llIsect heglO811 II en o n a lump of 811gllr/ plodlle to abstJlIlI (rom lilly lIIoro pedellNo\\, thc rllbbllllt togetlwr of ICJ:.r:! 'IIIU ~11fl1l I :SOlIUNll ~ Ill!eClll8 He noth IHng8 Il\ay he I I!olltlllllg O[lCrlLtlon, but tflllll\SI\l A I Am of stlllr8 thnt IlIll ordillllflly a IDg nell A mOllg t h" DlIIlIII rlpt~ left for what purp0l!o I lilis cnrefully gOll1g by R.lCl lu I B'U1t.er 18 n leller In willch over tho bolly ",th the trunk CIIptlClully sobtl Ilij u rock, WIll straddle III tb he" I) ~ I h lrtlly lbllDk )Oll for lour when thnt orgllll 18 not fiLtell for licl[lIIg JOIl1\.11 and crenk I\nd crook wgetber wltb CO UlUlUlllcutlon on the maUllr or IIpp IfI hilt "1lIIply fur 811Cklllg and Jtrllllplllg up 1111 the fervor of 1\ th 1I1l(Ier-c1LLp w hell one tlOll8 uld dead 101'11 s cnndles Wo lillI e food On pltlclng lhe lIy \llllier tbe 18 IItt.el\ll'tlng to climb tbem IIOlsele88ly a houl'C tb ree mIles .. II haunted "I th III1Cr(\J\Cope, to th e 10 \l' stlgllt~r' s <llsgnst late M IIIght D1ghtly knoeklllt;s IIntl IV Ilkllll,llio We It lIppenred oevered wltb hcl' Mr IT 1MlItated by some WlselL~[ that Lbe spentn day III prayer nnd th~y were fre e ElIlerilOlI conchHI~d lhlll here WIIS !I01lI&- bemt of n m U1 \\ elgh.lIbout lillie ouuce (or Ihe or ~ IX monthsllft.cr thnt S lIlee tlllllg which at once requllcd loolnng nml ..hilt 01 n ,\omall IllxHlt eIght As It 1M III ". be lore Into \\ hy " ere file s I )U8y~ The Oy lho IIge III c rcMCS II 011111 K hellrt grow8 HCellled to t Ike hl H pO~llIon very coolly hell' ler nnd Ih e WOIllIIII S IIgbter !lOme alld l'Xtelllhng hiS proboSCIS, begnll 10 glr l ~ 10 IhClrK IIL~ lxtee ll A CnrloliM AnIDlIlI. s\\eep Ito.er lll K body U If he hnd lust • Til Ii: PrlllC6 of Wille. tllk. II zool fhe ehllllleleoll Ii! one of tbo CII rlou H nhgbt.ed A glunce throllgh ~he IIIIOrnorclturc8whollC \cry eXlI!telloe h8.11 come ~cope however, sholVpd tbat the opem o~ .. t lind II botl\U1st III hie LrIlm to In ",ys 1\11 exobatlgt' Knowing tho to be doubted by mllilY p"opJe I!() WOll tlOn Wll8 1I0t of !!('tr OOnUtlfiUlltlOIJ for dill derfulllntl v UIOUS IU'O the aCCOllnts aud wherever the hoe we re tbe truuk went fJ('lentl/lc attalllUlell!.it of the Prmco It IS de;ccnpttulIH of tbe IlIllUlnl 01 e traveler 'Ihe lice dlSllpper rcd lllto the LrulIk ILnd IIIfcrrcd the zoologl.t WIll hay cl Argo glvPs It one color another qUIte \I dlll'er the fly WIU! en tlllg them He look the of tho dogB, 'I h lie the botllm.t gathe ... e nt one nn III thIrd deelar 8thllt It tllkes paper IUto Lh o kllche n III1U W lVed It lho mlllt Illy color whIch 11.11 fi ckle fallcy ma) d, e umullll, taklllg are thnt 110 /Ill's t(lIIchcd I W' In" lifo or nlll 1(IN weI-II: ~Ddl'O.¥O" 6 0 word or wi,. I~ t heel'<!ll on . cblDg I ..rl tnt.e 11,8 renl ('xlstoncll i. 1I0W \\ell es It IIl1d went back to Ihjl nllcro!!COpe und Inhlll.hed howo\ or and 11,8 hnblts an I there foulII\ nnllllnlculc!l, tbo Mme Ill! on ~o.c~ ~~e 11~::tt.~litb~r:et:r~It:t'en;::~ pccullarlLiCilllrc belDg attcnLI\ 1'1) studied file" He f"ld no\\ IIrrhl'd ilL IIOmctlllng If . b ..... nll .. bl ••, I i hu. lie I"""r by a IIl1mher 01 IIClentific mell de/illIte the IInlllllllellle8 lI ere Iionting Au olg l lework ,. \,,11 IlodtYloli M Pllul Vert hlUl reellllLly (ound thllt III the III r nlUl th o '(luck motlous of Well pl .....1 II ,I • I bel"'ft~ rill' 11.lghI...., Or "' .. 0 0 _ I ,ha' lall. I. Cn Itluholl tho chllnges of color wlll~ h tbls 1I1lImnl the fh cs gllthere I them Oll theIr bodies 11118 lho power of e!lcctlllg 80 mpldly ure aud the HleH tb~n we nt IIItO IO IlIO qllleL 'relive MOllthly IIIforms prod ucw by the 1'"111<10118 and omotlollS comor to ha'll their Will tv menl The the lIorlel that I I f II lIIal\ fall asJeep iD of the hUle crclltare 111 otller "ortis IIIvestlglllor goc~ on desc rlhlllg how he tho 8lt~lDg 1)0 lure Wlth his mouth open, thoy nro wholly dne to IIcnOIl IlI1l0eDces oolltllllle.1 the oX l'erllTlcnt III a ~nnety of III. JIIW drops tho tongllo nnt hemg 10 workillg either III connection Wlih or localltlll8 lind ho\\ ID ditty and blm contacL II I til tho ht\td pallllO, the uetoIIIdopenllellt of, tbe circuilltory system HmcJIIlIg'lu!lrt.ers htl found the mynad8 nal .pace Ie obhterllwd I tbe 80ft ltalal.e ne IIIterestlllg peellJianty of the of Ihee whlCb eXIsted there literally coy no longer IIdheree to the root of the !lnlmal IS the fact tbat 11.8 two eyes act erod wltb IIll11nlllcule8, wlllio other fil""', tongue and, If l'6IIpltatloll be carned on wholly IDde.Jl"nden t or p.llch other re- captllred III bedroowlI,or venLlluted, olelln through tbe mouth, tbe mUIICuiar cur oolvlng; entirely dlstillct Impre88lon8 apllrlment~l ~ere IDllOmbly lean !lnd ell taln beglDs to vibrate' Tbe meaning of Wben It WIMIll! to catch nn Insect WIth Llrely freo trom their prey Wherever tlll ~ 18 that, If a man don I. keep hia l!.it prodlglOIlHly long tongue, it watehes fll~h eXIsted evohlng gemlK wblch 0l01lU! mut when he Ie weep he wUl I~ llltentr, With olleeya, wblle cnrefully mIght gon('rate dll!ell86 t.here were tIles, 8nore," and auythlng but a l!cientl8c panpproochlDg mthlD mllge, lIS a PIIIl\~ ooverlllg tbemlllllves '" lth mlllute organ per would have lIlud I'Q InaulD slowly 8teals up to a herd of Wild 18UlS and greedily devourlDg tbe SlIme GOOD morrung, Arr Blallle?' I How CAttle 1\ Ith bl8 COIled 1118110 It Ireep.lts tongue rolled up ID a lltUe pollcb III Ib RBTUBN8 received Rt the DeptLltment are you, Mr DUb '/" "Bully! How mouth m IIwlille, until wlililD tbree or o( Agneulture, at Waahlngton, ibow tbat doell your corr,oroeitY _m to apclale Cour \Debell from Jt~ VIctIm, wben the the uverage pnoo 01 farm labor, with this mornlDg" "I am happyto .l~ laLt.er Huddenly disappears from "gbt, board, per monib, in the UnltAld tates, you tbat th electrical hyperbol ot tlIe nobody k1l0'll'e exactly bow The tonglle 18,12 -iO at the I'rel!ODt tlm&-mUlng a.. SanaoPI&arlnge. aeURI jJI y.~tIc 18 thrown out In much the \lame W&y decline of ncarly tweut. t,.o per cent. harmony wltb the B1IJO&entoo&en ...... that httle boY811Omotim8llllhoot pllmpkm IIlnoo 1869 The loweet Wapi are In th, b~ppllyenahlH the _aaprot......... l!eeds by plncblng tbem between tbe BouU!em StatelL knOwn uibeden\aJ ~ &0 ....... their DI..t1catory I'uDcUolu ~ thumh and finger ID, efticleDCIf! tIIerebY _i.....I. . . As an eVII]ence of the lin tire Inde('end A OREENnOlUI who oftlel.tAld u1 Iri. ellce of the eyefl, it I __ r~ that If a t:1erk at MIlJcreek, lltely nndlll100k to pnero\lll a.pllt_ \tie an . . . . ucI ..,... @Ieeplng cbameleoll be a"llrened by holrl I live out a bymn" In which lobe W11rd quaey or the moral, 109 a IIlht ftl'llt to one eoye and tben be- I doxolOf)"'occurrecl, hutubeoouldn', cMIlully eope fore tile other, the two BldM of the bodr uaetly gel the haD( or tbe bard word, orpnb.atJo.to will ..ume di&rent oolora oorretlpoad. he supt.ed to the eonpep&ion the ~ tal &0 the dl.rent. impretlliona which Ii...... fbur.,.,..ucI a.oct-
wi. ....
t.bi .JllIIOIl....
~::;;;~~~-R""i _01'" :-_I,_p
• itt IJen, fro "I . £'.11 Vb,.. , to look up "M 1)1' '11Ic.'iulllli. arl' i itinp: tlll'i but Ill' dmu,!,':j "h.,'1 Illi tI ~kl'l frl"11I1 I 'l,lI..:"h, Iii IiIlJ 'hi , ut' t"..a~"1Ilp' 11114 IIrullIlIl Illl' Illd IIf"nt'~"';I'l. I ' .. :-11 ) •• I'll Ill" II ,., H " .I,. It .. I' l.illl'"III, 'II I \\' .1 Will a.llin", th., cili%4.·11 vt'lhi . II I(h','_ I ill I II' .\'l·.lf J". _·'·hr,·I~' .\ r,·.1 "0\\, ~ \0 9 l' ~ IU:U \'i 'ini t\' till , "·',I. fur II ,.1111110,,1 lit' _\'('nr •.. , , 13 at A II ('hIUIoJII'I' f", the I"'~t t'lI lI l1, ", .•1 ,1' -Thr<.>t> or 1i.'III' 1I:/lIlIl,"'1' 1111' ... I' '1iI~1II ,,·\'1.·u us •III t b;,l'kl'll .• "I' hi ( I•.... ..·'~ I. ..'~" I",lI 1'.YII8iQl ' ~ ATl' [ DA r Er E. ' L'f; ,.r 1\\ l ' I \ '1' , I II I' ''. 1'1 It' n", n 'r' I rt'· 1 ~.i .. I1\... Nu. " 'JII\" ,d t " (':11I : I ! til k~ Ill' l' ~Wll\'. I ' \\' 11 ~'I" al \ -,l'!IL IJ,·, .llJ:lII'1 '"Ivrl', II m l : I'~ liI,.d il ... III hall,l.. , .. "', I • "~ n . ,. ", ; t ' n':!' \' lUll ,. I 1'1 I I~,: I, .. t . ','" •• October g'l. 1875 7o'cJ"ck - :\1 1', 1111 ~I r,. lI ull-lii' '',11l I\ I. tI .It "~rlll ll ,. \ '1' I . .1)o,':I~'i , ll 'ul'·-m·,,, 11 11 ' l' 'rll . lat ' 14 ' :0; III WI" v 1 I I ~ , 1,'11 hi .1.nn l' l .1' ' II I . I t k' "· I II ~. : ~,~' ,~ 1. :l1I).: ,kr. t'r'lII 1.11I\·ill,-.III.l., Ir,.. t'l'Watllufllt '.k lJ .. : I ' . ,~Ulltt· "':lIl\l'U ~ " "'{·l·l • :' Ip "" t ; "'1,11,,'1, 'II. ul ,,1 ~( r. :'II -('1111" I'· " 11 ' II . k I~, I ~ II !,IIIIC thi:; IIWI'uiu" III " I'" 'I' r.. ;;I\'t' "III ' lli~ lil t" 10 tllC ",ItCI" l'C HIIII",1 , I ' tl lIl' \ ', I."d '\11' ' ', J"mllll'11 1,·.' 111 I r ··, I·t " I : I l" "'''l'knll'll II , llalll" t •• II1'\'1 ':111' til' u U. I \\ 1 1 I II C ~IlI'1I1 \\' ,II' lilt P llt·" L, "'WOO'" ",'r,' i'Ill', I. f. r ~f ,'. 1111 11 '11" '1"1" " II u _ , ' I 1'V.'"1 h , ' I.a " " ':11 1'11''/ II '1I 111111l'l'. • mliu I '\ti l I j 'l . I. ,. . . I V(· I' ''I IIIIII. ~I l" l". ll iIl Wi.td"i·, ull lou,III \, . cflu 'U nc' kUl lI. l'U\'I'IH I , ~" IIlIf' I' ll j'" .h';\,· ~\I" 1I 11 r! I •• IIl~ . •l'lIl:gc Hill --,\ I r. Ju."., '1111 .".U cl\· ·. D~". ' · "'11 111 ' t ~ WI · ' . . 'III fw.I·,[vl'l' ' '''11.' 1 111 ,'1'. wil l ,h ilI' .• , "" 1l 1l l'1l ,, ' u:;\c ~ ~ II" \\'11" ll ltli n I I I d ' M ' ~ - FU rl" " 11 , ,11' h ull "Cit , 1' i, j,,:'t 111 111 ,1 " Il'ft " ..". , IIII' t:", \, I ", \' I I' ' ( . IUllI il . lw Col IlIl\ .. 1,'\\'11 tIl t 1(.' U \l I' ~." _lIj~ I •. ,Il l I I I ' lOll " • I II l 't\I. ·t\1!" ·,·~tl·I'· 1 '. \\r ~ II ILI(..: 11.1 tI t . ', !l il t! "1111('k " II II,,' lr.. ut tiollr vi ",\.11 ~ IH It. 1l!III , , ' \ lJMI\' U " ·tlll III tlll~ "I I. II '.'I - ~l r. " "ill i" II I wk i . quill' ill r Il' ~\.rt'y t.1 ' 0 "" JlI, anu lhl' ('I III I11Ull ilY ill lii .1t tltl'\' livl'll.\~ a t( , ",'UM'. ll'UIXl' \\, 1 ",La DIRRI' 'I'O N'' . wilh uiliun f \ 1.'1'. J • I e . will II lis II ~ 1.. 1 ,m. ' 111' h'II\" II IlIlsoall" ;IIl J ,; ur t Ill'l' t il III ' I II II!!" ' ;'".\'. - I,.,.. T. \\'l't.:' t i' "i' 'I1tlill!; C'I ; hnl II' l' hlll'c II' will till t! d IlU~It I"I·~ . \1 1th a Itll"-C cil·t. I(. ,.f - Ae,· l!ud l,'y I II .~ Il lI.'\\' hart.l'1' l'1Ihlp Vtr" .~<~ :\nd l"..nr\h till' w~c k in Daytull. l' I~'I,)'l hilig I I'd ill III Lul..o fl' i IIU ., t,. 101111 It 'r I~ . Th I' . 1ul l', till' tim', \ " il L I ii 1"~\II . '-BinnlnK ~ II ',,'rl It. Fil'llt·Uft I - .M'I L'IZZIC . 11 Pk'' 111 III h'lI ul .• tI ' il y. lIIilin" I\\',,1" C.II !II l'l'h l. rS, hC:Ol at g 1,2 o'ulook A. 11. N 'y~.d 1 III . 8 IllIry i ll~' 1 I E 't' d 1 UlI. I I II"~lldvlll't i ('1lI01l t l'l'll.. t: flJll lh 1I('a l' ' JU I 'III' -t.. . I (' 0 ' \' ' t PaIR UIII I rtlil a). -M t.. I ~l Sl Ion Yl'stl'r lIY· S " ,,1'/ ~. IIT .- IIr 1'1 IliWII S \'.;' 11 11 1.1 lagfora.iril)J worhlpOY ryFir t nil -Hh -Fur th IRtl' ,tyle Uat" , · "1\ IIII' it l,I('. D UII't fa il 101 g" !L ilt! ' - -.,l, It I II I II\\.' bl:l'lI ah! · tv tj,i1llll'l' IUll lllbl'l' tllc Clfll" .... t lu to· ~c:.:.~O";:~o,:f ~' /~. ·k. FiNt·D",. c Ill un Funk\> , Mi iltlille. • Reu llll t! hu cluthcd. Tllu ;"\\'1),."1' 1" 111'11, ulJ tu u I. IIIJIII' Iohl lIi;;;ht' l ~ivtlll UII Fl'idllY \. 'll ili /-t' (I f this .. • J • A . Fnnk('" nil I S\l1I ",II th' tl 1IIIIIU 0\ ..:1 rl' III \ '1' bI 'ell III a1 wcuk, . iu Cud ", .. lIud"'I·' llull , hy )(,E. C lIll lI('Il .-Tbe R r v, O. F offl"'" - .alI'S I ...IIIlC t. 1 lVI I of II I. ~ tlt l'Jluvl'lu I .. ..wr. D. ',"'ll., . • IIIl . 1.1 1 . IU ,' I' .I~'·l\ 10111 ... rVl~ 11 II ..d YI\," 10 IlN v~ in lel'lDont .IC"'IJllty. II , I.IUh .w".. ..1lu.llt. I bliS ,g.",.\). , ,.111m, d I' I.,W • .c. ' kc." "1,lII l, M.i. Hllchic Ebrifht who will he l-lo'.,t 'ttA.. III,.,lUJd7 1-9 I', M, Sobbllth ' . ,. I. ~ 1 ]Jfl Z \\1 uO Itl\\.lI11l( Y <: HI)U ,) ot>tt 1tI.\\lC , 1.111 · US' I' W,) h ' "em eom}l(ott'nt mil ' "~htt 1-21'. 1II. • 1 orrl . II"el' /llld i terR th o lurgl''',t t d h ('\'l'I' d id ill Ill\' i ~II',,:j of "11 kil ;1 d ~\ bd ' k: h ml ' ienl p rtUl'Illlll'S. The Vr grnmme, C...' M" ....NOnuu n-Eldor J , R. DOOd. visit d W II. ' 'orlloH uiHlay. "Iu·. (," 1I11t.! ' (:(! b,m. tlln 'tj. are not t1 lIl ked. about. wlli ·1t w giv bl'l uw i' samcil'lI t ~~r~i'=1 in'~o~~:u..Fi Lo:'ct':~ h-~ll" 'Vu,lter Zell JUl . h (' 11 ill -~I I . Un flllllh /l ll tt.111 I1I l1 vl'.1 ~('~u ,101I1l1J ' u l'i1r Uti I 'ulu~cd gunl'llnty 0 1 u gOllt! C Itertl\ inlll C'ut: cla1 Soboot at" o'olook, "'et')' Lord'i-dl<YI t 0 city bUJ!lIg good, tIll S WI' ' k. tu 11 11 1'V '-I bul'g " " .\ i.JIIJ.I.Y, \\ 0 .llI lltnunul dllU!;1 lit 1.I 111l'l1.lIIg I' wr PI\( T.- Wa\,11 ville -,.Jns· • -Mr. J uhn . Fa kinlll" " i ai' ~O l'rl' to) I·cc....d IIl'l' dq)'lltll i'e Inbllill m oncy lll'l Iud to ~l'I, etc. t l' u " 11' ' n :rr ..... ~rllT (Froo-willl Oha h in teucbillg l{('d Oak District · '1." 11. 1'1'111\'1 ill" 1I,·i . la b Idl l '" IV Ii 'cil 'IItl'! Hilt twv tv ulle it yllll I.ill hi lll ttl 111.'0 ~1l:1 :\ Atl tl111 my TI,·t'HLms.., ' Wayae..-&I'Y'Cl80n fh" lid nturdny . I I ... tl 11 I b I" II d I'lgllllI 11 ,~w: 10 ru IS ... 01 8und~"11i each ruo,,~b. Elder Ell.", - MI'. Jacob' 1 0'11"1' 1111 h ' 1I !;1l I/lI g I t'ClI It I' h.lltLU, HCI' I II.' \\' 11 , Ie · ~ IIU IlIg tll l' . I III • I .pl 0 'Il n ,I ' n Eh " ,I t ' v . I h I I . I i i II debt t' r EIOru lit ·11" 1 I U Ulj I . 1 I. II II c .. I Ig I . ........ Putor. making a visit iu MorJ'o'\" cuullty II If; I 111'';, II ~v. 1\' IVIll'!,r\! 'IlIt(1 1 ' 1' v. I to I III 11 0 Piuno )Juett: Ov Irtll\ to Znm.
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J'AJUI&R8'GnANoR, No. n.la.M lIlIh'I Plltrn.of -Mr. Samuel Me lI ll III' I"fl \'(:d 'x ·lIclltquLlli li"tI, will Il ilt a~ily. cllJ'tltly 101',.18 - 1lI111" , along at ~a Hlll'!tiC 11[1(1 Ella I H B C H A N T ' , U t' t t{ (1 - Th Ilse llul'g '1)I,'' I gllHt •orulJ. eeoond Rtllrduv .. uy f tJIIl1 l'ulln we II~' lUlu Il'a 't v . fi lld ')lJ() to ~1I1 I,I . h,·I· I)I.:ct:. Mny I Q _ of ...,h month, at 7 o' to k p.m., and on til" . . ,. :' . . , 01' IIh ' fi lid 1l 1l1'\· ,'y" IIIII'~ j ll,' t II 1111 nlln ~ ll a I'IIto, lhi Ii.tli. A radio FI ute Solo Lu Fillo dn R t, imen t. IDarlh Saturd ..y or ea 1. month ftt:l o'olock, - Mr. SII''' , ot Morrow Cllll nt \'. plt!II,.Ullt U" thll hum "llll 1~ J't '111 ·h<lllge it! Il1l1ki ug ill th wily uf " , ' M' '1'1 F' tt g . ' ' ' . A . In ne r: r. IOmllS hilS been visi t'l M N N M i 8T. KA.IlY'SP, Fl On II II -Oorn r of r Ilg r. . . UtI l' , - To 1111 wli \\',III t l{cn:.l."·Mudo IIl1pr~ \· · llIcnts.. : lI umber of vld V o~l Solo, The Day is ers. Don i .:::;a::ti._:.":~ u~J:;~~~li:, ' . . ' Ivtltill. We b(" It·t\vc TO ill fuJ'lIJ butldwg<! HI't: lUmodtJIcJ, olh· Balfe : Rnchie R. Ebright . __ AND-II A.lI. - - pI nUld I t of love l ..ld,(otj' Y"" I li nt wo huve I" C iVlld our fi rst el's tl.lru down, and DOW ones guing Chorus' Merrily Goes the n U'k. VAt.foRY PRImg;.TlN .,n ..\ Jf B.WTIRT Olr. Il l.'" ,UUllt " lit FU ll key ,,' Mis>lil· · iU1)JfII'tlll il ll1 llflidl alld willter w al', up. ,.Tho new Orthodox· ~llUl'ch!s Qlla.tot~o, Gutherillg h()l1~ j!l'vm iJ) - .1,11018 .-.et. nesr Mllin. Divine .vi dille s. . " , Ithe lu rgl' t rl lllt ('\'f'r CH il i tll th ilS d m\: illS tvwul'd8:eoru]Jl~tL?n . It IS th o Sea SUUI' '; Thompsu n: !It.-. \\'. ~ 1]1 c:i), ·W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b~~::~' i\,:~o;'l~~~.~:::dn:n ~~:dll): - lh-. JlIlI1 e<1, Qf In ~lI ll1at". ltll ~nal'k. t. Our l~t'o~lIizcd I.'" itl?"- IL. lI~tA ~ub ttln~al bullulIIg,. and FCl'gnson, Prl.lf. Drown, Mi.l:H:t1 E. ~ ~ ~ ~ (> _d ,,".14tb un,h YH, "t I lI.n d. 0'0.10 k. he. n Il gUll t 01 MI'. Sd !t l UI t, IIn tl llll "milch vi tnld l'- wlll ,Ii WIll ~ hUll II I hed, ]J btl a c,'ul.h tnltlo Ebright Ilnd A.-F ul l'. W"yne &; M:.u.ie '!'own.hip Dell·ollvo &, wl'Iglit. It l ti ~ ".H;r,lll bl' In )1'0 fully th' m .11 ' orll lllOell t to olUr VTIJlIgtl. .PAKT SKCONO ,- Piano nlld OJ'gall. lar;iD'!!!bc;.~~'U::~1l~2'f'~ol',1~~bp.a~~"tD; ~Dr. J'.L.Zl'1I utt4:lHlt u Mu,I· . tl'lItl·d tltlill \'('I' I>··('OI·O-W<II·IIIIIII. AI_f, Edlldcl' tit. perri ion ofAh. VAdieuotl· liU8ellr dus Alptl : f)~IO, order of tho Comp ny, T•. U"rtaook. Pr . Ri\'OI' DClltld A ~uci ntiulI, ill lJay. \1 ill ·hnllcngillg the cOlllpetition . WIlI'US, t h~ wall d of the II w ,BatttUlInll . R. aud E. .Ebright. Went. ,R. ,P. 0 11" ..... ScorUlllry: ton yc ·t '1'I1uy , of n.iy IIlrll'kut in t.hl' OOUlltl' '. h.1 c n~il~e h ~!1~e olr ,1-apidly ~~.ing up. , Coru t 1.1 10 , TI.I mo and Vuria'--= '" --Ml's. Clark i1U W.IJI ,uI ' I' of qllllltt,\', wOl'kll1J1l1 Ilip UIIO 1" lD pl'~. Alt. IS dn Vlll tr. 11i now gr/llll WItI'O ti ns: G, 'V, .Eb l'l~ht. .° aul People .'Y Proof. . . Murrow, bus beclI visitiug M!'!!. t'es. Fll nkuy (\: ~I is' il~il\ . I~OU~ll to n l:illJld mpletiou. Last horus, Fishcrlnun't; Glee; Ste'Mlelelenomed:CIIlOpl't'"e>\I,ertbyphl' I' D ' \ V' II ' . -- ~aturuaylJ lght ·· thc 'cllurwnlls elan •. or or l()ldb"Dru/I'gletd.'h'll l8rl'i ."i~lIch 11. 1.' ! ' C II CUIII)) . Icted Il.!a( '. Jy r th e tlmoels. " t ,] 1(".J .. ill'lIc.· ,to ~"C"l'" ftD~ ~uJlerior r~u" I.--11 Ii~ IIIUlS ' M i nnio J\J usllel' of .lr. I' ~ K~;Y • jJ IhBILIII S ~: " Du 'tt, Fai ry Bower.; ; C'111V 1 ·· ' I.' ' . .. n .. no-OIU,.· . G.".... Sl'I.tJ" for l'vero d' Oh ' " ., I . ~TIIRu:.- A ·tllllitllil'J at tlte ill,m >118 ' -A . & 1. H tl'llrn & C UI' Ulm'tlr : ft. IlIH.! E. Ebri"ht. O.. u~tf!!.Uold~e"UI"don lbo nreft.I .Clln IIIgl vlI, IU, IdVldlLllIg 1l:I'tlltl'sillE; lIl1d d IIl1lnhl'ttfhvx~ stlllld· CI)lle.t' g tlI." io ~~'1· ..1i tiur 1\ now 'bUSI' ' VI'oliIlSl.lv, LO):lJ~ se ' UlIiI Ll.lftll( .8 til 'lIon. op a llY disena" of the. "1...0111>\1101 I tllr, Mrs. ]. H, HUl'ris. . L' C III Luogs . .A. proof of ~hnt fRct Is ~ha ftuy y ' '11 fi d I I illg oll tdi u rll llkey & Mi si luiuc's ll eSll· hon 'e, to b erecteu ou the Mfill ulu Wnltz : MI'. '1'. FcttOl':l. 1W St ' ret""" .l!Iiol~d olin get Il RImpl" »oule ru'r 11 WI 11 t 10 argcst stock 011 h stel'e, thiOl week, we stepped eOI'I1(:1' of Muin 1\1 . Chut'ch stl'eets V cal Soltt, Tho l )(ll1sive Olu Pi. 1S l ' 10 c. uuand Iry iu 8Up.·riur' aft'ed I",f..." ot BvQts· alld ' hoc ' lit luw pricos. in tlJ \lCIol ",!rut it nil 111 ell II t , We TI . I ., r . L f b ,' 'k' UIIO; miss : R. R. E bl'ight. 1.11,111" ,he regular 8i. ~ al 16 0.· .. 18. 11 hIl A I\t Fnnk ·v & Missi idill lol's . \\'0 " 0 l' llv itcd IIP'S"l'I I'S 1' II t') 1110' dc Ie mUI.n JII~ (In IS tQ . eo IIC, CI 'I'I ~ _k V d' R!" l"t,'h' b U" 1I Inlrolhlcl'd in this cUlI lIlry f l'IIOI ' . ' w , two stol'leS blgh ~l\d One hnudreol lorns, Ie ...n· o ; or ~ I. ',:,·.",.n,.. Rod Ill! '''lnde,'fll.' cure$ ••. 11910n· ;-Mr. FI'ank E. Mills nud hi!! PIlI'tIllOllt vI' R eml,r·Mmle (Jluthing. feot leep witb fil' ':proo/ walls /lod Band, Seronade. bhlM n l'r,uD" Adnriss itlll , 25 cen ts ' eJ.ill.!J-olI , n thaI Ule ·.1,11 T"r.·~ do~o" si ttl I' of lIarvovs\..HlI·g will move IIIld thor we tuuml ll \' lls t ql1antity 40 ~ "t f ! lit . 1U . . t et ''I'I , wl lr.·lkve_ 1<lA8d . 'l·r1 . A. " ,J.', '. I " , ' . I 0" IV 0 11 mlll n s ~c. 1IJJ;l . old b.Dvtl, W'~'nl'~,llil o, to Llnculu, 11111101B, shol'rl . of lelldY' lII m 0 Slllt~ • I~r. III.~:1 lIlI t . C?IlI!'I,.Il.Y lire also ~lIaklllg extoo 1~ cents. Hcsel'vod s(Jattl, ,~o ets. I. , , I, . - - ._---Ml' and Mri:l Mic'ljllh A ll ' boys . III Ill ultl t ndl, so \/11 1 ty oj !lIV O lIupl'o vemeuts 10 a lld nround llckds fvl' i;al o ut tbe sturo ot Hnll' ' " YOllr PN"'SI Life II!Worn, 10 ( 'tluflli fallJ'ic The t1wount their p l'k.hon ·o. dnll Ebright & Co. I ickne.l,t e\'ery ,,'h ro It U" t"'O (,,,\',,1 {mill " oi' illcinnuti - ~ ~ an: VI' t; 'Itill" l'" f t kand ' I pi ' jcc/!. I t I , h"" y. o,,;ph.io<ot .o.ne 'dloe,8e· durlng tlu;i!· Iteil' I'elntivcs in Hal·veYtlblJl·g. ~ lI "C' III til t El l'lIrhm'lI 1l 0,1I1l - MI·. Will.Hlli(\' It as sold hi , . . _- - life. When sIck. the object ll'~ 10 g't well; L st S ll d b I I lu rge (' lI ongh to set up 1111 OI'dl n· new dwollin I ' to H H tThe Dally N w York SUII tnI'll! IW '" "'. , ..y )lll'inl)' ~Iiul ri" poroon Illthid -d M 'Jolli IIn a , ctweell lel'C RI'y clothillg hllu II on F Ifth st.'eol t dEl ' g. ~use. anuR II from that city at 4:15 \'Ol',}' morn. . • . , I'. () 111 l\wk e Ull vI·e,·· . . . d "1 F k " on I~n lza. JLenmtl~ton, 0f neal', d ' I 1 "~ " I .'ufld·lh lt I•• nft'erlng with Jl v~p,' p. la. \'hor un "......, 011''''' I I'... .. '' d II. e"'eCI ."~h Il. IIIIli"" ,. ,.' t 1' \ ... ' t t ' '.... I IICIIJIlu ll , all II r. 11 11 ey In· W Iy hs v'lle t:r. -1'1 0 M H an nrnv().! 10 . 1 '0 at .:.I!J til.! _, n' . r .J01i . cuoul'lng l " ot ISuule 1"01'llle d us t Ilat Ilclr I ' tl'l1uO .• In . t IIII; ' 1.l.811100 I ,' lIIld ,·ro;>tl ffi. of r. I.' • d . t. l"n •. Oo.II"~ De~s . :-lick Henolal'b.. . Suur !'lt . I re' t . .0 oWlOg ny, COllllllg uy t I10 "t'nst llla.eh, UI·a,'tbur." , P~J!lill'll"n Of. the 1 fl>1\t~t , -I~h·,"'E. F, Dukln ~nd MldS lillo Wll~ p.Vlllethi ng slll'pl·i~i ng. ~.t' II sol Igdl ,J6 0 edce h oWldll train west" as fur as Columbus. l'ef'U!_:,ed pl rl b'pBllJou .'oJ It, .lie., Ol\n "'~I,o MaggI hn vo be('11 spelJdlll~ a tin ), Tbcl'e CUll bu f(.mnd OVOl'Cqats of 1\ ~1'8 h. It, nil pille1I.as t .e 0 • Th is euables pAople here to get •• GR ••" . AIIQ(lU' Lo .... a ",1,1,0\" g lI .ng I . 1 d 01 ' I. I' · · bl'lck l;uV{l\'ll-stllnd With a view ot ,..11v(.Dd cure. If ,'ou douht ,bil go to or WI.I In ... orr on, ilO, t liS wee (. all kI nds fu 'l SIl 'ts or tSin ,.lo·gl\l'. . t I II' 1 b ' TI New Y(ll'k llRI)e!'s 24 IWIlI'S enrl illi' j ...... . A p ' d t ' M r. J times A . K ellrney and m Cll t~, nt' YNY Iow fi gurcs, 0and tho gOIng . N OW8men III . the PI to'lr FlIl!e·... • OLI .• an g~ 1\ • nrn I U 'k Inf 0 t Ied Ivery I' . I USllIess. I d b Ie than heretotul·e. Dllule fur ten I:<:lIt, II.lId try.t. lIegu ar M' A d ' " I ' '.' I I' b WOI 0 remo f~ IIIg IWI a I'ea y e· 1 . I bId " "" _ _ Ibe" \!elite. T,,'o ~o e8 will r ·lIe.c: you. H!6IlS "."0 nil "''',P,lIe l.\CllI'lIC), pu.rc IIlIIC' \' W lOse toste clIl~not e gun.' The old bl'ick will be ncwl seyera nelg I 0 1' 100 S el1JoY "lg W>-11 I ,-----.-, RmlMWedcll le Egall VI SIted Day tOil sdl"~ d l h 1'0 , must cCl'lalnly be titted lip, aUfI used Be ~ pl'ivat! .~bls advan tllg o~g~t to Cil.ll\I'!l~8 ....., g 0118. on 1.111 IIY· 1.IIC ll t to .p enee. '. . dwel1in. Tbe slablill Y is in ood lor cnstomcl's IlUu HI'r :11. e t J~'" -Ma ter A ndl'Uw AlUau left Descel.'d ll1g to the low I' regIOns, lepuir. g MI'. Hniues j~tends ;tart- orde.rs. 1\1 P?I' OilS doslI'IlIg Til e . • ' -The meeting at t.he Christian hel'e ~olldny foJ' Day tOil, whe!'e, wc fOI~nL' tlrel'e Irad beell. a lal'g in" a first class liver -atuble, some- pa~.t1/ Sun dIrect from th e offic.~ Church still conti niJes, conducted ho g?es tu I 111'11 ~he RI't of w!itch · acce Ion to t11.e stuck ?f geneml thiJl g Harveysburg h~ been in need It Will be sent at 55 ceo ta II mtlll~~ !ry Elder J. Friend, of Keu tncky. maklog. 4ntly I n gnod, SIIlII I'! dl'y·goods, uotlOn~, shirts hats, of for a number Of yeara. o,r G.?O a year, po~tllg~ pUlL The interest is good, and the undi- boy, a ud we dVll bt not he will d(J cnps, glov s, etc. i the ha ts es M F k ""11 Id I' . 'I here IS no better Dildy In New . p inlly bei ng cOJ);lidered extra' r. n)1l .afl, S so liS res I York now than tlla 1m, sillce Jny ellceSllre large. ' Nnmbar of ad· well. miBtliolls K thus fi\l"~ 14. to M. r. Gould alld the gin pah~ee swallow- ' ffh~ .1f. ~ ) I I I Nllmes "J ' :t ~- Mr. J. C. Miller, lire al,tist, i5 while tho b oti:! an .')' Bhoes ubollnJ denc.e D I. on Y Eallt d lMUintiStreet tm1550 lIP H I B . , iog, ~eu II J II lUling on, . . in Buch fl'Hllltities that Ilny oHurt tu 1I,,~n (l1J or ).lll'g ~I' "" ; 1m· ed up the Tl'ilm ne. Belle llowo, Ella G. Dull, Lizzie ul other to th~ Hcv. Hon ry MIII ('r. describe them wlluld be I'utilo. III med lll.te I?os esellon . gJV~II. Frank • . ......- - -I ' 8tans l'~rry ' VI'ola Dodd, ' A nl,la, wl.l.nse IJl'ellcl,Jlng, "',as o. 1.)~I) II II1I', ~ WIII uccompa., D,EATU o~ MR S. C . J • D EN~Y. .,., I I _ dress go rls, and stuple articl es, und hl BSlslol' l'.~ nn I"" Manington\ Evu]ine Danghto)'s, EI · J(lIe. sOlUe } ~U S t~go, '\ nle , thl llnch as muslins, calicocs, and tbe n! Mr. and ~I ~. I,en L. Hn.ttol) ~o flll s lady dIed 011 M~ndny nIght, D ,,\\ A ,V' & Q \B I 'Ii' £r\\~li~l'.'Ii'1Ir?1cn eanor Murray, Flora Munillgton, Itev;, E. .M~Hl1gh \'US pastor ot the illterrnil1Ublu Jist of things necesau. LlIl cvlr,1 1 1ll1tJ0~S, to make It thetr October 5, 1875, atter abllllt 11 ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ W Amaudl& Torry, N en\ia Howe, A.J. M. E. Chlllcb. I'y for the bappiness of the humuD home, II they ltke. moutb's illuees from PJleu.Hloni.1l Grubb Daniel W oolard. -Mr. Jviln Gmllt, tlte woll fam ily, Messl's. F.unkey & Missil. --Mr. J. .n. Nick,erson. and .his B el' age was 30 years. 'lito fU,' • 1 kll own morchant, " ,'''d I'll Ne~ I I d I t M 1.[ I D k kit kIt d t <) . HOI,MEB.- DnrJingtvn last' OEd. a u 1':ves IS 'William Holmes , ~as born ill fun eml, which WllS U vel'y lar~c soon und Ivok throol?h this inter last wcek. While' here Mr Nick- agod mothol', Mra. HIlYS, to gl:ievc I·S Greene connty, 01110 , SeptcmlJor ono, took place on Sunday .. Hill etlting 'stt/ck. It will do thcm ll:'son llold Ed. u limn lIour ~un. in 80litllde uver tile loss of her , • ., oo 3, 1816, and died Scptember , ago wus probably about 79 yeR:s. good. They Rell cl~eap /01' ca8l!, ~Il'k, BJackt~rdl Oo,unty, Jndl/l~a, ?tl.ughter and almost sole compm,I' 1876. He was a brother of Mrs. -Mr.. and Mrs.~. J. Wrl~lt aod .dcscl've th~il' lal'ge lind ill' I~I' $!UO?; IlIImed lat.c POSS08SI?n lOn, .May Heaven comfort ber III • JUOesl·tedse ~1~lnhi8'thOef~, [.REay. sVCilllllol'I'clllll'nc and fnrudl' and th eIr guests, . I" crcUBlng P(IPUlllrJt.y. . gl~en'l Farewbell, valli. world, 1 m hel' Borrow. ..... J' alld Ml's. Robert Tudor of Ph till' • • gOlllg lOme a out tbe filst of uext . , 1835, a~d Nmalllod a worthy me~ · delphia, visited Shakel'town last LA'l'EST ARRIYAL 01' FALL MIL' Nuvembel'. FuR SALE.-:One of the beBt hug,. ~o her until ~ou~h. I~ 184~ he With Sunday, expecting to attend Sha· I'TNl:Rl',~MI'1:I. C: T. Cadwalln~er -Mrs. RacMI RedfcI'1l gave a gy H orse.s In Wal'ren CO ~tnty; fille 1~ the reat ot 'Ius fal1ll1y eUlIgrntcd ~o ker ineeting; bnt tiley were, on - hus received, th,s week, a chOIce dinller yesterday-it wight be call .· trvttor, kllll.l (J,ud g ntl~ In ~II !JarQuorol .connty, .IlIdiuna, aud h!S lurtl1l1ntely, ;one Sunday too late : stock 01: fushionable milliu ~r'y cd a reunion dinner, as IlI1 the old ness, A prly at .the offico of E. S, 0 lut hom~ waB III Lafayette. HIS pnblic meeting -closed 011 the Sun · goods sllltcd for the fall anti Will - lady's SOilS, daughters Ilnd graud. B. Waltou, AttOJu ey at Luw. health la~led last summ er, ·s~ that day lwevious. tel' SOllIlOIl. The Bt?Ck enlbraces children wore present. Mr. and - -_ . . . he was disabled from attcllulIIg to -Mrs James G Clarke und the lI ewetit modes 01 hUIs, flvwers, MI'S. C. Zarinf Illld dllughlcr Miss The Queen City. Dakery'~ n~w, bUtune88. · 0 n tl Ie day melJ t'O . ' hero on . Monday last II·'bb , . . ' were big will be I ne d ' .fllmtly left . 011B, .lIu t',lOllS e Ic., e t c,' [I II s~· Ida, of Fran ' l'Ort, IlIdlu,ua, . oveu " , ID full wOl'klllg he. went to the drug.stor~, un.d for Cincinnati , whol'o ther will lected With eal'C, alld ,c~nuot fall pl'lI8ent also. " . Oldcl. tl~~v=.~._ ------. ~ B~'. while the clerk was preplu!ng IllS l'elDl.tin somo lime before Joining to please the mOijt fastid IOus taste. -MI' R F 'Wales is mak'l g \. , . ~edicine, he t~1I to the l:\uoI' dead, Mr. Olul'ke ill St. Louis. Mrs, M.iIlinory work d~ne!n /lccol'da~lce radical ~ba'ng~ IIlb01l,t his pre~~se: for!s~!~~: ~:'~~~l:~~ f~III~!~g~ut!~~~ ' . tro~ heart dlseaso. Be ,was a Clarke and bel' family leave many wltb tbe late~t 11181110n 8. Ludles, 'rwo carpontel'S have been busil y l ' lovllIg father, a. good neighbor, wal'm appreciutive IHends behind alld Mrs. CudwulIa· engllgcd, the PIl,St week, remodeling lIa tInts. ,fl and tbbele cllDBrch lbas lost a .~'orthYd them, who will regret the loss of deI'S stock. cook.room, dining.room wovd-shed The October raius prollhesiod ill ~... mem r. e eaves a WhC UO f \ d d 1UllUIl1 d b 1 '1' ' n . . mgs two son8 to monrn bis 10 8. \:llr~1- I'ce~ ;l'~l'te ~n \11 PI T U R E GALLERl'.-Mr. J. C. an ot er out· IU.t.'ldks . d' YR.tb.e Anl?ust, have as yet flulod to come l you~g ~ J. ENNIS. ~ lI~ te Igell .ll y, an a p easan, Miller IIll~ hi s gall cl'Y all I'oady for way, tie tl'eate lC I ' to tIme. TI ~~" "''''''''r~ -~ . - ..... - huntly of ctllldren. May hllppl ' visitors alld itj preplll'cd to take ard and Came With a call, on last Public Soles. oess attcnd th em in their change. photvgl;l\p"a ill tlle best and latest Wednesday evening. Although lere IS: ru~or 0 more mntl'l.my slock is v ~ry Inrgt', I mbracing . '11 II k . - We can a~snro ull who waut styl e of Illc IIrt. Call in early and no ono thon~ht of .such a thing un. mony~.!?~,~"p",~~~,~~,~~~" , Georgtl E. SmIth WI se stoc .Is, IfILII and winter goods, that in every llxamine speci mens. Remember til aller 60 clock, a large erowd Winter eabbages are almost an clulttels Bn.d housebuldgoods, at,fl "depal't\l1~rlt of our guneral stock, the plnco, in llamUltlll H ou8e was gathered together. That's the entire failure in tbis locality. WIlITE SHIR TS, . farm, 3 m ..lcs below Wllyn08vl e, prCpal'atlOlIs havo been made fol' a building. . wily they do over here. Some one _ 5 S IIlRl'8 AND DRA WERS, 011 the Freeport I'oa~, ~n Wedncs· lal·gcly·iucl'oasod blltliness; and we . - .- --- says, 'Let!s go t,o Richardis '; tbat'8 g - - -Sl 11 TIES, OOLLARS, SUSPEN.DER , day, Octobol' 6, begll1n.lng at 10. find daily that our eftorts arc ricbly ~y the rece ntly t;tartan "fast enough-the bOy8 go for the 'gil'ls' ~'Q~ ~&~@t> IlANDKEROIlIE.F'S, SO OKS, OUJ.FS;z . P. D. Vanderb~rg WIll s 1I 11~ck i rewllrded; and we particularly bid trllJn west" from New Y(JI'k, we the latte r 8natch up the first shawl One . econd.band Shining "0(1 Duggv, of . • O[JFF-BUTTONS, OOLLAR Du." and chattels, at hiS farm 1t ,mlles j ~ r ell)Se cash buyers, ulolrotofore get N ew York p.apers the d~y and hat thoy come to, aDd put out OOI'ler's make; ' . . OOLLLAR ST(JDS, Bouth of Harveysburg, on lblll'S- purchasing in other lUal·k ts, Call after they al'e nrlllted. For JU. to have a good time. If possible Also. one ltool18wny Onrrl8J1,e. Pole And g day. · Octo,,. Sh.(tIt. litBoth vchlcleA nenrlyInr\uhe uow. or O.n he ""r ' 7, L""• . ·IIln iog at 9. on us' and eave money on Jour F ILII s tance,' ycs terd ay,.,.s pOoper~. ~e ~e t tl ley 1lad a bet tar time t I'lall I1sllaI', hought low.down price. Hannah Hatton, SaturdllY, and Winter purchases. F unkey & at 1 0 ~Iock to·dIIY. Tbls IS Just Wednesday. ~velliug, A numoor . • M. T. AN I'll AM,. __ 811d, in facI,-Aea Challdler's to-morrow. Missildine. . splendId. ' of stur mD81cums were present, a. HUYe.f8 hurg. OhiO. BaOda~ ....nd"';.Willl ha llo.... H"l1mo.nOl'lrll tIl'
rl'ukes great pie sure In announ. 1 f l' to ()eo e () ayne -I°11 e lvlcln ' . iiy. . ; t h a t h e h sre-opene d h' 1" \ 'ith a com.. ew ore- Roo n p 1. tc ..... t'ock (.. fO e
1lKThloch he is prel)ored to m , ake up d · h . to or el"' In t e
TI~~8dl\Y. His ~i~~c ~:~:I~ ~~illP I~~~ f:~trt~m~~fi I~~i~:l:,\i>ll::dl~a~t~~:
Ma~~'~ ~~:k. ·~t'S: nDoJl~; 1
comp1et e, ,an d fior QuaIity, Cut __ _~ and Make superl·or to anythl-n in the ready-made lIne heretofore kept haVing been manufactured • express.1y .. r Me r chant.T al'.1orlng tr ade , Also a very select stock f the latest styles of
Hll B &'QYD MJ U
il M
--- -.-is a liat of the . .. M I Deco . - from tho lie wong whom w re (}barJey Sat· 'Etl 11 GEN LEMEN WEAR £ Tho f9110wing ~aac 0f0 Co ntr Applesnrcin -market, McDonald. M088I'8. •and Arthnr ~rQJtP-> . a\ ~&~et> y Warren Couuty e,S ou ggm,e r of PI'!I ' ~nl Eastern Shore of Maryland. $2 Ham Ed Maey aQd Jim Barrison Dr W t HartleI' oll'ors (or Bnle lhe Bon Agricult~ral ooiety elected for I\~8 U Iln al~ed" 0 th II t: - a bushel. Sweet . potutoos 1\1'0 perfo~med a number of operatic ley p;'o~ri):. 011 , ainln 8lrect, orr.08ilo hi; (BOOlS and Shoes oxcepted) ; all of which 1 will the eoming year: Snnmel lrOIlS, ! P,IIIL, wTrhe mdarrlle tID Th eMa r I bere also from tbe samo produc- airs in concert on the piano violin fe ,Ideno.;·l' 1'bo hUU80 is remodel ng for Il D 'd t· AU' Ed ards Vice lCIIY ou 01'8 ay as . e Byor l' " . I 810re bUll, lUg, and Is In It good locntlon. ".~res!~deot;. CO, Dlrectol"8. . ' WJ.M.Hay-? .• . f PIlluepHl 'I d ) h' f · d th e ,Ive reglOll. aDd Willie Antmm The lo( I 611li)l,L rront,ofDr.Uart189 und will ~e diti· perolme .. . 1 bical. tMr.,'tb ktf11wasfdcdifdtalred. J.nljui!o 0r 1 . ' n ' It M. ) ' n. Dilatosh T. J. l lIIter~tlng cerewony. Mrs. ~e. The stroot·sprinkler no longer 80 ~rren "IW.,a POOt e U adO or Jo.eph G. KfI.'·. ' . Oct., 6. , ' . , Pa' n W. W. hinl 'D. P. ' cO\l' Will be rem m~red as 8 niece gnsheth forth its crystal spray. ~ncU, larps. die per or~ - ~~ bert. I , 1 0~ .Mr. Richard .HUlOes, and who 'It has gone into winter quarWl"8, mlrablr npon.tbe harp. Jl.~ or on limo to JlrnmJlt-pnyin~ CUNlomorR. Come and II 0I VISited hoJ'e' th,s summer. The , . -.-. ' -M188 Alhe MaDowell, of LabTh I I I I d B h !TIe and oxnml'n~ good" "n.l pri ..... " CuUIn" done fi,r (arant.II 8.. • . d re.turnlDg . Th' • not l t- ~on, 18 " V1S1't'lUg WI·tIl .... e proper ole v OCCIII) 0 bl' Anna, "' ''" m n """'. I'!I i1d ppea are uid to L"". p1eu· b rl'd ° an d g~QOm Inten e lee crop IS .yet e}llaua 1I1l188 011'Ie EI . Uatllto "III beyrented on r""sonahle terms _ D.A ~ ft., ti11al. , to the W t 10 abo.ut a fortulgLt. lcd. But hot weather 18 elided. Ills. to a good tcD~II\' Appl,.lo Jo~. O. Keys. ~t> ~. e'~e' ~ tI omeer& of the
. r
batt> .
boo "
II ... H
i"n~r' (lffic~.
.utl UlJr&lOll.... n4. Ko '-'it K "I G
Iwr Uo
liLt" S'\N
At IhoCummi 1& t;'''.,II call WIiM fl1Ulld frum tho 1<lw~r ulIlI 11(·1·lln~. lAnd e-<11l'CiulJ.v to th" mUIIt: I,,· . PL')-':;:;';' "j.:li~·k .':1,1,' t.~~ "1~1~1: ':'11.' ,:~ t' the cit t take uWI1V • 'bilt! a~p(!nI of tbe 'hildr 'n 'Tempt'rance . · .. u>:' . "11101 •• III .... : ~·.II.lIh L. ,•• H .. b* I .. & 'f. L. • lILWlI. 1*11IJ. also til sl1perinteut!~DttI of Wo rceoully Bptlko ot tin: "r, ~ <. l.r·,··1 I., , lbl,,· !" IIkt'J ""JJ parent 'II\'('r I - pool to our ' llbbatb Scbool!! . Inov Ity 01 cienoo in StllfV. lutul . ~''''k~y I"'r "'!"" "'d.., V' ItoI ,'ullul)'. Riclullorad c! OMt'ayo lJivi"iml. wh,. C111'C lor hur tltl!DJ ·In... Sho w ' . d" TI .. . II' I J> m \,rull" If ",\ .... n "11.1 \Ve,tr.·,. Ew .... • "y *I, • .,.•• . II F . L '- 11 . _ I, ,. O~ u 10.wurra , II ub.! h: r Itll , ..1. 0 1""I""i ""ullly. Win"i : tUl · . L I" I - -lll> \1 .f, lt~ IN-UU UfO ~ U .TU . KLL" An~'BERlI . II1VO glv . It hlllg '.J mpuny 129 E t :.. lit 1::111": ~r.lh i •.lnJ l: (1 , ~ tl". h r hu-ball.l. II ylIl~ III lue I~~ IEll!t ",1l111l t R til }II .. , ~ No 1ft. kllWlI1 lit ill !.'jew Ollnrch 1root. ell lJIuch utt :lItll)1] t . Ihe nature of 'tre .t, N W Yurk. We then 0111 nf ~ l·r"!i1Ii. n ruuut\', 1.llillui.; Willi-.m ~ tta L ' J Lt·.I\;. h'I...... t. · .k, :\{ '" .1 III .),,0,·. IIl1d erD hln~II-T~ ~ \'e 7,:10 "Ill 7.IHI I' m al .. 1 til olull cullin. that Will! ull . tulta 'U unt! It!! bllltl'lull wer up n r red t tI AND .,va Richmtlual-.\rrl,·" 10.;UI " m 111.10 I' OJ ulli'ion> Uall cu,,<j~l uJ' the UIUll ' the grea-t-e81ln iu whicu Will' n. rc ,(j~, I 0 I. ma ~:' III we IIr IIJ m A, .'"ur'! )o"r I."" Intl.. ,h" r~ I I " • • thl UA. t lat tlt IJIU II'I\tIOO .d OI'VO J.c.,k, A ,"lU' L, ·.•k (lh ... 1 8t tI, .. II 111 ...01 be illll' I( g,orltowu , arr h'O 1I.1 6tlIU L ·tt(,r.~ (rw" all par's ~i~hts of tail'S .u l1der IllS 1l~'jUl . . AI gu~>u nnd .whl h WO 11ilD t v ~ro· c 1 'cial notice. \1V 1 .tlt!!r or nllt nllllo..,IIIIJrou uf n ..lJ('rL ·uk ••1, "' .,n,l ) B.·" O. lie. url'l,. I UoO IlIl1 ~II :U~~i ~am~ I Sw' tile Ct4,ill::CtZ lVori<!. fl IIg lIIan. WI I C rc. u WIt I mu t • P I IUlt 100 to pr Ollt a lew the n It d . t IIf D' · n" ... " ol1 .. ly. luoll,,",,; Allu~ 4'11 Ie. And. r 011•• rrh'e 1.10 I' In 1 1\ • .1 tl·1 ", t f r "uur C II~ 'I tI l'l.t; n " I ' u c.n .ur e~ np.pr CI tJ Hol"n.. ,I' I..e Ie. I ,r ;'", A . 1,(1••1< ( hu Kiolrumo.••rlve :.1.00 Jl U1 . &01 WUClJIIlg, U(JUII u 1 u~' r. I.HI a " " . 0 th Ir art. tl' perre t l ~l . It canlltlt tllr"" lJt.' an.; "1I"Ilt "hlltlr,," Iof ,Iulo" L Ilk. 1,011&/181'011. Il .. h·c 4,1\0 II III 1111 AL • ., or If III ~·.2~ ~: WOI-U .,,"UII t;jJllk 11 , '1lle mOlh<-I' It IS a fnct thutd l'llUkulds ge:1CI" ~ il tv Ilwuk n the a miruLiun of d , ·d"'~I.) \l r .WMrr"" U""I\·. lutli III I. Q,OII'U Polot. artl." 7.05 P m Chlc.,o. f\rri .. ~ ..,0 .. m hel"ell Y il lig, WH buw d dUWII, ally II e vuacc t:IO xcopLions 1 tl wi ....... 11 I . If' .J t ., w.1! tul... ,wt,," Il".L "lw·tI " ,," w ••• Iilt...1 , 9 , 0 0 p n. · tl. ( I J' t.. .... I ' . d' t I I t ...... y "II \\ III g U H . l u ~1 Ihcrn {)II tL.· " ,,,nl,,··,dh till" Condn~tin[ '.{II J1 " soc,"!. WI UI'C. "\ l7' 1""·1 Iii I or JUIl • A D I -'j ' I t ', B I uII oa r 0 SI 0 d(ll\ '· , ns""ue.::u. UpVII h .lave iOll n to be 1'111' .-0 I I'•lap one pictllr v , lt l'lll "" . o ~ln Ie v ur 0 UB IS TIUI4 T UiQ II, I. No,":" t 1 001', .1 IU nllt ra, cr III a th n and. It 18 fL 'act tlJUt Ihat til\) urigiuu l awin w I' In~"'" rl~,'., w~III i ro lIud (.:r tIll' ""llllly J liu.m ro ul PlLtienta in Europe. the ~~~rPoi~=-:~~ri v 7,s.. p nl , _0 a m IJ('arl , but 11 Ittlle bo.y wllo cl ung fo d .. oukal'dl! gonollllly u d tubac'o lUau ' n • i k t~ uf '\ " rr~lI.' III tlae ""I;" " I UII .... ,,,y Oiol..uu Ia.o !I,40 P 1/1 lu,,,41\ m I e ' k' l'ts p 'Cd t t . :k If f I ._ {' I I It lUI< a u vory 1,f\llk. Ulld '.11".., p"I III III~ wla"",," tIl" ~.lId Weat I ndies, the Domiulon or ~•• pon ... rrh·. 12,10" fQ I.ou I' In ! I I. . I vu awe . IC 'O il . 01" t I Y I a l' 'OU ": 0 strong lal' ' I: outlay on 'l pnrt of tit Oid!.",u I.e Ik II ·IOUlld. \,.:rliLi.1I uf I'w ..1_ LB, C ada, Qnd iu every st&te !:d~::~~~:;I:r I .5 0 m 2.:1111' m frUlJl ltlS rtlt,-eat. The l'vom WllS tin nk. II ha hit ha pl·ecedeo·o pu hi id hel'c! hy th 'x t'i n 'l.d It ·! ltd 11""illg ro.,1 ' '''''. w·\Vi~: 'i~lI"l" ill tl''' j 0 ' ~~ U:':OD. . ' • :-0 •• 0.. ~I •. • rrlve 3.:n" on : ,11 Jl 01. " 'ry p. m·. TIIl'r WUB 11 C111·ptlt; OV r Ib other, It i boy ish to f H . , I St t L' , T ' I <lO.llllty .. r 'v rrull uml SLOII., or hi.. r rnII 4.:'1 6111 .11 I·m b tlU ad fI d k 1b I. b Ii ' h U. II IJ ,. ep I s• .,. ' ft· 10 1.lud.tlnd.b,·'"loleol uml lle ·1'i1"" I.U4 '"I \(,w~' · .. ~er."'w".llr.lvu :'to~", ~.~ p m U, 0 W\) U r wa ,SCIl.'II" 1 Ill.u UOt (lyss.molie eOI' t Y picturestu us ' PI'od WeI' phv. PIArt ofM iIi ..y urvu)'!oI ... 7Ul .. rl ••iUI\I\· ! ADVICE CIVEN BY MAIL .. 0 .. '::: 'IDlOU~I' arrl~~ ~~;;u Il m ~ -;~ I' 11l UI'l;o; I. t. IUld tllt~ scuu ty Illl' lIllul" l d l'lll k. It iB a 'act that tobucclJ tolgraphcd on motel 0 liS lIot to Ionw d '''ld'' "r\''ey('(1 j u th" 11<1... of J.I ..1: FREE OF CHARCIE. ;n;~ ' ''rr 'e . • .UOIIIII "" 1' 111 "'''Il ll 'utl 1l 1rafl ged . O n tillltll ' cl'eates UIIIlI·tiliciul th i. t which J . I'tl .. . ,.J .1 , Br~Wnrur(;(Sl) ..ure'finll " '" 1'Yl'll t... D""iul l 0, . 41 ....". Rlehm'd,dd. II )" UI.I. , tI ' i ' ld . \ . .d · '1'. I' I I l' " I ' I I~e lilly 0 Ie Ill. c.. t1r "HI Ie .lon'''''Y'J''l1Ic~ J "h u~oll hy d ,.<1 hi':o rilljC Y • . ('o" "llIleue Ohil''';!'' doll y. All c tlJ, I , .'1 , LI, Cl!tJ III" litO. utllnatcycll lU" ra lor htnUllt ' lI~ vf then ,li"t Ever .. e by th is 1IIIIl' tho \hhday"rv"IJru .. )'.l lo;!,~: HI."ill" "" ",rc.,lo,VM>dlolo.. o, dolW,IOIl••'",n'-" "b.r T~ ••und~II Y''''''''I'l 1I11. 1~)', ~lIl d wl lh u. luglo spl'uy vf fllJ w 'I~ l l h'ill ks , Ada ire. aY8 Dr, UnlS u. PI' 'l'li!! 1111 .J) ell fa ith III , I'cpr' lIill~ " ~ " lIIork rJ ~FU lllOI' III. ti ll !,,,uk"' i i~' ~Jd~':!~~\'::'-I:::;:'';I:::~='''!:'I~'''''''''''' D w OA.[ILW~iLkhEN. 1;. 1'. & I·. A• • 11 h I' hlluu , Ii excited lJy it tur illtu~ i Cllt ing Ii I '1'1 '1' t' tI I v the l.inle Millmi RI,·.r j . 1 " bowo UIl' II hut"' .... ,,11b •ad, ""'"'. 0;> .... ,"11)' '" . ... , . J1I'I t . J • . . ll.. Col u w t,ul . I " lla ,.e lU a I II tl t1 I I" ., II I d ' nc ' 1 • 1 • a l' I IC a III ·c ttlll - menl l.f M ,·I\..•),'. "Id mill,.IIII" flJ ruH'rl v ' ..h.., .., Lhoy bo 1" ... "'u. . Ic.....1 II, 1...- or .. • ' . , ' up'" 1-0It"""rv'" h od , I. I ' C ' I I i y".n II.JllVrl'i, allu Je 0 eU to IlIlem · ie. I wvrk It a co t Ihe puhl i her II Wit Ii)' JU In"" E' Ii .. ll. th e" <lu Nail" 4N I 1".....,n. o,_,_, ..1 "1'h" Do ·"' .... blll • a XL ~ ':'ft'" t.u put.,'1l- tin' 'll,liiu , ull det· the p ' ranee (Iud d l'llll keo nCi!8; so a'y lII:ltri (I nc thou all Ivllarll lo r E , "l,uul 0 pfllu. \ (0 tho S"ulh-w""t linl! .. r "lIy.ld....., Tbo loot.... .u ......l I l o _.... Pauper I ) nd 01 New York. httl e budy f U k ·d Vau vo.·v tCn· · mall,)" ot' til ml'lIt mill nt phvsi. I y I I • 11 IIlllds (I "'"od bv H,·o,· H"lIl111d. \helle wllia ""·Il. dcrly, alld tben tile DlUthor ' IlI'USO ' cians ill LII is aud th "I", 'd vo \l Illll, Ulil t lel'O a 10 .0.. VO. U"I!i1l1ll', Iill. ' . (): p ~I I' W . 'n~lUI1l~in ~ ( 1'\1 ... \ Our l.. rl\Ul\'~m ut.! r r A111 ......\~'••~. dl. ....... The N. Y. 81m inan al'ticle aud without sp kin' went to II. d It" t' 0 er CldVI. IZC VUI!11Il , , Ih ech IIp Oolltlvn IIf tl, lo:lIIk ! th~ l'iv"rU74' )I WI,,~tu,th u rltu, oollopllc Alllon/( t!,e" fa~ilhic. i ' 0 "" ..... U1M... IIAl .. Ipllnqu t1u.... ..}II.h.m ... . 1 ' . . ' ~g, u an s'. .Ia a act t lat a I un k · wh Ich I lIH~rded llt It, low l'ltto tb '" ~ ,lm," hi' ••111 011 ... "" ,1 .., .LlI ,t. lll /J III' Corp"" J.>,.., .·rVI'r. \I'h, ~" •• Ib bo~t tt, be 'urlll..l,o.1 hy "",II ,_ or.~ I "" om.. .4. eo. h bo ve ('uptlOn, g~ves l c h est lin der tea d l1lW 1'8. .She I'etorl~ od ard qU.lts his cup but does not quit f 1\ d II. •. I '1'1 . d,er. Iu Lh,· rh",,· uf ~l·.!i"'li" lr. ooulllinill,l( ubtuiliLod. Tlli. i.. ~'" 1II"''l' lm'I.ltr«ti .. ". bll~ 1'''-'''' oy."'Ul of .."p. ""'nll p .... y .. ,." ...... lOme IUd sketches of pauper life: With a richly embl'oldel'ed mel'lOe the llSC of t bacco 0 U ~ u ti l IICI .lIIn o . . II! "':rhll' II " lid ,,"~~h.1I "" "1" " I h"d. I/I .. r · ur II w'"l'lulc I' . " , With lil". . u. LIIO to l', lind ~~~I':"'~:~I.~:;"';,~~~"":;I:::'~~~· ";;P&":: scurf alld I 'd 't d b t ' 1 '1 b '. ' . wurk 18 I' 'nlly Ilil a l tiC /lll well I,,,... 1t",1 LI" " ilL tI, n,·xl. let'lIl .. f ""i,l l'Oll rt in ",hi .... tllU 1i."lv Ifl" l' Ill' pltlOed dl'"""ed ",...... IIOIlnll nd 'or II... IJ! q"UlIom. . A 'J'&MP ~RA.NOB LROTUaR! . ,' , III I own. y be Ill' t laB e~1l gnld. tlaltt. evory Balti · llil Iituru l" cUI'iv it bnt, I\~ Ult t.. IOU;'I U"I.·.... L... k \\ ill ·IJlIII.\, rolr 1111 onl"r ", .. 1 1.1I1Jed, ,,,.d kl'pt \" ,1 IOC"'" I' .NII.tv (If " .(XlY'I""" ,,,,u~II"" ut ••kl ..._ 01 __ "Yon'lI finl1 him down blow Ilaut,s SIde. It lookcd Itk a boau- more Wusltlo gto nlllll who l~pOStu- I' t I t b Lll"t I'"rl ll.Io>" u,,' lot, ......1.. ,, ( ..,jll prc Ul i. 1'"· ••·1·,·1111.. ,, 1'"j'l\ lI \, I\.njtf h ur 11111 wi Ll · ""..t ' ....b". . ts Dan Here Johu speakina to n~ tiful gIll'went that mi ght h.av bcon t izod was the victim of the juid III ~~ ca Ul'd' I vu no C 011ltJ 0 ovel' ~ A. n",ll hat .u.·.... tI"'I· 1"··~~,",litl;,"" "'''Y bo UIlL."ili ll ~ the d,'u~" ur ill lilly wily cii.UgU,·Iid<lJ... Dr. E, n. FOOTE, • , . , , I> 1 c wi . tb l' ttl I d I I k " T ' , estl Ulate , IIJ Ild a S .II' lI uthorl(.·d I,,· hw, linjftJ,o ho ly . 00. 'f88 York. officer off duty, "go down with I ' 1. W ,HlU, e leU • W 10 00 - or pipe, UIS Will Ilold good with . . -.. .- IDE N L1!!A.K. r3r' Itv,. n~. "n ~ door "hovc POHI OllIcc ' D~n &nd give hiwa lift." The I don 10 .sileoce, Wll~ a bubo. ASllI'w CO il verts. to relil$ion; if' they FU~;'''fI G, 110 'tIt.WI· cun dc, H/.. ~, ' ':' DI(I~'\"', IIi A,I .. rlll'y, WII~· n"s villl· . Olu'l. fl IO " AC :::NTS WANTED. ' brl f record that WIl8 attached to tllo collin WIl8 CUI'J'I d down , tile otle tobacco 1U Ilny IUI·II.1, they a l'C I.l'Oy tho pcuco of fa mily, Cfill l AUlj' Il" - ,' . I . 1). r, ·,t _ I -. n., Fo.J1'K 10 ,b~ •• ,lIor ot "lUDUW.O<I. . the body was : hat 00 Snldny 14 h'ilJ s,of thot uement were crowd · Ivo:y apt t o uackslid e. Mouf'nful di ' tll r b the hunuu of a lI{'igll - Awarded the Highest Medal at o~ ~r... ;a:." a .......k lhot""'fb,-aQclrcutalloa man ,.,aiviug hi name us Jilln e"0 ed wlt.hI wom en. "Dear me,".said c::am l)\eB vf tui k il ld wu tind alt bO l h.'llIt1. cun U" II~ t the cOlln cil • VI' cu"a. . " , 01 I.••·' 1t.'ltl.OOO ""pi; al "1'LAn, uoar. f , ..U . K.·' fbu~ 11!Cl!Illty VI tJlI"b\..·r " I. " 'hluh h.. eoki Mnrpby Will! tgken to the police one W II I a I UB.S. 0 her heud , "they ubout UB. It is a t, lIth Ihat, if we vt' CIti , 1l11U It iltt! th e 11"'islation - --'\ at:' ~t Q' II I.. III. , I t,n, 01 1U.IlIIU ''''1.11>0: ....... 01 " _011 lltatioll very drunk; that 1113 slept muat be poor It they . Ill'e g oiug to cure a dl'unkul'd of the u.se to: f IIlitiOIlS. H· \\'1 1'1' ' I.:! ill uEi vor E. & H. T. ANT ONY & CO. (f·tlJFnL t£rre ~a ter I~ 8,,,,,•. " ,"b,oh', n"... loohl): I·"bll.htd In ......... jo his cell fur U fow hours quietl,r leI their baby go in a cornu like IJILCCO w~ take th o legitimate wa'y the Oue ~lro ll W Il s, wb ll heal " 591 I 1" y'nl'~' ' i -MWuf a". ' ..... riIU:~~:~::u:":~ W\',k ( .. hi." and that 110 Was fouud deoo by til/It, Sll, didn't they ha ve uliy to cUI'e him of tue use of illtoxi - whv I'0PIIII'S ev 11. . Ol UJ'O , he eli", (111111 M'I 1', '1 I ' " ,' c , ~ . . f) ,,,"t •.1 prln'l. will be ""'" """ Oil ·1·!AI...uoD ,., k d I ' t' I' f Ilk' d 1 . t' I I d f . , 0 . 01 .111' QI.· .J ~ l~ ~ I. ";11 ... , 0 , . FOOT,,- or lh lI~rn, arn ....\IID. d t ' l' th.e d oor<.ocpcr,wotoo k h k .supporlo O~ lll:tlin e ll fiS O , Ie. . Icu.'ug Iq~ ors o. u :111~, llC';'IIl'uge, lI uO) nll l .tv o teu IM..........e••...,,.;,, .....O......... UU.. U"Ulr .... 'U I ' . ~:~ . . --,' It at,,,,..,. wh oI!I... .. IJ!\JI!... :l8th8~ him• . Corollllr W oltmall had 'OlcoUl'8o thcy did, " I'CplJd , tLIIBwayblsbu!·ntng tbll·tltlorthed . t!u~ l es thoe lll'olld Ii lin, who, : CUJ(OJ\IO~ ilNU FUAMJN rCllcl~ulh:~l • • " Bu'I~IU~.M.nl " .tr t, A;"""-"'l h ......ud vomon- lVanr..llD.n . heldanlno.uest 6bowillgtbllt ·thc Dlin.!!hlll'ply. " Ilud wc are "oiug cnpl!'eo erall.vtl t<:s awuy. for the bllttur th l' "'loom ltd de~ l.es ' i ou · . · :ll, If A1 N I.:. I VIL l . I!. • .. o [flO, 'h·· , ,·r.1:_IIIK\I'Orb . ..... holullbcrat .....ft.wllI ~ _1' 1." t~ ... S1'EltEO "OP"'S IN" V~ 1\'l " 1'8 ; J tI l.etllI . to kVl·I' UII IIf1r R r~lllin 0 1 Fu ...• h"", h(1 ttn'lW~l . 'l'ha OOf(in ui np ?f _man fc.t"ftN man had dIed after a long COUI'6eto ·hllllgethisboxto r ali lCI8vwe icUI C caueoflh i thil'~t isrowov- of h is COUlIJUIty-, \ 011<1 0 g ood " III . .... "'.. lu ln ..lll ... I .,. FM" .. t ...... Iu , ; of di68il atiou , Tho body lay on 1'0sC'wuod cuttin , lincd with ilk, ed. Thousands l!ub~tuntiutc til ia \\' I'k ailli 1.1:"1> np r.RI'Ll cheer. IJI. fiI:iiJ~. @OO~iXXliJ~@~~~ Jf'. UHUrd,Or till' "dry ~""t qUIlh,y, IIlIll llt Ill! ... r.~ .. .. t·..... . 1I~"'. 1'aa" to I_I IlorI, , · I ' 1'( tl' I Olnnt",,-ol ~ L U lV FIG U II E S " , 11\1 ... \ whlltJl. and .. 8c1J~!f cJC lJI 9rOfty" Ie a canvas IItl:ctcher i.n the bust'mell t nil"d c~vered with ' Silver:" Th o , Bt Ilt ement.. 1t I~ . a s? t:u e that to · 10 C lilt upou ~ tlClsit ivc pCl'8~n l ~&.f!iIb(! J!..1.~~_ j" .• lh. thing lor IJI 1Gun~, Sclldl.r ColllooDla . of the stl&tlOn, WIth the clotlles 'II\' 1111140 II fact) chunged mlgb.til y" haccu lIubJects ltS VlctlWtI to seas, ot th" IIlC1'e nClghttlrhood (It ' ll Photographic Mat e ria 1 UJl ClIU be fO Ulld i~ljl:~i~~n~~\;ot Hiti ~t.ook :IA::~::;t~',~~::-./:;;,:..::~.:IV:;;Ie~I;:.~~.:~.= rough!y fulded back from the but. ~ fOl'e she cvuld ask uny mOle I ODti ,of gl'eut dopr~8iou or 'gone, . f,(' lter i' iu d(·scl'ibtt>lll. It is to . _ _ __ S, B r l ' I.l • I r>" nWllr.. ·, " oI.:1 ... ",y .. hoa, .. lrInllul thef. I'II,.. ....... 1'1 10", fA 110 '1I1~ In IIwrut"", aL a U IIko oIl1l1r cbest Just as the corouer had left qu c tlOns Dun Will> driving away. 110SS as they. call1t, and a resort the suu\ wlt at a cv ld, icy mill~ is to We lire lJe"~q ulll tol·. f"l: c'or~~hlll;; ill Il:e 1t1'eall,ll,.L II) ('.~. l t il/I. N. '_; f/ a".. , them. Tho head hung 11 I ittle "I sh~t bel' up, any wuy," said he, I to ~lae bvttle IS rather IL common t he. bodY- llIul'e ell 'ling tltau th e I " ny 01 'ofa8, [ 1I w l g/'Ii, ]j 1',ll<ll'lld.q, ul lh. r"ITI(..ln. wl·rl:.. .. BCllacca Dt IIxoatt" lower thao the ~l' throwing a ~'so she won't be around twitti ng I nntl~ote. ,Sai~ one of our ex, bitte!' t fl'ust. nllll'o " UII!!el'ons than IITEREOPT ICON,S AND MAGIC 1J1(jf~::::,'NI1I.I,;~~~~::~,'{/· ~::{.~\hll~ ~ ~I~·~r:f,.~."~ :":~,.::::: emooth ..haven chm 10 the air 1lIId th puor muthel' up there about Pl'osidents. 'Tobacco unnerves thu hOI'ccst ,;tu/'In. • nd whcII tlie l LAN 1 ERNS . , ..,I. " ",.. I ll ,·.........11""." ... '1D.. "'O.., making tll.8 dead fa~e moot 'fully IhoI' povel·ty. I ooly WiBh, though, me at tiwes, .and leave~ me io a fl'olwr id une wl~. ill beloved, . D~1~lg ll l1nu f:"cIIlIOn! ~f. the ___ ~~C.~~~~ ___• .A50n:t "<iVAn Cod. tb~ gue ot anyone who d(lQcendcd that I could make the moth,er hel" state of extreme hWlltude, and whose nearncss of ala.tion to us l1U~.r:.t::~:I~:;:.c;..:t;~:~1 ~ I'N. I nID (lIdOl'rcp"r d to attend fill 0111)" in .&DlIKI:1IS All ~oVlL th~ s,taira. It was very paJe, and I self as glud us oue that lives up nothi~g sorvca to raise me so w~l1 IDllkl's It is fretting eV'en at the 4D\'I!~N.:I~~-:'.:~\.:'&~~~~:.~·JJ~?N. l' Business Curds. ' 9 etriklngly ha~dsome. 1~bore was :town uow , She sont one duy fOl' ~s w~lsky ao~ brandy." Alas! !t wenther seem almusl lJikEl 1\ pO~l!u u. AR'I·U .... ·.~~••N. , . DO tl1l00 of paw on the Itps ; they me to como and take away her IS smd he died 'a . sot.' Tbere IS nll'opl'oach to na. then tho I1l1sel'y S OI:fOOL ,~A N L~!~Ni/ ·\~l L\ L ., ';nIlH. huving n flnC DOW Hourso, and a full Huoof JAMES W. HAINES,.1~1.D., wereliaU' pUI·tcd in a smile. Thcl'e ' on lylittl bOY, andlfonndb er, oh, another tlt iugthat is iuevitably of itLecuml'~ indeed in nplol·ta- £ h .fl I" ::; AN1,EIt N.. thobt!.t . UUM&:OP4T. . .., was nothing I'epellant iu tb eyes; Iso l oor. cry ing hard over th C'l budv. tl'oe aboot these twin bl'others; ble. Mu t III CO call fl'orill'" u mi- ItC 81y.1! )I' llg II~a~~;~\~ f 118 Ol1l8RIn tue they wel'O clo ed as though rest· She had him d'I'essed IlS nicelY;l Tobllcco and l'UUl plllY intp euch 11U 1' fault; a f"il.lo, and uut a vi ce. O.I"loguos of Lllo'krlls alla Sli,loA with Burial Cases, Caskets, Robes, ' 1 1 B • .• I '~ly, and. tho full checks and .she cou~d aud had Bvwel's in his o,thur's hands 1n mining tbeir vic· 'l'hel'{1 is, no \, 'CO excc-pt til'l1l1kon- dlreclion for ~ -,in . 8 III ollllpplicalion. aud 6 6no n 80runcnt of • square chm were smooth I\ud ,hnnds, Jl1l t 118 tho one wo saw down tlIllS. The languago of tbe toper . lJe s winch' so uttel'ly de tl'Oy .AIIY CIILo!·I,.." n:; 10 111 .' CllII n.. kc 1U0 1I0), ~ . oIlR':l\1r:a':Ii\ U\ mQ'r f) Oilloo nt Retddcnoo. white .. Thoir pallor was marked ·hcre, When 1 . Ilsked hel' for a is signififant "1 love to swoke I the peace, lau TlIlppinest of With I~ ~I"I:" ~1U,~er.~. . .~. ~~~ ~~~ tS by 110 hoe of w!lviug black hair. ll·l?th . she. brought we one all beca use lt makcs m~ love to drin~ home. .', _ ~~:I;out tillS ~dVC IU.c mcllt lor rcful~~co. I wall oodollvor to do '"Y bc.t to morit w.y."...m".o .... Dan bad set down B coffin by thc ItrlUlmed With lace, aod while she Ilnd I love to dl'luk because It - - .-... . - -~t~'o f..yor uf nIL who muy an ll 011 ~JlO, tlDd • L. O. LO KENS, M. D., aide of tbe stretcher. Then b Iwas folding it in tl\.e coffin I mllkcs me love to smoke.' Tbe l DIFFIOII L1'Y o~- OB'rAHHNG P OR E 1Cl\1IiIl aan m~..,"Vi' wlltront nlt work to givo 8ILti faotlon, It . et.ood for a momeot looking at the r~isod tI.le little ooe. Whau I did old sayiog ,!f the Indian is signifi' l WINE.-T~e d~col.ty uf' ob~tining ~M!.~~'~ ~~~~ I~ PHYSICIAN & SU GEON" dead man. "He was a good look· 1118 oyeltd moved, and. 18aid, cant: "I Wish for three tb.iugs: , a puro Wille fllr S\CknE!SS 1S olle Vi It l . P' & M: Oflloo In Natiullul BJlnk Building. in,; fellow, wasn't be 1" said Dan. " wny 111£ ISN'T DRAD AT ALL YET' "ht. ull the l'UW in the world, 2<1, I great cnnse why physici.llns refuse 'P 0 St81·'I/1I,f/.,. ~1'rOI' WAY NES VILLE. OHIO uhe took hold of the broad ri .. id " TI' . hI ' . all tbe tvbacco there is in the to pre cl'illtl it \\Ill I' they kuow it •• -, • wO~lld btl.a benefit or even cure . du~ I!.romptly. Promptatt.mUon to 1lIlllit, sbouldel's, aod tested tuo body's askedl~~ot or s Jrleked, I1nd ~ben world, and 3d, mOl'e rum." . weight, ~diog 88 h';" did. "and be lone of b is w~~~1i~8~e:~~. t1~~II~~ T~bacco. ulld rum Btand al ike at : tlten' I)atlen~ because . they fe~r MIlDUrllotllr 8 nil kinds of Bread & Cuko THE INDIANAPOLIS SUN, U.c.;'" .".We ......, ..........,...• waa a 80hd boy, too. The .officer iher see it fail and theu. 1 ta . d the foun~lO ·head of t~e great evil that s?llle POI80UQUIl~ ' mixture WI,Il :~~~~b!':lu~~:"iDU~~~~i:~~:u~~!~~ Tbo lending INDEP~NDENT .UEFORM fin" T.l ... ",",CIt. • took hold of the teet, and together Ion hie chest '1 I d I PJ: we assaIl. Tue bllodlshwents of be gwen th m I sl&t.d of Port to furlli.hing . WEEKLY poliLi ••ol nowspllp r In tho Ulli· W A YN BSV ILl E la they litled the body fl'om tbo t dO" tf' h 'tSrUD ~ Ie lOCi thu rumsellera draw, aud the io- Wille, Ilnd the iuin l.lu a1rrepara- CAKES FOR WEDDINGS t.odStatel! ; tho.JlColal~dvoonto I?' tho in· Offersble Ptofot!dloll1&lServioeli "to ~booitl.
C:!3.0 •
Lookl·ng. Glasses
a Medical PractiC8
PIOctu·e Frames.
_01"'" "'-
EN/.rd?I'I' II, ,
Un d e r t a k n g ,
A I It I N G :AjJlI/o
Dr, E. F. Dakiu
stretcher to. tbe coffin, ,a ud laid the I d~dn t kl:ow ~~ac:P~~~t itt I~Ue~:1 sat.iablc tlt!I'8t superiuduce~ .by to· bl~.Som,o Culi!or ia win es al'O . ~1~~~e~I/:J~:d:"s ,p~~,~o~;:;'~~ ~~r.!~ ICn8aDd villinity, Huvinl!'Vbad thlrt)'10111'1 lid over htm. But It wonld b t ud I ' k dY . ~ t, uaqco dr~ves the poor vIctim ' to being terribly milt uUld adultcr.AND PARTIES, Dllllk L.blloe (Illd tba (juld BlUIls FI~10101' oxporienoo he hopes to /:t4 $ ~tl8rllOtiun to fit cloeo for tho feet cou ld IIOt be f~'t u~~.~ prlo dl hIS dkll~e al~ly 'tlte CliP. of dovil.' Both are in, Ilted with alcohol a ~ "VatQl" and UII short notice, I nloo k cp lind, thc In~o~hllllgllllble Currunoy Bond f>II IAn'wbo may favor him witb a call. 4t16-1 aceom":odated ill the nal'I'OW end. I~ 'J~m a d DC\~l'I:U all t kltt e t xicating, .both are de~eivers; othel' ingr~dients to ~Ilke it cheap,. °!rir\~:t t{jll'f,I,~bIlG.!~~,:~:O~b~;!g:~~;, ndSETH W. . Then the' shoes wcre. taken oft' aud th~t the ~j . a 1 I' we ~ I ne~ buth .wllBte trme, mooey, st:I'engt'h 180 as tobl'lllg a gl'eu or pl'odt from ollta.amour !.ho' olonro"~ Ilud 1U.o. t proFound n thrown ill with the body thelid lb kt I 8I\~vo'rduM and life ; botbgot ioc:ease mol- the slllc8. 'I'bete i IlU excellent ahul hout" lind lL8upply of thiu~er8 o tbc eollntT ATTORNEY AT LAW was nailed duwn , and th~ words I~~k s~:I~eu 01'k~et~1I t t~ . "' ld o!~ tiply aud l'epleuisll the eal'til with POI't, sliid to bc 'the neBt wIne io Staple and Fancy Groceries. op:~8:1~1~~1~f !~~for~:d~~~ selootion, ud, "Fifteen l)reeinct': wore chulked On rivo me th e I~ d 11 e.y W~l1 II CIlI'l!CS .and woes which DO WUll I the lIIurk et. made ill' NEIW J ersey, or Tho higbe.t ~hrkct Prlco8 paid, in Tenns, $1,75 per yeur: po.tpuld. AN.D NOTARY r [lBLIO. the lid I The collin was plliced at g d k d k' ~ Y hHe loolk ed CRII numoor. Friends, is it not l {rulll th e OJlorto O-I·IlPI.l, by Alfr d IIl18b or trude. for Country Proouco. Sample OOl,iool!C DI froo au Ulll'lIeation. i u • .,.. ,. Me( ...... l'IIc . . . . . . . . . . the bot~m of the p ile of empty ~:~u{~Sn'~ b I~I W~lC~ i'~~ ldv ;~ rt I~Y higl.l time . that. wo take act.iOll ~p~er. tbat , h ll~ bccUlpe t,ho mOot Quet'll. ily B aku·y. .\ddrllll8 lNllIAN"t~l~li~~I~ulla°td. W4~NI!8"If,.'E, un ••. boXOII III the wagou Rll d Dan I . I d' d I n Ie agalllBt the Illseperuble obstl\cle to ' cllubl e Wille for HospItal and - - - !'" ~ -. _. chil'ruped his horse 'in oo a tl ot IIl1~le ,. an t~emei t~ fceills Ibe I!nccetlS of ollr caose? In onr iCullltn n nion PUI·POSCS. 'rltis wille I E. S.-B. W ALTON,- d own Mercer st.-eet and acl'oss the us ~llt d O u . I OWl duys conveutions we ' denounce tb e pul- ' has been tltul'tlugly Ilna,lyspd and Y. ATTORNEY AT LAW, The undo l'8igllotl h~~. to Ilifol'm city to the Eldridge 'treet sllltion a ~I';~'ur t1 I'uv e . p~st t.t u , 10du e, pi\', tho pl'ess, the jlldge and th e Ii~ . pru lf() nncerl by cher.wsts to be ~hl'rfluhlic ,I. •. Offices, 68 Broadway, but the unfol-tllll llW who died tt;cr: ~III" n~ell em,o tetr w 18 In 11 WI 0 °t W, Tmy-tf-they stand in our way. ' the pure jllico of the gt"~)OI and to o pel lcd tL 1I t!,,· ~iC t,t .M in keL iu th u . , '" 1.1 ..... u uu t IJ me wave, 1 ter 'lin d i d ' '11 . ' I ' Ib d ' LED~NON, 01110, bad booo clalwed. by her fr'l elldJ IlUll dk' ~ rc I' • call,yht 11" Vl' 0 d enounc t 10 IS tl r \lud va 'oa e me IC· old '~&\Id or I.ellk " lI"wlI~ ' . whore 110 will li e f an d then I' . .tlto I.c utul I n t 10 most . I And over tn N ew .Dn'g-Store, and taoon away jor budill. " That tl I'ttl I' 1'1 d d "d I · ... ven el', Icell se temlJerute d"lDklllg IIlU PI'''P 'I tiCS. t lS sold by "I\OP constlllJtly iJ D laulld Ie l e e ow nn Ull ce lllD d f d ' I . d' 'I I h d' 'V4WNESVILLE. o. ill 8Omethin~ tbllt olten happolls," in the ail' so thut I could ' I' 1111 er';ll e u~c WIIlO at tIe sacl'ed ' .~ llgg l ~ S '~I O pure. n.se It'e~t TilE VERY BEST eaid the ' dl'lver. "I am Beut for I tell " 'd D ,sec m. tllble-lU Jllct, wa donollnce the IIUUl MI' , Spoel"s 'VIDleyurds In from all parts of tilO city, som0- ' t1 ' g Y01~'h ~al k 1111, f I~sllc mo t petty allxil;IlI'ics which aug- Nuw J CI'dCY.-EveniIAg P08t. timee hI I 11,1l~"8S a mn 'es a e ow ce meut, or teudtl to angment intern· - -~ " Bee~ Veal, Mutton ,and Pork, - A-"1I ) $l'lsi)tonable Barbtr llU~ POOle PEOPLE ,g . •• __ pe"all ce. Thllll, wby should wo Th~. Aruel'lc~n Agl'loulturlst ' . mr.& l1lBHIDmllJ ~Sll1lm, who thiok tboy cannot pay lor a A RARE VOLUMS -The Centon. not deuounce tobacco. the great . clu b {Ol. 1 ~6 WIll be ma.de up at Ihc oClun'ry alford8: Iltld nil will I,e I(cpt U4rN 1t'1'••••••••• W4YlV.E8Y'....... burial. or 150JDetimes b.v lolks wbo ' Ililll GawLtcer of tbe Unitcd Ilnd intoxicntiug ulll'cotic which Ih~ M~t/.1m Gazelle (Jtilice, The -0Hair-outti ng, Hlair-Dr_ iug, ShlUllpoOiutJ want to eave theil' monoy; hut State!!. ily A . Von Stciuw hr .A. exei'ts Il~ agellcy so illsidious nnd P!,lcc, wt11 be 1,00 pet year each, C LEA NAN D N I CE. and SllIAl"wg, duue ill tho best atylo of the when I go to get tho body thcy M. author of 'The Electic S~ries de 'l'llctlve. We hold maoy tem, If til l! club reaches 20. TunllOriAl Art.. lI'1l1 . will ol'y ove~ it alJd won:t let it go. of' School Geographica,' -'Topo- pC1'anc~ couventions. We meet Gode 's Lild ~;~k ~CI-;r Octobel' Also. And sometlln~ they get 60 ";1 e 1 ~I't1pbiea\ Map ~f tbe O. S. ' . etc., otl.e~l_ as the.year rolls away. We is fully ~lP to ihe StuudlUd of for. FINE SUGAR-CURED HAMS A.lso, Olfioo for tho MlWu£aoturoand Balo .}f 50' lJea'Ut:lf.1Jl . • aal'd8, . . wit" woney togetbol. aod theu agalO' IS a volume whIch commends it. wnk" new Issues. We ellact, and mer II umbers . All IBobdoribels yow' name n atly p'l'illt6fi on they can:t, .I!~ then. tbey seud for Isel'r to all wisbing . iorormation l'e'~nact the. same. l~caol l1tlOn.s, will get a beautiful cb 'I'omo enti. ..11010 or hy Iho slice . IlIV" m 110111 1. th em, (mrl l/ nt to any adrl"e3a me Mgallo. Jhel'O IS sea1'(!cly an concoroing our cODntl·Y. It pre· ~11I 18t old ~Icohol.' llItl eflcued 10 tlcd "Tho mOl'ninp: call" the JEH U MULLIN. U S p08t'pnil/, 1~pon 7'COt1ipt of 1i0 eta: alley or block along here that I lIents in I'eadi ly accessible sbape hiS J,>owol'lul, alll~8 tobacco and handsoOJest evor offel'OCl by a n)' Mllrol, 17, a • Ill. Add""._. ~ave Dot been ill my time." con- the I'esults of the late COIlSUS. aud lDorbld appetIte, sttll defies us face )lubli~her. KIN G- I' 0 R D' S 'l'HE AltA1U GAZETTE. tinned .Dan, IlB he drove amung whutcver is of value from huu - to faco. W"yu06villd. OLio. the teuements of the great East dl'Cds of geographical I!tati tical Whell shl1ll wo leal'1l that the qg- '"' ~~b· 8i~e, ."and many'a the tug rve 1.lad ·und desca'iptive wOI'ks: It I·cpt·e. ii.'·es of intel.nperance buru not ~"tw , I 'Ir ' MISS RiCHlE R. EBRIGHT. brlOglllg down coffins fl'om the Il1gh senta the labor of years on the Simply of thetr own accord? Tbey . . U Plaao·F.rte Misle Teae~.rt Itori. np there. I go along on part of the authvr aod a large Bre fed by fuel from otber sources .\Nll &ll!t aido or MIlln Street W4YNB8VIL...., •••0, my rounds, aud ti~es come wboo corps of WlBi6taotd, and an expend- an~ the soouer weus~lIult the great NOTICE. GLOSS 1 have to tackle a bIg, heavy bodY liture of nearly 820,000.' The allies. of .Alcohol, WIth wllnly de· silelled Notiee is horobJ given, lba·t !.he unde.... F h L d 'i"rn:OO~~ IF.Il!!.6I.~OOU. ha boon ap;int.od Executor of the or t e auo ry. all a1one.. T0 ge t some1body to country ati large each state, city, tel·m. 1110t'1011, t he soolJor we aha 11 .J.otato of ELLIS ARD. 1111:0 of Wurell l b MA-"1U ~'A I'U,II RI) [lY . help me I. not BO easy, a waY8. f.?wu and towns lip. the principal ~c leve s ucce~s; our. gll I1s. do ~oo County. dOOl'&I!Od. JOB. G, KEYS. T. KIN GSF 0 R D A. SON, try to get somebody If I can, for rIvers aod mouutains are trellted IIttlo executlOu. Tile evt! hes Aug, HO, Itl73, Eucutor. UI. WHOLESALE it loop better to have a man at ill separate QI·tioles, ip \beir alpba- intreoched in ' tobacco and otber NOTIC~ The B &t Stara/t 'in the lPo7·ld. eMh eud of the coffio; but sClme- ootical places, aod so fully 811 to allies-allies which many .bave • GIVE ' A BEAUTIFUl. ~'] N r B "0 -ANDJEWELERS'i timee I ha.ve to ~ot tbe tbing 00 bl'iug to overy reader tue most thought too iusignificant to Dotice. The uuderslgned baa it.en ~ \lI, appolDted TIiI£ L1NE N, lind ~l,e co"t '",1 ween It and . ) B Eecut.or of the luI' Will oC ABRAM AL - commoll R\.I\rcb i. BO.I cal y bILlt .. oon' for Oil my back and IQg lt ~owu aI one.' desirable. facts respectiog each, - ut uoles~ ~e dank tuc ~nemy EX. la~ of Warrell OoUDty. Obio, deo'd, ordlll~ "Y ..... lting. A k YOUl' groc r for j, "How heavy a weIght can you aud shows tbe gigantic results of and carry hiS Intrenchments Jnthe . JOI£L EVJU' B. ElI'r. ' -' Spoctaclus, ·'l'ooh.; & Malcrilll8. manage alone. Dan?" . The First Oue Haudl'oo Years of rear, we . shall fight man1 years ~ept, 14, 1815. IUNOFORO'8' B. W. Oor. SllIlb lind M.ln ta o "Wen," he replied . slow~y! "if the Gl'elltest P.epubJic ,the World more aud 1ail to demollBh hiB OSWEGO CORN STARCH .0nrOlllNA'J'I. O. they go over-a bUlld;J and eIghty, Ever Saw. The "York is a Nation- 8,t.rong holds. Temperance lector, ••• , Ja the ori Inal-Ii: totbllshed in 18oitl, And thoey are too much ,for mIle, gonor· al Standal-d, and will prove 88 in- ers, who are. tbe victi~a of tobacco, l'resorV~8 iUI reputaLioll 1\8 ~TION"~". NOTICE, h d beco mlDg "ew an d f ar bet . 'U ME. aol1 ,111 & 1\ OMLJ OATK than au, Tbe padnerablp bortttotore omUq II. ally. N o~! somet Im~I e con· ispensable to evel'y ol88s 88 a are . weell. · I J pth r arBele of ~he kind on.r. tW!I8n ~e UDd.oraI«aed Iii &be .......... ~d, oith 'r of tho al<"'o nllmo tlnued, "I ~nd a poor fellow dead, Webater'a or Worcester'1l Dietiona- Our boat lootu'rera beglD to soo Firat National BanT.: Bv,ilding ling bwdneu. b.. l>eon ~Iftcl 111 up iD a ~t at the top of Darrow, ry. Plibl1shed by J. O. McCurdy Dlore aild more clearly that if tbey ' . WAYNESVILLE OHIO' fir ... Ilh .o.ber litln. al OOOIlOD L l'arbl.. iDOObleci to &be &Me IIrm ant requ.ted to mi la. 1t.. C., Philadelphia. P.; Oinciona- succeed in saving tbe fallon, they ,. bi:IITc~~~1:o,:la!1A.ou~h~~i.v ~~' .E~;';'~; ·u..~~~ crooked ltairs. I couldn't get "elDent with Pelollr Eb.rIl, who will .... cofIlo up to him if I tried, and so t~ Obill.; Chicago Ill.' and St. mns~ denounce tobaccvas wcllas ~e-"';e fto full, &J) .. 11~lld this OOrn 81 "1' 1 :11. Mod ea,. " _ a tiIIDO &be butia_ .. heretOfore • We.)'llo&villo, Jul,. 14, 1871 1. I have to bri~ him down a conple Louis, Mo. " rom-that tbose giants in olnee . ~ ...... .a.....v, I. &000 I escellcnt . ..liele or di ~ and iD l'ETE~ E8.ERLt 80lllETINO .... £W of nairs of atalrs to meet one. I '" alliauce dety the world; "uuited THIRD .TRBBT, liE• • •"IN. cbeooiClll .ud feeding proper'lo.t I. fully .lLBEflT D. II.liiIa ' r-0 d I eqUOlI to Ib~ beM arrowrool Wa,..mn., BepL III. 1m. ; ,,7.) . . . . . . . .N .... De jllllt wrap a sheet 8nug abont him, a wa lader & J annoy'a, is the thoy stand, divided tbey fall." CINCINN ATI, OHIO. lJlrectloD. for making Puddi1lgl, Ou ,ardl lilt . ( ............... put him on my baCk, with hia place to get yoojined·r ou-good8- The time uaa folly come ' when we 1200 PER D~Y 4to .• Mcoompau1 uach'une,pllunll ,,&CIe~~, ~ , Add.... wi'" .Lam!" ~k Dext to mine, and take him Joat from the ~torn market. sboold battle with these gilUlt deu . . W&......:....... ~ all WIftMJ ....._ . . '-';' 1 . . . ,. N . . . . . . '"" l
'R tl"
tf, i
'Allirf ~tDrC.
Dr J
eritSrnttuts I
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- Nt-
_I.ID.'". . .
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no "I'0n
h nd abou 8lri tb t~t He WM Ib('n \1) t.h CAre of n ludeou ohl ar. IImlc~l Itb bL.ulln 11\ ted llntO • llud the old btggtl r hll\'1np: IIIllen 10 II Jit, and the chIld. oy hiS g n ef, bUL DlO,e ] rtlculnrly by bl llrlght. Ill\rk ey lind pt'll~y filiI RptlCllling Iron ly t.o It! • ymptlLbl b took 111m IiQlll to I\IV(I hIm deoont helt~ r. nl I t fQr on IlI&M. .. ut. Lbo bread tblck. ' an y. cut Il ~ ery tblckt Id lC1ggi1 OIlL of tll fllll ne of hi ~nl\rOu~ heart. .. Don 't _I.eIP. DODe o' tb veu'U ml It I I «lJut., klgg, 'Where Are 'ou golDg tc put him Y" nsliedplt wife, tbere'8 tlirE'O to a bOO now-and my kes, all tbal bread gone f 'Vbat 1\ IIt~lo bear '" .. Out hlDl Allother 1100, llIIey. nnd UL it a liltle thicker" klggtl rt'~I'0nded lInbuUA>tung hlsl;re<!u bRI,. Jllckol, thll!, h18nob]o hoorL might, hale mot'll room to sweU III "tbe hUlo feller must a' been
TYPE ,ns
>l N] r ... , (,J u rl u",,"
' l ufII ~'rtv"
'lIui, klgg wher "lil we pili Wm V" queried tbe IIUlUOIU! wife, dlHd 109 tbe loaf '¥ltb-IL mu t be told-a little 1_ ala rlty tlu\lI before, for she knew another loaf would ~1()st J u~t IX pcnce to n futhlll!;, ILud 81 x pen wer
IlIIl y re lllrn Ihc rlllllI :\11 II ~I tlry 01 ono IIcb I'rulflllllt lll our t8ll1p
• We' lI l'ut him- With nnother \!OIlt." klggll, mu ingly. 8uneYlOg th IllUall bundle of rags, .. how luoky It I ~ tbat Jimmy's outgrown hili before I L's
.. GoodueM, Ski~, you OllU t think Qf aJoptlUg him I" Orled Mrl<. k l ~ turn 10& pale With dismay II ~en clilidren.
001 a nother 81100 "
Tbe knife went throu~h the loaf With
wlfte, motion 'bls time, and
klggs, oomlUg Ollt of her tranco. t llrncd Ibe boY'e face to the light. LIke a\l great'mIDdl!, ahe.,1UI calm a nd I!OIC-oon tained, under tbll! excitlDg news Her heart might throb almost t.o bursting BS she though t of that bllle and yellow shawl she had been 81gb lng for so mallY years) to qy nolJlIng of the feather she Will Gctenniued to buy the first tI me ehe went o u t !!hopping. but not even S\riggs should know It IlIlItead of p;omg mto ecstaCIet', 8h controlled her emotlOus, and merely MId "He's got black ey , nln't he,
, Yee Nancy, a nd not a blRc!r; eye 11\ tbe famh y • except when little 'loul gl t~ iliraahed J lII\.y, Nall y, If that Will one of OIU'II."
"What?' " And 11'0 WII lrull sn ugly u nder the
cold ground. and no relatlonll Rnd 110 fnends to take hlm. o nly 11 tICIlly beggar wbo shamB blind, and bentll and BbulleS him Now, 8U p~ It \\1lI! 'rOID. alld I!Ome ~ bear~ fellow eamealong and give hIm A home-and we could know
It I" "Yell, but kius I" .. Or My we knew. 'stead of thl\t, 110 goes and Ollmes him to th e poorhoul!C.
and lett! blDl grow u p II pau per , wllh nobody to teach him sclf.re pect. an d no boys to play wlth ......Nalloy. gl' me a han kercher I" MnI. \clggIl wus SIlent before thIs mov mg pieture, for motber nln or loved Sl~ sturdy, homely boys better tban we loved the brood who slept tbree JO~ bed up6tall'f! m ugly t ucked ID by her hands, every sunburned, freckJed fllCtl ~ tenderly befor they slept he made DO further obJections. but took her old shawl and made ull a couch ill the comer, and after she had washed the wondermg II ttle face she ki88Cd It, tt WAIl MO pretty 1 bat was the Sign and l!e£l of adoption .. Be's alnlost III handl!Ome lUI little Angle," she III\.ld, lUI the chIld refre~hed aoa woudenug at hl8 clean, white bed clothe&, II&Ilk off w sloop Angle.,118 the baby. one year old. and Lh only gul Nature. In denYlllg comellne8l! to tbe boys. had made it all up In that face of hhea and rOl!Oll The cblld Will pen. cLly beautlrul Not a 8JlOt marred the 8Of\. wbltenc88 of her baby kill The long lIhimng curls bung In ghtLenngsplen~orto her pretty. dlml'led fthouldera, and notblDg Will too good or loo fau fo r the flllry like creature We1l. twelve ye&nl passed mto the great tarDlty klW has slopt under the dailiell ever lIinoo htLle Angle was ten yean old. Tho Ut boys are workin,S on in their homely way. not very ambl ti 118, hu t ltOOd and honeet. A fler kJgga' death, the little wal f un able to bear tbe groat 1<iIlII, unWilling to bu~en the poor Widow, di.,.ppeared one day obed,. JUte" where he went, amI the "Ido" w.. 110 fuU of trquble. 110 anx lou to provide lor her gro'lflng family, that, tbOU(b he bad beC:om almost Ill! dear k) her All her own chliliren. eIle h.d lime to mourn hI a_nee, (lr to Diab lDctulriell for him Tbe bOya re IIOme of them out to trade&,. die OIMn made their hvingM or a~ wOrklDg lU ollce&. The ..,..,., Iaenelf look ill lewlog. A.ogle ... tbe idle Clreawre In the hoWll! idl"1 lor IIhe aided ber d1 . . Of her email ability,
dltllluL I ~ II\I' the Hcncdl t' tin COl1lcnt h 16 to bo l,re IIDled. however tbllt th rul es of IllS pnrtlcul llr c@tllbhghment Amorlca n Llt(lrahlrc>. lbllt the dlllly n 118polJ('1'f! of tIll S " erc I!OlII c"hl\ ~ relll cd, for th o )O\lI\ g country nrc GI~lIIg tone lind tyle to Ita gellll(' mnn who hucl bell ll ellga~cd W hterature there can be 110 doubt And thiS 111111 II as oil rved to 1.IIke 1118 eon ~tllnt tand beforc the barred I~ Inclow of there are a few e~" elJellt renl!01l8 for It. hl8 formcr lIIiSI TO 's cell, whlle @ hc would oue of which is that the editors nnd bel)OlIle VISIble bellini! the gratlllg Wrl tora of the dluly prC88 are, to Il great ClXtellt tbe Iloolcmflkera 18 woll rbl\re Here the TO/llouce I hove IlIIagmed \\ollld II!, howe, or, a dool'.)r rCllt!l)JI 1I11111 tIllS, perhaps luck m Cld nt, uul. c xeept In a \\111 h 18 that An:;encun rl'lIderij ar not. nll\8ter'M It IOd, IllIgh t grow IltOnotollOll@, us a rulo, people of leIsure rhey III\\('. [or (ble hopcl c cumtsillp I Ll!wtl no fOIl or III filet, htt! tlm o lIud Ie mclanatlon to t llllll fOUf III1lI Ihlrty ycal'f!. till II bowe I IUHldle AGcd 1Il31l plLced the (1:\\ e d well on the beauty of flU eillbunlte 11 lind menL. alltl h)oke,l up to \ g my h lI(cd tenc or a well rouuded llCnod Wlult ml~tr iii! lL onl'l' elltled WIth th(' denth they do WllIIt lind II III havc lire thc latcst n 1\'11 anel frf. l,,:at 01" ilion! , 'lIld of l\t o hId). II fow y~ \fl\ Ag thcee the) wllnt !!On ed "l' !lice their WH E RE th f:lrmor ~ 11'1((, blls l.Lrj!:e \\I\Mh mlltutlU~1 eakelt- hot md rllll&hllble, IIlg to tlo, she enn 8.t\ \ C h Llf her lilll lind aod without clroumlOOIl'IOU or uunooctl- labor by l\81I1g Dobbllls' E lectrlo I\ll/ f!l\ry {II If :\I\ ~\mcrICl1n hll8 one wOllk (m:\do by rtI~1I1 &, • PhIl) lie POllllO nelll! ~reat r than lu\othor rt I~ to know ofltlHqunl totbr of ,myotber 'JrYlt Ivhllt J p"il8lng, IIlId ho \vllulll to kJ10W It 'fo Ilstlll nt the qUllutlty 01 IIhellcd a ~ IV IlIlnutes before any olle ell!(!. If It were po Ible, bo wOllld grcntly l'rllf< r to COrti Oil the cobs 1\1 IIny gn en ~pa know It IMjm'nt bflPPCII~, but, nil iL III 1 ' el th llIJ 1\11\\ mellllllrc tbo lellgth, not, bo I~ usulllly content If other lreople breadth aM depth then mu ply tbelMl btlHl to come to 111m for tbe {Ilota dImenSions toge ther, Rnd the product by ut oft the II~ t figllfe. and the Nellllpapel'f! Brc cl!t!eutl.lllr gl\ en to tim fOllr ,.,eILkne~, 111(1 If th ro I~ IInyac!ueve- resllit II III be Ute number of bllKhrls of mont which Il live e<:ittur regards With shellcd eorn IIl1d tho deCImal of II buwcl grellter a6Cct..!OIl or more protound rc I~ INN I\TIlNllIlI\T)U \L F XI 0 rTJON S}lI!ct thnn whllt Is loohlllcally kno" nll8 IH TIII!l' no" op II 10 tbe 1'1111111> hll' iog be. U Iu , II beat,' It hllll110t r et been (hl!Covered Alli"rlLted loy Ihe " mndest lrndes proce iOIl The I16vere 00111 petl tlon 111 tb 18 line blls ever" ItIlC'" d H rCI'II"n8 01' II unt,1 0 I!Ometlm~ th~ IIl1tuml effect of prod uc tober olb J h o Ilre~t del'arlUlolIIs of m il chin err, horlll "Itllre, Ilne IItte, ele ore more lUg a re oni of more 1I0W8 than nat lIrally OO(lUI'l! , but th!, ~(llIen, 1 m~ et III nUra"t,vc t lllln lit \lily preVIOU8 .tll'08ILIOII III\.lutllry, lind t ile lI~rl re dQCll much to de ... Ithor of the JepnrtlllcuU! uf It.e f would r pa, 1\ VI. II to Cin ",,,ull lIml wl' " 11 v lUI) "fltlllg t.alent liS well III to llut Rmpl, we stule Ihllt 0110 adn1l8.1oll fcc of twenly 'W nten 10 lIympathy With tbe hrellthlllg five oelll. entitIes n vi6llnrto onler all1111rl8 world If Ulere
18 a {(>.rm of reproach which a newll pa~)(lr writer ,.,ollloi s{l6clII1\y dislike W ('.arn It III that expr Ive Americlul
18llI- " old fO~1' To spellk of II nc,., IIpaper mlUl WI • l\ f0l!811 " or a hnrnllclc" 18 to ly the ti4lV re t tblllg of ~lIm tlillt oould Ilo MId In looking OHr all early flIe of t he New York H emlll the other day. we III\.W t he elrpre""IQn "blauket sbeeta,"b opprobrIously applied to the hlrger and more dlgmHed lind conscrva Live pupera 01 that day. lind we oould not b u t [eel that ID tbls though t lay the !!Ccret of M r Bennett's early SUCOC88 Tbe ofll\'lIlal Neml,Z. like the ' 1111 of today. Will! lin el>ltome of pa JIlg evp.nta. nud Its 8UCtle811 was d ue to tbe fact that It (.'OntaIDed "'ore "~W6 than flny of Its contemporaries, lind told It ID n brIefer Bnd better way And m this very Idea hea tbe true germ of American li terA ture nhment, poetry, tbe grocea nf rhetollc and t be oouutiea of Imagmatlon may sen e as the Olltwllrd adornmelltt! or the oCCI\IIIonal rehsbes of tbe (east. bu t tbe aubstalltml food upon whIch the readers of thiS and tbe coming genera tlon mil demand to be fed WIll be 11)'111111 hOlliely, 1II0rDate record of the fuctllllnd Op IlJIOn8 "llIc b mark the world's prog
re8l! -Padmv.I'8
Detroit F ree Pre8!l Currcne,. It costs finy dollars to SIIlP a Cle\ e land IDan III the mouth That 8 II good deal of lIIoney. but there's nll!O a good dealot llIoutb Dr Hall Mya thnt no pel'l!On 8bollid get out of bed IlS 800n lUi waking-that III, uo mlln He 8hould he tbere and 8peeU ltlte I\Dd theorl7Al while 1118 WI fe IS g Ulng breakfll8t ready When n barefooted TUlln woman steps ou II hlur brusb she goes t~ rough Just lUI many motIOns 118 If she hlld oocu bl tteu by a tarantula The good old days 1\ hen {our or III e band fire eogme com panics came out lind mauled ellch otbcruround whIle the bOU8C burned down will l)(l Illmented by every true fi reman 1f you ouly laved on the I!C4COlUlt of Texll8 you oould g out and gather a ton of IIIIlt III half an hour, and YOIl could 1. twcnty cents for It by hauhng It twen t y 1I11 1~ There lire prePVBtlOl1" wblch will remove freckle@, hultbe~ IllIn e tbo girl I!U lrmp ond llfel~8I! that a dozen picnics mlghl l!e bel4 behlDd tbe houl!O and lIhe wouldn't have toe least Interest The Provldenoe Pf'tM. lI_rta that clams have heartlt and l!Ou18. hkebuman beillK'\, and &II we look up Rnll down the coluOJII o( th I'~ 'l\e wonder wb, ~~n.Ia •• ~ wilUJJc haacl, clam, are not alllO provided wltb braiD If a man Vtt! up IU tbe n ight aud ~ OI"'~ ~ drbab throop the DOlI! of a aDd
....... ..., ......
J CI(iAN- - -
.~. k •• 1 1 ~ . "" I • otrCII In. re ~'n u' lll n t:: 1111 n eu Ji! t!t~ry InrornuHt I "l& bo Bent. fre(' J\ I~lr (t,.... G. 1l08 B ~. (tl, B<I~ ~l\1 s r }..tIUI" MO ~NII -,,,euI4 \\ ...
Wholesale Crocers - .A ~ I -
a nd
l'rot 18101l Mtl r ellllnts,
LGE!, P~ ~~WELL &co. I DONT
To Obt ain It'
hel'p'IC8eIy ( Ye • lOla twenty dOUBI'f! instead c' fourteen At the olol!O of th iS month ou r bOI1ll8 says to me (his plllCtl of bUI!\ n wlllalwlI!" OUt lloul!e /I), • hold out your baud, Mr J luggl!, n Bere's your &-I-g-Jt·t;.y della", I' TlllnJr of that for 80ur. Mrs. kiggs. Nanoy, eut tbe
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wl1lch li n in~(' nlulI~ lIovcli~1 Roof l " •• l ",JD"Vt L I ",PI..... VI ,eu nk" \l ork 111 10 R I' r~ lty rQlIllllce I I bl t , I AU Aboll t (o rt ~ or fHly yenr ago hcrure S3 SAMPLE FnE ~:,uol • .':"/'y: 1 'r~ the ~lIl'll r iOIl I un \ e lll 111 l'o rt ll j;al I drm Till ~ II ION J I'L t 1I II work N J Il youllg Inlly II II ell -uged to be mllrrled J ur sollie r..nOOIl or other th o IIIlrnnge .hd not l'OlIIO 1111 1l11l1 the gIrl II R8 plllced In 1\ Benedlcllll nllnner) at Oporto ::;OU1l lifter came the abolltlou 01 COli ,"I bul, I~h II the mOll1l8tcrru~ were obl!Olut Iy dll!tlO hl'II lIud tbe monks flCl\t terell, the nUll wilo" ere alrclldy in mUles of re h ~ l o ul! hOllsc " e r ~uftC.red the re to remll," '1 he young Illdy liecordlllg ly. o u Ihe ~ lIppresslOn OCCurrlllg,
and one IJI arme, Sklgg& You 8 re onl6 gom' to keel) hlDl to-nlgh t t" II I tmllJ three mnke eu:hteen, and two o\cr I twonty,/I murmured klggs, abeeDUy, hi eyee (II tened on tbo crocked ceiling. " 'allOY, John Potter 1M dend " ".Jobn Potter dEllld I" exolallned Nan y " What'lI oooome of Sally" .. 'Veil, lIy'a got plenty 0' friends." IIlud k~jl8. now eeatlDg .binlllelf, Bnd fix ing hiS g lance upon the 8JIlall oreature. Who had eaten IiIS eeoond bce almpet 118 voraCloll8ly III t he lint, and uow stood Wistfully eying the loaf, • bllt I'm gone up. blet*l your 8Oul" 'Gone lip I" mllttered 1I11'l! klgll'!,
___ _
I IRON Illlg ht elll!lly
NELSON'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ESTABLISHED OVER 20 YEARS. An Institution PatrOnized by the Leading BUSiness Men of Clncinnall.
ot lhe Expo.lhoD It WIll ti uthelcn tly 6how j the .. befRllly o~.! ' ~ grell~~~i ~"
AIICUIll HOP WHAII LYOllCC pU7.zled 11 nllmber 01 clever III cn In IIhol!C compAny he \\1\8, Ill. IIKlung them tbls q\I~.tll)lI 110" IS It that willte sh eep eAt lIIore than block ?' 111 were not 1I\\llre of tb e fnet other. !!IlL to \\ork and tried 10 gIve learned lind 10llg rCllIlOn8, bllt nil wore fllIXIOIIS W k now the n~1\1 Cl\uee After keepmg them \\ollderil\~ for I!Ome LImo he emd • The relllKJII IS. hec:lu8C there Ilre lIIore of them"
Fever and AIDlB, or Ohms and FeverI 11 I•• Sa"', !iP'. ~ I, and r ernaneni ,.1lRE cr ll. ror Fe,.. ODd Asu., or Chili ••• d Feror. In tA • " hue tho d lr.etlou .re tbllowed
oy 111 NltY
A FABER Rlld R If LAI.;QOALF, forlll e r 1... oClIIte. of Prof HARD l lI~ ollcge RIIII roLircel from tbe I'ro(c •• IOII, culd .0"ce8l01l to GUNDRY, HEROLD nn.1 RACON 8 1Ie1 for Clrcul.r
NELSON, who 111\8 .incc .ol"
Fo, S.I. by all O,uggllil
PI!1I80NAI. -J. p ' S/lt 1tl8 I 1111\ chad Drop", nnd LIver rllsense (or 1116111 year. nnd found 110 rehef unlll I nseJ 811111110118'
LIver Regulator. 11011 was thon entirely eurc.l- tbe Drop~y hl\Vlng IU lI(1pcared "
- ------Rnd hnndl!OlD6 relldlKh
color mRy be gJve n to cherry or penr tree wood by Il coat of a strong I!Ol u tlOo of pe rmallgRllftte of potAl!h len on a longer or sliorter tIme. a cordlUg to t be
color reqUlred
VKGI!TINK doe. noL deoeh. 11I \ l\hd ~ Illto ("Ioe hOl'e8 by ,""glug nlHl ",eatlDg n fieLI LIOIl 8 81.""lIle bui nu isltt lI/lture In c l.arlD g nud J1uflfYlDg the \\hol e 8yslem lcndmg the Jllltl~ut grndunlly to Il erfoe i bell 1Ih - COlli
Two or Iltree doses of $her, dan , Curo/,!! 00,,,111,011 P(Jm u r. will curo "horso of lIlly COni mOil cough or cold, nnd tlte \ ery wont CII 8 f . IlIRY be cured III a CO\\ week8 We
Seventy one Years of Age I ~ D.. AR
a- I u 1 .ev(mty ()
• 1ft' rro In AU)I j M, "Itl
y I1nt: k.an"
KI hit)"
I &"6
AI 'fll"lll w "k
I " • • in 11 c:f bv
Thill Co .... l • • III
I f"or Co ...h . , c.tdtl, Idam..... U o" ot 1110 J un. . IIDre T hroat . ... D ft.... Bro..ohl-
ell, • •• It takeft In tI_e, w illarrett lb., ".t .. ot ' hi. _edlc lne p nparattOIl o t Tar obdllH.aM (JOIll_.ptlOft
br .
Tbe ......
~ ... I'~ ........... tbe - l'
know thl . frolll experIence
~f..'!~ ==~·M:-:~r. ........ erf'~:I~b..-e'::~ u.
TUEnl! Is no dl8eMc O""h I. he .. to 1I10r. troublesom e 10 mOllnge lhnn rhellmuti~1II It COllle8 "ben VOII lell8l expecl It. nnd gcu er tllly ren",io. LlII It get8 ready \.0 go awny 1 he mo.~ cooa,tlcuoua rewedy for this COUI
. ... h ... U ..... 'rlb.~ U.. . IIU1l", It U •• moot POTENT AXTAOOIOST .. all .11_ 01" III" . .Ia-UT 0 ....... &lUll
phunt IN JOh' lAOrL4 Alloc/vlle 1ft'" Ittlll
e lenaellt ..... thoro_blr. moo .... ponied ..."". .1 oUlar " .....bl. ~I enta, uGh of" w blc " PO_ lOolbln.
b aa 7 "1 ...,. .. I......... a .....
Experience of Years.
,DB (I.. Q. O. WISlWi.~'S P.INE~TREE TAR CORDIAL J . "lot ........ nmmy thai .... .eYer been h . ....
K H .IIICK'11 P lI ..M 0 1III CJ . ... H IIP . 1'0. T UIl " ( 11D: or ..'OIIIIII r. ..... IOIII. tJOlIUHII .&.NO ( 'OLD'" Th u gr",1 due 41 r til. mlMllQJ 1 ~ i. lhll. It rl~II' the t IRU ct' tbrow, .. out or tllu .y.lcm ,urlftM "Ill IJIUOtI . 0 ' II U .... trI'CU" 0 1 ~
tic lilt
tJlA. \\ • • ., Tmuc
r tJ R TUIi l.Krl lA h'OIQ£ln' IOJrf KT(J
7 -.... . . . . . . . po.... of" I .. th. , h lf(b oot ta ...... It)' ...11 ...... 0 h a .... I!I_AI (hoa-
...... 0' tnnIOLJ:OITED T . .rDlo~pro ..... -
The TC'ul c produce... t .IU, . cthm of ttle Iton,
berow::t .-'OLD, RELI. TRIED .....
thaI b u beeD an d.1l7 _ b ftl.aUI" . and 'atelU."al ) ...7.ld...... "'r the 1 _ . Isle.,n
uas or Dn
ItCh Gro&tlD I .n .P~lttt\ tormh1 (J ehyl" and ('urln. tb~ IDOi t ol)ellnalCl CilftClt or Jndltte. t Inn tioIlK"C:. "11.. ,,oa.uu PILUI ,oa 1'11_ I aR. () ' LI\ Kil
Th t'1IG ftr~ .1ten,h't' and pr.el 'Of\' " lteMUh)' acUtln 0( thti 1J~() r wUbout Ihe J ~Ml dauaQr "" tI C'l .~ fn."e I'tqni cillome) am' ,el mom c"'caciou lf lu Ttl . t orJng. heAlth, .. ctiOD of tllo Unr arh.,., romCfllet are,,~erl.I" CU I'fI (ort on" uU1ptlqu .1 the I nlmonlc ~rtn, rlpent 1m maUer An' purt ftCi the IJtood The Ihadrakl rUh a t 1, pqll tb. Ut'f1r ~mlle • lH~ll 1 h,. bUtl~.Dd. "aao,,811 rtlM!&t8
It eall\!., &0. . . , . ..._ "'r whAch thta Co...... .. ~...... decl.a..!"0 n ..... . II.~!L. _~~ 1 • TRY ~_t:r. w II KXOW :IT WILLDO YOU uuOD." A ~. IIMttIe wUJ .....I>O_ _ te ... WIll. .bIe q1llliJltl...
SIU .f PRJN ILL IRlCGISTS liD snBElEE,m. CIPA L DEPOT :13:1 North &C9tId Sf., PMI.d' a.
~::r~~:ro :r~~ t~~:~':dO.~:;htD~'~~~ 'l~~:=
makM" .0<)(1 tI.,.ul ()n aud I.!nabtH
f)'''-.o. to
form lood bl~lfI., aDd lhu1t orNt~ " health, clrc .. Un. Ofbeol.:J{ .1004 Tho' >mlloNl ",,1100, r Ib_
=~:~::lilD I~Q:'t~~I~~II';?m~l~u~l'tt.tf'a.::o C:'' ';b!
l' Kl'1"' . "I'.att••U "Un at Jutn ..."ryparlof the b UUAO or•• ol _. ClOl ••acl•• wit" U. (" ••d. 1>. Hcb...k I. prof_lou.nr al hi. prl ...... 1 Ifo. II•• a <11_'" aelln _1I.. _tori . . olt.1 • o .... 0 tIM, tilalb .Dd A",h 81...10 Pbll.d.I",I. ..,,,, .eo.. . . . . .11 . . . ItNlI" _ I O••~4 iiftoa ~,.,. alll'II~" (.,. ad,l.,. ..... be II ... of Ih' bl~ drf'lD~ out dllfl!lO. I..ola• IIr..;;:'.. beDd.. .odld_ rot ..10 '" .n II~ .... t. !IOrio... III • ot... IlIA &UTI. . . . .old ltr all ""'-!a'" IDNlle'oM "rlt"~rttd fa
O.d.le .......
- A---- -- II U
THE GRAND CINCINNATI EXPOSITION. 8 A. ]1. to 10 P. M. Daily, EXCCI.t StlIulu,y , Until October 9. Unequaleit Attractions In all the Departments. NolV OllCli
f l'OlII
WOllderful ollec~I O II or Phlnts Rntl 0I 8 111n~ of Ilt Flo" era Scientlfio Tubil D 111.· cblnery 1I1I1l1l1lU} 011 0 Acre 01 MachInery 10 MOtlOIl Mngnl6cen~ ollcotloD olr.int IlIg8. EngrM Ingl <\lIe\ Work. of Art.
AdDll1lllioll 21i Cents; Ohlldren, 1 6 cenu,
to aU the Depar tlllflDU.
A Y, 0 TOBER 13, 1 7.
' ,1. --- ' !IBgR If>.
rhnt III ht Dc I Durling took the 11 •• • 1 I lion 1_1'''''''0 '''' '''1 tf~hl l t.,11 II I" _hm,l 'lil E l~ndoll Til,,'" IS llu t h n t y (or th 1 b ... .,,,,,m. Ml'b I Ira",. '110(' pili) "n IIlled MlIlt .. menl. bll8(~1 "I'0n!l "lIrefu l elltllllliia K 11111 \Ourmllllil '.'I 'e ~rl ~ h l 'rio cunnlll ml'" dO\\11 ou tl he:lrt lhat T il U". • "" II ru ! Oll IIlL I\l rec"I. oneti Ihc., II ('rll I 0 ITprlOg or t b e mOlt by Mr J llmes IIlrlUl, t hllt th<-ro I 'UII rt' rll h a"" .Iro.~ I IlOOr lln,I •• " wlll be II In ely ,lpma ud Il0011 {or Am(,fJ11111 Iblllk loti I )1<'''''''' I uJ 81'1'1 \u"" lhn~ Clllled hf'r before tile h t O n ta Tb d I' ~(r'II~I"ld:";~ ~~;;::""nl •• k.gree n "t ·IIC. Illr. 1I~ ~he r tUrtled to l he )l('l\S(In l' II W en 111 rt'M r l III e cren e I proUlpter'. lKl X ne \\ renchI'd BeSiue COOktn'g he mil t h III rrod uc~IO II III .F n ' lond ;lIId I r 11111(1 Tlu " b. \ull~lh.rI' b.llIl \r1 " W I thlll be r llI olhrr \\lUIdcnd , ol\III,,'lll t il rnl II t Y nr b n 1 il' ry gren t IInl 1 ' If vou ill" hftlilh. wlUMill eollJ gl'.lh ..... k • lilt "IonR T IIe Ten LI n \ \ 11$ t rrtble T h e poor rC\'ol ll potlOn" In til ....JfU,..,._ the amon nt r1!!)uired from a brond I e t l I \nd hel" ,horo "I Ih.hlll gIrl Iln~ trlckem dOI\ n bereelf. nud l when I nll merou IronKnr UutllO! ) Uu jO'ltlt!( c rC'J " " "uldrh l ' h I b d b tI k dl 1II 0t.ec\ nt elgh t ) -QIgh t UlliltOll1lU helM,s , l""o""", o"I,..,I .. "lf",,,. 1 t e mOLler wn ~ II Tt y Ie HI y cukell, tbn t rU'I~.'11I1\ IlI rtT I'R rto f willch m u t come frolll thlK ' ouuro the 0111, mon . II,. m~llIber of tht compllny, th dn ug h te r ot her th lllg~. mll "~ coI~ntrv I" " "", "1.11.,,, "'""I "a~ l1el~rly II Ih RuhJr t to occu py Lho r lgbt mome nt or \\ e 1111111011, .. I. ,," I llu r .. llnd I,U1>Mme re 1I0g I ince CJlkp old colTe '\., II I 1. 'r TII,~,lru'·n..."1'1"1~lr'~,~,ollthO.' !~I,. '".10-11.'I lin pll II, IIn tl slow Iy the you lIg bea n'N bu roe tl ' H 18 ..,.xce ency wa .. ura o mom le. " , ...1 •• d " II'1 rl reco l e r d La h d Iy durlo'" th e E OII '. '111 ? ..... 1 E I d t'. Th. Ilglh: flJurnll~.!.llI.lI p. ." 0"" WIlen I Ie \ IMI...", . ng a u 1\ le w yl'II'" ul(o I u. h.. ller 1Je ••lch .. on. bOlLOdlutervnl the IUvll ll tl (ou lld II fresh bOil do ~o UlI\Uy IrOIlSln IUlcblefoftb o III PIIII E mbplI8Y, mud A,.M ....1 ur~rooll'Iu t u pon tbe tllbl b y b r bed At b l' bee ll n II t tlecnrel R pronlloo wb lc b he b nll Ju~t fulfilled, by r~YI::.~r~~f:~ :~I~I~!.I~';.",:r 111111, tlr .~ sb r fll d to look a t tb m l t111nk be o th erwIse' Just a IIlg tbat t he v II re hut lIell IInpo rtll ll l n ber part IKslIre to IlreiW lltl n'" t.Q th e hbra ry of tbe Indm of , I:» ttl H~rt Ill\' ooy! Unu t tulma tbe ~b O(: k t I I 1 h ........ utterly ded fi ce In Lontl Ollll l!t' t of the bJll I c r- Ion I UI III orl .ntll .... h olo .. V l e~ rom Hill \\ Will 8 ~ a nd he r bu~ba ll to of Ib nll cld hl8~ t'c nptu re The 'I o rk Vou. oklll will ","II ~fj" f\ ""10 wllh kUIX t . tedted But thiS III\d not tbo cnl!C, 118 I Ic l l1nl~. lind to dnnk , d 1b I A~"'~b~~'u!,! ~n~J·I::'::.!~:':~KJ'I_ ,;bo "hortly (..lind '1 he tllneh Ie sou to Rili t coffee I II ,llIr .. zc I rary III It4!etr, III II Clght \ " lIno 1I!!"t Iho"I""11I t bc )oung IIbe rt lOe bnd ~Irovert fal oraA good ho use"lfi .llleMt. \I I Iglllllg thre!' nnd II hlil f ton., I ~I~~~'~ul~'r. :,,:r.~~''':''''~u ~II'l"'Ib le t~ he r li nd 1I1lC'1I1 to hi m H o ne ver nbou t h er nil the nnd WIll re\') II Iro II room II no tw ubled llelll!le lignIn Tb c>reforc th e from t h kl tc be n ,\ '~d 1:1::;: l~lr ~\I"t"'hl It 0Ih'Ollg, 11(111 r II e re UOL from h\Ol til rrofl tl! o f tb M 1\ K EITH .J OII~ IlTON . IIbo \ 1811ed I J"fl "ho bltu •• yu" I''''' nl.n~, • \\ 11 0 co u lu It b~ '" ~be lU!k eu t il l' brel\d , cllk e nnd pie, \ 0.. " " ",,1 kill II, ~.I I ' IIlIrt;(' b ll t ~hc profcSl d Ig nontn cc. nr. d ns well S,l' ed. Ire ]' uruguay 1\1 1 i4 , lls lIlIlcmbor of th e, I I c ntlfi ' mm lI!<!IOII t llgngud by Ihc 1'IIrJ1 1 ·{~u':I:,~ltil~;\I}~'ll~~I':III.IOO"OU" stnt, d thllt lIll'bou\')ue t II r left on tbl' Im uy In t h courii(\ I n I ~Ittl Ir". I IJrI. " ",, ,,,".It} , dOOI,;( 1' cll rl) vI ('r) IIIM nlllg they bo pI ne tI In a glmy HII .uvt' rllmell I, ,Iec IIlres t h Il t LiI e e I" nth'h tloo~ rO(1Il 1 li DIII) B I", WII~ II bl e U) IItte nd to g r ILtly \I tolll ijh t he prc8(l ut II Illn11<' r of clv lh znl mhllbllllnt ~ <lUI) one 1lI0r(' W UII I plell ure It 11 M for tbe hundred dId no~ I' xcI'r,l U II~ h Ull dred th u lI ~nn t l , 1 111 mect t he kmd ly greot ll l ~ of bt'r fnrllle r' (,lIlculn IIH:ordmg 1.<' II ( Ireful c... lhllll t" III \d/' Io v I ffl l'U II ~, I~ hI' l[lpcllred nt tb o lir t ro tbUlgs dnll) him In I hI,) Ihe I'OPU llltlOU II.IH I'~tt •• WIll ~ ("I l' 1e 11'1 h ll ' C Ih l~ I'nrt dene! hCllr~tI .E \I h ml' mbor 01 th e oom pnlly 111 11 yenrs' ~Im milled lit . IX hlllldrecl II Ul UIIIIIHI 1 h I perled lit nhe llr.1I1 to IlIlHru ll , ).111'" /" ~Iro l t out du th o utl\{lr In litt le n tl~n I b roo k, wbJ(:b li Quid 1 he "PI " kH II II~ lhc c ti l buy tl f th e tlnl ) tl UIIS O n ~ bro ugh ~ her 1\ 11('3 t n nr tbe lie&! II l1d II a te IIl1d l oulltr}, \\ II~ ull{lfly rlllllc,1 1IIr1 " lm ooL th!'lltc r III t \\ cstt'rtl t o"1I T he ' Irl to Wlllb'll .IJlIl lhc r tire" he r ~llItl\1 <I03l'r tlble lelllSOn to ;\11 who depQIlII1 t lt'd , by ~h diM trulI~ ml o nf I whum he handed tb e pll rt " III! tll~1 lind a round h or ~h o ul d rri fC.ITJII~ ilillt she h Bt.c.n 110 Il1t o U,,, tnlor £ o per. 'I ~ lI gh~ In ph )~lq IlC H c r .cutu re II c ro wOllld rnLch cold P oor Jlcke u. th e Tbc swlII ba rrc.! IS --pill e 11K marble but I fil II cOlld clltl y lovely tl\\lIrfcll cIIII· bo), In Mlsle<1 o n brlllglng th seeret s of til :\ s E ngh . h Irnl t>le r, ;0.1 r H.uls ho rn c, -on 1I1I!;ht tlDlQst n sk t ile ex \, reI'l!IOII, h r n litt le IIlIrm po rL II lOc--bl8 l)tUIIlOOU of cookerv If Kav th" Brl ll~h AI!:!OCII\t\o ll the other 10 v'l\ ItS .111 \II/lel' s. IIIr e vt' ry t rouul e '] h mll llftgc r g ree ted lU ll ~ a l fl O3tl lillY lin I\CCOIlII~ (II th e 'Vedtlu8, ,I wilt! 'rho de IHllllng C\'l'd sca n ncd Ih ~I I-\ hc r, 1l1I') to lJ he r thlt t he r (ortune IIIIl! I lm nd IOd CII .\IIfl a look of 1I ~l\I n y h t 1U!>!u rNI . h 1\ 18 nbo ll t t{. pro((u"o n now 1 I<)('Ii Ul(\ meat I rt be ~ h \" 1I I,, (!. III tl IC III lc n ur 0 f "U<..') I011 (Ihf thed Jlll ri t I I h I 81Ie II II8 CIl' t fi nd untlJlllkJlIg ' t ('Ir c pt IIi\.' >'('11"'1 1(\ 11 11 ,mmll. 11\ \I Ic I dd 1hc We l\tl IIrc ,boll l Iii foot high, "M e rcy '" she m urmllrcd "I L IS 1m UII th" ht'rulllO III {net.. bor ~'\l' of lOY IlItO t he hop per live 0 0 Wilie r lind rUllSl moo key, a llll l1 r o, IlOI!I\lul u Uch~1I 1'AA 1 II'! c.Il Ie,1 It tt' \! !'Cc mell full to tho "run (No rela t IOn or ~h e fllrm or he report~, Ill cupnblo o f IlIugbtu Afto r "bllrp i\h'llte r 1t('1S In I rug ln~ fe , or, t h \Un J u, kO ll 'g 11' 1111'0 " , lor lha~ had o f th kl te bcl; trYIllge\ Ory \Illy 10 Ulllke tho 11lt'lllIlIgb , whI c h titr( alclI he r Imull , 111(1 he re Irc bo II (h ~I'(I' II I \llt~ IIlll lly th.mh. at e rnUl , the MIYllI lIud lalllnlr ho Idtkc<:\ \\I 1I111t1<e lll ~ 1I1 tll Qllt y Ir ng ths at leIL.t It IS " h" rcl wbll b ~he poo r .c1l 0IY IS C, 0 tUrll('1I rcd that IIhnlllt.1 go wh >tbe r ~h ' e ~ 'r Illu hed ' N tI" r ' life I" Iinu II \\ ('ary Ig h fo ll o\l l'<l , Il<I th o III Ih o t.oJ1~ of hIMJI 'ndc rO\l1S ell n<. ) chlldrell, fire "W,III")WI y g • ylltlllg girl t ook up he r IllHlI I<:tk hcl 1hc lor Ih e r('hlllIT!lIlJ of the ne w \,ut(o n! of ph ,I tho WeudlUl , " \\hy ~hn"h1 \I e? 11111 drew her tbrClulba rc ~hu\VI a ro und I'l l) IIn" ' 11 tn Iho lM t 8C n(",a te llin g Wlnt of What I~ tb e ro to Inugh II t~1/ IIr hcrfmllil fig ur(' Guod IlIglo t, l>elln y," t'f1'ct \\1 to b produced, \\blle lhe mlU~ of no ugh I dhp I\:ud, III rc turn lo the !!alutlltlon of h crolll!\ 1111 tbrown frolll n Ilf('CIPICe. by nO~lce th' ... u,......"', Lho oltl dllll rk ee ll(lr ns sbe 'l \ll ~t cd the th e vlllnlll of the piece III fulling, we b ecrl to the lesson lu(!gr . III n (11110 tree, "blch I!M eIl ber one J ellr e end to h " ILl! 1111 a CCldentll1 Ih liCO I (' ry 11) theMe r "Ilt, cnreful , Mar." he rCl,he I, " he'~ ht (). whIl e hc, 108111& III K b II nncl', t{)l'l'les nc&! 18 tbe twm Ooodyenr, thllt bromdtone "oultl I III first tbey eaD1:to Illdla rllbbor, nnd eerl4llllly o lle thrre ILg UII II llnel he Je rkel his lhullIb from the c hit nnd 16 ~11I1lI ol crbl~sht{\Ildl'rwlth Il Il R rllln,,!!rKLtIrC " 1'11 trv tblt t TC'e IlI pclf firllL, :l111!.~ othcrllud \\ (If the IllOllltm porttLUt t.o the IIIdu ~tTlIIIIII A shurle c roil<led her ~ Itllres, IIml he r lie Il'," HlIggutcil thtl ",tll boy , "to iii' le~ t8 of t.he world A cus ulIl dlfICOI e ry , 1lI0ulh \lorked dcte rmin dly lUI h r eyes thut It III secure ]\Ir J Ulie!'!, ,,,II) ou go of 1\ re Cllt date, It 18 SIlI(l. makCll It POI!I!I IIlldbeu "lid :\ ~hgbt Rush tllllllOO h~r th e hU~llle II Ilh me /" , IllthOIlAh 1 uon' ~ UIIDk bl!' to cuamel car axles, and, Indeed, 1111 wb,oo 'cb\lelu! J'ha \\nfl\lIIg \ldently ns !!IIC II 1\lI h ers n c1l1lfnllug . ubstltule for tbo varloU6 dMcrlptl.ns of bearl Ilnd dl8turbed ber. Y 0;1 the tbe beavy • LITTL':. L.'.W H .... ,.
--TIn; ... n~A:!iD'I"':T"'''I!'' Shl1l e l'.. 1IJ1lrOI,hohlft 'I ric k. Chat w1th the J.IIIII ... JI JOlnf 0 , W U1TT1 K lllli " hlltto!!!' \\ 111 be ll nell IlglllII 0 11 I-ihlllcr, lUI UCIO r tlf t hl' I I t century, II Inler d re • lind e\' II more 8 blind lilt I) I \\ n~ tnil e1in~ III t it Brlght.Qn ~t.a~e lhllllllt l'ret'e~ 1 I cOllch on S I ery wnrlll dny, wll h lour II lcl.lllllllg collars, COIlRreu., r 'eN, etc I d Ie •• II hen t h , eh lch.' _topped 10 recclve oontilJlJ to bf' II II u pon b 'lilt nd 1\ 'Ixth pll!I!Imgc r, ,, 11000111(\ ht ,"\) plR)ed seno 1I1 \1 8y IL~ nn melo lire fur I ~lIm Fnl tall wltbout plld<1I1lK Th fncu of ofmu.1 1Il Itlc~ rn bllckgrOllnd In a plain tho Ind le el ngl\led lit till' u\lwcl 0111(' \ coil If of imeu' I\lld llto n to t he numbe r, IllIt Sbuter 001)' 'fh nOl,e\tv III 1111 'erie 1M <olln r of I mllell \ heu t he ('lut gent lem n WM ""'r rael th()ll not } miD ' to whom !!Olld colo r. pRI r (I, blll(, , e ru , Ilnd ;!Catet Ilml the co~cb Will! ttl-'1\ IU III mo\ .aUt h..n r__h .. hUe I'!I on "Tlb, IIlnuv Th e (Ihne IS percale, tmd Lhe tlon, buLer l;fil\rly IlIqlll rEu of Que 01 it \:~~ !t~~T~ea"t: ~!?e ;J1I1tt hn l iM ~h I ~ cnlled E ll gli. h, " lth polllt~ t he lad leR he r moI n e fm mnklng 11 ~I It ~urn d 11011 n 11\ fr Oll t 11 011 II lllnd lllg to Orl gblo ll f' be rcphed thllt he r "hyW~~l.l'~~'\.'}\~:'l't'nr ;,~or. ~,;bou.h~ baut.! hc hlnd ~ICll\ n b ud IIU" et.! IIt!nbl~tlllllRIl~ n reOl W Ion I,,,, R.,I dotb«l Wllh l lndn , \ C flr W ho ~ e 11 new style of It,ulte r cdy for Wlliltal dc prc lUll lIe t urned ~ hu\l euuul th~ hol1 utll1' " uuac;bL wblch II 111 be ve ry DIU h II tre r n tabh e; 10 the oth nI IIlId repclLtcd 11I ~ IIICIUlr IC. ~ •• be who I fflIk.alll.w may til\ (apro n) In fact tban an y tha t bu, c pr til nex t WI\!! ne r vou • the tlllrd b ih oullIn italll Mil' '1 be forah n c ded It. Jnl'tead f e xt.end lng nrouutl nil had some Ilil ment whicb thellCll lIuI noo can ... c 10 l rlb o. ka't n Tbo .. reIch .. ho lUI.O ..t ... ..,ad wllb III ' to tlt e 111Iddie or t he back It I\lll Olll\' eXf.e.c ted to c ure o~('r the u pper pa rt o( the fro nt breadth 'A h I" Ighed tho comed ian. " 1l11 yo ur £t 'I III not rrtlch 10 ll er thnn the !c nees, com p laun ts p ll t loge~bcr lire no th lll g to Hnd t h etlan IlIlI bo clll 10 N a llop brond mIn e O b, Jlolh lllg - nll ne I drendlul , Til ' THS AND TRIFLE. li nd not deep ' , but to til Ilk of." b e r '\II One of UI II moHt el egant h a t ~ for th e • Ind ed, Klr'" SRJ(I t ho "tOllt pUI!(hr~ a~ll::~ ~~t~':t~l:th.j ,;~,~1. leakage filII "I'lISOIlI Hof blclck ch Ip II Ilh th bmn ugc r, wllb n look of tUltol\l hment Wheu ", ,10 Ill,t r 111< 101' "1 IQr, J1D1m~h tu rned up nil ll rou nd lind (llced" Ith 1\ " Whal I you r com pl.Hut v yo u Illok e A I\(t Illtllb Ihe Iud" •• Nu,"t by ru"uJ bnl1d Qf . mnll II l1 tuml t.'o lo r ostrICh ti PS ceclhngly II ell " ' Ah, Ir," res JlOlltied bllh'r,ohnklllg l it ...100 would olltll" Ihe hftl»hlu uLllluo, a la rgo p Ile I'wk rollO I~ fllstened ID fro nt ' Il rouud th CrO\\ll p 1....e~IL gmy Ilk ~cn rl Itl ~ b end. ' looks li re dfceltfltI You '1 ~:II~ot:!:.~~~~t~I~,;:;:;~~~:~~r", anel at tbe blle k I IIrrnltged Il plu me of mus t kno\\ , ~lr, th ll t, t hree dnYli [lgo. J hulll'l,,'Olllm•• 1f 10' Iqll or ,1.11. three blllck o"ln ch fClltherg nod II rO!!C hllu th e 1111 fonun to bt' blttell by n mad l'AT IEN I f 11lI" ltI! chnrlll a well 118 II.!! hk o thc olle In front dog, fo r II blcll l l1U1 IDforlllcd Il btl tlll uS re pu tcd IlrLu e The cbllrm IS III II.!! A deCided chll u Te IH npl'li re nt ID thc IS Ill , olth c ure P o r thnt purpo I 11m cbeerfulne&', th e ~ Irt ue I ~ III Il.:! qUiet of Bill 1111 fi r t glunce nt Ih ono \l bi t :lIlel bo nnet gOIll~ Itl Bngh ton , for ~hollgb, n~ you fo rlltud to lIalt lIud tru t neaditsto kit che n l!l1.lJlC~ rOllUij II rc hl!;ht'r a nd VN Y fe w "b!!Cn e, I Iltn looklllg wt' ll, ) ct the tit the other s bt'llu ty Just lUI m O()Ilooams 1\IIIII I Il r Stj uflre, brlllul lire \lIder, RIIlI III n comes on III IL mome ut . \lh (>, 11 r bllrk hke :!Cttlng U\l(lll 11 pin Id I!eI\ add ~o tbe fell Cll<leIl d o thoy t uru up ut one Id e n dog, a::d l'ndt'lI H1r l{l hlle CH ry ono bea utv 01 tho pellcc'"1 Wilt fS .'I1~blun
FRO~I rec ut returns It Ilppellrs that there I\re 11\ lroland four 1II11110n olle hun,Ired and fifty tbolll\Rnd nODllln Oatho\lCI!, ~IX hundred and slxtY-(llght tbou !!lID II member8 of the AlIgllclill Ohurcb. fOllr bundred and IlIn ty !leven tbouSllnd Pre bylenal1!!, forty-three thouMnd Methodl8tK,One thollSllnd five bundroo nud thlrty-clght Oovenl\ntel'll, two tbouMnd fl.ilr: bundred Brothren and hn8t'RII Brethren. o,f wbom tbo maJortty are woUlon, forty Non sectanan~, forty·four " Ohrlstian IIIraehtle.... thirty thnle )Lormonll, ten Latter Day Inta,"iJ: Exclulllve Brethren, 6~e Humaml;arll\nIJ. ton Darbyite8, D1nO PUlIe11tet!, 8JX WaI\erltea, fivo Obrist.adelphlans. five MorrleoDlaDII, shit,. Free Thlnken, eight /:!ecul~sta, sixtoen Dei.~. six TheIsts and !loe Atheist. 1'he.re 18 one .dio!ciple of PoeitiviBlll. one Budd~l.t, one AillMw man, ooe Coofuclan and one "Papa." Four meD aad a womaD are _ down as " undetermlaed" or "uodeclded," aDd there II a _doom or aboot. one thoo. aDd aud lI\y meo aud W'OIIIea whoee form of'rellgiciD it .. uoepeclJled,"
WID$5.3 cliDDln . . . &buDd· ,I8OI!CIf ... ~.... of....
lld~!'NI~IY Ilc~Ii.;;rd hn' 0 me rcv on u
onl y I r c rulji lire mnsc~ \lIee'llII!, or" 1I ~lllIl\cfe" :e be ll' no rt '" lestf'r I er f II, d " \ h ' t" TIt ' l RtIIId 01( Iln 1 rn ('r~ I ~ 8 . nam e 18 lltle III DlIl tl of n firemnll H hat, "Ith th e J!llme hIgh, vory round crOll n WIde bnm tllrned close lip ~1\ln8t tbc crow~ In IronL nnJ drool'l1Jg I()~ lIt t be bllek Tbo" 1)1IT1> I rby " I to ltlke Lh e pll100 o f tlte EnghMh WlIlIo u!! hil t, but the (hffere ncl' ISII,hght lUI It It K I'rJllClplIlly In the \l allle 'l'b " T emplllr" IS n .~nkIlI wly nm cl l\h 11)Cl tho c rown 18 blgh Rnd ru~ nd th~ bntn Ilb.lUt. LIIO Illches wule turns ~Io\\ n 111 lroUlld nlH\ cllrl@IIlWllfl; KhghUyon tbe cd~e 'rbe " nnna" Id milch ltk e hUlt I"nter'ij I Hyde Park " lhe crCllln II! rOlllld Ilnd IlIgh, the brtm flArin g nnel tUnic<! blgh on the Icf~ ! 1c\0 Th e " VlIllM r" hns tho bran set tip about tlU Incll on the c r01\n Ilil th 1\ILy rouud 'lhe "Crecdl\loo~' 18 mucb like th e " Dt'rIJv," but the brull HI WIder Ilnd rolls hlgbe r The II Hufge r" 18 II bonnel wlth II rath e r 1\ ui e Imlll "l\lch hC8 clo to tbe helld bolh III fron Land nt tho slde8. and Rnres out Ilnd up at thll bnck The " 18 a prelly honnet .hll~)(l , \\ Ith bnm The" VeroDler' 18 very tbc ' Ru " ouly the brtln at f.he
I' fJllc ulllted the SWilL bllSSl! ng('r II\ ~h II look of , tllarm " lit 21r yOIl art! 1I0t ill enrne t-yolI-1, ' " Dow 11011' \l OW" " UOllchlllnu I coucbm Ill ' Lot me out I I .et me Ollt. t 8H~ I ' 'N h' I t tl t "ow. ) our onor, w la 1<1 10 lilA to~ 1 A mau dog II! tlt e ttllltlerl- hydrophoh) L 18 tll0 matter I open tb o door I ' Bow wow II OW" It O pen lit o doo r ' No\ r miud the ~tcl'~ Tblulk Gud , 1 1m !lIt fe o ut I Lc~ tho~c wbo like nde IIIslde, j ' l\ mount the rooJ " ::lo h rod e to BrIghto n onl'lIde tho co I b, much lo tho ! ntl s'ac Uon of " huter lind his faIr omlmlllon~, wbo " oro very merry at 1m e xpt' I1<!o, Lbo former repent Illg :~t IIIteTl1l11! hIS I!Onorolls " 00l(,-(WIO WIlli
lieu I'retty Well 011'.
the grow Into not Ice, properly npprecll1tcc.1. 18 the other extreme. nnd like wNltefu1'leal!, 8WlllloIY8 lip I\e <lollars wltbout aliY equnalellt, Indeed l they nre In tlielf lC8uits Kyllouy moup, ooth shOWIng the dJl appolllted Iml)rovldent crnwllng oull at tile Iittlo eud of Ihe cornllcopla fh e m I\U \\ ha lias & good! bOllMeIl I(e, In wb om o rder nud ecobomy bold "I'romlnent ph\ce, mny COD81dEIr blmself Ill! bl ~d Ilmong men, and If ho CIIn not RJlpreclll le h er, he deJl8rve18 th e expcrabou 01 1\11 womon, and to be pelte,1 ~ Itb ro~t('n e)lg~ b y unf()rtun"te mf'O
M I Un! lJII1II81DI l r When duectIIIg 1\ Itltter. beslll e to II rite the nume of tl 10 .0\\ ' i ' n Ctl y, n, eoun ty""nd ,·t ..,,(l 11801 lillO, J)ut 011 II tbre cont po tll~e stamp, md. II you Are not In nJl Lwflll hurry, "TIle th 1111111 0 1 the l)CllSOlI II bom you wnn t t ho le Lter dc1l\ered to IIOme~here " u the 0 111;11(1 o. Lhe e.nve lollC r
\\ lIEN the lol ty palm tree 01 jI'.cllan [lut f() r~h Il.:! 110\\er, Ibo I!hl.'lItil bl1rslfl II Ith 11 report th nt. sl... kel! tho Jnrest, but t boll!!ll lltl o f o tbor f1o\\cr~, of equal vlIllI . UpCII III th u morlllng-, and lbe vory dll w drop hcar no eoulld Even 0 ronny pO llls blo mill morcy. and tbe world he ll'lI neither IIblTllllnd nor tempest JOHN RENR)' JONES thlllks he will do 1\ httle bltofml\rke tlng lor hImself and aftks tho PrlCO 01 tomntoc~ 'With a killIIlgglnn ce nnd II wlIln(ng smIte, tbe vend r rephell that lor hlnl they would be l\, fmllc n'p,tete, but that be mua~n't lIIentlon It '1 ho mooest Jobn Hcnrr blusbes, Ilnd buys, I It l!plte of 1I000e mlllglvlDg t.bat. lor anybody 10!tI Ihcy "ould be about 1!Jxpo"ce ll dozen AN fellow HI Treuton a. mule
A IIclcnt Relics II A merle•• for 'Illef nlllong the @o cnlled Norlle Forty-nve nnlhol18 eonliemonuments IS t he Dlghtoll rock, I!ltllnted of on SIX miles 8IIuth of TnDnton, Inl\ll. It quonUy remallled, which tbe Aeaembly A CoNNEOTKlUT edItor ~tumlog uffi ces to l!Ily.tbnt Schoolcraft, Edwllrd restored to tbe Legltlmllto proprletoJ1l1 from 1\ clam bllke, dlllCOUl'!!6th a~ for· K c ndnll, lind Dr. J ellrl es Wyman who d Cl!polled by tbe Empire ofelghteell yoors IOW8 have c:t.refully exnmlned It, declare It R IIIcollleand of nearly hlllf tbo capltlll o ~LAlC. ~h.I Ili IIClb . Uent anll ",rene ThIS ~um Will! (hvlded among eIght lu e rogly p,hlc to bo purely of IndIan 1Ie81d. III m'l'IJln I tbe \IIIRb~, &ell. brnnches of the Orlellns family. three of WhllMS grief or luadnetl hu no pOwer to"CUl orIgin rho oJa mill at Newrrt 18 MId fb, . pl rh InI",lI. old Iran~uUUt1 , tbem foreigu brRuch t!. LoUl8 Philippe to be 1\ Nor bllptl s ~ry. one 0 the IlIQI!t Or "ltD, fCllOlllolJ underneath (be -.na, Uoee \I100Hhe dre..... KII zl~g I•• .... y, IIl1probablo conjectures over mnde. Tbe ot the tllne of IllS depOl!ltloll owed neuE Iy forty nll1ll0ns whICh blL' e been entireWho Qyor Ih ... 1I11conlKlloWlly <lulh '~na, dl ~ co v e ry III 1881 of 1\ skeloton III nrmor Dv "1"'IUn~ In • IlI(lolL 1~u1lar ... , , lIel\r Fnll Rlvcr, MRS/! , lin atonce balled ly PllIcI, thls debt bemg contracfed III tho r hlVo he ,nrlllDj} Ibo\l U...n.r bJ Iho MIA I IIltere t oftbe counlry for restOrlllg and 1111 tlc.h sec.m Olll lSl"ur of ill woa.lth , by tb e monum e nt seekers \lII the rellllllllH l or l uw ult UllhOll arlJ W 1\ d~n"t! loud, F Olltllinebleau, 01 n N or~mnll, lind Iho poem written on ben.uttfYlOg t. And no WI" " I".julllqlol to Ib b.... lb fl\r {.rom Breleull To dally rl'Oll un I hL'/J would be "Isb tbat evont by lIr Longfellow bRS done and Veraaille!!. Forest havlllg multiplied ten tlme8 ID 0 0 to I Thou "rt til • •"onAreh of all Il&h lIot a lilLIe to 8treng~h e a the prejudice The }·orehealil. value m tbe KlDg's band6 It WI\!! 8&ld A KANSAS OITY Jleherman wbo reIII th e mtnd ~ 01 tbe pubhc ProbablJ The IIJlrlgh t forehead wltb II.!! ,nnous the mos t rndl cal work on thl~ suhject 18 after 1.. toward olearlllg 011 tbe forty cently bad I!Ctallootllevera) hne8l\l~ebcd modlficntlOnH of !lqUllrelleSl! and pnrtl"l I' recent pubhcntloo e ntitled "Decou- nlllhon8 of dl\bt for hl\lI the sunl whlcb to boUle IIl1d baited with frogs, and CI\fllllg, generally denotes tbe lIO untl lLllti , e rt~ de I' Amen!) ue !lllr les NormllndM M Lalitte obfH.,lIled for It from tbe Kmg bad followed them III a skill {or \!Overal A s for t bo DUe d' AUlIlale, ~he Conde miles d ow1I the river WIthout gettlDg a 1I0ble und e r811l0dlllg, a8 Clppo!!ed to the IIU X ICclc," by M. (I ntv ler, ( PllrtS, rNrelltlllg form. will ch mdlC'.' ltes th pre I H ) The lIuth o r not ollly Ild,oCllle~ propertv wns 110 encumborctl. tbo IlI\bll blto, WIIS obl\j!rtneCt to dlolCoVer that, CII!C reI e rM(' A merely blgb fort'helld Ih o prf>'l.' nCe of Norl!C DlOIlUllluntg 1\1 Illes nlmost e!)utlllng ~be 1U!l!C I ~\ that thc oWllJii to the InsuffiCIent " Ieudlng" of! docs 1101. bo\\ e l e r, IIlwaye Imply n good New }<; nglnnd , bu~ hUllIs the I1l llglllli KlUll '~ coul1!!e1 recommendetl t Ie Duke, the !tIlCS, the rrogll hall 8wum to tho surforcheatl , fo r tb e form. pr.(Jport lon, · Iop- ce nt relll nlns IU ~Jexl co ILIllI C'llltml then Il mlllor, to re no un ce the ~ UCCtll!III01 I . Jace and hlld bee n s ttlllg on tho bottles IDg bClllJ, urchlOg Illld JlI~~I~IOD of tbe r\men cll to hlll e bee n th e lIork of bu t Lo\lIs PhIlippe IIcc~ pted It for blm for the whole dl stanl e boDOof tb e forebead, lIJ'6 tesl4l of I he lIIeu the ~orac lO n A ccordlllg t~ Ills theory. Ilt blS mvn tl Kk. IInu by IllS ClllluullolDent WOON~C K"'-r Paillol A very gental 11011 er IUld c1ulrllcter Eve n the III the fil cc of ov e rlYhelmll1~ proo f to ~he und pCl'8Onul PJtcnfices clealfd olf tbe teelllJlp!lIlrlug voung 1I111n, wellEingkld euculJlbrnllces Imd bund4'd over the propcolor and sllloothuCl!ll of the Skill, to- cOlltnry. tbe Aztecs desce nded frolll gl&Ie8 nnd cllrrylDg II lIthc IlIld flulbla geth e r wllh tile hnes of ''''Tlnkles, mllst No ri!ll I1 llce~ tor~ Ho Cltf'M Lhe recent crty free to 1118 MOn 0111118 IllIlJOrlty 'fho Wllllung gtlde, Lhought he "'Illlld have a be tnken ID to nccouut, f~or the cxpres- dldcove ry I)f tbe nuns of nil IIn Clent CIty Duke, m :Jrcovcr, devotes :It leu~t 100.000 Joko WIth 1\ rusty I1lv l v lIeCtLble fllrmer "1011 and s tille of the mllld A perfect 11\ ~h e pruv\llce of Bnlun III Drnzll, III Imnc8 per I\nnum to the dCl!C(lmllllltl! of on tbe fair groundK Inst Tucl!dny afterforehelld lIh(mld be olle-thllrd of the wbol e tb nlld! t 011\ Illch wns found th !tnLue officers ot the ()ondo IIrmv, un!1 oLher uoon • Hall oo," f!I.\ld the dRudy, "are fROO, or etlual to the nose III belgbt, the (If n mall POllltlOg WIth 11I~ fo refin~er to mlhtnry acrvllutH of E rul1C~ - IAndon you 01111 of tbe Judges on hogs 7" "Waal, covenng kIll clcarer tbnn tile rest of tbe th e north pole Of course~.acconhng to Twws yans wnlk right lip anti Ict mo look I\t faee nnd mootb and free from II rtukle , 1\1 • ra VIer, he II tul 1\ r<lorselluill A YOIl I. tIIud the old faml cr That youth A Car Lonll. Solo of Freslelont Grant's AgrlouUllral yet (lave tbe poller of Wrinkling 11\ deep httle \York of oellrl y aM rndlcal senti WIl9'SOOU lo@t anlltl the crolld, lind 110 Trotting !Stock. thought. anger. or plltn A fore bead, to m e ut 1111 I lied 1 \lII ~ year by 1\ profellSO r }tenderMo f newgpllr,cnoflellllleetwltb other judg\.lon 8WIIl !!ll1I hnn rl I f Pdt ( 'blood d be perft'nt, .bould be,,, hen seeu 111 the 111 one !If (lur 'Vestem colleJ!c8 the I rm I:ILr !tlad,' bu~ fow of them Ie 88 '0 re I e n ,rlUh 8 I' TOLE 00 made A boy was slaudlDg· &lock took place a t hI S farm, te ll nulllS I'rotl1~, neIther too lueh nor too "'Iullre All oth e r frc Columbltln cilum 1.<1 th e kllO\\ J\lKt wlllI~ or bOl\ much It Ill. The f ~L I . _ 1_.- SO .1 neltbe r too IIprtgbt nor too retrt'liting dll!Coleryo Atnert clI IS tllllt which 18 ::it Lolll ~ r.llle~ hl\8 tllken the trouble to on the co rn~r oj S t Clulr lLud Monroo rOlli , .... \lI ~, on el'wmut:r ,occoru Th o h ig hor the 1(>(6belld. tho more COIll~\rcel tIn s mOrtllll!!. II Ith JUg filCO 1111 Illg to lilh e rti sollle nt floe dlly \lRg not prehCII. ,olI Bud lel!llllctt Vl ~y The Dlore bnllCd 011 I Wdsh ch rolllcle of no nuthor learn As a general rule,tllen t y thouSIlll(l i!Cilfr d, torn, allel blcedlD~ A gelltlopounds, or ii(\\ ellty barrels ot I!RI t, olC vonty Ity In 1170, IIccordll\g to IL tmdlbon, vcry proPltlOIl H, nl1ll tho attendan ce compre_ d, firm, und .h~rt (If not 100 mlln thlllklllg 80methrng terTlblo had . lim 'lbo stock \\ont at exccedlDgly IIhort), the Dlore concontlalcd aud firm th e dlsoovery of Amerlcu 1>118 effected by bllrrcls of \lOlO. nlllcLy of 1I00lr, sIxty 01 h l~I'Pellcd. ste pped up lind I!JIld " Well, whIsky. two bUlldred sucks of Hour. Mndtlc IIp O\lon A trnn~latJOn III prelow prtces ) OUIle; HAmbleton, II I!Cl VOU- the cbllfllcter 'l'ho tlIoro IJurvcd tbe top, I!C r ved III Haklu)'t, publl~bod III 1589, forty cord8 of soft wood. elgh toen to btl b you look pre tty well Uolell ll\', wbllt'h y r old s tlllhoD, w \.II knock d down fo r Lhree hundred dollllr~, a fiu o doublo tho moro gentle IUld Jlulblo the harllc- from II hISto ry of Wales pubh8hed a fe w twenty heud of cattlo, fi fty to Mlxty head tho ' mlltter 1" 'Oh. nutbin',' replied QU\llllm od 0 to Jlroto t 11\8 &lIIernldIL" Tho dwarf bIt hll! 111'3, ItlllI turued }lllie telllTl eold lor SIlt bundred aOlI eighty tor, willie the IC1~H Cllrveil-tbat Is tbo YCllln l'~rlter by a Dr Powell Ad 1\ proof o{ hogs. elgh ty nllle to one b undred bead the buy. "Bnly I weut to bluw Inlo my III! death .. Lollk OI(t tbut you dou not dollllra, aid to ha\o been bHlln for tbe more squuro th o Lop, UIO 1II0re d otf'rmon of tbls clllim eerlllill rellOmblance8 be- of sbeep IIIno thou..and feet of sohd dog's eur thl8 mornlll', nn' dldn't §it mT, meet tbe fale of tb ro rtlllnt prlC.lo PreSiden t 'frottlUg marc Bel!8ie Knox Mlon. J>CnIOverance, IIl1d sternn Cl!!! If t\\ een th e Wels b IIlnguRge and 80me of bourrls. eeventeell bundred feo~ of SidIng, mee out of tllO IYay m time. 'fhat ~ all ' Two C!blhJrou w(Ore maklill tile nu.t.ol tbe d." " \Ve are not In Puns." retorled lhe forwblcb ~he I'refild enipaldollc tll0ul!Jlnd the forehead I@ perfec tly upTIg h t fmm the InduIII dlllleclJl have from tlllle to tIurt.ee n bundred fee t of 1I00rlOg, forty tn the ...ntl thel .... ,J... building Lhe eyebmwd to thll roots of the hlilr. tune ~en polDled out However, It thoUll1lnd of shlllgles, ono-hlLlflllIl8 of hllrd h b d d d II blood. .. Rnd there arc 110 towe rs of I While ou~ lulbe b lLl'Utlr Ih . uo ..' gol" Notre Dallle lit hand" ( ollnnl, brou~ t two lIU re 0 ars. tbere Ivlll be I~ SUffiClCllt lIudenlblndlng , Wal tYCry 'co I Hlldlna lumbor. one fourth lef\II of green lumber, 6uOlce! to quole the wordsof Schoolcraft, .. WIll llll!ll Dllrllng Accept my ('scort Anotbe r ~rolulIg mare, Delle of St. Joe, ,,11110 u proJC!Ct lDg forebead WIll .Iellole who I!llys ''lhe Jlllcovery of a Wel sh one-tentb of JOlgts. 8CIlntliug. and 1111 WIUl bId 11\ tor Gell Grnot for one thou Dut. t b e 1M CRtll 6 over the CI tlrM d_ r I ImbeCIlity. Immlltur~ty, weak.n , or bOl\lo ? J will protect her from tillS 88l1d 'lhe ml\ro Vl ckMburg, wIdell by ,A nd the charm of tho UUIe' r, dlod, eleme nt III the IndIan InnguRges lS otbe r Illrge tlUlbor, three buudred Ilnd 0 , .f' ~ r 1\ Ill bor hi los t 111",. we snenklllg bully" tbe Prel!ldellt lit Vicksburg, I~I\!! kllocked s ~upldlty accord\Dglv M modified by ilie 1\ holly ,uthout proof or a pbllologtcal forty bushel. of wheat, five bundred of (10 IInl'l>lI y hOlllo .. l hor did Tbe young man, palhd with rRge, ro- dowu for fifty sl.x dolllLfS About 1\ otber fenltlTes On tbc (~ther hand , the character" com l 81X bundredllud elgnty of oats, four h r 100 bull" lnd bul\(lln .dlffere"t "&1, turned, "I'll thnUib Villi IIlthlll nn meb dozcu brood moro5,mo ~lytborougbbrcd8, uprlgbt forehead whloh \til gently arcbed Mueh bn8 bern said and written Ilbout bUllured or bnrley, three hundred and Till 011' heMd, are "I and boo'1 1 of your lifo {or tbls insolcnce, VOII fi d II ~h Ii nt tbe top deDOt.e8 n calm, cold. deep Columbus bavlng recelVoo all bls In 8tltt) offlllxseed, three hundred and six ty nUl oller IL . 11 Ihe •• 11 goIlI down, crooked b.lck eur l Tllk l' ~hll~I " He lOOld from forty ve 0 IJrs to elg t~ vc thlOker. Ami tbe ICI_Itt. a ("GWUlon dOry formati on rCllpectlllg tbe land ill tbe of apples, four hundred and tblrty of launcbed II heavy blow lit tb Illllnlklll's elollllr" Tbe thoroughbred mare Ii lornl WeHL from tb e lips of un old pIlot who Irl8h llOtatoee, tbree hundred and IIIsty four yenrs old, IIOld ilL one buudred una " U Joi LE PEn." WIl8 asked to IUbl\crlbe The Dolphin. bead, bllt tho little fellow dnrted D1wbly tbuty-li,c dollars. Frolic. IL well bred dIed 11\ bl8 houlle Some recent htera- of sweet potllt.0e8, one thousand buehelw 61\y CODts to hiH part\On's Millry yesterThe Dolpbln l.nade a very plealllUlt day "Oan' t do It, I teU yeo Kaao dere'll a&,~~, lUll no mat<lb for you at Ii tICU"" ,. yelufing, brought two huudred I\Dd Slltty variety III the hst of unleal creatllr I!- ture on tbe subjec t bM been written, but of bran u,,> dollan! A number of Dlules, work bruscd, Ill! bas been all the reijt, 011 the mlgbty hard timett'proachln' on byarl" be hUllled I "but I bllve not played tbe IIOT'I!C", 1\ !)URutlty or hllrnC!l!il, cro~. M It WI\.~ delightful III every \\ay. Vory overlligbt eo admlTabll poInted out by TilE OhiO F UrrTII!r MyS A farmer III much large r tban the common dolphlD Jr\ lUg IU hl8 nppendlx Thougb Dlen Onbmo couuty, New York.lIOwed oats " Ob, 110, Pete, de orapl 18 good, and we pnte for nothmg " It I I I 11 bllb plenty Dloney dill "IDler "YOU'll\! The next IIlslJult he .llLrteci {orwnrrl, Ilgn u 11m IDlp eme nl", III act, n 0 or JIOfllOlse, th Dolpbin of (llble WILl! and. plAllting hl~ beud full III the stomat b workmg mllehlllcry of tbe farm , which thoroughly good IlIltured and obhglllg, bave oontlD,lled to wnle 011 tlte subject, brorulct\l\t, In tbe usual amouut, and tben a fool I How Inn t1at be wbllD 1 heer Hr. It b811 not been beCl.t11l!e of the dll!COvery tlnlled III corn. lII!1ngthreo busbels of JeemetJ up uar Ilt ,Ie bank . , dat de will 110 rented hereaflAlr, Geu. Ornnthlwof IUI\ IInt.ngolllst, hllrled hIm over the lug decid ed to wl\ko neb dl8tv\altlon of I\nd IlIWILYH SwlllIllIlUgabout alltl abowlng of any Dew authonty for their claim eoru to one of 011\& When the oalJl were OblOl'llforney Bank done bUlted, JIS like I til prett)' colors. 'IJiI!JJc (:olors were iIInd Th~ Galo~y emoonklllent wboro they stood 'rhe b I .1. I~ rllll} tbe whole crop WILlI cut lIke gnlllll, dnt Freedlllftll bank (lid,? Can', 'IJCribe blood Willi unable tosnvo IJlmllel~ Down, I 0 property roller WJIUl' TUn It on hIli to be brtgbter than c~er when It WI\!! " -and the dry od straw IIbsorblllg tho ollthlD', honey. but 1'111 nd <Ie p~er ' II d k h ad' own IICCOUIlt. '!'be Ilggrl.'gllte prooecds, f dYlllg, lu\d <!Ollie poet hat! mtten of tI the d OWII h e 10 MR LUSlIER, tho I&rgellt man over ,an • sin IIIg e 10rem08t tile 8dJo are not !cnown, out It IS very whole eMily oured One of Ollr corborn In TonnellllCC, died at Greenville! In rel!pondentH la~t yenr lItated that he my wood Il&W and buck, ef be W'Ut.i to on tbe bank of t.ho river lay illl!onlllble small coullidenng the real valu of the huell of tho dYlIIg DolpbllJ " yearo IOmefill" Tb!. PJOpoal&loo."" The sUPllOl!ed home of !.be Dolpbw8 tbat tate, recently. He waa but mne"~Iy Goq I you huyc klUe~ 111m," p""perty sold Tbe mare Lad" Mo~mn, wMio the Greolan _ , they woro I!lud teen years of age, and had he not hoen oured blll fodder by plllOlllg It 10 tbe a~p~.~,__~~____~~ whllltrored Bellille. .,. ,,~ one of a team fur Wblcll tbo l'reIIl ent. mow between alternate layerB of dry hy an aUaCK of rbeumatl8JD, would straw, and tbat bls cattle and bo~ do~Gr 1tUI newapapen ooDtalo ftaII ... " ot much I~L ml~ B ut t b e devil r,ld Ol1e tboUHaod 6vo bundred do\la.. to bave mauy hUJll4ll taBtell, u they aIda such lUI he. llO 18 worth II IICOre of •." were very fond of their mute.... Thoy buyo been nllle feet hlgb His boot WWll voured the ~t~w wltb all m ncb reUab &8 porta of reoent annUal alta ~ dead ~n yet.. But let us huten, or ho rougbt only forty-t.wo dollatll and fifLy would let cblldreu ride bn ~belr backs, eigbteen. Inches long, and olle of bl. ranJL Our readen QaD ~ . . . Idea may recover, and he would make It 8.11 oon\.ll 'Ibo ,1I..Ilion Cluymore, (ormerl, and tbi mUllt ha.v been even more ox- bandll was about tho 8118 of fou r ordiDaQ' the fodder All com fudder il a ddleult foI . . "II"~ bot as hades for me." know ail Peuemak:er, was knocked down cltinC th&D riding 00 an el pbant, or onoe. He could t!lt 00 a cbalr and pick thing to cure wben c ut ~f'I'(u, thllllll Hug of l.be pncetl .Wclr of tbl8 A Half an hour later Be.le Il&t watching for two t.boU8/U1d live huodred dollars.. drivinc a pair of pta. Tbeee Dolphloll up anytblng thnoe feet from bim Hie seltioO. abould be acted upon ,.,ben foci G~e • ber dehrloua mother Ae CIbe 1'OIIIovtci He III uodqatood to have t-a bid in lor were very atl'ect.lonate, aod aetory i, told bead measured about fourt.eeo loebell, der i. put III the ~D the P..-Idenl.. ------------~r~~ of 0041, 10 &lie nip of the Emperor and hla cb..t 1IIIt'P and-a half fee, 10 and repJ-l the lCY cloths upon the - - -- .,.-- - to lCbool OUDlfi renee. Hill 00110 WlLB elKbt. and a TRB s..pt.lat mloilten 01 :Bo.t.oo Iebanting forehead, abe e"er and anon TRRlargNt.eootrtl)utloooflDoDeyevH Aupatll8, wbleb c&rrW a every momiDl. But alter a while t.be applied henelC 10 learoiol the pad abe m.... by anyone peram to the UnltariaD half . . .)(1.... twoty-eil.bt loCh.. wide, IOlved "That we repnI with apeaIal .... pupanee .ach pleUu,.. aeoniCIIIIOli &be must be 1lftfec.t 10 on the IDOrro,... Not deuoDllnat.ioo In Amerlea .... bHo mede lad died, aDa the f.Ubftal Dolphlo and &wo and a half reet. dRp. Lord'a da,AI are macIe in &be ...... 01 a wiDk Bleep WlLB hen that. oillbt., avel by Hr. Oll"er AID., of Elatoa, U - w.&dIed for him OD tile _ft! day ifter A FuxCII P!iM baa ft!fuIIed &W'O mil· ~, mee t.beyIDYOI" DOt oalJ tile wbeD" ~ at rebeal'llfthe red chuartta, in &he idA 11141 haacIDM ~-UDW, tIBcllni &bMhedid DOtoome, aJet! a4 cMeb ttoId 01 tha, lIone church latler... 8a1abed ~t a COI\ 01 It. ~ aWIQ: aiel uph.. oI,rIef.- lion. of I'nuIai ~aeathed to him by ilia . . 01 d.eclatlulllla, .... ,,"at It,.....
eoal beds eItendllli for thousnuds of Il<luare mllefC, whose (:onlents abl!Olllt.cly dcfy caloulatlon 'l' ho dllY 18, perhllJls, not far ,hstllnt wben England WIll be come our bo8t cu.tomer for COlli, Ill! .ho now 18 for cer()l\ls
A KllrIck , nsued from the lodle.!! lind th 8~rollg men "Iokonecl fb e vl\1nlll pnused III horror, for !lIe tree hnd brokeu, nnd poor Jack n fell thro ugh th e tnlp WIth II bnrsh thud Frle ncl h n.stellecl to bls nld, alld he lI n born e to tit singe, tllnned ali(I ble dlllg '1 he doctor of tbe theutc r, wh o wus present, shook 1m hend .. 1:11 8 spllle I IJroken ," he Slud , " bu m fill md CS\n not 1\11'1 e 111m " " 0 , dou' t 88) so I" moaued Be88le. who 110 II Iplll g tbe blood from II deep \\ollDd III th e poor boy 's h end 1 he closed eyes opened , nnd Il ba ppy light Itt theIr viSIOn " It' s All ove r, ?lll BOllSIC," be murmured, " snd I dOll' t know but what I 11m g illd of It." " Poor boy, poor bov," she l:\luu, smooth IIIg back hi c urllog 11 nr " i\1o tb c r Usel! to do !lIlLI, I\nd her touch \\ 1\8 110 ge ntle r thllll ) 01lr8 0, I alll ao Sillti l" BellSle' trors ratll~ d dow n on the up turned fnce .. D o n ' ~ cry," be 8.ud , "IL's bellor ns It 18 ) 011 n e~ r could lul' c l o~od me n ~ r I"voo l OU anJ Illin noL 1lI0re shape I('~s tlO\\ tblln 1 should h n e been had I 11\ cd Would lOll kll18 llIe once-ollce for th e 110\\ '1'8 left you when I feurcd thnt you, too, III uet die 1" Be Ie prfll!8Cd a kIM on tbe \tPR of the dYIIIg boy, and With that Ilist belll!!OU ,the wandering plrlt sought 1141 God
applied hke a lubriDnr stage name, renl one bolOg cant, and jnIJt as readlly,whicb, If prlloli· !lId). WII 8Ctln\lIy clad. As be cally dcmonltrated by contll1110t18 lIilC. renched the Lreet, ph looked ut' lit tho mu till ure Its ulllren!lllilltrodu bon 8 t.a 1'll\ II hlch gb ~ te re u III the ~ky It!ce :SOl'WITR6TA1<IDlNO the oror slIpply o( po1l!uc(l ~teel tlbe /lhl vereu, and IiaJitelled orl Tho ~ lt g h t onu\\ upon tb e petroleum III Ponnlljlvllnul., nell wells JIII\ mell t creak ed Or! ply benellth her are constantly beIng put ID (lperatlon ]n tread t the corne r t\ YOllug 1111111 1\1June, (orty·seven 'IIelle, Wllb a dally pro· terceftcLl ber. And ,Illsed hI. hil t It (TOO.! e~eOlng ," ho !lIt/d remo~ IIIg d\le~lon of one thousllnd two hundred mId Ixty-two barrels, wpre finisb od.lllld bl CIS Ir , ' ma y 1 not hln e tho plel\8l1re 01 seemg you hQme 1" .July ndded to tbo h at Dlllety eIg ht woll e, be llIade uo reply. bll t ~ t re\ e to plUlS With an aggregate dRily production of blm two thollMud fivo hundred nnd seveutyIt Don't. be fooh h," he ',11111, ollc rtog three barr Is Allgust 1. ODe hundred bi~ a rill , tI yo u kn o\\ tlll\t 1 \I III not flud fourteen wells were III process of ba- harm YOll" " Your aId I not need ed ," ~h e re plied, IDg drlll1!d On two bUlldred barrel 'Ilnd your company I unplcnS8nt Let \HIII, nnol 'leT Yloldlug venty-6ve bllr me pOll!i My molb er 18 \ e ry Ill-perb np rols, and 6yo otbers fifty bllrrels encb, ~yl!lg il L ~hl s I ery mo ment ,. have been struck ~ lI\ce lho first of the " J~lI tb o more reuso l1 tbut you sll ould I'rclICnL month J~ I~ 1111 oSlI\bhi!hcd fllCt, bn, e bell'." be return d "Allow 111 0 to howc, er, thllt new wells full otT III ~h I r offer nuy ;;ervlce III III) JIO" or" H e ) leld Ilbout one third Within th' fi n t drcII a roll of gl'(' cnbnck ~ Irom Ins pocke t\ and held lfie Ul tUII nrd he r tbirty days " I 0 0 no~ rC<jUlrll your monev I would not IICCO IJt It t~ MI ll my 1Il0tber' ~ 1Ii 1 63 It was estlllllllC'<1 "bllt tho nn· hfe much Ill! I lovo h er Let me prtS8, nUllllnorCll8C 11\ tho consumption of ooal n 8hllll cl\lI for IUd " 11\ England WIl8 t\\O I\nd 1\ bAlf lJulllona He sneered "It 18 11Ito," he ~nl\i, of ton8, lind lit thlt rille tbo COlli of the "the Ireetl! lire deserted, YOll Ilre nlone, country, 118 they estimated, "Qnld Inst nnd 1I0ne WIll heur your I\ppolli " " 0, ye~. thoy willi" It \Vns the clLlI \lilly two bundred and twel vo yeuTll boy of tbe tbeAter who s po\:(> lkccllt calculations, bow over. provo that Th young llIan tllrned to tbe now tho averago addItions to ~he output 18 eome r He WUl! lL sing ulllr pereolHlgenow nearly three and IL hllif mIllions 01 dwnrfoo III wture, WIth IIllelld llIuch too lOllS, lIud thllt tbe true law of III llrenlll! 18 Inrae lor thl' dwuuutlHl bod) '~\\' hom bnvellhe hOllor to IlddroS8?' fur more Illllrnllng thau "L!l ortgllllLlI) I !cornfullv d t h e young bl 001, II umed Tho recent coal fomlne, th ere ID!)Ulre • TblLt 18 lIelther he re nor the n'." wu. fore, mny be tuken UI t.he IiTllt frUlge 01 the reply tI But, If MIII.i Dnrhng WIll Iho IICIIr Ity tbat 18 to comc til Amerlcn allow me, I wHI see that sh o 18 uo longer "(I clln l16'or(1 to read these es Llmatm dotalllud by lIuplcl\88llt meddler!!." ,I Ho I ho I" laugbcd ~he othe r, "n II Ith grellt eqllllllliluty Hero \\ 0 hll\,o
MBER 035.
EriiII·.... .r.
..... fIIil bJ
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...., "1,000.
bIoda..., ___ he ItllClleda wJeItJecf . .
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Intu d iI 'a . m II II aJQlfowtabl
JJ. brackH1 IUDUIII( tb h t t l ... I • . a"ltl~ . I~Ie I -1Ir . lid... L. Aulr In b~II.~\I.ar; JI"I11": . N tumeoi from 1& j~.... ~re trip tlaru
Ine; • h'
0 1 - -.... nary hi lIadur' 1"1'..~ intire tIan a fill··..· ' """ ItII au J'I'n.'C'1' tl. ~ Rudi. N:: I: \\Iuuth ~) mud~, it Ul' IU"."1{ 'iaUII ell ....... thun II it uot IIU larlC" . . ",h' . '"~ \lui c ,Iclm.b.> III. cry t I I EhnJ(ht'li DU1llcr,IUII (ri lid. ullu& 01 ~:"v • I mdilana alld IlI i~"i Ill!It " 'l.-ck.• • ,fli ... " . JI ... II wt"ldtllg, IInu t1~'-' plllll .1('t· ld",,) up' ,'lIM ha"" btoen ~Ia.d tv ha"" u. d~d, FUllk.! M,-.;t1- M..... &nili Scr"8W', WI.h,,,· vf dll.' • I ''II • • " !On. 1m WIW tll m .... '· III u~lO h llu 11\1,1 The 111'\1f.,'NnUDC which "l.nt.. In . D~ J W SCI g~ ot' 'h IU' 1 fi~1 I~""" r.~. I~; I.i (ItI, il," ill II h .y. aud 1!lak~ tlte Ii lI 'd Jailt w Willi l'arri 'd out J u';llo I ~ . . filll' t RU'I n'r l pai II. il'l.~ al~o.ul'llilieJ th,' m . on til ~aJ A ' , :1.111 ~.. • '". I wll .... lt· th lll'; It tt rullJ .""rprl~. KIm . t, 1'IItil'dy-Ibl' \' ",·ul . "I.) b: oR; n.'i.I 1II lila ID&rkl'l, at the Iu wdf II IIil.lld .,m tilll visitiu' heN ",,.1 .... "~I .tn~ t o:,·,p Oil i .~.I ' T il '.plull 11', • 'l~r:Ic:J ullt tll I lie M I Ebri.,:ht. 'III DII)' i ' nuth', Drug tOtu. hI! I",pc .. I rut: I lill laa .Id fri,-nd .. • '. I ..... 11'1 No Ii " .11 UrT! lh. 111011.. ,. ~ I'~ I·t 'r 1111,1 I'lrlt IIf t!1C ulIIl r · t ~IC rlll·t III h, ~I r. t;. W . Ell. -M~. and II"" Ell i.R. ~IClIlll'"' Ulld oe 'l \llli utllllC\! bur', rc 81ll" rl" ""-hI. 1)'. 1 ~d r"n ;,n ~ucd,~· . tuklllgi .Atlalllt I' t~, veil -k all r ighi, uud th v )(' I ,(Udt ., Fa in' hall,," 1 Dayt.,., ure VI Itillt; Mr.1 t \lrllll 110 1111 . .... 1. ',6,,1147 rG" ", ' th 1t:.O!t,· " exc pI . '111.' l)r 111'0 l -Wl' by ~i I.' '; It 1111.1 IIv,,1 1\"'~II JU. " ' V ' II \\" k' l .1 Jn~ ~f D' r' gV ''Ie ~t A"eot t' 'I ' II L ld . l ' l ' I ' , '. - .u r. I . l'e ~ lu pnrc III • KG . '': T' l l'" F' ' . ~. la'I U - Mi !:)u ll MI' 'I)~ . I r. ... , n. .1 . '. I111111 I 'II llt (,01\\'(,1111.'11 I . , 1· ... )rl • ,t. U, '11Ig (1llIim,d u,"1 .11!al'r . .n. 01' I"nb.' ul a j'arm IIl'ar 11 'I I,\tin ' \ ' 1'11,' c 11 lhll ft' r F" • • , Ill! Sor h r'(I~. 01 900" Y 1lI"l·t lit I 1(' ~ IInl . l' eet:u, Il ~· pll·t, ·., b IIW lib t' tllt ed ill t!alir ft JlUII, i" l,i itiug her Hunt, :\li I ' Iilllllll 'UUIIIV. • ., •• 1 Ibr. ,,"" ",,'h u 1!l 1O m. l'!llblc~ Ilt th" JlIlI h ·'n of til phl(·,· . . '1\1' 111 Tay lur. . ___ " L Ft\RR. . M · _ I H ld~~V1l/e r ~u. til!,", thu .Ll'b..n 10 'Jhl: riginal AII III Ill . Til 1."I'U - Mr, 0('0 PoU),' oC " Ill h. ' -,:\11 Mutt l. J .·llU 1116 '1ICI\. -:-"-=- y.L •• C DlnIH"TOa,·. tUlllpll,," ncur \\ aYlIl'S\llIc, I~IIJ i. ~ I v ' h pherd fll'llt on t he pr,l' ill"t HI C 11 i uk '" b ' c' -ria' f,,1I0\\'1011' II)' lin Bu '" -, Jr vc If ill linl' t Mr. Brown' , It J.;rall~llIl· i ur lI i Hud,i Et.. . . r\' . I;' · "1 JII III/., 11 ne Fit'hillg (. 'id"lIIull: drvl'pl"tl illto 1w~:"lA ns~!~~~~;!I~:· ~'~~nd~":!~~~ Wu' M.mdll)', wiill il Il U.llllllvlllit I'i{!ht'ri (I~\'II C HilI (J!li,,,~ Ilhd i It II \ I~I ~:I ~I .' ~Dcc. k ' 1 "lI r 11I\lIIJ a'i.·w IllY , It 111 Ill' II ~ ,. .' . I' . d ' d j I I I. .1 ' .," " --,ur. ",I . ' . I Itt 111111' tT ill' II r IIl1d fr 11 \\" ck (lr ~·...'..~I "1I"t''!!C 'It ~I o'cluck.. F.ut.nIlY °b 'JIU 1~l>lnu, oap' ~I,1 $'d I1111' ~ I" C lIullrllt." Ullu 1a ,.gl~ly IUt·nt rll lli IllIlVi" .. ·<lIIII.k n Ihe ity dll~t rl'lll~ ,..V ~ 'd' lIel ' Icd I~ t .......... a •• ~~ a A. • ra l! ul tit' ua ' '''" I un I' "\'lug J)r\'UII ·tlllll, II I 1I1111 ~ 1\ Illlrul ' 1' ot'! I ' t'" " IlII1Ire, UII It! alll u U n U Plln: n. ' lhnlso IOrtl.. .'".).- MN'I.- rirlgl't ill llritl"d'tI fnll ell Il;me. H'r\' till' I'u I!II~ ~ol) Im'tt lid ct.'t ",r a willi , huve b cll ",rill tl 1,y :\ r. AJ..l· ,,1 '1 ~~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!i!!!!iii!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~i' ID ... f o T dl"~. ,,·or.hip ':"r," ~'ITOtF~n~ ~tb T I I,\' tllllt ~h ."WM nrl'ri ·l· J VIII" umi 'burn '~ J lid,) ' U " I'n 0 1 C - :\1 r.. 'iLur~1! Bruwn. "j' VII \' . I let t· lltiaer rlaim it WII . Wl'ittl'lI loy ~ .y. lwogintunlr -, 11 "OI'K . " 0 " " , .. '1' - • . . " , II U t I b d' I' I ' I I b d ,. III k Hnc>1 "t 1-2 (,'dock • • M. • .111111' l ' xpr • Cd it. Th grl HlI lI W 1$ r "pce\Il, it WIlS the olu.l J" Il" lIn' uf u.n, Ill. • '(~~ P(l1I 1111( IL ~W, uytl t IU ~: e rul ' @port. 11 11111 0 .c '. • . E. CI !len -~hft Uey. C. F~r~l~. in tbe c rll,Held in wurk ing lu,\', Ihe cV{'nillg. HIIU ix!t""Ys till "'''ViII' With 1118 lutlilly hUll., ury.l'Il1.l.\ Mr ..Jftllll' . R. . "Vh~1 I; P ..~r. DI'I'ltle fT1r; n~ undaYA. Ilt 1'l. \lC~S w ith n)t th' lightc t inklill5 ble 11111 jllltl ub,lil)' on the },"rt uf -~ll'Ii. .A.. '. Slnll~la ll' r, of \~I."1 It I clall\l~d by Il few lian 1·' 0 rtoa"" 11.•• and , I·. P . 11.. Sahb"th. I I II' ' IlUll e un .It.! lUll' . . cl/lullo, c r. I ~'.tt I K u,lt ,I. . " ./.(111':; t 0 ,. Juri! II li t Dra I ,tr .at Iii tIll! ..nntl,I or'" but III\bMl~tll l ·2p. w. 1111 t IIe \fOr Id tlut . •U ~ ' . ''' .l Cum 'I'l ~N Orn:R n -Eld~r J . fl . Dodd. home ' ,uu be n I'Utlal c8~ 1, takl!lI Tilt! ullll'r pi , c " werr p .. l·furmed 1. Kt'aruey, FUII' V I ·W. be. tlII8 IU! It ~ay, Ih e ea. 's a PUJOl' I JI,.\l1 IIcrvl~.e lin the Fir.' IU!~ pOS C. iun uf by a crowd III I. II fill I. U ' till'S' ) " '1 .11' U ,.IlU.It' ul'l'O;!lIr d 0 11 - You will find th InrI( 'st lock t fJOO ()n . «:tId Will . ~ll a~p recltlt"d rl~t A-d..y !j ~lr.ll wonthi..o,.k:<'~ who II1teudcu thut loll Rholl irl IIlllrry 'he pr,'grutllllle wh all: ill I II ·hu\,. of B" ta anJ ~ hoc.. lit Ivw pric I y nil gtlllUIIIU sp.., t m cn . 1II~lng. •, 000. (j~ty • Y : ~gain .\\h~tla r 01: no,. W Ia.e ll he · \I.t! ·I:I I'Plll·.I~I·r:J !I!'s 'rs V. It Eb . Ilt Funke !I is .iluiul:'. . 'Pruel1.l'(' u. ll'l1g, ... tifi·utlmboo~~lo, FlRn 1\""111' (1' ",ill Churt'h in til'8t t.O. k III the 8ltual l~}II It III not 1'I~1a.', ,\ Ilh(' F I:~I\ 011 , Willie - Dr. 1'hnmn~ Sh('t\\'(.\ld, of fig li p With I ~uvruruptu ~ct:l: ~nn'tr" Y iMIIOft lb~_","\ S turdll)' surprltullg that li e ~jJ 1Ilatl'u I",! "h it, U. W. Ehright l'roi'. Oincin tll\ti be(' " "isiting Mr StilUC"', two illX P Ill, T OIula drn' n ::d S'nn:'ri" <'aIlh mon,h. ~hl,'r EH.~ hu rlUle' unu tillniliar 'Blazos!' a U\'lIWU, (It' MiullI i ',," l·l'~at •.II'Y ul' L "' is JlllI~e nt Elmbrouk ffl~IU' fi rm ly illtv butt cud vf pole abuut .. It. . . .~':! , . .. 1",1, p't.ono of cousid raLlc UIIlllb1:!1' 01 t i lllc~. lIe Mlltlic, XeJl iH, Mr. 1311\,11.1. of W ill' . ·f J"'II M H ' I ' f' fi fteen iu ehe aVlIrt, Fa tl'n four , .-A lII !;ll "IU/il OF,.•" ,. Il. . I ·' f' 11 I 'I • -u r. ilJ.~ • (l'g 1\\ ay Q • I I 'd ,. I nMb~ni\,.)': Wlllilutl Oornell. M I r lC ot WIlS g Uu, \I Cllllr e,. to ee a I 1(' ,'('11 UI!I·g . •) ,I., UIIO )11'. L'arpeutol' i HUII')Vel' t.tekin '." ""tv 'has wi re U'I P~ on 11 111 r 81 e 0 po e, . In OddreUuw.'nKllonthe~ond turdny ful ks, but hc wa s dlstro8 cd n thc Mrl! . . L. Ur.r '\\' ri~ht, Mi s'ca AIU U' " 't ' ,. gl . ' II ' nb,J ut f,lUr (II t apart. The loo}>8, of ~oho'nIIn~~. alf7 Q:~!~ p·tmh·· t~d!mloot':.e ubj. et of ltation l'emorking tlmt e liLL Fnl'r find A nnie E bai .. ht pel II \ hll I nj~ 118 IUItlU Bcar , liS lin tlr\! r to gil'o the line ClliIJ piny, oatur....,. 0 e"".. mun . R .. DC K . I I bid b '1'1. . ~ • lIeo. I Id b I' t· Id . ' ollrtb s )( " P p: e uun If - Oo ... e~ of e\' II t iC Sa t I\C n III 11 ut nil ' ue eXoclltlO1I of all wns BO . . S IlIII 0 nbou t t Itl Ize 0 an 0 . Thi!d .::kl"~1 'iroeta. Divine I\Ilnlfto 8t pp tJ out. A villw vi tho table gCllcrally good, th ut it. i8 u ifficu lt to -~''S; 18 011 hnn~ . Wlt~ I~' hiull d copper eont. ~h i8 dO.1I , - - ANI'! - eonry Sl&ntLiy at 4jp. m. Imdl\y·&ohool at Isprcild shortl V aftcrwllrd by the pal·tlclllurizo v\' poi lit out Im y ns Il s phmd ld uf m al h ut f) tlltltell a sma ll braes rnartlnglll rJOg _ ..... . K . . ~ue 'ts put h is i'ot4rs t rv8t . fur thut ' better thllu th e I'cst. SO,"!'a1 . ts, aud other I1t lip end of polo, so as to hang ~ '\]I ~ ~ ~ \I _~~~;;~;~;Rr:~F.'~lt~~:'ND~;~~!':~:; pieoe 01 dOIll.ctltic fUl'lIi~uro, ill .thu '.tho i.lI~t\,lIu.lentl\l \,iecutl wc rc quito see. dow\,) 011 a lil;lo wi tl~ wire lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . f) 011 the alturdll, bofo.... the N'cnnd und~y pilt words lor uch tlm.cs fl\;t·!y nlllbltlVlh! III tbol r e iaul'llcter IlIId ~ Son hav? re o Nuw, th on, In order to mnko the ID HOt. m~Dth. at 2 o'ulOC'k .•nd on th I!eC- grol1l1.ed ullu er ita luad of h lXllI·jl'''. thu yU)lIIg ladiud e viDc u IOllc h of IltlW fnrllltnre tucklc comlliute, pro llro II strong "~E""VILLE ODd ":I'd .aLh Sunol.~Y"',~t 10 ~nd 4 Cl'ol~k. Among those pr s nt WOI' Th 1I\"skill in \""derin~ them ill neel,r,1 0,,11 and Bee, linen lino , uot Ie than se" cntyfi\'e is. . . .l' ~ ~ , •• . . ' " ...!!"'!~ ~OM""II 1 ., ... ·~. hIPthDe~. ts'v,clI& r u lluru tt unu wi fo R eIlJ' nllli II l\fll" II II co with trlle ul'ti tic elillcC' IIt io ll Jow priec . ., feet J ng. "rup tilty feet urolllld - ... f(oQtne " mIlRO ), !n ote~ (In .." • .\ . ..' . 1 '1 . db ' iti ell I. month .• ~e ,,'cl' k p. no. By thor .l lnd tllm.l y, MIll'Y ' nro\~II, It i nut d i ra ·tillg froll\ th u T homa Burne tt tie tw.o ua, mell~l o~e I~ ove, A tlhcr H.SllIith sOIll ·t1llOgut\'cl·theluhlOn o t rc I· "I"~kes ~\nl" ~ UII • . o fIrofthp 'Rp n)'. J.. IInt8oCk,Pr 'I Gruce Drown, LiZZie L. Broll' ll. des'lill ufour nativc talOl1t "nd 'dent. R. P. a . UIle, : "".""ry. J ,)hll E 'BI'U \V11 , A her Smit h a nd ulily courtesy to u sil'lLlIgl'~, tu from the W est. li llg. a. cut uf yarn: Pass tl~o , r e . . . t . ~ g -:-- PeoPte " ·u •• Proof. - •. "'idfi l~lIId'llittleJ ' girl'OEJ · l kt.ulli'ok mll kt' IIpeei ~aI UilUllioll to.) ·the ap· oorop Jurge in DJIUIIIIO dtwCI!tdy ·fivte felet toIt llIl; thc~ U." ne ~ ' vil"~ " ' d" II db I I all lum y vllll . n. rown III1U p ' A.\·ulletl 01 MI':! Emlllu Cumpton a ung UII er III e 0 pI U Irnug u .r Th.11! II no me .clUe l're'~: 18 y. P "·~·I. " d I" I . I G \";1 . U I ' I . b I ' w·· I ~nd b a r'u" l ' viII" "~ •• ,ofl 'l~brDi'U;JI;II".l h ,t .~'I·I" lueh WIIUI\I1 ~tt~~l r, co: 'Y.lItcrntt, ( llf .ulLr~· lm (.' wo eic \' ), agrad · -Mr.J ,Oollett,wifennd 110 p 8 .' • ~ l! I ... a . !", VICIDlty '3S re.ol) e nC~ t ",llh' ne' p ( It. .uuc".~ end Ul' rlor ~Irluo l J uh n F, .Mlo Ild lne fin d hlllJlly Seth lillIe 01 XOIlIIL ('on~l:'rvlitol'y of son . und Maria Compton I twelve tu hftcen tcet of slac k, krllt , :01l!h~~~:;d. G:.~O~;O~<lb~I·8r~~.'~0!~~. W. 13r\lwll nnd litlOily alld 'ElI1I .Mn~ie-oIIl8B 1 i 5; Th is chal'lII' leu;ehcl'e J<.r S"utILBl\rha"ouNo. 2,s~rillg st~f,II\Ook ,llndy ou . b;s ( ' 001 ,",,,,pliun l or any dl. !\Je or the Throut and Burnett. IIIg 11\ Iy Bung two /Scotch ' OOlll1us, ra, California, th ey intend , are. read.} lor .b U811IC8. When a . • bnp. A; prouf "f' ~hu t file' II that Rny While Ih fir t tub! \I'~ in pro· "Bollnie swe t Bes ie, the Maid 01 to pus thc the bencfit ~tlsJrable 101l0hty al ong t!le strC~1l1 1 ~t()ck Vu !~:,:ft~~~~r~'lt:o;u~~:,;'I~«o!:~tef1~~ c ~ of obttlinillg \'uth:" U spllre Danuee," and "Vomin' tll ro' th of MI'8 •.001 We wi sh l iS reuched , ~~k a th,ree'lo ch hm · Luyiur t' .....g"\"" 8ixQ•• I 7~ c" ut&. II hOi r,){)tn of t lao ho ustl WQ8 tllkell P B· J~ye", in 8 malln er which w nail th colH. an<lal1lbe cr, ebub ~r shokery throl!gh tbe l~l'I'y b~c" jn,.~.d .. d," 11,,8 C01 1My from C iou vI' ny II purty whll s"t a tao h 'lIrts I1l1d · ~yer \' b(lclv's IlJwiratiou . ben fit to derive ' nose hr.uuch him well Il. r IO u•• nd .1.oI ,"onde rf,,1 c urCI uro U'6D' bl I d 11M J. t ' or t tall, thc and t bhillll' eY~rY .n~ thBt U80' It Three do,c:t c an! .lIrnlugl: t ll!relJO I IC pre8' . ' l·t!. IlIII }Jton pos 0 SCS II mag- from that ou IU O . S re~m. . will rJ!""• ..oy 01l8e To, 1&. Sold by A. nf uf the WClt iOIl. uud 1\ beallti , uilioellt \'oice, and be r s inging lIU -Gu of tho.sa ~'ho 'shckery'ls J.lrobablJ: th~ Lest I , . !)qU, lV'. nQI\·! lI e. ful tll ble it nlud", when fully dllc ked this .lecllSion tulJy su~tuin d the I . 8 T . ' baIt Wl' havc aloog the Minml a nd . I. I ' I ' I' . bl . I U8Cl(lUS , , eflY 8. . Cre 'Ure ' k It is u s mall tisl ofl •• w-.." Lire Wor. . . . 0 ("ea'.' ollt Wit. II' t"c c 10l ec se eotlOn~ t I~t e!IYI~t tl reputatl~n ~ ICl lau WUII in P eter clerk of. sur l:! , c:. , I . . .~ II Slrk ne~~ " .... v.l l~ e\'ery~b I'll • • nll eve.·.. • bud been .mad. Among tho ~I·tl X CUla. Tbo '·C.u m~n' th ..ough t.h e the 8crve them tbe su~k o r 3pcel es, son~ht afte r b.) , . . '1: ~ • bool1 ~o "pl"ln. of o.no dIM •• d.Il.ln 'hrlr cJea cOl,ltrlbutcd were the foJlo \\'J1Ig' l<.ye" wl1.'l ollthnslulltlClilly 6lt oo'red -t . b bass With much hallkerlllg. 1£ y OIl ' • ,. IIf• . .when .fek'I'~ objec' '"!i. 10" " -:~111 : . Liuie Brow lI card reeoi vc,: threo tillles bllt ad t o tell the tUbP IJ yon ,. o~ y find you ha\'e a run, or, "ulgnrly ........e ,.a ' r",h" .11., nQ l"'I'IOU U ..I " '. , ' u· cau nloor, k' b't d Jt lItr'k . world \II~t i. ~" •• l'IlI~ wl~1 ltpP.ep,ta, LI_ Eli'Mq.th .:UU~II.clt, qake Stll ll.l. - gifted iWl~ onlll'C8p<,..~d by thou spell lUg, a ! e, ou I c, or . I~ ~L t O....r=.nil 111f ell'ecl8 .. lIIeh .. todlgo~, Grace and .lu u E. Browl t(.1ilet • - 1 J'bow. (.1ther WO~8 k b d\.llf'or Ii itlil W I.UU f} 18 Den 10k Btllldeclm. Bollr 8&0u , • ' . y 0 I D"''':'''I 00',. A.._o' .~~...01... pl , . ~ r.l ... 10.... tile B 1ICt. _ary I, pi er• ..,. ' . 4 .. ' tue Ctmocl't .. , .... I'UII"K_ ' aDd wi .... piklller8IJed wftIJ l.ln!Ce8ii. t gllve thl! nndience a Ii. '0 th N CIlIle you are. aim ote to I a If "" l maple mOIU8&e8. · .Benjamin Matb '! very delig htful evening and sent . , e T ? hook.. But If you find that yon ne ~ ·~'A.lt~~~~ ~::':t~··a~ er, can filled with, the same. Seth l llil away . in g'? pirita.' • ~\(1u. THY" . 'Illlp<lY 01: tually have a bll8ll, a th.ree p()und~r, . , ~ ... tea CI\lnll .nd Ir, It. Reguf"r W Bruwn and wite vasl.l8 . f)usie - '- _e . let, l'vcket Kn h. oekct u on't fool awny any time; but 11ft . . . , . .. " Ia. T ..o·do ••• "ill relieve you'. E.' Brown wine glaRSea. Sarah ! DRATH OF Mas. Lg'WlS J ANNEY.- Book or 8 chool as w4IlI bim immediately out ot' the water '.' " . Smit h, pickle jar. John F. Mitlsil· We are puiul'd tu hll\'l1 t~ nutlounce as. a :PQre Oream witll Corce enough to send him like F'Ui~&r & ,MIUILDI1"".S 0.488 dine and wite fl'\lit stand ancl des. ' tb~ decease uf Mrt!. Dorcus ,Janl/ey, ?t 1urtar. Lal!lpi , a dllrt high imo the air j at the ~TOa£.-A8toO\shed at the Immense eert dishl.l8. Olio Missildine. fruit ' wile ~I' Mr. Ltlwi t! Jaonuy, which In f~~t, al\ everytlung !snme tima give your polc a .gelltla ~'te&nd, nll~be.r of ..box~8 .st~lI~' plate~ Ed, Retalliek and wife, . touk 1)luce this 1Il1l1'llillU' lit 8 min. kept II.] 0. weI DrnR·St~re' l c.urve ~ the reAr, so as to It."nd the mg ob~1('ie F nukey & MISSl1dlllc s brood plate, Sadie aud Maggie · utos Pllllt 7 o'clock. H~r disea8e yo u Will do .purchasll1g fisb With a loud thump IIItO U ~t&!Ih s~ra, this ~eek, we stcpped lttltallick, pepper-box and I' alt el!l. ' was t!ph oi~ t~"~ r, 11 rs. ,Til. nn~y to cnll and compare pnces at the l, neigbboring. corn.field. If ' ~h~,re ar~~'rOCK In to ~ . what It ~n ":,eant. I Wc lar. Rnth al\d Aonie Muther, va. ' had beCln 11\ d ullcu"te health for Old Drug.Store.. .' Imppeos to, be .no corn·field wltllIO wuru IOvlted up ·stal ljs IOta Ibe de ~1!8. Anne Stllpbc nson SI)OOI1 hold .' sOllie timc und her recellt IIthmd-To all walO want Rca:ly·.Madc fifty or sixty yards, a paw.puw partintlut.of Ready-Milde Olothing. er Mary SUlith a~d Floreoce l llllf.:e on Yearly ~lt·cting at Ricb~ Clothing, We bt>g leave to inform plltch will do. This last muvement and there wc found a vaet quantity B;owll fruit dish S W Browli I mond seemed to hnvCl an llntiavor' you that we have received ODr first is very difficult to perfi rm, nnd of rea~ly.made SlIitS for rn.?n undo paper ."'older. Geo;ge j, Brown: ' ahlc effe~t upo.n . be r, 119 Ilhe e~me impor~tion ortiall and winte r wea~, requil'ea I~ng p~ctic~, bllt w.!len bllYs III almost endless variety (Jt s'ate cleancr • home qUite B1ltng. Until withiu the Ilngest thlllt ever cam" to tillS on~e oeqlllred, Will always be ad. fabric a?~ I?rices. The amount . Th su arti~lC8 wcre all of the fi I thc IU8t week , howe.v er IaCI' symp- !Dark.et. . OUI" r';Cogriizerl ~ositi ~n ! hel'ed to as U bDl~a!le act. Wh.cn ~f stock 111 tillS departmOilt alo,ue Ill.lSt qUl\lity of glass, m oat of' which ~o. m s were not cOtlBldel'ed alllrm · lII . tlllS bl:anch 01 trade-wllleh Will i we ll perfurmcoi, It ,18 sure and m· ~ ~ large enongh to set up an ordm· hnd beCD selectcd with care in Oin· 109, 1\110". ,Ja.lJnc.y was a most thiS SllllBon be more fnlly demlln· I StlllJ t death to the ti sh. . "',y ~luthi~lg honse on Fifth str~t, ciDnati. · ~8timllbl.e ltHI.y~ mild alld. IIIDiabl.e str~ted thnll e~er before-War~l\!lts -Election ovel' alld all quiet.- . ~_ OmCtnnah, and M~. FUllk?y I~' Oue of the most amllsing ~hillgs I.n he~ dl ~pO"I.tlon; a lOVing, dlltl' us III ehull~nglll.g the cunlVlltitlOII 1378 votc~ ,Polled . ', Th e larg~st vutc f~l'med liB thnt th~lr tradc \I~ ~llls of thc duy was the presen tation of lui WI ~', ~ loud mot~~r, and a of Il~y !lUll ket In t.he eoulltry,tla~ cver coat lfi MaSSie Towntlillp. • • ~ IllIe was eOllletlung stlrprlslOg., the slate clellnel' by George Dl'own . de voted sister and In. nd. Hel' qUI\.llty, workmunshlp ,an.d law prt. ! -Albert Ad orn the colored Thor? can be fOI~nd ov~rcoats of It was un inn occnt little fifteeu ·cent ~cnth leI\vcs n dl'ea\'y VOId not only oea. FUllkey & Mlssddlllc. mllll Bhot in W nyne~villo Monday . all k.mde, fullsl1lts or slDgle gar, item, ~ut was most clll~o.rRtely In her desl)lattld. h orne, wher~ her -We .~n assure all wit? want . night, was alllo badly bruised IIbllllt Ulonts, at very low figures, and the packed ill a paper lIox, 1hls box IIl!s b8nd and clllld~eD nru stl'lekeu fall and winte r R9 00 S, that an every th e fllce and bead with st unes. Onc ~ p~rchast'r wh08e taste ca~not be was again IJucked in another larger w,th sorrow, but III nil the hearts· depurtDlCllt of ~r geD!,lral. stock, shot, fire. d at him wbile runnill g ' l al 81!lted here, UlUst cartalOly be box, IlIId ~his box in another, ~nd , thut loved her w~ll. preparn~ions ullve ~n made tor a took cffect in tbc ri ht s id\,!, causitlg dltHclllt tQ 'please: . so on , nnttl ·tho whole gave the 1m· . Funeral 00 FI'ldIlY IIftel'noon at largely·ltlcre81!ed bn81nessj and we a deep Beab wouu~ Adallls was I SO, O. Dcs<''eUUlUg to the lower rcglons, pression of being something vcry ' 2 1 2 o'clock. at the Bicksite meet· find daily that oqr ~fti'rts are richly nut o.le· of thc party that raised thc I we r:~I~nJ thero hnd bccn a lar~e pr('cions and costly. This impress· i~g.hol1se, Meet at tbe house at 1 ~c\\'ardcd; and we particnlnrly bid disturbancc. he is aD inoffcnsivo, 0 aCCC8810D to tb~ stock ?f genelal ion WllS e vide ntly on thc mind of 10 clock, for elos~ ~h buyere, heretofo re hard· working man. , d .r 1 goods, notIons,. shirts, bata the groom 8S he carefttllyand pa· J - - - -:- - .'~ '--. 'purcbaslllg In other markets. Oall -Another musical entertainment <lap!!, gloves, ote., the hats cs tl'ently WCllt iu fro m box to box OeD. S. F. OIlIY addres~ed ~ on us and snVIil moncy on your Full R' I d' I II I..~. ' d d t · .J d d' . 0 d II d ' . 'F at lUI' S twenty feonp .. pecla y uulng COUSI ere cx ra , toward the prize This provoked a crow.. e au le nce 111 a wu Il ar 8 and Wiliter purchases. uukey & M' . 1CAll' Mi c present. I' ~hlle the boots /Uld Sh003 abound great d elll of mi;th , lInl. 1 Just Satnrduy e voning. Mon· Missildinc, . ..~ss L ' le b' es, Of N IlIlIAeBJbPO IS, • I t' t" tl ' t ... t t . d . . . tl H R' 1 d rulSS Ida S II 10. 0 ew Ilny, 1n sue I quail I lea 111 any ~uo r 0 Thc duy passed off amid the ay. eVellln~, IC . Oil. Ie lar -All'. and MI'8. Robert Tudor, Ind Sam Oooke and Levi K e lly TI , describe them would be fntile. In heartfelt cllj\'ymcnt ot' all It was Smith lind E . S. B. Walton ad · who huve been gnests of Mr G or " dreas goods, . and s~ple t\l'tieles, a tmnn Y' 8 ut in m.emory ~hicll will dressed a el'uwded audicnce in the den J . Wright alld family fo;som~ we relPnreeent. b Ie res~d were 0111' .ucb a8 muslins, eahcoos, and the " . I I I snwe hull. '1 d . usua arveys nrg oro\\ • f th' remlll Its rig Itness t lroug I many TI W 'II B d d' weeks, returned to PIli a elpllla, It is anthoritativcl" reported • . bl l' lIIt~I'ml nu e I~t 0 lOgs nccesea· a lon g year to corne. , Ie. nyneevi e an .'seollre· their home IlBt Wednesday. J I'y for the happme8s of the IlIlman _ e .. cd musIc for the DemocratIc meet- D . tl" t M T d lover here that a young mlm from t'amil~' Meoara. Fuokey & Missil. TUE EUOTION weut oft' peace· and the Dellbrook and. urm g . ltelr 8 i~'t" r •• I udor'b~I' tIO off the hills E88t of the river \\'88 . ' . ' • 18 an ar t IB 0 f (18lDgms .Ie I I Y seon an d h eard 'mareh'I~~ tl1I'01lg)I dille ave ~ complcte assortment. ably aDd harmoolOusly ycsterday, ayneevllIe Bnnds played for the and considerable eelebrit aexecu. my slock is ve ry lurgf', umhra c ing . Our readers will not fail to call withont any disturbance. The day Republican meeting. Both meet· ted a splendid life.size p~;trait (If the streets o~ Waynesvl,l e at t~o 800n and look throu~h tbi s inter ' was beautiful; there wae a full ings were the largest affairs of tho M W' h h' h t1 t o'clock 188t mght, elanklngtwo big eeting stock. It ' Will do them ttlro Ollt of votertl, undo the IlIr~. kind of thc, cnmpalgn. We for· ordeli~~at?o: ~nd °fai~l~fnfe n:~~ r~ks togethel, and crying i.n a lond WHITE SHIRTS, good, Thoy I'ell oheap for cash, t!8t vote , pcrhaps, ever polled III gilt to mention the eanllon aud e would be most d'ffienlt to excel VOIce, 'Show mo wbore IS thel!' SHIR1'S AND DRA WERS. • lId deeerve their lurgc and in· thc towllship was cast. Doth Rc· bonfires. It ~ t I It Ik ' I'k ,; Harvcysburg niggers.' He had llls TIES, OOLLAR , Su. P ENDERS, cl't'8lling ptlpule,rity. p~blicansand Dem~crata wor~c~ I L . N- --- -.::..:-O- -d . '11 bu~s:o ~~~~pi~ ;t~r~:;::'ke old clotbl.l8 00, . N tlOK. HA N DKE R OIlJEF. • SO OKS, OUJtFS;. ... • .. vlgorous!y fur their respective EGAL QTrcltS. ur rell ere WI I M . O(JFF-B (JTTO YS, OOLLA.R Du., t'lk t 695 ote re p ' lI d' observc that wc publish this week trnthful and ornamenla. r. OOLLLA.R ST(JDS, The heAv.iC8t frost of tbe 8jason ~~. er.l!. tI R v bl's wc 220 /' ~h' llnother long partition notice com. Wright and bis family ' miss the .HI II t t , Cl £9 • Monday night. In fsome p IlCTbes I) or ~? t ICUll, or e mencing proecedings for thc ~ale society of tbeir genial and gifted ahe ground was rozen. e emoera Ie IC e , 1. t A Oh dl d fricnds exeeediogry. FLE·rOBER-ELLlS. -On Tbunda,.. 1 . vee f II thickl all da Tues- The gencral result, at thc time tue estate 0 .a roll . an er, e• Cowber 7. 187/0.•t the lIeme of the bride', and, in fllct,fl . Y Y we go to p~8S is &aid t o be a ma. · ceased. The law rcqUlres that thesc •• e • . parellta, ill WIlYUO TowlIshlp. b, tho ReT'd day, . 't f 10 00'0 "0 Hayoa noticcs shall be inserted tn 0. ncws, EXQOBlIIOB 1'0 S. W. KANBA8.- Ob~r1e. FergnlOn,. lair. ,JIUIIIlI! Fletcher, of _ •• ' ,- d JonAtyoour po1l8 I' rMessrs ....... Oyrus paper prlllte . d nn Ii 0 f nera l' ' ,A I' C1rcn· Almost a free ride on tbe .ate IIBon, 8pnngboro••nd)[IM Anllic ElI1a. ., ~ .r .Ju~ge K y. ~aa some bao SOll)e Smitbaod J Marl~tt were lation in the county. publication Topeka & Santa Fe R. R. The m1!mln~t?ll wlu.d ow.abades hun§ Ju~gea. and Oornell and in the Miami Gazette entirely fills !tr&Jn leav08 at 7.80 on tb.e morning )9, (B()Ols Rnd Shoes exe"pted) ; all of which 1 will iD~lde blt furniture -warerooms (0. D. W oolle Clerka, I t~e req~ire~ent.tl of th~ law. Our !of Tnessiay the 19th, R ound .rip "",udow.. y.. e .. ICirculation )8 general au Warren Itickets onhy '38 ---vi tor 30 days. LINDER.-At Soh.. &, Del.w.ro aeullty, - -M"I.. k er WI'11 ColInty. . ,e""'". Indlalla, SeptemoortG. bflllufe"o.. e&sre. JJ oore & Sh'd I a By all mean8 embrace tbl8. OPPOl'- IDora Etta, d ugbter of 1875,of Jam. aIId Prlacilla . al or ~801'1 .baa an ele~nt Ibe hcre on tho 2ad to deliyer trees I W . ... U hal ,tuni', to vilit ~be rich Arkansas Linder, aIJId 8,..... II mOlltha end 5 dayft. ' ,. DOW ailn .oote!de b~ new ol?thing ' ordered t.brough them from (jeneva here ,,!,as th~ _are agalD Talle and uft:baaea home. ' • ..... be!aldea IllulDlnat.ed wlodow · jnureeriee. Mr. Sbidaker writes us Mooday UI~bt 1 18 aaked and an Y _ P_ ____ _ ~r ~n tllne to ~romrt·pa'ymg Cl~lItomOrl'l. ~' Com9 nnd see~ Itba' they never before. shipped 80 ,an8wer ~~~!': HFnrnitare,,1 la black letters, me, and e Xftmm d goods lind PII(,CS, CUll ing donc for farmcn!. - - - -.-ine a lot of ~a as tbl. Will be. 1 Tb ' __ I cl--• .1 te. i8 8tretched on aUne acroea t'rom Waled. Pi•• BUtldreti Bubelaof Pot. ' . . Doc't pat I)Il &in. You no 88 I ,.:.-,. - e ...0008 were yea r t.oeI, ., the Warahouae of _ ml a A TrIlQlft1M? wCJQ're wOnb ~y, ' Yeeterday WU /I lively day iu ;day, by onler of hi' honor tbe .ZtIll'. fonlltare ~ to tlae . G. W , sma .. co. o!!..~ ~ . ~ .I!!!J~~~~~ ~
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No. 3. um (6 p .o. ofciroultillou) 1.300 00 Off h PI" Clbio.I I"-L.... ~'H ... ·,":( ,1;·.." ,.... of ' ho 'llll'\i&t and 1 .5 ' pm ~~:7t}1~~~:·~~::"~iri'i.; 10 M ~ ;1fI.rt 1I.!!o am -'" 5 ~ff ~i~~'> i:i f :- lr ~!'> ~ ~r. i rof Ion. "rowo Poloc.-. rlu 9.-40 pm 10. 4 . m TOTAL, rYi a i tf> thecili· TheW iLhercd ROle r . • k,~I.~;....,.,'::~'lU;·~.":t;h~'i·~~,~~· ~.h' C .. S ~. <:>Q g",,<::' r. !:ii !ii. ~ ~ • lOa 648 1'~ . e 0 8 and Vicinity. Haring bad thirty'! ::1 I Lo l l D~ 'p.- . 'rrl-. ., '0 •• LIABI L T l , i"· ,r" .n.I"''Y'' ;lIn.I • .e or oil.li.....~':: • illlt""riC!ll he hu""" "'_-~ ;:'1 • givu .... U (""tilln to YOlill p" .;:el M•• Ur and· lly . lo ... .... ..... Kollo• • ;;rl~ .. ' " P' fl. "I i~ P ::: ;0 t4f~:: ..I{;bo lQ~y f"Y()~hi m with .. .... 11. 4t!6.1 Prom I ',."lll·1I Ite Tru~ 1.0 1II1e . Alldel'llOa,urlve ." r~ ~ '.y 'M- I·.... l'''alI"", nl'<l I'U'I Ior I V .'" 3;17 .. m 4 II P O. pltel atock p!tld in lIown. ~ ? S ?' i 3 : ~ '50 8 000 00 N." 0 l l• • a" I.. • J.lltle l3'fllI,' 11' ''7 , ;~.;':;';:~~1;., h::::,ll;;i'';,'~ I ~~.~ I"'m-:~ . .37 • III 11:..8 ~: Otb~r undivided 1',,,6Lo a' ~ . :I.'j.) 115 IP ,. .f.p~n. R""••,low,., . ..,h·e " 0 . III 1:11, ",UO of AI! Sou l. Socrod tl olo .00 QlUlrtel . ~ ~ 0 I' i. II '.~., ...... '" • Iud, Ihl) \.l1lJlIn ~ .!I p III NIlt~o!,.1 B m. II~IA!~ ou~tAnc1lng 2\).700 "r00 i :lI" !!.. " . ~ ,!\!!!I , B V 0 A N K S. ~ r or r,,'1 1'''''' ' "11'''1. Uv .,""',, (·0"nlAy a lchlund . o,rh'e ...... II.. ,.~ a m 6 ~o I' III [odl\' ldual dtlpa.ILo oubJoct to ~ I ... , ~ ; ~ ~ l Q. ~ ~ D~ I r •.. ,,"' ..... "i If'"'''' ""(o,,, IJA .. ,h hing •• > . •• F .. II m.he .. " Swd "". l. serio ·comlc long . OIDdeut< P , Pi arrive. ' .00daln "i' i' ;; I ~ . . 9.J.1 P III D.moWd .~h ellcerll6oate. or dopa it 1fa.7lla . 0. T,ti. ·.I.n •• Rlchmon doll, ••O!! , 110 I ~ :~:';~ ' , : ~ ~; ~ :~·":L"'·T~ ... j~1 ' : . ' . I , ,:;;:, ' :, ~ ~'~I ~:i:!:JT ; : :.~n't~ Au..;el 27 1 nll,.,·ie\' E ll d :-iollg. ~ ' !( • • ro will I• • • e 01,le. 20 dan. . ~ 1 : : : : : : : "... ."~ }I. to :- I p. MOI"er. I~ o"g " nd cl,oruo. . All T ,i , .. " Fir'st N af io 1la l B Uill.: Builrli91g~ '::llIg ~~I... '•.•,., 1~1'·'·I,~·II " 'lt .•,c,"I,I ··li,..~."I~":t,::~"r yf,'~I·"'!"1lI:r ,.1I1,·. L G irl I.. T"w lI • • ""!! nnd ch" rus . ..her Tnin. rlln d.i1,. . .. , "P' UUd.T . '" co K.. ~ f11 .'h.~J.r, ' ... " OTAL. :.. I103.tJ4 .. :: 7)j \tT YN W . L. O' i Itl E •• lo . 1'. a: 'I'. A. ' V ' ." I I:. I "" ·11··.··.·.·18TA1'K Ott OUI O. CoUl'TY OP W Ann EN. . Il' .,~I ·.· 1 ; ,," 1>ic~ll1e; ,,' 1< or oe.io I' ., mOnory Afl'1!c"omi l! ... "It· ::!t:':"l "" >-IlI: w. t-: c;.l;; 'f A E J LLE, OU IO. . " !ng. ""'." . otlli 0 1 ",.' Nll r h. 1'Ii1l1l!' cho . :l1_;' ! ? ' \ ' D. W. OJ. LIJ W r.LL . O..11 .. Ooluml,u .. . ' Ii "'. ":',1<', or_ • <il. tnct ftl lI....f . lJulwhlrl\·. q :: ~ ~ I . J oe) E YKn •. C...I,i"r o( tl> o .\love'Il,un. - . c 11 g ~ ;; ::r' ::: - - - -;- - - - - - - - - ' \\ Otll \\ . Out . ...ellT ~.erlo co m,c ong . I, ;"''' ' . '"1- 1''' .,10\ t'lO ro"~n (AlAI. If 1IeIt-·· I . BILL. ' lIp·t. Lug",,"p Orl . Illd . . cd b~uk. du fll)1~mll ly oOl .. n lilit t tho 600"0 1 ;., I ~!. a ~ • ; ' l j B j; s EL' I~ !I~ .r. I r Y'1U 1111 1111 1111;;. II I! ok cbo. ,:;,1.; ; ~~ .;:; 'b~ ':::~r..;';·I~. Ih~' ':"'n~.~ :"':l _ , 8t~l~m pnt ilt truu, tu tL\.~ ~.t o f my knuwlt !" ~ ~ ~ H , H " I II " t I" t lt ' to 10"'0 m~ , T Son~ ..:"n~ ChO'~M . ed~e .. nd bull ar. II" . 11111.·1 'h- .h"te"j"r.~ .11..,.... ~'II1c1t ~ . r1Q ~ 11 ~. .?'::.. 0 TIIIR D S'I'HE E'" "'EAR 1'1"'1'1 Hol;! On. Ii UTEa 0 \\ AIlt> 8 EMPTAT 10tc. AlIolI,or. I .......... I I • II 1·1' .I !I I (' il l's' I,r r tilethood , "Etr-AT )crura JOEL . • .. .,o.com" · 1 EVANS 0 b' ~ IS t";;" ~. -A SouPa ~tory • . By Mre. C. A • • \ · ... e~l ~Io lile Maoro . O S b ' L...I d ll~' &lId ch"ru<. I'" ", .. " r. juv.h,,'.·p ; (fI'. ~Y if! tlmf\.l·tlH', , if ' It ... ,er. .. ... ~.. VINC i "':',' INN 1 \ TI, OHl( --AN ). \I k ~' DI i rtlll~ Oil d tb,: tree" . :; u,i,,· comic "''''g. ; II I" "I '" ". ,'····110 I f",," premn' ure grar .... u .crt an aftlrmoo w before mo. th, W arIie ld , o th we " ,,' ~,,; nOWD 1m p up · 8th day of...... B V S T E W A R.1r Ootober. I j:i. j" ,."... , .. d.e 11,·u IIIHl uiloclioll cellt",d (Ill '" = 81! 00 PER DA Y. !.:;;. ?; ~ ular Southe rn Write r, author • I:' .,. 1'11 :' .. ,....J;!,. 111111 . ",..,,,. "11",,,.1 OOJlHKOT-Atte. t : ----''!L-... ,.. ohll· :I" 1 .. AftES WATl.tO llf. ......... 'The B u Btlheld o f BouHlr ie,' and • n ' .,' ' 0"' _ '0. -triO <t ';'11' ,I "n,' 1;•• lth'''''' torlllg LiLLI e Olrt io's ".i lh tile AnS..!' nn w. S &: 0 .; JOSEPH O. KE!S. Notary Public. !: ~ .... D bl F:.rs.ken . Uul'";"I ... ' ,.IT dd " N ....•. • . • u.· \\ :.1 <l11I~'r Irwl ·I.,,·n,,' fnlla. H S. ,. S • HArNE . ~ . "' • .... ; ~ :::: .=:.. A SETH W. BROW N, ou e n e .. • ,.L) 109 i or. uw \\ " h lllg. L.. yu.lu rlhl>e . ~ .!' . , ': I ~·'11.r1l1 Dlo:a'hl ll", \\·hcll lhe.,· kllOw S. W. RO E ltJ. .nri nn!l ,·bOI'lI " Dlrooton . :- I ~ ' o ",, ~., -~-.!:i;" Sbe WIl8 Wun,' ie publillh ed Ihis 'Z 01110 on' ki ••••1 ... e in In! :i leel" S. k O. JONAS JANNE Y. :<.., ''''''('''''/1 .''''''''1. . ? • iii 1..ltde. llandl we cl •• p (1O mo.~. S,ug ~ C. I != tI. _il. >II ! :ho r,,,llIrl "I' Innr. 1,,1><,..I\IT\' . ~"" I : a :. .. da,hy T. B.Peta r,;o n&Hr oth e rs, ~ ;; A T T 0 E R. !'"I, 1:··"it,0I1.)\'"01'«n';on. llo ,....! ol' luil .. Ph-) d 1 h" . N V AT P LAW , BVC HR.I STIE . 'H t H I .. "".•",. I ':1 rn }I... i 'n \',ll"V hottl~ it. 1he utmOllt b ~ I a I! pia, . a. "'~ es or ow· .... ~uDrt ~1·····.t·!" I... ,-r··~II.!·,. hm:, · II"rnllli,l.millr r iMi r- t:G &rd'.T emptat ton,' makee volume tc I I P uhfieh ' d nnd (llr . • Ie I", "1:' ·'1 '1' jl" .... f'III'1 Z ... 1, til;. "I1't-II ~ <:> ... -1 'l ~ I t. hn ~ C\' d AND NO TARY P UBLIC . C ; • .,.1,\1.i'" I. ',·,·1 .ltl"'!,'" .. ( l,rodn tl,j three of the ..... uthOr'8 N e:n. Edi · " ln~ r Ill'('" .... t;; ~8~ $:g ~ ;: tiono~Mr'. W/Jr~elcre . o6lebra. 1,"·"",."1.10.,,111": ;;""',,,11111 ... ,·croUl'ccte,J. . . ... ro. a ~wa.Yt .. ~ l' u.e •• ftcv .... ·.l\ . . . . .I1..... ., ? ~ 5.t.J.~ _ _ _ ._~ .. 1~E \~ \oJ~ I 7! 1.7. 'J t. Cl A h 101 dl S !l 3 :5 .t ed worK'. ;.< I d' The I are announ ce· "''''Y:'I I''''II.L E, «IA.O. 08 e ..<n . e~. 0 fJ , "y oounty. n laoa; p~,.r\!lr: I)IlV , M ..rl"m aud J ....ob Pierce ber hue· I rio. E S B WALT ON D . I. C ~.Y[ &· CO .• Lowell , MaS$" ment of a new novel by the uuthor b,md.of PieJ'CII Olarlce count)'. Obio: Hann.h Ann ... ' " W"yn •• vill ~. Jul .. 14. I!;. 75. , of '~.he Househ old of Bouver ie,' is Brown and Ethtm A. ,' r:.. t!c.'1 11,.. 1 Annlyl.lcal Ch~U . ~_~L_~ ~ ~ ~~o~~f..~li. 'Z Brown hor huablUld . A TTp RN E V AT LAW ' , ... ., I'" ,\," ""unn l"N "'· ZI:T,,·n En r. t c.ertUlO to c reate. a pro~.ouDd sellsa· WlU'ron COUDty-. Ohio ; Eli OhaDdl~ r. of ~ w ' w ' ~.'"'~ -~. " PUOI.)UC~ 1'IAlU {ET. 0'#;CC8, 68 Broadw a'" ' J! . .. AII~mi lJOunty. ~"" ".; AM Oha"d)e r. of I Ing anxiety nmo ng Warren 0 .... !' tlOll llnd pen '? "i' _.;, l' ". ',l/' aounty. Ohio; MfLrth .. EnWlo ..nd " j ... LEB.lN . ON. I '"~ 01110. S . " . 8 . " all cllllt8es of Dove l reuqcre . T. 13. • ? Eng)/) b r htl6band . of Butler . !" ~ " Ourro utod by Side. & C" mpllI'Y ' A itd i'b tJ. N. D ~ Petereo n & Brothe rs have secured t)'. Ohio, Esther Oh ~ .. , " • _. "" - - ----..ndler Ilnd J~ph 0 er 1 ew 1·ug·. torr. I TIIt/ollow;1Ig Jlwie BIJoh or, ac &hie new /Mm, ILnd it is eertaiu to Ob.Ddle r.ot MlU!On county For Ihn ,. ·I'.r ",,4 ~ !'!':-:':;:; ;;~!-l'~" z , [IUnoi8; Flour, y""i.b eW" Y",ESV ILLE • .0. $,l,25 Ohl\llrller, of Groene couuty. Obio; Boraeo knoltll,dged to fI, tM 6rd 0/ thei,. cia". ~. i" t; §:: ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 :;,~;it ~rl::;11 1~:·:'.':~ '~ prove a welcum e and populu r addi· Cboodler 0 W t.eut, old . lind Allen Oh.ndler. of W ..rrcn 1 40 - ~ .... .... A"h, H«". 1.... 110,,·,·. Purti" ,mdllfg u, ",url can ,ecure ~ l' I" . '!'"d "!' . 1'1. 11,,·\ "'••.•. h ,.1 tion to their ulready large und reo :-" W heut, uew, 9J t 1 :!1i 1t1>'" , •• 1; 1" .\' .. , Pla.,- r,ne MU8ie Teaelaer by ' rlmilttin g Ilf the 9 ' markab !y:well RS89rte d .ca8kot ~f uO'lIIty. Obio; A100rt !! a a a Rye, Ohandle r rwd Elwood E:t81. 7 Ii Bide or )f.ln Sireet . ' 'p rotc fictIOns . If allythll lg, tillS Ohatla l"r. tho t.",t two __+ +__ 6CD. O lf.(t OIc1l . D WI? Corn, being minors. W" YNIR8" .LLII . . . . 0 51)@5 5 freeh story is ellperi J r t o t.be and AKron B. Ohandle rullmed GET 11 ""'""·"'; M mln ... BEST I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ tlleir Oa'ardia n. and ~~ I Oats, 0;;0:i1'1 "'=,. ""fi!'/.\ ~A\Ii" n ' '''' . 25 @ :J 5 iiamous ' H uusc b 0 Id 0 f B uverle, ' Elm .. \Vbltauro. af W~rrcll DOUllty. Obic. ~~,~~;:~'!t, ~',':~.~!~','.~ U """"'1MIa> 1I\I """'l~""""lS Flax The Seed, B .t Pi .. no In.t~! i. will take notioo thnt .. p"titlon W&l\ flI ed 1 \15 ' 11 11" , "~i_ , , ","'Ir .. lera'lIle e1rie . . . . .1. •. AndlA Double Weddi ng.' Time ng.inot tiJem oDtiJe " ~ •. 110.·;,. 'f Burley , 1. ~5 fii) 1 5') " '~; 1·,.1 "" " " ntlllll)' -hollH h,,,·;· II.u,,, ""II"" haw ripened tile rare powe rs of tbu A.Q. H:l70. in the OourttJ tb da,. ofOoWOOr. r. I I,,".a Tt.I\ & .t R..IldOrlt.nln.br~:~:~a.afj . of Common Plea/! ~ .R5IJlt.lnRblr ' f~-'" Potutl!e tl R, QU~ . d' K .... le'. ,,",.n witbin .. nd for tbe Counl)' of Warren and 4-11 tJrn~I·~.~I,l~;·.:~:;:::: ·;;:,:;:~I ;.:;.. ,~•.;I:~·"~~r. I' loON uu luress, un mcre aeed "h State . OlovI:r S~ed, of Obio. bv Oll"id Olllmdler. and i. 7 ()) . ... "" "'.11,,,1 I ..,· , ,,:' pli,~ti~r;e::;I ,,2./i0. 'h., I 'lll . ,lid • .•, " to TIll £ lIDm ' Dl I..~«I,.,m -rvatl' un addl'<i to her rich store of no.. ~Mlndiul: T' The Belt In.truollo r r tlUIPrice tl S d Voi~A il ... herein tbe"-id D... ,·dOb"'n . 4 "'" 0) 11, .. "'., kH . "",,".1 -. Ily U,rlr ""cn I',u,'1 .. ,'. lIU.II> WICI :,vQ/IlllIa , uno 'Y . ec , • .. ... IN lilT I knowle dgt'. These Ilu~mented ad· Jlor 111"0 partiti 01.",,1 I. /.u ";,I•• oI . lh., Co, l1IprJoD' ~ W <of , h.' 'I ' L .... ~... k..... n of the t ..lIowing reo Caouel Cual, delivere d·, .,. - , ••• - A WNQV II.LB. 28 lem "XlleU"I. · t' 01l' or b '''n-tloIl8 . I I.."n~'·co!" I . ..I . I•• MlUte •• iumte l'rl,'" in the ,,3.M> uollnty ho'e. ","chl,I-,.y of Warren V&lltag ee. b I no ort IIf ,.., tnrell to ---0--h c"I.J,.~ Y r~ It y tn lind tit..r.e o( Ohio, Illld deilOribed AS fullow8. (lu~hi O~IlJ The ;'" BeA t Sinj/lllg C.... Boob nro 2() n~l h·I')· ..ltlle'·I!,<I 01'1"0"0 whk h b 'om ..... H ,,\.r-outtin g, Hllir.Drelflling. Shampooibl! V\·.I U d ., •• ., IIca....every c Ilupter 0 f 'H ester · 1l1ll1,1 "lrg»h "nd war · S to·wit: Sbliviuc n", olelUl ..,.1 h.· "}I~r " Pili •• t., ,I . th e .. ··t tl fth OC • illl! a ley. " ~ --.. pd . uoe 'n 16t ""~ M y eo -tlmlllnl. " I" to • .,!lon. Tempta ti ou,' whicb ill certain t o Tli,," lul'!l,lent ,I\' '';' e Price 00 eta. I'e rry (Juunty " F lItaT T RACT- B eing pArt --DKA I.Kna I N - I, 1Ut Inehi1 n" "-, \ln/) h N\1th . lhr vn hir411 ' wh h'hr.:hnlo ', Soo~lon HI. TODllOri ..1 Art. 275 ..... B C... . ""oa ' 'd I' . .. h. n ""k,.'It. d I 0 1on th ". " m"lIft",IC$l<h .. ,'1 ' , 'r . 8 t !t· 5, between tho M'i tlmiof Rh~Dr8, S be&c b leve a Wl e an alt, per barrel, 8stmg popu · .."I'nn',' n""t a stone "1' t he North.E •• t oorn~r . 2 00 ' I. enll .h" "'I1.< II" r.Otnl'lI tt..I •j'h' .Price 75 eta. 0 r ."ltor eu. I I' ~ . .. ~ 50 b /?aut~iful ... M_.I u Cllllllu ...."' larity. Jt won Id not be fiair I UUl kc.~ Lt. ':IH .tlt.!lumn t. 1.u tH.l t.' . " n. 1 r, re,cr\, etB til, r to of oaid IIOOlion. and fIInn iog thenoe (l!'U VollIIM), Price Wool, $1.00 . ' . .. itb 40 fii) 45 i IIvlrt"" \IO''h~yIInlo: cal'dB, readel'l l to even hint ut the plot of thu Ea.t IItie of lllLid IIIlOliOll T with The Best OuJleutinn of Oburob Hu,,;o i. forh.nil)' I~n,,' I "f tlm~. "0> . &,'"l,,!,...11 """r I'r," '. tI . 10 00' E 40. ~ your 1tame neatly printe d Otl V~1 1L~' 1I1 r~II " I .l o. 11I'nlpS, DreM/e '" JIIel..... ....... 40 A IIII."'~II .enr.·h o"lt. \h.)' n,,,l this cbarmif1~ and vi"orou s story; ~ ohain. to the middle nre mlili. nD . ' ,:]'''/11' ' . Apples , harrel of ' the , W .. yo""'~illo 3 50 th to em, 4: 00 and "It!).,,,, 88nt .Ii" to :,, ~anW an.y l~ tboaO addt'68 e I!"i!Utio 8, d o. 01 ;H.,' r h tJlo.n: & FralIklin ...... • LUfopiko: thence wltb I!Illd turn· but we hearti y rocomm en t em I.iko N. tl()O .l Uj' W. 1.8 Apple8 ~ busbel, 1 25 to 2 0 0 ,' ohaluK; tit nee wiLh 'DO.Rt-lDa1!1i. upon receipt of 50 ct,. 1111 11.0 '~"'r~~1' IP • '1 00 n .·n n~II'Y'I" hl'11!r,":' Huga, " .1 forcible aDd pleaain g style, the wJ.'!'n:,'!.:~m!1~ON. 890 ItY W .8.Of dnawn wittl ~ ftrm g~,..;;O;,; :a!(tf.llill lllrwHhI"'.l..... '"'-.ad breathi ng women &nd 11 .... 'l:hT e ... oh~ln. ••Ilone In the North line Dot mere lay flgnrea to weave 11 IlflOtionl·tochenO\! _---. 12 with thit eeotiOD line WHOLE SALE Cheese 18 f· ' d ialugu Price '1.00. l1O' E. ;:7.00 cbain& to the place of Plot around. and .Iforee Hams, ' . The Be.t Q,dtar . n = : ;iiI! . . upon t 18 COIOP ete 1D one )arge nillr,' containin g UO.41)' !l()reAI of llAnd. I ALSO, 0.11..... , 1t 0411"" 'to . ur ~... ; tbe being laud dnilled hy . Dried Beer, . . .)tloe.... ao 00 22 @ 25 duodec imo .v olume, printed on the Isaao Word to..mill ~'o, ..,..•• n'''r,. IIr ~hlrrb"", '1111 on. . Hannah Ollnndlrl r, mila ad Ilf'll!e I U'1.!ncrnlh- l eq Ui rE',\. by .... Thu &.t Qui tl,r Vlloi... JIOI' Jqh .... ,., ......... Gm, •• a.·" , d . 1'. , .~. . b er h' unet t Wb'te • I paper, an d bo un d In 111 .... 110 Id IlD el oODveyed by deed to A a· Sj)cctn clos, Tool & T ........... .... p ' ''UIo o or 'h'" ...... r . ..... I.. l .. ,I•• morocc o cloth, gilt buck aDd side , ron Ob~udler. M aterin l '. l~rioe f2.oo. ~" A nu,1 lAID • • 1.1 "', 0..",,111 1,,· rf,,,,,,," d Id b 11 book II Tho B•• t It"lI'azioe of.,eVooo.UMu.io I. t the SK OND TIIACT-Beingrr tof the Sooth· . Iill1 IIQu...ly. D" token. .' roqlll..,l I'H)\ ""~'· II., · .· • · , \I • an lu , ya Pe ...... , . . ' arUml ?f llou ")·.U" ll. ' Vllh .lIeh chll"~ " •""" ' A _ ee ere a ....... 1...... BaIt qu"rter of 5ooti"n t • T.ll. R.I!. be- S. W. Oor. Slltth .nd 8 Main . Ie. low t;ice of 81. 7lS, or copies or it t ...·een).be Mi"mi Rlvere. oAr . nO lllll lallll. ,lIl1ll'P I'lIr l~"ur $4 .00. g at tbo 0 1NOIN!'i A'rJ. o. -1'11 ""nt to Ill,yon e, t·· all.v ::1outh·Ea.t corner of Mid bettinnill No.. I. 2. 11... S.6, Ih~:~r.h~, '7.8, r.fr.:~.:. .. nd II : ~~I:f:';~ ~~~i:I,,~, 1lO0tiull. and rlln· """ v fo . th relldy. Prino 60 cents _h. ItIt th :so lh bo.lndol'V , to l'r~.h"·" 1110 .. 1\'00<' r" d.·""Ir. tI ""~'~:,~t~: .~ p)uce, post ' paid, On remitti ng price ~~~'f e;~; W ·. t67~i W yon K ~ or HHp,U.." . l o,,\A lu r~'" ,\,,~e . ·\·.. ·· 1 • 0 ;"1... to Award ed the Birhe lt .edal at 0117' . E. 2SIA St. , NE n . t., I:ell Thp~::,~~!=a.:::-Y Piano . n. It 1"011111'00 (.10 Ill-elrd .sr,"·; I : . 'l' to the publitth el·e. w~.t com oI' of W8Ilid l"outh·ERI!t ~___ V1enna . I'~~'~~·;. 1)1 , ...... r'III . I.,ke Ill< "r I'f" , ... ,. 'II ,bence witll the e t bollDd ..ry line .Per Ye ••• S4.00. No~. I to 0 oow Price 61/ cente pro", lo ,litte.U"" "" roli",'" Ihl' d"'," II. . KJOHn D rrJlOU1.TJaS.- pSe e r'tl N . ,•10 W . 59 ao 100 llolel to 8 At-on e'. U flaoh . ,. An ,... , .I'In'"I I,·· .• _11m " ,,, ''' ,~- " n•• , . h ""1\ • • 0 · I' I 1'l\~lIel willi th flr t· line S. 87 0 E. I ' Port Gl'Ilpe W ine IS ur arrallltPmenlJi I . ,orU d b o w('i l'f \'U"IUI , Ic1 n erta k Intt are Il I1IU"ti1c, rlI l " Thft B•• t MIlIfuine for Adunoed Plano complote one If t \ '~ ' j I' l l' . I·t pol"" "" " .tone in ·the Ea.t boundar! IiDR . . orurs O~. 'Y . pm: " ,,",'0 UIi' . Amoag It ,...lie" • •In on'111••• tbeM 591 (ooilitie. B 1·oad1D ·'''' ~. , " i8 a. our l l, beet diuretic s known i~ geutl\· N. 10 York, TREATS ALL PI"r er. i. F · ncts tht! tmction; thence. with Raid lino ~. J(O E . I no , 0""., ,1'·r."~" "'P' " "X Oor!",e Pre~eryer. whi oh i. lhe best to be '-I,. " de "I,,, • . 1. (0 M on th. e kidney~, ~. .. ti~u1iltjflg; and GOlJ6 100 pol.,. to the I .. (JreMe .Ie Ie " .....1 ,,,,-.,1.\\' 1\',''1.1111- '' 11".1· 11,,11 • ,.n.•.. . : I'" • b . ed ThO pl.,:e of begInnin g. i . b t PP ~'ropolllan HoteL ) ... t 1 ' 11111 IIlnk ,I .. :lIrn h ·t' I .It'! '. I,,'lIr h. 'ir· ·. ",:111 Per Y'''r • • ' 00. oont.in ing 62 aore. of lalld. more or I, • • ; M1 ••• ~ ~ c~;:"plei.e o••~: ':vitll ~;;::. ~~~rl~~"~~~' .:1 r .... _ -..... . D...... ... 1.&.~ No•. 1 t<o 21 now rmw,. · Price SO oent. in whiob tho infusin g in . ~J,e\U'~' ~ew vigLlr nnd the ... mo OOiDg " treat 1 ;;·.I;~.!i',·":"'·II"'''nnltlt)" ,'rre " "" II,' ,.1;••. oodv mo)' be placed. droll8od ,,'0 by Daniel Bur n. tu nd <\ND JUmBlvas urgea them to tl,ruw from the 8\'S- ... ife IlUld . nd convAl·ed b), deed 10 A 'rOll eor.h. r all'AII!: " II Y Publi.lw d . pel ~" ..iled. po.1- nnd woder}. Rnd kppt. in B I",r(ect . ""te of Letter lf /,1'0"" (Ill paris 0/ . Do ' .1 . I' . .• ,·I: H.r- ( ·fI •• 1',·.",;.·,, - ~1\ hund ler ••ToIIUKry tem all the worn out partich ST r. ... R... •• 'COPES IaaND ,IIW..::, pllld. b.. , . f 1 r .\ , "''''', I th f ' let, A . . 11I3lI. Ith MIS pre"ervaL lUn 0 1' which if Boffered to remuin wonld oroy II) eng S . a ; t ime. , ,.. . ./, ... Ctvili: :(!(l ' ·f'ortiZ . . ~ . TUllIO TUACT- Boing part o( the South· ti:ll1.®(Y)rM1~ . ' > out . "ilinll t he dro." or I" / ." 11'1': 1. 1. • 1 rJt!' '' .. f' . .... -I. ""y W" )' di.fiK"r. ~~IJ1>=~""" • .... . .l . 'in lt IIIlI ""OY . quarter of Seotion 14. T.8. R./i. bo-' 1 })oieon the blood and crellte diseasc . twcot ";:;~""" 'rn>n" FOK &.".1': r<Y .1. 1_. 1' 111'·., )1, • I;r·:, u..- -'~l:r. Q; w""" the Miami RiyOl'll. Broad way, beginnin g at 11 IF &oum • . olle door ahovu. r ".t om "'''''.U ''''I''''''''J!!o ~vv e> IT 111 IIIGIUL WAY If Every dieease t o a certain extent .wne ctlrncr to Jo_ o. Wllyno8v il1e.Ohi n. flltJ J O D ••• _nd running thence N. 87 0 W. 24 polo8 .. itb Mid Jones' otogra p c a t t 1 1 8 • deman ds a diureti c, eve ry pnrt line. lo astone corner to o..or~ OAnnany . rr ~ ._ O '_ the lIyetcm mu st he ill workill g or· " ' ''gar tree 4 inohOA , I I N. ali0 W . It1l1uke. 11 We Aro [J8I\dqua ........ for e"erywi ng In the der to mainta in henlth, and the hiukury 24 inobOlJ S. 28<> '1:11 0 o ,n mlhf~Vr I • US 18 TllBAT' NO E . 14 lin... ; thence , way of ~~y~~ WJ~~i,lr 0 kidney s especia lly are the main wltb Mid Oarlllany ·. line' lIum ~roul PatieDt a in Ellrope, the S. 1 10' E . 67 BTBRE OPTIC OIU AND KAOIC pele. to ~ .tono conlor to ~Bid Oarmany LART avenuCt ! for the escape of the poi . 6" .10 ERN. . FlIIrn ituli'A Welt Indies, t.he Dominion of ' . OO.oh Hi inote. S. 70 E. SO linin. an uh. onl of tbe syetem . Physici llilS 4 ill ohe. S. tItIo E. Caaada, and in every State ; th"nce S. 870 Bcing MAnuf",,'urel'l of tho have, after etrict trllLl and due 10' E . 241'1)1~s to 6311iullA • ~tone; thence wltb A,,· ft • .,.O.t!IC.BNT.F.C ..... "T•• ft.f? 0 1 11, of l111 truion . . _ .> O I'l9l ~ I " ~ ~~~~- ~~~ ~~- ~ ron Chluldle r'slioo N. 10 10' W . G7~ pole" . tn't~r:it-;A examin atIOn, ,Olin d S peer'lJ -::n.;. ~~~.-c 8 ort to tbe rl~ of beginnin oi g. IlOnboim ng 10 AD"IIU T.,!U. H ... ItT.H •• ;TI~8N.'" ,.. S Grape Wine to answer the purpLlsc acre.o 0 .ilutd. more or ADVI CE CIVEN BY MAIL \ ~hnufIIC l ur~" " II kind. of 11Irelld & C,., ke . o. d ;"~I',".'".er "_ B ui Id Ie",,; theA~me being in~. _ai" trL~· t. A.TOP ..·.tJe:.. . hi dllily fur d WII)'Il csville ..nd the " urrollndlll ~ IVA 1 ...\ ES 1' ll L E, .. 0 1l10, R trllot by V"y;d Uoutgum oryand wife ""ld OIlOUL L ANTEI~N ad mira y, UII I'CCOmm en d I't'III and FREE OF CHAR CE. Is whlel)' knoWD ' . FAMIL \' L,,~TltRlt . noi!t"h:>rh ..nd. Special .. t .... nti.nn I conveyed by dced to Allron Qh"ndle r. is giver> PEOPLE" LANTE RN. In furni_Ioin!! as one of the mOit caaes where a diureti c ie needed . Allril ard. A.D. 1862. Tn tend8 to keep uu bRnd "f..lllill Oor Fllr. ICI) mehu , I., mecllclnM or deleterlc",,, "fU,,1 nile#!. E.uh .Iy:. belllg the hest of It. da88 In the eiFectual rcmcuiU l Thil wine ia ruised in New Jer8ey , e CAK~S n AIl .lurlnMtl,e J)nllt twent y yeM " ,,'I'G tt'll "nCOt"fl. And tbe d oresord p.rtlea are further no· tllture f thw v~rYFheI·t GCJUIIIUi:Y ·l,I\.IIEd RtSM mR l k~t. ever discovered (or • . 11 ~V tilled thut "fOOr 'orty da,., ' publioation of f ully 1I""t"~ 1 ur qu\ll1 4n, UO\t Collie-I<. All flo ClA conL An d 80 ld by d rnggls •• ~ .... gener." y. clea.nsing the. ,,\.,.. thi Bn otl~A . Ill! ,.,qulred by I.... 1M! IIOOD.. IU'd,r(1 wl Lh t.' . · h cue are Ql\r ~rnll~ n lC()1'de d , Cfttalogue~ of Lfto",rn, and . Iides ."Ith AND PART IES, d :1': I' &8 C" O bo fO lllld in whiJther ~ny to"rkot Lluw be oo mlll ltn i{'lltlul b)' ItoI.v-r or tn . the 8ald D~.id ChMndler oao be hoftrd. bo direellons for tI ~ lng sene Hi •• took tent un purl,l,Y1Il1 on appllc .. llon. . un .hurt OO D8i"b notlc... o f ~ ..... I .1 n. .. ur ·, k""p 0' ;"01'\''''' U)' tile 1)uoll )r n!' hili . ..oct" l., · wiJI appl,. for on ordar thAt partition m~y the' blood. It bu Ao, anterprl, ing mun can m.ke mnll e" phpl<i.... Tbe 1&110' .... oil ....1\1160 medical ~ "rtt~tmiMt BUl'eaU8, Tablt'H. StallrlH . 0/1,, ;,'11, bo made of Nid real e.tat... And th.t ouoh with .. Ma~i Blood tho tcat of I.• nlern. Otr . . • W . ,,~"'" otbor prooeedingA may be b.d IlJ! are .utbo........CII\ Ollt thl,.d"c rUlemcn YCIl", with & COli' Sofal/. I.OUlIg ~8, BI'II.~l etTrl8, .lJ1 1...lldl.t a dl.",n... are ""lul~ t. ftn""., . t to. refelenclil .tanllygro\\,iDg rtlP' '" .11 h, ur•• eDd " wUPFlly.of ized o ...... dO<! 1m 01 "",I. quo"lo... wh'oh "III be by the In duab _ .Alatt1·a made enol R8t R, :;:13-11 L (lo!.·il/g proylded . . statuto utation, DAVID OHAND LER. lunu<hM by ..... ' r...... "t th. om.... A rom· lntrin. ic virtues, and su!tAinedbased Oil itf . aLal/NU, .B1·a"k, .tlt, Staple By SltTU 'V... BROWN. hi. Attorn_:r . by i' l rorlul • • yflmm of ftlll,, &e.,lua p,.. " ntA Inlll'" k tt (If markaLre cures. So Dnt"d thl.18th .ray of October. A.D. 1876. mild aa \.0 be sn..fll Slid t. ' C HIC,..iun. Cuo boolur"nftWeT COIHlUltb..I , uoepL by &c., d:-('. The higb •• t M"rk.. t Prine.. paid, In tho 184-7w phl·tiC!>'" of tho .. tabll,bm.·a .. For r,.. bcoeficiKI to <:hildren. BDd yet iIo scOl'Cblnr 0 ...11 ur er..de. r>lT Oountry Proc\ltloe. ODe ~_od·hand ShlftlDg Top' Huggy . . . .nd f.r Ii.... of 'I"" , lono. 1ft'" ;;~:'~r ~~t~d·.:i;:"II. in \ ...A>IU'UlUO Corkr', Inoka ; as to ly purge out tIlII gront co... Queen Oity B akery. """P"!l'I "",,,phI.' 0 1 . .Idlll_ of IU"",," ruptiOlloOectual AIIO. oa. Rookaw.,. Oarrlag. , Pole And 8 of the hluod, ouch ns the scrolUlolII .... , fir. ol.... Shan.. Both ~ehlol •• n..rl,. ue.. OftO be NOTI CE. . and 8yplulilic conllUninntlon. Impurities, Addr... Dr. E. '9. FOOTl C, boo,ht at low·dowo prloel . Inlluhe of Notlce ii bereby giYeo, th.t tbe under. Or disell5c8 tlmt I>nvlllu.ked in tile ,ys,elD AND .I~ed h .. been DpJ>Olnted E xeoutor of the Bo" K . T. ANTRAM, '88, New York. for yrar!. soon yidd to this roweri'lil alll1· bllY i n~ (0 flo e ne,.. H eurllO, .. ud Q fullli .. o of Betate of ELLIS WARD, 11.... of WU'l'tla B.rnYlll llrg. Ohio. tho beet doLo, and t11mppcar. Hence IIJi wonderful The unde ... lgnad hcp lo inform ACEN T8 WANT ED. Oonn&,., deeMled . .10S. O. KEYS. cures, mnny of which nre publici,. bowD, For the Lauudr ." lbe pllhllo gen erAII,. !>hAt he hAW Aog. 00, 18711. Exeouto r. DL 1'00!"8 .. tlIe ant hor or " lllJlrcAL CUI' of Sero.h l", and &.11 scrofulous diaeuc.. opelled a nu... M.a' Market in 'he 110 11 "........ • bonk ttI.t nach«J • cJn :nl"d Oll IIANUPACTURKD BY old Il.nd of LeAk & fluwnes. wbere he will Ulcers, ErUI)ti ontl, IUld erupu.. dJ. Dnd .. line . ..... rfmcut of or O"'t" 160.000 t'Vp ll!Jl ; aJ ..., of .. l'UI!'f n o~. NOTIC~. Dr. W . L. B.rtle, oll'.re for hi. the Uen. keep eon.Lanel, OI1 hand ' T ALE," .on I'1!Ct'n tl,. pubU"baI. whla b haA MIld orden of tho olin, Torno.... BJoteb .,.. mlftl l'l:D! 'l:nli__ ~ tey Proport11. OD Malo · Itrwe" oppo.l .... hi. to the .. .......a. of 'to,OOO eov1es : allO,. of .. 8 aCtfC8 BoOs, Plmple a, Pulltul ee, ~.ree, 8t. The IInderelgned h.. heen o.Iul,. appointed The But Starch in the World. rolideOoe . ,,'b, hOUM I. romodnll DI (ur a E.ecuto r of tlio lut Will of A BRAII THE V E R Y BE S T now beJng publllbtd to Iftt!... Anthqo y's FIJoe. Bo8e or ~~ ~ ~-.!!,~~ ~~~ ~ L.... 8~o.t," whicb" AL · GIVE~ A BEAUT IFUL FINISB TO JI\tI, l.'ettcr; Salt Rheu.. .. 8eiald Iton balldlal. &lid I. In a good locatIon. QOJlfT'D1'8 TA8LU EX. lale or Worr.a Oouaty. Ohl0.l. deo·d. I .boll clldllAYllr to do my bt>.t of to "Il, .. 11I THE ...,uUf· . fi t LINKN. &1' ( 1 a.... m•• t looed Th. lut '" &tI (eee frone. And will be dl~l · and the oo. t helween " ' and ,,,blob Heqd. RiDlJw orm. and Internal VIJOEL tVAr-tl . Xa·r. tb" fnor IIf all who may coil on me. aotl· t. tmL of prlnL), ..ul be Mnt. heft on " ,.,,,lIention ceratlo ns ef tbe l1terua , StDma eb, ISed If d•• lred. Inqlliro common _tarch I. lIl.ruel,. helta oeDC for.t.ll ~ept. 14, 1815. Dr. B llr"ftl' or l Mutto n a;rAEntullp",or k: ~Ive . ati"If.etlan. '" " thor Dr. Pam.. or tb. ur JOMph G. K.YI. IIlII hblJU· and Lh·er. It &110 cure. otbet COIIlo Oct. 6. ordlllAry ".shlol· Awk ,.ollr I - r for 1&.. I.. COSFU,. "b... oftI.. la 1l1li \Iu\ 1lI!Ih 8.... l . plRlnl.ll, ~ which It would Dot aeem • ftl especlA~mu-bo c.h men and wom""n-w uWd to flCli the coon&r, aWordl : and "II .,,111 "" kcpt Ihft rcrrcrotnir work, to. wbom. IllJeral prun, ."ill .Uy adnptcd, Buch as Dropsy , ~'~n.....,"KnINl~,FOORNRD"S::wllAIICB FHa, Neural gia, HeanD Uphol8tel·il1·V: P ';et'ttl'c <6.Mirror bI Itnow..... 1'be t.,pnninr ~-.~ M • •~ .,.11 forumu I'or Lalln4r ., all4 Bo••• Jlolct V.I. ~&AA C LEA N A ~ D N 10 E . ha y• .,.. tude to _1lIoll Dr. FOOT'" "ot)111.r Femal e Weak D.., DeblUt )'. F'BAJ f1NG . !fh. Pro1!t!l'l.111&elr 1IC000pied b:r a.nub ' h the orlgln.I -!:! tabl18bed Ln 11M!. Aad LeucolT hCJea, ."ben they are 1UIilnJee. MAltU, AC1'U8IID .'r .oro. . . .......hf 110111"1 " ALa " 11 pa,rt1f.U t.rl, BAhan will he rol1&od OD reuoaab le t e r m l , dune promptly . l'ronopt .ttantlon to oaU•. prll!ar~e. Itl I'<lplllaliOD .. naotlGD , • ...."ltler' to atlnl"'" &Dd to lkIaJtca m eroa," · It ti005 ~r the IICI'OfuloUl poIIOnl!. ,. " a fOOd lenant. Appl, to Joe, G. K.,... AIIO .....merlOa;& Ultram an,,, WO,.k6, pu. .a and .ul•• tlllLtOU. lban eDY JU"t.'IIlh l!- thl..a.. fur tho )·OUIIII. "ad (fW coal#nta It Is an excellen t restorer 01 ~ tuIct . • table. an4 Me fur ,...,...JveA.. Ttle fton'Mr an""'en .trtln~th in the S[.ring. By renewlD olher artlcl. of abe klad oll'er· · "._A."IIf,~. t ... BAlYL~ TI,o leedillK INDEPE NDENT RU'ORM • mullll~ 0( qt(altlon. whlob Our Walh Blue I. the bol' In ' the world. and .:f:n l~ ap!leht and ~Igor of die dlpltlft CIIpMt ed •• Iaber of ab • ..",. -me . ..... rool .dI"~ ._ Mltl,.. tII"l. WEb:KL Y poli,I';"l new"P"PCr ill tbe Unl. It doee DOt .heell, coa&a1n. aoablDII lqJuri· it iliwPAIO or wllh odJar tUI.. I the deplftDo n Uld IIMIIN .... 10 I b II I Tb.... t. " o<I.iI!c la ",.....,nt at .U lI).o eilllcl 1 ted t.IO\eI: the tpeeial idv""" .... of .tbe u.. ou. to bealab or f.brle, ·1UIcl1. uaed ' br all '3TPus0 1l MAOOo... Ph. D.• b ., th. w o. or , Ie. lae. ll~e IDO • call. . terM'" . . LM fqrqfOlD,Jf work.. .. 8C7rr.ltca ... &Tna,," goof of the leuon. Ib.n whoro . . . . . . . . of Ls.bor ...gdn.t Combined Capl. lbe lIrge laaDdri.. OD _ _ at of ha pi.... ~lpeH .he.1eaI .aaborltr 01 Barop•• care· IPPCa'rs, _ ODly people ........ /\.-el IC beu« ......... ..... 1m kIMw, 01 tIM PaWlalo_ JEB U MU LLIN • lal; Legal T nder Paper !Ilonay .. llpinat 101 ol'eOl UIcl cheapll "'; SlIperlor tIIr fIIIly .aallIecl abl. Oom Stl\rcb ••Dd Ill,. 1& K.rcb for cleantlog the blood. TIae-~ 17. ....~.Ar ~ ll _ 111 : TAl.'" 0 , f. l"lbtl,..,,,, I. lthlh 'bI on BAnk x..IUH ."" the GoIIl BellI, FaJIAIlY. wblte"ub llll!. 1'IIt'!]l ID peelrep l OODnlll· ... e••II~D& ertlcle ."Ith _Wed die&, and JIpr la ..... _ . . . e( .lId ( •• nat.. ... tor t.mlry _. Prloe 10 caatl _b. Oaoe .ad tbe Jill rehaD,ea blt OIlI'reOCY Boud III ebealeal ud feedlDg prop,~" la rD1I1 Ufe. . . . . . . . N. . . .A• •D.t. 'OVA: a.eecs . arpllLlt tile Hip Gold htetea& BOnd. Por .... II,,-r o ..~h_. Alwa,.. eqll.1 to the belt IU1'Owroot ~. _ . . - . . . . . . Tbe tSUN bu e tiDrpa of able IIon.po. .d. ADllaESa . . 4JWva . uIt for t1i. A....' n W'••• Br.v.. I' yotI DII:ectioM !'of _lIlnl Pu~. Oll .~rdl .............. _ . ' Lbe 0 1 - ' " ..t the elloaoel& ..d ....At. pNiound _peDY eaoII ODO.""." , pacll"".. A ........ .,.. willi! I&&DlP, . ........ 0 &b. _DU" 1IJ1l3l1IJ a".ya l.,JiJi!J J;lQljliiIWl C. . 0lIee. 11 wnu.. Il._to. 110" YIII'I!.. ~~I~~~:!.:.lIecl°~ _.\l0ll0 Ill· . . . hy • •11 Cor IGel., , S. B. FOCI t,. Po ........ ........_........... CII_. ... M. " ., •...... w.... -"'''-S 1.10 \> m
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of Tinll y WII n tell I t nt "Ith pr ptle~y to Y notlllng ot ~lfIue Fluill 11_"" l .......U .. I ly Wym n IllU tef{~d eoumg to fre 1118 A, P red or blue IlIk ultab\ for IUlUd and poke to hI WIfe about her lIIlC "ILh tam can be made b) rubblDg conduct In th frlendlt t llIlOJll'r III th Prmwan blu or drop lalce "Ith fine clay world ~ot to II outdon In Ivihty b mLo a thick pruste with water franlel) rephed tllllt hilt 1\lfI ctlon "Ere A.I f c1cU nd firmly alll! urevocably c ntere.lon fill A'I Hl'l'E\I A 1'1 m""e 0 (lUI me 11 ney And that h e grClltly pre~ rred 11\ Ing wood IIl1bc "Ill de troy m all Ir WIth lum Wyou 1II8 I 1\ plllloso\lhl'r To make a~lue wInch WIll ro I t fire, ho realzud tllIlt tb dl urued lUlIII "bo ml J\ bandJul of <IUlokllll1o III fuur ~um r('cI hIm 1I to be deluded WIth the ounces of LID ell 011 lind boll to It good h pe that he can reI 1\ e the Illre tlOU 01 lhlckne· tben "prend 011 tin plnte~ III a Il\l or lick I WORHIII 18 Il (001 UDIle tbe shado It \1111 becoDle ,:x~-eclltngly let COllJug1l1 hft Lt'l'UIlIO OOll tlllflill lted hurd but Illlly be el"lll~ uIssoII cu ovor \lIth Illhdohty 111111 th ere IS llot III tb e l he fire :lnd ui!Cdlll! ordInary glu ,~holo chcDlcstry of h)\ nil agt.'ul power1',E\ Ell P II'I'r II IV III o\'cr old paper ful cnou~h to clilll llllllc dollll81ng usIlnd PI\StC Always IK!rnpe dO\l n thor )1ICI0111101 cnnnll\ltty or restore oonll \lgllly Old paper can be got all by dCl,lce III lbllt purity wll1 ~lz ofllll thlllg dl\mlJeDlng 'Hth IIIIlerntus lllld wal<er elt!C goc \(I IllIU. O up n /1l'1 fe t dom tIo Tben go o\'or all the cflok of the wllll UllIOD Wymllnij h III I 10 llgh t u( lI11thls \\1\11 pltUlLer of PartK and finnlly p\lt 011 Ilnd IDllIledllllEI~ Illthout showlIIg 1\ l \\ 11 b of a "cak solu~1 n 01 t urbo" feehng f 1)lU!I!IOO propo d I ~ rlUlIHon n\JIli ILt lIc.;t VI \.0 IK uHlIi out of r'l lIIlylng II IiIl lov Ii 'rlllll V bi! t lnd f1dur WIUI t"oounc r glu dl~l!Olved wan\e\llllDl be 1I0uid Igllol rllll fight In 6.'\ h quart IJf Pllste hill! an ounce tltlc and IDtere t "bleh 1)£ h ld 1lI her Lo of powdered borax im pr ves tho nux TlIln ~ provldl'tl tit hltt r woul<l CO I C ture nnllt to lake good care 01 Lit IHldr!'1 T remo\o film III II (,'Olt 8 oye u\k I\oel allow hlln to, 1.11 tholll U! rIl'l Illld hen S ot! put SODlOIII n rhllll Lake a ~tny iii! lung us led fI 1111 II featber from a goolll\ Ii or b lI 'd wlllg IIlcd WIfe, \ll t h n flusu<ill pr Cll,tlll cy put ~bo fcnth or nd iota Lbe 11111111 then undertook to procure Tim ,' y ~ >Igllltur\ tuke hold of UIO IIl8b 01 tho e, o ,,"th tho Lo a cOlltn L01 that lIulure fhnL lery tbumb and finger 1'llJS6 it a · littlo IlOli forenoon she Ilecomph.bed hl'r deetr(~ with thootbc rh md g lv n IIllght brush lud the contrll t '1118 ~Igned and (Ielll ncrO!l8 tho ball of tbo e,)'e glvUlg two ap- ered 'lho three partie C'OIICllro dpllcaLlolls a dll,)' for th hl1!t d"y or two lenvillg Olit the dnldren-being Ulen II tit lye 1M muob IUOllm~d tben use di po d to amumbly arrange lllllUCrs 01100 n dllY un Ll1 tbo oyo 16 " 011 H IK II betwet'n thelll 110n y 8ugge Let! th It It u e c ure would be tbe prOI" r Lbmg to r ..'<Ird the trlllllllchOD by 1\ bIll of ~Io In Instru lUl'nt whoac undIsputed vlIltdllY'\Olllu A JJtue Mistake. The I spers have been teIJmg wbat prevent 110)' afler clup. ~hollld eIther Bldc repent 01 th lJllrgulII Tbere Wng some oftbe m call a ,ery romantiC s tory, IIOme hlgg hllg I to th term~ 110110 II hutto the effect tbat sam (arty year ago fhe call Thoml\/! E mefso D! Pre Ident of ~he Old ever Lo the prol'Dllltion p~r /It' \VtndllOr Bank IU Vermont I\R aUl! Hlrsatlon ollde<l III n d umc nt b IlIg drawn up and 8lgne,1 \\bleb sreclbed pected of r bblng tho bank of nbollt ~O,O lind was ~rled, found gUIlty, and thnt., for IIIllI 111 conSIder IlIuD 01 ltfly confined III Wlmlror JaIl tor many years. dollll1'81D hund pilld W,mRII8 cOul ev c\ to 1 iuney Lhe II Ollllln IllS Wife bls tbr A lew daYB:I 0 all 001 H Harlow, of children ILnd lliso a cow lind one calf. 'VlndllOr WIUl remoVlug aD old brIck oven 'lhe womlln \\[\ ij deSC ribed bj uam lind ID hl8 hou!!e winch WIlK formerly OCCII pled by the CMhler" KittreClge, he dis ago "WIth almost lIS much ~art.lclllarl~y IlS oovered IIOmewbere ootween t40000 and the cow lind coif TIllS bill of eulo Is re $00 000 of the mll\l!lDg money In a bnck corded III tbe Town ~ blp Clerk 8 office III v.ault lind r the oven The Inference tbe town hlp of 1'IelUlllnt Phlln8, Lllke co\lnt)' Ilnlleyand lIlr 'Vymlln6 are naturally dra~n from tble imperfect ln .DOW hVl!lgtogctber formatIon '!VAIl that tho Cubler stole and ...:..-_ _~__• __..-~ eel die mtmllT, and ~at-ftmeT'llDft- The Destl'nctloD ur tnalAnola. Willi lmJlrllODed wUhoutea-. But the.. ct\ 'Ii k. 11.. 1 BurlingtOn Free Pm~ 3twetly spoill the Tbe deetr~oW;n·~t ;h~ vIlIsl;e of In wbole story by g lv1ll8 t e facta, which dla.nola Texnll, IS a "enerol tOpIC of can are these uMr Klttre~g8 never WRS vel'tllLtion In tbis Q'i'ty to-dllY Among Cll8hler of the baDk, 1\fr EmefllOn 1'1'118 the TexlLns now III New"Y ork I~ UJllted never IIccui!6d of rohblllg tbe liank, and States Senator Morgall C ,Hamilton WAl! ne\ et tried, found li/ullty, and con who is SLoPPIII at the tllrtevaut House fined JD WIndsor J&II Jar the olJellllO He elowly 'rell~ the detmls of the flood au<l fiually there 18 110 )1111111 Wmdllur dll!llsters aD the TexlI8 canst Lo the writer Thoma/! EmerllOll was Prl'llldent of the thIS morlllDg With R gruvo countenance WIDdllOT BlUlk anel hIS nephew, Rufus oCCllSlonally stopplIIg to comment IIpOU Emerson was Casbler The I!eDlOr Em them He knew he Bl\ul 01\ the bU81 oreon WII alllQ a member of the firm of ne'!!! firms 10 Jndlllnoia whoee nRmell EmerilOD & Lamb formerly EDlel'!!On were reported to tbe dIspatch The Lamb & Harvey tbeJunlor member be filmlly of Captalll D crous, of D ecrolls lng Peter Han ey tbe famous merchant POUlt, all of whom were 1000t will! one of and fflend of Dantel Webste r, of BOAtOD the oldest and best ).:nown In the State who acted ILS rede IIlIng agents of the I ·' h d bank IU tbnt City, About tlie year ]838 SenllLor Hltml Lofllllliu e " Itlles,oe aTl Emerson & Lamb falied, lind t belr futl overflow or Galveston Island III 1 37 ure caulled thut of tbe bank TbolDll8 The rcbnlldlllg of tho Lown WIlS not be EIDer-dOD wa.~ llceu d of mumpproprlllt gun IIntll 1839 At toe time of hlB Vllilt I th f ti s Af tb balll: alld 011 thIS the water cdme up over the ISlllUd dee per nil. e Ull v e, tllan It I" 1I0W reported lo hllve been but charge WII8 ImprlllOned fl)r solDe tlme In the flood WIU DO higher All the dredg Wuod tock JUII wheuce he fina\ly ob- II1gs from tbe chlIDllels bu~e been d epostlllned hiS relell.l!O IlJld weut West Sub lted tin tbe town Ight lind 111 tbat way !!equant to the faIlure an IIttempt was th e level of Ihe Isloud bl\/! been oon luer mllde \.(I re \lve the blink, and It!! bIlls ably raIsed rho Wind at that time were bought up at \IIflOUS d,scount!! blew III tbc IIIlme ,lIrection ucce&ll\cly With thIs end II vIew but tho IK!heme 1U1t did lInftn the prc!!eut dl&'\l!ter fell tbrough and a new bank the AlK!ut Iugularly eno\lg~ lL 18 not Ole lIOuLhe lilt ney IIIl1! orgamzed The rCltllOnable II Illd that 18 drellded but the northeAAt probability I tberefore, thllt those bills aud Ilorth 1 hCHe wlods com hllbltuull) bought up to start the bank IIneIY we re h i d I l Intrusted La the Cl\llbler ltllfusEmersou WIt \ery great VIO euce 1111 a m o~t Il The rOJect bemg 1It>I\Ddoned 1IId the "IIYS partalce of the character of nurth ClI5hfer dYlDg sbortl) afterwa;:d tbo llllls eri!A long contllluallce of 80utholl8t wllld s remru llcd unlhought of IlDd uncared for blows tbe wllter of tho Gulf of MeXICO lIutti found lust wcek \D througb thc Inlet of Gaheston Blly Ol.tE fresh momcnLoes of tbe \lBlt of past the cIty at ItI! mO\llh If It theu Peter the Groat to Englllnd bave recent- dle8 the pIled \lp mlUl8 of water 810\lly Iy been dISCI vered luGlellt rowor s treet rcccuos, wltbout dOlllg :lny d lmago Jf Loudon 1hey consIst of II SIdeboard howDver, It Buddenly \cers to the uorth 1\ bookCl.lsO omlllll Iron cite t, the" ork of CMt alld norlb It Illows the Wlllcr t.1ow II hI S IllIlJ csty Tbe tIldebollrd IS o( 11 dllrk tbe bay dO \ lolently tbllt It br\1l1ks ulor colo red ollk Illd rIChly carved Iu lhe long low i8la[;d wlu ch Iiolle sel'lIra tlls brendth It 18 SIX feet Lc1l11lChc. In depth the bll) frolll th e Gulf. III tbls wl~y tllc one foot ten IDcbcs The whole I est on CI ty 18 s ubm ergod There lire two Ollt II pbnLh "Ith cOn\/lIltloDal fohage rhe letl! te ihe blLY hut 011 sneh OCCO ~IOII H II1lddle Hbelfor aldebonrd hIlS two draw thoy nre losutllclelll 'lho 11I1I'lld I ~ 011 era :lnd IS Hllj1l>ort.cd by two bnlUBLers till IIverage IlCllrcoly two fI et above blg h '1ILl! cops Tbe bookCII.sl! IS nbout fOllr tldo At the \lcs t e nel tbem lire II fe w fect ~ IX IDcbes ID brendth nnd fuur feel I!IlDcUulls of IIbout tho 811.0 of those 011 Clght IDclteK blgh conKlsllDi first of a Concy IKlnnd 1 nd 011 tho 0 LlIt end where moldcd plinth rcBtlllg on the Roor WIth Gnlve~Lon IS bUIll there I ~ n Khgblly cle two sld cp and center dl VI KIODK Lo ~u p- ,nted rIdge along lho CCII Ler It 1MKiln port three Khelv('s ] b(,!!e uprIght. nlso ply a rang, low rCllch of burren s upport II nchly modeled C Irmco orn 1 whlt o IIILDd lhc rc IK no pOSMlblhty men ted ",lh conventIonal nCRntbus or conRtructlng levees or brClkwllter~ le'I\e8 "lid HO"CTI! rho two Kldlll< and uut of the Shlftlllg C Ifth of "Illch the rentml <\1\ IKIOII h 1\ e III ffllllt pllnst.crs IKlanrlls " holly cOIIII'('ocd but the W I tel'!! "It It grotell<lue hun K hl'tuiH fl owel'8 nnd have nOlor rl i!C1I hlJ);h cnough to CIllIi!C fohn.g e Rnd In th~ conLer uf "llemare col gell~ ral ticMtrnctlon 01 Iluddlllgg. Proper ored the RIIKKIIII coati! of arm s lind her fOllndutlonK huwcver lire nil Impotl8lbll "Idlc 81l1elds fh e wrought IrOIl chcst Ityon the 1811\1111 A thlD crustof mOl 18 III lengtb one loot eleven IDcbel!' III ILbl but compnrntl\cly hard sund brefl(lth onc foot and ( ne-half un mch covers IL stratum of 'lIllCkl!llnd sIxty feet III helgbl olle toot lIud olle and a hnlf thIck 1 hlB exlend. unlicr thc entIre I!lchllll formed of J;>laLe-lron bound Island fbo hOlll!lls til rafore are mArely Logether with straps wltb large wrought- set 00 tbe llIlud and 118 I!OOn IUl th e naler lroll lunges at tlle SIdes Tbese articlCII surround~ them tbey Ilrc flollted off or lbougb nearly tllO bllndred ye:lrs ~Id! bellten nbout b~ tim \Va\l'!< Inlo tic('p are well prt'.8(lfl ed nnd will be preeenl.o<1 water Lo the Emperor at UUS!lIa, Lo be placed SenaLor HamIlton rear~grelLUy tlmt the Il!llong the other remlD\8C6nC88 of PeLer llood b~ IlIJured Corpus Imstl WhlCb th GfCllt at MOIIOOw from lte poIIltlon 18 very lu\ble to daUlage , by tlood. IlIdl1lnoll\ be thlDks wiJI 1 HE alt Lnke Tr,b me clallDslo have never be reb\lllt It will contlDue to be Il kel ton one hundred and tlurty SIX a raitroud and steamboat stMlon but feet long In Its ottice 1be mIghty bones elnce a few years ago wben It 1'1'118 made w re unearthed near Ity reek canyoll thetermlDuBoflullllroad.t.ltbll8dwlDdled lind are SIIJlp0i!6d te be tbo"C or some in commerolal worth 'j 'be planteTII In creature tbat endured (lXI"tence In the tbe mterlor now hl\lIl thea produce to barbarous old tlmlll! of tbe malltodon tbe statton8 on the mild and n6lITly all th buslDell!l lhllt ball heel) done at DIi1Ul!ICl j 74 he U DI ted StaLes 1m ported 108701 tons of colfee from :szazll IndIanola ball boon tbe transfer of good" Tbe total conluml!tJOn of LobaecQ lD all from car Lo 8teIUD boat ellooJlt the CQllntneB III whIch it II! proGEORGE BANClROFT ltaH had the Pru. duoeCllfAll etltlDla\ed II~ 376 7()() tone in 81an Order of MeTlt conferred upon hIm 1867 by royal command THOSE hI,) a~ alw.y. peerlug Inte tb. aft'ain of !hell nftghbof!J i.'ODiLltute a l'B.B productll of St. Peter'a pence ••". mean IOn amoUDU to 6,000,000 franca a 1fJU ---
.. ....... . "
BaIDB AK.E.-Take one aDd 1\ naif upfulA of SII ar one-half upful of but1e1', on au p(u) fl our a IIltle more than 00 upl\\! corn tareh haH cllpful BOlIr milk hi of three ew, olle-halt tea 'JIOilnful 8Oda, one teuJlOOo(ul lemon n tl1l t lin _ ~ NAD]L-DilllOlv !lJxouuces of hit up.. In a pmt of boIling 11'8 I, and milt witb tit a quarter u(a p1l1t of I_on jul lind Il -q uan r of a J1!1J' of IIluPny, tbree-:qua~n of a pint aUk, ~r tli wboll! well to• thmugb a jell, hag un
a U
cokl h I, riIad, /\u uee. ~ IUd frfth MOb 10111
~ . .~ . be
UaaC wiU
_ _ hta
tit 1\Cl o Ellylu ICI.ftm Ie. experlel~C 111 ml\m\rlll~ which 18 ng:un8~ 'prcllillIIg DI IIl11ro uver A
gil e l bl ~ 01
th" Burial'll III autumn
Llltc III llutUlII1I
b cll rted out fOUrLoen ox loads
011 onehalf acre Iwd IIprelld It.. expectlllg to (llow th gruuml at once. bnt IL s mltlcn Ire ~ prevonted In tho ~ pnng bc emt d ut mAnure froll1 tbe btun (cllllr ~ud COl ored til adJomlUg ~round 1 he wholo 11 M thOIl plowelr and "Iont d II ItU Carll The crop Willi mUI h beLter Ull Lhllt l>ortlOl1 ,*,:nureU III the M(l rll1g t lIhough tho lsad 11 lIS poorer Thr wrtter belt ved Lb, mUrIur sprelld III the' (tlllo~t It ~ Ilmmoll/a through the \\lIlte[ 1\.11 be dete"ted th ~olallio por tlOIlS II beno, erlle plll!llt:d lJellr
III E beijt flumer l' ho "l1l1 "\I!!eS tht be t and largest ~rolM! 011 tllC IIltll\c8t
8urfl\ce or land at tit lel\8~ expense Blld lit tbe IIIll1\e Lime aml~ I\lIy Improvcs hlR 11011 who \lllde~ndti hl8 bllsi nctl8 ami att nds I~ 1~, w1iOBe mlln\lro hea(l1.~ , c ry larg lind IIlwa)'llinc rell.!!lDg who oorn crib and smoke houlll\ Il!re at home l II bo 18 8urronnded b)' .11 tbe n~ CII lind comforts 01 life, who etudll!ll hJ~ prl;lfes810n and tn to eh perfcC llon III It ",hn ke8ns..a.! cCQlln~ofbl~ "pell 03 M wclt-Mll.. At') ADtl wJ 0 lOr.n..,. bOI\ he standi at e e:nd of cRcb selll!On ucb a (armer, I ne times 011 t of ten, ",Iii , neue d, and not only make !nrmlDg a plen.."IInt but profit;able occupatIon Try It and see hQYlt 18 yonrself. reader September Cern IOrop Report. The Septcm~r reJ>Clrt of tho n~pllrt men of Agrlcnltqre l\Ilysoftbe corn erop Conld It be thorolJ~bly ripened, ItI! IIggre li;at-O would ellejl6O, any prevIous era I). and tbe YIeld per acre woulli be one 01 tbe best, nOli!l'ltbllillnd1 ng the !Iv rflowof Lhe bottoms Rnd ..he IlIltnratlon of heavy flat 801iB, such l~ provlllg Ie than the uaual dnm&gel! by drought aDd In &eetsl While the talUS t:;.reatly benefited tbe crop 011 drier aud hlghtlf IIOlls early 8\ erywhere corn I, Inte III motur IlIg from oue t{) two weeks. The geneml hIgh condItion 18 stIll mnln\4l1ned tlte average belllg ODC per ocnt lllgher Lilan lD AugU8t lhe Mtllte alerages I~r MalD e 107 1\ ew Hampshlr, 100, Vermont, 9 l\III8allchulHlttl! 100 C.onneotlcu I, 108 New') orl: D9 New J ert!Oy, ILl Penu svh aOlIl 10 Dolaware 100 Marylaod l OG \i ITglllln, 112 North Carohull 105 Soulll Carolina, 7 Georgut, 90 1 lontl l( US Alnbanlll 111 MItl81 Irpl 111. LoUISllllllI 86 Tluae, 89 Arkllll "'I" 103 fenne88ee 114, West Vlrglnlll 10- KCIILllckS 103 Obio 97 Mlcbl gR II 101 IndIana. 89 , ]11111018, 95 Wli!CO I1SIIl GO MIDnesota,72 10wn 92 MI sso urI 111 Kanl!l\8, 106 Nebraska, \)3 IIhforma D5, Oregon 100 TIlE cODlIng lDaDla)8 Lo beaHwlrumcr lUlSS J3eckwlln aod 1Il18s Parker tbe he rOllles of the Tbames lire llII.'jCrtlllg theIr WOOltn 8 ngblll In 1 new /induull From London BrIdge to B11lokW1'1l 18 no Olelln fent for n man rus,..e nrc IIpt to puL tit He thlllg:s natumlly oo;sunllug tbe mule duperWrtty, but t1Jcl!6lat.1lcs do the dl ~ llU CIl WIth e&110 BoyLon blls Juli en IIlto Lh e ~blldc HII:! III'Pll1lltllK 18 voLcd too clUmMY nnd expt'n ~lvc Gentlemen With qUIto roapeclllble nlll! orc!ll1llry looluug lnduvrubber slIlt.l!nnd nhttlc Illr Lube in th Ir !,ocket.. are treadlDg tho 1100\' W lLers "Itlt Cl\IIe, \lid titepptng 1\I!11 n on shore lookllll~ IIko the welldrelllicd person" tbey tm Tho ladicH uro dlsrl'gnrdlng 1111 appliances of Uil ~ IIOr~ ILlld pllt tillS tbemeelvea 111>00 t helT Dlul!C'le II10no [<'roc IIllltructlllll 11:5 being IImu g ufIltecl to teach the eOlDlIIg IIrt of 8wlmmlllg llMe bllll ami Crtl ket I\Dd all mere cnrlhly alDueement!! wlll hnvc to look out for the" laurels fh o I.on delley of tbe nth Ictie yo ung blood 01 lhe IIge 18 to be to the waters After a whIle tbere Will bo fiebmg parLre~ who WIll dIS cnrtl ull boal>! and rodl" and \InCl! lllld will 8wml for 1I0d catch the fieb on the lIy n. It wore There III DO tellllll;! Whllt good re8ultl! may spnng from tbl" new development of huma[1 energy and bll 111111 sl(lll J n all probabIlity Ii few 11 >enmenters. WIll go under, bllt thero I ~ OtR of room below and Iota of new 1111 ventl1rers ready to try It OV/lr nglun
~ME time Ago 1\1r Robert WIIlIllDl8, near Ow n , l'enD beanng one of hIS 11' lie 8 ducks making a n()lHC, n.~ If alarmed, g(lt out of be,) anil w( nt te where ~be W3S, 1;l lIt <1.Ould ndt I!OO ,)r hear anythlllg He went tbl! l!econd tIme but WIth the 811ml) l'IjIIul t He wId h:IS wi fe he gueaeed tho ducks had gone crazy Next morn IIIg he weut to 'II'bere lUte old duok Willi slttlng UpjlD her eggll, under a brueb pIle and, to bia AlLonumment, he IlIlW • large black analre coUfId up undor the fowl The uake hlmng Rwallo'll'ed t'll'cJve fl!gII, 1\lr WUllnml cut hili head oft, cut him o~, fAKlk tbe ega BUt and placed them UDder tbe duck, and e)IIVeD of tbat dozen tIP batdled IIr WII Uama' word it • JOocl AI Id. boacL
There nothing In modern dl scolery wonder fill lind DlerttortOIl 08 !hnt great labor e a,er~Dobb1n8 Ell'CLrlc Ip (mnde by r"glll .'t , J'IIt1) It tl'lls Its RLary on tlte first trllli A k ~our s roc r lont FOR.
MEN nre noL to b Judged!!O much by whnt lbey accomplish or nLtempt R~ bv thc Spl1lt 1lI whIch lhey mak q thl'lr ef. forts
Fever and A[u~ or Cltills and Fever II I. A "Aft', IIp,q I, .. I I ft.
(a: liE
tnr J"f'lYI'r aft , A ~ " (' fir CIIII,. ft. J t e nr
,he. th IIr.. llun a..Mluned Price 50 CI. po Bollie for Sa'. by an Druggists
In ••" ru,
'1 U E Greek overllllleut hILS utrered to snpply whate l or quantIty of Pentclle marble the Byron Memorllli l..\JlUlllltl(>e muy reo utre (or the mOJlIIDlent1 free 01 1111 cost
Twenty-five Cents.
'''~ I u/t, 1/1 "
371H' "
NEARLY. .If148,000 IN DAILY USE ,. , , I .... II 'lit; Iri.;
READER :IF \ 0" would like t-o ",,4! • C!opy 0' 1bn
NEW~r!rE8, In he _nlr7, ...... 3'OG~ _ ........ .-aIlle 1IdcIJoe. W
'I'IUI L8D0BR CJOMP.un:, CIakap. IlL
\\ \ Y:~E, 'rLl.l~~. 01110.
. , Tilt ,. 'U!rI1i1
' 'ED
-. "H l ,E 'C MRER 537.
)( TOBl~R "27, IN7 -.
N olt! II 110.,.'
It RL.t. .... ""P-T.a:w
'l'fl ~i.l :\ ~~' t c r c-'I tetl
u no
tu \b I
tl1ul df!ri.ng on \0 Ule
He:1\!cd "n wo( d orf 1 leng" ~lrC\lkl l g I~U /"b~I" wllh 8U"epllll
, Un IIfhl eTC"" I "ow II~~~I~~ ~ ~:;..:bQ \~
\llunmll negro hung hl\~self be cause one 01 IllS 01\11 s (h e I. and hiS wife sold tho other gM e the oltl man a IICcoud elMS llUflll.l and hought h er !!Ixteen prun of Iud gloves. TIlEY tell U8 that A DDS DielflDlOB .. 'l1l)8 he hng trnll'led 81xteen thousand IDllaa hy flU I nlld lIe~ er e, en had Il man \'1nk [It her \\' ell there are glrle at "hom It fellew n."er feels IDchDed to wlU k n) matter how f.u they trnvel 10VJI! \ND 71'18
T<Y\ 1:\le l ll l ' d (org l ve the crlUlO UI I C~ll'(l lI ow the lours ~o Itgl I) In ,. ,10 roo' 01 ,IDle rt At 0 I, ll"\!u41 s ou Oo'ft'ers
'P< ,_
AN I rI~IIlU III was brought up before a JU ~t l C6 01 the penco on lL cnarge of vIlll:r mey \lId II ns thu8 questlODed \\ hn t trade lire you I Sure now, y~r bont r I III I .mllor You II. sea· fUrlug ilia ' 1 q UllStlOl1 \\ hether you hll ve ever been to!!Cn 111 your hi e ' uro now IOd does yer houor thlDk I C IDHl o\er from Ir~llDd 10 a \\nggm ?" Comm t 1110 - comuut him \ 1\11" N 1:Jj0 I A mall !!Cewg !!OmeUung gli tte r 011 tbe boof 0/ oue 01 hiS mule~, 0)(U 111111 0 lit a ld found I gold rlug So tbe stur) rllll" Another mlln ellRm llled tb e hoot ( r III. mul e_ but he dldn t dl~ eO\ cr I go ll.! rt11 ~
Ho!lll.w stllrs IlDd a no rtn g~ I t I. nuoll t l\K fo to go to the Ul ck 1111\ . to hUDt tor gold !U! It 18 to ex 1111110 I mul e s h oel lor rlngtl III f\littlc G ~rll e \\cot '11th her aunt ttl 1 CII\ tI 11 Crill h lhe preacber wss I cr) {' .r , t III Ill >! deln ery \Dd sho WW!
I' rcllt \
r yrotechlllc but
J1ll c r~c>!t e d
Moth er stllU she, when r I 10 he Ird ~ Ich t smart II11Ul8tC r He till I t I und be pounded Ilod 11\ 1 Ie sudl I 11(. we (Iud he jot so 11111d Itt C 1I11elfUt of tbe pulpltan shook hiS h ~ t It the folk. \11:1 there WI18D t 11ny u.,dy I.! Ired to go lind ught him I fr rIA" I [Id Ita pbae I Ilud 111\ the hr{ t l orhood of p allJ ters xbllY kneel rev c relltty Il.:l pne8tH belore Nature s face lIId IIUlIl ulct ur e~ It alght of which rul mcn ~ ('~ ('8 ~hul1 h 11 With gmteful tears . he C
:,Qme \If the !Kllid men of Bo tOil lire th 11~ 1I0tICcd by the 1 routller The reputed rtChCHt muu 111 BOAtOIl III 18 ,0 Wad \. bcnczer Fr lIICIK who WIIS rllled at 000 000 1I0t farfrom the eXllctllmollnt ho lett Among tbOl!8 rated Ilt a uulhou lind o'or were t.be .Appletout-Nath.u und WIIIUlIll $1 6OO,OQO each, and SalDuel tl 006000 about what they left JOIllab Bntdlee tl 200 000 a flm e~hmate Jobn Bryant, $1 600 000 flu l8l!ll (han he lel\ John Gardner _1,250000 an amount lu crensed largely 81Doe AUgUKLU! Hemen ""y, _lOOOOoo wbl h WaH \lIlderteti mated, Illld 18 now SIll or clght 'Imea larger Benjamin Humybrey .1,000 000; Abbot Lawrence, _2,000 000 AID08 Ll\wrence _1000 000 David and JOIhua
A • 11I1I;,,] s i n s I ( I tit. (01111/' Y (,cnllrlllUIl l!1 v ~ Ii ,t II ~ nuf<O, f loLlwr IIlg tn horses Itke tl at 01 \lllik ~ Irkll _eeUl< to he tllCnb d by ~ll nv to catUlS clover but to 111) mil d llud t.ltat by pme tle II \<'81 It qUlle different If lilly ODO "Ill i(0 whclI the dew 18 on the grt1"~ Rnd gnth HI ~eult ll r" 0\ en ~ plder \ cb anu IlIk e \ HtIlall quantltv snd S \\ "lIow It he \\ III ted 1\ prtuldy !!Cnss tlon Oil the g lllml ~ of tlte throat a11(\ fo r n Ume will ~lobber the Mme IllII1 horae Soars, ~ch
A FREN CH machlDlst hill! dlllCOvered that, by keeplDg hiS turning ttIola con stantly wetted With petroleum be WII8 able to ut metals and alloys with thern al~ough when the tools were Ui!Cd With out tbe Oil! th Ir edges werO!l()On turned and J u lIea The hardest Kteel can be turned eMiT,lf the toolabe tbub wet. with Il mixture 0 two partilof petroleum WIth one part of turpeDtln" A GEORGIA Judge hu deCided that It
18 Juel lUI bad to Hteallin umbrella Ill! ItiS l~ 8t.ea1 an elepban t.
Tal' yield 01 rice lD thlll couDtry will
be IlL UGh larp' thJa year tlwa UlUL
The plder IS amalllllld red
~ F Rl'lN CII (Jb)'I\lCIIIU !!ay~ tWlt'" play lUg on WmUID ijtrum IItS Will cu~e COD ~umpt10n A ud" delllre to IDrorm the
fo p:mloll LhO:!e Ub!Urdltlet! ID Our i!clvca which we cannot ~ujfer JD otherH
18 neIther better nor WOIl!C than to be more wllhug W 00 fool~ onrf!lllv(ls than to bave others!Kl
'l'KERt I u()tblolr more pfOvo1C1ng to J\ TRn bIll haa been fOund agaUlat nmtlve mao thlln u, pay two lollar 1'VEN Lbo abll'et pllotil II.I'l' wllhDg 10 for a pair of black kl~ l'llf ~e and then Honore Uolt, late waolliler of the JB(:'1uet! ngerti III tern be begUIled by a dog fil!hL UJltll It 16 too Clutier Bauk, Montreal, fur milking II receive adVice (rom r false bauk sutement pestUOWl weather late to Atteud the
Robert G Shaw.
fl,600, 00 WIlham StUrgiS tl,OOQ.OOO,
\urgely uudel'8timated Jonu E Tha,.r, ttl600,()()(1 John Well~lI, 000,000, Thomas Wlggleewortb, ,I 2110,800, _ nearly four timee that &DIOM' With three uceptions tbe above \lave. dead for I18veral years, and," a I..... portion of tbe property l::!d~r. t.beID w... In real etltate, it ,,111 be 1 _ . daM ~e eetlDiate of 1876 woulcl pi.- 1M
C Dijurop"v.e young roan who 18 learning to pillY the a cordeon tbat It black mlth belloW1! 1 eVidently the wlDd ID trument referred to Or he might get eroploy nll'ot 00 the C/U1al, lind try tbe vrrtued of total flllveraJ a boat horn
a.1Cba....Il, fl ...". ldent.
_ .... I&~~~
11 •.
'1" q : ".. ml:lChaa · Ie. IlMlre repre · tat . hen t Pel1 In r-, b'" I n '9~' O enr, ••nc I or trade. tb" Itreetd. ~ U .Dat, ~ ",n 1 hour. Ilud Iln aar I\j]
yt, ia h Ii rID. ndor I ut " , , IIuuIIA II · of 0IMb ,,...OWo; .n cllltiYllU oD aod "'pair. and in a _ r _ eVane L __ e • Fint .. rei on &be n .. _mwe ... o &IMa .... A . .... _ ab ........ . . IIII'IIt dCll,irab Je. location , ....... ; and hill tllek " • \V Y .:sV ILl.£ , . . in batch rinlf with Park Leak w_ ~ ; Eli Ch....dl..... ." arM) the evo tractiol l uf tbe _ ... - .. . A_· t..'llaadl and r. ehauel f . oaaprill e ho) ..... . catt! iofiDih\'e, bJ' Air. Bi&cboook, of , F~ENDEN .. 01110; MartI.. Eu"t. aa&1 hu~. tlh p, ~m i ng implNJJ ll 1I . 0. . -:- I'll. E~m . . ~anJE'r. .. of LebanoD. lie took the poaitioD ...rAJO ,Bob Kt h.bud. uf BuUer ~- and .~~=:.. other .torticllld . llr Ilupcrio r No. .ddleto wn , laVI Ihugh errela t,," 'hat all ~ralIlmarjana do iD .tating DU L " IS ~. Ohio ; Eotla•• Chlldl. r aDd J ... ph ot bUIlI"- .~ .... 1.Iae. tl) ,-"Ild ll th" qua!ity . [ Hour readeN boor th~ F1nt-0I.... ~o. , hl're. 008 &. _hat tl.o intillitivill is an abridgL-d whole lungd'l .-d brl'lI,lth of g::::1tt::~~ ~aou'::t1. 1S~i:~ ~ P.l1Ico 1laptaI. ,lllte in mind" lind he pN.'1Illnt. It 14:: : . -:-Miaa Agn~ WilJiamAOD ~m 'con A truclion . To) th orouj(hly uU. lto\\'u . Th., ...irelIIIJU!I hll8tily lIur 0 l Cbllltdler...,o1 Allell Cb...JI.r, ........ .. A_. W ....rell 1 .10 P. . . be· ,," ill be ~,e big 'cst ule ul' t~ 'flaIl St. LOUI8 before returDlDg d.. ~t .. t,d ·,t. u~.. tile ....ntellOO ·T...... dDlI'8I" Uep. t : tOpOII" ~ .1. X EN I I HI O. I'n t k th Dl8~l ooulily. Ohl,, ;.He,* - no Lalhem !lA1l I. 10 thei r I,IIICH 01' il • . "II ~ ..' " ' l" 'rlj:,cul" -.... liD. t Ku& .... ~ ... 6 "',,,earry .". ", s"e Illr"c .... AI ,>. In'l,U'''' 1II.1t. 1J0me. "" t lred. WiHiI\80r..tl\~1Q M~ .. baJId. 'f lu k ·_ v . ... wh ich it CUN must ~ tlltP~IlI.h'J. bUBi ll llSil. Sh00111:1. k l'i"l! ru I1\,\. ..... ~ ., O,-d I'II DI,n \ ' len nl.. itloIUQl: ItWallu,rapa . E1'rl ~ bl . \ "'lUb l),. bio ; AlbI'rt ", """'. .. ... I a..a I WI On SUllo,. . '1 P stlln!. h.mdler audElwooa . - -Mrs. A. E. Merritt i. re<lO"er · Tit . xerci Willi IU tructh'e ha.odler. tb.d... t IWO 1I~ ,aed bel~ aud tit ir bcnche& , lilltK'r<l gtltJlert!d It ,Id Uliuo... ... I . ... ud 7 n o dolly. _ ing from rather 0 alarmin g Ilttack w lI.prepA red. A li,·uly dillCUlIi JAM" ;S W . Ii A IN!:: ' . 1\' 1 D. and Aar:>n B. (]haudler tbci. a u_~aLon. Il!lll liuII 101 th ir IIVldcri l'l ir!>lla. blllek mith Rf~S' i~~~~" lY Arjola.· "call'. o( pOlllllP(>nia. CALL . \IJt.... M};Io.Tll'IO. - Anum . lensued io wh ich IUl&uy or tho 80lltchuu their llamlUer~, rna ' Jo1!~ .. ~ltllll~ r... ~ W. rrun, ~n.. t)'. ~~~ . • l .. fl tl .... lI: .t· tllltl her of our ciliz('ns hll'·e CXJ1~ h ' I• l ' 00 -Cllar les Carder ia i.ni ror of ,cachll~ took I,art. • •"CO.A TUa., .. a It r .a and' .a. "t'i.~~~,,\;:~ \} f,"~~;n ofO.,lober . ort. collcctc a d . tht!ir 100111 alld lIl~rchtl ~ d tbem 01\' 1'8 aa, ooing in f,IVIlI' of th e .• la J COr W••,...,;. ff . ~~~o it· tbe U niou IChool·h,)ulle. " tet Oaleb . Ad on ly a few I d tel tl 0 tu I A.D .. I 7.), ill lit O.•urt uf G.! mm911 Plct . . ! d b· I b momen ts f the IF) . I nd~lCIl~1 d I~ 1e ~ewl r f)\ dX r"., klll11aholtJ _=-::-:::=~:::-:-=:-.::: ._ ~ "",ltbtn .... d for tbe ounty ' 1 W "rrtln Ildli• . . , Small. resigne d. u a J.t! .lhllg c. U • tilDe of \0 ru ing iun rCUluin cd. rIIm:l State of hio. lU~c by Dll yi.1 l'h.ndlur. "rod .S ' .~"'LL. ....... ....... ': CI~g Ill C ·. IUU ~. an m • IC· gl . utllre. ~r It t'mr~' St'Clct,. -Mill C8 Rachel and Georjl:io Mr. lIers proposed that WI! make Ollloe "t Raoo1deuea. DO'" pcndh')C. wMr~h, ' h~ .'l\d D...jd b",,· · ut lwr II w LHII \ ItIl~oI. which lit? all , r d .me kill ;! . Hadde ~\ ure n aru ~'que "iBi tin" Mrs tt'cJ arah arrall",' mellttl li.r Ilc:rt mceti ll g In(,.rly completilid. lh e gold ...,.~o. 1I 1', h" lNO dIu dem.tld. JI",:litluu uf lb. fullc,... I.UK'" . .mlllers to ~k all wlao tllyvr II prupor UIl..,.dl .... wot;olblp e,·Ht' Fir t . , • It brrry nt Oaklan, • • •TW......n •• I d I . d. . . . .IAn 1ft k d aid I iii ..... '[flu h'~ ~u u'..,d·~"'~;.y.~ur \f'I"lrre'l . . I illv d itatwu k' . to I buld I· our next ... 1 gat I ~rt' t letr r .c S un . 8 h've I! e,rtll ' I:Jg IU ~ 10 IIIC • L C L K.E"'· M D D .., . I08!fIolting .a t II ·o·clock. an f'tK.,. 0 w, !lUu 11 11.111 ..... to meet or h H..OU ... v o w , -Mr. C. . M. . Will inlns. ~' of ... AlIens "Instit , \ ute Ilt Morrow "'11& e:ttenul'U I "~d lullo":t!u tlllH. I ud('r to llt l:! o-... it : . .b I alII 1·2 IIOt k A. II. • . I M· ·00· th l (\\ Clo .. I Il ~e:III . ·) .AI VU.'JII!g. C At III by sc n Mr. m PHYS 'Vy~CI\ ICIAN rver and &. I1C ' SURG 'plcd. "lIUlIS. EON 1 wh'ch ~JJUl' r 1l1:-e TR H'1I8Itllnh BeinK l"IUlIl'I.ll4l· MK&~'N.O I rtb"' . (1 ncar tr.~ oa).-?,. \.ob ?f tho o·cluck. tion flI, F' at l Uud wullude r II nan·r ull. ' IRS I . l d' g : \I ~lllllg r. . . 1Mr. n, 1I0111rooll then oHi!I.£.d u Fifty Spri ngilj • .nd e\'el'yh <1.\' ~e ·m· det.~rmille whllt ollght • T. :I •.R. 6. bet_ ..o.the I.a".. , ~h·o r....... . "IE for eli yin ... ....or .p e. e" .. I Da , '-triJIBil t v bc doue. lg.\ll o'olook. P "IOu Oftloo In N.U<!n.t &nk Buitdhlg. I",,--Da,. -M "" dM v IIII e. • U ,. I r,-,:.~ 1I\~):W:~:t :~~ ,~~rtl~:::,:ccu~.n:~ \. . . . ' II II 1rc ul ut .lO nwhI.ChwlA&aUlenuedall\J~'d.. 'l lIll~ I ..?oola\l Il D o'elock A II Jluca ell el:g t l~ y I,ur· r. an rs. werrltt .uunlle , carTed . ' - -):;:(- . . . WA YNE VIL L E: 0 1110. tb"EoI;"~ hnoof.l .. . . . um" Illl! lldo~tuJ n'catIVlI wllh of R idgevil l e .d .",·t"'l\ . 1 'J ,III' E~O ;...,n" were gucsts 0 of " Vr ' d . E , · EJ X. E. 1I.0Jl(lu .-~e BeY. O. P",."""'I I. E :F II k·· I' rd ,.--.. . . ~ ,.h"m8 • TI I' , th" "mhlh· t.f th o \V"" n ' ~,lIe ' d II oatllr ay. ' . R qulre el olved, wa That II as memht· rs of the ('x cept.lOn t olle. who~e tllUlle heard Iho CI\IlC " f Donnis 611110w r.i~rioer~~~~.ee!4~ ~:i ~~:..y"8.b~!~ ._. 1& III U t IUN RJ. "Frauk llo Inrnl)ikc; ,h"nM With ;;'iJ turn - . .' • II1 ••• . t~e Warren Cu. T~ehl!ril' A slIciu w~ I.cgl·~tlully InBerloo ~ t.lk" N . \l3. W . I.; (,IIKi .. s: "heo.... with 0"1" a mull!'; , tit vs: Sa III 11111 .f?l1gh ~nd Mul'! Pugh. : Mr. and famIly , tlOn WI! hcrel.v plodge ourselvclI tu IDltlBlDg. No ore .., h00I .... .. r... f U I W .d H. .,, "1 IIIlid Tur~pi"" N . til 11:-" W. fioutl .oh iOo ; . , J Bnle d' 1'1 Ie pain I ' , .... I.. ' d d OB.IWT U" CRoa II-Elde r J . R. Dodd. 0 . i.' ~ . . .. . du we lI...I.e th e '... .c IIDun , • n IlI nll. li re goedtd PCI t~' /1' 10 , tl) tlte. baHt vf 0 111' ubil ity. Vllft ·1- III \b e~""wlth "" d~urnt,~It.N. 1) . 10 W. 04 tu C ... lllI e IIm'lg s (,.rll!! !.mJ gelllltl smtlotl ~~ ~ ~ Putor. Di.Yille 1eMCM! 011 the Fl".t "o:d ot Mrs. Uathurllle Bnrllhnrt. 4i obalO" ulS lIever-to· u L!vr ' injury done thftnoo .... 'lh .~ld Turnpike (II his corn c r~lp hy I '1<> . r. whatevor (Illty mlly be assigned gotten. connte lice; . ~ :16' W .' 1Il2U cb in. 10 11 .l~u . In ..aid Turn. n" .more ~l' hO' d bcltm i tu tho tlcfl!tHlullts . , F trat T~lrd Lord Ha, .In each 1II00thi.oJ.".1:- -AI~. Goo. R . Duke alld wiftl. Ud .A atl ollol B o Il k B m"latll( by th" !, E$t.'Cl\t ' plk" ::kIutb·ou i\"l~ CVll1m ot o.'rn~~ itt~ "'" Sc1M>cH Il II ooloak, "'«1 ~f at Em. h"",r hIS .lUcrr,Y .lIug h•• )r 118toll With bnr Ite fail!t ~ muke out hia Wor,I;, of Spn bo .• ·ted tl · Ilat)rniAI. cUde' 1 W A Y ~E ' V ILLE, OHIO. d cSIgllat · . . IJg. roo '181 pll!usllr e tv IllS_t llllWhl llBS cuun~""". thOIIl)O..·ltb 8.l Id WIlrd e h ne ~, IO~O' E 40 Hli r re Ia · time an dp I uce ed . ,lC(l . l"lIltT BU'TJIT (Prae-wlU.l ' . .1lId the J hvee In thl8 plnce 00 Monday. U tlt oh~lll r\! udcred II jndge· . .tobwilJ. ill Lb6 t bu Notth hlle 01 .Ald Adjourlled to 1:30 _ liou'Wtha ·1100 tlOl! . now tend I Ig to the ,grave ~lIt.l nU1 1I~ u UiDst, lJilll WaTDe.-5eni<*OII theMOOod ....,liun lillO'S. ~o -Mra. Setb 'V ' Brown .....'·e a ' Oulled to order at p.2M.P M. fur thc 00 til of ... 4811I1d.,10 each lDonth. ~/ E. Mr. 27.ftO Elder I"glcal, . "!,uln" ~1It.l to .tho 1>11108 of oogio. ~~m I tlbulhe nt . WIth . etl t ' ~ 'C E 8 k H W . It .d r ', I I . eiMon. p ...t.or. b· rn irtb·pru vokhi... \\'lttici in · ~,' ('r 111 rill . . . . II on 01 p . Vet)' l:' easaut teu:par ty to .80~~ , UO • p ~ese.ut~ tie. 8U ~oct nong. oontouuln l!' IIO.4~ Hur"" of I.md . Iuoro alll· D 8TREE T. ~Ua!M .,. •0 01 "IN. ur Ie .. ; Ibo 8ll1ll0 b<olllg . N t ' . '''' . her rrlendB last S.tur.f ay eVl!llIll.)t .1 IUlld d•• ised by tiff, S. W. DroWll for dufuuduntll. ' TIUR g. ' ~aclllng of wkthematrc8 III I)llr CINC I N NAT! eeewIII OHIO BIl.t:: :;. W~t::'''co':;'ll g to ODJOY hue llllllself ~VBrd to nanllilb OhlUldler, "nd by \\ It I.. orb· 1 M ) ..... ( ' d M C'j ~k G Ischools . ScllOlar , a . lire tllught ber lto,n 10 0cl4rel\o~,' Hall o n ' el's; lOid evor I>IId cUllvc)'ud by dued tu All· strivip g. ·to make othl!l'i I - beer. all .. ~ . ~r 8on 11\1 C I forms ·too .nucb not princi les enjoy -- ~ -8ll 00 PER D~ Y. • each ..0IIth. .t7 o'olook pm ron Oh~ndlur . th emsel\' oa. · li o. leaves this la\'e . n Vllltlllg ID LanC&Pw r. . Mra. F. Killg. respectrully solic· ~ Satutda of e..,h menf.h·~, It ..... a W .. P TiIOfOI, . I d S&CONV P\l., and arc now uttendi u &I~i. '1' 0. as tellche.... lire not much in I:' .ace I· 't d . I f itll the uttentioD f her k'nd tnd - - -TltACT- &illg partof the Soulb· &r y . : R 0 IleH . . , an an , IIQ Iml. L et e quarter more Y I AI t' Clrc of e Sectloo H. T. ll. It. 6. beg U lid vallce vf thUde who tllnght our II ICnd& here. to try lilt! fortnne ? I I , Sf;'rH W. BRO\-VN 'l'hlr4 "::~lStreer::. Diwine twoon the )(imrul Rh'~r., betcinnln 10 obhj!;lIlg Customers. to her lIew lf b~ Pld car y ee lIl,g. . . grautlfulberil ill th i~ rospect \v" tho Btale of fndi • SoUtl,·K Mt coruo~ of ... id """dun, "lid rul'~ .. llua. ~ay health. aw...,. 8I1Dda7.t. po ID. Swula,._bool , II sortme nt. of cheap milliul!ry , . :-Twel vo. m IItbs eredJ ~ .~III ue ehuuld .rolunn unr work by . t,eing aioll th ence w~tll the _ ontb boundll.?; Ull e' tA. M. gnen to pUlchllseN at LeWI8 Jan· thoron~h bv teucl.lillg method bal'pi ness and p,rosVl!rity gr('ot him gUl>ds. l'lt'ae~ cullllnl l seo th('m AT TOR N Ey AT LAW . ~:~~0!0:;e~7 ofW~..!g '~",,~~~ ,:tt~u.~:~ · .. Illld V.u.LnPJlaD..,.."",u"lfB"I'TIIITOn. ney 'sBRlen extl:)ll hid fumily ,ill their .lew h llme, ~ bcfure pll l'"Chll.lI lng III:!owhcre. turday, tlle3Uth. ud . ' . -1I11...18tTeet. o..~ Main. Divine then. e with lhe W~.t bound. rv Iino tlt"reo«. UlldBuccUoldatten~lrlendKlluCkles' l Dou't fail 10 l>c there. _ Ia I ellson lq~etII~r. .TIlo:e Ilrt!. _ ) ..... (__ A .D the Sawrd'J befn"" tbe l!eOond 8und,,! .N D ~VOTARY P UBLIO . N. ~ C W . Gll tl UI OO ,,()I.8t(... ·.tou ~~ t1l1'n no · ' . . ,. ~ t~o prvcesscs, th u ponrlng ·1D alld overy undel . ".....lIel wil}, 11.0 firdt line 8. 81 0 E. lIi7 - ' :..·1 hlkl~lg. 1D_latDOJI",.at~o·ol""II:. ..naon.tb e eeo. -Dr. J.. .L,. Ze\1 8u~cred from . Tho bottllm Inlld bI:lon~lIIg to . I. Mef1_•• I\~........... an . the. draW ingo .ut. Thetil '8t thl' pole. to 1\ olulle in U,8 Eota' "'.und.. ry li ne u14 ad 4~ yS8IItls"'T' at 1O""llId 4 -W.I I. Sta,n·. B. 1<'. Dakin ' l thcestl~tcortheJate Alfred IA'IIk l ttat ~k 01 pncl'lnmunlal lust 0llW a~~~~:; & Ilb ..... W~.I"· ... thdllCtlllon ; theooe wi·h ••irl l\neS. »':° E. i scholur, is .."lIa... empty vc8.01: ·alld Clur).; Burgese, P.1;i\etulI E.vclw lind was IlppraiB Mele ","",n 11 D~ ... , U 18 now. we eDoug I tv gowcek' r:o&oeoU "e eollll"'ny on.. I t I10 teBc I all llleetA on the lid Satu... ed . Jt.t 15 ) 'I'£'r 1I~ l'e, -~ E S B 'VAf TON~ ~(I~~i:\ · u. ro I!rvUlI' . \I I' k nuw I· I .ur Id ~ !"'~e; "C~~8t~~ ~:.~d o!pu~I!~~~!::-· , i .1 ot lers WI'11 attollt~• . tl Ie unlllla I SIl8S· I1lIilt "rs' .•turuaV ·1' "~y ln....,h ",OIlth .•t11 o'ol""lt r III. By recuperatIOn tl'l• p hUllle to D. 1 . .• . " . I II "pprlIl>. lora I:f lIytOIl, edge. The ~ecoud HI to draw out ion of the 'Grand Di visillll . ' . the ""me b"iulltl Ir.,·\ b" ord... oIlhe Comp ,nl'. L nlrteoclr. Pru· D,'Dinl Bu ro.t~lIs1 .. I' SUIlB WIlI·e ·1·' . Eo ll,' GIll: .. 'w~t.h -Mn, , Jane Soutue rn line for the aod duvolop the child'oS miud Mr 01' Id IItt It. P 0""1141 ·Seeretar,. . I t TeIPI.erallce - ttr be held ill Uuy N c",lUnn , ulld .ll. A : .ILlY. J oBtJl'h AT TOR N- E Y AT LAW , ... ifu .old "n,I ooll" .'yod 'by de' d til. A~r,u n . •" . I '11 ' I . • . as week·. I.ucell a IIirRllng . Ojji cel. 6S . Bruadl oay IChT,,"dler·T·J· ull .. rYnb!. A.D. I$6'b ,,- b ' . I ·· y ~ WIt 1 Cook prestlllwd 811111l very guod toll Oct. ::7 lltld, :.8.. ' - - . . . - .....r ....... - - pUeum(lDl~; .but lit tlllB hme we ideull ' U I I \ I I It., r__)!::(_ _ " \II" flart .. f e .",Ut • LEB,l NoN.O llao. ....111\\ qUllrtor uf elltio.1 ·14. T, ~, t n, .oll tile teucll1l1 g 01' •• e In,,thOlll 6. tlo<Lt· , -The •. SOliS ' are glad to learn thnt her cuse il! . Temtlo rnllct' Ilnd.. ....('~rv'B oyst SUll'OJI Th • ..e i, 110 n'Mlclne pNlFerihed b, pb:r~I· d d 'd I·S I · uP 1I1'''II,''s If red And · . over I t G he Nelo .d · d J D1'ug. . I ' Store r ' r tween Iohe )(Inmi . . Riv..... ooginnlll g .t I . lCil, lin ! ~, J .~ , 1I~":fe C ~t 10 t IC " , rllnglll'!l ot t I1S 1; nce urc trYII~g opt'tI, el" u. 0 ' IOld by DMu~.lb'h~rrle..ueb ,COPSI ere ess :lallgerous. 'I"WbO curner to alld lilitl j(('utlcmull is sneh 1\ O. Joo.. , lind runll lu~ Imaullor III willch lit! dltlchllrgL'<.I tv IIlllkC:l Ilrrallgement.! to meet) ~ ES"I LL'E. O . lhollee N. 870 'VJ _. 24 polllA •• Id""c<t r Il~ 8..cc,," and ,upo.,orsdrtue with 'Uld J IIO n lin old, ('ltpcrienl.'erl hlllld ill tlte - -;-- WAY--Mr. N. N. MOBher has opened hiB duty. u no.o.... ·• GnllAIf 8f IUP for eve.. lille; to a Ilono cOt'ncr lo Owrlf C""""n,. • thu tlllwe 'llIloll. 1'11. 1'110 ••• tlla' II" CIII"1 be IJeu' I'll MISS RiCHlE R. EBRIG I. C" u~b •. (,lold...t"od en tbe Bl'1la,l'r Ooln · oyster saIoons nt t II~ 1I11111010 II I t ,. BT,' a.oupr t~" ioch.... N. W)O W:. 18 link" I " DD ~tlt t ling on progn~mme. wat! "~. III -Phill ltllll R.· Jo:;rckc is iJX' rl ding p""Vllri M " 1111 )l1"D. o. any dlaea.. of III .. Throat and Bo08e. 'h,ckory 1M lucbe4 S. 230 E. 14 hou ' thoo.e ng Ull uyster Bopper. "Go PI•••-.I-:,e wbere hoth ladles and gen· npon tha usc of th," Blbl" 881., ' .. eler, .. hb aid Carm!lJl),·8 Iio.e S. to 10" E. tl7 III (Itlr t.uujp, A PIVOt of tha' r.et Iii 'half.' ~J tlemen can Il few days with' 1111 many frieodll of'tcn to ~ his accomm oyster.s oduh aloo' . . d I. with scho()ls by E,.n EmlQa e.d" !If ~Il\in SlIee', re-n ..rIIleled caD let a R.'IDP e nott a ",r O. Ficken ot t th' I , 6.10 polea to .. otoue oorner to .,lid C.rmlUl,., . ' I II I L I A II ""lit. aDd tr, l&e aU{h!.!lor efreel ~fo oc oysters In I ' ..... WNan . ,I LLB.O .II.. 18 pace. -, .. w.eb 18 inob•• S. 870 E. 3() linh. an ...h ally stye at a lOUrs. --)t: :(-1l11l.lUlI.. I ·r I!X IUUEtl Vll treatise 'ii'{EOO~ OOU~ OOll.fI _ \Ve regret to record the death "lIyl.., \b...",Ia,: ,I ....... s Ot'n&e. tJIICIb 8 S lJt:IC1 Eo;l~ Unkl ·' thellc. 8 8'1<> h.. ....Mr. alld Mrs. HIlJ'ward. Mrs. of the subjectIIwu~ nc,t !aiel, lk.oelllniroclllced III Chi, counlryttfrom .atOOlll • ptlJ~; 10' E. 24 p.,1ea" t.o " 8lone; u.once wit!)'· Ai.· f Lillf\~e" E. Ha,",kin Sb s wh.lde rd M tn. II Harper' lI Weekl d M y. Frank hilt tw\) reasous were K.vun tor It, 0 Leslie, ,,""'"llY. and III ...ODderfut cu........ . '?JI. . cpa , N, 11[ ' ron Ohonl\lor·. line~. l ~ 10' W. ~~ ""Ie. . ,. • ' Ledgt!r, W,·ekly. Daily 0001l111lr· a~ rll. , 11 1 I "~IA4 averyoll. ~at URAI.. Thr:-e dose o Burwell Guode, oflIrnet~ . rItorary .\ , Ilerul tvvk-plllcc ,~V-_QIIo1 . lU ,.Milum. ' c·al lo th e ,I...... uf beginn.n g. COIIt IIIlng tit S~r.ngt N iel.d. Y aDd II 1 :16.. r kl 'rib ~ VII ue ne d .a 4'asl} tonab pro (:emet('ry. Lin4.le l was a student I • . lc . B, '(bt" "'\1'" acres .....1I1 ....,l.!;!:~~II~· Try It. 80,4 by A, , 0 tRDd.'mrrre' or lell8 ; thea me bc.ing . e a , r . ulle, un :.lI1 . Mary POBfll1e ~t (;reene Co .. ductlOU " sccond, Ill! ml)rul .III~\I . h .. . " . U I trAOt b,.lJaYid UDillgu at Antioch C(olll"ge. He ranked N'er1t1li.ng else, at th& Wayne mer,.nll wife oold Dol, . sville __ ~ wero gUeBta at Mr. John M. Had· ollce .. 10 r\la~ the'lilb lmJ.\liI i-lIDJ ~~li:m, Illd .0000n)1ed b)' dood W ~uon Cb"'!dIQr. le at til\! "IIlOllg the lJt,~ f. I,ia . 9 ,",8, ,aud ow&' Ag~·llCy. ,: II 1 re . \ ~e... 1 den Ilist week. IU.1'f "T..... '''''WI'fB8V1LLI!I' A~d~~~ !;.?";'!Ii~~j.artietl' are fnrt1te~ nO. rnlng ~:xerelt!e8 WIlB urged II pun would have g~lId~Atei rthl~ yw. al~ ,.~~c~,:p In I' the !.':.':~'a partitio : ne:~r.:: n caile ' or-Gideon -We Hu\r-euttiu. H~lr.D;;;ing. Sh ..mpooln~ ttAN tl\!, after forty d. Y8 publie,,'ioJ{" advise all onr readers who l a Ated~hc -. . rB' d ' t t t " . 1If' 00 . r d which ' he mU ldod enterJng u... · Leak VI . Surah AIIO His8'· et. aI., .nd I·t l·k . t t " '.u alek. the object -I' a worlOW ~brtal ~sJre ..vlng. folIO lu \l,e beet 8tyl8 of tho ~~ .. n?d"cDft. "':~I'o!<l(l'lllr~ by I·...,:.. ..b I!OOdD "l1li I d t' I e I e rIC o~.o ,~ 1 t"1 L g') to , on theJourne " s on.l . 0S mee t rd J I' D Too 0.0: ... t 10 Art U le~ ItO. ;~..oa~ pl~I..1JI Ib~'a ;0 0, .• 018. c~o~n . Prol&.!!', tho Court ha grail too, the order of, . 276 0 l1li1 1.1 (lhalll1lor oall.... ear . • Mr. J. O. Mi1I~r's gallery . Wo i 1815 t ec I . I r U u ay o. . . _ will appl,. •• , ~ , iou, law. He ~ lt1Ut eon of Hen patlitio n. fur an 0..1... tbat pe~tltlo... ·m.... ' ~:nlJ: ~·n':til:r.~;:,.\ tb'\$ have seen sume plwtllg ruphs of' I I ' 50 Ut. w beautif IIC II. -.... uftine 1,l . be mode ul .~id .. al ..tat... 'lIIId do.... \!lIob 'lllftlll " "V I:IlIwki,le. w h *' }>etweep tliis ' h·IB ta k·JnIC "'. b'.... \.... C.tIICI ••·n.... S' 1 ,y. tpr.en· '- pi 6c ~c Ion 0 0 c~rs SCI!lI ek Ha.dacb ~. ··f"~ k " . IUI\ am ...... a.l \!"I bad • mp . eai'ds ... 'tIJitA 10, th.!'rbP~eed~ti"~I"~ be h ".are ~teI!, ... ~ ,\- \~ '" • TI I t't t '}'av I vU i Is. . 1lack nl>w P lice an"" N 0.. ' WIUts . fior t I10 ~ .~S"ul rl~: PBallll"llAtlO? o!o can ",ke did Jiktloe~se8 or the ol'igilSala. rI'IIIgtl>o. ' R. 0 • leu Y Wle 1- u .. D .... O yow'I nam /l n eatly ]frilltt oaae. lD~e .p, '1 .. .. ' •• OW~J· t 'I! nS.. 1 " e 1I'M t 8uI.IlCe8lII· dioo ('r<llll hewurr huge" ~ ~ il 0'1 pPO"id.d ou n . . . .. DAVIn ~ilAND . LER ' uf . the • • . luuga, . 7:30 . . ;lInrlli ng II g 1I 1\ goIJU reprlliltm II IUU U ti.) train Ouo·. Aoou,r ~""O"'d ... I\hou' 1!"lbDg for pUIIHeup :era. tll.em. an.l acnt h t(l ~Il.m"el Hi1l and WIfe. Rnd , tellchllr any ,1.... 1... J_ I · addres s By l SlITn T W. d It_II •. bia s 1'1. Att6ni~, lind 1\ d live 1 Proilide ,.. d S llt. reli<-' ond eure. J( ;0011 dou\)t ~1 8 . go . lVu~ t . ou, . ny . . ~ij, .... ~1 . 11, , 8 D"bId 0 use two tbl 011 .. ·t3t.b.d&, nieces Mis:!e8 Mllry "lid H ,~ttje U S UJ::I, of Ootobu A.D 1 ~7l1- '" ..... -'-':. uurs ·UYI an ut· pOlJt-p al ri, 'Up O I~ 1'tteapt oj 50 ct,. dJ6.q. P .. ~ t !OU. Dr~I.I. A. DoLL. ond g~' " Simp e 0 r . IIpplreutlUn to IUB.studies. He leIIove.>, urdllya. . . " . .. . • . . . • ~ ' ,'. , 'd J 0 k d·f rognuII1 D8 or Addro'9. 1Il'1l ml!e mg. lIou'l f'lf lell C"1I1. aod Ir~ II. . Regula. urver. lin . un ullutlllu\ly·'·llIrg~-oircl e 'of'frie"dd. ' • &Bun • 00 _ . .. . : _ an WI e, AddreB s .I.e" !!e"&e. T"o doau by THE ·Mr. MlAMI \Vysell GAZETT rver w.1I .... here "00 of Prnnro se, ' Iowa, lind SlIoruh Mur , w E, 01 H ' t "III?_"'Il~ ,.,. : .: :'.,;" ....r .,:;~,,"I' .c.t;1 or -MiIB Anllie Sabin ill attend. a:c _ _ __ . 2 _ e \\IlB e8 t!eqle .• . BC.1IV I'ur. gun· Wall1 ...iIIa. Oblo. ~~ Ooo~ of Dowue y ' Iuwa huve , It<. ... . . . . ')" , l/J· b " \"_ ..... f D tletTll\n ' lIn4 ti'il!lld. lI,!d 11,I1·ed by all ill~ XeniaF'l:!male CC)\1bge. . . ~ . ' . v ". . ..... '..... - ••,:;, POI k will be pork, tbi. winter. , lately beeu guestll of' Steph~o Cook, 1{~ NT · & ' . tleld~pll r t" y i~~w~ . . -" ·~rg·~:, UVIf I) . . uer· ~ho:1mew .hilU .. ·:.He WaIJ YOII'llg, ~o,,!t.:.te""';~!J,.~ ~.;. ~.,.~, J~, -M re , J uhn , Stedllv m i~ nt Ceo .11 " . nw..this placo. : ' . . , . - . ~, . ~ jljl\~;; o~u~};e~.i;;;.r;~,~~ :::.o. ~ .. (.: E b M' C.J II d "tb tter -l··h Ju~t eluergl llg Jn~o the YI!III'1i ul dur Springs. nellr R icillul.ln .• .. ., . Wb a t N ~say'y e · IBS u, mIlO Ind. a<lwl\ a er. WHOL~AtB "':'-r. I .," b t u" 'III.-r Duk'ln -1]· <I ' 'II Pl'tltl6n' In th, Court of ...OIiDl/b<l. ~PI_" ;': 1 .:. " . 1 ao to d' II' l>"I '~r . JD, ,all' . IN 1I1uII hIIl.uu, U I Ilotwi ~ by Mr. GrU'ltl "fIlm ' lIg 101 .tree.. nmpa . '" - Miss . Currie M. l'h" ml'801' aud-for Ihe OOUllt- .of :ur~ ' 1 I I Lo.ndoD to taka elia~e IIf hill" rl I d W •• '1M' .J S' . SCllOUI / ~HY bJ Mr. CUllliil. lgham of Y_?11t lu ~Ies~, . ,It! . I~. II rell Y I~all"e visited ' Misd E ELER :: OPTICIANS thw.ithin · )0'- . D. ;, ~ , . . .. - -' •••••U of OhiO; ·.S',hnetoF th~ , . i.,d there. IJUIlm .. 'd. ,,!.. ' . He );Qura receiv V IlrIl('r : •:~ 18 nellr .months ' Lebatlu . n. J . C. " u.a 0,.. 0. And .im til" b('nee ' 'COIJllb an~ , & Bop" b.l~ , rrA, lIIlIrk, ln{! : tor: "llIch A jlldlfOlen ,:,,\11 not ~ fcfr ve 'tfl. IlIUSU 1 HarvQy' \tburg, laOlt week, .. , • J . 1 I . . . ! th certifieatea from the Bvards of Ex· ~8 d I prinulpA aud I" rest of th.,... ~rulII\tieorY! ", .• "., ~ •• EM»A O. IhcDN , 8ec'V' ~Clm the bog ohol~ta J'8f!:e8; ~ lIIt!mUl'I.. n.. . 1...llrts t .<.0 amine n of both . Madison IWId -Mr. Rohert Moslll'r, or Oar· Si,(Ic tnclos. Tools &' Mater inh. natoe ewecU!ed ..nd delivered' d ' ,: .~ : .. . . . William 1118 all~()Olllttlll. llllt.. wdlllcc I~\JII!IY dington Boger w'the .itld lJ,,",~d t1ae ....,11 . . . , ., . . ••.. : . is visiting M.... N. N. Why ~~ ~;nes~ille ·h.v~ W j)rren coun~ies. Firllt time try· CKYIlUL WEDDIN foJ1oIIIJ .Olle dated Nov. 18. IB 68. fpr . ' 190., G .-A ' vtlry 'J thum thruugh t!;i .~ollrll,er ; vt ~!Id; ' e of lectn.rel tbi, win~r'. "... .. Mo)shor lit the H1llllm' l1l Hunee. coun ' too. tI . W. Oar.·Sixlb Bod ')~I ~OtIN" ATI. 0, ' . . 1 ~lelisaut eveut Cllllle oft' at the M. go With th~1U tl tillY lu r~ :':~r:'0~1 \~8 .n~CO~~, ~~ . ~nt&, ~ ;:i~ ' " . , .. . ,~. . ;-j ow. , \11 . ~~Ir' Cllurcll la:lt S ';turd" K.'J l.~ .. y. I,r ,tl.I'~I' 01' .'Ir~ .. t· tllo ~ey and :Hl' walled I.y Ihe Bhllduwy \ I B,uClkwbea t at llisefi'a mill, and d.t d IS ~ l868 f .,' -1tJr. W.,lham Retalh ck ' hll8 Re' v, ,f h' a 01 I F y une I· • b av. 'IItlllUll . 01'1!1' tI~'IHh'oI I(luulllY ri,·er. .uilt... " .ul·addtrt.>cl, • or ...... PH!' \0 .:" • :J" .;;.r finished Ibe illside of his new .,~. Th·lllr 118 I...~rguf~ .. nl IlC · is Iyill~ very A"ard ed tho lJighe .,· Kellal at ~::ch~~~I'i86~:e n • 11\:1 ItntTcd aauu.ge at MtI lio's market · honse rll:·f~~O. a~~;:b~: !Jl;;':;~ ,.... ~ ~ 1/ 1:l~ Z AI,"rllllrillto rl!lUal'k~ '~'er~ mud ~ Ivw With c.lIl.il"IIl1ptioll ut 0 F ' rtli t t i t ' ' WI e. hid IWlDe e mem..,..l·tllI t Ie !litre I Vi enna.. .... montb. olter d"td. 'iU of .aid·nolu IlIl11r ClJlltr'Cl'illt!. house. _ _ __.___ _ of the Inr;t. b:s~e:r~anget :::~ tlcelebratccl tdlte OCCt~18ion hy I!:d'ivill~~ ei,bt I"'r c~nt. illle'te.l. Ou tbe 21 be"rlog t clnJ" nt ,.. ·~~, t~~,~~~I .~~~;;I! :~f. J. B. W~lItull -Mr. alld · Mra. OIUIIIOd J. l·OO~ Andre" E. & BS'T, ANrllONY & CO' I ~~~r~DAo~·e~:t,,~::~!: real'dollCCS I'll tile 1(, revercn gell OIUI1.11 1111 Go to the Wayne sville OI TI II.. ::~dioMt8 :'~ , e excclle lIolu~~::~< · :: ' . 'lt . I~dy . A a sIII.Url H I' M ' · b .• wer\li.l g. to -Dllrk W.\!.ch ul,d tUllllly nl1: oppillg. I.,rmerl Dallel'll iP ace 591 Ie rooms are Bpac I011 Ii d W Q..'!, . u.... . k y of X ell ill, but. .. .. D" gency. or agazlOes , Btorl , U I'oa • • . f y·e 10 ~ or, t.l I a .nf d ... Id 'h Co.rt In .IlIW said. d tl 01 oallS8 1lIlgl'l·d . t~ reii"llti I tuWIl. the f~net Illd., ",cre in the clllJrch ull the afturllOuIl Vltllllllg r,ell 0 wrc .. aDd ltatlOorey. «) pp Mel 'Ol-ulil,\U HOle!.) u c eery. 1111 propertyo. the @ lere IB a arge . f lIld-Willinm 'BOll"lt in .~id· _. , to . '-~ t f' 'J d 6 O( ' J M I ' I III ••• (-el. . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . .,..1..... !lUu.. t" 'H. - __ 'MARTI closet; n each room. IA' of giles Warrell. 0 II 0 "r. Id WllliuD\ Doeo." yer, at '" 1 the ay \lIUlItl.)f.'e' , ~le~1 tleru .. , . " ~ Ker 1; , ...tj6d'llh.. ~ heThi.•• • .;~. I:equired I.. "ppe"r . llulUl:"lu,;t w",ek. 1Ir• Fa rr bas pnt lock oosee in -Cad II d & J . CHIWMUS AND FRAME:O:, .nd.n~" wus u IlIrge ~uthcrlllK ul lr,<.Iles 1\1It1 ,erouidp erlti" ". .. on or w~ a or bofore A tho CARD " ann ey Ila"e gentlell lclI. whu cume IUlldtJd dU\\'1I L· tl I·' k· .n STEllE our Poet Office. Grlldua lly we l~telkY recfelved dll lar~~ nndOello . third III tlaturda, cley :lUW . "'tor 11l8, tb .. 9On' lot dav ot of en· D_o.OSf,OPES AND V.t:WS; bilr next. l~mt. witla handsome uud IlllCful presl'lIt .DA.VID r.i ;~ UN. HARV&O;YSIIURG, Oct. ~ 2. take OD the .iN of. big town, you 8,:,'C rv llllWkills, died uf COII:!UIDl'tivlI, ~~®()JJIi\:,\I~p ©~~[ftl~(!llI}>i!1 0 rea y;mutle , ot illig and ltaskot~ of 'gllud cht.'tlr. w~" ~ . 1Iy 8l1:Tn W. BROWN. Ed's ble ()azeU Alwml, e :-lseu . ill tl.C Mi. neur Now Bo1itimllre, S:ltnrtlIlY. tee. direct f~om Plllladelpilln.. Thoy have 1I0t 00t1ll uble to obtuin ~1\iJu'ii'~OOlh! WIJ !'W~ Dated thl.1&7th da,. of 00\ .• 18n. par ' ItlUi Guzette .. f the 2.. ,h ill'lt .. un Oct. :13. agt!d abuut We ar;b-;; ;;t;'it i;-;oe t glori. ar:' oiforlOg t~e 8Ilmo at very low 25 YIlUI1l. h -, - tieulurll. but lourn that the pl'csellltl «CCIIUllt .,.. till! UCCC;iIlB~ uf --~ .John Hid remainB were interred in Miami P otogra phic ~'a t nae IndilloD Summe r wellther. pr lCCS , to 80lt the present e ria h!lrd 18. K I II' G • 0 B J),' , wisre not only nUmeNltd; bitt (jrallt of New llnrl ·lIl!toll. a· ,d ill ., which, our old friend Mr. Jvhll tlm.ea.· ~Y all mellllB eaH ~nd. UClUctcry 00 Munday. Mr. Hllw, Wo lire H.. dqu&r&ero 'o~~.arlthlllg lu tb, (""1 ()' ~ . :' .. Archer predicta, will continuo a ~mlD~ tl"s uousnn ll, . superio ex· wliny of them 'fery elegan t. and Iconnectioll with it the Btatement killS hud only IIlIely completed his "'ar r Jot tbllt tbe bun qUilt WIIB splendi d. It thllt the fUllerll1 sel'Vice ~"J 9 were beld tltudies preplll'8tllry to enterill g 8TEIlE OPIICO N of mODth at leut. of, oIOLhlll~. iI AliD KAGIO . IlOust hay!! ooen verJ grlltify ing to IH" Wm , Smith ulld ~athl!r •••• Frame. Up\,11 thu pructice of law. -:-M.essrs. Moore ttl 8h~~nker tbr worthy paslor to see auclr LAfiT ERIU . AlfD lin · rhefac t is, WID S.ilith had lIoth· .. Get yonr oylters of S. Terry. deh~ered a IlIrge lAnd eupeno t lot Illilitllkllblc . Being Mnnllr~clure,.. or tho evidenc ~s of the 11;001 1· ing t, do with the vreachi ng of the Bere tbey are kept in ic~, ao4 or trees etc., lust Satllrd~!. frolQ . will and lItf'ootion enterta Bit t I) £5 • M·~::::.~~:l~:~.::.\T ••"" . . are .arl'llD ted good. frosh and the (j~lIeva , N. Y .• nnrserics. 'l'he bim by hill purishioaerd. ined tor ..nneral ; it'WIIB preached by E"ther 1J1'ln'I!IUITV -TItHRoI"T.()OIlf. For the Frame, La1lll4 at rJ. , tlte requeat of Sarah RILEY .-:-Out.>b er 24-. un·,. cheap. .0 and 60 cents a oao. tbe wife uf ADI:.r:&:t~~:'N~TEHI!.PT.IlOI'f, weath. er ,"aB . \'ery- fllvoruble (0' 1 Of O()llnMl everyth ing pafl8ed IIAlllurAOTURIID Ill' oft' Grutit 1 SU'OOOSO ttle mist. aka oc lIr. Ueorge Rile),. Ridl!'eviJle. of . l t d It h .. d"Ullb. SCIiO 'IL J.AN I EHN . FA mI.Y L.I'r ..... T. KIN G SF 0 R 'T Plan I~g. ~~ I; .t b uy~rrl a1'~ eel pleawalltly, UllllltstC nOlle but t~r D " SON .. Lebano n will "ave a course PEOI'LE thts curred 'S LANTER by your N. being mi sillll'rmed. BURNETT.-O<l....... r 10. 18711. tbe .. Ife E..,b .. ,; e , J.I euse 'fit I t ,elr argtll~s. . I~.e .bllpl'icst recullect~onl\. . 118 the con.. 0 boillg Ih" b" lOf iI. 01... 111 the The Belt & lectul'88 ,hi. winwr. Among a,'(:h ttttA" lVprU. . Ali ' i )QU ... ~NTANCK. of Mr. ~·r"nk O. D"rn~U. of ......n. worthy gC!ltI~mell lire dVIIIE{ th~rr SCi0I1811C88 of dOlOg g'JUd. . 10". k,·l. GIVE t1ev~r A DII:A UTI t' dilltiog ailhed l~tnrel'8 will -be ·Mi'S. bellt to s upply onr people WIth rllilll to UL FI 'I [.~ S • .~"'. TO . SH1NN.· -Oo t.ot..>r 16, 18711. tile ,,·If. uf du Oulnl"~ue. 01 1."n\"",. aDd Slido. wltb Tin: LlNE~. Alld \he ewe We nre glud to carll that Mr . Mr. Hunj.llnin helwllCln iI.nd . Soot&08iddoua .nd &Yllrd Tuylor. firdt-clu .. trt.-et<, -and they are es. 1 Slti"n, of a d.ught.r. dlre~llonl for U· loll aent on "ppllcMlon. '_ _ , commoll oll\reh I. lo," cel.,· h"lf. cent for un Couk, the new Princip al, hlUl ill- II ,,,, teoeively patrullized. Any ell l\: rJlrl~ in:r m.ID e.n IDIIk. montll' ordlo. ry w.. bi ng. A.k Jour groGor fo. .1 Tho Old Drug-Sto)re it! supplied troouccd 1111 orj(ull illtu the high. iI The ban given·hy MOtIsra. N . H. mClltl)9, _ Wha\ opicure'B nppelit c is not with a full and cllInplete Bruck wllh i. ~I~i J.• olero . IUNGF OKDl8 Chapm an and J('NC Whartu tl in uf schodl ")gin. Blltl tllat the p.u p Is ~~. ~~ ~~~ ~~~ou, tbl••dYcltl.emen' lor refolenc. OSWE whetted by Bool ' OO I' nl'ce 're:lll drull'", lIle(lici ne~ GO and I.attlllt mcd ellcreille in vocal und instrulllental DONTlCOU.-InX (:ORN STARCR adwall ader', Hall. Sllturd ay ev· ., . . , . olaas 0' colery on tile tu'·lu'l I It I'a ieines" .. - I' . III unill.O,· bl.'side.;,I b l't"ttorJ I 0~ , Ifnll toya. t.oilet IIrt.icle8, T en iug, JI&IIC.'d oft' very pleasuntly. eo II , uu mllslc. lit 8tatueI. · r t!flles ellc 1 Is dllY· Ih. o,I-\,iILI a ..... r" -E,l'1bll. .IIKerlnK n ...... In 184i: And l e wY . . . " U' Am... d ulways a d&iruble accomp unimen t, grocorlt'oI, plllnts, . 01 a, varOisb .a u::, . RlC'AN •• "ed 72 ye'..... WASatt BLUE. pr••ar,'•• II, ruput..tl"lled Do es. 1I~ IOstrlllllont I~ ~ rents olle, \iooll n ... n a '''0''•• The whi.tle ~j08eph Haines ' but especially 60 il\ Bume cusea .. _ For LauIl4 rr aD4 Hllu.ohllill U.o. lind more othor tilltlgtl than conltl paul for by subscrlptton allltlllg PU R" " ,ad 11.1• • HUtJ At'Ii: 1l'Rn any fit am threlbe r, and the ... hin of wheu a dinnor at this the .""uls ville 1II .... ul... 8C1lROn 1I . . ~ r""'U.;:D i~ ' be [lamed in a week. It is dlleir.,,- Ilchulllrs thom,,"lv~;. bllt WI) AT Tn o~~~re~~: !'~I~IO~h!,) O••~~~d~:~;. D . N. Blackf ord'. wood .•awi hllpe Butter Bcarcely complete withou t it. Mr. ' bl~ to h~ve pretlcl'iptioll~ 26 (J, filllltl by III~d (oXp<'ct t""t the n('w inllovat.illn or .. It II otber lillea. mUl'il ine are atill to be heard wi Lurd 17 ~. Tert'y is accumulodating ollr eit- 811le, rllltll~le ap"thec&rtes, Ilnd at Amtrio an ltrama rine TfjlrkB, 9rnu,o ll MAOAO••• Ph. D.. It.,... Ih. Will ' U our bo-lle~cllme ~o p 'pillar ~"at belure Izena who R~ tr.gs '" ._ ~ond of tlll·s del 'lgll".... tbis e8tabltl!hrn uut "ou can depend hili" the Dlr(,t!to 15 Our Wn.b ~~t~'i~~.~'Io:;t"I'1I tbo world, hlllbell oh.Dllcal ... lhorlt. or Bllrope. ca l ." I' .r ' " r,ll wIll lice the .. • _ U loose • • fnl ellCulent. bl keeping a 4tllck 00 on the ·D'lCtor'll skill. 18 II due' Ill' IIrcRk, coollll"1 nothing Inj ..... I." full,_It, .-.1,.'00 thil Corn Re/Dum Starcb. ber and Ind' Ildviaa la7,8"III bility of caeellen! purcl!lIl 1il.g artlel. a of diet. g ood nllmB, Tboee IDe ovater. , fresh from hand, which he ~e118 at oitl pricM. 14 0118 lo, b."lth o. 'abrlc, .nd II ,,·ed h,' all ehemll)l\l and feeding proparll., II (ully tbe reliable Old Drug StOI\!. °IP n for the 8ehool'. \AlrlUll uent "O •• l ~ • • Vrioo Beer. <All Mnd get a Buppl y . ,.more, Iior .#.II~lP'" 22 @ 25 :~; ':rf.,~~a: I .at.ewln ::rlc;.: ~. ~~~~nt _ .• -.. S!;:i~:r ":' ·qDI~I! usc. ~,br~~ . :':kl~~pluddln~" CIl8&erd, A vorJ plea"uo t OC~"DI·\'II would •L .•• _ . • - , . packag"aonll90lt,I ~ IJ, of I)",er wa1 0 ..•rvIIII. W Icb -- of the ... bl to..... bl n~. P!II un ,n ... .......old - Mr. Ed . MIl~y an d nU1I1 &:e .• accompa he ny Mob a con, ono.poun ~ entioll d....packAge, . ~bb citizcna In WaBhlllgton r'!Jwn Illp. thlll t e n, t r IBIIII11 UI C, Price 10 cent. eub. 8. TClrry OOIIataD~I~ keepa on hand. Ba~voy.burg. Ie It .on MOI~dIlY for f)r .... ....... 811 ... ....., ... For "R le by grocere thi~ eurywhe oonullll re. llitY-1I AI ... )·, 1l1 of &17 all Om of count" Oll~ mllll a __ lost Bixty hogs by are ellcelJeol )lYIIII. theee daYI. their oe~ homo lit Dunkir k, a,k ro,· Ih. Ax ,.... AS W.IH Ba. u•• If you Ja~I 6 1 y~~ and over. ElICh one ' the cholera. Mr. )8IIac Spmy Try them often aDd lee if IOU Co., Imhana , where 811YS ' ---- Mr. Macy. roo m·g wanl l":::= '~;!!:!;.... ........ 1ii1lA ft Sla ~ A ... IICCOUUt ,titere ill 00 core kn'lI",n tor this ht give a short dOD't 1(\-& faf. Buckw heat Wanted. . . ceDtly ~'!Ddught a farm. We recom· 011 bis 011.:•• 72 IVillI.m til...,.'; N,.. York. or her ex ~-~~- ~~!.~'" .... riellce in the 'disclIs - -... e; _.. he hilS tried n.umero mend ns 80· &J • to The blllbOll\ the good people of price paid ior BllokwheRt "t - I cia _~ h. r- . 1'1,10 beat moaiaal lDIIftuine po\). that coulltry as a firat.rat -- . d !called r('medie.; in vnio Dr. W. L. Bartle, orrara for ",Ie Ihe Hell' I ~. l oe)'I. Mill. e, wh"lo ear y. ~s CH t 18 sectIOO. M7-8 Iil1A ft g ~ • .at. , .an rey prOperly, 011 MAio Itreat, oPpollte hi' ~ .1 1"'" b advanc ed performera .i. touled fellow. We Illall m'IBS 11·11.0 late. !!I-~t! !.~~~ '> mOldo ... n', Idenoll Tbol buill\> 1. l'(j11l04"lIn~ tor" Tile Trust"" Id ~andtremllllBO ' i t One.oe ta I.e ar... del. Creme publilh ed by gery muoh, lor in his cupllcil y vf j'" IlIo h ........" vAf' W·..dyne ·"'own. On. "~CIC!Oad· ... Top BU$lf1. ot lloro huildin,., and I. In a pd local on, Carl" WOIl I bl n°add~ ! en ~r 10· IIhip have deterUl m~ke ;haDd SblnlDIf . Tha 101 10 6t.I (e"I rro~'. "JIll ... 111 b. I. L P...... hS Broad" ,a" New reporte r of the Harvey ined to make no Falrwie.. Farm. App l7 011 the pnlDu. AliI'. one Rockawa,. Oarrhl8. bll.' va UII .hurg news I ng 'll , Pole aDd 4ed If dilired. Juqul ... or Dr. H.r1l01di"l. lltlons JO Dr pr(,vi~ion rur reeding and lodging or at lhu"lIloa or Tort. ' Tbe Noftm ber i..ue, Sh.n.. .lMh Yehlole, De.rl'lIo... . Oall be of Jo..pb G. K.t'· 0ger the .iynato of "Knuc kles" JOCIlWU8t Oct. 6. toe CUt tiPOllba~ r' ltramps , the ooming winter So beb-e .., it fall or ohoiaeaobject., he bu (or a loogrewhile NOTI S CE. boUlhl at lo .... do.n. p~C4!t lN~~A~, mBde t~t" • f ' "81 . lie Ie IDj'he&e nomadi c crcalDrea may a.!i , _ Nudce I. hel'ab, gi~en. tb.., .... obeerf\aUy aOmaaeDd lbi. departm ent ' o( thi8 paper tbe Dlldera "ery mo 10Q. H~"u,'burg. Ohlo~ . well movo on. or go BOIDe other 10 "!flied bill ' - •.PJK>inted EKCIClutor of the QU.... .,.. muiN i apfey, readab le one. May good I Fllll wheat . . Wlllltecl. FI.e HUlldred Bnahela of 'pOla-. i . . a = a8 took, roate than that which loada to.j' BtIalI of ELLIS WA.RD. ' !a... o' Warrea JDCaL ••. . - d b' j N h '_L ~1I 1m n e,erl ~t. i n, verI well iD toN,.,~ . ColUlt,. ci--s . .108. O. UY'" OQ..., of IfICtiOD. . " ~'t (!Ie 'WJoepitable.h oiea. n'nl "y _oil 'or 10 co. B B ,~- M D A~.IO. 1m. , G. W. BWJ3 " 00.. Ea_';" . ... i .. ~ A-ft" ...~ ~'air"
ilL";'0.. . I..
'I I • 1.1. 11.
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Y",r ... -:"'11 ••
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Potatoes-W ante d. "'..... w.,...,a a.. 00& ,-,
'. . aDd
••1 from bia Ii.. or &bole w_eN d up and doWn aad' I ...... UWe .....18 Ili.d au, OD preleD t. TheD h. weat be that Ihe had IhDt it up .1'lIIIip.... FI_r .,r II,. 0.11. ..d /ha,.l ltl, .... :- Oetober. calm to tnakiD , (ace. at them- the fun. lOue to : ..ho.;l·H _oD .he Hilt aDd eereue, autamn al Doon of the nieet faetll that ever a man made. 1tbinp her _WiDB- We baYe IOIDe I . " . willI"" 1.-. laid .w.y in tbat drawer .I ..... .111 ....... »1 Dear 01 H ....... lII.' ,ear. ia apoD .1IL The poetical ya· r.ce. lueb u only Ton) CorwiD ,wbicb the , guld Nubl.. uf killK' oouW! KIt ,..atio n. of the furwt leanll, iD COU Id IUllke. Still Dot a IDlle, The LII!le to, o.b"'·a I,", Il_•••f\er .11 . DOt I buy, and yet they are relic. wbieh ...... DO" _lyl.,II MI'r r.1I Sleek ", crillllOD. IC&rlet, yellow . urple and a hint eye II tbat anybod y la MoUler tb".. ? 1111iii. Zoo enjoyod .grieve us uMil buth our heart. Ti. Orape 011 Ih. Ouor-W lllle'. Dead. are . wi . , . .:tie&, feut the Dye 0 roUlanCtl the perform ance. There fI ~: Ii Ii • ~ tJley lat IIOre. 1 h&v4tIl' t dared to look at " with beaaty and lublirn ity. IlId'a I lJefore him, giving tbllt diguific • I ~ ~~ S 8:g ~ ~ d 1them fur a ynr. llIlt 1 remem ber . DO other leMOn producee. , ~~ Still, 1 attentio n which they though t the eacb artie\e. TIIl"Y ~ Do ... flarhog . r~ twu \f , ~ rn I ,'l~'U7l.t~Ti· I t <l B fiDd by many yeal'8 of dose obeer loccuio n requ ired ; but no one I II .. • •••• _ •••••••••• ••_ •••••• ~ ~ BY HAYS , shoes, a lill Ie chilJ hilt wit h purl vI'I • .atiou, that al..-ge majorit y of per· loveued hi, m u{1t or UIOVed • ' VI atl ~"!t . I, :; i: ~ Q S011l0S .AlII!> OHORO la 30 ar• • "OR. band the rim gonll, 1.IIUl! tockillg,j. P"" Til I • • III Ktl! r,,)a . . a . 1001 are tDOre eo rapture d With til or loot . i _ • ~ Wbe,,, Ie pll 1O,"I,b, t way of pullije: talooutI, Il CU,lt, t\\' V ur thrl!1: lip ols, ret Y'. beautie l of the vernal Ile&8OO. :&: If H\l0 !l~' ..,d old. ~~~~~~$. Finally Mr. Corwio ..t down dill- bits of bruk l:II {'r01ckery, 11 ~ ~b.do Alao. 0lIl.,. for the If.nufllClturo ADd Sale ~ f whi", ... uC Loug Ago . I.,..a "ylf, flever was, hOIl'evor; and I nutice ' gUSled. • &tl: .. ... ~"';; and BeV rill to\'Ii. Wifll, poor thinKI Alliu !Julin;;. , t lfeftan" in later yeal'8 tbat mlloy of the ri· ' Thon a tall. IMnk. cadllVe c., ell i •~ ,;, on III O".aDl a Sweet Vole. C.II. II•. rou8 g.I8II to thl&t drawer ev"ry day of ('( Ill. ~••.-I. meriCaD m. II"lact1.lN. aiDll"l leratio n prefer tbe 8l1blillli. ltoolcillg illllividual. sitting off The Gold.n Weddi"e. 1 .~ : g iu olle bur Iil"tl, and 1il'lIyl1 over it, and luta Prices as L•• ad Wb, Uun', Yuu WrIte 10 Me. Si.t.,T CiDcta tiel Of autumn to thoee of sprillg. Icorullr or the ruom . 810wly naU r>1 .<.3 :.;;,: TI,e WII},I,..,d Ro.. , Or . IIT ot""r clly ill Ibt.lhliou . Again. when I was quite ·ollng. I his f,·ct. Slid cleurinK his N$1l to hllr teuN fall UpOIl the preciolls ar· . y ... ·U Por pI ~". u.y .bd-D, . ~ throat : ticl~i l1Ut I dare not gol Some· ' "\1U'\1 I,e Tru~ 10 iIla. . Iloticed that man,Y peUOAI preferred , \'ory Id.mrel y, sllid: ",Mr. • CI -ej~ ~ " laair· ltiUleol ..... e sp ILk of litthl Jllck •. but . \V 1 LUlie Bi«Ii,' Moy . \ P A~ P mu.ie in tJle millor key to t Ilat writ. , man ill \' il'w of the fuct Ihllt R S, i 1. . .! S .5 ,~ P -a 9"i ~ : i>uII of )h & .. 1. .er.d Solo aad Quart.l. we nut 0 ft "n. 1t I111:1 I) '0 11 a Jonl( tIlUC, I Decora.lv.' " 'r " ..gillll;~. WI.llow ten in the major. Now. however! hav~ hud tLe "relit Mr. ~ ..... " -1>'!.::l ¢ il E! (Soii: Papen c::: - " ~ :; .! I ii!Qx6:a orwine but BY DAN KS, someho w we CUll t get o\'orl 1 b Dord", •. b .. •• !'''' .111.... J.... r.cel, . .. . h" :I I we rare.y ear a ,ucce . , ~ Da. hi ng F.male S..c ll, .. rlo·.ollllo .ooe. , S t' written I III lhere Wit 't Ud lo·rlay, grl:llt y to our gmlVlII ~d r...... ,b rarlorI". ell _t. 0 g. ,I umc IIDI.'8, W len we II Pi the millur. Thill WIl app·ar to be edilicilt Au Ou.i.l. End :""g. d• I .... BOBS illll, 1 thcrtlford IUI)\"e you, alone of uu c\'ellin g-I writillg "lid· .;a ~illK Me lO ~le1!p. MOille •. Innll andchorol. er aD ante ___ .. .' ~..s _.~ I IIha- Hir that " ' OllOW e1lI~nKillg aa we puss d OWII tie : .: : : : : .. :ulliolt 0 ;.1 ill 'Iuon. i"ng and "h"lu •. I proceed ' Id' tu give ij IU IWwin g-a CillO I I t ' t 10 dtree old d A oholce a••orlm.DI OD hood. "0 e 10 ~..l dy lide of l.ho uillctcelltl~ century ; , M;. Coniin e throo cbcers. t; I.iollll e: N.erlo coo,i.· l 0 1'111. .""I!. ' ing U11111Slc.l " So wili call uut as our buy ~8ed to.), ~lId orde•. ~I:~,j t;.~~i,:; ~ ~on~ Qr III' .. rab. "'"l1'" cho. ~;~:' ~ aDd tbeee Ilpparelilly UIII mpurtl&. lit ~u~in .. , lao Slit d"wn. all... I e ! Wou·. W. 8 ..,,1l? !'erio "omic aOllg. we will , b uth au . rt up With beIltlng -LOOIL I .... T "BLB '.OIL'.CI.OTHS, ;.. e ehun~.. ~uy, neverth~ CSI~ l Ike d .J:l Elli. de.l'. l"r 1"" I'm • • lIillg. SnlllJ 4: chu. 'hun I t " fi II d ~ u.nothor lunk. rou8 heuntl an II WI Id IIUpe. onlY . alld Mil "r.d All_... "trawli. po lilt out the dll'ectlon of indivirlual, UII Ihe olh r ~duve. :OJ :s idlhl 8 Hel Dt n't "'rll"a.o 10"0 rue , Song .nd eho", • . •. ' iii Side p Olle AnOlI,et. I'lelll,e. '~rio.comic. tho pOI,ulur breeze with r"I"tl:ence I·oom. 1'0 e t o 11i8 fuet slowly oj the Ihe darknc8 IDure ot u ~urden than OUR l'A IN (J OODS _=~ Ii. Q. ~ 118 the Il\·er. It is 8tillan d qlllot now. ,I ' w"~L ~Iollie Moor.. Song and choru •. . . " toliu' ligherm atttlN, whiChI 8hu'd ot her, ulldsuid : ':Mr.C buirm _ ~'l2: S~~~~ ~~~ -:: F1irliug on th •. ~' •• eu. Serio,colllie 1I00S'" an,llo oku»a t thewill do'v whlll'e 1118 Allllllldl. ~::::,:~~~:,~~:O~:~ -UlD!'r~I1·ln'm. ~i. !uktl.pl t.'uure iu indicat ing, but fe&r lIseco[ld tbllt motion ." Aud ""~;::::!;61~:,,oo"" ·5 ~ BY STEW ART . he sat Llue. eyCil uaed . to s)llrkle at t~y It ml~ht eecm (ll'OIIy to moat of your dOWIi. ! --.. -.-------.- ---....-........ I ~::~:k~~~ie~aU~:. lbe Angdano ... 8 • o. ' COmlDg but Ire I. n'lt thore. 1 h~· intelhg ent re&(iera. . Then tbe Cbairm an with d,ue ten lor ,his ' .. ~; : : : : : :,.; I ; Woiling. Loyc. tur Thel. 8 0ng .nd cboru.. \1atterill g loot, his merry III Te"i ... O.m'''~' Sall:, • •• ud O...IOIIU68 ~. JI 2 SOUle One kl. lid me ID mr SI.ep. S . • O. Our Iweet corn ilnll dried (180 solemn ity Wl1!\lOl.d 11 per~ndicu!a.r .and Iii r~lgitf la~gh; but WIN DOW 0 bar~ll, more or Ieee). and all en· ttl pllt the '1IlIlillion. "Fellow 'Cltl' tlhout N ICE S .; ~~~! thero It! n O soun. Lhll. lcl&lIdlR."e,"sl"TP j Oio,c . S'OS· o . len! II noone I Ned, .. 111m told. Our broom· zeu8," suid he. "it hill been ' ti ._ .. ........ _.. _........ __. _ 1 S c BY H w l)vlld to clim b over lIJy knccs; nil one to , It I .he. . • aNI- S 1 corn is cut. IiCraped and cur<.'<i (58 and duly 1,,'Colld~d that thil · I ' ..!:' ~ , Puhn.bed .od (llr S.le by toWII climllo ver my knee.!; one ,to lea••••l1en r.r B..... 1101 acree) and w.. a tolerab le crop. meetin g proclled to gi ve three 81:lU1'C~ my pockete und t,eno ~!t ~ ~ ~ ~ j;S '":. J. L, PETERS, 843 Broadway, aqe rue lor Il ed COlalorU . our O.. n tn,.k., Mallrt·••• ,. 1 Ibould like to send y~u SOIllO of chccl"8 tu the non oro hie Mr. Cor ~ .. « ~ ~ ~.. ... our lal'M ett eara of Indian corn , wino for the ahle and masterl ·, IJrescnts. anel I nevor find the cllI~iN I'i!~~.,::~ BU~~~~n ~:.nI11t~d :':ddu eoi;;; ..;.,. O:i:;; ~ y turned li EW YORK. U\'or, the broom down, or Pilluw Oa.ln .... Tahl. Lio.n.. which are gigantic, I&nd uur Indil&n IIddre88 he !aWl deliver ed ..., ~ PET in our rope8 tied to the d ,>or·kuobi. I E R S1 lfa&klna . Do.dl~ •. Llpen., oorn crop i. someth ing splendi d. presence to ·doy. ..\11 wbo are in WBut ilome one tv teuso me for Q Wa),penllle. July 1.4. 1187~. my ~perdL !~,'.~dI IO"'.d .r ~ ~ w...... digging our potatllOll' l'aVor of that motion will signify k.llilc; to rido 0 0 my should~r; USIO to I Rt l4i.ltd at IrA~ulJle P".l"t l! &IDUIIK whlcb aremal lyamaH ouOS. thes8m ... bysaY ingoye ... ~ . '':' , ~ U Adoz. rldcon my shoul der;to losem ynr-O 'V' .... ~fOrl .P.. .. &r.· aMcarn. t· IMat we lha11 probably bave enough ' un or mure voted in the affirma .. j...i... ; .~· 1 tive. . At • al; to follow rue to the ~te I wben wo." nec.led p"'.plly . b;r d:lIIe. ~ .rk · • •• t to put ~ tbrougb till our lIellt crop 1 "Those of u conlrar y mind l~. e ~.~ 9.!! ~ ~ j .~ ' ~ ~ will I go, and be tbere when I come; to m... Fe - - roaod, ~inco the mid~le or say no." There were 1I01ie. 1:J.-3 . . ! ,,~~ ~ ~,::;;a '"' 'l'II,follo "The call 'good-n ight' .fro~ the Ii Itie. bed llli1l9 JlIA,it; BaH' .eN &C' IM& moath, eQUID, and Iboekm g of ullItil)o is adopted." Then ho c:3jlo4 ~b~~IIl .a ... Imolfl,d g,d 10 bI Ih, bI" of tllll, dat, . eat now emfty. Aud wlft', she ml~&eII LCliu£tGll TCIlUff, . . .... beell going on , pt(!"dl ly.- down, Mnd silence again reigned .,.....,..-- - - . -, - ~ --- Partie, "nd'''9 /J' rrrd", call "ellr• . biOI stil more; t.here are no IIttte ~ I'iEW 'YOU. t ' ~n The bJ«bre n al"(l alllO doill~ a little t~1 QgOR~B Pr(' eutly a little, tlried nl', Ihtm. po,' paid, 6, r_illl,. , tu ,II. ~~".o repalrf ng upon uur balrnl, outbllild·l cn .fllced old mlln in the backweaz· teet to wlllh , n<> p~yeN to say; no ~crt n t> ma,IcId pm, . -upart sobbiu g with the pain ,)f a burt toe; iap. .e. GET THE BEST I 01 tlte huli got up, und in a craked no voice tell8ing fur lumps of su~ri Our public meetin g ill c1 o~ed fo I voice clllled out, "Mr. Cbairm an, au FOil 1~7~. Tbe SOMI, Pi.."o (n~LrltottJr 18 TRli&rS ALL ro~)l~ or, I sho would give her own hte. " . the eeaaon, 'We have Ilevor blld hoomy for Mr. Corwin e I" And he slmost, to wuke at .midnig ht and 10~~:ll~~I~~::~ ::';--li·l~t:~~:;!! JDare reepeclable, courteou8, or up· tuok his seat. : !~:i:~~ , look across to the crib, and see our ,.eeu~ ror SO ......"r' T.... Be.1 R OM O'!l'"n In.Lr~:::~ !a.~. DISEaSE. M"';lhly. l«>r preeiaUve audience8 thaD have Itt· Aud theu the di~nified party in buy thllre as he IIletl to be. So _ I I .... N.wlll....... AlfD 1t:&cm ~ u we Ibti . c.milll ~','.r. 111 tbe fiplll 0( actlOIl , teDc1ed .. IpcctatOrs of uur pcculiu r the middle gf the audi enot', Tbe BHt Jnotruolor for tbe ~!~~~.6O. at preserv e ollr relics. nnd when we !:::i~~a t~~:::t'~~~ ·I "o,'elell". r..,t'~t>,. b~OIl" ail._pa-rts.u4 .borter wOl'llhip, the lut &eaIIoll, ........ ....... _ ... v ..... w.h om tho jokee bad been direct4l<i , lire dead wo hope that 8trange .lte Cl.'lN::<.1fl lfun& l. ' ~d. Two Your eorreepondont, being invi · rOllc in hil scat, cleared out ' R emarlU Tb le Sl''I'i«l ' Storie, - - D " ....... '11-his will handle tbelll tonderl y, oven It Tbe lle.t 8inar\ng C\aaa Boor:~o:. ts.6O .,. .. ~~ A....... ted, tbo otber dl&Y, wbile ill !Alba- I tllroat, alld, in dignifie d tones, • ...., ....... Prloe GO ote. said: they sbed 110 tel&l'8 o ver tbem . Th. /lnlor Ib •• e. II UW \).,mpl.,Lc iJ our h."d•. ~ I'll D " ... IIIIIIAL WAf If non, to the fliueral of tl.te \'eDera~le " Mr. Chuirrlla~, !:uorI&Y for· , D , II tpl ~ D U' 11) . . . . .. . . the -A non~mo u6. •• Gab riel OOD rPy" lr Air. EvaDII, accepte d. and wu Vrlv · great Mr. Corwlne, and . sa' down Q \l\ A U B Die; Price 711 ote. . M Ii N • • BItT DAIl. . . ' ileged to listen to a very able, illl- aKain. 1- ' , ' II-('J e-:"~I Ohve~ Oeo). Optic's Price .1.00 a~&llle g o~ hO' vill atld l.>di~ing discourse. 'BIG ' HI~N rltlt .~n .. o.. ,rt':V.k. Fiually an old gra~ . haired vet· vember III cramm ed luUof Spflg HI '1 TbATING ." Tbe Be.t C"lIootio n of Ch~rob K"ajo I, t· . " , Ilt l' I" rom th"• lWv • .AUr. prow I·s. It bllS cran, who"sat ul' j n t e amen cor- I .IlIllero Ul PatitDta lu B1D'O~ \he D_I.,rt.IJeI~.r ' . lg an d to nd will ruu f.,l' Iwelye IIIOn.lie. t~ a ' etr u ctive· y, t en ertlllDlI i ... r. . U.rle·, •'arely been my , .rivileg e to Iilltcn uer, g ut on bis 8 ..... ' ''''uchd " urk .. '111. Welt Inlli., the DomiJlion ., a .... , Prioe '1.IIO ' . lep:s, and, leaning matter. for tbe youn~ pro.ple. Tblll . ..,eu•• ao4 ehamcle r... hi,;...... ' &0 a mure inte....tiug and at Ihe on his cline called out ill Canada, and ill enrJ 8aa the The ~uer. Beot Sacred magllZl I\Ild Oe SoouJu- CoUeutl.olu It deserve s Its Wide popu· . author "1'llIg d'UIeOUN Ii . bll' ''. rn!l5!11t " aame time . .ee eI the lTJlio" Iarl'ty ' among the young IS a e 1"I>Ill ulou8 voiee" ..... of Bge : ,:'~r", C fuo,.ll. air· 8 d el. O.lIfn,a.' aul 'lll&def upon the IlIleHme tbeme mSIl , booray for Mr. Corwin io . al'" pointed ...Ilth :' I '.~ 'or .Iud Voloee. Price'l .60. e The I" BeeL ycar. Lee & Sbepar d, Boston, GIlle Book .. ADVl ca elVEN BY MAI~ '..' of our tranlith)IJ to a brigbte r bet· obaracferialic ·,r. . . Thc t11rl.'C checl'8 baving been Ne P • • 111-. , I -~. . fi - ~ 1 ' -- t ,,1. ldo ... I . IlDd I \10 " h' .~ : M and lb. IJ4I." ' '4el~ rlp · FREE OF CHARe.~ · ter world , 11IIlW: p alO y t at r. thua. given. for the .speake -For ea e. a rst·e 1188 arm liol1 of C.llrornl ,1 lire Ib.t h.. 'et'!)lpell'Cd. for Mhted Volue., Prioe '1 110. r, the "a"on. Apply to Milton .LIIO. Thomp . W..b.II.laub"llnln'heJ .uia.rl,b~mbe.. The belt Glee Book for Kale Vol_ I. Sprowl l Wal incline d to look on the me4ltlllg IIdJourued wltb due ..... ....... ... .. ell.rfu l, 'Dnny lide of oureom mon Dity; and Corwin went to his8olem· room son, ' Price'1.II0: Jnn d4ll\iuT. and 1 w.. ,I~ to bOllr him at tb" botel, vowiug tht be'd Dever The BeAt Guitar In.tmolor I. ~ . ~ ' . , o a . 8110W 'Tooa pnIlPCitn"I. • nuDel1...... abe prfoc,p al ~tulutc make aDotber 8peech in the • •• I . . ._ . . . . . . .~ ,8.110. He of bi.,cl~ lba,t to be prea-re d aer~". And be didn't. ' ''Still,' D B• • Th~ ' ::: :'~~ , .... • "'e _cene or It!i. ltory ill Illd lu the ·-Il"&" _ 1 auel ri,bteol lely in 'd he. "I hi ~fB ed ,'b ~~.., Prioo ..... 110. I&! I f!oulbwe , eleln Dever I .. "t·,rl' . now 10.mlng em • tho the 4••,_ ~,tl.t., w.. the beet much. That waa thelf way .' 81.,el of "oulsona aDd Tuu, ,\ 'bo lime The Bo.t ll(~ne of Voe&lKuaio ie ot Tbe "ery b..., I.dl., .•&g&&ln. pubU.bccl. • of ,.t_ ~,;"",., . _ .. A.,OD , _ _ B1.Ir;"1 ....... t ' In'a,nn. ...... . Til_ chll",e I ' t.n UMI ~I IOD TI 'd 0 prepara lOll shoWlO1 ent IU81asm. -(S.lIe cahll. (N,Y.) ("ourier. I' -~, ley neyer Per Y..r M .OO. B ' T dMth T oood t all I..... ,~. nct Ion " ;""h 0 ".0 no.. A III~ rl c Jt n. . I d ' " /I. b " or CBEA , P ,0 NeIL EST 1. i. & 8, WI.. '" ES • v. • .lll our In· 18 any Im~lIo~ 7. 8, ' " 411 1l0W nu" rrench, now po oiah. ara08.MlII.ollg ~ em. Ibla record reedy. Price 60 cent. e...,h. te....a. MOul..., aod ~plrlhlal. 'tem Lheir .dvNI'urou, Ihel ..n~ld al... a 1I0ry or -C~ncannat' Engtn7·er. PETERSON.'S IIAGAaZlN E'• o( The II<>ftt ll(atr... lne for t;aay PI.DO )(,,110 lotao •• aod unllaglinl! lol .. ",allbroulbuul. Our ari-angelllente for Und~rt&ltinlJ poral and ewrual . WIth ,reference to -.-.. .re P.,te. . . . . . . . 111 ...... ~.~ preeent practical rl,hk.'OD8 n.Ma,WWl S ..lPL&~ A Secon d" Farme r', Vacati on" oolT.plete. AmoDg th... f""lIIt1~1 I. our a,uuml' 1'0& SoAaLItT Fa· Po,tag e Prepai r/ on all Sub6cripY .... ".00. the beet fouudation &0 build our VJtJl.-R obllrt Ollridtie of the , Corpae Pl'ClMlner. whiob i, tile boat to be NOlI. 1 to 9 .ow fttIIly.PerPrice l'ro, IlO Mbte all",. .,." h ..... f L_ -,., WARIIN ",.... lot '11 h veil tero BUggl.'tIW a ~mroy for tlal;! Obi dined. Thloll no mero properaLion. but The:"~tK.guID" for A4nlloecl Pi.bO ~-~-.~~-""--~~---" 01* 0 a ~ppy ure 001. W .. aINOj. no... In E,lf0l'0, .llillnrt. 1\ C(1mpl~ote 0...,. I ea , . wltb CJr Ever, .ul"oril'.r In the top •• nd apoa . 1 tbmk thi. to be tbe prot>- IICllrlet tuver wilich he uvers PI 1b1& "Ill be In a !'O"'" . ride 01 t..o bund red and /lfl" , in whicb the OOdy m.y"I.... hili! pie. , "Led wllb " . uperb. 'lor be placed. d.-4 ACEN TI WANT ED. '" larle ailld ....1 .,ile". on.hO.1 .!"~:a:. I. " .._ , lim .Ivatiu ll. 01 Ih " 0,1 rHtlle Mnd iOI~ rt.o" .nd t<-nd~. Kod .~ ' iuvaria bly proved lIucce8llful. It ill engr... iDIf of Truml,ul kept in" perf,,?t .... I~ of Per Yell? ...,00 , II.. roan Ia III. _bOl' 0' "IlUlCAL 00.O. C. HAtin o.. \'ery simple and lies within tbe of ·'1h~ ::;,.nin~. 01 l'a •• I.I· ... L<,d ,leLu", II1I! of Ihe "Ibe growing nil . .... of Enrol'" pr..... r~"tlOn for MOY length of t.me.. "'Itb· NOlI. 1 to 21 no : the v...-Iar·'tlon.o, lid.·· Thi • ..,.,olld. •erl., or paperl pronoi ••• 10 be out ..",Img .. re.dy. Price 60 MDte ..,_ "....." a book that nodIeII a oIrcIIlallocl .' I' . d tbe d",,,,, or ID "0)' w"T 4...flgu.... pelldehc. . Tbll wllllJe ' P.Lcrdon 8 JOeb· cacb . P"bUlhecl. ... 4 m.lled. po.to ef 0 . . . . .,000 ~; .110, of ltunr HOlD - - •• - - -<'Yen mure '"te ..... 'ln ~ than thaI .. bleb uur Inl< the b,mv. lench "I thoso whU8e lllllte . lUllI&ns "Dul.1 Wf..... TALa.... .oN noent1y p ubU.b. , .. hleh 11 ...... . "'.de:'.... alre,ldy (aal:I•• "lllh. Bot.ID D Elltba awlft. d"" R..~ml. o~e o1'lOr .h.... p""t Ofllc... paid by preclud e them from ompl oYlllg tbe ··P.nu o. '. )I 10 ,b. "'..... 01 10.000 ..~Ieo; 01.00. 0/ .. 8 _ _ cllotein.. ...ery .'E"TL 'NNIA I, I,L' . TTERQ W"ynb. Y1I1 •• OhiO, 80rviCCII of Il physici an, and is this. yel •. 1000 P"I.'. ..1•OAZIU" III lYO••• • _hi... ,. no,"' I>oln. pl1~lI.he/l In ..t," 1110.. • te" pl al~', 12 colured ~ tt .... olle ofeorw in'. campaigQ Take an onion and cut it in balvee' 1J<rllupu "I' & ..r Ut - - - - .. -- - COIf,..lItw TAIQ.U - I •• ruo,I J maDlmothrol .....,dr•• hlob 843 Broad · way ,·trill· ba ••• k _ .,. ..... ef . aiL - . . - . cII. 1Ir1C-ID.n.,.... ""'k ( ....... . ,.ean, way 0, ~ll tu ."'g.' I·r mu.lc. tll.'II. or cut out a portaou 01 the c~ntro, lind' pllll.a.~' "oodCUla I G •• tlmp",,·elll,n'" will.,nd!lOO fa an. • 01 pri.'J. • be ...,1 ,.... l1li oppllaadea h. maoe 10 1~76 , A rare may be the tortles, .tld he bad iutu the cavity put 1& 8poonfu N• YI '" .1,,,.. tlr. roowW .... or lbe ••"., am ".)u. l of Among Ibem "Ill be. '."el o( lIIuslrated been makin~ the circllit of the 0'· . ." Ilecliono f b, c•., .." .h_ om... Ia ue -.at tI!lh 8l1'M\. i:!'llf,l'n :t . t , tl . b GrMl E.hlbit:o ".t Philadelf h 'Wh' • k rll A ~.IiIIIIA.• sa 1011, pu t tl Ie pieces ~",,-\)I.Jth men and ,..omtD-~'I.DMd to .eIJ R. ,·o luliun.ff ':.ge ler, lu1id.ao pbi_, whlcb'he Ij" .. . , nli" \oII , v "'ill .!Ob~ h. worLb Y 1iII"~' lbe .lIb ~ J.~lIer" m.dnl .. from lin, f hNROt., ~ork", In . 'holl) • U~ .... Jd'Olt _.US Slat~ It1 beha rot e . A NDIg tiC et. 11011 then wrap r .... ill cloth 11:1 t:llf and t bake in lUI '0.11 ¥ Be hMd !one tbrough t ooe sOllthcrn uven unlil the onion is cooktlll I'ric•. Tbe7 "Ill h. approp.i •••ly at. ,,\!flWtto" T he 1~llInlp", 01 lIIIaU ' ortune. .to.elllllht! h"ndooflhu 80 called Th, 1"rli'n . , ~ . , I I .t!II _ . , \ft*" G ~o.f t Ii.... MID l"A6CIo \0 aelUul Dr. foon" ..,.,t,tu "A '''''~I~~E d.,ce .. d, nl, u ( Col. J",enh nud mi d. Ie couutriCl, ami bad that th~ J'uice will I'IlU freely; ~ .~~~~_~~~~\!!!,_ f) ~ wor". "1'L41Jf H u," T .... " lit varth.' ulart, th(>u Ceniet mial in P en \..-~ .. -..II to tI Ie .n.t'.aen· Penci l! n _ .bdw'~'ldll· I~Trl,~e•.~ a"I'letb'''a" ~,.in t"~.rlt,.•',,t,',·u uco:D . .110 _ .. ,apll'ld to at\",t.-. attd t'Ik:,~tlC& hi ~,.o "l''' til e .t 0 Ilqueeze out all tbe juice lind give 'rho i.. men.e elreul.lillna1.d S ~ • ~ \ I . . of Peu,...,n C.d ... lh.der·. B,.Hdlng. ll("in lr.... t. ena couu cliuu .. I~h ihe C"111110hl "".\i\11t10 11 wake u~ tba Yankeea, as he IIIlld, tho patient a teaspoonful 'at ,1,lt ,1M \ I,'a, fm lbe ),ounlLl. I t "4 tor- content.l • tlte hIe. IL~ prorri."' r .. , .pend more mona~ on 01 tb. ~e"" Brl lI'"11l1y lIlu '~" A"'d tah&.c a nd,.. fIJI' ' ·our.eh'.... Tbt '01111.,. u:.W' f"f'I _..II!' ht-..II dO"'n a· Pal·n.... arlicl e. IVA 1r N ES"/ L L E, . . 0 ll/ 0 , ' . . ••tw lll_hm.nli. "orle •• "c., .\C .. ,holl any ~ d 10 au 'I ":" _"' • aauJutudt! 01 qn_lo... wbkb lad_ ... 4 ...C. • ",,' Bame time - -, 1 < - rllhbJOJI{ the c'1 I(''at lUi d olhcr. J •• ~ 10 ' L h lin' more for I'" mOIl'7 &ball P on h.n~ • full Ville. The moetlllg .was. a auorn· lin" of Fur _'oel.d tIlcocr"" ' oolUOI.' tIIaIr ph,._... throllt with goose.g rease or rancid any In ah. lI'urld. Il. n~""..ee " . VaDuf""turee 1111 klDd. of Bread & O.ke ,;,.. ,. """,Ia, la II ...."'.. at 011 UU .1'l1li AMER ICAN COLLE GES, ' nlturo of the ye.y bet<t quahty. nnll.t ". • d"ily iog oDe. after tb., old fauhlon, and t'll&Cun, if thcre il any cough lot' W .. )'n .....m....d Lh.ourroundillg of IlIII ' _ I.. _ ....... or Thrilling Talll & Novelett.ea W.(I\ell ~ •• pedl v~ly I>y ~hcir' \ho•• the farmen from all around the lIul'elless in the thl'tlOt In U _ 081, flo bM .. _ _ ' .. ef . . .....u.a.-f.I.nda. ,,111 LOW FIG U RES ' short 1I.Ir.hburhood. 9peoial "UOlltiOD ie rtYID ' ... ap~· bad ., come dUrlll, to ~!'e town ye.r. to 1ht! hear ... hed . IMer . "n.A I"'II ~ '" ,: T,t. I_' " ,. IH,ItII.'" I e " , , . k . Are Ihe be·L _ .ny .. ho.... All th. ~ ' I II coll.ge h'e a "ku Ihe. e 'p .,..... ""pee. .. '''." be foood In ~n1 m .. rlreL Hi.,took 10 uml'hing CODD" J ,. , . ,' 1 tllllll the lever 111'111 ,.' . . .,.." aw l , •."",•• I ....,up.. . 0 .......... ures ont IU un mOILpopIII"r ruhl.shed con.iau of "tbe grea~ IIIr. Corwm w,'II.:a OAKE "lIIfllll~ecl W w .l~ 111I,' ,i •• ly. and "III IcCUre 'or' ,bem ullu.ul BW1'ea tl-ll, 'T a/ill'l/, S FOR e, lUI t ley (·ruptio WEDD INGS u all over the body. All orij!hllllly f~r 1'""'I'80n.re ......u.t. ""V AlI1 ted, Standa. Ollf.ir. , , In 1,,7ti.ID addltlOD .'lo:lIl iou. called hlD;l. ~"ke 8IIlCCCh. Wbea that il tbell nceetleary il to B d AND PARTI ES. AJ)1iMJ;lil ; AI AJlO\'& keep ~I:~GI'N~L t'o~I~~kft~HI,;!'~o~i~~ER~~ OLD NIlW YORE , the orgaOllahOIl .bad ~n eft'ectro Ihe patieu ' warm and pr~tect SofM~t &:~:'! t, Loo~~!: ;~ " un Ihort no' ice. hI"" keep ed .. iII b. ginn. hy IIr -. An" 8 . SI.ph•• ~. Elc,.",I .,· lIIullra&l·d arl;cl,,. 011 Old N..... aDd she Ipcake r lOtroduccd, be felt from draugh t; and recover y OI(llf8nt, Bracket., l~ tbat be mOlt do IOmeth ing wortby taill Mr Cbrilltie sa"s hns18 cer· F.IIDk Leu "nedlc~. lira. P. H , Barbu". Yu.k. I,y ,lol, n ~'. ~I ine., -III appear.t <f. d\ 'heen '\, .nd UU'.,", f h· THE W AVER LEI', by Sir Walter ' ·one tat' •• aod .. Ittb ill ollraol ,h,· t U """nll,'n of •• .. II. I. J o I~ re~u 1011 ~ ~ ~:, ~~:__ M. l. I., . e ~a .ur. employ ing this remedy .t -'I ho .... aDd a B"Pply of ola" or coun'.., .• bo 1D.'rk .. Itb '"te Scott, pftblislred thie day, is tbe ml&ny -_ 111[..... d~Yelllp .'.o, . or Ib .. I"'''' lIIet ..upoll... ·1 the Cont"loe, He laid downhis Itoc:k yeal'8 und Dever knew for 8 •. and I ala .1"" preper.d 10 aLtmd all c.II.ID it to tail Ahead of all olb.I... 1 hr .. pl.. te. a", un· .'!'.~'IUll.Ud,! r..... h•• tapIe aD d Fanoy Groceri81, ,T",eVt h 'folnme of an entire Dew f " .... aud ..... rea in lyste Dlltt lc' o ,Ie... . . ft aM gn"ed OD . te.l. T"' l r ~ ~ • • UJ UAL " ' •• und I"•• uf 'u o,d,·u Ilmr. Ih. qURln& ree"!la,. Tb h' heat Market P,i_ paid Ia edition of The Wa.erl ey Novels when I)roper care wae til ken of tbe are uneoIU.lecllo. beaul,.. Th •." will bo, ~". E ....r. nUlllber I. pm,.... e'" nra<t",te D 1n order. bDaldlDglrom th~ru a!l argu· patieut after its applica tion. ~ II( r t _>' d, . One , b• cub p .. or hly tr ..e. for ",unlr,. p .vvn.... colored, AIIO. Uou.eh." ld f . • al,d.olh. r now ID Ihu. eoahU.g H• •10 givu .~ o,,'r de~cr;~tlYe h ••ing a /IDe n... lle_. IUld a fullliu. meDt that he tbougb t lrfCllatable, fumiiy in which tllll~ wore course ot. pn bl IClitIOn y of /iYe recelpU; Q,uen i. '''011, Cit'!! •• ~ry&blll' BakeT1 lnlcre.&i /. ", T. '" B. .ud PeteFilo nalroll ll ••• & ki r',cl Brothe .... ,.' t't rs, 'ft.ere Phila, . f . . tly IId " ••. uDfl tho belli he . 'n down • wor DI a 1 p8 len . ladlo --I I ' cluldre delplia u.nl I,eriodiea eutitled the dleease at N. B.-A. n lue ucw".U "P8ter,onti " ..lIln • "," 111.0 D.. '_1 C . pullU.ber no.. I'r.p01a &lte ". u. h·d thoUlh t tbe .ltnlctU~ comp ete, once ueed the With 1. __ . . . .. . , a IT l. Under it. 1t' c!", lom.d IMlrl.u aaBS, Cask eta, ROualJ ~mody npon him poatag.1o 1111the l.uL,i: ' ~I' • n ,A 111.11 ~uh crll., •• Pel.nob II m"D.... m~u' lb• ••" •• i". "!)).,, ·'he A.I:I • Oh enp but upon looking into the facet of telling them of it alld every Ed",tlo n l or thll m.1.lZ,o (Uti,,, .1l4 " llD. ,,_nmo nt of on (l of c.... ru TUU . . . . . , 10 (ae' la Ta. C... ...T be d ·voted. •• I, haa l)l'cn __ __ ____ ___ 01 The h' ud'tors W.I unable to cateh a I ,. I Waverl ey Novel,. " Eaoh 'n ~be pill. lo ' red ' I rt ," T." ~O.LIl . Tr.e undertlped bega '0 Ib(orm l book is printed from plain. .. a a I . lOund Ih~ral1.lNl nod Ob.I.U. n I'lrol',elS. Th h t Ie Itt e one recm ~ clear mlft.- Il tnt 'l'nl 1i . . mtill f) III a S,'O T . . . ., AI ....r ... lh puhU. ,II. l!~oe lIngle reepo~llve look. h : ered~ e'1 time.... W(I thll h. (i1IDU'i haa i'@~~1b d [Q)~l bl OO'ij'I ~o!!.-~~~~~~~!li!) ~ San F"anCIlCo Ohron, cle. ~ oopl • fur ".60 . 3 copl.1 ( u . ,'.1>0. "ith d I, opened. " ... M•• \ Market In Ibe type, ~ bolt uP".K ht before lin! Igm· 011 1iI:il1ll1: e co ,~ umn (j. , a~. _ ,~e. I .Mll .ndeav"r t.. lAo m)' "".L to m.rit old nand . . a cop~ or lb. p,'C ool",m 1lI~ • • ollnl ,<JI 1 !"I) I.eak'" n.. wo ... wber, h. "ill wOI'k is i88ued eornplet.e Sed aod qllle~ Inent, Indeed, y ~ 10 ol;le Locke'a N"tloDal Magazllle ror 'Chtl_ u )iornme· a a.. dollar 'Dlr~"DI the f••", uf all whn _y "",II 00 . . . . ....s , oon.&lot\7 un "',~d ....... Id J. oec"PT ot,r l..~nl,'· r·~" Ilr •• ot. nllmber ..... large oeta~o ~ohTlne, Wltll- a Ne,!, ... rnIM .•11 work Lo ,,"ve •• tI.f,.otlon . 110 lbe 1'8""0 1 ... \ln)! up lne 01.", .Lom eoo bear the t'Iek'lug Novem ber coobnn . aDd eon'"ln 0,. a d llo" • .I,·,ro ll a ItfutJtr nile ..... _lid al Rmoun IIII1e· lJd Oover. and wiII be t • cot>it- fur '6.110. 'I oopl .. f"r ,II , .. Ith I.. ~hllrlil ••, •• w.U AS )t."..,,, ot th. old clock at tbe far end of of enterta ining literutu re, T B EVE R Y BE B T . .. , the Wi' ' eornpleted in twenty the room. There wun't & ripple .... nnot fail &0 be al'prec iated whioh 0 0 .'lr!, cOJlJ Ilf lb. M'l!alla. (or 1·7& .•• lau.1 .·Orlll I. Art. 1.11.:l1Itllrn.l.Dd ~.i.nc.. .six '1olnmee, I:. , . by its l" ~".IIID1 . ' " ahe rer" at Twenty 'b 1I~lIln, .five ceotl each, or }I~iv. Ult the "I.. ~. TIUtlis :41.1111 0 Y. ..... III ad.auQ.·: U:'Phol,(.8rinn Pi{Jt1tr~ ~ Ni'"rfn " 5copl.. ror"'.1iO,8tlO~' ".llIr'II ot applauae t bOtIgh,oor a Iml'1e .... I,I' . III deN. TIllS. 3:1" ••. • ' Ihnloor Beet' tbousan de of . Veal 1h. ~O\'lll.,. .nt~ eomr1 D and Pork Doll I'll lior the comple te Bet Tbil c' e . , ; ' IS o~e copl.. lor ,18. dh IM"~ .n CSII'II ", bor a olao of n baud, , II .r'RAM ING : or the bel, hterary magulD CI 10 tbe M.sain" ror '8'I1!••nd u.. copy. of No,'. I ;70. IOOcL lS i• . II....: II! •• 100. Th' d~ is the Cheape st as well u tlie _-A Oorwln a little pram,a. elcilb. ' ,0. Only 1)0. W d.. "'~ d ... d In bt to be b.lf 4.prolllptly ta . .. 1 ~t •• oli8'. .tMDtIoD a an 4,,11., to.caU.. eu,,,,·ln 11 lIOOU."'6Ibe g. ClOUO&., '" ,b, afforda: 18010<'<:0 '30, .n •• 11 .. L ' tbe lit be kept eat, an uug Com~let .e Edition -of 8nl 1lbe ID· pe-ge "lne up lb. dDI,. Waver . . , ~~ ~ tQOUlht be ~D,ld wa&e ed, II a year, J. p, Jonetl, Vol •. i.IIlI II In L'n• . • nU••.• . A.! n,.,he THE INDIANAPO • I bl' 1ed' tho . US SUN. Acldree., pool! p.id, D N I () E earlier v..I"III'" (I to VIII) w!1I 'oe .UI'P.\ed TI,,, leAdi . INDEPENDENT ley O~il tbem liP ~th aome of hla orator~. Toledo Ohio. I po . IS I In 1,. 000n,. K C LEA NAN CHARLK.:I~ . PETERSON. • try, a.a It contain s all the Autbor t. ~.p.r.tely '0 pullee II'howl.b ' ••·.10 0<1. WBI:lKf •.y"fp<,litionl ne".p"l'"r InREFOR 80 be a.Hed in witb 80108. of hll • tbe UDi. 1r8=~= '::!,S ;'~I~I Notes, as well aa all bil IMt COl', W·!~:~: ·r!~· ::~~: ~.lliit ra ... l . •. , CIOlbl, . _ b.ll ted :!1.alldl; ~h~ ~peci ..1Kd.~"te ~f the la· impuai oned ilgbte of rh~torle, and GOOey'1 Lady's Book. n9 matter Al.., reation . and additio nl. , At ~ia ~N TI .~~- Ro.,ka~lI.r.. nd 1'beI-.la rJI .. Ill he: ~QI) DO o...tor tbat Amerj~ bas prod no· how many more ladi08' mapai te~:' ILTbu~ "" 1 ,un.t:'lllbll'led o:'~ FINE SUGAB-OOJlED RIMS low price, nea 0 Cili. every oue sbould get. p~led _I r..... &bat ..III c_bl, 10 III ~~I::"....~od th:~IIlo~I:'P"..'l'i.:oy. fill IJMd ~ ~o,..- glowlo g faoelo r may appear , alwa~ man~ necl h.. !~." ,,,~ fQll set vf the Wav!3 y ~o,e'" at to TIM ....s.:-ats P~~~ac~~ COllld u_ more eloque nt tbloge Ilteer at the hel&d of tbe hilt. :~:'~:: r~~ ... ""Ill' ID P O . • Dd. die Inte.~b.n~".•ble. Oorrenoy Bnlld.. w~ol. or h1 Ihe .lIce. Gin ••• c.lr. ollce, which they canrledo It !'Xecl~oI°' ,,'he l"'OoWII~O(OAh.R .\.... II.dAL. Money Orde.... IIr iD Ho ..k ..... ka or O,.f'It'I.,..~t tUh~Ub,gb re' by remit. b Ii 1 GlO ld In","", . r"· ,} o...n". 4 a... tL__ .".. - h··Th8t Ul b''h~re wd·AI DO .'1" u ... ¥. '0. JEHU .M.ULLIN__ ~ng FiYe DoHaN ill a letter. . b «I reel Ie • never•.,ave . at~~CC~u ~lllva_lo • M ' I ...,. nar a oorpa" ,. 87~ JOI::L 'Iv A.U. II'r. It.... eorreap!MIa~ ere tl au leaoe . I.1 Wli • :0;,. ;';a';; for Ita p<IIlwon 10 ue &vvw,W ~ a& ri:"~J • _....... I VI ,,8JI'. • I ... T ~ p' Olljl! lbe ol_t Ulcl ~ ~ M.roh 17. "'L . • ant mail.Phto "lad'elD> alai..... of &be 01lDD'.l;, b ' . ete1'lOD ea&. .prisbt,~ QIlQlO'I.td--aI I') maoy the people il nol to bellh~ken . • ~ ,g ' Brothe .... t I.., 0... reC61pt , gAWl p . poa&I. Tb~ he eonel~detHte year, L. A. GOOey, Phllad elpblLa .'-:I~~ I::":-o f r.!:. .. I..,.., , ~.:: :N:.~ _ , .. of whiob they w!l Mad a taUNt . 81-¥ s- A v .~ woala tfJ the .lrtD. of hll (Ilony ' .. f. ~_ '1,13 . . ,..... puetpdd . . • ~:.) . . . . . . . . . .--~ , cI ' ,_.. 01 T... , .......y ....I' acwpIM b, ........ .... _ of the tll·en~r. aut .ol1!IDei. per a&tori-. aud told a abiog of tbem Centeu-Dial " 7-'8 Broad wa~, .. ,Ia cb CIfIIIM! ..... _, fne DII .pplloettoe. a..,. ..... will ....a\ell .. _ b i t - ~J Add,., ... wilit '....p. .. 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With u b(\lS on tb farm talnng up bumbleooe UP t ... onl) of the po rt!! f tho hayJng I!!On l uch of my ~ randf8tlll'r'81fLnd WlI.!l D "Iy cleared and Almost every acre mown 0 \ er WIl<! Kille to bll' o 1\\ 0 or thr bees nf t8 00 It Tbese ntstll " ere tho old nest.!! of tht' field mtce ID the grll!!8and lInder l U!!8OCk and etump ... hl ell tbe bumblebCt's h \d taken po.._ Ion of Wlllln we pread IOd raked th buy, we would RliCk up a lmsh beIIlde each 0 t, nnd after worli at Ulght, would fight for aud seoure tbo honey There were (our klDcls of bumblebee We elMIII fied them lie the 1it~le red bum blebees the great white ones, tbe yeUo'jl bIlcks, and tlie little white onllll Wb en we attacked a nest of " lI ttlo wb ltes '\\e bad to look out fo r oUl"!lOlves, for t bese were Ilbarp 6ghtel'1l Tbe large white ones could be llnocked clGwn CalIUy, for th(lY were \ erv c1 um ~y ID their m,0\ e
When tbe rueD were w O~lUg III ths worDing they frequently enco untered the ooes ae lbey 111011 cd 0\ er the Dcsta \Cd were often tung Th DOW hande " ould ru~h all o~er the field to Ci!CU1 Lhe Bligry ID tiC ts bru ~hln g lind illl'Qw lUg bay todri~e them nlmy But the grent place for b\\mbicbees 11< ts WlI.!l the Auut Bannab '\01.," U8 1t W1l5 called ID the fo.rotly 'Ib Ul IV III an open mClIdo" surrouuded b) woods and JJwged \Hth wblt~ \1 lid flo\l ers I\Jld 1I0wenng shrubs It II t1l! a bumblebee paradUlO. I recolloct one year \\ e captu red Mlxty nestAt IU thiS lot.. Ihel!ll nestg co nsIsts each of fine dry !;l'alI8 about the SI ze of ,\ mlln H hnt crOll 11 Somo of tbom wore under old loge and stones, bllt the most were half exposed III the grllM or ID little holee. So thick were tbe bees tbllt lUI the meD mow ed tbe grS$&, tbe httle Ineeeta II ould hleralJy make the "bolo meadow ham 'I be weapon With which " 0 usod to give b Lttlo to tho bees 10 taking Ihelr neeta, Was a little paddle sbaped spatter &II we called II It Wall roMe from a shlngle Uur mode of attaok was to oreep nOI seIt'lllily t-o a neAt wUlie the bees wero In II A tlluch 1Would eqt them bUZZIng ID theIr gi'888 house, and as tbey ClIms out, one by one, to see ",bat caused tb e nO!&ii they we!'(\ knocked over wltb tb e ! hlOgle By care aod IIldll we wouM often ftllf Dce every ono of them before th v were fklfly c lear oftbe nCllt 'Vhell It happened tha\ a bee escaped unharmed we were (arced to look ont for lJunoeives fllr tbe little cr~ature would By 10 a circle a ~ bort dlBtaJlCIl aWIlY, nnd then dart llpon U8 hke a bullet Bumbleee boney 18 often Impure from the 81ft that ls thrown Into tbe ne@ts by the 8pattermg of the ralll The bread Rnd grub cells II.ro often oft'ensl ve nnd 10 taklDg UI;> n neat, uDless cure 18 used tbe comb 'NIH be broken and mixed With dead gl1U!ll and dUL When pure It IS the chOIcest of boney Once a patty of lllI-ooys Rnd glrll1W u t to the Dlcadow, mtendmg to IU1\e a rare (PAst We took With DS a large pew ter duw, aDd BUild It with at Ie&l!t two <J.uartAt of Dlcely -hulled wild !trawber rlef!. Then we began toenptllre bumblebees' UlllItAt A8 we l!ecured tbe com b one of UK would run \VItll It to wbe re tbe glf18 88t under the sbade of \jODIe blll!8\\ nod trees nnd tbey sq ueezed out the brlgtit dropil o f bailey from It upon the bernet! 8 tm w bernes 8wlmmmg m bumblebt'es hOlley Will! wbat we had ID Vi ew, little gour mands that we were It wok some tim e to get enough hOlley for we must ha~ e beeu obltged to ca\>ture nt le8.IIt eighteen or twenty n e~U! ::.ome of them contlllJled eevernl great spoooful of boney othel'1! bu t very Bttle In the C(\u rseol a Dbour or t\\ O we hlld o ur bIg plll~ter of bemes pretty " el1 ~aturated WIth It a i\jO Ollr finger'!! welt (,'O ve red Each of U8 bad a spoou and t be re, ill the shade of tb e blUlllwoo I trees \\ e 88t 10 the grWlll round our platter to (lit ou r d ellCiolls feusl But tb e feast !.hat began BO sweetly Wall dC8lJned to come to a very disagreeable terDllDatton In tIIklng so many Oetlle Dlany of the ellraged beeK ha d el!ClIt>e<\ and " ere fI)'lng around the meadow 10 spIteful C1 rcleK l'r_ ntly lUI " e were cn)oylDg ollr IW<Urlaot trent ouc of the IDIle ta ~melleu tbe boney and darted upon our pllltter Ned ons of the boy~ attemptt'd t.o hit It wnh hl8 ~poon but tbe In ~ lltDt be rruaed hI" hand tb e bee t1ew at hl8 face III brulihlDg It away be Irnoclred It ngalDsl one of the girls, named EIHIC and the enraged crcatur @t uug her on ber d llo Tbat made no outcry Willie we were llgbtlog tim bee ao otncr CAme Into our mldetl tbeo a nother 1I0d noother The honey (lrew tbem alld I!() funous were thl1Y that tbe wbole party "'&8 obhged to run to el!C&pe ! tmglDg Ned tried to bear off !.he platter A bee tung blm OD the ear and be droppe.d the plate aa if he bad be n "hot Flee109 IDtn the shelter of tbe buabe@ we 'II' great Dumbel'll of bumblebees about our platter, and It Will! nearly two boul'll before we succeeded In gettIDg It away {rom tbem Meantime we cbewed up THE Jury nl cn In the Beecber tTlal con three kiod. of Ih,_bm:h raapberry and eb kerberry to put on the Slung tend tbey are entitled to extra pay for their aervlClelJ, and bMe not given up bope p1&cee. ne d&, In July the nex t ,ummer of gettrnp; It They have re<'.enUy beld a.f\M our I lraw berry and honey adveD leyeral meetlllg8 and at the 1811L a com IU"" th phye\()Ian o( th place, who mitt WIUl appolDLCd to draw up a pell llVeo IIOme fI.,e mll below, At the' eo .... Lion t.o their Board of U~rVl !1O}8 In D ' m to my ~radfath r'1 and Brooklyn rb o petiLion lij IiIgnud by all 1 lid t.o prooure .. hule bUlltblebeea' thl!Jurymen but Whllien and JeII''''!y. h n y for o~ oC hiA p&tlen .... a lady who .. ~ '1 low wllh con8umptlon It WII8 IT 18 !!I\ld tbnt Ice lI[1plred to a plnee (\bt' of ,"" Canl'l to tut4> me bum bll'- thlltl b Hen bv :lIlWi'(IUlto \'Ilii dCHtroy boDe all u....o to enJOY It "bt' D the IJOll!On and lltlord IDbtantancou. re • Mild tb doctor bad eom t.o oUr hef Aud nut winte r wben I .. ispleuty \AID~Uaa be eowd obtaIn &om and mOfll:J.ulI,oes are IICll r , WIU be a goo..t Be f t I told of &be bumbJebeea time to gIve. th reelpt' a trial
1,200,000 ACRES
Missouri Lands.
John and Waler Ste J,I
P(Jrl~"l e
Nt' OTt' ,,,trOil'
lallonllry StMIII
:.'loTcl Method of PropeJUng by Steam.
From th t' time the fi rst \cSS61 WII8 lmilt to nnv tjl:nt water th e Wind pro vide!! by na ture bn Kbee n Acknowledged I~ a n eleml\n t 01 prOI.... lilng power I!;\ C IJ to thl~ day few o t the 0teum \ CIlKe l ~ t hnt n rlvl ~a l c IlI rge bodl~s of II fl ler nr With out sl fLr:t nnd 8m ls on wli eb re haneo 19 placed n caKe of necldeol to the slenDl mn clunery and ~ llnetlme.~ botb ~ t ea m lllltl l!Jul llre u ~ed nL tbe 5nme lime But II It o 1I11l11 recell tly c\ cr tbo ll l!h t of uSing stl lin to ctlhun co the power of vlllll I prupellu g ~~ sel.? fbree yo rH ago Ru dolph ch mldl of thl. Ity who ~ one 01 tb e <O:ChDlldt brotbe rc!, o\V n e r~ of the larg f10nlln g bat h hOllo{) wit Ich 18 moored at- the loot
l:h tbat IuCKt.loneth m u It .wnll lourn mu ch but espeCially If be IIpply hl ~ que"tlOna to the IIkIIl of the person. whom he u5keth for be Hball gl vo tbem oeca 81011 to please them!!6lv(l!j In .peaklDg, and hlmllClf . hall CODtlllulll1y gatber Irnowludg but. let thl. questIOn not be trou blcsolne for that 18 tl t for 1\ poecr 81111 let him bo sure to ICllve other DIeD tllCl r turn to speak nBY, If th ere be fLny that would reig n IUld take up nll tbe hme let him find means to take them oft lind bnll!!, otbel'1l On-1I8 DlUBICIIUJI! uscd to do \\Ith thollC wbo danced too long at galhards If you dlesemble sometIme ~ you r kno\\ ledge of that y .u are thougbt to kDOW you wtll be thougbt another time to know that you know lIot - Ba_r,o_'________ _
THE fa( t tbat Oragm & eo Phliad'a, (Dobbins ElectrIC ap )confldentl1bll8ll tbelr ClalrR BOIi t-be merits of tbelluAp aDd only ask a trial, 8penks vol umes We lenow tbAt thuoap tells a good story Try It ANOUl Elrf of mtnd has driven tbou sands to ! ulOlde !IlIr;UI h ot body nUDe Tbls proves that the b ealth o f tbe mlDd 16 of far morc consequence to our bllFPI OCI!II than the hoall.b of tbe bOOy, Ill.. t-hougb botb are d_nlDg much more Tnn:: 1M money lIud labor 18 money on attention than eltlier of tLem reeelve~ tb farm anet nil m\l~8 tmeLlt that bnngl water to your houtlellnd barn thllt proA MI HI()N AB\ jll t returned IIllyH be re I' til II gard. Jo,",_ • .Allo<lyru h .nl"""'! .,. beyond I oo \ 11 (eri I r Hlo rlng fu e 1 c 0 rl', .11 prl re and ellie.cioD' beyond auy \lIb r that wnhl! tbe w8~blng and drying of Dllld k ln~ It 18 adapled to. great variety c10tbes eaJly and mak ... everythlDl; con- of upe.11Il C8lH!. &IId!u the bf.t paiJI cUllII'lu v('nlent out door u alwaYll profitable lobe warld
I i SIZES 13 SIZES FOR . 111 PrIM. ,,,'"' •
NEARLY!OllJ 143,000 IN DllLY USE. t. J'EItYII'IlBRl: S "d In
II ~tt "" "01,14
READER IF \ .. would 1111" to a" • ClOPY DUlle
S3 SA,PLE FREE ~.r::.~!r .r.~'::'h."'..:I. ~~d I, ... TO I UNION P UB
N. .... rk N J
Fever and mB, or Cbllls and Fever, It I•• Ifa'" ,...Iy AD I I ~r ...... t Rti Rr. (JUtE !'Or Fon r aDd All'. Or t hlll. and J ... " I. flyer, elae. whf!rfIJ t ht' 'Irt~ t10.III.rfl fi'Un"' ..d
~~ ell
Fer Sale b1
"!!.. D~g«I."
NEW.~P1PEB Ja tba ~ ..ad r-r ulDa alK'! ~"" addFeae ..
• I
~ ....-;r;a..a ......._ PrIll&.
f'4 . . ..... U T.... c.so!, en..,.,I,.,--V'lnu, ____to....•
~ UOOaR (lOM'PA~ &
II .,
WA Y E'VILl.E. HI ",m
'O\' EMBf~R 3, I 75.
UMBER 538.
- I prl. n: ill 'ilud Ilnd in chain- r will J'J lit lIlI .& _ B T . On ",UllIC LT CAl, ITEMS. Archil ·t'll Ride. RW It wLal ~ I In hi \1i i dom hall deA good ~to ry i told abou~ lin ad\'en - If I could dll~ . . . . "lIb""I. cbam, rl''','' \ u,1t RtimIJ t d tbM we prod II il t.0<1O,- ture of II. Tel\' Yorker (a member of tbe A (ru:riU\ hlooliOto whh no bit let tI.tlt. 'lily. by lllle RtldArrapllb lndlllll l'VOIl the trial, in Rdditlon 10 the t~ Tb lat t WRII nd Ell 11111.1 I 01 n. pUliud f butwr, Rud 200,000.- lAllO Club) JII "IKiting Pllril! a few A oIay 0/ ... Dlhlat .. lIb no f'IX of dOlld. hI ve tarted all dlfir nnnusl buffalo bUill "orld "Ilboula d,..., ~ ... lte, timony ), 0 "bove, two II w lIne briog the lilt Illgeu . }' ,kIll" \ pI)on(1 01 chI.'(' anoually ID tbi month ngo. F or co",' lIienoo he may Or"one. hrisht hOJNI unl'lha.towtd lod eennM. N arly thr tholts:1011 are on their WBy De .,..rrl I tru.aL who ~YeI'l r~r eut. out. c1 lared thut, (l0 the "ening in qu lion l per(orml'd tbe f\lnt w/llldng country. calii'd eer~o, but tba\ i no~ hi baul could ~ "poll lb. _loot .w..c., to tbe LI IUO Eet.alllldo, or lIIlt:ed 11lains. , they woman in 8. green coat ana eigbt mil within 1\ II'n rAI' OllOlNC'I 10 lh r tnrn" of th De- nl\me nnd lIe\ er 11'1\11. A,lug old•• he .''''''II<_nl tIollbL nly thenged IIncl Infirm are len nthoml'. ~ I wltite nijtht <:Ill' <lOlPe (lilt or th wood comph hE'd ()" r LiJIII~I\fII~~telgroIlTilld' , I'nrtment of A rlcnlture, tbe dtn'ct I ~ Georg lind thr or fOllr otller Lotos •• b"lo" dlDllba' ran. llpob tbe JuOl' no po UMI' '0 tend r, wit.h 1\ IlIrK It U(l\lll hi blick, CI'08 the 1..0nuQn, ill Ih t IOU n of ~b p own~llI by the ra\'l\ges of rlo~. men w re I\~ tb HOIl't d -Bad • and one TbWbe Game I r ported 1\0018ua\ly plentiful ..... dod palm• .,., clurlOd IDloll,hmbnee; 11iPCI.... at lbl bAaquet, aDd 1b IfU l't,~ l ":flb...!,~,~.~g~,I:."'rm\I';'r j rond, nll~ dillJlppt'sr from vie,.,' at the ~pc~ttU.OIII, lind W~, to ld ,:_~gdcr of renth:l milhon of dolln1'>l annunlly in day til y ngr ed to dID tb re at t!le Ttu~ 'rhey ar ocoompnnied liy 1\ Lientenallt I Th., \1..,U, ..... t)lI lb. hi.' .., pI-I , our b ... " ,h""lJIh Ib~lr , 01." , .. 'I.' .. tI, hed ge o. the )l1Ul1.or'lI garden. pon £100 to £1)0 tbllL It cou "" une. I "',)01 a nd muttpn. talJle d'lwtc. .\. Ih ~re WIlS II htll ,)\'cr nnd t wanLy.fh·u en "aIry Ill! 811 Q;lCort, to JUOlwe.k <uu,,,,b ru' oul o, l 10" hl' llrlr thlH t stimod v, tbe mini~t r For mllny y I'll It 11Mb en an bou r te ~prlr, i eorgo Ihought he T~b~":f~i :!':t::":~eJ~~:-' ~~~ 1 IKAdOlIO"l\b . nollg~for 10 .u,hIUon, I.. h"...., r I t • h'IS IlCU ~, h .Tnt: b Irt-born COW, btl'enth prev nt un crUpUlOll8 wbireH from the hollllt IhrUt .bOl 'U."_ ••!"II......JuJ ..I",V,ltlo ,II U e : Aff:O r re overing e I" 01 mpu I 11'11 1'-"er~ I0 ma",. d uch would take 1\ mle while t11e ~ were in- Tb. Wllh IOlllothl ...."'" Dear • • 1" 10 twJ8. J""I tbOl"blrul eDougb IA> "" KmfO. poke hke thlM. nunlbers ba"l' uf Andrl ,T~nUy (lurcbAse by E. H dolging in prehDlintn'y 1 r. adjoining tall'S from iii og t1lelll Not .. Jo'mm my cbild hood I bave ever fail ed. Tlvlce befor . h Dey, or England, from A. J. Alexan- 8J11'Ilking n word f French beyond "oni" It dhnl'l t.he au ter of \.be conqueror. ,.-",ord, crOtked whisky snd eb sting th III alit IInit ratll upon the ..dlIlllCII 01 Ibe_~ bef.n im patit'llt of eontmdlction, Rnll ueee! fill atlemptAl, b~lt der,for tl ,000 gokl, dl r cully Her !Lod . < comblen," h lIe1ced on of hi of their buff.. lo robeto, The IndiaJl ba\' ' No alc 1.elu19D l'urlf7 the ,okl rt'lldy "'Itb li h~w When but 1\ lad r been con iderod tho m t young call had bee'll sold for '12, • 8o'fond 'be cUu~nl of U.lI!ll.l:n dl"Oll; friculls 1.0 ~ltplain Lo the cabma n that lefL their reIIOrvation by permi ion or \ lew In linger a dog whl b 0110 day ate uoh R performance, an Ore on w·mill b witshed iii driv to t.ho Ohalllp6-Etytee ItI~1l Ih Ilk. & mnd.,. on lb. _ the UDiled t.aLC~ Oovernm nt, Bnd WIll Wb.....ear. 1 ...60 .011 ... ...u ~ my dinnor lhat I bad \ f\ III hla way. AI mined to trr it lIJ,,'1l in the teQnlal 00.,.- and retllm to the hotel wltbin 1,0 bour Aod on Ibe ,blalb' 'tou leboOD 0( lli• . - " r IUIIIII \IIltiI April, I a...td. tb •• _ ....t IJlnell It. a.... a tud nt, in a breil wilb II Germrul chan~ by bill fri lid would lik to bve bhu 'rhe fri('nd cOlll'enk'<\, a od delivered Ihe youtll, I gllve lJhu '1 "'au lid tbat endan· 1857 th late . W a fir plank \welve m c&'!tl e I~ th ' abUI1l1I about III! fo1l011'8 : t-IIMhl.lOr rAlrt""ey elb'1'l'al, f( r d hi lif<. I will now confel!8 tbe lleven I\II1e8 nnd 1\ f"at 'vide, one ndred feet long, a ] N(;RIH t: M" IIH.n, "ho died iu 1723, .. This gentleman i8 an American TBUTHij A.~D TRJPLE8., l~ff'QI'~~~~,;I~r;;,::~:J'f'~' crime which, 110 doubt, I bav cummltted the turnpike rhad ~llrUCO plallkeighi fl.'('t wide, cedllrllbveo, arcillte L who IVllnls to e the outeide of lef\. eighty-eight i!eparILte work behllld 1'1 .. 1 r.'Itl ly KIM"I hou...."". ~re wad_, but of wlllUb 111m , neverlhele , not pre "t time till IlIrch ,. nand bemlock live feet, ore,'on 1111 lhe hnrch(' in Fari and b e won' t hlm. tl.on Math r, who sur,,"'ed hiH ,,'lh: strained at a gnat &Dd IIwallowed fully C"O h'U~ 'l'hree •• r four' llmes io excepl, of couri!O{ ill huger If " .. hed. I en "'... ".... ,h ,uJ ki nd h...""I. miud being fout :,r Ii\- bour "bout Ih ftlther Ii\'Cl y tll'l!. ftlr 8U'l'lll!lled him III Ul~ ':'r:o'::', ~:":'\~~~',\,:::; 00 I"''' 'II I my lifc, thllt I know of, il hllll ba(l(lllned It not unti Geo Tiff: Butte ( II.) JlfCI'l'II/'y tell of a Ff tbink the urt'hilecture of tb Ho\.(ll Il calomel." wos little Johnny's venioD book waking. He Will! the mosL l'rolilic to mo to walk III my ~I«: p, Tbo wL out thul Westball'nime b LOd ul h op poing brought down from de BlIdjl i the Jillr tin Ib world, Rnd if of the text yll8terday, I o,.ueb Is Iho ",.Idou I lu. wflter tho nit c\ l;tat.es h ili! ver n, 'l'HB oook want.!! to know why the lun ---====--"'.:!=!!'- - .,.. tlnuf,libollt nllur yellr~ ago, I Will! the thllt 011 Old Brompton thc lI\oUJIt.lUn8and turned Into II whellt be gell! ex !ted Illld mention. the Howl 'J'be Heodloy!! and th~ Abbotts try ill .l VIC'rUI O}' ' IRCUM,STA"XTIAL II xL lIuy Lv \,relloh :I fun ral k;Crmon bolh 1'opley aod tbeo /i"ld Ou'rollo blludred head died ill YOII CIlU und(!l'l!wlIld h mPII1I8 that tbe is like a good loof of bread'! BecaU18 over lhe remll U~ of Il Ulan who blld Bud- real~d it..·, but their ht r • h' d d . k chur'l1 you :Ire sbowi ng him III nothill(!: it's light wbon it fiI!C1!. . vllill to equlIl him . Jig wro\ and 1m1.. EVJDEN(,E. drllly w et Wllh :I drt'udl\lI deatb. I WIUI to 1.0 CODl Il.\red w onu IlIg t rom el\tIDg'" ea. an rlUh ' you have a fair tbought. e&p~ it " tng IVlltel'. 'fh e whellt welled to &ueh compl\red 10 tbe Hotel rio Hade. Keep IItlbed Ihrco bUllll red aud ightY'l!llvt'lI III, a 10 for n \.(Illt wben tho \1iord$ of n dllY, lind those .- 'th tth t h I in the aim pleat languaft6 p<I8I161e. A books, or abollt on It montb during hi. IIV ,J" 'fl~~ l'Att'lII S. WI!O(J DIan ollloug tbe ancient Greeks sud- I co"lIi zc<l, I II unllx"" n . u e s omne WII8 com p e~· on driving hilll, ami don't b alarmed if dialllond should have a plaiD aettlog. be g lI! )lcited ovor tho arcbil ture, 1\8 I' Iy lOrn apart ministry. A~ lILt n~ 1 28, Dr. Noab ~ " " I " ' k LoxI~'· ' .1 deulyocc urred to me: • Oall 110 mun Da\'l80n created 8 he IS a httle inStLne about 11." A l'L V ia a very Iigbt burden, but Iflt 1 heolt.,It: ttl relate thQ ~t\)ry of till. huppy lIotll he he in hilI grave,' and I twenty.ono mile in 'l ' IIA'1' I!Cll!ation bunch of Rral)Q8 xWebster, III order to ge t out the tir~tedi · "0111, ollr,Juv'llprt:rotUJ," \lllid Uledrivor, were to perpetually return and !lOttIe un hibited IlISt yetlr Ill.. nelfll~t, aud wOlguing lIud awav hu starled. George tbllnked one's tion' of hili dictionary, mortgaged IlI1 h i IIIIIU'S h~ and .Iellth, fenring IUllL l ij!tould tben rem('mbcroc\ th llt tbeSllmethougbt..~ during the first hour nose, It might weary us out orour lie DI to b~ ncroudlln g upon tho dt.parl1 11l W Clllllph tbe iIlIlUO term~. was to be miles t,1I yards, thl8 twenty·ollo pounds IlIId len ounue~, bl18 rea-I eJltate, ami u:led ILl! th mOlley tllll ~ bis friend for his trorts wl t b tbe driver, LU~ll of fiction I t I , however, nothing met. WIth III the Apocrypbll 1 soullhtand approach 1.0 the co h n t.hrown IIlW the sllllde bv t.wo Ulld !ltlld " l will be horo lit !lix ,harp lives. borrow d to buy tbe pllper and Jlu,y Ihe h11t 81 m pic f"CI~, nnd Ktand recorded In IIIIllgbt, bntcottld I\O~ Bnd tbem, and being I previou~ 1.0 SeDteluber Tn'lt temperate are the tnoet truly blUu;bcK ~hown recently i/1 Edinburgh, for diuuer." Tbe driver lYen~ to the 'oDlpoilJlOr~ l !l rclll" c~ of n j)t1ll1.h COUI t; whenc Lircd. went to bed, lind soon fellllslel'l' Perkin~ sl nnds flv ono of Ivblcb weighed twenty-live pounds. i\ladolei ue Bnd halted. •• L'ttlllft (ie la luxurious. By abetajniog from mOlt tbh;tgs, iL is 8urpri8ing how mauy thiDgI It hM be n dmwlI by J-:nj!I,8b .md Ger· 'rt'atiy did I marvel tbe next mornlug welgbs 132 poulld~, lif\ en nUll ~, lin the other twcnty-ai 111,'<1/(1 rm .lJon'ltll~." ~I\id bo, and Geoig~ ),;f L LQU) l~ IIl10wly dl '\Jvercu 8Ub- matt lillI -II nler ;15 thc mo I, remarkablo ~o find on my writiog-d~lIk, written in twenty.tbird yCllr. nnd a quarter pounde. LiI~~ )I'ar it Willi gllvell glance nt Lhe fronL Rnd motioDed we eojoy, TnE dlffereDce between pIInteverance ~Lan cc, manulilc~ured from I'oml in. ea e which bllS ~vcr ccnrred of ClrCllm- Inrgo I tlel'!! on:1 gloce of paper: 'Let match, IlIl.VM the Black I-tllmbur!(h i thiij vear II J{jll.llie ue for the tenm lo g6 on_ Hi motion wa.~ L_ OJlhbre" find" \vhlte Nl ce." obuiollCf i~, that ODe ufteD comell mber 21, he has gredienil$, chiefalllong tbem gUII.ceitm, stnntiulevl<lcnce cun iclmg an Inn(lcc)Jt no mlln be de(Jme bsppy before his eod .... obeyed, bllt. in riLo!ld of going to the nnd from a strong will and tho other flVm a I h ' h hi man. Tb ('viden:c 1I0t nnly cOllvi n d collletb.' ('yrlWb xr, a4,) But not plac J ill cllmpany Tilt; N. L', ,l'anlW' 81LYs: \Vitbin the Cbamps Blyt!fe@ tho vehil'le took the did \:8mp lor, W I sttoug won' t. lUI po IIl!Ct! a gh tb e cowt lUld jury, bllt itactulllly mnde tbla alonc; 1 found likewise II funeral H. Boot, but wound JlII t J1.w yenr mnny farmel'll wlt.hin ollr re ·tiun of th e cburch t. Augustin. value on account of It/! olose rel!Omblk.noo the pn t!Oner btoile\(, h inl80lt to 00 gUi lty sermou, an in my own band writing, at Lilli lIndge, nnd knowledge hn.vo grow n 1\ lield (If rye (6r IN lteeking a situation, remfmber that 'J'herl\ WIUI Mother balt i the namll of to coral, Ivory, tortoise·sbell, amlter, or of K 'rime of which be W(U! innocent, whi('b tlould hove been composed by out ill the pink of f~edlllg gr I'n to milk cows, 1I0d we hllve the church \VIIS pronounced j George the right kind of men are al"a in demand, !lnd that indu8try and capacity malachite, nceoNwg to preference. Not Sorell ql'i t WIU! 11 Dani h clergY llllto , no otber than mylII}lf, )Iark now-wben thing beiJ1g III yl't W learn of one wbo is dlll!lRti alied looked, (lnu tbon motioned to ]>rocclld. WIth tbe practice. If a farmer beglus te. I)nly id iL 8ullCcptlhle to the ricbest Ilnd who IIlld 1\ pl\n~h upon lho pe~I~81111\ of the wl ~ne~cs ~ ti6ed tbls morning, my murk at 611 , 'rhen Cllmo :lOother eh urcb, and an- rarely g;o empty·banded. AN Alabamian wbo loi!t a hat on mO!!t dellcat (.'Oloring but i8 very hgh l .J uti"nd. ~o th lilt mlln .1I1~ ntlD!ster ho dlellp'wlllkJog suddenly firuohed uerOM betted on blW, rni!;O such erop~ b ~~enefl'lIy keepoo It up. other, IIllel pretty >!Clon Guorge thought • ' , WII:! hdd til C te III by bls n Igubol 8, me, and I likeWise culled to mInd tbllt, previously (l to t 8s much more fgdder can be produced be hnd hRd cburche enough I:,r that Jllmcs BucbaOlIIl'. election, paid the and at the sarno Limo ~'ery tougb, uod III 1'lInOIl!! whom he h,ld 1"'l'd mOISt of hla In tbe morning IIftcr that night, I had Ha bollnrled upon a farm by rtlisin~ rye. corn fodder, day. His hour \I'M "(1, !lnd nt nne of the wlIg\lr IWit we('k. Tbe return. must have thrse respect.!! uperlor to any known hI" His one grent fault WIIS It hasty Ilnd been surpn od to I!CC my drel!8iog-gown 'tbat biB atl nd grccn "'Ils, etc" tholl If d.epending upon eh urcltCH, us soon PH II4l lIame WIUI como in very ~lowly in AlaBama, Kuhstao~'eJlOW in uso for Il.l;rellt 'IIrie~y violent t mper, of wbichoccusioullly htl ltlng o~ the lIoor, in~WRd of hanging 00 left i!, t4 rellr, haVI\lollC. nl'UIl tI, ho nodd tI (Ill] :lILld, "Hote de FRAN.KLIN used to urge hueiDll1l8 men oC I'urpoeell. The \.'OrRl iwilntlOll9 IIro enLlrcly I t ontrol , when ho would t 10 cbalr by tny bedsldo. wbore I alwllY1l cred In 2m. 5lL, Tu to: Colllwi&!ioner of Agriculture do. Dllde." to advertil!e, but if a merchaot prelen !IO (IIIrfeet that upert Jcwelpn filiI 1.0 bron~ lorth mil torrent of ~\mouij words hMng, it. Tbo. unbl\pp~ victim of my t.he fir t mile clares thaL bu~ oDe.fifth purt of the .. Oltl, 01';," replied the ' driver, with a pllJ.ying cbeckeno aud 81tting with hili detect il.e real cbafSol<lr 1I'ithout clo e LO hIS o~n ~re humillahoo, and tho unbrulleu pWIIIIOU mU8~ ave fallen dOWD than the. oLhers. niteu ' \.Ate!! is dl vided ioto f.ums. and smile of approval at his cll8tomor'8 ad· ree~ au tbe counter, It's hieowo lJulln-. . grent grlel of 1118 fllllJlly. Tbese fits of dClld In the wood and I must ID my sleep· IlCcond milo uito miration for tbe Rrchltl'clturo of tbat WaU •• IDApeCUOO. It:s largely lI&ed III tbo nllger wore of brief duration, lind they walking have followed bililtbitber. YC8, cheeT!! IIf bis th nL a nI)' Olll' qUllr~r of thlsaren is tilled. e.!ttabh~bm nt. And hodrove 1.0 another to mlndallllldo belter by our preMlIC<I, 1I•• manufaeture of Jewelry and fonoy good"- uaulllly ex ponded t.beml!Olves in Ulcre tbe Lord hl\\'e mercv! I!O it was; so It 14m. 1::111., tho Our agrlc:ulturlll Illbur.slIviog macbines church, hlllLl'd and ~ave i Ul ntLme. I. p"'- ,'Irred to ",,,,,",,Ill! I. d .. d. 01 U~rllllt reIlt.tlude, 0 ICCfll vlOl~noo of IAIl~uagc. Tbey were. nc,-. must bave beon." • being clearly bllve rendered tbe ph\oUllg Ilnd gatber· (leorgc noddod , !lave t ho brIefest poll. Por n" ...... hl ••Ima ,hOi end ..lib MIl, Tbo c1ergymnn, u)lon his own oonfclI- At the ondof illg of crop im:alculably easier than it Kiblllgia nce, 1l0l11!llid (with ri8lJ1g iolleo- In tbouShu aubllt... u,.~ pI..... lb. nl.blll~ alan, TUEIIN is \luuaual activi~y in quiclc. ertbele., II subject of ilia· long regret 1.0 l. •• W/U\ a I!eneratioll ago. pon tho rural A d WilD 1"~lr DlI~ (IOrilel.IlCOl urp ........ ....m If d bled I d d d h h Be I d b lUi, ow re 181!\' elltecm, an troll 8 on, wa.~ COil emne 1.0 eaL. .ore Splratloo WlUl mdu try our prosperity cb\e6y depend8, tlon), .• Rutel de BILde." To YUIH Iaou... BNoI. 3i\ver mining jUlt now In tbe immediate hiA cOllllCience, hl B dccnpitMion, bo warn(ld the epectn- diilllppeared, alld lind its prOlrreM mlJ.rka Imr ndvanco III 'rb ro \V IIS Ill\o~ber milo. another It Olli, THE nteem of wiae and 200d mellil vioinityof San Ffl\1l01!ICO. Though the ARloug bis prlri"hloIlO\'~ there WII8 n. tOni of the dAngor of yielding to anger, fioi8b~ with the nu.tionnl w~nltb, 11llinBICUI ," an(lthen a drl\ 0 to "nother tbe greate,t of all temporaf .ncour:aseprad\lction is la~r than batetolore. ((lrm r Ilallled Burns, 11 m Ull 'If con~ider· tllld Ilcknowledged thoju8tice ot the JlOn- 21m. 878. chur h. mentl! to virtue; and It i. lbe man:: 9f able propert)', acquir(>II by dlucplltllble alty he "lUI about to sliffer. Then he illg aD hia hi IIll wer 1.0 the qllestion : "Whr are o'Pa1'tl tendencYI and 80 it went on for Ilunut hllif a uorAln "0. abandon d ep\rit to bave no reprd QleanR, "ho 'WI\R held in I)ve,rion aa a took 00: hi~ COILt, hound bis OWD eyel !lide " 811 liable to rheumatrl\lll l' the ch nrcheR. Each timo OI'orge pronounced • -:~t~:=:.tlelarge .. bVIi hard 1111\11, un rupUIOllll, arid I\n 0Pl'~ wjth~"'.ndlrerchiet;ahj lr'hlllttb relleh'e a1tJhg llf4itloays! J3ecaJJt!O th y l'~llr tbe name o( h~1 botel wore em,haticaUy to it. iii! prollls LE.\1UJ thoro~blY what YOll 410 learD, lIOr (If th~ 'JIOOr. tn tltOIlil old countriCl! tbe blolY. In aUOlher moment the sword 28m. lill.., tbe WIth lng, heat Ana AuddenlT chili than on tbe pWlYlou. (IClcuiou, AJld each are receiptll a~~n "Fran· tiler" i~ (l WId dlfteronce of llOCial rank severed hi Bhead from bis body. of 1& with con4deDC& deafening cbeer/\. te ono the body, over·""t after very hnrd w"rk, time Ihe driver ~ miJed alld Baid, "Ol/i, lind ')'ou maya A few cIe.rly ellned fact8 aD4 Ideu aftI cleo for a ~ingle week woro ] ,~$ /lfIl'h, b 'LIV n n cl rgym oll nf the national Twenty·one yenrtl passed. Burns the were now freely offered on P erkins, ODd und bccnul!C tbey do nOL keep the skill llll;n,ie/ll'; oui,ou;." Rnd the exportll 1,7M, including 1 2M til chnrch and tho (IIrmer, thll clergyman nccusorwa8 dead, lIS were most of those tltls price WAS in~rOOllild at toe eni! of in n \'igu rnuB, clellu Rlld bealthy condlTho bour hAd grow n to two bours and "'orr h ft whole library 01 uncertain China, 25 1.0 Jl\pl\n, 275 to ~ew York. bei ng "'bat 18 wohuicully cnlled I\goutll.' who hnd tnken part ill the trilLl. An old five milep. but from tlli~ point to the tion If farmers would aVOId sud.lenly more, Rnd Georg be~an to tbink tbat kDowledge. A MAN:.....m~a~e:-tbree unsuCCOllful at.100 1.0 l'ansma. and 100 to 1\1 l(1eo. A mlln, whit the (nrmer, tbou h ever ~ beg..arnpl'hed lor alms to the milli$ter sixth he fell ,,/I percept!bl,. Tne wnlkcr, cooli ng tbe body after great exerLion, If 01 tb cll urc esi D the world had clime to ri cb, iR II ptmllllnt Notwlth tandin!( thi , I at the 11 xl.. ,'nrilJh, wbo I'rovfd to be tbe bowover, @oon t a~olDg IUtRin, aud scve n tbey would be careful noL to go with' et Paris fu r n convention, At IIbout the tempt8 to blow bill bl'lJ.lns ou~ anel tben flMIr of qllicksil~er contains 76 ~ llOunds, bie wife l'IIid to bim: ,/ Don't try it Bllrll ~, prt'. tlming UPOIl bill wealtn, naked very man who WI\.'! euppoAed to have miles were recorded at ~'lm. 51d. • I· (' lo LllIng nnd \Vet feet. and if they would and in val ue fangeJl from ' (>0 10 $I)(j. ~ r Il.e hAnd of the P.18t.or' dau!!hWr 10 been mmd red nnd buried by Soren though PerkinH hnd n trifle in hanel, hll not o\' r-eaL when in on exhlludwd condit t wenty.fourth church bill blood \l'ae up, "gain, Jobn; you havpn'~ got. any." and he determlOet\ to make himself UIIThis would mllkc the valu (If tbe rltpnrL mnrrlage, Tbe 011 r " M refl.l!ed, nnd QI'ist I That man now goes about Aylng he pOll ut\ing q uedtionecl. he stuck to his work, nnd, amlid 1. uproarious LInn, lind bathe c1l1lly, uKiug milch fric· denlwod. trado tor one wee.k between for.,O 0 lind probllbly not in the most COllrteou8 Rnd 9tt\:Ll'd tbat, otter tbe quarrel with tbo cbl'ers and Lbrowlng of hatl!, be pnSi d tulD , they wOllld hnve 1e811 rbeumatl ~m. .Rieing from his 8eat he gl'lLt!pelJ tbe owes hi. tif.. tn thAt .. "m~n. I WOVLII DOt ely In OrtlllD. ' Tv g ue ILL 'tbe woight of live cattle, driver's o'lllnr IlItb hl8 lelt band while '76,000, and 1\ year's b\l~i"e.... nlx>u~ conilldeillt mOllller. The larnlcl, tung r.118t.or, he bad tolrlills brother of wbat' the post II winner by fir~y·nY seconds, \\' AU.. jI k\1I • • lh .. .. ........ u' to the qUick, ~\\ or 1.0 be re\en1,'1ld both Illd haJ.>pened, and, alter midnight, they and wltbout tllklll g tl uy kind of refre.<h· men ure IU \lI1lhc8 the ~irth nround til be 11llurlsht(1 hia umbrella with hi8 Wbe. tb ..... , koro Ioo..,UJn .rlpe, '6,200,000. .\ the ..odldol8lre It..Un'. upon flit her aud Iluughter. J.lI1d dislIlterred II suicido b'1ric'd whore ment tbrougbout his ardutO\JK tlisk. Mr. brclISt, Just bcbllld tho shoulder blade, rigbt. me months pnssed (lnll ~he allair the rOilds met, dre IlCd biml in clothes J. Vandy WIIS referee. lind Ihe lengtb onbe bllOk, from tbe 1:4111 .. YOll infernal frog-cating idiot," Aid Wben .ooIds...m· .t I. phr,ln', 'filE repnralion of tbe daDl!lg~8 CIIused ADd bl. ..... oul.i II th!eII; \\ II~ almost forg otten. Tbe clergyman worn by i1im!!eI', battered hie f~e with 11 The Little J'eople of tile Sea. to the fore 1'111 t of the ahollider blado. be, II [ wan t 1.0 go to the Hot I de Bade: by the Pru88i11n bombuJ'(lment to th ne ded II f!lrm scr vnn t; for III thut 'OU I1' spade, !lIken the po8tor's dreSStOg·gown 0" ••,Il "!111M ,hi" 01 dylD' . . . .. I . I th . h b .1. I h d do you understnnd-Ho~el de .BIlde III Or •• e.. plUn. alck. t(' nil th cler"YIll!l1l cultl\'ate portions aDd cap from IllS room, nod, wbile thu8 . Tbe late~t IDvesttgatloDS tOto d~~p' seu rull tiP y e girt y Wle engt an diffi rent part8 of tbe ~r/lsbourg CatheI w'ant to go thort> uow ; nnd if you " If, b tt t th e V\lJl,. totes IYIll~beneatb divide by 144. ]1 the girth is let!II thlln HELl' IIIImebW)I Wullle off than your:I feet, m\lltiply the lluotlellt by ll. If don'L lak!) me I ' ll murder you. Under- )!(llf, dral bave been goin10n for nearly three (I land: and he hired II 'poor brother of clnd, ono of them had carried the body Ie 8 ow .10 and you will feel tbat YOIl are better t bo di6Cllrd ed suitor. Be J?roved to he a into tbe pa.8tor's Irarden. That done, tbe ocean IS co~ered With 1I11!! e 1l~IOJ!,1 b 3·" I ' I 11 6 f sllllld now, Howl do Bude J II" Alld he yoars, aO(\ ore faT /tom being eomplel<'d la z", lhsolcllt fellow, who irritawd t bA Durns hAd Mid to bis brotber life! boundle1!8 III extent ood InfiDlte III etwee ll anu 5 ,eot, mu tiP y y 1 i I flourisblld the umbrella witbm 1111 incb oft tban you lancied. You may subdue aD , I.. U d d 0 too r Id and between Ii lind 7 feet, by 2:1' or i r beTbe injury donI's obl!Olutely inblllellln.angry mall by beaTiDg with him, but not ]>ast(lr to such n. degre , HUlt b not ollly " And now you go your way. Here is va no y. n er con It! n~ Ig tween IlCveu l\Od lIine feet, hy If the by an~weriDg him i that i8 A8 if the steel ble, the splinters of t.he bombKbl'lIs ha\" ofleo scold d him in unlllolll'uretl terms, 1\ purso with a hundred dollars, make tor severe to (IIIrmlt th e growth of t~e hum- anlluallB lelln deduct 1.20 th of the reslll t of tho drl "(\f'a nose. The c08chce .;om prehenlled, and look 8bould try to make the flint leave off' iug permea~d tbo whole buildi ng 'fbe but occlllliol1nlly resorted to blows ', tlUd, the frontier, take another name, nnd blest llt'Aweed. th~ creature hve, !Lntl home, Tbe rest of the boys bad GeorKc Ii I d d F bey nd the nnd tho an~wer 18 th o weight in pound ~ rcsloratlod of the lower idea ofthe Mve, at fangUl th st;Cneoccnrred whICh led to never set fllotoll Danish 8OilIIgaID, 8.8 you mu Ip y, ,lin . 10. ~r 0 About six.te nths of lblS is the net weigbt. Ii!lll'.hed dlDller wh en he arrived, Rod giving sparks by 8triking it &gain. SPOTl'ED TAIL "antll- seven million would IInswer I~ with your life." reach of light, III a glNclal tem~ratur~, and tb" T'!IplaOlng of tho whole roof bavo t.he pllllLOr's desLructioll. were ill front or tbe houllO waiting lor Enraged ono day at bi s sorvllllt' The mnD did 8 9 h e Will! told, enlt ted aDd und.er enormous prcssur~, CX ISts LllIs AN English paper, the Ooventry Sland· bim. But be ~WI 80 mnd tbey hlld to dol laM! for the Black Hill8. Some morDtakeu nearly two yonrs, lind tbe ,.,'orkneglect of duty, nnd the impudent. tone for Il soldier ; 10 t II limb; and reLurned wonderl~1 fauna. As we strip the lIIys- arll, .t.atee tbat ill tbe spring of tbo pres- WRIt. a couple of hours for him to get cool ingwhen begetl! up, red-cyed and sbaky, ~bo1"oftb eCatbedlll bave now been occu- of his reply, theQlcl nltLn wbolly lost bis to his nlltive )larish a wreck of hi~ former tery of VltIl!lty of garmeot flfter gllrmel!t, e nt. yetl r one pound each of the now- enougb for him to ~ tand n laugb and 11 an-a CtlU't find enough post.al currency pied for 11 ycar in repairing the towernlld IKllf·control, and, SCIzing II spade, struck solf. Ignorant of about his otbes to bu a cocktail some brother's de~i~n s, 118 Ill! condltl01l8 becomo rewer nnd It K Huke IllJd Eureka potAltoeS, two new bottl of wine, ono wll cowe Illnnll an (, er 1m two tbe spire, from the grellL rot!C window to tbe Wlln \1i ith It several tlmeil, .\lId lip- (.Illd of all tho Hub quent proccedlllg, mode of. c:tlstenc~ les'J ~olllple x , tbe Am riclln ",mou cs, were plunt-ed ill tho -..,.:--::~. dollartl Ilt;)d a half -for thOIle hillB, and A }'Iorlda VOlcpllo. he reintod bis own pllrt in tho tranl!llc- wouder, IlIslAlltd oj becomlllg I ~ , \.'011- gllfdens at Capestbornc, tbe seat of Mr. the oxtremo poiut I'r crOWlI, th.~ stmigbt. 11I1IIred 1.0 knock bim down. Jo'or:\ f, \V moments, he lay like one tiOD wltbout retterve st.antly grows upon thc. mmd. fhe bu- Bromley-Davenport, M. P. On the 13tb ening o(wbich, Ilt:J. heif(ht. of tbree hun· Jo'l'r mUIlY yenrs pllHt there bllll boen Spotty will toke him up qwuk. Thia is the only instauce kuowu, I be. mllll !Otel.leet long'lll.o lind a commen8~- of IlIiIt month th e 'lIowBake WIlli Itfted 1I0ticetia column of lImoke or steam rHtTHE (Iueation IS again Ilgitated, "8hall drecl lIud twenty ft'ct , IS pcrbnpt! the dead, but wh II 1118 mlll!ter III terror beglln to hI"; him Ull he sprang to his lieve, in whicb evidence hIlS cGn,'moed rate phYdlClII causo for th e etrO<?t wblch wben it WIIS found t.be ono pound hILd wllmen be permitted to JIW!'I the bllt in mOl!t audaclou~ architeclllral (lnterpnse feet leaped through tb hedge nf tbe 1111 inuocent prillOnor that be Will! gUIlty we call hfe. Whell, as ~JI the hlgber or· produ '~d the slIrpril!tng weight of 638 Ing rrolllllll impenetrable swump II abort eur churches?" A few years ago, when dlst.'\ncc. frtlm the gull coalll, IU \V1\ukulla uf Ihe pre!leot t.imc gllUiC betng~, ~h oondl~l()Ils lire Ulany llOuudp. A week. later tho Eureka Willi coullty. Mlllly 'ltlempt have h~n mllde hoopa were in vogue, the Illdies couldn't gllrdon, (lnn dll!l!-ppeared in '1I1 IIdjacent of tbe crime of wbich he WIIS accu80d. wood. He WliS not 'n in th nClgbborIUJd the proce !'C~ ~omphCllted, the pbe- jfted, lind the pou/J(l of I!OCd blld 1.0 di8CoH'r tb o CIIuse, but tbus fllr no ,/ pM8 n bllt" io tbe aisle without d~ 'I'w:: irreprel!8iblc. ChbllWltlJl hu~ :\.II. bood Ilguin ILod 811 atwUlpl>l t~ discover Uotcl Rates Compared. /10m non of vitahty does uot !!COm l!O pwdllccd 1.0 2 pounds, tbo largest party btU! been ucccflIIful in Jl:CDetraLing ging It up \n tho pew tbey entered_ But IJcople who are In the hnblt of COUl' puzzliog ; lIuteocden~ appears to bear Yield nil record . Threo buodred of the to the IOCll tlon III conl!t'q uence of tbe tbe presen~ style of dreM permll.e them o;erted himself famouHly In the Sandwidl his whorea&;uts wero ftUltlelSll. Burns in the meantime, seemed to be platnll\~ about Ihe cbarp;e lit our sum- ~me ~rt of proporllOn ~o COUllCqU Cll t . tubt'r~ weighed 869i poundp. to pW!8 tbe bat etunly enouf[b. hlllndlio Some of the plllllterd tbere, bechllrooler of tlte 8urroundltlgs. fnll of IlldlgnaLiouaL bi8 brotlll'r'1\ dill- mer bowls, wblle tbey live" on the fat rbu ml!ld rar~ly troubles It.self to .mnke lIqulrreJ BI..llo.er bl. Iccompltahed boonS, A short time sinco Judge ,,{hite and II Ttl. Iioving tbat cheap (Jhinese labor would appearance, and did not Ilt'~ itllle Lo point of the land," and al\1iays have II Ilervl\J\t Dice .dl8tinelJohs '?ctween complicated Tbe Ibll have brh"mN Ibel' prml!lll.i wllb ri(lOl ifIIlo, be au improvemO)lt. upon that of the 1.0 tbe pastor 1\8 on" who could explllin, at th ir be·k \lOll cnll, aro advised to ~achttlery a.nd motive po~ver. . A hberal A Very "lIclcnt WillI In MIlII!IS8Ippl. party of gentlomen 1Il Leon and lIud8den And-hono, _ ...... tored cO llllties formed 1111 e xpedlLion to rellch, Kanllkat!, imporled a lot of Ooolic~; but. If be wOllld , wh"li"IlIu] becomc (,f him read tho subjoined. Itl~ (rom II bicago dlSpJtly 01 "heelwo~lt 18 .ulequ.lw to acTbe." 1. 01 . tlwm .... lu <holr IUIClo.. oeIlI , .... bOIl~ e lghwclI mllllll from Port (lib- If po88l!ibl e, tbo undl sco y red wondcm. Tho l.alloWII.UllilVe winged a t " Lbo t\\.Itu; mllnyof tbellll, after working 1\ while, R o Wll8 on~o hellrd 10 8IIy: TIIII'" correspondont, who l'l18I!ed hiB count fo~ .resulttl W .tbout '~n) re ference 110 11 Ilild tiD nlllo frllUl DrandvwlDe They ~ta rtcd for 't.. .M.8Ik~ in :llIIulbont, Du~ bere tb •• "tUIO" "'.1&,.... 01:1 d"fllll, " I Will make th(\ PAI'l!OII prod uco my ~umlllcr vacation at Suiut Germain, a to the illlllol force. But a~ we <:onl~IIl' prlllgs, Oil tho pllll."o of Mr. O'Quinl the and mILdll tlt ei. WilY e LWllrd to the And . llb. ber luueful.peU. Illanllged W lIIIveenougb mOllcy to set up .Among tbe ~ IlDltU ab.dowil of Lbe platn (or thrmlMllvCll, and now they 111'0 com· brother, o"en if he hl\8 to dig him nllt of fal!bi(lutlblo French wateriug-plll 'c. WIl JlI~te tb e hfo. of tbe pro,lm.oa, whICh eXI. t:cnce 01 a great number of blOCkS of moutb of Pinhook Oroe.lc, One oHhe party Alou., alODe. the earth." '1uote : Thllllir of Saiot nermain is purel rolgn upreOle 10 th ocean. l! depthd, wc cut ~toll eK bllS &eon known for nn inllefi- In Writing; to tb o &utmel .;ays: UPUD • wne:sy .\ODe, peting In all kinde of buslne1!8 witb tbeir ts lio ella: IWtl 1OO'Oll8 u~ thodMd aDd pe, H wenL at length before II llInglstrnte frcsb linn cool; thc fore t is grand ami IlCC tht! Ilwfu] and mysterIOus problem ulw thDe, and tho people in the noigb· ThQ COllilt herc is vory singullU', wld old mlll!~n It Is SIlid there aro from nnd, t.nking witb bim three ~f1!ona ~ beautiful; tbe vie,,· frOUl the terrace the presented..i.a ~ts lIimplea~ terlll ll-lorlll Kof borllood h"vo 1Ii!ed ilium {or pro"" {or 8uggeats U10 pre noo of volcliOic Ilction ~~tfI.':~ ~":\b~r:.!.~d;lreerll", four thoUlland to five thouSllud Ohina· witne s declared bis 81\~iC\ion that tbe 6ncst In 011 France; but., in orde~ to en- exi8te~ce whloh are fonnl~, Or~II!1I ,1Il B their houscs. Mr, JameH Gage, Sr, went lit some tim'.! In tbo remoto pa8~. We Uko. dim piolure 0/ lb. dtowoN JIIIII 10 (bo ,""ab'd /Diad', JU1atertoua r......,., ' b a d mu.• rd er' b'18 1.uroL h (lr, JOY • th Ol!e I ' one Dlue t 00 11' I'llY """"'lIIJlog no organ!, llti COlltra.dlctlllg out illcro 110 few days ago 1.0 exploro, and looked upon It. lIS II fllvorable iodlcatloll mon In tbe ialllllde, and lhllt .they have O.llrgyman I UXUflC8, rb~-~ery dellnitions of life and yet IlOr. DoubUlIt .b.I ........ ' " ... "m .",allMlaA 10\0 Ib.1 dlBtaace, ...,. upoD 1b~rl,;.....lIa>L not oDly almoMt mooopolized the retai r lbo witneltllC8 IA!Htllled t bllt tbey bad prit'll tblltl!j:ems out 0(1\11 reason, True. formiog all its epsontiRI fulllction K The hlld It HpeciOlen sWne brought inl.o I.owu. of tbe volClluo we were in 8('arcb of. The IH Ilbout three fe"t 10Dg by twenty whole COIU!t i8 a m\llll! 01 Tocke. One ... t.rade, but some of them do an extenelve ov~rb~rd 1\ qUII~rol betwcon Lbe plU!.t.cJr tbrl~egd~I1~':: a~~ :::rr::rr.:uo: J!r~ coodition8, oomple:c lind rr. ullltudinolls, It fllJuare, re!lOmhling in shApe a bar call"d the" Gmy Mare," forDl811 nlltul'al EVERYTHING holy ie befure wbat ill under wbich we bve are he'e reduced 1.0 oinches bllline8llumrrcbant8lnd planteJ'll. They Ilnd hIS servo.ut1 11l tho courso of willch 8OAp. It is probllbly a n9tl ve IIIllld- b"th hOIl!!C, walled 1Il on all sidell. * .. * unholy; gUilt preeup~ ionooenoe, . • lara per diem, but so Illany eJltraK are two or ~hroo; theelementl!, many and bemarry and intermarry among the natiV'l8, th~ paator criea out I will beat thee, dogl untIl thou hest added .t o YIIUt bills thllt tbe lum I.otal wilderlDg whicb ('n ler Into the ordinary stone. Mr. .ago took tbis block from 'fhe bed of ~bc river is IL mal!8 of rock, not tho reverl8: angt'l!!, but not CalleD and tho htUldsomeat brill'Cllllt woman in dead at my feet," runs abon tbe cost of IivlIlg at Saratoga statement.' of the problem uro here eHm. beneat h the rooUl of tl. Illrgo pine tree. It and. two miles 1rom 11.8 mouth, iu oue8, werecrt'ated . Benco maDdoee DOt HOllolulu 18 the wife of I~ pl'OAperous Th n tbe1 heRrd tbe 801I11d .of blows, or Newport. • rvlee, waiters' fees, can· loat.ed and yet we are (~r d to recog. rormed II p<>rtion or a wall allout twenty whole yolume 18 vomited with imUlon!!e properly rise to tLe highellt, but IiDb and bad tWIce !IOen a spud HWlllg abo~o dIetl, ice water in your room, ice io your nl' 04 :Ie .n~e Vital prlllCir le givlll" ft'll\ brolld on tbo lop, which Mr. Gage forco from tho yawning jllws of a rifted dowo from it, and then afterward rI_ (lhineae mcrchan t. tb hed e tho 1 I tl e ceuld at e to Wille lit tAble, bath·wnter and towtls, tbe ~ tJI ~ "' LrllClld f(lr II dl8t1lnce of two hundred and rock. Here the fI ver ]>rollOr term tna~8 again; a cb ild can Dever be coneldered e I gI I Y n ~ distributioo of lettel1!, commiil8iollll. and funcUonalactivity roa lOa 50 ~tructure· fifty yards. Tbe mfert'nce tbat one t ur· would IlIIturnlly dl'llw frOID thl. super- Illld tben comm e nce~ u series of SIDk., too innocent and good. A DIS ..A1'011 (rolD Lot! Augele" reporte whOt!C at\ail It was.. ~nother wlLnCM n tllOII"Ond thl'I:f" of the ~rt. for whicb leM jelly whioh animates t1le higbe@ THE m08t singular part of abo,'. C)(IjI. wbioh extend for twenl y lIlilcs btlek.da)lOf!cd tbnt.., w,blle, pl\.88tog tlye gardeo" ganlc I.-I ·n"". an ioterview with Olegario, Chief of tbe fth liclfu view IB ~haL LhiM mUHt have been a t te tb en of th no cbaTl1:e woul be made in the United "" 0tumt' 18 bia bootll. If bill mnther ash pas or 8, 11 d IDb __ !..(Jvh IDg I ef BtIllell, lire bere brollght in 1.0 swell YOllr When we !!CO thi8 form]~.. hfe gov· elLY wall, but deep exploration mlgbt Semi- Tropical Monthly. Pala or Temcllla ludiall!!, recently re- one:lteday, he ba etUU t e SOUl\{ 0 db I cb· It I f ' him, af\e~ darlt:, to put on hil boo" aJld Y awe, ell 11\ • 110 l1li loexora· show I t to bo a portion of 110 fort, tem pIe, ported in revolt in San Diego county. He IIOme one digging, Bnd, 011 ]ookto<r over bill up 1.0 at lelUlt fivo dollars a day_ In erne go down 1.0 the It are to purch_ a pound Epltbets_ tbo bedge, had _n the plUltor, Fn bi. _ of sickness \be landlords are utterly ble 118 tbat whi.cb. gu!de~ tbe rolllllg or otller building. Any way, ill! al,~i Porhaps you bave notiCfd how II CODI' of eolfee, be ia nearly a quarter 0' aD _ 8 to be a mllli of intelligence, lUI are IIsllAl groen dl'Cll8ing-gown and II wblte without mercy, for everything I8rved In ,,11I!lets, anri ~lIln their Vad?U8 comb!· qUltr i ~ probably immeose, antedating othertl of the tribe!!, with wbom, be ays, nigbt-cap. Tbe magl8trate eould no tbe roolDs i8 chargtld at. double rate8. nations &II lIeJllblellS tbose which control the IIIAto ry oC the red men.-Port QibllOn monplnce adjectlve, wben simplv and bour tugging to get tbem on; ba& II aD truthlnlly applied, takes on IInd- bold. alarm of Jlrel. sounded, th_.-me boo.. they have oocnpied the land from whicb lonlrer dlsregllrd tbe al:.cu8lltion,and b'flye One American lacIy, wb, wu UDex- our hllmaD eXl8te~ce, we feel ~be SeDI8 imlliatd. perennially 1\ Ireeh fWd peculillr Olean· slip ob In .hont. "Is IOI'Nlnrl",. they were recently_ejected fer centudea. ordel'1l that the jrtlrdon be llOIlr be(lln the peiltedly coDfln~d in the hotel where I of awe whieh a wbl.~r. fro}m tbe UnllCl'n In~. W"at could JJO man commonpllL(.'e pro8Cnce ofaccutICr and IIcellsed. Wben Willi slopping, baa been forced 1.0 pay world mlgbt &end tbrllllng through our Tnt: story of tbe inveDtor of the game THf. pJO<:dl! "I iltlu'l!ranlol pro. . . . Tbey have been converted to 9hri~tlan. tban "admirable," to ilent," to pious," ity, and have be~u peaceable tillen of the b&d dug loa Iittlo depth came eartb Dlore in aix monthe than ebe ever paid pen-ee. -W~ are standing f~ce tQ face of ohell8 is well known. The .KIng of .. venerable," "!!reat,,' "yellow,"" blue," to receive '" Jreah Impptua ~ stnpped .ot Its f"lmllla, condl- India bude bilD UAme his own reward , II prlmevlLl T" W·ho wo"-Id think th.t han of At. ADger, a FreDch the soU (or gtloeratlonll. They have been whfch bJl,d e"idently not been dlsburbed, for throe mODths at ~ratoga. Yet only with and tbe pIUltor turned to bls aceUlJllr say- three years t1go Saint OI'rmain wae a tlon •. . It 10011:8 U! ID tbe lUI tbeAIII' upon whlph he tl.IIked to receive tbe oum· tbe appliClLtion of Lhtl!O qualltlClltiou8 t\ , 11111 main feature of th~ discoYeritt II di~ by the sberiff on ~ claim io : , 'c!heap (llace of retldence, and I lived iD embodied II'hOlt. of the Ure D(IW 110 fllD\lhar ber of gr.un8 of wheat that would be namOll of pertlOna, plllce8 ur thlllgs coulo that pieces ohlliD takeJI frnm Ul.pU&Uld of the potIIIlIIOr of" United BtatetJ patent., ~ Slanderer, wllat have ),011 got for tbllll8.lDe hot.el for one,half the amount to UII.-Poribntr' MOtlt/J!I_ '-praduc i<I if one grlliD of wbeat were \IlIlke epitbebl that !dmo <:IlD not out,. limbli ma)' be need 1O ob&alo elcavt.aDd were forced to leave thei r hoWl8tl, your }l!'in" '" I bad to pay tbls year. Bucb m'!laD' Om: of \he VI~IDla Ch" boy.' took a paid him for the Jil1!t !!quare of the cl.._ weat 1 ADd yet thi8 is the way \bat we tioo on \he bodl. of odaer IQ~ crope aDd fenced fielde, and become bomeBut, upon digging under a beap of choly lamentations come from all qnar- &laDt.-powdereap wlC~ool tbeotberday board, two for tbe aec.md, four for the get the Admirable Crichton, WIlliam Hltberto the deelred port.ioDt 01 _ 1_ vapbonde, without meane of liveIl- rubbish, to the borror alld consternatioo tere, and I very much fe&( that ijlere inapl~ p<I8Ilbly 1I'ith the II~ea that In ~ third, elgbt for the fourth, and 10 on the Silent, Piol1ll ..£00&11, the Veoerable were te!ten from ODe part 01 tM ~e bod, aad applied to &BOUler ,.,.. II bood. Their women aJKl chlldJ'lln arc of t~e cler~mail and hill ~iend!!, the a~ 00 lonler any cheap watering-placell plllCe wbare tbe YOUDI Idea WIUI tau8bt donbled up (or evl'ry lIC)uare of the .illty- Bede, Peter the Great, the Ydlow ltated thatilt OM .... the fIWIIOII _ fou Wbeo these amountll weJ'll added Tiber, tho Blue Danube, tbe FOreltll ,m1!iIIDg maD. bat Willi found, 800n aflAlr In France. how to ilboot Lbe cap woulc~ IIM.be out IlOW in a 1It&nlJ1, condition, and ther arm appeared i .Ilnd, beforelool IT III pro~ble that the banana wllt be 01 place. D~ri Ig ichll9l boulll he pulled thl! um was fouod to Iii 8,446,744,078- Primeval, and a thon.nd undying pieot. o( Ikl.. have oome to eee it the Govenuoent can ahuman a ..hele bociYl the faeedl~ftgured beyond widely eult.iftted In thetlOuth In fUture. out hia nlre aDd eodtaYonid to 60d out 709,Ml,615 Ilrainl, or iD other w;;;l. phrue. of proae and vuwe.-&ribMr. help them.' "l'bey have DeYer received recognition IIY blows, evfdent.lr given Acres of them have been planted in the' wha' the cap Wall mlll\luJl, '~ w.. eml- lueh a quanll~1 that therewith all the TH.B Prince. Me~~e y;:-05:' aDy blaakela or lUlIIultiee, but have lived with a ht mlltrumenL The cloth., 'WOrD out 08",00 teIda of...., De.U" _ ' u l in Ibe ea~rt. At the cont\inentl of the eartb could be COftred • by their GWn labor. They han DO In- even to thlriblrt !I\h ~man'. nbIeon Gulf j!:!&awa, wbile io Florida tIUa col- lint dig 01 \be bile the... ·w.. a tre- wl~h a layer one-third of an loch in daughter of the Doc de MoDt thictn~ and \b.t If the _ e ground wla_ bet.-othal to Kiq AlIelll., 1JU ... ta&lola of revoldas. but the white men it, aDd a leadeD nnl .u one of the Mn, ture h .. become a thrlylDI b__ ~OUI uplOlion, a.d th~~ boy jumpe4 1Jere IIOwn with wbeat in tAe proper aDDOUn~1 II cliicribld .... Jof SaD Dlep COUDty have linD out that were Immedlasel, ideDt.iIled. The putor The trMa ,rew readllJ without culd.,. up with two II . . . . IIId a J~WDb 10- maDDer U would take more thaD .yeD'1 from chlloaood, .... ot pICII U4 llOuld onl1 protelt hi. InDOtll!noe. tlon aDd rapldlrrleId lrul&. " bnprtlllioa to prnea, \be put-Uc fiom lIOlWIe8Io ODe or ........ ,.,..,.... II A~" -.ld _ .. are . . ., - -II' we -alee, to 1be laablt of ,... to pradaoe the abon amoWl& Of with .... whtle .,., me. !aIel,.1I .ut ~ &he work of OO1IId ......,. a.-,II tin U I1IoeI aDd IOCb ~.. walk . . . .'- whlch I. eqaal to t.b1RJ-Jiar biJ. peril' I" s.tM ... hII IIIiDIItIn. 'l'ab . . \0 baIIIeI& . . II 1m ......... "'--.'-W!''''- "' lObWel"'~
'n i t,
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t· .....al), In 1.....1lA of I hr ·u/ " I' II~' Ie .... .u I h ' l\ I u,·., III Ih .... n k'oI • IIIMI to _ al· t'lill II .. "' ... I T" I·r\··. (jl't ... .m... .... to d . I •• 11 ufti , fur I at Pubho AUlltioD ~f V' I ' , " t dill d"-lIl,r u f tbt' -,.\urt · U u.... Ul I.baDoD. - . I n .\ lI k,'II\"·, "I' Xl'l lill 8\111.' ,'1'~ III ' .. "" ·ar·lO.t r,lr him. :! I 1\llCht·uf /11 II11l1. t"uCIIIII~ "'Ith hll' W. rr~u C.. unty. Olu . oln Mr.', W. l%rl': Il t ·" Il.tlnllll~ tUIIJ .c" lItlr I!h,rln!' fin~n,'h~r,'rm I.f ullr h.r qfurd" y,J)."'", I",.i,.4 .D.187G,, Pianos;& Organs, . D.\'lIes, tollr (orlnl' r (Jill, " a lill It " orch Ire. U. llo ha!! II tllr' I Ill'd 1,,\ "tl lll ie • .aml Ih y are 11IIt; at \I 0"'1•• k (> ~ "I. ·.ttl tl v, th. fullo win~· I X E N I A 0 H 10 111 '11 , (,11,1,'1 II ,t 1.1 tI,·lll · III rI..-' ·t . t)' An lltor g )C3 to It''I. ·lv'll l.."' , C1.>,.... . .gl'r tue'le u( la.oud th an C\'l'r l h,\ • but III~n' ~!.Vuo• •"'llh tb~ shad ll w ' dt rrlbNI [t ·,1I 1., ' ...... ~ .,..'"1tt\' : r " , - .\ 1.(1 . I lIl8l1 UlI1I , . • .... 111"\1 .1 r"I d.;J n t .. LIl li d aut,) repaired. m.,l., tn._ t hi. "I h lll lt ,l Ht ek ttl I 0" :'. IUIIU j.(Uurllnl " tl. do 1111 kiml () l l nl\'~~l'"~er t JIlIII tlit' mi,·ht., It t .U.~I~ I" t il ''''',, ') .,1 , "rrrna" . 1111,' 0 ' . • :\' I) I . k ' b ' I h I J I ., '1'1 •• f OhlO l "fur. \l ""II II "".MoI .. ,111d."orl\''tl. noM I lell Wh o I. " EI ,rlgbt •• "Y" I ... ~I"J I d,"11 the - .\11'. ulIII Y rs. lllrk , n GI\IIH ~\ r ' I II I 1·I&Ullh·t I&lId QIIII rtllk · "") ,, \' PrI'C I" 1 1l'1O. I n e,l . f,.\I"w : 1':'I "f )""'"r, u.ll~y N.. •• -::-:--=.=--::~=-1,h(,IH I' t tlad' II", hu ' \'c i' U,HlC in urri ""llI11IJII' Ir tl E t I hil a ID tlh be t 1"1 ibl e Il llIl· fll rcwd l, IV\'cd IIlIe, fare thc(' woll. . UI otlH'lJa\l,y , ,,hi 1 ..".1,II " , ! ,,,) I" th" J J\ 1\1 l-•• \-V , BAiNE .1\1 D., '1 ' ,I . " Ill I II I,n lI.; t fl cr. a", I 011 1'lIpcr thull UIIV U IY T I"'"KII t II)' ,." rm \\ 0 Iu~ . / II r J .. <" •u" I t II 111<'1' IIfIn l 1,11 " 1'11 ~ .h'I''' rltl\ t'll t S I 10 ( on Ion ..... Co "" II or 11'10 . ,'cr,. " ",I ., " li " 1"1'1"',,"' 1('111 hll tl.1 c ,I.,ta l.th: II tI "'l • I r:r e ,· F orn ltlln.! Illude Itl 1:l'der' · "Ilrth 11 " 11/ .1·... v et ifl llUl' 1I 10lllurio °b·...d' ~t~-dl ~~_DI.....·:IIJ·.··I·· 0"1" .11""" J,'!","'" UO:OUltoP" ..... " . ... . . ". ' r II rr! . It n r ' I II ' • I I \' '. y ....... ~ . I ); ". .... ""l " '0 ' .... 1~ . Inlld,hl!fI 1,1111 g[,. k 'I'II\, \\ Itll , ' 1'1 . ' ,' ,I!' ''. '' ,II III I fl i ltl~ r~ fI1 "d"",', 1 ll 'lt! 1'1' t l"\I\\" l t , n~l' I' lilt\) tlt e ·l'll rt!(lf "" , It!~ !. D',,,,,,, ,,, ,: t .... ",rkcJ o).uuure , , J JlIIMB.llll.I_1I1 _ _ _ _ __ _ .\ 1.. FAlIn. I'~ . lor,h'I' . Nil " " ' '' ' '11 C \I I hllnl II ~I ~ VI'1 lullle Ir" llI ltll 'Rg" tiut ll r· pll ir"J. II lI d lit: lueti LI Warl"IIIII.t! Iltv ,1i ~t lil t 111111 1'" Ii Il~l'l' till w uu ,',,' I",uk "f Ihe Lllt l,· Miom,' n.nr ju.t I W.YN YILL. D •••c .... a . 111m!.!!" Ihe"t! )'I' t . U ' aU Ul l'n" g' li .l~ 1...;1. I ~lh'c ~ll·. Haillct! II ('a lt. II i; I'hlll h tit ·g .•ldcli stuil'WII Il IJ U meet d::.e}~rll·:,~:; ~lU:;~to.::i ~v Kji!,.; .ol~II~~::I. UItIIJ~ ..t R<o.hlruo•• __ • ., n L ' \ ... • a nd cl nt l.e 1I " I,t U U ou'wlieu' al ld - ~r I. IIl1d MrtI. A. (1 ~I C 'mlll\ . \lid" tl'IIJ1l' I.lUll ue 'crvur! t" 00 t lt,·c \\ h 'I'C th.llI 81·t · 1110 ,t tlt eu th"Il{ot) N' 4l ' I!'t ' B .bout 40 ,,",I... to tb; . '. , _............. ....lIl na _Itll'l'l 0 ( I . I , -on tlog b .. I ': t 11'0 , " " . I1l1\'C IIl'e ll VI$l . tl llg fur U I ' w dll\'s Iordi.ill wi>Hhlpe 'or\ FIr t elld F .. urlh l c:tutllu WIlero dC(J II ' I't' purt lng ure nl' \'or oul,. " c·t II lie .. r I ~n .I",'"",,,l by R.... , o .,. unln.. .. t ~l '.,'.) k. r U'l!t.DIIl ' in ill ·ililluti . · k llllWII wh ' r ' I:,,· well wurds IIrc i II ~,\I,"'I Ih.,,,, ,, " ltlo lJ oIIIUlJ·. li,,!> N I L. . LO KENS " M. D. Y'l 81 '$". I I< ~, I E -"! row n Llu~ t, .ke n . ;!O W IIWII Oll ro ll jf fru lll 110.· II Il k I,f ~h riv. 8obQO.t • 0", l\ RSluN T il 8uIJ II I \V ~ r 1\ AN • - 1' 1'. J. L loll !t tl ClIllJ l,It't(.\v Ir 11 \ C I'\' c/ \' ' I' I U IIl' V ' I' spllk('n ; wh cl'u IIlckn es fin d cr 117 40 r .. I~. tn II. r""... IhrllV6 rI " ",,, tbe PHYSICIAN & SURGEOK • Flltltl '? '?L"'RTI" ,I ?rll"t.~"l' A .- A lillI' I 11 1''''1} I iol l' 1111 th(, ~c '\·l'I·,·ll. 11 .11 1 i rl'uJy fur 1\ rll ,il i,lll th" ~ I u,t ic ':111. "11'\)\11 II I'ur CUIlI ; wh eru wi IIlCl' 0111 1"111,,.1 Wlilo Ito! l~lP""dOnl to tbo I'I~OII I . Dryf b..~l~:iu:U~b~~ u$,. ... ·\Fi;:'~J3Iy' \ el l! ulI , Tv\) k;l e ' Il ilta Fe H Ojf b ,illl l"'lt lll IIICI'1 I 'k ,., " " ~ I 10 1'IllS 1ll'U nuvel' k nuwlI, llr 'h,lngl) °l f lhf" II "''''''U:f ' I L'l''dlll''nlnlf~lgl hleon ad un· om •• m NatlunRl Bank Building. 'r ~ .. 1" hi ' ,., .. It" t 'C p~ u r :4 l l f b i II ' lU "ere,. '-.' lUI . m Clr , ... ella , lIT A YNE'SV'TLLE. 8choo1 ' l" o·ol""~, .\ . ". ", . WIIlC (:11\' , · 'ill'i ll fl llt\ N,,,'. - ~It, E. J . O.dfr•. tllkc "r ICU ulIThil'l1 11"d_·J 1l('llIlOn:l, 1IIWI~I ' 1i Itl 1 caco ·aldl'r~llIi8l!8 b".ebeen lll'pn,i,,", ander'4 L , OIIIO. ll. E. OUIJIIMI - The n ov. 0 Fot'gn n 17, At 7 P ~l. H" ulld t i ll' " 17 1I 111'\'ul' 1" I' lC' I I 1 t [ . (' I 1'1 f II .\IId 10\'11 and bl ollnllug ~pr lng anu " former order 1\1 Ibe sum of l l50 per Rcre. L ~ p ..tor. D"'lnelMtryl""on Ull.d~J'" at 10 olll y. \V \\" '\lldflclv ll'O ll '1 U I ~L ' , I C, \,11 11\111 II .011 ' t , .t ltC I I " "' ~lII g SUllltUCrtlln~ IUI"v cr Ulld fo rl' ve r. I\nel "Ill not be llold1or le;oe thn two,Ul lrd. ::\0 t-ll)'olookA . • , ud71.9 P II. ..bbtlth . I I IV\\ \\ I.' 0 11 . at • Il'or allllum. eO( IUt.: 1\ t('~tl lll, .n lu l 11',,"1 AI of ~,,,d "l' ll,u 'I<O,1 . Olluu. I\nd up ,n the f"l· ••• y tehO()l at i 1·lh'. X . \\'1 I to plI l'C II> . clump hlllUl!. hy -Mr~. ' hurl , 'V II \III r X . thu HI (li d A .> hUll. .oI.KTlI.oI.. IUld lllf tarm•. l o·wll · Qn4Ht"rd to! Iho (lur· ~ OllltUlTlAN OIlOIl~-~ld~r 1 . ~ ~,od~.i ~11 meaM tu Illh;tlCO thl R II I'Ll wu~ II g u""t lit ,\\,' . A. i .V M~;~il~~ ",hcl' I , tl. l",a,(el· hiLS ll:RH:nBORO, l ~I': .;;::~~':! ~:~.~ y~~r~'~~~ o~b~·~e':;~i~~~ I ~ POI t~llIlt'IV .~h t(IIi ll IYd l l\ O llil ~lItol'duy Iltlll l:)uudIlY. illl~\O~'~'~Y ~: ~r",,~nm:' ~ th F,rL(lr~i" ~l'tl~lle Uc(,ll I m .. ntlt: .. W t · 0 ('to"('1' 1 t, 1 75 \ lOll '-Ihml III t WIJ y III'S I, n. d.. y 0 1 ",.1 •. thb : Jt~,' rl!t N at i(l1lal E m".: lJt,i,ldin! d 80h 1 "'01 k Lo d'K W I\() j \VI pi 'II I u t· II , r\' t!J I~ 'I' II I knuw un a rticle 0 1' l'cl\1 d"f. rn'J P"Y '" CIl Ii! I" be lt IIl .... rnAt from , .. , ": ' .' no at .. 0 00 , cor.,..,. • ., 1IS0 ll . TLtc Will i ' I' is mdu ill th ia - i t r. urc ay W cleh of Glen lII l' rit tl I b D ear Ofl,a~tle : - All'lllt 1 00 11,,"1 d.t:)' .. f ..,Ie, lind bo oIOOured by mort. I{ A YNE::i VJLLE OUIO · • ;~~::. »"'PTI- - - '_ ",itt) Chu b In region I\nll tl lII 0 who ' J U' C IU 0 n ail , [ lirl iulla . viRil d hi<4 rol.lI , ve~ 1111 ill:1 tlet! l!twU 1.'0 lUe worth (i f uuild lllg9 lire now III 1l"11'0 upon th u pren,l.eQoold - --'. • P' Ir •..,... ti' . ' " in H IU'VU"dUIIf'g I I I II I I t' 11 .. C Inwn t, e nR · t' . . WM H HARLAN, "'...voe - u icee 01\ he _ nd Batu ~d ~~ IlrlllS' ill hU\'e 11 111 plo tililu t" pl'O' ., J t it I P acu U bling tho of' " ur Ifl titlrt' ,~ C ••Il r8U 0 Ol·cc tl"n. CQmprl~lIlg Sheriff WllIren 00 • 0 alld ROlna '! In eaoII nll'lIlh. Eldor E\I"~ pare t :lCil' ~ ro li ll d lill' flllllll ng We ·k . 110 thr ad tbei r necul to!(I f 5 t W III·ch,.u-e, t ••wn hllll , IlIld engtue· B. W BnowN, Att')'. 5S8-5t TIIiRD 8TOEET NE• • • ' G~I P...~. N III P , purpo Oil in tho 9pring Roml?lII I -Mr. W ill iulTI Ut.'tlllli ck is 4- ) times I mltlule " rtll~I ' al hou~t!, dl\'olllllg htllblel. ulld l\ 8a' l NOTICE IN PARTITION - CINCINNAT' I OH • IN. Jt..~~f~ W~I~rl!R. '"~\rll M",,~~°)j~:1 ber th.lt tho c wh ul clu, Q Will uU II.li flg II IICW Pd inK tUIiC ill ~lllni ,,() the-m . 1\ I l" ulI. if a1l1UI'1II118 itl PI'UPltluUS. • , 10. ta Odolf 110;"'" Hilt. of' I.b .. tOe~und s..turdllY ha"e tlle ir excursion ~l Iney r~fu lld. front lit' hl~ r" 1I.lt!lIou4m Flllli t h ' ov('rul , trall"lel'tl of rUlll elilato M~r~:~:\~::~n'}::~ °JIl~~b ;:~~!';:"dih~:; 00 PER DAY, ' ef ~ch munl.b•• t 7 o~IOOI< pm .. '''"d ?n th ed, N m ncy required III adYlllICe Iltrl'ot. Imvo be II Illude. Morals al'u b.. ,,(I, of OlOU'ke UOl1l\ty. Ohio, Hannah Aun ~ •• a ~4'1'8O". ~"" fll~tb. t\l~Y of e""h ltIQnth a t 2 oolock "XC pt iuterc~t. N UW It! tho t , m~ -MI'. W li la II Ol cnl\' Dl~ an .1 u!)..nt (\8 U t~1l1 here. at I Ir. A lld Brolin and Ethon A lku.... ,' .ber busbslld. SETH W. BROWN ST. VARY a P. » Cn'lRCR - C<>rnol' t bid I . Ii 1 I . 1 0 pllltr especllllly nm.•ug ·t the chrl .If WKrr~II UUUlIty, 01"" , Elt OIll1mll"r. of • , ThUd and KIIUIlI St'nMrt.. Di ... lne 04ir.l"" .0 1Iy. un wIlle I 18 r.l'h Ilml dl:'~' p IlIU I y, ro >ttl \·OS "t l' 1'. D. I. ' f H . . M'd",l WUII L,'. K"". ,,,,; A. I\ Ol","dlur. er .Ye", Sunday lit .. p. m. Sunday-JICboul ut III soli. Nil pUl't lit th o gillbo W o lIuy. huvu m'II'U I to th l8 pll C :t~ II:\1 °E lun. cllntllliles. s t~o llg. \V1" r " cUUIILy. UIIIO, MIlrth .. Enf(lo and AT TO R.N Ey AT LAW _ • A. II. oft"rs UlOl'U IIgrio llltn lal illlltlCI~' f'10I1I lll ckl'l'yville. 111' 1 . ~ . .. lol,\' u Clllllch IS IlI g ht· Hol><!rt J,;n!flo.hur husb""r\, "f Butler OCUlI' • VAr.f,,..'· "R~"l'!.TnfAR1.l1'l l\'J'TIfi1' Ol~ Ult'lItS and filler ulld horter crolJ8 III :\1 J ~l II W I 1.. 1l .J\\ III~ In Iy til.c.1 WIth a UU\'uut cnl""I , whl) ~h 0J:IU. "~r1h .r l"lIIdl~r llnd Jo~ph AND 1"'"0 T' AR 1.' n[J.BL 10'. -Ih "lIl!tf'elj~. ll l!tlr ~I"IU. DI... lne.~rvl Qf' , . r. ulI £ I'!I. 'race r ill It. p." h'U ' my Ill' "n .. t a"llIlml'ti to UWII lbdl' , "" or, o "Mn "" ull ly.llIlIlo'~: (':illlil :r..<J. ~ I.. "n UII. flatura., bC'fnro th~ Ill<'n nd Snnd"" cl'/'enls till'" have beon tlt<!rtl IllIs II II cwly maue lmdu <Llul grv"l1l lit' d k ' J .••, I I' I Ch ~l\dler, of GlfldU' cu""ty Ohio. l1"rll. o O.e.I. MeCl_ III .... oh ".ootb ..t " ·ul.wll ulld 011 tl,C 0<1- t!asou F IV I h t' AI 1 ' I Ill' " l·~t! .Ilru lUl l W,,", np lUll with all CIII",dler .. nd . \\1. 11 Ch"udl.r, of Wllr""" uud anol 4th S~oI!l:~. • t 10'"nd" o·clook. ' • _ _ " , ,JV~' 1& 1,10 11 , WeN. guel!tol V j r. I>fl\ ' lILli, In, l ro III til l) lu i"ltt 01 tbd r JUlI"3 alld YOle' county. Ohl .. . H COO c08 AIIII 1.IItl",,,, .",d " . ~. "T -. r ig It 1u t \\ ·tik. . .1 ..,.., W. \I",,,, Lt.thoOl h. r hlJ. bllnd of 01 rk WAY~IlIll"",',., 01. . . . W:l~e & y , oi., T"":nslllJ' uuteoU"tI " •. n' y ou flg Ul e n fr' lI1 Flutf\ll'k I " -i ' ILlll , 11 11" • Cl ! . . ooullty. Uhl ~. Albert Oh .. "dler'.md Elw ood E - -~1)'ftlv~bOoIl'\I'Rh"Y "~II = ~n:be3dS.t~... VI It l\ orw lila tl'II~"dll Y lI~h t. 1 -~r.lll1d Ml tI.Jac\lh Sllrlnt:~" 1r j! lt \\Vldd hllt (ltll'lI tIHI, i l \ Ollredlll',lt lllllnl A!il-Illlhiges nro Ch.. "dler.tb" h.sttwo lU....oIbeill millur. ' S: \VALTON. "...f..~noi~ll~ ~r:::J" :~: ii..rJ~k; and On their r turn hlJ IIIU ·t"~.y gut \II Uhlllll.11I.l1 ~hurg, U ill", I~·t III' II.) I tl l~ 1I11'k",~ el' II.I". Thl:l 1,1" oJ ''''''1';. ~np(,! rillr T ir o Ol'udcd Sch 01 itl .mol A,lruu B Ohnndler the ir Guurt.n. n.. d AT TOR. N E Y AT LAW t tJ , ldllot R. P GIlU ..., Suctelltry. IIItl> 1\ hewildul' 'd c ," o1 itJllII linn. SI,"duy 11\1111 II ~ Si t t I l hc ll' l ela · 1.. 1 It alld 1I1l 'IrUlli . (!tIlUI)" '111'1 1"" 1\11 lIt ~ tltnt:l:IlI Willi wUlth" of tDUI'O Ellul'~_.~\iI"t.:°ire. tU hf t'Vnrrvn .ou"ty , °till" Id'· O I1:Cl'8, 6 Bro(l'lwa '"'.. t • II tl 1 I . . . I . ' ,. '" . " WI ~KO n,", UIS " " potluQn w,," e :.il· " " [saiah MIlI·tllt ; their "'IIg'IIlol "\1" IYI.: I II P IICIl. .'~" III "Ig It , Ill\! (,ark d l Ill lIl'e Ihlill Q (l1l1l... lIIg lIlItice, VII accoun t ul!'.u".t them 0 0 Ihe Ot.b day of October. LEB"NON.OIIiO. • .,..Ie WOII' Proor. et tlto d"I\'cl w 'lit to sleop alld - MI'. unu ~II- . 1 11,1\ Ill'C,' " IL 1(1 1I1 ' h "Ihu~ illlll\, III [I e "'.,tlt · of Iho vllrlcty lit' brunch 8 taught. A. D . I 7. . "I tho Oourt of Oommull Pion. A'ld 0'/1 ,. tll e iVlJIO })t'14f1.Store.. Tha.. 11 DO Illedicine J'j! ' C Ih.d by pb. I " gen rl>l uir of dunt care t~ CCI!t ' M""ter. ~V III U l:In I~C:; ,.t' C"'" jl'U' I'~ "'g ~:VVI~ I ~~~ 1'!!I·t 'I' s ·,, 11 1t I Ih~ u/'tltud e 01 the pnlJi Id. alld tho Wt~:~~:'0~,{:,r ~h. g~'~I~tYOh~n%~;~(':II~o.~ _ . __ '" " WNESVILLE, . . . clalll. or I<>ld by Oru.,lrgl'8t •. Ib t I Ar.lr• •u~I, seemed tu surround them, [n tillS vt! h', \\ 0 10 gllu:!l:! ul MI' l{ lcl!iU'J \\ uIdl ,lIg () r I e I'al\ vi d ·"lI t h -" " \.Ullt.r ot Jl HJ tellchOI'll. \\ hll ur 111\ now pendillg, In IhUIIlud Ouvid OhMI' e"iII'·f1o. IIr it. ~U Der' A lind ' UIII·rlO. ,Irtu .. hj;(ht. A ud W t • tlil ·fl C .. rlU \'O \\,(. \1 qUIl/ lti I "til p<IIlI' lu~ trllcti l)lI dlur oI""'~I>d.< III,rution o f tto f •• lIowlll~ reo MISS RACBIE R. EBRIGHT, •• Bo .,,1.&', O ' .'I\ ~ Bnl ur r.. r Ter.. pliftht thoy were di ovcr d by Hllilll: (III I:)unduy III U M'Jlld Il Y. tit • cl lIe 'I' b I I j' , tl . I I) 0 "I C..& .. H" lIUl1ta III tl", cuunty o>f \V",r<n ,Ia_ OOGlh~ . Cold • ttl d On I h ~ Rrn-t, 01'" .lOot Ilor traveI !!r, WhIj vo IIllltl'cl'cd - G:Jl't Y" lII' vy· t I' tit the 0.lIl'e li e a I" e I"ill od "1 " '/1 <. or III IJI'UIIIIIg' IIl1tl l . yur Oll e I,nd . tOlle of Oblu ~uol .1,· crlLt'<i .. f II _G- .rte Musle fe.eller. ,"m"llun. or MIl' dl !c~e \' of the Th''O nt .",1 til !lBsist the m out of th oi r d llolll C ity Bul,'·I} . 1'1Il'Y III'C slt il>I,cd tlte 1I1\.h·\Vl\1 &\19 Wild ing 01 t il" h,lIl11l1 cd 1'" 1 il!! attIJIHI: Mr. W. f '. t.u-\\It . • • u U"'~ Ko,. t "i<I ' of .1I1lln SIIte', • LunC' A proor or thnt luot I. Lh"t .. n. -eh\! gllhl,·tt, 'Jr thl' (j,lllltlrulll. thu pf'IIICIJ1111. ttlllOitOd . FfIIsr TItACT - Be"'l{ r".,t of S'>cltlon III WAYNa. ......... o ..... 'I'e AOO ~ Ifl , cl d enn «e: a Rlmplr ~ Q lt'e r"r lOa, Olla ho wns UlIllh!c to wllkell :11111 kl'l't 1(1 ICC. IIUti Wll l'dlill tl \\ 11111 ' d aap a!lu.• pOlled •II I 8IIU\1 ' gu Iu., UII , I (; IIl 'ap, 3';) Ilf ld 4,,)C . 'J IIt!· 1I£IIInUlj U. H G. between Ihe Millml HIl . ",. be· W~'M1 ""C"" ~l!\r.'Mn Il\ IAI<I ." 10 c """ !lOci \ r v Ill! ~ u pe " Q r eft'c QI hern" I•I'om I119 u wi.cczy . b, r k IIII £! rl,,,t Ill@:! t'1'1' rl Ie III!; IIcr IIrunc III·S. ( ,01 /... 0., ,'lit ,C I1t " 8 1~nu In the N"rlh .g ,.t ""rner ~ wu W""""'~""u.ll\. l,"yl ld 110. reglll"r 11 r." al 75 O~Ilt. TI hn. bel' ; the other be('arno IOlld III III Cull. z .".t ,c uog II Illl ut ,,\letl t1.. !lMtIC!!, Al'It llln l'IIC, Gf'lllllfllllr, ut ,aid 8C<'tJ" ... aud rU""llllf then"" "' Ith I~ 1.tl I • b ~" " intl'O du II In ,hI' eOlmLry f .... ", thutho hul IIvt Ilt!CII I -Mr Ab 11111 h I W tl , 1111 WIL~ tilled th I\y pllllllt! uf Olllp"rl lti ll ll . Gu lgl·lI phy llllJ 1I 1;! tho E.... ilmeo f ......rl>!eetlon !:! 10 30'.E40 · r. \ ",rm.uf. alld .t:! wonllel'ful cllre~ are .1100' :l8nrance k' I 1 • • , I I I UI 1I I I III I I ~ I' I I ., . , 11 I I d IJ~ , h "'8"" th ~ mlddl . .. ( tho WII) ", . vill~ 4: llolSi,l["11nblc I'l iH·b..... ~ . J " . l n ~ flvMyone lhRl \lIG' It. Th.. ·c 0101"· II rill 'In~; 0 I no, " "'V"I' drallk; riveu hoUlo 61l1l1olay 0\' ( ' 111111,( I'r .1\I I I " I" H t II 0\"1 fill tl\l' ... 11 \. I~ 1'"1" A .II'C y' lI\lI~ a Ie" &, Fr.,l1klml" rnplkc. U.~.. oo .... th "H,J turn. JJ...' Iloh... .... wi I rl·lit,,.. AllY r.ftle Trl' I~ . Sold bJ A he WIIS II t that k ind of 1\ t'olluw , IlIoImlllL, Wlllll'ullU hu'! hl' u,) ' muk "h.,11' !!llI'r.•~ IitfllOl\ lJh~I'\;l lllt" IlIld )!1'IIIII.:II1CII Lie IIP\,II U\ CII ol ~ 1" ~,, ,~· Ij()oI!·j ' W 10JH.~''' H III'.\'' m'c with Il!lJ..l !(m·lIDilll8: ~ma IMI, W ~; lj e.ri ll e . ho wasonlya IIttlu e. oilorl. unci iu,,'u YllI'Y 111\'1Ir111 It I \ i" it ill Well VII ,IOIII VI tlte tltlll ll l" ul ll h,IIIt!l'tltit chIIlCk hUlll d lul' effie" ··I·JrurnPb,ko Nd61 1); , \NV. .H1 ch~l n " . ,.".N"T••••••••• WAy .. EftI..'IL·. O ., \V.uYIIO c,.lIntiu:I. " III~ rl, I.. "! '6.• CO Wi t '"' tUrII l',k.. tm 10' W .Ii 70 04 ~ • I .,. • on .. Lifoe Worllll 10 «'enl'"' 1 tIIllt WllS t h e cnn ~c of hl :l IIIlId vI' ,\lIU .lI way . "11 IIIe Id u t IIIg aflu.1'I11 II " t 1'1\ t 'Ilig t Il(l I ll.~~QS . II , ol•• ..Ioi"., Ihen oo Wllh 0,,"1 Turlll.lkc - - . 1- Sle. n•• p~"II_ e•• r,."h rc.. nll~1 e'·~r~· corn IIpsottill(r Th ero WIL:i 11 0 I M I M E' . I \lllid 111101 t n 'lII 11111 til Itll. Iu rhu "pl!cltll ad"'l lf t.Ig·" uf bill ll,j' W 13 ~O el",lu , u a .~uno in .."d '('urn. ~1It"~ttill~. H~ir-DflllIAing, ShamlKlOi"M bo.11"'"'1'1.lillAor Ono dh,.,, \Ie durlllll th." tUII .. le.foot rLIt"'gut 01' illl"th :ng IJI' I -- ~ dr'd 111111 1 rl" I ZIti !~"." III the dl '1'ho wailill" 01 n"'lhurl, hu II~Cl'lhu" lILt)- raBid I"lce ou,b·~II.t U"' "ot of E}II~ WoIrd:- Tn ""lIIg. anoin m. bllat ."Ieot 5tha IIf. Wb.n lick. lb. ol'oject \\'3 10 got well, I'" .' I .' ey 1111 ullg Itel cit "~ru (." ,u <' I ..,' • n I ~I' f dr" r t' I . I ... thenov wlth ud W. rd·. hIlA . 1 0~0' E 40 "n"<lrml Art. ?'7 .ow ... u v plRlllly thA t no 1lO on In tl,l, tie 8 I't In t 10 cuse. It \VIIS th e d I r tl I I it '1\ 0.1 .,1111) 8, .. It OW Iflg 0 ug~, pr"i! eol(! '/ " " pUp l S. ·b'll " . to 11 _tone I" lh" Norlh h,," of MAul • 1Ior (I th.t II P". rln;; with OYln~p~iAd Lit e geugrltl)hy of the locali ty wilich l~i y to I l' l'IIII~'1 I ' '' III to" was iu tltc 11. 1 \'I' I'~lLl Jt \4 'lIld be IIIv " II" I1<1 til partic. ""'tim,: tlt. DIle WIth the 8OO\oilln liuu B 11",0 50 bta1,t'i jtll ~"Il\P' i}~~~:~,n~': !I, ' i~:ciie d·!~t:.8 ~:'I?S~1 "'\Izzled them and gl ' 0 ti It " to CI' ..., II. lOY 11 110111 ta CI,"ool~l. \l ILlo tl .,Id lllllflZC IhI) llI o)~t Ilpt un.! !,r./liciuut lao' E ~7 CO oh"i" •• til ~b. p......... ,,[. bellm. • Ca1'cU, 1J)l' th • t' • .' tl b . I~d ICIIll. II '1' VI:llt Oll (J,ty Oil the r wILy. I ru. llcd II .• .1 II '"her" ,,11 ,I 8IJ1 •. y tI" 111110 I DlIlk" n ' I ' nlow· U('nlllln1.tl)!' 1l041l ~o'o~ of IlInd, 11\0re your na.m!! n(!a,tly pt"itttm on -.:la, g , f\rlburn. l'Al vl~I'I"n of the \:Jcl\rl, l:rllng • It: I'am all »llI'a y IS () '.1 J / SKI b / . ~ nllu a "y,, ' v ~ " • v • wI' I ' ~ ur 180lil; tbo " 'pe Wnw IlInll davieed by them and 8 1l t t .1d "'p~~. td piftl., DllfOQ It .Ic . ('nn "'~ tI th Ir /('gll. The ji7llt l o \\' IIS that I -.' ,'. 'I In • e ;,uy. I·.t lor of \\'orn ull tl,.w to) tIll' 11011 alld inulI~tl·\' . SUftiOlOllt tu IflllUOW..rd to IUnDI,hI t'h.Ddler. and by ' . n 0 0,11y a" I"t lf8, ::'~ft~~:~!Tlr~~:l;(l~i.~~h~;:'~.Il~~ '~o tho horses were 1I IJ bl'llkt'd' frum Mrs, MtitlJu UI"ld tfOl)t , u led d " ul,\,.lIncl d'!lg'getl thull ' ~ny. that. ufl er viij ltlnK Illuny her ~~r~«lI\udc,;nnyoo. by .re.lhu A... p08~{rd, "pO" "ecCJtj't 01 50 ct8. ""' I>nlggld, A. OLL, And set" S am plo the wugun , and tho two yllll llg T!llll',dIlY (lYU Iflg , , OCtoltcl' :' ~ . ~eh I'S, tl~ wiIlU ,.w" L.IIIII ' ·clloulll III tillS 1I1l11 .othtlr lItate.!, "".e rUSR£~D 'rwII:CT- Being ut ol tho Soulh. re'TKE llIA~rr GAZETTE, ~~",eSfor \en cT,·nl~ dand Ir'IIIL . lluesul.r and Illlil clei" '1lIlIocellts 'Ibrllod j'I'llm 1875.11gcd nl'udy 60 yeurs IllS \lCI (! It/lhtl!u. fJl'Cil "'t'rtl kifld lt'r1 hllvu ~~II IIUIIO wllicIt cxcelled tillS f1."tqUl\tt~r uf cotU)n If T - R II bu· W&YDcsvillc. Ohio 'Ute cen.. o, e. w. r ' e. o ,ou ~ " . . . I I k I 1\ I . . I I I t h M . Ii-I ".:,. . ' . ~!"!""!-___"'P'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!! Flnttork mOllnted a tl't'd III, il'ce IIIh::ra 10" P lice lit \Jouh'UVI Ie a Hi th c \1 lillie t,lWII scoulcd ahlllll'.... ulle III t Ie t lorulig I meth ud 01 HI · .... een t, e IOIrul v e... ~" rnnmg at the I-~.',. •<: . .. . _ 1_• _ 3 ' tl U t 1I0w n S d . I I l ' I 1' 1 t t tl . k 1 I Soulll·Eu.t ouruer of . ald IIllUtl"n... nd 'u" }O' I St r 1 00 ' alld t \lilt \\reuvingly t'01' hOlllo tu I lJ I g un ny. . 'I III ~ (l1·Y. Jltt e C 1\ dl'tHi rail llJ 01 rnc 1011, ur Ie qUlc ne88 0 tie nlng thenoe With the !:Ioutb houl;d"r 1 rom I Ie ( l " Il~t ~lrt report come hack (to.dIlY perhapl5) ~ncl l -~Iis!I Lo\Ju ZI·II has gone to thclr IlIl1tht>rs ,vith all engel' "whll.t PIlI)ils ; croolttlble aliko to them· th.rtl<>f N 70 W 167~ pol... to th. ~ou~h~ WHOLE ALE we extract the followmg ItOOl9: pick uI> tl lcir cOI'n' and glltber up tuko churge 01 thl) schQol ILt Iho is it?" \Vhil \,\ J he buy be~trtd" the lItltvetl aliII theil' t ficheI'. . Wo,t o~m'lr of ~. " I l'uuth·EIl.t qu">ter. . Ilt and Son a II~•• S'd 0 h ' a 01110. LOUILII IIII . AI 1.1Ii! d '. h t ellcIles . tl thone. IIno thereof • OPTIC O•J. W rIg I their wagons. r. q' alld llord yur t '•en008 cOhJectured and 1Mfl!. U~1l1'\' Uy, • 10 N %0 With W , lilltho au W Il)O..tP hnundftry .lu8 tu 'a.8t<>ne: thenl'Ct JEWELERS " IANS well Taylor: rule 011 der. "dont ttl • •_ _ Zcll I" well qUill tli~tI lur the \,udi. j!I1U>I~ed ~ull1b gnessed it tu hc IIltul mediate J.(rade, I@ woll qnnhfied p"rollel ....itlt the IV"I 1111 870 E. 167 '" anlwer by Dcc. 15, and cuuao cOn· Moor.: Lro:OJ8L4'fIlRao:.-The re, nlt . tivn u"d hOI' sllceu ~ in thllt \'uca. thl: (Jinctnlll1" Blilid Borne th" lilr tho 110 ill oll. l'lre prillclpul pnlo. w l\ owno 1ft t .e. To: 1St b!>undllry lInll 01 . . lI11qllullt .llllllllole. ' j!l1lJosed It ays III . thl'iJ6 He hon: 110 ,,~ . wlfh "R.d line B. ~ E S e~1 1 1('\" I Ut,. .II. M .,... u I' tl, 10 rneotrng CIl II I.' d f"or III ollr tll)n ' 18 I '",v n),l ll'@ \'1 II C. all d IItltel'l4 10 'It' Ulle 0f tl III ..... uc t primary 1i0 100 \X'ICfI to Iho IM.co of begi:"i I' , .• , u ll, '1'1)0!l It"I·III\. t '~nued• Oct 23.-Josper S. GonZlllea and 1:1 t, WIIS the orglLlllzlltion of a : -01' 'l',illlCl' Wl'lolI dil'd of par \1'118 ,110 '\tu \;8\'1110. H lckoryvillo. t~'llchera he hUtI ~lIor IIIOt; being oollhunlnj( 62 .. uroo or Inud. more "r Ift~!. ~ W Oor Bllllh 'lid }Iaih ... wife VS. ThomlLS H. Morton ct al. Muek L 'gislaluru, which ,vi II 10 ct \ ul ' SII! ill G 'OIi li.'11 lildl'unil I II IWol UCllpl!ck iJlllIIl .. all ,'VIIIl:'U tu. enol'gllt' 0, solI' IOlillllt. huYin~ ex tb.. ' "roo \" ' '''1' 0 trw t hI' D..niol Burn e t and ' 1NOI N " ,\1'1. 0 . • h 'tt I t tl A t·, ~n M ' f' I k pctV""'I' 16, u~lJll.. • Il YCllftl. .Dr ' ~"I IIcr. \\ I11 I tl 0 ,e I Itt/a f"110\\ (IriUll pCI .I . Cho",dlcr, \vlf.. ""Id I.nd conI'")i ~l; ed by dood 10 AlIr"" ., ~ t C. , CdC 8U ml ef 0 Ie c"l1r on l1yd evomng 0 eilC I wee Itlllt~t\) l~ Ie tl t IIe Ie~BOII" PRill, J!lnu,.,y AD. 11lIJ.5 Judgement that ~nn ',Vn.t(·rs Thomp ID the ~cho I a OUge. D,·.•Junle \V ulch Willi flJrlllcrly n I'e IJ Ulit lIt' lInl lit Ihe toV ot' bis voicc: "Pop, 111111 ellSY ut Ilppl ohensl un Ily h ' r TUllIO 1'11" r- B· \r, ~"rl ", the South. S cond Judioial i)illt1'iot Of ()Itio lion, deceased, died Intestate, Ill! to W. Hamel! wail elected Speukol'; ' floar Hurveysburl! auJ \\'R3 well uh, pup I I k ow ",hnt tlllit I". PlIVtl,.. WU.~ 'lllllrk r ?f Seell.oll 1 , T II, R,:I, beall tho ol:l.ttlte devi~ed for religi!)DS Willie Allen, Ol erk ; OOClI·g· Blli· aud t~vul'lIbly kltu~"II. l it's .Bul'nl1m's e¥,am pilllll'r." Ulit Mis St.IUt tOl1eho th e priU1u~y !:.~enL~~;~".~I:IJ!!!>I!'O" IJ~Il~:~:I~dl~~,,~~,,; Timet 01 Oommencem'llt. of the and ohat:lttlhle purposes. . Iy, AS~lstant Ohu'k; J . W r1 011 / G t :::l'1l H ' • 1 II , It \\ lUI nut t~lI\t By tl1l8 tlllll' blllllche • !Iud hilS gOllu "UCC08:1 III thenoe N 810 II :M pol\lll WIth 811"} JunOA' DlSTRIOl' & CO M MON PLEAS Stute or Ohio V9. Alfred Loak, Edwards, Trt!IISUfer; Thorn"" Pl!I~' I-I' II d •ld ,I!" ea bcul IIH c' t lllll' wurthy l\Ia',or cOl('r.. il!" 11\.111 reUQh,nj! thu yUlI lIg milld. line, to ",IOIlP oor" ~1 I,. o ,'0' 110 Cllrmlln) , , d' t t t' I t' ·tt· t t k S A \V SlOp urugoll "xtCII ''I n' lIl u. l I I· · · · .., ,.. 1'1 l I b Id 11 "Ul;'" trcu 4moh~' 'j!jO \V l!lllnlto an IC. men Qr 8100 109 \VI I III ell Coc ~ rgelLnt·lIt· rIllS;. urr;f1 IlUllltlS tras ijU UlO fil'l:lt rnte IIIIC . UI~ uxp OI'IIIK expcliitlull ill tt.u 1.1111 . Ie tiC IlIO I II tWlI'l!tllr. II I hlukory ~4 IIwhc8 iI ~ljP E. 1411nk8. thel: .:: !fOR 1876. to kill and wonnd: plea of not DaklD and Howl\ld 1l0pk1flS, 111. 1 uld hu 's ul d t d Ii lIt dr"l1ll1 ~, IIHlde IllS ap\'(IIU'IIi CII ill Ilig. caplLble ot ucclJnlln otl lltlflg 150 with "'lid CUI·ml"'y·. hue S 10 10' E U7 gu ilty, alld recognizance takon to ges. i lk ' d tl. . "k° ,PI·I!I'parl:l'· N " a tlt ll l'xcilld cruwd' IInu 1\I1·'lIl1tlll., ~c" 111&1'8. Beautiflllly tlitllaterl on OlOpolo. to"8"",oc.. rncrt "",,,d()~rll\ .. ny. .IIITal"T ~V.'I'Bo t tl' t f t ' t1 TI h' I d In OJ II wor ' III li S I Ino III ,,1 ' ., II If I k (. 'C k R benoh I Inul tiM S 870 E lllHiukll, lUI \.'1' Il,PIlcar 1\ liS e(mO cOllr 110 Ie I~ ~ Iflg las 8t~rtll ont vel'Y style lind lit n'll~Ollabll! fllies (j1'V\:l t.. lh" hllthcst 1)lhnllelu 01 l\ uoig h· 11 111. OY.OIOO Ilig Ae 'll~ ~ I'ee" 4moh•• S iJl:i0 E III huk~ , th"IO oe S 87~ \lloml Oount" ' r.ral ~b 1:1 BUill of $500. prom lslIIgly, and will hu a source Ii 1111 U call "Otln. . h IIl11g ~t'lI u·, . Jt l he proceeded to thu \:Ie\\, ffllm the upper w~ndow8 of 10' E 24 I.olp;" to II ~1'I IO c . •~e noe w,th A~· Oh Iml""S" l,eullly. lI. rohl60 OI~r k" Ou .. ",v. ~llU'ClillO of great plel1sure anti rccrentlOn, I T ' U'l II 11 II I tho IUIIIIICIII mystery. And tho line lalldscllpll. BtI'ctclllng I\WILY ron OhuIH).lur . Un o N 1 10 W O ~~ · polll' Gl etJ nu 'oanh, Alel'C b i7 • Moses Miller died 011 Tncsday 1\8 well U8 Impruve~cnt, I>nd we Bllltln;:..~e ~~~e ~!~~~8, fr,coh hlllll. :o"lth 1\ s~lfIuro~IH ,;oico ringing lIut ooyolld Wl>y nt!tllli/lc, would uluno ~~r~~eorll~I':d.o~n~g~I;'i:~': ~~:!::::01~1~" \J nutgomt ry ¢oun'.h Ap,il3 W" I Hh COUII\'t April 1 4 last. Ilt 1 o'cluck A Jo( ill th e 77th hope the moottllgs Will be well I1t- . I' 1- g. t'tl.: lVlfig. UI III th" flight ILII' like the 811dd ~ 1I ex· IIlduco alld repuy a VI~lt to the" IrKot by O~.,d Mllot)fOmer, ftnd w'fe."I~ 01"1&0111 Oount" y 0 lIurvlflg lip. 111'0 pIli ion ut' 11 blllrrel of salt he snid' AClidemic SIIlIUC. ApllI 1)4 of his age • HIS filtl cr wns tOlHleu by lad ies, gentlenll'n, boy .. , any oJ ler ~nd oonv v.' d by d ed to Allroo Ch,andler. O..Iler Oount •. ApI-II ' 4 · ope o( the IOnnders 01' the IShuker und girls. ~~ve B:~lJ~ Itn~'8 ut tho (J11l'01l " 0 yo excited •inl)!4bitante uf th~ The hl'lIltlt "I' 1l,lnlts is good at A~~~da~~~ ;~,.?r \,,~21)"rlleft oro furthor '" P. e"ll COUll", Af .. ,. Ii Durk. OPU D'" May II : Society lit Union Village, and cam<l ~ -A ~6ARD ' t ~I' YJ !I ~ts. Cal~II~lId incllrporllted village of Hlll'veYII' pl'tlt!ellt, hilt Dr. Vallde~ VU?,·t reo t,fled thllt .. ft rttrty d.. (lubhcIltJqn \, thore in 1'1!}5: .Moses himself had • ry It III nil JII go ur ~lflll'80. burg: ye 'l ho have never li"tllllld poru tllwtlrrll a~\!8 ut 8ICklleSi:l this nutHA .'" ruqlliroo by Ill! O<JOn ... (lOMIiON PL.AtII tAlIR ....... ~n a mum""r ot .... SOC ty l' --Mrs. E. A. DlIllloy IS nnw ufo to) utlt OI 1111181C thlln that mud" by a UIlloHlgst chl ld len tholl' .. ld ID",.'d Oh"~dl"rho~n oo}~"rd, he '""" ~ ~ ..n., 10 lur N B I t' k f II' " . WI " flP Y or .. n or"cr t ..- p"r.,t"," mllj' Ihllier C~ un'"., J""Uilr. 10. Jot.v 16, Oel til . 70 vwrs past. He WILlI 3 tl'lldcr for KW ORLINOT N, I cnll~ rer un IIll Ht c · fI nil "H'y rllllty thrtJe'~lIt jews harp or thl1 Hog cllolcra is diPRPl'<'lIring- be mOl,I" vf 0" ..1 reOlI e.t.. w, anc\ thOlt Auoll Prehle (loon'" Fell \/1. Ma. U, No. 27 Iii. 0 t J". th ' SOCiety but npt tI " 't Nov. 1st, 1875. all~ IIlIICY gouds lit grell tho lodne d I!cl'ceclllng of 1111 old lIe~/ ect(od \\ Itit the I... g... El'i1.uutlc m,!(ht bel "ther proc. o<lm !f8 m~y bo hOld .sare aUlhor- Monl 'ontel .' Co. , Jell. 1fI. 1 Uarke OOUDII, J .. nuary 10, Mill' !l9, OcL. 16 o/trostee 'Tlie 1'011 oo~efidc;'~~llr In reply to "An Acqnai ntancc," prIced. Lapies cttll 1111l] Iliako your gri IId·stone ; yu have jll!tt C}lllijl' to Wll!'iU. 'fho fUI'11I It! lIIild. TUURIST' I ~z:,!~(,Jhe at"\)~ViD'~:'~DLK~e ono! M1 .. ",1 O"Wl'y, Januory 17. Ma. I;. OCI Ih . his bretbr~n was always re osed il) we would sllY that we 11ft! Borry if purchllscs \\ here YUllr nWll ey wl/l be eXCIted. Jahoraltt thrlllll(. ylm By ' E'I'II w· BIIO\VN, hi. AItIJl·n~:r. Obumpnlgn- 00., P·oh . II, June 5, l-ov. III (1ounI1. Jnnuar1 17, Mal 9 001 16. Mose8 Millel', Ris bl'othe~ Da niel we mi8ln~olm dB mlllly of your go th~ fllrthcl!t. TillS is. a guluon h~ve Illy sm}J~thl' I kllllW \\IH·l'e· Jll i g t 9. D_~'U:.;~i& IJth dAy of Ootober, AD. J1I75. Ol"rk, G,e.lle Oounty, Frhlu. n 7, .Iunll~. Oot In. died two yeart! ago. aged 79. Fu. !'ellders III I'egllld to the {U II eral °pPOltOllily Fmbrace II. 1 01 I spcl!k, tOI' have Bcon j;,r ~ ~~ ::_., _"""'~ - -.--- - - - -- - - Warren OOUII',. Jan 10. Moy ·29. (lol. 16 CllnklD Conoly. Jan 17, JUnll 5, 001 16. IIct'al took pluce at the villI! sorvlces of AIr, Grant; bnt we were -Mr. alld Mrs. W. M. Hllrful'J , j myself and nllt for another the EV A NR-~IEHA.N -A&the PIe-b.'la,1 n ~A*"I.Dt,o. Wedncsday IlLIIt at 9. olclock _ StW3.' sincere in onr Bllltl' fllent. for we of Lonuon., have beeu visitillg Dr. , cllllse of this gl'E~ilt commotlOl;, "nd P~ ..... n"ge 011 "edllelJd... _v "hlg, UClobcr ~J ~ ~ ~~~ • iii a1. tl'llly thonght tire He,'. Afl'. Smith IE. }'. Daklllllnd family. Mr. Bur· I it is nuthing more or less than uur J!l l. 18.5, I" t"e I tV . )1 V. ~ IO,"" . Mr WillI"m linger. of the 8t"te of IIIlnoll. RULE 0)<' PRAaI'IOE. , II • • • • £ Ih . d h' 'f' I . . am,a 0 E"unl Aod Mlea MAry ~J eh" n •• 11 will taka nlttlll thKt D v,d Y d'd tb~ 2ht d.)' r:f Ontober:.A.n i87~. ;II~ hf~ It il horeb, alde' ed th~ t In . n oae8. 011 . wlto llilB1Rted In thL' l!X e r(' l ~eB of urI as reslgne IS P081 Ion III I Ie now string and variety band out llll or P.anl,Jlb. U We wonld ca~1 the attention thnt dllY, was the same MI'. W. G London 8cbool, alld pnrcllllsed U II gcneral serellade." VA~ OA)( P-KO\ EL -At lb. M. E pelitlnn 1n Ibe Ooun of Oummnn Pleal OlTllr I.. Ih u O,.lrl<l OOUlt, O.. un.el ~b~1l he uf agents to the clOSing portiou of Smith thut we hllve kn own ft)r newspaper office, tbat of the Jour· -The yonng tfi Ik of tl • I Cbul ' h, F allkllll, 0 .. Tltllt.d,,, ~. e"lnJr. 00 wltlu.. und for lbe nounty of Warron, in r'r' lu~ "'d to n~e .rl\loo brier. oalbo n..u~ Dr. Foote!8 advertisement in ah. yeArs-in tilct all Gur 11\' ('s Snro. " ,tl HI Fremont Ohio. Mr. lIar. I k IU 8 liS P aco tohor !l<, 187 '" I" t' e Rev I;eo.so .iCellel . tbe .laW of t?hlo, IIgtlln.t the eoill WIIII. m 0 I - tOrln (\ hi J Court. tb III "PI . n T Ik" . , . f' d"\1 ' d 1\ waya now W lere to R" when Mr. V". Id V,," amp ,,"01 Mias Llzz 'e HO I" Bo,cor. praying for a jlldmnent fur the FI ELLIOTT. D L l\(EEKER, ? ere. UIO . am omo II: Iywe,vel'e Jlot m 'fltaken . 1'01'WO IJ I "'1 lltonce procee t?CI>rrY l thoywallt to 8 end an e~cnill el,allol'f', .nltl rn prlnui(lltland intorn.toflhreo promillllO'Y AL EX ~. HU)IE, JAME~M.SMlTH. 18 meeting WIth great u.cce8S 111 heard from Mrs GrtllJt'1I own 111'8 Oll t h l8 long chorished deSign 01 pl ea8antly llud p ~xhilal'Uto theJl~ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1HI1l~ eIlocu ....d lind duhverod by \h~ .aid JAltlF.!! S GOODE, A W OOAN. the Iland of th se who arc ahendy thut he came a't Iter I'crl"es!' 11",1 e,l ltl llg" )lllper, r.rld we eorlllalJy al 'tl . • ~bb t Wilham DnH'er ~o tho . /lid JJ,\Vld M_'n. RI R. 0 FULTON, MOSES BARLOW. enll'ruMd in c· clliat n,,'t b t\ . ' I I 11 th d VOS WI I g{,lIll1ne en]tlymellt. ~ fullo",.: Oue oIlfwtl Nov 18 1 118 for tJ(l!) Judge•• !r'r Ir I .. I [) I III fllrlhl'l·mOl't!. we «lid nl,t 811y he ~\'I . I IIIn ~' e sllcces~ an cu· Acoordillgly tho)1 went to j~ i churd'8 l ~ \ " . pll,y .. blo . 111 munth• • ftOT d~w, .~d beartn; ~11l& C~Il"try • nnd ubr':~lIi ,. ulld t1~ c I'rl'lIcht'd th e funeral S(,lmhll. (thc .1 ' 'ylU~lIt IlIti mo~t sa.ngu~lte falloy Illst SlIlurduy e"I~lIinl(. . 1\ oredit th ;"011 (Of *~.O 0 to""r III, 1 72; The !;t.te or 01110. \fArreD OOIlIl~y, SS. octor S ll C\1i work, S Clcnce In reaSuII ho did not. he Wll8 holllt~'d CUll Vlcture for him IU 1118 Dew en ' . • . , o~e d. ....d Nov 2M. 1!I(It!. for .~O, p"y.blo I, WII B ltOl KHILI" Ierk of the S tUI' " l'ffl mi es to hllye even d d 'd 't t I . t' ) I tcrprt 0 -The MIPIICS Oroai', of" riming. I~EN I ,,,nc ",,,.. lh. "f' ~r d" t. ; nnd one .lllted O"urt (If OOlOmon I'le~8 "I\b,n aod for .. Id IlII I n go lere 10 lin e 011 y . . ton hlll't! bcen spelldiflg u tilw JI("roh:.!5 JRIIU, for '130. pny.. blo eleTell COllbt" c,rlll) that tbo' (ore-o,D ie lnal g t.! ter s uccess than any of the 118!li t d ill th e exerci ses. lind 80 he -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. EbrIght d ' ' tl MOil' Elli F"ir.lew F.nn Appl, on th., preml!M>~ monlh . .. itor oink . nil 01 ~Illd nok. be.. rlnw Ink- " and correctl, copied from ~mOlalll!t tlthor' pr{'"iol1s pllhl icatiuII B. , di d. W 0 lI ot o nl y sign our8el lies enlortulII d a few of the young IUYs I WI I. Iali Ie II' IS !lear lor at 11l1 ...flloe Ol ~h t pcr (rnt "' ttJrcftt. On tho 2t.t day of On alo In my oflire. , II latter is n g reut novelty in ita " an acquailltAnce;' hilt folks nt t hoi r rill!irlullcc Oil Th i.-d • t lis P uco !or whom 0. 10 madu a OUlOber, AD. 1871\. ~Ild D"Tld ...""n aleo 0 WM. H. ROOKHILL, I b' • 't d I ' S I TI plIrty lust Saturday wlllch WIlS III1U 0 OllUooOO .n urder of " t1tobl1\~ot to i8Mne ont olober !!!I, 1875 OIerk WilY, eo 1) IIllng a9 I ocs vu na· Nt;IOIIBOR AND FRlEND. treet list mr"dll'y evening, in t' I I f f l ' rof M~ld Court in II Id oaUIIII to rllllob the "'1'~~=~==~===~=;;~!!I' ble truths respeetin~ PhysiBlogy, hunor lit' .M 18ij Kate Ankclley . who I) t Ie most p CasaD par IUS 0 t Ie Wantlod. Fh., Hondred Du.hul. 01 Puta. pro~rty of tho Mid Wllhllm lInR'lrin "!lid • M'I:IRICAN WASH BLftI.'I Anal In . I\nd HygIene, with 11 OfSTKKS.-S. T"rry &: Co. have is vi!!it:lIg them 1" (111) Xen Ia. Tllll 0 1 easun. toe., fit the W..-eho""" of CUUjty O'I~~I'T:n. Tho ~"Id. Willillm Bo- AJ,UI;a V&:lt ' stor1 r Ihr~~Jing illtcr t It cnnld tllo s .Ie ugollCY in th ai plnco for t he preseat w(o ro uS luI/ "'8: MI88CII : -Again tly. grim mesRongerl Wayn ...\lIe. Oct~1I W SIDES.t 00 ~nd :n~~or .ai~ ~t~7o~ :~u~~~O::~h! Por Lt.DIUIr , aDd 11011. .11014 VI •• , aIm t.bu let that there urc twu c Idlt'uwd lit l1U ll t, llllrlle s & 011., .Jennie Ferg\l~nn, Ame"~ FI rr, ,D uth, hUI. V181t~ ('~Ir 1II;1Ighllv~. • third S..tqrd"y"fler tlle httla, of Decem· tullUWMTutKO AT TllII work III tlli" eeries-<.lnti a g</Ud Dultiul\lrti-tlttl btl t oystcrs t be Rl1chie Blld E llu Ebrlllht Mamlc ho.K! . and httle <ileorgle Ovll~tt 18 DA.ft Gi at 1\ Ai ber DBt. DAVID MASON. . Am~rioan (J7,t1'amarin6 ·Worb:, .'<.ry, .0<1 the otht'r a pliliu ['re ' lJa!1 anywlll'ru. 1>ricc8 80 cents Fetter; Me sr~. J. ~'. (fad~l1/1 dor, l UII IDIII'6. dll,l.Iuhout 1.! ..'c1,.ck, ~-~£~ ~~~~!) ::'1:~7: d!;~7~~"'I~;~L'IIe)'. l!entatillfl of eciuntifiQ (acts. The fur ordillury hrlLlld" and 51) cents J . Will. W illte, Dr. J. L. Zutl, '"tu lu"y night, t e l{! tho nu 'Iu8 0 ,nr, .c... :~ hand hUllng Top UU;;!ly, or -----...---v~ Our W..b 81uo 18 ibe be•• In Ibll wotllJ. . th I f b . J E" til II r 'V III'lalll J • arllI I II ••I"r ••.m,I_e: It d()('. I\OllItIl&l<. oontain. notblns l..tllrf· .fl rw& I.....or I Ie c tit 0 t !.! serlC:!. for prillle selects. The 0 pricell • JanlleY ,Viii. Alloll. Illid U (," Y ~.," (I no! Il 'O "I\"'IY rm ze. I'll e "nd mA.'W\ '-lICIt A 10UI CO ballab 0' fabric, aod Ie u .d ;;; all and the nlue of the K'C\l!ld cun Clill t )~ IIl'at cCln"ideriflg qual Ity E die Rl&nda I. The e vul'ittg \4'/1 Elull&lIcth Collet IIml .. bllut tun I... ft. . D 110 v 'ltlclu nearl . U If O.n I .~ ~- !W!; '!!.- \i2i~~!) tho large laundtiu on acoonn' or I.. pi.... hardly be tlmated in dollars an(1 and if' ynn d' ilO I~I>IIPY . use thurl~ s pent very plell~an tly itt Clllt\ 'rill4 YCILn! ot: Ilge. r~ dil.'d ot rhellllla· IlIllltr'·1 ",..,. dN lI I tcoT IN uhe ,r Dr. W. f. lIartl ,' oll'e .. for. . nlo Ibe Heo. Snfl. ~""e, ond ohc.pn.... Superior (or a Th contemplating tak. 8nl~lIdid bivtilVt'l5 h'cely. , tir,n. and "1l1·i.llI:I klflds Ill' gl4lUl' . t l III. fl; 11Il1( tu hili I,teart. ]o'llfll'rul Hllr;" ~~hU I" .A:~~:IO '" n l'Ope tl , 00 MILl" ,Irtel, o"poille h.. Wh.~ WA~hl~'f' "ut~, In p"ch.e,con"~lIt· W E t If I r U~y, N v. ..; ....; ; ; : Ir ~id.UQ · Tbe huu.a b I\lmodulla ror 8Dt ." IAII"I, aee. Prlca 10 oeD" un d" cr. '--" uw.wr a urelll aa . ••• e thillk Mr. bl'ight IlnJ IllS 1~l ly crva:ca 10 II - • ere hu.ldlng. ODd I" III a gO<Id IlIral'fon " ror Ijlle hy g .., c~ ra e.... ,·,. .... h.re. A11Ia~ I• , .. lIM e4Y8diMmen& .1. Cor'Vin 8chool lIuUcle iuefurniab. are t.f1JC6tlent Mild, -to' entertaiu 211U, at It u'cloc.t A. 11.; buried wmlllljtl·31""" IIj'':IJ;IUili1IjIN Tba lui I. &-llee&' l'Ont, .lId will be diTI. uk fOr the b . ... u WAia Ba.oL If yoa _ i~g with haodsome Dew Beata. , a.. J in .Miami Cemete "'DI.~'t2,r0r 10 ~~J:,,:.~_. dcd It d••lred. laqilire or Dr. B,",e7 or .,ut ~'t..bft L..... • • o( J_pb 0 E4I)a. 0.. c. ~." IIl1e. 8t . a . ,~, III "",II
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• ' . U I 011\ I I... I,nll k II;': b,,-, IIt·... ,".j t il' ""I",. lind Gr \dSe~ IS qlll tc Ii '. " ,01' , r . '·II '·r,·II ·.'· 10 CO II .·,· ,tll,i ll .. '';Ih etluaonn bh:, TIJ e fi tl\VII [ ' uf 1'hl.· I,." U II nr" ,u h .. k"(i' !I1 t e l,cJil ~' i n vi fl \Y , ie A'sO T rd ' . ' " IJ t ~ "~ " " . • 11011'- 111" , lh ' "i l uI,lion ).r, o wiug Hu t o f lh. WO r~ ICtlO1l8 \\ I )C I ~ I Y a c- I .... t· lll io ll " I II ,,, " ul li e " •.,tl i, b., II.,· II'IIr (,Ilptllbl e t o gcnerul rcndt!r~. Bc~i d es ' of ~ c 'csfii " D. "hie ll lelL"" ,·nOr .;,. v•• III " ", ,hesc, Educat io n til' th l' F l'c lill ge, 01 11'1' ~lc" ' III,ule "n,I ,tonn·";" lu.lmp:t"'!' mUll· t .· . J uscl,h I~a Rcst , a PO(,IIl, ",,,0 J p~. , . wlHch hil'd''' C I,ecn ' t111'i-mC r e 0 1 ~e 'le' rIn r l• ·.I " " e. M Oli' m :o elo. o"lulou e "ho,o "cfu bald i_ wilh »"rt l'lllt, Thu Schoul 1' 1' tn ' ,· \ be g,,,lfuII I nlld by " 01l Iio Il 8 " li d ... ble tho .F·llture Phrcnul"M Y unu U11 I' to ... u e.· , Exp tlen" " h• • I . o l·.d IhHI •• I' • lb. II " p;IIIl;<' " ' fu.:hor i.-ue' . Ih,·re. ~.1' IhII \\,1 n 113 W, .J uul I&nd A IJO Ius, A I\ ell' dl • • <ly .. ndelle.' o · I 0 Phren oI OglCR rgl\ll . RII d a varioty ol lon. ' r ho fi " f I he ell r . ent ...· to ~ 111' eol •
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C· . . :n mnatl. Gazet te Co,
Sund y ll i" l&t wa>l AII.hllllow ,· Award ed the Higbe. t .eclat at Vi e e'cn; Monda y., All Saillte 'day, 811d DDa. Tn 08 duy. All 8_0111.1i' day. - - ONY E. &. R T, ANTH A. CO.,
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TaIes &.
lIamlD". Colore. Fa8bloD
AIt ...d o f 1\11 olh. ,·.. T h, , . pl . " ,. en· 11 m • U 011 . teel, T " I" I\ Til ' U U IL fl 1.1I . " nd " I'C u, IIIU ti ed fo r be&ulj" T h" ,' "II: b . U· ' ' pm u·1se .. Io, e d . " I10. iOIlPe lllold ."d o~he :::: W. te~ell·t8 ; ill abort , QV,·r.l lh lll !! iO\,,'·e. , lo& Iur 591 B10 .J - M r. J o . H UII owc II • 0 f U ·I" II · Jlr V' k I"d lr o • au'Wa,ll . ,(, eto ,.z or , N , B .-A8 Lhe ~ulrll.b.r 110,", prenn -. tb. )an d . i. visitiDg his t'riltllld, J. Ed. ... , n i. ( Opp. Mtll'''pol lhll. HOlel.) poolalle Iu "II ili a I luh. crlhe ,l, P~ ,,...... win J allney • .... c , ~ uTHr~'~/O: _ ~:'· o· . ana: III rftct II TBa coa.,pcar • " T . . . . . . . 1_". I.......__ , 8~. v ...... ur eale, a firs t- class form STEREOS«JOP£S AND vall1WS :I copl •• ru ••a.60. :1 1'10 0 r" r $1,' 0' " i, 1t -"'a,gOD. A,'l 'l'ly to MIlt/'ll Thomp- I .. . t' I) I a copy of Ib c " "· ,,, h. m 0""",, &o llm (' I & !lei) IOU. I All.Iil!lD~~ eoo~~~ fa 'Obrilim aa ~Io n ill g.' A Rve do ll a. , IISUVIIlIl · ... 1QDlfii'£ lB!.[i ~~~ to lb. jlor. " (/" 1Ii II > up t he c ill h . Tbundc r Btl m t d - - , copl •• 10 . 16 .t!O , 1 cllvi n I; 'r til. w i~b · Ir o· ay. "n e . I ••• cop~ " f lb.· M. gozine fM 1, 76 . a8 prelDlum , to t he l·er -" n uelllll"u j. th.c1ub. I, W ..... . S ..dquanor s (0' e •••y.h;';;-g In lb. 5 c.. p l• • [or ,,~ ,$O. 8 cOJl" I ~. fu" r tli.6 l1 , 12 or capl •• for t18, with hulb 60 cltl .... CQP" of tb. Malul" 'Tb. IInderslgned hegs to In(or. 8TBlL BOPTI co.a A_D 1816•• nd ~h. premium MAGIC m.nolip l. 1\" bfor e dqllar e n£l'llI'l\Ig, \0 Ibtl lb.. puhllo leuc1'Illty . thAt h. h •• LAI TE.. .. perlOn ge llIng up the c1uL. opelled a now Me a~ M•• keL In lb. u B e I Dl( ... Addrl!'lI , poel 1ld , old Rand of Leak .t n".n.I, wh.ra be "III uu r.0 t Ul'lrw 0 r ... ...e OBlA LE S J . P"''TER SOv, " • .,• . . ,••Nft ••1l LA~'" lI.ep CODItant\y au band .... .. .T. . . . . . .N......tJeN· , 3116 eb ~"'nQt S l. Pltll"de lphIA,..Pa. Speolm. o. "Dt jlralll It "ri\leu (or. .D ...IIT. . . . . . . . ._PT.~", THE VER Y BEST, ......PT.tJeR .
"M-C·lj........ /ttIM...O .S'.-AND'" -FR·ADM ..·IE""S,1a
_ _ Photograpbic II a teri l a s .• MARKET'• "a, .
111'1"·._'''''' ......._ ....ICl.R, ...
Beet; Veal, Mutton and Pork, OLEA N AND NIOE .
I", me • call.
.aJ ' Ol lal0«1l" ot Laoternl aDd Slldn wltll dl..elloll8 tor 811111 ..Ill OD appllcatioD. All,. Inle"ri.1 1II au caD _Ira IDOIII, with. M&«fc r-tlrn.
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Pri ce Pl'ice
,sciiiiiiB".t R& CO., -l. . rolHlW.ic' lUG
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BUCkWheat Wan ted.
G37-1I IHl.ey'~. Mill. A--- -.-.,--' ,.,00 yer s
•• _e. P rloe ' t IlO. , ,lered und Seoular o .. noct!ulI i8 T ... "I_telr, fo. Tit D o. . Mixe<\ V oice., Prico '1,(10. e ...,..t G I.... Book II T ... Nil PI .. III..... fllr I llled VOi UCM , p.ioe T h e 1,... 1 Glee Hr~,k fur Mille V QI· "t160. - I- ' T ........ .~... w o • Pri uo tr,50. Tho Be.t G,.itllrl .... lr1t utorl. "''''.'' '. N.. w Price $a.MI. The & .t G ult"r Mllftl o i. T ... A_ .... rG.barl al,
Sarsaparl'l' . l'a . ,
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liJ for deanliug tbe' I,etem aad ptttifYIDI the blood. It' hu atood the lest, ot ycan; with & con-
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Th e Beot MIIg81in 'l of V OI)I,I MII, tio2,1)0. i. Prfoo
.. e..:._., , utation, ~ OD Ia IlItriDalo "irtue., and lu.tained brlt. re1'e. Y" ur •• .()() , ' markable cures • . So ruUel .. i.o be uJ'eaad • 1 N U8. 1. 2. 3, 4. Ii, '6, 7. I!. and U DOW beneflcia l to childroD. IUld y'et oearc:biDI ' r Olldy, Pri ao liU oell l.o cuuh , lIS to effectually purge oat . the10great eor1'h" D<>~t M"!f"zin e fur };... y ~I Roo Mu."lo ",pUons of the blOod, ,,¢b as the icrGtllloDl Pe .... P.rl_r M_~ ... IuId syphilltlo contamin ation. liDpoui.... . l .,-,r Yea r, ....00, . N" • . 1 to ll 1I0W """dy _ Prioo 30 ceul. 01' d'UKlMe8 that h ave ) L d I " the ur~e n ,s}'deDI ench . for yeM., '"?On yield Tho B~~t M,lIgllZlne for Advanced Pi l\nu dote. aad disaj(l8&.f. to Ibi. powerfuf antiHeDC8 I~. wODdertd h ch b''''"1 L.._ PI"y ••• i. cure., many w I are pu -1 ~..... of Scrofu la. aad all lCrOfulou. dIeeaIe.. l'~r Yell" 1M 00, Ulcers , Enptlo nl, and 8I'1IJItift . dJ.O u r l\rrlUh!f' fllellf,Ooi fur t rUtit'rt.»k iHll nre Nmt, 1 to 2J n o,! r eady. Pric~ 5U w ntH orders 0-( the akiD, Tumo.... BIo&eb ell, "."" ,,10'" A.m,lII lt I.he. c. f....il l'I •• i. ,ou r • co b . Pubh.h& d lind m ,uled, JlO"t- BOlli, PIm~les, .... c.. ..'
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PUltu_~...., 8t. Antho nY. Fire. R.oIe or EI'J'II~ 1M. Tetter, Salt Bbenm " 8eal4 Bead, BlnI'W Ona. aDd intem.al meeratlo DS of the Ute..... 8&omao ll, . - .....~ _ an Ll vert I t a110 CUlM .......... I
P Ern E RS I
4 843 Broadway N y
.1a,FIt li'Ia,Oe .rtD W Le Femal es, :NelU'8 WeakD eu, DebWt y, I
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1r'" III1 .. n:'''l1l 1ro.
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H enr80. n nd " full hue of
Burial Cases' Caske ts Robes I .J " nd .. fin e """"r t m. nt of
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Dried Beef,
I~ • 16
a~ 1'1 . -
Oit", " Ba'ktJry. A
Oorreote d b, Sidet< " Comp.ny.
W heat, old, Wheat, uew, Rye,
1 40 (. 90 to 1 00
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II E P AI RI N G ~lo~!~S~cd
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- - Tbe hi .. be.t Markot 1'.'\&_" p,,'ld, J-.. - , o...b ur trllde, for Country l'Ivduoe .
&rley .
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.t .ll hou,...•• nd • IDppl. 01
to do Illy beat to morlt Oats, th o f ..vo• . 0' 1111 who may 01111 OD me, ""d Flux. Seed,
1'1 lIS
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Dr. J, C, AVER'" CO., lowell,
I}:\, E, AM '''' .
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
' •• "~.$DIJ.
..n Hh ort notice, 1,,1 ... keep
~~I,m~illll~ ~ I "h.1I endellvo,
1:'rd ll-j(g8-
~ ~ __ ,,_.~ __ ~ _ _ _ .1"" p'''r"red to .Uend alt oall. in
It Is an excellent reatorer of be&11ll ... .I-nm.b I'n Ulo .~& Spring.. B~II-'-g .L _ . u 'I: th '~owW _ _ appetll~ aDd "Igor of od ft~.. · lldi ..iJIIIl.elt hede(llU 8ionaDd liJtJeU ....
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In w ild. Iu keep oD hand :t filII lin e of Fur. uiture of Lhe vory h",,~ qua lity . ulld "I...
OUI/gel ,
ucorrh ma, when
they are DIM Itiona of the ICrofui0ll8 poi80nl.
M'lnu(uvlure8 ,,11 kind. of Brend & Cu ko guoroft hueuoll . Efta "hereno~et d .. ily fo r W U), lI c.vill u lind t he 8u.rouud l ll "" appean, ~ple feel betlar, and Uft loaa-. uei"h bt,rl... ,d. Speoi .. \ .. ttcnLion Is !Ji ve" for clean!inr; the blood • . The .y~_ luCf'A mKti.IE,inSIf I' ~~e". Ith I'IlIIOwed vigor IIlId. 11011'' '' fill
CHd .." Il ,tdor'. Blliltl;,,,,,, 1I["ln SI,,,,, I. "
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--.L plaints, to which it would lIot _m .......... ally adapled, sucb .. Drops) ,.
~ltt ' .
."Ie .llhil rata. 1. •. , cloth,IlI . ; balf monlCCO. $3. ' (Jphol8ls1·i'TI!l. P i(Jt1W8 <6 .Mi'l'ro1', Timoth y S~d, ROI1 '.",le,. li nd P Oll .......... will I,e . 11'1 FRAM ING p' ied . 1 ... teo lhol will "Dab!. lloellll Q till , Cannl:1 Coal, deliver ed, dUll8 p ..'mptly . ProlDpt "ttentlOl l to 0&11a. Y'lIIg hiogt " U1 or Lh ,· AI ,OVU offe '... 'ny," ::hlbllC,ib e,. will Jl I• • ,,~ ' .IL In P . O. HllCi{ing Vallcy, " MOllu.v () n ll>l l . or in IJftll k Oil ·~k. ,o r lI., rt., W.l,lI .vllle Marl,, !... Ptlrry OOlloty Coal, or by ..:&I. te.... lou" "~ M" nu1 1111 Ie"."
Po, "(>0"" I•• he all'''~r 01 .. MrnfCJ\L Cull· ",' :< ~~"... " • ""I''': 1"",10. lho., . -hrll . "'"","'lin ur ..... ~.oro . ""'. .. / .. 1'.... 1.. ,....: wo", " ,,,..nrJy ..·~... b,.I. ",hlCl1 ~ ..Um.....••,
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P rice
Tile UrHt
Pic ture Fra mes .
Ev ' • • "limbe " la p,'t1fu ely 'mted, I hu, enlll .III'g "' \(1 11 1•• looll'r 1110 c.ip,l.o II lId lIa .. rll tl ve • •Iiele . ... n Int""" 1dleA an d .'... m llle lll v. low n,·.e,· atLalneu III • nOli 1110.. Ir., led " .rlodlo"1. l ' " der II- auc u" lo 'n.,d m tn.);,· m"o~ , b~ IIIAg• • I"e will III . 1" fIlI U,·. I,. de .' uLed • •• IL Illu I' ·un In th,. p" L, \.0 eoulld IIlc"ature alld ObriulRII pro",e.. .
VOi~8l. Tit" 130 t (ll'~ C..lI\lIlo llool loll of Ohu Price roh M.u oio il Uno.. lu'..."1 .." ..... 1100'
- D EAf.IU ll' 11(- - -
. . • E leg.llth ilIuoLrlll?d ~ "iol " on Old ~.w LOW 1<' I G U RES Y .. rk, hy :IO. U u . "' 106 • • wl ' l "Op"-' "I r m ~o ~". I c"n .. 0 11 0 ' •• nd "' I! I" 1111.11 III'I.'-e' H,'•• ' - -lr 0' "',. ''''' '111 1,'1'1 o r nil. In • ""- fouud ,' n un" , " • ..... \ cil!' or co .. n .. " who mlt . k wl lb i llte" ' 1 Lh. , COII. i.' to ,of • d~v , 1" 1 m lit -of tho 1-'1'8,,1 mefrr, polll . ADd B raa 8 1 I" St I 1 0' I I U " u. a ll III " ,·II .. n.,. y ' emom •• r I 10 qua I" ' pee"IIa.. (Ill, (r.11~ R, .,,'nlrR, ",~ L B ill.. II I' iu 0'1, "'1" .... .r
SOHOOLpit~i=~Ni.:~~~~.L.na••• The IMlii. INDEPENDENT REFORM Vo18. I,ellin in Ifo" . • nd Ma.. An. of Ih. .~.u~. y,.ltlmcF ( Ito \,IU ) "Ill 1l1li l u pplled WB~KLY polltlnal iliwopep er to the Uni • •• p•••lely to p ,rllrl £&ob whowt, h .JbiIJlllto (!tIm beloI tb, bet, o( ItI cia•• III 'be &ad Statea; tile .peolal .,boo.. ta of the. In. I'leLo
..,011101 1& lbiI'ad" ."'-aaD ,for .., ....
wh, 1& 0.
P 1"iue '~. 50.
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FlU L'N"S.
·It'·. "
B~.t I1I8tr1l0tor fur
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ILk 00-Ing _ Gla . Sses ,
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, n eomrn,·. c,. 1 I'Kp • • It b •• loll g I'e.· '" r e /lo , <I . I r d II. the al o" d. rd • • nd 11 '0' 111 muilll nl" rl,i" - - - 0- • - po,hlo n. II , V. /u. M . n ftg rleu lu" .,1 p •• pe r \VM"u~~" ille, Ju ly 14. 11175. F'ATIIEK BatNO H O)tl> l OIl R M ON i, .cell III 10. "olu nl luQu. CII';-" pQlltl e n ce · l' N . I . I NOI .J\~V'S f 1" '011' prll ,· lle.1 f.trmc ••• who m .•ke il lh" lr 'T he ......, h. " I"dl , " mft.::' 1.!'!'e a;y O· IOK'C, 18 t Ie t i L C 0 a ncw m,'di" ru rtlr u ctlilDglng ." bll. h d.' C U~ . iew.i . nrl iUle li l _[ ouee . " . 11 (N Y) ,,"ri, r.. tempCl'Il ll CC ~ong Ulld chorucl, the g, UC~. It i. not l. l ll . 1<111 ,1\' \ - '['It 1'i\~,. t'P" RT8 . ulI'D iud l UI o f ' he IlIe' ltr.,· (:UEA PEST lI' III-dS by Mrs. M. A . Kidder the ... "t8 of tile & EFiT. rr. r. mily. Ii C!Obt~l n 8 more r, ftd =...,oJ . b \" a, BU"' .. ~.I!...... lr,R. L' '1 . ' . 111& n.n tt. r tI'ftll un,\' ath.·r p ' per pllbll,heu mU810 y ,y Ill . .. , ::; JIlI'WII I • •1li s t , lit 1101. I"~ l, E ' 'f III - " ue " I Ih l• •1 rv ,. h i.1 III Ih" cl\ y, lind Ih.. "'on nil t.r 0 1 ila c IIL. OIA 1". Vllblil!l led by lJurRcll \Vllt crd & I're,' Io, d ,~ ~lIy co mporl·on , " " lh w' . ' e , ,, I ... I" .•. :,.: w I" ,,, In " Ih 01 II ... I~h Ih. "1 ,, 1, • •,1' . ,,,.1 n il" ."d 1\ ' 0' . dO L tI,. li,,'e SOll8 ~81 Brolldw ay· price 31,) Ct 8. I •• ~h y. " b ' P p.t ••-. 'h,' 1 u. e cOnlll" '" Iy POlltag 8 P,'ep ai 1011 all SIl /' 8 ' 1!1' i p - or A,trQII Il ,· r r'. lrl·. -on. Th,· r h ' •• '· If.... , .. UII. 111 - I rl lI l , d Ire 11 I le , e ,)lv e T he' wurds of the e xq lll ~ ~to 11.~ll o ' I1IIII'. Ie' n):lII;.' t irma . 11 •• -1 i • ' ecl io:. .. ',' ioll " ,,' " .. ". A m". I.. II' . ' . I,Y Ih,' n,· ,,· ' l :er:r cl llI l' P .·~ .. .' ,,;',,{h II ' W'F," liCit. n,' W "'llOIl1loh . • lId Iltl ~ record lUn g emol)dy un ap pclll t II cit ,Id w. ~u~ 1\, ' ) po~ '... p"lc .. : . , , ' ull ,, " I" I : e , CJr ' E"';;;;;~~ ~,-rll'~~ Q'i' l I e of Lh. Ir II d l' 11111 1111 - liI' e. m.h. " <Icm .,r to lUi 'ntl!llIllcr"t" ~ tll 'r f l ' 110"" O" Or. 1 • p U '" ted .. 14 , C: u r ~I d ! lib I I r!.oiof'! .. t ur ff" , p ll t tl"" nll d nillie ll1 u \', i i i . I I III Iel" " " lItI II nlllt ~ s i 111le .. . L Ihrough. uL. e .. • U reclamatIOn The 11\11 Ie IS ad mil' /I ,II" 'IIt ' f' I , Arlo: . KI ;;.e . at e . d II I I o "~ rll v II'; '"' 1..,m),,, II·. Icl e . ,1 d pl"lu n A 8 N" fl/rt " ,Fn1'1n(, • ' I r,.• l' " G I', ~' {'UII ~ '" C' . I" 11 ]:(J.'I·" fi rnl ," ~' H f I,e n 0 ' " h" " I'; lI ln' o. th~ Ihe,·III. , ably udaptcd to i ntol'p e l tho t l lll CIt - l·r' "l1 ll1e lll f.',, " rc. P'" " , i ,,' u(; tI, Ih" ,, 1 I"d, . w, el.l, I,e llden .,' .' 1'hlMwi! I I e' Pe l . .tl"" · g 1 f tl~ l 'In : ~ C ' t i d IlmJ Sl' lIIi \\r,,! !. h ' ';111. 1 tt I Hod illeitft~. ... n·. ' Oe". .., (; ••• GBO. B\ W . '''.NIfol, .I.~b IApp,GIl 0 d tc n' I ,,'f &'S n, p ." ''' • I'ro m ill . ,o. '9" II I ~" gh'cll 10 I he III du d ..;; Ihe . II ,., , I . ...... lng cluld, and 18 ut t hc CIt " 1C1l t cCllni Oul. \\ Aa >0 1. 11, It· III };"r"I "', \'lslIin ~ , n: I ,'IIr , " Pn~ • . I A ,f iN. " """I,.r ll~ . e n . y I .. II , 0 ,\ 1,0lt ' rlol, or '0'0 h Ullu" . lId tifl.l q uality, .This eo ng is Olrc u f tIll' I h n , ·' ~ \l tI . ill In 'olt ," ic.1 " !lcoll lh, " . In , ,'. ". , UlltJ,, -o,,' p.~. " ,. · L~. I r· lu" •. 1!I ,,",," re I ) m iL·•• "lie 0 ' h m '~I It' rt ile II I1LI d 1" . I ., t Ill' ' , U 'fl tl l \1 11.11.1 qUl,l it . of I t ~ r. nll: u ' 1II11 1~ th'r lin ,.nttcr " 'rI:8' b t ll, ol , 1 . lU a l1 Jm o lh ('01 ~ r.'d 'At4 hi,' n i ll:: uf t h, Wi lli' g' Hwi nf! ntIl v.cry CI , recent I1lU~I CIl contI'! 1\1 l er, " nd I.. '. 11 , I,c " I" ~' I ;o ll' u C.,"8 uf ~:" roJ'lll l ·Ih . p " l. lic ,,1.liIi. ~4 '" Il,, " 1 ''' U· 'e, 111111 ·,ou " ,,·,delll> tlons to tho ClIII l!O (If t e llt\lerUII C Il \t'~ lfll r ..• will " olltillue it. ~ r"g ','8. Thi . _CC')lIti ·e.io~ ol' P"I' rs "ro lllli.,, ~ to he ,,1" "u 8\ U ,·ut lal rH, owell ls _ II i I.e ''"'';,. III 1· 76 I VCII III .~ IIIL." . li .nd will be 1\ \/slulthl tl auxi ilu'" in " ,,10 1111' lim - , ' Ih KII ~h . L wh ldl " "r Amon ~ I he III "I I I,,· It .'· r i e~ " I l iI"' I ' ~ 1eu '·,'lId. :·. ",·e :tl re 111 1' nfllb,l J T .;o' .. llh . ('" teld ,u tk le~ ··u the l; I'C" " l·: a hi tJ l " IOU II l. "hi l'lll .-t· any tempOrallCIl ga~hcrjng. ' ... , ~ .r 0 ••,'"'' r.... S, ln;.::eh'.,lm I,bill, ,, 1.lch ... 111 " I.. nt I·e wo. lh Ihe , " h · P luh' rl l i n I h l'l I, ",FTTFR~ "0 I I Ui.h llh PI. t41 I1CC , ~2I <411 sc riitioll l,r lCta . 1 b.)' " III l,e " p."'OI" "'l lely . . ... , PIlBLJO SAL"M.- BI· llsIIIlVC bcen ~ "3 'c, . I"·' I" uli P" "" , " l, pi . _ "" nd ,,, •• ' , .... o, .le,'h I .,n te....,.. sr ......' Va.cell. ... .,'. 4 , ell ' l.d Tbe printed ut this office fu r tltu . tlttlck 50 ""I·i,'. nllli "j,w," ·,I.1. " .• " IICO I 40 CClI t ell llial i n P en 0 11(/ P el,cil! AM ,. and chlAttell! ~1\1t' uf Mrs. Mal'iu 6·: ,· ov.'" II l1d li P" ""I. " .. e" h 1 ..5 Th,' ce lie li" " " r .. t .h I 5 I ' imme ..,' . Ill rouIHl i,'" .. r Pe t.. .. oll e llA BaDes ncar HnrVtY 8bur[J' Tlu rs 7 .• c.. " c. nlld 'I; w " d." R"' {j , uliounrl' 0 " I I, ~ P! lJ llll et r t., .. ept·nd IIIU, ,, m UIl t'.\ on " • - t "" I • TIl'. . . .r " 1.od er · . nl linh f .om 1."' ..., .. 1,. '~Q.""" fer 18' •. e1.ml" ,lI l. h01'! " ' •.• 8hIl IC ' . &0 .• kc " ' "'' '' ""Y <iny. N l) 'V. 11, at 1 0 clock. A. ill, I• • u l" ",... pi" ,,~. i ll II". " \lldo"r th o ,po 0 11 . i hL'I A ,uj) po.' ,,~, ~4 UII ,,\h,'~ . It I:t IV es mO re fOI' lb. "'0'" Y '1'. Sabin, anctioll('(·r. . dl ~. "d ,;' . " r Co l. J '''.ph :! "01':.' ",,,I 'q,fI·. ,J, ·· •.• :",:" :1 25 a ll .l" " lI.e wu l'id, h . , I , ' 0 Ie. " 1,11 1'1' " U I " W,, " 1. T l. e . " ' 8 lull of In~.'••'- '~' .. 1'11, I, " l OT " 'og A, wand cring trio o f mill Rttel s - '-"Ol·i..": " ,.. III Pr"' ~N ·D Nove!e ~ tes "lid .. I I I", r • • ,1 .,j lh a rft,' . I'o li , h In . - "1 .. ,'". h :.! !t(l . l eo ll ll ."I,," .. ilh , he 0 " 11' nPl ,1 ", lob" l"oll ....... ._Il • I, c ...."... tirom a blIst' IIP (Ire IIcstr8 sCI'l'nad ·1 A rel l l ebe' ~ rul ,H h ed ""y ... h,',, , AIll.e u, lh" .,·" .. . . lJ ri ll , ~lI t1'1' ll , II ,,'·.L':darl lohJl l'u H n ' c c n e:lI'. illc ,,,di IlA1,0 ML"g ", ~ II 1111 mo · t POi u:.tr .. h. ,. o re .'m 'I "'e~ t , wtile our · streets ;vei!tcrcluy UneruO\lo. "' illll ie C"!l','y" I6 'mOll'h.. - _ N'- , .. ., 6 00 " ri~ in .lly f"" t el, " 0 ,1. 111 I 7(;. in . ,I.oI ;, ioll Sweet IDoozee k A~lEU I UA N COLLEOES. 1~ 1 1I!( l o coP.' :l mo.,,". , " 1 . 3 2 , 10 Ib .. ,.. U1l qUII II ll" nl -~ ort -I... ie · . FI \ ~; • " CO,'." I '"01111, . .. I !If> 0 1:101 11 A t. " IJ I'YR <t ;H I' NO I E I. E I' I' E " • \\' d" , " ~'e See IldVCI·ti dulllcnt of-the Cincin· ·I S ..ingl.· Pftl..... C.p'e • .,...,... R ••;'" '.._ _ ... ~i ll be f.\ivIJ n. It." M••. Ann S . :'\(. ,,118n '. &' p, 1l r till' II pe(" lv' Iy II)' l it, I,' fr ielld •. wi I · 0 t g t , e yeR r, 'I It.· leo'h'ed Int,· ,· I · II k tlOr" "Ieat "0' O •• e.... ... .H.. t ~ ", " k I.e, Delledl el , Mr • . P . H. Bn rn,.tt. \' , 1 iR co le;>o li le m" ke. Dill a sel e. tlstOO \\'l' Ihe • " Il e ' " .n~ " I "e ' >4, here to nced Rn, rcc"IUllItlnd"tiull . IlI ihl lruely,"" d ,d ll eeou"c lur'llem ullullI \ PlalH. a Lk uliu h.
KI ....
ilI&IIT " U ,' ,.1\ K111
I u,
l',.c,· $:121), TI,e fl • • t f(~ •••1 OrllHn TII"u'lIul " r i.
B EO, NO ," 'f ,l a I ndlf illru" r", MI' mlln\l,. 'I'h \. I - M.·. ~ r Iin l .... ' .. I ,·p; t f" Ild ~t Wh1' K, 'I h ~ ~UO IIe. · ' lid l·1 .\c1e ' \\ h i l II .ho • II utl, o •• h !rOot II f," nl hia . ' If •• • 1)., : " I rn· hi; . .!Itd .. ltll . ol' ''rNlp "I., lc 'j,·ldil'·... anclno·,. , : an 1110 h.' ~i deso. b II' ' Ill h I (I I< 01 1; , ,'J I II ~' .. l 0 1 la · · ,~ I " 11l ,e M,·.'rl . We rihMt l:> I. .. l" g;~.ln L\," J '!I,ury lIu", b,· t
BI'Olidway. N.....
T h o TIOttt S inJl; ing Cla.aa B uok s fire
0 onro y,"
P ...,,,,, ~'''.lrI. . .la •• Se._I.
ZILL &'S0N ".'' ' Ile.. . .
t'ri",l Stor iell
Tit. fi rs, of Ih.se , 11\1'" compl. lo In Ull ~ hAlide ,
moo n.
A:J' III ".-Ud. at . IUata nC!' .,.. req u{r..1 to In ...... an c. i."....' lig of plaiD IIUl .., lon-. . 'blob will "'t nru t h lld bl maO In:oe. UT.' lb. ~Im A f'ntDJ1kot .~t.em o t ..... c.erin. ,,"Yvull mi UdUl 01' \'<In( III' \O" , au. b«tb n" Y.r C(tu l ulf.c!olt. f"X0f' p\ by ,tit V~"1NC'l"nti sf 1he c'tablh"'uft nt , trw c-tntiul &Af \o1\ IItn4 for U,," "r l11\N n,A,' ..f all .,uaphklt o r e"il tft~ 1MH'Ot. .,.nt ,. ,.. ...1-0, i .. ....'... Dr. 11). U . " '00' "Jll,
. ..
"Gab r1oe l
'b • U~ Mf'\O(lllIJ ,. ,......,]..d. whether t heY bet aommnult. tt,\oll IJI h_"t ..... r o r .. l'C'I"Ifln . or ~t b.r tb .. U~lwr h\ Il.~~.'. vh)'llle...... ...... 1aI'" . ... ~I ""~.&la. uw.I.,,",
.-o,k •. "l... ...
T h ,· Pil l, " hit·" " I,,· IIlIen. I ' n ,., &1·. ( I· , 10"' illl; 1,01 .. I "'!" l ite III" u" ' h ~ ' or l leit . ~1 n\ R~EJ l .ec lI -.d lor ho ).' )1 bJO nl u1y lor U;-' J \" 1 Ihe .o n)h K ~,'u r . 1'(1 tb fl4 111l oficlio u , .~~ ~ ;:::;,.; 11,e.id.e " \l ''' ''' OI\. 1" ' \ elel' ol a" d . " o,' e r . t .. , Lho,,' will h,
T wo R~mar ka6llJ
P arlies jl," ttlt" g tI' ordtr, (0.,. ,tC,O'e I :;:·.:l " ~"O"O-"" ",, ~' ,1. 'J h ' /' ' I. ll ~ rt'.,,·."'" F- 3 ~ aa; EB 1 '1:~~~t~O ;~f~:l , y ret",t t-n9 Il. t " \ ;,::... ~: ::,,:'I~r ~:~l ~'~,~:;~ ~';,:, r~;:~':I;"~ _~ .- - -----H- ' ia'"~ d ",, ',,,;'ou"'·I" ·.' Th. l. niI... . n. . . ... I"iI'flu ~ ~b' t 'rll E BI,ST ! I ~f . lwh I'.~ , I!I"~"" l . ;~.u rrilSrnlrn S. Tho D""GET I' ja ll" I not" " 'l", i~' I .... mpu r••,1 ,, 4rlt'n'·~,1."" .'~"'. nl .h r l'Il!" ~" 1'-' _
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~~lOlttln 111. 9
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,W e. t hdie.a, th~ Dominio n of Canada, and in n~rJ ~ te of the U'uioD.
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.1UD ~roUi r atien s in Europe.
Condnctin( aMRdical Practles
Lifo lllUtltrilted tor N ovembe r i6 I p., tJAl l1 n'~ , oll '· ''''' 1 p.rll l.'.i~ i ll : h ' '!' I:"V'" "II d . I· .•' . t ' li AJlk llld • . L 1 m b re.lu ln •• II,I (1I1 rl . 11I8 Il1n4 roent. W .,II" ,·.' rroel p . " ,. '"'' clt. ' m d ~ g u e WIt I r ~ ~ ... III(r;, SCICli ,, :!. ~ \':' BY -STE WAR T. I c\ BO· fo I .· 'he RCI' .. b lel\1I "" \ ' . ,'el it h". , '", n ,. . a nd put up to nnl .' r, I ~ ~ .; ial, Iitenll'Y , eucb clulis hei ri g at I ,'r "FiuO! II ln. ,. '." h,.i n!: ." ~ etl l' e Republic j:til11\1'm I,Wllll' l\f1l11 T1t ," 1\\ V;lt -n~ t1I\ , " I I ,. I S" D - - --'~"'-_,~ [I :.>W 1,1 1\11' 0 .. tie . ". Illue "g" 8 nce exce"d It U JIl !o:tLl i n~h' illlere ting "lid f,o ,,, f).,,,. c r'.l tlo ,\lsu."lol : ,I b " d et\ I~ " " h U~ IUV lIIJ1l :OlW O _ _ c '" '" .... .: = F ...." k.n. B:tl ill d. • "J . I II Te., le s. U'\ .'I ~~ . lI\illl II ud l.· NlIO ll ll eS ' c.. . " \ Ih,' r... lt - o f II_ plI l.lto men wl ' b a m e ~ _ :'. "'; :: ~ "' _" ~ z 1\' lIili ng , Lv.c. fllr Tlt ee . SIIn;: allusvh'!." U· ' lDltMlCt l'VC. C nutl cc firtlt III ur· to. ntl ; It i. Ih" 0111.' pn. " \I,,1t h .. " ehrc i l ~" . ~ ...o ~ nol l ". ;c:! "" II'. ,' ,, ~= ' ulll e .. lie kl. etl lllo 111 .11." • l!lep. o .• WIN DOW 0 () n 'N 1 C E S. ~ . '" der all apprcc il\tivll sketc h t.t' Mrtl. Ie,' ..hk h elllllll,.I I I., be illl u. ' l'd ",1,1, Ihe .., :- - = I I. ;llt. II I111d. w ,' cla~p '10' mo. .. S'lIg &: e" --AlC DCelia Burleig h the well knuwn ~o\'r rll",o",. or Ih"l 0..11 I,,, 0 ,, 1 .11 .1.... . r ¥I'" .. ~o' elll ~:: Bye H FlI S TIE. .1lt~r , lecture ; , and Ul i u i~tor ; 8 ~i'~~!'i~II~7,~i,::"~,II~di.;~II,~ '!:~~ ' ::illlh';I~~~;~~ ~ ::> .- ----••••• -•••• -••• -.---:- ~ I - - --. lIea''Ill'ItrtfJr8 f.r BL,\NIETS lnepor traitaccompa uit! tli.o skl!lch. Il,e con6,leuo.. o f t i e COII II" .\', ,," II. ~... ;£ §: ='= I I',,\oll,b, d 1111 f'Jr HIlIl'bv [>1" \10' 111 ~ Bed" ;"o" ''''1 , no. OWIl '''~ t , ~1.lt" I.<es, u: _. [;l A not Iler SIlort palwr g l. \' 08 t:'xcc IIc nt u f Trlt..e"'r~ .m...".Ofl 8 ~~ urou'e , ..,,:. !7. ~ J. t, P£TERS, 843 Broadway, 1 . 1 1'h" "" 'I•• • • "r ,h~ C: ...n r a I. : l'iIIo,,~ ont! 1" . " 0 11 h" ",,1 . nd mod ' ." , •. • :-:.. cuQotlel to "Orum bl i II g DlIlO iniCtI." " 1"h U to ON ' r , 11 ..DOllo" • .lb \ _r.:! ~ll\'ell _':1.• 4 _ P E T "". 311t1 li.I~,·d h ~ liB ti l'••, II n(l. II... refe,"' , need . -~ l' l' : e ~' ' _ ____E R )o/SE,\\- ' YO R I~ "0 ut!ollod J>l" p lll'" is ' Ihll t ti t.: " II P "II "" eM It tr Iho fu:un.·. It 1Il " i l1'" I D~ P i 11,, \\' O•• i _ , . 1',,1 .1. L ill e... . _ ~ !l fI ? . I I ' I Napk in • • Do~·IJ,'" . Linen. . .J Rt'pu ' li{" ' D p.ill cl I•• , Muc h R,. it I,oti .. y ·" 00 I' : , ltf aD l\rtlc e ll' IIC I trcats 0 1 I U. lUall. b .. 1 (0 UI"I'"'" lie " 1" 1'''''1. d . I he :t' DO ,. I we lf.r.. .. e s il Itold. 'p.r. dire nature ...l ro lll t I ill uut ll l'll I )JO , "t 0 I " "rg Ui I',\li , U .. . <im Iy .. n " ml 'l .lId AI80. Olllco (or t he M. nu f. uLure IUld Sa lo ( . : : ;", ' ~ it! 1f ~ !t ~ !.t - ' . . i lle IlC" USIC ..: -: !1; ~ ~ " :: e~ · <: ti , 10 c" " Y R f frdl erl at 1f/1O/., /Jllle P l' h~ ~ ! • . .iew and otiUI'S IlIIWh e ll 'O ll!'IlI! " Ib. ;" i " " e n• r j ''n I I, IIII" p ' _.... ." .:1I 111181,'IO II On 0 1 gov · , & II ' bl .. "' = ' == . 'I': <, ru lU 11 1. ...-- O,de ,.. fu r li" hol. I- .. _11,1 O.rl,.l . 'Th e U . ... fl O ,, ·k. no III .'... . "r went to 18 I C hUID11l11 ty. (':) cr . ii I! Ih ... , '" PO" c'', II l1d I, in,It'r ondelll lu " 'e """ ~ - ' 1?' 11 . t: " : "" ,,, 11. " ork ,·x.e_ltd p. o.p~I.' , ,,~ ek" ll l" d IIcieuti fi c 8specttl II r II I I i lll ut tJ q 1l0lj - e"" ' • • h I ,~I'~, . lI ud I. a. f. ee " ~ ,. ~ Iu eo"~le!,, 1I 6 " 'jlll " , . . 1 ,0 8 --j D _' C _D' __ __ lion8 in Phrc II,.logV arc p rett y II bu e: .I o ••d,: ,II ~ lIe l, ub l UII pa " ______ _ " . ml .,., It . N ' B r. :; ' , :; , U. 'n .b" I .. (ie J 0 owmg • • l"'tI 00,.., art ae · • I I J ·no . V" . url)()tlllIOn , 11111 fenrh-I''' coU, su hl'\:t t "frh d ;:: t>. ~ = . : :. ;:_~ '~~! .::~ _ tlOroU gly81 dill . l VI '~ct l\lnllJ lo rll lh.· •• cog ni.rl po.lt;',n of 1IU' I/mOwltd ged to b, tll.e but 0/ tllei" ciall .! .,,, 1• • d iog
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NOt! ASD CIlOII RII, <TH. SAOU'• Whu , e 13 P"P to -111g b " C HUII" r, . .. d Cnl d long Ago. ~. Alii" Il.,'lin~ . ,. . ~ (1 ft ill Il.,,,w. II .. . ·e L ok o 0 . 1t. Y .. -~--'---- "'-". i III l; l,ldtl U Wethllug . :-,- ~t-.) '""':' -~ ..".. , ~ _. \\h" I uu" '''fill r iw . M·, 8il, r! k~ ~ ~; ~!i ~ I ~ _ '1 he' \\'il', \2'" tI Ru.e. , :;:!. Y,,"'I I f''' r . ~I ~1I'. II)' &nrl- lly . '? '? !' 1';:; ... _ I' rollol;o.· , .. ,, ' 11 ." e T .II ' W "" • • ~ ~ ?I ~~ Little lIl rJI.· M.y . ,.;0 ":uu 01' ~Iy SI)III. · ac. U " 01 0 oDd Q II n et. . ,.. _. ... ~ == ' B Y 0 A N K S t;!"!' T:: "3 ::1'=: ~~ - :-< :-.:" I . q: I' I I I ' ''' .. Ii'" rIJ Va hlnjt ~em ... ..ul, e. ,,·com . 100 • . I ,,~ ? r" , Au:;el ('1f. :J1i e). F.u d "mg . ? !,!, ... ~ill j; M ~ ' 0 " \.o ~. MOi l, . , ~o" g " ud churu. , , to "': ,.lIi,' u Irl in 10\\ u. ons; !lUd ,'hl)ruS. Q I . ... _ n ... ... . . ~ .... el"'''' :: 1', 110.... I"el : 1,ICl u ,e: _e llo .' omll· ;.~ :;' ~- ~ l> "' ::'~;' I' ~ " liI i' Slll~ '". II ':0 11" or lil Y N" r h, SO Il,t.""g, k ch o . :: I'D ::- ts ;: ~ c ~ ~ e: I' '=0 \\ OU' I 'V C Un' &l Sw.iI ' e r io co m ic 1'0111;; . ' s-.. S c ~ . I,. E ll!.' d.'al'. I .. r "'" 1'\" ,, "it i,,".• ling - ehQ. ' ~ I' .. c ""I! _ I ~ n"• i~, rf..t,' \ 10' 10\' •.", ,, O ,D " .ml ah oru~. I·J~ ~ ~ ~. ~:: 9 !;; H e l l. Olle ndl l ,er. J' lttt ur' "e . " ~f!ri"· CGmlc. \ .. 1:"' '' :I. ,.. :::> 1 "' ~ c~ t .\lullieMo ore . ::;u n;t nnd o" OI'u~ . I l1. ~~ ~ ~ ~ j VIi.tlll!(U ll l b•. &reet~ . " e riu·cQw io eo"~.,
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ot '-" I ""'.Ib.' "t'e" lIlfh in .or tla, 1,&.841 7. ",,,. l in" l,oli&;,.• 1 It .. ,t;"I . .. ' II,. =-all" n. 1 II NU"~("l'Ctu:1) IIV .. , II" o( Rel"ell latl •• • , • ., .. ill. Ibe toO' 1'8 S••T. . ~ .DU le 'Uld Ih.u F; s ~lI t i ,. ALlmini 'ratill a. • • N .nd Il' lI ,e I '1 u..,lre.lJria l .." nt. n ror Ihe TII ~ B 'lt "(r ". . cA ill til 1"0 . 10. Il n! ltJ l " ., ••'ith the ''''I \ po",r R llt l p llrt D ~ 1r (/ I'/. I. CiJIciDDatl-r.~... i!lOAra 711() P III .ur. "blch i~ w llt ... ,I . A pollt '... 1 r. ,ly J I;YK ~ A UE\I Tln' l. n -I"H I'n R klt _ ud-A.rh . 10,3U III I ClIU I' ttl wid , b . .. It" r lulll' C oHol of lh· ~o""n '" nt . Til E !.I N E -.• tld II,. ~" r I .. 1. . .. 11 IL " I H., '·r ...... .. , ..rI.. 11 .16 III 1" 10 ';:! r m len II w,th II". l'Dlon brol"' D ur •• n~ ~ hi h . eO"!nt ' " 'I~rolo 1'1""" I h·.lr •• ·"n\ r r ·.n llew C." le, a r .h·. 1I 6U a m II 21 \' II .... . r t lt· t (tll ' { lJr ll{f til, o r ' .nt~ .h ll , Io<,d '11, o r dllti ll R " N""' y " .,IIIlIg , A ·I y.. u. gruc. r lu r .A od. ...oo •• rrivo I 10 I' III 12 .1 " m lb .· II IInll l lo . , ru"jlle or " "() ~ "Ion . o" d . J[o~ o .. o, ftrri.. 1.. Ofted dlt e<'li y rN III EuSll lld ; :1.00 P m 1 ;,5 1\ a, 1l ,,'e. 1t lid ~lI ti ... ,,'I" n n f il ' .'111 ' I l v I K.~G.·."'D'8 Tlw t! /'> ly_ Lo"lCI\n.l.0'L. ar.i · o " .0) p III 3U , • w • .,<1, .. ,, " 'u Ih,' • c .Inll r' lI.f, de,,,e, . n it r"W n olor. " "ive 7,06 p nt ~TARCH 5 110. m Ito ' e. 10 C " e uI" U Ill oll" ".n! o f ullf ';lh. i llgl'(li lll , Oblcal,. rrh·, • ·!I.Ot/PIII 8 .00 aw 111111 <10 Ihecoull ', .• n,l IlJO •. Apo ... iLlli l" 1.11'. 0 ; I... I- E 1 , 1.l i~' et.l l l1 I -i; Aud eo, . a '''l~'r. . lI ~re l" l/ ll, u·e. fut ,,111 he COli e l l"e-~ l cui , mil",. II n\l fi llll Q91 pre .. er"6'·'" h. r"," , ut.--.t l rn fI @Ta' .... o ... , ('f Ih. h.~l Amelil..·tl u m3 nu'.\C't uh'. el l bu rth,,. • IH'lt r.lltu:iou pl omf e of " t;M' . H ami u" a t 11. ].U' 1111 , hl n an1 ' 1\0. ) . Ko . 3 pO I or money inll" lion .hich m eo". 'he un olb r or,l I. .. r tU~ ~ IQd " ft • • Cblra1lo-L~... 1 _50 p m II.SII . m Illde m ,·,,1 o f y l u ~ •. t l... oo utinu .1 d ' p'od,cd . , "111 " " I I Ie ""11l1l n l.mo O..... n Polnl-.r rl . e 9.40 pm ) 11111 11011 of Ih. cu.reoe.· . Ihe de ,ru etlolJ o f J,teo .. , willI oth" . , itoe. Of ony "Ihe. ch T ift ' h~ Un :o n. L!>pU. porl. arrl .. 1 40" m \:00 ~ ~ e . a l co nfideo ce, alld .. hle b e ll' baY.' 8'? Oll~"'T C' o~ .IIAN -' It Ph. I) , .to., Ih. KnkoDlo . a •• I..e 1.45 . III 2,20 pm I eUDle, .~ V" III p."~ tra'I,," Mnd , e ~lIdl. twn. L' hl dl " .·It ml ',,1 " UI ',,, il ,'1 Euro ' 0. rR _ Anu • on. orrlv. J ..J r.~. 337 a m 4.' I I) w ' 'b l n.I!II·'lcol n~ "d' II,. " Ou. " >: w,lI tn lll ll'<.lo rull .. , 'I" ,Iy ., d Ihi "'1,4,·. .... . . Oi..lle, a rrl,..~ h " lId • 1""' .v II po, 1)-c Oil o' • .31 It m .lh·, ou •• c lold d WO I0 ' I . I.. p,' P"' Ha nl'lllg ', - 1',n,low Pal''' ' :;,0 p w .. \ ' a Oll ,!t • I e II,' n l ttrU It! B &jte r. lowo •• •• Iv. 5 .0 .. ", \ aU· I h 1 . ~1.t,I',h ... ~ ••, ne w .. , l' . 10·". IURI re e h'-• I 5 .~ p m pr ',iI!1I ~ nn~IAI rlreu l. , . , .uu ad'lhe r ~ 10 I" e"~ m i clIl MOI\ 1" ',II I1 ! n. " I,e. f t,1,, R lcb lDuDd, . r ri1'. l08 I. ,ull.·' 5 ,50. m ,'II G- O p f" , na lit.' r'<lo' I .• •ii eel. ILtt Nhto r ,a. l t o hl ulUjil 1 h ..• Ilewoern t lc par e'IulI to Ih · best B. rr. ''' IOO; Cloc IIlO. II, .r,·h'e \ 9.00 ,,1tI 9,; 5 P ~ I._ hl'O ul\h ~ all tI,e cn"mi tl~. A"d I,ulthll.. III rO "l io lll ' Or mH':I.. ~ P ,,,ldh. '. Cu. 'nnl "Foll tlle. tIlUll tl')' II II". PI'" II no e I·'en N o . Ton I. .... . RI-b m" I'u ·' allf . h ' I ... .,... . .. u ... Q. C . IICUO , "101 n'f H' " . "~ I ane tl&h· ... ·h!t.· . v 0 • v " . ' II 0 c~ . p. " ,l y to .ero rnt II- 0\\" clt ..... . , c,,·,·. " F_ ".1.'; all ........ VI_ Gr.c"... .. 0 . ne .. llI leaye Obl • • " o daily n A c 0'0. o ... ' r I O'elll On ~ ' ml ami mode 10 t<l I.y 0111 a lolle. o r ~ o v"r""' III. E" en o n. I tin 11 ' olher ua los c.l ai1." t!st'el't B Ulld"y . ON U . Al. ". I r,e. ", ~ d l um . lId . mall· t be \IU" ' ioIl8 0 1 ClIt'lfnc . An ti tlllllnCJ.' . u h (' h U1 li a l d LUf,k lnJ,t" (~ l ,uf,· ' 8. W , L , U 'H R I ~. N . U , P. k T A . \ ll lI lI cmPI.• 1\1 ." t up ~' Ihe on e I .. ",., Ihe D - W , 0 .~LI) WELL i"' . F.,, » • G , ~' 1 Co lumbu. . FLOOR • T AILE ·OTJt.- OLOTK8 1I . ,eolll, l\' ln n pa r ••• II a l .. a r w It h ,I' • • II J , U I LL , S u p' t Loganlpc> r1" . lbd. 10 th l! co"tfO~ of I.lulI N ~uiQ 'h.l tc v rIlOlI .. ," . EZ A ll Wid th. a od .. 11 f( rad .... . "'ould " u a nn LI".,,, I 0 .• 1""I ty I •• 1'r ', ' "' ' The Phre noloK Ical J uur nal a n ci cllnI,'Ol CURT A!:. ()OO.D o flhe I:I .. UIICo r 1I" lor'~~IIl l1 li . ". I ' 1\ 1 ('0" ... \& ...
.a.... w«.' ....•
Salt, per barrel. .W 001, Turnips, "
Apples , barrel, Appl81 ~ bushel.
7 4,
W IL SO N --Sl ft1!T LE - -
SOlin! Machino
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Missouri Lands. DUUIlIN'S E lectriC
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rng lO Co P llIl . Pa ) bOlOg perf< t ly pure lequlrt1s Ic'lS tball COlumOIl !!Oap. H Ollco I ts eCOI1 0DIY 18 apparell t \ sk Y' 11 r grocer to get It. .~-..:.-,..--
Be'l t >I ,
T',,,,,t' ~'tn.uII'" Sold by
.l\ { . ....
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Dealers Everywhere
$25 A DAY w. wllrrant a
tas • dn, u.ln_ our
Fever and AID1C, or CU1IIs allll Fever l II I. A !i;.~ p•• l r ond I .. . , pnt RU IIF O)r t .,.r 'n I bu . or (11110 ftn I t n.r In . ,.rr rll' .. her. Ih . IIr. ulon. arc lb1l 4 . 1
P Ic. 50 ell
Best Evidence!
I t \.N )(l I N
'.'.eeI b" a pe...... n..... Cra:m tbe ea. of' &he rlne Tree .......... 'c•••1 .. Uta.f ,,·h. h a"e w en luau,", W"lU, powerful c-lemeDt . . . thOro ...Jllr, .... ~M
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porat..t ... , nal oCller " ••da.,le """,,Ie ........ h 01 whl"h po_... . _&b.... .... heaUn • • t&rlb~~~ lb •• Inaldn. "&he mOllI POTENT ~uu..AOO)lfIST . . .n dtae..... at ~ha palmODfU7 orgt'N . . . .
.... Jet ...,.n lnu...... _
I . . .n ... nlt'W' l'~mm7 tbat b •• Rf'YC':r been
llearcJ 01 ""'o!!l bu& _ OLD RELIABLE AND wELL-TRIED m ...Ud.a
, .... , ,. . . ....e n In dally U/Ie hT ....... lIlro ana Intdlll;C'l nt • hy.IC'I.na f'or the •••t .'sMen y ........ nd I • • poke. of' I.. lI.e 1,lab_ tflrDU b)' \11 who • •"We oeed liz_•• " ' - ....... 01 trXsouonED 'tJ:OaTJIIO. NJALSp.....e I t Jnu ... ftr ll'Om ....,. dl ... _ .... r , hlc h Uti. Cordial I. J"'eC:om"".nded~.
".h... II.Cln.!l:_~V TRY IT.l w Il KNOW IT WILL DO .,Q11 QuOD" A .allflle boUle .."IU demo ••t ....t.l.. .-111
"ble 'loaJllln.
, cotlll Be •• PI,llad' a.
APOLLO 8 U1 LDlNG Dorlbwet\t corner l' !fIb and Walaut Silo. ID CloDltI. 0 • CODdu ted b, HENRY A FABER aad It. B. LANGDALE former _ 001. . of Prof llICBARD NEUION "'ltD It.. Iinoe oold JUI Colle,. aDd retired from the profuttOD IDd IUCClt6llOn In nt' MDllY BEllOLD 4''''' BArON End for Circullr
V L l 1 EX\, I. ~-- I'MRER I!l KINO., TOJ'l( IS.
(H E)IREB 10. I 71, t
I "IIi FH. L
MIlER 539.
t.:Nt ,.NT
A f " '........... 111.. '" '''''
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FORMIlIII' wbl'n ~ IllIIII go~ tired of th .... " oriel he " ell ! Il\tO a ell\' and dwelt d o p~ 1101' he IL~ mplJtlbes the IlI\mc re8 UltJJ by I pelling a stD nd neglecting to ad vertll!e \ \ II:HO~ of til fUluro- Foud mamma "'uppoao .A rIlold, I gholl /d dIe, and pUpIL [fIa r r cd ~nOlbcr m Immll wh"t \\ ould Y HI I" 1 UlItllul SliP Oh I I should go to the \1 ('d Jm)l; H,\ I I ' til III \II \ bOlll lIIdulgooL (or t IJjO all)\\ ~ to I Ii> t) \Irtue ",bat be u\V~ ~ to fllltun.' HId to muke " lrloeroU8 g It of ,~bnt must otbcrWlllC be l'ltvlwBd frollt Illm hy crul'l nt Ity
8 I.E!; TlfIT 1138
01 III 18
tine thoU&lnd eight hundred and
llC\:cnty ~ x LImes as lurgo I\S " houl!e-lIy,
and thiS knollled;re 18 cOOllgh to make a fellow sh eer Ius hat o\er his car a.nd atep high ' , Wn v lIo you your handa 110," IlIq U1rcd II g~ntlemlln of II lIhaklug Quuker, \\ hell L Paul llI\ys that Qodlll, exerCIse N ofilel b litt le? I knO'tf It ' rt'phed the ~~unker It ~ that little !.hat
re nfter
I!nld 1'0 be 1\ Hebrew book which IoClIs how 1\ queeu of antlqmty wlto " Ished Lo destroy tho peace of a COIJ(J!ter d c n"IllY nell nfter hili deat.h, hnd H. t o f cite men made from his thlr~ hvo teeth III f limn ot the UoobC8ter 'hro'lIcl~ 1liiy Mr Do Lelllg formerly of hlna WlId bun ed III Oblcugo UIO olher day In COIl IP Ill y Will! a pnck of carels No trouble , bout the Illst lrumplD IU8 case, Il h In lL by him \.lMf lOIn vo. t,,; to bel thnt Amencan Girl" 11 hllVIl I monument before George W IlI h Ill glOIl gcl ~ one Hit t you must 1"6memb"r lhaL WaslllllgtOIl never run a Ilulc 1I.! Hi In lIet tho BntWl couldll t III Ik <l r • rUII It 1111 A II ~N never hilS I reguhn meal-sbe al"a ) ~ I;,L~ \ picked up dlDller-COIn nllll 1111 \11 I ~ b e h I~ to !!Crutch around COllslde ral ly 10 get It too Dut then It doesn L c ~L nnylhlllg he hWl It aD I m ,10\\ III the bill -11""0 AdverllM'r TIIERF. 1
AT lbo I'\'qll~.t of tho Rn F lLll('r T V lleN amara Illef of t he ('ret Onler of Umt.erl Inwmen Reehvn \l ij 1111 '11 rm ben met In a hot." , on Ch 1tJ\ m etrN't 10 New' ork Ity to hold II c.Qur\'-nl IT t l&l upon ThomM III GeagbslI IC('IIHe<1 of bavlIlg betrayed the '" crull! of lhe order It WIIA B i!e( ret mootlllg llllt.t I ~ ~ ubeequently rumoret! tllllt McGtll\ghllo bad been adjudged gUdty IIml ~n lelH:t'd 10 dIe tbe death of a haitor I u gpcl\ k .og of the report Flltb r M Nam 1m ""Y~ be bAli no .ltKlfe to contmulct It 11 (1I11dO' under the law ~ of a lll1ltl on ~ llieI II III "h m~t or 8 tnulor ." desth hilt" h('Lb. r IIl1ch stern JlIMtl(:C IA to be carried. Ollt III regard to MoGeaghal1 llll alCcllllCII tl oIll) l\IcGeaghllo 16 800m", wrow to FliLI.. r McNllm8rn Wllung him tostrlke hl"lICune off the roll, 1118 fath!'r confeB80l' hnvlng told him he IIlUllt nol0llgerooam8moor In reply, Flt.tber McNumarn tlliel hl1l1 tha~nelther pnest 1I0r I'ope, 110r blshup n r even Ood III III Mllf couhl milk 1\ 1lI11I1 8 t raitor Be l'tI(mlll:lIlded ~I cGe Ighall for bavlDg betrayed the secrelll 01 lh organl'.Atioll abd Cltoro blln 10 appenr before a tribunal ef nit IJ I rI II nl( 11 RedlvlVI McGt-agban plud 110 It.tt ntlon 1.0 tho 8ummOM, but WIlli louml gUIlty The Order Redl,"") exp.)1 til eACh Imh family ID the UnltcdStal.etlto conlrlbute Lwent1five conti! a month for Iluul'porl } ather McNamara dOOtl n~t now offiCIate in Catholic ch urche-.
"Tn bud_ trIal of my life' !!lilt! good old lleACOll &nee, 'wu tI. lib d '-"' at die DeWi &hat 1Il1 wi,. ~ unci W cUed uclieft her .,000 '
hi thcllC da1." of labo), IlaYlIlg devlCtlI! luy ruatl WI\I l'eJOIC41I to know lb8t a Vermonter hlUl IDvented Ii ch urn willch laD he 80 Allj\lJlt.ed to 8 !VIIgOll tbllt .111 II mBlI hM to do 18 to pit It 1111 llift r IU' drive a mIl or I!O and I'r t.o-tlle blltIer. made I
A Conscl(\f\UoIIS lotblcr. Yesl .day latteruoolJ Ii dotbler 00 Clark Hlr('ct fouud hlw If Ju.t on the v"rgo of ulukulg l\ sale to a SUlIPI CIOUIfCIllIlOIlll'f Iltl artIcle WlVI an I\rmy o.er coat that hnd beeD through tb cam [lalglll! I lhe Pol<lmll tb James tbe '1 eo ncllllC Ind til II 1\'Ij1 ppl and lit Lhe cOllclwuon or tbe war h\ld hOOO dl.huntlrRbly dll!Cluugecl to booome u_ Ively the I'rey of 1111 Italian o,,«an grmder II nr,;ro teaulster IUI~ .. CIIT d m er 1 It cloLlJler IiLt.ed It on &he cUKLbmer. aud bllullng In about. ."eo feet "r tho laok lIe~!V II the _"ulde,.. h IdJu ~t lulvl!'cd hIm 'haL J~ liLted ~ 11k Lbe pllper to Uld wall ..hell )e (\~rve(l lhat hlK ClIlItelll r Willi 1QN1 gnllhll! to the raght I\nd leR, .. 1I •• KUKptlcl Ii ,h•• tbe prll1eut • odotvU/l M wall "" old h WAI &II 0CClIIIIIi. aIaa& detnlUldllll prolDpt an.l ~~ ~ 1lI\1I the cloUtier w.. t .. ePlerg lIC1, for, WIth r _ tlon wholl, ilDlfll ed .1111 -1Ia(1....11[1,
I!I the San Fr"lIc,~(oJ II I I ~ I gIrl ooly fIlxLeclI veul'\! old :,;11" 1M ex<,~edJng ly ~hy ao d domur!' bl utlhe \\ lieu looked at hy vl!Ulol'I!, II1d hllnt WllOI1 druukRrda IU'C brought bloed.iug and yelbng tnlu tbe pW!on Hur fllco 1M d licale aod l[ JI~ Ive of retiring Inooe8ty ani g ntlc ne Hu n.uull Ili AUllette Gilla rd and tihc 1M 1\I\luLlng trllli for Ktalibulg 1\ UlflD PR(lJlP1!l!OR W ALIlER a eIDClOnatJ four hOlt'S wlUla big bUlcber knife und 1'C II'IIti t. hM allowed hlihllClf to be 8LuIIg then HDlaall\Ug bls kull With fI bTlclr UDee 1\ dAY (or thrte week~ hy beee to J IlE UarLfolll l !lIIIYllit ad VltIC>! nung bo ~DI(>te hUll II UD Ih b~'" 1",,~r\.3 ln the enect Hp MY" tba~ 8fter f\bollt UJ( t~nib time the \JIll" and owell- lRd1('~ til IlIg great big navy revolve.... J't.rbapil UDk ~ -'::J=~~ ..... ~ Iii 101 wen- ~hg bt the body tIIleDUDg tv be- around to protect lbllmH8h t'lI from ~Iog It lab out mel~~ kl..d aaaiDlt &bt-Ir will OUIQt naocnlated With the pollOD
:::la .....
II "11 11111 P, wa ,,'r- t •• Ihl4t lill\! I't' \1'1 .. 11",. "'<Irk. "\I'U ,,111'11 I '~II .1 hull' J!lrl 11.111 .. \ ,.dlul 1Il1 ~I HII Ir (,1"I rt. - (. \\' 1 •.1111- .n. "~I ,.1 :\11 1111 .. I n 1m 1111>11 II' II II-"Iholtl I. ( 'IIl.'WllltJ h,l~ 1"11 I I IIIII;!: U IIll' lUIII·.I tI.rJ.llh ll<l tIll: h.lt! II ("It' t. t, \\ I II \ .. 111\ I • .! I •• tl" r- I h 1\11 I j l .. -, 1'111 - P'II t I III I I IIn,I l"~ :JIlIIIII' hlth' 1'1,' III r flU I ' l l lit IIllIk Ihl· hllt' -I "lk .. I ·' 1,,1 Illt'.1 11111 \\ )" lhhrllJ. ;!allb!J III!!t1l 11 CIIIII' lad,t,\:. IILIJIIl ·'·... ,Ill,III L h.I,II II... thr ' ~ (ll- I . I ". ' - . J, II" \,. • .1, ,0, <II 1'" 1JI ll of l' I - \11 1"" 1" 1 :\1 1111 I!!ltlll h!l~ " " l1 ld h,1I1' thll h,·.hl, .Ill' "b, ... 111,1. \\ I- Ihl' ~1I1 t o t Utl l ( " Illil ~" 1I1' III II. ' !:' uldll'rs 11"111\ lI"a l , .. II 11I 11h, Ih at \1.1 lI uuly -al l o r l'II' r ~u ll d I' II \ ,,, . I l·n.... 1 1).1\ !" II, III r -1\1" m III~ III 1.lk ,I nul' tllll l l!ll' II 1\\', 1111.1 dillt "I th H .1/111 "II 'lll ~ h ll le - 'II " .1111 TIll It'r tlml :\l l-~ Ih.l luI hen r 1:"t Ih .. ~(' d ,IY !lllr~ 'f , ' rI. ~ , l.t HIt' hllll'nd I~1111l 1 T.II I,'r \ 1- 111 " I umhllll ull l ' l~t 1 ..,111 t pl,n tl un 'II 111111 I Ill' AIIII.1I11 linn Im' e COIll S,I u l d.I .~ alll i ~lIIulll' a, t'.I,I I) II" l llJIIl d 1111;\1 ~ III III II~" I ),lIl k I II ~ po t k - IUIIII I I "~ II \1 ~ t\ 'ck .. \' II (I\ l lI I I ~h,' h ,~ tlllllld IllC ,'\l t, 1111.1 ,. I I - "u olll h H~ '111I 1I1' XI llt d , lIt1hl. ~ ".1 III 1 1t~ ClOt III r v ~ t uf tlllll lUI II III 1(' " til th ' IlItl' 1;lIt . ',llh, ull ,III"1 I\: J.I II IIl' ' n" II 11 III ti ll· IIhJ. d , 101 I h.IIl' IIC111 I J I [ I'I I ( ' Ik ' II It ~I L' I t .' - A I fn'l! ~.I h, lUlls' \\ :\1II 11.11\ I f \;l , " I I~.\ 1I till II IIl lu• .,u I' Have received a full supply b< r 111\ I I" 11I1; I (I "'~Irl:lf!: l II. • pI:"II ~hull la.11 U • Itl III k' II Ilh pr\I~I" "III .! !J ill I ' .ru I ' I It l1l~ II" II' a l II '~, l1u!;' Tt 1 r I aJ11 ull1l t 1I 1. " '1. II I - " " tl t \ - 1'1 . , " "I ll! h" II' IU-OI-lllill ust I{ ) II IIl ti III IIJI~ l lln'll J f. 1'11 1 n, 1\ - Tl , P.\Ir. r ." '\. II 1 I I' J O ..IC 1.1 111) < '1'n~ n I ~ .. ~ ." " ~11~' 1.1 u\ U"r tL \I Y II C 1\111'11 I. " 1' .. I<,r 1 11""H' '' I III - ~" 0 'I J \!l1l1tl' I~ ' n "",,1,,, ' lII bth 1"lhUII I1 t~r all ll huul It I" r 1111111 "Iris lillI e I" . . .F . 1'~h " Cl \ "" ," , I, '''" i I "_I I '}'I , • , ••f"ltw h ., I 1I~ l\ (llllr('II - ' " 1111I 111'" ntl ,,," ul Iter 111111"8 l (Or ),l lIlX t.." II lidv " l • KI. I _ I " ltc I t d"l1 t ' tlt.l lillie II I k GIIIII- ",,' 1f 1,,, .. - 1 1 1 ~r J II f)",1 1 I'~n -ll ltl y (JIlC e'tll l ll ~ 1\0 I~ - lilt I II lI,l, ........ , .. ..,.; til" weI! !and hcllLr ~. I tlt UI \I It- III \\ " \; to 81'1'1.11 1 I 101 II t ll lol, ,,,11l1" III' P t r 1,.,,11 r' "' 1'II tl ~1 F, ....1' ",I 1111 - p,tCI i:cl "e r, lit TlIl .V'd II "'l't .. 11 I I II [ tllllai, I , 1I 1t l! " . . . 11ll'Y _ \ \ l II II II I T1" I r d , I •• II. ' I III III I c:!l , Ia I" 1'1I1 11l .1"tI Q U \r o t~ 1 s h'\I 111"",, r, II V,)1J Ill u 11,1' " 1,,1 !! ve l k , <(I ' J .rJ ...II 1"- ' '' IIII' ('1\ 11 It l< 111 Ill' a ll",. .:\ ,m ,111\ 1 I" 11.1 111111;,( Ihl 11 1.1 h .t,·I, .1111 IHI , lUI t nvlleO 1111 J HI 3 v 1 t~ k IIIIIIC I,.I d III' , lIll 1.I, l l l1 , l 1111) I I I! \\ It II \I I 111 1 ellt ltlll II " .I~ .It lus t h" ,,1t III 1'1) hnn 1I 1 11~, tI '!lllt ~ lIl1l c lh ll l l:t 11. \1 1\1,1 IUllIl.!, h, ." II llk l ll ~ It l"I:ly Ilir FIXE l3lWW N & BLEA . <1 " 1t " ..I ,, - \l r>l. Mn 11101. 1 ,)\1, IIIH1l llii Illn nED 1 h ol d l 'a IIhunt Il. IIl1d II tho 1I 1111 1 1r.l11 ~ nut 1111 11111 \1~l t 0l 8 EIJu ];.I" , dl II, I It ),bt ,1111111:\1 I\lr '1I ICI II ' S IIlI h~ 1),lIu,Jht I hc II .lIl d 1!l t UII ' -Th llllltl 5 " ' aid/I II lIatl ona l ilt t h~ 1 urulhc l ~ n,.;htll\\111 I~ I I'lllrlll~ • I I II It; \\ 11 St.lfI d Ill S III.U hll1\ , lill i' lI lIt! 1ll.!1, )luttlng 'V J I I vln p.ltt.:l1 [ ~lIt" t III M I CVII ~ IIIH.: I u.1 II I I III tI III II l lll,! llI!' & - ~1 18S 1.HurII Meliu) U.llwht ll lat )"1I1U II U ~ Illle t g I UlI l 01 ' J L' \ • n LOflI 11I1 !!!.'1 Iu UI'l'lI or diJut It ~h -1l~ 1I1) (h Icr!lll I Ill' chllnl1 I II t " L,le h.IY, 1::'11 , \,t ~I lIll 11~ :l "~ I I .kd Ilr, 1u\\n , I I ISl t lllg hCI CUll III, ) '.ll1SIl)~llW lk. Ilku ll la!!l, Ill d III ,HI! ~ III " I\'I ~1 k llwllt e.lIIl\l •. 111 :1 K ilt 1Iull I IIlll l" " " lId lI ul 11111 t hn l /!u tu - 0111 ~d ll)" l l~l'l.'~r(' . 11If! tlII C' II lJ IIse d t(lll'oIll IILII'\l III IlIl Al a I) IIl1dlr Ih .d,lu !llallll~\ Il1llll t of - 1 ,," Clln get III r ll Lull II l1d Lil li I i'i lgh t::' , tll,l t tlae lUl l tillull PI .. I I!-~ JI GI.lIllh 1111 HUU hI dh ~l ellt lUI th e clI" lI, lit 1'111 k I.cR k'H I of the Best Brands. U ('I tu 1'1'011 II II II )lhl II ~1II11'1 (,I,l ll t 1' 11'. ' I f< a<,hul I tl lllll :.LII J ,*Ihe l h u 0 111 \\ aTl,,1I 11 ' Hllill ~I ,lr \ \ 111(I 0I (l'lIll1H1 IH I I " clt·h.lll Cu. Gil th ~ re IIl1d IICC. is 111'0 rOI'I 'II I~1 111 1M" th .1 htl \\ gl .ld 1 \\ vlal.! U II \1 .111 II,ul l stlll k 1'1 (lIli.11111 IVllltll ' tJ.ldl t XTHA WIDE AND JII~ AY ) - Mr CIllllh e Snllth, :!l)1l 01 Mr J'II \\ 1111 1.1 ~ I 1111", 11,, 1 wVllld lIut (h ll llH(h,m lCll ,II'll .111 o U ~ " \lid llw lI ll\." SlIllth ut 1<,,\\ ~ I , BCIIIIIII h.l v" tl gIl I\I t III th' 1I111d t" 1'''11 11\11 Iltti .. 1':1"""11 loll t l.e" '111('1 I. 'ullnty, l llUI.II IJI, 1:1 VI t! ltillg hIt! tllu g.II " a ll d I Il uult! uut 1a.L\(; Iv \1111 ~UI'I'ItI' ,) \\J llt nll klll li, ,, 1 1'11I g randillt htl r, MI J eph U "g"'I ~, III IJIIII~ III) 1.lIICI-III:; olils h Wit h 1111 VI ~ IUlI A 1\1 11 1 tJll l t~ P lllh l l'~ or tillS place losh jlU up IJIY Utll.ts \l IIh , uduI l! 111111, 'I r ~ I W !al\lukl!1 ull .lI.ht - 1' lei Ikrg ' r Cllll't b ~OI'Pll I t,I11Il IlIl u th e huu 0' (JlIIU (\l ilt 1'.1, NY, 1111 IIPI~le lid JII I'rqmrl llg l~ d eh '! VII U ~bt 'r - h 'l fl flJ ti lll! . emnrk 1III,Iel \I Ilie Ii II IIll lt)\)(It vI II ,Hlm !'1 d nnu 1 r) hnn A I~u tlY u c.lII CHI lO t ·mo IIf!U .lIllIlIt thu '(i .Iu t'JllI1d - - A L L AT- It t\ IH'ct nil UI' ' "Jlle un d ,lUlll SC IIIl gu 1I,) tu, 50 t ,I .IU 1J1 11I l! ISshl) uld clllIgtl ll' IIIIlCk etc.' "11 t hl' ut h' l, wh.1Ch cnf W811v, h T he) IIrc lu"c,uub , nud Ii\) mI s ta ke dh Jllld UlIIII",1 I 101 II1UIl: III I c ~~ WII IIIJiUIIIl d. \I II I'r du cl,t! In -AIr Johu J.' ~r.S~J1dlfl tJ IS tl lol l1 1 IIlt" lllllll, 1 \I til eX)ll.lIl l !' l' lJ ttl ll~ Slllll hUll.lI ld ~UIII , .111 .1 I T ICIl III I, lind MI \Vd lu In HUlt ~I I 1\1 IlUllllld ,lll l II I Ih I'lv pllO HlIltl ll g "I')I">'ltl\ hlll l' u • I suck Surge.lIlt I\t Ull lId 01 Ill · Muck tlJI ~ vi Illll 1 Ilty Spllll";!!, .Lcg H!lu tUlc. " 0 had It l'homull tlt e \\ ,IY, Il ll I.'Xp 1IlJ IIC"J 11 1111. by 1 1t~ :\1 1111111 \ "lillY ' " Ih.:g-tl ha I'cuco k In the la ttlr .cu,;e 1.1t;t h ilS d lscl), t" lcd go lll IIO.lrWlfl r, th~ IJ~'C II III Ril e. ('ssl ,,1 OI'CllIti ll ll dUllllg \\ cuk, alJd he tlU}~ lt I a land r. Sprl llgs, aud IU S 11:1,11 uthtlr Vln th l l'n ~t .)~ur I t rece,vell 1\ ch.lr - Hond all, E bright & Co S ct:!I nCa r h~ 1 " an d tv ~h u w th at It tl'1 liS II ('fll lt,~o IIhll ll t un \ elll I ~u ftnnllJlg ad v'rtlsc lUc nt peaks 101 It! Jl llt Hlt" lIdld l UI II lt nrub \llr I lIIal III /:)1)(tI. )n ' 11th III t glllU II.ltcd A la rge and woJ l sol ct d I l u na Life Worlb 10 :reDl It;c1f All we ClIn mId /8 thllt OUI ,, 111 lIy thllt It I ~ nul clllllll best t) l e~ et!"' g l\ Ct! ullltA .... "" k tlo'" tile "Old l~ ell .. bl"" nn } oue to lUJ funnd III ' I)Il\l by Its IJl ht W 1.)\Il1 tl S. I('\.. n c .j;>,& (' r "~ Il ' e \ e t ",,,b(ll (!, n ll ( I c\ cn r "nd ng R " tudcll "I ~ t!! Il CIIIIl I'I..,te ollege cI'\lI Se, 11 :\. '"' II4>dY' Olll l'hlln< o( IIouedIStlI e durm,glh. lr oeverm I nk sa stntcmc n t it is.... not I J fi cl'l.LlltltY' !lfr ~l t DolI l\l u \\ II~J III hU t1I III Ctl lI r~ Whcu ••ck.tl.u Ot.J6cl" n. lo gd " cll, lCU nn ISClcntllc I .I t b k I tl r Il w llll l1l ~ luAutr1 lIJltll 1e lJ ' ~ lI U S s PII· tnd ' I'llreu ll!:! ' l 0 h l~tl whllJo n tIVIl!lJt'J II It I IC 1110 110 " W. ' M\ . ' 1IIII II I Im ~ np ou 111" the ouds.IC IiIIf' I) til r" so II)~ my bC1l1l ' , , ' , 11'1l1 · u /I f UII ou II ~ge CUUI "'M'iI,.th , l ' M ~lIfr"rm ~ wl ~h 1l)\ler ~I'e"~ 1 1.'el g e arc "., t l ' , 1l!I!III IIt\ ed t ~ tllk UI\ Luctl ~ ealllt~ ~::~~~;~:,:~~ 1:"s~~t;o,,~~~\I, :'1 ~~~J~g~ -Mr Isanc lli ny, of TIll!: BEIIT UUrlst, of Ius wCtlk iI Ga· \1l1d el th e nd vlco 01 fllcuity ch HiliII "III J 111",1.1"", of the H 1111 tOil, Mo, III II \ ed hel o a lewhuiles • Ho 1.I.IY8 " , tie, ~t Itll d th ere \\'8~ 11 ~ul oo ll 1.1 ~ till Ilij I' , , ed I ml; , UII ,OU-U\58 &u, C" II t;.ke IlgO, uod 18 " n ,vat R e I CII Mtndcnt, II he n \II I v J IlU )C1ng vIII t III t lliS pi II' 1 hl' hClllth It! IC(l .LX '" Al O .. lI llld tIJ UCCIlI Yilt \\ILlH ut " c.1t n,. n "!lets !lley 'S. •.. .. I" f 11 11(1 c... ~ r Jf1 LO~llt IIIU lui U I ev I1"8 llce n d "II SO f ll Inu dl,""1 th l. " I!o to 1 1' 11 'I I I "I , I , U.. \ • ~ 11I1U , l"v,l"t .. t Il I111111~,, 11 (uy I ,o lr 1'..1 ~I. t A (' OIl Ifnd g"\ a Sam\. h gl.'lO\l~l y III \~Illt typhvl I ~ • d l, I"lt a PC I:lOII COl1tl .'Ited II)I u.lvt ludu~II IC:! III t;lI t\l C Iitllrl II\ 'P ly t' ICIl 1 'D '''''~II lon C III- nlld In II Heguar 11I1VIIlg c ' ntructc ll th c mulllrll \l ll ll cr tit dl sclI ..e hllll CUllllTlC n oJ a culllll . and It 'Vl' lol"hto l CIIIII I,.tCllt . 11. 75 CQII 'S T\\ o .'o·eo w,ll r, h nl~ . 011 III tl llct l) l~ nbout the Ul lddl cI A u.... n t· but \\ a b s \I 1'101 011 I! I10 "as bIII III llig 1I 11 11 It!... II I I ------------~9 we aro ha~py toll otIl1tC I d I II" I Ihat 'und ul ~al ooll, .1U1i th c ()WIIU I of th e lall d It.:"" t' I) I" tl )~ l lil I 'HIli t II ~II Y it 11 I 1 • ' I c ~ 0\8. k I I the sklltfu 'r ' 01.. III" th~lr treatm lit 01 Dr Wll I" uSCe! tv 11 111 e IJlII II cc~d , H! >1 Il) :I 1 ~ !lll ( IlIg It ..,lam SW.IIOd \\la ell IW U Fl lcntls' O llaltetl y M ot1l1 g hamsou, I.e IS now speedd y reCQ v 'try ll uy ucs, IJf 1~ldlill ond, I l1d, • h l~ll d ul e oc ul'lIJd th.U1 wh n only IS th o O l~ lIe l' uf th t.: IlIlId " 1.lk c \,111 6011 Se\ e nth Illld FJlst ~rlllg. I R H, ~ /ill! I I 1I11C I 1 111c! u nphl\ cd EXpCl - Mr J. M II nddc n, OI l !Inn \\ 011 Id no t 101\ k ellS ~ <\11\1 Illxt. nt "U IJtll OllllIJd ux Rnd 11111110 ~u COil hlls 111'.111), I))'" ~n nut on ly lCUCU d the I I I g H J(;kslt. \I1c{t lllg·h uu 08 CUlI US, I file \\ ore nnt >;atIMn!:t\ I I b lit tlY, "II tl walklll g d U\\11 th e SpI I " I lu d 1, 1 I Y () I tl I 'PI nil b Ut l t 10 ,.., "till A fill -J.ltl ~ r D Ilnild l, 01 1111]llI nll ~ll cCt " fo il III floJl1 t of Hunchlii. t ill II I.t COllbl 01 It I FUI)r f rl llr lty 01 It " " II~' , I t II lIle 0 to llIlve IllS n.llllC · Cl III PICVII ~n Ebll~ht & I) s stOIC alld!t a t Ul cU dl Iflt II 01:lbic d " III 1''''1\\ 11111 tlIC 1,up t I~ t (;1 I11IC\1 tll I I ' ' V I ~ Vbtt l1l ul " l\l.!l O Lli tdllClltll hl l! liltS, JU h h:1 SI de s tllklllg tlJ ' lI IU li" \ ' r,l< llle In Itl" ~ ~.,)f 111 I( I\JII fi· ~I Iltt~l1d ll n co tl lc lllist )ll1l WRS 'lh c 1o~ '8 nil Iltllldny IIlXt, Ilt 2 l.'.c loe kl l' I d 70 ,n r .I .' IPAI, I\\I:1'. Il1f' l'~1f"<" I I k IJW 11111 \I e i1 ' ~ .I, OU.I II-lj d III M , ,lilt! nt l(1~ A ~I on ~u nday l I ;1\"I'II I11S, t t 10 C gc I ' t 10 s t< Hle step 111II111 _~>!!.. ... J.,. I_~~ V!J n .. ht on tl li' l(u ostlOIl '~ud stuI Ilillt , sOvl.m tclIlSl 01 who m \\ 010 _. IC I 11U~tu I Ol s qllltcl slcvc An TIl ll Nt:'l'T CU~III"G -- TllIa p~lIn II , uut IVO UI~ g III t vro jflllll hcllolS tilO th.llIk allu I'C~tl:I~!tC~ 11111.111 Jil l >II"I OUI I'CII' ty, lIlId 13 LAOE S,BR IID 'i, B lIT10 _' " ~III II I tl I t I tl 1\ 10 In, \.11 fiLVorltc Amcn 'an hlllll Oll st Will thnt our l' ellCll1bl c Ii IOIllI pll lcnt II nit II b( 1. J: C' lI;C/ , IS dOIll~ 0 I~ !Ilfll I'ul It'" U '1" (tllIl Tilll IIIII I.d clIll tilllUU Ut'til ll stll mllnl , 1 {llIte as ' \\ 011 as c,'lIld hI.! "xII"ct"d h 1,11\ e 0110 () IliS 1IICO IIl PUlIl 11' C ell Y liS II! IC \Ill) flIlIl III d'lIl " II I ~ e x Ille llt ~ '" 'l'III ~ v "' I I E as t thi . I rt'1J11ments (uuder the .1lI ~pICeS 01 Ne Wish hlllllL s JJl:!l:!dy r~cover GJ oves C.•Ull. 411 n " verJ y. · I I ti ll C .lIq,:u "fl cl1cll Wi th Il filII . I t . ng III III(' 13 0 H Cl ub) til Illh'nllu ucr's -Last Sllturd ny C\l' lIll1g, MISS ,S, -Clnrk Illllg!'SS left llff th <in rUlltillllC" ,"II th e ht 01 til ' PII'll 111111 011 " cdllesd .lY el lllllllg ul A. UllI O L) lo guve 1\ tloe lill lt HOSlerYI Collars, TleS I cotl:r les ut 1111 lllllt ·~JLl Il tv VISIt 111 0- IlI lJl llh I h ~ I.tl nlly .In .i11 1111111 Itlx t" eck , N ov 17 T I('kcts {5e IUlIl lllclltto sevoral ol har and Fancy fllcnd B, UlcUllt IlS }l IlC- lu. t ll eek I.el"ul UIlI h'( letl, CXCI'pt ullC, H\ !;(' IICU stilts 50c F OI ~/lle a t liS fullows MISS Elln Hl1st, of -~ l riS Cd, JUIII IO St U J)llk lll alld .III! ~\JIIIIl!tUllt 1~lld CllltH ('1111\\ nll urlcr & Jll lln y'B.. All the X cnlll; ~h S8CB VIUI.1 K SI o):!, Ida und EII1Ill ,1 Uolhl1S, of WilJrllll glv n 111,,11111tll l ~ 'lIlll tllC lhtll t,1) ub \\ ulld " III go to lI eU! Alf, ulld hc DllkJU, L,ZZIe SlIlcs, Il ottl o nays . Il IU Bttll VISl tJllg t1l el r lel.lllvU ; :l IlLI IIII IIIJII,{ a g"tll l c" Il gllltU edIlCIIII " " i tno LI lli I I'I nlly 1010\1 II to II ced Itt LII he llurnhl lrt Fl 0 III 0 lIJlIsl.IIII I\ Inc r(.I ~ llIg lillY fnrt llel notice Just go and })'~\ I ,M ess rs J OhnCadw orence II ICnd ~ hcro '-4i.~ lIllade r - lUI 'Ih omns Sherrod .. IllIn I tlllllk It III .1I1 11I8tltllll lll\ W Ul If hear II1 IJ1 an;) be htlpPY Ildl tLA8t les ~ C G WJlIIIIIU SO II , J. J, 1'!IOijher: cd 011 Tuesda y Ill!!t , iJltrl g ll1g worth y 01 th e nlt ll lllllllul 1'll cnd , SllJnlle l Evc d ey, Joseph B nJluwell WIth hlln IIi B ullu e, II IlC f) f Pe ln 1l1I.! Ilcl to :'1\ 1, K L po l L A1lnE --The qll es (of UIglt IIlIlJ) FlIlllk Gullah luntl It t o th el l el COllll tY'b t.JII cst dllll,htc i s MI SS Il UP\l1)1t - } ' )tIlJlI' llllll ' /....' J Olt? /I (ll tJ UII b( furc tla c bousc 1.lst Mou dn) "'dlill ltorrors, J Edd Ie 1 ~ ~ !ligh t \IllS n bJi l d UlIlg a" ay \1 1th Lel l H l\. ~ ly und J .MIltJunn ey' G I IIII l!d They letnll:'c ll II; tllll C .-.-- -!f.l K uys' to Ill tncss the \\ cddll ig of tllc lI J I.Ah Bdl lll~S lu:IUII:11 III 1 chu I fI"t \ldl s nud testnIDr uts 'lhe Tlt e cvc lJlngl)ussed ofi mustch lllm 8ldter, MISS S!lIah S llcl lod an d 11 1111 I n~ t Illd,l) clelllll! ;, ll ll IIll' d lll g II I I 11I ge, un d t IIC IIIscns i1l .tiy \I Ith IUUI! IC gllm o~ co nl'Cl w." r (' 011\ ge A utlUm It \I U,tI II II 1I II II\\I t!lIc" 'I I ~ ~IOII 1llI llll.ltetl Illltllll tct Sll l1g. luI II illig' IIt tIl MtlO~ elc , 1I0t Q~ltt\ll g the "mca t vel) lupl'Y afblr .111 aroulId , :\Il li huve bl!clI tl IY , 01 salld\\ICI I"~ }Jail Th e lll!xtm c' tll1j!: ,\dl 110 d uubt find dTluk " willch 0 lkh clltcly 1 alii lllll II thuy II ly kll CIV IIh u Hcdtlll llll ~lIth l' .llId le llccllU1 ll1gt h ll ue lal ge nuu eq uul ly cul ol 1.a1l1J1~ alld al'(I<'tlZlllg ly ~l cp.lleu , \\ us ' Mal tllll' I~, they II ould ~e lld 115 thl! ; ICCltIlC, tv IIIlIk .., Ihu thllig C IJU )I Iet.., cnJoyed to the Inll by all MISS cak e II th ey d o, MI hdll OI , I I ~ F " r l'rAs l-I' -13 Ittcr all li 'I'"u With and witho L n t \\ edll cHdny, ubout !l 00 II I J I I, I ut Sleeves. Il ClUrllllrl g IWst08S I WI II d IVId 0 II It II J Ott ' \ J:. uch II dc II 0 d,1\ kll esB CUllle upon .y e mll"oa _ ' CI JJ..J ac/,e l s.v g\) tu the A uccn CI ty lin _e'_ W I I D IIII S (111\1'0 und VI CI Ulty that peop le "" On some evollln g llf ll ext week I J 0 efr~ t I~ r. Adrn ulld kCI y Thcy III e \\urrull tod g ood IHld t h ght th olr lumJls I\nd cut Gell Geiger Will dehv e l hl~ l.X? SEE GOn CIIEA l' .£ll t' a l!lou~ t 0 n:o~l IlIITI ISS 10~SS, 1l1W I 1 ~G t II -Q tllllner Ulld dl cilllrgc oth cr dutlcs lecture ou SIIII(Jplnj!: I ultles •• ' U t B k nt ()IIU er 0 III lo mas, 0 pring lIr "JJ..J 0 0 III ucel1 I y a ll ry 1 b y th o fi l til lCIU\ light. 'lho ccll))sc , w'llh\dc r's Hall To th ose wh o ap :~~I~I:t ':~~~~n!ll,f.I~~ D~l.tu~~IS r..nJI~I\t ','ll )<>111 oys~ aau IOUIVII cluck ers UI \1 hull vcr else It llllght 111" c precl ute gellUln c WIt amI humvr ' f nun( g Is ItelC 81HI \\C ICUrll Y I 13 . ueo u, Inste d two IJr t I11 ,,0 IlOUI S It 18 Su t Yo t I) tI till S IcCI IIIC willl: vrove II nlle trcnt. t ...· T f a "pflng h'orr>ng II, WIICIO IIe Ilas ~ - --- - - - ,~, ~ :o J _ • .TilE b ATE8 H UI;S\::, W II MINOTON, hc t ellllultio ll }oth u the G ~ ellural locatcd , uud WI th all tltu nb,we, COO K Novcmhe , " r S ltj7">. 1>' th o \\ If. I or d and tillS partlcll lar l{lctl~re 18 of the \\ hnt 16 tv Illnder 1 LOl)k olll fur Eh"hll Uuok IIf II <hmghter I \ ery cst CO lllllcte hliPll lcst char.lct er II! 1m 0 t tie 11118 lectUle d . ls III Oiliu I =,-..-.. Tlllt! WIIS ...,.~=~ IH (' ) \'ctl ..,~== ~-....,== We shall soon recei,e a Ilut ' d bClore ~ t1IC state IegIs morc \\ ed IIl g!l, tbl s lVeek or lIext was J c1 j~l .... r t t .... til ,'UI E\il1l ~ lnot lUlI, tit other d ay, luturc atlverc n C tI Its Illst SCSlllOn alld CltClt. A line of SUI prJtle IlJrthda y ulIIll er ~'''~, v. by II dJll llur " lllch there would bc cd hllllty laugbte r Illld gencro1ls party li as 1;1\'011 MI S. Mary VUlI HAD!}, Y NEORY - A110 IIc('d 01 tr.llIIg to excol ;~~ IIppl.llI s.., all thlOugh. W lIyncsvlll e tresB, Il ca r Ollk lnnd, day lust I th o b:.Jo"- rarelltil "~Uatrl'. ;".r.~;:g ".~ 0 ncclIs sumelhltJfP of tho kllld nnd lI eek Altout clghtyone of hur lei· Oat.. her 28 I , Ii by Il IC R ev W I. Smith, o YEB. GENTI lt:!lJENI- UrI ng yom t t tl I .., f ' atl ves und I rl olld s ,\ CI 0 (Jrcbellt hi r lolllle H ll adlcy Ulld MISS Murtltu H t D k . 'C I \I S 10 uw price 0 ft. I1DIS~1U1l IIII II S '1'1IC ,i).ueell • N. Jry a Iy (.!Oets ) will , WI th Lho \Jxccll llnt l - ltcv Mr Arlll~ trung, Buptlst ANTUAM-SIH ,n.OD- Atlho homour which will be the Best qualhilS .. purcd I\U pallls III ttlllg li p ch IllIcter 01 Ihe leetlll'o IIIBUre a U1II1tStC I ot CnIIOYI Jle, 0, prcllch the b"t!c'tl mo th ~r. ,,",.. lll1rvtly. hllrg. Nov ity for 1111 0) 111 I H\) IU IU ]\ul tlm()rc styl e e rl~ " ded hUIlSll SU IlS to 'en the price we have coulage cd to a huge congregntiOn at t he 4, I 71J. by th" l Lov Wlihl\lD. yskl'S ou]) 25 con ls a dish 0 bllllth. AIr ' !II E CI I tb I I G ever "r!l" Antru otllol tlOllta of tillS ebllrJlcrer. ' offered m au t! . 111 ... Sd ruh A Sherod , !lite I In II! p aco ast ~=====~"1"""======"", II7" lito store urunu oystors - - ••• - !SlIbbu th ovenlll g CR I unl, bo found at the 4uocn o::rTh oso JI\ wunt ot pound, -8abb ath School Teach ors' )!, It Rlk er ', I1t 35 and 4 0 c nta a 61'UI~gO, J lIy, \\llIte nl IllllUJn, la' , rncetlllg evelY Subbat h evonlll g. MONOl'. R - Nov 2d. 1875. ncnrRod LI Cilll, Or on cu at ~5 C uts Il dish )1\ dIes or q ueen cakes, CUll be Recorn -MI 9 Allio Wales of MIOne on Mr Albert Mongor Fune rlll Btlltllu r style, 8Ilrvlco8 rnodutc d at 1111 times ou ly at the apoll s, MillO., who h~ been l.X? QUSTO M·MA DE .£ll 50 beauti ful VISI t- on TI,nr. dny morn mg. HI tho Germau ROo Quccn Ci ty Bllk.c.r! : II~ ern rllJ, ber frlends bore, left Oil formod Olmrcb. Sprm -bft'" with I CRANE -Noar Rldg.vUle, No,emborG. DAilrll ".f.>Q >, ~ (;:!lL Q\ ynllr name 1I 6rtt1y pn'11tetl on u ts Illn 1at Iy Sce advertI sement of the CIII- '\ l:dncsd ay lust to VISit fHODd @ tn e~ 1875. of ~~ dUlbolot!, Mr Ed.,D OrlWe, In hl8 g.~Qe~ tli m , mId sent emetcr y: ClUJl Uti Weekly J:.illJ!till~r lndllllm . Allie Will not be jor 4fith) ear the 1\ tlllor of Ifr d J (',\ k, I 1 scm ill! on Mond"X,ltl ,.. Ig otten SOOIl bll nC(l uaiOtuocCB she the Unn er...Funor i \V dr Ii I of tho Bes t Mukes h.t Oh\lruh, Rldge,iIIo - Sor.r , III (;l 'or ' e mOil by Dr JgW~" V( HaiDee. IuLorll1ou <.IU ll. Lvctll nutrces, 100 a huo t mnd e hele, tlO pleasan t are their In Olollrcreolr CC!moLoI'Y UAND ALL, El3lUG UT & CO Hl,
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\\' VILJ..~. ul" lav tWIt. an IlI'kn tJwn 1111111, Let Wt ' Ii 6;, !Lud Ilt) yWN u f --\.:;[)~ 11",,-·, W\1." {l il t to th' 1l1~n H')ll ~e by UIl\.' 0 1 I he 1'1'11 -.11.'1.'. V II ..\lUll ,Juy m 'l rning ·url.\', li """n t vll t I II III I' III i n t L ' yard, W/r crll ho ,," :11; h a r tl y , ~ f il 1. 1"'11/ i Il<tl XEN IA, OHIO . : I II ~.! I' to aft r {j 'IlI "j ill n lU ( t c r itit'l I CUll ' .. - \t ' . I ",t U llit ul .. l Jlltd at lit re; i J, .~ I 1 "M "'1101 B I II :!I pill dili llll •• lI u WlIS r e tll,)v·d iutu t ile I O i'( rp, mito~ l,t I.. l a ith (; :., W . EI~ri ~bL Jm l.or led dlrecll, f....m Eo!!1 0<1: Ii'!.; .. ~: livtul, nllJ s hurl ly nfll' r I:x l'ir J . T Art< J ~I!I IJA:\U ,: ' WHllAlN E ' .M D., , Oll!oo for tb" M~nu f/lOtt>re and 8 Ie JI :l w• .. III T o tL ing \Ya:! fv ulld ut hi p el" I II{/l'aiJ/ /I, . f1 ~!U~ m l tl II by w/r ieb Ilnr cl u W11~ to b nO' UEOP"- THI4J I ""I ct illll II, l '0 ., .'kl '" bta .lllCu, .• V t' 1liS . UUIU ' or W II r eu' l {'(II,el .e l Arn. ' \C llm.' nut. .. ·lll re. I buutl!. lIe w of m edi u m 8iz{I, No . 3 gr y ha ir , slight chin w hillk I Ifio e fit R,·. ide" ~ . l< 20 " m a nd m '!lIstac ll o. Ile hud on 11 s a k 10 It I . IU. O r ~ n1 vll~.. r eit ~~~u~h. UI ... . 0"' •• LOti I' ID COll t o f' fllrlU 1'8 slltin, with blac k U'I\ !.!.21J pm b r ig ht hu ttons' b lack c lvlh pall 0 \ ~.t L. ·. L KEN " -1) . - , <I I I I' m auu ve st. A I'lllllld !.r is n k were \:::9 Peen'Aliv u Pll fH'f n nzill~". W inllow Prl lU r ", = ;,.0. I' nt Huro"",. c . new'.' 1<1.,.10" i'''' rc "" 1 u from Ih o r clor,,·- 0" ' c' . 011
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' 1111,. 11 .....1' , ,' flU . 111.1 n.) \ . . 4\ I f.. " ,. roo ,n· WILS p{lrl'c tly tC UIJ ' rate, h ll v i n g , D " Id."" "hb ,,,. 11 ' t '" IU ' I U'l flll, r\1.• t I, .•• ~ . I ), 1I-,1, f\, 1 re furill,1 w lli s l ey 1I'1I "h WflS o Ocl',,1 ,. h'" ler lh ~.Y \" 'o/lil I\UIII' \ • I 10\' & It r , Ir i n . ' FLOOR &: TABLE OIL.CLOTHS, . •• 1 J. J L .A J .A J, k I" flo(.11 fir uV"" r. I \'1 \ !J•• I I,ot. \ .. r ur I t· ,,-'" 'i"U h lID us I' 8U ' llI e tv vO r y Wet, . All " jd,h ",I 11 11 J; rlltl.·•. Jlb/ ltl ..... '... Tlk! lath,', I 'H~ .,.II f; '" ul;ul.l IUot>.I' 4 ('oj, ' ,~ ••V/1i I1 '1.. . ..... Tit" rClJlai n d w U.I" tie ' II t ly in t erred 11111 . CCIl'l ~H.\r (T(lO] ) ....', I ··.. .. H IlI' I"'al lI.- W I,ut ill 11 11 ' CRU SO ill tho ' m e te ry . lIo ..:..J_ -o ~ ~ ~ All invtLl"'~ It .. ",.,,.111'1' ant ""11" 1'C"<1 to ... n" ...~r - -A!C D- W ilso All k""I. L.mh, .. lIin ,".1 ,' ureal ". ""d., j '/lw/ . \ (llllIllfi an f.l~II I lui.1 111It ',f vl.. ln 1&1111-1111 11 ' "h I..h ~III Ue wh y rhe ' lo u l'('1I h Ull II lIt ~rcuter in · way h ) jllcin Du ti, s ilyi n g h n h is l /l lllIk H lltldlll[ !, e had ( \lrlll .. h,"1 b)' mall C.... \!., (\r .u lIl'" ...ttH " ""d fOut UP"" " ",Ie , A l'UlO~ WAr ~ E . V I LI. E, OJll O. 11u 'l1 in th .. w"dd ~ It i n ot b I'r iends there.- .h·u1lkti1l AdvfJl" l,I~ 'tI "'.)~In 01 " ~I"l' r Ut" ~N.I \ . Ill- ffI " lnlcl' II r cau tle tli ' 1" is u u curn tn tiS n tlt e tis.;/,. I.... ufu ... ,'u C nP: lJOo, k:, u· '\ r ,-"11 1,1t,' .. " • \;" Vt tty t il e "1 ,)_1,'15,, ... "f thu l ",,, l,JI"hIU' U' , I n 'Iorllu. , IJ.' nJlI , k. "''' li" •.11,<1 lr'IOHnC " fOur hue I ,art u f Ih 1! I.i lli te r nl.lIl so m o of (Io.n .. SAVE Y OU R B ONKS. - Th e Buffal 11II,,' '' ''' -.,.ml rOf" 1104{ ~.r clu,,"'~· ' n" nt SUOrl IIllti. I . I ' A tonI), l "Utl ~ th u p lI pl ' • . lhl' a r In ~urnest ; Ex press ru sh es to "l"hll WIN L u t 1 )\f,It..,Uo,;ce D OW or "'~ " C U J' N ICE S TII1R D S'I'REf :'I', :U:.Ul l'I"'N . til e li'ollt with; te n l hli l! AlllO, t th o ~u I't' l IS I'I'(Juo h, d fa~ t !:r~llIy: N o w here's this "1I .i,,,". I. 4 1l"", 1 U , D r. m. fl .. J.' CINC INN ATI, OHIO. ' PE. m u tt r of bou 8 , ulld t lt u IIII~" t uo: , IIIt~r 1\ III III UII Doc 'f ' 8, Ne ", ~ o r". fvr ~II tanco. N o bol1y thinks u f " Ileadqoarters For BUNKETS! 8~ 00 PRR D A I . but tit h.11I liS pl .~ lICIt d, d ~tI u o t ' lwesOI' viog bOlles n o w .n · dnys. You .. A .'IE.. \v ........ O!'l, P ..... r'. Bcd CCJ wt l1rL8 , our 0 \\ n mnkc . l ltHtl\,s",cd, ACE'N T WANT ED. d 'sCClld II 'tv pili tWII!: ~ I' : su til t lr u bu y y Ilr m ont wit!: I t~ of 1:>P i l1o w'd tu tti UvIS!OfS 0 11 hnl.tI .... d lUuJu b Ollcs n a . FOUTa II' tb l ."UlO.r of •• M "DrC At. ltV .. 10 (· It\ll'l ·h~·~ tl l~' I'U u n~ dl ~ h o"est men ill alld tillm tho butcher SE'l'l l BnOW N, to order Dotton .... llt'dlHj.(s a ll J otte r ho u n " ft ... H.L" • book that ~,Il ht'd" i M III~l1 l ttn ;S PI1111\\' C ,,,oi n~s. 'l'1I1.lp Linens, /l1l.l.1 11'1 'k y 111 '11 ; I~IIJ tit ·~o lIre 111:8 o ld tit III to or IIvrr ...,'\0,000 rop l,"!lI: ,.140., .. t ·'I'I.\Il'( It u"' . y o u at t'h c rate of Napki ns. D~.'1i'M. Linens, '1 AI r;;." IUI, ra n.~~Jl lly ))1 "', .. b .... I. 1\ hu 11 p'll n tl·d. " Ill li S Sl'CC IItlI: II . ll\'tc k s u f ' l(j t u :W c e llts a h a,., ",,"l ' ATTO RNE Y AT LAW , p ulld cons id er . Wayn e8\·ille. July 14 , 1873. 1)ld}J'-' f .ll , &f: • ' tn lHJl1.c d 1(1 Iii" ' l v'nlur 'l0, 1{)1"'I' l'·.... ut ..... nt s.'l ....,cta th t~.nll'\c ".1101 01 I'g. dir ed . UIIlI U- ~IO " Y, 'will. h t~ 11.'"010 III.. II\: I ~Ia " .... I III BUrl"s. pr{'u'h : Iltc ly c ult! th III out for yon-tr ims C'O~TK~ ..... l ,U U 1-" t~l e ~!hP\!' " I pllr,loIlI: till' ~".~ Jle ~ o f . th u pie ce you knuw- lInd sd ls R pla.i l.,d It Whot r'M'" P J'i"('/J l AXD KO Til R e tu [>{ ' /JLIC. nr All, tlN'I'UnR t h,. 11,..1 1U., •• , f"tI" L1 \1 '", ' .... 11 "h. ~lhl' l't.l' . .I he .~ "ill'~'1 " ~ '1I1."' l lh :III I~ 'II , I uve r aglllll to t ire fILctor io8 forthtiv O r li el':' t Ol' (I"hol I,. Inll Iul'\' " r 11"l1t AII,l ), ... m 1)10' • Ul rrtf!; (HI "'I I"t.·l \ l lOn (J ,lrlll' l .1 O.G~ lu M!CCUlIt' • i\r,. . .'uUdl ••• ~ Ulh. \: 1LcU1.eu jJI OlDl_ tl:, hy s\.I I :I,1 "\\ o . k· ! t" .. It I" IIr " oo r &. r Ihe ):~:ra111m r tUg .. .1I1~1 Illl l1 ~'!\ k ,": IH 11: 'l l t ~I C ~ I~ •.".'~ I II I' Hix C('lIt8 a puund. A s we o go be CJ:l7.lay. whlW'- L.tm , C 1 t~"1 ~.rL ~ ..b""" l. w en , n 5 $6 :l lll tlr l' Il1 l1 n II It " g ., 0 t .. c hul ch. ,1 <'1 \ ill fo r ev c l,), Buci al refo rm ,\ 4 t 11 1..- 1.. , y o u ClIlI lIlt' n ' U 1IJ WIJ1UtU-"& llLt" tQ ,,'11 'U BUll d u), 111101 t .. Il l(' l·" tll lIllIlIl l 'IIl' V· lt i lik u f, we illsitOt ttlt' f .r.'\; .. ing \\ ork ... l.U _h rllH a Uhrtn.1 Vrtlftt. wl1l lilut it is high 11 A:; II ho 1I1l. ,1I. l.,,1, 11\11 '11 ~lh'I' • r ,.",.. 11 ("'\II\l&.'8 el'YIIII~0 11I th I'tl l . ",Ito Ill·ll t e·,1 tll e ,. t i m P {.pl c s lI\' ed their bonos nuJ h~ , \' 11~"'l\ 1Ilt\t." ~ '11 .., ,) t'," I I lollu"", ,: . I,nl!ui". a ll( 11'( tll. 111.1.' • .1" IU I~ ~p\.' " 111 " : . l 'lit tit il' 1Jl\)II CI"S \vOI·tI, whe \\ ,rlc: ~. " 1'1.41 N J h )l' ~ 1~,u,!C." I~ IInnlNllnrJ, n th Y For the Laundr y, ~ '" hl l"I..,,-I Lu ildu llA. a nti" Be. u ~ R l:ot :; .n""T·~ t. w hu l Ih e t hl·I~I I.1H l'.dl ~IIIII.'I "c,; 1"1' iJ lII eu t. lle lld t! 1llll.Il'ib s bring ~I.\:;U.·A I' Ittl/) /IV jlt" ( h" l htn" ( IIr I h"l' nun~, ~'Ild rl,r ntentt th ~~ ." IH1t'tl lh ~·llt'l' ltl . ~ '.\ I ""hl $fi ar o ll. I\l luare nlways i ll d o· t.:\I)III" " ",I lOCI' f dr ,nuNJ!v"jI Tht' f"rll'ur an. w " ... ~hl ' 11\ \' .or I lIgl\~ ; but It III r caSull · II IlLt It l fo r fe rtilize rs . I 87Ci. " lIlull 'U\I I" (.It '&"1.... llRa \\ M et: lo"U'·1Ii ft.n" a;ru nlJ. h ou ll ur. ' lI\u(4 r I • •1\:11. ,u.) II.hlJU l 11.' klll_ ur dl t lJhy.. lcSIlna. ln g lI lIl t 1I1!11l ·lIt ·C'; a Illt gu II t~lil\' 1' 1 b lades IIl1d sh i ll d lIre w o rth $11) a Tlte B rfit 'larel, i n tl, lJ'm·ld. '1Ii('l"r~ til 1"lt lil u" In hllrl\ l'lt~ JI,' nil I t! c.irhet v f pl:u \,h· II I 1.' 1 l' l y e'Jll llllnlll ty.- t U II Il lid ul'e I!;luJIy. Hf 1110' f"r' I{t1 lrl~ " 'u r \ ... "& I ~ Nt It J:>tI 8rOR'f '· lJVll g ht by tltc I:JV ES Il BEAI' T IF [, FlSI 'iH T O Mil 0>111) \)\: h ..· 1 Ilt "~"'IJ"'" Or uC thu l 'u liH.b W&. 1'lt CI'C w ill be 11 11 r <, v iml lit th at II g:II"1' till l'l'd A ;lu }JCl'tilHl S wll , T il l> LI NE~. '~lId the eu>llaelwceu it ""01 elltlrc h tll ili l th is ' ~ I "' 'i ll' !! 11 uri ck" • ", . ~ , ~ I M r , " .. I ubtllihf',t In t).Ilth [be · I '. I I' . ) cumn",n olil rolo '" oenr·o l<· hlli fa CCUL for 11 11 . 1 k I' I I pl'l'I ' r tiro lr! ClllI:r ta ' CtI lIlIt , . I III , ... t1IJ1 u' hu c k o f c IUICC c uts t lilt III .l uet ortl iuII'Y w",II,"S' A'k ),our grocer for it . .A.fiiO D.'t". VV" Q:IO. t oel.. th e h urn s s h uuld ill ll iijt IJI' is trutl t> t11l1 tt·r\ ili lu "" Ill ctlllllg tl PV ALJLJIU.SS A5 ,u;UI & II iravillg th e h OI'n d t1r1'0 1l'1I iu, j KING F.lRD '8 bet~l' . . fu r t h ey brill!!: $ 311 a ton bitll It .we eUl'!II' t l.> . d eslr.. a Irl1 . Ulld I o f Ihe hide fOlllld h!1llg illg, Bud t ll th e m Is the origillsl -E, I.a bliBhod." I I'4ll. .A lid g e llllillc I' 1'11'111 III " IIr \1:< I' lri ll S, rtrc oll~erly 1I0ugirt pi o~e n' ... ~ it s r~lJ utl\ t it.., I'll !! T K n ~ f"'!.R. 101' by the gille SONG S & C IlOI~ ES. tlrl' r nltl ~t loll II 1'1e ll ' I " n ~ tl ,ll! ,,: 111 rn n nufllc tlll·Cl1I. Sec l ' l.f Uf. ll anu ~II IH UE LI I'A T K "llIlU allY hull' IUlIc h 11'0 35 eR N't' E/I ' II. oiIM' a rI ide uf the kiml " O·. r· )J ot tul~ tlh<l lll lh e ' .:\ c.~~~I.I~I ~ S I: I ~~II . wu. to.it 8t in this unc littlu WhclI Littl,· ~1" , " l o IIktl IUntt'r cil , clthl.' r ni t h o 8 111110 D ,Lmo Ir e!l I ".1 , h ilt the uX<. lud l."g ",II ,. vI' l>'Jll eoS' .1o' II" i• . tbe Flo..',), ur ,I," " "II. L ot us sUl'e bu ncs . \Ve 0' wiL;' othur t,tles. fIlIIl CS., o f .I·a . (·.a l.ty . 1).1 1.1 I I.'g . o f Ull\.'t ccon omizl;! :-c1,ool· l1<1u,o on Ih e 1Iil1 if wo r c a lly WI s h ' '''·E''.Oll MA CAn. .. . Ph . f). &0., Iho I I I k j I Bo." i ~. w i:! Y' u \.0' 0 ~I o~ stc~ IIIg. ... \' 1 1"'11 ' Itlg,'" S all ' to tic e I! pOCIO puyrncl lts ill uur day. hil!'hc8t ch"miual anth." il.V o. Europe . Mre · ~Iy PCllr 0 101 R on'c. full ) "",dy7.<'rl 00 '10 S,,,,,·h. " nd •• y. iL d I'In g 01 CUI ct"' I ~tlell~'- Uti well a s . _~_ _ Nol,l ,,· S" el1 W I \Il LI!; .., ,\ I.E i. Q (U"O' u ce ll ou! " rl icl. of dio t, and in vt' th e I'i 'ell, t. llI\t ll llll ~ l·l·e II l'e 1-(1'''.'' Th o Lillie L og O~ I.iu ·~ Ii< ' Hom e, ILn<lr ,,11. Church 'II Mll di eal Visitor fur chemic.1 lind 1'" ".11111( nropc'lie B is . run v 1& Mother ,ber e Y . I l '1'\'8 CIil lig Nuv.,lI lbor Cl, tl ld I u Ill u b et l arrtJw b y Olld V 'ccl~. ' Su e, ' cOlltam ll evoll Tie Ornn " " Ch o Vool~Wltllo·. Ddtd . orc DJre t liolls for makilOlIroot P"d<1lngs . Cus l~rd8 WO i:l.hulJ 1'1'0 1 <I I' 1111; way v I tlr l' 'Jr igi tlul rl:llding matter and Le It er. .M:td chIi Il OC: rI\\, c , nccolll i'" lIy CReh vne' l'" uu<1 pack,,!!,!. Lord. St{l]\ clr 'IIti IIg, ":liJ J llhll t " Ulns io thllu lIM1I1l1. DII tuev .M nohl 00.. The first arti. lI.r ."1/1 ....1I1_ g....,,,", , Dor& hnr1 in:;. Spectacles, Tool :,; &. M aterials. the publ icu.lltl. StuI' " jvl'II'o alld cle , 'An Hour's 1'ulk with Titieus ,' 51 7 Om I grulIl bl ill/!. sal. eI J 11111 NULAN D'~ BY HAYS . 10 t I10 s o I· is i1luslla ted with u flue portru.i t of 'Th "cry h •• t I. rli s' mngn,ln e pnoU. br·d.' ~] • 11 S . W. Cor . Sillh alld Main !';t ~ di 1'. ' to\, tlll' lIi ll j:! .I" '1Ir Lonc k s III th e film Il. s ingo r. Mr. \V. IIONGS AslJ olton SI<:S, 30 arB. KAen. L: IN C IN:-.IA1'T. O. S. B , - \8 u,,;e:, ~.~ ". ( N Y ' ), t' o~' rl,. r. on, SII."'" .YOU R \'il .8I'u RTS . tho c ry 0 1' ti ll' u " blitutc, s aiJ J olin Muthcw s c o ntrilJllt cs a Wh e,'u i~ P.,!'" In," lghU very inter· o::rCH EAl E & BES'I . .£J] .. Ih,", ,'. Illld , 'ol d II, E .. " .~~DI! •• ~.U.E. . t o tlt u '" wl ,v had Ill ore t hllu UIJl: I SI' CU lL d Jutlic i,t/ /) i.~ /l' ictoJ Vltio t' r c le (Ill '1'1 e lal ~ C I :-; h llt.!UW-4 (Jf I u lig A[;o . f-:Ii In ~ U I'I , ," I hhweSlc \' 0 .. " 1'11" ul'I", SI" ' J ' 0 \.,,,1 on Ihe o ~Cllut. Sto p y o ur l'r iul', IIIU ' w e Hl ' trus t ItI Mu ' ! ": lIut llI .t eor li L \,r\ . . ! l fl W All fO h· J)l\rli n ~ I IIl IlIf,( t1l1 Ie, wili c h young mus l ~- .~ ~ ~"'nl" 01 1..,11' nll ll . ",1 I ~ "- . •,1 tl,,· " ,"e I Times of Comm eneeme t o ,mr I' " )plc; s t Il l' yon I' prid e , y v tl r ci lltls s h o uld reud 01'11 10 IJ, · ""' " w, ~ t \'co l, o Cu ll" at n t of the nnd 'Plea ant l :Jostage · ,. 1 k l id nnall u!Jscl'ip '''! ,1 ".' 0" It .. rr·, t,,',,,,," . Th" .10 "0,,10 ,·. Dl " 1T"IUl Idl llW 11 f1 1d OIl \ \ Uli.lU I/.(. I'd I Itgu ' , .' Tj)I'I'jll ' \- COm.l O:f l'lEA S ' UO· , YOIlI' II ur IIIC Il . Illll HI ~rl l ud II nlUll:l lIIg !" ' el'4 t.1 It o.to l' l lOlI ~ 'wh " u ,", lI, m ' A 1Ih.'t ' C" ltI, \\ h y I lon' t Y IlII \\~ nL , 1\1 )h' , Sii h'r Y sk e tch. ' .:> he " ~ , ., t lo ns. .. .. aIr v lh e r "in's wc hal' c ~ l'lI k II I .'l\ Ulllltail l H Ollie,' "" \\ FI'I IICIo, II ~. M\"lUish. "",I ,h." re,·o r.! Th e II ithe, ' 01 JlQ~o . id 1)l lllISillg and . "---"'~.. -- .. -,, --,, ' " I I ' , . , f Lh ci r " d"l lItu ,on love." mil k" uho l' e . ., ,tor,' " I )'" u'l l t' .. r~~ 1 ~h· . II> " n,I. lI y. top t , in \l Llg )'U tl 'UII ell' 8 !.rightly . c:Jr' E "cr,l' sul,s.· ril ,o r fo. 187 (; will 1'0 Tho otlr e r litemry RI" p' e"'lIlcrl I L wllb " -up •.oI " I.rg" ... e I 81e, I " .I",,,, c 11 11 <1 110,1 IIIgg IIIg , rrI e .. . t I Pl olui!ifi\ ' "0 11 ' 11 Le 1'1U t o 1,,1 0 tl'r h ellYon with lit Ilc illf{ Ir o l,)'. - lielcti Ilru'Au llllUU I lrn u g , .. u . "'un. I H'($. Flower s.' .Fmn· ugmviufl'of T,,, ,,, IoI'lI'o celohr"t.·d piclu, . 1.l llle 1I i"'l i, ~J II Y , 'f 1\ E ' t"l l tlrl ll ki II !!: .' .Y OU ('/tll b l'('P I1 Itl IltJI.Y c i ___ ~U lt o( M, Soul. :--:Ilcrctl ~olo II IHI Q )lul t et . J 0,01 ,h Uuydll , •M ns ie at 0 1' ''I'hl' ~ i~lllm: of the H" ·Inrl\ti"o 01 I lid. A S e.co/ld ' ·Far mt''''S V'lra tiu n," \ B, ' ;.1. GEO. E. lV ." DI N C; , " r. peuliuu{'().' Till S will be I Pet.croiou's' CCII DIII'I'IU CT VOl.'R·I' IJ. by snyin~ a pl'll)"er 1111(,0 in tll'(·llIy · 'l'l'l\chilr~: In til~lte,' . ' BY 0 A N K S . M' . C . and many leoni"lll if' . 1Iil M I IJ 0 ,,1. "'An 'N? i. nu" In Europ.·. d . i,",/: . OI:::~::,,, , ~~"~rOUIII ) four hili'S, tLII I loy 1!\l 1II ~ to c lom" 1r ~ hul't HI·tt c les wilich 18 Ih e onl< p"l",r ,'x 'IIIs h'ol,l' tlc,olcd '" th o I)n ... 1t IIl ~ I" ' IO n 1,' S Wi ll , ~ l1 r iO' lo m lo ~ lI n g . gll'e fro~ hlw88 M :::'~\: I(i ·'I'nr.ft, o s ·. ~IAI"IT.' NK" cll o""in8. e,·(·ry ill" .0w. l.oul rod · 01 two ~HI1IJ.·, " !,,,d fin ) I Olll , k,' OU once in UIIC htll ldrcu HI!d ·ixl)' . anJ 1~l'i cty t u tiro .\ Ih , .... 1 I lrt · I l l't. .':ud ::-; Il H),t" POI,I'r ICAI, .~ G l~NEltAr. Ull tl', MIl "'h 'W y ~ ar. 1000 pogo' . 14 , tc"II'I.It·s, 12 cII I.. reoi mil l'" one 0: ' . h II I' . ~i ll g- ) 11' 10 ~ t e. ' p . ~ lo ~ It~1 'U II g: 1I 1H1 dl(H U " . h Ill·" , 1.·,.o1 e " lid ."'.It reo l· 0 "0"'''' Co ulI l.. · · ,bto.outl . . s .a n d d ITmga?i ne. fTire II Ol~ t, Ucrlinl)n MII "1 1U..'~~ I ~ nl' t g i l t tlY If) ~tcru9 , d'.~! .I ·l WELF m.mmol b,·01 " rc dfA, h "' n " . ~ "f t la, WII ... grll\" n ~ ,·"lIc,. " I t; UlOI' '' ! \I"ut ARE oj tlto J'FOl 'J.H. .: ol ll ,,-· ~ L 0 11'1111 '1'1) \\11 • • ' IH! 1I 11t1 (·"·I[ u:t . )pUl"trnc lI ts BI'C U , plntc s, ~4 pug!.'" of I1IU ... )(". ILncl1jijO rrO", " ' y Cuu ll t\' . \\0 dcu t~ '1'111 01 !-ecoll d ,.u rie~ o f pt f"~ r~ f' rtllU ·\1,,"·1 II oculati o n , II VI' by wi ti lri II~ tl.'l· it. 11110 til I!!-"" t u h e. Wll rl ~1I CouIIL" , " 111 0' ug S II..d . p h.: tll C " C! I IV (om it "lJ u g . tlti I t( e ll P"l{cs of voclIl Ap r , 1 I '! tl ' Cll t "" 1"0' <menls will ho milo ' ill )10:76 , " ' 11 m .. re IlIl,·r. ·Iill~ !~AII It l'ldd lloth l' '-' lc uol l'l: of illfj lliry t1iU'lt from :-\ ill g' lilt ' II .... O ll ~ bnt hyCUt · II l·~ t II II d (;" II <lt lllll s tl' il'ill !!' anJ in btl'uUlc utul tl:"1 "Ioie h " ur ' Olll.t .. " CO,, "ty, 0 1 111\' N .r uh , flO II ~ i.~ elm . music cruwn a AmOil!; Ii,,· 111 " ;11 1, · ,, ."ri08 of i1luslrlltcd "i" ,I I ~ t.he p\" 'I>Iu, nnll UII I'IWo.f :i t h"m full y Yo i t.hout . I ,·, ,,do,·s ftrenlr e.,dy l. ft" llIlI' \\)110 '." IUII ' , \\' " 01l t. n. SW l'f l ! ~ ~ r t O (' 0 11\ 10 SU II ~: u ' ll i ll ll l le. Onlllll'. . b f l ' , II tido s uD Ih o li, e. t Ex hibition nt Phill"ld · A I' aI 'A rC ~· .HJ III Im lly IlilLt!, or hClIl lIl. - Will mUll." . IJl ay l' l'l! 1111 d .01' C v e ry attractl v o UUIII Ul' EUIt d" lt l , 11I1 Vil ll l'lII \\1\ 11 111;': :-O;ollg &..ho. 0 t itS phil! . • Iai ch .,11 nlnn,· I.e wo,th tbe .uo II', cltlu 0,," " 1' . It i ~ t he ",h' ne li e of l ight 1111 11 \1 ... " r allingd, Wllh ""wy ~('I' I'i cctl allJ 1,0 1JIIlur lIlulI ical .journa 8ti c l' to III 1I · t.I " I ~ \ t tv lUlU IU . I .. ar kc Un" nly ~O ll ,:.!; 111111 c.hv n nt. l. Snmpl e Icrillitm prico. 1'hoy.1I1I I,e Ullllt'Ul' rilllely ~I.y II 11 11 . II n<1 too grcll t;, t good tn th e,1Igren te , t H u l l )~ O Il C A1I t.}!11.!1 sne nllll 'II tS, II II II III k' ·It'" (I til· 1' (' I I c pic uf th V ISlru I i l'lI l ro , .... ,I!i q· co mic. \ ' _ __ IIUIIIII\' r ' J:edhedD ,..I.hu,p olICeUh .. a cy. l. will be SCllt c" IItlTbc 0 "'\\1 ' 1 t .1( 0 1110 MO IH·t! ~11 11 ~ II l u t ('llIlI ll ", gioll R 1'1 illc i l'l (,R " " lVl!l~( dll j's i ll t.) fill rcce i pt of 0 110 II is nPP '\Mod to tll o IInwl ",c rtncl cli -i honc -It I llrtll C'O'IMO N I'I.I! "'''' • 0"11'.'", . stump. Addrc~s C<! lll ellll i nl i n P en fl,nrl P ell cil.' lJ,: ull ti ll' St lt·cr..... !"'c .. iu·cu mic sung-. Chlt' : -I 1°14, .. 11,1, A 0 ''''0 11 I t cl hRt 'It )IIl S llcll I Ilr c hLted ' 1 the lI .u tl ft, l,,, \v \·" ulIlI . .1:""" " III. M". I~ . d. ~ _I II IIlsiers I 0111' ,,)ti S ( Cl'Pllg, It " lI J I 01 lurcl 1& C 0. , 'lbu iIUIllOII'e clrcul.li ullo(Pe wnoonon" ~l'WIIj.{ !Cplll 'I ll fl opp rl'H1wJ the m'u", 11 K l'eu.1i:l.1'l1 ill nct of o<1le' lir. ll of STE WAR T. a IIr! dol I'll i II<', i ll t" LI llI' IiII'm i III{, i 11 10 C i IIci IIIIlIti. O. OlD '· .... :-0 0' 2 , R''Iolu ' ilOnB'·. \ 1',·. M"u,I,"'\.'"ul ;; n""".lty.hlo . c " . .lnn".1.III)111 . Mn< 'on ne n'~.-T1=t+..tnlr Uirll l!'.. \\i th 11ltl \ Il ~ lli II II W. S . hle < 11< l',nplieLur 10 ~pl' nd morc money on . .., , 0, , .l·II cr•. n,,",,1\ I rnm e lD l jt' I1i ~hment 8 , 8tor ie ~. &c • ( ' 0 , th.tn 'lII)' ... 11 .. III l'I'C llll ll tl i:l.il 'g . illt, UtiI' Uled i· p " rhe lhll Ouu t l~ i .. (I I • J" "" '" III \I " l ~:I. , ',t II, t t ile I" ()/}lc '14 rnollc,v .. to es 111 1.111 h,tllds of tI ll" I'~ " ' ,,,1\."' ('11 II d lnt "Ih,',· It g;'.• • IUo,e lor tho wO"")' th"u . . . T llu '\,1111111 ,.1 ~ a lJl.. S c.- hl mo. 0. tl l' \' i l C to ,\ d t lll~, 1. ')\1. l . 1 ., I • • I I I I Mnl' kola. MII,,"i CIIIUlld I1l~1l I 1'l' il ctICU l·u h l l UWY 1 '111 . e J" " S WIr< 1 " u .! 17 11 1111 It.J II" ..tlUru . 1 .I ~ , II .. , <l/l (fI N' 1I I', l , h ~('c th e ~l) lI rrul u f t ho I ul' l c uey in e8vlle U ' etll u ' ,Ill!! fl i 0 , :, .. cp . un y iut 'c " ," . ~" UI1I"" \,III"';1I Uu ., I', h , II, ,lil lie :', \1\', :.! 7 'h e ~ III ' O 0 11 4' I.i ",· cd 11 1(' i ll 111 \ ..... 1,·t! 1' \\ lI rol 1I,e"n ,0 lull .<.;, O. (.'/ltIl'dl 1ll flll. ufu, te ,. - t. . l l ". ~e 1 1 . lI l '""" l d ~ of ,) . Ih . I u Bulter ,""."')' ~rolley I ; . 1 \ . II.,, 1111;.3 lln,l :'1),1 c r l: IIi u,ti1tg It l illlc 1I.1I1 d rl \\'" I I \," p no, IIIl1 rl' 25 JU;'; \\: U. ~ . -ca-- -nn~ " ' I1 I ,.c rcnd .lth" .." c , e h.h m l.urJ]7 , I, UII. OO " ~ ",, I UI IO' ~" ' I"'OO" ·' C\ CO ! II IIt: t lt )l I\'lth ~l! ~ Ctl1:NIUI ,1 c 'll~hlU tl 0 1l " ·,tllcn lJ Ullt v 1"1. , ,, ,, . 7 . .: .. ,," ;,. 0 .. 1 It •. II Tl.h Thl' rc is t il 11" a ~I'I ' et ca l i l~ '1 11 '1 1' BY CHR ISTIE . ~ : d"l ~ ': r', h Hol ,ur n t ill u r"ll ~ ill J.; tIlt' E ll unt. y , .I 1t1l lU , \1 \ ,!'I,l l 1,t ' Ii 15 Are Ihe be, 1 pul,li.bed onywheNl . ,. All the 01 the .",·.• r. BI'I II ,""II y II II1 <1 ... tou " "'e l". '\o" tv" ·VUII' ~ ~g~ \I'I~ 01 ~1I\'C ' 1I 01 C ll t OJhf.'H,l s . \\ h l l ~' the 1H'let· Rl o ... t r o pul nr WillOI S nrc l' mpl lJ.\ ed \\) Y• •1,," 17 •• 1,,,; " ". Uct lti. wril-e in Undw,.l Iu(\ I'I's 11 11 11 " II Frldav - - -i 11 ( - - CIll'cso 01 J.,hor 111111 I I~ pr,ltlu(' Ir- , r! ,,1 et' Lll t l. untl 18 " oi ~ illRll y fe, l'eLI·18on . In I h7ti, ,n aodi.ion nill~. "II t1d" AMEI UOAN COl LFOES I'I" ,' :In '' jl icc lIf Ih'c eve II j.:l lt l u l l llt' ~pI ( l hlll',op h:'/j IIIV IJ C ~I ) hanl l l\ ' 1l1i -I i to Ih.·". u,,1 0Iu""ti'1 0f -I,ort ot,,';o_. FII' t I alltil, - ... , lJ 0 1 l ' l I ' F I RULE OF l ' IL \ l'TI l' E. OIHOI N AI. (;O I'YRI\m T NOVEI. ETTEF:. Iv .~ Dri e d Beof, u0'l'''"I:" od W 2:? @2 5 ;, IJ· I n J, .... 'c I Ht, 1 :-. I:: ,\ VOlt l\ . c. ' X rilla'n ~e. pcclh . ly 1 '.I. ~h "; r f, ie ml,: w,'11 I hc nC'l • h n n;.!; 1I1g the o rlg in nl conI! ,1Ct. Will he ¥ I\' c n. IJ~' Mr.. It i. h",cb , 01110 c,1 lh .t '" " I ''' ' C< con Anll S ~ tepll e ll !l. nppl: uf d u rin pec tt't1 h) II·t.,r (;a \'c ••• oll d II) J l' g tho yenr 1111: 10 \' 1\ cu lIIt~\ r 11' 1'r1l 1' ill th~' I)lfltri " " " \11, \~ l U it h III Itu IL'" !'" lHl .n I lt.,lt.11 ... k It I II c.' I I'L ' I . . , li nt! m l ki llg- llu litlll'll } "l,le n rl'l' Ben "dlct, Mr~. F. U. Jlu,mtt. \·, t 'II "0 11 0;;0 li fe m.,"e, II,e-n p" posit U Il\'c kli c tIl .ld " (If the StUI le pc , • • "I"'C' "''1 "" ' 01 to , hie J'UOnl1CI~ iU AltKE 'r. n 1,, (. 1. "" II". fi'nL d,, ' 1I1/J1I 111 I llri ll'll tl u f Ie;.ru I 1.{' Ufh·r1ol , 1'1,8 I,r ol l ~ ~ ~ ~ "lid IIlhe '·8. ,,,I I.' t~Ulely, lI"d "l1l l~ cu,, ' 10' Ilte no II "us,,1 01 Lhe I. r", ,>I S '\( , Cuu loatl' l'ial, i ll u ~, ·" I, · 01 (·"vcL ' I'I' . lit I\ ~I(! CU "POll , fn\O'II I~ nl or 25 p i' l ("C IIL . III t -' -~~ Mamm othtolo re4 Fashl •• Plalt8..• Ileot,oll . \ ldu"" lu the fc \\ III th e l' XP CU " ll ed ji lL' IU I I1 Y" the dL"Jr. \\ . w i~ h th e IJn.thl'l '· II 1.: LLJOTl '. C.. rreetod oy S,de" & Company. II 1. 11~; I : I\EIl Ahead of 1111 othora. 'l'heBe plates arc ell . 'fh e· I h~ umptiou ACI, dCDltll clin,LC t lillL 0 J.D N E IV 0 R II". 1\ u ;x r Hnl F. . /r vud uf ]lncl, e lo rd ll ii d tlr l! ir g uests FI .I.un: ' \I ,,) 11'1'11. whit h il'\ ultc rh inl}lI l1h lhlt.· . I\ml p1.lt-i ng Il le $4,00 gr" VI'don . tecl ,~\\'I- 1t Tn . V . V \! • . .. ".ond 1.:I " gRlltl.'· 'III1.trnr.<1urtl c l~ '8 JA~I1, ~ H ' :0 ' 1111': . ,\ IV I '( ) A X. o (lUr, nn Old No .. It O. F ULTUN, II rc un"lunled ror oeouuy_. They ",il l oe "", Yurk o I,v.lohn 1'. ~, O " J-.; :'l Hllt1.0W oiJ lccl KO'lghL lor ,WI'nt, ~ u " r'" further un' ulllcrry titll\). VoJ h e at, old, . "ill " 1'1" ftr KI F IJ I' liuch IIl1d othel' CI illl8l-1 again 'l t 1hc Ileo 1 25 I"' rbly colo,w,' Also, Hou, eh" ld ,,"d o~her 011 01' .• ",i will nU,. cl l)jll.s J I - - ---.. .~ - . . 110, . " n. 1111"" 01 nil. in "I e th e Enqui!('" will Illh' QCILtC R c..:luln!.;"u ill 80 to 1 00 l·ecctpt.B j in sho r'. cv ~ r" Lhi ll g l tlt" l c ~ tilig 1.0 ~ 1".l lt r cuulltry,\\'homll ... be •. 'l'lIan\( ~i v illg.dlly eOIUl!~ Ilgnin \Vh eat, n c W, M tUlurtlotu rcs ull klUd :!C fl f H l t'lh l , Ouko r k w l1 h i lltc l C:'! t t h e , th l! ,uflll ln lstr.. ' ftJtI o. go,,'cruJD ont affnll s , 4 1",Ii<o ... .... ~ ou the :!!)t/r. rlcvl.lnp monl uf Lh" duily (l lr W,.y n e,*,\,ill u lUl U d .. , JoI IU T tll ll ll l J II..r ltj'c, 010" t h LLIII}; 75 N . D.-As tho pllhli ber nO" prop"y" til<' "tl\:tli"o okl y '0,"01111 ( ' C,, 1 no ell'vl.oli •. Hlld 1 It o SlI,lo of Ohll '. " .," ",n < ollnl) . '' is () I ~rn, nCIJlh bor houd , Spccull tU t t.' II !t\.l U i g' IV tJ ll ,.,· tho rl """,t l'eeull"r' l. \V ,II. II I{lil KIIII. I.. ~ lerk " f Ihc Celebr ahon for 40 @ 60 pos tago to ulllllU \I Kuht'crlhe I 8 , .Pcteral l l1 i8 hie9 -- --~. ---the Cen tennial t,u furnu>I}lIl1 g' uldi II tllU L' 0 I Ouurtllf C "!IUnUIl 1' 1011 I't , \\ lth LlI l l.IltI r t ll' S Lid 21> @ 30 r n E A 1'CR Ttl A!Ii I:V l' lt , In ftt.d is f'"U~ CU~APX8T E\'ro rj' wite.. lIniLol' B/I LI.OU 'S MON rilLY l\!AGAZ INE.Year. ill pru fu ~ClI\' illu oI (ru t cd, county, cCrl.lh t.llilt lIw , fU T. uts, ,,. TIIX " ""LU . j. !"UIOJ.{ I~ II tl,l y Ihu8 ollAlllill!: liS to g" C 10 o"r do, cri l' tivc I IIIk ,:n ".ud Tho D cct'lIIbe r lIumhol ' of Bnlluu' s Flux Seed, It \'O U wOllld kuo\o\ nnu undcrst nlld Uw 188 co, "ccII), c"1 h ,I " om "lhc, ,,1 h ' l 1 ~5 TII.MIII , AI .....' . I. AdnobCl l, S~. Y.,.r. IIn<1 naralllivo a,t,eles. "J . . , all m.:8 , Ul(' lIt 'l Hil I! I' O'cc L8 u f l).Itt t rmd flit lire iC , , . 60 raJ 1 ou ~ cop l"1 fur 13.GO. 3 COpi"8 fllr *4.~O. wiLh mUllont ",.1110 nevo • • ' lnlnedinlerest II",l l' er' 011 fil o III noy Oth ' ~ I Jl tlgllz,"e IS IL .OIce ono, WI'11 I I'td Jlarloy AND l'ART1 E8, . ~i sl ut. lo lI , Il lLd tue En qllir er uurillg thi t:! uti in n "" " ,11 ... 't 30 8 COJ.>Y oC 'he t Potatoe s, _ I ~1. 11 HOl Kltl~ '. k ",1 rer,odi cn l, l' ndo, ,t. IlUpCI' b 0I1gl'UVtllgS, 1 S ncw !" ",",ia, m 1U" ..o~ill' (:.I I x 26 ) '_1 II G"" -tu .....,1 OClober un shurt u o ti~o 1 .. I,." kl'('IJ im porl nu~ cri8i~ , no<1 Buoscrihe 1'0' Ibu le"r :.!9. .... ype , IS,5 L:lo' 8 00 'ob .. ilmu Yo'nlng, ' .. five dollareo graviug, 101I"";1,· m.nL Ib e mo !",.I"o will ill Ih" fUlu ," nud heavy " ' bite I.)aper. The COil' U loycl' S eed, It! jU . -- - . to 'be porooll gelUog up the oillh. cd 1'0 delO ted. " . ,t 1"•• 1.... ·" .11 Ih e p •• t, 10 Timoth y Seed, TER MS. 4 (10 .. copies fo ~ ,G. 0. 7 C ll p,e K C"r t il . "llh so uII<1lh",t\lIIro tellis tll'c ln~ II."[lt'l· tiS t o~er, Co,i . t ,,," p ro;!, •• ' . .IlL Call1le i'Conl doliver od 28 .. " cl trA coP Yof Ih. M"GA7. IDC for 11076. ~i ng lo t Opy. olle .l'oar, brac ing tll'l IlIg sca s orros, cdm. at "" bour •• nH ,1 " ~"pl'ly 01 t2 011 """I(~ o· 'iFr0:rU'@ :?l:i.1'!,[ , ,,:., J:,~[Li'u , II I'roru,"m ,iolhe per. oo goUing Up tho clllO FI\'IJ (;OI. Il.'1i " m cst ic $1 7a ea c h , s ketch os und u""_ "" H I ,r, cloqno nt Yong biogt> ny," 'lhcllllaio ,oigue<1 r.'j(s to In i'u ,m Ten 20 5 c01'le8 (or fB.5U, rOll lcB fur fI2.511. I:.! ,. ) Glloncb, 10 1111 )oc l.ry, nil Jf tho 1R:i:~"rU' . Ouost qlltLlity , Hockin g Vallcy, " 110, pul. li c ~' ''''I ,a1ly . th.11 lo u I",. 't'w~nty •• l lOt co plell'o r.1 • wilh 1.,lh all . :ll .... tOpy o. oco UI'Y 0'·0' t.. r "l v pug,,'~~'If 1 59 eucb. 3!l 00 @" 'rho h.!;he.t ~["r kO L P ri"u" 1 ' ~ i.l, in .. "ch IIUlll\oO ' n"d BIICI] ns 1,'-,11 IlltCI'~st tL .j rOil d or )., erry C onn ty Co"l 01' 0, ... <1 II II, WI ~l o" L ~I<"k . ~ '" the WIth ' " U8 \ Ii100r,,1 1('1' Iho r.r n~ AZ illu f,,.. lij71;. Rnd Lhe p,e",""o I IInu conlll, n Ilr. H"n.... .. •• , " reduct,ollS to 1·lu" "gent · . Carib or t rnd o. for Ooun t l ) l'rlK luuo u I l'a \'i"" rtHH ,,"<1lill1o , 'uld ", .. no or 1..,,1< .~ n" WII O_ , whoro . ,. I II 1 I •. 2 0 mC7.2.u be llut. \\ <I I Il ,ntt' til nr "' "grav ug, to tu\: Iy "cilillri lti old and y o un" . Now is the time Salt, per burrc , SC lill for 8I,CCIIIlI' 1l c tlpi c ~ aud agc lI ll'I 'out fit. ;& , "'8 "" ell as "RC\'h \\8 01 th e k cqJ C O lldt l~lIlly on b • U llu 0 11" <1011 f(" ~lillg up Iho rlnlo. Queen Cil!! JJt.t~. I·Y . AI ,Ii !ll T I'I Yt' "vr t " u t (Ive ry pu tlt.. u1Hco. late., wu,k ill A'I. Lot.. " ,t.,,·•.• "n.l :;e'Cllco subs cribe, cus Uall o u's will be Wool., t .. 40 raJ 45 Addr ••• , p"'l ~ l'u id. Add ",". ,,11 orll"'8 to Tt,:HM :; T ' jUIi ' "Y o" ", in 1I<1"1IIe •• • 40 . OHArtL ES J. P.~'I'ER S ON. s e nt o n o yt·tu· p os tpui rl · for only Til E YE It Y UEST 311er8. n Nu","er. 1' he 10 \'1,1 • . co mplele. lumps, .FARA N & MoLEAN, :IOG Ob,'olnnl . ~ .• Phil.dclpbl ... P" . No" 1 ~'7U, to Oct. I BJ5, I,ounl: in 1II," Ou ll $1.50. This is a plcodid offer Apples , barrel, 3 50 to 4 50 .... S peCimens "",,' ,.._~I.}C ~:'~Icn ro •.:.. ._ clolh . , '10 1' 301.0. P~lbl iall el'lJ, Oinoi nnMi, O. do. uud Hh o llld bo ncoellte d. Tho J nn· A PIles ~ bushel, I'<l ulld ill bule lBeef, Veal, 1 25 to 1 50 ,uuroccO . . 6 75 OeS~6r nary' numbe r of llullulI'l I will corn· \I n "ell ill in N",·. and MM'. /llII' of Ihe ugB, . I b ·1 C"dw"lla OIlrli . r ,lor·. v"IIIm flu, .--~ ldi"!I. ( I to VIII M ...iu Str",,!, menee a thl'i I ling 80r,m ) will I,e Tho upl'lic" leading Ibe lNDEPE coun~r' an'ord 81 a ",I ,,1\ will10 c I«'pt For Laundr y aDd Houleh NDENT REFOR M V II • - - - ~. WEEKL Y politic..1 newspap old Vie. lI'AYN E8 VILlB ' er in tho Unl. ~o,,"ralol v to ponllr8 Vi I'0 " I. I, • hOhl to ",' Ill QUltl1 of tho Detroit Free Press, , . . . 0][10 , ~"" ~btrtt t1 ted "'l.eo; tlte spoolal advOOllt.e of th" in. ~~~:.:~;~.thl ..... te. I. .wA~l IIACT Ca &J) AT TUI the most popula r writor in tho e., cloth, $2 .; hILlf Io tend. to kcop OJO h"" d " full line of Fur• CLEA N AND NICE . W IJ teres! of Lahqr lit l."inlt America n Ult1'(1 IJI.IId· i 1t6 Works, niture of tbu vory boIa~ q 111\11 L)" IUlII _, ... Oombined 0101'1· Book 'lIe11l .ud l'o81masle rll will ho sur l>llblis bed Couutry lit this titUo. tal j Lepl1'onder aper Monc), aa .lfI'iDB~ plied al r~tci Ibnt .. ill Q.. T Ib t 9 3 H .. EWARK ....... 1 "oR!!lo tUUIlI 10 fill LOW lflG UUE S Bank l""uol tUJd t.he AllO. Gold BUll F ..1IlLc)'. nuyor Lh" ohovo o!fo ..... by' homes I..~ U 0, Our W" sb B111U i" tho h08~ In Iho world . . awey and ~ho IntorohOU1gcable Ourrenc y Dond lUI (1.8 O an btl found in KUY mlltk ,;~ ·l:llt.wo k Street. ' uhsc rlbers It will do,'s pless" " 01 Sir remit ·IIk. cOIl\Uins ill P. O. nothillg illjurl ogsiu.t the High Oold Interest Bond. co n . i ~'. of l'IIoncl' Or<! ...., IIr ill Bonk Cb ·ok. or Drnft8, On" to he"ltb Or fllbri c. lind j~ ".od IIv ,,11 -'- 0 f l' hu .. corp<! of able oorre'ru: nd " or b. ·-gl. · Ared letll'n. Money WantCld. Five H uD d red B...b"'" at... 'l'be S Nth Ib" " ..,,;e lauudrlc. 011 aeoouu' of 1111 plo ~ • • B~t1' eaU8, Tnbl clI, 'Ve have not• receive d Godoy' s toee, in 10Lterl ltd t d ' '" Chair., . ~ lit th" "'areho1l /l8 of . U:::':::~f wbolo or by Ihe .lice. Givo me "call. ~':=y. an /IlOI! pro oun ooll'CgiBtered, ..t Bellder', risk . int; oUl'cl aud oh caplius.. Su perior fo,' Sof aB, Lndy's Book for Nov ' lOber. It is wbiLllWU.< hilll:. . l>ut G. up III pack"sil'll cOllveul· MiHOOllanyof the holClOl!t IMllecUon , ad· . . . JEHU MULL IN. full illlcre8tin~ mutter, B11d is WaJ11ee.llle, Oct la.W. SIDES &; 00. A/attl'a 8f1 IJ,- l ookillf} ' lit lor 1o'lI1il, UIO. Prioo 10 c<'1I1. e..b. .~ al'ted t.o lOll cllllllfCll 01 ~aden. lla,ch 17. I'or 8,,1 .. I,), gl'tJccra ~ ever,wbe re. AI .. o,·. . , Ota811 8, Br((('~ tll, ckw ~in 1111 r ':lP<'l' , t,· hI! t !nllg;I?1 ne 7 Torn! . p<'r y~lIr, po~tl'.ld . oll. . U "ok Cor Ihe A..,.. al ~.A" W A U Ih"c. if vou ea~ 7"~ Snmplo (Iopilm ""01 ~,ee ou app.Heatl & 0., &(1. ...., "f the kind in the waUL the b.Ol".'st IIud b,· I. :1.;(1) iUlljl oited States. 1'1'0 1111!1ICt<~ I'rice I'lud for Buoko!·h nol t. tq • A...,rfe _ 111 _ _ _• W ....... Aildro&ol blJfANAt 'OI.IS SUII.OO.. SouL hy ",.i1 for 10 Ul> , E. B. Ftltl1tc. ~ . D., 'rhe c.ngra v i 11gB, fushion llntes, llbey'. JlUI. Upho l8te1· tt~fl. PiClltl'.' & J[il'''oJ ' 1)87·:1 Olllee, 7~ W i1Uaw ~>Lr..el. ~." l' ark. . " . LeJlI. . . . & 1'e., I'ew "orla «II" Indltul.l'OliJ<, Iod. FR~JUiV()
.• BO RTO N S IF'Ol:rf.HI'U!:ID IOO)"V]JlE , --. Ben tle Hou se,
"OU HSynU p A.
E, R. PRINTZ. I If G !' o-.- -n-'-s-
SILVER GLOSS STARCH {;It'"ltblltr.tt.'
l{EN T & l\11CfllE,
l eo U
Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer
TbrillingTales & Novelettes
J. L. PETERS, 843 Broadway,
0e 11
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
tmtnitt. I
Pot atoe s Wa nted . Wante. d
SCRIBNER Co Broa dway, Nelllr York.
Ie E C ItE A ~I
Mutton and Pork,
-hWMij';'illr lli"i\i
Res .lve nt,
,. r r
l"f'" I r IJ f Th.. Fondl y
oJ urn.' ,
Cu tle ry Co .
Fem and Agnc,~ Cb.ills and Fem, It I•• Sal'! "IH'edr ud P. rm .... ' sr llF ClIltllllr te .. r I.d All.' or. hili . .. 1 .... . In flnr, ('.fIle wh ere Ibft dlrectiun " Art' rull .... .
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~lll80N SMITH & JOliNSON Th. , po on I lcb ,bI;"';.... f • • Int-4 I. _
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An Institution Patronized by the Leading BUllne.. Men of Cincinnati
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RAB.VEYS rOLl IE x, 1.---r\ l M BER til JlJt\on
\, A \
11 I.E. 01110.
\\' HOI .E
JOl'l li.
\I,IUll' " (; ItA I IU lis.
A NAil \ I" ~ I pph In g III PIUI" of th (' ,\orld wllh Ht fi el tl uultt r II hl eh '" nil Ie frotH HUcl I I \ meru I } Ie I I I w~d 111 I he ' lIl1 e prof lllule I fI\('k
\\ II f~" all Id SI BIIIOJ II Jl a mall n v~r "I e llk~ of llnltlell wltbout 10. hl8 ac CU""tluU8 of him self Me alwaYI believed I I pm tie" nOI 6r THI most cIvIlized IIr lUI nelLr to bar bUTI m 118 the most llOlI hed teel I ~ to ru t NatlODS like meLnls, hflve only 1\ 8u(lCrfi clnl brlllllln y l"r I~ '-lId that tbere nre not EO many WhlJl8 !!Old as ther were ten yelll'1! n.go And till 19 elCplllned by the fact thllt m,,, d n ven! IUle a fence picket to en CUll ra~ e thel r I 011lf'" lban formerly
, ~"
11111111 bell
alll. lho ght nod IIIlld
fl . I Art .1 II 0 on I.. t b. hood S i whaL we hope w~ mutd. belle"G A t 1fbat it glvCD UI roceive-
rei ror 'till
w. hoJ'O
1 hR I In _ wor11 0 1ll'Ke.r 800pe
W hll bere I, r.llb/uUr beg u Will be 00, JlI . ~ oot undo CAN
tbe word RIlIoon?'
WI~· usk cd of u cocknev erLnlllly," sUld the Londoner, wIth a look of triumph There 8 n bell8 and a hay. and II hell and ~\\'o 110011 und n ben"
J I'J)CId~,,'
, 'I I' " II I
°1 I
011 ':cotch !ler v I .1 II I e th~. 18 L Gillie.' 111111111 rs when I 1;('1 tlCUl1I1l gl( ~ ) e II j! h l.S8 01 wbuaky to tak L dmp L1r Ir nk all the hnlll t? fh o Illahla I II I ng II bomel y Sco ~ phrnsc JI tll<:IOU8ly r~rltrJ to thl8 ~r that Ihe CO \lr t~"y C O II ~ I "ted III ImblblDg th~ wlool ~ the Ulun ('xclllIDcd WI!.h IL ~ 1 J.l h III re ll I I h ~ 1l (Jude be thllllkl1. I Wf\li 111I1I111Crl) I til
H OUSE filos ollou ,lie lute III the .U II l11er from the n t~cke of n fun gus ([i), I 1"&a 1/uo!('U') The filet! Dlly ol\en be IIOO n lII1ys .1 wrIter In .t\ al"Tc IICtued In "natural p<l8ItlOlI on wlDdow p"nlll! but with tbe abdomen much dl mtenrlCIl IInrl surrounded by a oollechon of whltl~h powder, extendlUl for a few Llncs I U 1111 dueetlOns on the surface of the gl8l!ll
rm lollowlllg "Illgullr ep tapb
1lJe whole of the interior organa of tbe abdomeD are coDsumed by \.be plll.nt nothmg remainLIIg but t.he ch Itinous eDvelope on wblch the mycelia o( the fUDIUI (orm a felt-like layer the fruehfi
cation MOWIDI Itllelt ellt4irDally 88 lila menta protl'Qdlng from between the rlllgJI of the body' Our boUl\ll lIy III the IIRmc 8p4lCielIlUI the European, and WI th oat much doubt the (UDgUII (Etnp1lllfJ mr...am) I. of the umll SpecIe., While the lIbove accouut of the appearance of tho dend fty applies to tbOlie obeerved III thIS collDtry A O.A.BB WI8 doolded 1Iy the Umted Stal.ee Supreme Court the otber dlLY In whIch the qU\llltlon to be IICttled WII8 whether war CX18ted III !.hIS country April 28 1861 The Court held tbat while war did actually exIst at the date named, yet, 118 Jt had Dot beeD declared or pubhcly recognized by thc Prellldent, It did net bave thc effect to work a d.Jto IlOlutlon of a pl\rtnerullp of wblch a member or members re~lded ID New York and thc othel'lllll New Orll'&OlI. Ihe proclamation of April 17 1861, Is not regarded III! a d••tlnct recogllltion of AD existing lUte of war Dor yet 18 \.bat of tbe lIhh of Apnl, whloh anDounced the blockAde The reference to thc people of LoulllaDa In thlle CUH &II to "C!J tilJ81l8 of ... yolutioDary tat.ee," and In the Judgment 01 \.be Court, the purpoee
nowed by ihe Pretddrnt, \8 inconl1iatellt with theIr belDg reprded .. eoellllee. The Court falled to nate wbeD an actual atate ef war ft. oIIoJa1ly I'flCOIIIh*I by
.,.. UIllt.ecl SIMa
a rl~ur8
011 L ton bsl{)I1C III lite southern part of Eo land To the memory of rabnba Will 01 M(lse~ ~klltr er genLleDluulye«ltor of n e '1r "llInc Lkllid mothernnd e:rem !'Iurv "lie Tf'rml!, t wo dollllrd IL yeJl!J III vlIrmbly III advAnoo Office oyer uole1111111:1 l1: rocery up two 81gbtll Knock
Uems of WI8dom. Plluonce 1M MO like fortItude thlll she seems to be CI ther htr mater or her
strange POiaollhlg Storr Tbe SWr of WllmlDglln, North CnroII na I ubllsbes a cUfluua story from OliO of the IDland (.'ountlet! It I to the effect that a man lind Wife 1fent IIWlLy from home for the day, lelLvmg theIr chIldren I n charge of a negro glfl. On their returD the (our children lay dead 011 the floor, and on !.he table "aslL bal r eaten cllhbagc 'I'h girl NUd that the ch Ildren had eaten of th cabbagl~ and 800n ,fler "Cre I16lzed wltb O(ln'f'ullllon ... and vomitIng, and dIed Tbe horror-atncken par enIA 8UllpOCted ot OOUDM! t.hat the !lOrY lOt had poisoned the children, and III ~Isted that lIhe Mould eat \lOme of the cabbqe. She WIllingly complied and partooK heartily A f~lw mlDul.ellllfter eating !!be all!O dIed The f¥ber then IDYelltlgated the 'f'ejIIeLnble Rnd fonnl! In the beart of I t a II1IIA1I rlL Ltler!Da\r" h\>iled to death rhe Stor d~a not V(llI( h for the tnub of t6\ ttory but llAys !.hilt It 11&11 told by a reltable C(J untryman, who howenr could Dot relUe mbertbe namel! of!.bc allepd TlcLlml 01 the dead ratUemake.
duughtet Earthl) pnde i8 like tho plU!lllDg fio"er tnnt wprtngK to filII aDd blossollls but to dIe The plt!lll.onK like flre are u8\lful ID a tholll'lInd waY!1 Rnd dangerous OJIly ID onl'--through tiHlir eXL'Il811.
PRI!!!IOIIH, new born at fi rst are III our but wheD thou tide rilOl strong
P<"~ or
TRBsfl ~word times lire very powerful eIIy! the HOI olulu Gfl«lJ~ Wo remcm ber CRJlt toile lelltng of nn lUcldent which occurrt'd wb.le he WAS runn.ng the bng JO!K'phme beLWflt'D tl1I8 port lind Jarvie IsIRlld (.bout 18[' The brig was lin e;HrllordlUary 811ller ulld wlul c gOlUg lit her full ~ Ileed . about ten miles Rn hour she struck directly under the stern oouutenlltb such II ahock 1\8 to Jar the whole vo_1 alld to ail Ikcn the C Illtalll Ollt of a H(lU nd slc!' 1 who slIl'poKCd thnt the bTlg had ~ t ruck II wb lie or 1I rE'er. Immediately the pumps were I!ta.rted but tbere WI\8 no wllter m tbe bold 011 returlllog 10 port tbe brig wns hO\o out to filld tb e caUI!O of tbe shock \I ben near the stern post Imbedded III tbe t.hlck plnnk tbe bladcof II sword fish WI\8 fOUlld and Willi fuiiy twenty Inches In lengtb To hllve hIt the bTlg undrr the counter the fish mutit hlLve betln gomg 10 the same duectl(ln as tbe ve8l!81 and olle may Iml\glOO tb e speed WI!.h whleb It moved to have plunged Ita sword twenty Inchell throul5h the ]llanklllg It must
tbey slVeep 111\81 rOllOlvell. Violent pAI!IlionuJ'Il farml'll lD !IOhtude In !.he nustle of the world no object h .. .have been gOlOg Rt the rt\te or twc ntyor tIme to JlIake a deep Impre.lon twenty five nllleK an bour, IIOd eVIdently Ingrateful IDan, With hquonsh draugb I.Is IDtended to bit the brig 81lPllOeiDg It to IUld mor~1 8 unctuoull, grelUlell bl" purl! have been a wbale From ibIS one can get a fRlDt Idl'a of the fights whIch take mllld tbat (rom all consideration allpe. nSlblhiy ~uld be a ~ IIOrtr. place among the monat4!f1I of the det!p If aho had bu t one band w,th her rl~b t 8b opens the dllOr to pleasure, but WIth TuE man ID BostOD who went barehehded for two years to cure baldDetlII of he r len to palU Tho PIOU8 and JURt honorlDg of our the head, recommend. thc remedy &II II Ilf)I vel may be Lbe radlcal mOisture and 8uIlCeHIIful one Be claIms that the heat founuunhead from whence eycry lauda IJf \.be ~un riot only promote. the IPOWeh ble and werthy e.... rprbJe _ _ lbnb of ban but all!O streng!.hena the brahl LJ&ugnter and lear. are meaDt \l) tum He lIIlyl to and all who are troubled the whtels at tbe eame machinery of With ala" 0 half or weak braiD to try IItnslblllty ODe II wind ponr &lid \he It, AI It COIU Dothmg aDd ea,. the u: other 11 wat.er power, that le all oenl!fl of a hat.
hard .,. We shall mlll8 thee mother' Jub I rllltmg IIOIIClted \Ve don't know of 1I0Y WiLy U mall could advertise him KIl le better-that IS to llUy ILny more JAKE BRAIl6Iill went IDto Sitzer'" 8& Ul e other day lind cnlled for a He plnced t be clgllr on the Clgll1" coullter alld begll.n vlewmK It from 'f'arl Vas 18h der madder Y III OU8 pOl\l\ll qUlred !.he keeper NothlDg," BIUd 8rf\(1I8h ollly I was !.hmklnlS that I don t Cllre 90 much for a smoke Juat DOW lUll do fo r a d rill I. WIll YOIl taIre thlll c ~lIr ~ r 11 drlok Y he mqltlred "Z6rtAil Iy eIIld Sitzer as he p8Med out the deCll nter Juke poll!Oned hlmllBlf, turned on 1118 heel IUld Will! walking away when Shake, the ket'per wiled out • I you tldn t bay me for dot tnDk I' "Why, yes I did" he rephed "I gave you the cIgar for It IUt'r was 10 doubt for a moment lind liS Jake s hllnd Will! on the latch he yelled, ' Yaw but you tldn t bay me lor de CIgar I" I. Well, lOU don'.t 8upposel m fool enougb to pal lOU fer the Cigar lind le~ you ltee:r k, do you r' And JIlke \I ut out an ,laDUlled the
A IJFTJNfI match came off between t\\ 0 men at Eureka, Neb, reeer "y\ for a
11fIU of 1200, the winner to b ! the one who could 11ft a IIfteen po1lnd dumb-hell lit arm 8 length the ,realelt nWllber of IJme@ ODe maD'. etren,ih p,e out when he bad llUlIed &h. w"hi 1 180 tlmell, but lhe other had ICCIItd I 1-« WI thout exbaulltlng hili .tl't'ngth
Co)lVDUTlOIf betweeD two
()Iuc:I ...
natlyoun,ladlel .. She. tIM lIIoM. cU.
asreeable IIrl1 e¥lr ._" U YII, MId the proudei&, ~ her ...........
001 1 a lalllldnd boP
*' JeU ..
t ID n tim~. ..... Au H. 'J I. loll 1\ III .... il.t or uur unioille! lilt 10 I'll n 01 e.. nrd.. uf ....llll y I III1' ~1I1 < 8 • " I ul " ." "h. ,,,.• II" I , I, "I'J, ,'1 flUlI, • duk'nllinro hI u, I III th.. ...,.... It'd r , ...01 " .... ,la· "r, ' '' 111/ I ,'h ll I ·,'u I • ," ,,, \ II"" ,I ~t..."l.lwll1 v"~ rfUil' It-.t Puhhto uotia ·D U.,I, 01 k'HU. I. t" , ,, .. " ' " Mf ",lh thu 11101 I ~I a Ill IJII\·. K'" (I y \ " , that w ,~ nt.V p}X-d th there Dext .1 the ,\u,,>r ul th .. ",,,.rt·II .. _I11 """....n, 11I 111 .. lld ,h. I.., ~ II\" .\ "1111111 'I "" II. ... II -- \l r 'flal'I1I';" Bur"l' III~ "'UI ,' '' II and I.) W dill ~'l. alltl Yllnilltll'k Il,ogullvuJCII r G n. l . .... W., ...n IIDly. Clh ill. 0 0 .. ud II' . 1 "Utldl 11 ,,1.1 C ',\" lu, I :1.111 . " , • , .. ,., v t " I It ' c..;' -. 111' , (" , I ·U IIllllgtun . Latill.'!I go to the ...' w Agency rfl,r,/tly, ll.• '~, /I, l"r ..', J>~ . D . l 75, l ' t~.I.I .u, y ... 'I"I h' " I ,,, .. ,·, ,,,,I I""'''U i :1I • II ~I' . .. 11.. 11 l' 1'ro'1II L. ,IIJ"Il. o il II ul' '" l'1I erlllj( I'.'~· :11 l'r . ' ,1\' " 'Ij(l'r Il ..ot\&1\.' d I t1 G I '.' ~, l~ her •• ", h,\'I, " '<lIIIt I... \ 1,..1""',1 " M Iy 1 2-~ 1 1' II ! ~ ~ . II t 18 II . u'h Ii l'U lIllll llutlU u " , IllSt Thu ~ Ja ... en' ning. vr I " lr In. :!,,'c\ ," PM nn ·utld y , h (o\lo"lulI- • ,id •. " I'I rl .."" , """IUI 110. ':U'.ln,,, til, {' I II ~u~, 'I e 1. ... ).\ ~ .. ' " I 1\' UlIllII H un r b< ali t,\'. 1I 1 t1~ i ~, li~ltl. . alill t hat - H~al ' 'tute l rlin Ii 1'1': - \V III . La"'IC~,'. l~O . " til d l' rll" d 1&<.. 1 ,. . IL: I.n " . ,tI, ta. rUIn" III '" II til', "ull "hl b • • ,I II :t III . .. 1'.I"~llr a t '; " . "·,,,·h. I I I tl I u u " po .... IICY :S' lu~ 1 'nll",~ou ut)' .. f WO ........ ,lDd;'11'1 a." IlAt l) ,orl'''III /.&I''''' ~ I ,od -,.h lll ,lur,ug t='r'I II '. gnl. ·l' U U\\·_ \1. alit' K i ll~' lilrm ttl Hc \'. W. (;, III ith ror thl' calrc , nl tu "f muu (u <\.",u,l, "n.1 1~,u".\CtI .. nd Mh. r.b- Ibu "'...-.,,'h· .lru~O\I III n·.IOrollluo , tid - " . ,I .1. 11 ~ 1l\ I II' "11 i~ lit hom 0 11 II·'u' IIII' ( , e rma n, ("I p. 1..J11 t rut'. vI' , '" ' 11 .. d " ill" A. T. I hill II l1 d _ ....l . lull,,,.. : \'..1 Hf I Ill ' ::j, .. " ., N", K"~ ' e.... It. ",J .. ",j .0,11"'" 01 1\ . 'y ",p. lil y f ro m ( \ 'd"r ~ 1'1'111 , .Ind. lit .. l'. r " un tr y. fd l w a mi t hl'i r J lI lIll' A . ~hlor tu J uhn 'V . Y tlll-I t' n iU l rigiD aIlY'·JlI~ro-d' '',\.ur••·) .·,1 ;" , ),~ and' ''I,owll" . ~. 10n •.""I," Nl tl, 00 .. ... I' ~AII,17 "" '''' I ·.'' \I \ I .1\ ' 11 I. b t "I I I .• t OJ • 1111/ "f J ""t, B",wn Inr ,100 IIOt' ,IUd bOI'e·lo ·.n c, ul',L.'.... j!r" ·n,lul llul.II' Iitu .. '1I1l 1'1d . ca lcutI ", rUI), " "u "tlr 011 III'r •'III " ____ _ . _-_ _ . 0"""1', 11'. I',,11111· \ .(011 t J " J uh " ."" IIIII I .. IOI'I"tUlILr I I I't J"'\g \1 1.1\ , oI·'.I·ieh IAg"\. I - .ur. f~) 'IOUI"l'r U I ~I I <.f'f' ) Ul'rs "" ~' rllur,'. .. I:'" rlll I,nt\\· ~ by'" •. ullIll.r.· ,.oll,"u' l'Y , .' Ihl ,: >iTII .":, Jo: ~' I (,H.. r~l'lI tIY' VI I.' CIUV. , w 'r' U! "~ • • rll1 J111 on I\lrk yill'; \\'111 . 1 " "11,1\(1" fl lrtn, '.\In :y .- I't !IO. I~7:', ' I". ",ircoI J,'hn brdl·Nl I'~.rlllJoC ,I.t c "h !hhd y uf l""t.ru- fV' .. II' ... . .,".O'I' ..·'" ""I,'uill, d,,,I III '''O. 1l ... 1- rrrt'.-, '"" XMlhd" .... t 900 a - ~I i:\ I r~lI l 1' II Ih llll It:lo ' Oil t huu"' ht ro r. 1\1U 1U ,"tthat \\"Illll ~t lIl' tll' { n" hu ili . ttl W ill: W l'l"" : ","1 lI "r'\·,' "'I'\'_",f t' w· ,... 1 8 ",on , llfy.I ' ~·.!: IJ JoClllllln Jl~t" .""'k l!ll .y .11I! , r~ ch,ll,ur,j"u., I.... I iI .."u", ''''''''i•• <>1 .. I I I I t\ ~ th ')fink v i Ille Little 'M itWti Ihu' r JU .. t. P" 1,"1 m,'uc\' ilill UIUII , .. IIh II Ille Hl'I 1116 UJ.ioo . 11 ••• 1 (II' W L~lltl "'"",b . , I~ 111 I' m . \'1 i t ill~ l~ I.... H iel,;m.l ll ain. HI ve gUll 11.1to I l tl wrung p uce; ~lI t W ill '" ,ks , lime farm, t tl, \r. - ~ ..bove L1, b.. I1!1~'" of M ~ KoIy'~ uLlt IU. II • • eUIl'l'lo III " I v li n.· •. 11..· ",,"lll,U __ d d"r,eci 8 /I ,. FA 1I 1l. I' . M. - .\i r . .h'!Ju :'Il nll,," Ian .. IU VVloU II.U . t he rIc "l'r th .D. 01 • lB,· 1 an · h iul\ke r ,~f tit i place. r r \ n g r 9. tl "'. f"r", "rit' u... nll<! by J .. ru~. EIHuLl: 11"n VI w r curren." . 'he .1"""l·,luII I !fen· "~V"" "'LLIt D'H ••~"'· • t an' t rtf c v r UII c s U 60 t h r n(l('" N 4: '4!a' I,<; hQ'~t. 40 h. ttl Lho \\Ia l ' 0111,\1 u"". M.ud ""hiob CUll hl\ 'c 1111 Qua· • • frllnl ·'r \' 1111'. . . I ~I , .1 Cd U J .IUU , rav" - HI '1'11",""- U . ' 1Ibl' ll 01' X'nlli' ", .... ' "1' v W·111 t,1 ' \. \ .1" 11" " . ,,~nuth" w" "t lino of hu u lMO WI,~d ,--by He ... " ., ...'u me, I tt" '" I It 1'lr"" U.UilHi YU( I tOll U"" &lllOn }or.", in'~ - J r . l ' ertv ~1' I . ' Il l' II V f D a r 1." a a 'I' Jotu,~ 1111 ' , lUI ley ft 'I .d me-" BR- HAG};IUf i\N - InDHytnn, ll "ll .lIIcl,'h,'n~\' \l' i lh IllJtI. nd·~linI\ N . (I:IU I In lh,,,,,,,nhIH. ,h lIA .. I~ n "'III IIIui"tulo F' I IK'O(1l ' M RIITlsn (HI' 0'.!~\ . -' ICu.11 li' B 'fa tlItlr 1lcr '1 a t lItllI n ' . ,InRAR h t .) . I \ I I ~ul,d. ' . r..... ru oo". N ,. v elll\~' r 7th, Itl7:i. , I " I I d . " '. . .' I \ \\ Ic r a " u - A. lt. , a r lillCl1 g, ' • ~O' W . m ,' " .. n u~ fr"1lI lh .. oollk "I Ih" riY- I ,. I' rln, p e. _" .. ·our.e , " ... " I11 I.,. (t,r .h\lne,..n hlp el'ef\' F,r \ and .",,,rth ,'. nOllln../t ,.l II '"'<"1,,,,,,. Fir , · 0 0) vUll t) , IS v ~ Itlllg In,.tlllt; I' n' , nti l.l~ a ud tul k i n ~ t ill w e were - T h A n tl'ulu 11lIvu In\l~hter d "!' ,h~ II ' • . 1'. IJ l"'" rn,', Jr. Ul'Orji\' Il;. rO , ~ 1I1.. lc. II' lh r..o. lhfol.C' dOwn LIt{l /",... "u. ou"". 1 ir.ul"lI, .ud .,111 r.,lu, \11 'h""I .l \I I- ocl""II " iii . , - :U ro. n l hUl'd (1I 1 ~ II till b . n \ r~ lI llIl\l l'd th nt ther e w rt' 11\ altolll 1011\) hug, up to t his ullte, at ""I'I\'\·r. uf W"Ylle",· .II~, I" au... Mollil' U ", " Id ,,1011111'' ' with itM me,oud""" to th .. pl~ue .. , lIlIu".1 oolumn_ '1h". 11 IIlVClllll~ " ~t o hNl \ Y t 11' .I 7 d gu rlflan . of hlt";l un iu~. C,) nt81nin g e.ixh tec u n utl on &- t ) ~ "', U~IIL a ll tb C~hUlU"~d I\lIll "llI t ~ u• • ~ '"K • .' MKtr:I·IN .O \ rl . ll X . - ~ il<' 1- II crlllg "'It, u hll' " liS :ltl:lck th i I'cI'VI ill t h tVWrI nut lit th o b.11l cen i' ' r pUUtl . W wi h lhe ),"'"110; brid lind !(TOOm 1\11 b I "" rl'" of land. ",ure nr r~. uP"" ' he cuull iry II h," j/IY"U 11(1 ,III 1IC\1 "'" p<I'r, 1' il'>l An" ~" ' k II \\' 11 III" I ~u ll e tu I n' ' a l " tl It '.l 1'1'" '.l I a ttlc . J u1I'~on IIILd ro l n Ul lrlnttu' \c h IlP I 'i n~'" 1'4 vr ~ f ,r ,\.IVII\" ",or h,n aHI P", ' Ui fif. h lu'':'' l...~ n tl l'.rtli"",....l un dpr "1 ... I - e 'I,,· '. U lel·or." i\ .... 0"" f·I,· tA''' " 1}\3'. h<-jllnnln ' t II,. u'f·l• k. 1" 11'>1,.n " y ' ,,"c • V "I h u. lu II. -.. ,, ~ , , ' - "" 5 lu I"Y ou, '" p"li ) or l!uv ,· '·""'~"I . ~,," n 011 n ., '1l t ly cV\'creu IrVll1 a IVIUT, -o .h 1 tftl _"Il·~t~A"~ . " . ' Jr. J l ('1111 1' . ( ' II',I!)111,IU ar- tll ('Y \ r u ' l " . k Ull pr rillll" ill II ~.. ; . fonn rllr,ll·r,.t the IIm o( 1 1I 1",r l""', I . I I I! · I h lfI ·' " '" ""' 1 1 ) \ ., '" " r ,., 1 HUtt will n ot bf-' A()1tl fur 1t'!!11 I h u H t ,,'o.thir,h, t h ' q llc" 1I01Hi ~HI r lin' ittU u" Hee , " He ~.' ('l»".,c".!'lIell - .:!Ibe oRn~v'unCd' 'Fye.r tr.:'t"'~t ri.'· 'Uk hl!l\) 1'1' ill .r" Il W I urI. lu;;t llh vOkc~" t'~" I'ln l ~. they 'fi ~dh tho Il h _. A. J i'"l grudccful uffiUt "('cIII'rl'J )9. of id "1'Itr.,i...d . "Iur, IIn,l " i Jon lb. r"l. it a'h·"'I,I. II, " '1 ul' , tbe .0 u I.,,,., Ill.. 6 .. ., ~ ., .. ,. ..u w ... t, t . II willtt' tt' I' Uilf. t f .... " l lt ' uo.,. tb irtl of ~h ('! pur. ptlrt , itt UL \1\&1 wlLh i\ lit lL ~ It.! fllu l at i lJu rot o'aIoo t.• • • _ 4 'l l r.. . bbfllh \\ • • • • Il ~ 1 ~ wo,. Wl maoy cre Oil vll I\y I I lu 110 ,',,'lI ul of II,. N .. 1 ~on,,1 g I • • '·lI m.... ' I t 1.. P. II. I _ 0 til tli ll Q nc II il y ' Rnk er" II hlllld - prossi ng MId r. lid good· w('e k. It S,'~ tn S KJ.~ O DON .-TII Rnrllngton man ty. N . ,·h,__ ntuncyeft.h 10 band ou ,IllY c, Wlluhl 10,· t. 'HltI""", ."I.".I .y . I,. v."..,n, J • I . I d '" I I • I .J , N t," ~ 1I1 wr ad , 1873. M r . J llOO:C K in Ftd on, .... n(\·third 111 lml~ YOUf, bud th l' f tl lJl"i1lin.c ~" I.U . ul ul Ih' Huu t! uf H C llrc"m~,, 'i \ ~. llf & OIt H I~T' " 11 ' llcII.- Eldrr J " R J)udd . III1U t r • th .. e ' Ia r • v" turd, :![)ct<!. 11If!: It Wit I PNIl,ll ~ to v I t ag nlll ( CII IIrt'f ) 111111 l ·It I' l'd '" Ih~ IIllth yrllr "f hi. " " 0. !IIr Kill"d"o 1,,,,.- I1oor.1 in I... " ye"r. tro, .. dll)' of .,, 1,,: llll' IlI' l tI ~d un.lt l ' l" ttl tll II 11, I .. I ~ lit Il.hl gOYl' r n 1" Di i th F t ld J ( /' " . d I Q IUlt,nr. y n I!f'rvI P' 0 .. ~ '~. ";.', II 0 1 It. 1111' II VI .... liel' h) t I lI Ct'1I II d ifli {' 11 11~ I' ll h lil t! hiell tltc " '\I' n lI"ivl' of >rn", ..-n, Enfllll " d, ..",I .. lId.'rr .. l I' y...... ,1.tI t., L""r luk ",. t rfllm ".e,,'. W I,,,. '''''lIel I' ,rll) i 1,,,\ .,I&I· tn,·' In p~.h mcmth ...... rn .' , ,. U k fl' .• . I . , . . ' ... T • Wt {'t, 0 f W Dyne'W III 0 , tt li.l.l \ un,y -, I' r Nt Il.', IIUl1 ,., , I • .. Th ird Lord 'lI-d"v . t d' --d F 0 '-. t ty L'lH · e r · ,,-li t) U lo r u U li I II l l ~ t ' 111 11 H,' 1I.'l, ll t ~ 'uit"· R ~ 'h nr 1 \ \ ' t t 1, t r il l h t\r f) J W r 1m &eu u rt.'U uy Juor· fur Lhe k,. 't'u bllrl1n 11"1 ' .\ • ,ul it lu\I' the n c Y .. Ilav S."'n"la~ 0 o'clook, ev r)' .... • .,)' ricnd A ch il les l'ng h , vf in· II' . ' " '. '.. by ",h"III he i. dool'ly Illmcuted I:f"go UPO" tbo premi..... Id. ". ,l " i ,,~ u hllY ul ~ ' i '" ".'w t il Ilepublia m.;rni u.... C'I IIII".. tl',lltt Ild ..~ d •-..:. \U!' rte l'ly m ~I "e t. h" dluudb tit fo r Ihc rod . WC. I '1 WM: .- ~ e ~ I .11\' a, cl u b nllJ, laul'l l \\, It.il II klllt .(Ph-mout h Meroury t\Bd rnhth p per, h ·· ••II ·n.HA Rl ' AN'0 r'OI"' l1el"'J~r"tic ", iI II". t1~ II wllh Fllu.:r D.'M'18T (l"rt.,.",i1\' Ch"f('h In III. Lore mt ' ; lit uur thoug htg s t l I III 1 1U'y \\'UI'~ l art ' !1 \\'ltUllllt 111111'1t 1'1 ....,..-; 1'0,,,, ] erlu ""'reu "., . lb. fHIII I, 01',1, [l1l1,11 ' Q1c" wl'l " .11 reU .... ·W ..y\) .-s..rm"" on tho .'-'(1,ond ~al "rtl."y g.) ' W·r ubout that pllrtic ulal' l iece 01 tl'lJ ll hlc. II lld II ') tl ulU ltgo " Ili ltl , ex. ' ____ 8 . W . Bnowt/, Alt'y. ~~ II,au,,: Il 'd 'h,' 0111) I'''rt~ 111111 h" - ,, ctt.rMl' ""'\ . ""tI,,,· in ""b ",IIUU, . Eld~r EII~. -M I'lI. ~f ~ ~·o r. T ",~ SO:1 rct~lrned cal il'lI. WUllLU wc land to leu \' c lit c I,t tl llLl H icla llrd 's out \\1\ , baJly . lu,· whleh 01, 1111 " II~ , be 1III' U81',1 "' Ill the {iI'''''''n r .u.wr t l t \\'1l),lle8VlUe ltlllrke'.. I gOll· rlll"ell l. ur lb.1 UlIII 111.1' 0,,1 .. /t0v.m ,I\A· O~~Ol':. ~ " Ill. l'IItJ'on. of frultl iIe r \'ISIt 1Il III ClII ll tl I us the frull t d uo r . Ie t " 1110 1IJou(d ·\I t. Th ~'11 (I\'" ~ ' Rc vels (eolorl,ltl) Buttur 25 C . O,"bt I'ul"'y , III1U" wil l p,""""l to Il,u """pIe llu . mlr),; 'WiIIi"tII 'm~ll. ~{IIAl,'r M .'1 MOll d tlY· . . ; l, eu1' and k now w l,at timd it. u·us.' tVllk 'Ulllptllll ttl tll~ k. and got. l'rlthLUl'd 17 A~..hel . ",,"ulcr. of <lOUnly, lUdJIIUII. 8 rro.;'leuti I c., ~,lhluLc wh.. ..·, 11 ,I.e.... I,. Oddtdllu",.'HttIl ..,. 11, OCf'OI.d .tllrd~y - U lln . S . S . U ll IIIC~ hM bUI lt a E. cl'the wo rM uf it fr ulII n oric k in l' 15 M Il.. Il hl P~ONlO lind Jaco P.~r 0 hor hll';· the confide uce of lhu uIIUlllr!, """ 1'1.•tfo, ,,, ,)1 ~,...h mnntll., a ., 0 ' 11'.1< I'm .. II.. d .... the 1 d" I I' ~1(l:.'8 b"nn, of C111~lw cuun t~. Oh,o, H,,"n&h An .. of reform " ,ul l'ru~ ro ••. luul'tla sllcuru", of ol<ob tnll\llh ~ I :3 o'c1uck IU'g , Cl'nllllV I us I'e · IO UdU vr -- . , • th e Illil ido Il l' ( 0 11" l l1 n. ('lacc e 1 BruW1 ' .. "d ElIuUl A _""""! .h~r !tu.bllnd. The ~ 'IIe,,,1ch .rll\·' ,·r "I' 1111' nA UTTIt I .. '11Y' P . R II n CII _ Curn er of 1'1'I\'lltc II ·e. C~u ItT Ih:I·,)1t r. .The I lIf r nj 1'111' I t.aek Ia i II H')lI (I has 1I 0 W J [ UllI R, 1 4 of . W '~rre ll cU llntl ' Ol'l" ; £ h Imlldl~ r, of eM~I!H6h ," I,y h~ lit\!, 111111. 110", fur.· . O""" iI _ . 8• N~ 1 Oil ~ ~ ~[, t ~ II TI D :l B I' @ 2 ~.llll ifi l t.'tlUn ty, K I"'~ a{'I; ,t\ ~f\ Ct~tUldler. of no ~1"lIli;"' u~ 1\ lr t11\' r'lIU1 (~ h IIlfil DIf\i uil Thirc\IlIl" Millmi S re"lo DIV ino ~"r\'i~e -Mr~ . t 'b ea Terry . of DlI,V' , /0 '1:1! (J lit - .' (' /.' ' . I ~ fl' l1 r n.~ tl li\1 hllar I 'r,,: MI'. ~h· n'JII · ric" co , 2~ 1) w ll" ·." !·,,ulltv. OI,,,, : Mun b.. EIlK lo und Rc pll l , l lcll llllrll 'CI~ I.". "\lob "" i, h~liev , ... e~ery IIl1dlly"t 4p'l.I. Snnd~y -.chool.t , tull t v i itd hl'r fr ie llds in tllill W:I 11 clt u.rgll lD uti , I1i1ItI "';IHIJuvlt II ld . Mdt. H I'i\~II I1, Uliv' l 1I 11 1'1' c), . R"borl.l" "If,")' ·r hu.~'I\J . o fButlur cu u l- h. .. ror l ll'·~" hlJ lI l~ o l l ll"" alltlit lt" ld po , DA.. ... pI ce I t · ' k , filed uy 1hutl11lS UlIl'k c IIgtllllSI tta I \I t ' I I ' I t>nO VUCE IU A.t1CF:T. Lr ' 01110, ~,>lhor Ohlllld t.,r .",1<1 JU·':I,h ')· '"g,'III<lI ll, II I1 ' ,!IUI,l y . " 'gc,," 10 ",orr" VA1.1.R. \· Plu o:.n r.:.otT1WA lt l.\ 'S n .\P'T1ST C n . a Ub \\ c , it' . d ' ll \ r' .? I " } ~lll l J,UI . l r a n t IH 'U. n t ,t I lLt a ~h fuul "'r,of ~ lU.uno(lul1ty, 1l 11l.1t ,\", I " u,'h t hullllllA'Q"4"<'llollh! J\J ' lullllilIH l~Oll of go \ . - M,,,,"i t...... I. 1I r~l a\U . D ..' lIc'e,,·ln - JllcobRittcr saysh ranmakc (('UII IIUt • . lI cgl!lgd n a:l llut \~ l tl JulI'cl'(" \'? \ Vo should Ilk to Ch"n,lI'lr."FO..wn"",,"lly. Oh,o. H Url ..." orll.n, II' . '1' h.O .. ",,, ._~_ " " h"u n uf on Ib e .• llIff'.! bet",,!, Ilw "md IInd .. y bc tter uJ t ..'r ~t e ws t hall P cter or '~tont ' 0 k ll~ ' prm. U II e X ' llO' ~I ~' '~ I k (' 11 11' (If th elll tu rl\ i~c at I ' Ill' Currcot...'<i by Sid ... & Company. Ch.aJI" r ""d AIl"n Cllulldlot', "r War rull ' boo· '" ftO"81. ,,"I i. inol"I" 11".,,1 III tho in del\.hdn!~hnth .. "It 2 " ','ll'~,'IcO·"ftnOd('4.nno'nl·I~ ~ 1'11111, ut tlllt! pillce or elsowherc . ; tdlon be f,l)re Esq. M I IIn.:"lftu n 011 1' 1'1 ' hUII . t.: hul, th~ t l'l lll bl e j", th y cl UII ' t CQ'~II 'Y, 01.. ,,: & b... ·.... Alln L ...h ell' IIIII} "",,""0 ;, ,"k". , lI ud i. '" Jr •• til eonde mll all 1<0' , un, flY ,' ~ . _ I ay 1I1g' It lIlllt, t 10 uetoll u Ull t \\ IIS k . 1.1 " . , 'd I . <1 00 \ ,11111 "' ~,' h" m h"r b,,_btl " I, of ".rke ,, 10,, 00 < itt-id,· I II 1: "'l' ulo l un!! I""" "" In ' h ~ w lll \V"ync , M il ie T",,-n.t.iI' ])etl'o'S,ve & -Mr. I 'wIs JllnlleY!.:lIv08, t hIS bOllllll over tu tIl" V'Ulll.t l)f l' lll' 11" '." k I U llel"e\~aJl t. 11l 1 t l(')1 ld 1 ·l) 5 \ c<'unljt. Ub,u: A IIK.rt O hI\O dl er~ndEl.I\' 0I\()d"PP'''itiOIl · lhi~ l c,""~.,·ulI "·llIIA ~~r,,, d ... 0 I th tid t r f I ~ 1.1 t I ' I a I ~ \I I)' Ohundlhr, tho bIA\ two nltul*~ 001111{ .",111 '" lor il Ih, rcclIgoII, .1 11O~\I''' " " I' Ihe I "dl lll( (,ml'"ny m rr' • nil 1\ II - t' \ cnilll' fur T UIJcku ' ( 1I lIsas , wherc m e u 1'1 eM In ' tlIC Slllll 0f " \ r") ViM' . "I ne w , 80 •W. 1 0 ,H,d A~~·n II CbHudle. IltolrOuur,hHn , 1111" I'''\IJI\I,I,''''''I Jouruul VI' Ille "'-blr.•1 ""' rl 01 e 010 mnllth ~t ~ n'"If)o\c p m . 1Iy • " '. . ,. \ l 1\ •t I'll 'I ' II tl ., Ie ',I I IJ , r " " ~... d- ..r incti\·. r. c ' L U t.8< k P 8 he wtl l VI It h ill b ·uther W Ill iaul E S B \V I (t) S 11 m no " "II' III , U tll ~onlC till ,Ir· . 75 E!mK -:p \.101tl'o;re, .of WHrf l·''. ~"Ull ly. Ohio, Ih,' utll'OIl. ~ r. Or flf 10,' .lInr ·" >:; . ~r >0 , re' , ..' ' . . • 11 t II .ur IC tate, 11111 is lIut ID C ; bil l t1titl wuok 1 lI lII 40 @ 50 w'lI.....I<e lIulloo thM " (,ula lou l\ WH" III~d I On 11.0 'IU(' . tio ll of Cll rl , lI<y. Ihe 0 ,17 011 8 !~:t. R . r . Ouuoe. Secrel.. r) . ' . - t ' ll ur t rkl~n d J Olla. J a u lIey , J r., : S . T.~ . BJrIJ~" 1J fur 1)delCI,ldll nt. , M " \('1' 11 1.. RKK'U8t tltem on th 11th d .y or OC \l 'h~ r, 11131111"i,,0 the "lie, f "oliCl ""I li,rllo III II. I S I ilia ' Iug n w lIil l>r v mOllts I ",, " 1 I p r. " /)8 25@30A.D. I" iu th Curl "fUQlw<>u I'lutU!" ",,·iolluh""1I1 l·iN''' 'T~ .· "I,,'" il hold_ 1)1' I·III t l 0 ... 11 \. 0 f I"C t D' d 1) I . /0 ,,'1'11,, :/ / V H. · '14!} I • e . b''" UII d lor ' ' . P ";"'le ·""lln' Pr_I', i 1 .. :j Wit t hC Co unty 0 f '' .. .. rrnn ,u'u. ,.lholt h. o<"n"",11\ .. orce of lh l{o .crl1 nad ,t 1I II 'b l ' I I ,/ nolUg, u IUlUon I 1' .(/ 111 8h " tl 'S OIClI y . JUtl ""c \'ill o. I , ·· 1 f Ob 10. bY D !lV, d 0 1"m .11er, 'IO u-. I~ rr"1II tIl ' \"...." 1" I' '.u''''III''-8. ' . , . 1 he' . ' 8 00 med'ClIlr j)!'\'·CI ,en y P " . . H II . E I lI S I\\'a5 .nilI 60 (@ 1 00 I .."~ eo uu., ' I,e ','81"' !, d .. no, or 8..l d b y Dr~s i . -, I hnt "~ rric • .Buch I ., i nctlo ll ellJr(' q I~ Irc .' 1'111'( A, ~I' f(:( . , . . now I"'n.lUlg. wh ~rei n lho "uid Du,·id Chau· lill" 01 .l'e e.. r...· I1<1· to ~OIlV'·' II I,ilill' 'l'i tl. c " i, 1 ' II e ' of it< •• a<I~, e .IId ul,,-'r,or '·II IU. -(~o fol' g ood n 'Iltel'- pu t lip ill on Mo ndllY last, III 'wlll eh plulIItltl l - 1' armols urt: husklll g t heIr :3 d l~r ,101O"ud8 partitiun 01 the followi ng re- IOOill , ore III b ' k"11I "Ie~..u,s III -Ie • 'il IIII>' rc (IllY stv lu, tv tuo (2ucun' "'it" UII· i S"II . r h t to I' oc() ver po" ,,. it>1I of c 'r- COrti . • • ~"h - "' : ' ·I'd~ G, att"I'd' S'I 'h'~" Br~enar' l "Cv,e,n 8 OOlal ""t.lte. , hllaw ill th coun'y of Wlltr n llollh ' hil i \I~ . "ilu 110" I/Io"i"g lJ" ~ l1r lh" ,/ ,. . J • • ., • • I . 4 00 I "lid ~ I I\W or Ohio. olld d,,~or bed U ~ 1<1110'1'11. ,' 1''''lIlIal ion .,, lil e l'ul,Jje c, "ilt by lb. WRr CQUl: " , 0 < .,. ~ 011 " ."U, .. Ion, or l n1 ,li'.11 c or Ibo Tu,ollt "lid kury. J acub I'I Lte r 18 un o ld hllnd \ tlllll preml sllS OCClIll lCU b lh,te llll- . - Th e C.II·II Cl'ltP Ilbotl t It re IIlIll I ~u·\\ It : 01 .e., .61l'n. \\ IlId, I.a "" "norm'lUl . .. Iuml' Lungs. A. proof u( L!lAt fllcL Ie 1\1,,01, ft~.' ut the bu~ iness . ~ 5 CCIlt.:! a w wl. Ullt . Arter n tria ~a:>till/; ull da r. I Uti ca i:; I I~;'; tha n uvel"lgc. Nev . 2 , l!'I II~'1' TR\CT- Bning pnrt or S""Unn t a. o f l .... "o,·"". ble "n,I.I"",,·uJ\Lo,1 pt.r,et 01011' 1. ' 8nn "n"cICde., n ge ~ R,mr lr lotle lOr tl ' t d t '0 ' th ' .. 21 IT.tJ. H. Ci. het ..""uthO )Ullmi Ri"e,'" bu- I ')' , \\ llItu h .. l,eco llI th,· lI\o"., r ol gollor 1'0 C nl.: In d It" ita >up " liIr effecl 10.(...... --Takc cnrc of yo nr d uga . Thoy I IC Jury r~ urllc II • •• 1' . lit. 11' 1 I C l'tlt d t!s~ , :'lU I e ral (lulu:! t urn u ut 6 16J.. gilt nl "l? lie .. "W UU UI tbe 1 "rLh.£ .. ~t ~"ru~r ..1, "1... . """ «",I,,'el •. I. 0 11" " hon reli,," , . 101' 711 lallolw l" I II 11.0"tICI·C. 11 "r .,,1.1 _ ·tivn. IlUd running thellce "'i,h Inll.l ". gno d,.,1 ""I t •• " ,".IOU8 ,.,, ~ ..... btu I.uyill;! 11' 0 relt'lln lb•• III ; ~ C"nUl JI hIt. will btl lIpecd ily kill cd if to und 0 11 a vCI'd lct fo r th e de tull(.Il1 l!t . I.,l h b ,'" n anlrodllc,..d In Ib, . counlry ( If"" . PI I I I ' S W Crow li {lttorIlO\' for pllllll- , J L) " r u . H it Lh,) E ... ~ liD of IIllid t'on S 1<> 30' .\:: 40' 11O'·1I8IhO- . };X I ri em'" \."" l' rl>l'ed 11'. 1, w!lh t' ,.r';.. 111 ~nd il ~ wIlh,lerf,,1 cure' lire 11810n· III UU u C, W ' ere " leap lave ' fl" E' S B I r - \Jr .. IIh ll 10111 1[>3, 0 t IC:L. 2 (l Ul U:.! ~I",i n~ .. , Ibe lIliddll.· ,,[ th w IIY"''''''lilo thu .I"I ' ~ II~ " "I I'or,h.'r I,.Ullo, a1" 'r is 1\ 1:101,,; e"~ 'J""o UIAI IIPO ' 11. T~l r:'" close. Ul'llU l us~ tl le reby. ' t l .; '. . . a tOil, II ttorll CY II( Itll<! I,)t; t ~ ' \'1;: 1',\1 h"rt by th u c hul 'ra 40 /li) 4 5 1&. F rutl kli n lurtl pike: tLonuo wi lh IjlJld turn. 8' ol\\Iy '6",I. llc,' or tl,v cllrrency 10 II I' I'r cl ... i I r.-\i ...e nn. eriso. 'Try II. So.d by A II W F R I I t I , Uclcnulili t . 0 . • " ik e ~ . !!i)O ~;:" W . L ~ "'IIIII1.: tl,o"oo wit h " IlulI . '1h h,., \e" 01 t iorm, Lhl' ~I U re . is \).,1:, WII., nu.l:lo. I r. m . . a pO r !fiS II 0 Y I __ • _ --M. OI'.III U has I" s t II t.n" 40 ",tid Turnpike N. Glo fl,'" W . r. Ill!! uh"i .... t" .wp ' hc lurther in 're 'M" r 1!le V()/ Ollll' of - - p urchllSed a haudso me (U1Q Ji lle·t ' 1\ Vlee1, "Glost e r." sit )al:! b\' I ht: cil ,\c m . 3 5') to 4 ' 50 th. noo w,th .,Iid tUflll'lk~ N !J0 10' W.il (I~ IrMle'·III .,l.le pupor ,"1"10 y. " 111'11.... '1'c Worlb 10 . ("cn , ed org tll1, . tu grotil'y the mll s ical . . _ f\III~t 11 11 '11111""1' l,f Ulll" c'llI' 1~'5 t" 1 5 II' "hai ,, _, , IW'IIl" with ij"i,1 Turllplke S, 70 k il l"" 111,11. II l1d 1",0. 1111\' "'"" full nUQ, -" I ~, v• ~•• •• ,. LI"~ .... \ (. r 1I ~' W 1:t.:W . I',lInMtn ~ Hloue iu SOlid 1'"rll' Itl eI,e onLur,, 1 IIlI IHUVM' III ur Ibe clIr",noy ickne' · p.rc'ft, l. o'ery ,:"h.,rc , .nd o"cry' tuste ot IllS sull OI'Ulige. Gi ll tur WILt; b' ll'I l tUl ti ~1I 1 1! lit the r.\!IIS 1t.\ Vll lJ ' ' II ):1U " ill " '1' 11".111 6 75 1p,k" Q lh'''''K~ CClru or 01 E ll,. Worll ;_ ) Ir011l \ h,,;, it " ,II II. II.. 0 ,," olI/(11 lu ",IiI,,'I'llCdy nl. an· of . 0 ne ,hgellse dll rltl~ thrlr . . f.. 'I ' I I ' ., I J " ., IO "'~ ur,', IHO,,.C I IIIe 1·,m"" II II1 ·~"I'.MI I lifo. ~O'\l W b~D 8Ick , ..I,eobiec\""s ,"gctwel\; - M , r, L ~ WIS r . L l lIII 'lllgton IIUS , I '\ OI:.k·Y d,'r U ilI~ tUIIIS Il uu t. , Il ~ lI l r d al . ly . lIIOllo.. ",,\b.....d W urd' I l n a N . I C40' E"'II ~ u'e w DO~' .. e . RI·. "'\lI inly thol no pen on In \\,1. \l ot takcll I l " Illi abude at tit" S ol )1 oi,o . .1 110 ti rl!it 'l\l t hClI l.'1l IlCIl')II!ltl ' 11' U m llol {' . I . n1 '1 - uhlli1\810 II gtono iu th~ North hb!) ol " li'l \ t l'e" '"'IJI' t U lld ""Ii,. .. .. .I n ' t· , ... I,n \·o ·,1' 11·l nl . I'S \" I,UII ' I'U WII '" J -~., . ,>11 na lU lU a ( "r ELECTION NO"lCE. """'i:;0n" t lit.n ... wiU, th ·t\un l'In . 0 A. a ,·o'"plel., A " ", ric "l u' W ~!, ~~lQ r , 1100 ... orlll Ih.11 is , ,,"crin.,,,, w.I , ,-_rePS1,ft , I .,rer d Iers' H uw e. O ll r l' ll l'orm l ' () I I'Uj ' .I I'U I,', t'"I II I . . I r"Jll \.1\C COI1t.Il lt' UI n.M • I~ "~ t l'o ll to \\'c •• '" '" ve,.' I III" . ln f Ir D ,Lr~""8 ofL tho 0 - " ~r 8(t .27,.00 Ulla!U". -'_ ... ~nf •....... n. , , 1\1Ie,t t.e hdll. 1I0 4lU I' ,.o C(,m',II" ,' I,1 .ntliis ellect-, ." ch III od ,WR",- ·I t fl • t • eO b D V I '1' . . . I , ,,·.v " 11,0 1 ·leClll • 00...."'e ..... "" ...... - , I P"I cr " I"'~ IO"S I' '''0 ..., .." -,", 0'" n y r a I l lill III "~I I ul .. . , w'" u~ . · n" Mul , ' . ' 11'\ ... 1lUI ,l ~... &dC0 DIm.,,,,.,, "I· ' I·,·nA ", . ' 1 0" uelld ach ~ , Sour S .... t la 0 oc wall crroneous . I n . . . ."~ ' rll"III II, · ltl · oll l. tl 0 A 1n_ _ ' 0 I U ''' ~ . II , /l ug u. .... ,"" ...... ... . uore j . " • 1"I" lJ,,• ~ oo • .. L b I -, I t ' ., "" 0 r8n){" I. ,on, '-"1r .. t\l. n, Jr I••~ th 8Il 1U0 bOMng t..,.. d ·ted 1 ,. I1A l'e "1"IIlln1'\.l. ,,"l! " ~ II I IDK IDI<I hi rio" milch. a,·ft rlburn. I'n ll,ilnl i"n of the Henri, - " ' hy do PC\'t;O Il 8 P'\Y I II CUlltS c uno" , \V ." uI'IJ\'O 11 111 ur ml\IIY D K . d N E L ... ~II "" h~ld .t the ~e.:"'tsry'. 0 8i"o in Cor· ~".u ' Vurd 00 H IIDlilIh Ohlludltir VIKUd b~ p",illou. , ll ~ v.duo f.. . II Kgrlcllltll'" puper Ilep'"e <cd 'pirl li' , Bilitlu<OC88. &c , c"nt.,ke I' I' I ! • U 11 Y IIrs \VO Jl Clxt tiud h im t im r. \. ~u \ erall ' . . n }1tnll wLn,onl[undIlY. Ihp !lIlhdAY of Nf' ''rm- h 'rheil"!I8old udw ed b .• 'd'- A' 'e . 011 III 11 8 '~ \I ""n ·"" cornlponli lloe G u~"'. AUGI.T FLOWI. " j,I",ul go,t,nj: UI' Cll ICU, W t [I t ley CU ll lI y U I . " ABU llrcy b I ·11II \·u a ti C \\, PlltUll t gattl hlll W tit ber'. 1 711. EDW[N CHANDLER., r'~I' Ch-ntiler." nver Y u oo ...... ~. 1\,,") flr~" , i('11 1 f"ru'e'.... wlio m,.ke i.~ ~beit' • u'r\,t 1111 t Il "" lltrtlll"C rcli f' ,\lId Cllr. If ,,,u dOll ll1 Ihis.Q 1:" w •f L ' '" ,... ov. l7 . • T'I,,~ 1Ie1"'" "t f t S tl . 1II " 11U I 1n f I'." e~ I1!' " ~ II ~ g ~" C,\, 1l1I(I 1Il1.1I'.. I t he b st 1Illlkes a uu luto.. t sty les fUI Plrupe rdty 01t ~ tu tll,. " 'II· Il ll llIO •• y. 8&OOND To"r \)rll'·gI8L. A. IloLL, ftnd g .. t • , oml' ~ C~ a t F ll ukcy ll ' Missil J ille'li ¥ S lUll UII CJ' , fI e 1IIl '" I. - 1111.'1' . ' - -- ------ E~8t quuter of Seat 0 ~jf 'To . i~ IJ'''' ~ ' II""0\)' Il'S Uol ulIu. llullul o f ' he lll Cfllfy BOI\le fur \eu c,·"t.. ood Iry 11 .'l a:;l1 lar . ., druve h im a buut unc yell 1'. thc lI h I! - M c:! r.<. Mu r uu l Ellrn hnrt li nd ~ en the Mi , - Itl l n ~ .. t ' tl - wanlS of IIII' f.. "" ly. II CO III'UII8 mora f\;'~d· .llO 'I' COllts. Two doo•• will rclte.e you.. - MI': B. D. H ohcrttl Il~d bI.Jr WIIS purchased by Dr S. OarI.JY , lit' V all UI'IIIIC talk of a bandoni ng • i!<lIIlh.Ea..t u:r:~r ot:'~d 8O~lt~:II:'''..I,d' ra~~ rng l~~ller Lhu~ '; "~. ;'Ih"r I"'P r. pult,lJahe<1 .~ -R e l·I.;loug,3 son ~~II.II Cy, of LaUl,t te • .Kll ns~, S pr illg V IIl1cy. 0 ., in 1 uti. wit .. thu IlIItel ~)I\ inl.'Sl! in ~he Slwi lli/:. Want<><!, Five Hlllldred BlIshe18 of Po~- nillg thonce with tbe ::!outb bounuRr linc ID I," Clly.III:' ,1 10 •. IIlIur.e r 01 I'. ~nlell\' _"_ are V.'Slt lllg M~s. J ~l1e SliuthCII} . dru vc ltim Ivl' Iho 1.1 1' six yl!lIl'd ill a li t! r 'I\II J\'ltlg UII 1\ tit.rru. toes. 8 1 tho WllrehoQ"'\ {v,f SIDES .. CO "'w,ereot N . ij7° W. \67~ pol M, to UJe~o"tb. r;:,,~:~d':h'~'~ ~,~,~!I~"~f."1 ~I... l~o~I'i'~'u:I~; whu 18 I't!covcrlllg Irum h or lutc ". I . II . . . . ", . ".too"!'et uf 8Ii,d t:Iou ~h.EIII!~ 'l.Ullrter ; l.rriliglu/i up. ~I iO I' ria ll "u Irom 810'0lll,l'0 · 1 R I W e aro happy to state t lat IS I' ' 11 >' his pl'uctiee. ., ('x t JC III S IIItu - B A . Stokes hall 700 bushols ~yn llll~.lIe, ~~t I~ ._ thonOt! ".•t~ the W IIIII boundary Ime.tbenlOl 1pltue" loy tl", IIC ~ ' I 'el'iecl ifl~ Pro ,' wtiieh op J aggll.r. h IlS aPfloin'ted' the R ev,' I ne..s. • . th <: ba!lUli uf A inU? ~1I1·~.Y. at o~' spI:illg hnrley . uII.I hus ~ver 1110 B kwh W d N. UO W. ,,0 86 100 1'01C11 to ll @t.onc, thollO" l make. lts t"l'ug"l\phlc,,1 o x~elltion bell er J OliN H. Eu;. formcrly of S t. Mllry B - Mr. Andre", Ond\\ a llndor nnel Utl t:a. 0 ., who avid him III 1 70 III ule\.: la t h 'f(~ t hllt h o He red me lll>r"llol w i ~h lJIe 6 1'8\ h ue S. 70 E. 1117 " I'ltan o'et. . Cad wtl.lll\.d(' r, JlIcub A ll d\' r~on of WnYllcAv aI ill, 0 11"0 lur ~7. A~ I hll;! II Ot the * 7, The ld l!heet pri ue paid fur Buok wheat . 1F pcleij 10.1' .luuo Iu tlte. llo\el.bo~nd"ry I~nc uf 'hole6 BIn,iell. pflelr)' RIIII mllCt>Ua. y, ill" Ollurc!l, BI' IIt!buro, as Mi8sionary M.r.IIa nd Mrtl .. 0. lurk. ~ D W II 'ii' .., HI '0 til! tJ:l7.3 the iiCllllon ; thell "" w.t h M.d hno 1:1. ~.o E . "'I'I'oliog W YOIUI)! ,Ind 'II.! . h YII nl" ..)~ ,lI ..\n r. . I talD ' WU lJlI h", becam ll trld ing s tuc k, 1 bllltght ;-')5 head ' n l' 'ule Orane ~~ _.:...,, ;~~~ liD OJU:11!U pol?" I<> the place of beg-illnlng, pl'(lmiru)l'1 fO" ll1 re~ [l1" '1 t.lnlng t." tbo Wll,llk ly fllr th e mission comprisin g Y ellow 0 1 l.U ur~o w, Vls ltell Spri llgs, X enia, WUf, ne vill e, and ,sun d Uring Q uurte rly Meotlng. . aOlI was o wnell s uceetllli\' oll by fIJI' H e .. hu t h ' cllnlll nllt chunge cuulu""ug 62 " OreH of 18"d, more or IJl8l! ; 1. 1111 S"ml We klv 1. 01(0\ ... , .nd l"aI'\!\a8~d .\i ; t.1I ••100 b.,illlf" trtt t \1)' Danlol UUl'lletuud l'ro,!, luenull will ';\1 gh un 1.1;)' , bew " ul'l"g Iltu • uthc r points. Mr. E J hc ld se rv ice ' - Petcr B urge r get.! I1p 311 o ys· Al ex. TllCJrn , and oth or fi lle U 0 U Ill y ql1u rtor,. su l ' 11m o ut ot' the Fnir "i~w Funn . At'ply Q" lbe premleee .. lfe !!Old "lid oonvoJed b)' dood 10 A~ rvlI CO IIIII' ~ l <"or. Ot at thienft\Ilo Ob ~l\{lIe r, J abll"ry 18., A.D. lllll;}. 'I'hu G,I?, 116 , In m ·ch"oleal eltcc\1lk'n , In: ill t he E piscopal Ohurch last Sunday t e r ste w i n N e w York Fulton ed fallc illrs , until ho became Iht' t l'lIdl'. evening. and pl'eached t v a very , Market st"le. H e recei ves th e coveted prl>11cl'ty 0 1 the 1I vn. J oh" '1 111111) TIIAC'I'-lltH lllf p.. rt Of tlto Spilth. tnc 'lu.lnll ty ....,I 4uuIoL,Y or III " 'lIdlu:: lIIlItJ _ qlllltooio n (. Sedtill" '4, ' T . 3. R. 5, bo- I· 'er. nod I" 1111 Ih. \1" , tillQK of lhe r,ultlltl good audience, this boillg th e firdt Iutellt St VICd every week from F ul· ~forcer. of Utica. whum hc son rtl ~ . , ' rl). ~1"'bj) ~t 1). Iween Lb e M~nthi Rlv n ., ~DoiDI!' Ht " \ ' 011'" .. . "III <011\"'"0 it~ Proll"'Y .. 11'U~llt r egulur minis te r!ul scrvice t!i uce tho too Mll r kct . 1'1',)' b im. faithfull y fill' lIearly tw u yelll s ; '!0 ~ n."~ ~ u " ~ U"''' .toua ~u ur til ola_ O. •TW'!:., rUl'ning "hh th" lint", opelli n".of t t.IC church. - Jacub Ritte r, Ilt th c Quecn wh ell, bec . lIli ng sumc whlLt o t' llf(l' . t~lClI"e . s7° W. :34 polOll-inth 8110i cl J OII08' 1 T"n,. . .r ", • .,1&11 00• • _ " " tll".. .... I ~ hno. 1AT/18IOne.IlO'l'nor' tq ~QtIoJ-!Cc C"!'UlUlY' j SlnKI. KublK: rip,l n. inclu,lillg p08l1\jl0. t!lIlU Mr. El y IS a yonng c ergy m~~, Ci ty OYlite r sul,}I)u , clmllen~ t he an d decrepid. hc \~I~~ pre, c 'l t{'d Wit h a 8U!!'V ~o~ 4 'uph1llt ~ . •I~O W:. I lank., II :I oopi._ IIl11lup\\ nr,I, " .. eMlh ~ :.11 fl.111 of zoal a nd of no !DCt'n Ub i'" wllrld tu ucnt him ill pr flul'lng un a v ~ ry IIc~t ly . fl l~llIg y" kc, II l1 d I ' . , hwkury ~4 ,Inah.... ~.. 230 E. 1.4. "10k"; lI,enoll 411 oOP' ·. Illld UI''' 'I, \I , ' ' .. "" h I ,, ~, .• I th a ueter d I I I t fre I 1 f· 11 ",i ~h .... Id Curmtlll,Y. 100 0 B. to 10 E . U7 ! 60 "IIp' . 8 II I1 J "I' ''·I,r,I. '' " 08 CO I 4() Il ~S, a."u Ie cOlDes. Wl . . ' oyste r l'epnlSt , UIIC ul' III Yo' Int g l'UCIUU Y g~ vel ti l'! • el OIl I U I U 10 pole. tu " .....'n o c"rDI'r to> ."id Carmlln)" G c.()p;' .• Blld "I'" ,lid, " .. 011\' " I :IS rui nati on to do WIth IllS m Ight ovel' sty 1u is d sirel!. J acub k nows a.n y mul'o tori , or a nx lety-tur ncd a OOo,uh 18 lUul "" S 87 0 ·l!:. 1I0 link~, an "ah 1 ~1 cOI,les . nd IIp ....II.I ' ' .. each I 2$ "whatevor h il'! ha.lllls fi nd to d u." how, yu u ca n dCI)c ud on that. IIl Cl cil.·lIl1y 011. to thc hi g hway, tv 4 lO ob •• 8 :.IljO E 31 link. , then S. 870 ' T e . . . . .f ......"''''r ..·kly Gn . .. ue ~r 1878 II I b II I 10' E. ~4 polea tQ MtOIlO; thence .... lth I cll · pl on. "'eI••I ' liS posl..!;• •- $4 lin' ,. d H. e oarnc t IY d I.Jll lrCS tl1e cu opera_ W e wish to CI111 oSDl'''ialllttc n. 16 \\, It u U li S em e lri une ntl'! ,II I. CI dh ' II N 1010' W U7 lL I S."'""IC' U, d tl \ ' .... 01 tl I ron H'n or It n c : . • / If po Cit J copie. Ulld "I,WIU d, " u ~" ch :t 25 b II I f t lOn 0 U tI e mem ors a ll lose tioll to UIII' ue w K id Gl uvcs t hat o.tt r was not lIl " I'U lun IU ' w the pluce of fleglllnlbl!, oon \.t,\ u'"I( . \0 15 , ol.'~'" II, 1 "I"' .,d." .. "Rob ;1 110 iu an.y wuy ilJte rcs~ ed il.' ~h e c hurch CUlt he b oug ht lil l' t hc SII1Il11 ~um or m ~Lll , lI oilh e r WII8 ho Wit hout fi\lllt~ ; 11 , Raros of IIInd, more or Ie",,; th e llllllle OO"' ~ 2:, cop,e. ","1 " p ~ " "I , " .. caeh:l 00 ~ tltl s place Bud Its. V1CIJl ~ty, UII J $ 1,00 fur Olltl buttun an d $ 1,25 for stili, h.u was ge ne ruus ~u rl'PIlY. 1I1 :o~u:n~v~Y~~ r.:t~"::.i,.::dCb:dl~r _flhe DAII10........ . we tru~t that al\ Will Ulll te Wi t h t".o bu ttons a nd cv(:ry 'pa ir ",ur- d ownrIg ht ha rd work lor 1111 little _ .. April 1lrd; A.D 1l!G2. ' 8,n;:lo '·OP.' I. 101lr, Inchl"illg po. t."QIl . ,11 00 u t him in thc cffIJrts he m~y lJ . forth. rallwd.' F~nkcy & Mi ijsildine. kindn esses s ho wn him • .n nt.il in h is .... ~ ~ted~~~ ::~';fo!(!yP~d!~e:, ';::b~r::~:~ n~f ~!::~:~ ~~~;. ~ ~~~~:~:: ~ 10 three wecks Mr. Ely WIll ho ld I F k & M' ' ld ' 1 olu age he became " clllldlrk e and..... ..., th'BnotiCfl. "" ....qu.ired by law, ... lIOOll " , 111;;10 cn!',\' I lIIullth. l 115 s ervice again. N Otl CC ot la t S un· -: lin ~Y ISSI lOe mve now bland ," o.nd could with di ffi culty . . . CD tbe . ..id n llvid Cb"ntilor O\ln W helU'd . he 8 ...." ' _ . (J.p'''' .....,... 1I...r)' P .., _ day e \'ening's sen ' icc wo.s rcceived ro~ IIlSpectlo n thc lar~~st, best 8S- jump fiv e or six rail s high , wi t hout ~ wiU npply for ~n order th~t p. rl.itl,," Dllly I .. ell.,. too' late to make the de~ired S,ll tcd, best lI~ado, a nd III o\' ory way muving the t op rail. High oa ts ..... .... be m..d.. of ",:id rotiJ I!IIts w, and th ..t oa1lh aunouncemeot ill this paper. , the III~St desira ble, stoc k ~f men's, and clover had more charms ~ r . . . WW f;:tb~r~~:!~ru.;:';:r .':o!'~~~:::d:~~~ - - - -•.--;-bont hl!, and boys cl ~tlllll~, RII.d him than a hig h fence; yct ho had m provided . DAVID OHANDLER. Awarded the lJighelt .edal at A LF. B URN Err 1 0·N JG IIT.-NoO(I ts a ndI shoes ever olfer~u lD thiS inheritod a COlli COlltE'lDpt for that "-4 ~ D By BItTII W . BItOWO N. hi" Atl<>moy. Vienna. body will furget t!lat th e geni.1l1 or IIny ot m~lrk ct. man wh o huildod only a ~e n - ruil . . . r:a't7t~l. latb da~ o~, utqber. A.D.lti71J. E. &. T, ANTHO-NY A. and humorous Alt. Bnrn~tt w ti l l - Y on Wi ll find the be~t .and lar· lenco for his pru~oc ti on . H e hUt! UI. opel! out at O~dwa\ll\der 8 Hall gest oyst ers fl)~ ThaoKsglvlIIg.Day gOUCl to j o in tho cavalry. The ~ .QNQe~ 591 Bl'o('dtQa!l~ No to Y ork, t o'llIg ht. It WIlL bo th c g rCllt ut the Queen Olty Bakery, for 35 angels now e nn choosc thc ir ni g h t ' " W 'lli & f th Bt< 1 1 111' I (OI)P· r.1,·t, opohl f'" Il owt.) UlUU8am cot of th e season , and thc u lld .J.5 cents a balf·can, und the 'horse.' D. R "LU F UR OUSICM . will ~k~":.oti~~i.~' D\~id M:":o dJtoo~ I M_.Ou:_......."e................. ... hall will be pac kcd full. R cser ved bel!t that leave Baltimore for 5 cts. _ • _ CD tb e 9h~ d"y of Oqtoho r, AD 11:!7l1, fll ~ hi. CH HOMOS AND I cats have b ec n selling a t nn un· per can. D o not forget to try some To TOWN S UBSOBlBItRS .- W e .... pc» pettLion in tl,e Oourt of Connuon Plo,," can of those excellent Stur • oysters. have so many complaints abont.... within "ud lor the oounty of WUI'en, In I STEREOSt)OPES AND VIBW" Prec.llIlen.ted rate. lind. all w.ho O. .-.. tbe Hloato of Ohio. agtU D I~ tlte 8Qtd W.llillID l,i\ n rg>t1 ,.r.v.! t!I. "'ruI"' . ""1R1/lII ~ .. g et In WI II b e e n.tertalne d WI~U Ol.'e I -The ' Youol!: R clillbl cs' ar~now onr village subscribers not gctting ~ m Bolf'lt', prsylog lor" Judgmont for thoII AUolZti!llWU"'lI """"lAI_I(\I~ of tile 1II0St ,," r led o.n. d dC~l ghtl~1 receiv ing and will hllve O"CD for their papers re~tllllrly ~ach week, U • I)~ia ciplll lind -t"tere8t of throo proml"""r, MJij'£i).~ ~lWL t1 th s I I' ~ noUIII oKoonted. and doliverod b y tbu 1I.. ld - - -- -. per orma nccs c \'er gI ven 10 I insl)cction to-murrow, another large that we have etel'min ed to try WUHAm Boger \0 thu "l.d 1)IIvid JalMOn . .. I It place , stock of ne w goods , embracing delive rir~ them through the Post fol\ow ~: One dated Nu .... 18, 1.R1IS, fo~ '100, • o 1r j h M i l ) as I the Dew sty les of drass goods, wa· Office. he refvre, next week , our We b ....e .. IAT8e . took "f the IatoAt im- ~"l~~~ :~:r:~~!~8~~teO~~~burlU~(~~i~~~ WtJ lire H ctld'lutlrle~: - ;;';:~'Io the d A SI~' d t . de ~ th u e~ I te r·proof,;, ca shme re, bllavc r clOtllt!, patrons will fiud thei r Gaz ette in proved Oookillg tlId HellUng 800.01, fllr ooe d.ted No". lltI. IlKlfj, for "'10, p"YAble way of '> etermrn~ 0 a oP . e CUS I t~~:i c1uak tr immiugs, nllbias, cloth the P ust·Office ; or, as mltuy do coal and wood, nibe m ..nth ...fter dato ; r.ad one dilled STERBOPTICONS ABD -AGIO to~ a t b ls mcat mar~et. , N ow ;skil'ts, a large s tock of flann cls. Illrl'.ad y . the y call call at o nr office March l!.~, ItlUtl, for '150. r.Yllble "leveD LABTBB.B • . Will hereafter be hIS .... e:tch o r~ , j ellnll, and canton fla llncls. Anothe r alld g ot the ir paper. W e will try Don't go •••, to D,.,tou ·or Oinoinnati ~onth8llftcr 0I~"" ,,11 of .,,1 note" bMrlng 'B cing ;\Iallnfn clurertl of ,be aHnd he th~~ no OI~C .W I~ a~k It' lacl di ti on willarr ivo from N e w Y ork thi8 experimont at least for a while, I<> bu,.l<>ve~, bot come I<> our d 1'0- o!~w.r~~D\S7~::tl ~,.tfd it,:,~"~I:! lft'~:::::'~:~:~~:lJ-\V.~ ~ e must ave . _1.e_c.a8 1\1 an. a nd be ollCn by Saturday. Both and if toul1d satistitctory, co ntiuue liable stand, where we recommend' uoih- caWllid 00 order of " ~t<\ObmdDt I<> Il!J!lIe out llN."IIt: ......' .. "'T • • · ' f Id ing hut what we kno" 10 be good W. of anld·o"urt in -""Id o..n..... I<> re.oh tb u .tDVIl.T."etl... itT. . . . . . ... b be• tt; 1 not, re turn to our 0 ",ay. Lo8t, Sunday week, a pair of Iots b Il.ve becn b oug IIt fur ~~, ate oon. tsntly &ddiog to our a}rilJOdy big prnpertt of tbp ..id Wil li!Ql!. Boger ill ."id .u&TO ....·, etJON, bllckakin and chinchilla driving lo w the reg ular market price, and > • • • ::::~ t1e,!el!~ ~~t~. I:.~-o~~ ~:re";!!I ouunty ",, ,Wlln~ Tbo tcal4 Willi llm Do- 8 0 BOo L tAt:\'I'S!~Ni F O\ )JJt.Y' L ...TUtr. .. wrcWlh a'll"'hli U E. R.lrlnte, at the " geri. I'EOI L! A i'iTERN . "'.. .lAla ve th e m at th IS 0ffi ce as they se1l8trictI,/" G b' WIde-awa I dke I<> Introdnce in OUT !.tltde 0111 .. sl<>,.." that d D"{ifl,e"th .. ~ h.. iia r 'Ub.red tollPnAlU' ry g 1ov::: rded bny for cllllh can boy goods lower p-town rlJCory, as a sp eo id ..111 t.e economic&lin fuel••nd do the belt IlII 1m""'e~ II1lld \lCti tinn Od r before the Each 11,:0 helug lhe b '1\ of'lra elAlI1 ln ,he Iln d "" rewa . tL tl b d' ~ article of sweet cider J'uet from wOTk. both in oookiog "lid heatinK. Ih ird Satilrdny!ifter tbe lit Iii)' of Decem· m kc&. ,IRO any 0 Jer ouse, an satls.ae· . • . . be~ ucat. . DA VlD MASON, Oalalogues of l,nnl.'rus aDd SlIdee ,,1, b he tion g uaruoteed. Euokey & Mi .. Dctnllt, WIIlC!1 he Ie seIling at 4Oc. _'I?'M? e ~ & SU I[ W . BROW,., hi~ Attorney. dlreetioM for 1\. lng.on, oD.appllcation. t QUI~kur Quarterly bruught ei1dine. a gallon. It IS fir~t class. Go and ~~g W ~Me Da thle ll7th da, of Oot., 1875. Any enlerpl'i ing m UD a&D mak e IIIOn&), u _Gal rain 0 a t urday . --_.- - -get some for Thaoksgiving mince of all kin.. "" htuttl, and with" Magil L,,"IOr,!. . Fine BC1ars, all the illustrated pies. 8POtJTIlIG AD ROOFIliG 50 bea'UMf,ul ar cu ~ OU' 'hll lldvurllHlDlDdor rettllltUC& adv rtise ment of the Oin . 81118 lu our line doue iJI t IOU1' ",am A ll neatly • Oal'dR,. t-..1'lDlttA ""33-t)':.-_______ ____ _ . ' Ut t1le N e we p a pcrs an !nllgazlDs • • • and everythmg eitJnati W l'ekly Enq"irn'. Agency. To·day the Waynesville News Ant-ol... . t)'l•. Comer.ad_our" " prI,n fX.1 ..lin .OIllETIIWfi.1IBW .• •• Agem; y movcs one sqnare up Main I, _I.. tal 'II them, and ,tnt to OJl1/ (lrlilr e8l1 .. frld-.r and Friday n igh1. we re L -' K eys' wareroom. DwueD 0 - to.,.· '.mOta reo ':9>t o·~ 50 ot,'. . .. . . . ." ... . t bOile rare tl. n to 0 f note ,treet, just auUve E UlDlne ..., pO"li t_""" r ''''··;..1, U' ·W r "1':1 "Q~"''''''_ ~1 Ddid. - -. _.p~per, all aorta and pricee, at the Follow Daniel Webiter, aDd get 'lfitJIIUlli,O•• no.1 ... Addrc" .I&III&&.~ J.oc. 1 llotiOOl, lOcoa Iinc. N e w. 8tand. yuur dime ciS_ for .ky" MAIN &., W'(.JvnClvi~ Oltib. TU 1W.::~~~i.ie. e. w'"
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thllir lIerviceot, ,'11,1,,'0,., tllI,n thcre , he geta lDore for a .ingle aeri&l RiclilHIJnd d: ()!ait'll!ftl c\'or WII. bcfvre, Rlld thu N\ II.rd than hi8 whole year', 8alar1 lUI &W *I. I ~,!c.b gl'6l&ter. Tho iIlC~II~ f•. l l'Uwr. Ho bM .already wrrtten COI;\ti 'C:ll.ra . X Q, 10. CIIt~I~, the .lDultiplicity or lab.Jr· 'The ew Timothy' and 'Moac Nu, 1110 p m I Ilvlng material. th· culti vation of , EVlln!,' !;lnd is nJW tmga.!tlrl uJXln -'iliCl UIl tl-T. lYI i:ill '" ill.:li.wulIlt-.\rrh . IU 30 III 10 I~ " III ,wle, hllve augmented tlae D_sty , a story entitled 'A Go.1d Year' 1I.~i' r " ""h'b, .r ll.~ 11.16 to 10 21,.~I'pm m fur IJtho'1·.... h it InU t th SC\lDe8 f "which are laid I'll 'tJle II he k10 ra t· worltm ' .1 ... ' t ' N ew ·&Jlflu, .rtint II !>II • "III 1 .1 ~ m ep III 10111\1, () " uetter allC"') DI • IIltel'Cl!tlUjI; cIty of the oUlh . Autl rKlll. arrh'" 1.10 "", Ku ~ uulo . urrl~CI .1 ;'~" ru tl,lILll In tit",. old bungling daYd, durlllg . a rcsid:·"~'tJ there. The It.OII P m 4 OJ ~ m J.~)tt IIJll pOr1., """ 0 "H., .. m "hCI.I unythlng pr ucoo b type , ~t()r'y, wI:! learn, hI t... be ~l1hl i hed OI U.1I )"oiut. n rli v" 7 05 P In 6i~ ~ lID Ilud IIlk!lll d cUl'reut 14 printing. In the n ev. Dr. Talmage tI pupcr eL1a '11,. ."the ~ .OII pm , • II That . is u t enouEt.• hnow. The I' Th e Ohriatilln at W o rk. ' 00111\1 IUI'TU. t f tl Ie plI \ Ie Il:i gr wn Ilppe t leo - . ----~0, J. No. 3 equally with thei r klluwledge of A TUltlBLI\: Bua FlollT.-In t:~~~.~'Oi~;t~:••he ~:~ ~~: I~i~~ a Dl ..... hat could bo done, unl l 1fI.1t8t bt. . the. San. ilel'llartiino, California, l.,gftn llOrt.arrl . e 1:! .jU alD I :CI(J ,,~ : met aud cutcred for-oveu Olvre, I D:l~lr'Jun~8,wefinuthofollowing K.. kuw . arrive 1045. m ., 20 pm li e d . . thrdllll1\ Ilccnunt of a b ur fight ill mnl ".'011 1,,' °m' l The nuti u tI.l at "the trade" wh ich r. D. T.. a gO.lltloR ~r .. o .uri.e 511 Oil' 5.:t p m' notasg<lO d IliIltwllSCI4U nut lIu\ud I mlln well k 11 \\'n t 0 many 0 I otlr h'""lIoI ... 5511 a m 6 :,ICl II In IIgainst Iil.CIIl, alld will certu.inly Iread ers, bore a conspicuoua band: IIlt'llllla~l. arrh.. !1.00 1\111 !U5 ~ III flit tl d 1 . b ~ j "Four g\!ntlewen detcrUl '1 l ed 0 .• dllil; a hunt rur d er, allu went \Hlt I I ~ h Swurthout's C tl O ' ot I~r tr. II~ ,1111\,; '\Oe\, l ~"d ' ,I'. I\lor so, oven IL!I t 0 pru ~ i "tlpll' . anun, near Ie aJon \lW o1t r~wl~rIRI8 NM v , Pi.t T A , riorto tltat "pullo.! " by Frankl in, I Pllols,forthatpllrpqae. OnW dnes· J , HIl.t.. '"p'l Lo~· ".il\lrl: II~d~mbu8. as tho typo to the cruJllly dc igned I day atterl!OO Il lust ' ~hey left. the , . _ and engrllvod woodell block~ now \ o:amp, tuklllg_ rVl1l: dlB:erent dirac· tfl.loll VUlIlICC tretl8.uretl ail curio itics \ lIOns. Mr. Huston took an eu ta rly • TI h d " lk f direction aud cuntiullod unt'l I. -. Ie mcn w 0 elgn to ta 0 I ue Dear Guzett8 :- Tho glories of there not being ro m tor succes~ in rell.cb~d tl!O house of Mr. Mathews,
q Uf'<ollvnc, .yL.lc ullaI ot '"l~
Dr. E. n. " ·O()'I ' Rl.· ' U ne 7 11 8 , Nil'" l'<Jrll:.
belLu· (liS It h~ ever ~eell) olle of the In ~n Cl,'sterly dIrectIOn. the pro· lIeadtlaarters I~o HI. \NKETS ! :.l 00 P .F.1R DA Y. !-' ~ ty, t!olltlldo and q III ,t ure nu m.,r , noblost, tar· reachIng and most reo ?eodlOg ~unrlIlY· Mr, Huston went " r , .... :tIE/II ' " A.T>oIUl'I, PNp.' ~I~ Q "'~. . , "" !:!:l AC r- NTS WANTED • • w huve occu!!itllllllly 1)1 'I' IllIl Illunerative of pUr8llitu un ·1 tllo In that directIO n and coutinued 88 De~IIt;IOo..m.I~' 19d'lloOu18r l Own "'I"kod· ~fdnltn:'.'O•• - -- ...... ?e'·'.... = , 1"1t. Po-n. i.!f llHS au tJl(lr of h U llUllttAt, e'f" . 'Itl • .. . ", .. u .. ~ L Id I b ~ •• 0 el'3 011 11\11 "n mlld~ SETH W BRo\v"r en l ;;: -" e~ t.~ ,./ "I'\ ~ ~. ~ I " honk, lhAI ~ttlh t'd .. c" \'lIlt\l \1')1l 1111 days. \~It n tho IItH'CIIU !lkill ' oJlolllngs tor lind aveuues to SllC. ar ail lie C \l on lorse ack, but to order. OOllim ~h"elillgs and ' .'1, C ~ " l' l' ." : ~ ~t l I ,"r )I",*" fWtl , 'J)I,',. : "I .... '. l. r •• J'L4lN Ihu" . bUill! live r Uil in bille alld hl allk" s are greater thlLO e ver previous. SUUII IO~lId that he would bo oblig. Pil ~" ~ .~II; ill"8 , Tol.l. Line"s. Z c BaB •a ~: TA l. ".' rO n, rr~lIl ~y ,I ult.,h.... l. "hll'h 1\114 , .,1d t;erunity,unrolie\,ed by tho"'I"unlyin its histo1'y, aud ClJuiltuntly edtodlsrnonnt 011 accuunt ofth o NlllJJlI·k'lll)Dcsr·~?~l h,: .LIII·du~. ATTOR.NEY AT LAW, ·'~ I g. t~t Lt.t.' I ll(llll or 7U,'JlilJ ,'I'llc"; Ilt..u, (I r ":i, I I:. PW. . Icaves. WtlUI1Jtwo h.uvy ,., .InCrCll':IIng. . tl·IIC·[l66S.0 k f b ' d I ' . .lel'\alld .n . I "' pu tl t v' I l!ll :\11 kr. " ",hu' h i. ,.II~ \ I n~ 1 Il IIoh~ It\" 1" lKrhtll. toruat ~U81, au. ead hiS di C 'T1 l t~oc=>~.:< ,:o-<.; ,;:;;::::", IA Ul. IS thundur tlh wer!! yll~t(;jrdu y A pebble dropPoll into tIlt! still borse, whIch he accurdangly did. R tft11ed at 1t'1f("/il'l1ale P,·ires ! AND NOTARY r BLIC. ~ @~~B./;iiggtH~ ' ~ nt . 1,- " lI:f'l"'lltiIlK thf" rtrl"l WI'n llllnM WII' \: ("hl, 1:I .... ,,11 .t .'1111\ ). ""hi "" . ... nl tre.· nu fI"I ,.;"!'fI',Q (WeduesdtLY) duriulf IF' Order~ for Iinbol,ter,' I\nd O"rp' l. . • 1\ .... Blllldl... ,.., "" !' •• • - ~ '-;> ",,'" ~ ~. .. IIno of Wit 'Ci l b.O i O\l1 of a ~.m·\ldt . lake makes at : He tl wasI proceed,ing tl til k io this 1 manner b .. I. Me(:..... u "· t , 1.1 "1" I 'r I ~"' ":, t'lt' t he K1U'ta.y um ru't hb.· we had a stt· r and a \'aluubl u hI' t but 1\ tlhght ripple and a little , Irong I .1e IC et, W len a ear ,,(,rk extcuted pl·oml'tl~· , b! ekill"d work. ;. ~ ~ .•. '? ~ : ~ ;: :; ill. : ' ~U.I, .. h\Jlle of1'h'e I.. l:.."J b:ftJli L ~'h. lrt"ll l, ,\ . "1\ .. - b ,th In'!" "n" ~ I'n\ •., - . pi N IM.'II I~ iler .(worth 1111 of 150.) killud by circle .. But that ~ircl? i~ cUDstautly sltddouly Jumped. up between him tuell. !i36·:lm ~ "'''Y~IR8Y ... I,E. O,I ..!. ___ '!::. ~ -",..----7'":""-t1l .. I t, I!t, III .'ur_ . . t..o "ht.,u M. m"" ,Al ",runl10 wUI Itglot\lIug. No vther UlilOligll cu ll1rglllg, grv ..... ug more plaiu:, l and the horee, SOl zed tho horse by E. S. B. WALTON, ;5' :;. i'?,,~~!?!l'''' h,· •. 11 ,., .t. 'nlt! bfw,ll nll :lI.til 'I' tur..'1 , .,rilln.,. tl vlle. The duy wu~ 8" dlHk, ut mllkillggronterttB 'diameter, U'!l'ttI I?nOoftl!e sholJlulJrsan~ torebim ATTOR.NEY AT LAW ~ tiI~:s ~g ~B ha '",," inA 1· it! . · I~~ D': I .. t 00'1''':, 1""J,u!n.r 71 'r \.~, ' · PLAt,. Ifll'u; ...... 4' .. h' II»rt lrn ,' rI1 Ihlll" , thllt we could Belll·tllly seu tho \lye fails to ti\ke ill tlic..s:ircum·· an p, terrible manner. rhe hOI'se &:tl"rl·hn~rst OI;;C~, {I Br'Jadway, ' . ~ ,. 'p 'l=' 'l='''' 'l=' ~ "'." I)lI ..~t t.n a l ulu; "nil ·'8\.' ''·_l\1~ ~ IS :-OT t." ,, " Ito) I' ad huge priut"llIltl th • plILY 'JI ferollce, for its liluit is beyond the I brokc 10 se fr m the bent :llld ran a;Y", "Y;~1tJ Jl O <;) BEl !I El El El !I I,H 'h' I.hlmr t fl t ltl,' ' ''ling. n..l rur ~ nl,.nt.l 1.. ','4 .. " "lI ,M·" lur lOnr..,:_'t('''' 'l 1w , ,'Nne.I' "",_'CI'" ,.I"ctricity wus fl>lIrful iu b, tit re,l'll of humlln kon. And even aWILy. Tho bear then turned upou LEB;lNON.O'lIo. '" mill II Hit.. Of rlll '·~!\fln .. ""hTh tnlill nnd ~" nLJ .. t!how rs. ' ~u has hocn unrl is the record orl Mr. Huston! who shot him through FOIt I 7l;. A nd 'ov l' th e N t'tl) D1'lt[!. ~tM'e, rnr'lI r , '('l .. tle l(I'~h:) .. ll'lllt" \\lK u , ,hetr I,hy- I", IIIl., "h ~r' ,lJ4 ' ''Jtl 1m; ill ,1\ ",,",,1.1\,,, A.t . u 11&' .. "'thet Weare gradually tillling into tlr intiilg. Ita tirdt (ittleucss has , thebeart,dldllotstoph. im. W ith 'rh pul'I'b " . ' W.olYNE~VILI_E,O. II r 1I'" t,JI't'K.,l nl( wllr ~~. .. !-k'I":JrU'"K O' 8 r<lR'I oll r ordi'll8ry rvntinc of "'intc r )ile leCOWIl grcatne B, and the magni. ,· one blow of hia pa\v he knucked lowing It~ ~r ~~~I~='~tl;~~~~~I~~~~lit~ ~.I;~iS~I~ lVIISS RACHIE ES-R - I-G-B -\...... nn'i lr.' h ~ 1 1 ul Rt;tl' hh or o f ~h.u P u t"lh.lltfrl, Il ud duties at Union VilluJ!:El. tilde ul' ltd future is tlLr b .yond the the gUll out of ~r. Huston's hallds , r.ecn r~'l , (or Sarlhorr's , ~Iomhly, .for . T, " "' ,,,', " )1 \' IIulJU'hl'aJ III bI.l h HI, f Thallks ..Iriving tilly will be npoll prophetic visiou, "f any th& same tbed knuckle. ofr. lhhel.' omlll g yea~, In ~hle 11I,1tI 0d ficloon. Plano· Forte Mnslc: Teac:her, It : 1 .~n .u"a;Io ., Otwu w"",. ~ • mllll . i, at I'" fi tearlllg A' e. ues numerous nOI'. elt.o'B &11 shortrr E " t s'·· I' 'I ' , .A.50:o. t s '\A7 G3.1 t euo 1111 tlre IUllf ' allJ I) 8 ibly II. num. Could he 6VUII d 'lO ' y shad ow it ' I!S ".Ire· n~r 0..., an thrOWIng ~~"e~.lbcre will I.e ' .' 'u" 0 ,'•••" 111I!.O ", Ireet. W""I'II!!!IVII I .. O. . l,UI "lid AS • budl. b'r of chic OilS, g . U Ilild IUI'koys jo ;tll, it w mid bJ lvoked I1pOO as h I~ d o~u y the 8hoc k ' . i t t b eo TwOl 'R~ma1'kab lc ' Serial Storie/! ' 'i?@Iiil~~ IKt B.~f~ ~. 8elzed will be r Iic\'ed uf th bletlk furl~ th", rnytl, uf an altnoilt illtlane · lll~ b'y th~ ,Ieft;~~ au~ bit --. ...,~ri",,"" 110.... .... h04ing und still ltl('ukel' xl'cl'i. drcl\,mor. I throllgl~ It Into II 8Ide, " e&'uaing Tbefiratofthc~e.llOw ,aimplotoin l>urhn"dB. -H[DG~-,• t!rlce ' vI' U Cl/lUt'u rtl llRiI (tu thew) Wby,. then, itl there nl)t rOOm p. e'Wtt diffel'e~t ~~lidtl. $r~ the "G~bri-l 00 ' ,,$nsl)tonnblc BllrbC" nll~ wiuler. At leu~t th~'~l' gflue l',,"- Why Will there not he? W~ fuil to elbow down the arm was orD~ ~ oroy, ," u ~ impobea tt, fcli,' \'u til ,.tlC bil'd~ .1 di scuve r the rea~()n. Prillting can '. t a per'(eslt ~elty. .Mr Hueton lay ~ . , a.lIT. ~"KTIR. lEI'&lIm-llDJiU:~~lEl!l., When l.illk ~J"no,ie lIi,·d. their Md aritici!llltions, Sll'iko IH lIut und will !lot be blutted Ollt ' perfe,:tty '. ,8,:,1l~ knowing th&t his B",nn ,N TlfJl N " ~ IMU ~II ,W,.I'''''. ".UN ~~.• , YI'lE.......... E. ""S W~ J"lI l1i". th,' Fl ow"r "f Ihe U\\II. cnurl\lI\' with "reat tvrco on from IImnn" the I1rt~ nntil there ist. 0nIYO()~l&Ilce for li~e \VILS iD doing laod ",ill r~1I f',r tw .I\"· monlhs, Thi~ Is Mr. T & l ' \.I r £L' , ~OI'QIII·Hou,c tin Ih~ 11 ill, 'I k"" ,I " . ti I "k""1 I I -rt'L. " so The bear's w d b H"ne • fi rM I I'll' nrled· w.,,1 '1bo ~ ~, He.sil!. will )" n 1.1) , e )Iot IU tl ...glvlllp:·uUY. a nil wrec' ut "16 who e. LUere . . oun SOOIi ' egan 8CClle_ ftnd ('i, ur.,cie,'ll ~' hl, :h Iho t, ~, .... My IIUllr 0 \,1 HOUlc. \V e 111l1i 1t!1 urJl!I', th e other dllY. id not 01\0 thut c,mld '·IMl.I·vi,ve ~ its to tell 1~l?QII 111m, aud he went off, "uLIoo,' I."" l'~'''' U f". m hl~ \\·HolLE.' A LE --~ ' "I,I,\, :" wol l. , frOIll our patrun in Blf.lt. IlI <l l'c fur dvwllfllll. Tu it IUIl~ il.l an~' lilt. I\bunt Len feet and .Iay down. At'· flll'OnlOfi .':d . L'"Uf ,ro· ~ ~ T he Lillie Log r."I .ill·s Ibe Honlc nner ,,\I, lO!> burrulil of dried tI\VUOI ClIrl l. ing" 'b~nd -.s . '~ tlteir peer, . r lying t!tere- a minute, he "1'QSC I", ~\:~ll~~:~~~~;~llh JEWELEhS ~OPTICIANS i«t ~ v !r\~'~~~~~ .~~:~"I~~ I)oo,-Wllllo·. ncnll. w~ ich Wil shipped imlllcJilLtely !Iii! tory, p yalla ~e druma are , alld walked .off about t II feet, lay , \·,i"'dn".~"nd I'~' C~ : "".llhe 1'081 do."ri!, . ' ~. l\f ,u.'!<,llIo l;rul', t!!j 0 UllrllllY .11 "etll,Oe. ,Yo have S,JIlI' -10 to 50 bllrt'cl" I\ldubt~ the lar"ollc~ · ot' thei r , down and dIed . Mr. Hnstoll theu 1101. of C.llfor."" Ilk .tbat h.. ,' el ll pl.eal'l ,I. ~ ' I . .1 t:> . . " 'kd t· d' Woabllll nlso IAglnrn'uIJ l1 l1u8rl' nu luberSI')ccwcl os, Too l:-;&M:11cr illl", ' ,.., IOI I\L'I~llin;.(, (;jIL, willc I you ur any of your tllICcess un" th brllllafit, 6~ 1 rosu, pIC e up liB gun all pipe, ' . ~". BY H A V S. frieuds cun have at llc. pt!r lb .. theil' triumphs. It I ' ~a, bugl'e ~otwithstallding his terl'ible injllr· PHILIP NOLAlNl)'S FRI ENl)S, s, w. Cor. Slxlh alld Main 1'< 19. ~ f¥I> ' d ft d I f ' . 11 b .~ . d l le~ and walked b k tl d .....:2 .. ~ ONOS. ANI) c l \Orws¥~, 80 0'1'8 . EAOH. ,an t\ er yun o r I!r tie ~1I11l0 11.1 1I000e o vIctory IU" IIsln*,4.11 , . . ae lree all a OR, snow YOUR PASSPORTS. l'IN OIN:-1t.'·' . O, r-:I.... WI I P ~ha.t ,pl'i~, .yO Il shull /lot b" kepi ~lthol1tit mankind ,,:oul~ aink I>ack balf miles to Mr. Mathews' raDeh. B, EOWAH. E. nAl.E. ~ ~ ~ liii,~~~, '~.uJ'''~o;~~uigbl? wlutlng tur It IOllg. \UI;" th" most bllorbarliln Ignorance. I When he reached the felice, he Th~ scone <>f Ihi~ et.. ry is I'lid ill Ihe 8 et:untl Juil'icia l Diatliat oj 'uj;ilJ ~ ~ Sluuluw . "f LOllS .\ 1;0. We huve not hnd a b .tter crop N<o>t ruolD ! W h" 81&ytl so? Look ' found that he was ullable to gil t ~outh .. e8Ie' n . terriVllrv. n .. ", fon"h.;: Ih., '" , All i< I " "' ill~, of corn ' fur mall" "cars thlln w . 'artJ llnd and sec buw much llilcut , over, and motioned to Mrs. Ma th' j Sf"l~cS of LBo" '.~n ...IId T ,.• ~ • • II~ t1w tlille Tim,ea of Commencement of the (Irt ill Ur.'alllo,' n 'W I'ct ' "oicc C"II, M•. • • . . I d' 0 ""rOu II rr 8 11"'Il~\ln , 1 be d,"r",' I". ~ '1ho l;"Io!oll \I'cddl n!!, Lave the pr ent seRsOn. SOUle til and capital are invC3ted - how ' ow~ 111 tIe Istance to come to his \i';cd i., ~ .eo~ioll w:'ipb Iv. ~ IhJ1\' "I ..." i" lIlI. DISTHICl' & CO M~I ON PLEAS ~ ... Q. II h)' Ilotl 't r"" \\" 'it< ttl oII e . l"i61. rY tlte oortl I4re aUlu",i ngly large and IUllch is bcillg daily added to the laaslstauce. He was assiated into u,, " F!"'lIch. 1\"" :SpllDiBh. "lid Ihis rccurJ "D ~ The II·iLI,.",'d Ruse, lun&,.but not ,"'.itlhillgtQ d!ilcouragl.' ulren1ly running into start. ' the hou se, alld a wae i mrnedi ' , ,g, CIJ .,!Il 1be W ltyne~vll1lun , ".~ i\trbtlllr l o hug figures. If there was 1I0t , llwly scut til tOWI1 lor a doctor. At ~ Fon :1 1470. - - - , - .-----.. Lil ll o iJlr,Ii.· M"y, . givue ligurell. ' p lii;i,11U I' Vlll, wlIlII,i tltis be the o'clock thc 11elCt morning Dr, l A Second Farmel' 8 JlftOrt l I01I," --' T It B !:l Ull of ~I )' SOli\. ~nc rcll :'; 010 IInu QIII\I'~Ol No". 9tl.. Tut8d<J!/ , -1 hllve CIUlu 1 M Oil or braiu$ an ,l exp(\ri. Con<ice alld Mr. Bm7.olto\l ILI'l'ivod ,C.I. GI(O. E .. w .. nING,".' ., OIIlfTall1T (Jolla..". , Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer I BY 0 AN K S. 'l1t!t I't!tU\'ll(;j(t trl)lJI a litla trip t,) ellce Uti n ,t wllI.tunly thrllw aWlLy and his wonnds were dr !lsed. At O ,,\. WAR ' N? i~ nl)'" ill }:ur'·I,I'. ,..~IIIt Il' . ~ll::::~:,,~~::"~y~""I" IIr.J'a~chl 1196 Is Ih 0 I ' I I I d ' d j' \In ' '';ug l' c.IIlal~, w ell. sorio·oomlo sling, , ' \V I, I I ' J • k I 1 o'clock " th ftc tl 1111 • IQWIrolll r"h, ul 1l\O' 0 IoUlld r. 'd 111111 tif,," 01 .I.e , o n .v pnprr ~r "8 vo v e'otc t.o tho AII·. "I [Ill u de !. Ell" ..;nng lite utel" wncre \\' ' tit tv lIr.. t Illlr IlielLlI ~-UQ not rls tie 1I.c, I I e " l'nOOIl ley rnllc~. one 0' Ih 1'1 '" 1' " III_ h I ' '. I 11 .. 1.,. l'nu "t!'. 1I11\1,.'h ~(J I:'OL.T.CAL & Gi"N 1~ I"AI " :';' 1\ " ~I " III '-1 0"1' MOllo e~ 8011"c- " nv,I C IH)I U:of. VI .,.,. I , t' . I 1 8tarted ~ r th' I 'tl h' , I . ~r ~ III I U h l CII! "I Urts" lI e l.u UIII \ ,M 121"' ~ .~ J ,1 qlll'o S,)u)1ol urUaUltlll"UI trees. Cllmll u \llIIS 01 ytlllrs Wlcro t lere I) , Itl pace WI.I 1m, 111 <:; o r , t1.~ ,\'illl' Il'''.will ..~ '''.tle\. of E", u" ., , 1'1 C' IL ' .! '. I 1ITE'LF'ARE of II. rJE'O "OLE ': ol lleSL Oid III 'I".n . " ' IIP; 1I1111,.J,OIU., ,, . .1 ' d It ' 1'1'1' d ' " I' ,I'" I!0rn. ry <lUlily Aprll:l" LJ. ,. 16 .I. .I: " I' S I ' 1I .~eco" . ,'e r'e8~IIPI'1l\· ri!l'ro U\i8'·. IObc \\'III", ,,UOlill tl' . ' A "I I ,' . \ , ~"o,,~ "'C:I'IC'-''''';Se ',o l'om ico"ng, l IInd & very I'lufl"jl\tlt time IlieJ'l! ISliut ll~lu pl"<l~pcct of return anuarnve as c\'elllllgat.11 0" dnring :he 81lhbatIJ IIttllll d ml'U 'w .th intcrest,~l\.ver bo(ol'o Wil'~ clock. His woundtl hlLve been reo ::';':~~ ~'~~~ uIL~" ".tllll I ~IR" II:"I~ which ullr I' C1in~ , " CUlltIly: Ar,: ;1 I ,~ It pnloli8bc8 lotlero of mQnit'Yllir ct fr"m ~'~f .;"",11 OUI~).t u~ !llr;." "~"h! ~tllIl:.k ~I,C). . . ' I I ' d d b DOd d ". ' I II reoo y am , or "tI,. 1'lIllc r l'nuul A 'I 4 lit_ people ~ "d "1\I!"er~ tbem Iully , ill 0 t ' " u" We • , or, o OOllllC snug, tingll lor siul{lIIg ill tllil ru.,rlli ng- S,! IUUI' I of ta e,u ':' Jl.lld rn~lIley em· rru!8C y rs. un .ce all ~ ox, I I'E-N"'I~N'IIA I . " l '.ololc ~u""i~·: ~ltI. ~ tI rell"''d lu p..hy Iolas or 'locOl'I1I. " 1I i ~lIil: "~"". lU I' y"u 1'", ""i, in,,,", . ''' " I> 1<. iot), rtlguillt servIce ill tltll uth.lrlwulI - )JllIyed. 8u milch '1II\'ClItivo geni Ut~ nnd the chanccs are Illv orable for . \., ~. 1..1 .1 LETTERS. I,U.rkc CO" IIIY ~i"IYll IIlqt,. d~I,_.lh· .dY1101lle'~ Ort ~~Id ""d judice lo ! I' II' LO" rl:" l ILJ 10'0 11 11 ': 8011":."11'.1 Ol'l"'~", ' . I . I' d I h' It I h h '11 ' f · I e C I' lie AIIOI""I'. l'lrlure. SIl"ItO· (' 1U10 S,nd prayer roe tlDg III t J(! evclling on 1, 8.~C • 80 anllny e oquent peU8 IS recovery, ~ Will; e .WI . .lie• •,.... " "•• ,. :u:nl~:r, e gro~ e. ,goo ,to t,o grellleSI I ';I~~I:L .1 10111. M:,uro. 1-;",,;: ~n\l cll".ru", . lhe day Pili! od uwuy n~ l'y plCWi 'Nv l king. pr,)bably loose 1118 left arm. A rtl (:OMlMlO~ .... EA. "UIIRn. It i8 "I'P"8011 to tho un"lso and di . hon t»< l , Il lIu ,,;,; "!4lh., Hlreo'·, "croo·cpmlc .',I.g. antly, tli" lllter\'all! bctwllell t.lte Not I'oom! Althllllgh tho stllte. cdled'ouof ""1101' ('''UlIl'' ..Jnl1 u. "I' 10. M. · 1:- . Oct. 16 . cl.s, lo gl' lalion LIUlI hll8 "enefillcu lito ~ · IV BY S T EWA RT. scrvices ht'ing impl'(j\'ed in vi~it. mClll is false as "rille, there al'e ".~ Le~~;:~.I:,, ~:~'I~nf~Y ~1~~~;Ij.: o;:~,~, ~llb:::o, I')~I;,lili\,lnM '~;:'·15.o0. ~7itl. coe!!ro';SI'('IIlIIg lind oPPn.''''I,:d, Ihefmlln!'! "8 luli1.coI in RCIOf Little Oi rl ie',wilh lhe AIII·"I. II \O W S ' 0 , • I I . ' I' d ' 1 .1 ' I I I n · o mtile I)" I ' rOIlICIICIlllltlonlle.rl ylwlI ' F"I',"k II B,I'" I . . lIIg t le Of IeI' lam I let! 1111 C(lll ItiO ateu 1D,;t~ncc~ w IOI'\! t 16 t rut. I P ~ Idcs III lhcf' hllCIlJ. of nr,e (.;011111 )" .. nlou "rl ,r.'" III , ,II "Y 2 9 . (10 ' 1 . Iti , thir,le or the l 'l.0~l u'8 1II0ne· , , ',.(I\·' ~·." '<1\' .' '1'1 l' G. S P I1 " ' II' ·' ,,1'0'11' . . I . . d ']" b k l..t J T d J Mh lll 'i "ULIIV 11\1 U 17 \1 I 1'1 I ' T . J ' j II' ,iltOll' venllng Wit I trion s. ItO lullo\\' IIII1 ; t e I\C 1I11W ell""'. U rull 01.llf inlc "' oph " ' ., , , , , ," ". C to I co100 the NnlionolI IIIn.kf !:lolll'me. 1\ dCY.i"cIIto ;")111 0 '~·'I' 1.1.- c.1 Il'e "I' II'" ,"~le~cl'" 11 , .'. u", " d hero 1S \\..I"cell ru . 1.:1\18 he!, or.B le' t C""m,." I~ " lio .• F.,I" I ' • .1"IOc 5. :\01'. !!] , II , ing d"y I wcnt to Cincillllliti witll not ruont lur the S , uggllr and the and '.' ill I,.,. cl,"d. willh ... r .. o l.nll·"II·'ln l'I".'ke I·oi, nly. J II IIUIII" Ii, :>1,lI' , U. OCl, 16. a .• .. r ,."on"ro 0 c.. '0 curl'ollloV '': 10 , l.llLle 11.11,". 'w cIaoI' n,, 'more, S HI ", . . Il1rt rUm ' d Gco. B . A Dler." uti ,I II I'lodd er-on 10 . an 0 Id' • fi88110lle I' d . . 7 . .' UIIC :', Oct. to;. 1.'':llIwo" 'e"ad.,orrncy 0"", ,, '"g_. '"" creal lll". " , BY C H RI S TIE. " mypartleu eonn.'ctlUn Wllh Ihe 0 " 11 Ll' DloI " I ctleb'"Lion ,,'ceIlO 0 uunly. F',. I" ' ... ''" producillg ' " T I 'Iii 710t room I'or t he i ol·b,'v· ..·r . Dr,·II,'"" · tl il lu,<trlltl!U ..~ arlle ' Ic 8 W"roell CvUlIly' .. 'an , 10.)1 ",. '_",'1.110'. 16 TI".:S" · I""y C;r.,b IloJ.bl·ry . IOCrcRSill" 110.· I to h ear lilre • - ,-" • 16, 1' '" 11 1EI-1<' d·01-1-; - '-~, '1 UlillloU Cuunly. J"u , Ii. JUliO:'. Oel, I' m ,. { I' I b . a 1eetJll'e by V letoria":. gruuve. Woodhull. The discourse throu .. \t. idle-Me. rOOm for the dieeolute .-p~y 0 ~"yorn~eot 0 c;',18. whill' lhc pri ·c . ' or ,,' 0 . J -. " d 1 ., f . , T . AMEIUOAN COLLEGES ul I.bor nlld ,I. produeb' . r "I estil l,· IIlId J L PETERS 843 Broa t1 ·way , ,out waa rep ete with instrnction all tlf' VIctIms 0 lJlebrlety. he ' ' RULE OF l'UACTJCE, gre,'nlu,ck. (Ibe p( opI 0'8 mODe!'.) hnvc 'l,c ~1I 1 'r. . .' ' " • ';to , upon puri~v uf life liud practical UI'£ anJ tl.16 times demalldmonofwrillcn~.Upecti ...I..)bY.h~lrfriends.willdcP:.·cl~ted. . , I ;),\,\ ··1 ' ~ E\\ ... OltK , . I • b . j' t" d On I' b'I't d appear durlUg the l ear, 1'bu revhod intor It is bereb,' oldo led Lh"t III "II ""e. on 1 he aCI ch ,, 01:ln;: Ih. orlglllnl conl rnrt . r!g 1,.~oU8nc:'"' a vory , rle ~yn l) [>" c! ,arrlllg au .. lI .... r Ing II. I! Y an --.\10)e~ll. ,tollege life m Inll ~he!e PIlPONl eBflClC' error In Ihe Di8Iri"1 C.,nrt. O.. u n. '" . h"lIl.e ,..ilh hondholdl'r•• lIud milk I,,/: hOlld~ 1"1\'\11,1 · 0 ,'1'1' 0 1I1~ . of wh I~" you will see. 111 110,'. Iligh alUb~h~JO - wen o,t strong 1~lly IImely, and ,,111 HOCIlI'O lor t"em uDusul ~~~:'~:~ !~e .:r~lIC~ul:~~ ,f. ou Ib .. Ii 1'111 d..~ in gold hl.,pnd of I~).; nl t~nl\"" , ",' fir,<' I ~ ~ ~ell ~:. .~ (J.6,.,. En'1U~1' l' Ilud tho T~m eR ot nllrve and wlll-progre8111Ve, temal~DllolI . o;:.eed upon: ft fuorll18m of 25 ~l' r ,'e ll t, III ' ';' . I alii· 1II01'e peril · te mell, WI' tl IlLneyelor I b_eau t y OLDNEwvORK. HELLIOTT. n, L. MEEKER . VRIUC&o lhllrewalthcc lhe m""" .I B ~ ALEX , F H U ~IE . .IAME~ ~1. bIlTFI . TIle It·tiUmpllon AOI,IPon,.nl llom,,"r1iu;: t1 , "~ tb .. mornJIIg~ IStlua. • tban ever convinced tbat Victoria lind hu.D'ds trlAiued 'to· ,akiUfIIl and EI.gauII, iIIultrII~dl ariiolea on Old Ne" JA,MI£ S S . l;Olll)o: . A, W, n()A~. ,,11,job I. ullOrl,v ImpQ•• lbl •• "ltd pll,ei u!; i110' bM8' WIl~ im~.rtant. and tloltmlO 0IU'Ile8t labor-aye even those who York, bl Johu r, IlIne•• ,,1\1 appear a~ R. O. FULTON, MOSES BAIlLOW. Db4"cct Bought for I" enl! yenr. I~'rlber off. •. ~. ~ d J d • .. • 'd,' I • ed' oace, and."UI altd ",,, ~I",ullc!ti of .. II. I~ Jud,.. ror such ond other crhoe agllln. llho peo '." . M 'UlnClloturOM .. lI kind. of Brond " nko ml~ou. to lUao 'in , .~d Lhoua h ] tmt ~o;t .tan . u .a.c \0 the .~ ~ clly or cUlln"',. WIio ••rlMtl\h 1"le... ot ~h_ . • pie Ibe Enquirer "III .dvocatt 0 uh'In~(' ill am a Sbaker, yet I fuel lUklured worl~ and olalID, be .~ame and AI"" Olloe for the XaDllfaot... m4 BtJe ~ deY"lop tilcD' ·oC Gte .8"'8Il ID.'ropolis. IlOd The StAte or Ohio. Warroll Count, SS: the adllll~lltralloD or r;ol'rrllmetit aft'airM . 1\ d l '~ ly fn r \\' !lyl1 c~lVill ~ Iltld lhu !'iu r ruuhlH IlIoC n c ' ~ hlll1 rh j ,ud , Sp....'\.(;ial .. ttclll.i uu i~ HI\ It that..b,er!dtrioell iOfr.r £(om being pla.qe 91', men I , r • . ' anootlona'-lly remember Ibe qualnl peculiar- 1. WM . H, ROCKHILL.• Clerk of tho mORl fiLlllIg . '}\ 1 ..,. ' T '-' "lei of ilS old.D 'ilUe. Ooul'l ul Commllu !'Ieol ... ithlll ~nd (ur laid Celebratlon for the Centen i 1 t~ f"rni "hing i.Jt_.::..... ~~ lI"rnor, t Ie very .r !w$Uclt ,t here ia t.lw~i 1'OOmn a b' h'f •are LA.'I d I Ever, Inumbet Is ..... ... "fll •• ly lI1o. lr.ted • counly. certify thaI Ihe forc~oi ug Is Iruly Year CAKES FOR WEDDINGS IWIUV1.nes. W Ie ' 1 • It~w f un pIM.t'Y o~ i (' Tbe,eu~~ ., aa never llllS enab in, 1I8 to gl.e to Our de.cripli.e \.ako-II and correctly ClOl,lcu Irom ollicllllli. I • OOllSCleotlou.ely CU,ru.J4 InW. prac. yet~tPRned, a"d~ Nyer ~U be aDd nar ... llv. article .. In IDlcrceL and per· on IIle iu my oRico, II you wou ld kno .. nod undel' l ltnnd i1,,' i •• AND PARTlE ', maDeDI value ne ...ra"·I'o··· ,'n a no '11 \"M ! ucs , m~r i~io "lid ufti'cll of P"s' "n" l'III 'l ro Il" 011 K hort noti co. I IlIt41 t k ·1 P t! caI e%eClltlOD, wUlln~gurate the .ofOwdlld. There ia no fear of that. lraled perIodical, U";de;" Il~ accu~~';::d October 29 : 1875 , .•. ROCK!Ut[;'rk, ~i.lalion . ,."d tbe EIHtlllrer dllri~.g thi· nil • halcyop dia~naati(ln of -tbe :New Bilt it mOlC" be IOUg"h.t, :IOUletim88 managemftnt Lho m"guino will In Iho fUlure ImJ'3rtalllorW•• Rnd sublcrilJo for Iho y•• r Earth, wbeJ'C)u .ball dweU phva. s&ernlYlltrtlggted. forr arm ie al •• - ,DIn.DAd_be dcvll~d. AI I, haa S-n in lbe po.' ~ IS 6. lit 11\1 hour. 1I0d .. , up., l), ,.f i1310gical and "JI:aal: righteou8~ It.rdw ~'ej' ·othel'8. ~nt. J it -M~~~~_. lOund Iheralureand CbristlRD progre•• : T E R MS. auld """"ce, an .....,Jevo hum.nlt".. _. U. ou-_I,, _v.... ."ere I'a 'ii'l){][l ~@IRtI~[l,[ij)iWl~'TI'a' ______ _ _ _ Single cOI''1. one yonr. $201) #. r..... .. J , _ ~ ." ' ' - - ... ,?or."",",,_ Five copies .. "75 .ncb. " ,.-, Staple and Fancy Groceries _ __ _from the terr~ble curse of lIe~uar always &:::iJISIIII:IU\9p ~ The IIlldel'sisned "~g. to Inform Ten .. .. 1 6(1 encb 10 00 m , ple&iant and profit. ~- Tho highest ;\r ~rk et Prl"L" ".,id. in arid' ain • •ith able rooq1\1b printing, and it; i, to .. ach Ilumber Twenty" .. 159.ncb: 311011 cash ut' t,rlulo. fur untry Pl'n,lt ~f. . which T1\ ia (I. OW cufaed. ,.1Id do. . ,kf2n4 'at"tM ton. , . ' aDdortinoe' mOilspeclmrn IlI,erd reductIon. club.·"/lOlilP CS Iy edl&orlal ••r. AIDla&' ".,11 •• .. goroU8 Be. lew. Iho 014 eLllnd of ".eak & I).,,,noo. "be .. bo wll\ With Send for coplc8 and loag!'nl ou,51: QIUJI'n ;'Y ! /·y, n. beae doctrin_ ~ianll men, . bejir .Uiia in' !D ind • , A ll lNTO W A.' T FO lit every pOI~ItiCO. • 11Il\llt works In Arl. Li~rdure. aDd ScleDce. keep tODBI"otl, 00 baud ed h •~re only pure aD~ trntbful,-,uDC1ati" qo.:-" ID&Uerl :'llai.disooownta> ma, TERKS :--J.t.OO a v...... III adnnoo; Addre •• a\l ordCI'll lo orn.atOral .• law, were. (i,eUvered, in a,ll eay. ~ ·faitbA.lly ... n ..... you will 3.5011, a lhltOber. Til. 10 f'Ol •. c(lmplote. T II EVE R Y BE S T ARAN &, " MvLEAN ." ''V ...,'6. Nov. 1870. 10 001. 1811 bouod ill IJIllroon p F~l' I , ' t b e~r eplrltoal J,lurlty ~nd &be obh· dnditfor your OW]1 honer and profit. CIOlb.M. J)g;, lIocIlId 10 1a"lf Beef" Valli dP k Uu '!.6fUl r., ()Mt(J1,1mae~, O. I'll ¥attooB w their obedience, • lOut Li~l0tlr eyea ~ it-k.., YOllr DIOV~:.'=:1a B~;';; ax: .lay of.th. " e , uttoD an or J un",uCAN WASH BLU'-E-. Olle! wull"olcrr' Bullding.~ lOin lit.",,!, iolemnly home to the conaolenee, mm fixed · upolt -it-bli content -AWDo..rher 1'IIlIi_ (I Ie lUll) w~1 be III lied ~u , •~ withC?Ot one im~odest wo~. or with notbiDg leu _ for .it . lepa...., toJl!'r\IeI ..,howlit' ~ ':'Eom the OOUW'1 d'orda ; .nd all will be kcpt p~. loa-dr, ud.J[n18hold Uae. WAYNlf VILLE, . . . 0 11/0, Jill nds &0 k~ I' on h,,"d " fnlllillc •• f ."U'o allDalon; but WIth a religloua oheedully, and the Dearer ' 10U pie'" .~e="" fa...." • •10&11,"111.; half 0 ' .AI rACTualD A'f T Oil • earneatDe88 and pathOB, which Mr. reaeh the wp the better for 1 0n l'mo~c:-.lI.;" &l1li p~ I'll ..III be .up LEA NAN D N I 0 E • American [flerOFmarintJ IVt,rk8, nltllt;O of tho very beat qUllli ty. 1I,!ll" •• LOW FIGt UIJ:' JODes of the R, P. Journal would ~~lf and tbe world. AI yon liouor plied au.... ~ ,., . ' U!ua&o fill • AI"". .."'&HK, N .... any mMk b 11 i t.Qok, ~O we~l. 8ubititute for the .carp· t~e pr,ofeaaion, ao will it honor 1 011 , ' aD~:t~":!,:V~~r-.• L .• __ II 10 P. O. mUtt SUGAR.l'IIDttn B.UlS I ad' ur Wa.h B1uke I, lhe be.~ ill Ibe world. IIH caDbe (ound In <lOMbt of ...a en uncb table Lo t _ God d .~&" yVAMII I oce not .Ira. I ~oo"'ln. uOlhlng lrUlIl'l arl ve 1 08&~ "" your . aD your . Moon1 0 . . . . or ie, :""" OIIeokl or ORca.. OilS to heAUh or .brie. and ia "ced I" 1\\1 S m a U8, Tab{ II, l OW' II!I·cri t. IO\I~, auu ev. li(til'(I and almOlt cruel · anllnadve\'8i{)na , Wife, and tbe atrootion YOll layieh or by re.....nc1 a.u.o.... 1II11.,ID '-'len tbe large laondrlc. 00 aCCUUllt of It. pIM" '!I(/.-, l(l1i11 Vf!8, B ..r/~t a"ll! ' he i. all the tilDe writing against upon it wiU be returned at tbe-eeed. _ a DO' roll_ted. at ..adler·e riaL whol. or b, tb••lIc.. GI ... - a oall. Ing ell'~ct and oh~.plleB'. SuperIo r for
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J R HAYSLITT,fF'llIJrniture r
DB.. 1I0B.TOlI'S
tbu 'milunderstood, miereprcsentud time by goldeu fnit. Room I A.ye, aDd mIlCh eeneeated lady. ever i. there room for YOll at the Yo"rs uuly, tOn, wbile tbv indoleDtand carel... T . .
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loiter aDd . .to thei~ time gro"l.
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Sold by MusIc Dealers Everywhere AUr.Nl'~
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Na zorolll Rin g on Swoot Angel u s Esm oralda Llttl o M aid o f Ar ndoc W e ary By tho Bluo S oa Ro se M a r ie
n.t Ii" , .... tt
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SAFE AND RELIABLE~ Have You Weak Lnngs? Bllve YOII n. COllgh or Cold? RAve YOll Pain In Your Br('lRHt? "tWO You a n y Thront PI~ea8o" J{nvc YOII COQlmml,t1on '2'
USB DR. L. Q. O. WlSORT'S PINE TBBB TAR CORDIAL, Are You Weak nnd D ..l,l1ItAt..ll ., nn Yon Suffer from Indigo tin,,? Do You reqlllrc n. Tor.l" .~ lIavc YOIi No Appetite" Do You need Bulll1lDf[ Up? Do You _WI to be 8tronrand HClllthy?
USB b. L. Q. O. WISIWlT'S PIQ TBBB TAR CORDIA~. Sold by ,,11 Drngtsts. Prlam,.1 Depot, No. 282 North Second St.. J> lila. ~
#. N U
W Yf.a-_-,.. ...... .hC" WluftJra
HAB.VEYSBUR G B.EPOB.TEB.. ' ( 1.1 ME X, J '" ~"I" II 11\
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\ I "rlu us \llimul
MBER 641. .... 'T ...... ".:r
A lillie 11lIII1I1 ptAoend r uall A IIUlo turf b.....d ed _.ad A Itttle ad ded 0 01..011 A 1111l. ~ t lroUi bud",", toll
.... I 1\ !' COl I. I
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~ .I ~ It rnll. ~'OlIlIugr ttl ) I at (It) N 'H tll 1 ~~ lll\pl) tnother ,"81111' or c r olllld lI ug lcr l to prov ld c r rUI'(' r lO eane tor qIJl'lIch IIII; nr prevellt11l~ tit" ~I'rend of Il tlr!' lIy Lh IIlCOIll PCICIICY nnd hn I Illill II:' 11\ nt (I f the clllcf e ngmcc r Lbe whole Cll) 111\8 Inld 11\ rlllfl R II Ith 1\ te rrible iOI<ll of properly Ind life 'I btl water BU Pl'ly II III I1I Hlat~ li lent 11 0 Ar t/)Id unci til o l1giDe~ an,\ bOl:lc lIere burned III tJI dLreetl!. Alter s uch a calamIty Pilei wh e n It I~ too late the peupl .. are alw8:V ~ 111'1 1.0 IIwllke to the OeCel!;! lt.i~ of Lbe C\I.I(! if VlrgtDla Olty e,,!r recover>! from 118 ba.ptl~m of lire lhe mha.bllalltt! probably bAH! a fire deplIrlmeO\ ~ nffielent In I'~ery re~pt:cL rite great fir('tl of hlcago and Bo..IA n were 1n 1\ grellt ml!&!!lIre du .. to tbe InMufficleocy of lht'lr lire dl'llArl
Vlrg l III
RECE NTI y the boly or 1I 1111111 Mome fifty Vf'llrs o ld 10M found III II horribly tnutllllL<.'d co ndltlOlI tied up III a collet! IInck nbou\ twO mild' "oulh of) odepelld ncc ?io rhere were Ii v wound III the brenll~ and the til roat WH.d cut from par to ear The body WIM tripped Of all clotiling and no\llIng .. 811 found by whIch a clu could be obtamed AI! to wbo the Dllln WIUI. As Austrian engineer has Invented a cannoll, tbe chill f feature of whlcb is that
the atmOO!pbenc I't'SI8t.ancO' Instead of Impeding the I'I'OgI't'llll of the abut 18 actually applied to Ibcre_ Ita rapldllY
As IDgeolOu contnvance toevnde Ihe Maille IIqllor hiM baa DeCO .h!lCQvt'red at Bat gor It c( 1I~lsta Ii barrI'l wllIlln 8 WH~N you hear a man . , tha\ the barrd fllrmshed WI th a faucet II b cit wbt'n turoed one w.y uPl'hell RWet't worl J ..... ei! b 1m a hVlDg don t leave an)' culer and 11 hrn \umed In another dUI'" movable arltclcM pa rtlclliarly All)' bank bill8, lytDg arollDd 100III! phet! lapr beer
t I q pttillK vi itinf at her gralldl • I., kl'tl . . --Joh' 1II1 'a,\ w:lllii. ll'r, 1A: \'i - Ell,~ Fr,lzil'r ami Ella BUICeI' . Kelly anti lith er" 1'1'' '10 Wn\' ul' Vi-,i It.. I t 'Ii", Ureene coouty , I ' n ·\ · I k - TI k ' .' ~I'C viII we re hlrl' lilt' .lther : lInday, 1\ ,u~ . al' et lln I II t(1 \Jnjt. J .'lIt \Vllnl yon tuthluk 11l.1ll1 ndll,\'. 1lZ~·. amI IA' , i hn "'II h,.1'\: bi n" . II I' I', . lrlll'l l', lln 'l't in ~ut 11,(' U .•t :tu·dl~·"l· )r ..,,, ""id d y. II,c l.,Il" - ()\'l' r i, hundrc i ynnlil uf ul· ll!, kilO" I wP,ulJ lIot h ',0 ',III ifll(' t O I~ll Wi'll. 11.11 ri~\J t, 1'"'' 1.\'\ i. .. Ill IY ~, n, , I. ° D. t l' n hl'r~h li t ··IIJull .... . t II IU'II, CUII1I11e IlC\;.'S d"":,~::::! ,I,: ~ ~::::.~. ~\V ·r.... n . nd . I I U t latk '"· "J t IIU" tl I" " , II , .. ~ " .... ~Wi .. , ro· .1 . 'I 1 b" ~ . J '~" . I . \\'e hay' II !·hul1 ",· Ill .' bri~ht.'\: Cu s. III. lIelol salllnll ll nIl-' It. \If lllln al""' .....,I. ... ho,u,,,I.;da .. tld,·,,,·... hlllg \l Itll: l ilt IlI t J ' i 'Il'riO I th i'" .llll" -D ~. E. F. Dak in inrorm n uru '. S' IlI[L' F r ,. \' I . . P a ", ...uhl not l'a ' th,' t1r ' . III t. min I 1",,, : 1'"r' ,,( )hhl"ry unt'y Nil. ' 1' " . I . ' . - \\ It. '. al 1... \\,.,. .'11 111 III t It'. ,d~.f mak r if I . houltl ,t h r ; \11 .. r"t,n ,lIy enter "",I ~llr"'Yro 111 th l! lII.1kl' ·ulhlol!) . 111.1 kl ll d nl<l;~ lll\\ ~Ir I l~uUllt r ', will thl\t ther i V ry Iitt! 8icknc Ilt . i " 1 ,11 1' I r Il'd ut II d 111\ 1 Ii ,.! j , "to llr<lwo f .... IlIIO "'f{'" "0.1 't I' k t;\! ' tt 1 th" I.' tlut-<lIll' till' I'IlIrn' ll, \\,,' tl llnk Cllt 'bi ng tI ll' IIl'~ chulcnI l'rcs nt in th i c mmuni t . . I I t , all e,.nVl·} UII I e to uy I ~d h' " .... ·I .J,.,,~.I' J , ..... J b.. II u our Ir\' l.ut un i -,lill" , .qual 11 k . h b \ . I It! dv n' t CU rl" 11 \' ry t' ten iV_ IlI.I11(lV l IIVr!,,,,,11 . In ut' dille l ie b d"y of .t',·Ilru· W II' -:- . llVL'C ' It I U 1 h ' 1,,11" "'II- \\'e\1, tw 1\ 0\ 1011 , mrsu v my U19n " rll,' n 1 ~. ;t t Itl o\'. o f llrr.l. ~ !>:l: U '·/rIlIUIIIt( .. 1 ","rk.. J .yr . llhITO I IIIIU l or III ~. W Xillbl t tIl LU ' Iv at. P {Lrk Lt.'uk II ' hlll" " swore that off, ' lu)(1 ou we b .... k lie Ihe I,itllp 0 I' Miami Riv r ju.t t ' t tl I ·Il 113 t wo) y " I'll lIlt". u nd whu 1I.0 ,IWIII, n~ ' • P l1ultry Fa ir Ull Thank g ivi llg'UII . t .lIS . new 'I\ " t tl . Gu I no UI<>I1l " huve Iii ~bUI II"'UI I.f 1.1 K"y' old Imll· re , w (';1 III \I 1.1 still kindly l'l' u!l.'tIl U.'l'l,!l liy • I ,, ·v. uclIJall Un \I W ' I " I . I ~ ( . drlLw lllg'!'(IO IUl where t1 \l' a 11.11" • ' . d...... f"rlll"rly .........<1 ..,. J ~ ru &-<I..tl, vI' X ' 11 ill. Tlte t xt II lld .. --:-,,,,r. ; - I r. s"m, 'lIrcy, (II tll' • d·HI·' IHt~lghwllY Il~d ali kc,\ lI im to r mUlley nVII~ ll t cla a. Lb.,u "N 4(1 4~' 1-; SDuut 40 JI'lI"'Elliott t.o tho . f I 14 L I ttl :l. I f ' ' 111011 k h ",.mth . t 7 0 ' 01 .. I'll\.. "nd nn I II. \\; Y gavo llIl~ a b,jo Ig " ht I lui one otertaln 01' thc · 7.n 1 n ' ·villo ~ r m t 10 .south· ,t . .. tiC , I liu lI~p d !It I r utili o owned t I " . I n by -Fl>r It [WevII to tho B 011 I t f' 'd tho 11 I k w W (l ' 0I f...u th lIrd~r ~f ..!Wh .""nth at'<l o' l.w". J uhu-" Lct tlut )'our b~lrt I pny " r gl tlng my . H .. lbln\l. th u with HolhUld·. line N. 0:1 0 .1 be I .r t ~ I 1\ pat 'IIt CUll\, I'IIIg Ullu. 1 d rail. Y tIt wllg · "0' II , 118 r l ILy V· AII II wlillt J yVII tb iu kre 8he lila'ill~,j IlllVll 1IlL,U W u.~• • urillt( frotH Ibd b Ull< of the ri•• T M" IIY'S r. JIl. C'R · 1t(' 1l a nrMr of trvll bll.J ." T it new uwn . L r I" , Ullt!. p ILk 'r re tea · ll lng. ;r U7.40 I ~~ to the rt\ e. th~ n d wa tho ',rllll ho d ill 11 t ' yall th ill " 1' ,r : \Vw. li vwlor. Alrl':u\ ' \1' ('un Third. au,1 »ami T.h Y . J lin timlln t il th ' wl'rth 0 1 t he Ie t' f St I en s of Lebano n (O ld b"lIu~1 with il.ol muand<.. l.O the --Mr. Eli Ohandl r, f l iami Is 1111 \1' I i roo ibll L wh L Elf R Inr DI in rv. "~ .~,,.J . en he .. I' pill 'l'u ~crud Ilue thl,L hi) k int i nu tv '11r11 th o N - - rio : I e P I 't t I .~ . ,\01. Suatl ,_hoot "t 9 I . In. 'f ry ed Irum I,I K U I t of be~innin K. oon,..il1ill ll eigh l u ..od uU'" tl \\'l1 l'8onal now · un y, l all. \VUlt rl1Ctln tl y f'r .. m tho " h tlck. Irttlo. tI t II ' n I!".m L gl't.I f I' tillin" the Ilic UrlUI> ':.o~;; C 100 ,tU III)1 II. I: a ell 01' , b"lf ...,ret< ('t!ge lit' h I' clmrao ter. of y .It! moro or I ... U . .. u. h ' ' tar tidh 0 ar I~ysvi ll \l la t ' S~I;ll" '111 ' Ind. - have boo ll -l'I'rtli..oo ulld r V\l.t.~'fPI\IIIl&-TIN II'U. N B \I'T!~TC Il. had kuowll 8 i tllr Y IO ina id thbo \ · ·t d R~.,rd r or D edd vt' th at till' w th e C} ,l $ ttl! a [(f'jlllrt~r, fh 1'0 .Id los . h lI~wlUg ut nlg. t. or S 'd ' cuunty . rur .... r unlt.r ~t ! th whieh ... 00D of ,I :'U pcr ~.c...,. he WILS nmd ing a'('< ' tit -II; 1. 1 \..,t. " r)\ In. m vin lock IS n t p rrO ltted t u run Itl i at~1 ay . chllrah IlnJ out it-at bOlD - Allrun D . IId haudle r hQ8 I st r m bl'llllgh t 1I1l1:1 vt' lllti Ilux.toe d tu st ra ta, ~i llll (lI. ~lIOldf urle"' lhKn t ..<>-thlrd. n ::11 tard IInu I"di B and geutle· ,h ~ und away tr In homo, uml he Wll ' 8ix sb p latOly; killed by ' - Hev. Mr. Cros I ·t ~1I1\' ~II' if -:ull KI'l"'" .::. Y~I~ ••n~.%lOuf ~~ · d gll. o...\ .ht d own on tlte Ii.) r, and m ~1I flltJI that t h yar fu\. o..t 4. 0' I~k. . Dot outiruly lidt, preuch ed. at the tb auru . In all tb He is 110 llISe r hilt. ch:"::'~~';;~~ ;"'b~ln' b:::d~ d~,. or !.i~ lIBiOg littls wIn frown d ha rd ellolllb 10 shllku the uuprvt ectod by tb .... , ftitera. lJufch ~ \h~ place on undliY, 00 b~fd In {)lit JWM. . .t .... r-at" IIon , d 1 '&1 , t t h ClLnl. nes. h .... . ' nil 1 ~u n : "W II" , th o:! th !lI Ot. IUlL rt a, - . TI I C nil tY "n~-~hll'li in u'o )'ea.nfro ..... yof I;~ . III m .l sloners ~n wbi h was s ~ng - - A teh!gra m l'I'C~ived h I1l last ~ ' lI rn a~tulli e,I."·d ! Ju t ~tv, th . ,deferred ",,),menl.o l l.O b r In' l' I IIIt frll m illk of houltl. llvt pay rur thll tho occa l Oll - tho oollut lful tltllrday t'r tU \Vaha- h ( li d . - vUl O people 10 \'e th e gum o..id d..y of ...1.... _,!d Lv _ uroo b,llluttan . It ! II gll'l 0 1 yuu r ~~, U Il U pre· tv stralgh ton tho cree k challn I cut P. o...u,e. rebo.y. nOllr he\' , 1 0~ . rvqnut so well thut thoy g u ""go UlluUtbo pr. m~""~ l in cumme ncing' with t h wurJ UVlllICCJ IIJUt Miss }<' I'IlI; k .ul~ L [l ~ lIley tCIHli u~ t.u be " yvnllg ludy, cumiog uutil it is cut 1\ i"w fO(lt . .• .- =::.. I _ _ _ '.: \ slul'p ill J l':;US: - wa:; Ul ost fit was ly ing vt:.ry IllIv, ;l nd her further ?lIIne~ll'~s, rathe r thlln t!tvp PIILY· ' \~I~~i d eILth ~LJ!:~ t.1I It er fllt hcr- tL) g t In ney t I>IIY ~I P str nln. If thnt ~~t~·o . Little .'allil Ranway. wa don, 1111 : mg- 1I1 c(.IJ weathe r, too. . tlllg und 1\1'pl'''l'rtntll ",r h 'r, S xpuctuJ at auy tilue. .S. W . BnO" ' N. AWy . _ . _ r.:i8.St 11111' III.L klllg ~L dru~ , und thut alwr Illl prO\'Cllloot WllIl " l be cl'mple "--r r TraJ. . _ ... _rtI • •; ... I IU •... k IIl1d d uv o1L'd II 1'1I1lUWtll' of te - ~Ir. J Otleph E ger tIpS the - ~Ir nnd ( I'll J Il'( b N oal of it 11II1I l,l'UIl b II lg ht a nd g ivoll NOTIC E IN PAR'l' TITION ~\Ueih tmati",E. p""" to wh ich hall long be 'n \loeoctl . .91 '~ .~.-- : .tt N ~' fI t.he h l odd('LI~l lI ' wr, ll:l h UIl l! lIl\l lt · \'lllIC:,.b·urg Bcal es nt :.' 50 pound , lind tnk es l ",-"",ou t e l'n ~I p r . 1 . • . . K ' .. h ~ 'a ,I I " .' d YUH! £L \VI , llit do vuu E ~nlll}o e tho , - .~ r Geo It\l s is a bout to l ife I\';y . lie is a J' ully follow., I" t.. v prr l VC . N I~~' E'l!"e. ' 1 9 .~ ! r,, ~ ' · No. ~ Cu Y . WIlS I> IIlUIIY ),,,n rs. _ar Iy hVll u:l..! ~ rs. .... . ' l JU.raulU uA ~hel[!?b IUldletd, oJfJ IlY 'I'' " nI Y· hl ..t!lh"n&; NolUI alld dllLl.hl "' " r ' ' l' ~ 1:l . k.~ , II tUWII • p'1I)ri!<' la Aca. 11"'lI lu th lllk \c r e tln of ,Yuu tmn ' f ' r t.h fl .5 ' Iloo b w r l'6 t.t r ~o . Iii III Il ll' he loti m oo tv lu,",o th Lun.i aTU a t Mr A J Ut.. tu nUll tllk l.'s tltOJl lllILII bllz tto. Th b .. nd, of IlIrkoo,.unll'.Ohiu; Hunll. hAun ·s .I ' II I" ,y kll ll W )'''1\ 'uul J I",t ma ke AII' Ed war It,tb d ~ tu r bn, ill Preigh&~ btl ~" I ~"~!.~: . II. hl r n 'J"l:1 wru reo - A t th o home of the brid l, llrl'''' lauu hi!! poopla. ::iho WIts 0111 J .~ t he ' will s;.e n·d ti l w~:tper _e • •" . . . 1 I1"d Elh"n A. Brown ' '" ~OI O J I" ,'. j r II will Iwver .g ·t lil aI" tir wil h th ' g;lori wi he " I I I r 2 U A II· of nIl N v 1-I th 1\11' S tt l'llllcu and ~!. W ~rrul\ ":'UIl!J. Ohil: fJli her hll.b~u.l. t '. 1 1.1'n II u· M . II . ~ o 2 yenr ' (I ng I u0 b \\' le Ll Ie )('ca me a. 14 ' l O t' I \. G • I. . . " : A chl "nddll~ r. uff N ' 4 . I b r , . . u 1111 . ' y uu 'l,ri ellll ". r., ld Ace., . 1 j' d , ~lIun tel' I l llI 1.:'] ,. . 11 . - ,' r. uouo n "y, n. lnutn~ wh u vel'!! dcal IC 0 . • W ClIl cr 0 t tl III C IIIl I'C II, lUlu fu I' 0 il' aliI! sq ll tlr . JCt\ m il er , S u t! n 11 I I " I g il l:' tI I' I ' k I ll i ~ hi li U mhnlU were IlIlirriod by \W"rrltl U.'Ullly rom J ' h ' b 11 " r u t Line 1 ' • . Ohio 1 lil ' t. ~I 12.561'.I II .t Jo:llltle '""\ I ' No. II . t IIU ·1i ' th ~ at I' li me till h r 1I1.'1Lth IL perivd or 1I\!l ll, 118 ecumc U I II 'II t WI - All' Fuwll'ol lul,,! co rn pll' ted ' tho Ih·v. :\\1'. ' urm of HeJ L '~ rhll~ I",. urt.h., ~'. " lAc Bsp.... e ( n 6.n9 P . II .· lit 11111' < '0. 10 ; tll iun kl''' . (("I..'rl I' 1\1 ' ~~ a whil g l . h o . ".t ... ' 11,1,. J ... ' I> ul 1 ·r oou.. . thi ij pl lice anu Q nlumbl.'r uf tlt OI . .. • .1 • • Fr. k h\ 111111 ".,;,.. . 1.51\ P. III . J Ly. ,J No. O h,o '" ; 1II,Ire tha.n 51) y\1a ~ , . hu WIL.'i a fil tL l!:.th. 11I~ , tUlln Uh"n" llt1tIULI I"r "nr! lur In.e l'lo hl~ IlIlUher Ba ud . H o is a fi ne I1IU iciLUl unJ 111 10: IruUl th . wily ho t~l~s ..• - ~Ir. II . 1{lchar Jdu lI IS gettlllg 'h.,1I111. r. 0' ,\,l".,," " ..... Iy . -T"';II' do nt'l . tOT' . • ~I"p on aign~1. lIIin"i.: I.·.i. h 1 will yard, and is now ill S andu ky, rl'llli y til G und cunsl. tcnt c hr ~ ~tl all . 'gll ' to . FI" , ridn .1 'd tv en gllb"O I ill bl l ·hlt,," Nu. I Ed' lind ~0. 1i w .. ot ClIrry the mall . Mrs. '\ e 's llI '.lIdllll name 'W1\9 ~~ r"'gurtt e a~ II VII "" 0 IIcq' . . IlHLl Hlge tlt:II, p"rt uf It It- hut whero h wili plIl'chll nbull t t il''' m i illg uru llge,,' or getting ready Cln... J I.,.. uf Ireune c.,unty. Oh iu: ~"r... . ltlr .nd Allen OI"."Jlcr. " f \\ nrrlll1 II I I· th ur", tI that i ' - It i" a nu isallc , a l· Illlndred Illld tit'!." th uusnnrl Ith ' SI NOlI. I. t . 7 tlnd Io "In dIl ll y. AHolber. ' Ba feet uf to Ina l'I'" wlll" 'I: 1. 1/ i ~ uld onoll"h I ~~I'~I"IY, 0lh lt< ~; RUI"""c~'.A . ld. . !e .wllS t10 m ·II~ S tra"·1 .lUn. . I _ , b'1II 1 LIII,loc "lk"l J d. iI ~, eseel,t ullday!. > ' "ay~ In t lei WILy . .l.N .~ w I COli II J ' v U buq{lt , Vlrg li ll u, JII IIO I Gth , l 0 s·. 1 111mb r nuu II. larg quuutit y vf - ~Ir. Alb rt Morritt has ""11,, , 0 .I. ,, ·m ler ...... 1111 1 . u ::'I Th e rtlUSo~ why P oplo ,,,ill ha vu gulill t" th caltev hup v o moved U(\UlIl)' C. O. U-\INE ri . 1'!del Agent. She Wa.:! mJlrrilld , li t the a~o of l B. . Ob io: Albctrt Ch'IlJI" I1t . lill'le r 1~ IlJ 1':1."'~r........ . p a!! tell ceu td tor cal icu wll eu th 'Y WUY ll e:! vil lll UII ,,"ri..hw n ' ~ht if . . Cl.,,".lIti r. tho (;B' IIUH~ 'l'1I.£8 . ~.. Ag &. III. t t ... " "< "nu,I I •. ",1!' m",uro. 81 g s. Ye) S t't tl LUtu th Ll h" " se lonnerl y OCCUpl d 1 ~,utI A.ru~ B . CIe. mll or thuir OIl,.. )4all. tfr r... ' t _nd clo •• at 8 4" a to J.u In I I" ·tl i. n . "~Icl. Ion 11 ur lel1' . cun get th m fur ei ght' is 1:1tlo"e rl\ll. 'y.,111.1: w.ll O IilLd tl - J. sa! csmllU fur , by Mr. Am l s Oluey. and Mr. Elm" m., I1n1 filr Wet& and ~orth oulh al 12 .'lO p. '1'. marrlag tit Iy. rernovu UIII u r l\Ie. u 10 O' k' CMII. .U :mson, WIIlt.Kcro. of W. r .... ' C..lll1ly. I"... , o to th is 811 Pl'l.I!!cd. tv 00 becau:>e th ey pr 'l r 1 III ,I'n iug J I\' iC & U ' 1 '00 au ' \I' d ovd II twill gtlt l .. ko n!l ti 'bllttuU II t'vr , I III , U e~t A . L. FARR. P. M. [state, and settled lI('tlr Haf\' oys th"t .. p<'titioll filf'd II! .y, S Iv\\ . u".1 ~ ,Y I now e IIIg ry g . /Jolli e ou ltcous at ten cent· to 0 ( /11'1'8 my drc,,~ . 1. will g the s II I ~Ij n .l th~1lI "" th ~ II h d"y ofWI'"•.".I", E n to Autmll l' throl1 gh t.llelr, ext~ lI s lV O .Btuck . ul r, . _S burff 0 0 IL fllrlll where th y r eaiuotl at ei ght; U tl cn. 'ollly thit!, A .i) So £Ie.. e (or BeI •• 51.,k. .. un .. , III th ~ .'U" of €<,nllll"" Ph'I,,' and uothillor t!t.u re ii I' t alldl WIll i ll)t be tluited goud8, wllleh . ' ' .r v th l!Y aro s S Iltng WI th· '110 ' h e ', G~rm ' lI y tl ntl mr. • eo S d clIth , wlll" TIt ' re will • be e 8CVCru! . turkeY!l wltl,," lind ~or ~hu O"u."ly of \Vurr"n '. Ulll l ~ . to .1 . I then I w"l !(IIIlow n to tho' vut rtl~lI.rd . tIl "r rice ' in I'uer I ~~ho~ Q~;I~:~: Im'~e~ll\le reli~r And curred in J Ull nll ry 1 6 1. cbS oc· d ' t t l I.nIC0 1 u l...,. hy 0 .. ,·.<1 CI,,,,,,II,, r. "'H"nl\ • I)Io • anu die I, C 10PP . IfI on ' - Mes rs. ElUel'Y Gl enn, B Ull Ul'ick whethe WO UOX uow pt'ndillj(. whofl,in the_1II1l L)'vi,I Ch,m r I bny uuythin 'l redllco the Ir stock by t1,~ hrst of Thu l'I!day. ~~~J.~ W~uh;"~C Ihe 6r,1 CJ', e · of .. ouShe· ' ILI'ter hi s J eath , MI'~ . 1 co we nt to . We ll , turkoy D,}wlle is p" ur, l! : and dl~r """"111t! J W!e .. G l'"rtlti'lIl ibh:l statt to 0 1' Il "~, :M n l'a),1; 11 i ko tu g ') IhOl'; th o Yl·(lr . of tho ("I1, .... ing rccolde or ""OL'Ulnl,tIO" . or "hOY d,.18eftl e o; IIh8 li va with her evl\ .in .hlw unu . dry Ittillg, auyhuw hera h " )11 01' and dlly t . fur 'Lo the All ,.1 1I1IIY Muull tHill s f,' l' II. ')' IIlIVl' alll' w- llll lliln dUI\IU ,,' antic· \,,1:1"'"10. • 'o~~ in ~j~U~~.l of tli rrcn un p . \·t\ t to e~r ro m n Ift !'l • - Th u e whn uro la 1.Jol'in~ 8(> ipllte. nOl ""n cured . We '1 1 " b" v.· dtflri\lUlcd evory 10 the ""lIIe left de 'by. th e v.,( ~~~ ...':i~~W 0 "", III" '..,..-" WI UOW 1I1r estl>n , VIl., wh l3re tl llly. IIU\\' ~Ijlld ol , titut 1 wlln t to seo I ...1 tl N . " war for Ih r.~ y. a.. o'er 2!>'1.()()11 Ram"le 1.'01 1 JcMh (If hl.'I' Uuu O'h l ' roint' 1,111'\.1 to ril • III 0 , 10 .a rruw I - 10111 orey !lays It's too culJ . , ~ " t:!1 rn .\M'- RfJl Dg ~ i\lrs. Mllr· illt",nd to spend the winter ill hll ll t. I,',d lllt::;tick:l ! t b ' D ·uggi. ts in all part. of \1 ,C {' llIled I H k' 1)II:t '.'f .",t"... t.J. hrotlt er Ted hu~ Gu uge It H. , It·"m \'\, uy nosvdl o to to "'0 a nd see , " I b' J ' I ' S~:le~. No olher M)llI u f:lCI ~re r of M e~ ic·I ", · 1 t. 1IL b d d hi s gal. 1: sU ~ l'cct I : :I•. It. U. ""I"""""Y,e MN'~ uU Itlvore. be· uw ·I.II S, S l ~ VI' tu lu · IIIg I.'aril) Cel', U ll (lth ' r g u m '. . t' . J I ~" lI l' do wil t.J~VI I all~ . \I'orn . lily •.IIICIII eV 'r 1I~\'e th ir prevn rl1tioll8 eu cb ~, lo. t "' . Ii II the dutlOs wh Icha lIllYvl II II I, V ~II: ,I' )lln ~~I , IIIIV tl:" , ho ~18 ILfm .l ~ to ,1J;o throug h th )!'l lllllll)!' 11 \" . k .uw In \he . or\.h ·F,,"1 l'rtlC'r veJ lip· E. 1t. l'rint~. Ilt e of .,,!d o<C~ti~ n . tlnd rII,!n.lng I" ~n" th o pupulur lIulurul I lI, ,hi•. l lo 10 ynur Oi'tlggIAl . A. 1>01.1. nnd S··t un her in thc ClLl'e uf h It 0 ralu lng ; ijU I sy mpnthy (I f ,,11 . lt ~r • hu t th ey wo.•ds 'I' t l\' U UI1.'!'u wn Ur 'ory IIlI 1\ ~ 111" "y of will bUI'I'U Ulll' by \.Iltn e lt, and J o wont gu L~~ ~,,:.t hne I,f . "iJ """Lion fl . J.'O .IO'"E.with.. a I,uUle for 7S C.II," and Ir)' II . 1 ... 0 dUSI'81 II' l\llll I1I1J wh d ~I " l3 ' 11 Id 1 g ot r~d L' • ly I f II n e I u \)8~r l \!tlOn s .. Su I nill n'liel'e you . • ml>lehottl a l:.!ct•. c:ach. g ruuCII ren. • r I ' I k ' II! 1,,,,, ,,.. .t'.lh,, "ud,lh...' IlH' . Wn~· n •• v.ll" 1'1llt.lU y t! II! A!IIl Ule'!! ce l l.' L rl\t~d . .' \ . f ·' l !l ~ I tl 0 P ' 1 P.mb·\ wilh him. ltI inCl.'u wa t bl\!: k " .t! •I!;H 1 ' II" \\' • 1 111 t ile lIe W $. & Frllnkhn turnl'lk e: ~h ollQe Wllh snld tllrtl1I) ... , . lI e.r ~ , purful'lm:u 0 I \al ."UI r til k ~ vf love nntil II N v. 1 a rticlu• •It 15 ' . <I I' III II U: Mu, 1 will Ul.' bm:k in time to help ull d. ilh aUl ~ U uu tte (!llli J/Ul'llt ' Y II Fa- \Vdl WCll,II 0 WIIIY Idfrierl li lvi k. :s . 1Il ~,' w . l.aH" h. illo: tJ)~r_ w lt h . === === =='d'Ideuse IIIIdh IDII == = === == d I ' " I ~tIItIlUI ' ' hu . bcCtLIII d 0 '1 O" 1 SIIC b'lI U I plIlgte$ l.'uict. I """ S, I 'l'urllJlik.· N . Ill " M' w . :;,\11'1 ""',ioo; l I .... Ollull ie 1111 WI dill' ''' troublo get bUVVCI·. I bUJ'(I orW n. " ER "p ol'/"J" . she was . nu ng r a I) ,0 tu wurk . tu th en c()lI k ~ . , Try it 1I11l1 y thN.""w I W'I Jt.b l"m1.IDru lit ·, Il e 11.11 llte snlUme tn.o · UYW I . r to .tI.lI40 ac· . II . ' Ih I uu I '1 ~ "'V will " '['N.urnlu" __ .\11 k ....... l' xtm'II·t1 ill llry game in i en Who \'I.:ry t li ng q \llet SilleO t il.' CIIl\IIL f I' ' hi" gottlog dO near C ,U" Il h l •. u . 0 1O Thtlll, nner I ng weary ilJ lw thH gel 111101' . 1mW . 1 :I.~O "h "i ll . L. . . . .l, ,, ,~ ill ""i.1 I' urn. -Mrs, J.Vlln D,lser i8vi8lt lOg ofiluifo rjng th c cllduam e lIud fl' uit trecs wus pl" y\Ju ILt Gtlurgc - lig ht. sho I d 'f lit r near Wilmin aton Ra Yd l' illo- 1 IIHl.IU huw ht! gvt bis pike SoU.h'''K ~t u",u,·~ ~f I::lH. ' Bukery . . d' II ' · \\' 1'IhJ ~1. rur. ' • .. "W - lie QueCl! Ity \~lIrd;-:J k 11' t ' d · t .. WIl , o . , iii .. b ' \.11 ler ILlig e n ' IU . • . went ~o thenC<l whl" ••1II1W"",l o ll1lc !III Q 40E 40 IIC '" rOB we , . III • uur I' atll or 8 in g ulldl'I' foIl steam , and th eI~Wsud pnl liS II Vl slt j use ' vll 1I 0 W S . }Ix! ~bWlLk c r of this l'l.~ee WIl:! wiJ to IlI.l;t ~h"itUI to .. -.Mr. R. L. Sliaw s pent last huuse torover . fh e tund . tu. e in th u ~ orth linHo' .... i... u~ght, but, tho 81)11 hi no ti d.. that llreud the Queon Citr rlll'ni ~h ~ to bl' the IUII" r . Th" t'\Iou _ ~I'. V'l p. R. Anders on, last !"oo;'i!'u; th o...... ~'Ith Ih~ iu L4ucinDl&ti Ilad New. blld aeCll Iler COtll J sneeyes S a"turdny .c'<lUlln Ii". S. tI-lO< t i", he 10 sa mornin g Ill.'" "'11''''0 I. im . II "~ t· Il U . . :5.\tUI'U . 'I" f" ll lld 1111 A ei J Il.~ I ' I'i" .-rund '1'1. .~ 100 \I. E . :37 U. h", ,, .. .. ' ti,,, plK... uf ""trln· . f II th e CltlZl!ll ma ke<! (Itljcl' . . port. < ..~ UtiS ' • ' " a :! upon i\J. r. ' . - \,11. E wurd:! .Id rccolvlI , m.?re-l lo Cl'Y ()!' c;~I.1 01 I ~v e cllulJ COlUO tll Lu IIu m'} l'e. Thbllkcd " I!II t il li g I ulng. oonll"''' 111{ 40 """"" of hind. \O/)ro l g tho lar"',' t o g IL:! Tl'ilubi to tlmt hus ur h'''''; lh " ,iuuI I"bcill(;' e gUIIJ :\lvuru, wit " i<! "ull ing f"l' th SutUu Jaily a n .cxtulI siY e h"ltl de"iotod by -:\Jr. S . C. Levlcy has vurchQ8· bl lUg hur lack. 10 thol>ll muth· breud tltuck .of Ilew l heon f lJu lIlI hU.'rlJllbollt. He ltas !L••wu Wllrtl cuketl Rllll c\'ack'I' 8 will be IIUI'80I'Y. t il Huun. h CIIIIIIJlor. uutl by Sh iJukor 'ano of t\:; A Mooro Sowllrd V ed a . Ult h om PI . nre el'll'ss gmndc hilJrcn nnw in hur Illmber aud bis ynrd Ils~ urn es n thil two ' . extrem t!~ uuw the larlJ'e~t hur b u ... IIoLd Imd o.ll1 v oy"d by deed w Ail, dl " t b . suld Itt modcm k' ,. . e bll8111 ' . as·I' k X~mll. I , " ~~~th , . ollbly bt'reuv e,(~: he.r loss \S City Bukl~ry. to PI'lCOS Ilt Queun nut pll r Utl rs, li t are wor ' lOg or fin 1'0 nppl' arull ce. Ohlllldlr r. ILlld IlUlalle8 t trilobit e . He r>will runtiEcON U 1'1I",~·- n. uilltl' p>lrt ,,' tI,.South. tlt e sume ~i3S VIM Thomp s()D retnrn ' l lI n~ plLlabll:l. Bllt Ihulu Ill o\~I·:;erY I~cn . A. mall - The 1I0 W hall~ will S Oil b. chall cnge e uUl el'S M the -. state IJ t.o · beat I II th Eb em. . ' I E".HI'", ,. who e IlIlIULl I rtcr. "f ,S.:~l i"" 14. T.~, It.:'c, boo foel in the depths of their upplt ed tIl - £ cssro. >.an I n. ' ed to her home In M880U ust who .t rig It _-:' "'1 ' 1 k.' \'. IS" D.!VI8 r Ik I' k k I ., , ' . I ' COlllp I ' ~e d a~l lI \\'1.' g .lr Is n. n ll.. I . k i t s tl tWllell W.e Munm n,v~r8. bet(... ",og ilL Uw J Oll, lit tho Olll Reliabl e lire Sill)' ~l pa e · I rd ay. . " me Il) ·s t lin t ~ Lat III a t ley I strlc U ·uIII.h· l \\01 S au ell EIUII ,replCB ICUI' c.ornur of !laid _ Uoo • •md rUIl · ntlllg Ie IC SOIll thll l!' III e n\1')lIt til holJ J aY:l cun hit a hVI e 00 the orrvw nIl .c d Wltlt . . ' ' ont ul. 11 ,111 Ill'Oll I'll tllo tr"'e tl·I, ·lu Gild· no e lIud ' ning th. nce witb lhe !::lout" bou"d.r U vllSt IlsslIrtm 'b <! d J pam, that she, th e beloved mother ph . '. ~ lillo U • • u v, .. . III til tllwl,e II I of ' ClIll'l! d'ffi - IM tlS8~' J .' W : G I. ~ey 8? I r~u f <N. B"" l't , lectnres. ",h 'lI they clln't lI '1e that Holt fllr. t.~ ' W 1"-3 :1 1 ... . 1,,, ull tl I ' ,\1 ... b blduk el' nllt noedlng 1111" '1.8. . is one. '1'\\'0 sona ami 1'0111' u t 10 . I ere nt ~()oU.1 , .. . • U ' , 4 P"''',"'w 1 '1" S In the ( ry · . ~ OrlLft. uf OmClIlnall, VI81t.ed frIends daugght~rs Ilre left to ITrieve ', . ' . MI We;.oo J '. rllor ex of II .... )IIIIJIl. 111 :-\uulh·E tc. Mt. qu. ; fol' her g Udd 11I1 \J~ ,poclally thu~e lIJlLl't SI. tl~ lIcel ' r~Olelr:rcu Rhl I'll I I\' o~k s , they begin to real· Ih8!"'U wi~b here la.. t week. tIle W.ot b .. ""dllry liue th.rl<lr ~~ tll "Jr. M UJlll e~ --!'hil otll:l E yc kc i nu\\' ill t.~ wn. ize·v that r f .n . ed to the wiliter Bcasun. Lud ic nl!ILI. tie . 11 0) I\cr. the cheek bono uf a home N. ,,0 who w .. Sll;.ru wIl8alw 100 1' a)'8 .. 1~ 10" (L klUJ and a!ree· lIt!tt!t\ .IAIl.e;. th.~~ 01 k t ' I' . . . ·t .ci a 1I0t exactly th~ f,luce on which p r"lIel With Ih~ 1\1'111. -Mr. Frank Thomp son fouod t"'lrluto "'otller Rut tll ey sorr . . I 'Jillg to MI'. MULJ re he went tu n W.e I'III u . oc hne S. , w sllf)old clill Ulld eXlllUlIl O thllir I ~ n l urn I.', I ra HI, '" . '1 b'Ite8 111 . . J an· uut gl I ."'~ . pule. W." 0 0'HI ... tIJ e ];:~.l boundllr1::. ' . ont hOI)O some very tinc I d . mlllda trio b Oil yline "f ul t ' I' uld I d' tlill eS. d 1'1 IlS 011 alit t,l ,cut II. tist. 11 ore ale. nov r the thu I e k' with p ace w ICI'O 111ey ~ntn l' call truel! I U III arrl Ie s·goo v' ",_,II"n 'b to ; , thelll'e COL. b tl . wiLh,,"i IlIgS. tl tllillo S..;0 E. d y . J ' . . ,1 II . . II I10 1' '1l f I I'eevl! 'CLLOII S IU'O th 'y. . cluak tri Willi 1)17:\ gloves llllU II I 0 d . Il,,"..uwe • '16 IOU I ney!! raue l Iilt leo ler u . on t IIII nose. ~ . trllstto meet her agaiu Ixl \ Ull aI's 0 t 10 tI\I , • . I"'''' to tl '8 Jl Iaoo o.• lwg!lllIlD . . g. . "' . ' l {;' lu ', Mrs John Weer returoe d ··In .. brightor J lul'J I k tu JIl l'l'ui,ht 0 h . h' "O ra lluunm!f • ¢l Last l\Cru. Ilr l<' ll.. dl'lI ro' ~l'herll riuay lund. rooru ev ohi or nf(s 1- ; .Iing tIOna, l -,,'lIr of which a ou their at nn' stock w was at IS IleI>0'llIllu . . I' 0;' a p'leat!ant visit among her ' ""ih tl · ~ II ~tn"t y by !:I D.ni818u '1 , ,,) TlletlUl ~ rath d or s llrpll '~ 'J ILll y of th e 'h ilS it?' cull on Mr HCllry Sherwo Beyond th" reauh uf p~ill, never IUl'g~r or !DLJre tit>!cill?tin~ in IL' Ud~It'II~lg dlllti lo ~agi ~ 1'1' od wif"oI<lld and oollveyerl by r . ' .. . . . .., Allroll Wbere l:be 8h"do.. o of thill luwer world atyl e qualrly relatlun s Ib 1111001S Inst wee k . ur Cllst. Th el r ~tl lc k IIli t 101. lin t lat " III e IIIlUd 'J°bcroen~. .beenil.' It \\'\1 ' will i lIttcnJ Cll1 und !L,,'d he will tllk~ grellt pl easure i~ Ch ....",lIer, J.uu •.ry lot. A.D.dvcd Olin lIe"et dim the oye ; Ilia/). t' l' I b ' I f I I .. . I tlt l'I)II'1I t'ruw !II bUlYgyl'and so bauly It nlwllYs has 1, '011 \\, -Mr. Amos Haines bas rented When thl" ruurt.u.l.h.1l put brit(htly Oil 'I II 11m TI\A~"I - lWllI g ll"r~ of th South. ·11 ut' cnJeu IU IIIII g .It to you,. a 1su, WI'11 te Il WORt ' Ob S lOes, afl ways ullg It 1'0111 'IC hUlt tltHt lie CUI~U nut qw.. t r Ol f &. tioll 14 . T . II. R. h, 00'8 f'urm tLtte nJ north.e to since ast Mr. of Barvey s. Dado has hnd it ill you th l) Il)Cl\lity whel'e it WII.S tw,wll lll It immort.Wty." e'lt manu IL cturerti 1I11~ 1\8 gOlld a til" '".11' v 'I'Y 1"1' til" ir '..... .. lho Mi,,,n; I{iv"..,.. bel:flnniblf Ilt .. C He ~t ChlU'gO, M custom ·wor k elln postllLl bllrg, Ilnd moved his family to y be em IUlilId; huw the Indiau!! uae them; ~~onll u'N'~II~r7~IJV ~ o 'IJou"" I"nd v u" ~ v :;r " 'ARRl~ _ . . YlI:R. " b tl . !uJnnln g• d ' bl ' . ' t I . II II I)U d . th nuli I' tiyd . ter . pa.rt f to call fLll ,,'enoe , . <' C orwlD 0 speu - ' V nriet.Y is the pice of life,' w hIt a lIlce t lIug III a ami'l • • . .... " " o. w,tl" lu mcel' every ling " .. "" CAIrn .e WID • 0 Itll . . y, etc· TR"loIps ~The Ohio Lee:islntllre lauies l une. to I ""tu I .. ~. ""rn~r to . . Oeorge O"rnlilDY. . II 'f 't b anll childre n. Tho stcrn er LI 'Ir ~ ree~, II ll. a .01' recc lvlllg d ' t Got on o. ROUA. "Mug.r 0 es R. GERAN IOIoi. ir,," pecm. " lDobllOl y I N. l 1:15 e Inst willter W. u II! link.... .gou . V3rltl y. I\ssed a law fur tbe sex are not furgotte n either; I~jr IlIJIIllt . hickory 2~ ii,eho. S. 230 E. 14 links fivo hU Il : \bauoo - -- - ..... • J <JIJ~I'$, h~ IOl)k· Huwbe lt we we r? an tcrtnlne d the u . t' Pt' tl I . t herc are th e latt:!st styl s of I ·~ts l' cI ar'J\lIlU lIudJI:",d ill t' ~ t I) ... • LEOTURE.-OU Tucsde.y evenin g pru teCIOIl ...ilh ""id Cll rm»by'. lin. S. loulld I~ IIY l"mlleH E . liT I<J poope UgUIII8 gone otlu>.r day by n plllr vf our younge uf lIoXt weok, we get· the promis ed irnmpi! . It 0is entitl r .. . f . u ~,.,. I. I om 6.10 p..los ~ ...toDO oorner tu . ",01 Carmany. t I Iwates 'tl I nn(" I'b't' ed "An act to in splendi d (Iualities, among which of ~.-. ... ~-. 1< '1111 0 U:! p akl)o. --~. ~- "beKch ltl mol e.d". tl7 E. ao link., I&n 88h d chers ~erebcpu SCI I?U Ii . wl .I. . X II I IU~. I I I'ea t - G en 'I Geiger' 8 Le cture HEN RY.-Nuvember 8. 187.'> . tb .... ir~of ··Iste mu t s ail"·1 COl1lmOll ~elltl emen of . 11,,11) ,," Illd trae, all "inelle. S. Uljo K llllink. ; theno.. S. B70 lJ l1M ell t lelr . .Cn[lnut . . I n restrlill ue )Jugl " , ,l , vagd Istllld Ilccump 't 18 I W H Henrv .,f u son . . !ling s uited. We I strl)ngl Xenia, \vilmin ,ton, ' Cincin nati b 10' E 24,t'10<! t.u" .I.oue · tbomce with A". y orltl.' Ii lum!'!.! Irvm but IIUt cupture d at ments; In ot lCI' wor 3, n I I .. . . egWlIg ' , Ull 1 tI pruVlslOtls. are . ler.0 hne . ~. ,~ '10' W . 6,.J.-.! rst·c uss OHAP~IAN .- :liovember 20th. 187;}. the roo Ohllu . .1 ~ J t k aud Indiana polis, the Geu'l has as lul1ow~: I .1" laill uecullh ts. knockdown. pule... Of l cou rse it our reuuel't! . 0 lOa e ILU CUI' Y uO wns wile of ChRrle8 F . Ch.pmu n.of been greeted with erowde d I a dftughl.e r. l.O tI.e . pi ...... of beginning. OlllltRlftln ll. lU> . fi SKO 1 B e it /Jnacted by tne acont UpOIl thIS house and see ,1 ' I' I k what -Mr. acrus of Chllt. IlInd. ',Il"ro IIr IUI!II ; the fla me being II ocketl, of Wli 0 . t' A rllt a.:!s-:ev e~yt 111~g t lat ta es I I if i "'t t they mOlln alld delighted audien ces. 10uFses Wa,nM vllie Marke ... ' rni IlI'l on ono uf the officers of the place·c hero or " trMt by O""ld MIIII4,'tlmery lUlU wife ...,Id /'" R8 t' m ~ .II 0 . ltll OJ a IS 01 Iho tu·tlt water. cleaD.c ot wit and genero us hnmor, (If lill Butter • ... • 26 • _nd On,io, That jf uny mal e person, I l l-'cooveye" 01 hy deoJd P '1 ' . . C:llItun Uu. Balik, h ~ JUdt hcen April :In!. A.D. 1862. . to A"rou Chllndlll r. ~a have awarde d this lect· ~hysically able tu perforrn manual ~ d. robnbl Itles ~as 10 town the P ",.... Lard . P ,il 17 And f tbo UforCRilid D cl ected parl i,," are further noTruu~UI 'el' of thl1t ~Iuco . thld 1lI1lr1l11l{5, IIIIU preulCt ed to the . nre the premiu m. In listenin g to abor, and to wh om 'lihor ETEBSON S mAGAZINE or Ef.bt8 15 tilled. th~t .. ftur fllr~y d y. ' publiulltioll or at rea8· cember is . ahead of' all others, ea TI II' ~ s IlOW S IlOW I'III? hI:Y "lui'. uc k · t ' I d t' tl ttl e Id· U it, one laugh8 and lellrns. The onlLb le pricl..'8 hus been offered 18 us OlliS Ie CI I~CIl S III ler wou this not, en "8 """IUIfM by Iii,.. .\11 ooon .... and . rac I - r b t leese d . I tho ... id D~Yid I ett IS tl~ tuem e,,\ hy hll:l Chandler OD O be helln!. he l!n !It cel·talll ly be a h e~vy snow·l!tvl m HUIlIS, et ~' eulu YI'dan t C IleaPlnetss hume, und l a m SlIl'e lollllWlU hll.bits of men and those of the refllSOU , 01'. who has IlIJt made reas. Im Il 14 will "!,ply for "n ordor tlo"t pllfll tion m.. y if we ladies hctwee n thi s t timo las " lind 0 spell(t the next I Uri 'J Beef, sec p a es, I d tl " snappin g turtle" arc compar ed ~nd ooub le (lfl~) rta t? l'rnCI~re he """lo of ~ir! ,,,,,1 03\.altJ ... . -ht t t l ' 2:l@2 5 " t p . , 'dol l' I L·hllt "..uh Ie rig with amusin g 8UCCesS and one is ment, dhull bo found III II <\mphlY' ono of them, "A Little Tot," as I:' othurl'rooecdingsm ..yboh"d nd U vu e, Il ~ tIlllJurl . ~ ICtl I I, IlL e loct' ... "rc autbor. . IVIl. . . state I of R c\lI)nin!Y DUe}" liS l\IAltK l)(.seibl E c' a mamm iacd . vth ~y the " lmld .... tuto huve in . unh . h beun 00_ 'd ' miUlo an.! milch . IIlr.!CI . .. 1'. l!"klll recorve d, a fe w .: . . constan tly led to t e Iscovery 0 f I VUgl~II 0 J' 0 , . . ' ·.T. Cy or pruC... Clllg MI'. lI ·,ekott IS 1\ youug man and d l~Ys 13. l'rovlIlod. con.u~ n colored0 lusill DAVLD CHA:NDLECl.. on ngll plate Irow j a sllpel'b nart' tuings lIew beaotif ul aud comica l. begp:rng, l es I ' n New . I . . . '. , he suall, on COuvlctlOn colored pattorll for 0. 8ljpper ' notl ' r SIn n W. DIlOw~. hl8 Atwrnoy . Corrootcd by Sldeo & CompIID1· I. clln Icco':'lInlllld hllo to llIy. ell ~ urk, who DilledBy thie lath dli' of Olltooor A.D.IIl7S. There are ~of8llerved 8~ts: those thereof , be fined iu uny 'are lurge dealel'8 In I ___ sum not nearly 6M-7w tifty 'Vood.c 1 uts of fasiliolla til'st, 1I ~~~1 'r le rH.I ~ I~Cl t. H e has ~Ils! ctll iu strlllna I who go tint witt get tbe choice. exceed ing fi.fty dolla,;" aud utd, a very tlue Flour, b~ ~en. 1 and pattern 8. The 8tories are by n~"'IIY IlIe"dol hUie .wltO $4,00 'A'l(A ..Il"...A.. .. The admis8 ion is 30c. and we feel tenced to hard labor 10 the aro glad to vlOlw. . !tUTUA . Wh at, old, Jail of tho Vl!ry best anthors all power. leaI'll tlmt lr ~ has uuly 1 96 ~ ~~~~ .... to btl kn vwn lure there will be a cw,wded houae. the COUllty, for wbich labl)r I ' B ., M G Whcut, new, tUtly fully 80 to writtell 1 00 . William For l!h6 Boger. of th" StRte of I\1inoi~, in I4ddi. tv 00 appl'ecl ssrs lltcU. Donn open at 70'clook. Lecture shllllle cuive credit, II.t the rate p \~~ ~l&!oIOL . yeo Ryu, of tion to the 100 sl1ortor s~rica flVB - Mr. A. T . S"bio has . . 75 will t"k" nuLloHthRt n.vid Mwoon did. on t ti t receiv d ed.' t will beglO we ' k l ' at 7:30 P. 101. fl ., 10 ehw t °lr : Corn, • 'I seven y. vo cen s per ay, on I ' cnpyrtgl!4ed novel~t8 are announ 40@5 0 the ~lot day of 0 0 ober. A.D lin.'!. fll o hi .. tti t ou t IC 0 c. a dte r ,'.tum tl la W omon ,.., - -- ___ . Sou rage cIty 't are nuwn . 2' @Opu tilioui ntheCourtofO ommo nPI_ said fiuo ~Ild costs of prosecuti~n, ed: one of titem, A I t'ltong I A ts at8, '!The Days 5 of 3 within ..qd for ' he count1 of Warrell, ill Ass')\!i l~tion, ~e'1u('st Alf. Burnet t had ~ tine audlen c.e Ilud accrUllIg costs, sh~II .Le him to. clIll cOlin ry ~s l ve~ s fig ~~.n . Flax Seed, paid .. '76," by Mrs. Ano S . BtephellS, is a 1I1octrn g 01 the ing 1 25 tbe .tate of Ohio. again~t the 8aid William friends 01 the last Wednc sday night, and .IllS and pobll shel~. ~I tIl e ~LmelL~a1~ I Barley , SEQ. 2. The (JommIBBIOUel't! 01 just the thing fur the Ucntcn 60 ra> 1 00 Boger. praying for u judgment fnt th nial CUII SO, to s~nd u dclegat e tn their Ne'1J8pap~r Du cctvl'Y perform ance was thoroog uly eu · tho several countics nre , They a~ Potllto es, hereby year. Certain ly all things con. cll llv.c ntioll tv be held 30 ~~;;~iPo"!e~~c:.,ln~~atd~t~~~ &;o:~i~ Jl'yed by all.' ~v~r~body ~uO~S I allthorize~ ~o provide for cnrry!n g siJered , this Magnzino bas uo equal Yurk . . Al'tl'r I'etldillg Sllon ill New II alU; ~ui sto ench lI~wstaper In , Clover Seed, 8 00 Willi811l Boger t.o tho id Ol\vid Muon.... it he said he t e. OIte. t~tcs 1\ ~I.rcll Ilr pro· Timoth y Seed, what Alf. IS-IDedlmltable III h18 . tho prOVISIons of the foregoll 4 00 follows: 0110 dated Nov. 18, IBGII,lfor '100. ~g for its price. way; al~d we II~ not o.tte~pt Isectiun iuto eHilct, tor which pur· jsllingl y low, The terms ure astuu. w" nld hllllU it over to th o women ~~~:n~u~~e~"S!~~ir~:V~~tl:.erll~~I~~u~f arlllel 0 0111, deliver ed, . viz: 28 r:;.:i~~ :':~r:~n~~oi~o!~~~ranli~t9~~ 2 dollars n year, flllk~ uf hi~ 1~IUi1y, and I ~t them auy review of hiS late entertal~ ' 1 pose they mny,. by ordors I~ $50 I' " Yo.ughi og<·u y," enter~ tho pU8tuge prepaid by the pub- lIt.t cnd to tuClII' 20. ObO date 1 Nov. 28. 11!68. for fro. ptll able owo affaIrs. No etc.,. or mellt. All "'lUI good, but hIS upon their journlll s, declare to . pcr all~um, H ocKin~ Valley, that lisller. The prices tv clubs are do nut the convcn tion 16, nine month...r·' r ditto; lUld one dated will have and 111 cuse ~ho aublt~her retus~ Perry County Coal" reauing "Over the lliUa. ~rom the the jail s ua!1 cxtend to and incl ude cheape r still (postug eulso pJ:a.paid), t.he good wishes 01 16t Marob 25. IBUll, 'or 'Ir.o. r,Yllblo elevllDo • Poor H01l8e" was exqUISite, and I tho IILnds 0' thu prol)ar county Mr. Silhin, as t? par; f?r ~a'.~ ,a . vcrt~e~entd Ihi l Suit, per barre , and viz: l,' Three copies 2 00 ci~:~b;o:f!:~~i~<~:!~t~f lur $4:,80, witu woll as u IUrg<l mnj ority of the vU· clrlcu atlOll IS c~tll1Jat. U::':i'.~o~ brongh t W1L1'8 to wllny eyes. Ic\'ery forfU and kind of .Iahor cum· a sllpurb .Mezzutint (21 incLes an t Wool, 40 ra> 45 October, A.D. Itl75. • 'd D...ld Huoa alao by tors bere. The B. O. B. Clob came out $35 Ulonly perform ed therlllU by ?U y way h. e ca~ have It corrcet!! ' Turnip s, male ')6) "Cbri8t m88 Mornin g" the finest 40 UtlUlMld pn ordor of a;~' ehment to laue ou, -The State L<-gis1atlll'e w\IJ ~s to for.k over ".om $15 t.o .$50,0 h -- ·J of all eX\JEIUSes 'f or _"'~O a.,.... I aod ~ 1'1Apples barrel , parsons . • ' 8 00 to 4: 50 °p!o~~:tyO~r:boU:.~·~t'·'..,:: ~_reachp t SOOD, all d th ell WI' 11 b costlte8 t ev er oifert'd I to ,- -~~d& Its the eql1lva mea which was good for the Olub. 1 lent In Ildvcrtt 0 tie f A pp I'~ d , fl. • •• -. .' . smg. . I' of. W. rren . The Id ,,~ ....... Iperson ~etting lip the club; or six Itime for Ull to insist n.pon es ". bushel 1 25 to 1 60 oount)' William the pus. Do~e - - - ....... • 0 DOt. ee . JU8tdie d. III IOve8t- 1Hogs, , I t yOll want lao~h, snap at cupies tur $lu.Ou (postag e pro.pai d) Isage of a ·bm giving ' 7 00 ger Ie ootiied tba~ b~ ie required t.o ..ppear Tb! new bridge over N eilman s , the opportu nity tonext munici pal IIIg 115 10 tll18 Wily: It does Dot fuesda , y ev· · and botb an extl'a copy aod th~ 'I corpora tions the right :i~UlB~~-:~dalfte~ti~nA ~~ d!' ~D'eo!!:. run, Jl1st below the old to ·gate, ening. to furth er e~cusle ~bem for potting d?WD onr \ - -E-L-E-CTI--O-N'!'" . . "'!·-!'!!!-N~O-T-I"'!CE"'!' · """!!~·~- ber nod. to tI has Loou comple ted some weeks. retltriet . DIt. VID :l"SON , or prohilbi t the sale of spiro g CII'CU g atlon _ to .. 360, _. (u oo·thlr d the !prett~llItn eo rl1.vln b. Fie pe l'8ou itous aud malt liqn ors . · bata l' I tru t re and . By S~TU W. BIIOWN. hi. AUumu1. R 1 II . T ' nctual tlumbe r,) a8 they did laSt The oleotlonf t lIC c1u. 1t]8 to l ' ge IIlg up a s~ or ~re\lter or n la I c u , 8 argo of th~ Co-oper. 04 ' essIe IIrner s na w s ry, . clubs tue )l'iees are cveu low~r. ' I t ' · ..UTe Orangs Al80ClIltlon , Corw'lI. Ohio, D.ted thia 27th day of Oct" 187il. dOOl credit to Mr. H. Pollock , the to be uad -Samu el Tllckcr and Cassie y~r, 0 llr bona J0/:'1 at the New8 stand. "" 0 clren a I~~ IS "ill be h ~ld at tho :.corot'llrY'HOftIoe I builder . f the M ' In OurCI' A . d 50 beautiJ'ul TI • ••• • dove r 9. 0, and no blacklO allwg ,.In , ou Monday. the :.IOtb day PCCIWOtl.8.o . agazme lOe woro man.1Il 01). of Noyom· . lUrs ay scheme will indnce AA • _ • .,. 'II .' ~ Fnu, fact6 and tancies at the lsent, gr~tis, If written for, to lire us to pay nn ber, 1875. lit 10'01001: . those , lQ8t. 1 told you In. my last to look firm for retructi ng Ii publish • Ca1' UoY 1 Utlt,. Gou'l Geiger at Cadwa. llador's lecture , Tuesda y evemng . ed Jibe" . ED~ OHAND ~vho LER., wl.sb to your get up. name clubs. n atl'll Now lout for mo~e weddlo gs, and wheu pnnte d OR B&l1 Tuesda y Ev D. Nov. 30th. -Oakla .nl. IleNJld. · Nul'. 17. _~ ~ 1S tue tUDe to subscrI be for 1876.-11 say that, .you mar. l~k Seey. tn e17h a!ld 8cnt to I!'ny addrt8 l, , _ • _' oot, mr Go to heur "Sollpp lUg Turtles " A~dres 8 Oharle .__ . Buckwheat Wanted. s J. Pettlrso n, 306 what we gtrls don t ~ow about p08t-pa~d, U1J01& rec ,l,Pt of 50 ct.. - Tbank .lving to-morr ow. Ohange in the ti me of train8 ' ooxt Tuesda y. . ICbostn ut Street, Philade lphia, Pa, 1those things i8 not worth knOWin Adtbe., g. thi8 week. Il~;'8h~tt't prioe paid for Bucll1l'~1at THE MIA~~~~~~bl"
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I '01 nt, "lid the lOagui n • • Iaulu i ('t.'rtuiu · !y • DllMi cnditah lc ~rt.J(.hlc'i"lJ. The current IIUl"ltlk>r t'Ullt'lI a ___ ___ _;,;j,;;;.. .;;~;.;;;.;..;;.~ w~1l IUNIlt:t· .J Itll'hu hl'til'al i IItll'\ - , 't. , ..."t the cntire yCllr. a l1 ulhJitiu lI II f no slight value. Th,,~c ... 1.'1 end = :m ' a dullar til the pDhli her bctur I FOR I 76 J fi I . Itllultry Ir t, w ill 1'l'l'Ci\' O th magazi o for 1 76. alld til lu, t thl"\." nUIU\l(,N! uf 1 7;) fro ' . (J. Tbe "omin;! <l 'ar .,f JUbil re I· \.1,1", fi ne 01 l' J mO IiH otou inh'h \\ (' ("_Ie' ,r. ~u~ 1116' I'U'• ~JIIC, l'ublj~hcr, T .. I Ju Uh io. H Ulldr. dtb hn Ni Ci t urSA" of ,\u,c,;'·. u ln de·
Cincinnati Weekly Times
Ciuoinn .lI-T, are Rlcl,mo "d- .rhe Halt\-"r "lO'-"D. arriv !Ie. O.... I~ , .rrh·e
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HB TUATIRO If"m "ron. P atient. in ElIrope.
the W ts\ Indiea, tbe DOlDinioll of Ca.n<LUJ., and in every !tate of tlle U.hOD.
I.DVIC E CIVE N BY MAIL FREE OF CHAR CK. " • G1 f l"C.,' .l 11MKUoln_ Of' d.t*,","aa4 dnlCl uM.. 1'1 •• I' "rirur t.tl. ,lIlA , •• ",,"U.IIJ "I~ t" I, h,~' t , UT qu".. " ,U()J QIII..... All ~ wa,.. "" dA.-d wllh ... 'C b .... . ,.. OItrelutl, F\lC.WM, "' ~""~ ,be, bt «Mnmnu\;' '''ed, lq $d.b... GIl' t. IW,fIJ't.. or ".,.,....t bJ &tll! h nu....,. "" ~ . I;Ij ·.w.-.
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Ready for .the Fal l & Win ter Trade.
t'd r tree I tllf' ",lotI ~ r () r the Cl uh . T " ~; '''l' " r ll\' UK" r" ••)!'", IA> . ..... ~n I> veod "e t «nd Wl' le\!i a UlW 1 ·1C .. i .......ut. uuu .I·~ 00' V_ . ,/ oor I III r 1<" 1 r ' "j ,.. rULl ALK •.•• ' SUJUl.l l ih~.un o ft lh' l -nhed :--.t.t 'JI . \\ 1'0 h "'111 11,, 0 - t u dOUC1I il,)1\O' • .sw 1 '".c '""IIJt,II '' \lf,tr WHr.. " f wi II oll"' r nt ))llbl l'" sale on tile pend 011 .he IUlelli ; ,!t. ru,li UI. n' ' : : U I" .. pl · IIf IU l <&' 01 til ,. "ul . y. nu corull Illiv - , \J ur gre. L l onUlr~~. E \er\'Hfd! , Ille r ef tef .l","'II I Wnyn vI' lle all ·' ')"""1'1 81 t 1 t' I I ' . 1" I "r "' I I" U \,t • ., rt·r ~, . • ItI U U C. U k t be p.lpeh; ' lid f\ t hi~ i..: .. Ire ·"' ·c ,, y "0 0""'" Il ~ .. lot! tI. '~" h u"htUu .. r"" I;':\"\IJ l'U I.mPfy. or turnllik e, iu th e Gibba IJr o pcrty, OUOII·Y. \. ol'le • ill L,k e I U to JI ptl r " . th .' t bo F i I ' .1 ," ,n c.. I . 01 w ll rhl. plea 8. l ui 'I\'e b op~ mo· e No. L tlo"" Ibe II No. 3 u. 1 T near C' Eli S. Hurll ' tt 'l!. 0 11 \\' edn > • nr, I..,." , uumb. r ~ ill I.e ph ~.od Cblca ._vue · 7.!lOpm 'kc u.. . " unory G e nll l'no '"~ II" '" in i .... .,..of ~ d"J, D . 1 '" '.', .ID n 'b" n OIl;· ... ' ur .· n'·I' .. IIII'Dt • •"u '0. 1. 75 ull h i h " " h o ld t be Ci DC InDat 1 W ee.... O"'''0 I, Oll.t.... rr .. ... ~O)l1ll y TImn. HI " III r . vo '" r I. iely of i .. follO.,I"Q 0 0 <\ , o,....l ip,"'u, d I tt I ' • . . ,ion;. . I .• Lnph ~ por~. a .. iyc 1:.!.40 a m ~b e. ~ .•Ull) pm 11(0 I S, Ill ' . ' larllllll g . Imp e · I.ould " I ,~ I : 1l"o<01I, e it b lloe ~ nly .. e .... p." r of Il 'Iua I "r ,u re ~lu Allliomo. arrl ' " 1.~5 11m ro" 110 ··~.Fu .' l e t. "lout ~.20 pm m CIII.t!, t C. Sule to b gao nt 1 l1" t.olInl cbaraci r o"d ci,cu lulou AlUl ll rl'lon, arriy,' pul,l}" l... u i. " bl din, d III 110. 1001l Ihl._ uunol ,,·ro o",.". t 337 Il Ul 4 It II III o'clock [. M in lb. We, ' , . Ne. Oasll". 1...lye W !\u", uC~" 4.37 . 10 .It.. \'Jh.tl1 u }lll\l~t.u UfP . r..O-l fO m I ' . . 2 B, ""8" it is rair l od iodrrendoll t On TU .: ouol ry 0.0 . 1 m .1I h • • fll·oll.lll\Hag.r' . "rrive !> II " III .. :: : I g Rlcbln lllowu Il od.a.riy . l o !i!illam . '-' ,,110",1 0"' . wbile II i . iD t he ttll ' • d,," • vulltical n-c llel'ub llcoin ". lI ' " •olll,,,· J "UI .. 01, III; . pliueiple Ciac lllDa\ l, arrh'. ' ", " -d.••I """''~tlolrul ~J.OO .. III 3, l14.!c\4u,' It il6 a lJ 'lIP'" cOUlbi nation 1+e PJ _I\I \. d • H' \c .,t tlYL. • d ,1.•• ~'o · n 'I. J "'. No. Tf'1l l"'ft. vcua R lchuliHUI d"ilr. y k lid Illr tI;,(h .tl O tw eOt l th u pt,IiLical m.' • •p::ll,e :· flntl 1ba ... No. One willleay u Ohl,'. "'o ' daB, Air l Or y COU~ I \ ~ I uJ r'\.HlI m uo d ... I I'. '<t. ,.1' I' d "l . C - - - ~ - - - - -fl" p vr , Ey,', .v i au," cllnt o.i o !f • Pi to " (,r t.O', I h l'u ... nv t 'O" oLher lrainH t1f\iI .,' ~ t!I'e pt uud .\" ~m' "I. ' \" . \tH' "!Hllldt\h C lin d -I ~ri ue.n O ~I " 'I ,d ,. (u r it"" P"':C~; . Ilr~.~ VII ' !!.II!.';') l ttf h " I d ,'", ,' nJ Ill! I W. L .O·UBH.N.~ . I': .t T . A. II e.~, r.elY uf InlC.C. I,"S mi.cella ncuu. lod llcieo " I b D W . 0 ..,'LI)\\' Etl •• G" Iln!"" I'" Goode",' ",-" m'I II' '" " q,' " 1'60 r 'I\uln''', : aU 'h IIflW8 01 I!-e dl.' Ib Ilrie.· U 8 III'" .. .....0 UID III. - L I J . _nu, IIp'l Locaalp. ol\. I ~ ~t\ to ne. U .. Wil , t,". ;u ~ ' \.9. n !If)r~",, t.h I lDd. ~ .. ", .." -","l"ID . A I'P' on .. p ... m I .~h'ted eol~.I~I. on ",' UlIOll llOpiea: lett"". d I I ""0\' - P '"."" 01"" t.hLo oftloe HJIl .~ ' h m . nd IfrolU all VI IU of tbe WC"t lad Soulh" • • t. In to ~lI e "r... 1' C • ol ,b" UN!'" . .. ,I, " wiUIf ~ H I," " OF DA~J"L WL'US1.uu . A ...arded the- B-Igh-e .- t Kedal ' o ' in re,,~''''' 10 de Ir" I. le I'llc.·. fllr e migrollll I· ~ "I " 1' JII ('n " 01 .he IND 1.'1 D £II no u. m".t '·np..· "" . 11 , at to IOl' u\-l:; li nd IUl r, Ilut no\ le". t . I.CCllfUtt! <ith..' liu . h - W l 1t' n --The 9 c lnd ed cuuntry .) liuy
•• 111 I •••• 3 U·, t6.Ul G ~O a m
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"":.i" I~_" ot • ..w..- .... _~..;~'i~I:::;.-""'i~~~:.'iI
.Inu W li dU \.u I ... e.JIlenll.' It. of pla1n q'M!I.u.~ .....lab ..Ul W'e lIne" l"rl!e • k of l.be IA \c_' im· r purt. of the marke l. In all " ·.dlng eom· ; pl'. ncean.bu rdcn~d jarlU of \V\lb ter at fund ..h.t by man ~ or at. Lbu 0' " ,,~ proved Ou"killl{ " lid llc~ li"g Stuvc .. f"r 1II0,cial plao, 8. " let. "),J(ttm of "¥,"trnllll ',........ 0 ... m\itlAb . . Cu" .. Y G ." , m ' n c ,." ' ,.•• nu' &. 001.1 null w oon, &, \er Onu Hundrt'd T huUII'Dd J>atrou s in m eTII~~ Marstic h.l vr\)Sc nts to tho wuylurc t·, "hllf,.,.Ioll ·u m i uu ' d e "Ii m ftu r ~ Hf I~ pr:u',h'R I 0aMI botlP II. ....., C'OIUnka1. uOr,pt-,.. . ., 1111 Ib" ~talll. 01 th e Ullio n. of Iooth nulil iClI 1 .!,o along the S o uth Shore, not tho tiff' " •.• 111I,..1l'l1l11- at tbe _tabthilim r t'l'_ Wow f.r, ~ll '" \1< \ ;,~ D.·;··v. e",1 " oultl')' 591 Bl'oadtcn',1lt .Vew ) -ol'k, 1' . " Ii.· •• on d from ~II clAne auo_ul. ~f oooiot. al .lltl Mad ror U., ..t qlltl«l lon .. , ·. , ... 't lout alDong th attrae ti o lls of the ,,,.,\, \ be A n. !. , h. VillPl". ,I . n,I .'''m. D 'IO't Il'H uway ttl ~). I .rW Il or in l'in nuti (Opl' . Mdrtl l'ulil ,," IIOk' l.) I ~Ify to tb. V"I'UIo... ly 01 tbo 1111&8 M. 11 faDl · Slid W"· I;I Y .,,,,,,,,:. .1 001 A -1)[\), '''IKe )lNDptl.klt 0' n ldcuClil 01 r.GCICII!a 1 M Ii , CII' ,l" ' " or t ' to ..... hu lur . Y I:\l O\ ' .... hu t CH II)' n l(' I'op,· tAi tl Ur old tllill r. 01 u ony. ,..11 1 rho... "t.... ' h\) beauty and qni . the M Oll oy. he au d ,II~ iu t..e e l i n!: VIHicty • •• ...,...., .... '.pert. ".•1Id U ".I" .. I. lialJl ~ 141.U11.(1. wh ~ ru we t ften lOmt'ut.l ul1 t h· . h~ Slonl r sponse lhe I.uhlishrr e nf lb. Ilf F i asid """,._ Dr• .IIl. B. FOO'l': m, , e n l·o" i .. ·,. rt ""nl .'; ." A ... ell etude of the place, ulld its lIutllrlll iliK but wh nt ,w · li.lHl E~ w to 1)1' \~' J(lIud cc~ I' . T.imes ~h\"e conlfllctod fur Ibe pub· Mit. d . I: ·!V;~ '" C.' ~~ E" \\"o j Dolt '88, New l:o,~ feature are elem nIB ill its c huruc. ~'" 3. And il . · ~ru '''"' LoWll y IIddh'l! ' Iu h<lI \Jur t",n " I I"\I~dy big , 01 II Sc ll. of t o r, apar t from its u s ociutiol ls with STERt;OSCOPES 1"'''•• •u " ,-h' a ".Qtn,.. of RII ot"" • . \1" 0 kcpp 01 .",r" I()('k·" ul fur R"lt: ' AND V.R"·S ; U eful u •• d Beulill fill naPli, , tlo.oI.,·cttl.lll:; AC !:: NTI WANTED~ · p .:2 · ;" U' . ,:,· u l·,,1\ l. od b'm 't ll 'lurnl thi n "r ' 1t..) W in the rr.al'kt-t.. tlnd a r c ulir e rli'1 • o..r;1£I~/~ ©~&pc.::@~= @""'~ , I C great ~tlltcllllilln, that TO L K OI VCS TO TOK IU p. no".. n.~ f'CkITII II Ule author of . ' MaJ)lC',u, c0.tI I e,L " , ~ln:c ~ .. ,.o . .1be. 0(,,",.0 .~. tl , inlr. ~huJ.e i n o u r tn.do only )Ibn ..", th ltt lJI~y ~ ') V~ ~ '! ~n L 'i:.J~. OliO II r tlo o' nth.r 01" llocoil ~1 1Ip5 lIh .. uld l i )I tl,.".a." • hQn k thal ftitoL'h("d • ". iNUllllo. well tl!UI pt til pi Ig rir llel o turn Iti ll .... ..,.. ,.,,. n COI'I" F.oe. AM ... , . "' i11 be """ " .lIni '111 in fuo1. "",I do \ha b.:.~ l.t UVI' r ~.OOO COltlu: . 1J11O.. ~I " Pt.,"~ lfo,.. h""g ill ." , r. d"' I Il;II~ . IIWce nnd . h.. I' ill tho ' wlJrk~ IJt, rJ , in ('nnking lind heating, l..lllh",· T"e"rr ........ P"ltll ... " .. . BlePti und wuml cr thro ll ~h tile TALk, " ulOA rect" nl.l, IK ' bH_h r11 ~ ~-hich Ii • ~h' 1 S, Inlld . It i. n,'ed,," f"r ... fe N ll c.· dnlly . hy gruund s. The \!titu l e, II .. _ _ _AL.'~"~ ~~_. ' " ~ rh.' rlh' Dl of jU.OIHt COI)i H : .,.,. of •• 8M.NOII it< ~cllcr . I"''''' ''· ill busi lllss. ODd it i8 ~ho "c,.y I'e' \ "'8. ,rt ti rV~11" w,llich i. n11"" lJeillfC 1l1l1J1iJ.hed-lu IULM. all y knuwn, ulld er.i t t41l'lllUr I'\'I!' W IS,. ... Jl ' , I' I '·'h~I· I\I .. r 11111 <lUI I", 1' l " c~d ill .. fumil )" of e u re eS'"'·4u lu te, . . II, CO" TC~'" TAbr..u r ~' cn , 1I11~ ill l lC clll dr A 'Nation al Family Paper. n. 8ll1\silln , extcnde d t il tl, c lICc/lII, 111111 1'1 F of ' ull Icind ~ ~o hsnd. and n' aM, UCf>rUftg tbe ft""~·U\f'h\.luutd .... "'. C'" bld~ ""1 IIf . Ie v,·,·. 1 1111111, '" P. nil" per Ifr uf Ilrlll\). wiU be! "'Ill trw on .,",.fltat1oa A'"~ric.,. lh e vA'OIC .. OUS9. 0 .. cUllJpri scd about 1,511() liu ros of S TEREO P T I C ON SPOUTING AND ROOFING 0 0, oll ly I'."or ,xp".iIlK d',·,·, . wind lcr, 'I' 10k ... h ' ,.ll h ..,. Dr FOOT&, or lh. MUrti, mll NIlU1101 SAND ;.:.,\!m~ .ll nu lrolHI IIn(:I'. 'htl p rim' h ill ro;,ds , a flu ., I) Ul n IJug. au d fir", I ng P11' 11 ' IIe I ub· land , iliCludill~ the prCM(' lIt liltle 01111 ey rytl'illg hli clMO C ~m~",. wbo_ om •• la, 120 &.a t tt\ b 8ttett. in lOllS In our l t il line ~ d·mo LA •• TERNS . I,, "d 11 11 ,,',," . of i01 I'0rOU\',' in II". ~t. ' c ' lie. i. no" rell ol y for fil'~t."'u l w.~ ~t.y le. lICus horc I,uml e tt! of (~I·l' II lJ arhnr .L.,u: .. - bolt h hlft) and "ODlt!II- waated to _II Cumo and 800 our 11I~ C" nll'oll la l CR'"· B. il\l; )I nnu{"cl ure,.. 01 th" . ,''' nllO illi''g . o1.o. thu cellsu. r~po . ,e of cht· f"n-R"lna wnJ'b. 10 "' hurn a 1Ibn'~ lwoftt will I'lI i"". ond 10ll,OllU mor, dd i"hled ."bl!C ri · alld Hruni n. >ck. b el'· . Unt it is now '''·~':il'WJ~::~r.:''.io:.~~TI!R''. II h., "U"we'l, 'lb.e ....ahln"..... tit API.n "'''.Ut'ti c I I'rl~bl. l~on of -" '. ~ p" \l"t , "mrl Tm'i! .• ti'·d" THE STAR SPANG"LED ~I \... t ' ts .. I I" . IJN .... EK.'4I .." .. ,..·FI!:Ki ioPT... ON " hAve \ ~n Uwll# lu tlll'IUnlC " ,. jo·uOT&' . l:oIlU'lV\JQC...... t V a",'u NNE 1 i. I onglllll m'ln ., 1\JI 11l! AU\'IIH It: ... ,t ~ It IOU t.' ..... I<:H .....",EHI!O P"" C ON Ch witb le s . hli:li"g at.. l Oven e i Dou.. ht • .. t IIlher ) · I 1I>. ful ",fU" ,I ' IIUII . ~ I ze • .!~ i.,· 3 11 a .,rg ,. ~ Whf"-, .. p~UJ( Ill..' . Tua ... of three ur 1\1111' liun dred IIcre8, II'; "g~, · c,,,,,,mo v" pe r. I,c d!( r larl.r ... H"' •• P ·. ·l tJON. • I illcbe • • colored . v•• ni· hcd. un ,1 !tU li P UII r.,11 .I>.e . o,·erll" .'H ..M A J LV St. , Wa'1/n 8Vi.U,.. Olti(l. 1 " ' .~I U(l W ..lulu. and t. kuu!l e J; I.Uf 1MU1.lru SToa... .. ·ill;: ... itlo ohalmlu ' ·Io ri. s. Po ut the tiDI \) of \JlIr ·ltastl h,' M r " Oil , IL l..~ NT E lt~ 1 '" ell·Y. TsI ","I ~ 8 . ::'iI t bt' •• ' 'ch "11oK . . tor Wi~ n o you ntr. .00 10'1' OI)uteuw . Bumor . F A ~11 L Y FU ll. • .' T id . ~lo " wi I I.e "en' to ,,1I8 UIo8<:";I,ero 1\ ;' h'u dl ncw Re oi".... Ri·,·"l•• Bud l'E'JI 'LE 's LA :<TE IC'i .L \ ':TR II " • ~fur ,~. " .. IIUld . . tor )'ou*h·.... . Th. fOrDl ....a ...... Sec,,,I•• Wcb~ter. 'fho IOU t!C is ~ Jituutcd Ihe Wc\'kly Tlmca ill Oblo wbll "J lor BIIShl ,~ Ultrd ... '" I' Ihe p" " p(· ,"nlthud!' r . • t lloe 'If qtMWlo.' 1 01l1l"ioS _ _ whk'ft ladMrA a1\4 mau.. "c'Y ===:::a low rlll mo e8. nJI'\"s Art •• &0. &c .; h •• " Child"ell'e lie ' .rIITHot . l·rl'llJ tllo . ~"u , uJld Eneb sly: O I... III ~ Ihe 11· "1 o r il8 " I " ~' In Ihe (lIUS . about t " cnt» t«!l" deh,:.oYAhOu\ ....kluV of lhe1, ph1"lN ..... wh ich " r.· \)".'Iv . ,.I1'ci'·OI 10 "'like u , .he R ~cd icll~ U~roll' " ~ <0 011\: k, ·t . . I II: C llt . I'II~ .. I. "·sCllr,,. r,tle. . ' . 11·'v t l· II Si '" The .... .. htof ·I t. I .. nOlhiu, I. I Ule,r.hl re .t . Il lU,. eft' " li nd IS" p,·d'·cl "F lIul ly I'''pe r C:t ltt I"l!0e <l 0,r I , I,d .~ I ·"Io. ".,· tl, pI'"ce ol , b0 l'" ocr auJ Lloe,·"sl uf l·u.tllge o" "U' ' r,, ~·-' 01 ,"., ' . ....·frtin& ~"')"C. •• BOUt.!'. . . 8TOa." B ':"" '~ a pel , lIalll1 . Bvu l. allu Ma ps: " I'"II flr el' ' .lI' IY HI . \ 'J (I':. P l AC U\' .. The mlll1sio n hou~e ill Q typical dire,·lio n. fur lI . in"n utt IUQ w GS I ••·ntll tl 'II 'I.Ii. ·II I;"n . .w onl,. bl' Hoi 01 _taCIt or of LbI Publiab... I 81'O:LY . 1'." CO: ,II £ I1 . I ~f\' I' mud . (Iua.· k. ~ ~· i"dl.r ,lI,d · 8eal,.' E. Ameri Ct\n h Om Ct;f p,.u d, \' .sty \"xh:u . AllY elll \' rJ lri .. i ll~ ru:1I1 l ' KIl wnk , " PI.\ )!\ 11 M r Aj., " I.. IUtbtbb-.d ttl 1)t\lb 1M o rn l il ey , T imo" il Dd !:Inn, - Uook . 101t. pt\ id, $2 flO II I1, n 1\ ..' r h"tI h~t e cll iulIIll S QI t t l1t h lu1. ~~ . &u", h . h u m.l · ._ruu", I .ns u I,ea. Oneft lDor_. T ime •• Hand· Huok "0" Mop pos' pRld:! 4U ~'.ry Ojic(' all d R c. "" .. ncr. Thi rd lIiYe, w itII au uil' of e ' lIIl1"u rt and · willi .. .II ,'~il I.alllerll I,ublo" .Iw m. uta . N o sawdusl .. luller\" ~ llt . . Lun" ('~ ' 1v·.'. '&'C;O D.t. ~AD.ted.1 II I 011 tll1 is adv <lIi.emc lllloroef oe' tt1·e I I,ond.. or ' Pll llllld C conven ience, ano! ill tiVlUe way\ i&n IJIr . "1I' gR ille coI n C,'cr 'c:o \ch' "'.III-ly ' Tim'" .. nu 1·IIIIIO ·llo"k . pIl8 •. 00 id. .UIJUIiSS 4B .UIUVa. I 75 ).,u , f yo" rell d. 1h ,. " r.. ,.t i' "~'·I·. II exp~ •• ; 1'IDll.!tI , lI und · 8 ooi. and ~lftn , ;\o8t "'Jla.id, ~ 15 'l" .8\~h\~ler: W AYNE SV1L l.E. preeaea olle at! t IIe a bod e (I f pI t "> \\IO',bl( lit ~el al"' 1 tll\' o1·."nd g l\'e ~ .;i-:-~ --greatne 8ll. Sufticic lltly: urllute to 1 . II ell r" cnl' v " f allch 10 tlo .. ",," 8011 'C lld ~ 10 . 101 'Ivc r I I. ~" I " nom e_ :l nd 'l!!"11 ·s: "Y l ' III . n du b . or SOllie p. em luDI .elec ted from IT COSTS lou r '15 satisfy good t Mte, j t bus tlll llupre. "" 111'" ycal·. Rud 18 ~c nl uur I'I'cmiuln Lift . . d p,cpuld e'·'·ry"I0. ,·.·. Ill, u. t the rlO". r lor ( ' 1.t 8 or "&N, n. "I,l.ll I S tellti V\l~ gl'un d\'UI' tlmt a CCUr s woll e\' C,r~' IlInn .· .. S,Ol1 Liw l n or N o ~ t ill rll . It lei nOt. Tillie' lI nd HIl lld . Doo k. :'0.1 ,•• id. $1 1;0 po hllcili . r" I , glo ll~ 'II' ~ec~'".11 with tli ll s put. Th (' ll g h uccupie d It W."·ei & Timc •. H.· lId · Book IO lI d Mllp. j'08t p.ld 2 1111 f~ r 1111 as a private l'llsiol\) lI~e lIl111 n o t upl· n t., ..l ·d III 1 G.!. ,I h"" ~·"'c nn!M ANI) All eX tm <U '")" 01' c.,clo ..... lb. 110"\111 sen d 1,.1 )'co.- . " lid I.S '·""<II. '. ~ 11" , 'II 1 ' ~ 1 .01141110 p~oJllc 1.ou 10 '" a c l u t>, 0 1' 80rne Ilremium sel ccwd f ro m \ n ll t It X E N I A, 0 H 10. l o r PII1 Ie III ~ p\·o.:t"lII , dtl IU wn· alid 'Alii h n\ ~ .\ bULU t l.ue. \\ h~ III"'Ci!--A' ~" r tcr and a fl'iolld w ere m os tt pul I . ntl t l u . llIl' ul . s t li ll Crl a ~ tll l relll\ i!-c'l. itul.v NO" 0""" j Oll . P ..elllltln\, LI - ~ . ;;: ELEG ANT C g ROll/J'OS We h ...·,· im. ""'" 0,,10'" mn~ he loft witlo \: . W. EIo,·ij;lot. lor the Laundr y, ', MAP OF '1' UE ~OIlTII-WE8T. "",·\,·d 1:1 "Id ""liu 1·1. lI ell r eceiv ed au d sbuwn tloc prill('il' ul Ch," m08 ( ... " .. ,h J AM W. L·...:, l ~AIN 'I'lo i. i . .. L'i..! " OW . M.p. M 1'011 ~'h1eh tbe I,eo' en. 'I· •• ..tl ) . 8i l.~ 9, i l iI'''''''' . .... ~ room s by lit O ex.cell~ 1I1 lady u f tlte MA NIJII'", rUUE D n y , fill c\)' mou III cod. ~.., • ~" , gruYc l8 hllv.I .... n ,\I "o"k ro.m "" .'" monlh •. " "~ II. , !fe" .,' .... LI huusc. 'flat! tirtl t r l)u lII vi l!i ted \\"111' , ~ of 11.6.- " I-:ellla .",1 -.\N1> -0 11 II !a ' lte r @oa l. lilUli on l' of Ihe u" iL.·d HII IIII H 8 ".Ioole '~lI &. I'b I . I ' h t' ..Olt.o: op A. T ... V r . ,,11 fr . t. fll. $ 1. The•• I 8LatO:- M. Pi' ill genel',,! \1S';. it. l'\l ntni ne \ h~ Itl" t IIe I rury , w IIC I IS t 0 Illes t UIII l1 uilll chnw lol'i, ",i(.K l.l · 1'01' allY ,'Rr ~ TAe B est Starch in the World. ya y IIIIM; rll ilo·, •• d line; . l> il"e8111 1 impo l·I.llt I.. r. 10" [,11 natural ly th e lDo~t illte l'C.;ting a plll't· .. ,1 C' P 0"'; " 111 · ull', red. rORds . and lloe lo"" tiun of 1\1\ ci,I.·. Bnd A LAST WORD (aVE" II REA1.!T1FUL F1:-1I ~ H TO . It eauer. I'e me ml,er I H m en t . It il! si tuated ill mlc u l th (' I ~ TilE LINEN. "od Lite cn. , hCI"eon it and O"t'C!i-.. ' to""" of prom iuellce . ::;;'c. 28 I., 32 illclooo; i .; i. " U ' · Cllll llt'Y ·8 c,·tIL lI .. iul. ~ t IHl nd Uu,illg ~ollH Iy thi. cu lu rell , \" II'Oi81.cd. Ilud hun g on fUll.' ,q~' !\r du t.a !,c N a ti mud, l cow mUll ~ lu.rcit i . . scarce l.," ba.lf l\ oent rur lLQ om". "t RII.i d'·lI ce. h0 \1 S0. nil d wos de· willg8 0 f tl pl\tri u t ic. "' id l! · .. 1 b roller. J~ cunlnioa I~e fo :towing·n llll led " ... " k.· I al....·• olle nth"t ~; ordinul'y w... lting. A. k you,' grocer fur SlUlHlU y J 11 \.la, t I 10 dillig I Iler 01 it. i. lo r righl .g,tio ~ t Sial." : 'n~' b t ,.. r.II';.'; nile tlo~1 kll ("' . IIU pa .~v . no nortlo . - -- - W"r ...... IlI~. Ohio. . II .. 0 8 e r, C8peCia y I'o r hc r t'u t l Icr ' ~ ".'" ke • •• ~ IU I'G8I'O RD'8 . . .'_, 110 .... (' uth • 1\8t "t W(J · t : but 0 p.l·per int f ud,'d •••n,,_... 1YI1.~rt. . WI.e I.. e . " ]U Mh.... _ ... rur e. e. \., "e I ' EN' ''' I . J) ... I.'r. UII.' t lo l . ,,, 08 mOil .. "10 it! \l8e, al,d in lUI plun tof IIrrl\ngetnellt.~ 0\1..,. Office fur the ' . . 1 v, ., nnfaotur e ~d S"le.f ~ .~ ~IC~~.:i.. does greut credit to h e r t&lOte and re .." erl ·I.y e ".I'''8i''g th:' ., i ,' ~' Ir;'p.· " f Th i. ~I.I' ,-ill be fllro i.hed 10.11 .. ,b-o, . ' '' lndl,lu", : " li d " uw 18 Ihe orll(iOltI- E, t:o bU.hed in J84S. And skill. It is )tlft us nearly llS it WIUl ISII"· I,mo . You ba'·. • l pre jil c' Yl'~ il s r cpuh ti ll o n8 p( TRI\!"II .... , "eMl uf lho \l" ee klyTilll •• • intbe IIA"'a 'lII u,. I~UIII olf 1,,:,1.011;;. S,'ud 10 dny. Nu" Is (!Ir ~ M W t.. ··t 'd h TI Officc in Nltti,,,,,,1 Illlllk Buil,1iIlJ{ , l 'lHtKU Ilnd Mna lt n.L I CATa thAD all ,. u. r. eutlers <'lIt. t'd,o r cb c",bc r · \40 hc d,,·si c it. IHlh\! rllt4.'8 t lou CCc f' tull'!le Ie great s iv"n.l.o vcfu"h c M. po{ Ohiu. olber orllele of the kl od 'lifer· DlUIIsive writing tabl e, tho luvurite I SE £] • •0,oI ~ •• ,c _lIl oeccure, Ihl. fOR fOer" IVA 1"_'O~' ' 1'1/, /, / :; Ollf O. • •• • I l1IrTbC~ C )\a, d 1\10 jll"l be ug co m"Ieled . t ·" r II ,LI, fou, cl,. ,mlllg "hroru .. cd, eiLller uf tho Ol\ l1Ie ulima chuir, the picture « uud Ol'l tllJO lIllts ~. on.l. II II l\d are pu" lIshed fo , the .. ".clu.ivo IISu of .• ,,, ·ml ,e . . .e ll~ fu.. 15 CCIII qr "Ith other title •. . . I~ . I d ~. ::;I:CO IIUO II _ ' he Cillc;nu .. i WeekI)' Tiu' remalll m tl Dlllnttoo s 01 III Il' r 08. Tlwy C,\I,UO' f llJl),I!OI) rond ..·) .Oll~ froe \01101 . Tl:vax . ON M.o .. " . .. . Ph . D.. &0 . • Ibo uyll; fOI I .. , "wcu,cd fr"", all' othur ."uree; we" ill II 1I0W . CO.~· IIOI.hlll l:ll~ ,~ e(' It. and vividly rl'clIlI tl, ogt"l' llt l ile ~~ hi)!bu.t chomka l Ruthurily 0 1 Europe. Qftre· . .e'.'o1 LII · ='"pt:\~nI:\YnlQ '1JI ielllbom f" r n"vll, i(IC. ll l1ul loeycnno full)' unlll,7.cd this Oorn ' Io.." b. and .a'1~ I~ n . <III.' to lI,c.'l"N~ER I l nI.ISH I ~ I . C, I . ~ with which tlt oy w ere I!O illtiJOut\~· ~,Ii .~p -~€' r .[q~:~~ ~~~' ~~~ Iy I.e "I 'I" i D~d b.l' e.,·b .r:!,ins .Or lI,e wce~'1 != i ~ a moSI 1'& 0811"01 .. Iiclc or dinl, an ~ :JJ Ji",o<l.oIe. N . H. ~ ~ ~- ~ III 5 11. 10010" " ", Timu. Iy &8soei utc. d Must ut" t I10 h,./Ij k·~ chemic,,1 .. nu fe 'dlll!! proper Lies ,. fully . . . . .Fil'.yt _\"/ ' ;('/1((/ iJ'/llk B uildillg , hllv e been r ClD \i\ed h :om Ih., (' IIS('>! m e'lual 10 Iho- besl arrll .. rool iJlll) 011 \:I.Rr:t.l t t 5h)tc . Directiou . fot makin g Pudding•• Ou to.rda W A l:'{~::; \' I LLE. UHIO. fur BIlle, but their pluces Ill" 'up &0 " ftcoo lnpnny cnc h nlll! - J1nuod pa 'kl"S:c. 1'lola i. a IICW lJoulI l .. anJ R oi it"Ood Map of ~ ;t"C • d " I pi ie wit h artieIos u f t ·t}"t Pt ant 11_ tII.l" ~''' • • I "ur ... I.ole (U"ol, .pl"c". 0 __...... ,· • • ho.·iug 10Cnl;'IO IIf l an Ibe !.ri uci~nl in I.,.c"..eUnil.d :; t.,t"8 ornullle nt.6 uf grellt variety uml .... 't ~17 Urn -l~ ~ ~:'::~ .'I ~ I"I Te,·rttol'l e • • and couL-lIn'" g Ibe Ioteel - . . 8::;t.~~1i1 ~ vallIe tile coil " t ·on o f 0. II'j'o t ' 1 • Tu.i, o S·.·KlW 1\""gr.pl. io.·1 lufol mntioll n:lftllng. 1D ~bc •• ," 0 1 ". ~ FoUl ill" IN. Second Jlfriici al D£tJfri ct , --..C Vh io • III C. The high vliult~dI wull" uro udol'll • -0 1 gn'"~ ";>Iuc 1.0 0" .. 8.108 !o"k lll~ uu' fur . " .. .. . . .. ' .• , . ? . . •.• VI~Cl~~ .\'I'l. OHIO. new home. '" the.We. 1. 1 hI! b" r... ·•• He I ed with KictUl'e s and bUilt", lDuny ~e: . !" ~ Time. of Comme neemen t of. the h,,,,d"owe l~ ,·,,,hdli.h ·.d "~Ih fae·.imil •• 01 1 • h I ... · 11'1 8:l 00 '3 PRR Soulle D . /I'. Miliu 811'ee' ' 'he flags 01 allll ullu... . " 'Ih five alH I pial,' of t e ormor uulng ami y POI' - -.'NO- • DlSTR ICT & CUMM ON PLEAS vie ... of ~JouuL \"arbUn. !.be C" VILIII M traits, the mos t cOllspic UolIS Lein~ AIiJ1I lA ('" W •• hington. W • • loin;;l.9n Mon" noe lll . ond one of Mr. WQoste r, bV U ~ltly. tJ IJ ~ : • ~(ft!IJ\,lI. S"~TH W. BHOW~ , Now York Cily. Ou lI, c r"',rOe .ido ur~ 1 Ar. 1I0W " 'eelvlng tb elr Fall , t.ock of '" :0 .. "'linted ut the time of the si:f'llin ... " r. up.dor .tn·l· plate Mn!" uf 110 110 Arne i" n. Fun 1876. S~ ~ Kuru pe .l'aleatin of tbe A s hburton Treatv, an u.1\ (; ba·t of tbu World . . Ull · . • U ATTO RNE y AT LAW and 'h" PO l'ul ll'ion of CuuDllr. lin d SI..loa . other of Majur Edward Webs t er in , U.IIT.' ()T ( ... I1.ft, ' 8. cor,, ·nl( 10 th e I.·t censu•. Si zo. ~ fe. ·t 8 · A;cm-instc1' ft.ftftclll lsetttl MUxt' c"ll VOlt'll ' ~lI .. nli Ooun t, . the M ...,.,.. MilIch 1:1 ~ inches by 3 feol 4 in ches Ioeauli.ully culor· u • AND jVOTA fl"Y ~'~Al ed P and lIlu nllt"d o n 1'011." . ' u BL/f}. d B I Chnmp"il!lI t.:ollnt1 . . )hrch 16 ~ " .ve. an "l'8Sf 8, teers. Tbe Btuff and white jb lt Olark" COUll'... Tb. Publillh er·. Pr Ice of this M.p I. Ma.n::h :.!tI 0 _ .. Md)..... ~~W . . . . . . . ., ha.t "ro suspen ded in their ucc u". Imr orted dI rec tly from Eoglaod ; O .. e. lI. Couoh·, Marcb 117 .3. A"y oDe" .10 ~' lII oend .UI Ihi8 AlIluunl nlld SO COut8 .. ddi1.iunlll (, ::,50 ) tu Ot e pA\' Th.ree· Pl" Mlilltgom , ry Coullly. toOled placo ovor th e pictul'e of April a "' . I, .. 81 ,,~e On II,. Time w II m • •. ' 11 Hand·Bo COllllly. o k a"d Mllp·. Ap"11 1:1 IngraHl8, their form e r po~ses:ior. E. S. ·Il. Olio~'n W ALTO Ooo nty. N. wil l ... ·ceil·. ~"e lll 1 .11 Aprl1 . 1 · Vm etia'18 &c Ot her roum8 -tlo '1'",- 1:1.... I .... '1·1 ..... ".. H ......_.. I Butler COUDI ~. mus Ic roo m. Aprll!.!4 ' " ATTO RNE Ie "'"p. P..el,I8 CO U"I!·. tliedin ingand mo l·lIingro omtl, tilo Y ('I AT Ihe "esl LAW AmericaD MI, , mnoulact II llrc. , . • t\OI:: NT:lW ANTEl lio"" crylown and Onrko 00uDt1. star chamb er, and Mr. Webs ter's Me1 II OJ/ic(,lJ, 6 B I'(I (/f/,ray , nei~IIIIl •• boud in Ih e ljllited Rt"t<,". wbo will "yneoville. Jul y"'. Il:Iill. Dati be libe ' all .. comnen. "'ed fO I' Ibeir 'e,·vicea. room in which he LEBAN ON . ( .... ~ . died-w ere 0 h «:.111910" . ._lit .,.11...... LA 0\' AGENT hove proved Ibrm •• lv"" r !lny ot or clly In Ibo Un ion . shown n8 , and tho partico lar feat· A And oW'r tIl e N t'lO Dl'ug· 'tore, flntler Cuuut.r. J ••,u ••! "'. 'Mllt JIf.· Oct. Ill. 'I ill D .D ,a 1rtl1l .... 'V' vel'y .ucce"sfu l iD Ihl. huslocee. makiog bet · ures and 80llven irs poiDttId 0l1t. ~~~~~ Prcl le County. Yelo. ::1, }Ia, I .•• ~0 • . 17. r,' ~~~~ IoCr WI\g Coi ~hl," tbe)' ClIO makeu' al moat any W~"N~~IL •• E, o. Mootgomery 011 .• JAil. III , illY 15. ·Oc~. 16. ' .1'.. , lhin~.\... • • They are all preserv ed in appear· Deeor"llve P.pe' Han~l nl;" Window Pape r. Oarke Oolloly. J""lIar.v 10. MU7~. <./ilL. 16. SpeelmeD ,'ople" of lb. TIME8. P re · ance a& wben the househ old lost its Hurde... &c .. new" '~ Atyle • • jUtt rece;'· MI","i COUlll,.. Jan""rv 17. ll. y 1.'>.4101. \Ii. J OIiu.1 .• ' . aucJ Olro\llo ... fo r dist ributJon. vol fru m the factori"" diree'. Ohampalgn 00 .• r eb . i~, June 5. /lov . ~7. Wastel· and the lIation ita grcuttlS t Pl••• ·r.rte Musle Teaeller, • will Ile unt free till ( ~ Iarke 0 0uIII,. J Knu.r, 17. May ~9. Ool.16. n. Sp.clmel !land·Bo oka.HI I,e aPI,lIcatlo 8.nl 110 receipt }I~l , ol t !lid!! or ~l"iH S fl e el. , of po. t·l intellec t. In the dining. roo m ma Greeno COUllly . F'ol"u"H 7 • .Iune .i. OCI. 16. as... 10 caole: ~""cime n Map. on r.cell'lo f ny picture s of favorite co.ttlo drawn W ... "NE .. " ..... I!.O ... O. MauuflWturet! ,II kind. 01 Broud & Cake .1 . W. flell CuulI'Y . .1111 . III. ~I " y ~~. OCI. 16. Ohio. ,I fo .. tbe Nort bwcot. aDd II 50 A crdhOlce lUIAAlortm,ent on hd·~d II daily for Wayn e.ville aud tho .urrullnd ing lor for en~ mad lei C1ll1toD to 'i1'~iXI~ County. J .n. n. JIIIIO 5, OeL. 16. ~ J' !I • WtI'!I&~ih.~. the Unit ed lOll••• po.lag. paid. from lite hang on the wa s, while oelll'hborhood. Bp<.'Oilll 0 or. '0 • • rge. me um .'- s ma· attooUco i. ginll "'~''''',''~~~~~~,,~~ .i..,d Look in g a l.... ,)I. in others miniatu res o!,~roDdohil · 1.0 fum t.bing RULE OF PRAC TICE. FLOOR .t: TABLE OIL.CL OTHS, dron and Bketche s of Webste r in . " ia borebv ordereu Ih., ill "II c • • e. 00 I. Jluhh. All bcd ",dlba eyery alld .. 11 grade s. .Oerooo u, e:o:cept Suo rude home garb ao d W Ilite hat nu~ c.ror In the Di.lri cl Oourt. OolU o"ul . ball bo dl\)"8. hi lime .f<'r tbe ovenlng , ..Ino and nigh! OUR attract the eye. From the winduw T A IN r, 0 0 D S, requl r.:d to Ille wrill en briefs 00 tb. 6r.I da7 AN D P 11 R1'I ES, IRIAUm - W~I.BH!~l!:~, IIIIIlIs. It contaIns "II Lbe new, of llIe dOly All lI ind.. Lllmb.eq Or the mornill g room, looking out uio •• "d Cllrlalu made oC Ibe IoCr", of ...1.• OOUrl. ItT.,. - - _- __ ..... 00 . bon notioe. I alloo keep of 118 publl:all oD. Instead 01 lbe preoeding "od PUI up waruer . I:l F.LLIOT T. O. L. MEEKE R . upon the great elm, tho final fare· day, ao I. the 0<' 0" .. llh mornIng papers . • 'l'be Put Mall Tt.luUte ALE~ . F ~r ME' from tbe E.",. ar JAME ~· M . ~MI1·H. we.ll was taken two or three days B L . I I L J AMES ' . •OOD.E. ·A. W. OOA:>f . • ri ,I'g 10 I..inoiooa ti 10 \oe morning. en. ble8 In Terriea. Uam ... k. before his death, of a. herd of 150 SUills end Orel Olloe. et all hou"" aud A auppl 7 of R. C. FUL ON, MOSES B ARLOW . u< to give the boijt lele. tlon. lrom ~he col· a~ sbor~ nollce . UDlO$ of The 'he II nd Easlern oroig nQ d p.perl 1 )('11 ooc 1.0 1 cattle, driven up fer their uwncr's loform day in ad· Q Judgetl. vance of the all our pul ,lIe contem I("" erlli poraries. ly. Ihal he bae WIN DOW COR N ICE S, last view. Mr. Webste r had a The blgheot Ma.llot Prle.. paid. to ol'elled • III'W Mcnl He. M"rket leee all tbe ill th e e advanlag .a, the "ork on "he Btnle of Ohio. \\ " ....0 Coun" . 8S. · "II . Ix... b' ttl old sto lid 0/ l.c .. k to: fluwllo strong a ttach meo t ... tbe TIme •• being lor 18 ea e, oaah or t rade, for Oouoky l'roduce. in Ihe day. limo. iu I. WM . B. ROt.:KH ILl.. Oler. or ~e a liNd of at Digb" douo 1 1< '(: p cOnotaolly ,," baod • • wbero b.. wil l co,ts much 1_. and It is · and talked to them aod fondled idA ill Oour' II I Oo mmon Pie" ..... hbin and for ..Id QlI~en Oity Baker y. lherefo ... furDlehed to IIlh_lb .r. a& _ coun Bed ly . CBrllr,. thl~ tbe forej!oiOIr II trul, ColDlort. tbem as. though they were intelli· l. Ollr own make. ~hLlr,,"., ee. a &.&1'. wbleb I. ooe·lblrd lOll \hao il t.lk(·n and correctly oolllcd ( rolD oliclal 1,-, TllE VERY BEST ·, .I-'i110.1 aDd Holllle ra On band .nd mad. gent beings. The rooms have that cbarged b;« \halDOrDlDC pApan. H la Ibua rd 0 on ftle iu •• y office . ' I I , .eou tbat Ute.. Ia A lreat .....Ing In t&kiDg liomeJi ke aspect in keepin g with 10 0 cr. olt.on" ,,,.t ngo and WM. I:l. ROOKH ILL. tb. Tlmel •• bUe It.I p&troo. also get the Pillow 0 &8illl(" TAIlI. L ioe" •• the charact er of oue "to tbe manor . October 29, 1875. Clerk. WHOLE SALE DeWI .. rller .od r..aber lb&n \h.y can In N~.'!';:;..D:!.~I~~~;::; •• born," who here BOught from 10 the carea of .tate and hfa, and Dp aluba Ibo count., atl'orda: .. od. 1l .... i11 be kept . dlred ""d In an r&Ilt'Oad to ..... aDd whereve r &bCN ia R eta.iled at Whot Irale Prioe8 I arDed Our W..ab Dlue It Ibe be" I. . . . worl4~or tbe and ever, ye .. a dally Dl&II. BIngle l ubscripti ool. for one i' h don DOl a'ruak. cO.lIIlna IIollto"" blllln. --- OrdeMl for pllol It ry and O...... l· 11:0:, or llI ...e IDOn\ba. IDSY be ..nt by CLEA N AND NIOE . pleasl11't!8 of a belovQ< i ew Eo.g • Spectacles, Tool8 &, MaterI•als. year, .,... oua to laeal&b Or labric, aDd il lI.eeI by ,.iDdh-idll.ls At &b. aboye low r"to. A,ldrca. 11'<11''' Cll:ClItM pro.pll" laud home in which he was rearod. by . killed work· Ib large laundrlu 00 _GIlt .f I.. pi ..... . TIl'Ia t;OBP ANY. m.n. Aloo, Ing etrce, eDel ah aPlles,. Superior Ib. -CDN' UjJOM .RO. of tlla Bo.wn . w. Oor. 8iatb end M"ln I~ . 6a6.am • • Welt' Til.....c.. c ••ea •••••. .bl",... hing. Put up in p&olla, OIl••",&Ol<JlJ,. ~ IO.B'I 'INO N BW 0IN9IN NATI. O. eollar ' .01117 uee . Price 10 eute HAMS ~or ...1. by groce .. .... 1" _10..... Examin e those ~ft1II COMroP, T 8<tUR[ FO THERUr rU RED tint.J of note "'~f\ . . . . . . .. . . ~II.e ..... uk for the A...... c... 111' A... S ..o.. II 1M Go to tho Leg~l~ture next Mon- &01 .bllle Or 101 t"e alice. GI.. m "e.lI. "y .ail for 10 _. K. B. ",,'..~ M.D." paper, all 'Burt.6 and • .&IIt .. lito. \h IRIImp. ab_PH& Wutod. FIYe Hundred Bubel& of Pora. aad ben. priCed, at tbe · day eveniu g. a ....._ ..... GIIr New. iSland. , ~~ ... , ......_ w.... (lilt' JEH U MULL IN. toee, at t.he \\< ......0_ of ~. .... - Ii WI· I, I OIIoe, llarch 17 "WI\I ", ..... . . G. W. SIDES " 00. W a,._..w .. 00\ 111. IwlUO ulld
VieoDa .
I Y . ! rt-- I
Photographic Mat e ria
~~~N1 ~W A.l lg
h ld Map f Ohi
I '
Continental" Cook·Stove,'
St.' 1
r. .
UP.-1'( )
First-Class Pianos
IA ll'11 ft t.ore
Dr ' J M R0 bb '8
Map of the United States.
Hen rie House~
·n·) . . . .,.. .TI,.L
w'" ••, ....,
P' nees as Low as C·mein
Pier and Mantel MIRRORS I
- -- ---
$aSl)10nablc Bnrber • A." "111118........
lPUllmIfUl!!I lo oft! B,
JEWELEaS.lOPTIC1AN8 alii.~~'W...,..,
.... 1_
-. ---of
S ~
i' -~
I'' ' ' ' ._
CAKES FOR WEDDINGS The .Cinem'nati Dail,! .T:'Ilea
Staple and Fane,!
- -
E R PRINTZ .. . ,.
C"\J I) E A
DI{' J. J.J. ZELL,
OAV TAN .....
OIL . 111111
~ T. KING SFOR D i f:: I
He.....l1en rtf •• "1"'r8
..... .... " ...... ~~ ~~
3t-1 e,~
Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork,
=... e. • ... =M ~~
a ~c t! j. Jid
Pot at 08S w ant 8 d'-' •
........ .,..
All "the Peop1e.
IlMM~rk~t Rrports 8r
lbrun h Olll Ibe lounlrv II.
N." '
lil t gell nlUy ar c. ptc I IADd ..r,1
Ircul 1\1 )0 I
IcnJ r r' ltD I pro IUll"no
lhfto III \l of I I)' Ilt.ber (ollr r. nt .uorD lllg I ~1J .. r III
Lt. clrcuhtllon, rcgl\rdl Dg 1' ".r3 c t~r 10 " ell M uumber of Ubil<flll rII, 1M bl U r ,hllo of oy pa,1 r h. th" ollulr, o It Is Itro" ug lUor. vlgoro". ly 8ml Incr• • Iog la "lr.1l1a" a Dlor. ra l hll)' tban !lUT or It rhal
TJ<J Dl\Il!;
Post .. "" Fr('c to the Sub Clrlb('r~. .••.....•• ... .••.••• lOO 71!U
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Al l", ."b-" rip/if)" IIiIIf{ nl lhlS ahol'r .YJ/,. <11/ Ix (, / "I l I vi i Iii, lal< oj rtrXlpt Iml.1 J),N!mix. H I - I • e olili. I to ODe ulra EAch rt'r~o u I r oo llrJlI l{ 1\ I b or It 11 '1r m ore • , loserrb er \1
~K Kl\
or fin , or III
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e1 .. r~) mell f lll!: "
Kl;ln I 1 It! III N K "III h. 1\ KKKI ' ror $ [0() l\Dd TH K PAl) \ (r j f1() TI
PilI olle yenr ror $1 50
"'I ~< IU CD COl ito or either edil.loll oC Till TRIB UNE .... .1 ir "I .... glv lljg rull d e w" ol lhccOIlL 01$01 Ih great Ker lcHor fIIlU \JN K fX"II \ ~ e nt Ire IOftllyfttldreliiD 'h~ lU I l ed til n lCS
'-11 relllll .... nulS "' ~ eJl.tc r . ri81.. 'n le Reg . tere I J dl er \ lire •• 011 I)
b) nmrl on N"w , >fl<, Pos tRI O rd fr or In
c:::--- THill --=::>
\9'1.8• •
1\ 1\8 It, Ned that YOII dllln t come to lin ngr fml' l1t any i'OOner ? Woll ,lll ld Ned YOII 1'0011 r and I cleant'd i\[( .1I1111 ~ Ollt f fiHce n dollal'!! plrlYllIg t 11 cellt nute nllli Ie s wore by Ihe gr eut l or n 81""1011 thaI h e wnllid II I Illlrec III til h e lilt< 81l1l~I.ctlnn 10111 ' - 1[(I rl"~fI~ fll , 1[/ Jo 1M' Ii
,. H.ANK:Jl. IN
TYPE LANE' & BODLEY, Snbs1\tntea for steaDl.
John and Water 8t• •• C i n c innati ,
EX I e flm C III ~ re~e lltly IDlld tllll Lolllion In wh lr h either o il or glycerine 18 mude to I'<'rl rill LII~ filII II VII S of-Lcum by th e apph cuLlU1l vI bl ilL IIro excItin g n) ~ llIall IIltore~ lila b ~...L e X)lludlllg tb e 011 placed In mall cylllldcl'll a prt'l'lIure of l< 11 tb nUllllnd pUlin l ~ per _quare lOch mlly bl' ublatllt'll WIthout tbe danger of ~t.e"m explo"lUn s whICh ItlttA!r prevent. th e Ill'll or Il pr~l!B ure of more th Ul L\\O h Indreu POUllo,lS to tI c " Iuare wei ge ll
PortAble and 8...tJonar r 8t eam
or .lI y " III
IU.M; r " OTuac .. ur
111 tIll • • II _\':II ct II I'''rloij uD III) PrIl ck t h, P) III I c r c< nUlII
'] h e Ilppllc IlIOn , I lh. _ I r co!"" " ppea r~ ftllll th e n ce linUs pllbl . bed to have b ee n . lIcce;tsfull y mllde to th o prlUl WI!: pre ." and to Ult\c!III1U lor n V<LlIIg Ilnd 1"lIc hlng .nd It I " ulleged thal th e Vllne ty o fu8Il8 01 wl llJh Ill •• uflCe l't1hle tl1l
will be found Bullelm
\C ry grcat -
'] 11 0 or Ihree ye
B rIlZ lhlltl
BI Mh op! cxcommumculrd the f reelllll !!O il" of tuel r d " )CelK'. , .lA.>p Ihe y we re DO~ uuthon zed 10 tlke unle "Ith Ihe prjl, HIli. COII!4ent of the /rill ('rlllll e n t
Thill th ey h nd
lI ut lI. ke.1 OIl H prolflu 8 II t'f( tI{t1eroo to
ordl'''' bill n Le lll ') ~ ('
I to
hl ~1 111' III
I ml''' 1'<1 1I 111('111
I hI 11111 '1'1 11 ro ok!' their toll
" erc
I!(' I1
\\ Ith hurd lubo r
labnr part of tho IIC llte n c~ "'11K ramILLed by thl' Em""lor \K 111' felt tlmL till r1ghlrl or th e ~(JH fIIlI I' llt bll(1 I~ ell ~u fl1 c ,elllly vllldi c llt<l A \I hbcml nllnJNI Clt lZ{ll ~ rl') II ell (lv"r tit .. vllllh cut lun IIf JI II rJ /.th lti UVI'r (,t el' " 1 uttle,,1 uKurl' .tlflll lint 1I0W a \l 18 cha llgt'd I he QIIlIl tel!l! n E u Id e~ t ,laugh ter oj th ElIllleror lind a lhl rOllg h d YO e, vowed Ie '1\ ollid llumlllal.e bCnK'lf lIutil the BI ~hor8 ,\lIre releR.sed from I'fllitlll
be wellt \JUL
a ve IIWA L T I' R
'" f 'O _ .....,.... • .... ........ P .... N ... 10 W Ail 1111....... N ..... T or'"
Blood Pills THE BJ1!'l'
Catbal tie
'1--- I MBEI 1 > .'V.I.
~ ~""
to "
DA Y. nE( 'E ~JREH ~
MBER 542.
I PCI \:
r lt ke Iho .. (j 11 11" it td
""...... and .to I m ,h -
I . I'l h4! jJ tba l d p n rro w
Uta and U.
Irleudlhlp-II. lalooboool Oil ~ D\l
on the It, alh or tcr
till U \\ o ulrl ~ llin rl much favor antl Ith C Ifl Bud man h.. 'Hy I won Ihlnp (\ II Y"~ For!) \e th)~clt Illtle aud ".h ~ rs m rh )WUCO \
tJUlte be adm tM hcr AS:II 0 1 IH "IH~ b.8 lbrc»h olrl sue bO'comes h. ~ Inll luI Wife bu l If he hk cM the I lily not he ehutll the door III I Mhe IS earned" henn' she cnnll
Ie 1\ C b Ollle I tbe de
tb o old wornlln unde r tbe
\ FR ENl ll I g n c uILurl\llI ew~plP<'rflr
OIsh c" some tnt(' reKtln g . tlltl.tl eR tn (011 ncc tlon ",nil the n Imber of \\ () hr ~ In France There Ire lbollt t wo tI ()uI<lIUlI ahle bodied al11mn.iM of tl at MIlCC' ICK II Ill d destroy to tl o nlllo11l1t II I ubom oll e thul!flnd frnn cs I ycnr ellc h Bu t lh . two 01111100 francs III n way represcnt " tbo 101!!! occaOloncd by tI elf prese ll ce tbeae two t bousand wolves wh o on ly de vour !!Owe tlllrty thou. and . ht'(' p a yenr oblige th e fnrmcl'1l to kerp t" cnty mIl lion !heep tn fold B and rend er It 1m pol!elblf.) for lhpOl to feed tn the field. All thl' e nl.all ~ great elll en"c The writer thlll k. that I f proper ruelLlmrC" II rre t.aken tbe ) ollog " 01veB ml gh t be k lied ID Apnl Bnd th e c( untry freed from tbl R h" dro\!' /Lway Jour d lUght c r scourge In tb e co urse of II tew ) e irS I t T hpll . he !! l\ l' II "' IlIg n Int may bo dnub t('d ho wel er \\llIth er It I lq'Ir.Cd wOll1d be 1'<.... ble tv get rHI of woh e. T y trd 1111 IIItlcll o If ~I arch t \( enllrely 11 M 111 hnrti wtntcors till y ro me 111 (U I trv la I ~ ll llll K n~ tIll I I ~( h es IIrllllnd Blark lam "I \ ~ I\( tLlDg "llI te n nwi g from North Oerm Illy II II Poillud 1 h ey th e ru "h ~" On cl ~(' I ~ CXIl II Imug tb e Bre rIOmetlrnes found al Clum Lllly nnd ObJIOII III, c1 .C\I \ Crt J t to be I hllm an JoOIlLalDehleall They are very cunnlll g Uflll With th" brt nch of n tno tlll'Y A pnck of t1 em Will go to a fnld Ul d I uMbed MId the rll ~ h MRnd water plnnts place thcJIl lIClv('s u11 on th e ISlImc 81dl' nnd th e body of a f( OI nlo " u! dl~eloscd The !!beep naturally huddlo te etl t lbey we'ro at IHrit dl.nosed tll run away II! le r n but finally rClIfllvcd tv b lUI o ut tho body the ntb!'r ntrr mlty On a sud de n lh e Th iS Ih ey did With so lD e (hili IIlty n nr! ,., olves dnr t round nnd th e terrified I nI(l It 0 11 th e rBPS It "n ~ 111 III excel sheep rush III I body \\ It h ~urh force lent . Into of prCRCrmtlUn ow II g to th e across tbe fold thnt tb ey oft ell knock lee "Incb h all Ju~t br(ken up nd the down the bumors wbl ch protect thew fClltu re@ were perfect Both tbe lads Id clltttlrd II e corp e n~ tha t of the mill.... slOg gI rl Kute COU llQ r ove rtng It Tul' LouI ~lan" n ee crop t he bcst 0 110 wnll ru.hes nnd leu ves, they stn r tcd for 10 quail tv and by Inr th e largest III the 'Illnge nod ID to rmed the gnof quantity for yenr~ IS 1\11 b8rvl'~ted mil slrlcken Hither of tJlelr dl Rco\cry The careful cstlmatee make It smount to one body WIll! cll rdlllly remov d to Co ul hundred jlud oOvcnty five tbouBllnd bar t r hall e null a corone r iI IIIq lI etit was ds held A. dUrglC" 1 examination show d -- - - lhat the girl bad beeD oULf'lljed ILnd P T'l'lN\1 cream on ODlOUIl Insit!all of marks of dtTllIlglllatloll Weft) dl! t111ctly butter-or even a little IDllk If one bllJl ~ ISlblc on h r th roat rbo body wh n DO cream-removes much of the drong I found \V~ coll r~ ly nnked nnd l!earch !aVOf and rendelll them 1_ likely to was made for tbe unfortunate gul 8 deot. weak 11.OIIlacla 1mpleaoul.ly clothilla the, were fOUlld 1mder a pilo
TH} New York ElH:urog.E.t,,,yumv& We undel'1ltnncJ that tile result oftbc latll able 0001 competition betwee n Lhe pnDlt'IIll!. that both have lIl!reed to chllrge the ~ume rate-lII>venty live ceD ~ gold llCr word 00 :118111 A TlOS
"bOll populantl
A II Ill! S s loep reduces the hUlDllD weliht olle poUlld.
"h"lIt If n\ I HI r~'r hl\8 \"''''11 ,LI"'II(, V ~r HIIlIlt'hr .. h: r h'tll .1, II~ '111' "11-1 1.\ - . lit Bllrlll.'U has III"hI-1 r'D aliI! llr " 111117. ", 1I1t,I {' lItll"l I I r..... U \, I(.'U Inllll her Illtl" IJ~'II ht Ihl' ha rht r hilI' 111111 ~ ,t ; ~h.l\ld, 11111 \\., nlurlllll.! li'OJI' 11111('..I I \I hen r,.U lit I ' rb l rH I .11 \I r - ~I I~- Fr I II~I- r, I l~' nf t r 11II 11lJ \\ I'" rl~ ,t 1, 114" 111,.1 lhl 111'1 \ lllti,.t(. I" \ I~IIIIIJ 11\:1 1'1I,'nhl III Ill' len .In bill In I\h,rl I.. "I tlll~ 1'1 (', f 'lIl,d I.~ :\I I LJ I' \ 111 1,,1 - ~h W M 111 \ "'r III II calfl \\11" \\,J-. I""t (1I1l111l Y I' It \II III~ IIl'ro !lilt! IHVlh l r' ' lit" 1\ II 1 MI .\ " Jl Ht IIlee pr. III u l ((-"I tIll( Blllmtt hll "'('II \1l\~ U MI {'ul"tlllil I gon~ ull Il ' 1"1 1 tn In 1111 III ,Ia\ lhlllll: \\ hu h~., 'II bl ~llllald Unlll \ LIlli I I 11 - ~II T 13 '>11 Ohl,1 hi he 'll Dr II It I. 11.1 thc \u~~ 1"'1\ UU) ,qll lcki 1\ 'JII~ I"I{', hill III~ " .IN 'ul .... tt...1 ' Ihllil 1,( :1'1110\\ ,~\tllld he 111111 ~ o( ..... h " .. III ,7 .. 1" " I' '" oloi n th ~r I " 1 I I' fo .. lh:ololll.I " . ' " """",,, t·.hlle l -- I ~ "lIlll.>J II"lI nf)[ 'r\4)\\ l "lIPI' tl I lUI 11)1" 1");1 "'r :Ill! \' ~ I' F. CUll" II _ , rn. ' of 1,1~.eJ 1 h'lllk ,(1\ Ill' Wit I ~Ir IIIJIU JIIl I~ .1II~ l I \II Tll lrl .ltIl '[ 11 11 . "'It, 1- 11. U. v J 11\. h u: hlll I 11 11 III III tllll! I l lCl UI r dlllill altltll ll,..h h~ hIli Ijllll IE , R 1 of .I ~ ( d - I r IIII I) III I~ tlllll III tl l~ Illhll ul Ilk III' lid .1 d lur I\.l" \ b l l S 1\ II II tl I t 1I II V I I I' ~" I14Illt 1\llh S,a1" 11i II' Id ( , 1\ , ,, 11 r II~ C '1lIl ,l ulllt ul \' \11 ~ I'IIl; UI -II~\IIt\" n\I,.I-' ('II ' lllI lIh \ III I II~ Ih l ,lt bOl II , I 1\111 ( 11 It \\ I~ 1111I1t1\d Il ll d ,t I - M I I ., I II 11 , 11 1I 'II ' enl" , _ III l \\ d ~IIII~' " I" 1111 1111 ~ II"J I" IIILl 1I1 11 111\~t~I,J t I hllll oath ... ,t" I., be, 1 _. II I '<"\leI\\ l 111 <11 II t ,,~~ . 1 1 ~lII1IL IlcIII Y .Iv vi thut J'lIg "!''';;'~~)I. l h -.: H:hm n il at...! l X" k \1 ..\ nthu !4I ~" U u~ .... , ",'-.4Ult 31 J " _. .,11 1 llllllh ."n.I,, " \\ II) n.l ~ o .l",lc l (/ th~I 1'(l lIlt~ III t h~ t:illlllh I I , t ~II III l\lllil , ~ \ '" \)1,." , I \ 11 hI p J) 1'" 1''' &. --:1.11 ::;1111 13 ( \Juk., h i be'll r I II hI d l lld~1 \\ if Illdtly t ) ' ol\\ "'1 '\11 \ nl " II Li e rl S,I"r lilt II I k I kll ' \\J1 III 1111 :1 NtCt lllll 1\ ,'III' l,l '/111 da v\ll ."ohll~'"IJ, ,I ,I . \; l'm , 8, ' 1 "I '1 II II\~ II -I \\ Il l I ~ 1II ,,,t 1"'jllIllIl 1I1111 1l1ll 1~ \Vll tl~ "rlor It III t np " " 1 Il .. Lsuolk, lre' IJII1Icllt leI I U o \" 11.)\\ IClIJ \ J I I Moot It r G .""< e rd nn Cllllg ~II II " III I I~ rll t ,t : 111 1 \ trllue 111' _ 4 . ___ 6 \I a t tllU ,Id (Or ll .1 III~ -III( Il:h - .ul't! W JlIII\lnrr.t IIl1d:'.II" 11I1 111"1 11 Illth ,lIlI 1""-. Ie LI I .1 I It II . ..... ~~r~ Tr ...~~It .. ,.~,,!~.:.... .\ 1111.1 1· IliS I 1' 1 I bUI' 'II, \ I Illd \111 - ,III ~ ,IIClti " ' -1I1111 , l' ,III , lIIlCllln.,1 P' r rll • !lll, .. t No !! 01 E J' D.Lklil 11IIU /1\1011) lu"t gOlltlelrlllll" IIlId I. It Ihlo. \I h du ";"utl ftrll bl "e • I '2 r .. 1 No 3 l:i Ihlldllj III II JllllllllUlI tis /I "11 _111, . , 1111111 N, hI " ' pre, 911 I ~. No L' I)\ I)IIl1tl, ot Ih c 1IIII0IIg !Iud IO UII ,JCIlCIUIl \Ill" tlprloj!6 It! \cc It 51 No SI - G0 t el J:. 10 I ~ , ~ No 17 It IJe ,L\\ \I; C II I' tVII n ~ r c ' rJ, lor iii I la 1I1il Illu, t IIllPCtUli t FI,'gl t nOli A.ce w" ........." RD"n" II IIlC lIe w Illtlclo l,l s rcrllUlU IU O JllllJcs " g Il deJ III hlldlll ~~ 11"," 001 }I"I 2 II A .. ' No " 11I .. e, II ~ 60c II g'lIl1 ulI Iqllllitl1Clltlllll!:! 1\11 b II,.. of n ~ lIpC ~r;;~'f.~e~d Acc 1;2~'O: ~t No' ~ -DI J L loll g(l('~ til CollIll\ r or CIIU r 111 'Huli"\k he \\ . 1. " Kclho Exp'"(!'. Illl!! r " . ]Ii" 10 bUd th lll afrcrlluu lI, III a l ~~lI d Ihc ullt!.l u lIId ge 11 III I, fllU he \ u" F ",I hi nnu Ace I ,II p .. ~o 14 01t1O :Slatu VCll tal A :lS,IClUtlOlI Lblldt lh I u ~cu uy III l 'U ll tl~, \I It " -T' '1IIII" do nor <LOI' t ... t~p on •• gnal .1 No I E.SL \lId '\ 0 r. '" ,t or" TV Iht mill 0 \\ III bC b ICk 4"L rluay 1lI1l.l reudy 1I1 tl ICI r 8U, I'ucll litII IdlUlI Ita", Not! I 27 lIId 10 run dIlly All olber. lor .],IW bllSIIICSJ> I hullt It'lt tlY Ill Plllb) "I till S l' nlIlC duh eaeel t "lid • - ~lr ~Iuso ll BUHlell IS 75 j CUI'S Cl'mlllunit U C II \ 1!\' E::; rlckel Agent (lId, und 0110 01 QUI 11]1) t vlg"ruu~ 1 ,\11 Ildw diu lUI \\ a~ b III 111 C,R1ROh lUll E EX;\I( t old CltlZCII lle clLn hop 1118 Lj IIchburg Vn ApI" 15th I .~II ;\Ia,l. In b. t" <I "orlh c1o·o.t 4[1 n curd '01 1\(lUd a dt~ cuslly Mr und \\a~, etl ll ~(!qll ollth , l!ClI Il Uthlll.! nl • •1l1 fo r Wu.t un.1 !oj nI h "I 12 'tt ~ n' I I .. , ,., L FAH R 'l\f 13urd II plediCls th'lt \\ 0 shu ll hU\6 ul er utt) l VC ) ,n l ~ vI uge Ilt th 111110 IL III tid " Iliter 1 uf hi d de.ltlt tl t 1hc IUllcml ,,!II tako placc tllll! n re a re I I t I - n ,iI car II IR ft .1 ' I k IrulII IllS L Ipp lliC Itt t r d jl'IIt1Hllt H el1l ~y g(je~lIfll s Url'tllllllllt, t [l l' 11I0'''' lit .. U C vc IHIIO IWI C II I1 J bll l!,p to S lllit MriJ I - ~Jr D IT ~I tlnll \ If 1\:11 kllk, 1L hILI;on, tu llI eet III (' l'lIcrnl a t T .... BE"T R ..II.I.,," "npu .. ubI ........ til ~ lllJlce Iu IIIU ko"hl' l II Vlll C ~rl 0 Ilatc li omc U~III O) 11111:1 !l11O t uf II {'lid!:! he rt! - -- - t I j l l I IS stlH Il -Illllg h I JI. IS tile 1.1111 It 'll tll u II HAeS I,~c 1111' \\lw will \\ III II1I'y ~deume her D EAlll tlF ~ll s l' KAsK l:h: NIE\ ll l\~ ll tlllll."f ~tl s (Jell "'C_(l,tt, I UI\II111 1l 1l~lIbl u. lid 1111 1\\ 11\ ;\lr.'I'lIhllll \-:,c ',;SlIIllUII.' lIo:h\,.,.k bac!, to ltl'l uld pille \I t Ie8Id(;HICl' - J hc 1I1IIIIerc u I I r CIIl!:.i ul tlll ~ ~8 \\ 1I11 IS ilLl pi c.lsalli ly Il 11 IU III b~ I cd "t II till" ,Ill II t \1110 1Il "~ tillS "I.l e 01 1>.11 U.,p.r'• • , Mr "OOD' ,,. "0 B"K '[ }' I; tllllu ble I ') II I1~ lau) \\ ~ I ll Jl III'IIl t.! b l 1111 frl cll d hCIl: I:;ollth I. b ll l(l il 111 1.111111 r till 11'11 -.1C >l Id Ull y .. M1 ,,~t1UIlIO II I I I I I ' Dl'(,11i lu , l1V"1 til hll ll~l 111.1 <>11 , . ,,\1 have beull prl'R IIl eu It 110 (It thll) )111 111..,1\ IU I II I ' UI II t - :I.Ils 1 "ill' Donnt 1111 I <llIIgh /11 0 I1 1I 1 II IV, ,., I I I J'J n ;J \ t\ \. , I"dll l' , tu h('1\1 (It her dlte h(, lit t(, 1 al e I I I~I II !.! ?Jr \V ~l l e ' , I \11111 11": Ill tu II C ,) 11\ HI I W M IlA KIII hi 1l'11I \\ hol e ul IllI lbe8, \\ Ith th 1111) tllil O Thl:i sad Ilioll.,!;1t '-'X I"I t ,UI J II mu T il. y IHI IUlilld lI!;xt 1, \ 0 I ti l lil, 11\ • "op ' " \1 \ III • C hllllt\"U lll e.. t sdk 011 C \I e l:lor ~11\\ J IIItdhJ lIell J( leh I hI I FI I - 'li Re '>J UI L Jldl~ ld llld t! 1 01 In a 111 1110 h th h I "O~ kdl l' d, lIlU " I l e.j •• " 0 ~E" rut::~JIIJU!ii1 1t h! liS ,JlIIIIIll CllllIl U8 II d ill , !llI d cia) I I:!L !'II I"" 1l ~1 " l' 1 dq ILI[ld '>1 In , IV ~"lClld llllrH \ dblll,l; a- " he hll 14 I. 0 hl " k II III 1 "lc,~ ~Ir ~---.--.----- . all chgullt aU l lllUl ~ n /' to th ell till Ide lit \\ 11m h, 111 I un III t he bc,t pillUI til 91 l llld I ItHll kl'~I V 1'I U[, I:II:U lNU l l U 1111 IIJlII~ d It 1\\ A~ A'>IIIUtA;\ IIIDnAH!) lt~ Ill{lous. !;t III day IIllJllI llIg' .It tlt o Il l! III _3 I II~ J\1 A Itl II \ hi gut ollt 1" lIutkllll\ ct, I ~ 11 111 '~ - - E ller " Illtu I!! III to\llI - - \11-1:1 Lconl/IIL Rol, It:; scltllol )UHI:! Ilid lIutl ll fl II1 111th4 1I l' 1 _... hc I ~ 1I111 111e tu tell - LJ. \ \uO t!onlces " ill ho held IIlulI lgocl III U g l LIld d lllll"' l /lulty dl-HINC 1"1. UtllI 8l"" 1 ti l" II '"I ~l lt, SUHI SIl I'() NS I)I L. nt\NI)~ I ]It ~ tlmll " lI11p ll\ lIl~ ROIl1C ill r~'>.CllllliL jJLIllIoit on Sllil l ist i::iulllr lav It II III:! 1\ lIIl t wi llch ~ h c 1111, hi CII 1 10 I" 11:1 11, 1( I - I he dl SIIIlp;tl h ltl d ar I l c~~ a Id ~l l ~ HlIll; HI 11 1111111 I" I," lid I ~ II II) ' I \lI llg Il ~d, l)"C ;JLn, Ilt I , - - ~ _u_ ..... 11.1 0 .1_1 .. . o ...... l nhh uogh nllt ((11111 \\l lInU I le l\ , III1 IJC ' :U II I~ 1'" e j t ~ IJl\VIl4 hlls 1('1'1 11 1(' hll l'k U\\IIIII I" Oil Ilt l 7 )U I Y,h y:tho Rov J H ELV, vi Ihe lll ll on \\ CI brulIght totlte 1l1 1111 h pl<thu., tllh, , .. ~ I hl' l bl ( II -~C lll l t!lLtgl~ltl:\:I'~II_e ulltl lc llller ol :UIlIIIIIIIU M cc l~LII I(, alld tile II I! " l{c /1'1 sclt oul lt ulI:!~ IIl1d lil t' dllldl ~ 1I lIlId Il CVVC IY be ' II IIb.lIld ll~ I t\1 Dh l \\ III ~I\ H Cl tIlTIIIII~ lin I ll'udlllgd I Wc~t GI Cll ll Y IS "" IUIlIg II n iCe --lh iiI t QlIlItc rly MeetlOg of vlth ers PII," Cllt CIIJU)CU tlte Ie: t \\,\S pl1 rtl ctl) rCR\gllct!lIl1d " lend III \\ U<!hlllgtll l Ii all LtOllll'lI, Ull ullck d\l ~IIIII~ Ill ar Ih u 1ll'I l1 r .. E• Uh Ul ch 1\111 b gIll 011 I lurl' ll g I J" I(lleplllt I " 1\111J b lit lest /11)111 >i lll 1 rllI I) ~ \ ~lIlllg lJ l!tllll Il l r1(' IIlllll( 8tll lt ~II( J " 1 j'I ) l O t II ru 'V edll!' dILl C\ Clll llg Dccernbtll 1st, -~Ira I mci WII~ht ga,c n ICllng, h IIUe IUI{)'C I 1I11 1~1 Ill l h ~I'" ~IH SII IIl'NS' P~( U I(A~IM It I AUT 1 ~It\llalt h IS II \\1) 10llf\ll oil Ill S at 7 0cluck Rev Wilburn H\pcs \llI y plell:;ullt t(m »lIlty tu thc f,)1 \ hUll I. StlllC ~ It III 'lIl1ch A 10 IhOll1 N o 1111111 IIlth lI e ll IllaClllll oly, lIlld all J> E , \\ II I Otl I'losont 111111 - t.ake lowlIIg UIIIII (J(1 1IItlIlUS, Ih e otll e l MI SS H e nl y "'1\9 h Irll III [llIlIg' SllIlkc. pe,u l.l II! III IIl ce " VI klll~ uld el l CII Il I ~tl ll 1110 [U\III cU lllloil IIIIC put III C'IllgO of th e IIl ll Illig , aI8t>, ",til e vening 1\1r anu MIS ,I Sted "nYlles\fll o ( 11\ th o 2 III L11 I eli T "II Ille pi clle" 011 1'hllrildllY C\ OIl\llg tI .IUI, ~)I /lIlJ ,\11 J \V , IJR IIiCS rllil Y 1852 Hlld 1II ,"' t ul hCI III I I I h ~ 1 I' hd~ ().. lluellOll Lu\ c l lUll IIICIt CII IHlI t GO Il llt I II ~ a nd 111 otlll g !-'IIday e \'elllllg, !lud Slit l[r IInll MI~. Dlew S\I £:ul, ~11 \fa:! pllssel l hln III llic !,hLCC ul 'l ilc SIHp\\ulklllg Sl'.IIC, ~luc ;IUIl ur t\l cl i C I,ot IllrillLln ctlll 011 I.L \l Ido) 1I1'rtli ng at l \1t o'cl uck a lltl MI t! Seth W HI O\\II MI l!Sl'S her IlIrth, nllu Il cl o ~ h c \l IlR II h~ th I l:illilk "pcllie Ihmll e h 01 ll1rtl~CI (lt k UII Wan cn L'l ll Il' ll:!t SIII,l)ath 111111111111{ nt !I Lldll ILlld Haltl e 811hlll A rlnc alld l mlrcr) lind b Im Ol l fil l hCI " !.LIIY I ll tuvnl uf 1I1 1l11l 1 11t~S I Il eet-the s tl Cllt IOlleltllg stllllght o cl ek, pr~ :LC 11111 0' lit lilt 0 ch.ck ::SuI'IIIC fi elll ll Y; M ell~ 1 1l Dill lei exc~ lI c llt qllUlrtll.! ti l IIll ll d IIl1d 1 AI<l " ,l,ut to thc C~ lIl e l l' l) K "" lld,\V choul al ,,'clIck I' ~l EVllns James A KCILlIl O) .Iud I:) helLit 13111, yll llllg ueHlItdll1 a li i ... --~OJUIIU"IlIll UII elVlce SIIIH!ay O\ C B G 'uke gllt~'d. I:! hc \\ \ :l c ut U 1\v1I III hCI Th o ,'1111. 11111 tJI 11(111 ) V, Mon ulI) IIl gl t 11118 th o colue~t nf 18<16 1hlrty-lllrst l'e.1 f 'lho III!'hc iLle le8pcctl\llly IIIV ltCtl . Captuln 'V R Hur) hus b('en }UlIlIg 1I11111lllg PIIIII C, IV" "" Til ~l lltl, eSp~ aI C Ith o 8e.I,,0l' Ihtrmurnetol IlI cs --- -;:- ~ ; ' Y mUlllIlIg, 10° ul llll t:\ zc;o UA Kb:B. QU AI'IERL" L ' l'I"lIN GS 1I111 111111tcd Cnlltull1 l.f tl C LI!!ht' ht..lIts II~ <II) Ill! ~\III1 I1IUI dll~t" Bll dg 01 ~)fght i , H'I" I Idll Q • • ,1. . I S r " I I t I A~t.tlle l l ll lll Il htt:i~h)"lllIri::ie,\11 '\lU HI R Ein - 11th In (l 25 th (111,,0 CIVI CO, 11 1/ 0 II J III J I UIC [ \I '1 11," to tlIU ~"I,;"l)[" Ju l,' ShU ldll1l Stert~~;~ • •• NI,j IWED "N it UI PRO' 1m Hllcks, lit ~lJdd ltatoll n, L'.\ , 12lh Ied lgnlld 1 he Oup tlllll hll~ !lcc!:: t i MI S lit Id ey d 11111('1 .I tlltlk pl lell Uill !l61 h N ttl lt l!llIlIn Ilt L .ltl u ~u tho III'PUI III III ' lit, \Vlllch 1\ I ! fl'JIII t"~ M E UIII II h hCI I II~t Adllll ~~ I)n,;) I CCllt~ Oittl}!J ~ I I '" t ·· II I~\ ,;t f l II I ~C\b 75 ('( III!1 13rltuu, Pu, 11th 1111) 371h , Ulu t c ntll (; \ II l100 1l ~ ltl u rhl 111111 [J I,.! '" III UII\ h ' ""111 II -"v l t"" (C 8 1M R \ ~r, lit Olear C reek, III ,11t h ,Ct 110 lIt 11.,11 \1 III he tho 0 1110 I el llJ.; helJ b) til e Hel l ll ull( ~ I 1lIIII IIIIIICllt lit ~ II~ It m il 31th Hll rllfwt II at CluS IIl1d ~11 t!';I~' 11' I 1I1(1 ~ b('t\\ ('e ll Felg Il S)I' At lit ' d,,,,c ut IIIl Ill hh ut U,)< k I l e~ .lII d at the " ~ Ic k J , l ith<> n1ll, 1 t S /11th 1) Ilt .. IlIl1g IIl1d .HW Otll IllS Tll o CIlI CC, ,In I I JI Illulllt y II III g l\~ 11 d 'UI t ill al ()u m Ion Dd Lllh Ill ' C.lpt'lIll lij UllI llIU llllv tj" dill ed /111 1till.' Jlll d l l' II (~ t I /Ike U lus t Iv 1< lit I'h e \\ UII ~ ~ lIlI e ('UIIICt I I 1'1».l t lOn UlllI tltu Nll v II S CI I t IIC IUIIIII II ':!, I rl ll l-{ III t Ile ll ' 11 111101, ~ th W lll tcwatcl, , ) at Hl c hill und tiC I.lllt! \ldl ~IVl' . 1 .1'1 '1lI~"llCl c l Oll JII U , l .! IIt lO Ll 9th Sale lll a t \ Cl IS fO ltllll.Ltc III III ~ Il CCOl'tflIl CC , 11\)11\0 IIIIJ 1,Idi h~ cI " l>u,\ l1l II "I C!ItUIIU 1!, Stl\III'1l ~lldl\} .llld ,,' u dhlll) , N J, 121h 1110 1 1th 1'1 Ilt o l1~h 1l8 111cellgll ll lllll 01 hl ~ e vclI III d 1111, ,!IIU jC\I \Ih ll,{uzeu S 11 111 IllY 0' elll ng:l !)l t I IIIIIU 11 n .t1 tll nlt('. llt Llttlu 1'•.11 , Md , g l1l 1lltUlId c1 1)Jllu ~'" IC~<l llIt" , thll Clin Ulld suw t ll cS II Ol!t eX!,I!!" lit (aJ " IIIIIJ C! r' ~ II iii J ill! Ivll l'" 12t11 111' Illllt , PI \Inc G I U~O, at ltll O I~ U I It Ill ay bc l e~UI I~u us II 81011 vt I UICC ilild 1(' t hCI lllllli PII\III O <.il uvc I O\\I~, 12th II h, C)lIIpltmell t, )ct It 18 OIlC by no telllllCe ""I ~, coul d 1 ~.d IW til It II,! II U th o CIHrllll illtI 25 l ll lh , U lIudllllfichl, 11IL,.ld llllheici 1I1 ~IlIlS CtJllllllOll buillte 1\ Ith III >! IIII~ II IS all Iul t III till g.\) h .dlt Il}l/ JI?/ TflVlt hll "Ill} r ut 1 17 -n .1 I I ! " 1 . I I M tllH ~11 t! 811"1111 H - III, '\[1'1 ] III .1.'1' J, 12th 111 11 21u, rl !<llIlI g u~ S~ lt ~ UII( 11)1 Itl ~S l U prcs umo IC.lI[ l U gil II 10 \\ Cllt II ' III II~ I O 15 (' re k lIalt jetll' l\1 lilvillo, PII thcle IS lI11t Ii. I'Cllll t on 'h e Oill u (lil ly 1 jl ll 01 til I Ig' w ltll II g ht 11 111 C.lltl\fl gh l \II "' EIILlI Cll,IIl: I, 1 I ~g:l UIt Cl dO 18 _. UlIU ~11 ". I ~Sl ppl !"dl\ecll trlCW hll l c~ lIl.L IIll ' P) ~ ulll"v Iullli e 11111 1 fUIll~, 1: ,, 11" (II tllll ght lia lllA 14 a lh e SOCI al ~lve'llll th o l\I II LII ulld N('\\ Odeilll B Il ,th wllIcil H u IUIIIII II IHIU hll il J III th o }t" -Il \\ tlll.lrn , " 11 1 ,, 111 I .. "to .Em .E C hlllchuy tlro W lilIllln '~ ~ ol (, lg'n Cal'rllil lI "c lls lI ut .l~ \Ve il IIC fu II 11 I) Jut III ~1 11 1I11 (llllllll) 11111 tarl , Itll ~11I ~ ltull . I: ,c lll o VII l:d Bll t
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R1IR~I('",l1\J S'ICluty 011 III U·IILY C\ ~" tlllll llted I.L ' ho I Iltllt th e road It. , 0 \\11 1 Ldul ,I~ 111 11 !.~lIrel" I 1J1I~ll ' ~ I t .Jell I ll"~ I f~J IJIl I ,", 8 .1.wl,1I I I'IUH)(; l l ; :\1 \.IUU1·. IIll1 t l,LSt "as a velY pl OU-lIl1t al Irl lll ,Vu.1 I" " "lIo tv KliJol e I " olu ~ l lS' I " (.ltll,tC E I!Ulgll , J 11t ~1 :! n 1I1~" fiCO 'S, cv faIr ThocXUI C' BCS IH'ro CUllI tnell lnd c r Ill S UUIIII1l 8111ltll lll \\ 0 may \Vllho ]{'gcl , lI ell lv :s1t ~ I\\"ud, ( u ~~\\I;l gl~i r :~ ~ I \V" hU III $VII, Ot C.rrcGtc dbl S.d · \lC InP"' Y ClU by sl ng lll!! lill ul'I""P' lu lc expect II ce~sllil '" I tlte cCl rn pla lllt s J Edul e JIl IIII~V DI J L Zt:lI , to t; l .~ 'ge l I! $4 Of) II) mil uft ci wlll eh pm) ~ r II lL8 ur t thl;) Itght huuses al ulI g thllt uoJ J IlC 'u J M v~h l! 1 Oy . ter .I. ,/J,l( • Sull 0 e llsi III, F1unr 1 ~5 harles l uule III sh\llt. Oav tullI H uel 'lho re!.ltIH'!j 11I C'"'Cll t " ~IC i\ll s !\I n; lI"l hlllJ ~llImle i< ettcr 8 I III Wheut olel Il l OU by Ihe Plls t r, Rev 8il to 1 no 1 CIgusu ll Rt'adlll~~ RIIlI f('C I'1I. \\ III d IBelim ge thc (llltlC~ ass lgllcll l 8.1ft"1 1I1I1IIl y, 111 I \\ tI Illl11 lI e ll CI,III C Llllm ~ II l!lgh\\ U), L hhlc \ \\ heat' 1I1'\\. 75 l lUIIS by .\I lh8 Mary Slt.lC~, .\1J8S Ncl hllll ,\ Ilh hdcllty and t hul ullgh I~y, ltll I 111188 KI ZZIC Il elll(y, oj ,~l cCullla~ , Juhll UO'~lI1,1Il Sllmllel Hy o ' 411 @ !'ltt 110 KOllda ll lind tho S,cldury ,)1 C IInpl:tcnry Wuba~1I I th o Hc\ ,J \V lI ell luy, III I,) • , \ UUrl~, ~5 @ 81 thc SUCldl, IlItCrtlpO rseu "Ith Sl lIg -- . • \\ll o Il d dllll~h t~r ot NC\IJlIHt Gan"l 7£(/,1" Mrs (, ('o lgo W Outs 1 ..! !) IIIg, t ,llu\\ cd Atro () F er"'ll vn L EOTtRK - .\llss rla!'u agralll Ky , anu!\lr III1J Mrs Oul z~ Ii EIII I ~ht. ~ rs Sallie 1~IJl!JIII C It' l l'lux'Sccd, a,.uc all I b I If "I I ule ut t he law cll 'lul at Alln IIlld <lUll 01 Ullle Il l1l1li MI~s LUU Hucltcl f ilylul. OlI.LlIgC 1.lll'cr, Eu. Bllli cy 60 fa) 1 011 30 8'.>Clety ill:~cr~cl ~~ltl ul;S I~ndo re~:t Ilro ArbOi 1M I Iclllgilln, I d~11 ve rcu a Icet A III ll'l ~y \\ 1111 lelt N ew 1: Ul k I L'I 'pl :lcOtt I C " IPotul"~S. 011 10 CVI "0 11I1l'lIll'cr IIICO at tl ' t I I 1.. . 1 Lan e ((,I\( t e rerlln II rs N UI S I 8 00 IIIgs 'H'r Wt II CXOCI.tcU, nuu CItCI III M E CI I S d mOil I SIIlCC 0 llttenl ut t IC UCU B \ I M l\I II U 01 er ce. -1 fill 10 IUIC I, UII ay CVI.l SIde IIf II ur uYlll){ s l ~ter, \111::> pre III IlI lI} I Irs I IC VIIl CIl, 1lmuth~ Scccl, w il "/l 1I1I IIPvlllllse 28 At auollt v cloc k Ih csoclal palt tlt:~ cO llc~ cJfcul uYbull \\I hO hcUlu It velltcu by dlll css fr om bCl ng pret! AIIISe l~.I] aVlf, MO F"lo BI HI'\"lltrl, LIZ- Cuullel CUld , c!ol,,' crcu, U u IJ 000 U t IU cst cctllres ev er t t tl t I ZIO lues .1\ 0 ·l:tt~r8 \. "II OUI I '" I ' 2 !) (, t tho ell tt"l II II1 DWf)t bl'~LII ulld Id I d tl I 81 CII a IC U lelll II" -'-""'"' illig lI11geny, fI I I " 1/ C )l orc III 118 tUW II li p. 10 II(J II k V II " H) ~ n SC(,1II 0, t.. e illuy t ICIO~( ve , RII apl,~ul(Jd t,> , lltel d to C.ISt tlte " I E U/ll h t6 C01n1n1Uu Gcm 0 I' uC IlIg II cy, y 11 t JC ICC cr~lIm anJ cuke furlH s heJ hll lot.s for th e r(Jpr~8cntutl\ es to [C.F fll o W ill rOll Co T ea che rs' 'V EUII ,ht N II A II th lJIIY J:" cry Cobnt )Conl, 2 Oil our l~gl" latllrcs nlld to UOIl~rc s As UC latlUn wdl hl)lu thcrr 1I0Xt Solc t), • I ,~ t,t"Cl .trl C, , the lud le , t the I:5vclcty -i0 iii) l'h u ~t Ir 011111 \111 tllllt llll olh "ltu IV ult.! IIluko laws to )Jnl1l~h lIu ctlll~ at ~I )114)\\ , Slltlllday Dcc Each ClI rnrnlttco IIIIIIIIUI, o th eIr T ou 45 1'8'\('1 1 IIlltht h Ill clu wh en Ih o ulo m h l' I'l: l d <18 uth l r ClilUln.LI .. 1 ItIt , 1 75, ,,11 011 ,. 8l! rnlalinUILI own IIrrallgeillc lltd uLvut I\ vl k AIIII\IPS'h I 3 1)0 to • 45~) .. r mooll Ig lIt rllghu. IlIre PUIlI heu aw l ILl.) lIIalle all ele tl on 01 uilit.:~ 1 w tl! take placc . __ 1'1' us IIn c , , e,ls II tt II IIbullt ... 11) lappcnl III i)plJ.~ltll \I Ir.r Govcrn It IS bope I that II" IUUII Y vi the Thc l' oprl I.v r ot the U II 1011 tU\\ II ~ pplcd ~ hu"hcl, 1 25 to ~~ 'III I; 1 mcllt IlC['lVlllg a rov lltJ O 011 thc t~ILC" Cb us CIII \1111 bc pro c ut a t ( Ky ) LnC{l;IIt:lfu~t:l!! tu l ecelVO th e ~u(j_t:l'$~,....._ .....~~~~~=..,....."...._ \ 1::;1 sgl\\IIg<IL Y \\as prettY , ulu vi ulc.. holic IlqUUIr!, aud th e t l,, ~ ntuctllig " ' 0rl/'WI/It O An II IflVlI llt of 8l1hFlC rll'tlOlIll III lVilJ l l l 1 u ~ • b onrclttzelJ IpeliIJlb uld Amell 'Itl" i addre~s by l\Jr Wy"c.lrve r (If JlIIIIlS I ~h"rtrttrl1tCllt(1 war Yclo t.l I t. 1M H CBuYil lremustlhllwtho , 't< UU,,;) ;)1t. d d • rOlll j 1he peak r \VII l apl u III (ltlirv· J '"'J\V J\ P aper by MI Wt)ou IlIl c 80111Cllho10, II.lld ho Jra\\~ It at ')0 bNlttltfut lUI l\IUe 8 rVlc~ wu IY, lllld helu h r lal ge Uuulcllce f' Lebanon E~8ay by Air Onn \\dd plullI =============== • em r7~ 1cztn. 1/ ou r '1lrW1 6 n at.lll pi t11ted Oil for. TI Jl udCh III the spell bound vel 1111 huul au d o llJl ughalTI If L bILlion E 3ay by NOTH;l<; I ; Uh~ I; Ul~ 1 U utIl c\a.;tat~on halt by hertltr"""golllquence E OadwulIllrier or MOlrow W e nre ;ompellcd toonllt say. .;-,t~ I~: :'~l\~'::~I i~~ ;~~ \~~·e ,W~:::"dlll~O~h::;: or~~'~~II:::C~rm Al'l'ly onl"o l'rem."". tl' (lm, (t7I l 8 J.t f 0 (111 '1/ ad(/7 1!88, POift JJItU/., 1t)!rJn I lOel pt 0/ Ii ctll. th ry, (l~ 8 nl, pUIIl(J lU I • Audrass by Mr Grantharn 01 crt! COtnlllllUlau.tlons IIItc ndtd tOI tl lld8m"ng lh , 'rllc t oll lll~ .j' tie hr"ltlll'V Adll ru'~ III II.ft e rest, dmra('t rlwd Ibe Farel~ t:lll to n ve ry "lIld and HRn ay hurg till number. Thoy will a]lpear or Jnlluarl 1 ~');~. lIe 1 I live lIOerlolDnmnulll [6 11Mj11U 3ilWU liJ1![t.l I/ilillrU l] rH t:: ~ll A M[ (. ~ ZIHTt:, 1('\'1\.1' n I'I~aAAnt ~ nvetnber EMYA 0 FIOCY.N ec y III xt w ek • C I"OlIlOY 10 ra.... I.y tbuL IIwiI S III I Ymall for 10 r .. , \!: B h u TII M l>. r' .: AI I HOM' SON 1 _ ~_ .. 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Ilud [ Bllrhll lll,'" II .. wke),' J I'eopl · Itavu IIII I IC'O th ut one .ur 1t:'lI l1 h l! ,w:tlt .g"od ,1I .1 11I1" tl ~ld, i?'Jud tlt e h a nd $ IIlc" t yll ll ll~ III l'lI III II 11 1. -.1 he ItrI ~ ' I,1 1l a t \\ v i k II ' , 1 0 t IC (l1\Ji\:S 10 ' 11 II ~ P ' T UO S ~ ] Ju r lill ilt u n Ii Ll "lIddcllly Ill'lIlI' U d ll ll ht !~ tlt e, "~ III II1" pll p I' . Hil 0 ,, 0 o r tlu. (,thN o f l ilt l"'C ~ 1.' p8 " tl', Ulfl , hllid. II ll d d l"~iJlllt I O Il I~ altnhllt e d ~.I" l'S . Ill u C It I'l."tl!l1L li t W IIl'k 01· h"ll~ IU C:" r\ dWt Il ln, I 111I lti lI l,,1 "h 'P III tlw · Iltlld II 1 ~ 111 e\.hlll (I ii lefl!r Ili ' l II till I ~ I IlR t h l! rllllS". Alt. II .. : hl' \1'(' 11 1 til l e lilitl IIU ~ 'ctal'l ll ll pl('.IudICl''' •. u ud J-l t l " O Il6 111 L.U ri IJ II: 88. 1IIIlI It If" Lhe \" " " Ch· ' , u e lilireh I\lIl' iuhl l! Ille II t lt"1 Wl'l, k , I/lH'l' g('ttlll~ Itl! loJll t h u ld In , II , 1.1 111 "f ur 1 hut t.:-.tn 1 1\~ p I le, J ill Il tll lllih 01 1 too k tltrc' r lt al !1I llI g gill, 'lilt ' " h llll"e li, ,!. 1 III P ICtt' S lIl'> til l e illlllil "hi tlr. Jt th e 1(,1'1'(' h ll ll' 1I 1 I.lhl .,. II L tlll ' lIl l'a! II pCI II I.IIICli t Vllll t u r . W e. pllhll~ h ILiI tlt oy \\ IIIII,d.II"&\ 1It \ll f" lI l1 d Ill' tlt e ad\\'I'II"e ll l~lIt .If t ill Wi d '. II f"lI kllill .. r n h and. Rnd .,t6. l tf,e. s:,hlllf! Iltl l1ll l ro ll l lr llc~. lh~ p r illl "I" .d ru nds, !melll.j't hlh 1'" ,; I,l'I 1101 ,k III It ''III ,' •• l l\·uke l e ll g lu l1 :l wee k ly d ril! wltcre. A National Famlly Paper. «ml .ll l 10 "" U " vf I m p Ul ltIIl ll in t.lu.: '. tt,l. SPOUTING AN HOOFING 111 l' ': " 8. 1 rU Ul1! \ ' P ,IIJCruf AmCrlcl, th u l!4}ntB. l lIllIg , " I 0 , tho C\:hIH1 '" r up<lrLli o ft h " 111111 1\ douf 1111111 Iil' 11:1 <1 111" "1 H'lIl , I \ l' \ ri l i ol l .. 1'1' 11 E\ P. 1t\ IIJ INfl . - If I hi s Dr, RIII1I"l· r .\ 1111 11 1; fi l .. t,· 111 ,"If hne II 'J ue I n OU1) jl HI cr l.: IPII - lIlj.:. • \1,.1 \ ,.. \0\ mill e r , l'I,\e l, 110 1111 ,\11011 ul n I I I" ' , " I UH l n d !'c lu r · III t h l! ",I~hl\'r'~ d,"k 'I Ill' ( ' h.,~. ·'~ Byeelpt H ,uk duu't t ell ti l ... l-dJt~",;t J l tJ \IIIH O ItUUIM..' eu ur u. ll d htll ll lt U;.! ' IUh!-lI\ t ll~nIlIl H ' II . tll, hC I' IIIJ - Lf lh , l ' UlIII, l tH'p4l p u lIlI.UlI ll rCI1 10 <' . IUIiI I :\lII · (,the r lI " cru \ IIl t UI to ,11011 Sue , !... 11\ :i l l "UIIII!' 111 11 11. w il h h i~ fa'I' ,rtl.l ll ll· I Il' hlIlO W rOll I \ I·0 11 1 ' I IIL IWllI let' tIll IkSt ' "' 1.' 11111Ig'. 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II I/ III til' , \ . ~ " t h e 111 .11 t I H\ ,) ~ ~_.. :~_i'*. r:. 1 ~ 0:o l1f \\IIO l c(O UIl t.I\, ~ho \\i llJ.; "I !c IOC tl l . . ./l1 l1l l d It C, I IO II~ l ot U ~ I U; ~ll lit on ItJllllit, al l on F irst N'IIil'J/l rtl fj 'lll k B uilding, ~ ~ I "lI lh e IH Ilil'1I 1111 pili 'I'~ 111 1.\'1 0 U lI il\.'fl .... t . t , ~ ~ onlll( IIllt I "Ii ' 1I1 l'rl , I'e llt l." t il hi li!, I -.~ =W AY ~ E::;VILLE , UIIIO. 4 ~ ~ 1 1': I II l1 d '1' ~ "It<","-, 11 110 COlillilllll1( Ih. IU lc ol I\ I"Y o.u t" '1" ' - ' " ~ m I ll tll tl mll kc mOlley {" ' II' lx' Ifll /I " 'I,,, I" 11ff'I " ";, ,., . 111 10 tlt e ClI lt h , 1I'IIII u lit !' 1'l'1I1' :l' ~ t":l~ ' ! ~' _ f' I gl')j! rl pu lc dl ' ~ lI mI LlulI l' l.lt.lllh I Olh(' I'IH1 1 e \\ H l l a ' .. I .... 1 I ll ll l etli , N il '" 1 1(1 l ~ .\ CQ'I('ItllO li ,,' ..... HII$:P. b \ 11 11111'IHllld 11 111 1, nlld l'~ I ' 'l'i .dh till I ~;-H I ~lt llL ' I\ I IH tO l-'tl l\, lI " 1'lld\l lI..{ u UI 1'1 m -lU l. Ul.tLlI IH lulv -:l t l fl c m c nt Jo rrcfo l eoc e. 11' 1"1 , 1111Ih. ~ elt P r h u, 50 Cl.l l " Jll r S~T H W. IlIlOWN. NUnl l 1l 1 tI , 12 II l r * 1 .::J-=:; :': -=;7 ... !. li e\\: I,o m e ..! III th o \' 0 .. 1 Ih,' u ,rl l IS n r l' flt,I- I\ tiIiO' gi rl !! h t· h .td II ,,, tc I. " "l g lggl i u~ ll ll li c it 11;' 1. It II!{ .\tId h\\·. I' ,t" ,,' f" Ii /" r lIII ..,c'. '::' t::: !J; !: :: I • :: .T ~11" I t il 12 A .n l ~CI I U I1 \ r F.}\ ~\'n "n ( e ATTOR.NEY AT LAW, "011 l' 1I1U11t' Y f I t h L: l,tI,l lll'I' ~1I1t1 C""' 5 : ::':':; " - 1:;:" 1 I \I Ij \ \ 8 of ~tO\ll1 t \ t: rll ll ll l h e Gnl' lt- ul It t \lu"l l i n t (' -10 ( cuI .. Pl' t II lI m hel. 0 1 I :! .-. ~ . . .. - .. - . _..... . . .. I ~ (;' H!.R~' W il.I,, ~lgwn, W 1-IIIII _tU Ii .' leOlI "'"CIII, Rod I "UI C" \lI ~ I ' Vt tl l d.. ; is ~ " .. 1" H AXIJ .\'OTA R P f'B l f C :t' !Jt!III J... I .... , N UI\ \ olk It \ O u l ite l '-' IC L!'~t wul I r \"1 " 1 Ctlll ' t I'.t.\ 1" t it" 1'''" 1it ~e l".1 1 1 1 f ., / (,,, ' III. ,f,. 1./ (}, f ill .' . ~ 0:'::"' 1 - le ~ I ~3 ~ ()II'h ," , \ I .. ::-t' ' c" · . j HI, ICliul ", t il l p l l tl \llI p .. " r ;\ H III Ame l l U HI , 1I11 d h y IUrtli u" Iil:l 1',,<:I.: l'l I I cr.. ,- _ ' f.Bi:; t;1;; 1,/ - QA\ Yf"li" Qr.. I U '[A I.lIt 'lo, I'"I,stlll' II L), ,, I .. I" III 110.101 \" . I 10 4 \ 1,,, l1 e(·tl n ll nl I )H1l cu lt PI il )l: t: " C ~ HJ IJ ) "'; t""~ !6' ... t ~ vr t l\l1d t.I I O PUpull l lOnO r l tl ll ldl'..r4 lt llclSI\cl;I, Itll ~1 ... 1t W"':IIII.""" •• ,£ . CUIIO. s ide \l ilt 111111 I'~IIII'" h l- 1" ' 1' ( I't\' til 1'1It c, r' " ll.·I II ~ I'er Jl um llf.r ~ I E ~ 3 ~a 1- . Al l.: 11 0 " f l (C1\ i1i~ lh, II Fu ll .... w cl. , J! , Il l COfUl II J,:. In Lh, In t <';0118U ~ I.e I I · La 0 1 I ! .\ \1~ (0 1 ~ I t he Ite~"l' n " It t' tt~HII\' Ili a 10 tltl c: , I h<8 uy I Ie, I 'I III I,os, I'Mli li Ull) " ,101'\ Ue14t' mall Illld l l , tUlid A li t! I It,,, I R 11+ 1 ' 0 1.; 4' 111 .. l Ot It ' "l1pl eO I' \ of tw ll. r M ISS rJl '"0 I t-..:J (£ = .:,. . .,:,.: to:l .. , 0: I';;: ..! , I ,.. L I , of lhia Map Piano-)4'orte ~Iuslc\ Teacher, Ilc h ud to ,;111 1\' k h l~ 111 11 1111111 1 r I he .,hule 11111 1 I I \011 1\ C 11111 H l t l " ll!d ~ - I - ' · -i?~~ "' t.:.· +':"'/ 53 AIlYll llc\\lIo\\ dl l5clI'l U.. 110 14 . m ti li t ":" ... l 8 I\h of \ 111111 ~l l ec l. tllleo tilJll's . \\ Ii de I II ~ l 'Il I'~ ';\11 11 \\ IL\t ,. , II l.,lIgH IH \\' t.: \\ 111 rll und '0'" 11111 11 . . . ~ s:. -5 ~ ... ;';"'IlX C =- .. =- ~"'; : A JJlIl ' Jls t t' I', ' II J 50 cC LL l '" ucldl t llilitil < * l, r,O} t it Il r t 1111' --\sn·I') A ddr," J L l ' r~ 1 1 II .... " · ""l'IE......... E.O ... O . I ,. ~ "Tj "O _ "'C;: I J~tJ l t'(' 1 an ti 111''' Ju~ ,' l,''l, p,,!l.I It-,eo ll d l e'l 1II U,",. 1I 1\Ihl - U llll k 1\114.1 \ 1\ I, rung witli lli c hldt ~ tdh , t1 11l11 ~ h 1 C 84' HIOtd "tI\, ~ e w YtJl k 'if ~~~~~ I~ if, ~(I»:kIJl~~{1,, ~ . l j ..,. I a : : : : ~ a ': ~ I' """ .. CCII, ll" III 1111 . _. ;? . ~ = :' ': ! Im po l ted d ll e It \ t rI m I u glllti d 'I' hl_,,, .. ,, Ih.~ 'lin .... nnt' .. A..... Hool& t hat WUtl t)j'Cdk l ll ~ IllI t all 111' '' 111111 r;". ---I Th/'Ui l'l y , rr .. " ••• 110." ...... ll/Oy ..... ,...... RKE~r ' S I M E A T M A R K E T ! :;" ~ I ::- = ;;""cc _' h im; I1l1d h L: 111\11 t" ~<:ll·" 111 u ll t J[ 'f ' I \ U IN I' , I\\N 'l hdlll ' V" ., OIVII II IIlI I V ' A . , • 'e;,.. I Z I \ 1I 01 ·' [ I JI " .' , I l l er,.!:II I "' hu ,d l ll t lle l lll lcJ~t l t IM . \, hO ~\1 11 'J " ( " ' !acro he Wl) l'kl'c1. UII.! 1'.,.11' w he ll ~_. 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any othel
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WANTED 10 lIt. ko "I' cl uhs
'11 . 11 fIl, l,os,1 to~ no. and wher. Ic r Ih el\1 IS 1\ d<l lil . mIll I !"lIIgle 8UIo", rl\' \/Oll". 101 "uc I<<lr , or Ih ,c,' m"" lh8, W ilY be sent by IIIdI Il UIIU I, nl tile ,,1)0'" low rn tl' A'lurL'" '1' l ltll:!L' UO.UI.A~I'. 6~ W"t ·I· ... rd St,. C l .. e ..........
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(O P'C9 o f I Ill' 1 1M ES P I ~ L It!:f, n ll1l l,;h cII 1" r s 10 1 d l" " 11 u t Oil ,
• al ~~ I A ehOirea.," rll"enl oli h ,,,.II\ OlI mll dc 10 , ~ d. \\ , .. IlI rl(' 1I".d ,um I\"d . m" lI . I. I' ul, \& , h, d cv, Iy II lI crlloon, '<lcl, t " "" 01 ~ r ,RIZ\ III ,0 , k III~ ( • I lB~ l 8 tImiliA ,,,s.l lI It lllItCOIIL c l..lrtli c "·'" II'~ lr" It ,," ,,d," ~I, t ll lr4 til t h ~ lI e w ", u l t h e ti l' FLOOR &: T ABLE OIL -CLOTHS, ' 01 11 8 pubol II llI.lI, IIIOICI"j 01 Il,e 1''' c. 01 ,,,. All .. "Ith. 111111 11 11 \ t! " • •_ " II> , c .'o 1\ "I. tl", 1' '1 cr · " , The Fast M all Traina 1' "1/\ Ih o Ell" II I I O[ •H'IAf.V (,(JOJ) "', rl " "I> "' , I ,CIII II,<l1 1II (1,.,"urlll ll;':."II IoI , ' All kIl IUK. Llln u c'l Ultls ,,,,,l l ·UltUIi. mild. II ' t" ~ " e Ihe U,'.I .olc, \/ 011 8 )1'0 111 II," col·
r I l . . .. I) E AM Potatoes -.---'ll7'an+ftd'"
and Fancy
e ! ~c
110 ... .,w l Ir oc 1111 up , 1'CII lI O Ii :""iI'Cl,; l l n CII :oil 111 li lt re('e l l'L o f I o ~ t
ology 111\l0 ng t ha SCl c li c es j r\\ t.l \),.(11 1101/8 10' ml\king Puddings. CU'lard. IP"" ~ 1'1 \1" .. . Rlld \I" I. I. ro Oil h"l,tI ."t! mlld u Clm'''ymoJl luther 1\110 SOli - til e .~ c . &lccolI'I'ntl Y c"ch line I,ou ml lJ!\ckl\~" :Mllnufncturc. ,,11 kUld. of Brc"d & Cake t o or.ler. Oo tt.On " I,"etillg. alit! P ... ~.I .. It, .1I ..1.."'4:J_Gree....... dally l or W"yuo.\'llIo and the 8urroundwg ...... Pil lo .. 0 .'1111.(". T"hle Llnells. R ev... 0 • S'. TIIyl )r Ullc.I the R e v. ' !i17 filii uC'f,hborhnod. Speoial attontiotl i.tI giv~n .--~ Nlll' k&ns, Do. 1... 8, Lillello, Dr. Ohal'le s Tuy lo r-with tinc POI" I . h' ~ (I \)1"1''''" ' ,\:0 • im purted "1 ' I' I T; b to 'lrm~ IDS .... ~ dllCI t ntld trai~ j Th e 11 iSB lO1I 0 t ~c u e l'e ll1 CHI~ n icC8 ! Race i 1'he Oat bll'd, With ud. , ' ~.... HI·tailed at II 1,0/ '8ule .I. . " mirablepictnreof the lively fellow, I WII OLE::k\LE AND PARTIES, ~ IP"" nrO rder• to r l'l'hol -lery lind O lr p~t. . k t I H Oue un . llOrt notiee J 1 k wurk c.cQulet! prom ptl , . by sk ,lI vd \\'0 ' k· d aan . a 91)1cy s -e C I ; ow OPTICIANS " .., eep 5:16 :Im 1Volnall Con~nered-a capi til I R. l. ' mell little story i Edwald Egp;le.. tun , \J .\ . 8()nETING ~EW V D I "ell· known author ; • • , .'. Itt "II buur ... and .. Bupply of -W ~. . -: "UK '1'0 De 0 :" 1 •• . I 'ch contailld 111011' &. Mlltl, lllIltl. Staple Groceries FIVe Hundred BlidbelA of Put.' 0 ...... .... _ e nal Wily J\ IlSlIlgtI ~ \I • , toe.. at the W .. rel, ou<!() of . - \~ ~j \ dur""8 , Wllh 'LIIU'P' M good deal of adVICe, pl ~hlly ex· !{ W l' or. Si11h "ud M.in !ill,. I CJJ" Tho higho8t Al" rk t PrIM' I.aid. In O. W . SIDES & 00. ' \. ....~ ~.711.. vrc~.ed; The 8t'eret I)f H I1Pl'illC 8 \.il NOI N~ \ '\' 1. O. llaltb at'trado. for 'Cuuntry PNd"",, WaytlOl! .. lIIo, /,jut la. • ~. •.,.
E.:.W- . . pC I UU CIl
W A L I..-. I'> j\ I'> I''.~ f)\ S, \II illIIIIU- HQo l\s wil li ",
I I IIK ll lUld ""U I'n llAT R thno I\IIY O&\"l li rt it luo ftll c kllltl"fter. \1.roh I7 .. I. e lll" r "I Ihe ' ''111 0 nnm e -- - IIr With uth er tltl.s, _' T< \ K' . O" \IA CAII ." Ph . ,h . Ihc , hld" 81. h, mienl Bu tl"," lv (, I EnrOlle , .·RI•. \ . lu\l v 1\ 11 II y" t! Ihl8 Ol)r ll 8 11mh, li nd al\y, It
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IH c ... cr H;oI It s r Ull ut.ntl l ,n It ft .. 1'11IISn tR,
lS I
nlutton and Pork,
PET "" p~l~i~6~~~·,~u~lr~'ce ' I It G OlIT'~~
Prices as Low as Cincinnati
Stlll'~ '1
recently Iccciv e c.l, 19 a 1IIlIIlh~I' 1 --;:• worthy ot s p e cill l l'emark. It IS Ii. ono 8 I I v o illmino u s ill ex te nt, all( r e pcle l ' \~ fro m b('gilllllllg to cnd With ml)s t 1. lhe ori . lnl\l-E""" bhshed in t tl""
c llm e lip t il H' L: \\11 ,11 t he tl l' l"lIl SIL\T I'~ I)GLOS<1S'I'Al'>CfI WIl!!.ll nd. IC('tlgll lil l llg t hl' II' I u n II I-( r. \ :> .\. friclld I11lIde It 1111 l' lght with thl! For the Laundry, TIlE VEHY BEST cash lor. A lid . the , tl UI Ii{ 1111111 I " 'XlI' It -I'U ".,,' 11\ wcnt Ollt illtu th o l1i ~ht UI,ld c llll> · I Beef, Veal, bell h lln ~o lf. 1111.1 " hl'~,. 1 hll; lu(; k ~ away nlltt! h o WlIS bald II~ lUI I'~~ ,[,I,,· R",. t i n t/, P 11 '01'1 I, Ih ,. CIIlI llt" " Ironl• .,,,1 . 11 ... ill be kept I . I n ;., \ DE\l" III'l'l. H:O; I ' H '111 J 1 ·,1'11 1: LINE\, ond thee" l l,,, .. .., o Ito ml · I The Ph re n o I IIg lca • Ulll'llIl IlIlu ,0 mm UII ' Iil re), .. 8c, r<o ll h" lf. C" lI t f" r III C LEA NAN D N I CE . LI'fie 11111"tr ated Il,r j)"'" CC lllbl'l, Orl Im lly wa ol Illug . A .. k yo u r g roc\: r t ll r It '"
T. K {N G SF 0 R D & SON
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fhllltl,n \!Inrt)(t Sh1t'C.
Map of the United States
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§QsIJ,onablt Bnrbrr
01"0, 10(1 ot'er aLe N~w ./)",g.8tol'tl, lEI£Um- Wlli~ !:! mllll, WAYNDVILLE, O. ..IN .............. w ........... L ....
AI• .J
B r'?!!..<itQ(t!/,
Waynllllyllio. Ju.ly 14. I 7il.
II • "
, , ,,. HI. ,ultru'.
Sold b) 1\111SIC Dealers Everywhere.
Thi. Cordl .. 1 I . n ('(Hlf,;h M C old,.
I n\mntloll
DC U,o
1 IfR !t.. ,r T Ja I'O t ond Ureft MC Uroachlllu .. It .f t nkrn In .& ... ., " ' Ill erred tha&. fa tal dl't'nle (. OJ18Utnp t Io n 'I ho b .... of I ( ". medl 'n.tl I. n Prt'l n. .. nllon 01" Tal' ob"" led I y II. ), N .. 11:\1' I rc erg "rom the lap f tt c 1~ln ft 'rC'C' fh J h : Ucla 1'\ 1 p' ro..,erI Ie" of , v i ' I ... c "\v r 11 l ..no n . l\ Uh t.hls 1 o,,,C'r(. 1 (J~nu.· ut nrc tb ,rot "hlr, lnClO". 1 or"le I 11('\ r ut o Cher, "ReIn' 10 n~l. 1 no C'nr h or ,vhle h p HIIJt'M"~. luo,hlna a Dd lu nH nc n Urlbn cc8 t.h." n,nldn. U. tho 1 .t POTENT ANTAGONIST 10 all h (r t h e pu hnoua..." orgaoe abat !
-lIlIPINE t T REE TAR CORDIAL be~D n o . 'Jar " , rll u 'c1 J" (h It h
• "eYer
h " ftnt of • "'fO~t 'lit In OLD R.ELIADLE AND wELL-TRIED Inedlelne
( In t h ~ . Ct 1\ In t n.ll) .,.1(" 1 Y "'mll t e . And InfdJIi; C:Dt ]lh) • • dan. for 'be leat.ls'rea ~ft.n, ruul II "pokoD of In th.o Wtrb.,.t t ,Ina by .n , ... b o h avl': .... rd It . . .hoa. "n n IN nr UNSOLICITED TESTIIIO. IlIALS I roTO , 1 f :ynu allarr 'nun nnl' dl".,"8 tor , t t h fbi . ( ,oreflR' t ill r~C' o n' "cd~a n h •• lCnCln..-ly 'A~I Tn Y IT..t wE ~ IJOW IT WILL DO YOU GuOD." '\ I I"GIt') b o tU " ,ylll d emon. t r a t o , .. ..-oJ... h Ie (j U"UtAC:A
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hi PnJNC m OnOCGISTS Aile mnmmns 1PA L DEPOT
:Nu rth I'll ron(t M
WE IJave Im ported 8lDCC II\.~L flttl ullrY ninety !Dl lhou oolhlrll' worth ti t dry ((CiOdd
P""L ES ANUll U]lORllo s rlR fA E -
10 Ihl. ( nUItiOD 01 Ibe skin the V.sell". I~ thi' Kr"ul relJledv U8 It acls IIrte ll) II'OD Ih cllu.e h dellnsea aDd fur ~e@ the blond ther.by cand og humorli a ...U luntla 10 dl.
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VOl. AT DO t;
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\\A' '}:'Y JLLE.OllIO, "Ell
Y. J)E( \E~I BER ,I '7.. Ml rut uhlll Il('fUI ('rlt' IN... Y .r~ 11 '1...11
MI TI • R, tht' dllughl r f 11 " III 10 ul,.U on Ibe IILb. rn R IIro "I" ('f< rSIII w.., ill tbe bub'L of I'"tlllll: ber 1i'llL 011 the traeir Hod "'. tc:bll.g.t ""'''y JII~t III I t.m Inl' tht'l r: 109 tnull fr(' Ijll nlly ~Iu.' !<woII t.Qldly III fronL u( lht' train 8.nt! Jumped to one "HI. ",hen.t Will only II fi w feeL f III her I t I '111 I ry 10:IJ Y thuL!\I. Uutler. no\\ no m rc I:'h th 1 nOL Jump 'IUII k • ell ugh the III L lJme . hl' I lIlty... 1 her prcti)' r~1I1
fRRR 043.
I1I('r~ •• , " )oj (''''lrl l l _t II ,"on
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Ih III th It of \ nrrutb lhp \ .n
malo .....
:-;0 IItr lUI \III I'ru<tlcnblt. Dr I 111m, Ifr of Londlll rc('(mll) CxlJlb,l('(1 til Ihl IlUdICUOO, at of hl~ lecture, Ihe I,ro t!uct oC 110 1\11.IY ~ 1 "r mllll bod~ I r 1.1 1 LauCMter toxllll)!Ll'd on th(' pillt pouod of I'lIrOOIl 2.! 1 . "IIlt! ~ uf 1I111t' 228 OUII1:('8 •• f I'h u" l'h orH 1111,1 "bllllt OllC I Ollnoo eAch of MOtlllllll Imll IH)lR ""'III magn lUum, IIl1d Mlh cUII "lit! apolu~IZ I fot not es.blbILiUl; 111110 Ij 6!1i'l culm feet ((lltygon 105,'100 ~1I 111 \If hydq;gl'lI 1It111 li f\y t\\ I 111m mtrog(1n
f". '"
t)u fo,
(0... t.ha~ dal Huber Wall \D ~ tlUlHl drlllltin!;, lint! \\1\11 de pondtlll O\ eT hI troubles thlll. ne l\l\.S ~neerUlgly /ld
v IlIed tc 0 hom Ilnd hoot hUlllle lf 0 I Mrlving ilL hUllI(, lie ~ b ut h.m If \\ IU. It rl'~ h r 'Ibo bull L I'n&6red Ilt II p.)lnL thr ~c 11l( hI from to rljiht t('mpl e 11" bt-r ftl l to lh" noor bllt 1\11/1 1r[lCedlly~ re TJtER.E I II glilltntic h e-h pu .11 I ru .. 1110\ I'd to 'he erman b08p1\&1 H re biB Cl WM J'egllrd~ 11K pMt hopl' fh a Mela, Belgium whOfOC Tel.)t o\er nn!ln I J h'lA !.TII \V~ .llh IIn.1 r lIgJOU re tbe wO/und ",lIS probed, I,/ltt Ihe bulleL cou ld of ODe thV\IAAlId hUlldr"l "'lllIlre lhn ll grlllli Ilul!('8 of hft The rigid "' I ~" II It I K Kf N~1iT 1I I1ll t bel fOllnd fb doctors ga\ehll1\ u~ pt;r~ l~ t.I'lh) "lib "Jllch the illlCond duLy mettell. Ths wall~ IIro doubl IIlIn h!.lNI n ) 1111 '" ( llil lilt of lI ..h ""0£ rl1 ~es 1he rueAdl\y caDle, And 'Whon Huoor . Ir\ (l ugh tu be lJI1rforllled U8.lIl11yler.v with mOllA IIml l!R"du~t fhere IIr 1I11l ~ ~l lk ? It I~ n "nu p of hhodR 111101 I~ IIIdldment 1\ called In ~'Ourl, Ih~ bllt littl IIlIl for ~hc performance oi lleparate t~-clulmberl!, each of onl' th ou II c<ld III ' lire a uu It \"18 til uly yoor. Judg ordereu th.l1t A "ol~ J r/Mq n bo e n tbe l\lhm t \I () Ift tlr n \\ Ill! h u!;ilt for III r \~ Clhhng thnl und cublo meLl'(I8 tIlpaclty Th~ l III tcrl;a 11\ th e (,MO, !'(lmnrklos thlLL lluber J k th(' Breokl) 11 I [f f ~ ha<J oever been bud Ilo\11>tl_ ere tbnt hceu rolled to lin perature lIe,"r ex dK tlurty ~IX alld lth lld I II orc IL 10 ue IlII1rr1eU III I,(' L m tell) Ill' Ihe ~tllry H\\ e r ~rore II hIgher tnbunal tbun that ('I!lllbhllhe,1 "" cll hltldl'hcmy all this would one-llaif degreeK Fahtenhen 1hero IIr At "I xto' II ) ('l\1lI old nh ~1I " I' II II! ver hllv btlen t!r lImed Ilf It 11&11 beeo o \er wblf;:h the Jud.go hnlli!Clr I'resilled galleries &let apart for the ~t<mng ofmrnl beuuty 011<1 no 1lI1 .~lk~ I'lur liS a b l ll ~b N ri C I, 4liU 11~ I c r cont mdlcled, that nO (~IUtC the reveri!C IIro\ ed th l.' fllct., hO" III bot we&thl'r CApllhle of b:lIIg lllg ("0 ro>;(>, ROll" Ith 11 pile of yellllw ~ url ~ (I II .liJl!cf\ IIIH 110) III (II t fJ h)6 Lbougbtlr on \ r Huhr pulled through , 811d after tbopaod quarlen! lIud hal IDS tbem \le r Iwr ~l", uld e r" ucb UK would elrl ve III In. V....lltvr \\ hv ~ 1 18 0l'JlO81te to a CfOlltrem'lllllng lour or five wms an tbe Ito (ectl,. IIOllIted A mllhon of \.I)nH of I~e yuung J\dlCll frulltl wldl U\) lIowlldnv8 OJ tl \\OllJ IU III chllrcb PltR~ tiolilly reco\ered flO r,n 1\8 lo 1\ liT rant IUK le.vang It While \D the 1108 baft lIefn stored IIl.otbe bUlldlllg lit our Imgbt II. n bUlton, IIl1d ," Ofl e~t 1\ " dill"" th!'rII 1\11 n t her ~qlJfll Ilo\\be r( 1}llal Huhcr WH~lltwnded mOlltdevolcdl) t.me !lruulld Plum Ide We wt're IL pllun 1l18li by his Wife 118 wejj 1\8 by the hospll.aJ at of p"opl~. behe~ IJlg II) virtu uo.I IIObrle taclletl He hM been able to move about, 'J)i£ deetruction of V IrglDllI ty lllioclil IIlLlm' t spoiled III urUlglllg up uut wltilln 1\ fow d"ys ad\81'1!0 .'/fu~ np \ rROO 10 (air fire hu brougbt out a dl~CUI!i!IOn OI' thl' titou h ~h e IV.8 u bfl\uty he ould IlI'ared III hiS CIUJe Ho com plalllccl of :so bU.lllllt~ .. i tb . wool W), Kl("ri great vallie of treM planted along the m!lk ll hutter \Vlth the ucst of Ihe lJ ld Je tflCUJU In 1lU.!1J ..."tra1 11'011 be.,. 01,.. atlDea tiln eHil Ind bl R WIfe npr.lied for h,8 .t it d not. r Oil wbl) e er public etreetll, M II tiU re prot.echoo frolll IIIH'S ~ he \Vall Illwny~ 84'('11 !It church /ldmll!l!lm. to tbe bo~p.ta The llUtbun U aJ I , ..kl""led un I uok ... b",,~ ... teo tlet! IUSISt boweve r that l\8 he had lef~ dlllllstrout confiagrationll. IL IS argued dill' ~ I Ull I\nt! \\0\ h r IIwn "eddmg Or dined on bruto .. of hlK OW\l a cord he ought ~ow to tie tbat the,. aerve to prevent the pJl8llllg 01 "be Is r OM pr nt d hIS bill t.o b,. neigbbor he wn brong~~ up IVI~h Lot Lumbert l/'8.y a liortl n o( hlB ellpeD!!l8. Ml'II Eu roo .. Why TOII\ It 6tnkes me that burnlDg debnt through th e air Lhe enl He Wl\.~ the )eRrs air ier th 111 Hhc Th ber left, and ha.s not ~lDce retnrned YOII hllv I\Indo out a pretty rouod bID bel'll being caugbt IJI tbe upper braochl'lI two lUI d ellch othi)r hOlle tJy IIl1d truly Pntrlclt Mcnee the mao wbo was the hero elt ? ' I III MCn~)ble It I" a round and 'ailing h.rmJe Iy to the ground It all the frlend8 v; c r WIlling find olle yenr mOilt tembly _(ded of all tbe VICt.lDS OIlO," quoth follJ • l\Ild 1 bave cowe for nfter tb.ey COlDmen d k pUlg e mpuny Ie UlIert.d that deetructlve firee III\\to of !.he Ceotralia uplOlllon, at Bound lbe PUTIl0100 of gottlng It "'l\lllred I" Brook, eIOOp~ tbOllC "ho d.ed , \8 Aoother c ra1Jl ell to reg ulllrJ) the w~dd\llg.Q"y "All f!tOi.. fnKJuenU,. been averted III Th en It II WI LhlLt old l\Jr Lamh rl TUE DIVlIlt hi1Jld 18 the ocean from tlIl80 of marvelous h~ tenacity 'Yhen by the beltll of trectl thllt exklld !\11l/lg Lot 8 fllther mMe Hhodll 8 pTe nt 01 whIch nil Lrulb Ofll;l1llllly aprlrt(l8. aad tlrst brought to St Miohael'l! Hospltnl the 11Ubhll thoroughfafl's oC tbl\t clLy her w('ddlll!; dr ~. , I\U II>Ihe8 of r I!{'S Silk to \\ Illch IL UlLlUlllwly returns Io trace III Newark, I~ W (lIl tbougbt he coul(1 oat hrOllght 1111 Lhe \\Ily Irolll London It out th ~hore8 of that shorele!!l! _ , to llYe balf a day H has laved howover 1'H,E great teleeeope I'I'cently cre,ctl'o Wai! not (.I'tell lhllt ~u ch a t!r 11M I!tlen III I\KUro It~ l1leaorurel extenL, 1UI11 to uno 18 now dOlllg SO well lbl\t bOl reco~ 10 the Pllm Obeer\'8.tor,. I to he eom In Otl r plnce All Rbo<\'l 6 Cncnds (or fl\tho1J.1 1tt1 1111(:\tl1001l1ble ~eI'th~, WIll be "tY iiI flllly e~pected JiU'lO& R Hardy, the noble and JO)'OUII WOtK of etelJlal 'pletel;r overshado"ed In stU anll power mile Ibout, bnd a look ilL IL curybodv of the "olluded, 18 howenr, &iullDltrumelit DOW U1 eoUflie of COli udlUlr.1I It alld I pr uma some of the ~~~~-M;,o~,~r:;, a l'ldIY ThumM l\8J\y James rls nvi d Rnodn ~ alii I&nactioD. ." tile DeW ObeerVlltory In the VIlli, tart 1l1I.]. OOre 1\1'(' liobegau rool1 ng mer tlpU noo" -was It n 011: aud hewuld8alllg herft8he pUI'IU~t 1\ fr and ro- ing "ell, nnt! '1ho1lJ1I8 Kelly, Jllm .. .t I W;)II)lg I~ \V1tb b'M gCllufuo-come trnlgh t, ,the Olllyson lI\lver kill Ii [e rcy Ray ~lI ll1l1lg Ul8 \mll.: " It I I)uestlon Riley, Patrick heemn ~[Ik(' McJ)crmot n I , utterlll g 1It1 the wblie R rllllllt"( bv e\ e r, trlli ll, ('aelt I of Soon they \\ ere I1lUrrled And Rhuda whether AmcnclI Will SOOIl prOduce II and Tohn K eelllln were UI8c:bnrllCd, IUld Ulolln; /Lilli ollcILBIonslly IJltlllg It gOIlLly bl' n l 011 gottlllg .L sl ire of tbat thutflflo of hi ~ filth r "ho "" ~ the rlchl!~t m 1[1 III liS tho ugh try lllg to Iwuk l'1I II 'Iholl he IOllholl dolll1rt! From present appearo1JjeR tho CODlUlllnt~) md he hlLll gn en Lot \\0111<1 be III Irrlcd to no other but tb grent eOl\l-poi!OT It I" not n~cc!!Stlry resulllC'd work at Bouod Brook f\ hOI1;!e nll .1 Olrm III pr(1Hpeet of bls mRr 1~~h eB 01 rose ~11i: wblcb sh had once '[lie field 18 Il~ let o~JCn for ne w COlli TillS I1rtICle "ould I!CII rccly ba I'O.D Iny do\\ D beSide IL, WILb hiS head on tho ance_ \ 11 oquul cllY1IIIOn of the moner twftitr tilt alld the great ba tleut back to him and thl~ stflP "llIch I JlO I'il E~C"ID Germll1lY lJle 1'I'1I01In:e. pl .. lc "1\.bOllt R refercllce loollemore eJl Uody Rnd wl\t.ehea U. WI th bls sillirp In \\ouJdll't gne th e Ul more tbau about one CA8tlng, welgblog elgbt toll~, ~1Ii form li flit!;\! hout!(l II 11K lust on the otb('r ",d hllvc III my hnill:) .6 1\ bi t left from tbe Ilf lhe old .an tel'll hale 1I0t been de\el trllor.\annr1 CJI!IO IIf recO\cry-thnl of qlllrlng, In te lhgellt t!yCB 1ll1111lmplorlllg dollllr ILplceo chamber twelve fo t loug, e.ght feet IIISh or Thc the ro Itl from Rhoc\1I H old ~ ome '1 he nllllnng OJX'd ,, ~n r bnd thut III mlllll II hen Prof~l!!IOr Jllme~ l.l\..rlalltl, th e 1oll1l81cni WHY lUI th 11g b" klug " " wll It we meant WIU~N tho Nom to\\n Herald mao .... llnd f, Ul' lIod a hllif Wide Th j 1\ be " III ne w flltmtllre I I1l1e IIn,1 Lilt and Rhod a be told l'I e Kmg ul HnYU rla that h~ gpmu~o f NC\I Brun ~\lIck whtl Mt lllll\cB by tr~ !I~lII g hllll III ~h t rU lll 1\1 \Oller gues 1\ ~lIIt be doesn't lool arouod any b s entirely o!8tfJel,lInd 11\1 the IIxle~ 11'111 put c1uwn tho carpet uod!let lip Ih A Dead Chlld'lI Spirit Troubllug 1\ LDu~t h e belter mll HIC !!Chools ifl \\ Ill ch WIth I}rasped;! ul recovery, despite tbp H e how le<1 llldeo u<l) wh e n the body wa s - thu s "Horace Oroel y's aavlcQ to go Ne1ghborllood. to IrAiJ art'8U! to llroduce tho works ol INrlll c 811l~lllllg he save IllS throat RlId takell awny fJ·OUl hlill but coll80led him \l est WM n glllnng SWIndle The fi.Ot have til If frictIon relic~ e<I hy IIlltl thlll ~s an" they e mcd JlI t I\.~ goo,1 .... A wry of i!lldnCSll and of SUptll'lltltlOu mu <Irs. I hnt . \\ hilt ) 011 n('.ed he re tlte h IIIlme rlllg he Inll, ctcd upoo bl~ selt wI~h the IIkm or Lbo olt! one II hll"h thllt the Indullld hllve been hVl1Jg Welt friction "Jll\llmtuM JL IS eXjJt'ctcd that JIll rned Bllt there I'lllllr a 'P"1l rei bet" cen the comes \.0 lIS fromlndllllul In a lonel) (1c1tlte--no ~ulllllcr - tIll)~ ( Uo YOIl helltl after he und 118 bc UPP08('J, killed \\IlH throwlI to hln 11111! upon \~hl ch he nli lh Ir lavos Ilud nro stIll tx>Or, with the 1I18trll01('nt 11'.11 he com pi ~d hy the Germau No, I tlllll L kno ll th It Ius WIfe hlY '\0\\ n Rnd .Icpt }'on r IIttlc foilo" I ijllil red, enuugh clothC!l to hLde their young (olk o, II\( bl'~ IHllllg of \\ Ilich \\!l ~ 5pO~, on a hdl Ide, Oil a 81111111 IItreum autumn of 18iS It tclOk SIX YfAre II) Cltn translRtE> IL,') I!OntClLiJlllg hke UII ~ He \\ lUI 118 Irl ghlcuCl1 118 I ellll\1 by lhr lIudlLY, I'rO\e8 Ihl~ , It wort! drOPI'EII by tho vl lIug gOlll!l J , known us Mud "LIck, llbout two mllrs bmld tbe Pnrl ~ rollector, which ClIot 01,1 Hull I I II C, IIbUlit 8 lilt) rc mllrh h Illk Ilf DIU"boro, stood a log haul!" Trade In Cotton Hoods. lerrlble ~ncl powcrful belUga nnlunll hIm "hen the KlIIg bUIlds, tlte \\or~ul\JIl II I Df"Jt, my love, remarked Mrs about 140,00\) Well the KlUgs hav e LoL'~ ffl eud II III 10 Ide ou JTh odu'l\ willch unt.11 nbout SIX 1\eek.s ~t: K Dlllgt be ullsy From tlmo 10 tun c for two yellr~ JllUIl IUld lOund II dreary klnt! of companv III 81 a1klu ~ r~j1rolL hful\y lUI !ibe opened i.be occ tllltd b) I\.. man namod fr~; n bullded, IIlId hlUlt!ed Willi we oce,1 the \\ e hMe cailt'd RLlellllOIl tnthe IllCrCIt!!e<l Lb e Skill of hlH(leILc! \)\ o lh~ r lather frollt d oor I\bout one 0 clock IJI the mOlJl111E Ullok of F.llgillmi chp8t' \ er) laght Mr Ol\m~l s 11M (\ dnuklng \II III III (called Doc HIIlt.on) lind ~ IIn ll> I\ otk men 1I0W fh ero IU flO grellt C(lm e!{port" of cotton good a frum tbe UIIlt.ed IIl g an",r tb election I\nd (hflOOvered her IjOV reIgn thllt c Illes .nto thl blink tb (l'c II) d I'\Cf)bo.ly drunk 11IOrr or Une dllY willie Hntton w'r" wor III \JOII..,.M III England-noTlc tbat wlIIII' e S tu LC~ to foreIgn co un tflllfl. We ha\ c "('ge lo rd Oll lHlde fUIlI bhug for bls night'1 hroo thoW!llml lire wOlghed 10 /\11 hOllr 1I "~ bu L M r nafl\e1 ~, lh )(Igh II hlml lhe Held nud IllS ",fe w~t1 u~8~ed ~I\ I len!lel~ 18 II IOllllalure &leudelllllChu ('xpr... ed the opll1l0n Lhat beforc Dlany kev 1 .011 11 lor Illy lovt', bow late you've Side tbo hOIl!!e, th IT lid e glr, II bUd Bldfe hnli 1\ rl llen Hwcclly IIOl11etlm e~ wllb 00 lOaoh,ne )'l'llr tho bank worku,l lu,1 lI'l hOl,, ~l III II II 1\ kInd Yl'Ilr6 cotto u llIanllr'ldure~ WIll bo ex nlllrnl'.I' ) . m~ love," blccough Illllj;hbor lind ll(o()o.1 f lrIllCr II ISluu f, ud three lind 1\ half )\' ~ 0 I' npprOlje I e lllld ulll\l\u LlM I but tllelf work c~u t potted from Ncw York Rlld Bo ~ wn lo nK welghod COlD tn tbo IImount ~.f'l 15,500, I)f IllS 1:1'1 8 lIud It w IS I ~(urCe ,)Igrent lOll lI('nr th e Of" III Lil e In corrlglblo pllkul"! ' bllt late re p IICO ID C ler lIst By tb c \I IV !:illll" to g IJurlr_que grcnt "n cx(('nl J\8 I'r~v,o\l 8lv to ISh\) rclurrr fire In ortler to nlgbt ' 000, lIud rrJtctet! f4,200 000 or abollt mort.lic It lu ll to Hbo<lll ~hc \\I'l! I«'n" clothing Ig ml ~ ] he mOLher "IS noL rh e hllli by ll1 r) \\lth the word. b) lu Lh"t llmr ou r export'! of cott.on mRII 1 III': pIllh "I dULY I. (he .... y to glory Iblrty Ix IlCr C<1nt , a8 belllg light golt! tn 0 on t he ~lIbJf ct LIlli \\ hOIi slll' heard n~nr (' UOUIr' .0 h(,lIr th ll cluld 8 RCreom~ l\l" (.lIbert I~ II 1ll 000t ob HIlling ll tth ufll.tllre. of lIil IIO rts ' f u hed 11 LOlIIl H e H !H ~ !.Ilk M I only thl nti ng F()r tb,a 1Il1l0unt. tb b 10k Illud the lull thllt !,ut K AUllt "IICY \\ ho h II hr,)ught aud who ~n e out.ered the rOOIll Lheli\.L1!' thaug loo 111111 hell r It If lOll ever ge l TIllie of $ 10 034 796 fh o trat!e \\I\K dc I 4r I h. rlgl Rod leona LOd..d.1I one ...t! louud hurnet! to a c rasp aud "n 011'0rluo\ly it Dill) luk ... t"reo • 'II U u( M!U ~ore hilt JOltrnn1 c.10IeI alue, mak ing 1\ dedu 1101\ lor Ib e .Idl l.o t UI, blld 1Il1l,1 that he Illl g h~ do betnLroyed bv th e wllr 1111\1 () nl V l'arlllllly lie ah 'u lIod Ibc ,,"Ubo.n hlilti. bu....lo~ I fl I tl II qllllrLer. (f 1111 bUlir lind It '" d l.lhghtful, recovcrcll In the yelLr 1872 Lbo r~pO rt . Inl .. 11"""11 uri" " "bl'~. outrc<l~tn ClIeller of wolght, Whll h 10 gl'ncrully "utllll tcr Lhllu to marry I w pe r 8 d Hlgbler de:;' I'\ e ar tiC lfeo!, tCC 1/;' oor \\llS bl,th poem :\lId m\l~k" AU VOlUJllUU lSS"rdCIi I"'05eS prelty lUi 1{llUda n Illld ~ WRlI, ~he r<t: ..t \\( ro $2 30<1. 330 lit 1878 1 "2947 51R In Ch~l l , wh e re tho chilli Illv hurnlllg Alit or .ght crnUl per hght l!O~crcl g u J bo ""Ih .f dUly jO lb "~1 LO .lor1 11\l1t! til Lh( old Intly by hot th It 1I1 11174 $3 (lOr, 40 1I0d In 1875 $1,07J I ft.: t I al uv."r full"''' J1g 1 or L'O lUlDl\Dds lir Hodg'!()ll, 1\1 l' ,. bauk dIrector toper. t!l\u.,hL~r ,lIou ld nut 11111['1 V M an.1 llw.re WI .... nl>'O II IIllirk on the ~1Ii1 01 t wilh 1011 or htttn .ud koeoeatt4 hauu 786 For the Cllrrollt y~IIr they WI" the roolll be lhell fiLII to lho bed bid 11 no lb. lou~ gorgo '0lb. r.... lllbl b.. won MyR \.hat III II box of hve thuu-aud rl'lntlllll II ijb marraed hlUl _ 1\ nl'...ng I he :-Sprlllgtielci (IlIa".>!. ) Rqlllbilrn I pe rlllll'M, b f ~ tlOO 000 or t4 000 000 bor hell,1 ullIler lhr clothcs :111(1 there II • \11 t I ", .rd lUd J rnnUtld IOvereign~ tho ollmber \\bhh \\111 1)(> \\ III h Lot r filr't'c1 III l Ifry nllti" lIIed :-;h I ~'II tb e 1 0 ~plln~ c raga or d Ily hCAled Franklin county hll~ long been grtntfr I bi •• • the "oh('r truLh abOUI dlell Her lJotly \\ 18 t ernbl) burtled IIl\V. found t.o bave turned tht pomt of light thllt hl ~ good lunt hll I t;' v. r ~l1de the hut her bl'l1ll IInci face "ue prulect II rllDlOUg for ILM fut cl1Hl(' but tbe fo rty o u r ex JlorlM 01 utLOIl gomlH lIlId \\ (' can ~r; OI~;I( LV: :~~f ~~:~~IJ:"(t s1in - :!t,,,_ welgbt Will generally l)tl ahout I'lght, If reiooric 1 rellli rk from the flIIIllC. by thl' bed-clothlllS SC Ull hCII.1 noll' sLlllldlllg III tho stables nuL lK'e thllt tho prlll!pccL I ~ to IIny co n 1 hiLt WIl ~ th" beg llllill I' it • nded III 8elzlIIg up UI! IlOIly oC tho chIld the of beorge W Jfln~i!, It Oeerfield gil R ~Ide rablc e xlent cha nged by the 1lI rcum NUII\\ I IItrJ«llvtw I ~ 1!OOlIl8 that thia they hAV not bt-t-II cllMl llrbed 1111(\ he tb., bre~klllg 011 01 tit!' Ifrlllgc How httl Melld 01 lin) thin g )et _" III till ijLun C~" tbut II t wook we I:Ih Ip\ll'll t.) I~ gllln!,: tQ be llU CIUlY wlntor for the JXXlr adde You lire IIWllre thllt t he 1lO\ II Illy laCg We rll t 1\ 11111 how UIIII1) moll ... r mu !\C rCllllllllli with It IQ II'b ra count) I hcy ure 1111 DlIrhnms grel1t Llv rpool MOme S'141 4~0 "orth of do I he n h,," beell I d,chno III tbe pnce ot erelgn wblch iM 11\ your po kQt It clg!)t he . rllldle. tbe YII-g Julk ~ Cllllllrcd be tbe fllther "'l~ !lL II JrK bit k I m\l" ~ lIeW .Inllllr .\.orea Bre 8pnng 1hl' Buttons 01 (' bchl'\lJ.n< III ~ PHltu lli t..llu\\11 t!U hug\.' tltcy t 1111 hllr(l\) IIlll\e m Cl!tl< H, :l.K our ~'tIt t on gou<lg IIr c .il, d o clock 10 the morulug 1M not tho I<.,\IDO fMI' lhe~ 11('(lI"'c t rtlngrd by the IIItl'r mll\llfe~ llIt\Ou ~ "" ure 1l10~ t of thl' peopla lhelllllOh C ~, the hell VI(' ~ t yOkfl \Vmg b IIIg It 1\8 !101Jle f'l'0111c hA l!lIly Infer WI' eIlll In !! I p ,II OHr lb., hInd tbe reUgwua MOverelgll at t\\ lYe 0 el ok .t ni ght' 1I,,(ldllug <l.' on.vlllllhe~ 1 cunnuL(,lll1clly In Ihe lIelghborhOOlI J II~ ,. "'Il, fl nug ~\{' ry enco ur8~emenL Ihey 1111\0 tbelr "60U 1 ~)III1t!~ tho n Xl <!.4/lll I\nd th~ underijelJ lho MlIllche~wr mouutl\( turNS eh lUl'l . t- r." ttl! )un fitlt the Ill.m 111( li n" IJru\;en After tbld mtber nll1rIDlug IIIUUllnlt! regullr lIloctlll",. carell's alld 111\0 !; rap whole overU!!lDg w u 401") ver yoke under tlte ehl1t! o\l or tb elr 011'11 mill. we w,LI,1l \\Ill<'r tlllIl!~ o rill "~lI nl ltlllrkl.'f 11\ the" Iy of chruu o" 11111 /In ImItAtion oft h(,II(1 \\.lhOlll lI. cr(IUllnl! the 8tllll 1111 I wrli \leckh"". til bc bought for I!. quar ment tt Ie SI\~I~fllcwry to timl 1\1r HOIlg Jt III vie tNlk fur Lllf( (1 III IIlh, III lh< 1il\(ll'"". \~ "ord" lor membel"!! of Ih elr IIJl lbey nre fed eaght ' IUlIrLII II d,LY eneb or Co1 n 111110 IIl1dert!<:lllbcm 11\ f ' fry foreIgn \\mghL 01 ~I!tty .even l'l.IulI.l ij t, 1\ )lInl l iN \\ I\h the lIece!;>!ll1e~ of life thUI sc)cll\tlon For !!Cveral <1ay. al\er the 1II1l1l1 aud bran nil" 1111 Lbtl bny th y Ularket 1 be truth •• we Clln do lIellber IOn atatlllg all!O tbat Ole I'.barge for \igh t c".II.Lry ro und about fh e IIll\trrllll 01 tho IIl'r. ght pili I I" n I IK « " \nLllln ber rOUeh, uo true hearted The npw hon .. WIUI .hllt "I' I her IL dClIlh 01 lhe cblld Lbe Rutton fllIDlly ~allt tbo wat~ r I ~ . ul'phcd \.0 tit Ir aile nnr th e olhr r 1 he utmoMt we eall ,Iuo(d lu make up for th e lIl cre II. (I ~ 11,c I \""11111 II III "oDll'hun uf the prace of weight 00 the elgbt deficI( nt IlOvcrelgn8 now III IIlnll expect I ~ to 8upply IIOme ApeclIIl kInd of tried 11 v 1111; III tho lug CIIblD hut n~ mllllgerK III pipe>< Thl Mtood \\lth III! It • • uw (urllltufl , ivr a would be about Cour L'Cnl.e per COlli. lOakIhr I c ld 1< I11H h e l l lellglh IIckllowlet!ged Ihear Hlublilty to WIll be take n to )101lWII nbqutChrbtll'las gou<ls to Cl'rlalll murkots "lid gradually o(lhe UII!<e llUII II III log ooly tharty two ceow 00 tho box of YOllr Lvt aotl RhodlL II \lulu llf\lll! CI\ch t!o 80 lind mo, cf1 luW tbe \ IIt.tgo 01 wh 0 Mr JOIICllll 111 sto k for tbe wlnler to I'lttruld our tmde wilhlll tbol\6 limlt ll. more nearly Hqlll\rc at ~hc IUIICll 111Il1 the I ' I I II \.!II!C" IU lho \lorla for greatn~ o( other \II the (OIIII,w.ll. ut ~ pel\klllS dges of tbo blDlO arc tblllllN 1 be 011- 11111ll! tn he ''''fJ16tllll''Y gW\Dg and load t ....t-rl1.. tboulI&nd dollar1l, 110 that it Rhoou grul Hd, b'IL Mhe WII>I proud 111111 DIII~boro Tb ey declared that almodt hl~ u ~UHI supply belllg elgb~y or IIJnuty '10 overthrow the BotlM eXJIOrt traue ject of tbls IH W lPcr{'1l1!C the rt'Mldt.lln~e III' \1', .Ie ~ith boulltles. bllt It III one cattlu. IIIx hundred or !!tIveo bnndred JD eottoD goodM Ie all11011t lUI tmJlOl!l!lble naU, amounts to no\.hing " uDnllentang, hk e hcr mother I\IIU mado con@lR ntly \.hey could hear crleB for help sheep lind about a <101iOll ho~ lAlrIt Il8 It would be to aink tho British IHI 1.0 wClirlllg by the fllllIgeli of the wbccl~ th~\l1 L~ k!lOw hO\~ to give Rud aootber 110 offer of rt't:oncllllltioll U t Ol8O, WIU! aDd !!Creame of JllUny from the d6llCl Y6llr be cut /loout three hundred I\Dd lind W prevenllh. filii frllID cul lin!; Into Lhll1~ to know how to keep Give me a aDds THE aDDual report of Ihe Baltimore proud alld ptll!i!lODILte, and, R~ \he elld of child mlD,led 'IIlth welni Illume tb,.t The growth of the cotton mRIIUfl\ct nre Lhe ~Icepers In plnce 01 the uOtchtlH cut hI.' Irt t.hat 'M CI~y lIud ulJCn bllt I Will Ohio railroad IIhO'f/R lhe total the y~r, to 11110\\ perhaps UlIlt he WI\8 rang ibrough the houll6 The neighbors fil\y t&.H of hay, Ril of \/\Ill" b h. fLod out 1I11l() aellerted that. they could bear tbe JlDd HOme 8 vellty the tons more. Ihe 11l J ngraud 18 the I(rentf8t wonder .n Lhe ,n thl raIl to hold the ~I'ke. that hu\e hlt\ (' no bolcH III It It lIJust \16 bouulJlul ~~!!~ for the IIl1C&lyllU. ending Sep- oot Ilenrl broken for Rhoda Dalm Ie he @llrlek8 caUle nre kept III l Hub hS.'.OIDC\1L of the bletory 01 commerce In II cenLury of h.8n fuund 1111 " IItr ll ~tlve W th o hl(' III \\ Ith I d menL but [ WIll havo nothing mRrrled Mercy Rny 80. 18~, to be '17.426,662, a deJ~ t I knuw no l how fhe borrifylllg ROunds were kept up binI \\ Illeh 10M Lo 100 well vtOt llllLed unexampled IllRterial progrC118 I~ IS lhe the raIl hol e8 .. re uow drall ed through Sbe Will! a good cllout!h garl bu~ LoL _pared WiQU874 of 16»0,688 llbout the hOID elt~8 d of the H litton" 1111 durlog tbe "'lilIA'" elMO It WOIlIt\ become IUOilt congp.eUUUI eumpl(' of lhl\t pro th e bll.lll' 1111.1 throllgh th('fo( thc mil" TIIn all II I never loyed her II \ III ~\\lIIJ I ""I \\ 0 IOLend d to )lnnt oppre8lllveir \II,um from tht! l1umber 0/ grcl!l!. J he a\URgD annulIl "l\lnc (If tho IlIKtl'lIcd L<) th e r arl bed - :::>0 l in , oet earDlog\!. 14,490,008 The lurplua Sbe bore to hllJl clllldrIC n thaL dIed til Lhelle nClghbors III ltlSt declared th<lY til tllIJ 11I1 ~ rag\lIlLI 1'0 ill uf QUi'll cilIled fUDd 11 '",028,566, which exceed. the They; h ved together until they were m.d could 00 longer bear them, aDd accord· cattle cnufinet! tbel"\' The !!heel' lire ThiUKh expor"" of cotton ~s lind yllrn lilt: 11111111111 r('port III the "Ulml ~ II nulllul ,",uow It begins all rollow! Ingly,1\ fe" dB)M ago, lit order to gl't rid kellL un thc floor Rbo\ e Mr J one8 IIUL8 18 110" ~3'6 000,000 1\1 COlli, Ilnd lbe 8n eoUre mo.....,e indeblednee. of the com die-aged people Ju ~t PII"hBhtti "holY~ I I... . , . .. II" 1.... "'Utl . oo .. of the 8utre.r11lg~8111rit, Hut\.on 8 houl!e IIpOIl hlR own IHnd "iucb h Ut! &long the nUalllU\lllfll! of rllll' cotton eXL-ee<lt2:JO "lOnrrorF.JucullOll But Rhodl\ did not mnrry Sho hlld lhllL the ~ Lnlllllcd llUml)Or 0/ I h Id ren II I tllil G lb. carll a nd l kT botow J pao, b, t6.eQ7 ,282. The repqrt aboWl WtH.t bank of the Ulll llectlOut rlv!'r for 000 000 Illld barn were I)lIrne(\ to the grouud Ag the ""generate 1(omlln. a .tetady and eootlnued onulIl elIplln otber offerl', J pre~urue bllt Ubodn's OillCl""II/' (]qm71ltm:lal h.11I s lilliE', 1111 the fll1RlIlirO frolll h.8 qUllrrlCd III11LerIHI for tht'lf lillie-kiln s for the U mloo ~lnW ft betllCI'U Lb e nged ~ I I\IIII I!O 011 for hv or -Ix huodred vetllell. troublo chung. d h er l:ihe 110 longer loCK 1'111 IlIg lwe"e or fourteel acl'Ol! of oollturies from tb wallH ftf the Oolll;eum "'JlUlid d.xt.ee ll )"'r, IS IU 6ouOO\J or but ullfonunlltely {or tbo public, the lion of too~ of through DlercbltodlllO ClJ,rt'd ror tIOOlety she kepL elol\6 at home ORP.oON hlOl. new cereal willch looks heavy Lo\.tIlCCO e ~('ry vear. lor whICh he II 00,000 IIr enroli.'(1 III ~LIl Pllb- edit~.r ,n ellief happened to learn of our wltbont dCIILroYlIIg \.hat mighty gtrue till Eut aad Weet P_n~r earnlogll 0 WIth her (Mher IIl1d 1lI0tite'r When MI'II hke whel\t, rye and barley, and IHn't hc !lebools 1h o totullneuUle III th e lub· 10lcnLlIJD ant! lUI Ito casuRliv remarked hibi, aD Increue of 1M 774 The report Daolelft sickeoed and died Ilhe devoted either of t.hem, aDd the' leadlDg ~[I gelM prlcell c"nslderllbfy abo,ve thaL pu.d ture, I!o wo mlly re~t IUlllllred Lust hll lSChool ~ lU ~hc ::It.nk. Knd J errl lorll'~ whai.. ~hArl" 1J1llj; 1\ CIlrv I ug knife thai for tobllcco growlI by pll~lIt ferttllzeJ); It Will bo the labor of more than . , . It II belleud that the enormous bel'l!Olf more thall e~er 1.0 her rather,wbo culturlstal' of the State are puzzlwS In rnct, be 18 ooe farmer who ball fount! Olle g nerallon to blUld lip ao export III 1814 WIIiI f82,OOO,0()0 1;be w~1l1 e x Lhere wouldn t be lilly s uch - - DOa. I!Clll!O over our fun ral "" thoro haa beell 1 _ thrown upon i.be roadwa,. o( the ,,&I muoh broken by the blow of 1118 tbemaelvea about It. Its hl8tory 18 out h"w to' make fArm IftS pay II trado III cotton maJlufr.ctur88 '0 rival pendltured for the IAtcs IIl1d lernl.ori COWl", b,_ulu made UPO\l the :8&1 w.fe's death It WM Rhoda wbo kept 8t1'll0~ About four years ago a farmer that of England Nenrtlael_, while were ,14 000 000 1 h hlghCllt ~1l111r leB oHlr 0 II Ibord ... I ~ QCourred to ulI, th••, hIm at home from the pubhe houae and Oor JOHN A JOVCI, the fil!lt victim few pefflOns wbo have obaerved the for lCbool ~her8 roportetl tire lie nfter Ail, the JlUblac care verY llhle for timore and Ohio CompllDY Will caUIlt a Crom rr.lhng Into deeper dil.ipatlon IIvlog III TJiamook count" Oregon, credIted to tbo Oherokl'e Natioll .22Il poetry uol 118'~ il! fi.om tbe pen ot Geo. ktlled a wild gooaJe, ID whOllO crop he of the WhlMiry RlDg OItl108uret ., be I!I'nt wIaer polie, to be geoerally adopt.ed and Thep ber aunt dlMOd left Lwo youDg Cound a pecoliar looking gralD Be to jail 18 mll8ler of an IIl11malel et,.le of movements Of commeree wliJ expect to monthl,. for millo, ILDd .200 monthly for W. Oh.ld .. _ great or IIdden changee ID a branch lIWIIt.ainedln th" future Such extnme Chlldrep, and Rhoda took them to bring plr.oted it, it' multiphed wonderfuDy, comp08ltloo H \I rote duno~ bl' trl&l AT the;:l:"" a -t-e':lec ""-uo - n-th-e-peo ' - p-=Ie of K .... of trade 110 well estabhlh6d and (olly de- female teachc", i~t.iet aod rate.1O unre.une .... up and he tlubeequcntl,. raIled forty bUlbelB to the editor of the 61.. Loull~.Dem. veloped l1li thAt 10 cottOIl J(OOd8/ there THp. mRrble trade of Oahrorlll L 1M AAI\ allopted the coo,l.LIlt!ooal a_oa· Loog before thl! she had put up ber on balf an acre 01 land ItA! lJ'O",th 18 ocral .. Your speolal colraeepQQdent from t.lft &II wert. aeedl-r DIlUle han 1m are countrlell III ICIIpeOt to which It may rapldlr IDcreaslog III IlnporbJJlcl\, ('SpI! me uts MubmitLed to I.h ePl b, lobe ....... yeliow curle, aod tbe I'Otle color bad died pecullllr from teveo to teo ttalb IIpring JefJenon Oity who et:atea tbQi I 'apperiled IUch ...t JDtereets aod Injured out be conJectured that the UDlted StALes of .her face, and Rhod,. W&l aD loopr Ins from ODe root The kelJlel JI :very ~red to faint' wbeo ordered WJaIl, . , . Will g~n upon Great Brlta.n ID tbe el~\ly III "III UII Bud Tllolnmlle, the mllr luture, by a vote of hot. fu from four to ble o( tb laLter coullty flvallOg t1111t of one Hence the 1!81111lou" of tbe Leglllla.IlllrioIMl,lIO mIlCh r.&Ijwar property, that the village beauty But /!he W&l a ralf, tluo and eompact, of & bnght; Itraw what II DOt true All !hI! jull eo &be contest for tllelr clllltom Brull 11'111 ItAly, and etfectlllg the sale DC Ihe 1m lurO ... ilI herel\fle~ be bleonial ioateid of the Ie.PI of the put lear mOlild DOt pleamng ",oman, I!IIlot!1 With long wlllk- color. aadutlemely hard contJllent, and cowardl, COIl'$lpclDdente !!erve for 11.0 example -No Y. Trtbune ported article One &n Fra.ocllICo firm All Dual, atOU at each Ion die tlnuollli fall to lICluro bentafter r. judlClloua and 101 In the pAths of duty) od If men and \.hll 11de of hell, cr.o't mr.ke lIle "eakeo received a thou8ILDd tOOd from Tuolumue approprlatl M WLU be mlld.lbr TBB lit.uaUou ill t.l:ie BrU.lab ro,al "'omeIl fouDcl her "coltl," &I they comor )leoder to peJ.lurers. Y.u ougbt to CODllnatl'fe polley The fello1fing ~n A YOUNG OaMda .armer hp iUYeIltcd year UI uo county CurDJllhe IDalad of ODe. Tbe chule ~.... and p,ubhell tbe-trliJl.b Bu~ the.. &l1li a JD&(lbiDe, WhiCh-II Bajd to work IIIIoLI.. tlelDeD were eleet.ect l>iftOtol'll 00 the plained .o£-dOIDIa,. little children never ~ look, dubiou .. Albert Edward sulltul colored nod varleg:rted mar place in Ja.oUU)',1871, the "ft bu &011& to meet. Iaer Bw.n..lfuprool lild Bhe broUglit up her hiile orpblUlll will bray whel! &be lion "')dowo\ aod r.ct.onlYlo model, for respllll! gralo It hlea. pan of the ~den Gallowa, jtt Ion of Jaouarl .1876, beiDa Do",lah Omrow Dootah lIaku HaIlomet. witla pnUeJIflIe and 111ft 81M buried WOnlll C&II, era" 1 OTer wouide<1 g luh., oute the liIIlb, ptat.n them fa a bundle, a.4ItoB l!alllael W, Blaitb Fr&DC1lI under the old nglm~ Khan BUlb BahacJor, wbo it tile n.t BuIll, lolla I!Jpear Nlch\>laa, GJeg. her father with aueb pl'08tratioo of gnef UUle '[HIt! 18 the wom of all A party of tora." twilte a band 01 .tn.w aDd bind, tbe beria of Bhopaul, and Aieuadrla, R w to make good vl_ 10 a . . . lPIual. T 0 Olinr. JM. Bane,. that a long ala- rollo,red. AT a I'eCient. baUie bl8p.. boUllid. meaf, eutl Lb, f'oda 01 the band and ~JIIO('Dlln Indlalll have organiRd a hraal wa,.-IIIlnd It by W!Jesrapb About thia time Merel Lambert died. ~~De hOUle to her mot.ber Wnua. W. TaJJo,!. 8amuel Ta,lor, band. tllroWI the meal . . de. 1re,. nc:torioul. Lot wu lett a widllwer Be Wellt to bia Jolm 1DJa.. Jr.• ui4 u. A V&DllDpD
i l'W
.t lid. plu t.. b n' 'r knu II. illiaw lun· i~h.l'l I.idd" or. Leba· IG\HIII' ID.'rllilig IJU Ile· WtW hroii~ht r \'ur lin Wllrrall' roe Ii ill Iho MWI.) IlcifChlk.rhl)(lIl, __ , r. 11011. vi ilcd lal·r"\.' IUllt wl'\.·k. C uur I.. 1I~"Il('h .IIE'~ that IplIl alld fll. enrnu timt· Pl1o't thl! tW.' Tb CIDNU"II" '."u" 'If·I4I. I lI,e juu.... - Mc ' !'to. EJw14rd ~Iu",h allti Ed . - Old h ' ~ warr:t ll t~',1 (I~alll .. t Itrl'ccldIlC" ill 11ll'1I w('r v ry lIlut'b at thu Olltd. n I llf th.l.rK""t and m ••• ' l<~lI~nl Qlr""ta· H tit· h.. r~l·. Jllr~' Jl·ciJ~·.1 in fu,nr M lime belic\' d thul ZII)"lor or li"n iu Oiu .... u U .. IIlJ v..·....tv.llnd, Il0l4 IIi ll :u"l\h ha\'c (! 11Il' t.l It'ltlritla.' l' I I rI tI~"H'lCh bllhll....d. III "Ie' III .~. II. Ohi,~ In· \ I Ik \. III' ~III ,HI with ('01);1<1. llii I~, k w 'ro pi lerilliacorll from ,I".nl>. K .."tu kyo T ..'n ........ W t Vlrwh.- li r. W,,\luce Mainl tllrt ne t ."1 I . l ' hi II I 6 1,' " I I' II I k _..... I In 1n0". ' " " "~ (On a 11 .L ~,,\" • alul' e u " ' I' 11 l ' I ~ lUl l \\'11 lI ut e Waru In la .•nd /'Ioul,,,ru ..... . ·(·k f,' r FJ.lrIdll. t wintcr Ih ·re. ~II \I I I ,I' I . I al b ' ' I r •• lruwI. in tlou • Iuob .... 0 .. . 1 tJJere i. ".pe'J ' MI ' I,tnilio II I ~ "1\' 1\ 111111; lIor t w ul~I ' II Y, ,·t l.!)!l al·l~n ~~.. llU·!l· ~IIIj.t !I~: . I Z . I ,·iKI eRIlI... r iL ..IvUll tI 1fT"U rlVehI Irom iJ I~ ~ u III~ U"JI\·"lhul .. r , I""t Il" I'I • t'• ,r CII 1I 08·1 Oil ) •• th II \". t 1IIll1lueru· 1111 va.," 1,;;1. ,A'W'r WCIII tu ['itt.bur" ,No-w \I co"'" .. ·· '· I " " . n " 1 ,,1t .. 11 I• I I'"• t..Ul·j.(I' IlIrn.'. I ·1 1 AI tlln I.und uy Il lllrlllllj.(. 1,1 Ncp. i tl j! ...... ~1 " 1I l'C~~3. T ltel" hI· rl'p rh'c I'u~~.·d hNwCl'U '1I'pIIS' F II~ Lcr',; 1I11t! drllllk frcl·ly. lI e '1'1. I.rri~"r l UI·\tu.hy UII O"!'<tituulI_ - ~I~" J ~l·,.h HIU'r 1m. I till lit 111:1 ' ht! It ulld i-lIl1'h I tl ... t·~ ill~ c".\II\~cl.. W ~ Iml.1 enter tri·J tvqllurrd witl! ."c~al lJl'r,~ '1:1, 1~~~I".,:.l \l ::.:~:to"; '!:~I~ia~,'!~I.n : :: lack vi c11111 111,;1 ",eck, bllt he I I IIIl11l1dl'r of hi cllnhl l'Shtl'l1(' '. IIWI"' IlIlIv IIlto th I'a~ '; hilt wlw. hUIHWCI", ~\'llllleJ 111m. J. \11111· I",re ..... ' " '!ofll!'. . ."rri",,' r llllte. for tb "\J i."e hiw II I'C t" - hu II •...d it. I'luintitl· ' huI'i llg tUkllll ('xc 'p. I . hu tlll"t I ~t r:t i ght f'J r Ih Jillhl, ('.?""".,,·i ,1m ~' .1 ..."1,,,. (~I""; lndi"".p. . t f) I tl ' "I I i 110m 'v t th lin lit · Butt 'rwurllt Ijl u~ \911,'10 .. h•. III!It n : t r ... f,·rt. K, olueky. N...b • . I rnll r. turn ed " - \V . reg l'd tllat I'lir t' IWI~ WII I I tll/lt,,1 I ~ II ~ ". nlle. 'fen"._·: I/h~rl. In. W t Iryh. W .."n" ~ rVlt tu h l ~un ~ J1ut buttw r\!I)rc"'"H' ~ at It\! f l. .i . " "oIJict. ulty r~l.llHrk Utl g h t b ~t urJl'ttO " 'M tLt \\ r~. lIe \~c u t In: l .. lu,-.,.'Il". K~lItu •• ",'y; Pdr'k r burg• • ".f~".ll lr In I Clln iol r d (lu t ul 1'11\('" Ht pr nt. pr ' pur .1, a nd d l'lerl ll.noll to eUlll \Y" ~I V " ,11 II III : (h'I'"."I ·· Il~. T""JI' ; 0-.1 ....11. 1· lur. ~er l'ct '. Th "",' wh ,, :lil Itll'" HU 'ill'~ iouri kinullhrunch'" ")I vi" 'COre with ~I ,," r o. Bntn \ " ....."" •. L .~, ,,,tI ... t-:v,,;,.... 1I .r~d nlehY m't:ll" () ~(i)l!. ( , . 13. P"lrll'" of A. J. h'I' "V ur'lI~l· en .. ,,)!" t" ~' , ~ay . , ' " I I 1 llIoml. 1"<1,,... ,: II.• lUll. X,·mfl . RI'rtnjl"fteld, IJ II~b ,n lr •. WI II .." - 'TIII.n. 1... h·r l le·t tlt l'V W' \I'ull l"lIkl.tILI !h"1. ~II' and 1'1"11111 Lhl! :11111'" l1 t d ... " . tho tllI"ll II~ .Ullnrll,· >lnw 11111, 11111 Iv' N ~ ,,~r~. 11,1 ....... · .. ",I ')IIP"! I" Obill ' III Od.elfoll;... ' HMII u" lhe "'-"'mld alllrd4~ • • "1' 'ut Ir" lli· vII till' I·"au a UlI Ih c,\lt le aW lu,' Iff hi oil' i"n, IIIl l\Ia~ l· 1.",llI pl..n. :\J II~.'· III .. Pm."nd YI:'hian,,: ,'N U • t~·· Hut ucill" the"tl i -- \\'cll , ,., Jl Il hi:lpi K 'Ill'''' k Y.'"''t III M'Or" " f ol,J r luperb ,""l t>f hm ....,h.M 7 ....·10<.I<1'"n .... n (I .. nu.~ ... ... Ih'\\' htlildill" ill Vllri"lI, ·t:l"U'; "I' I"l·.ld\, III1J Wilh a 11111 t'1", "'!lrth ~.tUJ"\lAJ" "f e ·..·" "''',,110 ~,!.,. I,,~. 1111 milL r--' 0 11 kllll\\' 111)\1, 'Ii . ,., . . ... I • . I 'I ,II" II" O""'IC ,· II.~.. . ClllIIl"I.:J1 II . C" lJ) lUII,·d \\" llh ~CII('rl 1111 I I'UL 1•111 1I/~ 1 :lll ·,u""III ... I,. tho "" t N n~ I 'Ul~" tb .. :'\1'. M.ut .... P. K ut Itr"H - " rn r <lr Wl\ III filluther ('111"11 r lit w"rk' _Y.llr. ..~.lt·.' 1 tl'lIl III , ".'1 ,k'r M. \ ' Til n J 11 which h" wU. IIl1t. AI~ l' r ('011 lilt. Iwtl\"lfl' II I' '\" 'I,Y .llll·, 11" 0 ma till 1111'1" , t.l'lurr lIu lU btil. 1I1,,-! IIi'I,,",lly TOI·r""'·"1 .livp 0 11110 ""rlle Third .....1 ie", DI",nt HIM' l •'~n'rI'~.. n --The '11_" tht.ir I: .\... rl!:lIl I ' . I1\111I " . b0 f'lI rtHl'd0'1 I" t".... " f It'" N .. I''011 ... I ""11 II ~I'J "" 1•• 1111J. EI . R"" r III ,,,.\.I'd ill l!: 1\ few w illll\c. ~I . !./l(.kc\' I' '. . ' ,. ,,1·1' •relll.u·k II.lt IIJI' UII 11\ " " IIl \} UutlUII IIIIIV i - d Iirrl "I Z:cIg . I '1' ' 1:1 tl' lIll~lH' -IlIluI (1~IJ.I'!l ,. .. t],r!fly ,,<1 pro'I' r"'11< "omm,,"i· in~" ..IA. ,UI eI ~y' h()(J I ,'1 . M. Ul . ~\ ry markcJ , 'Thero CI: IlJ " I" be a J'cur. t Im ~.., .. _. . tll WIt, th o l'I'''''lwnty .I~ "~ IICXCO II :u t \ll!I 1,,·rlo·.1 II I'•. ill I.v \;'1". h. ror.•hun .lr.. ,!. .. f m,Ie-" in 8~' S"ni.y ner' ill th 1'II111 1ill g 1.It - ill ' II a l I I ' -- :\Ir. 1 Ill . EI' rl t' le lt h r - :'Ill,. IlI ulIlI Il llYlll' "f Ilfld uy allY II tltu ·ta tu. l OU KJ8T. trU!/l 0110 IIICld lit.. A t l' t ' r d "r)" ,hr.rti".. r... "" lit" I'UIO" '" publi .tlon. v " .I.!' y l'11I, I'1"" 'IS\!UIS thl'TIIlTC:/I ' 1 . b 111511)(' ,. . I , . ~ . t i l . 'U Il'\'lilly f.'I' his home ill Muur~ :: 1 blC U[J ru I'llill ri ll~ Iri .. IItl W, IHlt 1.11ll! 01 ' . ... h tl iotl v~r' 11111', 1 tll Iho '."lItncr.:i.. 1 Itllir"."rl w ,,,'w V"I'"r. - lI , "'" tr .·t. IlV r Mum D , vh'" ""rvlc" IU\ tI Wit I tl"l ru oc k· . 1..e1!4111· 'lloll.. " " I 11 I I i I _A" , "-r"I' We ~"Ilel . und~" wv d. L t' 0 tile·...,· ,_ t "'". . J, where he Will UlIlk\l lit vI" 1111 '1Id.l\I· j un \ pro\" o k ~ a vcr.>' 11UIICcl\ ul tHlllI t., /I a]'o 1 ,'.1 ",·m.." I .u <l1U1Il,:,"O a id on tll ~... \ I, ..-ur- ' Q ~ ~ • • 1nc.lf' 1\f'I1J~llt h rC('i'g u I"t~ n \l obhg"t\ ~lIlIU' In eAUh m"oth, .... 2 o·ulock. lind on, 0.0 • \)11 '111 .ott I.d ....t I a ~u ,I,'·' visit. t, wll1e h It.1 II Ii Il' dl ... ct 'fl II. i"' . rlly in Ihl. ' l ·...ll..u au d t .. btl!'t . ' rlu ' r. i '',tf .1['1I1II11II. r .t = tt (. : -I" 10 a· JI~l:t. l it· . Olll y 1.·tL.~l) U h · was lu 1, .. rtJ nr~~Il/"'''OD' I • 1 d • .. OD An ~t. Oln y.. • ~ . r . "'~"U." J f - Prv' J 1111 O. Rid~ ' j 1161'0. , upon .1 IIltl ' til " "' I!{II wa ' Ihllt t l\" \'II I~' I'.... 'u".. I. 1 ~'l'u l .. r y ulIIl~r.Lo"". Knd 1M> W ..yn .. & M I, To..... hip DuIl)OUve c IlCet\IJ1I n \ ' s pr pare us or n '. I . I\'~' tv morrow t; II' lin eToou. _ ~ r. illlllm Hllmlllil wn~ ill l.t INIVU 1.'IIUled v It Ugtc" wille I t.l>I 1III I·. \'l'l\r~ «1111'\' Iho tlU'.Ull UIUIl hlld 1",rll"I'I)' IUPl'rrcl·I"I".1 tl",' .'t"l , ,,u""l:r!'-">lr• ,,\ltd ~ive ('"-.>INlay m t. ,m tb tid StoLar· a rtill. Vh en \,',. gilt roody 10 . . V "II liar ll a i . " . II 'I U" I'''" '...... r. ,,, •. , '"'' 1'' ' !I,c .. pllr.'f l C JIIIl ' 11111 V t J '1 irt l<'l" II"... LI., .. L \l o'I·Toc!t; p. m . ll)· sturt tilr hom , Utl i I3lHld f,'UII,( " • tlultar tOllr In the uvrth ufll pl~rt t \\Ill 0110 lJlIY lu ~ t w'·l·k. Ilv" UJ"llll ch III1J OUll~O ' J"c~k WIIS lIbus·J h Id (~ I~I ... r~) . lath ... r. ,,"I"IIIIIII 'r Iii""" "f tI,,· ('urty MlfA n•• IIml! "rder "f til. Oomp my. L . n .. rl.o!oolt:. PI"Od' , 011 thllt l!(lILl U cllrn I' tilO whore we tho IItale. _ 'Viii. A lltl'lUII hILi h Cl'lI J"llthl'I' I ' . {' ' " I • t ' I \VIt ~' 11 the II W lit lit e ktlltllg CIIIIIU " . nll~rrl.'"" l ~ ctrc " hll /l '11 .. gr at r lbllD th ..t ielent. a.p.o ..u .• Rocrctllry. ' " . I.M T I lb ' d ' .~ .. ..t t ll'\ \\'11 11110 11 Il\CI I U 0 11 till to F o t Jil U 11 ' IIi tl o(n"·oll.!wtl l,,r.culnlllll"'. had b II Ivvklllg·t .. r 111 m. and Illud - ~ r>l. IIr . II)" ur IU~ cell , \U I pllM'U Iv r II I"C\I UILYS . 1II0rni ll g of the :?5Lh u.t., by a . I un alllO"'1 0. 10 111 1".1'.!.ll!.~ ~hc CUlll/n,·re".1 uClCupios .the he Wft.:! ' migltty ~hlt! wlt ell we wid 111111 tllal l)' II.! hl o lor tit lust wt!uk - Elld ie MIley I jn t 1I0W I' .tmy Id lla tlll"lhll~ thu ll PI or l!tury CltlZClloi I1ltholl!?h Il hvekoa! hy tlto flcld-nrTri(J"'(I<>udl'nt;-,jonrnllIiKln: lIIelUllng • r ." .......... ___ ...._... him we hnd becu to dillu r. Du ullll at . hUI' Ild,'allc,·d ug . her reo cvvllrwg from II VUI'y dO V I"C ILttack ~ f VIIO vI' hur' pWIlIII\Cllt citizOIlS, erellt. ":o~o dlsp .od to br~ll:he ~~:':::;~ot~.~."~~r;J;:l{Ir~l\~~,':u ~::; :~~;1 ~~: OI..iD..~i Ihprtl' " 9.11 . lI .t No . 9 lIch romarks hnvu a tcnJt'lIcy tv jcu\,cry hi S reuly ux~ct,·u. vI" sore \hrollt. ns follow; \\ hdo Mr. lletljtlmin mvru. fre~lj. WUllther tho kdlllIg rie., ftO t.o "1"'lIk. A . we uud"..,.I. nd It ... Sou~bern Espr... :4:.'2I·. ,..t No. " south", the son ow and III1",viate the ""7""M r. J. Edwin J&lIl1ey. Mi - Mia E ' H d l f \V i I ' I . Cullctt nnd \V ltlllVcre ca tin " ubllut wu~ JIl tdiable t?1' Il"~, ILt IUllst tho ' ftre 1111 C"tllou 01.11 th .. t "po" vountl')" RI\tht &~P"" • 9 .()-I ,'. ~ . . No. I angn h of Ille who I ItS cOlDe W N . J d M ' W · \" I III II ey, o I lUll g . ..... I Iltlrll cum rulllllty 10 lil fllr sa lur tb.t wo IIftn l)('ouPY-.II<1 W" IIIlond to ..bid. 8priQl:1 Id Aoa. .5"1" No. 5 I, I II a llllnJU IIl1ney an I. II Ie . tOil ill vi"itlllg h r reluti \'cs lIud hlr the cun comltauts lor tllll emn· I Ii b l f 11 tl,erc or lit le".t, tt, look ~o ihHonr "'U8 .....lplaDd Ace., 1015 • . II . No. 17 from bome i.n seureh ~f cOll dlllon ec? Hoger" wellt til heur Fred Dvn~luss ' Ihollds at ~bill 1.llIcc. cilltud ~u in 'a they huu killud in I~I/W . rl~d rea' s. 0 t e pUlLee .Jf U~rtltf(,"s If \\' 6 «,nt~r a I".rty IllcloW • .,. . . . . . . . . . . • Butthe subhmetuUrtbutuofmnn' 10ctureinLebanvII Moutlay nIght. , B b ' I GI hlll vrul th.dllY ILIlU tindin'" thoole tlan ltll uwec dluce. I.ure.itwlitbe .. ithlhe f.....e wn oohind Li","8d M"i1. !I. II A . M.)10. ~ cllaructcristh·t"Vl"l ituJ ewithwhich ] I S did b b l~rv61 111';;1 tv lavo a' '0 II I' I • B '" . I 1'ltl ~ .CRSU guo:l lo provuthlltllven lU.... W u h.. v.. .... t th~ttlilfhU!ltt dispt.llotifln lJpwkI1t"eldACIC.. 1.57 . . ... . No, 4 . • -JO!!t, nt un ay,atlrl~1L I Oluh' t\t nglll\ IttescurCu. un.ClIUCOIV· tI t I dd' )' t.un-y .... srt.·.. d) thing ~ho dryfodd~r lllld p~ LI08. I!I,~ • . II t No. 6 he encounter ndv rlty, allu It be htlrd'r tI With blne zephyr. The I Q . . ud tho iu ua of 1I\tlk in .. II Ulllon IC lIl.s quarre tiOl\l ' an 18llg ree· It.ly·bu •• o .ud 81.,,10 ~In.w or the party Paello&.~, 6.09 •• IIrio JO c()LlIctha(-hlze ltor{' l'o rterto ~'coule Ii rl '11 I I 't ttl I -MI". rIllltlllllU:I ~ cll\lull'; I'e 1'1 k .. d' '" tI ' tl ublHllf \u'1l IS lo\'ud· bysolllcbody .• lIlble, wbcru·lhec". kII01l·ctl\,bi. o\Vuer r NlglltiUlilAoo, I.SII. II. No. a philosophical and 1 bear my cr.. ss ,;1 crtwlftiP cased eu~e I u d'U ceivillg lIeWIII'CC ' ,I"" ovory week. tl1ILt n .dd~IVIIlI~ l Ik""~r., .atl . dW' I I It is said that the wiJow uCtlrly lind th~"". hl8 tn ...wr·H orlb ~. w"uld t dill top tQlllp On .Ignal 'tl . bl' I ' 11 ",azet e () ce ILn l'ooelve a rewar' L ' At I . 1 . ull 1 ea vO I' Ilm,e owu t d·,t t d tb prefer'" a"""" o f n ....ito' to bm"lIfI ti.. Ito. Ii:: and ~o. ii W::At QIIrry .he ";.11. wl~ 1 IHlldlH Jl~tl\JnCIl, aile am stl -C. P. Leak hn remov('d hi8 - 10~11 I I ~, ~I J' mll~,gtolli' l\Ini U tl"t:!ut 0 11 th~ donblo·quick, to ~f~ t It; ruc 0 vtu1r C~:'PI!~ tho ... ildernll8fo. 'fh.c .Cumln· ",illJ hIlA no f&1Vrullc II!u ut lUll ~ I"I~U" uurc I ~iVll tho ulurm . Stup plIIg til ·t IIt l 1\ I [J I WI&lI broug 1I lUlUO.-o.al. V"'"·. III • • k o f p" h~I '..au. /lu(1 nil dNMd of NOI. l .~. 7 and 10 run d.. I\, . All olbers Ii IVO all grOWI ng. .k t I tb I d -Th I .t d , . .. mcut mill ct. ll~to par v gru· ~ Illtlt ~·il'l!t· Qa" . 0 I ' . I . ..- _ . Ilh oln. dill 1. "~I't UII ay.. . e pr~ rill (' ml:etlllg IS \II ' ce ry store 01 lUll lather, G. Ltlu k, . . ..!. M "~Ud v lot~" alld exp Illlll!'g hIS A OlmTAIN 'URE f'UR ().IT&tnm. 1 1'1.e IIewo or the day i. "ur 8p4!Ci.. lty. We O. O. H .'\INE ~ Md" Agellt. crro IlIg III lUt're t I1IgLatly. where Ito will cuntiu\lo to kl:lep f r l -Nuw el)gtlll: hllusc li e r1y COlli' prllJect, Itc !.lUlld thelll d light d' I - A me(ltc~1 unthurity a 'sorts thllt "110" 0 no erf"rL II"r ""I"'D • • , ho.... 01' O~~aRI ' I?~rr ET"I.Lt~Snd· NE"o·r.Ahl<c'I'o· .•e"t 8 'I) a -Thursday In~t. MI'. Sum'l Gra· sule good 'fresh meat Ban age lal'd pltlt d. for they . hui llg Jtl irulls of ccle· tho l3ovorll<i .... ta ...·b cold call be IIbI"OIlIl. 'tI'l ololt",III,hy IWIII·:",.. ph. bYdmJOil "ud oil • •' .. • .... • ' , '8 . • . . b ' ,I ti r I I I - "" I up r~" .. 10 II I' III e II<" IICO. 8n to pre· m., . Dl for W ..., IUId Qulh ", 1~.'lO~. 'I'. hnm s 8tor~ t ok ti rt'. lind .cfilue vNy I\lId pOUltry. Follow Pill k to his qlllrt! Ji{II~llll:"\lgh hilS 1L rlllg· nltlllg Ullu .lIllng t lcm e I'.el:l a l removed ill abutlt teu IlOill"t! oy. a e"IIt It In Ihfl ",nolt ",trllolive and aUlb.mtla A. L. FAltR ... M. nenr bllfUlIIg dOWII. As II wus Iltl' neW iltal"l \V"I'm Ull UtI \,1 Itl linn '. . !tttl e .; lIvrt III QlIle lither thlJlgs, lIt ixturo of arbollc acid 10 dro p f.. rlll . Wr 1'r"I'o"o to prill~ .11 the u~w z::::,,"0 "EsCllAe ror Bela. Slell.. S. rouf WHS II a rl y nil bllrl.lt off;. IIl1d -Those' I cople who hav been I --Good ,bye, J " 6 ; rlun t tuy ' lIntclt 'd frU!H .tll . ·1.lve 11 !.ot "I:~d t ltl~IIIIl' 1,1" ivdine lind ~hlortlform > :;:~h:;:.~;~J:~en~~... ~,~l'~;;'~~~1J1it~"~! . No per on CIIn " ' . "o."hee· Gcrm II 8y- W!lS ulIly ~a\'e~ . b.,.v the Ilitrepldlty led to h .\j c ve thlLt 11 pr lTIenlJ~ e 10llg lip a~Lllld III M AKTI1A. 01 li g ht .I.\I';~\l l t, li nd ~turt ~d Ivr b leh 7. 5 dr"p~. A fulY uroV:\ vI" :dn"" lbo l"'rc" nL~lfe of A"'Mhlllf 11\ th 1....... PUp wltllou' g,.tting Immedinte rcli~ f And ot J Otl. GIJhet~S (llId A rth , \V uud , concert Dl!lIlIlB II dllllce wi II p r tlte 'UI;IIII' I\1 In It Il h.lOt. N ~lLt !O, t!' 1:! Ill ixt ll rll hO\llJ be ltel~tctI "ver i ne 'lUll of Iho ],,,b1... I~n I~" : nll~ 1< ••of"" cu ••. W. II,.". the li rllt QII e of COll.sltS. who walked rIg 10 wlterc tb o fir' I "I I' d I ' th' . B'lI n Y :l, wb 'Ill he rlllllld t!.UIII IU I II SI)i l"lt lump In a t , t tllh the ,,< we .n bo .,ItO "hlob 1< tbe Ihll' v~~ .Id , colda or eonsu,n ption , Or "Or dl8en 0 01 the d TI ds. , tl ' II\pS lee re le.v e W lell oy ILl 0 I t t . f U. . . l tb t . ' W will be on the other ol,t.. . Wo tiCl 1I8U: T hroit alld Lllngd. '1' ~ to be"r I~om thMt hl\~ ruge. Ie go • w rc ~nos y 10' told that it \Duaoo! .n.MJ.iug III' tlt o, , . SU~: u ~.~ II lI .. ,spcla ILlII. U I llI Ll lll1t vI wlt~ch ~ lt l) ult..l ~~ 1L1?1,llc.J ,n "o hy I.e><lilll< only ur hielly ?OO~ot• nol been cured. We h .... dlnrlbu~ed e.er)" moved, and luss JUlIllllterltll. kind . It only means tltat th c b~lIld f. d 11 jlfi a..tn l G,rzetie : - Sllna. ~h~! \\l IC \lllIlll th'llI . w:lh \l ~ tll t.) l it e 110 tnl d I\~ vullltlhzutilln IS pIck",,, ..li d ~b op·ll ft/Ug. tho .Iy. J.~lferlUlf ...r for three ycarw u'er 2311.000 ample hot ' j AI r. L 0 ~e. Grn h nm I1I1Sp"rChn 3' \vtll ' pllLy whilethefcs tl\. . ali ~g'"lIIg . t d ' U 1'1 IlI l TO\\'I) Ilip I'Ill:! alellst II vi Illlr lt vd y · 1 If d 1'1 . I I.' or . " oak •. l1 .. d Ihe bol d '·I.proJlrlllou\lM Ly il b I) g"'i.ul"all "art. oflho Uulted '" III l l lit thll "eXpl'lI I b "1 , , (. cd c . III U)llll"lltlOlI SlVUU · burl<l,.. .. hu 1I11lh ~ ('rll ~ bywhlrllJl<" S~~I.1. N~ other Manllf...Cl u..... r of Medici\! cd the dwcllinp; .and blllcksmitb' vII . • Ipl l:tlll"\Jsque h.unl et. Wb ..... ll a fl'w !lv l' lIny ~lll;\L;1 " P"" ot I 1.1111 0' 1bll 1"11l'ClItcd ill at.vnt twen ty Illill ' II<ln_ who d" not rIIrn money rom.. into U~e u~r g,,,. 'heir prep ntlons such II ..., ~ "' shop of' AI th W oIJds' pIJS8088lOn ~1 C I EM' I lanlltl ut b\! uly auJ lertill ty 'Iro fl!:"ed (a1\ thl'Y lh'lI hnd cuohd), 1"lL'oI II"h on ufttl l' the patl nt SIl4'e:W8 1"""" '"'" f It. t'6po.il1l ly wh n Ihey do. 80 thlA. l:oto,nur Drlllfgl@t. A. Doll.nndg. , . A '1 l ' t ' - u r. har os ' . crl ltt, ast.. I It d ll ' I' unt ItIS wif IIIndu him pllt (lue . I ' f . hi Itll r""" t. dl. ·lim"I "t1pn~ "/f'UU.tl .... un", ..1 ah.. tlleror15 cenl •• ndtryil. rWOd0808 gIven IJrr II. weok ItHda\,l'ryhlllldiloli lo lllom . IU ore ~'II\"1l1gtreUB, tll',lUgh I k I I I la 111I1Il )CI" 0 tlllll·~. troll eSlOm Iry /llt]" , I,," " Ilnd .wiu,lIoK th t llredllOwIU",U.,ejoll. amrlebottlul·!cts. aolt ! -"MyoId friend Willi Tibblll" rial '~'lId IV pllc .d in 't !hlry'tl l wh ll:1t m ... ;\I(·r tI arlding l'illa - lac ' IO.. tlOl\· CIYlgIIU"( IIC(I\~tI!J' tklut "y lLl)Jtum~ rupi ulydisatlpour. K"i.N1IJy tl .... ~ .. hn~~lthci;1i"illg out10' ~~ 1 has ~vld his I'llI'm to Punl Lcw's f ' I ~ . " . ' th " l . II cup' Ig f,vul the jar' unJ It , oxpc(.'"!.tc II I1 C \J u) ti lt l a \;1' - _ . _ _• 1,,1"1,. /I' T'1I"ho " 'r';Ol'" " ' 1 0 0 ' . M TulJ I . I ' 1I~ hll~ 'h 01 tltld place, 111 III m(l~~ ·l tlll.l1Iv il of III IV rtd 110 w uld 1 t:llIl'l hl~ll ~ hll IIHlU tl t, I~)I" Ilu ~ .Ls i \\". 111. 1'IIylul'II UW run s a dllily I Our 1~"It'lrI,i relll" rk. "I ..... ven"'. /lDd pl r ILcr~. r. , ad l 11C IUCS ut IllS filtll el' tho lato Ahsulolu J!. . I V • II II 1\ ' I n' lll Ii b') n CI" t II 11 It 9 • U""'U","IUU" nf tit '1 U,'.WIO< of lite d"v an. DonIt Corget. the omenade '..,tu stuck.rllisllJg. ~)cn Itt E q' All tlte willdoWcl iu snppulle a I lVun or 1'l'Et coulu II' \dV II c ~ . I). I il lS ItlllS I\IUI IIle tv arve,vs IIlg ut o · I .~c<.rlli l/I( ~., (lur beat JllUjllll ln . 1.'Yi',,~ al. 11..- ' rt Ild Fasttval 011 Fn'. '\ n e 811.1. 'd' I ' ". " . • .. Ilr Ifoulld; but ~IILO! lik u th e uppl es nil. Ie WII ,II IVII)' 10llt ot. do mu· cl uck ". W. \\"" ) . i.. 'fl'W th n dIlC".Yllf lhe truUt. in ~uace a i am III the market, lIltS bill h, exc0l't on", me · \ I I D d I ~. . Ih:rw A(Jur lor dlllllOl' 0111'1 tmtk! tho In""r.·.... Ih.. 1"'01'1e We R... ltme '" dav and Saturday evenings.and nln looking arulIlJd. She a,Lid: lIIorilll win low8. v I I ~ lll'," ~ (8.. t I ~ ,IUt ll' ~~tL-rJI" 1" J . U Dor~ey upon blljng nlltitiud' W onth('r 80ft, mild nlld muddy "ilIOTO'.'H"hly ~~d... U>od ;""ttb. oune}t.. am not! Thut (,J\,led coupter 1 The Qn 'bll Cit Bllkery will ""~ ..''',- ,u. . IU 01 U SCOlu. g. 1 • I : ' N . hnn. w,th 1J<,lIL"",I1'"rtll! lire ""el. thlli"-,, of 'I. thla week. • T I . _.. " y IIvl·.W·C alld ~ Ul' ·t"stitiull hvld rtlllpOIi el Wit I hit! entire IIIIUtly U wllitcr yot, l "h~11 not he . u•....,'tlLtd of t ..mpeNIlIJ wit" ho p ace to !lpply It. wheru It WIll sull cheaper nllJ bettol' /lUII I thlLll l t!Wlly II"ltl b t 11"" -11 t I It lind a plut of' )lig~' leet wh ich It., _ tbe now. i h tbe inl.(lrtltlt of ttlther We 0 E do the most good. any riold ill this tvwn. ~AI u, fresh IIl1d ~t;Hn e lll 'IIt .~~.: . . u ,~ Cll l"t"c Im.1 lakoll fl'ulU III ~ u\'crc:lllt J1'lCket I I) £; llIeRn .to t."11 lhe pl"ill ~~nlb, no ~a\Ull' TUP; N - E" OBK DSER\' .K •• I Be .> I tl tt 'd t. I d II tl t" l ' . ·",cpt III U ow I . L' . . Whfllll It hI\;! or ... h..m I~ b.. lp~ or burtit. W.. 'fhi. be~t of family newlIpapers 18 . wale a8 Ie po er 801 to O~8 cr:l o.n I.a n a Ie ."&le. ~ I In$tancUd, are Ig lI'I.U ILS uf no tIe evellwg u",ltll'e, alter hlLvlIIg - - ~ -' .~ --~ ~ ---~~ ex PIlOt to btl It, tlwruul:h lIod illlputiKJ in 118 frlli!h and interesting now in its the clay. dies aro \Uvlted to 101lk IU alld ~ce I IICCLlUIt 6. A guod dea of b' k . vi Ited a purk hUll e ill th o lIeigh· EA.RNHART.- N",· 28. HI7~. d""gh. preOPrlllll1l I'INAN IAI.• '1' I.LIORN OE..... hich "'....... h·lrd year Il.B evor before' and I -Amos Crane is admin isttoator a very nico cuke, tu·mlllru w • a~ til<! i IIg nnd ILni IIlvsi ty hU8 b II .. IIClgoulrl boring villllg~. Alld t lilt! 1\'1l3' tile Ulr to the WIfe of Milt. E"mb ....t. "p·OO!. COU"lt-Ullthtl y ,n"-1 nA'bll'!"ter .t lAd"dl!v.· I11l... ' I " (\ 0 t.B k Tl " h. t ~ . . • PHlLL1PS.-Nov 110, 1!i75, the wifo of r~.ltoe II ~ sell. ro pu 10. 08111 eu IOIr ind\l(!d we thlllk it more so. Its of Ihe eslate of Jnflles Purlett, cle· ,ucon I} a ery. lid I~ IL Id' d~I'O I by the lauuable 'ii rl.! of CIII11l'allY, With the excuptlon of Mr Joh,d' ltilliptl. of ~ \IOU . wll.h politi.,.l infoIlPatl"" We do nor.a. letters' alone are worth more thllll c('ascd . C!I1SS cake made ~(lr a specllll OCC!~ .;uvl!ml peroUIIS whu CUll Iy nv . •ollr P!II'~iclIl~r I'l"l IHI, D. \V . Macy, offiw,,] f ... o.... or t8rtj..,.~ p.. trunag", bn~ rethe lIubscrlptibn price of the paper. .o-Tho qne tion now ashd is,who slo n: by J~cuu Hitter, our old nnn · pr~o!ul e edUClltiolllll ad v llliti. d to I lute ot. ,Hlcl~mun?, . Ind. . Now t t (\ n £ 9. ~ ~b~o~~;:'~~~d e:';:"!il. 1!"f~I'fe°;~bli: It repndiates all offers of pr 'mi- opened tllO sky to let Hloster into vtll\;!d baker. OUt<1l11 u tuleuted t IIch", .. t" r he whut UIo!IIIIj.;UI !:lh1ld thi S partICular __.~~ :'_ ~.,~~~ I\t IIArge oms, pictul'C8, &0., and sends to its the tield arrayed in living gre n. to sell "rlrclo~ di btrict sehoul. This bus bl'illl . ThlLllksgivlIIg Ulll1101' from 1111 oth VAUOllN-MONTOOMERY.- Decem. The Cinoinnllti ecmmeroi"H"k ... hMr:r patrouB a splendid family news· ()f which yon've heard, or, perhaps, 01 GUilds b st'llill' Ih e h,."t al pu cd by ulle or two l1Il!mbul"tl v el'8 ~II dneh Jlly wn~ thut no long oor 2.11175.01. the home of Ure brido's pII' ~t:;7.~~lio ~U~II~~~i~I~~ ~.::t\,~~gh~\~. . ~ g tho schuol h·o urd. wlm think thut rltll! wore t.\lld ancl nv. very pur · 1'('nt6. lIellr CClttrrvlJie. by th~ Rev Mr D~· to "er)' \\InmAte rcl.l.ion witl. UtI. aud. ttrPaper of t he Illrgest dimeusitlns oen some one wla o hilS pllssed on · \.., eOllllllOIl hDUI"\lr~" I tl Il~r attelltlllll \\'1\8 pal d to IItl,y' h, vi •• Mr JIl' ''l'h VaulIhn to UIIII! Florenoo cvntAining all the desirable nows, thu road \\here Gl ostlll' died. 'Who L 01W PrICes. We buIIC Wllgll~ it!~utlici ·lIt . Montfl\lmerv. noltty .indi .... ~i llg~lId . usWJllngtbe degelreligiou!) and sec ular, and an oud· hellrd Iii moulls ali(I d yi nrr !!:rOIl1l8~ III sllIIdl I,rolils Ilnd tlui<:i( rl l- retnlltlerattIJU tOI' Il Plll'; 1I II"ho tills illIg I. "childrllll t o more gravy and ____ _ _ _ _ fylllOI't"~~ o! "1"lyt/olIuhty .'hll• G.r"'~lIhY "thud ~~ . ~ W ho ,.., " I .. 0 till 1/\ · . d It M • ~ .ru.u .yml_'· "." .. WIt I d V!\ldri tYI10tt real~ihn~ 01' YOlln"'dlP t1 drllgg d his ~donJc o'e" II11np lurn~. T illS is wilY we I'CCClVt: tlll~ VO Il tlOIl . " C 111<111 III 1'1~I·tI C ~· un thllt v 111".. ,l:vsor Uti "I" pr:;eollt wCllti19. 11I~~:,oneln ?'lI 1188 in "II N .. t~OIh'·I· ' L __ _ lin 0 • a 0 W lie III pure an 1111 Il tulIl'S tv !lVI IIC~ l ocker ? aI', W 10SO III SDa I CUIIV U".:IlItlllll 18. dl ull aw Ie'" Wall no I II I Y \I "'"l'"per K. t • tllne """"me. Itooi. Every family shonld have Noto: ~uid D. J .'s locker ill locuted IN/JV Gifll~ITII(!lI overy \\It" II - glll'uitll)(-d, frinllo I tllIJ tIlutll ed spaclo 1\11' I t,ul l·t! 10llg urawlI ollt, ulmd·)st II "CIlIIlJj"~Ytof Jilfe. "cnd ilt I~ notechoz, Po F . . dd . I b Ii'l\ till VVLlIIlll) . I ':', 'd . or ti e clIrc u I ' I" k' GILLEM - Decemher I. 1875 Dolly. In· nr 0" 8 tI, ° ,URI or t.o 100 \luati m· It or 8peClmell c 'PICS, a ress III t Ie nOI·t wetlt clJrll r of Joel Cu· Our gooc\s received lasl "'1'1 ,1, VI'CI", Wit I a rcuu lI a lley ot IJI'c" . f. t f tl t I' 1"1( 0 1I1l}! 'I ns 'an t rlallgbt('t" vf Alltbvny GIllem. ngell 2 merolal tbllt it i" ..~ one«, UI~ mOllt oompJell8 S. I . Prime & Co., New Yurko rey's woods. P euclI to his mallef'. . . , \ fUllity \\hi ch wVllld not di . clt:u it u III Itl lI \I • Hl It rilly of little mnn th~ und trllltw\lrlby jouMII,1 halted in tIlO Ohlo - --11 II' l· '"'7 0 ar~ gOIll :r out ra~)Jdly. 0 11 :Sal· Howery rllU"h - I"Olllllt'keJ wholl olles; Ullt It W!lt! Il tl Illr actlull HID .!' - i'.,.t t11.~ rr.i.I.'"e~ (If Juhn Ed· Vulley- tbe eCJlt~~ .of tile pupul.tloJl Natl. .: f . ogs ure sc Ing letC at .... ,1 .1 D I II II d .., I . -v llly tillS uud 1I,,~ltlllg I \\ Irds. 1' ... 1•. l ~dl. l'fl c r 1\ .hort IIIl1e8. Ihe I!<l.. t of th. l'0htllllLl p..... er of the N.. A new 8eIecuon mUSle to $7, ')5_ grot's urullY· ('cam Il"r t · , wo WI \ a~ k e tu tltuto It" uUlectlollti I I I' I ' e. n frnm 1,1~ "ri.y. Afro F·Ii. "betb Rltl"o of tion . ' . I D I' til.! 8 ItIrt ~ Iqlce u I " .. tCUII ~ d ' .. . I will be performed by the• - C01.'1· ·IS . .]1"" t 40 , t "P(' II till' trr!lpo('lioll a Inr_ t) :ltl- ugllllltlt 1\ tellc 101'-" I CI"~ folhc b . d II . I 1...1 . II " O'JI... n. " !!,uti 70 ' ~'Iro. "' i ~lo w "f ~t.e h.t e The year 1I:I'06- tl.o y~ar of Lho Cent~n. Sc 1 ' ~ 11 • con II per . . • . Itl Icul"Iliog LlLtill." '[la id iut... lli. y U t~'o U III \\atc I U\l " "!;II1);~ J""I RH1 W'. who died ,n thl' pi .... 11\ ISr. 1 In"" Ann" ..... ry uf tlIORollllhh,-JOdoubtBand at tbe Promenade Con· bllMhcl Iright vut 01 the huld. dillon of ~... ~~ .1/!A"",,/ Te t d '1' .u . d ' ',1 . I . I. OJle ul thl.! IJarty. tlmt gJlIIIUII, l.EA VER - Dee mber 2. lH75. .. fler a Ie·. de.l.lllod t~ be 0110 of til ... o.~ uot.uLle H 11 1111 I c I!lC In II' lu till m.ll II d d d h ItI AnICrtoun hI tory Good olti.o". IIIU.t cert and Festival Go thou -:1 I tbe pleu lire, Iutcly, of ~ ~ a gNicral lilli ' \""a.t that he wurl.! ull t n piliI' cotrru , 181\PI car llll not j ~~lIc~::~~~mn~~~';~ ;~~~~f we lungs. {Oln hRlleI. I ma.e it hUPI'IIy memhrHbl . l lvv~'ng throu;! h I?r. pyche's grlo· r' D G I ' 1 N' A- of shoc;! vile WHIter trY ing ttl (I'd a tllll t 10 glll·.~td 'W"! to ~preu d . . _ .__ _ _ : IS ':l'~ year of ... RlIllCnlfie"nt Am~rie8n db luglcal cull ectlOlI III Leullllull. Th e 0 ry OOt:> IUIC oIJt)n~. "0 Jd tl'lIcher fur Ili a ~el I ":::; . lIrnvlIg th e It'lClHkt vf tho vlllllgO. ,""" ,.lIe8Vllle Markel. ExposltlOUI\I bonor Of. tho "ntemll.l. to - ~~ --Dr. bll~ 80me splulldld spcc~llIen~ m ong Ih o same '\III ho 7U I,ie- ~1I~rn or illv'~ctive wvuldJ~)I:ovtla~f lucking tl.lllir I<,ctlt ill .tlt o vuiu ho.pe Butt . 25 :!~~~\~!~n:.'r.,:r"" ll:f!l'~I.~/l~o:;.e~~ o~~ Otv read('rs WIll please read tile belongtng tu th.e uppor OIUCllIIHltl ('C's of a ilihe b('sl brands Caitco IIU cffect UpU,[l the e lul'hHlltltl c hide ?I htll llg IIIVlted to dille; but dm · ~Ill"d 17 Prusidontlul e\ootion. "f wbiolt t~or8 i. at. following puzzle a8 often ns tbev group. PrUll1l11cnt nUll1ll them P 'd vI' his S iUJIllu illtllll~ct III IlI a rk.d IIlg room JOlfr8 Wl're cI ed agllillst E~gtl 18 r~ .. uy Imprtltlftl.o eVldellce tbat.t .ill be ' rd mg I ' at • \~Orll sover~ • I GI yp t vCI'I.nus ' 'Ne~ I. III all the late ~l...\l les. lUI S e tlo t d CI Ieese "lIIglll8rly mOlD IIU.U •• CIln a~ d QCt.acco y.· Begtn cOlltrll<ot With thitl IIl1l/l.• 18 II gontlo . I ~e .S IlPpuS"t.1 t! lItn l' t'U O II S I 1 t ~us C 18 Onr ' (lonIM are reDlllldod th"t thi8 I. a the bIg P In the centre, and artar liS, JuuveUltI, Decnuactilus. Dyerls, only 8 Cts. \Vfl ex-pect to con- mUll ill thl! vicinity who II ttl'lch r IlIdl\'ldual s UII.! tltllol did these HIL.I11B, 14 prlll"i","!!" MillO to OllnV"811 'or ne .. nbecrlyou bllVe read it ill as mlLny wilys &c. He hus also slocimens fwm t nup 10 seil at Ihis pric~ Il!i long lor yeal'8 and !L Iltllll)llg' l llJ ~llt ~f sltghtod OUC6 have thcil' revclige. Drtod Beef, 2') @ 25 be .... and It iNour Impr.... ieDth.t if aOllrc' bl I' n\" tl N' . I' I ~ It hI" t tl • • I'll ._-_. - - " fulAnd euorll'ctio effort ..el'O made. there &I posel e, report at t 118 omce: ~e lagara group, t!om~ rom ? a:1 we cnn soli over alUUl f'RDI:: iUllucti\'e cionellt!1 real' S tho re - l'a SII IIl. IIIg 11. ~I.! :scene 0 fe PRO DUe ..: ltfAlui~.... ....onld bo oooll@ionto ino...",."orrlereIMrgely. ret n i r P r i n t e r dlalla, Il.nd sOUJe ,'ery fine speci' ~ ta I: waru ul his illllllltllltUlI1 lalJurs ill Intc Ic~ tIVal -8l1 tl> spt-IIk, Ihey A, WI! offer no ",hur ".dncomclltII to Hube t n i r PeP r i n t e mellS of tbe chrillu8 fllUlily fl'om PEB WEn ~ Should WII have nllll",., the pUI'tIuit ut" th()~u IItudies ullllnilllollsly r 's Ir od Without tlto CurreoUld by Side. & Oompany. @Oriben thRII U'O r~l'ut.ahou Qf H~o 00... • Ill' ·s I Iso t r f n ol'dioul'y l)I"elt 11ill wi e merclal for enterpTI.o in co ll~. hng tllo t n i r P e he P r i n t 1[101 . U. go a g IInpse 0 Co como down to onc.(nurlh the huve l)CConlo tl.e lIolace, the l'leatl. I Il~y I r~~"e8 : ne.... and hOllordble du llng with the peoD i r P e b T It e Prj n the slar·tidh fOUlld by AI r. Stephen~ . . . lII'O lind JO~tilllu of his Old 11 e 1st, tltut hereaftor ou I han ks· Flonr, t4 00 pIe in pubhshln8" it flllrly. of tbe Nvrmnl. near Wayu08villl' nmoUIIL, In the nelghho rhood o( M·II~i Q t . "lId P . t.d gL, giving·duy every tub 8honld stnnd Wlteat, old 1 '25 All .PllloRnt. fUI'lIi.b~d with Speclme... I• r P e h T Y The P r I' . . J' II 00' (;·00 yarus .1 . , Mudov.. recill U b.} ·ttl · b t ' Cop\~ 8n" Circaillr" 1t'l""lI g exaot ~lId fnll r P e h T yay The P r sv m~ tllllO 8.II1CO. t IS ren of a go per week, we sha II be his wifo ollly a)1 d~nghter; the upun 1 01\ IJ U tOlD. Wh~at, new, 80 to 1 no deta il. of bu.ille I illform""M . Pelt T yaP a y The P specimen 01 tho star·fish tl'lbe, and coml,elled to 8 II nt 10 ct or latte. baving higb artilltio "'lent 2d, that the hostess should not Rye 75 A"vlIrti.ing Irom 10 ta 40 oebtspel' IllJllte r P e h T 1. a 1. The P r is a lIew variety; alld in view of Ii! .... and iptelleclual ability Ibe allo:woo, uuder all tho pains and Cor~ 4() @ 50 Iino. ""oordlng to ell.play lind (IOi'itioD -the i r P e h'T y The P r i the locality where it was fonnd, I s tart a SHOE SHOP; but .he The other day in th~ cars on tbe pella~tieB, to make buh of tile Out8,' 25@ 80 !h!~~~~.~~:J :I~.~i~~ ~:~!;dl:"I:rurnu. D i r P e h T b e P r i n wvuld ~llggCllt the name of Pilleas Icast of 'he lWO evils would be 0. & AI. v, n R., we noti~ed a d~brM. . Flax Bood, ~ 1 25 p M. HALSTEAD &> CO. t n i r P e h e P r i n t ter. wluch was not found by Vall I I I lIIall rucUning on one of the seats 3d, thut we do now adjourn. Barley, 60 tii) 1 00 roprletoftl uf the CIDoinnlltl COli_ahA!'.. e til i r PeP -t" in t e Dusori. RVLLA.. I Ie at er. wlto Ivoked a8 if be hlld been HVARING LiOB. Potatoes, 80 I tf ret n i r P r i n t e r MeT 0 d 11 d r' 4unlt~n t!.st·I~m· bluwn through a !lue. He WI\S an e~r~vill. Olo\'er Sced, 8 00 - - ..,--. fUll eml ellgineer, sculjded In au high. : M M f AI . 'fyimotIJYcSerdd'l' ed 400 T~e \" ~rren 00. T~achers' \Vednesdll afteruuoli . Adu~ossos 2!. _ . ~ ~r lip th~ rOllc. On qneetlVllIllg ~e - . rs'... urnlln, 0 exandrla. aline. oa, elver, _ 28 AS8oclatlOn WIll hold their next l were \IIud! b Frillnds Hanna Ar The Cincinnati Oomrnorcilll is Iuulld 11t~ lIame WIlij Jasper W Ilk,"· Ky., IS VISIting her brother, Mr. R. Yougluogt'uy, II 20 m oting at Morrow, Satnrd~y, Dec. ! nett lind JUI~es W. Hllin s. Th~ one of til(l IJrightest, ll.cwHiest l and SVII, 11.11. ~Imt he hue! ~akcn tl.le , F. Sha~1 at S. B. TholDpson's. I~~kill~ VallllY;' " 16+ 11th,. 1875, ~hen ~ 8eml anunnl ' deceu8Qd wore a vory IIlItural a • III together bcst p~~pers III the cuun· pluco .vl I~~ br~ther?" ~o' . 14 for , -MISS Ellu llinkl(lY Bpeut a few 1 crry County c.:oal l 16+ elo~tlOlI of officers WIll take p~uce. l peartlllcc, II.nd seerued more life l try , whatever POlllt of th~ COIDP~ thctl·lp. Ibl8Sldo.vt Wllmlllgton , days recontly with ber rlllatives ' ~lllt, per barrel I 2 00.al Tbaandel'l!ignedrl!lpeGtfaljy"..lJ. It III hoped that as many of the lone asleep than in the eternal ~ou look towards. See Its adver- the engl e r.an otI the track and hero. Wool., iO ((i) 45 tlt.lltkntillll of the Jubllo to tbe t~hers ~s can, will be prcscnt at !slccp of d oaUI. Tbe relllains wore t1semcnt in this puper. ~verturn . He. said he tried to -Last Friday ol'eni/l~ the B. O. Turnips, 40 t ..o doot~~~!~~ ~(!j.-:;r.~:;~..::::: tillS mcetlllg. Proqramma: An. borno to Miami Cemetery for bnr' E - -b d Jlllti p llU the wlIldow, but could B.'8, und their lady Ihcnds woro Aprles, barrel, 8 00 to 4 50 he t. pl'Opllted to manufllcture . addl'088 by Mr. Wyecl.trvor Of l is\. TIle pall.bunrurs were: J. very 0 y w be at the 1I0t; d not koow h?w he got vory pleasan tly entertaiumcnt at Apples ~ bU8bol, 1 25 to 1 60 Morrow. A Paper by Mr. W ood 1Sands. 1. H. Hurris N. B. Allthony, Promenade Concert and Fes· out.. T steam 08cnplllg blow u the resideuce of Mr. E. 1.. lllllkley, Hvgs. 7 00 For K en Wom en .' o~ Lebanun. Essay by Mr. OUIl' j W. C. Oorn 11. J uhn F . Missildine tival Oil Friday and Saturday hole In. Ie U11~~ 2 fcot ueep; throw in Corwin. 1'he crowning tenture ..," ' ... ' i.all attea . ~ Oh~ld,.",. 1lI?gham of Lebanon. EssllY by 8.utI Tuomas Peacock. • a portl n. olt It over hIm, and of the evening WIlS the snppor, ~k~ ~b6rttt!.tombuts Speo Uoo gt.ja to lhll6 Cadwallader of Morrow. • evenmga. scalded 1m 8everely. He !.ad a wllich WU3 gotten up aod served ~"'-W {J\" Address by Mr. Grantham of Read adverti8ement of Mr. A. • •• . very nu ,,~ape an~ lIad thllt la the latest. Tbe h~L and tb: Allwork done ' in t • Harveysburg. , J. !:)UttllU, wbo has opened a now BIlSIIICllll-ItO~!I8s 8ho~ld lIot fail to stunned pl'QI!Slon w111eh. 1 bave hostess will plea86 accept the 01ub'8 aatiel..,Uon gUt.rallt~~ ~:~:l-::' 4 Em"" O. FIOKElf, Soc y. L ut and shoo manufuctoryjust he· annouuce their ChrlStma8 goods otteo ~rked characterlzOil tho tbanks for their hospitality A J SUTTON - -- -. . Ivw the Gazotte oltice. He i8 11 tbrongh our columns, t.be next two fentures of. those who meet IWoi- ' • . 'WliOLBSALII W.7JlIIYUl~'Deo . . , : . • . . .~ ~o W~rren Co. ~oachors A~so' l govd workwan, will do his best to w eke. dents 00 rail. Read tile ad,'orti80ment of. Dr. ~=~~~'~~=~==~~ olation Wlll hold tl,olr next meetlllg plcase tho public, and wo hope he Ge G ....111 iti 1 The (If, Beach VB. Mll.Bon, Obue's Uccipee in auotber colomn. JEWELERS 'OPTICIANS ?10TIC .' . at Morrow, SaturdllY, Dec. nth. wiU be patronized. Dr rant ww pol ve Y whicb oft' bere Saturday, Witoover sell~ tbi8 book will not . U . J,'IJ 10/. . ' . J - -- .... ~ . . not be at the Festival, Fri: ~fore Killibl'C.!ug~ and &:only have tba __ ~i8factioD of mak- l , • .I~ ,!:~;I~tU:::::~:·O/I~!ebl~d..to l'be . ~" '~n8tl&D Ohu':<lh at Our eastern ~II.II now comes In day and Saturda" "',.... t. but Jury of coDtllde!able ing montl1. but that of conferring Spootl)cles, rools & Materll1ls. aDd iiI~lll( thollr acCOIIOe. ....... kliu .1 fiolshed and dedlClltgd, /at 6:11 P. II •., Jn8tead 0(-1 ... :50, 8a.a Ieof....lll ~ MI6M-. intereeL for plalnti~ '. grea& favor u~ all who par· w0 L 11)1 I 8 Off January, 11l71l,,, .1 hoyelle.rtalluaollq& It ~t fi~ 000 befvre: Mall clOtletl at u o'cloc Bab' .&. at&orne- Ii I L___ . . or. t .. au e a ". 0 IDa", to ..... by that ti•• • • VJ ' 10 J. or CUfOlNNATI.O, : ii, THOMPSON .
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. Hofdil~ FII~tt~ ' its Old N~mc. which it ha currIed soce 's tllll y through tllll long pCl'iod of tltil't!j fonl' years, thc Jlml'l'ic·{tn Agri CNlt ut·i8t swings o ut itt! banll er 1'0 1' F i l'lJt N crt iMlltl ·B an K B uildillll, tho "Ceutennial Yeur" with tlt e WAYNE:) VILLE, OlliO. vigor of the pri IIIC of I i til, UI.'tl S~TH W. BROW~, with well tounded prom lscs lIf ttl I greater achiuvCUlcllts ill, it~ II P PI~" priate spbere- that o t n plu l li . ATTOR.NEy AT LAW, pmetical, highly illtltrnctivtl a nd trustworthy family jonrnal. It A :.YD S aTAn Y P UBLIC. nnme, tW<>pted ut tho i\tu rt fur II .ace I. ""d:..... III .......1....... epeei"l .fi eld ot work. hilS hccotn e almost a m i8'lIolller, becu ll ~e it i.; now equally t1deful tu C ity, V illage, MISS RACHIE R. EBRIGHT, and COuntry.- l'he closiug numbe r rlaDo-Forte IIU81~ Teaeher, volume 84. now beli,re n~, like EII. t aide o f .\'1II iII : hcot. ita uBual i88l1es. is. full of g ood WA "NE!t".LLR. 0.110. things, varied in conteuts, wh :c la 'IT\J.IKlIi\';i]~ ~~~~®[!,,]. are prepared witb much labol·. thought and care, aDd illmltrltteu ME~T witb over 60 well executed und Tb e unde l'slgned hego t o iu for m well printed original sk tches Ulld t.lw pul, li c gC lI l~ rll l ly . t in LI ':0 IlIu, engravings.-This J ou,I·lur.l is .:. or elll'd .. ,, ' w Me,.t l l ll rko t III Lh e marvel of cheap nC8s. beuuty lind old st.",,, of 1.eak & Ilu wllo • • where h ~ will utility, C06tlllg only $1.60 a yeUl·. kCI' p COll81uD Ll y 0 11 hnud Postage includ'ed, tor its mum thlln THE VERY ,BEST 500 double pages of 118eful inform· ation. and 600 to 600. or more, ot' flne ·eDgmvin~. Evcry fllmily Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork, .bould bave it. Orange Judd Oompa.ny, Publishers, 2-1.5 Broad· 'he coon',·., .lfords : aud 1\\1 ,,111 \00 kepI New York Oity.
DU. J. L. Z·ELL,
~ !)~l~'lri ST~
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011111&. The ~, oub oolllml..IOll \0 . . . . . of D1 paper. Write for .peoI...ell. THE GRAPHIO OOKPANY. 86-41 Park 1'1&01, Ne" York.
Beuth and Home and Kiaml a..et.. on. JIV. f4. »ail! Graphic &lid 1Ilaml' G .. ..... -rear. tlB. .
etr:ilod at " :/iUl lUlltle P l'ices! K I H G S JI 0 B D'S mT::'j)~U~~n~~~~; I_r"o flOur.pag .. ST• NiCHOLAS FOR 1876 II I RIlr Orde r> .or ·1 I·ho l. ler l· "ud O,,,·,,o t. l i\ 8 W EGO pllJlt'r nf fw IILy· elght o" lumoA, "ive" " " --:-<!-wo, k el""Uled I" om,.tl,'· , by .kll l.·d work· V~ 1 ! Lhr uew. fur two ~ont.a 1 · l)iJ~·. S ull.... rij). After t wn , ear 0 1 p,'U. pt!rll y. IIn,·... m · me ll . 5:16 :lm • I • I Unn, p 8t,,~e prep.. id. oil .til, II n" \Il.b ur pled in I.he ':"~11. 1 ~ o. jll"eRlile IIle.. ullre. III0.lJO II yon . ulldllY edltiun <,,.Ir.. , 1Ief• • -
dudllg whloh ,.. , . 10 1J0 . ~, b ... ,·ou ocl . Idllted . ,i lh Itsdf " II h 8alr" ' I '~" 8' CC tllll~ I Or •
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lJIo w ire \I1.lt 1100 ': hi,d V ul l~ lo ~ ••".ginlllll :; I with Ih" 1II111111~r for No' c D1 locr. 1"75. oh " lI . Is Iho onl~' »IlJler exoillsi vel.'·,de. olcd to tbe l Por the Laundry, in It · \lnll , unl ""rlloLion· ru r <Gi ,1 "nd Boy. . POI.. I,:I'ICAI.. & GI·. NERAL lI ANUI'AC'I' 11.; 0 BY' AII.fI·" · & . " en Lh" pl b"~dl og VOIUIli CI . 10 lrE'LJ ' ''RE ,j.' t' }' 7;'0 n YE Ildll iLiQb1 0 ClJlll riiou lu r. froDi ~.n. , 1.11 . (/B. .l..h The F'ne Writer• •r "_crINa. 1, PlIlIliffh & lette r, of In'l"ily "1,,'eL rrom ' T he B .st Stru'ch . t Wo 11 ·lhe N ... ilI I.., Btori .... P" l)m ••• Dd Sk" tcbcA lho peuHle , IlIld ,,"swer. tl ll' m lu ll.•· ,. itboul 17 W r 1• b." IOIIIC of lhe ilJosl 1'1'0 0~IDCII I }:o~li b r,,;,... ''fl lU r'll'\y 1)lns or "e n,·61 G IV E'!· .~ JlE UT IF lJ l, Fl :-l I ~ H 1'1) A uUlo fe. A r l'lln ge uuolltl ttil Ve lJe ·o .D'Hul0 It i ~ t h e. n d VOCtU8 01 rig ht l'I t d j \l~tie(' to Tif f': LIN EN, And tho COi l 1Jclween itaod fo r . · .~ r)' IU ler~. l i,II ' I aie,! of papel.. Oil all , l!lId th e grou l . .. L good .... t he S"". le. t ' commoll AI~rch i.leI.reely balfa cent ror Rn W.N . . . . a llA 1 r. , _. 1I11l11 her. . l 0rdin ar)' " .... blllg. Ailk ),our grocc l' for h . It I. lIPpqa6 the uo.w'le and dl- boneRt --1.0
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TrollUng Cbild·We of Suee."h ·" U"!,,I UClIc rll l iionl . ll!utal4•• 0 .! . . . . . . WiII'colllrilJu"" '" Ihe n~ w ,·ol umc. IA.a- M. A'cel", Will wri'" "ajolle·. BiI'th4ay GUt.. ." ,d o~h e .· . bor' s •i<.. . .."Ollie .rlIC. I 8 .. 0 A .~rono·roy r , . ollns IlIlvlI been I'rolll"ed lay Il.e 'po"uIK~ ~lI bh.b .A1t. l l ol1 I i n c r.
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",T. KINGSFORD &. SON, t~ T. De \U,& Talmagfl E••,.,. I nT I .ell.......... r P •• I...eoIo Mr 'fain. • S e: J k I
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Rge 8 e rlDon M .I wee .c 1I1r. MOODY'III . . . . . . .
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~~d~~~~I~;j.~i:,~.~~ ~:,~~c:~,~I~~~l i~':o~".~r OSWEGKOIN(G~OFRONRDS'8TARCH' ANEW SERIAL STORY con~ rl.'. re litlD; troPI cl.roulllt.i U\1 n.c ....ly two , I !
d, ird l o f the p'~[llo'lIlJl oney . l i lhe or' ''illll-E tAbU.bed i 1848 A d BY REV . W . V. BAR e l! The NI\.lonnl B,,"k ch ·mo. "dev ice to preder-:op itl l'llpulatil,n nenKTtt>lI~" n On. of the mOlt poPlllar of Am. fiooa lul'1 pl!,ce lhe clOotrol Ih e cur~" ,0.v III Ibe banal. l'Ii~ '''' and . fla K".LICAT1l than an' . W rile ~. (l1.l.he }Iunc.y Kln;;s "",I cl'e,lIll1g R non·p m . olher llralde of ' he kind olf•• - ' TWO NEW PHEall1 • • l d u'\~ng no-i 1000racl'. ,·d. eit her or the "n in e nnm N . 1 he _.. I" .. Ora" Rohhe.. Inoron _lng th o 0 ' with o'be r ' ·I' les. e A AMERICAN F i\d RM YARD. pa, of gove'mmcal ,,!lid..li: wbi!. Iho ri ce ~ • •• A( J J I I 01 lal.... lI od ita prollu,· 's. I,,~I CBl~I. ,P'llld ' TEVUSOlf MA C. " ,•• • Ph . D., to .• Ibe pri~~i<.~:~~:he~~;:;,~~~~II~ f~~ ~~~':~'i~?~: g te.whack. ( t hlJ ~Oi,l '·. lU OU "'" ) h l\vc b '0.0 hil:b cl t c h c m)'!a.\ authorl_h' ut Ellro e . care - I 1 '\ L.l"~n.' . Q~_~ Bk~."" Prec.leror d. ' d . • f'U'1l''''1l1''o.,~1ca' - .... ... ' _,t.... ' . ---, 'I'her.. ,.·m I." . ....ol.lu ....tJ • ~1 U "urI. e .~~~a~ "b.nJ;ln~ Ib Ol'illll1al conlrnoL~'It\l I. .. ~.t elll" lIen l Arti cle of ~I~t., . ,n In P~lnlid. •• preII"l y for t hll pa~r loy Mra . ill " :e lould " I,y bOlldholde r•. " ll oJ ",n ki n/( bond . I;,,," bl e in c~,cmI CAI ~n.1 fc diu,; proporl lel 18 full y I \\ blln"" .. IIU c;brolll uc<.I by L . PraJlIl &: 00 .• Dornna T.yl.,r. S"ld i..K" .111 01 le!:'1I1 tC II\:lOI'B, a . 1J' 8t Ilgrrrd 01 0 ,,11 0 ., be b~' arfU Wl'Oo, . , I U".,OU. • . . " II ' I n,v\J1his m 01 2:; or cenl II VAl ue JJirouh ou. I", mil king P uddlngt. Oun ard ur-1'h'!'~~ are gellu lne a"e ... "'kII. Hnd I n th · N o"c an l" 'r =' IIml ,er. lb. opool ug of 1 ';:10~ L II • c 'I ",,8u ~. th III ' n )~ I &0 •• accom pa ny Cll oh ono· pound paok,'Il'" /' OOIt aod .mo l l Olljl<'''8lvo prom inDl e (>ver of . Lhe Ill' ''' "olu me " II I I,el'''' n. ·' ml'' t.loll ' ",.1. dr .. . , llJ; . . Iha l . ....r . . . ~ _ .... Jc."'c d . " Rn I h,' Ite.ll mnndl lI ..r "I-~·.'·--~____ . I~i ·h i III~ rly illll'" • •II.1 le , fi nd r lll·.ng ~I ... I 61 7 6", .K OBt Lib~'al T l!rmB to .Lfr;e7l til
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Fur ouoh ,,,,,1 .. I her cili,; e. ' guioo , t ,I ... 1" 0 Awarded the . Bighe.t .edal at . A, ~D II:XOL ualVO; Ta nnIT(la T. By IW .... B .....'.. plo 'he EI~ ,u ir .. will .oJ '·ocate n ch ',,!!;e in , VienDa. 0 ..8'iiBMlBI ....IONl .llt·i ng th e .'!I'Ollloor, . of 'l pSlI·I.)' of I,OI's in I h ~ " a1 m I IllSIr~LIUb (If gOl el/llllcn l ,. !T .II·' , II WI~llO lil pl'ellll um , 1)0 . '" /16 I'I'Of",id, ' f 3,OO Tile C.lll for oo i.. Gold )li lfl·'. io the "" rly 01081 fi n lll g . &; With eit he r p..., miuon, IIl1m uullted, d .•y. o f Ih" G ,I d Fo ...,,·. Oelebratlon for the Cen tellnial ~)At~ ge pI ' p"id, a.us ~ . T.T,..w~r"'lI. Year. 591 Broadway, N Mo York, Wiah "itbel· I"' ml~.n .. mo?u ""'d . "y Allthor o f Ihe ".flick H" '~rLl " ' Ior io •• " ill I. Irl I d I ril l ' COrp M l ropoll'"11 Ho tel) I exp ,'ea. lit .u lo. orll,~ r . oltl'cllae . ",00 coqtri but..c ... oUh · h i;.;h l)' i ll(e rc:~ ting ISla~ t dh' if you Wh U . n l'lW nn 11",- erstll o W IIIB ' " . _. u( ad "e nlol'e Il~ " Bu•• COI'C." lie •. m ~ l·i t. li nd ., m·c' •• ,1' I'".t .h ld (OI.lI re I.·· M_ • •....., ..... . . . .-no ..... De.le", I. IIr For filII p. rLlolll llrd l1li 10 c()tullU lllonl "Tul·· .. " ' Ieh Glrll." gI81"tioll . . ~ArI the E" ' l'd , .r d oo rioo!; th i. 1111 : HUMO~ , aud tl.IIIVUSS•• ddrcF8 .... .. iIllP""I,, "t c ri.t• • II lI d sIl b orihc for Ib e YOll r : • I.J 11 l) B. R, CORWIN. PllbUaher. .
"TilE aOY EMIGlltANT8."
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lFTbebiablllU(...bl PrlaMpald." . . or w.a..loc Ooutrr Prad-.
J L PET'ERS 843 Broadway,
at aU hOIl.... MId a lupply of
Home Journal!
12 00 PBR D~ Y.
~ ANn
Cincinnati We.ekly Enquir.er SILVERGLOSSS1'ARCH
~be~ubl h,ralilld lbemiICl vlll in. pu~ltl"u
BeDrie Bouse, ICE eRE A M Potatoes ' WA"uted Office" 68 B'I' OlId'll1a~, Pot. AM o:~~:~:-;;:g-&or' ClNCINNATI, OHIO. Staple and Fan~, Groceries w:~~~:!:."!r:: ~...
............Eft. RE~R .AIN.
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'!'lIe ~ ohee,K8t. and belt IUnatrated lll. wMkly edition of
~.~~~~.:d~f~~:~::;I :~:~~c . I 'CE8~le~I';;~i:::~~ 1 1
"1.,., .",:.
' I" glc r "p), . 0110 .. e.r. MIl Five cUI,iea! .. ' * 1 711 I·Rch. T R E Ten .. .. I (il) o" lJl ~ ~~~:!;~~~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ \\'hb .p";";t.cd~ ie lorial ll l"." ·A tlO.$. n~y " . " I 59clII' b. '>I"'_ ::~- '>I ';!-"'''' .~ .: The ,·uriou.lIll1slrat' on ' "J:ack. illt hl" Wllhlll o.II ,be rll l ,edu ·LIO " a ' " luh .. ge" ' 8. --- .-----\ . ... ....... , ... ... _ ......... c ~ Pul :, il ... ··T\I" II lddl e Oox ," ,; ...1 Lettoo r · Bux. ~" nd fo r .I'~ci m /I co" i"" a nd "gl·nl. ' uullil . We a.o Headqul\. te M ror o"ery llt illg In the ENLARGED AID I.PRO~ . 10 ! llt1 d the png""' for " Vt: ry I.. itdc Fi.tl ka." Rrt" l A 'H~NT W,ST 0 a t evc ry r)CJSL-ulticc , ~'ay of .-....,......-.._ ........... ~ ................ ~ __ ~ : : : : - • -;.. ~ ;; ..... be mo rcllttFac tive ~h"~ e.'". The ~'Iel!" h , Add,·.·•• 1111 o rd,,,. to ITB&BOPTIOO1l8 AliD MAGIO ' "Tile Be , Literar, alld Societ.. , LIl ,I". Klld Go rmao a...."·lc~ . fOr l :all~I.II" U. ~' ARA N & McLEAN,' • LAliTBR1I8 . I ,," Q .~~~ "" :; which 10., ,'1; pro""d 80 p" PUllll·. WIll be Ire· I)1tbli8 /U31'8 ()illcitl1lft ti B ' ~. r I ('b Paper in America. 12 Z I :; <Xi to '" t· .. quenl In Iho Il " W , ulu 'ne . . Some .. r the flu · . , • - , . Clng , ·, noU lie urer. 0 • 0 . It. l elldlos del'&rlm" lIls cOlOpri .e Editor!~ I'ot "orka ot' t he G R EAT f:S'I' I'AI NTEn S n.(JIlO.t!l(: •• IWT ..... tJ .,AIWT • •". al. on ""I' i<1 Of " . t b in""res t : Br 111110' Ro . .. Q) O F "H I~ CE NT URY I. nvu t we ll en!fraved W" .,.Ollld ,· nll : .Tt':::.~::::';'~-::.QPT.flQ" · mances nnd Porh'a il uroa of Atllerloa .. Life; ~ C!' Ilte .. I." I", :St. N,,·bol... , . nd 'be fi rst II tlellti oll o f &DVI!JCTI"'EH'" 8TBaB.PT.llOIW. - Edil", illt Red o.. . \I I n.·w evo"" in lb. world of Ih{, do)' " 'ill conLrlbli te rr,·.h And . 1olv,hcr< " lid AIITO ...·.tJON. of l1ell ~ •• Lcltro. Pnindng. ";cul plUN, S oli ~ J oIlI'Ii·l. 1 dl'a wln,.,. lo r tbi s "rill ' A .~ Mllgll - Aro~l.eul·~ to J{' ~K<L '. :-I .... )h TlOon r Oil S OHO OL I.AN TE ll N. FA~II'L¥ L.' ~Ta:aH. ence , Mu. io •• ,111 "he \) r.,",II; Orltln&l Ea. I ~ ~ ,.id~iD" ll" fo r Ib e Vou ng ." Defln ·it. announceTII 'RI ,m O IU: A ~ A '~ )I >: ~,, " ."s. ". 1 ) IlI g PEUPLE'S LA NTER N. ' 1IIys : Ample E xce l·pt. fru... ~h e ll.. t Eu~ I ~ tz:l meul o of m .•ny I ntcre,~III!l' lld nove lle.lures Ihe Itoet "'ork uf II. IlIlId I ' III~ w" rk I' ll " " E b . , ' . h .1t S Ihe best of II. elliS. In Lb. pen o W ,H" 'I : S pley 1.011 01. rl'll ll ll'orl-C"I'OU~ ~ il l be nl ndo in t he l)~cOlll b(·r. S,. N ;cl",I"8 lIoull ced 811~erlor ~" " II II lher , o( i:1 el ...s I,y nc y •., . I . k .t .1<\11'. III " II Ihu g r.'''' l~'If. hRI 8 of d oc Wotld ; ~ ~~ I I Cl will coo LillllC und. r Ihc . uceel/a fll l editol'8hlp Teache .. wnu h~ "e t l" on iaIO.1 I~ II c .nt~ill. l r 1 mil , , . d ilh Tbe F ilsl Look III Ne "- Bouko; nnd ""'1 ae ~.... ~ of CII I~I " l:1 u o~ 0 .• un .... rll . an ~ I ~.... onunL.• of ""ylllgs. hnpI'ening8 nnd dOillgs in ~ ~ c"d .~ : :...: 41:1 MARY . . . PE8 DODGE. .IlL dlrcl:lloll8 for u~ ang u nI on apphellllon. the Den u Mo nd e ; e ml, r. , ill!\' ~he vcr, fie. b· C1 ~ (,) A nd no () lfcr~ ~ III he "p'red It." cdiior an d . . ' Au y elltc'llfi. itl;( mAn can mllke Dione., 0; 1 mll ll~" of inw r., s~ ill IhiM cOli n try Ind ill "; ~'"":I ~ .~ ~ &. a c le nr &nd rr i mj,le COU r'8to, of 1Uf'1 ~IIC " u n, ,,' h.1. IL :\l o.gl, La utern, EU l"ope-the whole co mpl el ~ly ulh'ro l"lug the " :; .. or>.. ~" .. () .. I -~ plll,lisbers to mll intni n ond i~ler .'0 t he lit · wbet'<! by li lly '"I e III11y e .. " I.y ""'l ulI·U. t h. I F Uut o ll ilbia ad ve rtisement for re(ereDc. . .. II .lId .. I.dom. Ihe h UlUor RO ti pn~ho" . tb. ~ ~ .g.~ ~ .~ .!! S ] .3 . :Z; .... cra" lion" Il lld .'ulu · of Ih" m n ~" .in. . maILer)' II. i. lil\o";to ~ 1I'LI·u m 11 : . ",,'h 8 6:1:1.11 l\ e W8 aud . pa rkHnl' go. ip of 'h c times. ~;;~ ~~.sJ;~ ,t~~ !... ,..; 8.III'.,rI ...... Prlu.:J 11011.",. "rJ 1M.. Ie .. m',nths' . 1, ..1.•·. II ",II 1I 1"..,y .. It,· ft f., - - - - - . S I! 11 ' C ltlPT ION I ,e _ _ _ _. .......0...... " '"" ..'"' .... 1'1........, .....-• •1: ...... _ riOl e wR " rk WT i' h ' J So hsel'iltcr. "ilI rr ce h'c TH E Jo alUL .... Th. 'wo 0 0 " rcndy for 1874 " od l b7.l .'e ..... lo m."lo P"o.. . . ! FREE O ~· POS'rAGIii. \oJ ~ eleg. lIl l ~ bOlln~ in red lind gold. Dod form {t"" 3ion: m" ,e ... f .Wllham D?ger. of t ho. S Illte of IlImo... . ' . the "llIlndsomc. ' gill' hooks Ielr Ch il dre n (\" ' r RD nUlu .o me,, 1 thou . II lid." for Ihe l'ul' iI.and WIll, .... ke nvtl ce tbat Dtvld M""o~! did. O.D ~ " . (JOM>: JO " "~AI. alon e, 1 oopy I year, CD Is ' u"d ." We wi ll send 'he lila !al ine ooe ",III prove II millc (I f w~ .. lth 10 Ih o AI1I ~l cn r' l the.2.l ot d_y of Onlober. A .D 18 ,i1, fil e hI" .i cup!",. (l IIC Y. ll r, . 6 ~. YCII '. bcglnninJ! /!I 0" . 1875. MId ehh~r of Ibe on ncou un l or .ho mlln .· eholC() ~I el"d i o • • petition In !.be Ooo.t of Common PlolU! 6 CO P' CS . 000 ),cn r. . 9 r-volulll e. houlld &I abo,'• • 'pn.l~pl\ld. (or ,7,; B'lIIgl1. r I". that Mr . Kinke l b"Ble i " ":d nnd within ~bd for tbe uOllnLy of Warren. In I TERM FOR OLU BS. . CD .• or. Il auh. crlp'\" D ono year • •Rnd .be two Ar.-ang,'d .;preu ly lor , bl. work . Khlk I'a tbe .tate of ·,?hlo ••g. llin.~ tb" said Wl1lium Tna HOM. J Oll fll< AL and ~nv .~ pe. lodlt.. 1 ... .olullle•• fur '111. All ne ....de.lI,1lfO oDd Ye .. Melhod nu.Il'I~' pruYID.g lor .. Judgment fn.r t be (either Har po.·s )1ag8li ne . I1n r per ·. W ee kbtlobell . ... ... iII recel' e "" b. crlpUunl And prl n,,'p..1 .. nd ", rer.at of tbree proml880~y I),. Harper" Bnsar . Atla ntio ~ ont.hlv. Scrlb· 811pply volum". nt tbe .havu I·alel. . n o~~ exoou red and doHv ered . b\ithe saId II. r ·, MOIlLbl y. Thu Gil ". X.V. L IPl' llIcolI '. ..... 8oribll.&, II: Co .• 7"3 I< i4:, OroadwDY. • Wllh a~ Boger to tbo amid D aVId "",n. lUI ~lllglll.i "e. Apl,le' " o·. Jo" runl, FrnDk LeaNe w York. N . \" . will b e IIIAile<.l po'OL pllid , on l"eeo'p\ o f'~' :'O . followt ~n e dnW: Nf". I~. l868·lo~'I.OO. lie'. L.dlc~· .Iollrnal. l' rlLllk l.cs' le'A l l1 u9' CLEAN AND NICE. Add, cs& p"y" b e x munt 8."""ler IIt~_ an _ lK~~g tr .. ""d eWlp. por. Bll\t kwood 's ~1 1I~.ll n c . _ _ _ _ " credit th ereon 0 f ' " ' " Ooto""r 1u. ,,-; We . tUliuol.er Hev ie w. lOr . ny of t he ~~ lI glI.b · .... UMnnl, nONK .. FOB ..... a.. ON.. ... • • I one dated Noy. 2ij. '1t!68. for fIjO. p"y"ble q uarterl es repll ioliehrd he ro) .. 111 be eeu& . Alec. ....... ", :I~:JT' Iwe-Ofnae •. Oulr t wo Oimel . · IL 6(2.4 NE W YORK . n inemnntb. after date: and oae dated r" r $.'i.•2S . lb e full rrlce bcln g f 7. BI. NichII al"ay . dRrke.t berore du.i,: To In,v rond March 25. 1M ". for ti llO, .... yable ele vell olas lo r 14 SO , lui ral ee " i. Littell's LhOr wbo ,,111 .cod ~O cellL8 10 u.e. we .. ,II <end montll. "ft.er dale. &11 of Did notee be.. ring lug Age .o~ 18 75 ' full price. ,II . 20 ceDlI to UI . we will sc od one bot or 9999 ei~bt per (lent. interest. On the 2ht day of . Sllb""rlptioo~ will Inke dalO Imm ediately. wbol. or 1.0, Ille 11Ice. OI .e mo a call. wbieb we lIua ... Dleu will pUI you ill ~be . ·IlY OuwOOr. A .D . 18711....Id Dllvid MlUIOn KI.o or at ouy 111110 eul '8el'lbc .. prefer . Ad~"'I' JEHU MULLIN. \0 make f200 II 1II0n.b. Dlld nol loke half oa.1I1M!d nn ordor of .Ullobment to 18lIue ou t ,be propl'i olOr. and publl. bo.... e"f" your Lll{le . Sullable for men orr ,,·oroe ... Io°1 s P II" h-l i Jr l d' f 'd C t I 'd to b ~h Marcb 17 . . ~ 0' girle. and ill entirely ne"·. Tbous. nd. cnn et c1' u Ott81? O .f 1r1 C 0 U'B, 0 tal our n III' oauIIII reao e IIORRIS PBJ~LIP8 II: 00., DOW . eoure paylog l.ou8iD'·••• and Cllnla llt No•. I to Ill. A Coll ection of 8 0ngs. b~ property of the Mid Will iam Boger In •• ial ·No. a I'~,k Place. New York HRY" . Ilt\nkFi . etc. Prloe , 50 ceD&a pcr county of W .. rren. Tho iaJ4 William Bo~ 1 7"- --,..- . Incom• . Thi 8 i l Lho ' Cb RDC O of a li(e Ume.' ..Dd If vou ... 111 aol. emhrace II. lell your Numlll·r . o r lllforl4, gerienotiflelltba: bel.requlredtoappeu . and an. wer .ald petition on or betore ' t b. &04" ~..... &0 O~ .. . friend •• for It i. 1\ FOJ,r\lIU for ..,m" "orlh,{ P etel'B' P arlor .M.l,ic tbird Saturday.iter the 1st day of DecemTo oell Or. Ohuc'. Recipe.; c. la(or_dllurvlng p • ....,a .. no neadl. h~l l' lng ban. . No • . I \0 I~ . A colieciloD 'f Bas, Daace bel' nod. DAVID MABON. 1100 for Evt n bodf. in e very cOllaty la Ibl Not a reolpe. J,·" clry. or olbe r ~unl bu/(. bill ~rusIQ . Prlc. r.o cent. per' numbe. or I~· By S ' TH W. BROWft. hia Attorn.,. Unlled ~"'lei aad Oall .. dAi. EDlarged b1 & u , . aall u n guaran&4!fd h Ul laeM opporNOI. ·(or ". • • Dated tbia ~7cb da, of 00,-. 187$. i lbo puhlllh.r 10648 pag... ItconlaiM o •• r aU'•. L a Creme de la Or8me, 2()I)O bou ... bold aud I• • Dlted 10 &II ~ A 50 bBautiful vlau•• and 1:000111000 01 8oclal~. .A 11011)(anufaow,... aU killda of Bread .. Oak. • noo. "a•• atld nnne need I,!!pl, unl~. 11..., 1'("0. 1 \0 ::4. A oollec~loa o( Dlmeull PI A.A • card, with der(ul book aod a bou!eh"ld It_. lh,. ($ dally lor W .. ynllllvUle &lid the IDrroitnding ,,~ to ·mak& , 'lO()O a "ell'l" ' lear. H IInd""dA ano Musle. Price, 1\0 canlt per nDmher. ! se lll al,. II,bt. GAlat,·. ·I ndllce.enl<! ••er nellfbborbood. Special attentioD '.Ia ghen .. are m king thai. arid !it) cence and "9!J9'J" or 12 NOI . fer $4 YOllr. name neatly pnnUd on ofl'. red \0 bo9k t.j!tIall. Sanlplu eOI,I'lI lea' to fumi . biDg ~,.: , will abo w yoTuE'Rhow " Ios d°I:l " 'I·.' d tddNII(J' S· ad . .. e~al. ~or a Samplo Oop, of eUb er them, and " 'fit to any add"e", l1y P.CIi~Apaid. fo. ~. ' b&x~ld1PI"b~ ~~ ~ . HUN It (;.. q~ a e . . • . ot tbe " ",v , ' d. ' upSon reC8f,p. • • .0"" 50 ctl" lon t;i".a. pate mot'll. aa 00 ~ . 011 are not .~ lI g ..ued pO, t ..., "bove. a,!d if 1 -p(J~ .o·liey. Ad!!r... Dr. Oha, ' ...... Prf., , .~ ' wllh yuur 1,.rgalD. we will r.:fund ., our monAcldnM. . ' 1 In,' Bouse, Ana Arbor, MlcblplI. l~ 3. AND PARTIESt E. S. B. WAL'l'ON. .,. Addroll J . L. FE1 E RB, . 'l:Wntu.)(I GAZS'rrE. . ooabcmDOtioa. raJeobep , .. ~ ATTORNEy ' AT LAW, ' 843 Broadway. Ne"Yo~k. _ __• __ __. W~1·~~_~~~1 FORSAI-rlItj:-J~---~~-.,-,;-'.,.: o!.,j
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Dr n
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dM 1 ante MIRRORS'
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cewber briogs the year to close in locll a way us to uti8fy tho ex act· I J ing taate of its publi c, \vhilo piq· uine. tbe appet iro of readers for more of the Ba me 80rt of writi ng. lIr. H owell's humoro us aud p\)li li· ed noy el. Pri vut l'hc~ri CIl18. gets 'airly into tho midst of' its bl! in 88 ".IL,·k.,. in tllis numoo., wh ile H en ry Jll mes J r.'. Rode rk k U Iltl80 11 clu es wit h wbat will prove. 11 sll rpr ise to ov 'r . UOII, 'Cbere itl 1& h ighly I' ict ur . "que d 180ri pt ivll of 'olurudo leenory by H . ll .• cullud A YIU' SPOUTINO AND ROOFING phony in Y cllow IInJ R ed; II ve l'y vlAlnable c l o~ illg c1ll1pt· r frurn Mr. a nd every lll ing 01 in onr line d un e io IIrsr..cllu<S .tylo. orne nnd ~ee OUl' 8auoorll'8 hislor of J obu Drow lI'd II Contl'nental" Cook-Sto"e, Virginia OlUllpuiJ.(lI ; and ull v tl tur y with . Ii:ling Ovel1 Doora. Iiyefv i0 8~lIlI lU ut " f Mr~. ]\.,·mhl o'8 autobiography. Charle:i Fru tl ci.. MAIN t., W",YIl Pll vill OM;'. AUI&IDIf JI'., g i vll8 th e h i~tury vI' ""!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! ======·1 lOme faml/ui!I milrvud a ccid cllttl ill "'= ===J=J=I=liI=i=n=C=i!=u='=,,=r=d1J. Rllih:on~ t:ints. England autl Ame.·jcu, aull Prof. : l!. H . Boyesell cOll tribute8 t<> Oll r = DR F DAKIN asaesee ·k nowlcdge 0 1 the Ge rman R tlll ll\I1 ' , .., 0 ,..: ci.:>'Q., Q, r:i. tI. 11 '.d tic Schllol in al.l Cl8 lIy 1111 N<>"Slid 0 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ §co Mnd the Ulull Fl owe r. Th ello /l U!' · Office u nd R eI< ide nol', T/II:,.d St., ~ ao= ~ ~_= IIt.lutil&l culttribuI iofl!l Ilre va riod I?' .Ie " '(3 ~ Q a very amus ing sltort SIIII'Y, K irhy" WAYN~SVILI.E. ~ 0 .. Co.I. uf Fire. fr lUl M itl~ LI.III i!l11 Stookton'tf pon, lilld t ho num ber i~ ~ 'i::l. wtlll prov idl.'tI w ith puetry by O. U."I. .... IN :> P. CI'li II ch, J uil n n. ly Ie 0' ikill , First-Class Pianos & Organs, ";;; W .;; I "; Edgar FllwClltt . J . J. P illtt, " lid 55e Ei : ~ _ .... XENIA,OHI0. • ,; ~ otht:rtI. Tbe deplirlmell is lIf Lite r ' '; z ~I Mture and .Art art: n Ll u ~ll ul1 y tl ivc r~ l' IF" I. ·j . IlItitl un,,·,,1 tU II~d alld repAll'ed . S e3 w .-. ~~ ~$~ ... Ie.·. DIll." 1'0 le rt with ,L W . EI.riSh l . ~ p::3 t-- C'l ~ and bright. Illl d the Ulusicul e r i l it: ~ ~ glvCtl S lllO O str ng praise t o D r. JA.M~S W. HAtNBS. M D .. C; ~ HIlIlIl V un Bulow. ~ A • IOMotO . . . TH." 'I'bj. monthly con tinues to pre· ~ .. tIOll t Ihe work . of th \) best wri to r~ Plr I lID II ill the COU II tt·y , in e ve ry de ptl. rt. ment; aud th e pit hi is li ers otter, II" 1\ little holiday s lI rprille, to sell I" Th e Atla11tic fur u y 'ur Illld a I\(' W -L. C. LUKENS, M. D., Iife·.izo ponmit of . tho poet Long . fellow, to auy olle who will rem it PHYSICIAN & SURGJ:ON. . '~.OO directly t<> the m. The pur· om"" ill N .. tion. l n llnk Bu ild.ing . trl&it CIlIi bc hnd olll!l by sltbscl·ib irA Y NE,s'VILL l!, OIl/a .
HeaJth and Home
rices as ow as ClnClnnatl '
... 1'''''.
With Sliding Oven Doors.
p .
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ttlf~' . , D
ot " ...., Inte,.. -' ••d ill purt ~. n e. I,'., ft"i. I ' ~ ~.
t. , (
A.lI of
)ton AOB P8~B 1'08 1178 . .
No. 1. ~o . 3 R.:lSam _ ""'~lA 820p m Orow lI t'OiD'_r,h. 10,0.i p an 1025. on ... 1.l5p m ..... Lo.... port. a rr l.. 1:140 a aut omo . a .. I. ~n a m :!.35 p m ~ ADd "'00. arrl n . 329 a III 4 !np til CD ••" Oaatl~. u ri.,., 4.33 • m ".20 p 11111"""10"' 0, a rrh . I> Ul • m 6.lillp III JlIcbmaDtl. ani.,. I> ~.i a m 6 ~fo p In l C&.c-I""ali . ar<l.. II 65 a m 9 4U V ru No. T.D \(, .... Rlcbmulld d .llv. J(o.Oaa will lea .~ Oblcago ' dall, .01 O&b. r "'ailL' ,I,U1/ "'~.1' 1 Su."~, . . W. L . 0 URl b N . u . I . ... 1: . A . D W. OAL \JW E LI •• O. M.• Columbul. .I . lULL, "up'I LoClllllputt. I ud .
':11 ............. 4 . . . . . C ......1. . 'I Ie .1 0 III .. ar ia. .. .. or tl~p.. I"r • , • • r."~"''''. tl • • • .ill W In f''' . I \' II in,;... , dud LiI.. 4. r'" th •• l it " .1. ~li... uf a'" itt II. he 11\ lIn 'e.l· "'-_ .
a. "1·,.,-111<,. II
Tllr.: til; Tln' 0 .· TLIU' It 10 I ubli•.hp· - . l u--lo .. er: u ....11 Ib.~ ' ud. v. P\ 11;r..,or tOD " 'c kl,. n U.o f lIuwiftll' nrIl<. wLr n 1'0" D , ,,·d ..-hlllht·nl .. III ". 1~1I1 &I'~ I . hl<r tril tl iu ..dvlw n : OQ copy. u e..r. ref'Ol ",0(\ ill T ,.. • . • t!! taO: f·.l ur pi· .... 10..... 4 .... adili~u .... 1 The ,po lI iuII Il u ur R. r rell@" tI ..• C"l'Y f"r 11,e '''' f.,." to ... 04 .r 01 W@ Iu: "'~IIIJo: up 110· II ...· of Ih ,uir, u, JI<ll H ...... 'r en "ie. :!(l(lO",1 "n .ddition . 1 c"py fur 0,.,1 lit, • ago I•.• T he ~ an . • .< 1., 01. "" • dlli ellll, lhl' y.' r r 10 Ult' !'CI\drr 'Jf lb luI.. I"yc lig I.' Ihu co ... "!'ti..... aut! Il.bdelkl.< of 'fll" IIr U N1'" an Imr orled dio~ tly f ·m En 'lahJ : \1'11111' .rlllllui I .... t ioll: uh.t~al. 11 1'10 II. un IUIII M I' ,"f curr pondolJlt4l,. ul r Til l''' l ;)lg. j hopad , I. Ihu IUUDIIIIII'I, f. n, a 11 h"to. a"d ".: .....i" .... I. "mulljC lll ~ oo..t r"I\I~,*'" of IlI lIrU,'/lli. 'r p41rlod lu 011. lI at lO ll d I I " .... Of all IlII porL. of ll." cuunl" •• "d 0Q1I t IItly " AI"". Offilll Iur the llr.uufactur. &IId Sal.o)f \b e 110. :"" WIll ""n in c mpl~~ nd ••. r~lI('ti(/IiH. <: ·C., cu ".l~ I 'c.,unl . f,"la ~b l n4 I", ",.,de" "lib r 'lIl ",\.8 III ,,,,r li ul\l ClOodition and 1'..... 11:' lh o lIu h.rld,y tlr very 'IiUll uf ('I Ihe Ioe I Allleli 0 0 m ..iu f• •. t ll ...... leUh Ind IrU , I·, ort by IOlOr lOl. ' io n upun.t.Ia.uu lb. l: .. it..d ....... ' .. fl civill!oo world . al,.o , binI; topic .• TIll! u .. try ntl m,", Ili~&! in it..Th"'.c""Ulirdl'r c4id IItil t , 1 ~ B ortl ullon.1 1 o".rt"w .. t qontlnu "u_ 1 Or . ny lither cit ' I Ih I lb I' ·p. , aH ........ r it. WIll he III II ola l·l. a~ Varl~IY "f Inform.U"n nd " If!fc linn... . . n e l l on. l decldili lt UpUII O.IIIII·e " ' r.•ti .. ,, fO ' 1I tb ird ~IIIKI or -u»tir iur in the lI~r ~t 10 wl ..,t - . ----I< r m of po"er ""~ plullll ' . on<.l liII WO'e al . . . i obtained in Ib" mllnlhly IIUln"". 01 III ... . I. I dec idillg "hlJ II"." bo· t it . lI n.lid,.I. of lb. ~ I UlIIl"' tl neto de volt'd I" HvnJ 'Illture. .. J ('~ " I A A.~ 0 ; pArI)' .. r Ilerorm . and •• ,·Irctinl! Ih II calldlTOE Ooulllry G e ull~Ul8JII h proll.bl Y I)e 0181\. P.ljI<' r lI on"l Il1«. WII1.low PKpe r ~ ~ ~ ~~~ d.u.e . ' lI"ernlnl.1\ fl ,t · , lIhj ct... Ibo .. I d.lOe d lUu(,b ItO ~ll othe r .J,,"ru.J. COIll. Uord,·r 4 • k · . nr .. · · l ""Ie, . ju., r " iv \ " ho ",ad T he 'u n ~1Il hl v.· lb.' c,' Dlt.uJe bl ned. to Inlroduce ~"d dl mlnat.. 1m. cd ...... m 110.· 1'...·\001 ·. dl,ccl. , meaa . of b iog tlllll o u~h y w 1\ 10.o r.I, d. ed It r I ,'b,' We.kl, S uu . .. hieb h•• 0" .i",4 • Y ki dl \j THE ONLY STOVE MADE d" "ycr d n t \"OQ~d ' rIII ci ·u. l.tio," 01 (.v.r elgl. ,.,,~ . Ib U· .. .,·· "" 11' ' • ...... oountrY i an I}('mmK fJ "'to", ~re ' tban allY colltemporary. the uon DC Dd A choice ••• nMlllenl o n hll nd and .... de 10 lal raadr bl. II re.de r. In . ' . ', I" blle "",I , u~I"'r~ uf br ......" r.. n,l " u ... b.~ Older A!•• IKr .... m dl um - 00 lDall T'I'I·d" ",\" •• utI ... ., , ... t t~ L Ih. ' ••• I 76 "" • • 0".' I '" I eeu t h ' Ir ""m I .... uo"l. 4. II . ill • P&\oa1C F.lo. i, 1888, ... 4 Ile,t. So U Bi. ... fiR Oountr, OfttielDO Il ..: II. d 1.0 ,k lll~ 111 I. &lnu. \0 lae . l hol'(l\l\:1l III " ' l,are.. All tl, . . . , . 1I ..lIy JIIUlU\d. "' .... l ....u' lby l l., X;OO& 6 TABLB Oll.-CLOTal, • ceD. ral De" . ot \I •••b._ .. 11 be (oull<l h. i l . • arid clevotes opeal... atteotlCI, \0 d II b Iho Pr.",p< '" of tbe Crop •• all tbro"ln~ All . Idtb•• nd . 11 Sl'1\d •• con 'DI. , " D ual,, ~o'1II 01: al ru ll lell!ll h I r wben or mumelll ; 11\\1 .I.· . ,,~ In. t. ilfbt ul'0n .. n of Ib e mnet i... ",.rtal'it :A.I. N G OOD, We b .... a II" IS" .tflolc .. f tbe I.telt im e l\l..d ill .. cl.or, bll"e. liug "nu l.n, t r ucll" a pro.oo Cooklllg .... d lIutillg ~toY~8, fur q uC.liubll-Wbeb to Buy aDd Wb D to All killd. . L', wh, e luln ~11I1 CUl1.lln s made - - 4 / (1 ) - ruaollor. coal Rod wood. Sell. .'1111>01111' ..., unler . . 11 I oor Aina 10 muk< the W.,.kl, c no . h, , TI1R C'ountry ON.tl em n .mb".o.... nll- ifI \N '~!i\'fr/ IfI\1I1~:fiI, !l1 beu flullih b. " P.~'" ii>:ha ~" Itl • .• utI .. 1I m ert'" miullr d OlJUrllln' utli CJr 1& p r lU'til"tl !r U.m~.l!1 U..m.. '.su bill! crmtiml" to )liVe ill ILl' \'o hUUUI a II I • Don't go .. WilY to DlIytOh or Oill ·IOI181.i ohur.. cltlr . . .. .h 0 8 the Duiry, alld I' ulli t r y - ', III ., .ralc • • Ullm • • I,: ' I til .. 40~ l: re loll uuo amouut o r ~ ,""ell. II eo 118 r . .. a1 , II~ . li uth .. " to buy .Love_. bll t 0010" "" oOJr old Hnd re- Yllrd. th e AI'",ry. t h Vi ll ty~rd . and t... 011. nt ilho.t b.•, ie.'. ,, ' I.tori • • I" ..,., \J"elrl' •• delll:lI · ia.t HI;', 1118 liubl ~ 8t1lnd. wh .. ru Wtl l"l!Cullllnend u"lh. lind weo kly pr .ent8 ~ colum n or 1"'0 r r WI N DOW . f' l~ N I 0 E 8, and ,,;:r!.: ullu'·ll Iniorll", . I·,o. 1(1r "' hk h " e inK but wlHlt we kn ow to bo good . We t hu lIou.... wile IUld '1111 ifltelrc.~inll' v ri~ly , J: v ... , ar 1101 .. I,I· to 10 ke.· 0.11 hI II ur t1.,I!y • d l~rll COOt<IJlll tly Hdlliug to our a ir . fl y big .. f Flrc"i<4> . H....i1 ln ll· · It \l!>nu,in" • wall I .11 _i.,·ft . Ilio n. Tbe ~l'rlourlll"' • .II P,lI'fO .. n~ I" P .i .. l.t.uolr. \\' 0 koo l''' "h~rp look·out fur ''''Y ",111_d 1I,,,·,<, w C u tr~n t E",·"t... aod itlO Uea..lou rt""rs Fo BL1NKIIl'TS" I I!J .8. 0 0" 01 II, In ''''''onl fe 11 111.·1' .. 1 he th iull' ne'" in th. Im d' alro OIIr ...£ul .. d verti~inlll"'o"'~ fllrui "b a (li r tor y cr nil u, :t '" i • IIl. b,O .. at"\' . 1" IU~ U l lld .. I~e , o .. ~u ' n j to to introd lIoe in our Lrode only .toves tb. , tho l,r;lIu;I,.1 IIgri ~ ,aI turul And bortiOllltur~1 Hod (;O tlll,II·t8 . our 0 .. II ",.ke ~! "Un •• <e8 I C0111 0l n. ; and 80 a," Ihu t11 lrk t . .. 1 , ' V n will bo uunumio. 1 in ruol, .. lid do the ".tu hli. b,u ont.8 of lh uountry. J'II I" 'I'1 MId lIo l 81~rl 011 Mh;' ond m.d. • kind. • nr- IX ion en 'opi O!l F rC/). Addr..... 10 onl ·r. COLton ' ~h~o ll nl!s MId Tho W,'~kly un : .. i"ht !,"Ire~ wi t h flftywurk. both in oookin !{ lind b. tllillg. . ~ 1·01 1.... C,,"in!!a. ,\,,,I ,le L iuell • x bruod ""I umn \ ' L.uh"r T.".... r &, ............ Ih~ . ... 'd •• I. ,,"1.\, 1\11.20 " y" ..... ~ . A • • BA"'''', IW. ,... Nll pk iu8 . DO.IIi.·". Ll llc",. • . • pu.'ogo l,rtil'MI A. It.i . p,·i,. 1....·ly "'I"Y ~ • - - - -- -1JI., ~c r,. • .I.e • im,ou'kd W '1l J I 14 1 75 . I tb<l 00.,1 of th e p I .... r . 1\0 di-.:ouu I cn .. be 01 all kin d ~o band. and A f'IN K A RT 10lAGAZI NE FO n T HE YO MG . di,e_1 lind "y n ...... e. u y . . _ __ _ _ 11I1lde f,um ~h i~ r .• 1.e \0 cl ub •• "i(Cutll. p . t-
m/'" _
7 (10 P IU.US" a. . 1000 1> m
ObJca.ao. ar,h .
Ready for the Fall & Whiter Trade.
N". IJ. C. ,iDn.. ll-l.... &\I,b mo l1d-Arri,. " ......\O ..D. ardy. !f ... O... lu... rive Anll.l'1IOlI ....iv &011_ , arrive ........ "orl ....h·. OroWtl l'olni . . .. 1••
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J'a9btOllabLt Barber "aui) . IIM"IIiQ51Ijl"J!iiii39U1 IBlAlll&-lIDlIlIlllIlI,
IUD ............ w.n~
o o
I . B. ,~r.D... ........ ......
IaD&bJ ...UorIOata.
aWL Ie
Blood Pills THE BEST
Cnthnr tlc I'm IN THE MA RKET
Jl!I answer to the q <'"tlon Why are farmerd flO hnble to rheullla tl sm t tl e '"' Ct' of 1l.YlIU l!I\y ~ lk ClI lI !!e tl ey 1\{' lr Il e t c\othlll g heliL and H J Ilenly cl III the botly o ver cat afi(' r v ry hnrtl 'lVork Ilnd bccuutle th ey do not kee p the . kln In a vigoroll. clean .Lud healthy ('ond Lion J r farm er" wou ld a vo.d lit tI· de llly coohng LI e body nfWr gre'lt exer tlon If th ey would be carefu l Ilot to g with we t clothwg lind we t feet nnd If they would' not ove r cat when '11 .u. ex bau"led condlLI n IIlId hllth rhuly u ~ lII g much frl cttoD they woqld ha ve Ie rheuma~ttim
Tn veJoclpede h been generall y In troduced Into the Itahan army AH a meanH of retreat it u! unparalleled aud the Italian !!Oldler" have I ~arned to regard it WIth Iincere affection
l r' E, , ILLE. OHI O
Y. IlE( 'EMB ER 15, I 75
TilE 11 fly
r ••If I(
walll]' 1ieeau~ 0 WI r 11' iill~OII 8uhJec of finaooe by the IIl\lolll wltll wbom we bave dealtn~ I 11m not prep red to 1liiy that [can 8 UI!Gf!~ the be t leg1 81a~10Jl to R cure the enll 1U 0H t bearUll' to be cbmmen ded It. "111 be II !IOU roe of ~rellt gratl6 cation to mo to he abl to a ppr IVe Illy meuure of Go ng reSll loo k 109 etTectn ell toward Ie
tel! umpU OII UDIIlIII ted IDdation would prob Ibly bl ng nbou~ ~peCle pay menta more ~pee dlly than any legu!1nloD look ing to ~he rede mptI on of the logal tenders III 0111 but It would be at the expenso of bo nor The legalte ndef8 would have 1 0 ,alua \Je\ond l!ettltng preeeD~ Itab! ht lP. or properly 8~lIkiu g r~pudl ntt ng thrill T he y wo tid bn y nothing al ter dehLil arc . ctllod fhere are a lew m ea~ure 8 wblch SeeD] 10 w e Importa nt ID II l ij COnt e h on a nd \\ Illcb 1 commend to ynur c nOldem tlon A repell of 110 m Jeh uf tit legol tender act lUI makee tl ~8U I otes rel.~ 1\ It blc for deb ts 00 t uded In.er a dll te tl) be fix ed \U an Ict by luwl f I ~ Inter ~bl\D the ht of Jln \I rr) 1 71 IS one we I'i ould Lheu hne q tOluL OUJt .. ~ renl 1.. luClO, uot fi c tillO\18 l I flUI(
(told wou ld
110ger be
a pr&
II\Lum b It currencv n ~ a dUlcount A belll.J.bJ reac Ll on would set 10 at oo~'e and wIth Il deol e 10 make tbe currenc y equal to vhat It purpmt i 10 be \be mercban t. manUfll.llturcFII nnd trade. men lI f every culling could do bUIIIOttlil ou II (1I1r Inlug lD of profiL th e money to be recelvel!. IInvmg uDlnrylD g value IAIOOre/'1! Rod all c\UI!l!etl who work for ~I pulated payor . nlary would receIve more nearly th pIr income because tS t rt pro fit " ou ll no 10u@H be charglld hy th ca pltlllt te to CUI »eUllato for tho ra k f dowu v rd nuct uIIIIOU In the val ue of the currtlley &cood -1 baL tbe ~ere t ury of the 'Ir 1\ ury \1e :ll1tl orazed to r def m -1 not to pxcet! t '0 mIll ( D dollars moothly , f Il'uIII tel e1pr n( Ips by t~ U Dg in Ibplr
Btelld 101111' \10I!l ~ btarlO,' ID1f.'rest at the te of 8 26 IX r cen\.. pl'T annum 0' de-
1Ic.mw ll.l,I0J~ '1UW~~fI!IQ..~~"-""q"p"f.. I'll It rhl~ '11'0 "let 10 tllne reduoe t e 1 1'~1L1 U oder note.- to a volume th a t could be keJ;>t a8nM wltbou t dl'manding reuf'mp~IOII 10 Iu.rl! tlums fuddeDly Till rd-Tb at add i tlOnlll power be ~ ven to th e Secr. 'nry of th e Trullury to aeellll ulllte gold for the IInRl ~demptloD of Cllrrer oy by InCreaAlolt the re, enue, curhuhn jt tbe e x~n8e' of botb It 18 )lr"rorable to do bl) Lh Ilnd 1 recommeod tb e reductlOu of expendI tures be made whereve r it Clln be done wltbout Impair IUP: the p:overnm ent obUgatiolllJ, or crlp. pltng the due executIO n thereol TilE BLACK HILLS.
Th e eI Iscovery ot gold ID ~be Black Hills 11 port Oil of the Ehou~ tceenaLi(lD bat! blld the en c~ to tnduoe 1\ large emi gra tl on of mil al'1l to ~h It point ThUR ',r t he c lfor~ to protect the trell y rigbts of the II III 11\8 uf tilL eectlOD baa Oet.u 811CCel!ll r I but Lbo U (' :ott year Will cert I oly "Itne!t\ n \RI'I!C In cre 186 of ~ lIch em I@r Ilion The nego L\lltJOn ~ for ~bll rehl"Jul.lmcIIL of th e golu 6ehle b<lvlDg till ed IL wIll be n ecelj.~ ry for Congrell8 to IldOIl L somo meR!UreH to rehevo tbe embarrWIIIUlo ot gro\\ log ou~ of tbe cau_ uamed 'lb a Sccre ll1ry of the Interior ~u",gt . t s tb It the supplied DOIV appropn aled f( r tlt e sustel w ee of that people bCln g no I, DI~or obltgato rv under the trllll'y of I ~ bu~ Simply a !lraLulty may be ].;>!uecl or IVJtbhtld lit h\ll dill ret oo
II e n etboll for tb e treatme nt oCthe In It 'UK n loou-clllt tbe beglDDlOg of my 6 r't I( rm h 1M been leathly p nmoo Rud v l ~ 1 !\II~ .rl tor, lind encouraglD~ re~ ult ~ It I as bee prod uctive of CI Ident t pr \e m ~ n t In th e conultlo n of lha ~ ICC and \\111 bu cu n ~lDu ed Wlt.h 0111, "lIcb udltic; tlon '" lur~he r experu'llC8 Il hcnte to be 11C<.'e.~ rv I'AlIEWE LL
A. Lhls \\ III be tbe Illjj ~ IInnual mCl!IIIIj!:e \\h ch I Will baH tbe bonor of trrul.l!mlt.tlllg to Collgrea, berore mv d\lCClltll!O r 18 cl Il!'en 1 ",m I'8pc1.t or recapttu late tbe ,ue~tton8 wlll cb I d eem of VI""\ Impor IlIn ce whlcb 8\ ould be leglsillted upon al I RCtll ed a~ tillS I!C RIIlon FlreL Tka~ the ~ 1 8 ltl' dbRll be requ red to aft'urd lh e opportuD lty of 1\ good common Hcbool eUUCIIL\UD to every child WItbln the r I DillS.
SeCOl'l d-Tba~ 110 sect irian tenelll8b all be ever tau~ht lIJ 811) euhool supported In wbole or In part by tbe State Nat\on or by tbe pro 'Cod. of any tax levleal tllOlI BDy oommul lIty ~IalrB educatio n oompul.t :rry 80 far 118 to deprne all per so n8 who can \lot relld or wrlle (rom be
comlllS volera after 1890 dillfr8Dchilllng Done howeHr ou ground of ilhlerac y who may be \ ote/'1! at the hme the amendm eot takes ejfec~ Third-D eclare Ubureh and t!tate for ever ttepllrate and dl.tlnc~ but etcb f~ witb In tbelr proper .pbere and that III cb urcb property @b&11 bear Ite OWD pro portioD of tnll\!. Fonrtb -Dn'e out hoenlled Immoral lty lucb as polyglm YlDd tbe imjl'lrtl lion of women tor dlcg tlmlte J!Or~ To recur again to tbe CenlllnD JIlY8ar, I~ would I\tlt'm liS tboa@t\ now .. we are lbeU t to eoter the l\eooiKl Of'atary of oar Nationa l existellc e "ould be a mOlt itt.lJI~
time lor lbeItB ~to"nn ..
} Int-En lct lucb II". II will _UN a eJ*dy retuTP to a IOUad eaJ'fftM!1 • • II "dl comDUUtd the ftIIIIK'Otoftb. nrIcL
Believing tbat 1.b_ l' e... wlU_ · mend tial'D1f1fJ na w &boo ....t m.jorl t 1 of tbe r jrbt-Ihmk ill' lad ,*tTlotlc chizena of the Uallied Stat.., I aubml& &Ia. rni tu Co 111ft .. [8Ipf'd ]
Eaialacf. . ."don, »eo. '. JIr&.
M f' t"k( :r _ l
",n I
F ,.-.:" n
,' . • , 11 J I '''~ ,.n, ." .."J , I · ~ r)l . • •h1>. 1h .. · ,1 .~ '.! I ·'!l' \t. "',a'l. TI ' ··' ·I'"I~,, - t·I,-. II .....1.1. l'"to lt III;h'~'":, ~,,P"u I'~ Fir';' 1111 T h".,1 r..,rI·ill ....l.,., .. th1 ,,'rJ1.·,,1'. 1I1 ~ "·h".,l !l u', h'".....•.lln' " ·r) ·"-d.I~ ..."
, '.. . ...... 1 ••
I "'" ... 'FII T B,rTl l'
" .\ ~·llIh '11 CIIII artrihnh ,,, 110' II I II';: (' I ~l·. I IIIIi t I it' \,r ' 1' ''' '.'fll ~ ~,." ..., 11 ' 11 lll.h III 1111' t ,t'~ II~ I h I' . \'n ., ttlt't \' I lIt t .u I ' r.t "~, 'J. ,"a ft l\'l·. .11.1,,', l,rll.I" ,·tllh' 11.1_ ". ." . "'I' , I ,.. \ " ., •1111- 1I1'!'" " I 1II,!!1t 1 Itll , •• 011'" I I I '''' ' 1Ii1 1·. "I 1I' \"tr t "I", . . . I UI' l ·iI·I·llIl'lih lin' II'" ' t ' .1' S \. I I I b r I' . It ILL' IUIe. 'lIl. IIIC.1 • IIII' lillld. rt',h l" 1 • IIIl1l'r'I d.. 11111'
~ tI D ...··m.UIIII '·,ltI ..n th .m
I, , .
"hll l'tt~'
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, ' ••' \.•, r ·ll l r'< r .. l. I"
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S11I8lI. N o " th e, )I nllllf ,elo,,'\" of ,l leJi in,· a ~ 1II1l1l ul/llwlI nee " I It. "lIt [ h.I Vll tli l' lils t l ll'';ti~~ lI f his lIatl \'l! f" I'I:- t -- Li ,," . J . l~ 811 i th . v UI' f ll'IIJ\!I' i ll t i ll' ( ,,,z..tl\'. d ' yuu w Ulll u ~ ,II. ....., .. ",·rg• .•·e tllt' ir I'r··r·' r~' ioM . IIt·h " tC. t o,- II1 tlt w i l h IId l V i d llal ~ tllu t l thu ll., lt t 11 11 01 III" \\ 1 ill t u ei l·iliz,.d l:1!'cl l '.. l ~l' IJI'e"t'li t at l ' c III Co n ~I'(I 't1 . It ll~ t h.,. ..0 10 I ,u,' II , "1:)('.' . " 11,, /1. " "U~.-t W 'I'e bl ',01 I ·' ,1 I ' tl ... I' ] '1 I . I 1 I I ' a h~ttl e fo r 75 .· nl , " .,,1 Irl' il. 1''''0 d""'8 \! . t .·l II I I a II tl IIIo.r,' 0 I I~ . ' '' II'" , l ·r. I ' 11I1'J ly 1'1 0 1," il l ... ' 1'1'11 I 1111 III'I't 1',l t t htl II l I 'I,ill ! CIl l •";11 rt·lio ·o .' ou. ''' 01 1': 0 h,:tt ld I !ct, . ".1'i, th l'"I ~I"(I I" lI t tl lltrJ WII ~ I lwi l lu 11' 1'11 I 1I ~ I, e >eld" l1l ~ tlll\, ' li l rt ll c' l' Ihllil /1, 111 ·l l t., f \ ' lIIl l1 i ,~i rIel' I ' lld lUIl ~.; 1 sliafcs;. out \I' ll llll."I1I01 u"t filly lIt1iI!II Iou l'llIl! 'l 'l 'I;' li ,r Ih ,. ClI l dill C' Atlilll·. - , la.u l l W. t/.I "III' UC'l l1u lll t;I(lC(of., Ii' WI:! IIIL.' III , ,1' d""l! 'I''' II~ hl'a~1; "r all"tll ' i - l''' I,l ai li ,\1{ . Iloellll\~ tak ell Cor a r 11111'0 , \I' lsh to. 1lIl l'n,ve Ih oi r ,',;11;1'111 l u I' 01' (" ,; (\ 11. 1> " " "1 111,11,11 vi I hc C. S. L i tl l tl ' t/II I' b een sOllie (lr ,'ocu.l lllgoS . III j IIlI d . Jlcr haps, i t m if! h t lo u w,,11 -L dl y . II lId II 1111 1 THE ONLY STOVE MADE III I'l lllLs 1:<'lJ\!lI tl ." : III "'.h l<' 11 Iv r " OIllU VI'I! ' . wllt 'll 'we 11!L Vll u IX? .\11' . '.: It i, WlI l i ,'!! Il i" h cad Ullrt t.>l.s :I'ill pU l'tl&! II,'UIII Ihli ol'CI Il I/l 01 ~ h o t""UOIiCY t, . lill il li",lt or el'l t l('i, ' /-{I l;:d ...d hy II 11I !'!!e II l1 d iL' ll C'e ill · ·fE.( , i ll l)' I ' ~ COl\ lIty hav lJ b~\ln "~ry II1 t1 ch III· l Ull > ulI l/th er, t o rt'c .Ile ·t a CClta lll L ultauO ll , Ill:.t 1<'llday fl i ght , th e L,::: ' I~~r ~>!t.;, tlJ ~;;l I.~t I . t Ol"iwd . W e ;~PPl'llIl the 1" 1\ .. ",, . l'ai!o~ag(' o f ~cl·i l .tun: w h id\ r ca.] " "1'ca,,) v l l uf l.l ltr I'l'ud i ll" i ll t l ltlt l . , 11 ~p Oll d ll l Patanleoi r.b. 2, 186a, ud Btpt. t, 1888. .mg n 'l'vl't 0 t· II I'ell' CU' eel u ·IQ JlUSl' d ' ~" "I Ctlllll/{ .. " 't'III'·lt/ee Itlll' ,t\J" "ku th is ' " F i l'st e ll t l " lI t·u. 1"'1'11'" 111'1 1 1I'~ 1 "VI I ~ I , ,\.I . ' b.uvuA I u. I' I' I' . I '~ I' 11I!t./-{,·ul' , I , US9 nuI ' I ,. , . . . , I u : t IU u,·' tl lI u u t ,)1 clllll(, , ,\I' lt t' I'" lIlIJ v II I IU ,nag ' t' l 1" 1' li lla l ,·""t ~ IIC ' J t k ; All en U ll i n(-~. ndlll i ll i ·t mtll r of tll ·o l l ll Jl1 " hll i t •. ~, cl l'll r l\" til 1' . Ilul d Ii el' a u l i"lIcu ~I'I.'J/. uclll a·J 1.> 1. 1 U IS C'I I 'I II~ ' 11l1. g lI l I . · lIt PII(' tIl I'O.,. We huo Il 11..",;' .tonlf f he latett liD' ! · ' In ,v~ th e mutu 11'11111 ' II Y .1)1' ,t II L' I'" /It: l' 111.. 1(: II !C, bUIII H \' a:lt! hel' \1" "1'J J/ vo.I II 11,1/' ~ cu II IU 11'.1' 11 II I pro,·. d Olll.king ulld Uealing Sl ot • for t IIe ~-; ~Ite vI . (1,,., 08 s.l ttul'lhwUlttl. • -. I , ~ " ' . ' J, ... t. -U t H)II. 0" d " lid "' lInci, d ec., l t ".' D a Vi d Mas,"!. SI~lt wa" , 'y.e." A Cll l'" rll l ap p i'ca l i II u f d erlili • uI " CUl ltJ'I. <";el'l u"liy, lI,t.. ~. I •. Lrollgh t to I'ec') \,cr $ 131 , IWlllg till' IllI s w i ll d" U& 110 11Il1'11I . lill I, wdl II V VU,,'tI 1I1tJt! t 1!,~tl'II VIl~all t "((I'cu n l ~b ~. ~th, W . Bill I' I~ lind. h~ 1 , n tI,', ...... I\\\' .tr ". , 1\ ( , H I IIr ClIlIl1 l1 fiJttr a m"1141t of. u clt~II'gc "'.I lie h, ~1I ~d , ho n .· I'_v l i k el y 10 i lll JlI'.. ve. H v w lO l' 1.l lir l\'tI~IICII" co ul d ,!\'el' tll'rll'lIl. 1tl~: I . (j,I!VI'~I~ 1.~Hc3 I'~U\·l'.I:III~ 1t" II~1 111 ,," \ ' .. \._" .... . I." 'lll'I ' : . " n lll ul,I Il"(1 r uS .. tl crtilw,lI t e l u l t t! ta'lcl lllg J(J h l:l II hll l l' ha"o l i vud 1111 " d i l;:J whtl 'll' II I' ISIUII 0 1 1I 10l'C I'a,l' ll il t 11)\' ' 1IIIel!~ 1I ,Ckll",,:I 'k . [ ,r v II Ill v lll u. tlu · By c on.!t f Knt C:U'\1 un cI nttuntio n. )Ill d prtl\'C'd : lilIl,I, : po. t uu .i, \\ II I r-.· ,\' \ r., II IUIH"IIII u,,'h. . '" 1d l 1v l/tl Ull I. ,' C I'I;! II ttllC' 01 I II \.! bUI \\Lu \' (' 1.. " ,\\, f . ~ h l lI"uJ Wo ncc· 111 11 t b · '0 k·Ug-.lIlist ~J I I~' )I\. T hll ~ 1I 11 'al'I):!I~ i ll rh e IIHII')Y 81'I·i. n., " I V t 111111 .,'\ 1'0 . ., t h e ~ II)I'Y t il G " d IIIlUI'lI .," IU.' IIlId, Ill" "IIIU.r.U.lI,\ .l lhhll.l t \ 1 .. nr I dlt~ u.l )' hi~ . ' . '" L1 f. t ll oi l' I III"S hl.!lIl1l ,.., i 'll" J I)U . r\ I,u ., 111::1' ~elllll" , U III1.I UI·u l III . · .1' " r~ Jury l'l:tlll'n od a v cr, I let r. I' $ • 7() a ll d , IIIVI'II II I ' c.' " IU, I\ 1111" e- '1'011:1 t!II'ge ut t.,. 1< W. ~"" P 11 ,.ht , 1' I'J.l k· uut fur ., n,v J . tl;jrll:lt I'VI' t Ii e Pl :lllltlU. ' ' /1' \\7 I I ~o " 1\ l th uu ., "'ll~ . lI t, I'cil l illllt w i tll :! llI de~ .., I lel' ltlillce ' " 111111 1'1'1 IIII (I:! t I I ~ 111 ...:1 1 ulj ,lICI• IIl. IIl . , . I hll1~ " II' \\' 111 li l t' II , JII !i , '! "I~.l,u'o ctl rtJrul 1\lr plailltilf; llr llwil Qnd Mc l3 l1l'1l l')' li nd t " l'i l' 'I\!uro fill l', 1 ' \'i t!J t he I!dh 'd ac tn'~,; th o 11'111'1 " c ,'er I.: II t' II' , I - \\ .llI l c ill Lcha ll llll , . .F 1'1&111 1'. tt , l1i!r Idu , " III "lIr II' Ii , · 111" .. t ll \' ("'''4 t} w ( w HI l tl' '-"" ' III'1n11 ,Ill} t ltl lL 110' 1 d',lhu ~ lIt lo r defu llll ell t . M u t lo" luI' nc\\' hl' i]..!; !t t ,~ t .. 1' 11I·IMpucti. tha t r.. rfcit :';d'alt t:; l dd ,, " ~. " VIII \)lIlIld w i tlt htll' l en'IIII1]..!;. In l WCI'C t.llo 1'\,~I IPI(' l lt 01 I w OI·k.,I ''' Ih In r .d\.III ',[ I"d htJ\II"Lr t rill l tiI ~ 1 by lIeflmdo ll t. l et! all I lial IIl i ~h t hll l'u !.tue n hy IlI l'l'I III\! ut' I'UI':;U1I Ull d 'V ld elll 1 1~ "~ l lI r.d "e 1;" "II I'S IUt! I I'VII) 1111 1' All . ,ro, . enr rert,," , ul\ work mn<le fI ( lC~od The ~ tatc '1M. l i nSlJa I3 Y c igh' l l l H'i r U \\'II w i l r,JI II 'f.(leCL; hy i , lIi llg lI lIdabtll l y v I t118I'U:!i t ILlII , ,\I'UII I.I , 11" ."1 1". ~'I: .. ." 111_ .Jack, the /!1l1.l tl" I Ou r readcn! wli l r Clll emhel' t lt llt u'l'uy titH t i lll\) w lll c " " It " " ld hllvi' tv I li l' Ch,I II ('U vb~e J'\· I' I·. I'CIiU l '/' lI er ! m .IIIIJ cll! k .'~t E..\1. II.t1 u t! JOw, IfCIl.~un l'd mater". l. a lltJ b .v I o f n II kind. ~ " h.IIl '!. ,,1\<1 t l1l8 d cl oll ti c llt wus bOlllld 'WOI' t ,. Ituell I)CC ll l' i e" ill pursdll id 1' " " 1''' ''0 t he IIl vs t h eal'ell · j'a \·o l'ud ti t' 11Iul'''t1 ~ . : I'll'." :lII d 1II 11 , ;)C h V I ~'I'. SPO UTI NG AND HO OF I NG C o urt on til t: c har){e of' clllbczzl\l· " IICIl t. 0 111' t l llll' IS \' 0 1'\' I I:H,l ed '\I I':!. t:;l tl d v lls' PI'''grulll l llll ell l ' ; -- ~I'. C haill;j:! <.:. Sll l'lIl'Or. " I' l 1111.1· ' \t t\, t1 d ll ll l..' loiO in fl u r 1111(> ,1-'119 ill m c n t . D . A ll en h l' i llJ:( sic k , th o l a lld Oll r Ih'o!:! al'e I'a ' i i'I" lI "ny~ "ra ced :\111<:11 Ad v ll J,u u t N,,[ ll l lIg. X L'll ill . \\'~ II 1; 11 1) 11' 11 I() 111Il "Y u t' ' 111 /' tit . . 1· ' 1.1"': ""-' I,· ("", ,, ll l l(l .. , e t l Ut Court ap p oi l1ted S. \IV . Bmwn! L ife is t " O Iol'iet' tLl Ild l ll /i: u t' allY t lt e ~ l cep ' lI'lI l kilig :::lCI'II C 1'1"11 11 .\1.11: : I'\·/I"el''; . h ll~ glill1 I II C u "a til tl l'l' lId " ud ,, \I ho n~hl l... d . old i. " I'on . tlu.Bl r d 1 II ITe, 'Vu l.tllll ll.nd ' r..l oJillg vI' ar lll , IIl1 tl lil.: u ;\J ic . bUl h , lill d a DC 'III' f ru m th.\! Cllu I L· ' t."e. \\: II.l l l' l'. w llL:r "'.hll t v fillu j udfrlO ent , ..utlf" r CAS H , .. t wilh .. II 111h!" 1\, 1" 1 f) t\flt'[Io B l ·ll l or d el c lIJnnt. Tlt o .JIII·Y ro o u wbur lI'a t t, ,1' ~Ullll' lh ilW tll rn IIllIp VI lJ tlllry V, all 11'0 Il I Ilt e l l'eil,·t I n .11l I IIII~ It'd"ti SC. .1/ . 11.\ ' .\ 1.. "~ I.II/I , ,,,·i" ... 0 1/10. turned Ii verdic t u f g u i lt.y . ll n d t hc I~ p. N,) illlll'ed ; SI Uljll/' w i::! h i ll ),{ "! lIl\lI u"~~1 bUI'd " ; 1',ellll,~' :i\lIl" LUll.".1 - W Il.I·lI l .., \'i ll~ lI'a~ r<'l' l'e;onlcd L O Tr' E S T 1'1" [['1:.~) ! ___ _ J utl.gl! n.ced th e d ol e!l d.allt to 1.. 1' ,,: d l II v t d c sll'uJ .I·U· I Vol, a l II le rl'udl ll!!!"" •. Times !llKko ro tl[ u t l tl lJ to .JII '" E . r ,ty lor <, ,,11 ::1 , It t v I" IlCCUIlI i'UlI llid ::;,' ", h::l, . . t!" 1 1 .1111 dj' l ll L l, hall"" la, I 1'1'011.1), l ' \·I'fl i llg. h I' W i ,h new nl fl" ',i llrr)" new hllild inll" IHI I. do l I b .. ,. I II dhlJ ll blo t he IHn ')Unt tll o rn " IIl'Y , lly lit Ih c th e 111 1li d , L vun .v l the (' I'IL.I; Ih l' j',.I III II·I IIl! Illd iel! ,., In I""'. 11," " ," 1 I" r",. t" be IlU<1, ·CII II . IOU, nlOI\l-y" .. " " h..) cm cz7. l ed , aud p Ll.Y a ti ne o f $5 I. , the UI'lIl ll , II l1d th e i ll 111111 , tlt o, Ih,u Hu l ls , toe Ill v;n t o '·u. '·lInl".. S a lo' , ;;;1 1i , 0 m .. . I,1 " t., IiO>t" ", 8itl\" " /lnd th e co t a. , 1' 11 11 it!o 11 un u h M llIu n)' w i th vne UII . <I. Il t1 ',1 ~cellc ~I'VIU ti lt UI'IUUII " '~"lJllUl l \V dill' H, ':.!"I", J. L:,I I\' III J II IIIII'I', A n"T' Ion., ."f Il ....d. "on-tau tly on hODd; I ;.1 h,:• • ,.ltI " ", .,1. til 11:,.t 00 1""1'0 " , . II . t 01 J" . ~ ... r.. a ,:w cl rn Jl t. j 'hon u{ . O O~" If.le\'t' I·,'· \"lI i\ l yll fl h" f· ,, \ c \, .IIII1J~ ( I ' The S tal e L·S. AJrrcd L Ollk . Th e : ... th er. 1 :)C14U 11. . A K C;U'llC\·. o.".r"e WIII"t J>I (} ]'C R FS, E r. 1'1. Of) d o. (/t'ue"IIe <. fI'IOI, . . GII I·I,.,'\' , ;1'1" d o fendan t WIiS illdi cted fvr r! h llot . I - Till-ncr H III' n es and 1" ""0 o f J t1 II'v lllu htl l 'Ulll t y , 1l1lj'llttullI l 't ' cr,lit ,' ;\J I'. ,'1/111 '] ' II V"'I IIII" DI" 1 • •' , I . ... , 1\ ,,,.,,. •I (' .. '\C .. II'" I''' UII,,dfplI, c, '' IIJ ." I, " Clid , d t IJ uuocl'I~e · L I n~ Itt " " IJ one ,10' 1." iug UIIC Al b <: r t d. 'IIIIII ; w ith int ellt W C!JU1Vlld , JnJ ., ' lai d th ' i l' • fl'i t IIU . JlI,ly 'S \\"'lIdt!rllJ l V I t t . ~ r. :11 1\ 1 ~I IU. I>rll! w S~ " '('I't, ,' nu ut 'er I&rltol". ct!p"clIllly 1" 'o Vld " d (ur ". " ' .11' j ' ll. '1'1 Ie tl' .laI C"IIl ' lit th id ,,"lOU a vi~ir t la~t l\'l·ek. f)l! WIJ I'S " t fl' l l~CII t It 'll. L1 1' IICI' 1II,1~leU I ~r. 1\I,d ~I I'; C' 'IO k, Midt!lt~ Snpi llO I ..... 1 .' k I t... WUUII, Ullu • It tII ,~bu..r .n-em " lid or mnlonr ' l 1, ,,"'),.
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1 ~ 11'llItll' I" WII~ ' 111 '
tJll k~cd
With Sliding Oveli Doors.
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Established 1836,!
Experienced Workmen
l)l'j ll~ l~ le IIl;: UII~ WUI'~ lJlIlI "~. I\'lil ' l~'l\'ur,
~lu,,~.~,. Ul'ldg~ .~l .~f r ::;1" .lt ·~id J""a ~yl OI ,1t1~lJr ~: ,t l~~"ulI ;~~H! \~wlCd a ll~1 el'\!~d ~I ~1' lItJt.I IIL'II: .\Il-~.;. \\· dl l ll lll.J "IIC~.
1SAVE $ DownMOr~ with HFl rd EY "'hoi
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Ft'rst Hands
H~, :_;r... ~. T ~_'~.'~.lj~ a
~~'~.~· *'3 ;~~' r{:r.I~~ ;~hl~'~ 'i::~:::~~:. d,.R,'ole r~I I~ .c~k
J IIWIICtld 011 Th u l' d ay III ' 1' 11 - Or Vu nd ' rv uol·t g i ve ', Sill) I:iwllIlY l, ver li er aIlJ lell t'e. • \\' t.: III'e K ,'u l'lI c v. I. lt7.iC L 13'1'0 \\'n II n u ( ; I) /1 Abllnt for ti ' w i tllll 'c~ WCI'O l:S uh· · d" I t I ' • ' I . \1'1 11Il; tv Ilccel't her tl;! I.er/\:et III '\ IIIII'U " a tl l" I' ' so ~ ~ _ ~ ~ "' P t.' " l UI Buel '! n u l' y u 'l nU1I1 I' ... ill 't·t..J 1)(elHl Cd . 'hc matter 11' 113 eillsd y t' l ' I" 1' 1 " L; ' I Il' hc l' IIrt, wl tie ll rea ll v ~Ul'1II3 U)' . ' I ' IIUI 1t1ltt.'ry I , 'See O U I l'i rc lilu llol. urad .. c ' . " l it! n ell " IIOi t ~ /'I lIY U\' UII , IW. I l l' I . I ' • . N ' . ~. ' " . ... ". '" IIrl .<'Ie, .. !I , "eJ " 011 1)' * 1 " ", r Ig I II III "'l'Ital lCU UIVI'" h er IIUt · \V J<: III' INO.-- A Yc r y IIII PII Y " " ,' Ilt u ," fen " , 1',.,,1. ,mp,,,,,,1 UpOll .n~b,"I.,· \I 0 II r " 1IlI,'r ,u" I.. ,II" I" - t IJ'po r ' (0 1 B '. cqn l tlsLod, Ih o tl'l lil la tlllg tlt l'l'e daJ 8. T lt e Illry 1i'l1 l1d I IIC d elu lI J I .- ''' , f . G I'a llt ha m Il.lId M f S. 11 1'.. 1 tl ild r')YII I gil t. v " 'III'J'cd \\.' ,.j Il e,day CI'c lli Ilg. A unly a.ked a" ,1. " ughl. J 'lId a lit not g ll d i ,Y of 'I iug - tlt a t IIJI' vey, 01 IlR,It! t· . ..\11'. U. 1'. Ki ll er , the g Oll t it-1Il1l 1l lit II", 1I' "nu ,,.r Th . s C l . ...... ,,,ill . rll r o. ....d. nl ll l1 a n " l l(utl l y .. fth l' ed Ill;: (·hILl'g,·tI. B il l t l l oI JI •• \\' lI tJ bl'lI vC " lI teq Jl'ldu. lit\) 1: .. 111 ,1111 \V ,l ter ';lnlt't . tit " ,II nul .y by II. p rtJvi iOIl u l I.II\' w l l ic r. Clu t iO Il lit " /'11)\1' a~t :::i .ltl ll·,lay . Cl tl ZUl' o vI I.ub ,lIIu l llIlid I L~ v,cl na~' "L.' i · ,~ t h e 1J 1a 1'l' i ll~ of h i .. d .lII l{ll t('r ""I. C ~ .... " . 1,, 1.. , . 1" " ",:,; W., " " " 1 8oem. ClIri " lI:l to IIl'Ln v. tlt e .il l ry ' - H 'lbe l't C a rl' ali t! wi lt, g al'e II \l' el'e .. v tU\'VI'CU, d U3er vt!t! ~ rl.:.lt ~Jr~. ~ 1I "lLl l 1! ), I,'r IIl1d !\II' JaIll C~ " "· lIt. 81.".' \\ 1,.ro. N" ""I•. "" c.•[II:" I ,. , t b ' ·· .t'.. lJ .IY" I I t . TI ' (IC I·tHn " II.Y I\' ,j" COln"~1 ,. I:i lll ' POI' ttl ' )11 te II '. I""~. (' I'I!I I I t I VI' Il iS 1 11 ~"eplI I !l LIII'lt i ll sU'h ('u se::! il:! I "r lll i t tcd 10 1'1111( pu r y ~lIu Ullu "'. '1 d ,1 1. on hund o.. li d ""II. I'rumptl y at. 'lui, UI " I bu,. n ..... tnl e n ..I .... ' ....1 in u I' er.!i c t ~imp l y or lL ,~an lt 1\ '1> 1 h.. 1' ,, ' lit e )'~ I~ II ~ t."k ~ . III tli H I:xed l" u t l a~l c. III Vell l ll l'l ll jl; til l )JII I'I'II", IIl:d hI' tlIp Ruv. C h il l'kll tI ." ' ' ""I .. I1I"'1,r.. . UII Ir. 1 ' " ' 1' ,. _. ' I •." b I " L.. m , u ·t~,..rtl~ "'nl o f , In r ' , 1\" I liio t ~ "1 11 II lid U' Cl~.l l S 'II. ' 111 attery, W li·eI I WlIe! t I Itl reeu I t In ,.. u(;c · . aud VICIII .' I ty' I tI ~ t S ,I t u n JIly C. I ').,,1 ).,"· .811 ch hl'dl ' C1Ud:; t .11 l' ut . .1t l·l· I'~IIS" II . '1'1 II,.; IJI'e~ell t \\l 'I'U: AU tlll Ufh ·,· thoD tid .. ~\lI "'I •• '\ '\' c ... 1 " I' .• . ill I" 11 ,011 ."
i~. lI dl'~ O ll ~ , Iz l~ u: ,t~. ultell~~e, 1 lc ~l cr~' A ~sll'. loy.
~"~~li~~I~k"';,?i" Di~ )I "cclI~i UNDERTAKING
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'[ I l id h" ,e ")' __ _ ___ ~ t.f _ ~ ll 1I(·t for yc~tertluy. n l'uw n Ullol lU~a n hll:l i ll lld, Ullo! thllt t ll " y i, ;. tic l' '1 ,ti ll II'ltll ll'ti til "I' " S' /IIIU IlInd, A . .1. II IU:I u ll d vdu, MI'; . a l 'l' \ ' C ""'df~'l lII '1f 1111 ,·1.. ti"" I" r U"·.' lor_ "I' N01' ICE \..:3 L ....J _ llt 'V i l son f l)r pl ai l ;t i fl' ; Sull er s and l ell Ll bl'/pnlling 0r.el'lltIUIlS ill l Ull ulld Il l: I' II 11 .. lI lln ,1. .. f Th" HI,... kl"",I, •.,,, 1' /1 ... 11 Il .\: r. A.. 11 A MI ~~etl EVil aUtl [I ,ttil;: l1uy~l i t. Villi lIarl i llgcn i'v r u uli.lndu n t . 1'I'IJ III pllrt 1)1' til e Ill}' . 10 lle v ' 1" 1' .' .. I~ ~ hl~ li t I~'I' dy . M o n d a!} tll f', 10th IJ;I!J' (1~: J (l 1 ' ''''''' Ii nll " II I .. ,k,' 11 " 1" ". II, • "" " I"(" i"" ~ Duv i d t:hll. lIIJl er l ·S. A R/Lhcl -Th e' Gl ce UllIbtbntwas t o be ' ~ I IIII\\ I, '\\(l~,lII q IJllrlllg l "rll tl! 1I1111 'l'IHlllllluir cIll18 olfoll tlt c dn" j , l'!J 1711 ' ,' II U, ~~e~I"!' ;\~).~I'~~':'t;ill~·:,~ I UkO I"'Ir." U I, tl"'''I' f Q-I~ - _ _ . , C hll.l1dl ('r a lld IIlh ors. l:J p" rt i tillil. is II ') W ill c xi~t\lllce Tll tl illv i t., ; IUI'III wa~1 ret e /'I'rl;: Il u .,tl e ""I' rJttc,1I fj,lI v wil llT lit tIll hLl lll cvl iiii-. lI11d lmtwren IIIOh" ur- ,',( I 'III I' ~ ' .1 k P 'I I * '''V/' I T . ' v U lI CUll I M rd. U aye ., I'It, al d · t 110 101 • II v win g '' Dy ol'c1ur of tl, o• r ...'.irl,'nt. • ." " He... , I Ollll fl!! . .]rl/I/I (/I'Y ~I . 115 7fi , _ -=- , ,!!!.I. .:. _ ~~ h o r Ca estato III qn cl! t 1011 WUS m et ut R. F. Wu lcs , la~t /:l;ltur,lay Uu t ,e\) I ' IV1 1\) 11 IU .. r CII',. leu (' t t . I k r M aJ) p r a ispd Yl' 8tc ruay by Davi 8 el'cni llf1 and the re:! ult WIiB 1111 0 )" ~1Il lit, ~ IIlI.~ I'IIC.O." III.IY IIIU." ~Ilct!ts Wer~ 1'1'~elll ill lldJ i ti ou t v ! D"r.9. I$j li. JUE L EVA:-'S. Sr..,y. n u c Ilc . . . A . E DWA Il DS. S""y. , Fll rn l\8, J esse T . nllttcrl~orth alld gllll i lu~~II, w i th It F. \Val es Prot! ~~ I~ I/cs., II ~ nu ferllt!lIl~ III tl1l t! th vlIO ulr~~y mmti llli od u.; ha vi II~ )fnrv. }'".burg, ~hio, 1).c. 10, I ~i,i. Su\ u lU " n G!!uso. a nd w li l be 8ul d IJcn t nlld G, ll. Davit! .\1udical ~ II.) . IUl;: d,ll l:!telll th,~ IbttIlCO'.... th e I'oc il preecllt ut the \\'cddillg : Dr. "I • I l "'tl f J II"Xt D' ~IIII1P I.l Ull' I e.. lin d I Ie . arn ' lIourd E L' D /" d ' I' A .... . . • 111 ( . Irl' cl u r . . " , 111111 ..,1 WI tl.1. m alln a N"t,ce 1M !CI" cn, th.t Ihe "ll b.cri. .:..I4 i T. J .-1. 1'. " IIU "" "lre. ,,\I ki nd" .. r Drp" d.t Ollkl) o n t 10 V \ (\ G ideo l! L ('uk va. Sa rah A n n I· _ " r a nd Mr" Arll J ' J In ' I ulvrl;: uOI gl ve u p p O:lS\l8i1 IVD. Gill I 1fl H>r4l. and Mr. <,,;!Jurlc8 D . her It ... been IItJd 'I " nUlled "" Ad. . ' <1 ." ly rm' \V.•yll u.vi l h. " ,," . urr"u 'lfllnjf 1 I D . tar1' &, ' ill • o. \I U U I ,UI, •• . \V un 11 d'fc Ho ' nll ll'. trot"r of tl ' E I 10 f Lc . L CI W 11 OL E.., A I.E lI ei,:ItI" rI,,,,,,1. Spo,",. 1 II ttO ll lir. n i . Jj'i voll IlLa (j'j' d d h I o f Spri llgbv l'v ug h, thei r rC- 1 Th o LUlllber ColD' WI . . I , til occllsio ns 1" cr. l.. te of . . e.oto furlll. lllu !" n t Y I COD C& aD JatiuII8 h CIC IlI.<It w te k. I (»'II Y p illt! $l ,5( 1) trelg ht lit () J r w er e u ' Ie lQost P cllsaut CIU\rllc' l lJ"t<.-d .. t LehonoD, thi s Kth dlly of D e.. ' OS. t d I t CI ' Lo ' w i ll otiicc Ihe ot her day I Huw i s t er, lind th o Illld j cOlll bor. A.D ... - -- ....~. I II .1 ur Ily UiI , 11\8 ve . '. . . " ' CX re8~i"'ls o f l od will I JOHN D OLE A VER. A ND PA RTIES, 1 I P \.. I 8I \V"8 cXLlIll i ning a shut g Ull wh i ch that l or a h'C1ght· bJlI Y , P }'I r t Ie - - -- ---~-- - - -. S I 'I' . On t 10 1 t I II t. t Ie r o:,at e I , d t II d ·· .1 . , 'd' I I . - .. lUl'l Y 1'1\ e Ilnd groom wore b llth p er-Illc (;I, fl o fs & l"la t e l'l a l,. U," shur t nOl ice .. 1 . 1." keep C ourt appoin t ed J vcl E\'ans, E q .•.1e IICCI CII a y. I ~C IIll g~ • I! I~ot. TI A t iet 3600 nnlUl'rm8 lind fe rvelJ t W . ' ~r of W a ' n e!!ville, f,o mllk e t he scmi· G.Jhl!. tht! 'rub- heartily add (11\1'8 to th e re.t'. "Ma e t .. s . W. Cor. Sillib .I,d 81 . , '-. 1 llannul&l c.'llUni llllti o n of t it!! Co uuty Jtl .tdhe 1IIt1ICllIlg .'8 uvry cut 1 000 y P they Eve lung 8 1Qd pro8per." mMDufacture . ud 111&1 of & D;vie' _ _ UI N OI N':'l ATr . O. nl hn." .. ""<1" 6upl'l.v 01 1'reuurv, Mr Evant filed are· Ber tollll an pntntll W( IIl1d. paint. i . diuoh ed, Mr. dUCY pt.r : on 'tht' 0 " i o t.-Sf ar . - I hope .tllUt " Rolla" (RidgeC h oice apple butter a.t Printa'. Try Printz' good apple·lutter. til. /8.!1I1 loy 111011 fo r 10 " '. E if. h ,,, ••. 1,1. 11., Tbe bigblll! M" , kot Prl _ aid !
r t 1~I"ttl'ln lI'd'tl ~o
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Besl. Rurc.l &. r amil, Weekly ,. tlt l I nt II
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I!y. . .elka', N•• -8ec t .. rlab, lu'e peud .. nl ~
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,'BE CHI BUli N A'l' WORK. 1'. De \\'" Talma ge t d lor
Tioe BElaT H e ll.lou.
lfr.T"\l IIl\ge·,; Sellllo n
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uCIAI. It will IlIke 110 chlltll'
Lilli I (1/ A "i n
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1I ,' t
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C' .I~ IlI pO lllr) , ' I I I \ t ' l 1111 " 'I II'
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whl 9h bave crealed weh exCJt~UlOOI 00 Ihe Lower }t.o Gr.nd\! where aome of the Ule) \ romlnent officer, Roil ".nhhy mll,cbauu th II IlIrt of Mexi co appear to be regul r <'u"aged Ul fittlll ODt parlles to plunder \.h 8touk rAucbe8 00 II 8 A tie of th IlVfT nerorts of Plllrd cr IU 0 1 en da),11 hi of lev
Are Vou W('nlc rmd D cblJltnted'P
er,,1 wftnentll\l elL ~cn. Ih cl udm g Unite I lalel ollielall I\nd 80Idi 1'1, md (llb er dn .... Nlv o Dlr~e. on Ihe Plitt of lh()llll v8gra nt 110}jlIctu, . 'er mode to the dlvlsloo Ct HI m .. nder, "bo InYlt •• altentlon 10 tb e gr lVO ohM-II ler of \h" In\' • • ,()n ~1 aDd the 1"'I,orl.11l1co oJ prollli t nod d~ I~ va Ol e "ur." (It Lbe I arl of th, gQvernmont for th e Lr 8111 Il rCAllon 1Iltny of tll ret,ortll frOm thnl locality are I'rqbably C11lallouBl 10 fiharnc ter III I rc bel e\ ed 10 l,Me been In IIgoted bv I arb 8 wllllse l'er~C1nlll interetlS 1V0llI \ be . 0IN..rvt d by the I rl\JH!IICC 01 lOore troc I ~ 0 1 thu hord.11I of TIlX"" but m Illy olher. lire o f Ilodoubted r<lhub lity. lind .. U".Drp. have bello lll.tl lulcd b) tb. d. IlIrlUl \o ut COl mlUl~er under order. Irolll 801 . rlOr Dolho,.t, to pre •• PI e th e llI\tlgnly lit lind enforce a Ilt!>jler r~gord lor the ~~ .. ll tory o( tbe oiLed !:lInt e o .od progns8 10l1li been made dnrlDg tb e \~., 10 the preraraUon ot ibe otliohil re Cur I. of tl e war o( Lho rebellhH ),,,tll III tbe ~ td er~1 nud oufedarat hrAlI uh ., 1 ha,,, plnetd thegen . ral'''I •• r , ... U o( lh. eompilntl '" of theoo Teeo nl. I • the charg" of th e CI I.f lerk M I h e 1 ~ flarlID 01., who uod r my direotioo loftS or Gu ntled "8Um ieo ~ (or 1/ of _lBlnnt. Ie reeled tmm U lise who 81C be I aequnl ted "lilt tlu. R,r wgom cut of Ilu: om la l pal,er. 01 hnnll, aud who nre "ell lI"'all l~ Ito tb e WI rk for the purlose hy trpe'i~nce " 1110 depnr lrueullUl,<1 army rouord. (llform Ihon h,lo b . uo neelved frolU dl f fercDl .O ulce. t~at. UlUUy prlyute iodlvlIlunli bDve iD tbefr pO •••1!81 n lD POrUtDt offielDI J't!oo rde I rmolpally of Ibe hue onfed"rnlc GO"!fUmeOI wb lCb lbey are wllliDg to ,h. I su of lor" conHilierntioD hut for lb e JlDr cI .8e ot "llob Lher\) Ine no fundI avallahl Ilt lh e dl "1 ooul of tI 18 tlepartrue .. t H COll,.C lb • •• " cor I. are properly 1I e I rOI c r ty of II e governmeut but It .... IU. hU I u. alble I e obll\lIl Ih elDfurlDllt OD Dece •• ory 10 th e r r ecove ry throllJ(h the COllr'" or other WI~ l ilol bv purchase Nc daubl 18 eOler tal oed 101 I IhollU my )( Ihese ,arer. Mil \.om dul .. tllli 1I'0lllti fll.hle Ihe govcraD "~II to tI tc et to Inv fraudulent CII\III1 . 1 1010 co uld (I Iy I " proveu 10 be 8uuh by tbe 8ge" q u( lh ".e I ope,. Rud It \& reCOlnn cllded thot ~oll!ir~811 by Ilpprornalb leg 81I1IHln pill e thl 8 tleJlarhueut IU 11 1)081810U to r c 0\ . , ouoh ft.8 prnperl), beloog \0 11& filee. As t now • tbe.e Con (eden,te record. Mr. SO HJ co mplele Ibllt the , .. 011 of lbelr comrila 1100 will uecl!8sanl)' be ver), uDlaO.factory to BIl concerned. On tbe lot of Marcb, 187:1 liD. acl Willi I ....ed loy Coogreo. delllcAtln;t aoli leUlng "11ft .M .. puLHe I \Tk or pl .... "re grounl! (ur Ihe b neJit and eojoJmeutof the peorl, !llarge traot of 180d In tbe Terrltorl.s or ~r O olanll and Wyonnog I"ng Rloo g a, bend vaters of lhe ) elillwslone Th is lU c1u let and embrace. tl at portion of th e !llI U tr) .Uud. 1l to .. hove '" <l6< aLtracllvc I calitle. 1\ 11 wonderful geyser. " e re 6r8' dill" \ered 1 y L "ntenant Do .. ue ami the I .rty wb eh nccowl'.,lIed bun ID I 0 Ie tI~r the above named net of oogreM I'nrk unde r the ex cluolv U Dttol 01 II C'~c ret.ry of
- -. OR
Blood Pills TIt& BEST
Burnett's Cocoaioe, Buroett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine, Ttlr promo/Ilia 1M (1/'010'" qf ana B.alIV¥fll(l UU Ho.r alld twncIerI, (J II DGrk and OIouV
The C OCOAIN Il h ol~ n " I qu d {tum :l larae pro-porI . 01 dcodon«d COCOA NUT Ull prcpucd uprnAly (0 lh , pu pow: No other compound per IC$IoCS the pee I ar propert e. wh cb 10 note Iy.u , the \lar OUt ~oml 1 0 .s o( 'he h man) a r
TYPE II (!)U NDH. y-
M ..
''''._bo.,. I,," on _I Jell ,~.-r'4! "rIDe.« •• ,,....
\ 01.1':\1 E \, I
\T 1I0)tt \ ."" AUiCO \ U
--I In 1 II Il
"I'rklll', ' III \ rnrr. I .. 4
M t Ina I II r n.\1
-1Ift\ • • I
'I OllS O E ~ulI\ton, of I e IYlS ount) ~ ~,dlm perpell hcuhu 1\1\\1 h~e ntr live 0 the water edge and thelloo borlzontal fIO me \.wcnty feet und r 1\ brtdge, bavlllk 110 support e \lCpt. wlmt llliocouid gOtrt by Lhe lIligh ~ l1Iches III tile \l illi, formoo All
I If I! 5 1
' 8 IlL~E
!!U !'I I II 0 of tlline eJ'f / tl h " '" •• Iesllnl """ II ) ' VI alQ"e.r It lOu~h cs Illm"
Wl lh llelll 01 I.. I.. IOOOL 81
TI • , "oobh . 01 l{uno oy
0 1 lot It raU 0 1 ruo I TI Q gl I he bUI. QI.ol III air I :t uhl U II) to golJ for Lhec. - (J J ' Lo/hrop
TilE onlv LInn!! that WIll mlUch a slngmg Cllnllry ~ !lolal', weight for IDchea Id Ii b . by WIth Lhe colI C And t.he oDly thin g UIILt can match n tlel\'.J umpmg 10 tho l!II.rne proportion 18 11 nervous papu. wh o sils .luwu on 11I>\ hopeful s bent pm WilY should the gloom deellen .. ",e nenr tbe SUD. ~ Anti 'Why ~hould t.he un ... C I.W! <,\........ ud ~v- o( WilY .. ant b iratd." au ilal!ii With ollr (",roc" down h\1I atld g100mliy ~peok of the 'OWlIw:ard slope t.o the gTln e llut y t how lrue It IS tbnt mo~t. of us do 811 ~ IG liT I ~ Ih" lilne lo r re8t, and both bod y ilL d brulIl ' I>cclally Uij to students ! I eq lllTeR oil tbe ~Icep the system wlI 1nke th ey OUj{ht never to be waked up, Nn tllre wlllllllo illbly do that when &bjl has hnd he~ fi II, and to ~ho rten Illeep ill to AilortclI hte ~ half the tame of dnyJfgh t 18 R~ long IS lilly IIInn ollght t4> spend IU hRrd Sluely
umphed nllo\ c death 8 nil n, r~buked 111 0 n nd 1\.- I 8toopt!d to kltis the hps of the b 8uLlfu l OOy,lkn e'l', II.!! well 88 111\11 could kIlO\\, thst be was oo~ dead that He wh o hnd gh en more hIe to tho deud IWI lind tbe wlclow ~ son had given It nl80 to him nlld thn L he hnd only gone farther upr,n 11I ~ Journrl thl\ll I- Int.o n 8W elfr fuller moro grn"IOll! lifo than ( ba..! cler known Ami J 110180 kllew 1hat I should >« hlTn agnlll If I but made my 0 " Il hfe as brull' ullsclfish lind true as lll~ h Lli bcen,=~====== Anecdot e or \lIIlersell. A friend 01 mIlle, who W \8 qUito nil ul..! hoy wi en Ihlt. happelled OIlGI' CIUl'lC l ely n~ IrlO",llg hl ~ey t Rlgb l H e \ya~ brou\lht t Lbe hospl1al wllere 1l0!J<,dy klle w hllll allli lhe ro< In \\ 8S darken d f'() thllt h ca uld FCC nOLhll1g not Ilvenlll8 0\\ n h \11 I when h held It up before hl ~ eyes III' h \d 111\111 11 lhl s wily for R "hoI \\ erk lIud \ Im u~t "IRhcd he were de.d whpli one £v.nmg tb en: came II gentlo Ilpl II Ihe rio< r "mi lL m Ln entt"lred md "ilL 11 Lhe bedmde ~Jy fmnel dId n L know the mllli IIl1d even If bo had kno \\ 11 hlru a would hll'o been tou dark to t;C IIlstaM In Lhe bls face Hllns bn~tlall An derl!Cl . nlll Good bye,' tbe Im mil Ull J hennl Lhat H \I II I e ~I ck amlll" "c bnll " 10k \II) Kcll 110 I k II v "hat It 18 \\ ruld JOII \110\\ mo II ~It down lind tlllk to you IDU lell )'111 S I Ie 8\,(lfIfS?
My fm Dd Jlllturnlly e ll[ ugh \l l\~ \er) grateful RIIlI dId 11 0 t obJ ct to bl! IItor talned And alm o.t e,er' nl gln lor LII O week- AlldcJ'1lC u relurned \\ I ell t ho t1l1ck cur1lllnHcould be draWll l\i!ldo IT' I the wlIldowlI he read ilour! 11111"11) h ~ own \I nLlnl.'3 lur he hkerl b~ ll~r LIt ~III hl Kown ~lOrJ('S lind pllem. Lhnn tho"e of other, Thl " IS only ono of II blllldn d .ucb ltlcldent of th u !n lll C kllld ,,)1I ch the people 111 Copenbllgcll Lell I I hlln and no one WIll wonder t bo l Will 1111 IJl ~ pccullaf ltlc- lind odd h .11lLs til l Y could not help 10vIIlg hIm }Ie WI . II dear and beloved fnent! III eler hou:!C hold frOlli tht: K 1II1l d011 n to the poorf~t artU!8.n everyon e know lIOII honorer! hIm Every door and e, c ry hellrt \\ R8 open to blm They 110 longe r leclureu and cn11Clsed hall every I'"go Lh:..t h~ wrote was eagerly grasped by voullg 1111 1 old and relld wlLb plen.ouro nnr! )1, TaLI tude.-S t .N/clw~
HOFRll Is n 10 Ihe J'ope III II recent . ermllLJ DIITlllg my Inte V I ~ lt to Rome permitte d to e nJoy IL J:rellt denl <oclcty of t.ht> Holy I ather mctlln d 1 sat 11\ famllulr com erso wllh 111m 111 hiS 81111plc I Tlvatc CAblllet IOd lit others I lIbared bl ~ "alles or 1I.It'ned 10 III. word s t.o the hundreds that dally flock Into hi Bpresence J was profoun dly 1m pre_d Wllh tbe mornl ~rllndeur and ~he Hubhme dIgnity of t.ho august h~l\d of our church All who enter~d hi" pre!!t llce were ~ trnck With revcr~lIt\Rl awe J\ TlIdlllllOO tbllL il L Ill' every ~ce ll e III whlcb be appeltrcd 1\1111 III hI. \.'Ou nt.e IIlIm ( HIS eloquelll e penetrnt ed 'he h ellrl ~ of tho!lll to \\bolll It \\ MllddN'>llled whnlo 'er lhClr rrole tll! IIIU8 or cf(\('.h ~ulle loolred on the I'\()lert'lgn PonLlfI I • Il'llllll III III ~ own plIl,,<(> \\ ILhoul feci I Igthlll ho was lIOO.c moulrch s, primes or 11\ y of tho IrreRt OI1('S of tht' • ItrLh I \ 611 wheu spenklll!; of the wound" thllt • ruol CJlt'mI6S have IOftiotcd upon the hurch hiS words were Dot harsh He "poke like II futhe r grt evlUg OHr rebel hous duldrell )lllnnlll g
Mil C HAlILE8 VI Ul.EY WAllN ~ R. \\ TIt Ing of lhe ltalll108 lays rhe 111(\11,11 Id II t.alklllg wl\Chme you only lIetel to touch IL Kl'nng aud be IS perjJCtual mo tlOD If words" ('re l1eeds, tho J U\lIulI ~ would hll.e gllbbJed tbeml!Clv ~" lilt! lh~ I\ev~lIt b helncn of pro·penL v 10llg ngo Ibey nr 1I0t without ambltlOli 1 hI') wall~ to shine to 00 rlcb and IlbO\ e 811 to be conspICuoUS III po!!I1 IOII ur In clothl'lI. They have a noble 10 flu Led ambltlon t.o he 1j01llt'lJo<ly lIu~ ~III y nre WIlling to worle fur 11 They bO]1o LO poculllte them JjChe ~ by Il kllld of III lernal evolutiou IUtO !lOUIe . hllllng flO I tlNI Wbat they \\nDt IIl1d it seClII801lly relUlOnahle that they Klwuld IUI' 8 It, 18 a Republi c III wblch nobotly will be obliged LO do Rny work or JIIIY 1I0Y UuCl! and everyon e WIll be In th IIr8t po I tllm l~all) IL lIeed8 11 r Tl)luLlU1I for tbl&.
mind H tblnks the lIpeditlon of tan 1'\)' tllrou~h lhe IIlterlor of Africa htui had duch a IYlhzmg J11lluencll that a rallroall from tb cou~~ of J~ibeTla to the Red ~a wonld be a profi table ellterpnl!C ueh a road would be only f\lut thous lind 1DIl\!lllonr aDd 118 conditions would be BIICb aa 111 lhl~ country would Inllure succe~, namely -runnin g through a denl!6ly poPll~.ted country , and freedom from competItIon Mr Wat!!Oll hlUl five \boll aud dolla", in cub he IS wllIm to inve t In the road
A'IINJ<'T ER' Wife bad811Imro<hrne n~ In her 8~ecb At It 1D11I1~t.erlll.l diuuer 8 ) uung "prig ntlered the lady ome tongue, iIil, IDg • E\er) partb IpI! a part, ~ ou k no" I J D,lced tben let me bel I) you t.o lOwe brIllD!," holding out a dl b tha~ !too\l neal a calr bead
HK \ TS lIano l.. n
'WlIllo.1! lJ ay. I urll itO W.II.
AI,bou .
t JUTltllt t lorld.
· "hrtrld~.
{ 101')11. U
' rolb
ItIlnola ludla. a
lur Wblt. lIu
~i:"'=llll l ooolyl,"n l"
01 the 'I'ools of \uKLr.oha nnd New Zealllnd , the f5 ooral ehlLracter Ib II uatural whltene elastiCity, lIDlform ormnet!8 nnu trenglh 'rhey are (,Willy 8~UII aorl Ulllf be .ombed or carded.
Nellriy two tbmb of England 'ij Kupply at 'Wool :omes lrow Austrllha H er 1m portatlo n u t yellr WI\8 larger than at any l>revloud penod lUDountlDg lo 225 883 G31 pound&. Tbeile 11'0018 are par tlCularly ol!fd for lDerlno tll!l!uea and theIr derl\'&tlveI! TbelDaDufae~urera of France GermallY and other conWlelltal COUlltri~ largely IIUpplv thelDilelvee froID the London woollal...
Ind la.a Keut •• ky 1,0 ,1,laWl
A M1I A uu r ~ WArsON, 01 WllIth
Ingtoll h III a big tnllrond project
Contested Scals. The folio'l'lUg I~ put lorth 118 a full and 00lCl81 II t of tbe contested _ta In tbe House of Rel'resentlltlV8l!
;' W.llh
• ",bu'
t~:~ ~::~: ~~~~.ce ~DeldOCllltl
- - --
CONTBIITBU BY ·f 0 BNllUbera J 'r llopl..
OJ T J uu..
J A Jfeodt!nUt l oJ J tlw.y John Jolllr,aat (t
l.y :JIUWbl'e ~ !t~o,••
L r ..... Oil J RIce
OF It Coe'rIU ' W II S~n... .LI03' Lowud..
~mt'J~la~~~~ °T B f
'f :~: !~:::~J~..
QQRN } ED he us du not lay In Wluter, for tbe IIImplo rCIII!OD t hilt \bele Ian't any Illbumen matenal ill the con.. When wbea~ III fed tllere I~ fat enough In It to supply Illl Ihnt 18 needed for the Yf)lk, and g1uten eDoullh to make the wAlle, and lime ~nough to fllrllllh the ..ell. It doea DOt Iblls _m dllllclllt 10 WIdu IJtand wby COrD led beD .boWd DOt lat, &I they do DOt, and why wheat' " "*II mould by, AI they do
I",.' I r
itihR "1 \!
"U II...
\1 1."
',.Jr~~rL. lit ,&#I,""...,
"(·j'\.' tAr\',
.. II ill~ -.•• j L Illt II . l"an'lI .. I Fral:\..lill. TI C ~IIf,·r. 1· I.. i t~~' lur Illelld E ·Clit. \t' "lIlrtlilh ,J. '. ~ur-
- ~Jr
"Ii. -'Id l' II II
ru.,· • •1 \\'. 'e'I.k, ElIlIlI l C . F il'l; 'II. 11 f\ \I I Hdlll n· ' \\'11 uud I" r. \V \' CdrV",.. '1" 1 uil~ It \\ a ... Ih ' U ll"oHi 'U to hal" IIH' , t t 'prtllg bu r , I II IIc. III' I IJ~ li t Illlllli. ~a"lrd.1 "t'.JIlO IIIl I), J ~7·. Adj .. uIIll:d. tIll I:lj p. UI PI' IUlI.lly t 1: .,1 llao lUI? rill!! \\", l'.d ~ , I t. urder bv lite l' r~ .i· de li t .1IIJ Ilc ~\I"i'u ~'I\(ttlcd with illtl "" • IIU~ ti .~ t C-Xt.-ll'l ' . l' n tl " pJu" KHltlUl • '\'.I ~ a'l IIU 10W II \ C r " I', lI),i " 1
:\1. \\'
,I • D ' ~(, I -
. ,\t ·,I H' gnl"J ug nlat te r~ ou t ljiU Il "f t h· b""k I lli hi w",IIl'lIIt·
Uluu .. ell I tn
il.l· ll "I', 'C \\ l lh 1. I II I . ltll l tllll ll "t HI III II...-"11 - 11,11 1IIII t II, ' ..~ 11111I ~-1 1 .111 ,1 h· 1. 11;.r1,1 l," I \ ' I httt hI;! ulrcllu.v UlIlll'nol.Llld,. W , thllik t hu ~Ill·!lk · r \1118 nu! c.lIL'lul III I h e sd ~ ,(, ,111. l,1 It:rlll Lu -:'\ (I'll 0 I'llt t1 lotlkll vI. I I I I uI t t III lilt'! lUI "IIiP " Yl I)' IIlUII)' V
-lalDl R;~II"'y, T...t.. &&tlr~'I.
p -. . . .
....,........ ....... . 9 I I , . ,. t N ~.
thc t '111 h (' 1 . 3.~ I' "t0 I'D 'fh ' SIII" ('d of Tluthfnlll s ill 9.0.1.... No J 6 5'1 ~o ch .1I1 U I-I· II·l l lIl' \I' ,h I,r Ollll',l b 1 .... dId' l"'·b l ~ ,,00. • ) \, . \\' I I I" 11 ,,.., l "od Ace. 10 I ii , . K No , • f . "uu \I ,\lu.~1I 01l . . IR . .e.......... ........ tlwlII WI\ :> ' . 1,,11 1'I'l.t! HI tlt o 101 "nlll," ~b,l. 2 .l1A.\l 0 No :2 'l'lll I' II 'I' I ... " ' 11' \\ IU" I lItht'u Ill' 111 it:! 8prltll1;BehIAllc. 7.1i1 .. " ,," ,I ' ... u ld·l'. rUl LIJle, Ill,r,() r _ t 0 Ii Illlu W 1111II' l l'ute IlII! II:I II~ IIICl' rl!lllt ull" III t ~'f 1'111" 1 tu ench PKlllcEllpre•• , 6 119 r ~o 10 III tliu futul' III the 1\ 111' .111111 lC .thel ~'''II'\' "I tit I1 Upt! lu I h~ r .... l~h' aDll Ace. J. j r.. :-·u. 14 .1\1 ClI l Cll u i lll11l · l l t t l . ' 1\1 ' lll' I" 11\ I ,I' Iff tl. 'teach I tu ·Tr;lhll do 1\ t All)J) t ::l",p on ei"pal I 'fl I ' n lc ,' u. .. 9 .. _- d , . 10 \~ "II I 10 Ill ' IIIlII5 nIt' cl,,"{' II pun the pllpd . L\·,l·h chlldr ·lI. 111 Ull .... 0 .....~ on .' 0 , (lat ell") m. 1 II ' t I k' . I ' f lfol l .lI. 7 ftnd 10 t u n d.tI ·, ...: 1 .ll ber. 1:5, Illll a 1II ClI~l' I·. Y : 'IJlg l lll l'll.It l · III IIlCI', t 10 UeCC Ity, ~I cLlih' exceJl' ulld~.· t UI " 'II It! to th"lr '\111\111' IIH.'y ca ld \lr 1 m ''tI; th e m l'l l ·iI. Iu .' I 1 II j 1 I I t' It 1 I • EIRG ••US~·ILHE\sl~E' ::i Ar!c' etA;;Cnl. 1111'':' I'\U,) 8 111 ' 1 . Il Il'rl~J' .I'.Y ' 1l1 ' 11U1I'1I t IIl IPIIII C:III' t! 0 1I1{ d tllll OInclnna\1 Ao."'ertlES jlre<
lfla"I ~:tp'.A<. 8
~. SS'
",\1"",,, ,
" "tI,,",•.
'lr \'u' th ' 1I1~ " t Ibll lh i:! UU:ll' r\:lIlVlllll t ill' ehilJ 'h uld III.! plIIlU .
~t 1'.
Established 18S"
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Exparie E.d Workmen
I I' ' II I l \\~ II t lh \1 1 III 1:" " 1 " 'c~ IP tlllt.. II I i lu " I'la "\ \ II I; ) III r \ . rlt' \" tmlltlll 1a.:'14 h') Th Hlp < ' 1l li nd ~tJ I C liS IlIgl' ' 111\' II t ill'." :5olllh E,"II "' II· r ,, ( .,lId .,, 1 II 11111 r llll ' ' '''' 1'''1'' ,,,,, 1,,.1 1•• IlI < l" I, It ... \. " ililJ\II !!t~ , 1' 1 it. kll ewtll)\\ - J.I 11//11 "" Sfal'. 11 1 1 , _" ' I" 11: , .... "1 10 11111111 . " II . h • • " ', " , ... " ., I" ,.. I t Il 'I ~ I 'ruu ulu ~1 r or " ,0 \\ I I I I h.·P1 U lh !.; IIIIt \1 111 ' III.' ·t .tttt""lI lIt ull llyt lll h ,U1U . I J1' \IlIt"cru\\,t n k 'h lu ' " ·. . \\: l'n l\..1 ut H IIII " IulI..llI l', n t . H' ll er ..' .,-lfllll IUII ,·lf h'H lir - J1"!,, b:1I',F I-ml... r,rX·l\i:l. I\r I Cd"ll,.dll l ,P" MJlblY'ZIIIl\\'o Ute Ihc ~'~ ,\~I\th" _ "I' 11"" "I, r 1, " ' 1I~ , ul J l / / ' T{ 1"/~·. I lJN . l ('/(AT,·, . •'.1 I t ~'I CUllll' I'u m III/Itt/WI cu u J ~ (1:,. 1 II ",I ,,, , ."., " IlI e"", 'I : &.U ICI' r.cu dl1u,. .... LtlV III It ( PK Hl Ud ~Ilh tIJ ' fi r, !,. 1111 ' ~Ij C F. 167:1 , a ml IIt tu. r Ilft wh.ll' '."'pl'emlly pl uHdud fur tid pille' Itl.Iit w ·k . I I'ul," IU" . ,, " ' ~'" Ih. '" . 1 ""u."l.", 11 11 01 - Mr-. JOIIII K"llg, ,~" IIIIS IIC " 11 C' I Ihe -. cllon llou ,e, Will, . .. Itllllle:'; 3.10 ~ 1 rt" • l'J ~( , '· nO ~ IIRI TMAS II JllU.- tis nu cx .9 311 IU.I Il\ll.~ 10 Ih, I,:am. 0 1 I" ~ ' ""'"!! if'1 .!.JI) , ~. ill, IOllg wi llc lIrt-ditl 'U. U, is Rg~ClllliUIl \1\ tlt ll Il'u t til t!U \, thut CO DI""I"'S II! l" rU. III "11 11. In '" UI I•••. V~..,.. #~p """ '" I/J Jll'ni II II Ulll t il Ue ab,ml ' I> ' 1110 i!tllllij 1"'1II1l " I. ft ,I I> Danllli B urllt·~ "nil '" '1'1 I. ttl I' d I r rl pill ~ . .ol'u. hllv Iho lurgt! I .. iJ".old"UlI c" mbyed bl' de d I(J Aaron IC u " ' lIIe " Ll II' l\lr /llId 'illl'st t l lC k of !!nodtl III tll ll it Chll.lhl\ or .IAllu .. " I . I . A II I ":); N lI.uror ... r !tond. " nr....,d u pon .... ybody. Inlll I ~ ' lltthElI)rl, . " . ' 1 ., 'I' 'I' IJ I I h • I A II I k I I ht IH '1 1,Oel'\"UIIi III li ll t h hr l lmlltl Lllld New ""111 II A ' T ngparto 1 0 oul l- . , ur r",1I11 lu.r~IIlOUY"~ c, ..... "!lUIF tIl " ,, 1.1' .... ... t . . .. . ~ •. '~ . Y ' I I I I I ' W 061 11""I I~r III CI't!. " 14 . T a. R fl. hu A fllll l!,t.."k o f
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(" ' J Cll bl': ICl'S I1\ d l tid till d }~CII ' II" . 10 II ~IOtl . CII",,, III (:, .. rgil C,umallY UNDl'n'TAKlNt:J un. U J I .. ,,0 .11. i lh ' m l?lId l' It'g:lIlIt g"l d UrlO dl'l'1 ~ Rugnr l lce I lmho" '[ :15" W I ~ lI"ks. . I:5beur " ..II~ 11 11 1' 111- II lit ·h.l·s, eh ~lIlI~, hmcu\l'ls, , 1I 1 ~ij, lu"k,m 2 1 lI... h. - " 2:10 ". 14 III. k. Ih. ", c ~" "'I"ntly /In h nd. ~Ild ~1I . prolUp lly ..t., • .: ~ I Itllht·" ~ Ii! co ll lll' lIlId ~ Icu\ . hilt. wid, ." ..1 0""",,,,, ',Iillo" I I ll' I: 1)7 b I II h:· ndNI tu a t nll b U llr~ ut ' 1'11 I ), al u 1'1ltll l·IIC . , 1('n8 ti l U O~"" \ rl I I " J po le. 1(0 IL 81011'" eO , II. r I" .11.1 Cllr" "' n ' II .\ 11 ulI ,hlr lltu m.'I"'EC lII ent or ft . · I ' r.' t I . I I ,~ II Ig IIl11u ~VI II O ,Ill! lit ar h I IlIch~. i:' 70 E ~II links an ... h 4 II "I I:l tl!! 6 n:~ • •1111 1';. dO'; lml.II' ill ill' II 1\1 (. 1' j , \\,,11 \ IIwll e , '" , 0 E • •11 link • • th IlCO " 70 10' I --\\ \J hulC tI fi '1'1 I t k I 1'1 d I t I I' 24 pule, ti." .1\)00 dl~nr~ ... ltb Anroll l a:, ,. f t . , '1 ' 1/'1 I' 1 ' 1 tl " C V II It Ull !J II I'u Oholld l, r . h"e ~ 10 IU' II lti LU po l• • t.. " IlIc'Yl ''''' t (.." III U"'CI' U' "lIv I\\U'U \\'u~ IIC \ 'I ~\I !til "" bll' tlwpl" cl ul b./tIUOIl1): COIII~IIIon" 11) " r , •• \\' ''I. IlI. ,dle•. ]) ,I!!";''' li ~ It ...... h g ~ 74' . J Clf,!; IhJf \\ It 1 t till U ti t!ItJ I' V UH: llt .... r~llI ~ I It! t ttJlI nppl ~clnt. t il Il' ) uJ ..nt,dull. Dbrlght ~ ~ '0. tUI . 'rhl' V IUl \ 0 01 t lJ .uutd'nl of laull . rnl rc 01 Ie .. ". ,1" aillne bl\ln~ u trn~1 - - - - -• '~II\1j' for' W~:'I "'u·tld ~:'~:h ~~O:~I,I; tp ,p a Alld uuw 'l Alel l'y ' 1lllM lltl,1 to . ('I\ou l, hu ~ll unld I ~ ell flfy h ll l~ :\ '". - JlIIl1Y g vud r Cen cd Ihllt will cofrc ~'111'1l" • t l.t\ SC'til. C!lstO I , nglll bI 0 ,, ""1 M1I01 00.II0r, lind "I~ .,,111 II,,1i ... 1I ~I 1 I tl 1 ..dtil I~ III, e ~ t l>'"'' 1.2u at UI'" t-Rlictl, 1 ~1l' tilu " "I· lUlU bultll l' UI ~ h llS, pi 'kl ' ea h 'r R. CU U\ l'\ CU I'.\: (heu to Au ra u bUlltl 1vrJ April A L FAUlt ~ , ' U J~ u'ld U. l 4 ICHIA. I ' 't'Y. (' 'Jl!ll Y '~'H Jrd A I ltH,.J --------------:~ I tbOISt! JluiJlla. a ud cUl elull) "al h Id uy tl llil\). Hand I. ll:bll/!-h l ( 'U . ll!lpkill 11 11 ' " knh' .s I I'k lIliO a)1l RUll i Estill I,"~ been re~tl l" rI) "1' "Till? ,N. BKe..e fur .... . I~. I"" I I:idgc" Ill". tll u Jl ' llI> It.O·I- 1111111 11 IS IIIllI IIIU ' - l'lIl'k Leak. ",at.-lllil'e I' ni C 1,)1 S\ \10ns ch ;I d'l ell' d : and 0:1\1 _ PI aI~ " n~ ("I lUll ~. ""61 d... cra\!,·11 t d .1 1 , ' Nu "er<on Cltn u". Bo'~hoe I \.i r n'"" ytl\' E'!I II I 1111 :\JlIku tho ) 11 ,II Oil, • I • • , Ibe sum ul $451" r pc .... I' ~,,"r1 " ,el'" $ (:0 ~ ''' ' ~ "''' w'th'lll' , .. nnt:; inlluedille l'Ch. f one! P' uW '1l1l.U \ IIII' (>. • V c; tl . ' .. dt I . 0 1 I o llitr y 01\ .li:rll.luy IL nd ~lItllr· u 1 III tho new" t st r\ l)s. IlIlU lit leN pe, '''''-' . T ldrd tn" I$r.5 P' r "~". ~ri "ull Tlla III,'!! . 1. ,hp.IfH'~ ••Id be.t l ll u.tloloo tal" , Well ..." ' lie 6~1 CI'8 or CO li): ., ,d I II ' ' t'l\ II t'lIt With Ills plll'l( un h~HI 110 dlL' (Jrllllt1I\'e ' k AC bblJail" Ml:!ut thIl IlC II\"llllCC A Il:lo th ei'I't<I,'ck .ldde~c "I",llrItC"' lug"'h.I I\L*ltUperll c... . ' lV' IJIIp~r.lllI "'''''klr edrU''nor ""I,loor""Dsumptio ll orKnydhe '.~/)I'h \l'lt' mllll t IU IICXt U!Il'. Ilndstlon " longl'! pl'Ov l.k<.:d with tho lu ea tu I\l J t ' J f I I" I I 'd I IInd ,hel ll' lr IIrr nl> s nHB\I'I,,'I, . l lho Theu .. l y .... lly. '"'""'P......... .. k Tbro,,\.u"Lullg.... ~.'t h .. orlroDllhll l l'I\ ,I. \\' . E., lty s l (:clal n~ICl lll cllt, bl:!' tlt'CI' I I O. 'V ltt'lIaIMrl' lIti ll llUtt\l~ U,11 .(: . , u c 'II '" \ 1\{·.lCl·"I: IIII" llI urll' 8uIIloi $.47 .. 0,,".crc.und ",II "u -old 08 \\'0 ••:;...... ,, , . . . . . . . . . .,, f " ' I_II c IN!d "~b II'" 1I",rabut.,u 8' ,,, I d 1 ·1 - 1 It hcal Illid dlCllP!:It Fillur II I' 11 urtll' ,. IS II Ullu gu", u" hole or ill p"""I·I. "" 11.1pr.ll~od In . lIch .... ..: "'_rlca• ...... r lur lb '" a 0 ' er2!> 0 n "ft mplc "01 · I I g CACII"I:! t" till Ilt lt JlIIg "t III ~ III d III ~ch ul. , ' .• 1 It , I, 1,1 I • • II i \\' hut cllllid bc t1lc"r Ihun II <:111 1 t. DllIllfll r II. to p ro, ln « d ll "u . , IO l U, \. ","1 al!'lli': 1 ll liflll lllu. lrntion • • .... b r \).. u~a: Ii' in .lI l'n r:~. fir II.e 11111\\,1 - ilog-1 nr \10 "!"\ltv l hnt 911ln l' " "- l' 111111 til" "'''Iet ~ tulllhn l{ all I m~~ I t I! J ~ 'II , h..,.,t. 111 bl ( rna u ' I " t " I t . 1 I tl .. n 11' 6 10110 ""'1\ 1,,01< 10 ,,, 1 IW()-PII!'t ~t.el rcprtld uution ..... , .. II Ih er ,"... ,11 I .~A, ,, n'r 01 ~'I a ' Il e .lO U lie ,pIe can't .rot r7 25 • J. , . · d 1t IS ~ . I, 'e'vll . n~ I'e.: . l'u 1" 111 11(.In,··tIJl rd of tI, e pnrl' h,,-,·. \O .. n••)· IU 1.6 li t relel rl"l "lid ~hotl ...... ,·0 ' IlPt . li t tlt lil thoJ'ell" \:'l 'u ro t i, cu lorllllvlI III. III III"... I'"' II"C ~ II GI' t1 . III I.. ' f hited p i tuI"C. .~. r b"". t hdr l'rt' rua"OIl! Milch 1\ 10~~ ... co ., , bard h' bellt· "'I"" t ~ tl l'd ch.1I tllIlll,t n tjllll tlH'lIt u f g"lId~ ' p"1(1 c••b III hllnt! 0 11 dill of •.1"'. ,," ."lllIrll . "oro.", 011 • '"I" 'Ii tr."cl . ·to . au ov, &lli#. 1;0 II. Vllllr Uruggiu. A. Doll nod ~ ~ '~rJtJ lIg, fi.r thell. II A... tIIkO<l thu PIIIClIt. l.ut II :! lie CIlI' ·tlll III '. 0 ' "Vo )1"" " 11 lI.)t tu i)l ll1t 1111" I ill nne ) CMr. alld th rCIIIO ltllll jt "ne·,h" II III 'Y 1...liIbur ahnll'."'r75..",I .~ndlry" ' ·...od.••[·. &uld onu hundred hog" t i)' 1I1u rllltt CIUI Y l lIg l'ntl h() IIggl'l!t(()n~uth.: I~d - l'llI UIIl.ll lllld ,eryonOCIlI1 1>0 tl ~); It I ~ li""" IWO\ "I" . rQmll"y of .hle . lhe d,' I ' rred ONLY8."GO .. ER'· IK"K • • jIl ... Ii. ..e~Oll ~alD.ll eUottl". l :otP . Qaoh ·' of I. llnnon Inst wuuk that Il l'cru . b~' thu t:<l' UV I~t 1111 tllla! uh jl'ol. ",UPI>" 'u wllh v,r.~1! utClllllltUI 111.)- SC. dWIII ' 1I1' )Ull ,'1ll1 Ie I' CIIIJ! p", mentillu beurluI6r~. t fr"lII lito IIny of Ily .lIlil u~ (III tJrcrniulIl. g ive n tn " I I ' " - , . f I ti f l ' 1 ' I 8ulte t Illt'C ",.1 . .. IIIl 00 '''~llr",l uJ " I<.rll!'''!;'' 011 ,bu oillQ.! The lur~ "t 1lI.~h OOtnml".lOl1 to '===,",,"-"':':!~~I~.~== I god 3ol6 ponnds. at 87 .25 p r 11l1l1 . MI . 1I 111l 11l~hl\1I1 uext t'l'UU lin III ,~II (II tllIW\lllta ' our t lel r C II • _, ~ • pre",.,."" ~I)I,I ~ ag lit., or KII\ p"II\'r. WI·11.c ' 01' ~p;II)UOUII. - . ~ -~llJ.oioWi. .heu poulld gr ~~. I •. Kil'hy sl.11i 1lt\ci.IY 011 th\J "I1II,JI'ot vf '(lm,moJ~ (r'l\ ulld l~':,," <ld a 0.., E ...\I \ ):11 I o:? GCI) ~L Z .1 1 & Sill II l1n "Id 1""111 1 ea WIll nllt be IIOld f,,, leso t THE GrtAPBl rrANY. to Wl lght, 30 hcad. ll\'elll~O , 4tH ~c;/t(JfltlJ. ,\1 1) 1' " • lJ~lcil\lIy d id ho i -- ~II . .lil·tll tk WllillIIIISOUhn'i\' cl l bUlT,ht " lit thl' ~tl,ck tba" tWI)·tll lrd. f tl.16 "1'1'''" " II Yu ill': I a.~-41 P I.aG. Ne w York I u _ J • H . £1 Y WI'111.uOId II unU~. W ils a n t.! AI. Kil )V J.tlve '11' uk "I ti l lI'ul k \lctolllpi l heu ill huUlu, lUI! . ·lIll1nJI.IY. lI'u m Ell lu· of ~ " ~I 11 U.\llI Hi. M~hv - - Thc olWV. R ... IInyslit uud will tmll sle\' Shedir or W,m. n oll"h . 1110. dh'jllO service in the El)iClc,'pal 50 or 60 tllat 11'111 ""enlIT. \'l 1gh - tl,~ 1\ 1. 01\ inl' l u I he lllllllh'r .In ll \1 1)(lU. KIll I . i, the 1)/ I II". he It tu tll~lr O\~ 11 ' tllll .' 11, 18 "II , Snll W. UIlU" N. Attorouy ' H~lIrth nnd H om nnd Mia mi Gttzctte Clnll .. .. '" "1:', ~ u " _ _ I y eur. ~4 Dllliv r"plllO Illld )li~ 1II1 O~nnrc" ,on Sunday ~orll~ng lIoxt St-epbon all~ Eli hl\ k Imv \) ach t l ll\ " f IcC ,tlltivllI!, . ther<'o_ IlIll ..t tnt n t III all~ ~'u, !.'ie\\' . totpril!illg, Wide Ilwllko huuse It; 1 76. 1 76 . • tett olle y~IIr. fl:J ftt ]Oto~tock • .atwhlch tl.m~ Holy u fintllotof !lubl'll· M•. Ilhu\ Llllw~ IWO\! ,1I'i1y btl H I"' k ClI.th"rt llgIt. ~h·~ l co. ' . JUilig !l 611J1I:>h ill/-j b1l 4 t11'6S. 1\110 "T·H ..Er.. c:W' ......£'·S·..T·ER .......Nd·-R..UAR.......,.j T" 'C Ootll~~nDIOn will be ~d~lolsttir~. , no h(l~. n e~:'!, a I\ (J C.1lI all l'Olllllly ..,C til I ~rl'\' '111'1 illl as UIIJ HlljJ' !hclI' st,~ck of Chlillt lllll .good AI,. -lba schol"r8 of St. Mary 8· -'J rle 131h of tid t\l 'lI,rh \\ I.IS be Irnc. ' py Now) l'lll' tu ull 11111' CII :!t" uwrs Just recolI·cd. embrace II till O II~ ' SundRY scbwl are r 'q3leB d l ~ trlu 56th IInlli..-elllllry IIf t11 1J birth WhLlt th e tC'Il'hel "llOUI~ b \\",,1u nd Ia' 0)11.111. J> tl l!U1I HUt! l ' X' SI)I·tUJ CJlt of flll' Ul tUtu pf all kiud&. Til, (h at, L uuf'ng P l)pular ''f) lDeet ill the lC!Jureh. 011 OIIJ'istml18 : 01' ~UI' frlelld C. M C I·IlIII'. ElLrly ~Lbl ) II 'uted h.' .\1 1 1 O,l1dwltllud" nmille h111 t. 0 "vt III IlIluy GOllds bllhies' chai r aud Wllgolli!, bruckand Pra ,t 'l1al l 'a" m a,t t ~ nlKWt at '11' v1eltlck. There Will be III the 1lI0 111illg of Ihllt dny , ho lh et tl'l\ch t:1' tlhulllJ b~ kllld. patlellt, ulllui ll Yu H IlIllkl YOlll' pllrcha to . - ats, wall'p(lCkutB,' picturc frUllleil, V~j:~'!l,.of • Ohri8tmu'·t\'Cc, Clltul8, lIud nil wended IllS wily to L~bR r\u lI , 1Ie"(,1 zClll')lI d , lIl·tIt. I'r~I',1I .~ III b IS \\ (Irk.• H. .E .~ Cu , tit '.. etc. Th ey hll V!! aJ 0 II stock J;;' 1 .ddrcse ;alJl'rq).Jriate to the OCCllSIOlI ' dl'catUl lIg " f tlte 1'1'!!}Jarutlun ma MI , tul H~ the dl " ICC III IllS w\ll dll. · -- A H!ry ugl'Ccable lIurprise df. willd w ~la;:8, tlod urllsellillg 1111 Tmt '~;·.R'iI-;L;8 ~~;; by the ik-etor, tile Rev. J. B Ely. kill" lit bi . h \ 'l11~ f ill' lJi~ Sl1l'l)ri 0 Mr.' Grullt llU llJ cUIO.pllltod the.' dl tltl ll "'II~ <TIY , lin, lJutdua. Ollt at. s n.llll! protiat!l. III buyi.n .. larKoll oarclllllted Jourll,.1 of Il~ ., u.\ I C( d III g I I1n I:!S~It) L'Il\lIl1co tt the.1I otiat!-J' <hI·v hy hll!' YUllr ('I, Irlstmlls prosellt03, don't tlliln l,artlllen~ A'llor..... it i. ,1~ v"led to tho vilriult3 .Tb f~d ,. B<:mllc nlld \Vil l 'I'lIn!! hlld heell pr g lllmrl1 u of Hur..1 A/I'II I... Ilod pllru oulKr. ENTB,arAINMKNT.- e I··en. oj 0 to \V 'I) Ue Ville. llo.!l.t on hllv ing 1\11 npull till' ~lIbJellt: 01 WI,lt du li llI' uUlIghlUd ' ~I rtl. 1vIII.1'ilo", IJn to loo k JII at Zells'. y ad"It<)(\ to tho nood. of tho W t it tho EpllscvdPal~ hurch wtel~tl gl\'~ Il o.·.,teJ'suppcr. if thc:y 11I\d t" go c(JmJll;ulI'rlse.:h \lOI,l 'I"ust StiLIlid Idll amI ~Ird. W i ll. Kuuric k, of " · Il.! """'F ' k - ·&·'M-' -:1 ' . IfIYes .. IO\\loh..lo" OrllC"'~IRndSel"'kd . t". ~ln81CIl an lt~rar,. ell r UIflIll?n t wilhout Bll oll blu 'kll '~ hll'tI munth. n ee r II;! g 'ul CIIIU\) ~ !lIllie Ul illgt ll ll. Tbe pre~lllrod tho UIlI. I u..J 1It1 ·oy.' 18 I cJllle urc III :!~. :::':o~~~.~ II~;••~"uv~I~~~~"}guf~~,:;~1 ~.'f'~ \0 adwlllltlders Hall. ". Ohrlst Wb(ln '. AI. arrived ut hl ~ home th e re 11'1' 10 !DlIlI y t h ,llgti 01 wh ich lIl' I' ullli Imlll .I~I it Wl tl! th em 1'1.,, 111 socII 1\ J'ush ul t~'atll;! t.hllt they cO .... l'lnttJ Hum l "lid f'lIrnily n w"puper I ... l~a8 Eve, Dec•. 2~. lJe~lII111ng I1t 7 lind II uue h ill al' p Nua nco tn hI " the e sulIv'JI ~Iall d 111 I eed 11U1 t1Ig W li lltlll~t"ll , IIOJl lG~,t the illvltu d huvo 11 0 tune to ,nlte lI 1/ rI CCS; but tlnp.r" llcl.(1 <.lruul lltl<llli the "".tproof of 25. a~~dl) J 5c ';Ulllly, 1111 hi~ chl lllre I and gra.nt! · "1'IIICh \l'lklS t '1'~1 ·111 I' prcpllaeJ lut gill.! t, t v the IJ\lIl:1bt:1' ut !jO OJ' 40, J tbeYdr()Cjnc~t UBI' to 'I tL )' thnt they ~~nr;~;h~~lro~,~~": ·i'~~. ';~:"r~~t:.';:~u~:t~~: o clkUCtk. 1>, Adm l ISStIOCfI.l'ISPIII T , IC ell lI,r S8 e Ii l)(, J..II·O. s children (except DIIIl \\'110 IS nulV t 1'11' \\'" r 01/ 1I1U;IIY elltCi npllll lit t h Ull' IlIlItb uI' 11II'lJIe, w4 ' Ia ull fll'~ ouol·atlllg. 0 1 ll'1BlmaS, aud o f t" mlli o" ~lllI t IIr noL nl(l'gcd IU rural Jewelry ~tore . . . ' Oll a visi t io tho 1I1l1·th ' 1'11 plLl·t o f tl ,a w LlI'k ul tClloillllg 1~lth all illlll enl uY'.1 tliu oocu~iOIi CXCl'l:dlllgl ,__ will Xillblt, till!> wook, th o hll'gc~ pl,r/llllt•• I.t.. th ",; ,'stlln,1 W eMt The progl'amme Will C n.l:'I t 01 thll 1:ltUtl::) \\ el > I"IO, lllltj hu /lppl~U I lu I!I'CIl IU II ,Fi-Ivd cCltlnll:ule lIlId 1~I ;d IlU 0 11t\l lt. cu, than th\) hl,ly ill \llld IIlUll t IIttl'uotlve "tllck 0' Iaull ' ........... 8:J, llJper Y" ..... P_Pald. "17 •• vooul tlnd IIIstrumcntal mnsl~, dill. ed ulpl'l ~ed,wLlIltcl tok lll l wwl. <': le goJod )Jlly . Itoy have tuo lu\\ Ii \\ ho 611VII \lI th\! It<ty WIIS givulJ. duy g,lods to he 10n n d.ttnywh(,l o ell~:."~<1~olr~~·;.,I~:.~·J<~~~.:·li ••~:.r::.h.t.,~~~ A NaUonal Famll )';F.0cel etc., fur t~e preselltutlOn vi th e pI'l'achcI' WIlS, and 1\ hut 1111 ti,l;) c" ncE:l·lwlI III tIll II' 101861011 . II " ' .• I Be Bllrtl to go thcl'l', lad lc~, g e llt.lo. hoorlli prenllllID. to Ih ,•.., who make \II' 'II", I.., '111 Fa m,ly !''' pe't of nlerlCil. Iho 1 I b Prepara t I 0 11I! I.ull V"v I."ell I Id I CIl, IlIl u.1 I~l1y snlnl! tl Illlg lIn d seo,I uIn b6 0111) pape ,, l""" ,will 1 r. <Iuack u~ di ~ play of l'dibl l:lI mcant, :\lI d "'hy II 11::11 a 11 Uu. CJ t (j II Il' CU UII t l'tlX anl lll .[' lit! fi,ll l," '1I~ 1 I. IltIt vi jUl'llrd mOil, ell and hu ."I, r"~I 'XI)'~ IIlI d 11I1t ''' '' "ng'. rDl :hepulj.. W I ~. IUskmg lor somo w eks.. Come the.v ull dl n('Ul'l'U th'llI I I U:\ WIth ell! a:l bUI II~ rhl! 11"'ee .1\ 11\1 hav!:! I I. r'I' Il'l' Jallnur.v tel lIl. 1 'ill. I hund some .. lll!. u ~ flll tur YUlll'"ch'ct! S en t th rc-e IDltlltl ••• 0\1 trll\l, for :;O cl·nt... lie. I, now re hel, ror tl". (<llI olln Al "a " I' or ~umple Fopv rfrl\' on r' \lJo'71i l pt of dta\lnp for pn i ' no alllI 101) ." hlJU Ulore d,Iglow.d I ou t Ull d Spell 'j a merry CI illS I mu . I8u••v .,h .... slu,·I ..v '""• tll""~ 'I. 111 1(1 1:111 I'll 111 tIIlell' •I) ., \\ ,' 1.1 I II I" " JUII'U IlW I U u l • ur YOIlI' I rl Cllu.) •. _ ._ _ bee,l. . 1 I. I (I UAN O .fOROIt::!. P 8 t"~0 rue M reMt o· t-o nolY sub· bel ' E ve, Ihruu"h thc wu ulu C'lt Ch b lll Th en u).Jp ICIIU.,.. IlIlu • 'J Cu UJ lUlli ng '1 .' l ll llr· 'I k W) t b I . J 1 IIOflOOr. fur '7(1 H N .I!' LKW IB. ChICago THE STAR SPANGLED BANNB't Ie -. . .. n ' I tI J II b d .JU' l J., ,\r ,,- ' CIlICI'ce 0 liI"C 0 ('~ t 10 III II g liCE' - - -... he said' 'nolla cume t; it 111' allu til! btull nl'l II I U rluse H f I .1 I A T TEN T [ 0 N a large, IgIII 'I" Ig', 40 CUlll lOlI l'hP' r. I .<d~er A young WOWIlIl from the ru· · l1 t ' • • I' I I D esl'lto the illd'mollcy of th e " III ,ltkind ' 1I1'1111l 0 6eVOIl\ corle~IJOlluellta!, w IUse . i7.8 . ov e rll" wlllj( " ,tit ch"' mlu~ Slorie• . Po. r" dillfrlcu entered a dry (!;oudll l'l' BOlDle .,np~Ct·lr ;. W 11011 t I I' II sa~~I() weatla 'l th e utt Ild~nce wu s g u" d A nllltl ~ W a~' Ic k ". U> htngtl)n fuyu 1'8 w e nrc cUlIljiolled. f'l'OllI lack FARMERS AND STOCKMEN elr,. I Ille •. l-ik' lei .. ' . \VII. Hum" r lIlId Flln. k d f ur. cornp fIOu WIt I I11II1ll!!( IlItl' Y u B , F run II f "')UCI;l to d \l'1"1' S.uvem I art's l I, /l1I(\ - .. n ne" Re ' P~" Rll(hls. """'U, .tore t h e ot i lerd ay I an d a~'o f.t l 't . bll I lI(1t II hat It , h Illld be whUll W!), J 1I111e~.~I ur~ IIII 11 (In 0 -'.' l I t!8. Arl•• 11.0 &0. hilS n Oh,hl reu's J)OpBrtlllllllt • pair of IItockingt4 The clerk ~au~e to gll llfi ~~:~ 1111 I;IC !~\C CVII Sl dll1' th e nUluul:!1' 01 tuachertl III Flullk (htlilih or 'fllltiI;CI'I:!ck b()th III pr(ts~ lIud pOlltry, ulItll 8F-N Il 1'011 A 8PF,OIM EN OI'Y OF Til'!: II Med." .1 Uq," rt IlIO llt. PII ' zl,, '8 " roor.etc: ul a II I U I .c II:!"" IjJptr Illl) U . LC' I U Lll kulI:I MUlisle surue fUIIII'o tlll)C r ic, . "d I~ ,I p,·,r.CI Fllmily I'npH PO litely Bsked her what nllmber I C. M. III c t ve llJoy. II IIh nil III ~ tlt o UUIII). 'I l~ 1111 ' I I BtJMBOGS It• • "e,·",I, I. lo upn8e ev. ebe \Vvre. hy, twv, you.lJ a t - family 14~ b ll'thduy suI'I'Cls ' Olle mUlkou Il1l pI'oyement ill th o II I n .ltI.t.TIo! 'lho case ofM,71'; ;--s n ••". S .. ll el s ••,•••I.loed • I'ry l· rlllld .(ICI"uk.~ wlnd l.rll"d · ne"I· Ev. ed fool 1 Du you suppose lam a I I 1'1 I. t I " . k ' WUlk of th o AI:IKlIc latlon is that tho Allx.liooth Tnl'tlccl'ccK-' •• ~ urYIIII.nl"'rhIlBllIoculuilinsof'rulhl ul re centi"""'e or have "'ot a wooden alll, my . 11 1lrt I.'. W wt /l Ice ou e f I J ohll 11 FUlllJUII '!'tIl'tlccl'eck Clime to a eluso la I wetlk n v'r Tlo., 0 .." ..........e... l'II. . . . .,,'Z......... Itat.l e 'I",oml''''~ No 8~wduet . lufle tl /tIft, I":"'H ' d ~ they haJ too ! tcacl,OI'd 0 utll 1111\'0 beau VI'e:;cllt DuM ' d' t f $10 10 I ' d I .0;.......11:., : ..~." .... v ••• bl" lJonl1, or, pil I nlld cnli' g"",,' 011 11 ""r 'oRtch~ leg' ow ma.DY . 0 .yOU 8uppose a I j ' . alld prop.1I cd with the wUl'k udS lglI 11\ I , Huth,Lway CICIlI CI'eek IC ?' ) 1 lug , .r ·" el'~1 lee! ~_., ..-:,:IIY" •• " . ' or !"U ' f 11'11 r~l\d tl"s ); rc.t l'''l'"r II espo.u two-legged hair·pm like mo would -.A:. It ttl e JIICldOllt hllppen U to d I - W U I II t r 1cI1 d d SlIllIlId Ollotlll 'l'llItl t!croek phulltdf llr,,\\·o & , \ II ') 11 tOI ~~ ~"' ~~ 1111 8" u"lIcr< "'lhnUI f "'01 fa' (>r... "tlgh .. _ ...... 211 1' ·Wh irlwillu .' IIIII18G!:!o.Hlchurcl olulI, E' tllCtlI. f I I'JI'U !l Il SII '" Wm BUI't .1l Il 'lIllllt n Illll inti tf·, \!II~ I''' & Vllllilul'lillg!:!11 Itl"a (J4·cohnnn ".. por. furlll . hing RII., .. f''''crlOlllJ .wllh IHlnle'" lId·w'"11'. ~ •
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, tlae wh Ich dl~ . other ddllY, lJ' ' IDIIlI,cs ' I II "0 and ewam tJDct lUn II lul'renco t 10 CU " You should o .. J" I t\Jat goiug tv FloIJUU, tIll:!! I J cea~o iDe Cadwallader & Janney s to wunder lit hIS tllnldity urrn ll1l:1t q bea\OCk of Clothing I wbich ,taking the trIp 'By gluCIOU,,!' .'" h hi.. t d Ii says he, 'paltot tlaatri\l hl.liJto be Wley .I-" ulllde StlU, Ilnd d"ll t know so ."' .. HOLIDAY TRADE• wur I well IlbOllt tJlnt. Them plllgul;!y • - I boau sometimes go down With u ~Ollr readers will bear ill fellow "lid IcuII't sw ilol\!ick ' u..J mind tbat we take subscril'LIUl1sltlr Gour .... ,e is tl "lIuog mllll nigh onto · '" olJ,J und bus hud Ihll F~ lor· I h .1 t e Ilterary, au d newspapers, 4[, yllllr m&D'a&iD~etc.. at the lowost club ida fe var fUI' 1\ your 01' so, so to ..., prioee. or install co, Harper's speu k, t emendunsly. The 'disllllc publicati0D81 H.ul'ILl New Yorker, tlOn' consIsts not ill his mode 01' Frank Lealie, Petersoll, Godey, and gving. not 80 lllllCh, eVIlII, in the · 1 Y , . Indeed. ,,1l veri od lea S. ou can t tIme uf g (lIl1g j bnt III the anlldote "" u.em .. cheap auywhere eille. Ol>tIlJDt! the dltli:!rollce. Geo. loved . -. - . 18ha /llId JUlie loved he. W ell, thcy The Leg.elature still. keeps up were lULU nod aud are now elljuyital'tlgolar weekly moetlllgs every ing the uwunt!llIne ill ·doors as I .. • ..
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e.erf: "e lk m or Yt\lu ubJ o iufurrnotlOll In 11 t 0 II llrorOlh• I1I'par I men •• f' I .. ...,,, ,..." rIOIl tllrc d I ' S.. IoIIllII1 GUII SIl 'VIIYlle l than allY other parer of tho k",d 11\ tho t I!:!II' ~I,ty tu III pl'esent at Ollr J U III F) c ' I 'tll'clcck _ Gu to thc ell lertni II mant. Fliduy oOllutry. lind " Fumlly D epa r t ment tI \IO· meetlUgn, I , evolllng. It Will VO govd. qllal cd ' l,r III Wr cst lUld "..Iuo fo r til6J bouoo4 PI< J(l lI AMME. I' MIl J t;.littlRS. hold th o I'''!toot nntl Ilble.t I'\r,," of 'J S II'I"""'A 'I ., .. R~gu"~rCu .. trlbll tur. veremplo)od ('\1 '"I OpeningaduI'!dlls by Mr.Sell els\ 1.uIJllIliUW) \!' r~~ III ~ll , u..J ltellY ChrtsllllllS to UIl ..jI;r lllultu ....ll'''l.ellllthc"... ulltry .luIII . r ll n vI' S"lin"uoIIJ. I '. ~I voy Ma~~ l e ollr I·('tlders. IIblo tmd c'l"'rl~nc~t! E,hloru" 1Il1l1lB1I"O' MOil ~ tl Wit RlOIlt.. wh o epllro IIU c "pon ~c tA> "d(} veryHeul.h ng l'XCI cl ~e (in which nil. I ~UlJlII g /lH illig uII ~tllIllg po~"blo to II vnlu~. the tllllchel'ol prcsellt 11'111 be t:xpl'ct. SIlIllU l·1 (1111 k D ue rfield JjJ 1 0118 ..IKNT.tNN .... L rRIII!IIINT. odtotllk oIlBlt)ledbyM r. ll.llen J.lI lI url,·1I UlIlOn l ~~~~ __ ~~ _ ~_~~ WC8h"Uprc@'IIf.pO.tHlJo I'Hid. tocYcry .. J u IIII I1,'WIIl 't' 1.1' "T[[ ED D .. b f J 70 I _., 1I0tt of Fmnklill. J! Itlll" III " • '" - eou m bor 17• J87".... th e ... Ifo 811,,_orl fir or . 1\ VCIY oll'Rol~n d ,.... "". I~1l C I II W 81 'n t III of G or lle tll o•• of II d IIlg lll er. ttful Ellg rllVlUg-Alzc lU x:!" 1lIl'ltIIK-PIlIt. Lustlvu III vilunlllar by Bolle IIC allJ~ lC ,u II g ' IItihcd ellpre".ly by u. for 11 Oontonn",1 BIOWIl. uf Spl'Ill g l IIII'U Wullel S./:)tllk(JB 'lllrtiecreek At (\ v ,. t' (\ C'" P-,csentto ollrrollClor.. . _ ~ T urt Iccree k• ~,~ ~ >J TIII~ .mudcs IlIlJ effects of pun· ..:alTl l1 c CI ur 18 ~. IlEAD. TilE TERMH. . Ishmuuts ill tho ~ c.:Iwo l, Will bu II li~u H,"I~~ er Till tlecl'eek ~ • ~J~~ J'oo_~~~"~ Single co"y. 00 " YOllr (112 ... U08) p os t"aid, quel:ltlUll 101' d ilcu ~ "JII. willch WIll 0 11 l't' lillll' I' y , . Mass ie SMrTH- OLARIC - At the re.,denco (,I t2,IIl III lubk. 01'" YUllr (c.2 I . ... es po.t. . Il J I B ' It ; th9,',ftI illtlllg mlnillter. nil Ih o D"~ toll pike. p"id. $1.00 With" COllY of EnJ{l'llvlnlf be opeued by Prot l)onald"ull. lII et! . Olnson IIml vn on fhllr. duy, Decemoor 16!h. 187 •• by tho l f~09 too v" r> SubllCrloor. We offor 11.0 roost E~lMA C. FICKEN, ' .- . R~" Mr McM lOhael lIfr I!rllnk ~lIl1th "lid vahll.ble l'rollllum Li sl. nr Oll\!b OOlUooi"". J. C. I IJ:J=' Tho IICW pI 0;1 oct f\II' COli' lilt•• Eh,,, Clllrke IU"" til lub A!l~tI "" ovur utfur u SpuulIllI'n S I I
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IT COSTS h f '75 C d d u YC III • •In I• • cnt Ilropn, c . , ry " lwn' I I. IUSllh p"pcr h .. c' c ry h.,ro ,Soll , I"" 1I ur N"r~h, r" II" no, 1'0111'0II. rl'llgIO,,' nr <t cl.url~n It wn.iI fo r 1111 Stll" 'd lu I , fi~ II h.~ ~'1110 nil rur II) cnr;. nDd I ~ "'nll b , IOllUflO rCOI,lo Y"u '''IIIt.t III..J w.1I hU ll "bOro , 11010. "by
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Wo h"Ju 1m 1"''' ' d 12 :-;,,1, ."IId I rellclt Chrumo. (wOt,I, . $1 < Hch ) . Bill! !.I.x I j IlIull, . 11",1\ moulI'td. IllIci "0 .. n·e, ,'" .", R 1)1 11" '.<1 IU'101 alld DllIlIe,"whol~" .. r .III I(, .e. rll r'l Th_ An: g~ UlIlIl!' c hrOlllOs 8Ilit.,t.l o rOr n.ol p.", lor f.1l " Ih." l"Il/IIIII 01 o olfered • A LAST WO RD Road er. 'lllIIomber 18 71i "ullr.~l)lIlIlkrY·8 cN·< lItcn llil "1 DUriDglcI~l • 0 0 < ~"n f .. 1I I" , . R '11"" 4 . pntrlutic. 'ft c· IIwllku 1)1I1l 01, olle thllt 18 lor ri!:bt agalal\ "1...,11 /1 . one thai koolls 11 0 party. no Dolib. 110 .oulb. cllst l)r 1I 0<t. bllt n 1'<II'0r illlcndett. for c,o ry rOll llur. on ~ th . ~ " 0108 monel 10 118 ron ,lor~ hy a.posing Ibu trlpi' or s"lUdl, dom. Mild UOW II th Ifme YOII If."e PUI 110ft t UI) long 'cud til day Now I,
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Id Lll8t Batur . I_\ _ ___ __. __ • ()ludH. # GlUJ: obaracteriae each OCCll8ion. there are no wosqultoee tv bother ny mg 1 , Ill.. . . earney W1I8 J eifortlonvd lu. has mken. dl:finito ~Q¥> 'N'?A*.t1! DO. f) L\ day LO Ibo BANN ER , _. 'tb'U ,r<>hbed ut Iloout 20 CIIlCkcD8. some shllpe, th e cllmpany haVIng: flied ~ ~~ @!) ~ ~~~~ ~ • n.. ,Hlnadalo. N. H Tbree l ' of winter lut week, / em, el ler. ,. . , dn~k8 ulld 3 or 4 turkeys.. ThIS ill their e I·tificale P,t' .!,ncorpvratien, To the Ta~·P.yer8 of Wuren County )f ury .....ly down to zero· i .-Marth!!, I Vi ill glvc your prop· a tlmc when pOrsUIIS havlDg poul· and the ml)vers in tile work are !lC' Tlmo for the p"ym ent of your tax Is ~x" Office and R eaidfmc I TI,i J'd t., '1
Now b ,,'ever the weather is mild . oSlllon serious th ought sOlDe
PUBLISHING 00., 541.0. .810
n-I---J - L-~ :t. .-L' . ZEL
I of try s hould keep a gvod look out fur tlvety cn g bned ~.I.tt:i g subscribed I I mlseru bl wrtches who gO ,stoek'--XMia Or"Cllti(J7it.
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wllrlod until .. turdllY ••r.GURry 8th. 1818, d uys, \vhen I UI:!come l'eCOI\ . tlC "'to '!' wilhollt pOQlllly. "lI:cept Delinqllent Tu ID ~ , ~ e Juoslll.t. J S. TOTTEN. WAYNBSVlL1.E. ·~ .j .~ ~ \a - - - - 1<:."ad over the last. . III the. m en n- about appn'priatlllg to tb eil' usc • _ - -_ Trc,u!llror W ....ron Oounty. • • ((7 Buy en. of thoee spJeodid ,time,lDukeyoursell ~8 cU lllf~rtllble what hilt! cost theIr owners pains TilE CIIANllLERSA:LK-A mistake D eo 1:;.1876. -L -~G '---F~()CENDEN --- F~rat- NI~tio7&al Bank Building... 00 urn. a Crilpin &; &0.'8, for . &8 you can, uII~er oXlsttllg clrcum- Bllll expense. Keep your pistols oc'urre? lust wook iil our advertiao, DiSSolution of Partnership .. ~ , WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. ,oar"". It will make- her hapo jlltAUcee. Tln8 III a cold wlJrld. . luaded und at lml1d, and don't meut ~tAlands belonging to tho ce· The partn{'r hip IIc r etafortl luiRtlJlIf ~ ' Fi Cl 0pSA,LJlII 1/1 & 0 L. O. LUKENS, M_ D., a ". RULLA. 1hesltJ\t_e_ to_8boot.. • tate ot alOIl Ohuudlor, dece,asod. ,tween s. B ThOQlP~OIl ~ J. A. K tlll l'l1° Y In rst~EassN I A ,D08 I Of.gans' jPHYS ICIAN &, SUB GrON..
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All ki" d. . Lll mlo"04 I1i lld "lid "'"111) put " I' Lf) "rde • . 1 fl " • ..101:", , /,/l fll lll) 00 · f!·I'IJI1I'11:tl , 1 1f'1. /I il lU.nl.:.t:ll \V'IoVlJ I' I 'I I I ' --.----- -"cr, c~ . )u WII. k. S"tll' . IIlId C'otorllt~ij 1in ~ All new ,uMcl'ihcr. (or 187U. pll\'ing "I . itort II '1 ;'-1' . ..,I VulI CO IIft cr Nuy. I IH7f•• will rcoe;" e \V 1 Nr VOW "(J 1> N I 0 E ' . • \..< l1\,: l'''l'or \ V.KE K" L .... , 1'1'1)'" leceipt or "'" :~I)I,:~.~~~u tu JUl1uury I. l. 1t:!70. wilbuliL Ile,ldou :t rlArs "IJ';;:r" . BI .a m""'TS , '<J &Iv ~!1.111 ('1I~1"'N lm P .Il·1I1C6- 'F'OIl'l'\·- IXT!I YI~Au ' l J! el~ CltlUf Iru o u r OWn· muko. Matt.rt~8,.JU"t l' LI I.' 1 d loWM IUHI UU I"' : Ul'tj 011 hUhd "'lid ml::Ul~ ' D II) oru,·,·. Cottu n :O;llCetillgK ~m.1 r·ill ..... 0,,"11>, 9. Ta l,le Linens ICOUNTRY GENTL E MAN N ,, (,.k ill s , Do , Ii . 8. Lh,lom....
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IJIIJlA(JBIPTION P.lfl., S3 A YB&II, IYIlI CTLJ IS . 1J~ " 'CIl. " For full particulRrs. addrell8 ~. W E HATH AWAY ~ • • ,~" lItIannger of BRA NOH Ofl'IOE, '0 16 11 cFarla nd ~
The StoollholdcrK of thuU. D & L . A. looi ..tion .. i11 takenotioo t hllt "nelootion of NIDe DIrootors will tKllo VIKoo at 1100 of· fiee of A. T . Sablu. on
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AKTOP'I·.tJOI'I, th }lo,,"o wifo nnJ "n inlor".ting TOrietl' IcJa •• e. lI ud condululL. ol ~ ocl.~y. t\. won SCIIOOL Io ANTE I( N, YAM I L \' L "T''''~. uf Fire.ide !lllll,li nl(. It COnlaiM' Il welt dertul boyk and .. huu el.uld nl'Oll_III, . It I'EIII'LE'~ LA Nl'E R ~. I "ditfid It view Cu r M Event. Ilnd i ... ""\18 "I e·ght. G, a,,'. illdpa.m, 01 8"Ot Each al,:" hci"g Iho b".t or U. " IllS. in Ihe I RdYerti~ing furlal.1t Il. direotory of IIlI r " ,' red.ILo bOOk ~18.* Slm p1. c~pie, '!~ 1Dl\' k.l. t.h vrill iVn IIgriou lt ur,il lll.d burtiuultnml ' ')' mil' . pO. lp tJ • or .. :I. 1i: x~ II~ vO .1 1'\:1' . bl' I I rIb . t lor v Illvon. Agenla U\\l1'\) ,hall dOll l)ll>t",lr COI'II'ogue.< of La nl ·r" . olld • 1 101~.... lLh co.1l .~~ Ime~,. u "ooun ,ry. I mol1~Y, AddrOll8 Or. Oha.c'8 Skam I' .iu dlre':llo,," fllr u; log ocnt 00 "PI,l\uIII'ou. CW Spa 'Ifl~n °Plilol Free. Addr_ lug !:I oullI. Ann Arbor. Mleh/cu. [lH li am AO),flIlIerpri. ing mllu can lII"ko mllllel ~"' .. rT_ker.""'P."I".o..., . . . .. Ith II Magi, I.l1nle rn . A"B&'N~, N, ~l , -...I n ruu'ouulale ..dy~rti8etneD"orrefcron~e. . - - - ~--- - • --- .-5:CJ..I)' 80lllETING NEW T.UHD STREET, N";". - - . - - • • _--. II • WO . . .1'1 TO ...
Nutice i~ It 'reby gi ven . t hat tho Kubeori • . . .\11 . Cor. Slxlh and U. la Sh . -( ./ \.t .; I h4;rlu~ll~ctl UVpuinlOallDdqullIi Rodu Ad' l IN01N:>IAtr 0 .. [JJ'1'o·dtly is ' PIYOlOlllh nock lI\itli~Irlt"'rof~be:E.t.,to"fu... i L. at.lllaour~...n4a . ul'pl,of, ,Itt~·J t;)ti IIg0, Ihtl Pilgrims ; vero' It"W • °tf ~'f.~,rneoDDC~ui~'r·t:~yof D&- (iI'h~I#,)Un1!J"lli'W.i!llijilif4IJ d Ii e ... ue.. • WI I' • . . P"irv\~w Form . bl ",j :,1. llj( C'l IInl)ill.! .,,' rn.,.r. \..n 1'1111. . " '1I,I,y D1 ~11 ror I(tN - . E R. F.. lIn,. M. n., ar Thu IlIlCtllli'\ ~[ rleet rnr.t</J< l)al(l , ,lD or a\ lbi."fti :<, 'I h,' I. ,IiI!" \' .. \ 1 ' dll . helllli;;l, • BN lJ. ·I .E}' ~£~ I~. a.c..1...... .'.e" :..". ....... (;11, <&lib 0 trode. for CuwltTy rrocllACe. , •
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h "'Jh.,ldcl·.. . allulII" ld ng bon,l . "''''IIlJle ill V'l/l".! mbd Bl'lililll'lli, g" ,tI III I, uu o!' .leg,,1 lend ...s. li S fi '81 ~gn'. U I UI ,o ted ,H .u. tly >r"1fl 1·: uyl u 11,1; I " 1'0" : " (" .. " !I'om 01 25 I,cr Ce UL. ill I'ah, ,' TI. 1'1 I.) lilt! f" w ilL tl'e e.' I"'''sc 01 'h ' Ill',n ,'. t7'u· !f. rhl! . ·ll e, II ",.,tio\, A~· 1. '1 " IIl ~ "dilll;! ,lt ~, I lltj,IIl ', I IJ. wltlLh I· ulterly 1I1l 1",.·, hl c. allu pl~elllg th ,' I 'PI/,-ti I til ,~ . (f.f'.• uh " L. , u~h' lor '~c nty .'en,·s i'lIr l" CI' otf. I,'or ;;uch "lid IIrllll t crl meslIg ,li li r t tlu' Pf O ('J IhoQ 11 .a.t t\I\ICt' ..hH. n.\U nu t "'l· tt'r~ . " Ie th o ~;Il'l \lirl' " \I ill ad .. oc" ... • " ch" "gc in !IIII' !! tlm '1' ISIt"lbU or gl""""" ulIl :dl',dl' •• !I 111 0 8 1 lillin" 0 ' II ny (\ II 0' 1l r" OIty tit II10 U .. iutl . CelebratIon fo r the Centenn'i al Year . I \ r,' , JI .'·"Uw,." ld k.II .... ,,,,,I "",10,. ,,, "<1 II", 1"'. ~ ,- , I) OI'O I IlII\' . tJ l' ., p ·r II ~UI !4 ill"- .W ' tIt.'8, Illt' l'i t h Ili id t·tflc ts of' p lll'l t n l lc1fu fl1l'C I" . , iluJUW.P" I" r< I ' .1 '" "gi.llI l;O" .• ""." ,110 Jo:IIIllliror ti urin" Ihl d 1111 ",ruer·, &' ." " ""W"l ril.I·l o, •. · I U~I re ,·oi. ' I 0 JI I :d~~I'I " '" c r.~ -, .lId s\lb,cd bo ro,' Ihe ycn, •.• r+.oU' t ". l'1I>'l1l.·i.·_ <li,'OCI. , '1' E Piel' and MIRRORS "
I ~~ :
0 11
euliarly i uter slilig Illld' 8Cl'v icc ilbl e :ti::1dfO:t at 1 o'cloak P .• , A. EDWARDS. Seo'Y; . . '. • to vur fullow·citizellB llt thi 8 (i'fl C. A. T . Sabin. Ertq .• in Harvey.burg, 0 11 H,lI·yey.sburg. Oblo, Doc. 1.0. 1;76. as Rho . wing the feel illg. in udj.acul1t MOllda.y, tlHJ 10th Day oj Jan,,· M"nurllotl1r~' 11 11 kill.l. " f B.ro,'" ,\: Oll ~ " 1 b I 87 dHily for Wu,·lt c.vlli IIud t.he "llrn.l1Iudi ng countrivil 011 the flU ~oct ul ., Ie 1"!/, 1 6, _ u i!(bborho'Kf. . 8...,.,1.1 I!.u."iu m i~ given Millmi Narrow Gaugtl. boLlVeon the houre of 1 lind IJ o'olock P.lI. WH OLE ALE w, furniabh,!C ' 1. ' • t' B d f th P 8II'dont JEWELERS ~OPTICIANS I wil 1 c Ioee tutS COmmUl1lC1l IU n or ur 0 e J OEL EVANS, co'y. . .i t. CAKES WE'I11DINGS by BlLying tbat t,h(l abov <;l entllrpl'is6 r. i B aaid to meet with the ' apprOVlll j Dc'O .D.11:I70. AND PAR'J:n:B, u f the o fticers of ollrpropo ed rond, Estatel Sp clad o!!, 1'(;018 &. Mllt6riills. "" hurl nu,iuo. J HI",) keep .
r.\ t .ff WnL Ou~n r ltd
SIll! JI"lloe "n,1 o Xt!nlu,. , , I "f}'cral tlUndred ong ru.v i.u gM. Thousandtt of Fro m S()\lth C llll rlll"ton 0 11 th e "01,,01.0 "re pre.rrwed fllr itiUllill15 lind ref. X c nilllllld ~olllmblltl l'(lad lly tid ' ! ere!lce. T onn., .~.20 .. vc.r by ",,,iI. iool.u. I C~ to Cincilllluti it wiil bo lIi x ,IIo"e p".la~e: Ds,(lo)unt to clu"". Sl'ec,,,1 pu , • . o,r\J ul",. !C"'IIII,C cl ub rll\.('. I<f'nt freo SllIltle JOiles uelu·t!I·. FI'IIIll \\ U~hlllgtUII ' "01'1'. mRil.d OD rcoeipt of 10 cont8 M.y itwillb41 tJ1I811l1lenCIHCI' thaui L:! hclt"d nfllllnpw.doill en, / 'e •••ec:doll ..',... prj}8 lit r('111I . Ih...... u"'... A· •' . .. ··ut, ,"' · I\.. v Conti IJ ued .thro ugh to Culumhn , ,""ricftll, M.Mrt\. Murm & Co. llro .ulicitol'8 (ami the j)eople b llt \\' \!C Il hl're und ' of AmericH n lind ~"rel!C" :r:'llOntJl. ond hne there are.· ubi" . I~n d nnx iolls .tu c~.' · i ~~~r!a;t,~;.t"~:yt&~~~~~~I':dl RII~pli~~~io:~r\~,;~ ) lt l be"n mild. for POIk " t.! lbnmgh tbeir Hgeney. "perllto III 8\1CI I 11ft elltorp"llIo will be fro m 15 'to 20 lIIi1 el! tho P .. loe" .... lite ubt.. ined on 'he bo.t turmri, o~t ro.,d fl'l,m C )Iumhus t ' H "dol .. of Now Jllvcntiono and Skol ch'·H • . . ."" • .. ~ . aanilled ,,"d IlIlvico free. A epeoia.1 nutioe ie OIUClllllatl. Nuw U8 th,s clItcq.Il·I t>e ,o"tic in the Soientiflc Amcri ...n of "Ii ;11' · . b i8 very importllnt t o t IIe MlIulli ventIouo v. ten ted t h rouj(1i l b'I. Ill!"noy.w ,l the I' the lIamo lind re8idell~ of ,be p"t.,,""o.V .a II oy R . R ., it 800mB to.me. Pateo t.! 111'0 orten oold In part or .... hole. to frIends of tbat rood WIth tbltl, per."" ...t!.r"oted to tb o invention by lueh ahould work it through. It is be· n?tice. !:Selld fl?r lla!"phl., oont.aining full exertion it d,rectioDs for . o~tJ\lDmg potent.. A bound l I'eved here with pronl\r r:- . volume oontlunlDlr tho Patent L ..w•• CeD8u~ CUll bo worked up 111 Blxty days of the U. S., aDd 10&2 ~ngrayiDga of milroady to put nodar contract. If o\IIUli01l1 moyoment.a. Price 2li OOlite. Addre... fortbe puper oroonoorning~8td one, L e b anon WI'1.1 be on tl Ie vAn". & CO · .• 8''1 Par".. R·o'fll. e.. . . "UNN .... IIhorte8t line betwcell th8se two York. BraDch 011100, cor. F &7t.b Strect.a, cities, Oincinnati "nel Oolumbns." WRllhiugton, D. O. By the p ulitl' IIC88 of tho guutlc· - - - - -- - --._.- - --_._.t TURNPIKE ELECTION · I tt 111"11 to W11001 t Ilit! II or wus wr l • • tcn 1 have IIIlIde th etle e xtracts. The !ltonkhuldol'll of tho W ..yno.vill o lU,d believing th"t they w o uld be po· W ihnll'g-toll Tum~ike CnnlPaDj) Brc boroby
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whi c h ill not yut worked I1p bey d ~UUlltr~· , but hlilu .. f all D(W (lj.c"nr i"8~"d ' II If tl lid ' . I In'·CllItUIi. III ,' .~ry ~r,,,, ol,, f o,,!!, ul eerlDg. \ a, 'T Uylletl\'1 C. proJ• I S ' mccIIlUlic., Bod 8r.i ~1l00 ubroad IUCCQdll.ful it:will , clul~~, " d. . "l'l'tl iVII I The Sdo.lltlflc. Ame." iClm h.He ' .... ,,1\ ., tl ' 0 f , ,,., ',,, .... t u.f UII III d'u"••rl ~ I pu""1 1011 t 10 n~ t'r III th o uri .. i IIU I rO ll~ IlttUlluCJ . , " -1 V"I' R . f.. r,I"' I'".ttl"r l,y)'o.ro. It I. the old".t. this'
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ng ven ' oars.
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ijlliJ \:V ltl tJllli y. .! OOrUhrUI!S e'CollEN ~~""'TO'J' F UlUrC'I1I!A~bMO IlIl'lUb"'·II. ~ l::RICAN:{~ The lillu uf till:! I) I'U~(J e J ' rOlld is . ~ 't o bl'Kill lit ur lI enl' \ 'uyucs\'illl:., wbloh ,hlld bcen puLIi. b.,u ", •.., kty fur tho ~ P"dt!illg th roug h t!t ll cuullt ic:I o f "lOt thlrt )' year•• , dooa Ih,., t.o 1111 ... tltul LtW UI"t G ' d F I ~' onol tbllL of IIOY o.her publiOU(ion, in fool urren, In O!I, . reene aD uy · I I~ i8 the only woekly papor lmhli. hed in the Q) ett". utld t~J'llIl11l1ttllg lit v r · 1'l'U I' 111 '<1. :itlite•. .<I~ vot.ed w . lIlln~f" t urC8. .... J.c1f· :iiOll viU ' Mooh1\DI"", 1,,~eul,u"8 BDd New DHj()uv~rio. ~ '1'1 ' '- . . . d in tho Art.o IUld Soiencea. 11:"""1 lid t! U IUJ'lJl' I SO hi 1nnugUl'utc Evory num ber i ll profu~lJ' illulttrJlt..cd aud .. by, "lid ill Ill e intcl't:~t of th e it. QUllteO'" erubrllce 'be Illte.L lind moot inSprill ....fielli, J. 1l0k~011 UIIJ P""lllro" tere L.iDg Inform'~tiDu pert.a!ni,,!! t o tbo bl. , Rf'I I ' [. I ' tllI. ttlol. Mue hi,n tol,l. and S'IIe\lt.ft'l' 'P~"-· .vC' ......:n;. I ~.. . '-. 0• •,0 'f II e,I1 ..Mr ' • EI• y . 1.J8 ~ of thoW,:trld; DetKlriptioll~ .... ith D-,"uti(ul VIC~ VI·U~ld~.'t, alld who It III \0 . El1gr"vill'~' of . ow InventiooM. Now JIQ. tended IIhllll Ull 1)I'C~iJo llt of thc Dtlw 1'Iou.~nt... Ne ... ~ruou"',,".• url Im provod In· . . I dUijtrt~. o{ Illi k""J.; u... Cui 10101.,.. Reei· "r~IIIII·~tl(llj ' v . .... , ......,s u"'....'.tionrtttud Advico. b" Pruo.,· oal r -'" ce "' '' hUI r Oild \\'011 'Id II dd · much vaI · Wt:,itet•• f\lr Workmon Eml)loYC~ in Ull to. th" Sprillgfield und Juck 0.11 all tile \'lIn" u. urI". ("riDing II oomplole c, r ud by fT·V · · t oonl ect'o I w ' I pe1'tory " f N~", InvenlionH",d Di,"(>vories; t iv lI
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11 i ... " ·· i .• II, til ·, I. ,I. ;, h ' .. 11 ihc I.. ' . r."ti·. "' "''~''''' " ." h., I.!. 1,,1, u .1. ,. '1.0 i, ,,, ~ iI·. III II· ,01.10 .. " • •, I . , ~u ., UI " " ;·, " " • I.. ",~ ... , ."1,, .".10 ~. . ," "; • 1.1 "', J' C'''.· . n,· .. l II I.,!I. II 11.' .." , ~. "u I .. . ul III .' " Ii" I. " I. c1. Wu ",'. " '" ,aI.I,· t~, 111 01 ~ nlllill " " ) ,·,ii· 1,,," III ~ '~r . ,' ''I" .''d I' " Ollt , P C' ol' I.,· •• V"" .. I j ' , , . . .. "' i c'" ,. ' 1' .". '110. " a I'll' " "" . ,,,.. Id , ICe lll" I ' ~ ' u,·, ~u III It cui.. "", ; " " li d , "" ,II , "" .. .. ,. -1 ,,', rr l, illJ ·lh. " \V ,·,\..h" """i"IoII",,"N\\'i 'li(i,,,·. 'i~ ',,' ....J ,·,.I~II",".; "''' .' ~I ,:! , ., ~· .·,;t.
II Y. . ,,·nlJ,· 10" 1i<71, " .. h ·lIl Cln Clnnat' kl e~" ,If<' illv i.,," 1 (" .el"~ I: .•, .'I,d 0"' " it,,· .;"._ I ee C. /I) ··I.. . "hl.· h n' e m. tI"u II·,·e . t. lioll 0 01 .. p,'p" " X" It .. 1I'cll' do"ol d ~., Ihe FOlC l'1 , S'J'l'LI:. Tl:l&lU S, 4 .'1. I l"Of,Jrl'l{;AL & U :';Nf<.ItAL MMI ,··. Rurlll :-;-c"'· Y.· rk o,· COIII ,I' n' 8 1:t I /l'ELf ~ ill.IJ.' tl. P NO" l J ' Icoll (j.1I. , ~ ' ]' ''1; ' . \lcc kly. IllI uiv "1Il1 110'" ,~ ~ • ~ _r ., " 1 n, SOIY.ilIIIst.,."teu BII·I nOll ,l , p. I"'e" . OI'I " ! lt !,1I 1i. h,·. ICLle' 6 (If h'l";' y ,Ii,·",·, rro ,1l ~2 , 15 III dubs of lell ... mu e. 1'" ' ''');'' I'II id •.ho I coplc . , ,"1 ""'10'''''., I ," m IU'''' "i llt UII ' XolY i~'hoi\ m " tu.lIl1"cri u" "" ufn rlU d ul ,,. r·,.: •• 'll."I a' t,·I.i ... ur l' unti l · . ;'c, 'I/"h,o~ 'n,. "t~. I,O c lll la :\ ~""I:. ~I C .i II h l C .III'· e"0 ,,1 . ;" hl ,,,,,I i, .• Ii . . "' UII ' . P re 111111 111 1..81. , .... '~II' It·,·~.. "II. II l1d litt> 6 1 lu t bou,1 L, lit. jl,·c" lc·l Aud.cos ~1 '''~'',~ '8 HU :AL :II ~" ',':'K' &H ! .,I1 ,,",,· r. . . 10 lJ u : JH: ~ t., . N t .. w.'. UI' n. .. I i l 101; " lil" 14cll 10 the II vq,RC II IH1 tJ l hOlh' I ::-~t:I;.',C');!~~ f") ;:'..., 1"l a., 1.'1·1.,1,,,,, t,,11 1 10 ", I ~ '" H,It·1i Ih" I " I I t')'.C1l,,:'u " ~ -~ ~ ~ c ~ = :: ~ = ~ :; ;;::I tlII"I . ul .1,,, 1'''''1''0'. III OU O)' . E :: ~ ~ y._~ s:. _' III ~... Th,· NilIlOII.t1 Il ... ,k ,;d"·llI u. :I dc,'lee lu r. :- - - ,,,I.,,'" 11'0 ctll,lru l ur II,. curr"IIC, ill Ihe 111111,1 . !'" " ;; ~ , I '."" .II "." ,,! Kill;; """ coL" .i ;,!! II IIUII.p . O r l -I :' ' du m ,!; ,,,·I. tocr.cy.
R eadY lor ~ th e F a 11 & W'Int er TJIHII ' de. iiI( r1u ' hct"'ttttrnlt'lltt!. 1... 'I ..... I...../ ...-a Iii"'It/I n It Pavs! Pa.ys II ...... ~ ,,!, \V 1:-J A T I"} ,-\ "H? =z:' .e 01' .... , ......... " ..... ,,~,~,-,~, ! 0 E 1'rl' AY:)H~ryM''"''''''·. lu,·or.101(·h ,,n· IL A
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'illu~ to 1", It L',lrI UII .J , II· " 'j.I" r ,\1 ,I " ;.:" th r n I I1~W I f l. e II ~ wi,Lt.,! r.luad i" It, ClJIIII. nt',· , h. •_ UIHnao II - "Il'! . ;., 1,011 to ' Hh ,. 1"1. ... " I ,•• , , ,., ',.. •• •l " I , ~ ~'-- 1r •I l. I· ·,\l ui .. " "!. .... i,, •• ",.,." ;1(0111.10110)1.' ,.~
ELL 10' TT &L no1BIA-N 1 I ~eslt R~ral ~ Fal~il~ W~~kl~ I
l iullli Valley NIl I'r 1\1' .. letter tll lJ d. tllut (t il thetirs t elit Illld 1I1 " "t IIltl\' e ,mti uctu.l lIf it " uf this m'lll th II lII el' l ill~ ' wa .. h uh l k inrJ ill lit . Cllllllil'Y - 11 1111" (>. liI'~ t . Ilt P urt \VllI iulll, Hilder tlltl '1111111 ' I . g . • .J e . " ~s . cu lullltl \\,~llkly, that will , 8~ 'm~lJt 0 1 . •F. Ely, Esq .• of rldtly I' (lily Illly hll'mc r Vl' s t .. c k . l WI~tlllIngt(>II, fUYl'.tl o CI.III, t • III Willi 1111111" t i lllUd iL6 .,,~t of !luu, \\' ll1el I.. tlJ"e l tO UL! I 11I ~ ItIS Ill \Jl'e VII I'J '(1. sOI·iptiuli . J "'pIl~ch I)S wore mude, HIH the ))1'0 ' - -- -_- - ______ . ______ hlllllllll'y sto.p(l t ken t .. IIrl'lI 11i7. · ~b' Illld i ncor l)U I'llto .. "" ·I. lr" " , 1 ? " IIII}II" . . . "t .. , _, U ... ~ l ~ • Jly . ulld llr tholl BIIlCul th e WIlY,,\) . villo, P o rt 'V ill iU III UII J dlel's ollfIJ ' 11 l' 1" d t.. Q)
t ,
r '
~;r~~:~'lii:::, ";~< " :::;'~l;,i lth,~, ~~le u, ~"; ~,,' i ,~i 1'. t Il l 11:,1 \\,,' t rl! I cl~.tt ri.ft .' u I ;" 'i \\ it lh ".tI," ...' .,'u., I J . II I" ,.".
lirt·ll-~~"Jt '·l \!L.
UJWlllUIU t· ..
I .... 11 ' .1 ' '\ __ \:0111 _ _ , to Call1'II~"t'l'rI I 11111 t il l' lllll)l is ll ' 1'" li t' u ~ :..J cti u l rh l J.u" lr lliO Il , . tlll lln lh lHl hrl\w l l'i41 I ICI' l )'\lIk \l r I'IlP!!I' Lllllt Cilli , lilly lOt ' C"" ,: our" d. It is . /t.ii. 111'. m,·.\! II'l'III pC 1'1111 t - !tu I'UIH ·d . YII.II '~ IIIUH I'"~ \\' 1)1111", I 'l JJ E. J'E 1'1.1':" I' J\JJE' [~ . t ·J t o pe ruse 11 PI'II' u t u OUU1' 1'0 I . I II I ' , - , I WI cell' cd by It ,l!c nt lolll!ln uf Ihis w . ~? d ' Iit ru ll~ I ' l'J"~I' "Yltlcut --AT AI.L I·IUC K~.--• Alld ccrl Ii II I..' l l, e. Ite, I "11 • ,t" .. ~ ' , r II e place. dated J 'fi'cl'Sonvil.le 0 D 'C WI,., 0 wl~I ' ltv IIHlt j to I.tln. t. i[]'"CIIII und eXllmitJo ollr ~11 lb. fur ,~, think " .(l (':III ' u i t f bll both I·.• •]n , r. tia. Hu rllou it urlRt :!lId FI,,";- I, Ihe ' 6 1 7'" ' 11 wi' I . 'I' 't' " C puu I It 10 III VUI'tI~ '1I1OIIt 0 ill (jul1lit \, lind )"rico . . loch 1I, o ,'er . ll" 11.," I' m "' "" ,11:..·11 ... ". , v, I IIC I n Jl\lly ac 8 fi r t1 " d k k) J r wilo Wltlt ·Exc.·I,.i"r·· i'u. i"l" l" I,,', . no I I of iotere!~tt tltc c't' f Lb . 118 WI c uwa c rt! l~pO Utl wile y II tllt"Il.V, U/ucb ant! J,U'~h'y ~r, a ll'y 1:,)",il·.I. 1("·II "II . I'rog.o.... ,,.lIl i Ol .. "... " ."," I·i •• I"" TI I Izons 0 . 0 1\ IlIS11 Wh l' ro . 544 ' HI.' PI N & l H{C)' ,,1 ,1. " I.J ·li. lite 'il L" l:ul'. L' I to ,,,~,, I~ " • oOhl~. • 10 Ulo~t i m po rtant or ' . _ I .U.n .h'SL. ""oro ".1It"·~ri .u "10" pioi l IIn.; II '1 '\. W Ic h , la. thllt IL m ove id bci ll ~ T o FAltMEJ(S AND TOOK. Bltluco. II ,c ClI.III1.!: ." "'" ll ... .. . 'u ,· " d" ,,' . ,,," I 0 11 1' III""\! t o COlltltl'UCt a lIu rl'O W n"al1"e , ,pro, " :II-geh'ihin,· bolh , ,,'T, ' T wu,·.! . ... KHS,- "I " uratt ' UI .IlIIl h! r'qul' s t cJ &; ~...., II'Y I1I ,·" .. ,Tn . uN>: "dn.l ioualc.,·cullil illll., rOil d t o C')I1I1(!ct at W IlYllct!villo tv tit, ad"crt i~c lII \mt oj' tll c Id o 1'hll(.l i. 110"
\I ":'
' '''''t.",', I l l-o", :,r1rt." 1 0 ., d · 'uull" l'lnoe ... ... - I' l'I e"1 " I' 1 "r ~uo~", ,. t,I,,' ' Ch:hl.lhc I1l1ft Lll~hn y. r" Ai d.,. N ..,nl' . Ute Mn .k "'-K. &c_ . "II c.areful'" autl 1'''1v l'd1 'd. " Imil I! I,. I,'WI' #( rea.tt· r V',Ll ld.y or uae l'ul lltl'ur m ,II ·" ",Inl i II ,"'0II tt· ",,, II r . I.. Io"p' '''
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1 ;'.I .~~::I,u~~J~rt'::~~lh"'hol' I~·I"~'~:;~~'~~H':;·
to W R C S I . .
W t' arc' OIll It> ttLllt l \' add i II;; t u . our lurgo paftl'rllri of .
('''I," I
" .f ,....~.';,
f" .
Jj'JQ. ~ •
r . CeO.1JL E B Buttons" Rings, Pins, raceIets,
.il~~t ' . ~ • _ _:;=;e
U~(·". hJr
on 10
Llll ~
_ · l.."U--
Arrio1l1tllral aad Faall,
aJ.r.l.v ..:...tJ~
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A I 'lit
; "':':'1 ~1~... ' • • 1 1I. ;.I1 ""(71.h " .,' "'I: ' "~ '~ff.r 1~" Thi P" QlO" V.,rm knd Fi•• 1,1 r. oill ~, '~,~I ,j~th ~II~: ' ". • I " 1 .11• •1.." , I, t h'1 I, ~ .I. ~ .... _ ...... ~, , .. III'·d~"r.. . Ihe :..,i,·... 1 \'. 111 ,mi I I" ~ 11. /'), n I '" Il", 01 It • I' 11\ 1 ~ Ihl10,"131, rNI" er'14U",n "'"-j r(, It' ., ,,,1'4 1,'ur I, .. i" 101 ... ""., " .' 'I '. ,~h 'I"!' 1111': 4: h " ili II tUt ''''7 ••• 11 I J~lI'· l·Il{jlll'd il'\,Ia~· .. rL'\()IE' " '.\T'IIE,·, 'Cl1AIN " Ihe' ·... rol" ".r1.'· 'I'J ' II-I'J:~rr" .• r'J .,_ ' . I!''''' I 11 .• . u" " iII. h' III ,"i::,," .), HE);TI.E~tE~· · \\' j\ 'J'{ 'IIES AND '11 I .T' '.!lUTEr' '2 .~olltl .lnd .. l@ .ut. "'" 0'0" luron l II,V, Ill! I, ,II 0 1\' ",", • •"I"i 1 •• 1· •• 1' A " ' IJ 1'1 \ 'j' L' !J \,. I'" - I "''"''fT · 1t:!.IIt ' Tb. lII ,k" .• • ,.10" .10 I'" \\ ".1.1 •. rnn. ·•. ,III) .... " I '~" n' I il "I,.I, .' .. !'. '. t\ "' . ' O( it. dll~ Villi ,· eUIII·II,e. l . . it h. Itlll ~ h"""lI . I"), ,I.,· .,,~".I •. , "I .. ,", ""~ I~ I' Ix~ II II ~I I' . r I ".,. podo,l ill "" ""'" tI I \" f· ,II ,J( ',rr~. ·.r ·..r.l~ 1·.r.J't'\llC'~ ~ <.r -;r~ 'Q a· y A"". ·'·r " ,''\. 11-111 .d· I AI .OUir lurtl} 1l ,II,ufIWlllro.ud '/lleA lll '~ Ihc:-' " " ,"11 ,·,111 "" r ""'" luI" ,XJ, R' , .r STANDARD IN ITS SPHERE ( 1\, .11.' " ••. ·UIII .. f,,""' "'' ',n' ,I •• ", I" ~ ~ ~I ' ".,,, ·",a"lIl . ,, ' hlli. "'''' \1 1,11 IIII.~,,· M ' R . . 1 ... hI e ' .1· . , 0 ." 8 uu/ h •• r,l< II.e pt, "iud rler or 'J I,u IW'·I\!;rlurc.l I' r , ;,. 1111 I 10 ,i., .\\·" It 'b ' .II"l u' M'itm r'rir ••• II'" ", ,, U, :I ••• I I .. 110 1 .. " Id' l'" I, ~ U' h·n t .... I·, ... ip·r t ' ,,, . , .hi,,1 I .I'·U ' lIf"." 1n""1 ,. ~ " " "" I,u( R ,·!oole.' . , 1m 01 I I I I ·11 alll! u..,· ,eel.lio n oI. le F " M II. \. 1'.\ J>F:R .. I"'" C' .' 111 P '''' f.,. :on. II 1I1,>,·e.t< --&" ., &<: .. AT- , I . (oll ~'ue,' otld CllllllucUll1: EI·hor h.~ h,," , tl ",~:'.,Ii:·~? ;~~'.:,~~;.iI'I~~·"~ '~I, ~:ir,Ii.~ ;: •• ::~ , ~~'"u U \" r l " " I • • cilr. ~' I' t1'j, II." "" ""1 .\ ;: rl ~u l . , lu"d J u..tr.Il II... :. n.1 hi , .\ ",,,1.1 • I " ' ~_ ~ -) 1'1,11 .rlli .. " II1~ ' 1, . ' lul~ , . Ih .. 8 I I . I I I wl,u r ,"I T ' 0 ~ '''. '" I I", ,1,,' V ' . .loll' ' ' M'~ "",. ' n. p. Il , .... "01 ·ch nt , Ii '~Il" "· \ . leu .. Th.lli !!l i to nlhh,' l' Itu '10 lie II I O, l! " "I O~O . i ll~ .. t. ' lIo l,,:: h · yw 1l 1H . 1I1U_ ~ _ _ _ . :1, : _ _ _ " II •• , v.' . l ~I I ~· 6 - I I I Ih \1 c I,. -" " .. Ii~h h l~ .11 IIOJ .
·r. tJlllluc,~
111"IIIJl 'ltu u\l'r"ill11 III N".. :'I" . 10. IlUU b i 111.1 fu.hi'HI ,.1 IJrth ••uuxv · i~ ~:t::~.:;=\r~~'~ 1111., m i 1«11' m III' tit III l lr'"II1QII("',J t.H" '. " Vtl JO 115 i ,. m In I"'II , 'I'~ I' III I lm~di t t'or "I'e Ilrl' tl' u''11 .." t \'Tor k II "f(,· r ... to n . Art I.(. II"~ U ~, N • .,O t1 •• "rrhe 1~2" IU 1J~1~ ~Il~rllutill('rCII~l' f'cir'"Lti,," . And"·" ",arril c 1.:1.' 11111 122S nIU It•. \.. \\' 111. ~' . I' l" ' r ,' II ' I' J\;"'ulnu • .,rrlyo :1.1:' 1"0 " 10 11 ", ' .. ... ·,,~.to h 'lI. l. '1:."'. 'O rl. rrh " I ..~, P In :j 'WI It Ul III 11\1\\' IVrttlll~ II ~el'itll 1'1 '1' tI.· I'll ' I), ow .. l'ui.. l. 'l'd.~ I II I I I lJ~ k,,¥.... "i. 1.lfi p,,, ~II:."IU 1."1'; UII1 II. ~Ylu IH\'(' rl'a, Iti ... ·... to· ':. ,Wllfit I: .IU , .. ,II" III' III wil!h 1111' lU.r . lit · hrlMIIsn lit WVI' k Je\' t.s II ' :0;" I . 1'0 3 1 C'b lCAl;o-l d ' ' ' ' . !'to ,. III .' url:!ll IlIlI uuut o f P"Cll tv II ri'(,uru OrollnPolut-anhe 10U "r m th . Iubtll· of M.. J y ulIJ L" II:II' flOr l. alflv. 1-1 40a m I IS III wlt ll.'h thu CI . t ' Ir . a,:' ,it ,tDo . rrl ' 0 ' I 10 . 'U • I' m In~ IILII I'll I Ie I~ ' :! 35 ,"11 pllrl i ." Iurl ,. i IItCI" tl'd' I\' hi I u ill ~~~·~~:"I,.::I~.;... ~~.~J .91 .'' "m' ~., :.2!\~1 I'1' hi01 utI. ' I' rll~l.t:.\ 'It '~0 U'I"'" ',li,t 'Illy till'. II • !,~,·r.'o ..·u •.• r,·lv" 55 S'. II I " III a.. f,o'.!,IJ D. IIb' t 1.1Ii,1 Jill) ,t iltt.·f.!,· tilll' \\' ,('\;ly R.ch 'lIl1nd , .r,.I·. K .11 6 I I r 'I . ..,~ , ~~ la, 1'p "1 I'e \I ~"IUL':I YUIH'r Lnl..· ItU.1Lr •• ll he t"5!'i :\ IU an i I 11 " ,\, 1'\I " li"II~· I. 'I "".'I·rn l.· ... e.ltlchrn .. loItl, ·Io.. ..c.. U[III\\· I\.V.Il[~" .1!;.'·
TIIII: OIlt:AT 11.1.1' 'TltA'I>I'
I la, , 1 ...1
~7.'? '::'-"~-.""-:: I ' I · .Addr~ ••• hh 1lalml" Al'pt,. OD tho Ilt~llIi _ 1 . '\ ~, ... N•• Y .... aer l "
~· l,
I'U..... .
CINCINNATI. OHIO. 12 00 PEn D" v .
.... 1II_ . ".... ~,
","' . o·
J6 (;01l811111I1t1011 Contagions t Hnme I'x pl'rtments nlld I1 b erVIlLlOns rt' c( r Uy 10 ult', on t l e I ran 81111Bi!10I t tub le ul oslS or pb"hl~l~ froOl ono aillm II to It other ore worlhy of 11010 11 lIldl lIttlllg one frulLful source uf pllimon Iry d ease ThuB t baa booll found tbat when 1\" noun II II Itb luboroulnl.cd lun l!
John and Waler 818 It
Nt.,,,,:T\.la'AS () '
I'ollnblc IIl1d SliIUOllnl y Stuam
Callillc Smugglers
J n t1 0 :N etbc r1llnd ~ tlt ey II c dogs of a very large III d stroDl! bree I for tbe pur pose of !lraught Tbey nrc harnessed like h o rse~ and clllelly emplo)ed tn drawlOg little enrlB with fi~h \ egetablcs etc to mnrket PrevIOus to tb e yenr 1795 ouc b dogs we re al80 employed III 8mugglll g wb leb wa. t l e more eu.sv IIil theyaro exeeedtngly dOCIle The dogs were trn ned togo backward lind lorw .. rd bl>tween t '0 plaC ~8 0 11 tbe frontIers. without nny pertKlD to ahend them Be 109 101ld~ d With I t tle parcel. of gOOd8 lace etc hke mules they set out nt m d Dlgbt alld only went whe/! It WIIS per fectly dark An excellent qUIck sce nted dog alway wen~ some pnces before the others st r tch!'tl alit hls nose toward all qllarter~ lind "lien he "~nte d cUdtom housc officers etc tumed back 'I h leh was thl' gn I for Imm.dllltc lhg l L Co n cl'Alcd I)chln I bllshes ID dlt cbr. ctc the dogs wRlted till nil \\ Il8 • If. th E' I proceeded on th Ir JOIITlI('r and reach!'d /It IO Rt beyOi d th o Iron tl or tl e I" en III, hOllse 01 the reccl' Pr of the gooelII ho W:\l! 11\ tI c Rec rct 13u there ,,1 •.0 the lcnd ns dog nly /It fi l1lt sbowed him HIllf on II ee rm n wblstt!' wh eh WBe II 8 gnal thlltan \Vas r~bt tb ey all hl\.!ltened up Tbey were tben unloaded taken to a con venlent s table where there WB/! a gOod layer of hay ond weJl fed There they rCKtCQ until mldDlght and then returrred over tb e frontiers.
A COA Ir M lli Ell KLrlkc at Carbon and Rock I f1l1g WyomIng bRII beell KU~ pr d Gov Thayer of Wyommg, took fOllr conlJlllnres of nited Sl,aleS troops to tbe mill es to protect tbe works Of the on bundred Chinamen hIred by I he ilion P aCI fi c olily forty elgbt of the whvle force both mme have been r mploved Th reat have heel I otrered ~ to Omaha or Ogdeo lind are lea.v lUg the w un try The Union PaCific In
tends to tlLl !.he complement oflti worI force WI th hlDaDlCI)
Ttl E ?!lallter ~uJ1derM of New Y.ork, appoInted by Governor Tilden to exam IDe tbe cODijirucltOIl of the new capItol buddlllg at Albony rePQrL that the maoagement IIlld mR.DOer of canaLruc tlon eVlnoe the degree of negligence or want of compet.en.t fiklll to an extent wltbout parallel III the history of tbelr obilervatlOn and that a contlnuaoce 01 the work IIIvolves tbe neC88lllty of tunag dowll and reconstructing ellten S1Ve por tton N of the tru cLure ILt & verr great lOll!
TRn Brsr I HI 1111
1'1 II
OK'rEIl. - - .:::=-:::=::.:.
..,· tal Till:.. t 'M.
SD .\BltO .\II.
T P ld nt r tho lJo.t 11 IIn,1 I I J rovidenll r ilrosd II u (\i ~ I' I'\t! in a frealr r t cuLridty "'bil'l, hll !Jt. n , the • iou or much I.:llk. lldurl) r~ duciDg th wa~ of tbe workm D on til I'OI\d, b b authorlzet.! the reLl Ul:tioll (Ir I bl~ o"n pal. I 0, r tile rt,
, nE( F,MBER 29, I 7·.
MBER 5 6.
untl'r the ('loth ~ pi u.ly to tit' IVCII . BI' thi . D i d ,M r, t.a.Jn tl1l1 LlIlIllllilf r 'penl d h i rtllUlllliulI, autl tit
motb r lit h
ddt little on
her hellrt 1m t 10(1 1I·e&!t to CIlTry lat her fur • .. d~clar ,n id the furnler, "I'm tr lol iL lI' ill I.e (..It Ild too tiOllll di , lho lllY.IIe rl' r.
lu¥ • ode wrrll frum tbl ___ fl h funtnr. I Ult.ud hrr' f'e '" her I II ",~u"Jo•• S.lbu U,I~Jns ~h ,l .....If I. . .... n" , h "., t"8 1ft at"t\1p6(, 1 bdr n"UI ...... d)lml, Ville ...ul ..att "U lhit &lu.kuQwn a.1t1.ad. U" I' ltl
_ U .\IIn \)o.ln
qu.h T.
knd \Ii) 11m 1," ret\lrned the Inti r. ", ...to of mon y." " 1~ i. 'lIcb a II~I ' I kno" iti " ' .. !lellid it tl childreD lIO re&l.good'; iD rn ·t, II (ar lIS my ilbFervlllJoo goo" it
dO<' t.hem bll.rm ." 111 LhiR !Ill'll. l.Ilm rton agreed. " Tbt'I1," id bet bll band, ""IU it not. be aIDer weakD 00 our par' if lYe " \low tbe old 1:118tom tbi!! ,.~rl and IIllt II tJ'l.t I't'gt\.rd tor our ohlldl n
I'f 110." " Wil '" ,be aotio
., I
A WlllT R in /,and amI Waler, III'Mk· ing of AUfttrnli liD nllkc~ Yd:" fn it fioroetlt rage if a 110 k '~ eyo meet>< lhe ye of a mao it I -hi ~nt'y culmli); [10 magnetic exertion il flquirt:tl ; ""I!IU'h,,~ simply t-o keep hiM eye ou tb ~oak , IIpd it is eoUrely at Ilia w ro.y, 'oake barming Ie t:&lrl'mely ea y wi~h Au.tru llilll BDlke It, It would be v ry illtc.r Hil)l: to IIeO how fllr thill i t rl1c <If AmerlcflD '
p&; poin Lm ~ n t.. ..
but jt.
ri,;bt, then 1" ill be .uch a d'
" No douu~ of tbat. BUI a ligbt one cit) zero. conlpar d t what. they ",ill bav to tiOID8 ye~", .go. A ,'jt\6burg edito( i f\lrDj'lt II ulfer iD af r Iile. Tile lac, i!i~ a trial hDJIBiD8 tbo nr,y grqt IUrpritIfJ of tbe uriJrlnll1 0\1 {or ' ~h Wei h r. tj" , too be liko Ibid will h Ip to prepare t.hem ror nlll'{Ato, of . ~e df . In' wh II, about· 'a bem io tba city lin tbe 24th of com· tb verer OUIlll to c(lIne io the future." ... n liarflllg~t IIft4!ill'lfard, there un spe ·t«lI,. ber. If i /1(JW i1\'{f ll\in~ tl word til .i,h",,~ <II DI", ? Thus Ilrlluinl the q\l 8lion, Mr. And wlllJlcd ioto1l1" oJIic Ih ldeul.~al per· rhyme whb "lAIwddybf dwrl\ lid." I ~i!Ilt' .1 lid' t t'n( \b.· rlwherry lIlr,. l.amberwn 1iOQUy came back to n wb~ prt' pco lind occa~oned film H nry WI)ilOo, Vlce-Pretid\Ult or the 1 !If heI:OIlJ('~ ~l~i" , WbJI"t difficulty, UI their original d terniiolition wbicb 'II'a fIOlJI8" vefyllnpleallllllt \bo glite Il j w UO'itcd ,~tate6, bad IL (un~tI\.L (tilly A we k , to di fH'n wit,h the , UIMI " non ufe" Di bls befot6. The ~t'tWlger ' &10k d lor \ODg wbildt tha~ of (milxlrd, wbo Wall t.h re at whh'h n III 0 41 ~ 11ll1\1d qdldl wlla eerpeotl. IIY' fiATS SIl'!'III1RJ..Al'IO. of tOY K, tblu. would be broken or tbfllwn tjOme IlUlpltl1mI!Dt (or a d41 or two to only,. prit\ler~ exwnded thJ' t't"ll IIIl V' a worm O:Ulll 'CO\UI, li~h • Ilweh fr<>~ the •• J d u't thin iL Will til wbile at all," 'IJjiLle in ,,0 ,hour, aDd heal thewollnded whic;h "loll ~heu 4illl. He III dtllCribed cr;al montb. Hbt~ 0 v nb II! , we'd leaf of tbo mulllerry, '1'0 ,.ear juet. dOlling bw. tIt'!!n remark· ifild Mr . JiIIlullcrtclll ... H'slLgrea~ wast" h earl8,o~ioned thereby with a gener. III a man of ap~reotl1 pat. B~reogtb. juat ' Il!! liar be \L Vice·preadl'ot Il!! a , ~~ il) llny c<llllog ill the r~uh lit • m,wa love of IIoDd beliet in ~be work .... able ~t.he oumber of di.-tON on !!fll r Illllll!'y lIud '~id <loes them no rt'al "U¥ ill ttl b\ltl('l1 of II. fe" bllif dollat\!, aDd lithe lUI a leOpard. HI8 step ...A8 print.er. h Ili uodt' r~k.. o. EAlrneat and coDICIeD, , .' Thill would be a "io~, and, [ am ar~id, and abort>. The 1_ of the ' blll~r, 1!00Jd.'" elallll 'lind bill Dfovementll were l'Ilpid, Abollt I\\'o y IU,. ago a young "IIIan t OUB lahor ofteD looom pllabes IlION , • H was of 8lI31, Jiueot addff8tl. e\'ideotly fl'<>m th country, W'blle vj~itlng our tUt! City of W co, the VaogullrLl, tbe . .. V,'ry trur." rCIJ.lIIrked Mr, Laliloor, th Il.eonl/my ufotbe .oew order of thIngs Ihe elld t.han brilliant genii... cool, IIclf,po;» . ,ed aod full of p,*ck, aod town, IOI-t bl ~ silver ,,·atch . . Lut Pllcific, and tbe D ul8chland on the ' 1011. " l'h tlU~/llld~ uf dolltlrs are SpeDt at wa>!, 10 ~ IIllly, Itl! bJgbeat r('commenda· Ubri hHI\.O for OllO trumpery thing aDd tion. WE negleo\ tbe little lbln~ of ~ W&II rn~Cl{Lbly dreaed )n a lIult of lil~ck he I'IlPQllted bla vi,lt, and 'I\'bile wjI oceao. and the floods in Ellgillod DDd at:lol4~r Ihat mi ·ht be far mor U ' fully Bedtime at llU!t '!Sme, 1I0d Mr. aDd c10lb Bnd bl8ct .IQucli bat. He bad up Muin IItreet,llLout du~h8W ",,~o .. thiD'K day lite to reach fur lafQe. A De~rol'" l"ranoe, ~e r"mine In At!la Minor, and D1ployed. InTer liked the fty&t.e m. It ~rl'@. L amberton rettred fo! the olg.hi, I18ked ellCbt bun Ired aud, fiflJ..fllllf n\Jt luug beeD" "orlr ... hell : he a ked ir ghttcriPIt alollg tbe curb, and U' Ii Icavillg.lhe lu)ectIlnt &looluDga haogwg the burning of Vlrgl11ia Oi ty, alld th . do.·a cb lldren, Ite you tay, no good." the &encleU)an ullid' tohaoco, aDd h "ns ,plrkillg it up Wal g",aU,. · Bllrpri d · w fereut people how ~&IlY' llpokee there II How lIIuch did we speud 00 I~t empt)' 10 the ,chlmoey.coroer. theal l and not fill \bjlo, ~bat ",uIIRn06f lind-a blll.aiiog-bo:&: lid, iml.f&1i of bl, io a buglly-wheel, ~nd oot tine collld eel. feart.lll colliery sllll>siol.l in tbe wartbo Hours w nt by til ter the motber's head him. , ll~i08, (or it dii.cJOIied that, ~rhaP8, lo0S'·I08twatch, &II bo hid hope4. Main )fine, mflk ,~ a fllMfDJ Clltaloilutl. Obrl~tmu ror drum, horlles, and dGg8, , lind IM'l'ur leoow ",'bat all Y" re"t d upon ita pillow ~'ore I,eep ,came. L of hie tetl~h were miatlling from hie DoiATtON6 are mall og their appe_ , A ecvllote II >"ar old gld Iii outh rn Ollt readem mlY rc!l:IIn other disaster,! to h b dlJo't a k 'ID ! More tliaD I'd And til n he dreamed It '11'88 CbflstmlB urpet ja'll'. Hb Idcntifll.'lIlion .... ' then Geo~gll1 Cln ellt 'Ull • ollO:bol'lCl load '01' alice 10 'Variou$ ,pluta of '\be ooun~y; aad. 8nl1 a lilt unWluall, long and dar\. lik (.0 'count up. .And it was all a !!beet !lloroiog, and that tbo children~8 s~. oomplete. and ootbiog mdre ,emaioed to bickolY wood io ,ooe ho~f. and twenty \be thrift,. graqier bestow. \be claiD8gecl "' 10 II' Ib~ mODl'" had beQU given to lug wer lied, and \.hey were wtld With !wi, dooe ~cept .t o Mil. him lIOme t~m. mi.ut.tH and carry the sam81n Ihe bo,."" bt lUll!, lq ...h~, al1plep, etc., t.hl' he 'll'U EDw AliI> A. er. IU,S, who bot Fi>k, bas tb poor, (llt-ro w.OI~id have ~ me ?Cligb.t. hllrley Willi on ber knee, mOW' inll'ly !lDimport.,aot qlle til>ol, the fb&t of and gllther up all ' tbe chIll" Ul fifteen noabl&' to litH, ~I bwpu&ur, aJUl.fI\IGMIIJ heeo to r the 1.., two mOlltl)~ conODed to ItLi~rH:tioD in thinking about. It.. But Ing JI!II ,w agon, Il!'d d ~ aDd hOllM. ,,!ifch tarUeil him JMt IhA I"..~ 'hit. afiidute.., mllke '1'o)]s for brellkf.Bt, anil. to him i1Ilf, "''l:a.I lOOte QJetotled to live Harry Willi lnllrcbmg about the .room lila bed 10 ibe bOlpital (If iug 'iog with 0011' tb f'i ¥t UDe," "\Vete ,.ou ever ID New York 1'" be le!rI1 fon,.dlfft>.rent-lef!M)n. before ooOn. lballe to teC:Il!ve." ,We,lI I'IlI OOL j n favor of spending with hi. word and drum, aDd ADDa Altbma and chlll. and ~ ver, cuntfllct.ed "nil asked. ,Mas. LJVJtlUoIOa£ iQ ber lel(tqre euluBut \be faet ,tha' .be HI~ lIP \Intil Ihid· ~ iD~I" 'l' nt fot toy aDd 8U b like h ullKing in ber arms a wau: doll with u I Yee," came ~e re8pOlltIe. in tbe prison. Bill COD titution .Pllelll'll IItbin' ulghtread~pg cllmo Dov~18 iii agJ;eat. fl~IV' JtI_W('Ddell Phillipe' de'foiiQD 181, hIPU .. mnch d Iigb t nil a. YOUDg motber ever tr How loug ,iDce 1 I)'nd. But littl CODA4tDGr, howenr, ba.:"k ,~ b,el Bllttlng tl hu. baod. much brokdn, ilia hair is alm08L ",bite, •, ~i\'e them all fifty C~O\.ll or 80 apiece felt. in cluplog to ber ' b080m her oew· ,"A~ut -three, ago.; lIince which Tbe Ceotenoial ' maoa!t"l'tI lIave 0 i- CAn be placed in htl' statemen", for it iJI aDd bit form 18 bent a.nd Ittenuated. nad they'll be .happy ougb," paid tbe bora bJl.bc. time 1 bav8 \ work d fo PJalllldt>lphia, deotl" Bot hurd tba~ 'Nartin }'arqauhar the- way ' of 1101\\8 women to- eu\oiriJe \be BII tetm uf hll~.rI80oment, by a tret h tulbOr' "llDd lh~ D we'll have 00 crying A noise. wbicb I!e med W C01Ile from Bal,tllJ\ore, Pithburg \Lod othe.r Eailtem Tllpper, )iOOt ana d.amati,tol l jnteod. tp hl1lllJi.nd's of otber women wbiTe \bey of the law, ",m expire lied &pwmber, over b.:olen d lIH' ~ead ,crippled wagOI.l , ov rllead, wbere Uncle Joseph ~od Auot 'c iliell." ' . . • briQI!i 1& Centenulu.1 diam a \'oW , tbi, (,'Oqu· th·iqk their own of lltt!e aecouot. pr leJtl1\llll bOT ." Rachelll!ept, nwoke ~/'I!. Lamberteo Ciom .. Where aro "oll-,goi»g.r,' , but his couow c1iUm thllot it. should eod try n ;Jt Y\l&r. Work on \'be e~bibitlon DL ~ON 'BULOW, havlog sal~ tba~ t~e [, Harty Will . be dreadfully dillllp' this drrllm .• he 8latted up aod listened, ,.. To lndlaDa'pOlili) \L1Id tbence /on'r t.be bOndlog t" b rDg pu1!her1 CorwAJ"d, juab ... ~.ric:&ll ' giJl. PUt mQte .lOul luto thel~ by the 6th of JaDuary. , pojn~d 1'01 nfrllid," remarked the but all WI\S &il ot. tJoion P,c.tic road &0 Callfomil." . , til,!, dl,. .. j( \h ~nol!.nc m~.nt of b~ 'plallo-play\nl!; wn the Euro~, a m!Jtherj' ulreau hulf, releDting. ., He 'l'be moth I' al pt IIgaio. But this ti~e Tlta eveniog he bouint • t\cet for cowing bad Jle u ~eo m\lile. Perh,,'JlI! Oblpngo writer remult,I!;o .. JUlt ,,~t QU· hilS tloll e littl .. l' "II dllY hlit tlilk abou~ II r Ll reumK were lel'8 J11(\aaal1~. Ghrl,t· rndlan8polis~ lIod ,bat w_s tbe l..t ,lI6l\tl they think i.t would ~ helL..~r to km til be feCI!" to Louis ~rl kick Ihe1ledaill what .l{ri ]' ring! • will put in hia stock: m~~ OIuwlug had com , b,!t It br~~g~t Tu"~t (ben to aband()n Iii expo~itl(YI\ if you. want t() ba'l'e htm convioced tlult larg.." ,~~ 4..1.,AII~~IIO~I,1 of b\!!l iD thll city. iog lo-nl bt. And Anllat will ~'1 ber 110 J"~' to lhtl x[#' Laut chtldreD. Ih6n ttft.er "peo 11lK' () I\IIlCh. mall )' 011 i t., it. ia poeeibl to ~ too much !!Ole ioto 1\ ey('~ ou~ If Kbe Iloe II' L get. It lO W doll." tit ckll! gs - ra mpty, Slid their heartB I. Ellgllnd. ellade} lOll ' cal perf, rmnoce." "A little ' ry lllg i> n ' ~ gOiD to bnrt w 1\ III ·h LroJct.n. . ' Nj~.. ,~,ue \Jllrv ..·,O'W reports that'" A . 'ew 'ora-(Jusllion Uonr. RI. tlI\nb th('Dl . Iilld } 'II gUllrnn tee to ,1> y all tears Sic, f' 1>"" d once mor , from h r 'J'h m • I~td ~ ,n " . , dolTur." lid", "lid, ulthougb it W~I~ ' 011 -1 the ,· 'tta~ 'k half" ,~ ' h t ~1ib~;"""''''''''IJJj~u..-..~U~ ~~~~~~.,.ti4.J.,*"" d "'4\ ...................... " .., ds~, t aetr• •na;tt """II ou"." from ew '."'i. I.n ,',,, ooll'ferat1oit. - Cl1lmo nut agllJn t.> be.r the. ' RoAA. It YI&i'<! IIlId llRIf or thic1c IIILti,n J\a~t •• ~ I brol)ght. 'blCQ An.1 1/) 11(1; r tbe Am r1\ll!\l polioe pr.ol'ell t'lI~t Gil t.(l three i"cb ell wld(' blu or rol;O cOlonel,/\ tb ~(l()m, u~)d' atry alia Oharl~ Ln~brl1.QU ' lountl lI8il d for Englaod, atld tbeyl, had good' feW ~ke ins of flo ~ilk, R'nd a trilk oord CIIdlO boun il1gln with \.hem I18wlld 'aDd thinking ot ~be oblldrtn., . • ' , reason to belle-n th"t lIe '11'.8 un.wareot and tniJ8eJII. pial' fll I youog k.\'o!!. , They bad heeD " TII l: II'jij be '110 t1i)1apli>Pi:nted:~ (jut t11 rib II inw, ~bree piece!', to be the, cbjld'8 'ldllD.ity 1"ith baflio' ;I~, "1c~~~~I';.~ :~~tlt eDacted it inc ' louklng forw rlH, ' hrl tmas for 1 CAn't t40 U)tlt:l Dr, \V'j:JPll I til l.allce~ 011 the URII\'l\8, kll wing"it onl1' by t)ae paqoe of Cballill bll trd', at Jllelxi4:JD,e:''C~,pl~u"eCl, at a tmpll tell bow lung and nnw Ihat i~ 11'&11 only bu hand's slumber 1"118 Iikewl~ , JlTngue. From t;h~ , tlr4e t~l\l 0118to i~ ne in th Illidato, ' Ihe "OtMtt A~ (ither on. ddy off lb i clIIlLd hurdly cODtain " l ij ,tt. re llnt.i:aiop: we 0011 put Into a poor IICb 001· bEoJieved to hilve lauded in Europel the fllde hal! wo.y bet1l'~e tIi ml~l\ll.1l YOIIlY FrAn i a wOllderful ~u.n· th ml!elve!l. _'._".ft<' DDlbr~nnlltl.\ly incum,.d Euglillh pOlice bave ~11 IDrlte or lel!ll aod the ed~ , 1" lIUler AUtch the , tbeir toeldnga1i , a!!ke,d ~be rather, thll their hatrel\. 'I'ho vntnins tlelioorately 01\ his trail. He is of I!YIll!Y orl~ID, IIDd ri boon 1I0l"n 1111. batb HirlOll \\'1~h'lIaJe yel· /( b Jltll1n, to III rrow'H Obri_tmas I" 1 11:'''i~l~tiJlg tfrc Ktateof 1118 mmd. tr1.' Witb an Ole iocubuft of heavy wllr ., I'v ~[J tlaiuldng of that; but thel1' hocked off the I gtI 0 t tll m iflCJ'o,bl ... man traces of hi~ OIovelDeJltlJlIl'!' Mid to hay low 110M fl1 tll\J BpaCCi! left b tw II t.1l e~lIdHuretl \'CItinS \lJ'l9I1: h r" /lite cried barl y ~ li mbi[J' t'poo hie koee. Ohrt un I And won't i~n't Il thing in tbe bOllee that ",ould do. "To-morrow's' and then comm8.D<1~"Ii him 10 ....alk on been r!lUud in Lnnc:a1!hino, Yorbbire/lnd ribboJl strip-~, tnbroidcr II gme (uJ liLLIe cIeued off lier fodebtedo .. to Oer,IIu,\Oy Kli IIg1 rin- Ino ~he Dice thiDgJlT "11\ ~rlrryw badn't bought tbem IIOme- the bleeding tlll1lpt; If he woult! un bib 'e~wherc. lie is a!.so kDqwo by t)Jjj pattern Iii 1l0&C6 wb ich hhfRlC)n5z lI'ith whh lUeh eue and rapi!1rtj' a" j() • DIPlce JKriwant :\ h r , uull II sword, and a tlJinl!." life, In biA agony be mnde 1\ few con· Dame m J:lerbert, aDd when ClLptaiD the. hade r tbe riblKm. ~f.ke IIp "til BillD~ ",re~ he had oot' uked ro)r wheelbarrow aud 'li ",bolo beap'Of sugar "We CIIn 80 still. , J go (Jut vul ive 1D0vtml'nU!, whilo- the inbumtlll mil, tbe ' ebler ooetable of t.he Nortb OU8hlon wjtb 1\ linlog Ilf plaib silk 0, more. Aod U!i8 h .. bee" Jone 'wi plume;" " . dire tly afl.cr breakrMt Rod ~IIY them butebel'll81 bed hhlUwilh tbeir swords Riding, aacertain cl that ~YJll!Y !atio l and I rim the ellg With ~e cord "I'm R fraid Krif!ll wou' t come thl8 lots or tltlrll(tI," Mid Mr. lAmberton. and lrnlvc8. ' crippliDg h.t rt\IIOiircCil. Now the Minill' "ag 118, tb&,ODe mark d "Berbert and aDd taij8Cl'e" .. '1'be mil(lbief will al~ be ddoe ~ong Not, contllllt w,ltb this barbarous the other It Gusto," were at Nor~b 'fbilJ i~ lIn I'My cuphion to 'D\ak~, but I4r or-F.-Doe inform- tile ~mbly lll\d yellr" relutped Mr. L nmhn«loj 'Wll!blog chllrmingl II;nd IV r'etile "rid', that ibe rev uUl),,!inco the to IJl~e the tlge 00' of Chllrley's. ~P' eoough before breakfllllt. Tbe dlMP- trel\tme~t. (jne of 1'~tm, HUS!! ting that 'Orm by, Dear Middleborough, some tbu effect If! ' . puilliment of Ibeir C~ll'l!t bOpe8",,:,tbe t.b etumpll II' r8 t , lQng, cut oft "bat weeks ~Q,' be wu IIDm dlately on the ~'OlDu,en(llKlme of you ,to try It, T~e «'IDllllllCelDeQt of the I!tel!flot yca-i, I pojutme:nt, " Ob, yeK, he willi" spoke up A.boa, !\Cult~1'(ng of their dflidlifUl dtelmil-'- r malued' oJ ttl ·an hy dl,vidiug ,tlj~ bit> ,ui vive, ILl)d 18IIued particular iDstruc- cu b~o[f from 'l\'llicb QII( .,d dp,UQn '18 0.000 000 ia C8IIII 01 tho estimate!. nnd Ela1'ry , quickly. " Anll he'U briog' will /\hno~t break t.ber~ MutA. Dear joi II ~ Deat.h rouQ crun tp to.rml tlons 10 every ~tatillu wl.thln biN )urill- taken COJIIl'K fJ;oan Jijnglanci, lind ,,'e haye Tbe tba~W ~i~I~101 Fraoco i shu· 111(0,'1 said ' the latter, ' a gUI), and I\. liLtl bar'ey J he COUlilD'~Y. b!, p,ray- the eilfJ, rio gil • of 'tbe 'wretcbed ml\U, dioLion to,be 011 \~ alert. loqul!'Je8,at neVE'f ~n a pimilur olte in ~hid CQuutry_ word.; ~nd then won't J .1Igbt the Melt· r!I 18 L ni~bt rOT 'thlnkiog hlS "eU· The lalife wi t!I which ' tbl dt b6liclLl rreoed!ltlt. ' •. tlnll8by I d, to tbe dillCOTer, lbat the Black II&tin ribbou tIlId hrilJia t emliro.d· ican ~ I Ufl,Dgl boom I bug I" . ' filled tocl"hg .• ~b, m1 We lillY done d~ WAl! ' d008 trll. oYl'l' (lU8 in Lwo IYllgoUtl werein charge of 8ODlegyJll!'1 ery would b(I 11 e/:lill)$lv~ (I{)mUiDlltion ...... ,OUIUIU"". , U',Y tbo-,vlICl.gI)IlI4J6 .. And h In briUll me tbl! dll'rreel. w~ wroug-l fed It.' ICJlg~b , Iud j. 1I0w .in the ,I 100 of womoo' who were lII'lIlnglUlkketA!, br~e1:tel! • to Nic/u)/«(./J. I 'no ,'triuDp'" oonveoliou lit Cohnll' •• uppose r put balf a dollar In tach Lleuteollot Mc,Nall!r, o(Tf'.ul!. ~------------~"' O~ dllaptlrond Ute filrDI bing of doll I" l5aid Anna tl lI'hb curly hair, and ILnd otber gyPfl,Y "are, IIDd 'II'h" wert' A Tougb foot. Ilcoompani d hy a boy .al.lparentlr III the tra.-pon.tlon from oue plaG6to'anothol'. ey 8 tbM Open ~d ebut ju",'411 if U Will of Ut ir stocking 1" alive 1- vb wOIl t it be nice?" • YQlI..C u do 1K,l. ir yul1 like. But it 8111pea Ion of ' Work at tile ee.J Iinta. f!4me lLl!e IlI1 the mil!illug llharhe Rosat, 'Ihor tell big Ktoric~ nlJotH lue lolJi\:b .., ,I to • ""I,an wltb\lut ItI· Th" folly, naY' " Doo' ll~ too rtaill, Alloa," ~aid the won't I!I\Uafy tbem." wi\.h a geut('e~ Bppe&raqc.e, ",ud 1\ com· 'ill. Weo ~tihq in Ilither' "KF\tiJ!,I<rln ledon'tcomeevery Uudetermlye4 'll'hat w do, or r.t.ber, IItrike~, r\lCl8iv~. OHM"". exelPpl1nCIL~\{)'~ plex'loD vllry dllferllot from that of 1Io0y feet 0 tbe Loui iarlll dllrkle., but tlje Vicksburg .negrol" ILlwuj's llIa.I1Y W \IOQI' 1cUUe.: OI'erin, .ork to Uiihonellt, year" ' lIt.eiog 00 mo..do "tiltenr of' remejlyi-.g In tbe CIlMI of the "..... ,~~ 'III,,", of b 8 compaoiouil. Uofortuoately, be- pete for' ilie wedlll, Que ur 'them en· 'faola, whoee "ork ~~liJj:~ ;;t;:~' "Oh r Yef, be, dlW'l YeiI, he doesl" t.bei~ error. !\fr. I\od Mrs, Lambertoo.lAy "bo P!IW '. . . .-1M!' tD 4!lUh him; lit.' wlP fore all these cirCUIi1~talltial aod hopeful tered IL blucksmi th ~hol' tpe other da v \0 ba.e ~be c. aD.wered two or tbree little voillc!s at awaltlog \.he Ipproach of day( yet dread· fir.c1Al bad boon made known, tbe gypllies 11611 Ii bOI'1lll'llhoe, alld be pluced bid &~rQ "bicI~ ~bor fOt lie food, and bill ~ 0000. ' ., Hu QlIt;De Inst Oh~i8tmlUl, and log to l!I'e the dark cur~ n that" • .iht.er of tIIforeed i'd.Le~ilI bad got out of the wily. Dut on Wedoea. fout 011 II. hot piece of Ir{)U'ju t Clit fn:'01 , fDdeayo; to ~Dde, ~c 9/Aid J>ro ~uo ~,ttl th ... Obri8tmubefore " added Anna, .. :md dra.n cJcI!e about the e&IIterD horboo Theb 10Dg 1I~~~e daYluttbe DarliDgto.u pulice recetYed II hnr, It WIUI !l full min-ute ' )Jefore Ihe dl'~D,w.h liim froID ~. und6ll6fY}DIr be~U be ~ere th1R Yhlj I KU.OW he -Will." begio to lift it.tlf up. But, at IeDgt.h,' /l&tii!factory'retiul"', ioformatioD of IL gYJllll p!\rty ... ho were hellL i~Lruck iO, and then-.bo gave' a Je.p poor Jiian. \he tramp, the vagrant. Aft&r ,~ But! 8Qp~ be ilbouLdu' t oome r. moraing broke, And a dim, pale Irgllt. em-pty troallllt1'; veoding their Wal1'8 at AllHIrt Hill" aDd over Ibo ,10 'o(i1 and ut.ter8li & ,\t.errtbLe beeo left for 'Ali OCCIIJ~ID tIM! inI 01. ibe .tDuch,atom; .tabor, augg te lit. Lamb rlQU, aud he looked bEogtln to teal 10 at the "Indow, ~ho"ln,. In whOle cuatody there tr88. ehild that yell. Tbe .wltb /I.liIIe<I DOW before w~i1UP"'I~, ICIIUaOCM'ftlCl ,to Illul11, Orst one obje -i and tbeJl aDoth~r, Dotil Iii tile V ....boDd receive his due jo Di· vety gra'fe. dili DOL I!Illem to have betln bODeBtl, come anet tbll aarkllY ~.pu~ded ~ , • ,..... _~ . . . . . ..,; le"blm,Dot eu ! . 1'he ~ _ ~... IOmethtog eo eerioua io ad iu the room became cle'V" 'fluble. h". Th cbjltl Will louod In a "~D by , "Why, I'zc blo t· ndin' on dal. )lirce ' ilAlelt, while the OIltenei~e &ther and of tbe ~ hIip tie Ifl'MtecI ... • V"Iraot, iDd theiJ ~t.her''''foiC8 t.ba~ the ehildteil-felt IJ~~ln~i~t1:~~ Of troullle hot iron P' ,. . that. werdll uleAllt moru tbao 111'11. motlier were plyin« their trade. Be 19M "And you dido' ~ knoW' i\ 1" " labor "'~(oJoeclfrolD him I le~ ~pul. they . *1 r t,alten to tbe ~lIoe ~tation Ilnd eumined . .. No oat .' uetly; 1 sIDe It, lun~hi'p' IOf7 ed . .doe hl the DJ'flDe II., 10 \he fa~. lJ.:"'~"',,",,ll.l.p h, u]l!eriaiende.., BOpra, ,who com· kiDder' curu,s (or a while, but Ilo11 ht -.,at Q;I tbf bl'O;', ek, ~ ,inn hJ\U." ()lI.Ted lIim 1flth '• . pbq~OJ.I'Ilpb iD , hi. d re WalIl a dead IiCJll!! ar~.~nd jiere--l!OiDtI" Thor thenfOre relohed to recbmo\t<Jnd and P QD of ttl!! ~P<ltiarJ,l,~Rqi.. 'p d "hal' liI~ P:'tttk«iurg,J1e,1"1l/a. • ~ IN\lWled ~~~ Ute cIIllct.,.a ~ not 'i of ,.orkhonltilj 1O ,'hat After ,' lden'leal. 1b_ffo, I bO"'Yer, ,a ,. trool{ 1'qx Daaabl, ExtraortlllarJ.
~:t1=~ ~
44 ,~ .
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It its ~lIde"'toocl t.b,,~lbe IIQ' New Obarile ,l (o;I WU 'OD8 of th .. (larty wbo ;t..." fO:& ,bUbt. will 1iUe- Pfi ce 00· "ere reoeoUy at Nor&h OrQle.by. • .. HobOken fetJ',·~l>at. The ¥U}Ie itamed «I.tun through ~he catJm on olle ddt', then around' and down 6tber side, the huotllmeo meanwbl'" ,'KaI'UIlIIUY fuiouely uplLod do,," the calji.~t,jl oCD:, 1 cabiD~, aud the aroWld tile pilo(' bl'uIII,!.
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lTMMorPb!~~Habi1 U Intemperance
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>I' lIllI i1~ NO. If Rf.t; to, ' ".,mell! \ I\U I cu rt .l r"n on or oddr _ Dr J C BECK 112 John St.. Clnc!nna.U 0
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It M IIII(\( utllO<I thnt 111, nu.L :\ c w Jeri!Cy fox bUilt Will lllke plllee uD Hoboke n Ic rry bu I' II e fux ,,011 h., tnlln. It. rUII , II rlll ll h llw ellblll 011 on< Mid. tll el Ilr !Ilnu 1111<1 uu"" the lIlhn \)u t!t'ed IIOw e really !I;.lpuleullI c ' lit tit hunt. owlI 011 IIIWbll" gllllol""j! s trok, s 01 meHun"•• n. tl il uutc(mc of I rurlOlI ~ly lip 111.1 101V the clI!Jlu,bet\Ht ll tbe pllHtli1 co rd dv.lk m Th o aUl1!lclly h! the tIILln_, 11111 tbe buund. yelplllg ~o mctIlIlP. s upe rb 1\ writer """ ~ II I 'HUllDd tile 1'110\ hUU >it By (btl tlrn~ 8h~(:t of paper pn rnHlo r ' " sta.mp for luur (r fh e c )Ur<'eK If lh~ cllblll LaH
111ePellurlolllj 11081aJ Card.
P' <luge \lid 111:10 tho u>ua. stamp for re tur 1 puotlwc-ull by olle du:wrull" p')I'llil C \rd The sl'lrlL vf economy coultl DU (arthe r gQ. But rCl\lly WhSL llghl~lI1 courtc~ vlill\eletter wrtLcl1!wbo 10 11111 cunRldt r tl1elr cnrre pcndtn'8 of 1m, " rt.all' ~ e"u uf h t.u g ive Ihelr eVlijlleH
to lh III th e poor oompltm<llt I r HIl 10 cI~ure ? How 18 a comJl'unlcntwlI til 00 enwrlnio8(i whpn the wrJl l1r CODr"_M by tho r 1..1 Clml ~hll~ I~ IIIO't " orth a . 1I1'tL of p lpH and II pottl 91\e ..... ml' t Thll t the VO"IHI card I ~ very It",,'ul lo r cu·culKr DOt.ea for .nuouncemeo ...., fur como OlllOllLlng fillY IIlmple {aci thllL doea not call furOa msPOD!'C nl)Oo well deny Dut we@ubl\jltt1Jatl!QClIll Oil tom ought 16 estabh.h tbllt a mi. 1"1' 01 Lb l8 kmd culling {or II responlKi excepLlIlg on b\l~1Il1'1!lI Dllltt41r. Cfln rmag the reclp lellt., I lin lIupertlDtOOe and thllL a 1 <lolal Cl\rd, JlI\l\Aklnp: of Lhe DI\LUre of corre pondenc Mordloarlly undeflltooll IS entitled to no respect or ClIO Ider atlnD what.soever - Appletorlll' JouNWll
mutlle ~at dull aIIIl ,,~. Be Utollgbt ~t mlUl\c ~d -drUIiIb1: but not thea~
rica! A ~ Ia reporwd o( a young German o'n \be Bb1De, at OiDem ~WIIo ... bltwn by a rabId oat•• nd, 1Il8'P(iDI UlOId a&OnT. "'. at J..t " .. . . . . . . . .tl.
A N AI ~flnan Id .. IS tb a.' tb e liD e I 0 I death i!e,ze8 a lyUlg man by the half <If hIS bead and I"RrlItlII hlln up to Paradll!e Bald beaded ~Igenar", of CO~\"IIf, go to
laIh-, \l.t1DI
Wat othtr plac:e
Ill<'en Dlld.
th e h lilt ..:.Ill run Jllto her .hp lit 1I0hok. n Imd the lUI will Lh. n sblrt lor the J ~! ",, ) 11,,1 . punoued bv the hI'lO ....UH u t(j the !b .t f.llc 1l1l11 Lht Ly Wllrll perbnplI or VI~lld over lliuld,. "p rt lVllllh rn r IlL"!.' fi r Il rillY It '"~" bllbleJI a~d ho not' ..oJYl\lvl;!!hll full.nd pt'c ted thnt. um I x WIll In. t the II lit II.' I /r~ co'n8ent to theIr Ullll, but. he hhrltelf >elUll n lUd t hero I" It hup. thuL ""IIII.' wlll artillucally appll theM. and afterhUIII" III( D \\ III urup o .., rhouri I 1 th l" " wllrd comrlimellt hI" Wife upon Jler Itf.mcnt 01 lilt' • II \l!e - llar/[rir I 1'111 ( 1{. beauty til her bead 8'11' lis wltl! 141\ - -- hu koow" IlO well how W retalD, fl'ellb &II f .. . (0 qltynlw' ,1 ,1 h"" lll~~n !!U"I B when !.be til'llL VOW! wer p1ig"ted YOI! I"IIIS tf) lin tl • 11\ the llvNHge lengtb of ofa nllL)' the Greelca ar I/iId DIeD, but l!('f1n on I.ud se rvice. III ~)ugHIlIIIlOl!al good bu b~d8 and tender I..tb~ra. , Churehe~ Fur tbl @ purpol'(! It blls.A& cured repurUl from t'lgbtv twu chur TB (ubi b1 ~ b t ill IU dIffe r. ilL J)lIrt~ nl the cuunLry for No- h 1=:~Dtl N b~u«ht \ ember 14 T he long "L HC r\lC lV~rell' t eye :y 0 • ew or v. Q Mr Ueecb er ~ clnlrllh-OD huntl r d and \ Mr Bergh out .plas' the am::rs:qkl. forty minu te Ihl lIC1'mou bemg Silty The bkUDt 00 T:~ltagtID~da1 j, tallle; three DlllluteM long The . llOrt ML rY t\IliIll'h w~ mffi e • 0 ~be a c a 1 8 were I\L E Stroot Quurcb IU I3I)Stoll, lhl\t er§ 8 e ortl1~ c o : ended ' IMtIDg ooly lilly five 1I1111utell, tue r Nej :r~ u,~ illam~( !TIOO being tw('oty live Dllllutes 10D~ meat D a 1e ar t boa.ritA The Ilverage I.. Dalh o)t l!ervlcell 01 all the 'hem \ t r...t"~b f:d°.a~ ~~aa cburches reported wu l!6\feat1-l11~ aDd a ~ I!COre 0 "OU~_,., d l~. . . .teD .p ~ )Jalf mmutel!. of Jl8rmOD~. thlrLy silJ JOX r.1l II Jew IVU• _af U u.. ...... -' b the vOfllClon. OUII<I" - - ....of mIDD"" an d 0 r t he 10 ng fray~, t en -"fine b. ellOrta to \be ..p~ mIDUIes. "w r~ L_ Jlleia a mo...rou. ....UlIe1DeD\ . . THE msn .. ho would 10u- mil ~\Ye !.be \bub or eftrJ Tltt lJllnd man .p~r~
0y" k";'X.
Hreclllll 8MbIlnll • \ II rrt!~ l'olltl ()nL Wri tes {rum A ~beud \ ( reek m 10 i ~ only conteu t wben lie lUI IlI v l~b upon I.tl~ wIfe all Lbe luxun811 IU the Wily 01 drus! the temalo 'hellrt can lIe"'lrc He I" uuly happy when In com pHny wllh hl5 wlle In the hOUSll, ID ~e ~trec l ur on tb e \!romcllade, .ho ia tbe beijt drell<!ed 01 11,1 the fll.lr With tti~ (~rcek" hu. band there IS DO ~mbll~ coneenL t.O be tow upon hIt" wlfe eDO to buy II. pUll' 01 galWl'd, while he 8~ I.6D UIIlflj! thaL alDouqL Wltb hI!! Inelld, lU cbllmpagne 6Uppe(ij no long drab vli!Ilge Ill! he doled out a 8tlOty sum whtle d.II\Pfing 11 ~1~l11n lecwre .. Lo female extrll'faganCle Not a bIt of It. On ~e conlnuy lhe Greek busbllod does DOt lelld bi d wile tb rouKh by-t!treets. fot fear 01 ijllk merOOrll, when 8he whobes 10 ~ OUL for 1\ little walk He lI:al1. her p&IIL tbe m o~t f8llblClnablesbo\J'!; and obi!erve 8 , >11th tbe e) 1l o( "critIc. all !.be new dt led Il.ud I. really ladlett--really and lr~l -'-wllltn Lo.' Del blS money {or bls ~wn wIre g jVorfOr fear abe lIbuuld ncot be COn81dfrcil Ill! IOYety at lOme one el86, be gues to 1\ perfumer s aDd buy. cold oream nch powder, dtili~t.e plu (ur cheeb a little blliDChed, he buy. a I little bil.el! lor eye/Well. to brlghteo eyes thllt hllYe beooldoeome'll'baLdlmmed
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kl! • t!lIing or tb 10: Jt • • .nt.r hi I' Btl "I I n, dll' • I i • I • 1 II • turnl"\ hUIII!.! 1"".101 \\' i1 millgt••ft . . ' til uDnK •to h III oft". '.~~'W ~ ~, i-"""~~It .;;.":.,'. ~.III ftll1llm,,",. .. ln rlho"' .. 1.- . ....~ -- ~I n!. W. H . Br" ".·II. Ill' "'lIth lIy areo " re" ""ration ba • (.101, • tr"l.'6& far. haY,",; been DId t·, milk I. Ohl • un ,II ,.. "':h\~ ::r~~~r''''IFi-:'~J!I' ( 'hurlt t'lII , i ili ' illg Mrs. A. L. IWl'n nIlAld llg ,.r thil flir II I.' ~a.' and Ill\l l" liu t 01 n. 1 thi u.nnt lin w ·t , t r ·,tu,.'/IJY, J I"""(I'!/:!. :! •• I.!J. 1--7I1 1 ot ",. ,,·rl,.... II ' "'Ill r. • ,r, {~'''. and th 111\'tI;nlmm (or ~ 'I ' I~ A, ·1."I'~ W,-!'1: I ,. ,~th· my U1gbt.l. . I \""....~II ll,,' bon "r I 1111 t " Iii 'k I' IS t "rttf'll - The !t<,,,. W II I ' . II Ilight ~ 11I"lu hrae 010 t of t il cr 11\ til.lr WII • ,,0T'j-jlav ( ee. 5) lIur I t~ r LUllt" h hl ,L,. t be f 1I0,11I. - d.- ,,' I It.... I ...."Of, \'I~ ",,",·m· I4n" .J' lit SO .~ . ell ~•.}'. 01 <.:til ~I(II. ~' ()I ~~ 1'1' I.! II I I , t Frida · night jll" illg th ·'C·it-t vI' frit'nda, Whi~mUll 1& tll'iri tllali t ~ urn ing Ef ... ~. " ,. it: "ilu.1 III t'l~ ,.,.,:\1, or • ••••·.·1 If' >t •• .. d;: I·~ I' .. . bb.th utI.,· 'i llllt ·,1 MI'. U. _\1. Zdl In t. ·1 ' 'I ' 11 I. . J.! • . 1 " I .: I;LI thl' ullll\' a t nH !,here o f a '~.· t l 11 , If Il II II f, r :~ fir" Y{oIl W.. ,r, II . ulll\ I ur " ... u. 1ll".1 ~II "', ) . I ,.,1 ,\ ~ I-! r " thl lola c 1 " lie, WI u auu u ~\ II" ~ • ~.. A 1 I. • '. • , Ilil\u" •• ,., ... Il· 0) ""..,!.ant Cn .lDd tlo' l\ i.l11. I,,'" ]' , •.J ,, ' EI ·' , n D 'd· 1111111 Ixu ntilill tubl.'a ll hoic vocal umlllcr \. IlI llg 111 WlIIt r. II plLst. d'·I~rh..'<l th lll h' . ub. ut 11 11)11, F, o. r'r M,T-H.·IIIJC ".. U ~. ·",,11 I I I O 1I1" "',"\I~Kfll .ur . . ... . \1 ~ L'ul l l· ' · k·· N <> ~· ·· ' ·"I' · • I ' tl t ··. 1..·· 5.... 1 " ll'l .•. \ JI I I .. lur 1l"1\1 ""nlt uU 1,,· t ·I....' ml . ~ -. .'~. l" ... ,V I I . " 1< " '1llllI IIHlrmnl'1I I LU ll i ., und a t I ,'y elllU p wur IU, \ il r:c ug "''tl ,oull ~.. 1"8. • ... . .. , Ict"", "... ~ 10' 1 ' .... , ThiN I ,'TII' , ,in ' ."" mu"lh . I~.rd·~. III ,.~ It II t htJr d lI~hl f, Mr . KIAW Iltighuhlu moo,. otitleJ (hI: wor "U ' 11:!I t. W II- full weU tb 1'\' snbj ct vI' clll' "gl ng and II vr"'~~~I~: Ii .~l~'~,J"t'~~~" "'~i~ ,;...... f:I, ~I ..~ D Y II I AI II ,,"".... y J.".rd oHi y M Illll • ' r c c II lej DlItehmlln in which tbr " g, and I r lit! fo und II r.l lar~i(\g, t Il 8 m • I)t. 0 1.... \) ptlr, E , Iil\l' 1/1' ~.I I etlll1\ l' 1 all' ~:. III ~ I I a prRl1l . F '11 ... ~ 1 - llr. U1Illl I lIn nt, If Xilnia ',ur y ti ll fcll \\".t W~S1ll110 IU III h 'l t)lll if,'rlably " d ill til :'1. wlllcl1 i II buUl t () 'It) (\ it tift I car II lu t the m.l~tll'· 01 d ... W \I, vllh' "1<1 I IIIIT n'rT'''''' I .......... , q Ul'I' u n \ll>l . .' t d at L.~' ·ld' I.. ' lUll. Tayl()r. wil . l .E . Ilur '1I, au d "It " "- Hut h 11l~ b' • bl' . . F","~ I\1I I II, uplke. til 11 0 Ith • old '"11'1,1 W .. . r>';'''' .'lI th .. ...d. atm'd" l rill ' • 11111 nI uy 'Ulll\!\lur , 1'. 1I _ 01 i'll I 8tlon, I UU \ UII d r cun- 1'1. !lO J 2S' \\ . 1. l'>d,. ill ; Ih(IIC,' "Iu. , .. itl .d ,,. '. in h JoDth EM r EUi\JO . and lt l·Jay. · lI ulk his d but .. the original IlIck Iha~ ,\I g ut a l'~t lit till, I~Ir III sid ' rutiulI, Rlld y n llIll ~'cct. luruplk.· '. m . 3.:.' W. :; !I cI~" tll'; II"",, · All ('••uno :ilrrt't.t d. 1111 "'u.ri In 0 ,""',,,, - Mi Laura K \I o r Hi ". J .,hn hmidt, ·W e hav n A few Ulllm t til hoo~ WILS till.·11 1 e' tIle JILII UIU'Y unmOOr It loa t Wilh .. I~ tu\lll" ~" . 'O I IY\\ . ~I, wh,,:ln. : n,'il 10 rI~.,"dby P\1I 'll KltJO·Ol \N 1'<.. fa PIlOn ,\f 'I' ; I t ·ta t t 1\ 't '1'1" 01 It ' d b d't Ib D ",,1\ uillturuvik •. 10 :15 .1.124' R".Lln I ; ' ilIi..... .ro;ll. ·(.'t4'r. y , t mo no, ~ed 'hl'i hUllS at Ir. 11m I II r· I areal ill Ibis part, Ilnd ~ I U !~O c pnC! : I II s~ m ' W III II np rllv ' . o~ I chuln wa 1\1'.' 11I",ld lU<IIpikc uth .Jo;usl I II OJdfeIZ." lI"n nd turd' Alo K l1y's. !CtUI ure our r lAd 1"8 that fur that ehllrnwd our 1.1 II \ \ '1L8 grlln · Illth ·rto tlltU. W o ucl lc vlJ In Pl'" <'0.'1('. \If En!:! W \I.d; Ih ueo Wllh ...1,1 Exp!lrienced Workmen of ,h .......th. 11. 7 o'cb>clr 1'.1\\ ...nd .,n the Mr J J M I r _.... 1i m·1 g nnino fun hi8 IJer80nati n of d nr indeed. U k~' tho ru Lr.lIl1l 'yros ion-try to prugro , uut Wil WK''tI·... ll U' " 'tII OI '~()' &'f 4O. "lb,lo'h W ft J , ~... { " . " ' 2·'" k . . 'Y'· IUKJ allY, , · I dl tl ' . 1 " ' 1 r k' d fll' Onl! lU thc UI.tnelJ~" id aect,'I1;teuc.' 0 " "'" ,0 N,n " of Dn tOll have 00c1l visi till Mr. ' Ihi character i irl'<' i tible. You wa I/ .a ·~ Ie I! I t'!l' '. e, It mo\'e .Wlt I r rOl~c to a ·In u with 'he ol\uO liou . 1;40 30' B. ~: .90 .T. M.\lI~ P· I R. "\,,,r~- R '":" / "of 0 J {V ·' I t g IWill lau ..1t from bC'gin oiug to lid dell w ,th Its 1 ad 01 lilla, •. ~The d -libernto rh.y thmlcal urdor' I\lltl ch.. ln ... '0 'he 1'1 ce ur I~glunlog, cooI"llIU!g IlDd . 11 OOUK~ ,:d o*J..l:aI8 ~POll ea .....t.ed d TIll", .,~t . rv \0 at, .~t.<..... ~_~ • •M tI~Adl . ' f I d' &i1l5inr<WlIl8 pI II d i"' und d idf'rclIt lwidum wh ich 8tfel111 udly p r . IIU~O "cr ',arl.nd. maroor l6U : 'h ... m. j UtrlDWlt, MlI r .K . L. 1- Bee"". D,\'I . . 0fl II' P rIormall c . ., ' '$ ., " Ing land devloed by hu.D Wor') k. H.n. tQ " L1. 1UlB,)" 0<11 t " !D. enry . . I's. alr,o n lUU.IA, I ~lS Th re will be Ull Anglo. erman cr ' it to MI'. !·v· titl) Icm.lcl'.- cl ud s th quil tiug ot' a c rta lIIty Ut.b Chand l •.• lId 10, I•• I,elro IIOld aad ~ , ""ad., .. ltlugh ~rb thcr,Mr. Lewls~hnJtb , I)n l)atLJ tv Ditcher Unl , tly Wlt il tlte ell I 11IIll\Jpr llri -t'orannnccrtail1ty . eon~e,edl.'r "<OOIO.Aa"," 0Ilandler. LO WE TIlli ()!? ! V ,\ '.MY l',um 4'l'IS.,III .\!; l\\.M'18T ~,\, n Ilr tll1S Vhlc . M g:, I T t' d ed ' h a of cd 'lt il1 )( I W&.8 quite iut r ted in nn RI ti. K ~u I \I" OT-lle~l1g P"'~ o( III Qulh· -II ""i ir ~. ""\. \',In DIVl Uf1 <1\''''''''' M' Lull Zell r. 0 HI a or I rc S 111 C at- tl d h' I I 1.." I Eadl. Qu,urlO( 01 l'\''''''D1l 14. 'J'. 3. n. 5, be . b nlll u.. ,tur I/o 'boto";' th~ .....,.,nd 8Qndll)' .- 188· ' Il which will aliID do D I Dill 1 cle 011 the bo .Ivw g U U\;l theory, U ,we'o ,II tlROlI lUre •• "g'Dl1i" Al Ihu With u .. mil h ln. r,. ne,,!, II I 'T.. ~: s. " ..... tb. af' o·olook. and 011 \II- - King. of LoblUl~u. uf eo iii lata i88ue 01 your Pill r, and glad &u ~h Ea . 1 coruer or ....111 ~"cljun . l nll run· runt to pilY. !lId """t t nQ to be \I'. 0 . 0'1,1 tid 4th ~u·.L'l' d l ...... 0'0 )0(111 . lit 111' G Zull'.. dl' S was to learll that th 8un of Mr Symmell olng ,hollee ... lIb Ih. oulll "ouod... , lin. be Klv~u t~ l' U ftom ~. I h .t' )t T hi De th'" & ••• • . " I. . . . . Ibcrcor r. . 70 W. It;? i "ul" to the 11 th A., hllll!, If(/("'" oonltllilt y n il II .... W" '~" ~ i o~ . PIh adS til'" -Mr. O Orgtl Drown, . f Day. and on ontltlod " AJI 's II that II tlol)g h he 1 abolltto eut rupon th IIlVcstl' WeaL ·corllor or ",id !'\Qu 'II.E,,"1 'I"orl.r;; Ij!OOd II !Jouo{ ro~tW b m~.r:bn!. ma , " p By iOl1, 8VOO& ObristUlIA8 with his Endtl Well." , Go prepar d had jll-t ·tncrg . ti m the 1I0W~' gati n of his fILth r s tit ry of COLI ' Ib l1I'e " I'h II~. W0:-1 loull ,,,I ...., Ii"" tI, ...., or· P Ie TUll E' .B fl. Cl { ETS, ."" rn"fo t """""P'." • " f '1 ' ·b· 1 Iallg II, \III d· to Stll)' tint.!'1 . as ~e II 0. ~ceqtrtc . p1' 1 N. ° W fi\l .16.IUI'"I ·. t.. ..'~U.· lh oce. 'OIIpe<l1"'l)' ,. ~..... ....I .I""\4100........n.....:. . -. &1111 Y In • 18 P aoo. ....."'~I·0 lIa ~ fA ......... t·Ie II ' Lt I. ' TI. I.. 1..W.. 1 S·cco tnc II 08- JIIln,t"'1 wl tb \b IIr ' lin '. f!70 t . 167 / and olbor ilJ'tlel pNvldod fur ,,,*. It. P. o.u. """" y . I -Mr. Elli8 A . St kes, of Leba· o'olock, for til J.l rog rumm i8 ex· With .whlch he wu , ~~d. JI~lglcd ophy. EVidences III tavor of Mr. polc~ 10 n inane III Ihe Ea.' b<~u nd"r, iii,,' ~~. . . .,1£ .... - . a.II--~ 11011 , spent CbrlstmlW with l1i8 t n iva. D rs 01) n at 6i 001 ck. III rr:lyall h wlAlk I torlll8111ng a Symmes' th ory hav e b en vastly 'hO.8~ctlon ; ,heno wlt.h .. Id hno . . K. Jtl'(I,'m" n ....." ' . . .. . d ' I. I ' k ts nl< m• ut to .. tl 10 Imn IfIp \'\ed d urlng · .16.I\lJl pol"8 '0 I b~ \'IMe of I Cghlll l1lg • ............. Tral.. ............. • t tnen 8 III t 118 P !lCO. nrtulIl ~I.e at 1.1. ..._ T IC '"u pI"1 LIlt (loCO mlllll) • ..... tI10 Jo.8t I U\If.-CC~I· :>9 OOOl .. llIlug II:! neros of ."d. IDOl'(> or 1~lIs; Oinol .. 11 Ii: pre... 9.11 A. II ·t . No. I -.Mr. Amos Uotirrll8, (If Su~ar c IItS. Ill ld reu 15 couts. EoI' song. Afl.. r distil tlll~ th g ltt~ tnry, by tho r p rts of the . ArctlO Ihe Mmel 'eing .. 'rae~ by Dalilel llurDol .. Bd . II Klt<lrou :S ; !!1 ~. II ·t No. 5 Vall v PI' ble ouuuty is yi itlug aul e at Ori8pill Hr .'a jewelry. , to lit yo~ng fulkd, ' di8appear ld naviglltorcl. I . think bis xplana- wife 80Id and ",.eyed hy do~~ W A.aron No inferior IJOOIb imposed upon anybody. J' I ..... 11\· .. t·'rl U iy ' (>t i tery, notlc . ed b'Y nav· Chandler IAnuarv 1 I. A.n. I 3••• " S'(J'. ".. • No K1!!ht "1pre .' . No: 97 his t'deud8 in thi8 pll&ce.· • .... I J '7' I CI\1110. Til ~lOn tie. mys Tu,"o T•.H.AL'T-'ncl~g pnrt of 'he ~oulb~ A very 6mlll\ nlargiu olll), wed alld IOQgb'$;rl'~ ·Id CIIl . ~it5~'5·· No. IS. D Th SIt ~~.I , f FRIGHTI'UL A OOIJ)&NT. - Lut Slip ' rl ntond lit 01 e s hUlIl thou Igator8 , With regard to the 'South. Weat quart . of Secllou It, 'J'. S. R. 3. UC A full .took of Freilhl nlf :::;.... ~. : - . r. . omus Crl'~• . o Thl1 rsdl~Y, Mr. J r)I)l\ M. Wright, tiwor\..-d the andiel ·U with a t W eru Oross' plausi ble uut only but t"~CD Il1e MIBml lUverl.. to ·gl ullin· II a Meld,cal at OWCIUprillt lIIrl·mUl·l.; I ·ft cluaillg them p'u8siblu oue. It 1'8 Ivery. 8tbWeD"' .,~o~ue ",':, oWwJ°'le'pOO·I.~.o~~'h .'a"lldruJ'olDl,leu8~ UNDERTAAA&I.. VlUG ' tl",1t .. )fun, lI;U A. >I.. . .0. No •4 M1I1.ml outl "'us Hlre "CoIC lor ltllg~'t 11'18 mUO . . wltllk' out000 · '"tl'lI l1lli oU' ·' in·dAmos I II· Hurt I · Ilpl bll r."k· J • \. I tl.u e uuly . . ~ ., . " . . ,.,. ".. • IlAO " ,,,lu.I".II] Aco., 7.1> / .. . II . No: 6 ' . .. . ~oo II ~ w~ IloCCI 0 ~ ,y 1\ wt J .... II~g I~ Illi. gl . roru t HI certalll that there are onl two dl ' line. "0 a olOuo enruer .10. .corge Oll.man, JI!m Y.hte. . HZ,50 P. M . t N 10 '. -Mr. Gyru Smith, r overing III th IIIC hy III eompaUlon Mr. t re , l4'IIlCIt WQ. Il tille IH lver watch . rcction8 io wbjeh n ve el could uu 'IIH ree 4 lu. be N. 360 W.. 1 linke... . . Psclfto lb~, ,;,u9 1'. II.· O. I· P . of' I to .. t . f· ·lln ..... ~ W·II · ~ TI '..... TI ' h od 0 D I) . .' . . hlokl1ry!H Inolles !l E. I~ h a k. ; 11.61\1'''' ... tl I d d II TOm ...t~ .~ ~hh' "DCI 00. . 1.;;411'. 11, No. 14 ro~ a 0.1 I) a ...Cl< . 0 I .....,. . .1 10 n.1l~rs. ICY, were uvt1l . \I . J.'~ ot to . . . . UVI 811il Without o.lter1tlg its rolutlve with Bald C"rUl~O,l'·8Iine :,l . 10 10' E. 67 H.](\ Y.,.:'~I:~"o~..:.n CIA ft P J!""T .1mln. do nol ·W JI. t ::llup on elgnl1: \VblCb hlloB. confined bllll 8 V ral firlllg lit Ihc 811 m 'l1li\11, Ilnd ~ us IA token ·ot l' peet gl ven hlln by potlition to 1\ star, aud they IUQ8t &::Ieo10 ~ 8Ione COrner to ~Id 00.r1ll8DI'. 0. All undor !.bo m8DlIB8!D nt 0' !l o. 9 1M, And ~o, 10 Woit emJ mall. IWOb~il to hl8 roo m. site to each olhor. bot. buth. f his (ri nds ill id til schuul and be eith r directlY to ur from it. - I '~b 18 ,~oba~ ai ~rok E. :~ l~ksS an87'6·~o~ 'IiIi'_ 'tfo• . I.!l. 7 ~ud 10 .un d"il ~ . A.1I olben \ -A superior article of Minco· courso lInnWllf of their dllog r, Ollt, n toni Il tv.k n of r\"f!-pect, Now a vessel in p"stlillg ftlr to the E~!I~~poio~ 10 Ito ' MOD:; ~hell:; ~itb Aaron ~tJ ~tl ."~ ,.... ,)', eJ[oel'l .~ 'l1Id·rl. • M at fur snlo lit I'ark 1.clIk's; also h. Wright WIl COIIV :red· to Mr. b."t .as 11 ~n~)'ul1te~ of their appr!> to the South mi ght g hundreds of Oh..ndl ~r·a iln~~ . 10 10' W. G,i, P010810 WaynenlUe. Dec .• 1 7,'1 . ~ _ _ • ~ .~ • . C- RO f,o~TC·ILHv\sINBF:.. ... :.!c,~e, A.,ent. 1lt t1tt1 Queon City -Ul&kt!r,v. Pllrk llartsock's huuse IIl1d from .thtlre. tlah .. 11 ot hi t! ernee8,anti Ih g d miles into the South rn vortex athfel~~Qdc"..?:..b~~~:::~L1,C:~~~~I~i;gn...~~act . __ .. , ,. . . ..... ·It \11m!; . It·. ' IIIlImo, wIH!rO 111 cd 'ICIlo l 118818tuncc ' I ~e L1llI. IICCOn1l' r i d ' tJ It' .I I ·' I ' . . - . ~. . . "9999" .~....... :.fail".. (p I':a <' D lind. ~orth cia.. ftt 74/1 a mllllU I' actul'\.'8 ."O ll III .1 Cl! Ivu WIt lout 11 tCI·.1 ng Its ro ntl 'l'e POSI~IO I\ by j)" .ld Montgomery alld ..·I(e ."Id a ,,~ " . J)i UlY ll3 . . .Ouly,.LL. IWO Di ulO~...... . •It . Ill., RIIJ rO t Weal.Dd ~"ulh ft t 1i.:tII p. lII. -Buttorworth di!!trict 8chool Wllil pruruptly summoned. Tbe tlOIl III a t~18tll 10 uur towu for the to a 8tar ; 8tlll less a con8tellatlOn . com'eyed I,,· ~eed 1.0 AaroD dI.. udlcr. April is a l".y~ .tl1I.kest bo)foro. d",'.' To I ",' rOild. A. L . ' FAlta ' P 11 ' Will • . b t l · · 1I If II "n ;, I· ' 1'1 e D.?tw.lD. I t otl lerconrae COII Id I·t ."k A.D. 1 6.2. who W Ill llk~Dd 20 lit. 'a UI . "ik?"or99 " II I el1dI i. ' bave two wookll ' vacutloll .... ~I- I, 8 I10"" till t en: d'.11I~a. n d al'l?uo d tl Ie 1l~1Il0 bIIlg.1 .. CuO, 8?ug. . 1 .... e lid. ~~idRa3IE8ta~b~ Ioeen re~ulR rly IIp' ~ rOcn.:a to •. wo"ill.lI(!ndou II. Bsmase ..... Bet. . 8141". stead 01 Olle, as tbo tcuchu, Wllhe eye. . Mr. Wright II .snffilrlOg bave nIght ~d by, aud t\\1lI! OIJrlElt· ~Itb 81mllar con8equence8 ~ 1I0Ietis ,pra'8ed U Collows . . U~t ~"8crib"d 'Nlcl ~t wbl~h w j!UlIrnUl e.' Wi ll put ),0 11111 Ihu ""X ., and bll chancC8 fur maa morulng. It 8hollld, vessel, CI'CW alld all leave the ~um ofT.bUI.... P r . c.... · ~eoond II'I\C:!'d""~dl Wmake'~ 1\ monlh •• lId 110' t. ke h.lr n . b '. G·rmall s,'. Wbite, bllo8 .."olle away 00 a' visit . been HltenllO N , 0 ~'~OD OllIla utoe o,c." I be ·ct _... . . h d to d I ta 1 per . 0 .... ; '" ' '''I\'l 65 per RC'C; an rour lime. ,",uh"ble for men or women. boy. fill' 'llflllloill ~"'q 1m .........." ~tlel MIld -'-At. a recent m :e ti IIg uf .the d i· r~cov ry Itl ve on con81 el'UU very -M illS' AI he An t:nlrn, a student t,. e water /l,n 8tart war tie s . r :ld deecrlboci lraeUl wgalb .. al " ;0 pcr Itore; or girl•. anti I. enti rely 1\~W. 'I'ho\l od C)IIn ..."..,. ".II'~1l '\~e :M 1l1t•• of COQSI,... t f tl N (J lge R R allll1 ; bllt . at Pr080lIt we are glad o.~ Al1 titlCh ,1!C8e ' ill 8ponding the Su milch for thut. But o.go.lII , .11IIlh~ ulI,lre I'rcmie, ••1 • ~bolu .1 tbo IIOW 8i1OU<l' p.,'lng bll~ ll)('•• and "uo. ta,,' ",..... ~1"lIIIl1lpdno, 0' "b.1 ' dlae""eh·~! llobe rMoo orsWo DIe B u1lrrow fllltl ... :. k" to leal'lI thllt ho ia (tetting Ilro'n g b lill'-Y8 lit hl'llIe ' would it uot . be gllll'iolld if some I Um 01 S47..511 per aooo; aad . ~'"~I_ ·~old •• income. TIl •• I. the 'chollco of • Hr. time; TIt..., .... La.....~, '" e"r rrom t ... 'u r. 01 . . e en!, Ie u a l l . II I .,. u . . bl I Id ti II • whole or I.· pfoJ'IIel . ..... "pprlUoleO. ill ."ch aDd it you "ill 'nol eml,raoe .. I_n 'ou~ 110\ 1_..... ",11- We 10,,,·,· d,ll.lbated ."0'1 of Boake & Hunt waa tJlccted trea !lUltO 1108 we . . us CUll cf be expected. - u. W. Randall ul'Lebanon. is pl1lC~lea " pas,age 8 1.011 un ~ monne .... 10 produl: 'ho mod monoy. Iud frIcDd.:,o. It I... . 0aTUU for ~m"- "o.t1iy wua'f fo. t.h '.. y '&rIol·er2&~.tJOIl ample hoI · f'II Co I . ./ Tbe )l1'U buu.JIW8 lire IIC,Iwo\'er, 'hut d' .t" f >l I r 'd ' 8 be dIscovered. by wl1lcll we could on 'hI! (oilo..lo.g Ie..ml.'o " Il: dell(!rvlng pe1'llOn WDO D..CII. helping ha'" i1•• b '" J)ro\;;~~..'~ III ...11 l,artA lOr 11.'0 tTr'~ieU sUI'cr 0 fllAl mpllny. ho wiII lOtIo tuo sight of hi8 len eve. Elptlll '.~~ 8 pOI I~U 0 .. led' ItJ I ay oolletrate clel,'n throu"b th Ct!e aw. Onll.thi~ o{ t.ho purcb_ mouey w .be N01 a ",eire. j~ .elry. olOlh • bUlIIbl1j1;, bu' 8~,1... No "Iober M.anlifuclurcr of Mlldld nu - Mr Michael Oarroll father of .r hl:ro \\ Jth hid Il1UIlY InelJ d. !; -'1 A . Ii d <>d I I paid 0118" 'D hud on d..y of aaJ~. one-~hl", .. IA'. aD' "ru gu.ro.nlO d bulne.. oPPO'd'" k ... 11 II . rw-= I .• . O ' M· A . S I ' · d· Iu retlC so til uo, all reac I t lut In ODe Yellr. ~nd lobo rem ..lning ou...thlrd, In 'un 1',. Sampl. bol . aInluIAf8. k o.. •• c.• a... .",.• gll"e 'lIclr .prell"rAtlon••ucb a '41 ' U J • D ' . "'IA. ,~o 10 'J 'Ur OrllKgi '. A. . Doll . And ~' I ut.. GUUIS 1\11 ."LI e Ilrro ,!e I IJ..J T lere Will ht! gl ven at ad· I. nllle lI)m 18 8pell mg fine open country "WILY tu the north twa ,'O&rll trom day of Ie; the def~rfed eenf al "".1, :lOo..DII. ollb ICI'ln"'odnce It: 1I1"'&lle (\If 75 c ellt• • nd " y il: f .... o d"1 • iu lin apoplc tic fIt, o? lit. ~Cllln g i wallaoltlr'tI Hull, S'~llll·UI\'y Night. a th hvl,.days at hom. . SI.'e hn8 and find inhauitallta peo~ing tho pR}'1I'\8I,tI! 1.0 beNr Illtel'8l!t lrollllho day 1III",'ree,.nnd nnne ne.d 'repl, Ilnlell8 Ih , ..III ,:,·"e l 'e you. .ml,l. uuttl".. Uct.. eaoh . Or W edncsday W ok In XOl11a and grund I)rumonll.de COliC I·t und fca. beon glllllg tu sc/wol IU XeOla. . t.' f' tl tl 'f ' 11 ",,10, ..lid be _ ureel by !Dor tl!1llJtl on the "'"nt 1.0 m . k . I~OOIla ;feu ,I Itr. Huad",a;. " 1 . . h ' ft , . .'d . . • . ... • W In ellor U . Ie ear I on WI premi_ 1101<1. Ire ranking ' ''.1. nnd !l() ~~ntll ..OIl " S99lj" . - '. died w lthm 36 uurs" t!r\\UI. 1t,vlII iur tho hunoti t 01 tbo pllor. -M'Be' Sail I " HnrJII. of y&- prooollncc this all a ijtopilln drcu m· SRid p",mI8o, will not be !tOld for 1_ "ill . 119,.. YOI1 'haw ·tis dono.' .Addrcu/ RcliglOQII. , -in hi8 8uit ill tbo Supel'io r! Full Uuruutlt Blind in attondullco. mingo is u {l:"e~t of M. W. Colleu·s but don't forget that sucb incred ible thllD two·thlrll. of ~I?u IlPl'rui.od ...lue BU" T.Ell &: UO .• Hin dId". N. H. , Court aglllnst . I 0" t· & UtJ . k ··d d· I' il " M. H. HAIlLAlf'. --.-. . tie II1CIIIIIII \ ' \ me tlV\ll'yuv y uu enJuy your· UIlII y. feats (If invention, d iscovery, and Sf,eriO' or WAr",'" Oouuty. Obio. • Down with Bard Times. $ A goneral Moetln( ,IS a~'"t~d Springfiold Ro.ilwlAY Cu., Durbin ;;d v\liI I\nli aid.!' gUlId call \I. Re· . ~Mr8. Ellen Cullett RDd her Bon science us have been,nebiev d with· Sml W. Buow!!. Allorbe, . SAVE MON...... II ~ by the Yearly Mcetml('s l:qmlt· Ward received a verdict of tlll, \ IIIcmb I' N .. w V 'm.·.. Ni~ht. A.1- V';"-'t..... . n' ~"",IV:I\~, 11"0 viaitiug ill "he lust fit'll. Y Uti! tllok ' the wind 1 16 . . 1 76 EY "b"r " 1: CIIu .set ,too, at the Orthbd~x FrIends' .Moo· 28896 Tbe action WIlS to reo lIlisoivn 15c. 'fw.) tic.keto lo r 25c. UI ·it· t"1'i ;lId:! iu this place and vi· oot of the saal s of c~o.ngeli8ts nn d . . your m Oil y., wo r lh . 'l'h !!l'cal N. 1-: . Ooll ...r ting ·hod.w, to commence at 2 0'· cov~r tb am nut of a perc utugo, Tll u 0 oti whl/III the cUlOllI irtco cilli ty. philo80ph I~II · Oven out of U8 all 1.........Ull•..,.I..... . , .....J.. .. A_otc. 1 :~~.~19 01dmfleldd t.'l~~~ ~f(l8i\,"l~ cl(t(lk ou Uth day, the .1th of 1st alleged '0 have been agre '(I l1p~n ~boLll.J lilil . tu call, t"o cl ~ng liko gi V· , - Ph iltlt11l l~ycke ia spol1d ing the pride oUrBolv'lls as we mny llpo~ THE WESTE~ RURAL! oft; ra e":c~ Y1\~~~r ~,r U r;. ·F.I1J;~''i:::d·Sbl~ TlltJllth, Jaun~ry 1 !6. A rneral to be puid tv the lluinlitf upun lUll t,ug lor tillS c~ll~e. Will. c~ tier a IIlIN duy heru. uur philosophical ,propriety . There Th Ot'eat L.ea(b11 g P opular ~I~ OO{,d8. O,r<lc."e., Book.. Ou\~cry. (;Ia" a~tclldallce 18 desired. A I wh? procoring snb criptioll8 an~ donu· luvor , by lelH'lIlg ~ub crlptl r,~ a t - Mi J nn ie t. Clllir Dakill, never .Wf¥l a world, but titere was Il and f 'l'l!!'.tLC(!;l 1 m'ln a~ 1 , e~~;;;II1~B " !~~lIi~ ~:~u~oll'l~~. prlue. nud •• 11, Will, may ·come. S veral proml. ~ion8 toward tbe con8truetl'lm It'll Terry 6 gl\ICllry. MIlk, buttor, egg!!, I 'V ' I ' t . - " t'l g I er IUD wa" to it· and I 8haH not bu S UI" jl utn!.lU Week ly of Fl· rat ands·' ...... ,. no.. _ ..... t M· ·8tars are ex...-ted to be ' ed bbl· I d k . II r ·t d O l 111101' O il. 1 VI :!I II I · o' " , TH.E l VEST. lurou al1d fir .. haDd. !leu 1111 r -91: railway, pfflpOll to e esta 18 } IlII ca e osp 'Clll Y U ICI e • IllY fl'i \JlI d,; ' here Jennie always prised (though greatly rejoiced) to • Rnd oab poll ellr ,I ",bat'oou nlfl/ dealel'll ... lt: 10 attendanoo. _ . . . - . 'ad by the defenda'n t between Oill' , • . urin f! suntlhi lle ·with· her. helll' of a vast world hav.ing be eo THE w~:;;;;~-:J;-;;;;;-tbe m.... t ~!" t3 for. 'I'hl" II no bllm11I'1l' no 'tickA very .uecesa(ol meeting 18 In ' einuati and Springfleld. CHBlBntA8.- Ihc !'lerry Chr!8~' 1 g , . . . d'j covered wit1'; n tile cent.re of ut' I..rgel, oi.cnlt.ted juur",,1 of it.. . 1"11\ In ellt or 10'''::(.. 8oe·. our olr~mlarH. IUld mgreea at New .Bolland, ' Ohio. ' • . mas ~t Oudwulllld'r s Hull, Fri' , ~W. F . (.i rllnthnrn .IS 8~11~lIlg lob." and either inhabited or iu. Amo.. oa. It ls de"otedw tbo ....rlou. de- ;~l.~u·:~o~~ H,ele"lofte.ed na onl'B!L ~Id r J H Dodd is 888i8ting J. \ Tn foll owiug letttor explllin it· day hIght, was n co mplete SIlCCesS llOlldnys at his home 111 WilUllllg· f.abita' hIe 0 '0 H.ufP1'ON I"'rtmenf.e of RUI'III A.!fair &, and p<rtloula,.. Ion aDde"y OD )t~~d ~b~f.:.'::'J'pO!&ron!: E . charge . If Th ~ writer . ·zed 111 . every rcapec t . TI Ie a tteo d1I nce •. , . , . . . .. y Ma.rtcd Wtbe noech of the WOIt. 1~ ~ ' . I o Irvin. •mini&ter ID of Be. WI'11 1.... \IV rec gm ""II. . . ee lUl!O fobuioe OrigiUl\I aud.s"l....W eta. !See Ollr Q\rcu Mil. the Cb\1~h . ' Th~ wllole commuui- ' 88 0. once well-koO\vn Wuyn,e ville was 'very goud, and th~ perforlQu.n, - -A col" l'l·d gentleman , one eve· . Q J: t i' Q 9 c 9. ~~:'I ..ud lli~1l6l11UU!oe8 ~u8' (or ..n,aim- We 'Can ~:::.u: ~-::~Ir.': h-:u.'e~W-:' tv i'e aroused. Cougregations are boy the aou of Mr. A b I L Thll rn · cos all thl'ouj(h were IlIghly CMltt· nin.g Illst wee k, lUllde 110 IIttu -It on IJlg to oolUbUlo the ""~"II.••f"..tn ..... of a lend h, lI1&n or e. p.... O. O. D.. aud let J • U 'H I pw to t 'k~ I d bel . t \Y ~~ - , . - ~V ~ 00111111 I.e R\lrl\l tUld ll'lIlmly nowOlpIOl>e-. 1'41 1'011 lICe good~ beG)re bt.. ing. We Will' IBrge aud very attentive•. p to 48. o~ t h? bo ys d 0 d• rI·f"~ . aWfiY able: We. h~ V(l II ot Ipaea . I a UI y OrIllIUf. : ongll1g 0, m. KIRBY.-WIL.''lON.-At thorc8il\oll0 of ~nl'tlrnll~lod lIirOlllatilln 18 ~O ~t pl'09f of &j(enl8 .....ywb.re. No rllk. nOC!"pI~I .... Lord'Q dllY of' last week. tlllrty oue from their orlglnlll moorlllgs 1 pllrl,?ulnrlzo ~ b~lt. oa .all or .most Lukells, lI.elllr tl1l8 place, una not the Dftlni"tiog JUlltiOO. ou Mond"y even!,,!!. ltl pra t'.1\1 vllluo IlU~ adllpt.t,on Wthe qull"\!d. , had been added to the clmrcll Or-OK OF SRAJtl"a P BUSHING Co all ul the 1prt nc'fal plece8 Will be . fiodi ng any turkeytl 011 the ground, Dl!CI8lDbu 2'2'. 1876, by Wm. )lanington. J . 1VBntil ~f. itl r ".d rI!. It 1ft re&dln t~ou8llnde One Cent 1hrp 1 1.......... •, ..127 ME80K& ST. Naw Yoalt' . roprod· . f' - I k I I l' Kr Goor"" 0 Kirby iUld IfiiIa lhttie of r"mthllil tlu,t '&fll ""t ng"ged In rural '. lor ,II nur pap e... ()1reu· • J .IWl6l of them by baptism.-Xt'1UG ll CCu IHI . rtt ay evemng 0 was aboot 1:1I .... 'a 0 t 10 tl'ce , W len " " 1 ' .,- , . pllfflull.8 bob1) }llist "nd "' ellt. 'are lod lJll3. onWo 611 0 I't1ti do !MIll I II I\.. iJletlJlJ. I D~. 20,1875. '\ tbill w~~, ~e 'lIhl&)) have a bettor I the 'watcbfnl yes of 'Yillillm· dis· _~~~ __ ~ ~ . T ......:.. '!I.U ....r 1I'ear, P_..... ~Iole~. ~ I~ ok~. 'n . all f"~ .Ti 'lnr;le doll~r. . • .• . MBlllu. BANDa & SWKtrr, opportu!lJty an l1ur lIext to ." render cvveretl tltE~ dnil ~:r ont!l~e, and beFuur eopll's. o\le yeu •• po8~id, .I,!~ 1::~~ill~~I~f~i~.!~· :a':i~cr~ei ..."':.:, ':~~ 1r'P Arrangements have been Gsntltnnen .-A. few unto t'lIl8IIr." The I'ccelptll 00 iug of 1\ brave . diSpOSItIOn, he con I, • ll~~b; 11.8u "nd more.~oPtlhe8. ,l'hl ~.:_....t~ Ihoult.od article... 11 a',l. Send 1'0.. . . alld u..J . . fr • . Ob . t a E . c $32 6U j I ddt . I t t tI. . -- , uvl'(( prem lIUIlII OM W 0 ......... up . .. Ddo it pl,_se Ir1. Ad inade, by whicb all cOI?ing o~ ~ daY8 ngo, I camled to be tbl'warde~ . rl8 ~s ,-e C II . e a ~Ig I .way 0 roll. IJID; . ~O. OOLLETT.-In Santa :Barb'.U'a, O"lIhr- 'and Kend elQbe . :~:. ':~Iu:r.d.rY ...olo OR OR~nS.'I'ON Ii 00.: dilt&u~ to the entertalllment l'rl' olle uf ollr magazine8 to Tue Miami n-r> O · . I b db letting IllS aC'HlIl8 keep' tilDe " Itll Dia. of 6ulI:. Willio. (liln lif John W. nnd Sont throe monthe. 01' trl..l. for 150 oents, N. E DODLA:R' SAllE, 33 Btomlleld 8' .• dav night, can bave their vehiclea Visitor and thill m ,riling I was l.J...I,. hrl8tluas \~1l8. ce e rate y bis tlwughts, he IIhouldel'ed hi8 'aIel Anna Collett, agod 2 YIl"rtl1U.d ~ mOD'~1I: or sample FOPY 011 r;",,~g~~ stllmp f'b BoeIOD.1duS. · . &lnd bOr&e8 taken care of wit/LOut greeted' on opening n,o.il, with ~~le. EJ~sco)nl SlSI~uYdSChOo! I~t rclillble,' o.r.ld woul,i have lDade his • :''':it;:~ for :;0. °B~. P.LBWI8.nWo:.,: c:1w.7·ge, at the llammell Bouse.- The Mj~mi Gazette. It br~ngs -me Iell' , . I~rc, ~111 a ur Ily IIIg I . ' uui ll vited goe8t n Ohri8tmas pres· W,,~ ~ Uememool' tbl8, Harvey~burg, and back 'U8t a uarter of a ceutnry ,The Chulclt. \IIlS tU8~efnlly a~d, e- ent of the IlOIIWllts, hlld it not been ~""tV ~" . . A. T TEN T ION, .__.____ _ ____ other plilces. Bince was devil in tbe office ofllabul'ately. trllUlJIllJ "':Ith evetglec~8 delllyed by II faulty Clip; but tho _ _ _ _ FARMERS AND STOCKMEN ..tit 1'h. ontleralglIOd bop W b.for. -- - -••. --- . J. W. Elliott, tben pubJisher of the ! ol!d l~atDlIlI flowers, .and the dill' fnm iliar cliC'k of the rcmol"8el088 JCL ~~8,r~~'~~,:!nM~~1M:~:!"~: ~.:; o:::rJohn TIl)'lor Will 8111g a~nt first aper evor jSlloed frum au of· , trlbut.l?n of th o cundletl Illude u11 , death ·dellI er brought th e thief to a JIL SRNn t'OR A IIPKOUIKN 001'1' 0,. T811 old .t..nd of Leak & nO_eI< . . .be,.,he ..iIt 'Oot Pooty Deltcber Gal,' Friday fice fn oor old village. I cau Ithe ch1lJrell Imppy. 18CIlSC ofhijl criticnl position, and M?1?1? T I?'1U(DD ¥' f) keep cODAI.ntl, on lillud night. You \villlaugh 80me more I' I Y ·n . abuut the office Thanks ~re tlxtend ed to Messrs. wilh a chul~kle over hie good for· ~~~!!.~ t!:!l~ ~ ~ • ..P 1111l Y 8ee movl g W H HOIghwlAY J A Keuruey d '1 . d d ............ IN.. THE V E R Y BE S T theo. IElliott, Jason Evans. Alfred HlAr· • .. . . •. . tone, he droppe to t 1e grvull. aD )(l'I1. T. P. Fetter h.... ing roti.edfrom .tho Thr-.W". • .....ao. 111_ ••1CnI'III8&. - - - ..... ri8 and John Hellle. It was bllt aDd William T~lOrpe for evergrc~os, instantlyaUlJQurnc.'1 ; but he did not firm of :IIIi'll. B. E. F twr &,00.• tbu undor· ••Ie .......!'., •.::.-..-dn .... V.'. . .I.,-· A geutlelDl&n tl'8veliug io Tex· l l mouth8 io tll/hand8 of Ell· nnd to ~r.llelghwl\Y for douutmg run filr IIntil ;fill iulll 8ncceeded in .ipeel ....mflare1lf.ter coudu.t tho buotincl18 tr..... l!liitc .. ~'-.:.,=-IJ........... Bee( Veal, MutlOn and Pork; I ___..I a ew ed the tree It8clf. d' I tl I d 'I ' I. ' f I ..lono. Th,U\lrful fur ('Rllt favnre. .wo 118ka ~"" ~ • as, met On a coontry ~ wagon iott, before Juho Hellley aooonnc . - ••• - ._ !IIC larg' ?g . Ie UII '.\\ IICu, I 10 {ur .. oonLlnu8Dco of tho IlAmo. M.H. Fetter . It ie a M-oOJIUIUI pl\per. furnlshl.nfr drawn by fOHr oxen driven by a he bad pnrc!t0.8ed the establi8h· Don't. fail to be present did lIot lilt 111111. cerlill.lllly C4us~J1 0. would \lil!O annoulloo tb"t .be I. OI03ing out ..er,. weeK !DOl'O VBIu.llble illfQrmatloD in. the count.ry alTbrda; and a\1 wlll1l6 kept ouine Texau ranger. "ho, io Ild- ment•••• I finished ullder old Fa· . commotion in his immediate. Vi~l ' her Willter Stock of rlt>lhionable all tbedllfclrc"tdeplrtmeDual AgriDult~e ftion to the 8killful fiullri8h of the ther Russell of tbe Cinciullati Ga· at the entertalDment on itYI. for the died IlilJ.INERY GOODS . 0 LEA NAN D N 10 E . whlPI W88 vociferou8ly eneour~· zette. . New Year's Eve. It will be away when W: III ! III ~ved an at .. ~....., reduo&n ~n Prl~. 81..0 bo.. qualecl for ml.8re11i and valllo for the h~ tu~biB horned beaete aller tl1I8 I do not know whether yonr Mr. •- .... '" go'-'....... --.I ~-- . &"-"liIr, .~ t· t that If he ~bot lOme 'bo&ntlfuJ ~ Of thjI le.t. nyl.. hold. B. ~elupet..,d ~Ieat 00I'pfI of ~ SUGAllA~OBED' i n . f t : J. Sands i8 a .geutlemau whom . I UI'WI lIe . 011 d come back eU.dllpted w the 1Ie.1IOD and the HolldA, Regulll' Coutribuwrs ...er employed on ...., .I' !!:~_~ faa .lon:._--e . ·w_. _ • tuMl - . . - , ,;t .h·1m . . .... Trade. .hioh ladlflll will ooneult tbolr Inter- agr!enltnral paperin tbo oOllntry. under an "Baw, Prea~yteria~ 1 Gee Bap- knew then or not; if it is, he will t(]'" The GlAzotte will be out on there ~II thrash hlln like (fumlhar est by cUlllinln!!'. Now Ie the ohanae. ..hIe and oxperienMd Ediwrlal lhnaptiet I Ahoh Episcopahan I Get UP, ' wost li kaly remember me 88 aNew Year's morn iDg with au Ad. quotatIOn.) MRS. H. E. FETTER. manto wbo "r,are no 8lIpeDM W add every· ..bule or bJ Ihe .lIce. Gin ae a ".11. . b · n"1 ston, 0f . D,&y- W...,nennre. C thing poMib e W... ItI""lulI. JEHU MU LLIN. Moth od'1St I" ~ whlt~beaded. yo runnll~g Ilroun d. 'i dress, wishing all a Happy New - TI Ie.M'~s. es "WI ~ri.'P1t.l! . J 75. .lla4J.NT NUJ. • •IIImNT. 111 ~ l7. The travelo! was struck aud also and Into all kmd8 of ~evlllllent. IYear. It will be a hlAndsome ton, .are Vlllltlllg at A. T. ~ablO s; We 8ha11 proiMlnt. po8t11ge paid. w I'nI7 __• ___.- -,......_ _-::-:-=-=-:---,,~=-atUlIaed at thl8strange nomencla· Some of the nalDos I!J yoor paper affair got up in Centennio.l 8tyle. -Mr. J obn H. Grimes aDd MISS 8nbllOriber for 1876. ""ory olog.nhnd bet.n- JAMES W. HAINES. M.D., ture, and, ' s~ppjng tbe dri ver, re- have e~anged by addillg a pr~lix or : and ~ootain likeues8(',8 of. all the Annie Blllcknoy were m~rrilld, oue . AND . r;!b~~ra~r1-~;eu.:~~~ • inO::;~i!i . marked to hIm that he.bad uever ~therwlee; bot 1. do not uotlce ~o IPresideuts. De I'eady WIth balf- day last week. &,Ith parties belong .. THE WEEKLY ORAPHlo." Preaont wlli,or roMen. .."'. . .A......, hoard such . n!lmes applied to 'be much chal)ge as IS often the case 11\ dollars, quarters, etc, near this pluce. . . ~ aRlO THE TER.... : .0 II UI dumb creatIOn before and &eked the aame number of years. - - - - -- - A He '} New Year to 0.11 The I&rgeet.. oheapeet, apd boIIt. 1lI1l8trdcd 8111gle oop, ODe Y08r (521"'0"") poatpald. ' bim why he called hi. oxen Bucb I My Mother real:8 on the bill ODllJ'" A little nonsense 00." and FlY M'&RTB~ Ne ....apape•• the ..tleltl, edltloll of '2.t5. In olUb~ one YllAr (1m !III"OI). polito 011100 "t Beeideaol• ..mea. der the old beech·tree near • tbe then is relished by tbe wise8t men.' •• _ • ..... -::~,=,==, P.::...... ~ao. I~oo~ o~ Enr,nn~ "There," 8aid the man of Tene, Fl'iendl' meeting.house , and I must : Go and 8ce Sum Taylor on Friday lliATB OF O.&PT. ELI AlfDlIlI8Olf. ~ -'_"'1 &rat! • .,::r:.:l~"~mltIID U.~:or CuberOo~::'I:' "I call thi8 ox , 'Presbyterian' be- try and visit it at an early Jilote. eveniug. -At 12 M. December 23d, after a Twal...~a:.:t ~';"::::!e'j1 ~~uo= lon~ WClub. Agentll ..,,, offered. Specimeu SETH W. BROWN, callie be is true. bhae aud never Respectfully, ~ W - ._ . -.-: - 00 - I r lingering . illnes8 of coosumption,. :,":'~Iebrated plotu,.. ; ..,rial end .hort oop.o& trOHI~d~~~lIER 01 ll11ui,O faiJe,pullstbroup;hbad places and I A.L.THoKAs. l.J...I e~palD .~o earn 0 Ollpt&inEli 8.Andersoo, iotha.wrietl; ·faehiotlAjoewlljt.r&yela,eta .• ine". • e y e . ATTOR.NEY AT LAW. overcoluee difficulties, and holds - ._--.• - ••• - . the death of httle Wllhe, ~n or Sad year of bi8 age. Funeral' on ery number. Dn.iDeM Canb. ou t to the eud· bet!ides be knowa l The ladies are grateful for the lMr. and Mra. John W. Collett. Chri8tmBII nay Interment in Mi· ...~y ~ HAND NOT.... KY P TT1JLl(},. • , , ..... I I t ded H d' d . S t B ba 0 I· . Oostly and ueeful pl'8mluml e·"en W .Do u. more than the oreaL I call .....t one, verl libera patronage ~x:en e . Ie JO a~ a ar ~, al- ami Cemetery. The pall·bearers oiube. The l&r8"t ow. CIIlnlmJeAlon W 'Dapti8' because be is o.Iwaye af· Itbeu entertainment l88t Frtday eve- i fO~llIa, ,where III~ p~reots are now. were, S. Lav. Cartwright, George agentl, of lLDy pl\pe.. Write for speoimen. .,. " ...... ~'• ."-" • ter wator and 800ms aa though be ,ning. Tbey hope to 800 a crowded ,soJoumlDg. Willie s body was W Ebrigbt J. Milt. Rogers Ever. THE ORAPBIO COKPANY. ___ w_...... ................... ..oold n~veJ' have enough; thon, h01288 on New Year's Eve, t\lld ill. 18hipped to this plllCC for burial. ani D. Ro~rt8 John W: Ooleman . 86-41 Park Place. New Yort. Ojfics and Re8idence, Third St. , MISS R. _GBT.. . ~in he won't eat with the others. : 8ure a longer and better perform. : Tbil i8 a deep /i.·Htiction to the fond '_~. • ~nh .i H d 111 I G.....tl.8 on~ F 1 o.U 'ttuu oue 'Episcopal' beea~ l ance tblW betore. Come out, all. parents, who almost idolir.ed tbllir IlJ"'Go to Zells' ·for a nIce New· year~". Dai1,oG~:;hic a':t'd lIIilUlli G.. WAYNKSVILLE. Ie T....r, be b.. a migbt~ way o( hold~ng , d - ftc h· young 8On. Year's Gift, in tbe way of Forni· __tte_ou_._y;.... _r._._l_8._ _ __ _ _ __ --'--~-" ---w~~~::~:~:. :.:~~. bi' bead up. aud, if the yoke No OBBDlT.- n ~n . a r t IS . •' . n .... tare, brack~lta, pictare-frames, aDd 'ii'1ml~ Wfi£~1!lll.JL a little tigbi be mel to Irick c eat' I do.~ Mr•. A. hL. Frr w~ 8~11 There will be, tbD eDo':'Ou otber nicethioga. Tliey bave a L~ DULD' nr , .....____ ._..._____ .~_ ..._._ ..... _._. _.. ot &biogeo call thll onedIMbietho- l ~~ fied°r :d·8~:t~ue c~:~and Friday eveniDgto keep peg- fine 8II8Ortulent. • Fi..... ~ p. ' " Or aDS L. O. LUKENS, M. D., , t' Ille he pos., an 0,,", ...nom I '~iDg .... ,-'';'ep .•• -. ~ &D,.·VIU8' lan08 g I PHYSICIAN .. SrntftEOK IWd u would think he was pul. l adhe~ atrietly to the cash prinoi- u-om go willa. . IJ:?Go and see Batn ' Taylor in ~ . • . ~ XEN I A. 0 H I O. UIo UAU' linK cro&tion; but h. don't pull !ple. Therefore, t.ake your poclre~ ~I .'. lcaaan~ bit laugbable character of Joho !'Jr,' Natt.ona.l Ba.nk BUIZdt,ng, ....A)80, lnllrum~Dt. &oDed od ...pa/M. <>alee ill N.UaDlOl B.alr BuUdin._ • -nd untel8100 oootiouallY lbook when you go to deal at blS I Cb~t t .... a green, p , Schmidt Fridayrugbt. . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. OId .... m.y "elel'twlthG. w.Ebrlglt'. lVAYNE8V1LLE, 01110. 8tore. • riB mae. , .tirr-:bim. up.?Il
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be~ u DO'
Bid adieoto
1875 at
the eote,.
tal gaze of
Tho form . . lt
the I'CIlder.
:!!:~~~bi:r;:~i:lt~:!i~tI~! :~I
Pavsl, It Pays II
'Y!!~iJ~~~ YS?
riMe doings of the Mormo n s in IT PAYS .. very ......faoturer. Keehn. the IYni80 of Indiana a ...1 the &II~as. Ie. K erch .... t., Inn n.t..r, Fanr.er, or Prot~ .' • • l"n,,1 man. to keep lDformed on all tbe un. • ~. ematlOn of Joe SmIth by the MIS' prvv menu and dillO()verio. of tbo ap. 80urians are among the prominc ll t ' IT PAY!! '!to bead of the fan.ily to In· int.. of the opening cltarltcra t.ru<lnce lu!o hI. bowoebold .new. paper that '. " 1. In.truotive, one thttt. fOlltel'l! a taIte for eo . follow 10 regular ordtlr the In VOl!'lgaUon . and promotee tbought_d en· succeseioll of Brigham Yuuug. and ooUrtIpI dl~Wl<Il'on .. moog the ll1embent. the crafty bu\ cuwardly mOOIlB \ whicb he ado pted to raieo himstllf whlob h.... been publillhed we kly fur thc to thi' poIlition j the real inllar life lut thlt'I.,. year" doe thi_. to 81. n &!ln\ beof tbe Saillts and the BhallowD088 r o!,d that lOf uny otbor publicn tion, i!' ,fac' It 1ft the anI,. w"'kly papor pulJ1I. bed to the of tbell' rehgouB VleW8; the eel . UUlwd tl ttl.LIltI. duvutotJ 10 H auufa,turetl, brated U&velatioll 011 Cele stial HeohaniOlt, Illventions and Now DillCOv~rlee MlArriage" with all it.s wieked bllt ' in tho Arttl8nd Soienueot. L.. rd d '1 hr" f Eyery uum ber it! profuljely llIW1tratOO and • aUll1l etal 8 j t e peen ItUttle8 0 it. {)Ooten'" embruoe the lat.ef!t and m 08t iD' 'be Deeeret ·.C ustume, aud how it to_ling Inform~tion perlA!"in!! La tbe rD. WIIB ~ceived by the young ladies u f d ... trlo l. Moob.. nloRI. and S,ll.. ut.SOProll'~ . . . of tho W orld; Deeorlptions. with n..a ..t,flll Utah; ,t he mode ot maDaglllg the EDgnvlnlt... of New III9tIlU.ioa .. New 1m· aft'ili ... of tb~ ~hnrcb, telling hQ~ .,..... ea....'liew Proc- . '!I'd IrDpro"ed In·
. .' .
U __ ..1
.MouptaiD _..uO., · a88&cre; layilll ....0 all the heart.~udil1g ~rrowa and enfferings wlnoh Ihe I . ft· ted P h Br· I rop et · 19 lam las 10' 1C .DP· 011 bia nn/lns pectilig rollowerv, In a cleaNr light tllan we have IIOOU
i I
mlaionariee of their 8Up,port l and helpless wldow8 aud clnldreD are dofraDdod that B~ig· ham may ' enrl'eb himself. We • woald strongly' empbuulo 'our o",n aat18factioD wltb &he way in which MI'8 Yourur haa ~oued Up the • • 5' U 'D_f, . m:yetenee 01 tbe LW ormlltlOn, Use Blood Atonement. the I"ruph. Ut'i Hand Oart Scheme and tl.e
eretu ore. ' . ' 'l'he itltel'Ollt d'ecpeOB &8 we pro· ceed' for 'in tbe elOlling chaptel's. J ' tbe autho r gl• yea a . t Ilrl'11 lilt( all d
h of ' er own
th F ' 11 .... W' te T ade ea Y lor e a ., In r r . I
_ • ......
~ ,,_ ;: ~ :s
deta\\ot of her 8Ild
babanA1" ahameful of heJ'lJelf and the
lot, and her
~ ~. 0 .. I
~ ... t<:! ~ :s \
'ftPIIth yy, SlialUS Oven D0ors•
.1 , ,I I I II.
ODe . of &be
mOl ex
aU8 ve an
moet delicaWy
beMtifGl1, writteD .Ol'b, wbieh it 11M eftl' been oar pl'ivUege to _...... ·tb
.......,. WI
• Mormon boob ha1e been t wn'teD, b\1 II.... Yoaol. poeaeaeiog X*'nliar advantaaea frOm her 'tion ... Brl'gham ...r.:wi'A aDd
~U:ting O" l\n Door... MAIN St., JVU,!ltll"l';,/ll',
ell ......
n' ..... _
~ _
_D'"......... .....
:av, ••
'l'OBNP1KE "'~N
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it aQlong the ~08~ handeome we have ever 1IeeD, and the genem! and finish are all that conld
La'vi L Clefave..... ~~a-
DiIIolutiOD of Partael'lblp.
a ~
~ ~
!!;~ .
: 5l
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S B B iii B
.... ...t• • ")a• •,.h.1l • Vle •• a,
. 8, W. Ocw. _al. aIIIII ..... 8&11.
s. .
n ntount o f m t lM'clhUleo ll8 , . ",di u!t . • utb u. s Loril.'8 t ) 1'''8ft1 • lIcicnt,ft ~ iul" '~iJ!" 'tt". lin d "~ri('u Lu ra.1 in 'Ol'lulILi I ll . 1m' . ' I\ich w
,·tI. c:t..-
"II. l,u UlI,t: r.
It is "1)1'''8 d In Lh o Uti iso und c1 i,.bollO. l nl" •• I"Si · h.' "'" ll,u h ilS b ell e litted Lbe f,·w
, I
'.t Mu ... SU·e.,.. I DAYTQMl Ii .. .., Ot}t}[QII ~a 80..
A" e now rocelvlng ~hci , ' FilII ,'1110k of
of }nlttl.' nnd itl products, reut a.tll tp , nud
stoullbacl(8 ( ~h o pt:opk'• •II oncy ,) It". c bec., ac~ r e e i .. tlld. Th" GeL obanging the o';gillul eontrac~ wllb A :mninsttll', , Velvet (/,Ivl B r lt1l8ellJ, and making Dond. p " ~' ablo in ~ b""dholdoMl. gold illo!wad 01' legal tend er•• ". 0 ..., " S"",d I mr ol'l.ed dll eeLI ~ frUDl Englaoo) tt UPO II; n fllVOl·I~I .m of 2l> per cenl. In '-Blue ~ til Lhe fe w'" the 0'I,cn80 or th · milny. TII/ ,te P ly, The R" umption Act. dvmandl og tbM 11l.f/1·ai n8, which I. ulterl1 Impulli!lble. Iud plaol ng tb. l"ell tia1l8 &0" ob i'~ ~~ l!<iulOM for l"'Ollt)' yo••• furl her off. . lIeh and ulher crimes ~g"III '~ Lbu' I'ea . ('I hest 'A n.e,i li n m ri llll'~fJto, ... ~J piclo'ur the E.lIlulrcr will IId.ocatu a cbaoge in th ~ udm iu islratiuD of g'O"crJ1l11 ent nffn lr~ J " mOSL IlUlng • ' . Or nny " Lh ... oIty in Ihe Ullion. CelebratIon lor the Ceotennial ... Y.ar. It you would kno... and ulllleJ1l'ond th e lIS ;lC "" IICB. IDc r lLl! aud ~tr 'cta of p..t Ktld futul'C Ie. Deco;"l\l'O P"pt: r Ihngillg •• Windo .. Pel'n~ =. gislatlon. , cad tbe Eu ~ nirer during this all 1I0ruo... IItc" llCwc.t 8tyl e.•• jal t re '.Iv , ... rUl,P.':'rlIIIlL orl.I., and ailb8Cril"e (or Iho yoar cd !"N.m Ibo '-acLa";e. dI rect. t Bl lt TERMS. 5 go h'gle copy. ono year. til 00 A oholce a~.o rtm enl on 1111 Dd and made 10 I: I' ive cOP.',eo •• •• ' I 76 clUlh. 1:1 7.1) ordor. ;\ls", large. medi um ftnd . ma ll . fiI ¥ Ten J GIl each 1000 aia"d Lonklllg G I J\",~a. r!:! Twon~y " .. 15II o.. ch. 30 00 t With IIIos t li bol"ll l rOd Ul' tlu IIB 10 cluh agolll8, FLOOK" TAILE OIL.CLOTHS; I! ::: l\cnd for speci men cor • 8ud og" "l o' oulfil . A II width. lind " II ~rad ,~ . ~ S! A <lXN T d .... . NTKD lcv ' ry IIU8 H1mee. 0 l7RT 1LI.H (l OODS, AduI'U"~ "II orders 10 • All klnd a. L" mbl'e'l ulnHII-lid u"~alll~ 1Il/ltiU .' I~ N & 'I LEAN I FA .. A "c' , Ilnri ~IIL up to uNer. . a:!, P 'U.blililleI'8, (}ineinnati , 0 , :• ;; _ In 1'e rdo" "" ma ~ k . ' 1\\10,8 Illld OretollllC8 ~ =' in ~ All new for 1870, n,t shol" uul ie'. . . "dvllncc ottersul"MriburH Nov. I 11171;. will paying r""oiv~ :. § 1!.he p"por WEt:KLY. from l"l'OOipt of •.,d. WIN DOW (J 0 R N I 0 E 'S, 11:1-0 wi!.holl t '; ~ Itn'' t .u.tn OO to J IlI.ullry I"' ".. ' . 1\11 Hizes. ~ ~ [ch'll·go. ::e I O<nlnl.N&D P..u'r;IUI-Fo u1'Y ,S IX·rt! YEA II I Dellclquarlers For BL,tNIETS lied Uu mhJl'18, o ur ow n . lOake. It .u.rea el, I'illo,.s IlDd Ho lot "", all hR1Il1 . nd madll T'GHEEN ' AV ., I, mAn . to otd ·r. Cotto" . I, cctlngtl "nd Pillow OB s 'n~.. 1',,\,1. Linens. N"l'k ina, Do.•·II.· • • Llnellll. Di:tpcNf, &c.., im !'lJrlt:tJ POSTAGE IREE J'OR 1818.
Prices as Low as Cincinnati
Pier and Mantel MIRRORS I
I=- I
iP'UIlm!lI' Ul!1 OOVllillID,
f. =
..~___ :r.~~r~:~£i~. TnE~UNTllY~KNTI'K)lA~~r;l~ ~f:rf~:::=ntl: .eaal
Til E G&N'I·I.t:lotRN published R etail " (tt W,(wte8ale Pn'cell! Weekly on Lhe fo llowing teml", wben pllid goo Orde.·, tor Uphol. lef\· lind Ou rpet . atrictly in ..dynnu8; Ono oopy. one Joear, "~.IlO; F unr oopic•••10, Ilnd au addi oual WMk elceut ClI 1" om" lI.1" , by sk ill "1i .. ork5:t6 :110 oo{ly for .the Yf .. r free to 8Ilnd~r of the (lJDb; llIen . 1'011 oopie•• ,;ro, Illld no ttdJitionll1 copy for ~~ t.lJo year froo to th e Hender of tho Club. ..,.. ........
:!!"".ottf .~eehPUllral~~oadrlyOOOfndel"tioOr10 ::'OtlondPro-of
.,._ . . _
E. • B. T. ·ARTBONY t. 00.
..tiw_ --.-.". . -
8Ta~ES ti.~@G:?ti\J1l~~ "If.... ~""' _M Ph hi_"'""" grap au a ria.
ma. ~~~
.'~-:'::':'-."'1~:~~..T • •It. Be.ng MAQuracture", of tbe
"N ••• _.TY 1>lT• • il:.PTltlOIY,
REA M .. \:..I ' I'
direction. ror u. b'g eent On appUcaUon. A.n) .nterpri8iDg man eao mak~ mane,. .i"'- a Magic Lanter... Olltou~&blaadveru.lII... trO • i33-ly
d Fa.....
w..... .
.. ..
j~i:.d.u:~~~.!i:!! :~cr.J=::i~l:to~:::
J~rnnen . ~
AN D I'AUTIEs, ohort notice, J aI4!o keep
.... ICE
-. . .
,b.' Unltecl8tatoa .nd oi.-Ilbad world. 0_ " TaR O...tletrtaa "".. in lu The rtDdenliped ""JI8OtfltU y ",,11 _ Hortioultaral VD}lU'\meat a _tlItllOIM the '"tfttiOll of the "bUo to tbe ' . ' Yllriet,. of information ..d ~OIJ", fact. tbey haye opeaeda aew lboI'. ~91 Broacltoay, Nt to York, 101111111 or IUJ,MIrior in tho ~epM ~ what two tloon South of TenTtI grooer1. wh~re (Opp. M..tropoliloll 1·lolel .) i. obtainoCl. In tlJo mODthly nlllUMH of mOlt he i. P~ 10 IIIIlUllfactll~ -. De........ 1nag&¥iD811 devotnd to Hortioultu1'8. Tu g Cuuntry GentiemltD lolUl prob"bl,. , l\ J1I. I For Hen, OMld"e1'. AND VIEWS; proved Slock of every kind tbrough 'he g- SpetlllIlatteatiDnl!'iven to r:\\ ,oount ry ; IInd uomm8nd.toa patordc,lff'OO 'j \VJI1IHVV101o I th.n ltn y eOll to.fU p<I .... ' y. tho OOfISdelloo tUld .5 1 ... , . . ' __ 1:Iu.!l. ",,:=!:, . Isapport of brc.,de..... nd I'uroh_n." All W'Ot1r dorJo iD Lloe beat manlier. ODd to t '1 TII R OeulI tTy G't!nt leman eontnm" uno,," gtlllran tee<i PI CJ&II (In ... 0 C 8, u611y fnll Bnd tru. tw or thyMark et Rop<lrt<>. . . A J SUi'1'ON & CO . .. nod do..ow. spoolill ott.oll tlon to them ~1l(1 ' , , '" • We are Headquartel'8 for cv.ryLh. lIl1 ll1 Ule to t he PrllRpoobt of the &II throwlUg w"yn eavm!l. D Oll. II. MiJ.3tn ~ lI'a, of ligh t upon une of Lite most .Dlp<tt'l.aut of ,,\I STEREOPTICONS AND IlAGIC que.tiu..-When to Buy and Wben to WaumED
S~&acl'" Tools It. Maaerial&
Tt id ollr " /,,, 10 •• k" tho "'e,·k lf !'fun IFI. ,;w. .I ••,IU. II11..! '''' -1i~1I cu"tlnu u to Il lvll in I!.~ "olull,n Il 1. ' 1141
t'"' ;;; I
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• ..·••••T.8 • • • WT• • • • PT.4l4t... lI.n.,....~»eo. lO'l~lI. • ........·.4l4tlt. . )(aD~r.;\llree allk ia4e of "Broad "Oalle SOHOOL LANTEIlN'. FA MILY L.....& .,.. KEN T &' MICHIE, daily for W.Yllllttville _! the ,url'OlIndin, PEOPLE' LANTER N. . Del,:bborhood. Special . ,UeDtioa Ie liveD loeb It,: . . iIo!log tb. "".~ of itl clau ID tbe WHOLS8ALlII to fUf'Diahlng . ' . m., kct. JVW i!1 •ns a MCI It a .,. ...8 FOR ft1EDDIVGS 0 I f La Ie a d Slidea' with .. . r lOPTItwl . ~~U \lAAJa ""'.. ata oJlle! rus n . ' .
\II ~ ~c II ~ Ii "~ ~,. ? ~ " ~, ~, Ir ~. COUNTRY •
TIM pVta• ...tup ~ -1atIn,r bt.... d"ired, reflecting the higha,t , - &. II. on.o........ I . 04. &.ney ~ OI.O).~~T~~.. _ at all laos,., _4a -,pI1 of eradi& npon Dustin, Gilman. 00., aM _ _ faa&nre _d _\I of BIoa .. ft._~ aod. Cincinnati, pn.' --plOOf . pai.." ill 1Ir. , IJM 'Ill --;, ai'VUOnll Ha rfold, .()bil'.AOO - -A..._ K-..,. ........ ~ ScM loy_,_n,.~ lO.. • . I. JI',ouq. M.D.. . . . fte ~ . . . . . PrIeaa ..... Ia the w'!lI· known pabli8~en, lrow Deotrcaber 1S,1m, ..... A.........."1lIItr .............. "-117.....
1M... ......,.ored.
."0. _ •
-B • • • • • J' t<1 1 :.. ... ~ ......... ... ..... .. _ .. ,
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Illn.mrl . h lUJ h it r f' ;ltl r .. in 0 ' V :4 \'t te \1 '(','r it ,' \' . h nJ W~ lrl1 t l bH tile 'e." 1...'6 • 1118.·,· 110"' . D' ''n''u . ~ JUIl I,I ·d. It ~' i l l uu" . LIIIUC to I... ,,'Io "'~h " ,· w ~II"I' o,. Ali lIie ~ cn " r,, 1 lie ... , 'he d,,] ",IH be found I" it. 'Ondt' ll8eG h"l\ unlmllo lt ,ud. t',,111 .. ~ .u "" hen I, r mm.u ttu l ;. Mwd I\lw.tyl'. WU I r" t... l *",.\1 I.. D clu...... lJ>je' lI . II..!; "ud II ~\IC~,.,
!"- I:;
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()'n Ul. •
rai~bl'forWard eh~poah
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... "" ""
'II7I~,!l~ol4an g:,. Wa'4~~
m bel' Zi/IJ-w..g oonoeotion \lritb tbe Morm(\o Syatem, hae beeD able ..~ ~ ore fnUy than an" ..... Open u m ,I other ooul , ita more private featUre&. aDd to explain many thinge which otliel'8 could not poaeibly De f· TI "--k' I ' nd aware 0 • . Ie uuu 1a. nrep aID a 8t h J.lof h onib e tem w .10 , lUI U ,"'"8", J.._ 0 ';-1'.. and J, di"""""'JDf the fNST to" -e'..J..o +... whole ClOUnto' in the eyea 0 the ci"ijped wwld. It it truly a mae- .Notloe fa heroby that the .. baort...1, and is worthy of tbe ' - baa - . . appointed aDd qnallfied .. A4. b t -:..... mlJrl.-tor of the BAt.ate olLeY! L. 1 811 p. __ . ver Jate of Warren Oonn*'1 cI-..e4. . t is illnetraWci with nearly two Daw at Lebanon. thia 8th da1 01 J)a. ' th b' d' baodNd engravings; e IP 109 A.D. 187°jOBN D QLEAVBB.
= tg. ' e. i : .: : : : :
yod.:.-~""~ w~
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t:%. ~
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u,,~:' ! _•••••• __ •• •: • •:• ..:•. ~ ~ I _ ¢> _ - , . ... ":' ~ ii -.>_ ~ ~ , [;; i<. Ll. "'" cl: l,l, !! <::> e i,,:;' Z 0 g ' 01 0 6 0; <:> .6 C/O OX "" OH'" F .:> p: i 'l" ~ !" I"!" CI: 11 11 ~ P : ~ 11 '
C0 .."·:"ental" Cook - St·one 1011& • J
On. 01 the..~ - - popul .. N of• ., A_rlnn h. Writers. of 'A TdaoIlaJ' ~.. 'MOIO &_.'1Om ... _Ikn0e4 10 . . paIIIOM to tM fil.,.tIaa by 11Mb C••111'UJf &I' Wo. .: 01\ n.o.m..... l.. . " . . . for ...,... ....WaIDa to 0••' dlno\foa ' " otKalm. ....... . 4~~ A£or~ LiHrtJl TtW~ to ·A,Mu, 0I~euou:.tainl7::~~.;;;: YlY. DOLu•• na ....... n ..n, jj;~...t& Pri:M~.. thaD lb. publl.h.... at 1111 Piper or book .....- .........~ or ---un.. pUo Uta~ CIID ft. na.ed. "":' a. :.t... Pad! Row,"New .lIatMJUft'1." . . .tla,.... ...... : ', F&T. lIftIon.w II' .D"Awo.. D. O. . Por f'IIll partlenla.... • W E HATHAWAY ~\I &au • .. p • " .anagerof BRAN01J O F F I O I " of 18 KcPar11Dd OJNOINlfATl. 0 h-'" t ... - --f • _d wU1 be ...... -.. .....08 • NOTICE A. T . & , 'J!ieq., la 1Iarn,..bal1!f. Ort TIle Btookholden oItha B •. B " L. AIlLOMall, ,,u 10t'\ DfJf!I Jams- IOciatlOll will tabno\lOll thM . . eleotion QJ - - UtA,AD! ")', 1876, of WIDe DIreoIion will tab plaee at Uto ot-~~~~ ,,~_.L L__ 01 1 d 8 'Ioolr P II Aoo of A. T 8abiJI CD _ ....- ...8........ lUI 00 •. .• B7 order 01 tIae 8eo'y. Ja"uary-JI, .1876, »eo. 0, 18'75. . .i 10'olock • ,-. ' . A. BDW'AlU>S, Sea',..
"' ~Ilg
:'j::,e:=:Od~=rf~v~lPbill~~ef! THE CBiIsruifATWORK.
g \ . .... ... .. .
who ri' '''tl . T he 'U II "ill h.\\~, 'h ~1 CttnltLaJI(. of ,b in;.: LllUro n~ h \! ,y A, 'u rtn d. 'l'hl' W,'c\ lv . ·UII . \\ hi~h Fr., illli, llcd. ellot' nll' l ion ot 'l\ ' ...'r j IBht \ lh U4 \ud .! L m l.! no ~
tb lrda ot tho I)Ouplc'8 mOlle),. 'I'h Nlllionlil Bro"k chl'"'o. II d.vlce to plul'" ~he co ntl'Cl of th e (lu rrenc.,' ill Ihe banel, 10 1' 1110 Mon!>,\' Kings lind c"uHI" g a n Oli' pm· duclllg ~ri8toc r"oy . 'I'lli' 1I11\" Y I1 mh Ilol,hery. Inc,·eu. lng till' plly of goV<'rll m.'nL1J1II ~ I R I 8, wh ile lhe pric/'
r :;
-= ""
11 '~ '\' . l- u1 .j o t • Iho e
.lA le .
and o·ppr' \.... ~cJ lh ,' II I. I U \ , n~ I CrtJi:r.CJ ill no~ 0 1 congrcp:. nti r-fng IroUl cj "~ u l a tio u nend y t,,·u
~ i:::. ~ S ~ t; ~ ~ .J' ,. I' J' 2.~ ~ sea S ~ 9 S tv
A 7eu's rtambe... oontaln 88B P-8H BDd • .-....aeUeal, It• • •
... c.oo"" ~ ~
II li, I • I ·lln·,.
Wi ll i e. mt! lJl u llI." lu "
Cincinna.ti W"kly Enquirer
• Dun" go aWIlY to or OinoiDna,j ~ to Iouy _to.CII. bu t ""me u' our (Jld "nd .". I )j"l,le .... Dd. where we r' .... 'mmend ufltlo. !" I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '( lltl! but ",hat w" lw" .. tu be 1I'1Od . We p:1 6= O ~ OI:o;C _ Q are oonHu.ntly lidding t<, our &lrlllldy big !:;:l 1 'l"!' ? ~wok. We keel' ~ Ih. t"P look-ont for .... y ' ,II II thinll' no.. In tlte market, "nd are careful g' to introduce I II our trado onlY 'atovlIR thl l t " .. ...111 be eooDumloa.l in fuol. ""d(\lItlt .. bu~L l:? ::p. !?·~r~ii:~!;<!;:2!~ work. \lotlt inoookin!f ~lld hea ting. ~ ~~ Fi'!t !:.g g. =.,,<;S~· g.~ I rriS- e 0 " <$ C # a Ii t!l ' '. J , ~ g [" .; ~ c ~ ~ ii ' ~ c. .f'-::: g> of allltind. (10 ihand. uuri ~ to lb'''' _. ~ '~' - r' ~ " ~ S POUTIRG AJrllI ROOFING 6 0 ~ :1. " t"l nnd Qyorytblntf el.e in " ur line dODO in ~ ~ ~_~ ~ f\r~t~11tIj8 ~tyle. \ '''mc and""" "Ur . , _ __ ::> x -.1
volQ~e ':itll !~ a::.ilt of tiereDlt =.net.;-:.~ ~"!..~~~ n~~ '18
~ ~.
I", II .
~I ·
I>- ~ fJ: n!'; ~
• We bave a l'"'te e Ht.ook uC Die lolCllt int · .. roved Cooking aud B'Nltillg 8 10V08, ft)r :';',,1 And wood, .
!:ct1dtheth~oeral tPD~::~~~ 1I~~nC:N::~,,~'!.Js'k:~'::''' A GOOD YEAR a_ ,
oomplele, aod Ai
" rr ~
~ l'W.1,~ u4 a.,&, I, l8Ie.
ill the YMiouAI&r\ll, fonDi... a OOIIIplete reo ' pertory .of Ne., Inorent.lonuad DiIoo..etlel; ooatalnang .. weekly I'IOOrd DOt only of the pl"Ofr"88 of the iDdnilvi.1 1U'te in our own oo.. ntrv, ba~ 01 aU a "w d\aooyul.. .and Innncloari in • .,ery bnneh of IlU(iDeerlng. Dleobanllll. IDd IIOlen8e a1lroecl. The 8cientUlc American h .. ' ~he furl!lllOllt of all indultrl.1 publlcaUolIIt for the peeL thirt1 yea.... It fa th. oJ.d... t., , It>rp'- cbetqteAt, aud tbe beo!t .,oeIt11 111 _ trated pill>llr deYOted to engineeriDg. milo ohual.a .. che~i.LI'Y. new lnoren~OIIJ, IlCielam·. aDd IDdl1ltraal prosr-. puhu.a..a ill tQ world. world. The practical noeIpt...re well worth tn tim"" the l ublooril'!-i°n price. And tor !.h, .bop »ad hO\11t\! w.lIl.,.e maa,. time. !.he. OOIIt of SrtltMlription. Morcb.&rt~ Fannenl, )[oohllDlce. eertI, (n . .... I.?"> x ..... fa"tu .... no, ChIlJll .ta, Lo,·e... ofwill Sc.on"", aDd Sulentifiu People ofAm.·rioan ,,11 P".. fC---IOUA lind Ut"
lor Divorce, IUJd tour; tbe 8Ucoeesee of ... .......~010 w thnJagb her 1_ lec,uring an~ altotM ti<aot __elUld 01 thia the ..-noy.with pat,a-- "er i ' t b ti d Pata.. _ ..... .ad. .. llUt or whole, to
.~ I' t; . ~ ~1
~,;!e~~DlIki~":;A~~~ :,.~~ Wrlten. for Work.ea and Emplo,yer •• In ~
PATEN'TS •• -~ ....
15. !
both "other WIVOOB," erenoo. Tenus, tlI.90 a YOtlr by m.ul. Inolu· aud interest gives plttce to a dB' dlng~. Dboooull' to olabe. ,Sd::a1 T. De WIU Tal..,., £4IMr, f.,·,lIJ as we read the account of her . bo,n ar• . ylng",>\nb .ral#~ oeut free '1IJ!-1e COl" • od on rcoelpt of 10, ooy..tt. )/[_,. fte wonderful 08Ca>:t" from, Utah, and bo bad of ~Il Dews dealera. the eouo\leaa in which BrigMr.Talmage's Sermon each L. _ _ bafBed • l' • the Stnendfio Aham baa u ..:"n , 1D U8 1;11\' merll*ll. KOINIf8, Huan" 00. are aolIcltoN . . . . . . . . . . ela.. deavon to defame her cbaractert of Amerloau and Foreign Pateate, and h..e -and rob her of the large.b~rto<1 the targe.t· eootabUahment I. the world.m ~h.. eo universally aooorded Kol'O U1an fifty tho.......d ?l.lJoatlooa haft 81 by J • been mad.e for patelau thro-n;; their aseno,.. ". .onttt.lecl
uJ.... "
,.UI "h ie La m"kc ,' .0," ill IIlIr oLdl)' liou . The "j!r iuul llI'1I1 d 1l~"ll1eJ\ l ~ ... I, ,s one 1,1' II. I'ro Ul i ~ cm I'e", . '110. • fa " biollr& urI.' ill ll" "e~u brh l e:1 1e.d ill ic.. 'o l uou\''' j l\uti au &l. I'U lhc m L' :Wla- u l cv~' r.v kInd, Tho W eekly Sun l eight 12..~ with ftft y . ix bro.«} culu mll ~ , 1M only ", (.20 " y 'Kr. pu~I'15" p.... I'.<ld A. thia \Jrll'e bttnJ y ""pArM I · • the COIIt IIf LI. p"I"'r.. lin di"""u,, ' ... n "" W"yn 8ft ville. July 14. 18'711. tn~do [rom 1.418 r.. to 10 ulub., "gmt~ P.... tOu.te..... or DnrOIle. The D.uly Sun, a 1....1(1' fOIlr-IIR ge nellllOT B B I'''pur of. tweu'y ig bl ,., luDlII", ~,..". all .h" IICW > fur t wo oon... Il uupy. SlIb1!Crip.ion. "'...... ll'. I"rep.ud. 3G cts. " month UJ: Ia tbe onl~' pt'P~T CXClllBiycl." de .'ot~d 1116,00 .. ye"r. t uud"y ..diu"u ~lL t,.,.. POLITICAl, & GI::NEUAL lIIl,lO pr y ·Ilr. W" b:,V '"' \ .. yol n c 1'1 rr; . WEL.FA Il E of the P E OI' L E . '~' 1I . A,111re'a. N" w Yu~1i ~y , 1t r ll "1i ih ~" letters'of In""iry dlN' t fro m ~h e people. l.nd " "" we.. th" m lull), ... Itbolll re~.rd 10 ".rty 101" or ltcII'1l1 It J. ~"e adv •• ,110 01 rillh. " lid j l\81lec W II lId \bll gro,.le. 1 good I I. Ihe srell\C"l
~ '~ ~~'g~~r'~!?:!!
~l uc)"x'H UU II AL :VE " YOR KE II. 71! OU"D' ~t., N"w · r ork .
:,-. ,, ~.~ t. . 15.
Moo ... •• Itural New · Y(.rk o. cUlllnill . !'IiI loen Qu • •to Pag'· . ..' e,,~ly. fin ely nnd p"'" fUliely lII u.t .... l.ed and netitl.,· pd utoti . O,.ly ,2.1$ in club. of ten (1t .III,"e, i'O"t"ge IIHi d Now lalhe tim ' 10 8uhMcrib. Bu d furm ·Iub •. "; ..,, t loducR m 'otl 10 cluh Ag"",, . ::;I.oci mon •• Premium L I~t.s &c .. sellt free.
..= C
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"('~ t r""liI,' ne". I"'lwr in
POOM. 8TWLt:. TEH19!S. "'C.
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'W 'nl, lhinl"n' 'd
maDu -'r .
Bu I"og been acknow ledged. and Lha' rt at. rlta. )l llIIon of uh.crlbe .. i. nOw Call c..-ded . Tbool' "'bo know Lho a.ul'tll wi ll ~ lIb · ""ribo rOr 1876 ",ILb,,"t urglug. ~ntl all otb er. I re lll.-h...>d 10 send fur nn a olllm inc lOpe. e l lD ~ n 8 . wblch ",'t! mlli\e" I"'·.·.
= ~ f;;'~~' ~' ~ ~. ~ ~ i ~
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IlrOv I~elf In bo'll ST'LS und "(JIIT II'T, ';'or •
eh, a Ilrgel)' luereftled Nrtl iooal circulalion. Tb a ~ II eh •
fIIfIl ....
.......' "'---"
"Ie CllHuinK ve l\r thlln C\'or 1,etu 118 , l" ld hol,lco
Add "elll
faac~oatil1' account l ex· Illll'ful to "'era. tt"'" nld h,.vl) • plaoe ia 'eDCO 1D her nl8rr sge with til" ..er;. ftuaU,..llbrary, st.. ay. otlue~nd o" unroom; inA.Yer), retldlDlf I'00III. 0011.., roph et 'B' ng h am~ aD d I lar act na I ""I IUId 10"001. DUW yolu ..... OOIrtIil8DooaJan· ' io his IJllrem; giving all the Oftry lat, 1878.
~ lire
all care·full., aDd ahly cdl ·d . a , r.aler ""I~tJ 0 uaeful Infur mIrIo!el~a ..... • I...... ,..,.. r4UoD • &baD aDY 0 r -'-rl· . 1 ~ {I
ADd cer .... iul \' ~ho lJe! ~ 0/'0 c.d ""t fo r the .'I nn,' r. t he 'Horl ionlt urist lind P·\oriJot. tho SlOck Oro ... er. tho I)Iliry m,m Mild tho Hduse wire . WILb 'E ~co l . ior' for i... gIO";01 •• m .. t 10. ' ProareutU.d ill l. uo ' IIbleMud objecta. Lbe' 1. 11Imuro\'lu,lt'nL' HUh L' PU''fIOHC. tel ", ,,nlf. l t more enterprl. o tl rnl .pllit dllrio,i:,
Ir ,' i.i,,' 10' . lb;nl ...·.m or 1'''. e r ,"K! plund . an,l · 11 I mil ea. d"Chllll!! II bo.1o II I,.. ' h. ""1"lid,'le (di ,. 1>fI r! I' IIf Ilelor ,". lI , lIi M ... ~ tit.!! I h" I 1111\ .
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Beat Rural cl Family Weekly
thf\ ."t.;t. lJdArd dl,-
cu rdl,,1 'UI'I'ort .,f nil t ll g_j(ed lu rurul p" r· I 8111\ . • alld ~ l ll(l " " II 'uel'\ I.i vi ilOr' \O fa m· 11180 I" tooth town lIod countrv. h ,·o.ul'l'i. 8
tin-.re anb itobe itort.
~ret!...::o:: :'0 ::er~e&r~ J' flu --- bbtrtistmtltts -- • 1'
, "~ NOQIDbaend it to the Il(>tioe of all. iI tainmeot,~ Friday ~1 8jJ~ wriCee ~Idly and (earleuly, d8lCl'lblni each event 80 clearly 88 I . tQ bring it vividly hotore the anen·
r Ih P.. I quar1c , Qf
thur/h' Oil all Ioruu"he of gril'uJltl ". a ll r t 'uhu 'and \)ome Ilu Aft'", ... I,ut K .·I,oleo·. pu m andull,' Cel'liuuII,lc"FAMII .Y I' APE H, 111 founder Dnd conducting El,h or 10" had O\"l' r tllilt,· ,.aMl " r erh'ncp. a ll AD A~icul h U l l Journ:.t i I. llUI h i A IlMI(·I"t )10 liiI@ ~ NllI abilitl' lUld pta 'Ii 'alaml cl. 1I~, n .. kU".lI· lorl" u. Till' III, I. 10 lI'n,ler Ih.· i. ~U~8 t,f
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110"•• ' Rvau h .... eutut"
No . 3 Travel. 'adventure, e xploration. l'I'~ aa ~ natural hi8torl' ' OCiAI the mes, the • -- fi 1.J5 p .. arts. etioo, itcrary re " iewe, Cllr ~.3$ Pat rent topiee, will eacb have large - & 'I &0., AT- • ~ II In I Tb J o nru al'18 r, '20 p.....~ lH l'Oft ... pan. 5.i'.'2 : : al i ned in M o nthly Parts; 6 3!'> P m 8ubscription price, t. /) ~r an· 9 • , ...4U i' tn nnm witb postage ]>rep ald , D. - - -:0: -- No. '1 'e b I" .... Rlchm.,ud da ily. Appletoo & Co" Pub lehel'8, N e w Mo. (luo will ..... " Obl.:a!to · dally A ll We are c o natantl y add ing to o o r hlrge stock th e ather $ralns dall!. excepL uud .. y. York• . p a ttern8 of w. L. Il'R RI ~,N, l> . I . &: T . A. D W, O LUWELL. O. M.. Columbllll. Monthly P arts of AppJ eto n s' ~ . HILI;. IIp'L Logan.purt. Iud. Journal. - Appl e ton s Journal is $ WI}' III No . 1 0 . - :;s pnt np in M o nthly Parts, , ew8d av A~ IlL IZA "(O t' NU . and trimmed. Two out of every three parts contai n four weekJy • Bli:lUllXAllLE DOOIt BV DRIOIIAM nombers ; the third contains five J'OUlIO'B Al'08UTB WIn. week~y, numbers. Price of parte --A-T ALL PBICE8. -We have juat received a copy of· contalDmg fonr weekly ,o~mbel'8, ocrCall and ex.am.ine onr ~od8, fo r w e think w e call suit y ou both a brilliantly written work bearing iO cents; of th08e oootalnlllJ ~ve io quality and price. ' the above title its aDtbor being nnmbers, 60 cents. SubsCription "'aioMa, Olook8 and J etlJelry N eatly R t.paird, Brigham Yoooats Rebellious' Wife.• price per aDonm, ",50. For eale 64:4: R18PIN & BRO. · It it certaiDly ille in08t wonderful by an bookseUel'll and newedealel'8. • tory of BnlfariD~ and BOrrow we D. Appleton '" Co., PubUehel'll, hne ever m e t wl~b, and is justly 6j9 and 551 Broadway, N. Y.
I ... I,
.... .. )..... ." "" '" ""'1
AU ... In' 1•• _; ..... 1 nil .. 'II. n.1 , UI\"1t no> ,, 11 ~ I,. ""'''1 will I.., t ..l" .....1 I .. kl re l'O,,,,a la Til. S, . . . I I'll I, po ' hioll 110" "t R ",Ii. , "'kinl: HI" II.. lin,· ot In .qlr, 01" ....,. " lit • ~.,. ,,, T l,e "en. will 18. nl, lOR. tlilill .. II, IUV".II'MI~ Ih., "orrul,tlOII ...~ InlolCl • ..t of l:runt'H IIdm lni.lfl'IioD ; .. "d,., , i~ I. ~u I" huped . lay \Ite .. unda tlon I", a ...... ,uld lit''' l" r period lu our ... Un .. nl 1,1. ~" ." Of ,,\I for tI.e M~nu faclture""d, al ~f Lit 1 he :';1111 will c<.",.. I" .,.. m"lcte-nod oC Icun'I ' ...·w unr • • furlti.ll l,, : It.I ""Iler. ~iI'" . curl., "lid l ru , ,~011hy ill 0 om \i"o ulllou GtI.. · _l!I l~
ITA1NS I .... r";.~ .... .a y."ly cop') po-t ,,...e /Teo ', f)f' "'lLVEu .Gt.-a~I.D dill", : of tell of>, vr all<.' mo. ,t 10~ ..kl ul,.. U "":.1:'! Tble .mllk ,1 th W ....
u. 1&11&1, Pap ...
'.moue ' ar. aad Fl ....lltle r...otlte ~ I:.~~r:;a~r~~'\ '~~.r::~b:~ ~.~••e~':!.il r':.1 . 1,hID Ita 53 NUlllbe fo, I I'I'7'i (.'011 .,,, .. h I I
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9 OJ a DI the progre88 60•• a m
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the plIb!i,ben and
IMIV ~ 1I .1i P DI abund"lIC8 o f entertaining 11l,U aID I' J....
111 SOa .. 1.3-> p UI
..!.. 'C"lIOll
:t~ ~::.'~':.r:!~:ir~::~en':!1 brIiC6 a .ide eoope of topica, and
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TOR Country Gentlemu embnooa nn. merou. min ... dopartm onw of a praot.icul obllracter. II<! th... D"iry. and Poultry. Yard. the Ap."ry. tho Vineyard, ADd 80 on. and w""kly pre<lelltt a column or t wo for "'41 Hou ... wife Rod an In l:cr(HIting n ri. t1 of Fira.ld" Re"dinjt. It contelDs a well edited Reviow Oua:-rent E"erru. aDd Itt .dvorti. lng yagetl furnl,h a tlireotnry 01 all tho princlpa agrlcultnn.land hortlollltaral elltabUlbDlmatl of the oountry. gSpejlimen 0•01'1l1li Free. Addl'9llol ~Tadl" • "", •••1........
E"~r' Uhnltedb~l. tall.ea a~~
I •
AU &
To llell Dr. 01.., ,., • Reclpei; I'I r Inforu.... lion Cor bod y. In flYer, e01lat1 lD 'he .. OanadOlS' EDlal" led It... tnu pu •• ler fo "'"".p.gel 1'COQ.ta D. OTer ~ ltoulMlbold Rec,"." . lId I I ll.l" 10 all CI.. A ",on . derful book and I bOIl3ebeld _ . Ity. h !eH. at GreatetL Indu_ D&6 oft'e red La k jlenta. a1f.le .copies k ilt b1 .oUl, p<lstpal • tor.• :!. u luel.,. u nl lory glV, D. A,DDU mitre ""Ill doub'. tb4! l• .one1. Addre. Dr, Oh&JIo's SII!" 1'.iDt I", Hlluae, Ann Arbor. Mlcbipa. [~a a.
~e8I1Dd condltlon.ot o~'ety. 'I~
.LBA-NY, It. Y.
"IlETING .. aw
.. ••• ~ . . a... ....;n:.~ "It
.... ClII7
Henrie Bouae, TBlaD ....
&AalUt" •
CINCINNATI, OHIO. ,i 00 P8R DA Y. ~""W""""I~.
Burnett's Cocoaine. Burnett's Cocoaine, Burnett's Cocoaine.
IlfYilluable remedy ror
DANDRUFF 1 h",vc "Icd )r~ ban .. bottle ~°bc~n~:~;(:nd he rr a on W~ltu.ed t have C-DUftly d.i.NP':' peand .)nd my hit r ,,:u nc.ve r before n 10 .cod COl
d I on
Cocoa nc.
J.lA~(i('R ~bfCb 1 aMiDa ( Of'
,. he oaly d
1868 the h. r
\ l "d (I my fa mily ( tv' h f'l I..~, e l~h r YUJ'I h DOt o n y I IDp:ped my w fc f hour (tOn CCIlUQIOU& bUll1l'crta&ed , 5 G ow) 1 am a W undrr obU..tlonJi to thlJu.ane COCOilI IC (or 1i&v "I my own ha r wh ~h 'ary tout c:am n.c OUt ~ tv oua &0 U ~ l h I .,1 .b.I'".,. ....on J C ~fll CHItLL
The RlIIDd Member orr;;;ilaw('nt
~... hl
ron"b ou t tt
li ohe 1 tS t .. lI.. u t •
T' Pit Ii o n a gy. 11m of' M nt hl, p.) .H~ Dt.
J'ACHINES. r;;;... of Zz
g!clUl.prorleeoud hand
-aclUllee of evorT des-
1,,_la llo l udlanapolJ. lournal )
"b,ch LI"
.... L1FOIlN 1.0\. 118
IlIl>Illl Ibl' fHCCM of the
l)th, niUiLt<ll"f II e 0 1ll!lJothilr (of 1 ~ r pro<ilgl~8 Lhe p; rlllL " hUll kin\! r'OclllIedbeclluec he hK' I!e ' e rnl tb u"llnll .. hi'll 11 ltlft ..0 i.rl'1' thll t .. hpn n In'~ fir Bt.&rtl t ( JZO
ar ,u nd Ine of Ih
rUJI'" mllclllDf.' h alw8y I liB hl ~ wlfl' Ibltllbe Dlu"ll'<1uclIle the b/lhy II b\oeU.be elIn If hu flho uldn ~ be bl c k be .. I'll it 18 tw nt)' one )(,lIrB of ~c The !'tAt whtlll IlI ng>•• nllme I ~ Fried
IlIlIdl'J' We VI' forllott n bow tliUl II Jail d UlllY.I 10 wheat th o ugb w I}{>lIe \ ~ III nlnetNon ~h ( u"llnd 1][ bundr"d lind ftlrty three DHUlon. of acr ~
AaTDml "bo lb ",w Ih .. m t ~plnt Into !WI wwk- The lDen wbo draw corb
Il \\
t he hrl "" urk II d th l' lir. l ru nl! 'I he ktl n WII R III full blar.. IL nll an )01 4;'11"1' 114 li t rncilllterl In a d,titAnce of t\\ ellly fp(,t Ih e rl fro m f:)bndll1g bl8 face R8 much 11M pollil lhle "lIh hI. hnL tu pro. t l't l It fronl the Inte nl!C b" It b e mounted I b~ ladder b tell " nod I't'uclll ng lbe wp bad c lll p<'d both hand8 Itruutld the lippe rmo t rUll ~ to • ...,8dy hllllscif b('fore r etlltl]~ ,,110 I"s " \Irk wben tbe Kdder sl ,P r~ I It flv urt! Clltcblllg hlH hond. uti 11) II V I ~( be~\\ een Ibe brIck w"k wei Ibe bno run g of th e IlIdJar He ~tr uJ!!!led t1t'~ Jle r8 toly til ('!'Cupe hut II I. U" II \II til!! L I"t! \ d !IJ II Bt 01 ~he lad rle f Pnlf l'lH { hIS wltb<irllwlng bl8 haud .. nnd be hiUl to give lip In d..ftpal.r Melln wtll Ie hIMerl!'!! for hl'lp and rell s of agony h a d ral d tbe wbole oll1f!;bbor huod The U~D1Ol1t u Cltemcnt prevall(>d aDd no laddrr oj ~ufticll'nt Itm!{th could Ix> obtat oed (/l r a lime Tbe cne! of w e poor waD It teraily rt)lll!U ng above the m, dIG,.. Uae clO"d Dearl, frantic, ,..Iill_, 10
Tt.e De.t .raUf!rn. mad", Srnl1 $r-ta ror oata lo;tt~
A44Ien DO~'1'IO QV1INQIUCBnUl C(l Ao ...nW....... ~
" • • WenK
pol('~ o f th!' laddl'r fitted g II ti \IIlC(, of nho I~ t ll O In
Gems of fingllsh Son!] !
Lw . (> 11
IN !even (If e ight montbH It 11'111 be .ummer &gam wheo tbe country !!Choul boy CM n go out and he down ~hlnd tbe corD-cnb Md rend Be8l!le Turner's lI ovel POLlTENE88 I~ the mQtber of peace be keeps f.mlllanty and Impudence fmm being knocked to death, Bnd often savel hUlIClfa bmlten bpad STONE chipS And d08t may be C&mented by mellDS of calclDed magneRla ADd bitten ".ter Into. hard, art.i1Iclal atone of ,000 qURhty
MB DAVI. of Vermeot h... cow for .:Ie Her Jut meal conll~ted of fi ve ueiolof carpet f ana ..,t! !IIr D'a belt putaloou,
&; (0 I Doston, _~""'~ ''' ~~-.!.''fJrl.'or•.
A Man 1t00000ted.
.. d) d ,... 1.>t
M. Sept ''-
Now YOOK Scp• ., For tome me pAl l J have bf:.cn U& ni: .y our Coc:ol ne and Ih nk liar pnlcu.We to an~hi~ 1 h:n'e 1 <vcr u.c d fa h. h~r TitAN I sLi r
\ dlrung flccldc It uccurred Itt Rock \ lie 11 few dHv. 11;0 ~Ir H.obe rt olldt nil em ployee 01 :\Ir Ihrk er pott er hay 109 OCClII!lon to IIrnnge w me p cces o( sh cet..lroo on the ~u Ulm ll of Ihe kIln . he ll III full ulwst I'fuced the to p of a lw . nLv fuot I,d le r all tlll ~t a lj{)ullre proJI'CtlOI1 o( tho bri ck work the rt 0 \ er
ti l!
I purch ...d • bol .. only (0•• 1. purpoo. or . l1a r dreNJn.- b,t t'O my lurprlk h hu e,..' rely rtmo\ ltd h. l, n.a1l0n 0( 10 lone stand ng \., I ~Dl ncndcd t 10 s<vc-ral o r my (r e d ....... ho were. 8I t . e4 n 'li e lAme way and It hu whoUy ~d eateci the du.a.. )0 UII HILI. J.
A Lond u.u rresIX nucliL of Ih (~I Ctgo ,f. rlwlilHlles \ o u hR\e hen rd 8 t!. od d~RI nbouL Profe.so r F II" ceLl tht> I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hlllllllllcmhH of Parham nt wb o l\Ot ld I· If J 11m not mi staken were I L not for his phYSICal d e b hty be the comrng mao of t he LIbt>rall'll l ty aod 1 a\l'l oot 801\ bU L he will be lUI It If lor his bhndn ell8 lippears to prove \I'ry Ilule of a drawblck to 111m Be ha.I! an e.l~ llel t ... lfe wh o St'e8 for bl m nil tbal I~ pcrlmps nr_ r y to be seen HIS dot lOd IIR II prof!8IIOr at Camb rtdge li re eYldentl y ~rf..,rm~d qUIte a s well 8fj t h by would be If he were not bhnd In IL reccntudlllirable @pct\l h lit IL m eetlnl~ of t be :ScIence an d ,\ rt De part me nt nt Ken8iugton he mnde the /il"!jt allu8101I1 bave Oler lulOwu blm W make to hI e IUI!8 of 8 ghl Il WII. he saI d nearly twe o~y y e:lrB Blnee be hi d look ed 00 II work of art ami he s ho uld Dever agalll enJoy that pltaeurt, but he could recall tbe satlHfllctioo whl ~h It ooce produood Ilnd estImate tbe prec oue pflvliege eDJoyed by tho!le who cltn rio I!O Do you know how Profeaaor Fa" cett becam r to tally aod hOI elcllI!ly blind Tw~ot v yeuflIsgo wb en h e wa 1\ mOl!t promIsing lind active young Ulftll of two aud twentl he wae out WIth hlB flltb e r aJloot Dg In tbe neljZhborbood or Salisbury wben by !lOme ml~h.p two !lepanto sbot from h,. fllthllr' ~ gun )J erc~ d the glllllHls wblcb he wor(' one lod£jng in tbo very pupIl of each eye /UHf effectuaJiy cles trollog the VI,lon for evu It w 18 a mOlt ead caee Hie fatber wu for along tlme almOjlt frantIC
v Ll
IE X VI --- rt MRER
" A , . D'n II
tin til ron L! prJ nl' OClullleln) r '<IHII \\ ,lIlr msr brot h er of th e de "lII'4'Il I.N)' I" III I h~ h OlllOt' "r 111'1'8 l )"'tmuhJ .. /I I yUIl Il j.;rr bMlnt b of tb e fUDIlIv of LIII C I wlmh dill 11.11 origin back LO til I.. nth c ntury • The l'rlll 11)lIloLy U Ill'd In north WI' L('rn O"rmllllv lind vO mpnl!llll only four hundrw nlid LbtrLy • Ulliht " Iual'tl wile uf lNnwry One of lUI c hl u IAil1I8 to dl~tl ll cltull d the Inn LOll burger-Wald, wbfro 11 rmOlln, th e fil1!t German lead r, I, uJlpoeed I , hnl exterminated tb legIon" (If Venu .....AI.-
TlIg 8uggeBlIon tbat bM tr('ql1c nlly bt'ell made 10 the IlCW8p!lpetd tbUI II beet of bro" II paper W!(l 1M 1\ "ed em ring betweell or au Ih e toJ! of olher ,vrll l Pf'tH WIll Impart IIddlliOllill Wllrllllh nn I lUI I'Q rvll:eablu IUJII bIll II k t hM Ix> n \I Led II'0n by Mr Loder "bo bM tuk~n Ollt It l litl nL for pnper blftDkel.ll. fb ey lire pr r fur I\.(>11 nt,iltslalDC 01ubou~ four 111 I 8 II ord r to promote the \ cllulatuu whl 10 Ih e d n Ity of t he brown p 'per m ,t(,tlRl Inl~ rrul}lll. rh ese (lap r blauk e l~ 1V11l 1 bv a II real boon l' tU Il VOOr As the) Irf dean eoonolnlcalund relldy for UI!C \II UD (,lfIc rl!~ lI ey tbey Will be IIC~C I t Ibl III h ~ pltJul!, for Lit 8uI ply of wlllCh Mr Lmh r 'bl\~ obla", II tIVO o r li m !!' COD tract.< flH prod UCLA of ~be combusti on of II 1m co If the COOl bllMtlODS wer com I II to would be carbolllc anbydnd nUl UIOIIi/\ and 1Imt4lr HI til proCl' of ~ mf)k Inl! however rno L of the tubue 0 13 dl ~ IIlIed rRUler Lblln burn t lind Ihe vrntluctll of t1l1"dlwllllItLIOD re I IIlner u, and ('oml,lex Vohl llud Ellhlrllbl rg aner burDlng ODe hUllllrrd Lind fifty Iglll']! rool g UIlt d with d'SlwcLIlC ~ In 0, "U1oku, hyd roo101c IICld, dull,1 ureted byJrogen certllin /\Cldd of th e fMtly aCid 8l\tlrK-lllmely, furmic Iwc LIC proplolIlC, butlri /lnd valernulI{ 111'0 cMbullc aCid IIDd CreO\IOLe ptrld II plcoli n I II d otb r 1!1II1Ibtr alkalOIds. II ( ) ~ I Id 111110 ,mmOnlA m~rogl.'l1 OX v ~ 1I1 Mil ~mall qU/lIIUtlC8 of mlmb gill Illld boDio (lXlllc
III I' I;tllormg @ub t IIl WS m.ed
I~h ~ I to allf I ered
BA~( RO}'T
nu cC'cC'ulm her thleo yenrs old Willi found ,Iclld \\I her hul lit I I\&L 'VlIld8o r '" II For IllIrty yenn< she lived III nn ex( 1l'1I VI LI on 8COOJIIld out III a 1II1I81de nnd pusI
Oi l"
IIlIl t<fl VCD~Y
I 'VN A~UTIl ti, e "lIb.lRn cp Vi Illch IJj ..." I l 11/\\ e caUI!C\\ lb rx I I(\.,on III Rr!lnc rhnv II IS RllIO knowil bv th e lIamo 01 gUlllt p. wder n rl WI," In , nhd by II Swe,I"1I chell ' "( n IIl\cd N 1161 It 13 chiefly IIfled for blndU ng plltp'IICK nlld I~ th e mo. L po H ' I r I 1''' Ilu",IO Agent known t I cite", strv IL I " ( ompo:!ed ,f fint'ly pu\vcTl~ cd • lex ,r .11 CIOU8 MhclI or IDfu",lrIll IIrth (Ollllcl In HnnoHr GerlllAny Ilil I k lOWIl .. Kl e~M'lgu br h WIll nh" rh lilli re Willi thrte t imes I~ 11I' IRhL of IIILro gl) (:e rllle nod h l!\ tl e con ~ I ~\.( \I ~V u f nnd I'lof!Cl) rOllCmhlu brown ~\jJ( Ir If IgmLed 1\1 tbe open Rlf nJld rot cOll hnpd III ~lIy 81 Il:C I t ",II bnrn qlll r lly !'lII lll lng nttrous fum ea It I ~ grlleTlll ly r~ g nl 7.pc\ RKLhe tlAfeaL of nil ex pll»ll Villi lUI t 18 Dot hAble to e~I h){l by IIghl ~bo\!k ~ like )lurc gly('ctll (' ~nd I ~ not litre led I y IlI gh temperature It 18 u ~Ullly explod.ed by Il fuse or II ClIp ItII gr III Mt dMger nccordlng to M Gu, ot II FreDch chern let., lIrtl!CB frof/l the fact tbnt ~hc mtroglycerine 18' liable to I!e(ll\rat.e from the mu:ture AJld assume !tAl oflglDal Sl..'\tl' wben It ron e.l'plode upon rt'ccn lUg a sllgb t COilCUl!>jon
------at the CaltfOrtllR
\ •.1.\
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. . 1 76.
H C".M.--'""TM '"
f J '1' 1 ] lln nl I I II t W&l\ hi rn In 1 'I AtJd ~UII,() h'<l to til t' tbnm un tb II IlU , ofhl8 t Lh t' r \II Ji!J 1 Tb br Jr
"lIu dH:d on lh..
lat t'
PrtilOn Ilre lllY'm cofl e rl1L~1 bet'! pilI dlllR anl ('/lice ~ r ~un lay dillner IlIl JOan" bonett Cah(uflllauB are wonderlllg htl" Lbey can gf't hlW !!SUIt... Pmotl
. I
\I in r II liar Ii 1_ .I~I .. I. al .ut II l .k Ill' cr tn return. Ill' tI.. " '1'\1 tI. t " I (... 1Il - , ..I, ... rt ""I ". II, .U..... · I. I • in 1 ' .• 3. IU"'IN 1~'1 .• h lit' IIII.J l'<'C't.y r J 1oII1o.millt!: ch·,'kt: I Ii1II. t "nlllllll·r with \I' "If r f· • ••1,·. ,,' I·.. III~ "., un ... n dI. ~, u b ~I I 1I11b "r. Di .... ln'Yt"'''JluTo.u.II'.\\tI'I"'Ul·uUIl ~f K: ~. I . ~t.t' ''tllllll'('tt.'d II ~ltlf with til, lIuffi~len 1\' to lIuhl blot It" t ear 1'I;~l: IU \ C a •.l·1 . t' ,·m· «I. )111 .' II Ililt till :\IettBJII.:. ~ Ily g.l" II " W ( 'hri~tillin ~'hnl'1-1a in 1 "7'1 'h f at,.'lIt: tl; dllill~ whidl, I".yrt·\ ~·r. l'jjhI1 .\i' i~ t~~ut ~.attil" :. tl;l' Kr:lI\"1 HE. '()\ Itt 'E~ ".I',I/·dr'!I .•'''l1ll1lf!!!!:?.'.}>. 1 7i1, ("olllpn'llIIIUl!(1 Il ll' 'rt'at pall II il i~ Ih"u .. br Ill' 10\+ (·.,1.1, "h it:h v. II "HI.' pre,. . m",· u "11; IC' • 1.. \1' .n ,It""""r .,1 I' nd <&o 'c!i) ' k PM - Mr. P""r Ebt-rly ilt uifcrill' ":,Iemi llillf' n" l'U" '" L' Chr!"t a!llI hr" uI'ht o~ the r<,lal'sc (hlit ,.'ntied ~l\nl t~mt . :1111( tlll'lr ('hc"rfnl ""n~~ ~;:'.'~,i,'.~;~:I ...... uul.' ~ ~;:: ;~ '''1 ,,<1,1 y. tb loll ... ~ink d. "'nloed lI,' thllll rhrolllllli.lII . • IllS 1I1't\~tl., . u,,01 .' Illhrat'l'tl It with III Id d 'alh. ~Ir. BrowII "" III III 'Ir II nil I: h'l\ hal U "ll~ht 1L 1' :- H"fI,l. I,' w,.,," .ir' "1,\"",, ;1.1,MHI t~1 1 :-LlI~, ...... It ""U .Ie iu th ,011"'1 ()r - ~h·. lA:vi ""k.· ha ' hUh rwlt ,,1 hl'urtund l ifl'. I'l'r ~ ', I · III ,t hij.lt! ,. tl"llllod b\' 1111 wh .. outh ru climc. All Ih ''' ' IIII"c I ' ". I ~.u,I.""h",.I ~'l<I(MI W"rr'u ,..." ldwof't1'IIl. \\I.d .., rrilo.du .1 II <lr kill"" 111' !iI' " .' 'Itl I tl' I .1'8\'1 IJ{ I \"lu r. Bill Uti,· fr .1O 141'1 ''''\''',1 r'·.'"I I '''"u, !1.'_lI III r,,"·, .... ,·~It I ". IlII"'l' III l.r st'\','nl I ,:1.1 l'li('rl' , "l('III'" -1'l rll U1lu II t. . 111 II a gil od lI(' wbOOr IIl1d gun \\ Ie I > 1 • II !III, "I ~"K" 'I ~'~l'-II. iol~ .. " o( :odl.. n 1~. ~ • " r"'I J '11 • I hit.! t .... II U ~t~H. · ,,,~ ... UII 1111 t , . . , . , ~I' , i - Dr D. \\' . ~I~·c\"" \ill:; \x.<en trllllg nll lJd "l'C IIlI'l lt l.l"'1l01l01l1 \wtlllrubic mUll. l1 i~ t'uneral othl'r UlIlIU'r aY ' wI CI III, Itll'r ' u I ~.t./.l' fU rlIII U., .•",JI ,,,.... l.\1:; I.) 1. :I •. ll !.I '''\W'''". ~I, x.".'t ~cr. "" n~ i t i,,/-: III ~ I 1Il ..,hul·g. It 1M'" ' r, Iv II t· Ill,t IlIllIU ('n t Llf wi lit' II ~,'II" IlIrl>' II' ull 'lIlk ...1 (cluk ftuwe l'l! VIUillll , Iwd Ih l:l bird will (' .. r,,·nt c! Pcn " ... L11.L~I·. I·'IIJ I..If. tn "':'IIII~:f nl .•i .;~.. "~I.i ...~,::·.. ~?~:I~IIC:~::b·~I~r. . , I I . I ... . , . . tl h' P ' nil! d " ., ',1 CI~ ,. ., •I • • , I ·It·. '\ If d 'I l H TIllr r'l h,' to ke. I.. 1\ • " of It'n<, 1,111" "1~ !"r',"U u" ,'ruILI tile ,• . r.. L' r tnrn .8'"11111 ,reI' k m"dl""h 1 "'-:;'1 til .:II'L II", "I .. i.l 'etUo" . 10 ~UI' E. ,109i - .' r. I I ., h . . . . I l ' \ .. 'l'h " II WI I t {,IIr Ollgs..00 ,. .. n "t .rr ..... It"m. ~ I . I 11'1 0' II I" III I l \'i II drll, ·it,· wltlwllull1 "he ~l'cn t I rln .. to!l\';; (' 1 I III lI k, iI 'III ",·"III'IuIIC "' ·U' '" .. ' n. ' "lIn " b~t "" · k . I . ., . " Jur l. kll' ~ tIOlh~ r(j I ' on. .\11 III I we g on"1I t. 1/1 riO f 11 1hf'r ..~I IIhlllll r 'u""n t u'nplk~ . lh I IlC "itb,u id&u, npik.., _ ~I r. A '<8 '1"lIlu, t· III IIrri \'ell ' I," ' :11 rl It, fill. rel"rl'cu hllll I, I th . " III . III):; t " lI!trr \fIr I t I ~ I'VI!', l'ruOI~" "1\ I ""rr"1\1 r \i", hullllg .>~ • : -II .l5· II'. I I~ dlUl". . «h.'ne · " IIh _lei 'c,,t. {llI l,;t\UII }'llth, I ·llillg hun thllt 1lJ"' 'I'1r M . ~. uud ll 'I!ch 01 IIl1d II'IW. nt Ih o ,h,wlI II IIl10lher II"'~~"')... IdT t )"1 b~ 1.lrll llUU' '\.fa 5:.' W ',!hch in: Ib tlr b UI " l'rOlllll VI' 1'1 ,'11 tLlfi"" " r 'I..·\1I'Y no e. - , ~. 1:1. ,0 1U' II' tiJ,c IItI' I I'I\'l" I 10: Ilrt' • 1lI1I1I\' ' elL"" 111111 II 11 IIPIW T(,W, \ . 'UI' • Iu.. t Ve,lr, Id II" pru I'It Il\' IIIt' l'xptlrl.e nCe ~pe<'Il' L I 1"" . ,lu"",)(II''' 1, I ""':j 00 ... " " • IiI IlIfIIl' II· (' _ ' . 01 ':IIn III~: - ~t r. and :'Il l'!!. J. n. l1a\, lit '., I I I' II'. "VlllU '1 I ' Y\1 t1lltl!, • lit WIII'1 I I t IllIU "U " t'l'l'm:t,an. I . I I r~'· , uttlllll,{1 I ··l lt ·III Ht'~'·I UII""OIl' . Tron" ." IIld lurn \"l, oI',,·n,,ike . ,0 .IS'j\\1~ \\ .la!)() • 1I11 In llll.'l't u,nl lWI 'll tl [.Je "'l'lI '!.nr"n.! w~lh1. .. ' ttlllllrewhh tl"d"., ,,,,,',,,"e ,,,.';,I . '1& luw e lK.'C1l vi iliug in JUlllc~tVW IJ. wi I! rrvvidcltcl.' ;;Iwuld cull 11\'1' Ih(' ('hllrch WII III ·t .fully d"c" r Itl.'U th t'lltur' thllf Willdl IV 1m"" tll il ur 'r \" 'p.~ .•, 1 0' u lo.IIOU) 1.48500 -,,,""r 0' \\' II , d Ibulleo .... llh n ld '1 I !lAb I I . I I ICll.(,(, •• • 'I I . d ";11 ' h ' I crg • lid I 1' 1(' \ 'II II11 I l'M'I"Cut " J V II II.·pu,; I ' t ''>· t ""'r'IIl-tI.' I I IOu"Ih.III Ir"111 t 1'. r ...... ~u."r. ull,"r I' Iii ' " 10 10' E 1(1 cl'''I. It ~al "T" I:!IIII nl'rlyel illly ll tlsc I'lIrtlllg w~lr I'I."".tI 'Ui'"oDiu h,l. l IIOOII\\'I::~:'i;"II '~N~;I "llno",,·&. III· eetl';;;"lb:.c" h"uI fruUl 'ill ill lll!ti ·t· tl'ldl\)'. b· Illlwrlbcd 111 "111 th tabid' ui the '1 ,. ' \ H ' gou hr l\I;.:h. Ulltl thu \!II Ul1r t·rvvk(·J Illlt h. HIIlI 1II11k u ,,"h «he e' LItIU Ih... "'. 1'40 :lIl' E. lli.9\}1 - ~h . Jnllll" T rn' IIlI d Itllu ily, memories of tlllI'll w\1., ,m n 1\' ""r; chihl r'lI wcre Ill '; Il' h" I'I'Y b ' Il.lI; 011\ ~I\" "" . lII,\:c·,.1'1I1 tL we ("Ill. '1\), \I .. t l1o.\I.·.o. I el",I,,·, 10 111.' L,h"Q .. r h~gulllilJl:'. l'onl,lniug of D I ·tull . \ iSlted illlll' Itl t , cek . Illlt!" til' vcar roll - H tll I <:: ""IJII I t- Uit i i,'11 N ,l. ;J~ 1.1 \nILITIE . ....cr ()ou 00 I.I InIn!:III I".'ud ·f,··del,.I......I"n~ . mO'e IIr Ie _ ;'111 I III , . ' . . n ' '''L-rH'"'1 ut' ' l'UlIlh' , . ILnd Wl' ·tll lCat . , . . J <> . d lIy I II • W rtr 10 HKII· - ~i s Ida L b r l~hter lIlId SIIII brlgh~\!r .\l lltl 1\I.l·~t1I\.V 0\ ellltlg, III ' CIIl'I:oIII!1Il Ullh ur T"lIl l'clan • , h.IS lately prv· (llhur "",11\'1.1,,,1 JlrlJtll. 6.I"itl IIi n"b 'h"llIlIel', .. lid hy 1,1'," ... lold and tiold i tholr lL~h t ",111111 b l! tlllglll ri h 'd 1.',1',1", d"y ;;chol ,1 WIIS 1'('j!ul, d With '\lrl'd a halluv.'r the' tur' r 1111 f N.,i""hl B".k ,,,-.1,,. n"I.1 In dltlg '.!!I.'UO uo ,ol!"rYClI h~ d"e,1 I" "'''1'1)11 h.. ndler. ('111 ~.!" . by Ih u hd"httlr IIghl V(· ·olld. ICl",crt!lltlll u,,1 d" I,.,·' tI.ubJI><:t W to' " t" I c' H,." ,,«I. II A 'IT-;:;I.'\l.•"IIUll ""I',I• 0l.f !'18"~ ~,:'ul\"" lcr. OII . T , IlIlko, l'llp~rll ,Itld. a~. Dukill ' '011 .tt ~\: HI '('v. . wh l'l'u th y IlIdlv,d wwok .',, , u r:.u~IIt U\ltru .) t C Ai 1 1 ]11 1101'111 \\'r" I'l: hy th wntor, pI 8, ho hurcl WlI w ell h ill· , inc 'nu llI'utlll!; I gulurly. Th ey O'm,," " rLi6~ ,WoIu( del",oit 7.:!,)<l M · I.. e,,, \Im ~lI. ml k .. r-. helr ""'Il/(' 1 lho ild 1'11. srae . J hn U i y; t ,,·~t.-mll. ilIa uud all ninde 11111'1'''' ' 1IIg. Illd Iu t t:)aturduy 'V lI ing thu til" t 'nu Llo B.HI,·o rue. 01 kIt! 'cOI, .. n• • Dd .UDoUS' Sll"J 11 nild declo· t'lnJ O t'or cv , ru I W CkII. l~. b TU'I' It. ,IIO,O:.a• 1 Ih, "111)( ~h<' ''c'' 11,6 .'IIUIII .... IIt.() d-A4 tll f Lhe rl • " U III 01 ,",of:" 70 11\1 W \til!\: pule I.ou"d to tho 8uu," - --....." urder ot the of th Divlsioll will plollse I' mOIIl' TA·I'I'. O}' 01110. 00 " 'Y 0... WAllltlU'. w. I curn r of !-"hl "outh.Ea" 'IUD let ; uver 't1I1.lIg Pi! IICd off bor t,h m ling IIllxL lItut't'\f\yeve. 1. Jool £ " 11" . . ...hi t of Iho Kbt."'HlIlIj'· ,hone.. " Ilh lho'·. \1 . , buUlltlU') lone Ihe"'of i ited hI! I' 1'J·j,wdd 1>11 oollk . dll ""It'","Iy aflirm tbal tb "boyo N ~4 0 W :lU :1.1 10) ".,,,. ", 1\ ") .~ ; thellce /lUU 8ullday. Eli Alldersoll di d the 23d III lUg. hl.emenl i. ,,·ue. 10 tho be8t uf my knuwl· part.lld wllh tbu 111·.1 1100 S , 0 E 167J( ) I 1 7" d 3) \Ib ' ~I " - The rec lit ri se in the crc k odgol\nd beltuf. 1'01.. 10 ••wlle In Ihe ""und.t, lin or -Milll\ Lallra ~Ia on,ofMol'll.lw, 1:'1 111111 , : l . fI;!l' :. yeu rs, I IIIlI II III· . . . , ' 11 JOEL EVAN . ClII!hi r LII ""uLloll . lh,," ,· ... ILh . JJUlle !!" E. -g N e'\ Y t!ar'" WIth ht.:r frwllui! rn "lI Ib :LlIJ 17 .1.1 \ ~. t;l rl'l truuPQ will gi \ C on f th ei l' 11I11'11lI'l'U tn~'ry 1111 ·rlll'e 10 ~01l10 Suhll(!ribe,1 "n.! . mrmfld to beforo mo. tlllo ~.!) :IG lOll pol 8 1u lh,· l,b,cC of' beginnlQg. PIIb:ICU LlUle M.... Rallw.y. . I' I Il c was ILtli it ted' wilh brollchi,,1 'r \lid llll tc..... inrn ' ll t.! ill ad\\'u lla ex t ' lIt, but dId II Ot ~to p th c 111111. IIrot dOl) of JUDI""Y. IS7U. cllnlniuing 6:1 3"'.' "f un d, 01 ....0 Or Ie..; ~rT...... B . ., .............. . III t liS P IIC . 1-\ I .... l: 'I' k I . t' . I ' Oo nnE '-Alloot tho "nll'U '''", og Atr.,cll'f Daniel BurnelaDeI, Olnciunad Expre •• 9 II • " t No. ~ - Mrs. Ja 'vb H'lIldall has hllli Cl)llSlIlIIl'tl"lI t"1 ut 1":I ~t t~"LJ .\CIII·8, Illd I" 11811 9 11 Tu '«ll1y t.:\' 'Iling - h t~lr: ey I II C. 11l(,lIt l I~el III JO ' EPIi 0 KEY. Notary Publio. "Ir.. @old .Dd 000,01. d b, d...•.. 10 AaroD ou~hem Eapren lI.~'2 p " t No 7 ' vi II' alld f ur.~':~"IIII.',·o.·k. p lII r t th next 1\'0\', Tllo\' will h J ohtllly lll~t week IS II , III 'r mll~lItg n S HAIN ' , OI:~n"lel'::I.nu" ... !!"i. A. I) I :\. !fllthl Jo:xprea • 9.('1 2 r. )< • No. Pllll" I III VOIll a Wltltllr In dl"l' "I hIll, hI ~ \lll\1ln~"l', wit ldl ' Park er U uc JIm 0.1\' 1 TIIIll ' HIlU nl'un M rt Dukln clllj.lkoll· A. P 'N ALL. Diroof.ota ",III"'" I .A( Tf:-!,II~gpalrt401f, t ho uUlbpriog6eld Ace. 6.!'>U No . 9. frvllt uf hoI' hOIl C. d U .I . . .1 " , I k' I. S 'Y. ROGEn • n081 "uuler ",·< llon • 3• R :I. be Frelghtand Acc.. II;) 15 . " No. 13 h l'lI IIll' lI lt I gl·C. t 10rtltuUe. ILIHll't 1i . G. St Arthlli . lUllII tio. Illit 'h an( ta ' lIIK o tu llIeat LI" ',, ""n Ibe 1111"",1 1I1."r~. t... glnning at " w_............. -Mrs.lJavidCbunl1'r, at l ia· wer CI·t.:re. Ile eXI'Il'sed h illl· l lo, t 1111.1 Eth lop iall C nile. 'llld Il llg ingto tllc A ntl'illU linn, \\1\8 8101l"CUrll.rIOJMI.. O. JDue.•. ftndrunntn~ Dn,lIed [hit. • 2,11 A.... . )/0 . 2 lUi Vulley IIlSlltutl', hus 1\ gCltllli· If "1'nll'l lIl fur thc kluullt'a "f hi II ,' fi t. I '1' , , ' J'I ul'rcr>teti hy ,llii cr croggy Ilnd nr. Ihc"cc N !47() W 21 Ilul.a ~lIb said .JOIIC8 19l;eJd Aco.. 7.S; A . .. . No 4 IUn ovor si x lut:t hi ,h. .. .. .. I I. ,u I~I I e " ,I' VI I11/1 tlccs. 10 . I b f' . K' I I 11110. to II 01011,· cornl'r lu I. o.go OArmany. No I: Im'lId , whu 1111.111 I. ' I" l tu IIIll III prllgnullmU' wilJ > Ibl'IICe till thc rUl gnt'l ,~vl:e . Illllrtl. lin l:~t1g I " ouK" r' '''." '' hll'b.. 3S0 W.. I, IInke .• rut LIM. 12.~O r . II t r. 16e Exp....s8) 6.u9 r. 11.- 1\0 10 -~lr. Eddie Hllllu/lil gllv Il Ir ,s lu. t d.I), :; . 111 ~ ~1(' k llCS bruugbt c u ·tultlnry vao y of willSLrei per. IIUU A , 1. SablU. 'lir e pn ullor hl.ckUl) 124,IIIUI. ••• ~ E. I~ h~k~: !he~c l'rd!lht and :\ce . 1.511 r 11 No . 1<1 plLl't~' lU8tFriday ' I'enillg loseyor· Ir im lIlorc cl .. ~ d\' ill CUllll('l'tion I rurmauc 8 ana •. rriud out in pl ead gUilty. Ilnd was entullcod ttl WlllhlllllldC"II'nIRuJo"Ii IlO . 1 ' dI00~.. 616.IV -T do t lOJ' t tl)P on lignA1 I' I . d , . fl' I , I. d ' ,, ' 1)0 ed H n 9 uno C rlll'r In h i armUDV, • 1111118 n~ i\ • • • a 01 liS youn • 11'IUIl s. With d lti..,I,·!It flJl,IItI,cr8 0 t 1 OC I' I th most, delightt'nl manllel.. Ad. hnng-o nto liS trn 0, It LleJlIg ea II'"eh I IIluhe. ~ , 0 E '10 Iiuke. an Ash 4 !I". 9 Eannnd ' 0 10 W.stc r,l'y mAil - Dr. 'l'h UlllllS k:;herwoou hll:! ro. t'ty ul' Fril',.d o. I lld tili b Il'u hilll to Illittllll l!' 50 u1lJ :..5 ceuts . .&o"ill siur to st al III ~ living thilll to work I,!che_ ' :l E 3llink il; ,hence . 81 0 HI' Noa l, ll,7 lind 10 .UlI "aily. All olher .1 \ . d' . 'J ' . 'I d I . t I ' " I.d ' tl II " .' ., " 't F.. 211'010~ Lila btono . Ib tlce wlUt Aaron d lIy. excOpl utldl,s. · tnrneu to Illi I \I ICS III tl lUlUl " e . ~ 'Sl ll " 1(' 110",,( 1.1 ~ .. W I I I III at 8 v ·100 . I' r I . OIIl",ul ~ r ', 1111 0 x . 10 to· W.. 67" 1101~. 10 o o.U\lln: -. rlck.tAgent, ielll "llt'go CilCillllnti. IlIllll'wb 'l 11I 1' .hlllltllh \l~ -ll ellglh l _. . -~Jr. J ervis I1nttlon lind ,,,i~ Lh,' pIAOI' OI bc'giullill/;. contfllu ing 10 .0I'00I ,E()RG~: TII.ES. Ea. Ag·t. M J' A F k I b I clltcd the u('C' IlJpJi~ll llll!lIt ut' Ih'liJ,:l II 11110 IlIIIUO th ir Y{l IHIg I'n no II p"rly, of lund. rollr 0' leA •. lb••• mo being" lract ~ ..ilo frr F. • • I And S"orlh clo,,, ilL 7 4/1 It r . . 1111 e' In ' n . WIS I E by " ""Id MOUI ~omerl' MIt! ".110 ,(ll" "lId cho n A i tallt ~I)I'I I'intondont Ill' IlS' V . Ie. I I f. . .I "' A I 'I t . t d ' uno e' ('lllll!; lost wcek. 'v lyUIIUg oon'·t·.~ ed I" d"o,1 \i) .AINII Ohllndle•• April III,. aD1 ro r We" .. nd . oulh 8t 5 :10 p. "' . t th u gellorn " et:: IIII:! I 8ppt>lll l' A. L. FARR. P. M. the M. E. SunJilY' ChlllJl. I I ~11~Ig tt II I' t ,·:t rll(' ~ u 111111 . hy Ill e " '''arlv 'I"" ' ·IIJ '" 111111 ,' t \\ IlIlt ,Ii:!' Sllloothly IIl1d every Ill' :\"SI. /l.d· ~· 11';' 1' ' _ 1 I 1 I . .' .. . H) ' 11 I Ill' 'lllill lLb h' II" llilt \l'a I ~ " '" '" - " • del'gl t, I III .... 011 .. a", ' ,S ,.ell ru/(U "' y .p. c -lifo Mart)\) t has neen 1111d ' c ' 'y to h' d lie C r hilll scif t~c, lit the Orth odox Friend ' ~lce ' l was I I C{. pn.. e.I .. ro\lo~ ,,: hre1 d.·s I'ibed lrael .t No ORBDrr.-On tllld after this up fr m nil iujllry to 110 LIt' hi II CC~ Ul , . "v. ' ti tlg hoUt e. Itl CII \t1ll1OnC at :J 0' -A OI?b Elli S, I't'unl till ,i illity the •.unl,,1 , 45 I" 'r 110"': ~ec"udl ...etnt 'liO lind luI' Iile cUllIlllrt llilu IIS~I IIl1lce . I D II U 111'< I'll to,rll I'I~I pe' a, r. Thhd Irll' I $65 I"" 1101'''; :.!d and date. Mr. A, L. Farr will soil ~l'o· yes, b ut 1Ie ". I b tter II W. of lli 1lI" thl'l'. for whuse u' lld'l' clock on 6lh duy the 7th of· 1st 0 aLlVI U .,'~ ',u 1.1 ,leo, rol",llrllN8 I" g.·ther at .liO pcr aor,; tlUtiu ror ortllh Ott/yo Ho has d , -Mlti Hannah ouke clltel'tain .} . . , .I I . If " . month JnuIIII I'Y, "~'~76. A ~en ral weok. ~'Olt SAUl; uy ,",,1 III@, nll.e Il\,·"d~ •• 118 • whole al Ihe . cat 1 ('xl'r toll 1 .11I ~ Itl) , '1'1 d j' JI b .,,,"o t'47 ,MI, "rllcre ; ftn~ ",III,e "old .. tormillod to discontinue credit, and Ie stl1 elll " 111'1 \'\ ~ nr" " ~I."Ie ur in p"recl . . . .. vprt\i8 d. In ~ ucb adhere trictly t LJ th e Cfi h princi· ed n Iltlmber of I,,;r yuung . fl'l cllds j!;l'llll'lu l; kl!l'l .tI'g III Il.lI nd mllily t.U,·t, unn ctI I~ U ' r d. A I who utll pa, L,)' III tFlllllly e l'c lIlIIg. thlng:l lhul \\ ell 1-1 '''1'10 migh t I"l" \ ill, IlII1Y COIIII·. " S~v ra} prvmi· b:gh tloh tl,1 118Sl'lIlbl"u in IIl1l S III ""' "II O... , I" ,I.ro.l o,·" IhulII \l"lIIuney•.antl pIe, Th eruf re, take yoo r pockot -:-M,e rs. Frank ,\V rl lllilns 11, g~t. To Oll ~ wh" ~' lIlV l'OCt! WI h Iltlllt Mi ll i tl'l ' . lIrt expect4l41 to be the choul r~om t! pl' llll~tly. IlIsI It:. ~ £'. ~ . onJ:::.~;:\~;t.'.~j: ~hrm;~:~h:;~mon y 10 110 book whell yon gu ttl deal ' at his [.e\'1 kclly lind ~anl COlo kl1 ntten d · 111111 II s h rt tll" ll lJd drc h ' d ll'J. h' ill Illtelldnncl!. MondllY llJ(m lt llg. ut't 'I' CII.I"YlIlg II \!l}. ~,~. ~C l~ pilld 1II\01t ,n band nn dBy IIf l~. nne-third I!loro. eJ tl, 1'IlCo ut la<!Liouuble weUuings l'cul:Irk cu Ihut hc had elljuyed life, ROI" J vhn lI i~IlY lu <;0111 men· "nciltiou of 0110 W ll ' k. ill one ye~r. 'lIId tho rOIllUllli1l1{ olle-third In ... ·-fJ 1 M ' . h I \ .,,,' , I db, I .• eo" t i t ' t I 'I'I ' lrll'lcI~dtll e l'11"'f1 " 1 1 1"ll yur. to.frullld"I' or .llle: ro."'" lIBBY-KY.Th hOllse 0 ' ia I Ill . ort V\\ . I~t t fltt lit \ CI"l t) . It! () II II u I~' ('\ru 11 pl'O mCll' IUce trig 1\ tIll Ie I u ,~ I M I ' payment" bou r rnt.~eMt mlnlt.h.,d~ tha dlly of R ll ulIgh, at RnysdJle, was cntere I -MI'. Pht'bo Cudwnllnr1er II IIlI ollt tn h im' ur\, I,ng . . hcClW U II 13 ce il 'Oro\,\! Cil llI ·11. U.ll 'hurch clused III t ~,lbvlllh ~ul" . IIIId bo .ccured by OIorlgt\ga on Ute ~1l1trlI.lY ni",ht, lind "bout , 75 in Ali s Jury Lellh ' I\dwalludor sl ll nt CIIII ~'rl lilt! to rl' ti t!ct 111 '1' , lwd I .. .. . -"levelling. ' 'i-TIDl~Aft"a;'I'lP'!>a\"'..t Ql I'I':,n II """I ...1<1 II '._ Id f ., Ii l ' I I I . . I { J I I 11.1 ~~~~~- ~~~y~' ~ tll~1I """tw1'''·1111 ...•• WI nut",, !'O or lejIII moncy st len rom und er hi pi· New ~l:UI"S at thi pla.ce I\IIU 1,1\ ' Jl'CII la] 'l' lc' r ""H·t· Wtl~ II· [(7' T hll t'('~ ' i "l.I I~ ' r the bo ne tit - olllny lit wa lI1ler wa OV"I u·third. or th u "pprtllsed v"lue luw. Mrs. B ough was Ilwakencd Harveyshurg. ,!l ICll',1 than \ .., \ l·1 1 .\ 10 101'1.::' TIc of thl:l polIor, ladt S ll~ III'Jlly nig ht, hOl'o lllst ·lIncluy. . . ~I' M H. ~IAttl.AN·. by thC"movements of the thief. Il.nd , - M r, Porry K ' k I11\8 .... "mnd allccot! . The gl't)88 - Aun t ' hurit'· Coll ett ., "':I\'e hel' III 01 Willi II OIIll,,'.Ohlol elHIC .....k on ,U,,::n It .. kl'tl "I) With II bC1I1ltJl1l1 ·x WllI:! u ... J AN"O DEAI.KltS tN ALL ltllllDS Oil f:;" " W hOI U."", ~. i\ lIorlley ahe IIW him, but was al'rl\ld t th.::l coutract for bniluinlt 1\ lIew r"! ' IVII ut t;nUtl t IIlUICC', u,~ d U?· rl'('ui pt wen' $70, 111111 th profit lellltlvCi:! II upt·rt-. utltller 011 NCII ru.i e Il~ al.um, and tIle villian dw elling.h uuse for Mr. Jacob Da. ,·1 UIII rl! i!I ~lIeU 1 hllVO II U l\lar lUI IIhullt "'51. Th e hall WUri ('rowdcd. Y,urs d,IY. An nt 'ltnnty s t"bl c Levi t , Creaver's Estate. tnl\de 1118 escape. vis near Clio. th~ Intnrc. . til\' IltLlIIl played. \I II tl 1111 (·n.i ,""cd Wit. flll'lIi,it (!t1 \\ ilh all tlru guot! G J'lfTiD j 1'i'mJl'r'fI ~ V I• . Nuh.,... hun.by given, tb.t Lbo eubec.i• • • ' . L V The • rI'tIlnrk wcro clllir Iy vul. tlt em.;·1 \tl~ . Mr. Itarlc . ~. Ju Ih lllg IIll1lgtllaltll'. Tite jl;lJtl tlc ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~ " ht ·r hll'" h('cn l'l'l~llf1tod Rnd qUllhflod "" Adnll""lrul,'r of Ihe E .I.1W il f l .ev, L. Ole". FIRE AT l'/ION VILLAGE -A -MI88 aura arner, o~ Har , nntary un hi Imrt, and from thl' lIl cob;; dl' CI'Y'S Irl'Cllt CI't'd lt tur th e llIullly WI~ltCI' JUlIlt· Utitige!!, II~' \Or. lilt« or Warr n OOllllly, doc_d. fho at Unioll Village. Saturday ,'eys~urlt, has been a gucst ut MI~s \I'e tl'll t thllt tit,' "til' r CII'CI m · t' 1l\'I'~y hc disphl 'ed in ongi neering ~ ~ tod by 1\ 7.~ ( ,oIl elt, ,lid j.!lt'.lt "·"ytle~l'\le. Jill. 76 I)u,ed In Lob.Jllln. Lb,. tb day of Denight destroyed a large barn stored <?nrrte M. Tit mpson ilt ~Jt. B rne stance I\nd Ilfti 'I;1!l11l8 tv whit'h liE' and cUlld uotjug tlte bellcvol t' llt ClcJlt to thl'lIJ sclvctl by lit · 11Il! tl' r· NOTICE IN PARf'I1ITION. n~ mll " .\..D I 1:.JOHN D CLEAVER. with grnin and thirty·six head tor a few days. alluded hUll IJC 'n II th e ' n ·ii lwl·'" ellt('l'! l·i'lC. ' Iy lDanner in which the I'crlurlU .u Ii ii.'ue cattle. Loss, R15,000, and 110 -Hurry Irvio tenders his t111lUks fire' to ilim. 'Wh om th' LIII',ll u\ Itll el'I' ..art of tile C" I' Wfllll'C . IJo~bu .. ~"Id~rl·"n o~ Wurro"u onllllty in Dissolution of Partnership, '" I f I "I F ~ I JC! .t~ttI "I til 1111111; ..."chel ..... nd John ill urun co. This is supposed to tot Ie pntruos 0 t le" IUlIli azutle cth H e chlliiterrdh" A FRI b:ND. G"':NEVA NU&8b:1I1ES. - M'l ) ro & MAKT8.A. 0"•• lour uu.bund of )' unt.Lh, cuunly in The JI"rUler.hip hcrclofore oxl~tinll' bebo.vu been the work of an inceudi· fol' t'heir IlIlIld llome rccl:!l-Itit.>1I of his Shidukel' nre aguin III thl' field. cllu, 'ho _tu,e of In.linn,,; Jo.wph S. Allllol'f!('" of tw 'ell S. lI. Til 'mp"on ,t J . A. K"IlMl ,. In "I'Y . We symlll\thize with our New Your's Addl'o ~ . SOflOOL REl'liRT. -The tiJll llwtll!! l/l, in" fol' thcae well.kn" M'n N lIr' ALI.. -AII ex· vldlcrs lind snil· w••·1' 1\ oounlv III lho stale of IlIdlllun; Suo th IIl1uHlf"elul'Ol\I,d ...1" of RIlle & D.vi,' .. r ~ .... ) . l' . ,. ..' _ sa" SOOlt IUld 'l'homll<l SeoLt h"r hu band of ~rt.-1,rollf 1"'10'. UI diJoeoh'ed, Hr. excellent Shaker friends in this -Dr. ~'. WillialU on url'in!u is U l epolt of tl .c public sch uul fit ',·r·l'S. Tlwy 'Me II Sidled by E. K. ora 111 IIVOI 0 orgultlzln~ all as"o· Scott "l1l1ty ill th e ftloollc of lu...,,' WilhalD (lllteDt K Ilf\ru ey r etlrtng. severe 1088, and cun on ly wish the h, me un Suturdny, nftur IImklltg nlckuryville, Di trlet N . 2, Mlls~it' Early, J. ~1. H otcltk ii!!l p.1HI J. T. cintioll uf suldillrB I4nd iltulurs, III'Il Andt'rl'O,,1If Ih,· o.ty and .tate· 01 New Ducembor 12. 187(1. villilln wbo accomplished the de· a BIlCC(,SBtnl locturing tllur III til\! Tllw no< II i 1'. 1'' '1' tllll ltIonth l'nd Illg RiI.y. Till' trc()S from' Gelleya requested tu W(! ,t at Clldwllllatl('l" ~ York . Dumal it An,ler...n of Worrell OUIIII' . be b i t to speed y S D 'C('llIL101' ,. :; , 1 1"oJ : N I\I" l'I',Ud " UrU 1·,11l l:U:itl. I IInerlloull' Junu. Iy In Ihe "r:. to hf 01..", Num otH And , ....,OII .. n 1 871) . 1876. strllctlolllDay rongl outi Id all' " ..,ou tL ·wellt. 1111 cl wlI en liuH ull SlItunlll\' "J . mlllor. oiU"1I1111·",,,,tYlllthc u,,,fOhlO. retri bution. -AIr Horace lal'ke lIml MiHII Nu. of pnpilsl'llr Illed dUl'ln!; th · I rOI'cl'ly treut i gruw aud thl'lve I\ I'y .,1 70. SI IZllCd b~ \VIIII/IIll Knd }·... uk l' K,,,"h,tI. l1 ~l.n Kendall, .........'lJl..,.I.'... - • ••• Ella Kuhn were wan·i t.d lu~t monlh, 6 1' aV elil~(! uuily IIttend· \\ 011 in thi tl Illtilud ' G ive th e~e Maltlngt Lt, G. W. llalu lltoll, J. A Marlh» K,'ndltlll1l1d Mt\ry A. K"lIdtlll. «he THE' WESTERN " IS a to pIC " ... tl·utl, 1IIId Kearlley Illl d Ev. Roberts. 11••1WIII''''n t",,, nunll" or ,.w,lI ot""nlv T \:IE W E&THEB.-T\liS Thursday at tbe 5 home of th e allec '" . .."'I'llll l' III('11 II ~"VJ'III'I,I ·rUC( ~ ... of in Ih.,Io0lOg "".tt'101110 of .... OhIO. tllke TIl l' 0 Nat L (uNny POfrular for gll,lleral convet'8lltioll. It is, bridu's P~I'Ollf Ileal' lio. NILIll ~ " t' lllUsc of the A grallo. ~1l1 ' Jlh' YUill ground rl wilh 1I0ne bllt ..., \luh"" lha t II Iwl ,tlnn WII. filed .~'''n"t tl,cm and 1'l'a l'Iicrtl .Farm a-IJ<1 erhu.pil,Sl)far, the mostromarlm· -Messrs. hl' letus E'. \I(.ke "lId wh"r{'(~el l· t:d llnnvl· rll1-:.o l(ra..II ·"lI (·I'UIl:' Il11 ,t Th c)' 11I1\\;i'. I a::;:rTlro ltv ell<'1 se~s lull ol tll c "nl~etlo"t1'I~y.,r')'HI~lIlry,~D 11m:. ill ji'lImil'.',II't't' k I110f 1l I. • J " LcorlsllLture yet huld Wlltl tll"t vf Lhe t;:,,"rL of C"''"'''I. lllo·"" ,v,lJ,ln .. ud rul' 1'11~' lr:1!.· r.". I lewllltt!rwoatter ever"nO\vnlll J.G liitlcy, undthoMissl't:! Allie ucpOl l uIC" ~'I"tll e, tllltl' IH .. 1 l1 ul .T -. • • I "':u d Th b' l Ct IhocnulllyofW .. rrt'" "nd . t,,, ... fUh m.Io\ c. _ this latitude. We had three oays Antl'l1w uud Jennie Dnki n ut' loss tlmll . J ~l' l Cl' lIt , UI' lIlli , :\l c 'A"I' ("1'''N''S .JoO'RNllr. hegins Ihc ":t .' " 11 ~IY eVl· IIItI ~. t 811 .I.• 1.011'." G B""I~It. w, I,· of Ju,,",hllll d . - - - ~.-.~- .... of cold wcather lust month, and II'II'vey" burg, s j," rlt SIIIIdllY a' f·tor. Callc, ; Tl llllllll'i WllCbel. ' 1'\ : Ill'\\' Y',II with . improvetl tv. I)' d 1SCIlI~810n .1\fj·IIS il bl.1I alhll ll"hl"l, g nllrn~l l. wh.'rell' thu ""i" L"ui,,, U Ollr· T"I> Wf; nlll.N n UllA I. u now t he mnot. that lDlly bo said to be all the real lI;on at\h, E. Jo .LDukill's. M... tti t! i\lCCUll , 1/11; ThOR. ZeI!. ~.'i , 1'''l-'llL plucul "PI 'CIII'tlIlCI', allll ,,, ih cor l ora P!rllll~ Illl\'ot .111 tie J?1l ::f~.:~~"~~;.,~;~~I,::I)~'b~f ~!~':':~~"~\!~;II~": ~1~~~'~;:'I\~lfl:II::~~'!.:'I~'~{':~ ~:.o ~':ri~'= d'::. wintor tor tho seuson . Lnst Sutur· 1\1 S.] \"IT II' .] . Mary Mou rll. R.'\, AliI!' Muul' · [Ij -tlu ng IlturlllY uttl'l1ctlllllt! . Jill 1.111 ~ 'Oll S 10 C""1 11l IttCO. lit 1 IU vllle.,u""Ly IIf W...r~n 1111,] .tnl~' uf tl h",. l",rlmen of th'rnl Jl:ttJur •• Rnd particula,. day, New Yenr's Day, the tit r· !'S. IMr us n. [lIncs!s ylllg .Euw!lrtl ~.hU t!il ,nl ', 9t). Ifuw thll l'e, \IItO is til writo excill' ,dHllo (lhtn,nNI 11'11"0 to Si t ngatll 'Illd bUlIlI,lcd Ulld dcscr,uod U~ I"U0.. . t.~ I) ,ullli t .... l tn tho ....eel. of the W..t 1t , e l'y II ll' III"o :ie Ir"s -.) tl II tt Wlt. ~1 \t·1'\ l"l Jl II r huu·u OrlU"IUUlllUd Selet,teci &t;o... 1D0mcter stoud tit 7Uo j firos were 'I' k ' II' ~ol' ~ i:!d ~ I'" 01 th .: .u '111.\0 \It·o, ElIlma ~ i\'cly li ll' ApJ)letunH' durillg 1 71i, on Ie s"llle nla cr. Ftll~'1' TJI~CI'- Dc lIIg lot.. nnmber ni"u n u'. lIu,1}t..c .. Il11 I1c<~u"no"'lIllgfor~U.a1_ ~ tIl ' .' 0 tl It!r Irdllrn t18Il'S " 0'",~, G I.O.•"' ~.('.\llle, !'I" • • BeI'les 0 t' D&ATII OF AN OI.Il Rl!SlllF.N'T _ lind t~n. In Hllrt.,,,n 'q uar~. ,n Ifllrti.' lid· IUIf ... UnCOlDlOr II ) U i b u"lness allu d to l 't 10 li Cit d B IW IV ~\' [ I)0 IU, ,_ , "AI . I1I'!I;IClS 11 CI111 O~\StIC - ,,"10 b'III Ih" vllr1OU8 feutllrel of a {.ICu.1 WI IC t e, 1 "" ,., . '1'1 "'IlII' 1'"1 )CI'I! lUI dCI' c t I.-I ~" U r "A J o.ur· 011 Wedll c~ .JI'.'" D .. c. ~ (.I , 1 ",!'), d ,~,,,n til lobe town of W'y"e8vill '-H"I,llot ""'''Iploto Rural lLnd Fllmlly hQw.p8""r. It", · do,'VS . alld dool's .III\'e so.. tIill' y . 1Illlllstere 'to t lelll Ilouses h. 1a d . WID ., :I.); 1..")1'\\'111 ~ r" I I III tbcu II Ictlon and II ho 1\l0 u ,1 ',r ,- "u".I,,·r "ill"loo"'g flfty.U.roo f ot, And I(lt unparI\IIQ .I!<1 oil'()"",tl~" i. the bctotproof of' Op 11, all" wInter C (It illig was 11 . . . ' ". • son, 92; 1'01111 II Il ~IcU\lll ll l e , !H lIl:y to th'lJ wn . No wnter Mr. Mllrk Ward departcd thi d """,I",r ten Mly 'oot, on North ~tr~ot. nnd ,,'" (lrKchlllll vnllle lind IIda"tt.tioD Iotb.. burden. Suudayand Mouclay were Bbll nnCOIlslIlg JIJ thell kllldllC8S. Willi ' WI Il' I ~eI, ~, ; 1101lice WII ·t .11 tlte . dLlY hus II IIIIIre neul, Jife, at the advIIll ced ago uf lI eurly III r'lfht Dn!!Io~ thorewith runnillg b~c k two Wdll« " 01 ,toIroodol'1l. It ,. nmd in tbolUllUld. to" stilte that se J!'I H 1U'I'1l' ' ~l!lIrc Illng. nn«I glUp lC t y It', tl lall 85 ye'Lrs f'"IIII,o. thl\lI!:,,"t lire11,,,1 n ul Cllltaged in rural UISO bII Imy days, - We are hap)py E •• " j ( 'I' aliI "I lC t ttU I, 91 ,; ,.sI lII\dr"d ,<lid twenty·fiv foet '\lid rOl..r 11",1,· ofl'urn,II I,•• bnllo '\-(J;'t Trees are beginning to bud j Mr. R ubert .R. ugle \VIII .agalll Thnll l),JsolI ~ : \\'arren Vlln T lcss. Mr. IIaw tlllll'flo. M,s. ~\ucqllo ld. •.. :-.- . SII M in T~"M'-Bpinglotnumt....' four.", '..... ,". 13 p.,r Y.. ..,. P ......... II)' t I MIIIIIII "',Ullre, III •. IId ttlw .. of Wnyuo".illo F.,ur ""(Ii eo. .",,' ye"r, po.tpKld. ' 1.75fI"werillg shrubs, 8uch 88 tho be(!om~ a cltlzeu of our vI\lagl" 9; Albert Il artlLl.1ll 91; Walter lIuthor or ,. Putt.' ," Ill'f!i n ~ II. ncw SV irea , honeY8nckie 80d lilac, are He ha~ bought out Mr. Geor~e li nr!au, tiS; FI'llllk Harris, 98, ijtor. M[r .•Jalll E. Fl'cel1llln. lin ' J4II 1 { , 5 • Alld (Oullt y of \Yarl'en, ... t.he .... mo "' .... ur· 0 11 111, . ""n "",1 mo. " o"mo. ,I,IUI eMh, w1:.h. c.eryand. will herellfter '11,,, A ,. ZI :1(1,' lin' th ose wlto Btlltl .y AlIll'rirllll Rl'l i.;t. who hnR I'e ided --HA - WKE -- - l1u, c",hl'r :10, 18i5, Ihe 10\ If. "I' \'~yu 'l unot pl"Ued toy E Humn'oll. Survey· 101101'111 pr" mium ~ to tbotlCl who Inllko Ill' Putting out leaves', Iilliee are push· llnrrYcr ., a uf \V"r",u Ol'UDly, ror RvlvHnll. Cornell, Imd .... lId olub •. ing tbrough the grollnd, ann peolly conduct usmoss III that stallU. 1.1.111 101 t !" 1,,1 1 \\ ;rrg brunche~ : l 1'111 th llty Jt:ll rs ill RUDlc ulld Jllr uf Mr. W,ll llulIlI H"wko. of "ull uICIot r ng IItfortbehelM< o( .J_i!'\orol'.decol\lled ontlloroomontbl.ontril\l, forMloomt., epr<luts are over an inch high . Welcome hOlDe, Hubert. S. Illlltory, Adv.u \.!\lg, Ad\'. GltLlll' lug lll<lt tlllllJ 1Ilt!L IIt/1l1y of tho 'l'HA KERA - D,'o,'moor :!~. I~7.'i. tho And ,ho Baid I'I\rtlc8 Brc turther notifi ed or Rnmplo oopy rroo on rocolpt of stamp Alr Just thi uk of that for the first week -Mr, E. J. Godfrey, Principal m'il', Highcr Al'ithlUutic and Algu· fIl tJ t di tltlll"ui Icd mcn UIIU wu. ""rp of )l lIrc~lIu. T\lIwker". "r ",1"ujlhter. tbat uftcr forty dOlY.- publtontinDlOf t!usno- p08tllge. Free for I'CAt 01 '711 "', Dew I ..b· r> tloe. 8 8 reqUIred by IBW.... fIOOn n. tbe olUd 80rlbers for '76. H. N F LEW18 ObiCCI8U. in Jallllary lOur farmers, wllny of' the Loudon souools, was DULr bru.. IUcn of the ptlriod, begin s, undtlr Lolli"" Q . Burnett. wifo 01 .] olllltloun 0 • of them, have been plowing j Mr. ried last Taesdny (lveniug, Dec. The conduot of the prompt ulld t he title of "G~therings fl'm ond n r t \ n t S. Burnott. CIIn be heRrd••be will apply lorAn I 'Id I I f I I I A" f' t'P .t.~. If d fl ' ~ ~~ orller that jlIU'lItiun moy be n....lo of "cUd MI. A..EI · A lillIe . F' J • M• H a dd en se t out pcaC]I 28 1 1875. to M 18S slrc II . order y popi 8 0 t lit! sc IOU is l't~et. s or HJrlO, 0. recol'.o liS . BOOTRE-ABOflEB.-At tho home of re"l ...tate ..nd tb"t tho dower of !lIIrtba on Saturday i Ilud tbere i8 a gen- Quite a numbtr of ~6fJta were . meritoriou8 o( the highest award. remlOl~p~ ' &IJd eltper le!l~es, ' the bnde'A p"rents. In Mlloomb TOWD8h'r. Andel'MD. wid"... of Wlllillm H. ADdof1!OlI, 1 he ulldorslgned helll to lofbrlll tho puhlic ge lll' ra II ,. that ho hal eral appearance of spring instead prese~t, alllong thum Mr. dba'tloa O. C, MOCUMB, Teacher, which "rEI ot t\lI~ m08t clltertalnlng McDollou!:h Oouuty. IIIinol~. by tho RCl'd J..t.ly decoMlld. ml1y be K8Iligncd tberein. • openod ,\ new MMt Market in Ihe of tbe dead of winter. How 10llg Wilson of Xenia. The presents : _ • _._ __ character. Tile are otber iuter. J E. Taylor, Mr Johu F. Boothe to MI ....nd that 8q1lh othor pr,,,,oedilljCS may be bl>d \.. '11 I b Jd I • L' Flora B A.oher. dAugh ter of Mr .John M. in the premi .... II" are Rutbllrized by lu,. old ol\lud of Lenk &\ 1>O"Ued. "bere he wm keep conll'anll, on baud tUla w~ alit cannot e t(,) , nor were n~nlerous and elc~Rut, . and IlJ'" The eutcrtninment 11\8t Fri. estlog pllJt>ers in t e Opllll l~g num· Aroher. formurly uf W"y"cnillo. LOUISA G BURNETT. what Ita cOllseqne~ces may ~.; everytlullg pussed off G~l i ghtlully. dlly evening, given by fl'iullds of' ber of th,e YCfIor• • Wo nOtice" that , BAN~-DElttROW -At the bome of JONATHAN O. BURNETT. the best we can do IS not to \lntici' -Mr.Oook whose school num. 'he Episcopal Uhorch wn 11 bri!o Jallles Plllyn, whose noveloi L ost tho brldeo plirefl"'. near Fort DOlCet. O. Janu"ry!i.~~:~~t.W, BILOW" AWy. THE VERY BEST oate allY disastrouB resnlts, but en· burs 45 pupils' will hereaftor bu as- ballt sneeess The h~1I WItS full' Sir Mus8inborg" •W88 80 popnlnrl °Rn ThJurb,d..,.. DoccMmbeo' 23d. BI87.~. to"'l\ltho r- th 1 b't 1'1 " t" . ,b . l' b b ev 0 n H,Bey. r ""rll'e ~D es 1811 JOY e sa n rl y W I~ e to con mne8, lIisled in hi8 dl1tlOS by Mrs. Cuok. alld the' rcceipt at the door were . eglna a new no e III t 0 nun~, er , Altue D. I'I''''''. all nf Wllrrun Gounty Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pbrk, aod be thankful forlt, ~hose SCI' vices bnvc been securod $50. We "1l~Il:t .t1l11t we are so fllr Jallllul:Y th, Amollg tho reg· Slf1TH-,-WillTACItE - Al lhe homo - -- - -. -- tor that purpose by the directors. crowded by othel' matter that we \llal' cl'ntrlbutoii to AppJetonl!' we of tho br\dc ~ p"rontM. nOllr Morrow, JRIIU' RI~~llJglllf ~ IhlI counlry affOrd.: .Dd ,,\I will be ""II' QUEEN CITY BAKERy.-Go there Mrs. Cook is a very ablo tutor,and cllnnot £Onter iuto details ot the find tlw "~m.es. of JII~iall Haw· Ti;o~n~!j~~~I~fi :M.~:a\I~;L~~ \~~i';!~r~r. lilt your bre d, cakcs, cracker8, her IIBllilitance wiI1 bo a valuable vari(lus meritoriouil porformances thOl'1I0, Uhrltltlall RUld, Albcrt , _ I Mra. T. P FeU.". hllvin(f ntiredfrom the CLEAN AND NICE. mt)[~tIJ'" fi.rm °df ~Ir'h' H E Fetter & 00.• the undor· con fectioneri e8 oysters, and llyster aid ill sustaiui Ilg the excollence to A II wore IPuod lind oeservc specilll F. W ebster. J I1niul! Oenri Browne, ' >, t . fi rst'~1188 I h' I 1\" Cook hus el evated the mentlOll, . ...but WI:! must contontour· Ed Kllr F awee tt , 'AiE n, S I ' _ ..... p. "KIlO I c",,,fter Qonduo~ tho• •bueineM AI80. 8tOW8. J aco.b I:>olterlSIl. w Ie] ,~r. }U • • n . ,., .. ucy "I "nO WI Thn1lkflllfurpa3t favore bo n~b bnkor, nnd hiS oyster·stews can t be school slIIce he becam e Pl'incipal. 8 Ives with but a gellerul nllllsion . n. Hooper, Cou,stance F. '\ oolson, BE~NETT.-At ClU'1i Ic. on ChrIHtlnM for 1\ oootiDuRneo of tho ""mo Mr. Fettor FINE SUGAR-CURED RAMS -Mr an t Mrs A D C d II The ladles lind gentlemen COllnect- Horace E. Scudder. moro lO/f. 1876. Mra. -10 epMno. WIfe of Mr. would al"" I\n1l0UIICO tbAt sbe '. cllll!ing out bout. M Jroov r Jake is Il ~o<l . II r II M HI' .' . . . a wa a· . . , r . Hampton Dcnuott. In ho. ;14th year. her Wmtcr St.ook 01 f!\/llllon.t,tu JO.y ,. , . w. .r. a>:OII, tIe ~ro· der gllve a dinner party to a few ed With the affiur doserve tho Apl'LltTON 8 JOU.aNAL 18 a weekly 1IILLIN wb.)I. o~ by Ihe tliee. GIve lIIe a aall. prtoter, 18 maklOK th!S. est,abhsh of th ei r numerous friends on ,"'ri o highest pr!lisc for their unflagging honsehold. 1D'\gazllle, devoted to ~ ERY GOODS JEHU MULLIN, Dlent a lICCCBS. Patronize It. day. AmolJg the ~uests were Hon. efforts to mllke tho occusion a fX'pular hteratnre anri 811 mutters ~ ~~~rtt'StJnleuts t n gn!llt ••dueti"n in priCM. St.e baA March 17. " U t h, \ 8010 0 bonnUfulll'ooclA , of th lute8t .tylew =-::-=-::-:-::::::-===--:--:-::-:::===--=-:::-::::I • T. M. WILles and adYI Dr.E. Ii'. crucIlta bl eono. Everydepartment, lo f taBtean d cuturo; itaimst.obe wolladuptedto"tho 8oaaont<ndthoHliliday JAM~S W HAINES MD .Before the Ma),or, ~rs. Jane Dakin aud lady, Mrs. Hllrriet dilllogncs, Dlusic and tableaux cOlUvrehelD~ivo, in~lndil\g in its TURNPIKE ELECTION. TrAdo. which ladiL'II \\'11\ eon8,,1' their inter• , ' .,. Xmg bronght BUlt agatnst B. H. Oadwallader noel little Ohllrlie WIlS w~rked up in good style, lind Iplllll ull b:rap.ohes of literature, and I cat by eXllmlnin/l. No .... 10 tho ol ••ooe. .."'. . . .T.lt! lill'('. 1'fle COtit of the pap6l'i:! it F. Wales and Indy Mrs P/)eb~ we Lelieve the VUlit audicucc folt I treatin8 alr1~~'~ of interest to ~e Stookbuldere of the Wllyn vill. und MM. H. E. FETTER. to 'D TurnpIke O,m.pany are hereby w J !) Ha"J ()S .leaded r."uitty and • Mis8 Mary L. ,C~wllllader, tl JUt t tley were we1 1 ' d fior llllte . II 'Igtlul. . ~)' repal era ~ .It d eBlgu to W,lmIll8 notified thllt an election fot birooton of Wtl1nenille. Dbrl lma• • IBi5. aud paId a. fiue of 1. Who W88 Willie Welch, alid Miss Dora coming onto j be alevatE!d in taste nnd pure in .",d OomJ?llny will.be held lit tbe oflloo of NOTICE:-.- - -th I r? e.. Oudwallader, of Morrow. Thanks are due to Mr. I. E. tone; It giv~ ill qU8ntity fully. A. T, "bin. EAq. m Harvoy.burg. on Isaaa Sene", h9vlnl1>111lg ht outthenndi. Oftloe.* Becddeeee, ~ _ _ 1-d',·b"·led·.L_ -reled b t. ....--.a G " Zell & S h Key8 for his kindne88 in keeping , ~enty·five per cent wore than the 1Monday, tn e 10tn Day of J an.u· ..ided h.\J ol the 01 Drug Store, builne... W.~"'lIe, ..... ~ r lMU 'I a 01 • UIlr 8 0 lJ...I • .IIL on . av~ a box ofBoe, nnd to Mn. Kate MC- Ilargeat of the lUonthly magazines; ry, 1876, will be oontlnued 1\8 heretofore. «UIl, Lona~D ltluunated steel·bar- supply of the celebrated Umon Comas and Mr. W. F. Raper for while in quali~ it. Iiteratnre is of between the hours nf I ..nd 8 o'olock P.M. j;lu~~D~~!':::: ~~o~d ::a:':..:: O:nn.i MISS RiCHIE R. EBBlGBTt 1'\11 lnqllll'e at tbia ffioe. Matrll.88C8. . Call aud see them. the loans of .their piano and organ the hl'.· Lest c!asa. D. Aprleton & I By C?rdcr of !.he Pre!!ldent. • uf All ,.bo ,.110\ lUI)'lhJlljlln (lur line cheap. PI.... Mule T....r, • . ,,' 00 I n"" fl,l873. JOEL BVANS, Sec 1· .r1nuary 5.1870 SELLERS .....00 But Iide of AI.ID SITe.&, \1 IIIl1trimony rrow, S e NatioDa&l Bnnk statement. reli~tavvoy. ., nbl'118bet'&, N ew Yor. . .. WAWIlf ........1E, . . . . . t
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No. L. 8!lO 1'1/1 Oro"n "oIDI-arrl .. ~ 1011.', P III Lug n'port, .. r. lve 1:4.40am li:'lliumo • ••ri70 1.10 .. DI An,lcr.oll .... rive 3. Il m lOu .. C.. Uc. a... I... 4.33" ID 1:1 '~r·.ow" •• rriv8 S Uj • 111 Rlobll",uil ••• rl\'e :; 5~, Il In
(; Established 1836,
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Agricultural aDd Pamlly Paper STEREOsCOPE j 0 f.tI" S ; tilurtl. JI~'Ur .f th ~reat tllnnt'l·y "~AY TI~ lLLl~a 111i' f .. mou F~d F,M.Iolo I •• o,i ........_ N... III • • alltl lcuth r " tllhli IIIU 'IIt fvrlllcrly ,,. ~ J~ " "ill, I lor L' lao :\ Ii.. " I O. "'.lIl1i I b,' U ~ k I J LIP; I l' ttL! . 7 Ull I' m ' rluWn Il t I 10 lIi'I""~ II 53 Numllu lorl'7,; (<'Ich ",":.h 0 og ap ... TI D1.~I"J:; 1\ Ioell, r I' per HI"U Pllln l bl'~kot tho" >' .. I..~'n , Iia ~1'llce Il ll\' Ilfill n, II· .· I,I,·I\·"t· ) ,.\I ) II,:,, ",uAT R.ES& IlAIN .• , Ih~n ,., ,·r. 'lru,1 fui.· r Ph t r hie 11 ate r l' ....1 S, 1 "" ., ,. -. " L ,,1 ·l'tl',·OI •• "YC' I" )J10.llh~ lotonr, re ·. ) t W. 'ByuHn.tlllltoaro ,,"lint nUun. I... ",., 1017 • ' j becn l' W " ved hy VOL" til IIfflullnt \r.\.TCIIES D 'llAlN ' , ILVEH .;!.IiI>-IUl<llnl'l,,1 .. r"II(\rO,U"' " II :!lI1) '" . " Co 'rhis mllk .... ;l1 Ibu "e"kh " Y ul 12. 5 a m untl ntcrl'rJ IIlg J , Yuro VI), M. A. ' U PLATED \\' It~, lof II <lIlA." " tl". C(",.i "O "L, a. it h IUI~ STEREO PTICONS AX)) .AGIC :J 1.0 a nI D. lino in it bt~Utl on t!. a ....III<;:06iM I>e l U M I' . f 311.i . ""b' "11 '1 J I \l" ~·'f~ · r 'r.I""l , 1l1 1\·1t• ., .• • 1, .. 0,1 ,,1·L .a-IUU I'L. LANTERNS . l ':n,.I JI"t:.;J, 611.i .. ", ea utJlu llwnwltlU ens gl'uwtl a.,J/::'\:!:I;.:!!.J ~..,..,. '" STANDARDlNlTSSPHERr ' Ih.I"j!)LlllUf.lu,.. ortb. 7.:'U " rn ,' Of love! y pnoi h·m! 'dies, for a e!I ff l'IIU'IlO,flt;11I TIP'" l.A!'ITERN • bal k groUlld Mo '.... ncaA I. b. 'f"r Ibe ".1. "1°1\11 • or OPTI"Ol'f. 3 '1 aring Li oll" mnnir. ted in n be II nOL ".,1.' I),,· :- lall,( .. 11 .\ 11· AD1' " ·..... IeR'" "TIKKICO .. TU ·OI'l, All prr".,. cnrr .. 11 ..ork n. ade •• r 3r... .. I tl. d . t I '.' . tl "" I,hoI 11." on II hr<)lI!'he of H.. t AR'I'OP'J ..... 1'1 , IlCJlJkmoo mllwri .. l. Ilnd by • lIi~"'11 r Y y u U" Ire u Ii lIue I~ Ie • li"u" u.. M"d II0m ••• I•. All',,, ••• I,"t choice. ' CIIO')L I.AN I le\ . 11' .\MJLY L,~n:.". II Spm ' ClIuntry vr a p uburban hum, I. e.. ' pur~andull.'!l\tI'tlon.I.le F.\MII.\· I'AI'£lt l'EOi'LL'; LA:-I 'IERN. 2.35 P DI 11ft r quittin' bu y lifo. III this, --,,'C., C • A T - h. ru",,,Jet ami con"ucliLl~ £I,1I0t b , had Eoela AIY: lJd lll- lhe b , ~ of II. clII •• in thc 0 ' r '" .t). .. &1 .... perl. "r~ II III A'(I.eul . k Experienced Workm~1la , 'W might ay hi ,Y(llIthful a pim· Iu",1 JOll ru Ii ... 11.1 hi. AAlI<,t'ialc. 1'''80 8 • r im., . .,... d lid . I i.~'r~ ,~ ~ on tiou w~I'e flilly sntillli'd; fur S V- , ' , 11,,1 alii i.,. • 1lI1 pl' ~l'Iic,,1 alln "clemllk I. ...... . 0"lal'l u!, 0 ",,,l. rll an '. e ... " I 6 71~ pill rill yellrs ince he I cuted in 0 11 0 ' . leli~\I. rh. "lUI i, to ....IIJ. r lIn. i'~lIc, of dlr...·IIOII~ lor ",Inll ~cnL 00 al'I''' ' . Iron . IllllmulCbt unol ....leI i. ul~'n 1". ted I II
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H l . P" of IIntnru'" 1110 t 1\1\' ·1,)' sputs-u W lIro C n tallt'" IItidilig t o our Illrgll stock the latest prevluu. ,earI.HP r wOI'lhy d,e "'ilh II Lali lorn. (lile .. ill 1011.,' Uhl,·.~o .Ialh AIf, hvrt di tnnce lI'ulII 'Lcisuredol1l,' , " I J , . curdl.1 .ul'l,ori ut .\1 "ogagcd I" rllr,,1 \,",. CJr'l'II' out wi! adver\i ... men~ Il)r reru rc'¥'Q. • • No. • ..... '" "'. 1''''01 '' lUlu II'. all 110 ur rom 11:1 IIUJOUII .1Il!: \ l ' • '.1 ' d t I I' tl I' I paltl'rns \II' auIL•. alld .I!It> on IIceel,tul,l" vi Ilor 1.0 f.lIl- I 1);1:1.1 , ' 1. r 'r ' d ' l D W. farm , owued llnd mallugcd by 'a " " . d' '11,)0\ U1? a .. ----- • J . HILL. ,",up' , Logan.purL. Inti. ID euny. ~ ~ ~!!.I!!C!!'!!.~ I T.J ~ ~ 'fJfJ ~ ' cientlhc .,," 1.11.r~'y. h,·,ld,'. :-leu. the ~; i~lt s. 0 ~r~ ,",,'ilh now InAohloery. Drw b,dhlill,llll, no _5 - I 'Liun' in eh i ng this b Iluti ful Mor!. .. "', u., \I cal'erull)' and _"I, edlkd, od ~ g e. ~ ~ ~ r nt 10 JI"oy, the oo..t tcrlU~ W " ..d, btl gI yen t.o cWl10m Ttl. lllUl glvh"1 C .I.r v.... h·~1 of uteful Intor •~ or Q. II • Ii i~ dow." 'pace tor an abode, nguiu manifests ~PEC'l'" -Il.ill aucl IIIiMoIU ....,.r.llI~l'iIpue. " A olee lln 01.00d8 tJOlI.tl&nUy OIl J himself the complete mwsttlr of Q .L'ad wllb illu 1... 01.00 , "' .IUI~ oLh ' r A. rio , C"'l r. a good coneotlOD of TheaboYc i81L "illag not only thescienceot ..Esthetics. . EYE-GLAS canjourlllli. hll ~ JIC> ~ ~ PIOTURES, BRA 'JilfTS. Ilta.il1il1~villa~r who .ur.1! noted For hore, surruullded Il8 it wero, THE i'ROPLE'S PAPEH. t"' --> 1 _~.• ~ I Ilnd o!.her IWliOlllII 6lIproiHily III'O vidod (or m t lings tho ":1. It cOlltallllllg also by a fore t truly dOli e, bo cuuld - - " '1' All. . 'I 0ull ..~".-.. I AmI cortlllll I,. the hcat Olle' \' xt" n ~ liir II.., 1;:7~. ~ ··J . . !"<. boullty IlS U vi II (lge, which is, give wILy to lUst I'cd propllll:iities, [lJ"Cnll lind cxamillc ollr lis. f"r \\' \j tla iII k we el1u Buit you both I I'?::'!?;:? po doubtleas, @O(Joud to none. "nd enjoy fiold purts, uf wlaich iu ty Iluul,rico. wifo , \\'ILII' E . O"IHiu' .' IO, il. glori,,,,, III .. , E-< i<:;; S: ;::; 8 v · It i@.ob iousthatthi8fumusitissaid,ho lluv"· lir 'd.At<thcr . Wett !ell, Clod's I(nd ,1/1l'dl'Y X,ally RI'Ptth·~r/. w. ,,"d .'Pro g,e " ulllllmIPIO\e~ll~nt' i1~ I",," , I :;, F ~ F i' ,E.,,;,,? 1;< I I l •. Ib"'ULIO ' ...., l' url'080' 10 ,.... " VIII ..."", Itltle b " · · t · b I' d 't l' I' I I 544 ' RI S PIN & DRO. 1"I,ell'Jed ., ... ~ . ...,-, I cglrllllng, or In I s IS ut e w 11 WI to. Into liS vva y . 11I.'re IIl1d ".. ilil, durin/( 1' 1 I "C No Inf rillr goudA imp" ....1 "1''''' .."yho<iy. IDflLlICY, had an iwmense ndVlIn- IIUlluor, of CUIII'S theil , there is but -= Ihe ,oa r lllilll e"& r hell"" ."S _ _.' _..' ' '' 1 tt,.... ,' A uBly u.ktld all Hough'!age over many of the surr undo vCl'y little kn own of his cvcryday pru.·' it""lf in hOllo ,fnc "nil '·"Nn .' T. \\'I)r. ...: . , 1,. Ing 'B~rg8, owillg.ultvg,t.llOr, tu tho life. This is donbtlcse 1\ great loe!! \!0 ~~ ~ a;;v '" ~~lll~ il:';;~l;eillcr u8ed NaHoll,1 clrculill ion. ~ ~ to ~ f. I , foll uwlOg fltctd VIZ: It u. well· to the cvwlllonwcalh fol' thcro ure B R I&. F '1 W kl t:::: 2' .." I':" UNDERT.·J: KING ( ' I knowlJ mnxim td llVCI'Y uno whl) OIany wlw would be' e lut(!d to 1Ia::!1I ura y 'I ; ' ": .. : :: a .D J t IlUI evon 0. III rut o unuol' f I lc.l;:ed. '1 'lind LIIOI I, Clq , C':l _• . . . . HilI! I"n, 1'111 lIeell ackllow . .. . I lO_. ·• tlln d . tlll'uuU'h the pacious I,ull ut r tIl e ., ""' nto Il'I'ho_" • I \In 0 kllu\\' """ '8e.... ,. 11011' "on _"' "" "; .• C': c.: _;:;.'" _ ;:;:: OS..., _ ., cO II .. tn ntl y on hand. tllillt It V 7" 11l'1JI' r Call lllullor,lIlId gazll Ilt lIw alco v . , • ' ., ' c,'de.1 .. ho Ioe er R"rlll ],V"I'"unn CIl U", p"M'\mptly l\t.. rise. dt It IUd >Toniul! ulld tllltllll stuccll,alld the beuntiful tU1 'I:l'tJ·" vI' ~,'ril). lor I ,ll .. lti.,.. ,L "' ~I"Il. allli nil oth 0 g _ Q _ • ...,;>_ ... ,:;,_ IL w Alllln,I 'r Lhcm~II11I!Lllno"t uf .. " J e.. lire i""iLcu {" scud I;,,' II lid ex.,ulli.ue SP;: eo: '",U"''''''.o; ..... • .. H.. ' .... "" r bO" .......... 'M. , "_..:. II !:.. , ". "a"tS U.. D . Qi absulute eosllllt ial id, Ihnt th ul'tl bandy civilititld II ULIO suve th e . !j'l'l!LE, TERM.S, AC, I _ _ IIlllst U f UI·ti lu . cplIlltry thl'e u·o,.tltielJ h l'etvful'e ql1uted. Moo n" s Hurnl Se .... r urkcr oo "l,,;n .. Rix .it :: " 'Ill"'f''''i!l,., De .• M" abollt.l.t. t'II'UlII 1.11 lit! lid As tu dl'I:!SS, IIIlIl\y uf th e leen (!Il/II\>. J>og week:, . ulld pt,.. g. f::L. _____ ._,. b I whlcb d I I '" thillk him III'uud, vain , c&l.lltlfu uos tlat. wlil ulj:,r.d villugtlrtl I'"sey. I '11 114In' 1o"nll .1 d IICI""· I pi III ' tOil . () " I.,'1 0 . ..,, ' . . II ' ~ A Iational Famil Paper.8,. . .. tr ~ 15 i ll"\ub· 01.ell'''' I/l(''C .l o'Logerl1itl l ' ' "~ , \lOWer rOlUtilltl c r trOllt!! foil' Ilild otltelltatiolls; but r by 0. c1o:!e' .. .... ..... *2, :-'0" iOlhu .ime w \l1,."I'1Ullllllti rurlll 0;1 11\1, . I : ' , : : : : 'P~ f.' I ::; =-/""_ 1 'lb., (;," ot Fllm ily Pnperol'I '\/IICrioil. !.he th VII ng IvYeni, allli tho I' um ing 'xallJinutiOll OUIl will obscrv that I;IC.,L iudue"m.llto In d"l, I ;;; nll ly I'II l'or "sp"-Ing ......... "",inilier. Quaok tUllri.t ut I iSiJre. Now tht· v illflito till' ';In 'lllg'Vutll' ty I'S .. "u o rt' by (' fIl ,... UI~II' , 1" '~'"II1 I" Li '1JI '~" .. 8"11' I·I ·'·~. I ---~ ~-. I u"d hu " I ,"~. "Url ' ~"ing mlliirlu" "1Ihu pul/.
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l:i",ur<.l\lIdI8rcadby IOO,OIJIJ p l'le. You co IIN()'f "rnltll""" it. O allti will 1111,",: h 8om\.' tinJe . \\~ by .. , ELEGANT CHHOMOS We' It,.... im. 12 SI''''IIt1id Frellch Uhl'l>1Il0S (wvrln $1ld".d. ). 81z<' 9sl1 !int:iy moulIl rd. 1.... bOO l,"'cr .s . \. ,'"inel"'8. & or Ih.ae "ellis and ." Unnne .. aII'.who" ",""r. ll l1fr,'e.fll. .,. l . 1'he•• lll • .,.,. gonul'ne chrOUl08. 811itahlc for tany par. A. . . 1' W RD. Hoader. remom .... III Il)r,L 50 .. U.erd" o IJI ill DH ott\or"d. ...... a 7H i. OUI' cuum'y.s.c.lIL.... III,,1. OUI,jng Lhi8 on,' yenr du t.. kc"1i.1I' NIII;"n"l widll"wake 11"1"','.0110 is lor. rigbl 'Ig.th .. t WI'"lIg; olle tloal how. 1I11 party. "" Dorth. "0 "" uth. "08t or we' t; bu, u p" per i"t"odcd fol' o,'el'Vre ..dur. on" LIt,,~ '''''08 muncy 16 Ie. rCllder_ "lly oxpoaillg tllo "lid lraps' of 8w iudlo'doru; I\lIti now Is Lt. limo . You baYI) £lUI it ofl' Lv.. 101l1!. i:\L'ud to day, Now II tb. socepkd SEll. 0111)' Lime Ii. "L' ul s Ibl. paper a roUl' chal'm,,_ ,g dtrom" •• 01111..1' II. 4' " ;, IInmhero o"nt IIJr .1.1 (I UOttJOU re:It.!.") 8fll~' tree ~O a, ' ell lOr ill1ow . Oost. DOlbllll; 10 8e,' It. Seud &0da,' to Ihe UANtJER PUBL ISHING 00., Hi'nad"lfI. N. H. 641-oe .. 61D
y~lIr. \\,i~h
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HeDrie Bouse
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!l3 Soulh l'lnl.1 Stree"
J. M.Robb's cARr'ii'II.;,
*tlo 'DQ~~A fr~o .l·O.LIn~r!'r. l ~ V@:..!!.-~~~
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~rlvate Br,I,~es, ~t.
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JUs~ i",.\igiOIi S 01' ti3 ~'·Qt.:. \I'ia.n '\ po\ilica.\. fO!'n." . Stal't.,\l.inl .. itbt\8
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l id.blt:! 1\t;IUlm l' uLS . No 8u w d 1l 8 t, la uer.\- Hi ft. . l Jon d . Or :I"IL ulld ca l l' g.lIut!- en n t','" r
Ll Ii,," thu !"O.tof1'1'1', 1l1t,~... ,.Knllf"ct.._".rofully 1"'\1- ,. \,"I"'.! ,."II"'L.",, ",."." W,•• 1",11 wnlilille tu rCI'I .. tf, 'llll'.lion. .. n ill \.(,,·.·.tillg ""hj, l>I ... hereluf"re. Not IInly Iln' t1U"I8t:! qUI.·MlO Il .:t HNluiuc. coming --AN 0 - nil'Pr,tlv fr"ln the l'Il0l'lc. hl.t we reoe;"o lh .. usa;1I1. mure tb.1I 116 have SI)600 t.o an. . w. 'r. I W e rl'l'" ive '·"I\.t-IInt .... "'n.ne"". in /llmoot- ' t A l I E r Y 'ountlcM lett.er nf til. "~"" whicb L" "".er e""I" • •.•"tu thehnpl'i, f"'"II1". whercthe It ,I. N u" ~ye., All whu wi .h t .. ""cu-.' t., thulII •• lvc" 1 If,"t elJJOYQl ODt "'ill scull in II...ur . uIOtjoril'" ' tion. wit,hoUL d"l"y. I However, young rtIlIlPY'S pnl" l T. De Wilt Talmllge. Editor. I • Vur .ub.urill,'r.... iII Ii",'" lin p ..SLHIlC to ( b M f t dS I f ulari.t,r rcm~ined I.oeal UIIt,il ",0' THE O.HR.l8·rlAN AT W \,IRK Ulill Ollll · plly. Wu PI'~I"'Y I,IoI! V..... ,"!l" .." ~ " ['ry l'a- IAIIO. Oltioe or t 0 lUlu ..a uro an SOl rtIC.lpllted 11.1 the f.IlIU\'UB dllhat( s c.".". tlll.t It I,,' uv\,· r" u·'y ~or tile .... II Tb" BDT B.,I"lo_ Paper Pu.. I"'..ld. • • I" 'r th .. ~· we 111,,01. ~"lwith.,"'",dilill tb~ •• i ..... " '"" .... U l' I.... t hero will LJo n i l m e r t.' ,trlll II I t!. u pnct. ur tU1J : I Id III the Ilt.t le vllll1ga vt HUI" 1cUllIpllign, ILnd rendy fvr active i\lr.TahnRgc·s SerlnOIl eue)1 week MIIIIUfl.d",.c. nil kl,;ol. "f llruael & C"ke A ll Will .e.·" I,y LIo " funuwi ng. . lIervict' IlDd ill II cod uf ucti ve . dlli\\filr WUYlI l'.,·il1e ,,,,11 ." rr"'lIIdin/C "" ,. r"", ..in "",,10 "' :tN) : i Ie IlcquI'rcd Iustillll' f:ILlu C " , v ' 1'.11 B.,..- .f'l'IIr. l'IIOODl''l!I. WOBK. lIei';hl.lrlh,,,d. SV"(;i,,1 ILLl lltic. o i. given o u n TUUISPOR ..,176-•• P ....... ., fnc. , • ere '" cllrUetlt ()hristian wurkers. ., iou .. 8111"1,, oup"'., ., ;j p .r ""IOUUI . luul' ""r"'. ' na an orator, standing with can realize that yon are SER,IAL FOR WEODINGS $10, whl,.h i. '2 .. ""p,.; "llIht cOI''''' ' '!r.. , Auch p.owerful nllllded men 118, Lo, the old-fasbivned. Gospel of thc I",.tuge fr~ The ""0 ",h" .purl. "8 for D • P rloe, J r. entlLled I " "Iub 01 ei/Cht ""1" "'", ("II .cut lit 11110 tllnel 'It.A.n'rll 0 , D ible-ci rculating 'the old , old" AND PA.RTI will bo ""ti il,',1 I.. a.·.. I')' After these cele.uruted ? ebates, story of J esus and his love,' by '''I.I",r notic . I " I." k 'ep "lid othu,. wh o g"1 ul' club•. In thUll.. •' 6- • suelltble IlS tlll.;hiug forward the canvass fur D" REV . W. M. BAKER, ~I "I'ffili,'c l.own•. c,n afkrwunl ",id "iogle fh.e no 1longerd I·C. mnlll~d .~:J f'lIp Ill, *2 ..)U. I'I ub' w ript.i1\'ntbi for .ormer y, an woo ld ~ 11 ow to Iwar· r1 ho Uhl'i8tiall l~t lI'o1'k, und your One of t.he.. most populllr or Am,' rlcnn Stnr..· ~~ .' u Ieic1'l ... l",rlUd th . 1INv.. lie Y""r, 111111tlLkoll u tlruft l~g to none of th~, vlllllj!:ers, s,uve l belp is cordially invited. Tho Wrile,'s aulhor 01 'A ;';ow Timothy' "lid III "II hUll ... ulI,l .. ~1IJ1\'ly nf ur "","<y-urd" r Coin be ""lit. it will be pre. IU8 'M",c J.: "~II.; will be cO llim need ill 'TlI " Staple and Fan~y Groceries ferro.I .•• it wi ll \In'''cut the pu•• lhility uf E sq old partner,- .. HOIlrll1. 1.1011. laborer is wOl'tby of IUB hire." 81'US AT W "ltK,' UII lJ\!cclilbor ISL. I 'I" I"•• by ,"nil. R"m"",L",r thAt tho JIOIlh.ge n .,"Ma'bd'"... 0 emlllent . YUrd.,,8. T/~6 Oh,ristian at ";ork offers 1""" um prepllred to .,I\·er gr' Tbo highe ~J\(.lfkek.Prl""'l'lLid, in () Il Iha Ledfor to all plOtt. III the oountry L' E ". 'd IlJdUCOlUents to subscribei'll aud MO're Liberal Terms to .Agentll, caob or trade, fur COUh Y'l'rodiil!e. will be pili\) br U .. · IO our lub.orlberfl llrll~g lkonch' sq., . liS COU8Ib ' ClillvW!sers in its editorials from "'.TIl a XOLU' ,VK ~KRRIT~.Y _,t ._ .._ __ "III bave no plI..... to p..y. d e"", In tllB s ot , wort to e tl f tl L'd't . Oh ' f D • . ~... ur W.. employ 110 trlOvcling f\~outl!. A _ I 'fled t to c . L D Ie pen 0 10 '" I or'lIl Ie, r. lblln Ibo publi. hers of an r paper or hook . . ii ~ d_a ull <:llmmllniOllUllns I.... C.1UI81 !lell , rulllpy,..,. Tulllluge, who is editor oot in llame th ..1 can lie lIamed. . -. RODERT BONNER. P"hli.hcr, --UlD-tbe a,hle advocate. III regnrd ollly, bllt infa.ct, word and deed,. ""BMlBIPTION P.I()B•• 3 A WB.&U, Comer Willialn alld 8pruoc.t•.. New·York. to. LIOn, Esq., tl.lero 18 milch 8ur- in the scrmons prcached e~ery ~TRJrTLY IN AllVA XC". _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • IUlse, bllt vcry. httle known, as bo weok in thc Brooklyn Tabernacle, For full particulArs. addre88 UVE AGENTS WANTED I of .late years IS very I'eserved and. reported only for The OlH'i8tian W, E. HATHAWAY, To •• 11 \) r. 011110" . Itoclre.; or 1l1formo. retieen~ ,H.owever, .the . sour,c e ot at Work, aod revisod and correctJIIl_uger of BRANOH OFFICE. - - - - -- - lion ro,t Ev .... bOII~.. In e"c r." (,Oll" ly i ll tho the wn,ter s IIIfOrmatloll I.S tbr.uugh ed by Dr. Talmage', "Iso l'n tile ' 16 McFarland Stn·c,. T"e· lIn rlc.. ign, ~<l rC"l'entful\y al\1\ Ullitotl 8t.teo 1<,,,1 C""lId"o. I::ul"rgcd by h rtb f h •• UIN OI;<\NA.TI 0 til l: IiLIA'ntio,n <>If the l'nbUe to the Ih. pllloIi.hor 1<> 64 o,'er i t e wo YJ agency 'dO ' Is..... Sunday·sohool lessons, "Intern,,· '. f"tt. they have 01' /l ud B now .hop, 20110 bOIlI. huld II, elfpage. .... ","1 lLco/lln;us i. 8U; '0r! ,vall ... . amcs "tiooal Series," which will, after NOTICE . two duors South 01 l.'et·ry" grocery I where d . ".co IIlId "o ndlliun. "I ,ociell'. A won. • It ... that oung ,Ion '1) m·"u"·oluru dorful I~.,,~ .nd Ii. b.. ". ohnld ';"ce •• it..·. Ii UIO Bald • . . Jan'u ary 1st, 1876, be e"plal'nod by Tho Stocltbolderfl of tbu H. B & L. AI' bC ,.. pr 'pl,r",l ,. _ I. Il La illdllcernl n~ eVer ret put, In h I appea.ran,ee at, blS-t Dr. Talmage. Instcad Aof tbe uSllal of lOOilltion will tako notico thRt an oleation .I!AJ, Iwllll olf"'cdat tos'gh,. book . CJrcah~Bt red hi t.w.n.. Nille Direotol'll will take plaoe at the .,r· ' t " "m"l,\t.I t rJ U om w I ~ ID 8.........,. .u cssayio style of e.xpoundiog the floe of A. T. "-b'w, Oil . U T. ~, c." 'il "1 IIIMil. postv al . lOt <. xc u. ,,'O 411' . ' • Iy lad dirtra aDd w th a b II... POI' At. 11, .,. omen u; ,(.I ~ reno lor)' giveo . Ageul.8 more LI.'al1~double their ,. C.' ' . I 1 IC8801l8. a style sharp, inoisive, ILnd Monday, Ja1l'uary 8, 1876, dr Special at ntlOll glvoa to mOlle, . Addrell8 Dr. OhMe " !Sloe • • PrlUt Wayne... iUe. July 14. 1875. cUIBt-IOtDbglDg, .me a!ICdho!y 10?k. ' 11 iQ Buch LJ portable shape that the at 1 o'olook P.M. II.Ug_H.COU .Ie.'.A.".n.A_rbo_r.• b.li.cb•. i.g••D.'_(.• ...3.m ,0. ea.r ID ~n , .~D1U,8 WI teacher can easily carry it from the A. EDWARDS. Sec'y, ~ llW' I. out, .Ill.lPlte. of tide or time. .He house to the clll88. Their contrib· Harveysburg. Obio, Deo. 10.1'375. All work done In the beet manner • ...id was 10 the V:11l1l$e but a sbo~t time utors a.ro tho m ost talented writers -;, 8.ti.fllCtion gu"r~nt...'d . PI..... ",,\I on before, maOlfe8ti. ng to the vllagers i'n the United States alld Europe. J. SU'r!'ON & co. l"I S T , . Ojfice Residonce, Tlt:ird St., t~at he was ,a lo~g way a?eye or- A Dew Berial now being written by WI!OLESALE W~yncllv.lle, 1>00.8.•. , • MlI-8m ~ ~""1 A II dlnarr boys In pertalDlDg to the Rev. WiililltD M. Baker. JEWELERS iOPTICIANS Fir6t National .Btf/II,1t. But:lding, W AY.Nll:SViLLE. • Suffioe lt to &ay,.he See advertisement in another 80M£TING NEW WAYNESVILLE OHIO _ _ _ _ _ __ admitted mto the famou8. m8lltu- column. :'IB....... De· _._ . ' • tion, 'No, 6,' where he, 10 a few ""!!!~=~=~=~~==~~~ Spectacles, Tools & Materiills. •.. ~ ) -G---ILh'a I&e,eal'8 acquired & b rilliant ed uca· • 1'88,"!! .... v ..... baUD I. ~..., ', lid"'tldr "'lamp. tioo. BoOn after leaviug the above L, C: LUKENS, M, D., . w. 00•. SIElb and Main !!t~. c I 3I-'i- 1r THlRD IIT.EET, RE4R ltU~N. Fint.ClI88 Pianos & Organs, inltitlltioll,fortnnately, he formed a PBYSICIAIf . SURGEON. I'' ___OlNOIN~A'l'I.O. - CINCINNATI, OHIO. XENIA, OHIO. witlJ the brilliant Orum· OO"pP'R D v, -.AI,o, 1l1.\MlDl nte IuDtd and "llaI*nd . t DUD om. 10 lfatlooal Denlt Bai1cllol', A 1 tIuI m1 .111. .n 6. _ py,YonngLion & e emlDell os.,.... . Sent "1 mall for 10 ct._, B. 8. FOUTa. ~. D.. FalmeW' P-.~ 1'2 r DD ,.. ... . . ._ • •'Ne", ........ Ord ... ~.,1 .. ItR .,Ith O. W. Bbrip" andCnunpy's pns· lrAYNESV LLE,. OIl[O. •........... ""., ......, ....... «;87 or.tthhotleo '
e W~.,
t ,
r-.. ~;:; i~:::::~··~~t:~'~~;.:'~lt~'cl i.I".I;C1!::~:v ;:~~.ilkn~ ~ «=
With SUd.in"'0 .Oven Doors,
. . . e iu!'M:' or ,·\'tlry y ear when Leel th4! ren OWN ,uul
thill~ leg~1.
ill IIOW l'e .lIl\·
preUle advocate uf good, hllllel!l nppctito for t\ long ,As !Ii!! .!,sollal appear · t! fJl1oe-the I·tlsult 01' this ill hc CIlIi IIIIOe, one miglii tlay thnt hi~ qui' Bearce mu tel' twu bi cuit.; th"n 1 A .. f fill kina. ,,, 111\11,1. " " 1\ rlage is uny both ill Cvul'tlllld ont. hr,owil bread, pur It is IIldO SPOUTING AliD HOOFING 0 ,1({ day. Ele.gau. t I'llI'm lligh I' I Jrch(HlU, qllottlU .froln ullthol'it . y, that I "1' . IUltl ''\It '!' \' lhitljl (\ltlfl In our 1i1lf' t fJn c loug tile emlllont vs, M. D " very , 1;1.-•.•.1I.... >1.1'10 , l ' ''", e "n.l ,eo "nr I fuce. Ulld IIma.a · 81U'd . t Ilut I10 neql1lrC . d V""!! kl y; \4nlI 80 mn e II 80. ~ t IS , I Continental II .Cook.StolTe, most ,of his literary e Illclition ut Iilut he ecarco ever n 'No. Il,' a titmond ill~titlltion (If whispcr ur~d scldvm 8milc~. He it! with .. li iill!\' OV.II D.,..,r8. lear~illg in 'Lcisllre,1"11l.'-lit I,ln y treating Illmflclf ut Ihu J.1I0~l!lIt, by If A I _ V Sf. .. Wt'!l1I esl)illl!. 01":(1 d I ·' fr"lII tuk ill!! 11 huH' doz. pigri leet (iu tbc _ _ _ rate, he r'ceive liB Ul!fr!·Cl·t! - ooee.. rI··.",- I • -...,...,. ..." ~ Ey •••.,IlCAI. N..... .... WT £l £l n I V, t.he f~culty of tbllt h.igh "Ii,cc III', rUllgll) three timet! 1\ dllY IlS mild ' '.- ....... "'" ... " ,,'-, ~~~~ 1/ (JVNTlNUED. THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK," • -, lenrlllllg. Illlnaccli.
.\.' . tfyull. ~~~km. "~~ ",frgin
_.1 ~
hum nseFUdVUlltugCfI . ill (C cut'I)' '(30 'de I't:ok,' o.buvc -Hof- Brun ch.' " ILII, yonng "U IIII'), 1 hi ' I'CI·Ytlll'llllgC butno\'urth.lel:!s 1YUllt11. d bcell ur III nOtln Sl rOiIl a y u truu, t lul LWI) 01 t IU IllUdt b btl I prOIDI '' . I cd t· d· 1II.l1nll.ou in the immiuelJt cruJ 1'0 II nent 011.'11, Cnllll "y I ·ft) of ill d . h r of Uwllellce 1\11 nc Oil, he IIIl\do . Lei ul'eLlvw ' ure on tho • I' •./Judi Iy. I t is quote d from L"IOn i! , rl\t)1'd PJ'QgI'\lSIl In liS pruI i ' the law-until it i Illlid lhat tlill private secretary. that he, (Litm) Villagers regurded him 118 tho s u o hlld lIot beoD , ill pllt!8cssioll of 11
~~. ~.
~~:if:!'!'t':'f.:;:;::r:I :(. ~
~ ~
~ ~
~ " ~ " ;; ~
= ~luntU:fj ~"W Yualilt Ut l , .;::r. ~-:="'::-;..<~ ~::;:C::I ,.... =:i;' li t' . for th~· l "' lItt llui u i c am. 7" Llu.,,1I' "L .• NI'WYork. t ~ ~~. ~ ~: ~:~ ~~, po. L u. " ,,0/ IUlI.OIIU mute d. llgl,Led ,,,b ...I. v Of.tl . c ... " " I !. S' be "', CoO NNllt . , ral l. 0 no k I L~;"~ '~_'. ~.; I ~= THESTARSPANGL SA L~IS .~!;'T<£' 1ii'~ . ..• e:::; "llIrKo .\i!!L"wl"" .. . p"Il •••. 411 eharmlllll c"I I u,~ P"P"" . , •.e uer ...... ,Fot· Ow .r'·11l 1876. I I;:" ..i! .h.e. u"erll "Ith 81",1 !li:IIf POII'nlle Free. I I ~ &. t'?:.. "" r,." el ry 'I'lIle8. tlh"lch ..~. \VII, Hum.r .. lid Fun. IJi!II!lI ~. g !::l.;: It IlI,.c. RI:lhtll. •• _ B' P " /'" . 1 I :~ ~ .. ~ =:: ~,I ..ArL •. &cIlII .. &clie'" ,; 1'"8Reul""8, ~ Ohilrlreo'~ 1)~1' ..Secret rLn1fn', _ TIl e pst a:pl'l' t l ot c. ,r·p erUIICI' I ':" . __ _ _ _ . ~Icdkll~ lJ"pRI.t~nent; l'u~zle~. U"ru" r,elC .• N alldUapi~'(/n .M.ake. 'i' nlld l.Rpriccll' anllly l 'II"'r. . ~r"Lcful . (. .-l 1 8~~t~~~ 2: ~= HUMBuGS It.'redldyi . l.v 'l3e.'.' , pOI.en. trd n ouo We aro profuulIIlly fur tbe gen· I ~ ' <l f :"::1 CI'Y ~'raud.'~ua 'k. ,.. .. Iullll'r nll~ ~: •. ,md IIICrpw.inll' .upp.ort "r Iho A"".,i' O. _ . I :". ::::: !" Ii::' ~ry 1111", 1".,. ho s ~"e c.. 1t: .. II, oj' LIUlhf,,1. re. """ public wlain , wu " ... n.. "LI) ' o c,.1 at I ,e CO ~ h'
uxtrcm~ p~p11ll\r~ly I~
t.~u.e :
~ I:. ~;:; 1~1,,1.,IL""Lhll i:ii'; oi~;:~(i~~;:;.~\~:;. o.'" I=:;. 'I'~- . ~ =, p~ '?~ . ~, .' I'f ~ ~ , ~ ~ " M~ ~
",.,I'O~UI. . ...
~ ...... ::z:
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~_=::r. ~"
ami ~'111ee ~lIb·
mentioned lit the head of tusty Ulld judici(lus UI'rllngcmunt uf Q) skctch, doubtlcs . ,. cOllto.ill all III' hi ll glirb. urcdOIJl ' gossip says .th aho.vo rC~ullte, Ulld lUll II)' tll,'lt 110 .n Ctll.·.II I" pl' IlCIIO~ III'S I·ce·t ~~ mure tllv ornb ugcnts lI ot here wilh littl.. t igllJ t hvvt.. · uut it is lIIe. ution. 0'.1. Oue WVIlII natllrully .1·Clllly hOlled thll ahuve i; II. mi tak·. ...... l t I k.'.f t lil it isO euid ho (Lio n) i 0. grout hun · 01 thllJ vllljlge t1l1lt It (1'lIt.O t '1:, unu pv SCoj ·tI the fi llost ulood· ugd, hn tllecolltl1lr.\· of till!! IS ' edc8niuu I)uudl e evur ilull"rted .fIl... fur th e. threc J.l 1· ... I'rulu 1111 uli on euulltry. Uf rV course Citizens 1und tuulld tll' vI the vrlla "o I it ios bllt nuturlll thllt he s ilvulJ IlP yet iving Ullu ill. th u "rimo or eh rish uue dvg IIbl) \' all,- Ihi s fIl ·1 n r 1 Q) manhood, tnnato p oodl e 's IlUIIIC is 'Juc,' l"1"li . The?t. llti ve of this sketch 18 tw.) I fur Illid Wlltl IITtlSe llted to hilll , -whi III .... d tul I!'titIy, t o dba '"ly dI,IUlllllgC Lo a elUUlSY rnUPI),)' , liy hi t! bro ther A. I : .['t;. tl r tlturti ng vn hit! pori lu UI! Q) tdeIe wor Iy; nn d,c con ly tv r ' n · , \V . privr tu r morc. f.... InUIIS tl III \'1'11ago u I' t I'Ipd to t1 lC WI' Id ' IlJOVI'l! u1. L OlliS. . ...... nredurn' l iallu. ' s::"'" . Thonrst chaructl' l' t , he('ollsid H o, (Lim) ill al so fond offish- .. credin tllis1 sketch, i tll o l'IIIIU11 <1 illg lorlHl isfr'quontlysceu ong· U r Id nttorl'loy . i. I!d 'ruJllp)'. lillg Olll \If olcgu.llt littl bOllt I •. L. D., who, I S 8111 d, hUI! had ui lon th e cr,l'staljilltl wllte l'" 01
~In I'~m
~Ilsul"g elll~I'pri,c l,efOl·~. nl,,1
'lJ'l'lr-li;'ltar~c all~.u ~tob' c Q.tOt.~.
~~~~'!!!'!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~======~=~~~~~=~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!e II1Anlre~L
.A;:omcitt8t(il" Velvet (end B"1II1Rel6, Impol·ted .!hectly {ruw Englalld; TATed l' (y,
In !I r a1'/t,v,
~~e /I et i(£1l6,
or the ),esl Amoricllu
n, ,, oulllc~uru.
Prices as Low as Cincinnati Or au, other 0lt1 ID Ibe Uniop.
WALL PAPERS, DocorRlIl'e Pupe r Rsnglng•. Wlndo., P.perl Border:, &:0 .. oe .... o .. ' l!tyle!!!. jUit ",cet_·
"J r,'Om tbo tactorie. di~ot. . Pier and Mantel MIRRORS ! ". oholco a••orlment On hltnd aad mad. to ol'ller. AIAO. large. I"ed lum and . mall· 8ized Lo" kill ~ (; las.cw. FLOOR • TABLE OIL·OLOTHI, A II .. Idlh, ."d all grad ••. O(JllTAIN GOODS, All klndl . L.mbreq,,!na and O..r",lnl m.... .nd put up to order.
lFtllmI'll'UII OO'flID, III Terrl.s. VaDl.ld. ' ' ..,IDI UICI O....D_ . a' abor& Dullu~ .
WIN DOW C O·R N I 0 E 8,
all . iall.".
lea• ...,cen
own mak' Maurea... l'illo ... and Bol.t,.. on balld "00 • .ato order. Ootlon hulln. ud I1110w O. iop, ·r.hl. LIND., Napkllll. Doyll " 1.10_. Dlap n. tc .• imporled
lied 00m(4)11I, Ollr
d1 ..... 1.ud
- .
Retailed at JYAot all Pril* I
. . . Ord... (or l pliobt." aad ..orll N~_ pro.p"". b, *'~_.I
,..,.._. •
DR. Sareaparlillen Rea• •vent,
TUB CDllrmOll. crop of mangel pro d'uceLl by Iud CIt I!e" erlL!1;c Irrl~a~IOtl 011 1 M I Wnrwlck 8 tilrms III England WI18 refe rred \(1 l/\>lt ye If bu L tillS l!e1U\01I hn.lI produced ('ven moro .\ rrrl"lIIg flgur&! At the c.lUe .huw reccDlll I eld at B Ilglcy Hull DlrDlluJ(bam Metlllrll. Car Ler & 0 Dj Holborn ~ xblblted r )( t. lrom a wel )!1 109 mn e l) 80 ICI tond per acre bl8 I ~ !!ILld to be tile hea, I _l root cr 1[.1 ever rt'Cordl>.d
Blood Pills TBll BEBT
Cnthartlc p m IRTR& IARm
l 11E HODlan CaUlOllc Illcumix I t ( f tI Royn l Obupe l fit l\Inclriu 11118 olllbncoo 1 rolRstllntlMm Ilnd 18 pre U:lllll g U 0 form d fllJlII wllh g reat I'UrDC• • Ul'.~
.. II U
lViE';;w ;;n,:..=--ri .:ri:-ii,:....
MIlE R 2
ORl .-OiW
12 1876.
-I younll.<' t 'bil.l. a
NU BER 648.
irl ytt l<" youn 111 the dnuilfu l '('111'. yet i
'tho Fe nt Wrl IAt IL Ball Ft bt. A S.p,r"« ,o-La k;J EJIO(tIl U4in: I Uar !.aU r nay n.~, ...........U. • l 'ono, aden " s • • y".k . ~aYI t.b e Kao\llll ity Tilll<' : K ill! TIle ..Iumbu· Ga~ttr n'u th e .On .. r tl.l~ lilt thri~ling Ihat lit ir a I'VUIlI" I,f Ih ~ I'henOnll' IIUn Itv!' r 'i tv: 8J< weU lUI m oih r l'iLiell, bill' I II T mark ul 10 O il of tb evil. of I \t rf' \' ariou 111ll.l IIItwh ll t Calli .., wltbin the JIlI'It r. II' yeara, d v..lnJ'f"l lh~ ciA : u\rad il>- wlt.ue~ III the ADlpllll.h eat Th Ill'fa~8t evil pre"aien t tran8pir ed in tbl' autUlJ111l of 1871 . h I tory. Uutlhc ·c.mt! 00,>', 'fheodor e. diu vernl of double m1lrriBftI' of tbe io lhl' niu,>d tatel! (;()ollay ia tbe do.. not tnke hiM eyt'll from.hl mother'~ fa e. ""ill be I1ndento od that th.e fIlIlUr tbrill· En hArd n t)'Pf'. 'Ille IAt t. In~tanee ID~ It. UlAhl n DIlNI Ibn\l.ht r one or" r.... ring boy'." and wilb Ii I f"U .. t t,., bc!Uilbl • HI' IUIII A ugu line, Ib(l Id t, confirmc.) ing I!Ct'n on ucb occanone an not"r of thi. kind hM been brougbt to ligbt ur ticfal"ll deOlocl'1ltlc pride th e~i1 is nch olbl·r· .. . III 'lII~n t l\I the docl.nr, "nd hlooo . Blood i l:OO com:m?n • thing in "'lIbln the past week. The circum- !>oUII~ J'II,u~::f 1~1:~~~:t: ~';:k ~'r. to row. We boa t of ollr Aw r. Th odor ..aid Ihat tlleMlil died away • bull Sgllt, fi'r nVfl'll 011' It, h brul Hllod dr. fl U" • " !k l"U," lan conn~u witb the affRi r, lUI _ IIlSn 10dtpen d nc , and !!COrn to ape the ADd arJlb&1 weAl out frow bur fi t " II IlII -ht b udder ~e m d 1(, pIII!II uv r the or hum":n , t lhrill the ordin¥1 audi o lated to. 11_ reporter , are about a8 maoopre and lIiltoms or d mMtie fallA. l'oee. otice had ~D III ted 011 all til follow: ix or tie\' n yean ~ fac('. 'T! bell to ~1r. C ui· cie Eurnpea n peoplt', ret we will per. All" "!ltd rorty-<>I_ bt. Tb .loctor foulld her quill' dead, ani puhlic pi CPS that a a cerUl lo nay the vert and bi ,.if< with one chIld, then a mit or DU!I'AT(·II F.$ from Port lark "!.ate that the Tbl n to ruu-ry the a.,.e". e UlaD i: to groW' 'P III idleD he. after, of co ur,..." eve ry I'rccanli on bllll hull C1111('d .. EI M r,rn" (the !\loor) " (Iuld bAlx-, lived at MUeouri City, on ihe oppCI- itatiog oo,s "'or lltur" alrouhl ah (I the {xlca08 cl'Ollt!fd tbe ri ver twelve to apprent.i o them to .ny F'or l h .. Inaldto n _h.-.'II woo Iwen t&II:"'la/:Aill t r.rl>WalUre intermel lt, bt. introduc ed in to th Ilrena, and that itl bflnJt ot tbe l iver, a f wmil below particuli l1 tnui or calling, u ll te it be a Dlilel! bel..,w n F lipe, surl'rleed 1'"nd', Tbe "Ii,., dn l li'!-r..ou . h e tan. .JIO IVa.'! bnri d in IN RrKve, wber , 11'1 wben he hould have ~11 goaded " U,e thl Lity. This. maa ind wife, .. i lUU· prof, - }AItJI .... ·U/, (VtUu,...JD tlflttlL 'ooal one, ftllrillg th.t anyar.: ranch , killed t hnoe men, capturl'd 1111 ulm Oilt fury, a youog gld would II. hUllE', she "' 18 ill pt>ac. U, !.be cue with ne"ly I t woulll and married people, proaob to mbo", will i il~ure tbe j uvenile a A au"hlen ()II~ ('fled : roouc th e aniwal to quiet. tb arm a nd boT1!U, aDll ei.& h un d r4'd I st<'m /II! if t bat ~m il e Wi\8 th had delLll waud dow».. their chaoces for No_ , wh.t"Y4!'r hI'l kle. !!OCI 'y or IUClai adlion. Tbe people of ' lldill blMl Ullln'K rpvenge, lUI i' tlhe said: uattle. ' Iu""nies of eitiunM artl CIT' I ' ll marry_ utlm whnl. woo." wI.~'" _Q1 .. EI ]\1 oro" OJ! the ilul, bla • .., .-If·" " ~rtf'tt. •. .My . ,,111, I'.hn&Ok uol to IfUJIlAJn .anlttl ng tv follow them. Much trouble _.felon ~be lJUuted l ad tUrt I i , bull ev r brou bt t.o the TIl ..... hlnl! Ib ...... IIl_1 l)&ln. Ea h oIwB6d luU IOOD ollbclr I'rll . I" aprl'\!b oded. . . . Th eu Jet IIf 10 to blrn .,1'10 gaYe. beum knowo tb a t the I h.y. no. q uath.l (f to ,taoler', Mo" _ _. .... Ih ..... : tised to appear i n 110 When blah .utl hal)"'; Dt"Cd J DOW' II 'T. au to ..... rul Ll lllfJRnto" RUIlZIIB NTA 1'1" Po WAN N, of ~lIIry. a pa rt " ' &8 A l'ea88 n t &fd the Judae. to d8ct'l'C'lnl dl yorce i ]I. IRnd, ha Informed ~cteUlly Relknllp o( b.d petted the bull, A ud the wmllan ' •• tuol The nex t. best lIuthellticat.ed etory for It during Who. KPuhftl rule ~ tho yeanl of hi. Intentio n to ,l"e 10 ihe Unit.etl ·t.ates "'til adqlt Ju d~ldlDI brr t:ot.ltM. COllle~ from tb re('ord~ of tll France>- the-appo I~n inted d.y, 118 a dud of tb lund .. hieh bM hf n 11100 -.')1. J..otI" Rr/'whlil'O'I. [>111 ian WI\T. Inuriab l,. t.o the tbe Bilt ampbltb lillter waK 118 0.11', Blulf Nation.1 Q, m tety. This and hilt fllmi1,.. J I t em~ that. olle of th BUI III . . . .1 ,~. girl., . the prodlpl red crOflll fl o"ing witli an IInxiol1ll, ; word. that time until a (Duh II.-Ir I.t ..... &lid <urlol i~ of bi. richer UIIOCiatee, habitl of ex· nu!'>!es, ohe of th oli M"rcy Merri cks, per· T he bulls ba,l beeo is Uje . nnly .Natio~~1 met.ery in t.he Mike ttUilt.r wind, uP. quito lvi, tu Itlco, '-illed pa tMr. O. was n ver t ra vaganoe hal~" Are formed, with whom and w the Wilkie dellire (Mlins has a way, and then thelfoun 8h of tru_au to co"ot'I- - -.okb &.a.. I l aiiM d 'Ull dUo wJio k06I'Vhim excepto n ('ne occa- appellr all good lIII hie nei&bbo R'-:J~~-;~r;::''''~bl;~tel:tl:1r be •...dODtl u_ mllde u~ fllmitill r, bad .. mong ber p8t.ients RDnoun not uow hoH lUI .beollrl lill. d the With b ... brigbt pansts, "04 of the a or two a'ter he left, wh4'n he atronge r, and the pl,a ln 8implcityr grow, "" Tb. l"'lul ... III 1M> OlIO" wUe. a y nu n~ fellow whoI' nationall tv he d.y_ W ith a ooUlin, of .hl ll 1'if'8' IUft tHun. hi deep, terriJIi c patBed through MliIIJOu ri itvon the can, more humblo h ome booomefl ./-~ '\'1(1' -' QuId Jlot find out.. H was in tbe 1'ruij. 111m" e ntered Theil , "lIrnt roy 1'"le-, u th. AQoIt.h ,poor,IJII, b.po by contr»t upon the And ';,lnwOat: .' IIghl. r&,lI, and Will _ n by his wifc, but uobeara ble, .nd repeatt'd -lippealll '1'lII~ pn>poiell n -w b~idr:e, I.&e l,/ ROYAl Who .... ""OKh .. lh lbelr ~ia' l ullifo rm. y t. nul., sbo I.honght., )\ truly \.0, U1e .\ 01.1 t.!tUptYIU,- h M tth uyOD mngn ili eenL-1l Ixn,i ne \\'111 r\n~' ou ,~ .,ht!t1 II 18 Coo la le, ~ b r DO sign of l\'cognit ioD. d pleted flUllily pu ne are not.1I teallr.ed, . rry inn. H l" h ,I b en ~L ru I' k by upent black and Al bert," acro l.'\ll.rk , bldo",. r.u. t.be 't. La,,' ren 0", nt Thai a ,Irl who WII cbanDII,¥ 1C1(M(;\.y, with - About three y llIU'S ago, MI'!!. Ouh'erl , a.nd ~he!!eed is IIOwn for Weil l ., II !- l 'U _ "urG •• Dlt .: h II , lh t'y 8\lPllOlW' d. and WM paraly zed il)g n04!~ril dom6llt.i n ' "'" au .I.nutute-' c broil ~ 1~t.rea), ift lo be . ' itUpendUOU8 alfai r' ll, Sons nnd .llb ••IMb; wic:bd-I, ~':inlt belieyln " blll'8Clf dOilerlAid lore ,'e r by ber l\nd un{lle&ltllnt l!Ceoet!, Iy lotrlble 1U·lru»pmocI DUlle. lind "})(,ellhl . OCC8si nally b e would The picadorn IIU&cked and then r. 1I0I'V8 " 'OI l u .... (,-om my ubl"tl. PHj The length " 'ill be 16,600 fe t; 0110 Spnll husband , and he wlth oul doubt, .. tle8Urgall\ H ery. dead th uhlm upcn at~ lli" Abando rye IInrl gnze at her wilb II hurl d their b oderillo . 001), IM8 DIUe.t\ lJ l. 'fIAtn, BurD and bt __ o( 300 or 600 "ft at a hllillbt of 180 feet Rnet buried, married a Mr. BrewD .. to renlal hcart.aeh e, aodnment or bome, PII' OOCtl bat'k of tho c-urLiln . I ruubhod u prC!!ijion.IlJIII she notiCt'lll hlll jl\velio~, orn ament tb e boy out Burn IOU h!ue Tile JOLiUM Ulan . ' bo lOAm .jll fiuJ wbom . he had become gr Iltly a\tached . inLo t h world carrying witb aooye .,avlga tion, five of 800 (eet .1. th., thl' wero ,.pty beauti ful , blsck, an,1 iUt.cDdt>d to gourl d o,_rldll .rn:l al u&: I him th e Th.1 lb. '<.\10,. "ho wod. IInci in and with him aud he r cbild, now IIbnu t 8ecrl't of hi e dom estic poverty nUrn aud hlueoame beight, (our of 24.0 f!!il t ench, lUlU wm dMflM't .11 he , ..tilwft (\I! velvet.. 111 her llIilli~t r tion8 ~h bie na~u re bu II bllll Idllt'd th rl'l.l hOn!CM011· Jiuro a ud bl~ Rod (Our yearl! old, came to t.his cil,.. IQ l ive. embitle red, a nd hp, u t.lerly d st it.ute Aud get aU bo df'bUrVeit. of "K~ l nd. ~O l I.n lIfJdcrijlllnd the lang ua~e oflbo fifty·one ...r 200 feeteacb . The e8limale d 01 "":0(10 I nkr- Groin. hnd H er rect'ivl'd eeoo ud eighl matrimo blUlderil nial .lOt!i~nt ventu re .n -J\\>rr"1" proved . k ~he ':1~~) 1I....ld a>td EIw P,..,. means pom .. ye ·, and loulld ou t wh n he ,,'ao.8 uou bhoulu eno, or ILbility wlwreby to nllLke II COIlt i. fuur million dollll"" and the work wh~fJ , upon IL g U ~Ig I.t) be 1\ \Muccl'AAfu 10M, and the twain living 8uch 801 be CTIlVf'S, too proud pl p:lscd .r dii!ll r,p<J i II led at Wlillt she WII8 li ll I, lhe l)icILdor 6 and 10 do FlIENOll~A 0.' ilEA» FACEIf. may be compl ted in lhr y~arll. matad, t'" ~lld · lived togethe riobarm ,mYlind happin " I1IlI.llua doi Ilft. One I lIy he took up his coat, dOluly wilbclrew, IlIBving tho i urin ted nnd were blellllCd wit.h cbildren . Their else. l I"bor, alld illcA pacitlue d to do l'HI~GS BEICE AND THEBE . alld f!'t'ling lu tb e Il')(: kel , @ he found ILlet· ooll8ulo Tberp. ne ill hid wild lar ol:.y~m fwrnth. f,rt' ot 're idellOll i on Ihe com ~ r of l1Iore amounll l to- whn ~1 And tbls, IIro rema rlwble gt.torie~ told of In;.h TKE hlttanOOg1l Tima l!IIYK tbt'ie i t blill looked any' otber, nt. him is amI the the CIIWIO eyes of Mid J!C) l'reliCnll y IL lIOn.. musical nOle w Ltl'lUri Six th etrt'Ct not the lea t doub~ but thut ea rly in the xp rlll' illn on the r.'t Il4'" \If the ,ll'lri. W.. " 'rt'lul il." I t ON E of our me rchantll8l1t. hi. umbrell a gan' her IIle ke>' t" the Bnd d ire ·tly afterwa rd n gi rl, . t lJIor~, wet\Ir, while lind Graod IIveoue, L lU!t l1Iuch id leneM io the country to-da,.. Rgllin8tlL the fnmily we re at hl'eakfl18t, Tve cities are Hwarming with tree wbilebe 8w pped ioto aatore coming year tbo fint IIbipIJI PIlt. of oue gi vt' tWII rn06L intrrt'M lill!l Oil!'>. 11M t.l1 · KiLullt.i"u . and 8be ,Ierl\'ed lh Idea thllt young men t hnn tirt.ee.n ! cn r~ of ItgC, with til\> I'll te- lbere ClIme a knrlCk ut the door, ILDl plc !Lod io deHtiltlLe of emplny m Dt, "" d4'sLit ute to ask n question . Wheo he came out he could h l'I1 T and Undt'nlland b ~ r if rihe ful gu rb thoullllud tone of tbe obo\ceosL I!Clrcliolt8 of lUI Andlll u ~illn pea... 1, lln<i IYslkt>d rr. ., th e originlll No.1 hU H· (rom tbe I. wlkPcI 1'0 him, II() she wnuld 8it li.nd ta lk with 11 pretty facL tbat ..hpy will not avail the tree still stood there. No one had or I~n (rom Teont'K!ICe, Georgi" and fIICO, sprang' light./y into hlllJd. The ~o. 2 hu ~baDd r cognized tbenllleh This an d ole , 'OLUf" frll Dl a W~" teru and H It q UfM i"np. es of Much cmpluym ollt 11<1 otreJ'll, tI1.Iren it.. ancl he wo uld III1"W er Alabam a furnncCII will be m.de. A pig oit)', and had be~tI W(· l1liOllr.1 i[l un or vor.n ca ll nut hrlu~ youth's r,iddy,luw with h i .. yt ·. >;he g,.t nt the idea thllt. the arena, app[bacil ing th e bllll ~ rlr ....I.". hi m ilL once, alld turning very plllr, be- HiJUl)ly mauual lubor. . lit tbo IIIlIlIe lime CIllliu.g hid Ulllllt': It,, .. ttl bent a ret reat, making fu r the iron brohr of ·hatt.Ro~a is conduct iog two med iCII I work.. Jt id (,f II- h,dy uf he. \VIii! IL yn u ll~ Engli W e neeu lIot IllY nil thi~ L.o d i&mtis tlcd No':':':ull~ ~h diplomR t, who " 1II 0ro I .M ro t~:rfhh~O ;"J:·If~:,:fJ 1::~1' I YII YOY!" bllck dOtlr. . the nfgotiat ionl!, The Tillie. th inks tbe abo ut thiTly·ei~ht y(,lIn! lIf .. gu. n r...· hlld be u .rllt .town to tb e ~('" ne of '0. I, com prehend ing lit n f8rm~rd' IIOnd, who, tirillg of tbe 1 ' b," flhll ! 111 luu,lJ-uOfI'k"CI4.."l1 du c.y . tll fllrm , A t Ihe first Jr sound ,'Allll u.1Rrkab nl Illao(' lund of t.hl .. lIroJrcm 'UllU', . ly tlto 8' beau cuoditio ct til Yvi 1.1 I e n woma of .\ tbings, hcgg II 8 ek til e oily fo r more g nteel work. n, Ill.ld th e \Yllr to pr' lteet SOUlI) Engllilh mllrk et will tue every 8urpl m thnt he hud the olllm"1 bad (l('a"Cd h,i ThroblduH wHh Iil,)IUC l.lubu"'h~ altd !tOrre'" i mOlher of four children , throo "'III~ nnd be"HI rt' '~ ivcd inte, theone; (llry lind 1'0. 2 to rewain , sayinl! thnlllobudy but The 'i ties spnd 'ou t bUlIdc For wunl8 tha i wrlu, tbe III1lIl to-d.y , pound or our cOld bla"t metal. I J n!>8illn Ilrmy 1\8 t Urllt'cI ' de of t he8C bino:<eH a daughtU . She lind sufl.m·d m uch fruln ~ fOl'o r 10 fll~ililll~ e towurd tbe I'luI,'c Wb~ (I L16U Willi u ol to bring blawe r~I (" ! Oau'arl'OW'. for Lhe (Ire ' lit. idle r. wh ere (;'rUlB !'Cud out ' cc th e hi work ; that he " lu nd ca me, /Iud when tb~ uo aonllbl ' jflfluugy of her bu.: \Vn. npnl-\ed h e, ,""W e p;irl sULte of nauin!. Meanwh ile M r~. 'ul- to Uli. ClLUore more tblln any one. ADd III t"l~ work wb ell he WIlK 1,. too,lc :!i ir l snllc NewtoD 1_ thlill ot.h r, that A BO¥ in RochCllter, N. Y ., wu paid band, who,alt.hongh he he "llIil1ly mani fested "erlBrowlJ pleasl! fe ll to embl'lWi og alld kn..inR is, th roug h the dc"ire . h I "ed be r lIluch, ru ck down. he h3d much to do, thi~ came tn his h ead lind tW6llty· five dollal'll for fiodiog a 10 I. had one of th ose uogo,,~rlJllbly jealou. Bl put forth r hlllld, ber lirst hu~bl\nd . After tb e ill'l!t excite- u.p lltl CaT/UICCH lInu of p :Lf\lIJts Ul kt'll p th ree y<'ttr to. t howugh.ly digest. the prioM ~ rcy M"rri cli , \V ilh th us inculClLtinj; C'plt'M of grJWilllt ioll, \Vhil II U Jn~Jianl\ but. which be li('ked wllb hI t ongu t pocket-book. 11 more people would be tt'mperll men l.ti whicb Hllllllab !\lore bos h e roulld lilli e I'very h ~r red cro ment Wtlll o\'er nud quiet Wtlll ll!l\tored , into their ,j{) n ~ de 'fhen ir" IlIllI habit. whicb (nrmer bUll . pent oleven yeara trylllg t.o bonrH to come she fIIlng 11 low, sWl;et. IKlJIg, Mr. delint'llt n. II, ked ed at th Mm in b er cbnmclt ' r of lJe 1I[0nt- back to h e ~ Plllit'lIl, Iwd to t.tll Mr. O. to brcu kf"ft~ witb are beyond Lh lli r melLlla to (wer rea li ze, Bud out why thought ful enougb to .lellll pot ket-book e, biOI the II cow u ~v~ r kicks until the and pay boye twenty·f lve dollars for fort, io Lhll" PlllYMOf LlII' I'll iOll ." I::'he ~t')ry of Snnrbru ck , of St.nt>.bou rg, of t ime c·a re ...ing th e animlllb~ Jlllt&ing him t.h em, nOll th ey alll!lLtdowo alld IIlli~hed we caD Ilttribut e Lhe l,r(ll!8n t c ry of bllrd pnll i~ lW/l·t lt inIRfiliI. on th e furhend, and while "he aaug. tb e Ihei r Oletll , not bowevClr, without muny timeij, the WlUl A 'II' OtWl ll of relu orkllhle proprit't y (If 8etI1UI. nud tl' fiud from e l(i ~ tel1C'c of 0\\ 1 tbe ronny shifting lu& trawpll, finding them, Ih4!re wouldo 't be Ilear ~ conduot Hnd TIIOl' ''' t ~I)III tilDc ~ ~UllLl l ev ils, like pllti ~ llt with bi ~ Im feet. ~Iy flD.d elObarlli!j!illg ghlOCC8 frhm nil pa r· und t\le .Liarming I ncrN~'C o r ('rilllc. y; tor ill hi~ yll/! if he "' E'T plctL'!t.:1 o r sad- IIldfelin!: mon,lrch kneeled at poor widowed mothen Ih' ing in An I'ltCe118 of ~oodn_ ouL uften fhfinnil Then IIbe st'KJl'eol lind };I'Jltly' emo,'ed ties loword nch othe r. After 1\ full x· iuvi"itM iU"lets, ill fl ict paiu", "nd ILsinllne! in dplled. One dny ~h ,' to"k up blMwalch Ihe erul'! banc\ t rill o~, ILfttir wbich, with planllti,., .. hlld' ell~ u e d, the tw il:e mllrricd dlltre811 88 there are ~w, Il1nd many a 'he InnOOeut, will) IIrO not fond of IlCing And l'h nill oml gle hIli r mlly stop II Vll ~t. mllChilll', yet. the Evellintl' J)rcl!I!es. (, Anlllint'd III seal. The u chi('t' o!I't'reL of com tort lies ill oot sufterpoor lone father, two, wouid Jfl~ lulrink ~u ~pectP.d, ~ a genul\l ru le. I'Y '" gr('w plli nfully brigllt nnd anxious ; h er arm a ronud "EI Moro,'lI Deek, lib Indy d cided to cling to Mr. Drown. A ~ 10 1lt; ago "" IIl~t \00 autullln 'him toWJlrd tho 'Kate or '~ fOf'rll. , 0 11(' year i ug tr i tl~H to vex on~ , :Lntl iu prudunt ly Be . IIiliIHrleJlII lind Cunstan l d ll~ uder t hc iaon struck her tblu with wh om ~hc hnd mllny bal PY Kincc Wortll who le· DOW meande ring 'around tow n 11 would till! ... IIL for tho opelling ex · cultivlIl ing a n und ergrowt b 01' lDIall yean. Mr, nlvert IllIl Misl.er of ber busbllun und lhe the i prcOIIIion bowever , t reated wida a __plo vI parc:l.ed Up' for the 'II'IUI 8be dId 110, and blbltioll , Tl'llTelen~ 'tal. or I a 181Hling B<;l!'ton hou<16 an plelll\urc~, .inC41 few greAt onn are 18\00. ,";fe of the f'Ullil,.. phy.i cian. 1t WI\8 to foun t.b m 'i ll WILX. K a nlember of "be brin" e.weel.- aven\1I'& of aud !:re~t of a well- . Tb . id hu ' dress ' COLUl'Ot! cd of pink and Inng leMe8. civil i~Vtt~1">'" ~o th he,iQ£erfl'rence th"" . U! pop~ Illdy (lIVl!d ktH)WI En U bo\l1, a.Dd ruby el vet. ' . ' n-.lI\.O"' IIIlt: t'J TilerI' I'V era lDany . xclumlL'.A, . e 1. 111 what peaoe !!l1ll"6IlJoyed ror die lMt re,. d own . wr • let ter holllt!l, lor ahe, V~1JTION and Q1ter'J'~t.\on liolll' wond4'r TheTe ill 'Ill! n,...t\ lIivil lj . ." t,)da plee of .ultad\) Twl ultaD or Turke,. I.• wOnJ(\ fooled yean of ber ij1III. , $bll wall attarked by 1.cXI: WlUlldEnghlch 'l -. u uring . F1 ridll, aod tlmt i St. Aug wand.l'!red Lbe worla over alld but very little' admirat..ion WM expre.e a n..~ I18ld III d eat ~bili o"n object. thl -G Dt .bo.t .th, pradicee of hi ~ hel\rt d.hleale and /luflt.red greatly, but Tho patient Iillger dand li8.... nod . but W&I!hilll!ton Irvill' tells U8 of Il Dutch· fb ere ill bllt Olle ~po~ llll kind in land Like 0 sen- liI tt the elrcctof tbis startliog combIna tion. mtlo wh o, bll\'iug ollofal't. A fWbWM comIIIpondoni, wbo .....ble to .g o out ami drl""a\>out (o r ne \'er spoke. H e j!rew bi>ll r, bowever , Florid WIlli tlO ·leap a dltcb/ . w~nt voted .. inartisti c," .. odd," .. , nnd tbnt is Enterpri . does not propOtle -""ver.lm . onihl!. During the ,prngrt'tli l or Rnd' CIluld "mi le; lately MW him ride out, M)'!: .. Be rode .. uniquII." " poC'Uliar," Rud 8 thou(l'h back throo milell, t[lat he might nave a nlor Emile, bri!o Wllat,(\\, u (' I we do, we must IIvmr! to pille hiR . "way thiM IIInu8 her hu, baud look up n tt'rri- lia nt, eloqu ellt, linda sin" joys clepnrted . flll!lJl ll ll~ing. It went in a carrillge drawn by four fine ho.rtles, ble jetilousy of the fllDlily but to ~njo1 aU ,lult i. left to him of hi a it werc thl' 8nmml "~ up of the whole good run at it, and found hiqllelf 110 phYRICliRn hi ~ to tb e hflLrt of the red-cro.s nnrtle. Per· thl' rh'or for d!'ar life's 8I11ie. mat wr, "Frl'llch y.' 1'1'0'10 who were complet ely winded " 'htill he arrived at it Wh i\t~ver elde \V do, we mu t lOttIe 011 f~ rm(l r dume stic. hoppin~ . .Dd the authorit iu had, u i8 hhe cuetom, own brotber- In·law, a fact wbich be ,did h a l?s she hud 8uflerPd . lind loved, and tho riYer immedia lOlld in IImazed e.x elumatio n were chary Ilgain, tbn t be WI\II obliged to sit dO"D on tely. oovllled up the pitftilla of ihe paveme ot oot commnn icate to bis 8i ter, the ph y~i · WOl leU. aod h")JIld, ,IUd hafl k now ll the Qf prn;ae IlUd the ~wo wR8 d cidedly tbo wrong side to reCover lils breath. along his route ... itb six inches of Mod, clan'e wife. Ooe uay the pOOr Im'ILlid, nllgui ~h of hOI dflfer r~d. The poor par· set.Northt'rnel'l! Cll unot be..Otlt .fter allnThe A. verage Parlor. uot n SUOL'fllI&. Yet, Klich ' IH tJ.o mutl\,\(;OORDUi G t.o Solomon . life aoddea th while drivin!!" felt a paroxy on IIf pnin Illy zed blind I!"i norl finally a little po wer, well watered and rolled. Hie mAje8ty bility of bUD\OO opinion, this very com· are in th powe r of the toogue; Nortbem el'l! OIln bO'out RIt night if they comiog aDd 1'lwro on, nrc llnd parlo", told her belongin cOllchmn g to ricb bination ll to and one e\'cniog lUI enjoyetl a comfort able ride over well· dri,'e to thehou'! e of th e doctor, H e did WHrm , e ll r. ~tic, IlPne~h e took it io ht'T Li\r4' . mrn whn lUI' th e tOns of rich nuw, " ' be> not in i8 0 ~pcel al fa vori to Lhis 8I'uon ; Euripici es truly offirmed ,ev8J'1 unbridle cl roll 8 pAI.ni it g/w e II coslnme , but made road ~ ; but, Iner be IiIld PII_ d, 110. in WI" (,Ongue th e lrimrnin $s II p~, 1 nol carry ruhbers, beeau in the e nd sball find itllelf unforhe grit out, wen t io, aud flnding f('pble pret<Poure. 'ym l'!llhy hrLVe been ducl.Lted car"fully , Ilnr! wh o aod I~ a fam llu. ' wh eo il r~iu ill Flurida the saDdy garo lture. In t ho latl 'r the effect I· tuoate; {Ilr in all that ever ~he IIIlnd WKft all 8,,'ept up and moved io him with other patlelll.8 ~il have trll\'eled and seeu all that tbere in lti Kolli ce, reo ph y ~ imlln. i" produCI' d by pll\cing a dnmllflk and a the COUI'll8 of worldly tbinga,I oblerve d in bne c u r 'd llltlny o\1lerwise lIOaks the waler IIway. lever found carte, (or. Ulle Dell t timEl, and tbe pitfall eeived a draught of dlgitl1lis, or SOllle mortally wouud ed . . to be ' II of spleodo r and beautifu l, Rod pink J'OIIe .together . SIuIbe. are 'Vc Dilly leave ou r rubben at bome, b e- ye t, th ough tb~ir tbll~ men's ofttloer made b, other well-kDown remedy. lit hi" hand s, ' Bill, ' a losl he W rooms ar" full of tbe ruby velvet, lincll with pink, made of t}14lir tongu fortunes returned ." I\II not to cure thf Cl\1l e It 11I1Ver miDI! and IllU!h c~ t~lIn by tbelr v,lrtuee, auiI in Florida, aDd partill\ly I'fcovered. Bnt having Ul young Englisb diploma extetulII evi t. One ni ght, Il.:! It i~ h ot t~r on the rive r than it is by tbe thiD811 tieu ce8 of ,,'enllh and travel. and garnitur e are worn with II wbile moro Olen's fortunea overthro wn the reb,.. lca~e her immedia tely to tllke care of th e roo-cnl8 llnuroo eeem unhuPP7 ; tbe colol1! all Cbambt lay down 'ry to her well· A OLA I!GOW man recomme nds W1 a tbe (other patleots , he clIlled ,. 8wear at one aoot.her ' 1\11 , the French or I!8lwoo gauze. Blue, wlt.b I!()f\ pink llll!O, than by their vioel!. his wife Rnd Enrnlld ele r Ihe IlH\ le n.llA! ndaut wh o had tb ClItCOIl81. facin g!!, it iSILl1lO II very styHtIb means of preventi ng the l'8fl!Oolll injury lef' her in charge of id just lUI hot on t he COl\f t lUI it is hy Ilrti~ti c slang hall A ~ .. w 1 - ' pray .. b.oL ........ .her yi.ler-io ·law, ca re of t.be 'putlllF~'d Enl!li~bmllo cnole it; the chRi rs and tI1. Willi b er, or hlw, or me. or 10U f tiull for "Wlh4lt!. Ihe river. nnd d,mage to property which result telling her to tI1ke blCl', like people too early at a country combina Cl\re of her and sce :lJId knocked lit h r door. Dear ~dur, lei"', coOllde,. Not 1111 th" ev /ling drel!llCs are made The lhe rmoJllet er blL~ been known !l"rty, are wai from railwRY collision a, that p __ nger her to her carriage , DocII lba m echlnlc ~ to fre t. t ing for an inlroduc tiun, ill lhe Princell80 @tyle. boweYt'r Wlahe was ill a pre" He dyin~," IUlid he, .. aDd hiscycK to run t.; <'00 hundred dt\grOOll in DeOver Ih. lOOK llD. .tlllld dcbh . Mltny carious conditio n. The two Illd ieft..o lked are 'l't' ryigwild: and the tMt , if taste it may be Due call. fnl DI the riub deUnql.lu t T d, carrla&llallllould 'be construc ted of very together f, r a hilif hour, :Ire cut wi th the low laced co\'llllge, wltb cemlx-r. . Can prlncen yel _ p from ....... wh en ill the the suf· pic tures :;he and drpCll!ed brie a b<'ti!E'l ·brac, f ie Ilnd 110 wcnt dis· I.n him . " balKju4l, un,1 ei ther one skirt ve ry strong vuicanb. ed India rubber, which he ferer anllMlaod declared Tbe thcrwom ewr never rilleS above leer iutenti on of The uu spok n b Dguo):e between these corda nt tbat if the OWDer r~.ally likl'80 ne beavily trimmed Tt~~It:'::: :::~~~ \':~"::.~ eays can be mold~ lip to aoy thickne8ll going bome. t:)he had or lin open over·drel!ll oiuety d ~greeij in July. . half IIf tbem we canoot undonta nd bow very heuvily ju~ t. got t.o th e t.wo hu d becom\' II "pirilutil commun ico· draped. and degree of elaslicit T. The carrl.! door of her clurillge One l oollOmet of tbe imes IIrstSTtJFF(N form" in Cl FOR A. TuRKEY 0:& OmCJtm 5, Flo rida at any he .bould be lib Ie to tolerate the other. wbAn ah e MI dend tion. !:lhe rl'uu hi thoughts . Did he \Vl.h mention ed rece ntly mllt!e for a - TJLke some bread crumb. .nd tum on would be rounded at the ende in8tead of on the Kidewlllk . Of eour!!C it i8 not fair alway. to jud ge young Indy tit.yle, 'be " '88 of CIlUr;oe to bllve It lock of hi" hoir cu t Y Yes, for Ume. Th6Te iM1I0thi ng to eat. in Florida. bavlng bulflll'll attached , and ihlltill con- brought bnck to the doctor'M the owoer of one of tbese multifar ious Hi lk entirelyin t. Loui8, WII8 of white jUBt bot water eoough to moiateD them ; offi cc\ where, her; b is wlltch IIl1d CblLio, Ilnd a certain covered wilh 1liere iHliS mucl) to eat io Florida us drawing . lifter e"ery e ffort to re8ul!Cit.ale ler hnd r ing all -rooma hy what he pul.8 forward Th~ front bread tile (If th white tulle. put in IL piece of butter not melted the it. were to be returned ,,·hlm lIbe th ere i. at borne. ".e ~ end8 would beeom~ concue io ~ col- ..f&lIed, her b u band Wll 8 sent e trttined sk.i rt size of a hen'M add a 8poonfu l o(pulI\Il biB for owo and wte. her could In nine find CIi8eII th owoer, !Lud his charge<lut of were crossed d illgonall y by pleat.ing. of ve rired flILge, egg, h810n but wonld not Jerk the carnagetl limb! were compll!ed You don't wlln t nnytbio.g to cat in IA!n it i not a teaspoo nful of polmd in death. hi t.&lIte the work at all, which be blu} to do when he F1orido. but the wtc puffs of t.ulle. The bt\ck ~I\II f!)rmed off the raila like bu&1'Il. He proPOIlfM Wben the jealou8 mlln pepper, anda telll'poo nful of ealtj then by of the town, arrived bis fury WIUI stricken down-s h e mu t find out if he hl\8 meekly put lIim· !!Cries of laTfote puff~, endong that the train abou)d be united b,. • wire .kDew DO bo~nd.. Be Ollrry Tour mU Mlin cire_ if you wi.m 'IOlf ioto tb eand In B fan may be IIOme of tbe bread CIUUlt. ibat band8 of th e f88blonable Mbaped si lk train covered witb rtlJlI' JlILI!!!Cd through er88 underne ath In opprobrt ous. terms.."CCillled tbe dead it: wM ~one, and if he WIUI kDOWD to b.ve to avoid Immedia te di8l!Olu tion. need pleatinga. to be chopped i then ma thoro .furni her. We migbt . 8 well lay the The conmge he nccutled t~e been faIthful to the end; yea, lIbe would Wfl8 lKJ tlare io f~nt and Iy and 8tUft your bIrd, At your r r.i1 go wltbout your fura. ch I t.o I dl b k doctor of h8\'lU!\ cbArge of the theatric al, vulgar plLra- pointed IllS dom estIc do It all, ea • carr ~e at thll I back, aod • II' n . • 811 on. ra e peaoe; he raved likeruioed You Wi\8 fim ehed by wil find it difficult t.o aleep be- phetnal ia of a modern a madm~nj oay, he And he gave her one wonderf ul look ; finlt-c11Ulll fulteral PUfl'H A YOUNO ecallawa g droYe into the huebeluod, wbulh nuld t.iJbteJI It up to even refulled t.o bave the remRlns brou~bt a look which W18aCareN ; one Ollie, like Cl\U88 of til(l bnrldng of the dell. iD wijch at the door of tbe dead wan upon wbo_ black of tulle drawn into place by narrow gy of a ~taid old Quaker, velvet. The . Ieeves w~re of Bi mand thea fl1 Rn,. tenafl)'. the South abouod!!. to hie own houllO, AIId declared tbat hia 8unllj!b t; hi. brigh t eyeaaaid tlnl8lliat lng body all tbe.'!e hideous " tlo pie tulle pu1fs, sui Led the mlln of peace, who qaletJ)r: more grat.ialllo • I. ; ,~ , , /. / drawn ,~evet beard a dog butt in Flori to match the wife might be buried in the street for all tude in one glance than ,.1 omblem s" are piled. Tbe fashiona- neck, with narrow hialipl oould say A ClIlIolQtlB laBtfWDeot bAl heea ex- he ca~d. , Tbi~ 8wiul ' ~~ blllck ,·elvet. The remarke d: "Verily thon .n a . . ot You may be annoy"d ' hy ~be IOUn of ble underta ker aitA on blm oded In a mODth ; tben came a film Gver them, pa8IIiDg 00 dead .. .garrllto re of thil lovely robe Wi\8 .pple Beli.I, and 1 am ~iDg t.o BtrMeb Iorih ~~ted~~lhe ~cadem,. of 8aie@c ep,by' tblearri vtil"f hft el~eat tho ' hard Ilhetl r'\IHI 0( St.. the fIIIlhionable furoi8b e r wben lI&t 00 bim blOMOme. 8OIl, a )0111111 and tbey went out forever. my right band In tby ttoocL .lI'Ich ... 11 by ttl ilIYeot.o ;:an'~ ma\" 'M remluk't .ble A.\lltUltine. . when alive. We can~ot judge of hi. artiltie in Tbo whole COIItllme ,WlUl Thprefo re would 1 cou_lneillbboI cb.JaCte r, deeillicm, The next clay ad the red-C1'08 l nune tlt... tel aet ~be extreme I zln , and Tbey ' wM --;;: t.. .. ~ un.... 1 . never n~gH Itboe t.he bOl1!8s iu 1 aod energy. He took hIe father hom(l lIt-ook looking .t his. ,):it.. taale until he .howe itj until be taka tive thee henee in pell(.'fl, 181\ '\boo tllink, DIe of fnlab, bright young girlhood . face an Euglis.h pby· !:5~.tine, hecaihe y g co e ': ¥""l' I common y and locked him up, aDd ·caueed the reo the roads be drifttng .hi, haule h&to hili own b.nde and ina1t:ea alelan arrived. lUll! of BaAlam hae kicked JiM bioUMir," .te.TJII.ed I\Ound 1110, "111 well pow,D. made mains of bie mother it Ul be 0.1110 bropght Ul hi. min,d. It 16 to " penuude '1 am looking peopJe And for In young E!!t.court," A momen t" camet.o lip Of an infln'te Dumber ' of ·mnldca l home, and made .rrange ment. II; takes four dAYS t.o go to FloridL Yoaar tlnclaDd. to do tbis t.bllt tb_ for her lIBid' he, "the DIan of wbom you have are written, the Quaker had pro........ not.N, aDd thele the comet in quntion burltJ. I t takes two day" and tbl1~ nigbts to but the writer i, not paper~ Tbe riling generati on in Ol'\!at 'fer, Britaln hopeful orpu,. written to Eogland , ,.ho owned thiamot r go t.o Florida . DAliIl URY Nev1f: A nowluh loo 1au j; de8lgned to an.l,.ze, JUM a, a priam On tbe 8CCOnd day aUlding any but young people alId ~~ appear lik~ly to tqulll, if Dot excel, their beeu irltroduo ed In PAri.. It t. to luI~e n tak88 a wf'61c to go to FIc)rida. IIIlparat K • ",,. of whIte IIpt iDto 4te abe lay In her coffin, after her death, lUI t. and _L" afree III tboae who manly have a: qutilities Datural iDdepeo for "hicb dence. her childJen weepRIch lhechai\'1! and IIOfa88tuiJed with .romati c .. There he 1.11," Mid Ilhe quietly. There ia malRri. in Florida io March. pOoe le are for the m08\ the latter ilIl. .round her, aud her hn.band , pale liN now di.t.ingu il!hed. par~ l!O bomed "Poor fellow, poor fellow' a b.rd herb. which will (mit an qreabl e but colonel compo _ta. lD a,paran ee tile and hlnard, the great.eet sullerer There is malaria. in Flo~ca aU the year 11,. their mon,y, they don't of .U, cue," paid the phyaicia n. I. Do you d~re do • .bat Scaa:tlf)ly 'a dRY' elapt!e" witbout !lOme DOt pow"rfu l perfume . Thil II Inltrum ent il dellCrlbed ILl! re.mbll ng a standing at ber feet, • moM. tlley would like. And people who .re oblld being blolllht before a Magistra te eensible fa8hioo. thodoct or'a wife, the know his story' He wau ent over Ulpro- round • . u it III 10 &be reach 01 trumpe" lul'ring anoDle t.o fi~ t.o the ear, si.ter-in ·law, Arrived. There is never .n,. malaria in ltIarch. - well 00 in life do ~Ot, BIl cbarpd witbdl'U DkeDn_ ; and thareare It _mA tdJa~ she arnIe, teet two eminen t ladies; one • priD~ !.ake ~he humbles t people. I.tead of a moutbpl ece, and fnmilihe d bad faioted from the shock of 110& be ellO ug\\ intere~t in tbe 8t1l.tject. The not wantln~ symptom s toO abow that the in coodit.io n to _iog her wbo got caugbt in a country bouse bere A~ for 'JanlM1'1/. cusblon witb bole. like • clariolle '" Provide d ,ilter die, .nd bad fillu the old ~bOl!l8 elUIier to tbll feet . - children of the prelleot day are emula- but the mOllt of t.hem caDtheir hel'lll'lf beeo carried betweeu the ~wo armiell. Ruwan romalford . h' £Selle. eat onr Ute Eleet.loll80 t f thl k'nd It Ie " If t.o ber OWD room, an tbat she bad no~ tiog their 'atbel'll in the commiPlllou of' , ribnu. plicatioo sand all that !!Crt uf tbing. He Wit ao In.trum en 0 A Paris diftpatch 88YS that, the ellcitcaggrava ted __ ults. Twn bo,8, f'acUlry paper bIIg of IIOme kind of mUtt, to ba 8 I, known of the dnladful !!Cene In the doc· .behaved 81oll'ula rly well ~bowed enor- menl. 9ver ·the Senator lai electil)n I!&ld that the roaring of a cat&ral:t or the tor'. oQlce, nor I)r her workpl'II, living at Selkirk, ollmed WH- carried around with them, aud .t 011 in PerllODai Appear uce of Lord Ur brotber . new ae- mous tact. oourage , aDd chivalry too, (or howlillg ora tempeet ma,. be rMOlved by 00IlII of fury; 110 ahe Na • IIOD and Leonard , 8Il'lemLly aged (ourteen wheo relting; and 00 one i. 10 poor beltan quite uncoil.· one of tb em felldll8p erately 10 love with Franoo WIUI very great every"h ere. PariA is neverslo w to catch tbe l ignifi. \be lilIteoer lkilled in tbe ICi0naly to tell him and the children er him. H e WIUl taking Emllio r"",t.elar'e new hook lIIIyd: BiB and thirlA!ln yea", were cbarpd at 1be not to be able to eecure all onion neatly them toward Be,... caDce.o f political ' movtmentAr, and ..ow fiJl«'lriog U;to the IOftest melody, which ber lut oonvena tion remarka bl (are; th e Iwouty of biM Ualallbiels Burgh Court, WilllOn with . . done up io oloth. wi~ their mother. lin wb ere tbey wished to go. wben he that the Left. bllll 110 hBDcuOIInely beaku Gr ciano hellci ; his Sp"clOIlS b h' If I As abe did IlO the poor JeAloue maniac WWl Huuck down by fl)rehead ; lI&ult, .nd !.fon.rd with being drun~ ,:nd a French ball; a the Ri~ht, ud, under lICrllltio,., have biurcbe 18 ho:a<U wever, ,, Imse on y. beftaD to tremble and relent. d ~y brOWB,I'Yt'8 wh ich io repo8ll iOl'apILbJe. It _ma ~at on reo8lvln g party of ~trnfgleQl8urro BoJorE peJ'llOn amused himll8lf a few . unded tbem, tiel. tlbo"n the strength of Bepubll' canillm, _limed Were you ,.ith her during that villi t on Jlrobllbly by a cousin tbe!.r fortnigb t'a pay the two chIldreo nightl .unce, by placing of hie, who hu tbe i!enMtlon is very inten"", notwhh - butwhic th e pure hlue of the heaveos, went theatu& d lmap A OCUOUB romanoe hAl Ju.t come to t.o your hU8band 'soffioe oft h any "on ~motion , a .. . Mic;\ spree" dfPpene he, to Galllllhiela, of. man, standing upon 1&8 bead. DO \lie d to black, AlwaV8 been his foe." st.aodlll~ Ihe report that Uooapar t1at lI.lce an ocean nf changin g thought light in Oanada, with • girlud 1400,000 .. Yea. every momeot,~' .id the loyal where, after I!p8nd iog IIOme ti me In a lOp of a "gatalt , in Brookly n. Be at· s; the " Oid tbe women {'_pe Y"lIIlid the red- had al18hlt.ed the Left in to make it IIlllcien tl:r epicy. Ao aU- woman. obtainin g a ·vic. per.fec't linc of hi~ iiI • !lCIII}ltured . as It bl' h lUed t tel tacbed wiTH to the limbe, IDd Jerked erOS!! nnrse. pu . Ie- ouse, tdJ6 . 6,. till ,enflelD en' appeare d ill the Londoo tory by ('Iectillg Seoaton for Life. 'l'bPy to vib". teelA'rne l har ~oal'onully, (rom • nel .... bo..-They all looked at the dead womlln jill!" Ye~; and are fllll lIIto the IItreetl for a Uuleouamsepara mony ; his IIquilino ullementy. tbem ~ of anxiety to hear ,.ill dlepute tho validity of Itbe Senato6 Cauda) FrfIf Pr., o.lJering . handllOm e WlIlIOo no they ; wbiled did h ia 110 the rigid moutb relaxed nlld of their .,r88Ctve r bellrd. d ,,,hil'<i .with iDcompar~. a"a,. ( his time pleaKD( .ly wiodow . It being toward dUM, the wi... IWd {riend," lIBid tb rial electiollll by explrin& the Cbambe r. ble grace' reward lor tbe dilclOlu re of ihe .here- ~be t,.o roWII of wolte bis lvmplc gtf5turllll; h18 enougb. Be fim knocked down. little "ere ·oot. tt'Oth became vi~l· docto r. and an atoolab ed cfOwd The mlLjo'nty of the right 11'&11 really di~ maj~lrt:ic Rhilude ; . ble; the I!IIlile r;rew ; his The nu rse laid her b80d on the dead 80Ived by defl'ctio _, tem· girl named Mar,. "Burnn, aged eleven f"quent ly imagioe d that the man . . . aboute of oM lhDnl!b Dufton, • woman mockiog , hut It was it waUlIl'CRtltie and n of the . ~timistll. perod by IIOftU' ; th e statelin yeai'll, draned her .bout the etreat b,. the ltlllwg bls baiAnoe, and • ,mile; genius the! Hubing bulto mlln'~ forehead . . " I triKb he "polioe could have The feeling 11 Inl.eoliAed. by the fact ihat from his oSeer DOW Iohln,..l our )'e&ra of ap. When a band ]OOl:ed bairl ft atur(lj!; hie at it. with eyea which .tarted Ii ved to bear .1... " mid 8he. 'her nOll8 to bleed, aDd flnaif)' tolll a voluntee r t.o clim~ up &be out of elevell life Senaton el4~t.ed bJ the complex ifln retlelOhli pale and delicate other" pretty airl 01 Ofteen It _ml Cb.~ M.il'l from bill head; the i. _Itreat ng the ed )'OUDgtll lt bo,. fell color her. of He an' Deltt pole And and lUI tell he him to COID8 do"n. TIle l!IIid that, tbe d.e ad man .A.embl J' .,.en areIW~blic ..... . PrHIDuMn w~ .1th.., kid~ of i.oduoed, down in a it; .beeldn ti9U6 marble I!ilded by the 1lU1l8 of oen- se~ upon a Utile boy of tW61venamoo fraud hon, .tilhem ark* mil4l!i- tbat llIDile which abe Imew 110 den' th... expoeed . to I_ye her hOlDe 10 a.oada. and, dill· able lor hlti lelf.po. .uon, lhcllab oa Ja bllllly d~ turi~8; an hi beiog, all hit pennJl. put hilh&nc l well-an d luong-b eaned "j)mln thoulh 'with the de- P~ MMk, wbo Imprude ntly Interfere d TIl. Bev Mr. MoAll. a OIIDpI pdou1 ,.0(,_ ftIIult of the elec:'tiOaa. Tbe elsU~d t.b.~, hI chllil'ling that. 011 the cold. pale brow. oa beNlf Qr"Kary . . a b ~1811 Bura", e the knocked blm ebe faioted ' ud fell on ~ Left upec" that in the 'PriDe geDt eeardl -.... ill ieportU ' ber, the ,... .. Are 10u all~e, dt>arma mma r' -.id be, /IQor, will Ore.tq~ did not · d88ign u..t It Iho~ld dowa aad . anemp.t ed t.o l~lIi:.~~:~d; ~v:r~I~~ry;t., oa aD. . . w rellte IUbeeqIMlJU, ..... ,ed. t.o EnJlaDd. Th.lJIDi le changed j obtaill ollce, wblch eaonot hiat. -remlln 'empty. but be filleif'lJi th..iamO '" ~ic ..... I, grew Infinilt'I , WheJl'l li, 'came t.o , beJIMill' the doctor The ehlciIJ MacJllalaoe e &$ ~ie jliDctare fo.n.n *iioM K _DId ... the &al J'rqDIIt' e. ~l1·~)'eir~.:~~j ottf ... !YiDI.ooo,' _~. teDder 1Uld... .-. aJ;Id ~ 1D,01Mb ~ ~ aN ' ud iIle b.h 7!!.t:!d lOUth ...... ,,~holdl WAI D Jll .., _ eqme h __ ld h~"'o i._ m ~ ller Do. eame _ ~e .&at of a Deou>eraUe SU4> ' .--._ ..... . Alit W 0 . . . . JOJlIterjtDIIIly. beeia inll!. I adYenlU reidur- e t ..~. f nion baa heeD • .1........ into Cllllt.od',.. .. , . , UDder. thJI ..... ...... ....... reo _ on GraD'- The Bonne I~_ become ..... 01. lU r&D out ot die v r _ COII!ID.n eJlctabn iDS: u_ . .~ .... .... aft,ellJOGll ,.uil1 a .. ,.~; but " It _ n6........ ..tlOill l • tlUd . , .... t~ te tldlIT. . ....,. ~ mati... "She Li~ I I.ill go room af b.1 four BapllR eburc b_..... ... 1111 &be ~ moml... M WAI for tbe doctor." II No," be, tiiiJUlu, hie iMad. ··it :.'7f! uo.... _ _ _ dort to ~ b.. IMutd 1P DuriDI .. . ... thla U!Deone wllnerl Nmaille d ,.... a miraelp' !. ~: IrinK . lIr. "1~1 dflUlk la the ......... r~ 8aD .. • a • 01 . .. ,..~~; chained, AI be afterward .aid, to lu.pOI\ r. ~:&i,:!. 1'11* Wli 'IMd ~ · d art ... aDd til. ~ thebaad · of obienat ...... l la.... ion; it wall the . . ... ~.~ priaonJD eM_JtG lI lOa, a A GDD &Y tamil, ~ t i l e . .f t.I-Dda GaMI& .. fDmaae II IE m lied to be ilIto lUI be, of 4J\eeD. The fa&bereeeond abarch (Dr. JeArJ'. ) ~iJllj to L..bad olD"" to blred girl for iJDpuda lce. aocI . . ~... .....7. WJao -W 110& ... IIauala 1IICt UP. the 1ODn&eR " . Mkeel fur . . . . . . A . . . . NCIlftd . . uad a a hall 00QDted to. dol II wh~ &beI!t. boy, al&b wbo bad ralId n~ , JIM 1m twel", pouJIda 01 iii. bal- ....." Be ... a u.p, II1II tb8 . , . . . ., Ia. til ........& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bl ....oYer fOr .".. . . . . _ ....... ...... III. 101,01J0 .... til oeUar.
f1~ I
Till! man ThO:: ;:, lately hung (,ewiKbu rg, ArknllllllJl, WM Btl impuden~ a crimina l .. ev r IItepped upon Ib .. iICIIf· rold .. . Tbtl report y that be ncnked a Ipr and "IciMed h is hand Ul th e I,l· di .. j u , borore Awln Ing 011: But whlll were "Iadl .. doi ng at MilCh a Dluin lL!I th.tT
A tpa1d non ifJ, " l ' lIll(~ ma. ~ Wllh I n....u b 11 II . r.. rtu.u~ grdV' N h , IIl)Uf..cl 111\) • • It....I . A uJ H'l..lr.. ~ t.u btl unuf..'4J . ~ be', • ~d.~!''!i;:~~:.!3h~;"'fff",",,
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- -- _ WA R R E N COIllM ON PI,EAS f ATR UI ON"" . - We hn v \ D~vld Oh" IIIl1 c r ~ O '-<lor nf . " Ie N o, 9 ElIlI t a nd l\Q. 10 W<lt cR,'r y moil . the pleasure of n ·c.,rd illg, thi s ~~lrllJ ~· bbft.tt·.s I " 8. in P, rl i, i,, " . ., " II A Il "~~' IId ~' I'.' OF A"" hcl ' bM1d le r r l'll. :'ill 4'.1·1"4 . No . I , ~, 7 nd 10 r U II d Kil y. All olbe. wee k', t III! m (lr r .l~' l c \) I' 011l'edteC IUt;u \ _' . 1 L _T<. IIAL d .. \ly. ~l,ce ,, 1. . u ",l ~y • . ' , ' " " '1 1' l ' '--' I II I'","U·UII·.· ,.1' "" or.l ·r or M I · d"l y i •• • I lnlll " g Ol'S, t,, :u-"fr~ m •.';'I" ... ; rL ·""I L" lIIe ... . c'''d . I 0. 0, tI \I N Po ' . rlek e l Agent. OI ,J Zell. wI', Al i Emil y Mc UoJl alll , of Il e/l r ~ " 'I\IIn..r ft 'r . "u • .•'. I·IIil l'" AII ·'IU.... 'II 'ho l (:E· a (H; T ILE . F.x. ~· t . Til happy ' vt'nt t o k I 0. II ,t1i'J fl\ Q , ,. p rl1 n iec • • ill W "Y"" T " "'J\~hil'. W"'·I·"d·tlu ll I ~tail ~ ftr I:: . 1. "lid XOrlh olM'o lI t 740 a Xl'll ia. ~"} ~ Y' ~\ t y •. h i.•, lin f till bridc' I Th., IVI'lI·h dWII '1'11" ",1"'''" Flinn .' .it,,: m •• :In I fb r W e t ~ ud "1",,1h .... 6 .:10 I" ... . I? Iace ut t I1 ' ,I10111 1 J. ... . A . L . FA il R, 1'. ~f. flU !' nt:l nt 6t u cluek Thu Nua,v i I! e.l ill ~ il!h~r.' . '" ,.•.." f!H: I ,,",1 udj"i ll illg"ltW '/ Ily. (III/Im'!/ '2:!, .'Ln. 1 71i, I ~ Z2 ev lIing, Jall u ar \' G I Si ll tit . n e \'. , lIw l \l wl! .0' ( " I'\," I!. '! I", 1')" 0" O""I,';no I.,·h •• ·r" th ,· 1.1)11" "I' r 1tJ1I1 ,I (I 'c1 Q'k r ~I .I rIl ' . J'" ' . . :oI tt \ ' , tll)· ·.·uX II f' l l'S~ ,1110 I~ a \' ury b" tlu tith l AT T In: t--I U N u . ' TlJ ~ 1-1~' "'aid ~1.I Y" thu ,'olI l "dn.,t · d t· l:I'i II('t! 1; 1 " ~ I ... '" C'" I..tuwton ot ns p~ r. ) t l' tUl'lIl1f1 g 111111 dt'''ir 'll,l~ 11)" utilll lUlU " l'll 'o fl f rf'~ i.· E,r.& t IlUt . t.' ... \\ll : o.,U II II(\ til t he ( I)d lt\, il l "61" tit nlur ria;.;(\C' ''' rC' tn ony. 111L" 1','" \ Villlw cdr lf·.lat- .u h\l·~lIiJl. Fur , \\· tt i'rlnlllHl~l l lh·lJIII ItW. tlml d -cliliI'U lh ~. --Mr. J ohn Sitlcs is 1,\ jury man The . oc a ' illn w .. ot O\" J'). thit l" ' l'"rll ' ulll" II<I"r:'~'.. .. ., , 11'.. 11., .. ". t,,·,,·il ~ a t Lebllnon. I t Id b d . d ' . "'I .1 .\ " , 1'. 1, ~. 01.1); :1. H ,r,. . 1' ",1 'I·IIAt'T-II.·ir", I" '" Qt" "'. Ii" " n. Q) . t IU Co u 'e l.' Ire t UI' n WUt ~ p , n ,~1I1'td n , F ln r ifl H' '1'. :- I, 5. I.!! ( \\ ,· I, . t 'le .\t i.lIn i Hh it r . " o . - Mr. Willi e Whit arn v d hom e d ing. A bont cvcnty.tive g uC" t..! or ~. 1". "Fl AT!\};iol. Wn)"""',;i II,., I '''' IO "i " " "'" , ..... i .. ll ,. :'i OI·I I! . Io:,,", .... IIet ..d on Sntn rd ny. . t.! I d " r . ,i.1 > e, i II . It ,"I ,,",11 n.. ,h.,,,,·c ' oI' I! PI" ,.."" '" IVltnc se t i C cel'(' nWlly :l lI pnl'ti . 1\.li~ E, .t lill. III -,i, 1 ,0"li"" '" I .,11' ,'. ;\l ll :I " ' " - !h. G ord n J. Wright hns ' ci pateLlill tlt e tes tiv it ' ll ud thl ting l . J1..~II' d",i"<I" ,I", lI. i,),II, " ' III 11'" ",, -ill ... lli d l o "k I ' I ~ 11 d I .. ~~ "=' -lo'>.;._ ~':J Pr.w ld "l (111 11l'ko , lh 'ttl o\\hh ~. i\lilllll ·.i,. O CIl be Q .In th 8 01·t Y th O '~ w e. , W I!C I U UW. t ,0 1I 1l 1,UIl 01 tw .) AlIl'll r! i". j",l d )I.,l n t ho u. lll c .. igIlNl ' . . H1~ 25' \\'. I ." chn;,,: I ,. II.' \\i , ' . " . _ -Mr. W. H. HOIghw.IL.Y was 1n I vrug hetut s 1U Hy men <l bo n d~ . nre r"'1I\, or. ~ to e.tl i ,,"11 ." tll e "l' Ilt ""{I\'; ' ' " rl' l'ik . !\ . W '. \1, rlt 11 11 ':' II". " ~ tbo city duri ng tho J obnson jam· All-. a nd MI'A , Rugt.' 1 llI·rivl·d ",,<I "lIl'pr,n~," ",I," ,mve Ihe.i~ IIl1lp" lit III ~' Wilh ~ II" III 111,,1,,· N .• 10' \I . " I ,.''; '. It t 1 ' I ·k F .1 lIe laSt .1 111) . " r V h"t"b" n"tllt.d tb .. l . "l,l tholl 'e II iLil ,';,1 " U' II I i c"; r-j ' :1." IV 1:")1) rIl ·b ll l'C • e TO II () C u t 00 r l( ny. p r o· 11 01('" will h~ " ue " " !\lu,,,I,,,' n ut ./"n ll>l ry elli. ills to " ' OIlC ill ."ill tllrll\l.I", S ."ll. E ,.t I Q) - Mi. s McO won of Le b~n on, c cded to 1118 I' '~idtln ce o l" ..'lr. nu tl 17. l 1'. '1'. D OD::;uN. CUI'II " r of !!:,lis "" ,, , d . Ih uhC& WiLh • • 1,1 ~ . . C.' . .u l'llell , wht'l'o a !mlllp·. ~!yn ~.~'.n.~ 1 2-, _1tj70 \\ ,lid'. lin ' ... . 10 .11l' I::. -lij-.~...tlh "i ll ' 1.1 1" . l' S VI'SI't'I' ng bor g l'lu.mother, Mary Ml's. W "' d k . -., ~ - 8h.U\ ~ lu th o N' 0 "11, Ih lO 0 1 lid s~~ h.1t; t h &lIPI' Taylor, tll OIl S t11111!T JI1l1 er W1l8 )Jal'tu '. 011 ot VICE'S _ I ,.i~h tho 8ec ~iQD l i n . S. ~4P :lil' K 2 ; 911 Q) M W Andrew Arnan of Day· by . the bndal party Bud th el r as· . ch 111. ,10 ' he 1·I.e~ vI I"..gillning . conl.u i ll iug e"o-IIoa: Vl'iitiD hie' parents se mbled relatives I\nd friends., Flower aDd , . Vegetable Seeds" ' 110 ~o .e1'\l8 of land, mQ"e IIr. lo08 : tbe Oa"lI' ..... ~ t.h· -- 1U\7U g . We tender our congratulatloDi'" th.lIeH ;p....a_OM. ,I '. • : ~::gci::!t~:;:iS:~dbYIJ~ '!:I~ :t!'~ ~ 1D 18 P ace. \0 the bride and Kt'OOIn, _i,bing plant.e&..b)o • •Ut_ '~~~-'- ~ r • lcoo".fed h'y deed to Aal"Otl Oh"DdI.r. -Freddie, eon ' of llrt. Anna them all ,..,...ibJe 30'.. and .. fo .... \he ult Ie, _"t1fu , ...~~~ { '. ~. • '} S.odl<o T . . dlr-8.JDg 'plrl. of I.h - SOOI"~ ' ... ·l'd hae red' from ee~'8 ' rJ ., ab! A. "PrI..--o.talogDe Hot frie to all • •t q ....... r 01 S..-don l)t. '1'. 3. a 5. be .... "'" ' . reoove a w of the cares and tl'Oubloe or lifo aa' ..bo enolote tlae·poelap-aloent starnI" \,weeo tho NI.m, I Rf\'er1l: Ueg'!lntug· .t the aeV~r6 ~ck~. may be. , -8o .. Lb K"§l rorDn of .a.d 9 ClIUD. and fun· U W• B • v D-l1ard of Iowa VlO.... laing ll,OIlC8 lhe I.onnd"rvlinc , -.111.18. a " • • • . .... . . f , . ""0wi!.h W• 16 7""South . . M M Obituary • ,.b,·",o 1' . ' " 7 4 p"les to the Son&\! is vi.iting her motber, rI. ary • Flower & Vegetable GardeD We al COrD e r or •• id "iourh - Ea. 1 'I u•• ler ; Taylor in this place '1 -..: thence w; Lh Lh,· 1I'0>!. bvuDdarl' Iina IlIeN Or " . ". Died, near BhUlChQst\'r , Father i.the m""tbooutiluIWOl'k ofth e kind in ~ N' ~40 W 5!13.i . 10 )pnl~. t"R· 81Il1'<; Lhellce -Friends Acbllles Plrgll ' and Sutt,'D, in his 69tb ypar. the world. It OI, I" i" . n I\. ly 1.;0 P"It'·. . pU M, lI d with the fir~t 1I11r. .' . "70 E . 167 " &ther L~t1"'h attended tho 'G oll eral J b S" Butte,n hnu drpd . of fi ll e il1 11ot .... t iUII • . ",,,I (" " r po" ·~ 1o II "V'IIe ill Ih,· ~:II - t bnUIIU" ., l ine o f b Sd • 11 Imt liO:1\ Il r ol1lo Pll~tc8 o f F l ow nr~. I t'' ll uti(u l h ' I t he :,,(~uiQn ; th en ", wi c.h l'i aid li lle~.' ;0 K Meetin on atur ay . in Mel'eor Co., l~a., o n th p 2 th u f dl'Uw n "lid lIolor d r....m ""tUrt'. p,.;c~ 11',; . A. !,9 :Hi I Ud pu". 10 Ih· 1,1 "",. o f 1"'f!' ;lIIill!t. -tars. M..l'I'is, a ludy of about May 1807' moved to Deerfi eld . ""u tll III p")ler uu vur.; 6,j 00 1L1. bo' lIId in c" " , " i"illl( 6 1 ,krO, " I 1" ," 1. no",,· .11' 1 •• , 0 ' 0 clcS'1 Ult \·1111.11 I Iha tlH. III O ",'i ng n \.IIH: t It' 1)Hlli o: I U I' 1l1 t utlll 80 yc:ara,. f rom Leb all on, Wl LS buried W' nrren 0 ., . , at tl vt'ry earl y age. ' . "ire "nit! nn,1 C" III" ' \·" " I,\" dc, .1 I.. A "1'1 11' in Miami Cem ete ry on MO~ldi\Y. N ot I '"~ aft r , tlte fumi l), r('m(l v d ()l>A I h" " dl r • .1."11,, ... (.,. .\ .i'. 1 :1.;. n Olcm C' 1I ts 18 reeov· t o H lI:ml'}ton COll n t y, nC'Ul' L(' Vl' 1lUll I. 'j 'h " ~' r I ~1"\ '. 1 r . ~ T lIt nll T n ... . 1- 'BI i ll~ pHrt oj ti le ~01ll h · ,• -I ,.Mr. lie ury b • '\· C". I '1" " " ' " ",' " ,', n I ' . '1'. .'1. It .', . I" . k f I I I t.! \ . 1M ,<" .11111 It " lII. rI:U' y . ""r",,1. · . , " • CI'1U . from a severe attac . 0 W l e r ll t I CY r !lie e \l nti 1 5: 1• ", Ir L' 1I fl npl ... illtl " lrlll{'(l . lin 10')nl";lI i" ""II1,' II'I"" '" Lw" II ' I.~ ~l i:I,,1i H i" ,,·, . I.. g illni ,,;: "' a inflamUlution of t h tO Ill~ch aut.! tI ,ey moved to th l: ftl1'l1l oCL'llpieu "' .I "r~' ll'r. II ' I ;-r;P"o w i'll t l ", RI" I n '"11 I.. • pIon" cu .... et til .le · ." 0 Jane •. a nd II,nni lll-' - :.3.) I l· lI t l'l ll . ,·lI r . tl')j.· Ii ,· . . ' :\ 11. I h r nlo N .~jo Yl . ~l p l "H " i' h ~ n i tl .t u nl ·.. • by d eceased a t t l 10' t'IlIle 0 f' I)I' ~ fI' r;~"I -lIul bO\\' e I I3 l I ' I I ' UltfL to H sLOlu' corlwr I " t ;l'" r "'," C"" " "" ' Y, o r ri d J 'u Kt ; "~U I.l • • \ 1 ,11'(1«1.8 '\ ~ A ' I d - Mr~, Ba rth'l 00, of Frochol,j, t:!a! I. , ".' '''1 (('' " u 'n , R."h,.'.r. :\'. " . \ '\ ". I ~, net r. " ' u..... trco " in,·h., :0; . :ill" W I ' li"k • . " 1- at hel' Sut ton \Jlld DO ' h l'u t ll e l' _ ••- _. - " - - - - - . - - I l lie;;"" .I I i .II·II • • " :in o 1-:. l-I ,i nl..; III.",·. N J 'IS a g UllSt of Mrs. R ichltrd ' ne ., . The Rev, Mr. LedYllrd, uf'1II.i s fathe r, J 0 "" c~ ll t~on , WlIS UII(,I . ",iLl! :Jlliti CI"llIn lt r'tili ll~ "" J 1(1' \<, hi h 111 Hlli I,III • • J .. " """e ~'" II . r I.••·lid L! ." ""' 11 , . " • I, IId l I~ i"cho , ,.; .; I; ;~II .ill l, •. 1111 •• Ii I MOllnt Aubnrn. W8 a gucs t 0 11I'l l se\'c lI SIlIIM . fiv e v i \\'1' 0111 \\',m: " ll' t i~ t lO illi !!t~' rs F!\th ~ I I ' I.'I. cr utt(," • .l.I' c.e· ... .."t'.' E ."" 1 I ,".I _; L"·II,·. ". " 7 I w M..... lI"·lues Ilist W ednC9(l lIY. ' rt' i ~lu
tOl'k tho l:.t
" t'
G ud corned beef ut A.L. Farr'i. . Dill you Wl' lIl' vtt: January 1 ?
. __
0 111' la r~c
E, I
l.lO u ttlo u . Du r uott. w i fe of JUlin tiuUl O . - - 1 .'1' A1.1.. l 'UJ(lll£ •_ _ Burnett, .,.... be hc .. rd , &ho will "Pl'ly fur 1m I ,.- I urder ' hMt plU't iliun m.y be m. de of ...Jd U Ca ll and xa min o our !(tll.lllcl, to r we think we can suit you uut 1 r oal ......to. ·... d thllot the d.o wer of Harth,, · in quality and p rico. And"",.,II. widow or Wllh.m H . AndlraoD. "'atoh~ , Olock, and J lJtCel,'y .No atly Rllpa{:"t.d: le.tely d~. lIl'y be _ i, ned th orein, lUI" ORISPI N & BRO. and that 8uob other proceedinp _ , 1M had' ~.. in the premises ... are ..uthorned· by I.... ~~~~~~I!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!Ie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LOUISA O. BURNETT. tjT-. ~ ~ ~
. rmy B Ian k ets!
r • • .t
p . Il ••
,ICI 15 • . • .
~\ IH llIUl "di l l1 ~U·tit ..
.._..... ....... 9.0j I.IA
rll rth.· llt·ir "rJ.'.'"Flnrl'r . •I. ,·.·.,.,.1
CO' 0DS:::.~ ;:~I~~'~::~;;:d~~'.~·~·"~:~~:!'·::i::,",!~fl:,I:,i:::id "1: " 111
......-.e..........._ ........... .1h.ol. . .11 B~PN!'. It,ll A • • • t No .
___ :11:- - JlII.. I:1 l1ll,l" lIuding tt)
~ l l l 'n t ~qu trl', lfJ
11Id t ill. in 1·1 11'11 'I "'1'\ \I" , III II,crl ... · "d· .bl;··1j III th i I . \\ II o t , ', 1 1'·~ \i.1/J, .. I't! l.. t
~} uLj)
Bracelets, Buttons, - Rings, Pins,
IIf \\~I"I1 ~'t- ..
1" \\1l
J ......... "r 1:-\ ij ·r -__.'-1!J r.1 :u .. ~
\I III~. (IiUli \ j, 1 \\ .Ir n II 11Il11 "'11f,' ll ( '-'Li'l. l Ul l I...,UIlJ, ~ l .I tIU ~h ~ J iLA .t ;L"" (•• 1t••" ~ I to...
t ,jO WIl . n ftl ' r -ll'e
H aYI' 11 hill' d i~ plll \' or ,L ADlES' W AT B ES & OHAINS, (i \<: ~rl'l . I': ~ IE~· ' \\' " T(,ll E' N UA1N , ' ILVElt
IWti,';4 t h tt ., l'(""U nat " fll " flit I iCft iu, t tht'Dl lit' t(u(,l lll\ 111 .f IIIU!1r . ..\ IJ l ~;t i . io --~...... t I '" \..1""'-' If I l""m m 1 U 1 1,. h WI IIHU lUll f n r .. fhl~ n1 uul, Ilf \\ .,r,-II u r i "'. ,ttl ti C 11th., InL IJII".• t: ~ Hll rlll'1, _\th' "t .IllIIllhlll U . I lint{ h \\ h. ·r. III .hl· "' ,Ihl 1.. 1111" " t: nUl"l it" ,1 "' 11111 11 1", I' ,rt ltllil l II i III r.,ll'JwillL:" rt, ...
la.blObll: ~ ... t& Iorr 11 ....1_,1
in d .....' _ i .. the
t l. e- O.. - - . - I.
I" ;, ','
the _?Itl
'R f LAI' . .1
a. 1-. ..4 .,.. 1,ltt88,
" ,
D8Iv.I-De• ;0 .,
W. . . . . .
Jan 16 at 2 I
IV .I Ui"t [ 'l
.t tw
1·: 21 ) ol e... t ·\ u :- I UII (I t it l ' l1' C with . \ II I IIU Ohll ",lI r r ·8I i" .:'. . I" III' \1'. r.; 'e I" I.·.V. tl ,,' pill e" o. II, t:i " " i "~ """ ' " i" ill e III IICI08 o f InJld. 111 11 10 01' 1., .. 1": l h,· Ii I ril e hi in g- II I r !eCI . hyll"vi tl M OI " ~o,,,o l"\ 1\ ," 1 ,dt'll _" Id " ,"I I; b/ I; t il .\ lI rOll Uh ', ,,""' r, Ap r il
them ere they .Go! ~0I,l\\' ~'1
~ ru .. . ' ,'.. t 8 auJ H e,d ~sLn to 1,:1)L I.eoll rI '!!u hl r h ' np pl'U i8e,I ~. "01l " " .: Fi l's'!l " ,c,·iil<.t! L""el ll l Lhe 8UUl "I ~45 I"' r nCrt'; ";" cII"d , rll et il L $ ,;tI
WA\ 1m
SPOUTING AND I{OOFDlG f'n· r.~·tldtl ~t. l l~ in ,-, ur li nn oono Ii~.t,. ,1". 'tyl". l'ulll~ (111<1 ....'e <lur
-[lon. S. S . Baines is h8Vill!,: JIHIll,d th ~chn rch at' !lve ryenl'l y .It lB ' ~ A W n rn .. " , ·t l, . hltildlng form orl y oecapil'" ag ... , lind l or OV ~I' II. Ilulf c b ulul'Y he ~:~ · !I>"."h 1l1,, 1.. r. d G ddt tl tI S .. by G. Barger cn ti rely r e1l1odell·d 8 tH'VI! o. \) " O ~I ylHI ea.l'Des y. n,A,VTrQ N r.lHIQ M-",l put in nice ol'(ier for Mr" li e nover /01'1 !L1l. llItS t~l1t WI ns knn~\'" ~t\\ I) ' tf ' I v'" ... ~ ' , " ,', ~ e, .ure U" bcrt L'ngle s n e W bll in ess. I tu w.nver or Icsl ta 0 .111 t 10. SCI'V I.CO A re "O W " 'cen il'I' ,II, II ' t".oI l ~ I,)ck lOr I . ." ' " J:j f h M t D 1 1 t 11 M S m I Everley arl'ived ' o I!I [ us .er. Ul'lllg 118 liS I • , ~ r. n t ' N j i neSB hi t! sllflilri n~ . we re cxtl't:tn ; ..., II llomtld from d' hoores owned' Ii~"s' po-'" yet throng h it all he COlls.ol cd him· Satur ay an as resum I I',' . h h "'I d . 4 ;£111 t lilit er, -tt bel'i d F k Y & M'8Sildine's se ~ Wit t e ~ esse promise Ve lvet and Bruuel" l lD , S ~D I nW un e I d to ......,. Sam vouchsafed the Christian: .,opnt~l'I!. e are g a '""" Jlarder tl.e cWV>l>g tl e b 'ghte 'Tbe the Imported direcl ly (rom Englandi ....,
to buy 81.0'08, ' bu t como to our old ""d 1'0li able 8tt.n.1 ..... h ere we J'CCOmmeDd uotllIng but what we know to be fIOOII" W.. arl! coudbw Uy 1I.ldll)3 to our alrHdy bitJ 810<'11,. \I' ~ kee p .. . 'lwrp look... u t for 1lDYt h I" " · ... tV in t b. n. "rk" t. "lid (Ito oAreful to inh"fI(h ll'''' ill t'l ur trftde only .. to.. c~ tl".t wil l be 8' ·,lIIom i ua.1 in 'uol. s nd do tho beat wurk . lNth ill "nu killJ!' 'Ill d heatlllil.
... " ..... ' -
•• 1••1 'Da,JOII . .oa"OlDai.Duif '111. Don't go a ...y
• •
I) ( G [ ' r'
proTed Oookin" aDd U ..U. 8~... for ooal ..lid wood.
SATun D y
With Sliding OVen Doors.
" Contl'nental" Cook.Stove, " I~" ,J Llill Je O I'~11 D II"r.
.U i l L_ _ _ _____
~ 0 \ SI .,. 1~~ I Y II " ll ul; ll l!, /""0
n~'n'.=~~....' o. a .
lr. '- ':- ~ . ,
m -.... Vjl -
. ~.ir
' _ .
ll ....~<l "I"h . R L.d Flog' WII}',, ~"ville I e 'u - ad $flO sttention FI !' . ntire hol e .be to'tlrnl. bing · ""h ·.I led og 111m or 141./10 C · auw:os FOa WEDD'-GS 0' p.rcel. . . .ppralaed. In! Old.. ~ucb &&" bM~ aDd lookiDg 80 well. croWD.' 1 r Three· P~lI' . ' Th~ 0 ... ..1 ."')0"" pnduce AND PARTIES,. .' . ObarlieRhoa4les attended }I'oneral service8 bl Re•• John ftl(JJ'Q7,ru, . • '1 v~.' . e e ,on folluwing tcr. ., 10 .h: . ;~.~dio, O.f bis ~rother, Me- Biscy. Text, 'I have fooghtagood • Ym6'~an', dc., The .' Red FloD' ! 1 J"'i~IMl~tt'i:~~IJ~OII~y~~e-~i~ VJl ·af~TI itOft. I C~E·onC~R · JaE_keit M Rbo.dee in Pomt Pleasant 6ght.' . Cf th.l'est m.Da/.owrc. Tb R d e remalninr one-thIrd in Il' aBIDl A ' as LOW as A·ti e sale; Pr1C88 Ya., recentl y. The event • • • e FIB" e ! '.. to day at b" IQWI, U
po r ae n '; Thi"d trnd , 65 pt!r ' Ile fl ' ; :!d aad
A mOr/cllD
moat half,.· The bride was WAYNBBVlLLJI NATIONAl. BAliK ~ .Mise Olive ' 8'018800, eisWr of Mrs . . / ELECTION, January 1~, 1876:
F. Rboades, , S. S. Haino8, Pr':BldeDt. . -Mrs Patience K ennck, aged , S. W. Rogers, Vlee Presldeot. . Sll ft·erJIIg · tirom Il para D'Irecto rs: S" S • H aIDes, . J oe I '{3 years,' IB " 1ycic stroke with w Idcb she was I t V1I08, E . A. Brown, B. ~ ..sto,
I neig-hhorh"ml .
one 7-. e.Dd the yean frl)ll1 day 0' the de'emtd ' p.ymeD'" beer [n"'.... t hom the of fe'!'IId be 800ured by 1Il0rtpp OIl tb. m be eold (or letII 41.." Ithan two·tbiM8 of the .ppl'llillOd value. . WM. H . 'HARLAN. of• WArreD . 01110. S IlTII w.Shariff Dllo"·I( .Altrorns1Oount, .
R d FI
e ".
, ...
.., . l prS':;dl!4l;r::t~ee .. ~
I ...
I' P IT .. Wi d P eoora r WI1ng lng.. JllIt n ow Dord 11'9 r s, .!ic"p. .. llO c8 HtilclI ~e1"pors v· . ed from t be tt\riol'lc~ dI rect. .
__ _ _ _
~CBR~~~'~I~S'~T~IA ~~!."N '~'~A~~T~~W -
_ ._
Dr-"J M 1\0 ••
U «I
; . . . . . , M \be .~aeBted to meet ?n 8aturdax eve-
f tile red ali,
o'e1oek Sat-
:O~ !~~6:B.ab'l~~bt~b~e olub-
_Sti •• I_If1lD_ &ent.l.~ .fIIg: c:"....:.;\a:t~.. ·~.~~:tJ~ ~:-m~~·M~
An e.-eoJdien and ..ilon are - ,
10 - .
e11.£'M tllk:
, "anapr of BBANOH 0"10£. 111
E. B. PRINTZ. .,
¥cF"I-cf.~'i;~ ATI. 0 , ' W.~'iIle. July 14, li7~, • 0
0IUIh or -
-:__ i'!''i=i,liir III
tre.de~lor &1lD~ ~
bb':aIr ' 8
Staple ...d FaDC, Gr~ om... for tho JI.nDfaotureUld .8ale af IF The hiIr_~K...W hI.,....w... .
D about te n days Her S. W. Uogers, A. P. Q'Neall, Pier and Mantel MIRRORS ! I. THEE .......... .. peO..RItK·· . . . -.ight \ s gon e , aud sho 18 almost om 0 11 Gao se. . A oholee B8" nrl mrnl on h. nd ann m"de 10 I entircly helples, ~idll losing ' - • o rde r. AIAII . lnrgr . med lnm n nd . mal!· DtlDDtAAMlA,D:I1A 'ost 0' the power of speech. ' . All IRSt we~k the w e Rth e r con· .i 7., <1 LII" ki ,,~ nI " •••·•. ' 1 T. De WUt Talmage. Editor. M~~~·u~tI!!.- ~~~ - - ...~.- ---' Itlllucd snlubrlOns; hilt Sundny FLOOR &: TABLE OIL·CLOTHS, ,.., ~ ~ "'l .. lolls. I llillut a stl· ft' wI' nd and heavy rllill .. 1~ 1-' . Til., BI!8T RIIII...... Pnper P .. IoI .....d. n ..,.... '" A I! 'v ld~h s nll rl nl! g r ll 'I ~". __ -ended i n tl rupid desce nt lit' the lOe r · O(JR 1'A l i.V O OOD " 11\Ir.TalllJugo·s Sermon each week - The Rt. R ev Tho . A. Juggar cm y uutil Monday morning fOllod . I - the uewJy.~lectcd Bi8h ~JP?f tho ' u s. with n pretty fair Ilrticle o f' Atlk ind8. ~~; ~~~'~:~\li:r~~~~'."'lai ll . mnde ulla......... f~ODW'~.\VORK. uthern Dloccse .of Olno,. !s ~x . WJlJ tel'..weather. . iW l1\1fIDli\!Ti/7.RlrtiIDWiI Inl1·\\ w ffit.'ID .1llItn\ . BIt .. ~. J pected t make Ins first VlIlltatl\)lI . :, - • ... ~ 'I L[\\a'<:lLUl \II i.t'l.~ ~~ IIl.alllllLalLIIJ, I ~t 'at. Mury's hurch in t hi s pl1\C6 Ihumall Kcurick hilS made I n To rrio; . Dnm ll. lt . ""t;~s "nd Crol01lllo8 FOB 8ALE BY I cnti llcd ont;\uDdayevollingo 'xt, Jannary, arrall gc m o~tI! w i th the 4mcriCUll "t 8h or~ uultcc . • eervice bo~inllilJ l7 at half· ~~ws CO.lJJr"lly.•..~o thatJle can fnr. WIN DOW C . 0 R N 10 E S, 1St"', ... I d I ' ill \I I ~ flY ItEV . W. M, IIAKIm, pa Ut 7 o'elock. II a re cordially , DIS I perl o l'yll B an -newspapers u s R ~ p.c. . 1t1. ~tn\' On o or Ih e mllel. pop" l ... of Am 'r l all n lory i~vit~ . . carly auu oil as fd.vorablc ter1U8 as neadquarters . ror BLANKETS t 'If'. ~h ~~ ~.unt , Wrltera, nuthor or 'A .New Tl mo lh y' nnd ' 1 ti at tho !lny news agcneY '1II the tnte. Go Hod o mlorlJl, our ow n ' mak ... MI\\lr MOl, . ' Mo •• J::van. ; ", III be comm n"rd in ' 'i'U'l b e gc~era ,whee IO~ t' to the news stand at the Hammell ¥il\u w8 and Bol. ,o, s on hlLnd and ",ado l1 Uk ' aTl ,. " AT W O"It ,' 00 J)cco,u be r la,. 1 • Ortbod Friends c urc I COD loues H to t tu ord~r. OOUOII I, .,1111" a lld urn prc pl1 rcd to oft'c r ' tll unabated interest. Meetings ouse go your papers. . .pm" .. O" . h,,, • • ·! ,,I)I. Liuana, M ore L iberal ' Terms to Agents .' ' W I d I • • . N . pkln. Doylle. LID.... ..., ~WI aftli[) I ' bold ill the forenoon aD eveD- . Bargains in oversb.oee Arotioe, Drape;• • &.,., i ~porkld ' . ~ ~~t!!.-ei!!> . W'T" . l eL 81n nllRIToaf. blR' of ~ day. d!..:!wber -llu&looe.dwd Olot~iqg.. S~turday D UJ",.3 t ~~t d I . P' :::~ ~~: g:~~~:!!:r.' ot -!If paper IIr lIook V U ' .lill lev" " are aftenloOn, at the 11gB of the red .,.... " - CI 10 ua II r,", . " . ..,...,........" ..." .... A ...A" ~OI, aDd the work ~ ftag. , .... Ord_lor Uphol • ..., IIIItl Oupel- 'AND DIiAL:" III .4JJL JDJIDe 01' .ftlCT1.T Ilf .......u"-. liWY ~ ooGtinae lOme time. ' ••• worlt: e __ted by *iIIed ."rlt, . ' ' Por IbU pattlelllan• .&I.... .
' tak
& c..ko I",d th o . urro undillif l,ooial I. given
l ill
nI __ I __ VlllV&IIU& Or Any oth er city in the ODion .
M.u' u.fIl"to~ 1l1l1cl1ld~ o f
.Inily I" r
de8crilll'd tl'l.ot8 loge ther al. 1> r II CI'O; aDd the prewil" 81 a .. at por '\lie; aDd .. 111 he " whol. III , mallDer •• to lbe "'08\ mOlle".lIDd th.
Tho undor 8lgn od: respcotfully call the "m ntlon ot the public to the thoy hl\ve of.,'mod to new shop. £to duore Sou~h of TorVX • lJl'OOery . wb_ lhey uro p~ red 1.0 "",nu/acture
8!. '""t. ,
Mt ?l, Wom.en
Spooi,,} attention gi"en to
w o ~k
dono In tho batt m .... ner. IIIJd
~ali li ru r,Ll uu g unrllo tcNl .
A. J.
1'le... o call Oll.
W nYII OIIville. Doc. .
all iJI .qQI of CJIIr I rMd... . at I the Dut place, • artha' ... He'-d ult ii, IOweti llMl. not aJ· waw. Now, uta tbe D6I' in ~-. wh .... we dieeo" red &bi., you mn t
tirpicul ture, 10 &be geaera&iODll uf man may be gradua lly redeem ed from the re- , earrenc e or theee moD.te... from II JI'II.. ....- ., "'''1 .... .... p.o....... aM,"" . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . year to year to CW'M the earth with ' . . . . IoP-'J ..... wl Dot inqaire , fur w c:annot very .ell their pteeenCle II. pabll wlu'" atJd inftuen ce. ~ II I\re ..adu \0 . , tlI h .. th • .d._,... ril~' . ... j " - . . II woaTli. c1o.O .. " rT''- wb... ab ........ed. .nd a\l. lIII'" tell .that witl.uut. OOtrayifll. lOore Bnppoec nino-te nth8 of all , III 1M ....... theM! ~ lIl'tl. No , 10. \ban wo an~ to. Dut of tiN8 Ion I a1llo'lul and monlltr ~,:!:,,!'~O~~I~"tJ~"'~'t: ti~!1 II.J~~pJl(oae<l \0 lh oall derHectioD~ , ~ Olnaio.aati-lAot.. II 00 a m and til JIo 7 1i0 P m nmy bo ccrt.aiO" it i alllHl/fflWl.iflM from • ouPp"'rt. .. m.k~ uurtlmit1.ihg r frn .... to ole- "Ill l.sHaroon rightou u IlCA18 have their ~~ R Io;·" .... nd- m,·. 111.115 • III. 1011 1/° I' 'n filet. lh ,II I n II" lite r. .,. LastJ)" , arthll.' lik tUolas. rve. ,W 1 origi .1 n in wrL>ng rolution betw\!en 'Ih "wrll. . In tll" I an I' ll ·_(l,b m 1\ ,a ~lIud iJt IOd of 1I.~ · r to. u. &l'dy II.. t m I ~ 7 I' OJ N' I . N"I\' \ ·1... IL,rh· ",111 with ut " 'll <rot to 1'l20a In 11 221'''' . t, fur. Vllr' • OW tltlB in its!' f, c\ollfl n t pnr II ~, ·o~ ... tUrIn::: 110m clrv"I.Uu lI D,,..,I, ,.o r i!uI,r'JI 'er hubi ,.",. uIIJ'!! Ilia "tlr ~ noI , un. 11,,1 " " .. 'h.. 'tlul be n,n 1.:1, I' ", 1:l2S 00 ID p I" V much ' but wh II ',MartllU ' ahu ' , Ib!~ u! lloe Ie .[\1. ,oun~ . ,,'tl',hl I" co"r IlIul.!wll fl . .... Ih ... 'In., b'T. th" Kf)\uln , ,ul\,e I.'rt· ,,1 rlit tit· :$.1.; lill pHI Ih. 411n,ul ~! ·· In .. ,J. o\ . .." ••• d. ...te. ~ I ~ . • u m " ' II Il" d u\l'U ~r·~t, allll ('OlU " 'IlItll 0 t' tl I l' tl I .rt'" i. n'" ¥ P' ""1lI I It) '" ." uho ~ I in 1,1 II' ,I", clont"'!' }s, ... WIII> IIr' ~ IU ~ UIIC ~ "r" "I II, ~ r ,'r""~ ,,,' h.od. 1<1 0 • " . " 'Or!. nh'c .;;:': ~ .~~ )lID I -, -. ~(jl,l;. -.. • ~) ." ,'un I he Ilv, t. ffieo \\ itll UJ III 'I ~". all .. uil ty of tl.t·lI1. A uJ iI, U I UW'II rOlllt, \rlh .. f , hi' '1ll Ut ( . 1" ,,10 r Kl u ~ 11,1 "IL ' CH W , ani" uou -pro .. ,'. l·:tnllt) t '"';,~... ,I" ' ,,1" ,ri,I"-,,.. .... ,... ~ .;;; - ~=-t.. \~ ~ I >-:> Ohlcoj:".Krrh. · !1')lIpm t'-x;:. 7.:~llllIl l I'\.'rh rli lllJll1v/l t, itlAo('u ,U~ \,. · lr\.' tuo \\ 11 h., I" " II'" " 01 ",nllY yP r.' ""r~ri~m " B)' c'lm~"ut ~ D\l f~tH.nti on. ll.u-rro\' I h. , .. ,", i l II,i , I'ul ,' . n, III t)'l)lIgly i lllpr\.'~ 'd ull th\! f ! IUH1 ~'~l!~Jttl""lutl'.ttinu flrud ~tt' ... " ,,,I,~ ,, ~ .. , ,n . \, ..... \ 'fa ttl" ~ id Ill'e thut \)(IlIrs dir~ c'" OU tl. o lIIiud" (Jf th i ' 'cllorllt hJII t lun rllll" rlh, L.~III , .f"r th~\ ,' r l ~1C; ,",1' uf~"v . n.n" "" .11 ,. whllt - i I ~ .. whi . tll_ . .. , ,i I ~0. 1. i'i.' 0. 3 ·nc. The 0 IIr nil th l o. iti\' th II ·t i tl)/)I',d t.-]llH. lillgahl ' I""',or u ,,, ' ·.~II),,, ,. him . 01 Cblt"a~o-1.""ve , '. ,r l O lI,1 .1 1,···lu lv,t ~ !lO p ItI .1.' '" 0;: ,_" I ~" -. r, " I ,1 - . nit ~ 5 .~ I '~' I II S SI ,I U"' IOII " I.'l'ult " I. I"dl , r',w),"''''' ' J, f' ,~.~~~:. 'J I I'.,· P0,· C ' " n '·olnl-. trh 11) /1', P III HI fllC'IH in the ca~ , th' t wc ':1II r~llcl~ , I ~')o ' ." P 'T. 1 " mon : .)lt' c ben II I Il'thlll'" h • i 1.lll'ul i~l~ 'l', , 1'I't, ·/ 1\' i· ~ .= ~ ~h\l .. h ,~l. ~ill ',I IV '. Lo~." _I O'I,Ar'iv6 1. -I lIuUl u,;. l1l" t,~ ~ ';J" t t .. ) · ,. f _' I ' I r 1 1 t 'i h 11 51'm ulltufc( \11 ('til rear SUInI' Il Hpl · It · , HII ' .r"·n~'1 ' ~ thj"" ",v·t "f .!rUII '·II.lu.in'ty. rur ttl p \. ,,.lh .~:;~ c.~n~',~,~um~~·i»n. K"k"Uln whIch '::Q ' I lila III :-,~ ·'·I~)J," ~,~;:.l""" ....'~ : ~Ilo · " . ~ t AIIIII'I'''U .Ii.• ni.'o urlh',' I' tlIt:"le. hllll b lUll 1I 1I )n,t·, ~.~J 111 • '')~) CIO U . " nr. 1 .rl'llln. lI C)) alle·~ on t'l h Sit t! \) • , ;; ~ 0: ,,~ I ;: ,l h"' " • or. M "; U "".I Ie ~ .. ,," IOI,,,I.' JH . n ft ",1 g",~d I I , .: i ". : .! .9 i;.S I ~ C'O"t:/ \\ ~, :;,~)I,,' . ar, 1"0' ., " "'")" I 1<\ )1'. ill tun ,i t \.' Ill. ~il\l'"lar Iho" thl'(JIIlrll wh ll~(' ill~ tl'lI Jl1cnllll 1 ••, ,,1' rl I" New Unroll).', nrl"i\',· 'nt' 1.:_ t' i,e u." r . ~I ·a.~a :. JIl t 'f. \nrt ) 1.1 " ' 1_ t)\""111 11,\ill " ' - l ~,c n t I I ' lu l l r th 'l 'L n"" 1-. .! I 103.l'" .<._ ;:' " ' II , ,'un u _.1 '"., -.. .. = E.§ h 1I,,~. r.(()"'I\ . ",d.. ~ II I " '" .-- __ ~_. "V uu .\ 1 rr'. \1r"c ., 'r.·" I ~ l , II "rk n....lo .. r 1; '011 r. r.:.! l' n1 thut IIcurly nil MUl'tha 8 @hlll> . ~ ~ ... 1 00 1 .. t ll, • • t pill;.!: ' i ty th~'Y UII! brollgl,l i 1,Iv th~' .~;; l I J u 1 ' " "t UI' " vt :u" 'I, '"'' I ·r ,!"tt . ,\1 ,." tl\l'. ~ u,""' III "< Kiehlli v ull , tlrrl \' . . 'hnt .::; oX'::;;;, (.. :::l ~ .! L. Q c.. .:::J r. 5i I\. JIl 't I ., itt! n 35 l' Ul ndV \..lflt nl'l'R li houhJ ha v l U('cul'r," d ut worlJ. . t ,I" \fI , " IlL . 1111 ) ~ ol.lI.d i"tt' I . II,,· [., ,I"':r ,. ,I,.. ,~. " , 1\ ,. I 'I"" ~ •., I': " hi. I, c. II II" I' i"'1 r I,I ~ .• nt! 1 ~ ~ ';'OI'illl",l " ... I< -.=.--:: ~--, • ' . '11' 55 100 '" Y .IO l' 'II tl I ' k ' . II . ..• PI~1 I ;>1" . 1" ' 11 1"lIve" I I hUlfl ud d !l" . With thll f(l· lIl1.... lIutL ""l ,·nl I "IrtC . '1n d' . t "," lit J~' I ,~ iJ l '\ (' OUt ,u rl~ 'It ')ft, E: wcr III lI nt II TI I' \\'1.11 t CI', RIl fIur IUUI Lel'll / - '= • Evpnr l'ellCcd Wo kmen " : No l "Q will Ic",,' ' 11 k .. ' 0 d"ill' All ~l' "tIl'lIllllly J . IIAl .wo I .\lIh ' "'., -: " : 1""': : : " : " : : t A " "" h ,II,d , , i," ,.j ' •...;" ,.:, i" t, ' I '"~ l{l'i\ WI . "la,'" vcry lIIi ld, ,u,t! X l.!1l' r l'al"d d: ' 1. I I I, ,'mll" 'II" ,h· I'ur':" ""."". t. 1I11 .1 '" I I )I:' "·"r llot. ":"'Illir Olh,·rll·i ll"I.,i!'. '·\l'C" ,,",I,LV ' ~:!. .... 11 ch 'n);.. il~ ~ ....; WI Khollltl ... ·'·llIilllv kl'£' IJ l\ .. h'II'I ) \\'lI~ II l1t I,\oolt h' t~1 .. ,.r!, , 'Irtl. '":( II ,,,·.,\Iv ..... "".1 II, ",''" ,d,' t",l,r ,,.>ill01 ,"I" (1111." Il'I'IIUI ill t: hanll·t.: l', i · ~ ;ft~·.:; I: .. c" p"ulIl klf,li • • .~g~ft 1: "-' . ", W. L 11'1 Itl t: N.l: . 1·. k T A . "'u L 1(I"k·, •• t"'I '~:~·,.l >lit f(,l' iL('I', I;~ - hI.! ~('elll~ ~') it \\'tlS 1I'llIul iy "IIlUII ll'I'. - , . J:. t,.ub~::'{o IH,'jt'''I'III~''l ,,",1 tll.lurl. ,1 ". II;'Ii It · II~ "ful u,llllu ll 4: "r 11111 uh\ \~ " pun n W .\L II \I t:LL. 0 M . 1·,)IUIIILu.. Y. I :! " -. '.. ~ .Q s: Judd' J , IIILL . 'up', AI U CII ,II'Lil h,rO,\ . lt . lIt ' ·, Log'''"l'n". 1",1. J .• ikt' thut II ' i~hl){Ol' lI llud. 1I1"'.·tlll."' .... t i'"pul,.. "u ll.ll ufuIlY I''' . C lebr h on for the Ceote ~-- - =i 8 U'TI\'Ull ill .l·uanon nnia.l UII 8 - ....---------..,p~----'!. I 'frut!tillg tlmt till', I' ~ cl ati (JlIs New .. r ~ d 0:; :5 Y 1.......1 " .. II.,·!i·l\l u t .""11(' YOUI'·tl lll ul'uiu!r.lllletHUVl.!l'al ~ .. I ~ I. :" . .... -: II,.l'. car. : L .l • Lon',, . ? l ' P J')I E I M Mar\' y:lJllrg . -,. "'lo\"lh"n .~Uuun, !"'· I'I)' t '11l•. ,ti!c'!i'" II )""", .."I,lltn w y"I Ufllle, I ..oJ ~:-, II m~y r Rtoru many .n blokon fr ioll" Imen ':~n'yln Q. ~ r'" "" ".J!J . . . . l a . l;( .\1 ,'. \~III. Mvnl\lI·t "II lb. I•• un " n w rf''Ilting u.. 'JI"«I t 11-,, " f'fItnf(if'O, 1 1 :i I :;';;~~~~l~~!!. , ~~ ~ ,0 m "ll l .lhO l lty; ct. Iii \\"let ,l ul\ ("ll1nt r\~ . 1I ~1I 1' nnd r(' ·c~ tllbh Ii trust UII <ll'Il-C Il bed fr(JJ 1l 111 >1 uuly 1\.t'<J ll" I O qU.It.m.~'·"'llu , rnntlIL)I 1;, 1" ·t IIIIlClll1 I " le · -ht,p, 1 whel' t Q iOIl. ,r. ' ':; t-~'''': ,.~ tho ;·.t.:~i'i R"'I"ir .. <i.{~~ "IITing '·~ 'hi I i '" All I III 11 ga "I ~ lt(" llr owu in mallY 1.('11 1'1 8, especia lly umuug 10 IIlll I, II I'ew dlr ril.v ft In h. 1)<" '1'1" 1"'..... ~ _ ..... ,~ aJ I \ 'ILI'''' ,te,i.;., fL .. ,1 . ,,1,..., II \rilh new m Rll hinorv, llPW hn ilJiliK 11 0 th III lI ,c ut ro, ,be 1". r befuro, - i• ou I\ndlt m v.r UlU.U \~ o hove A(HU'll t o'. fliv,' lut MOllduy lIight~ a lit! tlt~ rOf)f 01' the IlllJlulc I' rt! e I en U· Mit I It;, w I"'Y' rill' btrH t 1' ' 'IIlS Lr.. ho LtUI,. van .wo'r. vn of our cOlUmu · be n tcrribl): manglou hy bl!i IIg T E U ~l . . 'f.Wil liOll' IlIV·m tl lwllddl slocate tlnitv, we uu cnbc ~ E ~ "" "h II tu tU,luUlCr.. oursclv c8opeli lycang htbyl1 18 eoat. and tlrag~ed~ I w~ rOl",i"o Mn.t. fll '" "mn ",·. . In "h,,""l • f .. ~ >l Q, : : : ; ; _I:.." Aui"o 1D the ray. liu O fpfouUllo o" t"ntl)" 1 .... lId. ""u. and o.bove·boal'd, Jtt.or8.oflh&h"I'I'I" .... ... lI iuhl h~ ~ i ,'gl c "\ "'" into tile machin ery and whir ed ~ Il guud 'lOll tinn 1J.edg 'C". 00 r oarri ~oo c ~ '-'? ~ ~ into tho f"mlli . whore it I'ivo uul'iu~ "O ::i1.. I 'tI~ -Last week was strictly obsorv.. ' $1 7b , . 'h . d 11 000 ASWN.lL . 7& Z I . "'~. h .... rouu d t1'11 h I d T e WILSi , , PIC1' " near [JRE. y e&troyed. -~ " 1 flIl e.lvb BRAC eel as a week of prayer by UIO Kh' 111 00 1 .,~t1'00'. AU'II'IO 'll'I' tol'Coure .. tu,-,,~n, "eVIl>l . . 1'w ' uty " idoo 1 ~~ ~ He .... thlL~lII1j ~ died ,»)'ment .eo of hi8 willllllud wound8 III tb"iraul abollt rtiorIp' 4 ~ u .. " : ~ ~~ alld other \ll'l;\pl"" C111""'Utn,. prov -bu'reb""', of thl'S plaoo.. Btd-" , I t tinn. ""i Mut del"1' "'1O~". '"""'· .. .... 1 d' . ... • . • • oc oc k'1D th e a,,,,,rno m08t lihaMlI r..I1>:'II11'. ~ 'ol ull agen ... I ="~ on, and I ",Ie ,elt'" ,,' S.Q as', s Ollr 8U'--.,·" -- witllJave no po-t.a..... to SWith -Olive r Harvey , of this place, :<i .. nd for 8I'eeitn"n COI'r". aud '''' :10 toll --M' te r • ..... ~ """~ onlat. • a very ~ great Bympu thy for tho ""y . w ' prO I1&Y tbo po_tH"'O t)D ' 0 '" :i.'jj .. ol' t! .. ovorv JIll' AlillNTd paid hill frhlndtl at Wilmin gtoo a ."".1. 7.0 a' ~.. ~ry ptllt-Q ,Q IIf"ilI JI\.clI. 1 .q,: , 10 r . j;r thi1t we mliil. Nutwith.tAn,Ung 'tl:.!l, . berean edfami lyundf Addl'\l.~ rionds ~1\ ot'llut1l . Tid i.o . 't I t r. ~~ ~5~ ; ! k -Poor skating aod no sleighi ng. i8 ruther an al31'ming chapter V ~ VJll AI wee {;; 'I thorO Wlllboll " illoro"8tl in ~bopri\JOOft 0 of ........ FARA N & MoLEAN; A W O' 11 tt d H Lodg<'r. A . ":iIl bo Il0011 by tho followiul(. t.1 - Wbat will be the n~xt BenBU- borrol"ll to be~in tLo New Year , r0- ~ P i·~ (Jl ·fisher,. O;ncin7.dt·,. 0 (Jur rn.tetl re m .. ," Ilnoh ltu ~rot.l: -O' t' d~~ e a~d' :---r OWl\r ' 11,..... I I . . ., ti n No I inferior • goodft imJlOl!Cd ,M . upon anybody. GliB TEHiftlillrOH with and we tervent ly hope it may 1 .. Ct ulle 1~:tenTI"'" u W' . 1n gt lIt:ar A vcr)' U1l\ll ..mrl(in ouly Wlked alld IjUUjfbl- 1 8l1LgI~ cl1l:'ic•. ~ -Ne.v t Fridny night n firs't.cla B pcr not a,,:~ul.'~; F08 ers, ..... j hold i~ur on C>ll'.~~" thiB way to the cnu. LIVE AGEN'rS WANTED! IUrs d ay IIIg l1 • i ... , I "'c,' ~. A full Ht<lck of .. A II $10. whl..,h " . ~ .•,u ,. COP)· c' jo:ht OI'.c.ljI.o , " 't I , . " ;; Ollttl rtuilllU nt will bu Ilivell in tit 1'0 . ,,11 Ot. Oh" 0', n".,il eo : \" In 'n>II1":5 . mong U ... 0111' 1'0.,1;11)(" \'ICl -1her o WU8 U 8 Cllt! parly at t" fr,,~. tl61 U( Iho es ~ne WI! it,lL.) .and. .: UK ,."" ~~ Inr .I~ n r"r R""r lIod,·. In Hell ,'o" n'V '1' - - . I' t I \ I "1'1 In Ihe . huve pretty ~l)ud hClllth IIl1d II ~ co U "Iub "r /J'g-Io t '''P'''', ("It .~"t ot """ lilli> Il m 'ller's II ar FI'l'" o,·t III t AI It 'l;J ., ~ '" ~ . ' U,dlCd . ';! 1I1,·eril.l 8t - ~ " I , UNDERT.. K!NG (. O() )\~ l 18 nn,1 l' ," " ~ ,K. En"'rced bv HlrC I. Ie exercl · , .1 , ' .' L , "I f w,ll I,c ~nlltl L1 t.." ~"Ul'y t ....o. ,r"'\Ifi:,s tl<r, ,h., "1111,. ,' ''''$ , ~.' "o~ WI' II I)" WeJ "III'I"" \1.::(2 JICd I \1··ltll ' " " ~ 9 IIIUS',C ~ ; a if . UJO s ,· ", .0 llcrute ()4R i:: I'";: , Eo 8 hcontaiu. fI,'e, lUI' 0 the 0 . "uI)d . th i. Ill!" _' Zl_~;! '-0: t- .• . :; ;:.-=. ._:: ~' , • lind .theN who g l ILl' .d lll,s, 11\ 1111'''. r~· 211110 htlIlHi'I",loI H' ·cl" .. '"kl . c:. ~ ... ,. i" St,il.IHo II W U8' I~Urijl (I·ItBI)II·C~".~l'I ·"tll"~: lllll'\~" 1~lblll!!lr'C, by . mu . (If th h ~t h mc tnl nt, of this Ii fe . . I I ' :fl U}t I" j'I " " 'CtlIlHd l'Ip uI· lI " e t.U'\' Ii " . til G td)"Wuru• fllu. U l.) ii: ",yo c 6 ~ I Oll ~' g /lilht ::; iS~::: u " : 1 li ~ t t ~ .. ootl!h· . t 11 " ' 0 U ",," .• tHn,l lC"" h.,n.1, "ud c"II , I>r"mplly "t,. ("'pi". ;.'. ~~]() 'N" ""lh"'il'l d Tlo llUll 1 WI pay uny ( IIIe >w.. b e tl Icro. e I I St rillg Dun ' i.,:,~ I.. k, .. (, '( ,iHrul I.""k ""oJ II h " ' (.'01 II 0",. t\it, WIJO·" Itt lHtllll t,: nt.nll 1I11U . . II I 1 I ' " OW I II I( lIalllC III VIII' U. 1~1oIM pi' I' lntl t h .lll on . . Ir . AUlOill8iuIl ~& Ilnd 15 cents. I I " ' ' \\ " InIII11 III lho d' II ~ 1, 1 '" ~ht n It :,_ 3~ .il ", lilt nt' en~r . \ 11 Hl'ulcr 8C t lu\ 10 al' rliglblc to hUll mhk m ~HlIIJC. ' Itt"lIt, IJ f ur m ntH')· .... rI , ,r r '\T1 t,. , ""lit. It - A 80cII\I l';lI't,r . was ~' I \,l'n hy . _ Mr. Dan. U. A ud 'rson . . )1' J I I.· ilff l'tl h.l t.u ult !leI 111 ~ . ~Il lil pl . j 'oA oi o l &. has II lDenti on fvr CUI'I' ·t UlI s \\" e l'~ to 11111 fr r1'l'(1••• \I wtl ll'''lVlllti rI,,· PIOIioJ"Pi!, "I ) ,,, . il. \.011 ,01 ,], Mr. nnll Mrs . .L hll.l'h Antrum Jll~ l I'eli cuf the MUIlIlII Buildol's ro,· I. E " Ju- lv~ tesen rrlI I) V,' QI tllut I"". is by el·iti 1111"\. cal ) { P II" I!81iOliS " O),'" ,I"t in U gnllllm 11.., I" " llr ". Hll ' U,', ri SI"'tllrd"v ~ i"clI . 11'0111< III or, Ih,," 1\lIub' o theJr • ~I . n., = ., = - ~ ~' !!: <III illll L" ,I"o r to all ""'t, .. 1 tilt' ,'.. "10'" "'" "'.' .I,hlt·. . . .e"CII . . IUiY g. . . d iftcn!IJt fl'UII) Itt! thill\Y t, ~ und . tcc Lmell I'. h n ",'" ~ ... ·"m l'riDt SURGE:ON. I '\:"u, · (!'.!.. Ol'l Ill'gmp 1I)' : lI c ... "i (l(.." TJI'(1. 1 ~\7.i . L ' ,44 w,l1ltH I' rtltl Itr 11 '1 -'0 rhut Ilur """ ""I' nl ". Ii: .' '' ' ~ ' ' lUI A'hnr , 'Ii b't:1ul. [:-4:' 3m III ~ lU'g !'hlll'~d ~\y ll':C~l lIgl I ' WIIS fo ulld by lr. II• an'ey U. Li l pill ' -: 3 um.·.· in ?'u,i .",,1 B.,·," n,," ,\ill"'. lSt.rlllg. au I' ltye cutt. ttl' "Va ynl!, ville. nt Fvrt An· > IAw rt rded th e Highes t Medal at ~::'~ :!~:1\ i~~:::",;,;,I',\,;.'.',:,:.',:,~~:':I "'1.! "_~'''I'' A,I' <"> ~ t,lr II IJnrty lit W" rll IIgtUIi. Oil'Ut. BC \'(,1'll1 years ago. It ill ~! ~ Vi c nua. I: , IL l; l' 111', :-'1.1: . 1',,1.1,-Ii. r. ~ flIr. 1}, X .nka .n d oloUn••• /,'S 1'11. L E. () 111 () - Mrs . Ellell 'oll It null her son illchc ill di am cter F inc:lws '"r,,, , I d, ,.. 1\",,,,[ Sl" ". ,10 • . • " . I· ... ' . j 4ill 16 Fl orencc J. ]'1'/1 11\' :~':~:~: =~:,n::: 111 ,J ,\ :\l to:S W. 8 Il.\l:' Villty retul'l\\ (1 hom III t wuek. \), , !" .\111. . t . & H, T. r.ONY th i('kllc>is ; 0i tIH.'I· 's ide hllll llwcd 15 IlId 'fI,lIll WeldJ ",,' & CD .... J 1i111 M Orae"lIOod•. • U tI t MI l Bnll{,h r ll.ll .. \ '.,1' J'"r!', I Oaruuluta rooatved f1'Omaolll tanccwlll beret ' tl UlIll ij Ilr lJ a 1111 Ull t . 'I' _ U '.'" 011 t ll " ~ell tllUI' cq!;O UO~Ia:OP"' ·I· UU· • n-eoorsSD III I Cell I n·. 14 J..,CJr<: ..... I'l'oI(lh'Ob • ....,.W~. ltn D'b.obnrntMl ..... oc kctt " . MAu'ru A. h:av ing II hoI' 1ll!IIIIy .g vf 1111 iuch L3 UlOIHI. M ·Dow (I \1>1> ' ,1",(, "I.. "" II "I,'! I ror .... 01"" &rDO"U'" 10 . 0 Wnte (or Prl .. LUI .. 1776 . N EW Y OR K ~7 1876 tl 11 I'j WM. R. 0 TEASD S U ft 1\' ALE, , 1 I""ufnC: l"nr ...... t ... rlt·.~, ' .... I n.·.,I...... ill ill d illUi tel'. Fl'vllI Ihu cen 14 Ella Buckl 'j' lHJ[j W""ON' Sh'<~t.. CL/iOLN N .. TI. D I Y j.; lU, ll .... uvln·';orJl ll. J Il II. ] 0. t hc uutsi dc to ci lhe l' cdge, torit of 1\\:1 CIl III~l O" .\ ~ FHA.\\ E,', 1 ', ~h" "·lI lon ,"lr. ,I "n,1 <ey, nly.h 1< ,I." '~<'" , .. is 12 L uilla 'V I.!IJ()l1 oil Gil - . - """'- . " . . -- om.,· ilL Ru,i'). '11' · ' · . Iruundl 'll.J.of UII ill ch. It is li ght Z" a1' } t'; II'IIII'" -111 II "PI""lt ,II'I' V " " S Y c"'u""ill l " "". I, I. "I.., L1,1' I"'''' ill ", lo i(,10 I Ho~se, !fn~ln:4I "I(:uPES J\ ' U VI I:,,"S onl's trn y, ~n (0 rl S l~cm ti l;;~·nlt Il II I/' ull · t.~ by tong . colorcJ , v ry 1\I\I'd Ball 11"11 , lIod I",· iti:." \"' 110",,, of III !t'·I"" ('hI . ; utnliv.". oI,. I . O. C. llAMi"r " N. . ' ~" , "11'e 'v"''. w',I I I,e "" I'o" e' "t 11'".1, ',' IIIIU) . "r" '··~ ". ' _ 0. . Ia.:t_:..r ~ ''''1 _:. _"'C::l;.~~©~ _.~ ~':! 1'1' ()ulltilllll>l UI:Xi cly 1111 I WOIlJ CI'IDtlllt. CUll PI' hl\bl.V b 0 SO<"Il at the Blink S ... " E I;' '. ;:.~ " Il JU" I~, 111';;""; ~'1111 II", ,."". 0: Ih,· 1\H,",y .I,i,1I ,II·'v;'\I.).! RACH 1'E R. EBRIG H ""dJu • ~!1 \:, lJ..,;,I'J(, ~. . ,'I., EXOORSJON }'\,& KAN SAS. _ . ne CINC INN r\'J'1, OHIO. Utlltbl IUllgcr ttl r main I1llllll" ,t!d ul Mr.!. 1:I . llllrl'l ill 11 •fow werks. ;I",I ,' ( 11\ , , All lilJ uIof " 1',1·.101 nt "I' th.· UU •. 8p clMors vi th sec lie . IV' huv e " "cnl~ ",.(. "'lie 'n v,, '" :;rou l Piano·Forle ~Ju8lc 'harbe r, Photographic lVI ate r I' a's, inlnr',01 8LI li11;,0 -~ r. Edward . W volm~\l and I(~· meUl~r, an, UImost.rr~ · l'iJ,; Ull $ :! 00 PER Dil Y. nd i'''porl ullcc, • s ; ci,dl-' ,o,e i"" lhe I.:..O U I'ulpcll cd tv npP""1 tlll·ougi. dy, of New.O arltsle, . . , In . d.la . llll, .,.. and Atehlso.n, 'Iopeka .&. S'.lIIta F.e R .R . Inlter; Rn,11111 of Lho,,, 11 ",1 ,·v.or,o·lh'"g. CO li ,. V" .. "ift.£8 WAftOl V. . . . . . .. E,,, ~ ~,J~ 01 M,"ft . I,eol. Tl W 10M U _.. . . YOll. the .mly sonrcu whellce call I~tcly mllrl'l e~l , 'ue "I Itlllg~ " :. I ' nctl<d wilh tb ~m .. ill he IlIlIy aut! "csh lt W"VNa.:~"'LL""O"'G. • e are , ...qll"t\O~ for cv eryoJ\lug ~IaIe trau~ lu I eaves 'e 'OI'O,\ed JnclOua in TU E B tl. Ull. on· 'ii'rllill B ~~.filn fir . come the solutio n of our trtJ.uble s . tlVes: Mrs. Rlchllrd soll. Mrs.Wh uy of I Tho Ol'po~ ition Housc "r R0l'rcsenlntivp.. lre, da.y, Jail Y 1~. P.II ••• rouod tr!p,onl y -- DR. t:r 1j' -n ;:r " Ulk~ " 'I'''--'' ' 8ioce a little more than a 0011'0- Larry Rogera and George StB~&Q iTIC01 l8· A.D &AGI0 ttlkIU~~ UI Ilnc of IOlJulr, op. ned ,'eRr, $n9l)lo\\nb '87. ~ow Ja ~jiilu~ w .iait..J,b e .. ''r1 ago when all Enilian d was a. at Utica. They return, the P~oce, lt matb tt anI) aD.: L:ll.., ·· of . . . ... l rr.c!lig\(rc"lW ~o~~~~n,,:I~:a mtsH~t~ latt 0 finest part of the great. weet, and roused by the letters Belng Monur..cfureNl or Ibo . '1'BIAD-M>l1UmD, Juniua . 110 this week, to their home. . 19'III1"S administration; and .. Ill, It Is to I". . purcba ee • cheap h.o~«: m the Ark- omce atld R~ide n',,/',' TM"d St., ftf~-:"'l!':l':::.\:.j~N~"EaJlI, U A G B II SA.IV .....,. - - ~' - '- - ..... 1i prQblem baa been pl'll8ented to (\ anB88 valley I hoped. la, the ~ho rlOnest fuunda~!o and o (or moat a new -wr, 1,,"1 Jl O L.,· , . i meyer If and wi 0, rod' t' 1I..... ".IkI... V ..TIIHbP T.tlON , "'r perloll In ou, '. . I 'rese(1 ""ople, Buch' a8 now, deup, (forme rly AIisa Jenn ie Eulass) IIIt1on"1 hi. ',01'),. or 1111 ADt'EH'r~.l&fI!I8TIfI lItO.TI(;ON. , ~h " The Son will cHlttAln 50 bIJauei J""l , of P uc Ive portlou ot tbe g obe. complete nnd ftc. r\11.' 11. Vl I " 'II.'SV I.LIE • 13 . II 1.J· V' Aaf tPT WG N'< llIn .tc accounl. : fll rhi.bln!; . I' •• excitjn g, llnd QPllltre ll' y tl'll so lv". 001 c-vi e. n\.1l1lnll , llro VIS II.",ado "wi,h ." n-A l " u . ~ ca1'aB: SOHOOL T.ANTE ttng llN at . FAMIL BaIlon' 'L s HTlIIIN, MOllthl curly ft",hru. ,,, o'1hy ioformu lion UI\(lUtho. ~ your 7u,me neatly j>Mtlte ",ith y Ml\gaz iue for ble, 0pl're~ cs the illhabit antB lIf 0111' tuo home of Ohns. 11. Eulns8, I'EOPLE 'S LANT'JU t N. d on I "b~,bin g lol'io~. litlle town. . . th em, altd Bent to any tJ,dd"e" -Mr. SlInluel Grahlll ll and Esq. Fl~ E'LCh Rl y'o ioeillg Ihe b.8t or iLa "I".. in tho 1 he &wulllrtl .. rd f'rc"lu(·"t.", I ..lecII"",w BOU Fehrua ry.-Th e .F cbruur y nUUlbe r / I • • f , I th t } :J )oatjJ ' . 1 l , ' 0 " • t ,I' ~ O t' m.' · k,' I. • vf thit! IUIlgllzi1l6 is iBsued , allu is IIIIl' ""·I",,,,, r,,,,. roJ r iI . will h. mon' urILI.I. II. • i t I JJOWOI'!! 0 r 1(' orl c 0 11 y hlWU udd ·d nnotbcl' stvry .- ~r.l1 ' , 'upon 1'e 1 11' q, I) C 8. '~. · ,m ". ei r . ' . quul . d"cidill)( "I'" '' G,,,,,I ', ••I'i r"ti .. ,, ~ Ill"" th h,l .'" Cl " d unJ ill pcr"":llll itit!s " """1' slorc. ulld' mudd an auditi ollt toththl1 P' & 0 C A,llIr,· '''.''' ' !! II ~ . ' nl I." ut, t". nn,1 118 ~ I "I ~. 1' 1 111 \\',th of t" gllou m 01' I'"'' c,· .IIId plun,]o,. IInll "liII 'OI)l'V 118 things a~ '1'01'. Ifst- ass 1 nos lil>.~d by . 'J IIl1in:!,' .·1\I1l1·tl. " haH \I' tlt clIll of it, Illukill .... (Illite 'I'HE 1IHA lJl G A7.ET'l'E . rgaDs, .""c ·I"",. lor ~. III:': "cut IOn ""1'110 .,,,,,,, Idreidill): ' ,dill slll,l1 10,· tlo cllllct j,l',IQ " I' the a re o Thcl'o is 1\ ~l'a story , a continu atio ll W"Y II~.ville, Obio. X E N I A 0 HId I I \ uy ,·,01 . , I' ro" " 1 III ' " " ''" ) e ll ~turthllp; h 1.· I\CIIg II 111 '" ,ho m '"0." "n "lv <>f He lol'lll . :l lId,U! t'I"c'il\~ Ihll ( ." n,li· of 1\1. Qlllld's l.l(l r>l nto, Y epeclub lcchllll ge. grout till of 'Th at , l' . I B ' """ d , II " ", I ""t"" c~rIII - t'''lotl,, " tl'·el·nlle d ......~ , " lu " l t\',."d \· . , I .."1II.1I11u r' crO,O,lI'c Iinte. ('''''''e''lIi t IlI'l " g II t II ' Itll'(I111111 V I tl III G a· ng1II 1111\l, II" ." "" ",j'·ct • . II""" cVI'I'al 1I0tnl:'~t i c 0 ' ·\ '". I " sIt , Ut1'I· -AIr. Cal eb Crnlll' hilS huilt him . a"J r lly. un whort'II,1 'RII' 'I'h U~' IIIII"'· lh,· CII ".I ,,,,I ~ J.1I. , crt! mil)' '0 I0,'"... ItI" ,' . W . 0 10,''1; I,t. b stori es 5:11.l of y "itar'r] . , I iug il\tl're~ t , tl lld ze tt. . mV lln · 01 ,· III!.! l.h,,'OH): I' v W'· II "'ot'rI""1 . . _ so Il' MiJi !Ill Icc·house tl illt will bvl d it: . :~~ . I TlII' W,e.ly Hun . which h',. " tI .• i.. ·J Ol thcse ill CO IIII CCtillll with ti l ' ill ll~' N,,\\' In () III' . U \\,11 l·nl.J~(,I ' .' "" W('ok "nlllw" t. k ep CLIvi nllllex t I T] '1.1 ~ 'I ~ • 1 7f' ell""I" t" ", 01 v""r "i"lit, thvu•.,uU C"I'" ",U k tl lU811)1I \I. 11 Y1 U II' v ~. J..J ~ ,. ~, , l ~' -(l > ,~ ::1 trllti(lIlS Illld th e Ilr)Nr_I' , !tot tOI\'I\1' I~ nc~,lUl d IaC"lllg I'. ~ • ,. ,d ' c,,,h III, " it, ,ellllu" i" O' u'" .· t.\lQ "",' 1lIl'I' , ifitgute lJ C ~cl' 81) hot. F ill I I t:'1 1.1 fl .. I I \. I . I " f111l'e t hnt Murthll I",'e.'ss. es. "'l' l' tl'P, 'If " uu ha\'etl 'go to ., :D ' ·.r:; J '~tJr J'L ' rl"] t I I I 71j 1111"'. T. I:' p,·ttor ",' vin\{ I'ctirt'{ifrom Iho rll"· .... un ono G.u ,"" IIIllkin g' lIp II tnll!!IIZill that (';L't c " .. u . ' .... r. ·"" '''·.''It" I t " til" t "H".'"" I· ·' lior""I)II·•. 1I E.J~OI\ " r&O", th u u",lcr~rl l t. '\ . \1. ~,Yi . '1'1;£ n ~ b. excdiL' d ill t.h ill cIl ll llt ry. Wl:.Sl'BRN RURAL I " il l .•" tl., II""""I'o ," ,III,,I,\.,1. Pnl. wonld ul uttt'IIlV I tu CTlt lc lze. V I' l'cC'k for it. ~. ~ .....j ;->....." ~ 1 11"" 1" ,,,, 'i """Llw i ll h,','ouft~· I'""",l.u,, t the bul!ill .~ ' R UI.LA. oven tVIt.CIJIIIIIl~ I • Ilillie ' n I" 11 /.1""""",1, 1\ . \I" " "I , ~ r b lId hl!r prlldll cL'Oll8 l ' o. '1' II ) .\1\ II" "'iI'llt I /Vflt l llll"/ ' i"I II !.H ll il ,/ ' ,~ , ,},I,,· OI'lI lt /. I ,,,IiIT',1 J' "/,,, III), C' II ':lI II~' IV-"1' U,e. ,I,y i hed \. Il llUI\'S '-~ U lil t. ;,,:1 or her tu I(II1IS 1\ n wr ill'l'; LI lid \1' , ' wi 'llIr 111./, 1;"""1 ,,, iI . t'" ~':~:,,"11~',;',II',I,"',·'\~utr,:~r lll)I'~.":. ,, f'l",:ul'~;'r~.""L;:Lsl~rlJllloll VIIJI\g'c. t· .. ", I.· "~", , h,' " J1n wt... y · t., B1I8tOIl, allfi for oille Ilt '11'''" ,m)'II,I. li t l,oI l lrl\c,1 WAY;-.I E::; \ . I ['1.E, 0 II I ( I ' , w"' I " /I, / / . , '17 '1 ", .' i i f 17 , ' /(' ,/I, I alJ th e Il cwsllcul el'ij ill th e CCtlltltJ·\·. , " I""",r "''''"0111. .,hd 00 Iw., f.'. w e Irll ' I. ;,:;" ~~~ i':,I~~', '~~',',::~':~fu 1!':':;:i.;,I,"~ hltvell ()twl'itt (j ntlli~ \I'ilhn ny,, "ch . ,. . uil: clo. ing uut /':'I/l; {'1 II'.. !. i 'l "f t"·,,, oJ I" n cl "' , IIIlo . C ' li . illt lit·, !Jilt ill lh o 11111111' .,f 111111111 11· ll ~ ,;,," J ill. t,u\,,;,. &, D rm' F..litnJ'8 :- Sincl' my In"t, - -·-- ---N01'1(]~. 1'11/:' II'kS'l: ",anll "r. . I \\'I!('LE!SO E ~ 'I . _. __ " lty \V up1 ('ll t ., IH'I' llu Iu lI g 'l' t" 'V " hll\'o h" It II t Iri b Ie vi dit itt\tinn .. ______ ._ MILL NERY GOODS . I I, i• .oOl r "im 10 mllkc lhQ W U"~ ly RIIIIlhe .. ~ " 1 ( oonc~nl hlll· idelltity . .II, t I,e " ",' II1. 11 11' I "0 Il t a l"rl ht r luttil," i n T,ril'O. JEW ELE' S : . (,y lire. U" N·\V Yeu.r's tlvollillg. J:..-."latc of Olr c£l,l ... ,v 1: C.tJv,a ''''''1 ~:l T - CI ' NS I r ill... \\ I.s' II .. Il '\ ltl IL\ 1. j~ U II\\' tllO I m',llt. ,- "h ot '' "C W 'I"Ir'('r f'I,~ hn.. d l CI/ l l t.il Ju\' to J:)"" I II 1\..'l.oIU IUll."i 1l 1111E!1. ;lUlltf' h f Ullliful lla· U tl crt' . , g, 0'111 .Ir 1 11 lWtni""l , llf r h t1 I lI w!'I t" t.ylfU'!," tIl lIut ifill ,It niter 9 v cl 'c k, l'ur nurth I.or 1'1.1' .·.,,"L... ,l j '" '''''''' Ii" ",,,,, '" "'''''"11101 1lI11rlll e · .. 1 J" d '~sI 11 (11 ~ ec 1II , ~ctll,,"C" ria, • de,·ca8£' '" " '\lI Cl. ", ~ . • I\~I, ,, "ell • aol lll'lu.1 '''Lho",'" ."",,,,d I Holidfty \ 11.1 " ".· .'. I, i, 01 ."" I , .. II ,, · , "" .. ,,' ,I,· ' I""i, '. I,,' ••. dallaeru us h IgltB tUWlI(' , I1 )JII'II IC CLI\'- ' IJllrtlWI I' db ' .1" 'rIll) lln r1 IJ r~ if,u l!tl h u Luon Ill'llninft l d and 1'''CI' '-. •, iel".!i· illl, II" ., n. , 'I'rll,I". ",hi"h I..d,o. will OUII "ultlbe 1. ""/1111,01 ., .1 1;,,, . '. , ' i . ,,, .I" .,,",ul ,,. .. ·UUI thoir HI·]C';. Ihtor"6 I lS I,ro I' ·YIIIC I . . N nud ar; l itlu ' t uI.d IlIhHIIL I tl II . II I \\llItil w. "I'll IJY \~.; 1 ·I,,·ddiou curiUllity II1IS 1, 1I rai :;l!d hy th · lWCJ Q b I I '1 ' II. A f mini.t." .ix "f the ~)' l lI t" " I S ',1(:(' 1 " '1 . 1 1) .,,1 11 ,, 1 tl 1 .. lm '10, l lllllJl, 1:1( ' " ' ' ''''' I"1,1,, \\" " , . .. . , leat 0 cult o. VI?: o w I " t 0 Q Hm ue . 0<) ,.: ,, ' ., IL "r '\'" .,I.I,t·" ",' I. " """"·"" ",\(I " I,' , ,I ·,. .1" 1'1;1 1'. ~ G. T.C"d",ullad •• Iutao' WarrcII CUIlIILY. I de puud powerful tOIl OOi' II crarti · cows und 22clllv ' Ill"' , II. E. FErrE R. 1f,\o·."I ... , .·Io ...,uUro:.:"","'" ";, ]".",,131,,. Ii ..", . Tllo t!, \vul'eCo n::;·l1fll , lC(lCnH~I\1. .0 ''I 'l l'lI rlll,clIl ,· . p·, da l . .. ~, ,,r, t ' UI' . Sil;lh ll n d Muill ,,"q,,, . W''')''''"''ill,. , I ' h ''' . tllll'-' . II~I :;. ! ~ h.'~ lll ll d jlt ~~'\.lulIl \'''II - } ~ \'I , dJJJ~I I If .d l l lll l''' . I " ,.:a nn o u t,~ricllll''' cle ; lI11r d ocs ~ IIe rl'lI I·IlIO I I'C Bll d I.!\I. Til r es 0 I th 0 cow g t ' t 187(1. Dutcu tloi. Uth tIay of JILnunry. A. D., it Q Il r ll mi ll~nt. fO I\lIlI·(ICI. T hl - .... . - ___ _ _ __ _ 0 ' 011 INOIN iI: \'1'1 0 1' "15 In ".. ", ,"",, II ... ,.-."" . I· ,tI" o, 01 " 1'•• ,,11 '0118 1\'" AI.·, nlld fcorfnl I'ellllltrl thnt al'e every "Her their r ' pes burned ()fl~ l. , '" , n,"rk, '"1'0''' d III it; '''"Ipl,·tv HII""I "u'l F ... "il,· 11" \\'1"'1'01'. I t. , COI" 'IIf1, ' R"d ~" "rO"(Ilnrl LeVI' L. Cle ~ vel" s Estate, by ll.A.RllJ:ET N. OADWALLADER. .,.,u: " ; Ih,. · ' 6 (of "V, " 1 day sprintti llg .fl'olJJ tho collceal · plungin g Il~Qinst flnd --" .J, . - '\!I,u. ?lOl'nr"II" '<<l "It''Uli,li ' ''' .. tl,,· " '~t pell" C or k'IIll, • breukin~ . K" t,,·o i. horeLy .. ivun. lh.t tho . ILboQri'" ...~ A Ih'ion allam U 1 ,!'!' per. did . tl . t' I.t I'm ... ,;,,! .... IUl' "",] " d"I'~.'L'u" I" 10 nt of her name. 'fI,e \Ve~kly S .. IO . eight pUll'" with lifty. UN 10 ". b" ~1L IIl'rutll le,lllnd fJ lllllillcd 1.' ricn sCali vpon tIe , oor, 10 ' . '1" lelr rlgu WI"'" an uf ,t. rell,I ", ~. Au· U ,. ""ILd II, ~1'LlIL.o url. £_ "11 bruad ""Iumn~. .po more meet in nnion in the sew- agony. A fourth escaped Tb.. I,;,eat 110m" ~por or A'n.!'.... the of f,unili •• th.. 1 :11'0 "lO t ""~ng-. d in rural 1 postqu )lrepllid. i. "'1ly $l.~O .!, yo"r. IU lll i.Lrlltur of the E" "te of Levi ~ I'"01011also, A. this p,ive uarely'rep"YH n.r. lu"" of Wur'OIl Oolln~y, . doeHitKl. d oul1~per ~J;~~~~elerYIl~ilndt~ · .quaok. pur. ott!!. botb \>;1I 8t nDol Ing-circ le, in the stores or upon the but had to be destroy ed 1 West. the COl~ ur the !lUpor, 110 IliiICvU' t "UD bu the lJ"tud lit Lebanon, \.hi_ tiUl .!b1 of ~~~ II h":,~u~d:~or D\t~" \Je~'::IUlI~'r J~~,~: T".-, t!l,lG p.;r Y".r• •_...... . where'e r tlley chance tv mornin " to put ber o. ut 10 8t.-t· of her mllt\v troln tble r, to to olub•• UI:0" 1;", l'olt. oOUlbcr, A.D. IB1I)jo~' D. OLEA D0""" , . \ 1 ,t palfpl .ud lOll CIOO .ore ddtghled 8ubecrl. .. P vn. Four noplra. 011 0 YMf. poMpnlt1 , ttj7:i b .. '. or anyone. • ID,,!,t, the v~~ queetio,n remain s awfnl misery. . ' " , . • M oh; ten 'Llld mc..... lJ"pi"" ,1 ,jl5 01\010, ... ~,' U\R&lO;o, two of the SA~ .ovE~ The! Da11y 8'un •• lurge four·pago new"· _ th-it'ttfl __ m.'1 d to leave a barassi\l~ othen '''''ill dIe. erhapi! _ R '~ ~ 8P4ftG __ LDD _ BJdln 'l iM Hoor..1 premiUlO8 to tJ\OlOIJ wllo IDILI<;, up po'per 01 tweuty-eight columnA, AUcRlier ,",an ..L~ .::..rr • a ,.I: glyes ull , largl'''iilbl-p.sIl,AO'coINII'Q I'''JIII'. I.~dser ,uo<l "'t x-"Utio n may IIp' barn was aleo consum ed, being AN OLn FRlEN II.-We :are OIIlnll olub.... . , t oo the tl a ...... for two .ontll n r- 10 Ie nex uazeno. Sub!!Crlp.i••• OVtrtl"1I'log .I\h charllllug &o.ka. Po. near tho large one to be sam. Sent Ihree mouth •• on tN~I, for 00 OIIDta, tlou~ge prepaid. 35oo~y. cts.. • moulh or to receive the Star Spangl ed Honeat confideD aUy. ,..Iul. Sketoh. Wi!, ~lll"il r .ud }o'un or MII'mpI8 ,C>0PY 1 n· frt'o on reofllP' .~ or I~P for 86. CC8 can DO (mg' ".., - , _M .. ,na_ .~ __ :-:11 • yea\". tlundILY It ed,tiOll oJt~r... ner for Dec .• aDd to learn that \bia glv• • ,,11 lie1\' ReCIp<lI, mUth .... Seorct.. Po".t.'lfe. F~ClCl for oo.t of '71i to Dew. n:,".l1lM1ori;.'bing fUr onr MUIlical Arb, l\lb· 1ll1~10 per year. Wo h"~~ "? trllvellllg' ~r ~ i~te~hangttd booauBEl of vagne ~ward liS from outsid e-etill, ' _Ill &c .• Ito.; baa. Obh~reVl :S Pellartn, 'tit I IWl'lb"r. for 76. U. N . I . f t F . LK'II"8, Oluoago. 11f1lIIta. Addro.... t' l ~ '1 thiB M~gazlDll8. [H1<: R~. pOpU a.r, III '" Medl, &II),'pIlrlntCnl. )l'*ld~ C.... lla,d c 808P1CIOD II chmy presollce, aUd fire soumB to havo evideut IlC na 'OA(' ,aml y 1J beeu The' New York C,~y.:. pllper IB to ente,. etc, lind in I .. Jauuar a pu,'fe ·CI y upon , 11111)' I·IIllcr. friend looks doubtfu lly... UP0l! friend the work 01' badly diapoBod A T TEN T ION persons Its fonl'tee n th yelll' 01' success . and ~?lt:a~~O tci:~~esl:~~~7h BOIIBU G8, It.a Ila, 1\8 \p spolie when the ott.repc ntM dCllinl is liS no firA or lighte had been QV FARMERS AND STOCKME'N.II&. in o~ music as b There are few pupers tlr~t are as I ,,~~ !~~'~~r't':t~~Il!!i:. .~'~t~:!~~;:I.P;.~ heard. about the barn for Beveral days ~ pOl'lllur. The HallQul ' it! f1 large where for tb~nBa :: a:;~u:t S~f Martha Burely does Bot cOlllpre· previon s. It is barely poB8ibl li ....bl. ~'a~mebl8. .N? N dusl, 10\101/ cil\ SRNO I'OR " ~p-;;:;;; ,, l )l'V OF , ' 11 '0) e, a ""'ODe '1 ho uII.lerBigtle.1 hr.:e to Inform 40 COIUIllD . pagE! pllper, \oon~ • . or )lut "I BOW li nd tate t ~.,lt heD d th e d ·Iro,u !C~lI r h'ICut . I • '''l over il.lnstra~. clltch , y. tbl' IlILlolio ,n 1I0,"lIy. ~h"l III, "no crowde d WIth th lreBt 01 S Ie trump may Ilave fired yuu ,I. you ..,ud.•1". grell' ~" I!,· r. I, e.po, "· uointen · tetlding , ILII . 8'lLn~lIor bas rcduccd our socicty , or she tionully . but all spooulMit ~ ""h,,,,, fell,.o,· I,, '·or. " "oJ ,;he; o"o, .. , d " III' ~Io t .\lnrkeL il\ th" . ·tl·I.'ng> . t • "lrl otll"d .{"1 I.ell i. ,V, W . .' IU. 1)'''Vlle>. where b~ will, all d oval) to IU would with a word roli eve U8-a it cau be little Ulore thanione about Peters' Household Melodies l i4'~O~T8r lO~5 w'lh MII'O. "'''''1,0 ,,,,,' ' I er8$t unL4 E.'nbll.h".1 lJoiUI. ku'l' COIlJ·tlCt ,·un.tillJli · )' "n Nos. h .. "" 1 to 13 uo'v • reudy. strnct. A .001We prCI'ILld se el,p",,,"~:' del'r sse d , parp Iexed peop 1e. aI, er" lh,., C' ID,~""".,Y its ~t " r t · 1 .II~ IS ' C,' ' I T .... O,ft . ... d " . , .......... I ec t'Ion 0 f Songs b 11 1...1.1 ..., / ure. Sollie goo d . ges hl\\'e cs· flllllUllS "Rogue s Corner i to be . Or. ..l% IIrlh rll". I'·,It[l'lr y ays, D an k B, ey.,·y hon,,"., .OIlLh'·"1 ,' r lulo·.",..I.... _,",,,.I"~ ,,"" ' ·nl"Altl.. I Now wo do not expect by d,eto tiu18tod tbc l08S atJI1a60ut l ' i. II not EVE 1''''''', R Y """,-II 'D nnd Ilumllr ......... k 1.( ' 7,0 0, etc. PricQ., 50 cents por Ilumbe r, vOlll 'CRI. rd,s",,,· ,,, ,etn ol"" It . I sr, .. EST 'upt up , all d tl)118 every 8Wlnd ''''''col ric or reason to in d lICO M ul'tha to lOostly in Ii ne 8tOC k an d what " ...... Ie... 1. j' I $4 for .1I 8\.:,,&.,1 ill I ~GiI. i t h ". I'''no un quttck nnd hll!U bllg i Bl1re to be or 12 N um""rs I;,r . or. . 1:1 yearo. ILnd i. M ,d L" JOU.lIRIO . throw asidc her incogll ito ; and WIl8 in thc barn, which Wall hllY I,coplo Y.. u Jt ,." C~(i(lll1mll I'"!?,·r. fur,mbl1!g Beef, Veal Mutto ' " itself Peters' Parlor Music n and Pork ' xpo~ ' d III' d b IV"U~ iL .. nd will I",.u ILIiULno tinte . 11'11 ' o,'.ry " ,. Ie mn,'O v" llIlIbl. r ugh~ t Justice. t tcrri bl c stat.e of 0Id. all d not very when we viow tIe u'fo ' rm~tiun on lfOT n o w! l . valuabl e. 13nt Y1'I II d Hl (lUff rOll t ri l'p"rlllU'lI t~ l,r Ag n uultu ro I EVOl~ hVU tiohol d N ucoos s 1 to thi8 13 now paper d A 0 I ELEGA NT CBROM ae Wc b.,v" itn: Ihltll jIll, ,.tlorr thillgs she haR brough t about, with wLtat must bo tbe deptb \v ' .. r. " r Iho kind ,n tha 'he oountry ",Oards : and 1111 willl>" koo)lt .. . I °t:on of E ~y y 'M . o· purl,.d II! .l'J"ndlrl F'6I1C'h ""omu~ ("'''' Ih co ulltry. '~'~u " 1":I, e lid It u. Ul ost plctlsQl u pervcrs.ity o.I' human naturc, wo turpitu de to which "'. mun or moml lt VISItor hon .. ly DQJ1l1r~m rut 11 '0mu~t be percI ' c' •• $eUrncenulllbue~rIC'tu. ?ur sanctllm . ~lId wo~ld not each), .'xu 9"IJ Inal,,·s. 6,11'1)' mounled. qu uloo f,,' ... 14>.-8 Anri v~lua tor tl, k e ' ..."0 celln u> I l'atIIcr enJoy It . hOilAO' C LEA NAN D N 10 E . . , or \lo ud " o"II'er ANI '01 & 61lh ••" I:tlj" slln ,w I10 cuu w"hllg ly part wlthon t It. For SI\C I CI U(! I ty . . . "LI /lool.1 12 Numbo lI .... Jb.! llIrW"tILud nh lcAt oorl'" .f rs fur 4. Bant'o,' But, urgcd by mot, vcs puroly npon hel plcsscom~lt Il wl,ol )". ". ,,1\ fr,' •• f(l r 'l'heso , I~ ula r UUll trll.ut,!t. ) 876 U bl'l aOlmnis, utterly "mploy",1 on an 1:1' t1 B ' ,,,',, g uulnl) c lo'·onlO~. luikLl,I,· lor KUY I,.r II<!lr"'u\( uml p\ll'~r III ' ho. or?".'"ll Ie p~1 1810rll ? er 10 nhi1nnt hropic. we desil' to lay ')0' Doable to defend tbemse illl~y , uu,ler ..n lves 1 11 La Creme Also. de la Creme ~ ner , alvne Illr. U IlIr ' " 50 ,,\ 110,· ~-o,,, i ll m. oR'·ro,d. only 700. a year, 01' t t:.ore Ullr 8U enng. commu "blo· IIlId <"pon on" cri Ed,t .. r",\ .MtlIH'tI"·' FiNE SUGAR-CURED I k N nI y ono ~vel1ge:was tlIe 0 b'~oo t , "Iy A HAMS LAS'l' WORD with choice 01' 50 BllPl\I'b premiu{Qjl rce 08. 1 to 18 npw ready. A 001 · 1\1 i . OILr e"" l1t, y'. . Ile.dcr.rcmcu,uo, IH \II ~ ut.wlo .• p." r.n()oxpcn"· to add Yury, Import allt CllllClu 1011 thut WC OUI·· It upOn Inuocen t and , .• n,. ullin\. t)ullug tbi 6 ItltIl, /{ p,w-IIIM 10 ,tK Vll lu u. at a h' her rice Wo k 'IV s ob· leclion of Difticn lt Piano. Music. Oll l! yenr II" ' ILk.:. .,li"u"l, [,utriotlc d Ig I~ • . 8el ves have rllucll (I in solutio n of joote ¥ Is it not time belplca , wldoOIlR tlIlNTIlI'IIN'''L PHmtIlI'llT. ooiety was whole or by Iho (!1ice. Give m II cn~~. rea eN wou II at once 8i1no our Prico 50 conts per Numoo r or .!O.k · p.p,·r. one ~h"t ia 10' .rIghl • crloo I. ' "cultist Wo . hBlI pOOS.;UI, pOltto.gll plLid. to oyery h f I t I118. vexcd ql1es.t'Ion, an d t IIe !.~. WIlKlDg _ .. _I ' N' JEH U M.ULL IN. , 1I'1'\l1l{l : one th&1 "no B t 8 a.w D ~","Ity, did they know of tbe Mllfita of .no no.,h. 8ul oSC>rlbcrf orl876 n-voryol o....... lundbo"u12 umbers for 84:. ,onlDf i and eVldet,lce that have led that tI,JF(Iup htot~ant .110, " , . 1M 0, W8 ft '; bnopar~, ... a pjllID r ibt",udud tilILI EugrtW!tlg-';izo llJ.x24."inoLo_p~b- Ma",b 17. tl ' pul"~8 of t __._ FOr \I err . .d r, Ilflji~t¥ ...,!........ lidS' sp lendl'd I b p"""r U8 to it. "h\"-' It'18 tloil '--,.10 UQI the foroea of IiI9 and ui8ten ce ... el 10 oell'. tor a lample ,ead.,s 1\1 e:lJlOllng Ih~ "nc~1\ aud, &'&PS' lIS ll.hed ol:p......l,. by uti for a Oenf.eJlnlal I an sure y t 0 C Ilapeilt paper eyer The Baid conclus ion we have r.14COd in ita band8. anel <throug of Prceent to our ...de". h O.p,. , .~'ber ., tho abn •• ;:!,:,:I':'O:~ ::~~o;~!cI~tl.:;. YNo':.v~ ' a&aD 'l'RB TBIIIU ~ oflOr9Ci, ud it 18 eailirel y ·rtllabl e. reached after a ClOlPple&G revie,r of Ita agolley in prope1l iog the : . ~ . " 011 J ' deatiuy All IIhould IlUbIari~. Sealt" 0&1 ... a it 7 are a.' .." •••• 1ritla ... -p~ tbe evidenc e in the 0810 ie tb.:- of the r-- it ia aU 0. timel ,. ..8iq~~1'~~'" (..(~ .. .., 'd, A ....... O RN EY AT t:A de- . . . . lupla , we will r ....C - - 0.1,. ~W. trial 8 moa* ntr ~qJ1 10 ..... 75 aent. _ ... tlib ...£L , certain ,Iii., ~"'I ...W .~~ - f-:~ " ly that· an.na . I.. Dot liar- yeloph '" • ll'- . ,IU . . . ., • • 76 centl a}:;~ ~~.... • 'lDonatera io Ita .... w .. -"' ~I" Im· • ...... &ba: in other w~ Manb" i8 a mida~ I It lucb ,.~. t,... for 15 ..... - • -. v~ 1:1 .. D to.~a.lMIeriMr ..,me to IDe ia high ~ AND ,NOT ARY PUBL i(J. 0CNl-, k ,..... , It.fIG,ItOG;ii1{ .1I1.~. MfWI • iir man. In \be first place, Marth!\ time, aRd that all ahollidi'.rio\al I ~ l'I'naIaa x.--. or ~ y . J. L. you "'ETE wiD &tiaDk R8. .. ..-:.... B.u~ ~ ,. cllnnot lX' a \fOliUm, tur the secret lay &his .object to beart, . 00 1W~ ~ .d thoae an • 848 Brqllllwu11 N. y, it. A~ _... ~ ...._ If, B. ' NI-oee la" OBJOPAJl1lllR, Clewt.Da. .O. w ..nr_nL~."', Baa. .,"
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The A m. rh on mind II aeti o. It bi18 gi ven UI bookl oC fi ctloo Cor th ,eDLlmellUlIlIL, lurned b ob Cor \h e ""holar a lld Ilr ,Cu lo na! .tu l ent, b u ~f'"" /lIwbfor Iht A book for llu poopk lUU I reh.." 10 U II '! teL 01 IIIlI Y ..... IDII'..... ueh a IUIIlJ • " Ibe I hy.leRl mRo , and ~u D h .. 1J~o k TUB PliO
8111,18 &!1I0 1C'.,\L A JlY IHKR
'QI'1 oC wbleh blOll been r Olill Uy laId ou our lab le Th e blgb prof 101\1\1 ttt!.\Un UleDI. of 11M an lJl or- Dr R V PI II Il O~ oC HulT~lo N \ - ,uld tb e Gli- IIJl I 'le derly d by blUi from un f,u enll v Ilrllctl cll woold alou Intiure lor I", >fork " oo rdlal r celltl OD OUI these cu e " o tt h~ wo rlls for "b leb II chums our K lt~ lllt ' 0 1 he AIiUr or I" a mall (if Ihc J?'0plr H e ti' Ul p",lJ lZll8 wltb Lhem '" a ll Lh" r " mICtIOn. en urLI un ll 8\1"111 rue lll li e pereel • .!. th~l r walll-« ):11011.'/ t<19~ oj IM_t., .- Qu,1 lJ. .. " , lI.g th" "II trulb . houll b, mode 00 un lyen.al WI GoJ • ow u 8"" llg hl CroUl h,. fund or ll!arnlog . ,,1 "'perl nce b. hllll prodllecl la work 10 wlml1 btl gl\ •• Ib olU lb. b.. utfl l<! of hl. labon< I n . 1 ho co n ~"I . r8 mon Iu e\ "ry ph I.e of hi xio lell . , from Ibe momeut he ~ m ~'l."'. (ro m a ra. It&t nl4)w to Uthlnlftu tlv e fo r tb e sig ht unol h. grudulllly evoh e th e IU I\ turil y of Uro.e ()"'lkl"IU I p """"" t e ex.r" c or which lurlll. heo . ub) o tt ." e "d encII 01 II
Buuhgh t of II hee rful (I~ce Tbere 18 ,0 m lKtlllcin l; It- th brlgbt eye t he l n clou,led b ruw Lh" <lunny ~1U 11 e- 1I11 t 11 o f that VI hI( It cl we llli withul Who luu 1I0t f~l t Itil Idec tnfllng IIlUuonce 9 Une g la nce II I tb lH fue h I .... UH lit nce lI lI l If Ihe a rm of "e~ plli r oul o f tbe ml~ "" nil I I!blld o w ~, awny jrum tears IUld repulIn ' III to th e beautt ful rellims of hope 0118 h ee rful jj\(!iII III n bou hold Will kOl'p e, c rythlug 'bnght !lnd warm WltllllI Envy halred , Ill llh H' lfishlle , allli II h t of eV il p • 1011~ mlly lurk a rQuul1 th e doo r tbe) mllY V{Il look WIthIn, but thty tll) \ er ('li ter o r abldo loere th e cb ee rful fKce will PILt them a ll to uur lwmor wlt) PrOt.l~edIlH[ upo n tht sh nlllcllu d fltgbt.. It lIlay be a \ e ry pllllll Iheor} t.hrtt. ~ • • ry f,wl fl f lDllId b .. .. pby. , c.a l anl ered eD ! h ClIOf', e hlH bUI Lhe r~ IS IIIllllellllD g In It we feel g u e n 8D "dnu nLll e 1 ho "h~el of forlllu€ . trellUIiO o n .C c Jt~brtt l Ih YNlui ug'Y t\lJd e ho wl1 A lxl u t tn" YC lr~ !ll{ll t " o In dtRnIlJl(lh~ " e OIUl no L xp rl'>tI aud ILs chee ry _III I' th e bcn r l u ~K o ( th e rtf, ld \hUll cfl:tobln h f'd l!( lid" t he bl u()u dan IIlg Lbro ugh our upnn lIIdI vhhu,l Clllll lllercllll lIll1rl L. tl r.,,, fI p, ,,t,, II II aud 80(,lal w eHurt! Th o Vf lllli for vely JOY \\ e tum toward Ibe \ lIth o r bell ~vt. ,ntb S,lell rer thnt tLl " Igt hE' CJlj1ltRl prl 1Al at tho LoUls\l 1I1' L illra ry Lottery one 8cqulrtn l!; $ 7 '>00 Roil SUIl und JIlt "''' rlll Ilnd ge nllll Influe nce o r ooll b ea.Jlh nOli it.• aceomptlD 71 n ~ blJth ""I,m ar n hlrge r "Ierueola of h"I'I"oe.< 8LhBO tb e o ther $t) 000 'l Qle $7 1)(10 [lII\Il Ilt refreshe s And 8Lrellglb rn our fllulLlng any otber ch ogo wh lu e. r th e leact " g bow once bought fl ll Inte N' ~ t III thl' ~ rllCe ry ~ plrt L! Ab I til e r" IS 1\ wurld of magIc t o m Ullt-Iun Ih e m.M R t ~lll'b l u g thH.t Yi e ld*, houl!8 by whIch he WII S em plOYI'd III tb e 111 tbe plalll c htl' rful fnce ' I t charms 1I ~ In n o oth er whate nr. li nd accordUl gly has wlt b II. spell of elerDl t y li ne! \\ WI 1Iid SlIm e tlUIC kE'epln hIS form .. r poaltlon Mrod u<c 1 RO • • t8 hll ve dl., " "IOU II I lhe hl~ !'x pen enc and en pI till rrllfi 1:lnjr au nOL e:x chll.lIg it £or 1111 tho :!Cull!' benu m~lb o d. by "h cit ,.. ~ to Iy I....·crv. th e In ty that ve r grn c~d th e ("lfl'. t form legrlty un of II e " Y5 CCID and ofom e. I revfot lIl Cf!'fU!e of $3 0\)0 or M 000 pe r a nnum ('nrlh lL m ,IY bo I \ I'ry II Ltle fnco-on e th eo U8e\ nf,hsen e Do ulelltic.: Tbl ~ W 8lI not I no u¥b ho", ,, vllr t<> !!\Itl sfy Relu .. :l i-=s that \\ e lI eKtl e " l'"n o liJ ur clr ~'W J1repa ~ or slO g ro.ll o I u~u "flU "flect&-f o rw 1\ bl Ilmbltto ll and ID two or three 1ll01ltb ~ .... he bdlan8 pf l'Iewr(\l lndlalld. pro to m H l leep n~ut In ren ture our nt a rmH th e " With ork Th a low e h'Kl'Dl C S LY ilL he foun el tt u p,' dlcnt to 8('11 OILt tu bl ~ trealroe Dt (r I und ug of the In c k .. au llQ Red lndl8.n JAke was Oll e~ the h Ol\d partne... , who gladly paid blm 17600 ' IIr lulhlby bnl Il I 8u('h a br gbl cbeery pOrHtOl . ubJ~'''~Qd r"'ceJ,v t!1 "lteuuou COlD quarterl l of the ll bolljl;lDlI l ludlt1ll8 oj hi" lntere t In 8tX llluutbH he reached fa:e I The ac lml llatloul1 of aJoyo us epmt m8u'Ura te \Vllh Ill! Imp rltlD C~ N Ollrly All Ne~foundland H ere thev retired before bls bottom dollar and _In _reb of a Are Rubmg from evf.'ry rentur(' A ud diu.. I ' ' " wbl ub lIe.h .. heir " a ni d ~ ib" gnoll o( tb e ' pille f"ccR,' and macl sltoatio n For a time he Will elJll'lQ),ed wbut a po WEl l I ~ bM ov r th e bOil hold, .crlb.d) their 'fll'l/lom o aod CI1DI..... ~It theu ftwlt.&v Ci Rere Will! fougbt tbe" ell 'hen! lo gether In !.cnder plain ..... and proper duw""ll" lreatmo' " lUll: about a tlcke~ IICtlIpant,; office, and lI1ler blndlns Wa~rloo, ~ elgllty or a hundred blldo.VI gel ted To ....cll>r o~ate Ihe mao)' fllvon boo wan! tra ~ ded for three wholl!8llle b01llle8 lIeilOl lUld love aDd sympath y may darken I\roulld us, but IIOlJlehow .&Owed upon him lIy a,BueCOUI public. tb e yeal'll ago, W1th ibe Mi ml\ClI f Nova nevel: retainin g a poiIltlon longer Every than now and then, for th_ four a thiS flC\) eve r slimes bet,,~o bll book at a price ('100) IItOe Seotia The JIOor BoeOtlll kd WE're utsnd the .Ulhur oll'en month BU!lnetlll men g ibe con of pubhoall oo Oar read Ulrly routed, and meo, womE-tl, Ilnd hundred yeRn and more, I!Omo ono has thing borderll lg ou eyed b 1m WI th I!Ome- sbUlIllg 18 Jj() bngbt that tbe shadowft exeeedio en SuspICIo CllO obLaln n IlDd thl. practlCIII and ~alaable brought he could to Jtght the propbec y IUId lIIem cblldren were elough tAlred rut hle Iy no lODger get work H e found plenty of can uot rem ll ln aod Ilently th o) creep worlr. by ad<lrel8log tlt e author For a tIme tb ey hngered about t be o ry of MOlher Shipton As event follow l time for dfloka aWRY wtn th dark curnnrs unul the betweeu meal ~ Ih ougb cheerful tncl II gooe. It may be a shore of the lilke but mtbe r delltb over event III llIechao lcal progretll!, ber dog and nt last, overcom VaGKTU< K i. compo ...d of root., b ..lc.. e by bls ml sfo rtun e8 wrlDkl took the IMt Boeothl ck hNe o r th e ge rel ve \'l!ell fall 111110 apt that thor must aod drtnk he ed tllCt blU. IS all the donrer ~Jr 00'" h rbl Jt 15 ve,y VI ' R""~ 10 lake de te remnan t pM!ied 0 \ er to Lnbrlldo r The needs be quoted ODe of the predIcti on! mo rtal career, and rmlued 10 end hl8 th fl.t an d non e tm Ie$! brtgbt W e hll enr" ohlld hke. It. V~ge tioe- By 1111 use tnbe Ie uow extlDct. Th irt y yellrll n~o, thereof -" FIre and water !lball wonderH W88 try 109 10 buy a Illgb t or two ago hll g r nellr It " tid g8W tenderly upou II you" III pr •• rnt man" oC Ib e dlacau8 pre llI urpllIne or Rr!!CIllC Mr W B Cormac k vISited th e lake wlLlt do"-h81 1 come to pa'JII time Ilnd aglllll at IICveml drug H e~\en blo thuhap pyfacel v ~ "'ng 10 ~b e "!lrlllg ""d summer l euoo sto res fllB efforts In "nlhllY, We mu st k e~ p It with U8 l1li lung a8 we the view of opemng fri endly COOl m UIll ThlB Mother blpton was one tbatwou Jd Lbls dlr~('tl6n B R.>ql!'M"s CocoAL NB-la Ihe " e re u n"uccetll! tul for the lin, for home ('Alton WIth tb em , b\lt h e fo und on ly the have takeo hJgh rank &II a medIUm to OUI drng clerks heartle!! WIll 10lle much of Itil oheop •• 1 hair dr...los 10 tbe worldbeat and llly turned dny. a d eaf In ea r bel'll, the fifteeDth century ebe meldon ng l'I'mal ns of tbelr Wigwams, wit n &bat face IS gone to bls pathetic II P£1cal8 fur an Rgen t to b rlghtn 8(, R5'''' Iii 1 1"\1 .... 0"'0 "" I ur 8 u. W tcn To" r .,.0 nnd th Ir places of IlCpultur e N o ODe Will! ~ald to ba ve been begotten II ke the help hIm aerms 5nn lIlne. the River StyX Wlzan! RIllI M AIIPa .Ka I ILLI'-TIJCMl ft df'lf:" ed l, e.h' bral ~4 '''tt.l Merlm, of the ph8niM m of .... po\10 IllS demlRe vIsIted the spilt SlDce, till ~lr "Murray Did popula.r m ed lduu h ..~. fllff'(J tr' .. nyo lutio n ID Ihll you blls CVI not r notice yet been what anDou or a IIOme dilleren rced al'nal t nemon under \.bllt gUlse It rxploret l It 011 hi S lal.e ell pedltl QIl H e pect eVfrytl IDg weal'll in the suo lune hRUn, art "ud IIfOTt-d 11 ~ fAlI"cr o( " "erIl1 max IB prlll!umE'd Lbat he hili! deCided I I i1@ did not suoceed lD findIn g a lilngle m e and II beaullfu l orphan YorkBbl re gltr take the s lower but wbic h bate for m.o)' r~ r. nbs t" cled ~h e pro. Irom whRt It doea In the 8badow ? And 1m. equally c rtRlo oll.med pLth Agatba. She blld the weird r U I of wodlu .1 Mt!lt DC.~ Tbe r.. 11oG aU I'P(HII Uoll Iba. morlnl of tbe raoo The Ir b aunts I,ro did to you th e otber ve r think IIho re what H e lin hllB analogy only loooly to Vu n' Ub ptiOD t. loourabl e glrlbood that the cbdd of BhRme hne rred ph)'II r:II"" no,. overgro wn With Ihl Ic bru hwood titer e WIIS between shorten the Interval (roru \ . 't iD, 10 And rlln fIlJI_ fo r tba' ll h,uM aJld the wooden platforul on wh Ich th It 18 opt t o bave, aVOided or persecu~ by accelera te hl8 speed s bet'll ceu drtnk A to cloudle811 skill aod tbe sunshino 01 tbe loud paUfl.:wpl t. a mte~d with It r~o o c: 1I .(' em • ., lvt:. and the llcllleve Iuolhlo e 1 118 those that uc~ who .hould hove beeu her ma", dead were 181d have long IU llce rott~d d ~ .tb wU hOt I makl u& an t ffoft to ttCA pe rrO D\ • tiny qlllckrr gleams Into the darkene d cbambe r" of dtooom wll lf h thtl ' nppbftttl to be I •• V( Id. bl t JI , . away The BlieS of thc-\t wi g" allis cnn , "be was cllflsten ed U rsuln b., tbe abbot the Tbe humau $6 000 I!<l mlln ul' who How \VII brtp;ht S ftl llOlUI aDd h of O" I'm 1 rond I OWe Vur lb. t Coa.rNmptl • 00.. t.. CIf ,.ed bean Baverly , and grew up 110 eccentrI c In !!Ome InstallCO!!, be dl:!C6rnoo lbe ployee of tue llnllle firm took bi B\\Iod fall II ful lire the ~Iden beamll that break .nd ,hal h ~ bte;,. cured In fl YefY rrt!Kc. numtH-r 01 chIef pec uliari t y was \.bllt a trench four IlIld uontl LLlrnlly shrewd thAt by and by aDd weut to tbrougb tb e rtvell clouds to light up the e AIei ( Iorue of th e , appare llLlJ' dHPf',"tl\ OUd . by feet deep, W8ll Invartab l y du g ro lo d the tl:m Iradillon ill Lhotte 8upentltl ()US daVll, In the Iuw berK j\ll @Il ~ "bc l c ue !'lIgnllrd 1\ o rld agam t'_ ek , r Imonlc ",rap a 1()I An ti III oll to r UJf!:, bUSIIlllflS N ow he 100 IS /lfter 11 SUCOO1810n IIf elark Soi grew nlxlut her birth Bhe propbell ied l1li by t b., II. nfO p,edlch e Iu COl n edlu w itt Hcf f' d e. fireplace , 1ll~lde t be wig wam l'b1 8 "lUI back lind In ~torllly tb e (l~lH! city of How couI-:t' utn peaceful c clfcle", .be and & a 'Vee I TOllie all\ At u Ir .ke 1111 untt o r LOLl grew older aod eveo ' p8r11Ona 01 lined w1th tho • aud was prob,bly tbl'lr buflted" nmllook mg fm II l' II And happy are th e blCll8ed worda of hope and A("co rd la. t o t1 • rt'flu l, .. ).. otl of tl "1'1 eMU · sleeplog place Traces of tu e d e(' r fences qUIlII~y' consu j ted Iter Sbe t~ld the 110 the 'World ~ n c k t Im.!.! lf w i 0 It \ioy. I UI lJ I r r .,tM chee r thnt lo uch move" the heart indl<llillj and /O/ fill tb e .yoDrt btiel 8 J lJltr ther ereoted fo r entrapplII ~ d ~er III th t<Ir .,;rt'J lt W ollleY tbat he 8bould never come 1101 l!ahb fur Q On! Ib a . furt )' , ... , . " lUI I UpfolM! t 80 ul wllh el otll os of peace nnd JOY a t Oh f'! tlu It t e btl A t thet TOry C_I " o f du tb hili pb )'1! peflodic al migratio ns Dre \ ISlble for nlli es to Yorlc. nnd. IIldP.ed. when withlO \lIght ufte r 8 long petlon or 8Orrow ! There are 'ol a o. baTlo, pro rMQr u I b ill Clue hn Pf'IM" and along the Explol tl! 1111\1 prove Ihnt tb E' Y tllIl~ " o f It he WIlS IlrretllAld by NorthllJD The Thumb as an Index of Contem pt. Il one h Vlng who do not In IL greater or " ban lonLlfl I I a (.0 1.11. r. te Uft w •• e. rfld h, tl ~ mWlt onOt! hll\ e been n Jlumero us lind Lerla lld a~ King Henry's order lind i3cett l!Ilya that to bIle the gl o" or th e Ipl!!! rleg ree have an luOueno brought to Leiceste r wbere he d.ed th umb o over th e ~l~~~-::U~. -:I~!:r~~r: ·1~~~ ~ ,1~(rP~Y~~ eD'~k" powerfu l tribe. \VIIS a Bordor pledge of mortal ~arlhly hllPPllleM , ""paralll' l I wllh lb. HU'tl re ru.rk.ble . ncCMe of others TIle sense All!O she IS IIIlld to h,we foretold the great revenge flrl! of Londou , the executIo n of Cbarl8f practille In England thumb bi t in g W'1Il of contribu tlllg to tho pleWlure of othl'l'!! .1~:nt~I:~~rn!.~~: :! :o.!:t~~ .:·ttrD~IIL,,~'g~ Stlek to It. d to gOlld an adverl!lll Y unl"1 mto fight.,.'Ie ........... their Ian. . . . amland and lur Rugmen ta our own hIlPJ>lCl61 I and m8ny notable events besides 01 Ing Decker tells U8 that St Pllul . ti ennl!Jl:!. Ch nman chanty 18. Un!cl ~1~~6 ::~= :I~~t P:~ Lj!am a trade, or get Into buslne'll! the refonna tlon and the reigns of Eltza and .~~:I~t:!,.~!I·ltr"l~cl'r.;,11! 10vIDg and SO at It With a deterllll llatiou tbat beth IUld Jllmes. At Lbe all1' of sl!venty Walk '11'88 notable fQr shouldo rmga, J ~er )"adnelll are K IIDbeame of the BOul :~~~d.8ct.~~~~ I!aa~I~::~O~~d·~tlm~a;, .!rr iuga and bilins of thumb! to beget q\lJ\r deliM (allure, and you Will II cceed Ulree she foretold her death. THE dyOIlUlI$.e fiend III dead from self. dra ••~t. aDd Don't leave It becaUI!I! hArd blow" are 10 at the ~our predlctl' d abe dIed rers. and Shallspe aro lin porta the fllJlh IOU mUlcted lUJuriee. Th.. 1a one of ~e mto Verou!\. When Gregory and BlImp- ItrllDgeat lind I~oat beefruo k, or dllmgree nble work to be per H er Dam e 118 lJOpO.lar tradition m York IIbockiDg of VALUABLE INFORMATION. formed TbOile "ho have "'orhd theIr shire even to-day and the tradition 800 ellp), two Moutag ue men, out fly .fhe " " nd at hlSt gave bls truetragedie s name M theIr B"Orde, but prudent BIlmpeon, tQ wa, up to ",eaIt.h aDd 11Iefuln e do not founded In pnrt upon fact Ber WIlham KingTb ompeon He (amou! compel tbe othen to take the initiativ e, the deetruct wl, of an ocean propdiled. belong to the 11liltlees and ullstahle clll8ll , propbec y W88 eafd to have steamer JD pu~ bites hili tb umh at tbem wblch is a di. order to reaUr.e ineuranc and if 10U do not work willIe a yo ung Iiebed to her hfetlme aglUo twobeen hundred grace It they bear It, Challen ged "Itb e With Ih18 man t l1li ao old mIn YOll "111 be ",,(blDg yeaI'!! a/:\'o. for we have seeD It In a book tbe questio n." Do )'ou bite your thumb purp<l8ll be bo'Jbt expllll!lve matena l m Worll: with A Will and oonquer your o f tha~ time, whl're It "l1li Amerlcal took It to German y, and there Mid prejudic es agalll~t labor, Md IDllllfuUy oopwd from all older book Tltough to be at Die, Riff' he repltes, "No, .ilj I do not hlld cloCk work made, whICh Willi set to bear the heat and burden of t he day of the Itt-ms are vague enougIi, m08t bite my tbum b lit 'ou sir I but l bite my strike ID ten daYL Be calculat ed tbat lOme thumbl " and In a (e" mmute8 the It may be hRrd tbe tint week but nfter show u marked COincidence wlt.h remarkfray the exploelo n 1J9Wd occur In the bold of bepne It Wall notnecel lll!U1 to pu' tb. th. _ 1 t.ha', I (ilure you. It Will become a able e~ entAl, luch 118 tbe iJlventlO aDd Ia _id.- .. There ie a D of thumb to the mouth In 1291 a rude pleuure , and you WIll feel ellougb betlAlr steam raIlway locolllot ,vee and tuuneia, fellow WaIIl!eDt to pneon for caulling Vile report that b ~OUgM fin!tof deetro)'l ng utilfted with younelf to PIlY for all Lhe the l.elegrap b Iron oladl, and the adml. centemp t upon tbe olerk of tbe shertff tbe I>eutllChlam ,and prepared hie iufer tnal of a OOglnlllog Let l18rse\ e ralJce Klein of J e "8lOto Parliam ent (In 1860 ) of London by I'IUlIlng hIS thumb 'Ill nal mllchlDe tAt be taken aboard of tbat IlDd loduury be your moho, l\lId With WIth out further prefllCe, vetlllel Whotll'l r be ohanged hla mlDd tb_ are Lbe mamfee t oon tem pt of ou r lord the KlIIg a ateady applicatI On In busln >II! ) ou elegant hiles to tbe v_lo r the dellY 11'88 acCl If one Neapoli lau wlsheM to anger an lIS need have no fear lor lhe future Don t It III uot clear I . m "" .. wllhoUI h _ Ihall .... other, he pbs the palm "f hiM tight dental II not Iknown be uhamed of your plalll ell/Lltrs proA, d accidenl . 611 tb. "orld with ...... wllftber tbe ellplOlliou reauJlAld from Lbe H hand overtbe E tl ely Cure d Me lell; and shakel Lbe Vided you bave earn pd theUi I hey IIrt' crol!l!Cd A.n lO' ltW worl. tboUlb .. aIuJJ IIIJ clock work nr Ihe rouah handlin g of the tbumbs. Iymboll cal of a doukey 8 CRn\, hon~lte lu t be t w10k le of au ~1e. far more beautIfu l 10 Ih e ~ tIm Itl OIl of IlIlm dlately after ~he cata8\\ a fe r ,.1t. 1I ret Ulore wooden 10 80..,.," Oelober '" ,, at hIm a plel1l!l\Dt bIt of pantomi me 1111 ""6 all booest m en IUId womell th fl u tbe cOMtly ... II h 1f. Mr II • S". v....- Oeer 81r ai, daOlhlf'f .RIIt e fbomp"o n tne d tu.I Imll8 Bweung to the t.aklUg 1\ slgbt ' popular trop 1.. ln..... ~h: :~':.'~.j:i! ~:~~~t!! be true .,..lI.ck' r w"ooplo& cunalo w .. I.n ge"gaw~ sporled h) so ml' 11COp'lo a t Ih o RiB crime 18 lobe m08t horrid that ball In. ~ ~I.... ' .ofb • • llh bel n•• I.IIOOd\,•• frl.nd And Rold be round .C lh. roolol a tree elRewb ere-a slgo of eonlemp hlou H drfi elIpeD*I 01 the confintn g l" Ilm he u led It...,.t d dler ".1-8 a few bot l he kuowu among moo Be WM a nil IUr Tt ro gh hUl" I ah It all ride __ " •• f. h ... 1.,,,,, II b•• llh aDee, Illud to be Ill! old 11K anCient A s beeo poopl "bo reapeet yo u on ly " he ll " e ll A nd bone Dor ... be .. bto lid. tive of BrooklY I , And a bioe , kad&-rW lner I It" ••• hoO D ..... . 1 •• rr.rer fro.. Bl o••• llom, I . tI d el' syna "ate.r b ... •• men kf'Q .haU IICYeral walk hOl.l.l M 0( .. b . . . . . . ._ (or tn l. clad( will be the fintto rull from ) OUIII ~b. 1I rId. Ihall lI ..p Ihall 1&lk aut happy Q . a1 n h •• fl l tl rtl b Ai L thel!e 8tup60-ioUllobJ8ChI are dIII IY 00"'1'1.101 And the Dour of acherliit y In tb e alr ab&ll men be 8Oe.O I ban .... com ...tn~'" Ian and tlltl _onlle, . Ih. y ......... t nround UR, 811d .. ··_-Ul!e we lICe \.bem 110 curod8I' 10 wblU! In black logr.,eq o,b.,.. "lib 'I ' "'" r' tb l uod ,..,ult. II 1'.8"'" ot:1.ai olyuer aad purlft", Could nature domlDa ted by uo force censt.lln lly e l lood It hi pl •• anl t o JruD in ... ct r,:.t:ll ftl*l noveratr llct our mlodH ,..... 1 I I c. J <l!C)Oi~u~b~fl":'.1t::11I811''''' How to COOk a Plno.Ap ple. eave bUDger work Il paw IUto a band ? a HO Datural LSthey it (or UK tQ Rdmne new ~Jd":~aii fOl.lbdlL:~OWD AJ'I1 Ja'l\' IOto a cbln T an~ er IDto love? I'&- rather thnn aral~d obJocte Tberefo The (ollo"m g 8 1~ry 18 ~o ld of II U1 m In a laud that , Dot kuowo re tbe v8nge Into pity Y Wbeoe' came that V88t muitltll de II' et.llrH Wbldl her of Pullam nt wbo wl shmg to (<00 F itt! AbU "''''r .ball _onder do dlver1ufy Eosl., d IlJ1Ill .1 ...1 .dud' • J... IIOmethlllg In man wblch IlI' lIOt III gorll th e benuty of t' ls Immeul! clhate an old nelg bbor, 1\ ' Ilt.er dent ulm Tbe world to aa end . hall come e bndy d.,... laIl? In babyhoo a pine-app le (row bid h OL-hou Ie d oJllbeeeo mnn und buodred lIot gonll'l call and the ~ pIe together . but elgbcY.(Ine 8re 1 near together but e Vt'ry day aner blrtb any cbaDge bal~pen 8 tnerelll tbe when hope ,oullke d h.,' he d to ~u e old lIIan. -Bprl~1d &"01011,,, . eyC1! of lbey -grow apart The uuJl of tbe gorll all are IbecI UI)OU the heavens . wben be m ~ hlln a fi w day ~ afterw a ro\ I. groWl tblCIr and pu sbe8 in tbe bl8.Jn , W II, 1 t.b1Ulk.ee , Ilretty well 8u~ LoVElU lllhould be ('areful bow they 'IH E .Pl'CllhvterlllDs ba\e Olne'1 five The braID of tbe bumlln grows up and ~ eu..,- we 10ft of people a.re not UIIed IICt In the llQuot tAl /II Ilne thlD and don t know ho\V German cburcb III Lhe UUlted SLatee, pu.ebetl out tbe skull The gordla gro", com hal ears, ...., for potatoetl bave eye" aDd beallllta lk Ito ~.t 'ea." " How did vou e ~ It, tben f' sho u t one hundred preachOJ'll, Ind seven Jaw"ard . fangwar d, earthwanl The .. DIT80 .. CO , 'lor CODllIln t ad veni.,. . MkecI die P, "Well," I&I~ the milD tl:tOU8llnd fin hundred memben . In human graft brain"a rd. lhon8ht ward, commenoe the IUW Jear wilh II, Jill'S' r.ceee, ... '" boiW 'em" f BOlTed it I" Ill~h;! N W YOlk the., bave ODe chuJ'Cb among .y"ard DId UtoUPt . the tbOulilt 1100 of vllioabJII lOuie. The,. ha.. 'ItIr, • D& T. :1. .· . .11 11\ I. 1 1 8 - ' 1 for _ 10 p. hi borror. thinklDS 0(111. pIne- II quarter of a mtlhorl of aenrian ., III "blob reade from the roekcro ll the lIhued . . . .te n..idf _ f"" ."lelt Y ........ .bouI4 &he eoUn Mook of __ .. Walker 10' .1>0. .u.... J h ow oho dl_ I~~wlll DOt. admit u Y-. .. balled 'e.. Wlth a leg Brookly n tbeJ have two churchill! among blograJll ry of the bod1 It comman d. { PlalladelphJa, ud "ill coDtiooe lh. hll I of 1t~~~I1~ ":"....'d' a .POllulation 01 IlUt.,·fI ... tholll&Jld, in did IUCR thought , like Ita .,eeture, ~~,.~oq: ~..:ifo'::bt': 0_ &he.. IIJIder a.'" 'IUt dwel Hoelt Ih. ~1f004 .. hkh e.. be eo IVC!1 iII fro .. Ih. Cincmn ,ti t"o, In St. Leala one and In p!)tell~ 10 & fteek- or beaded mW...lii. dlaa Jl_.r.,b~ "~JIII.n.ee .. q""'o ( a mile ·f·t ------'-~•• ~r Ill!- "'-" oI.tho Who• .}d"l" New OrleanM one ' bl"'lfl I.~IF (~I~ r,l_),o.' . ., ~_Ij!. 10,000 iI: CIIlc ,Iold. aU .... OrioD', nebola' BefOre the . , . ..... r... , pat .. _ ....tlh' .,;llu8 I. pro.,ll, BOoIl P ..... lMloMIag to 250 dlfruent ....to..a nd haM 11'''. but hl!ht 1a not; • 1110 tlftIItare .. Ileal I • • of are<! • 9ru.ar .. reckoned to be nlDely ti,mee ey... Beyond bool< .. 125 '1>1..01 All orpa,. eto eto AI The ,.. ... rlt.bla aD'" .a,ct*, dttoaper than ..aD 1111 rnwer, .nen'y another fQtee 1111 oor forCel there I. ,et &h. original llock of O. D " Co, Includea IndU Cted ma., DII., ato'.Q &ad apq.beca n. wbo. we Deyond all the reveal- abllnt t"-'C8 th~ qaaDtlty above 1I,0w '0 ~r1" ••4 ... '1 III t ....r owlt . . . . lll .. timet cheaper thlln electro-m otive power, meDtA oamed. It IDra.~ sf Dlt~.1. there II a IIOmetbillg will be _ 0 th.t b... IItteraUJ '11101110 •," ..et I. IIIe ,..ria=~~.Id_ lDd \en umee cheaper t.baa hoi'll! ]lOwer not I •• pl..... boro~ . . fe~ealed -r1'Of. for tlte mmlOD ' 8M adVU1lH m'Dt. 80 D GIIIIIIIIIg .1 ~.'"
RiChardson's Now MoIDOO tOil THE 1'1 \NOtO ltll:.
(I' fLeo l uuu:: 11 n H k. "l\llr .. t r l \.0) , _u 16 r.r .boUt ttrn " II UlI..d I, 11 0 au. - ur II v t.l Ul .Ie t~d'lln" I :d ~h:dl:;.~·! ."'·n,~f"..d~rf\~ ( I~ll1uprl..,IIa~~I....~·I';~ ~ rur wblC T
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f I hau louey to pav
A GII8 ISbado".
A Hwlrlng nnd CUrlOU, x,lXltlment 8ho1l'IIlg the 8uperlor w Igbt 01 cllrbomc aCid gag o\er 81r may be Illade by proJtcti ng tho sbadow of Lbo gas, lUI It 18 poured from Its containing vo" upon 1\ 8 reen The hUn abould be of "hitt paper anti brl ·ht sunlight should fa\l on the .tream of gu, "b lob .hould be poured from tbe 8PQlIt of 1\ pltcber beld "hllln wn mcbes of tbe IIOI\'0n The curlllU" ",suIt, of" sbat.low produce\! by apparl'Dtly nothing, will tie teeD, the former reaembllog dteCendlng _olle IJUlte black It &lie apout of \be REBr.t't A NQuallB, wbo " .. hanJZed all but brlgbtly iIIurolDaltd "heneyer the a "l&ch In s.J!!!l MI\IJI, Ie 10 1I1ye a Hunligbt I eonoentrated bl .... nl
I.lu0i@ ....... ~ ..........
Skinning a nhlllQCoro~ , A rhlDoccros belonllmg to 1\ menng~rle recently died III Nelv " ork Hlatc allcl WI\!! slwlIIcd and cuI. 111' LhkL hlK skeleton n.nd ~ klll might be prepared for Lbe Albaoy Museum The dun is from t.bree qultrterK 01 nn Inch to an meb thick 1 and IIOqlO ldell of Its weight may be obLallled "bon i~ IIi tat.ed that It reqUl~ t.welve lliron, men to 111\ the boll contamiJ1g.e The skin "III hnve te be reduced onIJoh.,u bulk, and will be pal' .yer the mpro,ed French me"bl)Q, Gl'rman method of btlO!; found 110 practicable prepere tbe UIO, .. larp Yat be roade, In wbleb It "Ill .. _ _a ...... oi,bt 10 a 801 ulion "ill he taka ou&
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l~ • nh'~ In 'h .,_ I it -d t"~, C'lt ......... \ It.. "" • _II 1 I" ." .~." • 10 ...1 11.1· I _ lIr. Jtll ..: . FUIlL.<, I, bl.~t.n ~ .'1 tth&ti fll s. . It ~. uuh aU ,h. ~I ,1 "I" I ", lit Ott ' ·1 111'. I ll'" " ·'~...' k. 1" 1 l'·I IICI· "II·· , I.ltl·.·.. • .. -- \ ,.\"J. , ",I .1.· " l~ I I 'I .. 1I • . . . . ."· ' ' 111 k: H IU.I: H ..\ t .... ·, •• ".1 0 ~ --e..;...ud. lH,' " " h'I' .....~ln t". r sal. . ' 1\,,"1111 "I u·, """ \\ 111 ·1U IIHUi • ,'r~w'" .\u. ;..$7 A. " ~,.. 1 I~,. ; .~"' "r~ ",n , ..... I I ·n , I~ .t'" l' " .f"-. l '" I at thi l.fti'·l· II!III ~ I' II II", III '\ IHtll1 ""' ..·. IIII T\ •• .. ,....... 'il. ,. ... ",.,1 .',.111 I' K, "d ,II. 1t.·I. n I•• h.I.1I ~ v "J' . - "" illil' (o'('rglbt ll. If \lr'.' \"· \1 . . . . . aM AM" I :.. •• • ~ v. l" 011 • ~f . .. I ,rlhRj{,",lull",,,1 lIdn·.\ . h'JI\I.. !I.'~. 4?!11... I I ."N.... . , It,," ~"'!'I t \ • . \ \ 1M \ ' .ltHtll'l( t ~" ,p On 'Ii':". ' :.1 h ... l f\luc n ,\I'h ', l ''' '"ur IUIIH r ~ II' t lll"l·"ltJ l h ~~ tt l t H.:- ) , ,.C 'l', O . -~J 1I\.1 tW IJ \ 'nt\'rluiu IlH.•li t4 ~h t U H t " ,Uff'U 11 ... ..... lftl'.I.\ " IV II ,· I IJJ 111&11 I - Mr Oil.! MI"\<. 'V W 1)" -(HI.I I ,'I ,,)lUll. \\ J!l "kl' l~d",d" i " Illl' 1: lli\'CI'l!Ulisllilllnlli. F rida' "•• ,,,. n•. ,1 '1" '111"'"'' " liI..J.'~·III1 H". I OJ. 7 ,, 1,,1111 ru .. ,I... ., .1 fIIb~, i ill''' 'j ll iUII"ti VII illl/ilil Ml'IIJlI.'·. " I, '" will h"ld Ih c lll ~ 1\" .. in read illl'!> . d ' .· ...: I ~ h ll d,.--I ' .. " .... Iom' " .' . 1 .1 to"l ' u1'un In\" · \~ l~n·I,{1. ... G l.'(Jr~t' ' rl!l'r UII.._1 II 'I~ i';.l f"IIIr \\ 'I'\.I , (·r.· ,I,. II,. ftl1' q. " ' IUm /11.""'lrV I I'rl'l'"rl' "lir u Ii rsl 1a I - wr. PI.,a."! .• '"'\ ( 1111111 t ~I:.. IlIIl ... I, '. ,I,Ii. • • .r 0 .. ~ I.""(,,..ruro . ,u,d ~al ., ,f l' \ H'IXY. . I"e I A ~~." \,er· wl.1I Iltt ~'ll ti ,il. th~ 11<111 '1.' hl'lIl;! 1'1111 ,I,.. ".u 'I~ .. , \\" .•n,,, ," I 'I I E IRO t{ 'l'IL S. Ea . \ . I '", C .. I dh,,, io) WI I.' I Iu\e C IIJ .I~ril tCu t 1I II Il' we t , \ llrlULil , I L •. u,., . \l 1 1Ilrtl,·U. IItie ,. , • ,1 . ""10.,,, 11•• 111 ni ,~IItt1. Thc l'n tin' ("'IIII " "I ~' Bur""ll. "I".",,,, .1.. oj.1 I ~ ••lt • .•• : I: . :11 •• 1. fr. E, t ""I :-,,, .. 10 In.,. oJ .. 4'1 ., - ll i S OCl"\ 'fl"'r\, lIu .. II I 'l ' It II ' ]).- - I t t ' d I ' ( IUl'cJ t v IIll lk·.."ttl lld tli~ I ,., t .. L", .," ' 1VI -n I. .. t • .I •• loJ I tl~ t u'I dft u•,a \" . f.rll111 II VI'.I t .Ir,'llIrn • uf, ~, p ft· JIln;l; i lll. '1I'1t ,1"1111",,1. I' "lilt .11 ,( II .. · 1 ,11 .. ",ill" r,~ .1 1 .. 0 It:! '''". n DI u n . 111 11) 1311 I!r 11111 ' A r • 11 . tl • ct Wt. II .1 1. F.>' 1<It . I' ,\1 tl y, , ' 1 11 r I purt.. \l.'~ n , " ~111 ' tl ,.. I ' n " f \\' ., l~.ft.. It' l~ . .. t"t",h'; " .. Ulhl _ . .. - • • H'II11~ In nd t • ' l'~ l'r. , '" Itil lIulIll" I r "f1,.h('r "I\UII"''' ( \\ .""." 11",1 •• ,1""£ ell"". ltC' .• lr II.' • 1'tI "'I 'I -,.. . 'II I II III "II,' II "'II t II run), UI' II · IllI1 II' • I I I I 1 ' I, I II ..... I' - }I r. 'lt urli W II hi llgll n of '" l ' n" ' I' casllllt O"U " ,.• "II' ,.·,·,'10, . - .... " . ,. • , Ella Cralle Iltlll~ '1l('lIll t"u. I I )a~'~ .,'" '", : • Xl' lIiu I bitl'.1 ~I r. '. :\f,·l\. i;I"\! I' I II~i . f, 11 .' : r I I IIt,,1 'J I' lire G • Uill" . I ~l'k ~I llu ' " I.'", ntlll 1. 10"11.-1 "1"1:,," . 11. nil 1.. 1" '""',',, ,. !,iu,' I II . I t · .. k ••. , , jI:~n"r" . ' .Il IC . ~ n . I. I! ",~, f,' r'lH" w(l ulu III (' i.J '~ n It II ~ 'l, . 10"1'11 1,ll''''''e l '''''~ Id" .11 HIII I ,," "I" ".... '" II '"" .111· l'r CII I ;" " " l.tll! 1~$l~ LIZZI' "I.. ..· Oltl,d ,,1:rri(·IH.lh'l'I. lll"f' ht'l' ·'l'd vn . -- ~I r. Frullk ~1II'dre\" i~ \"l.t\, I .i7.zie l'lId\I:\1Ulllldl'l' lh. ,,,,,,, .. f \ \ ...... ,, ",- .,·.II •. t . l ilillie lJ uh'. III Itu,' ~' h'·l1rli . IIl II,:h IIIIIn·I.I. II,,' ,1,lI"""' S!·l' llltl ·d:IV m" rll ilw. MI' tings 11 ' 11 u"l" "",,,1. r II .",· I: .. "", I" .. tI~""' I"' . .",,11.,1 I . . •. . I'. .' 1..' . I.' ". L 'I ) . , I . ~I"'l(' k1l1ll. ~,, ~ I lal'k 'I'lL- tlLu lt """,,,., I. II 1111 ) I.. " .. " :'\ .. "" .,,''' I Ill" \! \I! I IUh CUIlj!;lS ' ,:.1II1l11l urr. (' urn _I II k 1".111111,1 11" ·,, bl',·nhc ldl·l· I-"Iur('n '"I\Il J , l illllWI I' . thO:lbn 1 ,. ' . ;1\1·1 .. r 11" '1 II lI " h' ","' ~ .-- Ih,·, .... "1",,,".11.:1 .... till . H l'i,.;hwllv. Evu LI t'" IiI. ~I i lllli ' ~t""X ,\\ .. ll~ ~';n!l IU;! u IlIh •. !!I;.-; 11I1I1I11'"I K,"I'"," 'II' i"~ ~il1(,(' tllc d~' rt lll'gun, a nd I, .• \,,·lod ... ,II·U;," , h. W ' churg' 1,. CClltd II lillc fu r Felle r. E"II l'l"II lI l', tltl'rc itllvc b Oil t\ 111111 , 1 CI' of til" I - 1 b . cud i · E hrigltt • . I·... .. ~ . .11 1'1\" Iwa < I" rt.I~·li \" 1:1 ,', . . . . : \ . 'tl . t, Ii . lit ,f i\I • E I I' al .• 11 ,,"1\'. d" a l\(J ~ I'. .11 1'1,," I It I IC :-: ,,·.. SII ' 11\ " B OCII lI ~ IIIC"S lI 11t IC~S. !\v trull ' r III1Il . 1I11 1"~ III. • c ..~r ."", I.. , "." (,"r. II, . .'. ~ ' Iil(ht r c~ or ptn t r 1111 I; III U • 1111illjl;S :W('l'I ,tal ,h·. "r. ~l lIlI'" ~'luH'·. ".' .",11 " .. .. I ..\\"1·., thruwlI in . .,)"",,11 •. HUlldllll. ' llrrt.'11 Dak lll, helul TI 'k "1"111111 ti.' "'. ,~on t(l thl: 1!" ~ l'l'h Scverll l ' I \1 ' 1.1 I . . ' " ,",d '~"'''I) "r II UI'Tl II .• ". lI .."., III' ". " " '" , .' ., . , . 'ullk, Frank Llays, G '/l rl!:\! Bllily, . Ille CI . lL,;l 1I . e! . I .ll~'~ ' Illlll ltll' rs hll \. • btcu III alt nclAnct.' , ._M.I II MlIl.ll~ 1 .1 11 1'·"Y.,1 ,,~'n 1.1.,11e-.1 I'y t: 11""''''''11, ~"f\""" II len vt.:s fVI 'V ' IF F., 01 I H I III Mr. \\ " <! l! II II /till II I.' , PI~~, IHld the i llt crest W'lll n"tll iu(.d t~ R lclllllllll d. Jucl ,. UIU\\ \I ag vr ,'f \\ .,r,,·11 ".:",.t \. I", :<" "." "... "r ... ·II. tv lUUrI'VW , 011 II ( f'l~~ I r"'dl "I' I) IIlr cY --.\, .... • b t :lEob' • illl pl\" .' illllll. ' t t '11 I ' . t . \ ' I is.; d L I illi I'llr'I "l!ollt (nr Ihe!' ..". ...! ....,... · I·\"r.r . .t ••,e.,.", 1 t) 'Ie 1111011. II, ., A I r th ~ elu t' The introdu ction of \ 181 0 IH rlen s I I~I'C . . " ~ I' righl • : :'LI r tI I ~I" Anti !h ~ .,,,d l'A rt ... orr lI,rll Thomll s Mlloiog ton ond I ~tt did .,"cry "':""". liS • I II " " .' I'" ... , "" .tI"d shging into th e l'xerci s was 1\ - - i\:"ol, that .•fl ,'r f.,rly - Mr. 1. n. HlIrrl~ , Willi aod F l'ulli""li"n ..{ 1111' "fl. K . d II Kel' I'I'I' 11I lhe,r~ h uI"II CI~ r..... t lJut llic""",,,<!uirt'J dn)'" III " ,' Ity . fur a Frie ll d ' mel.tin g in dl1l1gl,tcr, " isi tt"01 ~I rs. R. (). by 1 . ............. 'n .. " lh,· ... i,1 Hun'is rl::I. j3t!1 a . · ' 1I 1ld ~u r o. iI, the ' ( ' I'i<-kl" I,ll th c I.""i." e: . lIurnel , . '11 ' I ' . I ru IS:! 18» lmm »r vod II I.. CIf all t. wit. "t. .IO""ll"", U. 111111 rillet', althvug h .It h88 brcome · . I ,. J . \~.11 . I . f . .. Burn,·lI. " IU ' boo hl·"rd III Contre \l ~ II t t:;nlldu~. charmi ng ••h" Will 1I1'I11y f"r .. " h\l8t .. S~. and tll u " '\fll i ng .ltlrl I,. III quite (', IlImvri in vrull'llc tl'<l t.'ft4lrls neil . 8 . III t " , III ( .,.,Io'r 110,,1 ""rlitill" - Eli ~ltll Cook sold no" .," he ,,,lido " I ""id iu "tb. l· "Iuce~ ill thl! Quakcr Il\'ernging 53 Ib~. "lIelt 36 hogs, will b lun, lind pll!:I antly relllf' 1I1 " I' ~I y 1n rll Next. 'elll~IJ h U\"t~ d lHll' ,0,,1 ".. tllic ,,,,,.1 II,,,, Ih,: d." ", .. r .. ( MOI rth" uud N b. u b .. I helt'r hlld hc luul tllU tl til stllIh' And.'r.. ,". ,"d v ,,' o( WIll",",. 11 . " "lIurllll. cr y u VI s ~ II t • ..,:". lOgs arl'rllg lllg , . Lt '. [,07 III . ,·uch. . ·t ., 8 I . u·., 1:.1 ,·h · d ",·.·",.·d. lIIay 1>....... , ..'1 . .. .1A"dcr _. ~ _. _ __ . 1II 0 1'C , II C,I e n ll ri I 1\ .1. II . lu .. ",I th.. 1 . 11" 10 "tI,., 1",,,·,'.,lill ,," tnllyI.hI,,'f,·.n. _ '1 h ~ dsi tntillll uf Bi hop Jag. - We Ur., gllld to leurll thllt ,~r . . ' h. d N KW TORE IN HAU'·K\·SIIl: RO . - V(·I·.r w.e.iI . ,fil er,' 1';" I h,' : ~I I e r ill ~I,,· I'n·",i: ... II' "ri' ''''!l~''~i ~ •.:! ."y ) 11 "' . . C k'IlCllllu.•.l!tunl$ gllr tuSt. 'Mary s Ch llrch was Lo 1'100 . . .lIlIllI·(Jv. t d I' tl . k ') lIlg.. II Illltlly O 118 \\'(' · • .H I·" r . ,"l'l)el' ' enlelr .( tllfrl s bJln L 1\ I. A . nL!.iS 1':1 1. IIIl1dl.\ Ilccordi ng 10 IC ppointm ent llo hilS bt'tlu very Iv,," with . . I:;>e 0/ \I " J Ol"t\ TII ,\ONOlJl ' I~ETT typhu id Funkey & Mi Rsiidine will ('pcn I~ E'I ' conillst lllg III t Su nday cn.n ing. Tbe rector fever. tWlI 011 II ( .~·f lL'IIJ By SO ;"I'II ) 1"" ":»1 All'Y' lfine stock ' of ury go{ d ~, nllliolls , - II \1111 II >Ie. H e gilt awn.\' \\:It I I Ie .l lIlItlltr~· f" t 7t1- 71. I l\". J . H . Ely. J\ccompani~ tt.~ _ >J J I w e ll . I Ietc., in th c I'll t office hll ilt! i"/t. ctllt (lIel! l·el."lll'kllbly \\'<: . ' rs. 0 III 11, till" '1 ~l e . u ott IlLS '1'1 13 1~ " " 1' fllld condnc hu the openin g milchII iIllIJNV ' .' I . ,. . . 1I ~! 'd t,) !'nlll ig .r(lu,1 ·!tll It ll~ lI e Itl sillce 101' )ey 1I1111e tIe II ttelltlUl1 0 Cltl " . . D' . . t'd ill h"llth b I I BCr \' II"l'S; "It<'f Wili dl I hop J. ago re .dcllc\; r ' J ' , .' " ' t, hilt WIIl'1I'.It cumc III SHlltll Bar' ,am Cali · zen S o.f t1 IC. VI'11 Ilg? to th.· 1IIIII1Rl·. t I 1111' 1111 .1 S \lCIlIi ) . I . I . . . I .r . .1. WAlm.: N .'~nl{)N 1'1£.\ " lll ptfeS llChed 'Iroa ttl hc Ilext found IOl'l1 ia. lit tl aDlIlC . ,I } e IIlp t er an d Cull tl J)se 11 ' .. flower 24.11. 'l'\"1lC' "Bnt as hill art is ., • - . and sec • 1. . • t , I , ~, t' t ' t tl frul" Ihc be t '1' lcaal e market s, tot." II IIl.1t lUII 111JI"e~ Igu • , IC 1II)' I ' I · ·t.! 1 bu~tI ".nhul l' llIIndle, cl "I. [, :llId Ville trelhse s ut Zdls. Tiley allu whi ch ItUVl'wllO .' io ~ !14~ UCl'lI hou"ht tor ' I'inlh:; "f 1IIIlI1\JCO trl u Slllgl'. ,.t't I U~I~ , \ 11'. ttl IIn I 't rllln ie l . 'Ie. I" P"",,",oe" "i' "" orde"or .,,1., d "I~' i.• · ,SU are jUtlt th e thi ng ao ut1 iu:I neod fUI" n'lsll II" 'III I'III'lll l' I,se 1••,"III"tl·111 1 IIdcd the. "url R .l us part Lm t '8 arrle" 1 uV I ' 1 &iii~nl'd Lim wilh IIcel rrlO m .nid 1',,,",, ;",,1,·. ,,,. dl ... c' Q'1. I C L O T H I I G 10 , '" ff th '" ~ h II ' t \'1. i, I Wlr p nllls. t" , :_ E * = tl -Ie S t \I; will otf,' r r. l r 1I.!le. P!lllli,' Au ' liulI, 11 11 l il t! . and will h · ~uld C>lfl'cs p-ondin par ' a I J< e. '."· g l"cat c~'d i t" M'''~ I '111,1\ ' ram; ·ut 1'r.· Ul i ~e ~. in W.l y"e"II I,Tllwu"hi I " II I IIey 8 a did " p. WarrC r. J.' llt mn ,-,u utI. lIellr low llie " i!l'lllll' ll1 ell . lIl·olln " " I ' J J , ~ . . I. III e~ tllh . flo lIl ga ll. lUI '- lilliI'» \;' 11l~ \\ ·IJt"l , ,,' ,011" ~~as ~to~ICI,el"~\O v\J t Is~ollrsej Han'ey burg, hu~ cllllght :l9 ,U " owls Ii hill!; tl it! l'l'llllch ,;tOI'C ' UllcJ tho r iuli n,di CIOtIl· AND A OENEUAI. LIN E F · ·d 1"1ll1 Id 11111· ··t1II1,.,z(l!l. ,r.I/IC/lII·!l 2 ~ . /l.n . 1.76. I ~l\l1 O "~I' e .'(~Iet all, I11L1 Sj i ll a teel·tra p e1 cvated 1.111 a pule, kll Oll" illg 'tloat t h,' . y III'C O CILICI.ill tl) ic. I huuldl , III gc tha t" all pI" " . h"~'''H'' ,10 ,· 1."',,..... 'I'll. "n '''',J T"" "I'~o (fIlIl)' ,·,,11 ~~lY, oC. I... a.Ullg 't' t'I enxP1et : tl li will tcr . g I 1111.1 ~ ,,',",o ·~ I' /oJ 1f ' th o t~t.t ,-· ut.l~rfoi8 1110 h(. t illl(' \"t!" t' dl"t ll ittO .If th l..l pul. li(· tel tlu, .rom II pr,·ae leI" 0 I" "ltll! el\I\\"I' rc'llI isti,'J.lt "i tlill Ie\\' tri··,·, ... id d ,y.,hc lo llu.i"~· Ie I lOp . I . ,l.· .. ·, ""oI fll L'l. I " · lh·,,, tl H~ y h1\\l1\ '1'1 ' B' 1 , "P"""cl ,\ Itt'\\' .. hnp, I ld I ' . - .\II" . lI lI d Ml's I~ullc Decou usk ti ll' a liller·Ii ('n('III1I"lg~I I\ I r E· I " I~ . ,.. :" it. ""11 ,10' '" , ,, ,' •. " . ,,11' 'J!" ~ A relJl! II IOn . 't 10 11~\OP d ied . " S 'lIId Ma~tel' 'Ii" If'\, tlllI!! ( · X(.'CplH) II ·, Jlllt! tl ,eY \\, VII l WlIl'r. " ~ " t WII l l ,,(' r~ ~ tJ lItlt I\f T t'rrY'f" ,:tHt'I·r ~' . , .. ltcro 111111,,"le 0' '''\IV. 111111 II .'" .'" 1\ . J..) \:!J ~ W illio 'H t'ti uelI of ()ell~ pl'dgil lg tltcll\:e " 'e:l 10 '"ive l!llt • ~ tl,OIY ~ .I11 \I ~), n !' _ t r .·" I ., ali I HHtlllfllt' p III1Y C nrl ' hCl' II , II"CI'C it IIlIt ti'l' t'il c '~l'il" 1'.,11 .. ,.. • . , •• " it: 11111 I~"('lelas IdBI~e - Vil li! I ' UrJn g ~1'cvl' lI e \',· .I·t"J 'Ir · l'l·cl.ll l'd Ul.llI IlJlI llt ~llt l·c! I :'I'.t l·l'" ,' 11 "tile · 11 .. ~t its' \\'illtill. t l' JUU t('SB elvery 0 .J 118 ser ' TIH.,y·(t U lic ";I;cl' U litilllls) u . r",·, "" BOO r-I ~, i,,:: 1''''' II I :'e .. ,i II I:•. , ' . an d 1't 18 A~ D . , LI OES, '. no t t 0 bC \t'ou d e n HH .. cd r )]111 ' 11"8 ' ,'llm 'l ly III t "'Itll" '1' . :' 1i . T~1 . K" " 1. \· 1"" '11' llliv ..., . .... ""'" 0,1 tlll IIh "r ·o " 01· ~ ·' lit 111 0 Ivl.... · t cllsll 111>IC'" II duuht , t huught thll! II I'our" u,; !.:. l lI l li li g a l ~ ·IUI1l' ]11I ~H1I II i''\Ii~~nl)l': ) E' J cJ h I'',\ltol ~'Ol 111 ' 1 ··d· CII/·Ii/r /-" . I CIlIl lIt t lat t l(l p l ~COpll I CI tnrc.I1 in . - 'V.'' ll"111m H'I A T "flit:: F WN o~ Till!: Wllltl' l. 11111 trllI ;; t II('CtiS k<:cp ll p .. f "'rl., '·II., ,, . ,,"U .. Itl""'~II,," .1.1" UU, I'CIlI ~Ilg • e " , "h' l, tlte "Southe rn DIOcese of 01110 i~ Wllh Ste\,he n (;ulIkc, , w il h til e t illll'!' . Fur til l' CI"l,tl it vI" I';"': II." 01 enught ·,hl 'N'li",," til'e I_ :ilr I·; iII :l! , . " ' \" t . . ' B' I . . CO JJ~ in ulle trcc <l il t.) un " vI' lust "1""", 10 'h e ",,,1,11,· o:.h 1."",·,,,11, ",1\1 J rogra llim c f~r .t h o W IIrren Cn. R~t1gc\ prl Uu V IS oc" 'S lOp ·."I! e, btl,~ f('corde . d k that l' th.e tt I'r.,,,"_"" ' .1 ,. !'" ~I" "' k:" I Ih. ,.".,. "i.h Tl'/lch\! •. id I~' i':\. r'~ A SSIICllltiOtl 10 bc held at nltll'e,'lIJu tlin/ ,rerc not of 11 - - -- .... I1m.:\. ~ll 25 \\ I.. '~ chOl"" : ,I" "",. '\III,· " '.-;\,,1 . L'ur S tllC ....... ~·"1·8'"II,· tl·on of SOltle cu· \\ cc.M Drc y goo.. or 1.1110 ( ny. I .\ 1\ w ork 11 j luU in tilt· tK':lt 1\H\lH1('r, nnd J ' . ~ • I II ' 1 " ~ prl ~ 1' lIgbvrll 1.0 r, , IItllr, Ily ' _ _I r an. ",Z" th er werc t.IIl.!)" stral1 u ers to \l ~ /llId IIr'l ,pI' ~d ' " ' k' ' .N' \\' . 'I, '1 ·,-, s· II ". liVid S Allum hatl ho . , . ,oI.nti14rUll illll J,:lInr ml" rod 1:i-lA1S 1'(18ders. we wilLst ate thut P 1" lholf\ 1'1111 Of! 8 ~" . III' "II" '·" '1 '. ,' .' . " " '. . . "',~ loa ' 1i" "I" •. 1 71,. ~" """" . Illc \JIHetl Ihut ·kllow thom A . ,I. TfON ,.\: CO. 'd Ollce, Ihe"ce with cume 1\ soclIIted WIth Mr W. M. . JJ{1I1'71in fl S~IMill1l: ~ .. iil ' ''r n l'i ~o s_ ~;o :I~, ' 1\" .1:1'<. ~lI u·it!'t.l'CdllUl, of whicb a gOU!1 eu I Hll.l'fur Ope .ing knows th e m n ll nlore forevel'. in the J UUI'1IOf uffico i J clo"ill~ l" II . ' O IlQ in ""id '''' "I'il, .. S ,",I0 ' '~ i ilt" S . b Iol\s b(-cn 'said in commll nicati oll S Frcmolu, •i M J ' l t Ohio. lJlI\' ic is II tir"~ Ilt I l·e.8s. I'. S co, ",'r u f J::.1i. 11' ,"0) ; ,10 ',ice wil h' ''f"i.1 e er". ? , I'rlll g or", tl t haf\e lHtely appear ed in this· I .r. ,1I!e. Graham hM n fllir \," ,It'll ·.s lill" ~ . 1 0~!Il' ~: . til . ~ .:Iolli ll· ,,," 1 h 'I. tti Ren<l lllg J A·S801l . III Churac ter of collectl un ,)t Ind ian IIlId MOlll1d . ' . • • . • , t' c u~s all( III n lIews\,u per v ceo · stOII" '" Ihe N Oli'll. line "I • ,...I. oel ,,, II ; ,h ello" 1 NupuluIIII HUllapu rtc." alld "The pllper, IS situate d III the VICIUI~). 13 ' 11 .r 0 L "" -Mr. ST . Wallae f t.) wilh II,e el' liop lille S . ' 40 all' }~ . 2 ; !til Bllird arr ·,.d . S • f I ' C . .• k B d '" 11 B. . .111 I e r~ rt 1 Ilurve ysburg -we are not p os ltll' e IC8. u , el I urlun . liS' , el,ai,, >. 10 Ihe \,I:t" e lO r I ,,·~ inllin!.'. COlltOl . . • I '\! , 1I11t!; n ~ I" ,~(jt illi ll" ar. . cn I I stl~~ eto. t 1 cafo blit tl ink home Irom F IUrld n last \leek. H e IId~ vi fmllklt n. H Up.A. 1 II! ~o ncr", 0 1. 101101. ID O,,· .". I,e".: the . "'"" ~,s t? I 'be\! c~ac -"r'-~1 n" ' b I .• pasl'ed I ,u , " ~ land .tc"·>ll lly I ",,,,,· " "rJ .~. H.II,· llth ID(otlt uulight fu\ly l A(tt'I'7>1J/>1/ 8r"H ;QII : -G ramma r Jt IS t\\e<'ll ar\'c,Ys IIl"g allu t F a mO .' H"r\' I)·"hllr d' d . I 111110 Chll ll" I. " II " d I..,· l,e',I"'ir' 8uld "u" I ' () k\ d The articles . we buve a ~ erllun 1I1~•. an \\ 0 Illve tIe LeSl!O ll, M, s~ .fulin , ot Lebanu I cOII"eved I.y ,I , · ~d ....\ .""" (;1.,,,"11,,1'. n; . lIbl ~III d' • . - ':' . . •. "t ltIinu(;.,turc,; all klt,d. ,, ( nr~ .. ".\; l;"ko S ~d;: "" ·i'''ACT-I \ ein.~ 1 "' or th.· ' ,Hllh· ts pleasllre of glv lI1g a lctter h om .1 Mod es !llld efit-ct of Is.e concer ning I ' u rd' Pl1l1it;hmollt~ Pu . J 1 I11m . .In tl" -;A 11 happy, . and V1t. ' Il~Y of mo· ' daily for \Vtlyn L'IIviite and Ihr ,,,rro,,,,,IIo'1( bee E., .. ' 'I"'''''' r 01 b :".,. ~iou I I. 1'. :1. It :'. be liS papl' I'. t\ t I in SchOl,I! IOhablt nnts have !' disC Il~siuII 00 he u"ell ' ney a Oll ·. D written y nel"l.borhood. 81"'0i"L II'\.t.'l}dj, 1I i" )(i " c h I . ''' 0'·" I_I!" ~ I''.IIn,. H"".cr. : I,eg ' ~' " III ~ OI t. '''' . ). ! scholul"l , ell ll emen from ·there 01' r:. 1 - K kl . . . , to f urn l ~hing - !Ir; A , L . TI~ o \ll.Rs , of No". ' cd .."' .. ',' . S~I\\'h ",,,.1 eor~ e r "I "":1 ',·cl,,,". on,1 "~II ' 1 . by 11 vl, Dvnuldbol1 of Sprtng . U Il C y g CI! .... as . 11\ d btl to"" Inst t1 . York formerl y 01 t \ol d place 1111(\ boro IIIl1 g ,I\I" II c.· WIl~' t':u "'011110 I'oulllln.,- h, ,,· I bout, ana 11erea • un \ CAKE week. ess. S lelr FOR .· WEDI ' 3 I )lNGB 1 ,h"" 'ol ~ . 7° \I . 11,7 •• 1',,10, 10 ,h" ,"lh II'"'' 1 • FMC pecnlia rties are well underst ood by 'rom .w 10m we I.ate.y .. R ' . ." \H1 1 It''ICU II , Wcsl eorller of 8"i,1 ",o lllh· En · ~ 'I " .... lor · •• UNNINGIiAM, ..,ec y. - ~II·s . L II III !! Daktn IS at prcscnt Iltenr. ANn P..... RTIES ; ollr l'ead~rs ovt.'r there, who, we I~t~or, wus It c r~ II tllw huurs with lh~ \\'e - I L""",llIr.,· lill" "'Il"'uf lust .•• : , . , lyil1j% " I (, . I'Y ~ i ck. UI1 !!1hurt lUl l i."', J I1 I i'Ct, k~, I'I'HJay , rellcwll Ig :' \ . ' .,o some w . 5: 1 vf :1 :, . In~ the I"", , · ;t' ''.'' I ~", ,· :. At a ~(,!tllig 01 s,.ldll'l d, UlUy a~d, are as numero uS a8 arc ~\" . (;1 . 11 . . . ,.,. . fl ' I p"""I ,, 1 \\, .Ih lh~ h ,.,. 1 111"'. :-; . 1'.0 I·. thIiic.~~·. I ulld ~lIi l o r .. held &Itllill ay . .... e "~llilig onr Wayne sville subscri bers, alld, lISSoc iatlOlld --. I ~" a.a litton IS \ I,,,tlllg 1'01·. '0 II ot,,"e ,01 ,I". Ea· , Io"u."I"r), II ...· vi 0 li S ell ' J yuut I, . tt I II f II 0 13 0 1 I ' ul Mu row, 'tl d t th' shllre of -Our aged citizclJ Mr. Dalliel l ".' _.: lhe '<eli llll ; Ih~II"" ~'i,h ,,, id lillc'; . " .,0 I·: . o r COIl.rse, eo t l e o Ie III o . Ie elr . . u )' 1 'I _ . I . , 1 . ... ' uf Ii\l h \l lIr",. lnn1 a tilupJ'l y o f I I . II . . :,9 :16 lUll p"I,·. lo II,,: pl"c" Qr 1"·l(ill .. in):,. . lol. 'V III . l\Ialllllgttln . wus. ulcct€'u space In our column s, --:'. d I 1 I Ita.s oat I,!'r II m 11 e ,I, c.. nlllilling 6! '!"'e; 1,1 lu,"1. Ill '''haroo n. IS s llfl~ Illig f't'"1 II strvke " '" 01' l I' I. ;: 'd t I tl · I 0 I . t ' . I 'th t I and I ' It I th I e ~ II\Tl t d ue \tot mov o the ,I,•• ,\I"e I"'in" n t .."el l., - -- - . • rl'tli "II IIIlC :Staple and Fancy "Gr0ceries I I) f plll'U JS IS, ~I I , l I hll" "' ~ ',,"1 W li t I IC ,,"Uri I • . .. 1'1, ' I •.• r\ ar wrll!: ,.,..-;:> The s urvey of the Wayoe s· tak ell • . filldel" ' tl) relnrll It (they cun III1YO \\ . . ,01 ,1111111 C"'oVc.,·,,1 hyIhnic about lell uuys u U. Mr, '.. tvr Till' h il<h t.",t M rl rk ul P ric(·14 paiJ. i n (.~r(jta " ,,: ,! I.. A" .... " , > . .Ill ILttell . L/o.J p IIIlCC W'll' WIL~ , . d J I fl' , .r .' . . WI , . , C ~ '!"111 6 r::I A"U" rI- I ~' . A . II . I ~. I ... • b 87 . ca sh or ttlulc. f l\f ... 1111111')' 1''r(,, \I \(' u. ~ Id Jqulteg otlrl. 1lt l'vI'xpc ct to IIl cet l thcCII!lC)) cu.lhllg Ville, ort 110m 011 e erso n lI11'tlln ll IS II UU vut I IHlII. (. · j 1II\I"."lIA . ~- II'IlI::P"'10' Ih e ",,,", 10 · L _ • • . 1\ I II I. I .~ . I . . I yell l"!! I I) - I lIgl1l1l vllIaU . I';•. wU8Ul'~ 1M'lt'I Ie ~UUlc. I' Ince 0 11 SII IIII" Unattl·l s pacc tle Wc.ln"" .. I< r "r '. ,·',i. " I·' T ', It" I,,· ·o III e~ t Cl.tJZCI11 J1tl e V"CC," " .. ' RA. .. , . . ' lust Satnrda .k . . .' . . . by Mr. Alfred believc , VIO E'S > IW, .. " 110" )1,01"" It"·,,., I,.!!""",, " •• " IlY . I'vemn g n c~t ~It 7 0 cl c • ttl . M K ' TI Y t t' ._ . t . GRANO DINN,ER; l . -:\RTl". Tlt t' re ~LU "'· CO',""'. 10 .I.c-,;'" (l .Iu"'.... ",.:1 I\"' . ' . . !l(·l'Il'Ct 1111 IIl'g nnlzllt llJ l" '' I''~ Flower and Vegetablel Seeds, C II). Ie s ar mgpoll l \\ a All hOIl ' \\'a~ a la.l','e • 1 )"1 Il I Dr. vcr,, T. ' \V. u<Tl'ccu IJalll hl es e alld IhcI "'a N .•,. 0 W . • 1 1",1.; ~"Ih ·,,"1 .1 0"'" Wife (II . bl' I- ,I . near D. Wh llrtoo'~ wagon·shop, and I'~ichm o nd [lldialia lire ill . '1 ," I\r l~ tlw .\.[\!Ot th e' WIl !'l d Vr" dlll ·"'l. '. . T l lPY lit" '" I", •. to n \<' Inddn I ViII J (I C lurgu 1 ij ' ) II' 'IO' S nil' 1 S.lI "10,,,· I'''''''''' I» \" "" 1(1' :"' ITI""\·. I p\ UHIi 'li hy n 1I1illi .,,\ pNlj,tr in .\uwrll'lI. · IdlllllC' I'·PIII·tJI gl\' 81l hy ~Jr. lind ~I rs. ~ ,1I;!n r.tl'ce lit I I tlICIICC U P Wuter . street pust th e e!l . . 4 ill -he· ~ . :Ir, \\" I' 1;"I.. ,· n I' · . I' If I ' l ors u \"(· IWl'l 'stcd tu be 1.111 hlllld. l"ylllrr tho A t rllold tJIlul t Ie t i~. gcma SI,lh h 01l 1t ili 111 c . u J/l\). IlUutO I ,' h'w 15 I' l "'" '11 ill 1H," ,' r Ilf hlc"" I'~ 21 IlIcI ,,·," !!:I ' E . 1.1 lillI,,: '1"' ''''' 1 umi \ ' t"'~I. t ~ t lilt ' . \ . . . Dli s, all d CrOSS cd t IIe L'ttl '" , . 1I\,1 .~!'i. A - .p, .' h·p I I • ' :lItall11-( e M IIHIlI ' • 1 • c • • lIl~ · • "t' u till \l bl'iupo,n ~ regioll. . t I' rrf (. ' tn I nil 111'1' tltl' ll" IOUS" c··tIl1lu1>1 0 n ..h~tJ vc !III'S "II, """ ""'''''''' "," " "- I' 1,1 : . " ,. " ~ " 1 '" whn ('Ur. IO"ll· t)It" \)II"I.U.t:·~I' !! j'l"' II. I"lHt1Ip . at tile bl'gdam '• thence onward to I tt r tl 's ... ,nk f 'V e tl giveD IL • • 1'"le- ", II .'''''e "'" I1"r I..• ,iol 1'",.. ",,,,, Q UE EN CITY DAR U RY .-Go there I \" e "11111 e, ' f Sahill. "I u :JvlwlIl1h.l\I" ., 1 ,, "..t,I ~i "rh c ' " . ~j ': I·: ··ll li"I." .OI""1o II past the school· ... , 1\ 01nC,. rom '1 Ie'1 r., rvr fl " ur. IIrcu d . 1'11 k noues k t · 11Ilere ' 08. c rac k'er", " . t1<' I~ I ,,...... "l.SI'r"IlIg IleI" tI lIug IIt l! r. .,,, ,.•• .arm, • . ..t' I'.•..'1 1 I', ,, I,.; II •• ,,,,, ,,, ,,• II , llt latU110 "ga.w bouse, ar.d lle en going by New BlIlti· w'ltten l VIO E'S' f ' " I.(ltlte for the ~'l J ' ol'iJ\L cuast. ~I 'V'II ' J" COil M ectl OIl\·rII·~ "II" I ' 11 : Vi".",II, . 1." 21 1'1)IO"" " "''''''II' ''", 0'''i'h \ OIr'''' 8 I R G I I I ~ta r uy~tcr8, .811 I ', r". more. Tho survey comes within I . III In . \,111 ((. . r~. r. S li .. o ~ . ,. I' III' 1\ . .. Iii'. l.I.':I ..• I .. oyst(' Flowe r ·" rt e \\· & ~. Vegetable Garden. ,I acub IS n Itvrnle rly h vcd III thiS II I.' II!." bll l'l~ u(ld tl,,' . '1 f N cw Bnrling · plnc.· ,II " . ~illlli"". "o,""i, .;,, ". III .'C' "" - Th e Ilifair dlflllel' of ~Ir . Illld first·el lls!) bilker ILndRltt.er a b011 t t wo 1111 es u hiS oy sler, • i ~ I II I hu grcllt 111 .. 1; 1 ' mlllly h"'" M Ht i(lI! w(l rk nf t ho kin.l in years, J h movllIl II k ! from 01 III",L m'''e 01' le--: II,,· " "IO ' I?"IIII( " ,,,wI . I " tvn. We will gi ve furt.her purtie· • I rs.ose p . aw ~ WIl:! gl~en 1 th r worl.\. It f"tfl d Hil l l'1 nOlarl y 1:'0 r nlfP~ , . " 9 by I'" ,·,d M VII' ):II , "~n 01",1 " ,Ia .,.1.1 111101 ut \ ~tew~ call t ho beat. 1\I 0reovOl', he tIllS . P nlars of this movem ent 1\8 Foon as the hOllle 01 tho a~e to ~ Ie ~est ~n ] ,,5 . hund"i,rI", flf fil II' i llu 04(mtiollJ' , 1111(1 rOlir cvn""~e,' I, ~- 0... 001 t" AllrOll Ch.. lld l.· ,·, " r"" bnd e~~oo m spa· HI a Jolly.na tured soul j and B. H . lhe lullowlIIg 18 a bst of her old :lrd . A . ll . Itl6l . • ChTomf P lut C'1'4 of .F l'-Iwf'r .. , btlflutifu l krI tI Mr. and Mrs. PI"lip Hawke , Hnycs. the prl1pril'lor is olaking \\e can. ellrn lem. W e ~\1" sl I th e rellts. flruw neighbo rs, relative s alld their de · ~'lICl lte,,1 ~: .t" lc h,!~ l,cclI ~")!n l .•rl." "I" ~ U turo, r ri !'f·;J5 TI. t .• I Q enterpr ise mny be be curried Ollt, Ias.t W U (,. ' Secure them ere they G(l ! r;,·11 1... n11 1IHlIlp n \lt:"Ol,'r lJuTfilrll' fl'r l!i:lI mH;J!laf"(mt", I I .n~8 ny. " I Ie gues 8 WCIe tie l)tJ ulhl in foli o" '.: .,,.,.. ,t.·,cr,lwd ueen Jlt y n success . ' Ii s('~ n( ont.~ . w HI \\ ere t Ie guests .on P'·'"8.,llId aod also th e M. V. N. Q. R. R. 'ha e . um 0 1 ,"45 Il\'r IIcr,·.: '~cr" "'llrOle'l1." ,,,'1 legnn t d o IlB. foll"'\ tI. Mr. J. H . Zell ~nd t.h . OI L$ Iill ._-- - . -. • ·tlll !! ('CenSllllI: Mrs. Jifdge .0111.10, ref ' ~ " ': 1 10, ... 1',",'1 $nfl p.·r IIc __ _ • _ __ _ Wife, Mr. Obudes Hawke nlld Wlfc. r.,·; ~" _ "llol [(7' Tho stlltelllc nt uf the condi · Mr. J. 1'. ()Iurk lind wife MI':;. W . .Id dli~c nhl'd 1,.,10" ":g ,·the,· "' L • 0 nrt\\ug ... IIt .an d'f, SHOT AND KIL1,ED.- LaSt TI IUrs· " M l'. tlOll I" '" OIc..a; . 0 f t IIe H lur.. , O. . . . WI 1 e, R T ' Ilrveys R"d bur~ ~h BUlldlllg SUblll, ~ r. (: ltool' hvmpso n and BUill ofe $"Ilitre 1""'''''.0. day, J.'ruuk Wakely, a yon IIg lUau N Ilthllll o~es lind wlfe~ • Mr. 'l i.~.\1 pe' 1"1 O' lIcrc; "" n"d 1\ "wholt· ill I•• ,III 0101'h" "" ~~ob. and Loan As!)ocia tiou mllkes a very wife, Mr. S. O. t 'W clch a lld wil e, " \\ ho lo 0' in pa rro l. "" IIl' l'rll;" ' flnuly ilhlAt.rutf' ct. IUIlI Hlll ain ill .ll un ,, It''(!'Ilfl t ed 17 or 18 years, living with ert Mountj OY lind Wife, Mi ssos halll l ~" llIe Mltllwill ·'1. ill , lid, g. It has steadi· A. L. Anlrum ~d wife H OIl. T. n"'"lIc r'" 1". l'r!)d ll"" Ih.· ".'0.1 "''' '''') . ,,,,,I , I I C I co J."r~d lf rnn t iep1c('c witl l the: firl'4 t tllI1! I' W r: . ItT . J I f. Aarou Wrigh t, was ki II e d I ~lIe ' .' . . ~o urtng I. .!.MIura .: ,. , - I Pri"" only U. cenUl a yo"r. Th o tlrol ~u. 'he r"n " wllI):, I.... "," . , ., . ',t: almost instant ly by the acciden tal GUst\IC. Hamme ll , Kate Zdl, ~ II O~,! ga"", .. cueh ):ear Slllce Its estub· M. 'Vales and OW . " Mrs .•Tall e D. UIIOne.thin l of Ihl: I'''''''III''I'-IIIU",'): to) Iw LIZZI O hshmen t, lind 11:1 COli troll ed by Il Stout , MrA. 1.h\~!, ~I.oo ' ,for 1876 ju8t iNlued. Add r.~ dischar ge of a gun, It seems that MouutJ oYI Mrs Jallo South tiey of K eo· pllid cash in hOl ",I,nn ,}"y ."~ "" I,.. ""Hhi ~, 1 " .lAMa VI«:K. R"'I'I\.lr~. N.~, e l'n, first· cIU~!I board uf' .. fficers. Such kuk InWII" A"s: Antram M En 0 II tt lind wife 111 one yCllr. lind L,u ''''"'"111'' ", ""o'l.h! r,! no the young man had been huntin g , . . .., . rs. ' 1."· cn ' v e lUI d ,c'1 II' Id ren, an IDstltUtl '. , . • ' two ,'curA OU from ucscrves prosper ity. \Vm. L\'ln g 1111(1 '~::I o. Mrs .Mr~ . M. pllymcn" JEHU M U L~~N. tl"y .. I ,,,10: •.he ,1.·I,·rrod ' ;AMES W ( "1J. {."Y. had just killed a r .. bbit, and was Messrs. Frank and Ray lell, " t.o bear int.rt>.t frllnt Ih~ T. Alltrnrn , of ~vondale; Dr. Illld 8~ l u, 'md be .<c ured by m "rl !f"I{~ d"y o ( re.\oadinp: his gnn. He hnd londed ue) Jones, and Juhnni e. Tbi Sam· on the s ltnppy Oh, yes! and after thi s date, ~Irs. Vllndl·rvnor't.. WID. Hayll cs l,romIHoH · supposod b a d ' n was f,0 II I)weu. 1 Tlll~day tl Q e C'On one barrel, an d it L8 Hold. . OCCI1Slo t Y J3 u k cry WI'11 no t ,. . .• I .. , '1' l' le F .u W ell I I I · . t' S.,o1 prem, IIr au .. WI e, \ . • 1\ C8 1!1l( ~' I e, ",IIU two.thi ..••• 00 ""hi (,,. Ie." fini llhed loading the -other all but eveuill g by a ballrtue t d" ..\VIII f tI ...nnl OIpl'",iHeJ val"" . by nish paper lor wI'uppi ng-up bread; Cha's Antrum ~a wife,'th the shot and while gettil117 that he Mr. IIlId .Mrs. Nalhan given c ~rl $ses ' .. w. ~/. H . IIAItL.-\N. J ones, in so bring you . r bllskete . ' . Lida . Sahin . . . of . ~&w 1 Albany Ind ." lnew b n·rt e · d had rested l\1s glln With tile mllz~ e ..l. ollor 0f SltedO' of Wllro~' 11 (;01111 1), . l)bio. t)e All IC ' A II tram an groom. ' , ~y.~lu . Antram' [ ' !'IETII W . D uow/!, 1 Tl~e· ::ndn;'~ig t;ell- ,~.~~, i n fllr m . -.- •. --" " Ortll·Y· , ~u· 00 his side, c1f1se to his heart; the A t tI~i 8 feast were ttw fluid ic J,!'l.: l l1' r :l lly t llll! th r .,· tmn' present tl.le La Creme de la Creme is Ihe ta Y II nd en' our', '. Mary A ntrulll, loaded barrel being imp~rtectly ~()II<)wtng' "lImed .g uests: Mr. opener! A 1'1' ft n,' W ~I e n t. ;\Inrket ill lh fl A C H M ENl'. old Slant! or LCI\k ~ n.. wna. . where II"·,, cocked , WClit off, the conte!lt s en· Ip llu,:"ke ancJ ,wIfe. Mr. J .. ~IIII. bC8t musical IlIl1gnziu e now pub. HlLtlie R. Wnlils,. Messrs. Alf. Ed· IIi,am Kilbon. l'I~,,, tifl . ~ lief",'. W Mlln. ll. Zcll li B hed. It contll .111 ills, keep each "OIl~ month, t A nll y VII b~l1d l\ wl1rd~ und P.•It · ~ycke, tering his heart. and causlIIg al· 81HI Wile, 1\Ir. ~. L. CartWright VR . in",I'III. J . 1'. of alld fine selectio n uf origina l mnsie leI'S LUllrell ce und Curl and Mas· Vumi cr' l ThontlLlO Kclly. Defelle!'1. WII\.!CTuwnmost instant death. Mr. Wakely 's willi, . Missel! Mllry Blll"llet t, Bd~c suited to th e cllpllcities alld tastes ,"n,,!,\., Ulld En genB TIlE VElt y BEST ~ntl·f1111. I funeral took place Saturd ay, at MII ..tlll, H.ach~ Curtwrt.g ht, 8;:1:: h,re" Col., GussIe 01 accomp lished perfllrm ers, lind 1 he ages of 27 of this party I On Ih e Ill' h II",' o ( .J"""OI'I' . A . D Middle Run, IHalTllI~ell ; cst;rs .. GL'Orge 1I11~ 1 ftlr thc. s mull SllI." ot" 511CC 18711. III~ 'I Beef, Veal. Mutton and Pork, - - • IJoh l1 l1l o llawke , Flllllk ILlid ita) what III sl leet turlll wonldllt::!. givcl! rllll";l'd fl"l'I.Il !1() 10 3 years j th e ~R"I ,' u, ti oe ,," ,,.'·,1 lin IIr,lt'r " j "II " ~".IIO '! I'I I ' cost $3 I.Y~rllg e heln" 5-! yelLrs. n::::FTh crc WAS all inlereRting lZcll, lind Milton Keys. Buth IlI lhe "],"',,. II,·t .. ", f .. .. tho . ,"" "I :jq.LI Ilt~ .I. or $4 W o clln ullhcs itlltillCTl y 1 .h e c'JIl nl,·.' ••Turds; .",1 011 will he k"pl Thc gue st "we re "cry llOS I,i tllhly ~lIIl ,lh c 0".0 i. """ltnl,,,,1 ul,lilll,o~!'lh . ' I, t IIr e laQ Be8Sl0n . were. o.f tl Ie Impplcs 0 f, th c Le gl.\ rilly . t I ." t., ~lllll'!) - . IOf )·ehrnllrv• . A.D. 11'1711. Mo~dILY nIght, ulthong h the cl~let ler, lind, It IS l ~opecJ, arc C larac· recomm end thi s l'xcellollt work .., to all(I slImptu nU:5ly clltel'tllil lc(I, 119 HIRA~r 1\ (LnON. I , 1 a trlle our 1Il1lsicai I'eaders. $4 a year. USIIIlI , by Ill c hO!lt ' I' ) ' I C LEA N A ~ D !Ii I 0 E . I1nfl hostess. to. bu mcsa trtlll Baetcd was the elc('tlllll fUl"08hacJowm~ of the happy scenes J. L. Peters, Nc\\' York. I gcther with their du ughtcl"s . of officers. This resulted liS fvll o\\'s: sti ll i ll slore lor the young NOTI VE. . , coup'le. • ••• _ _ _ FINE SUGA R~CU RED HAMS U UEST. \ E .. late nf Ol,ftr/e' " 1: {/(hl'all nSpea.it er,S. kW.G Brown. ~'~" S Alo l': II\" - -... I S B '1 • ( ,1 . , ~ "l TI Ie PIIreno I ' I J ournaI 'IS - . nglea -, nt~ v c~,' r~orge J' LalZeY'11 I II, · ' I IeNIIN ,' I I . I , DEATH 01' MRS. MARY TA1.·LOB.- well worthy of tho high position ~j[ .~ ~lt whole or I. , Ih. slice. I, IV,' u." o~II , ant v' er..-, Dr. . . t~.~ GI ').k.C"'tlt1.~m~nttJ. I 1~" \"\lh'''I i[o\"n ' 11 SAI818t . ~d''",' 't b tI t (Jt .A rm a Chns 'Carder . Th IS I":'·" "r'l"~in~. A 'l nnd . • , • age' ali y, \II' h0 I1M 1on~ been given W '" t ean ;J\. " lJ ,qulllttlcd II. J\,InIlIllHlrlllrll< .. 1 lho 1','1111",,1\ M i LIN & W OOLLE Y. I )Y II) merman press, \ "fl C..:.; I . ' • • C. 1'. C lldw~lI arlr r I ,,~o of W,men .•uuLI • an invalid . departe d thi s lite • last and shvuld btl univers ally read . ---~ • .T,-Be • .. fore Jnetlce __ ' . Sa t nrd l1y decca.ed . 'n · J UST/Cs'B Cou J I 15 a ed i 1'1 ' J . be mornl g. a I. t be \LIVE AGENTS WANTED! 18 anuary nllm r mus . ~ 1ii1l Maning ton yesterd ay Jucob Rit· ov~r 80 years. We bolieve,Ilg ;8\ 18'7D6..ted Lhi~ 61h <1.,y of .Tltllll.ry. A. D .' TrTl M:-s. welcom e to all its subscri bers. A . ...., ~ To ~rll Dr. Ohue'. It<plpeA: or lnrrJl"m,, , ~I" ' K Q~~ ' u ".~ 'Taylor wa a native 'HARR1 ter WIlS ch~rger of V ir"iul's ET N. ADWA[,[,.\DER. t by J uhn mg I ~B@!.e~~&~~~~ lion rur F:VorI bod". In er 'Y ,:o,,, nl y I n/~. 1Il3 ~ ~ , p. ' 1nn1'.6ft Farm,' rIce 3'c. or II' a year. . S • R . The .....n.krlri'lil-n..""' with haying drawn 1\ revo\"l:lr ' bllt lI.he had long been a 1Ullitetl II reSid en t ' W eill! & 00., Publish ers, 737 ' ated in Mllit"", ll.. ~. "'Rrlle .. h . II'l:lt.to8 I I ~nei 64 t,,,"d ng! It cont"ino ~.~.,y_ OO9 ,tnol . lldjollling . . . over of tillS placo, She was a member Broadw ay Ncw York. ~ 'Q4\o ~ ABa . "pon hi ID. A ftc r examlll tbetoWll llt lOn, ~:'b~. .of C4>r'll'ii& ~~~ld II" . ~e Recif., k . place .• lI"d con . . I~ .... !uilOd ln. , 10 . a ll . . . ' ~ ~~'<.I • Ritt r 11'88 bUild over to f the . IC B.lte Frlell?'" society .....entY-"llt ""reo. lind I . . . . .ery benntifnl All partl~" Indebted cIM ••• ftlldeondillon.,,1 .oe,et.I'. ~ wonto tho Ulld Of~Ii!" C!d , AND. DEA.LI!!RS JM Af.L ItINDS 01" - -. alld d..ito.blo location a... pltlcc of rp.Ai· ~ lire requast 01 to " .. II 11,,,1 keep the peace in the sum of t 200. au. d I\n mtelilg d rrnl hnok &lid .. b ~ll."hold n~~e.B' I~· , It eut, upright Indy. ""ttla up ..t nn 0; Rain lind mnd Bince the close of danQe. Will be OffAlred . . :111 at.1 M . 1; ..... 1.. ' r"tlllea", .It.' .~e r · . at .. l'argain. For ""~ _ "II p.r~""" wit Mrs. .. gav TIl&; tI.eir or'a n "~c" remain lit my :! \I"ore eon· tIIe cold term llUIt ~y day - . •. :. oll'~'" to ~k Ig<'D~. l'Ia"r le t o»le- ~;>.J, t • • ad parti:)Ulartl addro... , ". 81110 18 ~ July. are here],v II11Li./ted tllllt , 1 !IJ'" Dog money I • IS comlll~ 111 to I~I!y ~11 Mid JASPER ~ ij()NZAT,ES. ntl'r ye terdBY mOI'n! og notc~ .. ill be duo on MondRY n xt Jllnullry h1 .. 1I. Ao-'p,aI4 , ro~ "·I .. E .c1u" I~~ t.ar~~• .. ( . 1 Q-ircula tioll. ftJl8tl col ", Florid,, ; 1'7. 1870. 1..0 AlPIa ml.ra ·th,,, dotlo e 'he," . fOI' hunuJ. . .' T. 'r . nO'O~N. . . Vaccin ate. . _ '> ::::';~,.. A..d.... Or. Ob.~8'. - WIlD . or S. S. HAtNJ;S, W"'Yllnvill", O. W"ynaM"iIIc. JUII. Ill, I 7/1 " . I I\"n ~II"".Ii~, .T" r. r., 1 ~16 .. Ih,. nOd,e, Ann A,bor, ~!lubl"D . (:.43l-';n(' l/1IL .
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t.ermillua ul the JtlekllOnville I'en iF _. :; . I. '11)11 1'1 Jiicil.m ond'" OAi(!l.Igo lJif:i.i"n : ueuta & Mobile R.R., .n~ the~ i I J:iI,. ()all'tt~ :-AproJlOll o•• 11 r~ ~bf.rtts· ~ i~~~ ~f. ~ ~,t' ~.' :":,,1 ".,,-__ ..... I ,a. a regular IiDe of awarn 11Ip' plying . I 111' I eJ . I W U 1.1 . :::: .... " • :: '" 1•• 11 ; 11<1 III ul II.. .",1 < r I "_ 1>11 ·~I~. oal.. frum there 10 New \ 'ork touc!a;ng artIe 0 P" I I 10 ytlur c" limn ~ :: .:; 2 :; t_ .. :__ " __,.!!. ~~. :'7. ~ • n "1,,1 "llh 11>., Jill. I III, .,,01 h ' I,' . ( _. t II tl .. I • L '1 lOme tilUtl ~iIlCt·, reti'rrlllg ill IImc " .~ '" 'J"~.AJ! t ' " J " • Iteror" II 11, Til' • L' .. N ... tj. ~O. 10 a U Ie .prlocIV- pOl." ... 011 t IC wu I" till) 8 ·hool tlf ,lac ub"vu I I t he 0 , ro-"'Oll tt ..n nf 'I ro. 11\ ,LI' ~ CiMluaU-'-ft I!lIOom 7110p .. CUI\.Pt. l~lerc Ilrc, ttl . IlUvcml nUIII~ villulTe; Ilud. liS of Il&tc ~;; .. - I~<" ./ .w-- Photographic Materia I S·.ILALiII;: '.'.p Lh~lru"ot t,.'l lIit. "",11.1 \1 kld, lIIol,J-.\r.h. I U.U~ • III 111'10 "'" Wahl rUIIIlIlig .up Ihe St. J. ohne. .as Icerta'I" d. ~~UI11Cllt" Ilave 1. - ull ' '" .. t !i!:'; _ _. •"A" hv l1't' "110 . .. II I "'I .'JI'I\: ilL.,. .. /Ja81·ruo_•• rrl~. 11..~olU 1017 P ili 1 E tAl t tb ~ ""~ \>0 -: •• ., W ~.,r"lI . "lu I . ,~" f ,. '. rrq4hu:ln Ibo l l!'Y"Ni"AI-I' lh".~Il" u;'1I!'''~ ,,",In' .. ·,I· .... N.WC ....II., rrlve 12'lOom lI !!-lpll1 ar;B8 ~ ' rpflc, con nec~lIg WI tCIIIJ .red anu thrnu/oththc killdllc ~ I~'" -••• vf 1' I.r~III ·~ ftd"' l llhlrtllll?.'"1\I "III.III .lul. Aoder on.lrrl\c _ I.r.pu, l2.2~a .. tnUfll!.lI;'"UgttoS, t. AlIgUtStlll~. 01' tl18 officl'ul of 1Ii11 ill tit'uti vlI, ' i: , _-. . . . ;: i~=_. STEBE"PTICON·" AIiD bOl'ed.III'l.bel" uhd4t"'"lnt~ n"~,""l tI.1 Kukomu . ~rrl vo :1.1'; p 81 II.IU ~ III I I V " KAGIC Ilet perioJ ia our 1I0t.II",,1 l,i.Io,,,. 01 All L"1l1l0l"'t'. lIrri<e 4 .~l{Ip m 311:' ''01 vurt! rD)W' 'n I thought I would ti)r the bencfit fIlJ1Bflt~~~DlnDl ~ 1 '" - . --LAITERKS . Ilh" rheSu".,11I cu""lin c' III/,lele" .. d .., OrOw" I"oilll. ar"<. i.l~ II III 611;, am ALLACE AIBII. of thu 0 uf y IIr readers whu e II ~B ' l~~ l\ ~ll\Q&r 1 ~ g ~~~f.~~~~ ~t.; 1;' 1 ~"in~ ~1" "uf"clu"'l1! of Ih~ clirntc .C~"UllI ". (... hi~~ . u", i", " .. lor, "lib Cblco,... orrhe !/ 211 p m i .:AI" "' F-m T-ulle-~. >nrllpla>n 'cd unatl' Ilg' Ilcre r .... rtL I' ::_44 1 ~_"., "'. _._ .. "" - MU·II0""t:'.1¥T.PI(' I ." .TKR'" ~. rI1 Rlld I.U·I" 011 111 I "'111" 1;.,, "I" " Ih ." ~"'.U .OU1I1 . .~ ~ ~~ d.ICC the mo \ imptlrtRlI1 ;~t~: I C I ~ :1 '(:0 : ~ :; ' - . ~ "T~~r:.'il;t.~~~n':'~~io"T~~O"'. a".~~:~I:;"I~'t;I~I~ r ",id "U. I . 10 lin. '1, hle,,!,:o-LuYe tI~pl.;, !I.;I~· : m: CIIA'M'ANOOOA. TI\NN., ~lellts cOlltuiucJ ill th 'Prvspectull I c;. ~ : ~ ~ol':~::.";r.~C~I"~TlIH.• OP~"'o~. ~:i~;~~ ~~::~IOr~~!;·.;;t~ :;~,.~~ : ~:'~'lil·II;.i Oru~' III'ODI-"rrh'e IOU:' pm 111,20$"01 Jan.7.1. 7Ii.. turllext year. I S ~:r i";"'.'-!::-';'~'!':"':-:7- :'- a. - :-; 1I0IlLI.,AN.I .~!(.N. F ~~!IL\ , L'.'u", ..... rmofl"'''e rlll1(l plllml • . l1nrl .ullm .. r••• 6 L.lrullll,ort. arrl. I'J ~II • m 1.1 1' m The Trll tees have r oll'cd t1l1lt . . , ~ <:§ ~ S :7 ~:t ~ t t f ;; I E.I II Lb ,., I. A~ I ER~ . d"oidlng "h" .11.111 bc lI,e "'mll.I I'~ .,f Iltft ~":II~'~~';I~:~~:" ~I~~ ~: :! $ pm Etlil. Millmi Grmtil! ; - It JUay h IIccI'orth uo I./Cr 011 (' 10 1)1 vud h ,! ~ ~ '!' " .:.:- K.ch "v:,· h"i"l: Ihe b,' I of il8 d ... in Ihe \rnrly uf lIelorm . nnd,,~ .·I.·Clhlllloo,1 cO\"di ~ 211 p "' 1I0t h IIl1illt reHling to s 'Ille of J ~_. ' , : : , : : - :: _ • ' nll .kll, : 1I~le. ,'",werulllg II ll ...... 11 ' .1 .1,. 1100 tJ ji=:..~~~~:;.:r;~;:'~ ~~I~ : ~: ;''r~II,' ~ Y""I' lIIun ' plltr Ill!! t" h tlr fnllu 11tS th m tu impllrt ill tructi .>o hall"~ By c,'n.tll"l CI"O aml"tteutioD. llllHl'ru.ed - ,. ~~ ,llnl,.\:uc< o. "nlll",," and " lItle wilh who ",ad TI.,e ""11 ",II hu\·.. 110· ("11 "u~ J( lch,,, .. IIII .• rrl,'. !. a; A", Ii :If IJ '" 'tl,rl)I,,,I, .\ "' 111' Vulllllhl ",hcI'l. \\'e ~1I~lIg~tl lor lIlly cl·rtain I ' rll' ul' I ' "' :. "ire"lio" .. fllr II . III'~ .Cllt 1111 KI'I'".lllion. ,m,·ftn . WOf bd nl: IIl Ulollti,) W, l1l1l1", d ,I I' II 1:1 t Ina It) ~ ~':;!:-:-~ ... r.:;,:::- ;-o-. '1. •. I Tbt· . "kI1 :-lUll. ,,1.1,·1. I. .. ,'IL""~.I ,, l.!inl·inllt, .. i, a rrh u 55 1\ III ~ . IU., I' 1" arc h" ro _v(1 hut i, Mr~. IJ .. unu 'U(;lIt.I ~ ( I lr uny t; Ilr CI'. .. .., :, ~ t' !:."I : - - --:: s' .\uy cut nlrl"111 ~ m ltH "111\ m \~e m l lne~' c it C'ul:1 liUI\ 01 t. \"'r I j~l,1 th u' j\ ltll I I i " ~.). '1\·"I.. v". Rlchm ,,,d ".,Lv. YUllr hllll,hfl;) ser\'ant) ill lutla ~lIt thIJ\~ thl" Itlil t 11'lold th clU ~hc ~\ SU' Ii'1,lt[tj'I_ :;~. , Q ,~ .f: _ : . . ~ _ .-~~ ~ _ _.§ ~.'~._=~ ~ . -.::._f, ""11,, .\ III~I· 1,11111"'11. .II rcud., 1\1IS 1\, n·uII.,. I" . ' COI " 1" '~~ No . nile will lett\''' Uhil' t\).:O dail," All '1' ueu U Il all I 111I I'l"a tllc _ ~ ,~~.... ~ !J ~ _ === :,...1~'li.. I~t " It t il' . Ulh- I li" e m!>lIt 10 .. H:. f t.! · ell \' ....l\ HIr l 'L'I'r\, untl WI' trll ' \ Lt' l' the \ ur '''' ) olh ur trah •• tiltH." 1' ~l'eJ' l uud .. v. IH,H.Jga, "UU ., 8t1rrt .llU' t r tu ~puJ upt'stukct ' n1u ~ _. .._ . . ... "t 'I l"' i r 1"1 111)1 if, dnul.) d . It \'I.,I! ",ItW. J. 1)·H Il IEN.,; . 1': .1: T A . ' J by hi tllric ' grolllld, IlIlIde 1"1' IlV ~C(', ;;uc I II., I'a .0 I~ -:: lill1le In 1"'1\ lIMOll 1h " , W .I ". cr .\11 II 0 81 D W . O.\L IIII' t;LI., u. ~I.. (· olumhu.. 1tUleru 0 d I tl LI d f IIlUII)' gl\' CU UII III lall'o uf a cllurg' 'l l ~_. ~ -;... f ;; 0"; y() ( ' ./.\ N Il!' "' ral nul"- "I' Ihe oj I~ will Iw l;,ulI" '" il. J IIII.L. :-I uP·LLugK""IJUrt, llId. I Iy IC U .. (J ' • illCfti cicllCY Lr'll"ht ubout by tw ~11 rtf, r< I I 11 I I I 1 -:::; ~ 3 ~ :0: I i I """d. nRc.:.h,, u",",.... I'nl. 11 111111 1 , · I!. - .1 th\.H1sulld~uf hrJ\' u "ud loyal 8111111. .1 ., . "I . d l" d "rrC<'t'd ll",nr, m"(c u 1111111 :", :i ~ I -= ,,111'11,,1 "" 11"'111; .",,1 111)" ,)-, ~" 11111., 1.·tt6rfrolll Florldll. U I tt I ' 1/ Stllu!!l1 ... pre\'loll s y applllntc wr "'. 30 11 1U~"" rt". 1I11 Y ., :. , -: ;' LI·C11"uilll\cll!"r. hll".c.... "'="u~ ".l,ucl" " . I LIt til C\J I!'IIlCIICC Illy ~ cr, WI thut urpuse. I 1 ~ "'O ll n l l . . . , RUY WI' II!t.t dUllr olu H IUI IIII I)fIU VII . Ii . bl'" I I - 1C -: % -I • j' I' . I I W I ' I "',,,aMANDlNA JUII 3 17li. ' I<Yua)'lOurniu II Dec:H 115 ut i Amungothernollcaa o II!Ut11 re I Experienced Workmen l ~ .,,<; ' 2_:-;:d::E ·", ~ I ._~¥::= ", '~~:,~I'I,' ,"I~~I...'~~I~:':. ~·· II,,:~O.,cil;,' ~:\'.,·~ •. , '. ' I . ." .' . ' . is Nv. 97 of til rul ca ~romiligated I I I br 'ifr "nd ,,11 OOuKhtRod ""hI i. upon odll,,"i.,u != §: I and beard "bout }o'iorida eince I made clo e cu nncctioll at Uam · s rlcplOlfle T etoacu J , VIZ. la judlfmellL. "Dd fur CAriB. at ~ I =: I .......................... I I !' :': . . M . J IfllI<I n),rlclIll",al ," Iorll'" Lh,lI .. I", .. Lf( I. ~_. l II eorrectallY bee FI . II . '0 ~ d no ro . or u rSUl ~ ~ ;;"' ~ !'!'~.. I ~ I TIS Slihilc rlhllig fOI' our IIICtl "fI· I.UI 1I1,lulo m' ''"'·' '''''" ' ''I'' ,I'i~·"dl. have ? 011 orld~ couet. . Ibf1d~c~ alltl~:3 . .V1I~1 11K at etudent inside or outsidc of schoul W f;;i ~::;:; <;,;; . ~ I l ur,uzinc:!. 1110'" 'Lhe nl'~lcull""11 .'1 , 1"11 11, .., " t ".p ",.. I. ~m.BtopplUgat or~andlDa, willch looUI SYllIe OU~ID UI~VI e. y . hOllrs tor disordl!rl ' conduct bllt LOWE TPR[CES! I '''': " ~,,.. 1b 1 'Ih'" al'o i SlIcd III nthlv Iy ,< ollo 01 II. I'r"I111",."t Ie ,,,,,", .. II" 18 8ltllMt.ed vn Amahu I8land, ncar lBy the wav, tillS hotcl IS a gem· II h tte I )11 L .. I I'to' tl ~ . . , :'"' .. . . · If" .hlo n, are ftl. , 'c., ul",'" I ~ o,'c.1 '" lid M ' . I " 1I ' tII . t t a sue IDa rs e Ja ue 0 L Ie ~ ~ a~ ? " I ~· allli cou tu ln tell tllllC u milch ICOII'U"" ; nlld s" lU ll Ih .. mar, .·t. " I ,vcr' t h e moutb ° f St. ary s river, a , COIOP etc 111 a I Mppolll lUeD . ovd sen'se lind b·as d . d With no... maohlner)'. DPw buil.lingH. 110 11111 ie Ill! YO Il can boy el '. kilJ~1. . . very beautiful ,troom about halt' a The city pr08ente a phunomeuou in g t f tI IlU I e JU goo,e. ren t ro pl\)', tho be.t ttlrm. Iou lx, h~d. CRn g' 1::: .~ '.L '" :,..:., ... _ '",," ;;';: \l"h~I'a fur tho Sllllle aUl\Illnt of 'I he Weokly SliD: eIK!.t. l'nl!'~' WI L!. fiFty . wile in width nC1l1' itll mouth, and I the fuct that it is tbe pride of all m~r . o. ~ersotl concern b; be "Iven to "IHtotn~r8. ;;" 1;:' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~: ~ BB: M' X bruad CI)IUl1l11d, ,. Oil!", iii 1.20 " yco r. of 8nfticicllt depth fur ships of IUIM' Ilu"al Keutucky hcurtll. It makcs 110 IIngtltl d li S, tll)wevcr, m uet kC A 'dl i'''' IIIlOOt?' ((,~. C:OII.tttntly on h",ld. ~ ~ I' '" -: . '. I mnncy. J>VS1.ttlfe Ill·ell"ld. A. Ihi' l.rl'·' ""I'~ly rep.,.v~ • J • I ti d I . eo COlltl rue us 0 prcvcn t rvc 'lI 8 ttl", ell 00 1011 'I, ~ , .... . ." 'C. ~ IP t ' H h ld Melodies 'm.doITomthis Ithe oU<!t uf lhe paper. lW J i'I'o",,1 ~1I 0 he vytoIlIlR~e. l18farlls thctowllol l llvddrerellcewlereyou II lIm;f be' Ildti I " PICT{fRE~BR '1 0KFl1 S~~ I ~::':=e;= ~~ 1 l eers ouseo .,.•tehl~llIb.,1I 01l1"l:'Il.t· St. Mary s, wlaicl~ is O il the l\ o ~th ' l ho\\' ob cure. or in wliat rcm~te rO I~l Ing lur c Irollgl win· 1 . ~ , . i; .~ . , 9. ~ I No' . 1 to 1:3 uo'\\, ready. A (Jo1 ' l mn~tc..,..or .I\yvll~. ern bank III th l;) rlVur, nlld 10 1II11 1i~ comer'. 1 \'elltlll'e rile a ssc rtlOn dO\A~e. etc. t ' ., . f I'. tl and uth er artloled IlI!POO" Iy plovulod lor = ;. I Icctio" of Sungs b)' B:l"e DUlIkll The Dally SlIn. ". Iftrg. f"\lr.l'n~~ n<w;· . I I ' . . j' 20 . ny par les ue81rous 0 .ur ler ;;. l:;;: ~ ~ ~ §: ~.. p' 0 J ' be' paper of twcIlty-elght C.. IUOIIIS. ~ ".•.• HIl from lte mouth . . t lIum 1c ra lrOlll Ihllt III COII Vel'lllll101I 0 IDIIlUtCS. j. t' . tt · h I ~ ". :r,o"''''C~:;' ; etc. rlcl;).o cCli ts l erllulU r. l tho .. e·.... loIr two c.ol '''''''I '.V 811"." ri lt. b' I · b' I ·11 II 10 Orilla IOn cUllcorlllllg lie ec 00 4"'lDD':"rOm~~, 0. " _. .. N be " !;pOIl~ :~n~I~II:) 't\IIIIII~b~~I~I~:i~,:~s'\;~lrl ~~hl~l~ful~~~~~!'fll~~ ;;~t ~~l1itl~J~: cufll 0tlbtalll it I?y .uddrlcss illgtlei ther ~~~~li::rA.17~..a~ \\ ~ p~ ,; ~~~~~~ ~. p OI' pllm re ~r '!$,4:. ' ~o,~·t;:~.~..r:.pai~:u~f~vc!~li:'I~~"7.~:::' . k TI ' " k d I I . 0 10 pro ' s~ lunu gell emoll . 1 I eters arJor ""US1C, Il\Il,lOper yeoor. Wo h.~I' ":' l~ri':'1i 111f Ulu8t1y III custCl·U filar ·ctd. lC 18 In Kentuc .y, au t tat Ie Jei a k f ' tl r 1 . I .. - ---- - -NUB. 1 to 13 no w roady. A Oul .•'Ht"utd. Addro.~, • r ill"; ~n;~: riv.,r is navigMble fur tllUall SttlaD:i· citizclI. Uno charuct.eri tic of it... SP~) 'eredn °t III .Ite artllc 0 )J1'e't· ~ onR y. No lof ',;nr 1l'(I(l(\. im~1 upoo anybody . RUldllml" UllI·t\". .• • D ', . I l' cw); l1rk If \'. l I I d'l I I' 1 f d ' tI re ll~ r 0; WI I Ie excop Ion 01 A very _1IIulllU,,~it, oolat"•• oo anlllllful{hl. leet lon 0 1 BUBY IlIIce " U810.' • ___ . buats IlII far a~ u IU.1Il re 1111 CII ul" peop c 18 wort I.Y V a wur , ICY 'Roaring Li on' wh o 1 am told hos A full .l.otJlt ~t . S.I!'TH W . nnO\VN PI'ice, 50 couts per nnll1bol' or ' -X T T E" N' T ·1 () N -. und nboullds ID alligators and ti d 1. remcmber the ."ttlo ?lI~S who hUllg 1I0t liad rh e I'::'nor ~j' ~ver at~ncl. 1 " . .L , 12 Number.; for:,;4: . ' I , I&lId all kinde of gulUu arc tlllllld lip ~heir etoeklDge llrlstlllllS Eve. ing tui institntioll. OUSKRVER. UNDERTA'I7' ruG GOODS A L C d ) ·C ,FARMERS AND STOCKMEN IIloDg its hanks. Almo t e \·.ery 0110. wo met that ._._ ._. AU" I TTORNEy AT LAW, a reme e a reme, I Fernandidn hal! a ,·ory fine hal·· IIft..,rnvou 10 8trol.hng a bvut the SUNDAY R EAI!TNo .- TI IC wh dle ll ' . N VR. 1 tl' I :) now rl' lUly. A Col. HF.S I>. POll A ~P "'l "".S I'I'I'V " F' 'fll '~ · bnr, into which s Ilip:i Irl).111 ~ O0,) t o City, WI\'! I JIItl Ctl WIt I~ toys ; an J ,1Li! family clim b"l l uut (If tta u \\'UI(IIII ro" 'tl\"tl~· r n hnn,l . .. no{ enll. pr.. mpUy "I· .LV'I) XOTAR l' f' CBT. I 'Y. I,· 'Iiull .. I' Ddli 'l1lt PiUll 0 t.lll~ic :!5\J\) tull8 l>llrJ cII , dr:lWIII~ li B IIJW w e \\' mi mi 011 1' \\'~} 10 the Nu .. h · !llld weil l i1) tq th · Atlant.u hl)"I; - 1.1~11'i'IIl::;I·:.~ ';:,I}~;;':~'~;)ll.m"" I .. f Omer 'n ~I<C' .." ... :\u. UlllldlnlC. l'ricI\ !iU "lOlI l I' r l'\ullIllcl·. or • . j:! 1'\llIlIb"rs f\l\, .~ J I 1E.'nbll.h...lt "'·I'I4. 118 17 feet of wut'r COIIII;) with pur· vill e Depllt. we Ic.lt hapl' lel' 111 st Ire. Tiley weI' 1'.I ·h,·I·. 11111 tla l' r, , k . I rIll. I ' t • l~ WA~· N"",· .. .I .R . C IIUt. • Tlo .. Old .......nr~f'"'. ~Io., ~nlf'rpritohl ll. fect ~ UBC. : 'lIo wlIlg t lat so muny I Ie ICILI :! nud sixteen.ycar·uld dallglltL'\'. ~ ~) !> __ ¥'~ ''''''N.•,I''a, .....,rue.(I ... 11 ...1 "nl.. n~l .. The island is 1 ~ mil.cs i~l lel ~gt h , I wuuld he lIIade glud 011 the Ill."rrll\~·. " Mister wc wallt 1"1' urle l' j.(it W"rn'->"i llc. D " .• 1~7.' . ;,H 1.. '. L Ii: J.; i'\s, :\1. H., Send 50 cents (or a Sam pIll ""'"1, I'Ilock '-"!~I;i~~~."' .Io'....nl of and 1111 aye rage ul 2 II II lUll III wldlh, At 9 P. M. , we secured bCllh.B II I something good to rcud lin It ·Ll II · P HYST.l.CIAN & SURGEON. Copy of either of the ab ovp. .... It iii lL 64· 'o hUUll pap' r . f ill tH'i hil1iC . I I I d d tl with 1 lIIil es of ue tille lcac I liS tbe COliC I, an SOOIl pas e (lUl U Y ~IlY~ whi ch. is powerflll IVIICI!Vllle and if you are not satisfied wil h o"ory w ee k "'" " vll lu,b:e I " . >ltion ill clln bc found un the su uth ol'l1 const. inlO the luncl of drell lllll. lor we 111 the eOllntry." , • Offi"c in Nllli"'"11 n"nk n\li lllill ~. you~ bargain, we Will ref'nnd . 11 II ... ulll"r III d p"rtm elll . tl r A~I'IUII I'ul'" Thel'c is ahmytl tille breczo,wh~cI .. , wore tircd . At l ~:;iU Ail III., .our ··Shall be glnJ to ~en'e .von , si r. I ___ 11',.( rNA' "11.1. 1:: O /{l rJ. your money . 1 ::',~II",t~.I;,~,:',~:~e~, "~!~::;~I I .;:' J"~'PII~':::"'~II:'" I1~~~: mallet it delighllul Iv wlIl~ or drive tr~1Il lIloved OUI, ~nd a lIncon · Whut will the lud ies Ii ke ?" I VIJi .Il1aD1" lll: Bl114:1 J \M l<;S\ V It A 1N F~ M J) Aduress. ' «lIulcd r"l'lllt" I"'~t "'lIl , "IIIC IIIr the hOIl'~. lti ollgthcbOlAch at 10W.hUU.. At SCluuBt". ns, 150 mtles wa .J>lt8sed "Whatd'ye wlInt,81l(y1" I ' 1 . I .. . . l .. J. L. PETER.S l ll lI.lIll. la W, •• I .• II.I III.lu.t ourp"uf " .. lu. tilt! IIvrthorn bOllUlhuy 1.11 t h" lsl und alld we IVlllld oursel YCS rapl Iy ap· "I'd choode somethiu' about the !l3 !!iout .. MI~"I SlrC!f'l. nO~Iq;; O"ATIII(; '~ 3 BroadwlI.v, N. Y. R~g llll1r U 111rib" ..... I·, "" ,'.' 0111 1'1,, ) eUlon :I " t.' 01' I rtf tI I' Nuollville, the cUllitlil I n & Vl'r.l,M n, UII~ II)fri ...t1ll1rull'.'pur III W ·' "ollntr.\'. unrlc'r Iln ' stUll d s .. ort IUC I, n , 01' 0 gren pro"c ling ..., r Dew fashious. pa !" ~it1\ tJ ~t.. t e , ... YI;t'tJ~f'" 'f'-'t , IIII I'RD ,CUt S" . . lIt.l0 1111<1 c<",,";cnced j.' '' il''r1111 U'ij"'KB' lItrength on whose wallO! lire n"HIlI- lllnd chicl city of the statc ' of "01 kours' 1 mouaht a knowcd .. '. . r 41' 1A .. 'Ii u OK.. r 1-1 I.: ,mollt. who ~"'lrt' nu e,plln.o \.. !111d every. ted som~' cry lur~o CRnnon. It hat! Tennea~eo: It is 185 .miles south that. Kin y~n fix he~ Ollt~" I M r now r"cell'lng lh." Fall ,.lOck n( Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer Ithing p"•• ible 10 itA VIII W. . full command ot ·the entrallce to l, of LOlIIl!nlle. I lvcutcd In. probably "Oh, yee," roplied the store · U fl.. Offioe "t Rc.idBlice. l ' tile 01111' p.prr .xl.l"sl"-I.,' II ,oll.d ' •., '1,. I ,\~.IJR t..IlN·I'l!NNUI ••·RIl"')!N.... I L..... __ It I t on of tI e .. I' v • , c ~11ll11 IlI'P",'nl. I'OHIIIl{c pllid. t,/) O\'ory ,. . It CUll t th CI tIll Furnan d ill& Haruur. t Agrlcu urllo por I . I keeper; "we have . here ·Smith·e . . Wa'.""''''",OIoI.. "OI.I'rICA I. & GJo:N~ItAL M llbfICrllwr rOlr lIl7li. II \" "T I~)l,")\anu boou• . guv\lrnmoot several hllndred thuu· etnt", aud has 0. population ot Pattelll Bazar 'aud A. Burdette A .llml ll lltfl', MISS RACHrE R, j JrELFA R E the 1'.1.'0 1' Ll!.: t!flll E,,!Cr''''i''/!- si.,' 1\1,',., Innh,.•-p~h. sand doUlIotA to COIIBtruet it. 'fhe Rbout 4~,OOO. Ithll.8 furnished the Smith's 'World of Fashi on' and ! Velv ilt fw d B~·II"lIl'lil. I ~ . 'J , • III.Iied cxprr,"ly by"dor " Cknttlnnrlll waU, are 'rick 1 the inner wull , U. S. two Presidente; 1st) Gell. numerous other IlIl1gllzinee." • I Imported ~lrec II,. from England ; 1I!,,,I.ii,heR Icllc,'~ of iU411iry dirl'1 'l fro lll i PreHOnt to, ollr rc"d roo o t~'rom f tl te II A d J k tl other as K tho I'cople. lind IIUS"C" thpm lull.r "ilhoul liE" D TilE TER:tIS: .boot t Ie o~ r w~, n rew Be 80n. Ie i · " 'Smitb's Bllzarl' " "y. you dun' t I TI.n'e<? I'l y. . rel!"I·.d III pilIty hi"o or.I'enrth . . , Single copy. ono l''''tT(n2 i•• ue.) IlOdtPliid. and buth a~lIt 16 feet 11I~h. .1 hI) , ~olk. W c eto~ here but a 8 IOrt tell me he'lI Ii vc un ' fLrurill' out i Il/gl'm 1111.' • ILH the .lIh·,'CIIIC 01 IIglll IlIlrI .I uRlIel· to $2.l ii In club•. OliOFnr (.",2 i•• ""'\' I'o"t. space betwteIJ th~ wall8 IS lillod time, get brellkl~t. and 8 .... M: off fashions yet, do ye t' cried the uld I !' netUtllIl, &r.:., 1111. und the groll tc' t good tl. th" greUle" 1p"id. '1.0ll. With" OllP)' of EII~rlivi1J': wjth a eonerete 0 1 cement and oYtl· fvr Chllttanoogv,dlstallce 151 mllett. mall ('I tlte I,e.t A melio.ID mllnull'CLllr~. DR Ei F DA K I lIu ," I.'u. " froo to every Subsoriber. W e (,If" r tho mo.t . I If' . . 1\ '8 ,,~p"8cd ro the U""I." "nd d.. hOllO." VKlllhble Pronlium LiM'. or C'1I~h Corunri68' "011. yes," Wfl8 the roply. Prices as Low as Cincinnati ••• .'1",,, l ~gl .I "I'O Il LhAI hilS "en~tltlod .the f,· ... iOD8 to Olub .'\gcottt ovor offond. S !men tor all~ otler shells. whic~1 ma k e It I There al~ m~lJy t li.ngll 0 IIIlerest Sri eolld 8e rock. Ther Ie u mont along tillS hlle of road t{) the "W8.Il.1 ! uf kllar~, Svl'y, ytl'lI tuke ... Hnd o WI'I·· ·~d thu 11111" 1'. "' ICIII IY.cd 111 IICt 01 00 ie. fN'e. Addrel!II pee thllt entirely ~urruu I~de the }':u rt, tltrul!ger, alld e8pecially 80 al.t er the 'World of }o'ashitm ,' !lu' I'I! bet ! Or IIny uth," Clly '"lhe Un,on . (~//l t!t' 1//111 R ,..~ idf' l/l'I'. TI,il'l' ,'t, ~~;~~~,.~~ ~f'~'I"~~I:I;,~,~~,~~;.'~II1I1'""n"y 1"'0 p ORIO FARMER, OIc'fohnd, O. which can be tilled WIth ~Ilter ~tolll l le~vlllg Cowan, the lust. statIOn the bob· tailcd mlli c It II' the b1uck I ,,, A A F.~ I Thc Nllliu,,"1 U.II, k '"~ h.'m.,. 1\ ,I"yicc to the Rca. althollgh BOme purle 01 tho IgolOg south before . cr0881,ng t.he elloat thet WilDt It IIl'Z is tllc I'uolll'on I, ,'\' • y ..., L' I I F-' , pt.l e,' the cOlltrol 01II,e CllrrO: llc., In Ihe hnn,I, "9999" MONB'" ..OR ALI.. O"'LV """ W A I ' C:S V.I. •. .. I 'h~ Kill!!'. 'III.ti crellting" "OIl ·l'ro· Is IIl w"yg dllrkest tWI' Ohlle,. u Dilll ·It lIIoat are Dot yet comp I ete. I 'ulliberIan d mOlllltalDs. 'II 16 WI Id can't be discounted.' ' Oecol'n,lt'e I>,t~r "ftn~i"j:" W!nrlo" P~I '''' duo illg M,IlII" rt';;tocrllcy oolorcOnl. dll)':t ..To novosrelld IDllOediallely. am.·OeR t.ho harbor mOlllltain B~enery:-tho illter~illa. "What Will "our wi I'e like 1" I Uurdc:",i ~~,;,. nti.~~I;I~.~t~;I~?8d1~e·~I~c,.01\' DEN I II n,'1'1.."f· ""Inl·.' · II",,, Itnhl,,',·~. iOI·re" . I01: Lh,· er who ,,111 sCDd :lOcellI. 10 118. we ,, {II _end ,.~ r Ian. d Ibl.Il roc ke. pI Ie J tIIg II.e r.a. I1(1 hi J .. ~ go,'"r, m.'nl .,n' ,I ·· Ille 1" "0" :lU cents to ue. we "ill ~r nd OIl C box of 9999 elltrullce rrolO. It Ilea um"". Ig Ie r. nokcd tllc .. lei 111'rclllLflt, ll" tllu vld I P' r ' ",.··", I....·h·., 1 I I I I d .." Ie and Mantel IIIIRRORS , I.", <" " 01 1"1,,,,· 111111 1181" od.... t. , .. 111 .01111 ... "nd whicb w. I!UIII'lIl1lec wll' PUI)'OU ill Ih e WI\V l lllll.nd, 011 which 8tallu t I~ rlllllS o. stili, IIllt! I Ie SU';"\lIIlt Ie relic I~ , man paid li,r tho lIlugm>.inc. ' p' 0 l!,e"lIb"cI,g ( tI," p"0l'le·. '"0""~.) hllv. b.e.. to make f2IJO II ruoll, h. nnd 1101 Inke hrtif UUlll'ellCSll, once the r<'.ellience 01 tl.lc ellgllle. puffing alld blowlIIg "80nll1thill' thllt'sl!.ot 17vlld cliurch A choice fl .....hoenl 011 hllnd lin II mnde 10 First-Class lanos & rgans, ,I" ,' ree," l." "out limo. :S uitnbl o fOI' mcn or \lomell.l,oys ., r.. I I I t 11 \ 0 I k t tI tc lifter a ruct! - ,., " ..Icr. Alon IlIr,:;.·. 111I!Jlllm anll ' IIlnll· i '11 ..· "cl Chl\l1g;lI~ till' v, Igillnl eonlrllet ,.Ith Or girlS. aO\' I. "f1 t;,e ly III''''. Tholl'" lld~ ellU II any ~e, or rat lcr .Ig I . ' rri , I : e.SOUle II·C. 1II 01l~ 'I' . rClluill' in it--solllc. rchgllls pupel', oi1,,1 Lo.,killj( 1:1"8',... X E N IA. 0 H 10'. , u""dh"III,,, •. II lid ","I.ill/l UO"" " I" ,,"bl. in now oecure p"" iuI; 1,,11.,0,·.,. Blld constant liarry, as he Wl\~ call1·d 1I~ Il·""III· 01 SIX Ivng I~Jd.l.ls has he n rlln, ef you plcllse," replJed thc uld Illd.v. FLOOR &; '1' ABLE OIL.CLOTHS ; T \I . '. 1"'t,II"" "' . 1 ".,1111,,1 '"rll i,cli j:"I,' i,,-I. 1111 ti l "'c lI l " ,,,010, 0, ". liI...1 "Il,e,,11 incume. Thi" I. Ih,' 'ch"nc.· " I' 11 "11·llme.· t; ollar" times. the. luth er 01 It hurt t;lldJ.ellly 1111 ItS IIlky ull.rkll,ess- '.'·l' j "Hl'I'e i~ thl.l best w e IlIwe-'The AIIII'id'I,. II"d :o U"r'.III,. . . • 0 , .," 1I1l1' I,., IHIII Il I I; \1 . I·:,.. ,~ I ,I. "1"'" 11 (;". ,'; li01l1 01 ;1" I'o r cCllt. 11I VIII II" lind if' )' 011 "ill n,,1 el\\I'rncl' iI . lell your J I I bib I I I tl I It t • • I" .h. r " 1,, 1.00' 1"'"-0''' till ' In III \'. I'ri, lid • . f()j' il i. A _onTU,,,, 1'... ROm. worLhy E Lec tlSlIll\l tv at1\! UriU al'U lll t letlln Dc Ie " "IUS I'VIll Ilrl'stl'allatWlll'k '" I o r'I""t/'r · {j/'/.)" '1'1 It iIlU p l .WIl ,\ " ' , " I ' lII n I IlHl I' ~ III "e"" ·lill"l)e"i'OIl \l'I1()II.('(I~" hd l, \t'ghnnd . 11 ..... , t/·,\ '" place of Geneml Grl.'utl. I he wholl, 011 the l'vad ; tho t 1111 10 01 dllrk· "Hold lip thllr! Is thet ~(\t any . . .' l • 111",'11 I' 11 '1".1)' 111'1.,... ,1>10, 11".1 I'l lIeil1~ III, Not" r, "'"Cl pC. j , .... Ir.'. 01 oil,,. r hUlIlbtl~. but I d . eprc~entedtv Hohert E. nce8 ie l\lIescd-d ayll~ht on rhe f h ' 13 'I ' T ' lt' , AIII[1"J •. L,'mb'~'1 "1I1 ~.I"l r ll r\lulI.l1Ind c .,. J. J J J J~ .. It . L"'"chLI'J' I""'oI.' 'CIII , IlIr' lw, ul! ' "~" xlln:I " '"~ J:" AI·""I II "I ' U-1II01lS. 0I'porIBan ~Il I.'" t FI . I I I d O l ct ceC lcrun l IIIg IZllle~iI and PUL ul' to"rtlel' ~ ·T~ 'rn~[' f [ J Fllr' 1I111 1""I ",h"1 "·''''."'I: "".L III ''I''O I LII "IL~' SlIml ol. IJO, .ClrC.I I,... ..&c.ko.Rru i iWl111'&1i\lTf/ 1.JI\/'I'®~ 111"'\l"/il(Il\)~J\\ I11!t!!' I" . . t:YJf1J 'I 1'1,' 1\1 ").:""1111" 1',,,11 ",h"I' " '' ,,11J411~ ~I. "'''llltc''O I. ·. Oeur...... n,," 'Ol1lt,odll<o It; Leo'tSlatherby tue otllte 0 . Q~I ' S.. Utll l.'l·11 II .Vpe-- tltlrl 'leo eece."t, ill itt" da for sel'vioes rend ered hy h 1111 III wh Ich iO! 01 Ulllch Rlwrter dUI'utlOlI "N one o'yer bizinee8, anyhow. Lr ~ ..I\\iWlA A U iI\l.LSII IIJ'+II II LIII,..I\\WllWt . , . - I - ; -- . ~. ) ' ,1,, ' ~" ;,, .. tr"li II "f g'" Clllll1e lll " 0', ';, , , 11 11 •• 11" I ce.... ,,1 II .. "" 111. " " pi) 11111"•• Ihey 11' lltentltovisiti t sOllll uucl thllll the III!CCllt. Wu go thund er · 8' e tlae 'Q'''fir ' d 'lptl old 1"lertlc •. ilII ,"", k.:-iftlll!8 allilLrolonne. FII·,, /.\ u/"'II"/ IloI,,/. /f ,,'I ' !I/'!/. ''' ''.l hlli''~ 1""" tlolllu". $!OOfllll'c"r . I,." . 111I1I1Ir•.". \ ""1' '. ~. .. . ' . . • ," po e 1 r Ie'" C 'I '=' I II I. short. nl~II I"· . t • f ~ . .. ' • " II 111 , k I IU: tho!. UI) t! 20 Cl nls ILIlIi " 9~ l9lJ tt l earllltslllstol'~, It poselble. . 1111; tlowlI, SWlttcr Illld ~ \~ ~t1 er, Ilko ludy. 1 N D OW U 0 U. N I CE 8 "A' :'111'.:-; \ ILLb. () lllt ). I Celebratlpn for the Centennlal will . .. "" .' ,," how ·li .. I,,,,,·· I\ !ld,,· .s, The population of Fel'Ulllld'llll ll htl!;c bllllldel· loosed from th e "'Taint h ey ~" • Year. \ Il li.\ TEIt I< '. 11. lI in .. "oI.·. N.11. 351)0 . H I;)r prlncl . , ' 1111lllllhllll' . t IJ p, WIlOse SPCl;)l:l . I II !H' ,.""li t" w,,"I,1 ilO" lI11d ","lcI'81"n<l II,,· i.~ numbers a b Ollt, IS .IIC· • "N 0, taint! 80'8 it'e church H d -'_ 1\11r.1",<' ' ILINIlETS I III"'. 1111" ck ll', cts .. 1 I,,, ot ,,,,d 111111re I. . pal trade is lumber. There l~re cclcrntcd WIth c~ch s\lc~ccdlllg readin', it don't bother YOIl, eir; 110 ea ....."'" or .. ft TIIIKD 8·I'IIEI';·I'. N.~,\I' 1l1"IN. gi~"ILlolI. ' tllll Lhe 1::'''1"110' liutI"l; Lh .. 11 11 three !laW' mille olle planing mill, bound. We teol hke holJlDg our dry~ I" \led Com/urlA . our ow" m.ke, · ~laUt1·" eA. l'lNI ' INN \'1'1 OI.llC) 1""1'''1 111111 crI81, . ""II Sl1 bsc"; l,o I"r lhe )'c ..r . ' ml'11 : It'18, th e b 1',110"8 and DuiarClr8 l",nd ond .ntl ~ 'V.J 00 PER I 1 ',1,. gl~LJrNEJKY and one itonrm.g reatiI;but we ~rc d, own 11011([\ CU II .. 1181, mebbe that's 80; and '0 order. COlton 011"III'elingo D, , Y 'I • T E R M 8 . I J1 ' I northern termInU8 ot the ULodar a halt at 2 P . K . 10 Steveneon, AI· what I read don't bother YOIl too. Pill" ... C.. lm:o. T"I.le Linell., 8. , .1 . '~ \. _ Key8 and Fernandina Railroad. ILbama. a arnall, dirty deainlegrated All right mister' jnst hand me N~I·.klD •. ~,. ",!•. LllleD. , . .lAM_ WA'IIJON, ........ ~:~~I:u;·,?~;v . Oll~ .'0111 .• , 7!> "Beh. ' ; ~~ Mr •. '1' r FolI 'r hl1vinIC retired from tl,e A '"'"'at many tine tish and 0Y. e· (town, havin a a conside. rable. war Ollt half ~ dozen :1118trated pan<>rs I O"lpe rdir:~i' .:~~J rt.r'1 M A H LO N ])G E Ten " " I m each III 011 firm of Mr. 11 E. FOLtl'r ,l; ell .. the undor"'. ., f ... ~ \ I TwonL." .. I 'II h 3u on .il{n ~d will I,,·ro.ftl'r "un,luel tho !nldine ten are tbulld hore. They can raise record, located at tbe Jun<;tlon 0 full of pictures of Btript!d stockin's l R etlliled at If'/f () l e-8(lle Pri,'cil 1 .Ii I ft bl B b " \, .. I 1'1 I I .) . '::: '1 I I .."tne. Thlmkful 'or Pilot fllvnr •. M ho usks · "h I g- Order. " 10. 1 ' I,hnl ~ I.t< And Ollrpd. ~ A d )1 ltO'", (1'·..... Otl ~, It,,<II fo IIIOAt Ilern rei Ut· tI OJUI ..... C 11 I Rge ll 8 , • I I M F tte orangee. baIlanas. tl gs, IemollS., ~n d Memp b18, v ar IetJ to n, N as h VI'11 e, an' fitty·dollar garters, all" - , u;>" '" r "poci nlo'll COl',e_ .,"1 Ag" "I" ouI81. nr "')<)ntll"I~I"'" 11 I ... """'c. 1 ••. e I' alm08t all kinus ot' tropical Irultll. & Cbattanooga Rail Roads, 271 The old lady chucked 'The wnrk C1l'ouled prom"II)" by 8klll~rl " 01'k. lE[All!B- l]):.lllt :l':~ :E12 A,.UT. ,,"'T, n li t m ry p08t.-oflice ;:ru~i~':.'S~~noc,e :':~h\~~:~~I: olooilll{ uut : 1 It is, no doubt. a very healthy milea east ot Memphis. 20 min· Christian at Work' ullder the table, : lIIeo . _ ..._ .. _ 5:16.3111 111.4.'" aT ••••••••• WA~llfl!.. v'II ••• Ad""" "~ 1111 ONI\ ~. to " IIII.I.INERY GOODS place, aa it is conl!tRutly favored Iltea lor dinner, and oft' (or Chattu.· grabbed the old man by tha ear, ' . D with He!f,' III.t_A8 $ lie I '" -8 rI ... ... }o J~HA N &. J\f~ LEA~. _._ _ i· wI'th a aea breeze, which is very nooga, ditltant 38. miles. Arri yina and I·f he llad worn stripped 8tock. :. own . a' ..4 .lI.IW . h ~., 11" __. " ~ ~ " ~., ~~.~ .-~~.~ ~~ ~a" .. I' ub/U/"!-rll. (hn<JtIIlIatt, O. lit a great reduotilln lu pricet. l:l£e haa '" iogs, abollt elevell inchea of tbem SAVE mONEY ""me beRutiful good•• of tho l"teM ' "tyle~. pure. Tbe average .temperature ~t P. ~'. on Obrllltma8 a~~uoon, . ,. "b;'re , .. u .".. n -1(81 THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK, 1876. 1876 .... ell adllpted ro the """son IlDd 'he HoiidllY .. 18 75 the year rOllnd; It IIl&e boen found friends all well. I Wish to would have been 8cen between the I 's.oulf '?1~nl·I' • wnorldlh "t l h?II':'''n' ~I ~•. flol" .. r r • • .. _ .. ()lre.I.I". on.. el_l. A_rlea Tr"b"e..... hio~ !adiee Nwlll ~u8ult 'heir illtol'' e I I,ave . " , .•• rom itO, e ,d..0.. 0 I . I''''ro... ~ .,•• ' IICO ..,..I,t.r• THE .• ~ WESTERN RURAL I .ot l' e""mullol( ohRllco perfiec t J uno wen tl ,er SIl~C . IU~II t'Ion Ilere tb e . curl·0U 8 custo In tops of hie 8hoca all d t h e L~ ""ttom ' 18i:l h•••uld til "~.H'OO . I tT · De 11:'1 lit Tal.age • Il4 M~' H 0"E,. the FErrER been here; it haa not r~\Ded tor 8 tlII8 peopl~ have an eom~emora. of his pante' Icgs, as she made bim oll',·r. evcry vllri~l r. "f 01'\. rllnc7 .... d~810. ~ .. BaT a .. ".;1.- Pn • P •• I.. W.. nenill. Oi.rl.I~1\ij ·1 !l7~. . weeks, yet the ground Ie not very ting tbe birth of our Saviour-at walk Spani8h out to the wagoll. ~.c Oondo. ~roc, . , e<. Dook •• C~tll' rJ. ula·. _ _ ..., 1 III! O"I'a.t L,ea,hllg f'lIpldar __Y_ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ __ dry. Heavy dewe tilll, Rn.d tbe fog least it struck IDe. w~tb pecnliar -Atlanta OOlllltitution. ' e,.~;;il~~~ ~t~ ..~~ ~I:~U,II ..lti\~~. prlce. nnd sell. Mr.Tllllllnge·1! S('rmoll clleh wtwk /1/1,[ (;,·a.q tl'c(£~ i'al'ln an t 50 beautiful bccomce very deuse wmctlme8-eo force. In 0. word, It IS our Ilorth· . --_. IFl'rst Bands II ~.Ir.""'" _ .........1111........(111 •• ."OOD~· '" WORK. }< lI7nllJ/ It eekly of -• d .h 4t1 f J I I b t'" 1 Tid I IlI rC.. AIIII dr", IIlIn(I.. 1'Il.E l ifE T. oa,' 8, unt I' I t li e in milch eo t Ila t e Jlp!! lavo , 0 . ern. I. ~ U Y ce e ru 10 • LITBR&RY.- ho II.8t an mo~t tlhlt cen _ell f" r.1 ,. II ftL COli" " .,· d~"lor~ •• k ,-- L I ., . ~ • __ ..:...__ ymtr name n ea.tly pl'inter! OIl Imrbor (or whole days. lo-nlght, beheve It IS common all over .t!le ellccees!'ul of Amorican etory,wrI' .~ t" $3l l1r. Th ,. ,. no h"",IoIlJr. DO ·r1ck · .\0 I Till!. Wt;S'I'ElIN RI: IIAI. i. now tho mMt them and 8ent to a adl' as L am writing, the soft. sea·breeze south. It hus been u bculltllul ters of to·duy is th e R ev. \VIII. M. ot.' or lulter,. ce .our "lr~ul."r.• . and . e· ~nti!l ctl IhtrKuly "Jrt' ullit ,I jimrMI of it. OIUM ill P t' 'd .ny • :O, estll. I tl . dowe I d· d to II 0 fllll c t P b . lho Lh,," •• nd. of IIrLlulo' "n,'re 11 1 0111,. A n",n r... It i. do' "lell to tho vllrio ... do08 ·pa~ ,upon 1'ec(' ~p t OJ 0 C' 8 • . comes t 1Irollg I Ie \\p.on Will '. ( Ity, an ~n.1?ye I aker. pll8tor 01 thc res ytcrllln We ON' ol1d"r,c.1 I,,' Ihc I.... t puper< 01 D•.• · "A (; O() I) ) ~ .I:\ "l pltrtll";"i.. of Hurlt' AIr...... lI"d !,,,rlieul... Addre... . accompanicd ~Y .Ihe tllBt~nt roar of extcnt--a UIIfI~tmaeday 1' lIIg to be I C hllrch in Bo~tlln. tlnd ~hoy do I!~y '?". IIl1d Iy ."",. hllnll rCl1 IhOU •.llld PlILr""•. , . . .. .. , 1:-: ,,,1111 II'" to .llle I,.pd. of tho We.t . Tt THE MIAM.I GAZ~TE .. Ill e gcts moto for 11 slng'le serial Hen "III 'N ul ..~ 11\ In.\ \v . M. nAK ~, R. !'IV.· ... I. " I j,,,,,.•. Or'!CIII,,1 IIn<l Soh,..ted "tl~ " "Y"""VlII., 01110 . the ocea n , which mukc8 . It altogcth· remember d by li B. I I We Ca n "l14li ,.111 "e ll , •• GOod .. AI !-i • I 'I II It ' f . ....._ ____ ~ el' 1>lcllsallt for Illl Oh IOan who d ea Ubllttalloog,,-what shit I say thlln his wh ole year'e 8alar" II~ Ie., ,,,"'' It I1\ olloer II .. u·c . W" Oll e of ,h., n1\.•, ''''1'" 1,, ,' 01 A~n;tle.II' : I"n' ~' C •. H'" " I~'" 1I·I"'tI"• .,·"uIO[.\' III' l\II J\I~'" &. N{)' (lBl~' . , . I ~ dI II (" 0 U 1 1 L \\' I il CI'S au t hor IIr ' . \ ~ U\\ J I Ulfll l. \ lind lUll t~.. l ;nUll.ull e t 10 ,\'n rH) IIH r 'l, tur A o t ... i " not enjoy winter at home. ,of It A comparative y new toWI1, plletor. H e hll8 already wntten sen 'y mlld or .e ' p"e,o l " 1 ·W·· III eLI' \1 ".,' ":""11< ' .. ill be co", m 110. cI i;, "1III o" .... "lote Rllmlll"ll Fumily "oW ~p'lllCr r l~ ~ (' •. ) •• . b . 't eeortl . b tl b ·ltll) S·t\·C T N T' I" d "M lUlI .·Cjlou'vcf .. r" "" ug I' Willi ' • • ' . , P I I I II ·" I ' I ' : W U LE ' AlE ThililB ecomlllg qllleRr IRvtng eenmos Y .n.' It I. e I" hc ew Imotlyan ose al:onl<evertwhe r". NOI'i.k.nOCllpltlllro. ( · II I1"I I " AT\\ " ~. ' O tl "",·II I,cr "1. ~lIIl'l1rll o.lr" '·l r" U "LIUIII S I"l ~tpro>of 'l~ . . _ ... 1 .. ~ • ... ; . fo Ealltel'n and N orthern health · the wllr nn enterpn8IUg, thrdty IEvane" and ie now engaged apon qui,,·d. Rill pro pltl·,1 L O"Ilcr \ 11<' I'r6utl ~11 ""Iu ' IIII~ nd.lI~tlltlOli tft. I" e , JEWELEhS " OPTICIANS. se:kcr, who wi sh to pass th~ wi~. place, I~cated ill oue.~f the mvs t a stor;· entitled "A Good Year," . One Cent ~~';'f:rl~':::I~~~' Ct.o~ jl[ut·,· Lillt'l'fll T('!1I1J1 t(l 1[/1I1IH .. ~t~~~,i:,~;S:,~:~1:~~ ~~l' .~:~g~~ltll~,""~~~~~ ' . ... Co ." _ ~ '. ter in a warm climate. I thm k It pictnre8(1I1e Bnd beantlful vlIlleys Ithe (Ocence of which are laid in 'the ' lor•• and II11a. We ~"" ~!,d II., ~ell ' I ntli· .. ITII .lX"I.1 I lVE TE'"U r~a l', pur. uit•. Iloth &,. t III1 J We.i.· is a vary good locution for t hosll ot' ell8t T ennessee s urround\:!d by IlDost interestiull city of the SOl1th,'~ I liol,'" r.l l...ok~ . k~l .. all Inr II olllllie doll~r. Ihnu \l,e publ l. her. uf any papur Itr t.uo~ T...... 8~ •• ~ JPf!!, Yea., . P....P..... Sp.e ~\lcl~ .;.,~'='!lls, ~~;I I;';J ~ I~l... td' es M· · Rd tI elL8t Chick d . ~d h TI BellllLlful Rill .... 10 •• ,",,«,leI •. Se!'l1:Vlo. ,hat cftn 100 II.me,1. FOllr oopic. Oull 7ear V... ~t"p"irl ,175 1 . . . . , - . .. L I Illeas . 18Sl011 I ge on Ie • • urll1g a resl ~nee t ere.. Ie I 11118.1'1".< . .; yl~....-;· ~\lor.! ,ill. I'II~~ two I!IIIBI!I().'PT,oN PRI.,B, 83 A "'BAli, e eb; tell lUld ;lIor6 tltpie; ,I.M ellCb. wi ~lr S. W. 0 ... SiXlb aud ~inlij !'fl . _ . ... ,,,ho hMye uog or t lroa There huve hoou mallY permane nt amaugl\ on the south, ~Id Lookout story, we learn, 1e to be ~ubhBhed IhouJIIln,ltl,tlelM ,n <rlit: S~ ti el .... Illld ' ''TIlIt·UY I~ AI'VAse... liberal pre01iun". to lhOl!<) wltu D'llke up ·IIfOllH\ATI. O. • curee affected here. that wero con· frowlling dowlI upon It from the in the Rev. Dr. Talmage' paper, 1Ill,·e,,,Oll", . VI'I! 01\11 tlt~l~~oeNll td.~ Yur fult pftl lleularA. address "nd .ond club.. . " .. ., , · ~~. ~ a~;~L2RI·Bri.El, :Jlj IIromfteld S,.. W. E. HA ~HA WAY, or ~~~;:~':p;O;!'~:~'::i~i !~'rlt?':~"r~; OUS£:-_I~_.~...:M4_ ·=-=rhttI .=_.: 8idered almOilt ill~ora~I~. ThedlDOilt S'. W., while ~Ie noble tilll1eSSCC The Cbri8tian at Work. attractive plact' tor VU!ltOJ'll . own Ulver sweeps. 10 grace u curves ....- - - BoeIOll, Jlon_lIarol BRANOH OFFI E. po.t~ge. F:""for l'eAtof "7(} to new .libhere ill JlWkiollvi!le, wbich III the rOllnd the e~tlre. north and ~Cflterll ~!:N1tV4 N ua8~al~. - MO'lre & - - IIOIIIET'~G NEW III »o~· .. rl.nd SI",a'. ...ribe,,! for 76. H. N. F. Lx",!!. Ohir"!t(t, ! iiiilllliiliiii~.~ winter LoUI13r,.lIcb, buti8l1utCOII· liwite. furmmg ~n .hape tlie letter Shld.aker are agam In the tield.can· .'1" . . U1NOlNN_A.!~,~ FO'~ SALE' 1_ . _ _. ...:..":0':"' .......' .idered I,,,,";lt!tv by t.he re.idc11ts of V. Ita populatIOn nuwbere abollt ' YH88mg for theae well·knewn Nur:':' . . . - . . . . . . . IIIIIMiui\l.!l41J;flill;imJjI1Iil,llifilll) .0. . , _ .. _ _ ...... _ _ _ .... __ f • I ' . II I "'h • ted b,E. K wl&llWeft.,.. ."'mp. - .... .. F AJIpI7 o..... .L ·pr.lDl_ . t ... ...... - .M. •• - -. . .. ... lorib. - ptar,t rcularly durlD~ : th e )lOoo 80! fl. eo~prI8I11g.. co 01'1 88rl~. •. ey are 888.1t! . \. .._I . . .AcItIl'\lll. "~I " .... SJnl hy-.----.--m.ll~ C'"...----. K. R. •·nou...-M.Il.. ". < IlInl.,... arm. e. T!IAe~h IIlInllllA'r 11I 0 \lth,,~ alJJlttlllCh It 18 1\ knuwn to the 1III00IIn rIIeo. The Ellrl~ , J. M. Uoteliklsft and .r. T. C , ~ 11 . I...... • •• ., 1Ir.... 11'-" t:1I7 M at t" i~ ulll~ ... ftIIIIII ...... CIllO 'II~ Z.
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'E t ablish'ed 1836
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Dit. RADl" Y ~ ..~WS
Sarsaparillian Resolvent, Tltl Hllf \'1 III OOD J>, ItltlE..
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Ji \ ~a; & nODJiEY, Cincinnati
• l'drcl em " J he m.t "(1' r( IT I II ... o \('ry PHr I I!I tll n ~ \I ~I I 1\ re tlll( cr r malc 11\ cu I ( otlllll \lltb gold UIIIIII gil II II kllld H(I' 1«' 1 lOll I be lon gin g I. t he I tlll ~ c( 1011) "Ith tht' ellcc!.'tlol o ( th e r gll1u l dl 'col ery of goll 10 185 1 oc I" trel (UIIl I) Ire In the I aLit ) f dl"florg I Iialltl!) f OllllbcnC llLllred llnd l c urred hl'rCU I thelltho(Rcptember II (bnt tbl ~ fUrI11 Hht'H n IlrSIl I rt th e food IS th e Ilr I ng III the Mhnft of the i\IHg "I lh Ilhl cb !bt' v ij IPI h th ei r YOl ng I dnll l;un puny/ut PI 118unt (rce k r np )Inl v of lbe~() r>!'dlij eX Cllvllte I bu rro" ILI MI ( \I cnlled ::;t.a" nll --o , I gold benr 10 th(' ea rlh In "hlC h thClr ~ lIIgl e I'!!I; 18 IIlg 'IUtlr tz reef nt thl' unpreeedenU'd In d nnd ti e YOlll c b rd "bell hMol cd .I('pth IIf I 681 fed or noout 700 fee ( I. len (ur a long tme "hd o the pnren l!1 (IIrlhrr Into the m te n o r of the cllrLb nro "hrond occ llpl ed III pro('urlllg (oud tb til /!old bas eve r yet been obtamed III lh e 011 II Ille-tlOI l .. n rllllto"'JDl e Vict Oria lbcmnnager8 oftb cconrp Ily I" tlllll1 d fro m dt's I 1I1l1 t1 KlIllg ce ta I "Inl e tbcy stru c k tl e reef 11Ine" lie on ce I," o r fi sh llnrdlllg\'()"lhe ro Ill" I RIDklllg llO Ultoa,C(' rtnlDlheLbl kneRR,f re"ular ~c re tl r In elll11 r I"C th e l it 11 LlIelT c\tllm and tbey ha\c I I!\-<e I I moulll 1M flU I! re It (I a llh .. 1\ Illd.. Lllnt. \ It'n fect o( It withoul lUI y e t hanng j.\onc "f lh e I ~IR t! f ~t Kilt! I Irll III th e lhl Igh It mc Mpel 111{'n. I t lb~ hal I • f hu I I C II () lulmar pelrell r !.one 1111\ 6 i>ffn \lOnt t) Lhe ch oo l r the I uqlQfOe !If ClllcltUl1': I alld " I"H I; :\Ilnl " at RalHret Theile "pec n en_ Il to d lB rgc tl ~ I "II h '" dOlle uv . e IIhll;! ntloilclher 10\ rlQllnd. \\c re dllrll g th e b 11 o j tie 1 rillito I "11 If I trt'l tcd h y \ 10 I'roC~i!Hd therfHultlx>ln g 1~8 ther bag ~ 1I "rc ll I~d I II e "11 I 111 the rale 01 1 • d'll't 17 gr pH I II ui 1 be IImo uDt obLlCl lW lin Ihl" " R) 10 "u f ,Lunc hy "DC I roce"" lind J.I dwl Iii gr hClentl) g lC It Lv f rllIolt lin Irtlcl c uf I by the o ther r uur utllrr rr"ul ~ "hlch ex port \I erc obtBlDcd 111 owed I m lI \ h ri cher IJunlity If stone but n ~ thl . t n teMl e JjOll to U~eolU e IIIIII\IY 1 ID tho e CR :<t'8 WlUI \ Ik e n Ir III II Iurl e r IK rtlon o f tbe lode lind 1Ibc. H the II ul Onl O th~re lIa<III"''' erflll In I II cli lti y lod: bl8C It 1M thougbt pnbllJl u th t kllll! (Ill ( ' Clift II I d \Cry Ilnhapi ~ li e LI e upper and lower pOr1l0nK r the I Ie III RrU u f a msn ~, I cd Ilr b "I I,m I ay be mucb r <ber thlln tbe ccr let h e r Illgent I'Clirch lb e dlrl c tors hll, e decldt'd to brenk Rnd I l\ lind found 1111\ 111 II cave VI th e I or ler f II oil R ~ood Sized blClck ( f tbe ~ wne.u II 11 Ildernr!!H :\C nd It to Ib e PllIlldclphlR uxlllhltlOn H(\I\ It\ llll ;. I I the K n~ I co me "Ii II II "e~tl.n81 dTll1l lug of Lhe ~I aft alld 1< I,arn how I mllv Ix> h RPI ~ tbe ditlert'llt ~tral~ pSfl!!ed thrvllgh Wnll\ ul muklng u rr pl) th.e I I.... __ _ Ulan Ir d the" go rr n r u,,1 r .th n) I li E \lllue 01 I laTge Yield cl .. pelld ~ of 1111 bo I rO'!l; bt bl1 I 111 (mill of a bl~ h (ou 61' OD Lbe expentIC o( produClI1g It ror k (II t I of wbt cb al el~ 1 1l hael Imlll '\ at tuere IS no doubt thaI 11M II rule II hl'r ne t IlIrge product per acre pnys belU'r tban Wby ilM, tho (,Ilglt' IUlit IInyother It I~ tbe IIUI{orm teKtl1110ny of ouch r' hQ ".ked the kill!! Hlle c 088(111 men tlillt the profit offRrnling ubllt' ans ll red tbe Dl ll"I\;b 1M m81111y to be found In Ilrge Yie ld Ihatlt IIllght "eOllt of d(\D~,'e r We ~b" 1I tbere(ore endelilor to ,'TetIClIl Then lmllall! tbe Ili rd stud the Lo our rellele"" from time to time the tVi nllm i1U1ld t.hy so ul 111 h liven be t rXJI6nence of adl1lnced e ulllvlltol'll and thou :Wlllt havlI Pf'''Cfl aDd hal 1'1 on lblll 8ulllect A. 8 large product per II " acre IS generally the prelude to a 10" COdt per uU8bel we i!hallapare no effort to put our re.denl op tbe road to tbld reull All Ihe fact.! and figures we bave ~n able to aC()umlllate, or may here ",11<118 ont' huri alter ohuln rellLtmg to tbls topIC, WIll F ~td,e 11,!:~ I .born he placed berore tbem III tbe fUlure Dum re t'fI\',,"uurg bers o( lbl. Journal 0(' of tbe (ell' who ul'on th. I A \\ MAli never loon Ieee Interesting f}te" ""b i tlIan II'bfn phe II pulling un a tight rub''''r ID church (I "II !I
\ Blood Pills ,{,lIIl BEST
I. IIr ;1"\ ' s
_\ '
Morphme HabIt IB
A I tITER frt m FUJIlI olle of tb e Azore Mllno~ l oldK out th ~ IIIcentrve to ImOll)!rILtlon H.ere you get a bottle of wIne for -Ix cent. II m eal (or eight ",bill dollars 19111 In the
VOL ME ~ "VI.---
Y •.J 1. "'U ARY 26, ]876.
unoW! CUl!\On1a and IUpe M!U
no din an II flId 111 Blacl:tttolY{ II !.he .. l .egt'odl Dlln F olk lure of N rtb Walell," tbere iii Ilne tho alogularlly r ,.blch I helgb D d by tb mt m nt tb8t It n lll Bun'lv In North aDd utb taOIl
'Vall' aDd tb bord r At a. (un ral, .. a hln!ling who Ial''''' by ou cb IMlrvlCOl; hUM hBnded ove r to h 1m a loaf of br ul.l. II mil' pie bon I full or beer 1I0d milk, and II III peoCt', II) ooo.l deratiou uf whlcb b e ~ketl upon him 1111 the ~m 8 of the defunct, and fr • him or b r (rom walklnK aft r deatb" Tho ACa)l&ogoAt II currently call d a "8Iu·cute r .. A I'R O R~VE lIImtl.wavo, whicb Iratlually ov rwbclme 8 Ida aud 'Ill" ell In Its coom, la d ill! rlhc!d In t be recent report8 of th great Trlgonomotncal urvey o f I udla It confli.et8 of II grou p of red !IIInd hilla 10 the Tlnoev III dlltrlct. of the p rovince of Mlldrtl8. In !:lOothern lnl.lla ThelltllllUld·IJlllsare belUl{ gradu aUy dr~l'~n from W N. W to E BE , tbat being the directIOn of the prevlu ll1lg wand In the reglou where Ulev ar "ItU atAld A comparleon between lur\eyon marh fixed nt vanous tlmell since the year 180S show. that the whole ml\8!! of hil ll! 18 m ovi ng E S E at the nate of about fiftyone feet a year Ellorte to arrt'st the drift, by plautlng tr6e1!, rW!8 and creepers have l1li y et provcd una val lang 801(£ genau8 hll been lintlllg to tbe newlpApen to ,h." that If the CentAln· Dial Commillionera ani going to con.ult rellglolltl Idell we can bave no exblbl t.lon at all, "for "hUe mOil of the Ohn.. tlml obeeJTe Sllnday II a Sabbath, aDd wOllld have the gates shut ap.lnst ihe pubhcoD that day, the Greculnl obl!llrv }fonday, tbe Pemana obllerve Tuesday, \b. AlI}'nana obterve Wednesday, tli e .Es1PtJao1 obllerve Tb ursday, ali tbe Mohammedan J18,tIOD~ obi!erve Fmlny, and &be.Jewt md Se'fenth Day Bapt.l.... ol>eer.,. Elatarday It II well known that ~ PenIana, ANYrlaot, E(yptiml ud la ~lutAl a l&rg8 proportiOJl 01 the popul..tlOIl of Philadelphia, IUId that tharr eutomI. preftU elulIIlIlYe1y Ulool
WI, \t d" ) '11' II nl (If
pnlc. t un
I("rt _ h n \) , rdc "'1II,rl1lt1t I li t h lnl Itl til I,,'u k 10 'f, Yo u H ock 10U
11~1\; •• '~ n '"" III I -vI. IIH' v' throu ' h tb e nArro W trap, • "10 ,I do L \\ w t ~, .d mulbpr Rltl'- Ili ac r nlltl', "Dr! br h pRrd th.
1I:r ullO 0& K U!'iGLIL
"Ab",.1 alahodtb IhM1.- b"tlha 1",,1t r d pal, , II_ t 101.""'°0 tb """"bl" •• " ~~"'l'.I..;, ~,~~II~ alf.t, r~1';;r.I ~:~JI'Tli lb Onn" f ... I.I", . ... 14u,tp, ln .. ln EAch . If..." 1(1)10 tI.. 1I11", " <h .,n.,ullf Ut t,wlD
b u ft ' t lru. d I I'r.. u,II) • I \\ ,\1 t III lI.utl II" [\ [ \\ !lut III ~l.lIk In HIli. " • \\ ell , bvy "h'LI. II' I n111 bp r tn liHl'n, il lI l.I w b n t~ H r ) Il II'"11Ill, 1 am ~,:~4!~\'~~~1:: 1~'::!~':!,,"Ol.r.~':.ir rl' d) 1" ul1~wl r you I ~ It Inv lI11u yu u Tb. ..... hllid l"' ...... '" "b.,IA lb. r 10"" wa nt 10 .pe ak IIbuUI , Dar. k · ' l 11"0" ro 01"" But • •Tr '1\d po~t"lluD ' ' , p h&ar 1 IJ(\ budu. IUle h i th e ' Iu . lInn La rt l U 801M a b ird lroD' a 1,.1g . I all YOII "'YC loId, I ~"OW ,bo, LO.I .~ .I..II "I .. """ .nil ~ol d th ~ 10\ r rrnm hI3111 I'rl>W ,J I~ul c wl ll ton A . cJ ~~~'nd ..lib c:lu ucl-drllta aOO 11111 .. lib 't hl' ,\ rd. h llci "u I lll la . m 1\ ~ rl'lIlll l''' l at I _ In II b . . . nr~e "l od, ..01 hUA Irll u ll, h u t th ~ ,.. ,,,u. lilli e hope (j ,r f:~~:;o~,t!~-::.~~,ac~d~!.~!~!~lrlh' t:lftfJll - uch kll 1111 \\C~ r thl lJ W HI ttl 111 111 , "t4 rn T~. b kear Ih. paoIu ...... .. pu ", at I b~ • • ,. fill • o f ~!~IIIII S 111111 hit ~h Iwll t At. Ib ~ dro"" ,b . .... 1l1h.a 1 ~.1 burr1 ~ 1 dnn n O' .. r I h,dl re a llrl ~t l tJ'(',1 th p pll r I..,. a.,b ........ th. , 111"'1>-1 k DUW rlu "" III t h ~ l>\It ~Wl lIl!lIl': III Ihe ""Ilt You ue toolll ug Ih'....... al , II " ri b I 1o.. ... ,.Tb","!" .nd "",um' ,h. pu", ,I .. Ituo _ • \ < ~ I ulb r RI...k ll uft, It lij " .Vl', tln (\ T ho,,,, .. b.... n I. n ... r.. I". la.,ll t 101,11 ,OU w nt to m Hrry lli~U1 1l I flm 1\.. w ~lI rr~::!:~I~r"h7""~ ' ':::. :f:;'~,e",~'!;,.may bu utl lUl lln), mall JII tI" Clt~ "hll wlltk~ I r IAAb tau ... 0 lo U'. "",WO .,...... . 1 1I ~ It v ln ~ il li G [ wuut W Dlllrry M I'(' III IoN, 0 I. 0 .... nd In I"', .. Q tn m ak e my el f ha p py, and tu milk h e r ~b:~ ...~t";:I:: t~:,ior tb:lr!:'~I:~n ..... ' II ~ iii IIII.b"nu .. - Cll rI.oIIG .. J)o(> s Me tlI l o ~ ' y o u, Dlrck Wolff. ========-~ IIC n , lhll~ lO U MJl"uk oco llfidt'Jltly about laumll~ my d llu f hle r fur l o ur wile?' 1'fOLFFISE~ '8 WEDIHI'HJ. , W ell , sh e!j got my grlwdmoth e r M Silve r Iing upoo h e r fi oger alld wben No w York an th goon old Du~ch hm t'. ~h e took n h e SluLi , h e \\ o uld !!Ive m e waa the N \Y York ot th o p relMmL m Ill! hl'r d l'clried &1I8" er \\ II r n Obrl 8tmlL~ morahty, or III Its peopl ~, no more Ihll ll CIIOl " I u-I ~t mlUl bas clime and gn nt', It was the Nllw Y ork of Ib e pr /If' 1It III M o th ~ r Rl wk o u lt 11IId ~h e h/18 g lYI'U m e It I Htr bl\nu hou l!<'~ ElI c h lelllh hllll, '" 11(' nn<" c r ) 1 t , I>1Il h(lre Mh e cOllle_" furnl ~h l.'d Ill! qllnlll of lhO' l:l ty h lrht lov F..otllll p~ wpre hcun:1 III th e door, the Inn u- J'lJe hUll!!, frelll th Mlde o f Ih ~ Iiour 1 11I1l-h clll:ked , II l1d i\l er n lt 'a hPlld W/UJ po 8t,und cHeb ta dy boullt'''lfe Irl mm, d Ih rll"t IIl10 t he room, ,,.1I1 heI cloak· t he IIlRlr, fur wh Ich her hushllilt l IlI r IwoJ o\'cr It , II lI d htr blue I'~ es lig hted III.h ell 110 011 0 nUln e D u tch IIfL"!' liP" Ith 'L OII.ciIl C" u. fire, a nd behlDd WlUl th ordl' r of I he u ny, and HU lc h • Iwr .t ..ou \\ ucCe rt Schlll.'fTc u, ~ tll u d lll!! III @WII11I8 mllde Dutch 10 1 ~ OHr Du tch th e filII] bllif d oor' while the linage. of the pOI run "'I bl\uk you, \VOf)f~ rt, and good OIght • tnt Nlcholli! brou ght O'll r (rom 4m to you , ' . h lIlud, lind nll~blll g more .LerdnIU look cI dow u aplIrovlIlgly upou bc tlll.luot spell k to Dlrck u n til sh e th e "'001111: and the WOOOI'll bad th rown tb e cl(lllk from her sbtou ldere E-vcn tho corruptang IIIftuence of th e li nd Htood II'BlIlU g on ono Side of the fireYAnkee fro ... OouneclICUt, who lIIeul plllCt', hnldan!! fir. t one foot, thon th cated Iheldetll oftruJIic bv proxy .Illd 01 otb or lhe n ~b llOok6d down a t hIm double-deBUng With the IndlllDH, coultl ' W e ll, 9 lrck, you are here, lind y ou not qUite overcome the t a cblDg8 or ,~allt YOllr an~we r, nil I sr IrOOl my etrall\ ht-Iacell dlgmty whIch tho morllhly m(,th r. face tb \t you hllve beeu talking of the Fatherlaud had burned depp lUtU to her I took ~ our rlog 88 a pledg , the mlDda and h ea rt8 of tbe colmll ts, and my an " w~r I WIll g l ve you now-I and theu laws were al IIln!!ulur a tit Ir WIll be yo ur Wife OUIl wllt'k from tohoUBeiJ were 1I0tlque. aDd t h e gab le cud Ull!bt" of their bushleM tranilllctloll8 bore th e Hlld the tout hWe Imlll!e of St Nich88me relatIon to tbe world Ill! t h6J r bOU8eS o l ll~ n odded 11M rouIIII hcaal at him, or dId to the street&. hnd tbe hnc.1e lo~ stood on end and ~pUIr 'Ih gateeeftbe city bBd b an closed te re.-! nway ID hl8 {ace, plrek could 1I0t ODe nlgbt, md thecandlea were et b um have been mOlO III1Tprbed He look-ed Ing OD the tea tables of the hon t'tilt first at M~ nte, tbru 'It good Vrau Blaeburghers and the ordlnnry f"lk~ of the kauft, lind then took Meeme'8 handa In commuolty, 'It'beD Darck W..JffI!('D grew bls llnd k ll!88d them botb tired ofstaD,dlllf!: upon the Battny wall, I You hel\r. lIiother and look! .! awW toward Ihe Nar· be 8lIY8, and ( WIll be worthy of J roWI; ana npqn tho f.. r-off, unexplored WAS w roog tn.day ID the fight With Hitli1lmd bU-Wofthe J eM!l'Y IIqore. fert b(l('t1PlI, alld Meeme IaI\8 f0'"!fl~en 'T,.II cold. :"*her, l\lld J)lrcll' WoUIi n m e and 1'11 ttllI 111m eo to-mol'fO 'II' IlhitBred qUIte a lIWt', 1\1 he chmbed "Do 1t., Dlrek, do It. my boy, Rnd let down from h,elo!>ko llf; tatlbn and IltooU the ro btl no more quarl)?l ~ and DOW gp benea\1l the o( the II c1tlld ,out home, It III late, Ilnd It 18 t ime the hgbu &he cold wind, lVere ou t nd all tbe hon"t £olkll in
0 0 \\ 11 .,
II c l II rto llP
til e Olt~, Oi
Ro ,1
TO U Ibl nk Ih at YOU ~I lilt.' nhlk ll uft'<)oul~bt. \\ a lt I ' II 'er t ball m o rulog r,
g rooOl 'rhe uroem ng WIlO cl W olilIW nl " helld 8 nd b WIUI ,Iarknl AeCl,uJd L ar of ~h .. ul1 11 belllg chilled nuLllJellrd Ih bll rs
".ld llnd t hf"n he Bnu tb e 1!IJn<ll"d 8 00r, jl'ue I", an d t ue dODlI " altl n ~ f" r hI m W I I'. rlll1 " lIS w a ~ 1111.( a " ay A t ~h'l'lII ' ho u tbo fU!:jC' mlJlln g- tlt bOt!(' 811d -tltllllleKt bUllkl th~jr c leanc.t Clip!!, lUld thplr bf'ti t ~ullted 1!)e.m'OOIIlI!' no D Ick \\ ollfl!l' n , had IHrlvpd althouf(ll for the ce r~an o ny, nnd II UllIlig wllh h Ie book, bllP tfen o(,pr(!ltchpd the Where 1M Duck Y W of him 0" IIl!ked Meenle fully choe fft'n Mhook b18 @ fllrl 118thmg till they Where be wlli WIth lnu H l8 not clu lm the promll'l8 thllt If you dId not wlIrry be 111) '\IfI!' H e hlld told tbe pruml sed that Id sb., wuuJd marry otlerell by her ell: pected late, gave an escu been _11 8111CO noon, I Ddlll1l told the story I!Il€n dTllJkillg Bt tho man,und hlld b n to B reli. .1b. "He \'I'M to be at the down," I!Rld Schoeften, I t J 6 tbere " They started toward the tbe domlDle 8Jld the aDd they unbarred w ut u p ataarll amollg !IOund 1'811 heard, and tlll~ 'I"I~ 11"l'lI.y " .. e n tbe tall mill bellall to or the DI11 rna hlnery had ~:.uo~~~~~:;I~il f/lee of Woefert I:i ID the moouhght, 811 vol VI', llnd then he I Ib e loop-hule wlDdow dark form W/18 ClJ.II!!'lOg ~III, and Its IITDI~ the lall8 upon the wi·llIl··ml.'·.rlypil1g them &8 t b ey ~bo t ly figure, leet hig h, an the abadon and
I ~:~=:::'
lfBER .500.
E ~'O-"I!l'" D 00.
If ,JoUM I
r fj(, IJ u \:b '. " ,I<'un Inj,\ tM t b e Uri u ," lb J1 r t lo rd 'ourolll qUI t.t-8 th~f...II" WI" g " nod thl! li hole BIllhllbf l ID tlll~ no O ll' n (~ .. f ItJ rh~ lgbt tl~rs " J " I, uP Brllu y guv m abl .. ck"Rl o ut b. ,x II f q lll te a m II IE.C fi ,en th,, ""~ tbe 1UZ6 of fi~(' unl\ or.sl " !'tlIH', " h til l U e cb In U<Ci'""l n)l 0111) Ull V ,wll 18 e1l1Jlloy d :rhe ' I" ~ r. , II t b E' Al'pro~ ch ot E~ l' nlJl , Idllo KI t ill lbl. mild twlll_bl dl au " . iI. 1 h1r(t 1011 thl .-ttl wtrK11 d n ltD, tlrtm I " I wh d. hi rl" bl'l .Ink 1111 , 1.11 II. bna b " lKb t • I ,~ o J'tl,rl w •• Im. lo ,I 14 U b,
Au,1 t h I. II th e 8tory of Oolmlln who d If be Kn .. Theodore l:I uok 8II d aO ,,1' .- r"d at unc " Uh, Y 8 I;I IIuk aDd Th ~ .... 1Lr~ yo lite ol d .....00 1&""1 ' abuml ollt othe r g\)od,lJad and IndlfJ'. rent JI Il ~h lij IIOR. , 101li II", of IJ ~r blundenllsgl"en, IDcludlng Ua088 of Ih Fr n ch truDl'lalor8, wllo tenderoo Olb1>I-r'. I Love'» Lailt811lfl." Into " 'rh La~ l Cbf' WI. of Lover" aod Oong. eve ' ~ .. MourDlIlg Brade" Illto tbe' PUUI!6 of the MOrllmg," aod c.llU!l!Cd 1II1811 EdgO!"orth'8 e_y on "Irlah BIlII~ > amon!! 1111 porlal! t work~ on natllra I b I t~ry, IlDd to Sbtlhpcare'. hne, "So dull, IJO dea d , IU look l!O woe-begone" put ~b e conchl 81011 , "t:50 g ri ef, be off' With you " EveD Voltaire D1l\de one of SbJl.luipeare's hun· t ers, who WAIl going to .. C8rve for hlDl1!t'lf a lortune wltb IllS 8WOrd " 811y " What care I for land T Wltb DIY 8word I will make a fortune cuttlllg meat." Victor Hugo callell the Frith o f Forth the' fifth 01 IbequartAlr" T he Tlcbborne cla Imant wbo "undertlto" d LatlD.' tran Ja red for tho cou rt "Laua De.. I!Cmper" lUI " 'rho la\YB o f Ood (or ver," aDd a French pretender of Latin knowl edgq OIlCO gave "N umero Deu" 1111 p:mgnud et" to mfR.n "Th e number two tIIk 8 pll'8~ ure III beang odd " It WH8 a &harp bit o r ecbo veFl!Il that t he SUliday Timu of I~nd on tbrew off ID 1831, whe u tJ~hts to hear the great Vluilrust wl'ro VI"y blgb What an Ibey "bo .... ,.lh_ ",IUeAI WIldJil-k ,
To b t:lr a
lIot Padding. Tbe 8tudentll ID one of our colleges being fr queaLly annoyed by the lIec· wrnallind IIIqull!ltorllll 1'ielts of Il Profel!l!O r, who s U8pected them of playlllg cards. one evonmg prejared a blUu 01 mush, otherwl8C calle b Mty plldd ll1g/ a nd by Ih., ~Im\! It wus boiled had 8Cated tb r m.1J1voa around tho Ulble III the It.ltltUI.lU of card playmg, waitIng p ll tI otly for tho well known ste p of t he It was DO IIOOne r heard tba D of one of tbem ..Ylth hot haety purl before As
T .... lar .h . ..Jd dl4o. T ho \,In! r~~~ "'11.... ~' I:~ 1001D0m)'\' 11 , 41.1 """'. u l~ t ria , ADd few . uuJJ It.,O.l ur vt "1 1.1• .orrotr
T h. Alld
E w ry po -Ib e ,u UII II~ (l n ) 1< IJO fur ro un tl d "I t I! t n . I .. n " llue nl, 1111>1 • • mu cb rt'J UlP' 10 . ' " ' " " , I lite e x I ~ D~ o f I' r lll l1 l1~ lr , Uf\
t d 1 ~11 , r
moue In Ihe II r. t plitt" t h, JDll li larl ur' "f tllP pt'C ul iIlT 1>Alrr 11 .. 01 1M.u l. " ... d by Il" vcrn o, en t III't' <I tr~ ngn ln.. w lh-p IlIt \I ra! v nu on til r lo .~ , h, • j; , 'lIlIJ I " II n t .. r check. h ll.1 '" ,,, d, \ . " I ill d tr' ,Ir ll t l \ e ute I'Ct!d J" th ~ 1I . ~ l """g~ 1"' 111111 th ' backs of nolt ~ I be III . t MU ('trv I 100 I' UerDl 4 lind tl1U .tYIC ll l tllcO.lt'nt qUlred F ur In'lIWe.', III pnutlUIol tUI' llacks o( fifty c~nt nlM8 will ' h worl: 18 d.>oe by tb rUllarl ~ I,' h ln OILnk NOlI' Oomplinv, In thr U UIt< d III to Appralllel'll' bulldlnK, tl nu Bt.rfCt IIbm W1l1l1ut the sh eets are counted at ICll1!t eig ht tlDlet', lIud a rC~ 1 ter 18 kt pt of ellc h count III ~hl ~ esmblJshmcnt ovr r f" rty pre S fire contlDuuJly employed III printing tho blld s 01 110te~ reqUire d to rel)lace 1\ W Olll t1 U ~ currellCY 'I b e pllpe r IB reclHvpd ID shl'ets or ~uffi cwllt IILW to tuke lin Il1lprt'~810n from pltlt.el! OD "hlch SIX lee u e D ~ rtlVID!l'J of the n ote hll' o bee n mrltle 1hc number srM In th e p Icknge (rl1111 th e paper factot,T 18 not 8 1 a~ 'd a tbtl boll: I" al ed \\ ith th ro ve rnw ent 8lnmp A return IN nlade b) Ihe I'arty furnls!lIl1g alld the part) rec 1'lIIg tb e pa~r o f the exact am oun~ wltbout the knowled~e of 6Ilch oth~r'8 conllt so tbat thu POBBlhlltty,,' lilly fraud upou th tretlBury 1ft prevent(>d A8 8000 ft 8 ellch IIh oot 18 accounted fo r, th e paper 18 III\ n~ IIIto the wetllng room 'rbe bl f or that patmeot, be fore he IIC kl1(Jwledge~ the reooipt of IIny I'll kal(e req' re that tbe n umber of shee~ b IU!Ccrtllllled by one of hl8 Il.- HI8tant. A f\er the PI'PI't b llti und, r l:tlDfl the 1!I'lik I n j; prOOOl!il It 18 agliln In~pecled lI11d I1.n 1l0C"Ul1t I~ opcnell WIUI lllLeh pnuter, who, 'II turn, UlU~t furui.aJl a rece Ip t for e vuy sh eet thus gi ven him 'rben on a baud preJ!8, With a g arl IIdJ llbtlU g tb e shee t to t he plllte amI to !.be prc , the prm te r "tri ke. olf tb Impre"'llODS one by eme ' 1I1tll olle hundred hll' b n J>r1uted. T he ehec ts ar then t ransferred t~ tbe d rylDg department Ilnd ngalD counted Rack~ ar IIrranged III a worm roo Ul 80 WI to expedite thiS \Y ork llDd III II fe w bOIln! t he sh \JI orc ~Ike n to the count,. Ing room, being IWlle counted 10 .he c hange 1 hen they lire returned W the 8upermtend en t of Lbe pran~1 ng deparl.ment, Mr John M eOur, u lldcr "laOl\e th ei\8 l utn cHte dotalle ou t 1L1111 tb e nlJtR~ to W lIllhlnglon , i.h,e.lOeilt Q f
hfl I. d
W tOld tU M he
l!OJ'C .. ~. I"
T b t" .,11.1 .. 10A I urn" r 1'0, .. u cl b .. d ". ~
u •
, leld baT
- he )."TUI
,OUt) • ., ,.. . . l
II • f ..... ta~) lWn .wl.., t il whu l to t o w old I '\\i t ~ 1 4J , cSt'
t.l hll • •
t tJ.l.
& nt'a,b l lll& ,,"hlud " Inlrcb r u 4ODtcl' l
II ERE ,\?\b 'tHEBE.
IN tne " egeblblo world tbe reed rUDI op 111 Il ~ Clli'<ID , and IK frail, the oa.k In a Ct'utur) and III IlM solid 118 t-be hili., 10 th e Klu\l tr lu humlUi h dy 18 In reecb11Il( Its mll turw, the more durable is the COllMtllll lll.ID , IIDd IOl1gl'r the lIfe. A17 Arl zono IBndlord 81Jtptllled and Dl ltue "hld twcut) 00 0 IIf bId g Ullsts by pUlli nII' 11 huuk of frezeu wbl ~/CY In the alocklllg of ae b As they bit aDd chll wed nnd s wallowed they felt gra~ rullo the DlIUI who lUvl'nted Ohrlstmas. IV . ... I ut dimly th","gh Ibe mlatalUl4 ..pan, Amid Ib_ eartlill damp" W haL "" Ut '0 0 but I&d tuner.1 tapen, !>lay bu bea'eo, ~" ...ut ..ID ....
The.., II
01, dealh
T uto III. o(
"bal "'II1I" alnUJllUoD I rl&l L....lb
r. hut a l uburll (J' l h, lif. E1,a1a D,
" b_ purlllil " • •all ~•• •b. N TURE IS tbe true1d6llh,t When abe I!(' rv ~ us bcBt, wll n, on rare dayt, the epeuk. to the lmllgll1allOn, we feel that tJlO hll~ h ea l en and earth ant but a web dmwlI uruul1d us, tuat the ball\, 1Ikl_ lIud l1l fl unllU ns III but the painted VIClilllHUd s f the 8Oul,
NOR'V l H Bulk/III It 18 not always prud lit to (Irop In to] renoh Up town, the otller IIIl:bl, a Illdy spuke to II young mall of a dermt:r mort r and he thoupt she Will! swennng ILt blm, and went out lind sh red hi» luck" tIll be WaH bald ello ugh to use a towel for a balr brush.
MAN runs abo.ut restlWl lind ID pam w he.1I bl 8 con d itIOn or the obJoct.e about blm do not fully mllkh bls thollKht He WIshes Ie) be rich, to be old, to be YOUDg, th"t may ulx y hIm Itl Ihe oceaD, in th e fire, 11\ t he uy,ln the fo reat, he find. iu.ct.. lluHluat~ al1d 118 l/l~ /18 he DID I~ eve r occur to you kllld mam· II kH the thougbtlul R.;ton 'l'rmv 'crtpl, will i!! trOLtlllg your bllblts on Y<lur laps III ~u t h a 1'1t;lITOUB " tly, thllt If lIOUIe glllllt, llloo ut teu t lme8 your IllrAI, we re 1A) trot YIIU m II1ml\" tylo tbll brl\lLth would be ve r)' apt \U 00 beuDced ou~ of your Willi,
aff¢eil. 1t body,-
the cards lind wIth another 8p- 18, tberefore, Sh re to Cf\lculBte thll~ A \,OUNO Illdy of bester latAlly rcpnrently put t.Ue m U1to the pock ~t con· f(lr II fifty cent note r ca choa tile plI\>hc COl' eU the foll OWlng notAl, flecolupanied D to tho pet burgoma.. ~re me UlIDlDg lh o mUHh Th ese lOovem c nt~ it Will hllve hcen COlin ted at len.t lwenty by I ' buck c t of Oours " " I !!el1d 10U bl ter, wbo eoiny d t h e contul f'rll.:e I f l ht' ferr) I , c lHdu uo l hl lp belllg notlct'tl!-. /L. they two tlllll8 So It I" \y 1~ b lilt c llr~ncy th e boy It buoke t of flou rs They IS like be GO I E' rnnr llut Ill! II Du tch 10 1 r lIP " n• * * * But the figure had bc!gun to dt'IIOOI1,1 " re In Le ndt'<i to be, by the t' tI1 ftlSlJO r. nOnnt Tb a(Jphllllce H fo r CBrrl Ing Oil 1111' lu v fll r U ~h e JIIte .w:ulo mean. k eep inferlonty barley crop ~I o " lv, Hwny ll1 g III th e l11ool.it l!ltl ttl I It " I.. . con. ld e r lo\\, t hem Ill> II pre tty strong till' work IIIU ijt be comple te RlItt no thing dllrk , til d prlll cd ly u nh a ppv d og 10111 1 m e/lus I am your lIlt ~u l o Dh rklllllt a li ll hlll lll rr dlwn ' l t ) Oll r '" \; Iller t h~ r.. \\ U~ R <l l'n l (I f rl'll he l til" l! nlllTlfl lIDding 1l1")'11 ll:1 p'lu pncc "f ~lJIlt, bruke out \lILU tbe lJut tile b t \\ UrknlllllSIJlp I S /lIlOlI~d by ~ltl\ e 1\1.1_ crop 18 D"~ only defiolcnt, but 18 rcporlAcu au(1 JJOI!IS 1'1111, ml lu1' {or n f t h e city R bes t !!lOCI Iy hu .1 b" C'1I ,' , r .w rll " ln " j! II ' (I tlIIl.e 'lI1 itll ~ li t :lltl' lIl' f~N nll cl Pl'tI"I?II1j!" Itb ft c ry UpUIi Woe fu Ilu II I Il l!: g i\pr l1nll'nt III prlntwg thA Clrtllllltlllg fill anfenor to av~ ra!!e cropl! In every re u Mball nc \ Il r fllle" prt'sc u t III IU8 lll illd dnrin!!; th E' dny 111.1 Bil. ka u ll < hi " .. I he IlI g r ,0 111 h.l.! fe r t & hllt Ifc Il'S Ihrl'u l , II '" I, young gpn tletncJl , 1 I II cn llg h t rnl' lhulII rh dl . I ~ Ollll\' IIl1 rl VIIStlLVlllg aptct. 'Ihe d e ficlCDcy I» 80 mark I'd >I to '10 rlJlce II placllrd, " S u pper tlmty In hl.tl hellrt Jlo 1".. 1 ~ ~ Jl \iu , ) Ir rv lol PIi I -. r ll hb.. 1 nu I d u. te,1 lIlIth.. DJrc k W ultl l<e n II eld hIS t1 v.11 ,n a } l U n t H U~ I ..~ t ha, e 1 1 roOJll 81 \\ Ilh th(Hr dpilCllte 1II11cblnery Ilnd celli o darec tJy uve r B IlIlJtto 'The Lord Jufl glD g c reate con81dcflble distrust 1111{ aWIl\! ior tb" furtlfica t lollH ~ID( I' II" '"" unrol d III t il , 1I . 1t IH rr c "-nn e nllug h to . trOll!; Il rn"" IOd horf' 111m to tho Pllrth , , Why ) Cd ~ Ir. \\ U IIrI' all h ere" Mk I lied IlIb"r flrP rrlllr vf'l s, 1ll)d Ibe sy". from present !nd lc Itl ons, tb e UnJlcd early mornin g bn ll rs , e ve ry tllUe IH I111 I III fn)1n II " I , II '" b " I pr pllrc d hi r nl mn. t III Mre Dl ' M tre t H I ~ fn ee wo , So , I " v< u art , IIml )OU bllv been t~ nt "f hfck. l' llIpl u) , cl th ru llilho ll t tho WI I I pml Id e , ~ u g..:e" 1 8 fi n l\I!I!lIclaho u of D11\u; rlO lund >l'lrltutl l lliUd not wa rrllnted Hlat~s may be .all l II ullo n to @app ly the 11" \\lllt .tone h e p loke rl uplh lIJln~ (' 111 1' '< 11 ~ or Ih r bnd I .tI , 1 r ttl r m ntl w r . whl tR wtlb t he [l uur lind mlultlirolll'h 1'11\ In); cll r,I-, tHO 1" l'" r 10 1l8 I> rl1l1 cb('~ I ~ _ueh II ~ rc mIt'r t he I ~ \VII. IluUI:! It. till lIudllY buol room ~l Celll c lllaekllufL ILnd CIIrtl ltd .L Ill\llY c II",1 II 1I 1lt lli itl ," 111 11 11 II lIt l l) 01 OI I1( h \lllIdl he hnd c1I01b( ,1 In Hcaplug from , ~ ( I'I l r , Il1}ot Ihtt 80 H d fbclencl eSCX pCn f'n r t'd lu l!:n g lalld co ,, >u t1lmnt lon 01 llny fmud UpOII th .. flf u Bu,wlI c h u(,CiJ u t II ~lI l e \\ h e re re1IIIh hlnl, nnd 11o x chllllg LI bu t te w ex tnl ' ' g ll l< P Ir '"1 h e r IHl tlP r "l!,II.rou. h i- pn d(ln ro )m , li nd hlft rye8 SIBred I I~" I Whllt uave you go i 111 CII11lPRM), o r til e ~o\OrnUl O llt HI utLeraDi fre~bJD ~ 1l ~ lllble8 were kf'pt , aDd tho 8mile \ 11 ,1 h, " \\ It It )lIH k WoIO "" n I fi H clly II~ be held h Id nvl11 d owli vullr pol kit ' I>lan g Dllln I' flOll6l bll il y TJIb: condition o f t h CIVIlized Indian. word s Hl1rl th oJ!e {ow II0t th e loud,-t ' " IIJ f llll H 01 t he un~Of\ly pre' tilled ~-------------Dllt l it r \III 1111 murd"r T"~ nl y , Il ul IOl"ty purl lhng "Ir " an the l" dlR n Terratory _ naB to h~ vc n t h o wurld With nn~ uf the 101 n 11.11 1)" 1, h 11111 11111' r" III Ih""" u"y ~ lIlad II II ~Il \ Y DllfalCiltilln, 1 lI'TOOO upon the oc aD. hrtnr "horeworkod near bun 1I" , rrm t:p III lIetc 1'1 " _JI ll ~ l l\J l1 -tlllJ rt· I n ncl ~ grn.p~ d the ('o mbatants lind th e) , H .L ha_ly p ud dll g b .. ' blls ty pud All t .lIh a rrllKl le n.-eJ 1 'Hula uuomahlUs Tbeyore petlwonan g for the The cllIb xz!t me n t I <rpt'lrut.d , D Hs b· Woolert :SChodT. u WlI.~ hl. lw l<-d r1\ II I, ~h l p < '" rr cIllll ul It,I, Klld \\h e n \\p e ><e pllln tRtI Jlfl~ nte 1111\1 no ~b o.t ,11 11[, 11111 " '°11 9 III hllKly I Uddlll!; YUU," Upvu Ille U I \1 b in, thl' IOUII" nlll1UC" lIHtr loy hi S fur A 1) ..... I lov e thee I (,Itllbhshment 01 a UOI Led SLates Cuurt Al be rt h l8 DI'I" lI lto r WOf fe lt . f nb r 1111 bun ll - \\ He 1 11 1 ,, 1111 Ih o f lt t I IJUt a hllshllnd aDd Ih Huon fl. arm R uf ' 11)1 lI,e P,ol, ~ r at th e< . ,,1116 tltn ~ 1 t e IUn t W'A"ltI rulh>d L., au J bluued oul In thei r Intdst. A t present oil~ nd o rd lire hlld grow lI we ll to do b v hi. l m dm)! \I II I o f I l\~ , nol mn rnllt:1 hp. ll mt' "1',, 1 ia"h~d Il ll' "lDcI 111111 had g Iven ber lover t\ t h ru ~ llII g 111 lI unu hOlI! lilly tl) t he elbow lIIer cl .. rk, ( h"rI, " ( Ull kWlth I"H I",k ell Tb" ( Iu r hup n-Nliu ,.f loy N ~ w ' "rK \I" Ioc r. a- Oil' UI th" f rOlIi r I I Cru ul "'11\" U I Trelichero Wi u.nd t tried at F ort tinlllh , ArkanlW', aDd I'"r th ludans oml oHlD UI tll e ,It ~(, II''' ''u fli it n.. "I rl( l r\l lt. 1 Oultllf!lJ( lll\ 1111 dIlIIlCl'toe-ulp" IllId j! lven to Ihe nu,; 1111.. til<' Io"t IIIi'L) PUUtilUI! I I t r • Ylj lIu tlJurt1 Th e d o lorll us Iw k-, ~ h e .il litlllg II f Inr,,'''1 Lllat h ll~ CIIlIII \I It,, ltt lll 11t.1 CIlV ties mter8l!ted OfteD ha~ e to trl\l el seT o f Dutch pnlJllc. wilicla be~ :ln III Ih .. " LlI ~ " II IlIltrLO lI rl<\: 111"<'(11 l h( hl l!h Inll. s ue. tothll on lv one who had becu 1\ l '" 1h \II I.. l t Ii i d ] n 11lC!k for lIIAII) )ell," U, c b" th OCC U II ~d " " t ow N J Wtt.y ,. fl I t' l IiI h rt' fi .. g~ r.. taw g rl al IU I:\K lind ca ll1.'l'!1 of thc e rll.l hUlldred mllee to at teud a trlJ\l . moke trolll Ih Olr IOIlIl Uutell IlJ oj'~ " ... 1 ( 'H.l n' Clln g panh " • XCr pL th a t of Ihp la{klD!! ut Vlrok \VoIO..en ,,,eliding ( 01 tld .. rtl .1I1 10.11 1 ,11 IIlJd hilt! I.. , em l:i erL,l d l ~IU. d !.l ' , "a t~ r rOlled 1\1 doubt whrll tlu L"hIl CIO IlIlrn f d m r . L }' Illlllll ( ch ar Icl, r iii ' D,rrk hlld _ I'r I. M.ll r 1It(1 ~ e Lt.cr Im"gluerl Ib'LII ne I n t o I h \ r u.lor f Vt'lU iutl 'fho vaflOUJI trlbe8 ill the Te rritory bllVI /L\\lIy \(J .."lo P" Dlrck HII .1 Woe t( rt run ke p t 111" dl <1 " " ~ llI,d h",1 nUlde IllS pI U\<r HulIlJmlkc!lr". l AHc!II .. t b, IIk ticnl.Jcu t:l ~ ~I " ~l b6 IlgII .lUd burU llJbN b.9eu k, t pt'r 11IId ..,,,Ille r he bnd, L1IIYt! . oul rul Tile l'aMt Y('lIr's Crope Iltnle lt. the statu8 of m.!cpend t' llt nRtlo n . Thl) a muck "Ith el ch ot tllr-"h"l), tflok I , m e \\llh \\ 'l lo rt II ftl r Ihe m ost npAtcllt" I love t bee I of h ... 1 mpl (l) ~ r " hu", uc"l! IIl1d '11I "nct'~ e lect their chl ef~, eho()1IIl leglslam e hot! 01'1K1.lte HId, H Jl lld th ~ 'Illy pit '!I' llI'I I ,,," I fJl .I 110 II 1I,~y 'H te t \1dently A llorse With a Sliver Throat. A nd I w ul d II kt! I I IUd h' Y Thf' IBIII J1umhor o f the LoDdon Mark \I" I,hltl r lr, Iy 10 .hll '"I~ItC hi" k_ a n.1 C i waw ¥ 'lll'uh 1hill uut Dol;-gunl' lei! make trt'olles, foll ow th eir OWlI c u!\- whl cb "1'I'm •• I to ~ 1• •I.ly IIifit ~ Ihelt i lh .. ", . t 1m II I. III Ih. CII)-"O cI ...., EXp ' t18 Lb conlt' nteol wh ch "r. \\ e ha I I' I, cn rtl of peoplc bll rn "11" • th oll Ifl H <ly Ill! II "," th r of I"rm lit ! r\ I't NN HlILVA.NIAN eIIl yslhilthoen· tom a, lind are untrammeled by any t~ rrl wDlI>ersor Ih~lrdcbll"" S \1 1\~ lh e l'rt .. u .. 1(Ifl, I'd IhJl t mUlY II f I h~ d l u~hL ~ IIn( Ol' cnbl.d .o nLal u. lmpor tli lll anffl r ' 11\, r "rw>ClU III Lhl'lrm o \1 ~ta~, lIlJd IIl1th It H'''p'C IOUH lIt're tir-t I XcIL. d III 'l l1rch to rll\l gO \ernmcn t N uw the que tlon IS o f 11 e t' lI'p Bil k8UI~, ' ''lh Iwr" nlth 01 DUI. hmE' II " o n t rr~ ,1 nt II Rud pet It "I' mUlIon III the furm Il f a rC'leW ul I li e "ut ~h e [l1I'"t ull ique lbln~ 01 tlt e kind IS'3 "I ~II on ~IIIU "rec ul"r. t) IIPI"'" f er U Ii. cllr UI d \\flu D Lht , r Ik. IUU-II Clune O"xen h llir lomHl pll donu III r huck- hrr '" R II eXHllllle "I f( nn I heMrt dllet!8w ur thy ruroflt an !1rlllll m llr!..{'tfor LIII' yellr I.ft <t I. Sl It IIl1 d lI",k II k ' y nllt of bl. pock"t/ III e'er IHll rd (I f ur ~aw 18 II ho rde wl ~h II IIIg III the IIc COUIlt K 1111 III ves ll~1l 11 II WUH 1I111 11ck 1 the ,t ,ye 1'"1 IU "" m ~ IVOUQ \\ hy csn 1I0t th ey orgRDlze the I r ow n pIlle bille "VI'S f(llt III tillar " ~Jlrp""lO lI . to I", IlI ke n " . it rpc< 1<llt IIlId n'Lall.tlll eotl I lIS IIctual condlll 11 ~tI~,r t h r III H e WIIS II k lllul,. hllr.! 1I",t 1I1It! )),' k" t l, II 10 d •• ml .... cd It """ (,A)urts 1 If the terri torial gove rnment of love or "ymplltl:r 1I11d n 1110 llcr'll1lit bull 101 kl I tlop dlK.r Ilglt ltl I e IlOk~d him 1 hI 111 0 111('111 " '''".. t d kl ng OIN tb .. nllc! future pr o pee"" 'fhls IDforruall In whlcb the more Intelli gent IndlallB d e8 lr~ I'd pe tllcnllt luch up 11I"llllr ell. lI~h to. ,\I Ihlln l! nlld Ih (' "ro~ p"cL>\-eJlc h had hIS 1< u\ lcu lutAd t.. I1JcreMe th ll h llpt'8 u t " rklDg btllgt Uc: lo llg ng to Ihe C. lIc m th. 1I tl ,ougl.t Ib"t It ,. w I lIlIdn d du llHr. Wh8~ hc lock ed ~h e stuv e liOll r f" raDd be .\~ mUdl "Ollld CO \ , r th e tie 1IICil~'''1I nlld .hut 1,1t! I U I ~ ~ye Ilud ol1ld be luc ked tho lind ~h p h~ 1i "1'''11 th ,' wlllrh tmlPr 01l r Am, n <>l1I R~rlcll ltl1nata, 118 8 U OWII\~ ".ll O Ulnl b ud OolllPlllIY , but WIl8 wllId were 111 operatloll, UDlttd tales Conr tll .1 1 ~pIIlY h er " eli turlhd Jl lIk le II lId he r IlU ,lIlor"otteu lil.-Cf' lIlv, do< r Ij() Ih" fife couldu't go out 11,1 ... .ull chd lor I""h e "clock whplI tbat Ellr. pc \\ III not probably b ll 10 ~\lc h hr ken, n nct ou tu ut .WCHunt uad grow II Lbe mllt"'r would be Il necctl8lty, bill. st prelltl n~ It 18 b ' g h b eelcd shl>l" lo th IrIH.tndvJl IJtlll!1' hll\leV~r iIIr U" hl>Jlt hlUl Ut~U I ~ d 10 he O lle or the .... rl l ~r U1!f ltl n 8 hlld Ihllt ve ry Ihev .I Ot .1 1 1l\Jlln ~ nvf" to llard tbo It COUUUIIlII ,... to be able to ~ Ul) IIltU08t \1 1!C1t'1If! It W,1811 lilLy llnLl "Ill" W I!: lire PO wlJuci e riully furmed tbat, 110 abtlurdlty to I!Ct one up m the mid st II! ".11 til tu rn hlln uut to Llle - he Io e , e Ih aL the buu.o nJ bll H lOt bee D af te rnoullended 10 ha r'! \\ ord. nllrll!lOll . Hrl' lIk r ian -h o rt' port h e rM~if \\ I ~h ber own com pru wuultlllt l!e 1l-8o It Wllij d.t. rnllneO b, read ied , IIml b~ ~ 1lIf'l o) ~d hlo I'xpert.ilo wlll bt we ure crt!IHures v~ht'mtlntly deof Independent natloall. between the rival s. and ,, (tuld hHvo! e ll" III f! I'r I IJ II n j!lft for )ou rweu ,hn g ductlOO, lind Sl rU l1 ~ vf n weltv "6 \trc IUIs ~rollllily air thnt h e reaf w t Ihe ed I!l'flomly hltcl not M e(\nal" ~ hanLi be~1I nJlI Plre k - ittII' thllt \qll b e n l t!l' tVI CtJ to roIew Wml d lOa v ~l\f~ l y rely ltlpon be aug M e ~"f!l the ~ ete rlllRry s urgeon, to try ~" thrnu ~ b 11I ~ looClk. TJle r(~ultIH ~h e Lalched \tl hl\lJn nud cu"~" m But h Ie d",u", ry ut fruuo. w tile Hllwuut til PX p(!f11l1C'nt--an .burt a ktll o r ' ,m(' lOlh, 01111 lit Rlllldo\\ n lIl1d II H1 pple me n Lary I{tllnn ry {orthoohl one A FnRNCH eonnOIHeeur lately entered ralsrd to 8tO Jl l h em , and hlld not h rf, w V II U Cll rll rem l dy So, two months ago. b e i64)O OOH "Ith fI problllJlhty uf th eIr run Ihu olltur" .... 1 thw!!3 whI ch hold WI by Il PllrlR curl08lty shop and NIli' a hc!autl ~harp wllTtI.reCIIlled the lovl' rd toa sc liSC I' ll 1111'" It n !l,lv tnr \/111 " 'flIP y"o r 1871> hll". ~I'y8 tit Mlllrk !,(JI~ E.r. 1111111, IHI InciSIon In tbe IInlma l s thron t IIIU ~ 10.700 1100 1 he mD</ Wi oprr(U,dl of cWllum tlJ "tlcC'l l1 ~ ~e ry httle wblbt we fhlll I \1111, Wod~ rl and Illthnnk pl'f~ u o~ .rlulllltely provell a year o f ful Drl!8doD vase. Aelnng the prace, h e of propriety \Vlt en pay nre III PW\I!('",' lun ot them, but KtroDgly , i:!hanae on )OU, nlrck ''''o lfToen IL1HI ,Oil , nu \\ 111 be ilL the wcddang lo- genoml cl e licl~[lcy alld IDfe rlorl~y Ilnd IIlId In .... rl.t'd B "tlver lu be IU tb e wilid ~bc fraud.".li HI! folluw~ wheD Lll"y llrtl ab,eDt WI\8 told fony pounds, " and," IlIlId the 11lpllt fo r swck loeca llle due ~c k with p.pc to facllILaLe brea thlug le8vIO g II you, too, W Of'f.. rt "chOl'ifcn l a ke It IlI gh t ? • It 18 the wheat crop which b811 8uffered 80rt of artt/icllIl II08Ir1l lit th e po,nt of ....ould draw Il c hec k pnYllble to h,mllelt dealer, If I had the pair they would be out an II Wl'('sthng match If vou wUKI :\l lv"r I WIll and maybe I won't, most, only one Clllbth reaching the aver Made a M.18take la His . . . . I sc rtl OIl 1 he de Vice work~hke 1\. b,um for 1\ large r Kum thliD the IImoullt due ,",orth tw 1 hundred pcunda." M A orc light, but don' t qUJlrrel to blows 0' er Dlrek \\ uln-rn " Ill< th(· IIlnll 8 an8\\Cr. al:" "ulle five-slXtha llinks below it the terr. ble wh tr1. JIIg has c(,B8t-d , the III UWlng Lu frl qu e u~ uh~ lice froOl IllS bll81 An In ~u rance a~e ut called into an Cered twenty pounda, and came 118voral matters that dou' t COllcern VI u ILlld th e) IHrtl'd unll l ~ un ,luw n BllrlC' , ell t8, heanll, al'(l alllO Dlentlel1ed Two ruund, lIu l-ch faces, both red fmlll A. 1\ IIIllrk of hll! Tlch8!1, \V ~ fe rt \U the r e~ Ill'" publish d by the speClJtI CI ".o n hilI! uellleo up heontlfully, Aud th e ne.~ AIr 'llllbbitt Wilt< a Cc u8to m eri W 'I~n ee tablt ~ hm ent o n Ma\ll street the other day. runnIng to renllw ble propot!&l, bu t hllr IS, Olllg hll! full day .. wllrk anrl I" the I hfCb lD blllllk Ileckwllb .." uld day, "lIh a larp;" IICCOllnt book under angerand excltAlmont we re rlllscd ttl llLrtl ~h,w fTp lI" r .. thl'r b>ld built Olle or the I.oll d on orgnn but ~hOMl are n ot of eo ID vain One day a man came to M A '8 d rnw the m oue y from Ihe loank and pay h. 8 "rm 111111 wlliklng up to the pl'Opraeber aDd ~wo Dutcb lo v:ero \l ou M h 'I~ ~ '\1nd 111 111, which lI e rc th e rnnmentll of much IJIlerc@t t.O Ame ncan8ll.8 tbe ligureij ~RtI . g h i. tllll nl1nwallce 'fbe 'liver apartments to Bhow him IIOme old china ILI!ked to be fo rg llen, but she walhd Ihtl lhllc h c ity 11 111 bc had a ri ght to tb,.."t cun be re movl'd lIud rf'piliced >It liVe r to th e retli1CJr tht proper tuno unl , to r 1lI 1\ iJ u ltIelld 80 rt of a way, Inquired' platel, and IDducen him to Vilit hisllhop calmly aWIlY frllln th e be lh g~ re nl" lllld be !( ~ IICf()U~ "Ith h i" {atht'lr'. corn Rnd rdatlve to wbeAt, flonr aDd even ludlllli wdl tllr d elllllll[! , bu ~ It 1880 arn.nged pocketlD!! .he halllllce hll1ll!Cl t H e " o uld , H ow 8 hU. lueilll- how 8 stoelt '" "Oh, co rn , wha h lire tke pmlclpal staples ut .111 1I0t t u !;e t out of place or Cil II I!I' any th. n chllrltl' Ihe amount drllwn RO hi d ellllh bU81111''' I ~ ve ry, very dull." replied tbe In tbe Batlgnolles. To h 18 8UrprlI!C Rnd cDlOred her fll t ber's houee, clo IDg lhe nuur I f he ch(HlC W l'ddl ll g prrllllDts were our g ram t xporte~l oII There IS now n~ accounL m'g ht balflnce wl t b 11I~ bJlnk lie "P,m my ,.ord, 81r I (Iellght M A Ball' ID an obecure corner door belilnd her t hell mll.-l o lo be utMlful , alld Dlrek lOCk Ll vorpool a lIuger RCCumulatioo of tbesr 1\> CJlI'l'n WII I' to the hOIlle Tbls umque count and Ilt hl olel8ure h e " ould furlbpr trRdl"Il111l1 rllfOl' 01 eqllille surge ry ca n be !l('f'U III hllvl'n't ~ut '900 ID the bouse I Terrible Bill the re " lUI no more quarrf'llIIg the ~ h f' 1I111'nrlrd pref!{ nt liS l\ co m plmlt'llt to of the shop a 1'/188 euctly similar to the cereals than tbere WDII at tho IlAIII C dal e IIII1~ l Bll y Lilly a t the Olnlllbll8ofiicCl 0 11 cov.. r h is tracks hy tliterlllg t he bl il pre dull I u d be p"ulMld lind looked IDqUlr coveted Dresdell, and eagerly I!Ccured it rebuke wblch the gill ha.1 g,von Ktnll" 'I e( nle> ~ Inrlu. t ry flull Ihrafl ,8 nd thought hUit year, 8nd t ill' 18 eMily tlDdC18lu d , H.nce ~ I rte t between F nllnh aud Fifth seJlted hy th e creditor from Its true J1J~ ly at hiS Vl8ltor. 'Qllly f,9alOr' 8IIld home wltb Bueh force that the m en ftlt 1110 ra v.. 1 truly ~l' n(lrul1', "" he " "tked Ilt amll unt to th .URl dm",n from the bank the In . lIrtmCe UlaD ltI 8Urprlll8 .. ' POD for forty eight pouDde, With the as more bea.rtlly o- ua\oled of the m .. h .. . ulIll t1\1 \I bey. nu th l' city s Ilate, and fur the reporte about Booe!., raJll~ Rutt btu' til - C; m clnov.L1i CrnnnU'l"Cllll Wlten tll~ latter co u n!O Willi ane.aptd lellt, my 80 11 1 otr," repealed the dl!&ler, "I RuranC8 that the pair, If forthoomlDg, tbon they wuulJ h'H O dODe hud u,,, ul IICtllljil ~h e He ld to Woer, rt Soboeffen'd I!enernl defiCiency m Europa CIIulllld II large eX llO rl llllon t~er6 of Ame rll:an TIlIl dl [Jerence bet" l\I' u " good cow (or ft ar of d etectltJl1, he would make Ollt don' t bt:'lIeve there's a donar more-look "onld bq. worth (our h uDdred pound~ the pre.ervers of pubh c pelUl" d t!llll ~U C III 111111 wh eaL lind ffo ur Thull, tb ere we re ou .A t tho laWI' bnlfdoor, With Ill, m il Dec mllt'r 81. t Il\I!t nearly SOO,OO qu:u snd a l"}tl1une .. n o~ gf'llc rally apprl'ci a lI e w bill The IllcreJlllO "lUI regulated fo r Y'ufllell," lind the man looked gd M A rUlhed oft' to tbe arst dealer and blow. upon thf'l r hend. lind . "oulo N . a ~1 Of Len or titan othl' rlV u!o th e PrlC 111 IL me thodl CII I malll1e r, te n per cent be- IIDd blgh ~d I Th en, .Ir," SIlld the IDIU,. mtb the smIT o f offi ce, ami Dlfck CC1011,1 ll' r. Clip ull<n hl ~ h eat! etood Woofl'rt. o Re l'td him hll awh prace (or the VIUJe terd of will "I lit Liverpool. Bglll"st 14--1 .... \Vhlclt COWH Are bougUL ouu /!O ld II! IDg the amount gen e rally atlded Beck aoce mall With 11 good deal of warmt.h, hi. ardor, hut did 1I0t c(KII hl 8 1111 1' by ~IJ Ihll g 000 whIch were there at tho Mmo d lLte II1 l1d" In Icco rd w ith th e IImouut of milk With Iii now unde r arrL",t "Ah, 81~,' !IIIld be, "yeu come too late I h ow Ou\' 'IJ It com \l that your tnck lain walkmg 011 t b e top o f th e parllpetlll1t! • '1 ,'u'rl' prompt to tlDle, I see, anll I IJOld It yeetAlrdsy to a d ealer III the studYllIg th e sclen c':! of j;ul1l1ery bv lin VIlU 8hftll tuke m y Prt'l!('ut home to Mee of the preVIOUS ~ar But t.l1l8 exCt'1I th~y Will ~I'" Hut till" II! DOt 1\ l!Ound HUred 111 our complUlY lor M 600, eb ' " lSueceu In Study. tloulilly large ,took w\U lOOn rspld(y wily of I'l!tlmatlOg theIr value Beef &glnary vuil<'ys at an Imaglllnry fl N'1 Ole cOllie with nit .. BatJ~001le8 " 'Ihe 1'('1lIIU1i Ivb) one geLd II. le:l!!OlI I!O "Oh' AI>' 00([ your p"r<ion I" exchumed decrt'8Se, IJIJII<m uc h All in Ru la and Pu- cattle OIay L....tIDlntC'11 by th e pounds till the cold wllld Rnd the mill hnd 111'1\:\1\ 8lll id !lnr! 'lui t In bl8 mllnner. "I III nd n ~l'rI and Ci\nall arefrozell, aud for ()( h€f'f til. v "all mIlk,' A bull OCK that mucb qUIcker tban 8Jl o lher we thlllk, th e (Iellle r, UI gr~at cOllfuelOIl llnd fJJrck thl\u ~ ht It . trllnge , but be eome m OJlti.J a to com e, gram call not be I~ beCIIUIMl be co utrols bl8 Ihlo ughtl! lIud thought yo u W ill! the ta.x m an I I WILl! PEOPLE mlly rejOIce Ihat 110 large Il chIlled 111m through WIll mllke live huudred llOun<b of beef Cf'nters tbem lor the lim e mtc l' 8{' ly upon 8ure you Will the tall p;atherer, or 'pon I'uttmg hl ~ hRnile dt'c p clo"n Int o hl ~ ( oulll nol rl!fu ", the une r "nu ",-I h e fo l part of life liee out of Ule range of poll ahlppt'd from Ode8l!a or DaDtZIC, III! W Ii lIcs We bave lIur dl\lly work ana itll bree htlll pocketl', and whlslituj( IlS gmltl I,,,, cel hid law rl\lI l "I' the narro .... elAlnt &>Olrllm Amenca.. An hupO.rt.e.n tad vanc mny be wortu ha lf III! mu ch tul OliO thlll hi. l e~JD tu lhe ucluslon of 1111 othe r my 80ull wo uldn' t a IWld tha\, when, In frUIta, we have our outdoor amu~meDte a tune a he could 1'hl ~tl ll "Ith hps tlll\l In1.<) Ihe chlllllbe r wlwl'll th e bBjl;8 wllre may therefore ensue on \be Eurnpeyn " Ill nl uke o ne thuull1\nd pounde, but the ma~t.e1'8. When Dr J ohnllOD ~ Lu,hod, be ract, roy lock 18 worth fully 18,@and our In door dIVOM!IODI, "e have our 1'ould n ot prol"'rly puck .. r, h e w"lk,,1 p ut , pil ed np lI" I'y fro m the wlndo" , markets, e pe laliy If the epllng iIIh)Uld cow tltllt ptoduCt'B ollly on c bundred Irn.t Ilil con!\clo \1~n~lI!!ofexternaI 8u rrollnd· lcok: fo r youfllOl(, 01' I "-Daytim JXt!n,o. farma and country lafe, 1111 Independent slowly up the narrow @treel and knO<'k ... d " hlch 1Ip<'1le<1 hebaud tho long arm8 of prove uafavor.ble aod our Amencan po und~ of butll'r& year IHnot worth balf lOgs. and bacamt' cOlnpllitely buri ed an crtU t 81! much 8.8 one thAt Will make two bun the door of &t eem .. '. houl!C Goud tb w11Id' ll1Ill Lhe NubJect before him , and thll 8 It WILl! of the wrangl e lIl1d contentieD and ecan farmers '11'111 do '11'&1 to produ(:e as much DEEP ploWlDg 18 good pracLice WbOD ' Thl\t bug over ther IS youns, Duck," a8 th ey can for Lhey ate almllllt lure 01 dred pClundM III tbe fIIIme time All It tba~ be could repeat whole prlClWM or dal and embitterment of pohtlw par Vrall Bhekftuf\ answered th 8UmmOn", "III take the forme r cow two yean! to whole chaptet/! out of a book. after you have a d eep 11011 It 18 belter (or (!.I t It ou t. " tl~8hlp The IndiaD lummer, the Ilnd bade blm e nt r , but Me<'1II '11'1111 n nL ijl\IC\ hncflen agRID havlna: thl, yfllr a rudy market H . pell n l d tu ~be pile i n t.he comer, In Europe (or tbe Illrpllll 01 tI~etr ,.heat Dlake II much butt r 811 the latter '11'111 reading them once. Hen ce we Bay. If 80me crops than for otbena. Plow d eepe r woodoock, the pa.trldgea, the quall, the to be eeen, and Dlrck ('It uneJlJ!Y M be I.D one, she 11'111 COI!t the O"Der a year'1 wlIJudlclously ompley our time, IUtAlDII8- foe roots than for graan, and Hpeclally bickory Dute, the obeetnuta, tbe gor· 8tood by the big firpplacr aud 1'llrUl d a nd Woltr~en 8tool d to do hlB blddwg, crop -NC1IJ York CmmMrCiol IfdwrtUer' keepIng more than the other cow will to Iy apply oursBlvllil wben we 8tudy, we for com, slDce 10 the ahDrt Bummer cora but the Rctlen Willi a fatal one to bim, In geoUl! folftll and tbe (allll1l1: leaoree-Ual' bill handl before tbe e rnckll11g blaze. i:l't tbe ume amount. Tbe buttAlr from may have letKure ADd indEed, If we WIll mature qwcker i f lobe roote are DO~ It "fill lOme mlDutAla before h e could bope, at IC8IIt A trap had been cut in ndell, tbe d rivee, tbe walb-theee aft' WE DJu,t learn the bomely IIaw, of fire the poor cow CC4!tIl double what It doee did DO' eare for lel. ure, yet It II much oblagt.>d to go dowD Into a oold uhlloU not we q:c:iua!ore property of any s-rty summon couragll enuugh lo mqUite for the fl oor , lind wb en he tepped upon It nu~ritDent. BIl' with .hallow plowIs it Dot fortunate tbat 110 large a part 01 the daughter, aDd wlien be did, and bllg alld ,man "I're both 118nt tweDty (eet and wate,r, we IIIUl1t feed, "ub, plaDt, from the good une, and 18 produced at a bettAlr for mInd to be worked Jntl'DMlly for Inlf yon mWll baore plenty 01 plaDl Iood lIumlUl life liel out.aide the ruge of pol learnt'd. that he had gone to VI It a o r m ore III to tbe room below, in the bulld Theae are \be eud. of uPCt'lllllty, rulnbua rate to tbe farmer Such a cow whJle It j, "orkell tban cah'lnaly or mIXed ,.Illt &he lurl'ace .oU, 11- }'OIl and tI"t In the ordl'rofaaluA). Poverty, Will net pay til e coat of k epm!, and ia lOOII8ly -J/'lClUgaR lMlI1t1'Mty CArtIftitJII Delghbor, he became Uae ugbtful ancl 81' dllrkn_ of the gram well idee T dlJllU'lJ t.o COIIane the roo&tt to &ha& lor .... lent tdlilleenle'. motber tpoke to binI Dlrck knew nothin,r till he fell, and froet, famine and dile~, ~bt, are the oDly lit ((lr the 8hawble& Sbe ought TBA maD who pay. for hll cloth. II uk. of the _CIa. Bu& abe.... aU, .... "What II your bU81PeM bere to-Dlght, then be Rilouted loudly for h e lp-he badiell aqjl guardllDen 111M MId ua to cerwnly never to OIlCupy a p~ in the WJUT P'- of ClIlI'peJItry beoom- a '11' .... of deep pIowiq ill a IIIIalIow dL the beet. d~ mu. dairy Dlrck Wol8ien f' the good womaD aated could look up IUId _ the face or-woe- COIIUDOD _ . pm IlIOOD IIIL Ie tDilbed t A-pt.e.
:~:~:. "m
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_II" It"" "
- - -- - -_.
~r I ~ r in,,. J.!ytH.'r.~li"lI Ut'....... ti t ~1I 1~:.' i .. ~ a Jllo('11 ·i· u· , 1\.1";111 'm t "I' 111\' "1t il II turl' II\{ nt .llt), tltHI 1. t-, tlH.' )IIlll" I.'r tbt> [\flt IIII .ti,, · I' ll' .1 fri'·II .r., 1'11" 'h, 'j",,:, ~ 1 . 1 t .I~ j 1n "1)(' uf gto .. '''.I'. ~It·. J Inl'ri It I.. hi", r . ~ tnrh c... \ .... H · Ut ,i u,.u l 1 bt.. ti ll -III I . 1:"1) 111.1 . 1 I., " \1·1 fil • II It. d I · t t ' .. ""-'U \1.Il ~UI. tJf Lh .~UlAJ I:dl<'ru l III Il'~ Ill' II 1"'1 t hll I: , ,., "llI l1g "uch l',I ' hilI ,'IIl' 1111 I (,lr 11 '1 1'1' dl":II" I, 'II(Y Y 'Ir, 1111 hR" 1"'111"11 I. p •• ill t 1111' ('Iq .i d il.,' • f a ·,11\,'1\ hllllllte.1 III' dolJllr~ ill IllI kil ... Ia . ,ly PH C-:S will be LO',VE this year Til,\ I;VER r 1/11111 (/,II , . I' by li.-t ll l~ It, 111.'/, \' I 1'\111 ·c·li .. I. T ill' citi? 'II' .t " 1"1", ' . ' Il'~'1 J_' F VnI' 1<:1 .. ~ 1'111'1'" ,\· lilt'·", ,.... since t le Rd~ Ilion; and my re ' ~ are Ll Jlill l L, I , 11 1111' I r 'llll'lI II I .. II' .~ I't"- Il , II'"'J \·.11,· illld IIrrllllllJiUI( ll"l1I tn' c"lItlv Ulli lJ.dl· '11 '1 "'Iltll III', · ill Ill' (',111,.,1 :111 " i'I\' I" 1111'1' "lhll'l '-- '1\''';'..11; " "' , ."IIOC ' ·., .. r"1 . IJl'n~I II"dl'rvlhl "t'''l1l'h,\ c'lI h ir~ t I r. ',1-11 I-l rUl' Il . 11"",.·1 ('11 11 ,'" "ltll'tlf ' t h., f""l llll{' i. t.rill lllll t W I ' I Jh : " artl\' d" ,II II \\ III h,· ;11 111 \· 1'''11' \ 11'0 ••1' : I n ' .r"" /''''''''/,' J[, U l (,,/I ', ll!! ,ll/yl/,I " g;71 III !J Ih i i tl ... ir " i it Ild iJ; 111:11.: II~ ~ll i l .. hlc n·. '1 11 hy I ltll'" till~ ll l.' ~ ' .J.. t., h i" 1'.1\ " ", II /11 "' ::11 ,., !ll .l "!1 . J' / ', I,y 8i" i 'll ' /j lr <'''(1/I', ,'/, .. 1111 ~I(lrt l 'f/I' lil l; I ·.i . It w',,)u l' u a ' lI ~ t Ih lt J ;" ,. If l(Jllfl~ 1' lim) f ,r Ihl' ,. lIl" '111111 " )a · /"" 1111 1111'1: III .II Vl·. 'l h,.· t'ri.·llll /'1' . ' :.1'" lIlI. l ( r " "h ~at ill hl t. tll nl\'l l j,," the 11111111' " t: :In. ,t h ·r I /I" !( (l ;j' - ' f ,,' 1\''': ICllrll fNIIl lh l' d .... I••r \\ h" "1 .'"11 l i, lI" 11I 1 I,' .j nd·, Il.n. · IIl.1'· T.:l1. II,' ,'· ,ral\, ' 1.11' l'u lj li \! ' ! '~' I" ' '' '1 WII Il "U'; blt.,r·.1 ftutlllll lly n 1 .. .'" • . ·hcadl·' ) \\·., .(Il.. ··!;' r: -< " 1' 11111\\' Ih' lIi:ill, I"'I' ,)"" ,, h ili: l ,r I~t>.~, u 'l'um,''' !'' I II, ,,,I I' I ~ lip ttll li t) ·ut..m·l. 'I ill Ih ,' w , ,, I . 11.)!,·t !. hilt " ,III' II ".111 ' I'.,. i" It·,,· h d i'l '1 f " \\ \' aUI 'Il- h . Jr. J,'''l'C VIll .t 1l-l·C II ,. hlrJ .1' 1 01 ,,,,,<,..,,,,. I " .•" ;\ " \' 1.\ :lli, 1'••1'1. IIL' "11" \';1 'rll, .• 1. , ' . - " I I,' . - 'I r. 1 '. ,1(....'I. , \ t " 11I'·• • I.''''' ' WI" nJil' r(,r di d " .. ,,"ul \ 11 1' " r\' 1 1,. ... T lt1\.1 I·t, Ill. I "" 'I- .IlIe rl'· I In' ''' I U~ ., I '• I" I " II 1 I" llU ' ' l i.I,I 'I t' .' "' .. I \\·l ll tI· l' ~ 11'. 111 ' 1I1l'1l'lI lll"- • ' /,1 11 1.1"" .1 11IU 11\' I I . ~ 04 • ba · I " Inot _. (I v' rl,.". F i~t·ll \\ .. ""I' "I I .,· k,'.t \' ,J I" ·t< \ r~ '111,) .. 111\> lIear , III .. I' .11' . "m;"'I:,,,, ./., 'I'll d. I li llii'll. &:tt ....l til I ·'! ....'I ... !. , \I. ' 11 1: II \, . a .. It .I' ",II .. oJ ." , ' I . ' ., >(I)'!'I'.< II .I · t' 'u: :tl'\' . .,t... H.Il'd :, • • M,' .• M: E C II~ "(' rf -'I"~ 11.·\ . l' F. r~', ". \I ~" \ ndr,· ,\· 'u.i 1'.111,1 h·r . lO r i, .t .l l IlIl' ill" I II ((' I .' It. _\ 111'' '111 ;"i,,,1 f~ 1.. .. ",II.i.l· a _ .... ". ',' 1 I'• • ' I'1'. I t ~ .... , to D h lu,-IfIO.t\4.\k!ulI Suu--1 .1\!-. '11 t· ,n \'1'1"11', IIt t \\', \ · Ik . IIl d l- 1i .lIl,.,1 "II ; a nd Ill' Ill'" '1'1 1,:" .• 11 !!'w<t l.1 IIl'I' " i tl·l'. :III'. ,,",,",f lh 'l' I\' II 1 '\ /1,,, 111 ,' II" III Ll . "' -,. II .7c! ,,'('t, 1; \ . }f . "\1,, l·~ 11 \L • ~ \bb .! J, ~I ,1'1\"\' l 11 11 u 1 ' 1 'I' • ,II 1• 'l l t I' ,. I1:11 I I.. , . 'II ~ . 1, 1 t II' ''l' II I" , 11111.,·,. ,· I I!L' 11I" ' , , . 111 , r~ . r. I lU ll hJII . • '1 ,.\ Il t ~ t·" P IU lill . 11!('('I ' I1" Mr. Il l rri.' pn. 1 "'tO LA I.L \ ' I VI'I'E A u . ) 1>, \' 1' IIl l' 1 ".11','. \\'t. ~·I·I \' ·- IU III 11 li d, I' !" 'CII tan ' It. h"ll' C.'MR AND - .U ·. I'. U' " ( ', w,k un Frank CIIL c" lI.'ew flll· i 1ll " 111' !i ,'m ·IIIU,,.U " IIl'll /I - .rll, r J II. n ..hI. tit. :11 , 1 !". \I ,,~ 1",11 11 ,1 III fI . 1I1 I,,' ,11'1",, 111 ., " t'l I'(':ui,' P l t or 1 ItUt r \'ir j' tm rht F ir .. , nn rJ ·ll)l:dll·.1' L1.11' (. rr ... :HI. im ·11'.. ·· 1 1.,w,·1' t .. : · _ "11111·· .a ll .."Il tl - 1·11"· .., , n ll,.1 1 _u '1 'I' 1'I " f' (' dll · , CU J"tll "" ~. . I•I•g,d.," T:"~ t:"'l:;'I /u'~'i ... I'yl'l"lI . .ll. " ~::~~ll L...i~~\'~ 1 in hl'.dtL >;.~/' 'lIr . I.IU'~ 1<- 1\". .\~D I !'Cl'uII I· li,' will pr .. l.ahly ' ,J II IU '1leu ,Iul',,!J ••, mllll!' 'i /"'111" U 11,,'11' l'l ;~ 1'1'.111 i- II I I'r'·" ·II L ;:. ~ . -~Ir,. .ua r.1' lay lJr, wb.. ,,\. HI tilll 1:"IIl :ug AC ld1l1l tu ·"Il'cl III uII(1 \\ u ' dl .·I", :" u. ~"Ill " III II !! \\ I. i.-ll It I h"I"'') will j,; 'I!" ': II.'OH~ . '(I . ' 11 I£. Put' fI". "( u(':llh. W' 11I1I1I .n ll (·· " 1,1 II I" m Itt.t. I i ll tCllll kl'l'p ill:; l\ 1'II11 11uu \.1' I.ll'erything pel·tu ining fOl'lIlllioll . to . tllyll." 1.11 \·"~I ~ . . lu.l pl""IIII 1I1 .)'·t " t ll ihrl'~ " I'll I Il l'. II )' 1", l1 ",I" ., n~ Wlll htn('"ru.l I. \r •• ' r MOl \\'n~ l'I 14 l tYl' I~lt l·urd,.1 t II' l!k. Ih . :unC'lI 'bunil'CI'IIQ 1t.,! n~c UIl-.i IWSd. . It 18 tll ,u"h t lll i c:l b illet \\' h (' 11 cubll·e lI S \· ' II, ).,·.: ...... 'U.lIv." c'.r . ,·.... " I;'.,t1t r.ll,\' 11!(III.kll ll l , t.h '111'., 1 I II~il'i " J; thlll Wllil'li 11r call llul'l!l'hl! lII H1 . lr·d 'I 'k '1 II Ii ll i'l1\:d, '~i ll I.l1 .110 vI' II, ' lill ·.t .11I\I·lIcd .rud. c'SII./lI t ..~ " tUln 'h .~ ' 7 1' "" "1\ 1\ ~H 1h " l.11I1I1 tlllnh''' l ql II I 'j· u~ , ,,uat" V" I·. .ll ~l u· ' . C . Ull-I ug r 'lI r.It:;'~"hh)' "f<\l ..,\,\.k u" lC . hrn 'tlth.t~ '·'·"I~k.... 1.1 " 1' /llld fa . . III lt.II III Oll'tHPII llltly, It t' .\l •• ri' 1\".W h.l.\,\' ~ pll\'lIt .; U Illul III tlllil wc"t , II , ~ I · t".UII· 1 1 11I: 111~\. uta lld j t ] uld till id cll II I' P('('lllliuI'J \1Iv·' P. It ('III IIl'lI _ '.~ .•rnlT flfl hI"': \' 1 itillj! Ur. F . \V d lullu .) u . I":.hl' ~t. t~l-l. JU t 'I'DlIPI bell IVIl "f Ihe l'U e. ' . Tbi <411i1 fI ,"i " r·,·' . TI"olt"" ,luh" ol.lwlll ion hilI hu d um' Ul\' 1\' 1\' !I I _ M 1'<1 I::l ':n' I I :'o[ [ ho lit! m~ O)f 1'l1lC \If the ro. ).;1" '.1 t~r. Uh il'" 'n;~" ti L ~, .t'·I) t. I ~n ,\"..... . I) t 1.1. 1111\\1, all i \TIl' '(\\'\' m,' 1t 111 tlw ('11:,,:u '1 ' 1' II Illl( ;. 1' . • il . III" ,n ".tvals. • 11 ...\ v-.· ' 0 •• 1 \llIl nt . "",'ry I J .1n All ' II, III nu ' (" ".ur II f lIlIl\'. : e lill 'li· ' ,~. rIJRp;.- \li lli,,, "' . .11 111"'. \ · Vlblllll,! . ,. k I,. . k tld"y ' ' U , (Il~ f t , J . A. [l'I ill unu ~11l\'llr 1) , 1 " '1'.0 (""111 cllIIg I I "., \In.' clI ls W il li I( I Ill> lh.llitt holl ,,\\' liS 111' lJClw\.<>n h '·vj.t· tiff' l~ olll ~kYVlllI" tl I , ".t' . II ~· I ~ allu I\'dlll- ;:\ '01'1'0 I' lI.!i l\ "il ' ·I'\·I~'~ in u v • II .. .. ........ L"r.V Pnv.nr.''I t'lld ' IS . 'nf.''; I k' Ar1'lwr I II '1'1 . f IIli ~. ~. ,·t· I VI.! .... ) \ lIr. • 110'" u " III I ll' l·llI· c.au tl. ' n IIlIIllIl I . ' In~( " "Y lll ... . Il:y III IV 0 1' tl- ' -""' lni .';trc. l, nrar I"i n. Ivit.".., .. e~ [ . . (l'JQ",'l I' l· 'J' tile tllIIOUlit II I 1 · l l·a ~ IH" ·lllI kl'roli I I. ,,' . . l.' U' I I ' r u.Il (:1 ~ I" \I' III IIII II .. PIlR . 'U' n l" 'llt ( ' ' -.. ·u )U rS- I'Ctll\' lotbe til ttl J~rf'\~ Ihr~'"'''\lI\ . .. ",1" ,· . - \ , I.." gr.t 10 1<.'11:11 . . I' Y I ~I .. Utli 4 ll 1 1I11:! 1 Jl' rJ mo thltt h'l (II' 11111' IIlflrr' u lI CS ,1 hutly lik l\ lily lI f It.o II ll"loI· t ' I· I·,I!I,llj! I .•• IDflallh,"onth, t.o'~I,"· II. n ",l on th'· Beo- tril-llil I-.Ih ~ A. t .ke~ I d 111 /11:111111 ' 111'.• ' I , \I~I' 1)1' t1,,, 111111>1 IlIId til '11111''; 'll' I'c')' -=-=-L vCl'y ill v I ' 1 I I 1 1' olld I\ud 4tb Sun,la} M" I II ,,,,,i 4 o·"I .....k . ::-:-I =~=== I === I ,·rl === n ~\\, I =============== ,,'lI re ' tl III I L. H '·I l'J I' • l II I II/.! I·t!. IlI ll ut I "I)!U I ' p lUI " I'CI' tiL I'II ' IIIlIUu .III I ' ", u t• v, It' ll' W~Yl'. &?I[ .,i.· T"wn-hi I" II. J ...' " II..., I. I 7('•. ·, t ~.Il' II\' ''' 111,' IlHlI', ' ~ k ..lll·d .~l!I, I '·1I [, II I. l' n~t""'iv" & \\'1 hS.i a 'J IIII I' I I L U ' l l IU U UHl C ~ 1'1 I' )1'" \\'11" ('1 ve Ooml'lInYHl 1....lllh :i,ISnt.'''' I I' t I' e Ull ' O. Itl lllliI lI 11<1( 11 1'(' , f" " J II i!" 1I111 ,L to:dl • /I Wllfln tl lI II it~/l ll lllC waR ill III,'. '~1' ' 1 " ~11 1 · " I~I.leC dU I d_r iue brunntb .... " ,,',,10 ••·11 p. m. BY I - ~lr~ . 11l";Il· IUCCl\lI .. c~~ .dbl' ~ I'IIl". L. D elvl tt ILlIII !.el' o n, .\l r. d" " I' ~l'( • 'I'll shl'llt; 11I'l) uf the Pl"I'IUIC ,.\1 ..t " ~l :! ILl! 1'''1'111,1.:'),. ora.r ot h~ ,nt' 0". J•. U ..rl .....k,l'rt!S· Frank D W'l tt G ift;. 1'1'01'l' l'lI: 1'l·:!IIl-. lu,I, an ' I' ' I I II. ·' 11 1 1~1I R . l'. Ootle. 'oral ,ty. ' 'I II k f: ' 1 . . '.~ I"U .I'~ J e. II · "." li S ' 111111 --II g r ' at UlIl lI,\' Allar IIV~ u. UillllO allt war I. I I •• ?lJla.r 6AP'r1A'1' l'et.... 1\1 ClInt<' ttl U~ ULut .ur 1:1.;lllllg bY " IU') . L.)I" 1'{·lu ·llIh r.IIII;,·. II f ,\\t'. 1.1:3.•\10' , kiIlU. 11" . Unl'l i' luin ut will hilJI. ~V..ytI~._q'!r"I_ " 101 th~ 6:-:;t "!,d thi'~ l 01lll\~ fl unl),. • d will, of el ·l1rit)' . 01 !IH 11 1111 ,· , , r~rl'l'ij lit tho til' t Ilt illg thu t IlIld AD A CJQltNT. ~ \Vhil e ~Ir. ut' fhlu l. r ~lH1t.,&f j c.hAmI'" 1~·1 10f' "I' )I . hand , f 1'(l IIll' lllb I'lIlIC'U 11IIU -~{I', J,.hll hl tl toll R ~Ol':l wa IIlc £Ip t th l! pl'L; ·lti. t ' \'IC UllIll. ' Clnytuo J.' t I' \I'll 'h,lIl)ill w(lud ~Ol fin. s> 1ll.I) c, ~r ' a b tl l'M'tor. All Dt',. r"l'di' I Ill' I d w ill whclI 'un ar<.' n~~ l1I'('d II.V I 1'11 ' il.,·It ••.! t "Hond .,'. UI} ~ t Ill.. 0 II ' '11 ,. u~y . I Ol ler lay, r I g .. a I' '0 'IIVII 11'1 ul' us II 0 11 day ' I C. we 'k, ill " 1,, leI'. tillHO I. r. IU/lt _l aud tiO badly crlPL,lcJ that L" hucI Iuulllllllcn.t to ~h~ owuor lIud tu ['[aillfl ' wood, tI 'hip ,tl'll'k dill :Iud "'"' uttill' g i\" ' I' tl H IlI~ht uf -" uu ftlEi~, PUNT WILLIA M & to go On cI'uteh . th· tr\Jul .le III' plll'l·I" . o ... I" ItY"l!"I'I IIL;. It> . hallu t' h i" I rt 'Yl' 1111(1 illjun'd it ami I' rl'~" ,st.lt i vlI . or ell:t J 1:1&8 'l'!VILLENARROW GA l'i t.· . •)f ~. - llr. hank W illiuw 011 afl'iI "J, • SIJ "'(:1' .Jy tIuH MI', F v:!tcl' 11'111 ill tllllt c ha ri ly w'dc Hcpol·t tlf tl·(tn ' it nl'Vf' Illsd. by , h: i!D0 from Luura ·.Ier, 'l " g 11 ' III h II ll e· . Q) ~. A. ~lld A. M~Klly. 1111d I' dlr c · 1r .rl duy, lie lelt 1111' .Ellin IUl:!t IJ .1i{ N,\~ ':I\· F..~At , au,mlltLd cr'a nil p~obfLbHif. hll \'0 Iv Jt l~ It; - wh" n ,\ /I ll lL'cl .thu t IC b ih ),{ i \'l.Il ~ wulld • . ~ ' f s>n ~"I\.' lIc, ;I.tllrdu y ~\'ull' MI'. l'II~:cl' .hai. Ih • ."llIpnl lly r flcelll·dl l l.,!; til hi-' tl t1 of tlae Board of Directo r.. : Rll n~:ts yo t I'dny. III l·.( ~ 1 a ll .! r:1I11 Ill g. I U~I. 5, Tti, til . 1ayJor llru h· t hc C 1lilI1IInJty III hl~ utli it;tilln ~'giIl1Iing at- \Vllt r tn·l't. in . -l'·ol' htl.n dllulIlo ,v on ('lUI lai- c u 1(1 l'I'j'W \I "I" ' !l t <3) lu to st 'Ie ' 1'1'';' 1\ ~IMI'd b,' 'lId l(,i'lInd g ell tlt!.· "- , \yaY'oes"~lIe. ~\ral·I . I~ Qnnty, at dl" g o" ds, Dlllslirw 'n ild nil Ilth ol.I th 'l lig hL ,.1 II rei 111'11. (I ; Ill ' .1I 1·.l· ' ..J::l 'U,t1 . wl ~) . . llIlv~ d isti~lll:ni"ll cu l ~, ~ au el vatwlI ot ~bunt. Il' of M· . illl. ~\' . r",<'t. I'nn ' " ,1111('; Ie nud tan'Y TlW d \\hl·l1 . tl'" gd\ !.I. II :...,lall" II" 0 call tl U l th 1).1 u~vc" I~ . luc.1 1I111~I..,ul . unl T1 n.UIP", .Igotl ~ l'llI'S, ning a8t.,~ro ' ing the L ittltd.Ji um i IldWilll lIl cl" JII Il I ~Y il:lI " lit ,A." It.· gn"' !' 1,,1. h .. II ·. I II .. .!, I' •. . ' , dl tHlltltl PCI'I O:IIIU II Cllti wall ),{Ive It I 011 ;111'. the 11th r jay . fl nUln.· k" III" I!; ti RiveI' 1111.1 the Ciuoio Mti • '0ll il !~" I thlh d l"l·h nr;.:,·' II Of til J .t S I I t I ~rn ou clltCl'talll ln Cnt, as nbovo. I Ilrlll . D,.. Lukell" . "'li n 0'1 r fI d contlllu . llW . . It II (I - ~v~ .I onIt ul lin'1 lIY u'! )ctwc n c( \v1l~ ill tlte !I'und wh L' 1I II ,Iiric h,u" ,. ~ t'lI" f,III' .,..... ) um bDS uUI III n" i ·ting ot I'd~l' split": 1 • '1 I t I. I I. II . ' Itt('lld ' \1 \I .. llg U C I n tl 1I1C ' 8, (' .II.! J 0 ! , I',".Itlvn . I.ortb.e asterlv d'ir eti on I'v '" !I"I II~ 1 I'I .. , ~ 11'I8S inro j'II'l re til rJH (I)J'I 'b'l , a .~Pd·r Ul" 1 'huru~t I' Ii 11gB. pll\ lItlltiuo l~lCl o I Uet tilC I . I g 1111 ,ul·S. ( l'th 'b lk Il 111' 1 11 pl'mnpt v, e Il'ew lin ~ithill Qno·toll ,d 'll'tLO ll ('" III. lJy "'lid d ' I'l' 'n il , of BII)ti.,., I IC.' II 'I('t. WI l' I -v hll'. \l'h, I . on )1l' d fIl ' 'ill " 1\ ' H DOW I I . ig a't 1 hc.utl • , cr'\, StIll d A llgl9' t ~1 ,· Ill 1"1 Itt WI ,. ... Ibore, .2 au d 000- ha If IHil' ' l~t'RUI' 00\1 11 . b 10 SRUHl ~Itt UUll p" \J lill'III'" cu. \\' IG il I T" t) " '-U , . II' . d' '. II l"rmUI\ 1I11 I!. II . q pIQn ' 0111 ' 1 • ow • " vsbOI'1( Warrtln cOll nty crUSHing ~ tr\ly " I' ~l' II , -MISi! ~ltllC 'l \111 :uri,'- 1l1uong wlri('h m y bo In n ti()11 d TI m~ar ' rNI\; t 1\11 I \·l~tio.n 'I : ad I.wm.e . ~a t ' ~Wrlhnll ~,-.-- I ti uI'(;cl . I lol l\' THE ONLY STOVE MADE 1l1:l1J\l';~ IIY, l\ WI' ITho Dunh :\!~ 8 {~~)()\ltl 'l'h HUt! t. !O "Ill U _ • ~u:~n Wl\ 8 fuct rll ll lti ng 01'1 the nort h bRhk \llavlIIg VI Itl;lt\ relnt.lOfltlllI K.anl5lls ( J ct, ne· "u U . !-l :I'r' wt,;1 .. , d Honse, .1h II'ollbl Ihe \'. d v With Sliding Oven Doors. · of .Bock RIlIl. t ncctlmm ndate til I Iowa ::it. Loui Ilnd \ '1 1 ll ilug. "1 lilt (\ ,.l')gil' I,,· gift" ~ \'lIl1t., I\lld Hoolllol til L t. A lU li ng Ill' : Y. 11 ,~:. d · . ~ I:d"c~'o '1'lin olle and II WI"" ~h(: ~111 y' L' ~i . n r I. d i 1\ PdoDW reb. 2, 1889, ad &tL·:l. 188& l'k p.'l'tion I t pas>!llIg uf" I '11 IcvatlCtO Wit ti le 11111 "1 -.1:.\ 0 " uO y I ' es :,1 \'Ill 0 WI I nQII. , ell I t11t ·I nc' t l(Ill WI' 11 l lindI fi,UIII(lII 'l' l1" (l l dl ; I~,tI'~k. tl .,VI one-lIa1t' mil e Ot'NCW nlU'lill "tou I Ed alieJu lI ll~'v ' I 11 lUlI ,;t l'II '1 '1I h.r and .JUhllllio CILU' ' An nt .ll ·m iul il,GI) U Old 'vnl:,1(j101 m e. 1 1.,. 1. ll'lj":1 0 1?IlHIIJPUCC. 11 1,,1'" Ihc !, .,v! I· ril"' · hi and on alld tlJ]c·(onrtll mil... ~ of' wn 11 a d oJ', t Iie· PI 1'.1" 111 ' . ,,1\ ·r .: • I 11'1 '•• lll ll n. puI'ItC t<1I0.1 '··j'l Ie' 01" ro WIi !l li l1 "n'/ a ll .~ lJ 1'lI 1I'k A f.(1L11I . . ... . '. 1 ' I 'II 11 Lumbe rton, find "01'\' nCllr to P ort! accl'Il'Ul lldlltllIg Clldant. . ' t tl ~ .) . lit e ~1t 1 '1' 1 1l'l'd h:h We b"'I) 1\ Il\rij8. ok of tho' loto t hnI,lll dl; 1111, "I ' ull' mull ' at til· ·U "lJd.J!y • :Li z/\ .1a1l ." ,·It FIlII IIY •I':\8.11 Ill,· !, um I' be 10 j ~ :Ie l '';. ('01'11; tl,l' nl llll':' " 1.(, III: t h,: ".1·1.1' I~ro " "d O....kinlf ~nd, H e" c l ll ~ Wil1~ulU, Clintlltl .9?i.Il'l t.r •. CI·U. dill g' , Cul'lIllr storo. , ~ovI·a . for . . 'Y~. 00.,1 l lln .~ :~11 ~'~'.\1.11·h/lt WILY,' "" .;Il~ ' ~"I "·"OU. PCI' '."S ~ltt""U i llj:( tll\! Cil . c","'ld .11 1.1<1 ~ I. dl ~ ; h" Ila ili lur I. th l'\dge be twcull the Mill In I allJ . --:111''; .•1}lIlO SI)IIlltcl'll Will I I ~. t. . t ~iotll Vit II uy, lIeur Buwers villo. l ut l'ubli o t:lale at hl'l' l'os i(h'1I 00ollll' h.... lIlt\ I \\ t",1t .\l a llla WIlS hI . t ·!'ta llllllcllt III (adwu l 1,,11111.... H ull , 1.lerrlll· ) ft. \' ~II') ~l ha lldk" lcll lt:1 11 011 .. I?, hla t'k J ..e," ··AII SWI.!I· tlJ d· ~\. I' I'II'l1 I·.v.!'I . 1. 70, (:1111 n I ll' ~~, UWll.\ ' h l D .•yl o ll u l C,U t l t ll\ IHi hll tlr 11' OOllllt . c r si ng tho .J)/\,)'. /Thil·t! stl'eet, 0 11 ~:lt",'dl\y Vl' ~ i l('"' III 1.'1' "\I'll ~ell'l"g. " of th L VCI' 11'.1'1'"..1 8 ;LlllOlIg ti!(l Uold:" alld 1i" 1" "" IlIlt HI' fll 'u to " 11 \ '" II \'C but· v 'ue 1/1 ,-,1('" 'Illl an t\ \ I · ton • Boutht'll tern Nono,,", (1IH1go t weck, all her honRo /luld Ilt'Ch:lI·gc. at Ihl' Oi lle l:, .e. UII U. it \l' ill tIC . ~1' 1I thut • liul,!t: "' ·I1HI. \Vhf' Y'" we r~f"'1l1l ftlV1"\ untht.wo m ile .sollth of " ' cst Lllnrll~ . 1 ulu to Ul'gill ut 1 0·c I0ck. gl){)o.Is. nl1l!l Clll ll other pUl'lIlal' pi 'ces; , 1I alllll1Cll IlUIl'Il. ~h .~ll g, lt~ II IlIclt til" 11I "~ t, 1'1'17.\',1 lf l Jt lw! whut WI I IUHI '" to be )( ')~ Id " u I I~ ~Id,· ~ II laugha bl" Negro Stlllll!, ' . .1 : _ . IIru ')"Il"'tuH~ly lItl l li ll~ 10 \l UI ulrolldy hIM' ter Fuirfie ld c. e1lrolll'J. ·W t! III" the 'll'l'" 1lI 11~ 1 c·hal'lll.: ll·l'i ti iu of Ml' N N ~I " I " I I'" 1 [ll!cch! ' Bu bUI'C to hn\'u y vlli' Bllt . . t,II·k \\ Co' l~ct.a p n ra lt ,r", loo k·o u t. fur li n) " At the rt'giJ cn u oj' .J Oltll .Ed th e g il'c r 0)' 10 ' (It; Il ;JOIl il'),(,811l'C I" . . . I", ICI' IS IV 10 ,,~iI C I . I\' II 1.1l! ICllstl'r III d illto" tilt: 1'1'udpccti\,o ng~nt ill tiJiH th l fl lt ",I'W ill th fl . II I J.a:t , !Iud 1\1' {'I UH f "!lIl plnoo t'UI' tire KlI II' lIl~ .1 I ' I" I' n(:I\'.O d 1ll1. all d Y~lIl' gal'" "'.lI n 1 ,.oue, ully ' Il I Wl'C k.• IUIII'? UlJIOIJ I I t. on tll(\ Sprillf' h .. ld &. tu ck ), Uigllr Fnct"ry lIId ". ~, ,·1 to C.JHt . intrnth l"il 1 11 I Jll r Il' " .l l,i o nl \' Q tt)Vf'~ t h Jt I wil! . III lit I.J': 81: III urtl ol' tu give. flll h.l ~ rlllldn.' 11 r.lll'tul'I ,d P ume roy Nul't'lIl\" GUll"'" nll llfOlld . tly d •.I. 1"1" ,I.· tll tl"c' ~ will be erJlllflo,I ,·. 1In lu ~t . ""elll!) lhu boIfIt IlI'llutY' !! IX Ih c ~cll tl(' II ~tl1 "I,r) RCllt III n t 1 SUI.' pI 'IIt)' lIt I'l)Ilm td '" laugh. 01' wlJrk. ' .' tlw h'lth IU C'tlV kll l!l 'Incl h Urthn l!. II. ~.I~ b ICO. GUIIJ \\'urk. I I ulWS 11'(111", . WII ,, · !t' 1I \\'(·ddi ll !! h i" I'l'''I'I'I" \\'1·lltl.'11 i!' the immed iate vi cillit, LIt' Jd. : of cigul'l.l Til I1t loll' Ill'ic08. Cal! 11lld,, 11I~1l/lg 'r~ \\' 1' 11 nul b0 fU pO II ' I"'''' ' h I torsou" illc Fllyotte ' uunty <Ii . ' I_ G."" '~ .. " ~ .'" . . . 11 11 a ~hllli(ll· . II " It'r -t, ,,, I II. . ~ . I.. I I H II [I lUI UIlUlll I.NE\ ., II. Id~I &\. - ~ltI 'IC &. ee. 1I1l1 ut t I IIUllllc tllllce ani •miles." 1 W C lltI onc "mlll's i ul1·. · , ' I " gc . r: I 'ld 1 hi,1I . kUf 1" ,,' 1 11 . ' tl "~, 1l1l f' I ~>" I 1 1t :luO. II - I'en f, ' . 1 '(j d • I v." ~ 11 ... 11. b 't d III IIf "11 klnll rn hnod. And I ' 1" , .~ II · -Mr.T u lUK·"l'1cl; . l\tth · ~ w,, ' Ti kt't ri(II r "'lll: 11111 r r 11l ~' l' ~i . ut JuwIlII'Y ' (UI'(' l t V·I\lln·t" I't.!le. \H Wtlll on ~1II1 I'ViI dClIlJ () C,:Uli rl~etcti. Otl , Agc ll\JY, 11ll~ rt!l!cive ·kll ' \\' ·IN ul·· ~I SPOUT u II elluiee' lut l ' l'i Hlli li & H;'lJ lNU AND HOOFING ,'c ry ow gl'n \lS, I'l1 llll lllg 1'0111 " 13 t' .. . f. I ~'HJI'o op.n IItl )·~ ' H' I·il'd . 1'11 ' '''':1 1' a~>!i.;t\," flY' E K -" . N to flfteen pe r mile, Rillf two nll d 0 . ~lglUd .' UI~l .A. I: I ~ \l I: . . r !\ltt\ '\ \' ('rytl~ilt~ l!l !oo\~ ifl ,\ur 11110 d rtne 1n oJ'. • • " " .\J)I:-.'HIIO, ·I'11 , r. ~ lt·,,» ' ~ .~ ' •. el,'c r" I· lu~l. , v ol ! •.. 1.11, ·0.; tu Iwglllu t j'! ~1I.lh,. ;.". il" chk ltlH nllJ • If. 1 1:1"" ., I It fi l'r1 t-uL",_", ""y lf\ '1 btl ( \I In(! 1111(1 fit'O our I • I II IlIc lt he I ~ se lllllg lit v Iy In" 11I 'lvckk, ]11:11.'1'11 .. ,,,,,"I \. li lt .... " .. Cit, . 111, " E,,· '''IlIC 'lIul IU1I',h HII" I.. I\, I' ','/"1<'I'lJ lI : ' 'Il~ cu11111Vel'eti!s ~(lLiU w tl'Cl,"' 4 11'''111 tl'lIllV el'c. . I I~~:'. ~711~1\I l ' f r pri"l''' (",,;[i, ' ~"' AIIlII ...... l1g 1·\1' thc \ ... " ...... hl'llllJ , .... s III'\! I v 'Truw . U\' ('Irt.'g1110· Contin tu ' t ' ental" ,'e t 1::1 1) ' " . . • L N u l'~l: Coole-Stove ri,'~ )' II \:.1i,,"I.clu '"'" . ~rl ".).'""''' '1'1' '''''1' • • f II " " • •. , , . j . . . .-d I 1,' 11..1" II '; 1 \l..11 11· I I(• ' <:SlgIlIU . -:\f r S I ' I; II :. ... I' II . IIIJh, II 11,:II V lilli, II lld · I3pRII; lIum b er 1\ t· b" rI J gc 6" \Ii' of )1 1'. \1 .41 ; \\,10 . , . 10' 1 I I (' ' 1"''' Pl! rly I tl'l·.II I '~I''' \\' 11 1111 tlll'il'o.; M.,·,·r ... f " ' " ' .h i'I.I".·,. w it h ~lllj ll.l{ 0\ 'II D\)orM I l' H ICligth 540 feet· l e ll~th Ill' tl'l'~RI (' . ."" ll! II . . I Icd "'I 'lIUlUI:. " II. b') _ I1IIi lL If I / _V St .. ff';l 1/11 A,o "I: t 07. t•o. Jo: CII/tNIl:It t:l'l' U I~t> . -Clldwlllla · : w,· ____ ____ _ •.. 1 In t li~ utitll,l'l. Uivl: t ill; l' · 1 Anhllrl 'H . l c lgal', (. :llo w ur k WulC .. ,. CCllt . I WI!II b C rerl'lI. l'c d , r,"11\1.1 Idl·\, & .JllIIII(·V U j k - --- - - - - - - - - - -- I) ti .. " . lIud . I' III'U wl' tlll' ll tll,.I . l:\~()·I'ICl". ' .·I"t ., .,",'111'1"111\'" II '·". I'.j I/lI"~·'·'· r uJII. Said:.1 mil('s of luw graJe I 0 1I1I( IIll1 ('. Jim!' MI ' I. ,. LIN. . JAMEH W ''' ''. I.~:Y. • J!. /(·"'OI/'1. f I, . I'~ -VOl . ~l(l I'Y' \\'oek [,COII 1'I" 'e l\' i IIg .n Vl'l',)' la rg~ I slIl' pl ~'''Ili' gl;'~I1I1" " I\' II ". , call be. wad fur loss tltnll . $ l OL)1I 1 -~I'. Jul,1II ~'. WJ: ~g"t 11' ." U hut TI .. ,trI.!... · . ~ .. d It .• I" .. .; " iI "1'1" III, ,I a~' I'lv,~d I III~~ \!xtra ll ruilllll·tl y.· ..IIIHI ' 1IIc.k "f ('hlllt;"y t!'lilt l.... . l"_ .y mIl". havc unu It. the "nl''' .\ ,1"" rl Inll .",1 o~o fUI' I!to!nl! lust 1hlll bd,I.V, l' uul CIII 111 'l lll ) g....\ldrl, OUI III'II"101o ... ,... (I, h ." .. " " II . ,,,rlt,' .. " .11 r u J.i.L .....1 , ~co\'gc on~ ( dlll"rl:'lIl ' • I I I' d . elk! thllll . :WOu p('r...,...llIi~,..; . ,,,,,, x·d. l.t "" ,'·1,11,· .. , ~.I. I(''' ,11' \ :'1 ". Ie allu th e I 11/11I, 1 t\ \')nn I) ,.. 'I \L' ICl'O lI! IllS O('~'ll uu l!r tl.t· ' l'I\l'icti!'" •.1' I I dl'f l~lro'lIlL I d I'C~ .Ju .··go ~ I 'l • j I~, (j. I\' ill E. \ S thl·' . · ( g I all HI .' II pure, \V W .Iullu" .. y ~I), I 7Ii two and ·ol1e.h,df rnil\'s' vI' I ,' cl cu re uf the ceicbm ted "cull 0 0.~ '-:' St. ·t. Dr. lldtl:sl .....'!i . I'lL 'lii<)1 1I11I1 1' fabri cs. kid ' I ~ purlll·ll ln,· ubout hit' _~ ~ ~, ~ ~I \I·II -II!,,!!. t lilJ gradc for $hIOO pCI' mile . ___ _ _ ____ . I W illil\m ~. Wc IIrt: slIrry lu say 1 ~lq " ':-d. 1108iol'l . luc:c ' . ' .' .....uonce 0 1 llnynllrr '" . ' ...... b....... curtlLiIl B. ! utltl'r tiny WI'o~e Il nLlte t.o h~ . wa. h· The l'bllli call be Cvll tl!i'uct.-d on I tlta.~ M~. \V nght h~J to 1I."I.Hlli ~T? f, 1] . _~ '11,0 "llll ... i~ :t "I ...~ f,/, ini'orm t tll l:HI'jlL'td, b u"ts .a nd ShU~.·8, !tuts fillJ Il'I',I\,Utllllll undo 04'? tu Boy GEORG E MACDO NALD. I tl Ill t S i g il!. t a lld. .1~ 1 the wuodtltl pl'ill ci ltl . SUI:h 'Ie ('.It. .l e.p.llllI U "pera 11111" t I ~~ I I III , .It.· "" I"," ~\.I" · I III)' LII'I! tit.·,· ""I'e I Aulh"... I ' .\ "",j , 0 1 1\ QIII't N i"hb<l r)' u stnllJU'C' f.ltuhty uut the \ l'n ru' !l1"llIg l'HJl I. ~I . H ~ I ' "111" I l k lIeUII'C lltY.·"la D d l •tlo'g1lurdfl culvertr" tJ l'idgl'!>~ 1IlIlI IuI o I ' . n · ell' " I" " ' , Ih' . ... \\' ~Iellt . ' .:\Inrket t' ill rln) .... s ll ',lI1l'e( "ycta'O ll onto I H lhf \ : All 1'''1'' '''' 11,01 101 ·,1 t . II,,· " ".1 ' ,,'::11 ". 1 1 \, dtl'ld ( 'tt l ll f 'llI l f ,ll': (·t ll J I lit It o (' ''II IIIV ,lll'la ll VfllOoliut ,)l'otirl!I' 1I urld, PQ~ :11 I.' : ICI '" ~t. llh I 0 f Iloa k l\! I)tI WIIU~, where Ih o\' I '01. ll1U l'ltl'ut .n. I. Inllc!I' CIIC" ll'l'I' III'III ' :S till ile lltl 1(; l'tunllto as Id s f'l' iclId CIII',· ,II'·II I1 ' I 'CI1. nl'l···' III "_lr.I "'''IIl "n. l <"U! " II I''' ' """r : ..,...IIlIk,.(. d 12 1110 01 I ~~ • trcSB!'"n. ,"I\I' '" tl dhimld l' " "l'Ud: p"ul.~"l Lly,," n, hand ' ~') 111 "~no , Ii, wILsllc ' 0\ .... Idu. n\"llll1l1l 1 wag ",,,I .. II 1.. ·r.•.•II, wit ....... ".,' Iill· i.. "",,,, "I my ~ musoll ry furit}Jl lbl!H witldl luf .w i ltudltu l'od III j)rcc/'v ilIg II I 1 t . , . )I.Ll I' lllil,lt .Tul \" . :I r,' "I'! cvcn . ' ·1.' IH' t.e uII" IIll work. tlli 1 f· .l Takilljo{ or Illu' no n""o ,,"i ll tiro nf th tuck al tu orui:ltur , wl' l' ~a~ , ·, 1\ :Ill 111I' ltlll l<ln t., IIOI I.• ",.III"i o prllf!llltt tl,t) hHve hurl I\. ""dHr l;uitl0t u:' r ..d of ~ vory liue ~tOIlC l.!ll/J.I'I~V \:'ye. 1111'. \Y. is lit prestllJt b(,C'1I wortl ,hl"M ~t .. "{ I"v'H . ' . I,,,",,,,,,, TilE VER Y BEST vOI',)' l these wldc·uw ake. gll'<Lh\!;ualil'~ l lllko a nuo til pextua IInlvol·.1l1:y,..I"'ir"'l thu"thc _I.,.i,·... ltlll. ftlJd y. vue hut wllull mi' e llf 17. " 1 'II ~7G. I ' tu 1· 1 111 ...• tllll·C, ' T ti'c ' I' DU J):-I ' tN . , blc, but it is hoped tlmt hitl l.gentl(,IlH!1I II "til' IlIltl It IIII'<I'UI' ~ ~ wnn M lflllty I'if!.·d ""thor. . .~t Ocrof~ 01' : tbe Y\)llllg.1~IUy r8lLd: "11 yon U1U~8 W"ym·.vdlc. J .III 12. 1. 70 well caloula ted jiJr LlIiJdillg PIII·PII. !s tl' lIgtli willl'c tnrn, utld n t 10 B d f. VI b I M tt d P k 11,,·1 1.. l\fi"III14 hiS souncl .I"u.b ui.p~tch. ee hi. III •• and W""'uibg lIJ1l1'C I ea attr.llct I P u l\·l· aS~lIl'tmellt of BUl· or r off,.,·t.'-[ Colu,"u my s ~" fl) ms, nn I'n . t 10 II 8. The whole ell t of said l'Oud Ieye I'ccov~r thc ~ b ock cllusud B C1' by pie 1I11e1. fnll ey gO(oU .8 IIl1d 'lL 1I •• ti '" ,.n nn~ ·. of .~:tto: ]\[,. ~['\I',t.m I.1l (0 ,"'I'~ mOAt "njoy· t I ~()III~r nny made reudy tor Clll'i! shu"lll Hot t:X' lth c vpcl'utlun U(' UI)Jt!I·Wl!lIt. ~' Q~ ~a.:. e' ~ I II... e.'''III~r.'' ~lfnr.I. : _lId. 1I will h~ kepI "bl e I'rodulltion •• ,n,d ...11 win und tholl' I 6'1011 ut lilt I CII"tll llJ ~" 11 lid th u l\LOt" tIme, J 1001e. !IS cced .. 7.01)0 p r 111ilo him hOlltl! "f .wlli gil Tit" ,,,.Il.k,, .. WII "[10 .. 1111 """ I.'".,,,: , il". · - -- - . - • IIl1d the gell l' l'Ill pllhlic will he on ly I $,11 Il u.w hel'(l el~t)-. she II P IV fl iPtldH" nd,"ll11ifCr·.'- l nllrtfurdPoot. Z. A. & A. McK AI: cr~'" ,.tll lnlu.! in M.lt tllry :I." (I"J. ;1!I!I Corwin . ","1 ".l i .. i"i." i < ' 0 LEA tv glad . AND N I CE. t u rnak" lI uothur raid II [)Lln I oven lllg. "IHI cte~llre8 tl~l~t be Will 'Thore I.' " 11"0(II",rl'·IIit "f LIII' " •• lhM. . . ' Use tll,,"11 .01 C"r"·III. ~ It" 1.\''''0 o.'"I '~ tII" . tl AI .o. lI ever s pl' nk to IIiTIl n"llIIi. f ~/I(J lll c eI'S . And 1\ I1I1111hnr ,., iII,,"lrHti"n. \\'hl ,·" Are .<V"nly· ."." -~fr8. .... · •. Rllyllll "n.1 ,. a rn ,. and r v h. finnily, ".1.[,,1 FINE of ICIU. SUG _ _ _ _. ..... _ - - IIIU(/I Ihnn ordiollrily fI" :-'-[P"b lt.her·. -tJi, II. b . rId 111 l b · ··· I f p , . ~ lind d~"i . u"l., , ...... ion ", " 1'1·.... · .. r f",i· -.. - . - lR·CU RED HAMS Weekly. 1 Ie au.! ' ~'l'Il1g I I OgICSc • , •Ion'·(· 'Vllll ..· n fT~r.·,luLIL harl(H'" ., la,'e I'C II o;''',ltlllg Th tl persist 1" 0,, n II ~rl Oil!'\. 1 e nt ro)elltl .s . ' . . r *.· T"u~I""l o r"'·rBo\lk .nll~ I·,o r"'ill .•• - ..- Ilcl' brvlhcl '. bll'. AUlIJ ' lla ilJu~, iu l"'at l' ...,." . . . ' I l! ~ 11111)8 0 "Gune, gli lllmenn g through the l'urtu·ul.,r. "lId , ou 8 c,.'1 to ""Y nddrOll'. I",.L·p"id. Oil rpcoipt --. • JA:>rEll R. (lOjl;/f, ,\J. p.;;. · th is place. It i8 tlt ~j r intcllliu ll wh"l. or 1 .. 1' , 100 .Iice It .dny I1lght ~lIIU ~llndLLy swelll:d dreum of ·;i,·,. us II "ni l. uf 1>,, 1'0. by .-~Idcr B..Da n" UIII ~\. ~1. . weheli(JVl" to mnkc tbUigs that wel"e. r "'I'nu.,la, I' l .. ri,l,,: I IIHI'\ UI'.. burg l tlleLlttl"'Mlt~lIlI S.,thlltsllooxceed . 1\1 lJ LLJ N ,I,: \VOOLLI!: Y. " oJ . ~ FORD '" ('O .• p.lon.h".., _ _ _ ••• _ .___ LipPln cutt '~'11I ~r ach In thc thcir fUluro placc ul' l'l'siucll nrS.S.H A(NE.;. \\' 1\)· .,,' ,,~II • • 0. I cc. Icd ull bVllll(.ls. Ill:(! [)V~l'tlo wcu tho ' . "'P".k PI."". N.. wyo.... ]IRAINARn's MU81OAr. WORLO .Vail ~ .BU~tlflt Church on tho ' -. '1' C I ' II . I V " . I bot/VIII :! agtllll. lite pdw butWtlUlI 1No pursuu illterest cd ill mu I _. -- . -- --Y I'nl I ' 11 t IIrlln. nn d S1111 duy .III t Ili' S I I - -.I) I. I . v. lilli e:! s ic 1II1u Cit" · wu~ ,HI b ' ., · I I I\A'il'd '-!lIsterf ' Ilore 'lUII uurWIIl ' 10K • 'Sbl S month at 1 • mer~cu, u'clock A. M. UII I! 7 l' Il HilI Y ell t ~~1U" tl> IJc WlthOll ~~I 'VI t tillS ~ vllluah el'tnlnc FI le u U IIllll1uc =d V r = u IUlld I tor awhilc • I it ~ IIPI'CUI' '" ud 118 H I ower an e"'ela e eeds Ilt~ lr h'I"lJli s on Wedne suuy eVl!n· 1 I . I tll · ... I ' ' I NlltH{· ld l..,... Ly I'i ..,,, II"" " l·el,I ,.. " f' I . . r. II. escII (I11.1'. mmucn IrY· .A!<lIC I UIIIO 1>or in f "t Iu~t wl'ek. will uo J" r,mll ~d I.. Il. ~ E.. "f.l .. r C' "lImi--. IIr.· ,), .. 111.._1 Ill,· '~' ''Ild ttpro,lu(!lo... • T~nol o~,,,.L . · h co\ll orChoilJc .Mu~io ar· tiC Beelle 0 list Slltumci' wuulu cllOtl~in s UlOII Thoy .. ro rUllge -Hick ito QlIllrt •..1V M(>('linf( forl;Y I for the 1'i,,110 ForI" wilt be ..,lIt by pngell uf Oll·p;U.ll t ipn g rs nf W"frO Il '''" III Y .· 01" ... "I . Ih. . " 1 1..", ha,,!.' l'l:cn I·cpl!at(:d. 11 let, uP I !J OW music 1 •." II .11. 11 ... " '~'0l' lc i" AmAl·ir". li nd ",uti on rC.·f', !'t .. r 0"" dll ll "r (flO t p~ld) or' begiu8 Oll SCVl' llth.dll,"-UII' t ') tb () t' 0'" choice IOU ic;11 !next '1",,;1001) "" ..... .m. p, ,,y' -Mr. J (.hu Nel~vlI . r)f CIIIClD' IC:lllIO J'lulII]i1.Y IlluminBut ''I{ 'h,,' ,r.. ".1 '"' . ..,, ' I ,~. 1"' ''"1[,11 ~· I,'wl'r. :N:'- .11l!lle COI'l "tit g, and tho rcading As • • J' tI' e.. oh. " mosic !llIll. • tip i\l 'IIt eoch ~atllru l i t,., ay p ..... Ulld bl"lu,d SIIIIdl f .. " ", l ., watcr ab.lto.; ,l " i" L 1.·I(II,,, ill.1( ill "Ii'l'" fl con d mouth, Ih ti llt! plllcc. .~ I ",t 1. Il'LI"~ ,, •. ·".t t rl " tv nil '11,." •.111' "I. "l ,~ h"e"IInnl,'''<''[ I... • , I ' th I t' . . ' It!'" . th t' '1' C .. II".I y R ,,"~ II j" th., I """"" ' < : vll"I "" IV ,. , ,'11,' ,''" , ". 1,,,·1 'U:"-a ~ "NIt ,. ,1"'(1. Nr".·;I, .tI", ill Lh~ ·"i,,·'] S thro ugh n01 . ~ IIUIlIuur wllulJ slOlle cu"t. JlI lbl'" Iv.m"I" I, ,,,·. 11 ,· .. r II ... f..,·u" ... - A aeriea of m~till . iR hpi n WI. re II "'II~ III e unll I('~ v '" Le •. ' . •. . ~ V , - • ~-. -L. Jd . 11 '1 'I·it·r D"y •• l"qlfuIIICIII "I. 'rom Brown. • Itec~ ti.Jrm, worc thaI! til ' sub· N,,"h i l .. wkil •• ; II",,, ,,· .. 1' ''' .·· .... I.'h'·.. 01 , gs. g Kd b t1 lind I:i . .B. TIt\' ul\J 1.111 . 1[ ... 01,1 " ""l l" D/;;A rrr m .J A CO II U'l(Jx/;;·I ICK .,0 ltI Lhe M. E. hm u by the 'T. 'S Till I scri tion I Why ri cnll 00 I for nul li""g u e ve'Ir w ' "outh·,.r.v rl) dlr,,""'" """ ''' U: lite r•• i- PI .. ~ K ' HiI ' Ol"ribol. Th " t I . . ~elltlclIllIlI died hOllle ncnr k P . .p 1 ltel'. 'ha rl l!8 Fc r~ Il >lon. ~cn; icL" I -~[r J' o· tI W . n - " -d ' . C d,'""(' nr "" irt /I "wkill ' "".1 ....I"'r •. ,·ru· .. inlf • ower & Vegetable oy d lil t' UII IllS \JUl· tlli pluce 0 MuIl t II.i s. . 1>1 1 tb It J Gflrde nuw Ilre held e.orv· 1'~ llillg lit tltu c IU>l(' 1111 , Ill" n. of ;:'~I'L~J DO )CUm' ~w.:i;~ 1ll\'l;t\tm · clIt Iur S~a~ ou.llr·.C ,..,,,k,,rAr I'hull(' LI'I\,r, ~ .• tit. i.. th o "" .,t U''''''~lr .. 1 work of tl . UpOl1 It larm :I.., 18~ 1[" It) g ~ I Itl;' j th o:>u u ClIil'ing a iDIJ nthly l1[JjJl.Y uf \l~hin,,,, •• k,,, d in D:.wn wh.r~ tho Vinl cl~(}ro... Waslern..e.:· usual hLlur • , IICar M n~llu. OhI O. 'c ,\; C. rwi n F" 'e T II'·~~ ·I''.k •.. wi,,· •.. Iho w,.,. U. IL .r""'"i". noo rlv I.~O uUlY , fl. ,.'~ unola Ws . I !'nore the •• !>edt Wlton II UIII IV' ,I mUllie "uk .. !" hlld lit hl.l)tly n. trill ing We.t ' "'" ~""'o t"~ It"n t. .~ lie'" \\I ir al" Sc"n· 1"",,lr~,I ' ." 6,, ~ ill'l_trllliun" ortle. R qs'" (lll~ 'NI U'I _ _ __ ........... tuke _ - plao. . UII J:i Ifth· lily at II _ I . Allr] f '" _ d '~ 1 ••., . S 1" (}rKndOI<l.E .. rm • I I s moe. . ' I' Rublee. . _... l Il.ere cos' to -. ~ ~ a • • I(I'C I.. Pit '\' ou ,t a v ,>t OJ". """ l 'lal,' ~ , Ji'1.In,.,N . . :_•.", .· t.,ol','yf 1'h. IICk . fl'lelll ,rUIOIII' ( t! I 1101'\8 , ,,w·Dlill. 'lO L tl ng ((j"" AI at the A I'E'rT 'rIO ' ''11, Th o ['I\ti oCO Kenriok uic\l I TI O, o il "'e """lok.tA ft. • 8Wdtl •. , N ,, L' I, . II' k 'w F ' d ' "" 1 .u . l' clr .I\VII ;.n<1 .,.. :" r.,.l r"' 111 oat ,. VI' 1'1 'ce 36 Thrr ••• ., Ooa...t. . I I Sons, lovcln n , 0., nnd yon wrll Jiln . "_fl. I ~, lu. aturd~v morlli og Ilf paraly. f II J~. I ~rs(Jry df, . r ",cv;"11 1.0 ter III th Ooodlo te. ,tt f).,O 4 ry IS /' IC~ " ' '' 'lIt" i .. I"' ''~' rteu Oli VO" , 8 : Gil mcctlu rm. l ~ boulld in Do Yr.u lWn lly Th ink Be Did? g. IOU o. rcccive the 'W d . t gnlul'ly olle i at t it Ill; o f n ri 73 ''!IT Y ~ CtllOelC~ au Int~· : 'tlll~lrc5Iad. • lelIll lltd nlh. r r ? Lall' Adc1"'.... nrd @r. toDKN.r. W. Fh1'CnOOO1t, a' t-t·~ d' . u'" tb yl'/ll', tl)getlte l' with 1\ VIII 11111 ,Ic hu k J • 109 \I I' I ,) ollug. rl'lC · .... .) n l/o.J £Ilabll.hod IAll. 1l:1li on IIlg ~ll f rema in e ma ' l Uf 21G 're int 'rr t 011 t'tl I'II"l ., i her, 3!iS Third A"onUjl, 'Ne'" York. ' " in"le I . numbul I ' 15c J ohn qUl::l'ud od e th IllU'ty .h."I., f '" urc I r 'illc tcd to ' H . . Q I:' ~·6In 81,. I Cu j,1I ICU ~ • lIU"rll ernc . S b' .,,"- and 010"'11I1I. Clng . .hul' y '" 30 Bromfield . stJ'eot dla,·o thei J' ba .ket of . Int>!' a pllgns, .J !L prCnHu " tn" !lr for l r ' , re 'I'cshlll .1 ents •• DotIo.<lyot l ..... ' 'K..nrid:1n tb .M. E. Ohurch . Mrs. B LVII." T. . ., ' 1 'bo' ••lr. ...dllfl .."h hi. i~ II 1·.u"l irul QlIu rkrll' .Trlllr"" , lit the haJI I>y 110011 to.m rrow, ll11d l COlltti a sumpltl c PY WIll .,,'. fAi 80ME TI G NEW bo Sl!ut. WIl'' tb lo",uer o 1 . U . OImII01".re..tnd ..... lD.dlltAC;;O::lf:~:.D"'-. fln"l,\' il l",t n~od. - , -.-" ~ a'HI ~u .. I'''lHo;.nclel!,'"i, t I."V ' caci b sk t I 1.. "1 i . ~-01·, P08 "'OME~ TO . . ·tl.u ' .ootcwec '- . - - . u. ,'\JI"r.' dF'tnnl, . ,.ioc.· 1.1 u~ e I wi thth" d a u flr' ~ au<: ·ou,nbr -~.-~"b e< . Wl and '1 hom KenrIc k. .oUOWII J'Wb'DU ~~_ ..... n >oob._ two. days. I' R ow macb dId be "gel I nlo you'i the ,,"uar's 1I81Jle; "Hollc e fill' «"'Da ............ 10 '0, W.,.. <or Pnoo~' I'WA ''''l~ 2.,- C'ef'" R • Il",t No. _d". . . . Y r. Th I theBe te Ira II o I I WM. A. TEASD ALE r fll. 11<7/1 j .. "~ 1·~ud.l. Add .. , ! , • .-& "'.,..... ''Y=n~ CENC~NNUE. I
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it I act... tI'\l. 01· ~ IUId I kit 1\\' if ". "IIll", lurida. t.'PI.iIlK IA Ie'" .1\& --It .t... rt l'hrr. ,r tlii" I'llLCe, t .-tiele "f IIYI"~"\·t· at cia of thll t I\\"n nllllll:J; r ,unuc" \0, 'j hcd vf irkul' '. n 801 Ullr htl e al1ll I "'UlltI',! II -~I!!!!!I!e;;;~;;';;~~~~~~ n'l4Obinl tha! I.&lter Ilhvllt :lath illl't, 11/'('..1:111. fri,·ltu,> 8y t1u~t III! i r· ta r vf lUI. til III( ~ttcr tl"", tln·lI. Po.t. &.\- !!lCL ILU I.",! wlam YU\1 1111A1In:l1rlr,)ul 1I1\):I ';LIII. CUI' 'rlll~ I,wly. ty fh·c·cel lt sO~lIlaulll.1 tih.lllid IIt'\·· liielim 6lid .fo CI,i'"IItl ll nit-i,io n. T. W. U~nH.d . -LelA 1'-\' 'ar \'arlicoJ 1I.h. all th cr Calli at Oc ivqa)'~ t u till<J "'. _MIl II ~I ... I ••a. it rugl' A ' lur hll~' in" m ' IU lIn laell!' .\ ".h·r,,," " I tt." " 11 ,. ," d _1\ 1 BR.UHA RD·S M I~ "tr.AI. \\'IIK1.1 I.... I, ' .. \ . , I,, ' / ' . e . lJ. Da l'i has r en tly pia· il1l111Ur I w ith IDol (!oI ",111'11 J •• Th C D C CI.lI 1 I IIUIlI 11 " t it ... 1"1.1" cuJ No . 10. !-t" l ' u......... ~ \J. , ",' I"." .\ u I.'r ... " .·1- '~r' . n , ,,'" U \'''r . "II" org. ' lll 1'1' llt o ~l. E. t '".... II l' t 1l ffi v 1 .. ' t • ,' . tmyillf, OluclaDall-L~ ~~ .\ ' " r ,I" U \\1 , ... ,Ift..Uh, Uri c...-e, \\' U IJ JU . il "taw ... ...A ; 1,0 II m UI u.r mUBICIl I m fit III ... h t · " ... Itldl! It" 0hun:h MOO'11I nl . U.Ilu. I\lh l ; t ,' t , Iul", III RI<hmo" d-Atri .·. it i a-Il-!l Ii~ltt mi take- -a III rl! "",1 l< ru,.'k tU S .• til In UtI I' '" tw ,lft lt . arly \·olome . CThe (. K ,·url ,l l. · II "' · .. KIII.L"I. MI1 ' I H .. .. r . IO • • r l n' R ' . ~I E f I .. ~ • ID C' . ,plical jIlu hili of cca 1017 i()lIt1l'~ P IU sica! \Vurld is n t olily th~ - 1 .I •• u ... K,·",I"III1·'.J ) 1..... . \ Ji: .." ,:to ,I... e~ t N•• C ttl. . ,rh·. I ~ 20 .. .. -:r. ~a tl)n, \I U ' 111' I II \. f It · 1l2~ I' In nnu I rrr -It lUll ieal lIloll t!J ly vld . . I I 1.,,1 "ur 11,." .. ·1 h." • " " " •.•.. H' til . ..."''' in Ihe lIut l. prl'uel.II!.1 Il l CI·.r ti lle . ('I1'111 AllltrOl)tI . . .ri.·.. I .:t'. I' '1\ '\11 ,11m, \ @Ea~v ,ll wd 11! • llVI.'b iI" , l m g .~·I:;lll'( " t Ilc III W II I'rlIl ill I\>: ' H ., 'I" '. " ill I.k, K !DO . " rl yO '1 .E. 'IIIll'cl ~.IU ru \!Illi llt r ~t it i 1)\' fllrth. u l" t. III tllu U •:1.\ ~ P til ' II 1.' \' ' .' 1II ~ 'ur lUI II 1)1 Cu I l 'u lillie l . I '1OIt "I , llt.~ , I'll.' " ," , 1.1.,,, ,:.'" \1" III . ' I. I L' L . a nt Ott , rth·. \ I \ 11 ... 'r'k -, ' ,I ", I \ " ~ ~O P DI I ' I l ur.·dcu . J th 311 ~ l'll; 111 ~, 'h buttl lllX' [lu,,1 u m a u"" Olll L I') ~'· .u 1 JIm 'ur. I I'. .... , .,)111 .... ; .... ' . ,\1) I".n. \II1,,,tI.I... lI ~u II r.,,(. I'O.U oin t. Il" h~e 7.15 1' m st Ea·1t '" 1I1l~r. 1 lUI nrge, al[e ul/\ ~ IIl1u le 611 , 10 ll Cll WII,\ I p.rH cc ,lI,." ] . I. . \! co; ' Ilt . th,' .,'"'1"I " UYII ·1l I ".'- 'ot"'1 ",, ] I,,.. 0.10111\1 .• rr l • • IIlOll la(' I It' . Wlln Id rut IleI' II IIV ~ It H .. J pm 7.:'Un lll II IIII I r '''lI hllll tllrt.\-.III X pa ' <'()UIIIY f \V ll rr. D 'loll -I I"" f n h' , t I '0 -1 TT~ "' .( • . • . A. <. tU' "rON' &'0. . . l\ tnen rcd with HI hI " . tl,un .Ia . tbo -=- '=t ~ _,·J A.;.o 0("1 1" 0 8 "Tn. 1 ","i' J . I' the ehoiee , t lICW III II i ic butlt Ullnllllt. " " . .. f .1",',, 1\.. ,',', ' '';" W "yn'''I'.II •. lJ¥c. . -Fuur of Our vloretl C1tlZ U eu ju ice. A )'(!Inte 10 II ,It: t' 5.I--J.ll m ~=:l t 1>/' ' 0 . 3 \'oCtll allJ ill trullJ ent"l ulld ri r . hutl thts pll!a nrc of oing • o. I . Cl lII 1;1U1I " ", WhN I" IIIlI '. ,d l. .. " i",\ . Bu,: tI Willtl.'l· 1 1 " .U < Il m 0 hUIII,¢o- l,"""B ' I d'. , . ' ,le.t .klllulI\'~ .,\1\'"'' ,II II,.· I· . ," 'illl{ reo . , ' O il iua I illtCl> tin ,r nnd ' iu tl'lIeli ~ ' 1I1l1'1. , tl \(. II tl It' r llIurll!, . 'g. t t,rvnJ:pI III 1'0 C it IV . tlU lu ll o g"'D I olnl--..-m·e )0 II.;\ I'p Inm I.,n2:; ot II leu II ro ~ I , .lu'~: ~ itll.,t.' '" II." 10.1< " II; WII )· ... , . ~ L ~ ", ' '" ~, . _ "" " . A ll ~ r' I . Ill. " I'll b.Y IillS IIII If' 1)I1S IIC I• ".·r~ ~ • • l ". r" "," ~. ! .~ " .... IlIn r o rl , A' .I. e I ! '(O a .n 1.l5 p m HIli ic I I'cutl in ' IJH<U 'r, Q,litcJ by .t 1III 1!1 ' I~c~, r \lile. !!.JI"".'· \V .lTr . ,! u" .\ ".1\ .. ,.( ,)1,1". ' "J v un ~ 1·1.1II . ........ \" Iltlll\\' In III h: ••Ii(lma . • II i 10 condO 'illll, 1 "'vuld ~ tat {) thllt lI u tl t... u ~d,·u uf 1"'''''oulo<I ," tell- ..l. ., Dd by " . _ ....v 1.10 • m :! :~5 P ID Knrl Mcrl': . the ",ell kll,) \\' n 111\1 iC1I1 tit HII 01, ' urllk J. •• I, "0"" , , .. Iwntl b')llI'd I Andt<,.,.I'u , fII t"l inl II ~ h llll ~ J . Let 3 ~ \., l.Il 42,;) \1 ,n WI'it r. Tltlllu l,1i heri! IJ:\vll with ' . a w,I ' all .f ) Is. uf tCLlIpOrUllee havo . tltat 111 .1' nome. ti.ll.r. 10010 ~... • d . Ard. . :;.20 p m . . 3~ m furtllil . .l v;I",T Tlu (' r- lleinlf lui' 11\1\1I1" r IIln,· I I I 1 IH~rlll • llllnk It II 1ia~1 r 10WO, Otri ve 8111'\' thtlt It 011.1 "" .. . ,n U"rri..,," 5 .\11. on . ' 5.f,'1 V m btl i nc 8 lih ' I'al it)' E perieu edWorkmen, 1.lII n. III IL lrri; ,,(I· I' d'ic u the W lie I I , \I t IlllIl. R rcb uwn(] . ttr r l "0 ' IIlo onld .5 S·, ft In b p,·,'clai m d ''' Pllll tlt GJ5 vU1 pl'ice t e ,I" ", ,, lu \h,. ~O'~' " ouly (Or. \\' "·lIl· 1.5 .vilr.·-~ pI' 1 .• • a.unum 1," 1 1["" . "r ... ·" K .. llllekict _" Cincl nu t. 11 I I'ti r e Ilo"J. l i~ 'If l 11«'".1 ill willI & ·"k. U'I. 551\ III an, I h ' ilI ~ '.ll)ps: hut ir it i wc will D lllal " rUl Il I· .....II1 )( Itfl y-I I ,.' ~.· f, . " "'"\ ",, (t..I"· ,,,r 9 IUP 11\ !>l.I<lt,pll id. Ilnd ~i \'\:l ellch slIhdCl'i b. ,sl i n t he liUllSi l.')· '111'11 d ulightfn lly. I \\ ., }".' il l f· MlI llh" .II"'''''U · It ,,~ ...".\ ,11 ' '<.\!I" " . II ••1,\ I. "V'iI' :\0. T~n leA"es !tieilln II.n d. II • . ' I tOt 1 uu ",1.><·r lI'u r.r, ~ 10 ·,,1. " .. :;", ,10 ,~" .. ,. ,, ",1 n.·," 1" '10",,·1 ~ ... . tw. I tl''' C U C lUlU'• tee app Ol. l1tl"( l'<ui ..1 """ ulicn " ''' ~h l"l~ If).llt .."J ( r c; 0 ut l l;.. h t\n~l~ ,... th' I·,' \Vl t h r unllill ~ I ' j' k ' ''" lP ku rt u No. (lno wil l Ic.. v ~ Chl .· " ~ u .t .. i\v All er e.ith el· a co py of Karl MOI'l~' i 11 I r..L i ll)!· t; ur ·'o H l.!l ltc l'lI and • lither tr. l" " . 11 ,' . ,., 'cr' uml ,,·. . 'Musirlll ll i nliJ t'or tlJU ~lill i . JlI. - L it j!' ' tra illl\'(\ lI/\.,vud l it Alhert it. 1 r 1IIl1in, ia ilpit of ilU , tide hnu.lr, d "uUl " , U y· tI"r f,·~~ nJ fllUf iu ·l · C l\ fTt' ", F'"\R WEDD IN G ::! I W L " ·IIR l h l'. l l. I ' . ,~ T . A. MARTH A c· . a b Ilk or .:Htl l\llly .s .invlIllIll.hl o to mill \(, II iek<ll" ' \' il ll', Wltl''il' a 1\'. Ul' wr ath er .nAJ.>... . V 1> W . O L I \' E LI. .... .11.. \·ol umbul. I'P tl. C)' u n LOW £8 1' L) R [UF.. , J . ~, . , " ' ( 0 'I' ll , . r n" iul{ 1(" II l1 m "'" f"u,.. In J . Ii Lt.. _ up ' ~ w ";"""POI'L: I nd , Inny nll~ l ilt rCtlt 1I III UlU I C, -U I" iutcuu it tv l"l'ulu .\ " D I' 'I '}' I (' • M, ,,,,i :-;' I" " r.·. ;\1' . ;.) ,,, '''" ",r w "Y" P•• ll lo : ~ .' iu fnr $ ;. -.lI O l i tH .), . a ~ , J~~ /It. G ;' ~t· tt(J : 1 ,"ltl f·OUlJt ,'. lI f " ',\I a u . "?4. tll e ,.,rn ~'~ .. ,.,u r· j . t\\' ~ ["rtfu it vI' m,II.' ie'll. cclt·bl'.ir. i c~ .i - -1<: d. H.)b I't. · hilS r cIJlltl.v 1)\ UTI I'Ihurt nOf i('~ I M.J~I) k " f' P "'· \!.1t ntn, OlAt"htn " fY . lI e w b:J n li n'''~ . Oil }~roan T ' nllc. s.: •. 11' till'llIh 'l'ud tlll\t ' 0 \vll ioll C In I~ select d veyf' fl f .l tIl " .. '1 <.1 II p lll t ll. )' (\I ,y 1:: II ...... ' II noh·lI. ~ .. r,·,·\·· [ c ' E~ 1 d" , t• k <I. t ·. ,,,... n cha" ll l It t .. 'd u vcr hllo I ltlir llf mill e'! .. PI'C,;(, I'I)ll !III' n . I"" , lho ht>. A l obi or of W a r ell .. " un, .,' . f.,,· !-\" \ "an u ) C" rn(·lI . , Ii t t 1 -yoT ~l bl' ..I,,'" I{) "".t" mor-.ICrt1" t,. be h ilS, l ,l1 tl r y. Ig I: U ~ t'l\ t ft" rth t' .b. ir-l llf. ' .... g .. . , F ln rt1r "ll'f· ~ .. t~ VII.IIIl ~ 'J " Nul\' IUllk llll t I;,r big c~rll CI·lI lh . "a~. Tit plltil n < CUATTA N UOO A , , J\ II h.' till ' ,r tt IJU, P.N N., l" l. n lllSltU lI l l, •... u }ui ud , premlllmlllSllllIO vllul' d tor olllh . , . .\,,11 III "," ,1 I"'" f'" ''''f' ' .. r,her ",.. lIlh·U '1' nt .. l1 honr.. nn'\" .m pJll y O( . . .Jan.7 .17\1. . I" UllIlllhs ..... tI ",,!lco'linn uft !:iend 15 cents to S. Bmina rd s I' "f hI! II Ih lll ~fllr f" r ' ~Il "'"·Jlu :,J ,,·a ' i .. n l.fll' I, " ,- St -:hcc:'co k I JI1Il IIlp:It.a I l1 d 1 8 d II F . 'll G . t i,., .. .. " r"I.Ir:,l lf~· I" " . II" ". lI l1nl h' .•.,i,1 ap e .an · ancy 'r -n l " B I ' 1 ( ' fiL ' T~ Th e III snrr llueI'Illg Cllattll noo· SUti, 1:" II bl 'I~ lI('rll, CI evoI d 0 dfJlng CUll Idunt!.l e duma"e '~ i l l l\ tit " ".'mptullllI (It It dr rocerl.es i } ["I '.' 1' : ,~. \.' . II ' 'i. un . ', ,u.., hllTY .s 1a au,1 1'11 11 11111 . L,"d,,, G D"' "l·ll .." ii" "f .. 1'1" " ["" G ~ . I "'.Au '~ ut . , A .",_ ~ klllik ' Tho Ill 1 1I · · ... "h • .. I'll , ~ , tl r .• g rkr., ' t lt(:S r"" ,ure uri" ,1)1 \Vlt 1 rich I ' ... IU , · d, in 're e0l11llu , ' ,1 A"'\" I l ! ll q d II lInr IIrll,)le" " iu nllun· Ivr I. . 1 I '.I'II t'n I I\.: ""l" m II .• ~' H" , I "J fur II s pecime "' 0 If n ' bl cUlly, ' ..... r u l irun, l ' lIi rur (clIutlli • ' I'" ~ ,. 11 ning VI' . .j' .... 11 WI "' 2 00 , .. \. tiI l:! rllco r ILPP tl . ' • I f • b' r. 1" , .. 11 'Ir t. u·· . f"r k' ) . $ ' 1 . 5 I u I' ·'1'''1 o",.· eot 1'' r,· 0 ','1 1 ' ' ,· . · . I tlllill .,ch. til " bl'te I·.·· I ' IS W·I. It:' tity III x I IIstl . u, U t 1~ t 10 mur· · , I a rt·l ttl e. "I',I~I' I,I ,, , 1'"1'111"", "' '' Y I,,, " '" 1(." r .. I . w ~r! 0 mus,c (11', , tI III' II\' IY Otl,e,' " alII I" "1111 a're U • .. , .kot for all the wit at Cl1C1) ----...: : - - _•. • .t >·1 11II akc~it! cou:>iuUI'Cd illt:umble. oal !! etc . ttl ' W orlli 011 yea r 'A·· ""r1 (co l ll .. tlli ~.'ntO. nill{( ' " '~) , . dl l ,. t I ,,I ~ II,' , ( r ' , h , . :, ' I ' I II · ".' , ' n · '·" ! (. " h u · ·,I, n·\\ [ I ol ... r ':,I ~ , ,' , ' . 1776 ~ r I · jill N I I ' \!l. d ' HI 7U· , A atlona 1 F ami' 1 P . . . . ior t r ur .our \Un I'ed' 001' 1"es up over '>~, or) wvrt II I" mil")• .) all(I a TI e c't'zc s of lI ' 1 y ap er. . F . 'v. . h'IPly cl~" Cl,~"d , m il )' lit' IH..."h ..l'1 II.n t h ,lrt·i ll . lli() uce were I 'Ilu li r \ ld l:n m:t .r l ; ~I'c r uf r\ Ul or llJ l . Lilt' ' I H Ilit tie " • or twu I I - '\ tJI t ) I\ I dII T .. I fIver, tu. .109 I an d P d II I'e" I ttl :It oopy O.•. t I1U • Ji\I IlSlca "n (1 t h llt ' Ul' h "1.h,' r r' "f .·' ·,Iill ~. "",.,. h " h,"1 cn. ·c , 'l'U • nr. llcr a)'lI t's., Iet· ~ 0 11 ' 0 ) t1 nci \la daily by burge, t1 ut· b Olltil l~nd IWC IlI i 11 tU p" rtmit . N 0 per ','" '1l'!I ~ iu " '\'(1"\ i ll th " pronol .u< ... II r,· ","1",rir., fl hy III "'. ! H"ol l, uf'" u. ""'! .' " d n,· ", ;1...1,'will UII ill ' t el' JI) IliS t \\'~c k· 1\ fvllZCtt "". ' . .helf l,ul•., , l'i....mf"r ."'r If" .1,. h r. !"'. ".1 ")Jem ru yll..... )'. '. it'I 1'. W • • M.. b 'co n .' IllI.· I HI' .' fl II d ' Itii 1\' IS b t '-l.. '~ . · "'Il. I"l·. tl 1 ..... . I1In81.C call 1\ fl'VI', I 00 oa"", unu .JL')l ~ •·,·"t, U X AfW ~1'.\11 .~. d0 Bair :<O' E 'I'T . I's Y l!re t Cd In lor'. i. ""w leltel' , .• " I ' • ., \' \\'a" fur II... al •. a "nl ,,1 "/1 ",. I \ , . , ' .' " " " I , m .' r.l"m uhly /I .. H I ,:I to , r . ' . 1<IOI'IU" '" " {J ,u Oil" " ug"~. Q ' V r c \ '...... 1.0110 mo'e d"li"iI ,c,1 ..:/ r~i1 t the Carolilll<i! Ilntl Geurgi a. withou t 'Braina rd'" MlI~icll I' ,Ln. """ 101 By :-. .... " W . ." I)Seri', .\ lull _("ok lIf I\I<II W N AIl'y. I, . ,. l 'ltV-urld .' With lUtOl'c:st . .,. Aluba1l1l111nd Flol'ida. It is 8U .I n,,,,n,y r•• lli;U- ;t. TH E STAR SPANG LED BANNE l1 i. · . ' - L iSU1Cdulll I\'a" largely l'e p\,\!. 1 D ..... " lIitullt.ed by n.atur .11 t.o c. 11111011111 . A N I!\\· . Wa. y to.W ln ATTAClJM h~ NT . .L , r~e ,j h'·I'·· .,-I',4IJcHI'""!" ·"P,·,:.L ' '' Io'N.' UN ER! KlNl.r II F.o.l.t un e ntcd in tll i 1.lllee la .. t Satnrd il.\' . " .. rnctlcub j l e tl li n's ul rutl ft· III nvl'th P I 10. nal~1e. v IIl1eW nuvoD "C. u "'. "11. ~ II ';! \I ,l" C"O' III11.>t SI O' h·•. 1'0' 1 I wlltten nnt! h lI irllm K ill " ", I' iniU lill . ! Fl,·r",." IV ~I"" . ..· " Il"ll'll that ',J. '.J ·t.<I·ll~0 U· ·o ' 'we " ,'. '1n i.·• • ~ .. c.. ·I·". W,~. 11"111,, ,' ""t1 r .. " to ilouth ' to pll.~ thl';Juglt it. (llid I Y M. ) EI ,ZIL .A '" ,' "".. 1(,,, . J . I'. (,f I' ... ,~ .. II J-IIIY, and jllst \\·u wit is pt:I'i "g ar'JIlI,, 1 th llt tlt VOJ ( g ' \ l'~ " II n ~ \' I" .CCIl' l-S' I ,"H I ... htlll : N I 1, rtll rl . lind OHl1 l" I11'1) U\p t1\ Ill ... ' UCI)),')i , I{ I,': I11 ~ , ;i I' ' In. ust of nece ~Ity Ita\'c II IIl)nd I". plll>Jt III:!d ,by. \III • • ~~l F~ TI IO"'''''' 1\:" \1), , ))dL'll(rl . W 1. "),II P 13 T "",,, · .. P eter.dUll & Fir' t Nutillil al IHllI s lIsl'ellued III A ,'1· . , ' C • .\; 0 .. I",. II 1,11,1, n IIC ', ,,,·l, " .. IIL , Ir ud, I ., 13 II ,,' " It IHllIr.. 1 I I u I I M . 82' D . ' . lS·Ohi.. I" I'. W '''T'''' C<1. , II ~1"1I;.· ,,~ U q . n , \ ln OIlt. "11: ,.I, r 'd C' ''·II.· r.~ tc j' .\11du tI' tllre. t..> ch uol fir ill u h ulthy, ru ~or ' ",l~r II a lh~ "'.," .....' mon t "I c p IIIL. .' IS . 0· aCCO\lu , . . " t ,I" ot .• 1\ I", bud .. f,·ct nic kle. F.,u,,·y I',,",·r. jlourisi ting conditi n alld ilDIII'II\" }Juy I \\'.:11 known as Il.~ d ~ Ree .. . '. 0 .. tlw 10th fl. ,· of J :m " ,,''' . .\ .n I 7(l . BUMB U.GS J\ ~l'c..j lit a writm' '1'1 f: . I ' 1:7 i t" ,'. \I" e C" ing rapidly . lL ILlIlY uot b II ni n . of . rllat p wcr, alld . on who "... "liP · 1 I t ' · '1 1 f It I hilS 1\ tuck ", 1,.'1111. (:u·,,·h. :- "·I,,di.' r "lid ' I> '" ' l; . I :~~lUl~:~hl I'J<!~C~I~.¥j' 101,l ' . ,"C ' · ) I' . ' I I·' IlC' I 0 ~ of r " , ~ = fI , t) tl t 1 ~::'~h~'~;b I o':~'~ ':' y..I. v ~i ' II r:,'r ';l~·~·:n~n ~'f '''$~''J :~'g, "'Y~ " .)1 " , \"'. tor tIn r to man t tat tit l'a 1 : .. , .", ~ 't; \, c . ~, . C ' " I' t,," 1. 1,, 1. '0 4 1 CI'iI III 1.1 CO IIII I'Y W lU s tl·.. "t a j'e\" ,Iaya n !! • utl d tht" i ... N \ l Hll111 tt un t il tht. 2Hth ri ll.' I Ulht . · ~I:t t Il'W U,"-- No"1",,,,,. Y M4 u ' ( t ·\\··Itl, II - \\' ·I.I·t. ~Ul\,.lulI, l . 1" 11 r l !.t il t hut h e r~ . th e OSplJri llwllt uf fl'c ti. I~ ' I gr·ll.t ell t e~lal1ll t • = v"' , g ,li"lttlli IS I,(lnd. or '1 '''' ttl. Ilor ness nll(l 0 Iii' ..,,,,,,' ,'.' I! """ , ',' ,11'1, akin to· pro vI lmr'd }'dmlOlry teltool tor tho e\,IVl'lJtI l'a'6 of tit. II t I·al·." cll,lt·tol. Sho g' 1\~'"t . A.D. lw. I '7(1 C ·· ' .s car .1ull" T1111AlIf ·li:rLnO) / . .,. I,U i f ~' I! f\" HIlh i8 ~ r"~ " t l'''I'' f' ' h e.p" ' . " . .<> • J M I l D [:I I <> l outh is bing f.I! t II Il iid 80 lill' evil tructe d IIIots IlO U drawfl t X :.11 " illlll er~ .. i ,h u, r '" '" 1'.1""'. " "d ~io • . hOI' ' r. sam I . l Ot SOIt, 1 l i, ~ o· " ,'CI' 1111111. Wll h """11' 4" lid ';""" " s ,' e· bail Allcoced of hC' I'(Jlld th e 1lI" :U chtll'Uct el'lI w ith 1\ pmcti NOTI CE. IT COSTS I,UI 75 " , ,, \. II '·e..... " " d Is , ""I ~l:ld hun c!. lIilL, has he n 11 gilt: t (jf ~lt·. Mul" uuguin eXII ctut ro . t vi:>il'd 'I lw prtJBollt st,)ry is vile ' AN/a,t 01' 0Iu",.I '1i T. '(ulwan t- .1" ":,. ;,.10,,,,)':01,,·,. . h i-. '·U' I t."· I'··I,,:r ,,, ' vf u '''P ris llnd lam ily ful' a few t1 lly~ . u ...... ~........ ... ........:. ;; rtf1', r l'ec«lfl It C(J. the s 'h "ul to day . fll uull it IIIIJ ' I' d ,)lI1e 'tic tl"lIobcrJ', lind ...... ~... ... ... \ ~:.O,. ~,.). """" . ....><".,,1 "'1 11.<> ' I' tl" i,lh .. I'I'.ItIl \,'.·a \1101 the li l 1(,' t1 , r', H 'PI t, -Anot : D.I .. nl' 'l")'; her )1oor '11 Slllll oo ins pil'u ! ,,000 t1i ~cilJlilll! , cloon and lIi e ', laid ag.lLiu t .nn ~Iluoce ut alld . Th.. \\nde... ;gne,lh"~bl'OlI "T'I",in,. rl ,, ",1 1'o ,nll t ll UII' l· d illl Fr r6:1 iend . " I ",~ ,,""e " nl' ·, ly read er, wa it witl.1 • I'al iCII Cl' l t I II d id 'lu"Hfi " lI ... ,\ .ll11i"h ,r.tlr;'t "f 110 E·I... ,,· " I 1:1)I(•• r •. ""d 1_ ... 1 IIIlll ulgelllc ll t 0 I I Ill' uhlo sns pll' IIIg g il' . 18 nil d 0 1' II by IUIIIIVIJ I COI'lo' Y.. " . T 'II Uw li ltudf' r lute ,if \Yu rr"ll • ' lUl l " Wrt ll t iI. nl\fl "'1 11 ",I 1\" e ve pe - -it is olJly u qnciitil/ " I ti IIIC. Th o, tllnc it bO m u ,iUle . " ' hy and gentler u. III ~I !·. B. F. K II , Th charnc d' . I t .r pililltinp; . i g l)O I ; ila ' is Clll.O at ha nd. ..II nlld . . . . ' ~or 11, ,,,' 1 it IIIny ; : .. , • of Oborliu , Uhin, find fuur hltlv tb o ·ltl'll ~eh ulu Ilt Hivel'd :\ I l!II~ i)'~'~:d '\Iti~ (jth ,1.,y 01 .J .. ".l.Iry. A. D.• ELEGA NT caROM OS II' .. h. ,," 1m · lll • is L . (II" I " '11 d ' t l _ I U k IIIlW he Wit h 1Il/lny tij .y ""I ,ulI tl"' ,' . Q , 11; ,11. 88tUlitaIlUl, 11 II'Om I. •e lI11rllt of I""" I:) " 11"ud"J 1" 0,"10 m"" "",, ("''', lil VI VLl Y OptC e< ; Il III t IItl .01'0 Jl.\RIUJ ;:'r N (' .\J)W .\ J.l. .\ I) ER. 0 '0 vc of it~ dllwllil lg; Itd,'rc ti lU" \I ll jl .. "dh), ,,i,.c U. l l ill,·h, •. lill..r ,, coa.l'ile). Amung tit , I.nany plnces . ~i\lnily is uniqull ~ Throll ,, .. J . a",1 ol'ig i ll~l ~ Sl!ts on tho 1l101T1lW, you lIlay fllel " e, fl'" ,' .' 'l ,,, ' it " ,' ,I,," "' ~ mo,, e lll~ "1111 of \Iltere t (1I'01II ,t! the tUIVII I ·trl ll ' III 01'0 hUll ' ' -tat h r, 1i0 II .. ",, 1l. ", and .. wl, n', that ~ I· '"·. ilD!JUlsc of in sl,il'lltit;)1I whi ch "II r,· E . r",' * 1 ·11,c•• I - -o(w -I ollly 1I1!\ke U\out ioll ot' IL fow ill ' l I!Lug I It 01'. '1'1' ,II" ~. ,.""" ,",.. 0.,:,, ...... ,t''' ,I,· fo r ""Y I,,, r liS vo urno is her Occ(tsi() /wlly illnmill utu tho bu . 11 r . r. \l p l l· t' fH Clll l l1 l1 h ol' I,t' \ fl . thid ~ hort I 'tler- tho Nati oll u\ Illtl' t lind b dt work. IiS8 Dupll J mau milld. nut if it dues nut vis. ' A LAST WORD . Hu,l" r, r"momhnr I· ()em ' tllI'Y, Clll lu inill" Rbollt ':il! hns QXC II nt taste in tit , 71i i. ,.,,,. r,l1 " lof~ ,.. lit ' I\ !l i iI . I.lrmnge · it " ou tll' morrVw, or c\' en tlcxt I'" i " ~ lh i. f") I; J nores e uel v ct! hy II ~ ttlllU wnll 4 lU en t II f V1II t <I. 1\11 U 1101' d I 0 11 " .\' , ... do tll1<" 1l N.di ·" ,I. I'"lriv' ic, wll\ " 11.1 ogne~ w\lck 01" the weck uftCI' tl ull' t dOli I't wn t,., Vl\f'! l" ' , OHO thH.t. L i s lor ri rl\1 I'~ "ir l '" feet high, a bCIllitiful II lIt u ral IIf en Y lItHI well .S I.1 t<~ill w r" " ~ ; """ ,h., kno " . ' " , pnol.y. II" "",tl,. ,I' 10. 1' desplli r , bu t be ye in rc~di n e~~; aud ! el lei t m Ul) d w hr l'e I ·Ie \,. .~ t It rlllTmi II of eh kno \vs u VI d ~ I "lb, I c ... l. r .... wu-I: hut " p"Il<>I' III"'ndl'\\ Ilhv/'a II ,~ti (lhe~er yOil If l ee I lut 'magic f't)l'o\4Jr v .. ~"- d er.olw\ h'" ~ ''I,, c,.mom''... t{\h'' ~. 12 76 'bl'tl\'e and Iv III s 11 w!J hur tol'Y , and .tu continu e it "'elldc,'_ 'I,y 0"1" .. 1,,1, : ,h .. 'L 1 ..;'•• ,,,,,I 1I: p.1' "I gay Up th eir liv tit in nence bOllriug up II YUill' litem· that tho ulltioli ~u d. A I ~ of Al i Dnpuy s B·to ooks. ry fllcnlt ic , ~ on t d lay a mumcnt, • I I' '" iuIII. dom. t ""d t IIUW ~ ii'll. lim•. Yo" III"'" Ollg It II'C. Of th (lde 794'7 '11'0 UUI' ce n· III t\ 11 , :~I'e pu t ' 1' ,,1 ii u 'l' I" .. 10ll,{. !" ,,".\ 10 dny . Nuw i• lip 11\ • n but gil'e th e impuls c vu lII' ufldid · ' Ihl' arl'tal' t Li rime known -49.H fill unKnown grn voll. II 'lit b" x, bll uud III c loth . 11111 S EE. grit 0 .. 1)' i:. r,· ,, ' ~ 6CC· 'U ·C· ,hi, 1'''I.rr II ,I .t! attell.ti on t licli IIlI cl th en'; J on't Thon Missioll R idvo. Ohicku inallga bucll.s, etc.. prico $:H.M y," r. Will! I'n II ,. f'I", " Ii " g '· It " .I11 .. . . ""I. '!I I n. set wtlit like OCcil~i olla l, \l lIti l yuu IIrc ~ ~. 1 fAN I1l1d Ulokvu t otlll luill ll-al1lllaJLl ," l'l ll () •• .r W \V lIy t W in II drivell .; ""ml,.,. .,."t. r oo· I', cenl '. I'; .;cci",.,;, t o d esl'cmt 1 ( IOO. t IJ ire !tll ) flP II '- l re c 1.0 n i l. .itUl . A pel'sOII ~ I" IHJ I,),' III cmul'llblo :t ml It i~ t ril' 'JV thl! l· orrnl1e. " or a full ~ tJt 01 f !"lll: SAl. " U\· I it IIOW . Cll~ t , .... ,hi ,," 10 ' e.' it. -.",1 " Aliss might as W II btl dl'i\,clI frumltl l'lw ... t" mallY htt tly.chlllellwd btltl lc·· tlt·llt' lJ. n pu'y'~ t~naplott: Work~, lI" , 1.0 ,I,e II.IN . Elt 1· [l IJ I. I:l lfl .,; C' I. raged ll\" r thelll j-but 011. uld I thOIlI . wtll be sent .to an.),'' urtlny nstobe dri\'('n t thi sexl.l'llI lll';lIut It;: . I~}'Y , . ~ r(l :§(tl·lo I LH li'V'·<I.E"I'··AKG·UE·NTS -W ~II ~. a t ollly does it ilIl pair tllc Ill'n'es 1I11t! --Af'INI·-T"cE"~Dm k ()kollt., ,'I'antlI \!J;;I ~." k> lIlJ IlbliUJc . kll( 'IJd UI,lOO, to n v ~.u , t lUIY phlce,. fro 0 01 1.1'00gltl di tlll'b Ih e illt ·llcctnul litc\t1tics. . I her elldl ' S lind t.i.. ul ~d dKil It i ~h P .' rtl{" 011 "~tIIIUIII~ price til T.i Rt\l1 Dr , Olll l 8t" tl. 1l"I ' i l' c~ ; nr IlI lill flt '1iu a fit of dl!s pl.!l'Ilti v lI II pOI'S'~1I live,' nil. FI'om h,!r 8Ulllllli t . !tuld or th" Pulllt~ lters. 'I. n. Ll·t r~lIu & but is Iillbl e til ! ,i"" d" I;'r ~: " .·r . ho...·. In e '·. " CII"'"'' ill Ih" t"lat wltich ho would 'I ll til' tl"t R ''''U I. . C~II. 1111 U·' ))1' tit ·I·S. N o. 30G ChC1:lllu t Strllet, ill lifter tlays rcrrre\. ~ ~. vu 11 v ... U"ilcti St ' lc~ "Old C'.IIl1d " s·. Ell I,,'rltrfl h, · rl I ~ " [L £1,""', It.'~ IIIl1VIIg h ~ I' mtlny cllri ~) iti s tWil l Ph illld .ll'hia ~~~~. _ _ 1·-jjjj[1 ,t... U,,,,I. I,,I.cl' t" Hti'ld .~ Y'~-----' ~ ~. 'JUI hOIlM , h,dd \ci l'l' ~''Hc8 !iI u lU.l Iti ... clII1,"in. OctJa.~qi() li(tlly ~ U i lclt ftlove' "II commu n ication . IAro el!1)C<:.· la!1 \\'ortb" 1,·1 " ... te ·• ".111 m· .J 01 n. •te ' ht, ,·owlloi l tll'. .. ".. '~l'I' III '"clo" ld of ·' IIIJpell,r nA. Bllrd.,t A ''' ) /1 . III tbe we.11 hl.·od CUIIll."I1 S ot ... . I" I R uck. Ity. Sll ~nllll 'u II'O~ll tl~e F ,l. bi oil.- TIIO JUllllary .Je,·r 11..~lg ,,, 1h, tII/ld II th,l\I d H(.'CIIi ,, ~c<I ,fllIt.. ~ I II".. ul . Ul Ilt ls·oil/oi l i ltd " ~V III · l· AND A OI<N$~AL r.UII>: OF peenlta r t rm lill 1\ of. g lglllllH' thi:! mo\lcl III 11 hi full lIumour of tlte (} (t;; dl r , \\'11I ~h 10.11' 1'1' 111 iltl'l'ill'Y ANn nEAI. E 't~ IN ALL KINOS o~' nl\· . ·"·,, ' tl) lIol hOIl tifieOl I, ";.:. tlll~I. n' •. l t, :.l,p,,!,I .. "Ol' io' . ,. ,, ' theY 'll.\'; xCllcde by fllr th rocks al11'nrcDllv II l'rlUl"lJd II. ' hll ' tile Clll'1 '11111' I·t., n "YIU';1. 1,0, 1I 'fli,1. 1'0 " $ ). E, \'I ,, ·il·o· w ,;· . 11 \ 'I~. l·J: 1)~I'll::: o['Jll bYI·I , . ;7. wrl tll\l7~ ,., l,l th o Im lIlV l'tlll . L\dd IBOU', lIIall hlU lll. ~V 111 pr"aelt It tllili ' Slip ' l'i r to 1111 utlwl' Indie. rl I,ur, i\'lm,\. ll d.:\;!ell '. ""'''' mont~y, ,lol1b c:oI" 1), " 11111"01 ' but II tl~('r!t1l !ht·re lin Ite m bcel1 "1\1:' ~, ~ 'Ii' Oli n ... ,,tl,n" ' .. ~v (tm 'cPI,I"'ir ill l ware. OUI' oIl·I.Vl'r l'ttllH :.t hall- wc , llinc in t ho IhllflWil\l~ scvcml A '1\'l7 Q ;I ". ''/' ~l U~, "fl ,'.f _.V l •. 1 iU Il 1 1' 0 """ . .0. 1111 1 A, " "or reu . ~I d ;ehi!:" ,wlt.h " tHlch [:.4:1 :1111 IlIt~rcs t 118 1111 ~1I1' VI!JS' 8~ ~ ~.!!. 011 I II(i llll(I Il' II , )1\' _ IIIUI-d VW I1 , ti '1IIur", viz.: l ,;t. III ~ ~~ t:2 ~ ~ , ~ .. the <}lIal it \. IJ\ll:g 8 0 CC Il8~" I - -~"' I nn III u It ~ t:, I~ S\Hc!.\\' ''.\' 1\' ~ IP r . .)", . .,. 1-,(; dowu tlt~ lIarrow h~~ uI' tt> tlto of iL.~ 1'1l!,!!I' itR l'II"l'I1v ilWtI. BlIs itw.'" ("nt'II". ____ ____ ____ ___ _ street :~Il feet bill,'\\' tll~\ 10n'I. \V" I'I' illti nr;. ~d. III III\! \,1I1'~'&Yalld iio Tltl~ pl'od nctl~ n , .YUll will I'elll cm· Sl'TH W J . 'Iual . h r. hud all ILiI' 01 '~ <u·th:l.' bOllt AT THE SIOIN OF TilE stop, ~lIutl With awe 11lIJ \1·"lIdu l'. il,\' .all,1 ad ll ptlltiu n uf it.s " . UtU\V .N. I'oudinp : lind mvlllS'U B perv lld lll~ . Itt! whol · alld WIth ha~etI b n':lth eOll tt: llll'lllt <' 1I1IlltCI '-c ' pcoill lly ill tlt o '1) • .1. 1 ' 0 11 11 11 111 '11 le ngth: \.Jreadtl, .and lhlc.knc ss; I~nd t he wU~ldo1'l1l1 w/,H·k " t tlw rl'ellt Hl'11811- 11 lld cxplil!i t I;l~ lti,,,, ill.'J V ~ ~ 1\ A TTO RN EY A T LA W , l \lItl' ~ . a~eOl'd ll1~ to .tlil S coll ectHHi 01 Il1n · 1 All!. It cl ,v e.'·" 1I11111'CII vi pc r hi ll iS, :IIIJ t.iil'ccti (lIls. &I. In th o Ille~. my pl'eC IOll<llIam.c hUs llllt o.n. Imps It u~ ro ; It<! s tn' Is lll' ('I.'UIl . t'allc\"\\'" I'k depart ment; lIud . AXf) 1\ ·OT...1RY 1' CB1: / 0. It '\lI'I l!. Iy .u 't:I~ the CIlIl :~ of 11. dr lIu lul iug!! ort'~Hllig each utl.'\l r lit 1:ll$l lt IV. :tn\1 chiefly , i.n it il ln.;tmt o m... In "..C· "n" 8 I'll ... B .... I~'Da. ioll:l pIIlIle ul pCI'plex itICs 1 \\:I~lCh have IInglcs WIth · wOllder lnl prN'I~ l q ll I~f Ih e Illtc~t Europe an allu New t:lIllUIIITas 'l\d the svcluht llty c f nur W"'· ~I· ",,, .. . I .E. 0 1110. lind r glllnrit y, us milch Illl us ,,!a Il Y YIIl'k 'ity styIOd .• it, ill 1'I!I\l1 y 1\ gOvJ tuwn'tl: \,cLlple, hnt hll\'~ well ~ ~.---I towus- thitl I r1 cO~ 1l uno 01 tl!e 1Il11 l we lcowo visi t, I' to lllli' 1.. C. LU KE.:\::;, ;\1. D., a llc the cantle 01 ~lItollu ' l cd sn~I~lCl OlJs, wOI~dtlr8 that h.Hs 101\' uq nu ls .111 tum . Ulltl is re 7ard ou hy onr ,1bettc l· I I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. 1so.b er d ?prCS~ I Lln s, alld mJ.>!~ de· inter 8t. · 2nd, IS Llllal\' " ,Iko, d iS ' ulI1f " a a cU IIIlJuni on which Al. c: \Clt nc 01 c<l/lfidolle~ a11l0n~ Irl eud e, tal1t miles fl'lI llI the S. E. p.,in t. et\n ll ot 1I11:1rll t.l) ,Iu withuu - - ':<IJ Oni"I' In Nali",,,,1 Dunk Bnildi ng• . t. Th o ~leighb lJrs nl1d citizells . l/'V t lti!! and Olt a tlmall cale, 1 pre tim • tmbscri l'tion prie is $3nyc i , . Jl'A 1....Y/:'.': VJ J:J. /:~ .f).11I O. nr with I' bad nUllg h, t o bc nrc; bllt~C' l. has uo "pcI'!or in .piCtllI'CRfl IlC u pl·l'milll11. Addl'CSd, A . 13l1;·d l: ttc . . caSiOlll.11 dlle~ \l ot stllJ) here ; h.e beauty alld w tl d, . wl'lrd BO IIvry . ' milh , VB lll'oad\\'IIY, New l ~ rR~V ~tl.l rc ' I J AMb~ W . • ~:I.~!N York. bS. nuxt MD ., mllkes the IISdel'llO n tI~llt 111m 'rhe Jake prover ; s nh,'nt 200 feet l(l a.!:)J,Al.Ml!\ ~ ~ 1I0t Murtha . Thlt! co nolUS lo n Oc· nO~lm .... "nIlCl • acr08S, circl1lar in ha1)o, eurrLlnnd· Till!; LOVERS AZI A.-A Ho ell iunal ' Iaill!s tll .huve rCllche~ uf· · ed by a pet'pcl' dicnlur wnll of solid II1(Ul C~ of Ambiu ulld H i lld oo~tlln, I I tel' u long series 1.1 1 sleopl ess nl~hts GIOBI rock about 6 r. ,t hi{(h, und is 1'0,1 it! tho t.itlo vf a th rilling und , . O tfi ·,c for lh e ) I :mufl\c I1 r t.:' ~lI f\ Alsu, orig . IIIl d deop roscarc IICS ·In t<) 1110t!I)J Iy~' .' Il I" If I om{\{· Itt R('., i (lnn c .~ . n.Y b by tho mnny spri ngs of pnl'o cl eur innl story, th e pu bficati on or whi ch i?B lu uthodic nlly tlp pli ed. Sll ~cribi ng for ol1r Musica l In the , water with which 'he muuntl lin \vill be comtn II cod ill the W.l'lIe ... III" ~ ~h~•.: W eckl y first plncc, J\lagnzi he lled. cial/lls t hat Mnrtlm abouud s; but tbo graut s& illter" t nnd Semi. We .kly Cincilln . . , uti Gil' ?lllluOt. be a :-"oman, becat\se 01 It~r MISS RACHIE R. EB'RIGHT Th ey tlrc is:!1\ed 'llouthl y, lieil ill th falls about 50 ynru d zette, Jnlllmr y 4th, thc til'st , , numbe r tII?O~III~O belllg kepi so long. N uw nnd COlltllili tell t imes us IllllCh • below, where the wllter d l'ops of the 1I0W ycar. A~ it a . · : Plano- t'orle Music Teacher, is Cll PY' till S ~s Just ar:! much .us to s~y that mll~ic II YUII can buy olee· ~ 80 fect illto whut might bo termed ri{lhrud mnttcr it will bo F..,~ t Ri(\ ,· oC )1 01" !'I' ec\. 1 )l'illtotl ill w· wlt~ro gIrls for the same am vuut of .n~e ~o~ apt 11) kceplf) un ill.lm eUBe well, with porpend icll' ullJOtlte r papor. Tllt're wi I -a , be !Jut 1\ crets· lltl8 IS JnE!~ abollt as till~II se· .1 , ,19.Q 'I"\"t"0 ) W" V"'H .. VI • •• •H. 01110. liS I Pete ll r ls t l, l I Ca Y 'ouseh old Melodies, lar ,vnlls obont 150 leet high- Iimitod numbe r uf extl'll c0l':es ~~~ , 'V~ - _ ~~ 'jj' "'~~:il~ :KI !U~~.'J /'!\'!B1. .... ol' ,any sccond·c1ass tiSSue pnper I ever \,\'hile on eit her sido the mounta ins the paper ptiblisllCd ellch I week . ·saw. K eep Il secret, illdeed I . If N os . 1 tf) 1:3 uo w ready , A Col· .tower hig h toward the c1oudrl . Perso ns, therofo re, about . •. to Bub· Ithe great, n~ble lorti s of creatlo ll, ' lc:c t io :1 of Hongil by HllYd, Da nk8; These two great natural curiosi ties scri·be fllr the GAZ8TI'E will Ie. Pric. 5U ce uts per lIumbe". dv weil l tho 8...ong'~ lI1dcd men,wo uld koev are well worth the ti IDC ond cost in the il' SI1 btlori pti.ms oarl y, a few of t~el r sccro te us well as we OJ/H'C a nd C Cliidellt:, Th ird St., 01' 12 N lll11uel's for $4. ~1to tourist. T~ero is one. featnreof into BOlld order to uvail th~~.el B.of tho 'I d~ oms, tillS world would go Oil 11. 1 of this mO\lntuln thnt strikes me first numbe rs contalU11Igl' tillS • I IDOst gloat deal more pleasan tly. A s ! WAY NFSV ILI E with peen lin I' intererlt, being e ver· intores ting story. Th e Binglo • ~ suJ>.. i fu~" my divulg ing socrets . [don't . • Nil . 1 to 18 1I0W ready. A 001· a r hundre d fo t Itip:her than nny ~crirtio n.of the W eekly ! GlLzlltte, thlllk ] ever tolll maDY ; a·nd I kn.ow lee.ti n of Eu~y DUllce MUBic .PI'I 'C, /) cellts )lor uumber , or Secure them ere they GO! top 1 First-Class . & in clubs, from $1,25 to time,a ndfoal ldPa ill the parlor ! 1 "ant to 88y to all .who vi sit Semi-W eekly, ill clubs. from 1,50 XEN IA, 2,9' rendy.t o receiye him, 'aud politely OHIO . . Nl.1. 1 to 1:1 lIowrea dy. A 0010 tbiB far·fam ed. bistoric old mann · to '3,25, it)Clllding postage dr .\ I. u. In8Lfu"'~ nt. Iunod And ropn,red . . tell IHm there. w~ ~bollt as !Dllcb lccli oll OJ" DifHclllt Piano Mosie. fain do not foil to 'see .Rock City · t ~18g - -.O,o.Icrs may 'ie IcC\ wi\h U. W. llhrigbL. room at home tor bUD as tIt re WlIS ' Price. 50 cont p r Numbe r, or . &n'd'Lulall Lake- and billore lenv· Mr. J ohn Oommi o8 died at Ulcro. N ow this secret, of course, ---12 Numb. I'iI for 4. iog it I dcem it but Jost to Mrs. Morrow las~ Fridtly, aged 59 years . will Ilc~er be found out if they wai~ I .~.~ Geo. Ruble, witb whom we Mr. OummlDB wus.a tanner and for me to t ell i.t. He uext ~tutes 8eDd 50 oent. · tor . . . C top~A, to BIly to all oar friends w~lIkn own and hlg,hly ~ D~1: d' l th~t Mar~ha weare boots Bomet1ll'IO . CI Copy of either ot the a'oT,. that~y will fiod a pleasan t home HI8 funeral took p:lllce on08teeme Snntiay and If yoa are ..ti .... " .... ..hil~ here aod enongb of the good ulld 'w~ attende d ~y ~Iis relation , ThlB I WI ll not deny; nor am 1 the Fil'llt N ationa l B aJ';" lJllil(NJlg. 1 0llr barplD I !lot Martha that bas ever worn we Will " .... Ile~1 'hi~ of lite to atisi'y tho mot froln tillS place-I llS fll ter. Mrl!. T.s only J.' our I ' WAYN E 'VILLE , OHIO. thew; they come vcry hllndy Borne , mODe, . . " 11' I'ul» -Filrewell 'grand old -B. MCCOIIUUI, Miss Eliza McOolU I 004 • as, I timet!, eepecia lJy iu decp snows ; - ' Addr",," • 1 d Mr J A .L "(>nf. 0" 'f bIlt I'flt aeeured Ie'd .ao .. et;t!ZIi'!ilI ·311Ii,t" Ji'·lIJ jII!iilljJ!'J 1 nspln IlndWI. I Rt~ ~: 80" J , Ifl rl'Il('r, L PET E" \ S.'''lh1m .. e I Wal"l... m.,Jllly U , I jlJ. i1rorI0~ t •. E. 8 • . ~n .• l o • ........ ........ .., . . . .f"wr • ..... "i8. Broad -y. .1' • .fOlk ..,.". mIMI and
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Peters' Parlor Music,
I pi~;~~
IDB . BO RTO N'S The Red" 11 1'I'he U . HSI UP. P It. - _L. ZELL, Tb Ilc(l .Flo g ""O · . ' . ' Ret l Flq g 1j 7 ;j . T he R d Flof " 1 1 " e ' PRI VTZ Tb FI , E. H. e .. I ... :I Tbe. d VI tlg ,
nr/' ~.t
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tn,.,I"r,,' MUSIC
I \ .. '.'''''r'f,"~'''.
Dealers Everywhere.
All&N'l'S W1 TED
&V&BY TIl"
o D he I\(>p. herorc him upIlnlh p illl of a r(e k II It ~I ~1~n M I ) tbe bngl l IIj1hl of (,lIrll ru orn nl! tll t daDclOg ~ h!\do IY B 01 1.\\001 \I (' jl r:lc. tul
1.l\e YOll Wenl' Lungs '! )(I1VO Y on R COllffh or CoM 7 H 1\ e Vou Pllin In Y Ollr Brca!'4t7 1I11\'0 1 "11 filly ThrOAt Dlseaso7
crealUres timl. lire \.lnv 111g 10"C I!.cr JU.I beyonu hUll All kmlMot I It V,Olll l "
f~ '" Vcm (oll ~ umrtlon"
lire d. pl CIRd 111>< n tbot 11m el nllTror bv tbe IIHly IIlIlIn RI
d th e
fllce l
Dllt reynnrd 18 altogether too knu t ke the 811adOlv tor tl e sub", nnd dlsrrgllrdlOg th e .holY thaI lij Ing before h m he endcllvor@ Iu
,, c<' r'l\!S!l pr r around the fnE' 1 dly bush tuat lillie" the TK ublt.s frum II @ \ lew lind to lI ~c rrLaI J th ei r Hue po"ltl n on he WIll Ho;e th~tr nimble 1i.lIr ~ M tl (') drRlv clost'r to hi! \ ICIUIlY It cn the Hpr11lg II II I s ud denly be mRde and th e shnll IICrt Rm of the stll rtled Victim \f lll te ll the ~to ry of the fox" ~ucce8S Rnd \.!! 1), (' mem bers 01 the fnp;btc ned colony ,h""IJl'ea r III their burrow the .hadows t....o ' lit lie,
The GrCclt Blood UCIllCtty
MARCY'S SCIOPTICON. W kat .. Impro .....0 4 cb .. pe~ . 4
Are You Weak and Debl1ltnt ed 7 Vou Ruffer from Inellge!ltion7 Do You require a TOlilo 7 Hove Yon :IS 0 Appetite 7
Do 1
away anJ nall ~ bt Will re UIRIn 1\jL\{' 01 dark form rapidly Ch'!ll l'pell rro j! III Lit. dl~·.an e It tbe lox Ilear. ILl' I V It M I I
ston e seem I tl;e lf 10 motion us tllf' Kh 1<1 owy forms pl\.Sil r~l)ldly IL bout. 1t8 ' ur
n c('d BlIllllla( Up"
noVouwl8hl ohe trnngnlld BCRltbJZ
USE Dil. L. Q. O. WISHART'S PIN! TlEE TAR OORDIIL Flold l,y 011 DJ'llggl!lt8 Prlflc lplI l J)('pot.
232 North Sec ond St.., PbD..
- - - - ----
Borneo CO wl,llur 1 r eI' Tbl 8 18l1 w ng ntfl ct-ntft rp.tlr~{' I ~r HI • ze It IS Indlge no u. 1<1 II r l 11 tI umat ra Cam 1'111 r I. ( LLalllrd If lin t
not lIke the CQ mmc " CJlUlpl or I I ro~e A' of dl t!llllaLl O 1 bill III l ry>l.ultll~ 1111'''''"
IleCreled I II lurullv In tbe ell \ I t t ~ (If tl e wood Tbe tree J es n Ol Yield L1 l1 lt h L~
attain d coIIslderable IIj:!C At all etlrllpr pe rrod It eXll clCH If III I CI810nS In the trunk and th t I nduct tbu~ obullned 18 called II lh ", I Ullt"" Jiqulrl calll plro r of HnTlleo It 18 I I t ill tbe ll't-C IItt61118 theClrcumferrnc< o f >4<-1t ~ .Ihllt IlUhd cllm , b IT 18 pr nil "I b) It Thp
biD e
huuore 1 t
IlH" lh ~
PTlCf! fur It thllL Ib. y give r, r ord Jlllry camph o r an I CUn ..''l uel tly tb. who\p of the Ilfllcle filld . Itil way t o the I IIW UI&Iket.
A r. ... ye.'Us &j[O a hlot'@(' C ILLtt 01 It OJ' abuut. II' II lId IilJd a qUllrtc r 1(\ Irdu pt'l.... b leh Wil8 JIll rchn.... d III IUI: II(lOre l t.t1l'r f!<'V~ 1I ptJUIlrlS8t rllng o raoout
A NE \\ I'OItT mllll hb a BIg ' CIOllS New Foulld llllld dog wblch be wlould hke to !!I'll to 80me mun with lllrge (1IlIlIly who IIvcs n(>8 r a IlOnd Tb e n o hl e reature Rlcbes and 0'6 chlcbn, lind gecl!e. but "til n.. HII~ hLld ren tlDI C88 d rIven to It by tbe fiercellt.llUnger
wmY-dll d IJIlnt-whenlliur 1 Climph. r "1M 10 EOl\lallt.l. only baH a
(ruVL II
Ih e
I lAnt.a f Lhp r.AmphOT t T e .... ~ r(! dlllb Adm I,.... JWdlle) III 17 2 11011 carri d J .. mal 811l/ prllpaglucU Ib .,~nod
-----n... R, t' N All.
A OLA C KA ~IA 9 county (Oregon ) mnD I uhlultllJ a b t thnt weIgh s elj:htfen poulld8 and mCIUUrel! thIrty four Inches IlL Olr umfcren e. He wantllllOmehody to btln t tall t beet.
llW , (
In .. rllIDI! • h. tor,- of Ibt'
u./emt'Dt III 111e
"..-__ ,.._ .......... W-
WIIITI1INI '1'0 . . .~ ~
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~rBl~n 3~.
,. . ."' ...".....DAy. }'EBR 'A Rl 9,1 76.
fit to I.. pulm r'lt< ' al"",,, '1'ItIlI"llLu,1 I SJlhUo'H 1'1', uti t n It till>rl wJIg
~ \ TIO" I. l .lI.1 I U 10.
Tllf: HIli \ t .\.It
THt; MOsEl. IIOltIlUlt.
u r H Lt.&"
U. lulh.l'. T ,llIUII'I, 1"...1 &<1 , ,Ih lu rllllro Il II hlll J I"uk ••l 11 Jl III till ,"'r "1111,,,. All", 111 I r 11111" Cr• • k. 1\11., wllh I tb. m "U J II ,lIrl,. lalll)/(1Il r"uod II rC .... ll"' I I"" IlIhO II"tlllh Ihyl cOllldli I II. I" t HukilL of 1I11 u,~ , •• '1'1111) Illll L ILonn ,I Ilr, h lin cI ... t , on l>e .ltl\llIl" 'lrlf't.l, l'oUJ. 1'''' Ity gu.Ii. {U I. t ,,"'UI .mt II f,IAhhUl I llJ~ yt'llr, "" IIflr III t)' "r "nil .. r • 1;11' fnll .. r, ,,, 1\ ). II I.. 1.11 ' If 1'(.lIy ,li.lu L k llow III U, r Ih U I. d lItor. hy ,,, r /fond I.JQk. Whr, I h, n \\ f
""" hlTl .... V /l ulI l. 1 "I .. II r """ II ~'rl 1111 1'1'" I \1,,1,11,11 1111 l"llk a" I "lilt., 1111 I IJIllr I ))" ,.,1111 , "II 11"il. 1\, udl ~I" '\1 ut ,lolI'u I" 1'.11l''',lg. t. \~ K.t I.. r 1I101lil, r K r.I"lltlllri ,UI I I.o.)"k AII",II \' IX. "Ii I tltnL II III! I h. IUIlI of h., gou d It"' ~ s 11 111 tillli WII .. I Iii" wu I l ( It KIJt ,,"'II! I proDlI'll).1 "', ll mllu JI,rlo( r ,ul.I \lh. u hl /II f\ HIJU W.. II t a Ill! hI. h. rK, lr b. lip IIlId mlU"rlul K Ill,) (111 111(111 HIt h I I II I .. ,n lilt I I II rllth. r 1'lIrl I ,""" iI Hit II Ilt\ hllnlilv. fOOl Mh" \\ III II H" " t II Ill}). I. Ii I r ltl. I flll.l II mlghl) II .t
h UIII'l.kupll bul h Ili) IIjrl~ r - hlily 11 1 UlIllk. In ,UI I , Dot thnt Alle(1 (II 10",.11 t.hllt 1\ "' - \\"K I 11111 ,r (llu l n I " tliit l I" lUJ dl Ie. - Rh" 8 too III ill 1Il1l1 Klntt. rn h' 10,,, ,1 wi IeI. 11111 t IIlIIlUIoILi WII1L. !J1\t lb. n It N not mo tlUlt'lI gom .Ie ,II \('11)1 11\. Mtiy 'ill; n " I II k •• "" g III 10 UUln) III r, If J hu fllUIlI 8 It('r It'S lill " on, ," 11111 1 I "I "" m"n ~IIII' III h(,1 lI(1 r rlgbl- ( Ruml t Mk Ilnn to Look at hl r " Iohh du,,1 ~vllll" II " "IUIIII thlll ~ "nth I lhr•• lIg h my glll8lil A No. lUI Id hlll1 I" OO( • ~l' llI'lm 1M Ipt til I II moo, till IIJlr) pl. W' hlnl", if IUIJ h, \'11 pll'lIH<l Illl IIu.1 1" Illmll) h L8 (,, " I 1.111 111 dn' H 10 U P olly trh .l t" ~.;t HOIU. !lnllg to kilt P j "'.'tk. • UI r "II< lII" fr<1tu 1I1'IIIg obHP n l ,I. htlt if I' lIy who b'lll I . gll ll I, 1h... r "n Ih" h. r hf., h Irl 1.)1. n.tIl.1 ou tI'll IIritcu lu hoou HI I'I'.r ltlbl. ~t" I'I '11 "",I"", to Ih o f ndOlzl ll H 11., 1 It.. ~ 1"' , coul'l J10t hono I'1I11it) I.. hUlr Ih u I L.t of A\llIl Vd.loy 8 "I",k, u lI, rn 1'001 I ully I sh ))IIU rt IUI!lISe 11(,." 1111 I Mh, luul. ~ lIut 11111' fun n I ont nt IMt II IUlt llJod he r ..1.0 ""lid. r Ilg II ,t 11 0111<1 omIt 1111 \ .hlT r 10 10 tI JOhll With b('r wholu \\Ium litt! • 11(. I , J"hll If Mhe ~ hollld I,,~. II r gl~' 1 iI''ilrl nu,1 nu" h" \\(oIlJ.! go alld mllTT) 1< k" lltlll IN " '11'1" Mill/:: tho \ hlld 10. 11 AI.,f" H W\\11 1111 11- .. IUlU P RO' Ullo rut T1li"SUol hI u 'liu usn lind HJrtlln Of Iy ~ throllt ] UIIL h re "ud lhrcl\wlIud to C 111""', M lbl1l gH l\t r !'; h,llII II ollltll1ol I choko lw r, 1\1111 h,'(or\! shll kllow It n!lOh • ,ro " IH r l)'1l ~It IIltl MI1<1d, Ilv tllrll l (1!CIII)(l~l, .wII P ollv took w fngo lO 1\ do,'>ok" l lIl III r II 11d or If I.. r " lI l h Itt ItlnI fit o( tOnghlUg. IIWeh. IIko nll tl u nUl«) lV(l r , 101 m,,,,;m '1:: IgUIIIl l" tllhlt fltl'l(\lJC!III. curr ied I t 0 \\ II plUHshm nt t "'UR uu tll" 1\1 tJlnl ",1th It- 1m 1t ,II MtTlleood AllDt D.'uh~ s atb no un Cr, rn her futllr dmurlltel 10 l ollu \IIII! \I !Jilt "omul ('1111 IIIUHly Iuw lind cOI.ccn lmte cllt ,m Pollv\\ &uf "bUilt Ih hUll", IIU I (lfl.o. II h. 11'< ,I Pully "hJ . 111M, yuu VI) CI\nght a IIr IIltl \ll l8h .lilIhl)H filII I Il{ ol pollltoll M "ud on h ~ ld cul,l nil Vllflt! you ml1At t~ a 111U1b dllys, 111 I rn oohl III IIIlU, he hnd IniJI""p 111111 ,f h. llrbo tlUd bnlaam nght (ly~ btxlu knollll I" 1111\11"; out th tlllny 1 II \ ('r h. ru 1\ .!rier cough oor olvlhes. nIL (f wlU<h hi" lUoll .. r nut! thtl thut of yOtlru-It80nndJl lIIHt like c..'yutlly U Ighbor womeo put ,lolIVII to ,JIn ti.:o~ I 13ol0Ul ,1111 til wmk'r ijh took tb. gru of John s kfud h. PI1" III).l til. y II I rll nil lo plIl cOIIAllmptw u. 1\1)(1 "lIB d end nutl ngroo.l tbllt h e wOIlI,1 ll1alw 11 mudel blls hun l'oI nLllu Ill" of MIX m0J1 t11A ' An d bnnd A nnt Dehhy bU8tJNl nhont nn 1 got 0111 I'erhnps It " ,,8 nil uhNl l1Id g(l(ldu( 8R the bIg hotll from tJJ(I (bJmney cnp on J ohn A purl hil t If "" "Ill "'L~ It hlllu <I aud UldU'l1 ro.1 ont II d06C of tlte tbnt l.ob".ly hnd I v, I knr " 11 hlln I, 11 IIll b nD.I bnIl1f1D1 P,)lI y kuI'w thlLt r. NI III W th l' II nAt COil t'm nil OIt ,,1.1 Mn; m Ol RLnlIlC" ' H1UId b. \\ On lIJllJ1lU... loSl! JIlU<l8 rLlf nlUati h',llIlN \\ I" n " II" t"ul, ") Rll< Illu,l1U\\ 00.1 thp bItt.. r S\l u t nILl: 1',,11) ~ pille. Ill, ,,,,,,hhlh ' I ii '''g'' h. I tnT(' IIlllt""l pr, t"st. lit, Ilshe wlI!!Henl "118 weu I.... 1,0),1 1 .. 11) R r .'y .h f.;'lt'l fot tu 10,,1 IIlth lht tlOUH lo go til ttlocp 1 tho mi ol \lWlo JIINt I" \\ 1I 1I1l tb. m, yult righ t aud I\ltlt th o Ill; Iwow, rulO,I scu ol h, r !DtlWtS whil batUtld \uth wet., tlAlP'''
1 u , I'r<II"lIl hl1l.1 I ~ plUll
• I 'III y. 1\ 11 0)11<" how SlIl nd [dly I IlIr mgh lit ,t ItLllt rC' I Ill. th baJJ II.' IlIglt., 1 01m " II \ ell IIl111 I IIlI!o lloll., ,I ti ",t )"11 I t pl IL up a U tho wlIf' II
. I, I
I !tilt " u BllIglo s wallow 1\111 I , our li 0\)0 filM u d"y. \)ut wo I lJ t hl h. I. It Au el IIballt fnllllcl " 1\ .II) I"SUI b tllIlt mOllY at n BUlgio Rn
I ~11l1 1I rlW I:f' ot1cmnll wh!! hl\8 fallen I,JIYIl ~L Ll rI! t., uHol hI r "ho olfurod to
111 111
r 1111111 " lI. II 1\ '"
' W b'U'ZI'WIO
1 u lna Ilomu down stairll
s labbunn' •
PolJy'g m18tnk Willi OIlO that 18 olku mllclo b;) Jlll\~ gtrls who nro too ulILuh tnkon up In th the ))leal!lUlt slory uf then OIVU by('a t.. still' tu Hunk or III<k (I"('SbOI'R lOr I hl'11 II' Itrta Wfl III(, 1I0ne "f 118 1I P II t II ' IOlIuym till\t Ill) l\lllilsbmcu 1\ \R II • (I!'. I lJ1 l1ch gIV('U, to IUtl09PIOtiuu III ollr ~. u J. J 1111 RlLy ;)OU rulLlI,} .., 1 I R ",<tLl" I (III' H .md \I hl' lJ nt IUlIt II II (10 me allli rOll may btl fond o( me 111 l.lIIr / (lr xIJt'('t. (I rom IIiU , \l flR lI (1 t n t b k l< J • iJ t II tI I t u~ wa;) IIr JJ1 n dozlll1 \\11l8 I UL llot nwJy nnkllul bnt Lh. r \\ .111 II .IIITI ro 11(( to' IU ',HOtl Ll pro lit]/? I L~ 1\Rllll J )() II l ))Rdi r~ , • h dill not np))1 pnnlo P oll} lUI hI' 111\0 01 )('111 I l J nnr l UlcnVerlCl' Bnt tlUJt'mII JnMt wbllt Pully " onM I to tlo , h e fIlwIIYs FCI\' (l '~ .~y lIlt Il tlUllO)) I'., lly- I h<, Ol plu\lI clnt.l of n fur 11\1",1 J10t do All Juhu" eloqnelloo c!)nJd nCit I "rolln or n,ill BIU·toll Clr OllY OUlI r of co1t"IIl-h~tll.enlJ 1,101'1. d hy nel 81 mdlloo h" r to nttQJ' tilJlt 811nplu lil tlo the )Olmg RlOU CILIllO nl10lll jJ, \\ nR I \II lLU,1 Au nt D chloy 1\ Lcu I cry " Iwill. I!U word "YOM At IMt John's 8tock of IIway II gooll llonl w ~ho C\I IIl11g~. 11 1111 I sir rulll Juhn iJlul growu 11J1 toget.her pnbl'(IOO n vrr nry Inrgt' R1\VO l'ul nml wb!'J1!In tl, 'I romBUI at h 1110 WM 1I~ 1l tllJ like hrolhcr 1lll.1 Sl SWr. IInu I;ho 111\11 h told 'Polly she WM a' dUlty bea:rted nh80rhe.l1O III nowspn.,()18 Clr II bon k. l otlll) Il v"r o noo thougbt of John lIB a h llieflirt, to pretend to ho fond of bun or e lfl<l 110 Wila bUI;Y wltb nc(On ut.~ nnd I ' ~ r, or" pOO!Slble h\I Bbuud. uutil lus III fUIY WilY. when it 1I~\8 pllWI to I.., fI(\ II lDust not b clistur1.lcd. rill In r Ilbrupt prolX>8llol hlltl starU t1 hl'r tllntsho (tI.l nut ('1'10" hutt.on lor hUll Polly IVoutlorll IIOlDetltma Ir Tohn ll n.q IUto tho ,1tc1nmholl nmt sbe .lid \lot rill'\. 11'1"" to umoh, to ho ooll(ll II IILrl. I rgoUou nlI IIbollt thnt R '11 0 111 Ih , LlI.1 10' 0 hml. wh!'lI th Inltb "118 Bltl hAIl IUld Il t1U1ty bcllrlod Om I 1I1l1l hy John I kitulll1l1. OliO "prwg 1Il0rUJlIg, uot flO " I ) Iooon In'l ug 111 1U ('\( 17/ clay of ItI1 r hf ['oLly'8 oy(1\! Hp.Lrkl d, IUId 11 shArp r(llm t loug ago l:Ih <10 Ii uot " un.ler If he WIth out m th I~iUlt IIURpccting It. Poll) WIlli Oil tho tip of her tougo, wheu til , ' 11 [16 gotten OV(lf \xWI!t fouLl of hI 1- [16 he .il tl J1 ,t g o otr III U gllllo)Jlllg 008um p kllAlhon lloor opene<l, nuel Uuclo 1:)1 Ills 1 !IIu,1 h(' would elJ.I. II, o r to .lo--Rlto 1M ti Oll him C vnt.hlll B room. nor dio! slto ' l n , U" UJ aUlI <11 of n broken healt-(lulAl Hllrll thnt b hIlA 1'!JonAh why 81" ollterod. ".Be YOIl two holulIJ' QUI,ker m ' ohl1 l ' K~\olIloI Cr) IIbu lit It IR tl ot '1l1lb ... . I.nr I INlllh Y p('op l(l U VI r uo .lIthor_he Jllst H8Jd ho III< bo WIllI g 'lIIg out. aft('r IiUnlg to P olly. lIut ah 01 . fl. ' " ,('rllt. l. R" h Vf'.1 "ll f, (lm <In, to crnJ lUI \\ 0 fill do 111111 hglltwit hie pipe l\t ['011) 8 lron illg Illlol th.., Iornl) 111 01'" (,lll RI.JI\h .lU I I fl,ud l1ln~llll BJI!I. '>f .hHllppollltmoJ1l nn.l pilloo. "or b\l you I!IIV111 up for tho [U., nrnfnllr lIJ lo Ih. ,II"" JIlin \\ I.. 11 I hf'fl.rthrl'nk Silo did uol O\ on woop, HUlgUI' to l\Ighl 1 Dou t OVI rllo It, ti l , .ho una' 0111110 til' tJIU Llisl.. R IIU 1 w'l't I hill h,)d "l' U. r h.'II,1 hk" a howo litUn {'olll. or IllIl.)OO .)our tougno 'II S'lt . t llT hOi htUe ". 01'. she UtltheA ,,, r 1)1 1t\0\~ rtJIOlt WllIuot heotl tlJ o nu'!.. WWd8, III th JIUI.8 QUPtlr thUl~M 18 IVOLUon 8 cool "prillII' \V1I1",1' tllld Itlthout " VOl ' IIU" IllIt smll 1\ tlJlongh nll thmr buSl ottings t"lIS'll"'" Aud Uncle SilM WOllt "IT tIll y P' 01' llttll hllltl l r 'ek, .1 look lUg 1 1\ rh~»R hope Wf\!I DOt )lot »Iu ukt d up ChUllkliug over his little Joke gl 'H~ g Ie" wlu Uw ll lUIIIR' 1001ll loy tho T<IOUo, roll hope 18 11< stllruy pLUlt I P 11 ID 8wrue 110118 'WU 'VlU Or COnI1lA. aI "tAl[ ... WJU , 0 Y WI'" no t Un I" l:h11l8 """ e nJ 'y1Og IUH r lpll fIJ) ,1 tll1ltI i101tr1shoH lir 1 ti ' ....__.• r '.... - 8J>E'-A k P ) e t II ong me ou y ry ""'.... g <- bo 11\ IUly II ury gOlD..... 61 Ult ue \l 8plp<rI l op.ot In I1lhl Allllt J ~ h HilS milh hnJls John \Junks sbe 0/IIl t hold ber loy Willi COlllltm" tin lh" loop" ull bur BUIll'll! rut''' /.()Ilgu". too I Sho WIll ..how lum I Awl kJUlLll1g 111'",11. B I;;" I'ilrtllor) t(O flett.U1 g It "'I\B UlO<'mht>r now, fUld tbe yOUllg l'oLly blul8 hor hp very hard untl tm~ t{l np tILl heAl III II gnly ) l\11 Ill", klllg I folks()f Sll I'Y Holloll were'met. Ul Uuale luok vory r~l!UllIte IDdeHI But J ohn ",hollO dIDl"lliUOIU' p 'oc huDl o l that It \\11" l:lt lM JlTlggM woods tor n ttutill!!' Crolie hlul boon busy repcuting fof OOnmllllltell . m Wllllltl 10 wnrm 1ll,,1 o.:umfort, (11l1111 1{ 011 the \\ O()o llllnLl poud When tho mer ho got uP. 118 hI.!! fllthllr !!hut 1.110 dtlOr. thc 8 tOrtl'" lIf tim • 1I1t1111R "1lI1t rOil' "f II I IlUII nl WAH It ItIl height, ILnd tbe IIkILters and Hllld, 1]1IIwgont.ly." I msorry Polly. plm or ft. t I\t prtIH lit r. pl/"Iug '111"1,10 .. r I rhlllg III nil .l motion". every eILr wlI8 lor what 1 8Ill~ 3 while IIgo I didn 't Uucle S.IM fu fl om Liltplltmu Sb l'purH "tIlrUl'd 10) th 101101 CI'Ilcking o( th UloRn It, denr No 1\D8WOr-;-unl 118 a John 18 uot prllw-Ilt. 80 thl lIl()fU III \ ory rrnzou sur(nt , then raLUO a emab- II big t.mr that llroppcd 011 Polly 8 uon lilst still It 18 " O[8C ev, n tllilU tho great hl'llVy Ill' - nnn III n fow 1ll0monlll lilLer thtll nught be tnkeulor one l1mPt) lutch. \1 f OI till rrll kt I. k. I) tbllt J " ltll Drl g!t~ lay fit Poily 8 f ' 1, U('l.l .. Woll. Polly. u Vl'r lll111tl, ] 11 trJ to from blllllg IIttnly Ilrl"u) hilt till t lei<' At I. I\8L BI) It RE'<lmool 1,0 Polly Uleu lint oVl'r hewg foud of yon, i1 it. mllk ul\ 109 of lho 11111 (look \tI'IU; .llm "ormr Ull suo weut dOWII anll Illgllt Clunlllllll ~Otl so \1OIJIlppy , you J16t'd not cry n\>ont j "l1ly lUak til 'lIltlng' ro01t1 H' Hm 111 ll lJ nllJlnt'llt. I\ud th. ro Illy Poily III n IIwoon It 1 hopo It 18uot 80 bud 1\8 that • ALIlI luu'8ome l'o ll~ tUltl'K her w I)! k IllIoI tllt/\ \Ill tho fknd lUnn 8 b1'llll8t I Bllt Jobn w1th thnt John wooL out to hill wood tlowu tll her Lillin WIU", hlUl M.I won \Vua IIOt dootl. or ven much burt, oul, chollrllng. aod Polly liD1sh 01 irolllUg. .tern w\tnt 1111£0 hOJ'!!( If 1lI ~1 vurybotl.) a u,l cl1lll. d to t-sen8Ibll.ity. nlln COnSCl0118 II ud J1obody WR8 Ilnl:. the W18Cr That I R. everything 8he longs to throw hor U( !II! r. hlfll( d lx-lore any ono had r<,cov 1I"body bnt Paul t'ry, the plU'tot. wbo work II1tO tho tire an II" rl!l1lr on tb o ll oor cre.1 proaeuoe olmwd to removo roily I,n.l heard every word, und 81ru-t1ed PoUy Ilud 017/ her "J!l8 Ollt , but" I",t would froOl II r r 8til1e' plnoo ou IllS bosolU ,lrM(l(nUy th3t 8&IDe evell1Dg by cnllwg Aunt D obby Stly 10 811eh ,IOtllgR 1 All ' Goot! ~lou81 Polly's fatol< Lli IIutlludllenly at the supper table... Hillo I if tho Aunt DehhyR COld" l.lOk OOIlI'IIt1; onpol SIIIIY ]JrOlvu ... nlll qmck sornc 1'0Uy. n vor IlllIld I J10ver mwd I novor tbe RmfllOL' uftolltllll(S \I hllt.ill u plift body 8.l1J fo~h Rome water" • mw~l.1 Poor Polly I Pretty Polly I don 't mg ar hlLll.is ao.l .) us :.oILl.1 bU.. pm..:... 'fll~ fiU' ls hnd rnlJI 0.1 hy this time "od ory! to b e 8ure I Dnt Auut D ahhl • Ret "l' , orOlvded ronnd Polly hko boo8 ronnd a Howovor. nOlther Uudo SilAs u or b er h ool Dudllll'Lrb......I• •md. getting mto QnlOns bed ID 8JlMUg. I\Ild she WIllI IlJ .\uot Dobby p.uu tho lOIl8trogfU'd to PlInl I'lniu 6lUliug, sit TI mllrk, cl how qUlIlt dllnger nr being killp.J by killlln088, wbon Pry's rather per80lIru und shgbtly Imper every oue WAA TillS .iwll.ing no ro Simsoll JlroWll rmlb,,<1 \1~) WIth II cap fllLl tinont r eml rlts; hut they wRlle Pol1,I1O sl>on80. sho llf'J<t !I1IPJ:lO~••l it "ould bo of lOY Wilt..\!' nntl .lnllll",llt HI,,!, UI Polly 8 norvous W1tll dread of w)lI\t he trught late boforo Johu goL hOlUU , tb ' J1 Polly fflCO Thnt woke hor IIp UI a hurry- she MY uen that sbe oould 1I0t eat, and l18keel wber John \\'1181 gus"e.!. op,,"od her eyCl!. I\Dd !IOO1Og the thereby attracted Aunt Dobby's nttentioo •• He 8 gouo to DtlIu~) n Brown 8 to core group of Iflght.mt>d fUOO8 about b er. to hereeJf. mooLm·. Suneon oum luong tllll! nrtl r n~kud .. WlIHt'8 tho nUltterl" Poor .. Be yon Mck, ohild' You clon't!lOOm noon and gm him notlet' I tJl.lJlk,oll tl PoUy I Rhu kuew lmmedll\tcly wbat th to have DO appctito, and your CIIOO 18 red A better ~ t'dlt too. P olly, YOll don t I!Cem matoor WllIJ-fIho boo mad "fool of her 118 • tHlet t.hla mmute. I do bope to port, there's uutbiu lIko a bIt o· com 'll- twd llOW Ilverybody would know 8~ you am't tfOIDg to be took pany \.(1 liv n young rolks up. or oLel that sb WII8 t.n love with JOhn-With down WIth lever BiDioti Brown ays 11. one8 Olther .. Allee llrowo's love~b , dear l-and to III drelful bad over to Roob....y." PoUy did uot My n.Uythlllg. hilt A paug mend IlI8ttorB PoUy ~n to lIlY. "Pollv's cheeb III aUus like pmk hoI IIbot throllgh h. r l.eart lind 8h wlUlteLl But where 18 John r Polly cannot _ lyboob. f' CIIIld Uoele SiJu. WIth. glance to ery womo tllll~\ >(l Whllt oould Bli him anywhere Polly'1! 116_ bad not of atreotionato admiraaon lD Polly'. (U berf (:Ome book fulJy It I!OOIJIB, for she did Ullole HillUl hlld LIS [lIlJJIlr dowll I\Dd Dot know thllt ;.be 1fIIII repolllllg qwto roction. II Some lollanlClmlre to IIOCl red cbecks, C88t 11 shrewd gUU1ce at Polly ovor bIB oomfol1ablr. III JOhn'8 IIl'IDII. .. Don" lind then agrun !!Ome doecm·t. Thore s glaasos, thou 11 IDw~d I\llU /loUd "Moth cry.' Pol.Iy. • aaad that IIndaci01lll youth Alice Brown. now, ahe am" got 110 more er. do you thlIlk It.!J the 6l\lglD' und hiiDlIIllt 88 be khIaed her on the moa&b oolor Aor .. etattoo bn~ mOCJt follul '1011'8 nuthin' 1so that takelC onr J olIn to Dca. 118 bold 18 b - . or, .. 8U111 Brown . .d' IIbe'lI dre1ful~ tbaL ),Ol1DlJ1&lllter ooll Brown'!l1lO often of an 8VIlJIlU"" afte~ "JUII~ IloII if Poll)' hadbecin chap from York wea' allUII .. dJ'aWUl· of .. Why, wbat RhOlUd It bol You don t a bah1 UId John bad been her mother ," her picter. For my part, I think roU th10k II '11 1I0uor • "JnVlolLOI1.' do yon' tbt'D tumiD« to t"lukMen "eee~! cbeeb I~ healthy· ... and Annt l>ebby I lIbonhln t wondC)r. though. DOW tha~ I'm Il0l118 toillb Polly home DOW, and IJtirred ber *- meditatively YOII mcntioll It. If ho WIllI. Them's po_ 1On'd beet be spI'J if yon mean to keep "Alice Broe iIUI't no more to be com ertul IIIU'1DO'08 Il/'!IOD Hammond's CbriIltiDaa an thie yeN." Ana pared to our Polly for looka DOr Lbem been preech.in lawly-mOlit eDoag~ to WIth that he Polly np IIIId carbleeched potMo-fJprouta down oeUar III wake the der.d, 'speCially an Lbe gravetl n.d bar oft
.. ,V
~()~I I'HO I)Y 1111:1'8
w nl tab» For two 11t~YH portioll8 of tbo ClQ(}avOl'OWl Ill'I\Y woro gmdually removed by reJaChulDs, to ihllllLrO No N4N W1th ah avere.ge anlCUU' of tivlill, brrngwg full 8iz co.tJJ.ns for II lUIy abll8Cl8 Ul th I\(lmulIstrntion lIud 8wII'Ie luob. anel bavlUg It onrofl1l1v IlOWlI eel! pQ88C 19n nefl(l be Wltbout an umCllbo n of til c\lQIj wg lows off< tlilg up Ul JlDOU boloro coll$lJllIllg it to lta brella on II. I:l\luy llny All he bPs ~ do WIlAT 1IClU1IC Rill} til m URIl1(l IIrt!! th08 brrutchOil or til I?llbhc I!IlI'VlOO Ia6t ell()!osure Theil the ~(/O !rid tta IS to swp 111" to tho tlrst stranger he lI8OII hnvo .luuO) fu r II ", w~'rh1·. noJm"Il' Ill( III Senlltor DOni y hM mtroo\lood n bill O\VU If Beg IeIIdlwhile some thirty persoua, carry10g n good 0110, ruIIl My III oowlort umy hi [,\Untiy gtll l!I« <I froUl \l1\loh WIU 80tUe the w1101e controvflray not wboUy killed b,f tho oxploeloo, were pardou, Sir. I beli6vll YOll nave my umUle 8U.nil'y or IL I\ O/,k'EI work at ti w 1111\11 I Ol(ltrdwg thn ArkAnllM Hot Spr10Bs liVlU8 1Il an IDlpl'OnaeclhOBplt!\l 1I0t flU" bl'olln ,. '!'ho ohlUlces are ten to ono lun Innn/; CIt y of IhrlDlngllllDl 111 .. 11(' lllo ))ropt'.rty blUl been lU libgation for f)'OlD the 8OOU(I, fin nDlIl!OOrtained lIumber thnt t.I10 fellow ,riJJ .. tanun~ oul an 11.,,11111 rCHl ull! n1'o tho 11II1lkmg amOllll' .lUlI r 0 or fir y yellt'8, and the Colut of OlAims of oth~r lIuJJ'erere bllYUlg been .recolvod ogyaud Illlulllt o· r thlU g8, (II 11.000.000 pen8. IJ.OOO lx .1 hilS reOOlltly docleled It to be A govern 1ll pnvate houl!Cl8 A POJ.(QIllMAN WIl8 Y08terda,. ClIICorfiIlg II there wn8 any Slell\I A. 7. 00 g Ull.!!. 300.000 000 0111 llILlI~. l lU ~nt r eservntiOlJ Do~y II bill pro thlDg CIIlouiuted 10 roud r tb ~ ctI! of a ClIUZEln W1tlJ hill head bound 'Up to &he. 100.000.000 buttUUfl, 1.000 81\<1111011. ii. Vltlefl tllnt the Sprmg& themllehlo& and the oote8trol'he moro applilliDg, It WIllI Centml Statloul when a kini,l-heN1ed 000.000 eop)lC'r or bt1)m: oomA, 20 000 the park 11l whioh they are flItooted bo that the loftietion 18 oonftned to oompnr- JDfUll18k "Pnsonjll', wlmh did you plllrtl 0) ( lip otA ICil. alll tons of )ltlpnr r rrYI r ij"~ "Plll't tor Uie benellt 01 thl1 atively fow families Whole families, do Y" "MadeaN w Year's oaU." ... mlloho Wllr ,lIlor thlln .£110.000 II " rlll pubhe untllU' the oootrol of the Surgeon havmg gone to 1!06 theU' relativOll oJl'. the nnsw r •• Dut tiow-wlult-'Why--I of lowelrJ, i,(lOD Illll(lj~ o( U'oo lUll. " I Goul'rru of tllU army. aud that tbe pro were Irilled &nil wIJundetl. A tor- don t wlClor8t.nnd,' saId the olbzeJl_ "I \VITO t u tous of pID~~ flve tollS of hRlr pn tors of both hOUllCl! supplied With nble 108tnuce 18 that of Mr. Etmer, 11o," r O(lUoo t.he pnsoner-" I called a PlUlIl\1ltl hClOks IUIJ eyes, I SO.OOO gr,)flfl \VII r froOl th Sprlllgll bo _B8ed 11 who ~th 011 hiB nMre"t nud de&l'tll!t ac- man n Iior "-D trolt Free Pr~'. of wood IIOr ew8, 500 tous or IIIl l1! mil l I uomllllu rcutlll. 81llIloi nt to keep the oompllDled b18 oldest 80n to the boat to A WOJ.L\lf onlled on the ChIef 01 .Polioo 8Crow uoll>! nUll fl pikeJl, IHt) tllll A •,f )lr ItIl8 6 III order The bill proVJdes WlfIb him God-l!pCl6d ou tiBJ departnrefor Frlrlay and wed if It wer true, &IJ abe wr.~u gh l lroll Illugea, 860 llIilefl lellgl" I thnt nil the Ja.U tl be apllrfUaed by a com the Weab IndiOS Tbe lather. th elder hnd hlllU'd. tlmt the pohoo meant to proo( WilX for lUlltch<lfl. ! ,rty to n~ of rdlu o I IUllle or tbr pOl'flOns, nClther ql wbom and youngor !!Oil. ooe 80nlll Jaw. the bilnt ml\l\ked bII.1ll in tOO future. " 1 _ Ill. bd, fll ty tuliA uf (kl Ullll1 HI t. o.r lOO 81mB bo a CItizen of ArkanllM. or In any brother of 1llI0ther 80n m-Ial., Md a 000 tell YOUllotbing dednite," ~ ,loz. II of r"Utlers, 3.000 bd lu\\ 8 IUld DO \\,By HltercsOO<l, and sold at til IIppl'l\iBed OOUBlll arQ ueDAl The motbor bl\8 land the CWot II Well, I hope you wou't," tous of urll88 llIlol copper W(U'(Ift "UUll. tho olaimanl.8 to lmve the dret op her ann broken ODe at the uBughoors she oontinu d .. 111 hWlband WIllI l'ortumty to pnrohU8C hII8~Wlt lost her rtght hrulel, anolber d down seven tunea Iltl the bIIIl a Dl n IIlmplo m!'thod. 1I0\\' much 1111(.1 Stl1ntor D Ol1l6Y rullO hllll1\ bill III refer dau lter 18 wounded 10 tbe fl106. hnudB knock week ago, IlIld you ought to _ how UhrlJIH1. tho llIIlOr 100m te r of tire" once to the opOlllIlg of thc Indian T m and egII, a tbir(l daughter is wounuAd m ffOOtland kind he hall been to the wholo whic h hn' 0 boon IWdlllf enJlU'god b,) t11t1 tory ttl settle meut an 01 "hioh hR8 booo the arm , while 'the Ill.!!t.er of 0110 of the fnruily ever IIlDCle "-.Frot) PrUII. barnrntll or tbo roila 1& rOOlll1" .1 WIllI "ppruvtJ<.1 tho' wllOle COllgre8810nnJ SOilS III law hatl 11 l' III 00 O\J\'ll oft 'l 'u 'gnu jatuUtJ ot pleoqure 18 cIIIIIOd ellBO lila tiro 18 lJi ted f.o n redu AA t!ult.gntlllU f rom th 8ouUI\west Tbe Tllllt /!OU lU Inw whoee brothor 18 dood 111 and tllfUl ph1Og> d hOl1lzohtaUy. but oul, hili provuI"M for a Terntorull govern tembly Inoemtcd Ul the abdomen ThiS Jost 118 VlgOl'Oualy by tbe blnckB tmlD to balf 1111 brol\(ltb, III water, wll re It IR LUont ,nth the right uf fmuchiso 8OOurod 18 tue worst 01180, bllt othore mlght he more SO ilil\D it 18 by l~e white.. as ~t n tbe IolloWlllg conversation. I'in& I rt nnlll (Jlnw cold Thl.!! Opct'l\tiOll IS to all'llI vlhzed Indllllll!. antI to nll p " r- OIted hardly IC8B m lancboly The (IX ri'punt..1 lit the 81lmo P08lltOlJ , untl /uler BODS legally entitled to settlemont III tho plO!llOn WIllI bOftrel for lDIUly milOil nrorwd Slov IIJy ColorocJ Foroal~ ' O,~ Y.QU old 'vnrd th() tU'e I~ turued o>er, twd the NatlOos The tl.iatlDgmsluug leatur 01 It 18 nflIrmod t.hata low. mlltt.enng n 0180 pennmmon bear!' SecondS. \J F.,4>ieothplIttDf.,'" 11001 ,plung 8 Ilp~lied to ti m the bill 10,1 that It pooVldcll for the dlVlB penetrated to tll very euvU'OD8 of Hnm wg apllnful of dish....tel. "hloh iIeiGea on tile !I1,uewalk-"I'slatediamaWlWl·." otbel balf 111e flret oooliug l,rodnoos / I , n of all tho hmll Il(1unlly nmoug tho In btug" FlL'IIt S 0 F - " How date ,,, ae.oad R contraction, of willob the pIIrl not 1m UII I08. only 81Ylllg ilio hemlu of famlll ll8 S C F-uOvablJlepmyael~"'" \ Baby'S l!IoIIIOfJUY. mtJrllOd PIlrt.uJ;.08. nud tbua unuergo R a 160 Iwros OIoro tlmn IIlllglo p reons, flUd molocnlnr retrllotiou, rt1I.\nltllJR 1ll "ra proV1dUlg thllt 160 oorr8 of laud gnon I am horo And if this 18 what tboy I;; 0 ]i' - " Dey 8 'p~lity' nar. tibJl'O' The Bumo to Mcb IndIan ClIllnot be wlOullted for cull the world. I dou'~ thmk much of h0l161l 1118' llIght." Booond 8. O. P.tlllOtiOU of the dirunetcr It'e QMitJl"e n.'ct III procll1ced III tbe otbor lll\\f .Im h H uty .)ElMH It. It·s a "1llY Baullolly worM. I\Dd smellR " Yus- dunoo .. 1I1 ~ tho ", coud op€mti,m lu tll18 wa) , - - - ----of ' par gorlU nwttilly It'll 1\ ili_Uu.l J rJICrllal • It III Mil l II tir bl\8 beiOll rooluCI'd ROven Dutch CUllnhlg. ligbt worM, to0tJ\!ld IlIJl.kcIl me blink. I Unit", 111 1'1')5 IIno1 four ImruerelOIo8 ,vlll Holland 18 10 grCl~t W1UIt oC good sol ttllJ y~ AlId ((on't Inlol~ whnt to do ny tllO metho.1 Lilert! to till np Ita army III tho uJ01ll0ll. with m~ bnndll I tllink I'il dJg my tlsUl douhl Ul l ahrlJlkngt\ til r. \1111",,1 ( 0111 rlllg of Boo&lmor steel ylll I~ .10011 not Ilko to 1!Il1ld tlut Iluyo! lUI 10 Illy ejl ~ e No, I wou·1;. I II IIOMlbbls "Incb 111\<1 UCtlll great y I'nlo.rgt,<l b) Ih" tO il 11 Il\JIUI populatlOll, bR\lng 1I0t'<I of nil lit tho corD r of my blank t-lIIId chew hUlDme I II Il.!I glV U t.he d ired rliJUn ter at hllme. nut 0- flllfUlY 18 teflJIllllg w1Lh tIP. nulilheu I U boller, wlmwver haph,7 hootl ug nnrl IInm C81ug thirteen 811D- 1\ superfluous popuhtton. (mil th o Dutch PCU8. I 11 hoUer And the more pare( l { " ' " H' tilllllll--firHt t.he Klde whl 11 " 'M prflf. r GnrmtW rocnuUo. while the ro- Konc tlJey give m ,th louder 1'lJ yoll oon tn1ole ol, I1l1d lIfterward tbnt wlnci! \,01 lR ()f the Huro tlCllth that Ilwuitll thrlll Tbat old UllfIIO PI" tho spoon in the oor hilt! h. uume (Ill lI.rged Th corrt'ob ou "" I he IS!lllhili of llOfllCO. Jllva aml Sum lIor of my mouth t.n a very nnoaay way. ILI1l0unt('tl to netU"ly (ollr thchOll lt1 Itm Imvo rnther .\lBOOIU'RfJe<l tb Gcr- I\Dd keeps tll8tillg my ruilk h raoll nlI the Sbe BPlit liuuJl' in It laIlt Dlght, --------,...-mllUM utili tbey refu8e to beoome Dlltch whil CO UNT ANnJl.MlSI'S plai rur tI.. e !l<ltUo ro,>u for JlOIItilllUOO 'fo ~Clt them. nov Bnd. wh II I boU rOO. troUied mo 'ihnt oome of beIng 11 two dny.old baby, m('nt of "frult'll III the ObTl8tuul )lrOV erthd • HoUllnd l8 8011diug out yonng tllCf'M of Turk"y hn.. been npprovl'll uJ bm;uOL 1111\1(1011>1 1\8 recnutin8 Ilgonllt, Tiler's 3 pllllltiok.ing III mo now, (I.1ld jf Rl188I11, anti prouably ,rill w b, tho who mduoo 8U\lwart l'entoull to elope I RAy a word abll1lt It, I'll be trotted 9t ot.hor gll3nUlwelllg P' wore lilt II! put '111.11 them. and when caulfM ou Dlltoh r. 1, an d I ...u1d I'I\ther hav ontuip ~ BaulllNBR'S MOllTHLY argtltlll that. &be lilt" ..0'001.. It will 11IDount to the clo WJ'flt.ory thfly are 10roec1 Into !.be firmy I'll teU you who I am I fOlwd out to- rrloc nr books preHOJl~ lin auoDw'y 1Il HtructlOlJ of rurkiHh !IUproWIIOY north or Wltl.IOIIL (wromouy Ouo of tblJ80 IDllJd- day. I board rolkllllBY... HIII!h I don't bUl!!uulKIl UsURIly the pnoo <;II II book the Dalklw MOllntniJJl8. Tho proVUI CUll \VM IlItely fW'OIlWti by tho Pm@IJUUls. wue up Emelino's baby," and I SMP- dop ndll entirely op'on tlJo ClOIIt of ~, 1U0 to havo n1J1lOllt oowplelo 10001 solC ruul It WI\8 III!OOrtniul.'<i tlu,t 111 Wt!8 thlw IItI8e that prott wWto-fooed ",omWl OVl1r prmtlog and bt.nwng. 'bo tnlahiCllll 01 go~onlm!'llt. voting and nU8IlIg 1.11 IT til 0 llld!iiliA IIh hn<l" 10ptJ(1..nth tweu on thefillllw IB Em line llUV~ MlllbugJor l1li moch ... pbiloaopbi owu t;u 8. nnll Illmply 88lIWlIg n gro!I8 ty thre Gormanl!, Ih e of whom w\lre NO WII8 IllIKhUteo. for. olmp WI\8 IU wi I k8 An extra pnoo on a work I\Dlltll41 tnilute to Oonlltimtiunplo Sui)- !!OllIlt N, WIlO. froUl Lltt If love of tho gtrl. here 181. now, 1lI};1 WIlDt.e<i to sec Bob H lljlp',nhug ollly to a miill cUlM hi nat for 8bwtWly tbilI samc arratIROIIl@t hM ooJ1lw:nkd to booome d rters" 'l'hnt Wby. and looked at mo anI} Eaul. .. I th m\ro ~ the 3UthOr. llll' tc> ""8 the rl!8n.1ted 1Il tho pracitical lIltDPcmdeu womlUl mlluo II IIll rocnuting WII8 to fllllny httl t.oII(l. all\l looked Just pllbllith r from 10M. f' In,. tho IJOldeu of E,ypt and BOtUllIuua. It WIll VI 118 ot. t like Bob!' H o smelt or tllgtll8. I '\1 on ag of • autbozabip." 8IIl'! Ute Wri ... dcnily have t.b.i8 re&nlt lD ill _ of ~-- - - der who c)ae I belong to. YOII, there'. "the tUllonn~of lUI author II roftlb wU1 be tho ~rovmoee which are now wholly or t,jenDtu Ceu... anot.hor on_that .. GammL" .. It W1I8 prIDtotl OD tbe tiLl.. PfI!ilp of hfa ~ part.i!6lJ.y In revol.. ~'he adoption of tho ~ Otlrman 001ll!tl8 ..... takCUl 011 the gamma 8 baby. so It WII8" I decJa.rt'. I ITo CliUI nsk tho pqbfiOlo r.-r 1Iia.e1l' pJa.u Wl>n!d f.OItpoDO tbe day when th l~bf Deocm.ber. aud 10m of the rfIIulllJ, do not know who I bnlolJg to. but I'll IllS rQYluty wlmt he-"ru. ADd U...~_ ~ Turk ia DIIII1I7 dnveD IIlIroIIB t.be Boa- BubJect to furt.llor v mllOlt.ion. have hoUor, a.nel maybe I'll finil out. Thuro Iic W1jJ no~ P"1 L~ his pdOc!, uw_ _ phonlll and 011& of Bu"MMJ, but would oocm pnbllilhed. It .ppean that IIlIlCO oomElll Snuffy With ....,ip too.. I'm g'Oulg Utlllk bowg prada d IUId 801t} l!1 ... IIIAI1U'ft at occe and wi tItWxd war *be do- 18'n 1Ierlln has illOnlMed 14' 7 pet cent. to IIIO/;lp I wondB. why m.y hanc.18 wou't pI,blil\hor lit regolar ~&be au~ lDeranoe of the ~tI.D pnwluCM from numbering !1M, 1M inhabitanta, Ham go ",hClftl I.-ni them to '-.&vutarlan. IUld not tho pnbliallM. will be to n,.'(11I00 the pnce by ~&be ,oke of TurIiMh NIiI. II that ill blll'g h... 885'859~~ Of 18 88 reynlty •__~____~~b8.l'l'lA'l'll Vanderbilt, -wonld puled, \be world C!aIJl ~ to for per eenf, Breela ,8118, an me.the reet. of 15. per oen~ , . .~ .118 eufIIce t AlnIId.." t.he ~.~ .'_ow •• TRwJ: "fUll! ~ eI .. a.aAyMerper oeld, 000, or ll. 7 per BnlraIo to v~i1iici;;; ,day. 1II'h(>u ODe man Mid • 'trW ...... eeot, Kow/pt-s. lJt,]~. or .ne.rly 10 tr.llin8 the Canada Dad JlUI IMt wont.t' tHe per OMIt, DJ'totIden. '1011,871.. or 19 per tral. the VmderbiU mteruBt 11M cont, F~~ 108.291, 01' 18 per po .IOU of the nnlbU.bed Oabatla OMIt. 8tutqlard. 10'1,~. or 17' per ijo~ route. and P~w oomplet4l ingnod 'There... ...... , _t, anIlSt.rMbaJg, N,26'1, an m _ Il, aad _ to furnJah ItiIelI Wlth. third .Be ... III bnaiD-.' "-.oPM1 *iDS to _ bow. Ltllld8, ClniID8 lUlU
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('o n\;l.: 'l::\I'III'" .. I 1!1l' ,Iillll'idatl'u III1 Il Hl'lla "n'a . .\ I B1' l'1'l l' ~E1t. . l , il·l'l' lo.!"1I (:r~.allll"l'~ tv liH' I: ' til, t ' lI~ \II '!' "1!'iVll lauglttl.r. '" .11,Jw, Fuo.~, 1 ~7ij I~ - Til · t 1'1"11('0 li t' g".,1 Il,I1 " W, I'il-!h t Will' ; I\II.! IIt~· w it. havI' illl ill).!; tlt i \V ,I ~ :tl tllCl' 111 1', "l ll l1y , • • , ,\ ke "lIl lt. Illlldl' 'h ., 1·lt·11 lIlI t i ll l l·lIi!!,' ·ll l 1't'allzati,)II f l ill'ir 1\ h l'I" " Yur ~It ?" by ) Ir. J olnl Petition for a Free Turnpike. en l1 la~ 1 S utll l'l!.I.I· . 1 III ' T) lIle i I CO· l v,,,'lie I. 10 ''''by 1(1. II . Ih llt 1\ l" t ltwn ,I "l'U k Ill'. ". 1111 1 I 1Ie ' II(' P~ ll d UlIl· · ..' \ 'r ll)' 'V I' , l I ~ 'u - ~I i" ~I I" El>1 ;:ht L . I~ k('1 1111 ', "1 '''11 lit· Ll i\ illc 1\' WI:I', amI tll ih t lltll U' t Ill I! Wt IlJUl il' lb ly J lie. ",1II1.., 1" '~'lI looJ 1" .1100 \loArd ,:,f '1I1"' ~"' 1 . I t I' I t l' I 1 'I I t .. I n ar ,. ,I f \V llrn' ll (lIu nh'. O h ltl , 1\\ \ h (llr OIllU8T' AI'I HUlle n - E M"r' J 11 n .101 . l" II ~ 'l l1 a ll III 1.1\ , I IIJ't' " , a ll j'l I ~II ·\\ CI' t. It' l ', utlt/l ill aliI " 1\ (;:~ I nc \\,.\11. p r I' . 1.t'1U 1II 11~t n~.tr~"u!nt ~_."!m . ill MII,,·h. 1·7U. prllY' 1 Pl~()l~ l'l'~ Paator , Dh·inc !iCr\ ire lin t.1i(" t""f"'t 1111 I 1':1 da ll . l"\I I" ~1 I l~ ' .1 1" "11111 11:111." - nrr"lIll t! Il1 l' lI l , nl' Ih.t la ll ,! h,1 II" and 81t! 1!- I'l ltL\l l~ 81'011(1 1"1' lh~ "'" 1 . • \III Iy ('on1l" i •• I. 'n .... 1o "l" \. .\ U ._ , ~ \0 Third I-ord'&-dey in .... rl, m llnlh J A'rlt'. - :'I[ i~5 <::ll h ~' Uru 111111 Ira. 1.\":11' y,'t I'$t. Th o Hihlu :I'y~, ' 1 1'111 III ~ h' PI l' lI il1{!, " ''1'h (1 Litt le U 'I' 1~ 1I1t '''Inlll! ~'"'' '''' '" lA , I ~,' (011 1 IIn ,1 O"t" h· 1 . ., ~h I at 9 0'0101 k , " " c r y 'rl1'. ,I,., l ' ..1" J " ~1I P'g IJy J v IIII 1\11 d It,h l llrnpOhiu, lk R"I"I a~our,ll\u ' . • t .orumg. t , ,I' 1,,'lil t U ll'llll, J ):I I I'" {'1.1I111}, t , g'1' 1I 11 y. 111 \ ' " 1II 'I·l· \,. all d II'U I k 11 11 111 ' 1 ~1:t1l ,: wlt.h,.IhFrl'" o Law'f,f p.......'''\III nud took ""f. .IS my III Itl I. 1 •11IU!lIu. 1 k '111' 11g II I'II II l'IlI lll) f C\ l'r.l't l1I11P; pu rt:UDlng • I l ,l . 1~ l lh Y" "1 U,.d: l.... U/l8// is 1I1lt t-i a lll l ilylor, \NJtl>i.e - H"g 1'8 utl d f.'O t M .. rclo OO th. urn,. a,," nil LuW O lll'll1 . Itoth unHi n o~s. FAll."ltRtt' ORANO I':. N u 1!1. P ll t rH n .. ,.f I 'II ~' n It\ otllth II I t il 0 , llu~ blLnd ry ; W illium ''1It' Il ..\f .l~tI' r M . • , - :'II i~~ 1.('''11111'11 H III',].IJ " I' E llz . : '1;:1"11. AI'II l o! h",l,till~, ~' .:i- Haff\' l rvill. e ca ll 1I 0 t ~i v ' lII e nl . 1 fttld lllll~tl{htl03' lll,'r to, on th o il)l· IOl·rl·llg DOIIC lo Oddfc llo .... ' H . II un th l' "~, .. !l.t R.,lur. " Pr.o~p.tIY r it h ' r ' j Iv be :;;~'::'~n~I:~n~l!IIIt'.:\~~': loctwc",n I,a fullo w· C ) _ of oaoli month. at 7 o·cl ••,k I' m • 11 .. " " II II,; a ltl'll l l l l\l"" l, >., i 1'1_1 1,";; :'Il l'. 1: j t'l:!ltl,illf.\J/IS ... . l, rl' I"'Il JIII),: t'" :lI l' 1111 ) ill ir id Ol 111 ,,'l' "I' Iy thall y" u,' 1I 1' 1 ~ h bur ti l'l'r" IJIllUlU it Udt bu scen. au ll n ('l(iu lI ' lJlf ot 1\ p<>illt iu th., W n\·n" ... ill" 'oqrt.la S8turd y of cuoh Ipun t h HI :l ,.... I" k U. lIn 'c th i WI.'l k _ M G l" . C hl'IJ ,' W\,1 II I ... II It, I III' ;; IIPl h'~ 'II t v pu ·M',. a ~ 011 ' 1!l'0 1l it wo\)'t Olltiily bu rU I'j~() t . &. .\\, i i ml n~ ...:n l'u r lll'iku " "8r o.r 8l"r·~ ' l'OI.lk ~ ST. MARY'S P . E . Ou liCit urn.' r "r , I . . Il'C 1fb I " t ,I 'f I tl ' I , J"t Imd!lQ. r u .. II U'K til u,·o U\, th o r,,('~ HII,I with If!!) T haJ Ulhl Aliluu i Str l!~ t'" '.I'tl R ,·v J uhn "e' I " 1\ l' l ' lI eo,; u~ Y" II I" ~I. I . 1\110, I. I ' \, Ull n o ~v ll", lill" nl till' r"," llelldi nlt rr"111 11 " rVIlYij· IJ. .1::11'. Hoolc'r. D inn o ~ n ' to fi t .. " I .. d 11U W n 's, J ing ill l'ill l ' \" 111 11 ):0, ,"' n '''; d .. ,, 't hl' 1'11 :1 1'1'1'1':-. It 'l\\ 1· Illu k C't:1 IItI!) chI' 110101' g l"d h ' I h .. r " tll ll. or \\ i.. & TO W n ah im o." F1' 'I ~~~~~~~~~'7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! n.1h r \· n l~. Un d tlY·Ht hw l at U n. ro . eVen \ u .. pi!.,·, l~1 wh r. \lil r,',lIl i"l r r" "' I_ tl... ~ l CDd,y . y n l'I'l' ll ( tWll t.,·, I n di all :l . ill~ d l't'\';,I:(.~ Ill' lell l lo,ci ub i s . d "II 't 11111' ,'fli lu\1' IS 10 oy .F lan k -ru rn '~1J ~ ~ ~1r. U l"IJ ~(' I I..ll kl· ill at{' '' I 'I '''II"ltUIlIc, lt' ' c''lIl~'' ·ltd,,1 b d ll'l! l,"iJ uller ul d ir I "" 1· . • 1l"" tv ron.IIClIdl " ~ h I lI. ",,, .. t h o fT .. r~ V.\I. I . I~ Y PIl RnRKI' IN Al<I .IN ~II' 1' I S' 1 II I (II 1 0 1' I I . ' " u 111 .L IlI III . I\,UI k,,), R un . th",,,, with . ·tI " <1,,1 In.t 111. " 0 .., " - . " '\l ni ~ r fl'l' t.. n f'ar )l llin DUlin ...· H'f\' it J >~l' III . II I III.. dOl , II I l i l ' ' I ' 111\' 11 . h il I,.. tl", ...· I ' a t i m l' 1'' '1' all Chl\I'lll1 l1g, us ~fI';, Il I11V. " dhl! IO'·"li" .. ".1 t" 11", .·n .... ly 1'0 11111 It'IHIi,, ,,, fr M . ,. Uh lli e 8 at ur dltl \)t.fn r ", 1h fl!ll 'Ind RUIIJ1 " WIl! I'l llllttll ~ , "dlll li! .. 111\' I llIII'. l itll ig' . ti ",,'1 hl• t; .rl l l·1 lIu li ll t il)OY j{ ""' 1" l!\llI g tilC Dig ' 1I I1 fhm'l'r l llo' w"~·,,,., Il I, . • · \\' l l lIIllIo.:t 'n T "l'npik e 1n eaoh mont h. At 2 u ' t ttl, k, 1&1t1..1 o n thL''''' I' II HIII Ball.! 11 (' r~ l.ll'•• •h., ·, MIII . ,," N ~w n .,lt " ""r.,. '''·" r - :l! r.:ll , d .\ 1\ . , 1, 1111 \ \' '':1',,11.01 .""111' Illl,! :":I " I' I',nll/" y 11 It TIt~ IlIh llh ' and t\nd 4th "lIutlny •• II ill .111.1 4. \J" ·I",k ~! ' I I ' . . . t11l1 11\ \I U t1l ,) ( I nrl(t'Y I1l1n, IU III !Iwrlt h l 1:1 1111 "",,"t\', IH" 'l ' " \'1,1 1, 11:,:; 11111', Wid ill 1·1. " '1'" 11 11l' 1 \'1' 11 HI ' l ll' ru u ~ I ' ~(1~'()l' td, ull d ,/ ClJllro..' 0,"1 .• >r ... lIenr 110,' IlhWI~I I " ..' ril •• ,1 rn l\ l~ 1 \\I1tyne &. lh 10 T"\\" II ~h il' n 't"r lll' ,\ :»rotoot.h·o CQntl'tl.u y m eets un t h t: Jet ~n1111 ~ ,\J I'. J :ll'ub U ;1111lo 11, .1111110 1·1"l''': 1\"'ldoi "11 1'.1":' 11 """11'> J11~t i,l l\' , r ' l ,cat~d, t,) tho great delig ht u f "'11 1(110,1 rO·I· l u I.. b'· pr.,,·t ,"ltI), I"'" " 'rl doli,. ill ennb lU onlh , ut 2. u'clfl" k l' m . lh - . 11,. I'. h l 'd I']' " \ ~"I" h l'l I II.· ' d 'l'ILt! Itt .1' ul t IJlII l,('i," Iltc :ltJd l 'IICC' A ltol this Ca lli l' t ill: Fob. 2. I 7\1 " l'ETt T[():O;EU. ordor or the o"mp ' n" . t . 1I1Ir t;,o",k . [', e. l:utJ l. F.,il l ic\I". 1.1 , 1 ~'l'l'k, t.. .'tI l ' :\ 111'1 "<1 l ' oi,,·i ... 1 I , ;;" .. 1 f.• , I'il:c ' H"'Jlu t() • Lot,· by io'l'Il uk ,.-- - - --'- ---. id lit. R. 1'. OUII.". s.-",..,l..ry. FIIIII1' BILI... , T (l'-t' will ) hurd, ill A IIIII~ U:lIt,,"l'k I· I :; .-1':"11', ti7 t il l' ,:1I." !.ltt r'Il ' I'c'" lL 111' '1" ' 1' Gl llll hcl' l il lol -1( ,y IIIIU S ;\III Petition for a Free Turnplke.l e: W uyne - or vio h. ·lrI IIIc firbL ",,,I Ihlr,1 nc r 's . tl lI l ' 1.,1' 1' 1 "" rlml ; ,llI d lIut (,l l ..' I·Y T llyl 1'. Thi tl WII~ \l'ell UUIIO N ullo '" 1I01'1.h "i " ' 11 tl",t 'L l '. LIl IrIIi ·In Snbbll lh or p.lld , u' Qu t h li t 10 .• A M II l1 d j VIH' i.. l' lItil :l'd I , I ll" Oli l' CI' I'l' F-,''(('h 01' tllOS I I"'. .. t L1 1'8 IICl. llI,1'tt e"; ~"ll b 1" ~~ll tt'll t" tho BellinI of OOllum... - (" ' ll-, III J tte .b, lI:h "ltl' t hJlll1; . u h)Ucr. uf 'V urrcll Oll ullly . Oh io, III th. i, JI. M. U .(> y. J . A , uUA'JIl, (tf - UlnTII.hr" t,' 1 A) , . ' l l·"~,, r ; \' 0 111' 1,11'11 l. . an-' II.~ l l lIll tiIlOU h lnl::lc lt Il ll)tjl. · <lrl'utlllu ly. .10 I"lllk II x t 1"!lUlllr tlC<-lI " ' II . III ) r,ort·h. 11l'11. pmy . ., Fa_lor All nr ""rdi nl!y inv ited til "ltJ.·.,,1 fOI a c UI'Y of ·l h · !Jill II" l a Jttl., I'd. W . t~mn.J it VCI' \, i II .i"d~I· llI tlll r II llh,t L,u ), ,,111' ~llI d e a G.t! Itlh l' a~ th~ I ud~l' I' AI il to n 'n" I.ho ~.l id (")tll m i""i""" r" til appoin t O, lIn' .. t I I . I l' J .11 d ' ) JIl1 1'.... OIl I·rlll t.n Iny (l ut a nd cstubhl-h a l·'r u.' Obituary. le r ' till~- I .nl' tiC: I1 I:1 r1~· t ilc lI atiyu II \\ II,)I Ie I' .' ''11 I" ' Ill' l il t llll II HII \l'~ ~ II:! I lI'u U y. an u a~1l Taylur 'I'''r1Il'lktl R UIIII. ill n ...." rdlllle wll h 110, I 111 "d \' ' Itl·l' ml.'ll t ~. "',ll' d .111111' 1'l·1 gl" ll I'l'I·lillg nll t! 1\ lite ·Cf\'llllt. Mdt. Kc)s 1101' L .II,·.of Oll io)'I',,~e(l llUd to"k utT" " ~ M l rch l Q) AN OTI1ElC PATRIArtCII G " N K. t· ~ I' I' I I" I JI'I'. i ,ill,l IIWI I.· III:1\' " rt('l1 bl ll ll·d his old tilUe ropnlat iull :.!t)tll.I Wi 5. tl llIl 1111 L tI" , ' '' l'l'lpIII '''' III I IIII'11 g. Death ItUB agnin clnillwd 1111 of - MI' J Oocl' h 1I111·lI t·ll . ]\1 1'. J ,. U· Lillll'S wllull I t , lI<1t ,," \I ( J ,I Y " I F l'l ll k G tl lal c ~ d 't I Am I\llII Iory tl,,·l't'I... ... l lho lull" ov" ,~ "u m. IItl Janll ey , JI .. 11 11 01 ~ II·. Ul'lIrg" " . ' . , I 111 <1 e 1\ Ctl!,1 fI {<I l UI". "n lll "'IW ~t ll 110,. f ... IIIJ " 1Il1l" 1" .. ",.,11 "u r olriest citizl'lIs. Daniel Wllar· 1 I I Cllll i'l' $iull (II t I l ·i,·<:1 . 11 I'X,lI l lI lI alJIIII . h l l u ll d Sum eV O I~bvd" ktl (lwo. I''',ol.!<. \I X : 13''''i ll lllll >( lit II l 'U lllt III Q) 11 1 . .IS II 1ways " afc tl' 'Ville d to '1' h Id WII llc()Q(lu od J I _ fnll WIIS borll ill i( II ol'ris \' i 11 o, P enn · W . lltl ill i t III III'C Jl I rVllt" 1' a til'" ,... 1lut It byJ All wOr l h l' C'Ull llty I l,," ,1 ." li t t l!o " 'lr ll' l\. C hnloll _ L • 0 ) 17 d d ' • d' t:J k ill~ ti p th e ir a llll J u i ll 'VIIJIlI,) ' 0 I.' t 1 t "1 '1'1 d I ' " ,," t v 1",,,, 'll'"r 11 Il' (Of lll!!r ro"itlell ' " f r, !I }' 1vall III, ct.', ,n n lC I II \'III '. Th'), \\' ill hc' h(,lI1 ll ly wl.l. no ~Il ), n.11 I a \l-lLy~ upon t Il II I I UI' ., Il·ua "(II!lt ~ lIgtUl G u IJI ' N ""h ·lI l\ \\klU'; llw,,'.e .. I"" !l ."id . " I\dl" I "-" '\Va 'lIcBville, J nnnlll'Y ~< . I 7 1;. th l cst , 111 <:'1111 's t iJlIII!I'. uy J " h ll 1u}'10l'.. 11116 \\'/.1 II l).~· du "" Ulh ,f wll.""rl) dirp~l nJil. 1"''''' ' '' n''- tho rllo'i. ..... r, . W nyn csvi 11 oil] 1 11 CLltnO, VC1' J\! 0 11 of I I1,'111. 0 (Jcill . IItIl IdUbYO I ~...mil1g t o Ii I' Yol',1i cx cu.:J ) 1.1 11 1' t lo l'tic bull nd ~11t:1 woll l'x ecnted. ' cn ce .o ,"B.d H UlI'klll.ll nd,,\h .. ,;oro,.in l( V. with bis ~arellt • he WiIB one of it~ -M iss Lizzio lJ a io1 "~ ". II Ull till' d if\CI·ctinll . lIL: 1t " 1,, ·~t . VI! ~IlIC(j I'l' : Tr , 1'1' II bl no S t lu.nr ~ ( r....,k " ,·" r P I " 'b" LI ,,, t\ l" Iloe ' · ..... ice III t Thlll'Rl/n.\ IIJorll ill,K, 1111 <1 ..I I " , " ('I I: II _ c a ll.lu !l,,!t""0 1 "" u r", i" l ' I" e Tur"'\,,kl', w lo~r,l ____.. tirst sett ers, nn d having nlwu Ip II I u't t l') I, n uc 11I1[' l i- h CI UII wt..,t IIl' Xt. 1't:,'10I:1II d by narry K. Irnn lho . ..." " termirm(o· " Ir W, hl\UI "1/0"' 1~ lived in tItn i mmcd iat vici ll i ty , hnt- bro ko hel' I'I h..J lt II·K· It Wll " i ll ),,' 111' j ll J gc lIIl'1I 1 , ' ItI It go J 11::1 III t~. I', Illlq Sum Taylol' us tluld ·. . .. \\·m i ll , ,",,1 L1" r o t" ad. V. been permit! d 10 watch th e growth Vrom p t1 r sot hy Dl t! . li a l'tley IJbjce t II ' Ch lC, I II".· • v I' II Jl dl'I'hIlI1U l'1"I tlllt. !:larl'Y - p lude a cap ita l ; J lln 2/1, Itl70 .jJO.t l1STITIO~E]( , ~ l od impIovemente of agricultufl· anJ I1aIlH}8, n.lld '~ (,) :II'C g Illd t" ed IIll'an . 1'1'111(:,"11111 is Ill: ,,1.1 1111111 , l\ nd . SIIC('ced e d 'vell ,... THE ONLY STOVE MADE and Iuchitecture that now enrich Icnl'll th o {udy I UVI1! g well. thing, pr,lC ticI' lJ ll i lO ullu th I' j b, tl c i' ill lIegro -thuu DlltciJ 1I7i'a.*,,11 f t A aad bMuijIy the couutry, tbat wa -Mr. Jacob RauJ",ll ill sqffori u!I; th ce i guud ill \ 11 ch ul'olt(l:j Su cUur lw eI'. Good ~ ~~~~!) . CD With Sliding Ov~n en one' VlUlt tract of wuOdland, froID iUJurl r calvud Q we k 01' don1t fl atter yout B It' ,to-it lJ ~"o 01.1 ' \11,' • r, \V 0 ...... Vt-..... of .,'lIul1lnif, ~ ........ ..,.. 11,1-. - ' . . . . Ita Was IDlll'l'icd to Margaret CUll' two iuct) by th l:' 11 11 \'010 tllk w g i ll lUll! iUt>1I l lo at .' 111' nrc called uf ~11l 1l id. 1'1101)' 'llIlld Tit Haunt. lillee n otlco thRt J ohn Ed~rdtt, (If the n· • 1 . 1 13 th' . I.~ r' Itattl) ~) I l' \ l1ttinthc Ii j' I' I , I II . b ' I l' 1 I i ty of Wl1J"rcn. ill t110 .. h'~ fOhi o.dld. on .. oln/! lain 111 , ell' nIllon uc-' fIg' ' c ar" 111 , II i' g a \ ' 11 l\1' llil eVUII " elst W IU (r' 0 U,O, :1 O,I~ ny ur an. \ th0 3 1. t ,IIlY of J lI l1u. r) , \!l76. t\ll) hl ~ 1 l l' illgblessedwi!h fh',e 'cli,ldl'cn;but carriagc !I~ ~vo.~ i ll. It i s t~ I l ' mu s t lll. ,k ll YOll l \\'a)" H u~mg 1'uvl'l u \\ \lI luhogor~. lI1I 6 \\:tS :lllcgI'0 t ioll intboOollrt ofC" m monl'IOB. within Wo hRve " I.. r)to .tooli,,' :tho IIlIe t illl' two now r maID. 1 hc cld('st; Ml's hupod th e IlIjun Cl:\ III C Ii Llt ul l ll UiI a g ,ll .J lit leatl t "", YU tl\'i<llll tu g i1'0 flll'c wlticu' )Jnt tI, e ilud1(~ 1Ice iu the t Ilntl for s~id "unilly or \ II rron. RIt. I,,~t tho 1"0 "00 Oll"kinl( lind ROBling ,' t oV\//!. f()f Orispin, now livinfl in URY8vil\C. -MI' J oltn F . t; nI ' 11i\..~ sol.! Io h! th clII \lloat !lO ll . :\1 11 , tl' I' tho uIII'! hu"t I)U~"I b!c hl1ll1101' hctvro leaving ·1 "UlI..?(:~Q(~, Wlldrrl , I r lly lu/( .fllr " J"d lllllPn t ltotll -anti 'Q,l 04xi , t:) u t If'"J lJQ, UO I\n ln tt.' r\\~ t n)(l\'lfl ~t ""\tel Ow- on and the ot\.wr, Mrs. L. Orano, lit flllll1 ill Wn1'l'('n clJ lI ll l y , I nd i ann, truc W' ~I ,,, I 1'111 d. Th j' , at it-IISt , thu !Ja ll , llnd W,IlS tho In'lt 011 tho W llr,J, t lo .· •• id ""''' b~in/l' money "IIIch ..1I whose IWlIw this aged fnthcr diod, and will h ' \1 itIt II it; l l: I :11 i \ I: Ill': l' :11 tlll !'I'lI:lcd I,) I, tov wull !\a ti ~ li · p r " r, I',llll nl c. " ,"I .I ,,},," J::dwllrrl. w,. c""' I"'"~(1 I" I'"),'" n.m·t 1-"0 "Wily t" Ouy l<lII'n r Oinoinnati and whose 1,rivilege it has bcell t l ' ~ ll o rtly. !:li s 1.ld Il'IellJ w., uld he cll " .·,tlo t! " i I' . l' h ll l"h ali d li t; '1 h(: l I , ('cl l,t!; I~ oru !tt5 'i 50 III I tl 0 ' . lIrety nil Ih e IlIl.,,1 of Ow ell Wll rd . Il""rtlt· t t) buy 14l ,n·\'t4, hu t (''lm ., to mar o ld lind re-= '" ~ ,I, l 1 nl1 LJf \ )l \l r l(.'~ F \VlI r tl. lI t Hi " tll1 r l ~ . 111 11W r "'. lIAb lo ~ t j UH1 , wh c r tJ '\t! rt'ournrn ond uotht!:'nderly watch over tho cvoning of glud t ll IUII'c h ill l A III t(,;lcllln gll tu \\', <:1 11 tu h C1l1' II cr· buy ( , l, II C II~ ttl r(: t UlIi Ihl'11' 11' 0 t hu(1 ~ t th o .II m~ IIIIII! hll itl J" I", E,lwll"l, in!! hilt" hil t 11'U kil O\\, l u btl good. Wo his life, and nt last to miuist r til :1111 011" th e t;cones uf " 'I I' Cllll1 lt1 Cll t Ct\ upun, /) 1' its il" h('lll'ly rlllllll;" III al l \\ h.. oll culI lHg' rn " ,o." 1m nr,ler o ~ Iltt,... IIIIIPllt I" ' ''" 0 \J u t IIro Mn. tu l\ ~ l y " d d tnll tn nnr nl ronclr big H J t ts tl IT tid ., tl"let,' 1 1" dl' cl •. , t " 13 tl ' . 1 t l I I I ' I (If !Oia l (l u \l Tt It'rUlO ~t 111 1..t I 'I) I' rt y ,., 8!l id · n18 ! S re~\l CS on CIlI' I. _too k \\' 0 k P " .J. K'P ·Iook..,ul for R.lly II I aya. v ~ . ,I I ()U V. ) lell' Uu lC11i 'y ICll r patl'lI nage UIII U\\ en Ward iu \l' lIr,,'" C" " ll ty. oli", T ho lhlUll 'le w III the \J'l1rkot, Mnd Ill' ""roful within about one year ago, Ire !til!' Th . "( I I II I n i l i! )" , ~ !t u ll kll U \\ t!t om." pr " ' II Cl', nlld to tho lal lie:! nlld stud Owen Wllrd i . u nlitl ed II III h ~ IS r c. tu IlIlro<\u "O in ,mr trRdo unly . tO VUM U,,,t . d n mar kCd d f'grc(l o j' tl - t M -""'11 ll. IICOIII ), snys It 10 . a J ' " '!!l' )' li l t! t 1till/! . n1wa"J s onJo\'e ' D I, I 'UIH'I' I' I t u 1))'0 f'e~ s 1!entICnll!l1 WIJ U ai d eu in til' II I'. "q UIre d I 0 appell r nn,\ !l1I . IV" r ..!irll·,' ullI·n WIll I,,· W(\ Umlll III in fu ol. ,moi d o th bu.t J • " I lUII I Ill' Y ( , ' ),I ll ' 1' V ' j" ,.~'. ~ r J UII ur Ot'f<re II t1 . I" t I 1' - I ... I hmlth for one olldvnnccd In "('urs. fIUtl'liS I'. I Ie II rl ,,1\ urI " Y" w r l , o ,,1 I wurk . IH,!'h ill (·\l.,k llll,C utld ba .. tillg. •• • J U PIHC(' ) ;(1Id f n .m• I wo COli ' ' ~ lInctl ' Cat f' IOIl j . I.hc 11I' I ~ tl ~11l hie 18 t U),IlJ ''lIl CCS. • I. t \\'11 nltuCtC ... ll II,)' 1' Iho d ill' of March " ext. ~IB1ast Illness, wllleIt Illsted a po· 40 1 l\Iunds of iJu tte!' f1 0 1J1 th c tl w a l :I1'C I\l t h. tlt e wv rl~ , !'I!' IIh'dt ~ 1J ('ct:~~ tll l l'lItOl'tuill lllCllt v I' J OHN EOWAIWl:! ~lt rwd of abont thl' e wcek!!, \l'fIB at· 'd 111 f " . 'c.h 10 tl ' ] t of' J. nc~11 lI ull l h c uevil f l'lJIII b('g ll l ll l llg I h " "ca~,)ll , ("" ttCIl UI) I Y I,.!Cul j , ]1y S \\' J:lln WN, hl~ Al torncy . 0 ' Im's, lI II I .' 1\Ie, ., 8fa l '1 ,\Ii l l .,·d· IS I l I t 1 t 'f III' l'ay 10 1' n,n ,t !Illr:! Il av e f ob l· ... lry:a ' I67U- U . ten ded by nII t I \C. patlcncc nneI j'0 1' 1111a " l b~s ' f t .) CI 0 C. IC ~ trJI ~~ 11 . II e ll . "r "II k illdK ~n hlUld, lind titl1do of n Ohristian, who, Ila\'i n ~ ~L I}, 'le t; PI' ji g , ( HI ) 0 th r1'~ tht' tl'ium pIJ the I-(I'Cllt r(' · d'·l·I .!':.! ' "I1 - , ell l 111 111 chul'llctcl" ! ' -~-...- - -.- - - - BPOUT1NG AND HOOFING lived thoir all otted time, fi nit!hcd Ir e. wUI'I I - th~ !'t\(litll le y ,,'I' ;..: 11)1\'. h' II Utl llg 1111\' "1, " f w h ich filet tIll'y l NOTlCL IN PAe.:rITION. nnd 0\' rytlo ll l ol.e in our lin ll ,\0110 in their work. ready to 'dopurt -Mil tor Will io E. hll d C' l s o n 1J1i ,,~ b"yulid C,' II' 'a ru." : ccrl aiul ,Y bOll v il~ d all wlto saw l J ORhull AtHlor811U of Wllrrcu count y III ii.;:~ tl r..- t-c l u ~ t'l t ylt' ~ ll nl o ulid llc O ou.r rnd be with Ohrist.' foulld a Ulllc i "llllti e n ~ i:l 011 ,'hili 0 • - -alld hl 'lI l l1 thcm: 1the .tll\.o of Ind ia no; It :1 lo ci U n"" a nd J ... IIIl · 1I Continental" Cook-Stove; SAIl ' F' T . I) ' I' 1(111 I.' ,\ H I !. " .II I ~ h. HtUJt l ·t;:I/ IIII1 · Ils ~ i ~ tcd by G lIu.bllnd or .rU U III.IIIII "U lIll tI· til l .Altbough on accouut uf II pRral- tiny uf th is we k A ( ' illcilllluti · , . .. . IJ10 " 1111 ..h oI • •sther ll \.o of I lIll lIlllll. J "!Wl'bi:>. A ndl' r":Iu of l w itll .1t ~1ll 1t' Oven D oor. BiR of thu tungu , h e \\ liS dcpri I cd ell sis iti n ~ I'cl'il'~ .. fll ie etlll'·fi sh, --1. ho ~lJ'b t. I~ UII tlllll "" tl u c l, ~l x t .V II CI''' II~lml\itl\lll t~ 011 t11,,1.l orgJlII , alld W llrr un "ounty III .. I, u .lu lo lI( I ",b ... " ,: :::.u. ~ It-A LV "e., II aYII (J8vi. lte, Ohio. "f tho pl'ivilege of 1eu\"in~ his dy- I/:clJurall.) fUIIlJd UII II sl l''' p l w Ul e l1ll lICI'(,R, tll't' " I .! " I\" ' 1', ~" Id til 8 ,111111 .\1 1'. Ell. Hpti1\: rn witi. h is v iuIJlI """ Scot t "uoi Th ulIIlI. t;C: ,Lt h e r bu. lllln oi Ofl II s I u b 01 1'1"'," 1"1 .;. - ,; I)c r aCI" 1'1 11 I I . SooU county 11\ tho 0111\.0 uf l UWI!. II d l uUII II ']'1" illg testim ony, ot Ilor t I 11111 tIe mee k' A1Ie. II H une, lOll It S Ula .,. .. 4 _ ,. II ' H' • l" I II t 1\ ' IIrchcst rallllu:..ic J uno Antlor ..o u of Ihc c i ty 11" ,1 . llIto uf No w J~; IIU MULLIN. ,JAM l\S \\, .lllLl E\'. r and resigned epirit with which 111' of lilltcst o lJ o. tnwt ut 1511 :\el''';; "" Id . • " a c l'W I,) by :\11 . W I! " U H.ogel'S. York. O u,,,,,1 R And ", . " " of Wllrr<rI " n" U' bore il is lust suffering., and. whicll -Dr. W. U . Stvkcs sold to S. S . lllll lJ (" ., t 8:n. ~ [1 pcr IICI' '; 1' The Ta ylor B ruth el'S i II ton I ty HI the 8tll \.o of Olno : N,,", And , r" >n . 0 \1 £it. ~rOtnt nt1:\. dId til ' bllln llt"! ls h . . t" S . b 1 mUlOr. ufO .• II," cOJuntyllltllc. I"l oo fOh w 1.' U Il<'cm cd to perva e liS mm ; yct Sides l\; Sledtlotll IllJ'ty of !.he IJ ' 1'11 IIlll aC ll ~ ~. "I"Jal n' } wvtllg , I'I'I11g OIU }lovp u an "lid ~'n'nk [' K e",11I 11. H oll lI 1{ ~n .I !l II: ICfl ""t &tl' I they have the BllBUI'nnCe th~t. 11 01 finest !togs shipped fronl Con~'ill 1I11l nlJ~ c~ II 1 1'~ at $~ 7, :' 1I )ll'I I 0I'PlJl'llllIity 01 It (,!lrill" and seell1g ltfntthn Kllldlill " uri Mllry A K undlli l. Ih o ~Q,(i) ~. ~, t:l,f( , \:i .;/) JC )ad only Il temr.ral bllt also a 8}JlrltUlLl this 8'''16011. Tltcy l\Vl!l'Il"ct! 5:! ~A ','; ll'e · . '1 hi' * : 1 ~1 · J't· tl'al'1 to .J. & .J .. lil l' 1I1 i ll 11 1)11 111 twu we~ k d. IHS~ f,,"r nliDl od heln l{ 111111"". uP 111I1O'uullt y ~~ - - A lI"nln...,,, o. <In ..,,lIer '" ............ . It '" ~"i" II l l 'I " '~ I ::H , 1"1 IICIO d(II\l'I',,1 , 01 Warl·cnllltloo . tnt., 01 OhIO. w,lI tuko I b CCI1\Ho I cllmgelll ng'. l'0nnds· nnc1Amusl<ays ltctllll1i<S . I ' ' . I , -;--.. . lIoticu tbatupolitlOuW II. filoo!lj(lIlD.t t ll ' l!l ByGEORGEMACDONALQ. ' And DOW he has passed tho por · tI ' .t! n t rI ll bt II I d , ${" ),() Hl' \. j il l' p l.lcu a Iv(' rlr 'c,1 I L UU \) SAf.&s. - J o BIII'nct's on tho th".1 .I"y (If J II II'IIIry. A D I 7(1, In Th o II ..oo rsign ed I,,·); tu illfo rlll h 'nlO and ontercd tile va~ 1 ley wcrlo WI tl.u l I e 1IL11 • UH conluilii ng 1 H7 IICI'C!. was III ,t (Of l'ubh (' ", du ul lill'lfI tllck t Ol1lUl'I'OW I.h e Oo)ur t of C" 1II1l10n 1'1",,,, willun. nnd f'lf the pu', lo c ~" n 'rll lly th or t lo, ·, III,,'" Alltl " r do l, 'AW'''" .r" of II Qulot NotghlK.r. °k talB of tl " some'st ot 0 I"or 'crs IC cver f' .J II ' I.' ' 1 I) • 1 k 1J ' t1 0 c t f W d " I f Oh' b Ol 'c u, d 1\ !II' W Mo nt IlI nr kOL ill th e 1110 . ' i1frorl Onmbormooe,' nw i t l 'l , II l1 hl ll " tll ,lt t 10 all'" l1l1 t a t , (I (. " I' . IJ1I t f"rgl.' t to " 0. • DUn y o (trl'U" "" ' w' 0 10 , Y nl,l stll nd of I.cBk .' I1"WII C- , wh c' e Ih~ , I I III t d 2 Etcrnl'ty', . gone ooly to draw tl,t, b vng I II I' t" L " ul.u O . Buruott , ",Ie of J Ullll th lill O . u. "lle I 1li0. ('I..th. $1.76. lIearts of childron l grlllldclllldrcJ1' ~ : " 11.1' ~ II III .I" t t Il IlI Cl' t Il audi · !tolna" 'f"" ,nl s, wh o hn~ b" II ~ !tt Duru el t . wh cru,n lho ""I L", is" G Ihtr. will k Cl' p cou st lLnlly 0 " bnnd '1'1." w/lrk . t,f no nov,.1iHt " f 11,,' prOliolit and fricnds more clo oly to the ha· -Therc is a 1111'1:\(' amI ~ pl end i d t Jl~d . III 1\ Itld . L.I,l: It \\'lI uld l!lIt uC prnJ>OI ty lind will tllk e lI!l hi s nott d Olll llntl . I... r ~' tlu" of ti,e full nwi"H r otI.oy hltVO lind II \\ Id or ""le or boen Ilioro ven of rest. IICW stuck of.fumitllro ut Zl'lI ti' old. n.bllu\! ill SJll i ll~bI II'O , will sc I hi8"1 0.tI\t :~ i tu .ltc 'n tll u t" "" OlfWIlY" ' ·. ' TilE VEHY BEST univCI·BllliYlIdmlrodtbnutho .wrieBofthI8 1 I I N I k . 1110. 01)11111 v of \V" rren lI"d oillto of Ohi o, wonderfully gIfted author. "S, Ooor~ I Like tho strong oak of the torcst wIlI'e r U? "1 B, w IIC 1 g u lim scc. o · , --- . . , 1l1 1Ti ~ ~ , «' - lO ll 'l1csday, tlou J lith, .md \Jo lllill ed '"111 ,1 ""'r,tJl'tl lIJ! fnll" ",., l o. B f. V 1 1I11,1St. Itt .. hllel" i" "i ~ 1!l 3~ and orownlnK which for mnny wiotet8 hns aloud vcr b~It're, 'p~l'hn.r"', 1"118 s lI e il a D E AT IJ OF M.II~. I A I It/(,N ~c I h('gl } lIlIn ~ at I I) ,J'clvck. W it ee I ea, Mutton and Pork, olf,>rt '- [Columbu8 DI.pnwh. the rude blaats of wind IHld storm. q nnull ty v.I 1Jllilltllro sllld~)y ally J{ IN8Ey.-M I' . 1·.IJ",a bllLh J\,!CKlIl W "1111111 W al ki 1l801l, ~I'hu is F"'~'r Tn I'·T- D.i n g Int. nnru ber \lI1IO ,It i. uno of Mr ~[nodDnotld'_ moot onjoy. ll ro • in Il .. rri , · II rI· I nt I'I C I( n l i t " lIJ{11 l' t,) I o wn , II d 1 ~ ,11 and J ""y (\ '" eUuti Lr. II mI)rtI•• O" tI II1\ w,11 I H' I, . pi "'IbIn in }Ihn he II"s ~olIon, after the last tendril 0110 I , o.I1 S0 111 W 11.\ ti CS I J II 0 118 I ,II" ~('Y' . \\ I dow ." I III C 1:J l C ." ' " IltlHlt..onI .., 'Il l l,"Hu"" ... wn ,," vI "'W n"H v,JI" -.,I'. (I I,,1 ' }"" I durI tlllnH. d d1111<1i will• w[If tl h.,SIS d "f .. I' I lI d ,,(,. I I J I I . I W 'I on S lin II '" r~t'f1 IIr or p(l~t. had heoll brok en which b 0 I111d him )oun H ' n ~c t I He /-!t:ll t l' II\CII '"' pctle . . 'U e u.lIl ~cy, (Ie" at I ~ I' ~" In c I~llal' 11 8 1111111 , ~ t llc k aud llUlIsu\ IOId num her "' no' I}UIII;l IIfty ·th r ", fcu t, II ",I I .. t 0 I, E A N 1'1" '10 ,. II !!"u.II',,"nllt (I f tllO " .. thor l oat.lg \ll'~ o llt ( 11 tll l' l." t lll s pl flco l l.l~ t Sll tl1rdll'ylIl g ht, ..h. b. g Utld R .oll' .• We.dnosdu\', Fut.l'uary .. u", locr tc .. n lty f""t, o n N"rth "~r.c l.'\I "\ a ANI> NI U E. 11 11,1 ""l1m ber..r mu"trllti ll n~ whiA'-nro' to cnrtll', gone 'whel'u cvcl'ln stil wt' L llllUII .njter 1 1 I 1 5 I " 7G f I I I I a I J nt rig llt ling le. IhurO'\v lt h rlln n ", ;: l,,,pk tw o Also. , '"~ s ')ringnbidl;8 uud Ilevcr-witherill!! l ·StU'I S IlIl Ullt , all ' ) 1' t, e s tolu I ~ . ,Il LU r a O ll ~ Hill lJurnlu . )l·gJJ l nlll~ atH)o'clll c i<. \VII1 . hun d rud .... d tw oll ty ·fh e reo t II tl (I fonr illch. \ , ,,ro '1 111\ ol'(\i llllrll y fluo ' - l l'lI bli. hcr·H tl~w~rs.' ' full. 'ulI:!tant SlIp plil's kCl' P up Il tll lI ol!s, n~l:d IIl'a il y 06 J can;. n " gl' l d II il l he Ihe om t I' III all ea. FINE SUGAR-CURED HAMS "','ok I)' . t' I · tl ' d d b full stock. Wu hlll' C lIut th e· !'l'l 'I'''), dllta lit Ih ~ U g" ll'at g a t herings. Go und S Ir.ro.NIl TIIAC-r-lkillg lot nmn be r four. to ..... T o bo h lld of I1l1y Donk"uller. nr .. 111 B ·s I unerll "liS a cn (' y 1I . J r., '1 . ,I . , I I IIInrl M ulto l Squ ll ro. III ",lt d to wn of ''''.Y'I"'' dl o be "" nt t.u /loy Ild dre8 •• poa t·paid. un r eooipl large con collrse of rclnti vos alHl -The fJlII I,wIli g nlllll cd p 0l 8n ll ~ Io u~ c.Ullllll a ll I . IIJ 1\ li e .. . t, I 1U,~h ' I I r II til coun ly of \l'lIm' n . " . Ih o "lim e WI1" . urwh ulo or I,y 1100 slice. I ;iv;' U8 II ca ll of pr,oo. hy frirnds. Very nppl'Jll'riutc lind bc· from WaYlle vill e HII( 'IUlcd BaYllrd I~ li lt i n g l eClJl''' '' ' II I' It t ~, wh Ic h ,- - -v~y 'cl l1nd plllltl'd hy K Jl,".. tll ol!, S un'oy, MULLIN & WOOLLEY. s. H. IIOHO. co .................. filtiu'" romllrks were mad o 011 thc Taylor's 1 clllre ill Lchnn oll IUilt luI' th c must pa t, \\"c bel lOve, hus 'Y.~lf lu or of W,m en ,,~un t). f (O r i'l~ lv.nn"Co)'[lcll. ~, ...,.. .. 'ee.,. ........ V.rll . o ., I ·t· tI , 't W 11 tS~llt~n t!. "!fenl for t hebe. -. f,J c.su 1!lo ror.tl ouOII 0'1. oc:caei \l by Fricnd In's W. Hniu o . ev en i ng ; 1\li s~cs ~ anlli e JUllnuy. JC UU )JII~ 111. II 'l lnml1l1l y . . l' " \, IJ. I And tho . ,ud porli... lorO further notified VIOK'S & Thermllins w('rcintcrred iIlMi· MllIyulld Loui s JIIII IlCY, Addi o hUl'c.!!O DlC ~1'It~ ud _co ll\ (, l ,uut WIth _ _ ______ _ - -I t~"taf\.orforty~uy~· puOliOlLtiollof tlli. no' 0 '8.1' ami Cf'Dlc tcry' S Gnn~o EmfJ80n B K c" s .M 1n lli e 1Ialo A \l\ Fnlton th e lact~ w"l 1'1'epal'o II sketch P~ 'W tloe,.... r~'qulrcd OJy Illw. 63 l1Oon Ill! the said Flower and V~., e~able Seeds. T en 10""l1It Shoo ts of Ohoioo MU/llo at, • • " ' • J ' .. ' I L ,t'tt' I . ' I ' d • II Vt' D LoUUIB G . Burllell. w,fo of JonntluUl G. th be t II II ' '" ". R0f!cre. A. Ebl'1ht. C. W OO ley, Lizzi c Sidcs, AllIIn f 111'11 liS, Viult! I ~C ] Il1g IlJI ong 1111 \\ ·Sp Cllt ~ ~tJ IBurnett, CIUI be hC~f(l. "ho willllllPly foran Bro c ~ I' W" I I'" II , , dwy II r,' r.ng~d funh" l'inn<l F llrw will be Mont by O. }'1' erpont Ilct· Ko"s, .. rs 1'ctll', lJ::J" 0 1, 1. 1' 1, 0 '. 'lcssrt!. lltfe. A II I'cr(jOlI~ indobUld to John E. Taylor ordor th"l nlU'hti llJl may be IIlud o of AiUd pluu\.od t.) nil ..... ". '.'. '" • "" rln~, li nd m llli on r~ul'lpt of 00 0 dollar (peat paid). or J. 'S I 1'ldl'IIC an J 111 \ ~ II ?tt M Ii" r tho r 08ult i ~ . ,h.' 1'\ 1 I !, WI IN 1~lId \ :.:et,.. 8 i l1 ~l o ('1\111 0 '" I\t If) oonta cnnh iog as pllll.bearers. Eddie Jallllcy \Villi c Rugcl s. Sam \ 1'8. C 111 $1') ' I! fn neral tovk llr~ u r~cnUy rl" lIlOllted \.0 ~ottlo without do- . roal a.tate a,~~ th .. t I,h~ do w. r of Martha "blo8. A P no" c., ". ,~ u " "CIIl frfl<' to, ,,11 Th ey ('R II n!." be .. rd erod thrllugh allY / .col'ge ' UI'I BllIlI, ~F 1'1111, I' 'Id place I'from Iter I,to home 011 Tl1cs, U\.F eb 11M.. Hctti onl. ot mU$t absoluwly bo hod . Allder80n, WIdow or WIllia m II Andcl'I!on. who onelo80 t ho po. tngo- Il 2 C~lI t sllllU p . Nm, •.d ~ ..11!I' In th e U llitod State. E v() r 1cy, ,-, 'Gone. but n ot forg.. tten.' . I 1.1870. '1 llItely deceased, mny bo lLAAig o cd thoroin H I) • • • l{ elldoll. .Mi Itoll Key s, Davi s }l'UI" j It)' U I.crlh~(j I1, all< waR lurgely l~t. lind that 8uob othor prooooolng8 m!\y be Iond IIp l'l ~r " r~. \rl . t n lmCI\tlll. 'rom Brown . NCITJ &.-1 wish to IUIllOUIlCO, nas St:!thFllI'IIILS ll owardU opkills tclld ed. flte R ev. J. J, Hdl NOTICE I lnthOpreml"e~n8Rroouthor"odbYI I '" _ VIaE'S I W loy c" III [lI ot l!'Clrg<l t OIf1ribc1. from atd atter th is dllte, CW\!J or Le\~ ill J [\nIl C" Wm. n lltl Samnoi ' pl'oach d th e I'n n J:Ll s ormoll, after Th e DJ1d~.. ignod h • boon duly Rppolo~ .f§J11~1rfN BOURBNUEj:NTE'TT Flower & Vegetable Garden.' f[i:~i:'f~ $..i~ Il ~:!~:: L .. b ltd f fl d. J' . .....h ·chth e btl ,' · I t k I . AdmlniBlmto rdo boll ... n on ..... ththeWlll ' , ., ueuaflge, a so u y, or. our an GnrJ, and Jacob H. Illscy. Quite I . I . IIU 0 P a~ III Ann x ed, of the fllI"'to~ of EZRA ADAMS By SET" W. BII'OWN Atl'y. ia th o m u. t beautiful work of t h kind in Down whero tho Vlolot.. Oro.... W.terne. Coed_ Do not ask for Cred it. I have a number were thorc from Sprillg. I MiamI Ccmotcry . Mrs .. McKll1soy d"',",nscd . JOSEPH G . KEYS. ' Janu ary 5,11176-71.. th e world It oo.. tllln~ nearl 150 WhO Il Old JcLokllOn had hitlUay W"me. H ordered it denied. Settlement is boro leave n IurO'o fumily of children to Junu ory :W. 1" 76. bund reds of tllIO iI1n. tr.. tio~~ •• • • B1lblce • ; Tho GJ'tlOd Old .F ..rm ...nted i m m e d i a t e l y . ' mourn til lOBS of a faitbl'ul, rdov ~ · ATTACHMEN'r Chromo PlateR of Flowol1l, boRlititully ThoO.ollogoQuloketep Stolidar&. Dld drawn Bnd oolored from natllre. Price 35 Th"ru s II Lottor in tlto CaDdie Ooote. JOBN E. TAYLOR. ted Mother. 8'VJ ~ .. IHiram KUbon. Plaintifr'l Bororo W . Han. oon lM ill p"r.r eovera ; 6li 001118 bound in Do You Jl,llIAlIy 'l'hlnk He Did? ... • nell~ioll!l. - - __ " I I AId d to B W ., -0K, The wel1-!m01rll 'Tlbo lll Jlllll.lI Farm.' Iltu, VB. ing ron. J . P. of e egaut C ot . ( rlllj.8 or 8"" lIN".. . ;dT(lD"w Tho groundhog saw his shadow . -- . l'bel'c will be Il Oontennial Prom- ..ted itl Military 8urv.e,8Wi1nd tulJolnlng Thomas Kelly, Dofond't. Wayn Town. -_ Publi her.llll5 Thll'd A.YOnue, Now York. all d.y lut Weduesday. Now we -Tho sO~ll\l ?1 otmg at,. the enado in HarvoYBbnrg Friday the town.or Oor~ The place oont.alo8 I .hip, Wurr nOo., I)bO.6m kllow what to expect. Orth dox, Frl n~s chnl'ch, F Irst· oi~ht. .Mesal'\!. Will. Ant.ram, Ed. oovorltY"IX'1MI1'OA, andl I. II 'Ie" bea"tlf"l SOhio. " ------------'---~ • dllY \lVUUlIlg, adJvurned to the M. MIlC v and Jim IIarrl'son are tl.e ood dOtli.abl. 1oMtioJll lIS a plaoo of 1'INIl- 011 tho 10tb day of Janulll'Y. A.D. 1870 ThiA Is R bollUtlful QllJlrtorly JOl11'1lal, IIDBETIN. !WE,.. Th tJ d r E 01 I J U donoo. Will ho Offerod at !\ biU'8&in. For Mid .Tmtioe iIIottled .. n order of attaohmont fin ely ilInAtTat.od. IUid cl)ntninln g fin qle{l.'llnt ~~' • • • • •"'.... TO Dft . ~ '"ere two r lroe. ays 0 ,,!rc I. DJtloagers l which fact iU8uree a plLrtl:ulan tuldreM ' in tho abovo Il()tioo fllr th o >um of 143.13, oolorod FrontiSl1i oc with U.o ti n t Ifllmbor. I It a... ... _ ... _ .. I IgllIllg Llil wook . No I e put --Thc R v, J, J. Hill proacllcd good time to all who are invited JASPER S. GONZALES, and tho 0lI8O fs continllud until tho 2Ilth d..J' Prino only 2,'; oontl! n year 'rh lint No. I ~ ~ . ;; Addre II• •1"" manT'o lip ,t, ill tho M. E. Church III t c\·cnin rr. 'aud Ilttund . Peneaoolu. Florida; . uf F cbru\U'f, A.D. 1878. . for 1876 just IM/luM . AddrOllll (':- I . . . UI!I. " ..... VMII (lilt t' !lr S. S. HAINES. Wayne..,Ule, O. mRAl[ KILDON .. AUlllrJII ".(lK, ........~ ler, fIf. Y. ~ a 2. 1, I' ll' r .1'
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PtlMlli r illdl'4ld t TI I II It i hut littI jlurll( I hat t hI· 'he allf1lliua vI &he I'cablk 10 11., aool~r ver1 linn i I Dt tloillJ( in III, or that i tru', and gtlOlJ for Dllln' l ,·t, Ih~ b. ,Ded a lie .. bul' Ilrtiele i thill, tllI,t having implllrl'ti IIr thai he tal.· til· tl'l)ul>lo to 11_0 do.........uth II( T •• rry lfT"<'O"y. _h~", •MartlllL' tll Jii!etJ\'cr Ill'r own illl-ll' Ji:lcllvcr it, !IV lung h igllor it &he, are Pft ....nod to ...... ufa:>tUr1l _'a ,..... tity. wi\lwot giving hl'r tilll· tv n" lin ]lI'/ld;,·(. . ill, thi '·9I'Y a~itaNil. , 0 10 plJ hll pr IC:~I tl) lIlaku Ihll ull·· tiuu Ulld iu \'clItigutiull f truth i Jft tI, WmnC11 & OltiLJrtfl . / tftMl ...,t-k... 111111 ~ m 7110 P QJ impt)rtallt di '0\ 'r,)' hill1 ,11' lIlIlI uctt 'r thun 1\ th illg; ji,r t 1 l 1 l l l g l J . j tJrSplooil1 altcnti In II'hen 10 &lcbmolld- ,.1., IU 0:; M III 10 CHI P '" hocka th c rumuJlit with tho IIllllly e III til til ' klluwl dg' MOST I By OO.... C:I'" t:u n, hIk! r'un'fl II tut m ,nit i rullclo. dll nlllJ"t on . l"iliIu I'dlt THE l AllCIeNOR. arrlre 1.1i p If. 12.25 ~ III till, , UllluU ul ' \'crl'U Alii '1'1' 10 pructlc y·t Rill IICI' liar ~ , ECONOMICAL 1 AII ....ork dono lu tbo \ I nllllln ' ,' anfl . I.OkOI8O, onri.a J . I ;) p III ~. I ~ R IU ca' Glllilco til e t I, '011 111111 lho Itlaut. mUll i~ ueh a 51l t:WCIIUlllg ..... 0 aD ' IIIItlsfWltion gua.rol1t<.>ol l'ltl/lRO <l<,1\ ,!n ~I _ .:/ , r VOI!lliOIl oC th curth; ,Ilud B ture IJUAADtE I A. J. '!"fUN & Ollie.all'. ani lCl 9.9U P m 7.;.11" au thl;l 'Ircnlatioll of th bl, I; hut tlOOn r r lut 'r, II Will II nllzo BaA'clI !J a"tif~l B 1. a 0 IT in .W yn _. OllCO IOt·, u. U UU.lIl, ullci lit o r mud I' I'll, ver ' u U pru~'{iCllII IIpprol'ria:o ~Il tb" fltt «lwl'[ III li1l1~. ancl has 110 , "" -'11-No. 1. ~0 . 3 b fol'() di cov r 'd 1.1 truth Iaavin& trufh wo will v'l'di "H'r ill tJI "'lit/It (0,. llaking Br all and ~ . il A\I.rr",.,.r"",,,,,n.~1\ wltrkmlJ... " f l-~ l IDqlllCh bcurillg UpUIi th dl' tin)' I jdircctiun v f hi.; phY';lillogic.tl, R t1fl« dn !l ilCd ""..} rnI<Wri,\l. by Lcgall·POI'L....lvi ·1:1.40 a w . I . is;~: ' tla !r\lIIlUn racu u tit· r d that 1·11 ·tllal, cmutiollal llml ~piritual , .. Sil~'. Stylea and Pricea to I • Knliumo. arrive UO tn ~,~~ I'IIl '~Il\rthll' il{ lwt 1'I1111·tlaa. Til \,1' III I' Ii IIt'r ·~t". 'Let 'wry 1I1IIIIb I r· I it avery one. Experienced Workmen, ~:~ O~:il:.'~;:iv t~~: ~.~ I' UI , by wll icll thi s 'xu'u'ldinul'), illlli. j uad..,d ill hi OWII mind ." I ' )t~NUP'\c)K llRD UY 8ager••o n.~rri.o 6 .U1f\1ll 5.'r'21~~ l villlll.ll I'llehe hi wOllcl''llllb 'JII ' lt!lll'PO '(' ltu lgh t I" ply to Lia CIlUI'. I WM RESOR "& C MLU\uI;~~;;-~liki U~14- 01- Dr-'Hl . Cu" , Rlchmood. "rt'I'e :I 5~" III ,,:if> pill Clu6iolla ar II~ lluI'amll 'Icd a" tla ' t 011 lIml wdl ' lUuallt criticit!lII~ in • ()'I'I()II'I~&T', O. J dnily ro, ~ "l' ll ~ \, ill u .... t1 Ilw "U,roulI,1iD,oC ~'"tl lin """Kh l 1I0d ooltl i. U!,')ll Cllu, ht, .1 Dcij,(lthc.orh\ll.otl. "1'001 ..1 a.Lt 'uUe ll i. l! 'v~n Jutlgm\!lIt. ,w,1 fll' ASH, M UIllC)N,o.ill~I~\i ·I"'rI.e It ICb"tl "lid $6 • ,tnll !I IU I' III \Ii 'cuvnry it- ·11'. tit · last II 11 111 U'\' ul' tho It ~I'tt 551.1l na to (uru i,.ldu.,r ~D ' I\VO u' I'. L' I . I d ' d I I' I t t U t _ __ ______ ~ No. One willIe"',, Ohl,· .;.:u · il~ily All r ur.uglCu ex tlll'B a llll pori ct. llIl . 0\"11 1II1,glt e,: Oil! I) • IJ II AINE. O. D. WOVW"};\,. .Lb", t.llla" ,1,,1\,·. "'"tllll UII.I" .\'. r USUIlIIIK, \\'0 Unlllll)lI I a ~lI\1Jy 01 lIut lC 110m httll' luglcul d lllCI'CPII II ' j A . n . CAKES FOR WEDDINGS LO WE 'T PIUC'E. ! W . L "·11 RI EN.\l , I'" tT. A, IllacstUl 'IIICli l ilftli\; 1'I'OIlIs tOl "IlI' !ci' ther.ill' bllt I eBllllut bear >-TU -< AND PARTIES, Iu "'yel'll lUlU , alld \lC\'huI'S CIJlltr,' v '\,:iy, 'allu a!Jove nil inn 1 un .burt U!Jticu. I .1...., keep I ' !S. - I \ ' 611 jl1 til' ·s lIIiglat 1('111'11 n. pl'Ulitu· public pUJler. u 1 11Up 1 lllny bl) ~uge l' I be gi,'"'' 1.0 . u.lumur., H~ lllll,ret , lUcl~ ' ville. Ible I uu from it. Tlai~ cug nt cx ' \I l'd alld hll\"e ' lOt the 1l'lIst , 6 \...I \, A niul' /i1i 0 or !fllOdd U\l",tlllltly (10 h"" ,r. . ~ l~ • -ronsonc r Bays thc CCilllU prouf is , objccliolls tUlly thi ng which mlly~' • nt nil IlUur•• "lid" 6upI'ly of "1<1>01\ rull ti on (If . -Realty TJlOllty, a~d matrimonY 'j all undmiabltfact. Now th<!j",'ct C\'o r IIJ.1puarin Ih o wily ofcri,lici IU, . -Staple and Fancy Groceries PICT {fllE, BRACK1!:T., lCarcc . that IlJ~nd is Ull .uOIlIIl) . 'hl !'litIIC I' 0 Ion!; tl 1 UIU IIv t rcqulre d t II " • Tho hi!(hlllll ~['lJ'kct Prim.. I ill. in ""d ot.brflrtiolllol .podlilly prO\'i.led(Or / 1' t l · BlItwllatlu... thlltio doll,ilhtlao -TranelerB f real e tate have n w. N o\\' I pr UUl thllt ovel'y r ply. J tltink tlte be~t time to reo _ .at • • c....h or trudo. fur Oountry rroouUII. beeD !pade as follow: The Pur· iolle who is acute ollough to und oJ'. 1tiro fJ'om 11 COlltC t is b I'ol'e it be.ne. Itj? . . tIN U \t'9J 'fl" ~f,f II~ ~, ~tt farm to George Riley, at $126 stund 'OcCnsiODIlI', knowt\ exactly gins, and if Illy writing t!hould A lIational Family Paper. ~.i~~~ I ~'l!J).E__ ~ . ~ I per acre. George Uiloy, bouse and Iwho 'Martha' is, bec!lllsc 'he iUla· prov ke UllY 10 inailll 0 11 a reply 1'bel>l'(''''I'''tnlly Puper of ,Am~'loll, Ibu Jot il.l Ridgeville to, Purlett, IgineB he hus made tho'" disc v ry to th ir cl'il icislIl. t same, I N,\ illfrrio. g!Jod. itnpl1Mcd upon anybody. 81100.. Andrew W dhamsot;, fur~ lind JlUh!i shod it to tile world. .r should nl?rcly CJ li lt Wl'ltlllg. lie: 1'"0'" .eAd. fo, '~e Centullnia l CI\fIl: A I' .y ""':111 murgin ouly .... kod unli.i!Outr bt. tAL I.INK oe to John TIlJockmortoll , lmce SIX I wou er If '0.' laud II vngll 11 Pl' There IS :~ rUlIlor f fire nt one , pil II'". aud 100.0110 more dullllht.ed oub..,,,. A full etock of thousand 8ix huodred dullnrs. Mr· 1cion that be should creale some f the El\llt I'll Suei Lics which wo · ~E 8TAR 8PAKGLIID BANNDIl is Williumsoll is wo~il!K to his fllr~, such oxcilcmcllt ill the !itcrary oar~1 stly hupo .is ,,:)~ true, nlld • I ...go "'lI bC'p.ge•.• Oool'~lnu IHl p,'r... ", dgor UNDERTAKING east of Waynesville; tho DUVId wurld I\S 'Martha' or 'JnulIls' IltLS lWhlCh up tu thiS wrltlllg IlI1s n t i d Il.Il ol7.e. overHowlDg WIth ch'llming 81UII,·•• Po. R --''' fa lcalrv 1'alcl . . koCch~ •. WI~. Hum"r "lid F Ull d I I I I' L I:i u ' I b '1 Csdld)[e n If1)QlrfilOSS """ rm. crllut.o , t lut Ie elltllr<>d t 10 ISt8 us , lCC ll con rill\! CII Il'l' Y call ", ~ \ 1\ gi"e~ 1111 new Recipes. RIl.\bts. ecrc .... OOUBlAntly Oil hand. "lid: calh p.omptly ut.-W bile 011 his way to church ut , a champion of thut weapoll so II ttcr or llcw~ l'ap 'r. . HEADQUARTERS? A,t., &0 , &c . ; h... a C)tild l'ell '~ UCI'B I.tIllCl1t ten<led t o nt ull h ur.'. Sprin,boro on til c\'enilllY of tho migloty Y Youthful uSI)i rati olls uro 'V eli vc in cIIlIsidl'r!l bl c hope " II _ . __ .. 1\ l\1 edlc,,~ llep.rL~"Clll. 1'1I~r.I"r a l'o.n"r,l·le. All under tho m3M~ ment of I' A'r 'I1l1! ~ w/)/'; uF 'f ltE ' " horae I:IUmetilUcS ' " . e.;pOCIU . II y I. '·w,. Alld 18" pedcci 11.11111,·I.I·np,· r. ~BVt'Q) 23d 0 January, Jay Stukes! dltiUPPOIIILCI I, ullIs l Is 11 p Icntl'fUI CI" P ul. f'rult, ,HUMBUGS ltd "vccinly to "XP"'C <IV , tell down on him breaking u leg it flurpl'isillg that 'Murtha lIues !r er al'plos, tla e pro,Wllt yem·. Hnt '·RI' I J ' . . , I'y F'ILUd.lluac~ , :;",iudler 'nl~ ' n~I\I : ~;, r tI ~ ~ if ~·Ie I · 1 'II 1 I .' , De k ' ahol>l)i ll'" I1t th 'brick whe n there t1,oll"'h tll U Ii'f·tl'ce ., hall Ilot bIos· lI "vill~ 1"'''Kht ~Ir. John Wue,·. mte"?"t III ,·. ry 1111 .,, 1,,·, IIIIS love C<lIUII'118 01 11'\11 hf,t!. , '0 W"ynonvill , Doo,. 11:175. ~I , w IIC I "I ay lUll 11\-, som~, h s. . . . . , . '. .hu IIW" " 1' ~ I"LhMllinellt". th" ".mll w.1I Lo ,ll"bln ,<1t.tOUll'Uts. No Sa.wtlulII. lutl cfl' gIft ."....~;...""=:-:="",;"......,,......._~_ _~ I We, with othere symputhizc with 1B III lItten dllnco dildy, bl'sideB Ih BOlli, neith er ball frUit b? HI th · '>outluIII... <I "I. thL old lto."4, Kill'n of tho Deoll.ont!. 01' I,u t .lId citil' ~i1l1\u Clll lI c,'er "ollleh ... - - - - - . 'I him having beell ther our 'e1f us gontl(,lllllnly J. M. U , th urba n vine, tho lahol' of the Ult v shall Hivu. Muin ·treet. .IOU if,Y0ll r~. d, lhis I(rMI JI.~"" II 01PO' " '' e e e El e e E ~ 1.0 tl ' . I' ' J G. II alld oUl 'tin1l'S in II chair lail-and Ih ti ·Id l:!hull icl d [10 . \'11'11 t:>'0V;'IlIlt:>. A&l..R~ . ....1Ilistof ~wmdle" Wl\h.ou~ rellrtl' I'B ,·"r. llllullh ~ ,.: 0"0" .. 0:';l..,; i S Ie- suymg IS. II obtnincd 1.1 8 ·t · ' lIuur . th o.,.;tuv tlllly 1 , CII tll o II . mont, the Hllck IIhull ho rllt UI"1'ff'I/ElVnJ""" IIIJIJ"",. . 'IlI1I1J1J~ IIH rI,ul 1000. wilh IIlIm -< n ud ')(""" '8 . J c,hu Marti .11 . W 11 . 'IT COSTS 75 o<nl...... you,'... ",1 i. ·enl ~.e ~~ '1c :;"~~; ::'t~o ,,j -<" ~;;: I ting of lDtlaaleB somewla nl Ilnd nu I 'olrlplil:\la ·u W. F, '. ~ Tit 11'll elt frvln tho told and tl lcr\; lalill llc 110 '1 ~'l"I~~~ ~:~~r:n I~~~IIP~ ~~~: ;:t&.thi:/jti~I;~ Iprepaid c"'·"ywllcrc . Jt i: ,j u. t tlu' l"llper fu , ':' I . IJaB]Jr, 1)" II) bCCIl f'I! l ' I"~IU.1ll , .1 tl10 til 'ct I. will r" . .. "ri illtOItU, 1.0'.. k I'~'.f1I11 Ht'll' k 0 ( . , ,0111 Ie" ,ylll/IlI,·. Olllh"'1l o,,,o.lh. '".II tlSIlOI ~ '.:: 03 i doubt hllslo8nctll'lI0u,,1t 10 'g clear r.l·p l'd In It :!-) . . ' ~•• ' l'olilie .. l. rclillio... 0" "~CI.:I"'I'" ~"" c" .---~ . _____ '. , F= • 'd ... H filled; ILt lUll t 'tnl ·t ·;.t!ld CII 0 III JUice In tit Lord ] wtll)oy III tla ° IH.",."..... 1runlc •. B1unrot, . H Ob,,: I fo r ni l SI.:II1.cdio I G:I. il l".. !;" "COli fur ::" .. rouu . OI"LA. mlllly heurls' Ialive beel! restor·J if GlJd of lUy SIlIl'uti oll. Lurd "ltd r ... lI,a(.rt he tl;\ I :j yea .... aud is "Cg.l b.' IUU,UIIU _ __ • ~. trll,lo.,,"11 ~'"1111 olhera. If" allto gil' P" OIL .. U CIll\ II, "n" 0' ",lInl il Bud ,will hn," It 80PI~ lllilO \1 h,. UarveYHborg. .ever lost. ,I ' h·.lemul portlOIl of )8 my Btr nglh Ull d li c WI' 11 \lill k0 , fill". tl.wrn!, sor n"w~ :>'. ~ :g ~ ~i;;;.:!.:.i ~.;;'::; Xi"" "";j ~rn: ::::the comllllllaity i ~ prllbll.bly alll'i~ht my leet Iik& Id ud:! fuot !Lilli li e Ir""dl' 1 rr'·'Jt slItbfaciiOll. whIch . thoy ELEGANT CHROMOS W e hII'< ' hn . _ _ _ _ ~_ ';; -The protracted meeting which - at least th ey think thulII~elvll8 will make mu to walk IlpOl) mine gllllr>llltu<'. hoth ... tQ J.. I~ ! 00,.\ q,lI\hty of eVI1 d 12 13plcntlld Yr.flch Oh,,'lIIu. (1Y'"rth " laa8 been ill progress for two WLl ks capable of manllging t11t'i l' own af· high phlcos." - llabbak uk, 3 1 171 8.' ~~~{o~'..)~:'~::';;:I:;::~·~fJl\~~:~.~i~~' ;'~~Jl~ ~'~d"~.~"~ir::~'",,~~~I~'f~~~~I":~r I~::~.~·~) ;!~:~~"~~::i ~ ~ ~: ~~~ ~ ~ at the M. E. Ollllroh eame to a fuil's. t · o. C. HA1I1PTUlI. dillto """IIlioli b~ ~he p",,,,iot.,." I D'IJlflc' u wltolc rear. "II free . r\or Tl1c8. ": C IQ IQ f9 ~ I eloee last Saturday eveni ng. HA IN ES & WOOLLEY. Inre g"IIui ne chrOlll08 .• ,,I t,,I,It· fur lilly I'n. ~ ;>; ;::: i: ~;q ~ ~....::l I n 1\1 cmory. · _· - .Jl'-1oore - . l.":t. • 1M. 50 ,.thcr IW CI/lifllll" ulr""I"\ ' : : :~ iii <zleS· tt:I ~ -HiNIIU Mlvtllen, of thi s plnco, GRNE\'A - N-··· UKSr.:RllI:I;.-A LAf3T WORD , Itcllrlcr. rClllcml,CI' I" _. ___ ._._. ______ __. ______ .. 0 ~ llae movcd frum his l"Ollidcnc un tlhida kljr UI'O ."~ltiJl in the fiold l~I1Il ' 7.; i. 11111' C""l1tr·y·. O"lIt UIII.,1. Dud"ll thi. ...... Ii ,j Clark's A venue into Hobel't Wil· Yllss illg tile \:: wel.l.k DOWbll Elil IKII" .. ..; : , : : : Co:; p .IOO'S hOllso 011 Mlliu. strect, I!'t't lind Kute J ordUII. .one::!. ey III 1\4f18t o . Y . ' 1 : wr","~; ulle ~I,.t k"o~ . 1I0 party . "" 1I0rth , ==;: ~ ~ ~~ @ ~ t; 8 ~ .; Ucallt by M.' W. SllIdake.r, and 1'110 Jnao of tlll'S S\I'C t Earfy, J. M. ilotchkidS and J. T , , 110 'I,uth . "~Sl ur we. t; bu\ l\ I"')lcr i""'II.1"(I ! ~ ... oci=S ::: . . . .,: .. oh Oyler tormerly a l'08,dont of """ child H.il ey. Tue tl' 'Cil I'rum Gene\'a Io,r C,'Cr \' "cllder, OUL~hnt ~VOIIIllOhl' y 10 it s <is,! -i ..:. -H n b' b t l I be loaves au ncbi.ng void i u th hearts N" ~UI'I' n~ fl~t cln nl,d ,rllell ,Ie ,de... )'1 exposiull thu '" ioke Ilnd trap. ' or =-"' :1 Gj Gj oil arvoys urg ' t'n w 'tl 10 18S en of his bereav d parents, which p ~. o~ '.' '' ' 0 ' ,. ,.. , ~ \\intll dom ; fond bave I ~ ~.. .~;;; A o e I lVlI1g ·• I' .....-.w "I'd ........ ·l. ri.y I I (lOW0_i.l1"., d imc. 11 You Now Ie .. qj y ' lOr BOllle line III 18 CO~Ht......" G'--" 1 .... l I n .. -.,. .... . ~. - ( ) , fIIll II eIl· · ~ Oil;. ""n -t(t' a1 · .:. !3 /j/ 11 UJ~ near Olive Brnuch, has reoted Mr. • vu II cny",!, ovo .11 ODa em ever wei ill tbis latitude. Give these l' , tbo nccepl,d lime ~ '\> ~H c:I ~ Mun ma pity.' but the . Olliv 75 c.·III . "oem·G. Ihis I'/lpor a ~ i O~.,f.. .Madden'. pro))tlrty, where he and till W: F Ii .All .' gentlemen 11 COl'd'IU1. roocptlOn, all d r.8EE. 'Ilr. With ohllrmillg chromo_. 0111.' II . ~ § d :! Ir ,,2.. ~g ~ ~~ "',. fj"w 'I IYI'1It"ud ·"k·II.l g up tll·'·lr l.se. ather a oue cun cow lilt III snpply vO.llr grrounds with. uone but .1I, "mhcro 8~nt fur 'f, celll... . Rl'ccilDon ." I :I 8 Q " S p .. 0 Ell.o abode. .. ...... v affl tct Iv"fl. ( (IIIO,OUO r08,l,) Bonl freo to 1111. SCOld fOI' ;.::'", choice tnllt. They hllvo It. M ~ ~ ~ t:,':~:: '<;'01: '6; :os I J:. \Vblintl.e8odwiud. ofNovombo., ~_ .~. I I. now. OOBt.ANNEHI no'hill)( to'C8c~ it. ~oOl to· "'II!! .e ~Cl~§ ::a~ j8 occ l ~ . .nuitoa mistake WRS mudoby '1lI1d tile forll>ll.ti bllre<lby fru.t. . . , da"\Olhell BLISHIN G dCO .• -= lOwe one in Illst w~k's is II C ill .. Iiltld .. rcqui '111 >dld lind l.e"d.r. _ ..;I =" #---... I I' kllOW whut Ilutioll furlliBhes . Flilt SALE MY - For tho 1011 ly summer loot: A Imly Mrresponlcnt \nitce thtoo , iUVl liIlBdE"I"'-Al'"G l , HE"NT-S""Ii d' : , : : : : : reJerenC8 to tie sl1m 0 1I1ll0llY '1'1.011 it WIl8 wel"id our dll.Ung bcs t' d9 IU e tics; ill reply to which ~ 0 8ubeeribed to defruy CJ;' "'IISCB ill· LIttle OtlltrUO. 'lIe"th the . wi " I I I I t ~ ~ I '1'0 B ell f), . Chllllc'S IIceipca; 0 ' lofnl'mll- rIl , <:>., <:> "" <:> I~ 0 <:> <;;1 t curl·Jlg from arrests ofr-",hisko,' we aa"J t IUt 1\ t lUug I weI lire 1'0 . lIie '::I 0 .,., . z,~ ~ "'~ "' ''! "'..; lJoWh~lu ourblttcr8nlfui8h • I . "" lill" fur ~:vl'rllxldl' . III eve"" ci\II l11y In !i!; ,o .:.; .. .;,;.;s ... w.;s.,: ~ vellders. 111stnod of 0 20, 08 boo ~ ... _ ..oC J To 0 boly wI'11 of Ood. very well pusted ill suc . mattcn; IUll itcd StlltclJ amj C,uUHlflH . '.: llhlr"oci b.\' !. we feel that we call Bafcly pro. ' 21111 Ibc J'"I'li~"el' C" G4 fl"g~B It cOllluiu8 o,·Ct' 'ore stated, it is....'2,000.,",Oh. tbo partillg. th'o I~.t parWng I 1l01111Ce in fav or of ollr own count. hl>IIa. It,, ld 1I" <)il" '8 11 1111 I, Buil. d 111.11 ~ a a: ei Ii Ii 5 ;;: < 8~ Secure them ere they Go f How it w.ung our hOllrt. \" kn,, \\' cl",sOB II l1d condlli""s 0 1 ~ooioll'. "\1'''"' d ~ .. ,;,; "" Ii ' J:rl ~ -Sleighing last week. That life mij(ht briog uo. ry. N ewark, N. J., fUl'IJi sites the I1'1rDl ' Aft*" a ::>Bftfiill I,ook lind n hOIl.elrol al " 0:2!;."i g: I' 0 M 01 bers of lynchbnrcr Whothe.woul orwltctho.wou. bcst, Th ey ure r,ul1 ellthe ·'Light ~~ ' ~<!:!.~ ~~ ~~~- ~ . c1I.ul ' ;ghl. I>I'C"" 'Sl . illlhlC.IlIU~'.t" o'·~r '5 z ':':~O":.:.i':';~';;';!~~ I '~ .: r. lain • 4 . I I .. tlle triulrt und the chung t'I RD" db ' off\.' lcd t.o book Salll pl" ('°1110\1, 'W ilL :: u ........... = IJJ 0., is visiting. at his son Ill- IlW II, Of tho w""rYI coming YOII. . . unllin g lImestlc 1111 1l1'1l to c : hy 01'111 . po_ tl'"ial. for $'! . t,; du ,il'" tOl'd- Q1 --.... ..... -......... .•.-•... -.. Os ,. Mr. Ashmoro, of this plnce. We "hould novor.cu Ih""" f~ut".o. found. at any llfti(!C 01' ngollcy o( itorl' gil' "II .' AIlO OIS 1II',r ' tltll" a1I1I1I; ' Lhci l' ~ " . c -OI'lvar N. Hnrvoy, n YOllng .'l'1a. nt wo ki 1 'mid (ulliu!! w ..... , th " D!lIIn:tltic" Sewillg Machine ANI) m : Aums IN ALI. "I NIH UP' IIIlo·fl ay. .\,/lhc•• J) , . Ch ll~ " '" ~ lr"l11 I'rilll ei %i c..' • •• • • • :.. ,g.:;l .II.. ge ntleman " of this place, who Iaus "" ThHt wo no'er .hmlld hOllr l.hQn","i,' umpalt '. Ilillg lIou8\·. Ann Arbor. !!Iieui!;ull. Ir,.I:I :Jm ::... .; ~!Q ~ ~ "0 _
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II'-iIlIJlrU\'ill~ ~C'U
f :.L~:\~!~I.~ ~~~I:!i~~I: ~:,~~~wbu..
E P ~~ I n' I l'~ G."
BOOrs AND SHOES, Established 1 tll~t
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Wlllv~. "~ t "d,or~'l1"ul g
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"~,~ '::~~.~~:i!i::?-· ?:~:",,:, S: 8'~' ~:~,, \ :. ~'_. I
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Of tltl).colinlo(iulffi ll·N'·tips ; No,·cr 8ooth.bluocy " tI I'c It. \\'b~J\bdght. lhcmorll d"WIlHI,·,., lind N~ycrh",trthe <l"n,·lng p"t.I. 'r Of thc Iittlo footfltc)ls light. OhBut ! th" it ,,"u.s bitte.. wopnrtin!! kll, )W th"t 0",1 i. wiMo. An,1 tb~t we .hnll m ON (lnr dllrlillg. In I.la h UlD O bo)'oll<l tho Bkilltl; WI.en thiN /llrulliro i. ".or, Alld wo'ro laid aw"y to r08t. WU .hall moot him in tho lDllru<iOns Of boll' and t.ho blot·FIUEND.
,n t t l n 9 £ 9.
~ ,'J_~~~
WALKERnAYSLIT.-'Frbrtlfl'y ~d. at tbo bomo o( tbo brid,". hrother.
M,·. J]m~sR H"y.\lt,by~he Rcv.Chl\r~c"
]>" rl:'''"o)u, ~r.bolh Lowry 1\ ulkQr UII<I , MI.. Hn)·. ht. or .1 nmestown. Oh,O,
M"r-' J
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U ••",'j'O · ti.'.,'1'A! Y l'
oJ.... odort!7 ••ho1th
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b ':1~
!PBYSICIAN at SURGEON, _ _ _ .g;_~8~~~c3~Q~..9 '
Oftlco ill N.. lIollRl Bank Building.
WAYNESViLLE, OIlIa.. ~~_______ _____ __
"' 1 "g.........:
El 5 ~ 'Q'~ a ~"'!;a
~ 0
Sout .. I9.Illlu Street. AII.IlILA . 1!lJt\\ (J _ _ Q . Art' nOw .ccclvhlgLbcir F.1l SlOek of 113
'l'bo nndorolgnod hn. beon duly nppointod Admin istrator of t1w E.tato Iff MARK WAUJ), latc of Wurren Coun~y. Ohio. doCClLHOO. February~. 1876. WILLIAM JONES. -
- -- - ._- - . - - - - -- Henrie House, STREET.
A a:miuate'r, Velvet and BrUH6Z"
tore. JAMBS w. HAINES,.M.D., SAVE' MONEY I I 111"1.
Importod IIl eetly frum Engl.nd; TI"'/H: Ply, r
Ingrai'TI a
Plano-Forte Musl~ Tea~ber,
D.t. B
E.. , L.ille of
~1!~!rV~~)~~ I I
~llLili ~' rcct.
WAl'I'IfK8"", I.II,OI"O.
LIN 1MB liT': '.
I '
IlIm~elf CA-RDS
ec~ I~mlllt ~ ~uc
. 1'.
WIRI~ _ .__
00 "'~~~Il3[\.1i"
~. DU. E. F. DAKIN', "'"
llIonoy. Peters' Household Melodies
Nos. 1 to 13 IJOW ready. A (Jol.l
I B. tl, UP
E B P'D'I-"'Z
(I!)l~!#ll;tI;'a'lJlllli'i:ltiIl!UliJ~IJ Nc .. ".rlo'·..,
L. G. ~
or 12 Numbers tor $4. Petersl Parlor Music,
'i~IN:l!~::ror ~e:.
Pier and Mantel MIRRORS!
Deco ... llvo P"p<!r Banging. Window Paper. Ilordllr•• &C .. Dowe.t stylos.jusl recoly. cd from \bo fR .torle~ direct.
luctioll of SOllgB by Hllys,Dmlka, A choice asso.tment 00 hnnd an,l made 10 etc. Price, 50 CIlUt8 per number, o..dur. Also , IMgl'. aud \IlallFLOOR
hve t~mpel"lltely a~d rOMlllarly alld 82 00 PER D:A Y. OJ/ice and R esidtnc , TMrd St., NOB. 1 to 13 now ready. A 001. by tllls. means .attalD to an ""t'lB8 W....T80N. P....' . • . loctioll of Easy Dance Music.longevlty f~r 10 a~vancE) 01 t lOse -- W A YN ES VlLLE. Price, 60 ceuts per number, or of surroundlDg sectIOns 01 cOIll.l try. ,IN 0 _ _ _ . __ 12 NUmool'8 for $4. I Boe aomo of my later artlclCll ir. I bl m b ~ lo"'Ii'~C,'IENDEN LOrd I C have stirred up a little fri elldly )tOtlR t uRt cr RUu J:' ,aN eme e a reme, criticism aud .. This. ia IBIAIIm-llDIRlImmlllm, II.ALU Ilt 1 to 13. now A· wolll Keep the. subJect III .aglta· .....~ itT., ••••••• W.6y~B8"........ .L-' First-Class Pianos & OrgaD.s lec~loll of Dlffienlt Plano Mus)c. tion: every do questIOn -.. ' X E N I A I 0 HI O. Number, or tho JustlCO to ke.ep olle every • 50 c,.."J8!Joauti("l '10' tth ll y .....necea.ry to frame the ap· open, Ido wh IC h Ilet' Ilns· o. t et you" 1lamo n ea'ty 1M pMnted (l ! • tUlled &lId ropalrod. ___for a Sample powers on. . . • I IJrAI80.1 Onlo... lDay1lIL.umcllts be lell .itb ll. W. Ebrlgbt. Sead 60 ceat, peal all to no purpose, or to hear full per I (11. m, and sent to any add,:e88," . ' • Copy of either of the above, the pleuiog BOund of his own rhet· t!on, a)ld II WI ;arruD fI p 08t-paid, upon receipt of 50 cU. . .' aad if JOU are Dot .atilllecl with one. Then after 'aDDounciug the' 81ncere trot.1 see e.ra, a .alr . s lure Adru--. , . • •• , Jour barpill. we will ret:DDd ·t ·n a dire and dreadful of succesB, JQ the lIIvestlgahoD of THE :MIAMI GAZETTE, p it We truth Rnd I pray Wayn" .1IIq, Ohio. •• Ai.&.11.... tllD!!IP CIl . . . . _ Ctth",ltJon,Y)l_. C almll to 'l'O]oy. be that all II . y &llOugbt bad been' no Nero in slleb t.&eekel'8 Fi",t National Ba1,k ' BNildi1lg, J. L.BPET ER 8 J t t·ma II cqtUBl l modem there ··Im- but hereiBoDeas ,8uCC88810 1.n pu IOg , a r~, "' nlhVOIailrorIOd" E B.f" ' "TlI.M . J)., j VILLE OWO ad N ,olllliullhing prae'I lea • Os -., tho EJDlocror of old, boa IIty, 1101OCBS, I ' I purl, ty "" I . a.c .....- 4.., .. WaYllcn UIe, J.,..,. I 1-1 1816. W AYNES I' :18 ro way, . .1 .
If'-.A\ VTAU
"'.1 ...........4....... AI..,. oruoc for tho M..I;"u(uot","o ..",I Sille Jf '.Y IIII 118, ., . "ng for our MUBlcul ('I the hesCAIII..-leIlDVene l an8, ~",,,,-,. By subBcrtbl m"nulac' lure.UTe., :!":"::::.-s-::":D~r!~~= 1' OIH"" Ilt. Residoftoo. MugazinCl!. Pr' L Ci &_--ti roo «Fa. """""'.. 10'" w .... ~ PrI.. They are issued monthly, lces as ow as D.~WWl HIS "'CII~.,~~~':J'~~~.l. ft bl..Jw W.'._.III ... Bud cOlltlliu ten times us mnch l Or 11111 other city Illlho VDlOn. .. ......, , ~ ... ~ r. • • 0 10 U" J:I MISS RACmE R EBRIGHT mllsie ns VOIl CILII lilly clso' WALL PAP );' R S NOTICE. I ' 'whel'o for 010 8UOIO tl.IUUlIllt uf .rJ ,
~v:~b:l,,!:,~n~6~1!~ O!J~~:I~!~ ~I;~ac~~~~b~~. ~:r. ; ~:altll'7B nte~:~ TII.SD NE~R.]'UIN. and implores her pathetically to ~rdlllBl'Y Btaudard and wo try to CINCINNATI, OHIO. coiDe forth . and expose her Men identity- thing very unreasonable indeed I After the appeal is made, the write.r p~ds very incousist· olltl to Bay that there i8 no hope t .yd . g Martha to abandon her aud admits tbat he rath· . the dietl'088 of the people. t tllia I·mmen .... elra''IOeeasional n upon' bispu.mental
• 11:1 ,
<II A ' 'I L
.~ ' eO ~
~ 0'9 "" !:: ... :;.o
'~ 01 -.5"
-: ....
w"";,."n ' ..... B.OIIU». -. ~ - - - .L. O. LO KENS, M. D.,
. .
le C og • ~ ~ ITb n d FI nfr~. e ~ I '" I ce i! .] C!l -e ...... -IThe Reel 1~It1g.' ....::l
'rhe Red FloO' ,
z ... ': ~.'~
A ~VD N.O T .lt R Y J> . 1'J 110 ~. "11 I_ Met:...... 1\ ...... UlllloIln", [
8~ ~ ~ ~~<;;1~ ~ The Re.t Flog" ~ ~ --~~ ""'1 ' R d FI ,
c.'" d d'; Z.; gIi ~:2::;;: 2! ~01
. -AND-
DYE HOUSE~": .I=~':
Ih' eo~sil\',
cm'j)"~ Cl~b"r· tlStnt"nts 1 .. ~ ~h..lU e>-U " " tt~e If ma Il~~V E.lUlltbooilm. lll' A!ll\~ ,.,. & I .
_ _ ,,_ ~_. :~
-W-ANT511'0~E"6'·Dl l'-I.:~!&li S.~
. itTi'D D., t ---B~RIJ~SS U;ndM.
R~ -~-----.--.
o!!. .. W ~yn "A\'l lc"iJR ". ·{>,l
DUDLEY.-Iu B!IIllOboPIO., CliJlton 00.. Obio, Thufl!(\IlY 01' Ding, hlluary 20, 1876. y &I'a D:dle • "god 43 YOB••• 0 moutb..
BY ' .. ATTIIC.' . Unto: The latest and most intenscly ~ . . . ,:...."",,, exciting li~~rary ~n88tion of .th~ . ~.'15()a1' Oaz ete :-~ere at tho time i. the exlraordlDary and sturt.}V Illnge wlo Iflav? etntOJeddtlup.0ll 1" development wade by that Il8t mont 10 win 01' all Ie WOU U · journalil:lt, 'Occasional,' in ?r ia rell80nnbly colt! au gJ late Gazette It ia presumed Hlcb of SDOW Oil tho groulld. Since a . ill done for some onr serlOIlS . )' ~ tl 0 that everytbing (rIstlster .1:)Y' fi re, 11'.1 ible object; and it i. barely p0t!8 h~t! come t~ ~he sUlI'lace of alJUOII'S, tbat there was 11 motive for using 01 an excltlllg c lamcter. ur 80 many words in the studied al'· UBUIlI rontine .of outdoor and ill' rangernent they are found; but t.he uoor occupationB ~0C8 ou. One context leaves it doubtful whether rutber uncommon 10lltllre of ollr I·Oll al' understands the pllr- winter in Il mill ulmost every SUII· V\XlI6tI d 1 k I port of bis own productions. Prob· ay or lllallY woe s, yet we IIiVO ably better thanthat ho o".rBel~es not neglected t1.le of knew. b&It builded will be remembered togo~hel'. lor dlvtClo d b caob t mlly separately in the first place tho writer raws wfl'8 IP. t Il I b'
I &§ t I ' DIt
Waynesville, 0.,
had a long siege of jury·aitting ILt Lebanun, Lua returned. -The now 8toreprvs IK'rs,llntJ so do the otd ones. . -News is Bcarce. -Goods cboup. I wcnt into d t. a store tI,e othor uy, lUI dgo some prints and instead of wrllp' I the up in the lIslIlLl "' . ay wit pano.r, they used I .ona d uIII rM Dluslin. ARTBA. 'Marthl\.'
A rmy
.c~:il~ll:~~:· 3::~~ ~~;II::II~ b~lt~:r' c:~
C 'E "1) E A M
:e;~~k~~ n~~~"~LOTB8,
AlIwilllbsnIlIlAlI g.a.}cB.
LnlDbr~fJul"8 1lIld Ourtal;~ "'Ado and pUL up t.o oNe" iFUmtmfi1il OOVllID, All kinds.
In l'orrles. .aDd ...tonu.. WIN DOW 00 R N tOE S, .11 elace. •
Dea••••rCen hr BUNIITS f J(
~ P?I~:-'O ~~nT~~:~~::"~
Oed Ollmlorl8. our .... OWnenma.e, J>illowe aad I)ulll band .DCII...... ..IId"... '0 •• Napkloe. Doylife , ....... DlApt.n<.lo., imported
Pr~("! .o~.=~~:/~~o~::t~~':? elliit~dC':::t . 5;11dl_ldd
R f!ifJilul at WAaL ,ale
Minnesota '''ulr Swr).
lIr Oliver SUlrs n young mnll \\ h(. IH.Ssboutlivemil08 sout.h ot l1udloBI r, ;\[,uu , snys tbe Post or thnt plnr(' Im<l A thrilhng I\dvuuturo SUlldAY llIght j)~c. 26 He Willi gowg 110me mtlll'r 1nto III tho IlIgbt ond m wulklllg III IIIf 1\ tnt k Ulrough sorno timber)J mot n lug wolr I II the ~t.h, 'fhioh, 1IJ8t~ of Tlllllung stopped inlronbot blm andsbowcllllg ht.. The "oil suarled IUld bnrked 1lIl<1 ,\Ita ql\lukJy reUlJorood by otbll1'll till ~u 8.01'8 Will! /lwroUJIdec1 He chilu t like tl.u HlU)J rI80 pm who hlld IJO \JLl t rll nlOwulIIlly b selves n Int, Iilld, bAVlDI{ II revolv bOut hlm. he tired lUto IllB gOOMb tut 1\ 18 f IIbw, who yelp tl nnll fIll d That broke "p the pMty ne QQulcl not I\(JC another
woll, but
00 Illtl
hoor tbom scntt.. nng
through t.he b0l8b B then w nt Oil toward homl' nnllll r \'I' foet flU'tber nlml" h" met Itov a conple mor of tho hl'l\IItJ! nn01111111 UIO gOOd lllok to Hho't III tilt r l,f Ih. m Ho 'Hili Hit II '~IIIIIII \ fuw I I It! of IAIH howl', wLlOh ho I LIlli I c1 wIlIlo nt OOllllr. furt.her molpllwd
THE CmCAGO LEDGER. J\ 1jC3 PUIH'I' for *1.1)0.
• IItheu l GuardH.
".I(lY1C" ",l'. 'tort larlfllff lh"n 1'(1 ~ I"t t,S t
II til A h U14 JIll U
Y , .. ~~
I I",. St ,.,., ~LlI SON
,t'I,U' tie ,.. i . N '
1 ht Jten..oll She Uidn't Smulin. 011 Mrs DufllCl or 8tnwd to II IlI IRIt bor ilI A nther llll'ltt willi" oomiul taLI) RJttlllg III front or th, fir.. tlmt sh IlJII fllit TIl It ,,1 II grent notion to ) lUll
If{) It I
iN ~. II
l urk mty lor tho murnllt r tlt.l wI 010 amount or tllO tax 1.. lch 10 Amok eh <lal dO lovo tho ,R tJlO mOllijl.:ro ll8 sum 01 830004.495 && nromy of tounukt r She Bdlled I H ugr M IS the mtr(leJl of l.amtiOIl ropro w nil h., lelLru (llong !\go, leur kiln,," prill I by tho All figure&, tI. III Httl\ ~ r6lHlt I h" .. rd WUDRt thnt II mAU Lut! Ius lhl<' 1 " o f (' tnllhon IIlId a 'Jluuter lIpon tUllgno pll1'!llyzed by amom , nnt! tLat LIlt I ' Y for 11l~5 skeer,\ mil ont. Lord kno,V8 I wOllldn 1 II I" II III IVlltd LllItl blowd lloLo 1y wllnt tonguo pIU'ILI) ze,\ fnr I co IIdn I. I \ hlllleSw.,c Jarllle r hId hi. t.Llk 1I0ue (1111. WM Hore tho old goo tlODllUl whu hrul bot U " "~ntly gllZlIIg • TIll ~ <'I k euc <l1L1l1l~' Ii 1'1 (h e lal l' IUto tho firo drew n long SIgh 'Ihero 8 flu Id. lo Ih ~ ext 1J~0{f2600 Ll'~ gl>ll ,," no tollmg wbAt tho old f. Uow WI\B tlunk by II e <l r l 'IL of a flch 8(>t1 I1Ut'UL 011050 Ill/.: IIboll 110 - Ph.ladaelphta OMori a c r~ " ,,/ lin I \~blCb he vlllues nL t5 500 r <It I r ): III ver tbe IOIlil o f !)1I0 II Ie y
')11 0
1 hI' T ru e
J ~ ph i:lllliLh, lion of
'1' ••• lfcwI01l - Z ••,., moment or and m Ic b df' ,eadi on the judletou choice of • r~med, Th~ amount of ,",llmob, Ie ' •• or or Dr I3chenck • Pul mo nic S, rup AI. oure for conlom ,tlon f.r esCMd. all Iba'
- -----PreHJdeu~ WileOIl ItfIR Vl CO
hocll lulmlttod t.o probllte It 18 Vc r brl r, and 8"vPtl nil 01 Ius property· to WlluAm L. CoohJgo of Nlltick, III trust fur tho s upport ot MIU'y Howo, for tho llolnclltion autl Bl1pport of Eva Vroolll.lltl, i\Jld for other pllrpO!108 conc ntng
Cutlery Co.
be broqh~ 10. "port tb e 'r1!I~n
of the hl,belll rHpeclabtllt,. w t
III\~ II Ii e nf" IlIMlItntbn OOI1l )ln 8~a "ho llt 1(;,000 m mb~ rtt Mcutwrcd thronghout
tho V UI tod l:itnws Europo, flUti tlJe i:lUlllIlCL I HlllI <18 They n.lhero to the nrlglUnl fllllh , ,lUI1UlIlloo pol) gnrny ILlII] reject lIngham l' ollllg's clallJl to tLe , II I n<llli In M.r Sunth R e&tl'.lltIOIl De, or li abwldonul I J It ml1st elt.hl'r ho (,nlHL. d y or sapped loy 0\ erpowonng P plUlon PoIY81I1U ) "Xl£tIJ to-day by flUbar,' of the people 01 / ho VOlt< d Stutes w onfurco t.lt i f own rno ruJ 0 1lII<:t.1IJ( II til
.tobl1 01 aDT olber mMllcine
Prophet IIond PI UlIldl'nt 01 tI.. or"SlIlZIl tiou Cltlled tlto True ulttRr OilY ::)1\111 ...
TWI w111 of
Oo ... OM"' ... _
t.t., mILk .. ,oar e",. aore bopelM,
0 han been re" t rf'l .nn "I~ .roao lo06d tOCI nlJl hy ph rtlrtanl otacknowl"" xed ablllt, Bchen r k" J lnoolc8,ru p alobebucuNd IDMa, '" tI 1'"1" ... 1 loncel will .how but tbe c u ... II oRea promotf'd by the 4'mpl Ymc a! of twoothtrremedl e•• hl cb Dr 8cl tlnck
to healtb
are Schenok I h
L,beral Term of Ex ebal!lrefor8ec:olld bnllO
II aelilnea of nery Ii " eriptl0D
Wtoll TODJo aDd Mandrak ll ri )11
S, thlll tlml!', UN uf tb. . lIIedtel... "ccordl • fo
dlrectl onl Dr 801.-nck oerUne. It ft.t mAlit AnI cua of OoDlomption mill, be e ared
Dr Scbenck I. ,rofNIlflft"U,athtA r r I mea Oorner Bb tb and A reh IlroMC_ PI II. l ip. I. 8'fJ't1 Munda, .h.... all Jett.r. for ad.1oe ID.. ' be ad
" DOMESTIC' PAPIER FASHION S Tf " n..t Pall...... mo l. S. O I~.-u lor o.l&I.~ Addrell DOP'1'JC SEWING lUCmNE CC ".&IIra Wuuu ~
1'E\" 110IUI
wbiilll I bavc nJr ady gtvelJ, or shall horenttor gt ve (ijrootjODS SUB
morrow d I bring ht l
,..... III
lo ... ..t tll' 1\ $n il JOYOUS th uSht
11 IIflP 'i"I
wanted her
mto the store and
to Iltell
tuk(' inst one little poop III. that lov Iy -wein 811Cqu B. ht.'II1tated. and wae lost When tIley cam. Irt " U mfnnnp<\ on (lmlllg Ollt RbI' WIIB radiant m the new garm ut lUlU hla , _ WlIIl 118 long 118 yocu ann If
t ••
l r f
BB PO aT EI l.
--- ;:.--.. --- VOL l
.. VI.- -
-:- 1;'7~. ~ -
MBE R 33. I l:::u ~ 1
BIO . 1~ D. TE DA Y,
,A R Y 16, ]876.
bUf.~~U;'iliOC:(M ~'.W'i' r I ri lUllliuUA,:)JPllr ~I"'nll<'r. 11'
fBER 5 3.
all • I hc'lllid uot hi l IT m ... I~.n. a C."IU;; -II ...... ) ... I.. IIt~ h. 1\.Ut! th bf-J. In lIlAl IOr<m..!Il'.l j 'I'hllt pllnsibh . story, O/It' wllieh I..., 1111\\' I~ Il' n j ( '. HI bad. ~ .l t';W:;"T Il' WORK. mf rk'r ond t d D, having IU' " ..... 1.. ' ~ nre. I.A__ 1 UI6 001 lI'r lill.1 \'d.. ut1~· ~"'O ·t. I in d""JK'nlti!l[l. I IIl'1;C ry uo. to aay tit J..n.~I.] IIlfully , tho I w r part (,r it, And 1\ la "100 011,,"1 1 my ...."'t nn,I"T tb dUlh , tn n .... ·mbk. 1 lrnatWg nl,l IW.Y. 1.(1 th.. dlJl)tt r u f 11 Illt lilA Dll t 1I,,1I.1i1l oV!'r th" (on'hf'lJ II', d; · fI.~ hil~· III.. th boOm Ian· till ~ I\H [ oonM 01 It.U ...... 1 Q""""'O I ... "......... ,. II UJn>C>JI. '" it , 1\ ,,1<'1'1 i " I t<) lit iu hi" ... U 1U1t.¥,"OIIUtt 1"I"\lU',1 mot ~ aC rI~I~I" m 11(,1'\', , •• lrr"'" I 11 .. , ....), (1101 th ,"",11 'J to I I I· - d'~_u nIh cruri llgnyeo utollim .un m 'D mau. Tb nl 'I II .n.,1:'1o 1 '1 .. " ", ..",I•• nd O ... r the ..... n r v '. .01 d ll!1D .. anll ~.... _ ut ~"YriUIt , Iw.1 w"III.Ih '-' llruhahl ybr"llgl lt I.. Aut 1,'1' .. pne,~ w. ~",:,""I 0 U ~ RO lUI,d Vlll.l i 110 0 r t o ' • ' liGht. H III ~ ..... I rWI t ... I ".,... In . ul , .lId hi n.lm&4 ...... ~.. ""I , autl P tll!n~ UI th lltu tn",lIt v('ry 8.ml ,n t '" 'oul,· uC u.dd, .11ll(·bnrj.;•• hnt I' 1 •..,II ....lnn ... v uu 90,1 , 1~ I. II wUlstl'r of ctJttnge I "Whi\t (l'yo 'lTnn tt " h 1o')lp,,1 '1 t ror"-'ud 'I 1.1l ... ~ I Il""wb1l~ 11,' 14 b. ul ~,'.I_l Mid. Il IIIIW p111 ' n! ,I~ . 10 d b.=--~ iu P , aud. ·tlJ d (~ ~~I ~'II.. .\1 Ilt" • • IM unoK lou' tb. t w twiN! be tiIIg h t fUltl ptw.. ~ n '1'1I'~t.~1· k)IA' \. lUui llt'd ,,"ying I ron"l ! I .. ould tlot cbock ooyoml th lop o( III ~ IUCI(l~. I bont'!!o! , ·oiee. _ ' Uu·"".iu O"lIlr"ll t:Lilrotlll OumpnDY is . ..." I. w~oh nwil to 'n{l nUllwr IhtH',,",w . thrllW 6\)U11' lil!ht ou til ~lIbJ ~. 'fh"r lUI.d 1I6lJUy ~ u Well lUll tW(~' I ,vOllltl bn"(1 gt" 11 a grrnt ut.'Bl t I ww.w.l th ownt. p'~hillg it .. rU!llltl~r IJIr Ibb h, U. .h r ... 11~ llso I"" o'l8'b th W ,lIlfr ~ I Per r An[r~ t:rl ~"""'IIUOOllllbt• DM mil from I WD, It WMIl ftntl WIll ' WfiR 1\ ~(lII"ral omauur of R8touish m(,l' O<J.,n "hie to turD aWIW' but be tI I (I.ad I .... 1 I 0,. ,u ... 1 bo\ ~ h ..l a ' -1' ,-.. MIIbo W Orl·I'RtIlr. tOl IUlltlfl. north of Slc\'t'IlH To \ ~ "',... It aDillolOl . twr Ii Pl'Optlrn tiOIl IIId lillI,'1I 1U4> liru,' find "11 l til IIJl '" 'ay"'"" " Jill .' hn\' ""'be, i I no .. Wl'uld aln I10 I>OSKJ'll II ... IlX' lIJr (llrD ltl I .... ''''~' InOlt" . I ' d<' th . ( I .. P"mt t" I !'f'tlOkR, u 1 t t n 1_ ,h~tall • of lUty-lh' I I I U , ' .... UUlI . 1'<>" I' r""u ~r 10K d"~n ... ,1 runulult ,nlol n bn h in t.he RIUl hUlA. )1,10'., could 1,. but 11< 1011&1 /Ul. • St \ VI t\ " . ' u mo ro~ on~ 1U MIIRI)t'n....., I llwmlli'r , I hnt! -I s . IuU . t I r -,. h TO " "lli< '") tlllUl th mprcil U ' U llv tt OJ,,,), I Wbo OD(\ 101, '1Il);",1 I II. lUll' r""Ur. lit "'ID an~ ' CP he . UUII With Inw ut· 110 I Very 81J" rUy I III I Il Rtdcllhy f trail vbnt. 1 ow f e ,ulZO III moglll ." OlM"I)t'r. \I ".1 f r hM"". lIJIII ~ oulrl ku W nbollt th MTIlir. w r(\ by no "''''.D IUI~W n ~ I :. l o( tJI(I work , 1t UI A"" • Uiu Cllt.tUlg I OJJ UIC 1rt111f", ",hi.., I ..t.·p h "I, 'p. ull' AN ·.K llllIlY. III I c1~k>nQUI <1 til "1Ilk. .I '\1111 6""" I'''''r, ilwM im}.lllllsllllo to llvurlook thrulI(O;h n Il om.o fOf('t\t of pme. ,. jjJght's loJging . 1 ~'llll IWt "0 fur · prone!>. J my door. \,/111 1111'n Iot"PllI', 1, I I",' Thfy ~\i~r~~;,t'~:~~I"': "n I', b"o,,1 noy ralll r YODUg lUlu ~ Ul II 'Iulack, .111.... uf 811u1i uvitloucc', ••IIU 1 "" lUI I 8pm", I\II.! luud \\'~lJ4. u. ,~d 1 1010111 I.' t tl"' ~ ill tbia gllo:-,', " of ft tr:u:k 1()1) rflrt'1ul ruy".,1{ ( ~.IOU·I, 811 \\' how, L~U\.') IIWIJru. I UI ' U to111. II b ~ lb,·1., .... I 'o )""'1' U'" Ira, ~ ... ,1 rull til 0[1 rtu It, of ilriug. ro r by llulIIg 001' fully dr. fo t WI.Ut', hlly·lh'l tIJu l.(lK I~.ng. 'ho tr,. :rh n~ h ,nllltod .. !tood d.,"'!; oor' l 1.0 breut lIul w~hu;!blr::~~~i,.u""" . _ '1'. It'..m'" to ~o flO I pili hL'tlVily ,,,gill rl~·. IlIIlf JU cnlllllllu,l1llUy. tJ, R ry Y u hav j ulit .... 'tl4.r .\uowled g of tho of wblch hUllly 1\1'. Illl wu.k W ~ ill mto IuS , tl JIl, wllholli '. m . moment s' hll..,tll· h~al'\l , wh"u.lo my IlIItuuish mr'ot 1m.! oowlb'l, All w I) All au \DClU1\JOUt O( hoalth 001'$ IDllch for etls r , this . "ho ilid u~t H!OOp, [>Dll. aftel' a pot{ , timlxr. 'Hl<>cl, on.} th .. roC11l!(I m; oU(lll~ hlBt b I!Ill Ll hOIl. I felt. I1Ither Y\>r"" 'If n. ''''',"'!lb_ .kr In an.tb 1'1011. h,·nrU. th u u.. r dillgullt. 1 JlOull1l1OO I,hO\& it WlUI looke.1 burn from tho I • grnfily: 'It It uunull lIlI\t tho ron<l bed '" to l OlleD. A Ill4I'h llU' Lib "QlIMb t· 1<'. "", wWcb IC" a. ~ &Iony ~ th Id ·upou with a ood-"lool of IIu.pjQ i-. • You The ]oum ~ICtl. th IIwnmp fill I to .. CoIl1 i n . . . · t'lv .. ",,:~~on;. tfr<'W WU> ;.,.1...... • "a patldl.. OIMI/01 J)OOZ' ..y to til town wtU\ a long .it, • ,-10 . ~ pt • ~~ a ""mll ill W , ith ~ a I!Jllver th . thAt WM not n".jDS l<l :!~'~~'l'1~~~~~~~~lftll~rcl~.~.~.rJ~:fi"*~ . Illb OOw. stook of IUl • it yon nllOllMll!'l at tho pi k t til liala.! of jlrohA- pe tra~tK1. th o ooill. I II *ho IhrllOlbol d, . ud Dut. "-'7. deu, m. oth.. thIllp .... 'lui"' .. MI ot wWulI . ha\' bi! tiM, mrm'8 "f0!7 WIUI to sow e 'fays l\('roM 0"1\1'8(lila "poken. unu('r the lonnd my8cll Rlld in l11uw AUtmJDll. room, " ory rongb. I1f Ii( Ill"" : glIIll'tliiw alI be tt-'r th,UI WiDf'. H l8l1OJiaitor rillioul I put throue h the low f 0.00 of ~o tlAg l'14. Iy tlll I!ColUtily fUJ'lliah (1. mKlti.he . lIud lakvlI, 1\ door1·ho!. "f:1...~~,~.~ a dIlD.., r1R 110 J ..II II. nnd I tootl!e my 'f~ lIDlaD artiolelj I r!lUII m· wny in n oornel' lol\lli.ug ontwilh whol n.urlitivl'. lmt tiIlJ.} h ooul<1 b(~ wto ~oQcl8 l!1"ll An.1 camJ16 oons o f it to til trnet 1. II 01010 w.llk tl"" 1",1" OU ,,1_& • •• ~IIQ- ~l - 1OqUlJ' lilln. th 8~01!" · UN) of th B~!.inge, if 1 611.1 Jrou lru~ tlv''71 th~, IUUOUI{ IlIulU 0\ upper Rtoty. lor .tlJo L-ru8, AIllI tho I ould IItlO alBo. by UI ~~ ~nl o( a ~g 101ution ot JUtrllt() of dlm light, II I W Cli gh 1ul.l1 any C W1deIIOO .. thllt . I "'lUI OVUl' .in Ul l'UR . d baJ1osk. sbelvl'II. l. and pot ill ortlcr !or bU81"'I=":~:, I.:-;'~I~'d ~J,CJU"'l». T'llt .11 . . ... "hI e.iI..-(lT. . be.dil\llA'tl i1Coorwn with pm '. I bnd com" back. t oo. nnu "OUI' U • I.rOOr wbich rtl dIld 11&'<1 80Jll uotUfl8n ud J)i!wwr potS lIpon th m. oometl tl.'Q blUI~l~g of Til.)' bodo) loa,.....1 n~ .bo ..II~ DO' ''' ....·d Ihat fur oo~u ~ ~J}' .11, Alld ho u k".l W\l.ll I not ~_ uepol8, 0(. the St.illlret 'p.ing WIU'I:hOl~ his ((l( l . lltuti~u bnilc.lin~. I18l1luob 118 ~bl Tl' hlr.~~,t,~,I'~"d ."~ ~'l." ."ow•• In. IUln. .I"riol{ on til moor Illi tbe time Iu (oot 1I1l'lltablo l6. BIde I11'lUlJfJt, SWltohOl ~r In =.1 til t lIttle \'l L. 01 lIIt.ml.. . in shodow but stili I could sec I IDUlUU~ of !\ill-cr. tor. UlIell.lr I silll' 11 WIIS mllkiJlg iUl impr~ ioll. . 1\0.1 L:on~ • rolllJu· bol\lIOII, WI~ter l. 1IOO~lon 1100. It \l t. ' k ,. hau....... brong ht II mUld rE'r to. U10Provul ,.. gJillo," ttwkl', tel . ,VI''':'..... g m. b 0 t00 it Tlf 'I t I~ d III th t th . ..o,~11 II I look 1I """"-",,e '1" an, • '1 gr!Ioph. oto., e tc. I t IT " ":_"1 r . 800m 1. 80 1\ wweghV!8. IUld thCIl. eo.ymg bnutqu Iy. .I.l JUry wor \lnWl · , arn .ni, al! .,. il is ' d 'BL-:"~ tb twill ~ I 110 0 ''''"'11. Y or illy two vc- mil0 ' 1\ hog to " cOlldelJU Tills rond l a ' U I Ilfhbor 81 PI' h r .. led th ' WII,on 8111'11 'xw• ..., qllr .n i+:ub,,1'11 ""w D ~I ..... ow,1 ~1 .......y wlllk llbollt 1I01ln. . AU my l'oM.ovc . a groa lUI a r - . lion !wi a Jllllela",p a .rotrI\(.rdiu nry ovi.lonoo gwell by l\Rtmug r tho till etoi1'8. As .b strD<l cr qLU1'$ two yCArll himl b Mid~ RIJ it "N ... ,1111 Ith \c w.....'~I~::~'~~ ... I " illllllo", In.! 11n,1 mIL .b.l moor I .pllllllCtl tllII!. OO? ; II l oowd PfOVO I WI\II in' tllo oottage:"': "vor 1 , 000 n;' II to (ully labor. emplOying" tUlgl1 lnu. U, sil;l'u M.? fm nItorth "OW'll t.~ fb.iwllo1 "'.... tlSht;, "An,i thllro'8 no OD UIlm~ tal tho':'f tH. y·.... ,In, It'II.I! ' AIId \UIaIltd fna u.. __ . WII8 I glul t?0ll, Illltlit told ho~ Ollhrll)1 cI ill th b OlWl"nnd BtuI:m, who oouiol luvilly • 8\\'0.... ~h plllll8lUJt tnwk WIll UUdo~lbUldly DOW.. 11'uDi Onr mlc..,..·.' l... , ...·.llbo ....y. or oll.lto IDn " • •1 tllrm pro ." \ld good laid WI I hll.1 't l..o II thor - 11m SWI'Y would IJI.'~ ~1'llr 80 onlt'l"t:n mout ~()r sneh Ii m MI. I !olluwod him 8Ull Willi 'l'u /IIlying thltt .~ tb thaUnul iS O(UI nm tlU'o!lgb . is more JeI8.. P"UI, 1 h OlIUl (lm\ l.tcJllIt- tLll1 bOlIllO loolllllg hl1' I I . • to 111"'0 Il rry ~ reut co mpl :xiou. ,tnn .~:=t moll Ulitl work bO'''"I_ ..... ·~\I· y I " ft I. s·nor· fll ril lIuiteo;l ~ • tam· mean~ tho oxptlndi tur uro in giY.ing lban roooivins." Ie IUp.to tnwelollJ 01 Ul luLtI'r f ~1" 0 I~. n ~ I ~blm ood $2,000.000 m prelllUlug .. f!TIUIU Ilub· p<lII8d to ;appf, bieftt to " ,klcb, anodi· lIu,1 bo,..lh. bUj," ....1 bul teml.. 're"" ".,lbl"K ,,0 "PCciOB tbllll tha fururer Sll~llouJ y tho JIlJU'k I huu IlIlid tl POU of It look",1 in· Ii" bil'l'hwny througb lUI lUII:Itlttlod <-'O\Ul- oino and'~vioo!' 1\ C Ir'thlUlI 11\ ~l au mal,otl. th ,lootl. nearly lUI wool.I><'S un then:'" it prE'ss neat the mllrden 'r 111181lt'Ll nQ1'OAA nlll, 1\".1 1 try ev,' r Wull /I vast L'Ommoroo ill to " ' oor. \ . urm. pu . ~r dUltL lau QuL Ua i\ ft)'ina flU» ~ fil .. \lo\lll'lIwar,1 lJ.tOll8~~ it ~orwlU'd 1\11 proof. Wit.h <lUU- I tlm~ 10 the yoars ,IWIIIIOW, nU\~ 118 il few ''11 Yf,U' rs Otlrotl I lIIlnteru( ~ .Alt . larhoanl.tn nkll1j: table. ft~led ~llt ~.Whle. tJll\t IU'e to oomo and by ~ny paper • .,. n ill not !U'lonl~l o ditllcult. y tllo \ 'au c ronor lh J }1krlll't blac)enl!(l iLhartt ..'h c u~~ " to nee 1)1. l\Ir. Gnbrinl Sturm's 011o r. Il.llow"d whi 'lI thOllu lUUSO( poop{ will bo bro\IfJht gt!Ollnuy known tMt 1\ very appropr iate ~ ~ h d ~110-t' ~u ,I!BY8~ ~ .La .wann.. C._I 'fbis ,,~U! tho 0186. I kl4nloo nfter\vnr .I· I' ). . Sturm 8 Deck to be bllrcu ; bllhmid louu iuto th o wilderuO to ttle IWU 6ubdn oovoriug for Uw b ell oC a ri_:ma y be 0 I'll. e< 1 m . . g WU ~t U\l"aUAhltU t. th land! In light .utI WArnl ror th b Oil Ulurnm l'@.M llklmy holTO r.Dom arkitnu llbring&! bad 1\ bAd Wlm tbOl1 ffh j lilly. aDd d ~ tb (1 ,·l)f,klllj.f; tlllll cd ~h, llOtUo. 'il~h 0.: on~ ituudu cnltivat ioDmd made on~ of tbe ah o! ...t& dich WII8 to bo louu,l Tha" '"'" ""1,1 W~ 1.'.rn~ll til \KIN' .. tb OlllUJd • bad hooo too Mort n time ill '1 ho neigh. "rOll8m my HI~lOl')IlIl; 60 Hlld it boou remov n within. tho oo'1.nds of civllir.o.tion. It abound the.aj e~ ~ Tho ,loll ., lI.'!l ••thob. IWI Ilolt rtN.U it .... hod rhoo,llo not. b(\lU' It hud ot it. only JIllw moo",,, tUltt 1'l' lllltn- ~111~ ~~Ygb~~~ l~.li 8t!~ ~I~t '~d It II W t)J'II of progl'tll!8 br.ingiug its btIst -1' is to wait till 'til T. ue lrozon to 8 ye.17 town .. bot-air tJll1ft rlQbt Ih ...)u~h ' be well lioll \wp lI~od you Rbnll ptll1l4'lltJy 1 I~ I ,'crlld ue. 1.\IId .os,JlO'luo to tho miUiOIl~ 01 ad<litiun Or ..... lle . 't I' book ~1 woalth RIlU bl _ _ over, iud.the n IIIlt them ufJ ;,tt,b 1,PU;r ot tu cd Dn ... U.i{bt .lId 4 .~ Irnlll out th loot.·r rurnaNJ of juJg ' . I n th 81l.llh mOIlDtime pictuJ:'O Ule roo'!l. ~ ,t wo ul(1 tonDg 1t ollt. . I Il!lt.or. .inga. It moons til fnlL fc.\Iizati on o(tho Rbtea. If o~bt to be IIpiuet 'm men!ll '!IIII rn Jr..... 11161''-1l I. s trilling brM'aly up th mlJll',1 Umt Stnnn'lI 1100& NlOllld b now BI'd I ~8t'l'i~goo tho W~llB!'Yt brovo piou ' r'8 [bcrun of the IJl'IUId to 8tlPVO up a Joke 10 oold 811 to-make ~l ~ b(l.(~ tlll'ned to the winter enll, tbell elLiuiliR tutllro in IItoro tor WbatC T' 'frf' ba\'f' m ad a. l ur ltlolos;t«tA ha,~ tit 0 b lwiug to mnl<o It d tour' upqu the r Ue< IU my mon I. 10 () 0 Mln; a "Tho New \V1IOOn. ono'~ booth chat!oor, • through tho willllow s, oJ:plaiDi u.g III! well sill ., . moor t IIvoltl IIU lUl1lsnally formida ble I :ill OVc.:dll!l I t.ho nght. I would not be Th '"ml lllg H1de. .• (lr Ir,.-.tt, in Ulo taUno" apl .. H()w long have ~on boon ill En· 1111·1 couh.\ 1J0w it Rllowllri Willi the !t. l\lark I relli'he,1 hAd not Hobtm~ h-C()r IKl l'!lIIg ., oIMltb t tllb old pron<1 ~erStale 8l18taiD fl.), : at·, WIl8 the qllOlltion put by a young ,• .. And D()W wo l::uow & wunl('1'C'1! I, m.DuU)' 1IU- tho .ch~wr of IIppClU' w0 t.h'~'r ef l~:<,s whiob Willi my th mon who aru UII1S Pllttmg thoirmO lloy to a youug AJnenca n at A '" rl..Do~ICl\bld· 00"...1U s tlDllUon ty WIUI IlIIml'd, Alte r run·h objco,tiot: lhllt W/III llour. rlJl~ their Inbor into the afw r 1\ Inoll , 0.1l;t.1 Jn llt!art or c bokhlA hhn \(1 tluth W t! dQriOT hlln DO _0 0 aeoll un ,lin in LOndou rooentJ.y. 1111 '!Iight:l' enter8pirii impl)()IM· d 10 bilUllt Wood8- lulJ on nud thUlI. tM hlU.t·~'. luoid n 800ne o( illd 8oribubl o prJ.fl4'. and onoollra go them m then gr VlU ut ~ 81r ·to wal.clh lI. thllt 1 sholl 1(\ t\\'o ..... D . .. WIl8 the reply. t Our phl1a.ntb roplfl ",.. I Dtllft.lulv r " row'd tn DU,"Y urrh'inR 'ther I 100m,i excitA'1l1 ent. th 'UI mor grndllnl ly oowdup Dn wQJ:k. Chokll off 010 fIOIlaatioual g:a;II.{Il. 't: HcwJly L" ~. tho , rejoillde worl. to ,10 8C(luoth wJ. muro of the house. tba.u h tlMU1K'1 r of young tho wt ot silver and by degN'<..'s t.bll b101'811n.1 llillBllpo iuto(\ T'bai cd.tne ltI a dl .., Jl.I:'t) U lun\lh u muu"" or than I IJnd Ilxpoct~d . Thero WM, 100r('· uhollf. to o w m<>-abo llid not take n hruJgor&-dn ' gkte dohn Dull; ., nnd I notioo yon talk our m.nIoeIU. I•. I11Ruo over. Il yUUDg WOhlllD. wh o. with n COil· blookcll ed. t!1owly and a1ml1y thoro to 111111 nrtauu that langUag 1~'UlY hl'Ol)W~ ~e:;,ohhor thH' o III! wc U IllI we do." C/ put Yes," WlIII tbe mark lm o out.. aud th6l' Wilt! the ot tho n1bbiab to AI Oft_ lin•• Il"oplo u 0<1 .0 till lb •• I",I'!' "lid bog sid I1ItiOIl for lJar m tUCI\I mau not o(tou t UBO . o~g W . e be romovoo in jJ10 th ; l'tIply of Brother JonaUla n ; I have me. 0 ~hewn by h r St'X ill 1m ·b ("'1,108, took I1JO 811 ' Xlde<l III both, llconaing Cl'OI!II. n ~ilent witncea to the oooom;l. lishmeut of Aud cattle.. 1l0~ beeu for bol'6 1 this l;l q vcr. nite gr oven loue t ohause; enough to for· ADd boil ut1 '1'1 tht!m ou tbe t\.r(! "u.s ('at III rn op(IlIl'tlllli.ty o( pr''80uti trut.h of my stOI'y, antl a IIlU'e colld !Will' PILI. forlb ovory induoom ug her busband w~fln ho o trer':ld mo t he wbJ8kt' bad Il nt to mc~ot aU I!" t how tQ 8PCllk it. .. lUI_" IavafrH ; tion of hiDi who would ("..in lmvo ·boou II cli1U"R kI <lOmo Ilno! But DOW we baT. our pa(tml rotal7 food co'nllclllJC!: r, with IlIlOUll'r bllby. IUld 110 IIBvod IUO. h f~r look At hIS fnee; nnd. At I 0 sam.. ooon\1,. ~lio land. S dill joumoy. All this runt! roo vory tlln~._ I felt thAt uuublo mardcre r. ·tbal1l Plalo DIet tor ChUdrc a. Hoot out all petty. uaqow jlll1l~lUV. bo wutchod me ilIU'OJ.-e . ,. r'J mooUJ el}0nsh W fA' .0(1 baol.h hun· Into , II)ld bAll t4el'6 llOfll ~y uooomocln- I rowl " bitild tlvol1 !rhis'ia wb!I,t' ohildroD ought ()Il e~ery a broorl (ounda.ti o\1, ~n • • U' bl. _ •. 1 ... . It I is t 1 Il cODjlll'or l '1I Pou!" t!0!'~~.~rriltro~r11 an" wb: in the IIW'conir .. tlon triok." I felt criod the rIght and pullb abenJi, It 18 daWn of Q oooount to be 8OOUBtoDlod to 1 £r0In III .nO .m"". nug 1 lllVO ,'ory 800VY f~ the eolicit.ot lI.ogri1;V. whil co11 IIU i x· mUll lompt.·d to SillY. As it WIl8. I mnd.,)(lilll stood 1 " stunned IiDd 1\\127.1 cl. lIud I:!tnrm up posur ; but I ball mltao IllJ( my (millli . poo~ . lo I 1I.llt b rig bte r daY. 1\ SlonODS Oc'boD ud uHI to .1,~Uz.lDG rotJlUi of buman my mind 8111lJ'18O on.~ of lirIlt.~ it i8 VlUJ~ly more fol' tho WIIlk, fervo.utl; y r trtl8tillg Illt.t I mllst "u rrhu~ut. ]Jot go the to dark ~Ioop. 01011113 hen.lm or Illy nnd tb",t W" comfort havo alhmdy. tlum llR~O Illo\~ "'1llIf~ . it \vollid be 'h llng OIIgerly forwnrd to Otllch 11 8 ' pile of ov. r this {",vored lu.ucl. moonligl~t. n~ butO!'6 T woulll be in dUllg'r. 1 'Wi~b whiCh 'fond , tll.. mYRt.erioWi mnrk. W(,llt I lookud ClU'e tUlly ovor 0111' small 1<1<'1'))('<1 ovcr thu LhrCllh01f It thllt. " ~ I n'lll~r\ll to the In lit! <l1llOk lip your d, Ilnd It UI· 1I1ugt'ry, which \VIIS in lUI Atfi rooD I U1 "wn I:ltllta - yOUf owo m n th"m vitiatAl UpOD mo wry mom6lJt ; iI cuu A groot thmf ~ S. S to tt. oot.tage. I)lld r g>4rd d with Slll~tIld · "r!'IIMed 01100011 ftl'riVfl<lOl:t. on inlIuffioicn~ pr(\IU.F'i11£14 t1i th e ...h'llallt
'it - ....
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Tilwill.AlllO i 'lOU, • . • tollJlO.V 1_ 01'1' i will OJ' ,ljtal~ .1'~W> "'"1 · tb. til Y 1v CIJ!l(\Uliai to t,IO !ltoM.'. At yselI; fI, oouIIlull,Oll Ju~tj _ • ., • 00, B wr ' J h d ' . !JIt, 8llrgcry. mnollg tlU Il1rf<, l.li,1 111ft 1, IlI!O l8OOverloil. ' . . thill"" ; 1. (to llml mur o( 11I01lilm to Alt('r PllttiJ1!{""L thowhiB .. ky. wlu.oh, rut ' ,'''1 2 1 b ( 8"iI'-vcr tluw 1 ('""'C"" --1 smelt l 0 I I T . . ltd ou· I IUl ti cil'IlI.-~ -r~ r Ilg'y 0I f'" "DlLUD. terWII 1 eom IlUsl I ki on ot th' goo<l· triu" II' 1\\Il I1' 1I II 10 (j. oo~. 1JIt. . 110 .I li I r J .l, or mt!lIUH of d oul" /10 011111 UOIlU 0 f 11 cl'r IruD merelv IICll tllll'P ('l1 lit<, RUI'" , . . , , , • flllt!iug dU ,.Id bo t tlo c>f it 011 611 h80UJ'(' Il 1111 ·b. Thill \\'1\8 !",t rtll188IlJ' Ulg.
O""n t tHlli WI J'Olll' ri~" •. Mal ~ou A. 'Very IIOIM, ...-I or that, -., ml·g.bt bo nuld by a l\l<m~rbtrlll will $('0 my r Ii" .:... ..... - . .. and t 10 8yrillgc, "'" a-" __ .. _"' _ 0:'" ~ .. """'........ llu 01 neill, ono! thnt littlo vinl tbo ~ .,- --" - -l"belcu gist ILnrl hyg icuiRt, 81l') \Vl.Il1: a littlOtoll8t , or kill 1\ ob iol!; A "'0" their ' I . wb"r"Ili R strl 'lIIrth _ ·H ,.... .,.-II. 10 " •.ullUllen .• Alld lam uot ,1B ;nty II.!n· ..•·• "eueu{\ l1n".. ul' t fill: oxpr omllon you " ,,--r 'tm'" C -I U~_. 1 '1 • """ I U 'f 0 U1 .... {\ HI W'l' ; wil e . mfl~ !iniaL RIIIO !JUlt n ~" olln'" .. - -, _v mtUI could 110 11 b ItAr doUl ' g " ....."."t " 1.. on the •• " ' . ,. I' _ . 1IlI'l~. 110'• 0BCT"ioo fol' bimso\( !JIM I to lIOC)k tho my M...lry 'I,It",. IIOOI'1l of d Ullying I?g yon t Ililt,. bt "I'U tb A ~ 0, 111 0 ~ • R r. I mUBOlo "OJ I\I1d _y Cl'ONS fll.l. d frmo 1\[r. Ullbrll'l I:Iturlll's co ulJsolof ""m, wiAo }Iltysiolo gist, 0011 clloek. hut o( forming .k1 ouo of t.he inacm11 him tmllkly all his habits.1lU1l hl1vo 811.011 vllDiont In.bitl! th"t til Ctll'I <lIW'Yalong 1100 10 "'118 pnllolno y blUJg01I. A Doctor'. lorr· ring ot UIU Wrgu Hyr,ug,; wn k.'pt. I t~lWd, .(onn tl purt 01 the bed. .lho : :0 'will It is moro UUIn Ii" BUd tWllnt.y YOlirS thero WRS brokunbrn811 I'; I/llity lIollrs Irllol New Vork to San pUle....... 1U'.1 IXlill t ' thp dJ'l'll1t{9 work!'u ohair. 118 It 80 mot! nt t:lrst , WIlIi:l Hell.t Ollt "bilre lin would time ilnd lIDytbiug tlleY rum cat, oud llinoo :[ Ol'flt IlOt up in pl't\otico io thiR pt'rfccU y well bl'~ t'rnnrlu' tho ~in~ O. ab olll.l ho imitatin b, TUOI!t g oll(llut illtoUlP ,.,.11, Hk e y W (uJl. !:lome 01 thC80 thus you will proP'U'o thom part of the collnLI'y , ,'Oming horo n lUoUlI ),i1, nml T 1,(1oketu. which to 80 choftu.g Aotillg {)Jl tho exporiol lt' ~ 1t n lID ~or thnt nillo ~h pre RS Willi (II8toU(,.<\. i1l00 of tho tables wonld. uo dOllbt. read .. Thero WII8 IItraugor to it. Now I know very iuch puwolifl . :r D much IlDd grombli ng throQgb lifo. thu "eric8t "ligbtul ug OXprt'lI8 .. t.miuR !l\Jon OD tbe ~OthUlg N w olso 1111 10110_: 1l0til!llg 10 d~ ngMost th~ door, MId of tbe rood tor mil 8 rouud, rOllgh IUld - UIO _1'1'('1' HlIlllli alaVOll ulmoo!. in tho world. YOI'I. Oontrol, 1' . UJIRylvnllin CeDtml, lUld ,U~o ,~d. IUJd. tho 1I0thmg t 9 tntD Ill~ n defeuRlvo wonpt)n ; SPOilt in digestill g B big lliulJor. "'illl 18 it is; tileD I orton 1000t my WilY. J,y,.\Jgo IU' Illl the l\1otb e11l. listen aull be wnmeUi n timo, Bnl tiru, r(l IUlll Ohio lwnds. MeStll1J. Jar- wbi0l1 th Uody <.I(·lmls WIth whIch I ~'Ir there \V1IS llt'IU1('r fClldpr l1<!r tirodid Ilut Jl eu. sulllcon t fQr tho timo will COOlO wheu yon lUl(l it _ But with somo .liftlolllty in so it wile ill ""Ln. Tllo strODg irrit.nllt rl't~,· l'ILlwl'r. 'wbo nre givi ng tho mog. for('o .l tronble YOll. will U'111l~, IUlll IIp11rt!oly . po))ulalA' <.t .. L'OllllUy ' tll~· ~ til WI18h·bewl WitS till, lUlU hnol,)ou o itH work. nOll be {l(mld untul)cn tv rniAO thirty tOllS of mftt.tcr ODe roJltlnt, 1I4l0illf. your eoll8 otT lit '" hrisk poor, nll,I,'vl' Ilud tlllugbtel1J 'Ji il ..(\nt "I,<,r ulel .. o( .. H Ollry V." lit 10 t. s mlll!. 1 W1l8 Otlugbt iu n ,Ioo.thlOItI'Ilc<1 thoo IAudmn l'o whioh In':'''' Y<:,II '18 II starteu llitlllO I couM ("o1 tho wind rising'\] very . k M th· V · , 1 • trap; '1'1 II1H1 tc . 8C>l.foolfi' ,1,u'00 to brellth CI' bl b ,. U 1\ biH bUgbt ll eyeR lor IlI!OOODtl . He "'rut, 1 C 'l~ \e~ ... I~~ IllI blitd I l' 1Ilf\ e bo Clr !OIDes 1Ill8(Iln 0 Y com1 ovor th 1I1l1l11'0! lUlu in 11 . e mOOl1J ( . ,Sp ont ill hositn!.!ou. ,10nllt. n.nd IUlC r· plAint, illll. hlind ; nu<l. aCt;m' A frnutic rlIKh t ho Pfu,l:lp..1 Illtl IIlr, 1111 JII\l 110 gllno 11 " .(. 1\ \till'lro' ( I pmyor tbat I mig t got eratea tho ~ wben bllli w.... I r 0 aud nililiug UI('ir chi.ldren up ill ul tLo UUltod ut ~Ulte 0 yoru8 l~ 8. Mealy, alUty, or AD IIgl\illst wh fOT<!C1 vlII 8111UClol f tho 1t.!1 l}1'CI!8, ILtke lt tu ill mi80 Nvo toml the 8Bmu wily. or Hllt~W 0<1' un,JoS8ih le til,1 it 6".' m . For >IOmu whioh h o e nl, "i" I"",u d,·termin tlll IAI tr.y tho (lXIIIJriJllllllt Yon 1'$m.omhc'r W, ,.....1 W 1'0.10 over tJlO f'lll Oil lUy fllCI'. TllIlt 00 root Ili"b. .. . I N . ... . ". f r 't A n aummi,l of th e ~~r Y stord.a y• how YOIl warutltl mt; but I "'1\8 o ught t.) 111\\'0 time I WlIA etunDllt.1 ; nn,l if SWill hnd forehclILlliov('rtlly , ho felt Uw dllOI', lIud, 01. 1I11\klllg or 18 ..d8 w..O \\'01'8 t 0 r I. t II ' B pellf! IJ pam. 80lllcwh orty mil(", at stub· lUI I '1'ul,,'. Ill" J211 tou" UIIO f'lOt. thell I Hh"nlcl IIl1vo \J("'lI ntl Rtagg('I-iug Ollt, f\lll 1I01lldloll ~ tho ..uataut ,<ill'" <!f tho sea, noa born IIO{\ I!Olf.willod. I\lld pored APPlltitO IltlOkIl 8timllJalll6/ .ooDdi. g ,IOW11 til.. 1"'111' U<'l'O"~ I ~u <1l't"tmio " colltilluu o<1 L L'IlSY ill 1\ victim. s(l{)Cilli I S(I(1nlPd in inmg:inatioD to shni1'8. I b ,'nrll tbo orllW. IUlll thr L"n lor pml'tioo l Imd ullclu 110'" ~u 0011 d my ftttenti ou u.1so to tile nt nU hl\Zl\l'll8 to pereovpr l Inbnt lUODts. nool othcr 8UbatllnO ll nJJ tr"lU ..tlllrIM, ·lI to Lmn~port th o ROOUMY, "uly ·(·u{lllgh wlliob aro o. Ni g ht fell. ,lio. I\D(I Uw shock 1lOllrly d eprived ru to nlil!O fiIty.lhn tous ouo 'lOt fOOl1, lind this r osllll.t! inCOdisaipat WUAs till. pictnrCllq1l8 opprorlll ioo of !' <.lllSIlrted but 110 mooll 1I0r ion. prop,,!'l y. II II.} pCI'fol'D101"ll t.. s,U\ } ' mll' (1)"1. L.igh, or ttl do lOllS tJum lIull-thirl and dilImnl oottago. on th right o( UB. o~t, IUIII prellllutl )· fri ouclly 81111"11 ~holle IIr my ti U8<'B. 1 01 OlllillloaJ Siwlllta . WbOllt, nr.ollRi ... h.uloy. witb coru moal- uo& I fOlull;llDytl('l( III thu But I kept a\\~.k(', IlI11I gm,lnnll y got- havo faillwlI; llIid 111111 hin fnll I mllHt cillco. 1\ dllY'o work. The -rie'" of.the sel\ 18 undoubte~Uy II flu etarob".jth milk. Stl1l'm h'lll lilly an eudJ_ wri· I~Jd.t of .. henvy RIlOW8lo rm. FIll' !IOmo IlcclUltom c tl 10 tho uitWltio AU Somotim es thoro w<lulu lx, A drnlt-Oll ety of fruita. WId MIl ll. ",,'inl M it ncooDipliooB 1 IDIlKt h"nl fallcn 11Il CI"'Y \lulll". •TllrroU. 11 thllroug h railrolld mUll, one. IWol ~tnkt'8 mo DOW '!v()ry h~o I see timo llnru",~'(\ t? tho best vogetabl os. ti ll' (,1l1(\Ulation s, (0111111 tho plJln tb" 'JrigiDIlI kue\, to the lfllck- Ilt w..... . I seem.. ,1 r()8ign ,I tv th struggle (lnpitnl of oollllitlc rahhl foroo. it, u"m altor lllI\uy yetU'~ 1l(-'qI1RIUt.OUoe· leoat. 80 I 100!lgIP0< aro \'iotim tho Ix.Rt to th" for lIl. c bildren. _UI ..."t I WllMtl 1lI~" feJlsihlL·, if tho. v(' \ltll.rl.l would jil8liC, tI ~11 RO tlm!. tll c n' would Dnt be euong h to. .wlp; but .1 ~~UJl1ot ndllllfO Ulnt oo lt.nge, becamc conRCl<lllll 1: but Il le ngth . 1 whi cb I (,.It mHst comn S,160' r or Iat r. !!cll, IUlll. still hooring Illl ~oll UlI, I WIl · UXP"' IHl'. IIbtuIDfJ "I. Jlelr to lWlIlkN18 ,".t. He C.IlIlOt. U Ibo COllscut " hlH kill.!' tI'll body wlvm. or tIln food 'Woll thollgll rich greell 1ll0~ l\lId yellow th01lg b I f1ntt" l'I'd Ibnt I h nd tOAt It. amI my miul1 bt'gtUl to ",autl r vllffuely tnrod du\Vl1 8minl. the way Lhrough Lb,·. JliU'luor lind th. · l~ IIc ltrrl)lI ~1l or J\Ir. di/olI181,m1, or tho mYf!I)U t1lnt I Wll8 Touoh • l Ih o 8IlbjL'Ilt. I cnn t"eClill Illy frollt room Ix>ing thu oilly ruOWIS o r plump nntl Lilli, lichou hnvo pthored UPOD ita !Jll,tobctl hlulJ<1,' riug Oil iu .J, il", McCu llllll /ih , \I-ho HlwJ'CII in t] ", nr thu IWllriDg "ll11JB1lhm I'robu hly 1.110 "oolthiO Bt young man in Lh" righ t dirt>ctioll. rowll U,onghh ! now' bnt I llll.rdly know .in ogrCIlll. I iml1gino out.(>, or U,U llyllM k eeu roof. aud thongh tbo pluple ifoothllJ' F r II littlo tinUI the d my IUlu\gonist hll,1 proUte ,ulli CIlpAIliIl'I! of tbe onterpri ll(l IlUOwlltorm Hel'm('.t what onler th:.y lIuoocodetl oooh ot4cr ill lind hri l;ht. ur th o bmin thollght fullUlu this city iH JIH!hua MODtgo mory 80arII grow8 01080 to ill! wnl1a. I r08pond od to to IIIRCkcn; Ilt nil oYonts, gODO oul1 but. at nny rate. 1 know 1,0 Uul iCun llll, autl mild., ""u of tho lnta Joshua SCars, who ilied 1 WIUI ahlo 10 thell jJl'o\toIlI'1s to!b u ncUvEl. your admirati ou o( the vi w o( tb _ . mAke 80mlll'f ogre!l!l. must be nl.indod 8till ; but beforo I got rniJrl>llll 'omplluill8, which IUlYll hoon Fllllrtmr y 7, 1857.leo .ving hill 11011 heir to (l(). V{'ry OftOIl" "iugla cleblllltlli but 1 &aid noth.ing noout tlUlt oott.nge. I (elt ruyllelt getling Alter Rshort tim would down IItaira I canld see him l:yiug Hnt OD ~(1}Jlc.l, liS WI ' J.N"'n fmm tho drow"y ; bnt I Ime w J?1lI!1. MId 1111<1 "l' thn uutiro llvnilllblll powor of his Io.rg 08t.. te. 'l'ho hair roached hiH !Stnrm \\,01l1tl he Hor to be I\mlotl; bill ("00, hi8 head buried nOT. yon mayrem omber now. ilid I mako it w01lld oo d()llth tQstoll; in Ius 1U'ms. A III JUIlO' tho tnilll to mnko the tTlP ooroll8 !bu wllUlo lind tJlcnaglu o murco, cr, 110 hllLlevidnn tly tho utreul!t.h bottle syMt.em fUf .. wholo wuok or majority on Ohristm as, but by tho tennH any rtl8pOllIMI to yonr InnClOll regardiu g the ftttkM OIIDlO do"" WIl8 thrown down beeide him, nu,1 th" eon tin. nt in cighty honra of the will. ",hieh loft tho propert y in "<ill s tarl month. it. A worn and wholly oblitel1l ted!lign and . I oould b.U',lIy hoovier tllRD ver. of .. giRDt, All<l1 \vt\II by no melUl68 trong, h WIU\ brotlthil lg 8tertoll'OWlly. H e 1J1l,1 from Nuw tn1811, bo now roooiV08 bllt a 8JDall [rooDlJIko IIORdwny at nil IUld hnd uothiug wJlRtever with wllillh to York. S t ' ttl '1 f banp before it; thl! p1noe bnd . -ridoutly Agninst the driving rnJ o\'ill lrin.k eu tly taken I'1lfugo from IUB agony 'l'Ul'fo.t n · tho tl'llsmly IlI\ it hlll4 b n tion of the Ellltl\to. wiml AmI (lri(ting ,Imond mysell. oxcept (tho absurdit y Tbo older &ar. lolt (p~n 111 ~ l mnl ug ,'om .c in Ule 8tupor of dr'1UkelllnOllll. boon an iun. YOIl M1(}' IUId. M "'0 rodo 1ln0W. 1 Waa ploddiu l'rlld llcuJ .. t l\IcViukIJr's "" ,1 llooth'~ u . wfe Ill:' kI· pW(>"rty o r tho CIltimutod vulue ot 81. · Y' I o~co w:;~ ClOnt dowu the hill •. y ou iud;;iget l In IIOtIl (nil' snddonl y. IlbQvo tho g feebly ou. whon Rtruok mo OVOIl t.he u} 1\ syriugo ! A A'J1" 'l 'lll!lltl't'!< I' qniroll till' ~1'I\1I1iI'nr, ,,tion m~\e~ct. ~m~~gll Alphcll18 Harding . Horntio Bar· Iloise of tho storm , .ingo "U' \ 11 bottle of dilntetl IlOid. Y01\ "'1 "-tio Bi.~iglU'8 'foroe 81l1- 500,000. to ,Id el J Will! plllJRing lightly ollt wll D it Btlll · uf. lin 'U1ml!nso l]lUllltity b riB \lnd Hugb Montgo mery being named OUlt I!pOO1w, IlS lIB of mn0 tmv tll'8 W 0 I hCl\1'd /I noill6 thill., oold M I WII8. !100m· smile at the ideO\ DOW, 118. ov Il iu tho <1I'Dly strllok me tbnt, xoept tlril!ut to miAo teu tolla 1lt3 (a::,t hIgh. when I I!BW torllll horrl>f o( t1](1 lDomCUt, I. could smiIo nt it in the moonlig ht. Inrgo troop of porill Ule will lIS tntStOOll. U udnr their hAd IIOllgbt eheltflr tberein. null how lbe ed to chill me tlU'ough u t ' k' k II . I had uve r obtaiDe<.I former".lI.u,lThen oost • RIld through. . It it tholl ; "nd vet, 1\8 UIO vent provod. of freight flliJ .~pCll III. oe pwPo'."wl\ 0 11 .llIght• a." malll'8<' mcut Ule prope rty hBll inorotlllCd will" mll8t havo boalA'n ro1llldit at nil{ht, 'VDI\' 0 wild, 101ltl l!CrCl\m R good viow of my RIlblgou let's moe. H o r til -n mAu's Ii I COil· tmi the two tog tllor mndo a ",eRpoD Ilot 1.0 untl tilindoo it. rut 1 lIdd d I "P I·.,f'. forol.' Allffieleut to nuHO tweuty in ,,"lu \lntil it 1UII0uut bringing ~ge m~ (rom tho <,J11ded; for it W1llI Lr1 !Iflid, coliling iD- it a. aooordiJ:!g to :'8 strnllglll y stroDg /Ulc1 be .' e . ,on U(lf'Y I ,us. h e . I Tl storm·toI!8ed _ . an(18OOf1l1g them witll 0 ton8 000 Coot high. ' 11 8Il ' 1 \VIIS k'rribly (lialll rtO<l when I IIBW it (or t 18 68 lon. tho IIII8e88Or '8 r eturns of May. 18'75. to holU'lltl Mil it ooutiuue d tlutilll11ti,l ellly n~' "golllS u l'l'PI80' 0 11 . "U'lug 1C ayrmge. t. tl 8\lyon Ill! 18\'e Hp III. iD bro/lthin g bnu air. force 84.0'..16,<100 in real \l8t&te It its -riolenoo even within the 8to~ltl.y built it _8 brokon otT shnrply, .lIIJA. wdl eqUAl in Booton. in o.~IOlU.. t nectl88lU'Y to Rlld I hClU'd un bo(OTI', worK!',1 p orfl'ct\y Wl'll, IlDd ollly ~~t~g} dIll.' Dt tv UI!U (Jewen t..z1lB quo foot walle. The. lllaoe looked as it n had R mor(\. !:Iometb e rr:!mgnef.!;gi~ I .•I :h~(l i~t\\~ bll 1?~~11t (~r thotbe. addition to inVll6tmonta iu mo~. pnt.l'-i!('gtl. 0(. rWlDtll g n h\gh~tl 1'1 story. yoo BallI, alI(l. <)D mll880u tinffu nrguOlI. 11 turn 0inf. bnd IltoppeJ it, or. I wl\uttltl U,0 riug·bD.l1dlo fMte niug. It WM hiddell 011 hill arms IIOW. 1 had blinrlen s pewl.. 01 0 •• eta .• of 1 a like valUIl. YolIU8 80atll tho wind might have l\ vary powerfu l inStnIIDOUt, auei 11'0·\1<1 nlill ~n tree {u.• ys M.nry to ~ to tell 't. ob('ntio g" nuighbo r ont -of is Ilt pres.,ul. n lltudellt I 1 d<1 nl til p'~y... A (ew (~ Alld8 WIll. be peruuttct!~, ""0~J....iIut IIiu bURiU088 carry a 8troll$. oonlinllOtlfttlolloh of llIly him, YOll \\ill8l1Y, YOll P • me I 1l0W U . Mn e y _ept . o flOlUldo\wy from me. Buill bnt I 'llOuid Dot jmlge pnrbClflll trlUl8l\Otiou lorce nod lU18 bt'OIl Il(lucate. in YlIl ) eoUege. t.c· , within 11\ lim 11. a OIRhty· oonsi!lcl my ProDllllCi aud no one can to1I you tbo ho ltr 1lblo trip tlietouoo. of thn~I1'('(ltof the nllill. Dor how long it I\Cr UM Uw l nuuer tho guar"'" . ' I . I It WR8 snfJioion tly npptUliu~. IWd ou ' f oontiD ollt. - Alln. Call(orrl ill.. 8'!tl ,oh'Dt IItorv of thAt roadeide iuu wI-lb moro ,' 11- tlrot . t f-~" . t to rlllllC tI tc'en tonR ouo oot Ili.\n8bip o( 1100. A.JplJeu8 Hnrdy. H o is t wOIlId" ",,1.. At nU (, VAIlts, I "et.ormi uotl lInn,""", -~ vw· "['tly unll HPI't'Al).lIIg M It -1 WOD W:Lli CT. JI18 88 8b0 "~-~,, I't I 8'-"' l 1 thonty . . . . - " " ' . .- • Il~J. t1!Ao 1 can, tar I .pOllllOd Ute moot . .U, . 1\ young nn'l _ Ollt nllUl o( of I' dropped <nUl intellige my 8tiOIr. ",Wob, in tbA tbiuk R r,," . uoo and ill lIa.itl ' ''1'·1 to mark Oly fri mI. who '11'1\8 quite inllOllt«riblo d , . "'I ' ht t .,. . As (or lb·'u ,~ Ii! .... _•. J',bll 81111 ''''nr Mo- LlUltI. d to be ()08soBllOd of DllIIly 0 the Wb ' 1'''11. Ul rORlIi ug \YO rtll . onl'-c II mnD r oceivetl IW m mom" e ulg 0 DIy 0 SUOW, I WlI8 nollble to flu , ' U8!l My o( thnt;, '. UUVIU! an olwuoJ... . . . , . v or siblp, 80 Ulnt (orteu dAYS or 10 I shonld , . d. ill ' t to at ter- even !Jle s prny, in his eY08. . fl I.clristica I,O wOlllcl bo nblr. to i(lc oUfy him. or ueW8pnp thero. 1lIl111md IlOmethintc moro to BCIII'O riblo 8OODO WIl8 beiDg bis (ather. By tbe te1'!ll8 01 llrC<! 8tl CUll nuso ve I took my li tA Europoo ll cOI'1'06poD.l ot UIUl8mit s tons one ora. eUllOtAtl ou thllt oortaiul y ho blinded for BOme hours. i( mo than BOnndM of wind or _n (oot high. tho will tllO eon til) bottJo of strollg IIOllItiOIl 01 nitm.... uf n [l1lllor IIf consid<'l1Iblo WI\B to receive 180,000 \ViM moor OD 8Uob A Digbt! Whnt I h' _.. :-tel - f iutorc8t in view . I tn ..... tl I '.. "'heu he WI\8 21. 84,OOO - lllllInully from ., hi I._ •• -lL uot tor lil_ the lAtter R oontinge uoy silver. lUIol Jt1I,t came om DUm"""" yater Pll88ing of tllo f,raucu' On'eotnl OOlllpll' ClItiOU8 WII8 nuu~ r II .......... IS ..... g to Ie w II ... ~uow whioh. erohiet, tost er ~ iu Kecplug my • clOllpem tho ooUoge. 1l(llU'~ thirty ytllU'8 sgo. 11 crimmo. Dop. te situation . tbnt . age then. to 25. 86.000 fUlDllally trom 25 1 Rt Ih(l bac k IIf his Dot:k. ][ tmoed. wit.h 1\ It iR to t HI " lTect tJUlt til e Governm ent• to billo his Ol'imo' I uorve.l my!lel f for d ' 8trauger . BB I bavoMi d, BJld WI\8 at Ill'I!t [In I' I . ulJort, ADd 8lrngglo o ou wildly for il It itllIOt RlI tUlus1la1 tbing (ur t\l\ to to 80. ItIId $ 10.000 per year 811baeqUIlUt. h of Eugllllld i.. nogotintilll!" with tho Snl , ul uot for a moment cooeide r. ' tant to R Dr. G~n"el{I.long 8"UOO -hn BOOmed a loog rome 8\ltlr 118818 I"'fle oooompl lOJlng Iy. t Thuro .l Inll (ur Ule lll'eblll\e of tho I "llllld of bellI' goutlom oll My thnt they would koop BOOIXlI! to be no direct pfOvi&tlmo·. IlDd nt .... I .~u I do uut know .bow tho idoo, wweb 1'011I1ioll. Ihn tigu1'" •• .. dOR.I, wbo I\rte~toIlk Q '11 roM. YOll 0 . 1 fl I _~ me into ""rt- CIUlle n"",,;ntN n door bnII covered...... . know UII' nclioll of the01slIll ,. goo" '\0(,'. or II bl1lce, bllt for tllO 011' iou in th o will thAt the SOD shull ever npon with yon Wl now b nV(l Htllw(, II'nIte 1)( r-row for olg .....ty millions R81t.~1 o( fl'8llCll. oorO/l8 It IItll'11Wp. Tho P • d TtlOOive b t 1 otlJ(l1' or tho eII&ato thwt tho aoo'\'o '00 in thOBO Jays woo tho drilt.od s now. lUlU ulmost nt tbo IlIUOO th t if nl I II otilv6r' iC his f'y{ll! rrllOVl reLl qulokJy, I is Willi klJown that tho AI'~O "DUll·":-' penRO of feeding. or tor Ule OXpeD~O of my nw: ; II I!8W uot ",bat it ill now- for this towu bM momeut a. . 0 y 0011 ( Ilbould 8ti.ll _... "uu b.,..rd.in g tlJem .tnring h"vo 60IDCUliug to ide ntity .mlbl\rl'l\88me nta whieb troubled my (oot Atrnok agninBt IIOm6- got ou oppm1a tho tllOlkl ~D" 81'vo .in thil WRttcl' of bis ellncatio n. Wbo the mity of 8yringin g Mr. '"'"""'" wonderf ully of late YL'IlI'8, IUJ n.lIIO t.bi]J~ill tho snow, will ' 1 iuhorit ku thill vtl8t pro{lOrty .in the th K.il",-livo meDIlOO nllIO th o Sullan ; ,wd Ule Let 118 aay tIlIlt a tull·grc'Wll IMItter may IlIld. stooping dowu. Sturm'8 l\yc8 In a wh~ll non-pro(llIlI1i.onn ",._ .• i my mlUl by; for I ,111 JlO~ . ow Im"o IOmo o( tho RtUT01Illding lal.lllieta b- ~ 0 \1 Onbillet 01 St. JnmcfI pro"""" to bue bu kllpt in fil'llt-roto oonilitio u lit 8l1ch oveo t of tJlO 8C)Jl'8 .}~,III a qU08tiOD 01 h f wllOlhN it WAH StllrUl 01' BODle lodgar pi OClllf' to my inteulIIll l8touillh mcnt, -:' "Y. ITI"" Il YIlTY; tbounh wo bad n f!OBt doul or outsitl" Itbe g u1t U\ .. OOh 0 Il8C8Pt fo", ' tho who oollrtB.11lI.,1 lUnd th att empt 011 my lifo. I advuDIIll{o oC Ulis Ciroll1Da .BO/Iton Herald. stiok droppDl l Jill 1I0ur ""'0. mg. n Ie OJ] Iy diftio :y WII8 ow to ge tanco to 0011- timos at Wl OJ:JIOWItI not eJ:OOClting twenty· • tI bad d beyoud t e lL.oor. ADd •.., P~-..t.ioo ' I 0b ....8' ft~. however , to m'lOt ruY' II88BilIlJl.t B .....1II tiU1l" til ir L~'rl1l.lr o( COll llCst by hy· flvo Cl'uts per wook. ODe palll") of con .- plaoOll ~till m91'1l distant.. e"oo ul OIOBO to 10 oor WM a UI\ITOW window ' th e c hnnco 0I ~·llIymg my uove IIOmo ~-, A COUll· thi'oll~ wlucb r ooll1d Bee a (aiot !igM, W h n tt10 tt ...,.. potb OCl~lioll :in tJ,e F.AlSt.. ho Island of mMI. 008tiug mtbor loG t.luw two ' ~ ~'ncr !bi,n 1 0 .... a ClI.IIIO ; amI th0118' h 1t '''0\ 1. • try (lootor'lI liIo is uol n very euviablo IUld in nu iDst.o:ut I • • Orf't.c'. whi"h iN tho m" 8t •t4Qutherl -,..-rooogilizo(l lhr tor· I3lJelUtl siml,lo enoue h 110"'. il ooet l uUlll amI a btill. 11 .ponuu (If 1Kll'Itp8 ouellug 0.0. Be dOOll notget paid too liberally . riblo flWtR mo • Immouio tlliv 011 rU lI('hu'l( bolU". bo(uro o( F..auopo. ('OllRti tllt.Iil " statiOIi direotly OIIe ,Otlut, ..hon \well beiled. ill Hilfiluient oollnecte d with my RitlllltiOl1. IIlIUlY miontell of ItgoulE:iug lbonght beIUt! fOOl! IlI'O HmaU. IUld tho gl'Ati~tl Ito I eouhlRt.!O .uly (J)JcI, L W illi! ,,,,11 c\ 011 t(I ill It..· liull (Of. loll O Llog pIll', tIny. ' During wiDter In tho (\rat l'iaoo 1 luul Wlllkl'll (or fol'1l I oonl{l detol'InillO it on that uigbt. \Wother Il\l.!lt.', wWch kel,t m till t!IO p01uillSll1 hc twcE'u thc> l:ilavo-Hllllellio this kin.t o( food will Mn\lI ' 'With 'thllm, IliilllIIPAl1er. ~thO ho11l'8, Inn a wook. Wo n Ilolld Egypt. n ovurlook s thll Wid bad only coverotl thu two Th storm bud ftootlld. IUld t.tto moon mOl'Aing of tho ' non _00ll,, 0I ~i1iVt.iuioW1l ha.. kopt rloga for yean.'. OD tJlie lood, My. bill DlilIl8 which IMlpt\l'l1W d Oobriol I::Itllrm'8 WIIIl ~Iiltillg Ollt, flo<x~g th~ room-t he bom~ tbOD, I WlI8 told thnt Dr.Arriviug O1'<'Oillll. I\rchilJll ng<l on ODO !lido, IUld Iwd .know ~olllUen !P. 0~4U& ~ Oroon- co mlUJU)d8 00 tho other the ",.• tm'a 'ocon· tlUlt ",bOil ~1y led 1\8 • a from Hobtnlll h. kn w it was lll ' tbo ww(low bad no blind- With a StreAm or iwo 1Il 'IliIt1'iD8a QtJIU ~on. h011llO. tor l ' OOIutl I1001 hadgOI to lW inqum ou 1I m!"1 piod by th floats or Alemnd above tho! k,t'ep. ill ~ratB oomlitlo n. ihe igu Abovo o( silver. n be!loove a 1110; in tho IlZst !ield ria. The' ~ou ' ~ ~. oIty ·doattcri'.oWfI(j'~OIl tho low door. Iu wlJo 'hnd milt with bis dlll'olli at Gllbnel V"lwtiilIl8 lUI.I (,l1Jtooc,l Whilo dQgtI are being work",) durinlJ th 81!cI.ll1d plaoo, I plooo. thell. to umkil 'IlJI 80me ~mb.lanoo :~ ~~ ~11l1:.PbI*"1WI ;in9~ey. had ~l it 0I0f!8 Sltum's inn. At GllbrioU Sturm's I Ali portau , nn.1 o rton its IItrategiO im· 1Ib00ting IIOAlMlD, in additioo to the oooupio d it; bui ftD bour ago. all ot myllCll. RlJd p1nce 1t in tIle bed, and.' you inay, imIlgill , 1 hl\fri.~ 011. RDd WIll! how W )iiDbMlli ,~tl never .... _~,.pi.n. my Btiok proved. andtotller pmou mor(l importn Dt willIts ~ "bove. they sho,du havo /tolD\! meat.fur must be in . the I'IOOOIlU, to oouooW. Dlyeell wlwre. Y08..,te1:Gdl JO. my ~10llr ~ wanderi njf in ,. airck. In tho ~ ",1000' 1l.I1IOOU, I oould get noar my ~t:. I just in time to Iilllll' my iate adVOr81IJ'Y sel!Rillll be to· Englau, l thnu.it over WM AJfut and SWam. . ~l m)Dtn'the ·~tr.f~d ·iTyou -aud tJJiII (,\CtWa8 tell the ~0"fria I 8 ...,., wllioh to Vcnioo. th e m Ot<t t m'UI_ could 1I0~./Nt bt,lrinu til door. lor b ...,ealed to. DI(l, ingenioh get welt, what II wondorf ul man t.be city tho awfnl 801'tlIWl I fID\l' to JD9 ~e,~ . • -,tlrj- - -- - - ba<1 hOlU'll, " ' " 111. 1m· opcDC1\1 rigJ.lt ou to the jlnlllll, and, DlO!&TlIlIliaI L William W\llilh. of lIadieou , d~r Ie' ",bile, il,-ou die,I am blamed IIIAIIly ~ h...-e (~ul estollt o~ hill Cl'hDE~ " . TIlE nostQU (IIobe prints tlria homd, WiI. •.baa pr polled II s'ylltoDl of lI'Il-lfra«e. oome from lIOtDe 0'1 r. before my attMk, I'WIIII bound to' lor it" T;ie lIIloiber oue. U Ie oom· Olle fuaiae t.Iutt\oll \lly ion. . Tbe 'bodT ot a lxtan hAd &en' found ill hut iJArn t pnragrapb: . _ remarka "Hnrrah lor bJil at 'lout for illl no'felty. be IRP'O of ml .-ilant 's iDklutloa, for the inn~ WIth hili .,-nu.e111111111. to perform nn opent;io u . Bnt ",hatev r lnlght b~v aktul Ibrok Ii in by R Tolloy! BiB first !lot R8 POIltml8 hllppene d. mT bost. Dlifrbt OODlE! to 'fieit m., in a cro",bar Ideo. is to give each man twenti-ooe IU a ci~ hOllpitar,' whl'r"e, if 10n taU. J mul!ll; have Hhelb'r, . Tbat OabriN B1~ admitted ~o hOllnoo fom of the fomale ter wM far · J oonlt1 uot fne1l1Uj -1 ouly. and I muat be ..utioJ18o to ba~e dooc,' ycaJ'II thePe IIr" 11 d _ DIeD OOlDpeleut to h&ve IItrllggl 1 R yartl flll'thpr but \!aid it ,...,ih lieU·do- olt,rkll. . If Il pri!IA were uft'..~deli'fery two old. one1'Ot.e i etlCh DUm of ,foriJ' ; I!O I You Iangh, 1111 mn now. at mob 1lIIII11. (eDIll'. lind for the old two vu","", IWd IlI<IIh man take Dp tIlO kniro'lWtI finiall yoor work; kuook(l(1 IllUdJy at that, his ...ua~. baclthrowlJ ch,uuJlioll Jll't of impuden t, bnI&IJu,l H,,, IllJOr. fUI.l "f"'r i~h.,.; hilI. it ifI !l fact tbat T llid go lC1t'<l, sillty·thl'llfl yea", Illd thret> OM<II. 1IiH vitriol. (lr ROW queh RDlVttaDN'. into his iu!'i1iI'it'llt 1\11,1 g"DI il ia JUio&her thing to bave to ~OJ'Ill1l flODltl delay it WIllI (lIK'lIN\. rnlly diMgroo ahlll MOlt thoory 1111-.1 upon the tact. U..t I~' Ul1'1l11gh tl~L JlI'I.~ burried openI;Io n with the ' nelUt!llt DloJi· The man ",ho let m in- I nan ..y 1U1(1 acted IIptlll It. JIll (If I'I1IIIOning Ulen. I'""", III \ Iroof o( wbich tbtlJ'l' bo "'lUi, or young wuml'lI. thl; ft·ruai" .Mlvory triotiem , • HeU8tlof public.l uty ""~ PO!i'011 DIaD Dillee .~. and DO ODe to belp IWW it WIllI Gabriel oevll blind, with hill"l lfJ in "terribl o ciarlo! at th .. J~ .. toll Stunn.....WIIII moet PtJttt.olBtle ,luring iml integrity OOJnll wit.b the k:uowle dp ThIll'U wtIII a little ~ betwetm tile IIt.&e of IDftNlu. Mion. Uw Il\I8~ few yean :would &ab it." wbioh Ie ibu -,mit of lip aDd aspe nr aDn .
- - -
ft . . . .
~~~·t!fnt~t ~°I:l~Igl;'h.kl~.tr t;~::.:r~o !J~lJI ,~~~ ~l!~~h:~ll(~=::'·th:~b~!.
:R~~~~~ p!::.e~'ll~~! ~I~~~ ti:i~:~=
tt:,ef!..;~ y~:e~~!y
r' r
hi _aal bealth. friend a JIUl1. OD fJI .". r. HaUoa, of wn. lIary· euiDg lMt k. • 0 ....... ~ 14 11. 13 land. is ,. j iting in nar ~y burtt· -On lad cdn~, QeDl:! ~ ..; : :~bOrtwod i!"'l 11 ~~~ r. Georg n . lIers visi ted 11 o'clock tl CIlLi_ 01 til. She 1If.-"';ed Jh. • eKioleY, and 'Oblo, ~ ....s took eff~ I .U & . " ,e ]f.n, I in ~'orrow on ulonia,. and un. place were roMed fro~ ~helf h·ld r ' :bl AL....i . all f ....d all La ... '~IB• • tal aIMlamndlakl..-y1 '1.il • ... '. o. ~ tla '. 8lum~rs hy Ihe cry of "Fire r' C I I:'eD - r ~~I no, 0 lth reto, OD the tOi!owiDI n...,~ liDe. 11),10 p . .. . t Ii... J . lnnumerabl( '~Il ri C!! and in lenec who~n are ItIII "Tlnp;, WIth one u· betw .n the fol\n1F1ag nanu.d P'.',nta. ylz: . tl '~ • . ... ,, 10, - .Mr. Jam B. McKl n8ey ar· . . 00 t w n. I !Ietlluulnlr ilt the Wayn8ft1l1 W.I. Pr ~~ l..iO P.. . , o. I. . i ' I. 'k j1 r (,X(,lt m nt flO low d thl 8 ti a ful be f ,miD D road (110-': a tU"'Pike) n ar the -'frain, clo • t ~Iol'. t f()P on ~rsnal ~. V . I roo t liS W('C n.OI a 1- d4! luratiou. T ho tir wa • n , hI "':&8 a.meru r ~ the M. E. toll. I . t: to of th vilJ.~'C"of II r~ Yl!/11 0. ' XaALAnd XII . 10 W,,-l oarr, mall. turnm. known h I,ll a wnk to 00 at th Ilu rl,h I~ th l plac Jor a UIlUI ' r burg, " ",:"n ull ~y. ku,,":n.... ~ho 'oun~y If CO! I. !!. '1 ..ftd In!'Ull ,i.il . All Olj)... - Mr. Millard F . Dakin . ll f L,\n· bridg. T ho mClIlhtl:S o f th f JOlu '.. , .a nd led a cou i t nt lIIl R d..~,Dd.~~: from bl,ftn I,y .. ~[." "'I id l cd on ""lit lin f d.llr "U~p\ Ilnd'ro d. un.. I,110, . . . ·t· I' ts · t· ·~ t"' ''r'''~ ~I""'. e>lta ... .'. . E . It! \"I~I lug liS pur n 1111 nn ., a nd ~ h t of oth ers. r . npn. IIt. hrls .IQ.l1 1 11\,/ a nd Ih I8 8 t J..... 8. i-:dw&rd.and mtlel W"r ....iok ; ';1: }lO"U: T i ~.\ INe " Ar!.~~t Ag nl. 10 thiS \,18' • 1'lllId )(.\ prOOlI tly t t h call a nd loft ~~rtb a ud lbi hwoo ·OU:' , to re- , thun alo1nlC tbe ,,?uudllrie. of ilAiJ. "Hill to . I . j: L. M'I. [;' IIIr.\' om.• emllla L' VIT ' • hor. 00 mp a 0101 · 1·II I lbat Ian d 0 I" ntlll. ' Oil " .il. frr E. t.,ud N.,,\h ~lol'l!.t :lO a . ~ r- in n littlo' S thau n ti me tho n· J In pr&eti th hie• for.th idllD~r IIfIi · Ibo.u. 'nco Jla.n. iu IlnEMt.m•• In:! .(0. W t alld ,,"th at!\ .1(\ r · 'n . nllr, r dOll\, url' j5u~'" I I rs. , ,in WILd al th brid , a nd a ll pnre doh bt, wh r ' n. orro.w ~ r rly dir li un ILIlln;: uid ]( in •. ~· Nt>rlh II . L . PAHR. 1'. ,~t . A . E. Mcrritt. Wlll·O working with that zea l a lid nt nl. lIy her clllldr!:'o r liz lino. t) . Il;t n·· r II. p.... 1'!1 hi" t(I h rc 1 • ' U · D rn C'/lull'a " II Il d ~r '00·.I. to nu t hed bf uu co BUI... h tMP" Tllrk y Itlln: th,'"~,, W"' ''' IHVlL"aDI. (,TOKY. - .u l I' ~r :1 or tl III t " ..un 1.u I.., U\l a or II ti,".1 lit' ht'r 1' hristilLll h hlit" ' Tr "cr"A..TrlU'~Dr(""·" II> I"·,,r· 11 ... 0(>'" r "f -:--. M rrll\\", Jill bl' II vi"i iug Mi · I tinlt liln." }I'lre ' ru pa lly in the lllO ", " It' r xmllp , , I~t t , Willi n' W. rd·~ 1111<1 10"",· (''''''1'1.. ,,', : , .. FIII ":<i I' M&~T11'1(l 1I.0.luIW).-3th.tln~ A rn W illiaw ou cuulltrv. T h v sllcc 'edod in IlII I. n lI,n,r 1111, lIIay III ,t h r III tha t th nc~ un or nellr ""M W"rd·s "",1 { " nll'"or dh-Ino wo;,.hlp very'Fir.t "nd Fnurl !; . . Ii' b tornul Ji o m . tl 'r{' t fl.lrm 1111 un. tl,n' linr t., tl,I'llr T urJ..,y Hun : 'h~n~p up D y, hIiFlnnlnK ,.1 11 (>·aloe". l''1r. naT -Mr. F ra nk Sherwood , 0 1" Free· tlllg t I r , out a .uut ha.lf way I b k . f '.j . ' ~ . , J . tI I T".k Y nUll ('I' ."iot W"r,r tu Ihr \ ... nty &hool lit 9 1-2 0 olode A.. M. , t I t h· l b · I t acr ' tho Imdg with tho x 'cpo r., l n IlIltl \ ell C tl urou n t 1 lin •• "d Ihore IAlfond FJi.TK D· M\l:gTl. 0 ( rtboollll). - 1IIeet.- I·~:l ' ~s 11\ uu k s III, a rig I ,ions of tho timh rs ooncatb til gr!:'at "'h i,ttl th l· ae. E. A I'ETITlO:l\ER. I . . for ~" ine wo.mlp • ry F lnt ~d 4th 1 e y, 118 wee • floor. Severnl t the w u w r II I _Feb. :1. 1<;";0. D· ~, bejfUuUllg at 11 ooloek. Flrtor,.Day - Mr. and Mr. J ueeph T. ur· I b ·d . . " . MH" t'Anl ~IUIl & J UNK w - - - - -- - IInb0C11 at V I..! o'oll'Ok A . M. d f M·ddl . . . t Ie rI KO J ust a ,ew Dll nutes b · . ," 'wido P ., fi F T - ik 11. &. OITllno r.- The Boy. O. Fel'lJ'Uil!ln. ~r o . I . e,,?~~, ar VI81tlUg for it 1(8\"& Wily, lind tll .y would 01 t h.~ Int!! Ju'4tlua J on Ii, diod a t etition or a ree urnp e, DiyL... ,,"ieo nil Standa,., at 10 frIends ID tillS 1'IOlnlty. . kave '" lie down witn it had it not I the hOln of It dllug hter, Mrs. U. Noli." i~ h r by gi'·en. that 1\ l"'tltion 14 lI'ol.,.,lt A. w•• •4714 1'. " Sabbath -Mn. Hannah Hatton has BOld ooeh F one tl . ng h·' h 'I t B. D ILvie, ~ W.ed llelcWy night, will be pr ~t!<'nted to the Board of CommiAAaellool.t :&14 P . Y. I . ItJr II , W 10 . W IUl ~ III F b 10 1 78 1 81 t . Ion I'll W ......,n Coun ty. Ohio, at th Ir OKIUSTIAN CBmatn- Elde. 1 H Dodd 1 r ppropert!, near tlIl8 place, to they found their hose too 8bort,~lId e ' , I ' I~ III.ar . 8 J1;ar. n01~ regular _ioa. i n lIlarch. 1 '1'0, p....y. Sh ~ \\'us. 10rjlW n~to 1, 0.., on in~ 'h II&Id .Oounty Oombli"";on~r. to " I>Pastor. DlyiDe Mnice on th ·Fi':'t and Mrs. . Kearney, fur $ 3,600. bad co me off of the bridge to Third Lord'tHlaT .in e....b month. ~rd'" -Mr. Eddie .Wllterhouse, fur· Iplioo it, wilen the supports gav e I'he 1.9t h u~ Ju e, 179? and camo l'i'!h' a C;r,!mTt:~:fk"to~~do~~ ~!::i!~~~ !a:~nola, II oolonk, nery LordHa, merl! of this place, but now of way, a nd the bridge fell iuto the : tu. thi S UtllKhuurho.oo "! co~ puny with tho U\ ....B of Ohio. JlA8IlOO and took efIll· , Troy, 0., i& villiting at S. L. Oart waters a nd Willi carried down the l wlt h h r pareu ts III l ~ l-! III thc lfeot Maroh 29tb,1 711. and.U La.....oppleFAlUr... GlUICCIlt. No. 18, Pa~ of wrigbt'l t Th b·t1 . . to' I I 19th year o f her ij!e. belDg 6 wcek8 mental lWd ..mendlllory therelo, on the tol· IT Ten.loa, -.1.. aU .... vln\o .. 01 .... 1.'ch, ·Run. I., •• DOM ESTIC; · I"dudl". L),e A .. _ .. le lh.t.ndry; Williaup Oornell, V ...tar. Meet L · . 8 ream. e rl ge 18 qUI a 088 tI .' .. the mounta· 8 lo.... lng nAmed liae, and betWeIlDdie foUow. wh k h wu and I.. ,.,.. bet, in .. c . in Oddleno,.,.' nan on the .->nd SaturdAY - (tst, a gold pockla~. The to the travoling publ ic to th busi. on (tll r wa) 0 \ er , IU , Inll n8JDed point&, ,,1. : ~1'1...... ~ce ... r PAT lUll' IIAR U I:: NF:O CON ICA L HEAR INGS on bo«l> .... MacIlIM aJMI S ... nd . of ~ nwutb, .t 7 o'olock p.m.. ~d ?n th e finder will be liberally rewarded by nes8 men aurl citizens 'of our tuwn ' aud 10C!lte<i uear. wht ro Uharlcs .F . . Bea:ianing at a pola~ In tho W ..yne....l11e Our new.nd ofd Idcu, won.:ed Out wilb bnwd new Mildlinery and ' ·001. at ou r ow n I"Icw 'WOlb, fllllrtb SIl~llrday IIf _h m OIl\h a,:I oolook. leaving tbe same at tbel' to t' d tl • I l 'h I Ohapman ·11 0 '11' Ii ves· aner which & Wilmlnglon TurnpIke ncar C......... OreeIr In the buty t.:h)' cI Ne,""", New J.1'My, have .I \"en u, llAtutard (I f PIt EC "AN IC;AL ltX C FL,.;. ST. ~."'.y·e P. 'It. OHUIIllA - C<lmer of R . s re 0 an . Ie country U. argo . 0: tb relllllvcd to th e bouse 0 11 the ' brid~. runnin, tbence up the And with LENC! 1 Mlohnum o( rrictloe, ytlJ:Un\IIID of Ounblllt)' , and ranio c t work. DC-"" b.nwIor. _chell n tho Sowl.. Machine world. • Third ..Ill Jlta.rvJ Su-e8t&. The Ro.,. Jl)hn andall, Ebright & 00, fire 18 supposod to be the work ot b e~ f h f ,I . l M I the lIDOof tho ~d leading fro~ HaneTfIL.BlT. Reotor. Di.,ine ocrvioe at staW - Mr. N . B. Antb on baalatcly an inc nd illry. ComlOiesioners 8ay ~c purt.o t 0 arm ou \Ii IIC I r. , burg,,? tt.eCormn& .NeW&!tlmoreFrOO TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MA HINE ITSELF IDtenu.. SundA)'.lIC~ool at II a.. Ill. every · . Y . I ·ll ·h b ·d K. B lA lly hvas. Tump.ke. to ..here •• ,d rooo.d IlItl!raoot8 tbe B d"l Improv ed Iu s property by the addl' t ley WI ave A new rllge ready 0 tb 16tl f J a ry 1 95 county road Itl!lwng to tho mouth of Tu.l'w. lavlt; tb• • "aQtJOD o( .n, •• peclaU" th oee b llvlnr h l, h m lchaDlcal ."U' Of .....,...UQD. N . D.-All M achmc (ully W';lrmnletl. U;ALLEY PR&DXllTlN A.nIAN B Al'TT1IT Cn . tion of a Djce pali rig ftlnce all (01· U 0 in a te w weeks . The ne w I u e. . d .! oJ ,Ilnn J , .. d' Ikey Run ; thelloe with fW d road hu t above I th ti t th t· b 'o' . t b . ,S le marrl e mr. US lun OIl CS. all mention d to the county m"d leDdlug from DOMESTIC SEWINe MACHINE CO •• -]{u&lni Str t, near Main. Divine iI8"l~ U oug e rou ereo . fI g o 18 0 e 1r0 U. II ey mO \'ed to our vilillgo aud lived tho WRynosvillo & Wilmington Turn ilre fn ~S.tllr3:" ~~0r:' I th:. ~nd ~~ndll: - Mrs. M. J . W rthirnor Ilnd - Th e Centennial Promellade f~r IL unm oor ;eai. wh ore the t{l C.n"y'~ Mill. 0. New BAltimore. ! ear Nc"'" ' "orl' t Hul 'htnl~lI'O. o~cl flnd4~: S:mdllY"O~\"rO A~':i ~o:;olc!:e daug hter, Mies Sallie W orth im er, was a curnplete Stlcqe s in .ull its 'I 'I ~08 li" "" ·ln·s· I·IOW r,,'·idc· Ulitl to th~d mo'lth of TUt'hk~)' bo R.. ~.~ And.bt~e.o 10 LADIES USE .. nOM E STI C .. PAPER FASHIONS • ...., Town,hip , . bearl' llgs, ootWIt. 1Istan d'm g tIe 1 m· the l\ ~d llY uf' " h '; denth sh r ,'1I1 1Ii lied Ien ; or lUI near . C l\ '·It"'UetI(\r. ou ronto '!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!=~=!!!'!!!=!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w"yu.. & Manie Deteoth·e & 0 f B one VI·1 10, ~t·ItlBOUrl·, and MI88 ILO ~ orno<1 ro.,<l 01\11 b~ P'flCtiM l1), I"c."ted, :'ro~ti.,e Company I~OOt.;' on the lid Satur· lurie T~l o r, of I ndianapoli8, llro burm ':.i ng mood uf tile weath I·. a ro"ideri t here. .F llr tb la t Hn e ll 'Feb. 2. 1 70. , A PETITIONER. 4a1m~mnTlU1,at2 0010011 p. rn. B )' . ·t ' .1 M ' . 1.1 ' I • erdc f Iih Conap L. IlAr~ Pree· VI I IIlg . r. lUlu re. ADO . . nd - muuuy roa·d i:I ·an d IlIg I t \Va · ot. J ars h r bome bas been with her I "'::.0 .,~. 0 .. 1~'s'eoret.Ary. ' wallatler. .. The hlill Wili fill ed with lAS II ice. II dau~bter,.k 'r .hUibUlld hav ing. pass.jPetitiOn for a Free Turnpike, ". , ~ BA.PTIST (1i'r_.. iU) Church In - Look out for a blaziog I,Idver· hn udrcd as eve, came t.ogoth er for cd Irom tin lo"'Oternity ,hlOuary Notiooi. hereby gl on tbat " PoUtion Way:ue.-&rvloeo held the Srlt and thircl tisemeut ne xt week from nandan socia! enjoy mellt in Harveysburg. 15 1 61. :will be pr~.nnted to tho Board ~f Oommi8~ . Sabbath at edth mouth at lO~ A.. Y. and '1 E' c. .. ' TI e per was BUP .b tl e table I ' . , IOllerij of Wllrron OOllnl),. Oh. o. at thlll r P. Ii. Be.,. J. A. SIltton, ot"BlanohOll&er. bnght (." Co. Meantime, go and I. sup . I , ~ . . I In the loss ot Mrs . J IIC , th e illoxt regular "..""ioa. in March, 1 76. prAy· ft'l? D C\~ "" 1IlrD f) P~. All .~ l1Or?jIlU, Invited 10 aLUltId. sec a lot of lIew g<><>ds u.t romRrka- b~l ng loaded With Ihe ohOicest VI- commu nity f'oll y r a liz th xten t :ng ~o 8I\id·Coma.i ....ionor81~ nppoin~O~m. ~~~ SQ\ .~ ~~ ~ ti . • I!!!!!!!!!!!!o! c: - - - ._-- _. - bly low figures. Thi8 hou e is al. 1\1l ds, and the most palatlibl e of of' her influence lor g I,xl . her q ui. m '8",0~eN! to loy o.ut IUld e8tllbll h .a I. The lJ<;.':Il"d· of Directors of tbe waY8 reliable and trustworthy. culillury producti,ms. ,!he mu. ic lot , npl·ight life was a c ~stal~t m i~:p~~o~~~~;"':!'(1 ::~do~:~:'lrI.;~~L!~'h V. N, G., ,:-1'eaW Tu~ay lasl. -Mr. G. M. Zcll & Son have ~as grand , and th e d~l~e1Dg p ;rfcc. lUoir of vi rttu'. 1I1ny th o berdl l 2llLL. l 75. lind 1111 L",v. OUrl'lOLD~nl"l llll<1 18 compoeod !>f the .' bllbWl" Dam· ) t d . ' t t tlOU , All who participated, j ok I Oues emulnte hor cxo.mule a nd ' ...ne~\d"tnry th retn. Oil the full~wl1ll!' nnm· ed tl a S6 ec an supenor aasor meu furward to the duplication ill the l . . ,... , cd 11m,. lind bJ!lwoolI tho fo llowmg I18m od .gen em~n: ~'ll • of burial robes of all sizes. They I k red f t meel Iltlr II' the land 01 rest. E. point.8. vi.: Begillnillg Kt .. polut in S. S. HaIDee, o( WaynC8\ .1 e f will keen a complete 8upply of all olec e u ure. th Coun ty RoII<1llt th o IV llrren &; C1intoll Tho underKignc<l tak '" I.a uro in .oulr1linFl ~l1n y t!","k. I.. th ,'puhlio for the patT. P. Townilley Xer>ia; Samu,-" vticlee fn oDdertakin as well as -Ed. Redfern has a substantial MISS SIIXU E HAINES died at CouMy lino~ llellr tho formor fC.8idollce o f ronu.go thoy h ave"" li oorl\lly I~ ... lo\~' t.d IIIl 111m !'Iilli eu hl~ r'lL II('1I t o W "'ytH~8,,1l 1e, aad b o · 0 f 'he ' • g,. "~-t tb k d' II . . . NORh Ha",k.DO; th nco "lollg HlUd tolld ill still bopes, by atriaL attcnLi4)" to busirU'b.... W ul.urit a \,UUl,IlII1UII(l \,l of tho samo. 1ron8,. D All eD,.. J V H . Le. WIS, .~rgest "anety of lurDlture. ~ .on e cree , IlU a 'persons the r(~ltlclI > of ber lather, Wesley a 10uth.weRterl! direction, po&ting the r i. LebaDOD. . .::... E A DodleY baa arrived wlslllng to cross over, Will find Hai IIcetf, February 11, 1876, iF! the dODOO of ...ld J;. IIwkin. lind oth~ra. cro!!ling , b LOWE hi Ttl .. U R. M, Cox of MaMn' James -MJ'b.' R···h d nd d ' him ever ready to convey thew 46th year ot her ~e. 0"'.....•• Croek .. eflr. Pbwbe Lloyd'. to the My PRICES will e R t 8 year DlU.-' E¥ER, . R·d· bome fJ'OIq 10 mon , a e81re8 fi •I t I I • S hi! was burn BIlIUlI\ore & CorwIn Free Tllrnp.ke. whero . b R belli00 i and my Terms are UBERAL B uston, 0f PI' •eat!1!'''t I ge. " , 11 the pDblic that rom 8. lOre \) s lore. . ay 11, ~S30, on the 8I\ll1 0 torminl\t08 lle.. r William St.n. 8lnOe tee Tbe fo)loWlDg 18 a 8tatement o( ~ • ID orm :"Id to. manuract- -Milton MILey, an old resIdent the Iu,rm whcre Nerr Hames now /leld'. eaw-mill. and thero 10 Bnd. the vote C88t at the election of Rail· s e - ~owp18par~. ~e moat a . of this place, sold Il portion 'of his retlides. 1 ll6 1876 MO PETITIONER. b ~. . lq.tf1 loonnFeU! ID ' ·8 ,,-ill pleasPe chattel property ILt public vendue An·er f,mr weok8 of con8tant suf. road Directors last Tueau}' ~ ure Ped nn.. . Any prompt Man can "y at/eyt l 'LlI g z-n my li1l/, Ml ~hort time 8 6 prov s f V e r1en\l romI 30 'zto 90 day8, or. by special l£yr fJ/'mcnl, fa/' a longer timf,' . S . S . H ames 1 k r" f t t;li8 fact Il18t week, preparatory to lli8 mov· feriD~:, 8he paRled from thilstate of ~A*-'Il ,#, T. P. Town8ley 808 ta : ~ar I~U ar n 1ce ~ needing' ing to Nebrullka. probatioll to tba' of reward. It' il ,1!~JYJ~~~'U but to, l Q.vm: ~l Irona 'l85 ~':lV;, ~r a ca w en '-Abundanoo ot tbullder alld the lot of common numanity to Owon v.-ard of the .taw of bdiana, wm :D. AUen ' r.'f8 &1' Ie • • • • lightning ~lI8t BundllY night, accolb- II,..,,,,, mtJre 1 . . .. ~bU" tnading take oottce thai John Edward.. of the OOan • .J'. V. H . .Uewii-Mrs. Mary A. Livermore WIll panied~ a til-tlt:'eIM! sl1o\\'er. Won. the pr~thw.By life; bat the de. of WUTeD'. in the .taw nf Ohio. did, Oil R. M. Oox 81-6 )ectore in Lebanon Thursday even· d ' t' att'; e ~at! -'ut ceased was ~lTcd on \ to endDre a U e 8.ht'hd~ycof ~'"'?f>rJ. 1876. fUe bis,pe~. Wi'\} • t t eek Subb·eot, "What or I • " . I I I I on In • e ou 0 C.'lnmon PI..... wlth.o J ames H uaton IV 109 e nex w . • "E tl · . .t siMe th~ fire very mue larger. S"lore t laD itt gen· ..1111 for said I·onnty of \9'"l'ea iaot the ~~ Robert Boake 469 Sb.ul We Do WIth Our aughf:e~8i . very ling qUle M ... . erally ul\" tled to 1t8. Naturally de ....Id Owea War~. I'ra)'ing ~o: :'1udgment E K. Snook ~H8 Waynesvtlle has been patroDullng AB . UA. furmed ILnd ' b ving a weak and for l006.G3 ~d .nl res.t agRllllIt MIA . Owell • MOP 17" --~ -.. ' .. Ward, the . ald "um bOLQI( money wh.cb <1>. l -Lebanon Star. r . , . Alnaey 8 Coul'se very HARVE'XSBUKO l~ RIDG E.-Tho bm.. discased bod" IlLe Was sllbjectei1 Mid .Iohn Edwa.ds "' 1\8 compolled to p"T&8 •• well so far, and wo hope we 8hall . f th b.' d ' • ea th· s j)h ce l t, a lif· of rnuch suffering. During surety on .t ho bond of Owen Wllnl . • gUoIrcll· CORDIALLY INVITE ALL TU COME ANO - SEE ~1E ..£l\ be 11 caented 011 tl i8 OCCBS' Il1ng 0 e 11 cu r I • I I t·1l tl . . I\D of Obll.le F. Wllrd. and ilLite",. miaors; RAILl!()~ M.t>1!.'I1NG To-NIGHT.-. we repr I OD Wetlilestlay n i ~ht, Feb. V, was I.or ILB • .' lIes8", I~t .ql1let res l~na and Ilt tho 86mo time Mi,1 Jolu, ~wA.d. A meetmg 10 Interest of WaYlles- Ion a180. the first tire occurring since th o t lUn 'I'm.ch blia ver oharncterlzed o"uaed au order of Iltu.oll1nent to ,,,"uo out -Mr. A . Doll is in possession of "ormation of th e fire doparhoent her lifo, remaint:u iutact, and amid 00f eflidwC()ur~ ag ..in.t thoo proPQrtY; of .aid villu Port William & Jeffersouville , . . 1f t . f I' • t k· . f b>d th 'd wen Ilrd 111 Warreu ounty. Oh.o The Railway Will be held at Oadwalla- 80me artlc e8 0 ver ,u , COnslS Ing It wa!! bllt a s hort time lI fter th e tie rnc -IO ~ pnlD o. ( y'. e min /IIlid Owell 'Vard il noWl d that he i. rl" is my mo.t. to. 1 ill WDlI \''''10 ina a full lino of evor.v thing pertaiDin a to defil Hall, this e vening at 7 o'clock. of bronze statuette~ of Slillke~peare, a larm WIlS p; iV CII , before til e bUYH ! WII~ trn nq nd, alld. filled With. trust quirod to appcar ~nd ImoWor /lUjd potition to the bU8l1l css. ... . ':' J "F. Ely Esq. Vice Pre8ident of Napoleon and Milton which he were at their 110Sts ready to ron der l in t\1 1" A IIth" r 01 her sal vatloll.- don or before the th.rd Saturday after the 8th e. . SprIng ··fi cld ,'J&PRR ' Ilhe ' • • . ., an d WOII Id>nk ... e (JOBt"t~r. inrl ce drath , . lIny servicc req uired. Howevcr. it 1\111 :Y I .1 I '~ 1II": age. r" "tl.· u~ u I an dl ?\"109 ay ofM"rchDcxt. JOlIN EDWARDS. '"' e . tbers, will be preseut and address er' tban not realIze (In 1 thcm , ~.e WUI apparent Ii'olll the sturt th at BI.titCrt! " kllld .r 'futl Veil aud frle~ds,. By SO) W, DnowN, hi. Attorno)'. fho meetiug. Let there be a goOd have no d u,?t be w(~ lIlu p~rt \\" I t , \ th e brit/go W :1~ too li(r g01le, wh en did 11111 In. ,th r p~wor to ~lIevlate FobTu'U'T w, 1870.-6 'B. D R.t~ .... tnrn Ollt: and aD. eTltl~U8ill8tic inter them ~t. a h~eral dlllCOl1lh upo.n di scoven:J , t" U., ilny gOlltl ; but to ! her snRhl ng " . et her longmg 80nl ~ '- ~~ ~~') ~ ~t,malnfesred 10 th18 good euter· the ?rlglDal IUvestf!1e~t. N ow 18 tbA cum!'a n)'" credit. they hcct/ ("u ! SIIlIrf·.d b youd I~ ull, and she woul~ NOTICE IN PARTITION, prise. _ • • the tlme fur 0. bargalD. . not tlii s, bllt dCI "Ritcu tho engine : ~a ll lor t "l~ .8 i ~gll,l~.9f th·.t b~auti. JoahuR ADder!lOn of Wltrroll oo"ut,y in ~th~ ~ ~bc¥'tt'scntt'nts · . ' -Mr. Stephen Burnett has sold ala ngaitll:l of t"~, crc ~ k \ lind hll rlcd I ~d SOll g , . Ih ? ~ 111~llIg. Oues, du o the ~tato of Indiana; Rllahol G""" nnd John 6~.u "'l.i PUBLIO SAIi.:za.-BII~e have been his farm near this ~Iace (his late tho ,.,-.~ ter agaillst th l:l debris 11111.il i 1.·1I1. ~ lbc sl l1gl.ng 01 whlcb, tears of 0 """ her hu. bullll of l!'olln l.llin cuuuty itl l T ,·II 01 glin t Sheot. uf Ohoioo )(111110 ar_ ri ted t t1 m f th ~1 1 ' Id kl d I the .wto of In d i~n n; Joseph S. Aud. rooa of - - --- r,," ~u d for tbo l'hulO Forte will be BOn' by J> n a U80 ce or e ow· purchase) toM~. E. . Butterworth, it gtlove \\~4y und fl l'ated dowo the JllY won trac e own. ler wan Warren count,. ia tho M tnto of ["dilLO n; SIlo DOlV' TrTra "-'"' On ,o.Cl'ipt of uno dolh.. (poa~ plAid), or mg~l~:. • takinll in the trade MI·. Butter- creek, Bet: ~e, J deem it becomifljl; checb . Ilnd. Il hl\lo of IIgbt over· 8"n Scott and fhom"" 8cott bor hu.b.'~Il~ of ~~~ ~ ~,tI O,,!¥IOeo!~~8:t 15 CCll h elOoh . Wtlham Watkin80n, farm 8tock, wort!i(s boose aud lot on Fifth St. . ' e as c'.ito· of the firc depart. tiprcltd her 10ll.tllre8. &ott connty In the :otow of Iowa; \\ Iilllu" All pe"",u. indebted to .Iohll E, T,,),lur N h~~' I . 18~h n:~r~ th~b any . h· 1MB d' 10 m , ~, 0 be ' . ~ d f th a Andel'MOn of tbe o.ty Rnd At"W of New are urgently rcque8tea to IIOttle without do- OWN 0 11 nr tn e DO tatoe. to day•• .and IDto W IC I r. urnot an meut to extclId t'l the boys my n 'lUg. III urme 0 e ne r YOl'k; DaDiel R. Aaderson of WllITOn coun. ta, f\I! a .ettlem8U\ must aboolut.ely be had. Happlor I?~)'., In"trnmental, Tom Rrotrn. D&mel Stump, 2 m1les north of hi8 family intend to movo. thauks for and eougru >11I&te them app~oaclJ 01 deuth, 8he gave up the \y in the ltate of Ohio; No.... Ande.non." Fob. 1 1876. Why oon I not Furgot Ob.ribel. Harveysburg, OD Cear'8 Oreek, Wayneeville will gladly welcome tb·' d b I . ' ~ assid, atfainl of life and eX J"e88ed her minor. of Galli.. county in tho seate of O h i o ; ' . Far O'or the W..vea MATlatb. .. ~. t 9 ' . . . . on, Blr gou tl lllYJOr aD . . . ! I . . I d and Fnank P. Kond .. \l. Helen Ktmdall. NOTICE High Llfo-Wflltz BV&DM F flb roary 2os, 100lDg a 0- Mr. Burnet and hiS family as Clt!- uity' 00 the occasion of this the deSlrllS relut.lve to ler urla. an Martha Kend!lll ..tld MHry A. Kend..U tho . . Down where tho Vlnlet.8 Orow W~ clock. Farm 8toc , including 400 zens. ' first tire after the orgllllizatioll: ~ith pcrlilct .sereoit.y paeaed frolD I.....tfour named heing minor.. ?f ~hu.co~nty Al:fn~~:';I1d:a~:I-::.d~ftbp~Ulw~ When Old J""k""n had hi. Day W.terIle, bwthele of No.1 old wheat. Quite the happieet and moat Au EDWARDS time to eternIty, wlth alII the tran· of Warron in tb~ 8tate at Ohlo, :".11 take annoxed of the eet.a&e of EZRA ADAMS Tb e 0Co"'IID<1 0QldIFIr"rm Bublee. J no.aJatiney Jr at Diamond . , ·' ·t f I red to eet notioo that &pelltiOll wll8filedllRalnlttbem d d' JOSEPH 0 KEYS' Tho oge no . top 8te1ld..rt. . 0 , . '1 . elegant Bocial entertainment of this Cbiet of Fire Department. qUIl! .Y 0 a lOll prepa m on tbe third day of JAn nary, A.D. 1876, in eCllMe . . . Thore'.a Lettar in tbe CfUl<1le 000_ H.n, farm stock, In arge variety, or an other seo.aon within oor its G,td . the Qonrt of Oommon PleM within ~nd for January 20. 1876. Do You Really Thiak He Did? with pio, poto.toes, etc,; aDd at kuowledge was that given last Rcllglous. In 18liO shE' joined the United the ~untT of Warren !lnd etate of Obio, ~ NOTICE A,ldrellll o.del'lllo BIllNJ. w. HTTORCOOIt. ,lhe &ame time William Janney'8 Thursda~vening by Mr. and Mrs. . . . . . Bre~~lr(m 9hllr,CJI ~n R~ndolph Co., ~~~:~;..~:.:::t;he"'!'idofr:~:t~~Bur: Tho un~rslgDed haa been dul7 appoint- P~::::, 8M Third Avonue, New Yorlr. farm,. formerl1 ?,!ned by Antbony Gorden Wright aud Miss Myra -DlvlO(' sen ' lCc 10 the Epilleo- lodlslla, ~Ince whlcb bme ahe has Bett demand.. partition of t1te foUowinl reo 00 Admintstralor of Ute Et.taw of MARK .......__ ... __ ._.. _. __..._, ___.__... ___ ..'____ ._."" Gillel!!J and JOHlUlg the land8 of L B ·rd The guests who were pul Ohurch next Sunday evcnillg bellO II conb:lltel1't member. .l estate: eituate in the to wn crt Wayn!8. W~D,la&eof WamlWlLLIn CouAntT, JOObNioE,sdeI.e . l1 rtek aDd J Oglesbee . al . , 7.1. • I k All .. d ' S . " 11· 'tte ville. couuty of W..rren and "wI<! of Oh.o, 00.....".. 111 . yl .S OC . . but few in number, aiSembled be· at ,J 0 C oc . are IOvlte . III! Idt the '2 oWI,ng wrl n nc· and bounded and delOribed ·1Ui follow .. to· February II, 1tl76 , Fl d V .... bl 0 ......1_ ThlB wdl be oue of the .Iargest tween 7 and 8 o'clock and were Uorrc,·Uon. count 1)1 II villivn l\:!.lIch passed be· wit: , . ~, ower an egeta e~. ~)ee of the 8eason, and w1l1 take I welcomed and' pleasaDtly __ fure her mi llct ii'me 'I y~rs ago: F!lU!T TRACJT.:-Bolng IcrtA ~nmber. !"no Aft a a IU"Otho beilt tb~ world prod~OOI\. TIll!)' are I 8 torday February 26 at 9 warm ~ Jl. . ,' T. . r, If I\nd wn. in Harru,,)n IKlUI\fO, III HRrrl. "d· .~~. ~ ~~ pl"Tlwd by JI.lDllllon peoplo III Amorioa, ,,"d P, ace ~, 'entertalOed by the host aud b08tees· M.. '~ am~ () aa~tt' :- horo .6. B~tJ!"I1L ' OITY. , dition to the town of WIlYIlIlll1'tUC-."ld lot Thn • •Wltrlhwrl·ThnmpMR FIU'm,' «Itn. t h ri r6.ult I., be,mtlfhl 'Flowo,.. imd "'lleto clock. , I ea, until abo . ut 0 o'clock they were was ~ littl e In l take It) YOllr IILst I A elty of 8olidlight, and strcetS jJlumber nina bJ!in,. I1ft)'-throo fcot. and lot ..tod in Mili~ry ,'.. rve)' 300 fi nd nrljnin inK RbI eM. A Prlco C"trll"g uo .ent hllfl to an Joseph H. Burnett s sa e, 11l8t h ed ' nto the dining.room where issue uudcl· th e head 'Rc. ligi lln ~' ul Inf.ll"lJle: I ll-thouaht r walked l"llll!ber wn flfl)' toet. r~n N()rt~ .tr~ot, onlt tho town .of 1''''·'YIn. Tho rlflCO cnnl"1118 who onolo"" tho po.tBgu-" 2 oent .tamp. week proved tbe largt!8t 8IIoie ove r us er 1 1 T h i, . I . hOI at right angles therewIth runlllng ""ck tW'l Mvent),·s,x ,,"reB, "ud 18 a very \Jc'lllt.ful __ ld '. I· t f th t was spread n banquet that woula . 0 B~Clll meeti ng at t e rt 10· and wulketl th ose 8treets j ther~ll hundrod and twenty.five feet lind fOil. illCh. and de~ito.blo lonatioll ILS a plllAlo of rOKi· VIOB'. be l~ t Ill! par e coun ry, hll ' e bonored Delmonico. All the dux Frleuds' Church on F ret·d ay I\\·4! re hnn ureds oi people; so many ('8, denoe. Witl \Jc offered at a bargain. For ~xcelltLIIg, perhaps, that of the late rare and dainty vio.nds of the seas· evoIl1ng, " did not adJuu7·n to tlt cl lO et lu e a ll d spoko such languagc S&C~N~ Tn.'c;-Be!ng lot ullmlJer fnnr; in PlU'tb lll""'Uldt'Ofl8 . Flower & Vegetable Garden. Jarv18 Stokes SOlDe years ago. h 1·1 f I t ~r E OL L b t to t . I ' '.. I 1 MiamI !:;qunre. m Ba.d town of Way"cKv.lla JASPER S. OONZALES. The k d' h ttel b ht 011 were t ere, wile res I·cn JU. • 1I1U·C,., 11 mee ngUl Il lIS nc ver hearel belore. t was and ooun ty of Warron 8Athe 88me W Il" .11r. Pellonunl... l!·lnrid,,· i. tho mns' beautiful work of the lrlnd In .toc QJI 0; ~I ~ hug a natural flowers, in pyramid apd at the osual t.im c and plncc, uext perfect peaco and love there . I lvoyed and pllltted by E, Hammell. 8 11"' 0 ),or S, S. HAINES, Wl\ync.villo,O: tho worM. It GOntal as nearly HiO pagM. , good prlee, eapetl,a y t e oge. bonquets beantified the Beene and Sabbath. A SU-MORlRER. tried so hurd to tell those aronnd , or of Warren c~unty. for 8ylvlUlul! Cornell. - ~rn(lred" pfftc!no f i1~~.t.utioIlllL~dti.ffolir - -- ...-~.~-hed h'· It· II I k flgentforthobel.. \lfJ e8.e Florer.d.co ....0t1.JEllUM UI.I.IN. JAMF;S WOOU~l£Y. Irom " 0 owo.., ......u uly In l.eb- a t elr opu en IDcense u --•• _ - - me w lut I Ra w, uut conld not apea I And the eaid pnrtie8 oro fllrther notifiod clrflWll Imd oolol'('d from DatUl'O. Prlco!lll ..... lIIarJ' A. ~~-:.more arollDd .. Heliotrope ILnd mign.oDProgramme f~r ~he, Warron Co. n word. I thoug ll t t11ey told rnA I ~nt "ftcr fo~ty dny.' publication of thi8D!'" lIe n l. ill rcal'er c(>vor8; M conte ooUlld In _ ette, prlmro8e8 and bouvardlas. Teachers' Assoclatlb n to be beld Ilt n e~· d nut try fUI· it was million8 ofi tICC., nil rOtJulfcu by 18"> III! I\()On 8 ft tho BR.d .w. . a lologant C 0 1 I. __ . 1. _ S IltUI'd Ily, F' e. b 26, 187 6. Ul~·16S dll\\·11 'to carth . I thought. I Lout.o 0 , ICflA,At:l ' Thie celebrated lady will deliver l08ea an.d t b e t ralT.ID~ eml·1ox, e tc., Leuuuou. Dutllott.G.CIUIBurnott. bo heard,wlfo ~bo of wl\lJonRthan apply fornn .. (:} €)I~ f) her entertaining and bighIY profit- etc'l r~lated and lOtuS?d tb~ ro?w Morning S8s8ion. - Gramrnur sUld, 'The I'uad is t!trllight and plnm l order that pl\rtltion m;.y 00 made of ...Id W~~~~ ~~ ~I . . - -, , - .-- . ! T111~ 16 1\ \Jcllut.ful Qn"~u;.l y JoumtJ, I to .. What Shall We Do unbl It became to the IwaglO&tlOn m8'r Lessou give n to a elo.es of - all 1lIIIy c Oln e .' My heart's de· 1'0RI oabllo an<1 thAt tho d.ower of MartbCl bIe & ec ~ ». W h d U· g of the go.i8 Every. ·1 b Y ' J I f Leba . d . tl t I II d Aaderoon, widow of WilliRm H. Ande,..on. 1 be underslgnod I,ol! 10 lDform flnoly IllU!ltr/ltcd, "nil ()OlltAIDlng Itn olegant with Ovr Da1/.ghUr81 10 88 - a . we In . ,.' pup, 8, Y • hIS 010, 0 non. sire u.u. pl·uyer 18, .. la W len ca e 1&loly dooe&ll8d. may be ftMigned therein. tho pul,lic gcnpn.l1y tbn l U"' Yhlll'O oolnroo Fronti"plooe with the I1rst numbe •• iDgton Hall Lebanon Thursday thmg W88 10 exqu1slte taste. and General dlscuesion-Uow to con- from tllUO to etermty, I may be pre- and that Inoh other proooedingw may be had opolled " nllw MOAt Mar~t in ~ho Prieo only 21l oentl" YeRr. Tho fint No. :- F b .... 24. ' Admiujon DO mere language, however extrav· duct a recititation in GeograPh~ pared to eutor into that City of in the proml_ BII are authorized b, l"w. old atM.d of Leak" nown08. 'If " 8 tlioy for t876 juot 1.8uDd. Addrctlll eTeBUlg. e rna." · k e tat aga Dt, conld do the 8ob;ect J. ,u8tice. .4" ~~,.ernoon .... I10 Ligh t~•. LOUISA O. BURNETT, wl1i keep con. tanlly on band ...... VI"., ....e...r, I'f. y._ 00e' zeeened aeate, '150. T IC J 1J88non. JONATHAN O. BURNETT, tIf ;;WI may be had of O. P. Kin· Doring tbe even.ing, the. company Monthly Holiday SY8tem explained The funeral Wall largely attended Bfi SKTIl W. BROW!!. Att'y. THE V E R Y BE S T • Lebuoa,O: ..ere favored WIth mOlIC OD tbll by H. Bennett, of Franklin, who on StlDday. Mrs. Rebeooa Winder, January 5, 876-7t. ' " ..:::~. preee everywhere unite in pI~no by ~n. A. O. McOo~ bas employed it in hiB echooI for of XI!nia, made a few remarks apATTACHMEN'r Bee" Vaal Mutton and Pork In4_ IIOIOI"dtng to Mn. LiTermore the MJ88 SOphIe. Kearney aD~ ~u. ""era! years. propriate to thti occaaiOD. The re• It, , hl,bMt meed of praise. She . i- Nannie Wngbt. The mVlted :Di,cu6~ion. maiDIl were ~ in Miami Oem- Biram XUbon. Before W. lIiID. Ute coun", aIfords: 'nd all wll1 be lreI" _ ............. a_ _ .. _ DOt ollly wioDing and magnetic guests were: Mr. aDd M,n . J. By order of Ex. Oom. etery.. MMUL Abe Ebright, Thos. ... I i~. J. P. of in II r JlI'OMnoe .)D the plaffofI;D, Wilson EdW~I, Mr. and Mrs. .e., Peac(~k. J . - Marshall, CharI. 'I'll-.. K.allT.,DefoDdt. IIbI aw::::"O'.;.. 0 LEA NAN D N ICE. ' . . . . .=~=~~ bOt ber leetureA are logical, thril· Joeeph W . .names, Mr. aDd Mrs• . Look out for Gao. W. Sldee & D. Woollel .m. Jonea and John oht. AIM ' ~~ _~ Ii.I, eloquent, and not without a Seth W, Brow~t Mr. aud Mrs. A. Co.'B ftaming adT~rtiaement Jlut F. Misalldl~' were the pall·bearers: 0.. the tOth c1u 01 .r-I1U7. A.D. 1878• ..,...,... SUGAB.CUBED · RAMS IIO.BrINO NEW 1_ _• 1I11'rtbfuID_ Le& nODe C. McComas. Mr. and Mrs. Israel week. , _ . a. .... laIc11lUtlQ(lluaeCl iID order of atwbment ~ u.-.~ ---- I~ .. . . . welUll'f .... . . ep.... 01 · .' L.__ . W . h. U d M D wSw t, , iD t.H 8bon actIOll for the II1UIl of t43,I8. . . . 9...a . . . . . . .. Who _ " ~ .nJ~ a rare ~t, ng., IIIr. an rs. re ee •• e. • , . IIII4l the fI_tlnlled llnt.U the.tb dar •• dd .l I t D &.11 to tmbrace tbil be opportu- Mi880l Anne and Sophie Kearney,. Maple Bogar.making b.. betu wbol. or b, Ibe llioe. m.,e u. a call. \.... _ . .: ,..;:::..~ .:.~ A alight ~w:etonD apiD ,ea., of ~. A.D. 1m. ~it aDd Mr. Jamea A. Kearney. In 'bote parte. terda" but _U1l DO ice, I H1RA1I1OLBOl'. MULLIN & WOOr.I.EY. ......,~ I, 3811.17
.:.! -
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Waynesvlelle Har'ness Emporl·um!
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'All for One Dollar
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dlljl BIMop . ..... t ... o... ot ~. n oIIIrl • alld ...... ... .. t _ I r. .~ c\ ....1 .all4l Iuur '" , '" "" called WI iedoa.. ...G.DIlt ... : ... wi." ~.ltt a\lpolDlDI4Il1& of . oI,an be aod &IIalr .ta&lou • • aDd th. colleelioD Ill'proprlahou or fulOd a mi.alnn ry ob j ~ .. ,aocll h. ,..w, ..l,.. owdm /IAf;...... II\ uf ,he ial ~ of &lie 1>10"... . 1111 a JeetIYe IUt, a I lUg t _"""!!""'~~~~~.!!!I!1!!!!IIII!!!!!1!~ ADd al ... a ~t .. , I!CI~ of Ih prv per name of lb thi rd day of ~ • , Biabop. ucIA aala&oull BIab"p • • beD th "': 1·.1 tbe week'. For tbe day Qf the I ~btrtis""Mds ODe. of Ibe "" ollloio, aoJ ~I~h t l ·ft d ' olbl>.r m.mll. .. , (our clericnl alld fuu r 1.". lu y .car Bpccl ~nd er th l8 appl:llla' j -hom hal l he " u lU mWetl th~ &I1ROIOIIn"" 11 t l n, the E n gl is h lun gn~ IIIl and r' g ul atlon oC II4'D 8. I.. rI.o, ti,. COlli clion a lso a till 14 h rovo Tu day" WANTED, . and al'p'O ri Uon G( ' Wlduhe r fur. bnd all , 1'1 'iI ind ' cut ' be t f II tl • To I'e1It Ito rood H OIlM. Cllftfut olbo r bu In "" bolonglruc th rew " . ". I a , Ie Ql re J KlLLt:R Th MI loa ry vlllmitte aid ~ r ille an ci nt u e f t h o day w h n all IIU~_ pa1· . . .
N • • 10,
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1UoIa ___~ 10.06 • • 1000 p ru r.IOWII. arrlIr II .~ " ID 10 ~, p m R _.w Oul l-. aniy. lito.. pm .Dd• ....,a. arrl ,e 1,3oi" 01 1~.i6 a III Kekumo, ."h e :1.1:' pm ' ;1.10 a m Log.nop-orL, arrive ,"'~o m , 3 tl5 .. m 0 .... 0 PGlnt. ani, 7.16 1> on 6.?S a m ~ioacu , arri .. ~ pm 7,:-." a IU O()I WU lOUTS.
pi a . ut.ed with meaainr aad deri".tloo. A on wuuld ~vall,. .appoee Irum tbe regiou in whicb it fin' became Ft'pow,the j ex ).....iOD i. Freocb . • _ _~~_ t We&oe h e "Fat Taeeciay, bat Marab let, LeJI IU oaoal tbe Frenchmao b.. pat 16th· t:'__ 8 t · d' . I M rd ' be' b _ter 0
tabliahed 1838,
h.. pro...a
No. 3 poridoe In m low n;n ." ml ionory unlil ' g od ' u l h u l ica, having CO II~ sed All _,.. "".._ d, all-or'- madG of ....'Od -0. l. Itl~l.#.ye 1100 fl 10 H1I!) a m th"y h"come ...11 ... IIlI" 1 '. lto\, I~ prnft'\.. U . ed b It' I ~.. h ~_ ~ " " Oro .. n r oiot-ar.he 10.05 p ru III' 5 ' m ' '" g (1 fKrtba r. II /'/'OPO 10 do th s ' re · 0.11 . reculv a SUI II """an t e ...<lnud Ulftwrial. And by Loga"'porl , arrha I ~ 40" m I.·is ~ D1 . Iv,' ~ ... k lIf Iho JI ' f •• nJ f. .. llois I"'" fa t d u y r Lent \9i t h U' good Kokomo. arrlv J . 0 a ro 2.:15 p In Il()~e ,I .baa I,.,~n d ld"d 10 '"JlloT I "" or co nRciCIlCC. T ho u s trict rol~'iOtl All "01l,arr1Y8 3.29a . ' .2'lplO LI,n,e 1t,IIIerau , who.b II hA l e cI" 'j; ~f t' . • I ' , . ,. . cd b N... Oud •• arriye ' .33 a m 5211 P m kvel1\l p Ill.... lIeh •• p,on,i8o I' rOlolll'ul IlUe wcr . I Yo \ I, BUCC Y GO&.C5 TO TilE lIIANC"'A OP.l <Ut'D \lY B a;;<Iralown, . rri ' e 6 Ot a m 6,5'2 p 01 g rowth, h h.~ II~adl: on Ill u " ",1 ill ~Io" otb er in wlti h thi d a y a nd BeverRlcb.ulOlld , arriyo 5 5~ • m 6 ~5 pm ft eld. Ib Rev. J. B . hi)'. • YOII "g, OllrDU L al that ucc 'ee.!ce.! it \9 r e i n Cath. WM. RESOR : &' Co ., uti .. II bon!,-tl .n,l If'l i .. lIJ1cm d uoot 001 .. 9 10 ' ''lid proro l. lug mlDlster, ",ho hr<. ch.,lte " r . .. ' "1 . 'I I "INt:INNA.·I'I. '" 1I0Inoa., arr, . "" .. m . jJ en . the Ii hi of labar t>mb raeed ill W• • n".,.iI :e, u l lc O\lUll t r ll'8, given lip to f, 1l8ti ng j u dl!"'I "" ~, ~J\d for A. Il. Rt SSI -I m X'nift, Ye ltuw ·I.rlug" LOD""II A'nd Murk , l1 nd j ollity. It was IOll k ed lIlllln No. T n len el R,ohlll' lid d.. i1y . 1- -- - - - - - - - No. ~o wl!l le.ve ()hl"a,:o dall,. All Ibiro, T h iLine'a" t wllrk C1111 1"10·.1,,1,,· , . h i" f 1. I A. D. I1AI NE8. • D . WOOLLEY. .~er t.aID.' d II.Y: 'lo~el'~ u.o.I~.v. I lbreo UJllricli . UMm ' Iy : 'iouiunaLi D~d ,'1' , [~ ~ e c u m t llnttv n . 0 tullt ling LO rt E.'T PRWf,!'..o! W. L Il Uftl~. N .I ' . ,I . & T . A, ciuit•. LI... dloldol IIl)rtlo alUII!! Lho Oh in ~ 'stl\'e Bea Oil w hich b Ill1n "L >T II Eo{ D W, OA L I,\VF.Ll., 0 , M., olumbul. I H.h·a~ 10 ~hlilicolba. .. lld II A111lrl·, 8",,1 0 0' , ' h ri t m ll · tide, and w a tit m au . \ Vitll O fJ 9 .. mal,h lnt..rr. n w bu,ill1 l ngli, no J . It ILL. up ~ r"'IC·n·r Orl , Ind . OUIU lllbu , H h "" kd Wrod I II , ruor. d . . d j' II W' h """"""===="........,======= It 'n n. 1~ .b4l I Cst, In Ifles t ~y 0 a . It r"nt to pay the bc.rt lnmui to bo h d. (lu.n ,o.PAL CHU1CCH. I ~:~ o l .....N,c)lJII l upplied. th e Fr ueh it wa calle d Mard1' bo ~vc" '" C!Wltum.".,., I A ni('~ line or ~,,0<1. NlII <uu,tly on' baud, , Wbenever th&'-o h inen II> -d ' elOJ'8 GNU, w ith th e G ermans Fil,(' H !".,.} MU''I1linu or I TIo.:N':;:"':='M~-::::;-",-::; 1I1~~oun g lb.L ~~4I1 n!>..ra~Ot? _~I(I b:m"llb~r~~'!. naoht. an d w itb t he It.lI ians Gal" ()~ ..... ~ .. 1l.. 1WI~ .~ .. 1 1 1 _ .. , . . . Ii ~ v " \ " l II ' I ' I. I. ' I P f 7TH 1'.''' ' BRA [(ET. ~ Dilt wh ..t llW! thut \.0 d .. witb t.ho 1 b II I d ~ th l and UlIglllar milllAtor ~U b,d l1PP Iud fnva - a Im p ylll g, tu o ng u Wit I l1<.oOi Ill' pro" III 00 for nnd uLb r arlicl,... ou\l:r~' e:;oof ~: O~:I:g~ lIu~fd~~g 0: ' BUbop J,ge I. about'" .ate.• " cl ronidt a different 8ign i fication at lirst, a , of . .....u.iOD ...tio"" of th e D,,"'....... Iln d ' . 1/I III Fourth ,lceel, a no... aDd oon. plcuou! t lgn ~rfonn the .. ork or "u Enu. l4y gl.ven up t o merrlmll ~t. I, mad.... appears Ita appe.ran~a. 00 a tIIo darkWOrdl bac kgrouod . te r. ' the has \ho ill gilt lollers " Epls P~I pili.• him f d Uriag th e 'WIn . Ulllted Stat~ ,~ tIle. OC"'UDIOU ...... . c' ," . • The flUll tIIa" tor the lut five or tell httle of the religl o u 8 88peet whIc h , oopal lI.oulD. ... Tb'·... are 10cAt.ed In Ibe lOuu.wl'II'ern oorner 01' ~he th ird atory, and y are~ lIl:Ie bll8 beea tn .t he ~ery Munce it 8till rotain8 in Europe. It i8 a I It.r.oa Tuaaday •• l'bur. daya aDd Saturday s I all aU'lllonary e~terp~ In the FlOr W... t da ti fi d fi d' I T'. N o inforior good~ impolJl'd ur oll ~IIYbo y. or Mob ...ek may he roulld tho Right Rev. 1-lUDoog the Indl~n •• aod the IIC&rcely !- . y or un all o r . 18p ay. ue - - -- -- - - A very om&lI morgin unly ...k",l an,1 ,..ou gbt' l Thoma. A. Jag~.r, D. D, fir8t Blahop oC aa~"IIe dwell ~ ... 10 100m.. of onr IIOOCIIelbl" City of New Orleans W88 the acene BUIlDIO Cards. A full.took of . ______ , __ ._. ___ ._~_ IheDloocl eor SouthurnOblo. Wo eay tha lIunUlg~WD.-buprovedcoaolueIYelyth ..t of its introduotion toU8 and roo • t1ntt.be<oaUlielhoDlocetIC orSoutharDOblo , lti~notoJllypoMible~ adapttbelll!rri06ll • t'llth I I' 't JAM~S W. M,D. , 1 Is DC lIui~ !'kent rGrOiatlon . Tbe D1oC~ . 8 ; of tilo Epiacopal ChuRh to the clnaandA of maIDs 8 I e pace w lere I may , • of Oblo wat! orpDlaed ill HH9, wilb PbllaD" ouoh oommlloitllM, but tb." inllOme ra- be observed in its perfection. ...I\~I\ ...II IJ\ d r Oha e u lb, Ar.1 Bishop. He cslab , .poot.. !.hey are moro IlOCeptable than a01 •• _ ..............C . oon.tantly on hnnd. Mnd OKl1~ p" "nptly 1lt,. ~aUJUlII. lilhed KeDyoD Oo\leb"l! , aud IKid the round • • l other (ormo nf ,",o",hip. Nor i . it 10 tbellO The Saturday Evening Post tended to Rt all houn. Q Uoal of die Proteltaof Epilcopal Church 10 We8 t.ern lIeldA alono tb.t .b!l b.. provod tb t ld fi ' te 1' 00 ' AU undor th e mKo"l!",nont of' r ~a Mouth 11111 II _ .....,;.. Ihe s..te. An.. hl l roslgllalloD he ..... ber ability ~ roacb and mloieter to the a 0 avorl ,rary pape r, ,,_"..........,.~ IUoce<lded u bi bop by ~bftr!Q J'elll Mell · noed. of men. bu~ ill .mall), of the lowe t will next week begin tbe pllbl i.c a' 0111010 d Re<lldeo..... .. ~Vt'Q) .. e .. nlll !. "ho ..... elecIed 10 18.1!!. Th . ra)ll d haUUlA of our larger oillClsbe bu mOllt RUO' tioo of a new st(\ry b Mrs H e ury '<J ~ ~ til ~ "' ..J , I poWlh 411 th Sta te ~nd Ihu correlpondlu!t """"Cully lubored amoolJ tbo III1fortulla~ W od I f YE 'L • •,..,...... t ••• ~... Wayne.ovill o. lJeo .• ltj,r,. Mol 'II " bo I ~.M~ John 'Woor'S'hl lAlrllltt ill Are now ro elvlng their F"n ~tQck " ' powtll o( th. Ohuroh hll\(\. alll ld"uce 1180 alld degraded . Perha"" in few places io 0 , aut lor 0 IWt YIIIIO, . av~ n g ot Ui u I\me will h ~lIary, and l,j , T . \J 6!lolI , l{ecLAlr of As,'oll thi~ co uotry h .... the oo nlMlJ'v..tivo "pirit to entitled uBatiled." This an. n OllI!Ceo e:: M n tj", I ct10':d~~~ :t4~h~·~d .~'~ld, 81~ of tbo Duo 11'10 Ohurch, New Yurk, W "I, 10 18!>9, wblch~e allu~dh...tmo... dJlloID"' 8~ItY. mentwifl enuse a grand InBnx fl f vUUii '-' tJ &.~~ ~Ei· o~ra: .. ;:· H' M ' t t, " ., elected Anliltallt Bishop. i or ret:uned lUI IntluenCAl lunt In PI F rt MitT h l ib' '" _ ;;. g, ~~ ~ IV". Mll . roo A ,emilt't.(:f', At the d.Mb of Di phop McIIY11loe. Diahol' Epi "pAl Churoh of thilt ci~y. ~11III1 ... tio- ~ew ~u. bscrlbers t o thl8 p o pllill. r aDO· 0 e - e eae er, 0. I ~ ~ § ~ 41 g <:' i5" <l'> MIIOVIi1l VJinm~ 0ti1Ji@ vel'IJetMI7 B l ~ell ~e~e.ded , acco,dlng to ~ho call 11$ , Klly 1o 'r memoor•. for the 10'> t PI"'.. bllve J o nrnal. Mr8. Wood is one 0 / til e E" n .Ide o r ~t"i" S l r~c~, '" 115 " .. c c.fll c 1IlI. , . . 7:u.t1l~ ~, to the htlo of lJl~h"Jl of Ollio. ~ II .J uno . bolonged to the ,,1_ of oburcbmeollumor. mos t fasoiDating stor" . wri ters of Q :-- ~ p. ~, .. ~. und~r the firm 1\" "'0 of FInlnOli & W,,,,li y. Imr or'ed directly fro m P.nglalld ; J874,lh" Hiabtlp &ooaon"''<1 LAl a dl .islul1 of ou~ly .ty lOO "Lo ....od Slow." with .. . light . ' . .r WA. ... NE8IV.LLII.O ... O . . . . . ~ , f' I;"' ::: ! Wioul' the 1l~I I I'''"~1l IHI. lit ~biB time T III'fe j jl'll, tbe dlo ·e.G, "hleh w,,, ~ou8l~m n"~h'd . I~t "I'rill.kl!ng (If tl1o.o ti"lIe'I"Hi ~b nlld Dry." th e .age, and thl8, 18 th e o~ ly co~'ii'~IKI~~ OO~~OO(!.~. r ... \ ~. IlWd I" tund 10 k "1''' .full .',ICk .,f "llollc~. OJ tho mee'ln~ of Lbo G.~IO':fll ~·onYl D~IU I1 111 l1u t It' M cn nfid cutly hured ,,"d ltelievcd b)' v e llleut 80 UrCe tro m wlo wl! till S t:l ~ ~~ ~ U "'1.'o"•• Trunk >\, \Y.hlll., Ol un kolo. R"I)I'., . I n(p'ni11.,: ~u~ber. I 4, ~1I t!'6 t. rrowry :o~th " f ~n~ v r)' munr of ber oommunlon .th1\t wlth charming n o w 8tory can b tl l)r ucul" ~ p. I . ~' l " 10 f,,"L ovcrrth1l'g tJ, .t oolong. to till' l ' 1I(,t i afl8, &:c., Inoludh~ Durko. ~harul, lJlulm" .I~n , 0, I" lbo e8tubh. hmcnt of the now dlOOOO!e, and . • •• ,to:l S ! ;lllld t ...do ; Illld d"",re " II l",lro1lI ' of th~ oM (' r I 1 A "arc. LIcking •. Musklo j;nou , Uuern.~~· , .lIld the lICe.... ion 0 ' ,. Bilhop, full of younlf ed. The Post 18 altogeth e r all I:"'l ~ j ~ ~ ~:-:,!;' ~ po firm. IIl1d .11 uthol'8. t o ~ive t hem II .a11 mId I ,e ,o~I Illorienn m nulll turo. B4sllDon~ OGUOUu~ becam~""ol'lll.,,todlOCOS·! , aud vi gorou. Hr". till, wh olo Oburoh will admirable paper, and hall los t n o n e _t-' $ .. ;;S-:;;g ~ rooeive ll\l rf.ct RAtlsfoot ion, ...·hi oh they 10 be knowlI &8 t ho DlOl'C \l 01 omhe,," sooo be .rousrd \'O r. no.... ed l1011 tillUOUHOlld f ' t Id t' t' $3 OJ/ice a.n d RtJj~ii!enoe, TIli1'cZ St., !;1 j F!' !' !' ~.;:;: . gu"ronteo both I1A to p.lceM Bnd quality nf Or lilly oth~ r city In Iho Union. i)ilt':: ? 1i? '" .
Experienced Workmen,
arrow ·
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_ AI BERT 'n
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MISS ,RAt'IDI," '.R..'EBRlGBT, .... . - ... ::s 'J
anUl (f1JarnOa8 , S
Prices as Low as Cincinnati
~~~O?~I:~~~,!~t~:~II; ~=~;i~~,.I~h~u~'0~~~~;~ ! :~d e~r~~111C~~!~~ni:r~~:~ t~~tD~';':t~i! Re~d,.oWiclk:~1;:,le. C~.,
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IJloAocll\l J ,Ill Ueeem be r'f 1~8114"I~ I,ucltcd ,Thhltnll ' eoDlDlllolty.-{Oio. ComlDcrollu. d eJplllB. . ~... &I . . ag!!"r,reetor o . "y rnt., li re', .. _ . ·4 •• _ _ r~D>!). Philadel).hlll, lUI tl .. ~ ni " "' II. II" 1I1l. I.oell I & ' G T .. • • ~ lDt.heman latryal ;uul fUlll·lucnyeors. Ho is , BRIGG8 BOTH ER 8 RI!I-"'1' o· FrankJin s statue In Printing SB1'H lV. aaOWN, E:: .. houl Ihlrty•.seveo yO. ... ur ~g ' . a Mti vo of MATO RAOE.-Onc of . tho m08t oov· H S N '\! k . p N Y k t d LI t I ' ons e qnure, ew .l o r , IS one 1 ',"' '" el and di8t'llo.y.card8. we of the rno t demure lookiug o bfeet8 1 A TTO f\N lEY 'AT LAW, ' Amurlca. Hev... lull. ba"d. om" m,m. ~. il n have seen In some tl mll IS a htho· In the world, yet fo r all thtit it was • '1. ~ ine. Illl prcftsi e dar k ° Y"II. d" ,k hir ,,,,d grapbio iI1u~tration entitled Briggs recently caugbt cll8ting ndmirina .VOT'A" .. " r .UBLIC. w"9 beard, wor. full, .: l'ho Rishop is impr08' i. o • & B t1 ' "G t T to & ... AYD .£I,.t.t '" aDd "innibg al a 'poa ker, Dod Foelally Ia A r~ lers r,::, oma ce glances at a 1'retty girl; fo r which ' " ~ senial and cbarmlng gentl eman . Ion their Ground8, and represeotB a it W"U't ~lly 80 Yory mncb to 0 ...... l1I~ ••JIJ1I ~ ......... The ~ow di oro•• cunlaln. ro rl y.foll r or· 1i8t of tomatos 8tri~ing 'in a race. blame, "D 8he Dot onlv bad a most w.w"'_wl~.O.I.. 8 p ..laedpatl.b.l. Of tb ... . ~blrly~lle ur·1:1 I t tabl I '1' ''' 1· ' .,,, 0" ..It.• upportlog. 'rhe " ·maililngtblo1,,.n a,., 1 · Iosuceu eu ve~ UI.are moan· charmlns face hat W88 most tastily ~ D ~ 1DOI'.0rle.depeDdel1~ulI ml .Ionaryald. l ed on hol'8e8 and are 8upposed to nil. bewitcb'ngly arra ed . beL. O. LU . 8, 'fhti churcl;e . 10 " Dd "round UIDCI~""l i are be comin~ in on tbe home stretcb. 8 I Y 10 O In • u Ol, JI!" SU S, Paul'l, Ohrl81 Chu rc b, 8 t. Juhn s. Trio " f i ' coming garmeots made atWr the ~1. a mi18iou cburob "Ided by St. I'aul ' 0 . ' There IS t 10 grand 8tand lied wltb celebrated "Domestic Pl4per Fash· E";menuul CbuKb. P. nd leLAln, IIlId tJl~ ' a vegotable audiet\ce j a big beet ions." Oftlce in Nat ionilrnank BlIilding, WA Y N ES VILLE, 011! O. Ohurch of ~ Aton.ment. .., RI.uuiJe . • bas a turni in bit han dB "time· bodl"rwhlchha.ebo ·OUlllledandfllrml\n k h I I I.' . f II .... la4epend,'nt pltri. h, oclLbet bolug <Lrung eeper, an t e w 10 e t ling IS n The Jan ua.ry Internationa:l R e. - - - -. . -- The tomatoR v iawor::ns witball able review of enough 10 malnLaioII. I.pantle tr~. lIix". ' of life and fuu, iu 0 rdfieraR the political 8ituatiou on the OOIl · "aALlln IN 1 WalDut Hills, whleb h". JUI! completed a tillS practlC8 rm, WuO are tiueut with reference to Turkey and &~ans, 6ne uod. y. , choal "ulldlng ; O,'''CO IJ hurcb, from yearll of actual test UpOll tJle Herze.. ovinaD Question, from A I·ond.le , .od Graco Oh l1 rch, oll ogo lIiII. , tl '1 II I'fi d t '" X EN I A 0 H I "blab ie a mission onl v. bul DC glto.! pru", IClr own 80 18, we <).lIill e 0 'high Ruthority in Berlin. Next, a I ', I.... , " Judge 01 the charactor 01 ~egetables cl'itieism upo n Dr. Draper's UI1 . Alo", l"OlrUI.. eol" "'lIed Alld repaired . 81. Paul. ,ullalno Asconsloll JIoi ,8,lolf. IlS well IW flo wers. 1hoy rate l' t t b k tl H ' to I'tl Orners m~.. l)o JMt wllh,t: , W, Ehright. corn~ r or OHu LoD .. nd BamJlller ."'\lCU!. I . ". . lor una e flO, ltl IS ry 0 1e - --':-< Ohuruh employa Hov , lIi ohard ) the. varl OI1S t o muto8 111 the urder of Oonflict b e tween Science Ilull Gray, prollal ,I)' ~hli 1'0>.1 kno"' 11 Epi 'col'a l , theu' excellence (and we may here Religi o n" by s o di s tinguished 1& ::\,. ,. • .' .f1...... ,~ mln l~tor 10 0 iuci llll&li . and cor~!llo l)' On of say tbat agriculturis ts mIL" accept 't 'D E A V" I b I' t"'l the mOdl ",s puul ~d RP,I h"lo.ed, (\~ 1\ mi.· . . . J I Wl'l or a ij r_ . . '. /I I urn, 0 ~ ~Jm1l i\i1m . l iouI'r, In the ci L.' 8~ Ja l·go. It III""~ 100 m.'n I thc OPllll OI1S as a gUide) a s f, )1 U,ws: Calvary C hurc h , N e w Y o rk. Th ll 1lZl!!!P ~ . ~4'l1 Zi.J QI ~ ~ \loned bOl'e that . ~ k }'"Ihc r l ;~".v i.o lrl ill.Lho Grcen Gngll, O Ollqllcre r, ExcelSIOr, wr i ter wOlllJ nat lll'lllly ai m t o llIlaalotu.r v "'or ofthu Ep'dCOI,,,1 Chllrch· I Trophy Defiance GOIl Grant I" " I i P irat.WAYNESVIlJ Natinn~,l R ank OIJlO BU.1.lriil1(/, ! ~aa tbo IlIlIo\\" in3 ourAct from Ih,' I~ o nt'·· l , . ' . ' , rneet t Ie sC ientist IIpOll SCientl c rv &IUrd anoual reJlO rlof' ~he lo Rdi•• ' Uone 'ol,:ill Hubbard's Ou,rled Leaf. ~l\pper'!I gt- lInds , alld is all acllnil'ahl" I _ "'P, Z
WAYJ"'" L,bVlLI.E.
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First.Class Pianos
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mlnlolr, "y . addl" •., hlg ~b" IollllAI88 ~f a ~mootl~ Re~, Keyes8 El4rly. r.o, Philip Gilbert Hamerto ll, th e au~ poDl· boUIItl 10 thu OIl )' 01 l A,,,,I ,n. .~rocn i lific, 811nms Olutltor. and lar In L,nd o u art c ritic wbose criticislDs III l1DHD' .. ~:~nl)l m clta' lime I h.ve cnd OM' urad 10 ke0l' lolh o the roar his ri~r \I~illg 0. telosco pe I' I · d ' lBIAll~·· kHII '~~ ~ ~' 81LQlolraok."nd Pr"yide l1c"h~1 J{rotci" u. IYI · ' . nrc more popuur tIUU, au qUite .. A.lNflT••••••••• WA ... NE8V ..,LE. forwllrded my wleho! oy plotolug IDO in ~h i 8 to see where the others are, comes IU! seo.rchillg as Ruskin'8 will con·
Jf'1l5I)lollnble . Gurber
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FM' !t(en, Women &: Ohildren. IT Speoial ..ttenti on gl von to AU work done ill the boit mannor, mel . atillfuotiou g u .. rnnt_ l , Ple.Recall 00 A. J, SUTTON & 00. Wayoe.ville, Doc. Il. Mlj.:lm
• ... ManufaoturoA ll11lrind8 of Bread ...· CaIre daily for W1tyuo.villo and the IllrroWldiDfJ "oir.hborhood- Special attention 18 IJlno to ornl. liing
CAKES FOR WEDftlNGS U AND PARTIES, un .hort 1I0tico, I ..1110 keep
ICE CREAM at ..tl'\oourK, 1\l1d .. luppl, of
Staple and Fancy Grooeri81 U!r The higheat {arltet PrlCM pate!, ba oat'h 01' trl1do. for Country Frudu . __ _ _ ._ _ _ _....:_ _ __ ~00 (j t.'~ l
v.tll. • oaril8, eau. tI1it,.
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THE MIAMI G~ , W. rille 01&10 1DM , •.
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ANTED"1 .. " . " _ ... " .yow" ttamli neatly p"ftUP, eluJm, a~.ld 88nt to ~n'!l Gtfl ell.
6. U. JoIor ... U, J. :-. !hl &II8.
" 'E AG - ENTS - - w'
~'I~:;':.l.~R~':.'!~iA~F.ofBI~,=~~~ c~aracter r
Photographic Mat e ria
IIr' Orllors fo r lJl,hol"lory ADd O,trpet. work IlXtCU lou pl~mJl ~I.". by skilled "Grit • 6a6 .S.
10 lilt ,
llctailed ('I.t 1f!1,nleaal8 Prio8l1 /
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!:led om10 1I'U! , our 'o\\' n ml\ke. ltfattrol_, Pili"". and nOlllleu on bond &lid made to ordcr. Oollon " heeling. and P ill ow 0 0.iO)(8. T,\I ,le Lioonl, NI\pk lu. , DO.I'lieB, Llnona, Dill p.", &c., imporwd ,Hrecl Rnd
'l111" \llId o r" i ~u ed r"""""tfnlly OlIn t11 ultt:ntion uf tho \lubllo to the fllol . thn), 11111'0 "I'aned a n . .. mop, tW II doors :,,"th Torry'. grooor,.. whonl Ih,'y "rp 1" "l'or d to ",a.. ufact ure
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HeadqoArters For BLi"as t
E R Y fit ;., & ROC '
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eapecially upon tolDl\to8&nd on 100S. A fonrth paper will be that of Awarded the High eat MedlLl at 1 lionaodtookupllluchtlme. lD&hI.oumber Tbey grow tomat08 exclUSively for Dr. Francis Whartou tbe distin. WELFARE OJ the PEOl'LE. Vieou. \ --ANnwere 5IJ( alck I\lId .ftllcted per.ons, ",Ith seed.8e11 no tomatos io tbe market • h dB t . . t' "Re ~. _ ___ _ . ___ _ wbolD J oonvet""d aDd p....ye<l. Se.enle<ln ' 6 'glllS e os ou Jurl8, on tl'08' It publisbeR lenera of ' IQulry " Ir~rt frn m & 11. 01 tb_ bave died aDd IIOme b,,'a left a and save seed from the uest pective Legi81ation and Granger . the peopla, and ao~"er~ Lhem fully witbou t , . w. ., dellshlfbl "'dlmon; Lhat \lle.v .e.... going 10 8pecimena only, being other iRm." The late difficulties in regard I t.'!. pardty 111.d J I 591 Broadway York .me.llbel.8.,.lor In heaven Among thole 8 ---' men .bo pareb88e their 800d It ! .. ,8 a .. oellie on r /l"'1 .. n 118' oe LAl . , , I ~ AI 111\1'--....._ , ..."~.. r frle~dl members nf l o:>CU8 h t Wiscon8in and other Westero ..11, and . Lbe grea ....", jI..,d to the grc.test (Op p. M. tro polh nn Bow!'J , OIU'W ObuI-Cb, Ju e ..... ~., t", Iln~ Mr, ~ from those W 0 grow tomato8 or States between the Granmlrs a.nd lIoU1her. -1II. . . r........... I.pert.,.., .... .,.,_1.,.. 1. L'Bomme<llc,u. and t8 . Holroyd and .1'8~ "'t., and who late in the 8easoo . ' 0 .". It Is oppolled 10 tbo uo.llae ..nd dl.bono. t " ..lk.l. ot 1:1&. John'.. With aile excep· h tb • ' t matoe • I Rail Road orporatlOu8, make a r.lass legl. lalioD 'hat ,\t'" koefllted tho (e" l\ I~ I,:" &IoD, h . . . .y privilege 10 direcl 'bolr dy · w en Ie ~~~lio °th ) lS ow care/ul, comprehensive discussion, end opprc.eed Ute Dl.~" ",~li.ed In ..d o( STICRKOS4)OPES AND f II!WS •.A.I Oftlce for the llallur""turoand &Ie 3f ia« .,. CO tbo Lamb or God, .. nd hur 8&ve th e r 11--.& rom e ate, poor, by the light of foreign authorities oongr.,.s rotirlllg tronl"l'fMlla~oll ne. rl, two '. J 80, Ibelrble-.lte.tl ..o..yt.other.l~b(lIlnoA8or unripe fruit. Seedeav:ifromthe . I I bl h'" thlrdeofthepcopl .... .. looey ., £!l.IIDOlJWil~ ©flIti:.~M 6 I1 ' I Uod .. bllo puslng Illfough Wle rlyur 0 fi t I te i . •.... t f pa.rbclllar y va un e at t IS time. The Nallonal Bialik 'SoII~"'e , a dcyl~e to . ~&~~ W1J~'l%1~ cI4Ioalh, aDd 10 JollI .ith Ibelr recw .. , iD 1'8 0 U8 1'8 • lty>erlOr .,.a 0 Tho writer has acces8 we doubt place th. conlroloflh""arroDo~ In Ibe band~ ' . - - - -- Q each ~.. , la Ibo ' lol.mn 8e•• lou aL Lbe tomatoB en from the branches. DOt, to tho work8 of abie8t Germ! uC the M~ncy KiD!.'" ond _ados a oon' I'/'O ' 18 I pvc.' They pel'llonally. te1ecl their own F ' E ' due,"g aro8Icwraey·. . •• • The Dumber of a)mlbunioentft 10 Ibe 'd d I" aud renQb" well l1.li Ugh8 TIll' S.lary 0",10 Ililhhor.v, IncrtlR. ong th o _. .. __._. I DIoccle Gr Sout~erll Ohio 18 about. four sto~.o 8ee ,an t IUBlmprove every jurists and knOW8 . .:well how to I'.~ of goveron... ",' uftlei.lo, "bile the price We oro Hoadquarte r. fur c"erylh ing In tbe l altoulI&nd of "hleh aumber abo at AllIeell varIety they grow. d ' tl "d of 1.. I.or rtod I.... \>roducls, rl',\1 COlul., 'llid WRy or hundred ~ro III l.lluelno1t~1. Ali 'hochurchos These 8how card8 are riuted for pro uco lel~ III OVI ent:~. gre'·nb.~ks (111<' lIE'oplc·. lOOn")' ,) have b en STERBO PTLICAONNT8ER~58D, KAGIO I r ftA,D:lI 0. un SundRy-scbool. "I""ohed, Iholo In die f d ' ,'b . 2 0 A fifth article on tbe Paycholo· deprecla Lild. P~~~ ,~-~~~ city number;'l!! aboot twclve bundred at · roo IBtll. ntlOu t? t e 5,00 gy of Murder' i8 of particular im - Tho acl eh.nll ing Ih. orlgln nl contrnot wl!h ' teadianD. melchaotB In the United Sblte8 who ta W'h I. II 1 • bondholders. al1d ,"llk lng bond. ro ayn ble In Bei ng Mti nurnellll'ers of ~h~ t'n wo,r". TUE OUVROU. take tbeir leed8 in bulk to 8ell nnd p()r ~co. om. 8ul\ wo laug, gold inst"lld I.'~ nl 1"",lo ri!. U 6",,1 Aj;"".d lIIt(lBO·tlttJ.ENTll'ltl I,A.NTERN. I . ' Who 18 a mnrderer~ Are all mur· upo n; "fn,'oroI18 m 01 25 !,cr oenL. 111 vKI"c I!I'I'ICKEO·P" NOPTltf •• N. Owlog 10 ~e alae o( the Diocese Ihere must not be confoonded With the dere rs in8aue' lu tho fe w .~ tlt~ 0'1"'''00 of L.lou w""." A.D"E~I!:.~~:"''':·~~:·~~:Z;:'JJ~~N, " .. IIttfe time fotBi.bop U.dell LAl carryon regular floral Chl'Om08 aUllually 1'1 R' I' .J>. h d 1'10. Re,uru pllo n Acl. dt man<liu g Ihal A.RTOP'I·ltJON, 'he aggressive "ork of the Obul'Cb . In (ae'. d b thO to' . d 10 ~ e/)'j,lJw lavlDg unl8 e wbloh i. ullerly I'tll'0.<j ble, and pll\ci l1/t th S OHOOL LANT,EltN , FAMILY LA~Tcnl'l' l . lill .bole time "aa occupied 10 .I. itlng Ibe IS8ue y IS en rprlslUg au another volume, enten upon the Ob~'CLt 8Ou)(ht 'or I",coty years further oft'. l' EOI'LJo: '" LAN1'ERN . . h b d II ' II' ~ Ib 0 • e.... bU.bed polnlft. "lid he voold not tbore · SUOOOl8ful seed bOWIe the largest fGre r.""b tba OLh r. UDlIOrlhe D'" reglute , • .. ' oext wit great promise of or IUC 1I~1 0 IC, c",nca8g Ill" • pe . .Each oly;" h Ing Iho b~.~ of 118 ctn•• in tho k f h b pi" tbe a ~hal1f!e t ' . WIII 111 the howenr, lb" wor 0 e lire extan810n h world dad' glVIOg f b employmeut d botb . 8uccess. It"18 IDten dc d to ma k e the lldmEmlUlr"r ll1 l. traliunwlilof ad.oute gO"ornmeot .Ir.ira, InII mal k.... be pUlhed wl~llall tha zOIlI Bud cnc.'llY of Cbe to un r 8 0 • an 8 10 more ot noticiug foreigu book8 mOs, fiLLing O:tl nlog uo. of LUIl I" ". And , lIde. with ~awakel1ed Oburch. 11 Is Ihe Ch lAI aim of Rochester and Ohlcago as well as ~ h . ' 1 direcliono for " ,Ing sell~ on Ilpr1icn Uon, --AND-Bll pop JIIQar 10 oal., ror""rd tbe mis. IGn· the'r 8everal farm~ Dew ort comlo~, than beretofore Oelebrahon for the Centennia Any oll te r!'ri.in;; m,11l ca n make monoy .r)' .. ork" alld In ord~r LAl do It I,Uemalio Ul!0D I • • . and we are JOformed cditqria Year. wilh 11 ~l aK'" Ln nte ru . ' . ally and IIIof" Ibe IolHlllI.O U .. a~. the Iug&UltlOl1 8taud!ng -Rook8tJt6'1' ' T",metJ. ' arrangemeuts. hayti II you " ould kll.O w ~lId OommiL\ce Dloeaall, &t lba . • • ,' . been made in d" f undo ..IR d. Dd ~ the fas I " '..... " Cll 1ou LLilis u~vcrtl80lllcllt fo r rofcrollce' ID R of tho Bilbop. buo clt"hlished ~o · Epico. Bnck Pomeroy I S tl40 a.ut~or of Londo n, ParIS, Berlin and Florollce, nea, lII"rI," & 11 c,, "c~ 0 pUBI un ul ura 0- • 5:1'1.1 Y ~,_ pal Room l , alluded 10 above. where Ih o this bit of dU8t: Profanity. Bud that in8uro crit icisms of rare value gil'.liGn, ,cad tba En~r ~~rillg tbi . "II Biwllop w\ll b4I found at, Ih. 'hne. indicated, I b th h d '- 't thO A b 't \~ra.rta.nHri81.&-, 1,lId , _ lilie ~... tbe year of • L .:; . ... : ",,' xcepl .. beo Iranlint; through.' Ibe Diocese. P ug to &CC? are 0 c toe ea on an tru8 wor 10008. I or , . " ~. ' 'f ell]) OhMe 8 [(COIPOS ' or Inforan.. ' ;be Rev. A . •' , Blah II Secrelary Gt ,bo whicb a boy walkS to a loof· paper on .Art in EuropB each E ru, S . ,' Iionofo; Ev body: III overy' couDly in Board or MIIeioIlI 41'.... DlMeM; E. L er's grave The more a man or a number i8 ' promil5Cd by Philip Slnlll eapy. on~ Jf!'''. . fli 00 United Ht.atee and OAned.... Enla!god by I 1I0l1On or tbl. ait!, i. the pri....ta Secretar1, • I h I Gilbe Ha d ' ' fi VfTO oo\llul fI~ 16 eaota, II 75 tho J1uhlilner to 648 pllges. n cOlltatD8 over • and bolh geoLlemon Un be (oIatld a' the woman know8, tbe e68 e 'or 8 Ie rt merton, an a 8Cleob c 1'.11 .. . .. .& AlII eacb. 10 00 woo bousr hold Iteclpcl a ud i8 sulled to all u 100111. dO.rlng the hualne.. hOUri of th. day. ~ipa about neigbbol'8. Oul~urc paper reco~g i~ternational T"tD'Y 1 .~ each, 30 00 cill~ses nod oonditlons 01 Moclety. A .0011. " ,' The .lDlllion.r, wor\[ of &Ite DIoc... do killa ""'b • . Whenever you hear of p"(lgreB8 01' ,Mllnee - IS expected Wldl moat.. liberal ~uol.lqltl to cluh agen ... derrul book aDd a hou88h .. ld ueDenl&y. 11. TG\ves on a commltt.e kao .... a lUI the Mil· e• d th ' fi P : f A til W W . h I' 8 01nd for I" ••cllllell copIes and apDlI' outft.t. 10111 at "gb~, GrtlAIeit ioducemellt. eYer llolllal" CommitiAlI, alecled by LIM> Oon-eo a man ruontng OWl!. 0 er .men 9 rom rol. r. ur • rla~ 0 A.II • .,I "All"'» poe&.ollloe. otrdred LAl book &gilaW. Sample copies IOn' • ~~ I tk:n of &he Dloce"" allDu.lly. T~. oGmmlt.- charaeter, be B880red that 'h18 own Yale Oollege, 10 wbom Dr. woolAIkIreM air ON ... 10 by IIIftl1, pOltlald, rGr". Elclu.ln terri· . 1
ilIl lNHl LI \II Ll\l.l.!J( ~~ tI "'~tallVt In Tarde. , lh m., lt, ". ~jn8 aod Crelonllea nt sbort nolie•. WINDOW OORNIOES ,
__ _
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_=_:; 5 s.s a a
\ ' 'YII•• J~o:. 5, 1~76.
'? 'C;:;:
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GURTlllIT GOOD~ ., i ,q ( , Lll lObre~ u in9 ~nd Oul'~ln8made and pilL 111/ tc) order. ®l'NTllIiJIlf.1IDlQI 1f1t7i\~lt!HlllmI
All kinde.
IiI' i' I
0 .. -....... -•..••• -•• -•.•• -.
Is Ihe only pnpcr I! xclu eh·.I,v de"oted to Iba
t:- ~ ~ '. S· '-! ,, !i' I! ;:I. ... ~ ·1 5 . " . , .. ~ " ... .::. ~~ ~ -: ~ ... _ I ~ 7' ."r1?ao A I Awtl'*> A 'Jl,.:.8\ftQ! -> __ oecoo -> .~ ~ ... ' ~~~~~- ~~~~~- ~ is!:'; ~ i't ~ ~ 5: ... • ...
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my aim. unde. Illi Ihe •• rylllg chaucoR by ' utatlOo ur on tbe produotlve quail' Etchings at the whloh J bn. b~en lurrounded. Oaring tb~ I ties of al 8eed 80ld by thom,. ane.! Europe.
Docor1ll lvo P"P<lr BOI1j;i ug., Wi".lo w P rer~ Uord or• • 'c .. t1C"P.~~8Iy l o • • juelrO(lalv • ,~d i'l'Um the 1'' ''''0.1,'. Jiroc~.
Pier and Mantel 1l1lnnORS!
p. ~ ~ !f i 'W:i'.
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--MA HLO N-RlDG R, .-
orthodux views fro m
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RGEON. P ...,~ I
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dhlLe IIttC ll t ..",...'!l the I'r~!lo\.o'" HAINIi:S& ' wOOLLEY
1111 HGu". Au Arbor. IIUcblpa.
[5433a Wap_riU., .Tal, a,lm.
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cl~; to reWu , . aD 1'1.' II) lit, 1nlt '" litl H' 111I'~, haD I~ IIf!IUIl "<1m.. rh.'n· l r \JI,I ... "" \ 'm. ll<' t" ' " yon ba,.e
'th til r"Jui ('sd.ulJU'\l, ..,th Irom,":\I &nfl' r, It wl1Itbtor I &0 tlunk tiC v, nr moU.. r, J ung man .. J n. It 1'1\ 1 C J luul IOUft',,1'Nl no " th, r I " .... III ut r nl) lu.'tlrl but loy f(J1' bl J 1\0111<.1 not tlUld bpro Ow gmltv \\ n U!h 1 lUll Y•• t f.,r bo r ~kC' poutl nil' 1 am h, r nh n- I\I'r vuh SIlPpurl 11 T ' Il Pli m • YOIl IItn'ko hur tu th I.. • Mr L\ I" \ll1Id~ 11 UlIl ti~ l1t mo nI. nto • f It \I ~ Oil Y I IlhQuM lll,", thuught f tIll f 1'1' It IS too mw III \V , yon 11 T il hMl ~ ur chance Md 1I1HI,; J 1l \nek ~lly l' a ll mllllt talc the C \I q uo 11 (~ Th.....I, v, IUlfllh 8taud .. ) fr I I I<:!J 8I\Hl~llBkily • d yon know how 01.:1 I run T I !XI ~9, 811' 1\11,1 1 n v r! nchN 1\ flll'Lhiug that WIllI 11 I my ("\\'1) bt>r<)1'i> •It 18 tltut,\ to oull thill,' Mr Ly 10 t('ll, ~o, rl8Ulg iUld I\I'Proo hw tb I Il "WlUt OliO 1ll0LU.'nt Sit, F ronk y jU t \ ThorlllY!!IUd pM8lug bet-, blm Illld nl
tK-.J).plill, and Illll
,ltlI!pcn1 , Illl
uey till. guiah a look sb\yro Mr Lvlo ror IIll
aul1~ .' ughoJ
<~ILVI _ H
1 dOll ~ CIILrO," IIh tllUll, Btaot," abN11 t.ell you ~pted me 'O\\tllI "'f!'rY mtngly ill u t mo- t cIa lbl&-whO!!<) beAntiful IA cam IU.U,t 11 d o liko Frouk ThQrl v h. tw II mo nllli rIght and llU'L'<l In on nltllOlIeh h, 1JI pApII B ol, rk I shoullu I t.(> my rum 1 All you hope (or mtU"Ol h it,.' I<t\IlI I • nl:v EU( II hDlond " 1\8 hl'r PluteJ" ~IJ' hc/U' m(' I B CI\r how I muking (~lll o f ,-.-it I h oalIs h ili n SSlll CJllU(' tn IlIll, ;uHl th'll ro(nso to btl nt r nuc., III .!au IIlg WIOI Ill' 8(, f tell L oilnJ i1 )Oll cmI .. wght ' .. i nUl hllt.ell1llg," I!IUtl th merolumt. "I \\ ouJdn t dlUl wIth lum nglll.II, .. I mWl\r IIIlW London till two years my ,INll " o.g ,nnd 011 yolU'lllllf bav IlODllD8Ildllll I W hy uot, pIny " R<llUO XullUlnOll, ! m lor wltblltandwg lUI temptations cl voLulg h or gm (nl yobr, W8 1:00 kuo", I!U', thd In lUter olrlnk nor , Ila~"U!O on n.ru 1\ , . ry ph'lt) gll:I, gnmbl . rb 1IlDBllu_ of th Illllouut I a.ml bo 18 1\ VOr;) h ilJll1lkl lUl , 1111 I' r<II hnve tak~n mltst provo that YOIIJ' monl y /lIollllul ) nng WJ UI , Y OIl roilY d o lu LU " ' 111 uot p on'm that way YV I\ hll\ e muo.h hnrw I IINlU plOllgell to bo very kind to me. Sir I D o yon rOlll mbor UTfir,lIf;: UPOll mo tho Ileh tltttt rLUS p r e!<l<lIl< III! ~ Ol1l1r ' 1I!au"e of I\U inVItation 1.0 u pnrly 'WOOlS fllt '\iQW lg 'l horl J 8 o tJ 18 gt\ 1\ h) YOIll dn1\ghwr r I \\1IA rol1\O uo ugu to ttlro I<1l) yOIUlg UUlU'S llenol , I " lilt but went, IlDd from tbBt hunt my nnd, ('O\llmg (rom n gullll ) our 1>06I U 0 I1 (lito "'!Ill led 'l'b most fn8clUIltiug ttl n lUllll m lu", 18 cal"ulill",1 to do 1mI'm I ftil "clI (l8 tho m()lj! broril saof OOtIU ttoo '!'llk Illy Il,h~~ l't x.e, h" IIboo.1 8(" ij I ilid uot scorn to sot h r BUlin.'ll for we, no ouo \U th. room bl1tyo,. LWI~h your to UlIZzl mo ,nth hor 10\olilllJ88lU1dltlr " Hobon QlI BOIDO (Ill llllilllnbJn to 1080 I mo " ,tli her Rmllo" 1h(lro 1.8 UO mto.xJ hill Wits III n'l"Qllou of til m catlo>u lik th flrat 101'0 of yotlth, 811'. J. :0 tUn) ~ I :",11 from h r I\\lIlt It dUll t Y"l1 know thllt I 'f boro 18 uo fe /I httlo potti Wy, Illul l1l()1 Jrom Illlller he r zy Ilk U,"i IUljpll'ud by 1\ WOmM \\ ho I1Jlg makt'8 YOl110v her I lived In a d lin tJricl\ 188h1'8 n t\U'tivo gJIUtoo III Thorl y ~ (hroCtiOll n o " III! md,>o<l urn I WI\8 moo ou M.'COunt of this 'vo \tI\tcl1ulg hn, WIll) lus ll('llrllll hitt hnu,1 ~ wb m 110\ i, IlDd who !100m .1 I<J III ) et! , Illlll 11. VlllU IItUo OOnuty 101'0 me I\UU I mcurrc.ll\ d ht l or b r:tin 11 I ~,lb pl(," suro n d bb '"hlon, W II wild mom nt, " UtO It WIIS U t 1 uS bclor Fnulk '1'borl"y ,nout \ hOll I hnll lust I) 'l(.'ornluU y w l ll( t d,lllC 'Villi hWJ ngll ul <lUst o ff by IIIll'- I pmtl WIth ) ur , H 1IJ 80 11lwdsolUo ..ud gTlloofuJ and mou.>),' II nt rWnmg, RoXJu DIIlIfC(I ,llUlllg I What WlIB ~01lT .lobt f " Mr. L~ Ie th m taut II ]1Q,~ltntiOu u...for o .. Lu pllt bnefly 11 litt! " hI t gl\Jv~ i ~ulp,l ill Ill!!, ' I I It WlIB fo.r (L nu$' will danoo wlth him- tb('l'll! jI A nn ~ wltll a (lirunoull eot UI a ohm Auu a \1l~ suo 1\Ol1.te,) 11l .ury CIl'uI08. t"r of rubl08' • til merchant I\IIk d '11th to It CI1Jl t .-10 iIIlY hlllW, 811 e U R illL,h or romombnwoo. ' twn.,ll " .. 80m m,wnrd m!8gn;lug, lUi II Yea, 8IJ', Thorly 8IIld reluotnntly hcnc ('IJ ill' t IUlIItiO8 mildly disllppro, The morehaut 8I1t down, and motion lUg 1 k, or f l100uCllth tile 1IllI)llHRlOII ,,1 mg 'l'hol'I6Y to 11 -I;, reDlBllled BOm Mil ulmotlt t lruukly I\llmuwg Sltw mom ntll Uloughtlul, IUld Wlth hILI f.1Ce of h, t l'Ollll)SUllOU .. of C IIrRO Ito knows RveriAxl 'l'b n touohing tho OOlJ, h o 1 run I'lItti(lllliiTly kind to h Im, lJoo,ll180 wlllt.cd ... hiI Frank 'l'horlo,Y «lvorlld 1118 hI s tmtJlI 6 c1ak IIlId btl Ul L \1(" ~o I (1\ ,,~th biB hrutOIl. rid .. lUI,m I to fa ll ~n 10\ WIth Ule roul! ' I . 1 f, U Mtil5 RoxHl I mMb to 800 h llr ,utlllt. Ifill t hknly we t.Il1l\ll vcr I to h(1rl' ho sruu to th I!(IrvlmL who nn
r, '
M.\II \It\J\O:; Of nIOtA. \ S l'l'cttl(l h III tho .l"rluce 01 \\ t n Judi.
(. on ~IL .. Utl• •
U'''T IlY ~
"II""': UR"~".
.,,:11 ,n:Tlllo. KTC
J. M. McCulloug h Ie. 80n,
UI~ r lbia \Va)
Sh hll~ IUlluI~,1 ~ )\\000 u tury ",lulU, nUll hnJ 111111 leu III n lUI! at""naing h,T pntly i\ cOluiaqllllll ,110m boJ) OJI80 U\ It r
lilii tiOll8
a"!1!11< d
II ..
and IIhu cam \VOl! ror tl;o party, Ooooy \\ 1-lIoo llullltu~ nbont her ltko clout! WrE'lltl'll, her bps rod , h r chocks lIglow, l\Ud hw- ~yes ,pl\r~g~ \ ,t lUlU, (mil lh' " 1101U,loo,ly Iso, nnd 8b fodil 'Dod somewhat. at tho Blglit It WII8 flO bllUW<lllU tI lUlU oul rtlllni1l8Or Fru.ok Thorl y" glu\l!tt,Y face ~uch 1\ g moo!\I1 1I,1<\\holl to IUIY ,,\.I: 10-., D,dloU lid lor me, papA ' " sho tbl\t befor Htel 'Huoor \\1\8 OV(,T, bo baa n.skc(t 0 her 'athllr, who eat ",..th bill ~m ,,' rJ 1) pillar, (\\111 rl (',clvlId mor" face 111 Kru"low. lll ...toti UII truw h o ,,1\8 111110 to MOOpt FQr reply be reAohed and toQk bEll' Hon " US 8m pr1.8 d , bnt80Cr tty pi I\.S i unglov d b1\l1d ill his It WlUI R Mmty t UulI, null o.t lb ntmlllUl of hiS un I b.lDd. 81eoder, smull, IUld white. and dlflg1DllC<.llllltll\lruost romlUltio de' OtiOIl gltttermg WIth nngtl He put his finger t It l'Il6lf RoXIO nccepood this d ' o h ou upOU one, 0. smtill cllalllond 8lUTOtmdeJ 'Vlth occalnono.l r luotlUlc , OCCMIClllIll by rubles. IlDd lifted hIS litlanoe to h ers llllKgtVlll.g III! to "hero It ,,.1\11 to mill, but RoXIe shrank ~ little, Rlld looked III! .. he 1ikod It too wl\ll to lOll , l\Jld was per thougb ahe were gotng to cry Ilnpll more mtel08ted (\t b art t hlUl sh e TUf1llng w\\ nlll Fronk ThorlE/), l\Ir relllized h reelf Lyl IlIlId. .. UpOD on IlOndi~on I will lmagino har const.ernati u whon FI'IUlk forglvo yO\1 Repoot whllt YOll havo lust Thorl y 1IBked. her to marry him I 811111 to mc, U1 the preecnoo of flus mis"I- I'm BOrry, Fronk, she mur gllld d gul " aDtu::ed, Iilinoe.t inoah reutly, !Ill abe drop Poor Frnnk Thorley I Perhapa he pet! mtM t\ _ L th uld b f Thorley's eyes fl1I8hed momentlll'ily . onght even e~X>81Ue wo e pro er "You'VI) d OD t\ Wloke<1 thrug, 1\liBII able to s lleh humiliation before her RInlS 10'1(' " ho 8I\lU .. If el' r womruJ wu m be loved P erbaps a second 1 a mlUl t~ believe she loved him, yuu thon g ht of Ius mother crunB and Dllrved did m e. ' I him H e be8\tate<1 only a moment, lind &;00 stoppod 1\lll1 thoro \nth 1\ oold tho story Wltll a ho.lf despcrote, hnlI haughty gelltu.re 1\1111 ou n.ugryYon SIIl'CIII!h c cloql1Plloe, tlULt shook tho VlVld l orgf.'t yonr8(ll!, 'hlr Thori"y !lull "he (',olor ont of RoDe s bnlliant fllCI', ruld II\V pt lwpenally P[\8t him Imelt to tue left It wblte IUl,1 BCIIr 11 ilrowmg rOQID sho bad qlUttc.1 u moment "Won'tyol1 forglve mc, Frank l" she before on his IIrm crullI, (U}(I clung to her fathllr Wlth n Mr Vmceut Lyl ,,1\8 at til hend of Imrat of 80b8 ou of the ol.lcst Ilrnlll Ul tim l..'l tJ He II Will YOIl for \ ber, Thorlny, 1\'l1li 0. IDeu o f stCrllllg lllt.: g tltv \llld lip cr not 1 .l<rlll: lu ngbtnesa bllll!!l'l( nuu s ton]ly !lOV( rei .. Hooveu nows I orglve her, 8Il', B/I npon any dereU;tlOll 111 1W0tucr HU! J horn t bo forglv 11 clerks w re I\ll huomlly Pill'!, lUlU a Thnuk ) Oil, IIIf I think !lhe bllll oUllg mnn who coulu ohuLlIl n 8ltlll~tion wrongod yon more limn yon have ~ It vcr 80 811bor.1J1l.lltc," Ith L\ Ie ~ 'H mged me. /lud J wUhhoW' YOll, 3';?tmg Co 'lVlIB oaDfllu('rcu to hll~ e III enr. II nn bo" I cnll forgive to morrow I~n~mmoll.ly goal!- start ill 11[0 DII.Bnt wben tllO lIlorrow came Fru.nk bon ty or uu1'nltJ, hIIDI'fIS nmoll S the Thllrl? !t""ll" ft u,Ddon WIth hi8 moth clerks WIIB tMO , plIl'dy b CNIIl RC f tho cr, 11I 1t vatu Wflrll al l Mr Lyle 8 e fforts discnnunatiOIl I.'X(fCl&Jll III t!llguglllg tu ,llsco\ (lr 111m th 01, pBrlly UI'OOll.'lO of tho IlI'ver allll j :Years p'''480 11 '1 bore orune n finAn CIal summl\T)' r('ckonUlg ull\olell rrOlIJ Ul I OTMU IUlIl thongb (lV ~body SllPl>OfI8d I , offond r& Ly III ~ Co to Iw establis hed ou too firm Mr VlIlcont ~ I 'VI\II not mulin 1 \ Il l/.IHIS III be Khnkun, thuy were not aolo therefore to doni lmueutlr Wllb tbo IIU to outrido tl... storm thOr of /IOmo 8DlJlU bnt dr1TlI1g peel1lJltioll SorupulollHly bono;st now 111\ ever, Mr thtd bad boon gomg 011 " f ill\.(' Woo to L yJ(1 glwI' lip OVl'rytbiuS , mlluo uo 01 tho guilty on", wh 11 h a ilisuovoreu lulU, (, rt to ... " u HI) IUllch 1\8 RoD' 8 pltlUO and hom tho senrohlllg ill' tlIIbgnti on be trow nUlla tJlO balDIUe r \\'WI Il11\kin.g b W/III bkely to do that NaVAr mJUd. P"pa," IIho 8lUd BOftly to !lOOU fhl' mntter worrlll<lluID" 1 long Wm thnt Illst IIlght beforo the RIIlo , .. we 1\11 lt bntlled Wn] J 1Ul.l htl " ... I!lttlllg III 1111" ~ttl l eM), oth r, I\Dd 11lDl young )lllllnzunOlIS bbl'fU'y I\t h OO1< , pon,1< nng rlmps 1 O111Y tint! some n88 no w for It, when FnUlk Tborloy sent \I, n uutc tLo80 nccompbshOOlluts YOIl hsve InV18bell to hUll upou me BO (rl'6Jy You dllin't Lhiuk," The ml'l"ohlwt I.Itnrt(.'<\ 1\8 h o I (lllll, , flh" addl'cJ, WIth IUl attempt at gtlyety, mut« nng that yon weTe puttillg mouey by wheu .. Sb~ rl UO\\ ThorleJ I wRlm t llc YOII wur o speud\Ug 1t 011 ma, did yon 1 n d III hWl I Sbo" h1lll 11\' J ohn • H ooven know8 wru~t 111 to become ot Mr Lyl flbook hands WIth IIIll \\ Itrm ly I 111.1 r lUolUlf'd tho uuhappy m rcbaut wh 11 bo ClI\DJ In , uut rh orlt y 8{'Cnwol T o morro", III thl8 time, wo 8bnll ba~ o "tnwgtlly rtl111u\'!\U t, ttll!!, uut 1l0tlC.UlA' no ngbt OVIJII to tllO roof tlmt sh elters the t th lit rohl\LL am ro'll h1m, r{ (llIr I" nds Dllt I .. In 011 bl!'AA YOll, my maJ-lItl I BttLUdUlg' on. t.h ht~ 1Ttll OPJlOt'l t.1 chlJ.i, ror thlll 8W l OtIrtIgO It 18 ROm hi f lAOO I I\l IIJlll lus (l'~ ill 1\11 1lI1\\l\UtI \1 111111lS 00 1l1I\ 1I I!O brnv 1\ ollil(l You gbtt r !In,, boou l1llOd to 8110h frooctOlll from .. 1W to Il< YOll Th rloy glad to Olre, til ugb RolO I wish YOII had YO" hlw t rorgut Jt 11 VOl~ 81\ lila rul\rn~t;I, dL'tlr, IUIlI YOll would !Jnve had ~ olll to th,l Iluthor uf this sClllJllelons a hom now b\l "Lylt Ailld .. I JIIIVO got you, papn, IIJld th rO'1l b .11 !,tWlI" F'r!lllk 1<1, g.lttillg llttbotly lUke bt'ttcr- -' r at. It N(lbody, 80:00 " r it I fh o 80ft oh k 1I111lh o.l 1\ hltlc, .lOa the ., n Ollr lUOUOy," r&l lip!! tnilllbldtl rtU d''SJ\(\l"Il~ • Don t IlIIk mp, pIIpll til r 's 1I0body wvnl lU th DOW," sh laid, hitting h ur fllCO- oq hitt ahouhlar • Willi It IIOme OU who went away " .. Yet!," famtly H~ WM I "I tb nght RO, dl'nr Tt S hkl' ,Oil "'(,00 Il f lovp thl 1l1llD tll!lY hn"~ \\IT/lug ~ I OI014t.' 'rh~. hw bl.l away 11\ tJw rOllgllllNt cur 1ll.'2' 01 Ul OOWIU while the allOUOll WIllI MUIR R OXll', bOWl (, T, WUS m l"b1k 1I UI
\\'88 gOlll6 ont
111\ >!l10
Aru .. r .......e . . . . . M ....t yand _ ..... ,.
The grU"l re' Ivall ijll, Me r. M.,.,dy"ud $nllk." who .le'ln~c.1 .Witl old ~ I\gll<o.1 \flllt lhelr e loqu r nce Rud ~ nlbu 81 nL nrc f\lr IInlplrgoC Am.rlu" ge nlll ~ ~prln.lltnK from "moug the common pcople, lb elr OJ 01 P Ilhl e8 I\r" l~lI\'e '" the 1V1\1l\:< oC Ill, ,,)10/,
,.top/t, and bereln liea the ftee ret
th ei r
f( rcl\t 8ucce... Those who leek to h. p ot,ulRr mu.t stud) and be ClIlJlIlI"r with tbe WROIII of the roB .e., and prove rova l Litereto To thl8 fnct "" 01!l1 ,roee the gralld """!lUI IU bUNloe.8, All \\~II I~ 111 ralllClool Iloderlul< whlCb DlRny Amerlcll n. have aobl., d Slnklll .. ly IllustratIve of their .uggc.lJon. I. In~.,
Ihlll ~ relll N
IoeAted- At ltufflll0
llud klluwn nl tn e
World ' • .111 ft
p e lllill'Y, - a most op\,rol... OI<l 08111., I"d c~ d fn thAI VA t In8UIUI ont IIllhl D wIaO!. II all. lire manufaClured reme l:ll e~ " bleh a re III de
!ka'DtlaloWl Lobbylllir. T ho Wosillngton COrTe8llondonL of Lbo ClllCIIgO 1',lbuI1C wrItes .. Scall.t.llollS Hwncs hAve 1Io1wnys boou ill clJ'enl ntlOu nt uatio!ml CIIl'alnlll, ill "Inch tbe pml e.pnJ IIctotS, or mtllel no!J-elll108, 111\\ 0 boau thnt chw< (If Ull!fj8lDmntoT~ 01 men's lUOlIl'Y, "h> w [I' roprl' anted m IlIlClCUt lusoory by Aapl\6\t1 anll by Oloopntm, lUlU w our tlll\le8 by J 0610 MrulI!tlelu alltl
mRnd In el'ory qllllrior of tht g lobe nOII .. t "hlch n co rp3 of dlatlng Ul8hed fbt81clnoe nnel Inrgeona, und ~r the JlersoDK direct-Io u of Dr PI~rce are oOu8tnntly Ildnllnl8t.erlng to Ih e nc~d. of Ihousllnd. nf sufferer. e-ery
w h erp l'lntl wh oee ft u cce I I th e treutIllelit of nil formll of chronic ,,,Imtlli' h Ili! berome 80 " ell kUR" D Ihll ~ \.he r. iM IItU ely a h"ml~1 11\ the Illlld In" ble h hi. u '" c I. OQI (RIOIIi. r ltB "rol'r letnrs ~Ry8 t.he Jlm.lt (lIId TO,T" l lgl t.,of Detro it,' •• " 1I1f"0 Qfrh~/'Ml'lt,wrlte8 for them liud to th um lCllrlcn h i8 e Uli nent prof s Ion II se rvIces" JI 18 Ildvcrti.~lOelltl lir e earn", t cx1torlAllODI Lik e lh e grelll re VI.II1l."" h.. cnth u»l ... m I. muJtlrlled, by the U TI! Blno.lord nut we !Jnvo II lady " "l",ralleled Ancces. of hll cnte rprl8e, lI. he r tlml W'.wt<' r who \Illls fair to m(\ko II e 1l1li th eOleBU! o( hI. r ellledl"" In CllrlDg mor noule tbll\J auyol h r prcdcc IlIIOrB, dlam",. TM }1fI()pU 6dl'-fJ~ .n h'~l and h i. 80 lugh d",18 eho fly her kit~, and so remedlC8, belmll 11,114 the New '\ ork 7'r1bUII( {'crlaUlly .basI Rile Bccnro In r '1 timA 8ftV , • ho lym p.tb, zClI with the m In AI! thCI' 1uuOOll IIbo bOlUlU! thllt no lob m 1l8UJ'0 alItlcllons, eJforlM, o.nd otUllnmeD!.o" ICen <e cnn bo OlltTIod through Congr 88 wlldl JJr PI Ne'. Golden Medical Dl8CO\"cry 18 10 d~y m ore "ugel, employed N n blood RD." ont h or nppl oVI\I. for whiob Rhe demilDdti laver rnedlelne, and "I.n M It coug h I" 1\ h m.!'111 me contingent r01'~ty o u lho Lba" !lily other rewedllll agellt In \.he ",,,rid orp. ctNl p1'Ofits, 10 ntldltion to 1\ ro n I~ ~ av()rlle l'reSCrtpllOO , be doeij nOI re Wner I ~ h Hel luJ:luc ncc hM oft.im commend aM R U c ure oU, ails fl O oft en ..ton" 8f'-cllfcll l~, Iltt.11l11,UJoo of (\ momber by cOlllpound~r. of worlWe.. bumbug "b ou WH ' ':1te WIlS slIre flnll oo~tlcd, .Uld nOBtr llm ~ bUI (or all dI 8\l48~8 ILIIII weak-oellle. '0 wllmeu It hA.II prov ed ILseJ( 00 Lor 11~~(lLUIl~I"'8 !In, 0 been exertell when !'ecull." Bluc h of " Hpeelfl c Ibl\\ It now enJoy • .tatrelll It WlUI n('01!(1 ~ry thllt 1\11 OpPOllltlOD vole 1')01 uLaru., ao,d unlverqJ eoofideo.e Or RhouM Ue I\IJt1(lnt from tho Capitol 8h8 .PIerce II PICR.RIII Purgl UV8 Pell to IH not hllmlllome, but her ateel· gray eyC6 u 8cft r ct! ly huger "hilI) (J]u!ltRrd Heeu " ba\'4J fflllowaro like thotIC of 1\ snako, lIJlel her provoJ "" "gr.e"bl.. "lid rcJll\ble ,,~ 1\ mllDners o.ro b OWltcillng True, 8h~8 cIlLitnrllc llo.1 tbey lire r~lIidly \.aklng tb ~ ntlVlluClUg un yellrH, but tt ImpO/le, she ,,\troe or Ihe horS" nall8eO"8 pili. herewfore n1I1Uh..i.U 'lOll ! wbll(l h •• (',ompountl F x hM gCIIIUl!, tuct, a thorough conto ml't 80 Irllct of SlUftrl.-Weed 10 a la~orlte remedy I I,. for lilO CO!lVOtlbOrnUlt108 of 8OIltety, n lohe, C ralUl'. uUlmer oo mplalu I Dlurr gOOll alulle of strOllg, prootical oommon h ~., DYlenlill,) Oholera and (,holer. Mor Sl\ UIIO, IlD til k n p rc ption of l uunlln ba., anti allo u a hnllneol. or llr ge" uature Other \l omen II<lOrn her alld C.. larrh !te Oled)' and Dr P ie rce'. NlUlltI Doaeh" IIttl . n eed be SllIU lUI th ey urc koown c ndellvor to ignoro h e r, buL sho hM hor c •• rywher c lUI Ibe grellle.t "peelti es Cor triumpJJs over tbe m ' Clllarrh 11,,11' uo ld In Ihe bend' ~,er g Ive" to Iho public Anti belllde. Ihl8 hug. IU.M TUE prograM o f Iltl11ootion Ul J Rpan IIr. oC IUCCell8, Dr PIerce 8e.ma hktily to Wltbm tho lP8.8t few yoars bllB boon It achieve u gnllLL nmOWlllUI",U autho r R8 he tr mely gratifymg to thOilo who Jlllve hilI K" n J,hY.lnlA n JlIS l;o~t:d O~ RN88 watch u tho caro r of thlltmtelligout but )1,!IlWAL A O'l!fgR, " book o f IIbout 000
1 JGA =-< IU I ....
._- - -
pre Vlon81y dl\l'kon J natioll 8tntillhC8 rOI\\IlrI1 ~ .1 bv tb e VI Prll81dtlnt of Edu cati"1t to the EducatlOu Bureau (It WlI8h mgto n show 20,608 AIlhooll! nnd lJegOl!, ,~u 1111 1'08110 ovu· tho provlUllfl YO'll! of 7 IH5 lIohoohl Tho uumOOr of pit pllH III IItt<,udlllICtl III Ul74 W88 1.7SU.t22 :[ hero n«l til .Taplin 78 Enghsh teuch rs, 16 Amerlow. 19 O orman 53 French, fIlId 2 Dutch RIU!81A, SWltr.orlnnd. I\Dl1
ngu "hlch h.....11. It the uOIII....I1 61«1 1>rI~e
or $ 1 50, hRI IlIrudy btieo Bold to th utell l .. ( Uh1\U8tl ll~ two edlllOIl" 8"umnlll1g t, fo rl\ tho.II"... d ""PIl'. fh e oec.. l of 11r l'l e"e, l il t "" o. w II lUi Ihlll o( lhe 11''' 01 .n I\111 IOl8 ullIl .""r~' of IlLher Ailleri. l," ~, \f'ho hy th ei r lClfJlItUI h8 'H~ .J 10 "
y lUe~,1 olep I ~ IICI' frol\1 obocurlty 10 . tllu," ce 111111 ,1i&1I 11611011 , COII . ISll! In t.ren(..n !; th e p~"p t e .. I th cOD."lerat",n. 8) IIlI'Athy; CIlI dor, IIDd hOOl-'fIty No mill, who bope 10 1I111\lD ellller weltlth Dr dlll.lllCII\lII, ClIO 01UIII1 111"0 repreeentccl by 1 euch The «UOI(/ IO dul uufultly .. tlh ihn worM or be progr HaIVO II,Jlt.em of education ndop'l.cd ... dlller.", Lo Ih. ""lllllIIUd It II Int.",.18 of
now ID Iudes mnny bmnooea of u)Btmc hUlluuu t,. f tiOIl tJmsh~ m Amenlll\ and Ertropc, 111 MRS. R{)tlIl8ON 18 !!aId 10 Ilo the be.t~ ohullllg lonngD languagcs J l\pRn will be libe rally reprelltlllt.etlllot tho Cent.ennial tAlke r m W,ullllngton She UIJ.kS Itll!I! Eithibltion, IIDd DO more mtElrMing than any Itther k.nown woman
feature wiD mark that ~L eVElnt ~ the edl1cationalllhoWlllg of tJlfllle mtElr eating J1oople.
WJ\~ III D>lUIUl wbu lrulk rl\IOII rill Iiko ouu who
0.11 Ultlt liee 00 all
tol<1 111m ' hu h-.rs.
sl\dlhtl IIH t.o hllll (lOululenoo RooattIItJ 110 r(!.
PmPLIII! 00 the f.ce, rougb skin, chapped ho.n(I., 'kltrbeum .lId all ~utnnI!C>D. afl'~.,. Ii 111M • ure" !lIP ~ klu ,1I1Wl .... 11 aDd .mootb, hy tbp " 8~ f J u"II,er Tar !inft l 1 baL lU.ol~ I ) ' ... .. ~II , 11 .. 7.1",1 dt tu • w York I" tho lilly to .. ol LI",( Ian t.., , .. h.II')II I" IhN. ar .. Imltallon., maol~ frum <>Qmlllou tar, . . . ob ar. worthl_
::!! '.,."'!!!! '!!l!: J'r'"., ,...".
O ... r... t ••d to b. thl ::!!:! D ..... AU II'• • at««
Eoo"o",lcl- ~ I.. til.......... 1 ,111 "' ,7&
NURLY 148.000 IN DAILY USE. .us
DJI.u.sB roB '!'Il.PI
A Farm of Your Own - 1 -
Bost Romedy for HaJ'd ~""L'UO
110 .... •.. .. ·u .. ,.. .uu~
1 U;
1:.. 111 "1101
\.rt' ni h Inn" t
I II ",
Un ion PaCifIC Rail road I'll
,. I' ll • •
" ''''
.....-....... A N
••" WIQTUIU Te W n~~·"""'-·"'''·· ••
Aim BAIlVE \'01,1 ~IE XVI.---
MBER 555.
fhf Farmrr IInll thl' JIOnit Trot.
Igh !
])ON T 'Irllll long OlllllUU'IOiI Snvo BOmo uf , uur klllli wortla for Lhooo
"111 , d ,.
" II ( ,.llloUIL f1!1S Lila' I J f (,(,f'1 f' 1 Ilf\ r wltb kli'i:, '~b " I-:UIU;,{ an 1 (on 111 bel ltV u
t~J1 "Nn4alouI! II'T~T
\1 \ 11
Ilho waniad
~'b"l lOYe r I
Utt IIbe C' .... "
t io lhrflc 1$YH
lUll XISIU.l'S ot \ ~U; 111
'l'b9 dilltrlot 80hool 111 U 0 Y1Lln.gO oC J{olly&.hom "118 taugh t by l\[url EIII '1I-.o1e:r, wilo 'IJOanleclllround IImollg the 1!ci1018l'II nnd WIllI con Rid r r.t\ tlw I'arngon of ochers l 'ho IMt wook pro'IOUM In lht he I In) ",cation she hat.! boen I OnT II ug " lUI U 11'8 Oru-p nter \Vh WI'" IIl11kll1g /P RllU Ito preparations for g1108 ts Aho P()tl, 1 [rom Now York
fllt1\1J ".."
You never met my urotJlOrs Em
Wbnu OOUl 1l clarm 1 0 limn r _ Qr "boac. namele"fI grac 1 I 81' 0 WI " A!' lI~ld lbat fan" " lwN wu len pu.rt A f ikltl AO l ai r !-to it a. le 1 with a'\Iroet. w,atoriCl"
r..oul 1 Mt-ul
.. Thero 8 SalU, an,l a'lOlgo Joilnny, !Jle yonug(,Rt wd 81\0 1t hmo81\11 tiloy hMo whou tlu y IJ' I ont h~ro and nllltioo\.e n~ they cnliit I llnt., dlllU' we I don t get wllcb IURt or po.Ot for IJicy are liko n lot of bo) 8 lpt "lit or
IIho IllUd I\lId
" 81U 1 b raUQ alJtn) frow J • 011) w cmt' L'
A 1 u o\ at ou ,«1m e er H ad 1 r flu kCa.te I on tn ck wl caL caUM
Or I e 1 n be.a
A.N IURhwl\Jl w1l8brought before "JllJl boo of tho P IlIIOO on n chnrge of "'gnUi oy IWU WI\8 tllIIB questIOned • 'That U:nde I\re you' 'Sma, now yer hon or an' I m a Kailor I .. You a IlOO
rhe lnIIt timo thO) vu.. t 1 rn t o , ot.her Job.u lWd 8am wtlllUlj ont .~ p \Ue • r ghl8ll from tho wlod ow nUll I' Ill! 1 (1 lrge ont 0' my buet room mtJl snow I
fnullg mILl I '1l1sstiou whelhe r YOII hll" p, .. r lJe<u to Bell 111 your liCe! SllIlrI 1I0W IUlll d OM ~ or honor Ihlllk 1 enwo 0 \ P I [rom IrelLllld IU II Wllglll I
U1l1n\ J IIRt\re numg Decem bor 1Il75 IIIIJII th" New York 'I'iTIIC~ J)
IIlll g the flvo YMrs
t.h or" wero 1!81 hI mlc.les COUl.trulitod m tl , City JCNe w Y OI k Somo of them were pI om. ctltutoti wauv of them were IU'Jlrovoked nuda I ~rgo IUnJoflLy weru lilt rly
w1tbuut palliatIOn Nc\ erthel SII, out of nil thIS appnlJmg number of IUIUI k.ll 01'8 the I~rp, trlltors "ho 8uflbretl duntl. were all Y Hlll/l,n Oul,)' 2 i wem IlOllt to prleou for life lWd re vleWlDg this dread [nl IlIlt wu <111<00" r that more tlwn ono fOllrtJ. of lJi e olull1uaIs were novor brollght to trl" nt all Some of them MOO)JOIl nud wers never lollo_d up ,.nd nrrosted A Cow havo ended thm.r OWII
lUlU 80 yC1U'8 old A. bragb\, YOllDg \\ Idow chnrmod him, and ho mlU' ned her slyl" IliA wetldmg presoot WIIIl 1 000 In caeh 'Now, go home. l1li1(1 tho new WIfe, get all your bond:!, mll1't8"8"08 and money, and bnng them bore I will take good oore of them and YOll n Ho went, bllt biB lamtly haV1D8 10lU1led of the mlU'l1~e. unpnsoned him In tho hOUBC, dllOllmDR that he &bould not re Jom lIIB wilu lIe had made a Yill 81v lug them his property, nud ther did not A II11D ~OSRD g utlewBD Mk tl 11 \tlt WIUIt to be fooled out of It. lIrII. 0 II' Ilk wlldilOf II, bt It v, <1 IU MI'II IIa fl('lli a CIIl'n!lftll and n atout Ilriy r to set A). lin .."pli~1l h .. I K,k II I{ I 1m flllt tho 01<1 lwW, but tb Ilffort failed '1'li 11 III tho raoo T A.... \Do Illll~ h .,. I .we Rhe went If, nlO' If, and, lUlled by a hired bofore we to I'onllt d man, bealegetl tho hoWlfJ th doolll oJ wealthy
which were locked. Her hll8buld THERE B a girl m Iowa who hM rvan ehonted enoouragement to her from • fingers on each hllDd SlIA hPR I \I I ke wmdow, and pl8tola wero br.ndiahed by Ulgllt8 thmkmg 011 ",hi. II tlusc r Nhe both plU'bee, bnt lib bad to go .way hart better Wt"lU' hcr tUga8cmenl nng WIthout 111111" The oourtB wW decide
id til
Co ,n.
bi 'h t
tIlt' trick·n whv i tho ".dd.o
-d ru.,th·r
i \'1 ItJn~ ler, Clint '" !",,"l1y. 1 hur"I".,' It I IIhI n.tur.: . Ill" 'uin· . •IUII!lar,\' :! 'Ib , J .. jG, ':'" lUlU u·.Q,' 11"""...1 b . ; h i .us"n • H h l.;'· \U ; C \U~"'lll\ll I I till' IUII~". 1I·!lI -l \ IAlld 1~1t',..., \\,11 .. ~rl 've MIl vulv tbu " ' .' 11 I t We 'k. .'1'1l1 , () muutlt~ :lIId :!I~ .hl~~, , lie DH~t tllnul'rl." lIu"'1I ~ 0011 1(.':1 v - ~r. T. II Al e \lUlU iliadI' \\'11 wh'u. at 11I·"t With .bl lulII , :11,,1 hi WC('l,illg wit'( :\IId oh Idrol'll . • _N,'II 1",,( 'ultll'\Juy. I,,\'\'T. Till>! 11'1'-' 1111 till' I .lrll III ,,"Hhill~ n 1'\ rh ir \,lIill-nl tho r -~r.» . Blu ·J.luf.l it! vi'it- .Janliary, N " d III~I r I I ' i~ lLPI'I'c , ill!; t'an ~11"t:lin lit III hut fllith IUHl luI\'. ill lotI. 1111111' g'lUtl that will be ulll at hlg iu OJ.! V i:'J(iui~ h"udl',l hllt.'lIl \I "tlJtL." ·Ulte!1l vII. 11"1 ill H"1t "". }III H.,,) II" J'!'l'I'I"l llIg III ,1"lIth . 1'l'lId'!l'~tIIJll t with th~1I1 ill thi.. 11" ' i u" tiJ··\) vi' -M r. J. GlIllz.ol, rrh ' U h{'r~ lhl' I UII:lI! \mnll'n~t·. I , Afh ill th fl'(' . ,IT . W ,IIlJ IImicli,,". ~ •, ,,' u, yl! lurd I." 1'1'0111 i l'lI {,,,In Filiridll. IIh ....• JoI."" vI' t~'rrihl,' urlhi ng, thc C IWIF: My U. - ll l·••TlIhll • f IWllr lat.al v .. ' t't' lit I'" I' \~4 ' dllllC l • C» , IItN\,tllu, i III ~,)lI\l'I''':\lI''lI II' lth hi br"tll -t· M OVNI:!ANI ~llli' II DVILm:Rs.- 1 tu Ii\'l.~" lu ·luw . .\lr. U. L. 13 'n nelL, he ait! lh III l rl·/.{II I:II· m ling j ;lplaill 'U I cl :Il1d ramil I\' r h ' did lIut kllnw I,ow 1110 I ott' t h ~I III'\;IIIII J A \'11<1 I.' III (I' rf~ }1t()~l at th c;lrIlil' ~1 ill ~tli innati ~. \\"I\1 ~t1 Ulrll , hut it . In 1.t..·l'\.'d Ilf,t 'ci{'nce; hclt! " II ~l lI lI , ll\' vVllillg \I ,'06 Hh·lll'hc.1 S h i rtill g' .... "'1'1' II"," r·v",. ~ rday. t,. tlllll hI' wa w llIll~ Ith ' I' WtlV , p, R. hh, .. I'fl' 1111.'111. I r, Du l· -Uny on II' t tilll , hi.. mill..) ,,"uIII..I"I'..,I I. ryull'l.~ r'lII l u )IIII' I' 11I'<Il'urcd by n I Lower th3.n etlu lri "Mil I~r !'I'{'\' 'ut~lIg thrvll It U 111ut, • IIUU Tllrko" CIIl· I....·~I)! llIdill~ Jn t'II,Ihl' l' r the II ' ,11 \ ' upludiolls. wu til' p r b Iv \l'I th th ,",0' alii ' • .\l r. Tl lUtnlls J . Urllwn, !>t' A l'C.''1'ION "HI ' E8 ! R 1~1l\:' of pain. h cvuld Ih,t I'e t i ll \\ 11~'110 viII.: Ohi, 11(11.111 lit" ('0. ,kin ~t~i~- .. ~t.,: g hi lJ\'d . llut, nt Lho IlL t. coli ciuu:! III " Ulid ' of Ih 'MilllUi \ '1111 · t.IIU II . d ."'1lS full r~"t tv,!. ulIlI at 'r d, I' i"ill~ ptl til'ul lrl F rt ~n ' · ~ ct'tlf.$ 11 q,u rt. htdulIIg hi w ifc, chiluren, u Id I i(,lI t ill Wlu'roll Cllunty of thut - Mr. 0 rden J . W ri~ht aU lid- thl: frtC;lllds that wei' with hi m, au \ tat , Th i muund, by i 'cation · ·cd tlte Mardi Orus carnival in Ilfii:ctiulIllle g.} U.OYll, Itll pus 1 is iU~lIltll'l ad!lpt'd fllr dll~ n OilJoilll1ut j yestel'flny, IIWU ') vury qui ·tl \lltl pl;!acot'ull y. 1UII the t"l) by II hi -It w all, "Imu t ..!;- l[ r.lsa K II , of R ic'hmolld, He wu hnriud : .11 '\1 udtl.\' , J llll' u ut~lt' hl'U by d '(lp'nlvilll'S 1'1'0111 the Indill'la, hai be II visitillg hi s llUl'Y :!3ru ) ill Ih dol Fellows" pllltl'UII "I' wh icl, it limu:! 11 purl. · lUther nMr th is plnce. Cl.liOotol'Y Ilt 1311\11 hc te r. A IlIr e l 'lIe wnl l IU"e Y'r itTI;! 'ulur ill - Mr. A nthon\' . of D unison. C,lOcuur " ul' I"ri\;mu:I U ' Ululetl ilL til ir lIirl'Cti IY. A CllIlIlIl'V road 'Ttlxl\~, i vi i til\~" ,\ fellSI·.!. T . POll' tJle c hurch tu I'll ' tli !tht tl'ibnt \If nlll IlirI1IH"(' the cllelo IIr ' 'fol' rued ~k ulld N. O. AuthvlI . IOYll um,l res p'ct. It \\, Il~ n cdeu by thu !lit ide wall, lIt<.: ting th ' - Will. Jtrn ney ay h e was n ot oll ly to 600 .llltlt IV 'C'p' ug Clv \Vd .. h) 011 IeI'll ~1l1()WUy lUlU Itlllv i n~ by the at all p~d witb 'ust I'll T eunes. ~u o w buw d ·eply. h ' $ I Ik! Wall It'll til . W ' t r,n. lid ·t· th e bed ot II8e, MId WIllI glad to get awuy. III tit vlaca, whloh Ilttely had till \'!lad, I a IlII rd, grow I·u ruad, - Mrs. A. Doll Ilrrived hom elni Ul?d .hil.ll !l8 .v.ne of its b 'st nnd lI\!lj~I' by th ~ h~i l llJd ~f tit • rll\~ulld , hl8t week from lu.1 inna wh re sli 1II°1~lt IlollUr.e !l Cltll~ 1I11. uri ur I, Ill, :l ,IL d'll, U loure prophad b ' '' n I . k t' tl I Stlr\'ICt'S lit tlto Ch lll· ·1t wcr \' y 'a eu. (, e I1IIOI'U I·t8 lit unc . ~en VI:41 I \,8 lor.'o ~ Hlr •• co.llduct.(Jd by B.ov. A, M. Sim II " p " in t JllIlll IlI'I;l (" UI' r~dd HCI'U~>I th · -M~, W ultor D,lklll el d h ~s tOil, II ~i tod Ity Hel'. J uhll H i~oy . bIlSO, UlIlI t'l'vlll Hi t ~l feet high . IChool IU l..undv n. hl.~t wo · k , an I'" Tbe t· t lise wa the !15th v I'de '1'111:: \\'ull wcr' built of cu rth tul. 'II m ...:~ S ~ !~ 'I at home t r. ~h e U\\IIII CI' vJ\cl\ti n. 01 Lhe 151li chu)Jlul' of 1st OOI'ill ' I from II d(lcl' d itch UpUII thu .. ilttlidl', IIUI--_ ,-J,~,a JUIlI.' 'Y J ':.'>1'1811110) IbusL thilLlltl : "'u11t tlU\nll mall will SKY, wlti·h is yet Vi8ihlll. Th pl'evuiI · . _ _ . ' S "turday, waa clUphutica y a ig how ILr the dell,l l'lLi 'ed up ~ alld ing I")ok of thut l'e~ 1tI 1i it! blno Tho u"d e r.i!~. I"k~g pl<1ulNre iu rviunlilll!! limo.>, ,h" uk. t .. ,I,,· "ulotiu (or tho \.Ill· , thing. 1t wus Iiko II camp meut· with what body do they uwe ~ ,_ 1illl " t UIIC. Th el'll Ill' 1l1JUut fit\y ron.~o tb"y )11.:r;r,: ID"'mlly """toWl..,) "tI Ilim ,inQo hi. MIlI'II)U W ") ",·gyillu, lind he . i • Kiuio
Ja l 'III·,IIII.h, -l'r;,r. J"UII
..... Datly·Redticed Prices,
C:::=I. c::»s e. () 1--1 \
Harness Emporium!
1876. "0
.A_'r TIlE
I-IIII'l' 0.'
" T R' E BE T ' BEAPER' 1::itEVER,!' :
in~MiS8 Carr~e Tqyl r , who haa ~~I~,~~ (u~,:~~t7~ntl~;. ::\~I~~~~,i~l~i ~~~~~~~~~ ~\II\l(~I\~i~~;II~I~ii~~~d·~t.wel'e ~t.il IOpe.,up '~IWlltiordo llll.i",,· .,kIlUl'fitu colllh"~l lIl cc of ::" b~it;o~M[;v~~ ~'I ~~gi:~~;:' ~~eU~rl' ::;~~~ o~·h~lI dn~et:;:II\lb:~f ~li~~1 ti1l7:~O!;J·~td: ~t~~cr\~~ll:::'~~v:~~:~~~ Sin~! t:eRR~~~Ili:~~ ~n;~~:er:~~!r:ah
olie: -Rev VI 0 8mit}\ of tltis ptllCll" h~ ~. I\gl~t 8 f3~rn of Un.'8 Ilear BcllolmlOk and IlIOVC!! to day , . W'II' J d --111-: ' I Jlun, ILOlley. nn dllughtor are he~ tru.1U Hll!Dllton , VIl. Jlr•• Janlleys lurm did not .eU, ,~ t~lItllrduy.. . ,-:-:\flo:lSO'l & :lUllie aud Ella Ebrtgh t nlld Ellu Leak hea rd tbe MOII~ij! ,vIm. ~lIiD.tettG Club Of Boilton Bing III X eDlIl) last w ek. -Me68 r~. William Jones, J (lnllh Slludl!, WiIlil\m R ogers, Joho F. Colcman lI.ud Gevrge W. Orispitt WC!ftl at tbe Oi nciullati carnival
nld linvc
ollsdud ollly the SII \>jllct tl,at tlt o J 50 YILI'd in circuit, Which Cv lltuin ri tfhtoou8 s hll ll .be rllir;(lU with 1111 wat r lit all SeuSlIlIS o f th Y'I\I·. A liy pl'mtlp.,t Jr" /I ,'((11 lilly Itllytlu'llg ill 'V!) lill~ . /I !.hol'l ~illl e 1~, c(l lTlIptibl o, piri tll nl, IlIlJ i nllno~" '1'h oy were ~h l 'lIght tll.bo/c ·('I'V iI'S ill th ll 1I1111·k t, buy Ibe t,lI body . T4 hymlls ~lIl1 g \V Ie/or t!u).JpIYlllg tho gllnl~ \l ll, . By ,'m1/. ao if) \) ,j(( !I'~ !I", by II/HU tett ltgI" ~ 1II"lI f . .I:'/' " I OIl!l i.'I· tune; Lhose commeuciug 'Uu vuil thy digging illto the w~lI ~ stOIl O:! may blit I 10ill offiJl' booom ii.t itlduJ tomb"-"Oh, TLwu, bo ""lI ud 01(1111 ·timo rtlllde iuto u I whO ' driest the moul'lIt' I" " Hlal'~ ' - Bort (J f mdo Willi , IIl1d nlidc\' tuoso Spl~ T " SO)Ctnll tl'ikesetho fll llcn\1 cllim e" ,8tun e!! InHllan 1'C llIldns hav e bellll ", ' ~,. I ·~VJ _.f ......:.- lind the olle u8c.d by the MIlS(J 1II1 didCU VC;l I'od. " \ _, Oh, tay thy tOIl~~, fvr they urc l Pieces o f pottcry 81' nl "u fu und .~~ ' ~. ~~ ~ " . '1)d~,',,- ~ • ~ ~ blest." Mr. Dudley hlld ' beell II :UPOII the BlIrI'ILCU, anll ut a P,)illt f W e It a l e 11 11 blind tho h(j..~t 11 ,Irtmcllt df m cmber of t he ! ordor o f M1I90ll:! outside tll ' wall:i nl'c lwid OIlClli1 vt' over 20 years, alld he \\'11 buried II IlIalllr!'acto l'y of fiili l ·IU'l"'IV - hlltld~. w ith the \'OIl OI'S of tll!lt ordor, Tl w IThc gr,)\\'th o f troe.; at th iri pi li ce sud occnsiull WI\S !Illude 1Il0re 8ul . 1 illuicntes its grcut age. Iu III ,k lJlg em u und imposing by the fuuerul , l\t it ouo coJncl u ,jl:~ thai it 11':\, huilt H(Wl'r~ c remuui cs v1' th e ;\luO!oni e Lodges, for m ililul'Y dotim e. Tl w ulltirl' • , whose meln bors wel'e preaeut, und I l en gtli uf I he wallo i>l nel lrly .Ii 1" • • 1. I k ' I' II I' t' ., ,tl' .. , t . · · t e\'<'r oflcl'('(1 iII II. is murket. Thl" \' are H fnHuwtl: {).'I l' TO ,Y 011 A ill. ,esterday, took part ill the services. m:l 's A grcllt nnm ber l't' ri lllUllcr IS my m o~t o. IlltOlll eoplllg n 1\ 1110 0 c\ cr) ling 1-e l .ullIng 0 I l ' J () _Yo J) A rn) X 1 I !i,' 1I h; I.' I ( '11.111) X n. ,,,'00 T O II -Mr. Geor~e T. O'N eall wilid II , Silus Dudley uu ited witll th e : lII unt'tds SCl.lttCI'OU tLrU\lIl ll th e C,IUlit to the bll:lIlU!lIS. •• f UL IJ 'j ' H U . .1 JI ) Fl.' I A'L• .{- () /, /I ' HII ( 'II I f.IJU); the' v~lL1ge last Saturday, for tho Froowill13l\ptist C hurch wb en he ry i! lI gbt'IJ' t II Il" p.,,)buJ)ility lhut'tlt ey itll ':/1/'/,;/,/, (/j't' W'I I'I'!wfl'll f,t !lil'lJ ,'atixJa ution. Iir$t time sinee hie injllrios notioed was qui te yquug~ ~Ild tlt ll n~h bo 1were l\ ~( I . as SlgIIIII <ltll~IV Il !i .hy tho • lenIe weeke s ince, M.r. O)Neull iii Wall I\, 1111\,11 of lew words In ~he l llw\llld bl~d dul' . Ite lO:llus ut road , B D U I ~ of 'Il.. gadually regainiilg his furmer church, he \Vll~ .al~aya all .actlve I\ l'e tlce u from the .IfIlLlll tOlt!U the ~~ ~ tl ~U'~~~ M~~ 8h'el't!U&. tnl!wber alld II1,1thlully perlorm d SnlulllOOUnu li ou t.i11uo,- B altwWI'c
A! ,II
INDUe M11", U'TS · (
Ilcpu.rlllg Done Promptly.
.W~9 1
,-Tbe-'1oHowing'1lIltned perdollS bie. duty. as a cl!l'istian .. He 'tm. ' we·re preSetlt at Alrd Livcl'm ul'c't! \1IlI ted In IUUlTliljl;O With LIZZlo l u · .. " 'rl N , I · " ) I 1 61 T IlrVCY llblll·g. leetQrlt ill Lebanou ltl8t rhOl'~day IOIUIIS, u\ eIU )el ,_ t I, . • 0 night:.Mi88 AddiQ .B. Keva, Mo · hur, Il.~d the twu , illtl ~ ~l rl8 wh o ! -~('8al's, .1. G. H isoy, .J. G n J R. Hi sey W ill Gard an d 1\1'0 lett to 100111'11 lUI' 111111, the 11ISB M I J II ' d • . .' _ . , . ~ irt.o arubl e lIe WIIS II ' (!'I'oat I . ILCY lin ' a III C:I aIT I ~' "1 nil . eorge W. C rtsp m. 11 • Pt' . d I . d",· ladies IIttelllleu u I'll rtY'lt Willll iug ' ,. b ·1 vvcr 0 hulOO an 10 IlI Il 0 li d . hi ' k .~ -Dr, A . J onos has oen t Ie ' I' t bl J tt ton, 0110 Il1 g t Il~. t wee . . I·ti I 'd- I d t \ tl owu lL very CUIII V I' a \;I a u II mc· , . . \V, L.' t·altu Q. m e 103 a~ton an 0 1C tive (J UU- t.II 0 IIhCltle of pence allu -O~C I\I' Me IIno !lIlU" l' eDll&I!-pox . easos . I~ .Mr. Henry hlL ppineds. Thoro arc lt o ' bettel! GranthalU nttencl l.ld t lt e [,'acltel'rl' UpP.s fll.lIl~ly ; and It IS 110 SlUalll mell thull he was in I, ia falilil y. A social illll at Leha ll III, l.l~t S.lt Cred1t to' IHII~ th~t he, hal:! \l ot lost a III thi s, \18 ill all the.oth el' I'el utiull~ ul'uuy. cue from thIS 'Irulent maludy. of IiI'\!, ho wus wVl'tliy of tho hi g h. -S,In1uel ~lca l1l1c ~ i,ellt II fell' -Mrs. M. J. \Verthimcr and eot rl:l puet, 1\8 well us the lUo~t daya hel'c ladt w Ul1 k , ,dllughter left hero J a~t Saturday tender love , As a bll sinet!s-lOun -Gcorge RcJ Ifil l'll "lid 11' :I'e c n fur thoir bOllle ill Boollevij le" Mo. ho had few eqnlll ~. Iu lJlallChcB' tertuill eu thu Ilh:lllbel'i! of tlt l! U lc ' Our .rvung fl'i clI,d Charlie Olldw~l . tel', where he lu~d bllen flH·. so veral l Cl uu ill UII Ilgrlleable malill UI' , lit lJ6der Ilccomi.lllnled tll c m ) and will years ollgllgud III mel'cull ttle pur- \ Ulllil' plOll~ llll t hum", I"Mt Fr ida)' ~l'~e, hi ~ future home there. Ohar· I:llIits,.u UUSi llOS8 fur which h ~ WIIS I e\'eni llg, ' . h~ 18 a g~lId \.o oy, and wo are sorry pcculmrly fitted) he w at! . ~\lgul y -Mi~s S tri ckl o:;, or W ihllill g to 1')110 him. reopect(J(J un d Lelov~d b y IllS cu~· tou, is vi s it ing lit A , T. Silitill'~. -The Tayl I' Brothers will give tumors. H e hud gumed the conj~. ~AHT I\A •• their elltefLllillment ill Springboro dence uud ~steem . uf ull. the bllt!l' - -_ . _ Saturday eve!1 ing of this week. It ness·LU OU ot .the CIt,)', '''Ith WhOll1 UlIlgcvilIc. will ~e olle of' the host affllil's or he had dealingtl lur' YCIII':!. lie , . , ,the lund ev('.r gi ven there, and w e was kllUWI1 lind r~d pec teJ a~ a ll --Died., at the resil ionce ul DI'. 'll o~ t.he good peopl e of' that pluce h ~ lI orl\b.le oud upright mao 10 all Kee\'c r, l' '111'1111'y :;15, ~I'. J :lCl'U will crvwd the hall. Admist!io ll tll S deahugs. . JanlltlY, aged 8.j yell I'd. rhc tll IlO' 26 eta.; rp.se r\'ed seats S5c. Dool'li Wu qll~tl: a portiou ~f Mr. S.im- ~al touk pl ~LCe ~II) .SlIlIday lIlur"lI i llg; ope . n' at 6* o'clock. ~ s uperb or. OIl ~)u'S u iseo llrse, relating. P~l't~CU"'1 IIltIJJ'lIH:llt III SPl'Illg~O I'V Cl'I.ll c tllrv. cbeslra will add rnUdlC to tho oc · Jarly to the per8.011l~1 cJl~1I i!~tel of I -Mr. Jay Stnkes 18 ~ottlllg 011 cuaion. Mr. Dudley, ~cJlevlIIg It IS th e , fill ely 1I 0W. It was th uught at oDe , t1I OI;t upvru!lrlUte uud e10qu e ut time that be wuuld have tu loee bis ReI\~IOliS. Iribll~tl tv his memul'y, that could le g. but he is now in u li.tir way to . he ,?tlerc<l: . . ' . . II speedy r etul'lI to. lIut d oor Iile. -Quarterly mcetlllg t ,) k placo As n cltl zcn, .he WliS qUIet, - Mr. S lllllu el Oraltu.m htl8 ngnin at the M. E, Church hLst Salllr(lay pellcllilble, e ll c r~utlC Ilild c llteqms· beo n cornpell ~ d tu take to Itis bcu, and Sunday , Pl'llsidi ug Eldol' IIlg. A. 8 \L bUlI t1W1I8'IJiU II, IIll WIIS vII IlCCUlIllt of hiR infirmiti es. By..... WI&8 preseot , and the·lttellll · uctivo A. s I - ... G R') I d r• ,r. , prum pt, I nud ohllgl I' ng. t ill r. eorgc I llV IUS move ance was good a I'fJn!'I1I.r/· 10 was n Iva 0 evel Y . t tl P i t t - t d AI , '. . e llter, )risll th at wos dcsigneu iu its 1 III 0 10 0.1' U propel' y, a n rs. -Service Will be held In th o, r . 'd't'o Parl ett hILS Ill(l vcd to tb e house va· EpieeopalOhu l'ch this evelliug, at urutlll.re,~toll.,ulllcliumtAll tlteOc~n, It! cuted by .Mr. Hil ey, wbich sho has o'clock, to·day, A sh·W ed nes 0 li S Ie u,w man. 81~ flr111 Ian urehu cd. da beill the b iUllin uf Lent. h~ ,wus It beral, ,c hu.l'ltuble, and Ip . ~, . g d leg g ' l\ I 1\\' llIlIIg t ll beal' 1118 s llUl'l:l of the -M r, Wm. Braddock hat! moved ·It 1& eXJ.>OOte t lat there WI /I, ,,0 cit Ul'clt . lie clIlI en vurod tiO tv {!'Om Mr. B. A. Stokes' to th e farm be serVIce at the usual bour next I' I t "uO glun , .. d I ",or of Ulintuu lllltUILWlLY , near SuDdayevelling UCCOlIlp I I 1!1U . w hich his Milker hud creuteu him. • -People bOI'O nre makiog maple -. . --_. . -:- . , H e watl uolv ved unu C<ltoUUlcd iu Isugnr. R ULLA . A,pr0p61 of ! Mrs, LIVe I'm ro 8 all tlte circles ill which hu moved. • • Al!~ety &lDto ','that wef . sbdullt dll~ Il e wlLs .a lov ing futlll:lI', I!lI d a kind Fllllkey & Miss ildine are selling WI ... our !Aug I ·er~ , a nen ' e" od uil'uct' o lla te I uJh ' I' d "He cn I"ICU at t II e nu8UI'OIY I. dl Jow prlcc .' .o t' .... bat a. D .. vJ v'IJle, Oll e day )ac t a. II\. . ,I. , I. a !, I . " . • ...y.~ o . b d t ] e A t I u.s 8 t D 6L d We]] Id week, a mao drove out of th e tile • \I~ 0 ~ \ •. "lLr l e u 2" ~el\tl\ . u yal' , e, WOU you ti to that lace 'IL'ith ~ve wa", eU ltil to rl sa 10 gl~ry, 111 a word, bllltcve It ¥. II. man went there the acJ~:t f 'I P ,1 1 . c bis lifo speaks wtth l1I ore thun the other day alld wanted to know if Oil, . 0 tl e, Qn~, cae I w~go n elo~lIcnce of' the pen." \ tbe\' wouldu)t let him have sixteeu W . . drlveu by Il son·JII-1&w. T Aat . I" d ' I I, I ' , . ., nUell n eyid utlv ou ld all . ut III liS . e~t I, tj.J IJUg 1 It was yards for .a dollar I No, we dou .t se Ill . . C' . su fmught with Ihe UUioIpcu.kabl&1know his naIDe. Kra~ Llverm res questlou , bl'i ..btllCdS refloctd froill the L lUd • • ." 1 d T be t' La C· - - ' ••• ~ , Without a c \I or sh"duw) whut a he curreot uum ro rome TIl have bool\ no deatb8 trom night o f surl'ow to thOde hO l' de 18 CrelUe ia tull 'of fi~t:cJa88 1b Imall .pox in this \'icillity Bod loved bim 0 well. mllrlle. all for 50 cellts. Th1S 111 the ... ct· d ' ' d i D L" d I J . I I' I bee k f' I k' d >- t G t ~ 00. aecm 811rOO' ., ear IZ~le, a n ler ove Y Itt. e'l t wor 0 tIlt 11\ eX,_n. e ,\ ,a far \\'e cau Jearn, gll-lt1- all hearts gil out to them 111 It. J . L. Peters, N ew ~ ork.
-'-T-II- N -EW' "D' OME'ST-IC'-" , !
. !
ill the lI1u l'l;ct~ tho Jr/:'STERX, J)L'BL1X alld EXCEL810R!
New F ooli, thc on iellt hunoll o(L and c,)mpJetC'A t Drill offored to the trudo. \Va have, al su, 1I complot· stlJl:k of uno·hurse
1 1
I IT retains
.n tlI e virtues nf 'he Light. Runnlnc "!J OM ESTle ," indudini, thc Aut• • tt~
~i!~:;uw!~l!'~::; rA~·~rl~t~ LiAk'oE'NcEDCU~ I C .\L UEARI NGS on bow the Machi..
and ~'::'~~w and old iI'Ic:.II. wortccd Qut wi'-h brand new Mac hinery ~nd Tool~ lilt our own 1I~~~1u. In the hlU,y ci lY c r N~w:lrk, New )m",e),. h;Io\'e Jtl v~n '" ~ l'I l.H"J.1rd of t\l F.C UANI CA.L EXCY, l, LENCE Minimum or .~rietlon, ~l:.. lmun.. of D unbi1ltr, amt r.lI" 1: of work" ate,,"" h cnno(oro . reached In the ~WiDI M ac hlnc worM. .
D ouhle-shovel' I-lows,
I' .
- - -Wi.' Ilavu tlm 'e of tho UII.' ST---
l ~gtdrl~lIjIJ)Q~e~~ Corn· ShelIan,. I Furln
~ ;ujl ~rs,
Invi t e the attcDtlqn of all, .. p.dally tho •• h.vin c hi a b mechanlc.al .lal1I or Db,ervatloD. N . D.- All Machines RlIl ). warr:alll ~d.
' DOME8TIC 8EWINC MACHIN. CO., .... \ LAuIES. V'SE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS, Rc.. e.b.. r '1'11'8. ",o •• derf"ul 8uc:et!iJ8! l ' .• I r. '0 : ~O" 1. tho ti DDt of the yf ll' fo r f'nuulnon. L lij " 'ptl rlcu llat ,0 ,,' 11 " • ERMA" . T Il r Iltls sinu6 it" illtrodlH'tiun in Clhe Uni .
ia . LU llg F 8v~r; <l0Us~IS , Oolde, and f.lld t.c<l
,c, uha It r' r.redlllpjllllull 10 ()()n umplion and olher 1 bronUnd Lung Digo'18e. Do.. O" ,U 'ij (;aaMAN L'Iv avl' h". be'o u. ·d iu th io n e'g hhorh<lod fo r ' he ruc Lwu 0\' Ih rec 18"111 wlthuUI • <l0ll ie r. i!u~e to curl'. , II
:0;,,,,",, t
r~"ch"d tlto im",ell~c . ,,1 , c f
giOl8 h",'c ot<l urcd Lhis ~Icdit'\ no d;,'~c' frll lD Ihe F ,lctor.\·, at \\'"otll,,\r.~' N.J ,. and not one
h,"'O"'1 Dried n olngl. lor S ."k.ol' its
1",ll1r,·, bUI
"Moll isl .illl:
wond crful lucce•• amuug hie CUlroml!I'''' Th nlltt. IHld J.mo,\(Ji. tbIl L 'I,u.
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""l' 1))'uul"'O,-ilioli to WUllk
1<>. 1!0 to.t!H'ir J)~ug!!~" I, A. O,!". n'Ulj gOI tb,s "!.~dlr ln" . or IIHI"llC nbou! ii, HI·!;ular 8bl', '" cerols ; hllmplc 1><11110, JO cenl8, '1'''0 dose "ill rd ie,," 1\0)' CMI' , Don 't nuglccl Y' ,lIr touc" 5fj,l-l y
. '
o:::r Wart'tlllted to g ive Satisfiu:tion,.£ll
40.0110 uoze n I)" r .I','n r. (1vor 6.000 Drug
III cu r · y OI1 b.ve noL "!"III Lb'Am"d'clne you ..d f, go h.g • • ver.·, Ofl ughA! 1:,,1/1, cLtlctl Il li the !-II your DrugKI8p, A . poll, "ud lIsk hIm 01 B, c".t. CODSUItlI'L'O Il , '" M,"Y dlsl',l Re o~
Two do. es will rell. vg 'he worat C'S'. Jf you bue DO .r.h~H1' med,icino, juS! bu.v II 811IOI)le Boltle o f BOlI'hee d Grrm" 11 ,yrtll for 10 cDolaalld !II')' II. H"gular ~i~ 8 ',lIle, 11'> ceDl o_ DQI)'llIeglecl ~ CO UCh 10 ~I"'e 7, ceutl. iJ~ 1-11
ROBINSON WAGONS! All kl'11 Cls of Wood Pumps at ex tremely low ptices. . • ., I ! . All pers liS wi siting allythiog III uur hne Will tind it to tie r IIltcreat to give u a ca ll bali re vurcilas ing 01 ewllere.
'UW ~
buth uatural and ulr jn "nd hat I Iu& en't got, 1 "lovJ·dtJ1lJR" Ill' D.lu.. t be UII' \'\lIg Ii(.-.:ue of re· uw bjulld to lK''luire WI Ii t J bcf\JI'C tt.~ ~r 11-1 ~ret, r.!mor.e lid OfCII • O! htJw ClAn. But suppose my pWitor were by llu&t IUl·IAII .. b !)OK long hall thi orlltal munl~'ri m. to pllt do 0 the law of righteou . Iy of It I,n r knuwn hero al the cOOc of h" "UI" 11 II iu italice. and tell me that 1 ment il! brok~lI. . NOTICE I.L 'IF . 5. gu uupuui htld f Tho grl&ve mu t lOy life with hi idcu Prin, liic·. N',li, i. I,rr.· h , ":;"'" ,. 1\ 1'" r'·'" I. ,'. - - tUt"~:- II my .~ I tter covtlrod with f~hl)'.cut tI we I'I! , .r iul rprelution of it, whut tlhLl\1lu ~11I .. lill, th:o hl,.hn.'"'' " illl t1,~ Til,." - .. r WIl)'W from Ch~ttall .&, I proml ell tl. i<buwirw l,lain h' that III Ih r rdi. 00 luy all:lwurl \Vhy, 1 hOlllJ t 11 (iiIJghalU ' r r. T" ....... hll'. Ih,'1 tI,,·i'"'"II •• I"'I. llf,;! " Ill wri~ Y u I r-ela I bora ,., .J d i P U I . 16c. I · 1"'1,1 I th,-It ,.IlI,,· III W.,," ,, 11~, ,'n be b ' rers w J' lO uuruing for Ono that him that b' didll't lind 'r tau tho ~eJl l' alllt's. II" lo.-t 3I vII.I.. y , .. I r It. I ;n bat 1 . bave n 0 bey, 110 many ICQuld uever cum IIg~iil. tirdt dul. 01 I'ightcoll lI el'l. W hy, All w./Oleu . iUle , • (I .. 1I. \\'()U I . l.I~ Y . . '·Ik . Chlllgs t s and II ~lIy plac . 1'. W. BAYN lL Ulall'S lIrcukf ,t lila lllake I s ~j II .. Iwllid cxumillo Ilt· 11"l/II" I,' I.', go. ' that I have WI bod my tie 11 I • difl'l\;lloo ill the watl'r uf hi illtl, " Il I~ ILlI d~:~all lilil' vI' J: I"' tWI mrethunonco; botltrost l U~·hmollllwU.'r. r ightou"'l I!lhan his dinn rw ill '1Ihing,,\,hichw arucl,ing out -", ",,""nnd Smilh!'h.;" III 1I .• a rew nutes . fruUl. my diary l11'a.y not . .• do ', 1111 .1 tl.. I'n .tll of Lli~ 1)llr \l lit half it \·alu~. \ " "1( I,.r 1'1' 111 r,,'m "0' III I \t. ~., r· .h, f l · U U ttI ' \\ al HI ira .Liond I.fclt-r• .'H u t \f. 1 II ·JU. ,14"' l. pN~C lIulutedMl81111l ~ltol omo o yoort HI hall not lnlll t that Mr. 01' mlly lIIak him Inure hVlle t than The h rwo d fU11l1 1111 bUl'1l '1 11 111 ' r,.,,,,,,,"I.oI,·. ·~!1 1I". \\,lL~[):-;. ....Jer&, an WI commull c a Ilmp Il bo prov k·d to rep if it bud th all'a 'lIe" Well i II t I U I. , j' Jl u.,·,,}-It,u·ll . •• .•11." t:..... l11,i,.. OhII , noo~". VII here my IIlSt . . It . lIJumlly c'rlaln . that J ' , ]' II. "'j ' I It r It I,le .. c,~urleon8 un II w II . ~ ant crltl' 1111 l1len . ~' So II to .i.Wul'rt urr : r \il l _. . I .~ '. . l
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1 119 :-IS 11IIt! fc ti· =; I &ant 13 n;ail.' 'fh (lUotr ILlolI~ I llI.wer 0 olu h II vun .i1~ ~~ted or pl'Ovidc IL 10ng"pllI'd; '1 DOllS th va ." 0 ... I ""',' I';""l' " I pro ":'·IY. ti",' r.,i\lrl ...... :::: : tho 1I0e of thIS roud, fllr thl:! great- I 'hllt ho hoold notle th cnticISIIIS De .lnrntl· OIl 01' Indoll uile"ce de I I M I Lil .. ttlI'll! I at 1,,,.1. lilt ... h.·<\. in Il.",d '·'!n.Ii'i"". "" 11,,' .'!i ;: look bI d t . .. .. .. all II 1\ ~ I"" u{ 11" . N ut ... \\' U n u!!., Hnil rnnd. III er part, s 1~1 ' 111111 moul~ tilll' lit 1I1~. It i hi pri\'ill:g~ to' g~\' e clur that 011 monuro born Ni!la l l 1,IiO pOl' ~(L111111. WU)OI'. yi lh'. tHr ",,1<,. " " " .Ollll,,,,d. li ll l{ .! ~
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Dal fI, KllIglltnn Mlll'l Ita, or wlthhuld uuy Ol'luJlllllvrlllatlOn Tlmm J O" rBo n wu lI ' t uch a 1m" •. 1",. ,•• i.. u !lin'" rillit ofr . .. sa:... _ ;; "9{\99' 0 ..... 11. PQR O!'lI,1f !1 l " I' IlilI C . 0111 . l.Wu D i llie• . 'It ·· thoonlytown ol'lIn pl·u~ellti.)!\ . l up II ii/1ft or any otrl'r Hllbjeet 'I f'ool a.s thllt. Uesaiil thatull 111 ' 11 1 £nor\'i_tl~C5. J:'hjui".....f , JV';. I•. I\:EY rt~ I - '; c.. _~ 0 ill u\w,, \· \ c1 1\'keIL It ·I or UI': To ftnV r,td .$rrived ut Atiantllllt 12 M., Ilnd without bui n~ illsi t'd IIP?" hy uny .uro llted equal. 1301'0 ulld crod· 1 ~ . _ L~' I /, ~ :~!;.~ ~~~ c.,; \" \\"0'",, :' ""1I\J " l' t' ,I IS lu UK, W\' . hl "Id llk np llllartcrs Ilt tho Markh~m VIII) tu d v as It pica ('th hllll. A. 1 .ld t{'d II rtl tw 0 IItiully differollt . S"L1'1"I- M"I ' STJ V'.-Itl CI,r... i". "" ' I . r . •• I ;;. _ _. _ _ . .: .5 • IJ cc ul~ \ , Hi!. \ ' \y , )\ f' II" O,W h••~ "r 9928 I tl I b rl ck yt: 1'0 8 ~ IlIS tUi " v "II',·,· I"r .. Il... "')' I" ,,". 1111,1 "" !-lOll'} «i a ,,111 .. 11 w • L"u;\r," ~ l e \1 \" il1 lJu' ,'uu in tho UU8t1', u lIew, 8U :UII a uuor u ll u" ~ r II I IltI thillg:;. The slllvc is uut borll fre . 1110 .. 2 Ih ' .. r F,·I.ruun. U. by thu y. W . lenI .... " d... iruhl•. ,,,,,I ",.,II.lom,'eu Purlll. :t: ..I I ..:..: e ' Ii Ii 1.0 III" :,~ t-:::uO II 111(111''' • • '1<1. lIut 1•.I.. e ".It b\li1dill~ot nl) m' U dim 0 ;OIlS, obfus' t.iun of mind IL8 to wheth ' r l'V ull, it i jn~l tlo with righteu u~. · G BlUill.. Mr. 'Iurkti ~ und!ttl U.. " ."11111\\". froo m 11". d ly of .""1,,... ,. M". g i= ~ ~ : ~: d l<. c.ci.. : : : : .;:l l ~ your ti mo , - U\ II,1) Q t« nl t',U .. r \\ oman. hu~:t ,.,..d III IllIm IIS0 awoullt ofpl'6toll' he ought to l'e Vly or nul tu his 1ll eal! wiLh hOll'sty unu wilh ul1 M ""'" 'J uY. lll' 1,,, l · ,.• I.. ,," ... , a·\l1 ,,'·r,·•• ·!()f' ''rr~.• "f ~ "'" ..: ,~. ' ''7: .''~' ''0.,-= \ g 0 U l! i Ill, "nd iff ('u t i c · ,\' 11,·\". ~"14n'tltb. can nnW' ern,4' " u \ iuJ,: I.u ",i " 8 ~ . nnd eo,n.'.'" . • i Ollo hut I' ully II firs claR8 hotel. critict!; aud Ii Imlly cUliclod\!J 1I0t 101 h e~ vi rt.u ollly' mor so·, li)l' l I) U" LLIAI !<D,- '.r ~\ ~~ty l~"~'11 !l~l'., '1I.r,1,I_ .. i.-l , .,' ,111,1 1... 11"," 1,,,,,( "n, l~r oulth'II'"'"; ! i I ;;, :!:: ~:; =.;:; I! ~ ~ l!;\4 ~ .5 ,: irw,t Jr! . 'r1ti .. r.. tJ ll' "'hA I1ICI' nt'-. Hr,·tlm",· ....,.,.,~. ". . (I . .. ) . .1 L • I-I ' ! I ' Oi Lrl • U \ , ~ WIII G ~II n" 1 . . I . I II lW.l j~ll l. " "lIl uur uud ~UI p t' '"\'ll to bfl ,«.u l = 5 I ___ = I nJllI if, ,, u " il l w it un\ rl' '' ' it . leIl 1ltur £UI,I 'OW~I . U~ Clt~ or CltY, lt It! III ~ UU. 0 uooalls~ It. won ~ IlIVO vo what J(·tr·rso ll UHmnt to conv 'y ry 1,7. !:-71i. l\Ir ..1. D . tJ':~l lIr~ Alld Ali • • I.alll, OIlNI"ry h" u~(' w,Lh ....V' . II rl... i" N. - 1 ._ ;p r'riNHJ . fo .' h 11'1 '" ,ORTliN It fJ. r IOUl WOY'h'l hun\t d18~llIgl1181l1LlJI frOl~ . nil hll~ III a public ~I .c1I8810n of ~bo l WUi:l, that bufore th., law all illllll 'l "III ,Id rbuo·k. 1.0,,111 or , llm'"~m. J,,,.,, •. 1"...... 111111 j.C1I. ,lI I.oeurilll(' "'r.·h"r.1. '.'" 0 Ii " ' _ uc~ II' $ 011 " 11 0 •• u.1J, II h, bing hAn • · I rll towns 1 hav o ev. r VISlied s~bJect .. . I:jo thRt It 'ltI tho questl.oll :ue crcut 'd equal. He d idn t SIIY lot· ,livid. ,I I" 1;'",,(1 ".lvlI't"'!{<'· Wvuld t .. k.· ei;o ~: c.: : : . , - ~ 2 j'§ z.;Vl... r'It im: r d til j "t l r~ . Itt o ' h. r hU 11I blll:. buS l I. people s~c~ to.b ID a hurry .. ot pubhclty that o~urpowers hun that all men are creatcd equlll ill 1J:cgnl :\~ut:t'hsclllrnt~ . :,;~,~,~ ti.~I:I~~'~~~ "",d ill /"E. i;~I!;~'r:. ,I'"Y· 1 ~ ' " ~ ,~~ ~ ~ I ~ 14 . " t; flillt ... ~ . ,,~ g lll&r Ul,'I·d h u .. i ...... ppputu ho\ . o. r_l ln •• , .tu . ko .•• re · rom a SOl~Il, \I1slgntiic&o.tplac 01 rather tll~1I Ilnytln~g tb.at has fpoiot of ulind, or talcnt, or geni us. : ,~lJa!.4'" O.k 100 •. 1" w, . ; .j ;;;' 0::;::, I ~ lm'lllllI llt .~'.at CIII!ttKmpl , ;.~ Ct II! 8, oM,\' lft'illtl-odtH'8 it:' ,.boo~ 2000 people at th t.'me Sher: n or nught be 8!11d Ilg~lUSt tho What is easy for 116 Illau to do, . NDtice of Appointment" I ~ :-. Q; u IIiU t u ,'O II nti 1I11 1l1' II\.'\- '" ",. '1 "." ... th .. " \\ UI1 \ (Q lI:u k .· '2000 n fe.l f .: r~IU. HUll,tr .. d. maD ~ thrullgh o~ Ius laazard W odh ull system. Hut 8111CO ho lDay bo hard 'work lor allothel" l Notice is h r hy ~ivull. Ih ul .\ . L. Aw,,," Irml~r; ~ n lIli t'l I .' ~,;: 12 ;i :; 0 ' 1\1' " m , ki n '· t.I UlI , und W C\'ntl' !,ftd •. ~.,.. on. march to.th se!,>. It bas gl'own h!ld the coura~ to make the syst m So you see, that wlaon the prllctice & S?n. o~, tbo :l;jd tl .. ~ or , }.'. ~)r~'"rl' . A .D . ~~ ltYI ~ Q lIX~!(i I 1 .,: ci..~.! .; ,; ". ~ ~ will s:hou ~'" 11 ' ho \' 'ti" ,lOUt': A.ld rt',. ..,.. Wltll )A'<.\XIderful rapIdIty aod OO\V· lUll own some tilDe ugo. I 11111 at a of all the virtu is whittled do,,," / 1 7h. """'!lll~d "II tl""r Il\OI!~'l). IKlth r il l. , ;. \~; ~ $. ~ ~ ~ I E ~ Hl Ii Tim & OU.• ·Ilin<dale. If . H. I.......... .c Is US 01851)0" It ..) "\ IOSS ... • t ,or. rc til . . rcrllUlIHI. tn lhe UlltlO••' lied, on Irll,t. ." ... ;.:-"" .. .. C> ~ Q~a ,v. w accO~lO 8U dd en ap· to a nice or to th e r!)al pOlllt, t hey '' fILnd •• r Iha br·III./it ur HII th~ir crell itor . All ' t> ' piNI ~ .IlAve ab r~ d ahol1t , 1\ I pellrnnce of apathy that wll.rked don't fin,l theru jUdt IUUKOure ill I I'<'r...,n. illdul,l\·d l<' .!lid A. . I~. A~'l .. am &. 1 '1 ~-r~ t.be. ,"~ rpriae aDd cupitulof UliJ· his c\osinAt words in ttlking loavu every 1111111. And thi ~ to III is the :;"" a.v r"'l"tu<to.l W.IlIUk,;l I!"mMu..le puy· ~ , ~ -1l l .~ l ....l I'l ' I' tb 'd s't rc>, t3 0 f a BlI b'.~ect w I110 . I1 IIe WI18 t I10. ' strongest IlrgulOll llt .III provf of th· 'B IIll·nt . .. " d Ih,"'" han"g nlHII II. "KUIII"t thr. ...,. .... .~J • dle, uOOI'g a, I..., .rvng III O. will (lre.ellt lh.tu duly Ilulh"nticuted ... ' c-i j d busy 11IIlrts remlOll olle of IIOHle tlrst to IlItrodllc to t1l reader ot ' divinity ,)1' Chri t Lhul CIlIi b· rur .. Iio,,·.. nco. .!: ""~ ~ :;; ~i ' r onr best northeru tOWIl8. Til' the Gazette. Roally we a re a ' oficred-nlllnely t hllt U" show II AHNOl"j) ·T. :' ABlN. ~ t; c,&; II ~ ~ ,, 0 " o~ t:.: ~-.... t be towo .IR, I10WeVer l qll er p ople. I No.vcrt be1e 5, 1 US tho IlIw of fOl'gi\'eno8 ' Urlll·d tllil'l Fl'hrUllr)' jlj. 1 70. ,J: a 0 '".. c~ .S';: 9 d.s... a ~ I.. Z .,. C1RII~T ~llty .u.L in it - - --~ ~., ;1: rge~y moch .tn:med by the irl'~~n . t.'·lIst Mr. . H. will ~ot withdraw j en tirety alld l"rfu~tioll. Hnt.we.re Notice of Appointment. . c:;~8j'<::;:o;'.tSP:l.!l ~ c:i 1 I • . •• ltulty of Ita ~II' tIi! th Y be ~lIg It, III the hst tJf. c~lItrlllutOI"tl to tho yun to ask 10' thl) to live III It, Nlltit", I. I"'r 'by !fIvenJ l'hijtAIII,,,It'm An. If'OIl " •• 10 _ V ............ 10. --'. til08tly nllrru\\" Ulld demvlltltl'lltlllg Ua z -tiel; fol' It HI 11 pleasuro to l yuu would mllko 1111 illlp 89ibl0 trllllJ. ~u lh :!:JtI ~a'y IIt ,~, hrua.y. A .D . l . (, rlOCI! nn d nng ICI> k /11.'1\! 11 n....... . _. _1 b' 1 tte . . the I'.~r. 71.1 """''''..... ,,11 I". propM'tv. ill trulft th -.e"1 • •.._" ..' 11 tu~ 18 e . 1'8, a It Ilung II olle muy , d~llland, th. ngh. 1 preach \,.~.u''''I . t.vd 11". lllld('rdlgll,'d forlind thu 1'Md a bouten to gtlUmettlcal prvbl Ill. It 18 II Ilot ilgree With all he ~I\ys. glv oes 01 'hl'l:!t all my hlo. 1bellefit "r 1111 hi. ,·rullil".. Aillwro<>na in· Profit I •• e~rhtlp('rt"llt c'ntret'orrllilrOild,;, I tound one thing that iOCI'01I ed /Thol'e al'c of C\lurole. ~OInC thillg'; lduLhd I~ ."id AII."IQ~ AnlrUIII!lr re· THE ONLY STOVE MADE [tJ01l"I.btobe«lm~aOOlllmerclaIFlorl.t. , . r re!' my 1I"lDlral~n ... . t ' <)r" H . I118 ' ".1 I C!II ·. wd tu lUal<c II11100dlillc pHymtnt 'lII,i I read I t ·lila 11 lI I . Wloseutlllsrellcl~1I ..~t' . . ql j that wallt'c requlve>l tOUU(gu Oll i th u• bllViugol"illl '''I!'llill,;t tbv""lU. : will ~ IOd" 0 D ,..,.. ct" a1 Fl •..... T ~Ionl. Att.Ultll'S tuture gr atll 88 la t .lctt~r- llls h.Olll't11l U65 and gell ' iglat. ThuB wo kn ow \\'u CUI."t "re.out UWIIl duly " "I ~encl h.a~~J ~vr .. 1I?w. VV S or10w. III l!88ured: • • . l'ru~ lty III IIl10Wlllg II~ to cut and , dodge the tmth Ilnd dodge tI,o Ito.. ,lfll" " " . ,\]~ ~~)] ,D I. SA mN. PateD.ted Feb. 2, 186A. acd S .,t.2. 1869. 11 JOU w1;~.li'.!~~:!~Y~::.F'-t 0. We Will' I,cr,e JOin -<I by onl' CIll' :lllIlIh 10 uur hllllltS' COli tent, so tOil. Tberefure the duty id pluin D,,!o·t! YI,. I , UIII .,q~J I ~ Itl7U . • C· fI cillna~ ft'icn~_s, M~. E. ~J. Alhl''' 1~lIg 1\8 he itl. allow d to rcmuill !thut wo lIlUSt t'lll1 th~ Irulh: But . Notice Appointment. &~ oleman l en1n&:}lI~' IIl1d Wile, thlls ·rOrtlllllg II hltl par sil ent. As DICKens WIIS Wullt to Ih ero are I!I/Ille uthlll' vlrtucs IIIclu,) · · N .. ti c ' is IIl'1' I,' ' ivall Ih .. 1 A & I IT n ' I f'l L ' I Ib Peter' Hende-An. . 11 II I I ' }3 k" ' 11 ' ' " I . ' ' I ~ U ',I'= . ' . .. IIve a UI'P)'!) , 10ll0V.l-l'OJn(, /; e rR' 1 __ ty of fon r, I~ we. lUll real y 101' suy, • IU' h! Id \\'1 In. to t lilt. lSu, ed i II 1.'ighteo0811e8~, that comu J\1I 1.o", & ·u.: lin thti 2;jtl rl.y of F 1i'·IIIII·Y. It·d O.,,,k.Slm·c . .,;d .. II nlher flr_l·uln •• p"r· Prlee 'I.r.O each, poat.paid, by mall. IAll orrors uorrooto<\. ull work made uf tood 1dutev r nup;hL tnrn UPi alld at 11' let WI sea about th little lIlatter 01 u ,der the law ot dut'· with sonIll I A . D. 1!i7t1. ".',!"\) d ,\11 theIr 1.\l"1l1~ rty. bo! b Inr. bedroom und . tl>rr.rnom .to\,". , IIOl.ouuod mIL""ri"l, ~lId by h ttl I I W\: I 'f ' I (I l' cl'cplinCIC . , w I' I MI'. , \'uriatiood. - 80 thll.t I J \Jut d.own lIij trllst. rc~1 lin,} I·C'·... " .•1. w the lIndcl'<lgllcd. JII Oar 00 bl eel Caul ue ....... on D'1 on d ILy. till t l .. oglen \lC I f,tr the b,·"..tit tJf IIIl Iheir cl'edi t ,... 1 EylllEOR YTolIH 18'16, 0 f lur AUg\l8ta, 1711llilca, via Ga. H. I:l. saw, 01' t1l1Jll~llt he saw, ill rhe jbrag ull high talk about the prac All r,·r.nn.• i."I"',I.,,] to .Hid A. &l H.A,!. . . I Tlila R. lli miles, and we Sl~j itJ'lI h ' tlf,u·usu.i ,1 cl'ilici~1I1 '; . Nuw, 1 like tice ~t' <Ill the virlllllS. Let every "'11'" ,\: 0" .. " ",. rI'Il'l!,.t~d to mn.k" lInln.:,II. of ..II "mu. in lnrlfOYorle ty. 1 Experienced Workmenl ·1..l • I " d' . d I 1 . It ' I. lite 1'""",,,"1. ""d tho.. hnvmg cl""", m:41 (II 11 mall Oil II Ollt, otUIiO ountlllll. oglC, till ,m or u.r t lilt m~g , I man dv all he cnn! Illid thc U?st """",.i lhp ""HII'. will pro. cut the"" duly ~ A I m I Joetantly wo aro on tho look· ut~ u I) ttltr t1f1derot~nd It, 1 clI.l:etully I ho can, und thllt Will be practice , . lIth,,"tic;ltLd , r.. ,· "II ''',:"uN'_ . . ~/ "':" _ ~! 1,11 ,<1 1111 b~ugbt ~nd "\lId Is upon' eduoatecl 8ent F~~. to aU Appnoant •• ehort dilltallco to th lIurth t!tlLlJd ~ l'l'aJ "Whttt Iy II Elements 'll Log· ellollgh. • I . • AR~flLD 1 ..SABTN'. jndgmellt. lOud rut OAS ll, "t tbe wouderfnJ pyrllillirl of ""Ii I ic.' and ha\'e rello all vI' Webster !! As to tbe "illuminntion" of wh ich 11111,,11 tlll. hl"'uILry 2~th , ~7h. ~ . _ .\ . _, Ont la~ I1Iuolrat.a Cat.lop.. 01 /JIJMb ,Ind l~/gJlh• • umbeTlnc 176 pag., Iud CODgray gTanlte, lind like the I U ll~ tn!\! publi hed spet·chtlS, illu~lIIuch as bl',.th er H. spoke, I . .1,lIl't klll'w . ~ - Notice of ~ppointme~t. ,I"uo ill tho beet m " nncr. oud' 1l1 low p.ic." lalalllg ~wlor.d 1.1"".0, lent wlUlnut obarr LOWEST PRICES! to 'llurcb ..... 01 all1' 01 tb. lbo.1 tbrel \ in tile d ,nt Ii nh) IIUllllllt by Iklell. th6Y aro bello\'IlJ to pl' cut a.bvut. Whcn I want illul1Iilllltiun I don' t - Nulire Is 1"' r"l1\· -",I v,... fhllt A,,,·.. n L. TOILE'}' ~ E'1'8, l~.ANCY 'VAllE boo"'" IS.DC 10 all oQ\... aD r ....lplot 1M) , ceut .. all aloue. It Wl\t! hore tho In '!IlU II cloal' n statUUl nt 0 1 the art 01 look at Iho 81ltl throngh U BUlvked . AII'rum .... 1I 110.· ~:lrl dlly of F ,·b'·u .. ..r · A)) "I I F:~' l'ytlli?l (J in 0111' I. 1'1'" I 'Vir" no,., mllohillory, uo ... 11ulldinj'll. no rable battle of tune .M.luntnj ll Wd Illgic a~ CUll be fvund anywhcre. ~ L"S or II sllIOkeJ hcrring cither. ' IH7(1. 118H,,,·nl·r\ 1111 h.. pro P"."' Y· I)~t" real ~ 1.1 . ' rent. til P"Y, the oo. t terms to .be had, _ . . ' Ilor ~' II. I~n~ ' ry b ,uy I k. II ow:! . I light I " I .." f I1111 h~ hi. un dt- ..... n ed, In h·u.t. All at the LO\ est Rates' rought. Sixtcen ulIlCl\ Inri tI ",t'.D a~lle I, th el·oforo. g'J to , 11'1\ \"11 III"d ror titI",r."n ben lllit (lrc,lit"r•. AlIl'u", 00 1/1 V~II to c\18tomerH. I· A nillo Hno of If'",rl~ conMtu>tly on baDel. we r~h C .. vingtulI . thu lIIuSt 1111 W uo ·tor's logIC Wlls?1 II'0n through l\Irs. 'Voudhul\ 01' 81 ' phcn l ,ulI Rilldohtcd I...II!U All.?" L . Antr"," ·TI ~' rw ' ~~ rr.r-.1 «t'l 85 Cortlandt Street II ~oool .,,,!Iautioll or ·"'rtaut town 0 11 th' ... ,ad p"IHlln' <ltrulIgth ILlld yut he cOll81derod 1\81' P ond Anurew!:! 'I Oh, no no. It l·ctIIlO"te.1:10 mult." I m<L e~IiHte p"} mou~. "';'! I '. I ~1 ~-/'iJI Q··I U ' D/~ NBW YORK. tt- '4btlUt ~OOO, nnd !. (fU!to '. . '. . 1 I . ~'l ' t1l J.( CIn\llH! n~f\.ln ~t tbl' .. lI m ..•. . wll l ~. ~. ~ ........'1 'l: . ~ ..:~~~~~~~~~~ii• • •~ Pl OTt !-lB, I BRAOIUf."TS, t~on U ClIt., ul IIl\1l'e lIUpo~tl\lIce t IIUI O~IC ti e ' WOll't do. 11here may be h?ll vcnly I\1",1"'pre.ellth :w tile"" ,lull' 1\1It.helltlollte<l. for 111. UII.! oth"r "r' i.l... e.peuiully pl'Qvicl.cl for ton mlll·t. rhe prill 'Ipa It'lIlnl'o vI clcllr oUllcc)JtlOn untrlllllllllg tho inlll'il'tld men alld women III these I lo I\'RI"'~. .\RNO LD T. ABUI . th.e ploeCl i8 ilAl Inl'~e 1\lId o l ",~alll dcdocti t~ns. of lI~gio." Nyverthc. da~8; but 1 wouldn't look ti)r one I Dal e,1 thi. Feb'~lI~':Y :!$~h: ~~. Femule Oollege, bill It hoY tho Ma l.JSs, IngtC IS a IIhppcry ~lllng, Illld of tbl'm in the liLt vI' the Brook lyn I· Notice of Appointment. sonic fl'atornitYI whel' Ihe Jlln~" · II hould n~t be fvoled With to any IIcaudl11 friell. o. ' N"Li"~ i. her~l" Irh 'cu. tJ",L 1.'110 H A ... I tj!J'S uf all th"lIc IIJclIlherll wlto arc VCI'y ·\ltIlIldcruble extent. I Dl OUlI • Ill''' ''' . .... Ute :!.:.1 'Illy of l?d"' Ullr~" A .D . IH. Ulluhlu to \Ja ' UI'U CJ UClltu(] fl'uo 0 1 it bl' ed:! 011 Ililfortnnatc hahit, in When }, n see 1\ mlln tlmt Shilf. !1 70• ,....ilj'\lcd "lIlti8 prop.rly. ~" Ih rI,,,1 u~III 2'1 " inf l'iur goad_ impollOd upon anybody. A vcry hll).ll fI"'rlj'in oll ly u.lced IUld 1I01Ifht. A II 1l10111' I,hu 1'''lId W' tilla. it I), 'I'verts tho Ic~ ' ~itillllltc obicct flo>. 100<0'1 v 1'!Ollg. \V 'Itll I ' k ' II1\' p~r,oll~I .. I" tl,o uII~lur"l!l! ~ u. In tru.l. l .. r I "rao --AN 0-- C I.'r> . ... . "~~ "J ' lIB nees h"IIl'ht or ~11 h,. CI·Mll or•. 1\ 111'01""" " A full dwck of J.l'tJ8 "tlltltlMlids of IIcres of ublLn · wili ch It WUl! Hltell ed to secnre. kllockillg t"guther lind \Jit! l oe~ lind bto'd to ",.id 1.,,"0 B. AIII·.."III "re ..e. -dutiOO IIlII()1I wurll ont U COI .t lnn · It wi'll btl cOllca Iud, gall rally . f iii-who e roll tnr · qu .ted to " !like. illl lDed!""" I'"ytu.nl. "I.'d !O~TKOI UNDERTAKING · ~... toll CI'OPK II,IW ell \'orcd with s pcakinl1 thllt lalVycr~ uim to 1>1'0' r~olnl Ing ,I . I I.~yeds. Itlln"" h"vIlIl! ,·1 .. 01. Ull'l ulI.l ~h .om w,lI . OUI . . . . . . . ' . >';I' • tlvc y anu IV 10 e uall Itl over II,ro"rlll Lhelll. dil ly ,,"th""UOl\lOO. r"r III· --ANUslJlalt pine and a d ()II~ ' gl'uwllJ 0111 IIll1lt.lhllll' IIrglllllllllt l~ 10gIC1illy us suddcnl ' jorking itllclf above his ' UWIIIII·C. . . ArtN LD 1': S.\nJN. """"bll1t1y'm hund. Wild 'oa11e pro.pUr.to worth) s grUBS culled lll'uum l'd.~c. p.u ~. Ihle, IIl1d the hllbJt becowes u head ILd if wlII'ding oft· IL blow, you j)UI C~ ·tll1" l! cb"IIl1ry 2_8_tl.I_' 18_11_'._ _ _ t"".led ttl nt nll lumr." ' . givilllJ Ih Btrllng r Il vel'Y pour 1111· tDuty i 11 II10 cn ~.I . TI I 'y CII.1.1 IDn k e call roly UpUII it tlllLt that man is NUTICE. ~.aO.uS l!1?.& lIm~ry; tI1.. ~ , All '1IIRr1 or~ t ho pm " ",~ , goiO.f ~ EretM lUlI of the cuuII.t ry gUllcm.": . It .up~eal· luglcally CCI'~lIl t~IUt ha,unted by a mOlhel'·iu·lnw-but O"" ,n " ·.,rrt , ", lI, e .i,"" of [",\inllll. wil l "';;;'; . . • l(f m~&~ ~ ~ The rotld, laJ\V~S'CI· •. 18 011. tile Iligh whltu III bluck. Ilnd blu.ek 18 wh te. when YllU see a party who lifts his tllko "ntil'I' LIII'I.J.,l ... E.lw/lr~". .. f tt. ,..,." "" . • t _lid poorel!t 8 ctlUn of tho sln!.l!. Hut h<l,"o y"n ob 'erved that lIut fOllt high lIId hold!! his 1I0S0 in tbe I ty of Wil rroll. III, the I\klt.- ~tl· 01"41. ~IJ. IJ II I \VUYII M ..iIl0, D eo .. 1I:f7~. M4 I' tl hi , k 't ' I • th o ~ll l!t 'lny of JUllu"ry. 1 1'1 . fil o 111 :0 p utl ' - - . - .. • 1'1 t ' t tl 8 P. M. fi U d II 118 Il 10 1111 \'1-'; one \J lelll c . II . 6\ o~ wa e I nil'. and hl18 0110 eyo shut III U ltion ill tho CUllr' IIf COIOIII"" PI"". wit lt i" lJ. 1I0U8C in the old tvwu of Allg'l sta, UPI)(llll' that ""llIte IS willto VI' that klll)wiltg lUanner lllld wb08e rhollth unJ fOl' ",';,I" uun ty of W,II·ren. "!l"i'''I, th ,· OJlee"".t" e a n u S Al"". Onluu lor tim iUII"uf"utur~nnll Sui .. Jf Ga. It ill b 'alltifully I"Cllleu lOti truth i~ truthl Thut this is olle of is distclld ed with' tl solf,cutnlJIlI.ceot .. i,1 ?\\,~". Ward. I r!lying .n.r u ill.I",,,,.,,,, . I . . , k .0f' tl.IC .1IVllllnn 11\ .. ,· tl IU. UVI · '1sOle 1 tl IIIW).el•.' S pru t' ,St;1 "n, 0 ' and Who seems to lecl • $.10~tho .(I,1."id !lII<lmwrellt It!!"lI nMt "[I,vhich ,d OWl' I I . t Ile so~ tl_I I"nil grin, goo I I fur Wllrt!. .11'" hoin!!'""",,,,), 11" . I el', wbulll.l4t thiS I'll4ce II! thl!, 1111 • )10 o!.sorvllllt person c.lLtI donut. aU (lve,'; yon can bet your last Mid .Iohll E.lward. "'"" uompp~ I",' tu I"'."".' ...' •• .0.0.: '.1 OilS I oetwoon Geurgia and Sontt. UIII'U And thut loo~e m"ruls III govern C nt I ' h~s J'uot bonght a oow "Do. "" rot)' un lI, p h"n,1 of Owou \.\ "rd . g'~ ,"" " , I' '-',,~ alld in society l'cocl·all". are e . I~ .. I. t h' lIn of l·h"r/!!. 1,' . Wurd. ".nti flt h....., .."""""'; I I'n a. I ts. strcets ure. wiile !Lnd J'\'g. mellt . "'''. mo~tlC sev.lllg wile IIl1e ur 18 lInd lIt Iho ."mt. t"u,' ""Id John ). ,11\':....1, "Lltl'ly lal~ U.ut, t!bllded hy II !.Lrg~ tukl." g th~ pillce ur Illl~ 811pcrded.lI~g wifo. cllu'cd 1111 "rdcr II~ IIt,t:<cllI"" .. t l u i,.u.' o~,t " !lumber of live and wlltt!r oaks. 11 dull"'l1 willch werc plnlu aud stl'alg t· of .uill Cnurt "lflllll.t 1\111 1'''''IJllrL)' " I ." ,<1 U ':> '11\\ 'frt\A.r11 'fil,'I'nI Q ' 1," LJ 171 • · 00 of de )ldCl!t tradil1'· plll!h t'ol'warJ R fow yoar~ ago i8 very .. • • Owell W"rd ill \\'l1r~cl\ C:,!",ty . Ohio Th" J! j ~~~bg ~~ ~~~ .I' '\ ~s e .1 t . ..... . , 'd . . PUBLIO 8ALE8.-00 Saturday, ",,1,\ OWOII Ward I" nnLlu ..d ,hat ],., '." ,reo I • ' , 1.0 tbc~tate, and "¥ ~ pUpUI~ltlUlI ellUCtlt, ftnd Ihllt tbls .lB. uc In a. March 11 be'g innin ot 10 o'clock Iquired 1 " "l'l'e'"'~lId "lI>W"r "",,11"'''''''" ],J llllu r"t>turod,,",\ koptoll ha"dllt , ?-18 TlI.~ of :l8000 The prlllO\pul huslIIe S 'lIrge measuro to Ihe oVlllOflllenccs M .., K' t g. . F ' Iun ur bduro Lh,' lhll'U SlI,urtlllY a llN th ,· ~th ~ ~ · ' . . I' t toD I' b fl · b d bt rs. O. ('arlloy, Il Falr\,lew arm, ' dill' of 1I[lIroh lIex t ue na ~ thewmanO.I~C~~!I'C ,o feOtl 10 ,'u cal II·' T0 , 1t1& t IIIyou aI', 110 Stllllilt Il oglc ? ~II 011 d' will Bell horSC8 1 cattle, \VflgOflS, EDWARDS WhDlesale and Ret:Lil. .~ nca. e V181t.,.. on6 18 II goo ' I' . . 10. n,.. ,S IV . JOffN ..A I 0 I' I' b 800, I'k 1110110 .. . . I I)Ilggy an d VllrlOu~ ul'llung Imp .Dllows., hi.. .\It''''II''Y . l!iea and w~teh"l-lc I Ie procctls rom I ling, lit I e 1, 1t 18 tie 'Att d ]"el,ruory 2. Itl7t1.-li . THE muST CONvDIEtfr t c~t~\I in thtl tlet.od up thron~h tht! r,'ot vI' lIlany evils; tur, shift the m~rll!:' Bale o~·lItl;e Tbom son farm SH£RfFF~ ' Stationery, Confectionery, • ECO.PJ.O"CAL". dlflOreut st""us II.lld. wondortul mu· matt er a8 l"u mlly, tho clevorest o.LlI k Cll PIlice tl.ul· B II ft erLlOOIlP b0 t weell \"T,,, AI'I'EN 00·' 0"1 PI L' . Tobacco and Cl'gars. .... DU J.U.J. . . ....... I . ,. I . . . I k I ~ •• .r", . cbmC8, unttl tho Hllo W lit 11108 In oglclall IS 10 W III IDa es 8ad hav· 2 d 4 '.1 k ' Luu.i... G. llllTn.n "dor of fIlllo d O 'LE . I 01lL
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'V .(.) 0 D S II I( Q 11
., . '11 11 tock ' J. G. Bu.rllutt, her '. d, 1u yll.·tili~l1. R. R ENGLE. - A N 11B k I ' t:,/' l BlSCUJT . J. 08Cpl1° ~O .oc", 0c;'rs WI 80 S l "~ J o"hull And~,p . N ....1IJ8~. - -- - -,. , u eH 16(£1(, :u t~ I~ . .. . . . und Chllttll18 on fllesdllY, MIII'ch 6, In pu."anue <Il lin /lr uf ...Ie duly 's" 11 U ] U E t/' p 1I1",rle8t tune, a7.,1 AM no factory bl&tl 7()O loollls. 4 (It II hlch b?collltl ~I~o 181110st abaodoned to O. t \.11 be'inuing at 10 ueol (r.. 111 '!lid oourt in >p"hovu.•I"t,,,I,·,,.,· Flower and Garden Seeds '"}I, Ilt"l,"I"(),I B(t!/lV k' Bl'e{JI/ , lind are allotted to each one of the I'lIl\!· 1118 protcslOn. I onco hcard a "; ur ell ra I e l g IlUld to Ill" dirooted.l ..lU "ffe.· fv, ." Ie, II I I faced girl8 whose watch luI eycs di8tiuguishod lawyer reud ao essay 0 clo,?k. . . public ~, "cti'\II. vn \h.. pre.lU i",,". ill W "Ylll'" STU t\ WBf:llIUI': S and ,••; U;IU:S, I ' I urt""j II!!. aDd nimble fingers are ever bll~y. on Wuman's 8utli'age, Ilnd a pOOl' rU,obekrt Wdl8ebwtltllisell uTlargo lot IvSille,' ~'d;~~ 5U~';~ho;;. 1~7(j NEW SORTS BY MAIL I .t· · 81uI, Styles &all Prioa. d id t" t 1 cUU Id » 0M Sloc a u Lb( '.nhUll," v{ ~' RUt! 4 o·"I • 1)1 11111 >1 0 I' II Ie III.. aU1 ever;r one. , Tbe erup1oyes oum be r 750 . 10.... Oll t Ie lUll COl. . sec I 7 flD bcae Id 8B011 uesf uy, butw"," ..". k Pc . M ' \\ OR.t 1111 d fiIII~, ~ t I product all goes to China Ilnd Jap llml jf he had been arguiog the sub. 1 . ,onot e ~ ~lbaoC armS Oil .)~d day. Llle fvllvwilll!' Uo.,Il!:. Wt·. illlpl")\'ed H' " 'lil, l'1I1'ct'ully \JlIckl.!d I MANUJ'Ar.1!Im~EQ BY • .aD to tind a market. They uso wa· joet up or down, ho could have Sn . ~$Ilr sl ~ee ., o~n t rUk WIt ; · n' l b ' IIlIcI I'1'c pllid Ly lIIu iL • My colll'c, ' ~' R . W M R..E80"-JL Co I ~ II~a e R ter'powor, which is vory fine, bav madtl much butter bead agai ost the MlDltW egllllllOg ~)I boO C vc. !I:!" ~lIl~~;:·ri.. . ,~lngW"~~ ~:';'l~~~iY :,'d~ ! ti li ll of I::itru wlll'rr.iod took tile Hrs l. I • lJ.NtllNN....... •.. ·lUg tie 1 SaVllnnll river . ttl' 'd S I" tl r. I 11lam pres' jull . - .lIj.\lol : I I'I'l'IIlIUIIi . I.,r tIe I I.uC'st nv<)_11 OCtlOlI) . 1 DSI .__ 11m _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ a lelr ellm· tl o. 0 mucl lor 10 cOllque~t~ f tl ogcrs I \'1'1 ditinn t.v• tho "',WtI f 1 ay t: ' ·81·11I, :....-_ maud by diggillg a canal aud tap .. of logic. I trust it will be seen by ellt at IlC 0 dl"~se s~IIC8'1 I . lUlIlIl",r nine helll'" tlfty·t" .. ~u feet, 1I1l,llut ' at the "re.lt sh, )w (If tl'll ~1uddacllu, '1 bo' d L" h II hIt· d ASI1 han el' WI c 08e out t Ie "umb~r len lilt.'· f,. ·t. on North .trfl< t. "n,l, Ur> • • • I . I 8.' . . I ' • ,.... ping, the river: 7 .ml e8 a vel an t liS tl?IO tat, Il t lOug . am on rest of his stock chattels a-ud.t ri~hl. ,,,,~I~" I.horcwlth rlll'Ulill~ b.. nk ""'11 ctt~ ,u t 'OIi tuw vCIOI,y, III tbe beauty of I~ 18, tney are nev.er of logiC, I hnd tir o bost I'CIllWnB for I I Id I 't ' 8 t d hundred ,10,1 tWIl"Ly·liYG fL..,t I<u(1 four h ,ch· }3VS tulI. last !lcuson. I grow ne .. l'ly ~ troubled with icc. oot overloading my criticism witb 101180 III urUi ure on l\ ur ay, lUll Ylll'icti(:s the must complete :---=-~~ Frolll here we wended our way that preciou8 so tnnce . . If 1 had Mt.tarcb,. 4thI' bAI s~ has a tolargke qu~o. ,~.KC'~N.}I T"r~rnl'n·- B.-'O""'"lgtol~.tnno'flR\'vb",.ry ,r,').'.'~:.1'1'0' eollectivlI i II the Cuuntry, illclnd. WIl),no. "iIlo. ~Illy 1-l:.,1 ! 5: _\ _ " ' _ _ _ _ • . . ......... • . • . • I Y 0 va lIa e ,arm SO, gram, ... IIUD' '''I"U e. - . A . to the 'clty ccmetery, a very bCILu, beOIl 80 rmuded I ml~bt bave I ttel t b' I I . bo d to ....d couuty "r W"rroll . •• thO.KlM \VII' MUI" illl< all tire IIUW, lurgtl mCI'I!'an .... (). ,~. ST. · L. II.UI,W.\ ' , -~---~-Hiif ~<I¥eIIII- to ' " ~, tj'ful plaee indeed, tnatefully urran · whacked i~ in quite vlguruu Iy. c Sj ~ ~., ": IC I I~ ~ UII voycd lind 1'1"lled Ly E. HIlmmel/. Sun'oy" allu impol'tcd killdtl. Pril,-ed uo· Ric/lmcnul,r, Olticago DivilJi01i. : WM~ K9d, n~tly kopt, I1ll~ adorllod with H~t I am not a.. • selfieh I~)gieian. ~ith ~~lel~~:I'~~I~g wes grow up :~~:~t fo;'Z;~~'I:i~~l~l':~~urcS*I~~~~':a C~~~~~t: : sel'i.ptivu Cutilloguo, gl,-Ilti!!, hy tIIO\'l!\tIJlER '.II.., ~ ~_ liulldr~sof flllworlllg shrob, a· Fllmlly,lcould,lllweredlsposed, G . W YA f 2 ··le aidre,.I""tntehlls bOCI1 pprlli,"lundortnllii. Al so, .Bulbs,Frult Trco$, '·OISQ SOIlTD. JAM~SW HAIN_P mOna :which tbe peerlcss camelia strike Mr. H.'a logic all dumb by elorge f' H us 10, h . ml.,8 formor or(\~i:. f" eo f.om dow'or. n. r,,1l0WM: Uu~o", Ev ul'g l·ee l\:l. 25 puek.ctll No. &. ' . ~ • ~. d d II H . I f b' . ht Dort 1·OO8t 0 Iirveye Ulg, WI 1 J.l'i.~t det'oribcd tl'llOL "" a whule "t the Sllm FI G d S d $100 b CillDinMtI-Lonve I! D,Q ~ 10 JapoDlc& oversha o~'e a. er Simp. y . pu.t lIIg I~. rig eo~sDe8s sell stock a.od chattels March 15th, of '1 ....'10,110: 8(',",.rd d.""'ri~d IrClct n th ' o.wer Ul' ur en ee 8, . Y RI"hmolid-Arrh'o 10.$ . to . we found it in: aUlts beanty aud an~ ltalaCS 10 0Pp08ltIOO or @lde by be • D'ng at 10 o'clock Muled MUIO of &:'00. LIltnnmoor 'lI. fir.tmentioR· UII111. Uager'Lown • •• rly\! 11.47 .. lit. '~"""'~'o,n snowy white variega. 8ide with the sterpicultur-e of Mrs. gill I . dh' , cd. at I,he M um "r 'laoo.OO, f.ot num.ber The Tl'lle Oape Cot.! Ol·ao. ,New Ouilo ....h·. 11 (,0 a m L-,,;· ..... ..:; j' tbe · )lantsWoodhulI That'd be logicthathorsea,cws,an ogs. IOatthe'UJn .. r.~.ilnd .. i!IDllt bo!,,'ltI . -\ . L.,t tf UPlll.d t Andcr~on.nrrh'<l 1 ./Hplll -...an nN, many 0 I: " . ~_ _ . for I""" thlln tw,,·thlrdll' of Bald "TlpraloM )OJ y, ucl! sor or n , Kokomo Iltr;'·o . 2.4'" P m being .lO to 16 root high, Bnd cov- )Yould erl1sh like a forty pounder. . . . ....ltiea r6tl\>eflt.ively, aoti. un . tho followiug • Lowlalld, or Gal'd 0, by L ".:"'.I'~rt. ~rri"n 3 SO P to ered with solid bloom. The sexton With regard to tbe "practice" of The cbange ID th(! R. R. time- term ". tu-wit: Ooe-lhlrd of the yur~h"",,: . '1 . .. I . 1 er 100 5 por I OI ~"" roin!. .Ir·jive 6511 PI" !l.so p ~ .-::;:=-_ .. heill'g with UI, we got nme beanti · public and private virtuosI lII1118t tablo, r:nelltion~ lut' week, w~ io m:,~o~,~:i"!'n~~Ll?~';' °i~.e:~~ ;:-~~'!..~l':id ~~~O PI\C~~~I'estlle ~Ltalogl~e to the Ohlc•.!.. ,~,,!--> tul fto,\'Qrsj-yoll CIAO rellclily illla· say 1 do noL p.r tice all I preach. th~t. 0.' the RlcbOl~nd & OIHcagO 3ay;;f ",io; th d~rnnea p"Y'\lonlo to \Jollr Tl'lld~. .A ents wanted. . \ M F.TING IwtlW 'altaa abuut how tho ludics uc d. Wo IIII~Y u wdl ow u the truth. It , Dlvls~un, IUI.d by mistake wu left Inter .t f.om ""Id dol' of ",'\e. "lid W \Jo .... \ '~T ATSON Old C I DO ., W"uder'lllg thl'ough the urollllull 'i Ii:! C rtaill Ill! thut watr will sook unt llt the paper. Persoll8 travel· cured ~y tnortpgewo~ \bua P""'B~~L·AIION}d. 13. 1t~.T d S-".i W . bO ony 1,./ '\ ~ -I -~d-I .... -I'~"._ .. to 14 new ,wllde gfIlvu, ." . tI 11 1.IIIg.~ I,at ~·uul.e.. WIII. no' to tl h -. Sberiff . .....W.O., , ,O. N Ul' 'erl~ an ale ouse, \ ;. ""'"" __. , 'M. ,.,·os"..... 'I' ."'m~_ wu callie th lits lovel that 1 cUTlno! practice Ie. can· . . ' PI!) th l\l EuCu t bl' 11(.'<11 42 1 •• y . . IlIlp 1'collll of that relic of b.lrbariblU) thu virtueo, or a:" III.lUY OVOI, a I ge~ l1\ .tbl wl.'el-.'~J,8lluc . 8ETII \If. Bllow~ A~t.l. . YIIIOII .' J I\S. . a loJ • y, • I. J~ 1)' folded, -atatupud alld baled,wus ear· oc with therigbt8 of lDell; aud ried out to ~he 8tore1toUllo. This the most reckles8 is he )ikely to
II "
(10 UGH· SynUp
f)lI .
, .co...........
UoIIl-:=· ,I 'DYE.HOUSE-==.... .....
t t.bM p~ b Q_ "ric Trlrg'''plt. th . lino l>Pton- IlH' >1UUA>D. t ht' IA.III. JII, l 'u/fntr-Jw l'fltrl ·ur· t TilJrl ha.. oqcuaiw h·h P ut/If .... \hp ~ nm~tn n l fmt!d , t1! I a . , Llan' 'lub " at A ltn, • \ . T hito m rkJo " ll' le tHi rJC 11,,.,,/,1. ~ lId uIMlu oc\,,,,,"m , III tl ll' h. "IlUlIlIt of tb t'l.d o t ,Inl'linl{. 11 ..,,1,. "., Y l '~ '" r "t Uti l I! In tb{' Willi trY, . 1'1"'..t.r loll< ,'I hU llI lir O\ l' r "hk b no ~ \ Vi e.u1I 1\ portl 0 of llrlloo, _.IIu.....'" '1I;" wtl b "" " * ... or (hI Itltltrrou (' II WIly \Va 1 ." I f. f a .. unJ ~~I\U 11 nul h~11' t ill' lu."f I,," ltlt I It"I .h" Ilot "m_tk IO ,' Y It l ~ II,) ntiliu..t f{lr II n ih. mug . til U 11110111.1." ""-. " .~,~, o ( 'V-I" I. _ uu , "1)~1 .&H W ... ""., .,.' 110 I'No\l, I.,t lI... I lin ot <',I,lltok tb, boy " _. , "'--' .ron III Ihl' Ill'<' "'f' " . tlJ8t nu (till' kno..... b I Ih ll " ill I'nu'l. A .... hvol nn .he r r~, 'ou b "I n, C IliP'" d I 'n l~ c IIU, {' Ill, . (I h••"l, ""lIrloo ... 1... \11(\1' Iw is 011 "''A,I I f"rlllll nr wI; '0. lI.llIl th llgur.: bdo,,. tll' lJ&o\\ ..I "wittIly lI uII. r t I1 D'. on all ell U."U. "o .... rQJXl, b~' U.e nam \ nb, .. 'n,,,1 to gt. t rui n ut IDlDl dml.,ly. I .I"u" r ~ re\I, .It~ skin ma,I" ... rt IIn.\ m"utb' l 1t.1,.11'01 III n tho ro'ilmt or th8t, Co' rro tNl hy R 1\\]" I .t \1 111 nom" n•• -,' m ll\'h Ilr'l' n'M.1 t th 1'I'OInit Ollt j.t t 88 I!(l{lU • M loy u IIf Juol, r :,11\1' Th.' lIla,l~ I l'umpnrU:lon ot th " ot ft Rt u.m~ Ilt elt ~ I t il of tll loug P ~toU twtll hng IUI1\0 y- 1 DR EI.tU nARR" Y IlIIn 8"'t b .s t 'tJI out of tb tal I I" ... 11. n lUAnl••A:r T('o~ Jfl t hAt 0" ·t081 110118. ' .... In York. I_ .h~ \a lIlO ohjt'ICt of tl ltl low 'l'I~ will t. 0.11 the boIl1 wh.. 8W,t.!. bOdv AD.I I> tht' ulgb l of the e "in I p h 11lII'O\l I I!.,,·t o r aJ ,hpl M A Id;iuJ\l1!mt , 'rum" " ..... LoQiNal unl) klu.I th •• un b~ r II <Iou., tb.'r 111'1 t pr."o tllAt UINe WM R lu\\I' the ('!WIll u"vllr to I\Ullmpt i •• Il't l< r hi!! wi!l'....·bo. xhllJlbu g IIU 'r IUt"" Illl l".ll" .. ,,,,,,,.I_ ernUl comtllon .. ,. \ be r gullort'l.l lIIIlh., pill U u of 01., IlIrgtw I' colo I ()Vl'r white (lI'Oplt'. lAm tricks wht'll hiR fl4lb('r It tc n rbytn.Ulg (ncn,l. thll openeJ (or hl'l\J't II.rM ' " r,1 1 1 " ) 1' . nn. ....~ I 1DPf\1I \\ In eb ar'" wur.bl ., ,Ut,l 1t.1I n~lJto to My U"lt lh., !\gun' l'ltough .Il- f I .. .. ~''-' . ( 't ,. r /M .. ",I . 01& it Ih glIt.e of Immorta ht : pIny pnwt iml Jnk".. 1111 IlIR ' l 'llulJ III Y more "ilu rt'.. 'Llu B U.· BALI. W\Ol lnl8 play ....1 OD Ule govl, tb It !lUI.' dl.'Rlred AlltW·I . S TIl .. JOKNSON ,'"U Chllll,.'II. ... O..... T' y fuLl, AUTa or 'I·h .. otlwr ch lloln'u Will .~~ 1 l ath o r .T~Ull yilt L '· W1IIt.lln. M illO .• lw- to our relurn of r nIt A 11010 1U1J<'<l ft)lIu~ walnng l.... and I'SI e;lI.lly II,e Q('IlBII8 In IIUI 8[1l'rN!l I III I 880U • ~'OU'rr - . I lh e • fi t ne w r ot. " " d h IU'rou 'o rn "nil 1I11d-l.<>e 1AI" 'I'to n. t eel!d.tlurl' "'" 6 lUolmll repel,rIB tlillt no 1I"I)<1odl'nl' III • ,",or ~,""1. 111 { .. I.•an II nail> I.., I,,: I to 71n (".,or ot W orreu. llNw-vuU T /l 1II K \) TIt~ K. 11\ to I pllloed (In it are to have tbt\lr Jl6Y r 11loo<1 ' tbcr WM R v('ry Procllro 1\ \arg ('gg. 13n.hwn I'ggllllr I til!' III .1 I r rt In '0 \Je l iro llt .d . pelr ~.w~~~~~:.~ ;"~'':'"," 1U1IlWD. Th ~y of o m 'I'll ou ~pt.'Clnl I ... 1I~'o(\ lJ>.o1.y lo) umhn« ~~~«~Iv;'''''dl'''' J lIllUllry in M UIn('6()W , load t:It'l of tlllum:m.to..... an.1 that lIu' I l10 bellt, tlnd Ull th l' OQ th. t 1ar/4'-' .. !:loMIII Lou.1 n tin \(18 bavlll,g ontorOlI Ilglln", llut)' 1U'I' Ilt loast. 15 l'l'r l~'nt.ll 111gb. ' with n I '1 111 pen '11. nnt! und dm\l 11 I' !Ill I be limlh-d to tim pa:o< rlb.r I ~':!'I:~~.:~,u~~~~·lo.~,,~.~:':~o~I Will ",au 1(. u,.r th., oppOHl tn ·UI'l"" ." d(ldor'J ho" ....'. IU"I hl:lUg lu\.(or rupt(',1 'lho6(J IU' U.e mnk. while DO otl\oor bel w tL" muk o( n~ It) "b'o.b ....... '1tlu~rn l'unrul'l1 \U.," ,ll" ,l l'l\w n RtruUll'r 'Y ...1I~1I ou. ,b ,,,.,,. I'r III l11k. Pitt,\(, \ aUN It .1 " 0 ,rouble to u.. Tan natr U,.. whllo at 011 hug t broak Opllll Uw pinto fu..1 h.w," bt"'ll Ul\;;t'll B~'IL Gl<nruu1 can J'(' 'IV I ugovity 'lb • • ~h ...b b l.l,oul,l II" Ht.ill .. it ItO ,rom r' a.od oatur'" III ,,, ...., ... "UI< UIO URt lUo~1 t.ho ('gC-Il(tQ.[ IIh,,,, inS u,l(\. ,tllok In my he8~ mlldtl nlf "'Ith /I 111\1 of cloth ,-, t he f ,b_1 'Y'IlBI\8 of I 70 ~on8 o r OOInWlI .... '1 ho l"I'!tlm f r . h oh . fI.Illrk8.UlU I dnl ilti ug tJlthoIII Illlurllu IOU W S ., II 1 k." bait .. fonllob J"" I~D " I fill\, ~. I I' X'Wlll' , IlliPilrt. eQc b Ii beau t iful color cb ... 110 0 . . . . . .... It IVllJI, 0 , doot.or·" mnli~ ~ fev~r RUlt. gtUll8 a:s.000 a y ear. T he l ongo IlCcolm t III tJUlt tOl the 187... I ....,,,101 ....r "",or'l! ollD!'I • ..,,,. b. ""rorlh II,. th/lt It It carorllli) . 60 lhl'Y \,,11 k 1I 0 W 1t t) nex t LK-l U, ••41 Jl M." ••.., OM J)oU,u. " 'USN tlJl gllOl1 (lil III." wnlM " W ' r"pN'RW.tla OUI )'oorY,lllr II redu 1_ of growth t.lllUl I tim e luu.y sce i t -llpon lilt hOt,,) '" • Ul.&kitig n!t.ogeth cr n totn! of DUl l ..:' on m1 ltd. and lh. n,,,,,1 r (Of LIlli 00 •••• "" .. " .... lI ....ca - I ..n ..... al .r 1'<>\0101 .. , 1..1 lhll BoBtoll Ulobt'. "r filM to prllli UI th o ot her 1500.000. i!6. W.. . 11:10" ••0 I Uu OOUd[l.o... ICr "I"'S. 0111 lit boy 1)l'IlIlCnl-, or. IC there IS Jt "Iar ."h. , •• , cur. Olor. MIAA J Oll kUlS' arti .1 femule b. "I..... d IIl. O" d. fl un k 11m POSTAL IlLUII1>I'.B rutan-PIlID. y 18711. 1 ~ " ""()l 10, HI'I~ g m llllf"thor unl.lJy " .tll Il b ..ld hand, ,.nll••• 11\. 1.~lcI •• , . bolt. I«! on IOO II . .....~ • ....,hll!l·':~m ,. ~um \I'lll w.... .1:" a uat-·_ ', doatl.. t (If COGI Ulmm ~m vt ""'Min ·"11 tll 01 • "'01. 4, Th. [Ko.... n ,lUlU u of the blund rtI of t h clOJung 1'001'WN 1.~,.-2! I.~.~; t ...... b.Uru.ef tbe In,. ••••• • e.g!! 011 tll/l OIactl 01 • II """. bill. I'T our I'b"",,". heml T h"11 lut I -" ....... 10' ... U",oo, I I. ' ..o, . r Dr Sebanek. Pol mwo J ulrins WIll 1lIlve fe" 1Il0'lrnl'fII lit LoulAllIDa '_ I~ holUtl of tIlo F rty.thud CoUgt1lIII!- th.. \ Aud -""OKI, •• U.ft od I. book 1I6.a16 with I ~i'~ It 'I~'nod on 0 t 10 oomplm 11Il! fun y ..... rul 1 fail\U'O IlIl6Plte t\ IIlTll" his long cnr or" d t.aet th reo1 m ellnillg Will 1'1 ~'''.11l~81' QjJb 'or. M_.,... I.. .. ~ .~;.~~~ 1 3:" \"1 nnd 1I{'l' il h" I.'iltl ~triko tho ['gg Imr. I I m.nlo Sr"'p ... a . u,. lor ••• ,um"lo•• tar .a_. • etleot of ~e BDlllg led in nmellllm cu t m ' l :f.g~ 't :h~~ ~~: oe • • 11 '·11""001 ~ ;~I:.I.e~t. . :IlI.l00 'bOO /t,1 enoug h Lo bre.tk II. ~~. '1'0 tl, IInrprlSn .. ~,::I~\Or ",Outh \VI! clo Ilot ca. bo b,..,M 10 I. ,,..ft I ,N'D· 0 'IV woU/lN' 80 IU llch ..--~,,~ nt N,b"'Aka to olle oe!t "':'r 'ounoo the rate lit lb mallcr of -~ ••• aln ,ortO(I ...llb dbNUlb' 1:l1,II'JU ~" "'" (lvl,tybo Jy tile "Ril wt U b,l 8uPPI'tll\Sl.,J"1r .. I11. ..Ih.1 -., r hat Elogll t/,h Jitr onolt\dll gotltll g d WUt . f .., olb., lIIadlt l" ... Dr. IIob.oek· • , ___ And wben orilll ftmoUOO10 ur rull to."""" t OY 0 N. nd.. . '\\' 10 C . t~.II~J 00 third·o\a&s mail matter- hM Ut",n To U•• rocot of )'t'ur manU. • rll~t~~~ Ilppcnl1l th o til t 11188111 V III 111' 1 't lll"w 'l'hou 10' ." I ...nf ho" tho , Aim ••••• co.... I.I.. lb... rtla..lN.r ••• , porlflft. "'.... UIIIJ nod ••ro_IUlIly cJ ••• ono of tJl oomwon cst .11llC1IHe8 1lI 'tho I I) 1'"t CI'O ..bn! ~fted 80 (ar Ill! tb H o ulIO 18 oonoor tlocL ,....10111" ·. wbld'Il,O" 1 New yort..... .. "'l.7~O • ;'''.''''~ pt'l'8On on \I I'10 ' bo .....~:II)' ·" .,..11 • •. leu.. " n.~ U [lnl'l', I .tlb. lil,b.., .......... I ftr'UII<llU or '''uJ''''''IlI· 1'1"") t.... t Ithull. ... b. ban boo. ",,10"" UJan~ 'I""",rla' . ~ I<r • ~17. liM a Y, Itl ~ nY< ~~ The bill TOIJtonng til old m le 0 f Oll_~ Q1100, rage Ule y two oor UT088l'./t runrkol l n tho Mh{'l\ t" I 10 healtb an., -.1 .bllll' y num ". r 0 I'n· !Soulh OaNlIlla nlppalll .... 4 A&1'MI)O'" gah, 7l1li <100 . ., •••• _ "~... ClOD' for 0\'Il1'Y hro OUDOOII or rmot Io n... I w~, fOl" I.aurabl. b, hn 't tlIlu te t reuwd a t Yarmou th belllg nbout T. ... tJ tl t I 00010_ nr IlriuJtns< Blab . • ~." 200 ~~ : .~IlI" proyo pari th g t g a t l WP o r ot tbird·olA!lll DUllI mAtter, I d libIb,10 ape R :~ sam[ " ........w. lb I 0>4 ~ I)u o""","".!!,",,, b,,,ob'~, ....I .bow • mJ m Ihl eotare ty . uut III"e • willl pro t\ b l'y phr.t.lana .r""kuo" I.....,s ability lido ... " ' . Pul. The IlDOUIII gtO,.-th of r""w1I trom 18GO bewt.o ft.. ~ that bod,y wiUtollt dlVlJUon. ~'/~~::~:'"'':~~·.'!.c-::.~~:,::!~ e rOM to h uvo ili UM mtnro6t ill lho m •• "'8,,,,pal~0.b...1IJ'Od ....r J;~~ll, Two MBDlOAL gentielDeo or W , I1I0g· to 1 70 " 1l8 52.0) l 1't'l'8~'~. .... b_ •• ld.o_ Aud if 118 may be confltl ntJy expected 1'01 bo"ud all Ul_ ~_(I"lul from 1 7() luutt~. 'l'lus is m,t n ' I'ry ,1.ll\cnU tr.ol" I will .hnw. "lIIo ... .nmaluh tou D . O. will ie ill nttondlW oo Oil MI't!. to 1875 It W1lII 61,805 hi lb. 0.... Ia .RoD ,,01ll. ltd b, lb. the &na!A> baatelll! t{) undo tite miaclll.J ~~:h':'u~:;''\':'''I!:t' ::~;,~':l'~ Tbe gTOWUl o f I\Ud OIUI bo 'ItII W ('t.llUl~' lennI <1. b n t t~lI" . "'plv' lII. o•• r ••• olb.r ..........bl.a Dr SebaGok O. Vollllnd , we re n arly overcom e by ",hiull n ongiltnt ed 1na~ winter. th ex· 1Iow a WAU ...Ito a '0'00(1 ~I~f.':I::!o...~~.I.bu_" l>8a " .......11., I... coul frill!, OOO.Yl1on ed loy I~ bBlliy Uttin g KJIUIItlI! dUflllg tllo ,ll'CI\llo I\<ernget! 25, . shollill bo oxcro.so d III til< R.)lo lIou oC pro.ld•• 'or Iko ,0r,..lO. Tb_ addltt.nl "mttll p~ complUllos \rill 100II n bo.lurn zn. 719 pol'llOlle 01100 ) /lr . ti nnng tho IIIJ!~ the ogg. An egg UlIlt .. hoi. IUIII louon mlllln- .'. 8tb.... lI •• tov plpo and th poopl who wtUlt to Mnd t.nw. Dug IOU U JlI'U IlIJ(g1n Il' d'pemle,1 'l' be doctors uearly duit. fivo yOOl'8 It bas boon 311. per 118 footurcd befo rn tho ,mr would lie apt to 11, lb. II..,,, so. W.... Toal••ed ....roh Pili. hi ••.,ul whilll th !nlly escap ed Wltll B IIIJg ht (,lWit .... YOOJ'. r . .1 _ will' -_ IIletllot_ _ , 116W11Jl1rope1'll to tilOlr I nen.... M' lII8IIchuB lI b ...... D. Ilti8 141 In" . I<r •• I. 11111.1 lUI Il\ or· crellto tin t1llp!l'tl8IU1tm'8.!I it It sho ul.1 h.' 0014 ,I ...... H UDter. f .r utJ YOW' labor helld achc I<U•.paNlDjf lb. nlBIt' lh II Iar. ..... . rwth • or . 2l! G:!!l LU Ih rorOl('r Ilee d .DO ioIIgm' oompell od to poy OUtrngOOUB AJt d lboQjJhIa .. . . . I. n..... 01 IoUIlIO,. .... I. Iwg a",1 1L1 tl 111 to 01< 41 ...11 ..... Dr IIcb .. olt .. ftlJlttt lb.' moo •• u".... . ]N 8pltn QC Ute hnrd timM 1(1 C,IIIOU8. porio , of 28.mO .....tlit t h" lI~ttor lIh uhl • Tn B DOO TRW£. '''0", 01 OoD.. ",p,lon ... , bo oa"" a gonUe mau ill Toronto who on urC<l n gan hnd 'ill a UllnaJ ~,.. 1'. 1 lh~:;'o,!~r' of woodob uolt...... wlnd ln . dollar A lllllroMO of 411.ilJ5 111 Thl8 Ir.ll" IS not IIlw'I),S em'y to h" I Or 8tb.oolt II pro_lo •• dny for two Liborooe to) ,,1t0\'(11 Ute llya, bll pr' .' ... 101100. 11 r per.od. ~~t:JNDe ,Iud of 87.;1,03 III t be , ~:MAMn ollU. 1,,' 1 J"IDUn~~,. lor . th. lbe . ....0 b.... "" ",pli..1 rfm mlld II lie O\lut of th nOOt'llSlt y of I Oornor8.l earth 0 0' one of the ... b&rv08, ooulc.l Do t ycnrs from slb .04 Aroh ai_I. Pbllad.I""Ia• ...n ... " lIt!gOQ' wllh 10ur oouu""I•• Jour croat IIrton .. l . 1870 to ] 74. MUlII(l6Q b\'s Jnl.rotlUClug II slr,ulgo J og 11)10 !!OttB.r 11M ml\tured n n for grodunll y Thou d g b lhla woodrbuek ltad n ,or ... ..,~ • "'.....,.1. get a mIlD to ,_.. th . lh b •. fnm Tl !I. od&)' .•10.....11 I•• ",,. lor adyloo B..U' boad. YI'O to 1870 WIlB un er ......e ]0. lIb1wgtn g the Statll8 0 th IndUUl from I OI U", l!<' bIw IO-D",I1\, Ilrty ulInmlI gro \\ U from J <>, Ily mrrJe. "... Oll mus t ou t1'e 1\ 8 t Ulllgtl 4....04rorw. Doe" blmto ..,starnng men aa.d tJ..Il& WtI8 not tb km.1 1I6.768 ; from 1• 70 that 01 a:ovard oJ tbe nation to t\ mtl.Z611 ~·o:..",=~.:u;nl!,r."!;; to 1 7fi It WIUl 82.037 clog t ho more IUllIOO ilble Ule b e tter, u.to ~""""""""""""""""""~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~~.~b moat.. of work tJley wtUlt.oU. Na b l1\8kll's dawlludtmkcrl'l\I!O 'bhmtl~g tbo tho 'ro"m 'rhell le !:rI the Sill in which he reeideIJ, with all I g0110 t Olll' of th., oomptl" y lb. ~ur ..1 .PIle"', I A1' Let\IlUIlllton, Engllllld , about two lI r POrlO IS no • - - pn-" ........ aud resnnrun ui!i· )'or oJ. 1......11:" aome""". r \lown, u un til{ tn ke I leul holll ~"Io ,It o r Its ours 1I11<l h Id Uto d Ojf .p ...~,._ A ....O. n ftl~.~YlIlJl, oured 73. WII8 the la8~ r10 lb. O.UlHlal of "".<Iom .nd wl i lies or cimen8W p. a-It la proJlOllo yOl\l'8 ~ "" ..., ~ ~a,-...., t1um still wlllio IUI0tb r b es his tnil W t\ UOW. d to And lhe8boal£ roo". ., or Clay ,live w.....'" Van nQJ'''D Q I. rOlmd •• ti It bna tI t mme la dlJlld in his room trom laok ot ih " ou bled loG oommen ce With the wholly or pnrtially popl ... n oll.or 1t\ I Illlll'lllUlO boaD. IUlOt. If th Il o!!, IU18 bee u prol> ~ • • • lI ee_rio s of life The Coroner 's lll- must have boo!l eove civiliIod tribes occuPYI ng J'08OrvI\tio~ ::..,~~~~L~~"'~";: ml tim s as largo. tl'1lwed I\o d d Otlll his pllr t of the triro '~w~· ~on q UOilt reyeilled the fnet that lor mnuy Ne'fll~, III lD1otl:OO w 111864, rulllN,ta promptJ y bhere w Yor~ohiRau, 'VUIOOullin, and Th.... ... tl lbIlD~ N>d _tan. .. m.1l be (our or fi.vo I gil wood",,,,, , l ootI, ~ ara be hnd sub8i8to d en nn incom o ( poptto wll8 ad .n..__ and to trwl8fer thmr 1""Dot be muw. but moot Irr 10 ....on m lB6 18 ne t nown. ew Ul tha' room chuc.k tull of dog s t. lit .... Uti.. Jk:0~ ~ da-, his food being b-~ A Sella '. .l Ol'l!CY·8 _Il utro) to th_ States, provide d th 11 nnDlIAl nile inOl'OO.! 1 ~maln I from 1860 to before ~ tJl Ibbo...... e J .. II mar. no labor .".u dlm 6rst " nokle III Lli ."'.... 1870 W88 no m' OJ'''., d un llg th (\ la.st tI V kllot. cheose Wld ooooa. 81At.e8 will IIOOIlpt tho trust.. It 18 not Th. b",..., 1""0 truls . will tl'Jwh Ut l 11ll In I tbnt ..... """ Tllls alf6C1 lon. 0. 0 u I ron 0 Iot 80MB of th o member s 01 the Maine yoartl 21.681. New 10l;ended to ap\,ly tbis poliey to the snv· Yotk ree61ved an 1\ dog'8 tuil rotnin th .. shnpc whlcb nnhu e n I N pa Legilllat uro aro ill favor of the submlB' annual ~Ion of 50,202 .dUl'lllg JI8tllDdian.8 'Wlthin th t.oundan Oll of tho hl\8 gJv ou It. Any d og of or dinlU"Y 81\· UIOr n ow. pen. KanMe, .Neb~1ut, and TOSM. . I f tb Sw.t () f a oarlie rperlod , ol04.4oo dl1nugt he lat· lUI thoy Thero is a pea' dift'orenoo between IIIOIl to.t CIIn bo tnn g ht to loUe poop e 0 e ... ~ UllII H.", ••k , .p... r 'oll" Au•••• ",.ke mnn"r wltl, our ter Rhodo 18L~lld nlltle<l 4.. ()85 nnu nnlly gnmty aro ill DO nnono'litio n to ex rCU!O the nghte A.merican and Englieh tr.ck m two or till ' 6 <la) 9' perform p l'll()hce. A , '"w ....d .. CAre • • ".t I... n". hl,~. C, 01 alti8"Jl~ The pJ.n.u meela with latter, wbile llimmg nBwspap efll. 'l'he prop()8Jtiou to amend the Con8titn tiou 110 during Ute emher pl' rlOd 8.170 dnnn g t<ll'rier 111 Eron er nll y con8IJ~re~1 bett.l>r ( 0.1 to be truthful . dig. tI8 to proV1oo for holding Stato eleotlOlIs the letter .~(, ,,.., . oun'lo 10 01 &'" M,I. N.w « 1...0 " . It, Tll'IOT II'. OMA"~ O . . . . .E, muoh favor ~ CongreB8, and WIll prob- nified and imperson Wlsoons m fll.ldlOll 27.879 (\U U.III Olrper. men t thnn " bull .Iog. beoall!<O Al. nre hoovy IInU in Novemb er 1Jl8tead of S eptombe r. E.al•• d\JoIl'~' M.U".I\O< h"l~ OAllDtl !l IIIr.t:DK. tlNIUlOf ,.t:T8. I!TC:. 1 o nnUy dunns. tbe ton ) tlull 36.386 The d llrAmerica It doe.m·t n \Journal~, whIle The directio o through out tI.. o country 011 80 long ,,"d ItlJOl'" 'iVA"..UI . .... t,,.T,.. ~"" J ,,, "",, ,",,~, abl,. be adopte< IJlg tho five ]tult ended. U eJecting tJJO l\hOll l~ bne holtl <rOlng the whole len ...... in ne_·gn f .... ther· is townrd Iluoilor m dllY tor electioo s. luIll e 'rIIZ PBOPOSB D liONEl' mnT noug SEND FOR PRICE MIT . h. retul'llS Ii-" .,', 9from . I ' tho \ • throe '" •• n l Sonthen l ~ , " • • ~'I •• ~o . S tntoH. TI'u OM 'In "~'~K. • • 1__ lug enterpna e, Rnd H"U. _ _ _ _ Sp&eO for" 8}>i<'O." ____ O!o'B of Ute lovelies t l8uwds of tile E nat we Rile tlmt the nhtwJllte rote of Irrowth a...a; n ~" BonMoI' eM ' li fO ' ?t Ic,"" ht) kt'fl J. p t a h"lr M. " " McC ullou gh&S On, n C'oUII.~l and noarl,. all have thror little I f BqUlhll " h1l8 JllJ!t suJl'ered You CIlll derlvo a 1I0V r ('nc1 mg [untl ma)" .rn d ., '\Jr ••• nor'.' Ii: 'I uvd I".. I\"! ~1."kn.u, 8 tre m811dol.\l! mieforjeot for I11III1 !It "n g e go oom. Iln on the Whole llimlllls1oo.l. 'l'he ()r nmns ment by prop e rly in tJ,e edltoriA lco1umn a, and depnrtIn ents tune. Au ellormoU IIn pronng .:Sl R Wnhi.&. lIt.. '·Ift.......... 8 55 liwdHlip to $20 ' or dA7 C ll1'th al 100m . the mon '! aooount or Great Bntnill t\nd 01 light pAl'IIgI'Il relative rote ,,~'" oot tilt from stntionn ry co mmon oll llU' Wi t . .... rlb .. 10.' h 1111 or d llillry han d . __ _ ~ sT•••nN.-" 11'• •~'I~~.I. tho United BIateIt, and hl\8 lOtroduo od In looted. WIth 80me plI8. original nnd 80· and rocks oooul're<1 nOl11' St. D euia, In tI.e 'XhWl the gToW ILIl of Now Yo rk In ttlll "'.W cut Ill" _ euoh bMd 118 "Odlla 1811\u(1 of Roumon . o.,er nn e xtent of hlO Jl nbo ut li n m obllUd 1\ haif of K " NY\l ~ 1l0~~KIl II 1...... ".11." Ih. r.... h ,.. yOllI'll WtII:t about 23 per oout. • m til e last th e nght frout log of the BazuIt,o • J'e8ollltion looking to that and Ends," "All 8orte," OIlII. Tho fthithe olul1r am i o.bont "Chaft. " kilomotol'll, wbioh buried no lower tltlm five vell1'll .... "••• U~b' Ad •• n. , K 1,l 11e .... ".O.mbl.r .O ' f~... "lrc8 embraoo d In it W\II8 'j\8 per C{' ot. ou tI.e tl.ft . ome lellg th from UJ O left v ..... V· .. "J00081' SI_..,,· ....... t wo p ersons " FriYOlit iee,' • .. • anetiBll, iulld f log. . , >t'r d' unuer ~ i •• dto;1\ b;:;;;noC JXlAII6 the plan aro lIS follo ws. The ettwdard ii08." or "]\.11." •••logu.. 0 popullItion ill 1!170 ~ ~ 1 11 [I fe w casoIl olll.V Then to kprp the c umr 111 n IJllnRplU II OllR Our wooklioa espo- filty metrea 111 deptb. ru.. d of COUl'8Orllln .1 II lI"rro.D', .. 1101'.'• M... r18 • d o- baa the re beell a loss III tho rolo of .lb · plnlJ(). Nu for @Old 18to boall mue pAtl pure ellill~devoto,. fl\U 8hare of 8pBOO mlrtter wlach ml,ltal an.loein oC tile 0110. pari slo ott $350 to oy. nnd t .e mono the strayod A !Ilo .. tb.overy A ...... thing \Y .. WIthin l O '",' II I be.. thin its rango. that .. in . l. solu te gTowth. bu~ th o IH~rCl'Dl.Ilge rec k it"'" It lUJ\y rost f to to be .. n upon. gil I h I u .mylJOd v rr"" A""r::~'~': ...·r:~'.;"N~~.slon:::~~ I~: M~~l!'pl. are h I go g ... e 1 A 8YSTeM for fu.rniBhlllg mellis IUld 00 cd on t.o ''t)oo otary unit:1u. lfl ler IIillt<' oeMS lOW on 1Y Site LSe:.: to rounds, " and many of them give III O8oh lo<181I1g11 on tiokets, do lVU III It, It will 1U1Dlo" u,tely. k. I to be pmd lor ill n lllU'row mllJ'81t1 of l.ll Orooee. Uod oublr the gold do . 8 nl I 8 18 lBIIue a column ot bumorou 8 paragrap ua labor, hllB beeu Intro,lue OU tho other ILml the pllrty uSlllg It MONEY od IIlto B oston. •• dly tbe Sb\~ that IU'd r oporte d Bre mil \filii Rud 0110 ..oed I both tval: 2 \18 of tthel _ produoti vo of honlthfu l mlltli tIIJ II nnd IS snlll to work s hrie k m tho hvelicst le r. rlllU 8 11 b, •• cn S17 \' .... I"R I... 8. Mlmu-nb ly. 1I"".on Tho rather IxJtter tEinn avornge spClllmeU th! A. ror No house s bou ld bo wltll /lIlt one of tJl: 1lrBt-clrIBe oomody. ll oo lt.." Kurl.lI. n ..",. SJ>(I,Il". A, Il<I.. tickol8 are sold m pnckago s to the rIch bllt'tVe do oot bllheve preeent 80verelg n or pound sterling. I believe the America n ne!"'P"p el'll d 0 t\ud tbat on the whole o r theoo ohnm. 'I'll bono\ y olent. who .ue so often '\ p . the eheek our ~rrowth bas reoOl "ill be fouud The 8O)d_corns of tile two countrie a t\I'e no great harm by IlUlking •• vet! 19 very u50fnl m t ho OIlIiO o! V\Sl tol'll wil o th lr roodoro pealed to for aRSistanoo, and Inetead o r pereepti __ __ __ _ to be legal iender 10 both colmtne e. and smile; vle tGkiug fuo Jl(ltIlltry nt Inrge. drop m lIbou t d inner LIllie. but if It 181lD offense 80 to do, It OJVlng money - A IIQuR la tlt y call offer thC80 frooly. The ele\en StaitOB wbose re turns ft'~I~':.:!-I~.II~:":b~:O~ . ft.r'l....~::: the deOlmn! Ryswm of notation lB to be ie one of WhlOb the nre Ga) Cltrom cle. I,.' "~'I"• •• n~~ Add.. I ttdoptod 10 Ore&t BntlllD. 'l'bo atlop- dth°w guilty. True,English pnl88 is IIIll· 1\8 none bllt tile actual needy m.ll accept worth l\IIyUUIlg IIbow n gTowth of 1,612.. the PunEn~~h Jhadve them. REV'O LVERSo-!ILT~.:." ,,;!I,,:o$~ ' Ion by "-e two oountl'i a • or "'e pro· ' 3!100 0 000 lill tlvo 110011'11. A( 8 t1 lt'Y t'he pre8e eU' IillJIl0rol. \l! 1 ult papel'lL Wl, U ..... y. PI........ T~ poplllnt ion of :r-e"'-d lB s~t ,lowu mno. moro t .nll one- ourth 0 f 0 II ILll '""" W ::''':I~',::r'~':.''! ~ .,..~.• ,," 'I obVlllte ' h OOCIII --'-'IY tile nftftft ""'et W 10 a •• I~ IlD dF nu, w h 10 l off.u.. ... ( ~r,m •• 100 ToIO"" :.L.TlIlll UI.I. lI0UIU. I . .. .,., • t 1'0. ... ... _ _ ... H . .. . . t""""" -J-""'" ·0 til ,..... u S n('(!e89 i R n e Vertluht ~ \rd~lth o utru er1l'J~, \MI ~ I t 1e fII~fe Cllonl{'I to 08tlmnto good thin-" but take them one day by tho r ecent 0008118 t\t ~u co un~. lor the frellnen , ... ·U. A4~"" rJfT"'!IIuU!' t reooillllg c of l "OII1U4 .. l:MtC.~'''UL. IlI\C .,-" M.Be dllnD the last too years M9,888 OlJlJgrants hl\\., o t h Ut t e I n ar~ til e lo.t £I oUtIll'·.OOIIl8. lI1"n IIIRy make " poor nrll Ie ntlt! -oi l ,. $ WltIl anoUter, they nre very grave oem· left P - III \VErK U\1 ' UA"T r Il O 10 AI' .'" R ~ ve A once, nutllher the eountry . The C<lthohOll hal'O yOlll'll hl\8 b&ln flvo mlillollll e \) olng 40,OOO.()OO " eo l, le III Mol. and r.m.i~Jn "'IoM, PIU'Cd WIth Amenoa u hllJIlOl'01IS pllpers. cleorcRIIO ~w u 1~.1II1 , lIl"killg the United Sl8t •• , Ihe lu lc lo en ch O Ut. d Ilbout 1 per OOIlt. SUlce 1861. f'llr total popnlilltion 111 tho lll Tor"" . ,,~ "UT.IT ' U8m oI d,I, ... 'EI1QCIDUlfO THl!I OURBBNOY. lUlddlo of be enouj(b 10 \U~ k e II deM ltt (orLuDe.\l ou If you pay thl'Oepenoo for Punob, nnd if -~d th E i.sco alia 1111. c. --, P 0 VI K Ell Y b"'ok U O h nnd An ...... Pre8b b . M.I •• toriana 1875 somethi ng moro t1oo.n lorty·th ree 1\" nrllel. Ih Bl bolds ....v...... ourrenc y lUI> ave eell ~t.."d of fun -have slightly ynu ge t lOur ,u'.__ e I' Inor_ p Il8d. RomanY ~~~oy ,0 ...... tbo All .nnl 11- 1. . ..." ,,1. of II .... . nd t.roduoed ill CongTl'lee 'lritllin 1\ week 11.1. Ad11-t' lI. r. Cnth mJlliorl •. -}l~~.fo'l d tII e 81\ Ie8 uC I h fi eld y .. n, ofte ruJyour, or out of It, you ""'-lAU.LIy get a 0llnr's 01100 , ~ I RII .'lI l1o"".fp' w ti C o r .. lr ....o(\~r II - r. r number ~.160.857; Epleoop nliana reg It .-.0. Hr. Morl'l8On, ChllolJ'lDJUl of tile worth of tile nrtiole ." .". n•• d.wllll It..,rortlQIlI .... fr nnd rllp.dlr. mU8~ ha ve n 80 ute oueroL r l out of a ten-oeut "i67 gn8 P b .__ 497 '''8 1Lr W10111 U M. L.. ,•• TON. UI O N.w Yor' Co 'ttoo 1 ___ ". ed Am' h Dr. It. V. Pierce. and ' of .ru.ean8 .' 1l1.t],.l iJ ; o, N. mml I' O A Y 1"",mn8 . 00011 , .,..., . Oller _ " "'; _ ---'~ Uhl ••~ ~ _ __ enoaD t1II1orous paper. n 'fradl with Cllba. t\ bill which, bnofly etatod~roVld08 tht\t plea ou r eo. Ire elghlh page to tiny w.th 111 8 ~ , ............ I have boon led tomake th_ compar· oUter denonUDnti()U8. 96,864. n ....~ .............. ul ...... r 11100<1,,1 d • • \) th U o'v lI1t\uy pooreollS III t h e U IIltod VI" Ious art I0 Ies. S ... ·_· aball 180'oe bece080 an Eoglieb geotlemnll lIot !, (.111 •. ~I".... l1 u•• 1'.. ",(" <"o Hpe,U". DI'" .'e. THB 0 n Maoon lUI . t •• (Ga.) eeflU tile 1eletn'a N e TreuurY :::.I ph I' tells •• of lor of Stows IIp~rOOlRtl' tbe r ew relatlOu Cnbn know Ihe Doctor, ~ .I~.lI..· N P ilion. e w nmount ""WI) h.k' FlLur.. !'.. 1,01d refain 0. oertnin nlld koow oC bl6 IIrllclca of ~old long 8InOO fit to inform m e thnt tile lID old negro IIUlll who 'II' ... ... - . t \Ve know hu" to be a rf'g uJar1y edu cated W Ilpplied to the l-.. I\IInnally until it "ball IlOOlImu4te In n papers I f atenw ...,...,. 0 0. revenue b y \V hi 0JI tb I~ lit\- pbYH ' P ay ~8~,OO 1,~' , ou ~ ~:'S,~~ 'ome" were lllcompa rnbly Mayor of Meoon for a p880,! ~ I~r;\;int~~ lolan. "hoee ;:!1:;!~ lI.plomR hKOgS on lh e wnll , .~ u ' r'~ " 0 ~ No r ."., ,~ n • •• 1""..••~~1 to go to lIum equal to 30 per cent.. of tile ont.- 811penor to the AInerica n pllpem, ooding, South Oarolillll. He l1l\I<1 be wlIDtod to tlOn IS RWltnmcd. and to the fow sblps oC bla ollloe. IIl1d we kno" tbM he bOI MIO ',<rlt, )"1",,1'0'' ' ''''. C.. . \11 "o10,,,. ataDdill8 greenba ck oucultW onj UlAt the ill a bauterin gwny. 11. U whioh bear our tI.ag npou the SCII. elaled wllb "Why. In Enffbu.d . go thither to 600 I f de 010 'omnu nnll sevenl of Ih e IU OHL erulo lit 00 ,I.II! ,.111 •• \loo p rilM __ L'Onal banka llhall board the ao]d Ul· we laugh F ()r th e £I Ron! ycor ending m I 75 the prAclltlo nershitn , ;;;:Jilbl. 7 at the An:;erlcrul ~por81 III Ih ecq unlry. We kno,v uhildreo IhRt ," wbolu ",h. n.ro I" \1 8 T,n.. "" 'or.I,,,.o. ,,. be had uot 80 0 1II totnl vlIlll e of ollr unporle (ro m Cnloo. Wt18 .,- dO te~ _ved (fb ....e bo nUD U pon ,,I",rtles coosllil " ,on 10. t pro b nb' blm by nl3.1 epo!ll'tod nu,1 In t ,Iorson e t . MrII ..... e sugges.. , o \'n e ~. ,r"I •• ~' " ' II" , " ;': '(' ,.1 •• IA d , 'Iy w n y,. or mor • He had W nlke<l "66.74-5, 527, no d of our e XHOrts IUI-.ow ity for Uteir cirouI&t ion until tbe thoy did "lengh tOCIlU'" rom tbal alilhe .. th eIIliol H",oll r. . . tlnd dny. at onr MmwroWt nil tile woy from EtlrnuJll to Macon. ea: 'Y!t:"'~:~~;·~i .\r-lJ'.:'.", h:":~ .,M they\.ate" life flltrly hotl eHry e. ~I)' d~'o ,': I L •• AGENTS WANTED FOR THE fold eq1IIiJa 80 per cont. of the bank Q1J'. IIIlU 815. 586.6fi8. papel'll, which WIl8 more tban 100 ooulcl do DOW wllllted to ride wllh. BO~ES ~r '!";i~,~.!A~I~\.\'oe.<LE!awhile. He 8I\ld 100 (,~onj when the Governm ent and the nt the EngllBb In respect to our importa IInel tile 'lhi. humoro us pllpe ....," ho bnd had two WIVOS 8Ince he saw grand re8ult hilI been neootJIJlh Hberl . . . . ~,~~tO;:t;.'.8~.~e.::,oot~ the old mOll oy '00 got tltorerl'o m to plly ~he In· h) two age bltnblh all haveacc umulato d this IImount lnanlrestflIl 8 hvoly di8~tt nc.e8-go o 1, r. lI~ble 8rtlol•• jtlt.TEA S&;OO, RlcM*l d I"'" of IMId, U1ey 8hall thereaft er redeem tile subJoot, IlDd exlliblte ou to olmllgo womiln. but she llll(l writton to him to torcst ou om devt nud kee p our n08()R nrtidee whi ch. oucc d n slIdtIen Introrlu ced. Md work oome, t A $.l Md y he WM going. if he had to OfTHE tIle~- onmmo' y in OOIn, aUll greenbll eks wonderf ul mterost IU tbe wntor. Cllloa is second. and second Ibeir owo way-·and oplemhd wentber . wluoh walk the wholo way. H e got n pl\8ll po 0.00\'0. bustO c.. n",,, Thf gr"., InteT".' ti n th" tbrtlllDI bl,tor, or nu" only. to Orent Brltoln. H ere are thg agement l 'be)' Ito", o~ 1 d " bl d • t" .c, IIhaII. 00lIIIO to be n I"I!!_ ('o uu lry ~ .k .... ,lat. th o I l uceeeded t telld er. M r. h e romnr k eWt18 A beenu." IIJD.booll n.r .1111 tu. 00 yo. -.,cere <I "r ne ugt18 ligures 111lhe I ,. t:f)n tl t.,. • full ACCOUO' or tb e a"r"ah Ih ey ought to hR' e sltcoeeded B~ 01 IllinOlll, hIlS propoeo d n of lite Sanctum . III ~ CN\ud Oo nttmul.' .~ .sblblUoD If )OU \lould palronlZe m ••h clues, "cl en 'l'lle Detroit "010810n. bill requlrias the nationnl banks to pre8~~' D,llaIn . .. . ......... . ",,"IIOR. - Old I •• ompl.", and Uanll.bl. ""'. . _ "'1~:~!1::~ Itfluall) prel'tlretl h)' a.k.ll ed I'h )8 'C'8" lIod ~ for I'MIlmin g epooie paymen ts b, '" "u btl"'. tl lrl'Ju h,fl'Wt al'e tltat the bo(tlr JOIl bu,_." Fru" ." Nil NOIIHonse WaIlUd . .. 8:I.:H~,1IS 1 henn.,. ul e taln Dr . .. <fa Fl." F.u.r..... a . . alld . . . . . . . . rl They cre.·, Ilrew lo' 8 WoI hlnl ) Me,1tot". boiidin g abei.r gold t eC6l ptB on thoU' down w ' a little blllld. IIr..1I As n OItiZOD Will! hUrTymg '~.fm.046 Gohl en Medical D •• co.ery •• tltltrltiOll " Ge n ... ,,) be... unUl tIley have nooumu lnted 20 street'lo swrdIlY, n portly ' nlolIg the Rt'h dfS!Tell::~~"f."U~~~A~'~!': J:r:'t'ot:~tn~~ 6O.803.JIIlG lon lo, alteralt' •• and blood.ol. noSlng, aorl mall hulled C1L'~hol1 the Ilnle moon looked down lip' _~.1. llati ]11 th e mnttor or Il1lIllltBuung our flng 80 uneq ualed Cough Heme.l l\lr Chit.- him lin mqmrel l: y , I'l e... ""I Pnr. nfioot. tho """""",.i t;d=."of ons of Spnin tllrrush lllltlve l'cll elB, scarcely la rger Iban mu. t.nrd T:k, forward "WeU. how goes tile bnttlo i" SIOOplUg city, thoy drew uenrly 40 With 10 1lDa.Dcial ptWIoOIl8 in tIlo ahape of of nil the unport oar· .. What battle, 8U"" demand ed Ule Whell the 8treets wel e deserted . IUlll rymS dOll e lwdcr a meM1lnl providtn g that the Secretar y 1llJlJl ....bo'lV1l8 ID a debilitate d fema le8, ExtrooL0/ Smar"''' .ed. hurry. tho IlImps flickered foobly lind m\lef.t1ly. Nett) York lVorl~/ ollr"1lRtiollw enslgu.of the Treitaury ehIIIl sell 4i per oont. "I said the bettie." 8 Dl8g.csl relu euy for PaiD. Dowel Cow. Ute little cart rolled him <lowo lort;y.~ SOld bonds for groenbM ks to "I know you did. sir; but whllt dr I \,IUIOIS. and an uo e'lu.tl e" Lllt,,". ut (or bulh Ho knew It 1I0t. ne IIle pt poncotll .... e ~_ bld" ly LiterarJ CouYlct s. Ilmount or know &bout your battle I II you've H,mall and hor&e !leah , "hlle hl8 Dr SAge', _ ......" toforthe d U Tl tl .-,- I ... ntIft per month Will "omIJeto eight month! a tl ..ht IUld got lieked, don •t como 'J ~I\d for nil the we. prize Ie,. of. Catarrh null WJ:\ Rellletiy II kil O.. " lb. "orld Ovur u. -...,.., ega BrOlIll • me d 1 in ior the l~.t n_-tenu in1 poem A 'b i "u C (O~ Cut i d " C Id year......... nntng WlUt Februar y for ... tlll t ley were not pllOl'i'a 0 WI th I118 b OlI". for , e ~renLe••'spec 8Olace." orr I aD ~ 0 ...,.,.... ""fS~ I I II I 01 •• _" CLuCIIgo publish :! hOO8O 18 about n I e 1) ti • and includin g Septemb er, null t1tat Ute . " lont en'I " ever g.ve" t 0 11Ie I" .'.1 " t""". u .~ Il IJUl'Il ve B~ret"" OO. NOlbID~ Th ey &ro 80ld loy ,lru gg i81~ bo .....d grec!iD'baoIPt _vud for 8U oh boud!! shall moo k1y rellUlrked th 0. po rtl hnDgJng out a nov wntten " I 'u Ibe, . t blm .I~p by nu Dlt TI\ D~TV 00 ' · 0. ItS Y mr.ll. A srpu'· IIy. . 1I -MU BKD IIYTII R 00 oanoe1ed and destroye d 1\8 8O01l ne r o- hope yon are well." ~ •._ 1l0lS pell1tontllU'll!\;. From Au b uru 1)00... "'''~.00 . Qln .. ... '\. OI,N MKU ICA In lb. coli wbore lb. Janllor 1.101 blm I DISCO' KILY the molodiol l8 oeJvOO. It turtber proVlde s tLllt thceo v~)ice of Albert W II .. Peaoe, Your II nlUlle, DR. What II my V th nuXI0118 PIKR Old I' frlOnd. ReOmR .. H nrry I we I 0 bonda ahall be availabl e by the Imhollw would eI be eont up ror tweDt;y 1eal'll, appea.li.llg to I> domg here Dro T Str-.Twen ty yenrs 8g0 I \\ Il!I 8hll" banD as lIOOun~ for thmr Olroulat iou Do SIck mon generall it I WlIIIII't well I ~o':r.J08eph L e twell," rUlllttrkod hiH phi1auth ropwts 100r 1l2t) to got a writ of wreoked 00 lite Alillol.e OCO.II . aDd lho cold y rush BrOunll I" "It nr • ...... lind oth ft liaobiliti hnborts COrpUll. sc)!'lbat he 0II0rt e8QIlp6tl1ld 80d expo.ore c.\U sed f r b ch d 1lORite "Well, I I\Ill glad YOI1 ha\'e your R IIlrgo tlusee •• 10 (om, ~ ~ . . For 1I,,'e 0", all J, ...."" ..... M Ill! °d ... ld e.,. -..:_ ~nnt blB book, "An Evoilltio n of the 011 each leg. 'th" d rtl of boAds IVO reqmre I f Is this n CII80 where JOIIBph wb. oh ke\,t oon(II"'8I1y 110 er ons .... g h-uw , snl po y. cnn),lll't I'!FJtI ••~ra~ P'If~.1 O"'........ I Ed 187. Lot-wel l onough WOIIO1" ".S.lIU RDSAL &. CO., s../o ~" char~tug I ,,,'" RHen' 10_ 0<1 by docton nnolp In es o( Spontnn oolls ncation. " J.1,erllool. 11 .. \ re, Now Orle .. n•• New York , wr~.a"llowl."~n,~~;::J~t~llW~~~::: Why I W1lIlt bllSIlI08.! It • aro Y you 0._ to ..you, .. ,to d l 18 th UlJUfDtNO TIlE OONF.lTlTUTlON. .. Y Oll lire ngm 1Il0. to 0 I" e xo I/lUllel1 Uno.ble to delllilter ialize eulJlclelltlY to .. ndllt ~he bo"pllru OINOIN NATI.O BIO. ou JJAVO no........ g 0 uo Wl St"leo J 1s1""d.-w h. her. 'l'h • - ha"e boon In'-odno od III thft my health. havo you i " . pnaB th(' fKlntlllOIs. he thus breaks out The. tbe doctora wanteclt o take v. one leg tlOt!OPto of[ FI .... "der)e U,I c.I·Ellr· s sk t\ nnl{ ngtn me ID"I "'l'IUII 18 too blU\. Who listens to :.. UlOO ' woot b da 118 wn. lUi 1 v " 'TO.uuo18 til nally, afler .pendlng hundreds oC dollar•• I no lB •runn or." rellll\r ked tI10 Houao, Own within a few ya, .t..__ .". me, lUI d uu"" 1'080 BllSlneSS Callego, n· emblU'l1\88(Jd fat mnu. IIlidina call of the flngels! If YOll kne w what <I'M peraOM. I d lo try your "0 III "d i I Li0l1li propo!llD away. • g amen dmen... don't care where ,- to the YOII Co n 80Ull mo. " en... . en tn th ". I""""': JV,,~rb"H, Iud. h " I f Nloo --'her! I h'1 sk th DIScover No. y " sir. ( aDd It lBn·t. no". ttl 1'''0. Ie... ne w.__ I 8 Rill ....... nog t oug .... my than £hro. 8 W U Y u Cl\ueo 0 YOIU' sorrow. "..... .......ou. 0 no 0 f them, o .. ...er(J(1 b y M~ L Wkw g the """ to knock tile ROCks right f1wnnpt1ul I Ulllatlm 16 lo r. Been monlh. nller • J~.ft l hoIU.. ] &01 """PIh ' " wor"" 1oon tmll. YOll1l'0ul d Willingl y th, LIIp~. of New York. propotiflll to otl"n woathll!' nU M.:r D"'fIIfllnv"", 81'"0 t b ao kf u I to 8"T I Bill .omp Ifir. thia. Wbv did yon stop m wheo I l I I d e c " y No. e ure~ sir. • 1\0 'My wilo . r """. 1M ptlf'tJr utru• rnu t\wllY ItI8t 911Dl. your II 1 to 800 tltftllll In pnnt, thnt obItIIp Ul8 OOIIlJIIoIlllOftJWlIlt of the Pr08l' h' oy for the Ont l.me In te~ yeor. elln mor. ~'hen wY cl og WIllI IIhot by a po- lIUIy lDSPI.I'O mtlUOlIs my dential term from Karoh 4 to May 1. w":'!WhY. ~!ted to ,at Iwbom. I leh heel to tb e ground. Jam aL bomepu~ 8nru\k ANY nca.rly to yotl. ONE WHO CANNOT " Uoemao. Then I got8Jek Iwd loet a good and h the 11rat Moodsy or J&IlUAry ne thlldt by lin entirely original ~odedI every even.nSth8ndt 8bthrulfbe Fl'~e II:orn e8ten dlll rjob. Thnn I Willi sued, Wld here about knhn01V thgladclo 8t~:;SCy ... - &'.-0. for thQ m~ of ConllrOolll. ve pro uccd tl\j8 m08t "What sOienti Ilid .. o yOIl, RO WIIllt .. ny perso to HIIY, n ..,., ...... AND TI8 of c ru 0 IIll' f It t i8 10 orOll1 on .-~ r " . dodd you d 'II'IlDt ln' to captivat aay llIlytJtin ing wltiatt'r y work ler tho pro. 1 am. air, yours reop cUuny • g. spoak nght wo wee ..... t\go my nU1er J 1m A~rr.olatiou, ncst nll4 ChC'opeJI& Railroa d Laad I( t "" Rep~o lip." I ti I I bo I ' .. 1 00ve WlLLIA M RYDER , me B oontl I toll you, Judge. Ute mn go 011 0 onl' an/{O. &.!$l...... 8. 'Wi11ia1Do!I. 01 1'4iilbigaz>, pro Wh m:re Jglon. I " ,_ d L'_ 1;7 l . nrnO D S.ree ~ BuOnlo, N Y (olks ill this town 1lIlve been Are dft lbe Lln.or lb. ~ to 80 MDeDd :ihe OoJ:l.lJl;itutioo for II any mllll selld. him money, ehoot l1li •• y-w Iy8...mmere ",,0. b.g ton yenrs to cruab mil. and I timtrying efUllhed. him 00 U,O spot. Lot us 1lIlvo-w hile UnIon iopObib it'8erlt.t alllllDd l~reMDtativee 1DIlDWt, Pacifi c Railro ad THE religJo\l e qucstioll hOo8 come up h I CI\D't stnnd un no more. f~ eoIioitine appomimenta or J'emova.1.s " at do ID a lIe1V form m 1I011toll. A little girl m8llll- W nt do you fit, bnt I'm a ltOked man." I'vo fit and the prl8ollll lao bll8-Pe llOll. lSFJD RASK A.. nttendal lt 1l~1l OliO. of •.-0 -. and to etJiablia h. Civil Bel' WIlDt to eny-w t nre you trying to g et .. Wh18'ky tetoboa 'em nt '--t," ob 'flD! JUpMIl80 RIle paying couside mble that OltV. wluull are kept the aoboolR In "Ioe 001II _°11 • The t.bird reIIOlntio u ntl" ehClntod the little man. SEOUU ,lll A. BODIE ! 1'f0"". ...... open on BRtnr lIQl'Ved tile Court. til'· f- " . d b ( t uttentlO n to U.e subJect of femnle eduOl\- ..,_ Bnt portl,. slid into a Illgnr store 80 roo" Inrn·m.lIo . "01 I'ftl' I•• 11 rrrto ., CIte - . . . . . . .......,---, ay Illl uoon, WII8 . . . -'---dm ent W88 oonf1lll8 "G t H 0 ore hll d fuitt h oR8ked loreome "HIlo&inId b,. Mr. WilaoD........ hIlS taken ~n .fttlve IJolioo oonrt rooontlytm'lIoIgue rea enVIJU8, J Ud go ! are yopmen n tlOn, nud the Emp--t of IoWIL .. orlll, Alh'r:~dCoID"\1 pOkr.~~~...... By ulldor "" tho oompul ,~ '._ -~ enough to think. I'd be m8lUl enongh to part by opelling t. f .... _r~_DHt is pro~ to tlx the VRIlIlo-w.oed carpet tac I b ' t"-" b Normal School for 80ry educatio n act or 18 I UNly n 801lt.......- DetI'(lU FI ef) goon Ilrink whisky ' " - J(orl1CI G'H/~JJ g.....te at Yccltl? Tllo Buperin tondent ot lUg bOl'Nllf _ _ ut of the term of a Repro PrtJlllI. from 110.11001 Oil that dn)'. {InA Illh~bcv:ro!O~~~lltftaI His Honor dldu't aa,.. Ho made It the school, nt ItA opentng , said IB~i~::~ ,l 1;7U ~:I'I f'~· ~rC'~~~ ",l eentatiore OD. &be . . of Jmuary Instead of Its Upon A naR'e trial compul8 ory eduwtlO n three mooUls, and \>t,nt his ener810s u[lOn obJoots .. Our flIlI'Ileet <108U'0 18 that WII8 the trial it appoluOO thAt tho guol IInl.h_ , lD Ul e PiaU., Valhlf of the.th of Ktoroh. The object of the 10 New York 01 of lute J e ... gJven 1811 pllol'6llta prtm.a.·f ge, anol a(J je her (athor NE'RB..A.S~A. the next CIIlIO. -F'roo PrtJll8. ~ ~ Ioppetorll to be to abort.. proof 01 UtOt!O who m~y 1D &i'tBr time oomp1et o IIPpetU'lllg in ber defeoeo. po8IIlbility and 118 VIlIue. Hinted that &lfl theU' ednCRhoo here may become Vlrtu. W1UI kel?,t nt home to - Gte illtIrftf between the election or Cunons ly Ita enough. it hllll boen moet sno· attend dIvine 8Ot. How TO M.&.u: A PloXL1l i.-Take your oue womon. llnd so 888i8t membtww udUlee omme noemon tof th ir OOII8fulln th most their husband e; Vloe. The Polioo J ustloo WlIS unab) • plllOO. tbe yOung08 t male child ...h ell about S yeare virtlloWl - - - At )lftMnt moat ef U,O memo metropo lis. In tLe di1Ilcult motbertl . loDd 80 ln8t.rnct tbsir bowover , to find any xemptio rural dUltriol8. a old. Lot hitn have everyth ing h o wanta: u ou U18t childron , Md that, by their giVlDg birth aooount 10 the law an ~ tbirleen or fourteen disguati ng apathy has prevaile d, wfileh lWei tIOntenood tlto guol let him mue 88 much nOI8ll tI8 over he to IWd ronnng up tbe,.ent erupont heactua l hnep:rev entod the ohildr nof tho 1& worth,. populati on, to three monthll-. Ul th vO!1 likes;le thimoa tanddri nkll8m uohaud our COIIDtry ailll t •• 01 tbeir IesWltti 're dutiotl. A poor or of onnuna1 3 from mny become a proflperollB Itis not hkely tllllt the RoforllU ltory• pll1'elll8 IoUtb ~ to amend the Coustitu· knowled ge W1lhout whieh galDlng the whatove r he hII8 a lanoy for; 81VO atrict and trnnqllll land. " 'l'his 11I_1JOod start- willllub mit wltbout te8tlnggu:I's tb IlUClltiou . _bntoe d in A petitiOIl from ciu· doomed to extreme verly• ortil., are, iwltruot ioos to his papa, hit biB brolh ra, In tho dirl1Qtion o:t educatio n, and has MlIBOUR l!, the god of rognCl!. enm • or 8Jstera. "fl8ltofll and eervanta that ho 18 good ondH II WieooM in. 10 ltiAMtr. 'l'h_ Oriento.l.e VlgIlelt ou UIO 8]X'mtll IIclllllIC8 is the t"Id in the BeD' both. 10 the city, owev I, good work. uumBeI nov r to be pltniahe d in lilly 'WIly for IDlly yet t.OBe.b U8leiMOn Mr. Cam ron.. It uk. tor AD baa beeu dOlle. Within the tWelv mouth anytbiuj B in the bleeeing B by ill ln~ruw Revenue Departn l nt to r he -may do, and 1l8'f6r even 01 popular edu~'n, provide ~~~... t loboIieh lnl tIM Seute or th 8,000 ehildren have been d, al ... t\y~, rootifter a. rOBOUed froD! oontradi otBd W lIIll'thin g be mal' Bay. the] do not imitate as IJl t.he _man's __ ~_..,.-.,..ad 'g- %alA« the pow· V1I8J'IUlC)'. lD January . 1876. ~_ __ _ __ _ the a'rer· By the time he arrivee at the neet JI8tl rigbts brutin_ . ",hilch 18 80 apt to 1Ao.~ of !lepre> • attendan oe at tile pnblio lIohoela Willi of 7. your Ot· MI X N w Hampsb ire men who ~ II V youngee lie L t male ehild will be a ltNllf upon every lD1O"Iemell.t for the tl{11l reached .. .ud IUId 93.88G. Now it 18 100,914. their ()ue hundret h birthday thl l'Ory nios pickle. Cfttion 01 womeo, ~.RTII1fO .... A.~ yellr, twu hl\ve Already died. W
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·f "rdilllU'1 Ir ttil', ~ II 1. 11.·1' 1111' lII:1rrj H~'·. Ihl' hri Th., tir·..i •. hju·1 I~.r ,' .111 i.I,·fIUi,," »IIII~' ,Ilt! I'll ir II I d Illdr Ir il'lhl purt,If.k .1I rhl' I''''I~''I ' ,J r. IlIt' f" rll railwar , o f u I •• I '1Ih I ~"i"i1 \I ,ul,1 III' ,I tt; i th nature 1&1111 I' t~lIt ut' till' I ~I h h " "" 'I 1. ,i llllj!il'l! h.1 thl' .Id i Imlh,' t.. Ill' p ..,, 1 idl',1 I,.l·. II thl' 111.,1 IIIo·r., g,,,,,1 to h.: trall~IMlrll'l1 Tb .......1....ollr'~lItltala 1.1"" \I ;11 .etll".inlt man 111111 , •• Ih,' r"hli. for Ih pal' ..,,1"11 "11 I I I hi r.. lI) I IS ' 1I I11' 1.1 I 1.J .III Illu. -111"., III rd ".1I!I,' \\''''' n, ", I1\", nol lo~ . 1111 , . 1t1'11I'" Ib , . , " 1':Ifl'h II II 'I 'l'l'II ' .Itl h I 11(' I, 'Ir 1111 , · 1.. 1' 1II • tll ·ll. .ttCUt.!llU t,. , bl.l•., " 'Ul ""-. hi lDer ' n t· \.' U~lI1 U ..wt" u f , I ~'It W pre I Ie tin' a.tU t' ed til th O um,·... " .1 th rll tilt'\' :I ( ' '1IIIIlo Hlllt i" 1I " I' 1" "<.11 tmflic. 1~lal'l"htl , ty t' the ~ar , w GUll .~ de. arttod .r. r h i(,H ~)' ,·ill. Cillei,:. 11111 ,It ll ta I · UI l ' I ill II", eLi,\, vI' i" . ~. ' II 11 1111 IlPpl'\.' · iu ~.:u. I My PRIC,'ES be LOWER this yellr- TlJAN EVER I:UU; '" It " Itt' f. Ii_ " l'Il a~ tl lflltlJ::1t CUll lIIe~II'Il . IIHtI :11 ,j III t.h l! -:\, . lh c U ·I \W?I''' LII 'kaw IlUllt' lll1\1 since the Rebellion ' and hfl'. onr hl·. t \I :, 111' filll ,.w th o lil ir P ' n Ii. " I " I 'rlltlllJ,t th" I'l.a,l, my Terms are U SERAL. J ond 1.. ",·1" .'·(' 1J lI~ L d ~k tl ml flllll d- Idll l'tllll! lit • gll u ~c Li llO \\' .i .. hy ~ l st rn. lV.drua d 'v , 011'0 ChUIJ- j , ht I' glllg thc): I'\lat.l t'rum w ith· t a ·lIar· ' ''ml' "rill \'~r l4.' ul . . . rolllll r 1(1 I. til tl...' ~Il l'\' ; \l\t W b . n WCI' gaugc. Tit , 1I111ill lillC ill Any Jlr ompt ~li lll ,',/1/ I,u!! '1Ilyll, l/lf! Il' 1II!J li ll. , /, I. " rl •pN'f' l lIll'<1. 111 ~'lI ur l ;)'fh tho nn. Ilcu ', ly 21 lun... Tutal J r om 80 (,/ [H tllI !ll/ . or hy III'Hti!tl uyl't l'1n lIt J il l' II {(lIl :-:i ,', r 1:1'''' ,... f W,lj hill ' t ill! til uf tl. tru.flic cau l'll il y bl' ,I. ength I1Jnill Iinmile~ y l /, [ ;111 1' : ' lllld hr~lI c h r. ):\lJ" IlIlt 1 10ill 'ill" ')'11\\'11 lti ", ;\l vlIt '!\ 'J1l,'r.l· 0 11 1111', 0 .. IU!Cl'rla illcJ . "WlIl'd !llId lell, '11 hy tlt 'IIl , ' I ' fllltl d I;'r t.l' l'i/o!.'. 11 11I"lIlh . ,.Id . .. ' l'xt >. ffi , ' I • m.),t (' lIl \Juue l lll i l\'~ . Th is I ad i iu a g.. d t!wl I\\' PI.llp ·1I :J.j 1 III . tllll' .... th,'" lIto" e l r Irull~ I '''I'th ti ''II. 1 11 ord ' I" unn ' lui c md iti oll, th tt/ek IItu ml,n·i ,.,lrhill"'" .. ~ n.... '1'1.<. tl uli l , til 1'1''' 'IIre t Itl' ~, ' II 'Itl t I10 Itlll r k' ' t .. I t 'I on.. \\'nll ~ of tt. . .III~ IIl" IllI' I ' \,i~ (~ i ll II tl1l1t.l' l') mi.,l·lI 5a. In fii llI u-1 hu Lw' ,11 til it,d unll' l\.f th l,rilJciplIl li ll d IIN·t · illl p' lr- , 18 of thl' r.hll i,·l' llt'inl! rl·~l' I·\·cJ . ' E ~ Ic rll_ I' e lIl ~y I 1'1111 1 " A UEliu t~'d 1 , ""lllt' /l, r(>. 1\ 'C,III1I11')l,Ial': lI• 1I f: l ~ t n it I'll ", tan I .rll:lu. 1 s. "1 J ,., r ' lI lllll ~ ro:. ll ' e 1'[\1 • • Tho lluc ·tivlI .1 N \ ' 11 , i" ' ,' W 'Lvr I.- II llu ~" J :1' ey.nn'rn~(' w(>i!!11 3 6~ II; 401. 'h it'h Il~ ~" ~. I'''Cd . What vrt ,lt' IlHll. ltillt'r." I Who~ 1 s lIch 'lI rllnJ u t hl 1 <1 elll'Il' Il,'prl ~l' d' 4::4 Ib.;. • I': , II uo lid" ,,·,.rk ill the IIIlt. t g ·u Inu ll br au to :I Illlrmw gllllgl1, o::? 1hl' tw,. )"t (5. ), mllll e. antl\'!' :' ~ l:" Il " ll1 ic IIIUIl 11l'1'. 1 11 1'l:llti<l1 I , *m '. 1.1- I NI'I'r..: ALL TU \ !ll t; .\ 1\1) l I" ~ou i ~ II vt a t Ol! 1-'1'\1 1' 0 til CCUII. ! ~l' of ,So! !hi!. nnd Wl'rll S'~~ d lv cn l' V I' clIlle h ', tl , lllll.'ll tiPII i. J ,,11Il hn nk. (.1' Dnyl l'lI , lit . ',2u Cll~ill' !it-Itl d li d 1\ ea r lit' t~rly "!uy 11.1 UU 'll't lng . th Narrow • H)I·'l' l" l':III ".J III Ihll b 'g l11111 IIg I I II \ \\. l~ ,:, [ 1 , lllllldl' ·d. g r\l • It~ Sl'llt; i ' j l\~ l II ' C Il l'cll ie ot fvr IIltlk. Fr.lIll my gell rul kll wleog of . nUI'J; !, "III). :'. ~. : h ('till hlllt .?Id iug up a h uill . , . ' ,. . a Uti of ill ty cuts; the CUUtlt,. . tlll·ougi . \ hieh your . . 18 my nlU~to. II~ IIU kel'plllg U lull 11110 l. 1 \' l'y thlllg 111.'1·tllllllng to II I d T<'litlbl ~. 'n 'h lnv, t,otl ttl\Vtlsl" p( IllId if II !;l'l'lI lCl' Illl/u bcr 111'1.' 1'I.' I IIIi r ~0.1)V 'd 11110 P s ::l. I 11111 leu to tu th btl Ille s . ........... 1.. 1 ~hlhhl.: .PhlI;ld Iphl ••••n. l·d 1 1I1' thU .t~" L in. they 111'0 II e>l iI ' , I' thnt it would ~ improp r _ _ Uhll'l'cI us II tho wlt" l... I,'ad WII.::! ill turit O )'vn Iv nd pt 'her thlln tim J" e T h\' I!r(,llt l ilt ronti"" ld Exlli bi- Vlll' Ill; UIII I wh ell ~ illg l u, 1Il'lllIlv .J l'e tlll't'U fcct gllligo. Tfl i.. i , 01' will t1"1I. U" '~glll' J to l!lIl~l lI1 eIlIUr(l te Ih ... ell. il." IIlVV~U iu ,c"~'re~p 'IIIt1~u 100th Il nll'l'I'SIlrY III AlIl l'ri('lItI I II' tlIUI I' 1·'II~IlClly . . TIll 1' 1\ \' 'ry t" L wI! ' n eompl elcd, n family rOl\lI, U l'J) • ,4';. iUl' oWlIl·d ILUti operate d hy IJlIl~ Iv ell, _ _ _ ___ ~ ~__~ oppt>lld ,'uc'e. will Cl I'CII May til th I '\'rtll~ t It'lIt ,1l 1' II~ Ih e se l('ction ___ ~~ 01' IIl1d sllpp"r tt.'u hy COlli tmd.' 1\11\1 alld clfj~{' N '·('lOh,·1' ] rl th J 7Q. 1I~l uI 't llJ n III I 1II Ilg stock to r II , ~o '1\1 trlltHc the n'sult of hulUU All tho nati olls ill th o ",.,rlu, roa~ . IlIu.ll::olrie:;. This ·r I\U is "ne ill l . Dill! 1111 rh e . tllll'~ nlltl Tl·rrito riv. ., 1h in gl'l' s nnd t'gr I' pns· A DOUEILE THREAD LOOK -STITO EI MAOH INE. of' tit U lliol), will p"l't icipalc l'll l( rs it! ill I l'~ OI' vI' tho slUall wh lcb y,~ u nil tire lW It uuld bo larg ·Iy IIIlel'esteu, afl'u rd i ll~ you " hd ngin ~ togl' tl ll'r th e Ino>,t c 1\1: CIII' ; it i~ lighl er in propurti on t" great!;!1' fuc:ili t icd f" r nlUl'k ·ting, l' rt.IH' IIt! i,·e c,.I1 ('('ti <>n " I' art 11" 'a tho InUcltt 'uTi , alld wtlltllw uyt! hipping nnd roc:eil'iug tltvek, daily mes, III cllUllical ill ven tions, ci ell bo IIflici cnt lur n s mall tl'ui n ill or thrice dLlily lIlaii . t~h' gl'll ph tific d i 8Cll \·('ric~ . Illllllll lil tllri n!! wh ich case it tll'I'Ve 1411 the pur'po . lind nil tho recellt nud vullllluiu illl' acld(,I·t'ntellt' . llI illl' l'a l ~ pe imOll . us of IL hll'g 'r cuuc h Ul' elll" is 1l.10rC prullelll cnls 1I0 W ill C'"11Il·tt iull wilh If ' 0 \1 woul d hll.\' e ollli agricultlll'lll I I'r.)du c ~ ever cOllv onil;lllt nnd more ell~ ily tl'IIIlS' l'ILilrollu~ in gcnl!l'a l. Ilicrea C 0 1 I clIlt ibi t d , pIH'teu. SUUl p~ I'l!OIlS clai lll , thlll vall1e of 1'\,11 1 \l t atu alld p I'solllli The ~r l1 f HJ ~ ,Iovot d larger CIU8 are IDII I'O oIa~t. ic IlIId prupcI'ty, Iwinging li p 01 lUII'll a nd exfJihitiltn Il l'e ituntcJ ou thc lin ritlo 1II 0 1' l\~ ily than th . 1I11lllcl' l'illag's Id,)j lg it" routu :111·1 litH of til Ptln llsy lvl\uin Railr ad l\lId lI lI« ' , l.'lti l'r')\·1.'8 Ihut tho IUI'/(" illlpro \' '\11 lit of lmsille in 1111 tbo l IIlbmcc 450 nCI' of Fairmo ullt Cal' is '''fluker Illlli 11101' liubl e til tt'tl. les Illld I'rvfo!l i II , will l>o tho 1'11' \;, nil Il ighly improved and II' i ICllt. lh~II" Y CUI" rClll1 iru hOlIVV fO lil t uf the CO lI stl'IlOl illfl. vI this ' uruUlIIcllt('tI, oll whi ch are erect d mild; larger ties; l\lld mVl'ti t.le tl'UC- PI'oJ.!IIseu 1'0110. Tho shi l'lIlullt of . t he lurgest bll iltlill'g ever CUll. till\) to tit' track, tllld the propert y c )111 i~ ilUPOI't.lIlt, it u\,li~lg 1111 u~ti' l 81 '\I ·t ('~ . , ~ 1'0 01 th ese coveri ng nn ?f the cvutpu ny, ill g, IIcl'lll, SlIttOI'> c,le ul hOIH\) CU IISII'llIIHlvll, which . in tit ' market , hlly th o 8 1'(':1 vj tilty II CI'C • and cvstillg $5" III c?" se.qnoll co t ~ h ul r 11<1... MUll ' bOll lire now CV ITI1~ 'llcd to tl'l'"spo rt 0l).,'.0. '0. The tvlll~ numb(~ r f englll\:!e rs alld rntlron d OIUIlUgO I'o I . Y II'Ugllll ,tl90Jt·tllllC:; ill'el' .111111. st l bl uJ d JIIg I' ~ctcd tor ex h ibition fuvo r the brulld·g llugc !:limply uu. Illl pn:!su blc I·oau.:l lind UIII'l lIg Ill] 1111'1'" ... 8 i ~ VCI' one hnlldl'ed. Ol\use it is called IL big /'uad . r he Pa ll Hanol l and Pennlly l. illlport an t elltcl'prise. \Y u,IIlI d UII clclllollt ~"eath~/'; \\~h(·I'l:i\.::l. I>y thO it OII" cvn 1.1:"CII Vn 01 a I'Iltlrll.lu , y ou c.UJ \-a!lin U .•.ih'osd. the g reat Trullk ('v('r, bcg le:lv to illf'ul'UI tholll . huvc I t .h ruught to Yl'U" UWIl du!)r, I L ilc l' Utl Fast Mail R onte, will bc thllt w hcl'e ;I ehcnp roud it) wanteu , ,)r wl~llllI. a /'u~I:;IJllau l o ,d l tIIllOO, W ha" 011 IJlIIHI the U()-t us ortm lit of '· the tn " t lil'OCt, conven ient I\nd tho u 0 of the IlllI'I'UI\'-g:wgc l'llol u am) glvu III PXCllltll gU gl'illl l, 'lltlu, . ecullUflli'1I1 WilY of relll:h i ll~ Phil . Ctl the co t ab,)ut oll u·halt' with acl clphia lIud t his g ra nd xhibi.tion I'odncillg' th e eapauity. n~uj'II vut. pork !llld thc· g.... lIcl'ul .I'1'O\ ~I1Ctd Cit l II1C';~ thc fu rt,ll, III I;lct, ti ll S wtll be HI , r'}o ~rJ 'l[;l11' tr llll nlll'ur ts ot' tho conlltry . Its 01' impurtullco ot tlte fvncl. Ecvllo, Iuud vt )' UIII' OWII . untl er }")llr ~- ,,:u _' VJIJ tl'aill to altd from Philudc lphill Illy IlOuld ho Ihe watehll' llI'll vI cI,r,'c~ e\)~ltl'vl, 1I 11t1 fvr lhe S11l:eilll l will puss thruug h a Grand Ceuten . the milt'uull llIt!lt, l\lId to I'l:Ju co.: hCll e lJ~ ot cltch stvckholel': Dial D pot, wrl ieh the. c. mpllllj' ?"V '" :cs w e IlII1~t l'l::lilll:: the y <: r .. fl;.. ,-"d in th i8 mql'\(et . They lire fIS j, .lllIWri : D. J J"l'o ..\r TlA J1[" ~n(lgc. .1 Will. ~\)uc~II 'lu b~ S{\,~' l llg , . lhllt J hal' e erected nt the malll entl'anc(' rll? III "II I'Ut~ ciluI'Kl' \IIQr tl'llllsp\ PJV~\ ~ I f I YTU.V A{J O IfJ~: }t r UII .II0.\] ), SC'OT cct ~\ III ud 1111 t u~ c~n8 1t1ur' 1 .r· thiS SU?.1 'll to .the oft hil,itiutl ground s for till' tHtWII uf gOllus I.uld eOUllu orco Ol, [J' PHN.. lU? FrUA L, ((0 OL I VHN (' lIl lLED, . i. IIble dlSo llsslon bctvl'o It It! th or· accotuulOdntion of pnosen~er whl) .pal'tly tho cau 0 luI' 1)11 1' httnl all 'i w lt t el. cut< 1I 'i/l'I'IOI (ed to {I ii,,, 'uti'~/il(:tio ll. tillles; o~l ghly cOlllpreltell.lio.!,tI nlld \lPI·re· wish to Slop ut 0 1' sturt from uny yet, wo will lIdmit that g ud$ nrc <;lllled by tl.1Il pl\h"~ III j:t~lIel'l\ l. of the uUlJlcrous ill r![e hotels COli- tl'lll1SplI l ted much ehcl\"c l' than I huvde gl \ en '.1 luI\' vt thc. rells· ~ IT TenSion, ,.",In' anwhich - - -We hav e l!t l'ee of Lbe UEl;T-- 'he vlroll.' of . 10. I ;" Io ' · R .... nln~ " DO MESTIC ." IlIclllJin~ lh . _I t ignoll>! to ·this stati vn. a con veil- Ii fly Yl' lIrd al!o. N II W thot' uemallL I AUlomatlc .......s :tntl i~ lh\.' I ..... , m ''' ' I! l op, II I'anccu III III voJr ot t. lU I .~ _1'1.,.,. no.le. "'" 1'.\ n;Nl' J-I.\IWEN IW CONIC" L UEAIU:o.' l:· ... bo.h.h. M.chln. N ience of the gre,\tedt .va lne to visit. i gl'l'ate\,; Illuro go) U~ tt> be G .1 I and StAn.\' slli I urrow. lIuge, :I ct>mptll'eu. IVlt I . .1 J.'J.' d I 011, nL'" "",I 0101 iJ••, ... ,' h,1 ""I ... h lt b,.on. l "c~ M• • hl"",.1 0\'$, a u UuOI'6 exc ueive Iy by tilt' IJOl1, lIlIu, ",,01 1'",,1 . n' , ... "." ' ' W wo, k_, III l't! in the 1;1...,\ -.!lty or ~c .... :tr\c , ~e ", Jcr..q \· , h .I VQ ~i\lc" UI a litRl liS Ii ell) 4ucll ce, we th se ot thc' st' ,nUll 1'\I v ltl ubnl I l ( \1 El' lI \ ~ fl. At. '·: X Cl' 1. · '!\ I, ." LENCE, Mln;, n,",u o r rdc,iol ... ~1.,. i """01 uf Uu•• bilil)" .",1 run Handle IlntI Pe nn s\'l vunm have grenter fLlcil iti('s for Ih '""~u vf w ...~, " • • _, I.. "."r.," e ship. glLl'd .to tl~1l cust 01 ~~n s tl'lIet l o n l ruchcdln ' hcS<"'I"~) ...,,.. ,•• wu'I ~. Uu ih'uad, 'which is the only lino mu. 't of g(lou:l. Fifty Y"'1l'l1 . hCllt'e, and op~ratl"lI. ~dllptuhtllt),' to hen· TO TI ll S ST.'\TEME~T :\ ' 0 THE MA C II I ' F. ITSEI', {o' rUll nilig th eir tniius direct ·to Ihe (h e cost of .tl'llllspt> rrRtion will 1> . v~ ?I' I~gh~ tmille, 1I~llIlI tt('d uy l Celltclllliul Buildin g. w. Invlt. tho • uon.lon or n!\,. ~'r.dally Ibo•• havIng hleh tncchanical 'kill' or . luncll less thallllo w. Cheap tmll8' Olvd EllglIlC~l'd Ullo!tiSHal~rua d l~n.ll· .bao.vallon, N . U.- ,' II \I,.hl..« ...11 )' "'"" ' .. 'cd, --- _ . porttltio ll is what we WlIllt nnd tigers, wh v gll'o t llo slIh.1 'ct a hili', DOM IS:5TI C SEWI NC MACH iNE CO., . o::T Th e Supper nlld . F estival must hal'O nlld tv olttnin tit 's wc hUllest nnd nllJlI'l'j lld ieed cl)n~: d cr· 'N ("..· 'Y .... J .. ... ul ( l"jC'·ng c>. g lven .b . the Son,s, ofT mperllnc~of JUlldt build' l es~ oX I ensiv e l'I1 LADIE S. 'USE " DOM ESTIC " PAPt:l: R FASH IONS. our vlliago 0 11 . Ihursd~y ev enmg or, in othe r wOI'dll, IIlIrrow ilrollus, ativn. FI'O I~ pa t eXI·el'icllco '~ Il d guugu. rccOllt ex PCI'I IIIUllts, . the thrill! teet l~st, wus pre )Jnrc.d \\'!th nil u e Th eil' fil':;t cust it! IlInch l o~s. · . gll llgu 11 11'; yi e ld ~d th~ llest J'(;> BlIlgJe hI tho plea IIlg 01 the palates 1st. Nurl'llwel' rOlld .bed i:l re. 111101 aM cvcrytlll. ll ~ 1/1 CVIIIl ~Ctll ! ~~' I IItW l "" of t1~0 p~a pl o hilt n there wer,' • I ' with It NU I'l'IIW (;lallgc .."lid ill ill , but fo \\' IlIlIttendll\lee, til e lillllncilLi 'Iuil'e! , ther ' oy reducing the a · the 8t1mC d ... "rce Ie;;. I!X I)c ll ~i \'e /llId · . pmt 0 f·,t I10 olltorpr i e WIlS 'lilt ,I S tII llnllt of l'xcl\l'lItioll alld ell1bul1 k· 1"1 Cillillil y ufli ei\' ll t, 1 would ' reel'"I' B,lIcces. j II I n.s desireu ; ulthullgh tII Ullt. in Ihe market: the lVE. ' 1'HR_\i, :D rBEL" alld EXCE L r II/oud i l ~ ndu['t iLIII UIl U II dU II p OIl I OH! , t I h :!d . S mall er ties. ' 10 pl'opu ra IOU'; WCl'e e a orlltc ali t I . .1 3d. Li gh tel' tl'esslc wl)rk lind yv ur pl'UpOdCU1 rvau. UbIlH UUll t. I t WIlS d etermi lled by bridge . t! l)er tf'uctllrll; al do, Ie 8 He P'l!ct ull)' ," UUI'R, lI tlte manllgert! to try it agnill 0 11 1'II OS . I:i. M OO I(.~; IIEAO. ' g, d masullr v IIDd lOBS bllllast Sa tul'd uy evollln 01' grn vel. a misl!illll 150.. 01_ .I Civil ElI ginol·I·• T 4th. Lighte r iron; Ilnd in thi d Wit Wilt Blipper. he !lttendancu - Wit mi /I [It') It J " u.l'lt(/./. WIlS no Inrg I' on the second cvon. purticll lnr 1"0 hal' e a gl'ent advan· __ _ •_ - - illg, bl1t thci'r enj oy ment of the tllge, as th e li gh ter ir 1\ is of milch Henr)' Bel'gh would Ii III I n good occasivn seemed grentor , and 0 b·tter qUI\lity (this fllct is nndoDi a· tleld hel'e, jud ging !'!'Om th e numh~ r good fceli llfJ' prevail ed. Immed i. ble);. th erchy Illstin g milch longol' of pUOI'. misers!,l .. CILrCI1M I'S, all thnt I'" than ate y aIWr Buppor 0 11 the fil'st even· gangc.the ruils IIscd on thc broade r i8 lett of wh At OIlC!! were hor9C~. whi ch urc 8 1) 11 (Iriv en uhvut Lhi~ ing, some UI 'mbers of the B. O. B. T , " local Club sUllg n song for th e lIIH.li THE ONLY STOVE MADE oncc .,ese 1\10 not lancy stntcme nt8, d' itvJ . OnFc IlOO I hellst wasMlell In elicitin g nlllcllll pplause I ' ur imagin ed l'esnlttl, but fucts lenfll ' Ie up 00 I Ollll'Lh st. eet l ~n ' 1:1,\' . d h . d I b lDorulu r N ew Fced, the ol\sicst IlIlIIrll ed nlHl co mpl etest Drill offered g -c tl ll l' y II cu~u 0 s.1.I1' 1'(1. O n tile Becont! evening , the Miss e to the trade. y ox pel'l clJce all hlng It Y tion nnd ill tl'cll tlUcnL JI.. III 1111 Lil ede Patented reb. 2, 186R, and Sef t, 2, 1869, W e 11111'0, ulsu, tl complote st')ck of' oue·horse es Racltie an d Anni e Ebrigh t, COIDID OII B~11 6~. 111 \lei • , ca8es of cl'uelty LO un illl .cl s, th e verY I • Amelia Farr. und the Messr!! . C.lay In cOIl~ldel'llIg the. cost 01 li ghtest pUlli ~ ltlDell t wO ll ld h e 1'01' tlte Warwick a nrl W ill ie Whi te sung consll'lJ clt.)n, there Willtil'at bo actuull y ownel's and lt ol'MeS to exchan ge 't I ' . . o f tlVcnt~ to tifty per plscea It isLile qUI e a nUITl b er 0 f pieces accorn · a savill'" all outl'nge 011 Lite best H .. vo It . ul Vi) of th o .•1 , o "~4n"fII.d "elebrl\' ., . . ........ pan ied with mll~ic by the orgl\n, ceut: , lind tn tho ro I:ng s ~oc ted O' H,k· ' t'lYo. ond ,,1\ uther jir.t·c\Il." p.r· ... 13 k and a\l or which were well receive d by ~lullve po,wer, a suvtng 01 twenty fel'lin!t's of humanity ; !lOU if there 10' , bedro.m. lu,d .tOI'~·l·OO 'U ~'tuv"". · ia IIOY law to re8lrnin th c8e wretches. th ose present . A ~IARKEI{S, hvo to. thirty per alsu, the tue omeera wbose d uly it 18 to tlxe Thc ~ro 8 receipt s Ilt tho door operatt llg expellses cm~t.; ttk Will be propor: cute Itsuoul d comll\Joldly up tu tbe of nl\ kiud, in Imrr;o vllri(,ty. were uhout $25, and at t he vari ous twnatu ly less. " ; _. • mt~D\ DA a,M n,m tables 45, fur thll two eVllnill" s. Tho propor tion of dcnd 'weigh work. I t . Th cse are nut tlU1!1t t imes, aud ~ I!.~ ~~~~~~ ~!l Munufucturcchn,l kept 0 11 h~n,rnt The receipt s omvun ted to "as to paying loall is a8 much liS Il tw enpatched trollsers, and tUI'ued garmilch IlS coulu be expecte d, con· ty·nille t o ooe in passungel'd, and in m,mt.~. nrc tho rClllty consistent and I - . Bid riug the nombe r present . ., Wholesale and Retail. freight trains, !leven to ten; ur, in !l .. . ,. W e regret, howevor, t1mt th e otherw ol'ds,a paseng ortl'ni nonu otltural result. EeollolhiclIl, home- dOM iu tho hc.t IIIlInn or, nnd at low pricee mud e dresses ~re DOW the rule TOILE T SETS, FANCY WAHE Statio laudab le tr<lrts of the institut ion brvlIIl J.Cauge I'oad carl'ies twen nery, Confe ctionery, I ty· rathe r t.han the excepti on and Post.Digger~ And E ve"ylll/'t1y hi OU1' L ine, Tobac co and w ero out bett! I' encolll'llged by the nine tunt!, of lumbe r, iron, etc., Cigars. in sel'vo to show lIo.t unly the 'great fri onds of hDmanit,Y. There is. the sbape . of card to ncc.~ll All at the Lowest Rates. R. R. ENGLE . much to be d l)lle III the bron.d 011 0 ~Ii vI pas~ong?rs. Ih lsI\noda~ popula r drift, but also the very terri' importa llt part wh ich "Dt>mestic ' - -- - : NOTI CE field of i~telIlperance, and we ble lildpropOI:tlUu IS partly - ---'''cmd m' j: ul Snc'cel t"i I dne ~o Paper Fushi ons" sUI!tu.in ill the Notice i. h el·,'h), Kiven.to opine thnt It fulls to the lot of onr the system vi mauage 1111 per.onAhay. It 1 8 "'porled .lhllt 110 <" 11 . "', O"R"A ~ ' ment, but HI ecooomy of th e househuld. I.' iog bu"iue.~ . 1 with 1 of. \Vayn. STil i p has . sinco i l~ io,trodll!'I.Iun in ll.e (Jill · commt lnity to be CUrBQd u greatly a Inr gronter ueg reo t tlO T h' l b (ho ' 'f.n'teoe I ' 11 ted H l u~ ~ . rl'UClil'd t ho immeu "" 8 iHd c . . gauge. • • OWM Ip. t lat t Q Ir Qnuua m ctlng WI ·I d wOlg . IIt 0 f t ' ' by its oxistell c6 u any otIlor pIace TI Ie uea • • • Ilell.rlO lll!. b .. held .. t ttl"ir offico in W.. ynoi<ville . 0 0 40,OU(I do>"" PUI' )·c .. r. Ih'e. 6,001) D"ug I ruillS, cO llveyWarrnn tcd to give Satisfaction. rTl ... tho fi .. t Mo"dn.VIn 11["'0'1., t870. of. its siz 'J and we deem it the iug either passengers or guods, giSI8 h.,·u urdered tI d ~ l e,H(' ine dlo" =....u el fr!lm is , ... . D WOOLLEY 0\ It: I Elder D Cuudell of I d . D _ __ __ 0_.__ the FOIato.)·, III \'·oodl.ur ,' N.J .. ond nut ,)no duty of on uod all to Ily to the in d 'lI'cet proportion . _ _ • .~..:.... h",'o rcrOrled to 1\ Ringle (,diu.,'. bul eve.y leL· tIe gallge h • , la 11, reecU() nod aid willing huuds in the 011 which 1'~O'R ler ""ell ks of illlll tonisl.l,,/; '"CC~8. ill cur they rnn, or the pl'vpor · os ~ccepted the catl 61 the IIValley "'r I.l utioll of tbo wo:-k. W e may ti Oh of nou·pa f"\ _ . III/; B '.ur~ Ooughs, " 0101. souled On Lhe ying to payin!! Baptist Ch.urch to bec:lme her pllB· I offer .l' t" fur ••10, lcow. l\'ld on good B" clI"" ('onellllll't;,.II . . .". fi ll y d; enae of II be Con id red as expect.i ug too much weight incr~se exactly as .. t r ud 1St terma, a de.irable very lilld well·locutcd Fltrm, 'fhroot ond Lu"gs. W,· lI,h·i.u lin." rorson I I .v ,.a WI preac I 011 8 ord ay .even miles from tbe city of O.kAloo8 . at h~lJ(tB of the public bllt til e ro ils are far~hcr apllI't. becausethe R. J\1a. thll t 1.88 nny pl'Ilcli' pu.iliulI w.llk Lung•. I a I nex t u~ 2 o'clock P.M., and Sunday ha. h 00, . Town. of ~40 nor".. 200 "or~ of to . go 10 . I~e ;r 11~·ug>:!"I . A . DI! II , and gel r liberal s upport Il'iven, 1.ed tOil 0.1' m. n.t.cnul pl~cod 011 a f,orl'l • I IlllrrU ,W\ut hult'pa <;>. st 10.. • • r; uh secood llOtlom I,,"d tlndor oultivllt.ion· Ih'8111edICInC,.or - - ''''1 Ulre ahnot bulILlice om) uud !ill t hope. for Its contm· a:aug~ IS' stl'ollge l' IlS I'ogard 'I. Il"SIII ,u' timber nud .~Pl)Q8cd 10 be ooai si,e.75 conlS: ~.,mple bntlle, 10 C" tI Its 1I18. Wayne All kil)ds of "Voed Pumps at extl'em Iy I'ow. . • . . T9wnab ip Veteran AIID. land. Ono-slury 1101158 with 8OVOII roo rna. ""0 do~o8 wi ll . ' May tho in re t be awa· cur.l'ytJlg PUWCI' than the s~me rclie" e an,l' C<1~e. 1)0,,', All pers n wi hiog I\hythil lg ill 011 1' line will Hnd Itprices oiation will meet at the D, O. D. lllr!re barn. to tholr mteres t nnd good boarn '1.0 its ld stu,odu.rd by the wel~ht when srrcud oyer 5M-I)' • to gil'e UB a cull bofure },llIrchll8ing cis u w~uor Club· room 00 Saturda y evening, bo diTid. d 10 guocl nd."uIJ'lng ·otohard. 0"" ; n,!'gleci yo.,,' cough. reo 0 " "mos b !' . Would I tako tim Ili n 1.1 f tl 118 u t i ll tltutl _" !\S1.d. 1·4 IIetltl.on wild IBud in lowlI in pllrl nay- (1i!UII'lljSI;3"I Ji1f'Ui lon, .. arclt ftI prou. .u ti>th liS sel'ftll il1ji1IjU'Ij!!I ) d ·U . All are reque8wu &0 at- mo.nt. AddreM 't>f1\' tel ilbraill, ~ 1 \\,1 11 fIl;,r £. ~IDg~ ~ J .E. KLEIN, ~ .. Scult.),mllil(orIO o;t<, .E. B. r .. vu , }I.D., yuu e casc 0 e teo , fiM.4w ~ . Oiakalooea,luwa. ~ .'10 Lelll-a " • •h ..., N..... ~' -" 4'11, I'V uync8vI'11 ~
"',1. .
Ilcn ll;ri uo. Don e ProI 11p tl,'.
D. R
I ~~~~~~~ t'~
' I
Wl'th Sl'ld'lng 0ven Doors.
Elli ott & Coleman
.P eaoutsl
retO»l (toa sted !
TI N . W . It E
Uor -Sh a.·c '-~ Dun hlc- sho vcII J,ow s,.
SP( )U · r'l'I G &C
I -.
orn · She11era
" rnlrs~
Ol'm Il oi'crs,"
S \ LE
Ii t; through
II h
. lAnd ~Ilri'lu
city y ti"rWi 111011 • Attello . ,lI&Il8ItgIIllI--tltl'llI! Wllrll ,luWIl _ - l-'ound,11 III' i~'4lrl-'tl \,. • utllill. ~ Dlill'tl t.wu or thn. indll.'8 bv thellllll tll't.J g, 'luiro ot' U M. nurtlr ('WIt of llarn~ v"hurg. Will ut thuu"llilda who bin 'x!cn here ~ _ - Mr. Ge.. rge l:ieH It iaited t!t'll t ..ck und chattel '~Iurch 1.11h, before U -w Ilt I t VUK'rK\! illto r-;l ~:: ~ ~ ~ ~ Y urrow lU8t SI&tulI'd w.. Loy u. ,1"wD tt, .1 ....1", ay and Munday. hej(llIlIlIlg at it) u·c\!lck. lillie, I VlX!1I day, far nllO\' • ull, utt;m.ling a r And 10 .... \A.,O .. th ."..t. '::l ,. l' po: .... '" ~ ~Ir. H orace !II . All ' 11, of X CII . hUl'8e :VI • cows, 'w of uIIII h"g' . olle of tit' tin t I'lillorll' Wh,·th,·r WI! "",k,' "r... p. >-18 TIIIl-< ' ru,\B :I :I :I a~: ~ >< ~ M I Lelll'l'1.~r Crune "'ill se ll h ' r iu \ i lIed hi hom here lust we 'k. uU~"lIlbl(': I1t (lUI' 1i:llt thu ()r w,\ n u wort bu 1.., t 1l..r.~ r;;, ..z .l' l bOll Itolll good 00 CIty of Vharle~totl-tlltJ Ashley Oil ~ , s 1I~lIrcla or !:t :l " - W <Jll. Why vrx ollr ul wltll r ~ -:e oroell aud Tire Me· III'X~ lII"lIlk, begi llnill l( lit 10 o'c1ock ~;. ..' ~ ~ Itlto W t, allli op r rh'er II th l' ml'llllt. 'I'h" ra. 18 cool ond low. E.. to r ~ c y \\(,1 ' Ilt til ' curnlvl1l IU tho ::w- '\:0<01'11 1'. 11 ·.:,s. e "nil rill> Pl'lI- THE MOST CONVENIENT r ~ I ~ }(A V" w fo uod hfe VI) f"lr t'!\bt, tit , bny 011 lhe \J uth. /Llld , -: -.: CI . 'rio t we .hou Id dre d t.o go ~ U\\uy out to tho !loulh ·ell t; old ulld 1.1 · -W.. .1".".1 " " I""" wh,le .u ECONOMF'IAL I I - ~lr8 All c Butnlra rt. flf pring. CllINllIlilU I.. """ur. 151,"IJ)( • • : : a I:; 10 "'''' I_ull p_' 111 '" lit 01' ,,11111', 'I'll G,.,d. h.w, ,\lid 'Ve', ki d l ... v~·. ow t. r"lllipo. J. • 'J . I "" ....... ,. b ru, '" VI Ikd " h r vureultl h re Iu t purt "" I.,ujtltl .. I h,,1t tl .. or Vlllu,". tl .. n'n i' ,\ntl I.ft tltom .w~ L ud!'tld: I1 well cnlculnt{!d tou'wr ldcl ABLE' ~ fun'. it Will eru~hl~ u,. LU :!'.t!1t til m 1lwc r ' tiro out Th rt/MO th., w,ld bLoc . 11))( •• f.~;:~: ;;;::;~ ;';~!" thllnlh 2larl!" lo~ c lu"htt" uscs. owek.' The cit sl relehes trow :ll l"" B "hil!J,'flulU 'Il I H/SU f'/Tw . ~ --= .. -" ..· ..:-·~·-·I· O\ooms on wllcu h '" u.""l - A. . ::I t' I th oy ",....11 ... ,Id). IlI,,1 b "UfflN'r ,. ,1\1' I'''' th, ,,1'OI'/, .. k f tl fi rlv t til,,,.. r o rIver; ({/I ,I IntI< 1/11 tl ' trn "o . I' I' r Int· t .. ", un' ..... 0 " " C t .. ~.,., .h"'ll"'r~"",," ~ I=: : ~ limo 1"'lhrul Irlond,,, 'vo Inllud: ' R ' IlI l ll, Oll ye~· 'Vu . .... lI~oY(OIll ' A!C"lh .• ""u"'ne ,''''- ('{CUI I JO/' of ] 64 ' t plalnl visiblc. wlll·h I :; :: "a ,,,. ~ "But tJa., 6 ~ ho'ye I()ved Uti bee , rI"' llI ff [h •• J,t IllI ri - ?:: - . T""olllrr uw ~ou elill filld 01 rOil" hn"tlred l. fI!'''{III/ {. s\\'o~t thnJIPh the to\\n frum tho lillie \\ 'st ul ,\rl,,~ n. .. U lUI' under ground. d , lone \'a t Th 1 ~_ o ar VCI" illt I'f.' Illig rir.""o' ~rrrrtmu. ktlnd !::Ilf"!,'" r,L1Ho"t Will I.. n~h on "ltb tbc N8t. A ~}I oy t 0 tl Hl C ouper It .I onc 0 j" • tl I. 11 Sizes Stylet and Pricea to l !" 'T .1 v~ul.ne, WI I UUW IIll d tl lOll lI ~o ~.;~:£:::~:;.: Th" b.'ot .. I) leo .. \ ~ r I,H,'ro-d III th.. 18 ' ~ thll (ll tl e t t01l'1I 011 the "Jntilltlllt, lot tllnbur gru\tlll g a long tho a ue lettl'rs frulIl T. ' Y. lilLyli saud J. pl"ce )lu.11tI li t IIhlll.OIlI - - -~, - - - - - _ I I6l I,ri,e No h•• k I",oe 1\' IIcgun '"Ie nit everyo ne. ! ;-' bLLtl kd \r, 'ullett. MvlO .... 0 xt \\ e k. , 80U ""e fo llr lrllvitlg \111\ otlter IlIlnd~ L .. ,c "lid lx'(' 11 ~ttl·o III l U7f). ,Ik TtrII till< ; I f ) uu luI Ih creeks aud IIV rtl-allt! With· I MAIW" \( HlltI'O "... I ~ : : : : : . : ~ ; =. TI l ' I B II "'\ ' ~ Nu "'orlt Lenutlth thu .un t " t WHIIL 1110 d II PW ol,la • 1,,,1 I null,,,, I I ,,'unll"l> d f l . I ' II ) ur ru \CHI. II uruuy 11("'. ~"III" Iwlur" th.·, urI • erctruc our scps, llll nre Oll . tllltllg itetev i eU 'eo For which w u pod to " ako Q 1111 ... 1,1 •• I.. ". W CIVil M, ' 1I1,., R ,,lrt. E SO h.ld R . I & u CO goull t ., IllIdlt!UC I > It I ' 111101 fit h.1I1)r" ,' }"'"III ."""lo 'l"lhlll" t' t :I lilt e aglllil IU t IU" t I'('v l ,W I IIC 1111'0 W lUll . ' . N". 1I1' CII Iva 1011 exo0l' IU~ t 'prlllg" III und gu\'e 11 cr liable :::l -:-a-:'- ''-'r'l>< -'>l- I Thell holt! UK foa.tIt. ""'"et DCl1lh I ii.... N .~~... -""Il. nlll ruw und d irty I : ;. 'J lre l)1l1ld\ll~'" uloll!; the ~ ~ ~;: I.. ,., .. 110" .. "t un) "tlll'r 10 •.,1 .... '" th. U"UII... &5' I JUI ~ ~ Hlle 1'1' tl.e rl\llrulLO 'r ile Jf 800 IL" UIH t'lh lH.iat. ~ I ;;:: ~~. ~;::~~q;= :.~ "'~ f,, \ I ,,·' !:O_ lr) U"n l ,1.1,,, Ult: hi und dduJ1ld lltuti . 11111 1 \\ • d o lund lei lmj to "I",· "L .111 ., Uo ·xcellen l III I'lI.d c!l turtUtll !lHlIlI. 'Iv J lun W ' III j,:IU -. UK IJrc th ~ .; y: ~ ~ : _ ~ !;i' n ~I\~~Y & ~llss1LD1NE 1I0t likll (,llLLrI~s tllll. I t !'.tll,; lurily. ulld Illy UWUltll th e TIll'l wo . IUlllld 1(0 to ruoL • =";! 1iIoll wal u 1 11. Il nu }ll . (; ,;lge:E . nil! b 10" 'ltll ou rl'rc'u IlC(' l\l'd Id ull.)1 ulllleit uf the Violl rlod ' Hlti{,UIl ~I () " l'r, 1" " I' rietor 1 ul l I It l " w~ Itl\' II. d 'WII to Icc". !:;. ~~ II ~Icllt ,, " th!'rn eUl,ort. Sit we ar' r ' UIIi CU. B ,tweclI ho) vullIp It; ~cr ult ICI(' )C~llluUy Ill r .Ihur 11IIe lLlIO II!.: II hlllllt! III Il u0t' lull, VWIIIIIIIUII the NC\\R A I(OIICY, Ou l' wcu n ' ) .. ~ \It e cit)", : l;' ~ , u ' S , . I 11 11 11, ulle~~ 10 ' () d '\v ~ _~"" ._ ... . _"~ M ~.ul " Ct; V. b t ou to tL vnll IlIL CullI I t)' IIIrII "I ( I~ ~ he m ,tt g"e <~ ~ ~ g '1\ lll ll mall ' 0 ~ucts 0 III tUI I IllS I'UlillIIS thut the k ~ C \\ Or WHK C n O mor e, H E knowlj J or' • ~ 8(1'111. nnd thl mu t go. I '\' • : I _ I U.... .. .. 01 n",," ...I'.... ~ 1' ...... "'(( tI,u , - ~11 __ l ' ~ I Ellt K A t l/ke~. L \til _t.:dgcr, eakly ~ .IIIJ l ,L1 pel S Ha· . ~ 11\. D 1I1l~~ ~~ fib MUltl un on T. W. Un N~.s ' Ia t' lIallled ,,"(Cc, til Rocky UIIU II U II, Vlslt'd From l" IOI"dR, \ -,-:::; -= ... -, ~ h l~ h ll'IIds k~l ll IlI't zalll cmuc tlll~ III 111111 '. _ ~a~ A~~ £ ~~U M" 0:... 1 ::;; ~=~~t'5'5:: Wall atch MUUlltUlilti ure .een u \\ 'ek ~ ~;: II · Ita I !.:mll UI 'd Will 111" &111. Gaz it ._ W Illl liked ')'1 t'\ 1'1i .l fUJI - -Oil. -:-. .~ I·OJII Uullfur llill. loug wuy 011; !LIIU us we uppr(,aclr rcce llt UI,IIIIJ I II ~ ILI II I IIIlIg hu III \ IIlI 11,.1 ell ,..... / ." , ~ ;:-" 1 • 3 : :' : : : illll<:Sd e-:r Igu tu, but could oot8t1Ly III wily • S II C .. Dr alld d nellrer, I1nd took tne e vulung tro.rn tOI AI ' - II A J UIlLt' ed II i ANTA ARIIARA , AI. , Bir t 5 , ge ' 81111 ulrellne SS ~IlLL 'e IOIlI S IUII .p X l'"t l l'lIt~ 111 Mr. I B t!nry (I ken, C., dl tallt 0111\' 15 mrl etl - n .FI.'I.lI'IU tl Y , 1 76: to be drcilu 'd-o t a gru·n 01 bv '" -l , t; / @I ",!.. _ "V' ii ullti,). lust l::i ll lld.I)' lind 1111 tl small towu n th e 'Z t _, !Il b R R ., 120 Editor JfiIJ1fIt Gu zetl.. j I~" "EA HN BY - I h " " Hllltlll M .m h 2d. lUg illig tlU UIS ~ C 11 p"rt 0 lUI" doillg \\l·1 1 "'-'" Thue ul e 110 IIl'W I'if! mil es N. W. of tuul · tun , POPUI,L ' lllJful'o I tH'llig hUllIe I (lI'OUlI ,. " ~ ;a II,,· "If,· v! I II " C''' "II. II D. 01 SCU Iholll : 3" , alld Z III . th '\1' BdoIlCU, cu ldnc s c,,~e I alltl all I !!;; 3 ~ CI ·IIC. . ioll ~OOO · It lies 011 lL h ili , 601 I'l'ct sU lli e fri cnd~ to WI ItO II I, "uu"gh u' r tter lor lIod Hullt!nlJ u::Is we, lprcd~ o n to It - J ,,1111 J. J .lll1le v, "I' "I \1 III b1l 4 , M, ' O ll.\S - 10 1 ~r" h~ I" .• "II" Mu,d. hI D) ""n.11111 Cloro ."d utt"u tio" I",.• pro,cd - ~ nb,,·o tldo wRt4lr, ,itld 4110 leet publlCUtloli In yuur paper ILnd 1 llllm 111 It, wlll cI~ IS :'+2 teot abovo Cllrl'\(' 1l ,, ~I ... 1' H;dllIlO ff '" "" x:,>~ , :, "" • • '" .,,;;0 .: lhl, IlId, ~,~~ll. lit " II" uf ubo vo th 'l\Vanll lin v r,nlldh lti e wtll uek thl'1U 10llCCIJ I't D ll dJ" III1 •• )r.ufa '" SI 1Ulca:;lr1JiJi'l ~,' Ql f) ;:.- ~ I ~SS;?,:;;;!;.~:;g~~t. ~ tl~l nomina ted the Villuge ul li llls- t'nltillm c nt ofth.lt IJrunll 0 tI a a l' seu I UV~I'lIlddlnth C d l' Celllt 'W II\ <l 1 II LlIIIlIlll lJ lI,t. ~"" ,II1" dUII~h tUI , J;!t ~ -" "rch I I><ill, 1'" ",Ce ~ ~~~t;?l t) lelrIlVI~ ,I~n l~tt~m~l! \Jel'lt'Tt'\~O ,,1 ) cll" l\ 'PIII1~S 0., hll vu bu~n ttIJ\!'IJ ~ "'-: .,, " . ' .It "b K Alld,·r.. 11 .. I II.'" haa s YOU churc hes, but Ilclwulll III 0 We loft OIIlCIII nutl on the 13th I ~ 'il,uia ; 13' 'ii, :.: l c : ' a:; , ~~!! \V 'c I' , ;I,ltllle ·t d 1' D 1 ue, . g ill' ttl 1 of I J U lia:; J UIII.(·y alld 1\ til'. CC"};M k i I, lltlg ICC 0. N1' d : :> I ~I .r "WCI· 1,', III )1l1nC lpu I' aco I UI UCt • Ut 7 1'. M., und I . ill. ,e II,,· ".fo 'II .'rroro ." , r"oln~ .••11 " "rk 'nodo of 00,1 §. !f , - -_ __- lll· . reae Ie! t liS '1' G , D " I' cullr til tl",unond' .. f u .1''',:101. Hi gh land PUlk H otul, IIl1 elu"lln t pillco Ill :! A M ull llre:Ud ,I - 11 1''; EA . Dud ll'Y h.ls l c.eel V vf J"hll \\ .11 Clcn.. "'0,~_ r ,, ~ ~" " ,,07 1 " adl I ~I ut~, eVI ~ _ M"'" lieu mllt"","I. allli by I e· dn ll Illlln) , l ulr elllll "ICUo ;:. ~:;:: -: ~.:::' ~ l flllliOn bnildlll glltth c wut OIlU OftowlI, t.un ,.,ol 30 "5 mllelll nulgl:t u ble md ~ dllY; utdc r uUJetitlldot prill/ull "0Itel'\u:>t' l llIl ery g.lud f" r lhe ~ ~ 1 _,cc_'CQ'" eomlllilu ililig LI till VICW 0 1 t hll s ur IIl1d Igh t hvurrl, on lin a VUrII"U pllllgl I IJ ' Ill: ron 111 0111' e \'cs.ll~ 'gc e ll , '1he tuck c1,mp" ' (1 some iadc I .£cglll1\~uC\'ti5clllmt5, = \ •• "'.".,,"'''' elc~ullt 1'0Uildin g coullll Y. Alkc n I II well clndillg ull sloppug es I __ ~___ _ __ Exper ienced Workmenl of ~nore W I;CKI I li e J11~II Cltill)lI 01 tule UI)II,UII II veltws Ilno 9 ~ 3:1 S i3 3 3 S .. t'av()ra bly k 1101111 II! . I tl Ie N III t II I I1110 ti l tee we advi se 0111' lady I IlLlu Notice of Appointment. . Ull Ilour. allIuf an ll 1111ICII 0 __ roa s. 'V he l 1 l'1It1 ~ I' til' gil ' a I' aCI I' I . N USo.Wtnterr· 'o l tfVI'II\\· 1I110~ bllt at oll ce and eX!LlIl lue ollie •• hercLy gl\,(,,, Ih,,' A L A" I"'III 11110.1 .. 111.".. -h t lIncl ...1,1 •• UpUII mh. }I'VI' the bellelit 01 thosep Nons ~ lI e CI~y u C. II WOOLLRY, . I 1I lllbt l otlng I III, d IA 0 IIAINES. If ' 11 . " W II J. t u ' 1 &_ "I\· O!ltl"'! lo\r1I~ O I Jo·oltr,,"rv. !\\) Ju'IK",cllt.,~.JC" ' . IlavIng I '> ti IS J6 (fuled from uyga Ogllcn and Id CIl II· u llU S? ur s 10lt () Illy ex c~ ntemf ILLtlllg 0. VISIt . CA If ,,,~ II ll1 erl .. " 0 C;y.lll tie DUC I I~. '-TIlE """Ign to 'd J tIe 111\ 1 their UOI '''''IIt C nected ,II. b"th b r(llli ' ruJl H I'w 'Iv" , I tlr. U,,·e. htl l . JI1 "t r ·CCllVOO 0. nile l'lt "lIIll'o,""onl VCCtILt lOns, I Idt 1\ good d'lIl 1l~ 011 t. Will gtl'eso lllc1I1f\} r , . l" 1110 Illlcll! r"',<",i!. 111 ',ullt. 1 I J d Mlu'k Twaiu lol t U\ CI' hlrl Turk is h CVllce rn IIW thtl ex le llse of rlDut loo g. ~I' III "udle IIIltI hU IICBS trilDnl lll' r'Jllloe t .. ndltolf tire Irl In IIUlOUS ay tell~ all nil I"e" 'ru,h l"" Ali i 1.OII' /:S1' J>J,> /( '/9,'! I'm u ,I I t I k A'k "' . .1 IoiI U .. "," 1I11lchLml In ,,,"1 \ L Alltrd m &. I I lf b ut II. W 0 ul P noly"uOIY tu delytlr e ,10W '1 tlell l lIU . I'e I 0 11 ' .LIIII - !llIlIl b el'." (J I' tlllled vi th· fllr tlt e Sl'rlll J,!; tl,I' I<!, I\ld lr ,lY!! I-I~a p,'r " C IIW e ear ""IIIlII" r I:> I"oot<11 to ",,,I,e ll"l,,e,h hto plI) · 1 " I:> I II gOIl ·k ' ralguv I I el'nlllcl .1". lt l ' lct~, th ~ next. Ol:y IIII' tl ult (,Id, IllS what 110 Cl'" lily to ltlk VO, 1\ I III " I'''"1[< ' leu vY,lIlu llg Ilt Ilal I .. CIII ..llIlI t,,,.., the way It IO"I.:JIlIt C U ' lLl1l 8t I~ U tle!lO llllCll "I ""111111)< '1".1110"' " IT lI'on (l ch ''' ~ rI. no",bllt1 l hn~,.,"o l' . oJ lie, " I Ih. Vl'r, bes t qllalrty \\ hic" .,1111" tonc Cit 01 Chullu"totl. 1I111\,lIlg ut}JIOYI ' IVII , Clul lllllg.oIII ' • ... III>r~'CIIL 1hllll uul) nutlo. ll t, lll.d rrll L""UI· tc. Iv I'"). IUt· hc,t I"rlil. t" La huJ. ' to , g , ., k" ,II !l 45 . l ~ o '~le Ih')' I , l\ ~ lI . I U l1 ~ l tl 'I l\t I luast 'VI 15 p(!r . IIO t ' r I' llUU 'ts I\lIll<lO . , a t , I .M .. WI I'll. ' ~ I YUl n e l " R' I '')ID'[' q llLL ' e BIN meusur bC!' eol ( IVOlllo" LLte tLL .. 0 t. 11 .. n"" .,1' lelJO~lI le,(;' \\ cre purc,as· cUllIpl t ultJ"Jotlll" 11I1I1 1H'Clthr1uw" CCllt<:iI!.:UI'(,1 But\\lm th""tJ,. ltu d.. ".th tbe . ,\ ., l " " A "'u" 1111" bl gUOIIMUOII.t.t.llltl y "" II IIII!, IhIlIl CV(;lr belul eSIIIC ' , ]).I"dlltl. 'Ec1.rtlllr our snrprr o. WO lUet \\ Ith u \' ry \;l~ , tho ulllion u rute of hLre v~Il. ~ ~U ." o 1100,1 ,",Il..cllonof I!(IIII of ~he lIIl!tltlltl UU t1l11t i.. II CIIllse 0 1 the Will' . Go III1U SHU WBrm receptl III by Il. 1111 p:e delegll th ew. InClllllutl to Omaha , fur 11 first . . I' d I J' 10 I TU RES d d B ' R .'1 C]{ E'TS I V . U d lb' Notice tl n 0 Il s lume of Appoi rUY'1ll 'n, t'Xprt:lSS 111"11 . C llSS tIC k·(' t, V.II ':-"I j 3"G, an d t IIe contllHl ntment. tu - ' ' ')(11 e I~ II I e .0 reCOi lI N ' tillS l"lld O. II'UcuUll~ed CIIsgmcll I b I A I \ B1\ d "ther urLlel•• '""I'"ol\llIy ImJVided ,lor \ IllzullUl 1 the SIII.hl clIC pUll1 hack·dr l\·crs hot ·1 nnd uOll ldlllg IIH llllubl delllh or little Elnest e nt rutc lO~ I. frum te" y tho IlIV,'" last I · lilt unm· 1 "I . t I ~ t" ~ 1I 11r~01d 80rl of Mr an!l M '8 \V tr.m . •"1 Lho :!lldd,,, III 1'~lJ rll il "1\'" om II· ' I d I to S F IlOuse b ul\lm r , euc' 1 'SCU . S UIII C IriS lunlZIl lU ll. A n 1M· I vl elflg \1 II I 0. puce " lUI rIllICI 18 100, iU. II".It( uml 1111 111. "",1' , t~. t.utlt rea J \V C l I\lhl if" J'UJi!' ~. r ~' r:trli f\fIr ,~.a the othel' in exploss lOll oi uf frre nd IlILlklll j! 12,$,35 in ull. This M HIiIIOld, at Fremon t lust Sutur 1'"r,,," .• I. w tho .... 'ter ..... llo:1 III Ir ... d oed _ . _.;. . OLLETT. d"y ruOI alll'T It Hit SlI'P PoSIlII th e h. udil "f 11 11 III. credIt ". AII t fur Lim ~~. ~~ ; ~ ~~:f).;!!.hg s hip ulld iut I·~ ... t ill (llIr t'utnru cu m " tit tuclnde n b~rth In A. r , r-ull. III' ? ~~ Pnllma n ~ - ""!J BRIOGS & llnoTIIKn, who call dClIth 1 ~811I l~j l II OUl!!I Oup. lie Wlt ~ d.uteu to ",u,1 .\"."" 111 A .. l ru", ", . re' liort. \V 0 " e rll I 'U II Y ovel '( me; tS'1ccper. 1'1 10 cvst 01 this I I I I Ilxury bllust of cond ucting tir e lurg. t "'Clilt llrec y"nrs II b I (lUl:lit "'J 1, u IImk )mln 4hl\W Illld uftci ' roll unll III tiro O I ~~ llUI to r tho ntll'O dl ~tllnc e IS pll\,munl uuJ N jJ Inf.· r lOr l·"Otl ~ IInrlf\~ll lln nn a.n) hoLl \: 0 l . a l'li( It . U ,, '" hll\lllll cI 1111" IIllllI".1 tI, .. ... ",f , "III $10 ' fOI beed bUdIIlOl!S In the kn Olln wo rld lJennll!l1l hOI, nO ~ I' , LI til " 1IIIdc 1\11,1 )11\' ~ru.uut th~ ", oIlt1) II I1, h""'U lltod CUI I1l1uw. pnrl ol' of th o pull~tll~1 CilILi lc tull Il s lIlg le bCI t.h, whic h IS A vpr~ .111,,11 II IIIrglll (0111) "'keu"" (l .ou);u~ lntelillcd nrc an 1111"1 ng to compil e n work i~ 01 III~ Cll tS . Mlly Gud comrol ~ ""IT,.Il.t! till" Fd'I';~;~':-;2~~~ Ifill A Ul:\ liotd , "lIlLIISW fIIlg 10 theIr IlLl llle fur Oll e persv n: but will uccomm U'N\.fnUIEI"RtocTkAK "f ING o wh ich th~y Will give to tho Bon III In In tl ll' ll ber cuverue a~dl Mlar~e81 o.nd uu bunes broken. Wll f'lt li l, e dute t wo pl ett comfo l·tl1bly nt . Cllltllrill alld hurtlr.ultllllLI publ iC 1 HEAD QUAR TERS 1 A plCCI!llIlIt pl tlce to pa s 011 returnll lg thnn ks. Thi8 hotel ill Notice of Appoi ntment. A soeoud cln"" nil 'ro.llt tick the bcuefit of tllelr th ir.ty YQJlC . Ot ~M,LIII ll.el:C _~, ~ __ ~ __ ,~ the prrdo o f '1lILrl e~t lIIan ; I well ct co t~ about Ollor Jd MI t! <:i "-" gi~ Had · Nolwe I· h eHh) )(1I~ n. lhut A & I H unll_t.un ly nil "u"r C hull' th e abovo exp~rience in the culture of Vtl'" t f n s HuI' l, "" U Nlllo promptly lit· k eVt , and hl\s unths IIttnehctl, th ro' al~lonllt. Tho IrtltllllCC U WI ow, 0 ' T uxlIlIal Anl r"PI & Co. (I" Ill .. 2M 'I»y of F~brullry to Chicag o abl e aud fl owe r 8eeds. Tht' W"ol k Wi th cit Ice ).JIIII,lttI. , t ~"u d t" nt ,,\I h"nr. . and AD 11:<7(1, IId'llI"e I 1111 Lh~lr propcrl v. boLlI " Illch the witte r f1 vII'S dl rect Irolll \ 11 und, r tlte II" ... ·lfuOH'nt .. C t l l ! J l:f(\ gra. ce/n lly l'Okl I ~:n 0 IIld es; heru II chu"go lIf cara WIll be slIbdtan tlully 1l1l vlntr bOIll'h Mr Joho uud l·or,,,",,I. l.v Interest In Ihe uuJor"g n~d bonnd, '" LLnd 'IJ? 1IiJ) 'lIP Itil I ~.ll log \' Ioe~ th Artesia n we ll . Tho bllrlOlllj( IS 1I11LL\' uldllble. 1<'1'0[8 Chiealt . e e cct IS ea pe trll.t for the b, ,w li , o ( "II thuar ,'ro<l,t"r< the .. !,ovo e.l.bh. hm ont. 'Veer'. tbo ••IIne w.1I be ~ . ~ tl ~~ llitl o tu 8everal hu"dro d e:?'t pugeol "oud 'I' u!'! will ... k a It Ih6 be old cl ully .tand. chalm allfll of lng tho Bee utter' lampllg ,.., l lt, ILl· All pel-un" llId, 1> ..·,110 """l J\ ,\: I H A ,,· ' VIII'nc' "I"I," 0 00 , I 18 an or"nme llt 10 t IIe ci ty. IC 'ct Uillullll it! 500 miles tl I tJ 7.', "I H,yo. Mllu troot. tmm & Un lire rH.,n t1!'. teJ t n III IK e ItrllII lth· ClltS' 1 III Ug I lell on e IIcC'ompUJl IIUe n t 18 ,,'" ..., for FlorldlL 01111 be obtaine o ul tlr u I)O lllt the secono chll.lIgo At thl~ IlIu~truted With nUlIl erou i.N p .. y""·,,t. 11",1 tho... , b" " " 1{ """01" is mnde. chrulIllltlc pilltes nlld SUCCInct dl II1lo1~lI1g. th u SllI glllg ul th e glur"'tI ~ "j..""j".~ Ihe '''''''. \\ .11 prc.ellL IhcUl. du ly Work willch is a "relit con VU"llHlcu Umnhll is 1029 ulll es n .. ~ t of 0 " .. r"ctlOn8 offico, b ,. I &'.or the Unemployed-I I With b d " reallrd d 10 tir e cure oil d rl! I --., lI u lunglllg .. III ~ 110 PUICu to strange rs. 1. all ,., IIllth IItl""!" . r", II InWilllll" I IIl1d"r lh e firmn m f U de n, where J1atl~ellgllrs leave th e aud oulture of e verythI ng . Til .' .... ,I ~'I•• I' "'DI'I'I ('''' II .. W II AH:\\)L D T SABrN II e o nao"".., kn owlI W ILlSC " ,ltlS, lit tll11es, ., """ ey, • "" Aft r Il nrglrt'8 good rc t, wo UlIlo n \Lllti tllke tho Cen tlul .... lIIuk ...h"ro II Ih l! th 80 gelltlean, Dill ed Ih' H1' ul.>,u1Iry "!Hlh. I 0;-11 'n huve lit Lhilt00tIme h Ihe ullly fll ill Il h•• ~nt.c~ EJII,oll of .r ullcllnte Puc ltic In the fi'JrIlI und vegetab le king . sq uurc \ IIc.d nd to keep ~ full . Iook of Saddl.... start out to 0 0 Uha .. le~t(Jll. Thore 101111, ano t here I~ no vt"el Waite, cOli . ehungo dom. W e kll ow of nil one better , IlHrno.8. l'runk•. Wb,p", Blrlnket.. Robe", Ohit-II-Ill" _ m e so rulln y thingtl 01 intorutl t.thut lIntJI UII'1 vlug a t OLLkland, Notice of Appointment. OJ V E N OV E Whl 011 quull ti ed to tl'eLLt un th e a buve BUh L S li nd III filet everytWng tbat belonge to th .. trKde; llrardl y kn ow ·\·lrere to CO lllnl ~ Il CC, I tho teWI\lIU S of ire Hnd d08lre till patrouH N,.tll U I. I" n "., K'V'.' tl",t A"r.. " JJ f the old olltral Joet tlll~n Brig~<I & Bl other, I\'hose "" Ih,. !:J.l II,,) uf F"\Ull llrI ADo AUle' Iell n mAke. nllu I. 'tbe bc·t odltlon Atm. tludull otbers. to "Ive themof.. 0" MIAB E J HlllO cs ,lloel al th e r('s 1Alllriln. 11 and und ca n only llI l'utll)ll 1I Ibw III Ihl s PUClitic. Hcru Vll3seltgtllrtl !:I7tJ 1I'.';lIl .. 11I1I hi' pr" I'"ty, b,HII roul I f f " tnke a I!e~d" UI e svld III Il1tlloSt oVllry CIt", "Icoee 01 hOI neph ot Ih. blSI Engll. h lI<Jv!ll_t r"c'o YO per .o~ silt .... "ULlOU , wh,oh~ tbey e w. A sh ort lette r. But Ict us tlLrt at tir e ste amer, /Llid III II fe w mruutc 1111'1 t 0 IIl1n pc.-,,,,,,I t" Ihe II IHltr"U Ii.~I . III tri ••t, 1 he hoo ks lire 811lntl mi. s uro 10WII , village , or ham lot III thJ e ~L( 11I10P, on T IIl1rs,J w.1I sell lor gnar,,,,,te e b.. UI IlII to prtoes ana qURbty of uy 1110' nllll( f ... U"' I",,,,,tlt of 11111.. , c.e,hl .•r. AIII·"r. nil li me Th. mechll u'cil l "lid ."eo"tl(," •• of work m-r~rtYJ old P,O .• ..~ bll l l U· llII~ SlUti tu huv c ItLlIlled ill Stln Frllll cit!eo- tn 1111 UllIted St!ttes. I 2 I J 8 76 I 67 I ""tll ,; ill df·Ut.Ctl to ,",u ld .AunHl L Antrum IlrH I They a l'e . II'd wl~binll' work mi\do to l)r,lcll c .J .. ill e , t ilt ' hc~t . _ 'lllll prk c 1" nr !the ' 0\""8' • III t ill heon des ign ed by ' Ir ~hl l tuph l'l (1111' chlln ged from 01 UCi1lllU t I I CIH ut ro'l" r,re c r, or r plllrlU g ono. will reoelvelm .m", S ....,. AgeDt. Wanted tl >tcd II g rower to 0 ",uk, h IInn.ed,"I f tlceds, dllltO . I"') and llttoll '" III. cfoll til tlt)d """'. t: f"rth lI er t1~e by tho proptietor Ir ~ WIIS hOI n 011 lire ~th tho.o 11I1"u" c.lil liIl A "llllI ".L til••' " IIU. WIll eTO.IO '\V ren 1111 d wus used ns tl IC (jovo r I1· TI leI e lUll 0 tl t whum Ioh"ral terms 01 e"dvu ~TyW . lva lerrll ury . HAI NES & \VOOLs LEY. e, 19Ot) In HUllin-l t.o" Co es tl lun by COlUlIlg wo r k WIII e manll t e j'r" ffi oNf Jun ft 8tml t il 10 , uu l uuth IJlltl .·n tIH) (o r 01. 1\1I,,1Itr..: r t!d mellt 'U OUiIC in thfl old colollll1l \\ILy of OhlC1lgUlerto rou J dl " J ; F."VK.ilO ;\((:-001 Umaha , bnt I e mill olltly pl'l\ctlcal sullrce~. What l ~l e w eili sey SABIN I h rl y e'j:hl volllm ••. ",cr.j(on ~ 400 pagl8 1778. · t I10 rovu I11 t"1011 Its lIe wa@l ulruldl el"tro D"'''d thl. F, I,.'I,. r" ~"Ih.0'1' tiDies, and d IIrJl1g 181''' _ tlPllU'k u I' t Ililt route l.ucCl1use IU.,6 u.h. Ontl ,ontalnlng n.llrlo. 2,UOO Iilutitr" .IIM VIj7'11;0 wo S,ot II G leell 18 to fi 8II, B Int y or li\.ollUL IIn l II CI,' " 101 1001 A BatioD al Fallul) , or ~ ~ ye 1I d '-" • u " to " '8 ccllul'S wer . u. ed n . dllllITeo ns 111 callie tI.IUt W(l,Y. . SuI.· rrlucrs " "1It; Uroa.1 F"mlly P"""r of Paper. , . " III COlli I' I,. Ie th a SI·rIO. 1 rudy 10 trUltl!, Brtggs & Bru.tl.IOI I "U" C"III C Il el'" froln -:" .. ... Aloerlo,. 100 whIch tire BritIsh cll nh,,~d t Itl pI um "Totl'c e of ApPol'ntment• .'IWlllh ~ ~ ~ All tirtlt cluss pl\Bs~ ,' " J '~ r.e \. I'~I )"dIlIOllIIlth 'ohlllleR 1' , (a' com nre 11,1 o.ro tu seed ~. A vel'Y lar~e eUltlon l in ocomp 1101,' alld 0111 ) loum!,ull, pnper osp,,. lnll "Icrl · "Iudlcr. lh" two Elnvell Mo nth. In inen t patrlilts . It was fl'OIlI he r lowed 100 pl.lu udtl 01 ngcrtl D ul,ver· I "I th her fJUI ell L •. Illld I .. ."'Ing ullt mllhons N .. tlce .. Wtllequaok hO I eb, puu)(", n ,!t.,t [""" II \n· Ie, (21 Tvlu mc8) arc IIOW rend. P, ice-'" Ite I' now e, and wtl l bc publIshed whi c h, It wtll bo l e l'~ and s ls ll! r~ III ralldv '{lr that Hayuu was led to executi ou. nil III exc es~ or thut ulIggug the Oc " tennl~ J 1111 1 can.oJ 1SIH Viet Irtlm."" Uw 2~.1 <IllY"f Pol,.ulI'}. AD 18- UloLl,. gilt ext,a, pcr volume $1 {.O. B"lt ulJ owullce IS undertlt ood , WIll losse n the Ilr lce toam , Iin ,1 th l"tlglI. ItlId Wtl .()tlU more delighted . nblerl.. ev ' werc (ullr' wee ks on 76 ,,,,.. ,,11« 11111 h•• l·r"l orll. !>.. th rud IIlln TIl,hy The old citiz liS look UpVll It With cllUlged lur lit tho ruto 01 h, p. *2 ~', ~ /). terms. elf' , bers. l.e" ,.",1 t" lh c ulItler'I, II.r1 III Irll.l. fur audl e". . !l IltJ,;.J fi n,een pe r volume. I'lIrclr a~e rll of tho lh e WIlY, Iltllllpll1 g Ollt HALI.& SO;ol. PuJ,. , jTHElS pride and affl'Ction TARSP .I L nights IJDBA lflflll\i a rl ~' the I.. '" tit "f "II I". cl c.!. '"r, All ". r'''1II" Some yeurd ceut. pel' pount!. 11 Mllrruy $1 , New \ ork . . & I " go I I;;hl ' pllgc.ANGL wOlk outllgh t Will only be chargo d Iqu enll\'. dUring lh u lung juu . d b ~O Q(J (II mo II"ptl r. L, dger I W k , Dey I I IIlIlel/ud b s ince, it was re plllre t., k "'Ill 1 ... , .. II I I ~"" I lI , e re· y gOllel'l~ ac'mc'm II too Wi t 1 US!l. arge a 'ot cost, IV 11 e t Ie cllsto mers 0 f BIlggs 'r l ' b.,l' '1'1118. I I I o ' e r~ " .. ",.; • Ilh ol"umlng Slorl~8 P.... /'lUlU .. 1I 1\ Jn I l)1 Itt: 111\ 1111 11 1 ull d 10 (eueaso IU ,U e "" I' Hn,· IVlllI llll'lt G ove rnmcllt , it bavmg ' falleJI into wcll tilled With ..... 111\til"null " . I " "00 illt.:I, 11.[ ,1 ,,_1 U IOIIP~ . Wit. H u mu r atl d Fun 011 "" WIll 1\0"' I, the t,me of the yl or for I'lI o" ... on" I'cliVI lB lOns, o.lm at & Brlothe r Will receive it us a prll her bro LI(IVO" 1111 z.:;k oe\\ Ruclp<'s. alm o t totlll ruin t'r m the eficcts of enough to lllst vruv Lhe r, Wes ley 11 tilleS, In till" I'n'~ "I IIIl III, lllli l ' " I" "'ll11 ..111•• R ,~bt8. SOOI..,U the e ntil'o tl'IP mlUln ou the pUI'chuse of seeds. vIlillg \ lur ut. au LU lig I H el CO ll"l", Colds . lId lilt II Art ' . ". &e o, l\lld on IllS "'I rn. tWit OIl ". 1" .. .111' . Iona Il Clultlr.. n'. Uel'&rl .... nt. AH:\lll. tho bombar dmcnt, Il. grent IllLlny T b ls arrange ment, cvntrar l) I' :,iAUI!' r. ' 111 11 lIt prod,.po llo1t.h 11111 of 11 h e 10 l e Cono"mp U8 1 )1' tlon U8 Ie k ( l l lledlelll \)ep ~I~U\Ollt Plll zl" r·.Coru~ r.OIC_ Uut cdt lll~r.hf\101 )..! I h,l ~oj"(' I'il1tlolh ~ 1 11Hontnt l li Lung 1)1"('1\8(' slwlls huv in~ louud their way frolll statelllullt of tho ngeut lity to thu The IUteuded work will gt> to pross n o'" ,lit . 't mJl I ., Ci ncin ub ut MIlY next, and the artIsts Illousle IlullIIg •th e I 16 0 " ... •• ih '''IA ~ fI"" I 10 .. I"" n ,,8< 0.1 ill II". HUMBUsn pIJ lfcCI F I\II Hy PlqhU' GS Ie.. -pod" ly 18 IIj I'xpuee .,,_ ' t'll I gr e!i ' ~e l POlLIO" li d ul to b0 more SHl::RIFF'B SALE, g arret to co 1I0Ighl.Olh""d f" r ti le 1'''8t two '" thr,o .erl I'rnuu , (Iu"ck , "Iw lllu l"rilnd as IIIL.I, • 1 Ill'. NIt IS S iI liBel econuUl IIrc now e ngage d upon t I10 oQgl·av . ! lcrS 1f0 tl b I WC dl oun ' BOll" E, )U'1 6 wll II t hlJ Ul. i K l II. post· office. t"1 1I~h.: • I fullure to Cll WARlm f ,' ext, t Ie atte ry Ica 0.11 IIr more con veil lent t han mgtl. I O,!!no 101 we )(,OVQ' tin , ex 1( 11 f) 1I1I 1UI ,UI h ll 8 hve cu lu mns ot ' ,ul hful. re ~ I.:V·.I ~ION i ' LeAS t Will be sepe moo and apurt emplal ~o uh l"CII O L II.odtlll s mdl ci u eyour" lf g" l I,a bl "'III N y CItizen hus be 0 cull ed Irom and surroun din gs, I think tho m ost I:mylUg meals ulong tho wily tem, nL9 ,?St\WdUsl. lotierl'l ln LOIl IH" 0 Burtl"tt "nol ~ Iuor "f 81.10 to lour D.ugg..l. t\ 11011 "lid ". k would from the JII1lllary Oatalog ue. wllich '\ 111\.oO \' IH. re LJ~low to him ol lbund.o, pll t IIl1d e 111 gll lllO"lin e.or t I 'olitch lee ward In thllt ·vl• QJ o\l.lu"II ..l\cALtn·d.lor"~, nlt':"tb~'I"d, I " '~o"rlilltl~::\' ,~. IIond .. fuI 8ueco' be3Ull' fI lI b ' u pnrt /) f'th' d ' 0 CI y, IO'ln g Jl t hlive bCOil . We we ru pruvl'dd D b , "111"11,. I ' ,. C U Slom",. 'uti II "m r",d tlll"ll rCHI p"pu, It exPO~\l~ 0 18 ue ," It1 ecelD er, or IlInd wh ere sla nll ll 80ll ow IJ U' e r en , 1."1 ' JU ~IW Ht\o .. e9 \\llIrdlc \ Olhowo rfl t t 'SI the cxtrem e so oth POlllt of Inud With lUI a lcuhol lump, made e WI Il l In nI18\\III1. I'nrousllc .I1cr~\\i1 o .. 1 h un ll ut. o,d ftHUo er "I .alo d"l~ ...- you h, y, uo IUll h III lIIeUIOII". JIl"l bu v It. n il" 0' .. vc r r j'1l\Ur. 4 IOOU. where the A 8hley and (A)llper rlV ' presslv IIII' Its pnrpotle, Il1l0 ex .. fru rn Ilny othe r o/' th e pu blicatio ns 1le r ll "r lust IlIn 08~ ""a" plt ll cntly lind frulII "blU court '" th ~ tlt."vc·.ta namc- nndnlJd81\.;0 'go,u •• • t, d 0118 S ,na pln B"lll e 01 B". hee " ""nli ll. !oi. rHn!IT COSTS I'UI '75 w,th had o t' thitl well kn ow n hOllse. Evcry LJrl! nco unci he r c hlll llcte c. nt. « " fl' yelli . &M I rr~LIt.: I. ! ent d klllti . d .. "d tv tn l dlreolcd. [WIll offer fu, ", d e. lit lor Itl , ." L~ "",I II, It H. gil l" , s". I blI.y. SeveraI fi11\0 tAa or cu ee w lene vel' eSII·c. ers join III tIe f1 n"ttle, 1" op~1l1 0'"' y"l,erc II. · JuaL Lho poper lor pubhc n tH 11 11 11, 0 11 th e PI C' IIII f'ol-'!l 11l \\ uy n e~ lover of Ol'lCul t ul e or 75 c~ ut l! ulture ness tln (1 chee l fulal elt. were l)reoOID val Vou' . UOHl cc t. 1\ co ugh 10 " p e 7 residencos faeing the sonth, and the 1.: 1 ~ III III • S0t1th ~ 1 u le. ,I "rr. 1l '''"lll y.OIIl'' UII NO! Li l c rn It J. not In th e wl1y of cl otillng It IS de should put IlIlllseif, vrhortIc fOllt8 561- 1> 1'0111 C .\. r. "glon- (Il or herself in jltl allt tu Lhc c l o~c T o t hoso uroun rt . (tl1l1'rlfl!/, J}flll,/, .. ' c l " IIlII s pleodid httle park 8haded by lur~e 8i1 uble to li II v!'. u good SIlPllly It w"ve~ ~5. A D l S7 , , !L8 the way of ObtlUIIIlIg It. - R oc hes. hCI. wllo mll1lRte red fl 101.11 tllt.d Ib 1i'G:l I. hilS gU ile lin for 81) klndlY :\IIeI b,LI\{"'1I the 1","", 01 live and water·o aks, all go to lIla 'o most pelsons tind shawls and :.l lind I o'r l", k P 1If over. t il l' Times. I J )""r- . IlIlll •• lIllu b, 100 noo I·eop lo. Yua. aLtellLI "" Iy t l) IH,' r evo l V Wll". t 8lIe nil .,"d dilY. \IIe f.. II VWIOI> 1l<1I1 "" ". t.to. tu· I1 JOII .... '-Il to up tile faV Orite aftcrnu un p rome· couts ullDost IIIUltipell ~uble V '"bl 1 lei ""l1tnolw It t"1111 "III hal c 11 8o~ &lnte Wb,r willi or e .. ~or . •• ~ W ~8 uun e a t sUllset. One ClIlllJ ot 11111 to crossin g the mountlLin8. t!onSld ur.ILc. tllI,1 dliOld 1111 htl r w'} IIIST rn AC'r-H III!; I"," number nino Bailon' s Monthl y MtLga;t; lIIe IlLElGANT CBROMOS We b IY. 1m· apprec iate the beautifill 8cellO con There ure eutlllg hou8ell at vari MILrch .-Th IS bculltil'ully 11I tUI \l llIn s l'ok" gllll"lu lly o r heir lilten "nd It n . '" ll llrrl. II "'1" tr P. 'n lI arn.' lid. I' ., I. U12 "'1' ' IIU'U I rCl,eh Cb,umu8 (wo,th uMtla I~Ia n s lI >;! r loug Itre ~,as OIlU 01 dltlOn I.. Lho t"" II 1)1 \\ "1 so nucl o'f' tl e ted as I' t 'IS WI. ~p'e . nt •. ,I1' -."lf' I I"t tl If JOIIwlah I nec tobecoa;::,r0mmerdalJl'lortot, I ted MagllZi ll e lor March is iSdacd pUllty anll "llItl~ CnCe I I I ~,~t1' ~,'~I~ir:~C 19,~1 ! ~:'~h':f I~::::~' 1l:1~~n~c.:!i I ous S_ Ions a ollg 10 ' tory 0 t me, rb a Od e d wllh t nUnlho, Ne 1 11111·1,"111 t 1( flf, I . d ) .II I ... II I liS " I""t. t t ' ' alld I.. t t I'orpass our conory . a8 lutel'Ostlllrt a ll s ma\' whom s he I.Issoellltell were alwII VS "umlk r tell 11ft, f , t ,,1' . rlh ,1",,1 It IS WIIClo . ra\Uss BlltllI6' t\ whOl e \\lI r ..• 11 frtf . fur *1 Thes. e ngors an IS JostM .... Q d' r> I 1 greeted wlthBs lD;je undak indun .l.trlght""1!'I". lh,l/lIlIl l lIllIlIlIl ilLlwkl tbe ancient . church yards, willch to get meals, and op . lllld "" for the mO:lt pllrt as ever .",\nl.lc wu If JOIlwilb to Garden uu for Ama __lor 8 gre~t 8~ 1'lIt eneollrtlgrng \\f,rd -a "'arm graB !> of It\llldrod "nu I"r g," 6f1lI..ln.· tJlll'chrollios plel" ",uoo oll,r, dror all1 par· ·tt. t lueacco . con ta10 many 0 Id m 0 n u m ents Wlu Lw(lity·tl' " l"uL""U f"ur lOch· t . d t 0 be s tory for 'That Bomo mUl OUo.lons Ttlylor UNoaly. Boy read alosal I IS 01 ab A LAST I b' W ORD . Render. rememl,er 18 1 ' 1 t' •• curious inscrip tiotl8 thehantl . n cO lcll ils huke The lo\l(lw" \'ery good. To R eno the charge is SOl' IIlg Inter.cst, Garde ~ ~1! (,oN nTIt\(" I - Dc>llIg lot nulllb.r r"nr lll ~h'~ g ~or t 71'IOUIll CQIIII,). t .1,1 • a lld WI attract ns LI"bl ,.• RS s he III' ns rl\mtlilirly "Aunt I I DlI, Ing thl 8 ,. lIt.dIIlO 0. call ing is copied from ono: 'I" meUlO 75 cents per meal ill cnrrenc tt t ed 'l.llm ,·SqI.,.rc . "I . ",,1 tuw" "f \V Ol> "u,,;110 a y- mucu tI e u 10.0 lUI ~Ily Sto ry tl13 t I bvu1.111 wbo kn e w her, 011' I 'ir d\l Il\k o " N"lnJIIII I. plllr,u&lc ... Idu· pt ry ot R obert Stendm an, who died from that H..LL.Td sh ed 1\ belli g o aod wUll ty "I It "rr,,, ". Ih" " "II " "" •• ur· " w ~kc pml,rr, 011 0 ~h.1 IS lor rlghl I.gllinst to the "Guldeu ha ~ been publrsh ed lor tlomo yeurs Oillt e er e n ereon . w'''"g.01 . iutiucnc 18 th&1 knOll' 0 0 p'trLy. e arollll ,l hel' AD life, nn no. th. 1766 IlDd G we l ,. oyed h 0 II II U 1'10.11<01 h) $ l!: 1I'"111fl ' II. onye 9 0r S eptem bcr, • . Sun Among ey. Prlcol1 the conte GO eacb, nts poot-rAI, we Ilotice I, , atc t eClllrg el8 . 1 lUCOJO by mall. u ' b 110 ", utu, '"8t or W\I-t but il l'''t'''' Inl~c d(·d I . I d h II d or .. r W.. ,roll c" "1I1 1 f.~ I'Ivl v,,"n" CJm" l. in ye 43d year of bis Ilge . He wus .1 ope tll\t It WI II IIe ClIluale . an IIl>antfol This lengthy stlLtelDe nt ill refe r· t rt tng soa·sto ry, seve ra I to. I 101 llll'lll'.r."fJ "•••· Flu... r. <I.. ""•• ,1 e·. ro"d"r 0 11 tli It - .\C M01011 Y10 Iu OarCombiaedCatalocuelor18'!11,or ,cdul . II'yoxl'ilb n!:Lh, &d"'," ,dt,,, p,'ot Old ro ,I CH,"1,· I",. 1M "" "pllr.. " cu ulI,ler mIlc h res})eoted and therefo re reo eDce to eX llcnse challU'o of cllrs Ildvent ures, hult II dozen 6S .01 thllt on(\ Rn.1 1111 IIl lly tlne illhy llc en EVE RYT H I Ne ' . ,udl. IlICO ilom ,,,,,t IIU" " Uh I 0\ Tup b.'D ahl ocl to rench thaI . Il rlght pbol II e former orrlrr. Ir~p ("lin , .may II"w. g retted by h i8 frIends or 11 WI10 etc., 80me persons r. " tlunk 1 111 '"II"w. , d OIDC8tic storl .... .... e~ of love and hnl)pi pili I, 011 "Ion. :;.. ",I lu ""1 Nil" Ie sh e n0 1111' I nh Its to . t ".t rl",n"hcd tril' l ,,, knew him.' The olde8t one I saw neces8a ry, wtule oth'el S WI\l . W h'h wh"leIro.L IC lit thlit•• ,"n IV. rn I . , en j oy I"I tli,uU()(l , ,~uollclll thu "ceo"" ,t "m. e ....rtLrd lito SEE! 0 ,11. i'o e 1"'-UIIII.' til!. " a per a v dtlted 1761. Mag nolia Ceme· J'nst tho informa tion they find It ness, 8eveml ple~c8 of poetry, alld t hR ~ rOW llllI 101 good ~l ced8, Rnd a . 1110 \II ~.'t01i lJ.t lII"n"er 11. flr.t ",,,nti,,", are in a dozon or more Illustra , u.s ted ~ ilr 1\ It Ii I\)ur c' . • IIIIII!; , ltrolll"'. onl~ 11 I1rtl ol08, ho.I d v hte, that I IIhe t' enJO) 8 I f . ed. at Iho HUIII of *laoo.OO 8uch . as LIIL IIIllom r will pleasc the general ••n t Fr•• to all A ppllo .. ntl. tery was next, an IS wort Iy 0 a In searc I 0 . The run ero l W8S held on Friday 10 lit thu M .... 1II'.erA s II~ I .r I., te o& ' . I cim.", um uf "21'.0. lIod Wlllllut I", .,.Id d P bl' h d b TO. & "rtcrnOOIl B.llo hel Hopk ins mllde visit. It sbows great cnre and cui· ( UV.QUO r."d, ) !Oll l Iro" \ 0 . ,1 :ilCII~ a for I ••• We re maIned at Ohlco.go Borne ren cr. than ftlr l" .... tlurd. of "'lid "i'llr~II' ,1 .0a.la:p:I 11n.INte u IS d Cltalocue e y l 01 uomCII 8ft.,. ,I re now faw ' n fiowers remark CO"' · III. s shrubb h", and ~ IlI lhe .8 ery " c 'oncour wulks ~ .lId Ln· ae of vRlues rOKI ctlYcly. anti U II tho r..liowl lllf hours and from the d epot Some of Talbot, 23 Hawloy St., Boston tU I. ~1~~ ~I~~db\, ' rl~ll~l!.!~ .' f!fti.'n:~~ , b:'';'; at , I ,I I .. , , to 1 1'9 d' lIAN f .' d Elt 1'0 • nl.J d term StllNt. d 00. It : Ono·lhm! of tho pur.h".c &0.; willie the large hvo.o.ak s, COy· the effects of the great fire are y$1 50 per year re at ves lin to t>arthu. ra 0 an, of &bl abo •• tbrel n en '8 tIIea e t b elr macey, to-,. HI1IBdlllr. ~ R oll~h on dny of ."Ie, olle-thlrd III un ~ 611 .oe.1im et'· boo......,AI to all otlM.. OQ recolplof DO wily to MIRIDI CelIlete ry, wbere tbe yeor. lind ered with festooo s of SpaDls h moss, discero able, althoug h the one-Ihlrd In two YOll . . Croln 8 .. ld _ta. ' •• Electio n, B l A f t C1t a made t>./lmplete the handso mc city ted diatrict s have ooen anddevll8ta remains wel'e dppesit ed . 1\ R. K. .. eLly of ~"Ic : tho dcfo,.,..d POl) monb to bellr are be. Oorpo ratlou G....-I~ I ' .....'l-. ,,o!!I - ~~- ~~ "!!iJ~ . _e_· . . lantere.t H from !I,"d d"y of MIn, Ind to of the dead . lbe [ ~ U C d TllfCAjj ft 109 rapidly rebUIlt. d I.e' 4 nICe pi "uo of proporty. fine • • du_ IE d nry Ward e on the prelOllOII 10. Ito,. Ka1Jor, I aD 11 a til ~or 0 ~el Willr p Ie.. e Iounrd by mor'-~" Then to Forts Sumpt er and MOl • Beeohe r 8Ilid of this e oity-U l .t· bed I '> ...,..., dl' io Wit H HARLAN. ... No (Jortla J NLLT adt Street ONRO GE'R ~::,:rtt S · ~he N':ro~O"~ ~~ i: remem C tl ler P nknoy la ODr Sulli C li!ge vall's lsi· maD has seen the Wellt who has or aDt ne, Sheriff W 0 , 0 ' Nil" J"O BJ![. 08 e .1 . nouncln WIlyneu , g name lilo, . fllr and \!Illu, (IrlnUol OD ._mod e.... l . l'h d GIDE ON LEAK . and adud varlOdushPOllntsbot lIIf.er~t not 8ee o C hl~O. are one dollar each . and that no an · SICTU W BIIOWK AU·y. WntlA. POflIlelllUon "lveu rl~bi off. • Douncem cnu will belIltld eortlck eta in an ar()un t e lar .or, mil e WIlS no t mean or.a CI~t groT~ I J OS G JD~L-------',-:-y. 10 O. LUKE NS, M. D., ~~ul~U printed unle" payme nt,l. made in A Wagon aDd SmlthBbDJ> In m emorllblo by the conflIc ts of the place hn 11 ado.pta tlons .for .. -Haney . a fine The maple eugar and lDolaseee advan ce Cllatllliutol fOlr tbe SO.£T I NO NIB Oonf, derate utld F ederlll Iluvi es. offices burg for rent frllm one to II e yean. Are PHYSICIAN &. cIty it is low, fInt, muddy , or manufa ctore progre88eB. SURG tON. or Con.tab lo and Aliottlo r "III be new and 'D !fOOd t<rder, . nd ,.eU oitualed. \ -- ...Theil to the old, venora\ )le Sallnt du ty.' But suoh is the ooncen tra· on~bl " . .'GeM . . . . . . . . _ TBOS. WILSON. Oftlue III N.. lioualllank Bulldlnl!'. charged 11.50, the DaDlle belDg "t Tel'llll ruJlI"""y"b l\licluw l's hurch, of ",hi·h , Add"" •• whh . . . . 0 tioll of onOrmous btlt1inElB8 here, llrg, WIU'1't~ Co., Ohio. · Oh, the 80cke of bir<ll!. l up tWIce OD tbe ticket. ... , ,,_,.F.b 93, 1 711 lVA FiVE . VILLh~ OlIlO lite·
F 0 H. \V () 0 (),
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Establl.shed 1836· C ~ .~.~ ~..............-
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Gardening for Profit r
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1'0 Oil' . CI.(I .... tf
4Ll ISOli S-..TH
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SMITH OROAN Co .Ii:> 8' un J\1"M~ .,.,.,.",. Nt,u.dnrfC I ••
Dealer. Everywhero
lO£h'TS limn II Evm TllII • ~ u ll
U aUl h ou t U
1t",,1 ~ t.t tl "
It U '"
tnlALIH&'II t U TI . t" on a ~)'''ten of
110 \hllltc4\ 10 he Sootbllli. A mnn" Ith nn ugly bg ht In hIli oy" eulor d ~ 11010011 on otlgn 88 st.roet y08 tcrdl\y 1'lh) 1 1\1' te ll Icr sllll III bohlnd Ius co uute r UI I aUlIlcll nt prOllp cch vo profits, but tho stuUIl" r ,mvcLlIIIs hands
M el Blud
I wn.nt I10t 0 of your VIle dlCO<'ttons M,x m sotu"tll ug to sootllo Illy rngwg th ough ts I , G m Illld 8ugnr 1 IDAlI1ll(lted the 811 loolllst Do ~ 0\ WRUt 10 umke 1\ I'lIglllg vol ClltlO of mo e ~ chllm",1 tho s tumger I W{lo t ~o m tilll g RII AOotlulIg my tum ulltll\lll/l thOllg hl1i 1111 to II
Ll beTo)Te;"ms of Ea
~banK.rorllecoild h'D~
_!lOti nn of eYel'7 do.
crlptlon "DOMES 110' PAPER FASH'OfilSo Tt.e nell T'allen _ mat e Sf'D ' 5 LJ for<Ata lot;
A.l.4rm :DOUES'1'IO SEWING KAOJIINII 00. A . .. ,. W• • n
" - Ii' ----
In the lIaUs or Justice. , My nome 18 Ambro80 smd tho pna oner M he CIImo ont. r here W1II! Bometlllllg Bolemn anel OIlru est 111 lUI! tOiles-80m thlllg winch tonahecl ono II h eart Y OIl havo b CllJ'd tho willI Wloter 81tlcs IIOb I\lld Iilgh md IUOIl.o nround tile gnbles haven t you Y 'Voll hill VOICO (hdll t 8 0 l1uo11\ blt hko the roonn of a g rub It "118 n VOlCO rammd mg on of 80metiu IIg Vt; ry {lr offthc Hocky 1\[01lullllUB, for lIlStunce SOD (l '01 ~I! arc r 11 of PI I n fiB A 1"0 De are 100: 1(1
ElluOIltell } lll\.~ . Tho Soclety for the Pr ventiou of Crnolty to Annnals 18 stIll conslIl orlllg tho case of tilO alleged cruelty to msc ts prMtlOed nt the exhibltlOll o r eduCIl tctl fiOllll .Mr Borgh 18 of the OJl lnlOU Ulnt t ho law8 p88II8d by tile State L e81slntu.ro 1Il rogard to the powers lIocl dutiOl'l of hI s BOOloty does n ot 81ve lum nnd l.ua Olll cers power to lIltsrfcro 'I he propnoto r of tho OXhlbitiOIl boIDg IlllorvlOwed by the Mer, llry r eporter olruUl8 tbat th flooa, whioh ho 8IIya b1lB boon tnught to perfo rm wonderlul lents do not snl~ r
Fever and M;ne, cr Chills and Fever, It I• •
Promotion from tllo !tunb. 'Vo learn from "lette r In a late nu m be r of the J.oUUOII 1'1I1u IllIlt Lhe re a re no w ID Lb e Eng lish Ilrm ) no COli N L1uUl two C,e n efll ~ oll e Oolollel l it rc L eu tena nt Oolonels I I co n mand of Irg l mente aDd mnn y ot her licIt! o ffi ce rs " ho h,lve rll!ClI from the rnnb Une of tl e Oene flll ~ 18 i l\:ll Jor ( enent! LI e othe r 11 Brtgadler II Comp LUIO n e 1 til [h I lt li nd ( V ICI Orlll ( ros~ TI " II II I sur pCl8e mr.t of our readers 1I1t0 have doubLl ef'8 bee n edllCIIled III th e beltef tl It such a tlllll g llMIITJ oln ce r rl"log fr n t he link s \\ollfd be ""url y I po rtent I I Lh ~ Bnll ~h mlhtary "l ~ Le m 1I1C1,t l" pe rf ~cl ly true
t " 11 JO)
Anti Bome nre su tinged" Ith AOI row tlud g llef thllt thelr lou os 8mke II " ym rllthotll chord ill ovorl hOlIl t Ris HOllor High etl h cu\llv Mit hIlAI, Ilyn pho l ~( J Ollr I lm O ' " Bamboo uh i [ IlIU I Amhro80 re mnrkotl tllll pMa ollcr lmt yon cnll It Hnm boo 1 v. been BRmboo zlod 80 milch IIn tl HO of te n tJ lit I tlou t oor e w!Jethllr I h[lvC nn y Imme nt 1111 • Oh I w onltln t be tlo" II honrlotl over lt, 81l1d t ho COllrt, forOlng a lunllo ~ o n nre not tho ouly drlllllomllll D e
somebody old Ambrose ge ts
y UU !
I <1(1 J n,lge L,n 111m for III I • " th 1 JI go ILloTJg WltJl luw nnd If I 0IUl gl't him whero he can t gu zzlo \I hl Rky III Ill/Lkc n mlln of IHln Say lIIuoty dnys Jnllg. 1I11l1 I Will 8lI1g WOl
No g II'M.l 1J~ e Mar y 4nn U Ij l do the ool\t ) OU
l ou
IT WM nlU(,ty d llteu - D /m l t Prcc PI ca"" .\ CAurornla Zoyph r A ternflc \ vwd storm ill Kern OOllnty Onl r oculi} delltroyed soma thirty live tholl8lUld s hoop It seemed II slorm of gril l 01 IIIlJId IlUd ston08, tho IRtter d rlvon ,nth torco enollg h to beat the ltD] m ru to lenth A \\ agon WIlli CIlpAlZed Itnd n(' I1'ly toru 10 jJICOQ8 by tho Wllld, ItDd WOll on horseback Iclt th o IImmws nnd came Into camp ;WIth thell' laot.'8 bnus..d 80 Ill! to nearly oIose th oU' el es ThoQllwl<le of s!Jeep wero drive n mto narrow gllichea M el flnnlly covered with IUllld- btl!mlly bUl'led al" e 011 the San E mldio cattle dm en mlo Ihl' II ds olth streams were, ID ROm p lncPll burtt!l comp)ehlly out of RIShl fIll gmss " Wd. bad grOWII to good feed W1l8 takflU ou t lIy tllO routs and piled up m Wtlves along th p1aill8
" 1 ruth Strllnger 1ltall Fiction .,
H ere-me, au,l be 8 a melin m RIl Whllt mls 111111 iii wh U! ky [lnu I mIght IU'g 10 null tllrcl\OOn aud blow I\ronnd tLll my oru'II got collI IIml be 1 knep fig ht on I lu\Vo l.tIle n by tho wllys ld" your H )j or !lUll llY tho rontlalCle nnd by tho b lICk!!ttle I\I1d tho frontslCle, nn d blow ~o ur CYCA J ud ge II I Inn t Ble k of It I 1 ho I r lit nor w. pt Auct )u n W lll t Ambro80 Bcnt tift l10
S pr. ' " on I I .. mo nr t ~1JIU
WlIJ)OlL'S OOJlPOlOO) 011'
lh llt but a celltury IIgo 1\ I ell J uhn )I,r KOV lle wh o nft e rwnrd laId dow n hiMIrln s M >:a rl\ tr Iln o rglllll z~ d tl 0 Ii nit lt Rh t cl\ \It1ry rCl!lIU cn t III t he Brill II servIce promotlOD fw m th e ranks di d lot ar penr to him WILhtn t he bClunds of pOI!.~1 bilt t y /LillI III hIS well kl OWII ()ode of InsL u c t lO lI ~ h I' ellprl'llI\ly l1li) 8 th nL the mnks 01 cor poral lIIU Mc rgc llllt lIl uKL he CO II ~ lcl erecl Ill! t h 6 1t1ost SIgnal honors thaI a mun from the milks co uld nttlll n
troll 1 knolV It but I III tIred of try wl!' to tIo nny tlUll/:l' or ho nuy body E very timo I got 1 dollnr nhoml or a cIOIUJ IJllt.rt butl by for SllDday or tlto hOI 1H of my boots fi xe 1 lip nnc1 boglll to 11.'C1 nil If I WIlli
IUIII d owli t!J(' 11111 1 g o Who 18 old AmbrollO r
Cl tor. t"u r t I \ ~ 'II nr C 1111" aD I FftYflr.. In f'urr rue " t er l\ thl! dlrflf Uo• • • r ~ rollo,..~4
A NOlOI Dovlco· •• Looomotlvo !SIdewalk. Ono of the mOilt s mgnlnr ohJect6 to bo <11Rplllyod !At /Jle Centennial Exfutlltlon 6ay" tho New York Tnbunc will be a fIll( tlOU ( f truvollllg Illdowalk, lin Am ell 0011 II VOlItion for Bolvmg Ihe }l roblcm of mplIl trnllHlt m Olties Tlus traveling 81duwnlk lIB It I B gOl1emlly crulod but mum p roperly lUI endloss mil wily train wlll be I nil ~, milo III longth opemted b y Btntiollnry cllgtne8 nnll mn at n apood of rrom fifteen to twonty milos au hour 1 he t rWlAfor MIlts and 1111 other nppli on008 will bo of the Ilame IIIV.o l1li thoeo Intcllded for genoralu88 by WblCh me ans plVI!IOngelll IXllIy get 011 or 011' the trtllll With ClUIO nud w ety wlthont slacking tho spocd of tlte train A compn.ny 18 orglllllzlIlg III this wty With a caPItal of 8100 000 t<lr tbo PIl1'p06O of displnymg tillS IImquo DlUIOhino Among Its corp<)moors aro P otor Ooopor George Rol1' alall, IdlllllU I G Courtney Cllpt Spill) oor nnd H A T erhune Tho wholo work III ex.,oc tec1 to cost about 875 000. Iluel willlxl OIKll'lltcel for Oxhlbltlon With II harge to thCll!O who rlde uJlOn i l TI1I8 novel modo of traveUug bllfl attmotod mlluh attentIon ot ~te, and obnrters for putting lt lOti!) practice III New York Olty we.re tWlOB piIIJaed by beth tiranche8 tho but vetoed by Gov D,x 88 bolllg on expenment. It 18 tb pnrpollO of tbe company, Ilftor tile WOSI1 o{ the e:r.h,bltJoD, to tranllpOrt tte road nnd exhIbIt It III London ani! Pons lin otl~er Olties.
rllB Sultsn of rllrkey who although on gelleral pnllC1ples 11:1 not, stncUy spoll!ting, woll up lU tho mystenes of finon oo hM yet on mbonl rC8JlOOt for the 8OIenoo 01 llumbers which retleets not 1\ little to hili orelUt l1li a preferred creilitor It will be remombered tllRt MI~s KES1, of Wythe Coull ty VII, tho Ottoman GovornmOllt r euentlY' 10 r CI.'Cntly sent lUI "sent to Ohtlllllaullbllrg oo nsl(lornlioD of tho low slate of lts rov whero "be formorly rOlu. 1o tI, wl Lh $2,100' ellTlOll ami tho bulky condition of 1t.8 winch wns (liBtnbute(l llmong h~r form or mone tary obhgntions .lCCld d to 188110 IIltV~8 living the re tho " 1m g lVOII t(J conpo uH for tho pav/nent of ono ball the o Ich being from $100 to $300 IIl terest on ItI! debt, the payment of the rell1lllllde.r to bo d oferred indefinitely CDAJ'PJtD h and. (ace plmpl u rlll/tIVorlD E nglish bolders of Tllr\ciJ!b proJJl1808 to eallrh e um lind ollier cutaneOll8 allectlon8 pay 8'101I'led vociferously thereat, ADd (lure tl nud rough 8kIIl1ll8".loII and I moolh by UI ng Juniper 'Jar Boar RQ c ue/nl to It IIIlOlDB thai the Sultan was DOt willing g .tollllll at mUll e u) C\HIICII Hazllr" '" 0 that th e arrangement RheuM np~fy to New '\ urk BII Lhere li re Ill" 'Y In .Lll lio ... lumeelr It 18 now stated that h18 1m OIade WILli r OlO ntOn lftr 1\11 of \,1" to ft rfl peria! lIflllllllty wbo III mteJ'flstecl to th w llr lhl ~ss exte nt of .£ ,000 000 lu the Datloualm d bt dne88, lUll8t Deeds 1'OlAw the Inll ijL."IClE l\Jo OOglUUlIlg llf Mr 1I0011y A amount 01 tile interest thereon 10 order work last lnll, OTer 600,000 OOplefl ot that the diswty of hie peculiar lRIITOuud POOJtBT lIub shaped like blblefl nave Sanker S IIOn8'" have boon IOld, and the ml!8 may Dot llUfl'er for lack 01 t\ll1M been mVCDtAId. \iemrulll goes 00 WcruuDDg
MIlER 37
HI( . ,rED 1:' DA Y. ~J \IU' 1 15.1 7ti.
I '"HII " ,wlll ro i/
b ngHI s lunL'o'iI, 00.1 Ii fillll l IP 810-W1Y' Ittard , IUl d, 08 thongb b) l'O lll" ' n U tb" I '1 n ' "" " r " " .... n 1.000 m n
,\ HOLT~
0.7, ~~----~---~~------------~~----~~~~==
M 8 k k I I 1'8 \lI\ Ir t Ttl ROAU 10 RI'I~, <l.u ••• \ FlIlIIOIl Lllndmnrk r lroYt'd, ! ~UOOTt~u NJUaR\. EL I!" lIt:' £,\1,111' ~ , OVI' , /!All1 II \ OIC Tl ·'1 1m I til Alld lit r eu l. rou from tb , o,IJowlIIS \ hal "I, II \\ .. I.., \\ Ilh flo .. Uu 8 III \\ f\-< OWU II dan g 1\ u 444 I), p 1"'1' lby ... " i;;i;; "', b~ ~'Ornll roolU a III h Ir I Lk I ) lit U\\ fty wbl b ,.as coullnru, ~ 1 III !lIP 'Ih .. 1111 '1'10.... 1l . .... I.. " .... - n " ... .. Lak .. 0 1' &"8, I .,, " I1<>I.UQ ..rt UlOi l ' r l " lUI ' I II IU (I NflwI York \ • . •" I w a. R'l n I 0 v .. r 1011.. pr.. P "11"M.y kll.,... RI1 r r wm 1111\ crT " PI{'f\l<llll t " j, 1II1l<i t. r, to OOIU PIlIlSI\' " ('rlllullllr h mSI('{\1,11111 ' tA broor u I TIIII th t Worlcl 11M IJct>n I I «(III 0Jlgrab'IIII1111t mg IIt, WIll< IU W lI llr r :'\ nr W"~ l Ill., dHIl I ", m not. .tart .. W' Il tbe I'Ull" ~ I'!iI\hOIl PJOOl<lull Inrnll l!'" 1l1l.1 1l ilitl' In U!'ll I atillg I H tis lCl' f 111l1 !! IDl rrutt.'<i "Pf'l l" II IlImlmnrk f old NplI \ I)r\t 'J" .............. nll:..... ~ It bin t I) hatl ,rn l I III I l.rb ,Ill y, h ut <'1l1d I Mlnll fIJI hIU I I I'y llOVII WIt1111 tlw .It t tJ or ~'\r DIU-lUg Ih perl II b"twppn 1800 (UIII Cnpl 0111 .. rl P l'I\lt, n vptprlUl mnrilll r ~." "1 lilt d~ l) Jo bt' r 11 rt Au I f It. a j m , la'J A" I ...... h IIrt,,,,, u, 0 60d ""Ill 11111 ", /Ulol Ill n Af:JrY I \\ • • rcatiUlr u r .. It tI If ,.., ItJ'l " l~ i\' liltlltro 1M oh hr' ll , nUll t u ngh III I 110 It \\ M oomlpl .... t by the ( hly A .. ""w nnw It' "lg III UpllYllI lit, who. e • Ah , H~, huL I d lBhk ,,,II \\ t'fitl,c r AI t tbull~h hu tUN. 1"41 , b", ,.mot " ho " tIb ~d lob 1\ rt'. hall') HL .. til lint ry no, WIM'P DQIr _ 1'I. I\lIhl l h~ \ ll(ly '~ !J ll ltltOl1\ Ilr h ,~, lIu.1 J \'1' (>11 ... 1 t111 )('1'1 rue lllllie I OIU ONY !LUlI , the h" TOO I H, tlwu " " e ,. f til" I rB' ~t IIn,l pt'fJud or Rl'rv l Oll lh I k"8 dales I k DUll L Ilg e WIlli 'Ill lllll'lIm ' ' 1111 Ii( n flllt.. R I~klrk '!::!ll tu I B lnndlll.rJ ll()r Iwgiu Wl lh rW.1 11.. ~t kllowu ball room III th e ( Ity A nt nlllrl, hll" a Ilfn r v, f l,,·.IIM1111 Inr l.l l'n!. It .... rot on W'ur\l ID own, wa, . I thnl It lint It T ",; \I v"r III, u\\l, In, \) • Ill. I 'on k " un lAl t ku II. lh r K l ntlll ky CO\lIllI\ll&g,t\l l l null J.J. 8p usod I 'iCi U III SPIICI! lIudrr till' bnll room w"'' ' 1 WlllcJl, til _g h H hI'" I"., 11 ulml)llt('1l"gnt AI1 rmalf t Inti br . nut ) uueU In. t Ilt " hlill roU waR tillf tU)d ,tW (l0101 \I111tll, r 18 ~n • ~ D~l' 0 L url ts I J lIlI flk h !'. f 1111111 r or '" 11 dunl 10 I Ib Ir fnU11 I'H f\UlU1'( IH. an,1 In..t n, ' In I 1114«,1 1\1111 t1ttou lip 118 U vorl t'ty til( lit. f I," , uttrucU;,1 {JA'II~"I, nil.I,' I,ll< .. t,,1U 11\ H I" UI II", It .b d aa n ra : llIll ~ IIl1d '-"'II" ,I<1u', Jlf ,('d t h ~\lc b t blllga ~ o u 'Iholl 1m,,' ollr c h \Il( Ix r Oil .. (.f ll.l£'111 MtuLhe.l tl ltl olhel WIlli I rom B F 111)" ...., o r p, IInwOfI' Mill ItA doy '1 l1li(,1 " \\1 11 I'M "';rt'lJlI 'I UlO~I\ Il il Ie M Ull ~ Idl»R t'l rollg h Otl R {t tl III,vnYA '1 he ro W WI 11 0 tllll~ to ma k, 1\ ),111 J ok kll lr .. 'Il thl nu~, k ll hllg Lllu M t roIR , .. I' Illll ~ " Itl , II l ruupo wblt h WI18 ! (l()UflCif IIltr 118 tl mn IInw t h' y w~r(' 1I 0t '\n~ nuttH{ UI'" I I II'" aly;tH" ,~ Pll UJ illg I I) ,Io~ SO" mUllt 111\\(> ICM I A buy WUlI I 1iI111"1tl nll,Iu 1'$1\11 F m ll nllil'Ht li ll ,)I1 M1".,,! (If th 0 1<1 C llrIs ty lIlchn .. ,1 to rl~k l ite 111M oC Ij"lIMell ~Pl1I I ",rH, 1I11t1 J IIC' r ~ Mtt thUlf{8 ' , "he fiI &W\: l hJ Ur I'nn t'\ I r ~.Ih Dab;t!". d n: ff" 111 ).(01 1 luLl \\ 1 1" 1115 lWl x Idl v , ~md Bus kirk ' It A Bb "fl\l b. r n Nl, I 10 uro (luly t \\ n Nllllllllgtl C~',}:lvUlIg 8'raUusk ll from ti ll I ntlll8 MIIIHtr. hI orglllllZl\t~t1I1, (lml ('OlDlllIfU"l nlh l (lre w III II l1!11'LWOl l\Jy I m fl .. lit,. Althuutc h 11 I r H l d lit oull r rv<lmulllUllg ),0 \\ t1l1l1gll o,,,,b ow UI r{ n b ush t. uuu DUlJOO , wh ]'(\ Ilia WI Rl'lIt at ti ll IImoug 118 nt~ ml l{ rA O.!Orge 'hrl"l) It lld n \lll< r "f Hu' old p. 1t0\1I11 I l\II"lJlllnu " \Hl tLer ' II I"" hi n fllrlmgllt.' MI'I!. B\I~klr1" h M I1 YOIl gone""''''' ' Ilge 01 II lor Ikco lI y m id un rglllry, OUWf wfl ll k.uo wu p rfo rmel'H }'ollow(\1! th'lI the IlIrR!~ Vf"....1 1)11 lit" lukpll lilt 0 • .1 U ""I l'A t lIu ' "",,\I:J Ioov (H '-> .. .....~;--J s labbed d d 1' ~I~h\Y1Ulltt III I .... l illd th!' thm le r 1,1)(l1\t 1\ "ar At Ibo "i'fl n IIn(lve l I I",. h n l r•• r ..hllp4>S\lIg of nl ,. d tl I " "I' d . 1. II 1 ro 1n "I ,~ nf CBWtt t ' lIt. UU':ilJ "I 'II'"' UJ UtntS:t"J:h:u~ Iff ...,.."" , " ..I 03 t u u ..... ..___ • 1- 1 I ~~ .. - ... ~ 11 1 mu , I, I ' 10 lilly DI "" II 1I\1'lJ<f, ut II .. ventA ( fl e! ,oolly Smll b, ngf" ]';', JU ~llllf1Onrl l JIll 1111111 Hrong h nm/ ~uII II.. lUlU)" W It\1 11, ItlJll WIIS 1111 IOll gl'r "(\~I(If~IIJrl' , Ah nlltl BII~t\r Ilu d tl'll nn.! co Ot ti ll Illu v " I \ 0 s tnn p.u long i uo ugh II Wit k fir IW(I RJ UC ,1l rntth r(>Jlt(l1 tl tllflt d\lug, I t.:J l ltoll g llllw'" lJyC('IIW Be, 1Ilst.ll.l " r I nlllng I.. r IIlld IKllli h ng I.. I ), m ...sU,. U IUK l tI f li t) In f'~ h l I h '1'011 mU ll lgo ,1II Ru cb Inxllflco, "lUtl I ~" ' hIlL h r°fu\f"{T" ti nt'! 1 h nte h " Iillo k tL.. ll- <I " Plu l 00 of IUM ' rn l Illh pr 11"(11)11 8 aft" I\\l\rd OCCIIJll lll i nllt 1111.0 III tilt M<~U!IJII helnl1y lllHIII'<'l1 tfl / I lhluk ,)uu l U ,,,t l't l ra . ) t ratber brl I IJ h Oll1'''' ~I r ,II, roll ~ Oll ('XI '''-Il l H!lu l Mill Barl ow I " F ' 'l1. ~ WIl~ 11,0 ll eAAs uh oo l leud .. r, I\Ud lhl b HI<I)'h,,1 I.. I l it 00111 ,18 III MnCOtlllMl II, 11Il,I 11\ l tl.'\8- 9 ! 1r" """.kllt1, ht) oh,"'" n Ill" " hnrrul. 1III ella .. an,," I I. h~) U I hI) nit' IU1~lI oUlI \\ Illlts I\Ito81 tlf~rl I " 111111 'I ~ I ~('pU\w'l P eter tln c. IlIlh II glmlnt, ]>N bnlJly cau" lUg Il W () 111111r Ip,.... II Ib, It num' Il n,i I'I ~II, un t 1I0t o lin It HI! p m fltobl " to lu m IIro, filii I lIn~ klrk ".uut 1,I11l OVO, g ool II UgR I.. r d ulth .1, aM< (llflM IU II XM, llA' '' Mb1rlu l UI O ,nrll ty th'~I'" I winch h:h'r lm RI'I ! HI Illlln cPfI tlte pl opr ll'lol'H IIf ti ll Mi l'?!l " 11l.hlt i~ Ill: oUti IIn':ur", Lilli \1 guoll tlll ~(,'Il, I ;> peolNI the I Hl, n fe " woekit IIlb oo ah ot n mllll .I,'a,1 I I" CllW, f IIUOU8 118 '4~ I A mong Uill hlilf 1Mnt illgtU11 Flllh, to bll) Uu \ Nl.q, I 1 ~;'l'll~~~lIt " ,111111 1111 11 mnlly , RPI' IHI 111111 110 " I lll i unt rIC ,1 I IUl'au fl"()m bt Illna a f, 11<)0, 1111,1 kjIJll,1 IUH II lor8 II ho II( glllrt'll oel, b llty' 0 11 1\/1 ~ta8( 811,1 '" 1111 her m, r III l<' nllH IhlR " .lit l Wit Ilid IIlIlIIor, k I.... I II 0 " , • l lllmll d ll II hou .~~ Ir lUl l 1 k C.. lh I ti m n J I'IiI'S \Wf.. 11' Frnu k Hilt Ill'fI 'l OllY l'ulltor IIUJ HIli) 0 , IlIII ahollt lho yt'll t of] RD(} ~'hll l'T p\l~ltlOli I 0" , .~ t IIH:B I U\1 U"(~ Itch II W08t £". tit 1 llIl - nowu - I ,,;>gnll l tnu 1\ t'll 17 III N " l ork Hlato, 111M (J l lO rl(l~ Willh, DIlly H o lult R 'l'bulDlJ WIIH oogl'tlI:' IICO('pf.!'u by tllfl hotel pro U hnUKh 8 ",, 1\0\\ 1;(0 P 11Ii) uuL nr tllull ( 11m " Splrltof '76 - Orooked wbmky ('J wn ""rtu I I I II s kill I f!O lI 11m Onrl flu ' ll JI\IU <'H 'VaruhCild , .1 ~ c d ... I t !;' r kef) nUr l )llA, tllf '] I ollt' " lo r m on t IJ, nI b r IrJ III$ tu IImfllll WI I'll pill t m'H, \\ 10 t SllW 11\ I l II cnpllll OuH!r tll4 if (lr halNl th wor ld ", u t ll . lI K ~ rooM A flYlllI8 o f I It",r own for1mlell' A ' on~;11 ~h lugbt " 0 , Plll<1 P <tn \\ onltl ll t Itnv mnlhlttlll(l, 1 A II)l of II little g ill 'IItlt II Ul k buulIu , r, OUIIE'Ctl' d w'llh the tlwnt<r fit '~rlOnll IIlg 8 homl', 'lna 0110 \lllI uh Il ouhl bo \\ Ith o u o t OO rulU) U.. hd"'l ,1111 '~'U .Iou t WHir tl l 00 t 1 POll( Mill tim lmd.. 'Veil, my huk!:'.l II( r t o rl ellth F llr Homo .Ioy.. LIlUCH Illlrlllg lJnU, r 1\ ntnllllg"IlI(Jllt It II< I Imll to p ny tJl w w<'11 'rbo nO"1l Willi ~I~hora, r I 1111111 l\l1'H llullow 'I Imve kO ll8111 , lilt'll Urm\IJ . l.oltlmo Ulnt, you ph wtlllslI»po8('d hl:tvl' 1111 i1 frorn o.c \\w .. Ul lin t ho It'l l,h ng " llTi oty till nlA r lIC IVI,I Iy pliultHhl'd III t h" II W8)1I1P"T8 IlUll \VUlI( n mill! re.olv s milch lU it B my IIi n il H, Hlr I V" 11(1 Ish to .bo IU II n~\\ Chl(lut ,Tohul1Y llrllfl~, n 81m F'r!IIICJ8ClI Lu u ru, trnl 'fl h ~ nllll frolll \ ~rlf)l\ 1I 11118 LhA tall, o f tho 81lrronlldlllg (,OIlUtry Illllll1 rl0l'8 It m ilk, him 'lit.ty I II orl, hOlL<" I ,~ hlld tlll~ .1re88 Icu 1] d (>r 1000kl' ,1 at b" r Tllfdrlltb WfIJI 1 Y or 11 w,ut around til" 0111 0(0"0 L~LIIRf'H ""'JllIfI',I'n wl,II; t£lllulIty DIU C.r ,,,'('lui IIl1d Wet kR 'lhoy ,1,,1 Jlol " WmcII III th .mtnmoo OIl U " tIIlk d - SI P IIU! nL IMt H,' B~I~d nt Ilia lutly for <]nllrlo Itl:rlllllg thu nook.. of Olllllr ~i IIIg Ul; \l1l1 Iho IU)\IRp. .llu au 'llorlUOllA IIOllllt Imut!8 wh ~1I thoy jlitlgoJ whnt nil [\ m lLII nt IL l lulwlL NI.ntiou the o tber day JOIlr!l ' " J u,tc ', I I HIli II PI It r Anti I Slip Il Vt IIl llllltf'R h y Ule cl ock fUll1 thi'll I II o rupn ,"lh Inll Ol~ }It WM fi nnll v Ullrillll RH, )lR IUIIII Y M ~, O()() tid. 1M ],c lng "xcII~ tl pnultc OII1I"~ ltv " o nld do l'ur Jll' Y OII wl'r to Iw k olu FAUI r TIlD Til.: "11)0\\ IItHI Q" 11 ~r Ho ml In,lics bill OII P c, ury m ou lh " , 1111 1k l out of th o hOIl'" JU ll tW II Ug IlrYllHk'll I1ml .. pIsto l Il\ck o f cm,i 8 lLU,1 Mold II I One " v' IlIlIg 011 F"b 11'J Itj(j(. '" vomllilLYij fl e VIflllR to UIlI glllllt rve nt h nw ill f<llt, h o wo ult! ILntlollbt.edIY"l1 _ _ '. I ClL ry le ll rlay s. 811 LI lltrs Barlow II I II Ill! t.. k<lll 111 1 .a 1'1l1g uf lob""'l() COlllltl 011 J.tun Powr Ihe IJllllulIIS WI'" bl\lll~lllll a Uro' IlllId; Iho KIRgCR IIIIl ('II unl b01l1.ll 11"10 lluwtle..1 HW' I, " St IV RIl IV ' &1 IIU1UY persoll8 l' I.cr lIusku It WI'" \, fo I r i O, 1 blll ~h r, r Ul j RI x , l\[1 Busk Irk , J I t I" Hntll 1'< tur R"sk u k ne vol reoov TOI1 H, n celol f'Ll boy of HI III Hl ooklYIi (lO IlSllllli ,I (lVi r 81 [)O 000 WOI th o f plOp Pt'ople fl ook! il tblthf'r frlllll 1111 )lllr~ 0: , [.11(. ILRtl II 11 IU I 11110 ," yun JruOW lI ot 80 fOlllltllllt ho \~l mon"j ,lui lI' It J • r,)d Ih Hbuok AgalUs t hIS will b o tl erOll IliA (!(lm]> 1II0ltll three Ct ut.~ fo; I rLy fh e firo cJlng ht hill.! Ib HOl'III'8 lito col\uhy to wltllt!8U tho II llV' I Hpt1\l 'rlllmJl l8 lIothma' like gowg to be(] II If to k o,' p It o r ml~ I ~ Ant d IIi DI l'l le r chlln]) Ll fl o b, gan to 11\< .1 h111ll10 1181r. f' V raft r, nnd bl8 Ius aluue o f II ,hIck they h nd 1 IOtly o C tll P. tht'nte l 1111<1 It '\1111 thon bt to taolt' of the 11I'Il"eRt vll8Ilol II Ihe IIIIu H Iu ,d (\op 1\11 lho <lIl reR outl ve xntioD8 of r f\l8IJd lumMI ~ fit'f' or I~ I~l: CbllUU6d 0 / lbtllk U rM 11m WI n g h t The cost o f \l IC ~1()Dl8be<l t!1I 1I~lghborhood hy b or 1It.(,leu Wblll hI" ( OmpnlllOIlH rpfn ANI hllv!! 1won OIJ~llHle.1 hy tho rlt'tae~mpllt gOUJ g UVQr the Flllls 'l'be h otell k ~pt I'll ftlHlllollablo hfe a r forgottell, and l\lcli unt y et 80 .-ory fou~ of ~ I!t° t: pi ~;f "mil u wife " onltl be II m r t rIll , ullli ~lIg111 CClJt nlbre nlld gmud pnrtiCII t.:J IPvo 111m hnc k the ohllhgo onl of n of II stove )llpe Ul tuo g l I' ll rooUl Th p I ( IIP<.1 a rlt h hnrveAt. So Ilrrot II ClOwd '11111111H h e t:nlmly .lown, regartlleAS 01 I o l' 0 11 ~ "hut ILIl e) fI Rb wouM k p to the 1'1 I\t n e; r rllulc8M r w rblmBelf exptr 1 m ak el P ek'r Qllt 1118 tn !> .I H ILrlU WIth a IIller!! 111 rolJllIldUlg lItteLI np thl' OU lULU n ,or befo te b oon flCOU !It that fl "hat the y baYII on, ve rlo o( tDilJerhootl\'lU a::l t1ll1..n O'ftlr B IOU ul\'lng qlu I neUR('S of n h mu " hold III ,'!IS 11\11 n YPllr , a nd the lM t wOf ,1s tuzor SIlUlm) (Jole 1l11llOlll ngelliG IR tiro hl~k 08 IItom K, ~oll tbo thelllllcal mOils l'OIIort. Ou tho IOppoll1tetlllny tho 'rID1 Doylci\tolTJl (Po) Inlelhgc11C6T II'01R lila ~r~tcl:'ped h~cJ81 E r tho II, Dlll g "'liS ov r h u hnrl .II' ~li!llH hp~ WCI' 1'I'.1ltl t I "Tllk, U 111 1 now 10 prlllOI1 fo r 'stellhu f1 ;\ b or se. ' A WllrultR \\ f A for, d tt. tuk" nlln Wqlllll 1\ltalugnll '.wi towed ont into th ro)lt(I~ _kerR ooull mske I om, JIll run I c HIt.1 th at It I\Qulll h e c heaper to mnrt' a ell III I Brooklyu ooy, aged 17, ullmed I.tll'll lho bll8llm lit lUlller N o !l44 l\l tbo prolll'n oo of II fMt nttUl OOr of )lco Iulit Jll8t 108t a subaoriber for 1'Ilther 1\ ove l reMOn 'l'b lII ihVlllllnl 1:uul JUIIl Ibis baohelor 'll<lI\rt pl ~ lI~r r'~n 011 ~" t o f( ID IUIl sm g l(l II ' 0 Mrs Barlo w \n tI St I ~Lu...hnll, hns bl'l'll oollvlctIJIl of n 8on os Broal\llllY Willi for H(lvomlYI nrtl 0001111 1"11 pie who hnt'lll lh o bliuks Qr VIsltod th ubOllght II l l,lJlo, ntlll be gu BIIed h 'd tbroll h the IlIlter 1\11 w: U~ t1~~ r~r IUl." holpmnt~, l'f II ..,11<' II a IIl'Jlf Mill .. Scho4ll, o f tnuglorl81i lIetti llg lt~ru $2,".00 111 clLllh l1li 1\ coneett Mnloou, all.! dllrlllg the 8()PJIII UpOIi tho IllllUOrOllfl tlXClIr8101l bO~ltR '11111 ~IHOII U ul' IllS k,' tll l\1J 11I~~~~i Sh,, " li nt (lul y Ill' Mvillg III' rll{,IC A bl nnll enl JII cHlont l R r e lat.< II to II~ A h o) ngcd 0 y nlU'll WfIJI fOlllll1 tlmnk wRIter gill flU r l' , "" i " b !t'1II111 1R60, wInch ware cull"d lOW Il'ijlll81tlOU n Ul Imve "bont Ill! ronob \lew roodlllg .mntte.r III ti l<? prcllt'llco of I V:I I ) h u t Hltl wlJ n hl c hcel( m, III tn \ II UI ex "l lIch Oce lll r, ,I UII ll It f.. w <111)11 ngo III Ul J.JfIII ,lo lI I!ls t mouU, H e hntldnvoll \VIlli OU" lIf t111l lUost uutOIl"I1H oC tlll8 toak of towlIIg II 0 VI'SF«l1 mto tu e llr 1111 h ' cou1l1 IIttell(1 to WI IU tbnt 01 I 'H wig .nuo me In n ogmll'( H SRI II IIi Sbo " 0111,1 h e I ll .. H om, Hc boo l tu I.cnelt Illllte~ nrticu hlF! fnUI l'r nuu mol.her !rom ),OIllC rwol clnHII of rl'scn IA III Nflw ) olk Ih IOllt WIUlIIlhll800tl 1.0 (Jllpt nOug h, \\Ith A I\A.l'T IteD writer w,qlltres "Whnt ~01 \ U lloo11m1e::tl lgIlo8ub etnnt '''~I'' IUvnl uabJo t.:J IDe Kit" ' \I \f\11I ,lilt' ti ll "'" j ilb u ll IIl1d " pI OIlJlDg lit Myetlo RIV£ I h IM gltl.llumothor :(1Il1ll d o UQUllug '\11I1 blllldlllg No «illll!! bUll bltru. ,l Ilo"u II orew of hlllf" dozon ol\l'Srue n RCltw tuJ 18 thoro Illllle ! h el\ven moro bu\U&IWI~, "tho tn n "'Iwtetl to u t pO ll d t 1\ ~ < 111 q I ho fntOR 1JJ1t.~ t hllv, R. ut UHr I ~f "'~ P , ,II I 1I11.(' r RUU g grnulIStA of OUl h~ru An Olno 1lOY be lllg Wl'filletl wmlL fom tllneR IIltiLlIl Lh( Il\8t tim ty Y'llrs by hllllH(llf 'rhi8 W!L8 1\ raUl t hll7~ud o r, if we runy U 9() the tonn, more angel to IDllrry lulU ThOr~Rlltl~w':t I\OIn II W Il l lh fOI m ~ "puCUII bOlll'fll lI f t h,' ohllRt IIl stitutlll1l8 fot the "Iuon lIItn II Llecline anll 8ufi ured from aU;>:I Lho Il\1jt Lllo Ilres OOO\lrrlllg 111 Itlli4 lIuII cnlR 1' lIterprIRIJ, nUll Ollpt PraLt, who Izmg, than A tllle blaok eye m 1\ lav I,. Nut that Petor I t.oel 11\8 I worst SIl, IIn.r LIllO CUIl "lll( 11111011 , P ol r It t lOt! o f ,Ionf Ul ll tos, hnnng II d eall o to O( RQ of fIollVJ\, whlc b 'V118 rob voll by 1866 IV118 11IIllROU ono of thu ('r W, BIIyrl ,yomllU t' '.cwo blank eyell 18 tIte olll,. oontrar eyen at ltif ..,'Omen, Oll Iho Bvlvctl to Ilr t tll 6C()1l0m lOnl wlLlolI, It 01 U I " p LU k DIllI to rl'.ld th lips of Imtliug nt 1118 fllther's VIsum, Oil willell Th o Ooutlll utal H ol I WM form orly IllS hemt olmo~t fU11.'01 Jilin wholl 1I0RIVer tbougbt of ll~ preseut nbly 8u~Pt bl ~ h~ \Villi r el1jrk lind t hnt Ill,lJ b. Lng COll\ eJlJonU) dnm Il('r s p ' llkllll; frll' 1Il1H WI\8 rcoommeu.}t'd 10 grew fnt But b )'('nehcll te ll or l\fltc b ellil Olymplo 'rh"nt.or III1U here they fIIlt Ollt, thon~b ho 111111 ~1 ....lIy vol TilE O'Vl.or of II. plltr or bnght eyee III a tilltt r I n~t' the r}~ot ; e Ilut 11m IOllr Ll ut IIl rll TI ro ' H I'., 1111 COIIIIIl 0 \ ry Ill' h l r u ',1 pi UI " I)}Il] 'to try IIfr "III]> twe lve II tIny MILl 108t hl8 hOlllth ngnlll mlluyof tbe notors wh\lso u'ames IIwk IIlltee rod for tile fIIlrVl OO 'rhero I~tl I\8.q \lt S 11K Utnt the prettif!fl~ oomllhowut 118 ,,,n 0 8 or dnu I IW, womell, 0pplJtllllll t V pl( S Heliool, onLl sh u eu ter",1 It u",L B I \lIg 1I0W 6 yeuI'S oli! Itll OOU811tnPIl llmoug tho Un,t III the l\oUI118 of the Now Ut.'flll vlnood ou t h e 1!(lhoon(lr ao"orol Bh o over r ew ed ClIme !ram a child of .. Th y lU)o<llld clo~~'8:u~\ etw O:l peUSIV, I t \\118 a \, lJ IIIf' ~pOIlRI\ O cOIlrt.qIIlP I<lDl :';ho l1llluO ru]>lll progrOllll, a\i,bl'lill t"rE\o or tOllr per ,lay, nll<l 18 !tenUhy York stal(e , e ither \Undo theu first al' illllm&lII, 11\ u oortlnll With the )>fO y C1I1'R Thll littlo rollow, niter loo\Chlg 1l"lllt108 1'u ,d fUn d u f I, ll , r;J\\ 0 b l r 1I0t I jJl(S~ ut be cx IIl11 0b IIlllu,l by the II11tll1'llLIllpimlltlt tIle lIull grmnng AnoUII' r Oillo uoy, ngell J}l l\rllUCI ur " Bt.l\bhRh(l11 II l't.'llll'BtiOIl gromml', wincll Imd 000 11 w1l1',ly ntlver mtently Ilt h er for II momOllt, in'ltili'tld t.rovagallt ~£'t p ro\ ur \)\ y • X p ~d(ll no l\l H o lo" k h or uu" ItMe HR' " 1I1"1I1.t III of h t'l Il'llWler TLlls nlpl:nb. t 16, lIhot hill brothe r's hea<l off lIII It e lhllt. 11118' .wel b ....u knowu to old Now tIMed 'rboso OOnR18te,1 of n hnlrulo, UJl1vl'ly, "Are yom: e ylll! uew 011881" Y one Rh ' 10 dlUl. Ii \\ III , n Il hcr of tl lOm ove r IlIlfl olLs ly 8Ull'glllll.ll SOILUtl, or tlto tight Iny 1ll00U, while RhoWlIIg huu "bow to York pl",y gOl'rII would 8peu .. hl:\~l olJ e Jlurtou, Holhwd, 1."1 u enrtl t\,o (oxes 'I l'1\000011, II l101{, II PA, WIll von got me II pan of Bkotoa llJ1tl 8qtlanu.~ 1,art hOY" ] 0 b It\ II 811\\ l he phlt." IInll lm th we ro happ) pOln tIoll of UIO orgnue to uttel SUIUld, J\8 '''lOOt on tbe wlug' A Mi880lU1 11oy, DlIvoupurt, F orres t, JlUlll1S Brutus 8 ("Lt, 11U(1 80me RO At b(u bowMpnt Wlth!lua _wi ~r o Wll8 , e nd Au,I, At Iil8t h I>lOpOIICII Sho uh18h ctl " e ll n.~ fo rm, Mil wheuove r 1\ mute ageu ]8, took blS pUltol to 8oh ool Bootb, aue! mOllY OtllArB, hnvo trod ltH WI\8 tb Ame ncnu CIl81gU audl\thcrl\t.oru I f I RTOve to yuu Utnt 0 d og 111\'1 teu fly H, my 80n II "\V()ll, to 'llteen>.t alar ~ t~l'~ boloro him, P eter lind h tllUU toll, null b gg(\tl bOlO to 0011 pn»11 can ~ltd liud wn: It, h e or she olld 81l11lHecl IUUlsclt by l!Ilapplllg It fit boardR, nnll tho old pllloo WtIIl Bllr~omld lbo Eugllllb .TLlCk, th ClIDatlllLlI hotcJ tmls Y ''.:6 t (I onls of mlllrillloll~, BIU r At Int'lt ah 8t~ld, II I nm Illrmd to onll g e oel'llily gw nny of Ule forty Ute 8OhollU'8 III tho Ilfteruoou ho 8110 ,i! by lullt.orlc remlUl8ClJ1ICll'R of tht' stnge kpP.I"II'8 hl\ving JOI1lp.d in HIO ontorprlflC b eglJl, olle dog hns oue moro 1.811 t1J:Ul ~ ~ ono lJIOOllVIOllcB m til18 118 Mr Bqllk~k, I like you, but l 80tmdll of hCl' difficult lall8}IBgo WIth ceeded 111 lcxl.KI~jLa balUn the h 1I11 of 1\ -N~... u l'o~k Iell filet were ull!H !!ome effigle8 llisp'"yeu 1\0 deg baau't be l ' .. Yea,' "Well, uo , lwI'I r. 8 iib1y" orttrmlgllnt 1'011 ~t"l'eeUllon nnd it RCl'lminntioJl, an,1 !itt! IP Miiiffi~ il'llftl ei M Th~ _ ~__ 011 boar,\ to 8iye tile "P~tll1JQ(j pI ~ \log lWI nme Wla; ~ O~""'II'I8:-UIIII........ """:",,,",,~~ UIIlk plllg, lo~ It bJlvolved Ill1lU'V11Dt rlnk I~'l\ IIl1 d 00, (', 1Il111 ult hntt r, III1 l1 IIftl' n WIUI lI' mnrknlJlo ( orl'oelu SA ThlH II boy" 118 I!Ovllre ly tTOlllilCOO lor hili 101 (,hlW, and to make mQro l'(',j)J til IlOOIlO dlle more wi tliau no dog, then o11e dog -M~me 0110 to ll\I\~ II~ , 'if~ Ilillbtlli. r 'o.ll\ I /l h('Il i<l r~m (,OlUlIIg I, wnn l I yOIll l" Indy tillell wllh e utlllll1UIAm nt Iy, by hIS ]>nrellts, who dooply regre t IJlllllnne !langillII'. of 1\ vt'1IIIt I Wltb 0.11 011 IlOartl makmg tbe IIIWlt lIIIvo bm tAilH ~ " Ho got tho .000 Illld 11:011 ...... 811""... tho 88l'\'1U1 t- 8hoqJd , lUd~." " ' " , e ry08to lJ, 'I\\~Rter( U Ut{) olJlhnbllt IOtb UIA oe l1lTe!l( H a!l)H tlt e local pllpcr A VIOl DougbtoJl, 01 tbe UlIlval'8lty of te mllc pluuge lust b O[OI ", til e towhuo skatf\A or'flJJ.,wOli~ WIl8 I\hlnys til bl\Uo of • I " h y 1 m tb e III At I ~ll1lunllcl\l Ittt.lo Illlllcnlty, IIDd all '; <loy CIIWt' to he r boy tlgllt\ 0, 11\ P ClluBylVIIDtll, took ILl8 Dubllu, hila booo illV tigntlllg tho 811b WIlf! out tho \lullDnls on boonl Wllro tlUU MANIlUVEUINO ml\lUUlIl (1I11XlOU8 tlmt c r8 tl-Catlllg nml drmkin g III n HOlllllI lIIg Rl lI d r 1.<' 1 t~ellel \9lth Hom ethillg wnttcll ou Lei broUt r H pl8tol IUlIl II pia) flllly Ject 01 blllnnu bMlgmg Ho StafAtll Ulot ('11 loose JIIRt 08 th e v!!AI!Ol NlWroo tbe h r UI\t1ght<lr 8 oluof attraotion ehould I1lIanue r whioh kellt the nUl/Itor or UIIl ] ~tru\llRRu t 1'1'01'" nhvnylt tillllk 1IlI,tf\ , wIll h Hh e tIIIke ti Imu to (.'Orr ot, irI1npped II lit u boy ngod 9 Yl'm1<, Mr Oll.lIIOll, Ijllr80011 at Nowgnte, b08 ropldH two of the benl'8 plunged m J u o t eRCIlj)" tim natloo of tlto very eligtblo b U9C lU n coutlllUru fermont, wnatll,lg thnl, BIlI,1 tb e In. l~ Nu I W nImlll / hl' r JUIlI" ""illS ngttl\t.oll wltb ellloilOIl who " lIS vIRit.iJl8 hLW lbe l ... Uet ell frequently 1If'<lIi the Hotim Rta'llggln for hoard aut! LlCtnlllly 8110000<10(1 UI BIVlID yCIIlllg mllll who III tllkiug hei'- the litter Rnd fllol, Iwd (lnoh olmngo III th 10 IlIIJ l 1'8 , uJl l f)~", 111111'00, J 0 11 \l oro 10 It pruve,1 to 00 tho Lord'R Prny r, lJut te ra.l th e UO, '8 urru ll mOle thau twenty 1lli0nteH IJt!foro boooni mmg Mhoro The tiurd OllA . cJIlDbed d iLII/JhteJ:-down to 8upper) _ I f Marl" r ~tobohu 6 ullomnbl'8l100 belllg [ullo wu.! IUllkfl l Oll r p r0i'rrt~ over to mll, RO tJlaL JIIto tllll lllllgu ug of nrtl clllntJ olJ Il ' r '.rheso CIIRH 8 ru nll 1C)JIeS uted to bo IIlg IIUlllLUlnte, IIlld proooeds to My 1 tile lO08t MIl to get" ooi r \111'\ of the l\[nrm I ' lIfurill- " Yes, mamma r ' 1\(11 y t 0 mystenol\6 UI8IIppoornl1 CO uC J oo ulll b 8111 0 ~ ou " ollM u otrlllll yollr CCl\lIl g " (lr 1/3'ltatlOlI tho ton hel I:o ulu nnthe llie, UllW A, dnt(l8, n~)u plI\CCS bolll g Ihat tho old BYllte.U ot tIIklllg tho OOIL f/ooue J\Jl UIU nlllmllill /lee ml 1 lP ently lIe llvorlug Ul[lIUDm (ill loml 'll'hlsper)~~'\olll nod IUlpkioa nnd 8110h Blllall "'IU'<l RI lf Of (' u i'iI<l tilllt 18 lIu pos.~ lble, nUll SCflr« ' l etuiu hi .. 0 \\11 ttll\l'8 Ilf! htl OOI1'CO)'- g lv u And \\ 0 I",,,, uo Lloubt tb y nr Viet s lIf uy 81tft'ocntlOll IH 1lI1lllmrully fnghteul'tI nut! rou fr(lm oue ellIl of tlle .. Tllko r,onr ey WIlDS out ot tanglo, IhN'O "'1\11 uo rest for gooltIlL J)uBkiI k It " o llld bo 8 111' 11 II cow t ll nt t(ulll~ I .. I n f{'w IlUllnl'0rtflllt t'rrors uf nroUllU llldetl" It m ,llfticnlt to tako up nl)nper P"lUflll, lInlloOO8l'8l1ly prolonged, lIuII llook to tbe other, rnllch thtl 6111110 Il!! II tl~fllllg I ' - Pm I. HI) tried Bett;) IIml DIUl\h Rnll MRry lIu tl colth1 Sc"lrllO I.> tl tlB lfll It, c v. II for II SI'II ( mLioll, IIUlI el( lumkll.> re tllrlloU It rllo II ILbollt H(lllJllg 80WU Fltc Iy of Juvonlle I voltmg to tb o "'peetAtol'H wholiC dutl' It hlllllllll erow nllgbt hllv tloll l;l ulltler SRRVANT-" SomebOdy IInuta to /100 Auu, nUll tbpu, III ,1C81'Mr, flow t{J 1\ C I tI, 1))1111 J s o IIIlIch 1'''8) '' t II PX t mo rlllllg th o )OllUg IlIlIl M ill O "x Wl ck C'IIUCfIf<, rnekln88Jl~ or life o r Willi 1tI 10 u e )l1 68Cllt. 'l'hAt thll llllhJoct of 1\11 HUUllnr OII CI1J\11jtllIlOAH, III nu ngonyof l\fl\1jl<Or (n "shoddy," giVlIl~ lAuu 1I1rs Browll, UI gtver of ten p"rltcti Alld th .1i Oil 1111('111 rel ICt bl llRhll1 !IllIl IIltlUg ly to hm t nohlll x< 11l100lU ~ ,. r Ultll1e kllhng, prooolJlonll bnd babll.ll or OOcctlV (I1flcntlOu by 81111]>00111011 8lton).1 tlCfl])lIlr Tho V~l11Wll't 811J\111ly dowlI YOII, e ll" h(>Slttlte.1 pmycu Illflt lllgJJt Cor 'tho firs t bllle III " llUt.on "'POlt, olldlllg In a deplollLblo h n the Ill\lUell11t<l rl1ptllre of the HplUl\l tho rapltl .., ],Inngtll[r OHlr th e fil'flt foil, 1.1IM 1\rf:lt HweU dmn r) - " 00 111 hiU' wllumoJ'llh\a, for nllvloo ::~'l\Jl!SIU'C Iltld ]>logu08," Rho anal It I' M P C!. I II tu m to PIIU!\(' IIlld OU Illy hfo ,,,th lIIV '0100, 011 ..1 UCJthet of CllSlllllty oil the pntt o f 1IOY8 mll81ng 001110111 by tu fllll ,) 'rhat tlll1 118O of ~1\\pplUg II httle watl\l', rlghtmg blll'8Cll SenTlut--" D Oli t ~now, S~" l\IlI8te,&t l OU out of hOll 0 IIDd h ome, Mld ..r lIe ' '' lit n\\uy to <1080, nuil, I Ihum collltll ~I.mlll th tr OIllotlOU8 R from (; t o 1/i yenm of ng!' Tile 0, "lollg dro]>" lH 001. ollly milch I)rerer aut,! wovillg 011 1\1 flue "tyle In gmug "We ll, woll, Ullt wltnt'8 e like-18 '0 It 8ervnllt (who htlll eVllI:utl P ter t r' III ng ~1I ,hlellly to bla h,mR(' fllltthlblH vr nturet1 to!\Sk 11f t If "bl) hou pmyed tloelnllo of p<lr60nlll hborty hM U 11 lIule from o.itllmaUltlllulD llomt of VItlW, over the Reooutl mpia tb maAt weut by gtlllt10DlI\1I Y' , Not to bo rohotl 011 for bouc~ty, Ret\lug m llid ~ llulP; drll'PlIIg to IL mnu h" Corp • Oh ~ . 8 , I hn"o thouglJt m~ oom d to HllOh illOIPClll oxtr moo thnt bllt III the ollly mlltholl by wbloh tho u tho oonrd ani1 Ihn lxnr WIlh It, 111111 d outly h oel! "tMhllg "- " No-o 00, 1I1l', "-!Il!~1 ~I'II Brown B e , h llll1l"~(l(1 It r lit OIlCI' llli.l nl8hcll prnYl rII, lmtI lIo\ ('r " p ok o tblllU berure ' the roll1uut of cblldrou 8 tewpel'8, ell Alred obJoct CLln ])v oOcctnoll,l\ttalllt'll nCIUll\r wor IIglLlII I!ll II Sb s wung uot el(ll(Jtly A ge nU"mall, IILr- JllIIt some.) 'thieves, mil nm, tlllo~ 08 1 llIUiI bnt',k to tllll 'Vlllo w Burlow B 'llty ltptll!UlI1\ IJnLU!O Tboo, 0 Ood,' pnCt' R, Ilud Pfl81ll0UIIIII looked IlPOU U8 a ... rhllt U", short rl~lIlludl'ol!ltlUu of the I\roUlull\lId IJrI'..8I' lItetl III r bl'OndRide to tlllllg hk" YOllrllCU- - "-London Pun. ! ct"Cl' "My ruOIl0:Y 1V01I1,1 b o 8111 el III ) 01 11 Att.ellli to tim "o100 of Ill) SIl)lphca HOlatlOu of tho D~olnrntlon of Iul! knot t'rnployetl fOI 80 JUnn;y yenrs by tlle foamlllg Wlltf'tH ~h, hnd eVlul'utly A MOIIMON yonth who bnel removed "Ab," SOld Mra Brown, ' II g e uUe- bnllUB Ihnu W1UO, lIe III11l1 ,nth a mon n llOllll, 0 Lor,1 l'b onrno8lllofIB nntl p. udenOl' OIUCl flft ILri UIUUnrtll1lll! whIch ~ hollid Htnlf k II rock nucl WIl!! I!tahonnry lJllr" Crom 10wII II> UtolJ, whom Il travelot mnu h08 no time to WJ\te It thpm NOli '1\Iurry 000 , nlHl k c,'p m (l Il oJU h l lllg Nlltls fllotlOn of tho il. , ont !Dute "ho hnll _ _ __ cCI~~O W be pl'rDlltt.oci (j Thnt thu fran It WI\8 thonght Iii r CIIrCllr 11118 elllled IIIIlI found teu(\mg 1.111 p, 8I\Id "I como troDl I should U<lVl80 mnrrYlUg, Mr Bllskll'k fll III u l 110\9 renhzed on e of the hnght drCIIW8 0f I hll e of the splIlnl "o llllDlI eUII bl-Rt be the nOlltr WllR oVI' r ]lilt 8lto HooppC I rowny two ylllU's 11.8'0 Pop ~Id U8 all :: MOITylllg I ' "Whnt th u WIdow It IIIlRW('t wnH runy hor bf(1 Ul1l1l1tk'tl of u o qtlPRtJ on, on.1 Klllg Imll SChlllllnk(>I, JIIMtolltnllOOIlRly !'II, ctetl Ity pinomg lhe ollly n mnlllPut ] Ito rorco or tho IYnterR nlong the rOM thnt we wero ooDlm' to YeA, 81r , a WIfe CllII mllullgo tlllch h.. JllugoLl h Ollltho fn t Ihut thrp." li e Il8 Illlll oll for 00 lflJlI OO r, If sho "lIS 8(lUltl HIli 1\llIg lIud Sohlllllnkc r, 8IIyM n kllot I\lItlPr th e 0111111111,1 n.l!OWtng 1\ full Kwnng h, r fUOlllld nud flhp llIo, eu 4>11 ZIOll Well this l.ll tho oll8llOdeet old thlllS"l ~o IUuch bc.>tklr BeNld.s, If YOll rrom Lbllt dny tJ" ,y I~ re IIU1t, d til" tiling of a lit. mltat III her wtl'll)J'f'tahon W .....lu uRtou COl:[~",\)ouJout, nro at pi"" of nt leMt tf\1l fl e t fI Tbat III the ORr MIAlrn roromOHI Oil th e tlllrd ropHI fib ZIOn I want to I\CH I'd rnthor have Qne chOUllll a emart, capable \VOllUm, sho wlll cle lsymllll m(.'Cl\Illg 1iv~ s hilllllgR 'fr01l1 - NoTlt lcli ( (I ) }lull /111 ~Ilt tbo ololllJllt nlllte\l X111UUbel'R 1\1 th e rylllg Ollt of II capItal HIlnfAtu ORrC' \JUg ,..I, but carrle,l h OI hull nppnr(lltly roul of Illlld III Ioway than IIll tbeeo keep an eye 011 the llervllut It w~nllJ P. tOl , Ilnd tho hnllll wonnll6l! h al brnwn H UIII\!' Althongh tIm) Ill'C UlelUbertl of IIholl1l1 I", , x<lrcu;I'l11ll t1l1lllClh dum of n wuole ~trlUght to til " hur_ uo filII, OV,I\ 1Il0nntaillgR of tb Lord, IIU' I gtJ0S8 tho be mnall mor CC<?Llouucal to marry mu m o III th e p cltct of IIblOh sh o llIIl e I 1,,0 :>iottlhlr \VNldl 0PPORlte pobtlClAl portltlA, theIr common Rllltablo rope III thtl e:ll'olltinll of wlnuh ~IJI' plllnp;(1,1 " t(m C"romolll to tho Lolll ,\0111.1 10 0, If bo'u ever seeu " EoonomlClll1 yelled P o!er, "my f ull till )06l to I I bA cl e I I I I figs. nOhoholl" hnvtunnlll' Uto:ro 08 brotbers Henry WruuwlIght It wonI.i 8f!Cm fl'1II11 fnllmlUg llhyltll b"loII Shf IYIIM Klllilitlt",1 10wILY 00 111 (\ lady I Eoo-I-O, goodnl'flli I th Y)ro ~m t t'~ohIRI"~1 OI~C I mnd<l l • 1 II, Hill t(l stolu}ilUt my COIl!'lIglIl' I" l or IjOIUC tIme the ,TlIlbclnry Oomlllltoo(l till pllbll.hl,.1 ncoutlutA thut UIC8C JlIIIl IIlto II tho1l8llutl fmgml um N rlull of tLiCl FeatbOl'8 nnd lIo\VOl'8, iIIcoa 1ID1l BIlks, "I O~ hll)lPIllP~ " P I plIll ell II/U,I 1\[1' I IIrry, rrooulellt pro hM b ceu OOU81donu g til" 0I\I!e of tb!lllll <;lplO8 we re li.lojJl:tltl hy MllrwOOll, Ihe heuam ou bonr" wl're Ilvnr heRrlll!f IUOff 'I he IIRukrlll,t ,\ct. nUll ring allll- aud 100 oroom 011,1 thw gs. No wore tllI OVlll 8<" t 0 CI fAtw of Ute &lUlltll, !Jle ,Ither tiny, WhOD til 0 m II III th hgl!t of tlle Panltlc l\Iall t ~cclltiOI\Cr,llUd WIth p rleol.llucoo8ll, nutl bllt tho gee'" tnfllCtI lip 1111 rIg ht 1\11.1 '.rho WOAt nnporU\\lt bl18m 88 t.mus- OOOllomtoal' How Ullin" lllllJt. tlo II IL8W- nulln lo, of ,,~~U ~I~to ~~ U~Ol~ lhe unm of 1\11 OILrlHtuUlCY, or 1rlichl testimouy referred to It by tho Wale nil" th e JU8tllUtallOOllR fllptlnrf! of tho ~pUle we re tlOOIl 8()(111 on tho LJluk b lllqw, 'Jill t 'yon talte for a drcB6, UlIl'IlUl t ' g al II 11 b e h p f.t: H k nr gnll, \\118 culled Thoro WI\/! II twmklo lU M OI\ II II COmmitte.. By thL8 WStiOlOllY rlJ8nlt~d frnm plJlolIIg Ut 1000t IIIl<lor Iy Oiling their r" nthewtl. IlR If thero hllil IlOted. uy UIO R OnRl) tlurlllg tbe week, "Well, BIr, twolve or fifteen- BOme t1 mnn f~ I 'I t , r 118 I f III hlH "yo whon h o Bllltlll, Illld tho remark It 18 K1loWll thllt SWlIlmnlw r recmved 11)) the enlpnt A chIli not bt tI milch of B Sholl ArllrfAtr nil Ono Mys [\ Wnmwigton dispatoh, watl the hmea, wbeu It S SIlk, YOIl kuow, rugu Ie r nc pro\ okcd II g e o ral Innghlor Seunttlr liard of *200,000 h' act [\8 R PUll! lobb, of tho e1111P08 WIlA Illso foun I IInlllJllfc d, pn.'II!IIgO uf the lull IlItro!lllcod by Mr. teon ' AmI be took LIS WICO home to .ILllo ou OhrlStillucy W08 mnrllcd the 8IIme ID01"U 1St of tbo oorntpt PIlClllc. 11nil /\ge lltly tlllowmg hIS I1rllll! I\bout "II I kuocking Wllhs of Now York,lmmedintely after II Eighteen ynrlw, nt flvo slllllmg8 00111 Illoot lIu tl l'IIells boA, belug IIb80lutely LUg to 111188 Lilit Lllgorbl'el, of Iho BII RlIlg hl18 not only \)(' u 8howu to have hIli kll eH togethe r III tho eddlt'8, but all th e holitlay rl'C4'H8, to repenl the Bank or 80 a yaru, Illll1 uot Oll t; drOllR, but aHhamed (\ u to ApClIk o f 1118 lIeCIl8 1('1111 of ElIgntnng RUll Pl1ntlug, TTlll18 boou a bnlto laker, bllt It I'OOOr.t a p er 'l'lte Shl'C\eport (Lll) Tim B anys lito otbers 11Ilel dlanppeRred Tho 800U rnpkly net N mn 00118 petitiOIlS from all twol\ty My good lady, It woult~ uu t.omou muttou chop QefOlO 80 oconom Ilry D eparLm ' ut 1'be ceremouy "1lA Jlue rtl8 wp.1I 'I'he: Ju(liC:lary OomnuttAle "])urmg OUI CIVIl wnr tho fIIlvortLI IIIl Wlti IL mll8t thnlhllg OIlC 'rbu gr~nt parts or tho conutry hl1vO beeu reoolvod euolIgh to nlm a D\J\U IClIIlllnrly C) lUetJ1 )Jclformou by Rev Dr I:IlIndl'r lLrll oleml" of the OPll11011 tbllt tbe80 mell ocde d SI .. t<lA IU<eLl them I!('vernl State crowd of 8pectatolll wnto11erl the projlrO,," by Oollgt ffl~ U1I8 8IJ8/l10U Mkllljl' for tbUl Mt:8. llrowu I'elloctatl Tho nexl 1ll011l1lig h n hurlle'cl 0 1T to 11111,1 til tbe proseuoo o f a fow IrlellliK lit R'lOUlLl be e xr llecl (rom OollgroH8, hnt lings Iplltl1rch, ]801 tho Oonf<lllemte flf UIO VOIIII()I mth brOllthIClltllllltf\rl'"t Imtl leglJllntloll, IIntl the Comlllittee ou t4 ., But If you conld fiuJ IIU ooollolIllcn l ll1lRIIH IIR No 310 In.lllulJ\ IIV' nile , W08bLDgtoll nre olOllbttll wb thor th 1. hnvo th CIlllgreRI:I 1Il10pttil th .. flO cnlletl ' stnra gnVCl n gtt'llt chem 118 Rh e WR ..l o till 'hllnl JUUICIl1J'Y to WbOlU the bill WIllI refer,ed, RgrootJ to r nOI tit, Wben the Oommltwomllll, Mr Buskirk " N "er wo.sl IUlII', love,' 81\1.1 th o & IIlttOI F e rry oOlcmtf'd IIR grol1m~mnn right to go bnck of tho el ctiou of tllc80 IIntl bnlll COIDI)()8('t\ of thrue bonzontal plnngt - lJf'froli. Po~1 tile WIIH called IU Lhe HOlls It W1I8 ro Ali I if I oouId finu 1\ m e rmlUd II i'" Iy martlcd llaUlo " BeaI,11JJI1 ] vo II Th o brul cgroom III G4 y e ors olJ, ali(I m meu IIIl11 pl1lllAh thfl lr ndM oonlUlltteol harM of cqllnl ,ulUIl, Lbo mlLldlo 0110 po r led ntlll pll8Hl)<i 'Yltb , ery littlo dobate "0110 wbo DOVer WlI8wrlll ]IOUOY' gr .. t d ,,1II to I\U,' Jlrl to , 110 gOOlII)\ lho fnUll' r of ~IX cllll.lI oli Ho lo"t illS I'rr- , to tbl\t time UPOll this qmb\)le willI"" Witl. 1\ \)llIe lIUlOlI cOIIIlllIlIllg lillie The \111110 Elillcatlou, ou tbe ments of the biU. Hho does 1I0t oxut, lDII'I\ID "O uud b~, r(»Jl'u udllllPe t.er "Whnt "ill UIII O mouth8 IIgo lho bntle 18 n Sobllmnkor nml rullg rest Dluch hope, "llIte 111m'S IU'lullge<l 111 n mrolu The Tho uo, "1!D]>ly providealar the unmeJllko W1UI henru CIIUmg naro8ll Ilio , Who ltVIl8 ou next 1.0 1I0thlUg 'nl Il trOllH llro you nrc', my d{,ILr 'Iho wnllli prol~y blondo only 20 y"AU1I old Tho Th eH~ tll O worthies got togetber this rtlAemblalloo of tlUA to tho 'StorH autl filet IS, Mt Buskirk, I bave su ob IIlllrly 109, I slIppoBel hl) moth r nhvI\y8 hnppy oollple wont to Ne w rurk to pllllS rutcrnoull ullOn Ule ea8lsllle of the Hnll Stnpes, led 1.0 COllflU!lOn I\Ull m18tnk08 f.nee 00 IU8 netghllOr II ~Oll, Il colorod dilllo rl'ponl of the Ban1trnptcy law 01 III my oye She's II wldow-qwto II "'lIl1h .. <1 o n liollll ~y u portion of tho hOlleymooll of Repr08llJltatn C8, and had 1\ long con- III tbe fleW, nil II In l;eptember, 1861, 8 yo uth who goell to IICho ••1 nt the Atlnula ]867 ILUd BllnmelldatoryOrBllPplementar;y oots' l\uII d~ectA that all BmiB and pro yOllng oue-Mrs Bllrloll, I\ud I'll bnl r .Aod Ilwny ho II c llt, uOll tent Willi hun Tfltlll'B PlLrtou, tho lIuUl or, bl\!l IUUO lorenc" Schumaker wlily RiJOd liP bllttle th~ WIUI IIdopted, a retl fI hi oolored lllllverSity bor at Poooh Ro\l8O noxt \l ook • selhmu Illl tho worM cOLlUy uroken Iho Inw of 1\I1\88Ilcbll80ttH ~IIIJ\I lh wnll IIO/Ir tbe cloor, wbile chargell With a bill! 8111tior, ,nth II IInr "Look byar, boy, ~ou gOfIS lor sohool eeee]lU!P.' 110W penchng III th oourla of the Ullltet\ Stntns, wbere an adloclication I'otor Buskirk grluueeI8I\t'CllBtuwly "-t im: h o r( hun d Honor of h or by UllU1'yWg blS st.o() tll\ngbklr 1Il New KlDg 8tootl bobllld" II01't!I'n U~ by, 1\11 row hortkr o f "Inte, Oil \\blOb wete (\18 liou't yerl" III bBukru]>tcy btlll b 11 mado, shall be "F..oonowy IU boops null uOllllela rm... 1 thf1 r liMO InoldOl1l OgnlllRt Ius buryport, MUM Tho lIIorlllllg ruter th If hn did 1I0t ,,'RII prylllg oY08 to wotah played tltlrteell ,,1111.0 .. tnlB III IS!).'! "Yes, Hlr," rl'})\tol1 UIO hoy proooed{J(1 WIUI tWd govern d by the htl I!\ud to Illmaelt "Tboy waut to hOlmr 1" ,,1 lIIllll Ill' n tllcm HoLl Uloru w~,lullIg bo 1'lIl ruetl lhnt wbnt h'l uad hlln M b o tlllk cd. Said &humnker tlto ' 81.1\1'11 aull Hnrs IIor" IIIlPI?IulltCtl II OltUII' edllykllllhllll IIlIl t yf't I provumms of 0:11 tillg IIIWIl, wlneh are marry me and speud nlV mouey " bocn n liro! Ho m sh( dllP, urClltblcB6 d JIIO \\08 oOIl!.t-ury to tho atntnte, and, "What clo YOIl thmk, KlUg, tlo YOll by II flng" Itll 1\ whIte tldd, hOViug the " ~";;h,SII~ ~Oll t lake two wltolo Aud ho went homo wrOtil II Wbnt IS tho mnt l.cr I '%0 nroUl es leuVllIg Ille homo ID wln.rgeof 11IR bnd o, hovti IUl 1<)('n thnt thUl OOllgre8U mil d o untU ling fo r II III lion 'rbo ling or I 63 dllYB oonhnlled ill foroo ouly fol' tlm plUp080 of a10SlUg lip tho swtH lUlu proooodinga Howover economy 10rbOOo him to I'e mon l ' bo 11I<] IIIrOll "l<'lro I thleV€R I took 9CPIlTl\t.o lodglllgsbll\lll U until Bueh IIJI.l'tllillgWllh IlB l ' "Sboo," MId KlIlg, ,,1\11 fOltlld .It bow.nt III IICrvlOe , It bolUg to moke n honr, do It 1 ' now pending III all other - . I' !8 fuBC IUllnv~tahoo to dllluer, antl when, 0 I I 1lI11!;t be drCl1nllllg • tlmo lIB ho ClUI III llnco th o r....giKlaturo to 118110 plill .. bl8 hair ove r 11111 forehead, hl1ule to be b,kou for u flng of mice , IIDd II W Y uo I ox IallDou t Ile boy " week after Mrs. Bro\Vll IlQIIt .. b er "Doll t mnke 1\ IIUJMI' lovo," II1II11 a pllll8 1\ speCIal not lIIlIIotiouwg tho mllr UOIYU IJotweeu his ra~ty blight OYOll, II I on F e brnory 4, 1865, tbe ouwr Imlf uf "Yon WIIB gWlne t. r brl11R dnt hateln! pro»080c1 tllIlt the aut shall go llllo effeot .on the 1st of January, 1877 oomp1iDlenta,'~ el.c , Mr BlI.8kirk donned VOIC fn 1II the pllrl01 Wllldo w '''IlIoy'ro nngo 'rhu nJfaLr bll8 oroatod qlllte " nm't IIImlf) ot nuytWng t1ils CongrOBt; till fi e ld be youd th, 11111011 WIll! oovClrl'11 ua~,kY'!'8,a~:~I,I.r' warn't y ar 1 'rhe petitious for the repeal of thiII act his Blmday swt and went over to P ooch only UI b ou so p ll ilitorfl 8( 1181\tl011 III Newbnryport. Mis8 EI Clill <10 If thP.y want to mnke a tlgltt WIth n " ertICal red bar 'flll~ WIIH IUO Bonae at live pl'OOl8flly The pnrlor WM " H Oll8 p lllOt.ol'll l Uridge , the tonng IIl{ly who hns tbu8 be 00 11B, leI 'om 1 lEllJ8 ][ call make It last /lug of ttl" Oollfclll m cy , Au' It S bUI two llllYs 8(\UOO yer bor relerl'ell to eomo prllllllpali1lrom ored tnJI of ladiell ladiea m IIilks aud DlU8Iins "Yos, dCIll' Dou t YOI1 know tho como :1111'11 .J:'l\rton 18 Ute llnllgbt.or of WlU"m for !IOIDO 0 'om There IU'O too rowerllt. Now. what ~'8 e lltlyka- lto'8, lind the fl'oot 01 the law 01 1861 .... th cnu01io~ and fldun. Most of Dntcb ]>lov rb, • A reat of pamt PIIY" "Fnnuy Feru" Her IIl8ter lIlIUTIetl the Olauy bllmell ulllJ<lren m thlR HOllflC to 1 hf1 A.lhtll'll(l tortull of" Minor. sbun gWllle tor do you thIck sknlled IIIg IIOOIUR to be dift'e :' nt from th"t of 1841, them Mr Duslrirk kn w well, nUll it lloolf " " lal.c Mortimer Tbomp80II, wbo beoome oVAr darA to PII"11 H" .. J b 'I 'b t gOl'8 wbeu yer ~o to Kcllooll\ whole Y<lm ",hlOh two yClU'll Illter WU8 repealed ·' ~ L~ 0 11 rR'III, II bun rill. m ooun y. 18 nu' tl011 ~ ~'U t >- I I 1 Y 1 ug It .. k C8 t l look<lll I1bont III vmo for II s tmugor P e l.('r br IItb(leI ognm lIlUOllR une1or tl Ie tWIll ~I /J "um r. 0 f ~, II \ U loll U Tlllil WII8 lOlw.I III Its operation to be Mn Brown'l\ 1I0to \Jofl 81\1 1 "Hut tbe IIwlnl XI> IIRO I Ito 811111 " DOIl8tioks DlIU1;Y years ngo, Mr nil AnRtr)llU who settlod hero lour Y(lfU'll fowh ba<>k 1\ hat.chlt 1 ' worso tor tlobtorll than for oredi{OIB, II Mn Barlow will be WIth 11/1 .. " D car, d ellr, y ou Hb ould bllv oollBnlt~1 Thnmpson W1L~ tWICO IlllUTlro, aud IllH A. 11111 Part.l(,,ulal'fl. swco, IWU lll1ti, blx,\York.W~ for WllgflR, Tho boy got mllll 1111\1 Hlnng tlto hnt het Forty IIgo the man wbe) aftiled BlIt wblch WIW thl\t ooouomll:lli Willow ! mo WIVOII both CllP.d ID cluld bIrth Both A \VorOOtlt.or gelltle~, MJ'fI tbfl BoR ans'~~~dnl~l\r:~:n to :~ bom~:f I~ over tbe le1l00 IIDd !toll way tllrongh nu bllll8fll of the prl viJeg08 of the Bankruptey act WIllI unable to obtain further ProbablI _the lady III green Bilk nO&' tho a fltllmbl ull U1to tho ho11Bl', nnrl ovel chtldreu, II boy and 1\ gul, BIll'VI'UI Tho tou Posl, rooenUy IIIlllta v ry tine Frollob \AU'" asb barreL - A tlailia Ot;m6f11utlOl1 credit, and t.hiII had Bucb .. dep~ IAllO He oould oot r ememoor h er th lorw of a mlUI kuooliDg w tbo hall formor lH wtUI the mother of Mr Tbomp- olook. to 1\ W 11 kuown )41"oler to be re- youth, carryillg most of 11111 gold 10 a __ II Who arc "011 , .. be IlIJlled, sou, and the gul, evor 1I11100 il.!o mother'B (lIUJ'ed, 81\)'108 that he Wished O8Oh Item bolt MonDd h18 pel'800 The 10lll'Iley Wllll to be H _.1 effect llpon btwlllJ8ll .. to call forth " -I I rod d ou.rd d th 1 bOOn cured f th b of repairing BpIiIC16.ed. '['be folliiW1llg aIll'Ollll Ule continent and aoroM the ooeut nr .n&,...... genoralliomand for ItA repeal. Snddonly Mr HllBkirk'B tlOllbta wor iI rep y por8Oo p uoo a bi' or ID e OllllO f tb bill d d WII8 mlll.le m safoty, Hamburg reached, George Morns, wbom Jndge Sl.cd of RIlt at l'eIIt Mrs. Brown ejaoulllted, 0Un hbto~~ pnuted, "Gilt'" Bluder, 1 ~(~O~Ul 'ir~'EI~dOO ~he death of ~o"..~fIQ~ .'hl~lal ...::!.t~.d~_lDoU' aud a plank laid tor the ~ogers to New Orleanll reoeutly 8IJotenued to be "DO&' me I wbere IS 0011801 )Jots~ , P 0 H I or, ....." ge lIB eupcnn OOftllloDl.r.le trom clod: .1.'~Dd, eo flO p8.8H from tho st.oamer to tJ:i. wharl Tile bangod, camo to f.he bar wbUltlwg lU.d Mr Buskirk, ?'ou ml18t be O1trotiuced to .. ,\ml wbat pro ~01l 110Ulg I 8'11BPlld tended ..ffl\UB In the homo of her s tep T':,!~~::L~="::: ~rd":::kUOD \he plank was at onae orowded. It broke, 1a1l8hing The Judge _d, "tlrqqrgv, MI'8. Barlow,' and at thelle words HOOle- P eter father, wbom she luu! Just ml\lTlIld 1'0 lubrloaUDII wllb 0'-'a1l\1 .. ..,1.lJon \he aneI twenty or Ulirty poor wretobel were you have been oon",oted of the ~Jrol'l' thing 8IDI\U and flat emorgod {TOIll 110 "lI'tClUIlIrJllIl' til hull I r a new 011. • ..."of plDl"". of IlIIidcloclJ•• 01\() pre6lpltllted mto the _tor TraYlS WIllI of Sarah JoneR. YOll pleaded iUY .., 'I , Hlllu ".> tl I IlIlUI T m' ru' '-'·1 n _ IIIIJUJUD, IJorolotl..u, w IlIOCbrooal t wopor Uy d&mOIl, all d stOOl'....,. t1 , ... ",Ool,BIr, I<K, I 8u ... l R OIlFO 0 f ... cple '[0..,clJan ..... ot~ltl".".,. 0110 ou ofthetl6,aullailboulfbagoo<lsW1lll t,"oe,butllDllllltedtbat10nr~~lollld ford him It)V1l8 a vory short and 8l('n l'ete r s tagg rPll 011. RCUt8tiyOll lias pMRed 1\ bill wbioil pro To ... nallzlD, lb. &00111110 ....nIL.." or ~p. Iller, he f~lt lhoL the wellM of golelan go ootore twelve citiSeWl ol yollr OtJIIUlty, der little WIth a l'6lIIJU'knbly A I\'OlnllD "OS 'll'D 1 ...reu.lou UI\OII tb(I ., rce l)1li1.'" or,0 110 h18 bell Willi "-'~fn~ IlIw to tbe LoUom Ha1'e101l an~ ... whf, tb" lieU __ L _ woman, SL1 ma'flllg I 11 J a CIIrpc t 1\1 VlilOll that land OO<l11~led or Owtled bv t' oaItlcloCIt .. UDfS " PIWov. ...,., ..., wore 110 heopR, nntl Ih .. rront l'nr r, /lno ll t WIIR Brrnllgtng hllruheA, scltoolR, co le~1I auil chnn To a<lJu UDII lbe .11....... ....\.. u Ill' , nil" Be looRe.Il'd I\II! I J'oppetl It, &1111 _ tenl.'e 01 the aw 1d not It' ])IIlVV'f1 bar c18M'1!d her anklMl The CUI'WOR Iahlllll1l1titlltioUII shllli uo I()user be ex or ,..vll, or Ib e Il"DiII11..DI an I I'" ~IOIDl 01 onA of the ri HClltlIl, f}ve hAmg tlroWllI'd npGIn )'00 W" Morna 8lDiJfld 8U11 Mid. 111 a1eeWII weto rlOlle, aull thll Bk Itt 111\(1 He rllllhell np fl llllrA IlIlpl frolll taxntloll Hniltllll88 IIIltllnlly ~.~~~:"'i::11 :~I'.::l~·I=~b~~~~ j:.r:.~" rite I(JII~ tt(\l\l\llrr <'ould IIOt Ill' fonnd • ('lear '10106, .. I 118"'" with YOII, aod rba. . thme:bl'f'8dthll 11\ It. Tho rlt'f'1\II Th,.ro MIll n!)r 1111'f , ...1111111 iLlf\O fi t W rk IlHed for rAhlPollA, tlncational or Obarl &PJ)r'O 1....1 , Iho dill, &\'TI,.' 1 III AIID II TraVlll th, II ,011010,,1 tilt! meanR Ill' bad am DOW prepan!d to _ abe lull ell iIIIoII ... of wry plalO brown m(lJ1UO, Agam I II K'1II(ll'f1 tuo 'illl Ahou, "Wuo table pUrpo&ell aro aWl exempt. Build I" _Jilll... ""Ibl.. , U110 leI It _ euoillb to t.ke him home or tmlt of die law, which 11uao". detltb 'I tWd.. 'IrON neither brooch nor bow, arc you' , mp 01lflJed by lOoorponted librtuiea r.ad T_ bnog him bftc1l to OaliIomia. AIId t.ck Altar .Jadp IMeeJe h.h.. bim to white lineD collar, Peter looked .. Hra nIWtirjt'. J'll8Ular IlI'ftmstr-, IJ't'tO pnbhe bbranl'8ln1l!18l11pted bytbe he ~ ad ill lIpiD • miller 1D 4D!a- be ~ KaaII tbItaW lor Ida SeYenl 01 tbf ~ ••. p~, 11ft " 111 til.- lfOaaan. bill, dar.-A ....... (OIL) 1Adgt1r. ....... 10 I
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-Th,' '~,l\Irsl' "f true I, ,',' rUII· "10"" ~" ",I. I .1' "lIr I'iu.• II~ ,!~. ro, I',,,.· Itl II " . l 0\ ..... , "nd, -i",,"d " m. n) II.,.uk. H, II,.. ~',lIbl" f .'r lh~ I t1 • 1If"\' I" n'I"rni.. .. " II) I." r . _I. ·u,:-II ,I Cr C dud 1.11" ' ,- ," '" iu JIJ.Udtd\. 11 ""I'Y l Ht t ...tr.l . In lu lnl.HH ('V i,ill 111\'1." ,\;. " I't'l ll ,~~. th"v h .. \"t, lli f ltlly bt~.u'w,·tliln bUll ttinl" ~ hi" n 'turn til' d-Ylw .. nllc, nJ h S E 'UIII' h ill! a w,l '; ill ti ll·t, hull . , I., 1 '" ~ '''"t!,'DU "lIu'hl. )1 ... lUI ' • lin h" p<' ' uy Iri"1 uU Dlilln l{t L"oil,,'''', I.. "'''''' ...'.m iUII.,,". ,,[ IIIl' 11111,·. • • . SillCO i. ID (he Ilrr,UI" '1lI1'1I III C 1lI111~t. 1:- 110"011,,1.1 -I'll" • ·tt> 11,,1. - ' .... , 111"\''' " I . a fi 01,1,. . ... , • II , )',., IU A ".",11 II, -I "tl\ IIlrccl,vlI , . S ' 1 1 b LOWER hi -Mi M'llrv U 13",\\"11 i \' i it. n~' w In:ss Clnlt 7. )111 tlUltvr I, u, " b" b Iflr m 1U' , , ,.,, \,. i , n d'<4:on' l My PRICE WI e t s year • ill, proou IiCI.'Il ' . tlik · lillue<l, I """n' I',." ~." .i,,· \Ie.llng ".. . the Reul.:. e1Jllion·I and my Terms are .,....... TT iER AL inl ill Cv ingtulI, Illd iuns, ..irl· U. tilld O\l~ licl'lI . i i ucd •• , t.I, .h~" III 11011 , utili ... ~ ," Nil'" I'" .. SlDce L, .. Ii' I to· I ft I. ., , , • • ' ,I' rolh,'111 lite I .. : rl''' ' lo,.h~ IIIU ' ·Ir. -.ur. ~.. ch" "'''&lnlt c u r ' ~ tuliOO 1\ ut It. Iln til 1 , it ' IY I....u ill l 'U~" r" uuiled III 1'"D'ord )lolI,b I for in illlla" "n ~I vlldu". uf the vllrmitll' can1t Nt fur "I,e Iy I~ " ti"~ ... bieb NpHIl'd 10 Hed.lonc AllY proUlpt JI IIII (',(JI ', 1111 (loytlJillg ill 11,Y lin, 11 /1 IIltort time i .j.' I M E 'h I II I I I' b I J d tlUarl,·,'" d 11!1~ 11/' I,., iI/II ;a( {/!/".t TU,'1It, jill' /I ((,I/f/d' time" - n lall.,,1 to r . . ' ewa - w r . w lll~ .t.le ro I~!O . U go Ii\''-', ·o~ Ih 2O.h " f 111 1, munth . Lh .. ~ .,I'om '3 .(11 (I) ,,\ r fur Kiln ' iI 1"'1 'rs. w('allt by g1\' lIlth' obj tI lluble r.·",111 • of ~'ol~" •• , R ,1",,'1 !o;dlh', AhiJ ,h but 1 , III ,!(;';',. T'_. rm>. U '~k ' 'f·1\ r'. or wroll fullel' the Ii en:!<-, ' ~' NcAI .• nd .I"me Mil,. srrl,.,.,,;froru all -h ' • ' IIh'er ou,h C nlIIIII' a1111 '1, I~d u, .r Ihe r. ~"f' - 1I" {\ I now 1)4 \ jotiMilig iu llartlolph, l llinoiat. ,luge ltpl"l\I~ that It WIltI the eu . I, r~"':' l .i ••, ut W" .. II; .' il .~ . M.r C W F t ' 'J (. De IU of all !Ot'w4Olr .t', J. ' tu '.. u Ii· Uc.~, utl',I1'. 01 Ih, Frle,,,1 y I ~"i do • , • , Ll or lij . l ' " onsu to nil m r e I'. 'hll . till'! ill 'h ' ",clll"Y, II Ib :lSlh II' ,he ,..lIowill lliluger of Iv IIlg hutb IU80y Ii t I . Ii dr " "",' I "'S .'.lIlI th "",II.h. I).lid .'"ul ncr ItI1J tt ••. W I CII • 0 1" ~" anu \\" WLL 1I."id I'.dllll'r. IInll IIIL rill tI,. ' Q.ar U~or_o , , !-4t: J lie,) b I.., "I', " lOell1' entitled to it. Illld he conld Illuk H" .. .. h, j{.,1Olauld kl IlIlI d . nd 1)II,ld natl, V181tud. h\lr buO!blUiIC 'I'e last no exc Ilti"l t i l e rul rnl 11011':,.,11", r' ~11I 1I0\O" e1l, III, \ i,);I"!,, . •el· W It ~ I U I S II , . II III11.he l1e,sh "011.1 . 01 lb~d" fll ~ull . , . . U thtl~, IUlld IL t, rllln! dClI lIlIIJ fur III" row ..... ,"i"i O,· II C" .' II ..... remKln. Ito. lallll -Mr. B oro~e M. Allen is ut ili l'l.'turn f all th e p,mil'hllr. uulia ltl. h ,"l w , . Lhe "Ihor uf .'lIrg f mill, of 0fiil1lALI.r [1!I\' ln: ALL TO 'u~n: ANII hom Xu"; .. kr a cou~lo 01 incident. to the occualuu uf U'.e ttiul! ~~gla~o~!'.,..',~~~ mlUIU&r wu <.ut~b~.~~~ - -___ IlIl1rrnjiJ, willell II E'-YIII<J pl'I. 'u r d lor .'.1 tv ~e lip "iII,"h 'II d " ~r IIli"II" i::llbur ,L>/) I l'r~u K \ (." "l'Ul~N - Dr. 'thomas Sherwood I ft his de cinlr, uud had til sntisfuc· III Ihal or •. i,IU", tio,e It 1O"iI ou IIokulI"l · \ . \\ ". , [, 1'0 lor W ilwn JUllcti n, Iowa I tio'lI of rcc('i " ing Il fiue 70 drc ed,'.11 0111". 1", ~"II dlJ 1101 1"'0 "o" y","ny Y"'lri lm ," ,1.'"'rII·al , I rob""'y .,hllull",·II' .. ' , , d k ' f II I' fl' .. y st~ rd avo wblch \\'/IS IlJllch better •. 1 .J~ld~e, II " wu ' ~t 'nl!') OrI'O~.1l 10 i lllll)\'a 'ioll ~ 0 0 ' IS my III ~t{l. 1 IlItl'li 'coping 1\ II 11100 c"ory lllllg pcrttumng to -Mrs. J obn Kddll cr h:ld her than to hllV had Ihe gll'l With It ,h .. p".""CO ' U. old ,HgIIII" .,"!' ,"\,LII I Mlhe Luomc . I. Helll'v's not b IPI" I d ' h" I'rooll It<' "'III 01 Il,e .. I~ Engltsh. A ' I~. ·· . I goId \\'atc tI all d cha lll slo on tu e ~ I , • ' .Ji I.,W "~r. ~II . Ifllug ,. h"v,",: I, "~i ll '"~ wllh !aim IIII'I I,I IU .• Cll aU"lIllr :.~r . otber night. , declul'es IUSlut{!."tlOu of e!lllgmtlDg no'ar ~,;. r">i"'~"""', (" bl ·b W ., .I~ ' I~I "' ~. I e 1:' R S G'I I' to tho Hluck Illlls alld IS dvubt , 1t"eul"ell loy " . S. Ii 1111," ') " ud lII'IUlre,1 ,f -uO to . , I lion or pur I ' fl ' " 1 i· I Hu ll' . nll RI,·h.,tI. liv,," Iller. , I'ron... uucillg eilver . kin ouioll sets the best scts e II ore . liS , mlLll~ III I rum t] Ih · U,"ue till II' ",itleDHo ·IIt",J . • No." uld in tl e luarkot IS 'nes oj hiS chlhlhuud s Impl>Y Ihu 010 u,un, "I,u\ R , ~' lalll\l It luhard ~ doe. . " . ll(llllC uud triumphs-ti ll ti.lte-tlot ' A 10 ~lIlg ,:o"plu h.. d KJlP"idoil .ho .~' ull'''ll ' I .' '- It 18 rumored that Fnuud . .tl tl II " . te ' MedII'!; 01 In,.,u.laug Ul'..... II'g". I 110.11 ' thel" . . I'll P b ' II h lexu y 10 SCIl awug S 1~11I1l()-B p. , w," IlUwe COIIIl"Cliuo lie' ....'." Iho ".lIlIlIi e. ~C II Ctt • ug . WI return to t e pl'd in liud bore IlWI&Y in triumph L,,! tbe cOIJ~,,".:u illiLy \YO! ao didtnuL Ib" L Village tllIli Itprlng. the uutnor of 80me of our W tL I Frlo"d generlllly ~11o. we rl ' hem tl) proo"..... I M Mc.V eyand Iler SOL.' .R. 0B· wOIll~n. P r IIUps H cll ry WI'11 tee ! 11Rowlau .... bU''''''or, i11""PPI"UVcd <1111. At ' A DOUBLE) THREAD LOOK-STITOH MAOEnNE. -.1'8. Ihal time ru . Ir";"~Q' were IIOluloni&Oti "Ilbe 1 eell,91 Shelby OOOIl'Y, IU'O VI81tlllg 1 sore tor II. tillle.,·nnd think tI ll wom _, uSUIlI week d"., Dlet'llnl5' 110 t lollo"' ln~ tbe Mr. D U. Eb,·jght. are treacherous' but lime will mon.hly. ,.lWeh gmllle<! p.rllll ••ioll !or Ihe • . ' . m" r r l~);.~ "n" Ih .. poop I.. uf ' he lIe';jbbor -Bon, S. S. HIUIIU8" and Mr. work wonders, tLnd chango of scone ' bood, IUclled I,)" Ihe occ...lon, l\'uulli "I"IOURLA. L. Fam will gPt Ihelr' 8upplies I and atlll sphere tnll.kc~ II. 1111111 fuel ,eud, "l'hi WI\3 ' h cue I.. Lh" IlIstall« 1 . M'IDllesOla, l • • k d . d a ..ollmihe '·lId" .. vorlng III r I.,tll. Rowl""d """"pi. o.." lee lrom l it. CMu'C ness SOIl1CtllUI' ; an hcall .".,1. nUll hi... "OU II .... IOCO indl. -What young man is it who true realization of O."Ct! situnti n ' olll"d hi, "i ~ I)p r..,b,ition. '1'1 ' lI,u&llng rook ~ tl lM!d ti II Iothimet\ proves b neneia!. 1. o . it' wa' COli II II ...'''' 10 MI ulluaUl\1 {"n.;th, and . B .~ er III 80 ca,re 0 y . ,., ' ' Imauy oooa,no '''0110 '8. 'hm; 'h ho . ,OotU every Dlght before he retires to ho hearken8 to hlB Il.\mkelllllg_ lallll81.n.cd Iblll" 'he II 011 th I..' .\I ·.'illg ball . • •" t - Y ct an other. A -nlleman of gl\'clI it< ' lI.elll. if the YOUII ' couple W,e I . b e.-,. d delcrmh,ed I'e IJItlrl"i.,II, he Ibo"Sh' Ih~y , -Mr. Wimalll Wheston and one 0 f our s\ster tlI'~ 'VIBltC thol mi",hL 1"'0",'11" I,UI b~ did nOI upp.o,'e of ii , hie danghler Mitlll Irella Wheaton I capital of our county tUl the expre 8 1 ,holl \\'a\ ke~ Olll und ~ ell' ho 110. His .... . , ' . ',' M ' ! pnrntlRe of urocnring . 110 liccnsl' to d .•u ·hler mumed IIlId Idl 1111'" " 1'0118 d~. f · ;ulanu COllllty. are VI.,llIg ,r .r " l .cclldnlll' ,lumo of whuu, YQlullble ,u J*",b Haines. uUlte 2 10vIIIg hourIs as 1. Tblllg!! ' ~ocie\l' , I . ,,_ J L: H k .. J M'd scemed ' to work smoothl y enongh \ l).,¥ld 111,"0 .....,. W , bis &," ·111· 11,,,,,. hay I -..... uuD IlW e Vlslte I' uutil it came to thllt part of the ill;: m.,rrl ~d hi. 8\)"0 ...1 dAII/ bter II.RIIIIUh" dltl"-'wn last week, Ilnd attended \ wlt'l wn nil excell ea, Fr.elld, O"v,d b~d "',0 euaecrt ' "co there b the pluy where the. Jud ge usks : Arc mueh uf 1\ cooso lu.·OIi .. l air "',oul him. and W I b tt.'<i T gI . Y these pal·ties both of ago i The an- illlhc o,.,iier p~rt \lr his 11m ' ".'d leu&.:ioUd CC e I'll enUC8800UnS. swer WaS ",iven in the negut"ve 01 pl"III"o '· . I'ringill, hi. chiltl"'n 10 mcd-Dr J H Adair of Corwin l 'h r;> , b ' I . · lln!!:. e l.· .• all~ w u·d o'o~e h id SLO,... Oil ",eot " . ' : : , 'I a prospect'l vo rldegroum W US III ill;; d~"ri. 11 i. '111.11 'd or hilll ' I\lLI wheu ,,'110 IIj uttendllIg M...·(ilCflI Oollege his BC1J8lltcenth year nlld IIlthough . u.pOllticr u e,'. 11;0 • • brou ~hll\b ,ut. hi.. '0118, in ()iIlCilllll\ti, \l1\S hOlDe 011 a visit hill pn wus willing y' et tl 's I ad 110 Ihe~1 III ,hc;,' 1\"'118, p r~c,ar"'1 urn . .... hi.h . I.. -t S t 'd l<:i S d ' II. .he, r fMh« 0,> ."UII",. U, -o()"e,,'u, Ih"" hc .... Ii UI ay III un ay. influenco with the law of th e state luok Ihu," aw"y "ull 1. '"'11<'" ,1... .... ';u '8& --Ur. J. L. Ztlll hus j u t purehlU!' of Ohio liS dispons d ' by Judge J . 'IIICIILI,'.' t!'u .youlli;,Ler. 1'''00 ,.ed 8'1 ',0." I a d' d t f(l k W K ' d' d d 'lDd IWIIL<<I It Inl,co 0\ ",b.tl.olO. .10 tl'" • an .I.mp~ve It,Pllrll U8 or Ill!,' , eys, an III a n~s returue he,;olllill" kIlO"" '0 U"vi;J he !lo. tr0,o 001 Jng Wtlttll~ . O;c~de, or Lauglu ,ng tho 01,) mnn to consolo hiS YUll l hfnl t b <1I1 Oll~ ' OI'MIlI,",d, d his .hil.l.ell. 'I'hl_1 O(U, which he will adID\8tcr for son and tho g\'nss widow he wus to prodllced a di tili!~~ .'" the sOci,'II· ..• nd when ; .61 ' I"~ extrBAt'on of tootl.! • Ilave epouse. d You CUll "'''It . a ",arriou th,,· reILchet! 'hey. 1110 11ft dou FI 'en'\ , .,,11 I .. \e pam .looS .... I frv)o II\"JO"II" IIm"",'f"iao,lI ", UltV,J I -Our friend JOIep:1 J. Brown, little while, Billy buy. It won't w". pc, f<Oll), sir'Cof'o in hia ViuWd. liS hO I grad. take yon lO. lly to wl1it. a little while o~v 'r .d"I,Lod ,he cOIIIl"mll, tI s U8~ell 'I ' ,,! ,u · now "ro t Ph 'l ladell)III' a, -contly • '" ' I,," OWD .. ardr<t bu Allout Ihe ,'oa, I 1., ho , mated No. 12 ill a class of lO ~ at then you WII huvo tim e to g row moved 10 Ui llcluu:lli M,d th.' ""'lIe"1I1 depre - I tlie Philudelpbia College of Phar and become a little mUll. W ait I' 1III0b of com:n "'cI,,1.. 11·. ';rs in 1i:l 1U-2() udtled . t whole "ear I I wo 't to s me IIOf,,,'IIlIIalu ondu . s, m ' I\IS ...sulled , • . boun d t 0 be Ii r8· macy. J 0 18 . ' 0/ n cnre I. f . )' ou 'I III Ihe 10118 01' "'Ui'! '01' Iho "c\lui ",'m,'1lI1 uf j c1aea ill his prof~ion, WUlt two years. Tuk c some or Mrd. yellrd "I' aClivo III·uu,·. III \,;. 2 ho " 0 1I0"a,1 IT Tretains .U th e v inuu nr l b4e l..it;ht. kllunl nQ .. DOMESTIC;' lnc1m.li n;; lhe Autom.tlo.-MW eed w'dow of ti,e la' te V. int!lo"'s-tILke it 8Yl'Uptitiou Iy. "". IL f~"m ill In";'"",... bout ruu: ull ~ e $ 'nU H~. , I . " • Ilf .Rlt ~m n nd , wb . .·I·c he rl'lll lin ed It fl' ''' en.ton, which WM Q,njl i-I ttut he-. t In ~ . ~ I''':a.., n.lIce " "I'AT I>N" H .\I(OLliEI> l:Oli ICIi L lIEARINGS.oI bolh the Machla. William Weod, Etlq., and ber 80n, -'V lllic I Wl'lte, the snow.i s lul\· y"I\r<; .. n<l. ", L"," so ••,.... 1 Ol.hur c h , " ~o •. . :Mr. Isaoo W. W eed. rJ Nilel!, Bcr- iug in lurger Iluklls thun lover be- clo~u'l b ~8, life f,:um 11 :·i"lc~r. IIi. "er) 3\1- 1 Ilmd S tand ur ntow " ntl uhJ Idc~• • wO"' ~ t out ... i,h bra nll new MachineyY :\ft.1 T nnl ... ;" rHl' own rewwor1c.,. In the bu.,), Ci llo of Nc,rark . New h:n;t:v . h.lve !liven \1 _ a I L:\l\tLi\rd M ".l:H AN H..: A L EX erL· . ~f' I " f" 't d 'VI t I per,or wolu "U'·"'fC.! harIl8ev"...1y cd .... lilli , 111 IL C IUllge 10 roturn to the Ii'"·r." iyo ,if "'e meellng. i ;rJan county, JJ IC ligan, nrc I!jllests ole WI nesse , LENt.:E{ ltl iulmum or Fricllv n . I\Tlax inilUIl (If 1..>urabilh)·, '&11" Dtlij.t: or " v rl. ; nc... ~ h.:rCh)(orjl reaclu:d the Scwln¥ Madlillc wurld. of Mr. George Myer a nd fumdy at trom the last week or two. III I 01. UII the , 6th of 41h m(tlllh, '''' 0'' 0 I TO THIS TATEME . l' AND THE M. CIII NE ITSE1.F Moout H ome. - Marcb 2 the ' f. f 'V I fllm ilie" u!" l'I"ioll<l", c ,1I .i.,i ll!! IOf :4 jll".1I13 • ' WI e " es ey B,,11 57 o'"IU"OIl, w",·.· rep"o,oIlLed III .. III til I . w. Invite th e attention or QI~ c . pect.Uy thOle havlol' hI~h l':'\c~h.n\c:.l IkIH or Benham, of a BUll. in;> hold ,\l lhu hou ,o (I I lio,d ll"d Rloh"rll, . _ . - - -- ---•• ~- - ----,blcrvatloo . •. H. -All ~b c hin ~ full y warnuned . DUTil OJ' J. ON EVAJIIs.-At -Mr Arthur W oods d I ' ,lI,d thi . "'"~ Ih" origin "f M,,,,,,i P,arLiCUI.II· 1 DOMESTIC SIEWINC. MACHINE CO •• half paet cleven' o'clock last S l l t u r . ' un II ti meeting, IIlId in Ih. roll....wi ,,~ I !th m ' " ~' brlilther Jamea have muved to P ost· fO'.'lll"ded" rC'l uu,, ~ ror" "'C"li ll ' to W~ 81Ne,,' Yorl~ nDct 0 .. 10n&,0. day night, Mr. JIlSOIi Evans, one town. The P ieree Brothers carry I~ntl" tn,·oti u~. a~d f~ul' Ulen Ir.lOlld. ,~c rc of the oltlest and most highly. re· 01 tl e bl k 'tl b . . "PlJUIa,t 'd 10 "S,I \'fllh th, III , IIlSI'eel 11,10 LADIES, USE " DOMESTIC " PAPER FASHIONS •. ' • ..:1 f b ' d' d I I ac sml I 08111ess now. tlteir ~I IUftt l ulI , 01111 jl.d;;e or I!,e I'rt) p.iet.'" " I' epec:~ v.dour 081~:S8 mAen'b Ie -Graham & Son have add tld grllillillg Ih,'i r "orl "e61~ , IIn,1 rUIIO"\ " h n at hl8 reel ence 011 .... uullt \lrn, tl t tl' f b' ~"lIc'" Oil b.I' Ihe 10 ·"liIlK." JII tho IILh a~ the ripe age of sixty.nine yellf@. gre~ yo . 1~lr ormer . u9IO es.s, " ' ~nlb. 1802. lIIl .. ill:': Ihe CO li <ell I or H"'; · M E h d been prom' uently theI r 8ture givIng tone to" on r vd - 810lle (111"rlorl!' M,·eL!II';. Ih J m 'otills IV "" r. VIl~S . U . . . I. . lup;e. During the sickn ess of Mr grtUl te~ ,"Id I.,k ing it, II ""0 1" '0 01 Ilk 111'1' engage4 m bU811le88 ID O,ncmnl&t, S G ahn L f I I ' I d' ril',)r w!lioh fl ,,,... nb ",t 111111' n mil" e"ol uf for thirty·five Yellrs and Willi prob. llln, r lU, a e .I US '~S lun . S WIlYlIIl.dlle, W" " I, ,m d .ll inl"i, tho L1\"11 th I ,_at ' k ke . full , antI report says, sometimes IllS ',uing !:aId ou' ill I U;I, I,.,· on I';,,:"i ,1",,,," of ~ I l b IR y , e al e _E.~r . paBc. r In arm!! fnll which I do 1I 0t believe ih~ 11"101\ " I' lIeillllw"I"" 01", !'. pr'Jllu~lIc"d, tide Cit" or the W est. e was I tl I ti f I ' H'gh"".\"; IlI ,d 11. "'011 "'t.r' .,,,,,'rlll \\ ".'" "e, born at Wa neaville in the Yellr 1\8. ee.c Ie ou ers I'equel!t y car· !IOU,," or wh u"" 1",,,,1'.. ill l.. i8 .'pe,li,;',,, Y h" d d ' I rylllg ID wood; und whut el se bu "gall}"1 Ihe Indh n8, arc repor'ed tu />:"'C I' 1807 . ,urlllg In ,IS the ear ywllhllg .m!lD' cvuld .. mpt'd . "a' l"eqne8Ied lInd bood ,an WIl8. engaged Id filld to make. anI urmful I of' I oU,c,Ibe monllIenr hly l.Iy. Medlng " - -,\.1\1 ) - and- pork busineee. Desiring to gUes8. cou not g uess ,ess tout! IlLn ono graul. !!' IB '13, !"'''' w,..Wlhopollod on. lhe.,: I. f h' Now look In a httle """onded F'fth -dal' In th mo. (13th) ' . Sbort On'ok M,tnthly ~r.·eIiDg ",II. onell"d e.Dlarge the tucatre 0 ~s ?pe:a7 tlon8 he removed to OIDClDuntl -:-Look out for malrlmony, aod on the nuIt Sev,'1II1a day . lho 15Lb Whon aboui the year 1841 and 800n em· it 'VI IJ be as well to begi n getting Mlnml }IIOn~hl .'" Mec'in!!.w" •.es".h,lishcd; iL< J. barked io bU8iness' with Briggs ready to receive the Oolol'ad o bug. :t.':\Cof.ir~I~~t& "~~~'t~~~n.~°b.~I,n~:~I'~'~ ~ ~rrobs Swit\, the firm name being EVllllS OENTKNNJAL. tlOllherl.'"Oldhltil.·.'.>I.I: ~J. F"IO m }Iillllli THE ONLY ST'OVE MADE ~I ~ !oJ. & Swift• . After a IOllg existence .•• a IIII",b"r. of "tI",r lDIl~ tl lI!(S "pr.,ng "II. In • • ' COBPOIlA.T lWmo p lRces whol o 1I elghllol'hoG.l ~ ri.' D10,·e J With g accompanied b,r a pfOijperlt.Y thut ION ar .. arIJTION . 11'010 Ihu Soutb ern i·it," e~. "1111 III ono- ill, was more than remurkable, the s tl\I\CO a wltolo MOIILhl," M"el t1;.( el ll """ it . l'a&uw r b. '11889, d lie a 1869 11. firlD was filll&lIy dissolved eaoh of ]tor Mayor. minute8. IIn~ 'or\\",,,,lod Ih nl 10 its Qua,' 0 -. aD " " , ' 9{, ,, " GIDEON LEA.K.• 'eriy, Bnrl m'grl\ted to Ill e I.lI\d wl,,'ru.'a the partners retmng With a handvery WA S r "hibilOd. Thll o.arl y pion. &r., 1 uc, ",0 801m! t'urtuue. While they were J. HILTON ROGERS. who w. re I en helld, of ,."mili c~ . bOlve 101111' Rlove .. H lif,ftlv of llle "l.a<19c-nll'"e,1 oelebrB. 0:11'IU b~SIOe88 ' tb ey es tabl 'IS bed .ioco W"y of IOlInkind ...nd bu' ",... IIlId ..It II he.' ftrrit·0lWl8 p"re.. ''''~'''~'''''~''~,~ few ofgun. tbelrlheimm"dlllte dellCcndll"ls DOW too Cook· toye, tbe bauklll!l:. houBe, first of Evans, TOWN.HI • •"IrtlTION. reml,ln, But Ibo fllmili ' 8 lire rOl'reeented lor, bedroom und .tore-'·oom 8toVC8. Collard & Hngbes, and afterward Pi hy D,?La few or our f l·ien~1. Tbe Kelly., of Evan8 & 00 one f tl e heavior Oon8table and il88e88or. I~e ~urIlU.LI', EVI111 8ea, lia'~"Me" , ~re f.mll. . . ., on Third 0 ' street, If'M• I'T A R ''''SO OK tmr Dll.m ell . A urluf mention 0 1 ' ,'me of . Ia,go varIety. ' eat private bauks :loU .I ' • tbe mOrC prominent Frlonda ruoy form II 0f R II kl nd. ,n and of which he WIlS Btill a mem o - - - .---.- fulure IIrllelll. mtl1b - A'A#.lI1 . . ~ Mr, ~O" . t ed M'Irror, EAOroN, Mn., 2- nd mo. 6th, 1876. ~I!.~ ~~,~~~~ til be rat t IIe t ·Ime 0f h'18 deatlI. IJ...J zier s III nmlDQ -1' ... F"U;NOS' J o ~a lu L. !!:I M""uraoturOO and kept on hnnd at EVAnS belonged to tbe Society of enllll'god to double its fonnel" size, - • • n Friendll, the Hicksite branch l and il\uminatill~ a tour of Egypt, H oly ilJ" 011 S undlW I next, the anlli· • '. ., Wb'olesale and Ret-v.u. · . L 1111.d , an d urope; WI'II ox III'b'It 111 . yel'dary 0 f tie I • donointhe be~tlllunner. BlldKt loorprice. Il II t he year~ 0 I I'li S reslomull 's "to' orelgn d orllli denee here WIU! Ol1e of tho ~orem08t l ~he M, E .Cbnrch, Thllrsday ove~ - I M iB~ioll will Le held in t he M..~. TOILET SETS, FANCY WARE S· C 11 ' tatlODery, onlectlon~ry, membel'8 of the cOllgregatlOn that lII g of thi S week, for the benofit l Church, alld Mr8. Dr. Peurn Will A1lfl h:i' 1'!Jtlting in ow' L itl e, baa illl mootillg-house on Filth Iof the SUllday·school. Admission ' lecture, ut l Ot A.M. Sho will also All at the Lowest Rates, Tobacco-and CIgars, .treet, near J ohn. His fllmily, all 25 cents.' Doors open at 7 o'clock. [be present at tho Snndny-school iu I) R ENTOI E or whom eotvive him, consists of Exhibition begins at An ox- the afterlloon, UU<l talk to the pa· bd wite, ~wo daughters aud a SOli. hibiti on of the calciu lD, drummoni Ireuts uud childre n. The public is J uifer for ",,10, very low, Knd on good Wonderf.. Sut:lle I!I : " -t dallabter is the wife of and magnusium wI ' re II'ghts wI ' 11 cordially I'uvitod t.o be preseut. term8, ",le.i r,,\)lo ,mil w.II.IU<lIItOO F"rm, It Is rcporl od ~hal lJ O ,l' Il KK" O""AH The e) U.... " ' y ,u' p hilS. si nce iU Iniroductilll' ill II,e Unl. W. J. Li&Piucott, while the second also be given. - .- _ . " . IIOvon mile. rrom til" city 01 0.""100111\, Mil- Le'" ~""es . N),\chcd ~IIe Immllll.e 8111e of C 1I d ~ ~ iii ill I b .. ka 00., 1.....11, of a40 acre_. 200 ""'OM of i. lin.. S. Ouuoingham. Tl.!e - - - - -. an I a e8 or 0 ce w p el'8 riel. 8eCulld hottom land under cultlvlltion ', 4U,00 0 dozell p,'r .,'cu r, Over 6,0011 Drug iSIS hRvo o,'!!" rcd this Medicioe dl rec~ frum D F E d I . b H II & 0 remember Lbat our cbarge for aD . balOlJce Umber Mud 8Uppo8Lld to be ooal lIthe aon I. u. • VaUII, ao Ie, Wit a 0., of Oh icago, were , Foolor", at WoodlJu,.v N.J., und no' omo g hie two brOthers·in,law, con8titute here last Wednesday evening with Douncln nla me allbd pr.lndt!Db'o tlCkClt8 land. Ono-story bOU80 wIth 118980 l'OOma, ha,'o J'Ilpo,'ed a aingle failure, bUI every let. d 0 lar \lac ; an • a.oo an - 100rge l.I.. rll, aDd good beM,ring orchnrd, Can te JC ks f It to I II Q f E L" tt & th . t d bl .., . are one ' th• ".rm 0 vana, lpplllOO elr grea 00 e.",toropa.no.~tlco.n , DOUnCemen'....- " _ ,'11 be'. made or. tlckeOa be divided to~ RdvRntage. Would talce io'gr 81 II 0 Sill 0 S, ng IUCCCII8 In CUr· . . suver' O llugha, OoIds sellied 011 the ODDolllsbam,' , we II k D~W~ to , a I. and gav~ ~ very tine ex lllb,tlOn I." printed unle88 paymenL i8 made in 1-4 """Uon w' d land 10 "[OW8 in part pay- BreneL, Consumptloll , . or ftlly dlacaae of dd m~ every C?lti&eO of Olnelnnatl.- the OIJrlstian Ohurch. The nud,- advance. CBndida~B ror' tbe offiees m'i;t:4-4: ntf!4 ;~'~~I!~~~;'a. Throat Rnd Lllllgs. We advise "uy rrM olI (Ji",.. E"f'''''CI''. ence WIU! large, and all wer" higb- of Con8table and Alaenor will be ~ ~ ~ ~~iI~:~ ~i'~I~r~I~~.~~~~li,O~ .IOD:~':kftn,J"::t - • .. Iy pleased with the" beauties and cbarged 81.50, tile nome being 8et Aft '""' G AI this JlI ~"'lcin ,or 111'10\1'0 "bou, ii, I{ 'Ilulnr Tbere are ramo.J'8 in the air of a , ": .)nde~ ot the world" there repre. up Lwice OD the ticket. ' . ~~@!. ~~ slxc, 7:, cenLS; 811mple boLlle, \U ccn.a. &bird drnlr.etore in town. sonted. . A. Dloe Pleoe 01 property, .fioe rcsidcnC4i'" Two do so will relieve any .CIISC, Don't -. ... _ The N"rr''''w Gauge IS looming Iuds IIttaobOO. In Ilwd cooditlon, on thlJ f neglect ,'our cough . IiW-l y • • • MI ' .. lIoe of the )farrow Gallgo RailrotW in . We bad qaite • blast of 8DOW ,' a~ mul.lIIIs~ !1,25 a gallon. IUP grandly. . . . . . Wayneevi\lo, f~r sa~c, on. • ~QOmmod"iing (al!mjllnli1tIJ1il;'WJi\IH"llil~IJ ' __..... -uln... . Prepare yonr garden.seeds. , No m'ore 8Inall.nn... term . Pouellllon I!'1VCIl "ght off. ScOI Ity mail (or 10 Ll!, E. B. ..oon. }I ,D., 8. , ... D 1""-'" Enquire of J08. G. KEYS. 1'10 ..... lao&W. "9... Ncw Yere. 1:11, at
- D.
I!" . 't '
('Itall dl 1."" .
"L·th IlI,t t .. uit ' JIIlu lh."'..' N ""U 11"1 It
I ,.
I "SHO 1)'1' P
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, ·
D olle P ron11) tl
If you woulu Imy ,
TDR DRST DRAPBR in Iho nm .. ket, buy tIm .
W o huve
0 11
hand the bOilt (lS' urtllloll t vf
' . lB -=
v r offel'ed in tliis mark t. They Ilrc as filII ,, \\, : DA YTON CJ/.AN-
tal~i.d ££1' /1
Warra nt d to lIi vI!
'ati,'I/aclio11 .
---We hav e th reo of the lIKST - - -
tl r
. tl k I III 10.) IUllr ut; tIe
Slidin Oven Doors .
EII·ott" C Ieman . TIN WAil E
O.m. OUee
F res h
l '
- •• .
&, DtHlbl~·shov(:~1
G.tUIl~@!)~Q~~~~ Corn· Sheller8~ Form ..Ji .lo o1-'1_crs, Post~Diggers, &C.
ROBIISOI WAGOIS! o:::r Warranted to give SatisftLetioo.cOl
. All kinds of Wood Pumps at extremely low prices. All porsons wishing. allY thing ill our line will fiud it to thair io&ereat to . II" .. h ' I I g lvo us a cu UeJore pure uswg e sew lere.
W ayneev.'11 e.
Q W.. e;I(DRa tl
to the tr.&d~ •.
W l I I e IIl VO, tL SO, U comp ote stock of olle·hol'SO
'. .
. . New Feod, tho eusiust halldl ed' and .colO l,llltcst Dri/\.otrared
-- --. \...
-c:»r::n. - • -rl.I.I. _ . • Ui'A\AOI1'1''DI'D:> ICfi D At. 1rWr' A \- T T L' M~~~~~~ ~~~I!!.~ @!) ~~~~
P e'anut s
SPOU1"r G &C
Srtslt .ot of
f t. . vV'.
h-.t • buGn. Ithua' an 0 the il' irriJptiQII. 0ppo~uDi '1 &u t and but ll&de to d . OIdputleman.-.... nl t i. the tNob· di l"JIIilion to eat, we were landed rive lome oun II oat of it Lila"'" 11 iI. . •• la ~;:--IM 1M Ie, il it t the Lord irript. fur D'." ill thi" city, sait! to be the Paradi frolU the well iroprovcjJ "pportoni. p:!"f:::~~ .., of .~ l~. Bn:=:~a.... Ci~illeD-"Yee, I&bo~t tilt> ~imc you of ('lilirllrnill, by tbOlie Wh060 in- ty it afforded her of ubliging her -AXr~M:Il\c EllPI" • No I ..... - 7 elUl4l of .r. ..d . . .. W. • . tblDk t~.t..tll.e L)~ II gOing to du tCI'll~~ uro hc~'C. hWlhaud to buy bar a new 4.1I'0Il8, r"'hcb' uall Aoc.. !II ... I.; ~w - .. I...... ,~ '1~ ..d.ill ..... u.. big thlllg ItIt JUu, you fiud TIll .. letter IS tvo lung already to which lIB 800U lIB ahe Wall well eT ... I.. « 110 nol,&o/. ' .. p 011 ~ :to.'" JMUftllabeenbe- y taIll!8nI-".ot rsdfd'16al'polll ' t~. " '. rd '(JIlc~rulDg . t1'1 ' N". 9Ea'.nd:'l'o . II~W •• ~c,..r, ••\I. _ ....-'l'Iau_ of th.uoa.J'I ..u.-... I t. bolt un. .. 1\ rlt> 1.1 \\'~ II P 1.1(' '11. ugh, sue' made up hors ,11' , tF 11\. D 1lU'l~V ~t Ii ............." Ho .. drMr'lmutth.t b IOrthIt 18 a cummeudullie trult In th p opl , 'bmllt\!, s II, pr UC~· ·te. With the a i tullce f the "DOUltl8· ' 1If £ £ ~ dalJ!0.• ~!~~;,7.!',.~~d~~:'UIII!~II'! ...." 01 '" ~ bleb . 'ere ... lo"el'l pth · chamcwr of tbo II I Ilpl t.; d ti'lld I IIllIy at lI JlIle future tilUe write of ti.c" FWlh iOlls aud a now "Dollled' U. • H \ 11'1 R '. rich. . en . MH.: I'I..-oa:: ell their own ction, 101·1 fi·cJ ccrtuill thew. . J. \V . UOLl.II:TT. tic.:" 8cwillg Illachill . 11!1.. ~:l'. &:. u E ROf; ' TII.E , F.1l . AJ:'t. to blue the Pl"8' that no one outside will c1l1mlpion l p ' •. ._ ' ~. ~.ont )(.11 fr r ~~.,t ""11 :-;nrlh clruoe.' .• ,''' a..UVtkl tb';l11 to pl'Opue v. for the their CUll8e. o\'or",y"oruer, All befor9 rClllnrkoo, 001' term .1' AI"". om fur the ~hnu(actllroand ale f m.• 3n1 fo,' We.~ aDd l'<"ur h ., :'> .:111 p. II'. a.. L" Ancr riding for dll\'8 in tit t(JrThis villa e' I tI 't t r local nutic '8 or any bnsiucss ' A . L. FAIIR. P. .M• :· uem_ktd,,!' tl,. ·RI".,.-.tb.tl ...a.. tuous alkali dust, and with lit un t"d 011 tl e .eU!t " Ii ~k~1 YI sdl .II I1.' Ilfe JOc. per lillc, We are willillg P •• C. (~. T. L RAIIi _'" .. !!~Iha ~aofEtalllt,., Tbu.itie-one b' t f' te t 1' 1 fi I C urnpl e ea IIlg top u bl"l I I" {J" r'}'" .., -........ 1IO~IO.e ..... ju t AtArtin~. otb. 0 ~ COlli .r~ on w IIC I to ~ t I from Hick ry\'iII t Sli~o, lit tho 10; I,. a ttl I e r.!i t e , no t'IC d 0 S ' ll'H 'IIIIIOIII (~ ~ l' /I·,lfl" J ) 1t'/..,'",'. - a ...on .u.tan.,. on their w.y- whit tbe n~tuful VI IOn. you call renddy jnnetioll Ill' lUll ()UlkIt r'i'rowu8hi of uuy bmnn<;sa Iluu e 10 tit place, a • U"KJlB • ~l", 18U. willl louk,. mAde .. hl~ . with th Imagine Our almo t rapturoll do "l~ce Track 'I . ' I ' I I) \V repeat th,a I there aoom be I lou,,<a soar, r ....... ';!..d;"lor"t1n~::; are u:·l~~nK On the light wheu far away in ~he di lllnce the t'ac iliti ; ~r ~ull:~I~~:;:1 i : o~.t- SOIIlO !"ho do uot uud.e~tand i.t, N 'I.8. tho OUtllll\l8 of th auco. It is 'uot 0 lIIuch noteS rVI' a;;d th~uk we ~lltIwd partdlalrty , It la \ A.ND D&A[.~ IN ALI. KINDS OF MK.\lJ'I'iI'IJI.":{;Vt:II. S~.ere trNllccuble M ~11~f,i~~~~=i~~~~ l~.~:::: &I••teflle.ut,. l Mtr.ug I" .... trtl" I\owing lerra uv~dfl onntuin, in th 'ir the wealth If it:! inbllbitant.l, as fur a .buSlnes, frum 8. au ,unr mon' l II. g,·r.luwn. ar.h· •• 11..'" m Oa t.Q tho ~~y n of aturnnl rlJlJt;. sta~ Iy maJeoty !Lud uveda till' th lli r iutell ig lice and pcrse"erin" ey IS as good U 8nybody II. D · T ? 'I'rl? D l Ne'" 0"",1.·. "r.he ltI;.p e II! With lu.. o divlll Imbued. thy my. til) .u.m- 80htud . their r '\'crond lu~nd ~ pil')' I' cl t. . o . ~ ~ ~ ~UII~.,oll. ,,,·.h·,, I.IIt" '" Thrl'1i: .. itb d4M!p j0 1 thl. woary. longlnjf cillg th~ cloud>! und their bl' Wil III lltl~~~gh IJr l'ion"ly burilld .iu de !.lJcat 18 looking ", ry well ill.... , '-' '!l ' 1.~;:'~~~:~:'!~~i\"O ~.~ ~ br...... Ll buthed:lI ·t rnlll 1I0Wd. ].n CO~l' ob cur-ity und oulh'i vll, tlho is lIu\9 • ., _ . _ . _._. C~~II Oihl~ IIrd.o ti5\) p In Riv"r of in)' ! with eye Mnd h~nd. ur.lifted • traat With ~he l~!JC~y, the Slerrtl Itl altl~ to mise hertlelf above the lhe fruit pro poct ia govd, thus ~, u.r~" . _ !< 541 p:, . __ _ In "wme.L tru.t and "II-eollllding OYO, covered With beautiful overgre n8 \I 'iglllWillg \'il1a~cli (llickoryvillu far . • $ Down with Barel 'PoI.... . _. • TbLI.lA1il'L"'I~o ·f~b~;~t'I~:m~?"'::""!: and dowlltuhnd o,;u1t r~ul~ IDun Y C\!',!I- ami Loisllrcdwll) ulld exclaim, SAVE mONEy ... · ..~ IootF .bo..e l OUS c?~e a t I -glvlllg au d 10, "Ellough, cumu up higher." J'llo t rio ..g r 9. ' w4. ... ')'<IU ClIO &0' BU8tallllllg elol11ellt pure clear N I. . -0\NIl, oll r ,~o ,,",. .. WUM-h . T4,' lC .....' l:. v._UooI'ot uoa. tlllg of her • . 'nl.·.:l3 Ilrom/i··I·' jlo..~,.. '~ , "a' ••1_. · Iftr of L \fe! nolhreatenln ...t.Qrm-<lloud. cold wo'''r B A8 .we- In"d", tIle " , . tire cngines ~ u ..•• _~ 4";')..011 ., ... . , . . .. ~ ." - o~. surprise uuuatwu8, yet her WELLS-TAYLOR.- At the ~Iid;"'oo . I i ;1 h•• !lultl ~oo.t.. '" I·!.>.CJOO p",ron~. t, The azure aplmd"flof thy ""diant lIowl cent, every wlIldow W~8 occupl.cd CltJZllU8 are dewrmillcd to cre!1ttl a o( Mr. Jan, W~II •. iu Springbor.... 0 .• lb. olli'l" every v"rhll~ .. f Dr..'. FAlicy. lind 8\10Flo...er. in r:ny path ....y. palm and myrtlt' and every platform crowded Wltu sellB~tion tile eVlUiug· 80WlOII HllU.r W~I". of tio.,' O. fA) 1II1.. Raohel ~ Gootla. Grocvl'lO•• Uo~kl. CUllen. In••• _"l"gI1n rut.O'er auxious compuny 01' meu J 'VI ' a I E ' T.."lur. daught"r of Hlrlnu ·faylor. i -" ro· , ' 0 . • , '0 ...11 _Iovu, half price. ~DII s.lIa WIith l,. ...·b.... thecl mUlllo t.o , th,. ....Im. aod-:o~en bent on seeing all thllt tl 1lB. '. le"",c ., q., Oll~ of KENRICK-GOOnILLE,- At the home 0 L{ " el'~rylll 11,,\ IL~ vU 1 011 do.IMr. 110· b' N b .. ~e prominent Citizens, pl'Opnet r of tho bride. ill nIlY., Ulo. 1II.rub 7th 11176. 1... ,8 TIl .) First Banu :~. :~:-f)~r~~~r. . lh.p Dot for \V1lS to e seen. ow, t e tralll IS 01 tue Ipoverty Foulldl y I1l1d J rVII hv J. H . Dodd. lIIr. Perry O . Kenriok and r It..... "'111 can . ell (or ,I \I 10", 1'00 1l 1t!' cIt."le" a.t. . Mi ... MHrlJUrCI Ann . 0 lille. ~ ~ fi! Lu lur. 1'I ,i8 i. 110 hu"')"'g, 110 'lick. II'ladnMa; 100 I but lling In jo)' uad passing through a cut 80 deep that Worka' ul::!\1 town crier ' , at " Or lutw,·y. Suo ou,· 01...,"...... '-r8. alit! ._ Soon J .1oall ~U" the gold and 8ZUI'8 tido, tIle tqp C..Ol I w'th I d·fti I Oil'Ity be .so.ell. engll"ed' ill saWing stuv" , \",IS....110\\ 1 bv .~ _ A d bl led HI I I N t tl d f ... ... , · UUU ir't> 01 '"Il!\. t' t l~O th 'tl8ullds of artjrlo; olli'red ,,' 0,,1, ,I .. Il . .0.... P w ore re..... eg ory in- e:c ,00 Ie e ge 0 a preCIpice, stellUl tOI' the citiz1;llls ill the sub. ' ~uDtt le(~nlC1\ 9. , \\ 0 nl'\! emloNlod h." Ihe h~" p"per< of DOl, ~"'h f th 0 J u-t abldo. aW . IHc.b we Icast orb8, inteuds buildl'ng u ti.rle l a r gN o. THE MOST CONVENIENT! ;011. II"d I •." .tI.u huollred thOU8U Ild: p.'.roll'~ ... ero th e.pII'· r ... a I made tus tl8hudder e basb f A in Ree ou.· cir,· ulur.. . No '~.. for mel .mil .. for the now 1m. .g I:npso a 1. 11 y88 ~ ow. munsiOll this spriug ull Summ1;lj' , OUce 0 ppO tment. I ECONOMICAL' ,. • We Ca- .... ".111 _II T" q..e. ..., ..orl&ll The grandeur, lovh~es8 Bnd plctur· Aveuue. ,,11-. Alleu Muore is pru. Notioe iM hercloy givell, thRI. A. L. Alltrl.Ul I · .1 I" •• tha .. :IIIV o.her hoo,e. W. TOllOb tbe IigM harp. and ooing fLy f..,or- ~queiness of ttlti~e~ Illmdoutos monnt· paring to build 11 large hl'ick palace I~ ~m. O!' tI~ :llf~ ;llIr "f F•. ~ruB~'lh A.Dj DU "ABLE ! ~.~',',II&~:~ :~~::,or b~le~:sslt'~,:io~: O'w:n~~~: t rd ' """'!pIC II t II'lr I'ro~.r Y'. r a u •• traiD; . aIDS, canno n wor s expre 8. Oil a little emilll'uc t' u t B (£keIJ lieallt'i itll B f . 0011' il1 W ..yn~yiJJe. Jul,,14. 1,8711. , ag~II~. el·er\' ~· bure. No risk. 110 CMnlllll re o lfo.. put the tUMDollof Lifu's weary jour The train J.aBsed q·t · sl I lj d OU 0 all IJt:rdunul, to lIw underKlgu"q, In C,·Uijt. 1 l ' . --. d . r ~e,., - . . . UI e OW y. tow~ .. Mr.. Will. ZI:lI 111\8 beclI fllr U'" ~"cflt<of "II .tI.eir '~rcditor •. All tfl(' IIflUrl1!8t tml~', a,11I1 /it'd 'I/O .... Q o"n""e' Cent ..an n _ _ I.,........ l!eIOYecI ofear1.I..1 .wu1l.I"oU mect"galu ! glvlllg Old . . ~)lIl1tu~n t!me to laugh repulrlng 1118 dwellin~ hou8e 011 I rl!(1no tudcbLed tv ~,"d A. L. A,.'trilm &. 1!1j'IIf£l for /J nkt1l!l Bre.ad (£lui lII. lII. 00,., fo r KII our JIIIJl.r~ . chellat our childlike hllurlty aud out· Broudway M Be B k i n Mr" rtl(llIe~lcd to m ..ke hnmed'ht.! pay- Roalltillg • lar~. 6111111.1.11. I.\'e elill nlld 01,. ,~11 "l.rtlBI...,. of De... h: .. II "ull! his II..,," I. h\lrstil g hel1rt fllit emot'ons' b t l . ' . r. UJ. rac ncy Ulu"l. dlld Ih __ having ol"hlUl alf~ln.t th I t . · I a.A~d D ~ ~ tlClc8, $2 It, I;)k<. &r. .• Itll rlOr,. . hl,:l. doll.r. tbc-,hbiAjf_ .. I, . I , II uWl Just comploted ulld relUllvcd I".m . ..,.i11 pre.cut thum duly .. uthunticaled . . ... Siael. Stylet and Pricel to ~~W}@!. ~ee~ ~ Be.u,lful Rill~8. PIli. . IIr"''''I"". '.i .... Vio. Wildt,. exultunt with ito< freed(lm'A bli•• ! It IS un eve:yday 8cell~. and 1 811p- into hiB new residence on Elillt- I for .. lIu"-I1I'u". , : luit every one. ~ _ l ill~. "Ipe-. . ·ult ••·•. C .•• IO.·" III rae&,w., m Pr:o tho .tar·fl..."" of yunder ..orld o( p08e old SIerra ball cllaserl to be Broildwav Mr T M Va t· · . ARNOLD T. SABIN. The IIndcrlliglied I,c" to h,fofl\l 11111\lSAIIII a"tlcles .. II lit 'I . Solid No ... ".. \I .101"1. amlls d by it '1: " ' " t . : 'd' n ICS8 IS D~tIlll tl1l4 Fubru ..ry 2 , 1871l. . ltIANUI'A Cf:ll ltf: 1l lIY th~ pUlolio ....I\ . . .... l1y tf.ul til,." 111" '1' '"I'e mool·Y. You WID till I~. 1,luFe I.,. Ad. HI, lIOul wll tUM' to th boIoved in tbill '. nuw J.JJ~lIl1 0 y l! t 1'ea y to UlILIIU --WM " I ~~ II 0 d t H IIRMlA1'OY k 00 . When tl.le SUlDlDlt W. 118 rench ed, f'uctul'"v lurger and mOI'o extolls'lve Nou'ce of APPol·Dtment. ' RES. 0 R. & Co" MUII I ~l"rk(H 'i" 'hr I. ' ," "' r8 u ' . '. ' . ' .• old SWlII(1 o1'6111,d of ".IIk" '""Y ... 1I •• wllo_. whoro Ihn' I N. E 1l01.LAR S.\LI>, 3:J B,omtel<l SS •• Andw · ~~peroflen tot.ho hp.nrt of IIOrro ... our wl'uprcmgs were lound to b st{)ck of tile this eUBOl1 tllu'n "vcr NotiooiahoNhYIC _iyco. th"'tA"",,lomAn1 MI-I)m "IN"INNA"., .. ill kuepcOni!lIlIlLly,," h,,"d . BJS lOU. Mu.. _. _ ~ And Wi . . . . 101.0 gloom oloud 'from ~IO bro\\' hi tl d b ~ .,~. . of 0&1'8. very COIU or.ta e- Ie grOltrl e· ba~re. O. C, McCulle J . P. !tas tram. ,!n. Ihe:.- ~"y of F ·bl·uary. A.D. IS---- - - - -11999911 MONEY ...O~ ""... ."LY .ADd waft Ita PO"UC-8IlCl\ from yon r.ul.lM.il 0; ing c,.vered with SIlOW aud we ut be n co elle·1 t ' dl.! 70, I 'Ir"ed .111". properly, oolh real "tld:lt U EVE H Y U EST . t.,,, 1·IIIle ', QIII.'· '''0 Di,"ol. '1& keaty. l ' d f 7 2 f" b ". m IP u 0 SUSpOD ul"!IIlC8~ pe'l\fllloi. to tI,e IIDuer.I ..",od in Imottor tloo I I,. "I ""Y. IIJrkc8t b"lore .1" . .' 1"0 allY r•• d , CI' who ~iII _1'1It! ', 0 Clliito II;). U•. we will'el,d I It.I Itf11 tl0 0 \) -1: eat I~ ove the durlllg tuo past week ' on aCCOUI.l t benefit uf .11 Iti. cruditor. All I",r,.. ,". ill- ' A lovlllif me",urJ, and a hallowed prayer. an ey 0 JO sell. ot havillg the mumps' but h . debted to fItOld AI' ....leRl AntrllID ure reBeef.I Veall Mutton and Pork I ",v COlitS ,,, liB. "0 \ViII 80:"11ono box of 9999 .T. AJar, Il.-lt III, lIHG. D Whon roi lllding what i8 called n I d ' '11 e 18 qlle.t.cd t.Q make i"'medi~te p.yRl~nt. I",d wbleh we J:~uroI OI N ",ill put you hI 'he wn - _. "C H "I .' . o~ COIIVU escent, UII WI resume thOti(l h"villg olllion. Agt1in~t the .. m..... ill to make *2IJO Il momh. 11 1111 110' lake hal' Frorp California.. ape . orn, t Ie tl alii stopped for bU8lUcs8 IICXt week. vr_n~ t.hem duly "ulteatill;.tod for IIlIow· ' . Ihe cuuntry ROordl ; alld nil will bu k"pl ,,'our time. u',,,Me Cor men or \1'01810. hoy. ~ fow mlllutes to ntford the pas ISn · l'htl tirm of R l:I Oollett and 1ll1fJ8. ARNOLD T. SABIN. I ' Or "rirls. aDd i. cll lilely lIew. Thou.,lIId. cen tb n'T ' n,oU'KA. CAL.. gel'il an opportunity 01' vie\VinK thi8 W McC c h . • h d D..U!Il tid. FebrD&ry 2~tlt, 1 76. C LEA '>.T AND N ICE. Dow secure. paying l;u~illl·I". alld o"D.~n' 0 . .- . . ...... f k . I " 1111 avc on all sa. supe- - - - - - - - - -- !'I Income. Th i. i~ die 'cbance of n Iif.~tl_.· jiebl'lHl.ry 8, 1 76. strange ~. \11 natur~. t I~ l'ior lot of ulllple SUglU, molasses Notice of Appoillltment. Also, .od If )'0" .. ill nUl..emhrace h. lell 7nll~ e thollSllllds 01 Illet to the ~I'lley be- and cundy, which thll)! iuteud 01'- Notice ia he."by ·yen.lbat A. " 1.11. FINE SUGAR CURED HAMS frlond •. for It Is A ~oarU!<r. for lOme 11'0.....'1. Al\er passill~ Ogllen we nre in n ath, and .the outlook In every t~ring to the PU"II'C- "t prl'ces to Ant...." & 00.• UII t'f:e 23d d.y of F"bru..ry, S IS ~ deBCrl'in!; l.ertOlI wno lIe~d~ .L belping han. lIill'lit of the Great Pluins, IIl1d 1 d' . . I d d U .. D 711 I Not a r,.cl\18, jllwci:y. 0' olher bumbujC. "b.ut 'I>. Irectloo IS trn y gmn all awe slIit hard timc::!. A.. It! ....... !Pled.11 their prol',;rly, both , • • UIl 11'" .,·U "uaran"wd I;\lsill'" opporWill aay that 110 scctiolJ of cou lltry itispiring. Frolll tho 'c elevliti 118 TI . .. . . tval Ulld pel'liOn"I, t.Q the under.'gu",I, In wh"le or loy llie Blice. U\vo U8 ~ call . IUllity. S.. ml"~ bOl , cirelllur•• &0 .te., a.. through which we pUll8IJd prU!lllllt10 Citizens 4etermlDed to trullt. for tho benellt of 1111 their crudltorK. MULLIN '". WOOLLEY. llelll at COBI. :/0 Cl·nta. only 10 hl~{'Odu.,.--It; ed 80 few attractjol18 as thi8 wide where one as he Btllnd oan take have tbe stock law eut'orced tbi8 All peroOOI18 Indl·btod &0 ~"Id A. & 1.11. An- By coDlltlmt Mr Blld "t~llt;on. IIlI&\>ruved nono \t·e8. ~I!II nonu '\1'1$11 reply uale.. they . . ill the whole panorama, till h .. 8 UIDUl~r .Itarme b I trllln &. Co.. llre .."lu U• ...,d to multI! imllledi· , - - - - - - , . Wl1l1t t.o woke ,~OOO a )'8ar C\""", BunMed. expa.nsc ot uncultlvutcd l~tlrI . ~tlemil to hitn6ell' to s e all the U J' 'V rl!, . ewar~ ' . I\te JlKymollt. lind .tlt ...u h ..vlng c\uims '" Q 1Y ('f1 mm'D1Q I (;!!\ , ; ~ e a a a e EO . 0 are mllkill!! tl""/,,,Id 20 ccnla aud · "9l19~" Nothillg to be 800U but tire IUter· k' d r tl Id d I r. o. hetiel Irom O,IlCIOIIIl· uJ{IIlI •• t tho ""mo, .. ,II preaullt them, dilly ~ . ~I ~ ~WJQg)~ 'i!) l~ Q. Q. Po Q. Q..; ci ~ will ahow yuu 'now '&Ie dOllo.' Add." ... mitteble 8-..hU15h Hnd uekali- IlUg omrs °b > Ie w.or un ~lltl. ti,is.vieiti.nghi8maDytiKmdllllud .itibJ&l~fII1~~e • .1. ' • • • :i geg Si!!ll.!'·~ B UNTER-IcO .• Bbrtdale.R.H. . -e-~ . ~ory 0 t Oul, crees out, Wit I relatives hero ;\l(lJm~I> ','. SABTN. I:.: ~;;;_ ... ~g ... ::.;.:.;::.; not 1\ brll8h nil\, trec of allY kllld oldsmi th1-' d' . D..ted this ]o'ebruary 2tlth. JlnG. ; ~ () Ii 0 ICE .. far aa tbe eytl call reach. "For mo U.oir tributAry eiAlre!! combine; rlir"kte l!JcetlDg. e()mllle~ces Not! fA' ;All urrOMl corn;ctef!, all work mMla of good - -- ~ 'g A great WI&Y Qff can be seCD the Oreation's beir I tJ,U ..urld-the . ·orld i. at IC nryvllJe thlB eye,unF' ce 0 .ppOID.tmeDt. I"".....olled Jnutenl1l, "",I by ,,~ ~~: ~ o<! 0 Flower and Garden Seeds, Roc.ky Moulltuiuo] ill thei r sl1moness 101110." (~nrch Hili, 18'16.) The Rey B. Notioe I. he~ I,'\'OD. i ,hllt A,lIrull L' I ...; _STRAWBERRIES I •• PIUflB£S, and 80litudo, s.', c\lIJ IIlId rot'bidA day amid such sceuery caunot hOIll~odlgh IlIId.t·ll~'q"ellll are M:r~:::':I~:~'~:1I L"~::I'!·~~"bJib ~' , Experienced WorkmeD, ~ ~~~~fl~~$.~~~ ~ -;. NEW SORTS BY .AIL. din~ 88 to suecei>sl'ully rlo(y vcg· fail to leave ilUpl'cssiolld ut ollce expec e t~. Vresl e: .'4y . 8I1C~e8i1 111101 l>crl'Ollftl: t.o tho ullder.i!:rned, ill t...u.... . - ;:: IN ... ~ .. ,,".e . . OCt "" ~~ CI Plunts of the newest and tineet . ell&tlOn in it::! efflll·tll · to helllJlify salutary and ubidillg where any crowb thell effurts ID 18 dU'CctlOlI. tur U!O bell~Rt of .. !I bl~ credItor•. All I",r· tLJ improved Borts, carefully packed . ' .. . 'bT . . ' d Th real estute truustcI's in thi !IOnM IlIdobLed to MId A"wn ,L . Antran, .. re "nd.1I oonl'ht "nd .old i. up.. n educated ~ S Iii,; ,;Ii ..a Z d 'd b 'I M. II tbelr ulJhlled~. Through till S 1111 ' true su:!COpt.1 I Ity eXIt!ts, au to ell' _. " t ., M '.1 I 81 B reqno@ lodto",.kel",or.odiflt.e,p"Ylllcnt.!Llld judgm II~...nd fur OASH. lit G)' .. : • 0 an preplll y mal. y co eojutereatlllg IInu nrOIlt.ltonoll8 eOIlIl ' rich both mind and hcul't. Images \ ICIIII. Y UI. IC le~ .Im to e J tb .. v h"dllg ~hdm. IIgaiMt lht' I!&me, will ... ~ , . "••~ ~ ti(lu of Strawb~rrio8 took ·the tirst try we were allllost two day8 in of beuuty and gl'undeur pure and Br\lcklley, 170 acres, prIce. 11,050. pr~.cIIHhcll1. duly. aothontlCltted. 10r "I· I ~ ~;ii ~ 0; l(5 iij ga premiuw tor the l>est Oollection, l'U8aing. l'he questiou is fruqueu.t- oIilliple. are pl'csunted Wthe imag- ~~lIatball l:ial'~mall to JOOhn GI'IJ'mes, 10D~::;:d' thiij Febt:',~:~t~ 1~76~ABIN. L 0 IVE 'T J> RICE ! . ___ . ____ ._ .. __~~_~ _____ ECI ut the great ahow of the M&88aC1IUo ly uked-"Cun the:!e lalld:~ b ' illation, and 1 duubt not the Chl'iBt .' a~res, pl'lce 2,4. ohu - - -. -~---- :" . . ~:! ' . ~ ~ sett8 Horticnlturul Socjety, in utilisedl" but thus far no tlIlCCes,,· ian'8 heurt 8eems to be brought Gl lmlls to ~dgur l\ud Joho Zell, Notlce of ApPolllltment. WIth 1I0 W 1I100),II\Or)'. new bl11ld,llgtl. flO ' : ~ : : : : : EO; ~ Boston, lust S1JU80U. I grow uearly . ' the ml'd ~t 0 f' 42 500 . I~ II~~ 'bY!!IVan.Y'·LI, . 'lIt toOllI'''Y tho be"t tcrlll" tu bo 101111 ':=;; .... n ;; -: t5 Po t:.: 100 vane . t'lOS, tlIC moat comp Iete i'ul plall has booll devl8ed and put C Iosel' to God w hen III I acres ' pl'IC~ $2. . l'.M . V I\ U .....,,,,1100 bl'"UH , An- "bt'll 1"·1lUHtomcr@. ;t; ~Si:Si:~~108 ~ ~ iv into operatioll for.their redcm ptioll . hi8 1111 blimer ~lId \Duro impl'cssi ge ~ rC!~Olot IS 0, UNT, 10 Mllrtha ~av. ~(;:':~~~~n~~ ;l:t~"~r~~>e~~y~r"~:,i1; ~;~'II~d A niu~ Iil.' ~ .of gl.ud" IJOU.tlllltly nn hKlld. ~ ~ •.: a:i:': ~:::...: ~ ~ollection i1l' .thtl eu"ntry, inclndJt ill barely J1o~alble that at sOllie works, la, '/II • . ow AND THKN. pcronlllll, to the undcr.igned. in tru.!., for" go;.d eu!l! ctllll\ ~f • =e ~ 109 all tho IIOW, large American future time this groat pilloill may bo While I was stcadily .-r;uzing [Columbu.oorrrutpondonoo O . i~. O... ett.o.] ~hc belleflt or .,!II l~. oredlt"",. All purtlOns , 1 I () 1 OR "- " B R .ll a ll I!:TS, Q. ~i ~ ~ nud illlpol'Icd kinds. Priced demade to contribute to the comfort.! at the15e woude~ Slid .thought I wa~ NARROW GJ.ooK.-There was til . Il1dc~."'!d I" ·"k,d : .... odiJ;!· Allt""11 uru ro-d and otbur Rrtie\~. ""peuiully I,ro¥idcd for ~ !til li ",.:j ~" 8criptivc Cutlliogoe, gruti8, by of the milliou8 destincd to inhabit ~ooillg them, tho miud had glutl· ed to-duy 1\ certitiicatc of incorpo- ~1~,~:O"I':"~n~"I:I'::~':::'i~~~ S~/;:~~~~· ~'i'll . :: .9~,.:j -< g ~ mail. Also, Bulbll, Fruit Trees, " .,.. ~ i ~;;";:G ,,~8' R E 25 k thia. C~nt!nent. At pr~tint the cod back ,md W8S. exhPerliencin g ll. raftio U iSn the ~ttice of t~e Secl'ctury r:::~'!e theon. ~ul~R~~L'gi~rtO:\ ~~~ 01- 6' l, 'allfD'~ ,~a Ii ~eg.: ~.. iii II Ii ~ I ~ IFlose8, vGergdreell~. cd .pl&COO ebte l tourl8t IS IInpreilsed WIth ltd utter dtrauge sense ut . t e ength 01 0 tIe . tute, IIIcorporatlng tbc J ofDilled' tid. Fobrullr; 281h. I 70.'. . •~ ~Jt~.~~~ P. ~tl~~ J;P 4 ~ i .3 il ~ '!! '5 ~ .!! ~ ~ 111 ,;. owor or ar ou "'c . s, t.OI 1 worthlCd8ness. While pussing over yearll, and unelldlllg work. For fersonnllo,Mt.SterlingalJdOoItIUl -_. ]~g~c3~~j8~~ ~ mail. . thi. Vl&8tne88 of nothingncs8, I wus 'ages before an eye 811\\' them, long uus Ru.ilroad . The corporators are SHERIFFIS SALE. N" illferinr KI,n,l<illll"'""(1 Ill''''' . lIybody. .., Tho Tl'lle Oape Cod Oraoreminded of what Ben. Wade ill before all lndiun walldol'ed towurd Theodore Oom>!tock and F. C. Se8· WARREN COYlIION PLEA A \'ery . ".,,11 mo""i ll uilly ".k ,ulllld _ollght. ~.! )' .... ~tll C· ebery, best sort for Upland, reported to have 8li.id of another their my8terious ailence-before SiODS, or Col lllllbll ; E. Mannina, H. Loui.R G. Burnett and } Ord.r ~f lIlLie A full Htouk of . .iI s ei. : : : : : : • Lowluud, or Garden, by ' b" Burnett. her husbILlId. p.nitillu, UNDERTAKING f" ~ Q. eection 0f ollr common coulltry . ~ II.e d ·ItI<,lovery 0f A mencaelore 1). Mul'eyall d" u. W . BU Ier, 01<J Mt. JVI. O. Jo.hua Andc"lIOn otal. , In No.4I1t1U. \ J O() ()8 ..J rIJ -I =!. ooo~:;j:e"'800 0 . UIt\i1, propaid. 'I per 100,16 per A friend sllid to him that with the iJui (ding of Sulomun's Temple 8tel'lillg, Dr. O. W. Mar~hall and In vur8116noo 01 ,m ordor ol~ ~ale du~t ...· 'C ~;; ~:r.i .;r:B ~ 00 :B ~ I ~ riO 1,000. W holesnle catalogue to the "lent1 of water and good 8ocioty -thCt!e mountain8 were stauding IdllUc Gluze, of Jetfel'ilollville, .This ~~ ~U:::eK~ii~:.:d~i"..Wf,~~~~of:~a!.:le~H~t cor,.talltly Oil hnnd,lIlId o"l\e promptly lit.- 2 ~ Tmde. Agents wanted. . It .ouSld be 10ve!YI' II Yes ," SUkid us :!od'~ sel~tillelt I k!tI to be a narrow.gau ge road, aDd its public auctioll. on the promi"~8. ill W.ynOil- til",),..! t u lit "II ho".... ~ ! . S e: Ei z e a ::: ~] B. M. WATtlON, Old Colony the el.· imator-' t lat wou ld IDI& c uvmg t lese ove y 800nes, ept IIlcorporation OOlUplates the contem· ville, W,men County. Ohi .... (In AlIlII\dcl' thu '" ''''''!foment or to ~ ,j,; .; Q.:i. I ~ ~ N ol'scriell ILnd Scod .Warehouae, h-l a lovely place." Plenty of pure by tue tilterillg of the evcr·· plated chain of the narrow·gange Saturday, .Maroll 26, A.D. 1 76, Hi' D ~Q,V'Q) =: ~"'!l~""~:!:~~3S 0:1 0 PlYlUouth . .Mass. E8tablished 1842 •.
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:: I i; z Duslnell8 eection. of the IDountalUs IS reached, wheu rOlld (nurrow'gauge) hIlS beon luid f'1IL8T TllACT-Being I..", numOOr nino W k 4\ th U 1 d' Ii! : _ • _ • _ _ . e c Yonr readcl'8 must not get the we Slloed along through ono of out from Cincinnati to WaYlle~- .nd tIln. ill Harri.,,,, I!Ijllure, In H,m.is'lId· or ,or e nemp 01e I ~ ~ .so - - - •• - :. )] ::a L, O. LU KENS, .M. D., •Impre8810U· . t Ilat t here are 110 I111 b'I· th e 111 os t beau t'f I di t . ts r'lI . L b h dltion I... the toOI'll W ~Ylle.vi ll_"lid lot TilE TUIS'I'LE EOITUtN .,; ~ , Iu IS nc 0 VI e, vta e ILllon t irty·seven lIumher " ille heiDI! IIfty.three foot, IIl1d lut I ~ d,e unit· fulh' Il lu_ll"atllt! Edilloll of ir ~1:1 Z ~~~ ~ ] f PHYSICIAN &. SUBGEOR. latIons througbout thi8 Plain-that couutry that hILS been my good miles, Ilnd is under contract. The nt1~bf>r lell fll&., feo1- ~n North .treet. ""II . WIIlle,. 8colI·. 0<:=... OCt <Il would be a gruve mi8blke;~but fortunc to 8tle. It is the .gl·eat Wuynesv ille, Purt William & Jet'· lit rIght Rl1lflo. thereWIth rlllln",~ b'lOk two B c: Office In Natlon"l BlInk Bu\lcliug, the inhabitante do not derive a \Vh.eat growiug belt of the stllte, f(mlOovHle Hailr\!ad, also Ililrro\Y. ~:"dred IllId twonty-five fect 'U1d ftlllr inchA VE RLEY 0 VEL S =- /"'; ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ Ii i ~'I ~ WAYNESVILLk~ OlIIO. 8i1Pfott from the soil. There are producing from 30 to 60 bushels gauge. bWl liee n incorporated, IIl1d HI.' ON!) TIIA 1'-llciu~ lot numoor flll1r. in of Amerie"n milk •• ,""d. i. ·tho b~ft t elliti'lD .,; ;;'';';;'; '; ,J ~ C etabonl ~t an average of ten miles· per acre, aud 11\ quality the very the I'oute laid o~t fl'ol11 Wllyne:l lIIillrnl Sql1l1ro. in lid t.. wlI .. r WIlYllc.vilio . , ot the b"ot follglo _I, 1111",· 11,,1. I Z ~~~~~~ ~ , § :j b F' f IIndOOUllh· ofW"r.. n.''''U .... '''no'''''...... Ihc "uok'.r" "lnlld,ml.ltlldwlll oell for '.. ~~-"'''''... I~ ~ ap.rt 'from one eud of the roud to est. arlllil 111 this part the ville to Joffersonville, thirty mill'8. vcycd III1,f,)lnU d by E. IIKRlmell. 8urvo)'" all timo The ",~chll.'dclI l execlilion i~ o( "L:- -- - - - - I: ~ die other, which are. aupported by litate are large, rauging from 200 to Then come8 the road from Jefier- or uf Wllr ••11 county, fo.r .l'1""nu. CorllflJl, Ihc h ll "1. II,,' 1'rll'e 18 II f the 1 U\\".·~1. " po the employee of the road, or miu- 10.000 'ucres, alld iu Bome rar.e in- sonville to Oolumbus, thirty.si x ..gent (or tho hel.. nf Je..... Florer, d' 00"""'1. IF Agenta Wanted Ev.r.ywher•. 10 ~..: ~ ~ t '11 I I I 1 Said re ..1•• t.ltle has been npl'rai.od ulldor ... b" lII 1i11l"1L1 I~rtl" 01 u.elll,l\·c 10rriJ..., == ~ J I I~ -l lng di8trictl. Moat of t hese 8tation8 atance'l one man WI Hive 5.000 mi e8, whic I eoUlp etes the chain furmer order, froo from dowe,', lUI ful\o",.: are "If,' re ~ . ,., ~ ~ , ci ;1 Fi1'8t National Bank Building, are quite 8mall, numbering from acre8 in wheat, Think of it, furm· from Cincionati to this point, Thia Fir.t dflllOribed trlLOt ... a wholo nt the .nm Furl1 o'ghl '·?I~lme •. IIveraglng ~'!" page. .9 ..... ~ ·P .' " 8. ...: .... W AYNES VILLE; OHIO.. . no fear route run8 through one of Ihe r' b- of $11160.00; sooooddellCribed. traot III the c.nch, .nd cOlIlsllllllg lIurl . 2.1100 Illualm ~ ~&i.D iii ~ ~ '" g ~ .~ c.: 11 .,e to fi~y hou888 , and yet tbe erofWaYDeTowDahip-and .. • " IC f $500 Lot be II II • " UbS . ,1'111 complete Ibe ,,·rie.. 8uh8crlbore .D e c ~ p .. !! B a ~ ; .... 0 ... adm,niaterod wheta c1eeIn4. persona residing in these purts are of It growing m the shook, nor est 8~tlonB 01 the atate, and trav- :m °t th ' f *i~ 00' L.\menti:. "uppned with ,wo I·oluml·. (o. com ,Iele ! 11 'or ~ III ;...il;a I bon8ltly or at I~t profC88ed·y when being threshed, that a rain- er8es a country wholly dcvoid of 10'a: the ~eu:~f"''¥>O' a~d ~i11 n'ot~mlll)ld wO" k) IIlolllhly. tl" 'oll MOII,h.· !)'.'{v.:~. iC~8.s~:2b~!S~.s A JAMl.o'S W. HAINIX:I IUD.,. . h aye gr<-u. t 8t or-m WI' 1IIIJure 1 " ' It.. ,TI I~e tllIngs ' . .. . Ie, ( ~I gill \',,1 0nlO8) reRd '•.tI.SO; I rlce-IO ~=======~==~== ~ ':'0,.1..., mucb attacbed to It, ral'1 roa d commuOIcatlOn, an d ma kes for Ie", than ~w.,.thi rdII 0 f8''l ,d RIlpr.,1lCd Oloth. xtra . are pcr "0" volume. Hal f -' hopes of its fnture greatnes8, and do not tr~)\lble a Oahtornla farmer. several excellent connections. It ~Iue. :;:'~~IYJ'~Y' ~i~ dODf ~~e foUohin g Turkoy. sill 1t,I', ~2JI."> , ~·o· lerms. O.to . QUEEN CITY BAKERY are q'uiclt tQ resent ally unkind ex· After the grain is tbreshed Bnd crosses tbe Sprin~fiel~, Jack80n & m~~':~ C~~,' o~ dK;:f '~Ie~ orn ...~hi~dri'n ~~~ addrClS E .• tl·,H,A, LF. &SSIONN' Pul,,!'.... JI·I -, -t - -Il- k·-~d·-f- B·.L.. .. ~-&. o· k . • .It, Wh'tI e sac ke d,1't'18 rle.e . k d'olD th ~ fi e Id an d Pomeroy R al'1 roa a~ J 6uf.'1'I!01lVI Ir ' II e, year. Jand ~~e.thlrd . • .. urmy ., ow Of" . d"i1yanu uro.e~villu a In..nd Ii' 0 re~ to» • e '.'lllllIlll Inn••• preMIOn8 GOncermng .In t...o y~:l\riI frOID .,"d (or aoWIlYll the .urrounding tbe train was at Olle or these ste- left for weektt Without beJUg cover· and about 8eV'}1I mlle8 80llth·east dl."y of ""fIe, t11~dddoferredf PIli) mond!/\ toooboor Remember Thl . u oi ~hborl,ood. Speoial attentiun II given · CroS8es t bcayton D "teroltby rom 1181 on ,.y <tthe...premllleSl!Old. e, ".. t.o IIC- ~o .. I~ ~hc time o( ,hu year for Pncumon. t< • fuM i hilIg d trom t Ilat POltlt tiOIl8, an old gent Ieman tirom N ewe. . oul'lld morlfJa.ge .'" York au eccentric and comiCl&l When the train atopped at Stock- & South castern road thu8 provid. WK. H. HARLAN. , il<. LUlig tQI'er,. Cou~!,.. Cold~. and (ml CAKES FOR WEDDINGS 1r.~"",."" , . I had to n, 1 WiMAe _h.l· • f Th J' . I t h'" h SheriIII' WOO',, "II. uf ,'red'lpo.ILIM' 10 CUII. nmpLloo maD, . whoae acquallltanoo mqulry or omna. mg an 10 e,.... to t la city or t e 8K'r W BMO AU.,. . . , . IllDtl other 1 hrol\t Rlld Lung D1.CIl8ll. Do. AND PARTIES made observed to me tbat be Keyil, formerly a re8ideut of Chesapeake coal that ia carried D. WN. 0" . . •• GIIUIo\S fhaul' hu he 'n uled ID Ihls Ilh' I ' 61"ouid not give au old mule for WaYDesville, and a brother to our into Oincinnati. Tbe cODntry - NEW SHOKSI:JOp . - I lIcighholr~Oodt for . th~ ~~ I"~ ~r 'hN!l~ un ort nolloe. alllO keep aU tbe land betweeD Ogden and fellow townsmen, and was inform· thNugh which the road runl is gen- I bave muved m, . bop;o High Street ID ' ~:~1R~e ~~~ n~':h~"medici'::e 1~.ru.clr, go Office and R6..'dm~. :rAi#:d &.,. till' place," This remark was ed that for aome years past be has erally very level, making constrne· the '1ld """ool-hoUM! ueer . tbe QuUer m~t.- &0 your Drugglet. A. Doll, aDd a8k 'blm of at ..l1 b d I 1 _....r..~...1 b 'f of the place reIlided ten or a dozen wiles from tion easy and cheap and it ia ing-bouM!. where I will m,.\e or mead any I.. wonderful succe~~ .mong hil cultomcrtl. ourA,.n a IUPP yo OVwn~'U y a~1 I~n • , " . • .. ., '.' worll brolllfbt to me. PI_ l(iye l1Ie • call. " ... 0 do_" "ill rehev. III,! wo..t C1l80. If Staple aDd Fancy Groceries WAYNKSVILLE, aild Without bemg lnvlted to Jom the CIt.)', and 18 devotwg 11I8 whole olalmed, Will make B direct route SAMUEL II. (jIARDNER. YOIl b~v.' no failh In medIcine, just buy a , ; UI in oonverlYltion he rephed: time to agricultural interestS. from hero to Cinciunati 8borter, by Wa)'ll....,UJe. Maloh 18. llfl'6. S."uple 8",,10 of O_bee', G,·rm,u. yrup .... The hlgh...t H_rltet Prioea paid, ill , be S k . 't f tJ h' d Ii . I· to h for 10 cenl8 Aod Iry It. Rcgular 117.0 BoUI •• OatIh or trade, for Country Pnlduoe SETH. W. BROWN. "We have 88 good laud 88 can toc ton 18 a CIY 0 Ie t .Ir r~1ll elgl en' to , twen.ty.t ~e iiSc'Dla. Don'lneglectacougb to lave 75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ foond anywhere." "1 wonld like clasa, and to my fancy surpl\S8lOg miles, thlln any route now In e¥tat-. ,. ~ " cen". 560&-1, VI to lee ,little of it," &aid the old anyother,placethaqhave.seen i.n e.nc~, TbeWa.Ynes~.iIle,PortWil/J". 'U&'if · 80IIIETJNG 1'£" AWallOnand Smith8110p In H.rve'l~ ATTOI\NEY AT LA . I ..... tleman. "Right over yondcr'" ltbe 8t-ate tor beauty 01 locatIOn and 1111111 & Jefle ....onvllle Ol>mpany nnt.mass Pian08 ,& Organs, 1'011 . . . . . .N .... De burg for rent fr"m one t.o ft ..e 'lean. A.v AND NOTARY PUBLIO, loin'lng acr<>il8 tbe country" said lovely snrronndings_ hJ.lld u meeti ng for the election orl X EN I A 0 H I 0 ~. AI'\, , ' - ':' De ~ ........08 _ new and in good linter. lIitd weU Ilitaated. OAntieman, l We remained in San Frallciaco Direct(lrd at Port William 00 tho - A l l , 't... I d' 1_" '''"" • . . ... d'!r!81. wl'h .... Iam~ Terml reMOn.ble. THO!. WILSON. · rr. tb e oitizen. The old I:!h (' 21 r u' I 10. 118 rumen • _D" an repa ...... \ a 7..... Na... 1r --' 1 Harveysburg. W.n.u Co.. Ohio. with much tip·toeing and · neck· but a few hU1I1'8 t erc ore cannot tit (l t 18 mont" 0,11181'1 may IIC I.~ wiln G. W. Ehrlsbt, C I 3l!8-1J Feb. 23, J 7G. ~A"'_"~""
... . . . .
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I Dl{e J. L. ZELL,
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,• • 1... \ Ill" TUIOTIIY m~A' I f1 On"'!\I"F~ ..... R .. t:N JIIF.F.Il" 0:\10:11 'U:T,. t:Tt
J. M. McCullough&Son, 1M With
«1 .... huuu'
ED TEJ DAY. ocL R 'H 2'2 ]876,
,um ,
PATS}!Y'8 (lQ\T, I!IWl Mrs. D- j m Elt."iECUTt:D 8TUE"JlEl(, plietl. CbMS"lnS' color I "but If it'. IlII I Ib former OIIluld tll Ih llID t.o OU, BIr, 1 d ratil r w .hollM urcam. thll~ you WTOt.e 011 UIIII 1ft '" lathl'r tQ m t \\8. 'I th l \lot' tbe I " h' I If .. lte'l -tI!t.l~. /'f'nMlor 1 J .. No, 8lr, II t Ilillt I N'm mber L tla\lghter replit)(I, • ~nt 0011 ,t m JIOl>a. IN> 'it.dtt~"...':' bTO"(~ t!nnt~r. - IJ w he Bnll t'Ct hI. Way 'h ......... LII. h\ll So dOWll togelh r "): 01\ St Ik of dreauuns," II til, It IlOt IV! 6al1 lw." bOil I · Whl'u till' II 1'8 of th n 14\ 'I' ""lI~<I Iln,.. I"" on .. n IJtAin [UI" OOTk .. Wllnt , thm tllcm th dlll8h '" opua wall C(ln I l OU Tlml'8(l y IU P nhvl' bl\lll IUo~ ... (h ) r Pllto' 'Tflh Cb .....k lp I Tb Captain d nued th lain. antl g nil mau about II uoon I dAy ' " firmed It .. IUI)KIt Dr ])- -, but a .. lively nn.1 mWreI\ting dl U""I Wb n Mr T nnoo M oFMt.len (1100, tb milt 10UoWl'd lum Nobody UI til "Oaptaill,' reJOInoo tb OU, r, "lhl1 Mr Tllompeon, a 1I\'1It1Q1WlU WIth ,.bom , iriuch WIllI t'lItlrel) IlDllnhcll""W, hUI WIdo" mnde 1\ rotllfl of hf'r hou lIold eablll ! TJl y DDlD1Iled th lllate m wbol tlilllg :iK m t mytrt.cnoUll, and I tbl'Y wl1r well wuW, a.u d,.,b 'I1'1III I pruug 1lp goode. Ou~ 01 nil th OOl1l'~tioD B IMy Not IlllOul to bo found f had mtcndod to sJXl!'k lo you about It Ill! at thnt Hme 00 0 Dlr D--'e pntUlll"'. I Mr. Ram.liJI, wb 11M ~n 111 til &n OonlllytlrewaOI weekR old billy g t. It 'Villi, M,. BnIO('," IllU ol the Cap SOOD as W jlOt a btU qUict. 1'hi11 g tlDtI TUoy ool:ioel1 ~ mit e mil r4 lite on nnd oft' lor a flill ~nl>rtltion, III a Patel;y 1IIl'" noUllng It.roorll)l&ry IU till lalD. "dill n t 1 tell you you Imd II IWIn u>omting t.o th ptIII8Ouger ) bell18' thllt h wa. llr hin "blue frock ooat., ~ t etl klf'r for tmdltiOllnry~11I\UII gllllt lit ill",t, bl1~ wheu - befon. It hllu I lIrt"l1nUlg ' mil h (l;lh UlItc.1 fl'lI mtQ II bCA\"y 81t'ep. hlook IIIIUn wail! to d black prultA H e oolllPlai.ni'd that II OWIf,om " w Oefoll n member f hi" fllmlly two daY" .. 11'8 1111 Vl'ry wpll to '1. 80, tnr, bllt If ()r what IIOOmM ~I I), IlOm tim before IOOUR Imd hilt. lilO, on oompanl\8' ing IIIl by wbiell Impnnlpgt'( Il4'Il'fIOUR - It lmtt.ed lit bAby down oollAr, at up [ Ih du t 6 that IlU\ll wnting ou ~ u:r I lIOOU Aftor a.u hour or m re h Ilwoke, note nn rWlll"u8, bIi.~ wit H, It av Will' Illilruttiy gnlllmg IWOOI!8 t.o till UI '1'< k WMh thllt WRA "PN'.QI1 U th" I Not "" '~lI';:'i;.!·D":'1~:::'~;~lr HI1110, lUlly I nover my hom a.ud film nnd 811l.1 to me '&\ tAill, w 8111l1l bP pct\I'ed, had noti U... t h hueu ~ II f th Bf'MtAl, e rowlllllg th las gr."*', 1111<1 climl""l to Ule top 01 1\ Illtl><>n ~n\ I- 1..1~'1I" """f.'OII01l ro... Ily 1IgIUIlI' I reltll'\"C'll thiS ve ry WI) Wb II 1 OJlkcul partwlIIlIJ'ly 6nft, tliitt IU8 ,,11010 np lint. Cltnil'll Dnd thn r.tirlllg rooUl'!, fWd foot U',l pU ,.,111\11 Hi'll ConI y CIlIDP lj::r~~::~:~~~l.:"'::.t~~:;tl bl",l It Ab I wrih.ug ou tb I4te I Thcu It hun wbat l'CN'OU 110 \In.d for 8I\Y1Og IKI II plU'<!llK'I,. m I to hn ~lI very carofll lly IlIterf ~mg ,,.ith t.be COUltQrt of 8t1nntors, oni nt ,i "WIth th!' clothP.II [ uUlll''' llIlll l Nn\ ",,&rI''', 1I1 II • • .,.•• Un oy... Ahou ld I there still, Bull Ule Oaptain r plied thllt h o hn.1 droom U tbIIt ho WIlI\ nllJlIst.ed H e qwn p 0' thllt they llUtil, Ito /IIl1i1, • "0. oro gl t\.iug 1\8 b (I looKl1<l oolruly dowu Ilt 111\r !18 IL ell.tlwoo l'C~, dC1\ tll.~ ,,1.lJUIIP! .0h1r. tQQk up \ho slaw ou bOtlrd n IlDU thllt "b wtu! com wer oll!.b very I~ I I1ddrt'1ItUll us thllt mol! ~ I tll r 1'11.1 o( thn CIlI) th!1 IMt 111ftllt ou II mgh~goWll, I'I11Aoy ~: ~~'~I~ ;~II~:":~"1li~~:lA~~ • My Godl" h osalrumo(., "h(ll'() 8 IlIg to onr rllBetill H d lIOJ'lW<.i b,'r np lum, bnt lit tlllit )100 t he ~to ltol" B i l l the youtblnl Prt'6t I!Qt bia heart on til Illc'l, a1)(1 t Ik 1\ '10 01 all ih 110.... or , .. I,Ion', marl "nrueUlln Bnro en IIgh I JICAroII IlDd ng, nlld to 01U' litter astou lUude, miDSts to U,Pm Jent pro Ul, ny, 'V IIIIV Iy, dAlr IIV1 ;:,,1 proWoti n He 1I11 m I It ~~~ .IP~I:';lj~ ti:~' ~ljIU'l wri1>iug, Jll'\loo Y' i.9Iun<lll.t., "holl yOUl' ~ hoy IU 81(1bt !.bl n, ev II while of Ib lib (I he 'If IlII1blo iIllidmi • . III OIl IN re"'" 11. 'fhe mil Ii: :tie 8 ,te. Oll I lOr, III ~h oorl"tlllpouded L'Xllctly to h IA u /jOrlp lailies WI'I'I' upon III, ,.. dUllppeated pc!Qp1e t.o U. 1ftlo liIItcl bo ~bt A8 Bee I4ilmb mOl'Nlll!d In .... .'.:, In u.. _~f P~lIl1, 1061111 cb met flit" ra tho wonls ltoll.pf h r W e bad not tilOl1ghtlUlluli The M loulHbm 11' If l\fnJ. au() thllro, thllt 11 !!boula lIot he lUII!{mlUlg 118e, II, made It oxtreml1ly \tvely [. r tb ~h. 01 _ widell ~ u.. ~~ ~.,"~ rd lctA ,.\C!ry fla)' II'(": MtVt"f "Stoar to nor'" (!JIb II o( 'Whllt h e hnll emu y t flt.ill we hoped h er .lnoglltet may unnghwd 'l'h"y pml'Ogllti"e8 wh ioh dill not ntta('h to Oonley IIclghbol hoocl n e Wfill al,",Y" A... n~'" _ l i e J1~ •• un.. r mRUt r. umlu tat' \1~H "Hnva you h n triflmg WltiI m ,RId' Ulere might bo HOruethUig III It, for lOnlt! Iy oollh th" PVHlcllllt uf hun ",,,wy lor II tight, nud wol1111 t!llttmytlllug "> ' ''Itb b U~ 1 l.ea"", au,l truUlful tm,,:uQ 11& 1 Ml.f . J!JIJty are lUI laud lIIlUlU IIIl)Wred th OllpWo,lIwrl1ly drowmng ml'lI, yon !lno\\ will cateh Ilt lhUlr OWII eylltl. 'til y liogeMil f'lr n j\lr 1'11) llemurely fl'llpoul l.J hlllt that hn crune a.lJ'OltB H '\\ouM go n ,\It And H........ "'" re f!\-'011I<'l I ray f r ]ll"'l"acb nr 51 II • 00 mI word (II! n mIlD. "11',' rl'llll (I Ht..mwA All It bas tUllJetl out, I ClllIUO~ tinl OLi the" t. t'ltpoohug 111m t o r I.. 11I\(1 o llly fllnow ell the preoodeut sot Wllo Ol1t of 1118 WIly to Il1l1 oh oil Il 1I00f WIJAT lA thnt wlHOh every ono wi8l:1 \\" t'lttJJ t 11 10.1. .1"'.)lltO.IJl(!tJnlu t l!IL Dm ," know 110 mo Qf tiM m llttn doti'ht toot It Willi 1111 o.rrnugm], IU I!QIIl nppe.nr 1h n til y '1It18IiAmetl,bOUlt llJp~ JUUI It lorlUot ocouPlI.lIiA o f the clJlllr rullt, Ilnd It " onlil 110Vl'r 110 to tlllOg [I 101: nud yet trillS \,0 got mloft A "IlIon I h. """llInN loo k h 'Y bIlly hla. ~ber natol'A 10110'11'11, aUlhnlu they oorpot out Bn took 1lRpt' IIlI ,le bght It1 dill nppc\.itc. thlUl you d o I hnvo tolt! lOll tho esnet I lU(lOlllprehouHlbl wrt), by I\Il o v, rnlliog I nft.eI wlll"ll MOOrtAln I, throogh DI truth ' , Prov1(1 nil , 110 tlJ&t 'I e mlgbt 1.>< I!IlV d" ])- - , thnt hili ~ ,t., Mr ThompNlu, WIl'O PUK nt('ll t<l th vugt 01 ~ll8tnw \mWog I!Qh 101 01111 ~N'u 0\'1'1' 11\ th" AN old fnrm~r H d CQcnpliton of ft \',.OtIlt,. ~-b:~c,~,:t~~!hrn~:~Uor6~\t: Ma3 ~.ub"" ~llh Dn 1 ,l('.k~a IW.),f\ Ihe Oup l,ulI Mt do" Ll Ilt 1118 dc~k til I got tlle Imprl'll810n thut UIO bruk 1 1J~ l ug 8on o1181y UldiflJoOflOd, WlUI oonllnetl lion by llUmmCl'R nIH) ofllce-huntorA, strllCt, lIud call1lg tlll'lr hillch. A, bookR ICRIIllrCllOber Willi "A good mllll,llk Iy, 11.t) flblt)'\Ua h,le, hi Ie • Illll1 (MIfI 1... 11l1e to IllS llool, nud tlul. b bnd not n Ollt \ IllI\le nud femnll\, that mIU1Y M th_ IUlIlllllwhelll bot Ie J'nkes with th tootb up .. " ll00l) thougbt, tbu s ll\te b elorl' 11Lm At M W In my dream WI\8 gowg to r nlhfit al"' ''fa 1,,10,U1U,.M \ 011 IllSt, turnmg th ~Iat ov r alld plUlhin g lIB,' Brut! tho p[l88l\ngl'J', .. bllt how Uillt of 111H room, u<f.i lOde d, hlR bed peoplo plllSl\ed thom veo wto tho Sim I''iulllly thl1 peoplo got ont o f bllnlor JULIAN "l\ om D uave rcoolved Ihu I '1Ir tlllb"" «4o, lion ..lib It to"1II d Bnloo, Ill! Blud, "Write dO"Il, ImpreS810u ClIme I OOIlllOt t 11 E , ery throughout the 8Jl~ day , H e dl d I'Ll "to Cbat'nb(lr, IlIld 1J thoy d esired to put with BtlC'b:ebllb, IUId thllY klltl Pat ., M rlglrt to vote, the ouly qUII\iOOllbon bo \\\1 h~ in wtn .. n Uvhur r.tUJ • Stoer to 1I0r WCAt. .. thill!{ h ero on bOlll"d s mil tQ me qlLlte IV kIllnt r -Neto ) (Irk ~ !m till 1,1" UImI'" 0111111110 thoy wer 1'I11l'l'0011(\ ha.d Ixlttl'r keep him III & he tied 1\ lUg tb{> v mUMt btl o)f f1g0 llIl d Ilble to r lid T be l)eoph IUlNh K "JUDd .houL A ~ u Ltu.'(lJ(b 4110 Itl ll Of rf ar-.n III U\;I 'fho mllt.e compliod. nud tha Oaptlliu. flLmtllnf, yet I IIIU very sure tlmt I WlUl 'II lIull b!l.lgc r tl 110 tbllt th(,y,bd IIOt long rop" to "OR of til gont'swga 11m' nm1 Wlftp AM Ib l"!My ..,.. r u ... " II arud III1t1'O\\ 1y compl\rtng thl' hnnclwnt 1I0" lr III your v Mel lwtnrl' It uo nUn kllow whero to tum flllltellOt} him tQ n poRt; But IleelwblLb S t fICtl t \\ e can t a Ofilt .lOA.). wowct huu u~ tI mg' ath r "Mr 1Iruoo, go IlmI t 11 tho pli zzlo lO rue 1\[r Col1khllg !!l1I1 tllat leoolltly he .qlllt't1y buttetl the POHt llnwll, nUll thC'n ;;"BROJl, 01 ~n IlCCI~ n ur f 81"" e (JOY r~!1 by )t7.iI.il .. ~"&-V .. I" .. tlllr .. r hllil takoll I1IWolLlit 0 .. olny of tho Il1\m tlelfllllr1ltely llroce( J od to tll.k 111 th ot slpu 1\8 wet 1 e~men (I soo:,lId mnte t,o come d own hero ' H" !i!Pli1C1'ltE M.A"NIFESTHLONS. c.lDlO lUll) at th 011ptnlU 1\ r C(lu At, III A ~1R'iSAOI' FROU A wl Pr. Ih ~p ...llIolI bel of ClU'(\8 brougbt 141luID,llllll hatll\ll ropt' Bo Ilwnllo"clllt 11111111 to hlfl l Ag. Ihe Jur.r I HoHlr eto 1l1l~ J 1U my ~11!Q \uo';' th " ords So Iltd th l' Jllug 8tliltug, III hili "Theorl Ile r A PIJlIlIdelph1a oorreapolldent IV1'ltea Ct\I'talUNl thl\t If he I'Ilspollllel11t would nua WIIS Iwjpuumg 011 thllt whvu Pull!< y ffl' lilt 1811 mJ I,me he dry goodIl DI P.lbhert bM sbown lhnt 81'eolrtls Hto\l nrll So, m 8110(."(\ IOU, (\,,' VOl") l e18t£>r"l\ll~le,' teliR ot 1\ r wnrkllbl 'lhe SJlllOO co,DrI'd by the ImildlDg8 hnv g n NI buu Just nbout 11\ ( mmuto8 .1lf1Omered blW, Bod Ilt th ropo - QIlIllJ\S 111 m~ III! 11ro I)()t .tullg mor Ulnu IU~as Or rllUoll t mnu o f tlt er I' who nld wnW M IIIl tt1ury to ld hy a OOruJnll "ho hnd Inl er ted lor (ollner \vorld'8 (1l11'l;l, nlld th r tIl Ivllole .my K IIIll\ll1OU Ur (Joul ey was obligell to gIVo.B 17.0 IOE OUIO! II Y wbou II Detroit woman d l/O'lIg of !.be mintl, wluau III oorlilm Jlut 1I 0t OLl~ t tlllu rubltlll, UI 1IL1~ (\egrro, gml< 11 1<) tb. Ullltell StaIR!!, IIUll 11IId oost (,t U,PIt cr It n , " pro as foll o ws Oell R!I1I~w. "hOlllJ lII'.fIt 13 noor OUIl bl11> l\ kobdny 1I0W 111111 UI U Oil 011 or Mk"d b r lIusb&lld to brmg home n btu 8 of bowly lIldls pOlllloion hove bacl1 \Jln JUl slttrl IlIi wntlllg Aft.. ( til. ero" hc,lI ror III lily Y 111'8 IlllUllIge r of somo s,",,, "'"""/ ur thu 110M", Rlllt! tb/lt htl WWllIlRllo a thellO. lMt aumIller, he wander d doWll OI900P when he oa!ll home to tlinuor, roQldorod mor ,,~d thanlleh!lI}lmprEllj Iml\ l' \.ired the nl)Ullh Nlt deep III mill.. 011 th D l'lllWllTC Tllo vr.n\JO nre • '" $1 ~ooo IncJIIl('ugor l,l tltni W Oll IUllI woru n by U,O nver Rlue 'fWD boYf! " 1'0 III 11 ICItUWOO "Whnt l 13 that bll,. ~11l 810 n, IIUd that tbo PlutU)" .. uf U,U 'lUUlU'R tholl glltt. .', OuuId any on0 hllvo I n Mill t.o hl\ \ 0 ''Nmrrod bet-' ONI 17~O nl1c1 :!Ii 11(11) 000 pok 1 the u: h~'11 11\ nt the lloor !\Illl AwLllUlllng ant! Belzv recogDlzPtI 10 0110 80 '101ok W" "It 8 all go~e," ahe rep ledI' I\'Jo lit more VIVId Ihnu tilL' I'lotnres of s tOll eel Ilwny t ' nt I('ngili bf1 Mid "Th 17UO 'Ilil TO Jl\ed At thAt tim oetlr 10 ' .000000 lIlIkl.'d Inm tc onIl thlll or tltnt Senl1tor of thpID Il boy who !tad a lew Wlyll b(.fore .. but I WI18 wun"mg 1\11 I oonlll be itlle bod, 8 eye Blr DaVld Dr walcr. 111 ship mns t b e IlOIITCh d, IUld 11 I ,1001 t Phll lld"lphm, 10It£l1~ n1ll1 r tired, n bo ~~ !\Ir Couklmg r e f rre.l to thn fllCi that fod lum II pack 01 lighted Ilr orackel'f\ b"vtlu t WIVIboll tUl1 mll idron for flVll Iilll "NAtullll MagIC. gOOll !11rt h er t h lUl find th lellow, h must 1)O1l good IUUlI' IlP\olent 1I11l1 I'IOUS mUll, who WfLfl /IUS Vlell"A 1873 1\0 1' 111101100 tit Illtc S unto): runner moo It au 1m 'file gMt wlllked lels llrely up tQ th IIPOt tlnYH,l to so 00 to mako rt Ill8t bho waek tlu.. aud ,hows bhat the "mllill 8 oye Ilt hulo nud a ek. Ortl r lip 1111 blUlllR pi ot t ot OOvlllg BOwe ollcult power of 'Iho I hilad(llph~Exlllbltion Imiltliugs perntlV nllo 10 rofllllO to BOO Vlfuto1'8 wh er the boy II l.lothmg blY, nn,l nUlllp ont 18 IIfJliIlIilly!.be body 8 llyO, lind tbnt Ule ]~vtlry nook IlLl(l (lOlDer of the VP.8E('I, d'80l08111g hllldou Ovellti! A 81111 COptrull WIll O<lV(\f 1\ iUU It llU"~rer IIrro while h' WI\/! engagell U1 o tlloinlllntiell n plllr of JlIlUtII 1\nd tllO s hlltll. EVllry :t1J:S follOWing COU\ e1MtiOll took pliwo letHla l~ the COIDm u tnulet ou \\ hll h !rOUl st('lm to ijlc rn, WIlJI th orouglJly IIllu b al'lI 10llg lOt. Oll.! 110 letter lind I rf~ I h<.~/, Wheu A CMU WII8 brough t to lum, 110 time t.he boYH mado 1\11 If th ey WO\'e com the othpr uveJp.llg Ilt 1\ te~tIlble m Han bath c1n88tl8 01 Impr<'lIIUOOII nr plllllte.1 AeIII eltoo, Illlll thllt Wlt}1 1111 th ongol'ueKfl 111'1'11 rr l'l ~(Il flam hUll JIIlI wile, who Mnh' I .1Id1 k or ",,"uIMal I" U "ii'f7 '1 ~~I IIlIlU.or " h oBO II(lUie W1\ll on It, his lllVlmn mg tint nt h Im lIu l?ut him80U lit thl' gor M f' .I!'iv yonr old to his mother swd b.) nlCruJS of "Iuch t.b ey reoClV t!J{llr o( olO1INI c nn08,ty-[or It ha(1 gon out h\ e.l lIC1l[ tllis mllll . IIIld who hllll become MelJlorl.1 1111 \ I r; 1 I l!(JO'U hlf J;eply \I'M, "tA II h= t or b or) Ihe HOOpe of n blluk l>e.. r 81gn, IIml tbrv Wl'llt "1\ othill', tlI\Ll I ltnve n cooky t ' .. No, \\'18\1nl Il.8tenoo uLidor the IIBlU opticnl Ihatn RtnUlI{' r liRa sh O'\II lumsolf ou llI,u'ln .l ~u IIIl L'IOllA. \\1\IIlIllVU1l!lll.ocoll N:'::I~~~f~r~~'1l ~ ~:: t3Wll\te IB 1Il8~SIUOII' bl\llk H(I kllpt tho bO:V6 in th W,I\;;)r my son' 'Mot.lJ flr, cnn I bave a'lutU' ,lull 8 Ho Ulmks thnt thlll 18 L10t Oldy bOllrll- but uot n hVlUg SOld bo~ollll thll \ 8111t 111m HIIV1Ug h ellnl 11I.'r Alory, h Agrl~...1I111'11111IU 10 I ~ \l.WOIIO Sountor Cam rou r a mll,.k(l(l tlw.t he tilTPIJ h01l1'8 tA' t of Il ooky l II No, my IlOU' true III tho _ of all ctml IIIIIIIIOIIR, hu t cr " aud tho officers 'I'M fund blld" her WQlt Il littl o lind he wOldd bnllg was mnoh l()llll lIIlDoyed by the vwtol'l! 01\ IllJOtllor of hlA 110litlllyR, a rllw .. Celli 1 luwe I~ crumb of n cooky 1" 'tllllt Jt holds good 01 nl11dl.\l.lll rocntlild I t0t.unlwg to the cnbm nft.er the n ho t .11 aIlA\\ <r Th l'e npon b weut 6lli~ ~truoturca..uch w:tg~ y/~:UQ3 ~ 1I111} the oard8 tban he W88 bytbe bllltll r wf'ekll ago, Deo!lzobllb acqwred 1111 nc .. Nu I " W~II, then, enll I 8n11l11 of a by tho .emory or orcut.ed by the 1D11lg trlutle88 searcb, .. Mr Bmoo, , arud tho mto 1<[I ... th", room, !!hutting tho door. Pavilioll. Government , loother, carnage 8kite Il~ hUll o[ Belllltors. coOlpbshmellt wInch for II time gAY th e eouky 1 IllAtiou, tmd tlmt lt may bo rogarded IlA O'lptrull. .. Wlmt !.be d VII do yon mako II1Itl th r e b look u thrcngh Iln IlPIJtl1 nnd photograph b1\ilc1imga, IUId iiJdltiOO Finally, 011 matioll 01 Mr. Ml1rnmou, mOHt ullmltigated l)ltlMlll'O to hlAmMte.r A (mu IIl1d boy, bctw ell the 1Ig!lH of t.be fn~Mtru low 111 the sown of or nll UIIII I • ture l1l the Iloor to NlCl)rtnin whllt h ewII8 nllLrt bt;tilcling, an. Pl'OpotIl1d IUlIl XI'S to Lhe Comm'ttoe on Rl1lee were 1lI1ltruotetl La,bo rs wore ugtl$od 111 IlDlargmg Il 11 nlld 17, were uoticeu IU 11 IODg aud pumtmo tology .. Call t tell, Inr, I 8IlW UlO lUnll Wl'l te, nbout Soolllg hIm lYIng mot~onle8/:1 on tbe machinery aui1 IlgDcultl.lml uuUd to preplll'e a rule wWch WIll prohil.lIt tho -(lilt Oil a nulrond n tuile !JOWl' the tnu.,k. ..11)80 OO llvur8nti oll ill the Atlanta. d l pot. R obf.rt DrJe Olwn, 1Il IU8 •• Footflllls lOU f!OO the wrltlllB' Thore ml1st b II tIIlfa, fillS qUI kly r ttll"D(l(l to h er mgs, wlli ocoupy.1 aat H oorll8 nnll, IlDnO)'II11OO to uatofl!, OOCIIRlone{I by The gollt, h IlrLDt th'o 110111U o t tho At length tbo hoy begnn to weell" blH liD thJ ) Bollll<la.ry of Auoth~ World sowethllll{ 10 it. pliloo 80011 11" oomo out, nnd told til togeth er WIth stook,ylud improvemMllI, the fIIln<1i.Dg of VlAltUlg caras "hilo tb h~18t1;. \\ (\ot to 800 II t1l~r WM nnvtlnng 10llll boo h ooll Attl'llotmg n otOwd t.ell8 Q mtIrVelol1.8 8tory o f eOllloldelloe .. W U, 1t woul,l elU 110 womllll tbnt hor busblUld WII8 Ilt tltnt undges, e t.e , mil probnlliJ coat 8'2,260, t:Jounte 18 III 1le88l0U Tbo rcooption III thu lob tor h1lD Sollla of tltH mell "Whnt 8 U.e IIltlttA 1 I nsked a eympll that. ~De 0011 hudly believ weru blOllgbL tho \Vmll fr ,un.1 I lIlIVI Il grcnt Ul1J1U fuu JD Londoll, 111 a certruu coffee 000 moro I:io til. the toml "pooe oov room of tho SeDIllo lA c.rowded dllTllIg IIv(l(l n loug IbsUlnoo llwaYI \luti oomcl1 t1n vA'r • He wnut s m ~ p..arry hun, lilt by no olhor ag u c y ibllll IlIlLll< to koop h r l\"lIy IlDU SCQ wh"t como hOllOO, wlnoh ho Ullwed, nud that 11 crod by the pnnlll ExlnbltlUn blUlli tllo whoM dlly Wltll pemollll ,vlutlllg to tI,en UlIlDflIII With thelU 'fh" bright 1).1\11 I Wall t, r epl1 L1 ilie gu1 The M';" Owen !II,Y'! thllt th IItory \IIlA coru of It.' " ouM 8000 r atum. H o 01110 stnte" til lDgs WIll be mo tban 62 oor08- l2 mtc rV10\\ l;enntorA mcst of tllOm niter tw lUllch plillll Rtandlllg hor lIull t11 cro RP(,(ltalors Wltbdrew mWlIoatod to him 111 July, 1 "9, b y Oopt. "lslU'()ly would, 8.r, il I w~re IU)OUl l eII80lI why hlllretnrll blld boon elelnyed, 1\Ol1l8 more tl.um the moo coverou by !.be pmoc, tlDd \.411 perslatence whioh \.1ley Along til trock Rbuok!.b' eye of n lzy A Nmv LONbO~ conOOl8l!QlIr of liquor :J. ClarKo o f tb ooboouor J ohn HIt! place It'H olily a low hOll1'8 lost lit tbe Ilurl why 11 bn,l oot Wl:JUCIl to ller ,AmI bl1iMUlgB at ilio hm;elt.ofore :largest fMr, IIhol', Ill\[lccuilly ilio fomnles, would Ho hnd sruolt of 0110, pmoOl,,1 llbout It 11IItltlf/:!tanumg t.\Int ruUl lDlprOV(l(l by 1 k, tltAtIlY1Ug 1U nn tgars BliP, who h Bd IWJ'1!t .. ho went hom 80mewhnt f l188ured nt VI DUll ~ t lilt of tho buildmgH 8cnroely be erN h by thoee !"ho are n ,ylnle, anllnt hiHt. WIth 01111 gmllu bntt, bem 8Cut to HOI\, IUtrusted n OIllIk t.o au 'w 11. \ U 111)1,1 ,Go nu .Ieek IlDd WlIolI 11 1 hUB~utl mu retllnl tb -..l~ 1m: t.4/ln lj ot cyo "Itu 88('f\ - aUt-more ~lill MIl t t \I th trnek, "00 WIllig ~ ~) 'IfcU uo~ ~ for ~ :r:t1~L ll:~Ql.~' Dv!.~ Jt@llOlf .fi, (81n1 t 1e Hnll ook "'(18 th oll gn"o tho COUl"SO 1I0 r wOBt Aud, 1iIr roul1Cl, on llomp&f!lng n6tll3, tho oll8~of II I b'iilrdirigs ' i n & 0 Ut ronLt', 11 II l!IU'II, the 0 "LDIvtMR 10\(ling betw \I N~\I x OII.nUlI !)t\ntlllS"ll, Hm cl1 bo n,ldell, as th milt" ILrORI) t() tiling she hllil been told ,ms 8triotly truo Bnt the bmldwf!8llls t lllI1lIed do uot i the nr,pellmllO< 01 n f1 l1ttenml oyster ltmt I~J thfl 'tun llld been abeorbetl go. 'hll\ o n loukou t It.!oft ~u.i lo t It bo Dut tbo Rlt"llllgt'At part of tho story r o ooollpy nearly 1111 tile gronnd to bo COY lIyglelllf l!IllrgestlollH, ClUI 'lhe r Sltit of 1IIIR HI) dAIIglltll<1 i\tlool~Olllltely BflIZlUg tho 8811or'8 hand, O.bll. Mr Rab(\n Drnco, born tit TOl bny 11\ I' Iono,I) OI1 C1Ullll'p Cllll on I mama WlJ ellsho took her h08bnud to ored Wllhlll the molOllllre o( 230 nor B lit Ihe \1 lilt. r hn.q be(ll1 ul"'Lflh onsly 1'10 .Th!( IZPbub Ihnt h e 100 110flk 1111 OUl' r Itt 1,"lvoly gav.e thnl1ks, 118kmg, "01UlI 'tho MOuth of En~llllld, nllll thoro h1 ,I HI A \)mLon It\ 11(\' th Beer he sl.artt'<l hllok III Pur Flllrmount Park Tb 8peolllluIIlldlllgR bile III ItA cro}lR o ( (liplI tllf'rlll, jlLlClI pl(,lKnrrs, nllcl Inld Ul1\lOlUUlh aholl t UW I'V. rim ot onr oodl1e8/:1 m bnngiug to n 6l.11\(nrmg ILf.. UI 1828, wit All nbollt I l'rl~o Ilnol nrtcrllttrd tolu IU8 wltO thnt to be erect d will Inr 8u rpMS III number UlOlllll, 1111 kltHls llf ItLIIg (lll.l tl mat dlH cut "RI\JII~ for IhllllPf pntlA Pnt.~I1Y bllllk Dl g CI\II~ ! N~vW' never r" At "hon t 3 0 clook I II, Illul out I ~I'ort .11 III ('r1.lull el,,) (tho Mruo 011 WlllcJl Rh o nUll cxteu t tbose lit lUll pro" O".R III ter caRes, nnd Ifm ro\ <1I .... " .peollilly III th,' he cruu. ,,,,"ro IIr IIiH IIlOmbln p ot ~ now y ' t h tit t tlllrty y elll"A old, WIlli tlmt mnto on " h.lrk • II Olll f'R nnd Illr" 1mlila TI IO HU1I11U"1 H .1lvr l'lll Ill, nlHl Jll1lv \)1)10 hllll 101llpUUY A ]'Mr ron W118 OOI1VIll'l!l1lg'VI 1\ trading b ah, cou LlvoJ'pooll\l\d t J ohll. nl nu Ilc\)erg IIl'nrly Ilh OIl,I, nud .. I, o ,th hud eouRultc I lb. Heer) 1,(' " 'tIS 11111 cof nAn sablo 'ho llg llL , ono n' nOe , I I I (th th t h I n".lonn IIIr '" • 11' I f Jl I v I' grultle 111111 Illoat I 1 I 1 N .H 01\ ono n( I (\I ' O)IIg'(,R b o ulItI II f tlr\\ur \\ 111 ' ' ' , "~'·c~ fll h 1l tK' 111 ,Oil' on e HIlme n 'Il Tho 1:llIen llttr 01 tb l Exlllbillou lij .r. pO",t of tlo( n)lIl g IIIntlCl Ail M.n tft tho HpOt 10 0I1JOY t I 1111 Y nlll ., I to f wdl3 '&"bbntb 111tllM Ih e l1lloo\( 11'.1 gt"ollu<1 Ilnil (lilA tbll loy lh.) 11)( n l<).lk to hullo g the ir pflllH. c ritiC' t I VM 16 \VI e. ou woot_rtl belliA' lhf ll 1\v" or 81..< ,,,'(\11~ (lluso to It As till) "1'1 rOlchNI, lhl h l' lI Ulltl I to h ('1) nUl' thnt tblS v r) I II D'. I 111 ~' ' ·lIcl I 0 l"«!ooption o wa TIt)Iunmp ' 1 IOw I" , - : "glll8" ont IlUd h nvmg nenr ,I I h o (ln ~l ", n 1>.11 ( IIlpuull" ., u·'1"' ~ lORe I t ho fn't tllRL It UlIl II I IIId II ,or ..• CCCn,,1( ,~, Ilil •I 11 o f ,u lJclf's IJ gall JII II Wll.'~1l11l 0I M t(\lr "It I11111\ IIIrUl mil 1 13I'" I~e I '11 IJ gum 111"1'01«1 '\VIIUIIr"t' nl1ol1t d O the .. Ymormog .. hsermOD Id fog tllIlt!LnR Ill!. II thl's IJ oel8 of lUoat of 1+1111111'0 Oun .I'LY Ir",t lI P. k l'ntH!l,v n n ,1 rl.~ I goo , el!, 8 ele~pohlC , tlOU of tbo bllnks of 0 \\ (unl1l11nud Ih o l"", II .hMllInll lle,l ~IIIJl, IIppnwnlly (roze ll (.0 11 111 m that h'H Wile 'I'~~ IU g rlllt RIll 1876 11I1t! w.lh IIlnll) hnllltll1 bllu gn t i t I 0 tlilt then tho SOil ClI!, I to 11 t I ) I I • Ik \ 1 to II b ] h I "v(1ry "WMlt Ilot A oomp ... mu IC', tIl e OaplAiu and mn t.e IIn.1 bl'on 011 tll t kilt to III , Il .,ull II 1 I ll.e<\(>p\.ioll of IlrhclrA audit AI fll 19 Ollr rlrgo WIIH IIH \VIII <>1, 10K ('III 0 11M P • IV I I'l '0" II 10 I II ...1 ( 'I ht tt li k tted '" "Yee b orllv nflol\vllni th, ) I ~ve t) bl1l1 hfld n I'hll1, ILlforlllLDg till Bf,nlugi.'r 1876 ' cit Ill, II oRl~ mt, has b een h""V1ly Incl, II zrl",h HI 1'1111'.1 mum IIlnll " " "l1l1y /!ltd o . 101tf\' Wl I no n Otnl , 110011, wkmg IlIJ oba n ntioll o r t111l HII II , un It U u f f I I A 1211 Wllh 1.\OIH0l1 V. f) II w p erRolIH IImko H hnllu t Hr" U n .111111ar I,ml III R,'IDO It WIIS tltlrtrunly thllt, but It _mod tf. after "lllCh t.1I o~ both d l'lleollfI L.1 to CIlI ttllIl HCl1t Ollt th o h ont d tv til e nlll f of \\b ) h ll! ro tllrll hnd b C< 1I tI lay d ,mu tbe M llff. lE'r. [L pro" d to III II ' lI.qel II by h e hlld not IHILtI'lI IIhore llpon ttle IH760occnpl(' spnce ( r 01 L prl ' US" of plOpN ~revl'lItiv(J8 01 001.1 III .hlJ R 81101110uly, 118 thly lIull ",,1 tho Ill", hl\llbnllll, thflt nt tho h~18' wd c nllli o thrur .111~ 8 " ork TI1l1 ("Ihlll II Ex.lul.llbon opeus 1\111) 10 I 71i " hllllg' of 10Uuog, otc rh .. III'rvllllb, (lit, H,lzy b. 0I1mu Mtrnllgnly I'lnled YOIl forgot to put on the hook I 8IDIlll OD ,"118 llulllcdmtcly fit th u IIte rll from QllObcc, bOllud t o Ln Cl pool 'Iltl m.lII hUlled nWlIJ. Ilud h tl lost slght of o f lh e ve&lCI, IUld Ihe shott almr\\Ily .Ie- pn.'<MengCl1l b\lu ill the c ro wd E h b \.i I N 10 187n to whom w n Rllltll:v r;1' t1 th£' 14010 0011 AlII lUI III 0 111 , Il CIlI 11m tnlok, /ltoo 1 n DREAlI OIl A Sl'ELLINO BBlr, A f LI meu \\ ho hatt h u 'r .1 I 1 x 1 1 on c 0888 OV • \) I 1 f 1 I t WI~'l II ,.. . 1 IIII'I beflU 1\1 p."bore u agll rl If "bOLO ftl~\I\.h hauntl" caracole, I«>On.1I1Ig to It ran III h", u-t81I1PB llllm ... " 0 110 0 .. hN O I\T OOIlIl/i OLi 11'00lu lU W n e 1 1111 O ood/l to bc removed b) D ec 31 1A7G twl of th 011 II ~ hr, nt ( \l l'vl'r 1IIIri 0 IHI lIt' lIl1 _y nu. jog"" ph.lan;,., I Pbll.'tlwiliu Sou II thl'rmoolPle'l nlill h"vl' 110 VAr) .Intl plll('.(1,1 (.h fI Rtom', n/l.n.llll g Il /lpleulhd }ri~ hL I l.r",IKon 0 .. I "eolr.IM uh ok by Jowl .. LUltoly Ol'l'Ot<lte tQ tli lA Htrllr,mJ, Jllllt 1m bruu gh t n\\ny UI IhelhlIlI b ou t t.l.lnL h n,l allb. SlIb .s(lICtonIJ prov II y ot eon1hcti ng - -- - - -luto .ltna of hl 8'1 I111 Wln t..Pr I~ Wln~l murk (ur Un gon.t ratA. y roll(l~l on th o \\ IU p<'e wlt nud )lreco...rtollil oookatoo y'olld 1\ amnll 8qlllll"l IlIlIlhng w M th o rCA h el1 tho WT c it. ",n,R nRC m.b ng the \\ lt11 I5Cmnlug 'Ul'nl)lOOCll[~ble ovuleuce Ouiborm. Thl' Texa.~ norllel. tu nllu 1I0tUlIl, lIud III( ouly Mf. ty ht'R gIOlLIILl. h r, It. /1ft g')OlI l k Izy fnuly runIc H 8tnl<> room, IIIld (mill thut RIIII' II IIIUO, Ule m nl.c, t'fitobm g n glLwps( hn.q pllz1.1 d the courts (.t II Ord , OOlUlUllll Ullllg tho ITI Kl'C)llllg "AI 111 1n COli'" quelle.' tlll~y glonwd ov. I tIll IJroHP' et HI ~wPJled IlIlIIltng thL re 'H ro two !loora. elOll<.1 o[ hlR f"O(' atllrtccl bllok III COil 0, >I, e III 'N'ght Bldo of 111 IItlU e. rl' It \\118 th o verI fnee Ihat II~tCII !lull , 0uelleA for tl w lluth",ntiCltv of de pllrtmeut of Il SM, \VIIS mtnmmed l (' h en}! u» thn flllllllCI III' 8 fllIIl lInu g 0111 wltlnn II fmy pnca" of tb~ {lAlI Ho to Il/Ieh oUler. UIO ono OpOlllhg nft IlItO ~tcnlnh o ll lO llI B hI Ihe foll O\\Iug " olltll>rflll atol \ C ntl~ by tho HI'I ot t'nmmltlA){l of the 110".' H ond plnl I ~ or plluhe II!\I« IUblngo r. orco1l1» ,)11 1118 11I1Il11c g>I 11111 1'11111000 tho t~ llnll. tile oth r Il'OIthng tho stlllr he flnW thrce or fo nr I' III 1' 1( 'AI t tr ll t) h" Kroll" d with Ibcrklca AleeD fOIl', looking up at hun fl OIll 11 11 Uilp A ~nrllL'Rlt HOUIlf',OIl th .. 'fmtM flolltieT trnnb1ca, to the eOllllilion of thfll UWII RlllIplllg ,1")Ilt In II 1'I\III'ct frl IIzy, r J'" He I , );: 1 I'" rr ll.:nl' \Uh UO lI 8lU.hbrea.m "ny IUto Ule BUlk, room "AlOta tl UArie ) lfJ8 \\UhNrut etfquuC!haRrt.D1 IAII III u "k j lllltl gll\o n wr:v f"lIl1u<1 lIIt.elhg. llt no ronmR or gll1"HII< III IAIII 1111'\11 h OIl"''' H hnuk hlH hnnd tllHI 11111,1. sn" Inl 1.IU1H TIlE \ IS10" 41 r '"'I II Itr HI I f' nhcblUlare of U21r at~am 'I Ihe "x I Inllsl d orew 111 II1Il11sliC'd I J \I til( Inttcl PRll of the In.qt ee IItlll"V, COllllt o r till' cnltle mIlls t u II IIII~ I the' \\ hilt ttll:V nre nil I "hnt 1\11 nllhpllthy of I I IIrll1g .IUlVII "II III ... JlIIII, n" If r(l\,. I - I rh Tbe d esk ,, 1\8 III till' f(lrWlU lt I'nrt of pl\"'~( IIgn..,. hllvulll h( u wrrr1 fOl, 1h(l l lll I It Olt) r 0 I""g.)\,. Scotillud, n ser rRneheroll 011 the Amllnooll 6hil IIf lit e IhI' lunKt IIItl Ihgent. 1111.'11 H "r AmI nellll8 IlI g 11\\ 11110 III " " P. l (xJl ' I hllll I PH R HI! <II UI bllek to bill mother looking tho room. 01080 l.el II.. d om 80 I hnt rm~ mnlu ollllt<l lh o '"p b,," ,.qhle It "Lilt gul kll O\\"lI to hnv.l b onulIJ.lrllp I ltlo Grnnt1 0 {or 000 1m lOR nlong tllO rlvl'r TrlMh nlill UI'lIll IIlI. IItI\I, III p"r,' nlr \\ U 11\11 \ II< Izy \\Ill \,z, l hick n hWo fnrllll1 \ (, IY forlOlnlv, With n bIg roo Bwel.liJJg onll slUms Ilt It 111](1 In kmg 01 III hlH 5e C IU~ tlmt \\lIS 1I0t 1\ gho~t I EI\W to ul\y. I'dy WlllUllt.e With n cl'rtmll IlUrRCOIl a nnd lor lGO JUlIes OObk M il MuhJ" t. d 011 kli \\ 1hll W IIlH hUIII .IUWII, 111.1. lilt h n 1111 If! III .. II It lI;p e nl1l110llrorllvo handsMonldor 0011111 Reo IIIto Iho cnbll1 Tho klr till 11'11\ a nltH • IlUI'I()ULICI', R11Iltlon1YlhMllpenred 'fhorn TTl cOIUltry"llIoh III the ROOlle of th '"1 Hm\\\\lJ 101111".1,)1"1< III 0 lUI II nf Ilttul !tI IlAt tlllll ol prl /lR<.1 [lU Ih lUlllll1ttlr fnl of tQl lI Ahll t hoillilgover huobreeohesmalo, IIboorhc.11lI 111.8 ('III OlllntlOlI" \\ bwh , \Vh ~t clo lUll m ellU I " h" s bum~ 110 ClrCIl1l16tnn eB lelll111lg to tho lomys 18 sepl1rntllil 110m tho I1vor hy nil (t1I1 ('nt!UII U,lin I h. JII0ltol 8 '" lutt.h 11 III' tl • IIMHI .lUI MY IIf III. Imtnll III lit fOI bunoi • W hy, whoro on etU'th bave you ,lid 1I0t TOI!\1lt 118 h o I'xl'cc lA <I, llUJllIg lllil I I!lI~I "OInll of f01l1 pmy, n o eqJ! olUl lIIqllll Y xtellBIVIJ b l'lt or llllllergrowt!1 [un At, IIlRl,IR who rt'gnllltn tho IIlmo"plli rn o f lhl\t JlIIIII\'~ If I" hn.1 b pt'll Sltllt Ollt IIr 1\ l It fm I /1111\ ILR kll1 "Me llDel J ObUDy'S ooll8l1lombl:y from tho d01\l 1 fI kOlllug Why Sir ouo of the pllllSe llg rs \1 1\8 mll,l ll nbout h" r In I.ho", .lllys , m "llIch formB8beiter for theCIIltio-LhH \1'" , 0111 h011l<tJH !lUll pinel H uf MII'-'mhlnge CUllllon }{t) .trul kit hkll 1\ hlllIA rlllB I... n ph,y". H phlyed 110 wfl8a Pll'tlte. had Ilot Duticoll tho n}llnin s motionll we hn\ < ' Ju~t 8a"0 IA tho Mmt' mllu I 1>. ultl. h ""V1111 1)0 o ll e Will! alloll ol to nUll rend s l'II It nest to Inl!'OI.VlIblo for thf 11IIt! I~tl1th 01 UH ( who hn... n proforc lIoo film 'IIt. lr. \Vn.~ 11 ROIlIlt1 l1li of II Ihnllliu 111111 I pltl) I d I WIl8 II Dul(o Thon hQ HnVlng complete.1 II1R onIonl llll ollA hI' ~~I " "lIbng on J Our Rln te nt 110011 1 sho w luru self 11\ I'. thr r Rtlf'ot or pllbh o nllhtary patrols or ]l08bs to mterf"" \\ Ith for III\tltlill g nn alltl lIot p0l80U) hnH nut olap, nllli 1I:v th.. Illl (I H of gUllI., lock pllt 1111 IUI"A IIncI I got mad, and-" oaIlou out. Wlthout lookIng 111"0111111, I "ol1ld . " eul to It III II> COIU't of JIlB gr{)tulIl (I urlll g th o 1I0mR of cilllrc b 801 them 'l'h re lUll two 0lM8e801 1\[. lt1 wlIgI'l1 n hi, 10llg hntUn With them I r II Illlfl enrtli thllt roll t1l1ullly I\bon t . Pats" y ~ ('~ y'" \lItorl11pted bill mother, her mnko Otll" Ia~tudo lind lougttndo RO ond \,je~ VI CC nu,1 thiS III r.hcllOll WI18 ooforood ('41111 ou the T oX118 altle--ont1, \JIC IIlld h h,IUOO to brclltho III theu (.a.... Ilt 011 1 klllIw thllt Dnelwbuu hlUllll'elllloccl\ rd , I~ ~ II dll8hl~g, ' Ilud YOll didn't ftmeh f " 80 Onn thnt bo rig ht W HOll IA) 011111 1 Hl by th" nppoUltmont of Ulspeetorll, au glint aull hooest fIlnehoros, 1\11 Dluch Oil All t lllk of wh.oltlHom tl llU', Olygt'li UI 111 IIUU " oulLi lIuv~r, I10VI r blltt dUlII rllnil • No m, but the lJ1rnte hekoo • Upon lU~ wonl, rtfl HIli 0 All tbore W\IS no 10plJ, h e ropollt. d hi. plio.l tho O"PWUl thl8 g ets more 111111 U.orlzcLl t() tnke oIoWI1 tuo llW1IOS of d o poROd t.o these nuda lUI lh Aml'rlt:nll trugl n, 18 r('gnrlleJ hy thorn lIS It WM by mOIl }}(;Izy IU\ll buttetl" 0011 o( mlTo qll08tioU. gllLlllllUg m e r IU8 shoolde r nod m or s l1Ignlllr L et lla go un u !II'O tillS linquollts l'l1~to nlL'e UlrcunJlocuthm, rlvo of thesA mnlrillg tlle lr I)orttoll of ilio poplllnboll IIIld tile otl1llr, 1'nmkllll's he<1le tlow 1\ III U the pllLloR glyco'rlLl<' BOOing, 811 h e tholll{lit. the C,lpta.1II hllR) mnll fe llows, mn,,1 of opll pr \IlHI,,11 tl OU ol)(,lIIog lho I,,"tlO\\ , rounel" enml to II 'vnlk, the lowcr I ouu OOnllJJlt1ll1{ or wOIIJl1_ Not.e tho pru'tienl working of till! wntillg on hili 8111\;1 Still 110 a\18WI r 'rhoy round tum III com OI'SlItiOLl "Ith dllfyof ' l'be o roell , ' lIB tho clll 1pllbllo tb om outfall'!! or llcaertw.lI frolll Um !III 'naw flmgl"' l l.. ruJoole ry 'rhoy Lh IIlg A III O'lkirul,l, OAI, wntes to B \ MlIlllltl !oItory fl'OlII t IOlld I, Theroupoll he IU'OIlO, nll(l, os Ito Ironte ll tJJt) (JI1PUULl of the r0811lCtl sblp 'lhlly }lAlk of the O1ty 16 M\lClI 'Ihcrc,lylllg MlrlOOu nrmy who lLCt 11/1 HPI(,R for t.iI lr " hn t Ihe vOlitilutOl'l' pIIll till WllllloWII 1 bu I'nllltlill (Fill ) H el ald 8'1 VOR the III fillli Fmu IHCO, to nttend b18 gtIlIld - tho unbm door, tile flglll e h o lind lUlB bOth s tl'PPf' lI lor\\nrd, IIml e xpreRBOd III Oil Ih gnlllR till y /lIIW n ~ouIIg mllll, coll1pn,lr A "h n thpy t:lrOKR tho IIVl'r Oil dOH! honp 011 the conI III tho rttl h oI lUol h"r 8 rUlIc ml to tnke place Dest day tAkeu for Ule Onptain lI'U:lpt! Its h(ll,,1 nud till' \\urmoot terms tlltllr g nllJtu dl' (or WbOlD Ihey reoogmz".J nR till' ""rgeon8 tllmr cnttln Rt",lIIillg Ilx pe.hhollR 011 HtoV(I, nll,l IlIt UOWII co ntent wluh Ute fulloll tIIg HtAlt< m Aut cnuoerlllng Lllo [n th. hurry nu,1 COLlftllllOU A neglects .hsolosed to tbo IIsto1ll8h eli mllw tho l1e b\pmlloo from 1\ ho rrlblo flltc-AIt", 1lSII1I!1Ilnt TIll v Mkp.1 lIun why ho \lIlA tllmr own Hldo of tho n, er, th eBO bnOll8, 001' flllH mUI Ie\,j t1 I'Ul1Ifln, 1l11,] tho patient o»l'lIIltg of all In<1 ll1l1 mouod, but It I. .. S18111p lho lelter :rwouty dlly8later footllrca 01 all e otire atmn ge r limco d eath ItJ elposure IIIld s\;nT\ntlou III 1I0t lit church IIIld PTo('.I'p.loli to rt gll:lto r wblch IIOIllPtl1lles lIlImber from 100 to AlllllllctlU Il llblto llllllkH It 111 Without n m llRt be OOllAlI)Hrrul M nlnoog tliORe 8tO n rl tl IV'" II mrcnmr from tho Thlrd AsrIl R \l hlOh r. IlllIro ll(lrrobnrrttlllll "'V.. 'IV8I:I uot n oow1U'(l, but, as h u mot thllt Onl'lulll t pp!u II Ihllt h u hll,1 d Oll o only IUM II!1Wl1, bllt IIIAICIn,l o( IIt \.(111Iptillg nil 150 mUlI ,l\ff' III ItlIIgllc Wl~1I tho loonl \Vor,l "'Rblllt P""IIlI,,,,.\.I'r Ge uor!" lit Wl\8lulIg fixcul gaze looking llpon hUll 111 gJ"1\' L "I ULt It llllA o. rl.l1l11 thl'y 'Illuia IIiL" I!SOIlSI , h(' merely nrnl«' , RIIylllg, 'I Bill tlllihorltll'f\, tllou recoglllZPII clllor he lllg Aooth r oommon Illl810ke, IIIld ou e 1(1111 11 Ul1lt Ihe Iu.hnll mOllllll ou Mllr wn , notifYlllg him 'hnt Oil unstampec:l phy 8 181nllll WM OJlIlilotl, or mtll or (III Rilonoe, Anll beCllmo 1I88umd tllllt It WIll! 11011(1 rllr hlln 'IDl1l'r the ~nU1() e lie nUl Il rulserllhl! mall look III tlu, wnl, r I I Uortil1n, 110 tlUlt ILII lucihtie8 nrc gl\ 11 "llIch hJllj lxell mOHt 1)()rolUIOIIl'l ill ItH lette r 13 IYlIIg 1tl tho tllls'IXly 01 tho Dead DO ODO whom lie hnd f1ver Roon It wM "tllLlC!''' alld IlBked tlll'm IlOlh to slAp Ili on h o crOHRod II RbI" I1n(1 Rtrn k 1111.. II thrill l or dl81lO1!IDg of tlIOU' ploud!'r c n rol", tllI B wllltl'r, U:I tho pllLtlllg Oll WrI'c1, hy Il pnrty 011 W o.llIelklny .1/1111 Lotter Olllce, wh.ch mu be forwarded to too mlloh tor hIm, III rushctl np to th( do\\u l,'lto tho CIlb1l1 'lhen, lurUlug to !,lIth !Ilulmg to llio Bllthe rgl" " 1'011.1 'I'h Ntll!olllll OoVIll'U1l1l ut o( MerlllO lR of bC1\\1 nnu. rclothlllg Ilnd " ellrlll§ II flliR mOIlD.I 1M onn II( til" Illrge"t 011 tho hun 011 " lOPl pt of n stamp uud lIle CIll'OU deck ID 811Ch vldout IlInrnl UlIIt It lU tho plUlHUl1g. r, ho I!I\1I1 "I hope , 81r, file IIls pcators, nstOlIlSh(lll, wont to tlw nol to be bllllDo<l, m OEU Onl/l Opll1l0 ll, "hltber tbe 1b rlllolllol"rmnrkRlxts hve rn " r lIud hi'" IIsmt.e.1 more thnu orth hn ..aut Hn" rites nt onoo, mc10emg 8tauUy I\ttrnotod tllO Onptam 6 IlltlllltlOIl )011 "ill uot t1l1nk I IIIU trlflmg WlIJl river. 1111.1 tboro they 101111(\ tho bo,ly 01 tor tbl8 stale of t1unga, bcoouse tllO "-VI!- u f'grees IIbovo ZI ro or Kll olllgn'e" below IInry IIltc,.eet Ilmong ollr ROulUtiflu VlRI lltamp, llUd !.bUB at the ond or forty day8 "'Vhy, Mr Bnu)(,,' IInlt\ UIC hitler, YOII \)lIt I would bo JIluch olllige<l If n youug womao wlllch th y ooullOd to telll o f gO~('rtlmout 18 to lot Il/wh Btllt.e rho th lOk wmwr elotlllllA' ,vlnoh wo hn~ e tnrs Dllt Col Hllrt, proprlOtor 01 the receives tho bill to IU8 gnn<iml)ther'8 " whnt lU !.bo world IR tho DlllttA,r With YOIl " uu lr1 wnle t1 fow words on th18 be oo.H oyod to town 'Vbilo they wero Ulke caro of IIlI OWll nIJall1l The only cnrned R8 n hUTelen through theRO II'tlrm, Islnnd 11 pOll wluoh the mound AumuR, Il1uc rul It hl\8 cost him 8lr oonts IUId Shltll lIod he bnndud him the nocorul)lllIyulg It through tllO HtrC<lUt, remedy for !.be eVIl whlelt th G OLlerllll8 muggy 1l101lth80PCU~ e very pore by per h oretofore polS18tell 111 IllS refusal to lUI envelope , nud !.be trouble or writing YOll W ' "'Ihe matt.er, 81.1" 1 Wllo IB tlmt Ilt Rlnt.e' With tJlllt 81110 Ill) 011 ,..hl0h thoy Pl\llllctioueof tbepnllL'lplUehllroheR, nrgmg Oil tlle'VIll' D pnrtment .8 W 1.11 Sp,mtlOu, r Inx 8 till systeru 111111 IlIl1keli Imvu thiR relio o f I'llSt ngr8 IhRturloel1 It tllreclioLl Wtlllt hll8 It coet!.be D tho mY8ton oll8 wnt lllg was uot. • I \\ h enco, Ili tho momont, ~be eoogregn ercI\8C tlto CIIvnlry fOlroo on tho RIO It Imblo tn I\UnckA III eohll\ntl f",vllr On W .....lnell<18y howeVi r, 1\ party from plntmc il t 1 A Inlt. r hll8 been r euvelyour doIIk '" .. No om, !.bnt I know of " \\~II do Ilnyt1nng YOIl nsk, rephed the hOIl wer IMUlug, nnd Imollg th em fUlW Onlllu., null give him lIuthonty whell rhcro 1.8 111111 h tlllk nf hyg. 1If1, of th,H till' PlltIllIlll, WIth Otlill", took Il . lA.'Ilm, r oped IlndlWnt e'l18twllrn over Ii5 uegreet'! .. Bllt thero 18, RU', th oro A n s trnugcr [lIlIlBe llgc r "but whut s hllll I writ< ? Ulil npprontlCo BuLthlsdlllnotllurpnJ<C lUI! trooJl~ COlll6 011 the tnul of thoRO mor1e o f prlwti ' or of that, tho wnatbor for th. 1II11111,1 It WII8 nglct.1 t.o IlfOn t 10llgltlUlu, wh \I It arrived l\IlothOJ.' AJlpr 1I1111111lg II , BUpjlo~ you wrlw, '/::lteu 1I0r' Ih III tbmking he might hn\ o bau \,jm t1l1nvlIIg ballw. to let tho \,11111111t Ix> 1l1I(111I8 h Cl,ltllAre tlte two RubJI..'tlts wlnoh thl' 1I101l11l1l\t ItH bAA( tboro ' Ic tll'r WnA written nUll l!Qut westward brmcli "I t1nrty lh 1I l, till Y lilse", .. A strangor I Why, mllLl, you rullst I~I st to go rOlwd I\n.1 ent. r the ohurcb towllrd COlltilllll'.l to th M ' lUctlll SUl ll 01 Ihe Ulil BVI rag Aml)IICnll 1If'\ e r WtJllrlCA of OVf'r the MUle wnte , n thlrulet tor IB "ot,. be tIrooUll1lg You must lIlI' o 80011 til e 'fho 111188Cnge r eh erfully comphf d UIO c1080 of tit H(lrvtCI). tlv.u , nu,l II t tbe trOo-pH lIenl lIummlll'Y 1ltI!Q1lAAlDg lIlIt thpy Ilrll tho two COli url.1 11 11111 ,I WIllI mndo f (10'1"1111\ 01 t< II rllltl mlllletl f>MtWllfll the HIlme di&IIh .. n rock flII8 Willi \\1\8 ClIIII'II11 d , 111111 st.eWlU'd Ulero or tbe 80001111 mlltn Who Tho Onptmn took up tll O 818t.e I1ml oX Tho body PIIl\ CII to h e thnt of tllo 1II111111hwoot Ho 811y8 thnt now, III one (\Orulng wllloh hn [I(l\JO WIth th" lellHt tuo"" nIl II 'l fuurth r e t\1l1lcd Wtll\tWar<l, elBe would vootnre down WlthOll1 or IImme.1 .t closoly, thell. 8WJlpmg UlIflI!u.g ROrvallt gill 'Iho approolltJ" or more NorthcMl Stat()lj, Inmlll'\t IIml pr1l etitJIIl", IIiif' nil.! UI" bhmll S\ rdu\llOo Willi orlllllUl'uted WII h VIU lOllS tlgul'Ol< of RO tltnt b uforll A" noto IDntin6 B to hill wllrrlOlS With bowK alltl nrrowK, nuu Mldo 80 1\8 to conOl'nl the sllllA, \\118 IItI~ted, nna MUllt, 011 til teRti tIle M 11000 uomUlllllllnnt hav n mutual on fute nutlilluk - lI'I-1f ) 0 , k 7~ , blm! ders'" vnnous r ptllt'R After 1II11e h dlfllcluty gnuul moth r R tnnornilltoppod III< wan.. nut, Blr, ho WII8 B,ttiIlg 111 yonr nrm (rom the pllllBClIger be turll II It OVt' l mOllY o( th o IIlspectorR, hllve be<'n lOlWd arrangemeut by wblch IIIUI1U1 I>xpo.bLton8 llermg.lt hAd IIlvolveu a elroult of throeII bTooch '\\IIS wade III tho wull, ROtl, by obal1, fronting the <loor, wntlllg 011) Ollr nud g.IVO It to huu n.g&.m With tho OUI r gllllt.y lU1A1 110 \lot OU 1118 trllll IlRUlbhBlultl nr fo llowed ou I'lthnr Side of tho rlvur, IIfths tllo wbolc rorottmlorell08 01 !.be the light of the toroh, sevuml o f tho au IUIIOUtro"ortlble IIltln showwg be nod on BOme oooamons th Amenoon IIIld :rIJ.I! li~p\.i9t Yellr Book for 1876 glv s 81"te fheo lie look d up full III Illy 81do U)l gl000'I220 Ilegroes of 10Dgttnde, 14:,000 party onterntl 1'IIIIoh Hlll1trlOOU, thoy the /ltlltlStlC8 of the elononunatiou III tbo , J OIl M;) Ulllt 18 ) Olll bllmlwrihug ! face all 01 , .r ovor I!IIIw II mall 1'III1nly YOlld p088lbll'l dOllbt !.bll~ ho bad be8Jl 111 M OXlCUD troops have 0<) OptlrtltOO mUee -New VOl k World, tbem80lves WlthW a vllult e'gbt lOulld Uwted Slates for lnl!t venr Il8 21,265 churoh dUl'lUg th el1Ur 8ernoo Tho and diBtmeUy III thi.B wOl ld, I IItIW 111m ' 8111.1 be feet htgll, wltb room twelve by lUte II obtll"ehes, 28,500 milllsl.ent, 1,815,800 'I ncod DOt My 80 youug WIlD W88 acq lUtted "Him I Wbo f ' EugU It Ju stice. WJIE,.... a mall ackuowludgll8 hlmsulf in membel'8 (not !Dolnding the Anti l\li.ts feet long, \VIlli Ill"med W'.lrn018 OIlctl!!Ctl the wrong there III UOtb10g more to be "0Qd knows, 81r I u o o t I !IIl1V II othe r, 'ookmg fi t It. II lor 1\ OAT TD:El! OOOLD IlJJ\Dt.t IJRtaRVR CIIlI8 of [ngbtful suvonby, 88 slon Baptillte, who number 958 ohurchlll! 10 1lI0bea, all In Il Htate o f petrifaction Auo!.ber man, and II mnll I U(JV(lr anw IU Illy lifo wnto ,t f\I\1U Til pollten_ o( tile av ~ "And th 18!' IllU d the OapWDI turn Hlll'clly 1e68 wonderful III tho Iollow t raoliiood py the groot-·or!.bo htU -ltIl and 4.1,"54. members) and 915 ~ Thill 18 certainly a mORt "onder/ul mil- NevOOa ollitor IB doligbUlu ThUIIlbd before." paid mngtIItrao.Y (If EnglllDd, IIIliow hemg OOVllrr, and hili! ,Produood a profOlUid IDg DIIrrativ commull1C1\ted tc Robert tiOIlll. The Det lDCresee dunng \he ;feu .. You mllst bo gOUlg orllZY, Mr lUA' tho ellite ov r b e of the Humboldt R fli,1 :r ~kDOwl The ma.u lookoo first lit one Blue or Dnle Ow n. m Washington, Ul Juno, diBclUlllOd In Old Country PflIIOrs. A la 18 87,874, or, WIth tbe AlIti MlB8lons, seoeatiOD In V10W of tblll unpoo:tant edgo blJDBel1 a li1U' Bruce A Btrt\l1g r, 110(1 we Donrly 81.S .. rbe IlX l,ublillhor di800very Col Bart bll8 slAtioll(}(l a borer W1\8 found WIth 11 C1lbbage iD hill 95,688 , 859 IlI:IIIOOI&tiOD8 failed to gtve thu 81ato, !.b 11 nt th other, P1lZzled At 18591 by the perIlOUS conocnl d 01 IlII3 paper heruby 1I(lk110wiellgea hi. weeks out I" " poMeIIIIlOD, whiob he lIomo,.,1 to prevont pnrtles mllkillg '\1Il gtl&l'd 8U1ti8tlC8, aod their /lgnl'Oll aro taken IlIIIt, to Wll1lt 1/1 tho lDellnwg of tblll yn In l'lIIIY, 1840, Dr. D- -, R noted " I know, IlIr, bllt theu I 8Ilw,IIlm hall tall:1'.n bom Il 11oltl, from "Idor rO[>l1rtA w.th thll80 woUtlerlnl t1blootH l\fnrphl R III'If 1\ 111\11811,\ hill", lI.UAVIl aDiI h 1M thief, M"l h e, ' I '\TOt<l (lilly oue of theAQ IlhY8ICIa.u of Wll8blUgton, WIl8 1'()fIldmg edgoo h " Go down IIIld 800 who It II! _ _ IH'nl\(1 Wilt, un .loubt. h. 1lI111l~ tl\(' 1\If f~ 'l l ILllil ollght to gil WMt for 1l11bli1llllilg hilt only OOoaulIO b ll 111~d !loou glVI 11 to Who wroto th o othllr ?' With 11111 Wile 1111(1 tinughlcr ~oh now Bruqe hll/ll tn \.1'.1 "I IIfIVI'r WM n 11< thnt HCnmlollll .mllying ami IOI\hou,llt" 1I111! I"AIAml tbllt tllP C'uhba«e8 wl'ro bad, nf thfl S~ ,TohllR R lvnr ' "1.'bJlt I" mor Lhml 1 roll h Ili yOIl. ~lr 1\h" ll - - ) at tltl'lr COllntry lWLt, flPJ\l' boy f m gbORtR,' ho Mill, lut If Ihl' editor or till' Jf g/ t Yf!illtJorl&al A J uliN n LFlWl f1, n rlOlt 1111'11'11 lit nf 1111.1 VI r About to 00 J,lIong1100 lip The trnth nlllAt ttl' 10 101, IUr, I tI rnllll r IInl lI[y lunt hOi M) R , U wr II' 11, Slttlllg PUlPy POint III Vlrgllllll Il rllklllf'llInblo of1P1I11 ..,. got n goo<1 chlll'AOter fur hnn(ofdy hllW.'k I'Y" IlDd a bkOOlI.r u (J01I¥1IL(W1 WI \V ' nrk hl\\ IlI g hi " II killed hy It fnll 1 .. WITT, YOII pl_HlIII rt lblK nlli1 u(\r 0.1 Ih,e I~ . 1 , 01 noon to-tlA I)le8llur r llRt,rL, dllMng ttl HlImmel taco It alouo ' t.hat we did ~ng Old m tb.ll~ 111 'n thR Ono nil rIl()(lll, at nhollt r. IIIlII ~nbnoty. hnt the Blllltlllgs magiS (rllm hlR I'"rrlnge, lolL n Will dlSflO8lllg notloo t' ll8kflc1 an old ge ntlewau ttf lUI '" Olll onlyeSOUJt8, II. A Waldo. ,. II Oome, ltllm;>, 011111 (10 .JoWl) nt A nnEAlII o'clook, Ille two llIilles w r wnlldng ont trllte abouglit ,bat th~ ondll of JUBtiOO of hlB larg proptlrty It tllrll.8 Ollt that. editcr " I make bold to aU It beca\lll8 onae, and don't 11'11\110 II fool 01 1Il a oopBe not tar Irom tbeU' remaenco, oould only be served by II8Jlding Ule poor LewIS WII8 a nesro, an<l that his Dest (If I bow the dooea-l had. g .....t many 'l'ho Otlplaiu of the wreok IIIIJ th 1>118 LE..#.p.yu....pen ad"... a~ kI befor\! tho crew wretDh to priaoll ~th l,wd labor for aU kill, a brothor IIDd BIIlW, uow Itve m friends II'OUDd bI11'II lObo d h4l silk. W • my uDtll ~y caD MaPflO" IkUlbud, ,. I bope you've always fOllDd me WIll !,!,uger looked lit each othor, esobangmg ADd, at a dllltanoc OD that road, approach weck1l.-7Wortto Glo I. humble I.ItrClUDstancee iJo Oanw. bear of IWI deMb. II gli\llUl.\(\ Of IlIt lligcnce and SltrpflllO • ADll mg tilo'm, thoy_w II gentlellll\l1 .. Sal1I,' Ing to do 'lfbAt's reaIIonablo," nruce r ' t'O
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hi .. "" I, U , It 1\\ 1 l ll. 1 lar'·' 'it'. ,11111 ill , .. 'r 'lt..{ \1I1 h '" "'lld : " .\ lHl Wh H i .... t ld -- I IHI l' tl' ~ ' fI"lh ' ",HUI "", I wilh w,.rU-4 wlth" ul knot tkd.,r.-: " .. It I h v,' II r k .n 1 . "UI ,I. ,I,) ' Ipu unf,tI" It." .... J ~l'h'~ 111111.1:' Ihh' r\.,j· llI , J,·r . ,\-u hum '. It!. "h ,"' lh'.1'It I (." ' !l IIt A!.!. \' I N\ 11110 ALL 'I'll l'u~u: A ~ " ' IU: I : 1' rlll +lII to', il ' " 1 S H II U' ti ll " .... "uk " In I'tl l,II1J; h" Wn"' II ,t )tll'l t'd \\ Itt. 1111, ,,\,, t dt' u , ", tUld It, ... lI:t"n n!!" wl'ru o pt 1'"1'" If , 'i trillg jn..,lh,.'1.illl .lu"Ptlh. lI U tli (\ ~\ .. ' H' I ·Jl,\!lery. Iii ut ull" titUI' ita 1~ I.,rlln p u ,IH' m l'f .tll'~ , r"olt '. !lIHI ("1 '< 1 ITI I ,- l' l11 (tl-'r f ~~t .' ..:.. III.! I II" t IU.l k lI,h , ••.,.1 01,"11111"'''''' ' " < Ih" Ifll'd11l"" J ..... nh ,11 ,1- \ 1'0n 11 1".J 111.. .rlll.' ' 1 . , I t· ' l! I' p : lI~ 11 I'U II I'III(' I' enll',)' tl 11I1ji!; 1"1 '1 1 ""1"1-' '' l"'lirl III" WHrI,].. .t,,11I1 bl k~kt" ou!. v \:r ullllng luth~ UU:O- l lIl'ft '- )11
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·'etl" ~ w : ,. ,"dln,.•.1 on ..1"'·'1')-, " ' m .. k,·.1 rll ,( il v iui nity gues to t h,", they uvw 110. nll.l I··•• roll"'."l/of P "~' . e1,u ·" ,t ,~~'I:!1r IIlI ... h "·"ll'·''.' to! ,I ',I" ', ' b 'd ' I " u. III . ,~ r'J ,h. !OIlU.~ 1'0"1' 1. u 'h.' p eiQU\ ' m h · 1.. I'rt.J\\' Ol 11 rl e, Il ng It nt 1'\;"'6 '" I"IJ I'P lh Kr jl till. wh :l t.. "i'l, ,·e . . . h·c (lu- t='ricl1 '11"h; ,.r N-.-.- .... tI . , -. - . \ \ 1"'11 ,h 1J"IrIlIl"-C 1"'.· I,.(hb .l l'h~' Jllclt. I he Jl"'i~. IIlLo "d, ,,.; 10 " "a.~,' "0,, 111 in r"'lU<',I .·d" u " U:'it.1 !!', ' UII!" ""UI " Were.iII~I -~J a '~ J J 1 E·' E I l: ,rul th~ · .c . k or . . onll' ,\,r ,m il! ut. ""Ii ' ud ft"I'.·\1 fur :l l' n""'." tutnl tlc,) " h wh h·, did nut nu' ·! dl '.: nn 11 l\~l i u' , ' , 0" t ile III O,"\h!'·t . ;,"J a 1 U :ill. l lt h l ,' tl ''''.llI'~ b , ' "Cl' Y h hth l~·. " h .... 11 h t'l uu"pn"',i til It "d ! Jaunu) ' BI'e titttl1~ Up th ei l' Rtnr In niJ ~ Rlle l' l lO iJu . III\:l" l""lU 41t1 I,), l lit' m iu l:'l'it'1\ tl !<1l th I H~,l i n eh .t~!'"'w "" ":t'r tI" ',f Oadwa llad e r' IIOW l)lJildi ll ~ befu l'o '""". " I Ii,.' pr".· eU" ,~ .\t o,,,I". ~Ie.· li llg . 'IIIJ nul.\· · " ,· h lII illll ' ~'< . " ,.; " !:> w ,'''' II",,,, ,u. ~.l l 1 Ol-'C nin b Usin('SiL
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My :PRiCES will be LOWER this year THAN EVER , since tbe Rebellion i and my Terms are L1 ... ERuL.
\r :iui .. ,h .•tllu' 'Iv,..:·o "", n'h''t nllm t1 1 • ~ i~ ~1 1l\'n' ~ \.cy ~ • a l'l~ llU \\' r l" Cl l,' "' ·:'; .\Ii .1I:i n·~ !)' 101011. ;' \1 • • i .! ""11 II '~I~'. (' n r ll l rlln.,"d ~:; h i \l~ . .. .• ,,,I •• IIh ,", ... 1, •.i.d.f1g' luJ..l.xtng-tun. l\ cn tu ('k \·, 1i.~ l "I'm'lor h ·culltll1 ld " l l llllci ,t"I. (' :" \o\h ll' h "'''lltI . . ltll'~ ... rt'I''',l. I '~lh'l ,t~ tI'tC'"1' ( ' . ' '. 1\'· l\\Ul'O,'·I I,. W.I. I ho c', It t ,I' ..'. lli t !! " raJ ' H" ttl" w e,' I"" 1'1\1' t of:\ ~uo r III ",'h lltf': that. h. r -~llti, bmlJull l. ,.11\Ilgh~ 1' 1' u l .\ h· ,;,,, ,,,, 1\1 ",, '. ,' , ,II , ~I ."" ' ,\lu: h". " ,,, Y .1 "Ky. J:.'.~pl." " I " ' ~: ·1.. """ rrh~ . H~ l1 ry (,!'UhUII1, dlcJ \Jf III '!ldle , IUI 1\,,,1 ","Ih .c>,~,'· ' I"'",b to '"~ l'U 1lI11 ~, UII.I .'" 0,,,"11. f. ........ 'IOI. ,1 ( 1,. " .1 Th" 1 Murch 15 1 16 U l.l ) 1~ Ycu r . _'-' t UI ·t" UU f, 'HII " 1\ .. 11 ot her , ' III ','1 l itH v(·u,' ''ltl''. t~, h 'l t' :" , IHtI' nWfl\"'~' - - - - - - - - : ~ . ---- , ...'lH . in...:~., Ih t hau S 't', m 1i.-411 cI. O t:C II . r.HoIjl'J. 'Ollhl,Hl ~nlllt' r" pllr ... m .d t. I.u J ",11I: lIlt \ -Mlltr lm ')IIY · A y \Jung g en · p:.,1 ""!'~ vI' l b" lime vI' " MUIILld,' vf JJI'
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--D r unJ ~h". AlUo. 'ciler ' intouoJCUlO lho ' ·'Ill I' . , I,,,.,, ," ho" I" ." UnH' huon ill ILi.t elll.l llllco (Ill .\l l's. I ~·oIl I J ' 0 UIIIC ,bd,' ""'." . 11.,1 .•...•'~ . '"III mil" '1 , ,' . . . ! t e,':' W\' I'O ttp l'oiutod fI) III ,UlnJ \\ h ,·LlI -.:r 'Il .l.! I ' I'~ e:ck fat ho l·· 11I Spl'lIl gb J ru , Ihc:e lI'e"c ul"L' '' ' li .,,8. At Ih< nUl . oil " ,U SU \'-cra I d u.Y:i I HLi)t. I·uutlt h l/ ')'I~ f: ti llg. ~ dhH ' tho co wm i· t ·t! I'~ - -
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Ul e l'- I pUll il' d tal' lit IUI8 , Pl o('o" tl. 11 fU i n , b~ tor li ll r I
reid estutc alld h Cl lbeh (lld c·.. e. (•. oI y Jcoilirill ~ 1i,.H Ih .,. "CUIlIiIl'" d ~ S iltllrduy 25 1h . Th u I'llI' .he ll illlO li lio ll < 01. murr i,l. e." . ; h . " cil 1 , ' , OLIit.: f. I n lho t)l,rl.V 11IIIC"" u l M lltml _'rI (lut ltl y ' , • C\ LiegJn at ·l () clock . .' It!~;illg, if Wil e nut "~ te ll th ll t t II P'\! ".\~ li t Jllture t)U. . W Footkr ' uot in 1ll,l rdll g e p l"JCe(tur e, 'U lI\ l:'ulH eli rn e~ two o r )1\' C .
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. IS . , tLo Sight ot ,,'utI! "'lad to j ",rll .
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Mu",h ly MU'· lill;. 11111 i, 11 .1 1I1'"IV ,e,1I 8 bef,,,o tI" .'illt<!,.lill lld IOc r. co"n'led ,;, \ b is lives \\'0 lil a b t... • • :lIc ~\olllhl) ~IUC I I Il I! III " ,\tIll '" lind ill 10::4 Ihe co ntinuallc >, WI' · ,,1'0 Iu I.e give ll O U:'.'·"u fo'rmat.iol1 llls t w'~k was II' , l' Ol.l 1 P t.' "'' oItU1 ·, t l'~ pa per with tile f' 1~1I 'l tIIiO of the Vlll t h.'l "l .' offiCII'\ . Si. II". Nf)(; f : H .' . . ri O\W iL\;J, I.II11l illl: 'h" i~ IIl.1 '· "1 '1" :o r ,mnee' , --!Ill'. C aleb Bro!ln fell o n tb~ IC' 1 ""8~ o f Ih e p' c ,,·,;t n~ c. Ihi. II,el" · , rk. SI th e 'I ga · 0,1 01 prlJco~'hll~ .,,' , ~i ll"'1It dl)lI lo, .d,pl.d l !lost lL lIr c\ ay aild illjured (J .D Ii" U , . dl tl til' to <ho,,"" of Ih ,I ,I,,,' . for ill III ~ Il l " , ,,"d ,,,~ () L I. f.T. .. m~lIt8 of hi8 fuut so ua y. 111 <; g0 1dn,·.- or vU" II · " '·~III ..· I' ~ I' IIr : hc ':" ;' rr 'I.lllluve to gu on crlltc htlB lind b o ... 101 , t ,b,' del"""o IT reta i ns .11 Ihc virl1t" uf I'll ' I .;.hr l.:. , 111 !lot " UO ME S'f IC," iOl., htJ ,,'g th e A u , o mat l c: dl' lr iL ' h.'~ U!.:' ell <nti"" .F}J)· ",o n .• t.dd (£11.'/ f N~PM''' I' , . W .• : f I I' him eo\£ for BOUl C wh ldl i u" id\\i" I.o"' i.I1"'I" .tc,~clll " tcdIO ~"~~~ ~~:~,e~l·I" t.~c \0 :'; i~l~ll ~, ~It L1;:tD <':tl~ IC.\ L IJE;\ UI~\IS ulllx.th .. h. M~L). lnc vel~ c are u W .iJf.lf. u '1.UTsn Cl". pro mote Ihe .. e l. ..... "f rh. ".Kl .. to .,.I,'Ch ..nd 'ta n I. _ ._ _ .. _ ('lIr • ~ ,1,,1,,1,1 ,1.1', ." " .\·, 1 tlll\ ~ ; ,. I t)l,l ll! timt'. !le I' ;\l .. .: hlncTY a nd T "" l~ ;o ' '''Ir ' · ...· II I· ~ WW(.r"' .. , thu illoJ iviu lI" "" ·,,, I·r .. i, "tI .. 111" 1. 'r he.. 11'I 1 lt~ hl) , ty , .[ ~ ...... ,,'.: '\ .. ... 1":""'. \',11.1\ "1 li n'ell u~a" t'III,l;u'\l T E A OIIl'.; ns' A 1!:!')O I ATl lJN . _ Til l' -For s o mo d e li c i o u s mapl e BII - "'"r., pe .. · u.. oJ,·,1 ill th,·i \ 11'\ H \ ~.It.\ \. ...: x\.:rl. , l . f.: S C ..... , , I I II ' l iI 'l fll .. t t"\. 'I'III . ~~ ,\ ~ ' RI ' In\ uf LJut.~\'!llil)' , ~nu r (1 1" 11 ," illd > thu' iL r:l lli:' l ,j ...·. r • • Ill v er iu:: r e t(' t:o n . " •• lI, e CO"".,· LI,. 1,," h I'0ill t ,·,1 Ou l fo .. next IIl c o ,t in g u f thi :l b ud re:.chci.1 III t!u: ~\I"'" "i: ;\111\ lillIe ",,·tJ rl.1. y will takt· <PIlr.WIIX·. we are nndtlf ob I iglltlOil S 'l,e "' . I\,, ' ,he hlllUhli,," C'>, lI ·e l h ,.t tho .. were pace • u I TO TIl lS. 1':\'1'1 ': \1 1-::\'1' AND THE r.!:\ C II IKC: IT lI il ~ .., UrIlI" IlIy V I tl \I' S WCt··k . U t to Mr. D.' R. Aud e r oon, wh Q p l·O·. ellllcllvo';lIg I" walk ill. 'he l: \.I: did ".· li.;l. t . h.,,1 tl.lc Bcllll"),' ,)) OIl.'C ill thL , 1)1ILI·(, . Th~ 11ft u t II len lell e,' Iui uc rcns ... II.eir !,UccL.ivu lor We Invite the Ilt h n t i on of All. elpec:laUy thon" hav inl I s uga r ·en CILCh h i gh m .::hcnlc:.l • • 111 (,' cured i t lrp m tie Ibaer v ati on , S " U,-AII ,t.u I,i n.... rlllly' w ... rran1td . . otll ." .' nlill Ihll ' j nli ... d I...' the L.M,I . Ihoy pr0g l'lllllio e i ll liS 1 . ,11I)\\'~: u r Samue l CIlI'OY Il car JIl, I l k tl ca . uni t dll'' cull"" vure,1 !., i. hl'ul ...' 10 fulO Il Ih e DOM ~S T'C SEWl tlle r~A.CmN!Z CO., un'lol has A. O.l1r :\I sweetes . S"S ~ I ' 1'1 . t t la ll 8 . o ~ li ~ .' lioll' ,h ,'y !I iu meJ D .. "" bo in,: 1.108;<11 h I I ""i lh l1I1';" " a "i.t ' ''C~ .''. "Lh", I I',cll ly "" c . · ' Il,)w t (J ti ti vat e ill (I nl' '11I,i -MI'. En os R. Bartl?s oll , ro t l~r c, eJ<d ill ~o d ,illg .. 'I ll ' .0cilllY w". 1101 ' 1\ T~~ te f,/. r l h 'll\ l i ll g: ~I r. L. \ '. of Mril. H ielllll"! nalll~s o f tl.lI s '~' IIII J Ii/.C\1 bX . ·p.".I\JO LADiE S, USE " DOME STIC " PAPE R FASH IONS. ' !II p .lsba·od . 1111 Il itcllll"c k. placo, di ed in West PIlIlncldphln 'I "'f~. I , , ' Ill . wor' Lhc\,~ ". 1 E "sav by :- trs. 'ov k vI' \\' UY "'S' March 1:3,1 71). iu h is 6 th Ito lH' r t : villc. • . Mr. llllrth!s llll was a n o ld 1I11d I' CI'), ,,:Ii Ihell " mid. I'. " "' d m,, " , I'r.' ''~~ l y "' I I'. ~r. !lK!;, I" N 8uccC<!$flll pri n t e r [lnd pllbli s !r er. I Ih~ "oi,;hlo'l·r .•o.II I., of 'gr ··I ':,1~1" dh,: ~~,~) A rlll .. 's;;, i\lr. ~"l el ,<,II. • J I I q ll lltl ll n l'(' ~rII., . un~ I " IIIIY. 11 111 I; ' - Suo udv ('rtlscm . 1':' t ."" I I ont o f . uc " ~ O. eek. ;),1 ",0 . I ·h h. I ~ti: . .. geu 9.1 P uper , MI ~ ~ ~. r. . I lIl i .l ll ~ . ~ B . I way Ih o II CW und e rtn k ~ J's ye." •. 7 ,,, oll th •. 17 d • .' ~. Ii , c., n,,· from .. . . .~ elg I. ' d. I . K ' . • ' o ld l lJllruli, ..,. KI,d li Ke mil!' .. ol.he,·1. hi ,. wor loll y Ollr \\'illt e r I'I'l'uth u r h uga n Silil »Ad furllltu re Oil era III 1.:) ~ . v." .... iun . WCf., 'I "lie 11 .",1.'11 II he" he . k ..~td well. kno wl\ s tund . Th oy ILru l I I . ~l i" OIi V"l'I .·~· p •.ud,·n ·o day o \'elllllg .":·l·l' .. , 11 111 . liI ~ .lIt ll l t' yOl1l1g II1 CII alld canllt,t OI noi ill,lu811'.'· 110' OIu"i ll d . toh.t~ br " " UI " ",ahle li e d pretty !t~'ltld li lly Willi II ~ l· V,·!' eoolrlge llclp bcillCl' vel\- Sllcee'S t'UI. ! lh'i ll lC • Hi. Io' i'hIUI.r'li t e r."rvJ.u. I.}'~;".'."'~~ si llcu; th o th'!I'IIJl IllIt:t C!' r.l lI ~ i lll! w ' n • :,I+n Uf f Oll r ' Cl\I' I. l u 1 I' " t 'I"'I \ le i I' Cralleand 8 t see th e m, alld g l\' (J thcm ye ll r• ,,, ,, I ft ,I.,.'·. , Hi. oJcl' o rt,!,cnl " ., 80" I !'tl lII '! 1 '".1 II I')\1 \ "C 7, . .I'... J:1\,1' - .. .A 'I 0 o f " o ur UII. tum ." ,<1 uf ". "' lIlul i.>o. bill Il.. ' I1111 II.' k lll~"I"" S \llId ,~y 1I !1-(l. t 1'C' rlwl' 8 11 1' ht" \Vlvti l a 15""'" S lar J • ' . 1I"... k,·d hi. ill ll· '·'·''''':·. ", III 1111 . 0",'. ': ~ IIUW ~,f thp ri ,:\ ...,," 1'<:11. -Ml'B Slllnu(l1 E . Elhollt UeSl l'Od yo ull g In '" we 1\'H el , llt 10 hI' li IIl ' I· . ,",,1 when Ih, . • ti . I larl ius u f \\'a IlCS. ~ ,.i nc.s ... hkh c,I\.·" him L~" rc "B,. com I trcc:! III SOIllO placcd Wt·I'l·. " 11 1I.)0t ~ 1II,)rm ~ I~ , I I 'Y I' lel.". th" " hI lII ' n c,I1,·,1 10 a I",y In ,h. bnr~ ting into hl"1.1I1l b",,,I'~ Ih c Ville alld VIClllity . t HIt II Ie hi I~ ro · ruom 11 1,,1 L"lol hlll'}O "gil d "VII r.· I\II r ulill c h eck /l li rl IIIIU ,l il! ~ sh rll ulll!ry to out alld lit gUI' lIl lJ lltS II I 1111 fclel, ""n,,' "p~ l o ;. 1'\: ' o .1"1), L·"'. tI h".. . ' . . d I d I . t .... . ,t! \l \' c r · k" 1 11",1 broll~h\ II "Th '''' " til)' 01' , u!, e li ll r cci\'cd a ,lce ltlc( 1 * ' 1' llLl: k . III t!, lUI . HlS :]lB I ~CC,I\ l! THE .ONl Y STOVE MADE i u . :, j't u ll 1 1 1(~ 0 1\'" fl ear "thv youlI g _. ~ ..... aI u e l\' sty les t o r 1 ~1t!l es Illl d ch I' 1' IIIf ruul).i t " :- ou ···I'1 ,,· . c 1\"" ... 111.' "i·PI.:8. ,""" II,,· a::? Ozicr's IImgic I. lIl tcr ll ~xl.i· dren'~ dressod . (l,v e h e r 11 call III illl'illil ion I·xle" ullu L~ hO,lp III ' ''"U If. uiti \J1I '\" I~ IllI i'u 1:l 1'.:r~ ly 1I11l!l1Lle d ' . f R .I. IE ' " thin ' ,fief r culol rk t·o nt. dU ' \' moru 01 . ru,B1\",1 1" ' . PAtuuted • the . realdon ce 0 \ . l') 18SQi &ud Sept. 2. 1869. ac uc ,.111 6, on lin'''\I' o Ih ," ie H'J!lIl'l iu, ". 1'"",," In ",. lrC IIlId v e ry much e n.l t)y ed lit thu M. MaUD strcet. n"",,·,·y 111 111:" '1;'" I,! t be .8"1. ~ ' .t' " '' "r E. C hurch la; t Thurs day ('\·c lling _ _ _ _ .... _ - 1821l. th" F,le n, l l'c ",,,,»eil . ... lI b oLli er' ._ _ _ . _ -_ . ll"'lo\l ~ hrAa ch " I' Oll r ,ocidv. Re" '" 1'1 10 ticvcrc \\' IIl( A l lto " l ·Ui ')... l'n lO : f l"P In R o uth \1aruIiIIlL ' ' Id I I I' II' :; t . w e c.' k· J-(f\ VP a ,.u pply !lr t hl ' nlto ve-nlllllud ce lebrnted CU'lk -~ lll \·I J . lIud a ll other flrMt" da~", pHrai mu l I ~l 5 or i. h :l v ln~ II f ,Qlil y "f ft.·" 8011' J id r.H1cli dalllllgl :: to r,' nces III tillS lor. h l·ell'''I II'' 11I'lll ",t'lr"'-roo m "to H i M, - Mrs. Dr. P e llrllc, of Dayton , ""d ,11,'0" d'''I:I"., • . ",II. t 01 ... h"rn "'"I'e . , . rOlllllte d the causo . uf Wuwo u'~ ,·aluob:o .1I ~ocil'll· .~ 1II0' 10'.,. r.· "' ~' k ~ill oV.:..IC:,'I;.:';"",.;t~y,,,,==...,..~..,..=__ h o r fh.I'JI1 ('~oj j \IU:.: m enl , I\ n,l ,u,&,'d . llltlt! '!"- --- - ---T ol~igll MisRioll&ry Sudcl)' to t e ol.cuml<... utl,, "fir III ",,",'o"iu g hI, 1·1,·". . iJCl\tl )9. of 1111 kin' \.. in h.fgo Vllfi ot,. . 111 . E. Churcb last SUllduy \\I u rn· Josoph Ch'\l1 "". "I, ,, frn m ";oll oJ th 1· . ... 11"" lelii d , (\ ... ODl C mil l it s 'Ut\ ICIl"L of tho lUg, and & Itlu Il d J ressa 1 t\ Ie ~ Ull oo.y. ' anh vi l\ ,,!;........, r of Ih e n .1I k'-'ill.· r""'1. 1111 01 , ·r.O\V·Nt::~ . -2" ;;,,,. 21.t. 11I'1i. Brthul n K lID uflloturc el nad hp~ on hand III IChool in lb a Ilft.erllll Ull 111111 a l :lI'~e nonrl. ",,"th of tl •• p.op.·rl,· II 'w "c'· "I" ' II L II \\' lI f\f(. i ll II-w ~:!t.t Y" ,r of lwr 1Ij.!"'I . Bhf' audiollC Il in the evc ning. Mrs . b., A' I '. u ·N •.li l. II . ... ... I , i~h l ,. .,. t.·.· lO o'l von.., II m ("fIlh,"r of fJ pr ill Kuuru Monthly . u
" dllll~ ' r 01 loslII g
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ULlf'l 'HR. IJII'j:h'l if., d- (J 1.lI'I'.'Il ( ·/In/. E N ; (I ll t!i' 1t.'lr1 r/, art' Iran',w f,'" t .. !Iii'" ''''', u i.~f'''tli()n .
--' We
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THE FAVORITE :D'O ~fl1 QTO'-~Vl~f'
With Sliding Oven Doors .
Elliott & Coleman
====== 'I' IN · \tV A It E
Til l
vt!r'" giftcd ~ J
Clll' Ul-S t
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11';lti~It' r , 11II,' l l'::pc d ,d l " ~o h ~' th u ... ,· ~ h,o M ee till)l " ,ll c ~oll t h c . n l'Il"t'·
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WH.'T .ER .V, D ['/][,/. \, ,M·I g.r CE/•• ' /(}R!
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Coffee & Peanuts
N u w F e ed, th o
c !\~ i ep t hllll/Hod I1rHI CII III ph· tl'~t J)!'i 1\ ulfere d to tht! traoe. V /o bIlVU , nl s \J, u ·c ll ll1plt:tc ~tl)ek u f ollc· h u rs e
~utUB~~B~~e~~ Corn· Shellers, Wholesale and Retail, Stationery, ConfectjonerYI Fur !D Pos t-D igge rs, &c. Tobacco and Cigars,
.. . Iflr a FI; lrlt d onI.' i n tin· It01'l t nUUllic r . an .... Rt ] 0 ,," pr i c('~ IlpeIIo.ker all d p o SCSSCI! 11 e llutltu I ••r , cr Li lll lll l pl"l.oIil "(·liuli ",,, ni i e .'.~ it· elf y o ice e~idGllce of which sho guve ~ willl .vm ,· "' th., '· TOILE T SET ' . FANC Y WARE ' IrI)· . l i lU~ . 11 ,· n "' 11' iI" • ~ ~. 0 I t!. ul)pr u lJriatc o·ce" t. icch'"·", ler: " ".I~,·m"· k",'. I " r(kl·r, .- ..11 ,II U . 111 8Wglllg I So~ ra (J. . r, . Ai,," "i W II.R .. I"\.,ra" " " III . ....".. III. ~ ...111'/ F. ~·I·"!IIIIi. '.:J in our I311e, piece. at each 0 1 the so rVl cell . I'" b.,dil, cOII,l i,,, ,io,, w ad II .t lul.lI · t. "lid he ~ JtUly 'xprcl!s cu h el' e lf highly grllt~ •.• m.:li",,·" u,,,1 -1:i rilll" " 0 li'I"" ro,,; n ~n e'l . R ENGLE. Rellwu lbm' '1'11111. . .t! -" b b . " t I icin. . AI " lie 01 ' he (I'''' ....·rl.. ~Ied'".; . . /000 " i; <he Lime uf lhe Y"Ar IO,· l'n olllllun · I t.'u Y 01 VI I lo r a. - -- -- - L ~' . "".:co' II!' illU·",!,c· nwo cu, .... 1I1', f.1r Cull ia. Lil li/( FH WOlld erful StIC:ce! l"'! er . VOIII" h·. CnloJ;. lind rilLII) I • ~idol',lt. j on fru lO It i8 reporlcd Lhut 0" " ·,, .,·', G'R"'~ fIIi ll utc rt f 111\' \ , ll. on r {' '' u \H .,j' J"'('Uli,111 iti .,11 10 UU II ..iu mpLiQn ~ J udgc J . \V . K.eys ano son. tIll' s"l .i ed . Tilotl "",cli HYII I' P has. si n ce Its lnt roHIIl:t.i ll u ill t.he Uni ll ~ 11'1\ . I" "fr. ""II .nd 01"" .. '11" ""oJ I." " f.\' lll"·,,s,· . HOi u . H ornct: P. K o "s. hav e s o lo o ut ,I o"'ph ·wi~h 111(111)' MAYl.'u ·d U~· F l et; . W AYliF.8VIJ.I.F.. 0 .• ~ led :4laL.' • • ,·.. acil,·d th e imrn ell , e HA lc of ,lll,er' w.:1t Iii n ~'de"d" .E ·S ':.""A" PI r h.. < hC" 1l u ;~d in thi. J <.1 h'o tl e ue" r 1,\', .fu r Jinner . Ut ili); IU llch ex · CII M .. roh 2' . .1. Jt:l76. S 40.0UU d07.en p"r ~·l·n r. I)"cr 6.001) n"1I1l [(]"" WI1rrnn~ed to g ive Satisfu ctioll.d J) tit ir ' xt Dsh' ll Ulldorta k iug. 1.\11 , IH;"" "!. I,,· ~'·'I".·. t.. " n 1'" ,·lio li " f Il" uor. IIc ig h hOl'hu\H.J I ll r l he pltMt t wu UI' l h l'C' o N otic}~ j " ll crcby given to tbo qualiflod gisis IUt"e onl cred tlt ls ~Iedic· jno d il'i ' ct fru m yo"," wilh(,ut B , ill~lc I.dl"r" to Cll r··. II electo r. of the b i n t \\'11.1' room to ~le ' s. C. \\ hich " IlOo rpu ru t.ed Vill"\l:0 of I h~ Fuclorv. ~r.lIIg h ~I . 10 W"odl, hilD. urv "hell N.J .• IIud n' ''"" t \'0 " h,, "" no' ".eil thl. rn ... li ci ll " your, el f. gIl \Vnyn~",· illo. ~ J ,... d J I "He' hwa" L.", I' ·r.",co F';. ,III,'olO ' rk"" 111111 hp""tholl Ohi o. l liM "0 election w,lI be hav o " c pori~d II 6illgle lililllr,·, bm not (l IIC gl t i.o ,·,.ur D ,.ug~i.r. A. !Joll. ""0 n,k him of he ld at Iii nanlt:i,,~' ry lot· I"j , aCUlm UU In it , . 1 IgI th -! •L'r',-,,,,d, ou!.!ht IIuuoe of I . II. 1;l arfi8 ler . ',cnks of ita .. stoui.l.i" g III co,'cI'c IV .tl ,,, llliu c lllia'cl" 'I tl Ul i L-l 'I, ... \\omh' rfll l Imc~ e."'~ i1 U .. I\III 8 iii cur · "c-, hi s cU8 I ome l~ . ill ~K I'cI ' ., ... ··y8 has cunullctlll . It! ·UOIl.' J "R.I.h "·I,\i.·11 th., if Lhc Fri "" d 'I''' II ilK". 0 11 t I'e JU u· I~ .n.c. '" v ro 0 " ugh 8. (·" ld • • el.led ill" U ,10,c a. 8 will .. ..Ji".·. Ih e . worSL 0"80. IU' Ihe If b IU~l;8 sille 1 . 6 ant.! h ad !flulig l~,u ld 1101 "de iL " i,h••ut il ~c"ing Ihe t jJ[. d . A'l t, U"1't!UIli, C'on sumpt .lO n , Or ttlly disclUlO • • · l'O" h., . e nO ' rllhh ill IIl.,1i ·ill •• ju.t buy a .I.·Ij'.U·8 of II , 0 '" ly ~n ....pl·Z n l!lll 11' 'fl'o ' terY \O f hilll 1"·1,,,<1 bdu"r 10' it .10111'. m"ut. Th ront lind 1.11Il~.. WI' nth·I"" nlly l,or' OIl 8"," pl o 11 .• nl c of Bps· and pn)&''''r hoo·. I; " fm ,", ou8 R, ' ·I·Up· Cllreer. IHotw ccu tho hour. of six o',look /i. M . Rod ~h" t 1,41 allY pn'ni "llU. ilioll . b181'<; I t• for hi plll·t. h,' IVII 8 · iI. "' .. .. "' r lind h" ill , tor III r' 11 ce nl "lid If) i<. H"gul",' 811.e UOI"e. . • I Ie to wCllk Lungft. f 'd d IIY· rur tie rcgrc ' . •eud.d ' 0 kee l' i, .. n s· rv,," t. 11 1111 \' .p~ c t l· 1I 75 e.ol.. I pllr- to '0 Lu their n..• ,"ro m thc fml e WI " . ~I . O!lal ])on'l lIe<! le c~ A cough 10 ' ''''0 75 .'1 or:foc I r li,.u gj:;'<. A. 11"11 •• nll ~el I I ., 1 I eel b l c · ' P il t.h e f 0II OWIllg' lio L of friend!! . Th e n \\' . "ro l I .., l"'110 9 c It wll, uc··er ". •~. I t ',':'1. ,e n.·ou . 0 (l .....,. ·! lhi8 I. cent8. II1 cdlcillo. Or:. ill 'l IiIlC n.llOut • ua· - Y' sene for wrru uf (Inc year : one '~I .r ~ {(ClItlalU .. AI ' n lie \\11 ' U1II ft"lI finn aN ,·u" "S'·11 8i1.e. n celllo' ~Ilmplc b"ttle.11.- IUII C"nI8. I ,sluug ~h" uo.:;h . I' I . .', • II u f a b'I I 't I Y UI ld . Ilurill~ '6'hl~" lIud "''""ne I kllld s of n r Dod P limps at. x·tI"c ~c'>. li"IO' w'u oll ~ on T relU<Uref. " Ierk'. one M h I d l ' !!iOIUE 'rING NEW ow. PIICI. Il . . .. d one 'II I' on _y "Ill' y .ill dou··tle e v I ' ~r8 •• All IIJ1 U wo oees O tberr lh i_ 8~, .ic" IIC,·<t ,",·' all iud h)' a ~'.i ,... J . 'I'he)' . . I . fC 'eV . tl any . , cn"~. Ion I t e \" II ' 111 lu IJOI'SOI1 O ' r.1 I t to tl 10· Ir Illt"rns t> WI il lig allY IIllg 10 0111' 111.1 UK '''O.1lEN TO IHI threc n'lember". of Cu un e.1. u ,~ .. t negle" )'our cough. '. . "M~ t tJ)' lUiin tain th o I .v to giv" US 11 cull U 1'0 1'0 pnrchu sin u u lac wh e re . --pul&rit · o f ~II.,'~ "On..,,!lr·l~tl' o~ ~ ••..',rl,'!.~,ln~ .· ' ·. ~J,!I:~ ,~lp" :,~~::~ • 1' .,\ G,ven und er lilY hand and '. ' , 1 Pe .~. ...... III n .... t I.I _ ·Qhu . . .... ' ll· SKU. SIIcc.es a t o - " I " • r h .. " Id~ to ",,_I. thi. 22d day '" 1II11~lill. ilnal!J" II;'i:lji\IJilijlli In' Ilu I~ ...,.. I 0 ': . iN .'dd,·~"s. with sturnI'. . ~, J ,iDI I I .,! .lInu )~. !!top.... .... 8 h , , \ lb Nh. A.D 1 76. S1~~gS\' . ",- -1'-'- r 10 C' • 'lilt. N.w " ..., (JIty ,bcom. E B •. . T '1' DI)D"ON 11£ .. u · ~. 1 DI. ~"6 d,.' lie '·'·l,.ied lIi_t h. Idid• I I l ('-.: ; R •.Jell ",·n. 'y mill'1 ,nr .s . . ... toTK. ~~l . II .. 'W 'lIl'8vil lc ",' l _ t> . , '!) '" .~or. 1 - . ....1....... .... 1\1., ... v ..... "'" _ ' " .. u u:"
===- _. -..---.-._--.--=--=--== I (I.,'
All at the Lowest Rates. Mayor's Proclamation.
A CR1Cl H:rl ;HAL
/ '\ 1\IPI.J';~ 1I';N TS
C- ..
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~ III Ill. lid a ~p '" I ~ j .. ut III l t .Ill liD .... t • • trihola ti ..n .....,. ,. K 11.1.\'" . II ' f '1" ,111,,'11. , U,,· tlllf! ';Jllr lit tf"n'lIt IlIlt l"'l.. :\11l-h'r ~\'illi~ U 'nr\' U arri 011 ~ "u l Je I N ~· I ,'" ( I.. • " .". " f fI',;;,. .,/ I. . N.. h' • p.• '. tI.\illjll'n'lII Ihl' 11111 Ilwa.l.. " I tlte lr ;\Il·r",,·r. IlIIII till' ..f till' lUll' "'II III _Ii 1 .\' n; llt.'t·tiH· n·~~,· 1 .11", , 1, J I'''. '1'111' . ' III d,. 1;1I11 1'ull'11 l l lll' . tlto· Ii,.", - I t..~'lIl· r. ,,' , I~il ' uNt \ 1'(- • 'r Oll t i ~ 0 111' ~"lIli ll \l"lI " ",'l'II" "fi ll 1I .·y 11 ,,1 hdllg ulol,· tn prvc Uf t · a I J: • ..!(ll · I'( E" U • s , It·rt",t IlIId 1o(·;llll\. 1114: I' at '1' 11l 1."t h I ICl'II ' .III I .,' I IIIIIUn.·,.I r,l ightwlA. 1.",,\. I ~I III. ~ . 11 A. .. • )I ll • ""'.' UI ... n,1 111"'j·du1it " I . :.! .:'"' U1' ""I r h1 r -"ylt) c t! , l :.. H ,".1. I ... ,,'un'~ I ''''ul '1 1"n "'i a~ I!ha-s: UII.I I "l llIit 111(' Iv -:I." j-u -t lu" k tlt" IU I" til 'L1ul'k '1 :" " ~ Su 4 ;:.I.I ~M' I ~' allu bl .. lltly rM" Line. 1:l 51J f' • t I' No 1- . 11",,,1. on 1..,,,1 41 lwr ' llml lit' Ii. ·)jllb'" I eXI 'r i" III·l.t! ~ro u ll d .' wl ll'rt· !I.'rll 111,\ " I~I ( I I'llt ihu F.s pn' l'I • i II vt .... ".11 P"""" I thl'DO du l~ ,.ulh n"eall'll lI u.· f. 1111 "l'r .. ,,~1 r."··..·~ ·.ltl lit - \ :"11\- t. l !t ti . loI • ~ " IU It ' 1Y ,. .. A ""tt"lt'. r,:r " ,11",,1 . ' l:.l.:'~·. "-l j Ih (·:\a ,·ti'H". :lIId W (' r ' C '1I1 "u tl'd . II til f t Ill·. r ,,·I.;lol lI u", Ac<' • !lID 'J 1..)/' r I II . ... _ tt1 ull.. 1) 1 II " • ll Ie" .lc rC I"l h!'lo lll g 1 ' ,.. .A_""4\' tb. Wl)lody willdlng, o£ .."I •. fr" 1II SI",,' II lit .lIl1dl .... lk, r. ';' ~ ~'.! ... ~lS O LU T ....\f"~. ' HUI U i '.l ... l ,tl,'. tur... t nr,·.IlIIlI * T ... ln - un nu l · l OIl H tur ...·" I .!.:; I: • ' t 'IP OH .. ,,;n 1 B" ..,\ihll}" 1U,,1 d '1'. urruulldllltt .Iu.ol"", bllr, a tl1 l1 l1 :IIIJ ,. '''1'" ul' Ii 1111' \\, vll id It vl \' 1,11 11\1 II I' Itl'ru llll'k, i u X 'W ' TIll Il hi. F ,brIlJry " . 1 ;n. Gum "11l'1"'""" lint! 1'1" r.id luil Iv Nil. 9 ~~'" ",j '\0 III \ \ ••, rry mAil• vbl itc llll : I'rll lll 111 • 11J<:IlI.U·Y. " •. 1'1. Ky .• I, • lite 1I'1L1t'rw"r k ' CII III ' :J~, 111 B Ilt 1II0re 1,1 bllllLfu a .. '" ol} \l{JUOt'.I~-d." • • I'r",ui"m, I' id Th i nllly 1I0t illt ' r~. t . lur tl'ai l ' r~, l11 i ~ivlIl· r '. 311.1 I, .1i.,I' ·. N t 1.2. 7 ~lJtll \I ,.n daHr· !I.I :~ ~I \I olh ... ill Lhu NotIc e I)f Appom tmenl I b, .. runrlJl1g lor",.k. t. I fi';~ llr · '11I"k ",I IIlhrr ",,,h iwtn< " dolh. xu"!,1 un,I"!". 1 to.·!r. 7;1 '" ' '''11''' ul' U "JI''Ill''r 'vut ·,ll rv. y 'S 11 it c\u iul'ol ,":/ ~u · 11 , uLic.:~ "W h ..... ,o.uie u .." be h IU'd t"~r,·b v li i Vt' u. lh t Au ... ul~ 111 " .\n" l j )~illl1 ~' f ft tllf' r ~th"n.~1 H.... k. I U. ·C. 11 A I N .:~. I'i'" ., J,t;,1 on .... ..~. ' 1'1 I ' I I J I) I ~ t n.",,,,,,,, In _ quaint, p .t·hidd It nook. T il' I t , lUI t "~ oJ ' _ 1' 1 l r I U1 1.I" n IIIU_tlu 1 ,urnlle,' Illdu(IJIlIC t ·l r ' U It "11 t lOll. ' III ?C ,t \U '" · Vl'l\ \Of:1 HO I·: "') U ;8 • •:s. .\ ...,. A," "1. uK ' U r "unutry, c . a t · h' I., " . 're II ta~ ... ' l Ui 7U, II""'I,,: -Iwd "lIl"" 110 ~ - I .,. D ... II tb a f.ir 0ll·bird. ,' ..u rtv. btnh r .,.l uti li " nit·k 1)1II\<!l'd IIwa. \I iLl w llt " lI."t hill~ ul' II ~ 1t"'(; il'1' !lnd . ' . .. . 1 .\1. ,1 fer t; ... ~ :\1 ... J IJ \'1''' ):lI llcr. IM·rMllIul. I Ilw IIl1d 'r.!;",:'1 ill lru.1 C... the i!'1l':1~1 !:I~I~~ll.:I: :-:orlb~o lo.... 1 M JII a. W hOM no14·., 'Mir I!l ... ~t,. r tl ..t. o :,~"'I.1 rr""~lar) Ut·~i·4 . .~J ~ AI"". um". rur t"~ It,,nu r.ctur.'Uld & 10 r In • au:! fo r 'A'e ... , .n\1 tll'ri U:. IlIlt llrl' \. ·urri llg. UII.! Ii A. M. HULI'r 111 1\\ "lIY., h,' ill in !lutl ":Hulh ,. t 5 .10 I~ lit . 'rh e flu te or lbl' itutur. fil\ or ~I f ~':"Ii: "f "" . I ~"1"-d\l .. r. AA II ,.... r".". iu· Jted'.ml'li,,~ fU~I'1 "'il h I' !\ TI ...... : •.. . L YA UR. I'. )1. 1,IlIUU UII lI'urillg I,'c rllllut.l illll, 11 11 the hUI·I·li ll o 1'\ ul'r .... w iaug,,",1 Vall tou 'h Ih he rt 01 ruM' 1 it :.'t ~·.ll~' ) ~;~k . i ..l .... 'dltll IItr.1I11 ur' 1'1'; 1 .1 • Ilr"r ,';I' . ofclfl·ul lltiun And ru h wbor bl Ulgt' are.. U b . IA I" IiOO . I'''"'· .. o1u tOWII "l tUII I ~d . 111 tl! we t ~' 1' 1I WUII I·' · t • l Jalnl , . t' I' l ~tue " t, \ *'Uu P .. t ••~. ST. L r.AII,\" , u " 'r ·tt·r IIiCI It I • luJ' lllll-" 1,.vUlue - --cI ....o. . U""IU.l tJ ..• """" '. '" II I Tn. "... ItUI'O (If A nil' Iill h lano . lIut fur rCllclt iug ou,· J;itltc Whll, Ii.loning to ber . 0 100. l' ~Iutc I!J UII dl>CS I'",,,,,nl 110<:111 .lit , ' I:!") , .~ ~O R ic/lillol Iy IIUI ld ,t· U!ti"<1[/O Dhisi" " . h'"lit'lIU' < i IlIr .110..,' 1.1 A 80 eam~l'It, pur6 &ud lruu. HI 1.1'1'1 'rOII E I tl\O 1111111111 1,1' rl lu Aln"II l • ' a rl·," tlt e ul.! ·J IW·Y •• w IIL.' 1 I'IUt'EM Bl! " 1l1o&, 1 8 1.1. , ' _nrl' . .H,,·:! " \ NOIIh. .D IT..n. )11 ol'lrit duel r~j uico ~ A H IX I Kpll..1 .t....-1, I nJl.,,1 111I~ h. lltu. ... " .0 ...... "100 (lr, \ Itieh I~.;d divi '" d ·s it 1" '''"1 th lJ1 ain .. .. ",0"41 ' OWo I II - .1\ parI\' " i"e n iu hvnvr f tit . Alld lfIlU III Ihl'r blue. 1" lTplu, fUlld . . II I' ' t. I11IIu.1 111 1tl ." . I' ~ . L ' '1 ' " :lUtl !lO Llk .. WIld bird fr~c .. nd b.gh II1111d • llll d , V rll llll~ k, Nou'c e IIIlI of ul'r ApPol' n tment l Ull) u 1 0lher .u l nndi.-i.h 1:.. ,' erClt w 'p""II,", r too ,. , 1•.j\i:i ~ 4 IF Into tho poot·. wortd. A .... S ilIIIIJ . I t " lIt! a h..11[ :! 1,," ill 1111 bl t· I' IIII'U 1I I tI,, · hulO' of '\l . Null" "ltl U ,ll k II ... ;lIoillnoll - I.I" . t! OIl A m ~.L: r. J lilt II NIIlll,· •• hr r"loJ Ir'Y.". 11,,11 .\ .\: r. II l> .... rI'.II ... UfI \' 101 .,. "L:t..' ..n,]jng 2IJ.71~' ' ~I ~~ 0 , kil·l,llIl1" } '1rum \)ut 1UtJ I I d" r .. D'ib. tl- ,\rrh . 10.:15 . IU ~ lLntd , Iln ol ll S t..Ic·iduu h II "'l'llklr .\ !t·rCI'" f Cti('u UII II r,u :;.0 • = Y I li l li' r,lU n. lOr. h'~ II 4i • "' th eVl'III H" .\ lIll'1l1l1_,\:. C": U"lh •. ~ll l ·t.y " (l·\brllur~" T II<lII· "II\I'l ll l·llI).i.' With br.uebel wid ulllurl..ll. I ll ' d " . ' :'\ ~ " ;l'fltt" . . ~ .\)). 1M . n. u.... !~,.J uti tlu..'lr p t, 1M'! h. both , w Ne 'II.I I,· ...r" . 11 .•II ••n ch~(' Ilpp<'Ur& lICC. . WU Hl II I· two h O llr~. ul t llC .1 Ih. III t . W ILli 'TIl" qulel. pt•• • Iul "I,"t. ; A Ul lerf'lon UI rh u u~leJl(I<:u r.,d 11.111 pcrou,,,.I. ' ,. 1", 111 u.·r.'~I;"' t. ill D"tn~"d ket.lif.cal ,. ~f ctqA""t '!!fI.n8a f •.,'·. I willeh we t.1I t I' III I',;l'd ~v r vd ILU vlllltll(!e by plIrl! ..,. tl'u m ;\( vrJ vw \\ 11.:!!1' 1 Ir~ Il · II ~ Th.t IIJkta1r" of r.ru ,'Ult le nL, · . lru.l. ("r till' h<!".,fllll( "n .llIr I ro·': KUI.olllo. '"''''u ll\I~'. Ull d wcr~ r CIt.j ,. t v pi). 2. 1', II m ~ ' I vil le, H id "cv" Ie. I'e k i 1I ~ II J ' hcll I, t; , , \ 11 ''''~''''!I . itlll~hlL'd III '" Itl \\ he~ d .,.M.trd tm t r~ ul nOL, , Lllg 1I~llOrl . arW' e :1 M P III J • • :•. ," I lJ A,!. ' .1 ~" .O I ~O trll. ,\: Cu .. un' r'~ l u L""l. tl h, wllk u 1I1I1laNh . , 1'IIT" I.. Al uro UIIUII . .\ ltd lI' _td .lId , r u~ ..re bl nt . W H \ SJ;::l. 0 1. 1'111('1:8 "'b '.,, d Uti. \)' 0"' " rolll~ro h . G 511 P ,II _ AI ny til y IiVCIal" mv"",nuut . IIIld tJ".., I }·ri~nd. de.Ilr('al t... In)' l'IOul . "'"iollt Ohl\,: .. g". It n h e d .Ii ... , T A,..:.", 0 1110. ('OI'/i'I'V"1' '' .\llIn : /> . I\:, ~ 5tJ P In - - - • •~ . 1'1','s »or. _ _.......""'=====,--~___ __ "1\'.\1 110' ,h~ '. IO~. wll l lm''''"l Ih'·III. duly I I. •hoel \;V'"O lI"I . la"rel... OroWD bc.r tJru w N t: w N A ItUOW G..t. ' O t: I " l:Tt-.:.- IUlIg 11111.1 lJa.h",r >If tI " . .. 100\ 1'·11 11111' . , .,u tl",,,tlc.ll U. A." " gell (111" anl roll, • fvr 1111,, " ' , ,,..... ,od b,,,, • • d.. "" !, GJIIly urn" .. - :\It ~ :\J ary E. C rall e Ilus b ~n II,,, "I.,, " A 'IJrli5cllttl I)/' illll 'fjlul'Iltil II 11'11 AlI~OLlll' 8.~ B l:; AlIll .lI lu t.\lIII.~ e bt, ... . A Natioll al FamiJ. paper . .tll t",llI'" t :. IrI. C. t., ti ll> ",·.tlh., k " Al of n'l k",I \\ I. I •..u' " ' ••d '. I" .11, ,, '111 tll"(' I'.~ v',' III" Sll"k 1V I' U wel··. ' 1 d b fl·I .... r f , -.lurs ...... JrLL I " ' .... Jam '" u ..! 1 Vlltl'd tloi.l' ..... "br u .... ...... 1. .... . I C',ll'u "jtj. \, I Th " .. (:rclI l rll milv I'Jpcr orI Aillotio•• Ihu CI' ijllf"H ~1·H II 1 . . ell I."al t"e .., l' .u. t I' 'rhe S nuuy !tollth. 0\n 10 llh 1"1 ~ r X" i ' JO E l , E ' · ASS. C«... ltir·r ... U N t' '" 'en ' ury 0 f A --l. ' t ~ ntil t ·, IlI cv l l'vm t lll~ n :y " ~ } I d ' 1 I I t " 1.1 II g \ 'h r - WII I(.I' f , 'lulLe k d ttl i~ k k witll II 'u lt.d IS '1I e. Til ,. ' . 0 Ice 0 t b f \. ppOin Mento 1 1'l; I~,i~;":;' ' a ud I UIIII IU' ... llnt1~"\l t he J (l tfo !'~ l> u"ill e , :'Il vu llt ::; t ·rl illg .., lI g'u " Ull n " tll t hc pub.. ~;":~'l;. 1' :;" ' u lire I I' . 1.1I4 , I t '\' . 1.' I II • . ""uw ••.,tI, fllr lh " l·,· ........ ~ "II"" I. Iw r"b~ 11'1 . .. 11. 1.10111 Aar"u L J ACX ~~ O ~~ "J l. LL', ro i. 1 oa",· UIIII)(I"I' - ,\ Il ••I ' ... F' I.OUII1" ... I·vIIII. ~ ! IUlld 'o I II IJI I ) u ~~ l'ul·] "cur \, l' IIITIUI' I rua';II IR IntJ ti I s· I \ 1"';~ fI . II ml IUII.OIIOID UI'C !I . ligh 'ed .lIb crl· . }<'tJb. 12, 1 7 6 . I T hill iB t.J blJ n 11111 r W ""UIIl!C SCS. IIIIl IO UI a urI: I1Iroat. l ' uJ dy , '~I.""fI ..u" Ih.~." II 'I "Y " I " ,IorUII(\·..~ () J usEl' li G 1\ F: n~ . S "tor) P"hlic. 11< 110. "'"I","~<l 1I 1I Ill ' 1)r"I" r. , . \",110 " '111 1 bur. S ,; I1AIN'- ~ 1.'J'd Mi.!UJli G'azelte :- Iu my road, a ud ittl ill CVrpOl'lltLUII b CU III..... · luvks " H. und rJlJ r l"O h rtl, to th e UU der ,.11l1l ft Itl tT U:4 t . t TBll STAR SPANG LtlD BANNEl~ III \; i ;'V n\l (~~ F'K R D ' f .. r lut letter 1 gav e you Il brief ue. ' plel S II 'untem tloelocnl.' lltllf ~ a IItr t:e • I hi I' 'gl' , 4 11 c " l ., mll IJ '_Jl-' I. 1.1tl,!:to r ,," hi •• roJ" .... AIII",r. S()LO}IO N (1.~ i·>I "~ plutud chai II vI' ,~.•t.'ro I - Th e liccllse tllkcn out by one ><In,. illl!,'ulcd 10 '"ld AII T'" I L. AlI 1"lte . •" ~I·II " ". 'llglli t"cl,," U1 illgSl o rh, •. !' o. count of our s 'lg llt' eOI'llg I' ll a un IIIU'I'OW glLUcro ru ute t hl'vlIgfJ It lr.un Itr. • I tv b Brlld l yd was rotllrlle u til t.he l~ro· relj uestcd to "!Ilko Im l"~d' ''h·l'lIy .1 ' . 111 1' •• "k. 11·1 ·\·, . W.I. Hum.r 1\11,1 hn r" and .. . 1> . 11':'1"':11 . 11 j around CharI Cllt..,n, u nd iu spenk · Ci nci lln llti I'I'0nl t l1lJ8e h tt.vi uK ,·llli m 8 ugn in. t O ll' ;"1,,,."t. C . D. WVlILLr.l·. '1110 w il l Lid o! ci ty . ' IAIrgl\ J ule all e.~ .,II •. ne ll udp"$I' ~a ll ce ec; tho;ell> I'(l. no, I"e-ell t thcm. ,, llI:-hl~" B OOII'~ nt. ~ IM illg of St. Michlle l's C hu rc h. 1 t'ur. duly LII. n C n. C. lU\SJ( t\ RuLlt<'n tlolltl.'d. I,:r nl. Clu d l tHl " J tt IUl1tHl Tho Mi lllll i Vull y IlaJlrua d - hlilly UIIII'rI Cd, and t ltel'oful' e ~ T H E -< ' , . II pelll'c IIWIIIII'O . ~I cdl' ,,~ "'·II ••IIIICII l. 1 ·1I ~.1. 1 I'. ,·.. rll,·r.<IO. AR:\ lLO T. S A[l[N g.lt to nltll1tion a lill ie dtlll'Y told IIl\ ITVWP;IlUgu- IIUS 1Icen I ·• "Ie . II lid .. " po'lf,m h llll v 1''' I",r Iliu uut rei""el "" h. Blaul ev l It ,lut ou the l Dated- thi. F.hrunry ~ th o I- 7tl me by nn old gun tiemllll. --I puak · l fl'UIIl ' illci IlIlIILitu W aY lle~ \" 'el'ilt hurri can e dcc k ul. I' B OND OGS Ito 'I'~ i ol y I, tll.·tp'~.e 0 . , lit II guverlllnc nt ,1·.,rroH Nt' • illg uf tir e Uhurclr , he sai d th a t tl u . L ·bunvlI, u dl"tall ce vt ld. IJ U.lcl. .:- "·IlI"I. r ll "tl ·Jjelll b fA 'ut t 1 '17 nlll ''', III II Ie. and lI e'"I'Y mu y yd be happy. . r:'IIII II I", h". I" OC"'"111 110(>! t' UI Io IIII re . 0 lCe 0 . PPOl men. ring lite wllr uf 1 12, t ll o 13ri l i h alld lti lI ntl 'I' , ( ~I IIntrnct . T he W Ult IUI'lh c w .. gulI ·! II·d,I.· .lll.m 1110 No 8"",d uo' . 1"lIcrl' j:it\ tr.~~'.t~l~ ;~I~'~~d)~;,~~'~~F:~~~~!;~:: '~\I~).~ ~: 1 blockad ing fl eet used t h", tlJII'el' fur ' \\' lIYll ed vi lie, Pul·t \V IlI • 0 itl lll llllJ - Mist! :\[aI'Y A . S llJke.. is vi"i t· 71i. " ... ~.,w.1 l1 l1 I.. " 1'''·I,,·n, . blltt. : ::.~::':j. I.: I;I;~·~~. '~;I~h~; I~ ~:;I':"P;'I;~:I." i t~ ~O.;~~~~ • target, it 111' VI' llg Uno' ll 1II'l llt,,·1 J e tteI' 'llvdl ' itud r. 1I1 ~ lI rl l Dnt ",h~l hh. 11, .• 1 III I!" .... Ilh th. rullu , 1I 1 ~.) UIlI'I"' W iug at Mil 'o n W • . \..\.. .. '-U I'.. I 'LI.. A . , ,,11 .,dndl .·r. ~ Ilh"ut lli'" "r r~ , "r. ~ ,,,J gil e• ",·.,,,,,,,1 .fi t., II,,' ull oler.'):II.· v rI. ill trll.t. fur , II • th tb,. u t o f till hi '" ureJltnrPl . a\ tl l'or .-nI"l5 willIe; and th id ClJ nlt nlla l d I'll 1'1 " III; gUll yn' . ' llIu. J ul y II. 187:;. II Ii>l ul ""cr IlItJO " Itll~ beC Il iIlCllI·p0 1'llI ed. alld IIII1U•• ,1l1I1 ·~:tllll . · - - - - - - -_.IT COSTS 1, \1 1 1S. •l:tIlb -of tho 8 h e ll ~ in l lmt IIcig lt hurllOud tilc gl', 1I111t·I,ll·,l III.- a yea r, SImi ift !'em. 1>11"' II AU" " lI! II r" re· 1',' l1l c la id llut 1'1VIII \\' ay ll c . MIA MI V AI. J:. ~: V NARROW G Acn E. Il lI e,l~d 001" IIIl1",,,,I 1'1 01./1 111 '3\'1 I~." I'or.·. II I, IU' I th o V'I~r Il l' kc IIIJW..u I.,!<' lilly" 1l' lI t. ",," I 80 &nn oyc I nci ..-i!h hul'!I tha t t Lc,\' " 1IIu t v J Cfl 'Cl'dU UVI'1 10, a lIistull cO T III'S 'IS II U," U fiv, " . . 1·IICt. '1'11" til"'" h.,·l n" ol.oim~ I _ d llC • , e' H~' 1 "' 111.. oIlLI.... II or No. 11,, ' 11 h .8 1I0l l'itIlI",1 I:,,· ..lI nc. · .11 lit' -) d' ' , I I,, ~ u 13 . 1 f AIv C01lclud ed III fUll I ' CIII . a ll tl l'"illt 'd :1\1 Illl l '~. T It'n evll I ~ I'r l !IIf'II" t. t hu"" I duly ~u 11"tJt ll polil llt " l l. fur ,,1 lnl . r' hg'oll' ," .. c t. .. I.. 1I II ~ ..e . te~ tlt i rlJaJ l r 1IIII I1eO pll dC u f l ' Ollru 0 Q>~ • 1...\'.1""v. .1'lit It '6 'I. It. Itil 0 \0 ~ ~ it bluck; and to tll eir uitOI' a mazo· in cltl'l'llJ'IIL,t! j' u~ter' l.ly. frolll HNOLI} 'r . .\ B1N . Vf/ ' l'uI' nl I I SI tIt! u no u n •II~ r I. June r' dCl'lne n of 'in elllllllti. grallt illg Lh ' -:.; ~~ "-. 11.I) ullr., . •lIld Isn'lIdl) IIIJlJlJltl,.. l:,{li 1Mt·ll ~Ii . F,·hru" ry 2~ 1 " . 11';11. ' tl elJl·lu. Y .. II . III ill to u..1 I. d ' t men t , tl 118 I I dc~ il'od HeW .It /lut l. UI.... II ..vv II . right lI t' WILY i nto Ihe citv, - _ . - l, ! II l1n l It ""U \\111 0111. " .UW ~ ,1 11.0. 1\ b, U I 1I 111"U', II 18 IIIl CC II COllllpic lIOUlI ,\bjl' ·t, tlm t c" uld h<! ad III lies, J SHERIFF'S SALE The 1I 1111~ I'l! i!! "otl I.. ·~ In i,, 'urtu 'or II ' II" whi ch eUlul' letes th o lI nunl ITl Ol1. l.v, nnd 1I 0- W only 11••wai\.oi th o 1'"1 .1 11. "' " rll ll ) tlllI l llo" , lIetllltw vor tlll 'l:: lIl1lcsf urtlt r uut chuin t'I'V III 'i ncilln i lll " W It HE:-I .U ....\I 0 N 1'1 F' IELfJG ANT CBROM OS We h". im· I I I al itv tlti s' l.ui llt. th c ~tuy \l l" tlsj gllut llrc . \Va llll del" "pcl"" I" ,,7. ~ jlc II ~ l lI rl.~ L I" ll,. I 1'",,"1 1.2 "Y"·lhllll 'J' I .\ I l CIo CIl Ohro mu. (worlh I ~ :! .• ' , ;A S I t .1 to sell. Tltell nil tlluk II ~ l lIl n~ it I t ' , u l , l slllu d "fl·"k .~ I)"wllc' . _llOr. Ih .. f; 1 ' ~l h ) . s",,· !h llll.•"'11I8: I;p ui ~ , U. j u ruo.: tt~ Ie Clllltll t,,~i; of th e seclllltl S ll11u t ill oll e UlI1t·o ol' l'(l I'tnlllty ~ t)ru r of 1'"1,,.. 1111.·1 . ~ i l kt , r !' U l hl.u II II \ ull hUlIll J G . Burllclt. b~r h " ~b 11.1. I II p"r llll.'II. It WIlS al "" u~eJ II" 1.1 t'lrg d by tlt e scct iUlI , 11'0 111 Wi! vl' (!II ·.. dl I lI hrl \\ 0 II n t' r .\ S 'II HlI ll u t 1I,,'j.lC ~ moulllod , a nd . B'lllnu- . ,, \10'" ,'·II r. 111 fr •• . r"" , ollla FlJtll!ral fleet in lit'll lat ll wa r, und o fL.l'd\JlI\ ;llu, l~ ::;;":"11 I' .11 th oo lu .J f· wil l be g ivclI th t: I<:s icl eills " " Ih c " Jo,hu" Auder") /I _I III I ·rhe •• No .J.IIH;j 1n 0~t ul prlJ)J1l l'U ~ uu te to s nh erihll ,,"10k; In p"r. u",, "" vI .... Ol der '1' liE \ ' E it '\.. jj L: S'1' : Ill. 11 . 111.. ./1' <:111 0'11 " ••• ·II lul,I.· 1'0, lin, p"r .1 1111' •••. , I I ' atrungc to ~IIY: was 1Il"'cr OIl ~C 1111 wlti ch 11I1S bee ll t Il; ell , k b I II Uf d fn, w rile 14\ CIl U l' t 10 till" U hI.rfl \ 'C"II,' 1 r. .. tat ~d ~ltrjU IIII r f.11 "I \. ~· "'011 01 1Ill · ul1, r II nu d HEAD lit e unl QUAR W w lut TERS IS Hot ? ta 'on y t 1'! 1l'1 . i 1111.1 to 1111 ,11I 1I .lcu. I ,..11 ,,11,·. lur . ,,1,·. -I ,\' e leu vo "ltI C l. a rletllllll Wit h II b\lv k~ \\' III be ~ h u l t ly el" cu. A LA8T WORD . k Clulc . rc me Olhc r 1)0( B he f I' 'lId VIM il y tllk II hy IlI lI n ied lllen (II I'lIhli' 1I,, (oli ..... .. n Ih l·r~lul" ·" ill WII)'III' " 711 II " U, e"""II) • "'1I ,,"i 01 " e y ''''or ' OU.lIlg Ihi. f ' '',' I ' T he (" ' 1 '1" I I I. I' t l ee tl I ' d ea, .. r I'" ImJl"s C" llcinna tl. Us nss ul'cd , the 1"lad "111,·. l\'UII'e ll U')\I l1 t )·, Uhl·). 0" utton and Pork, 011 " y,." tl .. t"ko- LI N,H""I oJ . 1'"lri"I\C. wi,I. slU n IJ I"" 11111'11 1' . " , 11 lJ~" (I 1IJ III' ancc, lillll DI ' c 011 tOV\'urd S n vill Ina SfI/lIl'r lUY, iJl al'cll 25 A . D 1 71) I!llltl liltit scctiv u. tl ~ J enel SO IIl iI Il!, i,; II cl'l'tai 11 ty, a llJ in the "" "kOPI\II". U"othll l i. lOr right IIg.II "' ~ .J .\ . . 1', I Ihe cou ., ,n'o nl • • ~ II '1\ 1 " I1CII I' I II If{)twcon tt." 111111 .. "I :.I li n ,] 4 .,'1 I";'k I' )[' \ " I1 "W tlar lIlgh low llIar~ lt l''' . \,H ~ t I-'illl! ~I t. · t l.d l ll~ alld l\.IIIIII I\' ''J '' ~ . olle LIn" ~ no~'s 110 pll lt)' g . no ooll norlh. gllt. M r J "hll \\' w,·. IIller ••t III t. Il i\ rllUtI, I ~ h ll e ; btlt It is P,llr CY for th e re~ 1 "" ""d dllY, lb,' .. - , . . lIu II '" I ,e 'pl no .olllh. '" SI IIr W.<I· bUIll ",' per Inl ,·nd.d fullv,\iug ROIII !!:.t"lo. to. tile IlLIl\''' .1 ~-! II) OJ I t' '' ' llIn nl. Ih e " li m p will he I u ellt,; un t.he lillu tOll wll t h e ~tut k . Vii" C . groVCII, Illl d II ball d .11I l: d 'IItt" lillllu '" " . lor e' c.) re.I"or. Olio 111111,11' .' monl) 10.1 ll! 1 ,0 ',11 1 MIU I" ~ I' ,",all /lC I, I~ n d thereh ,·" .. dU,·lt·I! /I Ih ~lIlu.I. ll d. "I!1" "f 'locl!,·e l'cvn t rol th c ruad . A s "'IJ(~l TIl""T- [l"i "g l"l .. " ulnber ." " .l ll LEf.N A ND 1'1 1 0~• . ricll pllllltut iuut!. N o .HIU t u Wil l k b vI;. fv r \\' 11 tch I\' til \Je 1I1'll l el.dor" l l ye ' Jlo.l "g lh " · I"~ , " " d ll " p ·"f II U. M .• III .' 1I 0",. ncd ill AI.o .\lId ' ~n . III ll,ll'ti -on oqu ... . III Ham. II tI. tltlJ I '" IIIlII"L1om;:"" I IIII WI.th · ll me VOll hll "U thelll. Th c.\' hl1\, (' hll ng li p the tid · du ' tllll e IIl't<: 1' Illl' ~lllm: '1\[ ~p.. . I ~ : F' NE SUGA R . nu ,'cl" .111 invest me ll t • . th ul'l' elln be n ,)l1 l! rl ,tt.1U t., lite t o "" '.of W,,)·""Nv (lui .1 0 11 11<1 lOll;;. ',..0\1 Iu till) . N uw la <llellllll th u lt,,\\ ·, UO l!IIl l ' ,\ " .. 1; tI Sl'd , l'tc. . llc.... d 1,,11 li~ayttesVlt V tJ fJtQ. 1 hCttCI', ulld -CURED HAMS ~'n~~eeo~~il, ~:~':"loI' W ll rO' fbi. n ' er " fur pOOl' ulu J o. Un t t il e I'illl'. hw.· 'l ' ti~ r" l1 l ' I II IIS tlt"""g lo o ne uf litO"k WIII I we ' feuI c lu tide nt th c 1I 1I1" bh.rU IIII·fHI.. ,II)! 1 f1 fIY· llll N r~ hru t. ~lI<l lolI lI"dc h r l ho wholo olhv lhe.lice ':i, ,' "" . CI,II I n.m ll" III,· "l rhin e" <· W ,,"II J~ ' ,e ta ,; e n. . . IIIUIl • rOIIII·II . r wn ·1118 'J' P II~' -I Illut ~"t. ()" .• y\!n r \\" h 11 f,( U I C II I ' UI! lIgt InOWOe , OH ~ I'." urt al'" "It·.'I. lel' l lhe Tlc hu-t 5,,·tI 0118 vi' til" L.! t.'ll" 611 ' I" "' o t,,·.e "r," I('''''''' I"lve >I t till' lI ,uo CI , est U lill rl'uh fllrth c M,a m, Vllllc" II lrl :; h t"' ,,,: I ~'l h n·Wlth.II IlIl .. ", MULLI N ,\: 'V()O LL~Y . L '" :'III'OI"e. o ~. ,,\ \oJ< 1:, ce llL '. Sl' ccimen "" ~ ~ "" ,,,,, k t,,,u lI "d "' l e"~I.I " lle ,' I' I ~ fllll-t \'l'1< J to~nlh e rturpClItlil e allU rO·il1 . ,.1 hUlldrt;d ,;11.1.1\.·.. lHlJ , w\:ut.)"fh c fl!l·t tL n d fllur lu uh· Il ll rm'~~ 1 l r1l1l k!oo, \\ hl flri' Bhpl kotr', I lInd lt'u v l: rt!u~ u e'lu ll tI'Y wli ullydc - NurrlJw·G uuge Railwa y . (1IIU.UO llrc"d'). OIII froe I \oull. tl lh~'t;, ""d rut ---c. "no.", OO! \ >4 hOI hill "'" 10 fle,. 1t. \Ve l'e 'Cl'v~a rit e rivl'I' 1 III i I ~~ I vVld o f m il rlluJ C·,llU ..i... ROllct to . 1""d lllfll,.tc I'"rytlllll lllh.t bel ",.". tn lho tl , 1a.1 =;et:J"'I-9-~~ l\l ll ni cati tJ lI . l· n d I ' h." ·"·~9 t:J~1 I dn . lo l lo~ n:' N:-;.I!: R I'UULIS HI :-;I: CO, s . ~ 'l:M.WT'-1)t In~ '''''iIT>l,,''' filII,'. "' I t, li d,· . IIn,l \."1' 1)1) e l g '" lug u U " 1111 " III. Iml.rulI" · II, IroU, .-;:)Q... Il lId III ' ll"al t lo ~ ,.leI . ~ , J ~:;.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :'tt. Illi ~q lll\rl '. III \uu rt (U W1] ut \ V u)" lIe'l\ 1111..' I tit tn , and Hli llt h t: J M, to ~h'u d lO mulu rld ll III 11l1U III U Ii I1:1 se vo l'lll excelle nt CUll· '" ~ Hin.d"I". ); . H. . , !lit ·oe~ Gat l Hnd ::::::i ~. =:: 0 III ., C " 0 ~ Eo' a" MIIU r:Ou ot) o ( 'I IIl n'JI,, '~ tlH'~tt.l n O- \\ n M"' lIT-r Georgia. -I J·. M. lil1 t.1~ U II I t it olt.l l~ ectlOm;. It el'usses t he -- ('IC .ln ' ... (' r (eot gu tt "' f.'ct.iOlIl . ...... ",, 1l1f ,, h til " e) • t:ipl'l " . t r ng W &""=:2i:i " ~n ::., U 10 0·'II 1 -0 I.; U --~ .oyell . ,H II"·Il I I·d ' by L E I . IIIIUlnll·l IJ J I. k II I rl\lIle~. both It" " 'I'r l{"" . ".1 ' 1'",11 1) Il f il I ocrovel l \J\lSC. Oil \ !lUII Il. ~b §:;;>. t: t III " le • uc· I.' UI I( I .l'UID1.lI·UY I{IL l' t <or of W .. rr ·1I cllunll'. for S\·I.,ln". (:,><11 111'1"11 . !(ull Ii: ii'~ Fl G " .,.k ~-Per."" . wi,h,n~ wUII, IItIt Ie to . .1"1 .u 1 > vury pretty I' ~!I!!(~. hilt! II \" II H1lutiull I'VU J et J CV 1I,,~n !:. . t .. for t10u heir. of .J .... ,,' , " Fl , " orer. de. u ....1 II rdl·r. rep"onnll' ,1" ,, 0. Will r~1 (' 1\ e ;1111110· - I -. • ower and IlIlI' VII \' dl c. 11.'".1 a UlI Ut ~ arden Seeds , CI ; i;" ..... ~.u<l real ".llI te I"•• b en II pprll i-."t IIl1 de. , dltll c Ill/Oren" "I' IIbout :; ,OUll, ollo· hll t culo'l'cd ' ,1e\'C II 1)l1le~ Mlllth ",, I", . hr pm l""clnr" elht InJlII lhut 1- --- _ _ _ _ . I b : ~ I ~ l ~ ~ •1 ' tl STill WnllR fl;rmcr "nler. H:S and PEltH.ES, f r<'o frum do" r.• , f.. llo " ,o , tI III 1)uy t 11 Al,X£S & WOOLL EY. : ..", I :: ' _ . __ tillu 18 Ie eOllllJ lCrClll I IIlI'UI'JU III 0 1. 11 lut ·1\.Jti.c;; :\ f': ~ l' Il Kt il f'ooI l'n L('d t rll fl t ,,~ I' \I"hCtlo ut t tU' "' 11111 i ~ VII 1111.1j. S el U t lI· O . y.. J Alo t;O US. NEW BOlUS BY MAIL . J. M. HE IGl/WA Y. .,f *I ·,"(I.(WI. • e"n"d " ~ .o ri hc<l tril l' "I tI" "'G the Eml' irll Stllte of the ' '' II Lh ' i" ea,;tl! l'u Ivad t ltll ,; p l'V Vll1l1~ . -_ _ =I "_ 1' 1 · t § .. ~ f tl I tr) .:; t -1111 ' 0 • 10 ue wus au d . Ii nes t ., u'" of ~ i()U L .,t nlllUbN 11. be . autifu Iy~. itllut.cu n il tllU ~I II UI'1I111 " d el h ' t.11I1l ' i~j 1'•.'1' t lte. ehe.'l H II p1lilt. Jao@ Ds&M eimfu lwav & .·.I. IItll", "u", "f ,nlllO. fir.! IIICII!l u n · ' Work for the Unem ploye d! ~ § ~ ~~g~ ~ g ~ im prrw cd ., SO I·t8, I II cllI'efull t i y pncked t t t WLut l h,"" TlVer, 18 11,11 It'8 tn)1l\ t I10 'Jet·UIl . I1. tlu eU~~u . l:.t I.t! cnrn el IU 0 Ill! ' " 0 " r J() "I th e .UIII "I ~.!·.II . .. "I 11, 111"11nu", ' <-t::I •' , , 0.., he ,,,101\ TilE'111.S·' CI Y v Ull d pre~lli d by lIIuil. • My cvHee· H III'IUK b u"ht out ·LI. EO.·.·I .. N ,.., lor Ie,"" lllllll I\\ II' IIo irJ. of ~1I 1<1 lIi l'r. llcxt to N llW Orl call t!, is the IlIrgcs t IIJCl llllatl . ~ 7' ";;''''''!' i>pd t ' I. the j" ulIl.,· III lh 1111I ' 1101l. II Eull ioll of : Ir ::1.".;;: i I. ' I Ii s e S S =-3 S ' .., WI) v , ,,III,,• •e"I"·,,ll\ ull' . ".111 lin Ihe f"lI"w,,,, trIlWul'I'I'l el! too k tie COttOIl murke t iu tlte 8 011th, Illl d I'st , W.l1el "CO li ' " Ih u e011l1 tl'Y tl.mJ1l ~h which till S t:: pl'emiu III fur th o uest Coll 1 1·. on •. J.o·wil Om· Llmd uf Ih~ !,,,, dll" '" eotion, IIIlD of the Illrgu t ill th e wurlu ; R lIe w J'I)(\ti I'lI II S Id g Ull erally ve ry 1.' ~ 00 -'> • c: '" ~ ut the Kreut shu w uf th e Mussuc ltn· 1U,,"~y oll. b "" d I)' " I .... Ip. o,,~~thitrl ill '"W\ ' wnt " r faeilitl'e Do b0'0"(1', til e Iu\·ol. IlIllk lllll the CVll dtl'llCt lVIl eu y n. ."lid r. . E.. g, I .. " !; to fll ~ ~ c:' tillttS H Vl'ticultn ral SBO ~ Socillty , in ,,"r. "ltd uue·lhtrd III lwo )·~lIr. frolll ""ld i of n,ceipt s of c"t t..n ill 1 7:&-3 17,01 10 1\111.1 eVlll plll 11.11 " el): cheap. Amo"c.11 day I m. vI k". •• I~. li nt! tho i, ' (I~forr. 11Ie b.· d t 1''') . ,11 Li"n onvn l" Ei:: I ':I~ I .. . . . . : : '" to bW Ir 01 thu 1...1 r" .. li." 1I •• • •• !i-t \V hOll ~ n t I I II' t I :. II ;~ ilttl'rp. t from o"ld d"y of " " u. 11 1111 to bo M !' hlllt!lI. TIll! city iMhllll dtllJllHl. wcll l th ll three t!ect lul"! llI'U 'vm vS 011 , U~ 8ell~ 'fl . grow uenr I'! e· I '1hu !,",ok. 1m "11I ;II I~ rd . ,,,,d '. 11 1 ,. 11 10. g I ~ I' . • • . pluted a n " ~ 101} vlLriot ie, thtl lDost compl ete I urud by lUortgag e on the I'rl'"""," M laid ont, atrectd olusel," slllldod b v oal ly oVlIs\,I ,,:\utJll lI li t' rhe o!,l .. II lIme TIll' In.(){'hll '"CII I uec" tl" ~ .. of ' (Jq IE ........ _.... . ........ wh ole is l ~ collecti o n in th c Count ry, inclndw" ~he ~ HARI. AN . I .' II I 10, "1 '1h,' I·rl • 10 "f tI,,· I.",,·., lurre wutlJr· ulAk ~. live·uak 8 uradJ IIYV keu.1 to UU u.• It it! caillleu , . , !; I ~ r:: "" -;;!~ -::;::: ;$ ~1r lfl' W . C.. 0 Itheor 8: entB ing all tlt e !Jc w, Ilirge A merioal l wi :As \\' 1 1 . Wanted b Everyw . here. f 10 I d ' ; , • i':' li;:'" g ~:.=; e;:;!" ':j. ~ l~· . Ally , , ·t IOU ,I · t f I.'u I · . l)rl e o 11 Iutrceo! . I t I11IS t\\l'U, ~" •. lII hl.• '1l1 ICrlll' 01 .. :I u " _ lurrito ,r\ 9 , :=. ; ' cn"eIlYO< con"tllllt n,l.B.!.: 0. Il d~ l rllC c"rp thl. _"'_ en "oJ "t~n' - "''''' - ' '''' c m 1~ ~ u tv Il "un. . . . II nu IJll plll'ted kintls. 'Pn ced deto m.'''l''. lUYl''~ I''' I'UI''rJt)' Iall' on. r, U huu"o ty.four Jlubllc liq uIU'e3 plantod 9;'lllt UIII Cllllmll, III",rlcl' O ::.. :.J. ""..,.. PO" .. t VC •'.-Il by IrullI eIgh t h..a lIoq uircu \\ 111.. 11 t ' 0 I.ot Fun y ~·I'Jlr.. , tlLlI~1l I I . b'! '" "'\l: riCl'IPI 0, theso trl!\j~. gl'a tl8, t:i(HnO structll IUlve e·1J to Lwe nty 1101',,C li ll ie, t lllw li lly 'Vllb " "~· I · . ' ~;';"~·~~II", :?I~i,,~~c·,, .~,:·I.' '2:;;;:O":\ I I ~::F,~:· >-. 51 :1 !' 6 ,,~w : i3 ",r.chIIlO 3 i ... Co !tow hUlldlU~' . n., 111,\11. I u C(llltl·O. C& I'rl.age . . t .Aldo, Bul bs, Fruit Trees, ra 88Y Wli Ik' R .In ll I , ,," • ,II comid. l. Ih. HI'''.. " 'lIt 1<1 pilI'. Wu I'''n "'IVIl CU' '',,,,"r. tho IVII C 11 0 11' III eX I ~ l'lIl'e. I" ul••• "II,'" ~ I :: ~ :;=' UV$US, EVllrg l Ce li s. 25 packllt8 I Ii' 1I..1'V I'101 I 'ilL h I"'" , .. II..... ~ .,. .... .. . ( I ,o m dek .ti I -~ . rive8 0 11 eititor Blde, but they tol l'e '. 1'1 Ill \',. eyll <:o\, 1II e. P tJrt ' Y II' U IUll oL.! CCUd, 1...,., =:;;' - ;::....,;. .• .10 ::-., . , ~, :z. - 1'• 1uwer UI' ",UI'( I. ' 1 1I111 .iP • • ) uy 1\ 011; 1 111 \)1 11101 , 1 :1 0 .. . 1 iII ol .. lil o' 11. 1 " " . 1 Ut"de llul'l ClltlUn t by th o "oft oIllIlU ; lIn u J e:;u~' 1)117 1:Ic ·"ulpa ll.Y ~ Q-: O -'=~ C"':: I ' 1 Ii'- ' 21. " IInl' _1 ,,,. ".... ,0 ,,10 Inuil. I''; . -'" .C ooj h" IJ U Wo hn"e lind . h. lI: kc,·p. nne ,tMk of "" .. c 'r~ in tilet, sUlld· it! eVt'I·yw hore. It wu~ wce.tl ll"; 111.\' t.he e1l:t:tl()11 ',I.' t) ~ 1·lut l, . ~ I I . ~\l I • . I",r ,,,llI nt o $1 fin. HilI! I I ~ ,!. re[.~ t'lI·o! l . . : 51 8 '1ffl'D~ ~ Tlt<l Tille OIl)JC Ovu Omnl' first sottled by (te n. Ogll·thl Jl'po ill Il.t I' ort. W III 11.0111 0 11 till! !:,It)t 1., I01U111 I~" " gil t 1,,1' ~ . .w~ ~ 'I r"1 lerhiS elc ' l ' ~~~ ~ vt th s ~_ C' "bl'I''', I)l'~t .. urt for U .. II'lId, 1 " ' "' , E .I H \ LI ' A 8 :-1 . 1'111.. ~ 1738. It WIl8 here, in 173il lltat lII uulh. - Uldo St(t te J ou r na l , • • 17 Ilu" ... "; 1 "0" Ynrk J ttl,. '\ !l' '1:l o g; L'~,::; (") ; .. t; :::!:" iliad by uonc but fl t. t..-cl...., it i' . L\I\\II\II II . 1)1' Glll'dol.l,. . . by J ohnWe 8Itlyprellehcd h is fi;st 8B\" ... ~--.-;..~- --- \ £I =-;; ;; :;' g g >. :: ~ ~ = ~ '1 ·; · ' - L' I 5' 'ln ~~) ' \ ~ 11 kml~.::t' Amurl·. ~~'::~I~~ .... t';"t:l~ 1 v KN m NNIAL .\,AI J:.R.VAP c Aln:s. - . • m, lJu"hll'~~( ·"\I',l". .• • a<?-;; 2 ~·"6 ~ ~ ,::: mail,pl paid. $ 1I'cI'11)O, $5per A l tl tI l I U DIIA" lJlrAO = - I 1 ':'~ · ~B. !; ~ tr C ~ :; " =g "~ DnOoA I!.,A"O - E. 1.\)1)0. 'eW Foraytl t Park,eo ntuinin g 20 acres. lJulCbll k clltHIIlgue to the IC eou vclI .!lI U U .t 10 m~ rVII I tJlJ~"',_ V\l!. ~ , ''' c:. ., ;; Ii Will \IIVt\V~\J1 5."? 0 ! i 1'llde. Agont~ wanted . p:,..yIS " IC '{· AI.N l i KI' & ; l\ ·'SUMr. ' ,cDt" ON, I"" ;: . =- !:l 4 I ~V FoR ULK BY C tailliu thecen ter,nicelyke ptwalk s 8tull t • to fi x tl l~. I'IItc v l N lure:.; lUl' l --_. ~ ~l Ofli"c ,u XloI l.. "oIRll nl<U,llldl1tg. radiati ng to the sidcs alJd 10 111' cor · tllto CC·lttull ll llll. Itwll'4t dOul· I.!; 1. :~ I'lylUlI Uth. ~III S. Edtl~ul i8"cu1 8H. ! UUcut tltat . • ~. • Jll'rs bordercd with rUije~and e ve r. ru lll t l10 t en ltury ens 0 '-' ~ irA h'S I·ll.l.I :; 0 111 0 ~,-= ;;;coc :-, t. 1 ~:;: gree~ plan~. We lill gert!u ubont Toluu o, UI Cl ol,'U1d , C I'Clltl ill ll,e rUl . :-' ~ , g::;\':t;c:;~,;; CU' I 'if. f:: It1OIlwllhto IfOWV.. -auleeto relleo this lovely spvt IlS long nil tim o 11I1ll hll~ I1I~d III C III II Ilt I. 1 and \\-est 1:;' 1., "" 0 :. Trlf II: read <e-.a 1 1'" wU\lld pertuit. and pll8~ecl Ollt t v or lIurt! 1 ul (lIIcln dlll g) B • • ~. I ....; ..J ....;, / . III~ItIl IUP' 1 ~ ,nv,u,t ~D.~e~~Cl~Q\r~~ ~ }fJ]lli.'t~r·lie the south inll> au uther e Il Clo8111'e , tOil , },lllll ru. Curry, 1'Ilt,; ·.i~.";.(1 ~ ' ~ I ":·'''···'''''·''···''-·- ~ (t ItJOQwllbIObeoo':.~CommercIaIl'lorIat, where stauds th c Confed orlltll 111 In. W hoolJl I!i alld 1'IIrktlr8\)lIr~, bllrg"mni\1Tn~®1.1J lt1ll" " ~ 1'I 11'1 ' !7\,1f\\ .~ t:d -.-_, 4,~ t""' ::o cxc llr· 1 U .1'I1 ¥4DI.lll. a ;o\lQ,..l.1' l 'lll '<llUVjliJ2. o "' r~ rs- -'> r .. 1' " 'I Ilion tic ketoi to l'lti huJolph ill nnu I Ollr .took '" WAY NES VILLE , 0 11 1o. umen t eree t e d ,.lJy tl Ie .... !'i:J <:; tI". <; ;;; hue 10 Ihe larg~"t an,\ lul es it e· N . Y k c ~ ANn na.: 6.LI:tBS I!IJ .1.1. 51\110. OP .• . . \ "'·.t to \te 0 f\. J .... und dmllll.tl .. nyw bete 'rcd OOI W OII II CIUO w he u d~ • •rcd. IIImorial Assoeiutioll. w ith th e full ow , 0 \\ VI' bu I\lau~ ~o"d S. ,Z .. .. .. : ,," P 1I701l wf,~tf~:!:f7:'o:..r-0I' lur thll ty " "II .... "lid Culumbu a II . 9 cIOn. I''''ml;'tiy ..ttend· ~ ing inBeri~tiun : 'O! breath, cO lli e dllYS frvm t.I ate 0 1 ISS II O; , tll ut II orl to , lit ,,1\ I,Ulll... lind -ull. fllcllun " .. ured. 'm ' ~ . J Ilodbr eatle UlJl>lIth oseslui u. tlJ a t I'CcJ lIctl.HI. b0 1!1.1ld AM~~S f W. H A lI~ ES, 1\1 D., . e 0 not Ul ur(l ){II rcb 2I, It.l70 . ___ __ . ~:.tl ..... n _ 'I!it)'r:'1iD~'Trt~WRR \heyw aylive .' We P"SS o n out tlrnu tw.c uty Ih c per~e~ c I '"O l f-:.t;£ ~ C;'~t..:. ... ·¥ I'.:> ~ ~ - .., .'O:t.CEO"~TII": 1'"0, ;.; 1i':"' ;,_·!!; ,.'~."~;;;.. I ~ lIt. Iro ~lI l Awarded the lJighe .t Medal at~' ~~~J Peter Mend ereon . ~ " to the depot, take til e trllill lor the fOll v~lItlUlI krates . tod .l hdlldcl Il r l ' I ~ :;"'~I- ::: ~' ;JO;i; Pr!cell.&Oeaoll,t-t..paiol.bl mall. l'llIll Vienna . W·Y world renown ed Ce metel'Y of Bll' or tl'll' ti C 'els t·w II".' lie. JR I. ". 1~76 SVBI1IDKI1 ~=_~. 'I ~~.:.' Ole:: _::._' -;:: -:-:_ ~= ~_ ~ ~_~, ~ _~ ~ . Ircot routeR; nave nture, tbroe milos out. It is thut t~11l r~tcll on t~c kutti OV ColDblDod cawope for In. of BE~"r t u Ph!IIl' E, & R T, ANTHONY & CO., - ~ EYE RYT HINC ' 0 Otti,·" M t certal' uly one vi the lovclies t spots dell'hll Ro"ill. n.... 5 ifn l B 1'0 a i 1way, ~r by tb ol wa sa 1 N c0w t 1 Ul'kI , III'etnrlll 1'0.. ,.• • b t ng ].. t'1C l ' ol'K, r in the world- pecul iaI' to itself d II ' > .. ",,:<;- "' :. ,,·.. ' .....111 ... 010... I .,~ ~ ' 'li ~ 11 °tl u 0, II III t e ' \0 OJ. -, C !;'; c. :: !$ I (I PI" M alone; loog ave nues urelred ovor· 0, Ul'S. m ol'o "lropolii on HOle!. pi ) lU ll t Ie. ~'ates" I I · Ma•• r"".".., ........ n ...., .... Dlla'.... I. :'9 I ;! ~ head by titll long brnueil os of Ih c u.dolphl ll by Ihe d ll Uct ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~: CIH~0110S AND FRAMES "t I't•• to a .. AlllltI ••"te. great live·oaks. from which tile I~n ?, and that tlt~ rut~d on v.1' short ckllts t<\ S " • Oer1.:r.m ' aot...ledcataJ....... of ..... my moss hangs in wond erful pro. 111l11l~cll'lJI~ via. Ncw \'~Iol'k . Office a",1 R tlO jdo l ct' , 1~~ ;,.rl "4 QUEE N CITY BAKERY .nd /'14"'. Dumberln.,1& p:f:;.114 COlI' fusion in heavy festool1 s. It is said letlll:nlllg Vll~ R u lrcct or dhort ~Llltl l TEREOsCOPES AND VIEWS; oJ •• 11110, _____ _ ___ ._ I :~~f.::!':.""!r~~..=a~ ~!~ one of the lIloat wonde rful or vwt) verSlt. shnll he 0 11 0 . d vllur ~Ib(il(!!)~~ ©lR?~:P~@ij!>[g~ ~ M"nuf"clll tc.1I11 kind. of Dr 11<1 & C"k . to L_ lXl ~'Jll(l'fi'~® ~ ~MW~. =~ 8eDlto III OlllldOllNCOlplol 110 F~ I I ,IT b d A YNt-; SV1L LE, groves of live·ouks in tbe worlu - more t I<UI ti e ru teB y Ii dady fur Wu) lt c"vill oll lt<l lh• • urrljllllolilll( l.. ·f ~ !reet or II cllI'htKtrlw Photo graph od. Sl'.,d~1 lc Mat attention is • gj,'u 1 n 1 \ all looking Il8 if draped in \U nurn · ishort line to Plr iladelp h ia ~IS 'CII E-< .~'\-. S ••"I'11 W BRO\V:"-T. t(,llIrni, hing' . e ria 8. ",.,.,~ inginr espect fortho e who s loop I C HEAl' EST M Ud IO Y ET.-W - Co H CAKE S FOR WEDDINGS o ure We are Hea.dquartors 85 Cortlandt Street withi~ their cV~1'~n8 tiug ~hadow il, in receipt of tho second nnm ber ~f STEaEOPTJO~;~ ATTO RNE Y AT LAW . of &>olD Mild gIves the VI SIWI' an lIluufiuu· 'P orry 'tI Mu sicill A _'!7J NO 1'.'1 R Y P UB L I C. Uubi uet ,' u uc w AN D PARTI.E S, L .aIlTE'D'!.BS .AGIO THE MOST CONVENIENT! :rOBJ[, bJe feeling of SIlUIICSS . Its beuuty c lI ectioll uf' Vocul uuu In ~.t: ••• ·a 1\ ..... lin .hurt nolice. 1 ..1"" keep trumcu . . Go "'4' . - - "'AW . ..: ""~., .. II,. OH.~._ _ i8 beyond deseri(>Ttiholl'd b It t I ta.1 Mil ie, cOUliistiug of 2<1 puges, M'(JIIO~f':~;:':~~".',U;~~8..O:~:'. =1oM~ From here to . Ull Ill' 0 , wo or ECON OMIC AL ~ MISS p ieces RiCHIE R. EBRIG HT, which publisb ed ill I!ITItIlI/ at ..11 b~lIr~. and" ~upply uf O.PA .. O...... t.!O~ • I d ' DUrtA . ~: 'woulu cost tuo BLE =: ! " 8um OI.IAD"I!.lJR..T"'IIJ111t. ml'1 ea turtlel' own th e Vernvl1 rl.v, sheet Ivrm TW .. T .... O ..T.ClO.. .... !E~... O'.II.O PT.(JO - ... ' .Bakell 'bM lI liJrtl .Bl OlllT i ll Plano-Forte Musle Te.eller, Staple and Fane, ! Groce ries er, quite a plllCe of resort for plea· 3,05. By s!lud irtll 25 cen tti :-.:::: to A"I'O ..... ~.. , lure Bookers in tbe warm SUUllOe r J ohn F P r ry ~ Uo ('3 . Chraoale _ _ _ _ _ ".the' an/JI.t "lit tim e, awl lias f lO Ens, sld W or ~1I\ill I Jree OH00L \ . . LANl EltN. ur FAMILY Tho ltitthe.t !li. rket I'rl<ll!ll p.nd. in .... of - _ fnIIIII' 0.1 - . - . . '. ' ' ' ' ' . " ., a I' w~w .. l!I!iv.., •• I!, 0 ....,. -PEOPLE ' LANTER N. LA~1'KlllO . e'llUlZ ./01' Bilking B/. ad an ", .. months , spend au hour, lind return i flgtou stl' 'ct, BUliton h or trude. \ .... q - _ I e ...... _ ..... !trIM LIoI. d , you w ill r E ach . 1,:0 being the b . LoC II. ..Iau iu tb. R ---- - fur Ooulltry Produce. . t to the city. Tbe climate is fill e, and eei\'c a copy uf th is work. WM. a. ·TII ... DALIl L 'ii ~~~~ ~~~00 fl..1 ]:. m.l kel. for many invalid s js conside red bet· O(lfJ mg. CUlfJU .Arl. _ -Oul.logu. ! o( I.III1Lorne and ltdes ....!lh • . ... Iii. . , 8t:rletl ad PriDe. to DJ--JI I-don wr thau' farther 8<lutb. · . Mr . . tl nd . Mr . J . A . Uri p in II lre 'Iion&"or 1I'.IIIf: l!en~ on ·aVIIIlClll ioD. II u . a IX IBIIOluw n lot l1lit We all enJ'oyoo our8o; vurn he re tuvuu d elrghtll nery .one. e'.Q i)tOlln bl li I'urty to a ullul- 1 AOYCII Ll' I'11rI.. n·ltll1 n can m.•~ e m ODtl,r to Dnrb-r nll:\' First- Class Piano s & Organs ,.;: b=" 4 • lllA IW JI'AC)(III1lK ODT . ~" ' . ~ ""~-'t I . 1 "lid .. ~I.. WCI'C I I more tS than ~!OJ pleased With M ~it LIlnto rD. ~ U r 0 1 t lelr young 11·lonl .. , u. M , Iw,lI,. XEN IA,O HIO. .. WM , RE8 0R·· thi da,d.-. .lwt'd"Y. II.&IlMI _ _ ' I O C 0" .' ' ·.ne. . , __ I', Uto " t l .." ," ..,I, .. ,11 ~em.nl l or .... ClIo lEI I!LIIIII 1IIIm, 811\' &1111\1 . .. ~ ~tIlIII .,.""."" .aT.. L/..L -0'. n!'<in:" lJ'·CIII lIg. A 1m • ..v~"'W Ql "'~, Tet l rln" fff ..... fh~ 11 - . Wn I ~I~.I. r .\1 , 0. IIIft\1ulIlI'nl ~ -&llDed a lld "I·..i~d JeCQho "" - be 51\1 - 1 III In n-- 0..1 t .~." lIT... " . " · · · O.,le . Ill. , 11 1.1 "I II! t: W. F.J.d,hl WK"I1....' ... 1I.l'C'h 11. l •
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A Ja"an (! Latly's Re('lliltion Nod lay (Wedn08day) tho Prmol' :rb Waslungtou correHJ>ondonL of th e mat!e 8 r eturn VISIt to tb o oblofs of RtLluI Lomsvill (Jourkr JOImlal "ntee Mou wuJ pur N ,.bbar and K"pwlthulLl Illld da.y evqp.wg we ItJUl tho Dovel spcctnele opened n Sahli rs Indus trial ExblllltiOIl of II tiny Illdy , 1\ Dnt.he of J II1Wl silent,. ut MOOIUl Meet On rhur8l1uy ho vllutod l:v roool\'1ug IW I ontertnluwg tbo beau UlD Ml\baraJab ot uahmere.t J UOlOloo mond oltho Natloual Ctlpltnl of Am nea It WII6 nIter rour when tho Pnnce milt! For 8ODlO ycart! J n)ll\ll hili! been M8IDlilat hl8 (lXli froDl Bntiah Inchll.. nut! outer (\ lDgmorolWdmor Wlthth Uwted8tat.ca the State of J IlDlmOO 1\8 Ule glU.1I!t of th e We lIT flnttA.ittd by theIr adnllrnilou of Mollv.rt\lllh o[ Ot1ebmoro A.'t-t\Ov n tiI'll B our republiOlW IDStitutlOIlll It we may Judge of lboll nlltion by tb EmbM8ullI and tho j\fiDl8teril to th18 countrr, we roUllt pronolUloo th(lm vary h08[lItabl IWd appro(lll\t.ivu So far we hav tohem Ttlllned amI Wlth all UIO IJl8tiDO'" ot ladice nnd gent! mlUl 'Ihoug1l II oy boar 80m reaemblanoo to the ClIID08{> thor nre OVId Iltly I~ fo.r more prolP.:OIII!IVO nation Mr nud Mndnmc l:clIllnd/\ th prtl80Dt repreacntuhvea of Japnnl, have been 1U tb.i8 country two y IIrs While the 1'I1lD18ior and his 8ocrot...lea havo from the Ilr8t worn the modern gentJe man e drQll8 tho btUe wile ollwg to tho nob ettdl'1i Ilud loose robea of h er conn trywomen until she IOUDd h orsoif eo mlloh tbe obJect 01 attention that, through tho medium of n faehionablo lady of WlI6h ng ton, l\Ir YOIlIlIda committed hlS wife to the mer y of a French DlodlSte If aho could only xprll88 herself 1D our 1llllg11Age, lt would be lDterestlDg to hoor what wero her 8008I\\1on8 when first bandaged m oorsots tie books and 10nK baaquee With whalebones at Otory fl()nm Sheloob like It pl\tienh 8ubDlI88IVO htt.lo eresturo that would novor ory Ollt undor anI 8pccleB-of torture J U8Ii like a.1l AmorlCllll mllrtyr {lId 8110 stand for hours lD n cold draught Mon day mght and oJ.tend her hand to eaoh peNOn who outered tllb h oUllc Her husband hM lenrned that the lliCly of tho hoDtlO 18 lho Ilrst lU ImportBn of wllEln tho vonmg \8 /lOt apllrt (or rUBt.ivltloa MrB Copron, who hved &orne J onr8 III .rap l1l, .\Dd Mrs Kilbourne who hl\8 boen m08t kind to tho lovely !HUo womBD ell8 tRmed h or 1U ox tending Ule hOfl}JlulbbC8 of the legation Mr YOfiluda. nnd IU8 llOOl'eiary both 1I1)(mk good Engllsh lind wa.nnly wolcom ed their guests Bennt! ful flowers wore plnood aboui the dlffcr
ent roams. Upon cnterlDg tho front door Y0l1 were struck Wlth the dlDllight ID tho hAll A JIlplWIl8Il hwkTn oocuplcd tho llJaoo of tho chnndeh cr lor gas Sliver 8conCC8 with wax eanclles hmghtoneu the effect While the house 18 one or Ollr modem IItrnOturos, and upholstered oooording to our Id_ of olepnee yolo lD IDIIIIY plAOOa t.hero were BpIlolmens of JBpaDll8Il art. The COVill'll lor beds, tabl<!6, lIud !.be ornn mentB for mD.rott08 IUld stands whilo grotelllque, wor very nch and hau(l IIOme The supper WI!B ono of Lhe most sumptuous of tho 1IOIl801I and the table WII8 brilliant WIth ail vcr and flowers The dlplomahc corps wi 0 " oro all prell ent, tho membom of UIU Oabwet llUd thOU' WlVIl8, J Udg08 01 tho Supremo Oourt., and n f W llDomc18J poople com poeed tho company All It "'116 a dlplomatio aJrrur, overy diamond that tho I&diM poIW_ 1 llIld 10 1>0 dllll'lnyed
B. K. BLlII ..
IT i.I "eTf fortunate for the ooneumel"ll of - ' that, lU order to mallll80 land, ,.,... are oblicod to k P (lItU ,&heap. .,..., e&c • and dth an lDcrease<l qUAIl tiQ of ~. l boijevo th& 'WouM btl aD i~ m lbe oth r productions o~ fvm. b1 whioh &he Q(lI\..!I1lQlOJ'll would tM"DtJu.d. - .£0ftc4Oft Aprlcullllrni
TRE I:lorg lut-ut-Arnlll of tho H Oll! ( of H nt nUTuslmrg hllvlnS \) ell cnll<d to IIUOOUllt fOI (JurDlltllilg BIllOklUgiJI tho lohblCH Iud comDllt teo rooms III dIrect VlOlatlOIl If th ~ low cot1 fO&~p I th It tho r 110 broko llOWI1 bo CfllltlO thoro ,,1\8 not n 8u Uicumt pubho Opl1l10n III the 1IIU10 to H'L8tmn It lWprCl\Oll ltltl~
l'iur cd "1 a Cat. Judgu Roward., of Presoott., Arizcmn who hall been rec:enUy BICk WIl.8 nttend tJd all through hill illuCIIII by his iavonte cat 0DllJ8 and ODO d", wheu 1u8 attondanta w ro lAter than UIUa! lU bnugwg him his food, lib became very Ulleat!y, and went out 'and caught a mow bird, whiojJ lIbe laid OD the bed OOsld hIm, and went Ollt to look fo r l\Dother but "II'6IJ ll118uOQellllful When eh roturned be bad !*Jden tho bird, !\Dd 81t seomed deligb~ with the Iden thllt h e bad
r 0 Do,.N.
Thcrtl 18 overy mdicatlon that kn breechcs IlUd tuck ups sllk 8tooklJIgti I\DU powuorod WIgs, are oommg m With the Ccuteunial rhe women ore bonnd to look WOUlD the whIte hrur nud pntcbet< but my mmd 18 mlloh oJ.erClfled nbout tile m n 8 logs I\Dd t.ho sort 01 figures th060 dear creatures will out I knew of one man who n vor kDow what a prlz ho !wIlD bit. legt! till In tho forolgn laude ho WIlDt Into tho OOurlr81uts The domOCrllCY of this country is chielly ob~eo bonab]e to him on acoount of the retiroment lD which th060 leg!! mUllt hve, anu hi8 heart clanOM With rond emotIon B8 h" thinb the OentenDlal year WIll gtve thOllll splendid I 1$8 .. ohnnoo. On hl8 8OCOnnt I reJolco but alas what will become 01 the Imook \m_ bow I 8" tb !Ibm sbaulul ot tho lP"ent mp.Jorlty Tb re 11 be no holp but 1JI anll so 016111 are beyond tho help 0 pade - N. y. (w 6't lhuff R-flPlIbllcan
Tu H on GroonbllrY l!'ord 8 bIll pro 8Cl1blDg a llno of 8100 lor each f emD] bnfllllo killed by oDy persoll who 18 not an Iulluw nuc11\ 8UDllar l'MOO for every mBle bnffalo kill d ov r land abovo tb o number n(lCl'll8f1JY t~ BI1pp1v th I\ctlllU wllnt for meat IR a atop III th ngb t di rect:iOn The wholeN,1 81nllghter of hllr Ialoes nuu other gtUIl an th UDlte,1 Statee- llde fllir to lei! V the pramc8 ten IUltle88.
WESTWARD HO! rt n U rl
Dli l a
I MI• • o rill
fir fl ut1 roal
r I TtI'! .. , er I tHMt . . . "cr tt or t1 n bul l " Knob l r.llan It t n 1o"." IN Lru k. (or tU\1t! 00 Tt:N ,"a"" tin ~ "orl 0 I, .. per CeD t lulen ' L8 r. 6 dl,co DI fo.. CllUlh and Improve D .n t.
(all on or ad Ire..
Ilr l 0 lIEO!!, IU John Se., Cincinnati, 0
lruMorp~~~ HabIt U1~1 InteIDVBrance
J 0<1 I) ....~I hy DR IrK 8 ~tnll k o.. n .nd II 1 dl .NO C;UARot ,or U""UDoM
U III c .... ~
( ,Eo nU R L OIID of W st J\[ I8Il mot IU8 d eath tho oth
Hoxbmy r tIny lU 1\ mORt extnonhnar,Y IUllllUer H o got n PIOce of lIlool III IllS tlno It Ilud ,vas 10 n f.lll 'vny to choko to lenth wheu It doc tor pulled It OlltWlth ruilfingor Tholl" current of .m began to Clroulnt.o botw II the IIklU all I fl oah pnJlIDS' the mnn UI veil to hili flllE! I'I! I\Dd toes IUld oaU8JUS him mtenac peun Be 1$00U <lied n(tcr whIch his body rCHurnod 116 normlll 81Ze
_ 3' Oarelanll, N V
HARVEY B , OLr ~I EX\, L.--- . TMBER ·lH.
, I LLK OJ flO.
fBER 559.
four wOIIl,1 "\t 'r 1111.... 'I'h." It"W,'"I , IIJ l\l qltlllj:t 11I1lI1K.IC U.'.. I<1., h('r. " 'V("U I T ('lRRE!liT U ' fAIRSo OC'C311l mt.'OlIfO IIIIWW tlnR [llulu'r 'IIPI}OI\(l it " '1111 • II PKNUTnal1"T ··J. I. I·.·.g.g.l.h· I·u, .. "p I'UI'\1 .1ullll JtlU "'1\ (lI'hll'h 1 cI.),,·t nJmJt), t hl' I nz.. j AT~~nALr Tit r.ult nut adn , 10" uo(1f1ntaDd. 'fn:l:JlX 11.1'0 (,Ight IJegrocs ID Oongt'<'M Bencb. wo ul.1 Ill' " UUI'!\ ,ui till " .. tn.,.' Il mlllh I'r f (lOl'l bl])<'d palOl 10 , . . II bol" "Wroug, " RlUd [r. 0<11<'; IUlII.John, .. Slit il bit . it nld lie you",. I IV n~ to th h1'lDk ~ aud ouly ou l erman, u~tnvc Sew leb· 11111 II Ill. n' r In my banll. Iilld Dot much golcl. (lrofjtf n llll, (r.... k~d hi~ " yolr tho "U.!:'I· YUlI ·r, . 1\ "plt'ulh] ftp',l1 r. It.,\:, u ~ri"11 l1ow('r tlnll aru f t~ (>1', of 'f0Xlll!. El\ch of U.. , tOI,rro.. •• m lll.titon. 1I0W IfOrt. ,I,." t Iwtt , 11I,"l I um - whou ') ou llou t t<J m IU ou~ 0 I>T. U16 Repuhli I pnpel'll of KIlRMS " · I",U<l1 00 tl"",I1I1Io••• "1,,,1 "nlll" ),0".1 DllI ~" • W,18 "urI' of Il pri...'J. 'l 'h(' '1IIl' Lioll 1I1l". 1111 , III purl'll . It!!! yo ur right 1<.1 h r"l'l"'<1 tll ' CO~Utl 111\\ llooillred m lavor of lb no.nullll· " It, ll' 1~~~:(lnl ~:,,[ to~::t.u rt r lb_ "" wbi h hJ'><~, I'd mthl'r I" """<lud "fwl') u ; IIIJonld felll C'~,tuIlI) all' tion or Sl'nlltor Ingnll!L for VillO Premo (110\ lOll "" ' UII, b) Mr. h.. b' Ml .';duI\lHtp,1 hill 1'Il1I, IUIII r('lllly I lI oIUJ- 1I K1'(~IL 1I,06J ruth r r. 1'11 1Yljl1l' IIO\: ICt~. ,1etlt. Th. b' I" 01 )l'lIr ~. nl" Ill . 1'1 ,,,•.,,10 ,I ,II. i l'roull II froUl hi!! po<'kl' L II ,1. mlly hrLlI' 11\ '1"' 1' (" r~;( t Il'hllt " '11 .h.1, 1 "'- IlOl I' r , I AI;.ra~ll'h II v TlUIJ>CRA .H 8OCI<'ty II a uoy I pilln .. • '0' uw. h"llbl. hn~ h l " "'IU 01 I.. uur"ll/u ~~. \ olnu1I', lllll of wbut II 'Ill rtRmlut w(lul,l hul .1 " II \lllgllt III III" thr ' H. ClI gf 'tI, ' I'll( Y ' I • lUg In boou orgamwd III Uhi '1'1... ()f .~fD 'Hlw" I. ta nh:t.\ I' JlO n N1'-1 , I cnl l-' c r l') lt'rR." bu.! WOlt UrYllrtv un .1 , u lllUl1 t tllk\" t. 'o 1J]14 H KNA me mbers lIfO pI dged, II thoY"'IMh to ~;:~:=.: i:':II~:;~". trijll <lllp. 'l'h l\(Ird ' lwnzom",I(l'\I,.1 .. \ 1'1'.\ '" II. III'lIlI ItIly. hlN l'yt'R Itgltt \ !I:'n ~vlH) bold d n ok, m no CIII!O toO d tJuee d M n lui "'1111 ~, ..." .",1""," . ""1 11,, ,It.o,. ..· II , ,' too IlIl101J for 111m. Ouly 1 "'y 11I1t !\III I v til/: llJl wllh 1111 ",hi tW1JJkl •• " I "II. .Irot lIulg Ir Rr h 10 rlnnk lL • N.) . lalk n, I .. I .1) "'R. " (/ 11 . n I.U ""IIUNt . w. r 'left. '1'1 \(1 UIHlItlJJ" hdll ItH hI. ndl ~lIt It ull 011 1J,.hUou, Mary." I~., I ~:8 r~:,r;' 0 ..I_S.' . ~A"_ • Th o lIlIl .1 hI". ",. .,. I""u rorJI IIHul 1111 Ilrllt UU aud tJl('U lit thllr trlllwpit gr W H rv re,l J II tuko It If _JIJU II tl '1'1 f Eh,ul'nti,w'.: "1"' " "' . IIU\ ft,," .... nutllJ ~Urll10llut II worelH wlll hllUlllld.,tl OWIl It 11i l'"rln(,rHlll p WIth mo. 'Yh,\t'~ 'rl J lCor~od" '10 IIIIIUiihlnl' _tnt I.bnw~r.. I lij}' ·, 1 t "A I I ,. f 1 f t tu or r )Jll Aud In IbNr I, ... Ior.lIl) arm< I"I'['Y ...d brillhl " .... Y' JCl ut t 0IlII IIlH ruo.... ,'arK. (' u.)t1gu nr 011 I i on,," s I or ,~o - til I tl S:~~:I~i~::;; 1mb """"1"" tI.l ""I It ~ at su<,h 'ntICd I1Il Ull'1l1 tlmt nuw ly pl ..... t .. r !!T01l p8 pllrliouJarly. I'll C\LU th :1 II b'l "'hilllll Look I..... ~~~ • • :,n. lol,iO:; M..:.!... UCrYOII win tolo dny. Out of th 'oruor • n.·r'I~I' .. ' llllUO If you'll CIllI it youn<, \0 P lO8Op ~o m ore "'I".... I of lilA oy l' Iy HI"" tho UIIHh roto Ilnd lLntl- lf you h, t \11 , call YOll mllle. 'Yilllt IVllII vlllgur to pun, 1)... ,11111. <,"0 , I\,.'C)J II un l[ay'!S hN~k.8 flUJ her 1I.tI"t'MI el,) you III) ' · l\1l1ry ! I.u·t lh .. t Ilbont I lh!(lHty to r sUllie t;la ce lOU I n \ *, 01(1 IlO ll.flr, I fl ln lUtl jll Iv" ': I \ .. • , I I " f·" I • pillton u f Im:tol l,iollLO )UU ' • OO\!lI' nn(l )lIU h 0"" " ul Jer. I' '",IEI ,ud "1 , rill"" wIth 11 .~· lIf,. It , hwb" ,II" h. r 01,..,. g ·ttlll~ fiust('rcc1, lU Iluother UIOUWllt I 1<1 lp~ Jn ry lu"l tl very ~ trouR , k ora .- orne The Alld ,,",,0 ,,- blu. 1'11110 11'00' 11,"r Ix'D'I.~. '>Pro Ilh wonlU bloudllr. Ihldenly II gIll - ".,,,,,u II I JII .. I"·,,, for 111111 bh...lw(1 Irem. J o. /'nnlllTRYMD ...... Last 1ear ~,OOO case8 wore • *10,000, gold, per Cr. d , roua In11.lllltlo took po IOU o ( lulU hl ... ,\ luLir "wII 1\ tlwn ih' pnt unt on TUt: II l lANt: ...,- THK AD· th lllvil courts of Y1o d , IWd ll.dol\' II "dda to !tis JUlonl ~.:"'~~r(I~~';:~ Q".en Sh CIlrod'lIO vory m n"h for Ilill! pllUtl,'r I11111 Ii III/II CU) 10 lill Y. IIllllthl"!DIm. w ' ci 81'0 @o frequont toot, to pr vout 1U101lm, nJJd ho 00011 m (wners aro 0 part 01 pod Ati~U•• OLJI)~ C,'k ..I .. lthl h. bloo..,."r th.II'< r,l· thw gl \Vhy not fur OUl'O gl\' O lJJ, 1111,1 '1'1 ... , ~..lllllly II.. s llf.IJ I n to tho 1m I Au n'1ID11ll IlIItr 1.~: chop bll8IDeM8 from neoumullltlllg, tbe J\1Ilgrll by wrltlDg I1nt1 l ~lltunug. Tho He v. Dr. m or.IIIY· - 7'4 ",I'IJ<IU/t , t h tl COIlt..' lIt to 00010 !jilt 6('coud Y It 1lI1 ull'lllllliul1 of Ult rt'llder.- JIa rp r', p",g FllggolR IU 0 'V( dl800 r d 110 , <hsp066 of '"UtH IU bnuchC8 of tWllulyor H t'p worlh, or t bo hureb ot tho Dis ,\ 1I0 WI , l'oU 01 ration- Eating an OJII !lIpl!'H, IV"" In r"lJ('lpt of II Blltrur, ol '1lAACrl Ihrollgh Idl! 1lllJJI1,u" tl 'Lqh, 1lll,I l i'! ;nt nn (ortnlJll\.o l AIM r, c, lod Iw,l april UJlrty. 000 p"r IlUlIum u util mooutly. rbe I tay. tnr 8WW. A sl't:I, LINU MA1'U II. rOHulution \\llIIlAkau. run lly lilt. I""". MO~I~ I~~ coFPIllVl~'m IT lJIpmbllWo thflt Ilt IlO <1istllUt lIllY Dr. Mt<JIIH, of tilt Church of tha 1'11All old thcnt.or gOOl' ooys: "If orJ'iu "runtaw lluh " gil vO 0 111. Mr. A"hL! UN re'ueh. III pl~' Utili ' nu ~~, ..,phll . 111 J1.8 IIc tion will be taken by Cougr lookm g Til laUlJl8 w r Jllat hg hWtllll tho '1'0 tit uutx:lIUd .r!·, tolllHhm lit 01 Uu" \0'''''011 , ulluu<l, I~ beiug luugh lus hOilu nI 111111 )'IlrMl'd ~!:::mo to tlbla ( tl t to thll formal op IIlOg of tho BllLuk alllt! Itrln1K, Br')l'klYII, roc IV08 a IlI\lary of bllblCII hat.! IUJY ' use, ther Dever wOaY T o\\'IJ fiwl ~acb tin r Occtor ,101111; III! tb Illlllil'nc, HIlY Pl.lIulm rullO 1111.1 10 , ,1,,\ , IUII I .. u e,1·.1 uUU Il Ul, too - th"t l"'lt , wh to t I J gro 111t1t :r~ 1\ 0 1 I~ to wi lite s<'tt.lcrs. Tho HubJect IS UOI\> 8 \0,000 pcr 8JlIItlln 110 WUll oflior d an tako tb,,\[ mothertl to mRti.neeIJ." boot to m~UuOO tb dlSJuile..! glatt. I of 6(1 ,11 II th "or,l thUti .. p ·o·o t II.Y .11< II plO}l1 w,' IlIIl1.t b om morn ~iolple IIro soon r VIVU l~. _..... «:II' hI t 1I11L1" r aOlltlld erotlOu by UI Sonatortl, atlvlluOOl1 su..l1\ry by .. \1 0 of tho N II' York To U8 roon, IOllp year balls are ~ ailvor. TIIl1lludwlloo " 'oro IWKlmbhug t-u. k·e." III '"lr h",t(· I ( thill hnll b 0 BInd. 00 ROOllcr rtJ8Blll U \lUO OUljUt l1li lRtl I j{"pre&lnlAth ll11d DuloguWII Crom tbo Cungrl'gl\tloulll ohllr b KHOmo bm • lIg'o. olljoYlIblo, for It ill RO nice to "/Ihab 0Ql' buL WIIS lIIauc('ll to r'mUJU WIth lus all hy two ;wd UUCI'8 Bullllld tu g rooll 'fllero WIlli II r IIr o t IlIIl g bt.·r m wi lich thwlI yl'lI"" IIgn, It wOllld have mndo JJO 8tllll,\ tho onlltrymljl~ Jl{°tt.hekiill'~lw W.'~tern Statt.... nod 'f erntorJt'H, ant! n l oot'" whilo tho lndi08 "foot the Ihab." OlirtaiWl wbloh hid 'lhe pllltform a dozou every ono JOUJoII m(l'opt th" b;' wlltI"fl'll Imp l e-Hllm 0 11 01 ,,"'o pl . God pr PIlr(lS Imel Vile, and 8ll I ot 0 " S. Willi phuJ will ~h0rUy bel d uvelopotl to IIl1tlUrl' l·hurgt'. 'I'h R oy. Dr. UudUIgWu, :li.so NATunE t6krs n plaID bnmao f _ aDd OUo of Ih,' bORt kn \l'n of Broo klyo plUl hays IUl.l 11ft mony sulK stood bolllnd " Mall' ]I,' r wOIllI' rmt'llt 1.lI!ted hut IL llI'o plu'R lWllrlll (or lIl" H ,·,Ia of truth. IUl yellow Do~, w eJ? tfym~ ~ / ' tho noocKllllJ'y legullotioll. 80tH 8we,·t thollgblR allel kindl;y impmlablo on wlnoh woro pl>l'Ctl thl JlnzC8 , m Olll(;l1 t, chMl'll by trllllJlph rulll pl'Wl Uw fa rm er pr~pflrell til(' soil (0\ Ih I:IO Ctly, "?W I • b 1I017b IUl xe RUI (e· 'fIlE 'l'urkish Qovernmellt of! rs tIll I ttl"' , roo('h OR ~10.(}(J() p('r nuDIlUl. 'l'bo nt wo rk npon It., Illld It growlI mto a lofty Cor wlll·It tho" " o, 0 IIbout lu compt·t o III Inrt> Mr. Atill 111.IIlt tl tho .. UUlotl "1'l'LDg KIlO" ; Imd ho hM beall pr<,plllIDg 8tro~ed It. 'rl tJ t nnm08ty to ull tlle r bels who r IIlrll to H,·v. 1>r. Morgnn DIX, tho ncotor o( bOllU\;) . l'rllllty, t ' u 1\ "11 ' 10,000 por nnnum. • gr('s" In 1ll'1 111m , tll ~ I Olyll lIud U10 pM.yoo.r I ra/ -l\l cil l\1JI wo IIOC In W mJly 8 (or. the grt'llt ~pJ Ihug mlltch- 1I1l ,WOll t l~'fn or t .vo b y mlJlf or t IUJ, I "Iu T of R Good 'l'b11lg thOlr bomes WIthin a month, (md flll'Lhrr B tl hitS t,\O or Ulr tl R.'-'IIHIJlnIlt, who roAN old Illdy roceutly direoted the atwbloh h",1 "" U\'IUI\('\l lJuxbury 011101'8 glrlJ:! t:rowIlc.l rOl1l1l1 III I JlIIlI elJRMWr. aUlI l>rORKuro of bUBLD Btl, IIlVO 00 J U I'ropOHOI\ to 81 ve tb m tlJo meruJll o( Ill. 'o\\'(l fmlll 1,000 to ~fI,OO() f'nch. '1'110 1.0 llA oontor, blHl /!t,t tim He" IIJg Ill r·1 ~ .. rill H'IlI gll\ll, 1\1I1I"Y, " SIlI,1 Hny, fur tblfl ROOd of uoccs8I\ry truth. Let It A ~i 1:IIYSICJlt: ~~:: !~t·upou 811mJUg thrur UlIURI occupation8, and to !\elll or nUlJ\lIu'r of St. Pllul'8 roeel\ OS touMon of hOI hU8bnn.l to a pair 01 twiDl, romarking, M 8bo did 80, .. How muab in a flutter, ILIltl (,Im so<.l W ebstor'll lind heartIly t kJ\own, th 11, to nll ot U8. thut we . IYSIOllU1 W 0, ~ d k d r obuild thmr d el!troyed bQIl.8CS nnd 810,000, nIh I Ius nSI:llstllnt $ 1,000 The "Ar YOII, n'ly ? Thnt's goot! of JOIl," I must g t nloug wlth leRl! (''Ofltly Cll.rpets, Ius bnck, I [I~t ro:;~8~ ~t: Ll~ bc~:l' churobcs. It would be dilHcllli to tlull Ite v. Dr. W 8toll, for mlluy yenrtl "!,lISt th 00 two ohil,lreu do look alike, eape. Wolf\:oster'Rlhoti naries to t/lke tem(ll}r~ My rnuk, WIUI Ul0 yOllUg people 01 tlJ abo MId. Her cllcflkK w,,\' flllsh o..l Illh 1 1" 85 CXP;~1l8IV Jurruturo, IC89lnxunOIlK e hooriN8 ~ g tl Vii~i.vor, h Ireh II Inll parallel for thll.~ oxtrnordinru'Y li l). th p natt .r of St. John 'R Churoh, rec IV(IS oially th e ono this way I" toWD, cur tho most oOlhraUiIlg workA m flXCltomont, ber OY08 b/?nrlul',l bAoom· I ~tIl'r<>l1ulUngs 111 our homeR. Our worn n tlos urh~ thO t 11 h ul'(l n ~und ""ohty III tho biRtory of r hellious IU 5 10,000 BIliary, nud hll8all fUIlIlsliLllt Rt A IIlwno, down UJ Louirriana, _ 1D th English lrUlgnllge. IUgly. SCI' rol olll Indl 8 we nt homE> mnst mlUlngo to 11 wIHI (ower dr6Rl!CR, vnr( . loug a G ti 1 hnstinu tates. $4,000. Tho p::IHtor who offimulOR lLt houled up for steahng booon, /Uld pn'in n Tho priZ1lB wor lJ.tre ill nnmber. N o. lleclllrlllg !lUlt "renlly, \lOW, MllI'y Al v. r 11111,1 tint! Urn1l8l'1Il0l1l!< lDor lit homo \\Del :rp~ B. ne~t:It.lmnd~har'~ hUl i:\{l't;;!?TIIlt foll Owing New Yorkortl hnv nu Tnmty Chap I "II! 0 rocoi ves $10.000, lLnd M a deroJl8O that he was told by hia po1 W8II of oourae thnt m C\'llAblo" gOl'8 WM 'most a Itnnd60m' girl. I:;llo look,:<.1 It,a.~ O~~('tl nt t ho ,?pcm alld WIdely her· I 1M rung, Her~na JoE!IU'lJJ fl\vonowl incomo of over a milhon n year: Alex. hM Olle or 1110r /IJI.~I'ItnntH. '1'h Rov. lttl Cft.1 fn onds tblLt now, M he bad the group," whI ch, for unknown ro11801I 8, 18 as pre tty tiS 1\ pUlk ",t.b tlJl~m flggu1'8 Ul AI ,}!, .. IUJltlllee. O,·uti men mus t c nt tion to 6 110 iz a sg ad wlllc~ ruulor T Stowart. the Vlwderlnlts Dr Chapul Illso r. IVO/l $ 10,000 slllo.ry. nght to vote, be must take .. sidell .. always 8 I('et..·d lIS 10wllJ:d for (l\mm)Jloll h.'r'lrllla. It WllH " PIty Hbo ~\IIH ~(, d uU t,irlll\t thell portlOn'll rxpeu8El8, gtve up l ilt the so~1 e I~ biB Pwnli t wILh Illthl'r lLod liOn; R. i..aud A. Stuart, tJI~ 'I'll Rov. Dr Soh'lIok, reo tor of S t. somebow. d spcllere 111 tho ruml dUltracts. No.2 \Vas nnd s tnck· up, (or .. hI' 11118 11 t ~n had 1b" tr chllmp'gDe I!Il)JPl'rs,srooko ch "per prov~l n h d'llie talmlal dead' !In ' '/U' mon' tlJe two Astortl John Jnooh Ann'A, th" tlls hlonnbl EpIRoopn hnu "'YruT enu I do to mllke you love me "The llcn nt.ics of 'Vllhalll Slt.lk· louklllS', Iltll' r 1111" Itny WII$ d tlWli {I gllr .., or Ilnll ~ 'It Ill!, ",,!c1 slay Ilt ho~o one ow _ e :!I A. Trod cn~ nEl, er null Wdli~; Jacob Gold, oommon1 Church, Brooklyn . r C" IVOR $10,000.more I" asked a youth of his girt. the IIpCJlre," Il (ILt voln uw 11\ rod 8ml jl'ol,l 0PUllQU . nuh ho (\hl1l' t IIglI'I' With 111I' m pn ' lI ll1 g R g.·ttiug I1cqllnlC ted "'lU, Hll'Jr .lIoral. T a of kno\\\l 118 Jay GOllld' Jom 8 Qordo~ Cluoago 1~'lb /I' W . other venmg. "Btly the a ring, atop bmdmg No S c('l1RI8tE'; J nf " A 'J'ho· 118 to th •• s·tuok.llp " ,\1\/ '" lIud 1111" " 111, lustOlul o( plnymg fI8T • B enoett of tl e 1fr. ld 000 J . 1 I 'Y r d " bl 1 . I k III lilt Ig nmg lit clubs \Ve mU8t Tim VAIN nmIJO(JEIlOS. , I .ra , rgo OIlOR, eating onionA, nnd throw yoUr shouldet'll t 'lnccn Mlnutcs of Mortlll T\lrror, -,Iaunls II I Ellg I" A, It f1~~n 'l'bllt e\~lUng 01 UJO, RJlnl111lg nn,tcll ~~t1:~IU '~. Ih o fgUOII oltl.fMbJ~ued Imblt A nlllllocefOfl \V~Q '1V1\8 drinkillg at n of the TmlU; Edwlll'd S. JlllImy, H . B. bllck I\ben YOtl wo.lk," WW:I the unmediate gorgcollj 1ll!O, ut, I\.q ~r nu .~ '1'h: tlal.t>clll CbllDgO.lD 1\IlLrJ H hf" . She dId of clORO In mg, t bn good o ld Aty Ie of sim hmpld Stren.m ob~.ed t.hereID tbo 1'0- Clatlm; AlIf!'UBt Belmont, nu.l Eug('oo .A few elnys sinoo C.. pt. Wntt Mat-: reply. prlzo '\v8s/~rgnlls u not know how It WUR, but peoplo seemeel 10 hll!te 11Ilt! In('lt]'enslvn lutblte WlllOh ft eoWd lmage of his Horn IlDd L ugs. RoblI18Ollo thows, of Cam ron, Willi 11l tlJo CIty, nnd "DA..1'q [110 18 no Bill," 8I\YS an Ohio ¥.-utlos" 0lIl .• I' wO;:t1Il\~1.,.~ kmder IlUd lIlo elU!l~r IUld lh" wor ld I ~Istm usbe(1 AmonClln hfe Iml! a c n. "Alua I" quotlJ he, thnt no nm· MR. a_o. M. DRAKE, head of n pnrty called in to 600 tho boy~ m tho St. J o· I gmy 8 tlx!l }>lefl&Lot('r frO ID thlLtltlm un. I lllry or we Mball Inud III natlonnl IUld ,"tlt Im olt L egs should 01 four who have b 11 at the BIllCk ~eph B\uldul g COIllPony. Wlnl tlJer clergymnn. " n's the lights among &be boys ou tho way - home wli.ioh out aD gtrlik IVfr'b Dlt k' 1I ' boys anll g lrl!L Lilli Iy muro W'lIe y bllckrnpicv nn I ~ooillol 'hnOB 'fhe'lues. be ,Us !iwued by so lD81gniflctlnt Hilla, writes to tlJD Kn1l8l11! CIty 7'.n"'~ h stepped Inlo tb o vnult, nud r emnrk ys . ()(1 III .. r.... Dill lho 81111 abIDe mor l' thnn It Illlt't1 to tll'll of llu("'l'fII\ll nt!' rrsl W:IIIlY 1JI, how Horn At UtilI momeJJt IllS "Mr. TimeR, tell tho peoplo LD thOStIlt"8 1l1g tlnlt b .. WM gowg to 8 'e howdllrk evil sbndow a\' l' what would oth~ !lrril' Po)V('1I U ] .i" nd· ,Iu 1 ·W ("r IcRStlllS l'llHlt'r. IIn,lll"f lOr lo k(w p not ho w to H I ,'lid. UFo; ,vboso· m t ',lilnLI01l8 lDt.lrruptod by that tlJose who have got ony mORns (It It "118." pull d t.he door III nftor 111m. be evol'ywhero !mown 118 an innooen' ~ ata~Hl!l1\U 'muoh I" • • <>11':' sh y swlm'llI! moro mll\;"gI~ ~ " rH' 1 hutlt to Illm ~1\lL I b IPl'l'n aud ho Uln baymg of a I' HOlUll1.8. AWI.y IDltlUllg 1\ living batl bette r relI1l\lII thoro, " h ck, " 'fOllt th 'omblJJntiou look, I\1UUOOme11t. " "r rlootly HILI ll1itl I oll·gn.nt I mug· WIlS It !lUlt U"v, \I Ith Ill!! ~Ut ~Cl' 'lUl ~llflllIUl\" Illurr "buodlUl 0 but "hOllo, I hI lI 'd, but his lretlised to oonvey but those who l\I'e 100~looso, nud Wl14t IUlel'V" tt fount! h.lIDlIIllf IL pM8onor. At ALL rov tOllOO lor the 8ILOred uame of 111\ ott" oohocd n ~horllJl gUOI,l UJ\tllred "")~ HooIll' ~i \IIll ;11' 'I !lve r htltll \l ol fr III huu RI;"U I tak n hIm ,vlth turning to 8eo tlJe Blaok RiUR, ClUI romo 1\.9 soon 0000 1lI1 the harrlll atel'l oo ho had e\'e r wowan soe1llR to be fading Itom tbeland, J ",[ woud r who'U g t Ul~ l\\'8t 1" w;ko(J ut 161" SIde ov ryw I.'re, 'OUIJg UJJglhl or "lilly 0I' c.u tl llll h halli. ,. _ rar~on r unllUB t grOWl!. I don't think tlJero UlII h el11'1l of Women oorresponelentll WllllbiDgton Rlnothoret:\ LD VRluta .... \ .........-.i,__ " in ...... ___ "-'f b ' hor, oxpl6.illJug, c b e rlllg, ' Im 8lll or, "'u ~~ t.l!e~ f9r Ol'Oh 1toQ,d D · Y.- · lIllY AJqU, ll~a ..... '" lB "'t. ...410. -"' ......=. ~_ onttbe ""Y to r .n~_'Hl'l~ ~ .. Oll.;RIy, 0 d " 0 lor ~I'le 1 1,0 oot know, Mnry 1:110 ('ent nulftl '\Pllroprlatfon, Oontinent. crIed, 118 h ex· them." BII1nd for nothing." Shame tlltIl prlie,A R1.rc1\ y. ool1ld nol b"v xplllLOe<1, bllt Nflm clhlllU alwtl th InAt iDto tllO IlPOOIOIIJl A OIJlNESE doctor BIIy8 that AmerlOn08 evon the history ol IllqulIlltion, stood TWi Jmilio)' 01 the following, a Du· "My flit her ""Y8tt IRll't (/IU th!~t l~y mns t h,Wl1 Ot"'1J Ilt tho UOtlOIll tlf t.\IIs l • P p.rml R8lO11 WaR g n ell IkJlrrs ntntlvo I' ,rmllm llt ou high. , .. tbnt iJlO Logs 1 boil ten, and thereby II)/\(, tlto OJlvor, bol'lIy Ollt 11l tho t>laok dnrlmOll8, and P plham IIhouM •.'om pd 1lfI'R1ll,,, MI, I llIt.cr tl lI orld, wllh ItA l,lt)IlHllllt Ohlllll of t;p rl llger, of Uhn o lK, t<l mflko" Jlt'!1'8QIII1I l "dllltrO<1 "onId havo provod my rum hnt! hil tlJ Chm Ilk L b f Watt b ClUne tem bly Ilgttnted, especially buquo mlUl, to IUs ftrst born, ill still at John Stu kpol , II! II sn~ly touo. 11<, II 1II'/IIICIlIJ(~, 1\11\1 O<lru~lI) It 18 tlJut IJ' Ih.. l' xl'luuRIt,m III tJ, O H a n"" till' otllcl dll> , 1I0t my .JORPIKOd H I>nl m8l1roc1 my The; pfllec noa:'ml!h ~1;nuJ'tyJl1 ~}81~ wben ha founel bo col11rlnot evCll repeat largo : Welcome. IItU. tcou1(.w .ole. tb be8t Rpellor III tltllj oounty--o' ry oours o( II Iem 1II1111th8 Bhl' 1111.1 1;IIY III rogllnl to edJtolllll ""mm"ota lUCtho M(Oty. ,', 1""V08 III n bowl, pOIU bOlhng wnWr the I,ord'ij Prl\yor. . ~\·o·\t~ ltlen lootin". for Y01l t .awe; With her l>luc~ trll uy cenltl o nl) knows lhnt. Allel nolV ho on~ht 10 grm' to bo greaL (M'·UtI~. , lkralcl upu n hlJ:! IIwolldru~ut to tllIl 011 Morlll.-Som(' PeoI~lo don't kn ow upon It, 1UJ£1 thell oover tllO bo"l. 'fIIO On LlIO ontaille tllO pllnic W1I8 burdly Fallh ""(\ .10'1 Ibo', com. 7 stn nd ~~IT nnll gl\'O lIomobody 0811 /I No moro M)1tllhug IIIl1tt'I,,'s \\ 1'111 Iw lll , c nu Ul I bIll Mr. Sprtuger R lUDeudment "Jltlt'" Gooel for 'rbew. 8tm ngUl o f UIO ton depqlllls ou lho tlmo 10118 mllrkod Tbe clork in tho office l ~;..:!'i,C':.~~1,:i1~~Cj:!rr.: ~llIgf. ! 'Imu"l'. TIlE ~IIAA10NA IIY ~lIlD TIllI TlOEII I h o t('.1\ IS IIUowed to drnw. "And," ~lIld WM eo <1 momlizet! thllt It lorllot th e l 111 ])uxl.lllry bllt th o !Unl1lory of lIUR I mllde tho (lovuru m.'nt u pl!·C.. rrel1 Hto~k· tillck:1us vucky.. wuoiloy thumb Jtt " llO'8 !"I.'.ll old. too - ' mos t \l1ll I""u " flllllOlIJl c v u'w g ,hd not tilt', IUlll Hay hnt! I Itol le r III lh.. 'onk'lJ~lInl, IIltd el']Jrcll~I'y tlJe ~~l.-er, "" hon mnking an lu(u" ioll, combUJlltion, nllcl ovoo l\{r. MoLeau, added a bttl buy (lr ttlu. to hem Crequont l'ete rOUO<lH 10 Ius hhul J1roVlLl~,l tlmt the (' Ol omnl nt s houltl AI' a }lIons MIBliIODllry WIl.8 trill' !iuS il tlJ te b ,til tI whou h 1\rrIVOel, lll\(l to take 1\ oolu bath A llUlllNE88 man of tlti8 Olty, who bad .. Johu's rIght, " ISlI't (Illf. n...v " or novs who en,'l l or dIll not like I ho r ' l'rutl Its loan o( SI, 500,OOO bo(o rll t!uollih th Jnugl, bo chilo' <1 to ob· do not 0 e WII r IVl y lit l'IIt be(oro h o cou1ti uolloot hl8 8008osenough ougbtu 't to be III tho !Untoh .. t 1l1I," ('rlNI blm. or who w n tomporllriJy dll'lItTNI~ I Il.uy dl"161O~ o( I r~fltH nmong tbo Btock· rve " L t'opard lYlDl uutl r a Plnntmu ~~ or tlugar should never be uscd wit!; to go to work nght eutllornmost. Ho some oxcrescouces re moved from bi8 feet t~o or threo OtlI01'fl. otl "Itb I:IOmething !llJ.Id or <1011\' \\ ('1'0 npt ho lel rs. Tho t '0 ""'lIIulII Ronn"! 01 '1700. BeUJIr IUJdllliroU8 of intrnlll1lg tin,uly Ilullooctl.' d, bOWIIVor, in getting by a loonl coro d octor, about a y~ ISO, "No~~ of uR'1I ha\ e ~IO lellst ChOll III t •• Motbo tJl IT OIOulll hy drugglll g th FUJnIII.'o \JO," clnim tlmt tho lett r 01. t1~e lI('on the Illllmal's prhncy, h o mad n JUJXlK SllAItSWooD. of t.he Mupl ome o\Jough of IlllaselJ togot.h r to make the rolled at his offioo agnm 110 few IJays If he IA mnttcrtl<.l 1\I·rlC. \111101" P ell t.nytl1ke" wto th eOllVt'I'HI\ IIIW IB iJJI1t 1\1 II Cl\1!l' o( tlJlJI kind It 1.8 W1.tO doto ur, amI was 80 nnfortnullto M Conrtor P eu u8ylvllwn, bWlJll8troll.ltlrod propcr eombDlatioo, and 'Vlltt WItS reo to hovo .. buuion treated. "Yon are "Oh, !Jut .10 you know, [ Uuuk It. iN h OIl UIl,)' bort' til Ij('\ 8\llrul sh"ft~ 1'1111· I JmposBlblo t Il gl\'I' a pr,' fert' lIce to th 10 ellllOlluwr bOllMtb a 10f~y ·Brunboo a Illl lmportJlllt deciSIOn M to Ule r08ponsi. 10000000d trom bis 11lvoillutllry confiuomont. JJot the p erson wbo was here a year taar," BllId Mary Alger. "Ray's t ho ')I:IOpIJJOIlUy IllS fmmtl s ( It th~m more I (; Ol'l'IOml'lIt 0\1'1' IUdlVlllulll stock· '1'lget " What do you b ore roo demlllld· biliJr . of (lmwors of chockll that at') Ho took nbollt thr s tops to get am 01 ago '" saId tho plltiont .. No," respond· chllmplou 1I0 W; h. ho l,18 tho b pIL Of keenly , holders, 1I11L1 hl' lI c th Gov rllmpLl\' Ol.lll .. U,O tlcroo A.lnm,L1, \U IlUgty vOIce. "f\UI:lt'I1," or uotes thllt MO Illteroll. H that olllco, IIlIll wo dOllbt II be 'VlUlta ed tbe ohuopodi6t, "thnt wns my broth· "Is he Mtill UJ tlJe busm_ '" course ho nHmt t\gh~ e\'orybotly who "iI~w did YOII com" 1.0 m~k" lhflt ouly IlOOllro 111'1 81, 500,000 101Ul nft er "It t8 fIlth" l ~ who sbonM ,18k thnt holll tl tbllt tho {XlJ'801;1 who makcsllllote IInytluug mor to do WIth tho UJ61do of or." mqltir 1 t.ho cullor. .. Not elJWtly; he'" trtOll ~IlAt hIm 'l'hol'o's IlhmyA n rla r 1lf.d mlJlulkt, y" 11Il11g lllllltly tit 1111111.\ ' th e s tockh Id rll hl\vn bcclI 1.lIlltl. ' PIORttOIl," rll)Jl\('d tho ll1.isslOullry , "for or ehock \U Hlloh Il way 118 to mllko all;01 - a VIlult. - St . .r09 1J h (6Io. ) G(1Ji ttc. not lU tl1l8 brlwoh of tho prolession; he'. c hlUlOO III HI,oUmg ]knlly goot! spell, rK cd H ;lrry Ph.tt Olio dill'. tlltlgS lDg lum l\fl., prmg'l, m 1118 'Xllll\nll~lOlI, B11ld ] loft YUIl hut a mUnl8tlt AUJCO b n/ll\tb Ilt'OIl eosy, or mvito It, 18 llIlblo to ,) now on tho hl1lgl"- Detr()&' Neru •• aro orton tripped "1' by !lOme onllY httln oll' lIude r cove l of tho wuo!lll will oh bur- I thllt ther eXIHt 'rl 110 Ill\\, tor PIIICl\Jg , thnt 1'111111.... 11. IIUel uow ·1t re YOll .'lrO holder ill good fa\th who takos it before A SI)IIIlI~h Noto of F;XI)lallatlO!l. ..ord whICh ~on" 1 tJllllk thoy oonitl8poll t1 rCll tho WII·II.,r lot lhtly wum tnn"·lU~. MIt"h 1\ COllHtrllCtlOU UpOll thll \\ or(11l1g of IIgnlD, wltr rmls, til Scnpturo exprCl18ly maturIty for ItI! fBOO vallie. Bnt il tll Tho 8PIUlIRb OOY 'Inm Dt hllil oont to "LET'S IJIlvo a CollteDllwmternation· inll 1t\\O\\to' J\h<ry e nded WIth II ~Igh, ''It r tl.ls rue lik(l 11Ily lillug Thorc 'N th'l llUt, lind .10<.'II1r ,I ompbuti Cluly tIJut il l t"RcheH you thllt tho L llo pllrtl ellll,/lot mnk r hll8 lIllOd tho Ordllllll'Y pr,'CQllLIODR ItIl n 'prcl!("utllllVIlS ubrO/td Il memornn. 111 fP.""IDIDIU' 100000n for boys," _ys &be (or tlUH In"l41 bcc.'" hill' own fn""'. Sbo wtVt that latUo whiPP~'BUI\VPY Jill'!. P oml rl'y ll'I"C(1nlA'lInllll Boord of Flllllnoo prupolllld ehllllR lUll ~pota." "1t does," rep b ed he IS not Imbl , nnymoro than (or n linm, IDSlnlllt.iJJg tlwm t<.l rel\d It to for. Phillltlolphm Prfill8. PI\l'8O it fOnod." "rrolly good Rpf'lIor," /Lnll hlltl twt(,'O ruwny811t you WIth' rl>utllytn ke' III IttH I to <lUIIKtnh' It Ilult wny, thlly WOllltl /\,0 tb '11g(>r," but I am acrooturo of qmw dowDr1ght forgery. oigu MIlII ~tor~, IITItI 10 leuvo Il copy if PlttdbUTOI. Corll1nt:1"(:'aI. Tbi.II chaI· JIl8t fnilud oC II prlZ(1. tooth. H o w tlllilt hIlPPI'II:HII ' Yoll'n' b"fortl the C01lUtry "" I"'nng l'orper;r" t.. ,d tl.II()Ull'r SLrlpe." So BI\YlDg be sprung t:;OIdK onri01l8 r heR were fowlrl \0 the rCIJIlIl' tI. '1'ho It\Cm(lmn£1llm, IICter louge to 1\ ooul.el; t. ill verbal jugglery ia Mho dill n ot 8('0 lillY, wlto hll,1 l1ut"rod Ibo heyt Bpelle r ot 11.8 ,<.II." Ollt' of tho blgS" st ~k' 116 Oil reCOI (l H e nllou th o l\1tSlllonllry and d ,"our d hIm. old 1m at Boston Conunon. A OntWncd p Ollltillg ou t tlmt tho Cubllu IlJsnrrcction hormulJl rtlHpoot!ully doclined.-OAICGIll! IIho hegl\l1 to SIX,"k Ho hat! nuver " EnIly ouough to milk,' II lDlHtllk,.. · I uond".!I,.1 by oll'o rlllg II r~I!lboll dit uolr N O/·al. - Th re IIZO ExooptlOUS t<> bullot WI\8 dlBoovered 1001>0<1<10<1 111 tho III 1I11 longer led by OlltlVCR of tho lrunud, go TttlUld . \Vo do 1l0t willh to 6Jl'''geo. partioulnrly 1I0tlCl'I I lIlnry Alger t"'(Orll. rnplJot! RIlY, wlL1I-'J11l1~ a 1l111IJ.oIl (rolJllliI lUI{ IJI. St.'creillry uf tlJe l'rOMllry to owry QUIlPll~ nl1l~. _ trunk eighteon nngs from tho ceuter. bllt by forOlgn Illh ontnro1'8, cou ttnnes' dor" Htrifo, but in .. oase" tho "pre~; Rho WI\8 not II pretty g ul, Judg....1 by t~e st.ulk WIth a blow of hI!< llOytIJIl. wlthholtl tllll IIl'plOprLRtlOlI, or \lil y I ,• and benoath tbe troo WM Il W dal whlob .. N"grOCA, 1lI11l'lU OCII, Olllllt1fl{', .md de. tlOl1 .. suuceeds, wou't it be .. 8Ulgular" DUl[bnry stllndlU'd, though IlD anUlt "Pshnw I uot a mls tako hk\! tim!. I "monut th orl'o f, IllltJI tho S c\.'whlry u( I ~II 1llllck HUla Fever. IS dOllCrllJud ll8 Collows: "It IS o( Inrgll 1!O'rteN< furm tho bulk o( tb, tmrnrgont - Marq/ltJttc JouT1lal. In oonjunotioa might have founo som etluu g to arlmu "'JIY, httle P ol<Jf Pottl'r IBIOW/< b,' tI. r. tbll lklllrd of Fmllll co ~llllU mako lill A loll.cr fmm Willl'er, N ob., .llltot1 BIZO, of ooppor or hrouzo, IlDd b88 a me CnrlltlS 'l'hmr army contmus 8Cl\rooly With IIll IlOn ~lblo ,P01'8On8, we expr_ our III tlJo hocs of bor hOlld anel [brollt, III And you-" I l\sreuml'uL to fullll,! tho h il'ml m OIWJug F ob 25 !IIlyll "Seventeou llonblo lll\lhoo h lid on 000 111110, Ilml Oil tho 00 wluu, Cnb'lIlB, whilo more thlm olO, 1ll· te1l80 disgust 1D this article. -.Detro« tho ol[Quieitely liM pule ak.m nnd d 'ep' .. Hili lf yon 81VO me y( nr word uot I of tho IlpPI'OprllllJon IUlel gtvo secnrtty Illul" t ell:Us, witb sixty-eight mou, w,,11 other figures of JustlCC witll SCltlCS IlIltl 000 of tho Ilitter li fO SOrvlllg Wltll the Post. EOtgroy eyes. NOiilitlr WIIS sho 110 fllvor - to tell i'll Rill' som" thJDS- " l or th o full1J1111 tJIlt f lh(>lr IIgreomo1Jt. "111111-'1'(\(1, left hore f.o.day tor the Blnok 8word llUel of Reh810n Wltb II oro88, IlU..! Iwyul voluntoors f3[1'uu ClulIlOt oomo A VllSSBL hl\VlUg becomo water.logged ito. H"r rese1'\' IUJd !!hyuellll \loro I.ztkou "'V" 'll, I do. 'Yb,,!. III It ! • -:\0 lle tlOlI WIIS hlkullul'0U tho resolutlOll, HIIl~ Vtll tlto ElkllOru Valley ronto, II ouonlar temple UJ tlJo bllokgrouud, t." luty tcrulK WIth I\noh ~t mouta. Sho a ternlio gal , tho crow were oomfor pnde, t.he doprotllllon of kuow1JJg "I dlCl know b tlor. , I'm not ~1I" h 0 I nud It WIll I " bl O\lg ht lip lit some oth r winch I", WltlJOut tIollbt, tho best ronto witlJ 1\ dlLto whioh 8eomB to l"o II\(l.i or C1\JJ ouly, nfl.cr 11Ilvlllg obtained Il com. hOl'llolf ll'UIIjudged made !jer lLwkwn.rd, flol that I-Cllll't tlp(>U' • P on tal.<'nch' I I tUlle. __ __ _ for pllrtles gQUlg \Vltll toams. PartieR MDUml. '1'ho obvol'8O Hldo 01 tho mu,l,tI pi, W vlulm'), grl\nt to (.Jnb" "ll the lib. ~)811ed to tuko to tho boe.tII. After drift>onel her ord\llary manner 1\'118 001<1 nnd mlJl80el ou I'IIr l'080 thll~ flight. I hll.l II (' I I' I_ 0 ('< for Sllrlllg uro Rn'l\~ng dllily. An otlJe r tram will bOOrs tho lollowing ID8Cnl?tlOU Fruuo ertiml winch, but tor thl msurrcotion, mg for 00 dny aud a wgbt, as the dawu Ililollt. Sho 8<'ldom mllele I!O long n " 11111 Ir c r H" • • Rta.lt 111RJ,10 of toll ellL)'II. l:Jmnll r bonds I. P Ili' ot PIlle. DllX , winch in EuglUlh she wOlll,l nlr('(l{ly pllf\8e/lR, ond whiob WOOS brot\kitlg the watoh {Xlrooived a .... .~oh IV! on this OOO&8JOll. ADd the. ~~'rOOllon l-whllt I" llnrp rr H }laza r Rays' 'fho InmiAh s tAlt 1111.11,v ..foot, uouling baud carta." would read, Franois L, Duke of PllI'UllI ~ho neJgbbonng IIllll11l1 of P orto l\1co, 001 at a grellt c1U1tanco. .. A sail I a eaill" gulll opened theu oyea (l8 tlJey listen d. But Harry .1 IlIllncle.l IU \'11111 'llny IJ)g hUUlIC1l IIn l bnslly mlUJII(actllnllg A Sprlllgt\uld, Dnkllta, letter BIIys lUld PlaceUIGl\. Tb r 1M also Il hOllt1 of wh ' r sbl\ (>ry hf18 bonn nti 'Iy nbol. he ontll1, 'ilth the (I\U forooof bis lonp, &y W118 l1JD1\7.ecl ~11!O. lIe WIll! out 0 u llUJJed 1111 fl<rtb or. Aft r r II willi" Ihl') t.'i\lU br\c 111111 R'lIlgllllm 8Hltll for spMng. ., Wug.1l t.rnins 01 oycry dOl!onption Me FrnIlOIJI I. 00 the re\'erso I\l'I! tbo worl1a, Ished, (lIlJoya. Hc mforoomootll lllunber. e f]' 'otu"lly 1U'011.8UJg all his matee eS08l" Anpld boy, and It. JIn\VO ~l upon lum ~kll<l bnok t<l U, hay fl c!.l. 'l 'ho80 IIfl \\lad,) of c.hnl'kell, s tl'lpell, !llld ooustnutlv Pll.891llg h ro, bound (or the • JU81l1ltor ut imporent,' WhlCh lUClUl, mg 28,000 IlIUU bavo [100U dispatched to ntl old Jew, who 8till kept his e1611 ol~ tbat 1t WII8 on unpnlse of g u rons JU8'1'111 U com' I IltlOll lu"l ,ul ,uI(htor- lm pllllll Heotdl I\IIIghllDt8, or .'1110 o( pd golll 11 Idll Thu iliffiarollt pnrtillll, as • They are joined thllt tboy may rIll.· .. en tin "~thln tlH'lvo monthll Tbo durn- nutI nluttore,l, (\isoousolately: .. WhT, tl iu hi6 behalf whIch hl\\l unlooke <.l IUJsltspocl.ed OUl'. 1\lllry ,\Iger WIll! "'L1 .... or Clu ul,rl\:A ill gll1~hnm. pll\l"" 01 thny p8B8 1lI0ng, havo from one to tlVon· TBE CII8C of Oell. Ira Bloomtlold, el. tiOIl of Ibo llls nrrooltoo 18 LIl oonsoqnAlloo j)lesh my 80ul, I&uw nu(l me baven'lso' • - th bps of tblK IUllll\lIy tougno-tltlll 1\£ary, perched LIl lh,' trM ulldOl" hlCh tho hoy.. ohl·llDlI) plIlk '"111 wlt i"'- o~ blno w)tIJ ty·Uvo wagol\8 oReb. 000 pMty camped Snpervtl!Or of IntcrunJ Revenue, fur o( tho ,liflioult.ios of tbe couutry. No~ a ClltIllogne. " ond ber lor tlJo UrRt tLDlIl 8trnok Iltood"s thev t4111tetl It WIll! IlD oak·troe, !5-"Y, o r pfl rhups Khlllle,l brown. Tberl' III towo InRt !light, ond we oould the pisbes WI 1JJIItAnoo 01 tbe grave couso. IVlUts tllndlllg th o IUHllrl ootiou, t.1e trodo KATB F/.JlLII recalls a fresh moia.otol bun lUI pretty. I brood ·",\.qlly oUm b ,1 IUld btlCU'lng Iff vt'I'Y little ut novolty U1 the JDl1JJll r of Cl10lp fuos of thr othar trains on qOOll(lIl8 that may foUow a triVlal IWd of Ouba bill! doubl t.l dtlrwg teu )'6/U'II. ArteWIl8 Wllrd'8 vtalt to Loodon. • The other gll'lB ohattore<1 all, bntl\lalJ' I~:r't, te.JJ. f~tlt or I!O from tho !!Totuul, 1\ mlLklDg. Th low r sk.irt-ll .are a~~ed tbo pra>ne weet of-~. Another natnral error. On the atrCJlglb ola let- 'l'he more Cerlile parta of tbe island I\l'tl gave 1\ ohildren's party to wWah _ of bad I18ld)for say, I\l1d stood 8ilently look· gnarled boug h whOllOorotoh mad aoom· 110 tlJat tlJey trnin shgbtly m thQ 1i011OO, Springfield pnrty will ~~t'~y to start t.erdated Jnn. 15.1871, the Orand JUl'y uotouobed by tbo Ul8urrOOtiou, ontl only Jobn Brigbt'III:IOU8 was b:;vited, IUld Ira. mg at tho plllllter group Ray IIIIW that tortable .;'lOOt. For yOl\l'll It ' hnd b eon or may bo 8hortened for the street. Oh.o at noon to.day, OOll8J11ling of 118'f6Jl WIIff' of tbo United States Conrt at Spnng. r, fe w dlstrlOta havo lIuffered Irom It. All t1w youth rotUl'ocd aglow witb deIIbe admlrt)tl it IDt.lUaely, and a hlllt WUlh Mary's 1mblt to (YllDe to thlJl Rpot nnd or two biM gllth~led IlIl1\I1ty flOllll OOS 18 OllS /WU tweul;y men. In this party are field, m., retnmed nn md etmoot 'htU'g' forolgn m 8U8t1llUlDg 1068tl8 WlU btl m. hgbt. "Olt, papa," exoJaimed the crOMOd biB muld taot!!he might wm It-- thoro study bt\r I t'\801l8, r entl ,.or dlenm. the trLDlIDuIg . 'I'h OVOl'llkirt 18 a 101lg ROme or OIU bel!t bllJltll688 men, ann they mg bim WIth oonspll'llAly to delmud t.he d mUlJled, IUJtl tho omlmrgo on foreagn Blight, wben Ilsked by the ~t B~t only a haJJ one, (or to tbo suOOOB8ful but It WIllI 1\ 1mbJt wblOh sho Clueftuly upron ~Ioped to tho 118 111' ,\Vltb CuU bnck ILl' bettor fixed Ilnd halve bette r tcrunR QO"fernmont. Snbsequently It WM tie. ~ood8 will be rinsed." Tbo memorruJ(lnm whether bo hrtJ enjoyed himIIelt, "in· 8UCOOll8 beoomes ruel18pOUI!80blo, ond tbe COUOCIUed. Sbe was flll'too bJg t,o ('linlb breadths tlJnt are OIIl1gbt up III a PlitT and outflt", g,ml)nllly tllon ony which hll8 moostrnted beyond qlllll!tion thllt tho IA con8J(l oroll M I\ll lIl.hrect roply to U,e deed I did, Aud Mr. BroWl1e gaw me tIOlIiro toO be lint WI\II very strong upon troos uow, 8/Ud hl'l llIutber. llary.141 bf'lunti by menns at Q. I!1l8h of tl.le drC'1III loft b ore. 'l'ho BlOux FllIlB t.rtuJJ hIIII lotter Wl1.8 wrougly dot d; that It ..bon"1 IWlt note from tho UUlttld SlAtes. 8uob a IlIC llame for yon, papn I" ''WW tllO amblbou8 yOllllg lolluw. PrllfMmtly tted It tltll!sh o chmbed mllt{)rllll. All en d o( HUll 6I\Ilb llI8tlwed lU'nvoel, nnd mll probably walt horollD<1 llAVO boon Jnu. 15, 1872, Ilt willch tl.m o Wll8 that I " IUqllvcd tbe father. "Why, mil Id 1 S all nvaltw, ohe of eamp-obA.irII, Collowed by a ml"'be m~ <le a pro tty Plotur~, hIll( 8lttlJl"', Into th o Bill sellms, nud Ulon fL Il\rfio, fall IU with Ollr PIU'ty. The boys aro SCllntor t ·hrl.Huocy allll Ills Urltill. htl lU!kod WO how thnt gay and ftjlRi.. ki boo,· l 11Oft d '" "" ~ ... I I I b ti 1 ... 1 'Ut Hill ' I GCll Bloo 0 W88 no onger II IIl"" f' pr000ll8l0l1'1l 1l<J. ng w,I\IlUOllnOO balf lying 1lD10ng tho bruu< h '" tilt' null' 001'C' o w I~ t'{ lU kUe llll' ( • JllblllUlt, Bud wlll llCo e ~ ru n ow VUlOf, lmVl.Dg pruvlon81y 1'081gnOI1. rho Tho WllIIhll1glul1 oorre8p<>ndclIt of the Otl68, lbo (lOYOfllOr, w~ r" replied the tbo IU'l'lvl\l oC the " ConuUlttoo of Hole r· Bummer \Vl;ld wnVlTJg the 101,1!! of hOI '1'IU8 tlmwHtb" fr ollt smoothly o vor Ihe <lUYH." I I d <1 th Troy 1'/11/1 H wn tclI " &wuty hllll boon cbilt!. eucc." 'l'ho boyft Iwd gJrlR nmgod t!1f:m ,lr,lRI', hor flloo full of UJe p"7",1" CIlIIS<'d 1l81lfn , 1111,1 th,'11l 'k brendths Ill' plulcd A tolll81"m fr oUl YIW!ttoU, Dako ta, kd1ut~~I~Le~;n~rode~.YBi'::ield~tau~ struok to lilt profoundest d ptb8 thi8 8oJV08 III pontlJel rows Mr. Asbo, p'nD. b :Ray's ovorheur,l ooute8>lJOn. \" by OYUT tl lO BAAlI III n pnlT. TIUB ~kirt hM snVA. "'!'bo oI01teUlel1~ abollt the d tl N f The MlulIl'!! anil tbe E_a JUae. C1 nnl of tllU tLCUdomy, atlKllll'ott Wltb II 11~'1 "0 "nllaaall 011 l llrl,~an j " \~rllat tb Ild\lUII~lgO of b ellI/{ OIIJIily IfOltetl, UB Brook HIlls 18 m or Miug. Tw nty moo oompletely VlU lonte ot mllny 0 week by thn LUl\rrJlIgo of Selllltor Chris tlRDCY, of M.lclllgILU, to MIIIII LugorbooJ, "... ..... ~ T" u ~~ ~,~ " I I b k b ·'· -'tl I I I tbe llloulpatetl revenue oftlOlal8 CUll hal' ormi(lable MS. roll iu IJI hllDd. U WM tb "rOIL'IIm 1" A sllddlm Ilootl (I( th o MIl I 1I1l' 11(1 run" IS IIro r ' 1\1 uy lelt YOllter(hlY, lind M IXUUlY more to·, ay. to ost.ubli8h thou \ll1lo.:ence 1:10 eII8lly 1Ul<.l oCtlJo Burellu of EngrnvUJg. Tlaa~ 18, The Emma l\IiDe W88 thoroU(lhl7 a· ourt.uiu rOBO; Uu>- nnduoIDl.lO oJlLPptKl.· rot! broke over her fBOO at luat. lind "bo stnl1ghtenetl tlut. A I!lllglo dee~, fILII Atlruly hno of lltages w\l1J oommouoo rIm effectually. n,aft Mho WIll! a femlllo 'rreDllllry cI rk. Sbe IlD1ll1ed by English experte. .. Now my young fruwdll, I bc"that you Bfl6d tho trulh i 8ho IlOllld not lI.lst pocket 18 011 th(1 (ront. A. h em, nemg, UJug MtU'ch 1." _ Mil! poor, protty lUld YOlUJg, whila bo IS overy wdlcntlon of heIDg worth ten 8p4'ak ~ distinotly 811 p08lllble, 'lI&id Mr ~lloHhe knew. or otholl pllllJl ollS(', s uch IIIIIl s triped 'l'IIE well oonsldoroc1 and loud·h eml,l n eh, rnt.her hom Iy, lUlll old. It WI\8 hmos the Rmount it W88 HOld for 1Ii Lon· AmEl. With ihat ho oonsulted hill roll, Wben a womnn WUlhe8lo carry a point uorcl e r, 18 1Il0ro 1IJ keopmg With these It41yallcoasU. ed Opp08It.10U 01 tlJe Ellgliflb Libel'als to Ille ltlUOO of sprmg IUld Wutter, youth .lon. No distillery in Kentucky ner Imd gave out the Arst word, .. hippopot- she uSluUly tak08 tll olTonslvo. Mary Rkul>! than n nlmO or p l 'nt"l11g The Th trl\(htIOU,,1 II\J'()U of boel, wlJloh the )lutcltll8e of t.ho Suez Caual hll8 end lIull ose. alld ot course tbe ~()!WP8 w-..U heltI np 811eb a promise of weal&b i1II did 1Utl11.8, .on(1 tb e 8tnfo commonood: • took It. It WBII tho vory lIOXt flye nll1g. body lUlly bo fl 1 lied bll8q~ltl or a RId . I HUlOO tim Immemorial baa grnood tlle et.1, It oppen.r8, ill smoke. NotWlti18tand· Wk. Somo of O1U Alderly InA:hefi bold tlJe Elllml1.. We do oat expoot to OOD' ~.;="i She nnd :Bay wero walki.1.lg homo from pleated W1l181, or lHc th, blLby or 81doboortl of the KIDg or Queen of En 11lg Lho SPOOIOUS IU'gnmeulA of Mr. OlBl1· tlmt 1\ lnnn o( 8IXty four Ims no busJU08II Vlll04J Esstem people of the truth of P ::!"~~:,11 wbat .trod. sa•• 0 r, "vor tlJe ortllogrnphiool piau' how nu tlJo chou }Imotioo. blons 80UOO 80 poPIUMly ~om. Ne w land Oil Chn8tmM <lay, wrughed tlJI6 atone and b18 oolJoagnes, the obJ tiOl1S to morry a gul of IIlnot.een, nud tbnt due but DUUers IUldorstand it perfectly. But el(lorl onth of 8IXty slllnDu)'~ WIth a ":Bay," she 60)(1, tnrlllng lIpon 111m, boltod bRAqnell 11IIvo tlle 81de fol'11l/l.oC yQl\r 800 l>Ollll(\R An English con\;tJm. urged ngtUn8t the extrav1lfJ11Ot reml1JJ01'I\· rtll!poct to lhu 11\00 Mrs. Ch1'Ultillnoy while we hOll1' from tho EMtem p&J*'tt proco~oe';ve<l theory ::III to the wo:tl ''In· "why did you UU8Ilpull th,lt mght Ill. the Ule It OIl ?eS'lf,lll\1g 0 he sl;O~d°kfu' pGmry states that. It _8 out [rom a pnzo tiou Wlowed tho Rothoohilda, lUlil the Mould bnve k pt him out of n second lill nbont Ulwing properties lIou«bt by dian" wW b ho reJ1dered Um8 .. I·n· matoh-mi88pell ou purpotlO '" stOOl o( lU t 0 ILrm 10 08, 11 ma g bullook l)rod from th OholClIIIIt tltook on rul ~oc1 risk that England ron by "bno· mnrnugo so I!O(ln 1\8 this, but tlm y01UJg Englishmoll that bave proved to he un· was the lint victim \W;lll tinv .. 1-1- Wbllt mak66 you trunk I ~e 10n g 800m 8 1101Y UBIcd Itlll nlI ooEl'IIIIgOilI' tho Royul (I\I'ID. Ro11[1d8 01 beel wOIgb. dODlog her pOlntion WI cluuupion of tbe htdy Wl18 pretty IU1d WIlling, nnd the fortunote noi a word \8 aid about .... J.. \1 ~" , , . t, d'd tOO ,--- cd Btl IA\k JJ'hiII ul 11110'k 18 fl 01.8 lI WI I "u ~ogb9 l . bty 1 'oaob d • d gul 01 sill: the IIOOOnd; how "lUleW?;B1!1 I 8.........1\f y, en o . ooUar thllt 18 V ry tllg&.. behmd, nud 1.8 lUg 6lg paUll( S e 'J... au SPIce. ' iuterests of ElLrope to becomo the Bon.tor is a good dou) of on "indepell' ot.hor olll88. We wonld IlUPIM*I ibM Blow itll th01lft8lld8, "phle\;otomy, itll guard. .,, . " turned ovor iu white lOta in front. were lorw(U'~ed by tlto '-ilUOOD, WHO m obam.,ion of her own eeIf1IIh interest, th deut" and got wlU'ried as he vototl-to eyOIl Ea8teru people wowd et.op to thiDk tens 01 ~bol1lJllJlds' how May Ma.rti.n 1 knollJ lon (lid. l ell mo nbouttt. Tn 1 ~t 1Iba{Xl,nih oooordlUlce WIth 01,1 Otlst.om, to the ooarts PreDller calmly 8tood his ground, 'rhe 8uit hiJJl80If Imd hill OW11 oonvemonco. that there WII8 anOther lide to lobe 1Iior7, tim to "~e8" and Augustull "Yon CIUl t know," BIIld Bay. " coveR ar orc uary ' tb I' of Gel'lIllUlY, Austria R1~d Belgiom. Tbe Suez Cuual purehMe WB8 one of the Miss Lugerbeel stepa from a clerk's desk or Eoglishmen wonld not OODtinae eo jja. ~ro~ was born off protestillg that "ap- " Well, if you won 't t II 000, l'U toll ~ ry f':lf Ple CUff; or rJJI~ W1 a p eating Que D'S stock lann ill el&id to b(I a model boldOl!t finanoial movCB eVt\r mnde by into the lorefront of WlI8hingtou 110 Vellt here. We know one aiDe in tIdI pell1ltion" boo only one l in It. Traps you--8hall IT YOII IIII.W that a 81rl WIlDtRt 8 ov r \V • establillhm8llt.. It aPINlSr8 certairuy to nny nation, nud Mr. DUlraoli, in do'lIIld· uiety, not ooly ae a Sonator's wife but State which, IiJloe ita pnrcbAM. JaM Ja. and pitfall8 obounded. Slowly the rnub lIel tho pnze very wnolt, ILO,l yon II'Jt be A prodnCJtiv . 01\(\, judging from the ~ng ItII Ol[pedi 000 All a polltlool measure, 118 tb wifo of a WlIaithy mM. A -montb (If6IIIIOd in vahle more \baa tbe . . . . tbinnild' t.he vallqniRh('d flud.lllg what geoeroUJI. And so, beC/lIll!fl yon WOl'f\ n J\fll. JOHN MUlIl. YIB <JnllfolOia goolo- fnot that th CbrilltmM ..Ie of r.t rottl" !\Wept away npon tJ.J threshold oC the ago!lh oOllntOO. ~fulty ll('r hOltlll-ll.... hiu! depreciated. and yet, wIlDe ~ ~ii oomfort'they oonltl ln ~umbertl, 1m d m&lI Ob. Ray, it wna v ry g00.1 of flist, l1li,S thottill!l'U are sixty·fiv(\ glAciers oetted Her Majesty the neat BUm of _lao on of tile grrotest 8tumbllnlf.- tioket!!, nDII n Qw liM b I' C6lTIII8e ItII lltock III bMd a& block A tn the JMlUI of the goveruoulIlt, nnll pur lilI tho wit of tile British d~ uot look. 110 well • $be . . . . . . . ih. win- applauding ond jeering thell' yon r bnt yon mWlt tak the. gf'< III) bflck. 111 tha wountW.r1.8 at Calilorrua. One of £16,9116. an.1 1'tlIItored to public oon1Jdenoo a Miuuter I" lale OO~fWl. At lUt lIary AJger WIl8 I can't h Jp ". I can't, ultl~ tIl You tb m be wntcbC4l lorty Btlven days, and - - -- - when It ./\tId.... ~_~ ~~ left 'bo only girl, oppclllCld to three boys, mllllt take I t . , .. in that tim It 11I0votl forty "IX mobolL :M KlfKR iR 01 Importanae. A kind meallllte which til Libernl party bave tunc, Dot I\D intended ....- . falot will yet be falO' dewP,tn1rdof whom Ray ... one. Fiye mmnt.eB, .. Now, Mary, don t g t el[Clt.ed, Mld 1'0IIClDlte )\nlJ !I1milBr vnll')R I\/'re <lng 110 1.8 often more ~ble than • rough not bellD behindlwld m d~g JOlIUl· Dol1D:8'l'l love /Uld bang 00 e1 cal to tbe beBt intererate of the 8ta&e. a MriM of well direoted teD-ii - . d . tboash DeWler of the Bay, gaid.ing her toward a mOMy log ollt by glAW.li.ers. 1I • y'....... pi'" r
11, ' tti .UU!T I ,r& ., •
.:.u... ,
I f tt
i t:
lIf.tlp. pl~~ltllm~tnI!IY ;f!tt[tl: J~ ~d:d' :I~t~h'
? b:, .h?
... ....
COIIIOII'I'D'1&'1( DtIt un! . ~I turn I til t. dvnlluc:tlt bllt co"' filrt anel I1t , Itty t!f.Ilk rur - , ' 'Eulina lI.:oighw y t. lOt" till public hi~,w y, th.t tl1t~no I ;ti0r. IU" ill 'incinn ati. IUUJ Y' "" ha lIt-n'r ht.>{·11 !lily .. rllchclAl no· .Ii'r (',u, labl, _~Ir . ,,11.1 Mr . Willi m 84.~n l ,(II', M V. <>. IwwI vcr. w hu\'~" . . I'k •. rIi'. ~ Ir I .. lILl If 1', '001\. -(~.. ICIIII J. G. ~III('~" .' - - X,,,,,,, ,,11 \1 "'11 II ep"k"," ,tll \111 th,' "I) I),...oct I"\' n",lt{'.1 I I . . ,." , "I ' . ' I lun' leell 1I1'lill;,t II .Ill' .w.e mOr l event. illt\Ul.'ll ti,,1 ~1!1lt.tlllh:·ll. wh:. I .. - ~II"8 , (t\!lIr~ ....... .. ~T~; · '. t-r ...,.. 1.'1"8 1 \I'~' rYIll'1I 1'",,1. hilt l1a \'6 I'r i•.• :_c E ,d, . d~ ino !hllt :111.lltl· I' ... a-(lil )1\;1\" mil Itllig h~I' I'llreuts 111 ~Jd rrv W , til nolUI'IICd ,'lt , " \1"'1 ~;"~""U. ' to ";""_ ll,"~ b.! uffi r~ ,,, pat< ",';. 111 tilt . till ' wc ..·k. . .fll,' J/llylTl'. . \ -A ", .,'p ... r II.. ,i, .• e, II I II" I..... ,I ( ' II '" ... r. IIJHO .v LEA /l". lDllCh II C d ...,lluhur ~'ing prrt"lrm , 1 - U rs. ~. S. Sh.'walt~r lUll\ ~~ur ~If ul. , olle dllllr " " nori,,1 F ......., . 11 ,, 11 ..1 l.'<i. It i8 ll~··e ttlll thai .l'l\ 'Itllr· ' tlttln~ fur Illter , tillg Kallsi Ity Wl' I 01 ""dU~~h~ , J . JfJ I. T 1_\ - R OaRR . ~ .. Ii~ r . .... l.·I ..... e •• . I rill r.. r F.rn .... \' . . tillY, A'ur il 1 t, al\ willi IIr illt r· napel'!!. r :....-I>a·' •.• r 1)., a8U"(' " v U IIf . I1IJl1l1l't lOIl III towlI W 'V ,,'er ,be I:, Ye l.'t!t~ m\,·t at th '\ittlo bridge, ... tlC} I I. - llr. J. Rundlll l ~\' 'ut EMt \'" _••_Triu rur ~·.Ulal. \'. I lu·t ~l'l'k 111, .. . 1 ; .. ,,1 ~Jl.V l' ""1. JI,l'C Xt: Inll"rlli l~' l 1IIan or b ~. w ith It tr l!l silln' l onda·. hi blly ll rlll~ allei IIUlU· hdJ u 1'1II~ 1'1'\'llltllll('l':I , 1 .• 'h"i" '. null til !\' tn~~ • plantcd Iller 'l uek. . I it un 1111\ . ~i'"kl" hllt,lHJt 1:11111. Hnmlllon·~ :I. .., )1., 101.' ~r. l'A 11If, U'j bl'lorc VI"'I'08 cd , I'ri.·, 7Sc I'u el, Each VII -Fllllk c \' & Mi "ilJinc ILl' It III 0 I -~Jr . t'adwlI lh Ut' I' IllId : CIIARJ,J~' • O. ('. 1flDER . 1'1lHltiug 1\ Ire' :u nld ~llllrk li~ in frvUl ll ar\' ty~hll"g , (1 11,1 ~VIIU iT' tv , Mi " ~I II' 1 \\'11 II 11.(,·r. "I' ~J "r. ~~I\r~" SO)IIIU Wil . .. 00 lIla.kc. It '. 'U tl\'U' their u lIal liUl it... I TU \\' , til tilly IIUO ' 1I11t11iY - .dg"kh' ; Perr.' " ~",l.u,1 I,or , I. '"" ... 1 liun Il: d n~r IL I~eullll oLJeet. . - TI.c lilt · .rII~'11I E\" ' I1~ 1 qll 11th· ill tll i~ A l'lur "II il\ 1l~il<I I,r Ii,· week,;. Nvw, ~rlenl1 , d.,. ll lit le~l tllllll.1cd 5.111111 t il MillIlI i l.lulIlhl y ~1t:llt· I _ M J: n. I1 ii!~ I' und W F . 0011<;.-1,,1. '. CUlDpl.~hod. . filic llllt ' pn,. 'lV.... I :.u. I I . I' tl ' ,lac' Jill N_IICY J .\ U.l I.llghl r , t• Mr, opporh thiit 'Nurk hllrl lie IIulllllll'r • dUIi l) ten yam's IIIg v II I l). I •I . ' ~l'lIul'd I'rof. JI IIr Uruhlll ll. ti,"\. llb..oo 1 I "'Ilt vli' t a bcalltitul a\'cnll" WIl MI i.ttllru Maw lI, Of. MO lTo"" W Il'ct urc I lilllli . rs, twu months IInll 1\\",1 du.\· . tll "1.1 llgt .. t III t Satllr' j lOQ. t d. \. 1 wi i Ie i [} t 'ud d . ited lil.'r r.. icil i It till 1)llLc', dtLY c"ell I t "'ek-" tiNt with OWIL II' - 11)11 • 11\' ~<dg wie"·. I'~I roel ~Icl l" 01 /<, r l :cI mou !'a. • •1. . I , ., t I ' . WII 1\ "' . ''''', A • 1I1l1 Sl'lIlduy ' . W' have Iht;\ billilke~t uriyc or walk 011 ., .. I') .""Iiuu. Ill" 'Iy I . ' • • • 1:1,. -ill .. ,,~ · U..10111l11t\." ltl ,J?m;!lm 111:\ , ' 11 w ililer Driu ll,o II IJn IS 1111 111\'11 It . I "iul<", ,m l" Ie 11 . ,h , .1.541 • ow t ' 8uttry. in l - lit. and M'rQ .. .Muli wit ch ·,(,f\I.... bt . her brltlf IIf ~ tt I _ tllrll iM rcolwlle rl, ~.~d '~ i~h·8 ... · , 1, 1>erI'CI ),Jell,,,J-J vr , Freachl: ;e' (' • eJ 9D tJl.... 18&b IIf ~ret. 1 T Q .... "..11011 - .. . "'c. I • 'ul.ill, . '. ? ' . ' .1 " 0. • edij"i.t' , OUUlple'e )1.,, 1.0 d , cngo II 1 . .. ,", ' - '1'1 . tlIroa J ' R;n' blll'll nl th it! . ctcd II ; 81~ e I'll. Jallub • Heighwo.y . . - MI'. FrIlnk (JIIIIllher full ufo via:'!) ~:'~';';~"'~~~.~~.~~,t tbTtltlld ~,~ Ir t .... ul;d II IIi 'U pllr' e .~d~ . th~ ellt~rvr IImJ popul.l&r y 11111( tic:ielltl v rec,,\'cretl th lll mClla/e tv CYl'lIill~, 0 11 II('U IIlIt l~_" , 11 to~ . II .• ~ YUIIIl~ 10 tie l'rlll'riel0':'liBill~ Concertina~ 0 1 tllc CUbll!Ut nllu villit sj',ril'~"'oru 011 Mun,l lI·. ex p<' rl ne s vi lIt , ItllIl when oou Untl rt'lkillj{ W'nrcr,I,"ns 10rLUel' Hl'the w(,lIth",r. ell " " i 'k '!! Pe l'rUlll Mc\b\Jd fu Iy 'I r U crUlIlD em. , A It 13 'k I . br,,1 C' v inced' tlmt a:eCV\,C I'y \VII:! ,i tn v O si · OWI ll'd !ty juri"r I\ c " h,I\" . ~~rLina _ • . 7r-. . tukell '-1" 'I" ' kl: IUt l,' "\\,'.I'u ' I.' II • "'I tl ! . 't' . I I Ihl) Vll'lIs" . ... '. II , I' (' II rep:r t Wit I I r WIlS h Itl ,If Iheil' of t rI.' • 1'1111 • III ..: , /'~,. IX. r, "eI ~ i Ii" l ' I'c~IlJ II . •1 tllur" wuultl1'''' (I t j~d;!\~ ic k ' ~ l' omi cte llcthoJ . ,l ,aU hll"illC, H with a vim vth r \I · I b I I I ' I ' 'I ' . " " . t lat 1Icr, Itt e r II IOn~ 11 11 ' I d . t, I'l!. IUld Publi shed by J . L, PETEl ls. crwi~ ..• hn yo blil'lI; but thv • wh ll ,In Cllcr"y wh ich III1~nr tlo u .UIlI' O:) IUt I " III II ' t st \ l'oIr . whu WI'I'C recenll y by lkuth's iS . ' .,\ I • o:!rcad I I I '. ' t ~ It ••:........ .." P . D .••• 10:1 ....... '1•• D. , '}'I Y 1,I' \' e 'l ~rr. alld ,\1 ... <. 1< milk ~ lI lOu Y01' y wen! \' Oil tiCI'll CIIJV)'lll I lelll-" \' t'S \'c ry New yo,k , ,,,t a" oI l..I, 1'0" , ,,"h1 •. 011 rC~II. eUIDIIW IIS. CHlIed I)n tIl I.)lllt \l' i th a I ~r ; nlid • • , ' r,' ,It' II/liu ~t' ll:, k Ill' even' I 'I . l 'lt. hf'n.: M\lII~a ' lor 1"1 111 II< ICI PIilll, IIlIl C l. 51 4 .' I .l AI<TIIA . }:illd~m llrll<.· r, \\'o~ l d t~18'l l btl. '\l'priv tllli~1:! ill tloJir li nu. tv ittllUizc ,· ci,, ~,~h e Q\.II k. u" 1' 1Ir~~ ' ...: whi el l WIli.lI·(1 they. will dlll'IIlJ SUUlllill r, i, ."~,,,. , ed vr IlII Mer 8 1 ters IUYlIIg care woulll I . ll Il UeCUi' ury; t•• • .. y - ~Ir . ~LlIllIWI M,cholle ,' IInu a::T1'h c b"\I1~~"( "' ntch s!l,1 II fr j ill . -.ud gniullnce. By thi8 burea".c· tbei r stuck lIl' pnrlor &OO I\IiI that " mont II largo eircle If yunng cow· k.jt:chl'lI f'urllituru il'I('lilole~ W IIl1d ~fil! Mllry Mi l;hcllcr vi si tcd ut Mr~. J. Kc II' r \Vllti rt!cv\'ercol, _ l!\'I'I'y- MLlrI' uw till 'ul urday. IIl1d SUllday , nlld l tl'll ( tll"tf. hili ' IIII\ clll pII.II!OnB \~,ill ' bo '1 .llI'iveoi . of th e tliillg dl'sil'ahle. i UttiCilili t. ::i.lI)lll - Wl' IIrll illddltu d I.. the lI 'lI! . hi" et!('ul lc. ", ~lllel'4' WIl leut!) ~nU11 mill!. und kl ~l dl y word III ve l'Y IIeat wuru ·l'Ulws .writill;-. ,dc:;kt! .•I ultll thllt ~ne -wlt,o nallied tim · low and r " 1hruukllt~. piclllro · frallle~, ctc., I'e" gr t; . SII\·llgU. ~1'lIIlol'r of Cun · tll!!1'1l was no o llUI'1 lIIade to pr.>;!e. >'; ' frvlII th ill D ibtnct./ ur valuabl e cote hilli. _WhY·1I 1t!.J .:· I!l~ect lit III I ~\' h ll hud Ihe' pleasllr Olllille lid thclll~t'I"tlS at "n c·. \V O titl·UI·M. ,_ " .. _ 0_ ' ' , " _ , ot he.r:11 .1IulOtnn r. . ltolv i.. u "llr tv cull UIIU dl.'O -- ~hs. Etllllil Kellv ,wi II hud ' To T.HIt. l~lilllt..JO .~.\EII'18 G ((:!dt : l~ 18 p;Illifu lllt .al1 tll~OS t? plll't th ... e yll ll llgI'cu,lul':; If you would "a.\'e ' 111<'11 lit ,lIIell, visiting lit'. ' ~tt) .. \.\:lielly, The little dll!Iil""le~:Ioi\' .J \-,h n ' Kc~s. ;1 at il~ath ~ lIO,mm ons WIth frtlJllds . lcul'll theil' s~ylc uf d"i ll~ ulllliuellilol- 1I0eli .. , . I1 I, , .It. , . l'd l! rIlUd~ hVllI O to Wclll I lust , JlfE.r 41%~i th~'''''' I\I~1l pox ,' r black ~pe41 lal.ly ~Ith tfh\'IB l . t~ wh~ tiro yilt - - ... F,·iday . : Ili0U ·Iell,. ur·u"y eo"'.lll{ioll~ (liol:!lIS . m tIll murnln g (' I (.I i ,,11 peCl! W.lrre ll Uuunty AIl .. "d. " , E A If 1 .' liarly aoJ d ubI . • 1 The rei It ttl II q~rW lid .. \~. nr\ ill this ill _. -.u~' , . : '1\ u." I prC plll~( , F W ' ttance, tQ the fr',olldll.l it .\\'a8 the ~ D <' E' /i,'O/~'i (Ii Utlz,'lt e :- 1 no~ic' to ~I.ku III BIIII'~: IIIUklOg v r I\hllJI I" .. _,~~.~.~ l~~UN, .• , " , lIl'eolld deuth in .Mr. Orahllm 's tillll' i.n the " utl'rn 'Uti: ut'-t!le !I~ I~IIl~ ~I any klllJ, ut . ~rt!. Dull . ! (iu to l tc; .it t:'ug l 't! Dvwn· ' iii In les ,thAn line m ,n t h Mr. illit., a pamgra l'li copied .trum:'?Jru THE ONLY STOVE MADE the Icy s eVIlle r., . . , T OWII Groclll'!)! ' L.r thu b ' t black, Gnlhlllll and hie filmily .ha"e th" W il mill" toll R ,'pttM, CIIII, 111 rcga ...1 - J ohn A . l' unk ey I ~ trl till) city vi-ulc t a lltJ red ",kil'. ol e~ l\lu WI~rl:1CB t 8ympllt hy of ~ lar~e eir t., the ;idu hI/il k ill <;Jli ll t '~I c"., thi~ \\'~c k . . L ..uk vut fv r u 11I~~e and retlili. ,'\I~, lA 'c it Wh cltJ vI' I'ri'mda in thit! gret~t atH ic· thll book sl'"t kell itl ILl' Iliurktlt, I)llY tile altllgct her htfttod r.b. 9 !OO9 Iud ~'pt. 2, 1869, of helllg Cl ul'\!1I IItn 'k (,1 Sprlllg K"lld<l a t Ih~ t .llI· , , ill uur otlice . , I . . • tiull. . A. n, s. 111111 s W"tvry of th . Rubel1 iul! lind Cillll!ltl Ca~h 8t.urc . : .' C~~Wl\1! w ~i h ' • • Ci v il Ill'd i n EII~IIIIIU, pn bl.' shed M e~~I' • Will. Antml ll ·nnd J . u . AI( ' II KK W"'I)O~~IG. -O~I 1..11111 ill tho'vyell fW:Il\~ ~ . k 'rilllt I~ Illtr ' b!It H",e ~.u I,ll' of tll ~ IIl"I\'~."" ,,,ud celobra. l. If that 18 the D. llllrri 011 will g inlll lIocil&l pur· nFlI!g W ..r\no:idll.r at 2 u CJllpk, IIl.M,,~. llidest bOl,k I'ill170 a d .• 'CIl ••' .. ~.\, '.s. tID Cuok.lt" " " and "II " ,h.,llr"t .ellUl" pa ... the county, Warren t~ in F,rllllliUl.'s lllLll. Ullrvey sburg. 1Wil II~ CV llbtn ll! mc lit tho H., 0) r, 1w: ~11'. ~e()I'gC. H Sullers ot tillS C . CUll bClit it. lor, bedrUIl", and ,tura.r "um OW'C• . . F rilluy lIi~ht this wc~k . j burg IlIrJ. , .:. .. , .placc IlIIlrl'led Af~lIs Emmn Ande~. It' thc ('ditllr 1)1 tl.lo R epltb.'HJrt)l -~r. Henry Sh\~I'wv< >d >!tartcd j Tho iroll8 tor th e lI e w 11uf\'(~y8 ~" . . 1 h~ OCCIlSilllI WllS III~t ''Ie hal'c 'on hl1nu thll b st !LS::Iurtmcllt of " .' will clllI ut m}' oRiel) lilly tllne. [ 011 l\lolldll \' I'llI' l'hill&dclphi,'L. . t il IIt- hur~ hd 115 1Ifl" cd !'WIII Ciucilll ill ' Ilghtful /II all I'...'spec!s. Ge(llgc. will 81",,," hilll lilly or 1111 • . of nil kll\.t~ 11\ large .. ur'ct y. of ,the tend leNui'l! in Ihe Pellll ~Y"'a llill l ti Oil ~llJlldILy . h~ ,boon 1I. bolln fol' . sc v ral yCllr~. liJll o willg work~. viz: ~Jn D .o4.lIl'Qlm Dellt,,1 Gv lle 'c. SUCCl'88 tv IliUl. -0--, fi ;ttlllg h('re aud thcre IIlDlJIIg the ~ ~.l!!. ~~ ~ ='~,~ . ~!l S rrnOll8 of JIIllI llS of V vragi lle, I M ~ g A f\ dl fu,ir viles; but ut last Cupid's dal't 1 vol fJi i I ~clWl.l1 ELc.cLi IteM ~1011dl\...T ' mblishc,1 in U!} L "nd iu t - , rll. " C' . ...,u ey .~ ~J(:i ,::r \ . ' ... . :-.'.... _ . e40~ U\)U6'>",ll.l bu· \uMudc row! bi,6 ~·'~~v..\\on. k:l)1li . .L' • ~ _, .' ,, •• I , ..... ~uKgy 4lt~IIl.o 1lW \I\~ \\\1a "~\1\g 'of \\Ie ~tlC Th: work8 of John Anloni v snch ~I8 tuuthllr. h"~' tl Ill'" , Moro SIIOW y erdny. 110111. 101 th" hekt m Oll ner. Rml li t fuw pri!'" hc~1. rag ct,rl'et, e!o., ! , ,. Ito now cnllll 'by the clldearl")~ 0 mpollo 1 vol .. . TOILE T S'f:TS, FAN CY WARE c\'cr offlll'l'd in th is markct . Thl'Y ure u f~,\I" w ,,: 111lblillhed in lit p/'I\'ate 1I"lll, Cull Ullrl seQ th~tn. 1 llig fluy next nA YTON (JQ,),:A ., 11 .. . ¥," 'lfluy . OJ .name 0 t• wilo. . ., A IE" "_y n IIIOYtl,S .loy .. 1-195. L' PJO_V, J)A 170:\ ' A " i; lllt~ N/('II ,1I 0.\'I), sCO r OIl rWell preBerv ed , Ilnd u -- Mr. H OI'aco I' . K. ey" <I" . (,ti l reI!, 'II ( , t'el'ytll . lng ' Itt • ~011/' . we, a~11 pence Shl'l~und t~lcm and abid e beRutiful spccim en of printin g. . OLIPl '.h.'N. 1J1I'E RIA]" & OI.II' /(H ( 1II lLLE' Vj ~II wh.u huve bu~'rowed tu~'ld of hi!! !, Ell.'ctlun_ ~~': ~~y. __ .. _ With th em. lhe bride alld gl'9lI m All at the Lowest Rates. all 0/ 'Olt icll (II', ' lI" II'I'(wt d tu '.Ii l'oJ • c;o !'ill/lld tV11. Tho wvrks vI' TllOphy loct, Arch· HI tlll.lI r ptlS:J~S I OIl, tu hl'llIg thum. R4'_eI D .r ••· ...8. - -- .-. returne tl to the hOlDo IIf Mr. Sol · bi<hop !lf BlllgnrilL 1 vol. I'ubliilh .~ - - lW- i\lr · 1111 h(llllu wlthon t J ... luy. N vW "0" i. Ihe time ' of I". f""r ror P""IIIIIIIn ' DOW~llill~' lcrtl' parents . Mr, and Mrs. rsaac cu ill 15:J1. " l:'~ dun' t f Vl'gt.'t this. ---W e hn"e lhl'eo of the llY- r - - ill: I.lIlI g Fe"cr. . Co.p' h,,· , Cuills. amI fll l,,1 Selici'll. 011 Thllrst lay, nt which The ' works or J'Jhn Drvdn~ ..: of -MidB d I MIII'iu tI· t" ~ \ t t k Bilucrhuck \VllV l r"" ulI< or , pre4i!l f~\ " ~I li> 9'J1,~ umI'Iio ll ~,mo un p.IlCO Ie III IItr et s vo TIIUI'S, 1 ol., ·pnhl illhed ut 13:\;:!lo, , hus ' li lli' 0111<'1' Ih,'OIIt "no' I.IIII~ 11,.·,,,. . 00. tor the h.l"t s ix IIIvlithtl re~id ull OIlU', 1 , place. · 'fIllS WIL!! u slllUptnouB ban· in 1552.. \l Thii! ';~IIlI ... ,R' b.... ""'<-" . u <,·,! in , hi. b, ~vk lIc1unge d tv with the tumily oJ Mr. ll, KilbLlll ne igh l'ol'hllliu ''' r iii P"! ' IW., q UClI· Ilefittin g Iho occIL~ion - The 1> S I P CII' th" ' e ~ .• t ,""y. ' b' , C · ' B S·· il d r. IImue IIrr, allu cun UIDS I ~ , ~II lIr"."I. ~p t wi.houlo . ·"illl i""i\l'~c au ..'. 11 urnel. to ler I1111Ill! .Y61 gll,.ts "'ore. Amos ". Idce an Dlltllgrl ,ou...8hilt. oot 'ul'1Id", m"die,"e your'l'lr. go' lph. III Mllrtllhlvlllo, ' Olllltvil CVUlltJ, 10 \lOur willl, G. W . Sidos ulld wlfe, 110nry D,u:;}! •• , . <i )vll, MIIII ".k him 01 The Huly Dible pnbli hed in ' IUtlt week. • it. '~ollll" rrul silc:'b'l1 IUf,"~ hi. c'I!I1uwcr8. X SideB I1nd wife SUIllllO I Sides L ·I . TI " 11 f . ' 'f, N [:I '. d ' f, TWI' OfluOIl In 158 "'. •• 8 "ill r,r\ . Ih!; ~or", C.'B". Jr II~ 18 uno v , -~le,,~rs . Jvhll F. CadWIlIt.ldel·" Y0lt h010 . --AN 1>-••• · J'" 11I ;,t,· " ",e~"'ll1'" sll.d WI ?, . e rr . :'lun,!3~ ~Il L~vll Il, thc edition culled the jol <' bu)' a es Will io l~oguri! , Walter (jllkill. !::)lI rrl I S.'''l l'le Rultl • . lolt'J;rjlc'_ ~188 L,ZZIO SId es, l,tItIB~' orn , Bible frum the tmllslilti ullBrecch l;, rIO \" 8)'rllp of thc T I ' lOG W'II ' ~ldC8' Mrs Huttie Reoce Mr~ I I W ' t ~"'r 10 . ents I'"~ 'l q 111 '11"1';01... . Izo Boltle: ' ' £J. • , . .1 7 I uy 0 1 alii • . , , . . '0 . I 1I110.i.J 1 • M. Oil j lr. ",· nl .. 1)011 I lie '1001 II "" u"h 10 .,, "0 7.. M ~d :" lard Chupte r ~t• \JelleSI~ , , aliU t I til Cinci!ll iuti 011 MUllduy tl) ~Cll-, ron'.. ~ ~ . Ana. :"",:eoo: I ~: .tlr~ ~ .. 561-11 I'~g. vel'de, whele It sl1y~ "they sowcd Edwin . ' ·'_.c • BVflth ill h i~ great iUlI'\' ... s - x .! ) _ !lS::Za: :s=. _ _ ._ ton. (or ·nluon ~ty), Jr. AI~rt Ifig· tree 10llves tvgl!thel' lind . . mad\) solluliou of Hamlet , .. thc muln:1 AlIderlilO!I, Mr. . ' ,All ersoo, . r. themselves breoch""." t t 9 • 41 1 rrd~ . ~C\t· ~no~ '" In Ollr ch"ly Dane." Ed. A Iluersutl of Morrow; Meserd· 1t i t ' d i . t ' ! 1t9 ' ; : .,' ~j _~g , ~,,~'. ~ . .u;t,t ,. .. 8amuel Jan~cy Sumnel D. E1'e l'ly . rails u IO n ,~~.w . ' t rcade !llIpron!!" I I . ... . t .- Fullkily & MI~8 i1dillll .1 ,wnnt - Nt-ur R l~r •• itIC. F eb. ~9, It!· , J ." /lIsteRd 0 f J . J .•M Iller, I .. ' lecc. C8. M"IIton K 0)8, •J . . I evlcryhody' tu klluw thllt hy the j 711,NELSON ' U ~ .. ugh.t./r. ~ Go arvis W\rJ "f . Mr . .Nl-I.lln, The worktl TI&CltU8 plIhltsh cd III fi I· • f B IILttin, H v ruu~ . H II tt011". It'J r!l.. EI ' in the market: thc lrEST ERN,D L·BlI X ami l!.'X(J ELSIO . hog·8kl.n. I I rst 0 Akprl'II' t,I O\, WI' II I'111\' 0 a Jr. ~ 1 vlJl , b ,\lIld ' 10 R! . ' .Jo. ., 111. C .. 187fl, the ··f .t .... ~I.ull · MI8 SCS ' Sallie Hlun es,I· j lIJOol. 'fl " f 0 LlNOOr. ~ .-j''''''m L tl ..' T " I C ~ I fo f the HlIly ' urge s.t oc (I arpc s IIlI I~ !I[r. ,(01111 L," ""l u. of Ii daugh ter. · &man thi Hlltton" ·Clal'll Hutto n B hill IllIO mn :! ~I . I • sO Illct.llIlIg Wllync d\,illo could 1I 0t. Z~I .L - (II UinolunlW.. ..A Ion to Emma Burnet t· ~nd Miss Cordi~ I~. t.Irio wife ' li e vllly I~~ge. " 0 ~'~lC, utfvI'd hl:!relvtiwc. . C"II cady uf Mr . C~l vm i.~. . ~ . '" , f l' • 111' " puuhllhed lit Wl ttelll~lll g ,? W~3. ' lind lice the ncw Spnng Pultcr, 1Il~,. 0 118CO a , 111 018. I;. r.llRAN~A.-~11lJ1,21), 1 f:l ,O.II JII?gb te.. ... A Munllal of NIII SllllltleS , pub· .__.__ • • 10 th", ,,d(,\ of IOUlJt . , . '._ ~: ~ n.1 " . . ' , 'o:r'l'h {' LY:l~I~ClubufSpring· l IiBhed in ~nrisiIl1605. . . NARROW GA UGE AI.L RIGHT. - · .~t · ~~ihf , 7 ~ . ~;ro will gi \'c one of their charlU· 1 llurcl~y d Apology, publl8h ,'. ed 111 1Mayor JOhllSf lll , Ialit Slltl1rday. ~, t 9 t; ~. . • ina cJltertailltUu[lts in the bull iIl I LoAnullt)!IfllltI1711·~bo· Ide thlln isigned the ordinllllCo giving the "C~ ."', . d . H f ' l "M ~~' N ' 0 ~I!~A Ie II ' , ve I are ' h' 0 ~flI th,8. r , pnlOO Oil TI. lurg . I t' uy eVIJIll ng v • t o· .. A ' VOle 0 tbi i w~k. . The .pr(lgrllillme ii! very ~ the oue I~e lDeutlOlI~ All (tb'l1I rip; It 0 entrll~lcc·.way J n 0 IIlCW Dr . S. J . W»n , -uellqhlf 111••0 t• IlL'"..oll I.t. d 0 b ~ tI nllti t\) the M lum I V ulley Nurruw IM 76. by thc li••. CIi..rle. 'F~rlCu'"I1. Mr. 1. II.ttruetive, embrac illg SlIoh plays U8 ll~C ·We , preserv e lIt('lIIu(aQto1'ed and kopt on hll nd ..t un. uun. Gauge Railwu y. Thie plac~ the N. Ch"p,"Il " ~I lIf:i '!tlar~""e J. H"o~. Dvllllr.; uud Ot!ut~. Ulllldy Gray, SlIl~le vt .them are ~,)ulld I~ vellum . eDtcrl)r i~e beYllllJ u reradve lltllre, llby long hfQ .,ill II ppm_ "" Ih oll·s. IB "bonk III the Itbrary uf aud T ornillg .tbe Ta,II es; ' b\l2i dt!~ , I 1hel'c ., N Wholesale and Retail IS' - ';sf M ' . anti uetllU I w~.r k WI' I b~gtn - -- .._III a ~,-- ---~ I 8t)n8'u n,d in t~illuul1tal rou~ic. MiB", ty'OII '"110 New Feed , the easicst h a.lIrl led "and cotn)Jletest Drili offered "0 the e UCII~!Y' S °rill ~~~~: , fuw w!leks. Tam:t II Mullan, wo11 Lct 118 nil si ng Glory. 'tftldJe. knuwn aud u. ey 0 1ge ,I )J . g . , Station tt el'1J', Confe W c h" ve, IIlso j II cvmple te 8to<:k of ouc-horlle ctione . _00' ry, W . ." highly ret!pectod here t llkllS 801llU ' which :VIIS puullshcd either :J. r '. _I 111 1 The H. O. B. Ol'nb WCDt Ollt =="=--~ -=:±= . _ ' Tobac 1491 co or and 9 ') I Cigars do Ilvt of the leadlO~ , now rernem ··1\11 . turce charuc tllr.; unol . I -, eOP on 'J...... .Ull d screna .1 Ild Mr. Ull d ST.&Tt '1 . I • l~ : u E.' ltJiJT 1;'. from tile reputllt ion of the Cl ub cerlulII y. IN SURAN I£ I EPARTMP.NT .... _,t_~_ '-~ D~uJJlc.8hovel ,v.~.~ ,... _~~ .' . M~. .~ ... li80n . M9~"iJI~V, las~ (k ' ,"'_b: 1S, 11176, ~ller14l1y, we &fa c6ufidell~ tho en· ~ou~ of these hb.ooka•. ~~!'t~ i Thor_?\.veni .. I Do; ' I . . ~g:~lld w~~ 8U'mp· "'Ii~)' P.:~: ;~1.:.uruo. Com. ,'. mayor 8 J; .O:C amauo tertainu llmt will be woll worthy of ' t1.,t,ced, were pu Il tlh~ n. W Ituollsly entertl\llled willie there. pu,.. IllU~"'d II I li!R F'U IW, ill .h. attendl1nce. III IId llitioll to tho discovery of Amorlc a. 8 11l1t) :M AYOn'S OIlJrICBI , W AY I, RK VILUI:, O.• l hat The Cillb uftcrwu rutllIOr enaded sev· of CON l'H:OTlO lTT, pae II led 'n Ihilollle8 tl tt t' 8 M s hllve pai!sed uver the wurld enl LIther I)nrtiee "one of 22, 1ll76 .. J o ler IA : lIe 1011, r, .t li ItO M• T a y · Ichungc whom " .",urn 8 10h' 0I <0 I, by Ih. prop.r olliqcrs Nllti c6 Is hor.by . give:Marcil sinCll t le~e b...ok~ were publi sbed. · n 1.0 (ho . quulilicd , ' 1,0r' of .thls plilce 1111$ bL'C 1l enll;age be I' I " lbereof. Ihn ... io;; i,. ~onQitloo "lid bu~ia '8' , ele~tors of th dl y , f ' d e (llcur porll,er! .Villallb of we wer" thunklu l to wile 1. to Bing t\\'o new Dutch charuct er l nnd com~Ii, ' d i~ &11 ....n . .. ilh tb . luw. of W"y" esville. Ohio. OU I rl b D , . th l\t UII olecll ou wIll ~ thl,. 8'&141 rdllllOf; to .lIGb In.ur.nc e Com held ~t tho B~llklllll " M 1 t I \ JAMES Hou •• 01 I . H. }larrl. \V. HAINE8 . 801IjP. PUBLIC r · . IS oor lllUI p~PIl ur SALEB. _ Milton Brad· p"n;ee. incor"u r,.le!l I,, ·othe r SIu I" 8 01 the in •• id ViI\ Olge, 011 tho _ • • natl'Ve C<lmic singer, alld IllS .UP· I United Sla, •• : _ . ' . ~. Cor"'ln . • U d ,' . A ,'l 71 ' t street will ofter his propert y at Kow, Iherpl"", , hi p'urlaan04' llA"runee _I ono will drllw mUIly. to or 111 .... 1 .L:t1I1t ../u on a!/ lit • p11 C:ll , allctiuo on Thursd ny, March 30, WILLI A .\1 II. II [L[;"I>tiJIlrIQlelld enl r' 1\' ' of 1 a botween t.he hours the \lall t W e hope thcre W I. , be lu ,·an .. o or lh e S"'~ ;' Ohi'(, do he .. r ltv ail< o'ulo'k 1'. M. 01 of ~ll[ 0 clook A . M . ft"d - Mr. Kindlc Tayl or bas bought at 2 0 ' CI,oc k '. a fuli:~M .Out. · :!5 c~nt<l. Clllld· th\) Grungc rd'sture Patronize ce,II r.r , 10111 •• id Go'.'!.," . .1~ .",hori.e 'd iO JX.lIMl' of e lecting th Mid d"y. fvr Ihe purA follo,.,h' K offil.er •• to him. I 011 El ectIOn Duy, MI'. lV. Rog· 'nu ~'oi 'e rs, .. CI il. 'pprop"'IRIt I~u.ine" oC Arrt serve for .. term uf twu ron under 1:!. l5 cents. nesen 'cd . year_: nno !>[ayur, J M·· I · d ere will sell tlpring, w!lgon. lInggy, · k """' f h .. i &A 0< IQ. ~"', in~orda~ce- ouo ·rr..... t T :\lr. vlan orris Illi urer. move one Clerk, I t t 2 '~I eeatl 35c. IC ets . vr sa e Il hie fllwily to this \lillug\!, wiQo law, II dug II ~l"'" , •• r. 1 It., three mcouool'l l of Ooullall.0 110 M,",_bal,. tUld I lUrnCtl8, e c., R O C UC k ,at h'8 II ~lInill'itlo n aM It''lh• • ~r, aId ClulI~an. Ori&pin s'. ' tit . ' ----. Given under my S f aod 00" AI d ' K 8tabl e. ,', . .... . lloe date 01 ""ch . t.' elnclll ·(Dec. 3111, IIl75) S., 81>" '.. I''''·IIt.u "0"1. thi. hAnd ~Mr. Ituw,o exutl ria. y., I --_. .10 . hown . i followa-: ' " 1,--, Jlbr ·h. A.D 1870 . 2'2d dRY of J!e cold \II1'll)ter or last week gUI ye.j II viBittltll hi s SOli, Mr. R. F. C. C~NOKK.T.~1'. A. _~~phen lll' 0to' 'Aggreg& UWollllt<o( ....llaW. ~'06. ~. .~IJ I,)' ,killed . out aH, prll8poot 0 I:1 W , recull y. T. T. DO~::!ON , May~. . ..1I~C.'lI!l ~tl.' yrullU." 11l.~ cqlla Agpreg. te amo\luL o(L(abil I. for peaw lei, and pruuab ly pears Ind : - Mr. (Jhurlcs Cllb" hilS moved " . Dissol ution 'Notice, [J'" Warran ted to gi"e SlLti8flletion.cCll ehetrie 9; the bl soms or all thClle illtn til;) h 'Ju~e r&ccntl y ~'acatec I III I.", 111l,IIIP~, 'wlIl I[lve a Sacred lia. , (o lcev, oapl."" )<. iat:I~ ' . .. . ' . The Tener.1I1p . borotofore .. xi~tlnK be. l Song S~rvlce lU tho ~. E. O~llIrch Ing ...·III.UI........ ; ; : ;. · 't", , : .41 .IQU 00. tw een ~om"a -Po!vitt ,t CI",·. E. ,J..,QOt.. it being Kim t reatly 10 bunt open by J. ltcUlad e. ncxt 1 ue8day e\leolll~. Tieket& ~/'" ue ~ ' 10. c i .l.'.u/lllll. \l;l l thi.da y.dl"""Iy'u<[by 'qptu"I aOIl . o!,t; 0. &.. wben dlo In came I' "CI Mr 'Id 2 W 1" J Harlan out of Darke 0 .1 .. <ro, .' " II ron "c. .. .." , ~ .... •.j ...... JuoolM '. . ", in.Mr." rOtirIIlf, or er.n clual p . up',~ from tb~b flrm CapAll ~~I,.. . ~ t · uro . . _..Uu "mouM OI"'~ring "rnbs, alYI), <:0-.• . is viBiting 1 'rh' 'Ntmh n ._·wlly ·aal t t J ~ Yandu8e, 's spen d &.pI "" 300 000 00 CUUTlcu on " uture y casan =lOg omftA .LIV't'"lt • . 1 , 1Ir ~· : ' · IUOU .. ItlaOtl, , 0l&8, (ltC .•.Ille al~o flLllltiy. :I W,,)'oe.v itlc,~!,r uh 2 t. 1676. Ro~g GERANIVloI:. ..".-;::0 A bl I I ' 'ed Surpla ~;, ~ t" '14:J"G2 2J • .. yedth tn.'llbe of bloomlD g tbis l . &otablltbod tW . •• . \J...J " .r tao Their buds ,,'ctc blasted '. ceOtl was carrl . Mr. I , . U. " Hurria b llll(ht the UWlly by mllitak e frow .....,.. the Hall, oJ • Amollnl of · tooomHo , rtbe'1r ar I D 'tV and bli4(bted 0,. . litiS nw t nllwel· IlIttl r . . . 11' . 'A DdIlr"on 's hurn", II,f.....• I I t l' .'U:ortt ODd olbtbUla. ..1118t Iva. ' I in ,·n.h. • o.cr tie tJ21,741 u u 59 em~ran ~e ·Allluunt ofE.pell, Il..... "'.tlii ~, • . olll&llado .",od willi com All kindt! of Wood Pllmps at extrem ely low prices. mOlt untime ly frost or sleud last Saturd ay, ut 1.135,5fl. lho '. Ulit 11lOl"0D "_ ono whu took If Will greatlJ ,ear In caab. A... ' 'AIII erllOll8 wis hipg Rllytld ng .in onr line wiJI lind it to their int.t.ro8 -th r' foritwl 18ll8eo ld as l Mrs. O. T . Cad\\"lLhlder f100.436 ll!I... ... .... .uoa: :~..: tbought obli~6 hy returni ng it to MN. J. h ~\T!Wai!l \\':1I-" ,. I .iItQ. h~ .... t , • .,.. , .. . , . ' d I . I .... .. .u ...... to give us 8 ?all before purchu!Jing elH·whore. II &01 " ..tber we had for tbe "IDtor, te IUha<:robed mv nil mo. >CIkt;_a ed Ibo ....u1..10 th(' house ~o , ot III vWllr R''$ b A . rt8Plll, of .... ~_.. IO ... "ri.. _ _ &-. as Ie ' owner wan 011. 016001.0 b•• llili4MltM .4a, a.1ld ycarabovo ] , if D cokh·r. Lot".1 1 go South. ' street fur SaO t.. . . wil ••. ·TIA8D ALI hor ciOttl. "T-nc av.i.1l0. ..r1",II. ' .w. 11. al"L S~rillleud. ,to "" ·w...... __, c~..cElJx..h, " J
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TW llM_yow• .7_ wldl.7_wta.... ~~.:;:- ::.':I"~ .... ,.I• •~leil ur Ia!d lUu1 yearellJlICtl. uud r tllO ~~.r:'r.:.,;;~~::-O)r ••,- ; Tllef ... ~'. 1&· ~bd"l( h -.pil. I.y '" .11 . BIIme of "sel".311&lhr Or Out of il I. lhe adv, Ie o( QU. ~:k~b-aa.a t~t.h "y.brvlljlbt UI .... eLi ..:~.. ~,!o:;~"!.:'l: thJl IX. )tt. ." alld it i 'IIII~ iu PI'(.'>1 oil . I nd w. i ... ...u
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III tn h vu,.· t.b •• ,.~ _ hle..!)I. ",·• • • Ia I•• , and Ih <. ·11 be . '. • lIu,"I ",. . I ":,,,\ u. ""t '." I • I~.t 1" ") ) ,. ,II• • "",.. II 'lI'hl..... did llol f';"lI, Ph .. ....... ' I~ kl" all" WI I ued 1II 1& lew ChlYII. 11 I I'fI" II III Ih~ 1I0,,1M .~d dl. holl ' l W.lh II .. IU ... b",o. :. II~'" bu.ldh.It<. UII 011. h.... J loared fo, .mIU' mae to lu .... IDe allo.1I ...... "'0<111.,,, ... r;,·I1... .. m ....'~, I::' III book furm. fo r tlu, firtlt ~ilUe. ,I • • legi· 1 , lOll Ihal b,. he lu. d III (, .." rent '" P"~, w e " ,'" Il iv!' "n·lllm,· r u,,, & - ,... I... hom t ~ "W u ohor •• ., ' u.~lul III th.e lr 1II,·.IIIIg, ud uel:1.IoJ.ll00d. , All'll. lIuthwul'th ill the' Vrtlta to .lld ." I'I'f'.,~d, tbl' ..... . . ! ." ""lee.1 In .ct of .. trllA; I1J~._I"O r l"""~,_tbuII ""'on .. net IlIIb 1'1 01 A D '1 II Inuu l," IIU ,. ~ "Th i8 tlt llry 1 ' ,1 ~b;~r' ' ~~'I~' ' '~~'' 'u' ,w. n~ol"llI.u".u..1I '\> u,·"d ,. ''''0 W'" h"Y~ od 6h Wk. ~I)" ti ll. wck of I .-\Iou. But til el.y~ IWd the T~". pIIetd __>I, ··ar' , , I .. , ,, • •,.... . . . . ,. eaw...", ",,,,.lIy "", Iby ... oul 14'· bliun~ . uvuk Iu rlll, hill! bceu Cll.1J·d lu r. b ,,, all oo..1 aJil k :;ub~ .... _ "~. ie 10 , ,.., . 'Ii'l _ _ ._.__"'_ .... hellll, h_~ .... I!l'U.iag ....,._d ....... ,.. eve,.1 DO. 1I.,ug .Iao eMm. with Ib,·I. tho u ~lId8. dllrilljt ~ ve rlll • pl~,'" tl,e COnl'~! of lite OIl ....·U. I [II I.... rum.l" I ' ...: ~.. P•. (). ,~. ~1'. L . • ,lll . t' parlD~ ... ho luiy be"11 "alull" 'tl 10 ucl,~., t b I car 1" ( .h~ )In",., K,u• • "U 01'\'11" "11{ IIUII·Pro · = 1'/ ! Bllt the kind F atll r. wh.- .....d ...." r aDd u. chlt .II'. lb. '1. ,n". O.. " elllin••, o flU • . ut t I Iluthor blUl r ·r\·~t1 durl u!! . rl.c""rae.,. . . ",ud,' hYI""'''' bu t fi •• t·c!" •• 1 Ii H:IIlIltJll d & Oil ;r" yn ni jf\lid... UlI. ~"!:l" O·Nn ll • • IUId ••b, oth, •• • ber': It, uutll 1 71;, Ii8 hur oolllribut iO It TIll' '' I.r~ 0 .111, rr ••1.~.... ". !no•." 11ll{ Ihe ":'Jrklllrll lIt '''"" Udll,1 'n tI,e •• • Ne • ••" • • • 1Mee. ..... . Sent T"u in YOllr bea~t, bl'l"hwo my h' 11,.1, b"mbl~ II ..... " .. tIll 10 th. ,u · to the lit nuiul' not 0 I btl. I'~.' of gov, l1,m"ol .. Ili '1"" • • bll" Ih. "ole,· c'IY, I '." ,·hOle.· ".1or I . " UI\O ,0• ., . : .. h~ ; II&lv, •.•nd ... ho,·•• IDI!. I,), a ',1...... 1. .... Ik I .' . II Y 01 lal... -lid II "ro<lu'·I3. al e 141' . • IId 0 " D I. ADd bJl' , our ",olD&IIly II lndn_ alld ra' lug ~ 1I11101I" "'011,," . '" lb •••• illll I.owe, of CUUrlC lilt! CUll Iuel'll It to be b ·r . ;:re,·,, ".' ''''' ( Ii,,' I"'0p"". moo") .} bave lk-ell N ~ . a. ' \ 11 II. Oh" . I .wbe ll H.. I. r,·e.1 ,,01 U Ih.leacb. , v c rJ' be t work but .... • .. 11 0 I't 'IU I de" rt~' al I. I."d L ' lI n 0 • t' I r II "1 I ' I' r ~ OillOi" n&d- I••.., ~. II uo. '" I L. b r b I "1U\aI 0 ~ 'b h I h 1..1 I ~ . &' 1 nr '0 \) A IlIi nC .. In n u t li te RI I d TeaobIU. 10 rx,arwithilitton.nd,trU.. II t..., u .... U I . ohlld .. u OI ~eo. pecul iarly a Nutillntll Nov.1 be' , caol c ngn~ 1 t'O'e.lI~ CODt....,l .. 'lh , N " J' :> CHnOll - .\r ril o 10.3lIa. J OItA 1... Ii f _.t' .. .• . C , lUg , boUldhlilde ... and mak ing bolId . ". )·. bl in Inf".. n. J{.... ld. hnl".~ ul" n anybody. liftS ·,·lo .·n. u ri . .. 11 .47 ... H 0 AWK.. A OREA7' lYATI ONAl uunu~u 0 11 th J,fu andCll~r v f guldl.....·.dul' le;:., "'1I,1e ... e" "/11,,·.d -. NU' C~ Ih· . • rrh·e 11:.0.111 IlRVltY811 110 •• -'. ._ _ _ I WOnK.-111~ Ct ' l ll' vnu III the lIu hlvI!t o f 1I1ir COlllltr" ' , " POII : • ~ ,."III. m 0125 IJ.II' I'e~~. III v. lu.· A.~Ier 011. R,ri ,'U UI4 r "" • lJ Untl • 1/ Illi t'/~fl U' , /1'0111 l~' m~lI , 'I r~1l , /1 \, I'I vorl. 811m rod J , Iu 1'h~ Ihe f.·.He·" "I ml'. ~" lun "I.eme m ," Kokumo .• , .Iv" 2. 1;. \I. p III &Ihlml Muut hly M ethlW. t OI'!! of tll tate~, A" I"01 " th.,. 'D! IId lu).;". Ih lLl , 1.01" "" 1'''<1, _" h" ;160 . -t he du/ 0 'try (If ll. A IfI fI'ia t u lild . aud trlllmphed ill thill luuu; I .~I h i. urtul,' IIIlr""<' bHe ••aiI ,,1~ci"ll lb I 0 .0." Point. u, ly. 600 I' ,n U M'I. ' .... ~.TTO:f . CO t' 4 to t'li", l ,I' ~" olle who~u i ll 3Virutillll!t uf wi8d"1JI Obl~ . I ."u~hllor '" .11'1; .,...... fu" htl r off. I Chl~.g" . I1"" o Nu . :J . n m en i C 0 116 tV ¥fl e a U rut! d Fur AUeb ,wd ull"'r cr ..., .I .. , t till' ,,'0 . __ ~.r.o , p. 4ur lfor "II... · lb.· r 'ell ",lollieoto I~ "harpd ./f'ir.t C, ,. of 4mIJriof&ll, In · ' II g. lie . W're ru'.'l1 from .tJ~e ph' the ~II' lui "'r " ill ~dY, OOII'" a eh.,n,: in I , • with B "'-1_ - - ,. only I" IlIdh'lliu.,1 PlIlIl' . r~: We'. d6penrientJ8, by Jamell D . JV oCabe. uxuJIlples of .the heroIC warr .. ,1'i ·l lh. "dmlldll,o ll.•u o( lit IIIIltIr , II Q: ~1'II1III«I • oe~R.I,,,,,,1I 1 . ' UIO. 81111:,,1 .. I'Nceellillg' lu Autlioruf"A Jf,ulual of G alle at alld staWtlwo n uf the R<:lvolution mo l YVllUlih :~r:-,~ t ...• !D"'II".;. ~'." .... Dlelhlle hef.", th,' t ~ " Til . G . K 11 '1' " and whu e I ifo ill u gnidiog stur ~~ CelebratlOD for tlt.1 atlDlllal A I",n .nd well_ looted .to>ok "f Ullder. --AND.,our ~""Q". " " rlll..\ hJ I:'~"l ~ . 1( • •1)011.. ",hr. ·hon,·nl'" tI... lloUlhl.,' M.. elillg. m". · LB Or!!, ~ I t1U~ .l' fjp'~fM;'tJ, the y o uth f I d I Year. , t. lr ill\r G"od~ con.tanllv 00 blind. alld ell. S.,,·, a3 Ilro.Held '. !llJl!k",. »"•• ,.IIMl ~ r llllt·1 ",,·r. acoom/.Ii.h..d h . Ih, Mid 01' a Et .. .Etc. I 0 e\ ery an , to 8hllW II I·OU. II k d _, I ., I ' poril.'lloed '-ru" A rol.ll\inr.t to ~lIo ob... ". of 181:1 .... IUld jlooda 10, 1:J:••lriIO 1..... _... ., I II of I ·1·' · ..... WII thorn tll ut tl 'r a ' d tl fl ' uu I tlU"· Il U a.. e" ally t " l i d r0 ...;...): .. l • II I f 8"me 0 Ie' 101.' y. • uU . . It i8 a wulI kn o wli fI ct t . at tl I · u 10 v 18 uo ep I 0 10 ' u" Dl 'r "" ... '11' r dt I I th" . b,,<IIc b or tb e b."lo . Ou.· ... v~" "lin ly ,,( \),1' . ' .II,e, .• ,14 ... . lIalll Milil 1II""k..t Ibe dlllgh'er of Row. U U Ie mUD m' e ' f l ' I I ' . . . " un , ' C~. " PII'l" '" "," re ,.. ., . pIc QQ..cia. GI'OCtl..!8oj. lJuok_. Oulh,... b l..... III .r rum W IIC I t iC,)' lUuy lI' IIllllon. ",~,' Ib a;II'l"I".,duriul) tI,l. RII I lftll'<lh .. I, I 76. 6.'18 . W"re. & c •• ,\d.. "I .,,~u, h.,fpriu•• ;'/I'" .. :I. lap4'Richard. b., 0 oapl l I 1II1nl.le, .. hiuh great rnasa of uur pwple are cum. wnO genu,aJi npprov,'d It,. .II, le/lda. AIO" ug polled to r aly, fur their knowledge uut. by VI~tUC, elle rgy, alld perse· \'Iii.t.'·'·U' 0 '111" a ud IlIbllC:tiio. fo l' Ihu '''0' 110.- : o. HAIN E8. e" /' rr tb ".~ .. I IIhl, 0"8 dO'I.,. . th oOlllpl ~lul. bl'lIughll\gn'O. 1 oltundere, _0 of the I ' tory of IJ ' t I verance. rlsu to earthly h o nure. 1llI / TEl' " 1 Q • o. WUULl, ln·. II . .,. ...... _ .... . ouu 1.,. ·d ....~. u". ag .•ln l • , g .0'''.11 II~ Itslr COUll ry. , well a tu te I rl' J ' 11 b :. II . p l· \. T II E J . 'V Lu til'> ,,"11 IIr'l lUIU.I. , (ur "",klllg Iblol;d thai did IIlI' b~Iolig '0 upou thtl o ut I ina workB illtellti.:d . ~ . rllll g 0 1y. t WI. 0 1, ,Ingle COI'I . o"e .1 0 11'. , .2 0\) ""d cap . 01110. $1 .. holl "oUIII.,· d,.. I.re • • k ' b 'r In an uIII",coII,lng .~II"er!' for the u se of Ichools which by puliitshed a lurge duodt!clUlO r.l v" cUP.I."o .. 'I l:IO"noh. i :. $31",. .,.hi, il no h'"III"j}(. I... '1Iok.: b .' f . volume ot BOveu hundred pll .....d "0 " I f~le"u b lU on • tI • et.· d. IUI~,· rl. See' Our cl roul" r~ •• aJrd ,ea , A dllfuleuce .d ,~d ro, . 10llg Ihue he 1 I . II lwo t',I"od~ ill .... Ialioll 10 .' ".&0, t lelr very nature are rle; d esign . buu d . I I ' 1 '" nl. " .. 1 ~ii"" b, 3U 00 Ih.e Ib ,u." nu. or u.i c/e. "lIl: r"d III olillti. \ll'iyll ,·j:e . One or 'hem ""gl.ckld 10 co,o ' j Il)( the compreheUllitlll of c hildren. . II 1n ,!lOroc c° C;,t I. gl t ~ck. , With I;U'.llIh. .... I,-e.l lIO t.t1' .. v' clul, I\ge,;'. ( 8.~ ebdoflleJ I,." tho h".lpltper. of II" •. . ply wllb I he .... "rd ,!f lI ,bl,I'1lto ,"1Il1 m_.lo Ulld ill every wily un8uited to the price 1•70, 11111 l be lOr 8ule ~y Mil 1·,1d fo, 1I,,~clm· n co "I. l'ad <lg,·nl. · outfit. .I l."1 , . . '0". "lId h~' UII hUlidred IlIuue.,ud pMloU' • . .... e'. eb ••g•• IIglllnn hlil fellow rne l"I,.r. 1 I t't • d Th .I I ....... Booksellors, lIr udvance COplCB of A·'nT. " " ~T D :O ' " er P!'sh.oftlee. •• ~1 • . 'e'e UU.· elf\·ulu". 00 lbat al let, 'Ib Ihe ""-e ...,. bl'ough' 1,) . I Ul U mlu. ere 1118 ong ......-ell I it will be sel t t l ' A~"·.,, "II urd,·" to ,- " , But .. bllt hlUl th.t 1.0 d .. witl. til. Mil , . . Gee60 . . fore Ih. Dle,·~ln~ . and liner e ," <ide nlbIG l fclt U geuuine want 0 1 a lli Bt ory l " II O.UUY ou~ou tlelr . L'AI}AN " lI.f ·IEA N .' I.'~ ~II',o,,"vo' ''erholl '''' w. 1."orbe ""I1I1,. ow"ell. II. ""pe,"·dl,.. ". of the Ullited StuWIi co\' er,' u" I'l'ml~trllg tlO pl'lca vf It to th e l }' ~/'! "'C.j,..~ ~ .' l end"y m"lIor esp.u8 . 0 : 0 : 0 .. . Dd Ie' . ca.. jlld~III'"1 of the Monlhl~' MO ·llo:,: . .. nd . . . ' . .. Publ'8 h er::!. tt(l t a" tJl 'lI, 'i/Utl lI (tt~, O. W .I·UU o.e guod. b.II,." ""..ang. 'tV,. IV " ' . til. commhill" ur t~e Il" "I'I'''y Moellng III ' tire whule porl ~ trum tho dlscov, • ••• . _ - • ,_._;-. _ __ . • ,n niH •• Jllly 14. 18711. . gelli. el'el'ywh.re. Nu uu capi,. 1 ,... Ih. C"~e .re l·o , t.d '0 r... o, of . ellill)( aalde ery of th e Oun till ent to tile prellellt "La me!" 'd M P ' quit "II. . • . lilt, dOCII'UII 01 'he ~IU,, ' h l l' ~1 • • 'lug . ' I"ch I d d . t'. . ,' . ~I 1'8. urtIOgton , . e e e e s e ej . 0 8e. . !8POrc Wk l IIg,,·. d r.o ".,. Ih'e (.l'IIIrle,l;' ~t.l'~ un prcsf" I ~g 10 ; Il UCCIIICt beaming mildly thruugh hor gold· , 'faa ele'f'lDl hee .... of Ohuloo Muoio .. ,. ...: ci..:i.:.. ci.. ci...; ,; ~ , •.; Illre. a",1 lilld. 0'W~ 1~~n·~u:tu.J,,P'.:!'~""l:~~~: . '"g . • IId Ih. 01'1'. :1,,"1 i"fu"IIIed or bi. re · Mil CUlIIpn: 1IllUliVe o rm the riwultld pcctacl~ 'wuwen do /Duke r''''!led fur the Plio"" Forto will be !teut by "" ~ ,. _ '._ ~ _ tiol~ •. ,2 h' olt~ . •\:" .• I'll' " .ID~le doll",. 11I''''lell1cn~ In ""' m"~'~hip \:jut"M""rh' Ihe UUI bitltory of our couutry through ite Buch it fU I58 'Ilb t'· i' .... ., m..iI on rU"l'lpt (\( .0111' ~"r ( JI.~~:p.id). or ;, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ ~~ SMullful l1ill).,"«. PI" •. U'''~'' lo:~, i . 4 ; Via. 'lulIl'lu.I" . COQl , "I~"·'· / n ••~ M ·" j V" . nn . .... Ii t· h d 0 11 IIl1 p . ring vvytl .h' li'le o.. pi&l ..t ..~ "';n", ",.cia. I P' , I 0 . ~ 11I1f·u pro."", " hleh.h,,'" Ihe ouhleUI 0l''' U .. rlOu~ r_rWU tl., r u m &. lI.g Ilr all cI·' thes. N IIW. tl.,,-,'s I . ....". w· hu 1 "'b... OliU dl"'• ."- '"rd, -' ..a!",' u.,l. auy - • ~ ' ''.. " .e .• . . 'u '0' •• II. 11UI' ' .' 1 , .... ....,...... 1 d t't) I "eel .• · I011 of 'h", 11,101111., . l III o t i I tl'''1 ... d tl Y ....... ""'lOG"' , I. J .... ..., ,, UI " : ,; .1--:.~ " 51 11,,"1 6uud ""lic l ll~ " II .If l. Seo,1 NJ .... "ud ro I'mg. 'til 8.... 11 POlUt lall hurdly goee 11 day WI· tIIOllt· On .. ' Nllw~-de,,'~, ill t.h" Uni llld. Slllte.. II" Ii II Y I ' I ~illu~ to dl.,o W f" 1'''''fll'IUIe~, ud Ib,' "lIroi • wOllld be ". r OIl"r i u a Bch ool h i.8tory. 8ometl, ', ri g U. .1 to k ...... rlllg H~ppICi' DIlYI!, I .. Mtrllmctiltal, 1'01tJ Drowo. . ., e . . . . II: 0 :I~:. ~rlO~;.ie ... ul~' CH~ i·R.~ITse.rO fe:s • .'r~: CAOd... IYall. u,or."".. I. " "" '11 ' l'p,·,lell 10 'rl' d .... F . 0 "El" eep IDe I I • I .~ ri c. "" d.. :i. . . . . .. .., .,. E .. ca.. V "rl, M" ling f.'O ", ~hl. 1I0I', I II'OJ,'<1 . liS .e~nalld. we are .happy to 8uy ahollt detructL'<i with w I,r k till I -: ,yo~UI h n~l!u,get CIII~ibel. :i - : > ~.. a i OOf .LAR SALI·:. 3:! B:olD60ld 81." ve . .....lId ",... 'e · I"iI"'L..t "1U~'I,be.'. ' IS 81ltl Btactordy w e t In "Tho Cen· Wellt and boll It . H'~r h LC~fl Ow "I . )r.}llllh. ;.!; ] ~ ~ ~ ~ •• ~~ ~$. -'" ~ :i! ~~ aOdIOO . M.... B,·"Ii<l m.1I E""". ,,1 _.. om. from .'oull" t . I H· ·t f th U ' d . gl WO U 8ewlng 'K .e- . ,'' . tr~u ... ·· ~"" . - "'>:"'':>lO'" c IiMMII ~o~." .,0. . . . . . . . .,.L... · "roll II.. He ... "." ull tivo of 1'IIII " "'~I I'lti., e UOla " I" ury ~ . e . llito mtlc illne. I wail vcry cul'ef'tll t .. D n WD where th .. Viole ... (lit,.., W,,"tnrne. =;; ell "~7" ~" " :,1",. ,. Oul . tWII Di"'e" '1, Cflunly. P,·un , yl."nl •. "I.d 000" Ukr m.,,· 1StMto~, & work willch 18 c\"ldtlntly gilt one tJ.llt had nl I ty f . Whe .. Uld J", k ....u h.~ bl~ .l)IIY w •• _-.h. ~;i II ii e Z· .id "I .. "y. dJ .ku, b"lore d.;' .' Ttl .u-':'..iI rl.~. miS,·,I..t 10 ·tb" p.''''~11O o' KII . destined tu take rank liS the StullU . d I F 0 I, 0 room , TI,u amnll .OI ... .1(" "'1 • Rub/ • • . ql : . ; .; ., ,'r .d,o will "'lId ~O ~O"II UI ... " . ilI oelld . f • . T u~ er tIe arrn. s() thltt wilen h e tow Th" C:,lIer: e QII II:Ir·"'Il · r tl ...... ld 'rt. ~ • ':; :) . z ::' ,0 C.llt. l lI III, lie . ill IeIlU 011 ' b" l" ( 9999 Wh,·II' e,· . h. rllmily w., .,.,ir:lo. II, fron. rd U · to Will" a. Eu"I.",) I all' DOl h,fuI'UI.·d . bu. a 18 ry l) OOllr cuu,"try. . ho 111 8 punts 1 could p ut thom right Tlw,,". " W k r III. tht' e~"rl.' .. Cwl.e. 11-hVIDg uuu" M ?I r. J .. h .. Wl'Cr·" llItcr".1 ip.:. ;.0; / 2 ~ ~ ~ whic b ",. j:u.,rnUle ,' wil l pu, "0 .. In ~bu '•• , : MCUMhe, 18 an nud er thOIDliChilltl w'tJ 0 t k ' .. D .. ~UII Reltlly 'fb •.Dk H.. D.d ? Ihe ,,110," _tabl •• hm ent. tb . ....... e .. iii be ,:.;:iO <.i:i;.:;i ~..J 10 IIInke , 200 II monlh. "lid 'OOl ",ke h.fr. h ..... been 10111 ll", t 'CII"e " I ' he l •• rll",., ullthor. J UIDOS m~",be ... or it . 0''11 Int.-'·, ·,1 ill whnt i. •••,1 uble Ulld w~1I kUOWII u iti toricuJ 1 t f tI TI,I U til I.Ug AddrCJIH 1,..I~r. t..lIE~U . ,\V. UI"('/ICOCK I o"lIduotCllllt th~ .,Id .tllud. ol!!" ur tho Beo ~ wi .•• __ ......... _............ (:) Ej ,'our lime . :;uil ilble 1'0. lIIell 0' wom ... . h.. ,~ . . IIIl~C OU 0 • • l~lD' 16 mllclllnc . Publi.her. aGo} Third AI·eIlDc. N",.. York. 1 1i 1 ~O. Alaill Stl'C\lt. ... .. . .; or girl •• "nd i. cllli"oly ThulI.nDd. e.1I .. d ~~. P.u I:. cl~,,,ull\ ~' Il. L" . ·o. M,·N'.n w r itci' , ne".d",~ IlI l .II ru"u" g" m.. Ie.,., lill M,"'o", 1 \v ' . III rn tho r eJulU lllg room Doctur {IOO·IIIO "f.1I A.~I '! ~ ~ : : : : : Ei: ... Q now oeou,,, p... h'l( lJu~III"'K ... nd . o"oU"'M 01 hi • •·hild.e" .... :. ""rn . . ilellj"'I';" EVll n" Il most heartily c')mmend tide and I'd liko tu •. ' 't;' _ _ _ _I 8V,1meSVltJli&. . ~IJIJIlQ. ; ': c' '" r:.: Incumo. Till. I. the ·chllnc .... r II lil'lime,' , .. mo,·ec1 k'l )I,.m' .• IIJ 10cale,1 _1.UUI'w · ·k t d J ' d . . ullve yuu sec I, ",, 0 0 ::>.::> ~ d If '11 I I I I' mil.·. 11'11111 W. , II.·. v,II,·. "'Ij ";,,;n AIII"~ \hil ~ uur ~etl erd. t IS. UII ry saying 1\'h lch s h e lod the wily to UUMlncMII ( ,nNtii. ,,"de, Ihe fi,m IIIIlIIr · .. r H~& W""II O,Y, / ,~ Z .:. ...... ~ ... .;; => ...; ~~""d.,Y(o~ 1;\ . ..n~~a:~~,.~a~~, :~n:\~ \~'O~~h; Cook. I d. 11'•• kll ,0/ th"l ho i. p~m l ne,;, mails 0 1 detll1ld, 11 0 hOUibulitlc effort where Ike wu~ ditICovcr&l t d I' , Wh.~6 ih.,,,,, 1("111 1"11"'" 0 lit tl,;" timo =,; I : a) :;' t~ lle.e"vl"~ pe''8011 WilD IItied. 110 helping b~Q". in SOO!.·lv. Iou, hi • • "n! 'I'h"m,, ' IIhd I) ,vM to i nlluUlo tho lIut ionllol pride, but bet' ,re a "Lirr l t l~ . ) DBOll e l L. U. Ll.1~E~·, AI. D., ' ~i·d IlIh'U~ t" ~"" r\\" I ' .:1 n'I'kl k " r aRtld /e. . ~:. ~ Qj Qj - - - ;:, NOl a r, cl\". j"w~II''' . 01 olh ' r bUlllblllC. bUs "·.I·" cou·rlcunu.Frieh~ •. lhou~h i "'h · "'I . l ill 8 cle " ' u d [,. ' 11' . '. . .. 1 IlIInllg 11111011' 1 / 'II P"", run •. "I'" ',,"kel... 01><,.. 1 ~ IOl Qj .!: ~ ".;; a ••VII'lilt ' LIIK~"a'lLut.lr!1 I,u~llleaeol'PO" J>I,.lk ",,, m·1i ur LII~ :;"CiOl . · U.. id .. I1r, \ 1\ I I 1111 I I IIlIIt tlO. ' bU811y !!ewi ng the cut up io ' ftn rl I.. ,,, .. I r "r rylh l" ,ul bt;o1'1IIj(" t<o the . ~ ,. .. ~ ..3 § ~\llIlly . 8 .. mpl~ 00$. "Irclilolra. &:e. lui .• ani u "eeuhlil" ""d,,' M., clerk 10' 1II""y "'O,,~, narrative of t h e evo ll t& o r o ur the gvod o ld Illcly'8 ra . b ' 1lrud\'j ." ... d~~i ." ,,~liruu. of th u .old:::: ~ -< u ·ttl O<IlIt .t COil. ~o OCUli, onl,. 10 ill,rodtlile II: g Itg. Ofti~ ill Nuli ..".1 SUllie Bllild ill)!,. , R'·III. lIud 111\ olhfr •. I.. ,,'ve them" eall .",d i· ~ \.:!. . § ;;. uun" 1' 41 •• un,) n"ne lltied . ""pI,. Ilpl~ .. II ••, . in).;' , 'rhe millut., or Ipd ill n\ r . llrI, bhltury fro m tb e discovery of thl' 'W-;.;;I~;'f;''i''8;'~ I Jf'A 1'.\' /:' ' .1'l l.l . . ., 0 11/(,< '. rt"'~lvc pt' rfect ." II,.foU I.iu... whlt h . they 'li '~ l:; .... 8 Wl\lIt to m.kll. .• ·,OOO II. , I~a,. H.Ill.\,,·d. Mea.lng fu r mO ll Y ~" 'I\"" ".~ ... I'<ocmd"d 1,>. 1Amcri~D Conti ne nt to tl hllll. "' .1 ... Iho •• Qf Ib" Qua"o,I, .. . 10 pre8~11 II I. "'p.•rr ed Ih_1 Ro ,,'ulI P. ', o . ' . r. , j(UMrKUI..... I••• h "" tv I"'COO and 'lullhty of ~ ~ " " =!o " A ~"tl ."" milkIng lhal. " ..d ~ c\: ow .nrl .. 1t!It'J!' l ' d Monlhly )Ie lin;.... II. 01 ... I"' .. e ,l ed... lI.y.. t gl Vllii a lII,...t ........u ...... t'!I ",,~.,.. , _ ... uu" ...., ",'n vu ", .. v;, Tln:.ti~l\. 1:jnrk. urPer. ",. wl. h lp., .... ,.It m..<\e '" ;; I . ~.1f.·~ ._~ ~. 'li_,j~ ~ 1 wUl Ihow J~U ·bo .. '," , . <}0ua.L - "d4I'91 .... cell.·u' jud;:wenl iu "'OMI ",.lIe'... UCCUUllt ur the I n diuII 8 o f North \<Id " IMe. , I't'uchcd u,. imm"n.<e •• Ie or . 1 c1~a:",' ~:-"VI''''''''JoI'ti .... • · .. ,~' ..... ..........-~ i>i~ o!5 l1 1fU~ER .. uO .• lItp ,t.I&lo,l'I'.~, lIe l.I.,mlu . Hupkills w~, (rom N~!" J ,'r· ' Aluel'icll, frum the ti IDe o f th.: 40,0011 d01.P II p.·r ,-,·.ur. (J.ver 6.000 O.ug ~ , ...,j, 11& ' II 1I •.Hill. ~ ,' P !'rnr;lOtllr. , i .... O . ..:l It: ~~ ~- ""-,. ... -~""" ~ ... ,. , lle . dldll"llunl{ r" "''' ln.l\\ .~· "''8 · 1 ·I · te TI f C g'818 1,,\'.e OrdcrC"II"I~le("dnedln.ct fr"m ' @R D " !U ' · ~~(·"~"r 8. ~. n HAI NES& \\OOLI.EY. ~!' W:A~ .!. .. /II. bUL ,,"le.1 '0 Cludllnatl .. to .. u. I I ~- W II mOil. Ie v.oYllges 0 o· Ihe Fllc"'I'.'·, "L \\' ..odl ,u. ,· N.J ., Rlld bot " he 1 t . 1:' ; . I I . - - - - -- _ ... ;j ,'1~c: ~. . . &111 I exp Io r.:.tlUn ' s () f t h e tlal'O " 'porte d .a elllg ' I,. f.itu ..•• bUI ""I"Y le~ , ~ . '1'0• "'.11co Or.Oh . ... ••I Hc:cl"e.; or Iofo,..... . U . .He 11''' ele/' k 10 Ihe ~~"" 'l c rl.l· It.·elill '' I I 11111 I11lS, tie ... j " BE~~'I' .J =>_. - bod ' . tI.l 1 -. ' Ilin ,II' •. "l·." .1' . 0 e".,'Y 001101,/0 lIIi." k f I ;ut.io lls (ftl E'S(lPo•. WA Y NES.VlLL1E, QfIIO, '= 0 1 "I. IIi. Ilidvw, w il li ."1 • IIIl ul.le" , . 10 Wull OI'I.lIgs. 0 Ie ,Pallia,' 8 n "'"st, Von~ulDllIlon " or lI.nl dlsen.e · of O.8ILdmilliMt"P.d when de. ir d. 0 .. .., " ' ' ' ~IJO bO u8"bllld li'·cil" .'. ""d 18 Illiled to aU >u,.h·, d fev ••.•1 ,,·l\rI. In sCMrch 01 g o ld and ImmUl'tal 1 brolllllild t 'mgl . \\ 0 .dvil. an.' Iler. OIl • .• c= l ;j ..0 cI • • RU IIlId condltlona <It Moc!ely. . A __ 1000"e W.. rd Woo • • I ~ f,'O m /i,.,. J " " e ~· , l youtlt. ull d told with gr~hic pow. Ih ll l t.... Iny .p,... dl < po ~iliou 10 .e,ik LU llg., IJ AMJ:c.:S W. HAINES, M D. · ;: e" ~ Ii Ii 8 dedul I.""k alld • h" uHehold U"OISlI.... h lind I.n a nu u•• "",. I,"nlh·. a. 11180 h.i 'f f . 10 go 10 II"' lr IIrug"."I . .~ . null, .n·J gel ~ I .,; ..:: . h "; 0 tbu. vollltl.OU Ih. il Jl!e.dl",u~ , or i'"lulr. "boUI il. 1I,,"ul., 8., " ' - T• • • • , ~" "8'" "/("l. G,~· ..I"'t IndllC.m~uw ' ,-··,•• ••11'· 1...· A8h~r 111'<)';". ~'ho ...., • e. r. I h ed 8tu. ry I II 7 " ,.. '" . .,.. ~ ~ ~ '" ItO I .. 0 off.:! ed 10 bo,)k II~C"t.8. Samplo cOI'I... lien' ~ ~ ~ " . ~ . -;': ~ ~ ':': ~ ~ ~ I $ "y Willi, IlOd' "lid. fur' .~. 'Elchi.lve &e,ri~ . I' i,hl.i· (I ,,'ollied eld," in >ode' , . 'ldH~ ·d.· 18 r u I1W Wit I a Ihe Interest 01 a i!~~' d" cell~/i @"~ple bullle, 10 ~1I1" 1....1 lind I,I.b ;" "llI'ellnlnce . .m' 'U . ". rOlUance ' thcQ foll o ws 11 clear and .O.~. w, '" ....., .Py cal.. 'lUb', ..,to - "" .... "" . . - co:> '" I '" ..- 10'" glveD . Agou", more ,h. u doubl. Ih.lr . i"··I""·nl .... ,' of ''''r III~ 11I'"II·, ly. Some· . ' . I . . neglecl j our cough. .\&4-1, 'Ii , . _........ .S ~ mOlle,. Add l'elhl Il •. Oh •• e·. Sae •• I'tlot wbd Involled ill po"'''' i"'.1' ",r"i, whell b. SUCClllCt account 01 tIe ItJrmatloll B . L () C ...... .: .... ................... j i:,) _~. jll, HoullCl Anu A bor Mlobl.. (e'.3 Hi J el1le" \,)' pOlienl illd u-t rv ~,"d (,ug,,1 o f tlte Federal UVII titlltioll, tbe aAuuR~" M U8IO~ L WORLD. Ollce ~t'. ~id.~no.: ." r \ .' 'bi. S e OJ • r. ".U. .-. .• . II. . he lOOn 1\~lu r. ed ~ .ullb elley. ~nrl Socund \VtLr with Englund the No p ersoll Ifltc I'ellte d III IIlIl<\ic cu n WaJ"rlli~; (...... >-IS TIIIt< .. ~ c.: : : : : : : ;.; 0 HOI 0 E .crUI""""·" · .r. ••·b'" '11.,1 all II, e 0 / 111111. 'f ' W .• I ' UDo l'd to be w·t\ • tl' I bl ' ~ ~ ci ~~~ ~ . .., .;gal".1 bill;. Haylug In Ule Ito"ne "L/'lIi 'I " C'x 't,'u n ur. Rllu t IU VYOllt.s of '. I IUU. liS va Ull e . .~ . .~ z of! c:; ,..; il ~ Garden~ . "".lIy ll"'.. '"duOI . ... . . 11 "')ir\'C"pt .glllo·' l our bhttory up to tho corumence· mU81C1l1 m o utbly. Each uumller $ III ,.. .11.. ,t1Vlly. he dlrec\4!t\ Ih.I hi. c"ftI" ment of the Oivil W Mr Th e coutain8 f'u rty pugus of uleKullt . ;or -. ......... .. ...... : § 8TI.I WIIIII18 ••• P£.I.,...6li ~bould b,' ,,1.ln . • "d of o..k "',,001. I... do{ - , ,.' ' .' I' . s~. Ii ! I ~' ,.. -EW 0 ~ PAper 'n b ' .... ,d ,,' Ihe l im.· 01 hi_ I'ulle,,, I. Hilltory of t h o ClyiI War i8 relat· n e w , ruU!tlC lI.t1u C IO lce lUusical 0/# 1 R '/ Til' l IS ~, ci..ci..' g' '" .. '" II! ; ..., D 8 IlTS BY .AI£ . •• tl lb~ fo r,b hi. re" 'Oa~ fo, 11.1•• ntl hi .• lip od with illtunse vigor Rnd with rClldlllg. As the mlltlic ill each JI'Ci! ant ~tllltf Ule!.,. 1.rl, '" I. jQ ~ PllllltS of the newest aud fiDll8t. p ,.Itl,,,. III .,,11 "lII rll"ag 'lice. ~I~ '0" • ."e~e Btrict fidelity to truth 'Tile "utho r numbe r wuuld alolle c ost, in u llu,,1 (I • _ WI ~!:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ i trllorlived Borts, carefully nao.bd '·I ",·I·e,,1 0111"11 . "",I ~ .. m. 01 Ih"111 "'Mnt ' ' ' . . . . I . \\' Au ':'1 L'~ "lL'.-...... ~I:' 00 ~;;! 1 ~ .. d by wail. My r-ICllCed .,. ullu;ru.1 d"gl1!~ or rueeb.llical / w'l'iteil t1t1'Vll ~hout with calmncBtI Ii~~t I ~rlll : m o re t I"n the 8ubscrl!>' 1.U 1:.'0 r . 14 ', : ~ . und prepai colJooaltllll1· alld iml'lIrtiulity and pleu.J1I the tlon pl'lce lo r o ne year, w e kno w of . -!. '".'.f L·. B(l~'4lJ' IJI'all f{fu I Ii I. IT in I ~]i: Q til'D of Struw~rries took the first O.'~II,,,~~. :~I:idl~.~ . c,~~;~ ~;;:.~e~"iJn U,~,"~I~~ Co1lh!C of n~ secti~1I or pU.rty . . 111C ".0. bf:!tter in v stlU e lit to r those de· Slr~'I'H W . BHOWN. th l' "hfl1'f.p,tl t;7II I' . fll/ l l heM no ~ ..:! .' ! .~ ...::I vremi\ltD tor the best Collection, whcnhell,·,h·e.1. hi • .•• id I"~I "n " I~b lmuk clIlllulli ll UIlAppCIIUIX.glvillg tllrlllg a mont.hly sup~l~ of the ATTORNEY . AT L:.AWI , I''l"It! f or IJ(/l'ill!l BI't'(ld lind ~I . § & ' .,; ~ IItthtlKrellt81IUwoftheMa88&Q~. 1M., h.p"e'lI'd III . ,1",,, th~" . ·e," p.II·t ,k,!.,( all accuuut 01 th u apyrouchillg btJllt lI e w IUll illC at a trlftlflg co:!t. AND _Y(J TA R Y /' lJ 1, 1U. N,lI/," i 11 (/ . :~ ~.., ~ ~ "g settl! Hvrticnltllrlll Soeiet.y, . till o( lb '1, ,·..eulnl( m o~I . "b,eb eOIlII- ted ,.1 a [ . at 0 . E I'b Seud l1li1 51) to 8 ll ' d' S '-' ,,:1 A " It = ,,0" ·"'0 • B ~ton II,ut se s ] I'*' I.I'\!' k.u l& "I' coril mll.b : and t"e ("mil.,'. , uterllutlou tmteuUta X II i· • qp , . • ratna~ S l'!I8, e . . . I. tIIer."'. III ....... Sizes. Style. and Prices to ' '" 'i § ~ .!! ".".!! is e ~ ~ a ou. grow uean r "lIh cn p_ of milk II nu .poon_. .... I\OiI , ll iy tioll. Ole\ellind. 0., und you Will receIve w .. w.'.."." ... I .~" .,u... · .nit every one . ~ ~ .:: " " t: a" ;..~ . " ~ . l Ot~ vurioti.oB, tiro most oompkI~.. l ~11Il.Jled III . a.l.ryinJl 1I...lr hlll,/;e,. nut It iscompriscd in one large and the ' Wul'ld ' reg ulurly olle keur, ro. ilf~,1' Sf/. {,· /'!I Ji..'llil)U C"ll'lltun. ii:Q8Jr.:l~6~C:iil:S l:J col\ectillli III the Oountry. iMol.d, Ihi_ ..... b,' un II.e"b" confin.d to 1.1'01 11" ro,· .• .. f 216 WI G • man" ~f Ihe '." 11' .,·ul"..... ,. " lIen Oil hUllullomo YllI IIIne ' 01 9 ~ 5 pages, getller w 'l tl I a VI\ I ua bl e "uvO 11.<" l" ,\rTll m : u IIY IIIg all tl 1e Ilew, I.ilrge A 1Il.81l1",,, ~1l81~: WM RES'OR &. II.II~ i~lIportcd kiud8. flticedl de4 ahori " IIo ... an••. anti. t:lali to 11I.... "~ Ih ' !I\ud contuius ·U~ fine ongl'llvingd puges, C!ltitltld 'Mullical Hints: aa .osl pim ple f,,'·e. 111\1. w",'e oflen 11,,111 '" , ' on 8tee l and wood The b oo k is a preml~j or fo r 15c.11 s!Ample E . I 0., TilE TIIiSTLE EDITION s crl1tlvtl Catalo "'ue, gnltis. l\...;. 111101 be.nl( IIl'o,ly eon:,I,ul·"",. gl'OlI nd vel'l' l· _.J b N ' 1 . co '11 t ' ... 1 .id,· or ~Io " ~"eel. e.e. 1· 1)m I. Ih_ I)lIly tllll III I ... ...·.·t· f s· . AI 110 I})(l"'LI... Eo, ' """ .. "7 .'n,,·lr . It ol.... ·n lo.. r. IWII days 10/) go I;. iS8 UtIU y the . Ilti unal Jublis iaillg PY WI 11011 • W""''''h''II,t.It. en... ). u. rll.cu .... , 'Ou 0 "llIal. ~ l'rrut ~nlCIIi,. 11.111 uad buck. E.. ly In 'h" m.,rnilig. rb.· C " ., of Ph i lude lphia whose ilD' W - W ' H TI ,;. \ W. llel' "oull ', 1~u8e8, Eve~gr"'OnIL ~ pucketi . ' .,her, ,,11 11 ill!; 1\ ."ok co." tul ning IklPl u , .. " • • ' f I " I EL ..L . ORT.R K,EOUIO.- IC. 'ii'J:OO~~ OO.~~(Q:'J&~OO!1..J:. F'l ow~ r 0 G _.1 \oJ d '100 JI.w Cr ch ... bush,·I, II I I(,.,n 8e .... 8 " . bo.sa. ~r\llt 18. a glluranteu 0 t .te exce · followmg little Item Irom the SUII. . ~ • . ~ r Il.vllll ..,oe II, • "I ~ollld !,Iace bl. ·.'U &On nr Iwe\l'e Y'··" ou o nce ot the wllrkmallslllp , Tho dus ky R egister i8 printed as a or Ame,,;c,, " rn~ke. "lid i. ' tb e b,,.1 euitlon mall. Il RDOIllillllllllf lin Rnolb,·r . • "d .... nd ,beir price i8 luw cOllsi utlrillg the chur· . I Z t h' . 01 th~ heSl Engli ' h ...... Thttl'rIWCI1 .-Cbd ~n • .... lh",u~h a p,tI,wa.,,,,,, IIr 1.". I,"e mile. . wurlllllg to tie ,armere 0 t 18 VI' [I" .... l'l~ 1'1 I k I I d 'lI II r$0 '/tet the g.I"dlllgd.tno. A ~ Iho eu. lO",e .. act~r of. tbe w ork, al)~ eacbs\lb· cinity. and iB we ll worth heeding: ~U~ u u ~ U"'" (l U all I:~""'O l~h',~ r:;':~II',:',::~:,i ~1~ec7,:i ....· ·i . I~;. ·hery. bCtlt 81)1', for l1ptulla, had to "lalle lu'''· .. • i' "'o"ld oom.Ullles be acrlber 18 presellted WIth a hllnd · The rogues have deviaed a new lBIAlIm-jJ!)]JIl~~lEm, thu 1.... 1. 1'1", p,lce I~ uf .he ' ''''''0'.' • Luwhlllu. ur Gardeu, 1)1 .. .. lof plun lor 8windlillg people, e s pecial . ..... " ................. .. " _ " ' ..L.. mail, propilid. • . per per ' I"'nll . "r Wa~·DI·.ville had 10 go 10 ,b. Ie """nteuUlu It II Itlon .uul d · Iy farmers. Thc I"tI8Cal8, who go -~ .''1' nll'·rt'd. . 1.000. 'Who'ulIM'e c~ 10 ~e . D.~ ilJbhf,·hp'od of ~ (d"'I''''''''' n" "' ln DUllc,' IUgll, and the publ\ahere want ill paint watch the adYertiltement8 Pu~, .II!~I .ollims •. &ye...,r:ln.ll ,100Ipllg\" Trlld~. Agentll wnotecl. " .... t y. w gel. tho" 11111111111 dfi lle : "til !>am a-nts io every cuunty . . 'I ' " w"'''~ '·.nllll nlll~ n~Mr'" 11.000 l llu.Cn. 13 .M W,A'n.)ON 01'.' 0 I 11 .. 1 Helgh",,· ereclod a 111111 In 18\l!l. all Ihe I e. 01 IItray lOI'llOll or COW8, and olle of rl ' " wta 10 . . . 11""1. ~.II cpm"Icle lh, 8"ri.a. Sul •• r.l b,". " 1.0, q. 0 onJ Lillie ~I"IIII ....molhing mH", lhll n t wo , .. ' .- .-the folluw8 goes to see tbe IIdvertis. "'i o"l'plie,1 ... ilh two "" luDl"" (Il com 11010, N ul'tl6ri~ aDd Seed WMrebouse. mil •• h~lo. Ihe .'o,,·n. n. Atly nt I.he .iI~ 0( 1 Don't Orlticlse : Whatever you er Ilud IUIks to 800 thb auimal H ' 101' ~.u~ SA ...: uy I ~nrk) "'0", ,"1.," Elcl'e" MOlllhs' o" Ii• • ~., I'IYllluuth. M&I.88. Esta1)lhlhcd 1842. Ih. T.lellraph 11111.01 .: .. hn E. 1 "yIHr. $10 never But un for a critic. Wo 00' . II! Jt---~ •• eo.-dIl"'-" (~ I ,", .. um,·I) IIro IIOW .ud l'. rrlce-' n __ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ F request lng granted, 'he SCUll II · .~ ..- - ---. , ,... ~l IUlh.gilIIXII'M . . " • • vo I"me. · tl50 : H" II' .Ed ... n1Klad l":' .... o(. very .qul.l.lIn." a"II.In,; dl.I,.,.uIOll. grealtv onJo.dllK ~b. ~Oll t. mCllII !' Ue~8paper Olle, b~t drul informs th e advertiser that thc 'B....~:ca1 T I~: ", . ' ~Dn I TU"koy, gill "'1'. ,~\l:, Fo' le.ml. ele. corapan,. 01 hit (rh·nd.. He n ....110 10 private Itfe 10 the domestiC . I' I .. I. I h ~~w ,pWI'~~ '10M" ,W . ,, ' ~ t aJIl ..·•• E. J . HALl': & S"N. Puhl ., Ia~ r.. mlly IIf ohlld"'n w uoefuiDeIllI" the : . t It '1'1 t d d ~ntma .'S not t Ie one lor W IIC I a u,.. WIllI 10 QertIiI fOr b l a - s er 17 lJ u.... y St.. Ne w York. M.uu!uot u.es all klDda 01 BreMi Itt 0.&. UO 0 any . ~oo • 18 lookmg. The fellow goe8 buck twao...U_.Ir,r-s _ ' ______ nrlghhorllood. HI, .iI¥. ~hrj{""'~ Klndl •.r, BOCIO,Y. . WI ')IIily fur W M yn Ollvill.. aod the ~lll'f'O-.4iIa1t . w....~mR'''cd for . Imple b"ne"ll of hU,1 and It will do you hll.rlll-it you to hi8 "pul" p;iYe8 him a descr'f, . l ll1 !UI'WNI>T lIoil(hl.,rlulod. Spoou.1 IItl.eUt¥lU ill . ..nd gell"ln~ klndnee~ en .11 , I. ~'rlng. "1 miud beillg CIllled dia.aareeable .. f ' " ~ " I ,, ' ------ II a&. ttl fUl'nl.hing . . both I're~"pl nml .lInm"lc.1O hrlng Ul' ,,~. , l' tlOn 0 the anllnal Ana the P'l 1 ........ I 'JiTib II O ,ft*" 8 . B . . ,!Q') • • chlld",nlnpl.i"nell"beuIl",lng 'hepeoplo yo~ dout Ike uny o~e8 nose. or , then goes to the advtsrti'ser de· Peter Hend....n. ~~~~~- ~@!. ~~-~ , ICJJ..A ,c \ A ,A, I DO'l a#) f) 01' God" Sbe"'" " mln~.Lfo, ""~ leo ruod in Object to any Olla'8 Chili, don' t put : 8C' ibc8 the horse or cow accu'ratel I ~~~y ~~~~ t) ollr . ·,llnd Willard', L.. lin •. Greck "lid your filellllgs into words . If OliO'S ' . . • Y Price'I.5O each. ep~, by mall. / AND PARTIES, ,·IOClltlollu" .lIalum,·ul, . 1111, )".~ .irh • • , and get.! POilse158IOU. The aWlDdlor un .bod uuti.... J .1110 "..ep ft .." . he(ore. 0' "veo M. D. aUaohed &n b"r lUunner dU\.'8 not plOl&8o YOII, re· tells the advertillOr that he lives a Ov.o-Y.III.... ROtdlopeY. ·H' farl!.~Q., laND OEAL&&II UI ALL 1I:11Il01 or • ' ·h. IIuder.lgned l'cl{ to Info ... lIame. bul ecbool"d. ,~ • . le. l'lied. III Ihe member your own. Peovle ure 10 1lg d'lstance off ddt • IIC lbe pul.lic ll enc.... ll ylh.1 l"".. h." u la"IlU.ICO h~' .. hleh I ~e Holy Mnl"r ~v •• not all made to snit one's taste. : 11.11 . oes ~u . 1'0'" 71g1 , or c''''II Il new M.", MArk.I III ,h• • "nh 10 'he d'·I·ur.ed .()ul· ~t"e I"nll".ge ..r II.. T ' wunt to be troubled With taking , old ""lid of I.ellk &; 1l" "ne~ , "bere Iboy at ..11 hOQr". and a _uppl, of 10Yil .nd f•• nllg. U.r meek "'",) huml,I. reco wct that. ake thlllgs us YOli tbe clilimalhome and offers to sell " . 'Et1'1i:ri_'1\.T,'1?~"'!li'B V I ... iII k eep C0081.",IIy 00 b.ll d ~i·ro.llioo ••• llIemplified 01 on. tim e ID. fillli them, unlesB YOIl call alter " t f I If h t ' t ' rth TI ~r ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ TilE V E R" BE S T E d' fto ' t . or III WILl IS WO • IU ..... F,.. to.II . ..",....... . A "er, ",riking manne.. A 1I00C8.11 ro......11 on tb b,'1' milid 10 .Ialt ho, f.ielldl in Cllroli llo, em. ven a . IIIner. a r I 18 . advertiser ~nerally make the pur. ""n1"' .... lIe . Jar.. 5. 1..76. IF The higbee' M"'ket hi_ paid. Ia whi~~ .eighed h,·a.n.1'I1Il h~ •. li nd. Ifllllll 8 wallowed, can.not be mll~e ~ny I chut16 aDd III nine OMtl8 out of ten ~-:.J:~!,,-= cuh or trade. 'or OOIiOtry nolm,8I"ken., or l....dth. ullllyol.lh.)I .. lIlh . b e tter. Oontlllnal fault.findlng I I""':' tl b to' h . telala•• NEW SHOE·SHOP, h .lIe.IiAR: bill FrlcII .• in Iho 'lll.......I, . •" •.1 'f' f tl d ,)BII~Oen y &8 gIve t e ani ' ~VelYae.. or III,. " ~ ..~. ,. &11_ 1 bue moved my ...... p 10 Iihrh Street. In • J . ~ ""'.lloll d.ollgbl il b ..., to, her 1101 10 go. contJ ~l-r crl IC't'm 10 COI,1 nc UI1&I iuto the P08t!tt88ion' tbe right. ..., to JIll ..... ,. ~l.f 10 the old <iGlaool.buuolll D~'" tho Qu~lrer Illoot,. .' F~ENDEN" With 1II1•• 1", ."'jul •• oed re~dil)', .lId. io ' e· of tillS Olle, and the apeech. of that ful owner loeing the' mODel bu _II. "1" '.' '. - ' ,)J. . '1iug.houlle... h.-re 1 will moo y' m. nd ""Y Ihe COUlll"~ alford. : alld "n ..1\1 be kepI llaALU III 'd t' tb ' te ~~ . I • .I......:.'\.... wutk brought 1... IIlC. PIUIlIIIl /live me a !'I'll. IRtlng Ibe Clrelllll8"'lIIe, M.d lh",t. 10 II e Olle, the dre8s of the other. aud the h 1IIG1'll1IIg. _ " .he · .eD~. 1O llleelllll! •. h., mind opinionB of the othor will muke a8 pal 0 e nnpos r. ~~"","CAJ) SAMUEL 111. O(\RDN~R. C LEA NAN D N I 0 E , ...". 110 bo",ed alld.r 'he rocling 01 fIlol"",·I. . • ' 1_ . W"Yll~ •• ille, Ml.ll uh Ill. IIn.a. . "lilly . h. could " ~~' Joy iO .• 111' home tho unbapPlest place uuder FRIK!lDII'IIKBTlKO IOnhodoa).-II..,... . 16 Cortl...~ l&reet _ - - ,A180. XEN I A, OH 1,0 •. ,'. . . . Al oo. ID."II1D ...I. , ..ed .... Npid.... ,thh'lI: ""I•••• he hrad j(iv.n .t to. \he Judg; the Bun.-Ezch.t,nU6. lng for diYine wonbip Firat and ,,~ XII" YOaJr. A ~o bBautif.v ll tnenl or bor fri.ndl, 81.e wu t>n,I",I... r," . . ~._. ID.y, beginlllug .t 11 0'010011. Pint-D., AA ual'dll. . 1Dlth l' Ord'lll ••Y be I.f, .1.. G. w..S""IIII" Ii~,'ed or her buro,·o., .nd .• Yc,~·thlnj( "","1lII ~ Xenii is atBictcd with body. School a,·III.. 0'010011 4 . II. . ·"I?I., r "'arn e neath." p"illtetl on .. h"lu or I,), " ,c . lice . nl,"~ U8" c.II .. lie, ~eeilled 10 "'Jolce ,,"h h. , • • otl eV.11 LJ..J . ," I uLLIN & WOOLLEY ~ Ib. I,lrdt IU OII . ltI. 1,le&lIlI'(' .' her ...,I••8e IlIlltchers. I FIUT BArTl1IT (J'ree-wi1I) C1aDl'llb 10 V ALIoIY P KIlU ...TIR4lUAR B 4·.,.1I!'I' Cn . ., 1h l1i. (md Hent t/l atlY (,dtll'ellll ~ . lrom Ibo ",vlcit. he Ih'ed '" a ,er·1 .d : - -, W .yue.-8emoea Mlel tbe ft,,!, uel til .... -1f1...1 'Net.. oar MaIn. ninue .. , rice 1I"d • t t' ~O t .lUIeed a "', lind ..... ~'neb henl I~ b')d, There was 80me very good slei"h. 8abhut'!.~f '-JobA-8ath .. IU}lI ";.'!' ~~~_'1 011 the Bdurda, ""f~ &be _nd &oti1 p(J8t-pa~ • 'Ulon r ectn'J,I 0 • C " 1 1iIt1$liIJij';IMJIII)ilii!/'jtlll'I'jJ,'1 . Ad4..... willi ....I!!... f,,,", 1IO"~rt' I.I,or in hfa. l'Il,. fa.tb(ully . k . .. P . lI . ....y. . . '!~. or B....." - - . In """h n'/)IIlII. at I nolGok. IIIId .... the - I' TR MLUU O~.~T1'E. S.'oll ,~ m.d l for III ct •• S . 8 . !'.."n. ~I.U .• III" 11,1 ";',,,\1 " . 1•• liIIl0I1!· ,111'1it.l~ II1g last weo . • r.ator ~1I1J" "1l1'd1.U"lo\·lted l<> .tlJ:u~ . and all,1 ~tb 81111dll,.", .. , 10 anri 4 0 cluck, W,,) II 'Illc. Ohio. • . . i.e....... 4,... Nt'''' ....... I :.'" IJ . All til. k_ t.itll •
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Bee( Veal Mutton IDd Pork,
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Work for the Unemployed !
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I.... rr .as. whoro II • dl,nt llo • • • r. n 11o ..... Price
CI. ne, Botti.
For Sal. b.y oil D,uggl,..
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CUI Inh,.d t o b e the mO l t ECGna",lc:.' COR 'len en' Our.ble a"d e;;;-Madl "the m.;W -;;;;-;,;;---; I ,./,.-;; I II to , , "
I be .8001 complete hlltel In allltR RI,polnLOle o to I \I c Wut. Tho taille xUfll' I d at aU L me wi th tllil be.l the marllet alfqrd/l.
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PElt O~ ~L A 11 l ENEICAI
EN~R(l~ I ~ 1\ ml~fQrtuue, an lluglDII of evil UIllt!l'8 woll dlrec\.e I (lnn IMlndli hi" ntln III gentle droptl, 01 Ilowol'll \\ uuld bo bes\.en to pieces. IT 1Il oommollly s&ld tba~ tbe Justeet dividend nature hili! given U8 of her favoMi I that of !!e nse for there 1. no 0110 that 18 not contented With hi, "hllres. ~11I
u , ... n,. \ ",Itl. wondrotlut 01 old
Who 6 or b Wuche<l .. on ...... oIbrnlBII t.o gold 'l bl. Utod ro 11111 olen tan r.' 1'110 wllb ea.-
fouul II 00 whb Kold Ibe, U turn 10 wb.,
lrft"':id ther
IIro fuur hundred thou lIIlu I C eatb rK UI!V1l tho wing of II 811k worDI motb au llhllt any olle doubLing tho trllLh Ollh statement om eMilyllat.18 Cy hlUl8fll by oounUng them FRU1, Pre&! lhe mRn who totes Von l3uluw IIround the country l08t 8 1X hun d r d dolllll'll ou hUll lh Indlanapolle Indlllnlli 118 peoplo hRve ears, but no~ ears for milo A CoNN ~ T stationer who was loade.l wl(h l\ hlrgo lotor unsalable paper ohecker board8 liM had the Centenrual ~ullchu~ Imnted on the corner of each IlOd I ~ now IICUmg thelD rapidly lUI mape of PnUade\phlll. OUtn'OMRl~ • Whut d\d you think of the blijhQIJ S IIIlrmon on Sunday. lIlr WeU really Wlgsby,/1I Hairdrel!!Mlr Mil there was R gent ....lllttln III fron~ d me Ilnd ad 11I1! Illr IlarLed '!O crooked 1 oouldu t eur a word mon baulHlr Illeaaure 10 1101118 gro\~ (JIlle oU IIOme
T I:n~'!:""
h~ (~/.~ ~'::: .Id.
1,11. of ho 00 ulug ' I rtl" lime "
"IDllly llIytb
1 be ~trutbll1on ~tnll k II c ro ks AI lUng tho Urozet grOllp f 1.1111 Is the 11th IlIcllic tho Istlf luly atlmlfllst follr III the mornlllg lUll WIIH II rfcked 111 media\.ely forty four per" 118 IIerc dro"nM Tbe 6 Ur~I\Ors i<lI\cd 1I0tillng wlrllLever 111111 II ere "1 011 the rock for 81 x montb8. MuliMlsLlIIg II l!Vn gell hud s Rod thl'lr eggs, when tbey II ero rescued II1I'Y weTO mllcb emllclllted lind lIulI st linked Flvl' had died tbere from ex l'oKure Ilnd "Ilnt Th .. "111 til II of the Ameracan whllier Young I'b lJ llIX reliClIl' I them 8 I'plred tbell \\ lilt ci(llhll ); IIl1d trl'lItctl them \ Ith gre It kIll It c••
f,rns fA fill' a mUH~ culLivated Indy highly nccomphHbed wilh fl deCided pre lJ1ectlon for belle& fetlrr~ I:'he 18 rem trkable for her exempllry piety nud IKlr nct" e ber eVlllence IShe 18 cUlIHLuntly ('I g. ged In 'fto~ks 01 chanty Rlld her reDl uvlli to WlU!hllllllOD Will be a !!eftOU8 I"III! t.o the poor of ClIICrnllstl In wbolle cause she hfUj unceulIIgly labored AI tbollgh weill thy, Judge and MI'II Taft have alwRYH preferred a simple atyle of hvmg aDd bave lIever cared mucb to euter Into gay 80Cleh Tbey bave three sons one of whom 16 llIarrled and hlUl chlldrllll _ _ _ __ __ _
MelohodJ8lA!, Presbyteraan&, and Oathohcs
haTe aclopted that courlllli and the EliI!oopahanH have the matter under IIIlVU!C ment.
on t.bree acne.
W II 11N a Illnn cOllies hUUle and tries to boll 111 8 doo r wilh a sweet potato pokell the lire WIth 110 .pout of a coll'ee pot, .. I t\.en ptll to Will I I l' Lbo cloclc IV I LIt hlB bootJllck trlf.8 to Cllt kwdhog wood for the 1Il0rllIDg lire 1\ Itb a pnper klilfe tnkeK I cold poh to III bau:i t()light hIm to bod uud I'rd r8 sleepmg wltb biB bat aud bootll ull you may rClll!Ono.bly Infer thllt he hWi been makmg the acquamt llllCC of HO IDO very frIendly people
THE colorell man III the I:ioIiLb 18.tlil II problem which all Lhe churches th I~ hAve mllllllon8 ~bere are trYlDg to 80Ive Are theT to tie proVided wl~b KepnrR\.e boueefl 0 wouhlr? I~ the que tlOn Tbe
or Ihe
l:iIJMF of the English pal crij thlDlt that Ellward I'IlYKOn Weston the Amer can pedestflllll 18 l\ Slur uf no onhnnry mag IIItllIle lind that 1118 fCllll! III walklllg lire marvelous achievement. Recently h e walked at 18hngton fhe Lolldon Tdt groph eaY8 lSurroullded by noblemen mambo", of PRrhslllent IIlId Spec\tltorR ro.n every fllnk )f wClety ..tho gRIl lilt Ameracall. althongh I e flliled t. nch 1m r the whole )f IllS Helf IInp0!!ed hUlk "Ill! encouraged I y IIccIIlIllRt.OIlK winch 'Iere tbllro ughl~ 1\!'lIlIIne H WIll! t navcrdlllI) felt tbat Englllnd h ul never prodl ce I 811Ch a walker IlK tins .1101 II Lbe III I He bRH IIIIIIt rLnkcn wllry Am rlClln fOllr UUtks two of "blcb be hM .IICCCIll! fllily lI(leomp".h!' I whllo IlII tbo other Lwo he haR pnrlllllly fallell BuL even hI. fllllur\l8 ai'll fellt8 "hlch no Iivlllg EnglillhmAn CM parallol
o W Plll.IEB, of Vevay Inghom COUDtr, Michll&n, IlUIt RlIIIOn raIsed lOyuteeD and a hall builhela of yery be
I 11000.1 g
Wlte Huuse Will be erectoo In .Bt ~t.o ll Imm the lumoor of ~he old elm lhe rem.llIl1ug Llmbor 'WIll be IJent to dlC forcl t tllLe~ for ~be 1)11 rpi) ur blllldlDB lIl8t.orl~~LI hullll the 1:111[1:1 wall be pluked Ul' Lo hr ntell llmi ~ 1118 A I RAe I It Ar ,nko WII' once attellipted to hr I II) cd 011 '\1 r J r~kl ne .UI he weDt o. (l.1 IV II Wcstm J8t.er HIlIl wah hIB II III pie Lag cnulIlIIed full of braefd Some v Igg •• 1 b IrrI:iwr h red a Jew alloy to go lid lll!k IlIt1 If he hnd Rlly old 0108 to !'ell No you little Hebrew Imp" u cl lIlli e d the Indlgnnnt coun8elor. • they ure 1111 II[ II ~ UIt.4 lImA)1 1'0\\1 R~ thcttOulptor. who bad ~P lrltl II '18 1011. !!Iud tlm~ If II. mao's lervuu. 8) s lell "ere carefully 8eparated froll1 it e rest of b.s uody It IS 80 complu lind grclIt ~llllt It would sppellr a8 a per fe L rep rC&lnlAtJon oj the Ulall • Why, then Mid ht' CIUIIlOt thllt whICh 18 ucloll' tbe duhcnto nen ous system he re' caled to U8 lD spiritual III1ID1feata. A XI
".VESTS Keem to emphulze the old lIBymg tbat Honesty IS tho beftt policy" ?olsa. HARRIET BBEOBE.R STOWE made '1 800 (rolll ber Or&Dge grove In Flqrid. Juteummer
- - -- ----:--
Mono for In o~ban Isylum- Thu far aad no faloher'
A ~IAIN Dlun belllg refused by ;: Wid owed ladey for whom be worked, and to vbom he Dlude l~D oll'er of marrtage went mto the kltchl'lI emptied a pail of WAter n the floor aprllad out a red bUlldalllUl handerchlef Ollit. tied another around 111811eck Iflld down In the pud L1le and uLtered a llUulld bul f way between the lIi1tes of a dYlllg 8wRuand a calfwlth th culic '1 he Illdy 01 the hOUIIIl went to lhe sJlo~ lUI l'Oon Il:! ahe could but when she ij\.epped ID the water Rnd In We dim hgbt of the mornmg IIIlW Tllttleatret~hed out aDlong tbe red Ktlll~ sile wal 110 ter rlli~d With his lIangllJDllly appearance tbat she went into Il K'lVOOII from wbioh sbe waH not teHtOfud unwl three hOUfll bllu eillpaed Tu ttle W88 arroated and put under bondH to keep the 1_u.-80 elided hiS drelUll of love A MAN SCRn"!' JOUfII/11 kopt by lhe Dutcb DIlVIglltor oftbe81x~nth cIIntury WIlham BareDtz who Attempted A forage to Oblna by the way of tbe An:tic Sea lJl 1594, and I'I!IIched 88 der_ 01 latitude hl\8 been fOllnd at NovlI l'.emblll, and taken lO Denmark fUDlOIIS
r1l 1111 oil record book of a Oo~Il ...()tlcUt For chI reb dated 1707, iK Utili Item wtlklng II nOI iu cburch, Alln BollOa, Blltn.\.er Ie to ~It ~hrce daye ID the poor pew. IUId pay a fiDe of Jive .bJ1lLn~ •
lin French play tbe plOt whoWi that th late AmerlClUl rebtlllaon WAI cau_' r LOlli .&public."" George Wadi l1y Preludel)L Llllcoin 1m poIIiDr; a tax OD IDglOn s HI bht which he carried Iohrough abollnlhe all bis campaIgns 1~ Dot IIveu dill eared Tl\ip would hardly lle believed of BAB<lOCJ[ Beecher. &COD, Bo....... George but tbere la Iohe Bible to abow &he Blact wn-.b,aL a !»I......, ... COf itt &lDniDt wit.b \lie Ie,*- B I
1.1 l\ p.ll. ,.~ /'t' In, ,I lUll. ...
lur~' I "..
~ II
. ,:i!
- ( •.• t.. til • \.\\J.. .\~, II'" I \' - .\ ~I I n/ill, fri lid,., 1."1'1' till" 1",,1 "1,,·.,1' 1·1~.lr.. '\I , h.1I J.I \\,1 '1'.1" IIf til,' 01, III h lit' Ir-. J ,hll ('I'l" \ 11:1' I,elll kk .\I r . ~'. I'"'' . 1~1I d"I' Pratt.
'~ ~ I;'r ~hr .: \\''l·k, I'" t. "j,T/t ,,(,'1 1':,·.1 ~1'll'dl l~.. h. ill - :\h. J. A . FII d l" i .. in II l. ill\ ll , I Ii 1".-. .\ ~l i" Fblllll~' • ' 14 l.il. loll.' illl-( wur" j.! ",J . III 1~11'· ,h' r. tid" ludy uurillK l.lI'f I'" ilI" I,(" her W,Jll Lh' 't 'III t' all - _" " 11111 at tli., O.U Prll~'; ' rl' w ill) t, t'I' III ' at: 1'111 II I ·d w tit h"r. I ' ILl r .. , · ·U;lll~U pri 'IJ • . _ \\' iIlUIlW .Iu,., lit " r"alh' I'l.tl,,· -,\11'. j-" IlIla 11 " 11'1', "t' ;I'r ~'J I'ric , at Ihe O lu 'i'lr. u,v · ' turu. llla .•I·J\\·'l , fill'; 'l'(''' 111<' ti, hll k'r at r Illl' \,l11"l'll V Bllk"I'\' tin I hl' '1 .. 11 ,1< , .:. -l ""I 'orl ~ ~I ... M , ~~ - )[ r.< , . ('at!w,lllldl' r ha s h.1 ,d rl'lIlly II ' 1II" "~ t :a tl':1 hi., so. 11I .• .•ol'YI· \ 1 ....I , .,," h • • ,lJ (1 1 "' . 1'(" \1 ... ; ' t i ll ~ 1· ·l..t i,' C'. i n lld:al ill . 1l" llt l l' 1\" ' ''' 'I' ' I' l' 1'\' ' it her bil ker _~_~ A_L PA ldl . I' ~ -- )I r~. ~ \11,, 1\ F . hUPIIlII') i ti". I.u-t IJIl·t',·d ·" l l i lli. \\' uu. A r ',\ I' .. /l ..\ 'T h ) I' AIUAN . _ \' . iti -1,(,1' I·U!."; \,\,,, ill HuLh,r,·ill " . ~.; l ' "lt l' 'l'IlJ ' I'" L" call alld t, ~; Ill' Mr. lIIaM' U II' " I' ,,, .. i ll It, itt" " - II. yl" G,'I'IIIUII \ .1 " 1\ ut :?o I' ll' Ihn'l' \\l.t,l,"" cul-t·:< 1,,\\ rl'L: c Juhu H ill"'" IIrrin',i UI'I' rc(·t'1I11 \ 0, II i,,'r u..'ttllJ Ilt, thl' Old DI'U~' 0 " 1' -.; II : h lt:, ' I I· "'" l(tJl.l. " "l' ~ II· fl' 1\1 'hl\ri~~tuu, ~fi -", 'ori. brillg. I I,\'t. V 'r, lI lI (l lillt: fl'uit. Thlly arc l' ul,· .mg w i t II Ililll u [" t \ It' .u .. t ' 111 11 I· r I111 "Il U~ I vcr, 'I 11 at ,'l lIt,·I\,· ' 1'1I1l1l1 ': ll tl'ti , und t IU I'I . ,w • - ,''I I. ,U l~u il dl'''''' ",Ii " \\'hich had i!\'ll' the b,'IIH' .. f ·~tr. l1'c ..rge Still! i ll ~~to: Il'., \'u~, '~c .. UI: ull /Ullde hy pi 0 ,\' 11:1 111' ill II tilJld u~ .u· Cllurll' . ~ti' In. I I. 11. I1I ~h h l ll1~ It. Hu Sill<' II l1d (UII, utili wll ich, II III" "/.: ,many .otll. 1 - Try &111' 1'11' Buking P" wde r Ilt gu til ' 1'0 1. ,1' ,) " ur hl'uud' lI.I.lc.\ cakl' "I ,\\'(:1' tho Cll llrlU' vt 110 littl e tit · Uld Urug. ' tlll'e. Only -!IJ ctil. ,l - - n:ii;to .... int TO U " Illp I Ipl· t' that se tiull. por pt,ulId . . I t ~s Il (l~ ~ " " t!l m llg~ th"t vur - MI·ti. ,Jul in .. lIin" . is \'ery. - Eustel' ' 1lllJIIY Wild r e ..gn i7.l'U antHl.na.r:1111 n~ l~ g,e"I\)~ I ..; t, ,~l'. 'l ick . ~II I !l c,'din;; tbe .Uon liOll uf 11,1 .the Icu.,t~.rnIlI'Y mUll/lei' by the 11:. (lUJ.lt "~C.I'~ tl ,e pilI( IHI S. , lUll' tl'l UIl l/ S, Epi c" pIII :Su ndaY'schoul, ill tl u t . ull , CI 'II1 ' L'II'I " <\ . t t' kU;I lit' I .l ' n· lIUl'k (.f )'{"'ula r . 'hll""ll (l'Y' . I 1'. 11 ,, · • . h'l' 1 IImrf t - .'' , I. r. ' ,., '" l,rl III r twcllty lIl't l C " ~ (I fl" le l')'. t" ,I . I. 'I ' t · J b,'rl w,'r ' l it 'u l'llll l l ll r ·I ICe. .1 " -lltl UI U · J " , I 11t'" "'I' II ~ulluuy w,t u. II n e ll ~ )" ' lI~, T ,rllin tA Il' IlUl lAIl I"', 1111, ;\1 trli IltlC' , tl'lwLr~. 1~ : l.~ tcI· ".\'11111 , th' 'p,'cia l 111 I i Ihl'l\l t l l l'l'I'IC'<lOll t some I: p~ldlll ~ Ii,,· Ea:;t l' ,hly with II • C l . · l i."ill~ tldllg 'f rl w.ll nilllll i killr;d o.m. ~ - F,.r n .11 Ice I1I1 , UII I, ~v tu ~hlJ rill P utri 'halltuu Ilt the 1011 ~f Am. Ilg tl:.· ·o I' ·11(' wo rc ,Wlllze . 0111 DI \I~ tore. They lin: sellill~ l'(l '" tllII 1111.1 C( l'l clld' 'tl tl t [1 .. I ' 1' ,' \ ' U J [llag \1.1 1 tlte . 1, )\lU\\'l1l'''' 1\ . lliu' all I I c • • t ll\\ (, tori" i,l E.. '~l' A I . . t' 1 ~1' 1 't'kJ tll', Ii 1111 tit. \Ii. " I , ' .~~u 8 US. urac nn\U(·;J Illtl cl{'s lllUtll 11,11 'tl III FII ' - II Oil \\'Iltlt t o g t a g ,<I , IIddr tilO (.n tIll !luy wus rlJllU wllC'O tl'I" Pl'o·lI i l" l:ic Hue" vi America: lI icu lu c k c.olllh. 1'111' li ttJu money go ,' tho Illite· OUIlll'Ull iull 8"n'ic~ wus J3t..~d fl'lIl,u St. 1.01l · ~ 1Il ', Ulll} ' Wli' tv th.· Uld I rug · ·tlJr·. . givell \I' i~ 1a ehuml rOpOlI l;lJS. In tel"JlI~ h UIII 11 'ur Bl'ltllllllt, ~ l o . ' - ~!i II P I ' S • Il" m:lI1:l of F"rt rill: op mlllg , tll'V ice tho I urd 's . 'ull'r.jllg !'' '"l1d 1ll!1I1' tht' lll " ll~h (lr 4 11 ei tit, ib " i "il;lI~ uer 'a. c1l1til· .. ·" I'I'IIY <'I' I\'IIS al .. v chlLutcd, ill ,:' hi('h t·~I~' . . ~VlllJll h. ; \l'1~H' r~.c ..: '~ :1'10 '.I:'JIII .~ll·. 1111" Mr~. lh· 7.l'k i ll h [ llVi . ,' ILI:.d II)u, ulh I' r1l\'r ~ ! c /li)r td the 1 ~I? (': 'llI l t .', M.,. ' . '\ '\ ~lI) Il~ . f.I~~I~1 - - Fill' 11 W/tilc ,wa,;/t, cloth, It.aiJ' ..c l~ OI:l ~\llri .:,l blr I\- Is t7u b.r th o r,llll B,ltlt "lIt. ~I " " 11 11" IS II '. , ~el UI' ~ la3 \, I \lg. lorll~ ll . ell\'III', ('XLllIllll I'VICU uf ~ I I ~ . L.dll ubln,ot Nuw ~lIp!,lIl'~er\ h." It,~~ ( lIl1t .'''I um lln\. ' ~h(J tit"ck lit th(' hI Un ... · ' tUl'lJ. Alball)" Ind iana, At th o clo U uf 1"1I 1I d ·III ri ll''''' diI SC... ' 1"'1·I CiI). All ' , .' ' 11 t I l "' , I tit I Ie 011 r r th e lay t)1'~II"'c 1111 .1 J LO ll WI Il l> "a' . ow s t I;.t « n U I " IICI' IS 11 \ ' ( ·tl l' 1\' 1111 It l' tLl OIiC t' I ' I " 1' L' U I CLI ored IlggtlWUl'll J i.,ll'ibuicd Tho tilHlld in '1111 J II.l" n('al' ~lexic , " 1', IIg I. ' I "1'111 Ullid' ~)'OUI' , rug !ltt ·lll.hlllCC Wail O"Jud II n tl tit " ' XOI" • I I. t k f' Ii IWu ll u l l \J IIB It t II.' J mg· turl'. . . "' " . lUlu. 1 lilt<> It uO U ' Ull 111' n. IIg 1" 'Itil'd p rlth 'd " It n ' )" 1,1 !l~: lI1 l lv bowl. It ' VII II tor jlll rt i~ ill tl,u - M,' . rs. . ~h: li llO, D, 1<.. , _ _. ' . '. S(\III1lUl ,11 'lIl1~Ct i ull IIf Anci on t Ei))'i ~h t ~I I~ G., Ll'"kJlIlv~ St!t .out Il?Tltcro lJuvu Le II qu i to n I'"tt I'Y helollging to the ' bicl1l,(L1 : Ioud '·ll'cut; I II tl'\llIt 01 their premo llumb'l' uf' huu c·tl'ueo! I' cell t ly .l\ (,UUt:1I1Y vI' '·i 'neu. It is vcr)' Isud. sct out b tw en lJ (>I'O und UUl'win. tl),lUlIll!tl'lt',lllly 1II l1 l1hh,d, IIlId is " I' - ~II·. R.lld ~lr. . J " hn . Ki 1\lI ey, A I,ollt OlllJ·ItUIt' tlto di {UlICO .bu. IIttltllJllteu b . Il Bel' i ~ of' cit V I 'O " ~ Il l' LVI'l'f ll ll d , "'''1'(0 g uost:! of MI'. t~\· uelJ. tl,t! ·bridgu, 011 tlto S lith 0 1' ii l\H11! tl'iulIgl(, . A dl'inking- Hlld M/'I;, UlChurti II lli lied . n Suu · SIde vi tlttl Wild, it! lillishod, while Clip , tl i lll ilal' tv I/llu fuulfd ill I H I',\' day. . th~ Sllll1 si rlo, bot weoll tho l.oig C lIlIt,V. Mv.: Illid doscrib d h: -TIIlJ ummel' terril of the school "l' l~lg~ lind OVl'win is cOlllpllJle. Mr. }'o tel' a.~ (1110 of tlte 111(1, t i n D istrict Nv, fl . cOllI'l1Ie ll ced ou TI1!~ hi a plcl.\':!Illlt item tu l'tlconl. beautiful puc ime.l) of Ilnti cplfl pvt· M ndllY, April lOth; MidI! CUI'rit: 1\11-. Hl'C\'c ll ulhlflu has been bll~' rl'ry hlJ ever saw. All tltu /'urugloill g MYI'I', I CII(:iJel·. ~t work, llS Ims Mr. 1. O. Harl'i:;, are ill lbtnlh.:d ill tl! e vulullIe 1~lIll d __ ~II' , Ati:l Cl. lllHlicr and {umily al \ "1 (~bothg elltl l' l~ nareverY CIl' cd to, utld th e»c torm part I .Mr. 111'0 II W in l' a l'\1l l 'lLn ~1I11 '" h I' tI.lll IU::.tIC UII tl~e ~ llb.llJ (;t vI' n b ;\I·,l Barris' co\lectiun. B('llide.i tit esc, tltey !anv 'setth:d . ' May t;u~d luck ::lI\.lcwlll~" Tlt li; liS ~xcdll' l lt. We ~}" YI'over, al'e . yarioll~ lItlters, B'lln~ be \\'i~h thl~Ul , ' hUI,e tbl ~, work W.OI~ t ~ tl 'IJ I1l1r i l the III tho form of terl'l\pll1S vi' tl1l'tlel:l ; ~. Ai U . d whole tlllllg be finat!lte,1 lind ill tlt e small 1\1l~aJ,.b\) w\s (apparentlv); I~ b I~S ~y. I own l!a~lve . best way. Cil ptuin H ud til'S 1,I uUL tl!Lgevlet 'with oxpl~ndeu lJlld; n 1 OlUC . 1'1'11 lI\'1llgto~l>d ~ la~a, e" 8cVCI'lII trc :;. ...·ut! eL sUl'lIlounted b,Y t~ la lJlld bul!' .Il.~t . w c;:~, Dncc~.llIpUIllC y 101' rr;::.-I -COUdl1l ,ulllS U\ It> lJ.....i t .i3 Ital'llly ItCftlJ85Ill'\' tu hu U1!l.t! I\nd half ow I·shu jled i a I . ' • • It ' very l»,etry' wll~ u. lJasifl with cuI.. ~Mr . . JOh~l l\f Taylor has S6· O.B attentl?n t .. th" ilillll ilig IId\'\.~r· luped rim; and vthel'd unl ikc .llllY' cllred a !tlllltl vn ';'11 tb e. L. ~f. R. R. , tl.8ul.nout.oJ M~ drS. !<' lIll ], ey ..1i; 1\I is· thing tllso in the " \::Iu'th beneath lIl' lIlId olltor'd un b ll:! (\uttos ruusday . s tl.dllle, III titlS paper, which CCI'· the waters ulldor the cilrtlo." Succos:! to you, J vllll . ~1 11l~Y b i~cak~ ii, th ulld uring tUlles fDI' Itl'\cll. 1'\ ul.)(,dy call rai I I ,b· i Th e clay ur whiclt these vo se l ~ - I .a(lies, CIL II Ull d see our 3 J c. . I . are moulded soom to Imve beell a Lu~tI'CB, and ind eed Dur entire sOl've It t 10 lir"t thing. The.,e gl'Il ' conglum mte uf cluy IlIId I'ul VIlI" at"e\{ IJf dl·e~s· gootltl jnst vccei veu tle.llleu, b~licv~ ill. t.h\; Cl:liCllCY uf ized sholl. 1\1". H isey says thnt frum the Et\st.-a .. l~ J. ].lI'lllter s llIk J1uJ./.C~oll;jl!l applit'.!, whe ll firM LI'Ol1!!ht to th o sUl'tace,1 -MI'. A. Doll, \\'ho e life WR. an d th·j' h~ ve IlUd ll!ll l'! ~ t' xpel:i . .. once tll confirm Iholll ill t hci l' bu. the lil'l iclcR Ul'U t;ut~, but by C0 Ilta(~t l despaired of sow", ..h\)'s IllSt week, liot'. 01 CUIIl':; , 110 ulle will fil iI Iu with tho Ilti1lOSphol'C thcy soon gUill we arc glad to bo.aul o to. say is now gu alld IULIk thrOU" h tlt c ir iUmlOll SlJ thoir ol{fi nnl tom pel'. ; ill a fnil' way 1'01' ..ccuvery. stuck of l$iuvd$ iue< all tbo d e ).lal' t MI', Ill'ris iii to. be complilliellt. ' -G. M. Zell & SUIl are CUllstaut· lIlelits l'hey 1lI11ke a "big blow," lJtI Oil . 11I~\'illg th<\ gn' :d tl.1<l!e tOl y adding to tlt ci r stoc k of cl('gnnt bu t the fllct i.; they ImvlJ guods to 8~CUI'~ thiS l'Ure cDllc.etlOn ul pre' i fUl'nitnro. Call and seo them, Illld I~IIJI'O th,an ba 'k lip what .tltuy flub . II1t;t\l1' C pVltery, . It IS 110 J1In~e ullI 1 l'ig lip yvllr bUUl e lit 1.)\\, prict.!s. lilih. Gv UIIU sec for j'uursd \'c~ . wtllI \~urt~1 IO\l kltlg ~\t, al.l.d \~Jll be l -At the New~ A~tllley, lIuUl ' • -~ ---. all IltlJuotl on to antlqullllanti bvth mcll Honse, lIlILy ba ruund a chDice Svmo chickell lh iOl'll::! C,Il110 at hUll,tU11111 lIul'ood. stuck of lIu\'o l:l, tltlltillll ery, periud . to grie f vile evenillg III t we.~ k at - • .. Iicals , and pictll\·lJ. Gu uud sue t~l~ honslJ of Mr. E~.\ ' pt Hobiutlo:l, I1I1'VIl'rANT UANKRUI'TCY. - The them, laVing ?~t\\'('l''.' hl'I'C a nd H ur vey •. crcuitul'S vt' A. & 1. ~, AlIt!'lltll & i 1'8, T SWlJet hus on band bUI'~ llau t1l1lJl Cil Lad ~ ' tI "' lI tl. e UU'v'. t_~Jt,t\t".~, pr?cte~dt\llgs till ttlte U 8U l'I,ly of plunts, I1l1d will COD. c~ic ens, und WCI'U llia ki Itg n \I'll )' III " u ~:u...,., 1)18 ric 00111' yes cr· . . , I . With tbem whlJll BOlli acciuellt tu ,J t tl tl 'd Ii ' . tlllllO ·to rccelvu UUl'lUg t 10 season I uuy v II·.,W 16 ~al rm Iltt" . II C· · . t Ie ~V':1oll. CliU cd a dclay ",h idl ,- ' k t 0 I I J I 11 lu Il@SurtOlellt Irum lDomuutl II I' I I?Ull 'l'llJl c,)'. . lie l.tllIC reI all( and elsewhcre. reslI t! . ' 111 t lUll' l i,;CU I' CI' l' I. \' tUl'ty·tlil'lJC c\'eultor; trllill all sec' l ,. Egypt, who !tad IhcllI I\rr~1:lt l·J IIn;1 tiulld of the cOlllltry I1l1vo clailU~ : . - HcJ\l'y Url'w llCCldeutall,Y s~ot brought bclol'lJ J lI~tico i111llingtolJ again t the linn l'IIllging all the 'I ~lI S IlU lld: a wcu k or two llgD, mfilct· who fined them $5. This shvuld wily from $2,) in amount tv $15,001). ItIg a tlhp;!lt tle~h wllULl~1. U IIdol' bo U W31'IIillg ttl tho yvulIg IUlln Th ere 111'0 only a fow creditors I the ca.re /-It. DJ'. Hobcrt f lIfllllS, tbtl who was principal ill the theft . aud whvsc c1uimB umount to more than l Laud IS dUlIIg \,O l'y wcl l. UlliliU hillllUcnu his wuys. ' S2 UlIO. Th",y are liS fvllows: - We 'are illd ebtcd to. H on. -- --.-.- - ,R. " I I'O:ll""O U, TOW~.OU'8 Inl et, G . uI~ga. \~. Miller" fIt' J nchon, At . a l~ccti.llg 0.1'. the bU!l l U II'" JOf'8C", S :1.567 9J M 'tlSI ~'; II'PI, fllr cuple;; of tho eta 1" 01 duectolS ut Wllyncsvtlle UIlIOU
~ .... III
I r
J ,Lln • • 6. ,,'ulleD, Lebanon,
0 .;
2.41t1 I'U
thllt city,
"fr. Millor is
l\.I ' HldI1Y
j '
~I!l&~ ~
." ' . well sfocl{e.l " iith Ill'W aud f'il~l i i )nahl(~ I )ats nlHl (~ al)s , fur i',I.'u' uud Iloys, at I( ~~s ~hn ll (~ V t'l' h e f~ H'c Htlert~d . ~) Oll't fuil to t~all
\-VhCH t ' C ~·· ' ~ ) :. ()
aE'(~ 'vnnh~d .
where Jon \vill find tbe ·ool:n fuU of cv('r,'tI.t ing ni(~c , goo(1 null low in I,rice, (~onsis ti~g in part .of lien's, Boys' o n.! _ ~outh , : ' V lod.b ing. 'l'his dcpurtJnent is complete, and prices 10 lj .. ,.",_1 t
• •
el\'t,ban ever. .
rcrOUl\ OABPB DB .&:BTKBli 'This department is "Worthy the attent.ion of the trade. Our entire stock is this Spring's purchase, so that "We are enabled to offer all the new and h and~onle patterns very low. rtn- 25, 30,40, 50,_ 60, 70~ 86, $1,10. All 'Who are luneed of Carpets can save money by securing one of ours.
~-!~ W~~~
This is the last. but not tha least Department We have 20,OOO··Bolts of all the late patterns, at such ~ow prices that it is' cl1Etaper to paper than whitewash. Call and see .
on us
i!~" up.stuirs,
evcning J.
Tellt O,i.lI·old . Co., 2.592 i2 I f 1\(' I·S. A• E• ..uCTn ' .r 'tt,un d W il"on '·'u\\"•11'I Is. Ullu. J I• H • H'arns. Ilr3ul H.trrl8, W. lIe81'iIIe, Obio, 3.!I.J; 4!' l lle p lew II ~ L Wan ,e. vill e (0 . ) kl\tioual n"nk. (j.Ml8 15 fUI'''ll' l'ly /'esi den li£'l'e. . were duly Ijllaldied directors li)r And w J. '1'1101'\>0 . W"yuo"vi '!'-, !J .. 5.:.!2ti uu --Gv I'IIU see 'hcubs & If.'igl·l - tlnco yoar~. 'fhe bOl1rd was 0 1'~11lI ' Socond ~.llonal Bunk of A CUl1I, . , • .V. db" J . , 1 bio, Ir"U~ II; 25 "'ay'~ lIe w u,tlU In aguiticeut ijtuck Ize y afJl~o llltlllg . ·W 11 1111 11 • d 1 T~)' I "r Il rolhm, .CiuciunMi. Ob io. 2.000110 0 1' flU' nitl\\'t\ jUlit If<Jm the city. wards Prcsldent, O. D. Woolley 0 . 0. & Ju" u," ...,•. l1 ..... ey·, ....o,b. 4.IIOU 110 , AI tl " , 'I . '1' 1 I f' I . Olork, allli l. H. Harris Trcasurer O co . W . ti c .....j!g~ , H " rI·C)·sbu '·g. O . :.!,'!l<U ou \ SII, . , C Il 8 1' en, It! ut \) C 1rJ)IDOS, • , 1. , '. , ' Heorgo ::;ow rl'. , HoslOn , 4,202 ~4 the h "''<It HS5l1rtlllcllt of j.lictuI'c~ 101 tile CU !!l1ll1g ) ear. Thc total lUll Junt of tho firnl '~ eyo\, l.ol'ought to W Ilynus vil1e. The ufficer!! - f~t1· -W ' 1\ J.illbilitios, us filotl ?y.thelllt>e! ,·eA, . -p!·uf'. J uhn O. l.ti.dflc, ot' Cill ' P ort Williutl~ &13 Jc~G~~sllv:ilf~ toutA up 1\ total 01. ::Jl()4,533 8~ , ClUlllltl, hus uuun vl~ltl n g Mr. E. Nurruw t:iallge R. It atld thc M. . Th bllirkrnpts al,sD hl.tld a Jl.ro l'o;l1- A. Hugel'S. 1\11'. Uld ~o ha fUI' , V. N. U. It It, held ~ mocti"" at tion of COmpNlml8C WIth wee ks IJlJoll lu. id lIJI witia . the llu ll llu"~,ll li UII "C 11 ' 1' J t~" · . . fi t thulr cl'ed·• sl~voral . ~ \J C li S r 1'1' Itvl'8, uft ring tu plly . ty ccuts uu llIfluUJmutol'Y rlitlUwatl BUl , bllt Wu dllY . the dDlltlr-o/lu·half H) cash and arlJ glad to Iell I'll is llUW much uut · . _._. -. tho rest in a your. III thlJ wean tOl'. The WaYllcs\'i ll l:l, l'vrt Williulll time Ihe 1I1lpuid !taU' t\'ilJ b~ sccur· -New a nd olegant line of I1I,d J~lIul'~ull\'illo narrow. g'lluge (ld by 11 con\,eYllllceofali tItUlr.prllp· I>pl'ing 1111(1 summer Ulothing just r~u~. dlr~~urij have .al~ cllgmocr at, crty to the lanods 0'1' Trusteos, to rccei ved frOID tho cast at Oudwal. \\ VI k luak Illg a Cal uful survey uf b lluld.,.f,?!' the Le~otit 01 the crod· lader& J Ullney's; at 'priccs lowcr thu rouu prt1parat~ry to .lotting the itors.-Oin. E mlul1·et·. thUll wore ever kUVWll i;cfllro. Suits sa we. It luvk .. Itku buslIless, ' • froJJJ $5 tu $25. IJuuts frutH $ 1 tu ' rr-;:» Th~ '·r· '~·"II· · . C'I b" . S B '0 1' at 2 (' . .. I I , , , ' , tl ' . . LJ...I ul llIrl'UOlltc lI, .1:, .sLlO ALIC.- C'I illig", • ~0!l10 uur y u U Di e IC lISSU l t· of .ilOtltull, will give a CUJlOCI't in 'ch.lok on TUMdu.y. April 25 , ment 18 brokeJl. . City Hull Xcuiu V W d "d lit her I' idenc(i on Tbil'u street, -MI'. P. R. Eycku und Miss ,evl!uilJK Apdl IJ Thov "~~cll~ Mn!. '.1'. ac\wnlllldcr will soil at Allie Antl'Rlll w~l'e ~nrl'ilJd last purt of'Th eu<iore Thomll r world. vublic salt', etll'pcUi, 8tuvCS, bed· \Vcducsdav IDVrLllllg, HI HIll'l'oy~. , reuowlJod "OJ'olwstrn," und will uo t II.!. tands,' 'lock, book, map, b b BId. J H, D dd f tit .ll ll " ':' I~ .~, c(ll'll t()r.tabl S. R~I'U m. urg, y er . . 0 u 11S w.urth hcul'iug. -,. " , place. 'Ve have 110 I'IlI'tioulurtl, ' • _• • , btl II I t ) ; '1(.1 bc till hIUlU . hut it is Bafe to pro UlUll that tuc At the' meeting of th o - ,. Oc Iltiioll wus ult th:.lt c'lltld btl de·. Township ·B oard. of Educatiun on ..,' u iIIlP" l'tuut - Ilauges in thc ired, uut! tlilJ ' oup)e CClt:lit'tI,Y have Mood~y, Jonus Januey Jr. was J..1 ltl,· ~lill Ij HI 'It(\ad time·tablc thu b tit \\'i tllics li t' n ho t of friends Ilppointed President for'tho ' nau. (Lai:, \\ \. , tor t h ir !1:'l'p 'lll'tl. , , ing yeal·.
. ,. '" .
This department haSi been find w i) continue to he o ~ ~e of the Ju"o ulin · 1 t ·tief OilS of o ur ho t , ~ e hUl"in ~w 4rrO\lf ll into a Jarcrc " e h sin S§ . t }i ur stocli comJll"i~c s u ,~~ .u t o t uudred c.liBel·ent styl~'s, an1l our New Stock \vill b ~ foun d very deliiiit·abic and nt· t.·llC,thrc. \\ e are uble tc~ otl(n· the ('ntire Stocli at the lowest pritel~ '('yea' hc.~ t«H·e uanlcc.l for . .~ ,f.,' ( I ( ~. ho~~ in tll !s cetio •• H O. In c nnu e(~tio l with OUt" jot t ' H ~:ho~' ..>'e partm('~_t, l 'e have '8 IiaU·O'c ~
-.~---. ,-~-..-------.:!
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lQt Q~
B)e~t Bl~aD.
~fl j,~QJ~~
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Don't fail to visit our hous9) and obtain 'Bome of the GREAT BARGAINS. oft'ered by us,
.,,_,I. .0'if ~u
P rh: .. Ihool air ' I • ,. 1'" Ipc ~,.rv .lp,lle' . '." C .,,11 hUII,I.IIjf . ...I-.,illg. ,III"" ,,",tit. I lib· lh' , i a",. N.': 111\ for lit.- \' n,,'nul I remp .. i 'II, .11t! IUU,UU(,t more tldlf'I ,t..t:d ,.,11. "u
WI ''''
1l1,·I, m",,,I- .hril
a M .... l h·:..1 ll" partlll 'ul ' ·U~l.t nr'K "'urtlorl,· te tA· , I !HI ilf "' p"rr,tct P.lIlli. l'nv·" . . HUMB UGS lt~ ', 'C'; ,Iy i W " ' I' '• • I'r\ ~r.,u d, 'lU.l ·l.. , :,,,'huJltr Mud ' Buul t ' ~.~ " "r',> U'I nt .. 'r h. fi ve c,. lu 'tlu~ 01 t(ta 11Ifu l . It
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,.I"e.o, ttl., In:.:, "I t tl rhl ltn1uJt SI(tli, , PlJ · \V1lt l·IUl~ltV"r.liy cnn""wu,", ~'n,r IId 'ttl'n'rY. .... tt·". ~k' ,(,!"Hl, Wit . Uum 'r alltl FUll tlUla. tu IIltliut Ii I tit' rol~utarity thi.. huueo l 1 1t~ U' .,11 II~ \\ HeCIIl\·t!. j(,~ bt. ·c,·,'w" . 'O<juinod with ... til(' lo"t },' "rly Yea.~ AI", . &.c .• c. ; lu~•• OIIlIJI u '. Ue p.artment W, .h IW"' nH,,·hh wl'Y. U4.' Vt' "UU I !iU~"' 1 no
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~'El8 'rAJl8PA.GLtm BA.~B t ,·'Es tabl ishe d 183 6 . . ~rg¥ ..i.:JU · P"K' In 1'" l" ~4.I~er ,
!'IOa18 .
tUt: · lIn"ti-I"" , I\~ .
&A BE T 110 \\f' t '
In "1\'" r ll .. t " l0~~ rh
~ .on, IWith Sliding Oven Doors.
Nil .W,IUdl.I ,," r " ~lll
i .... """,I, .1'111
"",, ' '' ~ hill CIIAI" n""¥
"C ' ' .
'I'w \.~
,ad Sort Z. 1 e1.
Elliott & Col man
nthl'r Thro,lt nnd I.ll ol; Ili ..·tnil ,'. Ho.. ,'ur)' IhI Ul " , o","IH'IU or N' {) · \.h,' ru . It it no \ IIC ':;'. ,; '''IA,,", H , .I' I· l llt'" ("II" ' " u..,,,1 in thi" I.olhi(' •• '. f"1i l!io ll. (I I oilc,",.rinu h WM\' e fil lIe i "h'~l'h ..uJ t" r t Jle I~' '''L ".0 III l l .." tt rOI •• 11 8:"11 L. t1 ill " .11 wlthuut. .. ~i .. ;.;I., tail ,,,,,· l. Cl lr. . I I I t ~\.! ~ .' '' . MIIt.l ill H dI f..J . It htu4 1!"lIe 1111 for IJ I IUU,UUO I, ~u i, h· . YO'l \UU lauv6lHll ., Q,lth i,. 11\ .U ' i nc Y' HJr ,,11'_ J!II "lI lit it "nIl wilt hIH' ''' it. ,",OUH' tiJue . Wh, to ~uur D r ug~i ~JI . .\ . Poll . a lit I h illl nl ~n r .... ",'r _
_ I,olld, ur ' l'U L ILhJ cull' t-..,WI ' C,IU t ~ '~l .. s.uh - -- \IIU I f "HI rt ••J dl l . ·re-.t J,ltall.r. ]1 XIe:PO~III ". ' ... , 1,.1t B ~ i lltl1"r'" "jlUuUt. (e~ rtJl' rll\lw·. ,Iud rhe .. ).0 .. i ~ Lit" timf of till ' yl U.f for l'II t'UIH4f Illir\. 01 u \'er 10UU , " ilh nRm iii n oJ ',.::.1111'-. ' In. Lu ng 1: \!\' r, "\ou ~ h ", Cul d I nllli I:,wl I T COSTS hUI 75 CI 111.'"' .. ' ell . Rlltl ill ent n l uh i"l ttt' " t~1i ),u ... itiult to 'HlI""unptlutl I"CJ i\J U\ ,·'y·,I . r t', It i ill .. t.I.I~·I,"per lor
H .,....•......
W" 1,1\'" im ·
.Io -Cd \\111 nn""uth wur~ " ,'11'1\'. If' IU' lt . tlI2 :oo\p)Ilhlitl rnw"l. n.u IhOe. ( ~o I Lh .,'un h\\'I' uti fldlt. ill 1III!IIItiu ', j ,j'" lJu \ t\ • • I " ,'h ) , tlitl ' ~sll IIIr.h,·" , thlt'h' l.IIu"I'II·(1. 1 S.ullple Uul ilu or Un.;, huu',. (:, ' rl1l ll1 :-;\'"1' ulh l " u tt lr.: " A:\ \ to"lU III Un'"" VelUM a nt l lor Jil l tlllt!oo ,1111111'\ il, Itt'J!"I. .. l'Ii/.,· n l ttt ~ c . J1uU It UI Il w lltJlI· .\, u' , nIl fr,'~ , I", . 1. Tiled. 7!. ,'I »1 {1., tJo n', 1I~ •., I CC"l ,." uugh tu 0411\' e 7.-. ~ HI'" W' lI uill" dtrO lll O~, ,111 11.1.1.· f,u· auy I flr
C'Uld ,
IltiA r
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_ __ _ . !liillf'CW''''!
, 511 .. , llc ' !.r t ·" illl1l.olll ·roll
Hu,,,lu,· .
710 I. ",,, C"" I't .. y · ~ ",,111"11 111.01 .
III lIudlig thio l
tllill 110 \ IH~ I '.. a.ll"." 01'" ~I' I '" d" 'rt ~,·" N.I t.ill ll.d.lhitr ill lic. wid (·· STHI t' lend. ~i ll c.:(\ it. .. i ., lrodll l' t ili u ill t h o Uui · II\\'uk u l'AIIi" " Oltt! tit "", i~ Jor rig ht ngalU)l: L too Il'IWl l,11 t he imDl u .. e "n it': of . n'It~: 0118 thai kltu",. 1m pa l1.). 110 nonh . I r . p' l rll,.tU
p .. '
,.u u~ll, .'1l8l or we"": but 1\ J"ipfU' 'u.rntJ:,d g i",h. 111\\ e ol'tI"'rt:J "Id" ~Il!ctif ' ille diu'ct. rrll m tor (H' :y n mu \' r , .o n.., lh llt. "~,·e. mou l')' to, Il' Ih e Fllc,,", •.'·•• ~ "',,"dl,u .. N .J .. li nd nOt .. lie fe.lller •. loy esp08lng ~b " ' t'·" ·~, ",," trap. 0( , UOI.I ' Ii
\ ', ' U(.
6,OOu Ih'ug
'I,' o r
le r ' I".~~ 01 1......&oDI.I. h.l!! '.UCOCII in cur l"ll II, va" O<,u«hA, t:,. ld ~ IOUied ull lhe ~n' •• ~. 01l8umpU"II. or IIoy dl .... o( 'I 10 run' lind 1 ''''Ijf~ . Wu ,,01\,1. l In persoll II... t I, ... lUly prodl. po. hloll &0 .eok LUlige. I.() go III tb ·1. \lru ~):i ~ l . A. 1),,11, ali" gel Ihi ~ J!il edlcw c ar '\o"lul re "buut It. ",·:rul",· ..h .•. , 7.; .,.,,~; ,,,wpl,, bottle. IU C\·III •. '1''''0 d,.... will ",he.,' 311." c:u,,~. 1I,... ·t hellle"L) "" l' cou;;h . ..54- 1." -. . OC?T. 13. ' i~ '\(' I'Su ll & B!'uth .... ,
110'" Is IIII' IIRle . You bit.·. pul il 011' ..... 0 lonl;. ~e nd 10 dM1· Nil. th. lecel,t.·d time SBB. pili .. 7~ ce ll1 8 ..... ure~ Ihl ~ p~I'e r a r car. "'llo rour oh.r.I,,« cb.omu ~. 0111._ '1 . ""IIDlloerll III'" (ur l !i ceOlS. Speelm.n ( 1l1li,0041 read)' ) 8ellt frlle &0 all. ::s.,lId lor iI no w. Coeh nOlhlllK 10 lie<' Il. Sel'd ", . r.o ,I.., IlAN ~ER I' DLISBIN G 00., IIlow,.' I... ~ ..~. _ _ 51 ~ . "ell6~_ 1 BIAtll llnAS ClIO I 0 E I tJlIv 'IIJ~.", t . t . , ,,nd ~'''noy ArllC\ .... uf ,,11 killd. ill our line. Nu i"forinr "ulld. ill1 po" d UPO" an yWy
I'IIiJud C'l pllia , illl'IInll us t1lut . UII HC' cUllnt .. f Ih l' tilllU IH'CCti IIrv tu ell · gl'llVlI th o New i'ul'tl'ai t M rd. t3u ll tilw\'l'th . "" t.,cl , I'I' UI II ·II I'hll1.lIW'uI,11 1"lwll ,)1' hul' UII )I ' ll'c lt :t2t1, lS711. ll. t'L'I'Y II I' wh ich l'ul' t.l'uit With h,·1' AlIt,'gm ph tI II "':1' il. · they'ill t ell" 1'11l\'"lg ill fl'uli l II I' th(· t ill o'!l"1' ill L'U'" elll'" ,jf h I' II lIW oJ a h'Juk." ,,10111111·1; "I', I II tllv V UI, llt S. .IOUW in I'rc~~ by th ' ·1I1. li S well Il~ ,m Ill'llIIlIlI l .. I' tl ..: L' !'l·"t 10' II~th "I' • . 0 I trl \\" ,1'1" II II l1tkll'~ Il VII 11111" lit. "v,.!' >1," ' , '.1 1 h ll'loIl'u, 1 t,ah\! ~ ' anu thl' JI\I'''O v'nl l'!''; 1" '"l'ill" II I 1'''1' il. II ... ,., ' n ' IIIlV,l h CCIl 1'. ,,'(, 1''\ I" I".' tp ' " ' ~ ~ t·Il' ti lly uf 1'1Ihll('a t j,," " I' If I II t hlln · .Ie lll liiu. Ntlw '1'11 1'1- /lilt! B,,'~I.<'lI, IIl1ti! SILllll',III)" A\,l'il :l~t1. 1. 71i, h ili all OInll'l'o! n ' ·"·l·1! fill' it frlll il 110 k l'Il ' 1 ' 01' N . ,". " " cllt,.; w ilt u.,; t; b :-;. . '" he till ed Uil il tH!lIt 1'1'1111' .t(l tI,al. tilllC! ~" Ill at Ih,'y III ,l\' I'Cc\!IV~ It hI' .; ,. I I.' t" . t I II! uOY" I'u j It'a 1,'11 ~
c ·
~,j) . [
Sl'IUW BEllR IESln. PIU()HICS" 'U~DJ II~'!lK.K1MG Gw~l!D~. , NEW ~ORTS BY .AIL .
A I .r~ lind woll ..... I~o l od dt\)ck \If
IJtJSlt"t\eSS I
Flower and Garden Seeds,
All at the Lowest Rates,
.. .."
h~' "o'llOr,od .. slogl,· ("lin.,. bUI ~'·.'ry let· "" llIoIlo'dorn : ,\lId
A II,' f.' ·, I'!/th;// f/ i ll
Bul w. ,,1 Ii"" I h.,1 t.u do wilh Ihe
.. ~_
II dur. Hl\ving oollj5Lt:M •. J ollII W r'. intere.t iD I 1111\1" vi tlt c lIewetlt Illld fill cst t.l.ill~ 0"",1. " ' "I>t.ll,tly on blllld, lind ex. t.he "b"v~ ""t"bli.l ..uol' ... . tbu.""mo "'l1\ he i ll ll' l'IIved !lUl't .. , l:Iueful ly packt!.l I", ri,,"eed .,,,rtl." r"l .. ined tn Lako cbarj5. "f r."~II\uote ~ "t.th 6 old .tuud, "'gil "f th" Beo ILli d I'I'upliid Ity IIIl1il. M y eulluc. , thlH b ...u~b of Ih u L"oi,,0'8 . H., .~. Ma", uuet,. ti" 11 l~f l::itl'll w lll'I'I'iOd tUlJk the ~ir8t , )~:rch 21,1~7tl . .. _ _ __ Mil Wa,~r.t(}sV!lf~e. (f)tib~QJ" Dt"q l 'I'UllloIlI lI Iv r th u Ul.'St Co II ectl, n , ! '"I1I,' r , II" firm num - IIf Bai n I\ ,\:, Wm.II,·.\" at til, g l'CHt .. h ,,\\' .. f tit . ~lu~"'lIch ll ' DUYI'l L wh- r ' 1 I,~.c i'clI ll"nlo'" h.wo . t ti l', II"... . I ~ ,) ;.l r $l'll~ U I't ie ll ltil ral 8 , j') ·t"J , ill ~ OI",\ '"l c,,;1 IN ~, kerl"~ .full.l ncklk of H III·lll' ,. .... rrllnk ,. , \\ la'I'l'i n hU t.'tl'l,:;:,,H\IIIH. I I"sl ll ll, Ill.;t ~lIa ~UII. I j.!;!'UI\' lI ell l'ly , ~' tlho ·... !l w ~ ~ tFt.,;I" j ~ ' c'§e~t fA... JJ ( . , \ . 1\,1\1 ill flUlI " Yol'), IJoilig Ilmt holo'''Il' t" I I", I lOll nlrietic s, t h " 1lI ,,~t c~H1l plllto , 1'; n 110111 '.'.,,'\ : ~lI d ,I.·.ir .. ,,11 1'!'trOIl" " I IliO 01,1\ i "!lI l t! ' \ ;1111 i ll til' ''' " lltI'V. iuulnu. ( '0/1 1'('/'; (' I/.f --AN Il-lit"': "ud "II 111 1,,,": '::' It' YC th, '''' " .clIlI ",,,I . 'all 1' 1/1 / ,' ) ,,1'(1"( ". illg nil tltu 1I0W, IUl'gl .Al11crtl n""w,· I" ' rl,wl " ·\,,,·h 1111" I : I !"",r,II ,I",,·. l"Jth M'.\ '", ,I:.ollnu. • I'rie,·. 0111 ,1 'I " .,lit)· ';1 III tho llIark o t , bny the H !lU i lllpol'tc d k ill u tl. ' / F nltG lu f ,Ji : " VUj 'on~. P" jul, d ti c· . J \\·L,rk. ~- I'~'r.,oll' w i"hin~ "" lr k, IIl".,I ~ I" 1I\ •• ,u ,_Cl .. , . • : l o y "c rillti\'u 'alal ll" lIu "!'/lt ill , h" I ~rd,"· . <or I'C~'I11"" ~ (I<'IH·. wl!l r,·,·'.' "0 ""',Il" . Wi' "" 'SOR " CO C' n e ,' nnn' I' n . . . ' ," . r" UUo Iliad. A! dU, Bu\lJ~, "I IIItc IIIIO'l""" "b,· I.I, ppr"I'"IOI,, r ' 1'1'111 1 Tl'ev!!" ' IlAI ~E:-5 e W OOLLE Y. ., ~~ , !f; ;,j,~ ' '~W _~ I~I~' Fnr1I.,Ot.. It 1~L'Il, F.. ,·(' I'g n !(' II tl . Sid,' "'l l'lj,I: i: .,,,(' ..(. (.·t ll'II'l rU'l· ,, . I . _ 25 packct:i , JO:S'l'A BLI S ln,J) tSISS, \ 5~1 , 1)1ll Fluw<:I' lIl' G'II'UCII S StU) by CENTE N N' IAL PH.lnE '. IIl ai l. .2!._ I . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . T he T ;'IIC OUJl!! GIld Crall " J off"r for !IIprin" Trudo m y Imm ~lI~r If )'011 wloll to grow V egtll.abl .. for ..... • \ ., I I' U I i ' . \, ... k III ...·cl h(I'·,wlI ,,!!.I U"Horlr-d Fruit We hu\' n hantl the hest l\SSO l'tllll'lIt ot' ....4 lc r y, .Clit dort V l' P al1t , Tree,. fo r thit" I'l'J! io n : :~lHI\ , U IUU ll l l 'uhll L o wtnml. 01' (iu 1't1l!II. by TI'""•• E"e"gr"c n '1',.,.,'. fur C~'nc t o"; o. ulI,1 . . •. . ,lI llt r !,uq",.<e : · hl'llb., HOI'I'i,'" Grill'''' II you "lob 10 becomea Commercial Flonn, 1111111, I'I'C ~llltl . 151 Jl l' r l uO, 85 pur \'i" ," I n,oc. rc:ul G'·L·"nl", u .u l'l~n t" el.• . ut~b" , • It I .C".b rl'i"•• ellllie cutu I'!glle t o I,IIe · vory , . , low."t , follow .: n." .l,""!! ,Mo NTIlt:1· M AnAZIN K TI·ude. Age lll h \V1~llted. . 1fllNltNI A 1',,1 0 r.ro••. 2. II, 4. At It ,.... W1.b 10 O.rd. n for Amn ........ t or Ik Old Cuh)l)Y 2:,(100 P ea,, " t."·o,, ... t . . for !lome V •• only, r.ad l ~. JM. W AT~ON irl iSSIIOJli , HUti cII\llail)~ 1111 Il, ' _ . 11'1000 Cherr\, trtJe!o ut 2r)" iWUlCUI!O \' al'i ' l ), --.'~J)-lit' ill l ''''I'tillj.( ' 111" (l l' i,'f" Ulld SlI('U 'V n l·chUlltlU, ' I.illllO P""r ir,·.·" U\'OI' "HCI'l,d ill this ntur kut . Tlt ey are a s fhll ows: us. /) ,,1 rTO ~Y OIl AH:l~, . IImtle r , in Ilddil iIJII to ~1. Q lllld \ t'tYllwu th. Mu ·S. E8tll , . l' I O~V DAFJ 'ON ;1 (, (l llJ!.~ R f CIJ.)[o .rIJ, SCOT bli ~ hcd J '&:L l lJlllt(11'11I1lI ,,,,Plu m. lit A1. L DT " _ • _ SOc _. Oll , __ (lU{)I) \ Vild-gonN e ri u UJ un petloh, H;(~ . gl't'llt Bt u l'Y III' "Thlll Tlly lll!' n"y," CL II' PHN .IJlJ' ERIA I" (~ ()1-IVIJ'/~ G'lffL LE/); Peter Hende rson. . ATT: \CHM g . ' i1'. :)[.000 Evcrl!"'~o" tI'PU8, Ir.. . (illo ,)110 !If the lII "tl t , ·xcir.ill,.". Cllll l illllutl , Price $1.&0 onol" 1""'!,-Pllid, by wall. all (Jf which /t1' lI a."r'ant ed to 9it·(, ,"" (tti·~rl/('/i(J/l. . t J ~I)(M) Co,":ord ,'lid he. GrnpO" \n CII, t;ittllur,l l'ugh } fl/ ' fIIro \\' • IM nUI1IJ.{ un ~l n .. , .;uou R ' )Kd rn' Hyhrid GrtlpOvi tUu4, IIwnc" ,llIlt llou lIutcd 111I1I1iI1'i " t .: !l."~r v. 011J' CcJ .. blnod C&lalOJ1ue tor 1m of I . of W" ~' n~ T,) w~.lll " I),.· 1'11111' ·11(·,1 .JII'II (\~ C. R.,l·d. \Varran nunty. 01uo, l" Ioo(MIO ){ittuti," ; y Blaokber ries. I,I III 11' U~ t \l \"'r \\'1''' t C. I ,, · EVE RYT HINC . . I \ - -- W e ha ve threc of t he DEl:I'r - - r M . hAD IM-O '" 111 ot.h·. l.ro08, V ID C/I, c .. "te., 1'dh In t largo .., I llu\\')c\, 0" th ,o Iht.l. l l .' · " Il...orlr ' h. y TI IU t' . ' , , I ' went. O,'ur 'tu" 1 0JllI Cd '~ I " . . • "" i,1 I II . tl o~ IOrd,)r "f ",.tlldlln ent , !lII'IlUt, llo.;U,", ll n o fot' s ate u t a ll ill I.h,. .. 1;"1'01 " oti'ln,. AllIO,Ofli ou for Ihe M.",uf"u~lIrcll"d S.h, A~DEN! rqr \I,e ,~m $0.0.1. p orio di ctll dUI'"t:; ill IIr O ClIll ll tl·.\' . (II' ,,,.,1110,, ~)\"'I " o.. lItl1lu oll UlOId tlo ,' 2d .tlly I ~lIllt li t ,c, 1.5'J 110 1' _v oal', l,,,.<tl,ui cl . >If Mil,'. A.D_ . _Iti711. u ~ S.nt "r... to .. II Appllo ..nt •• 8AMt.:E I. Pl:r; H . Iuntl ,,·hi,·h onllbl"" 1n 0 to fill "II ord er. for Cu~ • _ • _ __ --_ ot.ltt'r FltlwtJ rs ,ua l Plant".. Our I.rll" nln. lmlotl C. I.logue, ot SHr16 I NEW S HOE l::iUOP . . COMlo: ANn SEE Faa YOURSELF. and Plallt" n umhcrlng 11& JI"""M, aTld COtl ~ BIIAINA K1" S i\1 USl[) AJ. \V " ltl.lI .l h" ,·o mO"ed lilY .h"l) h' Jli!!,h SLr(!4J t . in t amiug Ii onlored rlftto,. l8f!ut without chArge Th~ Al 'ri l I11ll11h '1'11 1' this I",\,ulll! ' til., ,,)d oclolJol-I ,o',"o ,..."r th e QUlI lL r lOllet· 10 parcb ...... 0 Iny 01 lb. abo>. "''''. LEO \VEj~TZ, Pro p'r . boo.... Sent to IU,olb.., on NI<dp~o r IlO IDUKicu IU n ,'uZitlu i::t rceci \tcd. llUd i l\c<·hoU~t·, wh \!l'u [ \ldlllnuk t! lI r nh'wl I~.n y • • ~~, ,, ~ ceD'" rtrI~ O!ft1"~ II i s holl e l' tlIIIII OVl:l'. lV .... " 01 glll1t 1I 0 W Illll !!ic 11I~d i llt?l'c:;ti ll g W ay n e•• iIIe, ll..... ob W. 1 ~11i. r _ ."
I UaSi lt KE
__ _
Conta,n;n"" Over 200 Acres
C C C.
rt» .. 'j'
_________ .-________
."1111 MAl'
Gard.ening for Profit!
WOOD COOj/l·I~GI..S~"Ollf' Tn IJ.1'rt Lhe l"'.e·.I.',
_._ _
Tn t
i' I LJ'I ING "I'O N
Practical Floriculture 1
Gardening for Pleasure !
'."IO,I ,",
.6000 Feet of Greenhouse,
a U L cr-I V .& r 01 \ B
Dr. J. M.R obb 's'
F"l'tY l'lIgc~" 1'
kbr:-,U!!' hts~~¥"E['M.Q.~:~·}tD~~U:II. \ !iHCJfJ.WJJ~d~~
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Dl'lIillll l'd'tl l::i\lUb , ChJ\,,,la llu , l'nbl isltcl'tI.
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Thill Dalllll' r h 1\ 1111rC't1 \ \ '1\ Old. SOil!! uIIII clt"~'lId, is li~(: Wl·~t. OelltclIl Iiu.1 ~'l IlV' t rll)'I! ,d l ~l~ 21~
llllill'ro p .. rcrl tn IUl'lIi.h It iulll rll'our.rn ll ll '1 U"" lil,I'·.. .. t "cry !t,w ral-".. It I. put. u \>
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Di east'll
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chest RUt!
~111~~~i~ntC~lI~~:·:~~:s~~I~~rr~:~~1 DYE HOUSE =bM.!:" Coffee =:!~ ____ _
ic:i\lo I18l};r. MU1'8lu,\I't! LlIlIg iSYrtll' is iliv.u.ul lblo to the whole C(llUIIIU nit... It cures .. lllIus t in8tant ly. _ .... :' F I LAD 11 ,... .. ___ ...... . Price 250; III' 8U U Y , o . ro....... ...... ; . "A.D~~ BiB tel, th begun chatter over ........ ...r - . CZlICZlI Jf,i'rZ, tboioec roalll. -H e hllt.ton cdllphi 8 M"' U W HAIN ES MD jaoke t and ullo th u l' ,JA r.a· • . ., • tl fll That settled i~ llc i !11I1Il Idl. t' tI e tIlI.J'·O Hlld ROMCE OPATH ICl Juntpe up ro m I 'I!turl e d t o. wilt't'\;) ,th~ t!1~n co u ld :
:~=_..._._w _ -.11IIl..----
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PBYII, III All •••• • 01.
en.lkcc IInif! lik e icu
Fltlezc bully
waglJlI:'~._ _ ___
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Wnr"".. I11",
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· --· i : -C.- LUl{E NS,
uI'IILy:!~1 L:::~:~}':;,,).~~.~~~ti:I~I:~ ~~:t PHYSICIAN
,. "'J Irl bro llchit. ~·t!IIlC d· Y I I II' CO . I)lg IS,.C.O 8, ' ll • I S all II p ll IIIUII\!IY CIIIllP 1, 11 h... . u n you r ol'll gg is t A. 0 011 , alld try 11 rn1ttl e . Tho p ricc is 25c. only.
f"re sh Roa sted ! H nllulactu rod1Uld kept 011 band Ilt
Wholesale and Retail, Statl'oner". COn&'. ectl'one Ptr , .1 ':1 . Tobacoo and Cigars, ''('11£ TIU8T LE EDlT ... N rull~'WalLe,' 111"'-1"." ",1 E<lliiou of Sir ~COII'.
Is t he un ly
Wa1D...UIe,Jul yI4, '875.
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il,,,1 1'"le- Uc,," ,ull,L
AND PARTI ES, "n . h llrt nolle . . J HI "" k e,'!,
C Be It E A ~1 alnll huur •. nnd
""I'I'\Y of
'c»r~ -
..... D ••ka . , . W..,p u'''I' Ihe Gr.,·e8 of' the L" I"\·01 ('D••. New Feed, the handled Ilud comple te8t Drill Ufflll·(,·1 tu t tLc ID k Memoria l Flo~'c"A . Dallilu. Al""del. :h!: \4 We have,Il Iso, a oomple te stock of o uc· hurse Se ..llor Sweot Flowe re. Trio fo r Felll/,Ie W8llI'u'e. 'beUII.~l'rio(ud·uw .. I.V.
I v.)
Z"th er• 1
M(lIIufac l.ure •• 1I ki nd. of Bre..d & Cnl," Hc.wil IOIl·S !fe w Melhod. ,1111ly (IIr W~Y ll o.villo 111101 th e . urro lllldi li lt "ui~III .. rhl" o<l. !il" "'io l ..1.w lIti oll i" g inn
CORN MA RK l~I->.,,~..S, ....
COlllpl"~ :'1"lh: ,1.
poe., $If'"
...or One Dol la'"...
.'o· "~~":'~III'~~"'e' lccl ~Iethud
}\,·th",1 I,,,· ll:o COI·n.I. 1
edg\lick' ,
QU!.tUa~!'!J ]I)QJ~Q~tI
Corn .. Shellers,
. .'''ar m _Boi kerS, .
of Amerlcnn make, I. ' Ibo b".t editi" n o. the bost F.lIgll.h II n.e\i - t. Tho hook~ a re sI.llDd~"' , o.lId .i!1 oell lor T un ol"lRnt . 1\1\ '"m" 1 .hu l1J~cb" llIc\\ 1 cxccu tlll n 18 of rilnl50d for th~ hu""" u.' Cboioo lIIu.ic .. rl'lullo l:'orle will be sent by ' ed"wick'd !'crl'cC I .MoLh"d I'lI r Ounn.n r " tho bo. . . 1 h p pncc 18 " I' Ih e 10 " RI. C" n' lll oU l oll roceipt of uno dolh'r (post p_id), or [(j"" W al'l'unte d t o gi vo SatidfLl ctiou .c£lI 0 1'" u:dminl:ltcred ,.holl d esired. eC" lina _ . • d" . Agents 7foa. l Wanted Sver.yw here, 10 .illglu C('I'IOil ill 15 "nn .... ~anh . II t till . 9. - - -- 3,·u;; wick·. 'olDl,lel r Mothod . - -,,' bum IIb" ral &ormo o f o.<cl", •• o territory $1.5u. 1 'thu)' elln ,\1100 La OJl'd oro)(1 througil (\111 are olr~re~ . . aler in ~h" ullA..'Il. Stilted. • •• ' l I 'orl 1 Olgbl ,,?Iumed, A.crailing ~ ~O p- g•• NewlHln Publi8h ed '~1 J . L, PETER S, BRADF ORD-IH LVER.- A.prll II , "16, etlcb, and cOOll\lIIln g ncnrl . !l.O(1O IlIu ~~rII H al'l,iDr D"Yij, l llstrnwoo till T orn Brol'l'n . 8:1:1 Rmnd",, ,I', I • O . 110s 1 ' ~;I , lIun'". D lit the r MidetlOo of the brido'~ mlltb" r. "~..r ' ' . tloue will complet. tb. 8crlee 'r! Wb, (I..n 1 "rot F orget CI, ... bol. New York, !Iud \Ol\ iINl. p0 3: · pltitl, on rC and R e8iden c, Th ird S,t., .uppiicd witb hro volum.~· (aulJso.llJ Oonter9l11e, 0 ., by Elder Dr B OIlS of elnom- Offi com Ilete 0 ' ~ 'he 'V" ,'es C~II'~ ',I I' I,be lU""kcd VIle.. (,59-4,, : M .. ylflUI. n.ti, llr. J _ Brrulford, of lhrion; Ind ., work ) mon lh ly Eleven .Molltb.· Ot·dnr- Hlfl'h I ., fo- 'V"II" Btrllu ••. to )I iea Angie Bil ."r. los (Ill .Illume~) are IIOW ready, I'rlco-llI DnwlI y; huro l ho Vlolet8 Grllw Wo>t.JruQ. ~S A _.... KSVl_LLE. I 10lh , gIil 811C"', per volume.. •1,50; BR\f \~hO~ Old J..Ck8011 h _. _ _ _ . YN _'._ . _ _ Turk.y , gilt &01' fj.!l.l, ~'o, terms, "loa., '1 he "rllnd Old F ..., mI'll hl~ J)I<Y W hlMIO, . , . A II kinds o f W("'d 1'nIOl)s" o. t . trem .It J - prl'oe Rublc<I. "". ,ota III • SETH W . BRQW N; '" .. . addr~.8 E . i1H~t!:.~a1& :1~.NNe~u~~~k. ~c~~~I~ct'e~~~~.~~ o.ndla S~:~ .. Piano s t o Ag'II,J.cPO a's'S a)IIS wi shi njf anythin g in. 0111' lin will '"d- it to thoir PRATI' .- In O.lvi •• 111 .• If,,roh HI, "16, ATTO RNE Y AT LAW , ~-~---al1 before purdl88 ing elsewh ere. , DoYou &.UyT blnkHc D Id ? XEN IA OHIO . nt tbe b orne ufbor 1I11M b,"d, R. K I'I1It~, AddreAll AN)) o,dOM! to NO BSl'II. T.t1 W R . Hl'I'COCO Y P [JB OI'. L 10. S.'1I1 Iov m.il I for 10 ct.., E, B. F.",n. M.D., Pnbu..h~r,1IM Tbird Annlle, New York:. V ,D ., Fftnnj~ E . La"de. l,'ratt. "f!"'d , len ' U1? ~DRSJ ~ ~ _\I~o, In tr\lInr: ut~ tlllled ' end re.,airod ·I \V "10 ........ .. A .."., N". W..... I :.., '11 W~ MO-Um 27 ~' I'I\" . O, do;'1\ mA" IJe Icfl with n. \\' . Ehrlala& . lI.yne8 v I e. "" T UW II Rhip Sch .)()1 " IUllt AI 11 tIllY· IIlctlttn g .
Concertl"na "
IF. .
L. G. F
Bar ·Sh are &. Dou ble- sho vel I-lo ws,
C t , ::;c'lg" ick'~ 1'~,·, orne . cL
IStaple and Fancy GrOlcerl'es ~{lIrkot
I'rlPe, 760. each .
S"dgwio "·. l'co/ceL"lei 111.,1 ror l;C";MII '\c · diu lI . · . ;';erl~,,,,,~· i('k·. C" l1lplcl.c ~I' ·II ,·,J. • - ~ I.75,·. MI ··1 1 Th o h i!!h •• t Priu,," p.. id, III /,,.. fren ch ell.1I 0" tr"dc. Illr Country Prdn'uco_._ _ 'S cdglliuk'" Oomplele MCII,od, $ 1,50.
DR"J" L --- Z -- E '-=iLL ' -_., W ~T " A VE RLEY '1' 0 VR-L S ~'!lf' 'tli'sm ""d All r ~ DB' ~ j~
• -r: l.1 1 ; " . " rdem~ri~l' So~g-~. B f tIAOI17''DID 12fi'D ,t, 17''M? IM~~ e!l ;e~ ~~~~~ ~ DBJI~t t E ~, R PRI,*,rT Z &.u.rS.e.I~=.~a'·!"~;O ~1I.
& Peanuts VI
II I Il.c the II1llrkol :
Yell" .\1;0. """_," U,U. By ' -n!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~=~~~~Cl\ti~,...,..~~~!!!!!!t . :1'-' I !!
1>1.1,. II .
11'A l ' ~'Y,I'. 'i':S l' I LL II' Oll l f) . , I':', . •
11.". Hu ,,,il'u,1
I I,e(
'& SURGEON, Work for the-Unem- ployed-I I 061 '0 in Nlltiunal B"nk Bun"ing
"'lWI .. 11 Il 0d
M. D.,
I 0"" 1I."IIII·o·u
--ANI l--
0,,,' g J f ~ b DR BOR TO'n .T'S )I"r~;.'t:,~'·"·~ .'d' !I·rs ,01 1) 0'0' S , "OU"S S' YRUP' 1~".ri\I '
Ci ncinllat l hy '. V. I e llU :ck,..J, 1 t' W Cllt 6th t:;t. PI'iClI 5dc, Sund Tlotl p'lTtMl'.hil! Io cre!.o lforu l.lllI g betWOCil J ehn Mullin ""d .J~nlL·" ex "lid get it, 'Yuo li,'y II.... , I ~·"n di_lved by n,utu,,1 CO' ";Olll, t I' 0 1..... !'Oi '-'"
,Son gs and Ql1a.rt.ets" :
Wllyno. dllr; 0 ' 1
Dissolution Notice,
&. Orgaas,.
&: rUIPS. ioktreu
F",z"r ~ Root
BI II~r.
are tit,
fi" /l 1(/ Irr glhr Ihe " or/l P l'fIffll't.
B tll
Thry a.re
oll.lltll by flJ Il,o ,. Of P M1 Ie I I
{OI 11ft IArlr IlI(I ~ 10 ,. (1m I " I Amil 1lit r ,It " (l00i1 If, f1W 6~ r'i I!J (0/ 1/ It I(t Ji rrel I f r I 1) fNJ.~
th ing Tery ,,"cum IOnll ke M ink Wh c/'fl 11 ro J I'U gOIng tQ It ~ her at eI!Uk ? W 'U II ~ ~tut lIoLl lll Ult Ih Ii! o ld ch lclren roulltl r I I I ~Io: "" hi IIId they a Ul l /l IUl uncomlllOIl querlC(1 Lbe kep t lC1l I ]>01.We II g l ~ he r u p to onle r l ol l' AD l IVered Ma rk IJ Bung hun If on the green g rill bel cuLh a g lllm old e lm tl'l'e. The ~I\'o bo~ w ut to \\ or k o n tI c,r raro gcolo ICR I ' ~PCCJn I' ll A {ark would I luck 'I fl'Rth " r lroln the tall uf ttl c row Lo in \\ o ulll 11111 111111 II. cor re 1'0 111.11 11) r. alhe r t h It h/lll bel'lI tl\lten from Lh e t III of t.UIl hR\\k whi ch Mark would enre fu lIy Wlle rt IJl U tJ SOCktltfroDl \\hkb l, e la(l JU"t )lulled the ero\\ " fClllher And U II 11ft r tllO houra of 8(elldy work ,ry Oli O of th o lo r g Ie ILben! of th e bllwlr 8 tml hlld bl e n trlln ferred to tIle crow 8ud It wouln hllv\, r(lqlllred 1\ Ctlrof'U1 eX I n luAt.lOu lQ hI!.' e d~wct('(( th e fmud H)w 18 tbAt fo r 11 sl CI n c I , Ie ? "' U llrl; as h nd ltIrli g lv I Xl,b,l f \l Ihe ret,luled 1 ro w II' I I J; Y. IIII ~ t-'O ill I \Ill( n re"lle nde u t ftt tl e n It I II nllgo of tlte \lbleken Cit r ~h e IS a KLunne r l\1&rk ,rpgulllr RtllJlner 1 l1ue they run t never 1M'l'1I11 bird like lhRt JIl HunUibal before The ItllwR IHIS throl'i n aIVilY ami Lh boys trudged bomewlull liy tbe tll lle tbey arrived In towu the bl00j! of t l e crow had (l(mge1lled nlld Lho fl IHe fealh er ill Lbe tuil bid Leco me fi ntl y fix d A Murk il \d SIlU] r ud go ClemI' ll ' 1118 IlLlher WlIII l!Il ml.'" hil t o f IIlllltunh. t lIud hnd 11 pRMlon for vb Il.t>vcr \\111 mre \U I 6trllngc III the II111LDal klllgdom Why l\ll1rk I he 1<11 II where 111 tbe world did you get thaL tr(l nge looJ,; lUg b rd ? 1t 8 my 0PUIIO" rt'l'll ellM Irk 1\ It II au air of j;re Iter IInporlllltC{ Lh III h WII ~ I\CCUSLomClt to 1\ IIDle III the rr~tiC l CI 0 1 1m hithe r thllL I~ tbe B rd ull'lIrll(li.e le8l!twlae thllt I t belongs I. th It
8IJeCle8. '
[hat nl bt the Lire! \VII S cllr fullv Ilud IlwllY III a pIn e where IL woul I 114.l 0\f" J rom the d evllurllt g I re'ICl co of Lhe III I
lonl CAts "hlch ~1 Irk "fWr, Ir I. wro te aliout l1li c reJIUn§ 8uch , fellr rul t1e~ tr Ie tiollllL hiS SI te.r " anuv I ullllll:~ Ih. I'6port Il0011 cIrc ulated throu gh th III VII that 11 strange bird Ihe I ke of ,bldailld nover before be~JI I!C 11 1 1\8 kIll ed lind Mu rk nnd Pole becRm o ~h o hc roes 01 Ihl! hCHir lhe lIex~ clay belllg lSunchlY J udg Icmcn U1\ Il.ed all tbo W II!E\ me n of til Village of H 1II00bai to III~ house Lo oJ(amlllo Rnd pa!<Ij an 011 011 th e new ~eolOgiCAI s pecimen Tl oy ClIme The bird WII3 exblb,ted on II LaLle around wblch tho savan ullthered One faotlOn headed by Dr - - m 1I1lLaloed that the bi rd WIUI Dothlllg 1lI0re than I common black crow tho ellil of wblcb blld been turned gray by some IIccldental CIl U!IC not uuclerdtood havllIg (lo.'l.~ lbly blld MIL t h rown 011 It 11\ the young ane! tender dl\ys of the bird The other (ae t lon hellded by Judge Olemens !!Con tee! "liob 1111 Idea It IVII8 ab urrl-rld culous fbey wore w Ilhn g to admit lIlIt lbe btrd very milch resembled tbe crow that lXlfIlUb ly It WM a crow bUL If t!O It be 11IIged to l Me l if lLe and dltit ncL "I>eCIC ~ (rom IIny thaL bud elor before b e n d s
.... It '\.
The diIlCU8!!IOn wn~ continued and be clime excltlDg Nenb e r (nctlon would admit themeehee wrong and the otht'r right Mark and Pole occup ed the I'0~ltlon near the door lOll we re lit telltlve and llIterested tbough "Ilent a uditors W bat 1 ex claimed J Idge Clemcm WllfUllnu lip do you lell me that t \\ould fie potlOlble by auy eXLernAI )lro ceHil to turn tbe feathers In the tIn I of tbat bird from blllek to the co lor8 they tiro ? These uniform rings and epots would defy tbe uill o f the greatest pIllnter tbatever lived ~o gentl emen continued the Judge 8 K he ra t.her VIO leutly took bold of the b rd by the tall to eX8D1lt1e the spoLa more c1 08l'1y DO gentlemeD-BuL tbe d' SClI8810D "I\S (luL short by the bird drop!,,, g back on Lbo table while the Judge beld the tall I. h i. hand Let 8 8COOt. Pole l!Jud Mark II e show. ended Alld Lhe LWO bOy 8 vamoosed 'Ihe Judge contemplated Lh e rAre geological specnuen with COl ~te rt aliOD lind tben hl8 eye Il andered to the open door Imd CAught a glllnpse of hl~ young hopeful tlnd hiS comjlllDlOn In IllIschlef cllttlng acrOll!! tbe baltk vllrd for h gh
tImber Let WI Adjourn llIen \I e w II rene" the d IICII!!I!IOD after dltlner Mid th e J udge but he IIc\er Willingly fl'nll\\etllt",Lu any l'erljOlI ox OOl't MRrlr fhat 111gb l I ltell ~I lrk Inti gilt II 10 bed aflRr creel 109 til roug!! th e bll(k WII clow a VIIII OU Oflll8 futh e r Htnlld lug by bJ~ bedSide Appearel! I() bIOI &1 it 18 YOliropllllon 18 It YOII you "!! rallClIl tilnt tbe mre geolocllIl ~ I >ecllnell I~ II bird of l\lltndlse Y ud the Vlnlon a.~ It II kle;;l 1\ IIrk on IU8 naked legs WILh I kooll eile rry KWlt()b ~lark "It e fe lt. sic k und Itdn t have any opinion willch vu. r robljbly true lUI Ite had dilled aud 8 U I' 1111(1 that day 0 11 j(reen n.d ..h found IU Ihe gardeo of Pulf' nlloLbu
- ------
NOR'" I II DIII~lm A Pre 100 mun hili been mll'lling for lhr e days, and AS he 1" r ntlv mllrned graTe doubt... UIMl U lO whether be If! 8ltbn~ roum! ,n • hay 101\ III'l m wbere medlLatlllg 011 \.be prlt;e of . prlllit bonnetA, or hI\!! m ereLy
ilrown ) rum If.
1,. i ~tiwated that half. million of 401larl are peDt allDuallrlll 8UpportLDg !.be Plftldlng Elden ID the MetbodlJ!l
~H I: ~. ~ ....N ~. I'" t
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~~!~"''I)••.:~;:::\l' . . OW8 . IH"'''' ~«'0PI ..... ,," '" «..,
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Dr KnlllC r hll' III!; bu~r "lllllnonl' I b) UllpL Myl( r I 1 ~ltf d .110 stllLI O tnd Ie trI cd th It, ole I t chills II d fe ver Ire ced ed ellch a l lnck thnt d1 1.l1 n~!18 101 lowed lind b\SLly Ih e bltmg ancl lIarkmg 8pn ~ IlIS lhe doctor offered Kutrulf n CI pof wat.er 111. " g ht of Which he wc L IULO 'Ialent. Spt\.dm8 and nhe 1 he W~H offered 8Olnt'th g In eat h e refused to pllrt.ake F n Illy It sal ted he rr ng WIl" I roc Ired nnd C It IIIto long elr ps Ind 11\ Co\xmg the hth er nt.c the 1i.1t tUl It \I , " banded througlJ tile bRrt! by illB son neler falhng however to nap ItL h " !!On 8 haud At last Dr !'lIlt1Cr IU!ked the paht'nl rhe bad auy d e~lretogohom80rWl ij hed to be t!ent 10 n r 0 pltlll Thl Mi!tlelned to divert the mllil 8 OImd from hiS OIl1ludy nud altpr thllIlong he !l.11d I e \\ sh ed t.o go home Very well 8lIid th e doc tor If you will relDa II 'I I et for In hour ve \111/ leL you go home wllh your Wife IWd 80n The man Rgreed to make an ef fort lin I e ve rybod) except D r 1\11IIIOr ' s cated the co rradur the doctur selltlng II mapeif 10 a eha r oul of >!ght o( tbe po. lIel t. Here 1 e \\ atched hsl.en..u "ud "'lIted lUI hour dunnJl: which time the pallc nt had three attacks but sUlledlti. yeJl~bavlng hau hi. blinds releasedby stuffing hi. handkerchief lOW h" m<lltb nnd exerlln~ control OH'r him se lf 8utlieJ.cnt to re lrum /rom bltlDg any Ullng At th e ('nd of the t 1l( le"lgn ItI d Dr !'Ill.er I mi se I Klltrulf for h 8 beh Ivwr HI d Ulked hun If I e I 1II led I lIythl n~ \.t dnnk Lerure g' IIlg hOllle Kutrllll re fU III' i . cl r 1\1~ hlgf r be r ItO I wllter I lit \\h~n a Clip coffee WM ~hoWIl h III I e IOlIld he woult! drlDk It lOll Jxofore he Will! l'I\tlHfiCU dl ~ l oscd of Jour Olll'~ of I rOllg coffee A.t MIX 0 c10de he \IlL' tnken I lit .( 1 1' 11 Illul with I I ~ \V ft' nlld FOil \\ nlked to b 16 bome (Illio I ed lind IIUeI ed b) I 0 hcemeu A 1. el~v e n 0 cl Ot k Inllt mgl t a \IMll" aM '1 110 t:X llcdllio ll III Go ld Steller (1 0 111 (lll\d to Kutrull ,holllll! ulld (rum the Be I :;1 l ou l . I t. wa~ learned that. he hlld hnd live blt.Colo n!'1 Carpel wr I( Iler of !levernl Ing and barkIng IIttacke blltlha~ by clolll! watchlDg h e blld been pr vellted from ufJedltlon~ to tb e Hlllck 1:1 11K fro m 8t LoUI ~ linKJU ~ r turned from Oheyenne dOIng any IIIJury to hllilaelf or ftlmlly whete hiS Inte t ellpedlL 0 11 collulll!6d Curpenu;r characle rl7.e8 th e Cbeyenne WAlllll'!,N A R ER 'i\ oon proprietor o f o perators ll.8 II set !Jf t b leves who gouge herwood s ToolC (litters Il weilithynintl tbe gold l!e<'keff! mo~t outrnJ!:eou8lv In bUDg him If In hi room lit !:it LoUI ~ -Lead of chargluJI: Lhree euts per pound Lbe Ilther night and G eorge F Burrow" for bauhng PUpphCKaud baggage w the 8 8&loon heper at the corner of WllIih Black Hills 8H they contracted to do 1 HI-: Hlory uf tbe mgtoll aveoue atfd Twenty lin!t street t.bey charge eight cent CIHpenter bad baH rellched In the S/lme clly sbot himself In the with h Im !Jne bundred aDd fifty men breut. Both were Ingle men and over from t LoUI A~ Omaha tbe crowd fair of ("metal " cheuck JUty year of age IDcreased to four hundred, who went out mao Emma MlUe
SEE 0 S! U 4" Dr.1I
O R ' ~UF.
It ,
• • • \" AT P.:R ~'f".:t: ,.
~ .'(I ~~rf,'"
N r.w '\ .. iii
In amll hat. @inl"J'hnd, ma., b. tn_ led to Uk. u.... , rflat8 orr and Yam', Ne'"l IfW'I' ..e h... d.telWlMd tooft'er t ttU .'J a.n urn ' .IOj poll paJd I U . the
del, ., reulakMt N.""p"per n the W...
Kend mone, adl1rMo1f'd,
rltK LV-Oll KR
PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS. $40 $50 $75 $100 CHEAP ... DURABLE \r UI !l 00 .. Milo liMe won , ap..
" UII I lID HY.A b"
. cirpfiN'rct*~~:r~" .EDUOED TO A O:Q.i'AI KT r
Chanae to aaln
Liber~~'\I cbRIIgtCorltc01lcl lIachlnee of ever, crlptioD 'DOMESTIC PAPER FASHIONS. Tbe Dett Patternl mid,. S nd
~t1 4
far C4t. OIG.
AMra.. DeMESTlO SEWING KAOmNl Co. Ag .. " "'• • TlD
In!: l V I OIUl,
N"O FU:S~. olnlolar If.. Bend f oy
ti m .. 10 I..... LaDe l'EW V.QK K..
Duker 7' Malden
Th@ area~ InterNt In tt., thrllllD' hlltory or oar nl..,. mftkel t hll tile rutH' tflllln, book ft • ." ,ub 111 ~I 11 r ." 0'. mil "OCOUIlt. of tlltl A,proa.eb n. grand Of-nte Rol,,1 I:a" I t 00 oanlloa.-(, • rn co m r ete "'nd Un re liable ,.,ork, arn 1 ~ n. clrcnl", 1i'f1 If!" th"t the book: ,on h 'I con " . ... a ..l INt E n."' .... . . AC! wa ~
gu .~:Te!-:A~"r:.A~:e.Ht;,o!~r-m. t:r::!1 Ol~~'
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J S. BVRDSAL " CO • <;,,1. IT./I_ " .,,. ,_ _ _ __ _ nI.NCINNATI OUIO
) nIl' lIrORD II r em,I • • PI r.'.'an W C • 6tb Clia U _ If" bl. hOUM for palll.1I J)
T':"E",SOlljj:\f"W·~t:.a:~~t~~ '~:t~::!'"s! Ii!!. w~lcI to ,.1 dl_.ert!d
douhtedl,lb. h..1 ASlhm. Remed, IDllaDL, ellell. ,ua,aoleed or p ..... We put up tb. medld • • In ho ... ol II ree 11_ whleb ....t.lllor 2Ilc /lOt ... 4 II r~nIOn ..... I ItUng r.101l prIce will ba ,. tho medicine P'OD rU, lorwardod h, • all pool l1l'i4 .1.110 IAml>' .... I Iree 10 wh", .0, d...l.... Prl... rerd o. 1176, ,,1 60 and 171JO ,.,.~prlCl 118 186 I 2. Wholllllll io a~nlo Jobn F IfoDT, (,\ '1'1l" '" Co N Y'J lohn 0 t'ark '" SoD. ClInoln 011 ... price reI .nded
DaU O~I.Co 11I. llat<loon '" Co.
Mo !..oM
y E. 'VI LLE. on 10,
--------------------------------~ !'!fI e T \ Y I LO\F
T ilE DVUMITf t1E:\ II
LONER tbisyear THAN EVER, d my Terms are L1 3ERAL b'lIl III!I' "'' Y III Illy {,'
~I/(I/II 1l'I'
Y 1)('1 11 u!flr 111('111 J I/ ,, /1I11(.1d Illn e
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I rne 1U 8 \1 bst ILleo though J u 11 I (rom n memory not , I) roll ntlve uf l~ tnils 11111 tb ougb truo. plobnhll lit \\ to rullny of DlJ rf'1\ lerH 18 th Rtor} of til rccolllll l enll " f'1 l wt ::I mo Al x ty n I
h '" IllUd IhRt F nny Fern, WIth hf'l Ilymg breath, Qlgo I her bUBOOnU to marry h r (laughter
, ,.
l,·1 1,,1\ rlA iJ ..
r i/' n .n' .
.0'., .:. ,",Sf- I \'
nnru ts !
With Sliding Oven Doors. Pat: DteJ
rob. 2.
IE l l l o t t I
sq. anHcpf. :l. 8 9.
& Coleman
I ,.
,,·t' tI "uI'ply of thu tllKl \"""' U ttll'\! 4It l l"hr,. · t ed lM) k. lu\·t". "Ihl ,,11 Itlht"r tir&t· 101M JUlr· • lor. bcdrvurl1 tlUJ ,.turc ·r,JUlu ve,..
'1' IN· l" A
"f ,,11 kind. ill largp ,"urictl·.
- 'f l' . .J,)hn B,)rdllll Ita 1\ npply Il il'UllI ~uud '11. !If 1'111'1' (' Ii n 1111 e )I'!l , tw , 'ytllLr old, OIL th" ~ ,tu''tl.•, bef",,? th CU liU SuudllY , 'Ii· (Ullin /., <Je l'I)';'" ,'cn'rrg~" I~, I' 'a l . Il ll' "~l'd. 111 eMil n",tllh, " '.l1l .. 1 .,~1<. Qnd n il, th 8 -I ....til" flIfI r, JMItI U. crflggy. - ~[ r~. .111111('" 'p(',lmnn, on'\ .. III 4th un I 'y •• HI I unJ 4 0)0<'1 . 'rn'l'(u{;ll J<,lu H. "'li'J!I!.r . ,-. ~ ---J lLldil'/ vI tIlt 1'. ({(" , A rtlllll' ~l i Utni "hll\,~. i~ \'i ~iti ng; Iier ruh'l ' t i \'l'~ ill 1111 1,lal: . Et.~A:rl"N. -Thcr Wil rillito 11 W . Mauden, re I'l' tl\lilll tllI·II ·Uut Ilt ell' ·tiull n I ·!l ltl·UHA'·I" S. - '[ I'. nnd .\l ls . ) ic lllu',j lhill ('\ ' hav h ,tli h· n illvlllid<l I;,,' th o Muucl,,\' •. 'fho ,In" WIl:! do ll and U tf!lfI7' ' . P. lJ a wk, , last \\' l ' l'k, bllt Ill' !lUI\' bettl'I', gln"v uI':,lIud whatel' I' little Ullin e' l (• ' /1'/1', ' J ' . ' • I~1"1'1'"1( '" t t . m~lIt or cxcit mc nt tl ol uld be vb7i'tadUI'I' I', ~1. .\I . II "d'hlll, - Dr, J. L , 7.ld l altl'll dol\ lhu ttl i/) J Vllt lit ~hc I1I1I1 UIII as 'm · ....,'tl'l!~ t '(,,"ll/iIlSillJ/t 1', \\' tlliunl III etin g of .\Iad I{ iv(' r 1)" lI t:1i blillg !If t li IllI1 O~. WIlS lll ' tUl,p, 'I', A S~IIt'iu tiull ill Day til II ye tel' lay. too u:l ad l,v 1)111" u\·uilahl . (J"IIIL" iIJlII /l ,J. P . 1l111'>,:t·y, - ~I I', J .. h ll ~1. 1I 1'i;.:hwIIY di" I Tho T" wlI ~hi p p ,lis were in \\' il~lI li lJli l'l"'~' " .J. 1'. C lari, J . "fll M·1l hi ' j;1I'I11 Ill' ar ~ wark. TO/or· ull ild iul(. JIIlI 'U~, 'yr~1 9 ! V , (,1 aVe I'. Th e illt;,l'IlIali II t. tlllll dlul'l Wa " lIlilh, ' 01 Illun ( ;UII"U, 1\ 11\1 " II· jJ a/'{J11!11 UII rll'tld ' ilt!-( I.'IIIII, t ' l'r(}Ul UU . limn J line, Clerk, '. O. W v 1' 1\" 1<lIIT. - .'li l' . S t'l'lll' lI 11I 1'III' tt hils h ('(,11 lev UII I\ W ell, . .I,mell. Tb.e -- ~. . 1 Ih; ltuu.llv. ll vII J ll 1I ;t; ht th o ,\'el'y il wilh 1' 1 1 (, lI lIllI lI i :~, bll t we tickt'! lIutl rll ' lIlt III' 1\ fl ~J1u w tlttll'U 01' 'lldwalla IeI' ,\: Ja~lllcy :l1' 0 ~bl l. 10 Ie 11'11 that he IS ·1 wl y 'l 'UWN8 U'" 1:!1.a.:«'T.ON. WllS olltu)'od b llll l'glul'cI, will) 1'11111 ' l'l ··V\'\· I ' II I ~. Ttl/ SILes . mllgod ul'\Hilid III ·I'VlllII ~ . uut a' ItLI' - II' . .J"hll B.. rolull \t)~t :l Vallll\ -- A~936' ) IL ' 'a ll lie Ji 'c 1\' 'I'ed, d id lI .. t 'UIT)' hlu t il'" j'ollr.':ld t.h" l'lIl1f:h bl'."\ cvlt. 'yrud w:th, 3' 1 tlllylllillU' a\\,ll~ , Tlilil' vhject i>i In ..;t \\·l'c k. Iht'cllt 1>1'" kelllilll('ck SUIVIII II linu 0, 40 ISUPPU31'd tu ha ve Lell il 11l')lley. T hu ill tllc ~tllhl ... .AIII "~ II art ock, ~ J . \\ . ~Ilrll\tt, 9~ , ' l,tl'l!lICe Wit ' clIi:c ieJ by t.'a rillg - HI',' .JnIIIC~ W . II.liliu i~ hllv , Containing Acres! -I 'f II., !away tho J;hulte r thllll th e llack i ll~ ti,e b ll il di ll~ udj"i ui ng ~II' . E S'I'A It I.I S H r: 1) 1868. , D. W " pl1ey . UO \ Willd UW uf the g l' cury 1'1" '11 1, ,CIII Ehril( hl " ·luIJ I· I'\· l'l'uoI' llted IInri t'ing the ash but lVcell 1\\'1) pallc ' Iitted lip ti,l' all .. /Hce, TI'cus""CI', IIl1d SUIIl hill~ th e gl a .~. Tit cil - ~Ir . ,I. A. U. n uuorts a nd ~ ,=-• .:# "l (3 "~ ', ~ i..~ W . I Iger. 44: I Ih ~y OI'V 'U Lhu .II,l ·1I Jlv.,,,' hel l\' 'ell f. lIIil y 1.:11'0 l·durll(',I. fl'l.1n UillCi ll - [ "tt" ·~.~-·-;;;~~-;i:r:-do-~~;~-itllmo""" 11,,,luf,ll·tllrcll u" \1 k<l' t 0 11 han,l "i ~~. ~ IiI:I I ~ ~. ~,&;,I l A ,Yilt ,f8111', . I I IJI ~ Illld tho 111141,11 rvv.11l 1.11 Ihe IIILIIIU IIILti uwl tllk'll up I h ' il' abude 011 ., ..,,1< "I' ,,·. Il,!!',·uwn "nd RMortod Fruit tt tl I0 II'VII b.11' II I v, tho p:llel'lI/> I 1111111" tea(I , Trel}" fo r th i~ '-"Killu ; I\hul. Ornll llH' utll l W. L. llarta.lck. ·U " way, pry lllg Uk '1'1'," . E"e!'!!'r.en ' I'r en" r.. r Ceme l ~ri". und I Wholesale and Retail. ,lind thua lIIu ' illg - - lit" . \\\'e,1 U I I bOi' S II , MI'. "Ih' r 1'"1'1'''.''"' .hhrult•.PI ncrriea. Gl'Ill'c, C; nllil I (/(11./ I', 1 I I I IL h'lI lc 1',l1I,'ge G I \\1\,..' !la\" III I !Ia!ll tIll' !1t',1 al" " I': lflt' l I Ill' 4: 3 oll.ungl tu c raw 1.11' ul; I. lIu· I ~allc \V. \V ~ c, 1. 11'11" have Imcil vii,,", ( , '<ill . rr.·n uu....,. Kut8.etc.,utlI6 C fi . W .· !... lI arts ck. I tlll UVUd made l,L bllllhrc I papl·t·u." visi tillg thl' ralll il\, of' MI'. (t tlu. Y~ry I,,,,·.·.t I,;".h r";Ile.~, . fulloWIi: Stationery, on ectlOne'IY, .. 'lIp el'ri80 1'lI, tit , fl uur tu Ilgh t th l.!1II III tl,el I' ~I rcr ut \ 1t. H UlJlC,'t.. ft W eJ n 'sdll v ~:!~g t!:~~~ ~~!: ;i::J, I ilL 6~ Tobacco and Cigars. ~'r:> '_r } --''il J ), '.( (1" r' Xf 'I D i ' tl'i t :\ 0, 1, Heury Upp, 18l'I\loh. . f\,~' th cil' htilllc ill Ni lus Borril.l;1 IINl\JIICb..rt'ytreeh~ 200 R H. ElS'GLE. ~r 'l 'r", 'r , ~'\ ',\ '1 , - ,- t. ... +..;...J 'II _ .-..~ :I ~~~) ~-- .---!. --"' " 2. Josel)h W, Hisey. lSu thc burgll!r~ ha n .' uttCI' a IUllg CII Ullt)' , jjj 'hi":!II. ' 1 .\Ot~'l'c"r trce~ lit ' , 850 ___ _ 3 JOG d rost, redUll1 'd tlwlI' wUl'k. Lot all , . ., olrilO l'lum lin 1'1 .,-"It ' . . ;J00 .. 4:, . , Il U<lEI'· II V'\' Lu VII ti l" W'lt"1i I'l li' tlil!)' r "I" . -011 1' 011,.1 l' l'lllllJ lb' n, B.u r~u:;9. IIIJ()U W i ld,~<tO.e Plu'tiII'm ('",,~h, ]:';0 vano.l .. v ... \...... " t I t II !!500:J. Ev rl!rt\~U tri'tHJ. Ht ' GOo (lnt.·n'd i ll thi 8 Illal'kd. '1'1,1'\' HI'" :.- r I~ " w , : {I . t' )'ll i .r ('II IJf, E I~ . ", '1'0'1"'11 ,, 1'111('1' ' II al·v e.I,·S lIl'!'" I JlIIW -. • " I 01 lapmsu. I' ~ . ~OlJ"lI CuUt'''''11 "lid Ive n r~pevin. ,)0 S d Q t t. C\'C r l'I f)J', /)A 17tJ.r .1 r ' i'-III:', 1.-1( ·,I.t/Ii ,r/!, ."( ' u 'Fr ·11 '-- - . ~ I'U bli"lii tlg t ill' ,Ill 1/1'11 a/ at n ip; h :,(l4)\llt Itllr' Hybrid Ol'llpcI·iIlCft. 2~c el. ll'/ ' /:·I,' . 1.1/1'/:/,'/. 1 .' . d· 111. /1/.1.' ( 'III! I. f.' /) ; " G'JH, . Sidc . I FINI; ~h" K UF 'ARI'''... ,-F n n· l:lllli. Nl) W )' " rk It is 1\ spl'i~la tl y I(J()()UU Kill.niiulIY BIRckborrie~, l ~fo Olle ILilli/red Ye:lrs Ago. SOU" ,I,: Cbo. lIy (/11 ':( N'h/,,/, "1"1 1"" ,' ,', 111 1,, / I , r " ,' ., . '·'fl ;'~ f ll f· I;(J'1. 7, lJ ·se Eulli~. t, ke v ~\:; i 'll ild illLJ hal'c had t hol v 'al l)III·"' I·.IIIII ,\,., wi ·hvlIl'rli'lld 1I."I"lh.'rtn·~., vinc .. ()tc., illl"rge,~,.uJ'''' HIIYs. 3:'0' I. II II u wke . 01 111 lit 0,," \'oices. Hti"dr.J Yeurs Ago . (luart"t torIOc )Iulo tllmp tu d ll wli <lc.rlll IILhel' h utl~u ill 1i111'(lI\~ il.\l) ItCI'" . l' . 0. ~ r . •. •, ' J VII 0, SUlI1llol 3I'u"'n. WUY lle~ villo 'vl;lr . d id 1J(,f,)l'u III -- ~1i :n 1I1.1Ii! 11.J." 'I\'1I is gi l'in~ 6000 Feet of Greenhouse, ll ll ,ehi llg 'Nollih uurl-'t,,"f .Flas. ~on~ & - - - \\" . h,l\'" 11,I" 'l' ,.1' 111l' 1:1." ' - - .. 10, AIlI O Wil s II. i, l!u,CI., an exte nt, III~ III II Illl'g" tue\; 11'1' ~ .!J .lol ill S I/" ", h,r 11 v:lt'ut hlll , \\' I,i" lI .. nahle.. mo to fill nil orders fur Cut L'h ... 1:10\''''. :IUc . .. H , Geo. !'II. Sim . t Ii V I I k I ,... I I fl d l'1 "" )Iarchill ~ ' :-;~" th ou r ~\-I'N.Y H,g. Qt. fOI· . " i0 11 0 curpels. t1 lave v.. ' lIl Ilud il1lpr.. \'iIl)( 11Jl! "1' I'oIrt llll itj' by · ,III, .11 ,or ' OWl'ro all ti l l . ~l ll l .· \' . i' . 10c. " I:!. ' hurl\·s K \lorick. tlll'~lIgh t!w U'~vrtlllcllt, and J o n ll~ vi~iti llg' 111'1' I, 'III" ill tbi "laco. C'I~I t:: AN I) SEE P'OR YOUJtS Et.F. Let tIll' Hil l_ snd \' .Ie. ITeoll und. Qt. Mix • .. H , Y . Mc i{ill ey. hes ltatc lor U IlIVillCllt tv say th llt Til' 'IItl' tht·co lor ~J i 131',, \\,U ' L~O WELTZ. PI'op'r. cd V. . . • 12c. .. .15, H~~ s Morgun . t:vr, its ,~izc and Cor thc 1II.I~r,kct, i,t ~CII ,)III~~ 111'\ ' d'J,i' II, willi mcns\us. Thu '(lrporat iull electioll a t the ,~.ccud~ nll y vther we I:SIL \I' I _ ~I I' . •\ , " Clallildler nllJ h i~ Mentorial S o n g s , J,ht k ul' 1. II. Iillll'id wu !,res/d e n l ~ uU'an lu . I~y I let' 1~l'e f,lI ll il\' 1i""1J 1111\'1',1 t il Ih l'i r ncw Price 3110. Ellcb . S 'II tI OI' wN·t Floword 0'01'h""," ''''''o. 01101,., ~" ur by J. II. t~ddull1 , T. T, Hm 'scll\',l lup 'stl'Y ~rdtun'kAxlllll n' h' IIII I" i ll ~l a'tl\l (''' llllly, Illi tluid. w.,·p u" 'r 11m Gra.vos or the L il Y, t.I ('D ~~ . D ,II 11 11 Ilnd Will. Muning tun a stcw, III'. I;l veta III lC.s.tue·; 11 '1' \\' l' arlO \'ur' ~" I'I' r to) IUSll A tl 1'1")111 [1),," Jud.. ' alld D . R. Andcrsu n ulld would III nil I~ l'vbabdlty t~ot . hu i~ III ' IIl! 1I ~ , Lilt ,,~. tl'll"'t til l' 'IIulI!!U ~ ~l en , o,i,,1 Flowe, •. nllll ad . MCI"dCI .SOhli . >' > 1 ' \"' d '" I k" l' o' ult IIl11 ch dCllllllld ' lul' thc -IU I',lI'lctl (:, ; ,. " liI SClllle r . wcol Flowor8. Trio fo r F~rn.l L' V. AI U \1 (Il l ;.1 I'e iii" ur" • b IlillY' 1",, "lt IJIII·,· 'all!' t h im. U ~ ~ . I>ut thcl'o i II I'el'Y t ll.i tv I'll I btllC' k ". I We.·p "'"I' \hc Gra,'c" Trio fur .·" mule \'. a ~I) II IJ \\. I ", ' lh":l'I'\'l'" " " 1'\;('," \\,hl·l'c. v el· he t' t I . . . I I'J'I <'I CU.lU·URATiloN E., EIlTIUN, O. wv 1I.Y IlIgl'lllll , II I Jl.!UII I II - Fll ll k"I' ,\: Jl i.• ~i ltlilll' Wllllt IJ \ ' • Zl-ther . hgllrcs :Iud C" llIl'S, IIl1d at 1'(: lIlilrkll " , ul)' ""'"y figll l· .. ·. Jtl t tlll' III,' II!' 1 ·I',\ , · I ... d.l· t .. (,,,II all,) :;,e t!t eil' 1.11 rill' ' I n!ATflilR~ ' RS or 01' , - ..... .1""1 1f t"Jl iIl Oll 'S~ l.w.\lefhod , 1'!'ir l, ';5C , l:lLl' h . may I " .... u •.. hlllek lit' !-;1I<1d .• I'll·l·in,d liL~t WClvl;, . I !f ' , . ., il 78 t IIs1 su~t lit qa l' pclilt J: :, ~j[:II ' v5, 75 HIIJ thl' ""C,lI ll d I,r t rl!lIclil,d tlll' llI ! e _ ' mrn C e 't T. T . DutlSOll , ill t! e ti ll ' 1I 1:~d l 'l : I: /.'.\. 1'1-1,· ... 1) / '1: 1. 1 L~ ", I 1' .r ( '!:'I. ,..,·I()/,' ! "I} U1IC :J Ce lltd 11 JU l' . !l''y are ..... 1'. \ ' orn I - E. I,\.t·ys. · ¥i> j clICIIPCI' tha n mg 'ul'l'd 1111.1 IIJ IIl:!t ~l lIlI dIlY, '\ 1"';1 ;,;, d il'o('c ti'l)JJ1 "e W 1"'1: ~A l.lr. • J . ~'f il t. R' lg r , • IIl Vl'lJ UI'IIUluull tUI. Wl' add s" 11 111' Y" l'k. T ill' ,-, .,l in: lilt i:; IlUI\' "\ll' lI ... 'ft)' ~ ~~ ~ l l-'erlgwick·. l'er" ct )1"t1>o,1 ·1 ... t!.o CII'"L'!. Clel'k, 9" rr nJ ol'1! tv g" 1111.1 S('u Ihl" "l uI:k , I.!' alit! 1'111' "al· :,t 1'l' iel',oJ t .. ' nrl'l'i ~e l L ,~lt ~ ~.on" SeJ;';"i"k·" COl1lllh,to ~I CLhot.l. $\:~~. I MlLhloll R idKc. ..... . j I' th l' lI lIttl'l''''" Lil li carly alld ~u(.'l\I'c l '-~ 'I "IU"· L. Mlil'o llllll, 71 CIl I·J,cls. 1l1 1( UIIC<J III',lgt> t liS eliteI" tl It t I I J u ~w pl'i<! il1 g tinn ill \; cl'l'illg lid., lille " I' It.? 1I c" . " .I'.:;.:. .~, c c o r lODe . li 'efl K !( '/CI, t"nvd s. alld t'1l1 ill g I'l'upl' the tl'U li ' L llt k' 1.:·I·I!, :t l e l'l'Y , d all~ h · S. mcCU .. r. n c ' A . ' , ~", Q) SI·ugwi,·k'. AC- I lla. 1 ;) /1 Jic ut' bu illA' l·I "I·wllel'l' LII IIU Y· tCI' II t' ,\1 I' a I' I 'II'\, J a llIC~ ." I ' !I'." , ' .g1 . ' 1-. li c&i ~~-~ CI)""oo.Pelrcat , ~Ie lli .. rl -r .r 1;" .. 111.. " 75". ~ ........ _ _ _ _ • •D'!:IP.h ... CtJUll('il1l~ MI, - -- . . dil.!d .. r III'a ill li.' I'l! I', ill Dan,," , la-;t : - '" -~ . ",,'~ ..--' ~ -' ::I cugwick', Cnmple&cl )l l'lhud. $1,50 ' 1 . . . , ............ -"-:.JIL TilEr.· SVNS liid He,IgII ich·. .. GCtJT.'"C W , ~iJ B, . . I · 01' Il"';~II·lm . I I LAN IJIr..-T f' I \"r idaj·. Il!.. ...' l'd ,) .) ·l·;I,. , a.I.leI '. IWH]. tli ..... 'I r Pe rfect 1>1.t:,ud III ' .I".lIc.h ~,acc' ,.. urglllllz,ttJ vlI Wll el a ul ",~ 'II' tiC Hel' re llllL lIJ; "" ' r,,h"l'Ied III ~L allll ' COI'( IOIi . 01 ,50. <r T Th omns D e vitt, . -1-:. nnwliorati ull II I' t ho s llti~'l'illg uf S0 C '111 ";1'1' 1' "II t:i.lt lll' I. I.V, lh e fll nlJl'.d I, ,\ ;0;11 nl·..\ U :K , I~ ALI . KISI):; UP' Sed:;lIick ', CIiUl plcle Methotl. ~ I I __ ... , _ . .i ,!'t_.~9 _ _. ._, l ')..i It,' '" ~ _) _ _. _ ' !Jl _' :~ VI'. Edward F. Dakin. 4-5. I . t' I . _,~ ~ al'~c II !JI)I·tl llil I) 01 11' \,111'" atlv ll, ta kill.l, I'!,l(:': II' "11 1:l.l ~l. ~ . CIIIII'.dl. ; Concertl-na _ J OItIl N, F etter. Ill) Iw.~ IL Di\' i~i II vI' th c tl lcit,ty ill I I' J I 11 I I _ , W 65 OUl'llli d stwllciai I. . f] ,"m. Iillig . ttl Ie ,I'n· ." • 1 II II.I. . . ,1'..,1 ~' (', 1111 IIC' 1I1~ IIXc\\' Fet·d ' th e ~:a ~ il·~ t 1> :llId It'd lIlId l'''llllol' 'I' ', 1 II I Ii I "m'n.d I.. tla l' tl'ad~' . ' .F . RIper i . s lila 'r l' II ' J" ,. Sed!'IIICII. J·CI'ICC, M eLhotlfurOc"nnn C"" ' . S • E• LL' II'ott 77 con, Iitiun, an d at t II.;ir Ia~t Ill oeti, l!! I I U L11l I,l ~ul'1'11 11.0,;.-. 'I IC I'll J ._ 1= I .~, c",.t"l" _ _ _ _ if.c \Vc hal' " a lst.!, it "' "II ,lde ·tl,ek .. I " I:l' h OI !',, ' I , 'If 1 I )CIU'N. U I'S Cook, "'(.'I'e: n. I IIlIlI'; IUIIIIJ,!;I - ~"_. J",:: 2:'':~~._ _______ 13Cd)(lI iL-k .' l'oUlplelo Method. $1 .50'1 _, . J I CU'8"a , on Frida~ cvc l~ i ng , the ' electo "l E. F. H ,\'Y:>, n. ·t1lC., : ~),".:, T, B. McOumll8, Jr. 58 tile .foll u,vlng vt~e()I'~, tv d:! I'I' O them .\1 ill s ' 11~}'tOIl War wick, Iliid U. ' 50 &i'ttlttifltl Published by 1. L, PETEU, f...~ I ~ 0 0 Elwood Meoks, 52 dUflng the CII lI~ ng te rm: E. n~lIdali. , 1\ a V(~j'(I.~ with s ola Broud .... ', ... 0.,B ... 103, 8..d_ 8) ~::-.........~O~a~le6~ - (Ll) riM 5u W VDtit P t ciJ I Z Il 1 New York, li nd ml,,"·d . po~ t ' Vllid, on I'll I ,.. r : l!r~_-. ~~~ W Y . Ii !'Iar -' ., .I!ll\lIK 1.1 · 1 Bertha ' wlLd It J:l wee t little chi ld 1I0'II,r ',tHHll tJ ' nt' iW/!y p1't'flt4,d · V1~ cei p toC'bemnrktd l'ricc. 569-'", . C"'(')I~N Jl11 _'-\. .. j;, .l"'j !' ! I') ~ .. IKlHUUL .·L~O~, ol't, h~ A s,llI~ln t, • ~d tLlIJ eys. r and t ho yOllll g plII'ellld IIILVLJ th~ th rln, a )l ,l Hmt to any nr!rb'C88, _. I IlJ ' Hec:)rdlll~ S crlba, it. R Eng le. sy mpllthy 1..1 1' al l ill thc Iv:!:! uf pOllt-pal:';, " 1"'11, J'lc~j,'t of' 50 !Ji8. Bultlu e!l8 Card!!. Tlte elaotion fvr School Directors ~Si! ~ ~. S~" ,Yl ll ia Ku,Vs. . I the ir firs t. bOI'II. : 'filE )IIA~: r GA7.ETL' E, WI held at the N atiollul Bali k. f JlIUIICIUII::i., Itwmas ..\'l l1l l,lt gtu n. l TaYllc•• , !lC. Ohio. L. C, LU KE NS, 1\1. D" Judf.es. 1. ' H, ffirr is, lLlld AllrCJlI Til e r, SUllluel J UII Co!. , At Ii meeti lll-( ,)1' th e stockltllld' - - --\oTT \ -CH~'\tg~'I' - -l .. I Cltul)Iaill , LeU lI ll l'& J.~J bOI'td. ' e rs of the Wal'l1c5vill u P ,-.rt Wil· I . . 1 i.. ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. I urk, J OU I E VIIO!! . 1)\.Cso D ol . t ' I' & J I' ' 11 ' N - Sttmu,·II'II).(" ~Bdl)l''' W. MIt.l1l1gtou, J . Will 1r"l)~QQ) us t"llo"," : Cvudllctur, La ul'I\ J UII ·d. ~um ' , C kl'';','Il VI II arrow- I v<. I'. of WnY lio 'J'"wlI"hil', Offioe in Nutiollut Dank' Building. ~ ~~ ~~~~p, Corn • S h e l l e r s , clwol B oard, A Sri't OUII. , Allg ill H ailles. GWlgc HlIil rolLcI 'lI1 pally, held at JIIIII"" c. (( .. ,.1 \V"rron CtI"nty, Old . .P'ul' M embuIJ 0/ IIJ 8i rlc ~ell lilll'l , Cy. Th 'JII lps,," _ P , 'rt W illiam 011 TllcStlllY, ~lLLrch : .on tl"'I f, I." '1.1)' tor IIhrch, A. D. t876, irA l'_VESVILLE, OHIO, FOI"nl 1. H. H unitl, 130 Outside I::i. , J UII.Il.t lt un I' h.rl li" i!. :.!1 t fur ti lt' 11I1I'1") 'C 01 l:i l.leti ng . ~,,,d .Ju- U(·" ,,,,,,,: d 'UI. o..ler "I "11.,, '1IInt'nl L ~ 01 ~1~, gg.~ J. Wi ll!. Edw(ll'cIB . 10 3 F .' •. t , 11\ .1"'1110.,,·(· aullUn, 101'lh _ "m "I *11.05. ) II s Jl fftelclt Ll lllltd of U lld II", ,.,,,,' i. 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tar of last II'coi<, '(lui ll, ' (lUI' stllC' IUI' i,lI l( m'n ~UI"C1'1 o ,!I. '~f , ~I"Y'A.J). ltli(j. SAM " Ll' L'O ll. bUUI· ..l uf dll'cd orcl WIB olected Il:i . D'ISBa1Ut'1011 Nollce. . Wuynm!Vi ll e Cl)r{eolp(lI llbl t, says: fu llo w~: J . F. E ly, J " IIU j (eI'Cllllut, ! ~ _ ."., ~ Jtell,J:toUs. 'The Hnrveys hll rg 'Ii'illl-: Baud, 1)- ' J 'I 11 -.' D I ' I 1" Lrl ... ! TllI'l'tll'tll or.h. ip .hcr<·tof,",o oxi.ti ng b WAYNESVILLE OH IO 'd d b I I> 0 B CI I I . 1] • 1I 1"i.,1 '" U. Jtlj ..c.. L J ' t.w eell 'fh Ulll itl'i Duv itt ..t CLu.'~ l~ . .Juco h1'4 iH ~ , . f Le ballon, 11.oaJed 1 e Mr, y tie 0 , -, sC l'e· J. E. Elli s. Alfl'cJ McKay, Israol thi. d"v ,li"."ly"d by mutuill CUll" nt; C K IIII ndmioi.tered whon .Ie.ireu. Ily,o Fl'allk Gal lali er IIto1, cheer I b _ _G _ _ _ _ _ __ - E ld er A . B , N l I nd'lll" WI' II \I..·•.. e . in thl' Vall ey \V I'i"lit, Tho !Jutll'd wil meet at J"oolis 1'(' liri ll ~ fr,ml, t e firm. whiuh will WUl'l'Ilntcd 10 gi l'c Slitisfactioll .d:J] II u, - U . him on his w~ary way th l'U u~h the 'V ' I"'.' 'J' ,I' . t t 0 or,bo (Hlrri!.,1 0 11 in futuro by Thllmull Do\·itt. DU lJlIllti t hurch next uturday at 2 meW! Ie 1'1 ley t IICII ,'1..Itod .. ,I .Ifllllgtl)lI , IltC t' ay flex, I W" Y' ' .'" "' \'I'lle Murcll "~, t 1"7" J.\, • • , .ul' ' f I"j QU . I' ~ Illl I Sunday at lOt A . M . and 4 d M ' 'I d' '1 ,-,. • .; g rullze by the 0 llc tl UIJ vt V COrB. I - -- - _._ -' ., au I riI . .J) II IdU Il 1I Cu. 1I1 cy unu . -__ NEW SHOE.SHOP. .. . . J', 14, sel'eulld""lI tit Ill .' Nu\\' li)1' the l TUI K!.\' \'; AItNING,- Mr, J , ', I 1 h"yo ,"oved. mY'shop to Hi$!'h Street. in l o'/Jicc and R elJuience, Th11'd St., lIIgh Id , lloarse noss, Sore truth. In the Hl'St vlaec, wc do l\l iII Ul' wishctl us to anno un ce that tho old .el,ool-bou.., ~.",r the Qu.ko·r m t·t, "lid r.1 1 tile dl' C" ~D of th e nut kn uw thul 11 I'c!I'ular 11I1I'VOyS- busin ells ill t'I' "ts will pre vent him illg.b"u.o. w huro L WIll mllke ?r meud anr. W A YN ~SV IL LE . Til . .." .. "., b' S' U ., .'3 . .' . , . , I . \Vurk brought to) mn. PlelUlO /lIVO me II 01\1 . . • IUII~ IUld It t, aT r adily cured urg trlllg' mllJ,u eX I 't.; and at f,. 111 " remaIllJllg 1e rllmu ollt y lit . ,\ UUEL K. GAl\DNER, with r, Mar hull's .Luug yruj)' 'sue h II blllJd do 's cxidt; it ' \\' 11:1 nut \VaYll e v illa. We reg ret thi l:!. WSYUOKyi\lO, MilI ch 1,8, ltli'U. SETH W , BROWN, . AII 'kilids of W our! PU Il IPS at extr ' 1/1 ·Iy Iv w priccd. It !J1,\I'('r tuill!, 'fry <it, Price ou y as istcd by tbll ll. O. H. buy , The MI'. ~fiI l or is a patient, accomwoSOMETIN~I) IWEW' -- ' - All persons wis hin g IlIlythi lW ill 0111' lin will lilld it to thoir illturwt ~ . ' ' Ill by A . Doll. tilet is'ltl(l~BOr thl.l pcrtUl'1il 'I'll came dlltillg Ilec,"nplis hed nrti t, and I '~ "UK '''.MI!~ TO De A TTOR.N Ey AT LAW from tl C l!l'g; the other titre l'emul'kll,bly sl1coes lui with eh' I ' !\ '; ; U.G... _ _"k.,_e AND 'N'OTAR! P [JBL10,' l to giv,c Uti a cllll befur' [Jul'chn illg LJlscw hc re. ._ l'-lv Th' Wlf , plam~d betw II from thl) cluh, The sorcnuJe wlls'r n. l'orsol1s waoting his sel vieos I \.' "" Addreu, with 8tUIP, u-.. .. Mdl....•• lIIew R ...." " IC!l th brid~ N llw keel ut it. a 'Iub atii.lir .t;tl'ictl '. u. 0, u. I'mtlst uot delay too IO~lg. t. r, i. -.l:.' I I R~.'J.~r:- New Y.~ (JIIY EmvrBui ly ,
" rUIPs.
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un 'rtaaintJ til ,m '. Ill'v'r ~~!!'!!'!_ _ _""!'!!"'!!!"'!!!!~'!"""!!II!!!""_!"'!!!!!'!' til· K rL KI\"~II IllIr II .1 ..... \"'111 '. S' ~III or lat· \\l' Ilu\" ullli Nn'llIli"lI~ hut, ILrru\,,·.1 ill. 1" lIuLa· u\, "ur 1II1"d~ til U" ,,·itll. HOW ami "uu,I\' 1'''-111111;-' "t' Iwr . .. nut tr. t ,ta k t' Ul' tlli' Imjrllll!lIt "I JAl'K itSI'll I I" FI,"ItIllA. "WII cll" '~III~. Ill! 11 ... \\ -it ill tl ... Itlil' h\. .... ing ... th.wkl'lll tbat W • lUll ,. i:.; '" I:!, 1"'711. 1""'lt l'urlvr vI' tit· into,til'du ..! whal ,.:,. hu\ . autlarl' what WI: an'; r:.( .. Jli'l/Ili (;'/::" lI, :-- AI""lt h,,"-I'l,ul.1 ulIll '()lIll'd .. 1" I"'riolll'I ' all ,\',. all, Ilia \\0 1111\" 11111' It'\' , II ... .\ 1. \\ • 1:1101 • in I<il!lit uf :\I'lIIl1t III 1(') ..crulJloilig Ul'lIl1lld al 11"r II I" IlIlr.II·1I ,1" " '.1I\ alld II ,t 1)111' 1I,'i~lt
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· t. <.il'''rl('~ lHlalll, It.:r; . H ~·,illli . Ii .. 1 IIJI1'uti"II ' '· ha. lI" r'. BUI Wlult"\l'I' il i . w' 1II11 ~ 1\"11' a 'II"I\'J I'lu l! ill Ih o ,,1..1 II bli'lI trik ingly h" wlI.. • II('Hr it a j,Hll!: :",. 1 Ih i .. ~.Itlll'l'oIl~ \ IH '" " I' I h t' 'I:L \',Hl'lui I". It wu~ 1111 11\1r ·Ii ul' jI" '1'1, II 1. , ~a I\' II P tot 1'1 :t~IIIl' II h, \I'11I ' Ii we u I" , ,, t il::~ 11 ' 1'" .,1' .' 1 I ILII,I ,.,' I'I" 'UI" ' .III II I~" a t Iillig ' u , ,ILIIU wilh Ihc i r 11\\'11 "V • l'" ILli d ,,' 'I"'~ "t' ~ a r"l' I I I' lit I I·hlll". will A 1.. ,. om,·" fur t e M lIufllCtur "lid W.b II. ' plate I,ll' IIL I!dill~ llal'''' hv,,- \l~nleillll~ 1\ ' \" 1\ ll' ur ''' 1'1' '-lp .11'" wid ·11 11'111 t Ill' d'~I'c ul' ,11 '. i l~' Il thl • ,1"!.·11 Ian'". It Ie! tlio higlt. Oll l~ II'lt ll - It 'anJ 1I'ltll II. ' ,I' , 1\\' 11 I _ - ... _ l'"l lI.illl lOll tllt·t·, tI~: !IV ]>I'r - CUI', Ittl\" t·~rili,·t1 t" Ilt t It ",\',' I' . \ t!hl·l'e ellt Tjll\·.'l'ahh· 'u1I ,·cn · I\llj' ~' lOlle. alii! tit Ii;' t pl'~c ' ill f fll!~1t ill K 'lIl l1'ky , E I' 'l'y wlt l'l" l illil ill 'IIH'illll ali , wl ':t h \\'a at ,·1".II } I/'I"III" .ltllll Anl Ni!ll wher ' til ' I 'aL 'lIa grape tI g'II('l'u IiS pill/l ic hu" u 'C 'ptud it tellJ c ,1 b.\' t he (~ L'IIt' I'al T le kd /1"'1/1 !30 I', Hoi d'II'~, wa ' ~I'I \I' ll. I\~ a lIIiracml l/lI Illk!'p ' It I ," in \ ~l!lIt "I' 1l!:llIy c f lIlt' p,rill cipal ',,,,, / tn;1I (:.;/;" . A t I:! M . we 'I'OS 'OJ th o ual' nnd hellul l' .,t' thu 1It1~'I'i"l-( allJ IIl1t'llI · Ih i I1'110. I LII' '11 111' tit· ·'Hl llt l·V. tit " "IIh-Il'II til" ' 1. Jul ,"'a, 011 ' "I' th l' pili ' 'd I'll" I'. T h · II· h ~ I IU\\'I' I' jll·lIl'l'jl't.I· "I .. xt'·lIdlll~ Ih ' lilll il .. 1' gl'll ll.le"t I'h" 'r~ VII th l' clJntiIiCIIl. - hlld l.el·" 1II a Illalll'I' •• 1' il i"tll i' . l'CIl ICII II ill I E xelll'~ill il T lI'kL'll! I, . ix· It Ita" ih " .. Il,"l! III tit. En'I'!{l llIh.Q :\I ell wh u Itlld 1"'11 l"lmd ill~ th· ty days I'r'"11 dal() "I' a lu \I·a., dli· v I FI ,)t'i da, rllll ~ alllillst dill' 1I"I·tl, lI'c'td IIr . ,IU ' 1,11\'1'" 1ll'.U·III' L.III cu"~c,l , ;lIld It II'iI,'! II. · II ll1lf1illl'll :l -I fill lII il .~ t l' ,j al' i- s"lIvilk, tll (' 11 cu~t 11'1' inscl' ibl!l1 "HI' 'a ,1 01' BI ' I," I ,~ 'IP"II"" thaI till' l!xtell»i')Ii v i 11111' :!!i IlItl l'~' 1IIII I " lIll'l ll" illl u tit" At hllJ I u~\'lI cd Ib"11I Il 'l' "'h i"k.\' IIlId, ~ltl) u l d I,l' gl';lllteJ Ihllll th' W u, t I lalll 'l' "\'l';l ll ~ lalll 111 11 1" l,,'lhi I'iv'r Wl' r p""ptl l'l'd to I-JU' . til I·\!~ t " I ulIll ·'Jll t h . A tlt t·r · \\'<1 lI11t l il il' I ill ~" llI l! 1'1I1111'l' Idl e r. th oir uay" in e;l-l' a ll d ·' IIIIf'J rt. • t,) .. 'l'lIle th i~ 'xtl! lI sioll I,,· lI ,t ioll = I ( ·"nnIAL!.\· o~u: W ,· "Ii d c h l u ~' l y ul ll llg lip til M Ull, ' hy lllc k Itk o, wcnt Illl.jlll vI' tlte lic llend T IC ket ailli I'lLs~ ' 11 li " ·I. 1~ l llIf l!ug l' r illh'I'. ' t ill cv- ~,cUl~lIrlillg the i r pOlln u ,t' fl· II. !-1l'r . A ~elll-!' A -!~o'ia l i llll lind bu· --ANI)' · I ·y·ltill~ w, ~·c allJ heul'. III fu c t ~h e wl!uthor l"I'Ht.~. II' 'l'u.tu .\lIJII' Ii '\,wl-!: that it w" lIlt! n wet lit 11',' Illn\(t"llI'i " h that \\· c II' ' 1" twillt/ , IOrlft I \~ . t~I O II U \\' vl'dltl' I tllln~ ... . nl'l-'l o"11I " t'il lal';':u lIlajaJ )'ity v I' l lha Wl' IlIi .. ltt ~I'l! alill IWIlI' III U I U~ 1'l'uhullilltll'S \\' ' I'e til I' 'w i dll lllU- til · \ V" ,<!L'rII IIIIU . ,ullicrII LillI'''' i lilY 1II " lI ., . I il t 'IIU a full 11110 o f o\'cry tLi ng portllilling to II l1 d ul .J I' ~~. U K wo ruu ll d u po ill; th i llg lik· tlli :- "10',,)' th: IIl id dlu tit · TI'II ~d, Li l lL'~, " illg th" pal'llI" Lv t "~j LII ~i 11\'" "I' IUlld, tI, Idnce of whi ch we !ltat·. unu .)ow ~r IlIk' I' ·~II)II. e ll·.lr IIl I)s t dlrl't:tly inll'I'''' tcu ill ti lid lillI',· h\'11 1'. I ",' rullny I\' lIuerl'lll \l'eatl l ~1' \l' lt!1 ltgltt , 1'1 lilt; b.II'VIIl C: Illte,ll" II , I\"·.I·C l·elJ.~l cotlld to i ' IIll II lilks - th al Ed,·II. th c Ituly of th . tel' With s light ;-, h" wt: I:" II I b,·.. I· I!I.! II CI'll I II 'JtlCU I th u 11I"l1N ·l·J ·" ulh • .rac ks. lI\l'il ll'-- IIlY bet; ,I" li d. ti teak , I;mduully l' hallglllg t 'l 1'1'11 1 t'I'UIlf(L'l!. '" , IILII h ·d. and, tllllilks til ~"vc l eullet Ulld IlIIlU 'II.1 ('I"'ll,;'" , 'r" I' i· TIt·y th l' r ufll r,· I' s pcett'ull' re· ... ,. f"r! ul" , ,,'ray,·Ll ill tll til . litth. 1111 . d II U, tv'>, W Il 11.'1111-\ her 1':I1't. I t 'I' l\l~ t all lill eri ill th o tUl'rit!ll'y \~c~ t 1'I'dl'lI d i ll.!..: ,\ j "lltl" l' O' Il lJ u-Il:. w'h 'I'll I~ \\'011 kIl Ol\:1I till\! IL Itl l ~"c\ dl ·t IS " I' O l·truit, '1" 11,,\111, Glu\·l·land, . , 1\'(' 1"'111111 l'\ " 1 I'tllill" \ IIf11foJ rt'd,lc IJl u~t e ,,1 o\II , II'e t lJ Itl'llll ll; .111(\ a c· C I',"' II'I' l!. '(IIII """I '!. 'ilicillllali , 1:1":111 lI ud " " 'l: (wlli'dl rallll"j ,,~l·"I·d l ll ~I.I' , . Ilt c cell'~ll al 1,,11 "I lall! ( '"(· llI d l ll ;.( l l'· ~ "I~ '-''' UI t ! \ l'.~L· p " i lll ~ ) b:lld uf : II l h,. I":ll" " ill ./ ) .\11 ,1 hau bcull 11I ~ I'Ca,·<I Ilud 1I I1I 'I"j \'C I l\l ld ~II lI lIl "I lli,· () lii! It il' '1', I'J A. DOUBLE THREAD LOOK-STITOH MACIDNE, wh 'M' I. d,J .. Irll' 111.,,1 1',1 "IId l":I'! 1'1 " hy II 11lJ~\ cl' III IIc. I. Ii-h "' III ' I'li lil t f! II' 'Cllt ·lt ll ial EXI; III'~ iCl Il Wnyn . , "ll o. .July 14 . 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likcd Greull C o ve 80 w e l\ tlJrcoscuro Y0nl't:! and t on Wi t h tolI II f f II tltnt I III' stay \\illS prulo np;cd from Crill.' 0 CO~l.1 ort, n to; ai' '1' I uny to dllY u IItil a \I' '9k Ii I'P ·d hy. he8c Iragmc ll~ d 1I I VCR. lOW W e l'etu l'ncd t" Ju ek llCl llvl·l lo. 1IIId they s tre w o ur datly Jlllth ~o lJ evcry
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LO gro::.1811"I&bl.' for l1li.
Ga.rdening for Profit!
Practical Floriculture r If JOU wilb to O.rd. n tor Amnaemllllt or for lloma U.eoDly, read
Gardening for Pleasure r ALL aT
Peter Hendel'8On. Prlce'l.IiO each, (lOfI"'~I.!!!aO. OUr Oomblned calal"",. 'or 18'1'8, 01
GARDEN! Sent F.e. to all Applloant., _
n1n.ll'IIted ('.t.log"._ of 8fIdI Imll Plant., Dumb rlllg t1li ,)agee, and con· t alnlng 2colorllll rI HIUI, IW-ol wlLhnut tbarp t o lJnrcb,uJcra 0 Iluy 01 tbe .00'f0 three book.. 1I0nt 10 aU IIlb... 110 recelpLof 00
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G. f' gSS EN DEN I
~~ . 86 Cortlandt Street NEW l"OlUC.
Bee£ Veal Mutton a d P k - ---"c .. I<a IS III d I f F' CI P' &OrgD8 I I n or' ,MlSS ' RACHtER, EBRlGHT, al 11l1\". all '''PI' Y lrst· ass lanos a II a. J Si d F G' , tap e an aney roeerles UVE AGEN rs W.&NTED! . X EN I A 0 H 10. . I ,h. elluIIL,·." Alford. : .lId nil will h~ keJlI Plano-Forte ~Ju!ile Te8(llaer, tV \
lo ulldull l) ul' H lcllmondl'l'iclldtl hudsicl ul N Ot'u It Olll!u tI . \\' tl nkr, I t II II 0 IHlt in tit 'iI' appoarancc. Nut t illle n ot a co mpany d ') wo lUlX \\' 1 I,) U t l) ay trWI'll 1l 0 W, bll t you will It ILl' w o more than gu.e~!I-\\ie k n{lll)I ngaill fmUl 111 0 a s BOOll aI! timc will that these our frI end, m e n and t r Tho hillh '8t ~hrkct Pri .,... p~id. In To . ··11 Ilr . hll .,'·. 1:" il)es: or Jururl",,-, ur AIMo, 1"8L' U'""III' tllood &Ild rer alro ", ) I'tllit. Vel'y truly w o m on . who go about tho world OB.b or trfltle. for CounLr}' rroduoa. 1\0 ,,, r" r . ~: 1> r. bUll •. ~n u'·er." .'011111 y io Ib3 O,<la" mn..- he loft IfILh 0 . \\' . Ehllgh&. 1 " • 'd ' tl'· k d .- k· I - - -- - - - - - II11c,1 L,to" 1\11,1 t; " '''III~ F.nla'rgetl hy 1. W ... HAYNES . o lllg I~II \\or an ... Illg P 01\8' J ML'1..1 W HAINES M D Ih,' nul,IISto u, I" litI~ p"ges. ttL'Onlaiu80'or I""IIo~"" \&1&. -- -- --- Inre thcl'61n,all cul'ryabolltth oma A ~O. ' ·' ~tlIIOhll\l:(, ll .I"1t"Oll".II "d ktsuilutiln llll ~ .lIawI.. bitler cl i ~ IlI)I)l1 UU~.-'OP aT.I.'· ,, 1111 ,·u,,,IIIIlIn. "I . ooicl.... ~ won· .lIa ...4 "olbIDfI· D r , Mal'8 I1U II ' 8 L \lng Syru pro· Bere t btll'dcll--'oi' . . '1i nt.. -.. '" 'Ich,··c derfllll,nnk IIl1d • h"u-chol" l1 'ce""",·. II .......rl.rc!704 ... lIb liev' th wl)rst a C llf \ ,ug h .. me nta, van l bed IlI>pe8, ulllulh led, V ,·11 ,,1 8'11111 1''''1\1\'81 IlId",,,,,".o" a,'\' r :=1;:::.4 .....11 alld Cvlt! Illru t illstalltly. '1111 umbiti o n, 10 t 10\'0. Ptu-bably I .. U' • 011',·, dIU t,o"k !'I-\' ilL •. ,S.",,,I" <0l';e, •• ,,~ : _ .. .-tn4 _ _ _ ..lUbe";"ru..s . .1 . t d t b ttl ' v ry ontl \It the m wheu hi or her l II" lWl il.I'04LI'llld. rOI· ' ·.. E ,clu~lv" terr\- · .... . , - . - ....... OD.WQ_Uuaebup un ) our urnggl all ry 11 U C . . t' . ' . I ' Otll"~.t R Hlidoncu. lorv giv n. A!:ellill on,lI'C Lb&IJ double the,r 47.... to ... Wrl.. 100 Pr\oe LIo&. of it. tho price ill \Joly 25e, ~'ur sWlltng ! p Vl&lllahes Ir ')m II Cll'mo·",.y. e\ ll.h J)r. Oha c', team- I'rlol. WM. A. T_A8DAL_ H.d,' by .\. I ,,\I , el', will'C,hafl(lc it illtll tlllot ill r, Be· " ·,,, .....UI ... O..... h'l! lIo,,~.', .\Jill Arbor. llichigBo. [r.t!! am HI "'",...., -..et. fJlJ(fJ1J(J(A r.
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Fever aud Ague, or ChIlls alld Fever, It I A
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Illero 18 a m1l1"f1IJ(} conple llvlUg lI ('or bore, m Lnnte COIU,l~J, wbo llunng ibl'lr e11gtUJemOllt exc111uIg d rlllgB Ib bndo-elect took oil hor 1111$ at ouo time aud WUll l10ver ablc to finil I ~ nftcnHlr\l She oome to tho c011clu810U that It mllst ~I,p.AT tOH ] ~ 1t01 E - It 18 of IlIt rest Ilfwe beou carrIed awn) by tb rate Aft.er thoy had boon morn U nWllt t\HI to lho CnlDllr8 III tho Wes t to kll OI\" th t years they deClilud to I lear th pineo or tho pest.!, IUltl ' a mt "M found WIth th o Ide utlCal goM nng III ) lU 1 lIB llel k Its head "8A U8 Iru-ge lIS 1\ Cull glOw Jl fit R ont .t.!l.lotly W/Ii< ,cry Hili L1L 1t III S ill' pOllCd L1lllt J\U old mt 1111<1 tl1k u I It IIUS IIllll oorrlU,] It to III r U At to ndotl th nook of her hLUt~ durllllg - 11 dRUIt 'mill III ( Ii.
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Dealels Everywhere
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III TelllJlcrrd I CUI rs. luttu nuver Iccomphs l"'B the ,It Blrod ell[l nnd 1m UlBolcut )liC hlU'ma nOll o hut t\ C \\lll er rillll IA tru ~ Al ang lJ
of all oonespontluncll, h t more CRpI (11111) when 0 PI hud to c omm IIIl1 cn ll on~ ( f a bIlAUI~B8 n ,I 111 0 In tI 18 d ~ plld m out tbe two gontJemau 18 CIIIIil) rll ooglllzetl aod \\Itlr lum above nil otb rs It IS gmtiIJ'wg to denl BIR demnullq wlucb it couched III other Inngllago woulil h o reJecte 1 ru e oftRu complied with null \\ butcve r th hll81 UCII8, th er 18 s!lt.i.afnctioo 111 p erIorma g It -Phr6"oWgical Jou17Iai VOILA
_.. --
tBE oil f::ltllte House III !lORton 18 doom /I The I bastl~ IlXPlTll ou the 1st of J Illy 1lIIillmmcdlRtely atter WIArd th bmltlillg w.U he tl mobkb t1
-W I.i llf
llaal ~ ... -- • . . - . . . a
BA .B. VE YS BU.....~ RE PO RT ER . VOL t
X 1.---
VRR!N T TOPIC not to he outll, ne I 1 K~n I I ify 8 nl CRt howe r and hOllce J II18 had n "huwer of JlIe~ 1111111011 of " Illeh :\ I m I'l\nll'fl 1\ re ent MUOW to nll aL Jt,VIN dll 1.11'111 lulee ' ern", In hlH I v lerlOll8 blln I In ti IINlt I bot! u l tJlI.'1\Cl wOlldenl by a lIock of \\ blto fi bit 18 "hI( h Hen'<l Ulllltlnd lind ruled th IUf ~ \borOIl~l Iy Lh It. they wore In IIIlaifell (or 1\ now"tor m lhe ullrkmg or II dog fICIll'e\l til III hI wrver Rnd RII Lhey rO!!e the t ru" I R til r of Lht phellomellltn Wltl! per 01\\ I Ih eriliri rl~ m / Ir \ rill Ill" mAn olK beforo Lbo IImIDer nnd IUllke Ktor~ IICII80U AN A IlA IS
An,1 It moilifird l\ed bou ld I w
lIIO , )\ :EP FJADA Y. APIU L 26.1 76.
-he mtendt'd IL ISllge IlIunOOn llClQIIK of thl' 11'1
l\ onlC'n Il8 Sinner ,
• J'~I llWtl
JOEIII' IV oro beln~ Ame n lI\ eXc! IIIII MI I e lllrl" Oa, trI W.
h.n alreally lho r IlIbhc which IK IL good beglnlllllg " e hnvo .111 Amer I II Clr us \\0 tall\ " AmI r1CftU nulro ld~ (sLre l cntll) In leSK tta \11 SIX I nLh . three grent. itll IWf8 will reI r m Am n cnll pi c bllrH hl\vo boell CHtllb l1~ b d in \I' ml of Lbo reHLllurnnLs of I' MI, "0 ho., e ",11jO 8t.cahng In tbe A IIIorl()lIn style (a t Am r dUlle) lind " Il ) ICC L that Anlcnca.1l IIIAUnlU'lI will bo 110011 110 1\111) IIlLroducecl 1/I.Ii rlln c UUlt "hell yuufll! IculteJIoorne IOto a full ODlIII bUH th Y ,,,II sit 011 the II\Jl8 of Il otleilion
IT 19 an I til It lhe olrle f .1111011 • ilL DIlfLlllou tb Uollego hll3 wrl tLOII 011 L110 back an order for II q unrt of rUqI HlglIOI by the holder of tho cl plolllll
Rs'i LooJC\\O OD de8Cnbe s th e lHU feJlLlle called Lho Florida. ohameleon III tbe Nataral..t The 8peeifio Lalln IIl1me or t.hl~ hurd il! A 110/.., prmmlJ«lu. and It 1M l!Ometlm e known 1\8 tbe /freen Carohua huml IS It IK not met with further norlh tbRo South Ot\....rolina. In I ubi Utt to cblUlge color It re8C1l1 blt\$ tbe chamele ou of the old world froOl whICh however It 18 structur ally dlfforent Tbls creaturo II ves prinCipally on fhes and other 10IleCt.- and IIpldal'!! 11u1Y maie ,ery JIIt.cre8tl ng pota it we may beheve Lhe writer who relaleJI thllt A lady once IIJlllI!lIret1 With fouro( t.bemat LI e dlnlOg table of a hotel III F loodn 'I b y were fqlened to her headgea r by Hilkell ~ftad. and mil over her head nurlllrck or DeIItled In !.he treeae8 her bnlr IlH thoy
ewl "
fl . .. I . dArk 00 AgO In I aeuay .. )"'18 I ne .. Ilgl L I h ougk chI ka II It Uu1 e b .. ,uuJIl l Htrougcr by 1Hnku !I wi r ft beco ne All lhoy dO " Ar 0 tbelr ~'ernHt hot Q I ' .'\Oi Ih. old ll. b .. orlls rtl .neo Lho1 .1....
11 • •
Ih r081 oj I 01 .Il. now
- "111M
A 8f{ I 1'1 IVIIJ:I turned over In tho n ve~ >,e~tcrdny and Mr [yler wall t.hrown II to the water -LoIU~U Ult. hilger A 0 1 ar CUi\Il of tIP a cauoeaud Tyler Loa /tdex .AP} «II
UOOI MIBTRR8S - ' Jollnn1, 1m (1shamed of you! When I Willi your II~ I could read lIS w II 1\8 I clln now • Y~ 8 but you d a differen t teaoher to wllat we vo got. Tou I\1l\y u vcr bn\ tbol,lght of It but It 1ft ut terl v lin P'l Ible to get. dow n 11gb L nngry wIthout ral ~l lI g y ur voice n trol yll\lr voice \Iud '1 \I lire uro to con trot your temper A 1.0 AL ~It.of I,/lra)" Llc Ark I under took tro /001 'or W tbq.rok one '\11 ky e~opl!1g h18t. w k IntI! the belief tllll.L 11 plug of twl t tobac 0 tlu\t he wlnl«\ al
r atl'e!l
throlllh bougbt for n
Tel the furtber~nce oC tb IS pllln order to nil hgle wIth alld prose J~ tbe -people of that 00110 try they hAve bRd thol( Mormoll scriptur es nllt! hymn". etc. tmll lat('(i IlIto tbo I alllsh Innguage As Now l\lexlco 18 1111 111'1 It cuu~ Cor adml!l810 11 ns a State It is HI ppo d tllllt ~b ellC 1\1orm oll ilC lLler. \\111 be .1 t to til[ t.ho COUHLItULIOII to .IlIt Lbelr OWII notloll8 1 hero 18 oily olle C01l1!01 Inl; cflII81t.1er I\.IOU n1>01 t lh H - tb e re I ~ lIothlllg Lhllt. ~3.n dll Now M ~ xl oo nny hArm Jt.~ lei 11\\ Ity l K nlread) 101111_
111. I ublr ~hers of bl rr ~ IJot II I!J IIl1dert.skell 1111 ('ntl'rpm c IlllI cb 18 H'ry commend Ible In th o l\fl\y 1111111 her uf thnL POI ulllr mngn ~ no IV II I lit' heg ull II IICrte~ of IlUpel'l\ UII Cummer cllII nlld Jnt!lIst.r1ll1 lJo-opcmli( II In tl e l lil ted ::it.llt.es Illd (.ro t UrrtalU b~ II!r Blmmrd tb e nuthor of A Hundre d Tho >lRr 1 H omeH Mr D Irn a rd I. tu be l:M' nL I y U 0 jlublishe rs to Engll\lld nnd t>lot.lulld t.o mnke lUI 0.111 II1"tI\O ex am lIlallon of tho 811 bJect In 1111 Ufit o)rmcbe~ tlnd It. I. lho Intent.lOn to I'lrlce the 8ubJ ct of co Olll'rnt.lon before th e Amcncull pllbllc III 1111 Its a8pecl8 to gl\ C it.rl method . of pro~'etlur e lind Ilct&ll 11M Jlfllctlrnl worlollg _ nnd to re port ItM ncLllll1 !!UClal and filllln clni re 8Ultll No ItlellLioll \\ ill Ue I \1,\ to mere hl ft\ory or theory Ulld only \\ ork ng J,lnn" lrlws method . aDd prod lIet.!! Will be cc1ll81dued hll\ 0
Till HUMlan Telegmr 1llc Agel y pllbhshes the foilo" IIIg Des li Lo t.1 e IIftll) , onc!1I81011 uf nil IIrmlHliC C the gel crill .,tllfttlllll of tbe Orr .."t.1 qu olItlO 11 18 filii er been IIgl;rtlvlIled 1 he I'urw hUR relul ~l...1 rutl tnll c t~Vltv nil I ICl\vc~ F nrol elln CRbmets to '\wrk for I l'lIl\(' wltb{ nt Aldlllg them by th e fir I hcutlOn of rtlrOnll. On th e oLh .. r hlllle) tbo revlvill of !\lohlllllm e<lno ~'Il ILlCiSIII 18 unnoullc ed The r('cent acCOUI ts or mlU!l!IIcrtMof Chrl~tl 1M .re coufirmed Th o ChnKlrans are cnlhng for reprlslIl" 1111 I fiv e thoullund IU S Uf gl'lIt11 bavo entered tbo dl ~ Lflct..~ e f llebnCl! lind TrRlIIk All th se InCldellt s are Ule more 8~nOIl~ beCfill1lO they OC{ IIr III th begllllllng of ~pnng' lho 1 ' A Pnwi corrcM!lOlldcUL Po III Is eut Lhc ~ pecltll gmvlly of Lhe nix" . In\.tlmt' l t &K the dleptllch es 01 tho UllttSilln l eI&gral,hlc Agency nre IIIwIlY8 fttm tiy In kf)l!J\lllg wllh tbo Ol'lnloll. of the J(II ~ HUIII Govi!rnm ent 1 ho tel or of t.bla cl18palcb l!et'1lI' to Mlmw thaL F.uropc Ill. liSt. WIll know tbo lI11mcril lLe object 01 l'u8811\ s proceed 10gB
Tmltl! \\(10 j;l)lIle ~.1Icll~ment III I'ennaylvnlll& :-iIU eilly chaol the other undRv wben a I Ula hoy ",hotIC tOldl('r h.rt M hlll1 home for hor ciAI'" (' Ir I. ",llIch "flO J" d j"rl{' Lit'u rei urn! I II breAthle"H In I,h brAn lI.illI g 1\ ('II Il\t declr W lh 1.1 ~ J k, r ~n I I
1" R fUIIIOIIlI rat (' hurlll' Ball;'lkC'l'I h"" ..... 11 "'tlfl~1 from the turf ht'CIlU>e IIf.1t alJrll.ioD (alllled bl I'I'ilWl.i('
It 3,
III • ,.II'!>I~, •
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• un I 1111 It 'II 1&11,1 Irnll' l 111'11' I f11 ,I, 'I', I ,e 11111 "d,t!·; .lll~ 1 I '11" I 1I11'10>,"., , :"11:' I a _1,, 01 .11 J lllllll![ III(' Io,il'k .. , 1111 I,.u.
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\\" , n '1',','1 I'll 'h III itt· OIlIr 1"11~-, r ... ,·, 1;1. " I <'e . ij. ~ ' :., ~ 1:11.1. a"d III"'dl 'II'" at "I •.. Il" ~ I". t '11111- a l .III·I ,·I\>I, t. "'\':111 1111\.' our F~'I I.'ho , IWI r .,. t ~'" ,. I I I I I I', I , Jo:'P " ' . 1.1 ' ,., . • \ , I 1.II,r_ III. " ' II 1\.1l,1 •• 111 •.J,III1" d Iflr!.., :t'd ""II" !(, I·d _! ,(.(; I"d .. h Jh, lIC'iu .. _. P I II ' " .... 1 \ "'" I ~ 1 to ~ .. II •• 1I11I1lI .'~.' \\ I"' I"'" " ", I'·'''I II" I I. It I '111 I ..-1 11 IIlIl t· Ihll' ""'_, t I Ult :1 "tHrill, • ..! t IUII\ 11 11&' .. , 'I" I ,11, f t 11.. 1'.1 '" "i' tlltl h. \\ I"· l .... '· l"'"f.'tJIl\' . till' I '"1\ 1 t\ .. 1 .. ( '\ tl ' \\ 1'111111 ~IUf(' II It'Url.I,, \\ \w"\I'a ~111,l h, - T .\lU"' .IOD,t If' . • "I"trUnl"l ... nrt! \\ 'r ... . Hlldullllid I I ;l t-h'fgllfll'fu:d,I.\ , ... t\!loulldltTt ... ,. - )lr. ~unl. I~ ( 'Itt." \ l i tt.. 41 - 1" 11" H",... .I "IIII 11 . 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C·ll lI lc.h 1' \','11' tll'II s ' nce the Rv ' an ..II L, \IA,I.·(.rP~· 1 'lid \ o" ...'ln .... . t !1'.!I" If,r I. \l j,d' " 1-("\t·H·.! til l tht' ~IIII.II~. fr" lll t1I1I'I"lllaltl'r~ l .r -- ~I I I, . \\ . 11'1 II i~ ','I' :l \\1"'~ '.IIIITIIIII'_,LlI "\111111".'111 _I~ I' n· I / H- .d '·lI t li t :-- '"11 " .\ 1.\ .\I ,\i," nl t l " lo r n ~tftlld"" H uth... · 'I~ Up n· ~'·IlI\.·lnlu \\,h tlll'I', h. , JII11! t.l'· I lin (1' : l·1-tli\\ H ..II t1~l·'l l• tl1 tl'l" ,t', " t'k~ h'~1!lllhill\ ' I\lv .., I, ,,,.k: I If , I I" ",. I t· rA I. I • IlIlId 110 1, dll'" ' e\' 1111 ,. ''1111. \\.I~ 1 I I .(. 1/1 - .1 I' 'J ' [ 1 - \. . .I :- 11111111. ,·t I ,' \1' I " ~, ,'/ 1)/ ,,,"/ ,1 , ,(" ."'11 '"!J '11',1111111'.1 1/1 111.'1 • " 'I'I II/II' II II I . 1 h.'lh. ,til n .. , :t"':- lnjl"I\~.. • I.111.1., ,-it"·II II"II, l-II' rl.I.I- r I'll k, r . ·11l t it U1tr1"U\\ l'\ · lJ llI .~. 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W ilit Ih ose f',>c,h' I·. fthu " .'1111 IIll 1I' lt 1" ')IIIJlII~ 1l1·l c.led i nf 1\,,\11'1' IlIlt' lll t! 10\ ~II _ T 11.1 11 111 111)",'1 , d ' Wt'l t. 1" ")/11 ( 'tIIlllI lI,111 .111 ,1 \\'tI lid the "01111"011 0 11" u l' tll o I'IIUU ~ ;li ll,1 Ilh,tl(e d lllll' , _ :\ . It IS 11,11. lill I' , " "to it ' will0 SOVII bI!CII [II ~., Cl tll.t'IiR tllll I1('1" Ii"i' I t I1,It II t I Ie I II II I": I\I, I ( ' .1 II 1111 I ~l·l'. T 111 1.1. \ W A Ion ~ , . - \II' ,r (, l'cfcrrt,d lIl'ct.'85nry to - .\1 I all , I 'I ., r~ II .lIlll r IU, alld \l tl ill \\I-Ill'" II , t" 111111 1111 " ,,· Ih.11 , IlIlI' c tI u Ul1bl c. trnck pc r.')11 I" W IIII I10 I~ ~ a l t! to b e, I10 flUlII Cillcillllall III Lcuall ll fl , If 1I11 t \\111 lI ut \'Iijl l II :! alt y m lll'C 'I / :\I I~"'" ()1I1l' I\ IIIl! Ilwl 1... 1.1 ZI'II I "I' I II"'~ IlI t,II', ll'l 11 111 IJlIH'lI t 111 111 I ') I' I,all~ ' II . lIl l'. I ' I'.III'VIl, 1'1 viiI Il·III.II II1 I1,.." 1"' lltlll lll'II II,' III ul' III ", ,I III X ('niu. - -- - . !Y"' ZA' II 11111 I hI II II I I \\',I,I'IIe:o\l \\' l' l'I'g ll' l " tl ll~ . • 1f an."b, d y will take paills t lJ...I;::> I ,"~I 'I l'lIl'"d il\, I'igltl ~Ir. N. v l~1 1 'I I \I I' ( ' . .'1 t \1 'I II lIl . " I1. II~I' "" ~ 1"II ,ed frulli 111 \''r.Pi' ..., '"llI a.l, . I 1'.1 I 1'1 IS :1 1).1111 lit, .IlT 111111111 luvk at .,Ihe MIll' uf 0111 u, "lid fo l' 1\ N ' JU ,. :.n~~ ~, ij , "~~ Iu ~ t ", , ~~. ~ ~ ~~)l" • IIWIUOllt cO ll s lJ~r tlt e 1I "' IIClIItUIII I I'l ltl1 U II ~ ~ IlllIl IJe'IS I.OJ.I' n il 11II1'VI'IIi ~l' --(; u I(J 1J1IlllIHell lIlllht' X l' \\' , ' !ltlll~, acc' IIII ""I,,·d ar tl -t. IIlId n Ctl lliltl,Y lIal (l ~ '\ /-!.'" I'.1 1'' ' 1 Ih e I,.t cst 1ll' 1I- . 111 \'/0 ICI1I1 I1'bJ", IJh "1I~1l -, 11I1 l\tl lt ('Itlld Il S"II).I!! IIl1d IIl1l1cml wca llh ul the IllIgllig t, t' Ih e 11."l1l1 le·1I I ' IJ ".." .~_. LI """~l\ \\.lIlt g h i,. ""' 1I\ I<'~, • trall'l cd Uy .tltl" C I'Ond 8, tit I')' 11 111 I l'~1 C IIVVI" b t' II • IJPIl Il all a l~ e l l ll g J!' ,U I lu l alld "II/ II 11II1'l.'l'd, !II.lg.IZtlh., t\ I1I11"t 11 ,,l1l ,),. lu" lll (""'' t' I! rel1ltze thllt IIl1t uuly euc h l'lIli d 1\'111t'h tHIIIIIIl IJ II ~ , 1 ' 111 night dlllJl ~:;::n~! !.!1C:un: zar:, ::.le'~ NI.llld'tid hl'llllIl , jJlctlll'Or\, elg,'I '. _._ .. . _ ,.. 1I111::1t lie PI' tltulolt·, hilt that o.:-UC" \l'ly .11l' \\'II~ IIICI. hy 1111 Illtl!I' IUIIIII --~~ - =- - ~ = lI' Y" 11 \\tli it ll .1 a ·h"H·1.' a ,'"11 ~ARI( " W UAI I.h -- I I,,' ~ I\I"\ lIIus t eldlllllce th e pruht vI Ih c :\11 tiC>;I I'llUH \) , Ol:tlllll lll~ a llcd lUI Il, e 1I/I'lI t 01 11 'l: 1)(,,1 htcl.II IlI C vI' til e " I ~, 111',101,,1 1,\ t :'1 '111111 ,"1,11' . .tI'1 I1ml Valley l{ni1\\ay, 'ilicillllntl !'l'IlI,Ullell'l' vt t hll nl~ht.. 1\11·. 1 . d.,." llV II' II I tlll ~ 1\' \\,II ,III (I,:l~ IIII' a l"" 18 dcstillcd tv bc the 1Il 111 kct !llld Mu hel t(JI,k 111 111 tI, (\\ It It Ill S CYl ) , --Tllc I' CW Iol llc" ~ llI i th ~1\ !lJ1 01 Ihe Sill vI'Y(Jr, .. I I iii .· \\'., l' W I gre nt dl tl'luntlng powt 1'0 1 1111 tlH! 1I11t!II~ kl'U hllli II Itt' \lIIQII't U gllc"t ~II·. A , ( ' :\lcl " illu~ . COIIII'I' ul '" J It. j{ ,. b.. lh I'd ll ll" III1 'dl ll g .• l l \\ IItl'l II l1 d N OIIIa ~ln',,1 , IS 1111 \1 the 1l1l1l11l1~1I !L lI lt 'V .\I .llItt.1I 1'1'<;11 Yield II ICI'cuutde. lI~l'Iellltlll'lll IIIld II I tlt o " tll e l' h"l he. ' alit! '\'/1 1111 ~ mi IIcl'III I of til e xtclld tJe! llrcu ~\\ l'rcd III tll~ Id:hllllutlle, bllt thal j " 1'1 11 11 1M III 1'111 1 hlu~t . .\1 1' Mc ill g E'I'I:I IIIII~ I ~ 1.. 1\11, a ll d ' which wtli (llltrllulzc thestl \'IlI'iuli . tur !lltllIC n' /IMII II he dlt! lI ut g il o l l 111 11 ;1- ,~ II fil _1 CIII'" h"I , ,, ~ ltll l' I'. tl,,' 1'11111 0 \\' {"lIlg ' \\ Pl' k " " t." r oud!! "hell Cull tllll!lod, Till " (lhul'elll IUI\.'l1l1l \IU S n OIl ' pll,lUll'llt l ,l lI d \\ tl i h, gl.lt! III d <l all \llIl'k ill blllH' lt .11111'11111. \\' It '''' IIl:'C I ., being so, \\ It " ",til qllo~ tl O Il thal/)I I)IIU ld), he \I'lllItl'd tu cllIlIIgl" ' I II~ 1111 (' III Ih l' hI ~ I . ,,) I. 'u IIII lit I the Aliauli VlIll ey NIIII'Ow (jallgl' 11· ~'"~ u !.! IIH'd IIdllllltall u', wh cl " TilE b est lJl'Illlti ,l of J'lI ll ls , J' r I'''''' 'R ,Is lOll th 1110 III\\(,-t. '111h' o:J"' The Nlili oll,1I B.II,], 1' ."j JII~ I ' Huilway lI ill lI 1l t ue II eU lll'CC .)~ "1'011 h l' 1 1l'~all HO lli e hulllgl.! l'ClIt Cillo;;, IIntbl l(':'. Ii Ill' ,lil t! d ll llll ' "'' ' '' III h,,, ,,es II Il IO. 11l.leI " nil nttnchlll !.! lit 10) 11- ,,11, 01 , l rT:~;;:~,;".'~I:r,::~'::"',,:i,~': ,I;~':~ . " " I,OMl;.tir.C '" """'. ,I,e A " I Olll ,U. protittultdstockltuld l!r8, uud tlll ~ JIIII UIl . tl <ltll '"S \\'Ith )II S Cli lle, 'II · Glugh,III1S ; C lJl' Cb, I "II, b" ]\ II, t - L:"tFlld.II" \ l'lIillg. ~I I~~~\1l 1111 1' ,,1' li ,t1r" TIIII \! L' l('ktl, Ill'l' l I .nrl~'''~'''·'''' '1\1"III\II"~I!1"".llI ltl kl "'~ ,n "'I. 'h' M'I",," bUlllg SO, whv s huliid IlI ell ul !('I{'U II", IlItll , ulldbYlld\!'xICl'tlIl S . " " 1 lIa \\· li:.:lltg,. I\"11 I '"III~' 11111'111 " 1 Ilc tl .1 hllrgllll ·l'l u.iI .tlI:III',IIIIl C.,:;1 lJ,,,,,, ',,111,1, ... .'. 1 """ ,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,," ,, ,,' 1 """U~II,-ww",k, J k tC! tIi C tI1l 1r v t ' t to n ti t 1,I IIl lllllltl'll.,lIl'lIdll l,.I . . ... II,lllllllllte, _.. '" ,, I.II Ig"' I ,d't l" l ls ulc , : IIltltl~IIl .. \ I .. l t : \ " ;"I ' \ \ I ,. 'HW1\C'nli ... . lllf \I I II r\~h... ' l t ' l ' l · lIleallsboso \\llIynb')l1tiJlI'etl l\ITo IIIUI ~IIICII t lS llI t all d l OC' " , ...... I)( ).. " UJ, ,' I IIO " t· ·:) J[1' ) ,,, Ii" " ' I ,,, .. ,,," 'F """ ' '''''''.' 1>.,,,1,.,1 .. . " .... "'~'dlo ... 'or". I TI 1I l'1I1 I v II ~~ 1'"1/ I ~ '-''h:llh~dHllhl "' \,W llr j,;; '. ' , hr.r" l td theil' m ull 0,)' , 1I1111 tlllle de lll) lite \1"" I, I e:lI'I~I~ ' "1IIIIIe IJt)~t " 0 11 till I I llall .' J: 1.I I ~ lI('tt [t"" 1' t"l\ hi.,S IIU W. •LI tlll'a II IlI r I I II J'" . l1t lllll ll I . eudy cumpl ti oll U('OUI' pro]Ju~ed /llIl el d\!. 1111" "'11 1l l lll lCI'pl eclSllllt i ri C' I'd lt ll,et lll litl' E:b t I'It ~g lH', t o:J'" II) Tlrr ~ S I'\ I /'\Il' \ ,\11 IlIl' \1\ 1 111;\ 1. !1~t Ll r Olldl-",f l'"ia_r eu'8, Il llr legllllll; bllt MI'. Mu he r's , \l 1'1l.' .I~ lull,,\\-. \I I'~'" Eltal\ r; l a. Th o Balik o t'1. II 11.111 IS Db.~:.,\,~~IU ~h~I."~~I~r~.I~.r,nll ""I,.dall_ ,,, ,.. "'V"'r; 1 1"' "., cl'.I."o,.~III." - - -...... pr ·~c I ICe() rll\lllrldltlllutd l' e,·t ltilll, 1\'"KEI"I. 8, I'll' s, l'l'II(,jf>l, ['lI l(·I . IJ I hgolllllllltdlllg L1ut t h(' 111' \\ Bil \·p, I' ". i I 11 lit. a It('gelher ('ullltI,~ . l.atltt ·8' 1.111(:11 (,',,11111 , !llIti ;.\l ~ lIlIl1lIi e,' T,I\('Ig ,1.111111'''. \1 O il Ii II,) m " llIlItg II W:l-J"III~ I1I1~ DO~'1!::ST'C Si.n.';lrlC ~!""'CH II'L It" O., o:J'" ~h. AUI'IlIi £'1111 , wlr o JlI t tllllI IllI IlOUg II I10 (II )l".1\\.11, Allie .\11 E,h' "1 :tld 8, 111111 l yellr ]JIlS cd SUIII ' tilIJ U III MIS lUI i. 101l Sh thu IIl'CC ily uf' hl'l!gll l~ 1'\11' ~ ' IIJl , Tllull'. l'O\ c l ~, Lacl's, Ed" ltI!!~. tlllh l't,I/!,: lllld ~II"" I'~ I J. II' I \' nlut! . .iangllll g 1111 1I1'''lli ld II I ho~s Ih lill :-.: •• , "\ ",' 1, .. ,,,I ( ' ,i •• I' ~" . . • r tl b t't I' d U,f llll e!!! ') 11 illtn III>! O WIl (·a~lll', ., '1 ... < I' I I II .. 11111(,. Hurd tlllll'S C,IIIIO ag llll l , LADlE" US.,. glles ,ul' IC l'1I~J 0 unrl'eu l'l " st t d t I J tl 'I ~l ltIe ulitl CU I ~11 LII,;eti, ,lilt! Sll.It ~tll '" ' 1,11 ', ;Iad ~tlt,\·t, Edd "' AI 1I1I11I" l e, _,, ___,_,,~_'?n MI'''T~ ; ::" ,\Pt f( F"I.S H I H.S . tlte follvlI' lIIg SlutelliCII t of Ihe I'tl cgy Ie 11 C li S 11101'0 tJ I~' II ; I' I, II \\' ,I Ill' tI I >.1 k III, W 111111 ~ ~I il lUI'. _ _ _____ _ II J [I I I () )' 1 !Y"';::> " F . K linke) ' , Dater Wine of I II ~. w eathl'r in J eficl'tSlIli co unlV, 411 8u he mildl y told hl~ tUlllh·y til ' 1IIII l, mil es S Ollth ot St. LutllS, " II'v III )(It him in !llltiltu h('lIld hlll' O' till' 01 \\(11 " I' , IU8 . 1(111 , C'.II ~I IJ..../ li lli e \l dl 1",:\ ,.. tlk,lllI l l'I Iron CI' Cl'nnatl' bc~t bl'd in tlt o hUU4tl. Tho CIi RIl \1. 11 .1 . Il 1101" II (''' rll illi ng 1Il'l'1l Ilig 01 1'1110 \V" ,\'III' 1\I\\'II "lll p VI't Ii " ,,~, , " ." "", . " In 1,,1 "' ' h, " ." "f Weekly Enquirer 1 Oclu ber 18, 1 H. P M CUIIII ,llI:o.1 , 1I1It! "as . ho \\' II \I (I-til Ira 1'1 ". IIId , 1,'\.] 111 Il' II (a)II 1 ,1", (II) d • )1' /I :1 '11". 1':: , :,1:,I t I. ,111 rtl,',l(l. I I II II S" III I 'I'. ' ,11101 1;,111 , 'I •\ a· :: I::;: " .I ,;i:, I. , I.. r'.' r , \ rill' ",,, .le",I," I .. 110 1874. A , M. Y, " lilt! I cd t t l . 11 /1 1' 141 II ,/I I , · I C' II I I'. III I." 1:' " l1g I!l' lIl l,lllllt l III 1\ lill"l' llUIIUI u'clllc t .. HI tll·;,.t S.I III ,dIlY I\L' lIl1 lg li t 7 " " ,1 " ." ,10",_ 1'0 ""' " "L1I.II'" I", '" I J>OI.ITII \L ..... (l ! :'I'EIC \1 , Octouur, 5-& 71) 6lt I 'CtI'll',H' r, 11111 lIIlt l • I' k d' ,,, ..... \Ie , . " ' ''0 11 . " n"d", "~ . 01' 1,,1111 ' :.II)" 23 47* M. d",sce lldeci fllr n light Tid" I.I~ IIl1d 1 111"1""ls; bkllt BW ld,. I~ \llh "!\'l'l l "'Jr'" ,01 01" ,10 ",ght . " ',, . ,01,1 I", II f..·I, j'.I/,'I~' I:f tlli' 1'1" 0 / '/. £ . N ovember, D :.l "light" 11110 a SOl't of e ml'itatlC pcp· S I S 11 l' U E I H Il , II . •,,, • ., ,I' '', "r.s " 'I " 'II 1"",, , "'" lj3! iT! 40 11 pel UOX "llIeh M. kee·p loll th e /uI ' r. I" ,vr I ge , I "' 11 . , -- \I .. Md l' JIi J:m.J-tl·C'd i II C , 01 I,. " ,,1 <' "f th,' mll. ,,, I,; " , ,""•. 1 , II 1'" 1,.10 -I,·'. or.o l '" 1'111 )01" •., . f,;;'II. 175, IlOn w so 11 to 11 '1 '" It II IIIJ " Y I'll I': C. , l~e, ' 1,1I11t11' Il .II L· 111'1(, tlluuy 1; ,1' ' "U'""'''.'' I· I·IIIt lIillo''' 'I''I' III ., "" ,,,,,,_. 1'1" ~I" " "IIIII'" e, . I' Ill lll ih lI"h ollt ., (.... U r . I ). , ~ til It 1 ',' Ud "/ 1~II .. h" lJ,: 01 t l.n h od\' 111 \ 11, .. .. f r " _ 4 I d 10 I l\ l r, I III~ IIr l 'fl lI ttl Jllllullry, HI* 30* 24!01lIlCSI,ll' "I CI'gCIll'Y. 1\11' ,\1 '/· 1. (' 1, 1 1 1'11 II l' \1 1'111"'"1 :t tl l·I," ". I'\1'W I1RAl - UO:\E - Alt" O """l1 "fBl ' th.N , ,,, ,II I,d ,,,,, I,,",,,," ",d" '"IJ',- . I".'J " ,'.lt" ".(., . ,~I" IJ'''I ''''IJ('' I') F ebl'ulIIY, 1 t 35 311 II liS n ut IUli g III II C(''' I1II ,IIShlll(! tlll " I' IT Sk t I' I " ., J lI-PI MI' I.l ad ~lrt·'t I,.I~ loJl1l! / LIlldl "' \\' II~'JI,... II. AI ·" I ~(I 1';11 t.) " " ,10, III U ''' ' ' ' ' ' '','' 110 101"...1 1'' '" '" ,I", ,,,I ,, "I Ihc ,He " •• , ;;,,,,,11'. 11,, ~, 'Iu. ' .1 r\ I I .. ~ l ' (II' 11 8 JlJ s tC s \ i'""IU roI p e Jlu bt ·t·n "" l Il ~ld l l! l (It tilli) \) l ' l lllt 111 " H r \ r N Jl\ln , ,,( l . l l lH ll lI . MI DIII ~ I llll l.. I l el "llt fl~ II I !lIe " lI d J llj Ut ll t IlIln l" l 11 lJal'clt, 35 49 -11 CII'IIIl, lilt lel!; tll l ll,'" I"th c b(,d · . ' II Y .elG "" l'"ud l '.• "J,,, ,,,. lI .u u , Id" k . " 1, 11" "1(10" , ,, , ,I, c ' . e. " " Io, o.' I" • . ",, ',1 ",",. """' ,. ",.1",.1'0110'1 Apr il, 4,' tt 59! 5_t luum to till!! IIIH liml 111111'11; It o cr~, EIIIStlC C uld .1Ilt! W ~ Lb . 11111111 \'1 .lgI· .1"" he 1 t'.I\I ~ l,d llllU , , 1" ' "" ."11".",, ""I I,.' .. ' ~ '':' I . " ",, , .J! . 1" .I,.~ , I." pI, 1111 1" . "' 11010"1" ,I". r. • May, 59! 7:'t OH hud " s m elt II lilt' IInu lI e,J IIICOlltl IIIIt a Illig I.' " ,1(:1 ,' III' ft'll'lIo1~ II'II U I ~l' ~~. I Itll ,.to II . 11< I ...·••, N\ IIIr' III · "II ,, ' '''. ""I .. I' •. , ,II 1111''' . , • • rI " • •1", IIct 0' J ll,lI. 79 1~ 7:1.1.• 111'111 Iy. It \\11 ' ~IIU!'l\III CIIII} di s""1 1('lIhzv 111 Ill S ell'I 'lIllllll' , tl I ~. ~" , : I' ~ III"" ''''~'J.t:'' , ,, ,,(.1I, I,,, .1.,1,, ,,.I, "III, "'e r, ...., ", '"'",', IIIl C, "'IjJ ,~ 'l ,~ I I h"K " . I ","1 ,It, Ito\I' ll" " "', I,. ,,,''"," '' ,1,,,," "" '''0 July, 69 77t 7_3 CU 'l'Il'U t!tlll tl d ~ IIlIntll'ICI f" unu C ~n. "l'lJlIl , g .. "d, a l1 d g uvdliIl1 8 1" ." /l1 :I\\,III I1 II1·IIII l'd .gl'lIl.tlg('/l '-' "e', , ·,"I. ·I ,k."" ,, 1 I I.L ' ,. " . " " " "" H,,,, ~ ","n, 1I1'"r to A t l eI! I I' t 13 I I tl"llIlll l 11,,01 - III II IH.: h Il'I e llll ~Ia y 11" •. "I ,0"",. 'c.,· '"" I" '" 'J!' II . "" """ ".tI. '"" 'H , '"11. , hllIlJ, til.1. 7r.l. tiO "gus. l • ')8 ' 11111 aCCHlila Clcap. !trllnu!tl d ,11I1I.ddt' 11111' A'f1'ACfll\1":N'I' t,,,,,. ' . llIlId .• I·o ll, tI . , 1\' ,", ('11 ," , I " \1 , 1''',,,,,IL'''Jl'IJI-tIl''<J III'''' Septcmbtlr 52 71' () :! ~ -I ilull hllllllt Ililti l!; 1' 11[' btrCI!t. IIl1d I ,, . C r II T" . 'u " ,II I. " "II 1111 1,," 'h e '''''"'' dll' oI11"~ '" ,.,,',,' OctuLer. 4:!t 571 lili IIl1s llUl evllI~'l'"l!dt' ) llI y lt l~ W('III',)' 1 ' 111It! e l"lltl llll !! plt' a-.lnt III till II' [n ... l."n ~I!, . r"n.w ~I ,,,,,,, ,,,," ~ '. I" II"" ".1"""" ''''' ''UI'I'. '' ".I " I -. , '"" 101',, ""0""'" 1" N be 37 ' 3t '1..1 I I I. I I (1 II ~\\ J JI~ lll4.· " all d I)J I':o I)llltv tdJIII(:' S I'\~ II .11 1' "\ \f 'V II) l~' 1 11\\11 111 1'11 111111 1111 " 111/, Ir'll ~r l) lIl rii , h lu r ! ! ) t il III f"'11 111 11 II ! Ih " I ' " \~III' I hl!PII' .. ':t' ~ JUU( u ua CIJIU-3 t uIlt' \\' I t l u"t ll ll g IS I OMraIAIJ .. ~hu('s f~Jl G(llltl l · I I J 11 1(11" " 111' II rJ lIt! I ,(' ltt,. Iall'1I1ulIl". I I'Hl rrlH \-\" 1I 01 l or 1'1 Ill. ' II I' ltP'l l lfll'lll!l " "1 , .",, ,. ",",,1 D OVen)b r, "6 "i:~,•.• .1. "Z'A 1.1. I)11 t II Ie l'lJ IIJ ~C I l so k 'tUI U I IIl l\ lJ.l.adl(!~, 1'I IR~t'ti a1td ( 'hildh,tl' "'r '') IIII ~ IlI:tI~II\ ~ ' 0 UI 1'1 I f I -. I\ 11 11 \1 1 .. I " ' ccell1 (.I.', v 1 lilt y Il' .. ' I(II' I' Apn.An I ~ ,f., ~lId ill l C I "'11141111 J Il l) 1-1 l ilt up 1",1 1, \4"1 t Il! (10, 1. ~IIIOIl \ li lll l' 1 ~ 76. l elJ CUVl;l"il1g JJ t Ibtl ,. 1(Iul ,II rt l -]lll.~ Htttllt ll lllllf ()l1l·fllllJt U I'IJIl~ II' l1 .. t 'II I \ " "III , I II II,f "(11I ' I , f IIlt H llall"l lt III Pld\ l ll :f l '/J tl ! ... ll1t1 ltl,,,,'II II ' \\\ UI'" II .11 III o " 'I I l' f'<:,'11 (11'1 IN ) 111/111 .. t,) 01,11'1 I X ' I'I' ", I), j"l II.", ,'111'1 f" I I I I' I I l.. <." ~ le.'ld(' I ~ \\dl hlill '( "I 1 '. !r' I\, I \ f'Jll fl •.,. p r t , t'''' Ulli l 'i'I ..! !turf 11 11 \ l UI II lo , "1111 \\ 11 I h l l l l l I '. I 1!11 1' flLl h I "'.!lIll l r o lllr'"I\\ l t h JUlIllury, 32, 39, 2f1, 011'11 ClllillU celli II 110 UUlIIIC wdl 11,1 tc III ~ lI( lJk ,10" " ,,, , ,. , ,,"11111.,,1 u", rI ,Io ,' !;I h"" "I I.. ,. 110 , ~I ' ''' ,," 11,\ "" . • , " I, ,," I. ,.. II, II" "'"I,",,,"~ 1"",,1. ,,,,hIe }'cbruul'Y, 4a ::Hl UUll seltcl·ellftcl,til " IIj.\1J be livldatllli luw\'l'Itl:~IIS I~Il'I>I th ~(,( ""II1I1 .,1 \l e'~I" 1~lI l1dl\lI , MII). A!) 1-; 1, 1'1 I'UI)"O:O< 1,,11 1. \1"". 1.,. 1. ,1"1.10,,, ..;:,1,,,,, 1' "",. , ,01" I•. II ,.".1 .. .... 10 " ,"",, ::: 37 •• lit \I t) lk CUll lll' hurl j" l klHI j!I'l I\' (; u" \\llv liL ol li ll I" III " I'CU"I.,d ,,,,,I 'u" • .11 ,, 1,," , " <0", , ,' 1'"' "ot. "" 11, "I r , I" ,<'" ,,, .!\larch, ...-" 39 f I tl II t' II Il' II' IlI'gl" I \'1"1' \CIL\II.,:\rl' /:"11II""."\J~$1 pc , I,"., ''' ' J< ' , ,,,I, I .. " ' ,. " ''''e ,,1 ,10,"",,, - -.. CU~IMI(!,t:~ ~lI'N I - TII C alllllllll l "IIlIlYUhuktt. \1111 II I'II ) IC (' , '. " ' c~5 , ,I~'l IJI 'I'Jl" d P" llI<<< ' " I, I: , n,""" " I, u, "01",,, 'I,t DEATII III' AI R J . S IMI'SON RI DO~: . C"111 IIICII (" '1I11' 11 t vi " .1 ~ IIl'~ 1 il le ' III I I\',d III ~ I 'I I II~ a ll d ~ II I II IIlel' ~II"'""~.I lill i, I : ~. I ;., ~_ ~I ''';:'11''''\ I I " I" rI ' "I", ", II . . , I, ,", • 1.1, ",," , Il ~,,~ II~. - Thnrsdll.v, AIJlti :31), 18 itl, .\1(" se houl II'lil OC('1I1 01 11 iI ,e l .!tlt l' t' _ gv"d~. \II ItlllJull h'n, h'ell ,J""",' H,.d \\ ', ," " ';;~n'''f'' 1 All Worms RelU ov ed AJtve ,,1'1: I· IJ 10, , " "" ,., \ "'''< '"" I""lf '] , K' l.l'f \\' .. m "\I' PII Y 111111 " 1 ",u~h llh J . SIIII[l OIl H ldgu dll)d <It lil t! hVllll' , \Jay II Cxt. ut wl del , t ll lll' thu till IIAl'J\I ~ L I,,, l ite IIL~I',tl 1'"11'1'11 ' .E Il~ t 111111 1.1I1"<lC k II I t I III I~~u~ t 111111" II" II, .. ""I, .1.. ..1II tIIil ""1111 1\\ II JI llIN;', .•" E01,"V' u,l\. .... I", -, rll ""d " t """ " 1\' " "". p . 11!II". I '.'"Illd r , 01..111oi l 11II I'j(· h", ... 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"llhu I 'l"IJ " 'd ", ,,~ 11", s" JClulIlla Hi bey. JUII C 1\), 1 :.?6, by , KIII (J .\! cCVIJIUS tllltl the Misscs ' , tllll' udd.,d III IllItllllll IIdlll'llIhdlty Violet 1\",, 10\'1. '10 on '"" ",' j J rI e i ~ :I ' It ~'IJ,I::JlulJ t clJ"" "'", . I,""robe 10., 110o year wholll he hat! tilX cb"dl'~lI . I£brlf'ltt. " E hUI'c 11 ~1 , l l!lld,, 1 JlllC III tlUm III IllI s dil l elllIlI 1,.1" IIllIth· 111111 II I e , " l ,oI s ~Gl- h TEl" 'I H I " -- -- .~ ... til tit c lu. III tl til l li dl 'ed 'bc. It Il~ '1,,,,,,,,111" I " '" 1'1"1'''10,,1\.,,' I I" r"ltI,lI r"'~I, ,t ", III,,,,' "r . ", ,,11 , T h -P bI' -G 1) Ic , o,.y 0" . ' ~ '". :'11 0 . Il r, It ge WII II nll'lLIhc r of the -pIes III LYt'" t\ uIllck GI'lIS GIIIIII I ", I.. 1". 1'''' up l 0 t e U IC en era '; ' ''1;' ~2 00 1 Froc· \\' illllnptit CItUlch,ulld llll PI'CI'ClltlOlll S beltur than curo, Sdk !l ll uI\l1I flllili s h D, css PH. 1t1'1I1· ·"I Jl ll ll :! .. ,",p, " oI'·I"nl,""I,II,"I .. "I ••, 1 II .. 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' ,, III; ,,,,.011 11 '0, " "·01 ,, Itll ". t.. "Iulo "1(011 \8. n '-' n J • I. . . '. -~ r tl t c,@ UIVl! fII C'Ul f.1l · 11t rill (11J11 11fO. d ,I .jUIIU Iglll",' uulfit .. couclul'tlllg th c r lill I/li eS; nfter Ull li la, rcliahl o /'I' 111 ' dy 1I!tICIt RA I' IIAI.I., EIIlUGUT&:Co. IUIIIIII,. It I~ atuctuftellll l'tlocd Dissolution Notice WII.LIA~[ Tl!fl)JP~O~ A" '''' ' '' '' T" It" . rr 1"'8" utlico whlt·h lito [OIl1UiIlS \\ I'C buriou ill II I'l' r lail s . ~50. I lll l' b 'lttlo. For II I1 U CIIIIIIJ) C!lItc(1 11110 11 nlld h~. . ' __ A"tI" •• "II 'H.I i t n . ' "Iho ~"'"~I\ 1ho .ldlll p a rLlHMull r A'lup", h1"(\rt·t "tn l'\\'".,\101' ~I!oIllIlg h,", b1.(((111 I( I r• I '1 •A:\f .M I/uui lJ III tcry. Isale by A. D lIll. s pca ks tit· Ido.:-al IlI el'challt "1.1""".,,. ,)-0 • : '\f l; L EAN, .-.----_.~~~ .~ ~'-= PI'Cdl.!lIt stuck i not nly IUl'ge bllt hO"n rh .... IH'd by "'''' II"I '''''' ' '' IIt, I\'" lat. 0 Clllfl l , 1/'lt !. J> 1/1di,'IIt!I.~, l/W~II /1 ll.t i, O. Til \' illag 11"11 d es rtl·d In t A fe w d uses ,)1' Dr. !\lUI halI 't! " --~;;;;~;.:;;~ III 1',11 it ty ,Iud jJlicu IS SIII'I'/:~~otl l.rrH""'j!fr"IIItlo"flrm ~ . I !/'l/I r 1/(1111 1' 1I 1"a,l/ }I'int ." ml , k I IvUlie . ' OW " fa k illg L ~ o " , ~-wlI~no"' ''le ,\ pIIII H I. ,10 11\." ' , t I" 1111' I Bln 111lg 'Yl'llp CII I'Ni Il ly e Ill It! ( ' I' U Ci' Ly II! ut her. Thu' Olu Uulll1ul .' I' [ 1/I 111, ,I ! /(I ,.r/l ( t/l (~lly 1/ , III I·,'II,~. P....bll.h'•• • \~ UJlIl'II~g of th e wcathcr to t"dl' udlllI (·(l ug h. ] CIID e it ot!I"U I tlltlW'lIl'~ to he depe llded upon : 1 NbW [tOE )]01'. ~J)fi" "jJ'I1r1. 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Peter Henderson.
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Sent Free to n il A pplloa nt ••
'.io \uJl 2 ('t)lu rcd rI Ult''' I I't.'l lt w ith " Ul chn q,.te .) IJUrc bIlJlt· r. 0 "11 1 or I he 1\1,.)\1'0 I hl"' ~ I.)(\()"kl. ticu& to all ot1h:rl o n rc:~(' I Plo ' c..o
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(l!lnl'llaI·,alli' ' 'lliiWlillla,lljIN Add..,.. nrdpr.l W BI!NJ. W . HIT nCOI'I", f~~I~~.r- , SclI"~'';,~~~~~~.!.~'i",,,·..~''~'/~~~~'.~I~)'' : ~~:~~~I~,~~. :W'ThirdAvnu"Ne·"York. ,
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F" ·tt, IIr " l·:l-i,·~ t k ll,.\I (·oI (lI\, l l''' " IJoIl'tl'"t Drill "t1;Jrl,,1 \\' u h,,\·t.: . ai nu, It "JllIl'lck SII ,,· " v i" " "l.!· It 'JI·~1.l
81t.. 'hare o
~~ DOli hie-shovel
thll tl'llde.
I alo\vs,
SC LK EYS FO R BHEAKIi\G PLO\\'8, ~tl'ttlI1~ .. llOX(}~~
Corn- Shellers, &c.
' 1-' ,H"Ul
All J.or 0 ne D 11ar,
(lur lA.f$tO nl n ~ t tn l p rl ("ntnl l1gll l" o r S"d, I nd l 'llt ll t~, nUlllht' I1I1Jit n ~ l'R~ " ", "lid f" lh ·
Our Combined Ca,.I" gu e for 1876. 01 pO " Tgr;
Seo,1 N t, •• " .. d
t ", u"" ,ul urt ic l,," " lIn L ~1.
Practical Floriculture Y Iolard· enlng for/;'rIl easure Y
h c. r
Ga.rdening for Profit!
U' It,!f 'I'
titre' of tll o 1lI,~T---
IrYOu ... I.~tOb.. O":~j,·dCODlmorcl. I Florl.t.
it lll' O
The 'J'rm' Oape Cud Crull . Dr G CvfluclI' of LclJllnvll U. ' "'" c m ...... , . Yull c.li , ,'" il. p'e.,' o I,·,. . Ad · C' ·'WI'\" hcst ""rt fur lJ l)lulld. , lid" 1 '. tl . t ' t I: 11'·.·. . .. 110 ;,101'. 10 II . "R~I ! . TO :-l .~ ' 11 .. • ell l' YCdtOI't ny, III Ie III ·~ I'C~ V I N . E \lO l. LAH S .IL I>. 3~ ll ," lllll ci d S I . • L uwla nd , VI' Gardell, by W u!' n e" ·ill o. J,, I..· I ~ . 1~7 .i. tho tral'oliul? lluhl ic, to make n 11,, .1,,,, . Mil." ' I I "" oil! ., lit II i . I'rt'l'li ii . '!' 1 pCI' 1\I() , ... 5 p C I' QUEEN Cl'I' Y BAKERV. c I·~portl ~j" II IIl'W Uway II; il' ~ CR 1II11 A;~rded th-;; Hi g hest Medal at i 1.l1U(). 'V it \lI C":liL~utlllt)gllc to tltc ~l.lIIl l fuf"lu l· " l'I ull k ll~ l l ~ ., ( H r.! ) HI ,,~ " \.. 0 ,)1 1'0) tltg un 11111:'\ cl'I.ng. Vienna . Tt'IIti c. A::rcllts wanl ed. WtlS n plIsal'lIgcr at Itlfhl III lin 0 1" It ~t. W Xr:::iO~_ Old (,' 010ny u ully f .. r "· ~I ) lu·. dll" It,•.\ th,· ~ llr rd t1t1d i ll:.! IIt' h l l l\, .• rh ,," ,1. !" l ""i.d alt"llti '. 1I i~ ,....i \ t· n dinar)' <:al' botw(.'oll )hilarl 'lph il\ E &. H. T, ANTHONY & CO, 1\l1r~c ril'~ HIILI :::il'l't! \\' al'e it Utl " I' , t .. I .. "" . bi ll;l Ullt! Bul l iul urc . Be ing a ~ II"'\' in .' , • hi s scat, a tUl'lI tllJ>pcd him upon l 5: 1\ B/"VrltllI.'(I ,II~ _\" II! } (Irk , l'l ynll> ulh. ~t a"e. E"tabl i" hcu 1 84~. CAKES FuR WEDDINGS his t! lwll ldol' lind asked hilll hi I ('"1'1" ~"· l l'n"I)I II . ", II",,·\.) 111\99911 mrON I! \ . 1'0.1 .u .... O".,\, I A;\!J L'A. HTIE ', • .. IT \. d I . 1M.".Uf..c.u~n'.IU'Hlr. ...r"'Dltd U~"I ...... ln:1 ' \ \\t,l llIue " , Onl .\ two D I ,II~~ , ' II des tluatlltll. · s l' plC , ~ Datl"ll '10 ' \NI) l'I)A1ll" i ~aI W I"' .. lIa l'kclj tbt' jll rej l:,,.' 'l'u lu n rc·\d · ""I" h"Ttu"li .'" 'l lt h.okl',.p moro.' ' Ytltlurl:lill thc' wt'ongcl,r,' i \.II {Ol' j ' " , ~~, '. r''100 · W il\ ''''"JCf) (.t' '''' lO''"' \v'' ~ '' I .ellll i l ~l suid the i 111(, I'I"t1BtCI'. 'Tukl) lit e S/' '''RI.'''SC''PI.'S AND VIII " 'S , 1':11 ? Cll t. Lt· ,,~. " c win !,·,,,I 0.. ,' to :",r \/!t!l:t t ' \.. ~ , I,l.t ~" U lI1.I 1 . , 1\\ h H' h " ,' j! UUI'Ii Ull'C will p ut .\ OU III th l! ' \I t.\' \ next. cllr hllek . r. C. took hold ~o,.~lr c.\';·~ e"" t';~'~',J '·@ltJ-~~ .' I.U ,n. ke ,2UU ,,11'0 11,11 . Il lld 1I0t 'like h~lf "I . 1I 1o ,," ro. ,,,,,I • • "pply II f of h i~ carpet·suck, 1\ l)J'ctty hcavy ~~ ~.1!JIIij'j). .~~~ ''il ~~ W~ '" ' Oil': t ime. ,,!.It,,blo 1'0 .· me n o~ "omoll. h".)·, 1Staple and Fancy Groceries ont) alill I)rocccd 'd IlS d irected. __ _ ~:' -___ ":'_. __ '. o. 1''' I.. .. nol ,. <." L1,·ely tlew. 1 hO" 8" IIU ' call . . , ,., ' r ' " . ' ~IU W "C('U!'~' t~ H.,\: ill~ 1 1 \~'''l l h 8S, 11.1 )1 1 ~j.' I1~ ""U~ '-.11" Thr h ijlhrl l ' ~r l' rk l! l ~r l.·t'iO pa i d, in U pOll I cuclllllg tlt o plntl V lin , aud Photographlc Mat e ria 1 s, ",<10 1110 . 1\"" ,;; III ,' ehll llel' or & I.kllmo. \1lI"'h .. r t r" ,I,' . f,,. C.'"Il I,,' Pr,.n " ,·~ \lAkin g )w ld vI' the door with ono _" IUlld if' 'o u " ill lI~t eml, m c,' il . le ll yo"r - _ . - -.- • . ' carpat. We UI'U I cudqullr~,:: r~r c I·er.nll,,,!; , ill Ihe d~8"l)i',,;;yo Ir ' I'l uJ f()r it. i:; A t'ORTl'S •• f or 8011u' w o rLhy & band,. will.\e I10 I.11l )..u I itS ..o n \\ 110 " ted. Il h " I I~ in g hllnol . , 0 Back III the OthOI, ho (\lund the , Nol .. " ·C' I'O. J,·wdr.I·. 01 olth' r hUII,b " l(. bUI '1'<11 Cll' (" llL Sh""i" ul C hvi.... 1.tu. iu ~r' d o.or tilstened and three mon on STEREOPtICONS AND MAGIC • • ~ ... nntl . , u ~u" rol~k, d hu. in e8s oppor- n lll l" d ftl': Ih. l'it' M j·"' rl.o, wlll l,,· cnt by tho I)llltli)rm ~1I0 of wh om tl'icd to LANTERNS . t .. "lly. SIIm !;I. ~o •. c lrc; , ~ u .. . .'\:e ,: 0 :, "t ".,ull VII reod" IIf on d Ili,r (Ihl• ., l' "id). or . 'b k A I· .Being )·t nuufaccul'e rs of' the st' nt ut au,,', _0 tlI 8, OJ) ,\ 10 1ll t ro 11(.: 0 t , ,n n ~l Q" I' I Ii at I,,) . nt H ol\eh . ' ' get hIt! pocket 00,. . t t \1 S .mo· mr.tJIIO""tJ. Il "T.I'.~' ' , .'NTERN. "," li e I,co . n'!.rl ",...h : n",:d ,·c!,I.Y lI nl "sd II ... , I Th eY"n n :,1 " It~ . ,,,,I. n·t! t h roug h .... y ' mon t tit <Ioor ot the cllr tro m I!ITl<RE ....."N .... ·.·.tJO:Y \\ ".. Lto .1ll1I 1< 1 . 000 II ) ellr . ICllr . l1ulltlr, d~, N ow, ·d ,' " I.. ", ll .. · lIi lud Sl.ilt.... IJNU' I!R.. I'.·\: ..TI!Ki.'cO ....·.«:ON, lVe lIlll kll';; t hll'. " nt! 20 cc oLA .. lid " 9!19 II . .' D l ·t I T B . wbi ch Dr. C. . hnd ewergeu.1 apollod , AD"IIKT ••U K'" JIITIlRI£O ..•... tJON, "' ill .h<ow V,HI ' how 'tl dOll e. ' Add rciiA . " I' PIC' "y •. J~' r Uu) Clltll , Olll . r~wn . und three l)aEl8 'l11:!;ors came ou.t, ' OHOl)L "RTU ..·. ·.1l0N, • HU!i;T Ell. & vel ., lliu~d"lu, N . H. 'Yhy ,;,,"\'1 " nt J- .. r",H CIlltl\),·1. I ANTElI{:-I FA~II LY L•• UHM _ __ _ Ellr ,·r tit,· \VOl "" . lJuyllltL. At . tho sumo moment t ho d oor In . . ' I'EUI'LE '" i:.A N'rKRN . .' SOMETING !¥EW HiKIt 1.i',.- \\" >1 ,,.. , Irun. . . front Of the Doctor oponcd, alld he Each 8ly:c being Ihe 1"'81 of ils ()I".~ in the -' :l\ .1I0R WO;flIl:N TO DO ', 11;,wn " hl'r tlw \ I 10 1' Orow :" .c"l1rno. wont ill alld took asoat. The tl'ain mil, k ~ l. 1 "' : / .,.0_ ......... __ e. }~ h r~ UII .I \I"k.~1l 11I1f1 1 .I·f ny \\ ester no.
v I'
j;,II"II'~ :
\tn. &~& i~t.otr" rAJj "f "lI kil\d'il\ l"r.r/"""io~vU:l I1
CIDClIlnat, (," Zl I t<: ,;IlV S :-
UBSO I·tll ll: lI-t
l .. r.be,I, ..... II. ,,, I ,.' .•,,· , ....... . ,,,,, . .
_ •• - -. IMPORTAST 'I'll TRAv ~: u:lls.-T h{' 1I< ''' ' ''lI l H " ' ~": IIII'. ~!rll" " ICI': ' • .' ". , .. ). lIut il,
on hund the bost
". ~
l!'liRr~: ~l,':V ~
th e I-:n'at ~h o w l '!' th e "'all~ aclllI ' - - ' !<I) - h I "1- ' .11 • 0 II r t ''" e· " \ _1 . · ' ~l' lt s lI o l'ticultural tel' V II • < •. . WtII MI',. flwl nrl'led 1,,· Ibe 1,..8" 1'1' l'c r:o* Of 'Bu" I..; UCIl' r y, 111 ion, ,1110 h.~ '"U~ hundred tllo UJoI,IIHl '! I(\ U OIl8 H I tli l o n ~ lut-l.t eCU~()tl o I gro'" Henrly ~ c" " u " ci l'l"lol:lr. . \ 111 1 \'ti l' iL'1 il'. th c 1tI"~t C '1I1pl ,to n 'lI' ...... ,eu G0e4. nl . , ! '" We Ca[) Hud les< I' '''' , " " .~ o'I,~rl,u u ·c . w " I ~' '' II': l'1 l llll I II tlt e ()l' tliltry, IlIc.lnd . .... 'u I, ..· mull or e' p ; C8! lJ .. O /I .. ,11, ,,1 le t III L! 11 11 llrl' lIe w . lurge Amerlcall \UII " t: ~ ood l'" he l 'J re t l&! \ W g: . WlIlI l d k· , I }" d d I;, ,, ,." t . e,·.rj wh e rc . N ll ri .\, " nCllpil " I •• III . , .·:l )lo l'll· · lIlu. rlOl' O' lIO~'GH, ",; Ii rt'd :-:' Cri \ ,tl \' C l'utnl dgu c, ~ruti ~ , hy" V IOne Cent bU'" .ft .... "'1 ~"rd. ~.lId lI ,ui. A Iso BuiuM Fruit Trcl's 0 111' , fIJ I' :d l IHII' \ 'U\, Cl''', t 'I , C U It .E" ~ ' . Ilir ' . a, ,,IIi ~ L8 , w e ,'II n 111,,1 dll ,e ll $ ! ,,,., i"~l' ", _1'I·l'g l·l'.: Ill:\. 25 pac k l' l~ I licl.·• .. * ~ " '.o.k ' . .~:: . 1111 for .. . ill".lc ,It' I! ~ r F lw\\'c l' 0 1' UUI'lI"," t)eed", S1.0L) by \·t ,· ,II
M ...IIY 1.)1)11 ~· " " r, h ",·'· I~.II.(I ..... y , All d l h .,·c ", ' W )(r" " 'n .. hi : .And 8uon l lJi' Sb l' ll h t' rd .r,",d ",illl'otUC AII /ll"kelllu l " lI i_f" I,I; AlJd tl H' 1'1J r111111'~t, 1 u l'ltrt. rh) UHlTO. With tlout Inv,·,] 011 0 0" fair.
III 0 , 11'/',1\ .,f Ih •.,1001 "."" .. " .,\ .·.·1 Iorll' c l" (' r l,tll' I'('ll i ll t lr ill j:li a l'h 't. Th ey It re Il l; J) .I r 7'o L'{ (} 11 A 11f. ' ''''I C '''' k '~'h'''':'' '''''I'':I''''Or lirl'l '\ I '~'" P''''' 1 PI (}. r. /) .. I)'7'U'\' . tf"i,' lIh ; NI C II .J[ O.' "/) . seOT{ '11
AI ..,. Oflio.· f,or th e M:Ulu(uuluru nd fbl o
l Vi" ( h1dO.. :OnJcI,. ft!'" Hn ~'" l' ut:lt·r.\ , \~ 1 1, .. 8 Pla n t ~ o f l'Iu.! Il t' \\' '$ t a nd fi n c~ t II" oro' ••\ c .. ,~ c. .. ,,' ",."", h,olf pro l·C. \l uJ sell. ' o " " r.l"lh "~.. ut VI' !.V O"e ,1., '1,,', . jr"I'I'II \'l'd ~"I't :l , elll"cfully pa<"i;crl ., . 1 by tltllI. ' 1 'I II 'r J'rst Hands fro ... __ n.(.. ~· an ... I'r ' I 'u l~ "J co UC , , '1 .,U,ebu," J " , , J f' 1111 Jr11111 ' . ti " 11 of Klrawll\'l'l' ics t.ovk the til'st "1111 . ell ru,. ~ I ~ hil t ' ·I)II 11 lr ... d,·"I.,·. 'J t, *:J I l i r . T id .. iK 110 h' l ll ill lI ";, 111'1 'f ic,", · 1'1'~ lu i 1lln t il l' th e IH'dt -'ol1 ('c tion,
t:MYC the Tu t'Uin p: of t ht' Air, 1 oun I",.r I... r ."i"I ,' <1 f .... I.te l·.·
r~'!:;' ~,':~:n'~~;~rt;~ ; \:~·~.~':~:i I~I"" ~~I:/illy~ S'I'IUNEW nBEIUU ES BDd PEU)IIIt,;S. '",1' .'".12,I',.,..' ","i",,· " f Iln. F .,ur l· . ... 11 tlII' SORTS BY MAIL .
Aud tll·"i!,l.t ..... h it.· .1I· i·
u\'cr'ythi u ll
Com eA 1\ fllOl. " ·li 011 Ih~ oltd r . lObo w •• l'ur~ i. MIl " ,,·O. k,·. With M h .." .. 08 II "hi ."rl frcl'.
G ROC E R Y rOil r It'f n:. Peanuts l ~ll::t~:C~~:~~
_. "'''VNE8VII,LE.
wun ld 1.1\ ,' t!
.. (
and Retail, '/ - - ---- _. cI 'lfI in th e l.f'~t III W tH' I', ArI ,l at In ,," I'rif'll " !l"'~~b Confleeti onery, l' )'\\,AUE i CW ' .u t"IsrmrUtSl tatlonery, . • . , l\obb's. /lOiLETSET:-i . Ft\N Tobacco a.nd Cigars, ..1 11 ,1 h ·II·." t!/llirl i ll lilli ' 1.;/1('. _.-__ __ -- , All at the Lowest Hates; D ' h H d T' $ It R. ENGLE. own Wit ar ImeS, - - - - TfJ?lln ,' lllQd_. 'tA'I:", Q . ! I SAVE MONEV ....01 I. . . . II bllJ' () 11 0 [ C .E M~~~ , _ ~~~ I I ' 0 wl", . ~ Y" u c .,,, It'" Flower and Garden Seeds, It 1 11 ,,111110 GIO:.Vdegotabt•• or "0' I m '1I " y'PI 'I'lh' Ho lla r ."
A"d ",'r
Yll U
h II oastcd! ~res
ooAum· 1Dl].lt ~~lElA9
b ,JI(\51)10l\(\ Ie Bnrbcr (\U~
!I"·.t r • • , .. ,,, t. ••" i"· I,, n, ~II h'...~yI~'w" I')n.·lit,,·· . th ey <I,n·1I ;
'VhoflP ltnllt'l fO\llJul1 " 1 <.tall I II funl'Y 1)11 tl .u .lai r .
Wh ll~ III .It,' n;:;;;;-;uv W )U""Ir tl tl1L'n t'" IHt.u "rllt t,;
Im n Ot'" lI"f 1'611 1 \111111
S lieN.
O,d e''!l m.'· I 'clo lt w i th ~ ; . \\'.Elorisht.
AnCi ..' tlt'U t hu
~I " i ..
fi rm
t rul I ; uno d"~i l·t· .dl p .. troll 'i t h o tll J fillll , and nil t'l h,t r:o' , t o gi\'t: th~ m IL ral1KTll l .rt·i '/ ' j....... p" d ect t4' t ti .. f,,(·tinn , \\' h ich ~h £'.'"
lOTIO! STORK t f ~ no.bS. 1_,I I J n.o
, m- .\ lo . lllst rU",""I . t nllcdl\ lI d tep oired
[1""1' lh ij Miumi alO" •. l ll'tI " llr e ~ ltlh·.
~ ,
wh"'r (1 t llt'l4e flclltlt 'lo'.·n htt \'O a t t)l1~ t lHltl lu v l iut cud t o k t.u·p IL full "t ook of SrHlult,.:,
First·Class Pianos & 'Organs,
~tl ' ll
G.·F,~f~NDEN, Coffee
~ :.:.:
II " .. ,".". T r ll nk •. 11"1,.11'" Ill,,"ket •. ft"b.". ,
I n~,~ Ue""'IO" ""... W. ('~ll, n.,~, !
11 11 t l
'U'£.OC~~ ~~©.":'.~M· ". L
yuur "" u l t o-d t\y ~
, • , .... t ..
1I ~"nK oo ul(ht Mr. J " llll W e'·r·. iut" r". 1 ill !
1111:1 1I~)\' t. cl'\t.llhliHlllll cm l . th I IIlI m o ' w ill btl I (. Ildll O I ~ll .. , the 01.1 stand. sign of tho .Bcc ' tfi '·e . .\t ai u 8tr~ I. '
ID:' U ~r .· ,. ~W-·'~~.r "",_ m'o u,,<l~r ;h en. · 'l~'l'r ·6
"'''\'NI£,'I\'II .•• Ii. 0.110 .
",nnhcK m ~ 'qlli\'llr
1' h o
~u!lt 1'eaeber,
i Pinoo-Forte
'If ,•. t M rfu I el d~ of jtfiLy . llul'o l\J(!k hunfl!l 1..tlfol,l' tlu·r \lr gWJl ill 1Il )'~tio liN"!, . ?'our uoot. ll'U.'M ~url' l y urihiuK the . 11111101\')' HAIt\' KH III ' UI,l , Al'ril l~ I 711 .
pea,• • lilt ~ " tn i!tht ~· riv ' r.
w.raot";ets, Saddle and Hapne.as of .. II kiuI!.! i ll ,.u r li ll". HEADQUARiER~ ?
"' l~o n' ~ tr illl'f! :111),("y MlrgoJol IIll'(oI-l,
A la rJl'~ nnd w 1l ·.~lcctild Ht<lOk " f ndcr· bi kin g Goo(l s QtJn " t l~lIt l ~ 011 ht,,~d. "nel e.&· p" r ien cd I'llr ti e. rt' l lli liod t il t .. ko ch urg e of tb .lt b fllll c h of lh e bu.i n"... . Ma rch:1I ,llliU. _ _ [1r>8_
And ttl hi t, \' h llv" n 'llI'h.·.l lh"c ri \'l"l'.
.~.. ' " ~:
::rr:llilfj~j8T: !'U;~~~~;J~~'i~~ U~O~~~;: ALBEltT D, H A~NES"
\V ith ~I\d ~1{'u rt h l h l l.mtt., a l,rt1:\th: Y ou lun '''' r'lI u gutl till! ~($hl c of p,,~.... i ')l I ~ , 'rill JlI u r "" ul I" w illi' nntl d C'"p ;
!\ru ulI d
II,u l. lo' •.
uclm l fo ,
IOU hK \'P w r~ .. t h~tl. f1 }t.' lI d . w i ti l ~o r r ll w ;
You 111" '"
1) 1):\". I'~.
'1IIid Lt. e 'l u "cIII)' /llltl Ihu g'I), .
l.' \' t.'!"
Gn~ ll.l lrn iui"tt.'r cc1 whon ,lesirt'd .
D tUlt.y
O.tJi <'",l7l // R ~(YidnlC", 1'!.il,'(/ 't .. '
Throujlh you r t f' lI c1ttl' (l 1'l>~ uf .,rr uy,
\\ A YNESVILI.E, U1110 .
' ,\ It SE lt.
Z '' LJ I 9totures, I..Io ~ l~ . . , "".y .Ar ti"I,'s
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,I J
om 0 in N a l ionll l n.. nk 13 uildi ug, 11'..1 J'. .Y/:.·, . 1'11. I.},: Oliff).
~-~"'!""--""------- , D 1-to 'f,. ' :.:·;':')lh~:;.~~~:iGa2otw. : ~
N,m by
-: .
• U' fI\ltl h 11 11 ~~" lI l' ,'het:k 110 Ion 1('11 I' Burn thl~ r+'"'' tin '" li t" :\' 0 11 111 , -On yOtlf bt" ,,· ;ll't' J;:'I', t \. , . , ; ~ t rl\llK' r
1 I lA.1t 1HD SU G OM. I
I h' or GUn', Ih ug
1throut. Mil d LIIU;':S , W,· M h Oi d t' In ." li~r,"OIi 'hot ',al ony p,·~'ti .I'". i' io" \0 wc"~ L" ,,~". ' 0 go t o th,· lr 1 ),· "g~i . l . .\ . P "II . an 'l I:C I , Ib ill 41 .. dki o ··. o r i'''IUi ,'c a lll", t il. II l'l(u l," ' I .iI.~, i ;, c e ll t,. ; rI.llUplc 1) lulc. lU ,,'I' nIlL I 1'~' 0 do . eo ",II r,·"" I'" CII ·C. IlII,,' 1 Delllec' !'Ull r " ou .; h . ;,54- l y
1. ·~..l' I~ ,\
,\1 D.,
gil" h,,\'e on.l,' red "h i. ~I utlil ' ille din'c'l frh f11 the F ltcwn', Ilt \\' ood l, u n .N .J " IUl d Ilut n llt) 'i,",,"! rt'po ri('(i 1\ Hi~IJ~· I.' frd lu r l'. I.Jlil ~' \'l' ry It.·t · , fer Mr e llkf!, ul i c! IItHouillUnA IUc" CI' jlfl i ll C U r I W.,..... yU.e, O~I •• ,tu g 8\! v cr c 'i II j.:,h II, \ \, ld ~ Kuu l('d 'UI t llt I - - •• ! - - - - -- 1I,·c..t . l' Oll~" Ill I" i"" . or .n)' diSe.,oe of I.. '. L h.1::1'I: ·, M. D.,
IIO .'UI-:OI'''''·IIII ·
~ T M\ ." h K• • HUlCe- it . . illlro lt ll"llt !lI llI l li t2 t.:UI 1\-'ll(1h. r1 t il ... im m cll <4 f' ftll h .' ul'
ted S t il l e ...
J ..... :;;.) _
Ilu",iI ... s ~
n,.. .
e Olll ple 1\,,11 1 of I, s ·loce ·, ';" rll,.111 ''' "'1' Il lt for 10 "~1I18 I ltt.l l l\ il , HI Auln r "il l' H l lll~ O, , 5 "I n l; II'i U "1 1U',; lcc t Il ,oogh I,! - It' e j;1
~" .. -
[(T' \Vurt'ullted to g ive Satisfuctioll.n
It l'S the nUl'cke.st Ba.ker,
\ I (nul J>,n'clble.i " I Sizes, Styles & Prices to suit everyone:
Mlnur.clured b,
WII RESOR &'r'O Cincinnati 0 .' .. E~li"tt ' '
A II ki nel;. of 'V()od Pu lOp n xtrcmoly low p'rl·cRs. ,. All P ' !,"" ",, w i"h ill' Illl thi n/{ ill Olll' lill0 will lind it to ihoir-inte....t t\l give u a call uofvl'Il lJurchu i ng ul.' 'whore.
r~~; . i:~ld!l~"'JI1IWI~· \ Wayn~\'illl'.
'''(I]? Trn . ~~ : U;' ~. ~~~Rs! ~ OQ~ .
It} 11 "h I ol ( lIr " III
THE BEST WOOD COOKI NG STOVE To BuY? It lS the QUlckest Ba.ker,
\ MOST (
Sil OS
1 Un/ fl l l l " " t . ( 0", I II If IIf (f /1(1 l}tl/ (( bit
Sty les & Pr t
S t ev ~ r'j 0
M. ur c " d by
WM RESOR &. CO CinCinnati 0
lIlUBrllar Rfter >ellr for II ong rellod
li li.i! be II a steady accumu lation of material about the souLh pol addrng \Veigh I, to Ulat I emlspbere Thel UI this WCll1ht o{ l ee In c r~l sed lho eartb 8 cCIlt.er of gnllty 11I1! gmrl uCllI y moved t o th e !!(1U11l al d th liters tluent III rI rood' enL hi gflHl tlltlOn b Ive ~ln1\l) !;lnlJ red IIlto 80IIti rn sen~ covering the lowlllndl< of the I!O tb At the IS8me t.uns tbl~ trnllKfer of wCllllTt frolU tb north 11M dm" 11 tho wate rs !l1V1l) frOll lIu Iret e rg 0 1 8 \ I lert tbe 80 I bnr~ u I sho 11Kto I fl j ct and become habit able I CC
- '- -=- - ~ REV 0 L UTI 0 N 1S T ""
TRAllr.! "
'T I n l\IF.N
n ut
BREAK IN PRICES WE MUST HAVE THE CASH r W fl M .... nn" 1M It .. II' R,,"nhl., . In .... " .. ul IA" • Prl ......... "" h •• IH... n .ntt• • •I"rr ."..... r Thr .........CInn ,-, • IIntt . 1....3' A~TU!'llI'''''NU
M:"' "'' ' F.
W ....... C IA.IIIINfl fn Till .. '" KN ...... N•• 4UM'"'' "r,,"~" O"'f..."· bu.......... tld ha' •
•nark'" "II ...."' .. ftl" .", ......Idun_ ....r.nee Ie' .. ' ......
s. WOODS & CO., T.
,~ .~
orIDMMOlIDhineHabit Illteni~rance
I'" 1
SL'ltAOUE &I (;0.,
n il DIt. IIt~ "!lol y ltno.. n.nd I) li u (II 'HUt: for \I,,,"mop' ('nil Oil or KddrOlill
~ BECE.1l21ohll St..Oll1c1lm&tl,G.
11 1 t r d
BAR VEYSB OR ===========-=~==
E .. '1.---
MBRlt t 1
EROA • ~lA Y 3 1 7H.
" AYE " ILLE, OBI( •
HO.lE ANI) 'BROAt). 1 HE old
MBER 064. Ii IIUlllt. liW . . . . .
Til I (> 11 " I I
t cloclr hM turual
TI1E Ilow lun llimount uf Lh :-.; It ," b luk clrculatlolJ ia tSu:! 000 UOO bilL lLc I reAl amoUl L JS In II h IChI! h 18 bUll Ii drawD iD aL tl! ril le ul fron It, to \.('11 nllll lulJd II til nLh Trt'lUIllrer ew tllInk ~ thl~ kl ntl ot cu rr ncy wtll be rc dnced Lo .252000 Ouu l y J IIIUlirY I 7 lIud QUI pI roller K Il UX Cl'1I nllt.e~ LI 0 r 1111" 11011 of tl C ClI rrt'llL I Clr ILL ijlJ(Ly 11111
A TUl ni b or IIMorllll. l illie IU lklUg I a tTiIl 0\ er th e eVlldli 1\lOUlltUlII~ UII counlilred IL 1;6 \ ( f K1l0 W &Lo rru F rem 1:11 ue U,IIYOD ttl I ruck \) t he ijno\\ WI (rom four to (wei ve f~ut dec I IIml III We g ul cl CIt t "liS 10 fl\)1II0 pluel's II hundred Ie Ldeep 11 J (l wht> hill o hpt. dLlOIV '-¢til "s UII II e ( V III I:! r po rt I fill of B 9 weheij Of ~llO IV c1ur IIg tb u llIll r
TIIINf.S /lEIt!: A~D THERE Who drlDks CQulJtry ed itor h "ky DIllIe ID the UUlted It 18 t.ates? wbat @taggers U8 cl ough to stneger anybody MIll! "MITulms se n( o~e r (0 Mr~ Doh~Lle to bo rrow a good book to read Mrs D I!('nt Mrs R copy of the Bible, ami 110 v lhey don L dpeak b rellpomse LO III inqUiry How bh ,Il 1 k ep 1IIy hllHblllld at home In the \ ve lllll g 9 Lhe I{ocbest.e r Democrat aptly ~ul'gr KtI\ Illite a c luo nnd try to cif! VIl 111m o ut. '111 1: \\fa) sv lie Bulle" I makes tbls In '1 UHV When n IOllier e neTS tbe saDctum ul a bUllY edito r lind the edllo r says, Had 1.0 ~Cll YOII ro IlIck whllt doos be 01"111 7 " t; ~AS A NTUOS ) II de rt.o.ke8 In a slOgle It Clllrc 11 en Illwra\e Wbat Wumnn W I lV "'he cuuld save n ne t.cmbs of LI c tlmo by "IOIply ~ llng wU IIt.sllc doesn t want Mus HARIlI FT G1lA y of Marquette bll~ IIlvenlcd a IIthur ilIl\ lUg Len kettle It geLs II p I U the mOrtllug splits tbe wood, bUilds tl c fire jut8 Itl!e ll on and makee tuc cotlce 10 tbell cnll. tbe folks to hreakfWlt Is elriy Chlldhol<l l OU may lay the fcund IlIOIi of l eveny or n cbes iDdustry or Idle u ~ ~ good or e \ II by the habll.ll to whi ch you tTUUI )our chLidren Teach tb m r gh~ b Ib lt.! Ihen lIud lbelr future lifo ill Ka le A 1<6 0.
ull the
Is every iocal comm uOlty there 1S aD Iwflll I ICC d. ~ of people wbose !!Ole lJUBlncSij la 10 go Ibol t. re preheDding gO~~1 p \\ld scand III I hey blltl> sclIDdal uml ~c uti ,I mou vers Their beaveDly w bh Id to 1>II0S by lhe fnLlltles of t.belr fellow men w t.h chanty uccompaDled hy 'm IOKlnu HllIg slUlle lind II critical sbrug lb It are m Jre cnt.lCILI tbnn real Beandal Altur lIiI Opt I mou t.hed Thenn te8 IS more o.dmlnble thau ploUlily leering lugo
rk 1\ uri t f
If " heH ( I I ~ ugtru tl\ O fi gures cal I atilt" " outl ) for I oat IIgo 1\1 ~e l eral I • 11(' I c ti cs 11kll g 1111 IIvrrnec of L\lcn(y tlVO c ltlrg WIth (he hlgb('st post Ii r~ CClpt! t. bnd ~ 1I al th e cILlzell8 I ny III In! lIal per capltn of . 1 01 for po~ tltgl' Uusto I Iys lhe I. rgen Bum Ilm )lUltlng to !inu l ~8" gros. nr is 80 per h ~ Id ew York \>,1'" f3 It. lind CIIICftgo ~ l 03 Tho IJrooklYII 1'" capltll M onlv forl~ Lw() CCIIL, b t III /lvcrnge of tbe 1)0 1 UIIlIlOI1 nil I 1 0 H.... 1 recelpta of Rrookl)ll 1111\1 Ne v, urk ~h J v 1~lIttb(' per ClLJI tllls::-2 34 " rthe rn ttro l'opulllllon '1 h s I ~ I p~. th311 th It of San I ro.uc seo *2 S3 Iudillnapoils '281 lind P (tsbllrg '262 hil L It. 18 grester Ilmu tho recei pts lit Albany $ 1 91 Uocheeler 1 90 I'r,(lVIdCIICC '1 79 nud CincinnatI $1 85 1 he moro Southern clliee do not pnt romzc tbe poetoffice to Lho tiJlme ex(ellt BIIHI 1I0re PIlYs ,1 28 per C/lpltn WS811111g~D '166 LOu\Hvllle '150 PllIladel, hln $1 43 KaD8u Clt.y '1 26 lind New Orl~all8 '1 06 helllg the low t average 1 be Detroit om receIves $2 31 per CIIPlt/l levelaud $2 and MIlwaukee, 91
IliF Ne" \
IIItc rcstlDg IIl1d cerlll II: t.he c< \I
T he \ankee8 Nowhere 1)011 t.let. U8 b~ar Inytb ng morcnbout the "hllrpocHt\ 1111 I busl ~1!8 en pll Ity of YIlI ke"... JIISt. thInk "f , lu i blooded M C ~l can IY IIk ll g IIILO 1\ "In Amoll() r nVI broker 8hol I,klllg ul' II 6 hilt 0 1 the propr cWr l h It IV n~ YllIg Ull lbe co uu te r Iud I~ I!OOD Il~ th llt IlId I dU1l1 got from un le r the coun t.c r whoro be wn~ ellj!ngcd collect ng 8 slul ~ box of lIJatches ohlulUlng 8 10 '11 of SIX bllA! from 111m 0 bid own lilt whlcb 11118 duly ticketed amI sto wed IIway 011 a sbelf After II willie the I'roJ.>r elor Wi shed to st4>p out and could not lind b j~ hnt and "ftcr n protract.cd8ellrch nccom paOle•• hy UI weruu.1KJlgt , t DIOIt!! lind other ex clamnuou8 01 Impatlenctj tbe foregolOg fl o l s were eliCited uh yee we nre behllld tb e t,wea bere ID & u AntoulO -
Ad Ycrtlsing PeOlllc. &'Y" tbe Bos(on PO-If. Peollc " ho advertlll6 lire smarLer tban t hul!G who dOD't better looklllg, Lou DlDe ID tcn Tbis 18 natural If not loglc;al Adver baing II 0.0 Indlca\IOD of intelligence aDd IntelllgeDce 18 ODe of the lelldlDg clementi! 01 good looks At all evenl.ll the world belieVI'8 ID tholl6..lfho ad){er Uflel and It plaDIa 11.11 dollal'll ID Ibelt poolteill. uch are 11 Vll people aDd 10 th_ live days nobOOy ",aDIA!IIDytblDg to do "Itb any but your live men aDd woDlen Ollf advice to everybody-ex cept In matrimony-Ie to ad vertll!e H II lure to retum l&Jtely, inereMe you r reputAlon .. a b\lllneilmaD, make hOlt8 friend., aDti add \0 the number of Ihrewd &lid een.bJe people iD the world,
01 wblob there b.. I18ftr ,.et been aD
&m AntOniO Herald
10 ) EW18 has been lecturing III San FI'llJICII!CO 00 ' In(emperance He ijIIld In the coune of hl ~ II\( ture 'A grclIt error preval18ln th,. lUte aDd elaewhere III 8ul'pclIung that the 8ubetJtutlon of Wlne auti beer for Itrong Iiquofll 11'111 favor temperance Wine I. wone than WblRY, and 110 people 00 the earth are 10 cunlllCl by dnu .. GerlB~ by lillerbeet' I moul'll DOthillJ iD Oallfomia 10 much .. fact that It I"
• wb.produciDa
\ All LIED to B for n loan of '100 Brei h ed My dear A, DotblDg would ,I elll<6 trIe b4<tt.cr th 10 to oblige you aDd 1Ildol~ IhuHnttlOObyme but you III .lre U note and I II Indorse It lind you CliO get the mOIl~y {rom the baDk. Grateful A prN:ueded at once to write a note tal IIIIld B mue It $21)0 I \Rul $100 myeelf A did 110, B IIIdorsed lhe I"pcr the bank dll!<.'O uuted Hand the o oney wrut d" Ided WheD tbe 1I0tewIU due B was III C IhforDls and A bad to W"tt thc paymenL What he IB unllble tu C~Iher Oll~ IH wbetb er be borrowed 81 0 fA or A borrowed ,100 ot him
Troy's Tom Thomb
Troy IS UO\ er beluod tbe limn In aDY tIling Tbe last. se nsation IS a lad who Will prove II formidable nval to General 10m Thumb Tbe lroJan Lthputl&D II Henry Jobnson a !!On of Frederick JOblll!O D the tailor! at No 8 ThJrd treet. The boy Will! born July 22 1868-Dearly ~Ight years IIgo He 18 two feet UlDe mchee blgh, w e lgh~ twt'nty two pouDdl Illld meaaurll8 four !Dehfs arouDd tho upper I\lW HIS father Informs us that lie bllllll Ot grown a partIcle 81uce h& w.. tw and a balfleanl old wben h bad a IIIIvero attack 0 dlpbthena Mr Barnum deil1rea to e:dublt tt e IIltle fellow and bu offered fllr~y dollanl per week lor hill klenlcel Bonry w~anl .hoel If.. than lour lOch" 100, Be i, Dot a!.all babfsl, and can log Hold the Fort Il1le. tru T1lV1vahsl.. }Ie b .. b&eJl pbo~ graphed lind eltlwna will have aD opportWllty to _ tb& {lrodll1 Be po. 1IIli6e8 ~be ordlDary IOtelJI.&enct of &II e\jebt yellr old cblld aDd wbU. la \b.
JERllY HOPPER 18 tbe Dllme of a MIchl gan giant now hVlDg at Bhlllllield that Butte J e rry haa beeD ket'plng a salooD atb declanng bls bat red 01 the bU8IDellll hili! turned hl8 shop IOlIlde out and hiS atteDtion to otber employmeDt He Iii /I buge fellow pby slcally belosr ~veD feet sod seven lneb,ea 10 hetgbt He lI&yl tbat he IlIteDds to tUII time thle Bum mer to jnspect the OeD LeoDlal for a lew TI_ C\lUDIIDI room 7~rda,., IdDOtb weekI!. IDgeecape bl8 DOtice Hit Atb., .,.. he learD~ rapidly/ allhouab h. haI..Dow PEDRO Will travel very UDOILeD yet beeD "Dt to ICbool If. I. eo...... tabou Iy and wbt'n be wallra IOtoabtltel ahlYlmailer tb&ll T. . lblllfab. with. bUDgry loolung carpet-bag and. ID' oal,. to &ha&. ce"bl"1'''I'::=~~ IInl'n d\lllter, IlI\d uIui tor ~_p l'80III, .BAntUID wW " ' obtala 1M DObod,. will tab him for aa'Em~r• Jdaa at .......... . , ........
hn tltfll l b ' ",'rid hu. r Itl" II. III "I" inK It It ,~ i I'" r III 1,Iul" " (uri. I·llun:. "II 'I .. 'to. '"K , T lit ,J t • ~ Tha~ \" V"IIIlI:: :\111\' 11th, II •• I'M" U ~. nl'" , lilt l'r\l11l1 \ .. III "'~'"U lIull. 1..:10,111"", .. • ., ".,;, • it., l'IIII, "'l II Ilk,'. ill 11 Ii .. ,'r 'O' ' II i>,p !I I' II h I . I ' . ~llIdullll' l'r',1 will I ..I , u II.i~I'11 ", 1-' . 11 I~·a..... IJf I 1111 .. to I ,· lat.·t I) . , . . I' 'I " 1 I '1 ••. ec. .... 13 'hut chOlll tl'ud"'r:-; ,I, II t tllrl' -- I Oil ,,'rapltll tiC I I "r" h\' Ih t' 1I1t1,. IlIli t • • :1111 WI l!'\'l' ..... .. .."r. 01.1 Urn po.. ~I"re. .... • It.wk I r 11111 II' ., ~tUI' II·~. t Il(' J"" I I1\' \.1111" t 'JI "rr:11 '1111"1,1 ~ "\ ~."r I,r,, • 1,101 ... " . Ifo. 'J A ,'('illliun "t' (,Iilll 'II !l lId " 'arr"n, - I.alllll' t·'lIlIIn •.\·~, USc. u dlf~~n, r.I1I1I~" . , .111"",1 III 1."\..""'11. I II' t ; , .. call •.J 1" lI rdl'r "ilh II \'l'f\' .. rl'. "" 'lIl'ru!JII)wi i,1I1 fillt'll'. ) l" .".".I,,,uIII). ".1".1, ,. I",IJ lyllu"'ln \\ III t i l i.. 1\ I', ) .," r.tl\",' ult. I tTl In.l w.llt!ll\""1 , tit ttl Ut!1 U" flu P tl,ultrlly tl .. ", b~ OIHt ." In\\' It'tlI ·1\.1,·lIl·,'. ... h 'r. 11I1 "((,((," \"11 ro r ..... ,,, ('hll " 1'.. .... •S.. 10Ii lair t Ill' l'X,. - ~Ir. ,/I1\11l! A. K nrtl·· vi it d I J S III' I th'I" . ... 1','\lr "1,,'11 at \"Irll,1 'n ",ill 1\"J..1'1 1 ... '"r I,1....... ,1' •.' III, I1=" ... .•.:.1,I,1,""' ., , h , .. , ' I'll,... t ~ IttUIi th 1,,,,( J" 1ff) r 1 :.5 r . . . ~ ... 14 torei \. lJ"1\'1 IH' Ih~ n'1It1~r· ( iucillllllii In I W ' k. "~'\\' ~"U>ic. ··~r~. . 11111, /llIl j : l'UIIl'I'rt ltl'g in lit J I' ". I•. A Il. I"~I: . •'r,,' ..... n dl r il,r".II". \\'Ith III' "'H" ,ul'n, u hn,hli .. ~'1 no. · n nl 111 p ~\'. WI' l' m .:in. l'U""fonwr_ t.h. ·T",I"'~II " ,,110/'1 . t ' l"pon.lg".I. 11 ' 1 I tl hu . E. JllIllley tIl" rhll ,Jr'I'lll' tlll' ' j T it'lw lor Ull' lIt hllll k.l ll re lIlHI ...1l;c c IIIlt<'n'".I",1 N ... r "".001 , 0 r. \\'''l.,.rr~ mall. illg \~f \I. gruli. "I ali I 11'01; " I - ~Ir. Ot'ilrg \\1". 'ri pin vi it. d l>lIth l'f' wh nl '11'1' tllll wcl kl"'\\'11 I JMl'iU; I. Wll .' HTU~. . " .... I ;>.l.n' 10 r"n d-II_". " 1 ocll I' ...ill·e '1 ,, 1, (lIlian '",' burg. u bi, 'illcillllati I t week. . th O '1 • .. I 111' t llor. .:UII~ \t:\'t~ . ".r ~ M I I I 111 Iii CV/ll IIJ 1111 I Y . v 11" 'I I \\ IJ U.\I «\l~. 1\" ...Ioelr of <1.:11 •• ,.,,: '. 1 1"11,,,1.. . I :\ I·J by . i~t1 \'Ilt \,tltt ,eur!-:"I1. -. 11 '. M;\I·tlllllluy uu hut! ber illir In 'liun 'XCI'l't ill Ih .ir lI'w l ("1'0 "wl('kM. I Tru81"~ of 'hn.lI,u hurt'l •• w.')I".vill\'. enl • ~ ' ~ M~1 R (1·~~ I;~·~:'\:lrl~;.t Ac ] " : .uu Im'~ .\'f Iii· d~l. , Wil ' rl' id nCt n' lllilltt:d. lille r 1I'IId I. t'1t! ltll thl! I 1I11d I 1110. 'J \n :\fr. ~'lI lla~ . uf . ~'Mr. 1111, 1:\1 \ ")!DUS m ... k", lh 'n hlllll'.\'. _. (hv Thn,I fnr, in 1th itl lly:': • BIII>",... AU 'y. I ,iI. (rr f: •• 1 .IId '0.11> d"". I 9 II. tl!"'11 L ·bllll1I111"It lill. willi r 'IIU nn l':"(·I·1I '1l1 • r . , . • J I'tilt! pI',II'I'"'Ct I cr '. l M ... a I 1' 11' ,(I-II . ,I\,c 1,\ n .. n~ but f1r.t-cla. .... I fl.. W""I ;.",) ;'''''Ilt PUPl'l' "II 110' t of C uit ",I \'1 It III t . 11 0f11. " .-TII'r' i I I 1'1 • I r lIU 111'1' V) '1''1' 1\ ' H 1'\1 ENT. ~C=:!!!J "I t.",~" .. I hOlu . ,,,,d ill th .. t; I iI V A I..... "~h i'M IUl of - 'hle" lJ i t' .r~· ill " .11' ' 1'111,,,1 . T he .-. Iu~tl'r.' I.hll. \,1 CI~ ~ \'ery 111 tL H~hl.,,1 cllllh'\'H'r, y 111 110· Hay . -~I r E. U. (,h 1I(,\\.('tli ha irn 't. '1' Ihod 'II r,' " •. Mqllilllll"II. u" ''''cl \\' 11 ' Il<n l'" in tL "'1'" with C,'lIl' IIVII I lloe bhllll. " illl! di~~ri.t \\hll'h i CXl'llillg . . . I . . . 1 I' .. ( II " " " I""". III' he Nul'row ·lIn ...I\·. li nd r t· .m· ul'lt, 11 111) ',lOll rllll'I,1 1II 11111l'r', II;' - FiliI' B"x 1'111 ·r. fn'1I1 211 II' 40 '1'1 I! 1 I I.' I PI·\I\'t·I\ Il'eI pn'I1I1"'~ \\'It; . II lIew ~ \I1I,,,.1 \\:,111" "" .1,,1'. \\'.", II' c .. . Ilhi.. . II! UO,II'1 r~l I!;lnllill Ii.· 11('1.'. llr. 1). H. 11'111'11,11''' . On II" 1,1, ,I" .. r '\ 1'''1. .\ \I I"~II . .,,,1 " ·1 .\"'IIIP I~ "lI ·"1 nk"l' 11.1",,·.\I . 'II.l', thl' '1 '1\'~l'I>\ ' Cl'lI t t \.I. 'x. al Id D,u" ·t\.lrl·. . lIIueh ".I\" I ' IIttl' I )1'lI li\"·n . , 'J" \\' II 111'llU IIUll UI\·Ir.",llf\'l·.\' I . ut II .''I II( : t ,. III,' !'I1IJ1lu( . II Vl' ry I;'\\' ,.f " I I 'I J ,., I \" lICU tl Ill'\. t t " IIl' 1I1lI ~ ' tl t 'I ' r I 1;,11",\ III ' ~lIit. 1... li .... 1"'"" .. " ( oorol I•• , ,If 1111,"' ' 111," )0.1' ,,' IIII I TI I ur. ' 1111"' k 1:11 - .1 r \'i~Ull I'll. 1\ la:t V·I'I' \\.I ·(·k.• . 1I1\' II' II'Jl'C .... '"" " '",~ _. ,"" l'II'l'tI!I~.LulI' ., i!il \\,,~. ", It' ~II'" ~ no,..I'r"IIIIIIl'lIr ti <'1-1. II r'lIllld- wh idl Huil1' i ".· d I,I I~·t L'lil1l-: lu t "'j" : ~ l lIlIdll.'·.10: 1 I II • lei - ~Ir. C. F ~I III'I'I\I'. i "111"llIlillt' th~lIb"':""'""~I. ,u,.,. 10 ''' ."II .. u 10"<I t nU1I1 till , ." .. ,11\\ HI ,.,.• ,t r I:TI),I. - 111' \ illiUIlI Jones IIII~ II ' wlv I Thl' H.' j' vi II oIi.,l!'i , i Nil. 4. H IlIrg\' bW('1 t I .Ialll hl·.I . Chul'l,· MII) ••\ 1). 1.,711 T 1'. II ILJ~UI'o . EI hl·I [ V\\, "'I.~IP\llIl . II Mt)I' I, I,~ ~lwlll" ~1\lhcr 11'1/111 ull ·" I. II·I·l'~. .. ( I ",I; . "I". III·" rll li 11\ ""l lul~ \\"hel' ' wll II I.. ..uti IId III III \\ ," " .8 IR . I d I' I 1'1 ' I I t ' It i IIvt IIU IJI'l1il1'Iry ,tlb u 181. i"t III I 1111". wl"'11 )'''1 . 1 po"d I'~'ad.v . t" ut Dl'ssolution Notie.e. UII o I.. 11.1' tHI" "f. n. " W;I lIlind a 'rlll'tllr~ Ilb dl· ('(,. lll. ~I ' II~ LI. I1~U O(I! I II I'll I ,r.l' .. 'I "ut II )'11 ill 1 IJh.dl:11'I(.t C'VIIIIIl"I.d vut yllllr 1 ",tll~.'lJ. l 'lIl1 1I1 .• IUIII. • E \ I, · .' I' "111:1:1: Hu I ' '-.1 I"'~ .IZZI' III \rl\ III 'r I • \\. I I 1 '1 I ' . I III Th. 1' ... 1", <.1.". h,....I•.rur~ •. ~ .. in'!' b••• 1111 ••1. III rt I , I 1I11.'11l\·LI 10 gI.'l h l'1' by hi >WII • " 1' • 'T 11 I . 1 ur fracliullul "urld ttl' \\' /1 '11 (' h'WII. 1111 C III 'C I 1,'1'(, ) I" ••." .1"1,,, ~J" lhll ,,,,,1.1,,,,,, , \\" ".11 ., I",. I " I . j ..' J. II\\ 11 ' v . , . lIu.i p Klld uguC{.l'c r. . ,.'11 JI' [IItI\'(!lJ ,,(u I I 1""'IIC'll'l I I I'III' II ~ 101t,,,I,,,,,II.'' hY UI"I"OII """"""l. liU I I ilt' I I'll 1:. l'W" wn" WI) ·\tI IlwlI<>hlflllc 1111 ·ung ,I'. ILU~Ulln(I 11 WI' 11 III" ... III l'r r ' aliI ' ' h 'k tU\\'1I hlP, £' ,.1'1' . . HUll • I t II· ~ ~ .~ th o . ~ 'r ita " 1....·lIker t! ell iolt t - :\luy,)1' Uud"tllI hu .hll~ 11 ~. 'ry r~~111l cvudty. . on 'O ll1 llll1Y 1I11d SlIlItinj \\t'l'k. ut I,'r r" "r",~ ''''11, 'h' IIrn' • ...,)1 • \I.!Il'~· think tha~ thl' ('hil't' 1'('\I" i~ito lu I 1:l1I~ .....1 I .1I1 It III t rvllt Alxllit Iwellt rcr.~'\lls in tile di . t lil' ,'JI ·luu _ ____ l 1.. . t 'nt!lt "\ . 1 , 1111 ~ \·('rUIll1..1 ... 'I l' l .Ull ' J'>1IJ1111 I ' t t•'l 1111'(' I I. . \\'II.\" lIt'''' lilt" .\p ril I~, 1~71_' , .11 rnu IU lin I\r nt'llr \\ lIte!' .. ltl·ce_" ill l'II'h ilw H i tl, I'\' Wll 11 ul III re Id ·IICIl. tric, )It'ti li'lIIed thc W It'l1 toWII- VIII III/! the s'l'vicc 011 IIndllY, th o , TO 'mB PUBLIC, : : iJl Q. r \'i ll "'.nYII \'ill . 1' Ih'c, wtlll·rl·lIu . c,,7I!1ciellti';I;. I(,U('h -- M\· I. n. 1.1111'1' i Huard of E.dllcut illtl lor' a di . 1" 'I':;e dl'ivl'lI hy Mr". J Lylo I laI. Ii.l~.tt .. 01" tt. ,,1\ 'I Idl 0 11 li n., er; nnd 'un:! ' ull agr e \\'Itll hlltt. Huc \'e l[ .. lIl1nd 11I1\'e '1Ir11 I,t\" d II VI iVII 01 the dl 1~lct. lind so mc. I' I'U'C I; IliS ' b1'10 " '1 " lIlI d .\\' 11 ' II \1 III' 1e Jltu'in~ t'lIgl\~t.1 in th\., 111 "1JI1(d~tllr, 0,' t h" . lit) ], 'I,. UI I" It A vory intel'es tillg di';C lld i,'II ... n t1'l'(,6 I;,r the C" l'w ill 1'11ad. thillg tiJl't:t J'l:!liitlC111/j vfthu 'I) rll :1111.\ " lltS (I11.'!1 brllill Blaek, Violet and Red INK,' I\W ' . ' :111' , III n"n~' ~H.".": HUll the 8.lIbj(·ot .un dcr ('tJl1~ill ·~l.trOIl, - MI'. J . G. l1 i I'yo/ld ~ri~s.I"I\ ' £Ii Ir i.t rCUlolI~trll tuu IIgllill t 1I11.V I~kl :S~lm .ht~ ~III~ In U 811 I1ds .gulI,,!, 111m rn'I'IIr, .• l Il) r"rlli.h it in IUrl" ·hr. nll,1t N",, ( J ,It l 'U • Ttll ~\II ' l' ,cun·. cClll' lcd the tIm" IIl1tll the udJLI\\I'II ' 11 '1" t. 'I" Ir Vu k 1' '1 \\'''r Illlll'l'i"d · "1 \'1 I II . Iur 1\ Illd.> 1 ~1I k. hll t. h~ \\ u~ III ct "1 " "" tilh.•. "' "ory I J\\ roll... I ~ I. I'" I "l' 1 rllll "1' U u1I1 r.C I u ~ .. .... u t tly "I"J II I 111 1tl U 1111'111(' , lmlf·l'lIt f tutd vilit bo ult.. • W lI!1 If 11 w'nt fur dinn r. ill ....Hur1'l'ysbllr ' yesterda wh o delDlIlld.otl tlivi ion ( 'llellr , o. 4 ,N vrt II At 11111 S I.. r lor Iho pi"t. 'l"llrl or I<"lIn" RIIOf I011 IhQ tublc· II\IIU An er purtaking nf tile OVllllte· · -1' ,I I , ,n ' I th e d im"ict ii). tbat 1111.1 'l'U\\'1I8hip II cllul"u .01 mCII. wh v reo Cull u" ,lr "ddre.H n. R. ' GLIo:, , ry e o~ el~" roo \' aync•• III •. 0 "t t Ie III I'mg.h ollse.·~O 0 0\ huejJltlllity of "111' vIIIII"e, IIIe d tI t .t d S' Ollliln \\. \I Ullurd IIU8 puw. r to llh' ille it ;11 t t llrue d I11111 t.o liS I l'nl'!;lIors . • wh.p '(il Ro· lc .at. and t ! erc illt rsed tho Aij@vol ut ion lu·u:!lIclll ulcd II' two 0' · tLU 0 ex r s, nil Ii) l;n I I UcI ti, ' \,,'n it] any olher urdil;lIry \\'l'I" I'CI'Y grtlf .rullO 11r ~1lI hit· t" II' . " 6. 1li7• • c . lib hill ·ron te. . . . clvck. Aftcr lID: (·x c.:d lent mil ie, lise no 0 J,e r' are dl·t!t' · ' . 1 district. whll rl'l1Ju ll ' MVlley wvuld nvt bUY I A Family Paper . J lIr 1 M>t)IH.1tlJ morning. the survey of the allcrtl\}(IlI -cs-iun WI\. ol'olled 1' --D 'I" '1 Illl y. a"uin t the'tLi, i illll SII" that IIld Slim unw. " h< "," Rt 8. . bIgUIl · .. tart· . . . chllvl. 'jI ' 11)' I011.' III\,O tl ' COli I VI8111117. " . . J, ,. •j.:.· • • ' " 'I ,e "ndh'a,,~yA rhcl •• ofRllldnd.l ll qurlinB, tU&!lIpl>CrroUIO\\W\ o· till d'" Itcallllvtbcdlvld"ct.I I.x'el,thvth - AII'. \Vm. Z. r henowntI I lIllS on)·pRlcr.·xp nllJhu",I,u" ""J,,, ."'It,,,,IlIIJ,,. ln\ •he\lull. .mg Ii1'\'10 n II r tl Ie '1' owns I"1' ' I'me U~ ereparl:d IlIIu.1 ,'l'Uu.1 I.uy M 1'. Iuro ' • ' . the n ' _I 10 low n. -. I, I • Ih,. I' >,,10 nn", • I C'U U: 1'" in l,' rh.. !(tlorl. llIIpo .. ,1 upon anybody vu, 0 I t .Il' lr . I'C ull \'CS IU jlS P lice 1111 c(III, ' /II'l' e 7l1 rid/Oil vi n Vllrd 0 r 1lI 0Vl'u l ite. .I. ",,~. re." I.. .,' )10, . crus .Ill/!: ., .... OW ll1un 't! R1111 t " / t'· 1III1In~1 · . • n C!lII t y. •cut .ll)t1 of both \"'1 1Iy1lO t"\\'l1 $I' . · 1."i"11 lf.1tt1.) J,lIII .c:..:o..U,!\1Ill I~ .ty rtrnv."" ,1't~~VIWIlOI) "'lnIinll1ll .• • ...., n. hdu "I' - Th o "'Olllell h 1'0 111' nil "'n It \ ': '. ,, 11,1 IUU.UIIO lO<t rc J, I' ghl'lI .U U8CrI 1Tffio.lf Va!! D !.t!IJ\l. the f.l rllls of II " ". S. fl uim'" AltCI" I'I,iIlILrJg l/ITt 'ho dan g rs M. T'ly l? r.. of th e IIIlU 'ugarcr('ck 111 \\,11 hip, IIl1dl'r iii" ti.·I· lhu Ill'"ll lll"l·tri g ht. Th cy Ts-eSTARSPANGL'£lDBANNEll I. ...",d.t.I' ku'l,,,ler. nlld .J KS. G. ('1'\1 CUIU J.! tll:lt IIlellllCC ,'III t 'y l\' IJl vI' .mlo ,.\1 IU In I H.. It. VISited her ' I It IIlu in )'('tLd ill" tlf 'l'('. 3u l' l' l h IlII ,; 11" tv Illako ill it.. I • rI:o • 1.:11 1'1"'(; ' . 411 C I'" r"r. L •. lakl"jf 11.",,1. ",,,,,wlltly 0 11 h ,... d. ","1 e•. R ' lI I"."): t 0 I t ')\1· IJ tr I Is. t I Itl k' ('1' 1'1.''' 'Cl'd \'.d Ir ' ,m . ''I\Ul'llu' IIlght to MondLlY CVIlIlII r .,I.IIct, which rClid ' as I - ""0 111',. , !'\I 'I"I, ... IlJ("III' IOn"" I". Il"" .. h.rg.of IIl1,and l·unll."!l! , ' OII . sclw by' Mi 1'116 I/\" I rlh"";k, 101,.. . I'h,lI W, .ntll.g 1I1110' /f ,,"11 .... II thlll br,l lI clt " I liou bu,II,,""" buck of the- .J.r .t-lld tko P lilt Iliu t .llhrl 'Ial med III I! 1I10tlllllg. Ivll \\':; : . will ("I .. Illlil'\!, ,,11 "•• It rIJ>l:e. Mu r"ll:ll. Hl711 .1Il llrlywltlith c_,rporatlllnhnc ·'I·eutl' ·tultl'nti \lIl · \'iz : tlloll'c'ri - l ~mrmber the 'Il 36 ro 'roint uh·,Ji Rlrict. I I) ' . . I' . . :. ,\.t'.,·" ,c . h... , Ch'I'loon~II~I'''rlllllnl ') Ie lI\Jper ~lIr\'l'y .11111 k· tI I ) ·ItlllS ·· I ~1(>xt n"1 llll ,I _. T lie.dII. l.!V,II · COlliI'll " 'u of t.1l l'1'1lcti . (;T N6M II \ l:;l UKA I. II ... . l ',onl. r ~ l "'o,·r.cl". A. 0 . IIAI •NE• R. KY 01 U IlIgh -r 'cd l1cutton f tle uUy allu oll lll plll'l "I' ,I:'~1,.,10 , "HlI"Ii,1l'·I 'I"'d.c( r .,1""11" ,,,,). 1'''I'"r ' .n. WOtlLl• • r ,ul troIU It to :. lUll," hort~'r IDa 0 uf III' gr('llt an'll gr wing log. Only 5' cent I\dlUlll,!lOO, lind twv vI' mVlo t (1wlrilttips wlli.1i it; 1 C.; o \,\vllI. BtJMBO GS II ~!'~" i. oIy ,'10 I' !l '~.c f\' H E -< thllo Ihe Il,lwcr. nnd clln be- bUIlt I)" l' ulati 11 . 110 ~II .. wed in a V ry they IIrt! wUlth it. now IlI'O'UU IZ\!t! 0 " lIOY h 1'('uftl'r en I rI\I"l.llhu".~ , ,w',"Ill"r .""I 'U·I', · II. , " 1I11d lrntlllu\ b (' ,,; I '·.. 1<. I lIl " l ul,'w l "" "'II U lll tI'""_I.I It t t r..Ul".r I II. ;:ift . Ie U Vi f ill' <l nt - ' .. l . 1,111111 of· - '1'110 l'onO\\,11 d T I1nc' ccan" he ()t'gull illl'U, oh .. 1 . be dI8I1o l ,·"I. --;,''I I': II . 1·'11Jon lin d WI fe . l . 1 1\", III'<hv~ No ,,,vol ' T he I,rus),lct most /lutt ring ll'di \'c \\' \l rk thai tll1l' H igh ch"lI\s wdl il'" ill th' E. ' blll'ch I1\,'XI dl((llt!ed /11' (ll tel tl nllle:ll:l by th e cd IlItlllll lltl th e ulhcr uilY. ,I OHJ. 01' I',. t "IHI c tl l' 1''''''' ..111 ......... ..." ( ~ 1111 I "~'.lIrl .uv:ulll:!i "II'1l IIO'lllg II I111\" Ionc, UIII I II recupa.e II ? I, (U' I l'" UIiIlY d " lUll1 '1'1I0S d"Y O\·Olll. llg . ('O"{' /lI'I'''"t " , !l cilOn . Q'f' tlO I t II'ar ' d '1 an d (.lIl1ly I~ I ,,,Il I.. u...ifi,,JJ~r , .. " ...... · ,,1'lh.,,,~f.,u Ih i..... .nl!'.'l"·,· 1'(·'pn,., " lV 1'1 IlII' _ I ) 1' . ". •' , . nut. ... t'd'.'"nct);i,", fiXl·d fuct i bUl 111 l·tlN to eC Url' lug ill th - r ight dirl'ctlOll. th clc B· ti llre tL' hl'ur l"l'm. ul Cd ll cull" " 'Jf the t(l1l'll - nrc now reSiding III IIu r nll llgc n It'l of " ' ff lOliU " 'Ih t".mo' ""J ,!."",. ' it I'('yond a prc.·lIuv('n tur('. 1I/Ull<'!/ \Ins IIUt. IlI'I·I·~llll PI' ·:!Ollt. wlt ,).guvo - A ijC6 urs Jlurtso 'k lind Cor. •~/I/·Jl8 w" ,c h may :~avo torl'i tory - i.\lulri80u \=lllldllSel' is CIII()1 ". IT C?STS 10", 15 ",111- " ~e" . li nd IS ' elll Bill wl".ll".. th . 1 lo <I" wilh the I h d,tl ·lI·d · 1'("11,101111111,. Ih ,' tl ' , cll r I II I 'J '" r .. ' I 'b u"I trlt':t. i J dll ~i"'''lc' ''\'''h rl' Ill 'NIII.,I,. 'll h,'I''' 1M 11 111 9 {" '.1 C • ." IC 11111 tt or CI.lI O • noll hU\'\J lIuurly COlin.! 011t how .IIIC 1.1 lIuCLI 111 cd no ('1(: lk ill KillJIlIl'ij Ilire. c"eryh u1ll,•• f:!o'''I[,,".,. rll IlI''''i'"Ol t,r,I," ed hn , ."1 tl.ll· tli,lI t ell.d II t MI'. lTIuch ovol'yblldy'l3 wealth am Ollllts Thot>c willi IIgain t It T . ' hnw vi sitcd fl'icnd " ipol .. ,.. ,l. OJ' It wOI· k. mil t 11 0 crib" IlIuIIC) tl ~ III I \\' Ise VI' W8 01 th \\'h "lo snoJc('t. to Nest co cs tlX th o dlVISi vlI vf tire dl trict IIV that. l ' k I 1o, .,11 l,,,,,d 'n 1f,63 . I~ h". :rune lIn .t". " t Jt J8 ' . IIOlll'd I'~v\!ry III~C HlIlst I;110\~, tlll~ I tiI e a· d , ._ Ir . MiltIII Umustl'cetulld I . • 'IItU' . Y rccc 1;1 I'ear ' 1II111 .. " . " I b , IIIUlI01l1 eO"le , .,u, III II., pro (" \1 1 II. fam i. il cnn 1I 0t be divJd d b y ,iT >1'1I." no 111 \. O • f ntIky. ' . " . I".nl iI ~"'I will It.,·. Il$Omdll"e. IIh .• thut Iho c who 111' nhle, will nvl \ unco ul thi s wurl d It! cl~tll rl!ly do I .. u . f I at tlJ ' . tvwn hil alone uilde r th c "llIin nr J UIIII!? 0 0:; II I CIIJLlYlIlg , OT "" . ? Y \,oli lutc 10 cum f'lrwnrel IlIId as iilt \I~lIdCIII on th, f!"QWIlI-r/ tlwllflht- I UI'I'IVl~ sa u Y 1~ 1I' IIC\\ r 'udit'" III' lhe ultovc 8ccli oll' whil o tl"'l1Is ·11· '0 . Ih ls plellSllflt \\,~"ltl~CI', ELEGA.NT CHROMOS W. h." I' 'Ill . r . I' I I rpll~ ;' .. Iv a n ..... n··I··· l n eMI 0~ tnt' J d NWille, "UWtlI:lJ, 1I0ur 1l1 111'''VI Illl.ll,l' rdcuntclld .. .' " I,) a).ill"., OI'l'Ouut. 11,"..I,1'o"h) .., I ~ "1'1.IIJltl F,c, 'cI, Gh.... "'". ( WOld, 8 , IIII'll 1I11gt,CCI III IIHI8.t all J \\7 ct t 11'1 th8~,tcun bOUI\'I' r 'k .Il"~xll lIIel".s Ii,, ' ,. Ul "",,'.1: d · I I . , • . I . . . ' ti tx pe U pn J 1d t. U r . I 'I ,.' k ']'1 I ft I . ~ ... , . . '. " I'll tllUnll ' I. nt COlOI) tlOn. th{ll/gldju IUB8 18 tl, c omgrowl Jot I t f. M. II \." k tlcd tlr SIlUIe as al!>, dwu ty lib, ........ n r. .c 1'.111 II:HnpSOD e 1010 " ud we uller . " ,.ll Il "f, Ihll •.. ~em". 0",1 .-- - . tl'lucducalion I ut,or 10 m I. .ncxt \oe. II I tr 'ct <i~,' ' t.JII'cc w('eIlSIl"0IOI'. thl:d3111t'klJ"I~. 1 IJ""" C' ""ltolc II'IIr.ull. fre • . rll r ' l 1 he •• 1 be N arrow·Gauge ng MI'. Grvve'I!' c was ft>lIowed T. II c!.'oi :o pllrtiet3 I\r: unlr W 'y ullli ·lI g. is de(l.. was fel t dfo, ""Y ,nr': i eUnl J>OSCd or ~h~ !IJII .~\llIg by a sh rt'di eu 111011 und an apprv· assul tmcllt 01 ttO\\ orlllg ~IU~lt8. it is re III bo town hip ; 1\ I tb I'e~rct. lou t' all JUln III tho enl" A LASTWcfRD. Hu",I.,'. rcmemltc. I. IIIlmro gen tlem en; I lullp liIlIH~' r.riule I' (ell of mll ' IC ' lifter which cmbracl ng . tlte usual \'ul'I~Lle,;, B d a :H1H! ~iv.i~.. u .. t wi!;!. .tl,...t. Q\)CQ""" IU .." "" ''"0'' 1.\l"" ou,' ell,lIIl,y. 'cn~ '''"\lIi. 1l"! lp!l lbl~ Saddfe dna HarnesS'.. E . ' ' . S ~·t·, lis uttelltil'C listollcrs' were ell tor· r·IV IIJ tllo green!I0 IISCS ,)f Av Vrt.1I 11 I, ' ~he ou rl e~ ...iii,. ~ ,C IO[) ' WIU . be IIli' B InIlvI'S .In t IHIt ' fe'glOIl . ~. . y. ,OnP l' nr dO} ,,, .... ,, "",.n,II I''' trl' '''"' wIJ •. H&'ADQUARTERS 7· 1111 ll\\tl KWllk""ap,.,.o". Llt.L i. lor rI~llI "S... " ' I . 'lirpcn tc r, Tr af~~I A. '. MOl pe, L tl\'cl; F. L DIser· tained by a carefully prepared ulld 1!1sewJ, ·rll. Call lind' ;;I::e. tested In th -Schuol cluses in thrce weeks. W"""!!: 0"" th., krro", no north . l'1I, . • _ -~ ~_.!'_ DAYIt!:. 1I0 '''lIlh.~.'l''r \l C'I,_Lul ~ I'.~e"".,.''d:. d J I l 'ttl>gm her; JohnVunN ote. caS'LY on Our Public Men by l ··-Th.e ~isc )pUI Church is ill , 1'b d tu , r. Chares. I L J unn uy , CClMMON l'J:lltMl' 0 OITKT. ' t' I / lorc I\iIl;,v on ,' lhtnnt -I\,e. 1n00J.Y 10... ( 11 1l.'II C- bo u..-hl Mr J ,.hn "'~~r·. l ntere~ iu , 0 111 • IuOV1 11. G eOl'ge AI up I~. Mr.Gl'Illlthum 01 U.,rvc;v8burg . I dell: -TI 100. -: - _ •• 1 'e"tler" ....... I''''''''g , .I .... k"" n' .. lt."I', }'ruuk HumiltoD, WiJliuOl Gllm Th e s)Jollke; ga vo Ilis openillg uf RuckdllPe, for pl'Cselltillg u.lld lOWing is the Jjlit of juroril tv serve COn..:' nRJI__ So . ••"nlllt'd.om. lIud no,,: i. ll ... Ihue Yu:, hi"., thp, nhuYf' :ot lhl,,,,hIllC l1 t, thtJ "H 1II0 will b. rlllt til( "ld .. tu ur!. ttll!r" of the Bee s,m, Churles H. Rudduck. Jonu IIlton tl vll to Ih a dangervus cor· setlill~ -out in their ciJnrcby urd durillg tbe lIe~tt terlJl. of the Oum Tho Ihtcst Illlpl'\}\ cd Cumpbell ! PI"I ,t 011 "'.1' '''''1; :,i"IId 10 Jay Now ,. C'0I111Ilt·'l.' II h ·c. M.,II :;1 "."t. J'h illi/'S, J osep h Ilumilton, G eorge rupti oll existillg llIJ1 r'1 ug. und appar· SOIlIO lJcautiful oTergreOIl frccs. m Oil 1'Ieus Court, I'liioh bogius 0 11 CUI 11. OIC "ls C",I", be PUlclllll~t:d \,I:::'y ~'D~~b~" l!~~'nt~. ' 1/. , !If.. rape r. lJulI1i Ion. cnluil eo Ul1011 all who hold -Mr. Rohel·t Moullt;,)'! ,lfOClllr. MOllday, MllY 211tb: low d at hlNULS AYU) J( S, Y"I" Wilh (nnr cl"... nll;'g \' bruDIU •.. Oulo ' I Wa¥oesvH~eo ulId,.. r the Hrm Ill,roo ttl HRincs & WooUey• .. • • of Mrs. Mury OttiCCd ." ~.. !! ( ~a) . <'II , COI' \\' IU , OJu o. .")lInmJ,er~ IlCIIL) .""t Id r rrce I., ce o:::J" The fUlleral ut public: t I'll::!I t. 1 e IIC Id ed ,ullu set out all thc Irc &KANO J URORS, (IOU.U U,I read. 10n t"~11 ~peOl ~"",I mCII I .. ,. wh,.rc t h l'~e Klmtlt· m <.'D have at this time t hll g JaCObs occurred on W~dll that d . Bickb-cl'.lliIl1 , ru~gus OVCtl" t1110 IIIPP rb~!ddu of Ie ~~1Il11 ~I'LWCt~11 Clillton Hoosa . Deorfield B.dun ·: ·C~kcI'8, Fancy ~1.:IOt~ · IlI~oill:\ N~~'K~f I~cnLi~H1 ~~~'JO(t;:. "li d 111 1< ,I<I tu keep .. (ull olook of SRdd le •• lil\ernooll, and a large numbcl' of sprea II1g P" IC 110, III an ou'. t 10. )I~ n ge 1111 vVrWII!; III' Joscph U. Keys Way nc Butter Cracker.;, FIlIICY UYlItor UilJ.d"I". N U. 511 .oe"Gm H .... w .... Tru .. k,. Whip". Dlllnketoo. Robe•• 11 .. ,1 ill I,wt ov~ryth 'hlf that- belong. to the relntinls and fl'iendll aSllCmbiod at gr,)wth. engendered by the I~IC~ 01 , which ho c1escrvos great p1'l\180. Jvhn Strawn Turtlecree k Cl'lIckcl'S, Grllhuill Crucke rs. Illlpe. ._ _ _ ttu<l.: ,,,,d d~'lrc .. It patron. of the old tlic hurne uf her plIl'enll! ill t.Ilil:i pure and curly 1.lIlIml and rct.~\f)u:l 1 -Mr. Du vld t). AdulIl :> hilS llollj. Math er \VUYIW rial Cmckers, Sodu OI'llCkOI'S, 'fea Awarded the v~j!~: t Medal at 'irm. "nd ~t1 ,llh.rR. I.f. givo thorn a c~ll and ,'alwlve pe rfoc t ,,"ti .. fH CLinn, whiuh they plnce, to plI)' t"e lutlt trIbute uf cs· uduclLt~on: AnlOng ot~lUr eXlLlIl· beoolllc L"cu.l Editol' of' thc 1""0' Julin Kcs ling Clcllrcl'cl! k. ClUcker8. :Fruit GI'uck ers, (Jl'Ilck ______ ..____ lmth tiS to pr w ~ and qu.lity of teem lind afiectiun to line ...... hose pl~s 01 I." s s.u~,ect, chosl:ln frvm the Illunt ,)o ra'/tal, pll ul1 8het! by MI'. J uhll ILwk1'8der '};lll tl ccl'e~k li llell!;, Frol!" Clmfec tl otlery; u now E & B T ANTHONY & CO HUu.r'llnll·fl. \york. ~;;)1"'l'er"fl n:it wi!'4~l1l1ll work ,"rute to whole bhllnt:less lire hud beell )lIlS!!' :!COI'O pdltJrled In the ncw::l\,apcrll, W. M. Hu 1'1'0 rd. Mr. Arlnmll i ~ DII"i ll O. GI'clm ,~ ll'rullkltll lut of' N'O YI:,lt ic.;;. elegllut Stutlon' " 1 t)rcl,·r. nr J'c]Hl.irm(t d o nn. will rccoive immedaut e nUf'fu:.tnn h" t ht' proJl ru~ tor~ l'd ill Ihis hcr IIl1tive plnce. Thc the . speaker tOll k Hie ill:! kna~B, admirubly qllulltied-I'vl' the pOl:! ill Hll. I. I~ Law lor Turtl ccrcek cry; Dl'il'u lllluf, OI'llIli(I!B Illld . 591 iJl' ol(dJl'a!l. lV/ ./{. l 'i 1r.{', HAINES & WOOIJLEY. occu~ion wus ono, if p(lssible. of IUYlng the blllme. 1.11 ~he shllU.lderti -Mi MI! Lizzie McColUlls is pro. Will . Stvrcr TlIl'tl~c':'-'ek ILl'IlIUlll'. nil ut ~he ~tI\\,II -T~I\\'n (1\1'1' )1 , 'ro;,,,Iil" " 11 011': ) 11l1nsllul solenlLlity, COIIRic\cl'lIIg Ih o (11' t!l e wife. TI~ltl c\l\h!od IJUltO /l parctl tv 11o 1111 kinds of drc$ IlIlIk . it. ~l. ()IIX, jl'. lJclll'hd d lHl'lIcery IIl1d Nutlull :Sture 01 H "..... ur................. ...,"<>",n...' D r "I ..... In ei,c nm6taucl'S of ..\II's. J lICOb,;' CUI'· tlp ll'ltcd CI SCllt:l8IUtl \>Qtw olon Ithe IIIg alld "Iaill 8ewill~tlthu,·lItthel" ~ Dalli cll'elTlllc 'i'ullkc l'eo k R Ellgle. t:lJIWJ\1US j\~H !o'IL\~lEl', Iy tll'l1lh uml the Iuct thut sh~ 1"~lc8 And gC lltl efli clI, at t Ie oose hlllll e on Third stnll't. lk'IIi1I1 I1U L E. S('I,,,,url7. TIII'll cc.I'cc k l . - ______ -, S'I'EIlEOSCOPES!N1) \r.li\\,S; IOoH'sUehinJh :rahusbund.ILlol'l y vt th~reudll:g.. I A . ul(' pricc_, IIEd.. sutlttlatltl~lI1;IlUI'IIII' ' WilT A PI'lc.:G lI ull ld tun lIMK!.Y W A1IN INo .- Mr . •1. C. iiii\,"'1"-, ~ ~ " 5),... ,r(Q,t"".,--Ol ~ .... n~b ed ,w i"ltgf'tl:lf, lind two 8111all J:tl.t! r II c.l utl lllg ~O() g, tIe S teed . ...: _. Bruce RlI1; ton TlIltlccl"l' k l ~I III..,1' \\' i~hl.tl II ' til 1111" II l1U lice tl"ILI I ' "d;~~I(~~~~:J:~~)~~ ~" . <: 1 illlr!) wh o never lTI ure will 80Cll1111.ln udJvul'lI t·d tv m~ot. at ~I I I W . l t d t\I. Wm il Mcrrilt 1.I.1I1J11tuu bU'; IIIOIiS IlItl'rc~ t;; WI prl!vc llt 11111 _ _ I: I \\ hlessing ofll mathur's LeiranulI, VII th o fVllltll Silturdayof 1'-: dr lS ) 1 1l1]>1 ·il . . PETIT J LR fro I11 I'cmai lllllg Pl 'lllIllllclllly iu Ph h' M . 1 d U 1'1101 I1 Ilit II Y• uttl(!...,a III 11 c nillC tXCIl 10 Ia.II la~t HII .J uhn ~r. Buwyec ns. D Ot! rfiIe III Wavll W .e 1'I'''rct till S. otograp Ie a;. e_ l.a. s. Id)V .. vo ' :1Qd cure. F"Ile ll" .'" • • IIwui c CUIICClt . cs ville. . " L' ..,011 I0 [ 1Mr. so rotI c L• Huchel H OI)k ll1s and Dr . Tukoll I ' IUlllllllll, I . , .Ille I ClltJre d tl seaRl e d·on\ \Y 0 d ncslIllY evcn . l ng.' j'I, L'I:I" rs t'. 'l'lll'IIII''"~ "''"1111'111 1 . Mdlcl' IS I' Ipnlll:lIl I I , uceO . IllIIlV' d We .lre IIclluqll."lcl" f"rf c'or" . hiltg 11\ Ihe J W Ril.iues mudo prllycl's was IIg I Y OIlJU) ~(. lUI I ,1, G \l1 II ' I W ' II' n lem'clcek. dlltlllg. accLlmp 18 IC' arll ~t, IlI1 I lin) 0 Hlncsaddresses; . ' II II II w III ever bc a )J meruol'y tv werc . "al8v I IUIIISII II alll IC 1,luco. ogcrs J. B. Uatiurty k bl Y bIlCOC:ld f II 1 w'Itl I C IIillI . ' STERECl-PrICONS AND MAGIC find nl~er \\ IlIC IJIC '1!1It fl'lIl11 Ithis J . D. MOlTis U' I·CIIlIlI'·,. II t ' 18 mortal of tho lamcnted ME. , r . D . IH . M 1I1~1I I·cn. 1'01'oOIl S wllntill" hi s SCI vicos LAN TERNS . d IUd Inl'd I'WIIY to. rest in .. • • I -Mrs. E. J . lit th.u CVI win I IIll1 e LImine must IIvt dclll"'- tvo t.f. ,\I"""r,,,.,,,,o,'. of Ihe e.R . ~....,.. • lUA (.T A <..:U l}rIoVATOlt. toll 'gate, hus I'OCOIveLl u. tine stock 1 sallc GtJ.r1ll'r lu Il:'SI 0 ~,.,__ I1IIC; RO~"('.II(NT ..... e.• •• "IIi .. ilK!\, . .Mlutol . I F of plunttl fur the sb" ing-trude. The Wm. U. ' to J ,oI llI TUI'Ilsc'cr 'o k Gcvlje lrkrri Sr'l 1I (colurcr! ) Sir • -DE TRE~a -ThIl.Jlks to Mr. 11 ·1I'?ul~ ,1U,st 8Uy tOt t 10, W e arm · IItu!!k embruccs the l1~ual vllriety vf Hicharr l l'ultl!l ~un u ell~ I I I "D"~.".'.'U.H'" 1!I•••EIUfOI..... t;ON. ,. ,""'. er I v ng III t 10 \' ICIIII yo 1 uvnes· J ~1 M . wus Ill'reste 3tH )J1I t III I It! (',\ a· .. KTO .. IIUON. 1ko\'o!a Holland tbe wt.)rk of COlli ' II t' t "I 0 deHir ,111 0 uud will be twld . U. l acy CI buose hero SlUldav night. fvr Htcn l. SCHO " I, I. AN I 1,1( )0'/\ Y A I"". Ofli.\1 for Ihe )[Knuluoture "ud Sale,' 1,Icti n the rowe- of VII lit rllllsvlluulc priccs. Call and soc Ncelry Cleul'cree k 1110' rcvolv er li'gm,/\ harbcl' lIamcd LA :oITERX . " I b rl'd ges IS . II ell1' IY tIC II IVU r IIvile as ,800U tl lern. Amus W Crune eu\\1rc r cLI1<erpotJl, l . : . " ' .111 1:~cbul1oll. Il arl'l' SOIl, Each ijly;" "UII~ lite ll'cr,s between tie thl:',.ma hada hetter al'c\ ure milb,.t I,e~.or il. cia •• 'n the ur ll ·rliaps qoite IiccoDVl isLcd. as poss ible, 168 1 feci certKin that ' -Probably YOIl will nev?r have J ohll oer ••• nyuc it is slIid, hud prevlOllsly, ill n .1I O.lal nsuo! of Lllnlcru . nnd with U Mr. H. o\·.e r 50 '.rees. the thoso who to PUI" another opportlll.llty of' hoarlllg 'he 1'1111: .ANTROI UANKRuP'rcT. - a1tcl'cuti lln with Liverpool" dillfig. dlre 'liolls fur u. ing .c nt 011 "vp llqnl,oo • • .... ut"~r uay, gOlllg eight IlldllS Ila.to ChR~O lIlIt" latu CtlIIIH,t gct Ihem . TellUl:ltlBOelUld altcr ncxt MOIHIIIY IIred Ihe lattcI"1l COlllltcllLlllce with Any cu t"rp"' ''';! mllll CO li mKke Dluuey Ihc SWlltnpS for. them, and pays tor Wo have all'cudy so l L ncurly l UO I\lId ? I'o.nillga. Therefure. IlUIn('rous gushes inflicted by a "'lh a I.""tern. lo t ... f. ,. l\\{'ID alld eettlllg them out, o~t Mal ta Onltivlltors Ihi .. sl'ring. and a.vail YVll I'1!elt 01 thl8 rare chnnco. lcW' 'fij . D t M ruzov. en!!"Ctltollt tI" ......."~aelD .. DI. [,:j.lIy LlI hiS private purse. Is'n't tl~IS it is a soUled Illct tU.lt 11 0 obher 'l'llcir fume is us wide nt! the cooti. logs II eo 111 Ity 1111 ~n'd\ol~' _ __ 1T0dilublc ~ 'Now the eonSU01II1I)' Cultivator will be sold to allY cx· ncnt. You willucver regrct going duy. SOllletl "I~~~Y?r 10 ore I OISI W(1 ijhllll publisllo a Centen . r Il,n so devoutly and long wi shed tent in W 111'1'011 CVlInty bes ides the tv hCllr llwlll . WCI'~ pre~ol.' t , ~I: )o~O~Lom, 1'~l'rr nilll nnmbor of the JJtiam i Gazette f'Jr isatJatuur. TIt~u~xtthing N l nltu tlti~)-car. Th e Malt t\Cnl . -Mr. N.N.M.osherhas receivcdsl'nlllltgtll~ ~~1111 'JO '"'A'( t' a~l'cc.)o Mlly :24. It will be full of Cunten.· I· II · I! uotil tivator' llccep t Ie.'.l·"~ v· 111111 . I IH' etm·ca. Llollv • ... ertlsors . luk e III, ))wtOOtI Oll or 10 t·tce II ns . th c hl ghl ~t AI'ch, IOllg. hl.8 r.luy IIIHlalllOellt 01. stallduJ'ol.'f . , rd. .tsn mills tl c piI '1liar lucy CIlIl carc fur thl.HIlSclv eil, unl.l cs. S1.Juvl'ltI Be;t TIJII" lIe Up at IltOl'lltnl' U ('1'01}) thu fam ulI; pnblt~b . !ll."J II II IP.I·\ '1'1 cen II,. ~ 'J "1 ) Ill oti eo anu pl'spnre thoir ilnnOUllce. f l. f . . • ' . 0 t t' IIClr j IlI}( " monts I1CeOI'd'IIlg) I ' . It WI'11 be a - - tit > boaJ', lea .... , Shuvd Attaeltluent, ... tjtrtJngl'st In " huuoc vf• l:1,U'ver & rolli erll. d IIl Itl'CS b I' onc . ull cIn"cur -.~ ---~ . . I'" '" I I I. b '1 ' "' . 11111 III aunec .I k 1111111 bar. , T .._A.. j' l t we~ k the fl,lrticth Ilellm;! R('~t l'al lJ lcoI , ilill o tr('"g' A III Ull g llo ut lIre wvr"tI 'J' 11 I:!~ '11 G t . t Itl on t 'L'ive CI'IIC' Ut:!tWly 0 as, ' . I k TI - II tll tj. E B I L WI I • per l:1!1l. 111 er ·K ,.£ ________..__...,..-..,,-._..,..'. IIry of aho wcl.lding of' 1\11'. ('rit CuI.ti \'atpr In ti C IIIl1r · ~t , , ' 0 1'U (~!I. Ir • , II wur ytt'~II, (II' ~ i:'( cred itors l'el'rl'se ntlll !7 abont ,_ , T. B. McCulIIB>!. \l'1It! Mulla IS, Wllh " lItd ,,"I,t wurth.l e!1 AJ Ii! lIiac,kl.'l'uy, Mltltl S13.0ll0, tllc anungclll ollt. Jll r t 1). 5 • -AS D-_ :'-I,'ll:'hl'l.Ited; thcir e liildl'on tukill g Dvllul':'; III~rc Ihall,llll Y,,,ll lur Cultl - ~Ju l"('k . ill'ICC l~gall alld vtloCI'8' 1/f th ifl act lun is 0<11111 1'111011 ill the thom utterl y by Sllrpl' ise by ill\'~t. vu~tJr old 111 \, nn clI C'lIl1lty, . uud (J" Ihl'l'c ull d 1"'UClH'O yvur lltem' l u,~, U'J11l't in Cincillnati, it is ex, ~IOHHlS -A l'rit 'I. It:l7G. 1\ dllughter 10 illg r 'IBlivt'il botb Iro.1I1 a dl ti· l l.t IS. W31'1'tlntcd tu WVC be~t el' Sall!l~ ry ~1l ·1l'1If1IlCO. pectcd thut the ~1 e !Irs. Antrum the wire 01 Jobn Morri, 11111' llnd nt bome to asselllule l filctl~11 Ilrfin any, otlr c: Cl1lt.'\'n~o l - !I1 cssl's. Fnnkoy & Mis!! ildill.e will rcsutlle busiue8:i within 30 WHI'l'N.EY.-Apr,1 22. 187G, n dHull'hl.er . ·OR SAU HY Bo lJ nt th ()ld. homestead Slid 1-'llI'tuko f In Warrell CUlllll t.) . I ICCCIV· Luugllt, Illdt weck, the Christ ian I days. t.o ;~~~Z'~~so~~;:;~ 2'~h;~~~t Ita wife ,t:.. (\11.1' ~ 2.. ~ uf Oa s um ptuous dillncr II letter J II'v1II lir e CIJIII'CIr building. othel'\viso kn own l - . ,_ ••. . E" I Ch,ule. H . Eul ...... of nMII W. JJ..li..l,. f..iJ£ ... for the oecasio ll. Mr. Me uU;1UI ufllctnrerd uf th e ~1<1 lta. 6t~l lnd ILl! lillY 's 1Iall blliiding, for $2500. 'Co~mITTED TO JAIL.- J ohn Kcls· ~ 1 II _ I ., lIistcr, fr UI X nia anu AhA. AIl.:· !that. they holU IIIt:Clll!y rt'ce lve PVosCtlsilln September 1st. It ill lIe r was arrested 011 MOll duy b n u ~ ~ • 1 . Olnns' brolher, from Indi~lIa, I more ord~rs for 1IItl\'Utor~ thun tl~ intention of the purclrascr:! lVurl'llnt B\Vor~ ()~t .by AI.arahlll ~c. w 'r pre!ont, both bllvjng 1l1'I'U'eu I t/;c~ can till. Furrueril, don t bllY Ito turn the building so tllu.t tit e nd , Comtl~, chl~rgln~ hl?llVlth p 'rnllt _ 1_ _ _ _ _ • - - - - ' _ __ _ _ _ _ 1' Yffindla'ftli!> A l'lJ":lA'ftl1it'l ooforeltl\ud aud been hiddtlD aWIl.},' uotllJollllee the MI~I~IL. shall face tlte s'reet, elevlltll it lind ting gal~bltng H1 '!It! hOWle . .on ~~~~~-'!.le!!>~~(!'!'-~ tllllil tile pr V r hour ~llIO. Some . W. LING lI, Lubanon, 0., 1 make a busi nes,;.hou-sc fur them' lthe bellflllg before Esqu~re Mailing. . NOTICE ~I'llua\i16 prCil uti:! WOI'C given, and Agent for Wllmm Connty. seh'es, They will then ba ve 50 ton, b.LiI ~v~ I'oquir~d HI ~he sum T~o undcr.•,gned hnft b en mppoinl.ed AdIII l ,d.'ir WIlI\ 1\ sncceeQ ill e Vl'fY May 2, 1876, I>eet of grvund front to dispose of lot' $~OO, fllihllg to gIve whi ch, th e !,;h.tI.trllltor'offthwo l!;ijtato of EijO·"b~.thdJ AND DItALIIlS JIf ALL IUWD8 Oil' Worne. ville. July 14.1 76. Ulo _ • _ l' ~ 'lJro . d t . '1 t ...... IIIC1., nte-o arren c ounty.. 10, eo p"rtic lll"r. ......,. Oommodore }t'O'Otc S trou e The location ' is a '~ : dcsirable ~~dll.fh Wll~ . ID'Ulltte o.Jal 9 cC.lIIWd A)j. pf)rll?n~ in~ebted to tho estate ' 8OMETINO NEW . . ' • I (; . t U-I h'b" C d II d ~ on aDd we hope these wlue·awnke awaIt the actJOtl of the GrlLlld J u· ... 111 pleH~ nUlku. tmmedt.ato "cttlcrue.nt. 'lI,:,d Sf!?:: N oc:::r-!Joo."O waa a ICUVY lOi! aro to ex I It III a wa a Ot6 1 '1 'JI l' II t I ' r thoHo hlLvmgoIAIh,. ogrun.tthe sllmf. I ' .,..0............. _ Ii I Suuda, and it i.s Hllll to·morrOw eveni\lg, WII. rea Ize a b 'Clrtbaeny- .YAIr. Kolsner baa 'ince been bail- pretlClJt du!:... .!::r t ' \ \ :' . -J , Mc\r...s. "'hh llam". l fi' h • trored serious lO' --I IClpa lon8 0 _success W ~II low.bee. , .. ~'i... .,.., • • J • . . , • 1 '1 \ .' .. .......,N..... V.rk ""', cd. OUt. r.ro;V n. 11I7f1 .. · .... . .. Wl •• .; •• dle . .I., ... 5. 1; 7f;. .... ... " . . . ( >I , jtIC Ut,'" rut ... U .Comwe'uooment'Fridav-eek • • • . '.' .... aketbechan_. 0- . '. . . _ , • . ... , '.
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Itb p. ... i UQ~ ;-bat til m tiuK uf III lark alld reeuu ~~~~"'!!!!~~~!!!!!''''!!!!!!!!!:_'''!!!!~ Co. Tt'lICht!nI, Iwlhl 011 '4tllrd"y, th lh. at ntiocb 'oileR i worth IO U: 1l UWII • pMIIiJlK 11" ticE'. The W\luthllt ..11 lillc, th !l~tion at· tracth'e, aud ,,'cry trnill bruugltl ~ larj{C JlJlcglltiulIs f h 'lI. ·herl. The Cinc,n...tl- l",... 011. • huirllll&Il, o l'oriIItl'lIdellt rill ' Iti h_ IO d-A rn,. 111.:.5 .. IJI of r~ uid tlilit tll ~lIl rc Uag,·r \16, ., n, ."i.e I"Il I N .... () .. ~I I " .•••1.. . . ::.0 a til 0 t I ID li ng lUll t ho uttribut d A n'lt'~" n. " .ri v~ I .lU P In t ,) tlte viti or of th ' Ilegu. Kol.. OlDo,3 r " " 0 !l.... S p fa \VI I 'll 1tl '1I U ,. li e II I uurlllllg . d L" ~ .n . <nt. !lni" J Sf) till ' , /lW I1 " ; 001 • • rol.. u LJ ilily a rc $) lI oa r ul hUlld reud y Chle I; • • ,rire ,60 p m to g ive in t ru 'Iion, it a IU ~ Be;'e-;'~7TI..;:-8tmllg that A nt ioch houlJ uut be " l'oo .. I. the Lime or Ibe Jar ror rDtumUn. m re wid 'Iy klluwn and patr"ni~ed. ia. LUUK t·••.,. Oollgb • Cokl • aDd · 1'.1,,1 Prof. hundler' murk 0 11 r.. ull. nr Ilredl1po.lll'IlI 10 ·un.umpllon "Cheu!, A ppllmt ll~ . ' w 're d ir cil ' alld otb ~r ,.11.001 klld Lllur; IJI 'en . liD. OHU·. ,; UI. ... K.a ,' h.. f.cen " " .,,] 10 thl. tu tlte lillt, if lh ubje ·t l f ill ti · oelghl,o.hu<>d r"r the p L twv II. thrco lu tc. be t , h II' ' '' 1II111 1l1 HC IIO I yea rl ..ill,uut a . iul\l. ( lIu ... W li re. If wuchurol. Thllro WU thc u p!,urutnd you hl\,'u nut n od d U IJ m..-diei n yuu r"",tf. go b r ' I !-II 1"ur O.'ug,llli I . A . 11011 • • nd u k him "I ", our o.~' o . , 1II1Lllutu.cturuti at , Ito "olld~ r(1I1 AUCCl!ll5 ,\lnlO lI!! hi' cu 10 101:" . tho IlIlI t tl'l fl lll' expull >- fr" ID Tw o .Io.n wl!l. ,cll" '1 Iho "or. L c..e. Ir ollll.hlilf 1\ cent t" tWOllt l' p .rhups ' IO U ht\ '~ no t. ,,11 III 1O~lli d Il 6 . j U"I 1 bu~' tl l . -. , . I' , S. lIl vle 0 tLla or R.... ·b •• •• I;cnn ,n . H Op -uut 01 \\ U L .ru litllrm, tluch Uti 1'0. 10 CWIlLa dlld Iry IL. Kegul. , 81, Ou·u :e . IUlll p ' hilll Il C\'S , (Jld \VII' • 0 , ~ t ' r ; 511~:~ll: UoQ', negloc,a couGh I~;~~~ is CUll , " "up kirtd au d thtl likl!. --' _~_ ._ ,,_ 'J lleul'ly if lIut q uitu LI gUild us t hat I . '''olldflrf'ul 8ul:f'.e."! C Ling II hUlldl'od time a milch, I 1\ .. r ' '' ' ~' ll lh.~ 110 '"~ . '·~ OU" .... to illustrate th e pri nci ll c vI' NLLt. , HLP h•• , ,,,,ce IL' lul.od"ctlUo I" the tr,.,· . . T • -. - - :- '" "'-, ,.lI S,.".•. •.,••1..." Lh. im llleu' •• 1,. oflum I 1~1:'' I""o!, l ~y .. hc lJ ~ ul such ~ ... 1~ ?;~t~:5 ':;: 40,0011 do, ,',. p"r )<lO r. ""er 6.0011 Drllg \\lurk IS thl1t It IS ulUcth lng th e ...... ' -<: 11 '110 ''''''0 .m.l< re~I 'hi. ~led lo'i ne ,Ii"cat fr,'III 1child him elf cun du with his OWIl . ~ ~ : i! : : : : : I,,@ y,lctt,t.' .. lIt 1\ 0I0 ~ 1," ", N.J .• ""~ lO ot " lie .1 .1 _ ' hll" r. I'II r1C~ ~ Oilll(lI1 .railo,,', bUI uycry IC•. , ~ l a~lu . , Ullu, oue ' g~t Imn tartcd, ~ ~ ............. ......... ... . lor "pol.k. ul I..,. """""'ILl llg luea'" ill our · It I~ 1111.1 Old wuudtlrlnl how milch t"' C:l Q <c 'X> ~7.' ~!~::t: r~:o~~~:~~~i,,10':.. ~~: .~~;lld~8c~"e tl~~. illg uuity ho will I~S . W e hOl?e ' ~ ~=~ .~ : y.' 1 h,xl" ""d l.uU)l8. We ~ll vi8' any per.oll t hut tile W u.rreo 00. teacll ers Will C.Z .. !" ;0 , I,. LhAt h.. ROYpN'di_"o~IIioll to w ~k Lu ng •• ill vite Pruf, Ohundlur to give his ' ~Z ~ 9 ~ 9 " I; La. go LOI l~gl r \l~ ugg ~.< " A. ~II . aud gel leclure to our owu Institute 00 ' '" lb,• .,hdl<oa , or "'q u,re abOUL'L . Ito~ uld r .• . . ' I 8iz•• 1.; centl! ; amplo boLLle. IU I',·n.. . Rov . MIlY, 01 ::ipl'lligtield, Mass., 1"t:I I "= it-~~!'!'f. !t i:i:~t;;~~ z Two do, .. will r.lie. o allY o~.u , Don'L forulCrly or , CillCillllUti, ha~ been ~~ I i 0 8 ~ S 5: 0:> ~ 0 I;; ~ I ? noglect .YOlUr eoo"h_ aM - h ' d e I'Ivcrlllg . 11 CUll rse 01' IectII ' res upon a fI" ' " • • • ."",, '" '-, ~ . . ~";' . 18RMAKL; Oil, IN Till!: DIC1'T1I8, is t piC!! rolating to teaching be lol'e g' l ~ ~ . , . ? ~ : ~ ? 11 . th e nauio uf Alrs. EllIma D. E. N . th e tnJents ,)f th e UuJlcge, of 5' , !:, __ I olltbworl.h'tI bost wurk J'lIst IIUb" W .1 I,iCh COllrlle. Of1'enpun "Reudillg" *,;' ~~[S~ ?: . ' . " ' . to tl A . , o 0 ; 0 0 ", " I ~ ij hed JIl, b ok "mn, f'lr tho firdt :-vas /;Ivcn l<l tl8OCll1tl~n urg' Il p'" . ";i'" !"- _ ~ .";'";' '''';'. ";' .) Lillie, by r. 13. P ' tersoll & Bruthert! •. lIlg ~1!,1J 1l them the I~ecc ~ Ity 01 II I 0 , r 33 at; ;; a i! I' Philuu l'l'hill, L)II. It is tho bost g~O\\,lng klllJw~ouge of the IIteruture, ..:,._ __ wurk IolVl'r WI'itt 'lI by Mrs. Sonth· 0\ th o l>rufcs8101l,. alld rep rttl 01 worth , uutl ha IIIlVUr bul~ro huen choul progn.ltlB III towu , coullty ~Q~!\ ll'(\ 1'" I,l idhed cXCllpl in the "New LL,lo.! slate. HUllry Bftrl1urd II wlirks ' Yurk L .dg I" ill whi ch pl1pur it OIl edn catlOn wel'c rec lIJ1l111ndcd IlS' wail issuod IImu y yeur iucc, lIud er t he m t valuabl e pU.l>l.shod. We th· Uft11l0 of .. S ciI'· Mud o ; ur, Out Wl)re luld to ~'eull chlldrcn's book ! (If lhe Depth"." Mrd. SunthwoJ'th. women Cd P~ClUlJy, that they m ight ill the }l1'cluCll to h Ish01I\OI, ~ suys: the b ·ttcl· ri se LLhu ~ o tll ~ w c~r alld ., Thit!' tltUl'y, in ho,ik /'o l'ln, hU8 t.llur. ul th e Iuwul' tllde ~I tbelr P" O' bec lI ·culled fur, by th n,julld il. UIII' ~t.!"'S lO ll , ul.ld 1I0t II .ollcll. ~clu!,:le 1 ill g se veml 'yC11I·t! IJIlf! t, bllt tho uu . IIIto 1l1.11IrlDlouJ; ur IIIV",h'!1 III th " r hilS ret!tl n 'uJ it, until 1 76 ns b,)th . fit, OI.. ly 'for Ihe reg ·" crutil.' g - her cUlltl'ibnli oll to lhe VClI tcllllilll' g mcu 01 God. A Iru e sch ool'lll l . 1I0t only bocullso Ahe consid ers it tu tl'e:l' is thll ' )J ·,.ceet WO ,IIall nobl y i btl her very betlt \\l urk hnt heclln c pllllln(>d. '. IIml v 'l')' 'I1tll'llctive 118 1 it- i8 pcclll illrly 11 Nut'i oilul Novol. d lltlcribeu by the leclurer. bei u ~ fUllu,)oJ a ll the lifo lind cur or It wuuld tuke tno. IIlllch Rpace to . THE ONLY STOVE MADE ot' li ne of lit e n ()hlu~t of our count· ue criho the iutcrc:ltiug object Ics W"th Slidi 0 D rymll ll , \\'110 ..cull y li\'ed 8utliJl'cd, 8~1~ ~ i v n. by J\Ji s~ ilII1C ~Wt.loJ , i 1. toiled, lind triulllph cd in thi s lalld; 1rlllcII>ul oi OaytunN .! rmal 'h ol,1 PateaLt4r.b.2,18OS1,.a4S.pt.2.1889, one wllU~e iu spil'ationB IJI Wi,d,du ill :-"llUsu milliner wus SIOlIJly charlO' IlUU g ,du o s ~re drllwll 1'1'0111 tho IU~; or to I'epnrt th~ uth~r papers 0 ~ 0 .'xulIlples of .tho heruic wllrri lu',j ' ulld specches. SlItiicc It to say /Have a.u ply of the "bn ..e-n Imed celebra. llUd state IIIOU of th u R~volution, that whull the dllY closod , the W I1r· ted C.-.ok.!fto ..o. and .. II oj,her flrewllUI8 p~r. Ilnd wlltl having, !oJ' his own e nergy, I'CU CU. tellcllor • uf wh'!Jll qni'le 8 ' lor. bedroom and .tore·room .to ..e•. risclI fl'l'nJ thll dOl' pc~t I)b~cllrity lu nlllll~r. wcrc. PI'~scllt, lult 11m ply tlt e hJp;h u t famu, LJeCllme ill him. , repl~ld tOl' theIr trip. ' " !lelf un illustrutioll of the clevuting ! I .ClUInot cl~8c this I~I' without of ,,\I k,nd.ln large vanet", il1 fl uciL 08 ofourRcpublicun lustilu· culling utlimttoll to thir'very 4J~ccl . . _AA#.lIl~ m t ill UB. '111 the Depths,' he WII.l! lent udvuutuges. offercd llt Alltluch . M~~~~~~~ horn indeed - ill the very d e pth ~ l? bo t II seXC8 lor th ? ro~lgh i lI ~ truc· III' POVCl'ty, .1lI isel'Y uuu hlllniliation, ~Ion by ablo aud falthl ~I touchers, i '. .-, "lit Illroll nofll .Uuav cu's bl"~SI' l lg "11 III buLh Oolle"e and 1. re"urutory done In the be.t mAhner, and a.t 10 ... Price., .Ll ~ v 0 t' hid uspirntions IIno ondeuvord' he Depul·tlllt!nts. 1 rof. Bndge, at the TOILET SETS, F ANCl WARE miscd hilUself to tho 1tI11ID1IIit 01 hClld IIf the latter, is I\~ ~xpcri eO'? Alnd EVf!I'ytlting in Ollr Lin6, tumo. ll~ WU8 gil uti 1\8 well I\S ed teacber of ~reat ability, and 18 . All at the Lowest Rates. groaL. 1118 g')OdnOd8 won the love r~.ally rcmwelllllg the whole~houl. 01 "II who know hiUl intimately. ~ .1~10 a year b"iI pruve~ qlllte ~ uf· HiR grcatntlil8 gained the humllgc fioltlnt to ClifTY n I'llI'll lhrough. Jf,w·w1.btopowV...lIl...or.... of the wurld. He hucame, in t\ alld many hll\,o ClIllll'll'tcd tlto G d "'J Pr fi ! word, HI'C of thc brighl cst ~tars ill ClIllr'C ut le88 expell~e. For this 0 t Cvlulllbiu's diadcm uf light. Hi s chargc, !l schvlur ut Alltioch hulS UJOQ ... ~btolleco~::dcommercIalFlorl.I, idcutity will. hu rccognized h.v .th~ Cdntltllilt OI e.'I .p u.lld In"trllcl.lolI . I tnull dl y conl"llnWII .t"IIII·II·III· WI' til III' ~ a , we II UK tie tllose \"11 I~ 11 WCI'" 1... IfJ'Oll wllb to Oarden tor Amueea:a.ltor c~rly porsunlll h~ tury; untt'ul' ob· ship ul: t~ 1l !lccoll1rli ~ hcd tu~CIt.c ...; for HomoUMool"read n Oll S reLLStlIIS, IllS I'oul nlllOe III n t llllU 1" ul(,Il:l~ rs . I· urcllts wI shll1/; Garde" ~ 1'1 T be ,"ciled ' tllldor a fi Clitious Ollt" tu send thclr chilJrcll tu u @c holl' o.~ h ·rc. Ilis life. itl Il ~'lIhling tlt.lr ·"lioro Ih.ey may Icut! , a hUII~u lilt!. Peter Henderson. can Inuke Ul r t tl I yOllt II 1I I cvorY"II d- , to shl'\\' . . . to tIe . ' ul1g~nwlI Ii III I~ Prloe It.59 o.oll, 10000t~pnlol. by mall. thl'1n Ihut th ere is tlO dt!\Jth of 1I11I1I11u. ot su~c ul . lhe prulcssllrli • hnm:1II mi sery from which thoy ut . AIl~lOch willclt will \\'llull~' metll Out eo.blDed catal...... for 18'Ie, of may nol, by vil,tue, en"I'gy, ulld thiS Wish. u EVERYTH I NC lOa " . . per8ev e rallc~, rise to oarthly lIun ul'd, I us wcll as tu eterllul glory." It is ~ La Creme do.Ln. Cr~me ~or Ioublislled in n l"rlrC dllodocl'mo MILY.IS. as uSIlI1.I, f.nll .01 chOice t' I:J '" t fl •• nt Fr •• to aU ApDllaa.,ta. volume of O\' er Sl!VOn IIllndred mllSI~ ur .pru clel~t perlormers Oil paged, witlt II \lllttl'ai t of AlI'S. tl lll 1>l:nle tor~e . . Ilt~rl:l IS no bettcl' &D~oh!:.:r.:~~~~~ ~;~'~~ .o:l::' ~ollthworth cllJrru \'ed on utllel IUllslcll.l pubhcatlOlI III the Cull Il try. taJlllnl • ..,loreclplal.....otwltboutcba... 'f"'\ 0 , r,;O . td be J L P l~rebaec,. or aD1 01 tbe aOO.,.e thr" from LL llhlltO)~ruph tllken or hcr un u cell a unmr. • • eters, :"Ia. 80.., to all otheraollncolplotao Marcil 22d, 1876, bcing a Life.Like New York. > ~~ .I .~'\.... nlld S pelt k illg I urtruit of Mrs. ! •• Buslne8s Card", tJtU.A,~"rllf'1 Southworth ut the prcsent tilDe. .I I A t I :I . 1t J AMKS W. HAINES, M.lJ. Iii Cortlandt Street WIt I Icr u ogrup I Ulll er It. is bound in 1II0roooo cloth, gilt I ' N B W YORK. back. price $1.75, and is for sale i BOml • • PATB." b\l ull Booksellers, or copl'e8 of' l·t lp . ' l l l l l a • • • •• IIIII . J will he scnt to anyone, at once, 011 . , their rcmitting the price of it iu a l OftIoe a~ ROIJdeDoe. h- ttCI', to the Publishers, T. B. I j 'etcfson & Brothertl, Philadelpbil1, W.,...~lIe. 0.... 1'11. L. C. LU KEN8, M. D.,
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IT Ten.ion. rdoln. an whl~ Ihe h v;"" ..annr,loe 1 ,;.hl·R "oooo;,,~ .. DObC ESTIC," " ",,,",,.~ d I ~ t ile h...,1 III U ~C .
a.r erung ,or Practical Flon"culture T
Physic inns i;ig·hiy~ ;c-ommclld PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, 'I the lise of Dr. Mnrshall's Lung . __Office in NationKI_BILnk B . Ui\(U_Ug • Sy rup for coughs or colds of long lVAYNESVILLE., OII10. d' d I .,;tun lOgan pll monary complaints generally. It always cllres in all . . incl'edibly 8hort time. Cal\ all • ~ST ' I your druggist, A. Doll, and get a ~ .' I I)(1ltI e. 0 U Iy 25 cellts, ~ . A ~ ,. - - - - -- - . W AYNES VILLE, OHIO. We I\re glad to hear that Dr. Gal adminLtt.ered ... heo d""ired. Ma rshall's Luug Syrup gi ves such - - •• enera .· I· 8ati8laction; our druggists E. ~ay it sel~s better than any otb~r t
preparation for cOllgb8,colds, etc. Office and Re8idence, Tlti'l'd St., I The price is 25e., large size 50c. Sol~ by A. Doll.
WAYN~SVILLE. [(THainea & Woolley have mo~ -- - vt'd into S. McOune's store.build· SETH -W . BROWN. . ATTOR.NEY AT LAW
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I.L.EN<.:£, !h . ..... 'vft.1111 cl'f <If N."~'k. 1'<0' ) ""1<. , It",. ''''. 00 U" ".",I.,d hf ~ I f:l. lI>1 1" I": AL I·.xc.; n ,· 11n um of " rlcl l ,)". ,\1 ",(111111111 Iff I I ,lr ••bi l ll ) , .. Ihl r.\ Il~c IJ( '4 1,.1 , 10; never hc ,elufuf. .uthed In 'he Sew;", ~faeh;n'. --:o.ld. . TO THIS STATEMENT ANl) TilE ~t,\' CIIINE IT ' EJ.F w. loylt. tho "lIon,I.,n of III . .. pecl.ll y 'h o .. havlni hieh ",echa. l.ol , kill .r ob •• rvatlon. N. H.- All Moehin", r" lI y " ' rr.n ..·~ .
DO,MESTIC St:;:: l i'iO ~1 .•' C~:NJE ~ O.,
~ •• " . • · ...·1. " , u\ Chi '·n ...... LADIES. USE "DOM~!;T T C" l;' P, ~ HIONS.
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E'. F. Kunkel', Ditter W.iae of j '1 II 1\ . Iron ' Cl'nC!n1a l' W' e"kI7 1"'0 ne"er beeD k."o .. n.LO f,ti l ;11 the c"." · .o f • , \J ~ j qU'lrer 1 ., \\ttlI ~ y lll" t ' , m " : 111.11 ... 1""lwo " I. p t," r .\ .' 1" !-1 ' l! 1, d e t}{ · tl t o/ l he W C I~ k ·!h8 :ol . 'i n e ll.I"H'Y 1"""UII" " Cl,·rth,n. I" •• "fm(\InQ,Y. ,illli,·"I· · I I ~' ro f l,r.",h i"l( , genetAl .. C ll k IIC.•,: I,,,,"lor :,1 ' I'OL ITll ' :\" .... C; • . ::'Ii !': H .\ " I ill the th e mark et: li E TER.,N,D UBLfN and LXCELS IU/ll 1~~,.c~:'~: :O,~c',·17,;,;;~:';~~ilt:~:I' :~~:~~" 'II:,unI'~' ~'I~ JrRLl~ 1 N E ':(. "",. I' 1:·() 1·1. /~·' 1 "" ' n ~ I"'e" tli" '''Cij8 ", ,·i·i '11 . Iftll~ ... ,r, \11, · I \' I' I '~ 1I1 llls .. itudc (I f ttl \! ro ll~ ul ,lr ~ .\· ..I t.'CIII . ! 'I p ll l li ,: h '101 \flt l p ·· .. fi r in IlI i · " " il'''I,t fr o :n "II0rmO)"s "",oo'lit" wiLl, (h ' I" ' l'tic 8)'mpl''''' . • tlo e I,e ,pi e . .00001OI ". WOI'< ,',. 111 i,, 'h "iLIiQUI I "001 I,,, nti . , tl lIshi,,!! of llo e ho,h. d",·u,·,. " I' ,eJwnll ', " 00 '1" , I. ;'" "r I·poo 11 1 • "". ok ill , ",I lid co"nl "II ,IICO ,ind c,·ootJliooll. 1 It I· 1"0 :011; ..,·,,1' 0 : "gill oo "d 1"' lic,' 10 ' ' "" the fll' : o. purl I." "!! Ih.· I" uo,'. 1'1Iin in lite 1" 11.•lIltl the lp·C., 'c · 1 !;" OJ d L" Lhl' !;rcOI Le " , 1IIl(.' \( , hc u,· jlll's" of Ihe l,.,t('lid .: . f t'Pllue li t ldlltlh.-r . lllOick .,oo,t. B)'iug ber"r.. Il,e ". . . ... i,h ,e''' ' 1 11 i<·"I'Ioo ,.,.,1 I" 1100' "" " i' e n,. I ,Ii .hone·' _ l'uO' ...·.': 8,,4111·i'J II :~lId I"," 01 High t. \1 " 10 ' or ,,1 ,.·· 1~ , i · rOl I 011 I.',,,, h • ' ·elO ., fiOl " oI ,10 0 f.·. -~-=1 IIiI " II" oo n, etc. " 'eFO 8),mI'L 'm< .1I Hi, " 0I1111 u . I' .·. · •• I II, 10 ' .. 10 ., · , ~" ' i /.,· ,J i lO olr tor ~ - ... -.-. ..... , from 1\ " eu kues" , find Ln re ll 1ad.y th nt. Iil" C l'OIl ~ rl'!'O~ !"1' l il III ! 11'1111 1 d .. , 11 :I l ;·)j! II ' ,ll l ,' two " . F. I\ u~ ,,",.'. lli" 'r Wi lO.· of IrOil. II ' lh .rds " .. tl," I" 'I I,, ', """'e \ . . U?ft,ftGITr'D \D ~R ne,·" f~i1 . . TOIkc.'ouh E . F . I{u s "",:~. I 'I'h,· N",ioll ,I n,oo,l, "':.10;. ,"" , . " ,I "icc to I ~ ~~~~~ ~ 1?"J\1? ~ 'li)JY('fi' 'Ii' t> De"arc of counterfe,l' nnt! I"••,. 011 1"". "I"",· the 1:00 "lrol01II,,· Ooo ro"' IO C" "' Ih. Imn,I., / . ~~6~ @!J ~ ~o:!I;g~ t) tioli it. Aft ·~utlk,· I 'd Bitt,'r '~iill t; o f Iron ~ ~ : fl f ~h" )I II.IH' \· K i l l ~~ 'II1<J cl'I 'li t ing 1111011 .1'1-0' 1 . . . 0 \1011 knoowII oil O,'C" 'ho " " '11.11'" II.,, ··· d ... ·'"g .,'·'·Lo ... r Ol~'· X F d I .' l;iMt. Ihemo" h"" milk." OlIO im it·,.tion· ,;IIll L7-" I 1'1 1\' . .: ,ti ll'·.'· o""i, \("101",,,,·. iIH' .... . inf: ,It o. .I CW e(> , tI e ellBlcs t hanrlled Ullt! cOlllplute.!t Drill <Jarrett tu lite tt'ade, 10 pOlhn ,.t ull ,,~, Ih~ ' or ell";om,,,,!. wh.u th.y , 1"10 of I\ov, rI,m, 'nl oollkin '., whi lo Ih~ price We hll\'9, also, II c<JInpletc.t!t'}uk of olJe·lwJ'lIU COlli IO"Kunkel s B,Llol' 'A 011(' uf .hOl'. 01 1"1,,,,· 01 ' 101 ,I.. 1> 000)0I '''' l' ' !" ',ti ."",p, . lO tI K'lIIk,I'" Rill or Wino "I' h .. 11 1M (lilt up ' J:"ol,"blleks ( tI ... P··Oi,I··, 1010111 " ' .J b"" b"en ')IIly ill.1 I,utll" •. 01'011 I".. 01 "" 10.... '''. Ploo,r '\ d''l'reciOltpol. . _4111_ Dl c~' I)' pOll on ' :'e 1I111 . i,le "i'\I. the pro p' ie. Th,! "et ch . n i!in ~ fh ,: (1 ,.)1:(1, ... 1 conlrnc t ~ ith. • ~ 0(1 C-S I(lOVC 0 W8, tor " pht,lnsrtlph UII th e "' ''.pper or cach II ,ndh"I,lc.'•. , ,10 1 m nh ' "~ b,,",I. n ~ " OI hle in bOLl I,·. AI ... ",. . I''''k f"r thc PhOLO';,llph O il g.ohl ill"",,,d nl I c~,, ' (clldu.·•. ,," 1;'101 ogrrt'd l Lh. oUlsido. ,\1". "0e, I'e r,I\'lIoiL 01n2"~ e orcr "CIIrnL.Il ill ......... l\IJ~"..... 1," .' K~EI{~, )!d the gen Hnd II int ."0 o '••will PCI> h ll ul !lr Illre loI hc IIt.,r lUPO" u t.hc; 11f,' w ;It. t..hI" e n C \IH' J' l lll' l \". v"lu . ,' ..L~ , l~ .5 . . :-;"I,t loy I.IruHgidi s und Uea lcl" e, OI'Y' '1:1,., . Ito'" m.,I.i"OI Ad. d, · "' ."d i Ol ~ IhKI i ""are. which" u;Lcd), " "1',,,,,, 1110, "",I 1'I I\C'1111 lhe , A~l ~orm. Removed Alive . ob.i," L.,,""101"11' ' '' eil ly ,.,,,.• f~rl l'er off. ~ "nH~AKING E . f . KI ' ~f\ " L" Yl ulm ~y l" up Ih' V e r (n.iI Jl rOf 8uc h u~I ' I 'l it,I" C tl rn e R ; '~l lI lI " l lh ' JI~ ~ , tOl de. ,.o,· I'ill :-; nf unll :-;L"OI",d, Woru,•. ph, the EOI'I lI"" " "til ,,,\1'01" .[1,· ,[ I'\,.'"lte ' n' Dr. K, '~I:L, '.hl' o"ly. , uCec-, r,,1 I'ltY8i"il\lI IhI' 1I,llIl i" i"'rIl Li ,n or s",·eo-nOl,.cul lin'.,;"" a ' lr'(]l'I ,i?i-, lln, D'P D "..,~ " ".. h I! rl HI UV~ '4 ' n p c \\ m nl m 2hollr8, a li " l! IhOl'4t h ltll1 ~ I ~ '~~~~~~l~~~e~ wilh hc,OlI. ",hi 1111 rO". '~ lIti\ ,·'·... u'·ell. Com · Oelebration for the Centennial -~ mou .tn HO leltt:li cH If I ILl' \!. Wu rm bu rl! 1I10 \'· ed. ,,11 ulh, 'r W(ltln ' CII " be "c"oI il ydcM ro' cd Year. I~" :-;cud lor l:irt'oo ,,"' ' 0 11r. KlIllk,'I, No .· 1 ~ 9 1'." 0" ... ,," '" kU""'at,dllnol ol·. '"mllh"ios 01 1!!·gCI·S, NOith !:It I! Alleet. P ll il nd,·lph illl . P it . • Or cn ll n HR, nwli t,. IU lfl . ,m ' ctR nf p I ~ t thld f" tn t u lu .. 1 yOU!' <lru,(I:i.. 1\ 10 11 10"1, f,,,' • bOitie II I gi<:oo linll , .. 'nol .ho Eoo'I',irer d .. ring th l• • 11 J{ull kel '~ \\'O:'W $YO'lil" Prke 510'1. Il ill,po'1nll\ crla;., Ilud 600 b.cO'il ,o rO" lhc yea. never ~'a. - 563-1y I Bili. T E It ill S •
f Eeonom:tcal,
Bor Share
I 1'1
c enera.,. Havin" r.'n told th o Paint Dupurtment of M •. T . Devitt'. COlfl'i"ICO 1,011. I ..rn proI,.red to l'"il1t C"rr;agPti Rnd "'.. gon .. of 1\1I ltin(1o in fir.wlll •• • tylo Hnd .. t r .."'.lIable r.. te.. Give IDO II c..lI. . WLLLlAM
• ,.
e .or I'Dey • Crackers of all kinds.
Corn _Shellers, .' ...ost· D' &c_
RilOgle col'Y' (1006.. .' 0 '''-.~I 75 ,noh. .20U I j ve cllpi," H 75 Ten .. .. I (;U C" '10 )0 flO ""~Ilty" I 59 oa,'h. 3', 00 With IOI t,. L lil,oral rednd lu". LOolul, RgeIOLI . S"nd for epecim"n COI'I '~ Mid OK"nl" uulfit.
~~~~~.~ ~:j',~:~:::~\~Vllr1
'c)ao"'rl,b,6(!U~,'c~ftlfFARAN Pu/Ai, l,.era, r
B ., crs ' .
Elliott ~ Co7tmafl
, A.
your nam e n aely printed Olt , . C:1~~ them, a~ld lIent 'tQ '~ny .addre8R, , . a r e . P08t-P(l1d, 'npan r t'.c ~pt. of 50 ct.. SIZes, Sty... " Pm:. 10 tuit ..try one. . THE MIAMI GAZ~TT~ Wayuc"yltJe, Ohio. • • • REIOR &. CO., Clacllaatl. 0. ~Go to "it....l 'I 11 t'I -
AND NOTARY PUBlIC. IFor Sal, ' WAWI'I_nLL•••••0. ' . S&t·llll\
.. .
To the Publi G '- -, - U-
CAMPBELL &: HOOSIER 'C»r ........ • •
FA HID N ' Itisth.efUic'l.estBaker, Ai
---We have tllree of the IJ&ST~
Au',omo ,'e
~~'c;ue MO,ke ""' PATENr H,\IW lo: Nt:1l CU:-l 'C.\I. 1l "'~ IS(;S 0" ''''' h t". ~I."h .n. newon<1 ol.l ld •••. ,.o,-ked 0101 w;,10 b,." d new M.chl",ry " '00 1 T"" I. 0' n,,, oW", W' ''~ '.
II" ,
W .h
OLIPP1W, / JlLPERfAL, & Olll Ell ITILLED' aU of w llt eh. are Warra n t ed to fli ve 'a&i,V a() fio fi . '
[(l' Warrulltet! to g i\'e Sl~tisr1ioti on .d))
flO ....vOico
& 1\1 LEAN,
Cl:nci.nnatl:, O.
DYE HOUSE £'141111,,",_ ol~~:7:: ....
All kinds of Wood Pumr) At extreme'ly 10" prio;' • I' I" .-. U.ol_re&LIUa.1oII • rs,lOR WIB Itng auyt lIog In our line will fiDd it to their iotere.& .. ......,. _a-:"":tr:"'~04 1 to give us a call before porchuing elsewhere. ou:-::·
All pc
::-:.::--=-==-=--=::.-:: WM. R" TKA8DALlt.. . W.yn"~ille M& ..... 1......... CIJlfCl.1IJlJl.r£
ICJl •
W-.. U· DB '0
""t'le I
Root lJ,tl~i ' are the R~3t Blood a' / Ire/lg lh nlll!l 111m",,, e Ihe Worl/ J ro./"w Thf!/ are /l OW IUftl by l!l1l 1Jl~ of f tuplo
"I Amerrro a/MI ha, e fOl/JId. 1M r wOlf 10 FOrrt9 I La ad, 7h" " • •1/
, Good lkalth IrO !l to j ~1 Itl a Id F rado7l1 frOl t n illffllt
M.ttCHINES. Llbrrn! Torm. or r . c!aalldorSccond ban lIIIaclilnCJ of ••• ry d. crlp! on PAPER FASHIO NG Th Ile. \ 1 ftUt'r n. h .
S n I ~ 11 t or
Cat.l ~
CE~rt'Ey~D H!STORVOF n \T", n
~E \"
' OR "
l NaL Storr u d Yam'" NftwtDa Vf)r we hATe dflte r1lll.aed to otter t Ul Ja.a.. 1m for II W ~t paJd It. .. UJe
I rei ar ed
de monttraCc be f.ot
OUR AUll1!lRSnrcop"rated enUrel, by n J ICSE J ' WE ll... aD I " III b ore 0' h,rKlAI o r 2 0 PEET P .IOl\ HOUR They barD ho",
DEI>Tlr REOUIRED Tt <y will b r
A . . . ,.d. nr F..rlb " .. " Ita.d ..ad .... ft1 f1 • • on f\ bltom'no", a to ... " . . . " ' . "e autl Ilardp•• And wo lLU{lIlhn BB8T oC WELLS In
enry 8tatA .01\ I,;ounly I, to United 8111.. Send Cor oor III . Ir ed Catalogu.,_ lema I'rl ~l &<1 . proy lag our advul"l!JIIt nta _ ...... .<l(ldrell
IIU! WESTEII WILL '~GD COl BLOOMFIELD DAVIS CO, IOWA ....Sl..'c In what. paper you .aw ti.acmcnt.. _ \hlt ad_... _ " IGANTO J N
TYPE }< ()
"' AS Pi ,11' RI,.,.,.'
color for la
NDR'o f h.~i
aDd m,.t widell
c t rou l .~
N'''Plluer I n tb. W_
Rend mone, .dd"'IM TIIK t KD O ItD
\1---.. 1,MHhl
\" A Y
I.E. Oil « . 'V H . E~nA'. )1.\ \ 1.0. I\. 7fl.
LI ...... I t: M' 1\' ,. \\ I ..
11011£ \" I. A IIIUH II
XliII Ull
IBER 565. Till! DI!P IlTKD
IUdu •
Wllh "bl.., b ,b
aULD • • .aIIT
b.nO f l "",t be I......U. beerl It I . n I I po are I'(>Id p .. b .... en t !>MUIT and.
Id maul CRn boa t of two
but they nrc elbo ws NEVER apply n depreollltlllg epithet to a ell lid or tiCrVllnt I t never does an" guoo UIIL allluYH ILn unlDltlgated barm lI lJ ~ H" 1\ uJ Now York want, the Logls l:nure to chlLoge h er name Thi. I" Ie 1[1 ye Ir Lot ber swoop down on me male cluckcl and mue him change IL A ~EW book 18 entitled' Die Haupt.. Lruemunger dor LII.eratur des NeuDgehll Ler Jllhrbunuer18 This title 11'111 give ) ou nil tbe ueec ~n ry Lime to.get out of the buck uuor while Lbe agent 18 men tlOOing It MI Jlo 1- (,oodne!!8! lhe fire isellt I tlu Igh t t \\ lUI very cold' BeauImll ll;<'t Illy overcoRt and put It on you? M "" lto~c- Oh no but (glanc>109 at th clock) ~ better put It on JUI rtiClI • ll1E mllll who IIIIld ho d never run away lrolll dun~er al\ got to dl0 !!lime tllne you kno\l was observed get~g ruuod III corner II] a verv hvely Lime Lho othe( clilY wben 1\ team of ho~ filII 1\l lIy Ill dl IL Wllgou load of giant I)QI~ der RA CII IS (J el tully vulgar, and uever vlIlga rer III III "h en It proceeds from morllfieu l'fldll uu!nppolDted ambition or th\\llrted IYIUfulncSll A baftled del!pot Ig the vnll;lue t of duLy wretches no l1Ilmer vhcth r h c he the despot of ana LIOU vllld l \tmg Its rlgbte, or a donlte)' slIIlnng u Ill!r 1\.8 load
1\\4 'J 0 tl e horder (norlh.oro .t~ UQ uo booJ11.lI vl ~ ,her o ,I e hord.. f M} II e r a t&retla voo.l¥ .11<1 g Ihere (!x pLIl l ew oo JlI/roxe n tr.1 JH!n tR Ill uK hero" I ll .. tft.
(,1111. II rUIJE 18 t be flllres tblo880~ wfuch SI fll1 g" trom Ihe BOul an'" tbe heart of III III knO\I ctl Ilono more fragrant \Vhlle Its opPulIe nt III gratltudo, lB a deadJ" ll ced nllt ulI!y pm.oOlng In 1t8elf, hut IU I regllltl g tho lery atmosphere in wluch It ~n ~"will fetid vapors. h IS II g r It tlllllg to look away Between IHi ck Willis sorrows pill o~e down IIl1d grind lid gnaw one 8 ~hfc It IS 1IOn Ittlr ,I II 1011 tb 111,'11 ~) wrong In-<ioor8, tu ~ It III! k 0 t f I WIOUOW If LIIe Wind I lo( k. nnyn here YOII LIIlnk thM )Ul aro ~ I !ky lind Dlli!erablo-per hip Y(Ju II e LII to to It fil'llt but prellUll tI Y yu b 1\ e gotten all over It You hllve go 1e I lit trom yourself away off amo f! treo br In h e~ lind cloud Islaodel cnrrylllg your tr ublo With YCIII, ana there yOIl gl YC It tbe shp, and leave It to me lt I\HY 'I HE \ \I toe fI\ tbo Breakfll.!lt Table ~nyH Jf II LUau Ittacked my oplDlonB.., In prlnl "ould l reply ? Not 1 Do you t1l1nk I don t know what my friend, the profe.-or I ng ILgo called tho hr.drost.atlo } UII I n of cont rovel'llY 1 Don t I know wha t tl It m oal s I Wall I II tell you ') 011 k 0" that II you bad a bent tuhe one lCUl of wblch wu th a RI7.e of II PIpe-steDl, and the lither bIg cuough to hold tbe ocean, " atcr would Kluud lit the same belght II olle M tho OLher Controversy equal Ir. e~ fools III d Wise men In tbe 81lme wa", aud the fo ols know It
1111 ClIlIgrRt on fro 11 I rei III I IS 110 lunge r whll LI L" Mlen or tl flell n or tW11 tj yelrft 'Ilo {) l!y lillie n urc th lll1 fifty till lI"n lld I erS!Hld ('Illlgr It tI III t ye r lIml Iho pr JI1I1HC ~ tl It till ye If the nlln lIer will ho t'\e ll l e_ I ".~ th III II
J 'F. <oll bl ( Ie- II (' I fII ( I II t uud 0 the , P II (J::'(' 1111) ( wh o call Illor I th e III XI ry hive 11.1 ~cned It on(' or n orl' meHI ~ ~ leh dn) fhl'Y Ill, e 111<0 II v 1 flaly of bulb~ nnd roo\.t! "hl< h the) !!On e I" pre:<en c~ lind pllkle. Millet ~ th e c1 elL! e~l Ilf II! I thel r food 11 e til Ir I~ b,kedll1tu a lOR r<(l brelll A Co III' will hI e 011 thl H fur three CI'I t_ II Isl) Rice nd h!h 11111 eo~t hllll IlK lit til Ice Oft milch J he J II' tn('l!C uee ch p .t ct.. tho , line "" the (1llneMe \ UIIl1U g HIl hy II I rom ll t' llt lind II (,111I ) JII I WHO II crd n It to flU \m e nCll frll' d co n 'l ~ ttd of the fol lo \\lng 1 b .h brotl 2 RII v tit!ll !le n ed UII oblol g gll\Bll Jl8he~ 8 A \"nr cty of l eget lblc8 4 A 81\ eeL prpS('rve i) A I 1I1J11l1dllllCe of n co Whl Rky lIuolIl II~ killing OR our J erllCY Iightl1lng anu telL (l(11 b III I '1 ho hnner II n" IIC lI ("I 111 trays on the noor ole hIS htcnilly to " t or sq at IIUWI to I "'l'lne~ melll 0 1 Rlr~ "L< ul~ and I e I. lin' Il II )VahOJlH of our CI VdlZIl tlOli ] I e pe~l'l e he dowu u)'on the Dluttell noon IISlP g block" of \\ood cov t'r II with cluth fc,r I'l1Iuw!!, nlld WIth onhlliry blankets lur bedding SeI'"fl1Le 1I(llLrtllleo\.t! lire made to ertler by the use
('Ilgerl) l eAAu wl t h
10 I i IlIIgh from rtllll 1\111
• * * * IllImlr~~ \\1 U I .. UI oxcel!er t
\\UIIIllII h ,\I I b Ir leI u I or h(,lIrt . he hRd bor 10 I u('cd for I fteen yr lr ~ bill th s Y('1r L \ ,. II II~ ' I!y III I Ie preild I1gly hell~) 00 rtcr 01 u1 ru Il the trouble Ill! long I S Mhl) 1\ n. Ibl(' nil 110110 by he rself- tbr Hile v I" 1\ II IdOW-RI e hnd CU ll e to Dr t IUItl'l ck on tl c Monday 111 Orll 1I11! IIft.er \\ I at 111\1\ nlrendy boon tol l 10 \,('11 her ~ tory nlld get III n~vlCl' 'II C HIllry WUH I nit :lII,1 I OlIn tIC t rec le I there bu t gl ve fow wor 18 to
show It. r urport It will be a loll.'! to
d octor
Plumtroo MIU II Ith to Ir" I I I ll r e ve~ to) l.ftke the boy /I'vay Mr O!RytOIl I_ very Itood to 111m IUd h II< ra 1iC,1 111 0 I!Illary !!O lllllL n Ull I e 8 renlly II 1101,,oor 8Creenll. nnd [IlaCOK Ir III) "ClU OO u Cl r Wh It shllll 11 man gIve In ~lIch8l1ge J1l ti ASTRO UH Ar I I E - A 1I0te\\ ortl y fer IllS BOllI 1 lhe doctor /\lik ed Idmos t _ IHII r recently rll hed Into I nnt III Ilb8trnctedly Ihnt S JII Ht nllllt J HaV locto r nnd order to rCC0ll111 cnd CHrybo I).' to he In bed until a (UP of cotfo had btc en pre- If he sluys th ere J III Jlure he 11 be rUllled I nre I lind IIUW we Ie 1m thllt th ere 18 H e ILl Wllyd used to be 80 fr LIIk lIud ten I 0 fnd t(1 tho domestic tll ~curd ho hss der hearted nnd no, or 1\ th IlI g did he do l'rudllCCc\ by IllS adVice becuul!C of tho wrong but he d COIIIO rig ht aftemardM Ilnd hellte\1 dI8CUSSIOllf! whi ch hllve8urllng up tell me Bllt now loctor he ne l e r tells be III order to estabhsh who III the famIly Il tiling he H Te8tlel!l! lIud fidgety should make thllt coffee Another Yifl dou t 111\11 t to be alone "I til me lind t.er hos a1HC conlnlllt.ed a ~I milllr Indl!l- the other lII;;ht docL r whell 1 wen LIII cr tlOn by ndvocatllIg t."lklllg a 1If1Jrl1Jllt,; kl!<tl 111111 - nnd leo ~I N 1'11IrnLrf'P nap Ami now parents ILm wrltlllg to bUl'llt mto a 11000 uf t.ullrs- I kncw h ~ I 111m Crom all quarters saymg thaL very been urmklng 'there Wl\.~ 1\ ~ 1II01llcntH ~ llence 111 boy m the bou1lCbold~ where the papor haH been taken hll8 read thiS article lind which the good " omnn regllineli I I f is ngldly conforming to it whatover composure Ho ~ a good boy doctor~ ~he Wl'lIt elae may be neglected }O tbe way of good on but he lUIIIo t any baCk bone, and ad'loe.
~t ~
III Blee<ke r
t Oil
III l upon I UIIl " remRrk
moved IIWIIY III i YIiH IUW lit hl8 de.k \lIl\n K mild obsc f\ eu Hutger. hesllulll gly 1 rOllbl(,d 1I10llt ] 1m WlIf I s tllleH I gUI, III I Crull) II PI Ly he CUll t bea r tl 0 tn t b P;rke 1Iid \111111 hea nng the rem ark turned bllck tr d stood agalll before the g roupe I t hill 1 thM he .ald hotly 1 hap I HI. Ig for II moment! "I Ie 1118 I" ~ tlghtelled IIllll tbe b ood once 1U ro ru . h~ I to hl8 flLcl' I don t Ill I D I ho v III ICh }Ou ruu me-It 1811 t true nol II wor I of Ilr-hut I elm t HUUld thatlhen PlIlIl!Ctll\Jl:IUn \\ ell I l!Iud I UIII, I!Hrc:lsLlelilly You r tellng a story Alllt) Ilellt 011 r Ipllli v th It I lIon t wallt to hellrthllt 8 why J n gOing of[ I hew I <'Jllcuillteu Tom lind th e others ~ L UJlII chorlls of Ironi cal ~ II r I'n:!C "'lIIce "hen ? IIIqulreol HutgerM 110111 sIlt - beg \0 ron y n My dellr fellow ILl!ked Tom L1us It-new uepKrlurc?' What you re gOlllg to tell COli hnued nilan, 8~1II more emphatically Isn' t II Ih lhlllg to h~tell to nnd 1 den t beheve III It He dluu t ·move nwny now bray Iy and firmly Rlood hl Hg round ~IO t VOUIl little fl\llllCllUU~? qUlred fODl With II ellrl upon lils Hp , 1 m not fond of touchlDg pitch 'tb:! boy cootlDued and besides' -alld bear hl8 \Ol('e took on a lower tone, and for an lnstant blS eyes dropped before
Anu I guess you sl.llrltllll Iho ri g! t plnee cmlh Itlcal1y at h(' mUI f I IWI~) And LI en lor M le/\llL tell I1IlnllIC~ 1I1111e the column of figure~ relll I)II('d un touche I Allan sal th oklllg ( Ier the dllY • hIstory W II noL loui /LItem Iud I ho lSi Alillu InUl I!C !f never ureathed 1 1I 0 r I ut t tbl' whole of that 11I ~tu ry C Im u tu ~I r <> lemlg . koowleo.lge F or W,I! c Pil mtreo n &11 allony of 811 Imo lin I ro 1Ior"C I\ml better purposE' tolu It 1111 to I muther tl nt nigh t ILnu sbe cllrr cII l the next day IVlth a thlll kf 11 helln to DI cte r EII~twick and he br\lu~ h L L prOll1l tly Knd gladly to l\Ir Ul!o ndge Ami you nlly 100aglJle With IIh It JOY tl c Wilcher IClLrIlOO bow AIlnn, D1fecker hllli set hid CUI die on a ealld leilt ck ~lIcl WM lpvlOll hghllo all With n the hOll..o
liAR! ES Fox hlld In ullfortnlRle credltur who ItIslsLed that he lIu IJ 1I0t IClIve until a day Jor JlI~ylDellt hall bllf'll IIl1meu Will YOll go then? ",ked tl 0 cred ito r 't ell and not troutl[ yOIl untIl th <In~ nrrtY~ ' relliell the dUI Well tl en saId F()~ F ( wly J \\ II plLy you 011 t he dlLY of Jui1gm llt HI t alop lIS thllL will be a very busy tlmo let \18 mako It the dllY nner
Sanitary ltegulllUonfl of a Be6-Hln. Thc I\l\lIIt uy regulations of the hive are \ cry " onderful nOl.lllng unoleanl" (lr otlenHI,e IS over allowed to remalu which LIS WIUUlI their power to rtlIIIove RelLmur mentions thllt a lIDall once II> v Ideu ono ot hl ij obeen 109 hives and at.luched ItHelt to a lane of glas6 The wOlght of II 6 Cl't'lItllle wu too great for even bee IUdustry and enterprtSe, but 1I0t too milch lor bee IDgenwty. They fJIOLen cd the shell !!ecurely to the glby lllCanij U r pro.P';'hs, ami then seated U' er Lhe mouth uf tbe ,bell with a quan tI Ly of tbe IllUno gUD! A Hl up; which wu uuce caught 111 olle 01 Maralde a hlvel met a OlOllIlIr fllte, except that, in this Olll!e th e whule body of the creature waa en tom bed III Lhe propohs Tbll Hawe 811betance 18 used to exclude eve ry ehemy IIr tbe lUliect tribe, lUI well 1\8 moiSLure Inti draught The bees Itnllw very well lhat currclI\.t! oC air lire dealrahlo III1U dr IUghts treacheroull Wblle th y CIIL un every avenue for the en Lran 11 01 IIIf whore It would ul&lIe tbem liable lu dillCILIl6 they supply a atead1 vlmlllatlUlI wher I~ 18 no.:ded LinOll or wQrkers slMlon theD\schell readily from • the uoor to every portton ohhll hive , b1 a COtlHtallt and well Limed 'IIIotlon 01 their Wln$ ateAdy cunenta 01 air are geQerated whlcb k~p the hl.e pun anel A FilENO I JOllrnuli"t, hnvtng recellUy sweet. The force of the current II .1;111. made a tour ltbnlugh (.erPlIlIlY r porlll Clcllt to turn IImalllU1emometel'll.-~ hllt old Marshal lIIueber i.'! sh ll tbe mill &Iwol mu~L populnr hero of th day 111 t.lIRt DoN T moralize to a man- wbo II OD hJt countr.)'-, and i8IDvarlably reprei!(luLeu lUI cuttlllg and 1Il118111n~ and drlVlllg the baclt Help him 01'1 _ him inti)' OD Freneb before him IOto the middle of hi' feet, and then II" bim ....101 . . .
n F.A I1T) 1M very often cloxcly r('I,It'd rll F: lutherln unknoY> II gl ver ef to lIocl d( pellllt~lI t UPOll Ircllllls lJllIC" 111C1I1II1\1 tulow leol'lllra he r If woukl n ~ hll v I ~ k I ~w510()() l.owilid the mcnt fuud ot ~OO 000 lor tbe W~leytn M() ellceetlingly lovely Will ... her hc Id tbrown back, her JBWS prIed open nnll U til' e~1 ty III Uiddietow1I1 Ot provetl to a denti.n dt.aDdiDgover her lrVllIj to tlln be Oliver Hoyt, of l.anlord, Ot., who nel one of her mol~n wiLlI an t;gyptlan BODle years agu gil ve '26,000 to the IllUDe nut week lnawluliou tooth ancur
r I "tit, ' II ,I ('hr It tl t I a r\:. I II I ' '.l' II" I •. lHI t ~ I ~~ I IIltl&('h u· h t tla y 1M Y "'II I . .I .gn I" "\I'h', "" l 1"1,1 ,', rl I lilt " ,iii ,,;'" l1,h ." I', ,m . ' " ,. I , r ' . • ,'" ttl' "furllil r. 1\ lou II, ~I"I"I tl' 1,111' \ a,r, II all It tu th:1Il I", iu II ... 1:I('t t h.II Ih'l" r.,.:,'. I _, ..... 1 " " . . III \1 1. '1"'1111"" wl,1 h I '·...111' III 1:'1 rlt(\lOl' 111111\ lah' (,Ullliut /-,'t"t llal'llI. "I I'nl,.\ II I";" II." "1 ' I '" .L.\ "r ItU. I I ·t&nH,~ ", I 'It' 'I' L" ••'t' , \' . 1"11 ""II ~'"rl IrotH ,Jt'I'IIH"H~i.lttlr I ""4..1' II tll'ar., I I l t. ,,,Irli,nll~ t 'II I , ,t .•1'1 \ .11 ,· .Ilt dWII "a\' ... U (1H 1f ,,. \\. l ' Inl \ \' nl rl'UI.\ H I! h l \ pt t" Ihl' J,~' r tlilf h rl /lU~ "t Uh, 111' 1 111 .11):. ~Io UI t.. . II" II • '11 " I. • . ... • ,:1 .'. .I . )\,lltU ( ' Ultll at"I' tillS Ilrillg. Ill\ll ~ f .. . , II. 'v", 'h. . . ..., 4 ( ·c I,I'·llIll ull-.xl" I~' · I 1111 ' I Ir" "1 II. :lIJ II ';':',II r I Or, \ .ltj'JUl li " hilluc I " ,I." I \' " II' '11 ,. " " ' 1:1 Sf) . • + tl t\ h' II " I !~"'III .d lal.t I ! I , ,l, , '" .11 thlLLlt o vtl",r ~l'u I ~ ltl\' lit f. Ill' " 'i U pa... ~ "II . U1 mo",l ",ulI' , " .,,' r. I t : \ o I" \•. Ii. 11 bt .\l II t ' . tru'"t (t\ r " li d l ·hl1 .. ') '~ Pp : ~ ... 14 rIo.' (; ., :: ,11, 11I1 " I~ wl,1 r. h," " I.. I L ,'U I". tn I. 1 1I~ I~ I I I~ till' cln ~ .... 11 t . ~ CIlIIIl'III"I' WI "u , " 1111\' l'X " .." ,,,11., 411'\ I , ~,I..I" "I ....I ur 11ft 1'1' IIl'W '." II. ·r"I".d o III ,~ .• " '. p n nl1/rnal . I 11'111 II I \\ 1I11,'1l 'v' lI.t~· T'IIII ·I," Ull" 1"\11 111 la llll U l! 'lll,11. 1IIIIIl" '" Ir,II .·!. .\ l d I1l , ('1 \'':.1.1, .• tl. II. ' :'1 y• .\ 1/ I ; U .. , " . " h d, ,.~" ":,'1,. I .. '1'11111'1.1, " ',' I..~ JIl • \ I-:• • I ..tl .. 0 fo 11"." ~ Irw 1... 1 .\ l lI lw . lll i Y"ar. IIHel Ij!l ut ~1'11 t1 "1ll,1fI 'Ib lilt .) ~ ' II' H .11 \ .1 1' Illl 11:11". 1..1 hlll1>lI, fltll ~I.dta 'ul · ",""" , ,"\,.r·t;!·~ln!L \\11 \ Brll:ol. 1~ .. lIu, _ M I' •• I~ . W" dlt~. l''')!'l'r~ 111111 ('. til u t.l r Ia,h tlal' h ij!hl'.t •\ rch. IClll . , • I 0' be. · No l!l 7 " ul 10 ,",, ol "y .. ;,;..' ea r'" III ..... ,'" ' -1 111, ~11I'W.r .I! \ 11 .\ I 1:0: k Il. h l (' lIlo'l 1 l' llr .111 01 I~ 'I·I"",, g I ," . tFl ulil l; . ' ·d li ul1I ... u d II,U V,I ·Iull· tlil d.. '· e. ' 1)",,01 ,. ' . {.-. t ' 11" I' l'I~ , l)·l'.- l 1\111 'II". II il-'VIUU -IU,ll ll' " 11UI 1It.1 · '·· II I" ~ . • '11 1 '1h' \\" 1II 1,1 l' I'l' U•• t \\"1 11 1 \\1 { \1;1' ~ j!rl'll " \',ht· , ' , H\ ' ~~~ \~ ',. ' k , r,~\., " ,;t'nt " l"\l h 1111.'" tlllhlll ut " I " llIc k tlII J ,·,'11 ruul,' t111·. 11 lgla IlIill'I" , 8 1""" '1 .\ II,I IIl ''''lI t, ,:trllllg" 'I r".I" .,((,1011,1,", l·I.U"II. " ... t .· " ' RG'. R ~1' I E' IIIUIIII1:l, x ... .:·1 l' 11 I' t I I ,. I 't IIII, J 0 11". \\' . ",I' I'/llo, I 'nlH t haI ,. I ~Il,,". ...~1 .,',f, I'.' pc ., "'W _ ~'" I~ '. tu I, J:l IHh e"lt~ el ta" l\: C II .1 l' I~ 11,,1 I I ",a.\ ' " walU~, l'~ t tl ll l l'l, 1111' ru n... ' I " r nl r t:' I "'1 ~ '''.Ihc·" ." 9 ~ " ,lI Il JIII'd u m " II Il'rJ"'bl 'aIlJacc UI ~~I \I \\" . 11"",,:0. . •\ 111l " ';!l·t1II 'II , Il·n .... 1 II ' uIl dl IY'II l)\' ,,\' \\"l·l III l'lll IIIl' ll lIlu J rkl,t . "u r ul'\I· "l' rllI ,.t l ·k vl',u rlll " Tit ' f Jr'1 'O ' .." . . l.'.,I ... ,uhl l'l "'IJI'"· I ~ISlt nI . , ,, I I I tl T . I II II . " ,. I • /I L t'~ II R P M ",II~ pi 'I'C. I I I :\Iu lla l .I' llluull ,~ II' 1'''11''. flil I II1".1 \' 1II II t \H" . " II 't.I\I Url" ItCU I I ''~~'l"l' ,\ ~ ll~l - ' · - " " " " - - 1 Frll au tlw,k ·t ·1t "'1'11" )~," It " ' \lJII IIl.l 1I,.lhll" Ll "". '",. ~" 'I' , Itl lll'" I ,a n li lly ut, '1' \.11 I. , • kl' lh' lI h~ I l' I' ' I'Y lI'll'1 -TII"~ t'1'~" IIIl't ~(·t!! (, f JIIl'()b Olo~a,_ "ullir M.I I ill ,r a rtl'" (" lllIlt ' . alld T T ,I~ ,1" ," t .lt ~~II:'( \\\\"I~~"''' !;~'~~'~ . I'\ dl h · tth~,·t \·,·d 111.01 ~h .I ,·llli ' ,'. 1.. 1:,011;': . ,\: 1l ,·lj, ll w.l.l o ,Ill' ""IClld IU III1J it i:l t. 1l1'r.w I,.d tU l(lV bl'lll'l . '" III" "lll l' ~""' .. , ' 11 1h aC'tt ll'l 'lll lll'" ~ "1"1" \\ ,)lr" ... . 111.,.. :\'1 EIl j.! lh\t • [ti.'J III bvul' 1:Il' 1111. \ "\ILI~l_~;" 111 '1 ; bill ,, \\ illt{ \J\' flll'tll'lI Iltlllt t . all\Il"". lit." 'lIIl' utll ' l L'1I111 11lll,r 1lIl ,·\.·~ ",1". ",hnl·J:, 1,10 ~l ' )l1du" 'It\ r U()lI ll, : l in ,1" uf .\ ,',1. I 1\ I"'~" " , I I ~~t l~. E . )I , m' t·1 \ :t llli "llll~ht ' , r, .. t . to 1\ ' I t I n." l1J LI ll i ,11 111 \\' tlrl~11 '''tt lll ' I \"l't',' I' .11I.1I1"I"U ..I .. " .. "I., . , "" .. 1"",,,1 --- . ' 1", "n1 \' i 11 '"" \ 11" l" hll F ~~lIt.'· III,11I \ .1, ", I ," . 't d ' t '- \ 1,.,1 't P ith • •• I,ll. ;1 · l • ; ll' l I i l"'I"I . \ . "Il"l . _I I\.' • l~lHt\( h (' I)Il "dll\ I ~II 1111 1\ 'I. t ilt I St J' t il t taW ,d ~1~. u l ll .In L 'II I~ ,1111 \\ 1; I·lo.e h"11 ., l\. ,' I JIICIU ll a l l.tlll l l· lt"I\ I·.tl'l tllI~I I\" "l l· "l1lll· I I"''''''I ' '''111"""',1,,,,1 ( " hl , " gl·tl l' H),·. l - , 1I111111h . 1 , . , ' c t ' rd lA \" II II U ' I 0\ , 110.1;, II 1.,1 h ''1 .. ,.[ '''I\·'''' ' 1 IIt I 't! Il' II~.tt'' '' lvllr'' 1.' \1 1' ItI ' II ' ' III , :'l\~ . ,' ,. '111' 1,,,,,,, \ " :1 n.1 \\ : , let ."" .1 Ilil , 1I111dll r,'ra 1 .11 "jl~ )I ". ,IIJ I".tJ J " . - lit,! 1I 1l" 'St. IIl W(,t. IIILII " .'" I\ · t hat t hc' I' tIhtlll' 'c. uI ',I _ '1 " I ' )(\ 1l1 1i I' - 10" 1'11" 1'111).."> \, /" 11'1I(1'1.-1·IIIJ II ,I, " .1 " ", I .!- I_ "l l hl' " 1'1')"":.1101,. t ,l lH u!r ,'ud ... I \'\I'''~U II1 ,,111 1\ Idol I I I' • • , • 0 111' ria" \1I1 '·IIIII .aI 81 n llt! I.,· t Fu rlll lll ll' a t JUt:v b 111111',· loll., ' . 1I I1 "[I' ".1 1 1il-IJl' will 1'1",'''' a' ~'I. 0I.!'1·t! 1 : ,1' l 'lI!tl\ll . ].' tvh II Ihllll II tl' 1' 1\ III'" 15th ' I I TO THE . '" 1,'11',,1,'111 ;.i .II I"lI al l ll,tl'1'1'11 h Ill" '. ,.:L tt \ '11; II WII.'•~. t il 111 I' 11\ ' .\11 ' I '1 I • J '''1''111 • vrat ",.1 1,1 ."1 .tllllte I j I ' tlte l ,'1111 I. · ':1 1111 ,,,. lLI( 1 l ' ' 11) "i' lt u' "')<,'"'' \ ' '~ ''' ' . , 1 I ''' ltI ,,1 llwrl' nu td Ihll III I,. III ''''' L' 1"1·1.1, " I .. ur .. , 11'lItll I. .. tlltcIU I t ul I h·~I.·1 'Il l ) " I ..'I .. II U 1 - llr an d " I'~ rlll ll c·. tc'c o( . 0 r a II ~ " " III k V' 1 d IIII R to\ .ril'!! ,.1 ) ·;3i!. II h"1/ 1:" I'C II 0 \ I'd I III r ' II 1'I1111' d II INK ~"l' JIL' II. Blac I wet an • h, C'II It 'I''' a l.1I I1 ' [I 11111'1'"11 '" " 111.llk,; 11 UI.' l. r UIII l>aYI.,n e I . I 0 1 , \r ll rll'II ~ ' llIl t\ Ohl" Whe l'l' lll m. l· f·1 III' . 1111\,' be,·" g llo<-h .. I •~I r I .I, \\ . I .I NI.l .I 1.,\,I1.111111: I' , . , I I.; ,. 1I11t, :' 1 "~ I"'\", d .11 01 ).t'· I:lllII.,III) ~\ ' MeC'll 'I I "til I'n.I...... I' . [ II .. u,h II '" I... "... r"" ,11 ' ., Illl. . . . I I 1I1U"lll d uI· UIUJ .. IIlj!III1/;odllll1 .. III ' 1Il 1l" \ ~"llt I O) , ·II,l·.iIC'1 I., ' II ~ J '111. . t I~ I";': 1.. , "1",,1.. ,,,01 ,. 111'1" "'1' . ,... II, Jl IlIlC~ ', 10 I '0IIV\\ ' ,' 1I1l I·.•III1· ' l" q l~l'lh .. I I ~l IIJ "- , 1 ' -I G. I \\ ,llI ell lIll lI ~ . I .'1n"",," ollll UIl b1',; [ l' lII I l'I\lllI Ili lt' l" \ \ 4\ ., " .. l· U ~ " I '" '' I "' " '\''''', I "'1'''' ",,,I I 'nl t. ,"1, •• WVI)..'U li t til ,... , 1» "Il\'''''I 'S IlIh' A ' 11111 1 ''' I I S ID h h~l' I I J l'lI lh l ll 'g l l3 II 11t ' ___ _ _ .._ vllril'tl ' IIf ' \\ \·"t 1',,1 11 .. '''cIOI<llI t ' n rul (lIr,. tll ' ) \ 11\ PUU,'IHU l I' r l! l "Il Ij!" It :'J!1t!U '-'III til ' IOtl1 ul ~\\I 'Il'IIJI,l!1 ' 11' J5 / olll'll I ~t"c.J I'a / l' / ' 11It· I"I I ~ 1J 11' "/ \lr .)" wplr K ll vu ",uJJr" G . . II :-l' II " r( IIIIU 1 :,,11 ~It 1.1'; • ~ ~~' "101' "ulc'lt R lch ltl d !l ulue' P rice 1 . Ill' lIIurrl,d L.vtlul X"\1 burll, 111111 " t" hUIII .11I I' X ,'l ll'III'I'. \I " v\nu.:oo n;lU. Nr I he p m· r,O l !all It. !t.1\\ i l' \\ ,l r ,,, l'l1l1 I ,« •• I' A ,11 tit. .. n C I Dllk ~ lt WCI"' 1~'ln I ~J U lu \\ a th 1')\\ 1'111. l l!.rll lllllle 01 0111', '1 I I . ,111111~ . 1 l: 1I 111 1 t tl tu "nl. 11\,· ,., Ill. I :h • ,,101 11"1 uk I I I, • •It tIll, ' Ill Iltl' " I I,, · " !'loll!" , .. II, 1\ 11l-( " 1>1I 11~. - VlIl lllg 1,0.; ,6- 1. 111 1, " " f a 1Ill.t _ 'I r H \llwrt SIIII \1', N I"hl 0". <11·'11 t" II , d 111.1 , 11111 1 bll t 'I. al \\ t1 1ll11lj!t 'll . IOlliu. III. 1, 11<lIIY I 81 ~\ ay _d, \'mt" r ut" \ '11\'111 . \\ U to be IIIUI ' , :'I.' 1 J J ,III'II!, IIIl ll' \\:I~!:!n,.l t X'i llllll' lI l uVcl' t la , rat her du ,j., ,I'd 1111: 111 Ill.! ~ A M . IS Il~ v U ' (!!; r;I\1'1i 1 ~ 7 ti . 'lIL 'j lut t V\' lllI lIll gt!11l tlall rieu 'csl crLillY ill Kelltllc ~ij + 1 ky ~I II.IO SI II\·l'I." qll(,,,tld ll 1'~1'1'~1It11.) III ~r III ' hll ll Ilbl rul \ Il! \\ ~ l' t' 111,' ~IIU I'rtl, ur \I" hlllll ltll UIII O J lly It. I' <"\I" hVl tVII , Uh lu. _ ~11~6 Bulanda ~IJI\III IIIL" hntl fl I' rt"''''''o MeLd . IJM~'~~I' Llz.lo ~. Id •• , H~II (' nnl.I. "llIcll wus l,l1lilu l tlal' lIallll ', lI " i.lI uI III .d l 1l1'l'dl' 11"1 ~() ,'Itl lt thc lr 11"t1' lltl Ilnd 1'1·lutll l' . Illl l1 dsoll le I'l'ra II dlti I ell'c leu ull Aj,' " , IU('I" CUIl!!t l!'!! allrlill d II'ltltl~1 I t~ UII IlIld illll lllJo cs I1rA l'l'll>. bu ( Hnllt'lI11tthe u.... t"\loU wh o H!Cd fltl'Y \':O:(1 ·(;t t,l unl\ ' lit Ua rl " ~s" I roo tI f., ., I I I lJull1h ' I' of \\" II \lefinvd 1 ' t 1'1 "1,0 se. Id~ M M ur. hl\\I Tio. l'll"I' I"!, U II 1100 " La .. ~ "" ~ :1:'0 9 ' I Uti·, 11111 • I thell' fntu ' ci IWln o to U lillY G U VII~ Il ltb Ie bllli I, n 1\ Illt tlto IHl Il 0 lei II Iy lil IH! I. Mu r"u nd 1111 111\.111. l.Ur. I I.IlulI'l ' ., F '''I(' ' ~, • H.n - l'dr W alllll lII J~\ 'gC'rl! 11Il~ lan d Then RIIJ :-lu... .' Alllorlow'''' ,Canlol1.n IU l illlC ll t l II~ Iv clIllllllelO h i:! 15 )0 a ltur hUV lllg I' I~II oJ , I ' \ Ir lotUt 'etS I1II1dl'lg I ,ul . M", h, r Ther, 1 ~ ""h lI lIllllU a ll u d "el 'ol u"... & Ch,'.\ , .1... 'llt .I'e ' J I I ' It l J ( , \l'U , lin a ·tI\ I 1111 I l" Bra ckets~ • I I .. BII" C [ MCCUUlII . , t 8 ~lly 1'0" I II t 11Il1 \ 11 ry .. \\, · I',rl'tlv ,,,,1.,., SI\\' be IIC " \\" .~ 1111 I~11I Ilbuhli oni &1 Il llli W'IS lJ ol 1l lcr II c Illll"u)' tlll/ , 1111'1'. ' It '''' . I lfie P )11 lin''; 1 ,,,,,II',,,, n "y Arl )(.I"801 .. 11 ."'rl.' IlIll'IV'; .. . I .. .. ur II",.I . I llzl. " "f( r' llCCe$~ " ' IjI I'IIIIl~ III o! 11/1)-I'CI II ) UII II. BOlllh 81U - l,f hla II, HlS' I C '1' I >uu"e ll S bo ck 10 ' l' ln 01 ... ol;. •• B,l1ol\ r No) ufler '''('' !J,ll"" rHlr 11"0<10 ""1"'"',1 I J~ I I'H·d tu ''1"''' J D .. AI" .... . klll , It 1'1 I/ lll i ll ell t stu kholo· .. C b T 'Cll ;I , I(lllt J lle , - The I wlln Iltllt CU lmlla U 1',,0 IO' cr Ihe Alt>, H in Ihe , "d \l H I ~ lIl 'IItl')I1I"f. I I d' ,"u 11. 1 10 _ ,""l e.111 I .•. ' t t Ik I I lllt.! 1118 r'\II l"l d ij;M l Ihl D lE;Fi7JI "II~" HII II"dl lise III LdlllnO'1 tll 1Il1lrr" ,, ' - lI ". I r u lll C U IC III ry /:(I'rt I'gl ,o. u II II :Jf> til 1111 Mdr) E U'Ol'hUlU 1\ II I ' Ill' slJ(Jultl cal I~tllr y lllll t hI:; , AI I.. !l .... ,"1 .. , II.,.' lt•• I\.,1 t. ,k .. , I .• 1 ,. illc·tell tlv lI, III th l! dlLY d II I: t I10 'II l CkCI'UlI 1111 1l1'O j (1'1IlirSlIU) ." al D' I M , ' III ClIllI g. I It. I' al Ul" t'i ll lHlt i , lit 1 ' 3711 IIl" b clillle ll ver (1:" d I'll tit h{'nllh 1" ' lntlttlll r · '\H" ' I Mu, bu,' :Su I.. ,\ llu., r "0" I ,k," 'f u..,j. ,,,,, . 1.. ... 1, .. " 1t",,,1 OOH I , , W J ~,'uk . MOII,. 1"1 g ~Ir. ulld IIIU.~ t ll u 1I1ll lghl " I I'llaco,11II1 $3lJOO :If)c I' r"'H, U p,1 1""';('. rCI'Ulw,1 '0 la ku rl, " II"" "I , It III liellt\~d, ', allli threw the Tl' u'I,le I~ 'rugl'~ ah l',',~,,~,','~I· ,'u;·"Ir' GI ••• Hoi ... ~"e~IIl JI .", ~ .~ C IIt:.!u Illil " a ' (1 111 1I1IUcnt 1IIlI1lI 1II e lhl!1l pllih Ilh.lthr .", h .. " l ' . S C""~111 h . Jllcub~ hlle . Ill11HIHai ul Ih ' vnl) , I\lwlttlllU!JIl Den. J le lOll \ J~~'~k\:H: I::("~!~~I~~'·rJ .Ii;: y ~";I"'?;: .IUu :\h rd. ~ I. nfIK';1.t).l olo,,"," ~' III! uy III weutho l. lIa ' Il Ihrllu 'lt ll llt. t lte lr JUll lncv " I l'l'slglleu III elillsul .• ~ Ill' '' papC'rplll'~l l.ctll ll Inclllnlltl' l lIll~tak l!d lll j Ullllll' \' IlLd , IIIP nt : W \ ' nU II" "t:llry. Much III'\! I th o IIl1 llcd WISIt "! Ih' lr V IlICU,llTluhl' lJI"" u. IU" 11 IIIoINIUI IIIIVlhc hlo rlYt'r l\IId dct!lruycd I' til " J'ullln" ,' t1I1 ' I\I'~h l' II. WIJO I.I."'Y UIlI I MI s. Hilt! ~lle .. !)ASF. lh llll . I,t:l~ \ or 11 7. 'd~ 1 ,'h.r~ R()."Ht ' l ll, " .. " . <lcll'· \lol h"' 0.1 11 1'50UII 1IIllUyl l tO lld s. L<'LS IN lIUlt:: Jncubd '-TllE llll " ell"W If J \Jl TI I their d Il llyholQ ' C I b ll .\1 l' l g 1 1 It U bi V III II ~ III b· 1 .1"lu O 'I",UI .~ I the 0 j~,U, . lell: It(ll~'\IlSCdOI1l~CI; find t;lI l1 tltCIII~J I"d lll ll...u he .o"!; ~ hut"" 'I N . ) '~UUlIY · r "\ ' ~ fuulIJ cla . U • , WIt I tIe IIh1l10 tll eo t . U( O tur ll ll . IHi I" , lin .el l' lItellllt:l k ThuI' hll\llCh u,e ll t t J IVII • hlll'lII" III mUll) w , • Bl~"I· trll.:.i.- A \\'011 b:cd woma1\ - L ( o t . J ohn 1 \V llkln , M D, IolL' toSpll\l~bol'o, \\h~rEl. he cUllttr. ned Ill'IHIICCil V J 1 Zt:l1 101' 11;"11' Plcsidl ttl " oll1 Ut'l l' III way M 1.11' nuvu\'h uar~ ullllll p 'rtl lll'lltr(,lnurk \V • I' I~' ,)fLltll ' Fu lI "II 'l klllll' I' ·v .• 'e \\ 1 r ,)" . ,.' ' • . I ~I Gelll'C 'nt th e puultcllh~ n 01 IllS pllper IIlld a~ ~, . 1/1I1~t! 0 11 .1\:I: ,m llt uf \lat· ' L, IIl"l,h , II ••I1 ,b. I'r 'ul.lcol ~.\L :i1( I ," Wh en d ) oIlIJUI'y 111 1111\ 'S lty, 1I 11I'l' l YUl k, WIIS It fll" ~t vi 1.. ( • • n een cn vnlllub ic lIssl!\lun ce f! um "lilt! tll ll III ,UlltlllI1 II Ilys in ~l l. G"(\rg 11;\t1, l v;~,"~ ~~c'~~~~.II·\ I. T he 1o\'1IIu : ~~ ~~I;'I :':.~,~II~::'c, ;::.':~, ~11I~':'. ;::~ dUUI"I Itlln d PlIttlll" lIl' a tll Ul ')dIOUO. M) l'l, lit Ml J..1Il~, luH lll'l' k Mr GI ulll lilld II IS neigh l}\lr . fit 1Il!ldc \'1'1y I ulIglt tl.1\" ull llU". 1Ili1 ollce I III~\ II H ' IHll ntl.d 'L ('VlUlI1 lttt' e \111 \\"h .. , e II.u C' nc'llllil tl sl llv ClV ndv WlLlcs I\ ere . t " ' u I.. , u tIIr ,., ,\ , It ul . '111 t7wI alllilki t a~ dtfli eul t I" , lIlIl •• hllt I"", 'hut (0 ,I" Wllh ,It. -COlli I011U UIu F oolo ulid h I~ " I I " I . I. II . I '1 I OICj' ' , I f Dr Z .II ' "~" '".r "):I"" 10 • 0 '''' 1I • • tt ~ .\ l .ll I .I milll'd t l]LIt t"h ' b I' I I. Iunh IIltIll . I1lt-. J,I det S L II)!. JO~nl'''~ .. .. ~.. ' IIlP ( '''~l lit! II tl"lP ,I 0 It lun ~ Il'el . us u tu !( lol'd' ~ " ' e , I ll l U I' I le c l I I I trulIpl't gi~{JI ti ll:!'J It,,\\11 Lill ItUI O tllke~ a 1'111 111 hllll1 !ln t'S CU ~II u)' Iltull ol EIl'd ' ,l '1lI ll FI'l llk Galin· , r 1, 1:~N'l'I'~N N should lI ot bo cil'c' uluted III thul tvJIll' 0 v? :rvatl't ':II. Ifl~~ It·l' '1 '1 t I I " Itlt:! pali'; I : .1IIt! ~ ~_ i!CI~ s\, 'u t tlt • 'JIIl! It a ll ,1 I, \lldl.1 111 ' 1 diU .. ot uy. II la~ ."1 " I I I: IIg ' h 'r, 10 11110 111 Ill'pl lC,ll ioll Hltly )0 , CIt" . Att h·I". tllOl! n'I r. Gra IIIl: wu~ e uv er t .tue I IWul'S 'I IU U t (' I ,I'e' tl U .. /olI II, alld It W " II t 0, I ART E T S ' 11II1'11i- ':I a t W" I k uI ga lillt 1111111111, Oj rt~ " mudu f.r ...-' b ' I I'ILI leu III Y 1'/ •• III I,I~ I . U I IC I so N G S &. Q f~ engnge ~ 1Ill'lIIbcl :>lllfl. u .III th~ IIl'UUII , CC IISIIIl!a . A Clln t' tUlI 01 t und . t ~ul d "I )clI UI\'" lJr lilt" SUI" , 111ft! Ull lllI Y . " pl'(lSr rltU ::I llpl'lJ.Lr<lUc· 0 (" Hun.1t d ' e ll . \~o IIU, I.... S ~ ... 'l' U . .lr.c 'V ''[ , 11.11 dlol'o J ply C 0' " tI~lllltll wngvt to It Cl nullt. 1t,11I !lecH olle 1:(1lltlll '. d 1I ' l\cl s tlltI JIl"IV, j IMltL\ AI(N ING .- a I. ll ed "cellu 01 . DvllloJ~I.C lUI Il Ulltl hap[llfl tl33 dill trlltl'd StOI)' . 0"1) 1l"",ltuJ 1 0.11' Ago 'l' '" \1' . 'u J1 e nuuel luu . to de I\·e. ~.e ne~r ICl'ttiity lilld tla r 11'[ l!I ur IIllti IlIlJA SI'>ll'l l'S Mtlkr WI~It{'S Ib til a nnuull ce tlllit I \ 01 0 0 ' Sill ell b hUllg "II a tlonu vI' \\"011 JlIcctc d I S I I .t ( ' Ille rn u; Ilo fhullll at the liulIlIu eli bU ' lIIuss Inl eI C~t..; II !II prt:l'un paper, ( Ive huve t 111m , M"HIt:nfo,~ ~l\1 .ou r \1 " " 1> t.! la e Cl'V.oI"l.:t\ It \Juldut. .(1, trifle.. tu 1('IWlllts L1am c ,) Illlu I livllse Aucllcy, e II' CI MI', T UllIple':! 1I11'iI'ul in our vii flUIll IClllallllllg I'CllIlIl ll(!lI lly IU I :'I ,"ch,,;<t' " alh oUt Inr" FIll'; L'1"lctic .t1 Ch l l~t: lllilty Illay bo (i l 'or T 't 1) I E" I 1\\ .. v II 'ry I week ' Th "' u IS~UO a\'n u~\llIc, We n'rrl'et tillS. 1 l'l'gll li t ) Mnl<. \ ~. , ' tl '0 W 'I lb - J cvo· luge crelltl u II U J lit Iu Inturcs t. un d It COlUpl'.' dU I III IU, - he ~ev . . t: IIg I 18 man· Irll \I '.l~ 1'1ll.:kOd IU onto, u lldur egg . 1IIIIIIUe ILIIJ UUIIIlVU d't f 1'/. .iIlu itul' It Mr . ~Jtller is /a Plltl.t.)lI t, toucevIllIIIU' , L~I Ihe ,lt1l. nnrl \ ,,!e. n. ou",J III l' uf vUI' Cl tlZC II S paid Co th cl r tiOIl, scll n..l' tl'a g,)vu l"Iltn" nt fo 0SS r ~1I1, I d \ bY D uglllg e l or 0 I !~ Io.?a ,e d II V I)' YI t. t ~pn 'tl Ilnll l\O" nccn llll,lts lt ull Itrtl Rt lind "Ii,,", I t' C.. I 1. r, Putts' ftlthcr,toIr \ . rutl pcc ts to IIlIN Kt tlO -mvnthl y hotl::, FPcr wuure HEAD Iss ue QUAR OIlOU. In TERS IC 7 ,..,, ' r.lble and oth 'rs, ulld Ite UIWB}t! ho alld IllS >luU hi :! 191.uolb . KIM E l emUI kt.l-lily sllcCCil Illi \\"Ith ,chI,II I url'ow W\J vuln o lit tle that whlclt CJ~tt! IIltUrc.. t.~) M . c un! I~e t1ll1lvl!l'ed hi cbarge 10 CIIIClllnatt, Im,l tll'OCIIII OIIS 'ut' :\118UIH . ron l·el':lllll :l· wUUtlllg hit! SCI vIce.:! I 1.11' 0 :1 IU Il U tl"uuble t·) Ul li llta ill • \~ f Cl' hllrch, J llelL1dlltl.lt ~ . t ~s \ n~lll\ mu~t lhlt dutil' toO Iuug. I I ,lat 011 th e mllrnlll g 01 . I d t f. I "CIIU .. ::; • •d l'u" ~' <JI'" Io c, Or" . , n TI A tl t ~(':Uri.' lR)lg • II tIll) only p() Wllr Iltle pa f .J t tVI'Il\\Jtlt ltosclI:mtl ,HIO I til! lty Ul Ite ., ~ C ' " , \,, ' . . ' Ie Its publtea l lUll. llUle IS Un Il k.. I:: WUS roquclI " belcP "lllq Ie Mumlu y IDllrll lllg. lIlr. Millcr. Otl o,~rtl,. thllt elLll m .Lk lJ It W .1, c II A' IIII< uuuotlol M, Jutlll I'~' . 111 "rf<\ 11\ ··C···k F \\ c(p\o·or, v'lllLll bIlGr." •• J \y t pped and his wugon sl:urche u ollr llI·tl st. pfwtOf' lllp!rOJ 'lf '. llo. """I ' (\"~ . 110,."1"" • ,'0' 1 ,,1010.1,,,, U Boston "1 Ihe .... 'llI c rac' ",II Il. I"S, 'u ncy the Cell ill dd:ful un t tv hl!r i'CI~ !luI a.l'l'c,lI· · ""uk s .11, ",,",111'''' 0 HI Ih, 0101 -Cr~s plll & Bwthl' r II II'C rceel v Buttlll Crucke ~s, FUll cy OytHO by Ihe wub, \Jnt tll OY never WCllt tCllnllll l'edestll'I~, 14thl abvIJt r ~h mOllnl ~ IU'''''8 1\,,1 1,,(\ 'I cu;l . I,"" ." ~o H" . M"" :;lit ' " t Ht ,, " 1 •• 'If" of Ih e n•• 8 u' (tIlCU. d uwn t il tho bllttum ... f thc bllrrcl~ cd u fin e new stuck o( .I~wcl?. cl Ic k ho SIIl I·tOU ul1' III excell e llt I'lICkOl'S, GrII!rl~nl Cl"lIckers. l ~C;.I:,"~. ~ ;~;.~ ~~,~~'~' I nil 1",.1 elll I ::~~ _ • 'HLtchus, IIpectuc les, tublt. wlII e"' C V es~ nal Crucke rs Soda C nwk Ols,I m~o' '1 'a ' fi IIl.'d Willt ef(gs __ I n..1 3 , he dl;1I1 Ilnu go II or," I!J I, WIth • Th e C\!II tell 111111 tlhllde tIlled a lld Iltb\!1' articl es III t\WIJ" lillO, j •to I CIII ('kl' I'S. ('ngagc d ill IllCrCha n llt slIlg, und. the gl"alld ulij ect III V' 1l 11' uf Cl'llcke rs, Cmck. j pru~c Pu lilislied lII 1I1 11 by ull J pl,, L. "tud, :PETER bet S, lVllll ll hll re IIlld all 0 1 wh ic h they IlIvlte th '" [ \lIly \l ull". FI o~h C,, wl'lith el CU th u fil lllnc lld crush of Ilf! hl.u \::Ii at Ihu "Ica' "luctlu llery; 1\ 1I0W 8 •• H ...n.....n1. " , U. H." 10:' . "In"~n IJ. 1l,,,l ,,01, wod d's G,I"\I"\lI . Til ll l' elltlelll l!1l whu. v 1l1lUlltl01l of our ,, 01 I.) ki,' 1' fi f ull "I.)r~ .,( ~ ,,1 .1I,'". thllt "ear 111 10411 Il'ud eld. G ll u l lot 01 N o\ elti llsj cll'g"ullt Stlltlou lNeWYOrk " IIC Vl.. sltcrI I' I! r -o'Ji l ' " 1 , -, " .liu Illl~ bc ell twu t',lrUII".," I' UjPdO ' 1~': "I · ,~~. 4" lI ,,,,,, .., rr" "k•. \\,h.I" 1l1"~.I ' H .l ' •. 11','lnC" " Ilu ve I' ,LII",ldy ..l.~.... I l>OUIi mOlft lvll llcltI II Cll II WI'tl lOll t II CIII}'. u 1'1 ~ lorc ' ep " ' ]lIl11oj~, ' ith a1b~of-t4ror"llghb~e d mIII nlhsI 011 tho . Vl"l ~ ed ill'l'!' '" OIUI!"I':! IlI1 d - _. C'''I'' 'O",I1 - -.\- P' ~-- "". 1,,,f., t. "1 .'r)Ihu."II t h ,,1 hel .. "". way, and OX(!ectd tu ed ill th C30 (!JlnlU 1 .; , ' 'IS ItUI'IlIVUl kuJ alc l!vllle JUU II Y \, (I I n l it " 1""\ ul.!autllu t IIII lgSI. LUIlt,'lh III'ga, li d uecoml ng plc!lsed With I'cllch 1'1lIhid e lpillu Ilhllut th • trllde unli I t\t' lro n pu rr~'11'; 0 I If' 0 II l, all Itt tlto J) 11"11 T~wn $ Down with Hard Times ( tl e 1 tur u lltlrtllg ly tu IlCCd llll'1t It th o dc II" tla l::re. $ Itr'" . u .l ,,11 "110 r< t., ~ " O 110(,.... , ,11 . ",1 I I G IIlCIl IY llud Notll1u Stow vi l!. SAVE MONEY .. ad '0 d_ lltllC lltI"J July. Unlu" 8ull1 0 untoreS ,10 UUII Iy , \lca tUPCl e 1\ I. bllr r".e,". Il" , fc t .'\I <I''''''''n . \\ It" Ii ""'f I llUII cu· ot! clld 1'1 su M' as lI ut tl} OdO IL seu ,,. earnoy Iln dM 18' 11'E III P ~tnllm COUllty,.1Il 1 -!:& , un Il lamity s hvuld Iwl',tli hlln, wo JO Illses .... ° ' ng Ie . e J\" u bCII' "' 'f",,,, ,ou, In n. ) s ..." Ih 'Ii""h~.• •'" hll'HI ' t'' l'ror, U" !!,,,, " (I rk o''''''''l lijI"I'cr 1>"1 tlOli uf th o lal'lll l urm elly IJW(IOO n doubt he Will FH,ecuod ' alit.!h,l Vil :J'1II' S gr" lI' th ; ,\lit.! It O\,IY now g \ Drow l:jl"'\!t gave a ve ry pl cne ,,,.l tI ,,••,, ~ol'jll,,l " .. rk In ..l1v I,. I.•.. , - - •• - - wu un I 'COI d t ha t thu~~ tl'ues wc re all a lit purty Inst FlldlLY i"i d • • II 11o01I1I'clol i"i t. Il o t " o \In •..• ,""' or,I,'r. or rI'l lIt.n ..: ,h'n" ... , 11 rN,( 1\'6 ,,,tlno. OV OlIlll".! l,y DI' P vtts' fatlt cr 111 1850 hc lS Tll o 1 en nes~cca n8 ~nTlg tll al i I h"d .nl~ ~u",I" I I !., I 00 ,.",r 'n- 1I dmlu .. lip,,, ,,,n h, Ihe l'coPT, .. Wi s h hllli ),Ianled III 0111' Cuntcn ll iul Y'ttr .1 huu.se\l",llllIing l'u r Ih oil" t,.,. . visl tcd Ohi o, und brough t out l\ muthol"s g\lod 1llllilell Ce 1Il tho M. E. Church '1'1)(l fvll vll'lllg I" th e s ketch hu l'h CIUIS a nico bit 'll' locul hlatlll " W()()I .r.E\ j IIU II lurge liU Ulbl'r of tillC horscs. '1'Wlt f rc ulillded t,) C'I)Il'u f'1" IJU IlIU ou t he nJg(' Ul: lu\\ Mon day ovell lllg. !I nd gu~e gl ~Lt .. rc .<lc .I':C HI " I ",I I "r",,< •. ,,,,I ,c·l. m th e lor )·v u N VII lot. ,t bl.! seen t t!I,l t 1"WIl '1 he "'lIestd WOre as fulI,)\\ 8 : satldrucltun. us thuy IIUI'(Jl fa ll to dtl . ~V \"<'ar8 I'ltur, IIe rCllluve d t 0 tlIe UIII Curlllug \l e Mo . , .r1 ' va n CiJ vI' Feb. plVpUI" cu re h e laken or tlt e t rl'0l c" r)tb II~ III .nl.r"'" ,'" ,I' ,r f l' ., II .. V.1I1111l d l voort I"J i'>n lslfer fll1'11\ Il eal' Htlnllc pin, {Lll d ·)!tll· au WL W gv l U 11 e.8 s lIut'ore tLcir second F'irS t HandS. II " , bll ya,..fro . d III a tlhult tl\lle the (;,)111111' 1\ -11 I' H En·ka lllld wifeU, n c~"r8. "' .",. "I ...h. n","ufn. I ,,, .. ,,I,, BernIe appcHlJ 1ll ce,ln e.stluy ill ' .l1l1lrChIlIlUIRlllt1 Ile w 01; th o 30th of Octube r last , M.. uII·/lIllg.wh le h "nd , nn "~II f " *1 1\ ' "L • " .. "In 01 ," or. " . k "' lillie IIl1 e uf thu 1t,IIIU " llIIl',r l Y CvlIl' lt alld "ltc, A. h .Id Ill S stOle III 1859, alld t (j tol· ,r. C. TOIII)l\c pl uuaulj, U.\I\\, IIIl IllJIIl e U e IS~II(J, I a cl l'c nlul lut alld pl Ul1rlltll tedt lL' ell ll C~ unywh efll \1 "'C~ L I,!" S,lb lll, liuttl o 1 ,\l III K year ho pUlcllltscd tho Put· tel tv tllUlIlI lle ls ul J " I'IIII OI"UII Ilhe Ih ,u . .. ,d. "I n " .,.' ,,110 rc ol .1 ",, " * 1 O III tll u C"U ll tll'-~q PIlCIUll y wh ell ::;,tl ill: ColIl'Lt, Llda ' lalduk"1 S,ti) III , c r.. "d. 1111111 \!(l\l n t If u' t (lll (I (til{"·IIC fl UIII \v " •• , .< I I I W!! ~'I g (1 Hnu tl lll'rll \lIH IIli g 1tI IIlCS, :: s ' t I1,lt ·t· \\ . "" ",,,1,, ••"01 I" 'he 1' 1" 1" ''' 1' " 01 B •• Ik d are I I tho 8I d~' \\u 1II,ll O. n 'II It·)· b IIlg; !M~ il rs 1 H II UII IS C 1II11 11 :lgeli j}y Ali J S. Grablc , IlItj , th~y lIuu lt! dellvcr t v lh e Mliyor AlCRffi)ol \"0. 11 t llln UIIUU )1 I '"'' 'II 0&1111"1 II lId CIr. (J Ill'lI I" ..,,1\ •• h" "oI,.oI I '''u ••,,'' 1" "" '" ~ e ~ .,,, vI' _ _ _ . UIlJ \\ !lI·. U vrdclI J. Wright and Illi\\VbNIIUN, ~ IC S ::11 tl S I ' I We' Ca ll 11r' " un t II J C rry j tlte City . J ~ 'n, .,1 It II I II II t - I un,ce,. ....d "III •• 11 r OU •• 000101\Ra ul Ol'itll, HPCCI III CIIS u f I '1 13 tl rr:::T' 011 Sutllll. lY, u ay , 10 Illfc J . \\' II ull J'~l I",an I~ IlIlu. 1 11'10. f thc ILll ellII,-,olluty C 1I1('ICt! tlt oarrnv. C \lHI .•• 'lhOPl1lJla clLtl(Jll l ul e~ tv the alllltllllt LO f ;,0 III~., thut Alumn I nJ I., IUI1.1 0le<, U .1\ , ' " Oil' " ' 100" ' 11 ue I .IdlluIII)UthcI elms ' ' L1'." i "I' tlt LJ U \I 0,,,1 10 ,LI o 1I 1~h Schn'll \\ 111 Dr 1', F. Ullklll Ulltl \\Itc, Josep h . 1I1~~:. \V~ f FIe kl ' ,"as dl hcull till ucd III 1 (H, Illld " , ho lI(lu lu ill thell lIt·hulf. TI ' " "". IIntl " ll .. l"l!lk ,,,I . c 10'1" - - As n- ~II" . I",, Ull 'ng W,. clltlll'al llltll'lI t III udlla l ,.y llallle~ and \\ II~. Isrncl WI'lght ~:\II . u I I IIII 1l1.;C 1,,0 d rllll" III , °21~tl 11I1'S ' oeen ' ., . ,, "".r. ~ .. ... ,. . II" c"p.1 ,Iw A,, 1 p LOI 11011 IUU I(Jlla I \\ U8 b rullg.j It Ill' wlau",1 Ull a wh uel l'u ... ow, tII e IIdol'~ 'f hc Iv . II I '0 I \V l' U ,III d I' ullY an", ~ II tty .I.J..LY ;)) llll d 'l",,, .t 0 1\ IlIg Id tit· to \'l01l01l !L, 10 f oJ,rlll\r y,l tl5.ulld Stltue tu til e grc,lt Cuntullnlal II tic. ~I't I "l"loWIl UII 11' 1 C, I'0 I Exlll' Ilrvg lulfHnc til' exercl~uS lur lit e nlld I J C t b"ro n 1....... 1 e Rnl. "'rnd b Mrs n a i l' Allell, 1\11 . ,J..JIII Steu . ~ tlI U b)' J . S' 111I!t un Mall'y • II U NDKX e~lu l IS1IC, De I en "',, 1",. 11 .. ,,, flU ' .,. '. '"'' I tit Ollglt ILe prupu elclJllI g. \, .. , 1 'I E IT dUIlI . "I"~( '; IDIUII " GluLlu ILnd I' lcd, L . Cn 1'uy, ~Jr ~lt lUU It IIlCI'C IIlI,IX , lint MI' ... • Lub~ters, frl'H !a Inri' I,;, C .. ay, 1\1 y rIL CANNEu ,," I 1t.1 " tl.~, II , ~III(.' (;lou nsII' .nJ ,I • 'e ll , ro, tI r,. 1 llmpl c }Iu",c. (,elo'H $2.I " "k' n .in K"thle~n !I(j 'lolI, Ma, aur", , en. . , • BUild, :'lul"Y Aludher , la:IlIIllU I1 clglt · Mllt.kl cl Sal!ll tlU Cllo\p lO scd UV rI! JI.n"ul ullt J 807 . F. (;ll'llule C,llIle to \V cll ona III IWUS !lcve l IIIVI"' III C':truct!t, alld ,n_" 1'"" Dr" . • I.I •. " ", ~h v." •• LllZIO~U H()n wily. 1,11.1 Duklll j .M Ct!SIS Fl ullk lI" n")' lt'l l'd 'l'lllk'e l'(lttcdT tl I Sons ' '\titcndll y PIlI'hucd J , nil d usaocla t cd WilliS I IlIl"UIl 'I"A r ill. ' . .• "I\'''~I C:,' ,or~ II" Nf,ut .W~ Pre""I"n Ill S ); M W.ler., v .. h' "er Gltilalt 1I11 d 18 MU. lc t. AoIJr. ". L' C· ' 11 II d ' 1, C\lve Tt.pl'l"'K JJH,(») ' ~t ~rB alld el . J ,,1111 £, did IL .Inrge bu silless i~r scvvn \l u\\ l ~aJy, ull li wallpllns, '" aul~1l '"\lOW'th",,"n n,I. r u' n ,Ie H,III01'f.. 11 .,. n, '. I,) all .. " "" the l!tart . " 0 ",UIl , ),\,c\c 11'0111 ~r.~'M Emlllil ,,' ." an,l Amelill \d... ~I.". Olli ce for Ihe Manultlol... .. n.1 Sill • •, F .. r,. "nd Jucvb )\" 61t1'r, ,Vill io All en, U,lvld styl e l!llItl ll llC' I'Y, ut H, R. yoa rs, In dlY goou8 , clotlllIl g . (:tc' I JvplinI1UXI~atnrdilY mVl'nl Englu's ng With ,Ir. "~ nil \I"lr, ~ In II II lllt IIiTO\, ,~ 1' 11. M( ' •• r. J Ii S""IIt& .J W,II Wh,te )n W ellonn, witl.~ brnllch st 'lI'e" iO l hl~ IVlld of mctul E\Ulld, 1l M. Allen, Waltcr Vaklll, VUIIIl .l'vIIlI l;. uce ry Cnl'lIvoCb,1<I. , N F: 110' J.AIl 8\1.1:: . 3J U,omfiel d SL MI. " AllO W Lyle Eddi e L Allell, Guorge Witch. N R ?If u ~n o , • Mr~ K 'lto l\I cCl..unlid l ..ostant , ew ut I1L1l{I, Long 1->0111 t / H e hus C' lnll l'ctcd Wltla I U?slon. ~I .••• Illm. Mr. 'flIO IVrn,.k, S Oco.". S D,"ly cralt J,llnt:'l! C, Sule Le \' i H. And treator. (JOHN J.)ltlLJ .S. . '119999 J1'O:-l1(1o . Thomas ''l rl dvll , 01 Alauche dt(:r, M u.te. All''''" . ." . . ... ClNL W: e H orn. ' !lilt! ' 'J I M ... !-"z,. M....on Kully, ' , D 'rit e lat est 11lIpl'ov cd CUfI)P \Ie II ,. ," 11 t \\f\ 1111I1 e~ ' OR Mr. Grable Las bicn Sllfferlllg/ ElIglUlld wh u 18 to "lacc . EJd Ie Jauney UIIC L" o10Dlln{'~ i tlte bug " ny' d" ~, .. It lure0111\ ~(emotle .. d . " h 1{ nn, r. ,JII II VO,.ulll. , "Ivr a LlIIIII IleI" 0 f 'years WI'tl I IJ()o' I " jllg be"llll 11blJ llt 9 u'clvck , Hlld wlls , ClIrll Dldl h CIIIl hc purcJlullt.)u vO IY .. "Ill, ... 11 j pura Iy. I7U~U btll "rIJw 'lit c v g'J u n(I er tlte 1?tI"K'" Or·,t n .,,,1 " . l1 ,e,," ert I" lO "K lie. w. ,,,I1., .. d M,. " · Ella t:I R u.1 und Mr. d John i Brown . H 0 went t 0 CIIi CII th lI~ IUt!t Icu lly III II IfCd 'In II n t'Il low Ivr . ,V' illi II Ilt ..I,\.Ili ' ' f0 1" . tit h 81S. a I U.IIII1 DLK 'T". .LA VI.O lC , 5, c II ,'cIII" to HP 11 C " '11", Dr! 0 h , .'", 911'1lJ e of Bruthe r JJOlllltuun, aud 10110011" of Au. lr.." "" • C I A:uue I J' urnlt" ' tlt e cullati 8evc"al tnollth~. and I"eturn ed Illllch . John Bull. on was se rvcd,." lUll tie Cvnl 1Il, OhlU. 1 \\!J h hw. pIIL \n Ullltli " UY lu Ill,,,," $2 0UII MII""', 11 JlUlf. " IUII,,,,\\thll ""I 1... 1 loo ke h .. lf B.. u te E ll rr~lfI Oulop mllSI C ceused fur the tlroe; bunctil tod. lie rl88 heeo con fi li ed /' 0ne bu nc1rud "ears aero th ese Add,." , \Jut SSB , . nur I""e ~ull ,blc I", lIleli ' " 1IIlInell I" ... •• Jllro" W 1I'~!::~;"~I'IJEdu, IIlIon ...o(m t~e stflli ns inspire d the dun . BUllisH' "'' (Jnrd", 11.1 t 1Ie IIOII~C ~ur ne~r Jy t\\ O years purtl es thu s repl'c~u .J ~ , hurl· \ MU8,", ·Oood·Nu" ' . 0' " .. ,. ,,,,0\ ,. , ,.•" ",I, ... 11 1 hO'I"""" ' I' ''': lltt!d w~re I,,",, t,' ~h•• Emmll F.r•. cers with H;lI owtJd ard or, all d It J A ME~ W Ii A IN B~ M He haJ U lumtly uf seven clllldre ll"llIg lout! ell tnl 8S tluS at euc nuw tlceUlI' 11l" \ IlI , r . 1I"'I (I"h 1l1I( cn u>ol Itill. D h othe r , l,"w lUO Thl8 1< Ihe ', h,,"e , IL t, f, L,n,," • • • . WUS .. Uti Wi t h the dunce" agalll, all livlllg excopt thu oldest alld IhrulI"h olll the tlmlulJ lI colofll , • " /"Ud " '00 1\111 0 .. 1 eml,r",,' II lel l y.,"r cs. 1ho Mll slcal World I f'!1' 1 May IS \llItrlllt Il rUlI:ll) uuhlo hou r the Imp· H'IS WI.d OW you ngo t . "O~"EorAT"'C , 1IIIlIJ an ri IleI I Nuw '" th ey m~llt Ull tuat fm lld. for '11 < A . oRT e 'de. r' '' ,"'I'''''' 11° .11\, all' I C"II tHIlI ~ )C~IC c; ~l'\'ell clad~ le ' d f' I " I t \>Y CUIIIJlItIl) tl ul'ltrtc lIOns und dallght er, have tlte 8ym groulld IV Itit th o SUllie mt:tal ti e •• r' "'~ 1" ' ''0 11 11 '10 lIec ' " .. !' '''g 1IMll ur t lelr wheul PIUCl:d ul IIIU 8,t:. un Illlllti ll:l II1UUI 1 •h\JIIIC~' NUl II r, c,!," J w. lro 0' o'h,' 1".". 1"'1( b,,1 patlay 01 very mlluy warm friclIJs Iud over tiftco n Itundl cfl cadI WIth the hopc that , , 'II 111 AH II II &101 mllc8 uf , llf vllllIlll!l c \"elld lll g trI :lttcr. . II , A ' X n,,01 Of or. i!,",rlltlL' • t1 , U' ''I'.' 0l'pu" ° lth oy uli IIl1gbt IIIC t IIgnlll lllllllun y - W"Il (I7IU Ill d ex t"H' t, loill"" .I. I" c l, e I", ..\ c , c un' free AIOCra Cl\1I uil , un ll bUild ill ol1181cnl jllind y Cll~ tluld Ito I~O 'I I:! II';tlUI dcll"bt ful OCCIlSIU1l8. 1 . •• -- - . OfliU "1\t RO hand llI a reh 011 III ull the g l'and \\ Itlollt "ldoMe. ~'~'~Io·' r~~'~''. ;",i',' '", , I I., ,,",;,~~c~ lo:IV a cllpy (, III " Vl\lllliO " ,_.~, ...:._ lte llglnU8_ - - A,;D - and glOl"lU lI~ un terprlsc s 01 th\! Il1l1g,lZ ltlC W"1a .. "III~,O"lo. " nll ll o "",k. $ " '" , '1. .• \l und ,d . I'er 1111 011 C \lP II'S ar O. I (JI • r f J ebu 011 Lcc-. IJ art. III ,kill!: Ihn ' ",., 2(1 e "tI! ",,0\ 9'19'1 ' ~Ollt tvr l ;)c. :Suhgcr lpll oll 1'1"11.: 0 1 LlUII . . \\ VI . ,!~lIlgCO - . n -On Thursd ay e vel1lng I I,. C . LUKE NS, M.D . ,. Atld of tillS Th e ge ntlclL1('n \ \111 rcpre ell t I$, 1 50 l't. r )CUI b ... 111 8 !t O" ' 0 11 It u .. Ila do", ,\ ,ld""8 r~ss tlI O P II· . , CA~IIII. A ~uro U J.;i\ TEIl.& C(J , 11111,,'~I, •• N IT U I(SO lIurse. OIl C ur tho mo t PHYS week, nt 7+ o'clock , tltere ",iU ' to onr Cu- tel D urlltbef~, alld ICIAN • & SURG EON to thc h~hel'l!. b o d 1\ S DI,LIII,l Id's S II ~, Cl c\ u Iglfl cu p'lf() I IIlUI ~ IlpOIl tlte 'I )1a1l III C S fl'l.ce III tl Ie Ep IS cnpill [ 1 N I Il' ellterll ' land () . Ink .. wurld th c tlue type ot. tie. 1 1 Id ' _ _ tbc ,,,.rld 1MB C~ C I' kn o\~ II, will up· Otll"., lit Clturch , the R ev J, H, Ely UftiCIU' ! JEan But 1)11I"tlcularly wall .UI " u, Ing. ,atlll"" , they D I' f db . },car III 111.lcu "I Cud SchUl Z 011 " lr A 1 N ES fILL I!., 0 III O. cat trng, I IS 0 ten ct\ u>!e y a sel' OI . reprcse nt the vast manufa cturIng COII,I , - - --- . --.- - " - r cold 01 M!ll'ah!lll'~ 111\11 day ' vr'l1ltlg. Mlly 11th, . - Fricnd s' Qllart(\~ly Meetin g I"nd lIlinera I III l proliuc tiuns or th~ LIlI~gl Syrllp Hh v~lcI always OjJi re It ltl R1 <'11111I' nr:~, .I' £'1(I /.' / ( I t" be luken W ushlngtoll Hall, LebunolJ . . beglll~ on S Ixth-da y of thiS wee k. I W est und of Jasperc ounLy ~ !in tIme, fur It neyer flltis tu cure -M, E Quurte rly Meelin g next \~'r.'~'\t~ mill":p om T"~ barrow to b.e w.lteeled bY ' the worst cascs of clIughs or colds bv M.l\d a ltl Ur. Will be u8slst ed , tiye uble llrtla~cs, and will g lvo ~ week W AYN ESVI Ll.E. ~~~ ~~.!l.~~j Mr. 1 emplu 18 p~clI1turIJ cUllatru ct' llllmobt lIl-tant l y Pn ce 25 ceutl!. , tb e fill~8t entertu lnment e\er pro· --ed. The bed IS ahout fuul' feet W AYNE S V lLLE OHIO Ie b ' A D,lI dnced an Lebutlo n. H aVlllg · uscd D r. Ma sb \I's Lung long' the frollt ond sixteeu inch es l Fo SE~'H ~ w , BROW N, , ' r a r sa j " . , . Gen eral admiss ion 50 ete. R e. Gila admln,.t .rod whon d•• lrod. yrup ill my practic e for some brolld, unu t.he ~llldn~u :!t .e nd D' two ATTO Commc nccmen t RNE y AT LAW , Friday served seats 7f1c: time, 1 am preparo d to say, that it feet, aod It .51 clght Inche~ oors opj}n at . W"YD e8yltlc. July 1-1. 1 !l7~ deep' levenin g, and Alumn re meetin g 7t: C ncert b€lgrns AND NO at st P. Tot, TARl ' P UBLIG . iii a uptlri()r remcdy .for all C8ses That wheele u b! ~r. Wilson , -SOl ii"E'l'IN G_ N EW IS Saturda y evening . of cough s culds and dl8Elll1l s of the twu fect uud 81)1 !Debes TIckets 10rsI&Ie at booksto res a nd $nSI)lOnnblc Sllrbcr WAyNEI'I" .....E, U....,. __ _ Tho ~ __ nUll • flOK \vU.1II!N TO 00 door. lu n I\ud' he t. Dr. F. Wultmall , Iwlte I of each i thirty inches in I ~::; u. G ......... .. ok", _ _ OJ'L banon it! to have a Health 1 I [l{1 1Mi Ja'·3i -:--J IIi ~' lj,mji11 Srrfngf i<,lJ, 1iU\ljU tJ I IBIAnm-lDl:aIl old hy Doll. · d irt IWIt' .., t' \:'~J- ft ••\rt~,. "~ . "11h ~L'IIDp. Lift . "It nut WllyncSV!ll ? U FlIle growlIl g wcathe r now .••U!If .T.,- __ ,. _. :~~lE!2, ..... • St nl Ity mail for III eL' E. 1! FOlon. ~I Cl•• 'I •I : \...' 7!1l!!1. N"w "'a.1I (Ita,. " '1
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. I II'YUII. I I u II h!, tlu!llJt, tho h III w\lrk Mrs. Suuth. wurth hila l'V ' I' writlen . Ish llH\ul It
Plt.etecl rIb. 2, 18611. led BapL : . 1888.
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An.'! JjJ'o lllpl .MlJ1l N III bll!! (lil Y/I. ;,,!! i,l m y 1;/11' tll1 "I./l1'i lim e fl' fl m 30 in 9') dllY., (I I', iJy «f.1.fIli.«L !l YI''''IIIe l/I, ful' U l() //y rl' lillt t' ; bllt I toill oJlCI' celeb",", 1
W utlh, tho hu ro, rill"" tr III tho UII .hurl DOlice. ] "I ..., keep dep th s ul ).loverty. mil:! ry. aud 1111 I ' llIiliutio n, alld tit traco hi s progre~8, 1 v \, ~ ~t P by st p, h8 OO~IJ the Ilutho r's M all hour •• "nd a .upl'ly of labor .0 1' Im·u. '1'!lere is u CU~iUII8 Staple aDd Fancy Groce ries blendlu lind romuDc Th I ' I t'l k t P . · I ' K, ofk , realism 'd ' I I ' I. ~ 8 Ilg I(~fl 11 I\r 13 r weJJ pin , In. III tHS wor - t 10 reRU t It IIIUY u O, c",," or trud e. f,'r Oounlry Prod u ce. of tho lendIng illcidellt~ huyin g 1-=--.= -:=---- ::::---..:..-=--- -occur din IIctllull ilO. 'fho leulling . /01111110 cloul'ILcttlrs. Illudiu Ilud T o.. e l o ~.nt 10 • • 1-0< of Choi"e Muoic ar. llcutrico, artl dl'Uwn with a wumllu 's ralt~·d fur 110. j'i.n" Forte wil l be sent by d e l icutc and accurulo 10 ll c h e ; hut ,'.'"01 0 11 r .ouil't of one doll. r (poot pdid), u' ' I f ' 1 bln)C1 CIJPI~ij Hot Vi ce utM' olt,ch . i _ I SIIwac I • t II~S' II ' 1II1l( \! mnn Ii 111111 1 1'111')' u.n "Iso be "rdrr~d throulfh any ::I ,. (lIl1 d iSI i IIglli slaCl1 frolll til low.:r N e w"~t1.""I .. r in t.he Ililed Stul... .q elass wlolt Ill" • made uf money ') H UPI',"r Day •. Ill.trum eutlli. _ T om Brown . Q:i IItHllds hbovo. cI'l,)ry oth.:r pC~'ri"" ill ' ~~L~~~~";t~~'~~r.~:::.g t 3~0\~li~~ : ~ ~ tllU tulu_ ThiS. wo repelll, IS AIrs . H il( h I Mu- Wult. • 1i-l\U8>j. \ ==t)ullthw ortla ~ IJ 'IIt work. Therc is D. "'0 wh er tho Viule", Grow W o.wrne. ;,I 'lI ty Or it fur \~ ithollt Illly ~~h.'~ UI,I J ack""n ...d hi. UIIY W eotern . . ,... • '. '. IId van ce 0 1
THE ONLY STOVE MADE I My PR~CEf~ will be LOWER this year EVER, With Sliding Oven Doors. since the RebElllioD ~ aDd my Terms are 11 'fHAN ERtJ..
f .. rlli,hlnt'
'78! -:El 1I
Tile un" ,.ifltl d t; It plrA.urfl in rclurnillll : Ih "uk I.. lb. Ii. fur r on"fit"' tl"y b."" ) 1i he ra II,. bc"t""'f<d un hun filII" hli rt"turl1 t u \\~.,yt" vilt "till bOI' - • by .trl ft t ntl utlun tu bu ... iu · • tu uU'fll1l- t:v ultnu .w ,-"l u f l.he fttlme .
~:I'ru8, hy &frR. Emilia D. E. N. • Svuthw ,lrth. ill tIl 'eql,el t(l. awl I'ullcll/( /ion 01'" 1 "malll ; or. (n the A!,(O nItAL!1U IN ALL ItlND8 OF Dl'l th , ' b. II", ~lIllt "lIlhor, and it is now in prCSll. Illld will h pub. lillh.~u "" "lurtillY , May :.!Oth in "Iili.D1\1I IJ, k furlll, jilt· tile jil'lIt timt', in a ' ~~f.~ ~ lurK duod 'cimo HII II 10 , ,,(, iI.:ven l \\'o,nnt \le. J ... . ft. 1... 6. h unll reel pug's hy T . H. l'lIlCl'tlun l ~-Q '-' - . & ill' thltrll, I'h ilu'll'lphiu, ill lIlIi. U£EN CITY BAKERY, lorlll sty le wilh .. Ishmu·1. " Dr. Man"r"" 'll r~ •• 1I ki",l, -;;r n-;:;;;,d & 'uk. M,. ·kclIl.ie . lhe Literur y Ed it r l \ f d. ily fl'r \\' r. "n.1 Ih •• ,,,·I·,, "n.lillll tho l'h iluuelp hilL l'r'II , ILyd thut ne llt l'l ., rh ~ ,ouY. II~."il\ ::;I ...oi~l IILI n t.ioll i. If, . on .. , • 11' 1"
Jl ch 1110 nd.... Arri.. 'U.35 a '" It~, ,,\own. arri.. 11.4;. III ~ ow -__ollt:. uri.. II ~ • • "'"dor n, .rri.. I .f~ pbl Ito ~oalo .• rrhe , 4[, P '" L 'lIa""I""" a,ri.. :I ~O P III \Cnl wn l'oi"t, "flh. ' .50 p .. On '."u. Ar,;'. .it) P III
'f 'J IIl~
t87G QLJ) S _A .D" t87G. .l
. _.e:; : ..... ait..
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Ii s .s .c til
- 1);, -tlfht~
=.; =;:
lIel'Cllltllnti l'od pU~tI. Hisg mCf!d. · l'hero· ... Lclwr.!" .lbe CRndlo. S w ,l d"rt. ' ~ .. Coote. I' ~~l tuo. with u viuw of Pro:lpe ct , D u Yuu Ih'l1y [h ... k H e DId ." U tin" the humo of the uuth ur un ' AddrcQs or~c r~ ~o n l(NJ. W .HITCH COCK ;'.t U t)O' . . .' 'r, !lOa 1:1urd Avellue, Now York. ~ ! the l'otomu • Willa Ittls lIl·Nulldlngs. \ PubhI'lIH. 650-11... 1:1 fiu ely . c n ~I'Il I' cd Oil .f<ted. fl'llUi n <: _ J,hutug rapb tllkcli 011 the spo t. Award ed the Bighe. t lIedal at c:: P eup le like to l:!eo • tho cUUlIlcrfJ'it / Vienna . ' -= ~ rosemb lance' uf a wriler . wh 6 .. ' },lou80s th elD. nud IIti Mrs. Suuth ' E. & B. T, ANTHONY .& CO J ~ ~ l worth's purtrai t "'11$ givell in 59 1 'Bro(1,d10f!,!1, lI rf ?l) r OI'h', rIl I • I~lllnoul .' II vie w of laCI' Cott age, I (Opp . M"tl'Opolllnll Hot,·I.) ~ with itt! d\llTlluliding~. on the Putt)· 1ft ••• r.c.u......... ......... a... . . U •••" .. . IIII1C, tuhe ill ellcu cUPY III . Self. ! ClJlW AlUS ANI) FHA)IE~, :ci Ulli~ed. ' i lin t'xcell cllt iJCt\." It STL'KL'O " 'OPL'S I ND V I'\\'S ;; ~ willl>c puhli hc,! ill lliarge d lludoc- , ~"'" ~" _ '" 4 , I ~ · ; .§. imo V"IUIIiU of scve n hUllur u BJ1.i!.\:lD"'.:u~~ c;;m . ""1h"@~.._;:@Jl,£;~ ~ I.> i 1 '" ~ ,' "., .", \V"1 • ... }ill 'etl. buund in m to l' CC ') cl ulla. I\.. . ... - .. . "' ""J U.Al"'6J! . "'u.... ~e>Q 1 gilt IJllck. priee 1.75. alld t.· I'u r Ph hi . 1:!I11 e by a ll 13uokse llcrs, o r lid mnce otograp c 11 ate ria l S, bl ! C\Jpics ur it will be BOll t to allY olle l ut once. 011 their rclltitti ng the We are He~dqu .. rte r. Cur .<e ryd. ilt!! III 'Ihe J'l . I' 't t tl I' bl ' >lay oC vrlce 0 I 0 Ill. . II 18I101'S. STERE OPTIC ONS AND .AGIO :tI ~ Fueling clIllcd Ilpon to screnad e LAN TERNS . lois deM gazdlc he bOI'l'Ilwed an 1 Bol lig ~Inllur.c or Ih. " g 0 I ' 1ft"' ''O ...tJ ' I!~T .... tJtu'·er. '~'I· I! H~. H, CDtl1' d.C OII, all U a f ter gettlll t JUt I I<ITIIHII O ••• AN O.'T.... UO Nt " few doleful IIU cuu Id Boue"'e lJ~n' I!"''''I' Y "TI!HItOPT'(JU~. .\ . ~ .. . .'I ADV ER·n"., :H ... MTIIHII UPT.(;O N. lIoises out of It. la e posted 111m sol! I AK ..·O.··. ·. tJON. l1nd, cr her willdow olle night Illld , SOIlOU LL A NTE llS. FAMILY L.",· •• ". · , I h l' "01 PEOI'LE LANTER N . · \ ,e~1l1l pIal n t ll' 6 Y fllWlllltgt'" 81 1, ElOb sl,: •• /Jdns th'S e b,'s' of if ~ cia .. in lb. wh Isper \\I l lat t 1IUU ~o t..'S • Ie I mil; ke l . IJ(l ked hor. helld uut 0 1 Ih\! Window I C",.lnf;l l.' of I.nnl,·rn . .. nd . Ii".,. 1I'ilh at lhe thiru line IIl1d saill , "Oh, it' , tlil·eelio" . fur \I ' in /( ~e tll on " 1' I' Iiclllio n. O\l is it? 1 IIJotl"iat it Wllll cati'. · A u y . nL.:pl· i .i H ~ muu Y I' I t ' ... ,lh • M."II I.• ulern. con milk. m"'8" Al ~delYOlllwulI, t 1,1,1: IIIQ ~lvf.II~lpetr t~V IIl j IFGut"out lhi. ,d •• ,·lLumen l . for rof.,·. Ie Cijt, lOy! e. · 00 e~ 11'0(J" eD" O. tl JOQ ..\all to ,..,., V ......I . lor . . . 6:131 y n&d thats what. Been work i ng II hurd 1 . Garae rnllnin g sewi ng lIJachili c all day . • ".. ning for . . . line. liet me a • Light Uunllill~ D lIlTIC'ti.j 11 JOtI wlJb 10 becom e I C<lmmereJal F1orIIL. A NatIon al FamIly Paper. r.d • tic' lind then I'll kO ~J\v yuu U1eun ! Th " l:n',1 Fil mily Poper of AII.e ric:'.
iu tho. Illarket, buy the
1 81;; ..
huv e 011
hand the b est AS80rtm ent of
a j
on l ~' ~' I\I ' cr ,-' xpul"lng
--GENTI .£llAN. -ShO\v
Ih ..
t.!\" ' I'." too~duJ. l e r . qUl1ck ;0: 1"\ in~ mil liun!' (.0 t hu pub I IH " is 1I0W ,'o IHI\' for lh e l' ..' n~r nuht' r 8 mI' lI i~ ll. li llY IUtl .OIlO m"r. d,.lighled Alld hUllt'I U:: . .. nif
mo the ."b.,·ti mall who CH II quit thfl t\lIl:i~l y ~f tho ~~-e STAR SPANG LIlD BANN yllung and t.uke I'lcas lIl'e 111 .lls l en - ! a \.,r);o d ,:hl 'p'g,·. 40 co ili mn l''' I',·r. El i. I., ·dgo r jllg to thc kindly \ ' () ICO uf agc; : s i/ c. ~ " .I·' I \I ~: i"/( wilh c hll "millg S ,urk • . !'u, I ' e the lI1all wh o cuvcrd the el ry . lail' • . "kl'lcl ,,' " W IL. Hun" ,r .... <I 8, HI\\: IU, . . I I ~h·e"" ... 11 nCI't' Rc e il" A. H. i ~ h ls, Sec fn 'lII ·tM h~ults ot others With the III 1111 tic 0 1 A", . &e . •~c . : I",.. ' hilurelJ 's Ile pur'",clI' charity ' 8h"w me til\! mllll who a ~I.d j.-,, ~ I h·l"""'c nl.~ "II ~.tl(· r'~ C" 'n .... Clc. ,. 'I'tel .. .1""1 .. ,, p.,,·r'·CI F" ~,' l yI'lIp<t . lowe as 'p1l I y and give~ .Iho """ HUMBU GS It. 'pe'· I.tI, .. to .'p strect os treel y to the poor se wl llg " n ' I'rl,ud. 'I Ull ck. " ... inult' , .lId . Bell'"" .01' .. ir! all to iho millioll llire; show 110 I ,...:), 11I . ,n'"·, h,," five C<l IU IlI 1I 9 00' t, ul hl',,1. ,,~ , r~ ... I hi fllc' : I",hl,' .. " te", ,·lIlo. No "" w.lu". 1..lI er.'· ~ "l thc mllll W 10 n \U~e t I10 ria' I e~ I .' , 1.0nd . or '1'''' " "d c., 11' g l"" " ":t il c"er 'e.luh who 8COl'11 8 thc rld 'clli er ot h, s ,'.. " it' ,',,11 rt·"d th ia ~rcu I )I'\,~', "po, • . J ther's s ex anu t hc eX I)l)slIt'e o f . i. II .. " in~lIer< " ilh .. ut fu r ,,,.1'0 \'(" .II"lid g;'.• ~ no " . I . I ' a I l ~ ' 01 lI ,fer HHIU . With nomes find ' /: :11111 '8 woman ly r Cl'utatl on, ~ I~'\ Il l.! t. 1(' IIT COSTS I.UI 75 C" IIL- II year. and man who nevcl' forgets tor all II}. 11"·ol'lli.1 e.... ry .. h.... It i.,.i u8Lth~ i. ,enl tant tbe d eli cacy and reBptlct due a .,·err hllm '·, . .0Il LheI'D ur NO;lh.·rn p"~ r Ill' . It lo"ot 8 ' . e.>I. r.· lt~ lo,,, IIr . ,· CL'l<In" It ",nve wbman , a w omau HI any Cull d"Itlon Irolll, fol' nit. Sbl'l,:d in 186:1. il h•• ~n lt e "n .f,"· ~lr cla88 and you show 118 II troe 1:1 yeor -, nnd " ' ud hy 100.OUO I'eo~\c. 1 " u • t! :' 1) n'aut it .lId "ill h"ve it 80 me Lime . Wby gell em.. . NOT nnwt
- -- - - . . . . Wonll erful 8Ul:eel lll!
It I, "p',rlod Ibn I 1I0· e ll . .•• OU" A~ HTRI." . Iial. I ince iLoi Introdud, iuo in t.he Uni .. led S ln W'. ,r&ch.d the immeu , e " .. Ie or 40 .000 doz.e u per yea r . Ovel' 6 ,000 Drug , iltl ht\\'6 ortlcred t.hi. Mesl h: in8 di rect frum Ihe F.ctor<, IU WuodliUrv N .J .• and nol "ne luue r,·pori.d " aingl" rni lu ..... , b,u t evcry let. 'e l' 1&1)el\kl of i ts nl louilLing I"'Cel.'f'1 iu cur · in g _eVc r. C" ughl. 11old. BellIed 011 Ihe )\r.IIII, Conlum l'llon. o r 'A~y dl." 1\8 oC , ' hroll" and L\logl ,. We at.lflll! IlOY p er~ oo thai hal an, predi .po~ ttioll to .... k Lun g., 10,0 10 lh.ir O,·agg i. l. A. Ih.lI. 100 get ~bi l .Iledlc i.o. , or i"'Iuire about il. U.gul .., .Ize 1> ceutl; .a mp!. bOltle. 10 c.'ul8. T"~ du . . . . . ill ~lil.' anr caae. [)",,'t . . ,I.CL your cough . SM-Iy
Sir ths . •
UlI.A VEtI. -No.r Sprinf HiTI. K,ulI'.... April IItb, Itl76 1100 :wife 0 Ora T . Grave_, uf a di>u,ht....
--- ----
MISS RAOBIE R. EBRIGHT, Pla...r.ne lule Teaeller, East .aide of M.ln 8Ir•• I. W.a.yN _y ..... e, OR . . .
'if m~~ (Jl~&.I~It)~.
e v(,r offer d ill this I\1l\rlwt . They are as
fl)\' owi\: n A YTOS Ofl flMlU 'H.1I0 XD. ,' ·U{).TCII CL IJJPE R, IMPE RIAL . &1 OL I VER {, {TlLI. ED,. all (if which -tu'e I Vi~1'1'antfd to !Jive 8ati"j'a cl ioll .
---W e
'IT Ten, feolalns all lon,
the vitUiu n( the Llv1u RUll tl i l1K "!JOM!; 'CI C," wd ntlLn.: tbe Aut o matl. wh Ich Will' a ll d ito th~ 1~"1 In u:u , .... Pluu l IIrnic:c OUf J'," rEST l-J..\ K lJ f' N f:n t;ozr\ Ie \ L II to' A lt H";'jS on IKl th Lh o M achw.-. and SI:Iond . Ou r n••• nd 011'1 iclcu , u·ort,,:d oul . it h bu,Il\.' new ~JilLh l('r\' .lUfIToul, ,,( ou r own r e w wor" _, in Ihe hll'V chy ,.f Newark , New J .:n.cv, h.ye r ive" II ~ :to ,til~".I .. hJ ' l ( ~, ~:\,..: 11 ".1\ Ic.: A t , ":XCr l. · LF. NCE , ~finir'Hlm of F'r iclhm. MtUllIIUl1i u( 1 111 1",,1..:H) , .. .. d , .. 11 8111 1)( wm k, tl<rv.:r hcr.lu fwa rcached In the Sewina
M ilc hi ll~
VA Y'l'(}K A
three .of th e 1I1£~T---
w. IDYlte lbe . " .n Uon or a ll, ,specialty o, . ha.,inc hlCh m.chan l,al 111111 ,blen-atlo n . N . U,- AII !o-h.chlnct rlltl~ Wl\rnnuellth .
.,.' ....-".-]( n c•• '
(,.·hl ..n~o.
Practical Floriculture T
If 7011 wllh 10 Oardea tor AII11I_ t or for Dome U .. Qu.lJ, read
ill tile the market: WE ' TER 71~ J)lIBLl.N anti l:X CEL 'I OR!
Gardening for Pleasure r ALI. . Y
Peter Hend erson .
• ...e.....
Prioe,I.r.o each , )lOot-pAi.!, by mall .
Oar Oombloed <:alai"",. tor 11m,
GA RD EN ! •• nt
F,ee to
• 'c:» :r:. 1- • -r i1 I. 1-I
aU lII ppllo"nt ••
Oa, II"" mo.lntled ('.talogoe . ot
and Pla"t,. numl~· tlnl' n~ I)Dg<'e. and eon· talolng 2culored 1)).l uI, leot wllhont ch.rp 'to Darela:lt' " or "U1 01 the .bo1'e tbrel
boob. !!eut to aIJ Otb... OIl _"Ipl ul
~~ 86 Cortla ndt Street NBW YORK .
We hav. im · p"rl.'d 12 "I,lton did FrelJeh Chrlll'Do. ( .. " I·Ih II ('a,·b ) . • IT.e 911 J inch o•. fi""l y mouIII , d . ft ud we u ffo I' /l.:H .·.'l R nf th t!l'le ,:rem' ft.nd nil nil.,· a whole "en r .• 11 Crel. CII' , .. The •• art:' gt' l\u inl' c hromol. I lI it.RIJle for any IHU lnr , 5() nthc" pr~111 ium .. om'n'd . A LAST WORD . Read.er. rememhe r I . 7ti i ~ o ur c ouDtry's ce lltt' nlliftl. Ilu ri ng tbis on e ~' l'lH du tl\ke 1\ N fl t. illOl'). pn'r'. )t,ic, wid ",· " .. ako paper. 0110 Ih"l is lor rigbl 'gllin s l wroll g; olle that know. no party. no lIorth . gO JUluth, CIl"t. or wed ; Uut." "", per ill l ~ndNJ for o"or> rl"der. on. thaL .ave. mo"oy 10 it. .rende ,.by expollng ! bo ·Irick. k"d t rap" 01 swlndlcd om ; B"d no .. i. th. time . Yotl ha ve put It oft· \.l,o loug. Hend to day. Now i. tho accepI.Cd lillie . SEE. Onl y 75 cenl. lee a reo Ih l. pape, .. lea,. With four charming chromo • • onl~ II. ' aHulIlher. l e nt (0 ' 15 cen\!. ' peci mln (1011,0011 r ..d )·) .ent free to all . 8end fO I' il now. Coou nOlbi,,!: 10 see it. f'e"d 1.0. day 10 Ihe BANNE R PUBLl BtNt; · CO., 1:liosdtll" . N. H . 511 ·0I ws...
First·Class Pianos & Organs, XEN lA , OH 10.
.... AIBO. I nstrumen le tuned ·and '81'l\lreo. Orde ... may I,. leCt .. ith l:. W. Eb,igbl.
It is the Quickest Ba.ker, Ecoum nwnt, ,Conv ('nlen t
MOST t .
miff. Dtu·ab le.
Sizes, Slyles &: Price. to suit every ooe. Manufltlurod by
Go to Engle'. for Fancy \Nr.,. I?F!;OR" r.O .. Cil'clnnatl, O. F(JI' Sale hy Elliott do OoltTT/.Gn. Cracken of an JdDdI. W,1 · l J m
Til, ' fndersign ed h,,,, been aPN>lute d Ad. '1,i"i,'ro l"r of O'e ]:;,cb.le of Elizabetb ,I. & in<•• late of 'Vllrreu C'lU.nty. Ohio, d ... c...... ·d. All p"r""nl illt! - bloll 1,(, t he ...... t.e will vIe .... . Dllk . imlned, to !OCttleme nt. Ind Lhh149 hl\yin~ oluibtH ltfl"itUd tho 88 m e, will pre>e u, t1'~m. dulv "uLh"J~t1rlLl..d . for al\o...., ..co.
It~y:: .
WE ,LEY HAINES . C\d.·r .
Warl'an ted to gi va Sati8fll ction ..£)l
, All k ina ('If Wood POIlllS at extrem ely I w pric , All pel'8olls wi Iting anythil lg in our line "ill lind it to they intb"' ~ to give us a call befvl'e pllrcltasinK eillewk re ..
UM.O •
ati. ()
'tt~\.t~~~~~~~ ..... I
OF nlE
ADd ....., prepared t o lemonatrato tile £lICIt 0111& A UG....-;:;:;;;;peratcd onUI't!ly by
BORBE lOWE R... 0 I ",III bore Rt tho rate or gO lI'BBT PJliB aoua. lbey ~oro
3TO 6FlBT IN DIAIBTBR, bd ANY DJ::l'TU UF.llUIUJl:D They will boro 11 II.......,01 LI.fI.a.o.. BU.• all •• n.
.&.. ilIad. or E.rth " .. n
':wO ••, 'I'." ••
t1 I •• rd • • •
enl')' 8tat".nd Counl.r 0 tt • Un Ie I State. 811nd'0 onr tltusl rntf'd C,,",al ol{'uc term. prloes t.e ) ra DK 0 r lldvcr' 1lemtnla Addr ...
;\l r. (rUm s II lUos t lIn ely part of I IgillUd I btlY YIslted the ulllry round about Southllnll)UlII fn>quenU) Lord Pallll!!r .ton ft eeffite 1 uear there rt wou ld be dltllCll.lt to find ally spot III lh world 1lI0re r plel.8 with pea rul beli It e~ nnd 1Il0f'C' rllih In I \llof ullur N 111' \0 II lItlle (!()ll.l\g~ on lhe c~lIlle o f Mr rt<lrl lllld v~(lr to the large b u ror lier menl ~he llll_~ all the plN\Alli and \lOIlt) of the CIIWlI of bouf!eW" Ii LooAN !!/I)'S
1111 t rlle eplc of o llr lime Is not Arms n11111 but tools (lid the milD-lUI Illfillltely Wider klRd of e p c
811d th
ping A tllU.Pl r 'wont t .. 01111 IR ~rou bit' 1 I/\4lD I k " -It b OD a railroad tradl bUI PM lUC'..h lll't"'l'l'll _~It and tilnwth
Til E ol l e~t It\ lUg l r6l!byter nn preacher I~ ""It1 lQ be Rev D ngrAn (If U lot ::;Cul lall I who Will ~D btl \/UI h,," Ired
Nlli. l'n»;*hy
1IO .....ra ".t.1 . . " " " JIOo
TI e Dloot omplete botell D t<llila appoint.menla u th e WelL Tile tabl .. Rppl1~ at flU lUDell wah Lbe besl Lb. warkel il60rUt
.............. A N 0
No 18.
.... &Dyr.l .lf---' -W ...~ __ w"".4""" "'--_._~
MBr~n -th
'lOllE .U It AUROAV.
1~8' IlJJ~.
BaLlA.D 0 ... TIIIl .111......T O " _
lll~ Netbl'rlaud. Oov('rnmclI~ hlLH ~utlld 240 006 fnllles for reclaImIng J .oud ~o b. . .o ~poo lur Jal I IrIK of the Zuyu r Z(lC! whIch during a To bulk! Ibe 10. ',auf! 10 Ibla hour ... , '.w b.lb at l.o!e ,,.Iu L rnble tern LIlI lIiovember 1170 Ilor
'0 J':..-;,r.a0
I lIS led by tho North wbell cit eN wore 8 \ opt aWRY nnd J 0 000 IxusonH IlrQWlled In tho 16tb celltury a Kum lar c l\.suotrol ho furmed the HMrl In J Ike NOL all Ihe hell. In 1I ,1110.40111 /I ,UUR willi 'e.t'VOO\ ulJlbt from wllch t.et" II 1 39 and 1862 That I al PY d" I. Jlo,lIo" CAY bad lold ml J01 16 OOU ncrC8 uf fertile land wer r .'~ht II 1IIet! by drlllllln. Iho GovNnm nt AI U! I:: 1111. m, btl 10 I led lu Ib.I 1,luu I blat now I rOplllMlll rcclaamlllg III I II I 200 000 1 Ichodla \ .. ,""m woddlng 01 ""r cl.. b I om II 0 IIcre~ u IUBler town
In mr I HI "taU~hcul uflaco of the , erlOl\n Co u I.... COt 01111 Ibal I wotlld IICL cbu,.h bello a rllll"RY lines 11ft. publl ~hed lho returns rI ~IDg tb .... of the IIcclllellL8 which happen d durlllg tlo year ] 75 on III 0 rm \0 rill hI II) 8 I X((' I t tho Hal nUll lin '1 here wor 'if" r 1II11111!;H-{)1I ~ho rllal. a Id colhKIOII~ "td I. JI'&,I1 bar,.1 Ialled ( I . " WhOD Wl' I ( tr8111 ~ ou tho 01l181de 01 d 1 fl7G run bol' "Ill bo,o IIIn g~ 011 Lhe rn I. Rlld 00111.101S In tie Bul ~:'!.IJ ~~~ w~Ue ..... ,. 6110d tnl tAr, with the "lllllons allu 1 HGO II cldel L8 of rr .... rter bappened Ibe b ... leal woe and 1I0ne dll e18 notl ro" by whIch the reg ulllr er 00 Id I ~I or lA' Nllr " .. I"cro bell 10 Loll. knoll aLou "'1 IlerI ICO W l\.~ III l.1!rrll pLed I be!!O IIcoHlen ts Ib • stine h " 0 cllnfed Lbe 108M of tho hVCllof CiO!) ...... bad I I old tut vow "'ll' no 1111 blndra c:e 10 I ltl r l!OII~ 1515 l or80118 were hurL Ihe (It "trol I ... • ~Ioa kno".1 I od ltoo... I-hall pn I ' rll n of ftC Idents t.o Lhe n'lmber MII wnuver ~rU.lhod u 1 IOU) <f I lOll(1 uger trains WAH ono to 6 394 and f" nc",o lieg II n 1 RI,. o . r ye "" II • tu II Itol freight t.mmHono to;! 290 1<01.11 ue oor loW .. lbelll1 ... ter bad i 10 ..0\111 ".... re
In low and
"nd rno nAto
.) rlolI' ore drr A I'i eye lor lin ('ye lIud a toolh for I loolh h~. "I li lly" bl-ell r~gardcd as JU t relrlbllLlon III IlIw bl til recenl CIUItl be t fCCII I C \ Ihzed IIl1d n 8('1111 barbarous 1111 Ion IIhOW8 a SPirit thlLt e 1'1'018 Dot 0 JII"IIO but of roveng Poor Margary \V Illi IIndouhLlldly murdered wl thollt the Ih.r lo,I b II ... m gl ly b II. /.1 Icant IIhadow of provocation hu tIt 18 n ~Illckoneb,leg be eJM'" ere 8011 ADd j "III J111 IbIA 'c'y dOI Ibelr ul dOliI welghl 'It ler lliulltrallon of hrl 81111n forbear lu gold, fl l Ge ox blblt.cd b) the English 111 xlIcllllg vent.eeD hI ll for 11IR IfthlJl In MllII co Th'!I-:;'..aIb~ID~ortArlh .too.c.Lt'.. I ala ""llble 1Mto Ire a precedent It IS hence~uth un 1'0' be, door IAk. who Q OOCI dll I.ke I .yall IJO nixed wI b .. I •• tIC18toorJ thllt ~vent~e ll hlDeMe eq unl • one I! IIgh~bmall alld thnt Lhelr !!0 1I18 lire TwlUl • I 6 8.TO b 11 hla tower nn I "'" th e 810fT t II. 10 bo ClItlmlllOdlD Lbe 8\llI\e mIlO
A 11'1181'14
IU'C .,. ..1 d
""'8 tbe bell.
" I 1\ co, lObo 0.' Ib. ,
1N 1\ rl'ccn ~ worle on dlllereut fot e!~ phyftlolog cully consldert'd th e author argucKthnt Ule best alllmal food 18 th e f1 e~h of the !he p and ~he best vegetllblc (uod that of Qr from wbeat Tbe Vllrtcty R Id I,roportioll of the IDgredlenL8 III 1\ 1HJ'IllIti of whenlOn flour furolsh fair OVI ..tenco of lllC I'IIllIe of ~hl H gra lll 0 I I>0tlcrl\la!amenL Wllt.cr \I onnces lOG ):rlln8 .. glnton 2 ounoos 21 gratns Alhumen, 126 g rlllllft "\.a[ch 80uDces 2.# gr , ~lIar, 886 gramll gum 119 ~ fa): 111 pin\!, rIll dlcnUt RlIch lUI tht'1!O III the prorortrons Wh It 18 JOUr name Mid tbe 1'0po 1111 Ir In wheat Mil ndollrtluly I\dap liea rgellllt lit th ratoga tr et tn Lcd \Q mllintalll the hum III hod y III LIUII hou'c 111 1I111LlmOrc io 11 8Lraugel, Ilrr val of tbe tlre~J<NI elderly mllll who \V1I1l broughL r III ns 1\ 8l' rOL h Clllth aud vIgor '11 e 1 'OClrlllll' <ill l'OI-ProSCC Itll g nttofore him alxmt lOuo clookon theev I I)!; of Lhe 17th ef July J 67 torllcy-cull rd upon I hore who WRlI r1lF C ,( Jo C'hromcle MyS Lhat thero 'J I Clo l'rl!tOllor etl\red Ilt the rp't'IIIll st II" I rll!On ant!lIlIll to 11m 18 t m 111 lit New O,lelIDs "Ito proposeR for a D n tel Or t"o nnd then n ade an 1 borr <10 you k !lOll Ihlll ) ou IIr(l AMf!(101l 11K thc Ends Jottl~M 8h~ 1I h tve I IdlRt nct rcplr SOl eml r petitions of II bOil I to be 'I't lit "berty ? openerl 1\ d P ch \One I to Ihl' ul r 10 the q Ic~tIOD ehclt.ed DOmore IIIIllRfnctorJ f h3n\:. Uo I J Hllnk (otll crIed the Jl rl ~~ ncr I kl willy lIIuoce n(!o lI ould I ring \\ hC1It to Ne w Orlenns frutll 1 ro IInswer froUl tho j 'rH!OI 0{ Hoillos 8nte! the Sergellnt to tbe of. be brol gh! to light wonor or Illter lit thre Cllt8 n bllfhel 1416 Js to be It o mls.'Ullg !II Norotl.l! bas turned ,101 b) II I,cel I nrly bUilt bo It Wllh n /lcer wbo hlld !.liken tue pnWDer to t ue ~!.IIt i OIi houw you !Illy you found hIm u p 1 Dorl' I'bore turned pille upon ,Iou hie botLom wlll ch WIll permit Its re lymA' druok on tbe sIdewalk ? hellrmg thIS tl rn up ~he flY r WIUlout much re y 8 Sergeant alls\\ ered Ihe officer Wb er~ IS he? bo n ~ ked 1118Lance from the ourrel t.. Tbo Ohr(nll , alld a good dCIII of \roubl dId I buy 115 unconcerned 1\" 1'0118 ble lie has wrttten us frolll RllltlIDore elt AAya tbe mllll who Ilropc>8C8 to do t111 ~ to nutke blm g t, "I' Bo IS a VICIOus old Wben ho Wl\ti on hl8 1:In I eJl.lcuIJltcd ThOle no 101lgcr " 18 born in New Hllmpslllre The> ,F fellow !!O he I /,ro efe regards the problem of chea p feet he Rlvoro a 10llth III a language tKIme nble t{) lude hla agItAtIOn thlllg like Cboamw und thell stn ok 1!!ll '1 be wocurcllr felgJJed not lo no I !.he un IllljlOrtatlmr for -tblnlxtleme Western a blow WIth hiS fist but 1 gave hIm a pm( ner's excltemenl !!Cotlon ' &11 prllctlon!!y IIOlved by the lin cou ple of whncks WIth n y club And thllt Y 6@ froUl llal tur ore he sRid I he IlIll1ellt ~lIcce88 of the Bad8 Jell rs. lIut mnde blm go along With mo crnzy bid fellow uy~ lhat bo got Iu Ll \ t 1 he fTlfoner who seemed to be ID 1\ dl@tant cIty IU Amcncll lIud he eau not 1\1:1 hlt)llllll!UPII 16not In the extreme Weat till Jettlu 11'111 alllO .olve tlle problem state 0 81upefuclton II IL8 8ClIrchod but tell hlml!Clf bow Wh~!1 sh all I be rell'uscd from for tho middle 8ec\ion &II we!! The neIther papers to Idelltl ry hIm lIor vlIJua hIes of any deaCfll,tlon ('l{ccpt II bIt of ~ rl l!UlI ? IllIkod1ltorc tUUldlv C/lrolllC/C thinks tho F. ads' JettIes 'i 111 gold cho I hallglDg toOl 0 of hiH I cst bit.Wholl YOIIIIIOUllt th!' Mcafiold I\tiSRSml\ke Now OrlrRIII a great expcrtlllg tons wero fouuCl on his pel'llOn SID' tl undered the ollie al suddenly Then n chargo of drunk lind dlljOr Ill co ofbren"8~uff8 Thorellllul. back I pOll hIS couch With dorly · WIIS enlered nglllllst hun { I tho a grGnn 1m OIly N8tlonal Balik of Ohlj:ago blo~ter and be WII8 hustled III a cell not. J 11111 IDl ocelli ho murmurod lhe } rOCllre Ir lolt 11m \\lLh o u~ Motber I\lth fl CAIIh on pi till of '250000 InLely C' ~ ell contlllnlllg II bench fo r hun 0 rest Next llIornng he \\I~~ foulld word Next ho II (,UL to tho house of ci( l«Id It II dOOT8 A Dotlce U\lOII tbo doo r upon Hl.aL(l!I tllnt the lltockholderM have (.Ieclded Sl0110 dead on tbllcold 600r rhc CoroHer Ornnlor Mill reI who hnd been relell8ed WI\.~ summoned a JIIly was Iml'\IIel('d from cOllfHlcmc lltl\ Jew d Iys before t 1 J;O mto volunlary IIq uldatloll liS the alld I verdlcl that tho unknown mUll M mSlour Mat re i be ~n d to t.he bellt mmlDll of dOlDg Justice to lin crt'd I ad dIed of !!Ollle CIlUse unkllo" n lo the neph('w of M !'SoreLtl' 1 nw sorry to It.e18 of the bank tbat It has been fouod Jury WII8 rendered III tho nft.eruoo 1 tell YOII that you \\ 111 1111 e to surrendor A !thode Island Chlnl IStor) 11II~lblo to eODvert tbe al!l!Ot8 speedily the 8~rnllger Will! bum U III 1\ plllill 111l1e clnlws to the eH1l1O of your uuclo Why ? !\liked Mllll rel, qlllckly enuugh to meet the coutlllued d m v coffin 111 I'ott.er'H FIeld Ihe Provldenoo Prt~8 dCl!CrrbtH nil ex The clothts of lhe d cc tiled IlIcludlDg llccauee )tour lin 10 18 !tllll\\tvo I 'lV11Ieb hAIl boon ninde of lato upon 11K cntng ndv('oture ~hu K A cllm of II e the pu'c:e o( gold chain) were sold for n Y 0 11 IIro Jt'stlU g rl'lIl cd 1\1 III rel I l\r~e hnrd shdl speclel! tllken ilL Lhe cMh re!lOUfC88 that III tho oplllion of few dollRr~ to JI\IUIC Jiergmllnll a Jew wllb II forced ~m Ie Where 1M he I be ch WIth II grtl' hlte (\ vIce hatl heen tbe dlroctont, tbe IIlIIIeUt will be RtIlply who ke\lt n. amllll I!Ccond hand 8toro OL he IlI!ketl tben I ft I) IUS 1001!C alld bad olltln d llij • ulllClonL to pay all habllltlee, prov ded Hnrn80n IItrt'et YOIl shn 1l l!OO llll1 ee~ hllll f, co to fncc U outh \\ I Ie ~ } r II brclIlh of I\lr 1\11 I gone the oredltors Will glvethe oftlceraa sbort AbouL HIX months after Lho cvelll.8 MOllelcur ~L\lIre l rei hct! the Ira to sl o~ 1 \lltll It opon, wh~n 1\ gnmlllklll 'VIII you now rlo me tho 'Ivor cbanced to plll!~ lhllt way, alld 1011111 g tllllO to tllrn them8elvc8 Tbo casbler wlllcb we havo jl ~ L rcla~ed llergmllnn cllreur Htnhll:l thAt ~he entire !iabllatle.. exclu I\llllt to New fork WJtb all t.he olr! oC gOIng wILh m~? Iho !!Ocu t of th o dellClou8 morsel fortb Whero to? wll.h cOllllllcncmL a lil'a.rftlh wInch ro 81ve of the clll'ltnl stock lifO ,&00 000 Je~elry 'lVh ch ho h Id ImrchlU!Cd durmJ; the preccdmg year lin whIch he 11011' of T _e DlIlIfIC \eulod tbe wbereRbolltl! of the blvulve llIuHllydepotll1.l. Tbe amount Id ilIlcured feretl for ~lIle to a mllllufactllrlllg gold In order 10 do whllt ? Clllluou ~ly ve~ earnf8t1YI 8he wellt to by IIIII!Ota making a nomhll\l surplulI over IIIllILh It e 11Itt.er cxamllled the goods 10 IvolcMlC baok YOllr u!lcle to work FURt abe walkeu round lind II!! hllblhtlos of about '180 000 I ellrlyall lIOmewhnl ClITclolll'ly until he cllught RIght Havre I rol nd II eYClng It on every Bide Ih~1I MOlIsleur or I'd l\luurel I heF YOU sho poked IL wltb her paWl turJllng It colleotable No other CI ty bun lea are of tb o brokeu gold chftlll WI ore dId you get tbai? to stop your un ~cm ly "Iea&llltry I TO md lind round 'lbe c am by thb ~ noullly aOwLed by tbe fmlure eagerly PI8I\I!IIntlY I J tol YOll the exacL tune blld got itA~)eHO IIeI~ IL8 cunoslty Bergmann ex pi allied how h e got. t. tr Ilh You r \lUclo 18 1.1 ere III the Iden wnKIIrou!!Cd lo Me \\ hat the cat wOIlIt! AT the IRBt ceDeue 10 Wnles and En ext JlIlH8Y tr cd to ," sert Its nose glllnd of perllOns engaged ID mallufl\ctur and tben lho Jewoler wid hlln Lh It \ rc- Llcal 8Ult of clulhes n "llIcb htl IV lf1ll1t do hetll C'rl tl c Hhell H fhe cln.m kl ew Hbe IlIg pottery tbe numoor of people 110 DC wllr I of , I 000 WIIM offered for It 'rhe 8CU III tim cIty Chlllll belollged to !II " eltur J'e r( y N r lI111uroi a m lD of rBre J fC!'eIlCC of CU ll I I 1 10 II. 1\1 I he IllY there IIl1d CUpled W&I found to be about 46122 of ette 01 e of the wpal thil'8t r~nl esUllc mlIId OlllV 8111 1ed Ir HdlllnfulIy '1 nklll g Inngl e I hi,. . leeH Ne~t pussy III thel!l! 29 169 w~re mllies and 16 953 fe- OWllorH of Hllv re 11\ 1'mnce 111 on Ltc hIS I at, III IIIlId II th seelll lllg III illTer "c rIed 010 of Irr 13\11\ beLween Ih e PlslCil. Among th~ males the mortality Will! 1\ b8chel9r (f el1Ccntflc hllblt" Ire eucc "I ell" IIIId r Ildly wlthdlew It Wilt IlIlIg JAIL liS J;o to tho IIIlI.lrll' ItS of red 0 11 thc ubJecLII e poiut N ,t I WII K no Ie.. than 88 por cent higher than dl8llppenred m1ste fl ously flom II at c ly UPOIl the Ir armal th ere he W IIK D111 ~cI{' Ito l e,er did Ills CIUIllSblp 1111 I e tbe average death rate for tho malOH of In tbe precedmg April No one knew whither he had gone and hIS n pbew n I t'red 1111 0 II dark rOOlu Sudt~only It uot au milch Ill! all eyewlllker F.m tho whole communIty above the age of Granier J\faureJ claimed bls e tate 118 1I'1l811ghed ul' nnd he ~ IW before hIm boldcllrd by tll1 ~ "u~s put her paws full Mteen ),cars alld tbe Increaae prlllClpally th\l next of kiD on the ground thllt IIIK HI ar Opel collin tbe hfl"-hko rClRalllS IIpon the col el{'d Ca[ClIIII! of the bivilive. showed I\.leU In carrylDg off mell III the uncle \YAK doad (Tl,c courtH of Hllvre of hl ft U lelC' He could not roprC8I! a Tho IlItter IV nkell W th one eyo, IlII ill II h llrtmo of life My tinny five yf8ra of Ago uodcr lbll ~(uhar It", s of Fruucc c ry of I orror 1.8 to 8IIy Now old IlId) 1 ve got you I ill Y ullcle I he glll!pcd IlOd brlllg Pit 1.1 u>e tlVO Jaws of b 18 10 'lho chmnle belnl good tho "'",ell f&lT gfllDt.ed tho llp~liclltlOIl blltordctcd tlIII~ Whom you murdered I IIlI ul tbe I ro- geiher "Ith II ~ II'll held the cats p"w and the workmen fairly temperate and tho heIr Kbouldlldvertl Be fl.Ir II1ftul\Il\LIOU bl8 uDele 1lI ije~ua l Fr nch cureur 8t.ernly wltb n grrp lit It fi led her wlLh "dtoDl~h cleanly nevcrthelcu the pottel'll wen. concornlng 1\lAurel pruLe~lRd blHInnOCl)nce German 1l11d Engll b pllpers. Ibil! 1'1'811 In lit 1 rijt came II I)LI, lhell a r TOpoorlll pbY ~lfJue Now, repeated cbem done, bllt Do ,:luo was cllclted H owe\ er What !!Ort of theatru:al nOll~ellse IH longed yell tlternflLely~ and a I!Crle" of Ical IInalJIj\!/I of the humlUl lUDglI have tnere were Vl\gu88l1spl clon~ tJilat GIMIer tlmY be then e.xelalIDoo l wllh a " ell gYfllLlonl thnt would bn~ e done bonor to Bllown thllL "Ihc.'\ i8 abl!Oot as a Donnal Mallrel the nephew aDd h Ir IuId !Ome- feIgned affectatIon of llIdlguatlon I If a cirCll8 ~rforll'ler IShe Inaked tbat c.oll8titnent of thellO orgllnll. Prof08llOT thlllg to do Wlto M Norette a <!Il!I\ppcar YOII tbink that I brought llbout Ihe clall\ all oler tbe y8 rdJ up agalllat II 'l)1O/le 811s(1 10110 wer c nlirmed dea\h of my well bolovet! UIICI(\1 whose door st II between tll'O lenco Vlcket8 Church huh g however incmentted aDOO "hell till lho 13th of AUgu!'t, l"y~allder dt'rnlse fills me With profollncl gn efl why u~ or II MtOIiO W"!! But the clam 1JJe lungs of A poLler fountl lhllt ilierl' Ihor.. IlKkilll'ef WlI8l1rr('st.e11 fordrnnk dUll t you t.ry TIle llroll the cbarge? nllli menn t ijllt!\U(,1'I' 11011 I~Ollhlll t Il't !;O e:JII ~t.ed III til' Mh II (t the III1l11 zlIIg ('III ('1!lI I 1 I-I llVrc wh.l.Lhl1r It hl\ I J I ~~ rl' .A yr n III1KICtl r I defy) Oil Lo tl(l Illli I 1111111 Y II (' ImeN onel nn llcg ,If thl' POM IImonnt of 4~ I'~T C(.'II~ or 1\11 en I pH lurnr I from I trtp to PIllla" Iplll I (I I ' our r(' ItIt" t ~11I\1l I}q f' 1111'11(' I ('rl'tLllr(l br lII r;lIL tIl I men lo lhe> " III ~"Irl Lho. pro IIr ur )1111<'r e('nt of 1111111111 ~ IIntl 5 per cc, L 0' 1)('11 g \iCarchrd III Iltl1 H"\lllll hOllffl' I \1 tl Lilli l lY LI ,\! r II Ite I fll) rL~ LllO grll' or III 31111' I tlln""1:: i.e, Ihl rl or "I ch lhll I"hl WI ~ I \() lie I tIItl J1"S.~ rel('ltl!(' I ollde of UOll ) hit ~howecl t{) hilt 1111 wllt.cIlautl brolc(ln chaiu WI rll If 1111 1 I hlld Uelln left veil, I ut till lIIall In I f.OOrmOU1 ext!!r t /a nell dlvldecl cI~y W!l ~ his pcr'lOlI Botb wcre of pceuluu manidllp alld tbey were ilpeedill reoog IlObtsry ceU THE Roman OathollCii beln, constaDtly breathed by the poL- D1zM lUI bavlnl belongM to the ml18lh8 No ~ne~ had ~Iaurel been t&ken 10 len aDd WHe t"I'ldl!lltll!.he cauae of the &l Norett.e. There could nOL be given hlft dun~1l than Thore 1MB I!I!nl IlIr ber 16 807 768, and 000 Pot'~llpl h811 '1,II'IIV.'1IIIV O.'tJiolic! pr"mature dNlthl!. lUIy plauuble aceoutll of bow he obtaiued The light of No",~'" ~ corpse Ove alltlllC&n!el)" any f
17.1 , h afmld
A Mild AU\ ~rl('all. an ,\ InI'r1CIIII !!eL'I rn Id be I 11 l II I nl I~ the
What the Praetical ••Der ThlDk .r lIle omlD, Ullrl'tlD"l Uu,lIu_1 n low. , u.wkl,. 1 Amollg 1\ host of other dillt.mglll bed SetIU t.oIn.....n lb•• Iolel 0001 ~baollp Ibo &Iow"', geniiI'm 1\ who a'l'llIled tb mtlelve or !leI I.." t.o bark • hidden brook & ~I. mondobloe. the ""perlor h tt'l ac mnl latioDs hel to "11I'1Id lbl! bbalb LU the metropoh IkfU~o 10. olg.nUI bout IbID boaUI, proull 'l'{1\ Jllmt'll 0 Fair olle of tb own n of lhe Oon hdul d Virglllla sllvt'r mill lIelltr lb.""", lhlol""" Ibao..- In, ""wd M \ Irglllla Ol~y IS 'I'adll lIeUu 0 1".10 100.11 ..... tMu bull In 10,. all Ila, Ih 11mb tlor of lbe IT wkeye Ita II louoillo 1011 • bll&'t, lb•.Iub 1."Dlllu !!OulCht fIlld found him comfortably qnar hrlll ..., wetl lIlIti partalrang of lhe good thlngll at U Horbam HOllilll 1he CAller was ,"er,,";il hd br dolber. baod lbao ..' &lot at ftt ollce IIIvlled to be teeal d nd made Belief t.o trllll 10 oa Iboo 13., )[, pb DlT Illlftbouoe nil knowu hi. bmiuCltl, when III lubslllnce, tb followlllg ht.ltl till Ie took pllWtl n.l~' In be a IIltl.,,1It! tMQ In ItDowtedie 10 abouJtll IWl'ort.er-Mr Fair, M y u artl dOllbta cbUd tlw> IoU '- I1U .,. ll.lI'are thRt the enormo us rod ucti II JleIIUfeet.o """I I tOU~ or your IIlllle~ of gola aud nr are a~ Lrnct I g Lh~ attentlOIl 1I0t ollly or tlll "-tier.. lo,~ar. -~!W*1""'''.''''~''''',;~;;;$.:~:a :11 lI\iry IJllt tb!' whole world I have Beller u """.lbal Ihfu art proud Lbaa be lure tlutt thouart.-1. culled II a I!(\oker of Inrorm 111011 wIth refl'rcnce to t hem JleU.r to "allt th _I II unJeen lhan wl1411 Ibo Mr Flllr-J certlllnly hllve no obJeo hour •• Yfm' Ilt'lle' lb. Well doql l .L lb. I.. Iban lb. aIr lion to Lei lang "lilt Id bellJg done A ",lib .bouLlnll nolo re.ldcnce of twenty ~Vl'n yl'81'11 on Lbo LIIclfie Slope hili! glvell me an o{lportu !leIter 10 b... a qulot grief Ibaa II burr,l'cK dollItJ of wlltchlll~ development 10 that Jltllerl~t~\.UI'hl 01 tbe dawn lhan lb. onnd., b Irnlnl ~,\,;bl quarter fh e Oomslocle IMle wblch IIl1derl H Vlrglulu Oity, IS n.bout four !leIter a d.alb wh.u worlt It dODO, Ibau oatill I mlltllj long lind from fOllr hundred to "'.., I.,om ~Irth a ohl ld hI 004 ...... Lbo .... thaD lbo kIng 01 elRh t. hnn Ired feet Wille We bave been lItllltrIlIlho ..rib r "~lUg about eIght hundred tons of oar d Illy v IllIed a t ~O to ,100 000 We 'l'IIINU!i\ II EIlE un TilEr!}). Jill rather betlRr IR ~lm:ch the v llue rcach I ng 13 GOO 000 "ueI ex pes: ~ to III TUE mo t likely thlog Ltl becomo a rense It durlDg the lIIumor to $r. ()O() \l3man-A It ttl girl 000 per mOl th I~po ..ter-llow 181!enoul bUM l1I 111 ON I swallow does not make a eprlDg, Nt m I I III I K II ore much demalld for iJut U d07.en mllke a full IlIbor Y It. WRT /IIOON l'tIr 1 (\ r-Vl rllio in ty cOlltnllur a popul ation nf trolD 20000 to 25000 1l1\1I lilte m lOy other 1,laces thert! III' II gre"L 1II1111y .<11 peDl) e bllt 011 the whole, tbey are reMOllahly \Veil em ployed at 11m wagell. Uf own pay rolf nllmbe ~ nearly ~I X thoullllud m various locahtlell. ollie do well bu t mlllly are dlllaPllOiDt.ed, 'OIIlIy be ....., - J"'ncJort Gatd.... upectlllg lo get noh ~ udd l'lIly Tb gru t hre WIIS I ooll81dornble drtlwbllcle A (ENTLE~(AN tlto oLher day eaw & but the dam Ige done I" being tel'alred IICIIII, WfIIl'l)QU [lRckage lyIng on the rnpldly flllt! th ore Will I!OO II bu but fow Kldl' \\ alk but \y1I~ too shnrp to pick It tflltS of It left \III! 1I11l1 III rely KlIllled I\t the hllrmlt !!ll lWllorter.!... A~ you bllve do)bt.le88 gn en !!ell lintl JIll. J 011 When howev er ho Lb(l mall r much tbought wunL ale 1IllW a boo~bllLck lI1-Qp IIlId uodo It and your vIews a" t.o the future vlILlle or !.like OIlL A Lox of bile cIg,ars tbat !!ODlO ~ Ih er Ill! It relate!! to golll ? one rlad droPI d the worla ·comed 1.0 be M r FlIlr- lIve r laM decline 1 very 1\1\ ~hplll1 g IL"n.y from him conMIt!crubly HI frtct (or tllne Villi lin J)no~ I:I!SOIL ?II I RR1MAN a 6C18Dtllic duly dopr_et! to uel t Ig lUI low 11.8 liny prophecy tb l\L Within tCII thoul!lt1ftit"o ptlllC," III London bu' hILI! 'llllLe re- yllAnt U 0 OCOlLn Will be roll II !; one thon ('cnlly a{h IIlced Iu liny four 1 think "1I1ld reet de p over Am cf1cu lind that" Lhllt lhl"o Ired ho 110 I4Cnou~ apprehel) bCllut f I new Ilonhoenl w\l1 n.l'pcllf II ~ I O II of further depreCi ILIOU fllltl lbe th l:Southern H eml ~ llh ere 18 excltlllg tllllereuctl WIll doubd lll!ll contilluo about conslde mble interest alld compei3 mllny Ill! M prellC At HIIY sIXteen to olle While peopl to I ekltnlO whether or nol to go \ the prodllctloll IH raphUy IlIcrehslng 1n Lo th.e Uhlck 1hlls th Kcounlry that m the rtlljt of the wCVld 13 RII NO ION BawJ.:cyt Mr ClIs<lston(l, IS fnllang oU Kllltl tiCS for 1876 sbow tile dl81w(!:ulweJ Engbllh titate.snulU, eniirt! ~d, iu " r Dt IIlldrellllL Lhat hand hIIlQ.t.: t:hh er L~ IL good nrllcle to b Iy au "peCIi 18 bo"fWr I aid til E'ilg/li:n that! ~ I \bor me LI I g over here Wllh8lll JlltlOU wheu 0 8 I( IV l~ hr~y three R ellQrter--F Will wllllt CJ IIl1rLl'r do YOII A I f1ZC fighter" III moke more money expect u dt' lIJlIllt! ~ UlflllJ ellt to IIbi!Orh P\lundlllg IJJ ~ fr 1J0w mell bl Ick 1\1 d bluo, thnu I gOllt C UI eftfl) by Im ttlDg Lhem LI • i lllm (,JU'e prodUr.tlOll of 8r1ver I Mr J III1-A IlOlIIvwbllt erroneous lUI cle Ir lIcru>J.~ t htl ~L reet I vo or ~ IX tImeR l\ prl'>II!lOli gel! abroad aiJout ollr mllll'Rbe dllY IlIg nil 8111'er It iNtrlle they ure called :1 JI R LOUI RV lie VoUllt'r JOltN ill HRya Mlher JOlneH wh Ile III fllct tho pro tbot tl 0 grel\t Obituary Lnurra t.e of tbe duct COJILaln8 III \ulue fIOlll for~y SiX to Pllli dl'lph I l e(/u~r h8.!l tho [ollow",g fifty per ceut III 1I"0id In III1Lkll.lg pur I 0011\ III r~tLdlDe8ll Jor fat pcople exc!tnngts we ge t tIte I nl It) of tho gold III guld COIll anti lor the si ll er we receive gold alHO If Lbe market for Hllver IH 1i2~d we go\ II boll L $1 18 ~ g\lltl Our daaly t.T11IlIlllCUOIlHOU tho eonllL are IllolOllt 1I111n sliver, nnd YOllr8 I!(){ II Will be It Will rcqlllro 160 000 000 to redeem the~ h~tLe UlgH [.!loldlllg 1111 a tell cellt sblll pllst.er J whIch YOIl people cu ll mOlley Ohultl nnd Jill an Ilnti other "t)unlfles In tb It dm'cLlOn w II cootlnllll lu tllite Il huge II1110unt while !lOme parL8 o( Coli tllll'lltlll Europe WIll use It I~ heretofore III AlI8trl~ It II! II.leglll tCllder lInd their Uovert lII e lt Iu 1118 lire made p Iyrlble III ~"I c r \V11I go hO llc~ wblle t hll8!.11ndard Amer CII~ dollar w,th only 412. UII] lh e h"lvl'" II d 'I" Lrt.e~ With 387 I,ll! OilIer III\{! geol'TIII clrcull1llO I t Iklllg .J.he pInel 08 I before rellJurked 01 tlJese rllgs Illo Ilrgu producLlolI 11'111 of lt8elf "tIDllllilt~ the use of It 111 VarlC1\IK WOYd :t~lde fr(llll I clfculllLllIg medllllll IICTT_T.. '1If8
('oillollcd bl II Ureell J.aIllJll!lhalle. A CMe of IIllltap08lholl mOllt peC1I1 lilly marked hM rCIlCIILly llIade cOIIHlti erllble 1101se among tho medICo'll llIen III Berlin whI ch warns II" to be excee(hngly CIIre fl I I I II e lI lIe of I lalenal ~ I'lIl11ted green lor stlme hmr paKl 11 YOIII g lat!y I nllSlld I er eve lllngK wlth vwrklllg It embrollery will n III ortler lo IIlO hfy thtdl!;1 LeMt by tl e Inml' he 11111 plllc~d II green IUlllp hlltle ovre It fho vcry first CI ell If!' ijho con I !tuned of bondache and 1\0 ou for the Kucceetlll g evenlllgs Ihc IlIIlr or tho young girl begl1lUlOg to fall out a physlClall Will! clllletl though he could render no UMI8tance Ill! He could nc L det Cl L~ e 01111110 of the lIlaladv ~ II1l1l1y lobe mother ob!!OfVed to tbe pa tlent that J.'<'fho.pS the green lam p.shnde lIIay c IIIl11l1l !0'11e UlJLIfIOUS Ingredlent~ Ii Wll!! cheuncally eXllmllled when It IV8" established that the greell lampshllde conlallIed n not lllconslder Ible qllantltv Ofllntelil C rhe Khllde was removed IIlId the ytHlIIg girl hll~ M IIC!' ell loyer! good hellith So( IAJ lNTEJI OUlISE -Whllt dri,,~s Lhe (lrIllor H cbllt!rell to LlIO Cltlell t Ilnpl) the lack of 80Cial rni.el()Ourtle HI tbecouulry If you would keel' yOllr tioYH and gl rls lIome malre agrieulturol sOciety attracLive FIll the (ann houlII WIth boob nud periodical!!. Eetabheh ceutrol relldlllg rooUII or lIelghborbood clubs. Encou rage the IIOClal meetlll£s of the young Have con cer te, lectures 1m provem~lIt 1IIIIIOC18tlonl!. Eet.altU8h a brlgbt, IIoc ~ive ~I.l life that &ball give epmO IIIgD16cao(:e to Jabor A.bove all, budd as far 118 possible lD vt1~ h ia better to go a mIle to one 8 dally labor than to placo one 8 I!I!lf It mile away from a Dellhbor Tbe inllOlatlon of A.merican farm life "' a great cure of tbn~ hfe, IlIId It (.. 118 "ron the YO~lg I'fOple-t.he IIrl8 "~ I'!'l'tfI lIJ - II ILlI )l!'Cllilllf hllrtlMlllp ,1f1 '" I I Ih r ltl t4 III 11 IIWI\V fr 11\ ('0111 r. rt \1 1 hnlll l'. III tltl' II rl' o ll ~ I ~ of a en wtll<1 ~y D MAlITIN o( Y elllima two hUDdred .cree ID the hun of Newburg old patent The Pro~rt1 11000.000 Gf.10: RAL A
Wallkill and /lAy
UDder lin 18 wort.h
I ntllOrtllll\ V181tor8• Vlcl.urll\ d vl!!lt to the collilllCI i WIII I robably 1I0t be coo fined to J11\\lcu II \111'11 Her MtlJt'stv 1M Ill ro expcctetL at Ooburg whOl!e du1i:e WIll be homo from [lilly by ihe tlmo Hhe I\rrlveM Jf the wCIILLtrf pormltll tbo Ilged Elllyeror to lel\ve Berllo !!O enrly In the IPrln..s H111 MaJetlt.1 It l88tllted, 11'111 Infet tbe Q.ueen, . hould the IIhl8trlOll8 traveler tlot vls1& &dbl Field Manhal MolLke WIll ahortLJ go to HRly where he int.ends ependlng a couple of lIIonths. Tho selliRl ohmato of the south hll berote tillS benefited the , et.emn warrior A v ij tin tbo 8Plflt of atlcient clnvalry I" ,u tlc1l,ated Ilt Jlerhll Some Jlrltiah ofhcenr t 1M!<Iud hnve com billed with III ~q uIII 1I um ber of Oermau8 to hold 1& tournAmellt. I" tbe good old fllllhloDed ~t)l e of Lbe Jllldditl Ages. Thtl'll are to be IIste comblltJl equeetTl\I.D featll, and w\lat DOt The llUlt time Berhn WItuelll!ed a Hpe4:tuclll of till' kind WI\II on the OCCl18101l of Prince Vlctorrll 8 Ula.rnago In 1 68 It COli
i\lR F !)QUI!: 1\ hthograplter of New YlIrk Olly haa pllull!lhl'd" velY hllnd tiOmu Ilthographio portrait of I:!lmon Bolivar. the hberator 01 Colombia. 1 bl. llOrtmlt repfgenh hIm lUI a t.lI, slender DIan willi eloDgated Ceature., nrT LRrgCl eyes and 1\ thoughtful.l.JlhiJollOphio eSI rOf~IOb of COlllltenan~ Ria coUDtry mOil of the prel!Cnt <Jay I'fgard hi_ career nnd !MIn iCf'M WIth a ffieJlng attn to u.at whloh tho !>Mple of the Unit('tl &At !'Illi rU,m to", r.1 Of(lr,« WlIl!h '.!!llt.oD
11 uur IhrtuDe, buyial OJ.p. -Sare thing.
- \' lIlI C D~' Iluything IllU ~ :::
J~ till'tllr~--(,'rl'lli' hI • l'r.. II~IJ .. ch"hu~.
ire iu ,Ill!
of lilerature at the
1l "11~'-' " ~I'\\' AI(\'ncy; l.: ,t ul lA'1I " ch(':ll" ' 1111.1 it' .'·ou wi~h 11I1)' bo.,~ lin th" . . I' t 'I rnlll'Ylw "", 1I" h r WIll ('h 0r- '';;;;';_~;';;;'_ _ _'''_ __ Z il~lt~'t a fllll'lI '-" III~ C Ullr n fllHy ,7t...J :1' it fur nm. O,.th ' I'll fur • ,wt.<
ill 111111'.
IIal1lll ll'll
l'U ll<.,th Ul' u... iun... f rl.'I1\ \."\t)lIl11g IIIl' r '~lIlar nUl. 7 ·c ; . , 1lI1'IIt'<'IU·l'nt ... ..<"" lit' lll~ ~rlld,,· ... OhItU.lfY. , . I r.,a.. I~.~ r II . . r) . r, l\ti,,~ cltll! W Ir' II 'Id ill l 'lIdwulla· .-"" Ir une • l~ tIr. . UI' b k . ' I' ' i'" r. "... . r. ,:',, \ I . ~ " , d 'r' llnll Th" <1111 Y lind boon I ll'l n E. I lll\dnll, dallghter (If - llr. 'umn'l I" 1I ichl!l\ r J 1 "II I bee ' r, _h. "f~1 \ c;, I "'.. .. . No> , " " . ' til . P nntl th Jal AJur \\ k' " L' kl ' - Mr. () III tl.'UlOIU IUS 0 Itt ·T j, .1" 11 .. 1,,, ,, "I··r (In ;1:" 1. tclnlh' OIlU t1l'l'l"IIl'rlllwT' nUL' 1:' I II . b t b 1411' \ or . IIlg 111 l' run 111. ~ utluring n w k or tw f!'om an ~. , If .. I R. l .II~ ~.,' r. \\" " 'c II ry moll, 1II1'lIlllil -IlTld i'nrui lied, untl beful' 11 5!~ 1\ , did ' ~I'I~I t'!' ~:~I cr 1 7 I, I - llr. omcn ,J, W' right i njul" til' hi itllli l d by s . m • Ot I 12, 7 .mlIIU ,u" d .. y•• All Olb r. th Ii 1\1' hllrl nrrivPd I r pcrJing" d l~n 1(' n) tl I, ,1 0)' incillllati au ~l Oll dll , dil't blowin • illl 'it Th ca e>11118 d II ' ~ .. t1 ' tl I II ' d ' I n~ , y urs mou IS auu ~, • " ', ". , "'I I.V' , J' 'lIfCIl\1l tu 11& \\1\ en \! d" - All kInd of fl\ncy r ckCI'b Ul' 11 COli ' ider 'd ulanuing but we THE BEST ' , II \ l ' ", I'ldtL g n~, I.cd ,' tl """111' All thc uti> ,I)~. .. I I R L' I ' 'I' . la· Ill! 1\ n "'-11.1' , E • . A,II." , l:'UCl> \ I I !'-' ' I ' It un it d w itlt th M, E," r u at , . ",II ' . lire glu<l t I III n tbat lIt t 11 tlru WOOO COOKlftGSTOVE - Mr. 1. E. lit·, is making im· th l" i improving, h il rr. ~~ , 8,,01 ~"rth clo • 0' ~!)() " '1 W ne ,t lll d, '~1Il1 all. til ~rtllblo hil l' h ullder th min i lI'y of the ........ 1\ I fur • ~ 11\1 :-lv~h F ~ Irr~ ~. ,,~. ,tileal III I U Illl nlltC~llllte n I~!~~or- U 'v. J IIIIO Pea II and "'lLa C n. , prov LH n in II i . r itl nc ' , -~r, F ....~Hk llllUlphre 's,ofLcb. b ~ EctJUfnu.i '"t~ I ; S ., , ... 1 '1" ere rOUltbljllt' °fil'~UlI!I 10Ut' l\,ertcu Januury " 1 7'1, and r -Mio8 Lauru MIl on, of Morrow, auon ( 011 of Mr. Lewis HumphreY8, 1 mlln unll OB 0 1' ~ ; '. ('o n I' CU ;,'nt 1 u r ' J • 0 . Wit ) Il u 1\ ll'.l, . -, I ' I (1 . I bl . .,. .. 1 . I ~1 n . t 1 f '\ . I \ to l ' 1 ELl' W K · INQ. - .u d " I. • t j'lfUalll 'u II lilt I U auu accep U Oil VI Itlllg w\'ti. IC IU.", 11111. rill I' y U .11 P !Lce,? proposcs ~ d IJu J·(l'~le. MiliCI' wi h II to ,,,,,"lun thut It" t~II"IIIg tul! enl'r ' Ing Ifu 0 tuulIl Lor ulltil deuth. - All- and MI Ed.li! JUlllle), nrgulliz ' a writing ch I to be held ~ i2 ' -, 511105 & Pli' s to suil cv~ r1 one, ~t'·Y I At th U \th of her tn th r, Ilrri\' 'd ilom on .M·~lI)dn' , aftcI'1I0l)lI. each e\'cuillg ur th we k at tho 1Iinille it, ttl \'ill ~'von t him ,tD rl' Ii .l r p:ogl'adll1l1: 't ~ 'I'llf;o t " ll rr d by fr LU I'Clooill'ing TlllILncntly iu prO\./ wore 'H lit',. tIll CVUI II lub\l\lt II" "('111' ineo to N ·\li J b II . I 'II \llli II eh 01 hou~e.- All Ilr illyi-'!!!!!l'l!~1!l W.;1. RESOR'& CO., C:nci"!ln' i i. 0... tl' holl i imll.l<lllullte Ivr tltu IICOOUJIlIU' . J . , I~'" c· 'Ig IWUY WI . . .. · W Ilyn<' nJle, rcgr t i l . I ' t' f r tI f t , wu lelt lIn) cur uf her little lufunt frill I ourp' tnr 8 " (d d c14<' . t e u to CO lll 6 up tl1l8 "elllng, Wit1."l'fl v\le, Jftr.. &. 1816. '. .flo/' ,'aIr by iff/jolt & '"I, /11,/ n, ~r.... ill 'I' i n ptlti lit, nec IllDl(l· (IItIlJU 0 II ru' !I III 1011 0 , 10 !\ ' si tl'!' lIud 111 0 t d votculy and I I "u, a~, UV' wu 'th r Ihey join th chi or uot. _ _..:...._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ S5r . IJm rating, a compli hed IIrti t, and tu thut llIany III~J to tllr~1 t\way llllUhl > tilithl'lIll)' has hc di SCharged lite . -:-1[1'. ~V, H. ~alo, of R,c·!truonu, T 1'111 , , us ii>r H Ie SOll8, rt'murk,\bly 11(, " fnl with ellild ... . gut \' ." staUlJ lI1g'I'u<)II~ .. OI~ l duti ;; vt n muth r tv tht' littl Vll!lt ' u IllS l'e ltrtll'l' her ' Illdt week. W I '..l . ted t D. IIAI ~E8. ' . , FrJJit ' ov 11111" "vult! oo~utli('lllut / AI J A '. . . . IIr IlIClJ,u roprcsen a roll. J' 'rs II Willitl llg 111 801 "10 ~ '1'1 I'U II WI~' Ill';ll viu 'li 0 that tftplllLlI cl,ildj dOllying b I dflll.IlIlY . r. . ' . ·rI8 1~111 Hl lll1 p~ovtng thu ent IIlIia\. The followin~. }-T llE< . mll t not doltlJ' tv I ng. t.f, II C I t. I ' t d . of . th pi 'a~ n r'3 and I" erl'utl uns h,s pr I' rty With 111 '0 new tences. nnmed f O\lt' iliz liS aro now ID ~ -.-. t I I' I' 'lil t 'I'OS e III p UpilII I fbi 'I I I \ I' . . .. Ifut\' \·shnr;:. ' /Ill"cullcutiun !.Ilth'lI1gb tll ' lmj ol'i · ~Illtura ysolIg.'L. 01' ytl .,lU,ng, .-:>r. '. 11 In J . '\llIk : ,' l ltcU ltheQullkeI'Uit '-orthc nt nniul - - -ty vI" PUI"lIr.: uu !Jut ' I ud lUll'" III urJ,' l' t , 111 1111 ·tcr to h 'I' 1nlnllt IflClll lmti yc-; tcl'llay, UII,)'lUg more /ci ty: D II\"ill FUI'IH\ nllu wife, nllJ (~! - Dr, and MI' , Vundel'voort 'JI" til it' 1'I'cci II tim ill lOuk io r chllrg. II wa ' hcr,ft\th I)sgreat go ds. I M i~ Lnui 1\ Jllnncy f\n(\ Phebe J g ,lI' delightful (,lit rtuinmcllt in visits to the choul , l'(!l1Jcn.e U1IU ,c lulurt, umi 111,0 t - Mi )1"llie Ehol'ly lill IIgag- Buil·. WlJ ' \I tbe far ('lllnC duwn But "luu '\t~.,'thilt \.Q do ~it;-;:b. Ii nur or th hrid o and gruOIll, ~·rl'S. / I'll pI'ogrulI\lIItl \l'U as fuJI ,.\\' : , d ? Vly wtll he Ie I R~ r 10 • Sh d iu tho millinery uusi L1es i n 1to . to for the round trip between " ~~ Ilnd M,'. J. O. ll i y, lrult FriuQy M u.<id. ] 'n\ ' r :Mwuo. dll'd a h,appy doath ' th oro WII.S II X nia. . Oincillnllti alld Pi.lilllll It>hia, lllo~e iiv fl ing. ThflrQ hns ul ' be n a Pr Ii011' Mc....1A LI" TlIlIlI'. Li~zi M. 'id08.\ el oud II t11)\lbt t~) ' hud IV he~ J II Ur'- -M r. Jumes Pil'r' , of Wil - of Il S may think of goi ng. Now, raIl· pllrt· ill lIlQir honpr ttt thc bride. , ' . Mu ill, I ~ey, " OVIlI' Lhu I"lV U' ;' but calmly, lL1ingt 11, is visiting Dr. F. Wil- rOllus, thiuk of' that I gn)( tn'S pm'ents'> Mr. and Mrs, A Emr API,I , hat Ron n lIt th Cor . J0):tully she bllu,e h r loved OliOS liumson. - Onr furm r ti JJow.citizen, Mr, <Jhri tian O leey. I 101 [ ld.. M. M&1' 111111. adl '11. and tlank I\WI\)' tQ S \\' llt l\\' E '"; '.' d "I B nJ'amill F J ou S WI\S latoly . - -. -- _.' , UII. O., • ,., 'nJ l1 " " ISS IIIm n ill '.1.\a UII .. r. . ,' , . Convill. ThenundNoll' : AmuflOl.IHEOlenrtcul\lnlolll. leMP?Se'li Ct!d ll' al\1I1s. I d Willi o .A. 11 0 II visited illciullllti IlIlllTI,d III J I'SVIIIO, lndllllla. . . I.. .. c umM. IS cn II . unera occnr I . k W e hll\'c mislaiu tho paper conA " . R , T • -,-. -_ .' 11'I'188 L'IZ· D'll A B'II td" J . D 11k In, ' 'Oil Thnrsuay ull~ \,II UUII f'r III th U t " '0 . th 1\1111 uncelll nt nnd THE ONLY STOVE MAuE -.W'. uruv IWLI I ow Iif'w.r l OW,Mu.IO. MEl I A b All' ilnrlc IlLl of R icll taininrr < . . . , D ' W 'l . . u t til . I Mulf.io. .• " Ilirc I. gl'l.Iat UIIUI ll l' : .. . : ', , -I a nnot thercfor givo particllhu'8, With ~~fI I S;~I wOb~.~n~lrn Q t et r ~ ver the AIVdLilltb th in It.nly-VII)odinlo- of th o 0 kll wand loved hoI' m?nd, .IS Yltlltlng IllS I' 'Iatlv ';' III It WUS' Illi I1n1l8~ully bappy ntJ'Ilir, ' • SadJ~1l6 I enco 0 Ie tI ~ paren U 11 , ry. M"ry E.-BIHpbam, W I' El'osent Adlll'll llca were til IS pluco. \I .' . d b Pat.ntacl r.b. 2, J869. ana Sept. I, 1889, UI!t'O!! tIt dependence Kilton Cu. Ky. Muy I [II io. I'n '1 ,, ' . . 11'" f -' Il 'ever, Utlu accompaUle HEADQUARTERS? . 9th , 1 76, 'Rev. P. B. W il'es f ~iphltila~ c,,,,rumod. W . J . Couk. n'lilde y tie, cv: j } I', .1!CI'g11,Il0 II, . - M,I S~ ~~ ~~~I~ I enley, 0 I~ ' many Ullllll n trutioll of, esteem . . 01".... R r. HJames Hen O·OVIl1I(IUL1. pel' /"or-mlllg tl Ie coremo- ItlrulIgllOl\!!'. Bcnroiol'o II k'\\. Halltos '}'I andII bFI'I lid Clunatl, I ' I IS n Itltlg her II lUth el' lIl \ frVm the nUIII l' us. l"ril)nd .of ' .. l A ' I t ti ' In. , . p lOij. ,0 pa . eal'el'l:l t 115 )J ace. in 10 rellvillo Wo add Vlll' best nave 1\ ~\lrply or ~hO "bo"e-nnmcd r clehO'f\· , ., uy. . v~I'y pel\ 'an .recep o n F,\'on . wero we 80 inclinod, it \\'cro: B. F.Hu,yea, Willie Rog·rtl, - All' W !II H.nr~ I'd f Fre, wi h O B ' ledOQ<lk.StoV!,, 8IJdKUotherfirHt-olW!l! IIO"" 13Rvint{bouglot'Mr. /obIlW r'~inl~n..tln was glveu 'rile tiny evelUng at the would not be prOpr·r to Ilurticulnrize Willie Whit Dr. ~ .. L. Zo\1 J. F. . .. '. . D . E F' D k' I . Illr, I'cdruom and .tore·room 8tOV08. th "b.",,, c.l~bli.I,ment, III ""IllOwill IIIl home of the groom II Ill' Alouo· , I 'T " mont, IS vlS ~ ltng t . . , 1\ In , - _ . cOlld .. ,I II lit t\'6 olll 6t.ntld, !!l!(11 of the n~o d ' K F t\ ' I t t - Ihe peClQ metltA, of any of the Oadwallad r, Ed. Rundllil. . and flllllily. o::rTh ' Idlel's nnd Sailors' • .. U"'(I, l\lllln SIr t.. rl~ . y. l'Uln Il!tlCC tl Y s al' e sayil 01' tlle mil 10 Tho y o u n g . A .. t 't 1 'ng Q~J cd lind arrived bere, their future I d d t '<l . tl d'd tl.· u, -L. t Th 'd ft -Mi sAnna W right, of L 'bll' B~O 1: ~t lOn 1111.1 u .n,.r< ay evenAI or 1111 ~i ..d in ll'rge "ori ty. \'AIIQ'Vin60VlPlllle, IJIJIJ@, gra ua elf eV I on y I uel r ~nRlgl\, .\S 11I S nya r I b t I' AI' AI to co rnd~r D 'cul'Iltwn Day II' ~\oIIoIItI~V~ !t1l1J 1ace 0 f 1\b 0 d e; 011 TI Illrsd ay 1ast, b1\ Y t..t docro d't t th' I I an d no 11, nt 3 oc ' 1 c<, I rur. .. TId E , J 1\.1\. 11011, las dCtln a gllc' 0 "beb ' 1 . QQ5 . 1 h II f J1 . " W 00II or. . lId ' h' l . . I OS 1 olr 0100 L , I' ,,' . other llIectilw wl~1 held l .. m( rl c rmn'"1100 11108 .... l8 r. Sh ow 18 Ie III tg I estlU1utlOn .1. I d I tl" d 011' n~y 0fll' I 't d ' 10 c.uWUI' S . ~. '!I wh~ro th I!O I!cIIllcmon h~,'a ~t thl~ timo lUCID eves, UII w Ion 11 18 , liS place was \llll e III m a r · . T. IturUIlj' C\' ClIlI1g, hnpluln 0 0 lr'ler I ' It k r II Ie f ddt b h f · d I ' I t ': num~rons .rl~n s 1e 18S OU 8110h all OCCn.siUII , OOl'lainl}'criti' )I'i uge with Mi tiS SalIiel\leCu\vl!u,lIf. - MI SS lin,to Ank ny , f ~~' lIla, l c~uld 1I0t be obill illcd 1\8 Ol'Utor, 'HI.. nl'~:!~~';'r~nk.~I'\~\i;M' B~I\~k:t.•. 'R"~:: "on Sl ~ce, hi . C .lUlOg, amQn~ u~ lei 01 bvuld ue t1iMrmed Bud the Lebanon, at tho home ot' the brid e s IS a gu~st 01 Mr. nlld Mrs. G orgO l aud a CUUllIIittee.jil nO,w neg tinting . . ' lI .. Il in fll t nv.rythinll t11"t bolongtl to tho W~IO 11l11te \U ~vlslllUg 111m, aDd ~IS , dissccti ng knife iu re t. W 0 may j pnrents iu Lebanon. Ed. has lor W. Ebright, . " ' ith Cvlonel n. p, Filldloy of done In,tho bo"~ "'Rnnrr, nn,l.t 10.,.. pncc tr",lu: II.nel de.im All patm,," 01 tl' ij ,,1,1 fJUr young brHle a long bfo With lremul'k ha w VOl' tl,at each PI'O sorno tilnc been defj'ing thc arts and -AIr William Rogel's hn built X ' " tl at c"pac'lty on TOILET SETS , FANOY W AUE firm, 1<11,1 nil uthOrH, tQ "ive them.. Cl\lI lhtllll. ; ' ' " la toion, lIC. III I •• c" 1 ' ...,. ivn per(ent wlliuh SnC?639, Jlapp.noss, anId prosperI'1 y dllction " glwe vidonco of cal'6. aDd' / doviec:s of Cupid, but wo are glad a lIew paling Icnce ul ong the !t'Ollt ltlJc nocca And .c.vlJl'ytlllrlU Ut 0111' ,HI..(' 81"'r(l1Ile~. bo,~h uAllti.f.ut.ion, .to pri c" nn(l 'luillilyI ~y .. f theIr constunt attend~ls., . study in its p, l"epal"~tioD, uud all l t.o. kll ow that Ilfter u prol ng d, I'e- of his r sidenco. .1 _ . _ , All at the Lo,vest Rates. work. 1'u,.,m. wi~h[n~ work Illlllio ttl M J M R nr roftl\lriug d ono. wiltotc,. r oool"e imnif),-... .r . . ' , ' CIl80n Viol t 6d reIU· ,,,el"o quito up to Ih e average of 81stunc he orren(Iere d grace Iu II y -Go to ,Jacobs & H cighw:l's Our farm ers nrc now 1D t I10 _ ._ ._ _ _ _ ___ orill'r, dill~ attonH"n b' the 1'~I'!i tlOns In tll\spla~e last Satlll'day su'oll etrorts 011 si milar occlIsions' lto tho ill vitabl~j and ~~ a reward for nice Ii ttl , wagons 101' boys tldekt'-st of their spri llg work. May QUEEN ClTY >BAKERt: HAINES & WOOLLEY. und Sunday, Wo may also b permitteu to mnk for 101l~ and j>lltlout \Vl\ltlllg,he hilS and girls ut -co_ t. t"Ut:!ir lubol's be rewarued Qbull' _ _._ __ _ _. __ -Mi81l M., Lon Thumps n utte!ld· the .Hattel'ing I' mark thut in tho l 8 C~HC one r the f~ires~ and Illost -Fresh roasted coffeo and pea· dllDtly. dai~;~~:1~:;~~~:!\I~~f~~·do!b~;:~0~n~~:: ~d t!Ie weddmg Of Mt,. R. T. Shaw d .ll1g song wll n the five- YOllng . e tlmab.le YO."ng 11\I}les of thJ ~n. nllt ulwny 0 11 hllnd at Buglo's nri!lhhl,rhnod. sp ...1 nttelltion is giY n HI .l\.(mtDcky It t W'eek. . l!\dles .l!J pem: d 011 .tho stago, all ty tor IllS prlzo. ' ; w~l eome . d. clown.lowu "'rocel'y, ~ o::r ·T h o sluughter .01 that goi.le- to furnishing ••• rob d III tlowlIIg willIe thoy mllde l to tho "nobl\ Ul"lIIy' 01 1l()lI edlcts, C ~t I ' , t :!!ill Ie , It,libcruto and p,ctnresql1e In· CAKES FOR WEDDINGS T RAomms: .t\SSOOlATION. - Th e 'a tahlean of "uuth and beauty that 1and cOrdiall{ wii!h the II' \,·I,,·wcd· 1 - ane '8 " . 1~lr:l&' u 1c e,. a ... , n ct, tJI C gClltle potutu-bllg, has . lIway s. a1rc.,\lIJ "uogltU, A· • • • W\'11 m eet at.lAl t - b anon, could Dot failJ to please, AND l)AI'TIE 48SOCllltIOIl ded pml' a ullg lifo ot ullnlLuycu (ozen B • _ ' ut J Il' tb\110 r 1101" M .. , 8 11 t llrd 111; M,.y n "7 lin- • ~ IU. un " "hort. noll"o r 11 "0 '" ' 1. 76 ' . T he tl oro.\ C 1l1pl'Imonts to eaeb 0 r' IIl\l'plIl 8. . , • . -.,'--. . I ' M' " ,. , kc I' P.N'f/I'41mii.6 /or tll.e day.-11.d· the- graduates W 1'0 lIllmerOUS and Mr,and Mrs, Ed. E. Janncy stllrt- .--:~: ". J,. ~rvll1 rt~d fl\l~t1V' i rx:rFlsh~l\g ~t1 \ 10 IIUnt agalll I ' dress,11 ter B lIers, of Bpdngboro, uncommonly nice. ' cd fur ludlnull, urtal' tho coromOIlY, ?t CI~IOlllfll\-t:I, Yl8lt~d thOll' relatIves hltR Its fllSCllJatl II , I\nd many of ... v . E ny, L. J ..;rtib.by, of Mllrrow. . The UlIlSic, which hud beeD pre. to m lllyo n bhort wcdding tOllr. III tIllS plaeo lust i:)unday. . the olu nnd YOl1l1g.,llre fre(~ontly al all honr~, I\nd" 81lPl'Iy ul -- soEllsay, Miss ' E:' A, Hayward, pard, partly by ~r.-8. Kate' Me· :r • . -- --Old l and cu t.h(I cilarm ll1g lured to the .shudy IIver·ban s. Staple and Fancy Groceries :Lebanon. 0 0 111118 and partly by Mi ss Ruehio XENIA', ~.f /tANJTE AND, M .UUlI,E tock of CIlIllP th all'S lit G. M. WI ' t' . t' I . ~. Tit.. hi!fhe"t \\rr.rk~t Pri" ('!I l)llhl, ill Law f\8 to teachers and sch ools. Ebright, intcrluded tho literal'Y "V ~RKS,-Irn~ PI:A~E TO ~h:T TilE Zell & 'o u's cl\b ill~ t warerooms, ____ I~a _.~ coll1lng 0 11 lJlce y_._ _ c'.:'h .~·~'dtl.~.':. ~,,~,:,:Y rr"~~o . 10 II~~VJ J, Morrow, of Lebau un. cHurts vOl'y ugreeably. Prof, L. DEar AND cnEAIEsr GR~ Nl\I',E OR - l\Ir. Lydia Wright 1111(1 Mrs. 41' ' l '"ll~ t' lIr~!:ll\Ml &\ & ~ U . h Paper, R. M, Miteuell, Rod G. Fessend en, of Xenia, sang two AiAHnL E 10N ~MEN~,-I ~~s l ..e t o. IHri e I3~\1\\"1I al tl'n Jcd th o (JI milia J.lwcgn .AuUCt 19Ctllell 5-. 0 Lion. son"'s and n11l01l~ the other singel'll call the a~telltlOlI of th~ Cltl7.ens. ot U r .) CI\ne 'I·t ill L0ballon 1I11lt w ok. ~~ - ~~...,.. ...,...,...~. , . - - -~ T 'n elc~un ;h"~I~ or Cboi . Mil io aru n '. d M A F k I Waynesvtlle aud SIIrt"oundlll" , . NOTICE~ II rBllged fur tho Piano Furw wlll bo ilt by J • 0 • lUURRAY, \ge notice r i l , . un ey, t 10 1 h fI I 1 ... - Mi sscs Mill ilill Lo wnes lind . . h b . m all on roooipt uf one dollAr (l'08t paid) or Also. Offieo f,'f t1ie MlIlIl1fMturollnd Sale F. M. CUN:NIl(OJ1AM, President. Mis e8 Farr; Miss Ella Ebright, (..cO,IlI~tl:y to t e. not t IUtN 3m ~()W Dom ClId \\"~,lIudl'r III' MOlT W have I~~~'?~ n:: r';;.~o:"u 06:[01 pWh..~~ Bingle COI)ieo al 15 cont. ench. , ' Secretary, aud Messrs. G W Ebright OII\Y rccelvllIg gralIIte from O\V B amp· b t. I' .; . A 'W ' I w J'I AYr ' d William l'JIInnan IIJI They oan ill!lO be orCl".od tl'rongh nny ,- _.• - .., h" I. I .-te d 'tl l' n gIlCS" 0 JUI SS g"os I' ton , U In • ",n Mil , News.de,,1 r In tho UnH.ed St:nt.e. . I aod Joe TI Warwick and Jimmie 8 Ire III tue l'Ollg 1 S..... ,all WI I l' Tru.toes of tho Ohristian Churob of H I D 1 'F ' B DASIll BALL C L'IJ8. -n Ie natlolln S . I P S regular expcl'Ulueed granite cnt- 111111 on. \Vllvllo8ville, Obio. tiled ill the Cilurt of I\pp or "Y8. 118n-umOlltl1l, om. r~\Vn. me is . begionillg to loom iu lnlt I. ,Ie ur mg ong was t fi t . t t --Hnrry K, Ir"in jml\'cs to·d'ny C",,;mon r lOM in nnd f(lr the OOl1nty of Why CI\Il 1: "tlt Forget Olllrlbol, __ ; 0..ynesvl·lle. A Clllb' IIUS been nccompllllled ~y part of tho ers, ml\l~n ac urlllg 1lI0nllmen s n , 0" . I I ' 11 ' 't Wll .....en nnd "'t.nte of Ohio an tho 28tb allY Far O'or t ho \VII VOII Yuylnlh. ' 11 b dl as we II as tl Ie home, 'Ihis matel'iai is of a bCItI\ · lor IlIclnllliltl W lure 0. 1'WI ' VISI r J\ prl, .[ A.. D la~6 . thei; PI/tli>lou • whioh 111gb Life-W•• ltz · I ._ G trlt" ••. W . cd un d' . ' t 11IIUIRnuI' n,. organlz e,' tl· 10 lIaM e 0'f Ce n·.ll aynusvi £ e an [,111 b .I til'ul gre color, an d with thc u un I U I'ow d Ilys, II ICII VISI uI's I , 0iM now pendillg, in~ which tboy pray for lin DOWII wbero.'be v 10 elft row .. estorne, t elllll'u~.. 1& is compo cd of {lick t $I1Q urte, W uC 11,,- _8 ... cry tell. " lam mer - t'IIlIS . II I't 1O k{ Itltlillnn "rdor ltuthurl.ziniPeo.them to Mil tbe rcalUOIF Th WhenG o.lddJ8(lk80n hlid bl~ Day Wosterne. lr. t, 11a ' i j, . . v . Rubl t'O. 1 f tl ' "'t d 'II lappy suec r . ' I , L lI,to ~It ullto '" the vlllllge of WaynOilv Ie, e rtln Old F "rm rble . players 0 I1S Vlclm J. an WI Mr. Oook 's atlllres8 to his radu . abollt ~ whlt~ a 1'1.1' --lhe IIlce ,~e~\' fUl'nltllr~ on luo Iin s'~;'l oounty, whi h I. Ileid by ~em I!, Tho C,ullege Qui~btop S~"ddllrt. be nieoly uuiformed and e~ipped t b' I b t t tl ·gt glll'd thiS grantte as bCllIg el illHI t.) 11nll bIgs 0 11 }o m lav nlld Sllttlrd:l.YI tru ~t (or 81lid Cllriiltil\Ol hurch. SlUd pah- Tbere. " Letter "', tho Caud.le 00000. fu r tl Ie ell 8011 ' Th 0 CIU, ~, o), l" 'e(( lIl g~ wus l.rolll ~I" " . WI'LI .tAlle1 f ' on th 0 29th of Do You Really TllIllk He D,d?. b t I'0 ug II 8 es WIIS. riO IId '.... Ie pOIU d ' 1111: . tho SCOlcu nnd 1 enn nuw fllrlll c.e II' 8 IUI'IlIture tlO" orl lell.lIlg Geo. nuily, its Secretlll'Y, is rcQdy OdtentatlOns all III goo tufte., 'I J . 1\[u), A .D. I 76, or II. suon ~h urOilftcrlUl tho AddrCII () rdor~ to DEN,', W. 111" ('1\ 0("1\ II Altogether, this fifth aDnllal com- It ut 'll .very. muc I. CSII prICe, WHI'l'l'lI" II1S, ."m~ ellll be n'"ollu~l. , Publlfth~r, aM Tbird Avenue. Now York. 1 l artlcs IntendIng tu p."l'clll:Hl' --~Ir. Goo. Dlldley Mye l' of , DA~~EL wn:\Rl'o~. ll~iO.Om to receive cba eu~es from othol' IllCncemeut 01 our hi h school rallY ~lllJS. Grouuds. fo, plnyinp: uave g Its I Id se th w rk J I ( 'I' 01 . J OHN A TR\ IN ------------be'll secured 01 O. J. Wright, be oortsidurltd u eOlllplcte success, I ~onllme~ , ,8 Ion C IilIO , :.3 '\I.J(~It.c· t '1" '. v I n lu~1 clI nllty, ,"0, 'WlLLU-i{ CARlIf:AN, Awarded the Bi,helt .edal at '.l'laey are sittlUtnd Ilbuve Way' lies. The Alnllllli ot the High School before deCiding, alld thoy c,an sa\c III I"I Rltlll g IllS gl'Rnlathol', MI'. G eo, Tru8tec8ofChri.ti:1II l,urcb, Waynesville, Vienna, • ' fi. I I' , moucy alld bo better sllIted by J\lyol', ut Mt. Ifumo. Ohio. , .ville in tho b ttOllS, alld are said tu gaye tuelr 1St annna pub IC enter- coming to my shop thall IHlrchu:! Dy SETH W. DIIOWN, Atty. E &. B T ·k1l1'II'IHtn.'I"tt &. 00 be vel'y fine for the I)urpose It is tainmeut in the .Hall on Saturday ' . I' d ' ' ' tl ' .. - MI'. Th orDas Peacock ' many )1..y II, Ul7(l-41. • , . AI.., I. un ... J -AND. •I ' . Illig rom sIgns WI HlUt t;Oelllg f' - ----591 B I'oa d lOa!!, .LJe·w llT Yior, k expected that a match ga'w e 'will bl:) evemng, :,t w IIIC 1 time, qUite [1.8 II t' I I'IC~d s w'l! I he ~ lad to lenrn that --- ATTACHML'N'r . 1 ·1: Ie ILl' IC e. I " I ' 'n hlc t be auo11t Idtel' D • .. played n.axt Satnrday. 'I'he boys arg~ all IIUUJ~IICO was preseut, RS I I l:mve now a tino . tock of pol. IC IS g,u u.,' T. T. Dod n 13 foro W. l\lolllngton, (01'1' _ MdrQPolltull Hot~l.) hud a spirited gamo last Saturday ou Ihe prl:lvl ou:l oven lng, The· I . 1 , t I ( ' 't 't' '., a IUllg Ulld BCll uns IIluc:!9. v J P of Way no 'fowil' ~."At""'lJ.r" .... ...po..." ......... DCI.'....... many gettillg bunged lip smartly,' decorAtions ot th~ stage remained ~~.'eu teo C I, ;;II'~"~ o. J' tl IIUldCtlt, - MillS LiL:4le llcOoma!i offors SUllluel WillillUlll.•hlp; Warren 00. Ohio. CHlWMOS AND _FRAME~, '.... the same with the addition of t110 1.1108 III~plUlve( elsllgllt~ aNI' 11\ lI er sc ryiees to all who de ire dress· On the 4th dny of April, A,D. J 70, l!I\~d ST .... R"'OS()OPES &IIID ".IIWS t ..., [(J" The two concerts given tn tt d 'I vUrle y 0 co 01'9, a v w lie I k' d I ' . I . In.ticil if08ue<l 1111 0 ..1 r of attaol,mout.1I ........ lai' I. I lit E 01 hIM d d mo 0 o,"e III urEe evol'gre~n ottcr cheaper than C\' r sold bcforo. ma'llIg 1\11 I' UIII 8ewIDg (onc 10 the llOOVO Rotion, for tbe 8um"o( *12, Rnd !k11.®llD t 113 ' . • 1111'1: \lst vu liy an I~t~ers,,, I Lubor Conqners All A s I IHH'C probably the large t goud IIty le und on rellsl.>nablo tel'IDS, ~be CIlilC is ooutillued I1nlil,he 25th day of ~~"b~~~;>~~ ~ A • Tue d\l.y evellings, by th e TCIIIlCS- ~llIngs. The l'wgl'8Ulme was ns~tock t., be l'Olltld I'll tile State --(to tu rt R. EII,,,le's for fresh Yoy, A.D. IY70. T. T. DODSON. ~_U IAl, l ~ \:Iu.:; VI:I."o:. scalls, pI'o"ed all that the Ilw.;t { U .. Ph t hi M j l enthllsiustie conld have hopeu for. u O\l"d ~ I thor' is 1\ fill e 0llPortunity '0 select etllilled goods, s nch as salm 0, - --TO THE. PUBLIC. 0 ograp c ate r as. Tbe church was 'crowded on ench Musio, Mi •• Li!f:~~,:u~"vourneen, I to plcllse tho tURte botu in 00101' 10bt CI" ~Dackor~, lotted tOl]g."e Hl\villg ongaged in;lho m!\nufactur. of We IIro HCRdqUlll"ler. for cvery~hillS iii tile ·eveliing, and it it! snfticiellt to 8ny Pre.idonL'. Addr."", E. Micbuuor. alld design. ar,I( tUl: ey; all unoy gl'ocerlcs Blal'>k, Violet and Red INK, "'''1 11 thl" this gitlcd coanpally of music· lriu. t~ Ri.rJ)ling Wllter•• 1 Give 1110 a cull, aud 1 ,viII tako vt all klllds.. . " BTEREOPTIOOIU AND .AGIO ians ably sn tuined tho renown ~'••(,s ~tOI't sln~u A~'Jh;:iir'V'h~d pleasure ill pleu. 8il~ yon. -1\'1 .. , Allen Brown' cow gives, IBm prcpnrod to r,lrni.h it ill1arg~ ursmllll LANTERNS . .. . nil I, Mi~ . Annie I W. R ""'I y. etc" . S~1\801l, - - , f'OW Y'61g be ' ic1 . f :qunntitic .•, ilL vpry ",wrllLee. It '" put ,tp B ' . ". o""r.. Wayncsvillo,..Tu ly 14, I 7li. Ohlld, Lyle. ,espoo", t II~S L pOlln S 0 11 I HOld 2 ounce, )ullf-pillt Rnd }lint ~. elllg ~11111" flIolure.8 of tbo they have acquired 1111 over the O"pl~VO eOllntl'y, Everyolle whu hearu Music" M ... . Kate A[cCo~lIs. GEONGE D(lIlos, milk a dllY. Just common, old· and fnr 61llc hy tho pint, qUllrt (lr !lUllon. M.~:::IE"':~:~t'.,~"'","·BK"" tl.,em was de\i .. hteJ, The ~ros8 TMhe .\\ rA",!k! H 'f ·oooL~go.S ...BI "IIY' I 30 .. 4 t W. Main t., fllshiolled stock, too, Whoso cow ,,11 ull or ad(tr..... R. R. EN~LE. IJ",.QB·~"'ITW IiITIC H £0 P·T.(]O "'. If JOIl wI.b to grow V.....bl.. *- ... ... UO. O, PIbC om, •• s. 'x.le .. 1\IIOn. X . 0 1 fili i Wayne.vllle, O. A.O'· IIH..·. JilIKH ' ... I>ITIKH.1I0PTI.,ON. _d rooeipts were i5 ; out of W lich Momorie8, ViolRJ . KOYR. \ ema, . ellil exceed t.lmt , A.H •••or.... UON. tl~ Tennesseans were paid 15, Mn8!C, O'er the um., O'er the Dalo, .. • - Mr Stacv Kendall dcsires to ~ ~ - - .• -. 'CHOUL LA.N"n:It:lf. FA~II T.Y L"nllll. Mil", Ella Rust ,IUd Mrs. J04n Brown. I ..-: . J , • ~. ~'" PEOPLE' LANTETtN . If TOO wI.b 10 ~eaOotnmerdalI'lorln, Annio Jo'lIflI'I3, ' o::rWo nre glarl to see that O UI" I'etlll'll his tllallk~ to all the Irtends Eacb -",;e lJcing Ihe best of its clnso. in the loaving 'lUU for the churcb, A r...llel1¥. or AWltria, read , 811COOSII in all I'capects, KWlia, Do4li ~:II Tr~Jn r",!op. enterprising go"l,'~ist, ~b. lluLTis, who lellt or protlbred their nid and DIJ\~ kc t . • .....-- Addre8il, Jume. w. nA.lllurH~~I1Dl!:duI'RtlO\\, hn arlrlo.1 n Ilew feuture to his Ill· 8" IDPILthy lu him and his fumily ill - p -"- f.~ST L 11.&ILW'I· Olltltlogu., of Lnntcrn. aDlI Slides with If JOG wI.1t to Qud"" tot' or ' CENTENNIAL RATEs.- From Oor• UIII 08, ill.. • d 'fi b" I J . ffi' . """, • , 1_ " . I" II . tor Bome U.. OIIIJ. r0a4 win to Philadelphia and return, Mu.io, 'Good.N ight,' ~I;". Emma F"rr. ren Y mnglll C(, II~ CIL lIIet, ~n tIC, theIr recen t II ICtlOlI, . R I:clwlonrl & OhicCtUO D it'i8ion. direcllon. or u. mg scot ou nl'l' r.n l,on, '978 It w~ \V~II ellrriod out, and to sh,ape of Il ~ealltJfl\l ~(llIectl~11 of -:'lire. f, King wishe8 to <call .... KII. 16. ..i~'\\! :;~~i~prl ~ ~~ ,.~." " can milke !Roney .au. &" Corwin to New York and the lIndlsguls d plCILijnre and eliifi. nllllernl tl,. willch I!e receIved th\ollgh the attellti,)n o.f her tnnny cnsto· "ol,a ,oarll. urOutout II,i, ... IV'IIi -clnenl, rOfreferPeter Mendereon. catioll 01 th e alldiellce. Tue two the modullO 01 Prof. Vt\lId II.8Cl·, ! t I t 'k I' In'IIII' nery ' N". . once. 5:1:lIy return '2 35 , TI r I I I ' ' f murll, U Icr lIew s oc o . , . . 7.'0 70. Price 11.60 N<lh, poet-paid, brlll.n, t d Ii · d entertllin'ments formed Il very plcQs, ICY nro n·m tIle co CC. tlOl1 U d I' I I . oiling vel'y OlJlelOn"tl-;-I.('nvo . .• Am . .. p, m. ' k' T 10 ets ,g SIX y ays rom·· ate. . t . t roc ' • PI' u f. A E F t ot' 1'1 '1 del I ' gOI) 1\, Yo' IIC 1 SIO IB B Rich molld-Arr;"B 1U.35 " m 10011" LIVE AGEN'rS WANTED I Ov~blued e tot 1118, or Entirely too high yet Oun' Ull VIlI'I<I Y ,01' our ciLlzeus, and we d ." . v· .1°(1 0, -',I lid I~~a , cheap. Pleuse call Dond 8ee them. Hftg ' r8tOwD. arrha J 1.1 "m I O.~7" . '1'0 lell Dr, (lhlu,', Reci..ea; or Infnrm". ,' 1 f trUijt thut each succlJedilig year lUI luI'. l\I\ullSCr rocelve t ...,m New eMIle nrriv. lI .liO& m \120 ,. r ' I d I EYERYTfUNQ -~l iB!I Bnlinda Small hns grea,t. Andel'l!oD, ,,'rrlvu 1.04 p III 1!l.25 n. m: tlon for F.ven body, in every ollnl, In tba . alan t lat, ',VII I centeLlnll~ rate".o w'lll sc.. tllom repeate'd w',tL, ·In. ill exchan~e for fos ils and 8hells .-0. nn buar, d lad gwg, e t c" a 1\er rCllC 1ling pruvetnents " United 8LaWI aDd OKnadns. Eul.,godOver by . whieL" , t I I I from this ocldity. There Brc ome Iy . improved her l)l'opert.v thIS Kakamo, arri.o. .3245 '50' Pp III m 210" ,;o~.. th d'"J,II.her 10 64 pagel. Hcont.lns the nwo nitll Oit". , .) , /I cunno Ie P fi ' " ,, . A I . ., >, d I b Log. n8por~, "rrll'~ ... .. J cow1I1g With tnr:e and experien~o ne Bl'CCImetl8 f gold and sdver spTlng. lanu me VIJlan 1\1 lUI- erown Point ".... e 6,50 pm ' 6.03 .. . llOO boulohnld R cip '8 nnd Id Builed to &11 ReltarloUll. Mr. Uook showed bis exoelloni ' quartz, il"On ulle leud ore, amethyst, be II hllilt 1111 IIlong tho front (,f ,tho Oblcago, ftrrl\'e lUll p m 7110" ~~ar%~8,::;:,t :~di~ill~~1l~~I:~~O~~C()8~ty~'01; -' Bpirit .by conforming to the usage topaz, I'uby ~ n~to, fieldllplI;, al~d 1I0IlB(> ; the IlItter has beoll r plllllt· OOlsn 10l"Tn. .en. III 81'C't. Or .test Ind.cements enr - M, E, uarterly Mooting this cstabllshed by oll.r school nnder mllny other m1l1er~I~'. makmg LD ed, anti 1\ ~o'v of shade-troes set b'-.JPo--J.cl\"e ~ ~{ ~~~53. m 0 ff"re~lto OOt k !4ld·e~IA ." SIImpl") COIl'iO<tle~~ .Mr. Har"ord's .1'eU··1'6, ftrld I't cer. all, a very fino exhil>ltlOif. out 011 the Sidewalk. , ...." p. ru .. a. . 1I)' mill, 1'0 1'&' "or~. Elc IL. vo errI' ., • u Orown l'olnl-Mr. IO.Oa" 10.~" lorv glvon, Agon mor ·'hau doublo 'heIr woo... - Oi kit . Fti nds' QIl8rterly , taiL1ly is uot his fRuit tb:,t th ere • . -Mcssr. Gen. Ward ••Tos. Mil- LoiilU"POIL 12.15 a. m. l::~p ...m. mo·lIe,. Adrlre88 Dr. OhIlAI'·8 ' ~cam I'riot. ,..ae w 11 attended, , Iw re not 1001' gl'lldulLtetl than there IlJ" The space assigned ill the ler, Geo. CU'Ossoo G. W, Stokos, ~~:II:~~ri ~:~:: 4.:a u ing llo~ , A.rbor, Michigftn. p433m . - -.-. jW r thiyca\'. AII Qth<)r y ar, Pavillion rthe Oentennial News. !D, W , VanDy ke'S tit W. Rrf)\vn, ,'w nnle, ·r .:~3" 5,~O" X.. &IIllobed 1S3.I• t)r. Ma~hl\I,I',* LllUg y rup ~hould th B~ard ncce u ill ret;lil~' pap I' E~hihit!on to th M irr.mi John And! rsOtl,' S('lby Wil y, ~i:~~~~I,','.i n ~.~~:: ~:~~ . :: II::-:"~ .I~~:::: 86 Cortlandt Street I kli for ,t It. ~L S m every· ~ng 1\I.r. '?k (a3 \V nn l)cI':itnnd It rt.l :l l ttl' I ~estglluted by tho num' IJameB FerJ[1I80n, Ri hard F rd Clllcilr""li I:CiS" 9 4U .. ~~~::::s.:: NIl" FOBK, b.~Y mill lIU " tho m ·t I .thell' d~ II' to u·o)-, we tUlly hop her 6:20,'3. Vi ilor from here will James allll Edward Warwick, were . N... 10 kllV,'8 Rich:norlll amI LognnAI'OI'l. of_lIQOda. roh. 10 1'(l1l1t' 'fv III~ coughs, .ulds ,t ha.,'e Ii I~rg grlldl1atillg cl\.18S always fiud it on filo thoro, antl lCll;l.ct d dolcp;atcs to the Dem'ocrlltic for ' hiengo. ~.lIv. No: 1 "1lI1~ve OhiCl\ =D=~':'~':::'':."'*.:.:;: ! lIII15111IU,IJI!JI"liJji:Jtiillilill;14IJ ' 1 lilt ltll PU~' ule ml'l:untl;. lllJd · If pos Illl( a more bri1liall~ can k op posted on home lJ,ifail'll by ' Stuto Con.vention to be hold at Oin. !I" rl nlly. All oll.e r trll," rll", d_.rl'~ except for_.w. Write _1'rIoe LU.. , 1'ti '_. ," I I'm\ bvtll ' ,I)C. t AS .It III . IU .. II Ih e 80' r " . h Icinllnti to-duy.. ::tundA1. W.Iilli I.. 0 tl ltI ~.N, •• TIEA.DALIEL. So'nlI., "J mall ro, I0 r~., E. B, F.,tlTa, M,D.• '11'CUIlI(D II' melt. II rrlllg t el'ct.o. . . t;ell'l r '''''lIe cr TI,·~.1 "!lent "" ...,.,WM ....,.,..;.,. Cnrvllf"ATl. ............. A. ... w..... ('II ......
--. '111 1 £
u .. ~ r 'I I 'Srri.,~ ... ,j ~o~
:t': .
To BuY?
It is the Quickest :Baker,
.. ('01111
, .
Sliding Oven oors y Elliott - .- . & C' '''' oleman
TIN W A ._ E
I 1 '1
llnd] Ililsrness
tAll fior 0 ne D 11 ----:ar,
.. U
Dr J
'. lobb's~ '
1\ ..
Gardening for Profit r
Practical Floriculture Am1I_, r
Gardening for Pleasure r
I .uUcrtlSCmCUtS
_to .
.~ . .
---a .
? ;CfP ~~S; .
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, . Office in N aUonal Bank Building.
Et.~8~~~ ~ 8; i:Hl;gg;f. ~ . ~ C;~....,
C O'fO:
t:;l .. .
t-:l t:r
Waynesville Harness
'1' "!' . ..,;0 '" '!'=S :. : : : ee ~~ . EI '
; " ' ' ' l"
[Fonho MI ..mi Gazette.
~ - -----'-_-
L. C. LUKENS, 1\1. D., ------~.~.~------
. . .. ~
SP ~ ~
if... __ ._ __._. _ ._1'_'_1 «'
DR. J. L. ZELL, {,.
~~~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~
. ManbY pers n8 nre like thes!) in· d IIL·ro bcrcry · bahi~, whichsqu~n k,."., nw~ 1'Ir/,"ITDmII - "'DOIDCII"'CI"d"'C~ 'i'BSBBElSa Ul1d groan, r II thel~ eyes and kI c k 'QZl!m M'~ A ~~ A ~ whell you pull II st r1fl~ att.achedto · WAYNESVILLE OHIO. =-=-~= -~-==~-=.~ _ "!"_~ , ~.~......,the m. You . necd 011 y p'11l a Cl' r · Gill! OOminidtercd wh~ dCll!ired. ' tuin m el/tal stl'inS wh ic h t h s o
I k ' ('Op and. thoy wi II pUIIp
I •.
DR,E. . F DAKIN , .
e',lIstllnt III vI e w g o thl"llu -h fu r yo u r
H AY S ' SON GS. Th FooLAtep on the tlli r. & C. 0 11 ,, '1 Forgel Me. Hannah . " &.. C. 1, MOlher Tber,' Y 'nlJ~ &C . Obo.
a'-Ie. 3,',.,.
I'ftt-I tv WIlYII O. ,·illc. dnd
The nll<l"r.igroc.1 b.kCR pleasure ill r t urn ing mon)' Lhank R t.o til pnhlio for tho
h,,,'o ...
1iI"" '~lIy
be, fowlod on him di ncc iii" r
:1:EirE~;Ii:ti~~J~~~2~~I;'~~~:~:~:! q di ce and Th St., D ~"'~~~~:' ~O·:8.:' GS~~· . ;~;~;;.:;~:"~;~;I't~";:~:· '~~~'EVERI :.~~~~:~~~~::::~~:r:illil:::~e::.~a:: -s;;:~s;fo~~,- :::,~:':~~:::-~~;:b"~:~:."" ~ since the Rebellion; and my .Terms .are UUERAL. . I R 68ide1l ce,
call ed h y e lOcllti o fltll'Y books and A T TO R, N EY AT LA W , teachora-urjJ . accol:!,ailied by a A .i.,rD l." rOT.' ARY P UBLlC.. rh II 1 te .r If ..... 1111 "' ""r 0'1 ftl!)typ . 80U t 'unell t fI lilT\), coneei t8 which have flee n IIlW ~!.!~LI!. onlo. bor~yc.ol1ectcd Ilrfd s tol'e.d away during Il 81X years con rae 0 1 college , rcnding. And YO!I n eed the resu! t8 of only SIX yeurs . 'lh~J IBIAUm- I1DmlE~mIlm plly th e Ir alma mater eo much to r IKAI: aT WAY _iIlL. ~u "wcb .kuowledge. Qnd cease ac . .. .,- - - - - - ___ N . _ _ . _ 'luirli"tg wf, Ie m o ney is gOlle. A
Twc~lty.tive years after graduation ,
mnklng allowAuce for the amonnt li.ll'gotte n, whi c h is about 99 PilI' cont, YOIJ will fiud the alutnnMB he w..,. .... on commence J' ust ""I'ere , . ~. .
Ul e nt liay. If ODe knows the reliaiQne bins dth tlod t' te I P fth n: difficulty in d e termining where
:~verui:.ile~etI~lle na;~n~a~e
caehot'tlleeewortllieswasflDisbed. A musician tell wbo manutac-
tllr~ livep' pinn~ ~Yt':Yhiog
The Son' 'my Mother Salig. S . Ii< O. Tell he r 110vo he r . Son~ & Ohorus. Whi"pe r Ihlli. you 1.0 " 0 me . . Take me ogam 10 )~.art. . k . C.
aCto. 30t'. ~Oc. :l01).
E,I.I1Laide of M"in Street, "~Y"_"'LLII.....0.
S O N GS &. Q UA R T E T S.
"""PI"' "'''''''' """"A''''''''''',l1\ r.5>I1 " ""W WUI!!) ""LiiJA\~""",
- L'G FESSENDEN ,. . , llaun ' N
o.tt·· ··'
Plaat.Fone Mosie Teae.er .
('ne Huml," d YOIlr: Allo. R. & O. 350 Olle Hun~r~d VOICC$ Ye" • Ago. Qt. fo~ Male We.
the markot, blly the
~~~~ ~~~~.~~ ~ I
1 Songs. ·
full line of evel'ything p r tl1i lling to
' P I one romp t y.
D~ Il~ g'~imkttl ~
ect~'lowe.. o'cr l,cr GM"'e. :lOe. === ,
ScatterDftllk~. ...
weer ~:~~~ Graves or the ~o,cd Ono~Oc. Memorir,ll'lnwCrI!. nnllft~ . MeoMle80hn.3Oc . SCllltcr ,wc"L Flowers. Trill ror Fe m. V. :lllc, .87.. W c~p u'er the "rove.. :iOc.
PION, D AY1'VN AUOfIE, RIC1IJ,JIO VD, 'COTCll CLIPPER , IilIPERIAL, & 0 1JV/1R OlllI-LEDj all of wltic/~ ar(J . Warranted to gil: Sati.'1.laatioll.
Marohing· Nentho\lrBtArl')'~IIIg. Qf . ror
We have on hand ~he.\>est aAsortm en t o r
. over offered iu th is market:- They are as fullows:
IOc . Vales Resound. Qt. for ~lIsed V. He.
_~~ __ t .._ _
M"rching·/i'calhourStnrr.vFlllg. S . &O. is my mottll. 1 inte lld k eopillg l;rovcr 30c. to the busiuess.
X E N I A, 0 HI O.
jtl! J"~ lIcticio &an<l WD(l ; 80 It la ,.It tllcs8 mo.n : 'E:,ch bas a movement, and lOlle peculiar to the ins titntion which trained hjm. 1'1111 hill s tring , no matter wb tberthii string be ltto,A'
First-Class Pi~08 &. Organs, LeHb!,,~li~I:~lId lJrAl eo. ln.trlltncDI IoUlietiand ... palred. OrdOMl may he lell .. Ilh G. W.• Ehright.
Arc you wBit ing tbere fur me '/ . &. C. 30c. Anv p l'mnp t ilfrm ('(Ill b'lI!1 allyt/u I1 g In m y l llll' MI 1I1wJ'l ~ /111 1.' I . Hftrltl ~be Ve~per Bell s are chiming. ti'om 30 to 9n d ctl/ 8 01' l,y sp ccia,l au/' emenl, /m' a {0 1l !/t'J' tWi!';~ ' ~~~~I~ . Song ~ Oboru ~. .dear MOlber. aOe. "Ull t 'I J. tbote Room In Heaven, W~'Il e) • Soul. ~ Cborlll. aoo.
SOB2'S el!:r.ec~ $nsl)lonnblc Bnrber nu~ [,t.t not th v Henrt b~ Truuht"d. S ' ~ :iO:. MISS R&CBIE. R. EBRIGHT,
If you '''ould ho.,,·o
----We have tbl'ee or the DEs·r - - --
RaUoual ramilj Paper.
politiCS, metaphysics, hlllOo r, tiro immortality of th e Bonl temper·
Pllbli,hed br l . L. PETEBS, TIll' l:'c,,1 FllIn.iiy PAper or Amerion. \I". '1 ollly r .. por e.:lpt)"rng ever.' . .. \tldlor. ·'I" •• k 801:1 B ......w.r, P.O. . . . 103, " ...... D, aflee or tho £118111 0 11 S, Rnd he WI I "nd humllu/;. "nd """iug millio" . to t he pub- ICe .. York . Mild mllilcd. po' L-l'lIid. On n' go ttl gh. the old c'nse~rQO' }1er· lie: i8 no" reild,· for th o ~ .: nte nlll~1 c l\m.- _ _ _~.Ip t of ~"r~"d price. ~ 4w forma nco witl~ unY/uyin g Ilccqraoy. I'n l~lI. lind too.()IIO mOre dd,gbtod 8ub",rl' E. I. Kunkel'. Bitter Wine of
baiting nt this point, expl'ot!8 ing a doubt at tJiat, nuw quot ing Cicero and now: .n >mor runniilg through . ' ", ' . ' . the entire h et of great fRlllds, a s given by the Eng1i~h Literature he t' . . 11' d ·..;!· stu h '", pot lllg III ao U 08wn to Goethe alld Dunte here, arid , th oro tOllcbjl\D' Up, .John BrjD'ht \IOU 1.'hor· -'-- D 'A ' . 11' W I ' WalulIOJD an l'ternaa arc:, glv, ing .,00· cbo ice e.x traet:! from tile Rov·. Swilemildly's hlSt .eel·WOII .h . f ' . h' au d . Ii illS illS WIt an aIr 0 ~9uranile and c o mplacency that· IS ad· luirablo. .... " ' : . ' \.. _. , 1 Whnri eDch n mBn wgtns to tn k y.(OU mnst g o where he leada you. Be knows J'ust 11o," fsr his inform · . ' . atlon oxtends "nd Will go . that fur and not bclond. Ask 111m wha.t · \.. B , d h he thIOAe 0 ryan an • . 0u may tell yon tba' 1 'h a'lltiopBUJ IS very fine '" but when ~011 mcnt ion 0 a
'.or. l A lYattf'" 01b,.n.
J . j
orelt 2!lmll or H ornor'. I liad, ho ie silent. Ue praises Tennyson speake of Enocl.1 A 1'J6/~,. an d may' b e qu~t es from it· and, when you lDe ntlOn II il[e,~ol'iam. asks who W!'lIte it. l . . . . d' 1 I. I He reaus th e perlo IC~ e u e 1~8 h enrd his minister m e ntIOn and IS 'bl'aelull i"'norant of at!' others. I y,., M k T ., [:l' l De thinks ar wn,m B. t · Pr0t:,e,88 . Is a - reh,loOB L maw and wonden that wQr.. , J • 8O,ernment ehol11d permIt such eists 88 Tyndall and Spen~er to . 't ' . I word bl ' h tb· la olr wn .Ill~. ~a , gets all his mto rmatton f"om manu and "lem Made Easys," _ _ .I..! h' "'0 fro h ' • """"Yes II .Oplnt De Qt. 11 mm· ist~r, nover thinks, rea~8 .h~tle, aod i8 wane than a dowonght Ignorant man An lD'nol'1lont man may be • ~ f h instrucaed, _t ODe 0 t ese cannot-, they d\ink they already k OW . s ' n • • ...
Go ttl Engle'.I...:for Fancy .. ..a... aw...
of aU Crac~"'ra -
il • I,"ge ,'ilcbl' rogc •.40 coillriln pnpcr, L~d~er . 11.e, o... t1iowrng wlLh chArming SIOrl~A. Poelr" ·ral ~., 8k,,'che• • Wil. Humor lind FilII It gh'e~ "'I new Recipl'A. Ri .btl!, Seoret. Art, . &0;. "0. ; hIlS" Ohlltlren'. Del'ftrtlncnt ft MtdlcILI /):cpa"tlll cnt. PIly. zlcr·sUorour.oto. ....0 •• ~nd IA.it pel'feet FII.nllly ""pcr. ROlIBtJGe 11.3 s)loclll l rl ~ to 01 po8. _" . cry ~·rlltld . Ql1I\ck. Swind ler and ' Beat .' FJ , "ry IIU'Dh~r hal five columns of trulhful. r_ Ii"bl ."ule_olll. No .... w(lust. lollerr gi f\ hOlld. 9r 'I}ut lind call ' pme 01\8 over 'cmteh )·ou if, ) '011 I't!ad. thil R"~' pAper. It 8lI~ KeA all sW lodle r..... hou' fear or ravor. ftnd gll'eft &lI ; t of liTer 1000 • .wi th oam.sand 'gnmcs.' IT COSTS bllt 75 ocnt.. a ,ur. aod I. ~eol l!relll\ld 8\·~ ry ..·ltol'll. ..JL i.. jllst the paper for c"ery hoa..., . Southern or No,·thcrn. Xl Is not Jl ollttO&I. ·r,.lIgioIJ8 ur ~cc""ri"n . 11 'IO&1'es f~r AI.1. S'MLcd ill 1 86~. iL hail gonc on (or 1.11e"r~. tlJ)d Is read b} 100.000 pooplo. Yon .. .. u, it aDd will h.. ve I, Wb,
NOT ....... t
Iron hili never bcen known to roll In the CUN.' of "·•• kOl·s,, IIttendLod with "y"'ptoms ; indil po~ilion Lo u crtloo. 1088 of memo ry, difficul. t\' of l,renLhiog. gcner~1 wCl\kntlilll, horror IIf di scII.' , .... el\k. nor_oils trembling, dreadf,,1 horror of dell Lh . night , ".otl. cold fec I, " ell."e • •. dimn cl8 uf Ti. iun. Inngunr, 110 1. verAlIl I••~ifull. of th e mu scular ".,·stem , enormous nppctlto wjth dY8pcpt.iC 8y mptotn ~, hilt hnnds, nAsbing of the hody, drytl" R. of tb ••kln. pal lid countennnce and eruptiond Oil Lhl' f""e . puril ying the IJlood. pain In III" blick, lrenlo'·A.-I of the eyelid. , ~,.equen\ bluck sp..... 6>'log before Ule _.\' e8 w,th UIII poror.. 811fl'i"",n ~nd lo"s of sight, IVa,,' .of s lI e ntioD. eto. 1 hOBO symptom. .11 arIMe from a ,,·onkne,... and to remcdy that, 1I.~ K F. KUNau·. UitLcr Wino of Iro". lL nel'cr f.ll s. Take olll y E. F. KII N.SL'S. . Bowarc o~ colln.terf~it8 ,nd hase Inlel!LIon. . A. KUllk"1s B,lter Wio e of Iron I. "o ,.. oil Itnnwn .11 OYcr the ""ulflry. druggi~'" 'h'DUlch'~' ~ak '.all Imita tlun .nd " r~' 10 pAlm II "If on 11It,1. o... to_ .... " hen 'h.y call for Kunkel'. IJlt.... r Win" or I ron. KlI"kd's Biller Wloe of Iron I. r ut up ollly III $1 lJoUlc~. And haa a yollo...• wrapper nicely )luI Oil t:-e nul . ldo wllh tbe propriotor'~ photograph on tbe wrarper oreoeh bOLlle. Ah""YI lock for the phoLogrnph on the oUlAlde. and you "ill al"a.v. h. lure IoU ge l tbe sonlliD.. ~I per Ionttle, or ~ iK for '5. Sol~1l7 Drug,"" ..,uI De'llero 01'cr1' whero. All W orm. B.moYed Alive. E. F. K UNK . L',. Worm i'rnp never I"il" 1.0 dCllroy I'io tical IIIld t.olnach WorlD • . 0" . KrNKKL, the only . uooo •• I',,1 Phyelcian wbo rClllo ••• 1'l\pe Worm In 2 bOil,.. nlive with beod, and no fo c IInlil ",mo"ed Oom. mon Icose teachel if Tape Worm be remov· ed, nil olhr. r worm. Can be rudllyde8tro~ed. cod for Circular to Dr. Kuok I. No. 159 Nort h SIh . treel . Philadelphia. P.... or call 011 , our drn!;l;isL alld a8k (or a bollle o( Kunkel 's Worm ,<up. Price '1 .00 . h n' vcr CRIIII.. 5~ly
in tho the market:
• 'or:n..· •
+:rI..I.I. I
I New F eed, tho easiest hnnrlled and completest Drill ofl'llred to the trade.. We have, also, n complete stock of oue-horao
Bar·Sha re &;
IILIIGAR'1'CBRoiIa. w. b.... 1m · v"rl. d l!l SI'I.,,,lid Fre noh Chromo. ('IOol'\h II each ). Ii .. hll loohe•• 6uely mounted. and we lI!fer ANT FOl' a I)f thcse gem. and n"lIner,. ..holr ye",. all frr • • fltr,l. 'I'ho .. Arc g<'lI ulno chromol. IlIltllhlo for any par lor. 50 nther )lrem 111m. olTered . A LAST WORD. Re ..der, rememher 18 7ti i. our cOllntr,a cooknlli,,\, Uu~iog ~hi8 one yc~r do tak e a N"tl." nal. p.. ~rlo Llc, '"'!dcIIwake l'''l'cr. olle LIrKt ,. lor rlglrt IIglllll'l .. mill(; One thlll know s no puny. n~ north , no ~uu'h. caaL or west ; but 1\ pll per IIIfcnd~'d for e .. ory r03dllr. One Lhllt U " CB money 10 It9 IT n:talna all Ih e vl"ues nr due (.l,tH-Rull,, 'ng " DOMESTIC: ' Includl", the AtUoma,i. fe ,lorR loy upoaing tho ·&rlc~. "lid traJli! ' of ~'.J::;eW!~7~e -:u-: P~~l'~~r. ~'RIO£Net D CONICAL ntARIN(;S on l»Olh tbe ltlacMna u ·lndlcdom ; ond now 10 the hme . Y?U hlll·.e put It off 1.00 I.ong. :;lood t ... day. No .. I. and ~n~~w and old ".Iou,.mlred out _Uh hr.ud new Mach1ne,," a1tl' T-onl\ at au, o!"ft rC'!'w~Ic •• tbe necepted tlDle ht ..he Ny_ cl ly of Nc.,,,",. New J eDe y , han a: iven UJ a I't tallilan-I of MY'(; HANI CAL f.Xc.;rl, LENCE Minimum o( .-rlctfon, Al • .II imum of lJur.lbilil )" anl! rana-c of wo rlc. never h crctQ(or. SIIB. Onl~ 73 c~nts 8ocuros thi ft I'lIpor" reached in the Sewl", M.drirlc .mld. J car. Willi foUl' charming chromo• • onl.. II . Snum»e,. aent" (or 15 ceDlil. Spaol_n TO THIS STA1;EMENT AND THE ' MACHINE ITSELF ( 100.000 read.") 8eD' free to ".11. Se nd for InvUe the aUlntlo ft of an •• p.cl.lI" "'0.' .... Inl bl.h meebaDlcal . lril} Of' it no..... C08" nOl blng 10 sec ,to end to· .....W. "'.Uo.. N. B.- All ~r",,~I_ rully _"",,",.d. d,:y to the BANNER PUBLlSBINt; . 00.. H, nadd ... N .. H. 6.II·oe .. 6m DOMF..TIC SEWIMe MAC HIN . CO ••. [(? Warranted t-o give Sa'isfaction.c:£]J . . N c ,v ",' uric: und o ChlcR~O. Be_e_lHIr TIlIA. 0 C . ~o" 11 &heLl •• of the ,carfor l'Dculllon- RAVing I'CIn~d tbe. PaiD' Dep&l'\.JI)ent of LADIES. USE .. Dl)MESTI~" PAPER FASHIONS. fa. 'L unl V.yer, Oougbs, Coldl• • 00 'a",1 Mr. T . n,,.,lUe Oamage SMp. I am r.~ulu. or predlillosition 10 Consumption pared to pAiDt QarriAge& ADd WlIfI'Onl 0 all 80ln ETI NO ~. EW NOTICE ~ aDd oth~r Tbrod and Luog· Di8e"80. '80< kinds in ~rAt-ol...... Itylc IUld at rellllOnable I ~ ' -:01& .....O:. . .1!f ' r O " Tho underoignoo bill! '-n appointed AdI\JI'LL\IL"r .~ CM ... •• GaaJfA.~ Ihaup hae 6eco used in this rate8. GITO THOMPSON I ••" " G_ ........e _ • . milliatr&to. of Lho };"tate of E1uII\beLh J. Deillbliorhuod fur 'he pea' L"" or th ree . -..~ Addr... ", with alit III p. H~inlll!. h.te of Warren Count,. Ohio. d~ 1·ar8witb()Ut .. l in£\l. rlnure to OUI'O . If K:.J . . . '88.1'11 .... y ..... ceaoed AU P ' l - ind.~ to the Ilt1tate baTe DAt llaed Lh,. medicioe10arAelf, go 050 beautiful .... :J1I2.1, will pi_ mlllre immcdJ .. te lOeulemeot., aOO All lrinds Wood Pumpa at extremely low pricce. 0Ilr li 1 ., Dtf"u l gitt . A. Doll, • card8, ",ith '--:'ORN Lh hAvIng otaim. tho lAme, will All pe",ons wishing anything in our line will find i& to. &heir int.-Ita ",onu It ,"cce~ .m(ln~ cu ". IZ' t d . ". r.r..... nt lbem duly authenUoat.cd. for a1 - . call beli L __ ' I '_II! ""CI llo.>eB will 1'\!1I.ve Ih~ ."o~ ellee. 11' your nam.e flea '!I p1'ln, 'on The latest improved Campbell o... "nce. • ~LEY HAINES, ' to give DS a ore purou_wg 0 eewbere. 10U bl\YIII DO Caith in m•• llcID~ . Just buy a tli em and ./'nt to any addrel8, Co D '11 be h ed 111:-1 9 1870. . Adm'r. Saml,le Boltl. of ll nacbee'. (,~ rlJl1lD yrup "d • f 50 rn rl 8 can purc as vory • _ _ ._______ (or 10 ceoIA and i&. Kepllr SO&lII. JUI,e·pal. ctl. low CMb at KllmUl TAYl.oa's, Wayoeaville. neeDl •. Doe't n.,.lecU·coqh I~ .... 7111 T . W " 1\ Obio Corwin Ohiu. &a ~ .I' e.D&I. ..,51-I, 0.1",,",.' c, . ,
SULKEYS FOR. BREAKING PLOWS, . QgtUB~I!lBQ~e~p> ,Corn · S~eller8,
Boile rs, Post.Digger s, & c.
T the Publi GeneraU , .
.\C I{ I (' I LT ( I \ L
,0. ~
~c:. alk:~::o~f
rr.- Engle's "'ea Crackers.
, .
10 mlll(: 1\\1\11")4
lI ere III I III 00",,,&n1 With their IJlfllll1l1 III VI n: At 10.. til ~ 1I fll ~ 1111 I IIl1d the }r' n h w I 1lI8rchtld 0111, h!'l\vlly fr II IlfUl \II arlll with tho f;lIlTt.l., tbrough II ~n rOlvu, to thtl "luI" Leac.b, J htanll bbe. Me .ec Slid W.IHOn mad Il;ylug nf< hJll;' • All Will! qUI t up t.o thl' 11\l!t Uloment ] II n gru WIUI IlIOlt IIlg 1I11ll II..'!k I I h~ ecutlOllrf Dot to dmw tll rOI lOll L'gb t At 11.. Lh \rnl' Willi hprulI' nml th flv botll dnll'led 10 th IIIr WII n dlt'<l III 6lgbt. IlII11ULfH i:lcal yallli 1 "t.aull~bl>c In Illlll.l, J.-(\II"h tell aDd 1\1 U ln ~tal1U y al y g roaued e' erni lIIinulos. WII 11011 8 hUll..! t\ntc hed l lind ho broJ,; lh crnwlh: from thE rlboon lUll I.ll'd \.0 bi II~' k hol(ling.t III 11 d~IILh grip fir bo<llltl WH lit II cut down IInl! tlH. who h1111 ffll!lId~ took 11O~'" II II ot tham Lea h. remlllllM W r ~ I\ n t.o hiMWi fe Ind WIIlIQlI'S toth Cltholl J h crowu II tIiI orderl v Iliid q III Th fr \vl1ro I!eVCIl tbou!I1Iud 8pectut.or~ J helo WMOlie Illlmuental Mhot MuRuUl ill rano. \\ lisun urge.J "II III~ frt IHIK LO JOIII NIIU ht lIIiLy ('ndllr IJilt ttl II I Illlllty lhe lllLhohc church tin I lIIelJl blln III I,c I' 0:1 " hlLf Ictor 18 a ve rfecUy edllcR!cd \VIII fI c r mn rletl If lho In,(,nn lI l'f 1\1 In,lI", hnw,l. I . I "" m. t u.. I.... I.~ • I Ib .yo AMyour UOlllica iLnu ) ollr frt lid", XII krpr~\.cd hy III IlIdllln I I Nn .1.1. ~1~Q rd r"ll coudillo" unlll II . Ilr YUII I 1\ h Corg IVEI lbo ollfl An<l till IIiIS Truth iLnd oerl'ln ollY ~ro two tlllll::" bRrtL tor 18 whR\I natllro h \8 IIgr LVIlll 011 IIl1e:!. Mllny of ZII ~'\tldOrK fllllllill fr.II' 11i1 III 118, (m n" tllen /lUI It t Ih ue rlillu \l Iy to 00 0111 all'l l IH tn Il cro pre~lIL alld wert) JIIlJil,,"t 1I cr III " flln ey olle M liC it Dloro III IIl11g III III reprlovo others. {;1I11forulll "ood (;lIoPIIOI'8. h I valli fo r tho cowarll to Hy llealh Jt 18 III UJI) logSlUg CADl pi! thut a follow~ elulle bellilld It l~ b) ucfYlIlg It tnlOger will he 1U000t 10 lerested for t.here that Lbo brtlv e-\!Cllpe bo \\111 !I( \Ud feel tho blgllelill of t.h e 1 h llt'rfcctll>11 ul \ lIling c"u~ I .I~ III rt'<1 \\lIOtI ~ A Ullin IIJ Humboldt counL' 1\8 CI!l lice lhelo 'Hl' l>erfe"L c rtnll41ul ~ gOL Oil t 0110 lre, largo I I tlugh LO mnkc TraTllIIDr Througb Snow. II thero Ilr mell of pe rfect problty lll ~ hOlillC I\lId bn rn lind to (e nee III tl\ O lye the Denvor (001 ) Nmol A go u I:f wholl6 fIrst mohon 1)11 th VH)w of t1eDlan who re en tly came o,er from tho I J?!lrf~c t pro III lmn 18 tl) uud ervulll It, n rOIl of grOtllld A Sl!hOOllcr "Ail Ii lied Paclfio eLope relal.el !lOme lnt.cr~8tlllg WII\ 1I0ve~ havo on of hlx OW II to 8hol\ with ~llIn de· mill! frOI1l II Inglo treo 0 11 Irco 11\ Mnllll'C lIlI1 wh o~ roDlulns lDoldent.l ,~f til t.n" over the t"Wo great ] he wlltlTlCIIL nnd most 101lLhC'd Il othlly rallgea 01 Diountalllll All nJong the lifo that Ilg Reh , penllry IIl1d IDll'rlllO n w~ ro pJl011 n 10 HIll, 1111111 II nlil e of r ~Jl oramento VlIlIey evorythlDg W&8 amll m nt call IllY on nature, IH i'lIrndJIIC 10 rOlld 11011. lrets four \.clen feot III dltulIl'tor 111\\ C 1J~ II freqlJont.ly fWlld lind cut wg The caUlo wer huunal.lng.o wh at we fIlAr of ue8th dU1V 1I Ihe f LW I S lire tlften pllt "1)3rt grll81 \cnoe-l1lgh , and ihe ~1'1J0, woro Dealh 1Il8kcli II. lHlnutlrul nPl'eJl l 10 deairod Wlt.h 1I0wel'l!. At 3 0 clocle P III chRrlty WlulJ) wo looir U]lOIl Lhe dflUl wllh II CU gC8 bcellu thc e n t'T(~ 11111118 I~ tbe tralD turned OIIatward to 1111 end Iho lurm, HO COillpoMed Ilnd !It.II , the kllldliellH t. IlIr!! to i1 oal 1\1 tlte UJarrow nnd ~ h al I:llerra Nevada m o untalll~, and by ~ n .Iud the 101e Ilvlt arf' II. 118 III tom for th lolV ~ trcnms, and 1 hn\o e\e" lIC('n tholll blo" II IOj! apart w.tI> ",lIn l'owoor A o clocle. fe3ched Blue .. non frum l\ h.ch QUKliti oH 1I0t r('Sllllted rUIl 11110 t heir to rruckoo the 8110W l\ 11M frolll lour t{l OppaHI lllll ~..conom)' belore COIll pc te lice tree four le(' t III dUlIUCt('r '8 elI lle!! Ull twelvo feo ~ deep, nllu IJJ tho gulches It 18 menllUIl&! lifter It Ihcrefo ro, ecollo- d erll ly~d In 1J)()."'O \vood . "ud ~ ~ klll(ul IIr the " ood cHtoppera thllt the v (:1111 Wlli!lII ome pl~cea ODC hundred leet deep my 18 for the poor, the Cleh IIllly <hI!- ulllke t be IRrgest gi UI t of tho fore~t (nli CJ\ BLE A4ivaatqe or Auon1.00 AnUJol'8I1Jp. TbOIll! who have leept BUOW gause" on tho I Itl Il I!() Wltlt It. Just " ht' re th y wan t It or, IIH th ~ fill},", SCHEW Nevaua roport a lall o( 889 JIIebea of J rW1Il1 h.llIL L holl CVIIX It.!Crt rl the rug 1 th o~ d rI VC 1\ eLI ko WIU, Lhe t ree ] li e Th poe~ Culerld~o, he W JO wrotc th e snuw dUring the winter Immelll10 WXRE god Ii I IIOU rlWIU~ eurLh, IU4 oophllclcd .. AnCient Murmer,' u d to t.cll tho fol ~nol'f plows, optrated by locomotives Hlld choppers elu lIu l ftalld on tho groUll" lowwg cnpltal slory 'When my hundred. of blnedO, had opened tbe wull llIun u he r , bow Hho feeds tho spllr bill. 011 e tl g~" nu~ed to 811 h Il hClght a row on tho tree wp, much moro her dnr to ollablo tho ax to strike 10 \I bere the tIoDd'CJrO\...."oOlIal.~... r..yr!CIII &lIads first c.ame out It W811 roads over the Ncmdlll and tbe traJU hll(1: to ,1 11 Du rro&lJ ,SOIf' lloiLeD Ma. IlJIIIl I trc IIltn 11 ~ ILH flllr nlld ~guln r t1\1ckl1f'@~ allon),lllou8ly, amI lhey made II !toed "118 00 tlmo lIntlllt reached the town of 'lh g rCtll c t clol ot uf omlllon cd uci\ fur th e red wood , Ilk \) ~h c " tl I'IOIil 811e ll g deal of 1101 A Ii IV uays afte r lhey Welhs,ou theUumboldtmouola.lDe..lb c re \VOrtl rubh sh od 1 lliued at Mrs Bllr they ()vertook the trll.ltl~ wlllch had left tlnlou IS Ihll t we aro 11\ th o habit Iof at tho bn nellr tbo rouoII 1 heM! treee blluld II, Rnd sat beHlde mlm~ \.Omeu &u FTilnolco for tho fOIlT day s prevloll~ pllttlllt; 1)11lt uro nil 011 Olle Side, \lId prefer steCplll1l81<101 \lid grow I II 1111 ex I\rIIlOM on t h oth r 1111 lie Iflile 'I In t rem Iy rUllgb and bloken couuLr), lind Pmkertoll,' It.i! ho WIUI called, from tbo Iy The rolld frol'1 Wells toToano(thlrty WO thei r gretLl li mght Illak ~ II. lIeue "'lry to numoor aud vllrlety of 1118 Wrltl llgil 'Vo SIX miles) Will! still bluckadcd, 110 tr uns btlldy IIIl plCllI\lIro 11\ IdlclICl'K 1c.1I th m cnrcf~llly, leat UI(') . ho.uld talleod a good deal \.Ogelh r, and I fo und hll.vmg ~ over that lICcUon for fuur The WcaJUi of Brazil. fill II IIg \\ JIb nn ( nnrlllOIlS \I ol!lh t IJrcn k lum ~ ry Ilmu.mg and full "rgorlly"llll da)!!. 1'he Anow "1IlI I\ny depth frool lh H con.lJloUy II 1II )I) 'I ~ 11\ A II IIILcil gUll t tra\ e lers who II n vo v I ~ tv pICCO Jornlllllon Wben "0 rolireV to the fOil, to fOur leen fcot A~ tho wlDd Wl18 Ilrawlng room, b lerl me to a r ce M, bav, still blowmg, to opon the tmck With Ited Dmztl 8peak III the most glowtng "Ill te of over), I reca ullon lind there I S illS tak n a copy ( ) f tho Ln lCnl Balla!l ~ shovelH WIIIIM futlloM cllppmg thoocean lcrwa of the I o II ntty l'm r A~"'II! I:t: re littlo dou bt th II In U ' I!() forc~w. lind al which lay 011 tbe tablo 1 rar I!H, I!IlId drv With 1I 811Q01I ScVCllttC'1I Jocorno gllrdcd It 1\ th o mOMt produCLlvOlind In 011 11" t.wo feeL of " ollfl ti ro Wll.\ILcd for b , IlIIvu) 011 read tlll~ thing 1 1 IlIlVo ttvOH were ll&iembled at the 1V000wrn cnd \.cresling coun t ry on Lho globe Illd tb o ovrry fout of lu. I ber !Ill" L tn IlItlrkct f o 'Do YUII know tho I\U oftho blockJldc oight of wluch were put olle III Wlllcli It 18 the (,1,"loot to obtain Il IlI n r k Lh( UlreCll)ll VII 1\ h i h tho tre 1M looked IUlo It Lbo r Y' u~kec,1 he 'no YOIl lIoow tilO all heliludan Imll1~lIse6oow plow The h\ e IIvohhood I:lomo who htL\08lltied lip th e t.o full thechuII er II II Illy drives a d1.Jl ke thor? ecb ocd I, reHOh l)cl not to he pllf!ilOnger tralDs were mlllll!ed lllto three Amazon lIeclllfO thol n vf!i301 C III bo lllto the gro und H hUlldred or Il hlilldre,l ClHlght No,' \!Iu d r'mleerton, ' but 1 nod tbua arr&npd A charge WI\II mado 00 lORded With JJmzilllu t.s lit 1In l'xpenl!() of AIIU lil ly feot fT) llllhc bll~e of tho t ree U ver read 8uob IILter trlUlh M hiS hook, the obstructIOn As Buch power WIIi! 0111)' a few eOllt8 1>er bushel These CO li IIlId It ISILCluully comlllO Il to l11ake the partrlcuht.rly an c tra \ agllllt farrllgo ~f bard to retII!t, in three hOUr!! 'be enow 8ULut II v.8luab 0 nrLiclfl of commerce tree fnll UIIOIi tillS Hlnke, "0 HlflLl ght ,10 IIhsurdlty called the .AlICiellt. Maflner plolY WIUI pusbed through to foallu and while the 011 o:Jtlractod from them I ~ vory thc·o rod \l'ood~ Ht.l lld tl lIl !j() IICCU rltC. 8 , l)1I L),011 flllnir It. ItlSUn('mblo ? Ct,1 the carRI RII of trallts rellchcd Ogden 'only de81f11blo Ail tbe tropical (rlllts life th o Hk.1l of the ( II ttor~ 10 fell II tr e flJ g - l,ntole..rnble I' l':lIkerlllll - De- t.llree hours lehmd limo But tho ~ lIc producell III BrRZlllIim{)5t wlthou~ oultl OIght fcot I ' Iluulletc r IS count.ed 1\ dUy'K Le~t8ble I ll'ndge - Aoollllllfible I ce~(ul trud demon~Lrlltf8 that trains caD VlltlOll fhe SOI l III many parts of tho " ork for a III 10 Pmkertou- If YOII de ll g(l!. me It i8 be limbed throu gh IIDY blockllde c\er couutry Will produce twenty ~UCC(,tlSIVO I N hls;ketch M Hawthorne IIfr. J I rClllly delightful t.o III eL It nllln of 1!O\IIl(J likelY to impede auy rolld Tho chaoge CrOp8 of cotton, wbacco or sugar cane, Fleld H reillte h w Longfellow ClLme Utto L.tIIILo ID Ihese day of uur. decllnlllg li ter cammg down the mouutalus Willi till grollt WI~hout tho I\p(lhca~lOu of mu.lluro No ~IO 08 Ion of the legend on wlllcb w.18 ature 11) have II pI\I'~1 non ellrth It I~ 1\11 gOing up them III theY.lIevof alt COllnt ry III the world IlI)I>fOllchc8 Lb u tOlll\dcd tho !'lIthet. puem of I EVIIlIge till abhorrence of til 0 L),rlcfli BIIIltuls lfoiKIl (ilrmere were pLOWing, and. the at.- land 01 DOIII }'edro III the varlet)' of Its hila ' H m thorne nC CO lllfJ IIl1ell by a ut Which \ ell one l~ talkl1lg, ~ut more mllllphe1'8 mild Starting out RgllIn 111 fofc8t production\{ l'fI~ t AgAAlllz A l.ste~ tflcnd from :::nlclIl look d II nllr ono da.y t AP Cl/llIV , of Lhis wre~chell Ancient II few houn the deep .nuwlIWere ellCllun thllt he IIIIW fill huntlred aDd 80vellteell wllh tho po L 1",1 II the co urse of ill S M"rlll~r CoI()ndgc- HLI8h I Not II t.crod Qn tho WIl8flt.ch rango, 110 deep that dlfforcn t irlnds of vlllullbio wood" that eOllvena.t. ,II tho fn ent.! remnrkcd '0] " ord more I H ero COI11(," (ur hmtel!ll 'Il xome of \he village" lhe comb of the "ere Cllt from \ plcce of land Dot lillif h h 110 bocn trylug lo perKlw.do HllwLhoflle I knolV sill) .~ lie lunlU t.c<l wnh tho UI roof o( IIOlIIe of tho houl!Clj could Qoly be Illilo H(llUlfe. 1 !Joy rtll'rOllCuted nlmo t to write 1\ ~t"y lin!' d up nll 1\ legelld of n ut there Willi no- ohl!tructlOns overy VAriety of color, IlIld Illlllly 01 thelll !; rl whl IIJ the III -pr r 1011 ot th o A tll thor IlDd w C lIIlghL lJe hurt PI (pulllllg ().. Icfldge by the huttllll tn Ylll: t 10 cnrs crlllvdlllg "long between were clIl'lttle of rccolvrng n h igh pollHl cl i \11K, \I I~ Ij()purntcd fr om her I"cr Int.! I plIlCJh ul ,'"l1 tl 111111 ij l~lIk lng 111 1\ KIIOW baJlks RII high 811 the rours, was lD 0110 tree furln~ he~ \vIIX tfillt 13 II d for IltUl8ed hor Ilfc m wIlltlll11 lIud IlCck1ng IVIlispor)- 1 II tell you Wh llt 81r, we tere hng to the paseengert! c1luulee a/lotbor I\jntb that 18 IlsoU lor tor him alill ollly (ound In", d)'lIlg I , a 1II1I811' t let tble ulattcr drol} J.ct'd nx II /I food lind B\iI\ another Ylolds a D uwc 1i0Rpitai when both wero old ' lhe which 18 Ul!()d 1\1 tbe placoof lnt/)xIClltlng lillllg lUlltlO1l of Lollgfellow Wim deeply IIl\y fo r (iJlIlIlg together lit the III rk K Aleek IStep"ell8 a roor Old MaD. liClld Well hnvo II. J,rlVltte room II '" hq uor I hore III II HJIJ~l e Vllfll\ty of pallll oo.feLcllk n bo~t"! I f 01 J>u rL l'ell~, IIIk, Mr tepbeDlllll poor oow t and we re (rolll winch the Illltl yes obtonn f\JOd HUrrell bV'\ho tory 11111 he clI prc8IIed lind a qUiro of (ooleell l Wo II lilY our gret to know that he is burueued to wp drink cloth 109, beddlllg cord.tgo, ti Mh /treat Surpfl!<C thllt Hnwthorn o dill nol A. Jf y ()U head d logcUlcr nl1(l rovlClW tillS tlJlng port many doad beate whIch must be a lug tncklo lIIolll elne, aliat the mllLorm l hud It ~ull c !l tl) !aIMgenllls MEDICAL ADVICE ~.~' ~i~n~:"lr.~~.!.~h Ijl::;~!~1 and Ifl\ e don t glvo It ~uch .l lliwililng, lICrlOllil ma\LOr with him at the (IrellCot lb~y In Inllfacturo JIlto dWllllwgH, weal havo rcu lly lUndE' lip YOllr mllld 110t t l) Untn rl I t apt. rf! 0,1 Ifn th.' lei nt c tigHT Fit . K of .tamp Artdn~.. )r IJ UTf. DJ'&ten Klich .\ t(lll ring 6ucb n - - ' 'If we 16w ebb of bill finances. It iSllllld Lhl\t ons, hllfJ)(JO Ii K IIl1d m Ilsieal 1D8lrumenlll 1"0 it r,r .~ stOfY h o W!ked, 1\111 ~ o u o•• r,moulp' fifo 12 N ~ th e t 8t L ouh 811 0 Hllwlh urn dOll't I !Iud IltJrlugo Js It II. barglllU l' whonever Court MIIIlmble6 III Crawford&- DOllbtl ~1!II the dllY 18 IIOt dIstant whon give It lo me for II. POCIn f w.lllngly rrijl~n cd all Illtorr~t . n lh e 'Mo! t certuUlly Ville the Jud~ and mtl8t of tho bill tho vl\luable woods of DrMlIl will be legend. lIgreclIlg not to m8ire ILn v u~e of "lI ut up" With r Stephens and ulled for \arlOlIS ul!()(ul and o rll/~lII e[lt.1I1 It unt.1 J ongfellow had tflfd "h ilL won Liberty aDd FratClr"I'~. 9 .. ." Is a lilt of hallge rs on 111 hiS Brazil IS not ollly a wuodclI lIer III~ musc 1V0uid work .t In to 1 he The g'tllonu o(llln\t'c (UMtn aI, orgUlII~ed ment thl\t get a llvlIIg out of him Mr I II rl'fI'(l.< but a country that I'roduceH product of the poet H elTon IS Ih !linch 12th Ver.e. by the Franco Ameracan 111011 to rD11!tl f::llAlphe08 hlUl been verr hberal III Ill! coulltr) Iltlllllr. d 'EvHI1~e hn e, JJ 1\ touelllng IIll1s (uuds for Lhe erection of ~h e Statue of eh"ntlOll, llI1d haa educnted more men the 1II 0st beautllill 1Y0ods III tbo world trllllOlI IlIUKIt al verse of tho hd ehty LIherty III New) ork Haroor WI\8 behl Illid women tha1l any mlln ID 00 )rgln {;urlosltlC8 of AdIlJtr.rat\oa. of WOllliln • d~vo tlOn III PMI! .Apnl 27 The exterior and yet HI 11 nllmber of Imtancc~ theliC l>Coftl.ab'13 of ~b Ol>era houM were decomtod pIe whom ho rotlred lind educated. btl ll Till Clooch ol-E~ . I-Ig-I-IIn--: d--:I'-s-m -nkllig ex Tho !\Clonce of adnlteratloll h ilS been willi Ameflcnn fl ags 1 be ."dlence WIUI cling to hllrl tor supporl There Is 1111 HLflklllglv IIluHtrutell 10 th o "'''guiw- pcrun Ill" to !lend II nms.onnr) ~ XI)(dl " brllllani Olle, col18istlllg of Dlnny dl K other cl ll5H tba!.lJIu~t be a ~ flO\IM tlX to cOlltroversy which arO!llllj()UlO tllllO 8111(( tlOn to l.uke yll ~1III Similar to the ~colr Iln~1I16h od I' rllOli I1l1d lhe (lite vI AIr f:!te[lheU8 We menn the old IlOlil • I cl w".. n the wool nlllDufllctu",r. "net ~ht ,,_I, ... 1..... " " \"X!M~'tlon now Il~ ~I u , Ik l PafUlIIllI Il(/ leLy AIIlOII!! Lbo JlrclICoL Cill hac k~ 1I hu III lhctl(\ tllll eK ul yuung :-;Ccrt1lllf)' I f tho Iretlilllry fho wool "- built fur tho nnvlgatlOD of Iho hike I" were 1l1uIIHtcr W IIAlb burne .Llld all the AIllC'Tl C I fllld Lilt If 01CIlPlLtlOIl gO Il~ "Id 1Il1l1l1l fllctll f( r~ I (1m phllne.i t.lmt II CHtilit pllrtly IIII"t and a medlClIl 1lI1 )s'~ lUllllry lIlemoo" 0 1 hl rl " ga.lI l1l1 <:'1. 1 res.u lit t\Hk lIfr !o;lOI III IIx fur lUU H" ell" unl) ell .... of g >o<I K " oro belli': IIl1ill)rt.cd M II 1111 I "'''"0 lI1 ~ch 1II.C11 have been cngll!,;!'11. I h1CIlI 111M '~llrl d IIl A t' n, UOCIlr Ve O(HlU11I 8 h' w to tllln., for he IH IIlIablo luw r Ito ur dll ty wh.ch ~lJo uld I'l~y II 1h~ entlrOIIIIIOU It of lIIunoy nCldetl ~ , r I l\rllyeUc Roell ~1t1t;".lIl1, tLud lie lOO1)\le 10 rIo mhre J hcy IIC~ flt. and lho CUll IIIlIch IlIgltor rate-U.e IIIIt'g Ilion 001111( tho rX I'Ullitloll lillll not yet been HUl>,.lIe Ihe Amo n c IU colullY W(UI very lIefl u lIe o .Mthllt ho .g lu~cd \Iown WI Lh thl\t thl tl() l:"O<lK I;o llt~lDed wool "hero lIl: f1b~ d fil II) rt'l'resenlPd Burnl 8 lJOllrdCl"l!, th\)/!(l who nevor nUIII aM Ih, y Wero Imported t\8 contallllDg UI..oJ 11 1'.I! IlIjjL loDger when wsHhed With fho oJ)Ilra oolllpauy nnd ~m;be~trJ e~()- II meal or pU1 .\ cOIi L Mr I:lte"benll Is only 111m IIl1d vt'gclilblo fihf-r The cut.ed 8Il vor 11!ClectIOIl! Eight hundred 011(' of tpe be,t 111<1 purcKt. men Georpla Tr~lI"uIY Departmont was At a 1088 wh8~ Dobbln~ Eiectflo Sonp(mado by OrllgllJ &. I'cked 81 11g ,..~ from varIOus Orl'hllll so- OH'r produccd 8nd while be Wtlll rloh to do III the ultLtLcr and tho 0.'1 pertll em Co Phil) bcellUl10 no rubbing IA needtl<1 cletltll! Jol lied II~ the l)Ilr/o rulance of a nono wenl from 111m empty handod, and plo} cli by It to CXIllllioe thc gnodd fa.tl et.! Olothes lire wom out more on the wtIHh c..ntala IItltJed Liberty EullghteDlIlg we thlllk it a shllme that now ID his old t~ dfc.do th e question-th e fael belllg bOMU tlllln 01\ tbe persoo fry it. the Wfi rld .. dWlcated to th e people of age be 8hould be taxed to !uppor~ a lot that sheep produce both hRlr alld wool. Olb"T1 ~lIt ng , wble h •• on ~ DC the tbe U Dl~d tatell nllrl I'ompol!()d 611- of pauper!, wllen ho 18 almOrit a pauper and that It 18 Inlpot!~lble to d.811ngulHh moa! IIuplti8HR nt rH ul1.8 of iDdlgefttloll Will no longer he expe.l ene" .f 8 labl.' poon(ul IKWlally for lIJis ocCIIHlon by barlea IJimselt. We tblnk IIOme of hi. mauy bet ween tho hair of II Hhecp and the ::111111110"5 L vcr RegulRtor Is .... keu dler Guunod The work WIIi! rendered With proto«ell lIlIght Int.eroet tbemaelvt!8 10 hair of ceriJlln oUler aOim lis fllrLher of eDl b lII elli Tbl. Will Jlfevcnt the r1i.tre8a g~M Bpitlt., and received with Imm.,11 the ing atateeman/ and _ t.hat be hlle h81r found nrxt to the skill 01 ref~ rr cd to and bY perseVl\flDg 11\ II 0 use IIppllluae ~eflll patriOllc IIOnga w1fro 18 not put Into a pauper's gra1 e, willch iho Ul8n)' alllmllis cl ol!Cly rl'Kemblea wool, 110 of IhlHremedy (or II Ie .. weeks "/,ormllneut sung lind the IIIHII (lUCIl WIIS 100 t enLl1lI he surely WIll be If tile vllll111re8 th It that t.ho IJll c rlJ!lcVl 1(l hlll ij to dlstlll!;"' h cure Will be etree led , aDu 1"lIn , .. I uO 10llger lutlc. M UlboulMg doh vcreu nn Ilre HliCkiog hili lubetance Ilrt! noL ro- whothor Iho IlIbnc 18 made of haIr or be th e I CD, U~Y o( ORtlOg eloquent MddrtUIII Hu dctl(lnbed the poL (0 ) '" wool 811d ehtml HLry 18 equall)' at a 1081' 'fJIElIE IKI'C ldom a hD of glor~ Writ,. IUlln of E r,UI "nt.! Amenea 111 1776. lU ov('d -Colttm",.. a. c.nqfllrer th ultllnato omp<''l!1tlon betrl g the t~1I Ilpon i he cllrlh 1$ {IlCO but II hlle o f and rev lIlweU the elent learll ng 10 the Til receot I'leache" mcetmg of the arne aulrerlllg rlinKparllllul \\ lilt It alld they revolullon H e 1!llId thaLt h proclam a tlmt rOlld tl 0 11I~t. rollH ~yna hloK (If the l.Ion of J\mo nCllII Indepon(J II WIll! tho Methodist prultOI1l III OlilC&lo the ques introduction or ( }w\,lIhU," ',overo llOO WM du-cUIIIed, .. Why are there not CoUflllF. f, Lhe em IIlcnt l' nmch lIr tl~ t (\II and top nob to dellphor tl"H I 'J Itc. ,I ment III L1I modern world HQ pOi nted buUu returlils frOID fine churches, excel alld OoIQmurll ~t Whom lu~ 1!0~ Cflll11t1 l1t nnd worn lU~erll'tlOJ) uf Lhe (ther g('t OUL t.h I*r b talr 11 by th 1 r nch no- I~nt JI~achlng, lind "the outlay of large has J.lllt under th UIIIl fllr t ue purt he tbe IC!!I!e r hlLlf 01 I.ho lC8801J carth bill! to AYer, n...I•• Co blll L)" lP th eeble\ emeOl 01 AIllCtiCll1l Ulll B of Oloney JII runmng them l' A took III the destruction, of t.ho Vendomo give !lumber of a[l8wel1l were given, among cQlumD In the volllllnic upndlllgsol1870, hbMt1, lind conclud d R fu llo.., OlJAPPI!D hands, ~aoe, )llmpl"", rLOltworm them 1 ~lethodllllD IS leaving the Par.1' wants to !lend ft01ll1l 01 bl " pAint- aaltrhoum Bud ol.er ellf.l\llr.oua dectionl l/OQrer clDl'llo I, and is gatheriog ID and ID to the Cen tell 111,,1 E.illllbIllOIl, but eure,l RUrl. rl'ugb duo III Ide 10ft antl smonth, lII'tlrrng \.0 WID Preo.denlll, Go\'emOrt!, Ing. t h }'rencb novernmrll will not allow by 1I!l lIg lunirer Tar Solll' Bv car. (ul 10 J UlI~~ Mayori' f'tc, "n,1 tbUKthe m 811JiCB ulln 1.0 do l'O r' uthl't delliI'M ll:lvlng get ,,11 Iv tAat mH(Jc b, UllI'Oli "Marc! keo , N." ) Irk OlN ~b~", nre 11II\1\ y, hu\4Mlo n. art' lot rCilche 1 2 H.> rmlm rcmllllg 11111 t, Ill , bwtlJcrCom lO.d. \ IIh .lO, n UII)!1 Lar IIJI \V'"~h Ir ~ T~o I1IlIlh III Ir <If tllre lil P!I(O t J( l!'n LIII)) 1\1 Lh WI nhltlllr 11111 111 ,,1<1 111 t" II14r~ Vl'lId"I\IO v 1111111 mlllh t\lk \~ ut Lh" '"11 ur 1111\11 \lhlle 1 ~1I1 b il l lh lill t< 8 '" 10 bt Ilgai sL \\ ~ should ~I t eln lale to reCOIJ'", uu t I " Ill e I"lOr (In " I.tI lit e llu(heJle!! Wl\n..., &111 Irt etl d ot OUt5 Po."lQfl ¥ PMgalive Pill. I to kllow aOOIiL I,,~ IH'n filII and how to blm !J\I'< l\ II I • I lbe, 1\1'• •c.~ui.\llcall )' p,.pare<l lin d lite ill .\(11 i I milch quartette Bing Wn F.~ )IIU M a young b'jillt Asleep CliO adapted 10 ~II Ihe I urJ ,~e, of " good 1"'118 I I . 'Hail lnl/ y VII ~R ll It" CII~ 01 kid Da[lplug un Dledlc.oe Vegebne is SOld\y All Druggists,
$10 ' $25"orIl11
Ezekiel, 47th Chapter,
~M ~~.
"U,lot ,.
tI, ..
Il ~~~ _~~~.
,,!WeIiAu SAFE AND RELIABLE. Jravo You Weak Lune? Have You 1\ Coua:h 01' CoM?
Ho.vo You PRill tn Your B~c:a~t t! Have You any Thront Uit;el''''c?
nnvo YQn Conlmmpt1on?
USB" DR. L. Q. Cf WISHART'S PINB TBBB TJIr COflDIALJ Arn Y()U Won], and Debllltnt('(17
noYon Buffer from Indlgc!ltlon? Do You require R Tent!''''
Ravo You No Appetite" Do You neod BulhllllgUp? IJoYmnvblltobeStronE&II"HCR1th~ 'l
WE MEAN tTl h4 ..... p...,pIiftd to dODOlWrate Ihe
OUll.A.UG",-;;:;;;.,erate<t ilIIlIraI,-'"
DOR III l'OWEA rwcJ will bore ., lhe ,.1 orao . . .1' .raa aoUB The, bora
h4 AlCY D&PTH nRQUlRItD The,. bore fll
_pt.......... .............................
.&J1 . . . . . . .r
«l..... III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
h4 we 1lA.K. the BEBT ot <WXLLS In QUICKSAND GOOD .A.O'l'IVB AGa.TIS W.n'~I' In
e,....,IIL11te.nd ll<J llntJ In Ute Unlled 8LAt.. lIeDd lbr our lIIuAlraled CaLIII9gu~/_t.mur
prtll"!'J. proving our 11<1' ___-111.8 _ _ot.o. AiJilrt'u
ARVBY ......
'1'11'(' \\ hil'il il hi tH'l\ Iw,,,,"I,' I" 1(" ""T\'. IHr .1 1{' r Hlhl.1 ""1.,It '"*I ,II'j"u I ltI"1I1 I tllIl) 1.,lIlk'lI . 'IU}'" 11"'1. .\ '''''I UII,. Ih'h l 1:0\ '-')"""lIlf".1 hy 1 ,.I'I"I~t· '\ .l\ ... , 1'1 '1' 11111\ hili. 1\' 1 ,,"l o1 , "~. iJk ,· lit,. " Iltrr". ~, ' "11): I n", r" .1 h, 11'1'11
The Great AIlUlVCl'S31'Y Elbibilioll III Pililaduillbia.
I ,HIPO 'i.
. irt t
II !nO
Thl' Agrlellltnrlil UnUdla,;
\ tloll i ..
",111 , Itd'Il"'~ I" I"i. d"I',IrIIll"III . I :~I 1'lId, -It. ,,111 1 1:,11 l re llll "II 'f'r 1:llr"l" all I Puulnt ",,- \\!t il · !. I",~llf f llt :? If) Jllfll~ 1 Ih un ' tt l! '~I I tlu' \ " ('IIIH' lu.u'hill l' r\' p'hil,i Viows 01 the E hibition BlIildlngs alit I Iltl ll , I:,trn pilld .. ,., ,, lin"" h,;t·" UHHk lUI IIIIU' M '" to,&lt 'tlhIU\iI, I .'h' tllt, It, ,tr:lU I H Full Dcscrilltions of the Va·
UI lI'h ilH.·n' , t IH.' ,., 11 Hnl h,OHlIlI' j ~: ' Itl t'"I· . , h\f l~ l iu' (";:,1111':0, IhHI,' r." 1'llIlHlIt r I t.t r· J " j1 l1 lt' r " , (ill' ,
riOIlS DC)lnrtnlcnts. I
I""" r i ll 110" 1I1:II'Ioi' li I' V 1",11 ,,,II I,,' • /, ,, ·,1.1' '''1' 1,1,, 01 hI' " I" i r .. I IlI fllI-t'r 'orli .. :o/ 111I.w. llh ·... 1:.11 h \ ~ 11I1.lt ' P i ty I I he lll'L ,.1 l.II' /: n ....' "I> ,ch 1""'1\1.,,1 III"' .... ill ol"""' l,'r, Wllh n,lr .. k.' "C 11'11 rt~r "l't~It'hralill~ ttl" nIH' hUlulrt'dth :lu " i tll~' 11\ wl1t~I'II ~ ' IItll\' "'h' It't, t tn HVI'Mlry"f \ 1U; rkllll illIl"!"' IIlI'·'h,,'. I,y ,lla lll II r, 1I11,IIII·il: lI. IlfIY II", low .. ; 110 .. t holdllllt IU, 1II II'Fllnlh,"...1 h hlu,L'"11 III """" '1" "" " i, I ,~j)\l, :" hllhl' III'IIII .. 'r .. r af.I., UIIIIIII.liI""',lr ,. 111111. Jlruoillt'i . ur Ih" h"ill'r. ,:\ Iwrllly. Thi_ CII I:\I III' ,I n ,.,.. n,ta .. 1 IIf (ol1ll1{'IWrlli r~: , 'lnt Aj!riclIl'l will I", .11111'10 ~ fruOllh 111111111\\1,111.1 , IIl1l hl)rtl.{·t\ lhl.\'r,·at"~11 ,dM"'lll lIIilcof .. Imrlill!!. 1 1'''11 ," 'i"ly: 1" '1'111111 1lI'lIlI lry, :-.;. 1I. ! lIllrlh lind ..... "lh ulirl'ly. lilOIl,llddHof iblfJ'F.hll tll",llIlIll'h ':'"r lhl' IIrt 0 , hihlLiulI. II,., """~ .. f l'~d i nlrlllll, l'hllllillll"III ,1 '011 lerc lIt'e Th re ulluerli l)¥O lI.tileH~'f ' --() I, ar, II III""ClI: a I cd b I __ m' Of. 11.l e ll\ll.(·~1 Sllille L'{'I\({-1I111111 CONI ' Inl Wile IllItl 111, trt~ .. t.c.t lu tt, ,t III' II I1Wllf((l-. "11'"11' 111, ,\ 1I11' r.i 'III' IIrt i~1 ha v.' I~" 'II ' ~,ll'l.lto" I t 1>:\'i>'1 " I'ltil 'h IIl('h , l' nei IIl1ad dmllll. 'e I.i lie, 0.,.'11/1111 Dflu,.,,,,,- 1.,,,·,,., Ih I' dUlfI's "I'll Ihum"III,1 \'oicI' wi C o~ Y I III nllYf\ tmneep , IlIJO. CL " 0 LI e I I I. l II I I " I 8UPIIIY ."I),1 .,.,,.·, .. I·.·.·~., ",ch .. -tml """OI'II •. -I"I·UI • • "., ."11" !I' UI II", Ill""lh ';'IIr ·"1I('l'811~ lit&t'OrneJ'8 of III " I ~X . "UI , IOll. . II ~ )lJIY ,IM III wor. , Ilill It , IIIHY. III) I.mllllcllllv, , :"o " II'ty: ( ' n Ilornin I'i,,"r,'r l"OCl('lfi', "millll" Hy ~I'J\1 )11t·nrH ., , .. 1 I . .. , . '1 1' I I .. d the l.'O ml K'111', 1 01 I'' " . "U"'" ...~lo" er" f t 1'"I"'em II y III th Ilpp.trlllll'1I1 •\ III {'", 'II II I 1<'1,111 I 1'",I\','" II,lI' l 'lllhu Ie fOf lh " lor i);11 , , lIil't:tlllt Ull....~ !!o lu by "'J'roll \V, WhitIlA,., " III I 1lI11', II\ V . , I ~ I 1(1 uav{I lUl u en Iran· rolllI,t a,'1 I LI Ill. :Il't1l'llI·c.1 urrtl.. ","flI<I Bu.",,, .. ,,,. fH ~.. IICIJf<4 for two III thl'ir Hi lei!, " I I " 'J~I"" , I' III'of('.1 III' rt' llCa lcti to th() " I r I bl I ;.~ e!adl :-itlll .. '1 11.1 '1'1" nlory, 1I0Illill!lI~'d I,'Y "I' IIIIIII.. t:lllol' palllllllj.:. lh~ [ ' lIIle.1 :-:I!ll e~ T,,'lnl AUslill"II,· 1111 /.. " 01 J\IJ~ I'ri'·Il. I II' :dolll! thl' Ki"e~ of '1Ii"IIII IU I Ihe rCllI'P' I '11' II'II L U .. Il' r 0 f I"• 11111. Ii,.'rtl • Il , ' Ig;' "" ",r","I, 101 .1 1I111~'lI1Hll'd 1'1i '".. bt"f 111111, fII(W'\, 11111 'MILl Yll lit( lor II' " p ro 111IiCy l', tbo •. .. IIII.'I.~,'I.II<C u "" I '. 'f! ' f'" "' "II, S"".I' I lit I H.1I I Lh ' 1111111011 ' lJo rsbihi. 'l'h ~mlllld p/tlll IIr t1)IlCeti h'" build. b < IJII) gl '\ e!I'",.,., III" I CIIIlII."'.' '!' II Il':" 'II I a I',",'r, I1"1' IIly t I,an 1111' 1'111>, '1'1" ~ "!.11I0<1 ~ lhu I' n,' .l!\t'llt of Ihl4 llll t~\.1 I,'" h lL~ 'liCt' lI Ihl t.o . ~p." l. ltllilt'II.hll' 111, ",<1 AIt II II "",-", Inti,," : ~IIh" II I('II'K ( ml'cr~ /I,r lho 1I11r1l 1l~...:n1l"~1J IIr lit tho III 01' 111111{ ,")' II II~ I'rfcr,J~.1 :11111 1 lit I': I~ , 1'l' JI~C ('.Ir \'O'C,' ru!l1J II "e ill~ is pnrnlll.llolYrlun lHO feet by 820 feet, ~(lI II'K. r lw l·."lt'rpn",', 1I1l'rl'fur , ' M,ltli' f~"11I III(' l'IlIlL.rlhtllllllhl "I ,".'rhall IIr, 1 '\ -""UlILIlIII , " Ihl, ~ l lIrylllll, ll t 'gilU~ lIt ; 1'11"". Th •• dt."' igu 0 I. sud, tI ~h,'red iu uY 1\ l'C " ro mill torlU , UIII, 1111I'"0IH' aUlI ""lfll""J110/' tho? " a~t COli' , Uo e I tJl,cllv 1\ IlIIlllllllti UlI l', uII, lnol. iI,~ ha•• \I S1<', :lI'I'It"atl'JII~ frill II '''·r",.·' 1.[,111"1 1'It','clllh ~ I' \\' York I'''''IIIIC I' I ', J\ 'JJfll'I · ' ll'llllIl1 l' xll ,' L,',)r" . k' l' "II'11'llC II lit Len Jl.1\I oDo-quarter 1 , U h .. ~ u. " ,m ("jllll II Y ; IP Ioro I" ' g lIl 0 •< I0< k SIIII I'1l,I I turo I II Itke ' thl' "'lIIg of Ih ,1I1"""1~ O\'l'r 1\emrC8.rmltH, ~tce ll (orelgn nat.iol1~ felOlBrve 1\O,.nCItIllP," bt'en, ~WI ,I, tile Wi ll'" of II "III'" llia ll IlIlH tllll" ~ lh' " "hibitit. lg ,'11 11 1"~l1l1 llnlli,lal ~ ,d PlY: ~1 :ll. ler'. 1 i"Ii r o l' I'llrLllllily <.If Iwth if'" 1Il1~ I I I I I ' I III ' l('I. I,Che "," pllllll~, 1111,1 CVNy 1I1U!lllllr . II ' I ' 1 J' I ' h 1'7 "7" cI'rll"rnt I ~ I ~lJltl'~; lu "" V IIIIIII ~ " . .. IY llrullg I I II' (. 011(', 110< , ' Il) lIr p. 111 . / W:UI 111,,1 ,' v"ry 1'''llr' .v .. l P nvllto •, : ' . ..l!' II • "I" Irl' a II,ur. Ie,.I I,y II 1(\ ' rCll l "' PI1IUrll\ I , ' \ '''' ''' 111I '" " " I II11' t f "I l'n ...lllllllmL,VC • • lllrlllc,1. ~ 1"lce Inr ,110 1111 I ' (IlIK,llIll I . III t e '" tb lh I·. ,,'IIIIILIIII II I rIll IHIOII 'or I t'" " "I' I'I' I111'1, I ,,'('11 I ' \ " "y .. I II... ," \1111 I~ ' r I:1111; I II '"11 I) " IIII lillie d",iel'.. 'It II" II' III ,1 1111"" :l1,""killll' ,IllY ~u uhI IIUt hllve l Thl'1I "\111" lh,' "d"rr",' nf J O"" ,,·C. ' WII" more , ". ' \I' l ,K 0"" ,.. " l '11 ..' n II,l. II l IIe " ~ I,II I,' . "Ilunre I ""0 A Ir('mllln, 'b't "" to an he ",UIRY 10, j 76 • all, I rr ll1 :l1ns " I' II '"" • I III ... II' "' ""'tHOr"r) I'1" " 1' '" II 11 11 II ' ll" " , I ' I,ri 'llIl'lu" I 'u' 1I111"!r"d v ,/i .l ri ,I ", 1"1'(. "1"'1' ,I ,,"t ,II' I'l Ilr n I II'll' d -" ,' Inl~" , VH n"'rlmll I'lt II IOnl a." , 1111-:", \, "'"1 111,'11 l \ .... '(·'" • 11"'lr,o, 1 '1'/,"< , '\ .," .- 1'1'1 ,1, /" •• 1 , 11 .1,\I ·y, 1'loo, ' 'I0 .Ill' ,., I N,!,'I' III l)e r.. IU. Thne w,lI I.., .1 lix.',1 lIllIII ~ h all (' Xhl UIlII'g 1I', Ii,, "- lIill 111' 1 11I1II,I!lI_ )I< II' lIIIII'1I1 ,h "''''II'I' ull, UUllrd ' "I"llI >I";"l,' d III ' I ~~' I'i " I r,,' "Ihl _Ilflll, .tI" I IIIWII w. 'r d"d ill dil' l t 'l'III{·III1 I. tI C""' lIIi., ioll, II I clvftr. rillilillg .'('C"IIII111" IIlcJ . ThiS lIec iLlu e pecial r I I III II '(' ,"'11 1r:t I an ~II II pry . I :',I I r,"· I I '' ''"'(,II~IUII, I lit., rll,.1 hJII1I1 I ""0 of th ~ '" '"11 I ~. ""IIW, lIl"'" 1I,,'lu.1 ..."I\'nll. A~, I l'l,t 1,' lf I,o"r."" 1I' I.>r I.,,,.>, 1I,.l . ,I I" 'I "I,ll ll'.'lr, ,' II I ' rl'~ "," '1,li Il 6"1 IlflCe! of tilly l'r III ,or II. IIII I>-11I 1I I"" II / ,Me ,. ., I'I"III'O I" 11 I forI tI,l' colll'ctivo ' ex I dbibi~ b ,Lof Ih C ""II"lnI;H'"I1 I~nllll1d ~. r hO...!}'trl'lary,,1 Lh · II:I \' Y nrrnllhf'd 1 ~1"l! "'l'h ll '!l1 l 'II I1 !1"·~x. H,lIe 1\ ",ld.I' ., -IIt',·,h.II I1 I :<OII/.:lll11lthl' dlll1l ,. II I III'II ~ .. r II", Exh,hlli un III l 'r'""I~lIt (lmlll 1I', rn ll lira reHGllr'CS prOV't c ywe 'l'h"I'rllh' III1II" J.! r"ulld""rt~",IIIIlc.t,," lhnlll l'lI it,·d:-llllll'~ \I"",<'lwh lJ llld, ',, 1I· 1I1 1,,,",,( lh,' I ' llill'o/ :-Itlll.,. : l 'elll ,'II II ill I , IIl' fI~lll"" " ,III,,1 a I.lrJ;! PlHliollO( Ihl' Th l'r.~id"III'. fI" I"'''' '' ' ''l; d~ll\ e red ,litl"renl~I~I\.('. l!I' w,'. l,· rn It,\IIk of the I"thuylkill n'rJ'H'IIII'Jl l EllrII\,,' l\1I 1"1I\<, t.. ,'" lll'd l l.ell ""' ; l'III I,,,II' ll'hill '<'IIIIIY :\11'ti, ·,,1 I 1.IIII' rtJ "i ~ ilurs hlld rt'tired fl OIll tbe /l, rOI IlIl I"' I " ' »1 1.1\1' a "II,.' ".. hi b,' ,"auJlllll', ('~, III ntllllllOI1 t.o the /l rrlul1l ls wit hin lhe flV.' I·, .111>1 wilh," FRirnHIIIIIl 1'lrk, 11,1' :11111 trnll' pll rl hit I{'r III IIII' I':shihitillll :-I"'lI'ly, III lrtl"' lI11 I1:\1 :l1,',Il".il Com· I did Ihe "ill .l{lWH o f hell"l'lIl1l1l1ill " I)('n (" '1'1 w lh" ...· "l',lr till' ~t, 1I111 I'll,' pr...... illrlo~lIr('l. III ' ellWbly, lu"" teJ Rl.lIckyard, 111 1,,"" \ 1'""Ia,' I'lirlc in I' ruxilllllY III II ) Ihl' \\','rk~ IIi ~IIICrl~1I11 . Irt l ~ l ' " ', " lrIlL ~ " ,., Illd \'lJllIl1l1'('r FIT,' I 11'/' 'rtllll'1I1 The raIllUII'. Lilx>rty> U Wll\.ll origiulllly IIIHI I!I "I' us a 'unhl' ~II) W el', Hill ,t III~' h"lIl'rally 1I' l' r,),llIrl',1 1I1!' ""<'JlII"f :!~ :,,'1('_ ill I'xtPIII, IWlIIll('en provided for g r""l"iLy i,~ .11 ..,. 1I'0rl. I, nlll i ,1\1' r, 1,11(1 I !II ElIr"\,,, . 1\111(1111( Ih(' P!"loj ,k.oj· . of 1'!t ,I,,:I.' II,)',I,I: I krlll,I II. lll! II UIII ... . 1 1'1 Ilred ofl'al>nill he for "1IIIIICl, til Pliable f.,,, tlll'l' "I tJl C I'r'" I''''' 'J1~". Iy illlpr~,.. Ihe flt_ plllY I)f li" e ~ l\.ck, whi cb lVii/lie tl)(I'~ bl'all~I I I,1 '" III ,'O\lI lll\'. I hl' '/:11111('1 1. lin' :-;" "lh:III1I'IIIII I"r 1':111[' ' \"'iY ", II", l 'Il"U""' ,l'll' , cIC·. l 'htla.I~lphi" III ~SIIll>lt hl'r!i•.' lf ill 1\ " ioll ~ l"lh{' ., hul,>"II,"r ",lIll11 )!;\I'en III ,'s hillile.1 ill 1l,. ' riC8 uf !lhows durillg park 0 11 111111 :1, lli" aneH. Ivll nr ""h ' It , '1.111" , ll :wrt· I(,r l"flllIl"', Hr"II11'1I lur 11"j.. ~ --__ __ _ _ I " Ir~Cll'rIllII'·IIIUI('. t" w word •. Th"llirll'l'f l' rll,.,·,',III'J.!" lIere Ihe! 1Il')lI lll~ "f HC I' I~lIlher. Oct"bC!r. IInt1 hll"8 !Je1'1I 111<'10 ' ,I iur th , Hxh;hilhlll \I ut ll Y, :tlld Lq.;hnrn 1,,, Italy /",1111 JIII II,illl' _, 111 1 Im'armu 'col !I ,,,I cin·III1Htrilou.1 l>y ' ovt;'lIIhc' r. 'I'wu IIIrIltH, 'lHorC(":~ r, of TIn : IlVl'UU'\ 'I\OI\ :; lixe, 11111'1" .111.1 ""\Il Iho l'OIl<:lI lIr, o Ilf "bout Cil) !ll' rI'H"lIl'h •. hllV(' hl'ell ,sUllably '1'1" . i,,, 1'.tr"I"':,,~ra lll , rUllllill!! I'n~ 1 1 11r,, "~huu~ lh (" Iy w,'r I'rol'lI.0 Ill)' pc pie, W},illl.,y'. ""Iu, IIlId 1'l' I'IIIIP8 1'IIII" tCli f,.'r the trllli of ngrlcll itural 11111/ Wf'.t 1,'7':lc l'l loug alii nnrth !llIt l YLl llll- lI11 \lre,·e.lclil. Tho HlH" IH Wll rl' Jlllwl ~Y'K "Ilt?,' d" Ihere "'",. nOlhilll; lII"ch ' lI l'r). " H,lI, JtH I"I'L \\ ,.II', 'l'lt, lou)!er 1"'" 1 "hlaze wilh Ihc 1I"g~ 01',11 1 JII.tillIlH, 1'1Ib- HPII"tllueou ~ ur 1I 1~r.ir""n lllll nuoilt Ih Ill. Irfl h'llI'lIIlc lI('o 0,,11 li,," is 1111" <\I)ry hi ll: h, th o 1I1IPri .. r hI! III,illllI'I;H. "tore alld "rll alo r~~i· !io fflr 'Ill tbe ,li~\lIIY of lh wllr"I'~ ill' I The hn ll or ill,lell('n. lonce,OI: hl!l·hl bt~ l l11!' '" I' \' t' lIl y tt l(.'I, anll lite l:\.' r· ! ,1PUCl'" " ert' \:u\l'rl't l "ltlt Ll lt" H. The III('C un Ihl' 11111 ",.11' f'lrtY'l'i;: h L Ire t frolll L, .I)"I'r 1\,"ldlllg Ill on(' IIllI \III' hll ll, lrl'd t ho /.:rllll llol. \ l Ih" ':"1111'1'111' the IIJUI!'~r ","l , 'p.lny '1'1,,· ~ '.'I'· H"lIrP ,," 1nd', -i.I,," ,Irl' pr"" 'I I"' I" lUi Il'l' t III It' lI~lh , II.!Pllrc ~rl llllrl' , ' "' ' li l\:r.,II Y flll"I,I,,1 and",., i h" , "01,,,,1 11'1 ""iI JIIJ~ I'rn.ll'· 'Y 1111'111 "lid wilh 1'.• illlll'l!' ., r IIII' 'CI,U" lil li " ~lt, 1,·, 111' 11' 1I)! lh. 1II IIu··p WillI It I .. I ,UII" of tho Ihinl"' 11 IIr'gill ,,1 ~1"ll'w. nrp III til. , , ' " lll t' ( "I t ilt.> fuur I'l id, l "", .trc I (.0 ult cre ~fO ll " ,'ulll, h (\ ll jolN4 , {' nr~! c:tr. l jl4"~lt .1111(' lIIitd l '~ IlIJ.lllI' ..·~, Uh l"11 .1 (" I ti:lJ! '~ :r' 1 \'Hrl W , h l 'r'iC~- (· H~ ryt.hll1g thnl I'rll\' hl ed II ,11l .,r, <l.l f?lI UI'''" l h" ).'; roll,",1 1 l',"l1d I,oh l I' 1I1\~' MllfI, ul ~ I\r Itlll c1I11l1 r, 111\.1 «'IIlml flle.ll le. no It' I' ~ high. " " ,,,"\( 01 \\1I1t Iii III ~ lllhlll l! Ilk" 'l I'll ".L-l ""1"11'" ,dlllurtl'llll' Ilflll' ll'ltl l', rr h;lll i (' II ~.'p lI. nn,1 /lr" hllhly nc ,·.' r ("r l'!lrtillJ.!"', vi ~it or. :lll~"IIII" lI'ill l'l'Ilf(aill, I' cr l't the FlIllrLh ul II~Xl t ·,"/ll'ru,lI'h t lllr d"u " .,fl h" lJUildJl1!; Hilde r CIJ\I'~ I J uly . " r~I I<' .tr,·,,, II'. Till' ....ll lIh Clllr,IIlC \1 ill I 'I,IE :-IUII'Hl .. r l' l:tll'l.," III' Ihl' 1'"11l" 1'1I1 !! l'l' roadl frolll rni lwlIl' l I c!l rs. 'I'lle Ih ', ll' lllr,II I('(' nI'CI1 K ul'olllh~' I I.I IlER'f IIEL I. I'r,"I'''l ill the (;r"I\lI1I ~ all,l IIl1il l l i\llf~1 II 11 Ii II 1"I"NII!C' wny to Iw" I'r illl'lpnl build. , . "" ')I'l' uilll! ""y, wn \nrillll~ly ~~tilllll ll.'(\ "' ", LllI' 1lI"l'll lllcry 1111,1 agricultural CII~t ill ElIllln',,~. ·It. , ii\' I t l\J"l~ill' ilL 'rOI)l :.!5U1tl OO 10 3I1U,I.H 1U. lJUt Cllllllut be h 13. :\lIt! til" IIortlo N,h,lIoo to III mo(" lIu ..... 'I;' ".(',tl • ' n""fll'11 tAy kn')IYD,IIK nil rtlwrd- wlle Kti'!'t, ri!ll ll .. 11 \ lIrlllnllE'ry). T"l\c r" i{j fel'L "By (lnl'r or t ,e All" IIlhl)" I) r th e eXI'I' pl "I lho:<' wh" 1Mit! lheir "lIlra ll lll ill hd"hlri .~ IILr,Idll!OrllprO rlhe ullit,l· "rll"I II ('r "' l'1'" II"y h.lIIin , 17!i:l." AI "" fe.'. Klll ,l 11'11; ,ery .lfge,uhl clIlIl. l lln ly ill ~. III ,mt.' tL,,"htllln,"·C' lIlral I<'lltllr,', j " l' rnl'i ,III1' IIhr rl)' I hr,," ;~ I"'" L nil Ihe' l"' r,,k,," prlh, ~Iol' !I, r,. :Lllrllh".'lllll(rf' 1II!!!1!1!@[I~ij~~ I lh(ll'On i' I.,r HH f~.'L "'l'''lfl'nt t h c(l ll ler I LI1d , .11101 IIl1 to nil the inh!! ui lnllls 111 11.,. '111l'y c\l'rflu n ell tho blllld i ll ~", till' a h.L.' hop lI "lI~,1 nIHl\" 11", ~ lIrro unt!in ~ lI'f'fcof" ll"IlIlIlI", tilt' ~ lree l • tb o hOLI' I ~. Ihe enr.. 1'" rtloll •. \1111 f,,"r I,' •.,'r• .[, feet ''l "llre Bofore Iho bell 1\'11 prO,H' rlv hili'/! II nlld I'ver)' nv aihlulo "race. Therl' 1I111 ~t I.!O Il'I'L III/.:h, lire intra- wn~ ~ rndrr" uy a "" ' .ke uf the ('lnl'l:er hlll'l.' be!,11 hUI1.lr~dK oi lhow.nllds p re"!' lIl 1 1111.\ ri_1I1g to TIII~ :-Irnm kTATE•., Ul IL DI:-i(i, BeH idc~ thi ~ lract, then' will he liug!' Mr. J3 II, the 1'III11'Cllt I:ngll . h 'c lllp 01",,·.1 'lit... the ,'Urtlc," of lhi ~ ci I':tted 1111.1 'm~ recast ill tlti ~ (,~lI l1 try. lL Wllhill lhe ~rou ll d~, lli'~id.'~ It g rclIIlIIlIl. Ylwl" II "Ir by Ihr lll{' clI.hiliition of.lo ~k , tor, wh o til'''lg np,1 lh" !! r""I'" i r th " " ... 1' This);lIl'" wlllil:lli .. 11 :II! well lUI fi lli ~h e" flll,l hllll r;. i n JIII1 If" l ilia fll lIwdo of oll \jjidllrd too iIll I'I'C \lIIl OIl ~ Pr dll~tr l r' 'UI >I Iht", ""COIII<e 0 1 vi.l tor.a re I ~ treC'l, h('(lI re ll Fifth and t{ixth, WII~ amI a fllrm of forty,l wo IIc res hM nl re:1l1y I'li nl h lur lhe I!rrnt Alhl'rL ",clllori:d ilJ 11 m.1I111'1I I.. 'I'he mnill hllildlng ghes liii,l\l tho tilll{l Ihe All1lm C1l 1i (urce, ' I"" 1'1I 1'. iOJo\1io ll~ to I'ay 1111 :](IIIII8!lillll ""lI!r l'lll'd Ihl' 11111 II I!; II ra I gra nd I cOlllnlfller tf ill L ;2~I, ,"I1 I -C')lIIpll'lt'.1 ill hee n "uitably plaull.'d fur th" te S I~ 01 Hyde l'.trk. LOlirllJlI , h". liil-l, ha"llIlS hCfll oIl',il{lIcti i,'r Ihl' 1I!I{l o ( rel'f(I' 1l~6,OU~ "l"Mr Il'ct of ~urfilco or lIen rly werl' cmll lJclled to \'/Ieu"le 1'1111:1..11'11'11 ", f ~('. AmI whcll th(' mill CIll\le pOllnll!; 8'h"'( R' , )lowlI, nlllwenl. rcapel'll and ol h r II" "lice" ill INr:I COLln. at Ihe cel,,· :!q UI·\'C. 11 g rolllul ]>Ian ~bo wa 1\('('11' lhi8 uell, togethe r with ( ·hri . t ('hllrd: dO WII , li n,) whrll nftr r li,'1' o'dol:k thl' • WO 'N II ~I " ! NV_~, th I' rov 'll 'lIll \ ""clIlblw",; :uIII the 10llg n cullllnli ulIlchinc ry. 'fh (' da y \\ 11 " ci1l..cd by IIluJlllullt' OIl hall fnnll.' rly "' [/11' UI'I'I'I Htory WIl8 bml",l ",ork~ ill Lamuel h. th e ' I nil nVl'lIu!' 120 f~r~ 111 w,dlh , lllltl J ,sa:! chime., WIUl ramo\'!'d to AllellluwlI t.. ' ''litHo 1\ N O reqlllr d W \,UlIlI t.hll Ex· The lo:llhlbitioll bu ildingH li re :I pp ronl'll ' OIlC wlli ·h ~Ylllu(lli;rea Am Crtrn. fe tin lell!!lb will 'h I Ihe 100IIre~lll\'cDtlC prm'e lH l hem hlllll g melt d illio ('1111:' 0 11 IlIb, lhlll Bllilrllllg~, lh ey throll geJ lhe IIlId U,III'III ~ I ., '''"I' Il /flliRhrtlllll tl w<'lIlt hy ,,(tell II-rol I.,r I; n il " I oJl1cial b'U1quo18 cd bY l'ight Iill ~of8t r et 'olin!, which C('"' Tlw fig llreK ill lhi ~ gro up 11m '11101'1'111, ' of Ihllt wld lh \:I'or ILI~roduciid IIllo 1\11 uy lhe E lI glisb; at the cloil\! of thl' Wllr ' slr"ot.." lille,llIlI lhc hotel., r~~t.llurrUlI.8 Gl Ll r.o ll" rCII.llI 'ge tho llIor~ ,1I11 ~ LrOUH gi vell III ):lo \ orn u,.•• n -ti ll/.: lli hed Htrnng. nect wi tb all tho ot.her U,ea ill the CIty, coveri ng a groulld e ()f liftel'lI f(!C t l eS hlhilioll blldd lllg. Un lll ther dido of iL wa R rl'Lllrncl/ 10 l'hillldl"lphUI IIL1tl rOil, ulld , h:U1l,I'S ".1 1""('11 1, le \le,l IIpun, .111 !,;leRl.. Thc I hl el Itlll' " ~ f ntlmclio ll 1" 118 N S 1111.1 /!P II" nll., !I,"1 Iu lbe ml?LII001'1! of nnd by tbo I'l'lIndy lvnlllllllml Helld," !; Bq ll nrt'. lL is plIlCt'11 ill the <greut Ihi. ,. allolher 11 \ '(' 1111 01 elJunl lellgLh, Ullued in con8mn-t Ul!6 unti tt 18:! wh en , street car., caus, {'x l'rr.s \\ .lgI)1I8, icr loilORl ll II I .tll'rt,lIn<l til(' cell Lr.1I nbJect th e Fri.1. UolIg rt'M l,h l'll Ihey nrril't)d in railronds, over ihe tm c k ~ of whi oh Lrllill8 ('.(' lI tral ar t glllll'ty, OPl ~llc Lite I'rluci pal I "lid I 00 feel wide. H!'twe8n lhe ceutrlll i l WIIS r.. placed by the presellt bell: The Cllr l..~, bet'r nllll ll rOCl' ry WIIIlOII., :I lid c\ ery I nd pl'cn dellcP ~'jlqtrC " e\ end ellll' IUUI 177·1. I L was on j!illltlly d ('(~ora tell wiLh Il wi ll al,..., rUII fmlll lhe North ['01Il16y l· (,1I~rtlIl CC. I nlltl . ,clt' IIV(IIIU Pf<'nr ·"i sl e~ " feet Wide, old bell 1I0W baog.! In ~h e 0111 StR le olher aVllilabll' Yl'h,cle to whell~r Ih rlll li l! h t~ oIlulU ,Jlutcu Independe nce H,dl ' 1lItely "l.I'C'ple, wh ich WII< IlIken dowu ill vnni8 "'lid Philadelph ia, Wilmingto n, Tho Ilr~ ex.h ibitioll in c lutl('~ , ill addi· 1111'0 on the IHI\~ r ~it!c" of the buihling Bou<c in PhilJl.delpltill, ' frolll ~hll Illrill , (, r enrry tbelll II Ito l he wi th lUI I',llrilllic tlrnl'ery, 111111 c rmvtl. of 17i4 011 Il{' '0 11 II I of d' '''y; .,lIly 1\ "101\11 mll1 Ilalthllllro rn iln"I,I. 1'hll8 till' 1'1'1'1'1.· ' "' g" t! I>"ck ,,1111 f.. rlh, w~ lI ed III lJE' lfry I\!I' IplLiu I'o\'or Llle be ll 1111 It I Ihe ]1;",h ibitillU i ~ ill immedillte IOll lll'clion ~~ III II I (111~'I III 1l' 11"11, IIml rolll'd lip ' he8l- 1 YPllr of J S ~ R , \I-hl'll tit ' I II~ ('Ill ,Lel.'l'lo ~~~ with Ihll Ilnll re rollrontl ~YH l"U1 01' the IIl1 l, 1'~"IWilrC l , 1111,1 filll,1I t.lt p lI(1 rLh a mI \ waH l' r~clc,1 ,,. IIl'llfl y IIk(' Lhl' 11II1'i1'lIlnlle CO \ln ~ry, 11,"1 lill y .1111' wi thin ninety mlleH '" Hil la '4trt P t lilt 111t1t'fiuit.(' j;( PIlt.:(\~ , 1111 H :t~ Cln,'lIm~t:lll \ t.' ~ would pt' rllllL Th e uf l' b. 1:\l lrl l'hi n l',," \ I. it it III 110 j,(r<' Ill' r III., I" Hlr III Ih" 11 1;:111 . '/'ltl" III UrllIll j! anci PIIL b,'ll. iu rtlllTlv 11 .1'01 f.,. LIlt' e1".. k, ,'n l lllltll Iltat. .If c :t rriu~c' Itirt' allll l' I 1(' !IUllt II tl :d li lt' ti o/ III ~ .: 1111 11lur(' i!i rrIllHrI,.tI,ll~ fu r It ~ I'rfJll/u tll' l n~t.:rJl'" Pari. '" Vit'lIll1',' hiblLi nu. 110 II I " 11 1111,1111 1I,1"I II ,tI 1i .1~' III Ih,· \ '11 y Will . Urtl! lI"lIl y '11I 1".rl ,'. Ir"lII ElIg IIIIIU An 1I1lp"rlalit " I ~' dn l "xlllbtl HJII wiil lIt H,li! III r I) 1.11'4 ~. M UI.:)O III. III I j'-':!I III ll ('r.lt k,'d 111 il'" li r~ 1 rl lI ~i ll g, lx, " 111.1,, h y tlt n l tl llI" H W ILt- ~ ~I)\'I m· it W:l~ rtL'.l~lll1 l'h rbult" "hl u, all, 1 tlw in .. 111('111 , Illlri hlL' hl·,' n l'rt'pnrt~" II",IN .ht' IIC r'l,lI UII, " 1' r.cl.ulII lIbe rly lhrough ..., ~tl p(l l \ i~ illl1 of a hO ~tld 1,1 !lilt, ,~ r'" rt ' pn '~ out the lau,l , Ililtl 10 a ll Lho \'l'lIl'lr Ihero: ,oenlillg the ~~ \ .. ral ,· x('clIl,.1' .11'1"" (,. I I~ III dl ' l !...~ \ II l1 u.· l 'e llt c lIlIl.lI '"If' rOHlld ,. ",f" \\ ... I' I.'el't I 111',111 .It. '1'1li S " "K lIIore. 1.<rI) ' '' , ' r , .,' h " lIl1'''~l' .1 1II1'"Ut~'," ' 1 lh ull l"t'nly ,'N r. t.efm\l lh~ illlll' l'I'lI<l. meull! of UI(' go \'c rnmenl. A fin e l>u,lol· Il,"'r - II". II11 'II'ldloYII-'II!1I1I1,'1l Ihl' CIll'(' orLh~,'"IIIIIII'~ W M tln':lIl1 rd \) l : yt.t illg of lour allli :1 hlllf lin.', i. 1'1'0 ' itlt',l \ "Io!l1111 , III II", 11'1( ""'""I,,,"d . w,th Lite ":)ICII thll nCcl.trll ~hl\l Wl\~ ~ih u('d Ihl8 ror th e ,) urfllJ~, "1"1t'I' ill \\ IlIl'h will he h. ' I>I .,1' ,, ' lI, r }'!lIIII(' I, :",,1 \I"I,eaw~ "cry hell II'n~ III tir"L, by 1I8 1110rry pelll, OCCIl I'I \){ hy the WIlr, trl'J1~IIr " , " '' '' V. III· Ih" d ,,·, \I, "h lch Ihe 11I11.t1l1J.! 1 Il' llIlI~~, to .. prodll llll IIll(\rLy tl";p ughout tho terlor, 1 1O~(,."flll·I', all,1 ,, ~ Ii"llIlllr:t1 01,,· l'arlOll'0 18, 1111.1 i"illlilhllnllillll 11I.t.lwllon , VI r. , , It 11011' IlCellpl.,~ II pl lu:e ill tho II I11l'- IIII, loIl lI"" l'reell'd by lhe lJen· 1!<oIIlh \'l'~llhlli o of the ulI,I,litl l:;. The The \\'''1111'11 '. l'rl'l I'tI II III I l'x ~r uli" I' 1\1,1I {'\I1IIHI-!'\I~1 1l I I h~t.·l.lrallOl1 tI t [nd c p<'th lpul:(\ WH-" ! i,-! l1cd conunltit'e 1111\'0 rRI <!Ctl ao,ooo fur lhr I t (,1IIhol - I' IIIl' '! ~ , ,'It ' \lid :SUllO lHIII,I· I , nlh c . hHlIlhcrulllhelp(t.ul' Ihc l'rincierectIOn of 11 l'" vi holl '" 1\ It k h It' I' ~ ' hlbi t !'"ery klllli lll' '1II11l(,1I '~ wurk 'I'll ill~" pat l' ulr IIIL~. . tune yr artl "i"eo tl10 \I' hil. '- F"" ' ~ II lo ll"dll'f!" 11111"1"" .lfctliltclllral .Il' 'IIrallUm 111\1 1 !I,," '1IIrl'I.illll 1\('11' ' 1\ ill nil tllI lIO'" .If(' ,\, . ,lIu\\ 1:1 '''Il.lt lr,lllt :o:, plal'e" ltl (' lI ll;!rM fur ll lllltO of' till '" fllo m \\ e re remo\l(Jfi, eX l'l'clrcl to l'oIlLri""lr 1:11111111'111,"11 :1I"llhur 1'IrIl,,",ui'l' lIeti \l ith lIew furn i· The Ii .t or ~1'r.'· "11 hl lll . I," !!~ 1\1 11 1, .. , 11 - "1 <.·. 11,,".,,111 - Iouildill':'" Lurl'.U1d 1" I"" 'r), '" lI' Odl'rll "IVIt'. '[hie IJo frum lwo hundred III lW ll hu nJr(' I "', \r " tl ll \ l' IIH'llt , , ·(j ·rt ' lIl'C, . 1 :ll' pFlrHt" (lr ror 11h "4 tl lth'l' ht' (l lt rt' p :l lrfJd, Hit was 1111.1 til'Ly. I\I ... t "I' th .. 'Ill !HlltUllt forc'$ " IICL ()f uUIIlbt'rH111111 Ueefl 1\,10" ....·" to ellcb IJV~Hlbl ', by resluriu/:: tiJtl 1111.11 to ll.t! nlllion ~- EII!l'IIIII , I , O(1rlllan y, AU.trlll, clt.y; nud yet not more thlln 0116 fourth 01 tlll~ I,>I l uIYIII~ four ij uutl lvis'Oll III' the IlIlCleut nppOl\ rllll CC. Tho portraiilf Franco, ~WI'''ell , E~ypL, JlIl'lm, II lid tioll toLh o worksof 'olllemp0rllrv arti.ts , I RUl nller lli~le. of ~ I fc('l ill wldlb . , '/'0 l'ortngul at Ute CellteDulld. of thelll could be accotmnodllled, lind the groulld. illclot!t!11 (or Exhibition I'"r· ne:uly overy IIlIeof the Hi~lI orH now Iltlorn othe r. -hnvl' pil L III' UIl!' or l110re . Irnc· re pre8eIlt.ll tive producl.ion of Ihe I'"~~ I hr('lIk th e !! r ~lIt I CIl~ 11t of .lho roo(, ltn R tbe Willi.. 01'1.\11 " ILily. Lures Meb, fm ex hibi lillg PIIC/JOil\!", or centllry of Americull I\rlr-tbo~o , for in. / lhfee lrnll:!cpt.. ":\1'6 ~_Il lotroduced! of All of tho articles from ;Porl.lIgnl for l'tIst bnd to trudge homewnrd lI(oot P08('H: 1. IIl1hlill!(" loollwJ IlO llth of lho Ave· (or lh ~ u.eeof the commil!l!ioner8, exhibit.- stallce of 'l uart opl ey Trumbull bite !ll\me wl<Hhs UIlt! U\ lhe I!\lnle rl"lllLlve e xbibition lit the CeuWlnnial EXllO:litioll th rough l he llIost adhesive ,\lId inler· nile of II,,' 1I"" l'lIulic ~n rry 1111 bllllllN S 'fell Million VIsilorM. Ol'!lllnd-vl ~ito1'\!. Ollccs ulld hMdqllftr. West. Alstoll, fil ull y , NenKII': 8l1iot, K 11: 1'0.iII01l8 in l'n~t' " Iher n~ lhr lon!!!llllli . !Ire pillcod in l hei r varioW! dCJlllrLmenl.8. minllulo IIlUU. Tbe oeclLoion demon· blu!' 11I11IIl>('r~ Ix'I w e(' 11 ulle 1111" fifty. tors 0 1 thiM kind, usually of cOl1sidemble il\!ll , Cole. TbelOC. Il~ wrll M the work. 1111 11\\ enlll'~. l~, e"6 crOllll Ihe ~lllll<hllll: Portul(ul, ill this Ellblbition. hRs/,aid 8lmt(>d the uLLer illnde'lIlRcy of .lre!ct 2 H.ldollll!!" InCIlt.cd lIorth 0 1 tile tlf Ih~ !!:FJlII\I \'1)1111 of th .. crowds of I\rcbit~cturl\l be£1I ty, nre prov itl ed by offerecl l>y living IIrtisl.!!. have bee n I' R~lf('d ' a.',,1 II re, .j Hi f~I'L III. 11'1l).,'loh The InlerlleC' ~ peci al I\ttentioo to agriollltuTe IIUl In· IIn,1 rni I cnrs, and pll blic ami pri Ville con· Avellllo o( Ih \' Itl'l'uiJlic 1lI111 wrHl of \', " ilo r~ whll WIll \'I:I.l t ho l'elllflouilli th el:5 lnW'8QfP(,1I118y lvllllill, Ohi o, ludin1ln, IIpon by th,' commil Loo 01 selectiOll , nh,, ' LIIJI1 @of the<c vlln lll~s !Ivcnllcs II1llke nt duslry. III t ho formor depll'r tment thera v eyance~ to lransport vi.i t.ont to a.'l1l Bel III 0 II t Ill'ellUe, cll rry 0 11 bllllncr8 rell groll lld M"" rI II g llll' "'"llIlIe r, IUl t' "chllllge Ill inois, MIChlgl\l1 , rew .fcrl!l'Y, :'<lew l'i Hltcll. for lbo pllrpOllll, N ew York, n,)~, ' l he I'cnter IIf lho UIllI<i!"g Illne . l'fI('e~, aro 2.:10 I exhlbitol'1l, of which number from th e Expositioll, (Ill 1\ /!rtll\ day Itk,· 1I11111t. r r ~ IJC tll'el'1I flfly !llId II lIe hllll' *Iyll, the IIIw eHl l'sLllIl:Ilc III 10 IIOU.OOO. Ihi R. On 1111 orthll(lry OCCIllIion. Ih l'Y ,lrl',1 York. ()o1lllocLIClUt, 1ol1li!.~IIChllf!(' tt8, New ton, Chicngo. nlld uth e r lrulding ('itic~, ill rr('C fmlll . uPl'OrlS, Wlildl lire Jrolll I()(I ~ nll lIli - i ~ :l~'U ,UOO he hll lli ~hc 1" ~llQrK lit Bnl11l"'hire l\l'lIl!Ouri, Kfln!<l\K. Vlrgillin, or>:lor to pre\ e nL the lIel'<llf' .... Im Il Hl>(1r. f~et l(J 120 fl'(,L p'I"lIrE', alld WlllCh IIgll re, wOIlIt! be nmply 811flklellt. :{ B'" I.!I1I/« l" call'J "1I.~t of Rellllont I'lIrI", hU L lIellrly a,oon.out) llIu re th,," 'VI'Kt Vir~illill, 'el'adll. W i!!Con Sill , I.IIt,on 10 PllIlRdl' lflhin of work- of IIrl !!a l~ 'I I<> l~ct :\(luurl'. The c:r nerlll olem, Til R \'KLKIIRITItl>; 1'r:R'RSl R.V(l llllt' :lnd "ItllILh of FUlI JlbLin il \'OIlUt', tllA \' I' ltors III \" 1'1I1l11 '1'1", (',I , ibit.or~ l ow6, I\lIti Delll",ar!!: nil II olhers Il!we lI ol ul' to the "l:U1uII.. 1 o f IlClllli""i oll . 111m Clf lhe r(llIf of 1111 thc :l(l n\,(' lIu H lit Lllr ope llill ~ w(' ro 1}1I1II('roll" 1111, 1 I" ~' carry 11 11 11Il1I1I,'r. wh, Le IIUlIIlII'l :I b< - nl I'hll ",lel l''';'I will I' <et'C' I $lil\,OO(l. "arie from Iii l.U 70 feel. A IIl rgl' 1111 01 I,"r 0 f on It·r. 11111 I (rnll'r. followed lhe e XI\U1plr. i ll ~U l ri h cd, 'I tJ(' mo~t. (·tH I M Jli c IIUU ~ w p rCl A nllmberuftfllllcilIId iI"llI ~t rilllll >i.'IO' lIi ticlI IUl\'e . ' g lI'fie d their ill ll.' nLi IlIl III Tho hllll,lIlIl; r",.t".lI ll1tll IIII' J;fI1 l1l1,l, I'rc"i,lent ( 1rn ll t KIIII hi. clluillet, J )111" cilllioll" whi ch rr'l "lrc IIlfgo uUlo'U1L-lof 11Il1t! Jl:lI l h erillll~!lt Phihllielpilla .llIrillg I Ill! 1.11111 h" VII' ): 111',,11 II III rllll !l" Iy Il rH.I('oI I'c, l ro, Eml~\ rnr " f' Ilrlll " , Hlld lh 1:11, ~pl1(J(l. 'Arc pro\'ldl't/ for ill "t'Cl'i1l1 Lh(' pe rtl)l l IIf th l' E s hihi tioll. I\IIl1l1' g IUld prt' I"Ir~d • 'l'ho lUll ,,,III li" " clIlI."I" "r lit o ,] lIti lll'. " r Lho 1111ihd :-;'alt" bUlloIllIg~. Amnn g theil(' a rC' Ihe I'ho- Ih ~, wltl ch rnny 1I0W!:J1> (, llIlIlIe rl.ll l'll, I\re I" CI'll of III L... IIIrY, th e . ,lllOr. t rn cl ufI· u~ · r-iup rPIlIt' ( \Illrt, U(tflt"' rn IH !""Iu' rmnll IIflrI t<lgntl'hc nI tho cllrrillge b UlltleJ'8, the gl nl\Jl l he (.mlld IJo,lglJllf I enliRyl I 1111' ". IlItI ' In ~ cUUlpnK(ld uf wrull ~ h t I ron l' tlllnl1l1~, I 1"11 I'ri <lll II , :11111 r('I',,·,...lI l1ltivc.llfl.holl nIl Y mllken. d,e cracker hllk el'l!. Lh lloot l>l' tlIlclIl OrdN j)f Od,l Follllw~ : tht' I'llI ce,1 t"'c llty. f",,. I((lt "l'lIrl, which lin,) IlIlVy . 'J'h e CI'"~ rR I 1i~ 1I1'1'- ~" l' "II,' IIn,1 ~I :ul' [l\lllillfilcturp1'l! bfMille~ 'Illile , Ofllllli F.1l t'lIl1ll'llI r nl, llIll r l't',"h' l\l Ilnl , ""pporL ifli ll rtlllf I rn~ . Thore li re 8 '~ reglLr"I',I" it h IU C¥l in lo rt·.t, "IIIl lh(' "lie 1\ 1lIl,"11or of in"lvt(I~1I1 ex hibll "r~. uf ("I<I 1'- lIow8: Orund t.1Il1 ~l', IIllrtl hUlI,lrod 'llld l'e lll y·tIl'II ..f lh~>e cui· lIIo.l,'n l hu""I.<l ll':IlIy d, el'retl. WM /l OIll 1I11111 ~ ill Lhll "nLi rl' . 1melll "', lhp "hlltl,'~L I'~ dr". III I'llIill citi " ," ' Urt'J<>I wilhou t IoC'")!; t " ~lI ly ' lhr t' 11'l'l :lIId Ih l! 1""1::".1 tl r.·orllll, ))1 "r lilly kill,/" II IJInnly · l ook in ~ III'~ hlllloln"1 "", I LIVelli ··lIl'e rCl·tlllllK, I l'c r.... Ili1g lit' I,,~,:e I'h y~it ltll' Until.' , Their 1Ij;L! "'I(nlll \""ight i. 2,:l00 OIH,l "III ' wlI.I I '~ 110 Lillie 1111 c(,rt'Il\" IlY, 1111" I ~ I IQII " I I ~. 'l'h" IIllIf lr l"~"l'tl nl1.1 !!lrIlI'rK rp""I ,·.oI u, 1"MIl wlll\ t IR I\urlh ktltlwillg w,'i).:h ':;,OO(I"I()O 1" 1111(1 • "'1.1' .illl'" uf lhe uf l hu 1" '''1'1.' 1I11d 1I1 ~lil.llti o l hl ur tl,; ~ hltildijllf. to ilCl'l'l\ r,'.'t ab(, \' ,~ th' groullrI , c\lulI lr>.:. UOII!:lrO&! IIIHI Lh ,ltl'lUllllltic !lr ' filllKIt", 1 wilh hri ck \\ urk in J'n ll ~ l ~ ('u" ", uf /111 nnllol1 ~, :L1111 I it{' 1!r(',IL ollieI" C \ RPE TF:R ' 8~.LL. I ·tWI'P-1l bhl' COIUIlIII, Alxl\'p Ibis tlll're h'Jl, liulO ul mob ~h e L'OIIIlUy II ere lhere lire! glllz d ltihl'K. 'I'h ' roof co\'ertll g iij of' ill full force. llr". Orl\nt, wllh hl'r lill, thnt beil))!; lI,l' best rOll lillt; knowu io over olle _thllll<jl\nd exhibll win ~ 1I11t! OIlItCIIll ly wnys. 81111 ilie 11I.lio. tlf the thi8 c1 l1unte 10 r ~i8L /(mkl\ 'e. The fl oor- cork. rorlll~,'1 11118 alrtllldy in AUJeri Cil Cauillet iiu i~te", tbe wives of fureigll ing' ia (If fJhUlk, "POll ~i ll. rlljlti llo lIpon a very CXlollet,'8 mark L ror cork IIlld a i\fllli"lonl, l\11'1!. .iIle~\lie , h ~Kd of the tween olle hUIIJred fiud ' fifty lIud two I '1'lI f: uri"lultl Declaratioll of IndepenThe gr~aL - demand for ~plIce reu, Stille., 1 lid 1'1 nden t rd er oi Odd F I- the groltnd, wlih 110 UJlt!1I "J1II oonellrJl , medium aile for tho black lIoolo~ -cloths Womon's Departmenl. and ma11Y othen! blllt.lred - deDll8 will Ue Oil exbibltion IU the dera thlM 0?1I1'1111 uecelll\ll.ry to Il ('00' ICl w ; (i tlllld (Jotn!1,"nde ry Knighl~ 'l'urretil8l1nl10unt tho building at all tbe mauu fllctllroo iu the province of Alem· oflOCllI fame gmloed Ute 1'Ial.fo~m. 1I1io lllli Mlllleum in Jude peudl!uce Ball lliderabl exte nt. eapecia.lIy for exhi bit. 'l'e'll1pIAr ; Gmnd A rilly of I.ht" Re pnblil'; corlle .. Rilli nngl • Rnd tbe nlltional tejo, 'fbereo ift allll) an exlenllive eoll~ K"ERY Phillldelpi ill girl with lIapark during the elltire Lime of lIle E&poeitioo. TITR tI~ ,\u(1t1 RAI. )mRMOIl'Kl:I ors who have been lardy in malrill/!: tbeir Presbylorillll t{ynoo; CaIt~d() lIi " lit" ; ~l.IIndar", whh appropriate ,emblemll, is tiou of IIOIlp", oill!, etc. in order td dillapplication... In lhe mllin exhibition pl)T1oln.ul !'<Iel hllm ' lllue8: W I ~h X II' llIeed over ellc h of the mll in entnu,Ct"l!. play in the mOMIr IIIltiMfactory manner 1(. were olNmed uy a fIIllvo of artillery, and of IIl1\bitillll ill hl'r "atu", expe(·tll to bultdi ug, for eumple, 3~3, 300 lKJ uare tiOOAI EOlllefodu; P"t riotic "Ier ' n " f n luI' v('~tibulpH variegaLed brick lUll !.he Uuiled tAtelI the dltrerent "",,"urut!8 the llaLiunal aiJ'8 of all llJl.tions. by CII~b " lo'rd duriog Ilul 'enlonni./. (eet of ~JIlIce hat! b!'cn applierl ror by the America: (;Illifornil\ Zoullvel' of '11' til(' are inlrOOul.'ed. Louvre ventilatofll of Portugal, by meana of wb ich the com· Tbomllll'orchl!lllra. Tbeu followed prayer A NEW YORK firm r1U1)label . pair of beainning of Octc,ler by American ex. FrAncillCO ; An intA'rnalionJl.I nf'gIllllI: "~ unnnullt all the a.,enuCII, and IIklligbt!! mercial relatlooa be'Wl!eO the two ClOun· bJ Lbe RiBbt Rev, Blabop 8impeoD. the A Fnu: dlKpla,. is that of tbe I'5.chool boot!! for the Ot>nlenolallllade from tile blliitol'll C!uly i wbere..., the aggrepc. !.be LiJe lOBumnrc Com pan Ie ; • ' ationnl the ceotralAiftle ,kiD of a hUmaD heiDI. Light, of IVbleh there triell ma,. lMl developed. JdDgin, of Whittiers hll1JD, a prMenLa- of Deaigu, of Cin~lnnftt.i. Arl'lllll!"'lIIrllls
Ih e l ·.'IIII'III1I" I, ,
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I "\I Ii II' • I 1\' ,, 1\\ r I" \ i.iril': ill ~. W I .1.111 .. 1'111':, . 1:1 -.: \1 1'" Mllll it' lietldllll i" \,j" it ITl~ ill PU)'I. II " . ~ - 'I r ••\ III " n. ~ i,1 •• W :l{ol ill thl' ~., • l'ily • • -Il·r.!:.,. , "II ', - -'Ir ' . \\. Zdl \ i- lll,1 (' illeili' :\" • I
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• • .1 'c .. t'I'I " Ir. \ .•1. III""", '11. U I,,·r,· I... \\ III I'. nil ht., ul.l~n t.,. 1,1. lI.. t I: Itl .lI·tocln· . ' ,< 1II"I'to::I'1 d (IIrlll II tI" Ill'" It t'leItl'Il' Ulld f,I .. t.i.lltnM,.p: ....~,lIryli II w,'rk. :tml lil il' pl'i,'" . .
IJ ~"ll4rJll V T .~ I "'I al tlte W.l)'lI(' '1'.. \. II hil \ l'I,'rllll"l A ..... ti.lr iu ll W:tool Iwld a t ' tla ll .'"•.tl r. 1I~'. tltl' (10i,· ... "I' E~'I ~l lIllill~ tOIl lOll Iu~t - ~II ""1 1'.,t,lIl' l'l tlll I , lI lt) Ill)), t'.lllll'Ull~· I' \' 1l11I ~, ttl la k(' 1I11';I"UII.'. .\ ' 1 olh\'r .It.\. L. Fllrr' . fUI' till' 11I'll'er uu l' rviln'u .1 P I'C ..It-illS , 'I . I IiI\'. - I': III 1111,,1(111 \'1 4!. r, rul .. II . ' . n" , <, It I t I ,l:tJlI ('l'II!')!I' \1. l ·11. 'l'lt ... f ,ill1wir~ ntnmilt CS W('I' 1.)\11 t1 • H ~1· 11 1: " . ~: \ ~' I )flt d .. J( r~tl .. I Jllul 'f'ffh..tn Il ~'~III :1 l'l·tlinh-.t: II " /' 1'011 111/11/11 ('"I. - . 11' . :\IJ\\'I .r I ,... I' L111 i Yi::lirin_ ~ \1 . h "' , _n I f, \'~.,a l ,U .... " Iull It I~ !"_ , w ' . U lllll~t. ' ", :. 'Y. il)f i"ltr. I t ill ] " " "111 I' ;Iill .\ l . f \ I, f{ , I' )1 lI UII1t1t " II, - :'II I" I.,J:t n .l1 \' i'lilt'u -';id · UII I I'I III ,Pfll'/(I (iolt , J 1111 CIII nil 1'·Unll. dh·t,)\\·11 la t \\'l'l'k. . mUll. lI enr' Pluter, ', . UllillC I 1'1 L' - MI'. t~ lirg , I ilr isi ted 111 - W 111 ~~'I'l', lomn r miley, eilllluli yl tl'nl:l". " ' " ] I I II "'''' !I,·ft}''I!!. ' • • lrt\\Ti ~ht. , , \'I~lt II h t ...../1/1/.1 (~I!u. f1 t ul lI lt.llI . E.' , , H" hl'l.t •• l :l'lIi. E. l.i l' llill \'l.tt, 1>. . II I f.. r J' . 1\ IHh'r~\ln L' 1 , I),,~. 0/1'/ I'll. {a rhie UI't wrif,!1 lt GOUl'gic LlII.,J" 'II, Mrs, U. HUIlc\ull, ~
f, I·,'p . .. I :,:,,. ..
~:.irL~~~~~iJt~~-..N·::,:II-"~.c: I r:;,ulId:rn- Cl11111'8
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It .ul Ulur\ \\ " 1I11t11 1011.... 1 10 ~ 1&.11'1'\" I," , . f'" I· . I' t I \\ ., n. "II., 111., '. hI. I ... all 't 1-11:': U" III. " . 1111 II , ~ I "t \l lll r d 1\:"111 .... ~I' t'nlllll~ I' 'j!' rt II 'r III a . "llIt -. \ ,I ri"", III. It, \.. ~ ill ll-'- I" r l,b'l1 1I11l/! I' •• tll :-"'UIl I " 'llil'll' 1... ( I '1"111.11 IIII~ hi lUll. :mt! dl "p 01 " " 11 111'''11 hi 1111 Ibl "'I'lil'" h,,"1 If .. II ', ... II·Io"'IIII.('\'UI'" ~."II"'" . I II . "' .. 1 1t'1i \\ II .. w,l ......... h. Ir f I - 11 " .. ·~t hh ,.£ " ,I l Il thl' c,lIrt1"n nllt! 'lIld .. j '1 " ,\ II I .. i . "r.. • III ", <11 . . .. 11.,. Il ll' H h.'ri~l nul lu d .. t' th ... ~"i l. :111<1 ""flu c,.u \. ,. "t., I ha III ~lIr\, l'i 'PUll\" .\ lIvllt!· r j) \:,\ I}:I. \\,11 \l~· I(I~ • ' ' 11 l'\\'l'r 1'1 .I('lf~ .\ tin I'll. l·.1 II ~ I liS Itl " '1'1I' ' ~ II h 'II' \1'111.1 \" l ' \I : " .\~ , dW~l ll il14ruDl\,1l1 ,n n.! III"'lll,} Ilk,' 1" ""0(- ..1 (·hn.II.111 I IlI,n iI. \\ " }" ' ,·iIl." Wl'l' ' 11\1111 ItUIII' lUIlkLo~ \·"Ullrl'lIm 01.." t' \ I '. II, ';"L II \\' . 111(,," ,\ n·, . I III ,'. I. \, ICII'lh IlI Il .c. .!' ' lI~e ll .f ,I, I ;11 Il. . IIth" I" IIIV ltl' til l,r" 'l'III'I' ,.1 th\'lr ' -- I fril'nd~ fllr hum'('· wnrl11 ill~. II ll d l A' l'TA ' IL\Ir:~'l'. I'UI e \' e r\' l h i ll~ ill r 'lIllilh'" l' '1' u.",. ,,, ~ \1"(",,. , " ,"il)!I,,". ] " , I I I' ' f .. .1 I' d W .. ~ u ,. T, ,,, ", t \\ u.>! t i p l'11>;llIlt lIrlllllC S 1n",,1 " ',Ill lin. .1.". , Wllr",,'; '" llin.. t t l tl II r 0I11(,~ ' 118 IIttCUI ', Ir,~' III: I I II II.. II\' 1111 '" '\ l'r.I. ,\ II 1711. ,;'1 l!alhl' I'1Il~< Iii t ,.."(·k. I, . \', llaklll .I \1., i.. , 1"'1,·,1 "" "nl"1 .. I .\lI.t\II\\~II! . 1I ~lIrr"lIllt!l·d Iii tultl~ wilt. ('1111 ..1111 . th,· .. b" , ~ ",. i,,", I , ,. tl,,· ..,," " f "I~. 1111.1 . I I Ih , f'" ..,,,i"',·"U t ill u uuttlllu · ~ .illl ll lt\ ~If gU ,' II" '\Il ~, gl1~ t 11' 1111/ til IlII' Mu". A n 1"7U 'J' T DUD.Il,S II ' .1 .1 11I'Ig I 1\lrlllg CII\\OI Il'8. 11IIu tl'l'ateu . --:-tu IU t 11 ful I'd uflh " huic' I ~lr 8l' ~h
11t:lli~~r:_ ~t;'u\vI:~if:~~"llh .' 'l~~.
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e~1t':III·J.."·t~~.~~ ! " r 11 ,.4"\UUcr t5fmr.U__~. y. L~ , &l'~L\!\ ~~ 1M\' :11111 ~11·~. 1111 . I Report of the Condition I
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.tullnr. nt Zell' .g . ' T. ' wet!: Ml''\ K J. Key. Ir._ nu.1 tlt.I:I.1' 11'10;1\(1 .. t) .I~Z e l nllw ..llalicl', :'tlffi. It eUI ' Idn,; Eli \.. . '1 ' . . " • I'" , 1.U1 11 "(' ( I' II' . ] Inl'l W' I' ",llt - Mr II ' .''\ 1', 'I'll e IIl"" t ,lu' , " I .. t ' II i"I' " "!I/II""II, II ,\'17111 th n,,~ , ... . . . .I X111111 :\1I 1 . \\ !IlIalll l~"g.'r~ U "1, I· 111" . •'I " " . •\ 1111 l' l'j, ' .\' il l' l,' 1(I" //'1\'1' ' '/1.' hI oll ly tlll ic(' h l lte Will\;; tl'''IU , V1Sti tl'U 1'111 11 I\~t ",('(.k., • • HaLL l,1 11 1 "y. :'I1L '\. nll 'I. ~I I ~ El lz , .. ill'l! III ,·hil tl I'C I 11l11I~e.Il('(·qlll'n. ~ . • . ~ " .~I. ' ~!I" " "'I ' ·1 t Wl1 and th o ht1 ·s h (lp~ t 8{>C a , ,- ~I r, A . AII IU I UIlII IllS fallllly a"~'l h \ ullll>!IV, ~Ir ' J ... EUI'l"ht . Illl.J by 1\'lntIVetl tl'''IU1 .ll ulld 11,'1\1 I /11 til, .' 111(/. '.1 II /"ri . :,( tlr, Jarg 1IU1l1b!'l' ul' thei r IOuy friend " I VI~ltl'U \)iI~l"1l "II "'0111111:-. Hal.I"" 1o'1 11'l1!1;t, ~I I" . EIIIIIIII ( ~II.t ,\ l'll ll .' hilS no' ot'ten flat d" wll 10 ' "~~". ':1 t /1, ,111 ,'~, ~J/A J 12(/., ~)r' 'IIt to cl.o ' I' t IW11I II I \ lei ur ' .1 -- ~l l'p. Mar~' " ', IU" tN 1'1' n.l)' Iull wl'ig h I, E ItllIltl ~I {' K u ' . \ \' \' i" Fill n l·hull',·r lIr mor (h'l i '),1118 I'll I II'. B Et'il H I~ CEti I'h gr 1I11\1 ' BI • \·CI. nic ~ly si tlll~. r it! a g n I vI' 1I1 ~ . A DIlII. It')n, Lb:lIie /lu i II'.", '< 'phil' K '111'11 ' " ~ ~l lll llll.'l lt thlln graili'll I hl~ Ill.' 'uRiL' lI, 1.,," ,," 1111,1 ul..... uIl L_ ;,5/,7720 to<'l, alld tit h Y III" dOI11f( . ~I 'l'1r - ~rl' . alld All ';. 'V 11. llllwkC' ,1. A, 1(,'uII IUY, s. L <::11 I \\'I'ig-ht, I hc tunl(' \lil t! I uded WIth evc ~ )' . (her,lron.. Ill:? In utm u~t to Wilk e .. heUl qUill It uot aI" \' Ibit lll" ill ~I il ldl 'lv \\'n. j'l. U Fll lkillLII Ig. Gel>. '" EU light, thlllJ! J,!III ILi, UIl'II:ClItly ,In 'It'11 ~\It lt l :.. J\"II,h l .. """" ur nl"I' n :\:I,lklll I~I I n . II I I J II t I I t I I~ I II J'lW fr·,1n 1I 1't'1,,(t\I·\ l l't \!.. ,· rvl· .I~t\ll l ~ .\.nH (HI sn~ rlOr t • all III .II K! cu no t . v. , . v C' \\" ~OO d~ n t ' u I wu II w I('rtU llI Lietl '111 11 tull " 111 1' lIlll'S I ' IIl U ,,' ;til I U :lu\\ll'iI U Ie ))Ht ~fJ'tl lll :--lnh, llll d~to'lIhll Mld" I I ~ J 1!11;~, • --l~ ho P Sl1l . \IS .I lite. I,I uyc l':! III J •'II I II yr:'. "II J CC , . tl 1"' 111. Til t· CuT1lll lolle .m n,Wl'rs 11 1'(' rl" ,;~:lll(l1l H e,d ,'1 .11 . fll rll 'lnn', II IHI tilCttll '" ~ ·!I ·. n '-H 1\11 .:'tl, l' re . I'11 ' u~ . thnll I . ,.n,· I the lit nnll~1 N 11:<', III tlr ~ gllmll _'. ' , ' ,'" . 'llleS\l'd t" Illed III l':ltIWlllludl' r'~ \\l'Il' gm!di(' 1 Wit 1:' sq! It "I t luI. I "~r.·" 1 "'1','1'.'" n'lll ",_ te· pah l (i,j(! t\,j , THE ONLY STOVE MADE to.mort·ow, Wllll,,·ul.lllhh· lx- a ful. . ~h ~~ 1.10 Rl dy IS III Ih,tiadd' l ll dl Thll l~d.1 altclllo" l1 ut:.! tu tab1.e, 1~ \'l'I.,bod)' /l·lt """ d - l,1 1,1<111111111 < 1',,,1 . ,•. ();I!, ~I JuWI! : 81 Hl\~·. Lt, J ~ . t, -' I ~ phl 'l <'IIJtI}'lIl" Ihe C unl el1ll lal I y , I r I I I II I Ch". k,"". 1 "tl... r c".h .hll.. I:!. :)0; r.V r 'l'l'l'lect th eir ulr.lllgclIIent.. Till' euuls(' t I' . I ll-\\' I" cvll l It' I"l, 11,11, .. 1 "tl .... ~ u ,.'n tI U,... k. a.l ,n (10 1With EmUlOI' Uall .. 31t1 .]~. , G,t1I11her, ' --Croq uci l't~ at ('u t, a t Jucub~ 1"',lgI.IIIlIllP a d Il coIrl \'llo 1ll.1I] t, ul, " lib ~ll .. d d lll l1C'1' Il lld ~"\ld ('11l'l'I' ? l'r"""I "I,,,,,,,",y ",,1 11.11,,;.( • W ,I\'H.,i1t.' ,ruil 11. 1'0.;, ',10'. (cleo. Jlaily,I'., E\'a nB.:illd . IImlllcigh\\'ay's. i\ icllsetttoo. i~ u ~ fv llo\\!~' Aftel' Itl ectll1" ut W U \\ L' I'C III rhOC'lUlltn', and II!" . uwkd" ,. 1"1 ;;, ratellt&dreb,2,lS69,a.dSept.2,1869, Add ' - -- -, ' 'I I l' I" ('1 I ]' - " . .,. , .. II b ' II '. , . "" P h' ,1II,'ltlfl'''1:1!,,101 I " " 111'111,,1. · I : II" war e the HI ghest Medal at J, •• II IJ Icr, •. ' .. "11' !'r. • " I - :\11'. E. N. ..uk I \ I 11111).; at IIlI:! h~1I ilL 1. II 1'1' C"a' iVII Ill' ,'Ill" I ICl'ty tv I' 1I~ JO '::' IIll u 1l 1)1~.\ as , .. ·~"I-II"l(t"r 11.'1,·" . a.~i:, I~I V e a Zcll '. ~ o . Zc'1l lllukcs ~ VCI Sluto Cl'lllcr, ~llll'blll\ll 11., 1,)\\'11. I'IlIge wil l Iw r"'"IUU !llld I'IN~Ul'd .... e plrHs('d. 'V 'I!sul'\l filld ,II' 1\. , n. ,I 'mr" ·;" l"IUI w!rh ~ 'I'1" 'Il~' .. I I ~n. , ~oudcn.plllln. 11lIU he PI'UII110S to t -MI'. \V ill ic \V lIu,Jl'ufi',, >I Xellin tu th c ('l' lIIdeIY, I",ee.'Iit¥1 Ity the ·d aud rll1l1p' • ~Ik ll lld .I"h.lli ur,'r " p c Ul l'''''' d ,,, I ' .4.J OU 1t.IV': " i " !,,,ly,' ( 1I,<ul;,"c-,,,,,",',1 ,, 1.·10.,.· E. & H, T. .ANJ.' uON & CO kel'pguud UI'U ' I' to II !'I'lI W 80 thll.t ' " i itl'u III 1·.IHliv(' It r'tills w'uk I',ll ll\. On an i\' ;'", th ol'e tho ex I'· 1\ tie rce CI1ClInnt I' '\ Ith t1l'lil'Y""Il' '1',)'1 '.\ 1 " $ll l.!Jhli IS l,NI '"I , k.'I",., .• \ " ",I "I1 "l horf,,"t.,I" '. I""· " l ll" I \' , - /. • I J · .\\ I k i f' I I 1 I u r~ leI rtlO Il~ H l h h ! c'rp I lium "' I ~I \·\' .. , J. oI t'lft 0""/ • t II' ' "/' ,' noth IlIgWI o("nrt E\HlC· t J e C>' U· '(" " 'J '.' I ' b jll eillc will h'll::l t' tll ll ws: l.m 'lid nlll ll\1l~el'()ll ' SI' l'\ , ·1\t 1 HIL I l.lAJ:ll.1'J'lE ' . ~ ' h -UJI II Illa" ·",-.a Ins COil .• ,I • I I ' " " (It "" .II IIOI,,,h. 'Il 11,11.1 I c "pres lit. k pn I WI'tl I IYI I101'd I'le\"or, 1'IU".r 'I' · H \.• • ' Fl'l'g IlSOI1 • C'u ' t,t el' cp IIlto ,I~ .,.. 1'1 UIl' "IJ>I >1 ,t ,(1. I', ul '"~ ~.,O,OllO II . " ~ ) .1 ..... " " • i ngli T 0 t bt '.. " Ii r a wee ICllueIlVOI' ,. ' •. !>Il'l'lu. IUI"I, :::1(, ;,11 In . ...'........... 0 .·" · ".., 11 ...1 1' .... 1.... h. he . .y ,,!II COlli out In thl lr j - !\t . Al flO, k' f X: ' . .Jlrgu loy Lh e blllld . d,cr IL lOOt. I:\It 110. tit.) \\ It! II I Ulh. r \III"" •• 1",1 'ruli(' ~ ' I,;~ ,I~ ul ,iii • •n,l. 111 I", ".' , 1m I\' ClIl ' U\1 OS \ ~ II FI' \ MF~ n ",unlf()rm8 t ·murrow alld th .. ' I. ~ r a IU,O cilia. 0,1111"11, CuI. R.P.Filld1l)Y ofb ght. Oll e vi tle eUl j,1:, te n'd th e ); 11."nd t:''' k ,,~t.,.'" I <lll n'I'''~ ~ll;(l()ll'' m .-' , , . " , I l J • ..:, game p~mi ~es t il be,~ very clll ll' \,IBlte~ h('rc I1I1t1ay . amI Mondu~ . Xellia, ' 811 11ke IIy tlt c tad. , :Ill'] tlt t' (Ith"1 ]11" ,1"",1, 1I111".r1 . ' l-!J ;ltl l'~-'I.!'1. Q _I .. 0", SH:'U:O."COI'ES tl~U \' .1:\\ S; nnd Illrlted one. 1 he lln kcyc:. ' - N UII(, hl't tCI' thull Langdon B D 'co l'!l1i n of t hc <11'U \'(~s, t riu,1 to tw i" t til I ,1\.,,,, out \\ II h n " .. I" .,1",,1 ,1'1' ,, 1« . "I>JII I Iu n.' - • r, "i P . • nre a \ ory stl'Ollg nine. an.1i i!' OU I'/ DostUII ilutter l'ra ckc l' , at Farr's. Th o d" ClIllltltlll "til lit· }Jt' rfol'lll' Sli d:. W!H' n tl~£'.r \III'U 11 0.11'1.\ ~ .x·\ 11 '1lI'}::,! ~ .'run,'. I" ,.f d'l ""iL ~(I:;A I_~:~ I ~ )(J ~ (J ~ ~ '~, ~~, ~ hays nrc beatcn by them It Will be -;: Alr.IlIlJ MI s. 1' une Sharp ha vu eJ by n se icctillll "I httl c glll ~, ulld hall ' tcd \\'lJ h fnght nlHl <'x~1'1 11 '11. , . - -,- .-,- ,1,111/' in th ,' h,',1 III Il,n ' r. "n.1 ro t I 'll I rt'" Photo"l'ap hic loll at e r l' a 1 S Ilod l .grllce, wIll 10, 0 11 tlt e Oilier LeOIl viai tlflg ill nnd llcar Cinoin- iS luhe}J I'cceded utcllchgl'lt. ou} 1:Jc I III~ (':lUI (·t1l1 d t. ,u ktlte cl·, n'u ltl l fl11'1':o . 111 •. II ,(,l ti T ILET ' ET ' . FAN ' \ W AitE J.1J.__ • hand , if Ih('y will the vi ctory , it f lll~ti. . thcl'l'lIlllng'l,1 nUllel' billg~HpIJic.;1 by tlt e tati HIlLI tll'l'\\' him hllih i/l ISI\nOI' ,onw' ;"t:<; I\'\lI' " \ /(nl.~."' lVu uro lle .J4u lI lQf'iI ~rc lc .. ' III .'~ 11I Iii will be /I feathol' in their ell I) , us _u and Mrs. W. J .nuk onr skclch ul' th e d UUl'a , l' d. llrcsI'" ce • Ctt'hi tOl In •' litOI'd. 1 tl llll .k1 , 1'(lJI·J vkrl EI ' "11,. ' "l·hl<'/r'l "r thlo l"hl" ..e·'I'IIIII' All J~N I!ltllI /I ~f ill 0111 /.i " .. " "J of J.q. r • , l.lIl • 4 II '-II " 11111.> It Iltl t III 1 It"' II nH ! ' All,' at the BllckeYl!8 wCl'e conuid Iud the school tr'llclteJ'tl 111'0 vi s iling at Mu. Let li S ho\,e thnt all will tnl'n Ie \\'a full,. l\\ O leet IlIlIg, allu ,'" I_ ILlII.I I' . rll ~. l.. Iho bo.t ul Ill.' k,w"l, t he Lowest Rales, STE REO PTICONS AND MAG~ slrollg<'Stninc ill the county, tit the 1riottu, ' out anti pay th(,ir tl'i bute Ofl'CdPCCt !iele(' 1n ]l1"I'oltion , I ,d.;enuII 1"hd , . , LANTERNS LcballOIl ll'uir, last yeur. Mr. 'Valt II nll il e" '11II\"11IIancl' ntl(! til ""1 B,.I ,fi(!r uuad. O IlC YUH II!,; Llc\y. wh ile fihhi rl", I I I ' I Jllf1lEL J!:'I t\:'\L~r' ('1,1 .ler · QUEEN C!'I'V BAKERY, II, ' "~ .\1111111,"' .. 11 of 1110' l Z H'Il ' d - J.... OC., , • • • U \ . ~ l t JOlh' H hI<1 ..f1 ,,1 \1 I U U I It rill! ~ t o e llJ'~ In \', t. 1I :ot !tl'. ItO (,e WI llUlfJll'Olhegllfl1cun Wl.\ Jann cy'sstuckot'fi~1C clothi1lg just l ite t"llu \\ i1lglla med liltll) ~il [" 1'~I I "l llle a III O· t ':lI ll1g ,·ut . )1 '11' , 17(\ MIIII,I",I\U'I,. ,.lIkl1lol.,,1 J\"., I'\:('lk,'· I'Il· JIo: i:'~~~~~;'':~:'':!~':t~rl·( lIlIf. lIuO')t doubt hewi\l du.t t'lIirIY Il'eocived '. !luve b~' 11 Lq 'l'ulll leJ t,,~ItC\V II ,e sCI'lIlerl UmIJIIRt I' ti ~h It lld lakell CUIlIIH. - \ l1<"t dul"r"rWn\II.""I1,'n"oI,I"'.""" ulI,I",,, "U"I(~iV.'...~~~~~~~,~T.·~~~t~.:~c!~ON. IIlld bUllul'llbly. (Jllmo culled a l ' f1 V\\ OI: tl Llhl vt' ti ll' It lluk III '0 111' l·. U 10: 1-:1 :11 II I_I":!'; , ~ " I .rr~ 1"11101 .. ""1"1.1 .. ,,1,,,... 1 :0;1•• " ."1 '.Uu"I ..... I' !""'" "1C.·.. I·IIt·.'~ , , 30'dock shnrp. DIIMl'KOItO. \ -M.':t~oC. n ul1atndlMsd~one E tt lc T Il VI\l r. FI ";cllcc W,,u1 ky. 11I 1~lt tyen;'1'1 ~,l" 1lI'C('~~nl . ~II' ~ ~\ J~~\\'t..I~~ I I).ro,"". ' l<r llln".hi"" ~OIlO ) LI .\N I E I :\" t' \\lf L\ ',,·,nn , . _ __ .... ~. tI~ a \ l I u Ill Cl 1ll1l1 I, II 18011· Emmll Fulter, AtI,ln ehllc uly . All' Fi ~h hud lu leave Ii ' wnll'ry 11 " 10(' t-.0 L0MU); GAl'. E, ~ CAKES FJR WE OnU"GS 1'1;<11 L1 : " LA :>1 E!( X. TOE lock·upwa8 Iton ur u bya vIllc , ('Ic. . 111' lln\\k c, E ••( Jallll y , Opltcl alld tryl'ailmg t1 'oll l\ h l hl'ui r lit ----T-O - rr.r..E PUB' LIC r." h.: :,I" h~ I · ,'t." I" 1 11 0 11 ". 'n l ~e h\(.l~,.gue8t lust utl\\,dllY. Marshal1 . . -~ 1'. J.uh n F, Sale l·etU)·nc. d to ll lUlilltUII , Fllll11i l.l 1\1 1111 i llgtotn, ~I a. the oml 01 n It 11l'. 1'I'"hll "1)' no t,i.. h I . ". ,_. ,~,0.I II , A;>I U I' A liTlES, III I. h' L ... dI l h P VIII d 11 (t 1 on .. hurl n",wo 1 111'0 k<c l' C,, "I"~"I" I)f L"lIl' r,,· '''"! ~Ihil , 11'1'11 mC tlllllUi cUllv eyc I I' tit 'ro 111 11 1 illS um III mc I age, n I(~\JU, I'Y Bays Nelli E> Prill! ? Emma ev e r \\"(·nt I11' 11 I'!: I' IICII \ el1 til' fell H\I".,." I~"~I ' I" 'e 1I1"'"lle "r,' o 1,"1 oIlr •• I."".I" ,~, i" ••enl Ollll l'p lkll lill" whetlleo.l v<;hicl(', and sho WJl8 su yo tenlay. J;oueuck, 'Rllth Oibh8, N~tlie LIp IlIu<1 el' tl) tlt u ellrllt.· Black, Violet and Red INK, 1.L~ All. ~"I " " I<III~ IU ' " lO" ut"k m ,nc~ deUt' :nstratl:-c Llt.at he had tu hold \ -M l's. 1\1 orl'iIt \llld 1\1 iss Rizzie pi ncutt, CmTll' Rid ~l\, !'lIllY 'V I ig h t, I 'll.""e pll'~~' I: t ".,·Il'. I rIlmeo " ', I 1 lIlII prop"r"I' 10 fll 1I".1i It in lur,,". ur om "II fit all h.",,'. IIl1d 1l"'"1lP iI' .. f wlLh II )Iu~h I." "' rll her tIghtly m lilt! WllrUl ombrace , MClfllt hun: UIl'i\'cd homc frolll :S\l ~io lll'lIWlI, MIl IIIlC J)lIdsu n, EIII' Dllklllll ll ti Wil l', h , ,I 1I 18ev alit! qll,lI.I •.,!)o .. 1 .. ,.\ I,,,, ,"1,," Lt l.l' ut ul' Staple and Fancy Grocerl'es' t;jI-l'lI toutLh18 nrh "lti,omenl, lor ' efo'~ during tho jonrney thith er. W e SIHingfil!ld . ilia Stllll"bel l'j' J .l'U It \VI'lght II . \\ ifl" ./. (l 1I 1.,e ,lll ti \\ Ire. l'lt ilo· '''1 f" lld ~ 1" 'I"'r" 1 htl ll ' plnl ""ll 1', ,,1 ""llioo. ,"we r,.I:! I, · I) " " \1 (I ,lOl l ll r "Ul l \ t h l ' ,' lt qll.lrtHrl: rdl l1 f1 ,-,%'-TI I 1 \. k P i d o ntlt k nll\. WI I l',e, t I."S I.IlIY,.(·!lIIIC -~lr!l, 1. U. lial'l'is nnd "Jj t;S ~, ' IC I:'tedc. l o.Ill , , AIlIIIl), \I ('I ~ . Lulu t\l~ 1 ·'F.kl! !\ lIl1 w tI , . . ' I' X .~ .•. "·I1(',1 1 ~".'lIulI "rliddrt." I: i{ 1~;o;UL I :, II ' "~"' .I , .. ", " " '1'11.,1. lU ltolAbll.bodlWL P ,,. -' . J I I " ' II~" or t ruIl !' r~l r L'ltlltltn T'rUtlUl " D t rom- ~11~10 ~lty X uu:n- u~t 10\\ · I LIlIIlII UUrlI 8 llll! \'I ~l tillg III blur. l cny, J<.th u hl l!' I'I}', Zallll H('gl'I S. a,ud Wile, b.l.(' I I,' ) alit \\ Ill', , j . .1(, 1 __ _ _ , \"")'II~'~ 'Ll"~""::- .I~~:~:~ sowc\, er It HI Pl:~!~IV('ly ~; (' Iter! ru\\ {JUII III,Y. Mu,Y Autl urso n, !l1.1j!~le ]laklll, I',' Dakl11 l~llil \u f,', ~h~, :o,l d~1 ~ ~~.:~:.~;=~~~~': lJ4 tltat s!Jeiot bel' Jlg·wutel' nt "1 V :111 1(' I "'I t I I. N ' IIlnie ])1)11 ' 1.11111 " Th " IIII'~"1I (,ll l. !.II'''. UCtW" 1 U elr. ~11 11 ~ LIZ '! I JAO olo....ood. · '1 I G I I -l.,l'. n lur OIl IllS uccn . J ' }' I ~ ~ ~, 6 ~ 0 t IodIN dll loa1oon " .Ie I tie azctto, IUS, I 1:0- im 'l' viII" !tI S lIU left on lower til lUlIlJ ully .. I tlte abuI'c Ite un ll' lIl(, Ualll llt ll ll,' ;\11,. !. la '''''Yo 1 ,,,,,,1,1 n I"" ifllll ) iufnrm f..::";,~nl!l~~=,vO'olab~:n.;:"..,;;~~~~!~::: t uf'or~ deBlguutcu t. but willch Jt Will i }J "111IlI Str'" ct. 1 I Y hi e tl) 61'1'\'C, tlt uy wi 1\ pl cai\o I'CPOl't MJ'~. ~Ia IY ]Ii It· kols tll, ·~ I'" 1ft'I' , ~ ". tho r. lll, ". "I \\''') 'Wo" 'Ie for dyolna omouutalo as w., .. ror Pl'loo Lilt, refraJII fl'um IIUlIlIlIg II UW, as tll e j thl' fuel tu G. VV. Elmght. I bel t LllWI C'l IC . ,L,cuiJ H. lll ~l',\" I mil:")'. II",~ 1 hll"" h l<,\»6IJ W,,~~8~~~:l'oL?S:~~~~r. , - n oli. HU l'lIil.l Dak in Allie lioel-ctl t,1J,,11l ,I ,,,:4 1)1 " .\\ 1I ~"II ,r. ,,1 Mr A I S 1S. Halllcs . .. and " .Mrs . - _ ___ a__ . ~ ~ '\ 'Jm-J-\ \lg·~t ' HC whero { .un l)I'u Ht' rietor th£'l'cof cOUlI)laill" thaI II' we hflr~ his fecling~ nud IllY OUl· . 11~IH·~. , ltll' !J .J.eell vl sltmg vlllCln ltcli~iou.. . IBllI g' S. ( klligl' Th.lmpsll ll. ~li~~l'~ I'rol'" "UIII "I'I""r d o, k•. 1\l1It:1,,'. ,,,,,I J"\V' [i{ll,%ilh\l,!UIilljjJjl!IJll!Ja. lli!~IJ sclves iJubl e tu a slIltI'OI' slund('r by IU(t! t111 ~ \\ cek. , . . I l. i?? IU'l'hulIlJ" " '". A1111 10 ('' ;''1'11''1, ~ hy III." ""l\t",,<1 ,,,,. klO .n','k. "'\1l1ll' r. S,'nl I" ",,, 01 f,'r IO ct, H H V"un 'I !l, calling his hUllso ull) dthil'~ tY I -All', Dud Mrs. DaVId Cunn lll el -D lv lnu ,,1'I'VI Ce III Ih e EpI SC" ~ I IIII IlC 1:' 11 1'"'' ALbiC Horrc l'S ~r"," ~I)! lr ., .. "" 'n' Y~ p:,,· "x,,,rllmc !'I lu ... o .. ".~ .. Ne'.'rorkC·It' ' L ' t' ~·l· ' )' 'I . I 'fl 'du ' ('vell 'lIg' t ~ .. ~, • til<' 1""In... <. "1111 )(" c ,,,l,,r,1( l, v lI Pllr',.t' ~ ,. _ 118mc, S he IlJlxl'd h('r dlililis, tllO arc Uuuut to retl l'e rom 11 HIIlII pa v HIIC. ~ Illr,, } 1,'(. Olli e A E\l i$, ;'.1,,\llc ~V(f u lf. 101 i· IIl l1 r ullenl·,,"I.... lIIO hllc liuckriUIIII \\"Ie h· ! 'QlS~. ! -it WllBlI 't sllIked cidcl' but wld ·. j Vullt!y lll ~tit\llc. u'e.l o.ck, 1hc R,~ ,' . J . 11. Ely will 1 1~ 1t l[ i~I· \· . 1\ 31 1C ll iFI' Y. Hatti ,e" Allwvrk w"rrulltcd PI ,,,.,· }'~'; ,Inc JA-"Ir:s \V . IIAINES. ~l D. , kcy Bpi , keel \1 I.th hecf', or 1' ,' /'C l " ' l'81l ' -Uu to Furl">! tu select •• onr vfriCllltC ' ili sey. :\la''' ;':I~ ~l l lOy, Allllw ll i. , n clIll, ____ . . 1. It :o;WENY a '1 j I - , _. - .- -t' II U ,11 4. :4"'" Tille) '1• Itll'e, .'"Cel'tulfl ),'IIU lUl'IlI . 11\ ~lI~· · jI /l u llr. tilllLL,,', TlIylvl">!&Wright's NVrlCE.-Thc G irls' Cluh "il l ~cy, Mn~ I'I>ILlltl l'h u alltl ]{" ubie l Store-Building for Sale, tlJI( ~ \lI : 11\ lTlg tIll '; 1.lltl ch wlthllut 1 1J~ l l\g ()~r , Uh\'I.rS Oil haul!. meet tu fllun l,w nt'l 1'11" 1).11 nt a u'- Garuer. IIlL l lIllI li Cull ctt Dak in a lii , a!':tt1l ,' VIII)(COIl'i,lct.ellll), .t"fl~ Lultll lll". It:. ('il')' (\1 ~ PHi'SJ IAlLlN O URn UR flll'tllTl e. III u lal,d l!I' SU it. "l' -FI'~8h SlIpl'ly lit' elltC' ltllill illg cluck. BU~I\\CS8 of illll.lIl'l!tll(". Clal'ellcc lJ llmtltnn. . "" Mnio Slr~r\" J now ofter lho"""" ,! \!]). :J , ~ , \ ~r ~on IUU I ""' tl lit o II I.'W8 some WilY 11 'I I ' l\' S UO('l'C d 'IIlg til! I 0,,1.,. II . hll~, 1 "I' '" lI'''od _L \ h·, ~~.... , • ' 0f11" Il t Il . "Id,'no' ., .' Hl!lnl)' Illattul' Ilt JI ')~ IeI' Ii! . , 1: \\ 8 Let th e re be II 1\111 and }JIUlllpt nl PII':limnt cntcr I und ,.tnrwrll "i1l1pl ed Illr ~ph~r nll'I"'[lri1tlc . rY"'?D . db· I Agellcy Callund ~cc . tcn uullcll. taiT1lUl:u t:! of the middlu ul thr~ , ,"u. inc... or II 111 <' hllnw·. ~lt" l' '1'1, e IOI'utiull fl. £\ " ' nTII(·. lII,·.Ohl •• I.J-1 fie eC', COIl1)1I'C BP' CU1'Il· , '1' l ' . , k a ItI . II ,. dc. " .. IJlc '1'0'111' fAV .. rul,lo ' ~.:' II ca: . ~ ""_~I ('(ltJOof pllttedtongau, \ uUudtul' - Iy '111']' t! lu t!ci'1I18 ice·creILUl. \\ue,w S IUV C'!t·lI.IU)'II,c)'llr W 11 IL\RTl.EY. ~'. "" ' ~~~=,~~ ~ L. ( '. Ll1l\E~ ::;, M V , key r;esh muckerol. lu 1,zICI' sal . It is ,111St a'S g>JlIfI. liS cve l", aud that o:::r M,'~~I''' Ha nda ll , Ehl'ij.(ht & ty gl\'CII by VI' '\ 1l1l?CrVooI·t and - -w "p.w·,llc, MIIY ~a PHYS ICIA N & SURGEON. IlIUl:. cud .tit;h herring. CtJ l'l' 'J ':~ tcI S IS gvud elllluglt 1.11' 1\11ybl.1 dy . Cu. lenv c erected a ni ce, new ·styl e ladY',un l'ndllY e\' enlll~. J n th u Of1l, ~ "' N "I .. ,."II IIn"l, 111111,h"",. ANn J)Erll.l"ltH IN All. ItINIB or - Dr. lIn1l1 ey hus linished hi awning ovcr Iheil ~tol'e fl'unt. It mUI'f1 lng. u dUI·k clulld 1.III ClltUlletl House and Lot for SaJe, best urand s 0'1' cigars uut.! tubutcll' W.I r.\'J!',""1'IL!, 1:~ 0/110 gll:ut vllnety of cl'llckel's. ulld fI'l'sl; ! 6tOl e.b~ il<1 l n~, "1'1 " ,sit (1 hi I'C"I' ~tua 17~~'!:il!~~1 I'l'u\'e 10011 t • . Go ulld t~ ;1~H~'uy th . ~)ro81'~ct uf fi :I~ WI(;:~; :': ~~,;r~~.ou,~.~ t';~::~'~~::'I~'\,,:~t"i:~~"~:~::';1 stock of cllnlcctlOneri S ol'llngeo, <1 0IlC\,.111 \'O l'y attl'actlVI.l rltyll', tl CI, IIILU lat.:t. ~lIl th mOl t V!I I'" hrl ll « . 1("."I ... II " r. \\ , 11. I " Iern, I".m. lelll ons and ClJeoJl,uuts ~t Eng~lll's -N II nSIl lalkin"" ' 11 ran get ~I' C' ---d - I C IS thi.lt t IIl.~· ' ell 109' was ulle " I t 1e If, .1I1·lre, ". g' '1)('0 .. "',\ nll,1 '" " pl(II""nL l~l\TrTj ZI~LL, , r' . . lJJ ~a rume e u rornc for Il lo;;t bl!lllltlt\ll .[ tit 6 II O il tlllt! uN.r),l;,' rllUu<1 ULOIWJ': nR0W:oi, I ~ ~I grocery.___ _ .~.. the chc;ll1l' t alld beH t furllltnTu 01 JlIlIe i~ a Illlll!t uttJu ctive N f tl ti t . I ' • • II' t' \ WU )IIl'ovill e. xrll) ~J UIlVkIlHIllt,Jncohs l\;lJ e l,hwav's. . u. I' 10 16, 'Altl ln onr nCI ('C IVil __ . ___ _ \\' lIy" , " , lo " I" , .. I-,to II?The shade·trecs are nen rlr.· . g , . tlll~ Ill. ,JlII,_ 1I11l-IC'(,1 1lIonthly. 50 thllt U\'cr WIlS $u \\ hen lL CUIII\,.UI) $ Down wl'th lIard Tl'mes $ - ", -=--=------.."..------" 1 " - I\II'S. " . ' . U. nnn l"" II 1I1"lIl h , "I' .. j" ~a. I' J . \IUS .IIIVI··ted t U •tl'IP,,1 ' tIei lIg l It ~I'an' SAVE MONEy ...... '0 do II .... n. D. II AII'I,:!. WAr~ES \ ' ILLE, 0 1/10, all g l'(,wmg nIcely 011 the sc IIOU" . 1'. nl'IlIl}' ' v I '.1V1l· c, v v • "'5 ' J' .. I; , D. "'''cI1. .1'. house grollllds. 11; tim u, lhut 1\ !II I III 11Ij.!;llI ",' \\ I.fe 01 tlte \'cI UI'UII cd,t,'r, L. J'ettlI'S, .N uw l ark. tlltitlC' III th e pl casu, roolll:! lit tillS , . "h. 10 ."" u . ,," ge~ ~ T U E-< 1._ b tl'l TI t , b >. \\'U ~ Ullll eJ III Lt· bll IIUII last wl;l'I" ••••. e~ tlll1:lul · 1 J" ndgelltI IJJlIll'lllld " ulI 1O."I,y" " ," Lh Ih">'I' .IL\" l... ll r).IU I :H .... a caUl u grove. l(J l oes e A f' rr?Tbo N Il! " ., ~ J " 1\ J i l l , 1' ,11. , IJ 1'1U11I1,,·l rl'll . ro",,, .. , \I U" ' . SIIllI' lOii/ tween here nnd Corwill, !llId those - , res h UIl I CUU1<!!J ! ~ t ItI fl o ~\'. ,. CJJ ur. fllI C It! tl thi s !lilly Ul:l CCI,lllll dercd 1\ lm ~ h l ! Il'j.t hll<""hi """t!. I" I!., 1111 11 r' .. "",. Il " ) ly.ruuJ'I'ieu eollplc I011: ,. 0 ' , .• ~ ,v "~' I Y "f Dr>, t' ",cv ",, 01 SI .. (~(. 1 , I\et out 00 the side. wulks in town, ~ri! till S wcck ut Mrs , 1. Sweot s, c!lIIr:n!llg book luI' httlo folk s, \ olUen by thl~ Il Ci. are neurly' all SI)rouling out well. Irum C IIlCWIHlt!. Cull and sce 1ake It. $1.50 1\ year. John L. ill whoso b'()I'fOr plrty WIlB mude. ~;" Go~d~, ~rOCt "C'I ' Boo,k •. CIIII . •! 1'\11 ,8 I ~L ' 1. ... '-JIf • • th l::llwl'ey ilostoTl " lire . ,, 0 , " C • ~1 n '''"l 1I\lf prlCC, lind "ells _ -"-_ ..... ,. . .• em . , . lhe gne!lts IIlllbered pu.' rhHps f O' ~I)lh":': III " ''' )on c do l l <l r o::TThc questlOlI of a sll,c, wlllk - ;\Ir. J uilu Tn. lor's Iittlc so n ..' elguty-Iuwe ful' ulll' lIttl e vdlngu , First Ha;nds •• blOT- f•• no m"nufnr' Dllt wbut bll" lhllt to tin w,th tl, O \\, ,\ Y~ESVILJ.E, betweellllt'rc alld CIlI'wln is II lltsel· wh u IHot \. oek wa~ thruwu froUJ ~ [(?J.ITlO shuwers lately. Imve hut IIUt 8U ': 1'· the COu)lIWdIUtlB res· u".! ,,, ,, .e ll f" *1' ,~;::.~ r.'o:~:::lr' ~'~::.tcl;:'::~~ .. c 4 ..... tied yot· l1 ur hUll th e J , r"jLC~t been' hOrtlc Illld SOI'lOIl Iy IIlII t It! now reo madc vPgdutlO1I develup gluTlOosly. id ellec III willch they g[ll,hol cd. I ~~ t" *,1 I.. , I I"A i. nl) h"",. u.!, ",) '1Ie1. _ 1 . ' L I LL ~ I <I" ~, V,'I'lf ,"7 l'I")'V,t ~ b anuol!ed. Mr. He 'vu ll ul1llllJ cn\'I.lrIng lI.iccl)'. O:::rfhe applo prospect is fil'st I Vanclllg IIl1d conversatioll, rondc ' ~h~ l~: ,.::" ,"~~ of '~:I'~;~. ~:~~'~~~Ir ;.~ ~1,l'IY r ·t , \ \. ... 18 worklJ)g It up, nuu he lI('vt'r J~ - Terry'tI sud!!. fOUfltlli II is gu ~ h. I'ute. the llUur>! fl y until elc\ CII UcI eJC !>, \I e 1111 elUlt" ...1 I" 11.., I.c.L i' ' I'cr< 01 U'M AT TOR N E Y AT LAW , go whcn he vnce gets a gnp, iug, Hlld his icc cl'cam OUCl! mit re . _O~' _ wh O,ll u buulltlful aud much.enjIlY- 1~~:: ~~~ ~: ~,'~';~ ,;lUutl".! ll"", .. ",1 1'"1' ''"8 11 V /) .r () Ti l.' Y /, {''' L I C, • ,. _- giaddull s the helll't s LIt' Ihe pcvple. [(?Dn~c ball 'lhurtlduy, u: 1 IUlltlt wa t! surved by the h ustc~~' I We Ca!l nnel ... 1II .,'11 ,0" G_ .... AI ,,~,. :'I ,, \'I • . • ,. (, "'''41. V At a l1leetl~g of tho School IGu unu pal.take thm'ottf. . ' -1 he a1llUSClllelliS ~ "'I'll thul'lll1gld{' , . Ic· · tl '," ""~ IIlher 1",,,, 0 Wo Board, lallt'Wcek, It \.tlRresolvedto L' kJ' I' bl ' tl l ounglllulIl 1>"lI 't wastc )'ourelljllyuUUl1lilthe'w('e s llla'II IIl1rS, 8~n.II " tn ":fll.e ' I!I( ·· I~ n !t w IOl ~ IIAIII()\.T l >r ])GI~',. ' """.!Wllne , ' . I I' t 'I - r rail ' )I'UWI1, or 1'0 !ll1g I\J I . f' I ' Id ' '' '' ~, 0 ~UIH ' vel ,'e "" II'!) .~ .'\ J t ODd er tlle I rlllcl»u 8 IlJl U ;J r l Frliuklil1 Post Offico was CUIIVlCt. s pllre c lIl11gC Ill, I'll'" till S UJlll1S0· whell the !,,,ople. young alld () ,nl:(lIll' .'C II where No li. ,., ,.. , capillI! rc· j :" I bl I" \ t Oook for.anothcr yeur. Wo h('I O d d t I ' 1'1 d III Cfltl', Ullt °IlVO It flP and hny ),ollr n 'Il1ctILlltly left tIlU bCU tle of SU ma· qlllr.d ~ ...IidJ[ I ~I 119 )\Llllll C BIUbl'( OUlt he mny IIccept. c all se ltll l,lr~cc, ~11l IlIl't" ,Uyt1to Illollwl' 01' sIster 1\ IIU\\, "D')uIC~ llc' ny hOlll's of 1)lclIsul'O One Cent ~::,~./ (:~ r~f·,'17,11,~nl'~~; ,~,"c~1 ~SJYJ e r. ' ,~ , t ' ar neS$ tl Iree mOil IS IllIprl SOlllJ)en JO Ie II' I I " 'T D . . . .' ' ,. BEADQJ Al l'LR .,. S 7 Ih(''. T~-·' D , I\,t, . l,:';' ·R., ~ • • • ~-,lIalllilton CO\1l1t ' J I you la\ 0 Ilu milt lei' II I' SIster, hl.l l', Ulld hi S lad y klJ OW h Ull I" r,. "lid I.. t< \1" ,II' li nd .I v "e lf 51! 11.1" V Fverybody IS IlIvltcd to fur} n). fillt! I,III C gllud 11.llured !t.II"w that tu be theculII\1 tehOi!tll11U hostess I tIC", *:ll ,,"k •..\ ,· . ,,1I1"r " " Il_le .Iollllr ""1'1 "'·r ., · ••••• -\V""N..:"'V ..... E ni II tlow 1'8 fo r D0co r at'lOll D ay .. I "'d dR' 0 11 ' Itl"g· , 1.1". III' ", lei . , ~e"" VIO nrrsl.:! - lUI'. I:. UlUII ota II'IC k .IS I IU\" Ita, ' allu It tl alit.! lit e mllclllnc to. UB IIlIlU Y CUll t) 'stify' allU till S eve·, IIIII".111 111 1''1 " ' . "" ,,, _ L\"lol' II . f,tr-t tll Cl 1£S lU . I.J RI\ ~ CH{'E R, EB RIGHT, (Tn day next); P len o,sontI them illg hiS 1lO1I8e Tem udollod. Ed's I get hc!' lIIay hd p yuu til U cOlllltJrt· Illllg \\ us VIlC to t!till further in , Ihu" ... lIu ,,; LI~I~- III "L $1 S~ nrl N"" , IInll l 11 I ,I M \V ,. .' j to Oadwallader's Hnll '1 uesdny ill 'd t h e I' I . ., II I . I I' '1 '1' . . d ' ".e 1\I\1''''Y y "" c.n d" It I'loII ·e Ily ILVI1'~ ),\l'H It r 0 III e, rd Lnt.,ra.' lll I' ano·t'orte ~Iusl(\ Teacher, b " I CUI. U nv II I! louse III rcaul' - Il)C paco III tIC all~ly 11 YtlucruastlthedudirealwaY8lOuIllIestc ' t1 •• 8""("'lel" !•• ll.l1niltSl'OX.~ .() ., lhonbo\C('i'IIII,\t ohmol,l.lhc.",)tllo wlilho t e mOl'lllug. ness to be RCCTI to aJ\ llnta,!?e by s hille lip to th e S I ~tUI' rIght. to attond thcil' 8ocials. ~ E !lOI.L1I It _ \L E, 3J n,omfiold . L. IcO~ rll\r.I.Q'~ ntth old .t ",d, "Igll of lhe ncr ''; •• \ ·,,1, of Sh .ot. - - -. • t!,C J!,e~pl~ ~rHl'clillg on the N IUro\\: I, These s udd e n challges of tho Hopillg tv lignin meet our fr.icnds Oi'LOll , M~R. ___ . ,_ )( '1111 ·I rco t, . • " ',\ V~E"'V",.,E. 0 ... 0. o::rThoeo will) wish to procuro Guugu, ".hlch erosses aile cornerul welltltel' seld om liliJ to bring Ii in tile salll\J pl.lcl:l ut snch cOlllpletc LIVE AGENTS WANTED I WSJvl1lesvlf[e~ Qhl~@ 'iT~!f.([F'i1~.J~,:':'~~<OO_!f.1l~PJ~n_~' __ ferns can, we. nr I told. ,d. " ongl!)1 I . ('Jl) It.! , llnuWeOll " t all ' d tl IUlLd 1,·' 11 g tll O In dYI ,. .!I . .~ -F 'find f tpi' Ilty hit! dornlllll , Ii 1I0W sllI've" J nreCOtn· ell.I Ily !lIU,n, . ., IIIHI"rlhufirtnOlulIcnfHIIII1 CH &W. olI,·y• o ffi II Olles III t Ie I y prIDgB -LIlBt lInday tit the or'dinatio!l mend VI'. blal'sllllll 's Lllug Syrup und gUll tlclllan f~1' tlt e s ume ',\' 0 re' I°I! '11,. IIi ul ~""I~I' ",. fI, " 'l,eM .,r 1"/11' "t'I"- . II hero th~"" J! ntlcmrn hol'() .. ~ till. t,,;" ,. ~ ~ i I wood ncar narv('\,s b o l ' g ' 111 11 II I "' ... , lv I ' I \ CI \ CU IIIl) III til 1 t 1 t Ii (II k f ~ 1 l lUll I --_ . . ccl 'bmLi II of Arch hi hOI' l'llleoll all a curtaiu (llll'e tiJl' nil dlseuse8 ot s)Joctiully tHlb,cl'ibo OUl'oelf. ltu" 8l.. t ' nll.1 ('''"11/1.: Enl"rll:cd bl I ~ru, '" ollT ' *' k"uP,,','1 . U "Itll'll ' II) ''',; III!.'.' "RA'." 'x . - , L 0 l' I I' I J r Arn, ·. . , rlln " . "I". 1111 ,,·t, "1 1'" y' CI P' & 0r.~aDSJ ~Who wa it thnt \I'll hl)t ill 'ltlcenlluti, ullr villuffc Wil tep· th e Ullg" Ilnd Ohe t, I lof& WHO WA rtKSENT. ~lll" Orl\l' l' I" ,:'r ll'I' I : ' . f\.' g". I . O"·'·'d"'; o,'clrl IItHl m fliot c, crdhinl1' t huL b,'l un "~ to th~ Ifst· ass lanOS . . lJ,...J • • .. .1 I I . II r:I . . ... II IO UF\ ,II ) ' q.\.t Itllr 1': Uil u 1(1 n l' 1 1 .. t 11IddclI Hl a \\' VI d It d, tho utlll'r I erlt('u l'y t la to f\wll1~. numcd Our d rllgl>lsts all 'uy they have I. _- -' ~ ·)"-.C8 1I1111 rv",Ii';.,n. "I .,,<1 II' 11 1\ 0 11 , \ hrln I,rll' ,1111' . " 'ril "II 'P" " ,,. "I fl,p "Id X E N I A 0 H 10 ' RI:S £L' lalley .• "V I' II Ie 11 vcr 8u ItI" [) .. "'tl)S 1I cr I.. II '"'' k "" d '! I'''U ,'''O' I II """C'Slt!" Il l rrl anli WI lei ' d 'IJ II gct I' liS "" vi b . Ig e lItl ,.In I'I. '1'1 I 0 II" Illly lIIe d"I 'IIIC tll at glv SI . ". nnll,,1lC'"II11ro. L t Ir.. I1IH Ih~n,I II 'I,,,[I nil m ,\ 1 c, III t.II11.III"I· LIIIl,',lu lirl rel,aired d.y, ':,a ? IUit 'e I .1. And eltllln., W'II I I " . ..". ~., [I'f\1 .l"ht l' rt.'II I,SI ""t"'OIl\,nt< evcr , 11 0 pcr tl """ II II,," . \\ rh' U, Y . . I r. ,', IC SUC I 11111~ e l u ute luctl'JIl II Dr, , _ olt reJ 11,1.1)11" II" "I~. ~ .lIIli.h ' ,0."0' " ilt guaranlr.', b".th (.~ til pri L nr\rl 'llllllty " rlI Olde ... mA) I,e lort "ieh l; \\'. F.I ... ight . hl \1\10 • • __ , _ IIJ"T llll, J. iJ. Mil Iter, IIIn I !lV' Mllr 'hall s l . \Il1g Syrup fur (;ouJ.{hs . I l,y mull . rO-ll'u\,1 (0' ~ I K,,'lu, " ,' terri. work. ~ll' r""" . we-h.n ' w .. rk IUlldl\ IIJ"Sh: II W(> ellll.'braw Ih~ Fourth lUI, ~ r. Hi II k Icy. Gaol'ge W·. Cn~. (Juld8 cte, I t has 110 equal. Pri ~ , BIGGS -Itl CorWt~. llf .. y 17. t 'U. lIlr•. IOn' glvell AIlCI'ItS I;" ,r.' thull lIou lJ 'e Lhelr Inrrlcr. ".. IPI.,.lIrln~ ,\.. n , will " 'I'I'U'8 jmm e' Go to Engle's for Fancy 01 Julyv. tt.i. yearl ' l,in Geolge u))P aud A U 25 "0 c lbUod.., .wlfe of Mr. WlIlltuo Higgs, of I !'I0ll ey. Add'e.. II , 01,11<1" .. " Ienm Prinl- dilltu nUI'ou In L~ II,e prop!'lew", Crackers of all kinds. . mOd pp. ceD.... CODdWDptiOIl. IlIlgHoller.AllnArltor,M ic\li!:lItI L;' 1331D ! llA1NE. & WOOLf.EY. on\ ' vlI
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11111' II. rtlt. nil r\.oo·1 ullder la t illg "ltli ~a . 11011 fllr t11~i r' I. illdnl' ~ 11.1 jo('cild utt cllt h)fl. · l(QY til 'y Ii \" . I 'lIg IIlI.1 I'rl ....1 r. i" th u wi.h HI' 1111, u l~ u a .I ACIUI\)~nLLE, l-'/.IIIUIIA, l lady I' kind I"'url, 'u ltur~ und I' F " iJruury ~7Ih, 1 j J. ~ tilll· ItI~'U t , I~ Mr". McH iulli , 1111 ' ;i .: e : . ee l! --j·r-I prud'!i cd in Il l)' II , t tI . g ivc 'uu w hll m we hall II t bUUII t Ir" I; ~ t~ co: .. " .. ~ all uc uunt llf llllrtrip tll'TaliulIu s 'C Ih' dVllr ·y.lI·d :l IH:l'i'<:ct b" \\"l'r Ill' "'..::l <- i;; ~;~ & .• hut t h ' multi I'li it· f U ' lll ullI l r,,~·, t'111llcl il • jll l'tlfti M , jl'~ .. (I. i:i npoll III tillle Illld att ellti II lIn w ill o. l all l llllll~. l:tC. !::ill ' 1'11.1 .· Ill! ~ I~ pNV Utl':l !. Tb e laet i', \\" Imn l help U\l I" l·lvl ·. r CIIlU" U WI! ~!' - ~, . - ~ ~ : : ~; I ~ t beull oil t i.lll ~. "'I), Ull t! U itllat .1 tll 'II pi '''cd I' (TY RlltIrill,j " hut tlli ;; ~ ~ =~ ,... . ~ ;~~RCS~ it \Vll ul tcd ' (lut of til' '1" ' tiu ll d idll'l ~ l1 i t her.' Mu h~' tl)l.k it ill :;.~ i£~:::.r;li;:;":~ .1 ,to writ " a ll d ha ving p ut ituf!, 1I hilULI a lld lit rull ' luuthen:d II ' PI. ·.-...., I ;.~ .:.~--- ~ long, alld so lI1an ijtirrillg ' !CIIC w it II tit , m,; t Inv ·1 . Jl uWCI'S uf 1111 Co. ~ _ : ~ " ~.:: slid i nci uonta ocellrri ng iii 11 ' , 1 11 111 k i II U . . J IIdt thi 1\ k uf it , }' ·Iwllilry .1. ~ • ::: j ~ .~ . " utt rly at 0 11. (jilt UII I' s ta l't tu l ~ t, t h whnl · ntlllu"l'hur' l"lld·il ;e -! .~ I::': ~ .! ~ 1'ullull a.;s CUll nvt w ·1l b' tVl'j~ut· wil h l ir Jll'rful1\e vI" 11 tilllu -allol .~ Ii.,; 'l:: • ., tL~~ " t II. Our fr i /1"'u E. D . ,\ 1"u 1'0 \\' 11 livlI"cr, a lil l thell th' Il lUeki ll ~ " ~e _ ~ ~ ,,1., ~-.:: ~ ~ ;50.c~.:el~~~ ~ to stu.rt huw' un III ' 1JI" rllilll( t ra ill ILid,; w ithuut II l1 l11h I', ill h" l't - I :.=;;;: z: l: ';;~:: .. ZI:: i< :;:j at 7:45, F ubrllary 1 t. M I'~. l' I'~'rytll i lll-( t .I ·l ig hL til cy ' 11 11.) .~ ~ ' ]~'::·~:J ~), ..j":;oii: ~~ Q ).mtOD h r 8UII hilt: t ll l'C II' hcl' ul'uak· tv lIIal\ lid fl!·1 illu"l'ol tid il! t it · ~ ~ - ---~~ta.t shawl OVC!I' hur s h IIldc l' , 11 11,] III III uf f1' "I' ~' I'<I f\ll d dCl'lial "pl'i llg. - ~ .. we wcr oB' i lll~ .i i tfy tv tit ' LI 'p l tv ' W hile 'J'lIlluhll:l I.!' I IH~ lidl .. il fhllll ii. ~ le~ him stUI·t. \Vil clI wu gilt titcr her llllei ' I,t CHtil tl.!, II t he. EJ ull uf ~ -s we found 1111 tho W CIIlIl OIlU truu po ~ I, e .'~ II t1 I: (tbu wll r ha ving ~uP l'l.;J ,., .. 0 011 hand r ully t tuk u pUdharn VII l td III .) 11',, 11 1 II p"l' " lu t lllll uf uvcr :;;j AI , .., - () I I I k t II ~ .~.. : : ! :; .... r. M'I) I ' l' d~Jleeilll cur t'lIl' TI\ l ah ll~ ' :>,1 I} W H.:ll t 1l.' ~1' lir Jrol o. un, II i= '" ,;....~ Ii$ .Ii .: . .~ I!Po"II - til UHi 'Cl'dU r Ih .,rOl'H.lbal" illg weilith y alld n ·flll·d , huvl ug h"l'lI :"' 1.; '''' ~ ''''''''"''''.''OlO''''''''''O = kindly invi ted him 10 IlIak ' tl lU l'l.'d IlCl·Li to ai m .. t I' verty, and i ... ~ti::3;~~~~~:f;ti:~; 'E trip. Two lIt' tit" 111111 III ·lItbcl's ~f ' prulJuuly I <It! tl llill ~:"I)I I I ca ll 1lut ~ I - - - - 5 ' lIfilU truul'U cu l turc,1 Mrd, 11. II t I UI~t u 'hor c t ha t l~ tow ycal's.llI 1'0 .;~ , i oj E: : " _ . .... g OIlOU tl,1Il1 cu lTic u her ill til' cllr (vI' \I'd I s . • I"'r Oll t t l'IP 1111 hl'r IUl'm ' I' ~ ">. ~ 0. < :.. .E GOODS IN VARIETY, eoul'lio I fllll uwcd.) lU a l tit •.' wlr ,10 :.; I v ~·.r ' . N atul'o 1111 t1 ,)U. IIU I' I'~rt E 6 j:;Hi~ ~~~,,"" party II Url" Jll nlhtd her ullt il tho cars by llllluhussuu, Il lall wUlIlo,llldvlso 'IJ'" ..,Qc<- 1.:=;"" ~ OROQUET S ET8, lllovetl out, lIIH] th "r wall 1\ 0 h ·Ip all plIl· tios wh o yillit.tllis Slate with ;: . . .. . . . . - :. r ,mey an d ulller G II(l(I ~. nil or Ih o \.te.t lII .. k" " " d rur t h ~ low· for it....,.a plain case 01 kidllUppill g . U. ~I O W of m a klllg It 11 homo, tOI ~ _. . e e ~ 8 e s e; : " : :a u re to (",ur u~ wil h " cu ll ' M llY l a. 1'4711 Now yuu CUll iIlIagili ' tho C II t·r· Vltll t It I' 1111d look thn)llgh Leon .~ < ci.ci.. " ,; ,; ,; .! A w&tion, til" fod orn luuk J l' ll icti)u t'lllillt y . It i" 'ertu i ~tl y a pl easant .J. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I E Ona womuu'l! tuac ull dl' r au ·h t:ir· I,)a " tospe lld th w ill tel', 11 11 0 , us ' · '~:;~-N"""''''' X,'''''' I ~ Empor~um CUDl 81uDC ltI. On u I.ir re· (.r {"" III' 1'1'''1'l.'rty I'; n l 'W ch 'II» , t o 10c':1te ~., ~ t: I~ dll" s' tril', ud 'or ' hl'cu kfa~ t, ulI .I f'.lr Ii Ii.'. T.1l ' Iunu id gUild .. ·lirnllle ! ~ ~: ,, < th tlhlllAlIlIU UlI.) ul l ' li u il· II II .. luCCul cu ulllr Y IlIl t! lIlatlll g alld cr4. T ~ Ie eOllllt y. I·~ j ~, ~ J.''thin~1I tlillt luuk · Il WlII IIUII irll !,!,Y, 'Ill ite 1Ii 11 y IJI'~'" 11 i ll ~. ~;~ I ~].~-: .~ -g ::8. I o~ :. . "WilY frOIll h" lIlo. (.I ! it wn~ fil II 11 11~ IIbulIt J.),OIIl) I II irulll tlllltll, 0 1 " ~ "=';J..: " ~ 0: c ~ ~ ' 0 ~ , "r,' 'Il\ ~' ~!1 A., 1\1i'T\\ ~ I fur Ih· I' lit , I,nt that l' clli iar I,.(. k wh ich l il ,IIII\) 111'0 cuI rud. Wo 1111 \ r.~'bl ~~ 'H ~ · H ~ . ~ :r. ~ ,~ ~ Ql·~~£~ ~ · ~ . • of IOllulin · o! tltnt fr '1III c llll y Htil lu a1t~' ,) l\t"lr f",!11 in luvc witll tlte , ~ f~ Qa3~ :1i c3XO ~ ] i ~ I over hoI' fu cl! II tit , Ca r s ~radllul l ." I ! ,J: ... e Hil l It ri !,l·o\,I~. Gu IIlId 8Cll ' . ' . '; :..":._ . ' ,,_'~ I ~ul lIlIdl'r IWlIlIwil Y. CllfI llllt ~(I"11 I,u It ; IHlt Il~ eVl' I'YIIIlII!$ hut! 1\lI . l·lll.! ~ . U I UI'!;vttull by UIl )' I) \' tit ' J\.II \" '1'lI wd : ~" 11 11 1' II hl)', ant.! ull 'l' tw u dilY ' W ned .~' J ldk~ll~ ;I;~:~ ••FF:.I;~:::' ~'~.IW'8~~~;~" ;.; &~ but, thulIk:l to Mr. oM ill er BU\1I1 ~'!itl r~I , I' !) r.l.ttr ~~ :: Til u" rh ,r .ijl:Il N1 t"k c·. ['I '''' Ur(' ill rOIHrlli1l1t "'fin )' th llll k. to 11,. pu t,1ir rur tho l'~thlld II g Olld wllrlll brcllkllls l lllld \' 1 C Ille I II ~ ric I .)' PUI U~I g II I , M ," I" 'I" '('her.· ~ ~" ";: &. . Ohu. :J:;~ r.",,,~,. th ,.y I". ve." lib 'reilly bc.I(. w, .d 011 hi ... . illl·c hi~ r.'lU!"" t .. W ")'II , H\:ille" ",d h<l ' I!WU juilled I! cllttil ' ill ull tho lI eW wu w Cllt; Lut b ' l n ' ICllVIlJU' tho I·.,"r Liltle W" II.1 'rer. tl . 1\ . c . aGe 'ti!1 "')1~" ".' by ".II'iet at! IIliulI lu un.iIlC.• ". to me!"it u C IlIlIl U" nCC " f lit · ft""'C . \ lleOIlIlS· 1 rCtlclIl~·d. OUI' Cll llll'lI l1y t llr wU.14U\·u ' UI.'t. Mill er tl . lt ullrty IJrillS uuck III !, ChillI. " &. . c . ai'e Dill
1; ,
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Harness rr rl'IIE
18?6 .
"H A Y S' S'O N GS
I)-I Rl""• OF •
cvnKit;Lcd ot JUltll ~'Iill c r j[\ l(l lil lll i Iy ThulDalI Huburt · 1::. Th ullIaiS . J ~lIles 8mrr IlIlJ tlrc'ir wi V('8 ~1 r. Rnd Mrs . • .Allll''', Cin ci lllllrt i: iiiI'. anu Mrs. Uu:> 011. Truy. N l' W Yvrk , Mr. ulld .i\l ... Hll lw rlolJ iI, N ell" Yor.k city Mr. D. F. l'al'I'" "C II 10' r· , . ' ''' III Ticket 11 1' <1 F .-eight Agen t u f Jucksollvill l.', Pl'"~ II C .• lu " Mo bile Ha i lrJ lld, li o l' · I can l ~ . t ile IJ rt.:~c lIl ill cumhc nt a ~l rI II 1".' 11' utl ll' l" i I" ' ited . uel!ttl, 1I11'lkil l g II I ' CI ') ' 1,Iell ll iit
If you w o uld U~"
Vut c ul Ihullk s lu I' a ll thu klllOlleSii 1"1'Cl!i I'L'd ut hi,; ha ll d s [lilt! that o f
It it! 1'1 cil,o UII t tilll tily . ('spoci ully ~Iolltc"! A ngel Mul hcr I ' 01" & (lullr liltl,· It. n ~h . Uc l;JI"I! 'Iu~ ill ~ th is t,' t . 30c. . 1 H"I ·ill . S" ee t n ol,ill . . k . C. ~lIe. I .~. Ilur t I I:l tr.:r, II I .. w /II C h! tilly II ~r" ru A re \1 .11 ... . iti ng II. 'r.' f"r OI " ? S. &. O. 30c .
PR:C£S will be LOWER this year 'THAN EVER I since the Rebellion f and my Terms are LI3ER!:.L, i : [,
A n y 1"'om1Jt 11 III! / 1'11711 30 to 91 df/!/, 8 ~ , t 1 ·tl ,'/'e
murket blly tho '
~/I y a11!/tllllIg 1/1. My 1,1'" (111 "!In rl (Imll' . /1)" S/JI!Ctll1 "(jI'COIl ell t, f UI' a lUI/Yd' tim.,; ~~~ ~~t.L .• \ ••
I.... Ih c gC lltl Clllll ll ly ,.Ili r<:r 01 Ih o lI ,u k ! .LIt •. Va . pe r 13 , 11. a' e ch inii",;. UI' ./ llekIlOll\·ill e. 1"· II ~ " c.!l ll ,\: Al uhrl S,, " ~ ~ Chili'.. . 30". j"1 I " . . I 16 tl'cr,· ltu , .. tiIl H , ,, '·en. dcar Molber. I II 101 (.f,r \.:1 1 1" JlIL . . l' lIIl"I q llil . a II l1lll le r "ong ,I. L·hor Jti . . :10e. .. I l irclIt, ulll .a~ I 1I 0H' 1" I"l~ III l.'l lIllc l' n 1111 IL''' , uli d 1,:11' \' IIl1 l1 e ,.1' , t h\:ir pn n tl·Li lIlatkr li t Ioa llol . I ~ I'nlk 1,,1' • a ll Illl<l ,;IIY, if 1I.'c I"IJl d duct! lI ut 1..·LII" tll,,· ll e .. rtb ' Trll u ' ,lcd . 8 &0. :IOc. n d I I I The Snll: nll ~Io l he.· :<"011; )0; . I; C. :1IIr. VIll"t)', IlIlJ Il dlly fhllt w llTi( ' ng b · 1'1"" " I 'l' I'. lIl1 . ' I" I 11:1 1" ea rl' II 1I1111IU ~C · . ·I e ll hc r. 1 IOI'c he r . !'l,lI'! & Charu.. 3{k . rem elllhcred. II Wllt, It III Ilo t wUl"th tlt c tll il e \1 hi' i CI" ,h"t rOll h ••·• 'li e "; . 1>. . 3'10' Tho coulltry IltrlJ lwh wh ic h w e l u Ioullt III1.m , IIl1d fur 1111 u llr eVIlI ' Take lIle .gBi~ t o J'our " ",orl. S. ~ . O. 30c. pass is \,\lI" y /UI/l'1o lik . liB u llo e l" p~I IIV I (' Iill ~;Iy, \\' 0 1.1111111\ tlo CIlI ( 1 rr7" 1 U OJW l lI L/' r I N\, ITE A 1.1. 'I'u ('()~I E'" .A N f) SJ>:t:: Mr,:·.£JJ I!cct ioll s -wu htll'l.! I·i.ited ; i ll ~ltllrt k l ll~lIy, IlUf! ( ' 111..)" Iolll'u I.. r 1l11 1l1')I,l r · I 1.J 1, it il:l alike, l e v~'I, ~nlldy I ' ill 'ri l.'s. IUIlIty h, d l~(lw th c lil IllIIt lV e nut SONGS & ·QU ·A FlTETS. until we Uppl'UlICIo TuIIIlIIlI BIlC C. vllly ul'pl'\c mre bu t lI' ollld I~, .. mure (' 11,· H ll lldll'd Yo ..." Ago . S . &: C. 35e PR(H~ITS when it beoumes UlUI'U r .lIillg. Wc IloulI lad to hal'u th"11I . \"I ~ ll ullr Q". " ;~.~.!~~~ Yea,'s Ago. Qt.lur Ma lo IIIc. ~ pa8S Ihrour.:h Li 1'0 Oak, a IS II Itti I " ,," II )c l u v ~d <:tty 01 1{ l clIIiIOlld,. ~ I .rd ,ino; . Scalh ou r tllrry Flag. S. &: C. is my mutto. I intend kec l\i ng n full lill o lJ r' cI' o,rytltill g perlaillin g town ut tho )' 1I110 Iillll vt' th o r iii . Illd ., alld gll'e li d all Op)1Ul"lllll lty 0 1 oJ l.,,"" r 30c. to th l) ull ~ i ncss. · I U· ' I I"lltlllillt i llrr. r · 'omo 11IIt! 60 !l8 gon- )1 ,,,chi ll «· ~ e!'Lhou r8Larl"y Flag. Q I. for rva d8 , a 8U, La ke Ity, B,' IIlllll el !"" . • " Mnle \ . 10e. from tho IIl1merOlltiSUlalllak{'s thllt tlcn.Il!II, ,I~)r we waut tv Vle lt )l IIU L ut the lIi l l ~ ""d V ale . R e . ound. qt. I IIrrOUlld .i t; It is quite u fluuri sh Ilgn lll: J II r~. are u th lI ~ and or I (or )Ii xc'd V._ _ ):!c ing tOWII .and has the uppllllrull cl> llI ure Itellls ~f l ilt 'r~~t thut 1 ~ ir ().II~U • uf rapid progress. In the irlllUedi . I ~'~'e to p ll t IlIt~J til1 8 lett er, but tlllI O. ute vicil\ity urc a IIllluliel' ul gilI" wdl .lIut p e nUlt, yl'l 1 du hupe tu , c"tl~'r S weci flowe r; o'or he r Ornve . U6U8 tor New Y ol'k LLlld Pit i I ILJ t~ l . Kct tt m ~ tu W~ e J lle I :tl e r ~ 'II .gc n · 1)~lIk .. HOc. ph i~ markettl, olleof which cOlltain!:! Crill t Up ICS l lul I'C !~a \" llIJ.! I· l unda. Weup 'l;~~~~~ Gr..... e s o f t he L01'cd ()n e~(lc . . , . tbrty Ilcrt'll uf peus. They \\'~ re 1. ' V. 11 AYN F:B . ~l eln"ri,,1 Fll1l1'l"ts. n" lI .. d. ~l ellrl"lp"oh o. :J(Ju. ickill g . l\nd Bhil ' llin " [it l hllt t i m . _ ••• ~ :O-Cll lt,· ,· ' W"'.'I Flo w".·•. T rio (ur Fem . \" . :111". A DOOBItE 'rEREAD LOOK-STITCH 1. ' 1AOHINE. n Sell"lblca "dvlce. W" "p ,,'er Ihe \: .... ,·c .<. .. .• ,. :IOc . 'chl'lIur J" l ·t, lit e wh " lc 'r"I ) ha v· ,.uu n n ' IUfL. elI ",' en' I Itt" t IIrOI1J.!, I1 f IW CO I• I --.-• illg bcun uld ILt $73111 pCI' hll ~ hcl """,. "f IICW"I''' l'ers ""d 'hl" yuur Ilr ll ~j: i" 1 Published by J . L . PETERS, ill the poo, S l' you tlec }' lurida Ioa~ t" II ,,' ' ~' m('lhi ll)! 10.· D rpe p·.i.. " IHI I''''' r ~" :llIro .. d ..... y, Be,. .oa. ~lalieD p,
Stewart's Songs
'Yo have on
haud the bost assoltm ' nt of
I' N l' I ' N Nl A L
80metltin ll Cl!iU het;i u l.! o
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Illl vo three of t1JO liE T - - -
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Ilcpairillg 'Duric Pt;onlpH \·.
MemorIal Songs.
' cver offi· r d ill fiJi mll rk ct Th cy nrc liS fvll owd : J)A j ~T()lv~ OTlAH. P1 0 .N, jJ, ·1 Y],O X A r" (;lfl~: R Ii' II.1{ () Nn , II OL1PIJE li. ftlfl'J:'R/ l l., d!: U1JT7!'R C' IJII. L E1)j all t~i 1l ,/ticli (lj'/J W(ll·ran.tcd t(l gh'c &~tiifact[(J?t.
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N ew York, Il ud m rdluJ, p o~ t~l'u hl . 011 r. f'ci pt li t' th e mud H:d pl'ictJ. !')t i 5~ 4 w rI" lis l _ _ .
(..I!'tHll r tJS,
A t 7 I'. N , \\' 0 l'cacll eu 'rulluhu s~ bll t li 1t lc fHl I! nq.oI. ~ n w t l 'l= iH' .V ( IU f"C IO" y"No l IIt" 1 l ; ",,, ,'~ .' "011,1" 1' 1,"'1'. 8 E . F . Kunkel', Bitter Wine 01 lIee, tho cilpital IIf· the ~tatc. all d r" .. i ll ," " ',. YOII I.f lIy ' pol':, ia "noJ I.;'·,·r Co m . " lron puired to tilu Oity lI utld, thcullly 1 ' I " io, t "i 'hn l l it _e,r" CI -" u " h n~ """",.,,,,: 11 f 'I ' t) ! I ·k
il) Ih e tho I/lI\rkot: WESTl.i RY,DCB Ll.\~ and J:,'XCEL lORI . ' I . I I k '" ' h , :-.\i c k H " Rltll d u! , II nl .il uu l l'oflli ' ·lHle"fiI, 1.111 n("nH Je ell ·no wu . to !\I '11 Ie CIt.l'o.o II PU) 10 IImse III tI e P Oleo, part.HI · Palpit.tiOll 01 th •. II" 'HI 11 00... tl,,,rll . W,ll ", W " ~ ".'h· ~:', IIII.'~II ,·01 w'th " Y"' I III In ' :. " 1<11 8 of that which WIIS ~e t ud'" l"e li d . . , ' . . I 1'''' 11 ' 011 to) u ,'rt, ,,n. 1.. 88 ,, ( mem.l rl'. d,mc ul· ~~J ml ll': III) :.' f 1001 1 tlit,'r ,'jllln;!I', o w t \ "I' I .r cllth ing , J,:(! lIeml " ' CILkn c': R: lWl'ro r o f o ak l' I' g 110 Clll e e t 'lI' II S fl.r C 'I)II"CI'O ll ~ ~..1inll'~:I~h, U.~ 4' C Wl' I, d" l'llli 10 .. ,, 10 , 'I' llr 1'\)1' - , . . r I' II ' 1 1 I S~ I II I ~ f ,It.·,'..•• ","" I,. ,," n 'Ou , I relll 101 ... <" '.··.ad ul \. gllU " . O. fl lH ~e l I~ .... nn)l l' 01 r u ' . I Id . I TI k &a · e . t~ CVCtJllIg paSti l'L V(' J'J ' (l lCI ' II 'A AU.).! Ul'O l Flow (' I' for' to (" ' llhl utili t ry hOIT!I" proII.l·ll th . tll g 'to ~ \\'on.I S . ~u tel' !. pleasallt ly and ull aPI'l'ared w ell i., or. /(' ·I: .II"r ~iz" fu r 75 c,.nL • . Two <1 .. - ",."1.,,, ~< . <i1l .. 11 as ul "" '011 . I,,"pln r , "", . with tilc ltl ilC h' '0, '0' " il l relie Ve I'U'" :;:,4 I v '" ' ,·,, 1 I :ls.i, ud~ of the ro " ; r ~.I '" .,·, te m. · ell uutl'sfied W " . I. t·IIO I' U10H R 1Ll'l'l! lItt' with d .r~Jlt'I)tI C s ym !J t o m ~ , exCepl, pCl'h UpS, ull e uf UUI' purty -----:10", 10,.,,01, . 1l ... lo i ,, ~ or tho I,od y. ,l r YII"" .. I' who shut hi s heud in Itt the parl or "9999" MONtil' IIOR AI , I, • . ONI , Y tlo ,· . kill. pallid COU lirCII " " Ce sod c r" pti.lI.. l\\(\ I lil li e .. , Onl " ,tw,o, DI I/le~. , It 0.11 Lh . rU.~' Q .'Hlri t ~' i "l( lh \.l. Id uo ll , pa in iu litu door at Il ruther lufu 1, " ul' un J wit It .. ,o,I w"Y ' d ,u'keSI u"lore ,1,' .". I(I 'u' .· rcu d I,.. ,'k. hcn l' ill "~' of Ihe c\'did " fl"<" IUCII I a scared Iv..,k hurr iedly a; kud , " r who wi ll ." Ut) '~ II ~'e" I ' 10 U' . w ," wil l ,c ll d ul. " 'h ." .. t8 \l yi ng b Cli .r.' Ihe CI' U_ wilh torn •• whcl'e's Sully?" nlill i II sluntl" 111 ~""t. to 110. " e w.n 8·, ,,01 O'H' h,!, OI f 9!l9!J p""" "~' oll ll u< [" .. n "d In •• "I silll' L. wR uL of '" "ll1 dl WI' ~U , t 1':l Il tel ' \\ ti l pU L .\·o u III tlu.' Wil Y 1IIII'uti llll , eto..... 1'hes€l sympt.q m:4 nil ariRe diBappE'.ured. 1I0 WO\' o l" tir e murll ' 10 nlll l:" '20~1 "OlJlIllh , And JI<lt Inke hnlf frnm .. wea k"e,!. "lid to remedy thAt. tiS" jng tound nil blllld,; ILt hreuktiltlt, •o,,~ tllll e . s~i1H\.tle r<lr InCII or "omc lI. Iooy ' I I·; F. KI NU.:. il iLk r Win e o( Iron. II d d d'l' 11 I hI 0 1' g ll' IIl, nnd 1104 f',IILI I'(lly fi t' \\', ThOll il fllh} :a enn I Il c ,',' r fllll ~, Tuk ~ 0111\' E . F. KUSKE t.'S. an rell:) to ~ 0 u n IUBlleO . r. no w Mon,,· 1'811"10: h .. . ill,· •• • Hml c" noto"t IJc ~ . It' of oo .. "te. reil . ,,"11 I",, ~ inlo" . Pappy sou II pllt in 1111 appearllllco i nc'. m ~ 'l'h. ~ · , . till' ·dl ••lleo Ill' 1\ lil ... i " ".. ·j t'Oil '. A. "ullk")·. /litter Wlnc of Imu i . with quite n IIll1 nbc l' of hi s fl'il'II<! S " ,~d ,I I'" '' ."'." " 0 1 e ml . r"",. ii, lell ."""1" ' _0 "c ll kII u"'1I nil 0"0" 11'0 co,,"lry. druj( · . 11 J" • ,rl ' II I. .) d k ' d. I rt' · 'H I ~. fo .· .t " A ~(l"Tl' ME fOIl' O "~I' worlh y ; " ioto thom. ,l l"e8 make 1111 im itaLio n ."d LI'Y (11 lV,l ng 10 ,11 uu~sCC an . III tI;~,) r\ IIl'!'!yc IS.OII \\ 11 0 nee ds 1\ 111'. 1' 111 1-,; hnnd .! I II rnllll it li n' nil Ilw ir c URloDll' r s , wbeu they Iy took the tr:Jllt In tho hne of NOI n " ·C'1'8. l ewd,.,'. 01 olh"r hU'Hb ll;!. b ll t , cril l 1'0 1" "un kel"s ililLor W ib" of hOIl. march a lld hav ing the dlly l.u(,})"e II . ~' .: " n~I" u ~ g ll nru~' t" " fl l , u " ~IC"s .OI' I' ':'. 1 K un ~ " I" " Bill er Willo " f Irun i , pnL up , I) d .. t ll111 l y Slttn plc lHl\. cireulll r :-l " ,\; c , \ c ., ".r ~ Old y in ' IQ ul t's , IIII U tins n ~· (. I I (l w wrap)I<' f ue wo moveu S ow y UII J.tuvk It 1111 0,' 111 At C" 81 , ~o e" lIl a, 011 1..- '0 '"Irod,,,'o II ; , ni cely put " n ,:.c oU I, id ,. "i,h thc 1" 'ul' l"ie . if). Now let 1110 say that TIIIIIIIIlLt!· " " lie " .ce, ".,,1,,01'''' '11",",1 rq ,ly 11 ,,10 ." ' I,,' ~ tor '" I' b"l"g r"l'h on th e wr" l'l'er of o"el, 100 is the I)retticst p lne.1 I IIILY l' .. n."t 10 .... " kI' il·~nIlU ", yen r •. 1."' 1". I"~J."I.'. ·:I~ tlOl1\,·. . Alw ay" I... ·k for tit I'h OIOI( .... " \I 0 11 • ~ . . , tH4 1II .• k lng Lhul . Il lId 20 Cl 'Uts fl lld !),I!U Lite o uL-sld l'. Rlu.i "OU \\,111 RlwR\" :' 110 tlJure t o se~n ID FlurldLl,not Ihnt It I~ ubett cr will , h",,: y,,~ : ho« ·ti. rl OII':.' Alirl ,,'... I Jr,'1 th o !:ell\li n~: ~I pc" b" tilc. '" , ix fu r hull t tOWlI, but tho locatl o u, sur· IJl l\ 1 Elt & ·l Lt ., HIII "I~"', N. H. :. 5. ~ "Id I.y IJr llgg isl . ull d iJca lers e.·cr, . !'(lllndin gs, &0 . • al'~. bCl~utirlll. It ill p.. (;. ,~. ST. L. 1"'II,lVlf I w lo,.rAll Worm. Removed Alive . . III .Leun CUU llty, 1(j0> miles \\·.c ~t o~ I.' it'll//tolld Cni"a YfI lJi vtl! ion. 1 E. 1" . K nK H 's Worm ""-""1' " "V"I" 'ail! tlllo! place, alld. hilS a l:'~pullltlOlI u l . API'U, 18, .~7C.. Lo deolroy I ';n ~" ul lInd S Lo III ~" b WO!'~' s. 1 IT retains an che ViNUCI (\( the L1i lH Kurmirrg DOM ESTle," includ ing ahe Automatic about 25000, 18 bealltrtu ll y located "o, ~o ' ~ U" ' II . Dr. K"f<K KL . Ihr on ly . "cec •• I,,1 Ploy.,e.su ~'!Fe:;c~:~~~~'c : ;.; ~A~' ~~N~~ :1~\I K · ( ~ I~NI, : n <': OSI CI\L H EA K 1 ~ (jS on W l h 'he Ahchiae d I f l ' I I '11 N 8 who r,· OIO'·C. T" po Worm ill 2 houra, ali,'c ' I t op and S l~nd . . • I k on tIe all s op 0 a IIg I II , .~. . , ... ith hl' '' ol . Rnd no rcc ""Lil ro'mo" ed. Com . Om new an d ol.ll df!::l,J, wot\(cd out wit h b,::.nd new Mlu: hl1lcry :~ncl rOil , ~,:,t our ()~ n rcwW'o~._ . surrounded by a swall valley, th us Ci.nc inMli-r.o"." e 1 .•10" .n 7 .0~ P'.. "" DlO lI •• u_e teaches if Ta p" Worm be rc mov · in Ih e bll",)' c.i l y or Newa.rk l Ne w JCf'ey, h.\ve vl\'r u I!';t, 101:1U!t.ml f I r M ~.(; H AN J C A L F. X Cr L· L.:NCE. Minlrnum or . ·Metion , Mal'tl mllOi of 1>lIr.... lllll t)'. ,wd u nge of work, pc-vc r hCrCIUfgr• affordin ... must churrn ing \'iews in R,dI Olo noi-Arrt.'·o 10.35 . m 10 no ed , .. II olh , r worm . elln uc "oRdil, desrro: ed . nr.ache cJ in l he S4: wina M a~ h i nc wurld , • e . ., • n_gl' rs to wn . IH rt Ve 11 .1:-4 " m lU ·I7" t'it· nd lor (.'i rcli lur to Dr Kun kd , N . 1;5 9 all dIrectIons. lho Ilumber of New C. oll • .• rrh·" II :.0 am 1120 :' N o"h lIth s l l'eel , P h i l "dc lphi ~ . P R., or coli TO THIS STATEME, T ANI) TlI ~ MACHINE IT ELF ' large live oaks st retching thei r long Anderson. "rr"·. 1.!J.l p m 12 25 1.. ,n· ".II, you .. drn·gi. ' \! lId IIsk f .. r B bOUle o( w. Invit. the attenti on of ~tI • • pecr~lIy thoac ~avlDr high mechanical akin or armtl in every d-ir ·ot ioll ov r pub. Kokomo. Rni'o. ?.4.; p III ~J .Ha . I ~ :: Kun k"!". Wu rm ~ 1ru l" Price ·SI Oil . 1t DbaervatJoD, N , U',- AII Machines fu ll y w:u r.'IlIted . • , LOf.(Anspo rL, orr"'Y :I .St! p 10 bever f,'ila. 563- 1, lie squares and streets, tho stat Iy Orown Poinl . .. dvo 6.5() p !n . II.U:I " DOMI'8TIC SEWIN~ MACHINE CO., [(]" WIlrrlloted to gi vo Sati';~llcti n..,DJ magn olias in sigbt aU r uud tho Ohl cago . mh'" M.f>O pm 7 bO" To the Public G~D.eraDy. N. ' v Vur)" nud C hicn.g-o. suburbs, gjve to tbe ,,' hole to''1n l\ (I0 1NU ~OUTU . TIuviflJl routed the P"int. Deputtrueut of . v ery plenB"lDguppearlluc. Amollg C'h' L 'c m ~~j51~ m Mr. T. Deviu'. Corrilltl"o ''''P. 1 am pre. LADIES; USE ~·. D')~ESTIC : ' PAPER FASI;IIONS. the mllny pluces wo visited Was Cr~C:~~;~in~~m, I U.O~ P'" 1' 10'05 '•. . r~rod . l~llint Carriuge. a nd WAI( n Hof nil SOIlIF.'l'tNfJ ~ raw N 01'ICE C II's , Lo '" I" PO '" 12: 15 ... 01 . 12.~5 I!. 10. kmd K 01) firHl ·el"o~ Htyl,' li nd Ilt re.. ".,~"ulu . IIOR \VC\I- - - TO P. 1 . d t 1 Ad I tb ..nt of tIlC .old Ge nera I ~,~I ca JI ~ E!\ .,:- . .. rule•. 0, .. mUll 0 1111 . " . " ~.~.. •• Tin' IInl crl«l!nc hOI' Iw. II API' in '( -I ODe of General JaekBou~s stuff· 1{nkomo ! 3'" ;,,, 2.:ifi WILLlAM THOMPSON. I • • -I Ik 0 ......... _nil" . . ... mlll i.trutt!r of th o l!;,ot ntc of :E1I1. .. bcth J. fII era· Ie d'oo t' tb I t Allde,s,.'n J .2 9 , , " :.!:I ., "'/ Addr.·.... ....!th ","lIIp. .H ~i ll eA. lute of W arreo ,mnty. Ohio, d eo c • I I . loon a .er e a e New Outl .. , 4 .J3 S.'JO b . I ,- II~. 7 8 "', .1\'.... Ye.1I ~II ' cellS'..!' All pt'r n08 indnb w d U1 tll ~ CIJ ut wa~ broke ?ut; W68 a staunch oM , J!~~t·rs~Q"b S.lI? .. fl.?~.. no eal~t ~r.ul _ _ _ _ .1 <!!. I y __. ..iIIl'l~n~? tn " k". irom,'t1 i.'d...otl lemont. '''!'' ' All kind of 'Vood r1nTlpS at xtrem.oly low p r ices.• Umou pat riot who Joved hi s connt. \}{!Ch!", lid. . 5~..., Ii "0 .. (I rdl , .101.th . (JOllN DIU LI 1110>0 h",''''!! ~1'1J1I .• "'!f'"I1.L thO) ."1110. WIll . .A 1\ persuns wi loing anytJdug ill onr lillo will tiud it to thoir, .intel'Olt II 1.1 -;- I.' ., • CIII ClUDatl .. If> · 94 y our lIfL1n n tJatly printed on , ~ • pn·,ocllt t4 III. duly Rulh uticutl!d. for a\- to . II b f' I ' I I !y a bo . va a ellrtu) ~ulllgs, lUlu It N n. 10 \ IlV 8 R jchn,o nd .n(l L"Il"'lIII'OrL /, 1 , 1'ho lilt t IllIprvved Campboll luWllllC, _, WE 'LEY RAIN E. . . give UI:! 8 CIl . ur pure IllBltlg 0 ~ w lere. JI laId by many of hIS old friends for L'h iclI g \l . daily . N<l. I " ill 1,'II \'e Gllie" t /L in a ~Ir Rent t o l1;IIJj .arldl N1I1 , .rn Drill s can be pureh u cd v ry M.I)' a, 1876. Adm'r. tbat lIecession ki1led bim-died of go dail,. All QLller Ir.lin " rUII do i ly. ('xeepl post·patd, 1IPQl~ r o('~pt of no ct8' 1I t' ' 1 t KIND T . • - \ . f. ISuaday. w. J•• O · IIRI~; JiI . I TH..b: JIlAM.! GAY.ETTE. o)w or l\8 I a LX .nLOlC s, ,.... ~ea WaynclIViJle. £,!6 • ·GeD·1 r"!"uger .nd TI~k., Asent: W.pU~/lYilJe, Ohio. Corwi n, Olliv: .. II nll
C:::e»:r:n.+ -:r:l.I.I,. . =-
~\\ttiD~ BQ~'a~~' Corn· Shellers,
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Our nternlltlonl\] h'x hlbilion. 'I be g' lit Inlerl'~ l felt by our rMd rs In lhe I<U CI!I! (If lh 1M lUI tl nl\l t:nterprlf'e ha leu 11K to IlI'Cllre Ih ACCOllll'lIl1Ylog IlIu"traboll lUI I the lalest InfOrllllltlOn f<'hnl\" t{) 1\.8 pr gr Notwllbstand inS lh III rlo of Am r!rAln hllJltoN the po Itl JI of t.h~] blul tlOli 0 11 tb~ tenth I ~IIIY I far III IId\lllll.'e f tllllt of nil) form t lliternntionlll ExllJbl~IOIl a~ the l!&Ille tunc lb followllIg dl':qJrlJ)\IOII \\111 gl\ e II comp1 le IdE-II of th o cx\.ent 01 Ih g rolllldJl and ~h c .sIze of tlte uUlldlll • 'Jbe Ex hlbltlOu bUJldlllgl! are locllted I U FlllnllOllllt lltr!,:, I\III ()\i adJ(lIIIS tire blllJl-up porlloll8 of PhlhtddpbJ& elll tbe nortb \\ e t(> rn border rblH 181\ bcltUtl - - iul park of 2,740 II re$ llpon II blch tbe !11l1chlll(lry 8111111111,. tCRIIl p"IH'r I ~ Lo lJo furni shed In,, 10 I" of f\ rel'f(")I I I'" "trlll lIIIII cIty It IIlready pent Ol(lr 000000 '1'h18 tntcLure I ~ located [Ibout the ('X blhltors. 1t1 t he nnll(,JI (or 11\ .Ir lulle I1 l1d til, r~ lllUrllnt kll chl'n~ ar nl., "" and. lIowallnutlUy ('xpeDdmg ft large hllndred >lod finy fe t II est of tho WftlO l1Iuchll1 t'8 lll!'r!' I ~ a tllllk suI) 8y 011(' IOlllte I thPf~ "'urwIIlHIIIIC: tillS l'udlhllg therc a r~ Kum In adornments IIlId 1m pro vern nte. olllllblUOII hUllding :llld It II! pmc Illllltl ret! IIId iUXty fcut WIth k if r. cL ~'bro ugh It rUIlS the :-;CllUylklll river, llcally II Clln tin lJatlOn of that edifice the dl.'JlLh of \l ntcr It I ~ IIlte l\(l ~ oI 10 ('x till rty C lin ~ 0$ g rnun.1 "llI ch 1\ III II< border 1 bJ hIgh baoh lind mVlOes, hO t{)g' the r I'rel!{l/ltlug a frontllge of 11l11lt 1\1\ ~ rt<4 of Jlydr~\lh~ 1\1 Iduner) dr l Il l~t l to hortlClIltllflil 1"1f1)(J, ", lind I\I1d Its Itlcat IUltuml beauty hili! beeu eo three 111011 Ilull ~Ight huodrCl1 nml III tull opemtloll I1IHI It th o !!Out hern hM e \)cell ~ llltahly ~llIul c.1 III till" plot JUIU d By Art lhe bUllthllgJIllre locatod twent) fOl1r feet from their l'1\<lem 10 end of the I \I k lherl' ,\III L. ~ " .Iu r there I" lin ('x l ~(I" I VC !lNI ~ 01 ~ lIl1k pn fall Ihlfty fne ICCL high U) fo rt) f ~l't gardeJls __________ 1I1i !!Orne of the most be:lIItlflll Spol on their westeru ends, upon tUtI prlnCII'1I1 IIpphl'll flOm Lbl III uk uy the tit bUlb of thiS rner grO\eK ofstate11 avellue W1th~u the (;lllllllt\H rillS bmld \\ lIe, M All cOIllI'"rctll\ llh oiller )II \.erllltl )flLl tre ij "Ilrroundmg Ulem ~pendld VleWM lug COll!l1SI.o! ot n lUaJII hnll, 0110 tholl ~ J'lIl\Ip~ 011 cx lllllll lOtI Ih uro 1\11\ "roh- T XI'0".tlll.1I1_ lint 01 Phllld ~ 11 bill ", III of fiver and land!!C8}lC bolllr nfforded null four bumlr d 1\1111 two feel 101lg Rnd Ibly he I 11'1:('r € ,d uult(un It 1'1111 1101 U1l\1I) 1 'O lnt ~, " 111~ n \l\ to all tllflt Imvo Tb uUlldillgl! stllnd from 12 fee~ to thr bundr d I\ud SI1ty fcctOWhlc wI~11 plnlL of pro c ~K of 11\ IlIur.l~tllru thl\l1 I fI cetlcd It It Il\m, ~ the COlIll'tlC t 120f\letll bo\e thll blllllesLtlde-wl\!.6r1evel \III anllex on the lIO uLhern slIle L'~o hun at lilly pr \ \o lI ~ CX hlUllloll Tho 1111'11 \rr \IIl!(,lIIcllt IIl1d gPllllral unllll\lIc)I of III Lhe 1) II\~nro rl\ er, tin..! fu llr, that dred nnd eIght It!<'t by two h u ndrw ami cllt!ons for ~PIlCC h \\ 0 loec n l!C.' IIIlIllerullS I' 1fI ~ IIl1d 18,01 COllrt'O loferllJ r III milh I'btabove the hllylklll PIli lade) te ll feci The ent" Irell llU\erc(1 18 " to req lllre lin: lI.hhLIOII uf three nn tor of 1111 Ilrt~ III1lI III Onenllcl prvlUll a I a City or 00, mhabllallt& fhe JlUlldlj/!d I\ud fift y-elgM th IIl<1lnll lIOll ~ Co \ertlP t~ IO 111111 ,' " C Inlt Ilf ~ lluctll)lIo lo lImf .f VI(lllll I 111 the onlailJll1g 133,000 dl, elllllg hOtl8e8 n four hundred Rill forty 10llr 1!<J111\1'e teet \\1111 numerous private ex h\bll~ rg Will dl81l11lY (If 1111\ hruery It IS IllClIll1pllmbl) IRrll prOllOrtJO)1 of which MO owned by or nearly thll 1,(>('11 nerl'S, .Iml the tloor I lit lip b\llldll1 g~ for their own II I!C I h IIh lid of ltlythlllg th world 10118 ev r lb Ir oceupsll\.8, G.nd lI1I 8 numoor 1.8 be spl\ce atlorde<l .~ fOllrlt'OI Iloret! rht' J11l1,cbll1ery h "I " ro pt' r Will c IIUlIlI .10' !\een lUI I the Deplf tulCnt of Gelloml I 200 !\ l1IeflCnll xillui to rll, hftvlll j,( III Ing lDcre8l!ed at the mLe of 6,000 n year :h f l O r tl b I I I! 0 Ill.< H \ll\Ifll~ tu rlllg IIIUj litH ('r llt'pn cqUlllell GiranJ uvenue o neoft.be~blef .tr~~"of C Ie \lOr I 11 0 Ie IIll III ~ I 11 If) a ~'" In 1leli(ht \Jle I'nOI1l CHl lll e' "1'011 tho o~P"'gfl ~ pI1 CC of J7 A(l'lLre fee t till hA ~ III ('X hlllltlllll ul whllt the W ul TIl 11Iindal pllUI,Ieud Kdlrectlyfrom lhebearl out,,,de belllg for ty feet (wltl lh !l;fOlllltl, Il 1lI0r'" "",nl'let :Hrltlgelllcllt th III hn. Wor"l h 1M "on ~ ", III bmnch s f hlllll.11I - III Lb CIty f4:l t he en~l'1\nce of th Jl111111 lind tbe Inlenor heIght lo the Lo p of tho hren I\C (1Il1pilHhpd pre\ 101I ~ly, "Illell lit plll'!Wlt IlId·1I 1111 11II8 11r COIllI'I""lg lh81 r Exhlbltl 1l .:b:IliJlliog. ThiS 18 1\ brolld ventllawrs III tbo IIVflJlllCH tIt'\ en~) f~ t, \ ICIlIUI there ')5 ) clIll1bllors of mlldllll I'r0!l rp"~ With tht F'.8Ilt It 18, 01 cour~ ,:> IIghway one lllwdred leet In wldth , IIn(\ the aisles forty f('ct 10 break tbe or) "Ilh 1111 II V rl\go floor 8 pn ce of W { UIIlIIlI rOl\ohcd 11 11<1 thnt.8 IIl1qllCKtlOll1l c ro88l1lg the h\lylklll n\ er upon the long l\lles of the eJlt nor I'ro lcclt on ~ 81J1l11re r08:;t=-_______ _ bly 11 8 chief c (( ollence rile rep"-'IUn~lfioent IrOIl bnllge !lOOn m the ba\ e been lllLrotiucel1 UpOII th - Iou t« lI tntlOII o.f the n IIIU1I8 ot lhe world I lJ1irtlOllltlmd- llmltllllg. hll round of the froutlSl)lece lind SHies, ami the 111/1111 ontmnco I~ IlImhml 0111 pi I with j,he C!lOOptIOO of Or cc CIty of Philadelpilln mlldc n IIheral 'Iho \Vhle - WIIS (' roeted lit a costo( til ,500,000 WIth faClldes extelll"ng to sc\ ent) 61 ght lind II fell of the 'lO lI ~h Ameflcau Repubcxpref!l!ly to furll. sb good fnCllrtles of feet \II height rlle l'1I te rn e nl mll ce grunt of 111 lIIey to provule for the hortl lics Ib "11I, e ~o\ e red by tbe Expo I IIcce!!fl to the F.#-'ClllbILIOIl grounds ThiS Will bil the PflllClP1I1 "I' PrtlIlCh frolll cultural do[,artl1lcnt of the Exlll\utloLl tron I' x re d. HUll of any prevIous Olle 3Vel111e I'IU!l!eS thrOllg" the pftrk 111 a fIIllwllys IIml frolll'lhe IIIIlI1 ('Xll1ll1tlon IIU extremely orullte nud ~'Qllltl\ odIOU 8 two wClIierly direction, lIud 18 a very fine UtlJldl1lg. J\ luug {lIe southern ijlde lire hlllldlllg whlth IS dC8lgllt'l llo roUlallll1l lolnl hlllltlre,llInd Murty IX IIcr~s 1M the <1 five llordorlllg It on the ngh t hlll1d 1,ltlccd tbe uOIler hou • 111111 such other perrlllllf'IICe n~ 1111 urn.ltncnt 01 L nlr nre tbe Exhd.ntlOll groullds. 'IbCllC 1I11JdIDgS or I!pt'cllli kind Mf tl'lCIIlIl ry mOllllt I'flrk :.l hi •• tr u ture 1M lUI 1\.(>,1 1111 1II~ ~ lI lf)r r Lhe 011 I l tnl(>( ho rll ~ r l l1g tl w "" huy lk.1I cO\eraooul2Sti \Or 8, whIch Ilre IIIclo!!ed II!! DIlly be re'1 l11recl _11111 11 11. 1I .."eI 1. lUI hiM IIlldllllC l for the bUlldlllgi!, III nlldlUOII to wblch rl\ or II ~h ort 11r "IIl IlCC llorlh 0 1 ~l mllo ll!l1 the Ilnll of tho 11111 hlne r) bUIld",,, Il nJ I \llclI MllCI) IIIIIIItIlIIlI ~ 'Hw ntthe 11I"",,".1( I'hll "I ItdShl UII til( II!lht .. I thore Ilre other IlIclo,ml'es (ur the dl8 plays of hor6e~ IIIlI clILtlc At the "ho'll'8 two 11111111 "' unll~S 1111 ell f~ ~ L WHi t ~III') Iklll rrH r , Illf Y lilt! ti l m rth I uly 4th III ~ I r. r the J'lIltry ~ 1I111 ut :/'1 50 Vlellllll E!lhlultll)lIof 1 75., the lIIeltlSur WIth a e.(llltmllllHle hCLwrc n fllld 1111 11I<ll "c ~ krn I lO rtW II ~ "f £'11111111 II hi I 1 0 H o \ll\l I'r 1\ ,.Ip hi" I~" dill\, "Ith te n wcluchllg LhllL (or tbe hO~M Rnd CIIttle 011 .llher AI II UWIIe Ll' lII g "Ixly ft .. t III IIlnnll c ,,1\ IIII'" rllnlllllg 11 01\ II tn lh ~ hrMt 1111"-' .IIHr /I "lt ll Wfll t<,,~ tUI ft d ~hlCh IVIl8 of cOIli<1.lemule size cu\ereul Width rh. 1!C \\ l\lIl1eS 1111 iI "I ~. togetb r IIH r Ilrc ) 11 e.Lher ""II' ~O lllfllUII " It II In tlllllndl r "li d WI\I he KII8pcndeci ll\r It ~ h( lghtof fiye hllll.Jnll "611 11 b Id V have thr c hundr oJ lind HIS l) l\'cL "ollih fr lUI \\I(,1II 8 r1,II 111111 lUll 0 I I he fI.llIthe feet Ellch 01 lh ~.~ reti ceLor. WIll hll\ €' Rert'\!. 1l' III 111gB lit lellnll Wldthbl\\ld elicit or lh(,fII 1< onc thoul!IUld lILh~ ~u\ U llbout _ 000 000 IlCluure feet of orlh frol1l lll! rl cllllllmluulltllllg J h ~1\Il Il unlh lil l <ld~ III '" Ir.,;hl LIId tho ,,1\( II g rolUld lIoor ~urrnc for exlllbllors, and three IIllllred aod SIXIY reet 1011 At fIl'"l e" tre bo ng ~ 1"IlIn~d by Orlllllll t lltli o\(>red for Ly two IIcreH There "ere the centor of th uuddllig ther 1M a. b",l !le~ ij!lO f e tlong Ill.! -I x l:Y teel ,,"le, lur IH 1m H th II II Ilit IllS Ippllmtll ~ he orlglDally prov ided lit PhlllldelplIlIl trllnlW(lt lllllely feet III ""lth "llIch I\t for C II \ lIIell. of lie c . Ilrrll):;t ro 1(\. Crill I\l ul)ll llllte 1111 Hca ot lour m.le" 1111 I fifty Rcres ofbulJdmga, glvlOg 2,107000 the &lu tb elld 18 prolonged beyood the n fllIll\lIY IIlld fool- \\ /IlkM11111 \lll •• O\ er mnke II I ~ hl!,bL .. ~ dllY [f th I rc~ e ( t. "quare feet of ~urface, but nppllcatlon" ulllldmg fbl ij extended trnlll!O pL be them I he IlIIr tlClIl LlifIll hl101 hllg lii. de 1111((01"(\' It \I III I e tl the wily for I rllvld for space are 110 numerous a8 to ronder glnlllng III 1I Irty ~IX feet from the I! . gll ~" III the More.quo .t yle ot lin III II1g' t ILII" \11th ~ lIl1pl er (lilt! Cbt'III'N bUlldlllg alld rxltmdlllg to tl\O hllndred lrct ure of the til Clflh cenwry th.. (I ( f IlI U I0 8 H I Illulllllmtloll thllll they I\lJW onlarl!:ment nece'l8l\ry The articles eJllllblted have beell tlud cl~ht fect 18 f1l1l1ked on ILber Klde Jllllle rI " " (> xleTIIlllly b Mig 1ron lilt! ):111"" I"+M:<e1!.!! 1IIUIIlbllh"U. for ver Uu feel It' 1111 I elrU!iufied III seven departmenl.8 Which, by IIIsle8 81xLy feet wld~ , IIId form s \11 RUl'lwHletll y fill. III1\fhl ~ 111,1 orll k" rk fll lkNII g 1;l. I'lIIp~ thllt nr Rueh f rUle lIloel J.lI\rt, Rre 10Cllted 1II lip- annex for hy,lr IIIIIc III Ichlll(>" 1 he lhc blllhiru g I ~ a 8 Ipet lOll!!, 1'~3 fe ~ t II 1I1 ~1I1 II ' repnllt.e bUll JOgs, who e IIOveralllcrcs prOIHellldeHure 111 the IH enllC fift.een "Ide lind 72 f(,pt IlIgh to Lhe 1,0[1 of the , r 1111 (0110"'8 feet wld(' 11\ tbe 1\181('. \.e n fel't and III IIIIlt(>rll Th .. 11111111 flc" r .Mnc IIlil u l hy tra[ll!Cpt lll onty fi ve (ect ] he wllib till' central cOII~n III Iry .no fu l I y 80 1 Mining And melJlllurgy 2, manufac extomhng RcrOM tbe bull.llllg lire all l.e n l ures 3 cducutlon and- SCience, marn feet Wide lind lend lit (,ltJwr edtl to eXll feet IIl1d 5fj fect IlIgh . urllloulllell by I btuldrng 2147, 4 A rl, art galJery, 16 door", The (ounollllJOfI of tillS bUIIJmg IlIlItcrn 170 fCt'L IOIl~1 .:!O f('et \I Ide and Ii )lachine!,), macWDery bUILdiDll, 14, are pIers of mll8OlIry, tbe superstructure 14 feet IlIgh RUIIDlllg ("Ilrely nrolilld tlII 8 conllllrvatory -at a ht:I,l$ht of tweDty 6 Agnculttfl'e, Ag~~':f:U~ulldll1f' COli listlo, of eolid timber ColIUllJlII iup- feet from the floor, is & g~ery live feet 10 'T. bOFtie~ltllral; , 5 To~, porLJlI1l roof tru~, c01l8tructcd of wide. . " ~ you i~(' first of them Which one reacbes tn atralgllt woeden prlllCipal beanla and On tbe north and lIOuth Hides of thiS coirrellpoiJdlltiil. to go down to the wrought IroO ~le8 and struts Tbe prlllci pal room lire fou r forclIlg hOUf!C8 for conllng from tbe city 18 the maJII coluUl"~ nrc placed III longitudlllllllllles t he prol &gl\tlon of young plllnLM ellch of \)enlAm~ and properly reprCflCnt your ('XblbltlOli btuldlng LlUt tho only and III thllHC rows SUIII,1 IYxtoon feet ~h~1Il 100 fcet by Llurty fcal, lind covered IOflue(1 sheet? wo IIIMt Mid ' PII'IIl!C pOi lit frolll wlllcb a comprebenslve apart 1 ho cohllllnKIIro forty feet hIgh hy cllrvell roof.. of Iron nud glllll>! \\ I\lch rernovu )'ou'r hilt ti n we r;IlZ0 upon tbllt \ 11'11 mil) be lAken of them 1111 18 &11d support respect n ely the DlIlety feet appellflllg "Foll th~ exlenor oithe blllid noule brow II Tllen we grllbbed out our frum Ule 8U.llnl~ o( George's hili on f 'I t h It lhe I\ N!' nru l\\orglD of tbe Exlubitl(ln roo spaus oler • Ie lI~ e lllleH II 1\ flI~ I rug, prcf!flllt I very fine feature A ~e8tl br:lDdlflg Iron lind nnmbered hlDl 18,281 "" of forty feet, aod the 8Jxty feet roof hule ~(l reet &\ lInre 1!8\lI\Tlltes the two I grounda Ihl' POlJlL of view lakes In the Mpans o\er the 81RIIIS at I belgbL flf forclOg hOllile8 0 11 ellch ~Ide and Lhere M\ RON, ~IlId a Boo<ton pllrellt, 11M (mllti~IHec(' Lrld bere tbe "pectntor Will twenty fce.. The olller "1111. lire bUIlt nre . uUllar v~"tJullle .. at tbe cenler of IllS elghte( II Y"'lIr~ld offllprlllg stood hnd the nUlchlllery lind IIgneultural of Illll80nry to a height of fhe feet lIod the elll!t alld weot end@, on 6 1ther carpelrullg III bllndj upon the thrCllhold, ball~ 10 lho fo reground, and tbe maID above that are composed of glRze<\ !U\l\b Ide of wblch nre III RrtmenLM for rest III • YOIl lire gOIng to ~he CelitellOll\1 11I1IIdll1g lIurlarl gllllery In the distance between the columns PortIOns of these raul.~ receptlUlI momM, olll( eR eLe Orna Proml~ mc Ihllt during your ,bl!tJLlce l"lOklllg :It them from lhls POl1lt It IYlll 8&5be, are mo\able for veDtiiatlOn IIl1d lllenlJtl 8tfilrwny" I.. ~d from tlu I\C ves YUII will Mhun ullid colII l'my aud keel lX' _II th It tbe lIo rthern (RCE'S of the Lou\ ro ventilators nrc IOtroduced JU tlbulcs to tbe lllternlli gllllerIC8 of tho YOllr feet from ~he tlOOfl! 01 1110 houIIC8 11111111 Ilnd IIIlChlll{'ry blllldlllgs are ID a coutlJ\UOllS lengthij ovu botb the In eCOUIlOf\lItory, \1.1 \\1'11 118 four cxlA2rnlll lind bllhllrd MII"lOS II "Fllther," rehlle lhllt lhev Irt' 1I1\ Ided by 1111 8\ niles IIl1d tbe slsles 'fhe bl"ldlllg IK galleflell each 100 foot loug and 10 feet plied the young rnolll, WIth the memury C IIII~ uIIl <". 1111 te I by 11 c(nered way, enllrely lighted by side hlthtIJ {rom the Wide, "hloh surmount \;-he rnoll! I r the of the III"t CUUCIJII f10lltlllg th rough h 18 .ull thllllholulIgth fron l the extreme of north &l1d lIOuth Space ID mllChlllcry forolDg boll8C ] hel'O extern II gll llerlCs Illllld, I C8I1I1IiL {go uuiu8trtl ted IIUi.l Itt' bllllLlIl1£: t~ th t'Jltreme of tbe otber hllll hili! been aiJott.ed IUl folloW8 arc connecLcd.... wi th 1I grl1l1cl promenade, uupleclged" 1M \ erv I!rellt.-Ulor tban t'H> thirds of a Sqo",,../tJtl - - ------the Toof~ or the room s 011 tbe I I I! c~tIlDliled formed by Itllle ltllnlllllJ; 8100g tbe uorth ro U",,,I Britain 86 720~ l:hllt "l' to Lhe tIme IIf IL ~ UI)!\ rti(1Il1 lin I of nUollt lloor glVlIlg lellgtll of tIl< bll\ld lll!t1l l~ II bouleVllrd tJermalll 10!l8 the c1u IlIg 01 tho ElIrl()~ltloll 1)11 Lhe 17000 squRre feet ~hc eliot lind wes t. ontrnllcC8 to tbo UVl'lI l11g over l~n hundred 11111 11ft) ofl:ll:ro: Ii;: hort.lcultural bUJldlng I~re ll'l'ro Ichell by tho llltlind lit! pie hnd IlIl"<etl III It th e !l\UII CIIl'II, for th~ IIccommooaliOll of A,I. lrI. ~~ gllte- No eXlICt UII~ CUll be 11111111', II" ISIU.1'1\. Th~ hundred ~ L blICk of ';.::'r~ 4.800 IIlgb\.8 of blue marbJ steps, from terrace>! the r gl8ten ng Ilrfang m C1I11l were lIut t be III1UO uudding, t.helr oonters beinglO III",IU • • 4g eighty feet by tweul.y feet, 111 the center 001111'11'1", lind \JI()u8&ndMentcrcd WILh of eRch of which ~I,j\lldM lin opeu klOlll] lie th;, H twenty feet III ,lrll1lleler En II entral1ce out IIUY rcgllltry Ju thu city the t)( ClteJllenll\l\cl JolhtllcutJon IH~r kept up I A II(\Bd"WlI ~ \U"y, \\ III h I t.:rol!l!lld by N.~"'Y 300 18 beautified bv orllllooelll.llJ lile Rnd II hml \ II! _ U. hortl('ullUral bulldwg, th Ullited lA.\.(>s WIll Jlrob[~bly O<.~ ~ work, Rnd tho aDglCll of tlte malll nearly all nlght,lIud P.IlIhulelphlil wore coh8ervatory are ro be a90 rned With lIuch 1\11 tu!J1Cct of hve.1\1l 118 aud gayety tIlilu.Ul lIortbermuOllt f tb pon CUllY 3OQ, Hq uare feet I~\ftl .trUCIII Is th IIgn!:ultllfl\1 Tb.s rnllchlDNY uUlldlllg b l.8 "ery 61gb t. a.ttraCLJ've f()unwmll The comdol1l 8l1. blUl ber tofore _mod 1m JlOIIIIlble bllildlllg anti ulldwllY 001,\\1.'1'11 lblllUld npertor fll l"llllS for IIhaftJng and connecting the coneervatory With the &.hI' DIll bill r.,. hall b th I!l\.(o of th douul hocs \\111 be IIII rod IlC d JIlto eftcb surroundlJlg SplJrtmeDtIJ open floe "IStaII THE nte1fnial COmmllJ!lODeI'l! report l.lUiI ho or the t'xhlbltJOll tu be mati avenue 8n(\ III Ie. at 1\ height of llbout In every dlfectlOn, and tbe oolULles of that,h!! hotel~ anel boardlDl( hOU8eS III by th nl~t lat.e KUV~ rnment. 1,"'''l\ly f l A orl! Leam engl ne of Ih 8urr8undmg (larle, With the fiver Phlladelphlll, lire capable of aCCOrnmo14110 hor1¥' po .... er \\111 dny lhe InitIO tlO\\lng In frout and more tbftn one bun dltlDg 98,000 vI81t.~rij, &11d that private .~ ele;. \.I'Ie ~I~ from the lIhaft.lng 'Ihl're Will 81110 loe CUUlIt.er dred feet beneath tbe uuJldlDg, add to accommodatlonN CI~O be IJecllrl.'d for 20J Ile.re III the Egyptian Itn" or lib. fll ng III th, ftll!le~ I\nd 8peellli tbe attraction Exfensive heating ar- 000 more noaKi (I&n be hll~ It IH IJIlI , "1Uom pow ... r fumlllhl.'d where n_ry rftngementll are pro.vJdea...in the ba8e- (rom.l 00 to 16 per da,. -'"
~'~e\ ='Ib1af~~Uhl(' \\I~~~I
:~ }~~:'IIf\~~~ld
\\'( "L J IItlJlot.d 152G
TYPE ,;~
10\ N T1t~\ , (u"'u" H,
• , -. "lrHt
' ttl ON SMITH
~~t ~~\~;; l.re~~ ~~~~rlt
ell \ I I Itt) hnll,l" u.re \ tjr) uom mOI those who h&~ e their hlll1l . 1lI1i ~ 1 III "
Twelve PO-Ints
Are"dro"sof"'JlII4QII. A wrl~Jlc orIAnlllbr< '(/I' rubbell O~ er th e hll"l s I II 0 1111188 II III\Y, Will k""p lllem "oft 110(1 \\)uI 6 b.berm~u, ij.ulo,", IInll oUler will do w II to -.,. WID _ rerueUlt.er~ ~ ___ __ __ ~ ,...... ~ ..:::::I ~ TUK '1'"uH 8)H Dr Walpule h~, I ()~I 118 ,.;;a. '""" ~ 1::3' ~, bUlllltiCul Chp " tllutmRr~ hp .lIed all hlenl, lkIe.tllle.lI,. A........al1J'.....,.... .... fn bllrn ••• I t I S .uJ1l'oHNI f flf") bill" or 1"0 leall,. . . . . .ee .......au,. . . .1..... .... r.... H t~ ~ U()cLor hn J Ii~ell .lih(r,ti<tll ' .,. m • allYl/TV (,'on(/""'I. Po r/". I,~ ... nul.I,lItl l , , _ 01 I_OOIo_~-= lIoahl ha,e h"d hOI more I<~h.y-the. rue or..:l"'''''rd.~J:e-;.r,v.-.::..-= death on Wllrhl8
=:111>' •
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'OLl ME X\'L
--·NU~IBE]{ 1~
"A y~}~~ VJLLE. OHIO,
])A Y.
Y 31 ] 7H.
" HO]i}4~
MI:'iOlt 101'1 S.
1 "" dce per tho sorrow thr loss tongu I ntll. It -Tab uvi II F III (I loa H hIS on 01 nce hall IlCltll1l1g tbnt 18 n orth keeping
AlII ES fillS might p reveut a vut nntountof I rofm ity In t lils world If they would only set the door knQbs far enough Iroll tI e eMIII!; to nllo lv a pIll'!lOn with n ordlllnry ~lzod hat to sbut the door wllh ont ~ ktunll g bl~ k[ltlck l e~ R\II II JIliUrla There are many tryang tblll J!K III life bu t II man 8110l(leKpcot 18 nover 0 wOllnded 811 wben he llC!eH II ~ II ver teu cut pICCO lymg on a M bow milkeR bls mind 1.0 8teal It , !;€ lI tly re I I es out II baud to tuke It In n Id th en dISCO, ers that It 18 glued on to th e ul1cie-r Mlde of the glll88
g ro\\in g 8 Up rftUity of bflgadlertl Lbe Ilrmy recalh what 0 Connell said to n British ofllcer when be "as being CrOHII- 6Xam llled Well, f!Ol dler,' eaid the Irl ~b bnrn~ter lam no soldIer, I IIUlIlU officer was tbe Indignant Inter ruptlon of t he IfIlte J~rlt0n • Well slud U Oonn('11 ' lVell officer who 18 no T II F
so ldier- AN Engli Hh I Illy Wfl8 slttlDgon a lawn WIth her three younll cluldre u playmg IIrou llll her when t here came IDta the tn closu ra a flIU d dog purs ued wh o w re dctermllloo to 1l:lJl him
BE U lI oalwllu AI Kfortune I!Orre III I ou"t \cl('~ c \11 tur nil tho couratl~"In' humall ity 101 e br Ive IS to eliclal t 1601 tro ubl e e m08tneed cOltrnp;€ tor by IL we not o nly s trengthen 01 rOlO I V('ij but can help others 'Ihe drl ill! of tl e Il lIll 18 always ehmmated by t l e hro thro Il!h whIch It pSI!I!e8 So \ RiJ a ll Murrow purIty nUtI strengthen U8, they !lro t l e bfllvesL hearlH who go to the fro It HIS III
h 18
ordere!' to wrjte ceofWs les and Il 18 IIl1U SlIl g to uellllirl England 8 poet I ur lite Inlk fretfully up snddown bl8 g ml e ami I l'llr 111m mumblmg The I, Iccof Wnle.-favorln gg81e&-8pr6lld IIIg "'lIlII-Llgers tillis-the people YOMn -II ~ rcLurl -our bosoms burn-our 10\ I e II I' \TI -we II tyraulH 8lmruN:O; \ SON
nil ole to
die T rll
bles LUllg l e~- rudia-Iudlll.-Iud d \-dm thcD snap out 0 aug tbe l ode rUE OregolllflllS have IOvented a
1 HI HC/ldlDg (I'lL) ElrfJl~ & corrt's llOrHlc t rOlloft-s Lhnt lUI 11 WnH P/l&jlllg tb(1 farm of a I\ ilILl th> &thel to wns hIp farm er hI M nttenttOIl WRIJ elllled to II WOlllall III Lhe. Ihstlmce I hl "OJ! follow log nft.c r n Killn of flPIflt.cd horl!eij nltache I Lo \ lnrge Hpl ke harrow A8 she "Jlllro Icll('d nc ITcr he II I\ij seen to be tho laugh ter 0' tho o wner of the prenl1HO~ a bel\utlful youug Indy of about IImeLecn 811111111 ra ghc WIIS chee rfully wnlkmg beh ud Lbe hnrrow In the plo\\ hed ground hue In b I\Id gllllhllg the horses IUIlI wh('n Rhe C.'\1Il0 to the fllnce n B OUI WOII! WII/j uttered IS cleArly Imd dl8LIIIOUy l1li tb oll '11 flbe hlld never don IIl1yllllug ell!C bilL drl Vil (I:'lllll The Eagle rCl'rCllCnt.lllive IlJlprollohed lUI I remnrk d that her work Willi hnrd for one her
I!6x' wilen ~he repltea Oh DO l l!heer fully d1J tbll!. be tben MId tb at she roae at (onr 0 clock In tb e munllng milked tRn cows fc.J til plgtf t hen btllpe.1 to Ret ureakrll~t r~ady alid by RIX o loc k w('lIh ou t int ) the damp held to) comple~
her (lay
After 1\ rew
remarb about the grain 6eld." lhe weather, etc, abe turned her honea and
am. the a,ld
pumpk It powder oue spoonful of wblch Illakes 1\ pie They alllO have a new way of c utt1llg olllons They lire packed III Mhecs II 6ve Jlound boxes A l ft t~ r wrIter SMS uf them Uullke tbe I!Ct ntletil black fig-o DlOll8 80 popular With F ench cooks the~e lotlk brtght aud golden colored lh ey are mOIst aud fnll of OI\ IOD fl avor ge ntly subdu ed They are 1181"rnuted to k eep mdefiDitely Every ship buy" them One bllHbel raw mues a five-pound bOlt 01 c red <'DlODII.
Punishment ora Wlre· Whlpper An AttIca (1IId) mall who wns
brough t lle fortttite Police Cou rt for whl~ pmg I\nd III trcall nlr hI' Wife, was tined bllt be w(\ultl not pay I t~ and fllUd he "ould Ihe llefore be woula work on the .treetll &I the Mal1lhal got a very lnrg Clll11l0n ball c balOed it to hi' leg, IUleI locked It around a lamp poe' on a streeJ..com e r after le ttmg blm eland lliere nil (orenOOIl, be next rolled a .Wr&box lU lo the s treet liod placed" chair on It 8ud Lhe lIlan , ball Ind aU, 00 WI' It., IUld let bim eit there 1111 the al\ernooa, w.tll a placard wILh- these wOrdl on I, He wblpped hie WIfe.' The maa took It very coolly and pblloeophically, ud made no sa.wer to the J661'11 of tlte lind the !100m of the people.
uonnr. !'os In ST of the London Ii! called ntLellLII n to the t let tbllt Cll r o l vorou~ pi u ll! now attructmg II() mu ch ntteu lton f ft III ij INIUfie Illell lind nth ' 6 wer(\ meh LIOl1l1 1M long Il~U M 1 85 by Georgfl QII Uc n iUl edItIOn of 111 well knuwlI work: /)11 tbe COIIKfltU tlOU of 1IJIUl pubh$hoo III thnt vear, where the followlDg pIIIISIIgll occurs Not only hM nature !aur;ht tbe spIder Lo construct a eb f(lr tbe purpose of en-llfln ng thut 1t In .y UevOllr them Iiml coo.tltute.l bel\su< of prey WIth enr 111\ u rOlld teeth I.llt . 1l 11M even formed rlll.ll l.i! Buoh Ill! Uro!ltlra to catch III d kill thes ./Iud 100 tbelll lor foOd It II believed tbat Combe cupled the etatement frem !!Ome (;ontemporar7 or ulder 'linter
II!;KRVR A m thod III the di hlbuUon uf your tun c • ve ry bour WIll \ben know ItII prerer employment IUId II/) t.ime will be loet Idle,*, will be lib at. out .~ every a'lea .... &Del wldl ..., tllat. numerQU tiody 01 nell t.bM .... . ,
on bolaillcal lubJ8Ct80
'l'imu h
( In .. ... "\ 11
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!"I "J' lIt' 1,1111 ... , - T n FUrl' 1(' . ' ",I J ..... " .,1 III hi",,; - '[ p'. t';I' ' rJ\ rJ J' )1"1l " ,I.,' ., lh:rlll/'111 w illi IIl·Ill'UI> ' :u. II ,,~ • • 1111 "tn' 11.1' ,'II!1. I - ~ W\·~ t 1'C' lntu 1'1;l lIt.. :!Ilc. /'I", ' 1111 Ilit'lIt 1"'''1'1.: ',,"1d 11.t ItIllldll',llIt }1\l rt '". t 1,1 1 'I,! I" 11"'1'1 11"1 ' '\11 11,. fVf lll. - F!" h tll'/'i \' 11 II I Illl w r~ t THE Io,",.t ~ " " 1 ,'1 T i"I; I", -, 1\ LIlli' 1.. 1'_, ~11Il 1l1"'r lit ulleo 1'1" l!.... 1t,.1 /I 11 " T . ' \I ."t'. 11,,"111 ••11 .rr d ,'1111" :~I .• , II 1111' 1 "1111'1 "1 1' , la'!I\i nO' t hl" 'I" I WOODCOOKINGSTOVE.To '\ L'I I" kl ~ Co . a Ji ll ' ('. 1~IIVl ~ 111 ' 1 U; , ,:. 1 II- 1111,11 " uti c 1111 til elllllO wit 'II !'I'ud". '1'1,,- I - - 1S~ 1'1 • II iJ} III ,111,1 ' 1/11. tllI,Ia, ·. Hlud,'I I·hill hllu I' \\'1" III. d Il l' I.. ,: L1,' I I II' 'tI)' I.. r l!.'/'fl J/UJ/I, I(·fl l. - \1 \ , 1l. <. lI!t,.rll.ltll' • . t\lI d ,h till.' Il IJ'~ . wl li '/1 nil tl1l'1,,'J \ln t i ll halll:!, CQ " /'/ ' U i (l it t tnllld' 'I , I.' 'i~ltl'lg I I I~' rill' l l • <lI U\11/ il~ '1 h 1111 ·l-.ht r Chllrt lIy " 11 1' " ,,"I I' C N""" " I \In " , ( fl llri J) UI'lIlJl t·. ! I ' I 'iHT"JlI\~'" 'II' ~III\I:I •• I.l \1' \1:1 I) " ,ttl • I II I.ut· Il PJ~C:--. :'lIlf,II. \, \\il !, tl.li,· 1'l·I,I·h~'~. Ih,' WI l t il' It , lit lil a I Q Sizlls, Sly les & Prt ,~S 10 suit ~v ery one, i! ' d 1I11J. to \ ;1.:- I", \r l\lv,,' , •• , "·I·r ~L" • , . ,'~,I"r,"., tnC' ,1,1' \ "IIIIlP:; \\.II'I:i" ill tl"' lr Ma.nurl.d~reJ by Ii l' • i. , hI' ," ,"I'P 11, 1 "1 ~ .r.h t , "11111\' I' ,~"" lit - -' I i~ ~I nn' 'nd ll ull .h· r 11 11.1 WM, RESOR&CO. Cincinn '· ' ~ hr\lIl~' · I',I~. 'I "to . w II" 11\'~l'r II d ' '111I·l·I" ( .. ~ 1\) ... 1 for ati, O. . ~. I·Ul):1I1 I ' lllWI'I.. a I I'I~II J Ii 1.'ur.,1 "11 ,.i· '" 'Iu·.;, ill I',. ~IIII": I ' :lIItl It I lid II ' tl'llilIll \ " /1 "1' 111 1'111"1 ". I'l'II, II'" ,..,,,}·fi JI' . " ', ' {f I _I I'.:. .(" " ' Illl' I,"r' .., ,\t " I t I ' ( •• a l ,. Ilti ,ltt [l UlL,! '11"' " (. III •••• 11., AI - . 'htln\lt 1I1I1t·l"1. l al'~l llId t,·.u' h,r ,\ l aJ'\ '.; \ .IClllI 'II I, ) 1.\1\ ntUlII ~ l" :,:,I, ll m ' II I'r~ .t"I'.,.1 Ih., ~1\l1I'\' \\ , litu,,:tl tlll,,"lidl. F , ,lnuII ,,,,,"11 ,',,, ., "'' .•1I,1 Inm C"II 1·'011 1I 11 11).lll" L:'" I "- .1'"/ ' r I "IIIlI' , \ Hl'I'l'IIl 1., 11.r ';; I ~ ' . I I Ilt< 1\'l' lU a lJIl!! II IIlI t11 111111l~ 1 1I 1Il'8d ' l ulla), t " .• t ' I '" I II li t II III ' JI , .~.oI'Q. ,"d ,.lI rl r II ","nl.u tll,,' 'I".,. I'1I1 11I\ 'lh. Itk " \\ i e dl'l\ IC 1",,!lI" I ' II f \,.\ ·!'lo· Tl& " II EiT by ,I COI 1~' . 1l1' , ~L II • "uIJt 'V I ' I' !oJ . I '111 I " .1 •. I ' I the n Ii "'." 11"lidll '4 ,r \• • '" )" 11I'~1i; " - , ' '." u ~'I"~' . 1111 1'"ll tal. ll .ll l ~ tit\!. htt tl. . .\ 1 ., tI , U'~ I . .' . •. Ll II(' lIu li S j:e~ 1'o~Q1 IJI( n li t, III' •. III III- IIIIJ lr) ,~ , , . 'I I . '. 1 n \I t' l \' ill ' I,,,tlll.r \ , , .... 'I ~ ,. do , • • I\lU l!!lIt H . 11,' ~II " .' - - j = "I '1'.,1' II e \ i . H ~:;I~L a n r Ilc i Il>l t~ t1 U (I hY " '1I1 ltl~ u l "~ j II d \ 1\-'; CU III ~I' I li. t · wit e uu ty . wwk. • I I "" · \ ~ I I t' ) I , i e 7i eell t' ' ~· ,·t l II" , I ,· u,,~ t 1I\11~ll'll Itl ~'lI t 0 - " , . I \I' L~ t" slr' lV tI .l' iI lI'e r:! 'fit • I --\,\pIII\' rl ay III fl' ,· 11111'11. ~11 1 I' Il 1'1111"1'1' 1"'1 ' 1 1I~1 "1 C" . 1"111111'1.1" ,WIl:> J 111'1'11 - II >I' ttl ti by II,a t v ~' t u r 11 BI\,.I·· II II II, a lit l UIl,· \\' I11' <: I I lillig'. lUl' lI IC' IIl' 1I1'1I 1 "I t I . 'I t Jl"~'. J 11\"'1', .,' 1r. J II IHI • I.' I ,1ll • I" 1\ III et • Il l' " u l) ' n. 1 1' ~ , 1 I I.' II I ~ t I~~ I 'I. e" I'1I 1'1 \lIn II II I ~lIl' I A II · ' L" III t IH: 'ar/I' ua y" "I. ' ,t) I, ,,,,. IIl11lter. '''I 'JIlt' III.ltl 'l, ,~Ulnl' .ut' hn,,(,· hall \ til'''; It . il'r',I \'1 nt. ~ .,' .. 1"'111 .1111 1' WII ~ 1i:" lIlI , Wlt lt , I I'. "IL -It '1 \,,','1. tI, ' " ll, II "~ \ d k· hI 'y .. :l lltl · lIl all . " 1111l' ~ t:t'" lid II'l'\:1I It"I b all.) Lhl' l'l'1'1'1I11 11,(II"" I, II I~I".\; ~ I' I nFn" \' ..; II(J .:" I, I'll , .I' I" iI,II,\: 1'"'''1'1' t. \I I' t ,,,,). t he ' :J\'u' "Ullle ull' Ills t 'h lll'~,h,y II l1 d X l ll ill I'I,'\' ;ti .'clI Yl'IlI':i. ' It Ilg"IIII'III ~ l'Il'1 I· JIII II.) .... '~"lIg alld dllllCI', c~I'" 'lid· 11111'1'11,"'11 ~ \l'n,; "XI'~,· tl.d.~lI\U I U' W a Ill,\ t:\ j ,'lll )lIUII 'llI lt i ~ lt tt UlIlll'l' Ilt l el llpLl" I ' . h l'uughL d \\11 lh , hUll elIILll u:;! ~I,dll'd 111 Ih" dd 'a t u,l tl ".! 'l!ntl'~l ' ' - I" hllli lI1u ll ll t ~d 1111 t hu I".x tjf t he'l II 1111s .b.1' II l'M" \I f :. til l .! . . E ll' L i ~ 1)\111 ibll~, tic \,1' ('('I,tCIl', I H('lf'I UUo al'\,I.I~I."_ o.__ _ hl,l .l ing t h" I'lLloull n 1II1 ' l'all,II'II'IIIII't ' 1'.' tlt l"f5 \'tI~ e.l ull I'e l . III 'ely , ulle \' ~'I'ily t'l 1 h~ IIUlIllI cr burll t be ~ell\,lal',; UWI :',IIJ I'l'''l'll' Wltll" 1I1!o1 th I'()\ IVjll ~ in tl, u II IL' IIWI'i iJJ" I h ·1' \\'111 I, :. H ai lro(ld \ i:I d' t' frien J ' . Th o l ucti ll~ in Cuc!wlll hIU\'r'" UlIlI gall ll~, '1\1l~ol IJ III 11111 t ) ,1'11111111 IlL ul u ill llll},i t.lII!>; ui,IIIY r ' lIliuisec OUI' llccb l'e~ iJellc ' . in odul tit' u~all t \' . tltl~ 11 ft I IIUVlIl\ t ·~ " "I I)l' k C~t:~I'II~ 101'1 1I?. ,I ' I~' '"I ..... ,lIt hl,lt: " I tho vI Jl'lI t i lll \~. 11.,11 . THE ONLY STOVE MADE \\ \: 1 ti l I I Ilt ul. II I \;11_ \lIIIUbl' l:!, e nLl ollrl'I'z 'III'U:C I. ~1. IlIUHt, J . Kull y UN "nll , A lt.,/, t hl' e I. cndli,'h t:l camo th e ! - ~r.1 W,U ~1. U ll ri'ul'll, . \1"' I""" II.(' ,.I"II', 4,1 ''t. 'oat, 1111 .1 the tlay E ~(I" 111101 HCI'I "S"lIluh\'(::{ uf t hc I ~ Ih $hv\~'ctl II,ci l'III'PI:l cillti'lll illl d Ill , c<; \III I '011" ciliz ~ ill v llhicl ()~ ~~O~ ' klt eC II VI~lt lll g __ _ dlll ir'lbly ml. lJ 'l ,I W II ' IJe~ \' il l l:, I ,'rl W d ltn lu IlItl' I'Cl>t lll th·g:.II Il·l1I ltll thu vCI Y Ulld ,I! I II O/I'hellll '\; , until PatcRtecl Fob.2,lB6 9, ••dSop\.2, 1800 \1'0 . . Aw a rd ed the Highes t Medal at 11."1. cl~l> ' by tit '1 1' II' 'qll~'lI t uJlplall ~o. e~ '~il)ll n .ae'heu 1'1'... 11 1 th th ebunk Ahdll t lI i lll' ,,' .1 ~ l r · 1 "11 1' ill\, H. K ,II \! e Xl'llut.:d 1 -:- ~ll. ~J lIS s K elly hilS h '011 Vi e nnll. T h", II 'Illtll l'$ w" ro \','ry high l ' ' CllI'lI I/J'~ t" til' I,i,' hl'id IIl,y \\'11 "\'f' til h,' l'rl'F<l'lI t I. , IId,I J'c'~:; tlt u III 'l It " 1 ge. L1nll 0 \lOCrll l)! f.WIII CtllI g l' lI un of tho u T O NY & CO lJhlU~l' d .\lJtll thc or' lIttl: ll Hlll lv ' V II , t.t , tl Ihll' nll'lI II~' II lur ( III ,,11. I' ' t J " II H'II "" "u,,!,I) ,,/ ""," """11 '"' .1 .. 1, / rI\' E. & ,... ,ANTeO , but IS II W better , b ., r' t.! u l l1f 'al II I IU proc~ .lun UI':l1 IIAr ,\ \\'/1 ' h. 1"1 ' , :\ u M duct vI' bolh nill'. CUlJtlli n Z<lll . k \ 11' , 1 lC .. ,k·::'\",,', 11,,1.11 W('lIld 1m\' UIIlI; wieo thllt l4.!ugth '1.011'. .. 1'" '' r,P t HI (If' , / ,rrlll, ~ V'" ·J '(l I'1.' ') . i ISS l 1111\11 a l~' r , lI..:\l rvvl ., ur\ ,.IIH\. \IJPIIl Jo,u ",,1"' . tu os a nu . deB (:I' \' ~~ r<:dit 1'" tho Xcoll 'lIt t1 unbtl", s. I I Y' "Hlk lllJ! 1"l'lIt I b 1 \' t I) £i , '('" ' two IIl ecc~ , 0 1' L hnn nn,sl en t I C; 1111 lIlI.1t tUI' T 'I ,O,,!' ~I, h1lUill u :I 11 011'1 .1 At Ih" Il",u:t! ""Ill' cUlltl'\l1 UUU':I' whi 'h h\lba III !IlCll , On,1' tho e ntruilcll to t • b c mo I ruti(Ju DIIY WIt h friend :! ill thi fo r ti III 111'1', tl 1 '1 " .. "(11<11"·. · .... . 1 ... 1.... ' ....... ,, .... n .,,,I.... Iu ta blo \\'11 I"ntl"1 I I -'II.I. I~I I. _ S", II """) '!. II'!!, Ma , ; for th.e. "hol't tiHlu tit y hu I:l Deell t I'Y Il il~ tit i lt~crjl' tioll II f all konol , ," IIII" , .11 .. " ", ' II H ()M()~ /\NU Fl: j\ME~ . .. • : with ittll:piu ll pructlclIIg, Ilild I\'U 1111111, hy jJl'Up ,. \yll it Ivtt I'd 011 ulu 'j('gl'ou d Ull ill pla ce. " ,t.!) Thtul lld , "lu D - P ure C1Jcr vllleg al', an eKuol · an d th l! (;" ulcd~ 01 l' II I I1l:l I'~'l'i Hll ds ~:" •.'~ti, !I"· '\1I." t Mr HdJc rt C·ull" II .,,1 ' !S'flmI W, t 'OPII:S VIKWS., I'""" wUllug '1lIullt III lil ~ JULIII'C, t1mt tho Ic u',vry of Uur FIli i u > .n. I ~. ~~Q Q llerocs n le ll t (lnantit y vf' dricd nvpl _~ , .. '~ ._ U UC ti l1l1~, lin d I keel l'XI I'l'II1l'ly III· bUYIl wl ~1 be ·npubJe iJf .,;uceo fully KII Il I.ortcd nL eMi , end \ b' Int'go ' prUI~us "CUllll eu pO,lCItCS Ilnd jJlu1l1~ , \· ' I. i ng U,;i It st I ' ' , " ',; .!dd d~c" l'Iltt·tI Wll h t.'V lltt.!/l UIII}; wllhLlIly UI II C JII 11J"un \I ')lltLl flng . 011 th c lllo,llnd ~ ~~'l'rtt ·(jrlnl' tttt:. iU· l lltJourf ll. X tX J. I ,\ , bl', gh t.hno!i Lonqlll't ,.,llIu , o!tarll'(\ :!I.l l CLIII ntl'y, OUI'. bo d ~ h .,w 'ci grout ,sl dlltlie Cll tl'llll 'e had I con 1::1' cted ' ~}UU~ .:Il l ;J. ,h'III' ,nl]'I' I,,"I II,II II '''' "",I " 1"" 1''''': Photo graph Mr. Will ie All on \I'll "k ic laid Mat eri ats, I Ul) by ttl IIUtU/i'l' l\ '; I elllEfl'lll d :\\\' llI llg It I th" ;In. 8J11rl , , II l1llgwn ttl Itl ~~1I1 0 Il\llllllll t tu t lr uUl u lll u r",of" --- - , TO! LET SET~ , 10' .\ ' r W.\ IU: tho 1IL 111 lL ·tw(:o k' withn \ tJtl b I.' 11t ver ut:\ec tivh \\'."~" ~~'bOU Il. s ullo"' "'t Blld r. J · 51 ·.ull( W 1IUIU gll nw. fill d lIP PUI'Cllt IY WOrll brtl\'OS wh <''' ~ ore, U lDg lor ae. \V ~lll'II~·ulll"l1t'-"r4tll"l.I\.hllljl iH l ha t o COUtO nu Illore." At of tho thruat. li e is at h is pust b I' b .• , f IX y u ~ e ct~ v A ltd I :1" /'!lltIll" /lr/'/lI "" I'1/1 , ', "tl'lm gcl' iu til l' ig hth IUld lIilltl: tlllCIJ CI)I'II('r of tlr tl Im80 unglll , all u a 11'1' II \I I I II /{ ,p"' I'Io"",1 ",), ""'r,· IJU ,I , Io 11~ , II ny ,' W !IB "ltl~ ' d Ilgaill n Ow , . STERt tl " CJ the PT tl ICO l'(,lld I N cl'illg ' AND MAGIC or tltun ~ k~ hy ti ll' . :i'! "" M",,, , "','\'1. I 110\\ ..ifer II", <.' 11 11' l' 11I1! " ' g~, 10111111 1O? ~ llIlIllIg ,lnu wleuth 01 c \'org All at the LO\I est Rates. ll::CI\Sj Ull the l - " enrc iud ehtdt ll uI.H. P. R"".' 1 II' ' E 8ton tl 0' LAN T E RNS , , I ,I "r ... ,1, [, ,. hll. I "1' ' " !(.....t ., ) \r ,. tht,y wul'e tlt 'll p:cttlllg d Ll 1V1I to tuur sid 'of tl. e hl ock ", ' . 1) PI "IIL'l' II lid "ltl l"" lh,r ""hIrlll l', ell1 lr1L ubovo wel'o Find l ." ~lId I I \\ ' f" I r QUEEN CI'rY BAITE Y. 'II t tl lTHI .W ddJ1"1. 1i of tho 1I11 1l1l· I.. nK \,'' ,",",,,II 1l11l11'l' fi llldill 17 lllld pl a y .... tl like cl oc k· th e Ivll v \\'i/",' Jot " N,t It'll'; \1 !lu i ".! U· C I.... 1)1 t 111' ",'r', 1I1l!'\r Il"iP', .""1'. Till \r. "III ." F ,rrrlt ' C no{ I , " • ! :! I o,. . 1l ~ 1m . 11 C ,lkU>l . nl l U I.'"II . '1' 11' 1( ' 1. \ ' l' l l ll~ . l\lItlCI'i l kio' " . butth , l' I' " k t"llII t! ... ', 0111' U ll!u L111'111 .... uur lIudellll C UII h' 1"I"II., hl, 1\'01 ' . ~' u. '. LU tl y'8 Vll clllll g W(\~ tCII." :.!d, "Ill ,\l uHlUI'Y 1'I [I". III"IIr,\)I, k .oj "'UIO , " ':-;01"11 4 0'11 01 Tli u,,1;l U<ocul'llti u/1 DILY ~ 1 .Mlll\lltt. ( lurt uH Idll.)~ li t Uri ,\.1 ~~ 'Ikt \V II 1\ U ' TLEY , t I II .IU '; l1\,t l'1I I' 1Y Il(,COIll I' II" I ,.,; 1' /111\' 1,111"1'1' "UI'), dh'ctIH . lind the nu cla'yus \\' hu \I'\' I'U liu l'icd O il th o .. ll'C RCl I"I· It·O~ • w ,) "",;II,.. ~r.,,,'!a ' • (i-Illv ill I \V 1\ 11 1''' \ 1111' \\111 1 tlu . .. Ul',HllIll m !L "b" . ... l t ' ..... .. u ·...\:, ' I..' •UI'U'·" F ield 01'1 ~I ' [ l t' O I W I .1 'I , I I' aller tI\(l last tali le W I" IJIIIl'lI . . flli l('.\ ult':l'ly to b ll.t III~ hulk Dnl tlu." lI llt ll), l Hl r)" jod ' J ' It' ·CU· "' I'-' O !'\l ~ ~ . . ,t·l.lt Ult P litl ' II I, go l \1 II - -£ I: AIIIIC .1) c tt ~III~ u r. th c ro wa~ 'et )'l!uJ :lllling 1'l ' !l Il )!;" L:·II t., ' \l11I1 ,1I1 "'l'II') 11 ,1! lip wcll !'ul'vft! 13n tly'~ Honse 1,1 \;'11", and Lot F \IIIt.' 1. "I~ " for Sale, :.1.1 l ') th 0 \' I · GeOIO'C ,y a nd ~: ~. G ibbs, 01 M lllInl.C uunty , ('u k~ UII.! ,1~III t.E , I,AIo II'. lt'l tUI'I'die 11I" Il'I'·h·lIlt! thl'uwil g until ( ' 1 -J '," . l!oll" 'II",l),,,, , ,," Thml ioilr," 'I. CAKES FJR WE iDH.fG . \." ·III·rl . . 1'., S' tln () V' l aro VI ILlng Mr JIl '"b H HUW an d uf Ju ly )lI C to t' da -l1Iali F UIlltit , S ' U'" e. , '11\ 1I111l!8 .. 1\ ,1 111 II ~ III . ... l UI "'1 11 I S~ I tt Ih" c'ulcbm 'Jc I . . ' tl '1' I 'I t 'C" I tl' , ti 'l b.' ' ''IIl IlIII ' IICIII' Ih~ t;l u~1) ,.f tl .I ' gault' ., \\'lt ~1J I: Elul1l Ehull y , Jollll "'11' L ",.,.•• \I,ll·lltll,h,' I. Illl ri ".IIVhlllcnt "t I . SUlith, II IU_ \; ", 1\ 0 I J II" V,ICII , 'It I, l ,\ j\; \) \' A I:TIl'::-; , II ,Y. '. : t\e r of bu IY. . I we llt t !JIll'll , llUw hd lllllll !.(' Ohlll'lc» S, ]3UIIICt! B.utitloll h""" " !!',I1,I " ",It \l 1,1l. '·'HI.·", \rll''' . l' " ,, ' ". l\.l" Itt Lilli '1 1~ lIId ~lil1(,-t Wi t h Dr:L ' O Messrs . . JILcvb8 ~ , ~QI~h\\ ., n ~ll1,rt :lY Hu t h \ . u.auu I~ d'40l 1\\. P . Lut. Hurly tv :!1Il1 umJ EVIl1l8 L... aid Fnlllk W i.c, FIlIII I~ Smith, . ' ''jU UZ ~\':il:;;i.;".';':".~"IJ "·'"".~:,)·I·!~I;~' B·JI Siys.:1Il ,n, "II""~ h II 111 .... r '1\ I ~II 1.11'11111 n l ',, " , Frauk I!uvu a SlIpU/'J OI' s tock 01 Ildli Ilnt! II lttl C",U lIllll~ I'tl nl hUh ', l l c~ th l .. lIl'lt lltu \\' ,')11 . . ,lie. ~r.' ,v 2.~. I M (' I'. . \11\ tId . 'r" II' 111 11 1 'UII IU lh ~ 1I1 11 11l'\ ' bllo fll/II I'lIIg, nnd 31 00 p It"lIt t '1 1/ '. ILll d " VOl thu ltv". l~ 11~ \\ Il I ' I )\ _ I I ·dl 01-,,11 The IlW"t bl tll il~ llt fCllturo ot' tlt u I ·Y. l 11\1\ CIl ,,3511 () V I . n r K ,_ 1 \\'cllthc l·bunrd lllg 101' sulu, nt buttoUl tll It t nlllll ll1ft. u.J...u., r- Ht 1" r IJI")Illl .~, l l.llnCU~ lit' IIIIl I.' ,01 ill\·l t.ll~ ! -I,,' ltt n.l l t! I ~ .ld, . ll i"'l rn ,' ul. . for l e f", I, . . " n m. 0 \ 0, gtLlIJe \Va II rtlllil illg' lIy catch loy , J ov TO THE PUBLIC. I Dlad dock \ VIll. 1' 1 ,r est 7!hh II I P lI''' Pl'ICI' 5 1.Sly g II II 3 p l'l"llg Staple Ie d.l: \\' 1 and Fancy ,I) \;roce Guo. Huil y ILlldrd i llo d ouhle' jJlllY O. V . I.: EIllPS() 1I C lol\n.)1' If,,,,,(,( ,1I!(lIlfl'tIIl' Ih u "'~n l\fud\lr,' " 1 ries JlIhll l - Tcl'I'y's i coc J(,tlIui!; \ll'ttor t h1l1l I'CIII Om b' l ed \r'"g 1,,\ all 1 "('~t!lIt , Black ) Violet and Red INK I 1I,~~.;;~~::'l:: '~, 011 h,'ltll . ull ~e hy ,Zull. Thu buttill g ~l l lI c l', ItUlac l 'lt 'nl'\\ clh, I.I,"":,,\,III,.',t.' ;'l'l,:\, I"" '" ' GOI OI'CI' You CUll gl~ t h is SldO,1U al~d mllll)' ti m tl'll th : II ~ " 1 ,I .. I \1 ' :';:~:;.b"~!~~I vfEvel l.)IlIHl II 11111, 1. 11 1.",<110, jU lln.\r ,t", ""~"'l.r'lIIo tt IUII\ OI'\\,LLtl good , Bl'i ll ""I" Jultll 1),: tel'. l 'Oth O . u l l cllvglll .il k. Blld. at o Ulla •• o yu \lI'''Il It ,o l'~(' ta s n J! l'l,\' \\' . hc::!cxt ' lI de" 'I I.(' I.lU ll '''III,I .) and Itaw, Ull b t lIu~ll . plll)' CI) al · V. I. : J ... I,II J)U\' I~ . neciordJ'OO wtl tl '11\·'"1,,,,· •. ,t,·,. ,\I ' \\rll"~ 1 '>1'111 lip ulld take it hOllle. It is IIJ I>cilllls wi\l) e .:11.1l t.., t h." t::U! ,1 d, l)' illiiliiil lililili ili_ doo t ho IUll 1'O a nd Unilb m o 't \\' ith uut a l) l' I'I\ ,",' tit· fiulu i IlU I '1'0 tll"se 111 1" I, t /11'1'0 I)Oell i ,,1'1'1. II I .1 .. 1 J ," ' "'" ""H' I'III ' li nd 1'," I I" ,'lio" of lUIW Aood . ,'I.ld c'll IlI uccd. .... OArmenu r """,., I,I UYlll llu t W Il l,r",·Ilt·('t! 1.."ca IY,m Il dll.\temoo "' 111 bel tu rn ed ~ u "".\ lur -.,t. I. v 11,· 1"'", ',1111 L,rr \lll ll llll ' Ot! both si Jos Wliti gOlld, E\'a ll ti is, freo o r E.sprfJM, f'rott(.ht ODD Will' wb on t hl) olJ _ra e Slllllll,,1 S. A II Jt.!I'~UIJ l'.a1L of' 15th IIr .u hltl,..... - lJlln <ltt & Sun's ol mul o to'Rm n. It J; " C: Lt·:. t Ot 4,oIO'l cunountll to 13 - ~ It, t: m Il tll.lllJ l'cllll'l ll,d tIl 1 1I~ r.d W t' llo (or llt- toe Lt,t., With out d?"bt, Ih c CiJ lLlllpivl1 ~lId I.n tl iullu, !llId JU/llCS 'O'ilriul L \hy"".. "lI," 0 _ l , or trnIJ fur wag!)ll. IrOlLl Spti llg Val · h me ill W li llllll,;.( WM, A , TEASD ALE t":l I l\~t \ 1\'\'), hmll'lIll\lI III thu C\llI ll ty . EllIlIl" l' Fin;t Ohio. IJCia , W"tIJUC . ~I""I, OlNCDi NA ~.r. - '\ ' -~ Icy, WI\8 nt th e Q ll een Olty Bakol'Y 11", wlil bu gl'l'Ilt ly 1111>\.1'01 B all y I~ lU tho l'i ght place Ull 3ru: Th ' shalt 01 the monum by ILl I ont wal! last FI iday, unload in g 30 \Jnrrels I who mad e hi ' :le'lnni," UIlC '. bl\~l', ' 1', h "I, .(lUlt 8h."I , ,,( l'h,", tI ~( II.;O Il,. Dim Pt::DRU, I Ullt\\'iliOO b uutllully. With evo\,· uf extl'll old Wh "lLt flour, - 'fho :'.1 1"':i Villi k" blll'g ' ,I, e , ,,, ~,',1 I"r th " l',u" F" rl ' "i \ll"··~h ••. _ - 1' 111 I , II I ~d hll 10 r". F. B t'll v r E.~ ! Il, . I 11 .1 , ' L ' . M IIY J l ' " '~f. a.r _ha.ato •• 4\. " ~"', NICU' "O f'''' ( ',., I : II I I'll , r j 8 AD ABUAI. I\'-.~Ir. <:I . M. V ~I'CCIlS UII( 0\\'01'8, Iln~ llJtugct u er - r, 0IIIIB Uge~lllllll, 0f lI .. lIl "II ,,,', 'pt "I " I'e <1 11 \1111' (I""e 1" Ll • ,I( nl',IlI' t.'el l· til 'tt :1~ IL, I'l'll I ty IIsl ""'iII, . Il/rUlud t\ hUIIJ.;Ull10 t ribute to the Wll bakolll! ta, Allglulzo Uo., 0111 '''I '' , .It 15 "'I.tH\'"e h 0, Satnl'd ay 1· 1'(' II II1~. 131 .. so. th c selil lH' l'd lt(Jr lul \\'\'Itllr ul dUI'HI tod um vcs. 1'1",." , "" "I .... 100 nreil'r,,(l 1.1""'".:10 1111 \ . form rlv II ros idcllt uf thi s vicin ity f --'1'10 S 'li I tl. . ('!tu"l tit ' 1I 1ClIll i uti 1!))'i"lui l'l'l' I1nd a i JA MI": ' W. i l.\I N EH. MU., ten. I ,,'r~' I'lY ••,1cIlIL' '" Ihll l' ", II',1 4tll t,.. - ue , .t ·U I'll the . t ' 1" 1' . I ' I I t , I '1'1' M ' IU "t..llllI \\.ns ul ( . ' .\ V I ~ I et ,''"Ige 11"1'1';01 1)" l', . I Il -t.W",II t"l, 'I',.", l\r'l"" liB (il lig I Uf, r It!. VU,),, IOl'CtlllI" II , Ih " Itl i~nl'llllli b t 1IJ'.lIlltlOlial r.o" ')WlJ, \\'IlS gl'uvu tlUI'O~S tit: LI'i~g , and ' I I I ~I I {' \\,1 [ f' 1,,,,111 1 hcl'u E.13l1l'g el', o\' thl d pl ace, la~t w"l,k, 1ncclll' I~" " I;'~L ~1I 1 11 1 : "O"G:CH'" 1'''''' I I\t SA h 11\ :,\' '~ \,(,·III II ~. Il!ed I." s t SUllda,) e\ u n"l~ h 1\ thu \ 'l . t gathcl'IlIg vi l'~ullo 1,,,"'>()"";""'''';~'IL_':'~~'t lib,) III t. IV ,UOII' The alll1l1al moctin g of th,, '1 - Satlll',lu WU!I !I 1" , till ' ill ll,~t. L,f"- \I' IIh,. tralll. \dllie wld klllg 1111 tlt e It 1~. 1 g l'l'gllt. U whuu thu eXul l:ISel! 01 thc ::i t llll " . If .. u f M' . 0 Imcl; a tOIY hu"u reu aI'ds 11(111l 1() . . .t. A , ) I!: ,', ) II " d b 1> "" 11 11 10. , . th" \ , It R. 0 mO tI " II' ~\J .el'i:! 0 N I.",,, I ~) . 1111111 ). I CillO ClY tuwn, tl ." !!vut.i " lI l1 tl ) I ,ly W /' Opei lU y t c uV, . SOC lIItlllll, wtll be held on thS'e , tllI'Oll I,: . ,\~ h "'~ U I,I " , ,,.k .,:" 10 ,,) hhVay 'VI' Wl·.U·"l1 I • gl'd Ih~ htl'l'tl ls In lill 111 11111111 " It.e l., ""I Ilirl 1,1111' J IS 'UI II C, I~ ' til LII" 'Iu llu . ~lr. . FU Igll SV\I addr :ll i 1If.{ the Th rouo of ~ro ll tlds 1\ l\l olltiny tbo 1I 1I 1.t u, Bl tJS 11'. 118 It 1l1'l lcnrs \JI'cceulIl O' G'''I CO '1'\ 's \'''IS l'ull \vod 5t h uf ti II " i"Itt. 1.01 1'''0 l!.d ~~ \\'I 'I'\.' "ll1d~ T"u 1:: .1\, Il" llll" it. ll'] ' 1 by , I' St,,,l,I'1\ I 1'Ii'J'I ~ , .. . 'f'01' two l ' ~l... t';I., . II , . U tit" tlUlI1 SOUtltW f1 1'd nnu • lIll C. 'l~ lile 0IcctlOli \\'ulkllll,; .1". ,,1 rns· by tho... IlIJlcll 'l'ISl" lI tr IlI1Ici'llllt lind Illh. \" ",,1.,11" ' tl ",,(e I w ; " ~ -c t.: I' I u" T I' · II '11'" LlII1< \I(JII, II}),II" \!I.~~ 'I' . b J ' ' I " " lo: l J) Il!'u1111 J , ,V I.UI I tl 10 l' I·es·. 1.. (' I. I' I(E N,' . ~I w, =-... > ~ .. ". , I teos, ,, ' OIl one II' ~ 1 '0118111 11 11 01' und OIlC Clork l lllallY IIOW gUild "" un' "l:IIL vl 'lau "I Uti \Va,; ., IIS 'u It III II It 01 Il BLmct dc nt lit thu dllY,Uul. W ID, VoI,,·,,_ ""I,, .. l .. lIL" Mowing ,1 ,V IIIHIIl,) · will ('1; be hlld bctw{'cn -Ule hOlm; ()j' :3 ell ' t ()\,or I h~ cuuntl'v ~d ured ltatllJ/l, SU Ilinch s,~ that hO I tUtl , 1I •.ld.l'etl~ud the linJieu ce PHY3 ICIA ' & SURGEON. I'll 1,10.1" I' •. n.; Tlllni AH II UL'. Now York ilt u lind 4 o'cl ock 1' . M, on tlldd day. " fa lleJ tv I'\'gul d tho wllrnl1lg WhI8" vcry fltt lll g unu olu' Jllcut itt ~ IN U·lmE. :1')11 1111\ __ • __ _ !Utllln 1' . t· V J I I . tlc' " I t I10 IJlIgI. II P.. U ', . I'U. un u ~e l' .as Ju I" (cut II ISI,rhotl calllU the .. I'abll/l . 1 I'· by Cui n. J d e\,I)' d '1)lv) '<\ b ' all wh" . I . T kll~1V I I Findl\) f' l:.litur uf tho X~nilL ~llrll c Irom 3 tUSS I 17.llIg CX I'('u ltlon he c 100 yeal' u 0111 ~(' IIUOI ' 1 ' n ) I (f oxtl"' l)r () I"nl . Il u. \\ . . . IIHII 1 It Y I' I It I tl d III C lol'tn ull t count)'. Il lS groll nu Icl osed (lIl t he 19th alill ~lltll I n ~1 " ' j r (~:: e (J WIUlW e uuqne n yun . 5. ; . dlll:tl'y ta lcllt, nllu of the mvst gClI e'lIrJ1cbtl ' II I II tllu UOUU\! ' d I uf thu uf OpCI'Il~IlJl\H \IIe~'c "In t I~ o IOCII IItlCS Iall a th"ugh lllll' SuI \lIn I IlUII J WIll erous impul ' IU II'S t \lIocrl y l II y II I I ." , tl . \I I Hatllvm lind G . 1I, UJ the SUlliO ul ud d UlI'fJ t - fS lIlTIH !l tt crrd~\ IICO bel v d ~r:; '1'W \j' r SUo , 'l l . Q J:t:N) U u I ii " > U 1I~ ' Ii Wi l ~e:ill dU"'O( -d tle ll ' Liek u71u AIHlIIYW " '".. , <, I,_ I _ " 1· 71 ! __ I I'i vcl's, all d the for l~~ ~o \!,lIll' f.Y ! , :1) in thc seU S' III , t i, .· I 'w \ 1 f' • • __ • • • _. FOn LAD IES. 11·"I,nntI'Y l ttll.(·n tUJI" f' cUt'IIIIC I tIL 1'I'\,fus"urexl' rc~Hl!S h i uIso lfushigh · wh o 1'\'l!Ia' IIlCU to Sl'U Ib t: 'U Cl ~el l'~III;'; 1111 Arll " 0 ll l'! IC I. mle.\I 'II' ," c "." 'cII,,w,g .I[., Imr C()UIl . 1 I A C( · llI t~NT.- Ur. J , R ,u\, D ~o n . \ .\ · ,'ESVI LLE. (J llll). ' I , . \I . Wllul.l 1\ I ' '1'1 I ,~. ,I A. I, IIt.!;';!.'I . k II Y P 'I\ ~CU. 1 Wit I tie cvnlltry t I101'0 (ay I emo" uj' tll \!' 1 , 11I~ e, 1'1I hi s road to vi sit u , ry I I Ie I (1. 18 lL . rlIIUI)II e 1'1L~sc<l a very ore' I Ita' , ,':,\:.111' I a" .111 ,, ' I.c ', " m ' n k,s' ",;.:' 1.,,,,,",,,. spela 1 ' CI', ubouts, .> T ILlld II tho hospitll lity of tho IIIlLtl on, tlt lln gh it wal; tl cv,"d u t 11 11 '''').( ''" Il,c , 1,", '$ ' . Itll l t lat II" uratlO)1 was \\'e l re· ):1I It' "t nCI\)~~ till! L ·Itt I e M . b lItSllyS . . Sl. W," 1 • llLlIll J I i ' Cltl~ CU 8 , IIU~ .I It IS a vcry pour t h I 111 ' to \Jilt 1Illi lll III wlllclt t lV \" fI('ll l' Bl'lIe hrook, found tlJ!! ,clclle :tt I ~ I on y IIccu~~ a l'J t Illlac· 1.'It "" " I""'''''' >"U "I< ""'U Y 0 R !lt plnco to hUllt fussils. . ~ tetizeu ou r schooll U Itt! UlUI'U 1'111 '; ' Jnlons 1'0 e d t !l VI'I' 'I II Ill.: It w h I\IIU nn del'toll k I lat I,It II IS c 'I (l ItIf unau 10,. 16) :1'., I ' I \\" 11 II" h,,1 8,11,1, I ., klll~ \\~) 8 - Th e tollowing·IJI\Ulod of our perOU8 Ilys O"d,nm :HI.: tu IlI ld It. II ,: ulI~gy Ilnd hOI·tlc l,,1 t, HLlIJ<S tlll·nSt U cre dI I'HII1 btl 0 tie p"st. I I ~ II , '"' " .,) " " w!Jrrl K, -tl"ulI, Ufe Y Ie citizons sl)ent D ocoratio D D ay at has I'ctnrucd to he Gwve" h UIll He" II I'ellil ul 1111110 , . I va:! fill H CII I \'0 aUlICllce, 11 ,11 0' :1(1 , \I l· rc. 8 1\'Cp~ dllwll thoTst rclllU h' I 1 n Into Th u d l'ClIl'lltio ll uf tito gravcl! th o SoldlCrs' HOlDe : Dr. J. L. I "0 . ",,"!;I,,), bllt h, . .. !r'o H il l wh u t. }IIlM lf lU l tn (t" w ult t l", 'Uu Zell , ~If' Ie I lie c~e wo .w)lC tl~ WI &ll ' r II' '"'' ''',,'' , I" ," t ,ke il I)III)p"r~' 15 tilt I)f watel'. hc uctor tl 'k I b tl Ugl ,,8. 1(1 , 811m J ones Nut Darnet t Rny I not lUpplllr I II tuUIl IV lun ~nv Cld Irllll~df by t)\I' llDmillg to the ,I. II' ttt'llU P llIcu JY 10 It'Il'IJcless \' I J\ Y N E:S I I L I.J~ . IC I II ,," k,' I.... , "1'" '" tJ UI It .. ~" II'~" ," •. 111 · lUl" Z<lll . Churli~ H~rtsock 'Fmuk ClllllO j Ilntl !li ra. IIal'vuy III's" lie ~Ic" arc , II' h .I"".,,, , f!1t" rc hilt th o l \II r~l', a vcry \'lIlulI' u1.1 I u gi l'I'S lII IUII WItl I vve y ' 11 " .. 1 ,. :til,· I k f U . .., \\) I"ve fl I,u ,. , .lluII IIU II ' ~O 'itlc . u uu11l8. w l'tn 0 omestlc dutlUS. ' III" S~:TlI W B(toW~ , 10 ower Zoll • Tlwm as Mlllllng toD" Dr. L, C. to TI !'Ie' lIli U. WI~b dl VWIICJ nb vnt U 11111(: 0 ,., '.0 11,1 \\'i1I1' 'II? " M ~ lc)1,11" stl'OWI'n , .Mr.I ~1:C """L. :llIe I d I , I I' S . f. Cal'twr i '7itt LUki.: II S, E,u. Schlleb ly; Mlss,es 1 0 ( ,' (1 orc h 1. '\1' tlr l' lUlU ull d th u bUf!g" was ~ouoo, () 0111' t,m' lI 8t .. III, K'.'o • .,ruLllc "; " , , 1A 81 "1. " a,L :1'·c g d tl ATTO RNE Y AT LAW , 11 'lllllah 1! " lly Fl orenco Oav ls also cllI,;cd ull the 20t h. , ~ J ']'1 UlI lIOIJIICe 10 nllllJl.l nil J rOllu'~ U. t hc' cx· ·Iuul. \I ) ' U lu" '''' . "Ol "0 ' .u.~, rCCV\'l'l , d t lll ~ o n ll l .:~ III\\l'r. . .' Unllh , :lIlc .. II' 1 . t' u' L' " . 1 \'n ,\ ' OI'A I.'r I' (, I/I./ C. I I I I f'tl '1" ,, >(' ''' II ' 111\, hllto II" cu',nll Wuolle ' " Drc •• J ler Angle 'Ill, 11IIIIIIHt Hln vellll-( VUIY. CI ,ila ) (' t. II I,tll' )"rlC) ",,'111' .. 1,,' \I, ulI' '' ' D uCl" I' >1\1:1 111 tu \\'hl' ru t hc horse JII'I O 1 0b~ml' 'IY u']'I ' 10 IlU (IeI' il ittl o H U" s ltt EVil Urunu Hnlllus '''"1I 1 ~:'" .MlI\Ill ~ \t'''' ~.l ""II .•,I' , "1110. bolh tuach er b ee ~lIId pllUf I'Up" I.l/leall. ' . 'fi lC \1 tt l I I", . '0 11' 11 11,. I,'• . til I" liS el'l CIII 011 V I\II U I' II ")! \' hldgud b ut ('!lulu nut J' ' .13 oar(I 1' ) '·1 '" I I ' II I 1.1 ., Fetter LIlUI"L 'I ., ~ . II I, , " J OII <l8 ' \I Ella llillkle La II lIeh 11'11" gUlic c y' "'e t II'IIUI! () ~ ull I a t Ctl II tiO tit.: U I/lutull 80 uI CI'd " IIII SU \'l' t IJ(J b" 1'8~ - J' 1I'an 1.:1 til U ,IV, Y OIlII " \I .. i'l" ' f ( v, I' Il '-""I' ,I;.. ' ., " . • I , .1 , f I !Llld Mr , a mI"M r~ . J' )tle ph Hawke . 'tl10 -,)">II.I HII(I Ilia J C II I 11 . ' till" . ., 'U\Cb, tiC pOOl 0 (,J I".WI I' ""\Il li g FOR GE .......TL~ME'III.... Ig a,~ _. • ClcctWll Il f teucller s 1\1I1' lit .', _.I ~ I 'I'll,. htl l' I' \I'U~' Mal k," fUI'll) 'r!) lillY of \1·llIto./, ub 'd g il l!! (cu t 10 e IillXt , ..., . . . . . ...... . thc Bll rn.O,Q ' Q ' J'm31)HH10b!c ltellgiu utl. yeul' : Pm!' r. A 'Vt'iglr t of l!enulIllll lI'al" ,·r flU well kll \l\\ II hl' re Uti bclll ilg i IIg til Jud ' III" I un tIl ull wcre it 'J/H'J'I.'d . 0 II U, " ~ ~ t~\J'~\,/ I . Whitti t ho late Dr. AJ aln t!. l 'l.l(lCu tl) !tis er Collcgu, l l>lm, tl8 l ' l''. n '1' ~~:,lcU~tl:'' ~I~~'S~:o -. t 11:1 ~L pletlsUl's tu I'l'c(JI'c1 that It "'~:;'I~':' ~J~ HEADQUARTERS 7 - T!t cl'o will be divine servico Jlul of tho h igh tlchulJI; 1ll.1\Iu - 1"1\'1 IJIJ \larum; Ail i ci iu". was d e~lduuly tlt o mo"t s '",,,t,m l, \lie llccos~lul in I3t. Mnry's Ohurch to·m orruw Vall ee. ' no\\' Prillci ~l is8 Elh~ ",,,,,",,.( 11," h rI\ pn.l "f th c ( ' IIIIII Il'? hl t1" ,t1l1r l.-o> ) 11 "'"1111.1:;,1\0" :If, c D OCLll'atJOll wo huve known hc ro, (ThllrsdlLY) ev lI i ng, bo irlllin)f1 llt "VI ' H II , MISS RALHIE R. EBRIGHT,. g I I I ' f' . , .t lIl a. U"."" llJ'" Th e X('III1\11 ~ will col ·brnte Each 00.1 ;1110, ycal' hat; )()CIl a n Impl'ovu' 8 o'cl ock, The R ev. J. H. Iy's f lite Il BC lon , Uil l1 ~ t a s 1S t· llu Ilrlllkllll\: Gil, nll,lthllg Hou t ~ I a \It. elli l. ,Ioe lInvIII ,!, \)ulI/tht'J\{r J IJI," 'V" .,'. ,h i, ,, .l ,n Ullt· und Mr. J uli n ' t '\\Ilrt FIIHUIIIIIIIII;.t th tl lllllfi' (l It,I'iOllS :F oul'th iu 1I10llt on I . I'l ccl cCCdtlUI" LLnd Pillllo-t'orte ~hlsl(l 'feaelaer 1,, 1011,1 j·rnw:Joc. lilt' 111",,,,, "" ~IIb\i "hl1lrnt, Ihu H.,In" w,1\ h" t bis ill UI course will be on the distinc tiv e Pl'iJ;ci l)nl of tho coloro(1 ' schulI l '(,lui " lItonllial SI\l u C" IIIII PI C'J!Lt ~il I ILr~lIr lte~I'elJ tl IlllI UIlY el wrlh I, ", llIli r eut curl ) '" 'Il .1 " :Iuc """,11101,,1 at the ,,1,\ 111111111 , _ill II (,f ti ll Bn ' 0 tl la r, ductl'ln es IIllu I'It\lr~y 0 f th e [>ra t · ""<1 s"t. til Maill ~loc~l~ G, I\' ''''IIIg' c1 urk III" Ihl Uo 'UMS Lu,,' 1' 1 ft'' j'A &1 II At. , " 1/ ' I I u I t IliS at " I ~ '1 st liilln 'I' 11'1"11 L" til · OI'llt.\f or th O\ " t. · ·' 1 ",t l' ' E ' 11"" IllUe .1 " .. ' 'YC. I 'U" , r.' 1'1lIS II "" t 10 IllC 0 ostallt ' & -leUI DUtl ' .f '. . 111',1111 Piscol'1I1 "r ""N~"V"'I .•,~, un ... , hure I. U ' 0" • It UI~ :lic. t · 11 "stelll'\tic IlctiUIl havi t 1 " \ 1'1li' e'II Inot IS d l.C I " 1' Jillei 'I'"t 1110 Ollllr. " 1\1\ llg been '11 LUI n.1l.." CU I , )portlll lity solt.ium AlVl lilleS~tue ~ u 1'1 n .o o. are on ICl r uv Iw nl ll, 11 11 Lid_ ~UJ ~@ J ' 'Ift r.1W.1l , :~ ..:~!.I.~{OJ\'I ~I\':l'\,!I!. r • V ,lolI" uo',II WI "II IIIu\ 0 W 'l'\ [ , UI /\II:.;olu .I., ~. HUlkl' S.JUIC o \' I1Ul' ei l i7.UIIB. HIO(litat ll takl.'l1 )ly .Wuyne .fo\\' lJ shljl . ...... th ill <~ S om to bo 1Il0V ill f' afCCl' th e Hord 'l "''''. ' ~ etOJ'all offered ill this place for ~er~l).ns sllm~ . I " 'll""" *1 0". u",t~r U", fi rm III""" IIf 1I ,li", I~' IUII I' l,tll r tltey OIi"I,t not IIlt1ko A~Mue llltl l'I1, WlllCh, " ,~ , ... )11.. old . solt on tLII, L t C l~lJ'<..'('! J ' Nl)r.'N ,::1101" !Jilt Ho" I IVVI' II," I'rel l~ ).\ ,,18 /J,c.~I. r allC Ull W as tUI;l un:l Cll"aiu r I"C'~ ~"n' l,'""" """ " III lid, III"" the pecnli Ul'ltl c , . ~ ,J . tl .. • I t 1 '-')0!. I ~ l hJll\1 elll1lllli t 0 wl)rkod ind litti· II I ' C I tod.1 with " i . , I 1111 '1 'nll lol ~ "",1 \, Il n,v' loe mlfl .l1t.. ,, 01 III k" I' n fil II ~ " .,k , It on ~('UI nt t I g Hi · fiimilia r WOlcal Hl lIt ,cI'S Orl!S Ill'u~o t a l 'no l'UP1,lill 1t1l," , 'r • t il I ~ 11 . t llak ~ 'creditu ble ui IIby ~ . t IU I lUrc ITIt 0 become or Iii I;ullrdl:l.,ys.:I!iu. fI .,rlll·"•. 'I'rullk_. \I' hijlM. "1:'lIk" r•.l'I .•1(,,1 hi ' ~ hold 011 ' '- •• ' . th ei r old C1 ~n st(hnc )' l'~, \ 'rTa j ,) "' l o r hi ·1t (l. 0 1'," 11< '1' III 1,,1" .. Ith . Il \lr.. ~L)' girl. O,,, :)" '.I .. ml ill rltl,t ".,jJ·y l" ;II)! 11".1 1,( III" ~' III ii,,·,. . . \\' Ith t IGIn, Ie pn 10 al'() cu:· will bo iraI'd for thom tu I'cgui II r J\ lO"j"'11.· " I tli,' orl·lll1l·, 1 t \I' ~'1, l'I'l l'l tatlC..J1ly a l)J~ tlu y.UIIJ " I lrst- ass lanos \I. rgans, I'", ,lOy 1'", I,ll", oll l~ ' .11. dially illl' ited to attend, und it IS I'l1l1t :lal. [II',"I,' . ",,,I ,1..,11., ..11 lilt! rl'" _ \I f t Ir .. Hiti l I~' Il IlJ 'I j.: 111\ r .l !"HII " .j dul:\. " III' II Hl.lll 'l'W lI ,ay Cllnl ;' X EN I A 0 H 10 , , ~lJl h'I<" ' . D"u!:ut. , 1I1""r :1I>I'·l fi.,lI : ,,",1 "I! 11110" , I" Ii!'" tto"i" ...,,,11 II lid --Esq. A , ' III i,'11 U\ " 11I(,j I'Cllllr • 11'\'1'111 which I "'UI·.! ·.J 111 1'\ I 11.: 1' ·<1 ll lll! tu I,., hup'd tIte)' will bQ presllut. I ~lnll de /l , ()IlHI 1\ · ' """IV' til Ut'tV l'~d"'1 l' i 'o,tl. I,,, 11'",. "I", . " • 11,,·.v ~ \ I.,,, I" I," '" 111- f,," d .11101 , P Ired ly ·clect·J ,J . 1'.. III s 1)l'e u " ()lit t,"~" "kl ' b I tI •• "J/'~ l·d ~ \" KII·"I·III I!',. , ~ '''Ug ~. '.ll. ' " ,,' . I':':" fl" " .. I ' IIIII"~ "I 'J (.!"I~,,, ""' I,' I" ,, " ;11, I ~ II . F.hl'i/o:hL. .. St, r '~t- prm IU" O~I\1l .y.ester· I...· I' V III CI () Ie \\Ir. -~ II "'U"\\1 4 1111 ,," , ' t l l i l I'll III 0111' lilt( Ht., 1:)' "\' , 'I· ~ II ,I "''' '' l, tln v "\• 'r, I I I " 'I ') Mr. ,l11ltu Em ey is the lllld 11 II ' " j \~IlIlUJ.,'" G • U I I ' '.at II iJ\lI:iI~11! \If glt ll ul,I I'P'\C n 0 toE og l' a" ftor Fancu Wdl. lilt.'.,,,,", " 'I, , . ',"et JUri'\' :I ~ t h(l s hlllgl' It' hlll\~'; out, IU.\. !. I', I \\ 1H It LF\, Crackers of ~ ll kmds • ,
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/l l"·,,ncl 1111' ,ur, '"'Jill' " . . I. I h ' (,appr ' 'Jllit, l'xt"I Hh 'u ly within
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II I' II,I'CI' yCIII'~, Th I ~!8·~~~~~~~.l'~:l~O th ' III~t tw'! tid r OlLll,) 1I of ill 11 ·,· ,tuS\) thcy 1I."h~.I'l ,h. , 1.lul1, ••'ul all tkiUk"r- ' #I.AI\III U II )l C 'J'A1J< J.f'fU Al tlllt.U. Sc.ltil! r ,' w'''' 1 Pluwc r:4 o\t r hl..'r Om\'c . I (J"Il~('~i! "SI ,it'i tull Giftd." Ti ley l'OM.·.N~~M., ~1I1 h ClIll'.III, ,,c",ll l ,OlO IIll~"" Illlll k. . :1110. huld/.l"IJI(·11I 1,,1' rl l)i l'i L IG tlllit' · tu, oI url ,luIII"'.'Lc·, ."clllurLAluhiN··· ,.·.1".t1ng II' cc",,'c rlllol;rlL l'''X 0 1 tllolul··dO llo". I'tory . Uulllh HIIU IUIIl:J II'\: lUudiJ "at)' tor the ,.. t ti'Jll 8 ".ulrly L' \'ery .v .'nin ,. (\\'h II ICllmed ."d UloI , " ul. , n.,umrol lull " rIJ,u ud • I'allk.. . 111<' . ftC" ' . 4 ...... ,. " hl 'lI uro ('I.lecrh ll!: tbt:plc.k . .. n~ ~\l l' m Ql'i nl Flv "" ' I'! 'Bu llatl ...'J cnd,·ls.'1011Il. ;Hh·. til 'y urc Ilt hUtilll allu U ITI III I;() d I 11'011",,11 ,' ,,, ','"I"lu~'~ II" ... ",10...... ,"<10"." !"CII Ill' ,. , W,·d Flo lI'o,'s. Trio fur Fo ttl , I' , :111,·. e.nou~h to CI'cUIJtI .tllI!'I'AMl. JI ~1"\f·tlliI Ihe rl'lltl or II' . I . tletl ILl) I I 111:01"., 'II~ VIIl,,,I. " r b"n'o" ,,,ft "ri"~. a"d .cp .. ,' ,' I 10 V l' lt "0'. " .. . , .j' Uo. '\r II II ve nil I' ad lInu hcn rll al,uil<lY I.ul"", I"" WilY ur 01"1\"''''''. 10 Ih."." bo a N! I . -u 111'11 ,«1 . Uy 1111 uw., ,,., fl,Ud .,.II ! P ublis h ed by J . L. PETERS , more or IC813 of "llUlIUtl!U II II 's,' I alJoal h. ror )'''11. II . 0"1 ,or. Dr. B. • "" ., H I I' . , D D. j;'uIlT K,ul 1 20 l.kXI~l1Tt1 N' AV ZXlat. Nzw 1;'11'. . Nih w n " . 0 ., Box lOa, 8~ " f)1I , , t, wh IC "el' is porruittcd th e I'll'II' .YORK. I. <on.ull"~ b~' 111 ..11"0 "' bpn. Rlld N ew Y ork . ,,,,,I lIt,lIh,t.I'''·l' I'H IJ, on,., HIlt I lril'l· I..,,, III ~ I ' 11. 1'11111 II j·~'.I' ob,ultd. in l"".ollllntl YICllcr.llndl' •• llUdlhO ' L~ii"" t'fhem ,'rktodp";c< . '-.'.iI .. l\v n "" u 1'1 "" l~ r h'lIc' 1,1 II"Hrl v" "" arl e .. ufo c'(' ''tu r7 V \' I tl I f" 1 'I tn tht:lrl:nllll ' UlUrloll j,f,.wull lnl<fiUtl lllttlcu lt d hl• • , UIIII~ II U' 111 11 8l' II 11 r. 11 ,)tt , cA, .,.. u l ,' ho",CIC' ; I...."," ht •• btUly '0 'I !II. 41" will Pl'I' lIul'll he IIbl o to CLlIIII'I' :;~I~;,\~:~~:,I,~: .',.;,It~I""L~O~'~I~~'!r~~ld':~~~~h.~J.,t~ ' ,1\1 l1lC 5. blind th o llJen nilig 1.1' t;O IU U tl' xt of h L'fl C,' IH" llIIlIlI'lI to-U L flrr[·,. " on l1(·IICU \dthtlll~ ,.lck
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'li'RA .l.YJ~If [liS, nHACKET~ MIHHOHS, /"."•
Memorial Songs. IJ[C'l'UI')
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Ituve I()Olu'u UJlIl", auu hnl'l! h alltll~d ll f till' \\"tL~
Waynesville Harness Empor ium .!
& Ch. iea(/() " DiviKiml.
0 111' hUll \:, \\'"r, 1 (J(
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l,ri\' i) (-.,..'' O 1.0·1 J'1n 122;) :1 . 111. I'('Cl:utly tl> h'l' \11'(' ' t'lI t 1I1 Ih ' 2 I:. p HI :.l. II I ·' ,.,'j '''H't l( ti.r b l ' \, t.' 1l U \' \.' rt i n g 'o . J t he ",orlll , t n.~111 th~ rl,c t.~Jt l ,mf \UtIH "rrli~ t!uc· I I.Jo~Ulltl[1 0n , nnh'a :t 5U p lit :'i \I:. .. ~.''Ji,:~~ r'~:I'::.',ltlfl jt~'1~ O~~l~\t·:ltll;' ':.;I~~ I~l ('::L O,OW I; 1 oint !\rl h u (j ,50 P III Ii 0:& •• tllIlI' IIlld l 'U III' l'I'HlId with III.)' fut l"'r • 01 Ilcn ' g-u, KrI'l,' . e -{5I I " \\' ur~ "'\.I ttl h."h." '. · · AIl t) th\.r.u~b-· · ll. 01lI d 110 1 li .•"II ) pOl III Il h. t!H.' l'- I'V IlI' lit' In y ) \\' 11' tl\' \\i l1l11ur II f u rtwh (' tl l1 Cot''-' ';hllllll r Itth're ' childl' ' II , tllI C li t' lh t: Cllildl'lJlI III' a I r~~~,11 '"0 aUIIM:::':'1 d·r· CuUlo.blO ,.LI. "O'S"x:~7,'" !'I'o . :1. citiz ' lI v I' .li II I'Ve ,,, hnl'l{ - a ~"" III' I N T OR Y : nl,o by C' hicn go.-J",.,,(' 2U 1'. DI tl :t5 n . '". .. UII. F ..·.TB. t:h"a r> <'<II · Crj)"'" I'uilll-n l'r . III .U;''' III.Uf,· · ' , .I J I I nl)' I)l'ut IH.'l' ( , 'urgo t); \\I ll I \1 I II . V UI II). !' V\ll" In 1. Iw~r J y L 12 'if. I t) 15 ' V ' ll ' (I t' t I ' I hound • ..,.".!; ill !, ,,,·pD rlllt· \-ul", lit c:.~o no r.. ~ . . OJ.!'UU '' POIL • OJ 1\ . m . ... .:... p . UI . l'lc .
lli u
1 I e H I' I~ \V I f ' pn lot(,: ( 1\IIIl UI'a l.'III) , a ll d w it h
" 'v" 1'U1 ol hel' 1'['1" lOr' ('t··I'II.·,I. Iii',,' "" S Il\\'
acc..t1rdh.~ to .Jia" J"jl!.
oIl" "'" h'lI~
"fillY "11' 11 .hildrl'lI • H hllHJill~ IU ~ ( l thl 'l' at til 'St~ JH ~ liIJlC".
() I1l' ~lt. t Il '> lll 1' 1It ' l
\\' .'n.!
l"iaid 11. 111 \ : "Fnllt l ' l',
t"l'(I I t I'I ~ ,
I l'U
g,l}'o ;
, Ill
1111111 " 1'.
, JI y th~ III a<t cr. fn'!l1 tito ur>lllllalllll tho
No I "iI11 t." wc Chic,l
An!!3 '}J1'0 1I1pt ,)[(1/1 • " i) I '/1 '011t \J . t ll " . (.(£!III, 1.lit t I1U llI Ilff ' • LI
Al1otll(~rll" d Il8rll u{ll\ i ly." xoC! l t 'VI ) 11 .,. . ~. ~ . ~ tll·~ .,.
'l:cu ' l l\\c\."" II~cr 'HH.l Tit1\01
·· ~\ · , . , , ~" >I\ IUtII" , ' . · ·
1' \,11011
.\ ;",cII L
t':lt"ITBE. .
,·/tlt (Jj',
l . f,u!! UlIytllill(J in my l ill/' nil II I() rl ~/11i ~W~~~I 1 . t t j" , l -, ' • Iy
UI' tl
ltfj r l'e lllClI,
I}I/'./U ·
/Int ,
He dl' ' II'
.·11 •.l h ,nll .)I.1: ... .
WI! havc
111' C)' II ill ,
"eI au IaJ'.
l'l1llgcd tlll'ulIgh
kll o \\'lcdg~.
' 11I:;
.-: .,:':"'C-.
o::r I
, U OlttllALLY I NI' n'l:!
\\" ",,~II I "" P
S I~ I': ' ~IJ,,,£JJ
ill th is IIIUl'lWt. They nrc us loll ow ' : fJ.1 rTO~V OfIAM: lJAYTv;,V .1l G IJ/!; N I () IJ1f O_\'J) . ,..,' (}()J'(}Jl (..JLlJ'I'lm , [ ,UPEl/ /I /" & UI.fV/:'H 'fUL I .ED,·
1!\'01' n t!i:I'l'd
l'lt) ~V,
H KrU lC\~S,"
(dl (:/ wlLiclt
H It! l'l"f1 Il ClI l!o "n
11 \.HIS ' Ul' 'cllal u, II'II~II pl~lltlillg a,~!d ll "t 'ho ~ I cxicu!l \I'llI', UI' fur C01 UIJl'U IU lso 1h,.! !'t ll'C t,lur ci " jl w a r,
' '
in:~ll-. l..\nH:~
\l'ilI Ih llll k ""
li d.
---Wc lllLvo thrcc of thu
h, flil.
I" I'!>
... . .
NER· 0 US in the t ho ,Illnrkot: WE ' l'EIlN,D UBLI.V all,,' 1: .I:.(..JIi:LS1 0R I
II"dl "~ "1 ~
I~''' . h . '"'"
""I ~.. Z l!~:~~.'\'\c.;r.: .
~ 1. i\~ 'I. ,!O .. rt'''lh . I."" ' ,, . . . 1' 11·' 11 '11:l rl ,\ I~". 1'1. 1 III (. ,~/ I '"''' ' '' -i •. .11 '''1.\ ' " .
pri"" lc I" '!! I
" ,
iUl e ll '''''' SS~I :I'''' I'~.I . 111 ,01 :011 ",:' fo r ,:, II · ~ " 'H I< .t, "'lie' 1111 ' " ' ' : I ' ~ ( h,' " ( ' :&I1 ~t! IIt1d ( '1111 ' rl':l "1' C!>-..' J' I' I,i, I·:, .".v " ill I". I".. ". , cu i ;. , ~~ ,J,."I'I.Y i"""",'i,,:,; ,,, all tl' .11 ~ ,,,''',',"" " , ,~" ' I''''', I :, ,'I'll 'or 1·; 1' 1'111-:1 nJ 1[.' ~ <I'"..uiJl;
7$::, II ,\:\I)/l"l!l\:; ,,"I II ' " I.. .1i~7:" "y ".' ]. ' '' '~.' ..1:1".'." " ," ,, 10
" '/,-1" "'1'. :\ ' \ .1 j " .1'·... " ' .[ .... ,"', \.-;c. ......." .. "*Viad crr:. .......cr-. :;.~.a:.z-~
H ili
I i
IIi! ['ll WOI' Ull 'l wl''''' In",i1uJc "I' lJo.o mll ; rul:or .... "''" h"ri~ la ll hus Hl 'l'U iJiH t'ncilLI CXP1'(lto\; "lIor IHtHI 8 I\ nl" ' I ~~' w i Lli tl \,14p"ptic ~~' lIlj llllm ,.: :, bh.1I1 aud IU. '·lrtl h lt~ \"ll' icly cd' t OIl C Irlll It. llld~. tla ", l lIn~ nl Llle I '(JII), , d.yw "'~ III
I' I d
' j lill '
t la c
f ilII
Jr~~ ~
\V · IIH' lId'l' r . hVI·r,,,· HI' ,1.',, 11,. lI i;;h L. ~ W c,\t •. ",,1,1 .1',','1.
U 0 0 c.an I mllglul!
I '
1Itll'0 ,
IRII,I."lI l1r,
• .-ri-l I. ;
INI.\\, Fced, tlt e CU~iCRt halldl ed ILUt! e,lI llJ .tctrlil Drill ullbreu tll the t rud , I \Vc al s.o, a C'llllplctc l:!tuck' or UIlI! · Ii O I'~l! ' Dor.Shul·C & Dou bJ ~ ·s ho vcl .-Iows,
\\ \' u IU t, to:- , tIIlIlIlOt\S v i \,I .. h l ll ,
• ]1«»... :.1-
, BQJ(f))~IiEla ~KA. ~
filII v i oI11'IIlCtl L :l'yIIlI'Ilt.lly . • I. ,,. 1111 " "" loco" I,"')WII"" I'l1 il ill ,I", en,,' 0 1 Y·t he i K 1, ·ti l 1'( ' II1 l: 11I11l:l'cd ful' '\ \ It i. II ' ~ ' , U1I 1.I1I 11, d \\ill! )o.Yllql l ll1ll 3 . iwli tl li,rl ll or ' fIi'l'l ' a" \1'11 '11 I. l '[ .01 '1'" i, .. "" . ,'x.·"l i.UI . I..... o f lu e ll,v'·)' . lli lli ·u l · ~, 'c b UI . \ t \ " I I ,r e,ull rll;.! . ~l'lIl.,,' ,,1 \' c "\Ur {' ... ~. hilf'Hn HI til' lull (11,ull!lI cc "I dlll ~ II'HII'>lI 'I 'l i ~'., .O' wc" k. ,. ,' \' vll < lI'f,,,I" ill~ . 01 ,'catHul I
t 'ff
"a~.' 11 III' E . F. Kun k el 's Di tter W ine of
• t; l'al' y as hl~lI·tccn l C ucttn U , \! UI pluu:us, (Ll UJ
UEtl1'- - -
§:} •.•'
aftl'!' the Il.ibl l ' "t a fdl, I' N U • . '. '
1r(~I'I· ul.tcd t o !live Scta'~ fitlJ(i(),.,
""i:, •••
I l n ll d · Il" ,.I\, Itt.oI II" ~~ \~Ii l~ , .I'li " l ~ II I' Ill ;! t lit' It c. . . . 11:111.1 " .11 .. , oI ,"'e " ..c.",,/~, , 'I' I
IlII u'IIH' r
1l1l; ITIlIl t: lIl,
(tl' U
oLD ,·r \' U U\< :.I.~ .. :
Ma 'Tk.! lI r L
th ' . tUlH.IJ :111 , l at tl, -·1.111;, ill tho '
itlfl1rlllllt·j,JIII""~l.r:.{.~ c:':s '
\\'''" 111 11.
Iho b" "ll .ls uf hu, '
w il ethel' Ilu ~trll t: k til surru w III' til ~ k!II:!" "I'
hllnd thc bUilt u88orb~10llt
'I' h e J. od lc8' JIIlllld.noul(L J' VUIUIII,le
lI e wa ~ I . I I I
_q.HH :~~":.!"-~·.'· ~
w\Japulls LIt' .
'l' rt'~ 'l tu " , ," IJI 'l'll lh l1l",Ul t, 1 1,1 .. " l"1· ' , ni l (I(h t'r,. ) tShh l'o l",a !,\ t1~ . t h ./I! :111, I t ~ , '· ,.!" J \ ', 1, . ,11 '1' lh l"irl'll rl 'j", ' I ~tI .. . ,' ,hl l ''%.1 f"r l"'·t1 I,. ,Ol llltlr f., ~' t .. 'rl lll M ill !':,., lI i: II 'qhli.Jllt .. l'OIJl I,wl )' . J:.JU / ;•••• :I~tI, "" 'N" , ,\, n ' I .,, "' ,
.' 111
I lH\'l!~l it ll ""IS
wali I) 'rtill~' lIl nlld " \1 11'0 1' 1'1.11,' ti c Jl wli ti hilli', Jut tlli ll;.; 1 ·~tI , II\) wa HI ... II ~I'cal ~llwylJr - IL" great as i>g ' dOll lJ "lflllllll, alld tal' gl'~. lh; 1' tl'llll I III I.II I' ..I" '1l~1·"S:i. 11"IS I IlIlu.• "'as f llll, tIll,l hi s word ; \,. 'I'U Ih ')lIg il t \Va "
~GENTS t5,00" l!'o .. >1 ··\ Il·' II"r• 'lIlh ,,! (pltll,t."1" " I" / ''' ~ • "".IL '" II,u ' ." e .. Ii.,·
- ---
aiulls II' CI'O 1~ I'i Iliall t, 1'o1:I'id , elu, III CI, Ulld "lltit 'LI C; hilt, Ul)l 'I' O all, Ili l! butil'" wll ile kecl), WlIS III ,t J.l l, i ~l!1l I cd ,'r bal'h 'd wilh ill t CII II )O I' . It
ill tho tnurkct, buy the
~" m ,
nlll '·lI re, "1\ \' "fll' " , II,,· , f l'l,. l'l u:: J Ii ll,.I(~ PI II .II .. ttll"'" \\1111 .,' rot lit h y u".il ,l .. ,t' ~I~ '" lt1I!:' .,!lith OIl IH CI, ltvt ~\'II t"lItt',
}Jllri i!llllcJll tal'Y wIIl'fa{'tl; lIut h" w ' t;cldl'lU' hc " :leU th('IIl! Il is l'Il'l\ .
IU !l1l
would haSI!
{ ,.u
~ /"., .. ~: " . tol";l,) i'U:;U 1IIIIIIi,ldc I , J I ... - b cllU fo r ,ilclU,
Cl>rl l (»;~1;l
!"iUIH) ,\y .
~;!~;~i~.,t,~ C~',I~ (" II ~~vt~:;tt,~~:t.~ ":~I :/::',.~lI;:;,' ~rt'~,I:;:~:11
t I IU C I ClIllHl L8 , f I:UUI L lU \.. blll'lcBI (lIC I" Lhc Illl cst WIt.
lL I6')
01-' '76 !?-~ rf' turllill ~ ",,!l,rumy t~ 1'lIlk"' 1.) l~ul~li t.: 1,~ T' I'l'
8 . ~. I . t,ly Uti. I'.'un', 1'1'" 1''' ''",'110 , ~'jf'! " allff.. ,,1 :/j~ ·~;~·fl (~~ ~.:~';j'(:~;;·:" .:d ,: :'~/: ~tI:~'r '~J lf ul'p 'r"s Alug nziJl (J f'-'I' I wh ir III l l.e ,.hk . ,, ' , i,/" ,H" J 1t1· : " ,I.". '1
t l·llll CIJII "t"111. Ii:! \.. •
lI o
Plldai ly .
'11 "i \\ \'"~III"''' ,.. hl& ,·,i,l, Ill " '" I, .. " III\IoiIIl~" '\'11\1,'1'. 11 ~'I"''''l .. , 'l r''\''II~l lI b l\fl lll n ·,'' lu\Jll .
I1 l1rd i ll ill tbi ~ K 'iltll'l,i llll
1'01' ...·hici'I)U, Ill\i l ~',
ll'l~ .
'u\\' rnh,;,:
.Tlt u llHld CUI'Will , in 8u fal'!I~ tIll " I'l'cu rd aJl " wd .1' nd_ .• "l' III 0 II t. fIJI' l l lll.,.t ~
" II" ~ II' \'(. " \ 1 " AII ' I \ l, I, lIa" ,"'" 11,. " lIftl n /" !"I ',:uli'111J! 11 ,1' Ill" " h o" .. ·ntl ,tt·l! l u l 1I1\11I '1II1I1I1I, ..1i\. ,\ t A S 'r ,,' ltA th \\ ,\ I.P, Il· \h\\h l~11"'h\,"f1flJl ,lI'I,.. h.1d .. !<; h'a.:I .. lall ,,,, l!t. II\"'I/' U '" l ilt' CJr
ott" ..
U"KWIN.- l] lill .
Cux, in 1Il'ct!1IIul'r,
I.nll ll\I 'H ~'1 r' ti l I JI \'I I1~
" ..
'illc ill1>1ui ~ . : 15" !l41\" N 10 I I" h I I I fl . l' n\'~ S \oJ( 1I101li IllII . 1~ jllJ~I'0lt
··f!CI\I"{f/ l . I, .. ,,, 1 11·1"'1'1'" III , I h' , I"'J'
11" )1 \:' 1,, \ . n
('/ 1\ ..
--------- . ~
lo r Jil: I HIITI:,. 11"ll lJlI:.",·""".,.. I"". ,," I"·''' ''.ud
11"" , " II
'I-I tll,kl. ~
My PR:CES yvill be LOWER this year THAN EVER,I since the .Rebellion; and my Terms are LIBERLL.
2.:J5· ·
..... .. ,',l,· h"rur l_- 1!1
1'tII' . I I I 1 I t t Ilurf' l:i tan Uri ( u t I li, til) Y (:II(III!/ l ,i ll hjt.l. V AJ.l!!N ·J'lNE N f(1IhJl.S"N, T UOMA8
;G",':I~" 0'
1 .3';
"~j, ,tl lI g l·' I II'fIl I" J hI'TtHJ11 ·\ 1 "' h\nl l'I, hh,' "I!! , HII JI
huv ttuiu l'O-. llt1i (!i 1J llf, p""J'ilt.l}Jo.; . \I n '.I t i n I I., a 1\ d \\' i 11 III I ~ Y ad d ,
:"~~1" ~
IUII· ur ll .,rllla .
. I
J'\ ·I·~~I"·,r,I~:I()I;U.. n
rllullu: r tl l, h(urlh".. , \\111/ 1,,, II !lilt 1,"'\
I/I\(Jri~' l' I\ I" It~h tlll·.x h oIHJ tll i8 to Ill Hr lJ Y U H Ul lg It
I' ,. ":It'IIII., .... Wrc" n lllor rar
\\ilIIOl llll lt" Hu t vf l \ r ~·t,)r I t 'l r-,lio,.l\ j". 1I ,'l fll millh llllm" h"I, l "":I,IIIIII" .. h! ' l '"ltt' H ltl
till .
J ' Il~ tl I t It all t Cj l ' uhli ~ lI .
4ti 5 ~O
flU recut ), t
khHln',1 '·)I,lt-fl ... uL!) 1' \' )·:. :-1.\D1: ~I~"* ," ''1 I ~''l;o.~(''~.
IlIll /' j I.fl ."
;J,29" 4.:J:J··
h. l1"lhh\ \1I11 .. llOiI ' l lll· .. I.... h1 I1 Ud ... h
\ \, C . I'l,!. a I 1\' ' 0, nllt . ] I 1I 1i'!!h t I'datL" I • • thill ~~ \\'lt ic.:h \\' l ' r t..! ~ll i li \) ' dill' ,!, ' 11t \ VO (, \(
'hh.~ fvr~ "u"~i'l'VI,"'.\;vll·
.1 "" ",,
1'1'01 111 Ille lalld
" 11 ';
nolw lllo A 11.101' .. " .N t'''' ':un,l jl,
!'-\'lI l
S\~ JtNJ'D
TI l<l \ll. c1\t"l'oigl1ttCl pll"lo, llrl: iu tll1' t }.11 1"111 1':.1:' tl",y h UVQ I'K) Idlt'I,.d,l." IJ ""I~'w~'cl i.' 11 111111 It I'; .':l' tllrll \.u \ \ It) 111 ' ,,"\ 1111', uud Il u , ull l.ell'".' by . tri et IItl.ull\l,," 10 \1I1. ,U l·.... tv !I.ei'll" eun, IIIu llll,,\: f tI ", .Il tt l l'.
A.-H •• • 10. I NtO.
"",'.~,- ."'ml" 0,,'1 ~ril lllg 10 UF, F, Wo"I." to IlItcr,. I'it~' on til both thu d l.H.,tor Ilnd hi., 1mmor'.I· .... . T ll e R "ol t 1,. ,,11. \\ lIlc h C-tV . I .• I 1 j't"" lh'~:;:' to nil \\ho r('ud if , fan 11,. luid of 1.1IC t nntlt .. C'n ye • ,_"" " ' ul 'II.. .. ""II'I"."' .II ' ,"I . 1'1,,1 11 Ill"'" 1t, ·I,mOllll-Arrl .. e 1I11"11I;lln~.~'I!)!'. ttl .lh ' ~:nJlll.h.'" . •••rm.n IIAj:,·ri lOI\lI. a,riv e IlItI~IIl\).: .." Llllrttn' Lllhllll~, Iu }IJdlr.h ",Illy . N ow ' Il-st lt- nrrhe E~U!'l ~1'I'lby IIIKn,I'O" hl ' t'IUt'Putll. I I I! rL'Ct'lllt : (Jft h '.1 jnh.",. A l",ly \Hfi(i~ t h~ IlII1i1 or: "1 Alldc r ~on.It' .rl\· 1.! hn, ,, " " ••• I"llI h., )' 011 ,, <,..rh. I.hr.-Ir lno o r Kullo Dl".lIr",'o
which W ,
UIIU " ;:r"lLt. It !Wrtftlout ot l£" :~ I If'Y 1I 1Hl utllt.' r (; 1'1111. a ll nf thlt lll'lI t. ll il\h.t' rllj (l fjl~ t h " ..i .. w(~,. f Ct' llt"t!Tliu l pri ·' HII .tnf i' l li f1\ \'1 11' ")01 will I ,l 4". 1l . ) I a~' .1 " , I ,II ,
P " • ..:. 81'. L. ItAII,lll1' ".ll.'I
I,t!g i llnill ,r, n h~al'd, which \\' 0
W Ilict. \I' l'
• ) JIL',
frU lll
ronu .....
& 1I0Vl'rlll ~I',I"·. Yor . " ' AOER . A RE ATUB· K.ltTY To (;'.":!"1 I.T t htlllhid MO lb e r fJt l 'l.lu Jl OOle 1 •• '-I "" 1'.lklnaM l~hcll l ( 1)l1l1n n "S.,,,,,: \\,ri ' . lo blm RI:cl117wntl
·ll"II·ly t ll'.'11 tll"}' • •
0 '1". 11'. 1111 0 . '" . In,) I'O 'collid C\' ~' I' .I t,
""" r
s l, ill, pRlIid COU I," IIIIII( 'U Iliitl 'l"IIH.i"Il ", 11." fal ' O ,l'lI l"it.\ i llJ! II II' I ,, "\i d, puil! i n I h,'
g 'tilurc It,nl 'k,
"C, l\d lj , ,~... of 1110 ,' \'(' I i(f oi , r r"" IUCllt hl .. c1, "I"'" 1I11ll~ 1,,·I'. r. d,e o~. ' w"h IU '" ·.
Y"Util. I
w hic h th e rhcll'ri 'al 1 I I' I I 1 1'PI'I~ I'\' ~HlIlI :--I!l 1I ,11111 1. ,. 1\ 1) 1 ~I.'.:h l , \\ llI . L ul To the Publl'C GeneralJy• 11'I., C 1'11 " I '''lI' wa,; at't· .. tu t I l' · Il" ",li,,". Ie . TI .c", riY IIIJlI" ", , all rori _c ul'lltvl'. l l iti iIH l l~ l'UJld 'IICU uf l frtliU II \\ ,1 kIlCK::, altd ",', IClIlCUy Lhal. Uri,· ]lIlvin~ ftl n tud UHI l'llint. D UINtrtmcnt v f UII '\lght u ll d his IU lliu l' XIlrcl:ll:li,) II I';, ~' , .K'·NR';'.', II ll k ,· ~\, ;,." . vI I rOil . II Mr. T. n ev itl', C"rri"su '11,,1', 1 "m I)fO' .1 ' . . IIc ...·r if.Ii . . I Ilk.- ntlt. ~•. " , ",,",:1.',. I'IlrClt tel p"illl Carriagos Rlltl Wl\go Uti ,, / ..n We aro not ell II Cu U)'I.III III till S 11" ,""" vI' coulllc,·fo,l . H",I I",,,. i,,oOll' kirl\l~ ill fi 1'!3t.-cI_ 8tr1o aud "~ r .ollablo papor Iu UiIlCUHH. lI j~ h UIlI ')1' liUl' " . A_' Kllll h l ·. \l iLtt' r W iJlo " I' I r,, " i< rawil. Givo In!' R cal , Iuakos une uf th c " I'Ct:1l Il llUts ill "? \\011 k",,,,,, .. II Over Ih o .c' .. ~ lIlr,l'. dr ug, WILLIA M THOMPSON. ' I Ih ,.: t Sl A t.lItHUi5" h ' .~ thak,· IIU HmLatltHl 'H.d t ry I t 10 COllgl'CHIIIUIIR lO';UI't. 10 pill !" ;L .. fl' "" Ih<'i r (·". tuml·r_, whell t hey 50 hoatl.tff1tl 0110 uf the best illustrations ill ,,"\1 ror "ullke l ·. !l iLto.· Wi" ,· or 1,..,11. cm'dlJ, UJitA
' QlltUu~~BlQ Q IT ret.,ins.
~Il the vinl.e.s n r ,h,c I.ith e R unni ll~ "DOMESTIC," iru;IiH.lm, che A utom;atl~ Tension. wh ich WQ and II the '1<" in \t-oc. .... r l ..... no<lee our PATILNT HARIJ ",r-; "1I COSICAL Ut,;AIHSI,;S on w ,h Ihe M.t h"", .nd Stand. . OHf new and old IdGQI worked nUl wit h Lrand new M achine ry :uld T OClIJ 31 0m own newwntkJ.. in th~ hu.y ci ty o r 'Ne. .~k New J CT'tusy h ,IV': liJ.n::n "10 a s' "ml"HI or Pot "::C H AN lCAL r.Xe';- I., L~N'C£" Minimum or 'ricllon . ftiaxlf"PWu o r Dun1bllit)' , ",lIl1 U"ilC. of "," urk, ne ver hC.tclOrura rochc:d in the Sewin& M.clllnc: ,,'orld.
Oorn • Shellers, &c.
T O T HIS STATE liENT AND TH~ M ACHINE ITSEl.F Onll'Y 01 K ,, "k~ \," Hill er Willo '01' l ru ll i.< l'ul .ul ' y,)'ur nam necttly }?l'inlerf on ' ollly 111 $1 l,o ttl" !!!1 llml IIIt8 It '·c llu\\, ",rHoppe r ' . We 'nvit. the atten tioo ID f all. " peel.lI" l ho.o ha vln, h'ah m e , h •• i u.t .klll obeerva U oc. N, n.~ Mac;.b.1l'U fully wa."all lc~ , • MlCllI glIlI, w ho had a 'IlUIlOd Gcnor' lIi ed ,_ 1",1 lIlI I>c lIlIl , leI .. "iill Ibe I'l'Ol'rlo. til em a11d /.lent to any adrf1'eIl8, ul llarri8(lu of wnnt uf stmt<!I!Y lIt IOr 'ri 1'lllllog r"l'h Oli Iho wrllppur of Oll.ch p I}8t-Prti d, ?t}Jlln ,. cl'ipt . of 50 cta. DOMESTIC 8EWINC MACHINE CO., Warl'anted to givl! Sutillfl1ctiou:n T'I IJPCCIlIILlO, C..I,lry \Hlli , IL IlII"'Ii' b~Ll1l· '. t-Iw"y " I" ,'k 1"" th phOlOgrul',h UII 1'l:££ MiA)" OA~EITE, N o ,"' York uncl Chlc a8'o. ILIIl til OULl!I~" lIII<1 .Ou w,111l1w ·. v. I. ""ro 10 W U\ Oil ' gelloru i. The drull uU\Ilu e r ,ut tho !:C,'t til" gO;"Ii Il Q: $1 po.' l),;tilu. ur ', Ix fur ___ • _ _ .,_ ayne.v c. 10. rcap USe caunot bc }Jut on pal)tlr. !f5. H" I~ I,y llrl/ggi.t . .. "J OUll lo.o e VIl·Y' LADIES. USE " :D0MESTIC ,. pAPER FASHIONS. I " ,whLro. ' . A-A Q I ' J-{ ( ~ t l l ;r ~ :\ ~ 1'1I ? .'UDWI'OU .()rutOl' dCi!C\'ll)'d IL AU Wo rms a emoved Ali ve. ~~ ~ SOl1IE'I'I NO In n" NOTICE . 1\1 PLE!\I E~" I'S trulll lllg day- til lender of tho j E. p . K"~"h':" W"'",, ~"rUI) n,· . r 'Mil~ I would r OllI.ootrul1y illf'onn f, '" , II"R " •• :n, rl\l '1'0 D O Til u.nd o. llitluud 1,,0 IX' n BJlp'ol"t~t1 Ad, " hust un bora ·buc·k, tho retl'clLt to 11 to d~ .lro.,' l'il1 . ' ~"I ltuII . '';JCrlft' 'h Worn, ~. tb oitill~n8 of \V"yne.vjll I I ~ V ·.'I U. 0rit .... ,. ... 10" • •• ., mlnult.t'"t.or of tho l!;o ,I<. f EUI.ILbcti, .1. 1 . Ib ' 1 Dc', h. NKK I., I lic olliv >UCCC>8 r ll lI'IIYlii ' illl' ~Dd vlolnlty. that 11"/." 0 10011' " , "'-' Add ' . 11. "ILh ,0" "11'· liliin Il, !tIt of W Arren C tlnty, Ohio. Ihln Olg 1 ();"lg grllClw ., t III trcllcballt • h.. r"n... ,·o Tn i'U \\I ", U1 ilJ _ b Olli'll. "Ii ,: 1 i .. \V"Y0e6viU • Itt l\rr. ~, ,. ;- '11!'_,' 1!i , !We .., ' orlo ""'" cOlllIo!:d. Al l part!lJ1 ~. mdo],.....,\ tt) thu fftl"tll b lud 01 the g'n ml l"IUUl'llcl'''rlly will. 1,;,"" , nl>u tlO ~ ·u ntil ... ·"",. (l ('o m · I . 11', Dru ....st,or • where [,un _ . _ .k~· l i ' "'ill pl_llIftJc8lan_dillwiI<ltll "'~lIt,'Uld All kitHI" of \\r,ltIU 1'111111' at \.·X tJ·l'lill'iy low ill'ices. slayillg '\'atl'I' .II\l'h'll . lwei I 1.1t. "10" " Lt." Ie ,·Ie .. i l' '1'''1''' Worm h n' m",' pn;""rod rcpuir ulouk8. walch .ndj 'ft' C OltoN V"'L IJ those havilll{ lalm8 "l!"'iu.t th" 8lltnl' . will All PCI 011 wi bing llnythillg' ill 0111' lillo will ' IIml it tl) tiluir iuw"", . , " l ed . ,,11 olllJ'r "urw· ell ll he t.' ndil) ~ettll't) · cd. e lry In a 1I 0Rt nd workmllnlike mallner . r.r"",,ut lheon, du ly ,. uthonUcuted. for Ill· ':i\rluu : IClltti u pLlIl lUll; hl()udlc~ . !o<,·",1 Inr l'ir.·" I.,r ' I) /lr l\unk.'I , No.' 15:1 r t.l~inlt bad twenty year..' UXpuri~1I ..t Tho latcst im proved Can11'b Il U.""oo. WE 'LEY FlAIN ES. t g i vlol U6 U call bctoro plIl'chU8ill~ Olllcwhcl'(I, fi ·llt-1II t;nch a style thai llll\ l N .. nh !'Oh ~reel, I'hi lllu Iphi I'a" or ",II. the I .ltriin~.•• IIIth !fivo IIl1li.fI.. P'UlL,.1 ,)m Drills can he I'u..chas d I'ory . M ay II, 1t!76, A~m·r. vi,·tim \I'll C\' 1'1l 'I!tor klll>WIl a "u JIlIcr drllj!~"'1 ud, ~ hr " IIOIU" "I utar IlLl<mltun Ililid "" fin III""k ",>11 wllt<JIo" 1 I' ' I ' t' K T " • ,1\.11. ei's wv, w . VIUi' I'd· e 1>1 Illi I Ie . All wurk .. arraulAJd. 1'1,.,,,,,, .d,·r '"U I ')\Y '!r 11l! .1 U UIlJLII: A\ 1.0l{ S, Trv Englels Tea Crackers. 'tLu lute G 'ueral rar,l' : u<\' crfJiL :'1i:J-I ~ Il clll!. . J, ll, t3Wl:lS'r. wrwlD,OhLU. -I Il is 1l.118Wur tu (i cu el'al •
I ' A'I' ,
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& lUllS.
..lit 1111
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•• LAN E & nODLIrI '6
rABM ~IGIYB, $10000 IN GOLD A \\ AllUl D ( RA N D r IU: ~II U M
Ii t .t tl l n u!e lTa' E po~ h o n 0 e r ltfl rJi til" Jl4Ys "nael cal l CJSti ~n d u Ie I t 'If I) ee ell'l r- t !i Sen l (0 C I.... r g ' i ~ le M" 11 n . nd tletaUt o f 'he Ja n n... ....1 I N f: .sr 1,(JIn L~V "obo .nd 'l.l~" 8 14 CI DtS1DnaU
Al e I
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Twelve-Points -
O.I'U:8 -
::WeIlAu er
ItOOFS ADd an prcparW t o t1<monatrato tile
OlJ'&Al1GR1UIa r.o~ f!1Itrrel,~
D Oll8JO
tl will b o.... ~t the rato
or 20 :I'BB'r PAA aO't1B. 1bc1 buN
.ADd.ANY DEl'TH REQUlRIW Tbe1 wUl boru (u
AJI 1< . . . . . . r F. ••• b lIoR _ • • • •c1 .... e.lon .. HUamlnoaa •••••
(;o.I.III.ate aad U . . . . . . .
eTar1SI£l<I ud Cooot, 10 the U DI\.e<18~ hnd tor oar lllu. trated Catalogu~t;:~
~).I..4eAb.&~:iDg our IIAlvu
• •
BlATWlaTDI WILL AVa C~ BLOOMFIELD. DAVIS CO ,IOWA. ...sial. lA what poper 70U ..w IhIa ad.... IioaouII.
VOLt )IE X, 1 --1I0JU': ANn ADItO \II
TIn !liT
.. Hr.IC
(OItllHil OSIIEN( l:
I I to May 18 .. leI en JI t ill IR 1111 or " pre co \ c l ~ I of 0111 rh cl~v tl e nllIrderK at 1I I0 III CII c ,r thl l1(l tilX hS\ 0 llrl'lIdy . ullu~d I I'HLI I Ihe eXCC lI~IOI1 Look I Inc III II ( I ul h e ~lllInr Ih,re " K , Ilrgo c rowl o ( "IJCc tnlorK "Ill UI \l1I/ e teo Ronu {, xCIII' n (lilt lh e erc" . of Ihe I rellcl III I (,ermRO IIll' n or " I\r III U I' I relleut the 10" C ~~ clll."
Till stCRIIlKhl)1 An (' rlqU! nt) I ladel pilla exillbitl c \ r rv light a lau.llnl'; ~l g l1lll hllh t , lu( I 81 e carr (' ~ A bOil t twcl1~y f~ c lro m the I ow I ~ II rL I wrougl t I ron I nu(1 JU "C ~ IX fON I dl I ameler /Lnd twe ntv I \1' feet II helgll Includlllg th o Inl tetll J 1J • hn ~ nil arc of IlIullIln ~ll o f thir ty 8 x h ndred flrt wlIh I llIch II II Il dark cs t nl gl t tho Rtcamer u ay bo ul'sc r e l M I 11 K ta Ice of tw c h e IUti C' lite hgl L he nla 10 (0 nash If rr pllt d II d Oll II 010 It flll IIIg h t CR I 1111, ays be ~e ell fr 1m ~ho homon ~w e nLy right 1 1l 1 ~ 1110 leeLrlcl ty ld genenLIod by fr CLIO] fh e engineer have entire elt u Sc of tlt{' el(le tncallJrrallg men Ls "lid Lh() b lte n cH nro III the engine TO,lln
Arc hbl ~ho l
c hall co
1 urecll
HAil\) I< OTlY lUI tis em browned by lh t ~ JII II Id rough ened by Illbur art! or(' I 1I0r Ible tuu 1 vi te oue~ t.hll\. I ever re Iclled o ut to belp IJ fellow cr ItuTe or au INla dolll'r to the w >rld 8 II tl llth BOT !:! III Bulllllgton 101 \Ill l)Ilttercd blood 01 II Imdgu on UJgh.t nod fir pI ~wl H nil l for tho ensuing week tho «IWlI w ~~ ex lIed over theKC fll.l1!o ludic, t lila or n t.rngcdy lie of the Joken , IIr~~ I all 1 nil h IVO been WU'I P'ld Kt ulllly by LI en parCU ll! No " 1I e bes~ \I ny III the world to seem to \e ll11ytlllllg IS really t.o be \V lmL we lI uul\ seem" to he IJeHldcM II \\. It
I H lIlllny hmc~
not \.roub\eilOme to malee Il. gOOd qvahty M t{l luwe II:, nnd If l\ mllll lIMe It not It. III It II to 011 0 "ut he IS d lscov re w want It 1\ I th ell all I ~ I 11.108 and laboc to t) I \ t It M O IIlHt -1 IlIo/slm
1;<)<)(1 t.he \.ret.c nl!6 of
AT Alexlllldnn, 'Irg IItn stnntls U e I ttl church m wh ch Washll gton utled to wor.11l1' It w L~ begun 10 1765 IIl1d cODsccral.ed III tJlC vear 1118 1 he wall. lire twenty I \0 Inches \II thlckll~1!II 8ntl the bri Cks were all brought frOll E Igland J wo HI lea of the chu rch are 80 ~Ulckl) cove red With IVy ~b8t the . 1 1 t.lt'tII call ~ Incely be opened lIud tl C HtCiI H of ~be IVy nrc hke youllg tri!CK A n old 8tyle chllrch~ lrd HI rround. 11011 three kid,," the anCleut tomb8tonc~ tlUt:UUII g IIIlIlIy '11\lUllt epltal'1 8 and o r~h ogml'lll clll jlu1.zle. With 1\ the pew. are 'OTJ 8~r/ught 8l1tl h IIdl the one Oi' cuplcd by Wlll'l lllngton beIng huger !.allu tbe olhHM 0n one Hide of the pull'l L I ~ II llIuhle 1111 let .acred to th memory of G rg \\ IlIIII nglon on I he oil e r Rltle1llnd ex Il~ I IY Hili lilt 181m s,'1Ctel to tho mcmory of {ClI(~ r&1 R. E Lee bo~h Ilnced thore since tbe war The MMODIC Ludge room In which WMhlngton m' maoy tim es ollielated n. \\ or IlIp(ul M8I! ter Pllunt.N1 11\:1 tl't'et runnlllg off from King I~ rcnfem ber d by Il PCn!(l1i ~ho VI lie I It 11\ I Go! JU t bl'fol't> the baLUe of An~letam /Ill clln.tN/lly 1)tIlllerved In :III tiM tlntllJ II' IlIhlhlllf'lI U< Includlog tlll' o(r/tlght hac kfd ChAir III d gnpl ul!ed by W Il8lungtoll
- ---
Tax Sew lork Qnnmt'f'C1a1 Adl'trl,1/Cf' i the old..t urvl In, newspaper 10 }liew
IT. e recoTd~d thlll a gentleman ro 81dlng In olle 01 the Ilrge to \vD~ of Eng Illud who!le Olea eliCtleded the ordinary tlhllen lOllS WIIS waited on hy a harber l'V r, .Jay for Iw nty Doe yl'IU8 without oomlllg W 1\ HC(tlem enl I he barber tlIIU\.. III( h nloout (mle to IleLl Ie J1rei'~lIted Ill S bill, 111 ",llIch he harg II Il penllY II daY- limo IIlllll\t III 11.\1 \.(I 31 16.... 91 I he g Ililem 11\ AUI po!IlI j; too lIIu('1I Chl1t~11 N'III l'tl 1" Illl, the IIl1lflllllL 1 ul tI~r('(' I 10 LI t! loOItIll. 'he I erher ttl pl y lit. till tIlli ,I c;290 ao IICn' Ihe I relll IKt'M WI'ro acrord IIlgl,. 0\1'l1li0 r~1I 111111 I hI' resl1 l~ wa. that the iohaYlIlg I III wa III J liE ~thol,r TtllflNlJ" .JI ... U it Ih" c rt'D-ed to .£7:1 8d decay 01 a(hohe lIatlon • and dt'nolln CN thE! I e IbaL It I. due 10 th ...1r ~Il W HL'f don a farmer double a aheep I1UB. and claims that the d lrlMioll J wbi\bout buniac beD ., IeldIl&. due 10 the MuoUon 01 tJJ Latin 1'M.'e
ll · 'I&lIIhll ow.il 1.111 .If. ~ 101111·,, 11,1111'. ,·Tlh·lh· III il lIIal ll l'.I.1 ~ h 'rtll-. • "Il ~ 1'l'l'l ,, !".,tl" '1 till_ I. Il l" !! III C,I' l'l\l II, O . <I ~" ... I " " Iel •. l,h '."IIllL 1,,,,1.-. ,11111 - \It-. AII"1I1:r.,,"n i.. refelldll~ \1 111 1 "'If', 111,,11 • t·" / 1-1 l'" , '~I' r I II 13 1...,11.1 .H·b H,· CU II Utlt <" h'~ Wlt\~ h it' I" t 011 Ty ler "tl"\'CL I, "' . "" I ,. "t til f()'!1 fIr/fl,., , •t,1 l 4 . "4 • )i " • .! 111I 111I!!1t lIt. \I Ilh .1 1'1 '" 11 111'''11 h i - 1 tal' fin ....t hr.l&lld Y }'r,,1 JI./I I. " 1'"'' /. r . '/ f ,,1 ,;(1. I, . 7 ... .. A. ,.. ,,, ~ hlu.\\ , 11 lI tI II \\ Ilhlt uM ·ll h.uII I "~rlL-p. . L" l in )Il \ ~II ';,,1./11'/ 1' , I~ MI r Jl t .1 (, J ,t f I ' ,t I lit UI I ' r IlIIU CI~IlI' at l.. 1 ' LIl ~1 "" I ~' I U,,, It.·Olt <,(11". N o> 1:1 r . I r"\l~ ,,( \ \ ~J 11,..,\ Ill. (H,l It J • r " . ... I tl UIII I "!l.I" · O llt)~ 11 ,,~ II• (.J '~ I - ~Ii ~[U lf ll'd I l't hl'l ' IlIl.hon,lr. \Y,lh,," I) ,,"dl '[ '~l" I I 1> 1 V , \ .t 1 4 l ~~ t \.· t lllt!"~ .·· .1\ " ll".t" l" ,l\\.~ .. L. , I 'u O drlrlUll\\ ..: H "tutl' h<'~ 'I"I:"'IItHI.I\ F • l!IId, l"l' ,'Ii/If'·,l. hlll~d bl'~l't, Tlle d.1 '1"'"II1~f'l\·t lt> l'lIt~lllla · I 'fl.... l,m'''lh "t~ .. d'~l,,,,.,,.I.tl'l~ uQQ (. ht tll·J 11~ I' ICIUli lI lIt! ulluln 01 - ~h.. BoIh E\ lllI e, ,'j' IU " lll l'lllt l, l'""rt",; turl., " ("II,h""",lo " I.! ,,,,' 1"",,11 ". ~•• 11111 I (".. UIl':'~ tJll'Il,h,--.d wlI I '! "~" k lll ~ I r i ' 1Itll~ I"" 'rl1lluulllt~ I , 1l 1"'1'1" '1:M '~lrl~ 1' l~t 1,"'"I1;'I- I\""\'1"lrl\:~ tl .. '''"", .. t \\'""",\111. IIrl IIU l l 1, " Ul n .t'" U' .. , 1\ • I \ , 'hlf J h"I")" I" ItHe II I t 'l 'illi' ~c IfI~ II 11I.1tl\ 0 ru\' II l~' \ .' CI E'lU ll . II J:I" liL.,tolr I ,vnll .. "'''' ,t ,I.t.-.t IUIIItt'\11 \111111 \llh' ,"l .. ,I :'Ir .\ THE BEST - j!cnl kill I . I t't. nut Illly hrlllg Jl 'r"\1tH~L __ II lI ' t rOIl",t- t1.o f, t1(,1n~ Au" l' I Int"r,,,[", ~"ml,,)· th ••1 ,.1 II II. In ." r\ 11,,1\, III "o·St ," "hI" I "" WOOD COOKINGSTOVE To Buy? lit ~ Illtl llll' l·ill '~", bill b ·tmy' [i d li h , illl!: a llli Wl:t t h~r. htlul\j' lIg lit J Ul'"b.. S"n~\u\' , \: p"" i. 1\ .. r'l "' .1,.1". \I " •• 111. un I l"'" ntl, ~"J t. W~d' .~ol "" 111 h _L 1:1 1" I' "' . IlIc.lIl . crlll'l th llil k I . ~ f'.lllh I ' , "= Hel "1111 II , 'co, 'l ,.. ,~ row'I" ' ''I', IP ,' l't' ~ '.,',,'r I " ' " • ' " " " " I 1\" '" II, Ii " . '"nn, •• A r f'AUR 1\ ' 1 ~ , . "oh·t l\1 Ilml'tI1 ~ mi' " 111\ h·. HI 1I1,.!" 1141 t\\lltl\ J tl .. ' t \ I \tlh: lI It ~, nntl1r'. y ~1t. tllt\.~lt t r thl' - .\t r ' U IUtH lIlb'-";~\lHJ lu:--ftt'Ull.' . ltll\\ U\I·~IIIIIl"tdll.llt2 \,'"I', K I'lIi ,Ih tl.l1 .1 '"'lH .... (U It .... I\, I , ... flll 1.11 l' ,r*h,J!J' o//omit'lIl , R,. .... ·Olh.'. '1' h' ICUrt lll'tll ' -" of It l 1/\\11 ,,"vul, IL II IUII 1'1' III ~ 11l1 )\1' 111\ 1 ' t dwII ul 1 Ihelr o.,\rr .. f tt., (''''''P nl' L tt "rt-:,k lr." ltl .. ,'1. 11 10"1'101 h.I\". ,IH~ ' ,,,1 ,, ,,,,1,,, CUll ,'(' II I (,lit rJ " I ' I h· ·,It 1 k ( . , " " . ) 111011' H l'l ... ,,-,., PNd"r) .' ,\ 11 "".k """ ,,,,,,1 1'1, ,,,' It"" '110 W II ~oo, ~h" li me M t'" , ar ~ ,I'n ' un",oI JJI e \I II I I " I ,,~ ,I I! " l~' III lIlI ll 1'1.1t C F II'" ,,,' :II . ~ "'0 (U"h .. I,,,' _ ~I ,'. ,. '" ,11 .1 1: :-; \\ I. \ (/111/ JJt()·((lJIe. 1_ b Ull II ~ t or Cvud,. l'IoJ • till 1,111 1\ I",.U' IV CIItch II r .. " u A ll •• II I 1 ..._ I' d 4 I Sizes, Styles &. Pnces to SUIt everyone. ,,',01111 ' 'I f l'N,lrll .. , o tI"'I' '\' ""''''"'1'11111' IH'IlC 't WUll bel. 'I ,' ntllt71 .l lIlltd - - \ (,11 r.w ~lt hlllllltll 'il> ch ... ·IJ' ~gf,~~I\UI~ " "'~hi'l" .~,:'~:.. k '''\ ~;~I.\l\~ '' M.nuf.clure.! by ~I -r Tltl"" ,,,.;\ III "'; Il' ...... • B". I I J I I nt .11l "JlI " lI cl ,!t win ',; Il~ UlI) ti h' I"""~'~''''( :': k . Store·Buil din fo r Sale ('I" t;' '; Xlt'IA,~ , Jt l 1" .. '", n u n.lmlhlM " IUS P IO \ c I t~ IU I,,,t "'. 1 \ \ 18 \ \1 'l l.' l , t !.' ita t il r:-:\.I UIIU \I . ,~ tO At t • n( It WM. RESOR & CO., Cincinnati, O. n"' gt.horh,,,,d h r the po., \11 " or t hr. 1l Illl'IC lEI 1l1 111'C t;vull t hllil It d In til' IC 0; J 1' 111 I' l3~l .I'I~r (F,." • till ('I"""" ,n I "I "" I' J , 1.,/ / , /I (dl d' (~ , J, 1//11 ,1 :te,.... wltho llt" ",,)(1., Itlh" , to) ellr, II 1\ " l kl' bilL f r t It t - ~I r l\. tl' \I CCU Ullhl 1I11 il h{' I' \,· .. "". - i'ler\l'.... ltdd ,10. I"., .. ",I lh",! \uU It '~Q lIul ,,·e,III,,· no d l~ln. ,nllr ...11 ~.. , I a 11111 11 hilS I I 'I ' J to' I ' I I(.k \ i ::;"I,h.. th ,, ( u,eh III ,... lh ,I I\P, ,' " lin I • :' I I llU ~ t o , ,,,.r O , uf~'"' \ 11.. \1 "tid ·,.k h,", "f With ti,e J I I'U IllOII to) secl, Ih • b,ld. JIi'L Icr, " , • 1I111~" ,I llI ~ ' , ' " Hoi J ,\ " n \lnn ,I 1I111., I... l"f 1"' "0,111, .". '" ce,' """Ul h' CHtOu,c, Itu wtl l ti ll , llll CIUgli til lU ,k' !t llll It 'u 1),I)I"lIl:1,t \I l:c k. 1'... 1,,. All ate , uN.1l11t l1I\lt,.I", ""lIll 1''''' do.e'''III ... lle '~l hl· , ,, ,)r\·''b II IUOIlI'UIIJIO IlJukt' I!tC \l Vlld.llll't'ur - ~I l''' ' \Vtll lullJ R g rs 1111(\ V", ". ~;\ rll "UR.·l 1111" 11"'''>'('11 you h I\ Y'~ no htllh Iu lHel I, tut JU ... c U . u. \ 1 I W D " t •.,' \ J .. MUUQI troy t lie " l ll 01 v ita"-' .., I r l I 8\ltIr le a."d .. or IJn hoe'. n. rru III ~"Ul' a hu" lIug Wild III full ot b 'ggul ' r. Umll • n ug ra ur..:u UI!~;;;; tho , turd", ~ ,I,,' •. ,1.",1 SUII, I", tor 10 ~""1 ,"r1 I" it IIt!!ul" • •tc B,lItl 1 I · cI " I\l~ llt1J II I1 U HI li 1','11 IlUll 't t-Teuillg fUl tho elltcuu illi. h. Ach month . M 'Ih",k " ," I " " ' h, <.'c. ;5u~n,." i)ou'I IIe; lccI"cuugh It)·.;';~r/·' dI UII ::\ cluIlJ<l, llurJ b.Ilk III ",UlI - ~1 1. H i 1t ,lId MlCh n I' II l1 rJ , ond llnd ~r h uu.l lIY . lIt l "",l l "d .. 1!lll ll ll; 11 1 C.1l1 \'u " .J1 Il" -1: .\lIl,111 II,' ~I I , ' Lll ti l.1 '1 'l'lll'II'1 I 1~l rl'. I , -• ('or\\ '11. Ull d I,,, a:l th, t l;UU ~lt:H)')\\ I d Ulldt l \\ dllllll~t 'll C' II 'lIt uld,l) ItIl J Su n ~l G! tt 1\,111 " Ltlo IIi II \ 1 ~ III ,I k ' II ~ .1 .1) \ ~The ~JI c Atl dl Tllud roltl to ,1 gtl! ..H~ l l! xt 0l1t thu u IIl ,l tlV. -- ~l l ~ ( \ l( >ta U ll \r. It 1!" o1 If.: tt - --a,,<1 Itutlt 'YJ IIIIUII~ 1111.1 \lr H 11' 1\,ltl lZU; ItIl J 1111111 I IIt ~ III "Itel ,\1 11'1 ) l' tll ,/.'.' tur Al:IIt.I, b ,'m abAD TUB .t.NNO\!Nl' El'lENT fI' Wtlh"llI ~, of '1II Iks \' llIc, \1 Itu l III VII' 1l 1IIII'JlI III'1! It I Wlt.lt "It I'IIC' . 1.',,( ,}ltl'li by It or bruthd , O. T III MISM· Llzz lo M'l ullt,i(} V Iu t 'H~l' k. cv me Ir Ilil \I 1111111, al ill lIut lit· ~ lt c \I III Ill' cceJ lu tile CetltUllll llll. Murray IHIII Publishing Co. ,John IP • .7. . .~n. Manaller. -MISS A 11 1111) Tell } " ''' ' .Ih ug Olt t II UI'J (; II CIIIII" t . Ill~l: II II CII ou -~n ll.h n '!I, 'V lIlpr ' eel CO llled Dr . M ' mlth ,It\! hlllll.1Il \\ \!.tI ul \\- I) II thlJ b" t! C.I II ed ltilllllll , Iltackul d II lid 1 DISEAS.S Cured. ~,\~ IHu b. tn llf'kf'tl out lU - MI'" JlllDl' II lIlltplt l'cy h '.,I·t I ',, ~II . lI pl'lrl'd \\ lI h Ill~ ~k· Iv b~t( 1 I'ultl'd tlllkcy, .lt1rJ \Jtltl'!' I U('n.l1h tJ) t hut 1111It! ,""t'l t all bo4.'1k - l~A I!'f U O)c 1C 'I.U,.K A !Io U M rlll(A L fOlllt!'!, ol ' l\I1 k VIII', l'llted lilt; nu~, ge llll ~lIe~. Im'lc)" It 'I I'I' unl tlt lllg~' r UUU to Ilt nt EIWlll'S COM. UN S E N tiU:, " Mcl!COnl"III ~ HN..rl)' J OlIl)JI"~\:' fa ltlt, III t~lId I' t ~ 1 1' 1 'l l' ll' lI , J ,ultt, g , '" \ blutllel'. )[r. " ,I\ IUIII llUlIll'hl lJ,}s g l'UCl' IY Df or l~itlll1lllK ltn at' Uk rW1lntllg Itn" fUC4'111II1 ~1I11l ll (l /jltb nud Jo~ hte mutl o t' lutV (or t h e ·1 tllllll'll 1, -ltU hll lit III <-""I I It l' " ' I .tory Satm d R. ' UIII1 ' 11 11 011",. " n led und nnl l H"led Cnn lUllfld rull tJ t bf1lnd UUIIllLlI CI :tIutu1 1J<! • the \I' ,lrk 01 - Iltcl c Ill'\} thloc " CIY t,1 toltl I hlie,,, I.'.· •• , \\ hte h arl,ctllt nnp, to tbt Ekk. aml J,n.eue(:ly cut II'1tt ltt logto tt.1(.. ,,~ ,dl0 ar IvrHmn te -Ur. J II AIIIII I (\IIU 1l1 ~ 1t.\II ti ' uIlIIl; ;\d ul ll " l!I:l UWU h VlIt).ud lit tho head ol.MlltIl . eno1l~ b to 4!liUlkj d l~ It .:utl r\!:. t he tf ader IIlII U bCl'lt 1I ~lllIIg Ih ull r IIUlI~U ! hu \\d l lt vt g') lip llnd stlC t: tllllSll 01 Mril J.>ctor Eberly, ~u l ll "l t he l,£thlJle. ot hU Il UtO e u ftc: rlr l ~. and S)()tu t .. til'll " ny o r ch.:lh er1\ntlJ to t b~HH' \\11 0 IUtl 11110 fl'lelJu III Dl ull ch" . Il·r d" l\ II ;1" LUI tit clad III -.Ickcl olh,-- ~11 t! hlll '0 1' D ,.do;tlll , MIt!, J U t lClJ A1r~ju.h eug uftj,h,-11 11,. lilJ JI l l al1f! 11tHI ~ I ur ,11 Mohon[ It It. 1!lI Itlor ,.011. h ~ Il1Il'lor li t It" ~M sr." .J l'l\~t i ll and P otel' a ' Ii " ,rI1 hi 111 0\\, Ilii d II lump vI' ~11I1l1l1 ~tltll. D l' 04.ITr.. (" J2U L¥Ju s IiTO N A\t: 11", Nr.w YUlm" itt C() 1l ~ 1I 1h:d by hl\uhd" 141 h (\lH e tun! Hergel' 01 lllUIIChl [ '1, VI IterJ tlt Cll !l:IIU III hI;; !t"al t that wl!l ~hs h'l11 - .MI "Sl' n. R. Ebllght, AlIglO al.)fOfto in Jt\:r,3oUn Mild "I t~ r U11d l Uij; llflcJ t ho o f l hllth ,, ~uur'ero(.t . ,I..,tu r), frtends here In t \I c(·k. UUIIII tv the dll~t. FOl th c t.llthflll, 11.1illCd }OJI:} Ehl'l g ht lIll.1 Swl i' e111l ll(:hCril.'nc l re"M t llllllt or loJ)g' illlUd hl~ Il ull dUli e- 111l cUe· .1f or I H r f dHlrut..:tcr . ILUll l 1111" nlJIIU y t o -bh. Th olll M FIUIl ' S cllllul' II tru~ lllIg ' ulll th· WVI hi !?letlllls j<, bl'l j(1 ~, und Mu:>sl' . J ose ph Will' I ea..'u wrile prllCllut t t1t1th~ tur t htl I!nl\)hl hlHh r II I line tit IlIcnslc:I. \\ Itlt rlul) -- tV: It llll th", Ilu\\Ol li \\ Il.' k VUel Mtli (\lid llllalll LIII" con.ulllulvn~ ~)rl..l rltf! t 1o thf a1lck ( ' CI) \\ h ~ rt! I b l.: n eehl~lnu " tt' n do CfI1"t(").]H ludt.nco \ \i lh lhtillilcit -Miss Y erru\ Clllrk, of X en lt\ bl ulI llt , till! bud. ~ I I\ ~. tho s li eOlll r lok, \l sltl!d FlIlrli eld Iu t Il li d Ily. , all OH f the ~I()ut! Y all' nf,"U~K AAm AT L TD JjUT:r T(J C l) s ~t 1 T thl! Ilblt: uuthur <lr r h.lhl n ome hUll bt:'ell vI sIting her aU lt t, !l1r~ Il'joloe , IIUU lh c eal t h I ~ gill I i II ' - Jul.lt Eml cy gut d i ~g;u . tcu allu ' 1. al k And :\11, 11(':\1 t o m m oll N, JIll \\ rllu It" him , u u \\ ill IItJ .. I I liCk. \\ IIIi IJ t ~ t Illl1J11U1l ~ r 1Uw Jncnh Mnllill . Illngll lh , IllS I'Y". 1I1l~ bee In hiS d('c llllod to hlll'tl l'.e the t1 eet UII ' I\\ndhIUI' \t,: r ~ "I t 1IItlltl d y'~ ~ "II \\111 r,«I\f' lIt,;h t \, hlrh fin l Oll tt'~ IIv lfi\l't'lUUj.! unly 1\ - Prof. UII DlI ~o r, tho geolo. ,!OIIU,," II tit\) li.~ .. u vt PlVVld 'I1\:t!, mUle. Bll ~:lIU P\"'V1e \\ lJ lI lu ll t . PO.lti~l"1Il 8tUtnfJ !Iud \H U jlla' f n Or }I , ' (' ' \ fti h to illlt: rt: t \fJ U III hoth th ll 1I Ii.:lOr nud hlA 1m d I ' It' (II 1\11 PO" \c.ld lLl~ 11IL1I I,) tltese dU\' IOIlt; W.I) "IIV hf m. and ., mOllcy \'illS IllS "h J , t gl R, IlrrOllll Hill C I b "I k " I ... • kl morfa ! bouk '.. b o Uottk 1t~ lr "hleh ~IH ' ~Ible oecusions WIth lelic" 01 u pre \I Ill ch Itl ' IWWII th,t lJ O W, ~at' y, Jl1ct. ' J uhll ha~ p;uno t }< ".\11 Ill. .at bt rdct loh t o nil \\' ho rt!ud It CAll h tl hutl or D.b"<l ll tl!J or o r t i lt' Jlubll~hcrl!l .lIn ct P luln 1I1t1'" historic 0111 lio l' vels III lllltiqnl dtllcly 011 to the \!~t.:t1'1 Illig mdl' .wd IlUI\ hiS wecpillg nl.lchlll OI lin hlndlnlot S!\I20 lu tllU I n~!h4b or ~" rmltn lOIlS"ltge 17Wrllr, bhUJlIIg, III 't""II(:Iit!h oul v, tillS, 111111 "ntH1S III' s wee t ~ tmOil 11 ullce~ • ____ • _ __ tl c1L1U1POUt! tlto stlcct:! 01 tltLlt I urul I es, 16 S,1It by lU lIl' , potf~g(; 111l' llU hJ. nil rLlCcl pt o f the l)rkt' A It\dy w ritcil tilt! Auth ur I 1 a The We~ tt.: 11I tal , :I'; is \\' II OIly. '[ , tun ", n " ,n!4 full th lat ) a u \H re tfl ~ JIll.) .. ttlnll o r stltltellanoe 111 porillg ovekr thde dill V , th e \\ arM trol1) tile fuet lit you r \\ un d l r t ll l l'!uc 'C1sm of the 'Ilge dill' 1111 IIlI k I I I ' - _, I A I It fll'O\llt\; c w. 0 11 0 1 CCiSS !lUtI Q''lglflttl Icl«Uj" Onu n :lu lu 1'' ' ' ' I t \\ ee l; 'III' 52 p.1t1l1d s ot • J tu" fou nt l It t o be o no o r the g r lln " (,1I1 Is lato t trllol.Hll e trove IS n lutch I1 l)\\ n, illS Vi oIU III' tllli ,eCIl III I J I " Ollltlllot ltlld Urt dltul It IJII8 Ii,; It " elu 1\ a , • g Ik J t lilt I I . 1 \\ ort.:o or th," HJ'~ • AU QJ h r /,\uf whIch lilies dnly at Ill S f'r nt g.lte. b '011 • UIIV\\ II III)" 11 0111 week tu III il k. :She Wlltl lUI U 1\ M~ , bu\\Jth\Jl t ll r i. rt\\\c 1 ~l:(Jit ' Shnllllrld ll.'hi " Doh ,b •• U I ~U' tvc ry dU) C O)"I""1< ' .~ I. 'I'I 10 I' IIl r,e ~o r 1II ..,, '11 I ·"I·IIS _ _ __ n b"Cllln ' tit, pub IISItel l19"lill 'It Il 0lili , alld at SUllSCt. I ', (ree .. , ,, ~ \I I' 'k by WIt OL'1el' in ... reticonce as to \\h ro h 'Obtlllll '[ ~I (;1 t k II t ' Drvwn tIled thl ll expollllll'nt t'J ~ec IN STOnV 01' 0 by ,., I I -, I L' C III toC , Cl'U ( pI ve u I ' U I Ik h II it I III )~ t .0,1, l-o li IE l'L.' ''Jt uJI· FOR LADIES. ed this Pl'izci hnt It 18 VI C lit Y II d t'l llll' l\ 1\:11' 11' I'u k pollt lC.II ClUJ'S huwl }"t1C 111"til " Ie 'tl tl) Hun C!\ u l.. 1111 1I li l ly \ "UIII1\ I itti. \1 ru C lIllI... C IlIlt l l1!{ ' II und S..! In',!.t I,~ ra ,ot .. ut ~ I1lltl ~ "' !)Q oongl,)IUCI'ate, UI1U 110 doubt It I1 S11 Illld II muny llfulcils local II III~ w.m (I y lll U I~I~J t;1I11 0 S tl~ij\'l /1.ca \ ..boc\.·~r J t211H11l dlU ~ t o IJUlti1 l1).,: II I liS Illil 1 4111 f! l.:t1 p ' 1 of lU\l.!u J n ~\. l b~ wi for )'\,.IUlI j,t Iluu i ll l !In { lUI Ihl" he h 11111 II/ ~l~~I" ;' J Itn" wJ and formntlOll W ro at one tlllle lit \IIIIC!t Il)JJlClllld tu Ita ve beeu Wilt ros\lltlw l~S 1~:1II ~t~" 'i.~:; '1 ~~tll;.i3 " j t CU (11 tubl u fr \!e - -f I Irrll 'S UII 1110 I"I f ru 114 Stl " till. rerly UnkllO\\l1 to tho hlllTlUli I,tlill ' lell "Jtlst tu ttl I 111'" :l nd Ilut bu· pOIl IlI '~ 'IJ k I Ght IIh II h I ll d", I lih ,' , U Il J! 11111 11 .. Puhtl~n'loll "'. " " rtl ll rllr ) N il b"v IIIlXI ' a WCI! hum II ~ tl! ... !J till J( 1111 1 1'H't1 J:I IIU lr 1'~I .. l,' , y" A n t Iqlllll'IUII" hI • ,.YIU ~ C,W SIl th e Jl IdOI1 IlIltlllg Il! lt allY IIII tt"1 "bl It'e" llIad o Ik bol d tIIml IJ llll PII 1, I II. ilh",~ "11 1I(111\ lh tllIll II , b l l ) ~, I ( Ii til l,lIt .. \\ 1\ \13 to view tIlts rmo s peCImen. I u' 1 t I\c pllpUI cuI w j. CBlu1!1l 11\\ eltl~ s O lldl "l~ t ~l p l(q ul J) J \ I\ ~ 'I \111 l" 1 w, _~__ III tel ellt III t 10 el C It 0 I ' ll J hed W It ~ n;) IS hel t,kll1drl.:d III. III \ l r !C1.q ... II "o r,1 l' ll .. l lIHIII tll, ,..it<"t 111 11 1).::1\ . I1p}:tlll'f'\("~ It :lU l' ph \If Ohltunry. It 18 110 IInCOmlll O It 'CXpl llil.. lUlI t l) t \C 111111 ~ S J P I y, lI"Ith ou11 0\\l t he10 Itlr, d..tort'()Hdtlr \11\1 , w \ h lidlll II rll! 11 H, ~ , Ietll ul 1111 110 mlll ltlll h rl\c Lu 11 f .... IH lI IIlrllld~' ( IJlI IUT lIe ":o\ Illlug-hl , . I,u t In .. III 0 I Staple and Fancy Groceries !JelllupthlsIVnylhntthe'lfll iStltll. , lIllltCh? -_ e _ -. _ ' A S ll rl1 U KlulI'lI ~ HlITlUF.U I~ fi\lIl ull tJlu II , ill \\ 1UL ' 1 I\. i .. t; t I ho t II l ie"I'ug: lllrl'~ IlOj!fhlJh fo r l l1mr \\hu nfUllhl! "lila Bup I ~ ~ . . 1 II l, lllc hi . . 1 :\1 ukt.t J'ft r..''' l tul\l Til AAnelia R. Bell Rye ullk die,l PIU , Il.lld th.lt It wuulJ not bulakclI, Tug N AItR W G UAOE - A Ill eot OlO I II m Ij.. , hlll1 "' li t! tk OUt. 1l 1... ~ II'f' t ure o r Ifurnlo P H l !i\1IJ 1 oe Il.l ' h I! 1,\" un'! ~T i ul", h • I truth fl I t.. n IlHtt) PrlJ~1tt .. or Ih.. MAN IT l r '\r,hto t iLl! I"lIhJl ct , f htl\illH ' Iu ur , .. u ~ hd·(l\lril IIIUI "., near PlltnluSe, [O\VI~, Mlly 24th 1\ ' IC It IlOt Il'olll habi t: 01 toscc llto 111' 111 Iho Illtelcst ul' th o lI ew lilt I p'ltJp l,. h."'ITll rh,;h t 11I\"I ·,ltl, 1(/1.' ~IJoIlItIArl \1 \ 111 ' 1 he IS U ' IU l l11l1ll1tc ",1 1' 1 1876, llite r nn Illn es lit ,J: dayd COllIt ICI'lHt ., shcJlt! s sal es, .otc, 1'1I~" WitS h ' ld ill ('ndl\.t1ladel 's ~\f''' lI,t: IUht- t rtolllln.lIl.:~ hcnnlllJ; thl IU\\ I) O \ .. l lIOI ~LI II \\In , It ~l \ " I rnl ll~ II 111\' 111 111, u lul Illllpl ~l1('1n t'{ ( ,(" Sho was tho old e· t daughter (II IlIlIclI, thlJ fa ?' h(J Illg tho oiliclLIl il,"1 III t Wedlt c~dll Y U ft~llIl' ll li. 'to\ A liti rl"l' U AIIK \\AUn 1\.\ 11,,(11.., IUl. "I " ,~h rul(' ~~ 1" 11 I\' I~ Q ... lie tlt ll. ~\\Il t " I ~ 'I '\\ 11 t 10h"" ... lutl o n COIICI w ill!!' Iht: Pn' 1I\.1i II uf 10 m II \ III lt i\ 1 IlU, "" \ Juhn and Mal'y Hyo; WIIS b rn papel , al ullo IV.IS f.llvl cd 10 pliO rJure ~cs WI!IC nJllde hy J Kelly (:ollfl {)tlnn Y. l lf \ 1( 1UHI I A. (r"'1 111 '1"\'1" (' I 1lI\'ltU\ Iltltl~ ~ 11 IIH Ilnl ", ... fl.1 '\ 'llkllc !lFI \\ llh I fl o' I IIIb.1 I! l~ nell\' "Vuylll'svill ~, 01110, May tit. h sll N VII', lto <~ O\ e r, we I ',lOI Cll tu O'Neall aud D,LVld Alltlll uf LciJ.1 I IIml \\ law I It" ph' l oj t!lt! lhutll .... 1/ "I\r' · ' ltlJlTI It:tf'lll1rtIC prl , .. ulIJ1lnuclt:Ilr'( III\U 1862 III 1 .j(j JCmuved to Iowa le~1'lI ~ltut M I: E D 1\I,.1l~ ~ tiulu Itll 111 011 , 1I1It! B, gOllcrnl cOlllml~tcc 1I.lil l a libi," to C: ' tl Y 111 It tt h llHIlJ.: lh U ' lil t M t-III 111 \\tl I I II IH t \ OU' \\h \ \IS Lol .. ..IlhJrt ll t u l U lr.:l-r\l ,nu .. • I I { \ t l l ll " • with ber ptlron~ In !'I1tH·ch. 1 7~. bC\l1l ernpll)) cd to "lIte .he pulltl' l npPulIltcd to tllkc chal'~o uttllO bUrl" l 11111 rnre All ' rill I ur Ihe l U1t,tl lhll! I JllllC ""',$11 l."l lrh~ Ii, • ., I ~ Y(,uu!.! \\~ llhJ \\ ttl hl 'l' .nt ... l' uhllL!tHlon .. \\ 11111(1 . . ql l lIy 1\ 1 iii, pu H.I, IJ lJr ~ became tlte wd'e of Stephcn oak. cal IO.U.l uI:!, ,lIld tltllt heleufter, Ilt : In e s If soil Iting suu CllptllJU l! 111 1 pul d o n r\"t j .. t"'h. u~t: l1l $ rOR GENTLEMEN. I She leaves a hnsbanu, palonts, loust rJullng t lt o CUIlIl'lllgn, th e po· !lIIU nbuut Wuynesvlllt.l A tld'I ' 1 hOlt.untn l " t1i l1. l.: r J ll l il JIll t brothors lind 51 t,OI'S. ulld a It'll'ge Iltl Cid dopul t~1I nt \1111 be done "l mlllud etlut t lri tv be Irtlldu 1I 0 W to "',ll! 1I..,tt4l lt to IUQr l Q \ L \1 \ III; Glrcle of fl'lolld ~ t trluurn hel' 10.i::l by till eXpell CIJ{'cU halld- Ilot by tho UlIlollnt n CQeb~'lIY til l ulUl.ul IH\ llulld \l. Il e-It f nllt~ ('1'~"III...: .. h' 1(11\ ~OILIlOIrI I, My d u,1r .I.tn' hll!' 1f"110 duwn ti,e volloy . Turn , Uicrk or UUI'l y 1111 ah ng tlto ::IIJ th e r lid to -" , uynOr; \ lile, IIlId I t 1111111111-'= hltl. J ,\ r~-I 'Hd III 1\1', I ",·h, 1 I Tbe d eep d.lrk \'l.IlIoy.l . b" lI , oo h~r tllce I IIrJ \, 0 ub III ye. too, a llew hllnd f evClY mall wtll suUSC llb(. 111 )) IL 111 ",C~ !l ll n ll4.,hllll g' S UUt, ~(I" \lOUU 1 mure, ,It. Iho I local hell u\\ -I II blIdItUIIt. I lrllt1" II ~ l ' ll! }llith UnLl1 I110P"'s duwll Ih ~ d .. rit v" l1" y, Id I 1 1)IOIJort loI1 to tIle b ndit to 1)(" 1 11 l i ll Itlll_ 11 III I I t ,I t The J~rk ([~~ th " .. li p), und Itl (!e \ h \I Ilty , ItlIllUIOIlS. gll ~ Illig C 11 U dCll ved by 11I1ll flllm thc Il CW lUau ( I " \\ 1111 he l 11\111 l u i i 1111, \ Il;! t II the uth er . haro lIutlJl lJ , wlto 1I 0hOd III II I ~allJhu l::l III I It II til be sccnl·od. I (, L ~ \ 1111 11 ... C ' l!lk II I n 1) 1\ t tl! d :ol. ~I(l i -- - - -hI. new pillY ground II ko L\ kltt oll l •_ _ _ I 111\ lot During 3 rece nt vi s it to WlIyn e . - -or 11 PUI'. It JS hcuntd'ul D,' SH u~ctl with tU8 t~ alld ,lll,lg I 4:1 U ,,,"ti . . Jn l l tl l( d f i l l I\:i 'I( (111 .. I )Qn ltn C l l1 d l llll! \/'II \ \I _ ( ln J" "tl lo, we , \\CIO Itnpre sed uy the to wltlle~~, tho ebullient I mOllt ~lI huuC08 b{'auty. L.ld 1\.", 1 JIl l.) 1 111111" 1I' ,..,I.'I II"/~ I IJ ) bCliuty 01 the OCllletCI')" whi ch )oy oll ~ ne~" of thi S ncw· !icrJgcu ' "111 find both tll~le and Jutlg", UII \~ I 10\t II"U 'tl·' '' .r l d" 1)" .. .. 1·, ') ~ ' gl'aces the elOI'lltt oll sU llth of tlte 'udlt l' 1I0w 6POlt ll'C It id, to he I ;;~l~~; dl spluyed III tlill "D'"IlC<tI C I 0" t en 1\ tolt \ "11 \\ II 1\... It c I HI t 'i1l 11t\ vi thu ("lIlH I -t 11 1\" J[" I DUl ll'oad IIlId which IS the hur lal ~UIU' W e d OIl't klw \\ wllllt it IS I F I " I HI Jf'lll II I IrHI \, IlII" I rt'U\ p r l I'" )') plhco of that and Se I' CI,t1 vI' th u but 'l\lJull Ill1 ng l.l c It tll be on' of. II lIOIl S~._,--__...._ _ _ A N \I llh AI.Eltd IN l l ll lll\ Ulilh lol ol11 ~ ::;,11 1111L ;5t lloTl CY prOllllSt'S to 1I1' I CI) Ud,lOllllllg tOWIi S. It It! laId ull t"u~e Bvlt r llllll ll:l "h " tla\:el fl OIll , a \1 11 1111\:1 ... llllll i!l. t, I ll dlt r 101 With ml1~t 'r1y Pl cc Islun, kept Itl printIng oflil.' c t il pJ'lIItillg utlicc.llnd plelltlflll t111 ~ cu"on 1'0 tI III 1J8 most commouuublo. trtm, amI wI, ulu IlIdlng ultell ,at lad! IU llllrJUII n~yllllll nuy cr belllll! wa~ thele Il fill er ((1"1' I refi 'ct hnllor on nCl ty of the .ec" lld III tit 'tlll ,lIld IS SU O\'I:>I COIUO of "llIte c10VOl thnn there I ~ Il OW, - c.IIl8~ •. 1'Wtl mc!! dev ote lit ' I!, el~ wllh joy tha't it Col'" rs It!!Clt nll o~ e r uli d till S IS exccllollt fllr oee,; tire tllllC to Its kee pillg. S. I::l Wltlt gl ulY 01 ltd II II gCll cluttng Hlllnes is ~~l'cSldcllt ~f Ih e C UlC It 1:1 su happy IIl1 d 8u smart thilt Guu.s ' CI.t;1I uttcnti rll\' En tory ASSOCIatIOn, willch aCC,lIJll le It fOl tlt\\'itit 18 atta cked WIth Ll fC.lI "l cuntl'rn e nt 2, 3 Lllld 4, meet at Cll· for thu cll.~e ,dlspluycd III tllc ful OXPHII HltJlI ot' lit o I;fUlll, anJ 111 1c!llnl'trlclIt 1, Wedllesday Ht I 0 '. grooltus.-..r on ta Oa:!6tte. It~ uelllllllll [J locecrls to l1l1ulhdutc ' cluck shlllp - Of/V' qwd il l( /iI , - Religions. --, ' e vcl )' t IIllig a b \'0 It, U/' b /'Jug 'It .I ql((ln lI u, etcut. • J OII Il to It" OWII 101'01. The Gazette I S b ,~_u . k t 20 Tho nnnbal ll1ecting of th e Val. CVll1 es In 1'01 U t! pl.'clul attaok, traw Orrle8 are 10 mar 0, c. ley BtI\ltl t!t Chllteh wtll be hcld tho bCClIlldO It chootioll tv kcop out 01'10. quurt. _ ~ •• _ •__ . sOcolld SatliJrday alld Sunday in politi c (\S It hus a P(>I tect right to B.\[ LOU'S MAOAZ~ThO Juno JOlle. hCglUtlllllo( at 1(J o'cluck A M., do ThI S witty wllt~r tanCICS that onlllbor -ot tlll~ excc It magazillo anu 41'. ~1. cach day Eldcrs lIarvey he 18 at the head ul the It ~t und Itl ISS1I1ld, and IS l1S fll of JUtelolit Wright, M. MuruhuuBo and S. thltt all tlte uth er pllpors III ~h e i lls e vcr. It contllllls u. conttnlllltlOlJ SOllleti tu lLttlllld. C.Ollllt~ 1II11~t du Illl hc bId lit e (If M Quad'~ grc.tt st (H), ot "The P.. C. '\- ~'J'. L ICAII,"'\' • - •• ,, -SHU' ~B 80 cxalt d by Ito Ruddcll l Tuy lol' Doy 11 Oli O uf tho IUllSt Hl d ll/l oll rl & Ol llrJt/IF) /h l ' I XI(1 I1 . 'EMETERV ELEC'rInN.- -The elec elevutl olJ to the l'v:! C",,\I)II 01 .111 , rClllurkuble 'se ncs of thc >cur, 1L AII'IIIL 16. 11'1'6. tion UII Mouduy uft 'rn oull rc ulteu cdllll r. _llt~t It t ') r~lJ t~ 1111 It ~ fOl'LlJ cr thrtlhng SCll' YUl'n, qUite n 1l11lllher III the I e·dectlon of I he g ntl .mcn 'l Slll rull "I' .11Jld II",VII :111 til fb" y IIIIIIS' ,l ot IIl ce dOlll estlc stOllCS, r;cnrnl No ij whor:ltl terms 01 "ftiCU had OX} 'lred' l tilll Cd t Itl 1\ uge, . 1 lit l1 cg~I'I1 U Il , plocei! of pvetry, a dozoll VI 80 tt - 1 {' t \ II 7 1) UIIJ I 70:1P III IlIlm Iy: li Oll . . S UUIll S, )ll c" It urdcb.lck alit! lHl II ride to tho , diu trutl olHl P.ltOlJt Coupl 1" 8 1111 CmClhllll It " 11 111 1)11 4.1- \rli le III 16 '111 In 1111 ' tor; A. P. V Neall D iructor i J. devd " morous d e p~rtmollt alld utll el' lIlut HII~' r .. lth\ 11 Il lr l1 Vl II I ~ .. m III 17 .. Rlludall, '1'1 caSU Ior , J uel E VIIIIS, F or the sllke uf the ~eDtlomanly ters of iutorcst, t~ nnlllelliUS to l\ c w lidl t , II lrt \C 11 :'It) 11 UI II !tIl l\ wlcrl3o ll , III f1 vo I III P III 12!l5 II '". Olerk pr.oWlCtor \If. the Star, wuoso mentlOll. Published bJ l1wlUc ,, ' Ko ko mo, Irr,\ o 2 Ii P III 2 III .. - -~-~. " " IlIl ~furtt1u It 18 to have hiS paller T Ibot 23 llllwl ey Str ot Boston J~~ltll ~l!(lr .. . nrr l \ e :l 5tl P m 1115 1'h W Irk of soli iting s~ock tn , ut . tho llIercy 01 vther peor c's a: 1.'5 VOl' year, and' for Bal~ Oro wn l'ul lI l ltr l l\ c r. !otl p III f, II I C hICtlglJ , IUI I\ , bOp", 7fifl .. the M. V. N. U. R n. IS nO\I' I ~rutl18, Wtl liltould be glad to co all over tbe couutry. 801 Til gvlllg (~lrwald ~ plrltodly , Let U0i 1lts colnlllllPl f1 rrn,111 ntly III clmrgo l'o I Ii 0 I ho tho lltorprl e may receive of I" pectnbl tnl ollt· but \\"0 com . £ I h' CII,,"~.L \!I" 0 20 p 0\ 16 .. III Buch ub t31ltilll IICOnra~tlmellt rnlsCrate IllIn iu , hllVlllg to a UILIe tr t 9 rUM" Poml- nlr ' JU O", " 1000 },al\lIlI 'l'Ort III \5 1\ til I t 5 I' III. that til road IIllly b put throug h I' the r' pOll Iblltty Ilf II )1llper sociI c::: Kokomo 1 Ii 2... :n . wIthout U Itt\' us \Va last week' , 'tflr \Ve huvo OHENOWETH.-Jur\e 4 1711, a..,o to ~All tl lr8ml ~ .1 29 U Jj 12 H . .~-- 00 Cause to envy the , t,tl', anu ~ho WIfe of Absillorn Obcnowuth. jr N'"w 'nBtl, I :t r.·JU Hng. r jl lo " Il .. :'. tl i u :1 aJ I' ou~h , Coll.18, 01' throat UStll" ! WI I. ' it Il otltill ' but pro perity, und Al Q r ... t' ~ & 9. Il.lcllllltl mJ S [,.. .. ij 11 I I III , bNII hiti , Ilnd all di S a of' good r pnt . ~ ' " " '" OIIl CulDlLLI 15" ~ .10 tb~\ LI111~ and Chc t Ilre r addy I - _e --~----- ..... ~ _____ A101 aVUi HI h mond 1)11 J.JHg"l lIl'fl'urt Cl\red hv r MUNhall' Lung ')"rn» Arell II! llIlv II 011 provail· • 0 RA\:[AM- UA. VENS -J\\ tho brid '. (qrN .)JtlCllg(), dA ily No I ~f1I h·n ,'", . ,,.,, " I ." I I I t to. Cb' )d ' H hO Ib • 'fburodKY ow noog. Jano 1, [ 711. hy • ,.med~ which uever fal 8 to give lug 1\ y a ue I reu 8 orne, J H. Dodd, Mr L..tlll etto Gr~lIrn lind {\" <JI\II)' .All o ti,er Ir!flDs f Ull Ilnl ll, ~~c e l' l Suad,,) W L I ) ' Hltll. N ti fa ti 'Il, Prit'\.' 25 lit . l1l'n r- l ..,f"o ll III II I Ui • 1rI LI," A, U"YCIJ~.
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uy UIlY 1,.u~li o.tHeer vr vfficcrs ,of coulltil'~, P'!"plu. If Cltlt!8 \'Iltag~ tl>WII Illp scholllt!, .:. Iha (elu" in hI;. d~rk euil IUlll oold, make Lim . II 'Il cvul II~ or oIL I' put..l ic ill liill Droo.m~ th the'. L,,!,!,), in hi. hup1c .. nd (roo. I of t\ p",ech, ti II aull all Il lltic~. UIIJJl\lI.lI ~ ca. , " '8 ill f~1\ y'4 Vitlillll "Ct boh"l.I Lilli mati hilll ti~ lI) s kll owu lIij Oil l 'I~I U \· cl.:l.l,,& I 'r~ill !l"< t ••1> Ilot, bul .'.... m La boo Cltl'il!llike Itt hearl. Jf It i 11111 lit 1ll ' lIts, uutiC!.· )' latlllg t l' lhe II l Ioeh ..ld • 1,lolure : 't! U ",".i lor r' pe~ tllb lo UIIU \I' 'Il l'l'llu u it)· 'lutes. ot' <teel'a ' oJ . p ~ vn ulid Uf d.ly~ tL..t ~"" ... ud f..Jeli yellr. a tln~. tv h" rill l'cl ' i ' IllIt liL IIII' IlCtlV II . all IJutl\: uuu \>lIbhcutwn ' g IIcl" l Wh~ 1I tho Ui II .. i ""'Ill . r II lhr ' the ~r ~", II III so lally kUUWlI1l J. gal au~' crti,., IUCII.td D.rk wildw"ud. thJ~ .h Jud nutuf"'. 1' 011 IIIIl t lilllip the lill 1..\\,11. crouk J tick iiomowh cr ; allll ' anu all uU" Cl'tl ' IU ' II " PPcI·ta lll .1 ' thut·is wit r ' to lilt it lidl. W o do iug t allv publ ic iuterc.;t :uiirie~ r . N~rWhlf1iK~nintlfh as i,t riPfpl1 0: r i dbo<lk' d not 81\\' that UlUII" of Ih . "1,\"1'1 qllltc I uy Taw t bo prilltcd in a oy 1 ruug.. e uueer u, u u wer-~" ~ . J ,I . . .. • tl " I ' II \ ""ny glad~. lll'O lIut siuc're; bll t ii dill!! 'I' , , ~l'w,; Lapel' III !I t:'tll tl ll !U v.W \llltil th tl'r"K~ grt.en b",,, ,,hc< ".orh~lI~. ' th . al' wuuJ erl'u II y igllUl'a1l t. I ng . slim , tU'\\' Ii: ~' V I' tit ti r I III' tihut out Ihe Itght ... lid durk. "' .utu Their <!I)i l'itlllll \'i~ i,," cunsi~1 , us it SUI' LI ~' " , ull U ul.IIIlI luI' (:uch llll ll rc ; I .h'<llo. . , d l' .1' ,l(J' 1I au,'d ItlUlIlI " J ' . , ijC'IU tll UII, ill lIut ,;· illg t h·ir uWIl all III~C I' ~ I OII I "horo Ih . grout \t,fty Ot.k. brnn" hOlTln~(l fiLili llg . Thul' i~ 1\ UI' ld ut' I,mu authvl'lzud uy Illw. ur by th e uth cl! 1' I 'rlu, nd "Idl , t d 1 . tl I tulkilll' nll t! cxh ll rtllt il'lI ti line bj' or p<:n,ull 6V l.ru 'riug, lifty C'lI l urn~I' ra ,uu .oI.•lllm , 1( 11 . . . I 'JllIIrc~ A hUlldr ••l oI1U\UI.I\,," -d 110 if I 0"y"" of Ijcu)1l eD \\'h o w"".ld ". "ustly h ' lIo' I'0 1' aae I I .1 l'JllIlr U, fmclwlIll ! tl'uld. tit d 1\8 IL lIIatl l' I' of tli ~t'i pl illu l.Iy t b· Clltllllut·U lit th o ' IIUl . ' rate I U,' . I, . I Aud by Ih o IIX """,ul•• torlno·.)r hlld b e u. I II" I '1 I \VI \ ' " ) 1' I,uce U' '1I1 ~' . . • , • • Ji .U'.' IIl1d ill •'Id,' '1' . III Ull "11I1':l I II(:C . 1~1I pl'llY" . . N? .... biw n UIII ~'~r hud tillud tb,' dUllky >oil, 0 1"1110 ·ti fig fall s illtu tho hlllldR' o f tUI IIlCllt COllhlllJlI.l!? tubular vr. 1) uA ~r I l~h~d:~ b IIUllth tho," III th e Mumlllor ruli gi vtls .• rcpcntl'l'tl," I) '1lllil.1 l·ll.le WVl'k, till udUllwllul 11111 ~ I \, ,1\, :1 . Nur !h"ro j,,,d flx oll hi. phw. (, I hily wil. ' puople s tay all'lly. Th e Burl' t way fiflY. I.'",r ellut, may . be chllrg:u III Nur Ilwro hi humbl dWullinl!' l'luoo h"d Itu kucp UII llll CUIIV 1'1 U IIlUII u nCIHI ' uuultlvn to till! butvI'o mell t wllcd 'llildo. vertcd i ~ ~ it;gl.l t I~illl . W ~ h? l'a rnt~ : . .. Alld thero LL" wily pontb rand Ihud r, level'Y Chrtsllllll III tho laud WIll lin. , t:lE TION 2. Tunt hel ca rt I all Tu rlimbl .. u'ur tho.wll~tedolni.nion .Iororl; : prove llis gift in clud ing th e gift procI!ullutiulIS by b tlriti~ fur ,Il'\.! ' GOODS IN VARI E TY, Th.Aud boarIlt ooul.1 ?"t 1110 .IUlner ~,th~llt IOllf, t ' t t ' ll I I. ti Olll!' ordoN fixill" ti mc of huld . tb o '·'Y" r '1"on .. h h •• tb.rot II U' 0 Ijl S I • ' CI, . . OROQUET S1::'fS, 8l/lirod. AnJ yet we bolievo in .. highor· ling. COI.II't:i, t:CI 1I1'~ I'd n O ~ lce fur I d cOP. , lifo'I "-a life of meditati An d ·In t be IUIlCijumo forQ"~ d ILr kan, I oll "V<lr- 1dI'ures ' t b vf t'tuxUtlOlI , tlJl'ldgo, ' t plk . I, lind . t u" ,l n Jlrptt t f~z'O rtlllt~ rrt of F :uH'Y and o t~lc r ntlll(l ~ . Ull llr th l: tl' ''U 1I\1\kt.· llfl,l fll ~ . hr'_lll \\!WI1~re ra)'~ uf dUlllight never lind thoir atlll y, uf g ruw th and ove. , e I I C Ill) Icel!; 11 0 ICC ' . \l ·ou me . C)l t~ Cputf 'nn ir-tl lH"it" 'oI, H{~ I~ u rf ' t.t f U\'I)I' Ii '" w it h il t'ldl ~ II\ I." 1~ , Il , w"Y' . . . , . uc li evc thllt th ra is all expericllcc ; ors,. nnd ,olh r IlU V.Cl'tl CIU('lIta UI ~ Thu wild VIllO' III thu .I".dy e. 1 IlCO orc [" swecter unJ huli 'r tllUU mOilt or us nutlCes of gClIl'rIll 1111 re~t tu the An,1 thoro thu wull uevuur. uu.uon hid I . . .. I I A J' [' " . pre,y. . littllin; U l'eCc»tlvu und l' ' tu1I11n g tax'l tLyel'S III! tI e n ILuI', :~~ut(! t 1 of 1 m in,d' which receive lind jJuu go,....Tl't!llI!ul'er, and OVICIUlI Ami on tile bank. tho 8YOl\lnoro grown \ 1sta < .1 ' I II b S lOll b. Tho 'otre.m thuir friend I)' branch.. s r ·!tects GvJ ml SO Ill O sec lud od lako .rB 1I1a~ uoew prup I', S JIl C I'" . otrottilliug o'er, 1 fill' off allaid tile hills rceoive8 \\'itlt · lIt!hed In two Il UWSpupors, UIIU of \.'ntil thoi'OUlwKtd 1!lub•• tho !!,rcilt nil .! ill it clear U pth::l tbe hlld ll ws of loaeh l'oliti .ul 1art y, if tiJ tll'C be NIKIf"~~..!.I, " 1" - 0 tl. u otl."r 1l101111tuill , o ut of wh ose (llh ·r . two lIe.wil puIJO Q;J~J}) . SII ~~NJ}; ~ ~\Il(j.b th CI r ""K .""ro u ' . . I . I ra of ' ditlcrcnt .d . I . pol it. I . hore. . . . U pth:l it!; dc ps come,. and the blu!! , !CU 1l'ln ~lp e8 I'rlllto Wit 1111 BIIIl AnJ f,.. thor bllck. \wher" tho culd ~ry.~~ 1 of hCII VOIl ovcJ'llllucI :lud the III . CO llllty , III oll·h uf the ov\!ra l It' Y(lU wuuld 111\\' • prinlt . .inllls . . So tho II uls of Bunt e., at iCOlllllics f t!'i.::I statu ; . .pl'ov id.r{. ' 7C!~ I.l!u.hing Ir"l/\ i hi d i ll~ ' I) ltl . tho hill. tiln lyi ng, a8 it weI' , ·10 up t I ~hut the provlcllO.ns of t~IS.IlCt shal l 'Vhoru to th e Io ..,,· h tho t.un!!,lcd grsl'flV il\ "~ aud nlHI l'IIeat lt Gud, cllpu,blo or ln I~ WltlC aflcct ~XI .tlllg !UII'I! olitlg. Alld .h"du the lil tlo rippl ing, now.Loru roA>c ting him b ecu ll e 01 him l ruilltlllg to tlw publlcatlOlJ 01 th e rill ; rec ·i\ e illto its dCJllhtl hi tl iUlllge: ' nl!t ices of dclin 'ltlclit tax a nrl !ur. Aw\ wh ro Iho len,mt. "r II. uppor de, p anJ is illarJ<l lpull ti fill by lll irl·l.jJ'illg l f<l ltod Iuuu . sul os, aud a· l\'l~l'tl e 0:;;;, ..... Aro Rittill~ t~lrtlUl! h th ",,"light "Ud tho th c uenuty thllt is ill h illl , IIlld Imc uts I'e.qrlll'ou bt law. to ~)e pub ,. Th wiK'.tUn slnnd., "hi! ' round in . i1 ell vo he nce etrulclli ng wide IIl1d fur 0 \' 01' I ll o hc~ by ~ny ullic'r of. tillS S.t~I ('; it elf. But tid:! blc ::Iod cOll dition Iprul'ld d flullt er, thllt 10 adJ ltloLl 1.\°:-:.!:u.lOW" ur t.he "Hmmer BuT\~elm t.d u . of milld como to thoso ollly wh o ! ~~ the pllblic~ti(lu abuv.e provided ill til 1I111rktll, buy Iii" pondcr und sulfur ILil l1 t hink; to l lo l., cuunty uflicar, ur offi cers afol'e Ii t jJ[, ( I . Th~ old Mirn,,1 chi ft.• in lIe11r h i .. Wilt. 'rho Wlir riOl'~ g-ruupml uru um} up un the thotlo who climb tvilstlllloly the ~aiu, shall tJuuli sh all of said ' ad · /'.' n,l~'ujll{'(J I~!I/) d (~ lilt. green; f" I . t' t s me n t 10 ' 11 0 d III ' . ' , 111t m... I · t IliS 1 'l l(, 0/(1 d'), .'/", Tho "lnn jrflro'd lflowillK iitl'h~ 1lond I'IOlLAlill t 101 ht 0 SI)ll'ltlla nnuel'staudlng', vel' .IHCl'nen . G un 101 (I t3 who suffel' lind III'U IIllIde Itll'ger by sectIOn III n crman newspaper. • ~cen t Of " huuJ.r ud n ,Yo)"" ~lIrioh tho 8l' li e. sntlc l'illg; wh o Ilre p o li ~ " ed tli published ill th e G cnnull languuge rl'llL'ct tho hl'llll ty vI II lillcse hy [allu of geneml circulatillil among 'l'bo men (\·ut:f\;.rctl in tcllill': !'LOric"' l1evr And . Iol'les t li IL t 10 • heIII h.tl IOllg g"O\\" dil'o Ilnu cOlltilll\()il8 fl'ieti vlI. Tu llho illhuhitallttl sp 'nking- Ihat lUll ' vld ; 1.>0 IIIIlU glorions lik e the hrisi gnllgo in th e COllllly withiu whi ch AmI Ihv" Iheir . tori e. tolo1 . on~h "ard or YOII IrIllSt ropcat th o life of Ohd t. ' the said ndverti sement io illtcndeu Ih,,,," ' h. T hoy . moke 1he pIp,· 01 J1o~cc .•UlU Lhru' .. Abid e iu lUO nlld 1 ill you. "- I\ to be madc. . ,b,' gu ill . Gol f!1~ Rli.l.:. ' SIW'I'ION 3. That II squ are shall ~.be eonsidertld Hlld h<lld to be II .En.," I 'd Ii U1l 49 ( g-ie, Ih" d., .. I".. lied, InlAJ Lite 1U \'t' Lio 1 ~ "11I1 8 to d Iem IIlIkulIWII . .. El,F ·H .\ltIt; u; O l~, Fa!m THE Ii space occupied by two hnndred Illld And t.hou l' l\ ch l"r'Hr ~ 1I wo1l1 i llu lc kl y ~ltid . Dh:I'1'f10 , by .Mr . Emma D. E. N . fvrty (240) ems, Illld 1111 lega l ad. l·'·l·r o(}l.·I·t·d ill tlo iH III Hl'kl't. Tlo cy ilre a ~ f' oIl"w,.; : . 1> .1 J"J'OJ ' Ol/ II"J{' I~~"h I""v,· lJe~"ke ,. him ell 14 11 10 hi. UWU . ::;,)Uthwort h, tlJ tltt).· d,/u / to, lmd~erti';illg shall be set up in cum lJilct 1'I OX. iJ.·f 1'1'0.\' , I {'(lin; I.'/(' II.J/u .r/) . ."'·OO '/'UII PHOFIT~ Alld 11 (1" tlie "i.ion f.ulu.•• the plc~ll re " "WII. OO/wllulio//, of "1 IlIlI acl ; or , In ~ I'm without I\ny I1IlLl eCCStllll'j' HKfUHNS," £.'1.11'1'1:'11 , f.JII )I ;·I.'/.. , I" ,(. OI.lI ' FN ( 'llff.I.l'.'D; An" Ch ll' \\ hich .com ,·d ItJ he iBIIOW UII SC 11 ; tlie De pths," by the stL ln o author, lunks or hCLlU liu es. all ':/ " ,;' i!';' (1/ ' , 1I. ',tl'l'untul t o [f i l" ,~i{t;.: r;(c/i(J ll. Alld t Ill!! lelt in t' ih.' llcc al1, t " toile : . I illtelldkeopill g II fu ll li."o u l' c " el'ythilll! pl.ll'ta illill g' tu Sf;CTION 4. This act s hall tllk e is 111 ' mottl" Th. 'Iueen of NIgl'l r!lle. " . tU I' '0 IJr<>II U ulld is ju ·t publi s heJ ill buuk form, d UhHdu. fol' tIle jil'lIt time, ill a Inl'go dllU' cffect and be iu ftll'ce frulll uod to ihn bnsilles - - -'Vo hal'u thl'(,(! of' f"lw IlEs'J'-_ _ uocilllu volulllo 0 1 nenr sa voll hl1l1 ' aftor its I)assage. . II. 'Til lIl'lrnIng, and the llrCl\t · o,·l,ed , un ured pagos, by T. B. retel'son & . Il. GROSVENOR, I . gild;nlC "It Ihe distilnl east ; BI·"t1wrtl, Philadulph in, in ulli l'ol'm rpeaker oj' tIl e lIuuse of R ppre. The etllr, h'He r••lud on e b.• u n ~, sty le with "Ishlllael." Vr. R aelltnth'6S A ~ g ue . t~ l"e. ld" I> froln a fellsl, Ur l"clllnt ~ h to le"'e hi. pl)'~ ~h ,Itoll Alllck e n~t(" the Lilerary THOMAS L.'YOUNG Where b .. ~~ fd endly e"tcr~lll n u d : Edltur of th o Philadelphia Press, PI' flit/ent of tli,/! en~te. J~i . prese nile \'t ,il. Ihe oo ulll le ~ 8 ho. ', Passed MUI'c lt 25 1 76. ' 'rim\. rOuru t l.e rul'llIIiI 'ur SPI\CC uD cblllnl'd , says tLaat··, 'ulf.ltui so:.l,' is, buyo nd ' all dOlibt, th o bOijt w" l'k · Mrs. .. 1 And 118 hi. rny" "r .. i(tud 1>01.\ • . ~ o llthw()J'th hn eve)' writtoll. l h· l)isclo :otl' Ihe lAllds. npe It) (Iur \'I ew 'int~, . A DOUBLE T1EIREAD LOOK~S'FITCH MAOHINE . -LI.!iHJ piclu rt.' Ch" "g68 f,un t l.-e ulJ, mtL~l W ~»>th, th o .11 0 1'0, r isos InlO .. he e \'t'r ell .. ngill'.~ ll ~ W . from the depths of pv\' rty, ~ ........ O;...:C'li::::--.rC'lO"'''''~ \ Jlu l Ihe Mi" lIIi ripples o'er lIli 61'Y, und humiliat ion, uuu tl.l I ~ ~.~ g ~. ~ g' &. ~ %~ g h !§ rot' k,' IIcd tb l' flt ' ", <lo n8 ", h,' n Ilit! . PI'O;,{ I'IlSR, s t ep by s t 'P, ;: Z 6u g "s ~ . c" :;- ~ !.. '1'110 rtHlm ';n wt\lIdered ' lo ng iltl Sh(H'C, truco ; c~ ~. " a g'''!; l:..~~ <;'l . AlIo1 hullt hi . .... i!!wtlm ill ~he glc u. hu,; hoe n th o ullthul"oI IlIb,,1' 0 1 lv\·o. :- "g '" c. .. .....'!' '" ... g. '}'III' relt",,,n' ,. h oma II,,:,! VJ\:uwd I\ WIl Y Th ' rll is 1\ curi ous bl oudi ng 01' 1 ~ ~ Ii ~ I ~ FOI . ,'(',' f" ,m I i4 I1Ilth' ~ ~oll : nmli slll uml roman ce in this work I ' f !b" ~ "",I he Ih"t l ,~ c k cd his not i\' ,' CllY. illll 'l' tI l(! llIurlw [: 1J,/:,.'; ,1:",'.\'.1) {'11 I. ,-\. <111./ 1: .\.'()J::L 81 0R! - - th e result, itanllY uu, of tho ~~ ;§_ ~ h nU1I1herod wiLh tb l! ;';j·llI.' r;\! ~ P J i l. uo 1'lumhu t'lli in h i!t g rll\'c 10 d fl \ . ICIL<ling inciu ellt!! hn ving occlll'cd 'Nullth Ch'ilitlltiou'. g.lrll i:4 hlld Lllr,tf ut : in actuill lite . The I cadill~ IOlllalu Wh ~ ro 11,·"grc~ ", I'U \'CS h" I' tlt'U U ll o~ul \\' l' \', c1tUl'lLctOI'S, UlauJiu IIlld Bealri ce, Where Fr"ct!"m reign' ""d 1\" 1 h". g.·o" ILI'U dl'llwlI with n · W O IllIIIl'S .tolicate The M'NII h.,·k onwlC no InOrO un..laccul'llto tOl1ehcs; uut ' bhllluol, ~. h ' C'n Ih,' . I",d \" bank. alung ; Nor hel,ru ,b t, di rl~ ln~ of thl' oa r . th e solf' llIude man uf mind (all ~ I .... l:t Or Ol\delllH' 0(' th·' wtIo rrio r's !lOllg, d istingnillbed fr ulD th o lower class ~ ~~;~ ~~~i' ~ .~ A ;:t Ya01&hes NO\l t' m llor suow, . wllU UfO ' made of money ' ), stILuds ;r ',: : - "" :. _'" : t;, " As r"de ~ t.h ~ \'ieio n "r'll dl't)(lm , 1!111'1' "II h.. I'e f...tell.II'ng ag", Ilbovo vury oth r pOl'lIon in the 9- ~ iI: : :- : '? ... f£ T ~!' 'i'1,o~ e old·lIl11\! scen·•• " 1'0" Iho . ~ re . lm .. tala. This, we ropuat, is Ml's , ~ j' -.- - - -- .- - It g In ~ t.e" d (If wi;.pVrllll", we behold . SvuthwOl'th's best work, and it is <> .... - - _ " :: '1'1,. co",' ""1I00Ihou8e o.In Ih. b.lI ; ~tl'ollgly lUarked by all the merits g ;~::~~~~~~~;~it ::=' ~ OO.:JrQIOt.:..;;t ,:,., ...... c,.,;Jt Th. li.. mers· tl .. ..t li ug. ne .. !lntl 0111. uf h"'I' IItylo, is all exceedingly in· ;:"''''''''''' .. - .. ::: I ~ ~ Tbo !\lot! ' s l chnr,·h. ""d lIus.,· will. :\,,\\. I·\ ·cd. ,101.' l·ll , il.·", t ""1,,11,·" :111.1 c' >lIII'letel:lt J)dll "lIul'cd tv the tl'lLde, The rn,nl r"otio 81 hi. 1'10". tcrcsti ng and puwerful story, and " - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i: i :t. Tbo 1>" ,,\1 •• he ...1 ul'oU the leo : \v u IIU ve, aldu . II cl) lIl~, lc LC dtl)ck ut' ullo·hul'tSC y deserves gl'erut populu.rti.t . :r~lero !;: ~ And ,I)(u ilflgelling 8ccnee endow, I . ., Milomi's Journey to the 8OR . is plonty 0 it, 1~180, 0 1' Wit lOut ~ ~,~,jg~~~~t~;;;~~~ ~ uny ndvaneo ot price, it contain ~ ""' w ~t"Q_w_Q ;::; r~. 'I'Ill'D 6 .. " ! old !8l'o rll ~. flo .. on I ~~ Into th · fllluro '6 coming ~· .llr8; near sevoll huudred pages. It is iil_~ : : : : : : : : :~. ;. :~ 13 C~ Wbon we Ib41 vie ... tboo no ... oro gOllo . grllced, too, witLa II. view of Pros· ; ~ ~ From t.ntrth foren."r. "lid l\ppe.u pect Uuttuge, the horn of tho , it : . Thos ' lb~llhali occul'! Iho pine ·, Ilnthor, on tho Potumllc, with its ~ ~ ~~!;' ~r~~~~~~[ r 7J 111 thi. 1II1I<lrlou. Innd, Ihal we Hql'o t ri ed '0 flll .dthoUL di .gl"a ' ~ . surroundings, tlnaly engraved on 'i-' I ~~~1; ~;·Z H'~ .! ~ lIlo" on ! IIIOU lu."'y Miuw i. steul, from '1\ pilot gmnlJ taken 0 11 ::: I 0 l!.!; gO"" "':; "g ~ S! :: v r " , ~",,, ... e . . ",i!" 0 ••• t ho s pot. Poople like to scc 'th e ~ • ~ f- s~ : ~ (For tbe Miumi O"z.~to: co unterfeit rcsemblllllC ' of a wri· g' &. I:?; ~ ~ yf '?I: Jmnghll\ry Evil, tel' wh o pleases them, and a s Mre. &. . g 3. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ .. ny lllJ:OllOK )1\,KII . Southworth's portmit wus von in ~ : I'! I'!. !'l r+ .. ~ IT '.... In' .u .h• •Itl u"" of . he I." ~ •. k,,,,,,,,,~ " DOMESTIC." i".t'kl.. ,. 'he Aulom.lI, , ISuJnl1C,o.V1C'VO •. I' . f hO'I tt gil -O...:J...,t,)I,,:l-=~""C7J ~- 2: ...'i Ten.ion wl1lO It wa .. a nd i .. ' he: I~ .. t III lI1< Ou.,J, -JA. ~1'1" ,.·" n,.uccour l'.\TIE.SI'Ht\ R D E NEI) COSI<. ': AttI EAkl~G"' uli bolh lh.M nhlu'd: Tho .'In ie o'or tho castern hills, wi th its sllrr u ndi ngs. o~ th o ~ ~ t; & 8 ii ~ ~ 8 S ~ ~ ; ~ and t:~n:~.: .~nl old Irl.... ....h u ~,,' wilh b,.nu nco. M,chi"" .. .1"d T <.1, nI'" "~n ...... ~...,k•. A balmy breezo"pharo comOI with 'rnmradlanco the w OMt;fill.; Potomac, 1> III' sed, ' I'Silluueach exccllollt .... '" Se lf· It .. _ _ r.,, ~ ~( ~ And thl. broad copy Id'of: • '"9. 10: : : • • ::: ,."fn bCIlI'
]J"'r~ 'd IUII.
.Ffl':RNITU' . RE I) le'I'U ES ,
Waynesville ,Harness Emporium!
187G .
.A.l-' l'IIE
·tlepuiring Done .-'.oolnpt Iy.
~~ R~ 'Elbti~ht~
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1-_----·- ---- --
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With hcu.lth and peace ou r land i.e bind;
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.Ctttt ~Il~ · B3Q.
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))ollhle·shovcl 1»lows,
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Il,.n"I~~ '~'''Ylc' ' I',)·n Nu~"f:~,·,;.~w. at:."':'; I1~" ~'i ~":~r:~:,~.;.:'.,7:.~'~~,,~~ ~~t· ,.~~t~':;v~rl. h~'~:. ':'~~ ru d lcd "diu 5CWIIII M 04 .. hlhC' world
Corn - Shellers,
ROB INS 0N WA &0NS ' Boilers,
Post-Diggers., &c.
:Butl.mme.ll\ncholy~oad. is F.l1blished in U large duodeci mo 0 ,.~ TO Till S STATEME:"<T A:"<D THE M.\ CHIN E IT - EI.F I No cbeorin, word. can m..ko me Ifla<!. vo um'" of neUT soven hundred Ei 01j) (X) 00-" ~ • rd b b f b ~~::: ~~~ . c~ We 'nvltll the .Utntloln or all . • 'rec,a Uy th o a e haW'InC Sigh mechan ical .1( 111 q f . The 0 bi 6 0s, 0 &\1 umfail I> to080, /'"I """'~ ~. w' ~ Db.eM/alloD. N . Ii.- A ll M.,chln.,. full y "'''''''''1. 'I And song blooming ....t r., plolUO. pug 8, boun d'III lno rOCCO cloth 1 gilt t'l ?2: .~ Blltye.t.ord.y ••nd ..U ...... 'roo back price 1.75,andisforsaleby.Z "1"1" ::~ ~ IV DOMF8TIC SEWINC MACHINE CO., I HiI ..rlt, .... d buoy .. ncy. all B'ooksallor8, or copies of it will il II ~ ~ Nc',,- -Ym'l, li ... l hh·alle>· I' Wan'anted to giv e Slltisfllction ..£ll And why tbi. change fr.om iirth to woe p. be Bent to ~ny one, per mail, poet- ~ - - - - - - - -- . paid, at on06, on their romitting '"d LADIES, USE '' ' D,)MESTIC '' PAPER FASHIONS, 'I' Have I, my M"nho¢ 100t-'01'llOOId the price of it . to tbe . Publishers, • . SOMETIiU. ~; EW NO'l'ICE . Shloll an imaginary' ill T B l' to & 1) th Ph'I8 "'" ~ I' • • • •'? '? 'U '? po " , I ' " , Ad Dlreo~ tbo thought.!-oontrol tho w-ill ? • • e rson .uro ars, . 1 • or • p:: ~ •••• B B : II ell ' If OK , .. o. ·~ N TO DO The undrr.ig"",,1 hn. " I\l'l"'illt,... ' 1 b· t ' 11 1t\1 PLE\ 1I';i\' I'S ed I I ' Q . n n lettor . . . . .. " r' I " . • ) I ) . n _ ••,eI . . . . ., • • • ml"btrr ..I"t tor o(Of thn 1::. 1,11", uf E Ii,,,bnl'. J . J Let U8 lOme 0 Jcc@t . p u n m e p I I , I . . · . . . , __________ I \ ....,. ~~ Add ... ~. "'Ith n,p. H", ' nn W .. rre" .,u.llly Old". d " . Do with a will wLat. e'er 100 do. - . ! : ' , " I!I~ N ~. .. (JI ' • • Man h.. 10 -orlt-Io'ftl·-.·on here ,. Oh 'l ldren ory l' r Dr. " " rshall's .. ;;; ...... "";::;;;!!'OO 00"'.... l r ;; ~." 1 1lI'".Ni. All p'.r....... I"rI,.ht,od J" t1,~ "81."to w _ .. mQ6t . .lileasunt ~15ggg~isc..(i) . "':::'? .j, • . y ...hiIi 1111 II I RlMkI ' im", dial., und Apl_toflll-l1l1ottedlphere. Lung yru· p. Iti"the>n .Q Qt. uttl b III '"t,"Il All kind' f'~ Pumps at . trem Iy low pricee. Creation ""II, no doubt., d.. igned ~;; "1"" I''?'U''~ 'OUN DIUI.LS ·t 0 .~y UK c ~un~ tlglllll_t t '''10'' . w. To honor God, and bl.. mlllllr.ind. preparatiou for cougbs and colds r+ • II: :; ~ • • r.r "",ut them. duh' .ulh~nl\~"1 ...1, (," .. I. All p rsons wi lling an thing in our lill will tind it to thoir iDlerea' M y we \U_m "bllt'. good In life, knowll, Bud perfoctly harmless. ' . II S e B S S S Tho latClit improved Ollmpb .1l ow n~,'. ~ WE ~L};\.' llAl~ Jo;'\ gi vo Iltl a cu.lI 1.1 forc porella ing elsowheNl. And eeche" bIU.. rnl'08 and otl'ife; 25c. a bottle. t:) Id by Doll. Go to Engle'. for F urIJ rill call 1Jo purcltR. 'd v ry ]d J)' :1. I .6. Adm r. Then, let our trouble.o be • 1'0. r ell Tea Cracker'"... W&.\'11 ctl rill e. And Dl"T oonlentlDllnt be-forgot, 'ollr lot. . Crackera 0f a11 kind• • &Dey Ilow 0 11.1 at KINDLE '1"n-Lon 8, Try t"ngle's £ &IT. H(*f'.O" " 'IV 11th.' it). ('''l:lrri(J~ , 10 ('cnte a'lunrt. urWI n. ~I . U
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f uur
AI"IN 8 NEWSPAPER UNION. t \~ l .. 11
VOLTAiC PLASTERS A Constnnt Electric BajJery 111I11I lllll111 JUlI 1 c rolls Strengthening llll ~t c r. P Ili. I t
r: ...,
(JF.Jl T !II
A l l I'ar 8 I ~ err zy t ill M HI rJU~ IIbout I ortlCs. One mrre pondont 01 1\1 1 nglrsh paper lIllyH bE coullWd fifty "e ve 1II.IIe8 o l ori!IJbllclc III 1\ Blnglo III v of th e ilamJls EIY!!E!IlB ODt' mornrng 11 e mge 1M for r onresln I'nnl ular 1 he clHljn l cler )1 the lllutr/ltLOn thU MIillCOlir CI\ Oil the "ul Ject AM l<l IKlIlI1J8 ~I c nlly If II ry hllve Bhort til Is IIlId mllne. c\rVI'(.'(\ brullh fllilhloll (1I1ld tb It. gIve most oC tbem by tbe wily whe r they IlIck Ilrace of pro(IUr1101l8 t.he gene rAl III pearllDce of boars at blIY) people rllirly I1gb\ (or th em thel are IlII the rn.&e f ooda;)' It )II IDlIO()J!llll>le for Il mnn With tl I'le",,1 pretensIOn to (8611,0n till" pear lInl~1!I! mounted 011 I~ lnlCl'CIHCnplC pony tnd be bigger IAller lind bl m
Twelve Points _
ruer th 'ider by flO much Jl) us t the pOlly 1* ~m III, r a~ d horter You 1\ k wi y
1 lIl. LetlJ Ollt
hellvl''''' J d," t kllow I I hav, ItllIg n 11InDlgbi Itll l 'Ill L fille!
!; H; r!
II I. IrA I LIXIIIII li IIR • ~I"I rill". Ihe "., It Inial hJ I UIlIDK lIll! I ,I e .,1 hi. IIWIIIII
Aj{1I Pill. '1.1 ODe ilolla, Tbl old aDd Lrie J medJ~lDe .. cbeap at aDJ prl"'l be.... _ It ellm proml'tlJ ./-DJ e III cblt _b.. all
OIIaer remei1l.1IaYe falled • ...
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