U.' "'uOTN,
BEPOB.TEa. AY. JUNE 20. 1 77.
WITHT.. r. ... Tbo Loftiest Towo In tho \\ orld. BY", ff III LawoaTH .. Awny nut III Colornl lo, in th o lIO utl!· There I. uo ('XCll tle for Dfglect of .I uty Two tlttle I ,*,~n uf 11f",1 fQe I we~te rn corn er 011 tb e 8UIl1U1lt of t he I (I rather •• Ik lbrouKh IhoWH wllb tbee': l u" I rlilldlt) Itt"I.lltr"lyil1lt, Ulore ClJ ffilnOn , o r more UUHutl Mfa c tory to /; Ie rm r.hulre, 'l\1C 11111111 mllJ(e of th e 'rb" n .. lIh .not b,r wh e.u the .Ie 'J bo t nlf Ir:~ Ih"r II II 111""1 th l! lI our t lt ulIIl h c nnlt~ It , thall " I forgot " J( roa t 1<" cky Iuu II t.1II II., the little HIIII · II Kill w llh aUllllU c r, " od AI fai r Ablh III II. I litII It IIh . Ia; h l .., ~ WlteUl e r tI\l' furgot fulu etIH co mfM frum 'I he hf'U'e UlllboTCI u , . . . lel\ IlIg luwlI IIf MIII ('r~ 1 CIty h .Ulll.!I Le lll)l UJ tlhn unrlllhvuled Ill PI,blro, .,.,bet.,. lhOJflll H ic' ItOU lIt wi lh ('OIJ I ~r lOYal Cll releHl' lI rSl! . IIt Rt teu tltJII , M 1Ipa kuet!ll 01 ILlld e XI"lell Ce Tll elve tho ll.alLll feeL 'fh tlY nil! I h_ Ihf' I{IT1t: d., I Hie 'It' drlftill"1uu" 1I'lu ll.ll 111z th e po we r II I ll te tn ory , th l' r('HU It 10 th o Th u whltc.....liI Ol.l lhlpe of Goo. " oat br .. A hll Ofh 11 11111"-,,, I "hu es! "d.h ll!.Jove ,..,a 1"",1 •• th " allL tll'''' , IUIJ yet I ha llh4l1 WI " 111 11"" :4"." IllUlH', a,,1i tit lui'll or damago tb tlrt'from 011 the ffo ur . "Ir. v f th o 1<""1 hll ~" peak. tiu I II 011 I lUl l IV Iwar 1M' u ll t:h'Nle.r Iu I t u fU1 to bf'l .lIh l bee, I ~ 110 I..,," lit . 1I It 1I o uld he I' th e neglfc t. tuwcr hllll (lred . uf feet IlIllher. 'I 1I the Hark ...1t.n rouml U.I and .ho!roI.r 'fh.dr h~v)' Iril lu " Ilt j ,IM1 WM prOlll edltnted an.! IUtentlolllll, If Il I)f hruktl l l on ao UIlM!fOlI IIho, e Ill1rlh Uld C:1I~lIl1lp r, a IL 81111".t . ,1,,1"'..... 'J II,.,. walk IttJOUl lh8 II., .. 1IIIIwcd grouud, buy fOl gsLs to . hut 1\ gIL le, stray cattle 01 rt ch 'Ilve r \,ea rlllg rock, In lhe ea.I, It. ITa~~'~'l~ll ~:~~h~~. t~il:=';er Whero lIlud lu 1)1«'1111 I t"JI, can come through and dr8lroy Crop8 \.0 A rtll.llinll ah , when" aow,r y p i" Tbe, ron It up In luarlll,. round the horl!ll.hoe . halled W'HHI M"nllllll ll, t.h,. IIU'" re nd t h~ . mum ,..11 A nd boh 1\ Into 1,1 .. , th e s"mo exwnl RH I( the mode of in" un wh ol!4l c rest the IIIDlon. !!:I,,!,h.lllt \'00' -ScribNer {fIf' J." t A.G u.tu.t ."bl upon the IIoor Wt18 Inte nlt ena lly prOV Ided for burte. 118 . hnft, t o the l!Ou lh , tho pre· lu o•• ."....~4IIta by IIOme tramp, 0I 111l 0 1l 0 ~ltn e rlll I'UI IlI, !lentlle,1 IU ove ry Ol)D~ AND EN1IS, Heen polISlblo dlrectlOlI wllh ri ch HillS uf the pl't!CIOU M lIl etKI, nUll t o Ih e "I .~ , the LI'f'fI.E Ii ~h ha~e 1\ pro per IdE'a of rU llged Holy Or08l!, wh ol!ll JlLggell 11I",ks, bUOlOCO>! Nut belDg "hIe lO do be Lter, brt8tllng llre< I pieCH, 1I0d llepp TIIv\O e~ they MII'U on 1\ 8m1l1l 1!Cll1e. pre.wt a graud IIl1d II(l lflllll plGturp. Tu Til E number 0 1 cue. III In Haulty rethe lo.'e r of mount.llln IlCl' nery, Minerai ; "I d Oll't like that," tbought Uncle dl'lltructlon rut .hOlP hoou ••• 1 , City I'rel!eu is II. vlLrlety un eq ualed . nnd, u ItllI g I roOl the iKKue of ."..r·maPi Id whAt IbulIld 1 do ? H enr1, wbo had not bten unobservant of tlonal mur~er .tream. at. tho HlLme time, furUl. IJCs to lh o ClLln· ri ghtfull y on t he in crea\H!. J 111011 10 Ih. ll lll.· J't'lIrQ n ol H,.u1wbl thi. h t.t.le acene .. H e hM 110 right to itable law of force works no leM d etltrue- nntor of ALL th e world id a slage, 8nd moal of tBlis t and scientIst food fur mu clt tbollgh t Tbr~ l "" h"lt In . \.ri1 ~1 of l'III'u t reat one cu.tomcr hette r thall alluther tlOIl t<l life lind property than If h e had I!Ophism, h8ving tbe pH8 eDj!el'8 Are olt lt ~ed to go on foot S lid rell ectlon At 1111 e venll! ,,1\ oUKhtlAl be treated wllh done It Willi malicll prepeDse. ODe '1111'0, who" The toW II ill'S on th e lopo of Min erKI up the hili, nod to pry Ihe whecol. out of ,\. 'l'E~1' IIF C1t.\ IlAC1'jol lt. Tu ove rcome tbe hablLollorgetfuhlel!l!, othe r 80phl sm "hteh com mo ll cIVIlity, whatever t.heir attlro Point, nDlI , IIko all front ie r ci ties, .ft bUIl t the mud. may be, o r howeve r amnII mlly bv their for It 18 to a great extent a habIt, IS to a 8OIv e, wen~ home, on but ono maID sl reet wlllcb, in lh L&T prudence al\\8Ys attelld your III H t"l R/tnu A J UK ll. J lt.. purchase. 'J'hE'1l8 Kloves lire a hlli f a dol· degree, n~ I ~M L, III the power of every Ilnd died of dpspair, II181.anoe, I. bu t II tn81 , There are nu plellllUrcs, It 18 Ib o wny to enJoy tbe .. Ultelu Hell Y, "IIIL1d JuillL De nhaDl, lar, a re tbey Y (th e8ll word. " ere ad· one, H e who IK nnt an Idiot has a duced hhmelf to sueh mlly or, or co ullcil, o r fire de pllrtllLtmt, o r 8wee!.i 01 t hem aud not 110 afraid of the .. IIl1ly I lII'c YOll III the library II III Olllen ~ drellllOd to th e 8bol'm"n. who WIL. Wllltlli fi lacu lty of me mory. and lh e 8trcngtb of by reOecliou and hol'8C ca rs, n'lr tHe th e re gll8 trll 818 o r conseq uouces, t it I. lIIurllit. j.\ TOO upon hllll). Ve ry well, J will take t bellL.' 8Uy fll.c ulty ca n, by ~xercl se IUJd cultl· obliged to weBr newspaper oOlceft. Tb e IIIhllbit.nnts nil .. Ut'rllllnly, Illy Ilear I a lii At YOUI Meullwhlle the woman who hlld JU8t vatloll be IILCre8lll'<1. TbollC whll do nnt keep him 811 th eoe ul hcca excep t ho",o enno, 811 " WlI £N YOh 11Ilve nothiug lo lItly, uy ClI lllm ll lltl IIU W," 1Iud he ICII the wily 1U10 purchBllCd the cRlico re eDLOred the .tore eodea. o r to cultivate It "re gUilty of po!8lbly from m M!!, an.! burra, mul e., Rnd hor!les upply nutlu ng A w(,lIk Ile(enl!4l etren,hth,:na the r',uUL. H e h1l1ll10d hl o JII ecc to IlD WIth a hurned ote l) lI ud a look of tronble CUlpable IIPglect, and sbould no t be 1\1· the heaven8 of thi8/lxce puun Tlmbc r grow. up lO the vou r opponent, an.! 811ence t tl eM!D· arlll·chlllr, Alld tonk A .eat opJl<11lte he r. She wlI.Led until Fitzroy w&lllhmugit I(lwed to pleat! forl(etfulnelll! llI palliation end of Phlle t.88 town, but abov e thBt noUllng but gralll!, JUrlOU~ tlllln a poor reply. " Uu 10," Mid JUItIl, WI t h a i1tLle be- WIth lhe ludy u pou wh om be wao lit.- ofllny Olllll!SlOn or neglect. In(orms UB, mOM, lin.! bare rock turn towards the SA V 8 a !cbool a uth ority " Tbe be.t cllm lll g I..'o llfllolnll, "1 ha\'u recei \'ed 1\11 ten dlDg, and Iheo prel\8ed to tb e We k nuw " cle rgy mau whose powerof e vaporated, .un Oue of tbe headwater~ of the way to Rwak e truth(ulnel!ll lD OOy& is unl· uffe r " cn unter. memrtry IS so great 08 to seem really won· Anaer o n wu OnOODlpaghrc Rlverrl l!ll8o ntheell,toflhe fo rmly to beheve them, even when ap"When !" exclaImed h pr uncl e, JI tha~ .. Well, what now T" Mked the youlIg de rllll , Lhe reRult alOl o. t pnlltely of cuI· al.ooe SophocleA citv, Bod Wi a httl o bBbbllOg brook gllr· pear l\ ncee nre s gal oBt tbew." IS cvlltiug tu th e 1>O Iut wltu avenge- man, ul>e rcllt tlvat lol1. In fll ct we have heard him lilly CO Ol e to tb e same ~le·8 ... eatward litH! tumblC!! tumullOllaly ONY. uf th e edllol'lluf th e Parts Figaro nn ce H .. 1 Iloheve 'lOU mllde a mlHtllko about tbat" he n h e WI\!! youn g he WIU!SO for· to (llherll he died IOta a dee p, rugged canyon , nn cllllla lly, t hus defin es an "epidem ic" "A run· "Ami 1 II i. lt t{) cousult yo u 8boul the cbange YOIl hallded me" fo rgetful 88 to be con.tantly Ilnder a ID hie IlUIt tragic by p_ge IDto othe r strellms and ri ve rs, ning SIckness ," "nd c uriou sly eoou~b it " .. A ml ~ta ke l " he repented " It IH cloud tn conlll' q uc nce One dRY, when WI\8 to m IUto pIece. The l'erUs rearl Dlylng. empties ioto lhe gulf the more It rUD8 th e qUick e r you catch It. JI A H ry "~ II .. "I " rellOlutlon. May I qUite ImIXlMlble." l!oOl ol\lin g more se riOUS tb lLn u. UlII had by so me women, Au stralian paperntate thl\t two dive ... The tol\ n numbe ... probllbly twenty· Dovll that have bee n properly reared k lll1 w fr",n whom tbe oller baH !xen re., But," Said the wom nn, Illl x.ou. ly, rCdulted fro lll till ' faIling, he de termine.! my!!Ogyni8m. 1Esch ellguged 10 pellTl fishlngiu 'i'orres!:!tral i>1 five log cabinS, aod III tbe middle uftb e are me n, in point o( usefuln esa, at SIX· ce.ved 1" JJ don't you reme mber that I gllv e you a to over come Il, " ud from thllt mOllIentre- a n eng le dro,PplolI; a were recently drowned while at work 10 OlllllUg 8ClLSOII ha s, In a.!dlllOo, a fe w CllII· leeo. whll o tbo 0 wbo tlave beeo brought .. Ed w8 rtl FItzroy." two dullllr bill, and you on ly gnvo me so lved tba t bls lIIemory should do fo r head, th e k lDg ef tb elr dlvlU g dre_s, and twO 8wlmmlll g VM tents L ast. year tb e re were two ul' 10 Idle habLld are weless l\t. twenty· " '1'011 h"V('II 't kn owlI him very huck two Iluarlel'll 1" bllll lt.a appo.n ted work, and lorced IL III to MblDmg poll for 8 div e rs have beeo devoured by 8harks bark hu lt!, bu t rUllulng 8bortof fuel duro one. long 1" . t W88n't th at nght 1" actIon H e allowed hlmee lt to m8ke 110 to use8 other The ell8rks are unw 80 oumerous lUI to 109 the I'lUIt winter, 80mc of tb o boys TErERE l\Ta oortain eehoolR where .. Not- ve ry," . a.d Ju lt8, 810w ly. "Nfl; I boug ht 1.('11 ya rds at ninepeuce more mtm ora ndum s or aids to memory, 'ltUctlon, Ibycu., produce a pe rceftlbl e falling off ID t.he I!llcr.6ced tb ese 8lru ct.ure8 on th e ~Iea of cllLld ren are gb t Ii ke pa rro.... •• Th ey , Hut yuu tlll lll,; you I,;now a il about 8 yard, whicb made but 8 dollar Blld a bu t demandetllhllt the fa culty shou lJ WIUI murde red by qu an tity of pear lIhell obtained One neclll!8lty, an d now t h 0 city num er61\S are called pre panotry choolL Tbe tJlm,! du re MIlY. Ar.. you very much In q ualter." work lo r IJI.II a8l'lslance. Tbe rr8ull ift h ~ fiun g he rl!e l! from of t he divera is desc ribed M lOlling bls bUlldlog by two leIS!!, Tu e la rgest cablll pu~ils are exerclIsed In prctty polly. love wllh h im 1" ., And yon hAnd ed me 1\ t\\O dollar hM but few eq ullis 10 tb e count ry In thla cure her love for hfe in a 810 gular wa... He WILt! walklD~ ID Ule towo waR the 8tor , wbere every· I .. Not ti c pe rut... ly ," 80Bwered Julia, bi ll '" J ,. respec t. al!!ll came to a aloog tbe bottom, wblch WM very, leve ..... lOg, I rom b I\r8 0 f IIOILI' up t h ro~ g IL syl ab ea. 8UIlIiIl ~. "At lite 1III00e time I oonff!S "Yell." Dlffereot from thi S is a geDtleman who wg been OUl] and free fr om co ral, Whf ll bl8 hIe-line ,Ilour, bacon 1Ind coffee, to powder, fuse YOUNG LADY-" 0, 1 am 80 glad you that I UIlI .trougly preposaeased 10 hlB "Then 1 Dlual b8vo !lIven you bllck l Ive" on olle of tbe ul' tow n a\'t'nu e8 1O WM IIOlem nly b~CAlDe ell tangled round a IlIrge piece and tool8 may be proo ured at Prlce8 per· like birds ; which kind do )'OU admlf1l (avor." lhree qu ar le",." ew York, and who for the lulten years the backa ~f IIO me of cup-sh a ped oornl, tbe only obetruc· fectly IUltouodlol!.. OPIIO lte th e store 18 mos t 1" Id ~euUemau-" Well, J thlol. " A lid Lhi8 propo ton 18 Itk e: y to " But, sir, It CIInuo t be I h ave only hM, immed .aLe ly alte{ b reakf8llt, mlldea Lucretlu., l\I! we t. on for a oollsld erable diatllnce. Tbe thelll\loon, whe re" bOArd o n borrel u ervea a gOOI!ll, wlLb plenty of atllffin g, ill a bout beoo me 8 warm seutiOleot, W ell, my two" h st In hi ! Dote-book of "l'hlOl!M to he 8On's 60e poem, Wl\ll boRt to which be wlUlllt.tached WIUI drllt all the oo unter, and t wo bl t.l!. or twenty· M niceuany," bltle lII eoe, III! you have requested my "Ob, you' ll lind the olh e r III yuur done," .\Iways heading the b at with " Buy plJllter, IUId finally IIIg wltb the tide I.S h e walked OD, and five ccnlll, I. tb e millllllun prioo of a TUE Malne tAlper can buy cider only IIdviee, l wlll gl vC Lt J d8 not object to pocket, If you haven't Bpent It," said a 1nblllLt." with hiS own h8od, the Itfe-hne ~etti og foul, the boat WIUI dnnk. ADother cablll hoWk' s the Juatloo by the gallon, He &like for a umple for thla lo\·e r or youi'll. Indeed I kno" Fit~roy, iOllO lenlly . No o ne know! the strpngth of nny of Enll;ll8b editor and anchored, l1li It Wfre. The str810 thu, of the peace, whol!ll ordlnnry method of mince ple8, drin1re it. lII\ys It ie too hard nothill g a)!ain l him. Dut the n 1 know The wom811 oolored . hl8 power8, phY81C111 or me ntal, unhllt is TbomlUl Creech. brougbt on t.he lIfo·hn e would appear to openiDg 8 ht'llfIog i8 to ellilld ill hl8 door· for the pur pose, la)'s ten ceDlII on the too little of 11I0l Ilt lIDy rllte to be oble to .. Indeed, Blr, 1 kuow I aw righ t," she teftted. WInshIp, known th e world over brllted Italian have drawn the dive r down to th e ooral, way alld about, "011, yea' oh , yea I oh, counter, Dnd reUJea. form adehberate OpllllOU ofhu cbarllCter. said, troubled, Il8 the strong mall, CAme to be I!O ooly ~, ~aoce, came to reby creatiDg . uch alarm lUI \.0 caUl!e yea I al1 you galllot.s tbat are indi cted A GronGu neg ro twisted 8 mule'. If [ mlQta'ce not, thi s 18 al80 your C&88. " It Is for your interes t to," h o reo daily exe rci se III faILIng welgbt.!!, grad· drinking and him 80 far to 10IMl hl l prelWnce 01 mind come up b ere lind be' tricd!' At the tail tD urge It over a fence. The lDIall Now, It 18 my theo ry t bat no woman turned, wilb 8 Rneer. ually Ill crelll!injl: Lhem a8 his muscular taw other ec<ce~ltrIIClllel!I.II. . one of them th llt he cut th e lioo. He might. jUllt. lUI olber end of the \.own-til" wf8wrn -ls attendance at the fUll eral nex t day o l.ght 10 marry u ll letlll she iu ufficle utly " And you won't rectify the nllst8ke, powe r del eloped, 8ud otber examplea of telling a not well bllve cut his throat, &II by hia the office, 18bollLtory, :.:itcbe n ami bed· sbo"ed tb8t the people didn't care he wel\ acquaioted ",lth her intended hUB· thell Y" Mid lhe poor woman/ faintly. IOcrelll!e ID phY llical strenglh , oot 80 tQ 01'- ilioug JlQt. he t ,ferred lbe bo&ttl room, all In OD.~~ of the ",1III),er, where did LWllt the mule'. tall. bllUd t<l IlJlve a pretty oou lident l\IIIIur· OJ YOIL make a gre8t (u aOOUL a q uar- l!W"ikio g perha}lll, but 8ufiUli nli, 110 ~ at.- III. hi. nr.ln.Jj Ole I'O~ In the D"'pfpcl, IUijplfif hom ufo.. D\ ..,/DIr ftl81iue, how...u..rGljll ance o!leading Il..haJtpy q te wita. hi... I le r of 8 aollar." tenct no ti (;e, are comll)ollall ahont UL eJipl'ed wlllch WlUlllOon pulled Ollt o( ItlllIOOket treated ao:l th eir value dete rmlDed. 'l'he n oould earn blsliving now by tb,e" aweat therefore counsel you tAl de~ay !lIving " It ia of IIOme Importan ce to m e," 8l\id The me ntnl powerll are subject to the aod hll 011 marble in tbe helmet. 1t Wilt! IIOme tim e before we hllve a hotel couduce,d on atr lcUy of bis brow'" Be would ooly have t.e your &n8Wer for a month, and in t hat the womau. 8t\llL e lttW8 growtb lUI 8re the floor. Ir George Ethridge, author of Ihe body WILlI recovered. It WWI on ilM Wes tern rillci lies, where a ·p!lrlor IIlId at-andilTtlnrwmrfo... a fe w minutes, and tilDe I will contrive to become beLter ae" I cau't ret.urn-it," IIllld -Jql'H{]':'!-,:tm:a.Lr-"t.W.';.Jl''=' 118 e&llily cultIvated. ' I S ir Topley FluLter," " Love In a Tub," back, and 8 kn "e WILlI firmly cluLched in an eleva r lire un known, and where he would be comparatively wealthy, cittalllled wltb him " sho rtly. .. There IB 110 oud to lhe 1m. e n Ih e fault if be 1S forge tful T ew., brougbt IIl1imtlar hfe to a limilar tbe right hand. boa rd Ie ee,en or eight dolla.. per wet'k , "Yuu r adVIce 18 good," said Juha, IlO!Ilt lona that wOllld be practll!Cd upon or WIth wb at rflLllOO CIIII he IIrgeu au eli· co DcluDon. H e WIUI llgbtlllit some and then lut, by no IIl cana le&llt, there A LITTLE boy ill Dover refumng \.0 lIH>u jlhtfully, "und I will foU ow .t " me, If I allowed eve rybody to come bt,clr Cllllll lor neglect lba t phrl188 of !lClfooll fn eods, who bad been to pay him aVlsh. Pearl Fishing. • IS a blnclrlmltb tihOf' where drills nud take II pill, bia motber placed it in a " Thao1; YOII," m id her uncle, klndl" alld claim that they haduot reCeived U,C dem natiolJ ," I (o rgoL' and M ho stood dOlog 80 he tumbled Ceyl on ne wspapersmentlDu the excll.e- pick" are contanual y sh8rpen ed alld 11Iece of I,reserved pe8r and gave it to .. fur th e conndt'Once you hllve repot!ed ID rIg ht change," down etaull lind broke hlA neck. "nnd menL prevalhng In that I_land ID Mnrcb ropointed from mornlog till ni ght.. The hllll. lu a few mlnut811 lIhe tIIIld; my Judgm e nt I "lUoo rely hope that the He re Uncle B ellry, who had \ts toncd A Itcs ult of the CAUrorola 1Ironglll. I!O" I\lI tbe note8 to Gammont put It, ID connection with tbe re. umptlOn of rest of tho bUildings u( tbi8 promiSI ng "Tommy, have you eat.en tke pearY' "IIIIIII! mllll WIll I'r vo to be aU we C811 Jo fell a mllrtyr to jolUty and CIVIfaty." pearl IIshlOg Tho pearl oyste r pro- youug city are occuplod e ntirely 11K l)rI. "Yes, Ulother, all but the !ICed." I W . l llO n,.fII" ( 0.1 ) TraD~rl lll 1 wllh IDdlgnstlon to tl1l8 sce ne, IIIler. deei re.' , TilE foUowing i. a store algn lUI copied It .s estlllls ted that from on... balf to Peter Mottfaux tbe tlranmtor of l~· ilucea Ita be8t pearls when about vato reallle ncf8, Ilnd the cens us takl'n f"red &!wl\rd Fitzroy W3lI1D bU81tLCIIIID thlt fuur yell ... old, 80 tbal tbe gre8t obJec~ lut eleetion day placed tb e totl1loum ~v:rbalml from t he orij!inallD a remot.e " YOIl are !Dlstllkell " MLt! he d -· two Lhlrd s of tbe 8heep In the 'Iule hav e befall8 came to ~ very IDlYl tenous end neigh boring cIty. He h.\\1 cm bRrked a c Ld edly. " 1 IIf\ W you b~nd tlll8 lAdy h r r pe mhed froOl SUITI·atlon 'fhe 1085 of and tho my8tery which lurrounded \h ~ kept in view by dIVe I'll IS not. to take any ber of Inbabitant.l! at about ninety, Ame rican miDilla:town; " 8iblee, blackSnJlIll prope rLy IILh rrllP(\ (rom 1118 fdther, chlLngo, ami you \l8886(\ her but 1\'0 cllttle IS not ~o IlIrge, l\!I th ey were taktn death of Edward 11 Richard 11 CI8r thllt ba ve not. rellChed tb8t period of thougb tlll s 1'1'111 he largely IIIcrell.."Cd thIs ball Butter; TeatamllJlta, tar, treacle i in 1\ Ilry g( lOd.c.t~blt.l llll e nt, :Llld hav iog q lIar ten< " to tbe ml)lIntmns III tlwe. Dr Wlue, of ellce alld Ulllny king" aud priu~ both elo KteDce, 'fhis b8l! led the autbontie8 year by tbe ODormU8 imlmgratlou frolll Godly bookH aod Glmblete, Oooden8ea "good bu",uP!8 1.lIlt driving n Hour· Egg" lind 0ft81.Or 0.1, for Sale bear." WlltJ!O nVlllll, started lor the mounLalus III a~Cl c n L and modern hlatory, hlUl 'never to prohIbit Ii~hl\lg on the several banh tbe EMt Fllzroy g lalll!o<iat the speaker, It hll-~ ..hlllll tmde. UI M :LcqulLllltallcc With from F resno on th e 2 1"t, with ovcor three been cleared tip De mo tbencll'oillOned except. at Interval8 of (our yea"!" but " !log Oholera." TALK about Uu ssian namesl Wh)' not booll men 1I0urd tba t UncI 11 011 ry, ollr heru lue' IlIlfl ClI UI U1 r nced d unll!) II lhou t!lllld 8beep, and the hfelel!ll ClLn:lI85fS ILlm ae lf, but 00 ODe knDllf s how. tbl8. system has rel!ulted 10 otber IDcon· we can beat them and not haU try. Le~ Humme r n·. III~IICIl Ilt the VIllage wllLch tbo better 10 cclJlcoal hiS Idoutlty , WIlli of over tw eu~y ·lh e bWldred of tbew 1I0W Te rrible 1111 It may eeem, it Ie n eve r· veDienooll, lDa8much l1li the are Mr. Dod ge, 8tlltJ ~LlclI,"of th e De part· lIome Colll!llck try hi. teeth on the namee colll1lOly drel!eed, and IIccordingly Flt7r ~h e made hl' r h'lmo. It w,.. oot atmnge !Dark the ro ut~ take n. The doctor mys tb eleN hu e tbat I( a c~lmplet.e list were beBetwltb dll cra daogerou.eoemlel, who, ment of Agncullure, re port' Ill! the ro- of n fe w l"kc8 in Maane. Mooeelacma. tltl\t he ~h o ult.l IlIlYll bee n Itltract.ed by roy se t hIm down M Il perllOn 01 1111 COli· thllt un claim ed dead alld dying sheep drawn up of men of muk in the world'a it. \8 contended, make frl~htful bavoc on _ult .. of an IILvest' ll a tJon of the 10_8 gUll tiC, Welokeun ebacook, OqUOlll'OC, He the refore I\JUlwered J ultn He r gllyety, VIVIlCity and beaut)' I!Ilq uence. cover Ihe pltun K, and hundreds o( sbeep hi stery, reckoning all natlonl and all a b8nk 111 one sell;'!On If !t. he not. fisbe~ from d'BeMll8 of sWIne dUring tbe po st lI.1oJ..1y.chunkemunk, and Oubuptic, for made h er ~e n e rRlIy ."lIlIlrod; and had hlLughtlly,"IMal1 need mnre u lan your wo rd, und lambefallmto lille behmd tbe wagon tlll1ea It would IIJlpe8r that Ilt le&llt a The Goverllment IJI now IDteot upon dl8- twelve montbs, the de. truction of 4,000,· instaoce. UllylhLU ~ 01"" i.K.'t'II reI/ILl_LIe the re put.a· of the travele r Rnd follnw, In the hope of 'Iuart~r of tbem died nO I~ like other lDen, oovenng what 18 th e nght time for a hed 000 aDlmals 01 all ages, and n mont'y lo.u A VlnGlNIA OITv Chinaman tied hil tlnn of b~ I(\ ~ h ~ r unc c'u hem lllil would my ~ood Sir, How do 1 kn\lw but you I(eumt; a morsel of hllY, Ouo III a n from lind tbllt ve ry near IlIi0Lher quarter 0001· to he dorwant 'I be expeneoce8 of reo of more tban '20,000,000. O nc-'Clfth or • d haye l>ro"IIr£'d ker SUl tol'll. But it is lire III It'&gue-" Illitted s uiCid e. ceot y«mrs give ton million oyaters II! th e re.rorteliloll:l occors In the S IDle of duuJ[e y by 8 rope to the front oor the San Joaqum Vftlley 100L every sheep Good· morlllog, sir," 88ld Uncle " the ave rage e ro» of a bank, 8nd the rthuOIII. Nellt Illllromiuence nre MIl!- kn o b of 1\ man'b house who owed him a \lilt lIl'cel.m ry t o dwell farth e r au ~hl" he had- eleven tho ulII\lId-dunng a All .lilcctrlc Boa.eer. average (>earls luund wOllld nruount to aoun, Iowa and IUOII\OII, \Vbl .: , uge e r 01l8r for - cwo ,anil let ~e beast 1>OIIIt 01 our oll)ry. We are IIltereHted Henry, abruptly "You may herl'afte r storm, aud-wen-I....l_ pelllllle8t! Ulan, to lellrll huw Un cle H Cll ry'lI plan .uc· rl'gret lhls gratuitous 108U't " J\IlldlUlI, An othe r, an Itullan. thought be could Mr. J ohll K eH), , the 8ta~e manager 01 ~wo l18r ceDt, Wben one thou88nd 1088 ' 10,000,000. FlOrida, Alabama, howl, whil e htl III\t on the .te.p~ aDd ~ ill yOIl allow DI e II. word wllh you Y" <--eedod tho Acade mv 01 Mu~lc , Baltimore, hM oYRterM rroouce one bundred dellars MII!I!IKII)PI, 8nd l..oul. iatlR have nl'luly wa\t~d The beait'ged man CIlllltulated The w()ml\lI followed hllll out nf the M\'e the CO!\t of ftlrrying hl8 8heep acl'Ol!8 Iml'rovl ~ed ·8n logellioul Arrangemeut worth 0 ~rla It. ift oonllidered 8 very I\lI 10Dg a percelltage 01 101\8 HL lIumbers, 10 tbr~6 bours. He first ulildo cautlUU8 inquinel! rel8 the 'l'uvluml1 e RII ar by .Wlmmlng them, tl ve to tb o yuun g mail 's bU dineM stand· shop, wblle Fitzroy ill no ve ry ple8t!l\nt nlld eigh t hundred 11 ere drowned In the (or keepin g lh ~ ~tlIb'll eotrance clear of remUDeratlve I'roduc~. A hundred aggregatlllg III valu e one million all.! a TUlI: PUlI18UBD. Dlood Dluttered about the" a.r. uf these IILI(, all of wlllch ... e r.. I\n8wered 8l\U. fBC· louugerft, whn a re a),t to oongregat.e III pearl8 of the size of a plD'a helld are oot hall dO\1I1I11. Th e l()s!le8 are very alOall Not u,. , .lto kno. Lb. awlullibbel'. aUllIlab, RttellLJlt. Anoth e rmnn, CMt. of V usaha, wraly. !:lut Lbl ...hd IIOt I!I&llsfy bim Ho be~garll." gruups 00 the oromp ter'a Ride,lrontlng worth ooe ulurge U8 pea Ten thoUls· ID the oouDLry bord erillg Dn the grellt No' Ih. , wbo, .. bll ••<1 Y" " 10 b, litem, 10 "MudaDl," Mid Un cle H~nry , when d l'spnJrlllg oi evergeUIDg his sbee p where wI.hetl to I!OO tor 11l1ll1!C1f. Accordiogly Of th o ro- TI~.~~Itl:'Ic;:l\'".~Ir!~~~~ r;:':l~·I.nlu"b. WWi fee.!, turoad twel va thouBllnd tbe p8llllllge, which is the only m6ll118 of Bnd people are directly or iuduecdy eo· lakee and tbe I'lIcllic CUlLllt be l'urch Med II OUlI of c10tlullg I!O diller- they were III the Btreet, II 11' 111 lUU ac out to\" o. II he und e rtook to drave entrance and px.t aVlLllable, without gaged in thialndu.try, In the 18I\t great DlalDing dl8trtctll, We.t Vtr~IDlIl comes e ut frolll thaL "llIch he Wll<! ILccu8tomed copt frum Ole till8plecoof geld which WIll them to the mnuntains mllny of them c roll8ll1g tb .. s'·"e Tbe circumstance haul 10 1874 a mllhon and a quarter oys· neareRt fxemptlOo, Bnd Uhlo .LIId Ihe 'Tlo tbo, .. bo wJtlk Ibe hlgb.a,. unlulpoolOO, -'to 1 I "i el .,\tb IJr l w fClr (oreY6f I !lhta. to wellr, thl,t wlLh II [lair of green goggle~ III 8 mel\i! ure alOoe fnr thi S man '~ rude- !Dust die of starvatioll before re8clllng tbat durlUg e very performance a man Ie ters were taken on one baDk, which WIUI Atlanltc States s taud better 1 Lan t Ie Wh o cI"I,lb. COl .... ol lOwo.lo UD,I' IOCIOO, nellS and ynur 1088? Nay, no thank.? 8upcratltl ed he felt convlllced they allUVial dl8trlCt8. It i8 appar~nt that tbe A CII'I"" n O gr... or cotUulld cat, bhle there, because thero IS no feed on tbe statIOned 8t tbe elcctricllpparatu. to reg- 80Id for fifty thoull8nd do\1aJ'L woul.1 dl'glLl tlCl \tUII Hullic.ently for Ilia What I have witneaaed h88 beeo wortb way, and then wben th e mounLaln.are ul8te the light.!! io the auditorium bM 10811 is equivalent to oue·lbmlof tlt e 8um TI. Ihe,.bo are In Ih el, O."CbalDbero h'UDle more to DIll tban the ftmall 8um. OJ "U'lK)1!Il 'l'hud nLLared be lounged into bt directing a wile from A Man'8 Flgbt wltb a Pan&ber. oCthe eliportll of pork Jlroduct. IMt yellr By lbou~ hla ,"I Ilk. u" • • I<'O wu ~ue... In\<u At t.he end of 8 month Edward FItz- reached utI the good Ceea IS already taken beell utlhzed 'A ry to t 0 0oor 0 f th e pauage, . . And 111. do_o unlu ... lted .tlll unwanl ed. the store. and 111'1 ulTod (or IIOme tnOlDg up by mell who bold 1>OII8e88lUn, shot- tbe ba t ... Savage animals are not yet extloct In 'II Aud wlko. nlgbllD&To 01 UI...lIlud •. article. He WIIH IHlrpo8tlly very slow 10 roy came to lcccive Julia Deob8m'8 an· gun ID hand, and who are de8perate wblch i8 covered wIth :r.1DC. When sev· Vermoqt, lUI TbomM Peggiogton of East Practicing tbe Bllck·Fa • -Ella WhMltr ' " lilcJ OGwl/, bewg SUited Mean wltll e be watched Hwor to his 8Ult. H e feltquitecoofident enough to fight to the deat.h. 1'bere will eral persons stoplU the J-se, blockiog Ulcbford fouod to hll coet a lew morn· Many people have wondered how OONSO LATION Is 81w8Ys eo methiog to of 8UCce8ll-8 can l!dcnce w b Icb 1' 1 ' 1 18 lOmewitb some attention the bearing o( Fllz· probably be 8 good many C88e8 of blood· it up, the man at the battery touchee 8 Ings ago, He W8a 00 bla way to hlB Clara MoUls learoed to fall prOlltrate the bereaved. Here 18 wbat a Western roy, who 1V88 tradlllg With a (Mhionably what. dlmiDlehed by the coldnetli! with shed and de8th In Lbe moullt.alUlthia koob, 8nd instaotly a livel, current of lugar orchard, in company with hiB dog, upon the .Lage With auch a heavy, dull Jourualilt oflera to hiareadere: "O"iog wbich ahe returned hiS greetiDg attired lady at II !attle dllt.noce. Notb· It I must dechne tbe hooor of your summer, and many stock men will electricity i8 oommunlcated to the zinc, wheo be .uddenly came race to 'ace wlUl t1ind as ahe docs lu tbe fourth IICt oC to the de8th 01 our chief editor lbere iog ~'Ou:d bo OlO~ polito or obseqUIOUs alliance," lII\ul 8he, ID an.wer to W. mysteriously disappear to return no and &8 qUlck &8 ll~btnl[ll Ule loungera a huge panther, Tbe dOf! W&8 18m to Oamillt!1 without burtlng herlllllf, but, of Will be DO editori81 arUcle on Tuellday, thall the oonductof the young tladeeare bounced 00, their triCll~uloUl an\iea pl_ln.& twinkling,and ·the beaet Ulen course, ~ does hurt ber l16.erely. Mooy • moltl. urgent propot!l\l. rellembling the jer)ry m01rell!1!Dta o(one of turned hi. attention to Mr. PeggingtAln, parilof her body were black aDd blue but look out .or.po regu ar rlpper Dn man. With unweaned MlUduity he .. But what C8n have wrought this BailOrs. took down from the 8helves 8nd di. t.holl8wooden Hupple-jacks that cblldren wbo, thougb unarmed, kept hi8 preaeoce from tbe effect of tbeee beavy falle, in WedDtaday." pliyed a large .took of merehandlee, UD· change in yuu T" he wed, his oounU!u· Barbers often tell u~ th8t raw.. get amuae themeelvea witb, TIll. arrange- of mind, and avoided the creature'. fintt Boaton. Her husband begged her IIOt to TilE merchant wu touched br bll ance cbangiDg, til the flllllidloUll taste o( Ihe lady waut tired of ahavlng, but if laid by for mtlnt i. found far more effective than aU 8pring by falhng on hi. face. The eecond IDjure heraelf In IblB manner, but to al· .tory, and w8IIonly too gl8d to reheve .& "I mUlt refer you \.0 my uncle." lengtb suited. twenty days they w.ll ilien .bave well. the large poaten that could be hung up, t1me he WIUI caught by the .houlder, and low heraelf to be caught in tbe 8Ct of fellow·mort.allo dlstreY, I!O beoil'ered tb. Uncle Henry, who entered the room .. He i8 att.eotlve to hl8 cuetome ...," By micrOllCoplc eumination It IS fouod ]OClllMl of lire it would be very 8d7ao· a deal'8rate, nruggle followed, both roll· failing, but her reply wlUlcharactenetlc, "poor man" a oouple of oordl of wood immedl8tely, expl8ined In 8 few words thought UDele Henry, .. That IS a good that lhe tired r&%or, from long 8troppIDg tageouL InRllmuch III! a number of IDg over 8nd over on the ground aod "I Will do anytblng In the world for to I18W and told biOI be would 1I&Y him in wbat 1I'8y tbey blld galDed an uDfa· sigo, But perhaps It. ma~ he simlliy beby the 88DLe haod 8nd In tbe I18me dl- hout!ekeepel'll and ladles who receive finally lallingovera precIpice lwenty fee t you, except change a hne or alter the well (o~ hIS labor. The" poor man" WIUI vorable ian preJ!ltlon of hiS character He cause she 18 rich Rod f&llluooable. Here's reclio08, I1IU1 t.h e ultimate pllrtlclea of numerOU8 calls bave bad convex mlr1'OJ'8 high, which elSded the combat, Mr. bustness of my profe88lon ," ami on en· gmteful, and st.nrted off lO tell hIa famconcluded by I18YlDg,. a customer of 8 dille reot klOd, Let me gOOrs of ItII 8urface or edge allllrranged placed oUt.l!lde of tbe se~nd·,tory win· Peggington 18Y unconBCioua for I6ver81 terang their room at tbe hotel, Mr, Har· Lsbiug fSOllly of Ius good fer tune, and,lIlI "The mau who 18 obpequloll8 to tbe !!Ce how be lrea!.i ber," ID one dlrecllon hke the edge of a pIece dow 80 t.bat they can tell wbo i. at the bOurs until found by hiS friendll, and he riott lound hiS Wife b\lolly practlclIlg the he hM 1101. returned, It 18 BUppased tbat At tillS mnmellt a womlln very poorly rIch aDd impel tlnent to the poor, sball of cut velvet, buLafter a mont.h' a r~8t., door by glanCIng at the mirror, itwould Is so sevorely Injured tha~ hia recovery 1ft back·fall, atriklllg witb tbe back of her be hu bllen fnully dealt witb. not, with my cont!eDt, marry one 10!, With l\ worn IUld weary eli pres· th ese fibers rearrange th omlHllves heter· not be a bad Idea toh8ve 8 small electric doubt.ful. 'l'be pantber hlUl not been168n bead upou the 800r. ~'bi8 ie 8 1~lIt 810n, K. If ehe were better aeq uLlinted whom I feel any interest," ogeneously, croll8lng each other and pre- bl\t.tery connected With a Itrip of zinc since the fr8Y, but It 18 thought he W&ll whicb but "ue milo! and no other WOIDan, l'"rl8lan Fashion Notcs. A ye8r afterw8rd J ulta 10rme,I "" al· with the dark tbau the bright. IUde of oontmg a mw·fake edge, fllCb fi ber HUl>- (811lened on the doo ... t.ep. By such ao badly hurt by tbe fall, aod a party of has yet accompllsbed. And tbat man 11'.,1. Tol,graml. N•• York llerald J hance WIth ooe more worthy of ber, and h(e entered the eLreet door and advanced book Bgentll, soap peddlers, hunterl! are loukmg for blm. was ' GU8 ~dd8ID8, JU the character ot , I never had caullC to regret adopting her portlOI1118 fellow, and henCl' cutting tbe arrangement " VirglDlull." Apropos of HeUe\llo exploratIons, to ihfl coullter. The all"ble .mile whICh uncle's test. beard, lustead o( heong forced down Oat and hucketera oould be dis""""d of ellec. r-~ E f b F h may IDlorm your lady readens that .air Fitzroy hl\d worn in bls Interview With wlthost cuttlllg &II wben 18yed by. tuaII yan d Wlth out any annoyaoce. Tu.; ex· m)lrtlMl 0 t e renc ro• (,leaMnt Cnltom. 18 now wom ala n--nIUl, With flllet.l! on ~===~ celved a moet cordial welcome at Malta A V'''''Y the last cuetomer dlMppeared, and III Thell6 8nd maoy otber IDstall~.e8 are of· from 811 cllll!llell from lbe Goveroor down· Cameron's II AcroM Africa" 88ya that the forebelld. Ourl8 and all caplllary OIL CITY Derric1.:: "Well, how' s lerred to prove t.hat the ultimate parti. Tbankful. ItS placo was scen the supercilious wardL In lact, the offiCial., 1tlalt.eM!1UI on the death of a Urua elllef, It Itl the sbams are 8t 8 discount.. Nothiol{ oow ie bU"ID888 been to-day 1" WI\8 the inq III ry c1es of matter are alwaY8 111 mutlon, glance. DurlOg the 116811lon of a temperance "I would hke to look atllOme calicoe.," put to II Oenter Street merebnot by hl8 and they 88y t.hat in the prOC<l88 of weld· meeting in a oeigll boring \.own, ooe of well l1li Engll.h, treated Her MaJe~t)' custom" to dinrt the oouno of aetfeam, lalse about the bead, all that helng recuetomer &turday eveoing;' IDg tbe abeolut.e momeuLum of tbe hllm· the pereone wbo occupile d the It.age W88 more M if ehe were in the po81Uoo abe 8nd 10 it.l! bed to dig an onormOU8 pil, eerved for the beart. fllld the cuslomer r • .1 Petticoate I\re coming in again; but "Poor at Job'8 turkoy,' wsa the 8Or- mer CllIlt!e8 an entanglement 01 tbe aD enthuBi88tlc deacon who frequently beld a few yean ago tban &II If .be bad the bottom of which ia then covertl(J " Here areaome," 8ald Fitzroy, curtly, )>Olollog to a pile whlob lay npon lhe rowlul reply, "been cool and blnstery, orbit.l! of motion, and hence B re8rrange· IlIterrupted the speakere by yelling, undergone aDY revel1l\oo of oucum. With IIviog wODleo. At oueeud a womao liko thmg. that have been long iu Ule and they didn't bite." Dlellt as in nne piece, Indeed, ID a cnld II Thank Heaven for I" One gentle- ataoCf'1I. A review of all the hoop!! In is placed on her handB au.! kDees, IUId I!r8ve, they are mere alrel.tona. I have ~t WIUI ' arong toward mowing be- BLate, " leM o( gold laid on a polished man was called upon, who arose and the garrillOo W&ll held ' in honor of her upon her back the dead chief, cnve red It on relllly relLable authority-the lady He did not stir from hia position, bot g8l.ed at the womllll With an. air th"t fore it occunod to the merqhsot th8this surface of steel. and stncken smartly I18ld, "Ladies and gentlemeo, I am heart villit, and the guarda bad ordeR to tum whh bia head8 and trew!ure, 18 l!8ated, beiog old enough to he my grandmother seemed to lOdlcate how utterly Indlffer· co.tomer liad ~ about trade, and not With II hammer, will b8ve Illi p"rticleB and lIOuJ in tbis <'.auee, and (eel that it out aod pay her tbe hooo ... of royalty being pupported 011 eltber Hid!, by one -that this ill tbe manner of it. Yoke, ent he WIUI to he r Ilatronage. I, about his luck flBhlug. When hi8 wl(e forced IDto tbe steel eo lUI to perDianeotly will he 8 great beneSt 10 lbe'peOple of whenever 8be p8l!8ed along the street8. of his wi vee. wb\le hi' 1W00nd Wife 111\.8 8t of t.apE'll hang from tbe waistband, tun· "Will you show me IIOme of them 1" dillOOvered him tbe ued seoond he b8d gtld It a~ the poipt ofoontract. this pI8ce." "Thank lIeaven ror that I" Some few Frencb RepUblicans wbo live hiB feet. The earth is thea 8hoveled, In ning d own 10" 8nough tAl meet a Sounce, his pante op wr911'" "&ide befor4! 8nl\ wu yelled the deacon. "But, ladiell and io the ialand were greatly annoyed at on them, and all tbe women are buned elglit I 1~II;hea wido, !.hat toucbet! the SIIked the wom8n, mildll' breaking for the front door, exclaLmip;:: " DRIVER\" wd a gentleman to 8 hack. 1!entlemen," he continued, . " I 1am going t)lis,' aod on one oceaaion when the Em. alive, with the exception of the IIOOOnd grllund. · To this fraudulent ilOUDGe the If There they are, ma am i you can "By graeiOUtr, Iii" must be ll1:plainedl man whom Ie had engaged by tbe bou~, to I18Y th8t it wl11 be un]pi>e8lble-for me to prellS Willi p8llB1ng from her carriagelnt:o wife. To ber cu.tom is more merciful tapes of thll yoke are buttAlned. oLell them (or yourself." , "why II It, tbe more you beat ),our addreatl you thi. evening-" "Thank one of the churchel tbeee gentlemen of than \.0 her oompanionKr aDd gran\.8 her male waltzeR beware of lbMe trape. "Wbat ie the price /of thin'" abe tn· He'll tbink I take tnem for suctier!!." b011!e8 the slower they Beem to proceed t" Beaven for thatl" said the . abaent.- the pavement kepttheir hat.!! on aDd be- the privilege or bewg killed ' bII(ore the ~ Bodlcell are being curtailed aud .klril qUlTed, look log at the one wbich 18Y at iI undertaker at Dallu, TeXllll, fear· "Tbat's 'caUII6 1 has 'em trained," W&8 minded deacon; 8nd t1len the chairman haved in the rudelt manner. Some Eog- huge grave la filled 10. Thl~ being 0001· are much traU8I\. Every thinl!, WOL III1h naval oflicen who happened to be pleted , a number 01 male alsvll8-ollOlIIo- worn on&.ided. .Honnett arlt {)~t IDa tlie Innat ho woulc;l notget pay for a ooflin, the reply. Questioned lurlloer, fel· took hlDl outdoo .. and h8d two ID8n ait , " N nep8Rce a yard." pr_nt knocked their hate of( and threat- times forty or tUty-are alaughtered, aod awt:/. curl. '{fben worn .~uDeve n , ,nnlOl 'I I don't altegetber like the figure," du~ It u\, three day8 after tile burial, low declared: "When I whip!! one of on him. -':'-'-~-rened to throw tbe weare.. into tbe 18& Uleir' blood pOured over tbe grave, aller are ~,andl to clap the cnaapf .&nd' carned It back to hll shop, I• •hlg my '0_8 on theq left-aide he unde ..tanda she I'&id, aftet a pause. .&teb. ant wom OD ODe mouldl f U4 W, a 0, HOIWU, Ille poei, died ai if the all'roQ\ Wthe illulirloUJIlad1 ~ wruch the river-Is allowed"to" reeam.. iti II Doll't you yl rettlmedFituoy,lndif· the dead man'. body In tbe bOlt, thAt lad \ I've ~l. a party whattnLvelaby,the hour, repeated, '.. oourae," ( clocb 011 ODe leg, A'~n', N"Y., ooMa" 28, ' 0. ' IncltlMd the cu'Jre~ , aud 110 he eanl 'is oatil by .ldn'.1t ferently. T"" LlrTLVo
Two IIttl '),lIn. or lMll. 1.o-1I1"hl, J4t!fure Ihe nrll "1t~ Il r}llIte
The eU"tollle r btglllL to cXllm lne I4(]Dle 01 tho oth e r prllLlt!. Of CQurllC ID dO'lLg toO she Willi obliged to dll!llrTIlIIge tbem IIO mclVhnt " DOlI't pull thom all to plece8," ~ILLd Fitzroy, nlllely "'l'he rt' iHII't lIIuch dll: le rell • LlI th~m. Y o u'd be lter ttLko t ho lirst. tbllt CO OL e!\. H ow muc h do you wllllt !" H T~D yard!!." " W f) II, you hnd better I ~ t me Cllt .t of! qUlci, Ill! I CIln'L stand '\llIlIlIg o n oue cUBtomer all dny." ThuR imJ>ortulled, tbe woman hlllltily indicated one of the printa, and the rowae meuured 0"1'. ,--""'., .•••.".tll!!'II\lJl made and
1 Ao Athcllture or Admiral aoldabor broken ougb. nddle. I h ~arrl the othe r day a thrtlllll g inci· by d e nt IU Lb e life o( Aclmlral Lotll~ OoldK whllt bo roul(h, wlto <ll rd recently III 1 ~2 7 by 8 wh ell he wlLJ<but tWNlt) ·Olle ) e IU8 ,,1.1l~, htl waH Execu tl\ l' Olltt)l' r of lit o sloo p vf· wnr P orpoillO, the II IItLl\ched 10 th e JIIedli ermnr811 & IUlul"'l1 At that lillie O,ee k I" rates had gro wn I!() lLuduelo u. tha~ on tl lI O OCC8810n they ca plured lUI AU"~r8111 man of· war carrying t~ 1I gum, a nd on ILnothe r all Engli sh br ig, t be Oom et TillS IMt oolDg rCJlOrted to th e commaodlUp: IIJlleo r of the P OrJlOII!ll, Lleutenau t OIl1d.borou gh WM lIe ll~ til reo , take ber In a m~bt attack B e picked oot a cre w of thirty live ofllcel'll anti Olen, and, diViding them inw foor boatll' oom paoles, .Lart\'d aD III. despe rat.e UD· dert.a.\rlDg, for the Oomet W88 ID full pot!sellllion of two hundred reckl lll!ll me n whOM! tr8de W88 death, Plllllog nohle· Ie Iy un de r lbe vfllsel's aide, the little . . " ..iil~t1 " party bo8rded, nnd afl~r a IlCvere 6gbt succeeded In reCA pturing her, but not until ovpr n hund red Greekswero killed, on all average of about three men to eve ry one of Lhe aLtlIc1dlli parLy Each man "811 a be ro, fo r It. WaR B hand ·tl>hsnrl struggle for lifo, aud many indlvld· liUBI deeds (If de8111'rate bravery wrre do De ; for tnslllncc, th e ward·room 'te w. tud, a powerful mulatto, kIlled wit.h hl 8 own haud eleven p"at~.. Lie ut e nant J oh n A, Cllrr, of Vlrlt\lnta, kill ed lbe Captal\l of the glLog and several men with hiH (1Il1tol, 8nd the young L. e uten· ant, wh08e dllllhlOg lellde rship, coo· trtbul ed I!O much to the euccc!ll! of tbe expedlt loll , W!LO seen e very·wh e re tow· erlllg ILbo ve bl 8 Ol en and IIIDltiug the enemy hip and thi gh.
rorgor. N, w
orhr I
" o
n - ~-
. "0. . "Jtr('(j ill a Illte i De of t lC:e ..... , • "".n. .....~ 11 U, an d a Iril!Jld t. J tIP ill' 1" liS Il l(DI1~ IIIIOS 011 tallJ I
- Park l.cak ~"lI ti froell meat ~ All the wl'rld ovel, Daby nnd by the aid 0' hie lIew governll. rat c>l\on di ue will I' J uvusu wg ali(I 'lApucious rofl'igernttlf, h i~ Ol' el" 111 0 th Bn"Y tllcn it i 'Ill\bftnl to ku P JIl L'llt All' t III1U thllt Dr. BlIl r~ BilbyIlnd'yrup Ilboht th e e'8IIIA'" • ~lIli>ltIlIlCC: I prav G OIJtO Jllcob~, \/1' .M UJlt fl llSh all th ' tlln . Gi l' him 11 it., worlh by oOlul ll erillg the did61l u. loA ttt... ..,., • II&~(' I' killeJ 01l t bele visitiog, call. , r ,r, ,,~." M" .II. D \'ltI~ .~r.iI ." ciollt ( I'iu Pdll' 26 C ut vel' bottlo. Fors.t e lIec. Ihlt prQI'cll neal' to Jucob & n igwu)"s "'" ... ,; u~:W:"l~~ (~ ~~: yof .. h thnt ~r. llllllko Cu llllllltt u un of· by l)t)lu)",uod. 10 .. 110 ~11'k llill ', -Funk eV' &. Mi ildin nro ott' r· CI' ' r ·wU erc. " etl-?ke CJI Jigh, IIII~' Tit Jl8J0@bS lftle~~'WI V bcst stot!p,Jadd I'll, \1'''11 I HIIGI.CO 1\ lIoll ,- Tho R " 'd l f\ln~cll glllIl~tlll \>I"Illuw I' ll, l'h iug tl> 'i l olc!!llIIt ~Iuck of t! lIIO II Hlr ; I . " .... . • ~ . I'i'lllll/g I l)luue \~AlI Ooatctl . Ci& ._ IUocy-_ Sisoo's I \ hou l;llr ... l'rI·~ :.( ... ~ ... th.' 2<1 ,dur II did )J" Vv ' tlillt 110 'lIl1mit· 11 Wll sold Oll i sirk at 05 c'IlI ' /I ya rd; rodu ul.d ~Ih .\ dl eIl1ll8 r~coll1m en~. tho l /I()'e8~ O'W 10 ./. W. ] {',!/II, to JII ('ph <:I. K 'ys 'II' t.,', .hm.>lIth . r.,y rvil.'e e" ~rY 1 I ('d Ilt> Ornll ~ell~lIi ll t II' ritlun 11111' . 01pnl't~· ".h o WUI ollee Il J' nrllul'8 t fl'u!U , 'Ollt I Lll(Jje'R . yuu w dl ,u~ of Dr. ~h~18h llll l!. LlIlIg rur l llblblty , but \\'hob~ (tJ.101 e U . M Jyegl,. tilil' " 011 IIl1 ss t hi Illltill Ull1 nil 0 11 y III druggis t IlIld rllp. • " 11'1", ,III',. 11 '" . • j' I I II l' r II d t I. so CI' ' 111111' IU lhu . vUI g·t 11 IIrthll Illul v s' . lAK" '~ I' . g OImltl'll - nnrll or 0 (', W 11I11l'1 t Andcro I \ tl'O !oLl hllll U llil ull!CQ,S . uY I I IIIlI Ul!16' . .\I I) I . I 111,01e '-1"'ln 1.'ul l· I' bott le 6 111 .. t I' 25 ccnts > 0))1 7'J1' 1 Thirllltlirt ~lIornli\t""'OI" The H., . I_, .. i. I'"hll•o. IUr. 11 111 ty I' II h IIlI d ICSS ow. , f " J: v 1 ,.J S d &' J J U IpO 18" ' 18 illl 11l1l,,~;l' lI uI'IUIlC. , to III" . . 1.' O. h,lrlle. Ronlur. DI Ino ",,"J 04 "or. 1\".) 11111 11 in Ih" l')"JOII, ~ ullll ey. P K y is I'e d t I - MI'. EJII'llid ~ li t' Ih • Itll\·. IlUll, he I The J{>1 l1l.!IIS Oity ~pel"s I' port \Vll rw lu k, 01 th I , 01 su e uy 1111 _._ , ~,~."nSl1nrl '"' "'nlllif . u",' ~y·""h",.I I (;. 'IlII , .1 h (IJIII·it.t ' 'V A YNESV ILLE, OHIO.)' h ' I II Y L b m P jliti t ill lliltilllltccl um' ,d ot'ulIlllc:t.zl l' tlttlurd l)\' ICllIurki11:' fli Rt tlJl' vi c. W r. a' U....n. rvory IIndijY , I f I "c d I t epeop cwi thllllll b r. . lllll' C.:III ;. I t' '1 . t' II . AN·II.:n. I' -n" OCl) r(~ . " . ~. IIS "t I.~ 1111 ( Ilr I Il' " , "lIli to ll gl'~ 'l'cr h'P D " I "" " " '" ' / ,ut 1111 ~\lld 1\ 1>0 IcelUall .ll vO " 11111111 , W'lyn. ,'I; ~ " •• Ie T last j 111(1',(1.1 r It r IllS IIgn·ull. sll ~ur fl'uc, uml 1) eord~ 01 heec h . I I I I I I plllU ' /.I'CS II glO' ofilc(' I bl :Orolooti\'~C"n'l,.nym.,"'n. I THE NICEST Mo .... SE - 'f . r' . " n. I IIn, lu. II,lfl.h\T. Il11t1;h b0(1ltlll.'I I·1 k ccriei De I Iytl ~ 01 . at Ihe (J " IUCO.III' '' II. nlld .lltllhur uf Hilltl I' l"I)'IUIU'. " r. \ III WH" ('( rIt \f()"d IUaAft u p n till' • Il t'CIl 'ity rl ,1I181 CIlJIIII'Q l'lttr Dukery . 'a ..X In .".h m,'nch. ll~ ~ "'<1,,,," p '" JI~ IU,I Ihc b n(\ ;; v i rt C! .. 'tllt"I'~ 10 Ihcbl l Plll'l'I' ill LdlUUUII. ulltlwo l AN D . - .- . hI" 011'11 Hoo l . ~ ,-Ou to E~e t rof rl y th., & Haysllt .up 'n) If L } Oil Uurt.eook wel'o glllu til tnllku ItIH acq uilillt ' , p NlfI· lise," dont. R P . 0 1HllI:t!. l-'O r It<ltry . I Nuw it :11I'vltls \ lie! llllilliti"h u tou It rry 8('1I80U is c1 oso Il ~ . \lLtIlC , • S[lrlnar ,f o\\("'U F I,," ~ll.·M""TI" (Orthodo . ).- M""t. , Th ' a uliI OI t1fllir Sllmplu n IIS I'UI .!I ' lU ll Il IIC". Ilt\lld . bill thl'I'" ,"' 'IllllO "ery L j"'w to l ~ otthe ,v)l'IIl'III'U I~ I)' ,~bC..ln cOlltl~d(ct 2.) ", .~ I...g tnr dl1'in ",.",h,p eV"n' Fi.. t nnd 4th t 1II1"1f' 1Il 01 ! - Pr t'.Juhll C. H IJ ere's EloclI . .JlUlid hl'rc. ... Ih u StIli 11 111 1111"11\'./ , thl' ·s l'1I1~1\1 "vll)l~fn Ih e 0 SilO' • D ' • OF ro \1'111 .... D.y. IlI'.ri nniujl,"t II ,...·1."'. FI ... t· ,tV I'ulllld h ili UIIlg III tlte Ji.'ot 01 Ii U •.uc tl r t'l' t iU lIl1l . In stitutll has I" till:! ~l11 l1n l ICpOlt:! . 110. I'ol'illlblu, work thu lluuib 'ItII E IIburly 8 ho<.1"I nil l.llII ""If'k I. M · - - -" ~ ) ('I I t' l J I !) I 'f I'ce n !Ii post t I ~, I ' b it!:. I a ll.tU' IIlOI It lJ...J 8 11'nll Ioerl'll'H 111'0 only 5 ill IIl' ''lH' 1f1 III ·tl lI II I,', ' Ol lg lllu Flusr AJ .... I"T .' ro"·" l.J IIcobs" ( 'unto; ... rr. In ? • • puncl 1111 I ~I'y t ': I . 1\ Bli CII) II a 1\II11rt ti t [i'lI;;t"r'!\ ('I U88 1111'. .. II W.. nc-S.·r " ..•• hd" th.' fl •• ! "nrl th.rd I t>IIJ III tl l ~ " Illc ~ I the pCllplu ~. II IIIn he I' Sl glllly thell' llJ Il lu ,.., , .... '" vll HiJ g;c I 8~bh.'h "f .·H.'h 1II1111.h lit III>, .\. M nn,l -; Iwd \'(: 1'\' S 1\,'111 Ild"vc:lWd th ell h. 1I~IlC! J I'; ,dllC II ()\'~'l' ;. ~ Illot Illllkll'g IIUl' 1Il1. Th 08e ues irillInkllt , ,' g to I\ I' nd OJ Wh nt killd of \\'cll thl' l'd oyuu UUI.t.:tll l (',Itlll'l l"v In31) :llIll n'llI , lInp ill IlIti ;':" Ir Ro;il :r.~";:;:~\~:· ·(f:;flt~t: ::'>~;;~':I~ · ' Cl\\\SC lesi dl'IICt.: ull thclIl r Ives of thi s good OPPO)'t ll II I cali tills ! I ~I th.i~ ,ra 0 It "'CV~ "I'cr ' 1~ I>i ll g lI kc tho oi't'>"II'Ituu c llll'ml~ iMui FI1I &l(OS' M "R1 '~O (H1.,"it l-M<rt in,, ty wdl nddre s ~I I. Ridge lit OIiCC. thl' S,lo e .. t I.II" kt, who 1t,1S III L.IY lll'(, at II" h,c:i8l·.1 IIl lll ll/ ___ .. , .. ,.... fnrd l1'ino wo..hip", ery }'"., l\I1d F .. "rlh !OIl U; I r: . d h L ' lll cl:;t bllllkl lll't Ilt u t \\'11 lI ud ( L,b·· allil • ' t C· " f F $5 j 1I11 II , 1 ~ss DAIU.I-;\ h,\I I eHt hns nlrcudy l)e.. 1 hy II< 1I11l' 1Il 'll'\cl,," S II I. i e· a r "llg~l l'~. II D )'. ,"nninlt III II o·'llnck. Fir.t.J)II~ I Ll d Ii II.! I"JIll mCII \\ltl tl\\ 8 .I;Hl,'I IICIIlIlIl t. ee, or III g lill. · btall",' 'If Ollalll )' 01' 1>1111'.1 111 ' l>I' gu W o h" , u che lJt"'t furu l.t ;"" for '"),l.or. Sohool•Kt" 1'20' IfHlk A. )( Hay li t ullli g~t tCIIl! . Th n PIlall" ul 1IlU ll I.I~t• dUII Ill' 1:<"'~. lIlhu dul ,"_ ofulI lh·rttl ko.... I" '1011' IS'>l1I• \ I,,·It 111 .1 Itllll' i>. l i'I'l!IlCcI tu tllu ' - ,Mr. '1 n ... F, Ol1lllll'n u t ' 't d " nov ....--? M F Dnolt". ' tl 1 1 I tl) lI I'tI tl ('e \lSI c. d ClIl"",lv". of the 101e,1 d.",' w.ri., P '"'-r Div ine .... n'>.'" on 8I1n"4" 0 ,I' ' 11 lJ...J 1110 wea IeI' ~or tll o IiIIIr lll ' , lIvlI IUI'OI> lI ie 'jil l y (II U ·ltv ., /'1',(1 I , ~, lI >u' ,. II>UII 1'1' '" " I "'II> Ill' tt o" er I In pH..·... ,;ng tho DIImrnl II I'pettrn noo; wl&lIo -".' hore It! t , !lead,,)'. li o and I II~ ICI·:;. •JI . I13 \lukc 1·8 (1'01.... 1< • • 'I. tllIU (1 1·2 l' 1II • nhhll.h I '. ' "lIr -" .I ~ "f c""". lIe g;ttil ty. \III ' IlIIp .1' ul: '\1',1.1 S' ·' "'l h.1 l' '' il le lllllll, II('I'CI \\ IlS . Id " ' 1\"'''0 till' IlIlJli h' nro 11 01 so~' o llr !l ill" ill Gel" W I ,\:c .. ,cllond 1o no" . oahllOl ut2l·21 '1 ~ \1;1111 ' Ih CI\l II·Uo n,/ law \\' lJul u ' a ".trClllcl tin Itt " llt ~l\dt , " '" tJ ()I 0 m•• , II "fl, I.I~ly I'urc"->d two leo . " d lJ...J " ' Vhy ulun't, IIU you ' l'I' told , ,, or lIIe Do~cs of Iho ltltC8~l\nd most approvod pat'FAR IRltII'OilISOr.. IIIUII O\\II. ° I~,> of 1'1)1>1), tu lia case A ballkt r IIl IlY 11 11 , bllll l·k 1,1' 11 0 IIl vlllg rCIU '> ve ' " tern I !! " IIIII ,IT I\t DClld H ...h. ndn; Willi. hI Cornoll Jlr.~t.r M""t Roc:rC I'o hilS l'cFuil'ed li u m B,n gclI C(111 11 y, New J ersey. ,so. I. I I u I u II o".rD.,I . l·. nrlllc·Storo lhe •.:.ondSlllurtlny ,CIIIUCZ u . I "I d Ohr oho.rgo8 w.lI beMreMODablea. aDY nnd Z,! t l\lIIS,lII :l V V II " 1)1 woo ul'a.") ulll·t ;,the il\)me vI Chul'lcs to tlae II iglauorl lo••d 01 tbei l' old '.'V( >, 1111 1I 0 V' of .". hIl10Ilth."t7 0·olu<:kp m.,mdo nth .. lhl' people It) , t )9 1M B onlf 'n Ih. bU8inv"" 000 alford s lln uy.I' utII 1 I JUll r fourth . utllrd'\y of ~neh month.I \I o'olorlt !III\\' I,) ICllt,1I !'I'U; but if,CnrOI:lIlU el' \I'II~ ~1 1l\'d !l t ,II, V till as tltO l D 1' loOlc. l r. • collter npates anea.r· C Il l) 1, 01lt tV II IJ ~I> ; ", • 1UI O ' , en 11 Illd J t I . b' d Iy tl:i p to Texas, with tbe illtentioll 'LlTITE MIA Ml HAlLW AY . It- .of l",ys, u nll~r tlto jll~1t10, ~() of fr uln . Thc I)t l cr evu ll t , 11 e ~J\" ~C)bn il~~ e of settltng there. Mdt. is looking I GODFREY ~Tu OW-D id cn t iru. , occul>l"u ,.rur. remark ably '1'ell, nnd "i~ many Borace Godfroy ne III. 1877. the Wllo of "._~"'T""'.: R_........._ . .: 1 \I''' ~oky, skil l II 11'1\' dvll.ll's UII U Iy ~'Jlr~( t; he I."~s. . uf a d.\U~hter . IIII II~l1l1r ~~--------_. ', J . R. X. nla A m'n In tlO A" No l!l Il ICII elK' IS. Lhey go tJ till! I'OIl· IUllla st uf I ~. I C n lll l l: I I;'~['(,"'011 u ".i Ifri on ds wo\'e glnd 10 weleurn~ h iUJ MTSSTLDlNE-l uno 15.1 77. thcwife A t pn's' g~ .~ \lnolnnatl'8. 10.27 A. '" ~~;tn"'~ eee \dll:t Ebelly & ollce 01 re No: i lilcn till ry. The ::ilur IIIUII <lU) ,,lkc ' cIII, hVIl t! 1cr. lI ,' K th of John F Culemll o,of ~ d. ught o r iullc), JI! a IInyslit do for \' 0 11 Il ll buggies I ~\I!!I~ U IlIllO~l~ ~ __ ~f!h~~~~r~:~ , 1~ ~~: P . M. ~o ~ ' d l d not viul llt\, un\ 1lI0 rllll;lw. W,, :lawyor IIIIU I OL.: MA N .~Tuno 14. 1877. the WIfe of --S~; LI.S-Iltct'lll'y KUlltloll llln vf and ' . Frclgh'" nd A~O. I GOOO:8\'&, D08B\ .-Bobby lloake , .1"~'~r~~'~~~~:~~;:: ;;t~'~77. tho 11I 60: . ~ , N~ 13 IlIlulu li\'c lu 1,.'1lI his uofiniliu n 01 Ol " st rigid Illid eficctil' ,,,fo nf Rolled "hite whent Ilt 7tc. II lb. o cnlturc- - i --Dr. I'tley offcl's his dw olling 18 lOaklng I\rrn llgcmell 'W.,..... NI a..... II I'I 'JIIILW rt of II llIuml III II' ~s tu llJOVO JOD.uhulI or a d"utrhtrr .it' th e ' 11 l'il'e clu ~dic al scholnl' (If IUIlSt h O\l ~e l'reillred cocoa 20c. 1\ package. I ilding, 0 NI~ht F..pre • 11 Main to Kansas H~ hilS 111chcu tUIS j _.. _ :I 54 A . lot t ~n;) Cllnl (;1 tlllf{ .. I' lllU lIsnllds ul J ,}I:llS II l'itIU I" IIt/UlDmonts nlld __ Out Ml'nl to cLi. a poQllrl. he Ii , es, I Sll'CI' t Ie. ~:~i~In;~" COHllty O llt of SO ~.I~; l erttlllD p........ udred thou. No I,; 01 othel I '~'·pk',; IIIOIiCY VI bvn rl~' III ) \'06 !lnd h.L.q "u('ill " NOTIC~ . Uuker's COCOR. 3 c n pllcknJrc. • P __ • ~o. , C '.' 111 11e I' S Ie. BU ild uollll l'~. Iwn 110\\ prup(, Cd tu Th e fi ' .' o 1II X ('II I" , ' ... IHc E1Prt'~.. 11 111 P . lot . · 0 III to ulS own II U I~ nu,t 11 I lu llltll'" rm I I t\ & I n . Alll mm & Co ,. O~wego Corn 8 tarc ll, n. Y l>f 1-! In I ile. east ' 15c n )Jllck. H I thill b\' l ui. l:1\"1 11 led as b(!cn PrclJ(ht and Aco" !p.t! 01 thc LOH1lnll d I cave It. I r.8 P If r\o 14 u IJlUI'UI 1/111'. th un nil III ' lid In ll, I io 1Il" rcovo r IIof"'~uill 0<.,..IIIOyHW II 1118 .... frCrih LoI .. lcr. S I",,,,, . nd ~l lIp pilll7 d';i°i,:,,,\ by 1[oUIII',1con.aut. Tho u".ro ... Fru,t t ~ toJ>i!"n ~h!l"II. lu ;ld IJJlI'fIlCtIC ' I I ~ 'b "'''' • • ilL lull' prite. Irl h. Germau. Id ' " I fUl lll tHl e ..eTraln do nOI . top ' IIIlO " \\'lIrc vi dltleren r> t o se w, 100 ,or 00<0£ la , u C!'!I Icpca c . u p b, .tther oC 110 0 ""rlllur (1,,1,1. \ ""'0, Wllltu. n,affi.lo. C... yenr . . . CO lll paUIOIi . Roclltlly, Rn d appa rent Iil,' C"n. Allton [. AUlrll", ,'l.r.IIRO H. Ant,"," \\ 111 'No I ERst "nd ~ o. J0 W".t Otlrrv 0>" ,I or U II " . r klllcl lUI Illl'pns t 1I101lth . !lnu ~'C6 ."ntl " ' ll Ill.llll thu t llun I.l' III I III.!U III d IY Uti 1111" nua lho!!"" .. ",1 lUprnh'lO lli.c bu.i,,"., k ,1)' i II the PI'O\l iu ellce lu r~, '"1l1 >ne rurS'"tl"' u ·I"I"'" h ~ of" .-Mr. JII NI,os c U I lie 6. 7~~t\d 1l~ 1 1 II d IIICC(" tel'd)\), had I he 11IIdll('i t r tu d• '. OIcept ~u"dato)'aru n dally. All mhor•. fl'itlld tv take dllllll!r II itll hilll "'0' tv be "tluck hy Jlrrll'II'lllg t'U I' I hl IOs end nt Ihe old .t.., "d . "h~ro Ih ~) ".11 be "",,I Iv 11 0' V II lin" '. to milk. Ihe Il"nUl ne lI ip' lellk, .Iclne lo· mUITO\\' , OI'CI' tu tbo A ~ i"'IIl'('~ '1'1' 111" them I'''' Ih.i ' 1 v ~ U C. f{AIlfE"I . l'lohl Anent II flcr tUL ... • r \lId ",end. 1111(\ CU8tOnlOr.. I" " lodulIIlI 1' lJ 11111 \\'R80re l'. " ,lro'08 LiUlmcnt lind Th..ton·. Oou llh 8yr. I It lIIal bu ucillg " . n .• UO ' c II~Ullun n or I 11 tr'oller A und ,\; I ' ' >I a 1' 181. n ANTnA~I .t CO :F,,> <l-E R. S1'rr.E8. ,~x . A~·I . " ', nl" Rnd keep"" IRrlf.r ond betUlr . tu 111I1'e th~ npl'r.IISCI' evlll O UI'Or Uurve)'8bur" lilly nMOrtrnent ,tu It tI.' e ~ / lI r I.nnn. 1,.11 one l'i 111. ':tll Ull tcust. 01' (:v II a pvct&c 2 , 1 877. " FuulIly Orooutle. than lilly olHer . , Jllld ' - Mr. O ~go ~I " \\' U uflcr~ IllS !lIlU sce _that I,u \\ ,1:> IIllt ho... o IA ILS GOtNG EAST ; uoxlI~g Ill> IPUI t >CI\J1 IItd 01 tl1l 8 I~ t Illld tlild II' 1\I'e ijllfe io UVIIl<' IllS lux·b in W.,vnu*V ill e fi83 dl ti hOIl 0 add let on 1 111& \ .trcot 1.11' th e II u.e li nd Ivt, a ll el Sh'lJpll '·I",pol lII .. ,. nnd r.A fl >. M lg II ~ ,,, C1l ~b hud 1111 illtl ll?I!C 011 hiij millU . It illl1>cat any Udl;g Lilt peclllli llly lsll le. Tcrms rea8ull uLk . \rAIU' onlNO W Y. or : , uway. lf h de m·J to shi p off mak(!s nil J lfierclJ ce w\ta t tllo wlln· ' Illl ti l'Ult ll lle !Lilli bis <:It'IIllI.t C".u 11 (11110 -Sewillgllllc\till ro. 1110 beRt ill ' nl;rtllll lg he hilS u, me s,' I OIl~ ago. ( C " ! )2, III r >c. '(nd fi 4fl 1' ,. ' lI iug Stnl' lIIuy suy, lully I;'"l'·tii'tbs lIud CUIlI III:llg fllmily IlIlYlhil ' the lg but ' \\ orld, ~r\Ulft he I' 1'111 I' I' I' IClS. Th~ svon';;' ue l(!u l'oS th i~ C~lIlDt.y, , A. L. FAIlR . 1'. 11 ,vI vllr peol>le bell Ole lloaku to LOOK OUT! tb u IlU~ullnd.alld luth er being 1111 li t Jucobs & Hei~hI\' HY'~, ~~.~~~ rlllfl1's Omnibus-LIne 11 scv ulltl ld lind tu hn\ u dub bebc III lid tltc farth er .hc goes fl vm It" JIll' nole."nd book nocounts oro in tho l" llllilltppy. IJIl Illlthl'opic IIIUII. ' - Prof E J (j.>dtt'p who l1:!l'd Iho b ttCI' fil l' nil COII CU I'UC,!. Ilm••toAnd (rom Onro.n f", ' IlIl:ly . plllllnctl.liac tllC lt 01 tlil' 0 , ~ I hond. (If Wilhnm MnnlllgwD, J p, f." n d tlO ~\'o beg tu clltllr ,~r" tcBL. tu IIll bet~ 1,IIl re< igrll'd 'Il~ 1'1' IIC, lOod',tl\'" Irll u Orue>. t~h n t . bo lld8. -]\tll'lol. };ERR llHOW N , II ' \1' 111 hllli " hen hI! LlIl i\' cs in odleclluu .1l ,o°'j'd'H~uf:.aTi~LO agl\lost t11114 "dcelE domnllttOlI ot p " of the 'll!lIrlOI ~·1 h i r OlCly ocnr f' {ul utt(>uhvn l <cl 0 1_ lUIII>lIti IIl11t III Iitc ah, 'liec ul law J II' t k' fl' l) I 20 I -7 ~..,.., I t ~1I 1·'·("<PO . t I' to B ,omll cJj Chall(IlI'7', Our . nttcll lioll hll~ bl'CIl CIlI· Il~ II ·lOg O. .) I : e. 11' 1('11 Wt; '1. - Eberly ~ BIl' slat k ~( I' "TI "" 'ld ul)\\'11 n ,1.-4peaL (ulI\' nlili ou n c~ , 11 I t h aM 1I0W In thl! lU tI e' rL' "I t I•• I~ n.g· iI - n -n e •~ •- - ---- - --I I' II thlilk of soch u mU ll s cumlng L!,"vn 11, :"TIVA L.-A ll ul·O plellscd. ' ICU,. t0 full 'WID!; lit the vi" . ttI",l. lV,rJl" c.""t.ant • d' . umc l UI\' llll( uS .n froll1 itisultl tudo to bec'1Il1e a Sc. · IVU d of dUlice culllllll tcC But..I)I· Dunk I 11M P L E S . wagon&~11 S I'I'II1~.\\"IP;' \ ":; li nd re nIts aeiail'vecl in cl'uklllg nt cilsiis .upply of tile beet IICI l' r bas !Icell allY belleii t 10 Ih is 1 "III &o!,iI I't'c en tly )11 .' I' I' (Fre') ( lhel'ccl f l ' l'efor 1 ... I r>N' jl ri t ~g I M thu best \, . qilltl,ty, i ChCllP 101' c,LOh. llO I I t l ulll.l PUICUIlIU O 11,(\ U O'ICC monll '1'1 \ ' OL'T, U" IJ AL )! lhllt'dl1 ramo,. F lou/', I e ,.y t Ie .. 0 IH1)hy Telll' I'UII Cl, . lie of I\\' I~l' cl'I .IS dm,~ 11 I I I nco ur ClIn!) I , W II • 011 IIIII 0 IIler l'l'R ..A'mllie wkn t Suoldm huweve r) 01' the br"glr t' ItEOKLE, PIMI' LE,,. ,,u BL" ' - -.wr. OMIO IIlR Ill ' t I\I' 0,11 P T,·/I· h,."t. I, .. v ment j bllt the onter ~s t I~o e ntolll1l1~ hU lid hc hlL g 'heen a (TIOal curso F.. II I~tv w l I~ l>g n 'he ,k i.·> "" fl. clcor . nd ". A"tif,, 1 Bllc!.·w liU'· I cic'Ulon t of a t~o llt:lr nud 'no It''/-iCI'B R ouse paintl'd :1 li:::;llt g rey, to th O()rn.jJ[~(lI. l'ric(,.,. w I . t'y-the mnllll~IIl~ lItlllg l l1l1,llIl\dootHIl811\1I·OI\ ,lInd ~ c./\l IILI'. (luot! C, , Llubh Y d I O. I lu.lruC tol klildb 1II't! nl1lchir upl'1l 1il·d l! · r '\lC'aIll IlCe Un!," fo r produolll) !" l u,i· • ,. '" . d ' " . I TTllbolt (/ 77> -'lr, is 0 Cml trllCIElrI that Ilftor d . - I ' II I' ~n t cas.t, 1111 I len y umgroo'holh.&rou ...., r .IU ). , .• n ome on a y, , L m/olh Y!, Iv u. . b k J .I.' W. , nn wily) UU 1a ~ e It OU 0 j llllrlloy • I I wI! tl!l llll . aU 1,,00 OVOI' 1'-d~", tho ." " .. II I " t contin ne ,estl U •• U Ited 110" States Vond If tllel ~ (' CUY· 0 tho ",uod cak I II 'e( 1'0trttQl!R, '(' II CUll IIhl.ll!. V "" Th e hnlldred whulll yVII I", vo rob· :1121. :>0 .1 Wuom r SI., New' o. k. , R fl X , . e A . '1 ' I I I (l'os nrl b d '1 1 u ' " n I t i/,ftl 0.1' n.1I fri'1lrllf .' (II I tl!u I'UI'0I'b) IlIId to Ut! V~I" lI a' f' " '; . 'i h,' PII ppe r cUlJlm ittco uP' , :e":,of~~ t IroS1 th . pal! WI.!llI~I~"~ II U¥lllllD . 0>11 "f " II C WI rup u ..a rl lI ut ur yon ' ded tltut Lhl8 10 !II uf I'll >I\() w hopc gell- l 1~'mcl'\ TO CONS UMPT IVES !'eh h i l t I I went ' 1'''111 Itt-I'(' til >Itt ' Ilfl but ful' the lu ~ uftcur t t4ti 1 '..," ~. ' "' of Wny ne.ville ,Jtlll1ngtll ; lIu 11Ill'IOg a trlll li (' th ~II' hard eurn ' 'l'h I I h I I '1 °1 ' • II'C '1 lOlLy IV:::r IlIIt AI~ ~,,~~IL~;cd:.7:~r(~~~nll\.::;:tm\. It , , be " l'l d g uilty' of hlns II ~[nl'phy .meetill g ill LUU lll hlll Illst ed mOllc . ()\I'n fil'eepo ou'· d I" ke cnll II I) I>USSI 1\' Ie ca " / n In~ om "111 ipt. . • cure,~ ~I' . . ~~~tl '~I:< ",' ';:;.II~e·n ';;,;.~; ~:'~~~n' II'llhOll1I \I n. "laur"o , ' plH:ul) It \' u I UIl. ,,,k: "~ It h M.tU' I' U;· C:! \ unlug. tl:. II! t,' I' ~llinl.(So tbe feetivul burn. It IS al 0 pro\'lded -' . --~ • ...-.--~ ...... II\UHI11p lc' Ill lU' ' ' . H (Hl lt OU", I' 0. 1d't Il I tl11'1 d I' ' t'IIU..-O,P • , 0ro • . lIJ.t \'; •• L t bem~ f \ . I' f'r.ll~' I ":Iize thei r tables B do' 'sli de 011 tho bllttom 0 tlllit\1 II1thhenl\ I '() H I I{ I",c D~ LL') " \I "NIII L\ I ,I Ih i:! h(1t kllU~1I1O hl~ "1 . ,IIl1 ,, \1,,1 " " ""'ru~ t 'hi [,,'ero Ih cmo doud_!" .h. I Ilflullnol • nil. ' 1-1ru:" d l' LA X·S£ED to lo.n 08, bl kecn IC,' a l • > I" ""I' wcnlhel' it i.. >'(' h'c~ llIll g t tllrn to cure. ~'o nil I.h" .r. ,j " il . I t b I ; l:. . ,II .\tiJ I help the CIIuse 1'1 ~ ,a he "i ll <1'n!1 , I\'R)'II ·" ,lIl'. Murch 14 Ul~7. lind ,you relllOI'I' t.~e IlC ('II~ 11 e, InIV. ~1I11 C o~c " [\u; F I'l~ RrtI,-A grand Murp hy Tltu COl'. ro l Iho P" ell 'II ' II u.ed. rr.e ol .'h,,"o. - -- --== ===nllti el' \1'1)\1\-1 ubliIlIlerc ··,,1 '. ' Hlll lll ng good to Cllt. Menl the hIe, Inuk lng U P'iO·ouwith ge loy IClw ing sl1ch tl Iig! ==== = "I'I ·e~·. \I ItI)IU80 1l~C ">l h Ihe dlre. Ii .. II ' or p'''r"d IIn,l lIe';,g rn a. S In ~ct l ng wd l be held 1111 th u . fit tl i o lll'~ · ' I k r . bottom I'll!'_ bll ki ng 'Jelly or I'lnlll ~[ agn zIlH: :1 ~ 1{" llvlI S. :wu lelld It Ih, " 111 ' . wl .eh ,h. , " 1/ «lid ,,); ~:H:., r;· upper /.rom 5 oe.oc 111uin gl'o " nll(I"o I' "r 'I A I I II " CR. I. _ tr . ' ~I ~ '11: · ,tttel .I,!"llIte" -E Ill. I.. II clo e of oueh evenin g. , - U'\\'.sl,t I~ i ll I'n>n i(lit a 11 tl vnglI ,. l " I' w "..»0 ,cakes. IlIClld, ,e~c. , An other- lhe II lltll 0 ' Wa nCll,.!e , '" • Il r,I" ' ",Tr-. ,It. I(> UIb rgll>' lIl11g I(. forl'.., jr".,. III" ~ tlt\••Tp"'. vl/lo,on tl .F ourth orh.' ion ,, llI pl"••• \,·tI cIt· .j IHI Pl o\\' lhe Clld. IITh Oll l,'lPr t iu kebl ca n 00 hlld at the l Ki'to/Jl! l~ (lim- IS ulRo C'r(' I~ nch UII cnd lt' r SS 11 ' ·a· VCI'Y . tld" IIS0' .,. n, uf , .. J lll I,: . y. A The WI LSO ~..-tn" I'elll> elCccnti vu commi r' tte ' I ,'ull I I' I . I II" IllIlll I d rietv III Ih u ~1"g Bumme'U g'l llse Orispin a' Jewelry IiIl I ~n d long: ueed d I>ouse lI01 ) ne > az' lIo thut 1111 I pur. :4 t, Wiltl "..I'lI1g". ~ l . . I I Hicllul u"t t II t IR IllIlI U' (I III u> pl'ove [(;00 tim I. of t I or"nllt?..IItwll . ' aro II Irellty nd Ph' I» d at Natbllul Ba.ok. hes • SIII U IU b MllltU(I. '1'II Ies, c , Blty. It 18 U 1)lllte~ w~re h.>.J!er madc rJl rtllli 1I1'1:II!gCllIU F.KltO I:'; OF l'OIJT II lC'llttl tOl' It ' . , , -e!~=====~= ' • r Ild Velltnrcs. alld ull ll>lll I!l'(:9 'to , A j(olll',· .....".WI"H"ff,.I'<..lforyo ur stenme r to hang IIISI(le I lin gl'U lId elttul,tll illnJCIII II full plOgl'll .. ro from lll . --~1J S A gllt s Wtl~lIlm Oil a · IIl Jlkc runding l. . . A I1ABOE and satulluC ',' el". Tit cllj;rnv. N.·"uu. n. hlhty, P"'"" " LUl~ Doo~y. 8!,d " I' . ' 11 I k\r y tUIII ' ' ord"IIl~ry. r 011 pi,t , (01' . I'\'n bl I d 1' ,vl!d homo k 11'0111 Alnnnt . 01 \ ~ I II C" 11'1 JU!JII I~ IC III 0111' \" I ' " " III-tI I~'ce . • pcralilUl .llIeeti.qg was held at Rnys. s teamlll~ veg tllb~(\~, wlllch,I.., ""I"OCYlIut.hfulllldUlOr.t,on.w,U. . , I I 1, ' lug lll'O IIICU, thl' l'uetl'y rCII Ity 0I' ..l!thoutr tho ""k. of . "Ifdrrn g humllnlly, 8Ill1d I Il ~ 1111..,1 .", " Il l.t S 10 III ~ville'on"il evening of Tnesdu y d n , enn bo easily I' moved II hell IIC.xt. ~ell eXIra qUllli t· Ilml .'J . llll (lu'~ do . for froe Lo nll wbo nood It. t~o recipe nnd di. p el" Jt.'rt-" lIiiv. C,)JI1 .: -D,· ' .J \VI1 Y, vle lt lng MI AIIIIIU Rick". , I l18rtmo ll t ul fUll a 1t1ll1>Imble as ..~'Uun fur m"kin" tho lurnple rornc~y !tc 12th., Th(l exelcisC8 were open ,, J-I'60 tl?I f<I·1!! '~··tl tl · I on ICIII. Altll llltgtlll> . I IOUI I ft· by FOR SALE BY ' I"lIe I'!HLI 1] ILl"De' I.S . AdOIl Uallied. t:l' --I,'I 1$ ed by the cOlIgreRation singin g the vy, sooly lI'on ]lot 110~ ul1:lgthe IC I which by I>?W he Iho WI\A oured U SIlIlI. J II t tI'y a (: l>,V,'" all d SOO pcofit Sulforer. wlolllng t.n ~ ~ sto.vo, nd ,erti""r·. Hllysllt experi , D .. nco AlfltJt\ cnn ao J unes. L ' IJropnl'c 1 u tt , 8~JlI'I.!: beautiful hYlUn tAli hui! the pow· avoldll lg tllC UUlIgcr of bUl'IlIlIg tile 1'" With if we hllvc nut tnted the ell e cor· bO by IIdJ"""''" 1f in perf I oonfldonc l Com . "/1 (t/oulI d,\: !I'>I1 . S . . thu besl !}lI lllt t~ " I " "ll e.\' III.1 '0 e. _ • t\\ or of J esus' no'me.' J csse En'~is ~lte h a~,d s with the stenm in .TOHN 11 0.oDE~. )JOIIl'i" aUill~lI. J'IIIII H. ~tl!d?~Ill. Um IJ cellts 11 I'Ill II II I. ~t is CitVICU. Cll ty rectly. JJIIIJ\i"herl hy Th oUles & Ihen offercd a ferve nt snpplic a~lo n 109 oti t:le hot wl~tcr . . And !llihot, ::!3 li'Lwl ey t. Bostun, lit _ ._ '12 Oed.~-':" New \: ~k. __ 'Ii'Ir_ d~.. f., a 'Jl.o:,a'l!i~ the Dull, JI~cvb &lIuul l. 1 hun 111:1 Me. l . -~iI. S .. . E..I·cl'ly IS to the Th rom· of Gmcc. Dr. HIlIll.'S ~egc tl\bl c can. 1I 0t ~rl',~l ly 1 &U pel' yellr. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE: ~~!!.~~~!r \l!!l~~~~- ~ ibly blllll, 'O IllU, .11'. IllIprvI'II 'g Ill!; I'" !llence by ,," t/ll lg rcnd tlte 84th P aIm, and thon in' l lf the\lal llr bo.i s dry,pOSS . -- as thu stuIIHI· ! ()lJ1 tl.O Il >jJ akl' 1'8 (/11 1 ,][wJ/'jJ: , tl uWIl Ih fl·Iml. 'reu ,"11o. from rhil"u Iphi •• ulI(lor tho windows li nd nili ' . ·odllcod SUrTlllcl Glll'dn e.I·, of O.or· Icr do s not tOllch lh(' bullo lll vf ~ ml111 lIi:h pUl»teti fllce oureof J-·"~IIlI. ,,>... to bllth .ex". ulako tho I Dr. J amcs W. Bl\i IIU8 . U I ki Ilg ul t 1 1t' 1·. lle~ . Imble clllillges. nlld .lItri p~..d c.lothes . drvI e liP. ,.lIu.d full "".,.,,1"u,1..,ient>!' oourse•• {or win wh relnted ome 11lt.cres tlllg po(J . com· I AND DEALERS IN A.LL KINDS OJl' · - --- 'Hlc X"1'I11 lleruld Il./tlued 1I11 dOIV.1 (J ilt stl cets ~[ on dtly CI) Ing. plutll1K ",t.ich th o u !Su a l uoo.,nc8 eve~ts in his xpericn ce. He wus ",0 ('oorer Th e goods are s,:ld , ('xclus! \'~ly nod. TJI"I eX pellOIl8. Inolllding tUI tIOn.Religio ns Notice s. I cl oqu C'1Il tl l~' c!'IInce addre mad e' Grund pelofol'lDIlIlCC. I'I!1ht III t'rClllt bo~rd, \lashing. 11 111) "110 ed by Elwood Meeks Th (1s. through ngen ts to fUllJlh es, glv'"[I; or book•. &c . $:.11>0 a )0 w -' . . III e • I Itnlv I " Olir fr iend W H uf the Jlust·uffi ce dlrect>y t' f ' DeVitt d presc ns Jesso,E llnis.a ndDr, t I -The Rev Flltllel' 'J.W. IIIL>ll' en'8.I S nUIU~1l Angns . g;entlc· YCil r tllle I IU 0n.all I ' ....... I '1 TRA OHAR GES. " " . _l'm_'1ITr'I'i'T'li'lrDg~1 M d ' I .' . "WOl1( '. f it lallfl:li'l'IIlcr!" of this pi lice. II t' NO 1;.4 11'\ s illend id ope lll n~ fo r ~ome relln· 1ynrehn sed on men. ..rcuse~, allu Igl ropes, ~- ~~~~ Bn lnes 111 1'1 ~~ ea l'Jl{,st UII'. d we· on a ot 01 Imec • J WCI C the I ' ble tirst th lady or gen t eman CUll vassel' uuge J . W. Koys, unlIy, in gs though F It '''-I t of ' I\lId ·t Fur O Olltnlngll ' I' . •. I gll'mg I)' v'd (1I11 S p .. Ad ticulunl Ims .... . W I Stl ayne.\·l1l e~ , e. Jan. - 111 1I01ll 5.1876 I'ema{k s. UI Ie cx~rcl.s~s I~ver~ p. CIl' 1of thi~ conut)' to SeC11l'e th e agency I fur $150. .~ , t I 'el'cry t rI ,. body d·' ·' Dot exccptillg oorself ~ couroo " " " y. ,';n . II uru,' Th e intent ion is to build of j<' I!:II H III . tin i ved hele ro~tc l mad e - - tifl1ll y interIlEPlelr~eEbw.'t ll Ive y sl\l g· foJ' a pl'ofitllt>l e busi nes . F or tel'lhs for ti,e uesigllllted 8pUt onl y EDWA RD 11. MAOILLPr~;i~·~ t. THE II Ohurch th el eon. NE W We CA S g t l'n t ou r tillY. lind wdl rl,'lllllill ulltd Fl'iduy to lind 11 SOIlP Jead p IIcd culhlr ing. I.ed b~ I t ' rig It.. r\ I . terri tory etc. write to L E. Browl: Ollth vlic friellds will llllCCt:t:ld ewarthm or Culle!!,•. DoluWAro Co .. ~ II. ill cI'olling I b: t ' g about hi s olel button bl'llss d'ng cord Il' Tbllty. f'o llk~ p~rBoll11B slglle . It 10, & Co. ·os. ldk pod. and 216 EllU St. ' tllei r desigus a t no d ista ut day. U(, home. pledge mil 109 lO.1 over Clg Ity .. ler. ire ' . ol 01' d ' 1;1 re Inell than COLD SPRI GS RETREAT. h h' '\ . I tl ~ AI " Oincinlllltt . I '1" II. I d '. " r lin - TI Ie 13aptlstts I IBvee nc Iose'd tie ' . 0 1 W 0 a~e SI~lIe( ,,Jus ar" Thl. " 1), clllarllllO '''( 11 ~ Retr an ... ICO t. nOllr CI Bllrvey. I ' algOl he · did goo(\ :!.- j 'ra.I/(;!, 1I - ._0' __ fl'l'On' ,"ur/{.'S "OlV opO . pnrt uf their l"t wi th 1\ new IHe .in;! tilt· llids YOII II cell to kc~ llforvi. itor.fllrtho,p" OIl deJegat lOn 110m B". n lrt'Od IIncnfC nyneavi 1Iu we le ook.Stnvce. NOT lo/t.-Tb e Illw 1l.lak CIi ,t 1II.Y l \'Ilcant Th~ 1'1 lin. h". beon vury '~lI1ch ImprO"ed in nu lili g Icnce, a nd tllslI built a COlli. hClllt"y dt ll'ill~ th&Bl!u hot tillYs IIl1dp id(J . __ _ _ .. present. Everyb ody seemed to en· llnty to cut the weods III tb\) VII"oU 8 W",'M . o{ late. rVlld wh loh ~ I rondcl' L ll ,t very ~ .LY.I. night<. ti u tv his fonn tuin and par· JOY the oceasion, and fee! glnd they Rnd alle"s of Waynesvi ll ll IT is gl}llernlly behe \ ed thllt the mvltlll)C ~'''I .d.nlmbly IIdupt.~ to Iho Hund . ouse · C . . were the 'e 0 1 . h . " t 101' oitel' plo.· ' 0 tllo be.t wood cook .tove In the murkot: t 'D' , J I I trump I J who I Prvht T ' >ed J he ud <re h l l~tlnll Bll llow'8 .ur ."~eklUg cII... mUll1ty I \V,1a lIut ntt,-ml,t I"rl(o.•"ultre oven. IUI'C IS las I . . IStl'lCt11l tie montls 0 uy l.~ ' Im'g fire uhllmoor, I' I t' It will - 10'1 ], nu w where Eberly n.nd bouse ",a kill ed en ...I t' Xenin, to d•• rflbo Ihc ""my .dvuntll!{o •• ICIIVIII!f ,I perfcot I",ker. lindnnd wl1rM\nted in evory roRay!!vllle .~ Iho.ow ho ullly fuvoru. "ltbocullt<> Juu!f" "poot P"rti •• wi.I.lug A ugu~r Asdthnt iB t.oo 11l~ to p;'~' ; ~~P:~~~t~~I~I~O~~~I~~'~:~US ecli topu roh""cw illdo fice, HaysE t'~ ~h()l's I\re, N 01 th J"ain nenr Lond on. A 11\ II rdol'ell . • vent tl e see s gro\v~l1g, mlln fIlR~i~::,~~I;;:"~b.erved 8ro. oimply. Frr~t1y. cl:~t'o~:,..miae thi••Wve boloro lill Y. illild a decldcu IIdvllutlige to tuat IStrcl't. T!tuy d" all kin bu)'lng · t I '11 ds of ~us· WIlS fOJl.ud ther'e wh o llllsw('rcd tUe thRtRll exorci"".mu,tbeooDduotc t' I'ttl tile owners 01 UCCUpl1uts ot 1 I t - F II'S WI menl d clv,lIy ldoall kind, of Jon· WORK, 800h •• Ononr l requcst it IIll WOI k Sll ch Il9 horsc shveluO' description of tho prod ". __ _ perty 'II" .I 01l1lll g SIll d rOileId. !' ucnl ~trum p Sun d nY:8c I100I: . N urn bera 0f 1 '1 e aforo' Sccoodly, no inloxloot ing hquort! will he Rooflnl!'. Gutterin g and S~utlU"•• " ulk , " sal. 'd lIud 1.l ow \l' C II • streets alld I1l leys to dig Ill' or cut I Shoot·Tron .. nd >pper" nd .11 Harvc) ~II\1rg. aII owo rI on the prem>"". drco, With smI li ng fuel'S ,. luay be do,"n nil dock.w ecus . . kim",,! , work on . _ ._ . &c, III front Term. of .. ami •• ' flll reasonnble, and nco M hort notiM. I abo Oloth.,..Wrio g -OAr". I a l:"dl'r, Ja~n e'y & EI er· ' ~ A few doscs of Dr. Mar. cording to tho numbe1'!l of tbo partie.. ~een ev~ry S uu d ay m~rnlng wene1· or • real' of th ell' property. Th ey lI Mr. AlIslem Antram and fllmil .V IY Ila \ C \ U I'~~ I , I tl or.. Brrug g your olotl'e/l'wrlage.... to mn. lJ...J IS leu I ~II' rocer y•• de . . shall's Lung SYI'IlP clIred Illy cbild 109 theIr way to our .httle ChUl·ch. , will hal'dly 111166 the tilJlu Dnd I\o\'o tbem mllrlo ""_}Cood • • now. June (;, 18.7JONATHAN P OLARK it Will have al'rt vc:d nt their now home ill pllr~lI lc ll t II Itl.' n Iluge ALONZO HARTLEY. '!fe nrc to hnve u Ollildren's Meet· require to do it, alld ulld s up~rlllr IIf a most drelldflll Cough. can H it will be a lincoll l, Nebras ka. Mr. Antrllm re!l'lgtJI:utvr,' 101' - ons"e- i1or Rent m' Raysville. Wuyn""v\lle. Mnroh 28. k~lep!Og buttel Ilnd ch eerfull y recommend it as t hoI best lUg here next SWondabY week, July saving to the Distric t of a t 11 ImlSt writes: IICoullt ry 10veJy" soa80n thlllgl~ ':1 ~lll AI rctJlc etute. 1st, nt 3 P.M'. k . b Oough medicio c 1 hal'O ever tried. nn'rJ~tn:~~e::~~~~ ~ ~:~.:11~:'·~~"~:'0 e . ope to see a un amount sllfficicllt to gravol two wet, crops ~:;''::i: bnckward, bUSin ess dul~. nllldIlC~~ CaNI8~ - - : -- IllS IS I 1e . IIlst wee , piO' large attenda nce. Mrs. 0 HILT, Ft. WnYllc,llld. ' 01' the Illloys beside \Vha t it add s l<'or men of small mealls term. () rooms, In good ropuir; woll. out· who ROBE waut RT F. ~'URNAS, abl. y > lhat yuo WIll. be ablo t? get F or sale by Sallds & J aOlley. -The tcmp ~rance meetin g held to the building., >lDd everyth ing ""nvenient. A h(>r " 11 1.I<t Tuesda y eveuin g WI\8 homes. beaut}', hualth, &c., of 0111' larms, this countr)' can't be boot. O. L> Janney'~ fin,e 8trllwb~rr1es Ilt Lnnd cheap and rich. " Fnrr s nnd Prllltz s I,\I'oc~I'l eB, So OJ There is. not a more pot?nt quantity o~~NiriU"so~lLl~A~S ON. , n _II'AII:o.M<EOIIPATIHI.o.11 B. tat';.: h .1 ' ,·nd cd. The speake rs , Junar,. 1877. J. A. iRVIN, St. Com'I·. -Ther o will he r. pnblio install, malte the bost u~e, 01 thIS oppor· __ _ agent fOI' removrng or coontel'll~~lIlg -~~, .. ~,~~ ,\,.~ . ",." Th oma& DeVitt , EI' i ~ Olliee hon... froro O}i to 1l ~ ~ lS. 2X; to. . ation of officers of Oorner ·Stone tUlJity. . , ,I :'h ~, uilII ~, G. Gardne r. , . o:::r It "'n9 on Ma m stl'e.o~,yne P.t~w~~~~O:;:~;:~;' cIlF~~~e~~ ~@aM.~~ Lodge No. 37 F. & A M., at F.ire. 5i"~ffioe2 dooraSouthof B&ltTleBuuk, I II 1'1 1 ~I l III1XIOII.S to hll\'e lin· night - Wool, ":00.1, :wo~1 wnnted, nt ing and in v'ff. Illst wee~. Sho sflld. ' oratinf the shatter ed Apphn~nto for the. po~ition of tol\Obor in 011 men's Hall> on Thursdny cvolllng, Fnnkey & ~lsslluln es .Tr'lue l i l l . 'l1. • I . ' ,,' I'.~ ;,1110 distan t day. W~1r'lIHIItYILL., ORIO. . lUll)' as well kiSS me here, ~Cl~r, liS .Inne 2 1. l ' the CorwlD School Di. tnot will make sp· 609. ace. 'Vol WIll pny the highest mar: nerves, tor eada c e, N eu1'a t tb t f the ste,)s (fta, It 18 B() j ph cut.on to the undora'J[tled i ... writltlg, (I , . III. 'I 'ti CS have plenty to Il "e . . 0 ~ 500 000 '. IU.ewn aei8m, a nd illjtmnatio n, stilting term. -We rc~ret to ann ounce tho ket prIce I 'I,' '. 'II " ,f' the bammel' anrl late. 1?p or, • . POUI"uM 0 I 't' &0 • on or before tho flr.t of tl b' W. L. BART LEY. hen t. tbet'c d W k IlS own II sOllnd as Jul death y uf th e i IIf!lnt r, JOHN ua WEER, ' u,T\, ter of wool; alld dOll t ,YOU Itll'get It, . I;' 11 . ' .,~ drawlIIg It er foot out of I IS Ie IlS I ~m _. e _! _ ,a" :1 itv hc' "' Id II • \ May e 21 from moulln g °hf acow . IB7i . Clerk of BOl,rd , d ' . . . "",OtJ eClhtJ0 'hVs ti0~alm. . l O re Mrs. Wm. J . Coll ett 011 Fl'lrlay - Fllnkey & MIS ",'.1 .\,: hi ~l ldlll e have raI leed . there is pI 0 11 t e run III dSPl'lllg' Ilmel·" tI~' Ob' Inst. Tom J ohll su ll whu III all' I .w It~ age \V1l9 ten wcu\\s. Ollie., 0 .. Mala 8...... " ~"coad H.Ilt1, I' f ceived a now and nttractil'c slI pp ly slaught ered Georgo 1{~bin 'I I I e 'JJoroor pl\8SC Oil, t 1111 ,1Ill! \ 'J "\"'1'" , 801l, was C ass s. . I d" b d . ,'f' ., 1fIo . • • • • I rT,'ep I -8•..,., •. nglllD 01 a Hl9 reat y·mllu e SlIltS. w IIC I sonOOllco(1 I" st Suturda y to two W - ""Ilh. , ' >lng woll; harvest would 1 we re a_.oy d . - - -I '\V,1l IrOl\t chrooic troubles. NenrnlJ!ln. _ __ . " IlK N R go.o lonllY C t ' peop.o tl E g~l . th I ey F uro offering · 111 m",! \1, : I' "" rl ey will be rea· ! THE Bowersville lind vicinity Ilt uccd pricos, yours' reSiden ce at tho pOl1lton tia' on81£A on, rY.ll'o "". O\'er Sor.'. T,umpeo. to heavon their gr(,llteBt snrpd rl SC WI Come 800II, for they rod b8go, U'oitrc.Enlllrjlcd Splet!n.Rhe"mlltinR. h ':' ;. r. c-! are going fast. ry. week I I I ' t f be to learn that tho rccol' Ing lin· , HomorrhOlds, "nd Cough. . G pIe IIrc wroni? It o~ 011 t II~ s ~IIJec (lOt n k I ' d 0 el has'edi ~ ted .... the occasio nal dol· c(Jl'ge '?OW '~r, w 10 rC~.1 es " 1\'"( .:. ,rI to see the grass the W.aynesv .tle, Port Wilham and - .• - ....-S W '--H "No Huntin g 01' Shootin g -1""'8. -D-Far iven for a sl1bscri ti on to a on tbe ,H~ylCvl\l e pIke. has, _ lit . II 1 1Ilt, • , SllIce allowed on these Premi t!e:;." 1'111' Hl.! W'-' '~ I' " ~~lIveyu rd mowed 'Vash l ngt~n NI.lrrow.Guuge DOM.O PATHI " d tV'\. " I' rb' .k It would be well Th at rClad IS u fix ed fllct t\n.d l~. ~. cou~tr ncwspaper to the nccoun t th e worklllg sellllOIl ?oglln, dng fi1!6 cards on muslin, for wnrolllg tree- ' II. .011 111111••••1111. Ie> !l.,V(' ~'lfm ,I tho tomb·stones not wOI~dcl'ful that the denizenIt IS , 01 0. 'ust dcb~ aud not to char· 7Iltn~1'ed 1'°111 of rllt?h, and I~ld pnssers off of farms, for B&le lit tlris s of it •__ (JMiaml Democrat. 8 U(, OfIIoe 2 do.ore Bouth Harris' Bltolr:. tb~ tile und'fille tla 1"lIt':'I, J "\' d th e ditches, boslde office. RAY. that neIgh bOl'h ood sbould bo onthu· y ~allllm.m.Ila..e __ • 1II.""a., W'.r-~III., 0 .... dOlllg othor work. If yon don't " . ,. . siustic. UIl1)~QQ)IJ""" ~I o:::r O&lce Aud bours, 7 1·2 to 0 1·2 A .M. I to 2 I.a now the averag e un· believe George hns well for a r(J" "'t"'" . "cboolboy says It rY'? It· Unless the rain ceasos BooO, No.3 . . . " EAST MAIN Sl'BEKT, 1_•• 'd tIS 'tz do slIlIehfied boy ie pining for the cir, milo ill his BixtY'lldone _lIt.,.,•.,.,7.,.,Lo ........ 8_P_.M _._ __ _ _ __ __ hl,b yoor, you kr,>S tllirlCl n Ie !tora to sJ>el! cow.. we shall ~B,.e too much for. the WAYN ESVIL LE, O. 18 b I a lOas, ~ he'coJ. cus to ·.eome "long this way and goo had better IUld P v it thue: . " See 0 I douli· . mil. ej/sd should er your little ~ooa: of the harvest and the grow· PreeorlpU COMrORT SeCURE FORTHE RUPTURE!) 0 ogna, pitch its. tent. on8 compounded.t &ll boun bJ Sent hr man spade and try it: Ie YOIl." for 10 eta. E. B. FooTS. M.D. log corn. ' moil III. an ul'"rlennod Dt:nhl.t 571 ..~. I.• ....,.... A..... New
a,ir", "
J arlYcst
'.lu Ct9.! nal Cas es ' Cas kets Rob es IIN TilE l'OWNS"IIP
U·p_.T ...lG rocery-
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IM1 ffRESS, I It t II"({; i .orr.
Tl-n Store
T'I:I'-.:I E'''' 'PO RIA
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HAil L o'I - Ml1l1y
____ _-= e rll kn o w 01 (JIm!! U m g lllDo ou rlI ,r el1l1 who JAN l'U IJLI8U&K8 used t o keel> 11 low dogger y I1t DR SWAYNE, ~::::=:-=========== M o un t Ilo lly Hc had au u ~ly T he J)I ,el,. er" r amI Cumpou nd r fil m d rep ututlllJ) th ere, I1nd w ill ie h VII g til re IllS pO'or \\ Ito,-no d Ollbt t o DR . SWA YNE' S dro wo h e r t ro ubl o,- t ook Iv ntlllg Compo und Syrup of WIld Che rry Lett~ r Irom Oreg un. o pium, u n d the h a tll t b ocllIn o IIU tI nll ollh r \ al ua.1 l~ l-irc plir ~ til lll~ l fue l" Ii HI' t rOr68 I" nal "I n er Wit h th u ill1lhJr tiUJL st r u lIg "' Ith h e r . t hat shc \\ o u ld 0"d11 'f••flIlI'l' Ll g ul jt lu~ ul n r llbu cu I Edueu.llo u 10 W I>8TO "l , lIIA lILLA Co , OR KOO N rOllort t o the m ust de perat IIICIIIIS olle o( tho ,lid. t " ,.~ t, •• chool. po, brtl(/i 11 10, 1 77 \ t o obll\lU I t, und Oli O IJl ght ontered d. 11 h.. . nd porhul" In 'he ~ orl d IIIIt.P liliu "lit. lIeq u l:lltlv lIel\' d ... tllllb ul term III pru.: t lCl D eal C aze fi e - III m y IlltI t I th o dl ug 810l(l u l Mr J S l1 oda. III III Ih. I' bllu dcl l'hl. "" pc lI .. r, au I lOr ma fo r~ot 10 UJ e nt lO ll 11 littlo II le ldo ot S p rlUg Vlllll ey-ci l mbl o g III t li ro' M v- ~ rft t\t l\:lI d d L\leo In til(': 1101'1 It &I J II rh eRt: ,"f't.IlUti thut occurrc d at t1w CI Vt>ll l'lg o f t h e ,I th e IrllllsoI D-ulld I e III \ethhr""JTlffi s t o le II \ alliabl e 'II, ·l uuit l 8 UUfI ur lJ lUl1tllla fi ver , 1It'lIr I ts m (1 uth lot 01 t li o d l llg ~ . m ChriS h ilS .11 II ,It r Till S ri ver , hk e nil ol h~ r~, r Uli s I CIIlly t:vllIO tu 1:;1111 , allu all tlll(~ d O\\11 11111 , b u t tL1l 1i 0 110 In p!lrtle ll Ilblc t, ~ III ky II I re arc II" tI.' IlIr rUll s dUWIl a hll/ lln d IS al m ust Iual ij, horll Ihc AU li a 'j ", Id,y lll 0 110 CUlllllll ltd l upHl 110m Itt! 810 111 CO III IS Blllg LllI uli . ti Ii to lId llI u ut h A t t h p luce 0 1 e l u~s l h e ~.lId l'/!g lu. t! bl CIl RILL 1111 lit Ibg It I' ll IIb"ut tl\ O IlIllllli e d ) IUI' S Sf.HI IIg' ' ILI ley I(lr I I lJ lI ~ LII II C \lIlh Wide nll d u bvut UI,.;"t~O Il II le la ls vur lI' l l\l III IC oli it 1I11 1' o ti It bu d c!;' !, M I Ells tl ulid II Clit ti l ,; t I th e c ," \ 11:11 1111 lhul 1111 C~ r \\ I, I AN O "IIlxt, J\lU lth li u ll d (..I d ~ uh III th e U LU 'li e, ", I" Ia \I I~ \\. 1(1(1 II IIJ DI . . .OM& I ell I All l\l lit .1(llIdS ~ n fl" bllt cd III tla e 11111 1\1, v I llac 111111110 r,," r., UIUC(\II \\ hUI lac g I III 1I1l0ll t '\0 01 tile \ aile) li e It \lIb leet u l s laOl o, ulle ul I II~ h Ul dl ti lul l ~r, ltl U lIlIl lli tllc ll ' l " ll lit Ili id euul u II vt gtt up IIIo{UI II , 1111 Il l! JUlIl cst o v II 11111 11111 • I IZI d 111 111 Its competi tors receiving only an award for some speCIal fea lure CO ll llt vt t h o s Ulo()t h u esti ul lb~ Il II ILIIU \ll ileb r C" lI ltl.J of II elr machines . II I 11,0 tlll"c. h tll ill Illlllll. u puw l' rl ,, 1 Cll rI 0 1l 1 ,\ 11 Iltllt Ullti ll d BIIII'III1 I,n \\ h n ) II C Eastl Ull d , scclIIg t h e d d e mmll, fIl s h 0 1 Ih o P flll CIPlL 1 \I ~t l/ C-S til l Ih l e1 11 HU Unll mll. d CApae lly 10 do an klnda or ramlly Sewing and Mlnu r.clurlno. e d 111 tu save th e h orse fro m druwlI I lenso III I hut cel~ llIllle tl CUo! ill ITS I>ATE~T AU rOIATW "CUT on"" 00 till bUild "h L~1 prne rr t. tim ma. log Neit h e r h e lI ur GldcOIl hud II le lt Sprlllg Valle} lIbll UI SIX chine from rnnlling backwar d and obvlott'l! t h o llOO1'1" lt,. or taki ng tbll klH fo w ith" luch to c u t t h e harn ess, i m Oll th s IIgo cu IH) w urk tu tillS c ity u nd from the mocJlln ll to wInd thread on the bobblnN, which OlUHt be donll ,,1111 aD 80 I h ud t o go 11\ t,p cu t th e lll J nst Is t ur t c d a g r occry ILIlt.! 6ulvlI' l lit ti,e other Sew log' Machine s, to tho great annoYWl IlIl of tile oper ator, N!pt'tlialJ, In I II J got t h ere my i~t s lippl'd fro m I n ppo r c u d vf tI.t.1I 11 street 11 c -vl J t u r.kln g', hemmin g IIlId rumlug'. It does one·thlr d mor e \fork In It glren Ico,,>tII n lld r 1110, ulld I w o nt c lus lllll g lil lOgB romlll ka l>l or tlmo th,to any other Sowing mllchJne. ) 10 \\ -s ng II n over th e ru p lds ullub llli o v b tl1 l11 a I Ut! IIU lll8 80H'I UI elllt ~ JlI' III1U It~" WITII El'ERf MOTION or the .'OOT th e MACIITh'l i\UKES SIX STIT(H foothol d (,n th e r o c l; · l'lI vod uottll lll tl llln l h o 1I11111-1t E • lull b UI d lllIio l eon. 8('C III g UI,)' CV III IIII OIl rus h tl llll!r' )lrv p ll l t llJ ll l tlll y <.. I.. I,t.. cd li fte r :llI d Icscu cd IlIIl W e ~ llC I p h o r ~ c h cllplle " 1I11111Ull\ l~ It rcq ulrt'f! Im porlers of wpe('(a\ In~ trn (!tlons tD use It I an mn ~ trl\tlld DITcttlo n Boult is c l t e. 1 cdI'd 111 ge t tl ll g Ih e horsc 011 Ill. II U" I-)lCIIII1 , Rlld ~ fu r nished " jtJl "lIrh Dlllrbine . l u l" h llll Il UlI llI I PURE f:HI\ I .tND N 1i:'c t. IIl1d lilt h ll n Ink' Cllre 0 1 11 1111 I!;c l h u l With Ollicil HI IT CAftftOT GET OUT 0 ' ORDER AND TH E ADJUSTMrl'lTS ARE LIII II .llll ra ll) ABSO LOTrL Y PERfECT self 1 t hclI hlld 10 h u ld Ih o he Willi dIll e bll l 1 8 l y l 01 ~ 1I ~ " le l' ''1 A proper ly lCc ul ed ~r tlR ea l o 18 t'Urntsbed \\lt ll cuc h Dial hlDl', /:unr t ll nfee IDj: " . rsc \\ 1111 0 thc rc _t lllll \\ III " I 1'1 011 111111 u ,4 lUll ]\ E Y OHI{. to kfC P It in r epair, free of char ge, for Iii e y\lar~ 1 " Li e \\Clt: 1111" I I II ~l ac bln e8 80ld on ellllv l<lllJ,!; 1111'0 II' 1.1 tell u nto Ihe t, 1I,{11l (llUhlU lecd t e rm ~ of pal m ~n l, and dell1 er ed, tree ot cb n rg ~ , III I -11'1'1 . 11 11 1' "lg I any Rllilroad Depot in tb e • t l li u \\ llg ' 11. \1111 10 ti ll) III l Cllcu 111'11 d d LII IlllIllL III" ~ U Dlt~d Stal eK \\ hero \1 e bll\ e no AgfU is I ght lIt nl ,. I' a lllllli t ll the lI l h cl l il t.! "lid tilt \\ II I).!; hy d .l) "1!;1a SODd tor W ..atr..ted Ca.taloc uo. \l Ii e b ClllI"U III _ ASODb! W_",d , Fo r rull po.rllcul ars Addre .... It ' lI l It klpt m e III Lla o 11\ (J I IIIJ It:.I I(! t il It III U d II IU l g u .IIIHJIIII L ni h III 1 IllIu ll<l v I UII I, VIII WJL80 N SEWIN O HACU Do: CO. .",,1 , I II ti t 1\ 'I k 0 , tlac 11 1,.;-111 d 8l1'1 Broad". y, NEW YORK I NEW ORLE!lIB LA I or OHIOAGO. ILL. \1 111 111 \ \ \\1 11 1I 1 1I' IJl'~l l I\II ~ 1'1( 11 \ thc (.tit III \l ll ' I 'illid 1I (,t I, I, I I \\l l l I1l1l1e': Ilt l ll ll!!" B /lt. II' 1·1 It ,Ule JlIII 11 «.., Il ll lllll I 111 111 \I ll . gvod C l tI ZC II ~ I ./llid I,'l h ell .1I 1<> 1\ I I I , , ,1 lip II I,J III I , lit IllId l u,) I, ", t Il 1.1 su i. II II .eI t: IIl e 111111 .\ Ill/l III l id I 1I11 1 II 1111 ltI Q"nr M mu eh \1'1 _ 1" r'"RA L T or flI o rd ll cI II d ... e v i 11 11 " 1(;111 lUI I I I ) I\ ll l I, II IId,d 1.. , t ill II , . ' :MAIl 0 (!.)nl l,J lut .. t1J A .. erlc.a u. Q;ld 110 n I..11t <I , z. II lIIell Pf M 'I'I-.'" .A Jt 1r nArLF USING \ 1> .1 1111\ ':IIIS- Ii IIi CU lI h 'I I tl o a b ,o prollfi o lU relJlcLh~i11 t o Cl; c yo tW Q I d , III I I e III ,~ oolDOin \\!r lll t ill !,Ieoe r'l ,rl ' " \III otlnt a.d CJ~ ory dlQ',..lth ll"c o" ""'11 L 1 \\e II lg b) t llc " I I I I I ' (ll I I t lal" I. tJ\1 aerlu, ' '' atuuut ha, in« Co a d 1bo CI J t 1 ellultl b llt 111\ vk h l, ,,s l n f!~ t III1C ll d ,I I ' I" II [lll 1'11 _ .. v It" II " hul' o a4.l usbt. (or '10 "D )" olle w1l0 l! lU Do t l:.cJ 111 111 t\ I I,,,",,(h It CII II-' 01 ,,1111- II l I h . lUll II I II. '<1 1".11 111111 II l d ll ,h flOlll'iHt llJl ~und \\ (..1 lCCCI \ ld tJ tiH.. J l: U liH h v lSl , \'t ll -. II !I(\\UoC 1d l I I\. ~ v 11I ' lt1\t l II~ \ 1 " 1,(11 th e el Ol ItC 1\ U UlIllf.1I 11 1:. 1111, I\lv II. I I \I .. 0 ....:1 only to .ny I h~t III- oompound ed wllb dcclllie ll tl.t lLl \ ct IIfl~r 11(1111 ) t< lIb .l!l I1 Llal 1111' fll , II" \\ I, III I . \ • I tho C:':llQ II len tiGo II l 1 end u r. .. b ento'QTO. l ilt I s \ cll III"lIth v I t,,,I"!J IUC II' ,I el Icll~ t UX I'"Cll U ti I S e and m,Ir. I, ~. t hu uo.oryed .. p.. latl.D ..b lcb llll r' 111 1,11 uu d l1Iuk lO ": II I IIlV 11I\III> IO;llh (' It lin. IW lulrO<! by tb. "ondorl'll t 0 ..... I~ 11.. \\ L 1Il1l1lCd ltll el.) II l re~ t ld, \\h ,," l perform ed To tbo.a ....100 11..... ........ '-\ed Clip ~ 1'(l l h " III dtLllgU li U I Ild ~ II I; UI';CU \CI,U rh a t h" I,,, t \ 1' the CU II , r1' E "e ur", .. triol o' lu Yirl .... lind till' I I u llll I" I! ty 01 Ucl n ~ IIl 1gT1 11I tll'cl; s l ull II I ~ " " IU (or lb. c!1 ..... namod bolo".. 11 111 tucked h y h (l~ til I lIdlnnH, \\ C 11 111 ~h"u~ III t hu hll ' It 10 .. . , uod Ibo teot oryo' ') I .. ad OIL 1111 '" lI u \I , [I Tcd It l r ' Bully ull _3d v i N" kell Iv th !J 11111 I~I~I thu III xt III I I trln. lo merlto • • nd " ....17 ""17 oo m m llDI ~ po....... 'Dma Itv,n.r ... Ido .. oo of Ita p&IA.d... \ tmoor, nlld h 10 \\ e ,xPl'cl I , 1I 1 ~ II HCAl e h \\ 11I.lll .teo"•• and auratlv e propettl ... t "'n ~ 1.11 lIllI,,1 spe lld t hc ll'I1llll11UOI li t Oll r I I I~ 11 (1 111 ~ I /I) o l 1\" " I ~ III III " I" 1,.11 Em!~nt M y~clt and fU l mly 11111" tukc III(. ] h ~ le bC III" 1 h I l\ Y Ue\\ 111>/1 "l, 800 ue l'-'!! 1.11 P) \ ClIlIUl ll t 11 /1, 1 I. II I ,l it Ihc (l 11Il!. l o I 1. .1 tl lO tbo CllraU... I:u,;oly III tholr pracUA:.. &lid 1\ 11 prl'c- m pll n n \\' el'htll , 1 k l l) ,I . '1" I"tll' filbt "I'IC I promlno!ltolorl\'YlDen .nd edl tD rtrooomm ndit t la)II~lal ~ !rom II hnow' ed;o ef I", otrooto I{ad "e .p .... l!ll llle Illlir lid Inn ' l .11 I, t h e LUf!" \ ull I I .. , IJ I" I fill ... could elYo huutlred• • r ""r1l6.al4l fnlmparW U hu\ c hau t i, l' 11 1\1.1. - t \\ 111 I ~r leks 1'"lI ltll 1 ., tie. well !rno,." lu Ib.., commonl ty, ba ~ .... m-!!!!! ~ .!!!!!!I CH I 'XpC lIlI ,c r t! Th •• ow, lOS r.r tSn.", POSITIVELY RU4RUTUQ boa to ref.. 10 ou. J)lI.IIIpW.t, wbloh II to bo had I II m l I IIle ;jl'llng VlIll ey or Druavlst. 0.,,111 b• • onL b, mall o" a"" I1Io bt .nt.J MA.Ill' ECONO MICAL . l l(l\\ bu -} p IU\\ ' "J; hili ij ' \lI Il ! 11.11 1It:1 11' ~ lId ,l ~D •....A1UhO ccrtld •• co. 4rtI YOlan ~ r.o"t"fI"'", nl, ~ !!!:.!!- 1m proud \ l lllut. i'ull a 111I1IIe! 111\ sllLlids II tn011i tary .nJ omanuto f rom penoD. or """dl... 110: 1 11 .. 1 t "lt (;ook iDS MOTefi 1. the " orllf anu r"rcctttb lit 6G c, lind I h e 1111 IB l ei \ I! I'IIII I! I N o ld & O\I l> II~ Uity and .. ho mal bv commlllll ASk YOU R STOVE DEALER FOR THE "F AVORITE " " Oftto I rr'th by Iottor or In _ . Jl ke. (UIL '>t! IlIlf'v d, 1I11c1 tlt tl s t l c~ I7.CU th e I'rl.! \ I ' II--FOR BALb 1\ \ -~ I luu klllg fill\! T il o IlIl t \\ , ~ 111II , k t la c tlmo III1 C' " - ' ' IIi Rhem:.. atlllm _4 NearaJgta. o ur w ili ter IS lie II I) pa.• t b til . \ I t ,~C IIIS rl,at C' II II \ I I t il I I I k:"":~ :~~.~~'~~rtrl~.~~:r,°Dla" (ro.. seld om h OI C w l/ch CI CIC \I c!l U, I o VJtl:! [ II 1 I O"~ I'5I.& .. a. 0 .. 1a1r o. 1m. '" O~ ~LKR ll S I N L.a.w ol' CUI)flOAL Co a a ft" r th e Ifllddlo v i J Ullll lry i ll1 Rt c u d ul blCll k llw III iI.· 11 I I k, \' G.. TlI I 1 bu •• lIMo laid uf " lth RboulD .. \\' c u regl' llIg tU I UI uutlr l"JU <1' t vh Lal1ll st . \ e l~l Uu u t breu IUD. au nthe.~ coul d nut wa lki l lu, 111 "t ll lD fJ rnm A~ II IS UIl IU tias"I lice l \ 1I1111.) JI u 1I a1 ) t ,,,I; 1\ Ii L" S h 'c t-Illl n 1\I1l1 (;UI'lll' r-\Vn r c . ~::~Ib~.dr ~I~ "~II.~~~\I~~ u~m"l:·~w~t\r SON 8 CURATrVll. wblcb I •• n r..,.mmend uO, '\ C "Ill 111(01 lIlIt') tlt e 1!IOIIIId 1I11l1 thl!1 C Ulid t I II I I~ k( d ~'Spco l l\ l ,t ~ n tHul )ilv on tf'i 1m n onhll ~ tOlutro-flre frQm 1 b "umRtilm ror ltour4'rl I" ".1 10 lbreo da,..o tI•• t I coul.! a~tuntl to Ill' bUllDllJ ull d c l1m].! \lI l1l e we (llIclv CIt Outtt rl lIK li nd Sp'l lltlngo I lI llll lali ll Al l I\ IU O 1' l u Ll ' ccJ .1 DO. . Mllruh 7 'V e IIvc li d 1" 1II II I!; Uti I IIU IIl Il l e~ I hllllCIt II I keb II I, (lOll Sm 1.:1 1 h e t .11 d " I ' th~~"I.:'a~.r~lr.:' ~M\ fhb;:.'"SII,:: ..,l be benef ' of Ol'\lI tlOli " f the C.'~1I6e . U lll uld.l M I D i ll 'd iIl O I . S M ROIl Il. 214 Ont&rl. , troot I"" IIII ~C II t. I ilc u n d W ulill W.tlllI Llilic s The le Ic ft tiP;;lIg \ , Il l \ \\ It e h II , [From Georio & bol., t ba 'Popular l! ur b ll t nb ,"t 1111) of t h c lII III 1111 111111 vel 01 III ~llllllt) Dr. ...r I on the " or or Ihe I ,Ii.l PubU" beu, Whole ~ml e & ICellll! CLRVEI AND 0 r , 111 0 'Ih ) 0 \\ 11 sc vLlu l l h ll llSllllt1 h C1lL1 ,.1 \HIO l' 11I 1 ~ ' ti tl Novembe r 2. 1874.. Oil Jo 8el' h Hoo~er "I c: 1'"1 II L A.~BO Jrf OUElII OAL COWrAXY - lit b • •11.11 Irre of chnrge ou rect!irto r }'*c, t 0\ or a , ..r I f U l l . ffeat el\.'ferer f'to:"\ 1011118 IUld 00 8 'l " 1l1C m ale!! " I III l I:; 1I 1'1'"Sl!.! l' UEItS &; til ,t Ii, Cllllil ia l '1 Nlli M.U OIA. In !bY buad ried ah no. t ever,. 1II1'st 111 11 11 I (' \(' 1 S i ll rom.d yth ~t 1 oould ho.r of Will told b, ph,· 1 hey h u \ e l ll llllll Ita\ h e l ' I II I d "' 1", I 1. \l R E RT« I " RKB" C:O., P.Io ... II ..n, lIA\ K Kr.OKNT L'i II ULI SlI EO al. t • • I U. an our bt to Ir,,, cba nl'! er . lIml ua. beo ll Ilfl tillS I CSI 1\ n hun IIhll ll t 111111' 1 1\l 1I ~ lillie III II I LI:O;(JI~NA II () A Indy reoomm." ded L . ... o lI I Corallve I t I \ 1\ I) H" Itn I ~ }'O/ '1 01l1l1I</I?P OIJt H I ~ o.urod " bottl. and am "Ie...d to tCtll \ ell, Lbat (~, \ C I II U ICU l l lldsll ll " I "1I uXil ll lllall 1i lid I' I! th e o in te DIO paiD wa. removed ~lDn8t. lnitant.~I I\ PtC\(P 1 11\\llttl l j (\ mco r ~tl u l d\! I he L \w I, lI ave us.d four boLUea 1 oon.lder tile clol lt eS t h llli hu s b n il t a g l illt u illi alld \lUo lJ 11 11 1 U\ d Lo C ,lIr t go \ ~ rn lll g I I I e1q Itl l l (0"1\ Officl' r .1 in dl. . ... outlrol" our. d .L s aw lII ill t,1/ thl lll , .llld I'"ys 1111'1) t he 51111\ .)t $ 11110 \\11 1 Fu rm -lu udAnno lnlilili s J II, II I .Idull t \I :l{lU .r'lru~£&urB· SCHOLEY. t o 111 11 t h e m, ) ut th ey IIro but I nul llIIlC" UV IIl I " 11 Townshq t Rl lnk ,. me itH) li t" Homb Older \)\1 I lI"'UI ~ lte" 41118 111111 , thc) \I UII t wur k o r 1111 Books (.;orl ifi <l\Ic ", S u_pcryi "o r .. 1l11l11 ! fI DY9P~P8 tll, Sciatica, ,., I.: le' k 1111.1 I rea. lI rors HOlik ' Hrgl8ICr of Neuralg ia, p r u ve t" ol r IlIId, th oy t1 e l'c llll !III Tootlaac he, Honds JOIIIIln.I", Reco rd", &l< Plourla1. I(t) V(,I IIIII I! lI t rU I . 1 " III'I' UII , Il IlU t ile Sore Throat, F OI J/tlJt w, 8 (lj tll c P vnce, Swollon JolDte, Bheuaa Uam, <;lIlu ul lh~" PIlIIICd , \IIlI ch br lllg 8tabi rH , t.l': c RClldlUlhe, ChllhlaLu, h ll m 8:2,'10 tu :::; 10 p u rliliul SII.n. Ne .. Tre, ti . o for lu•• lto' of Ihe Lfltllo Back, SpraIns, 1 tlllllk It II lIl hl b c Il g Uild Id ea Pence " lid L; oIlSinbl • • an Ohio l ellth edl CraJllp, Burns, 11I r ClJlI g l o~S t ll ClI llle h CIl! 1\ 1 d tukc lion t. UO Sealds, Warn 0 8 Oh io CrlmlnRl Law lind For", . Dlphlbcrla, II luok ut th o COll n t iJ . II li d .llIs t It t. 50 All yloll1 t. th.mAI'. Inllu. Dee oftb. CuraU.e. l ittle look at Ih e fil t hy IlIdlllll nlld J u .tic~R · IIn.1Cnnslllhl , 8 Il lll ll k. 1\ e puh no ",.tt. r of h Oi" long .tantllD~ It h onl, '1 thlllk Ih o} I\ o uld r e trl v \ O th e m 1I, 1t a co mpl<l.• li st of 0\1 r tOO hlnn". of nocellury to uso it f:J.ttbCull, I\.Dd [lerloYQrincb. tho I tte ~ t dll d bm s t np,lI o \ cd (o rms J\lso &ccordl na t o th o f ull ( "<.lotions whh b accom ... '1111 v al o II \ 01\' g reat dra\\ b ac k tv Ibo heM' Cnpyrt/1hl Fo, m of J u; tice! ( • '" me " - I he 1,,1 pnnl c:u.h botU~ t and lOU "ill IUlO)" bo r o I IleO ) III1II ,)' 1f'lICY Ille n o tl illig bII t Rutl Crlmllia l Dueket. SClll8 lind :So tI Pres, lI C \ c a) UII 11 1 III h !l ~I II ". II II ,,)m I I .,nr<!r11 Cd for J U~ ll 1111 u i g ull ized bund lit CC8 , u c beg~1I'8, riC u .1 h,,,1 hll t lllC \ ell UII U mil I d e re i'S U n t: lc 81.1111 FO? t1IC07porated V~lla(!e8, Oztie8 I I} Inr. I\le nd f mlilo II ~K, GIIOWTII , n EAU1'Y FOR Til E RAIL ,. b bl '" lleall 'Iill u \CI etc " ...... 1~ "', 'II JI<F \ c l:l Ii.. ..... e o 0 t o III U" O lill y (Joeu_ 8_ _ _ ........ ....... ... I .1111 \\ 011 ~I I "" I oud II' Peck. Manlclpll l L ows of OhIo K".p 0 .... ~ II .... n ...1 Olodl t IIllig CIBC OUt v t t l Ic m • J) v ' I TrJ 50 I LONDO It .'eol' ODd ,ou N will a'ftr be wiU.D"~ n. o"la . . . . . . . . .. . - " . 1 Hi\. U ' - h.cIOri CUI'I. us n"d W e 11.110 fl om 40 to 60 bll ~h cl s 4 00 A UIIOl l\1I sa \\ II ILl le 0" III.1,,11, L egal RI."k. for MBVor. M. r. bal. and I " . tlO X . ul ,oll r O""mc. I I-IL "III re~Loro /lrar boir Lo original nl 1\ Il e 'lt to t h l! acre. t h e B l lIl C 01' h oy le uu lng 1\ h illlllU, Prioe eolor .1.00 per Bottle .. I olhor on,e.r. g o f 1lI rncMpora 0uli d hJ .ed 11 ' lU I , ages I., blllg III pll". I hr80 e lor ''' mo (1 / ",') 2- lll hl<l«n. tblU hair. cnuBln.. nb.. growlb 4 PRBPARBD BY LAWSON CHEKIOAL 00. OhIO QV (, f 7t; III lIurnlJer d I I I r, el1lh~ \\ 110 MI'\! nfUlctcd w~. ith hllll ov null "bllllt .)0 bUhh c ls CU i II 10 111 lllot Btl IlI g Oom morcaal Nolo t lll Popor. ~ IhrHr".s ruled :1 on - h Wi ll r o !§ t or\! 'b e nntutAl It lCret loD S four an Ie l ovi n g I 10 ,lOg co. 11. >ht 1he bOl ' 0 " . en' me II vll.r ~-ll ll u.vOls' Ch l1 Ulld CI II 1I 1II ol Docko ts w,lI r. mo,". ftll d. nd r,,(f . nd ' whinga . 1dcs lughl ) po lished .nd pl ol8ed whil ei' ~egetu hl es, Irlli t . grll pO ~, 11 1111 ~og t v h ll\ e bee II Yn c l" n. h e Ils ke~, II~O I. m ~ "d Ie " I . ID p' oud, ,, " ,t ,-It Office and Laborat ory 186 St. ClaIr-It ., ' Iulre. by mill po.t p LId SI<h 6, e rto Val ltable 0 1110 L aw BOU ~ 8 '1 er VII1CS d o 118 \\ ell 1\8 1\1 IIlmos t '. Boy, "hme d id y sto m .ke hllir ROI\ . f lo. , ) . lIex,"le '11 ~I:t th llt d ,'g? no de II red. l cure I ' hlllk It . elll "' c v &-11" , II I , e8. rI O. I CLEVE LAND, OHIO. 10111111 C Nolo P' pe r 10 1"",dBo mo bux •• otig.n. I olu r Lo old age I " tl t I . ho . d be puloh. 1 1,1" Ro " .' d St.tut< . of r-.r ~ .td by y u t hOl purt o f thc wo rld I )Chont II 0 len Zlh 7- 11 . ,lI prol . nl tho hair from 0 lo m e " li S all Drun lsll failing oft" 24 Ah ec t ~ lLud 24 Cllvdo pc 8 111 each Ie p romp re p \ • d I" .. IUlh 1. 1cadI nIhrO PrICe .! I \ I UII ,n c' can p. hl, ' 1 I _ " on II Wilt ClI re ft ll dl s. aoos of I ho .calp n nW e IUl\e o t ten h c ard thnt the s nn " H o w lon g 111\1 LblrLI flye tl n~ fll\Y ell! III 0 ' lu alllics a }Oll hlld hlll i/' 11 ... ,1 " '" tl" nk ,r"per :s",I. r. "lnl ! I I)h lO 1"60-7, I It ...,.LorOS holh the lu xurllnce nnd color -- - =:I Il e Ve r SIII0 08 III Ore "ol1 ID wtnte r " 0 e v c l so lo n g " I Y u u dlun ' t IIA\ III ( ROSSNIOKI E o 00 Manhoo d lIOIo L u t flow Ru for , rI. Tho Art and EUquotto of 1Il. kro g LO\e ofl ho hftlf and "l\8 hnllll l088 R8wa1Alr ., rl ~ d " !; I d I rllc ll,c under Ib e V" ~ If youn g I II dl•• 1 urg ~ red, rICk 0 0 ~Id lod.eH or Till S mlly b e t r n e o f wes t e rr. Ore pI Ck I11m u p IInyw I gentl J emon us p \\ bh. unt to d knuw \ e P •• rem atu ro IllIIeh,"!! or fadlDg 01 Ih. h.ur " how to ouro II ~ On I 15 I U le l o • 0, Sir, lIuII.1! I' \011 '" sull erUl " ILh Ihl. nn b •• hflllne.... - llOw tu comm Ance Oodo. •• 10 he g rcntl - , eg reltod IUld that 0'0 yl ody go o but It IB fllr f l o m belDg t rue o r w e lalse d him fro , 1 0 In ' " I Dr Clllve rw e lls Cel" m a littl e c hil d 1 IIm'"g co nplnillt or I 'tier/; ""Y cru•• ) Ri ft ~ (';IIc1 \tIm I trl t oI811 lldE 0. court.Hlup - how tu carry on l\ hundkcr bratedE Wll llt.o Lo he bco uLl{u l,. proof e nou, h thllt ssay tllls'Sld e o f the Ca. eade rangc uh th ... :-\ t! If" l l utt 18 111 0 1110 ,t I wos th e g r a nd all !! \\ el 2 00 cu c (~lI hou ~ " n I r1l el u Ilv ,lei" ,k in ,h. n•• go to ro ur d 1IJ;ll'st "" 18e nnd ri ght Lo be ohloflh rtutlon bowtop lou,., ••" ooth c.rt R 11 . 10.11 ' " ' 111 0 1110 1 75 a nd Kt S • • k " . n II . . U ~ m I nx ol S ", I) no :1 A.1l i:lc!'\ l!n . Oml- mctt nft but there 18 not h80u~gby evory propor or lover , lUl w to w r ite , lovo--lo tter ho n a v e l put thro ugh a more pl e a s unt m or e Impor tant w to S II C 01 \ l.i Ie o t 0 " I P rocodu re A l ovcly Inn dscnpe 1.111 clot '''Ollt t 11, 1,,,11 7 50 W { 1\.; 111'89 In\ .. ".1, u lu ll htrv ..... nnn d 03 C: S l vcu re 'O n ',0 c" nl< a to ,h,. end th.n bonu tlful h ,ur poptbc qu CHt1 0n ' h o wto Ilot befor o nnd ,uo lII e IIbo llt 12 mil es W I nte' r No w Lo \I l1 rl l cr ll1p \su lIHll lry of IOT K' C' "l ~[{' ntl\l rt lH1 Ph \ 8icul 1 1 .1 <)n~ r ted o \'er With UIi Blg ht IY b J II Icl l' rs 10< I !'ox es for .,' I II 6 ho <• •• 2511 .en' prevent tho fa,hng of th o nat ural uolorlDg ufter ll prollOSlll , h ow to ucccptor rOJec t 0. tlte "" tt~ h"h f 8I 01 ~ ~t t I1 S Rnd 150 , rIll r~' lr for i u8Ho ~ I Ell - 1111 C4J OO l toito :\i!trt illge .. h . t, 111 u1 t I 1m IdJ r ess o n r t CCi p. tro m t I\0 l li e I~o Co t lit, prier rn lt~r IIlIn III , 1 o r r e e XC: 1I0 th 0 r oo I tI 0 f IIIe p ropoenl, h ow to brea k off lUI en ~ IK ' mu n t" Ih H II :--.1 II I \ M 1t.llll"!l IS n ot m Ol e l\1I pl ell~ lIot t • th o s l"ht hI vrcpATe I )0 8 ~ 1 TIf)S E ~ n J ~, nnd F d on l. 0\ \I I( :"" A \N" I< S " ~ lO I" .. r tn In ' 1St 0 1 P u rt lll lld , IIlId nbo ut u.u t nfte r fl n e ll g 19crnont, how to IU t I U I ", .I grow th ogui n noth"'g b ns n~or been bow to 1111 IUS II U. nu\ cr 0 11 rhe I IIW of B lr"' lI n Sale Bntl d " d ~ o l l h ~ l> l h St d thnn 18 n human IlIcc d lt!hg-IIrc II •. I I b rl ~lt m lU or poomAJU," u OW t I l 1 0 1'11I lndelph.. ~e 'plo tb nt qtiluct IIH \I l.nmco 0 1 "e ~ I I PX ru tgo u \: lc et IIIlrO(I uoed t 0 Ih o Amerlca n 1'..... W' U l l l l \ o f HOldjsko t.hor Live \, __ ~ t 30 tild es ~\IIILh ()f W IIlltL Willi, lind With Bumps IIl1 d PllIIIl f) c k 4 It'Qft.o p 9 of l\ wcddi n~ tLnd t bo ufter r eool -1 1J I l's th ose BOOK S B Y MAIL a2I" rIC m a. ell C l l l\ eo,' nn \ :tI X t~~I;'~I ~ HAla C:OLoa al!llTO IiBB. \lun sboul d he olMer •• d thoy Will fi nd It In 11 OU IIII II Y Ih llt 1 tlllnk "'ill 8'10 11 1 H IInc c Vltl c n c e s ot B nolL. IJel' fl7 ime?1t IInplUl t y' o f th e ce!11b' II II I _ '_ I P llpcr Dr n . lLon. of Pbll. delplll &• ••) . of It lll1 e lourly oJt l'ituncd 111 tll1 ft book 1 C CI tC IIr l\ I d aU. 8nl pu-s th o W iI'llll e lt e V ulIey : I II bl o l)d :10 oU. bOllrd of- .th ""uk ~tI. t" )r tn Dr HIIII'~ Blou tl Mi x ture St~I~~~~yl a l ~~~~II~.~:'.Qp~! loi ", m r-..u U I ut.I c n tI I'" valo L,h ..","' sup plied on tho F "J ' cl, trh . 1I~~v~I~ t IIiI S \\ C 1111\ 0 R \ an dy III I ' , T ho London Holt Oolor Reft l:orcr 19 used demOD>L Ih tdl . f 0 l n I III Iy mot.L lIhf' rtl l terms Iln u corr of pulld cDCO yu I rit 8tHlCt.:lsru l pfllC"l U m ouu I very eltLolll!l\ ely among Inl patient.. and I will re move ull s uch dl s tigu lt m e llts V I~l e ntlO e~ 1'1 lil '" ~ ... til It t.ho I.httUrHlg Golden Whoel Dream Book . lId Fortun o 111\ Ilod 1I;.1Ih t. Pl uY lDg Calds, frtend. all .. ell (; 0 nm ltte' s , 1."cll. r. d ee r u oo nt l u l\l d dltllc nt s peCicso t l Pro conp.quell e. of 5 It "bu~ c 'UB' bu rad,o ,Iy as by mY1lO1 1 therefure Tellor. t1 By F elix Fun h\l" u Forlunor ellur eto f, se •• u onll t Il ee to a li ur pllConts M. II Blld Bllok "pellk frum experlenee benr: With 1111 occasw oal mOllnta lll l pro mp y and A. trol0tro r TI .... book Infonu. you Pnrlleulnr IItl elitloll glYCII I ujers Cllr< d w,lholi l ·h . daog. roll u, e ,f lutorn I l Our l-ItlLlOns un n ord orunyu n ic lc8 Lo the Imp< .., . Uon morl lClne II r ...ppll l llilull of Ibe knlfo ~ 7l1 C1!n trrperooU l0 , ISbottl Oldor I. ho.. to Toll F ortuno. wlt b t ho gn lden wheel. hOIl, and o the r bellllt S of fort Ign 11001•• pe, lodl col. el.O Ordors pOlDllllg out aIhmode It 18 IIItc rcstHlg t o Bit III a th ey d eSI re t h nt clin be fill ",sh ed of " Utll .1 0000 . Imp l• • Senf by exproeH, to any ruldreu on re- oard. dl'!8 IUld dOIn,noo8. how Lo lin d whor. d" ,.atchcd woek" I w o uld s ay to thc ) olln~ m e n o f fl o ur store nolV as th e p lO prtetOi c. r~ III all tl IT. clual b, mean, of .. hlcli to dig for w"tcr oo~1 011 and all klild. of OUllll o~ u o. of Ir om th o N e " YOlk 1D 0r ket. an d t h e y cel,~tl!J:I:rl ordor. MI.coll.n eous, Sci 001, Jo nc rY - uU SNr no 01,,0, whyno t go w eHt aDd g e t y o u r e celvcs n dlsp to Dn SWAYN E & ,nutul•• ".th Ih. eelebrnto d ll la.t hllfeondUlolt llte h, unn y e llB w ill be rOI ward er\ e lt h or by m OIl dl vln ln g rod. ' ( OI le Medlcnl L Ull. 1 h.ologl ell l . nnd ro.y bl In"Y cille mutter o r SON 11110 NorLb Sis:tb St. Pblladelphla, P IL , ob. nne t o make YOl1r 8wce tlwllrt h,m'olf Ohettply p Iva", a fllrm i U nole SUIII offe rs y o u oo e, I"The Y' re uth row lovo you. SCH nLi fic !luoks s upplied gratl ~ on appll III ' s hell8 acro88 l • XPI css. fi t Lho 10 1\ es t mark e t p rice Iy nnd rndie. lI) to tn . ke YOllr lovur pop the quo.b on togeth· S" lo Proptleto r. but he IS no~ going to Improv e It I Grassac ornhtc hze cnt,o n UP" 1 hi. L"cture ~ h o uld be In tbe bllldil ovarlllu , till' 80me or with two nty wily. uf Lolling fortun e. on F OI r e r~ 1 CIICO. vleas e 0 811 on tho S. nd-loP-9 l'-l'rlecd SOLD m: ALL DRUGGI STS for YOI1. Why always s tl ok c los e one is gOlD' to g e New Yeur·. E ve It I. lItW!trnt.od WIth nu I Blall ks ew u Wrltu Lo O a l ~loguo of I.egul of ' I),uth and .Very man In tbe Ill1,tt t hurt Turn,oo t, pl1 h\i s h e l8 or l h u I\opel Sell IIn der 8oal, IU" "Iftin env~IoJ)e 80lUE TINO NE~" meroolo ngrllvlnge It al.o contRm • • I.rog d. ire .n d It Will ho u. for auy book )OU to dad hoplllg 80me thlog Will turn all hands aod mluk . <nt, post~tl0 prepaid, 8 11 ) addre•• p08\ pilld, on roc6lpb III ~o, nI ~ every bar lop . Pl c8.s e gl\e ) Oll r IIddress \ery ~. l. oa 11'031.111 Te De OolorOO L lthogrnpblo E ngra" njl of tho It tb c.~I I O~ 1I0 prl 0 he Will give y ou one ~ I half a doilar." Or two \'08hge ~ I nm\l" plainl y . nnt! 8~n <l . 11 OASH o r ders to I • Golden Wheol. which folds up ' 400 up an o-.I _ _••• • U 1 R O DERI OLARK E , .. & CO. , IId d'"Cds tJi. publlsk\l-r9. s rEARN S dE CO, tell yoo dad Is oDcerla lD , nc 6 1 ..... Let'8 go 8WUllft llug. Addre .. . wllb .I&mp. STEARII'S & 00., No 1t5 \\ 08t Fuurth SLN!ct , 176 Brolldw av Ne", York Tbe dul1'erwell Wea., d C!!6 81&m never ta118. DAVID B.OWN , -:;::., . . . n.,"....... . .,.., 116 u..J Broad"a )" Ne" York I PINOIN /\ A1 1, 0 , , .1 A_ ..... ..... 1I'er.,P, • 3R9.7
""'AL EXPOSIT10N 1876 "
The World·renowned WIIson Shuttle SBWID[ Machin e
Threa WJ!aon KLChinH IiIl .0 ,. !linch lori in one by II four other Kachlnel. "0
2.01 FuHon Bt.
~7~ ,o ~=o =-===I ==~N= O =Pe=o=p!=C=t1=t= i'~S.::.:.\~: . ,:"':::cr~~j
and Skillful Physicians
835, Db
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Elliott & Ooleman
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Trait 1(1.
Burnett's Cocoaine, Cocoaine, Burnett's
To 10 WIlli dlrtJ h'Q~ ' o. ~ A .loonl, 1"1.... I n ,,1I1 abd " 1'-"'11 1... Il0.l, 10111 ••d _l ad For <111.1, b blla I II Ibould . 111 • • ThO ~ rtl ' " bul hal! In . ...
'tbolljlb min, lllab tb., ...... pilin TII,II, I be u 1 I I mlr pIal For fl ...... I. a 1lfI~ T.tII
II a u i unluabl. NO\e4,. fbr
e yer1 oue.n _,. ha., tba.1.. ,,1It E • • h nrubl6, unproltlldl .. pou,
Tbl. I OD W 10 'N~b to " lth b tt1 r w} weoft h.... e Jetn llo ...b" 11 lOUd 01 be I a lMO
A Mol" " Ii\ rnR\ - A boy fro m Vtntttt 61ft III ~u th A m('ric8 h ,,1 oome to ilie 0111 farm bouo/l I !lee h ~ r he li nd J( owK nl a I F I<d H IS ""IIl( Will Ntcbo lns Ovcrdu r Ih ey ha II li;!of lull logetbi.'r I~ ur n erry hg h t-heArLed boy II d all Iho _po r III 1\ cre lI e w 10 tb e young :sou th ADleJl(:a 1l who ~ I'()k(' I'a ll h ve r), flll! 1 an I ll ue lll y hU Lbl lln u le I O\ er IllS Eng l ~h I" II J' c~r 11111 01 ~ 1\ I~ Ulat IU R Ie l be ) ,\I k~e boys laugh I ~p lle of Ib elll,.h ei! I " ~h I c III wrtle fo r you Ihe I reUy pAlIIah ft cent II I br ke D , 1"1 ro lI<Iunoe.! worda Lhal h. u oeu lIu t li lt> rlllDy ul\Y wh ~ n II e)' I tul rll n"seked t he houl!(l lind lo und 1I01lm g u o" How" I sud dellly luu d Ily JluKo we hll~efo r gottp lI flll Lhl o lime l{) IOtrndu ce Nick (,0 J ocko That 18 80 I 118111 Cuarlle liD I F red oo\b III on bre tit lAot s go down to the &lo ro for IIIUI now and ul~ke theUl 1I(.'q nMllted Wb o uJ ooko f ask ed NlIlholl\l!. Tbe oLber b' ly ~ I IUglt eu gRlly IDU . \\Id ): o u wllI 800 D Bee who he 18 tbey went to Lhe g rocery slo re to Reth er aod wh on Nl ck .... w J ock o h Ollllve I I ttl e e ry ef JOY no d 811 d Uh vou ft ilt ullill 0111 monkey I h a ve l ot I!e(lU Kueh a fflendl) luoklD g fll ce "lD ce 1 left hOUl e E b,n Wlndors llre 01011 Ul! UI the r U" you bnv m Ollkeys at your IIrln ~ ng IOIIloonl III th e ] I!.:! t tit ) ure en h OlIle1 Asked lbe boy. cou r~ ill il tl e tl{ 1'1 r8 to fur ther lIettv lald ptAD" 0 wit" ftnd tI t' U We ll l . hould tl lllk I!O w&!t ilil! Iy 11 th e WEMt :A. Rllt I B .. lurn Cal U ,,_ I q fjl eager re ply We h fi ve S W ll rm ~ of II "U1 tllIl o(Jl keoper o Re rs to e , e ry 0 a who It 1\ lUI I Y th e g naw\JIg o f II rhhc lIlu Ui -w hole I roves of tl em-Ihe v go 8C ur lllkeaa dn k 1\ nu mb ered ticket Ev e ry ang o\ e r til Oco u ot ry \lull LhA way they lit til' ure yo I reme m ber tllKt Ih e t Ime a d rl llk 18 l l ke l II I e w uum oo r 18 810al co ra-oh you !!bonld see th em Ii lD u II e lable got free lrom t he net II gl ve(l. At LllIlI'lli of I mt u th the oum Tn ey co me n ut o f Lhe tlll cke t.-tl e woo I wh ich t he kl Dg of bea. tAt fouull hlmllC lf be r, Ite I'u t IU a IOLLer! wi e~ 1 8n Ilb -aull they I'ut t ... o or t h ree h i sharp- ca llSbt. lu ckJ n umber If IN@ t veu l )' nve dollars tSome llmeH the hou.e-moll se got'H (l u t VUI Cl-..t felluw 0 I g u ltd ID tb e hl g ll lJ cw rse t.b e tvper who hill! th e large t t reea tbeu toe wbolll troop uome II10ug 01 doo rs w ltve III d ~ rge l.8 bl. elv I&a I IImler 01 !Jekel<! II BuvrJOsed t.o bave IIlleut lind toward t be co rn bll lO] !.JOII wh Ie 0 11 tbe otbe r bOI d t he wo< I the t cha n ce over wlilb lIud fe ocetl ove r he Igea lind land tlpeCle8 OCc8110u aliv come ID uoord -'-'- ---- d,\.(hes. Some ltul e8 wh en II dI tch IS and j!' ru y t a m e At the fir lradll I!: )X)"t:I O ICfERAL 1\ EItIDA:-i hM beea promoWide llnd tbo hLlI ~ o ue CIIn n o~ jum I' It nbc li t Hud ~ n n ay wildull ce ll~ e I Ibe '~rul • _lOrm.U ou ted III ili e fathe ..h I' u f t vl n d I Illitter! tmd er . boutles two old Ape!! ~ tand on tbe opposite side f be General b as I b re" la ughte rs now P" \ 811.:1A 1'0 S a llll dPlltl!1<! wbo All ml(:e Are full of OUrt Ol!lty They 8W III m rrurK to r xplorc t ie th[(n u se IlUd lle d augh le r be n b a ppy u II I IIIC ng eAcb otner and Budd el Iy (all Uj; ~ IlD d fnrwBN tbrow ilielt lon g arm ~ ove r eacb po ke t heir n 9l!t18 IUl{) nll llOr"" of places lee lb usl ronou Ore eml}lo), Ill! IlIrge III r "·~.t E" .. J bod,. ".'7- II .... IMo Tru" otbel 8 ~ o ulder4 lIlId 80 limn II b rtdge whe r Ib ere I. a I r().~pec t of IOme lh iug 10 ro r~ Oll t uf d oord nil wh o 1 1\ vO oCClL'Ilon 'Ihtll,oo nlr ve rt"bl. 1,,"11 0 ouy olT. red by o ver "llIcb t be htt le trt'm b llOg lblnge elll and o fte n n: e4l t Ih fate wblch OU l\bt 10 UAO ~ p>gl as.ce In foggy 11 6 1t be lind IhOlle .. bo I a' e uled Dr Pie r.e. Fuo r Ie to e ud nU pok ng of nose8 intooLhe r e pe cl s lly LboO!C L car 'lI h lel] pe r80 ecam per . "iltly but caUl lou!ly IIS who Y ou bave all bea rd 01 COllrl!8 h ow peoill e • a6aln-t b ey ge t ClllIl!ht.. I r&- call not shllve lh em.el vu Wilho ut bnug- I UOllptiOD loduct I the dootor 10 loll It po ItI To g u ar . ole~ )"'oy l.dle. tbo monkey. make a brtd ge over a fiv er ? member oo e su ch CIIIIC whlcb Mr Frill k IlIg the r OIlCS RIo ost III co ntRct \Vlth IUUdOf" ave rdr.lue I from • ng It on 8cen o( No T Well It IS very WI IlIl IUld s trange Du ckhlnu h8 relal etl When oy et~tl! tI ~ lookin g g ll\lll! fi re uo ublleM aWllre "gentrJJ [e.1 ug ot r r.Ja d l ~e "\11.. 0 Launt But tb"ll the way they manage h r hey are Il'ft out 01 water for aoy len g th or thM t he IU Rlc r of n trrors becom e IiO n lIIed medlel ll I LeI me aslt .. qu . 0 find a plBoo where tbe strellm la Dllrruw lime el peo lall y ID hot wea the r, they III dimm ed by t he b realh by d e v a nd ~e n "ro ,.,0 pr'Jndl ~d Bga ool le wlD g 1U801 ID ea the banks hIgh ilie t rees growlOg on ,.aya opeD tb e lr Ibei ls a hUle way prob- crolly by wate r III Il vuporou s stIn e The be"a ... ,.nu b ........ eo tb em a d v~rtl led' or both aldee. 'Ihen 008 monkey goe8 ou t ably seek nlr a tlrtDk of walor A moutle w"y l{) preveut Ihl e trou bleso w e fog 18 "aD u tloultl Ihe logenn Iy antl .k lll re on a branch of a tree tbat grow~ ou ~ bunLtn ~ I\bou ~ fur food fouud 8u eh Il n Simply t.o Ill pe th'H urface of the mtrror Q u l r~ 10 lb. ir IUve tlon ? Aga D ," ou ld yoo e to iO Bure your booae b ca UlO tbo over the water l ap~ hla La I t gbt arouud oyster In tbe larder and put b 8 b ead I I belo re usi ng with II ra g 1II0131e Deli wltb eomp,mUl oJ advertise d Ibat had p~ld w ltlon l to Dlhbloa t theo, ster ~ beard Instantly gl)'ee r DO 13y th ft substanc e watery lu loll"" aDd yel .\1K I aIt<alII&! tbe branoh and drops dow n AnOlber ij [ 8•• ernt monkey gnea out thero folda hiB tnll tb e bivalve Bhul hl8 sh eila and beld vapor 18 co mpletely taken up mllli~." Do auclt adver1 •• meo u al,,". YOur ooufideDce .ana o,eale projudlces? around tbl! fint on e 8 body and arolJ8 ,bem togethe r .o tightly by hlB " tr ng M u. ry co llee po l<! alld tf l< pots m\lybe Ch en 'll' by refu l. to ered do"n at.illiow er while the fi,.t mOl key muscleK tba t the IlOor mOlltle coulll oot t tbe Ifi lllOooy f pull bl.arme , wltb a atronlli grtp arouud I'ull bl h ead o ut oDd I!O IIled of eutroca d ellnell al d swee tened by I'U n lD g u good It 0 . . .. ho hftV~ found the FA90rlte Pr.ocrtp quautlty liDO 01 I, wood be all fishes tl lit i. Inlo ul .. imed tlle m lor Ii iD over aDd the eecond monkey 8 wal.t Anotber tlon Other 8 milar cne. have beou fililn g up wllh colli wnle r Se t on tlte c mlD~ tb o~e a ll moDIII uecIIllar to r our l elt ' and &Doilier do tbe II&mu way until tha known -Er7leJl / I gtrlol/ 5e Nio/l oku (or Whr ~ubOlI 1 l<> the ule 01 harsh aDd perhal l I love tu h ea t ~ rll lul\ il y lIli t be wllter twilled fOp8 of wODkeYI reacbes 10 (IIr JUJU. !>QII... Let I~ b...l .. 8bor~ ',me LI Oil ... ~ OIUlllO veatmen l} thul aggravat og your doWll that thl! 10weaL ODe CIIn touob tl¥! mal..", ... boa IIlnd e to cool wb en the 1118iuc should be pOSll,Ye "er(eclNII.I 11 IU"'.Qu od and • ground wtlh the tip. of h l8 fingel'\l. Then FAR. AND IlltESlD E l and permaoe nt cure bu (lItbfull y waabed aud 8crubbe I In bot beeo III tn DUlaod. of o.. e.· hI! ruol AIling A hllie way o n b .. banda OO ll~ s utl ~ uSlIIg " small brusb t TiA B .... I SIIAnol< very ILL 0e1obu2C \h 1876. HBR! R.u8 INO IN THill FAn W 1!8T hold a up hla anna aod . "Ings bIlc!.: ruoa 8110t may 00 reached the n 8C3 ld two or R. V PI s nCK M D Bull"olo N Y alonKa~D llnd 8Oket'ptl lwlDglng toliod For YfA rI sb eep r uSIng ha. been the lJfJtJr S r- Allow me to exteod fro uotal bl! reachea lhe t rullk of tho tree chie f Inlluslry of N e w MeXICO Rnd IS t Iroc WU Od find Wi pe t111",ell dned It mOl t on tile opposIte pore 1 be n up be goe ~ now allll) ouo of tbe m oet I'rofitab le pur mu s t be a d esperflte CI1SO It the TCtitteI ~ .llIoue II.nke to YOII lor Ih'grul l . nolil are my n wi[. o t fuuod hlOl received perfeclly frow sweet Ibe Ilnt! ul e of clean ynur lAateOI blmflllif lMleurely to a brancb thl' s U\ ta IU olorado and WyomIn g It re FAvorite PrCJIc rlplloD sunert I allUo I monby rop!! h&Dga down In A loug loop q Ulrel le8~ tblln cattle and gen If thIS adVICe i8 ~trl clly follo wed Pot!! nlolerably before uOlOg 8he your med cl u. au I over tue ",a\.er, and tbe bndgo Ie m llue e rlllly proVll8 sa fe, and gives better re lind pans or plates thllt bM e been uBed ( had trlt ll the . klll of le urnl II y. 1 IlIu ~ Then ove r go thl! mt'nkey s Cl\utll.'u &ly turns ler the money and clire ilillll IIny for b ,llIlIg Illld growl) JIIoClII may be bul 10 no purpoo. FI laliy 1 Ibougll I clelUJed In tl 0 sum o wily Put tl tl l'ltLe "o ulll give Ibe Favorlle but very qUlckly {or lhey know how It otb llr occupat lou tl at call 00 followed Into Prelc r vllou .. Irial I I'BI \~ Ilh wood ashes lind cold ond abe It DOW aOllnd • Id well makett Lho slender arlll8 acho to bUIld Il In tb t\t lIew COUll try It takes IIll\rge wale r ' ery Kratclull y ,n ,. D A n UNTlln. bndge The m oilier monkeY8 tllkn the capital to handle cattlo and Lhe 10SJ0e8 uo wooanu procee I as nbove *t.ed 11 III @h ~H elln be had tak e Hodn II TM 11& .tar)" or .,""iYiii'iaiio li llUle ooee 00 UU!H lacks anll I!O UletIWC. from .torma St.aml>edlllg aDd Ind IllI cook8 would c1 elln I belr 1'16 1,llItes and ro ~bt " . 'frl,tt 0 I Ihe gradu . 1 I roc ... uo( a ~ray old grandstr e gOl'Bl'ul llng 11 tre m ro.llIs ovem .ocked mllrk ets lit ShIpping b Iklllg mprovem f ul \frougnl oul In "'l 01 .. 01 lood d slteH Ifte r t it s fBSI 10 11 g riN bhog aalf grown young.t er along by ilie tUlle sod Ir III othe r caU8ll8 are ofIe II U. \JIg Ulcy \\ oulu ..keel' 8 vea L nil tltu E. ery pr08"" •• ve .lep • a vubl Q bit .. ug band, hlttlng hIm a s mart rap ou Ihe coo81l1e rllble-iIO meltllles eo lorge 118 to time r o no 0 e " ,Lle le 18 lUor. d e Lhao 10 bead If he ItOpe or COlliCK lIelif falltng bre II< up 80me of tbe mo. t extensiv e 0 001 an: 8 YII \ST PO\\ n lln Thl. w Ih proper core 10 0U « ' th. mOll <1. 1 olou. ao" titock m~1I {rom {fight.. dlgu tl bl. I rMt! bl&cu 18 I1 Mlry etc. ::sheel' hkal\ dry chmale II elr fleece When tl<ey are aU uve r tbe moo key To U OU8KK~ IU Kit>! - II" attentloo 01 who lirat Btartell ou tbe bridge drop~ WIll protect them ID the coiliest hud. ol lawlI .. II lavlted to th e , ul er ~r down aWln!!" blmttelt ac rol!l! 81111 U ~ woather where s torms of Anow aod sloot luahty 01 n lJ lL~Kn 8 FLA\OUlNO Ex br dlS~ breako up Th ~ 1I tJl ey • t /lell LI do not come (,0 I'fllctrlit e Ihem fhe TRACT1I Tb ey aro hIghly COl coolrat ed oelllD tb~ tallest tru s to wal ch If lOY dry sunoy 1111110"1 bere 11180 \Vllrds 01T I ny • • 1I th Ireohn ... Rod del oa01 o[ t.h . bll{ monltey s wearlDg otr 1111:0 hart e 8 Ill"" 1f!6 anu tbe I ecul IIr IIllmcnl.8 tb"t Irullo IroIU \I b leI tJ ey are prep ared aod are and currylll g bang 8tlC\t ij (I KUI'JlOl'C nilltot al I 8011 Otl I C8 largllly del'lete lbat It 18 wbat tillY call U1e ll IY tl gUD. ) tl II Hock In othe r I arlo of tho couotry len exl cn',;,',;;lv;,;e;;",== ==== come out to molest IhcUl lhe renllllfl o are a hlluotl uk 0 \\ u h ere Tbe gr/l8l! IS Tbe Markets lire uouall), we ll grollll yo ung IJUnke ys 0\ Ir tlOI 8 1\ 11 I fatlrlJtIIg - \.'! ~Ood III wltb qUIck ey es Ilnd sl aq 10ud VU oe. WIULCf (\." II . Ullmer h lVlDg been Wil li 1 he tfOOl' 01 \II )\lk ~ y s 11 e g rav elly Iia liS \lId rocky goe. on c ured SlIlftly and slle utly fout lull. "' ure '01111111 IOf. The mnun l{) tit.. ro rr field B e rl! they gl "IY o r bile Iltt " tk. I I . lr~I\'ls n ffurl! clellr cool willer of corn untllthe y lall down OOCl\u.e tI v I ho ~ IIUW IU \V lite r tlllle ne ver I tlI8 80 CAnuot r" ach ears wh en lhe s lJilk. nre deep bUI tl I t they CllII I LW It alVuy 1I0d 8tandIDg rhe th ey bn~"k (0 II e elir. g t tu c lr IIIb. 10 II e Ilrl\l!l! fho b st Illfo rtl ILU IIU lit hanll gIves and .trlp off more til I I hl<lf tbe huoks 80 WI to mllke tlJem \.'! Itgl t lUI PO:\l!I blo the lIumt or aull '1Ilue of sb t el' IU the l!.<>Icky Muunt/u ll COli II try to carry \;load Value. Next they turn buck the rem I IIlDg 2211 000 • ' &0 000 husk. I\lId b)' fome oW ft qll er motll)lI. l15li 00\l I IlOO OW '" ................ .. I 000 000 wltb tbelr .Ieutlu hltle liuget! Ih ey I COO 000 tWIst tbe ellds of tbe husks about el<oh To...) 2 115 tlOO I U 7W tlOO otherau ll make I IIOrt UI bra uell knot 1 AJlAWll C lN SE<.'T8 - Hellry Hales tbat bold. 1110 CIII'!! of COtH loge tber l!O Mal s ID th e R lral N ew Yorker that the Low} orebead s. iliat ilie1C11D baul! tb em around tbelr mtlthods 01 d8JItroyt og nl'clllL You would hlirdly beheve II of poultry m081. of themparll8ltlc in8ecl.8 Ilre very easy Sbakape aro !peaks or but I have reeo an old mother mOllkey rhe poll LIck IS I'revenlc d or got fld of vlllalOou 8 low Rnd Wordsw orth WlIlllI! (/I8teo BI! many III! SIX or fIght eare onto by ~lightJy grew!lng the heads uf the of tbe godhke forehead But, n;nl~~.i!I·~'M~';·~.,~.~ her youug ODe and \1 en mKke the httle oblcks WI BOOn \II! hatched Tbe lIame wlth8tan ding tllese two poets lind creatur~ cllDj! atOUI d ber neck aDd 00 procct!l! rei ellLed onoo a week for about pol'ular oplDlon whlcb agrees WIth tbem &hc trota With long swee plDg elnues twu or tbree wceb WIll carry them bo lorebead . do nut by lbelr 81ze IUdICR\.e You _ the r~ l\.oll they du nol lak e tbo youu furtber dar ger I WIll not on thIS corn In tbelr IlInds IS oocause they lIlust 'Iblect give the L,LIO Ullme8 of lD!I8ct. the PO_88IDU or want or tutellect The WWlblDgtoll Republloo I ave hanlls 1111 I~et to cl mb w tl o i fiud 80 much \ IIr nblenesa and IiO trllttuns of thll truth 1l furnl8he s Illua.. A of the remark !l0nd big t1uck of tb\'lm Vi III cleRr I c r fe w vart e tles Il SCr btd thllt It 18 well to Among our s tJt.tell1l'1en Calboun and 1i~11I n abouL teo 10 nULe~ wlth uut II employ tl e le rm. l I common uee Of Jllck.on had remarka bly low forehelld s breatb of 1I0"C-U Olle 01 tillt cbatte r ug tbe Vlmel ~o Lb t .ull remalD 011 the IIAalso uld J ohll ItRDuoll 'b Lowell the and velltng and laugb IIg th.\t you I enr 01\1 there nre two dlstlllCt cllll!8~S when they are tn ilielr o wu homes aud L ce tl at buck Ibe blood from tbe lowls I'oct hBS Il forel elld 1I0t twn Illchesbl l1b lout \I') one WIll que~tton hIS ~rcatnblhty out of dllnger ooJy til of wllch have their moutb. anll ~pl~1 I II taleDt~ lI10st of tbellblllll t AIIII what do tbe llIlutllleiS up III the lie tr the eU<lo f Lt elr 1I0llCS lIud another Dleo In elll ~re&l st the prellent day trees do If III1V one IS I koly to d slurb cl l\.'lft that Ine u I nou cat tbo fcatbel'll have but mo ler He forehe"d s wblle man)' ilie WO\ll<ey~ Y \ll!kcll HOllaru rb~Be IlIttcr ha\e their mouths under uf tl em I live very low ones 'V D Oh II ey gl va a cry ~ l\ld NIchol" " thp Imulll" of the bead nuu of thtlm of Pellu.yh alllll who 18 liD a shr II sbarp cry tbRt every m() key tbe re are feural vanelles dlfferlU[( KeUy III 1110 II key laud kUOll 8 as soon lit! be lrom ellch oth e r 11\ form color lIud Blze 8cknowl edgfd IOglCl8U lind UDe of tbe fiu est dehalers bl\8 a fureheau wblch ileA ... It. 'lhe l the flock eCI\U,ere Just Botb kinds ClLn he got tid of by dU8t1nll can be covered by two fifty cent cur I kc II helll of brown leaves thllt Ihe sulphur well IlItO tbe feathel'll of the retlcy oote;.;c;.s'---_ _ __ __ 11111 blows ov or '1 bey g(l I I IS III lO} bird. CUVlER te1l8 UA thllt tbe truuk of lin 1liOerent lVay~ lUI there are dtf ereot uoder If the chlcken8 are youog aDd lbe ben dust tbe hen tboroug bly elepban t IS compose d of forty thouBllud lUuu,,"y" orly the mOLbers aillsys tAke WIth sulphur alld prOVIded the usual or more sUl1I1l muscle" IDteriace d In all tbelr bab"B II10ug wllb th ~ m But If dust bath be Bupl'hed thlH treatme nt dIrectIo ns tl e contrac t 00 or relnxatlo n I\uy danger or trouble cumee to them WIll keep Ibe fuwls clean If repeawd of wblcb ellable tbe &Dd tbe IlIlDtIDOI. do not gIve the wllrn lin mill to shorten or about ouce a week lengthen itl! trunk add render It 110 flex lng crY-If IIl11all gelll ,ubot at olle or Of tbe gape-wo rm It II dIfficult to Ible It 18 hltl! ono WIth a club-th en all tbe otbers ed ~brougb Ita entire sav linythlll g poSItIve though of COllrflll len~th by aperforat d )uble tube through wblcb gofor iliel'CntlDelB lind beat blm uearly prevelltl I on IS best In ordGr l{) get tid tbe IID1DJIII breathes aud drinks to deatb .HUt I dId 1I0t Lell YOll bow ofthl8 At the pest the 8urest way wbeu a ynru end of the trunk 18 a little finger like lip"e catch iliem 80metlm es wlili 'lor is once lufested 18 to remove tbe fowls pcndage which IlIlrves to pick up smllil tumu f entnely aWliY from the contaml Uated obJeclll aDd 11180 acts No I WhllLlI a Tortuma a Y as Illeeder WIth grouulI I kuow of II yard thlLt W311 IU thIS wonderf ul IDstrnm ent ilK WIth 1\ It II a kind of frUIt wlili ahard sboll, fested for 108ny ye... ODe vear·-H14 H hlind the elepban t can I'lck up a needle and I e1p6Ct the name cornel from chIckens were all taken RerOM a or tear up a tree tWlllt I h e herllage frow j Tortulu a Tortoise , becAuse of the to anoilier part of the fllfln and not al the ground or etrlp ehe\l lowed \A) V1SIt tbe old ground until ton ur leaveK from the the young brllncbe1l Lreoo ilIon wblcb be .. But ho" do yuu catch the monkeyf t? lorge to get, lhe disease No trace oC the feedl!. .. Well finl\'--'gapes hu been _0 there 81nee theu .. !l'Iiere comea Uncle Fred t althougl t several yean hftl! elapsed EVEIlY mau haa bIB weak aide and It .. ADd Ibe Dew Velloel pede Some poultry autborltJ ea \Illy tbat lIVery ofte u tbe Cl\se that thie weak .,de •'!\at *>, by joUy 1 there II Ii connectI on between the gape 18 the beet part of the mlln 0
Burne tt's Extra cts
'the People B llemedy The Unlvers:l.l
Burn ett's Extra cts
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Burn ett's Extra cts
,..., .. /101 to....a' '0"1. P_ JjemJ lor catalOV" .
Burne tt's Extra cts "d
Burn ett's Extra cts
L:l :F E
261, 262, 263 Broad way. _ _ OBU/UU I I 10 _ _
ASSETS, $4 1827,176 52 SURPLUS I $820000
A Adnr t '(lmen t O(:ea Pf nk .pu. o r
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DI~~~umD-H 7~ PBBSENr.~rIOJf
VII• •'I'11U I PrepIr<!(I b,
n. II. BTEVE N8. Bo.ton , .....
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Osgood's Hehotype EngraVings. ,.he chol«., Oft. Dollar
Extrac t
A ek for Pond s
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::U~IIIDr, ::: ~7.:II~I ~I~II~ Bu":'~~I~::~?' II UG, Tho ImUlt l! IIr M111. nml lhe lIay w", ,,,Ir,
An d lIltl Ltl,tlll 1.1IultM " lI.uceoJ lu lh tl tJttlUl1 ai r. And tht' 3U II IIgIH aJ ' IHued whort' t he rCII1J('1'WI lJrcuo
Itlu ed lbo Jrl&l'IDl bloo nUl Olil t be '(lllle IreM. U ta t I{'ArJ IUA!f cnce'(
,.-Ilta " lull 18 ",,, IIIIIl uD ed,
AI!I h Da l\JOd whb n rAldlt!;." whl Jll1I h i. h"n I. J\nd h o h ud:llt h f) .llI n",. h i" oohta il coot.,
Amllht! '<chIlI IlK l o ~ fl lto f 1lIt! eM I"" tlIII01.(',
A mi eh elu ulled ""I&li e Ir.a fl l.'tf 011 hM 11111,. mU ll. Am! ,aul ,hc Yuuld (tJli h llll ...,. h OIl to 1111,11',
tSo h o /" UOllftl pwa y 1II II lie d lnnt' r 114,11 0 ,,,,,., 11m \I, IInl t! breu bl o,," p, II, 1IUl h tlllKbfOtJ "hell th •• kltdl e ll cluc: k , tr ul'k 0116, Aml lihu uJd tuu carro t .IMo' tllulI8,
cuunterl th e acr l'H nnd buoh o18 ove r and over, unlil he began 10 look upon Dm's M O!lll ns tu e oue thing upun earth he d OKir. d . " Mllg de," h o Haiti "'lChle nl y to Ih e li ttlo wife HC lYing be6 id e him , " ~llIjl!!ie . whlLt did un cle give you tor a weddiu g prc.ent Y Yuu ne ver to ld me." .. I thought you ", ould no t like it' l ·Ie ploe u." " Very Ii', ' ly nOI, !.Jut Il cve rth c l ~i<l! wh itt W' \ H it 1" I .. A Bi ole." "JUgt like I'im; lIt\d we Iolld lwo fiull il " um'5 tu bl'gill with, not LO "pelik uf t l,e littl e UIl CS you IIIII'C iu el'MY mom ." ,. In th e H.lme WRy. S te phe n . )l,,"pl u I!RV O 1I ~ naplein" enough for three " oll e mlioll S, fLud ij ilvcr mUI(8 ellougb to se rve nil our fri e ud 8. Uno l,,'. Bihl e was by nu OICJ1l1 ij ao ordinary oue."
WHOLE NUMBER 624. MarslllL' Von Boltlle. Th e fll ce .of the fi~ll! mur~hRI, say. R French Wrlt.e r, rrenll . to mo t ha t o( R g.r ~lIt Gp or ml-K iug Frederi ck, of I'rUIl'Ia. It h,,, the " !I 'n p ~ tron!!: lhi nne!l.~ and th ...11111 " lung l h ... Ih a t of lh e Pr" .si "" Kit~l/ . L ike him , he II S~~ tobAI'co; bUI nn ltke hlln , he oI u_" onL 1"" 0 Vultlli re I:{(' hil a Oft "" .aid lI11 ' 1 wloat he IO",t ole t·, t..,1 in FrnIlC" i. V"l lairo. Th., d ry fnce of V.. II Mul: ke h,.. Ih" t ill l "r " I~ i",ny. Th r . ki n i. wrinkl e,l 10k<- th a L of 1\ fi g. 'rio t· '''''" th i, wnnclNr"t. J L il c ut wilh II klli f,,; II it< tl ... tiron nlllllLh of a hlllldll)' " "In I\'lo u i •• i1'·IIt. Hi. lo nJ! and lJIu ~' ull\r f Ar \,. Iil f'('u r of " IIl ILi,
The poet .. a lht he I tl i tl Jo,l( saod. ll l"aring L" fllo" , mfOlo II nulII beaL ! A ll of " UJlIllon d ,m l1l ut( l u I
or MJ·ny mpha h \Hr,lll fJ to lhe lind, T hAe UI~ t~:'~r~ t~!?rU~lhl:: r:;~.Od~t f A 11"",,ulnK IlII lIe. 10 to oer llllbl, On rllll.IT II .. alld d6't(l hl ue (\1e• llr,·a •• , Uk .. th e ~h1 on t horo Illld uy, "' 1"1 )111 IlItu tn uulI't ..... , .. hOJoml vu r alKhtl
N~I~IJ,tJJu:l~ b~:; :~\~dl~ :cll';.I'.rI~t~l~ Hu t ponder, wher e .. ne"l'lH~J
ll t~
a "'ark. lltS" IUll Oal
Al4ttlult the TItAn "gun Ill.
Tli r~~~~II~I~·er:~I~l~t~!I~~r~lfn~ll-:'!:t. 1II0"n un' wh b eTer1 1,ualunnt.e whlfl.
who lisll'ns. 'Jnll' d~~ Jlli lleA Ilt th e corA 1101'1"1 101. Lbo f &l1ltao\. mood norMof th o lip. indi cnle 1\ bittcrnN" t1'Rl Of w.,Mora ill t he ha Ule', roar, UI ,1U1 8 1b e ... adrrur on lbe nore: is co rroijivc ill li s charnclcr. Th e ",,.e ~1,11~11:~::~:~l fl~~I~~d ~~~!':::~~~C:iruek fti :l, The hur1 " OI t•• t rons whh du, blood, is etronlllL od Inrile. Th e ti el,\ m ar.h.1 The bUlowlI ,Ibrat. lOJtac:Jbre._ And ll heMhl . iull..Jultionl kirl tlol •• " hae th o virtlles of c~ rlnin bird s of 1\ lo£l.y · And II f. \0 _ .... IOIIl .....--I00I. 'rha t he YUl'...ed. ll :" wuld dtilib IL "'II II U:ll ".Y, If How DOL '" character and great bCllks. Litre their Sec n ow the ••lrlnl dreemer, PI'Q88 .. It has be n in the Hawic k hou f!Oneck, his is cnv~rffl with a wrinkled 'fhen " II tb l~ llay . and Ul e DPs l (h" luo, ~It~~n:tl\~~e \~I~~ ~1,1~~f)~:anlt. kDee,~ 'l'bu tu n Irom th e dl rU tUl earl)ll t drw. hold siuce 16IG, lind coulsi". Ih e family ski ll. On hi s fo rehE-RrI, which i' l\ little In o nle IDolod to llt llloltotoue, : register fur more Ih nn two hundred yenr•. retreating , o ne 8CCI!. rL!I in Ih e c,ue of A Ili l "he\1,,,·0 1l • look ot c Tt- nlidfO. Mlngl llM" .ol ein!! lb rll!nOOy .I 11111 tbe IML o( Illy bran ch j un cle Aml l1lf. ,I No .. lA'InL un the o tber liMe." Tbo IlJ urmur ot IIIc'l lul!: a lta ruOl.n , th ose bird@, Ihr e9 rlrc p wrin k lro, r un thou ght J would like t" hnve h. It iKII nin g,plLr:lll el, an,1 with th~ ir cd 'e.. nvc r· Alhl I ho ,",uw UnYI t& m ~ "I th ,! o M onea w"nl, U,·l'olCt!d I wl t b lQeanlO lL1 cleu tquee r 0101 boo k, wllh K r ~l\t bra"" .A Illl the IIludloltl t ... llIti fur h ilt rl'Jt,u.I. r ron l; Iftpping'rach otIH·r. O ne woulti call the m "1 nee tn 'er, 11mbol Ullllf' .,ul,d'U\PK. I millie uu ele two sole m .. prOm Loud 1111h, anthera', lh u nd nr-roll, cloud @whi ch are ~ecn in th e fky IIfleru A III I Ih" llol"III .. ,,1' InuKlh d lit t he Ilre'o.. h rOV11I, 1..0 ... In lhJ'1'Iul J~Ul [bu r hies O \'f f l t." day of Sl~rm8. A ud 1IIIIIilru Wd ~ bllljU"OII wl lb dUlld!!ol ~IUU IU, The 11,.111" Ooo - .ho la,. bl. wb\Jle .. W h ILt were they 1" CreA ti on to th e ll'tenhlK ea r, His glauco i", in turn, IIb~c nt or .cm 1'111 a t 1M" 0"'" tillerh.. , "t1l16r d"r, Ma,nifioent T..:ler boue. reY~r bto",Dt , .er,where: I "Thut I would Dever p'lrL witb it 1111 ' tiniziu!;,- working within o r withnut. U" klll kUl t nt 111(' Cll q '~ 1 a",J IIlhl a w_Y t -N. E . J"""",I oj &1 ...... /011 de r IIny circusLaDce8, unlell.~ it wrut to t:omet imes it I!Ctlms lik ~ a window i1ln(ht'r ,h I) f6!lJ, Iud dow n Ih"l I tt L'tl I, g ive it again in his Cha rge, andmi!l llted in an olt! man.ion. S .. mclimes d l'ou UU j(IUUY . '1111 foount',. " ~l. and--" ODUS AND t:ND!!I. tbe black pupil see m' like u d ormer win•• W ~ J1, what else?" A mt IIlIft!r llij_ ln t ile uH,rnlll18u n ol'er wbich the lid fall~ lik e lin ol J dow, thuileJ ... him lK'a lI D.iI hlt ClU J"" e,lrll lll . TIIER E o u ~ht to be peas and good will .. Thllt "hen any otber sourco of bell' and torn c urtain. 'rh e re iN lIOt OYer hi s lind w m(o n failrd [ would go to itAUil !;tln lh 1.11 11 oft II Mhl, "U n Il ya"-D , fl\ce the lhick mRl!k worn hy the r ide r, on tbe Da nube, fur the RUI!I!ian5 are report.ed .UI . helli oll: Mllrrfau. Soup-pea,lulI't look IjQ ang ry , Stephe n." . .. Wli tfr~ 11 ,", tlJ carJte t waltyrgoul! I" B1l1cher,-that othe r grand Pm'sinn rior g; unnl'ry . ., I Ihink r h llve a gwd CIl III!\l to be soldier. It is tbe anxi ous· mRl!l: of the YNn ' "I(..'fl ' ceut p hid ('Owe aDd )'1111., IIngry j it ",.LlI like a prophecy (If ill·forAmt t btt cU rpt·I.W'.Yhl lu tbe autumu "'aal. H U NTtNO i. II relic of the barbaroua modern so ldipr wbo c" m\>RLI! aM" cipher. tune. Why . bould he fo respenk eo rrCIw lind W"S half angry lit Stepbe n for pe r. In a ItOlo' UarolU • (allen Von l\loltke never IRug~. Formerly s pirit IIlIlt tbi ... t.ed (ormerly for humllD • ·or lI e Tt1f )'ti t . I hl te th at brlgblllJ1rlny timo, for you ? Ami why ijhould he "Uppose .iNting. hut is now co ntenlwith tho blood " ad h cn~r hoon UUteu iJUW" h oul t bo, UUl!., OG\I~blenlced to tum r"·rum" A Il\l e U. I! ln t'nn •• ntl noph' ;" 8 crlbllt'r hi Mgay nnd ~harmin ~ wife knew how 1.0 bl ood, lbat YOII would need help o r co rntOrL I Bui. !!Orneth in l; li ke despe ration IIni. nllPlllg l~rs the wollror J U II• • , make him smile. 1 o-day th e .mile of of inferior IIniOll\ls. 0 ... r th e ren« II 1o!"'1b.1 rro 101\ " could gh'o YOII ' I f he hlld K"'cn ynu n mllted th e young fllrm e r, (or he bad 0;0 \Ve were introd uced to l\ln rlnme Aali , th e Held mansl".1 ie in terred with his wife l "a utloUldy ('Iffi'l, CIOtD, c:ltl w, durn, elaUi. BA liS UM is goi n!!; to have some diffit houlIIUll1 110llOd8, it 1I'0ul,1 HUVIl bee n fur mOrl!(s"ed hi s home lind CdlRle lba t ftuttered into n ve ry IlItelligelll-lollk ina. "m i_ble littl e in tile great park ofSilestria. culty in fighting oil th" OI1..,le,. &-... Il t f OU Dd h hu rt ::t tlck In tb., oM wood pilo. more to tbo pllrpo eo" thei r r~c1cmr L i on WIll! h oeele88 if the tbe leaves of lady, who sillamed U8 in TII/kiMI. otyl e A ud h e latb ~ roJ It UII wit h 11lI4I, 8.r lw ' lullr, One 8I\W bim IMt winte r, at Or rlin, One lo rifty Louisvillan i8 raising three Mllggic loohd quick ly ul'. M ns~ r"ileil h im. ft s he hlld by putLing h er hRnd to her fnrthead and t.all and bflnl; pacin g alon e Unle r den and hns invested four dollal1l In bair A DtI.t! IlAlIM\l 01' r hla fl're f~ rtorn. S he bRd n ever bpard @lIeh IL ..entime ut Poo r MIIFl!ie , wilh two li t tl e bllbieMto hundred her beart, Mid a vnri e Ly of pretty we I· Linden. Cilld in a long militllry o vrr· dye. A. ho waWtl at thC! COl q~ L liu tftrN and torn , from Stephen'. lips before. ' care for, _tra v(' lO help him hy lnkin g comes by means of the in te rprelr(l"", aurl coat whose hi~h collar came up to bis A nti hI! hll a MOI l mfuuDlllnK tb •• ck , tRkio!l liS by thehand in Lroduced U ~ "I1C- ears, wiLh his ba nd lock I'd bfb ind biM FI..ATTERY i@a Mfe COLD wbich OUt 'fht'n she laughed glli lyupon he rl!Clf In!J<lf, . 1", lVII_ t.otRll y unilt T IU th e . la rllN air gnftl htl! oohO!' ~ck. .. A thollmlld pe und s, Stepheu I 'Vby , fo r j nnd 8hp rn pi dly h roke down betwfcn eesai vely to all th e high and mi ghly blick, h ~ IUltonished str4nge rs who sa w owo vanity ha.~ l)lade current, and which A nd ou t of the. lnd,.. a .. b1l6 f8ct1 1f:1nflll, what oll earLh should wed o wilu somur. b th e unu u li l physicnl "trllin, ami t bc fe male magnRtes of Ihe land. We wpre omcers ILnd eoldi ers stop IInrl sal ut.e rtl- will ne ver be out of credit l1li long l1li And a palll~1 baud lbe! fllea ecrf(llled, exceedln glv dlmp pei nted in the toiltl.!! spectful\y tbi8curious being. One would there are knaves to olTer it and loole to money ' " con'll\n l, anxious wo rry regll rdin g .. Huy ami draiu Dru'K Mo ,l\1aggie." 'ter he n. of tbe Ind iea ; with Lbo rurception of have said ue 11'88 80me geni us wh o!!C receive it. S be knew hf. face, aha ' ! "pod ,alill aigbw. u It. ,h Oe U).ur~ Oil Ibe otht r I do.' · WH EN n man at Portland called their undervests of BroW!lla gause, tbey glance lransfo rmed me n into wood. F or all he r husband'. life dwindled Mllgg ie drew h er eyebrows together, and looked wOllderingly M le ph n, who dowll to tboMe damp, blnek acres of mud . we re nearly all drelllMld in European fabIUght d o'fu uD lbf' ground h i. lick he tlu'Oweo<\ 10 tbe morniug. nt bie OlV n house, he an other citize n a fool be wu arr..eted Ami be .bl fe-red ""(1utJ. " Wt ll, 1be lJlowed 1\ ' rics of various kinds, full trowsel"8, slip- [live. audience to his 8Oldiery , of whom , and mnde 1.0 prove it. Tbe jury returned hnd ri se n nlld was paciug tho Ooor Wilh Maggie got to bate the .oRme and shlldmore like tbe like Cmanr, he k nowa the nnmes. At lh e II verdict 1.0 the elTect thBt thedefendant pe rs, IUId over-dre der at th e . i);hlof Dru's MO!l8, and ebe rapid , thoughtful ~tep8. And b IUrDed ••• y. "lIh. heart rulltore.. A nd he ue'u "II tHll uol no ne no luQU , BOutRne of a Romisb prieat than I\lIy reichsLng h e listen8. If anyone attacks b.,d bee n duly found ta be a fool. "Why, Jove," she said, anxiously, balffeared itbac\ bewit.ched him ; for he - H IJf'llnflfO" Ildld-A'fG. o t her garment-the tralD of wbicb they the army or ita di scipline be epeah. "whllt CIIn YOIl mean? Dru'8 M08I! ! worked tbere long dllYS, unUl be came A MERCHANT in Easthampton aeked Wuat is tbaL wortb Til home 1.00 weary 1.0 speal: w he r s r even slip under n belt when tbey walk, in the Tbell his voice, hollow and dislinct, his bbath·school cla88 the other SunTilE IJUAININU OF' IIBV'!J.O S. II A few leec bes aud wild birds now, nOli ce !.he children, wbile every pound same mann er tuat be does. I.ostelld 01 break1l with a rugged lOonotony upen the day, .. What iSlIOlitudeT" and W88 anMaggie, but ftcr(\ft lind acres of golden he con ld get WILl! hopelel\Sly Slink in it. the long brnided trel!lleM wbicb we bad elln! of bis audiWry-like a eledge-h "m· dwered bv a boy ~bat reads the papen, .. ilt.epbeo, I lI'idh, dear, you had been wh~at aDd rich meadow gr8l!8, H iL \I'M treacherous d epth • . ellpeeted to _ falling 10 their feet, their mer upen a post-bu rlin g weighty IIphor- .. Tbe sta're that do n't advertise." n Iil tle mo re civil to Uucle J oseph." drained. I was talKing with Thwaites It Will! l,iliful, too, to ace tbe baro up· blllr was cut 8bort, and surmounted by iSIDs of tbaL cotemporary logic: Force. MEN are more mindful of wrongtl than .. Nousense, MllgKie, darling. 1 don' t IIbout it tArday. Botb O\.lr IIpla nd sllre luuds of tIe furm that were once wbite an embroirl ered gnuUl handkerchief put Dllring the summ er, he becomeJI a ge n· of oonofi~, alld it is but just that it lil:e ,.fosellb HAwic k lind hi" waY8, ami I wo rn out. Tile Moas lies between U8. with sheep, and th e g reat bl\rn8 nearly on like a turhRn; bUL 1.0 compenll&te for tleman,farmer, .. wrut Cal-our. His pr i- should be so; M he who reatorea a deun lI ot goi ng 1.0 pretend I do." I would give five yeal1lol Illy life 1.0 own OUlp ty, that had once been full : the Ilick of Orien tal s plendor in the r~ 8 t vate mod..., vivendi i8 identica l .... ilh tbat poei t d ones no commendation, bllt be "His wl\y~ 8rt) very good ways. No half of it, and mOll oy aufficielllio dmiu Bllt thinl!;s got WOrt!6 and wnrse, nnd of thei r dre 8, their jewels 'ar out-strip- of Gorl acbakoft and Thien. NCRl, clo!ely who deLain8 it, blame and punishment. one can 8I\y wrong of him, tephslI. " and c nl Liv .. te it." ill th e midd le of a dreary ""nter, just be · ped our imagination. Thia heing the buttoned in bis unif,nOl, which he neve r "1'ItM Is j\ut it ; th ey are too good. "GREAT upri8ing of tbe Poles," waa II Ho w Dluch Dloney would do, fore the birth of her tbird cblld, Josepb onl y mRnner In wblch Turkish (emal et! Inys vide; lovin g hia superb borlle8, [TII"tbn tbl nk lam old enougb to Know tellbllnT' Hllwick died. CMl Rarely lnveet mone,., aDd often all wbich be .. i.11JI each mornin ~ in their the startling neWII aent (rom Ruma whllt lam dulug, lind whllt I W&D I;. T that ill fell; to t./tem at tbe deKth or sud- olega nt elll blfs, above everything a 1101- otber day. A tetegrapb company had ,,'A tbouBIIDd pllUnd d. I could Ilrain Fifty (unen!1 ex. .Iou't owe a penny. end I Dever meau to plut and tb e l\IlVO th en proceeda to dfllill penlos was nearly all 'tlie money found, den dl"lfralM of theIr hu.baode, t./toy '''Irr, he uever t laele.. frllllnibl .... 1_ .. been r cent), sLtrted and lobe JlCllee for .Ull: 1\ fa vnr except or you, or of my banda. the r68t. But wbere cou ld I get tbe but he left. !~ap;E!e hialabuse a nd fllrni· eeize enry opportunity to enrich .t heir 80 Idier tb:lIl a BIIlmAroll: tbe orln. ..... JUII' beiDK erected-that . l( I palavered ove r Joeeph Hawick be money T" stnre, and Lhe di8play is certainly du· r<eem8 more a atsteama!l tbaD,. laldier. fa all. t u re, and wi Unllft1ast breatll rem iDcled TSJRTY yell", &«0 a Oheboygan IIOboolwoulll b&- the very 6n!t to say he r.Iing. dav." 'fhe iron (!Lce of th e chAncellor 8\.rilrea " I WM t hinking of uncle, Woul<i h er of the olu 8lftle. MIl,lame AaH's turbAn WIl8 surmounted Ihe observer with for ce. That oftbe field U>lIcber struck a boy on the bead wit./t a I.nnted tbe uiOe of mouey he may have you let me a8k him 1" Maggie's fortune Willi oddly ~iven, but "YolI'li be needing it IIOOn, Maggie awed." Nothing i, JlO wonderful a8 the growth dear, 1 know; don't forget me when you tbe eccen~ric old man did DOt judge fa r by 1\ wreatb of enormou ~ pan8ies com- ntllrshnl id oLle wbicu he retJ!.ins without ruler. Ooe day lut week the boy, now a man of (orty, met tbat teacher 8Ild pesed of diamonds, which com pletely losiog. Mllggie lighed, lind tben lookecl up In 1.0 of rL mMter p8f!8ion. amiFI. come to that dIlY. " pOllnded bim. Tbe wb eel of Time never , ' t~ phen 's ba.od~me faoeand Imiled. Hia wedding gift "l1li bl,! !Oil 811 be'in- eheircled her head j and in th e mid . t of In a fe w h ours tile desire for tbi8 par· These were hi8 last word s, and Maggie Stephen, of COUI'1!O, W811 rigbt j a man ticultu I,ieee of IRnd had strengtheued ponde red over them that evening lUI she tended it should be-In t;wo ways- for the 1'8nsies rose, mOllut.e1! on an OlICillat8t{)P • "No VRcliDulCl!." with slIch eyl's alld such R figure could itl!elf so that St.ephen btogan 1.0 cousidar MICHIGAN pn'mise8 to prove a parad I ' b 'Id Maggie and Stephen learned to love it. ing 1I' lre, 8 bird, Ibe size of a hUllllU ing.. Mac" send s the f',llo~'illg story of wbether it mi"ht not be wortb while 1.0 sa t silent besi 0 her 8 c I reno 1I0t. iu love's dillbt, be wroug. not only for tbe material help it hAd bird, which Will! one m8118 Qf diamondK depa rtment life iu \Va-hin!!ton ; Po~ t dise for bungry swains. A; Justice in Po (t WRA hro.rll to sell the dear old home, H e was brn" o ~n d confident., too, and lot hi s wife go borrowing ror him. buL tephen would hear of notbing ell!6; broujtht them in their eJ:tremlty, but with fi fDIhinK ruby eyes. Ear-rings alld DllUlter·Gen eral Key bAving offici.\lIy lind tbllt StRW hM decided that a man canhnd tha' war, of a !!I'rtion whiuh ouly Tbe lon ger he t.alked the more eager MO tbe dodor's 1I0u!C ",ent into the "lEU for tbe promillO of tbe far more ex· Deck lace mMched tbie diadem in mag- repeatedly mllde the Rnnollncement thKt not legall y lie charged for meals he cool and !l8nslbh. peo ple ca n rusi t. he became, 80 that at IMt Mngp;ie felt le h . f I ceeding lind abundant rlc:bes wbich it n.fice nce. 1II0etof tbe other ladie. were there are" 110 vacancies " in bis dl'pRrt- may be invited 1.0 partake of while' lit e rally bla!:ing witb jewel., wilh tb e oseph Hawi cl: loved hi s nil'eo with II hurt to see what a triOe he made of ber Illar et, I e quaint urn Lure wu 8CJlt- promil!l' ~ And provides for. meDt, an ulrillOKt office clerk ie reminded courting, wioo and te nde r ailec tion, aud she hnd feclinl;s, Rnd of tbe risk that J OBOpb t.e red, and thc monoy went into Dru's Stephe n, thou gh wealthy, waa no excepLion of th e wealthiest and most of Ihe fllllnwihg BLo ry told by the late WIIII.E an officer Will! bowing, a cannobly bo not chOAen the busband that. ho · wou Id would run. rn among Ihem, an Egyptian MoS!!. IonIZer proud. Jobll O. Rives, of the GloM: He saya nOli-bali pR38ed over his head, and .deit onl;r pllt oft the evi l day. princPIII! married to oue of Ih e pach8ll, have chO'lO n for her. H owever, next d lIy 8b e went to - t be All hi s pride and relMlntment vanished ThwaILe. abandoned his iml,rO\'ethRt RiveR ulled 1.0 tell the sto ry on MJljnr cal'lLated a ec..ldier wbo stood beblDd Stephen Omy WR. indeed" well·to-do," old milD, and, I\JI th ey !lilt loge tb er over menltt. when be gszed on the work he had fin- who, whelber, frolll having lost a near Hohbie, ",ho for mUllY yeara "as lbe fi rst him ... You _," 88id the officer to thOle relative, or from wenrinellll nnd con'1lI,1 bn<i a f"ir ch.""cter, but t be keen their LeA, said: iahed hy th e aid of tbe Doct~r'8 Gift. near him, " that a man never loaes any II He 1\'011101 thmw no more good IUolley o ld man IU\W radical defects in it. t.empt of the gewgaws. hall bedizened A8IIiijLnnt PustmBBter-Gl'lIcral, and who .. Ste pheu lVan lJ! t{) j oin f:\quire after bRei ," h ~ lIIIi d. lik e our pr6l!ent high officials, WM ever Ibing by pelitenel!l!." "He liiot.e n. to no one bu t h;mBOl f, Thwa it ed in buying Ihe Dru'g MOSB, The lloatmatl'8 Wllteb. ber numerous attendant slav~s wllh But tel,hrn, with n dele rmillAtion WUlTEHA.LI, TiJllt.'l : An old cltir.en lind 6') ho hCltrs nn a(I\'ice but" flu Lter- uncl~. " je,,'el. wortb IL Icing'a ramom. lind her- rendy witb tbe fstal ~n !we r, .. no . t.hnt many Ihougbt a kind of madnees, A Newbur,; boatlllan, wbile l!ILiling I<£lf remaiMd unadorned . One young vllcllncy," to all aPI1\icunt .. Rivc8 amid of this place, aged eigbty-foll~, IIIIYS tbat .' Whnt for 1" c r'. II. J cse ph IUI<i Mid ; ,. besid ~., Mllggi e, worked nwsy. Rlong ou bia .Ioop, lost hie OV Ar- married lady, about fifteen, was drel!l!ed .tbe Major had promisec\ to appeint a lu his pilgrimage througb tbll world he ho 1M 110 prou.I,that lam afraid that he'. "Why, they \.ILlk of great wh~atfiehls An.t re.Lll y. in th e fourtb year It looked board, and cu~ a notch on the s!de of !-he in a Fre ncb mu.lin of a brilliallt corn. fri end of his t.o Ihe fint vacAncy; and he neve r !'&w a rich man who could IIog. bollnd to hav e a ttll11blr." mrRdowa." as i( be wouM succeed. sloo l'. wbere . It wa, dropped, .ntcndlDl': color, Rnd next under It sbe bl\d donned had call ed on him repeatedly' to futflll He is 110 doubt righ t, for no man can get .. But., uncl e, he hftll a big hM rt, Bnd and . "It will need n digbL of druinage, "OU A porti lln' that had been finish ed pro . he'Kacoorl ("r mer, and e ve n you can see Lhat me8 lld n 6igbt o( mOll ey. I slHl ul,1 dnced sucu a cmp lUI JUl\de tbe farmonl W dive foLit_ lYh~ h.s boat l8aoh", -a crinoline, whicb arLieles were tben t·bat prolRil!O; but tbe invariable ans",er, rich who Wl\lltos his notell. I.ITTLIll TUINOS. Albauv.-Poug.h~tpm Eagle.. ~he wat.clt worn very large, 110 tbat theeOecL of the .. no vRcancy," WIUI tbe excuse, until he LIIIIL 111,'6 th o lllll,d'lOUleet mUn in the not think tephcn hrid idle CJIsh iju f\l- round douht their eve!. A cup.1 .... t.r broUlbl, caught on a nail In t~e slnop·.a sld~ a foot etecle, clearly de6ned beneath the scant bad about concluded to relinquish the Dlll r." cient." tephell wlUljubilant, An olforrd euy cbalr, bel?w Lbo water hne, wbere It ~1l8 [ulde of the transpar en t muslin, wae lu- malter 811 a bad job. At. lengt h, one day, .. Thllt is RlI true, girl, but God docs ,. He want! to borrow it." What could be done for two lIores plau'l ly aeen, . and .the bolltman belDg wcrousln tho extreme; but the othel1! bis friend call~d 011 him out of brcfLth A lurnlol.1 lb .... Iud.w blind, not mensure moo hy Inches." Tbat aU feel tbe air. JO!lll ph'~ facc clouded. CllUld be ,lone for two bundred. prease.d for d.d. cut t!le nolch and looked lit her with admiration, a8 sbe flOm running, and told him thRL lIIr. H owevor, in "pito 01 RI1 ciill&trecLiou, OJ \Vtludel1! nevor celUlC. I tbou ght Be had proved his position, and wa~ and lD~nded to dl ve hiS arm down parllded her French organdie and hoop- Paioe, a postofficc clerk, had just been An early O. ... r uo ..ked I>MIo...ed, ftlnll~lo H"wick's wedding with S luphen ., d lilt ' he cana./I a' lle I Il6me time . A II gbt. and Clutlool tread. Stellben Gray WQuid starve before he mnre enthusias tic than ever over hi a IUld get It when tbe craf\ rea.c hed AI bllny. skirt before them-ber girli8h face sur. urowne A yolooIoOl>IlCIII ... bl,l'O" hu.hed, (1 r:iy cume off wi 110 great aud wide· would borrow or owe moncy." i.len. To 'par •• n .. blo~ b.,.J. But ~lDfortunately t~e .1,lOp pMBed 80 mounted witb a regal coronet or mag ' bcgg injl: that bc WOU ld go with him to I!OSl'rPIld hO"l'itJ!.lity. .. Don't caijt up the p".t, un cle. But 1I1n .gie W&ll almost bopeless. CI080 "1.0 o~e of tbe pler~ ()I f the P~ugb- nificeDt gems. If tbe Moslem8 were har- Cllre hie place {rom Major Bobhie. Oh IbiDII' IIkolb _, tbougb IIIU. tblop, Joseph HawiCK had been for forty years lepbt'n Lhin,," if he could lx'rrew 1\ She WI\!! beginning to euffer for very koop!ue bridge that the, nllil. and moniou. in their aress before the time of Thinking he had a sure luing tbis time, Tho pu ..... , Jo,edl ..·.,.. the pby.iciall .md friend of all the Dale thou ft,md peunds, he would mllke it ton nfc_ilies. AI I"",ran' aI" on' tn Ih. air saidffi they both bRltened to were rubbed off, and . 8Il el.gbt Mahmoud, aa tbey must have been from Mr. Rives familie., rich and !,oor, Rnd no t one at " ' .1 6d Heteallbe hhldeu r~ . in a very fHIY year.; Bnd IInelo I cnllle toSLrIlnge. hard men came with alllhor- pou.nd sbad "wallowed Lb~ tlme piece. tbe aCCOllnl8 of travelers, lie character h them mb<ed an inv.tRLion . t e major 8 0 ce nnu con eotly reA SEN8IJJI.E aUlhor say8, "Have you dllY to 116k you to ltmd him it." ity about he r home. The shad went up the r.ver and W~ 8 hAl! disappeared from the effect of bie Bllt all were m erry lIud fnll of good nowed their application. ,. No vacancy," enemies? Go on and mind .t hem .not" " YOIl came a u!!elc.. journey, MlIg!(ie; Stellben looleed!lO ill and haggard, and captured a~ Hudl!On, aud Lbe .boatman IS Europeall innovatione, for th e IIClulet fez sRid the lDajor. .. Yes, there i.," Mid II f tb wilbes for the prolty bride aud her . e fnrbye I Aon't liK e that pride lhllt lIU1kes WILB 1\0 irrilable that her cup was fnll of n?w interv.e~IlIg tbe fiMb vender8 of that looks 811 out of place with tbe straight- the applicant ; " PaiDe is deRd-drowned That's a CIIpitRl plan, espec.a Y I bandllOme h u.bAn<i. sorrow. ci ty Lo ~nd h,s w~tch.-:-Newbllrgh J our- collared coat and modern lrow!l8r11 of the in the canal-and I havo just aeen hiB eoemy is the biggest, lind Is patiently 'rheuumbtorof bridal pre.e n~ lIbggie otber. oit,tioJl for iLl! couceit." . . II 'waiting bebind tbe .fence with a club to One l\loomy afternoon, when it rained naL \\ e to.Q.ay !ntervlewed Ald .•Van men,88 the short hair and French fabrics bod you tb e b an k e, awaltlllj: t eCOroner s d,'BCl'M tbe mRtter WIth you_ Better )"et, .. ~uireThwaites "aid YOII bacil'lc n£y received tel!t ified to it. Bergen, of thiS City, who lite t~e eightdo ou the women. illq uest." Whereupon lIIaj or Hobbie of money in the bank!' I!G t hnt work W811 impDMlble. !he Stephen's 8ldebu"rd alld buffeL would - -- - - - - - lIOut immediately for his mi. c"Uaoeou go around. " If I blld monoy, J'd never tru.L it ill ventured to try lind reapou with &Dd peund sbad roferred to by our neIghbOr of be bright with .ilver token5, and hi! tbe JourM/. He recolleol.!! distinctly of A UbaaU, Urne Stone. clerk, Mr. ~Iarr (who hu Bcted iu th e OWN"ER of Cllll ine (to party who haa I're!llleK full or' slIOwy d.LmBsk and fine- lilly brLDk i but I make DO more tban I comfort the gloomy mau, looking doleneed now. I am getting an old man , fullyacrO!l! empty farm-yard towards . " swallowing something" while eltUng M. Bartboldi, the lICulptor of the co- same capaeit.y for every POll tm aster- called to complain): .. ~'Iew at your spun linen lIud blnnkc b!. the fisb, but harln't the le8l!L idea it WBS lowd .. Libert,.," ie, according to all ar- Oennal since), and, to tbe Retoni.umeot tbroat did be' Tore your clotbes and tbe great, Oat. drellry MOM. But ul,on the whole, it ratber marti- Ma~gi('." , Stephen will be IIClrely dil!&ppeinted." "It will IIOOn be over, my poor Mag- a .. watch and chain." As· to the" nail ticle loy Oharles DeKay in Scrilmer for of 1111 pre!~nt, Marr confirmed the stereo- . bit yo~ in different placee, eh f The tied him. same complRint has been m.u!e, berore .. Be hilS no e.LII to be 80. I t.old him gie," I,e Mid. "To· morrow I am gain!!; and" we have no doubt they may June, tbe aULhor of a de.!lign for a grave- type rer,ly, "uo vacancy." .. But Be col! l~ not feel t.h e loving klndne81 thM 8Rnctlfied the glfte, and the object you 1Y0uid have no fortune, and he quite to get anotber five hUlldred ~und8-if 1 be foun d under the second calMOn of stone of siugular vigor and boldnel!8, tbere is, ' tbe Applicautinei.ted; .. PILIDe about bim; but, Lor' blo88 you, It s owy the Poughkeepsie bridge.-IludaDn RegiJJ- whicb commemorate8 tbe men fallen in is drowned; I just saw hia deRd body bis plllY." was not pleMllnt to the self.suffiCient scorned ILt the thoul!lbt of the money witb cau-upon the farm pleuisillng and tbe tor. . ANOTHER American poet i8 gom. to French ranks during the late Franco- fiijbed out of tbe can a\." Said the YOUj bcbad hischOlco between you aud remnant of the stock. I am sure, iflget yonng man. OermRn war. What tbe feeling in Col- major, .. How isthis? is poor PRine re.lly Europe. It was he who wrote of a elilpKilte Oroft, with the Oroft manor at ber it, to put tho whole MOil!! under wheaL Be had II!I!lIred Joseph Hawick volun" Peelings." .. CertRinly,' .aid \\Iarr, wreck at sea, .. Thus 6ft.y weary lOul, mar at anneltatiou to Germany may be gone 1" tarily, alld with IILtber unnecel!lS8ry pride, will." this year. and that will practically II&ve Tbe folhwing "feelings" are better can perhaps be learned from a brief men- " drowned ill tbe canal; alld bis pln ce went nnd bit the dustj" and who wrote The old man W88 quitel:loolOY alter U8. If I dou't,l have l08t my estate and that he wallted nothlllg with Maggi_ tion of the deaign: The head·atone is f!O- was fiUed an hour ago hy the appointment of II fire in an ice·boUIlO, .. So thirty neither gold nor !lear-and yet tor "II this talk, and lIfaggie wa. almoKt glad 1.0 all these year"' labor. Rnd we shall leave imagined tban described: Tbe feelings of a neaNlighted mlln verely plain, but maasive, and upon it of !.he man who saw bim fall in I" Mr. thousand peunds of Ice were thus 1"11that he looked rather Rnxiously for tbe O8Cllp8 from tbesllent hcarthatone to tbe this place ~~~nr8. You know the worst who finde he haa ki880d hh band to !.he one rend" the.e warda only: .. ~Iortes en Hives 88id, nfter this, be never tried duced to asbe.... bustle of her own busy fBrm and Lhe now; Maggie. old mRn's o(fering. -------~ Combattant, 14 Septembre, 1870." The again. The next dILY, amid the driving storm, wrong latiy. JOl!Ol'h Hawick WM believed in spite uoi!y welcome of her hueband . The finding your pocket-book gone grttl'e is covered wllh two gre"t 81abs of Tbe Origin of tbe Word "C...a4a." Stepben took the refusal very proudly, she walched her husband make his 188t of hi. eccentric 'Ltlcntions to poor paTHE demaud of tbis centurv is for a just 811 you are about to leave a slranlle stone, but one of these hu been pushed ticplJ!, to" have mOlley," aud Stephen but the idea had now become paramount, desperate effort. Tbe origin of the word '~Canada" I. She turned and looleed upen the hotel, with no time to .r(lare to rench the up from be low by nn arm. Thi. arm pbot"g ral'ber who can improve upen curious enough. The SpAmaMs vilited [\lIt that a halldeome cheque would not and Joseph Hawiuk'8 reful!IIl hlld on ly Ood's haudi werk. He will IUIVe to arcarl!. reaches Ollt from tb " dark opening of tbe be out of plaCA, for he bad been at IIO"' ~ made him tbe more determined 1.0 carry pleaaant room, ber tbreecbildren playinll tbi8 country previous to tbe French, and The rapidity witb wbich the fancy grave, aud gropes on the 811rface of the range DlaUel1! eo tbat in tbe picture the made pllrticular search for gold and IIn consciously about it. expen.c in refllrnlahlnJ( the old farm- (J ut the project. largest kind of ean! will appear like YOII go in, and rise 8tocks declio e wben otber slab for a 8word which liea near. He had a fierce slrugp;le with hi8 pride Then she Oed upiltall"8, and flllling silver alld finding none, they oftell house, and he wa~ very anxious to try The arm and sword are ut broDzt'. The clover leave8; a nose that can't be Mng 'llmong tbeml!6l ves .. Aca nada," IIOme new ijcielltific experiments on hi5 nnd his independenc~, out the next day down upon her knet's, poured Ilut all ber when you sell oul;. covered by a diminutive excr~cence of -there i8 nothing bero. The IndiaDs, The senealion from a lad y's boot-heel, idea of this tomb reminds one of the he madearrangemenUlto rai se the money heart in pwionate, pleading prayer. wornout laud. 10veline88 j the larger tbe moulh the As she rose with streaming eyes, her present etyle, when ehe .Iepa 011 your Gothic ghlll!llinellll that plenaed A lbrecht more it must be made to look as though who watched clollOly, learned thU len· But MIlggie Mid uothiog about ber by a mortgage on tbe farm that hRd beeu Dueros and the engravera of bis day i tence and ita meaning. The French aruncle's IlII!t worda BlI8bed acrOM her loot accidentally. uncle'a prel!Out aud Sterhen wu far too unincum bered for A hundred years. The priced chllrp:ed at some of the bllt the monument II al8() one of tholl6 the owner had just beon sucklnga obuok rived, and tbe Indianl (who "anted In a few wceh all arrangement8 had lDind. proud to uk her untl Dearly a year of alllm; and on the coullt.enance must hotels on " tbe Europeau 8ty le." trumpet-calls, silent but never ceuing, 1I0ne of t.helr companYI alld .~ppoeed been made, the MOI!ll had been bought, Somehow they beld a new meaning for .Lfter thei r m.u-riage. The amount of your gas and plumbing whicb keep alive batred, and finally linger an exnreMlon such as'llW661111 over they were ah!o Spaniaral on the But oue day be bad a long talk with 8urveyed Bnd divided, and tbe parLnens her_ a boy's face when he 811ddenly diacovers billll. conquered nation to terrible Bummon a Sbe unlocked her drawer, and Iifl.ed old Squire Tbwllit.ea about" hIgh farm- 'In Its drainiLRe went 1.0 work. where the preserve )ar is hid . It Is just erraud,) were anxiou. to inform th'el\l In The being asked .by a person a L nn acts of retRliation. . It 10011 proved il.8elf" drainage of two the old, br888·bound book carefully and inll,'" and then tbe two men drHted pessible that i~ Will be difficult to eu- the Spauisb sentence" Aca nadL" Th.e evening party, with wbom you are acinto .the dillOulll\ion of !!Ome acbeme (or ltindll. Aller many hundreds of pounds tenderly out. TuE Moffitt liquor law of Virginia, of tirely carry out this prllgramme, But FreDcb l who kn~w 811 little of8paD~ &II quainted, hut whose name you can not the ,}rahllng cf Dru'a MoM. had been apent to very little purpoae, "It hllll oomforted my Cnthed! and whloh much mention h .. been made, Is if any man can do it, he'll wear dia- the Inoians, 8uppo16d ·thi. InOlllMn&ly recurring BOund was thll--Ilame if dii Then Stophen, thinking it all over 118 mor.up8.r ienced surveY0n! had to be mothen! fllr many a generation," ehe .recollect, to Introiluce bi m to your no" in effect. It has been tbought of monds. friend, Mr. Struggine, wbo ia coming COUlltrYl and gave It the name of" 0811be smoked his pipe, eaw untold wealth Bent [Qr, and entirely new means and Raid, IOftly , .. I"ill eee what It will do .:.. a joktJ ratber than a law. It requlrea toward you . . of harvest from the rich alluvial lOil, macblnery IIJI(;(J, Too mucb had been (or me." tbe liquor seller to work a register after AN exchange I8YS: Thi8 is not a ada," "nillh It h .. borne eve~ lince. -~-----and fabuioul wheat fle~ds growing thrown into th'e MOBIl to abandon tbo And Abe uncluped It "Itb prayer, A STOCETON, Oal.. man elallDs that the 88le o( each drink, which Is graded world of cbance, but an apple tree was A NEW JEJUlEY Ue~1IWI who ,rel\C where men now caugbt leeches Ot IIhot project, and yet tbe constant cry for "I was brought low and He hel~ paper of IMlveral varieties and of superior according to tbe kind o'fliq uor \!Old, Two recently diecovered in Gilmer County, money wu (ut exbausting the patience me.'" "i1d fowl, . quality can be manufactured from the and a balf cents tax 18 impOr,ed for Ipirita "ith the branohea growing down in the gunning latelj;-tOOk d1.lIUDlte .b , m!. If he only had money. and pUrllesof both Th wai I.e8 and Stephen They were good "0IIIa, and Ibe 'read leaf oCthe common flag. "he Stockton and wint, anll ODe hair cent for maIt: It earth and the root.! ext.ending up in the take for gun-powder, and 'hi. gUll b!llll If he onll had' a thou Rand poundaln Gray, , tbe whole p!!alm. throuE" and turned the IT1~t laya tbat tbe B"g ie prepared is, in fact,thebell·punebof tbe~treet-car air. It is proper to expl~lu. ho"ever, and ilAetanUy ldUed him at thu tint Ibo&. cub, Tb"altet! and he would buy and . Tbe former, more able. to bear hi' 10l1li .leaf. . ' simply by being boiled with lime . . The applied to a new purpose. It Ie a no)le1 that the tree Willi upon the tarm of drain the MOI!I\, ' . . became, after two yean' labor,qulte indlZ CooL, buruordwaJl C6Ui'IIttF-1A A bank-note for Olle hundred poundl in veJlto~ II b~dlng a paper mill to make es~rlmellt,and ~mperance peoplema1 Qulucy P. Averill, the mOlt COD~1 ice .11111. . ,. . Be !!lit dreaming 9,er the project. ~d (erent, talked of toe affair ' aa hopeI ' f~ll at her (eet. " Bag -paper. 0 . man in Weet Virzinia. watCtI ~~ '"orking with intereet;
o -'
o 0<1
l " l UI H' I I. >til 1·"I ·Sn.~nt, n:::r'l'he nil IUtl ll , I :Inl' ('011110 1', IlOUE If" F. I·T UN A • I ,Hili \11, . It It Ih· 11'<11 ,II II'H,',j Will' I" Ill lll iited 'uidde lu h ' \ 1111· . 1'11\ 'O w ~'r. - Tit n.lll .1 ,~11I " 11, 11'1111 11'1\ I lIl' j 111,1' ,', 111' 1.,,1>11111 ' 1\ ... 1/ . ~I I' • .'t JlhQlIllilll' 11 iS llblo t ' l llfll lUllI'Y II t'... w UII)' H l\~I\ Wn" l , ~ -IVII II, I 1: 111 1\ " I 1110111 lall~lt t,'r ill IImril' th l l l' I I iI~'rlIi1lh' I I"t """ (," I.. l'i,I,' ,lilt. , 11111" I pc Illill r ·hlll"luwl' . II ' hnu PltY'&lel N· ND n lo-c I, "nr_ !I ,.,\,II 1\, '11>0. ~ . ~, .""1~ In'. I th Id .li ll' ro t' I 110· 11 .... II, . '1. t lOt' 1111 • II I.j ;ht 1,.10'1' ~11(" 'l, 11111 t lt l I' -- ~ I i ... ',\ lIl1 i 'I'~ylol' is !tUIII l'l" '11 111"1111' fill' JlI.'r1111' thil't), " '\ I.I. I .~; PJllttn-"I~\tlll1< IhI'TI'T nil 1 ~'OIlI' ~ 1 ~Wl1. I\'II~, I}I1 1:1, 1 ,\1 ~!I 'I.:I) : 111\1'11111'(' \11\) "IT.II!-((, 11.' 1 II II ~1'il ll,1 Ih'lll 'I IH' I11 II IIi 1'\!IlI'", II ll d I',!f tll!!I' 11"11 tI I1Icth . r) I ' tUU"I' IJ j l ~ .. ~r " Svuth of Pi rr '" Rlll ik, - l .uRI.l r,·"I. R,' \!' h ili. OI""""rr"I.~ I II I "I·I\ I II!!"~·'tI " I"·t'd hY,) lI dl-\c SIIlILh H,llI l'hh llf tll lllll cl"'. Hili · l'il!ht . -- " is~ ~1 l1l'io he", her i I·is . ;1\1 ,11 hb lIilltlllU< Ihut 1\·1"1' f,l.l'· ", ." · :<i ~"V .L. , H , tu .... . IIII LII" II".I:l .I'I\'II" 1",I .~ lI hl)· .. 1 ",Icb I"ItIl'I'I' UI (· lI flll l'.l· " .1' \\\' \1 .1'1'111" . h 'l'c' ',1\111" illlL ' l!I'\' ,'/' .,,/ " , 1" " , \\" I ' ,t 1 ~lI"kh i lll . 1I 1l11'"~IIS'CJlIl~ .r.N . t~I~' 111"\1'" 'ilhor I.. 11 ,,,_. I ,· t I I/ \' \I II bl " '11 1 III,.",. t h l~ 111.,, 1; . / I Ill)., III I 1111"!! I. Jt<III' C\\,I\I\lh · t' III ·U·I1 - 1'h,· R<,, ',1 '['I ' I I I ' HUlIk 11'11111 II ~. 0111' l 'ml"I" \\11 1 - - \ Iis-; L'IIlI'1 j{nll ' l'c l.ul'lIcll Fl',··. Ilt'hll.lllt·il·c llit wltl'h he SllU /1c! /1 0/'« ( f} J. W. lfe!l.v, . L. lI A ltT LEY. • • 'I ' ,' l\ Sl h'II S~ ·1:'I I'n e \ 1\ \' ~1 a t" "\' L I . k I . . I Iy il t II eU8l'"ij C? I' W.... 11'.,lhM .~ u ""i" ,.l'r;'·,1 ~I ,. ' (.n Ih,. t " . . • . . eo' j'('II1(' ln I'r I lil t 1\ tOil" \\'( "' ~ "!!" I Il" h IlIll' ti' Hi('hllllllld atlll'lll ' I ,II UII" , I liS I'''~tllli D~ l. s'l lIl'~ oJ' oJ.lull 'Mllth. [,')' "" I"'I"r ''''n l l l~' 1111." 11 ,'I Ih,· .·:1I 1 tl " II , r l:" 8t. l· IIlthl \! II "rull t 1I00 u :(\.,o llt Il'~ 111 .' , ,\. 1::t111" 111 , '111111. I I 1:lIlh I't ICI·,1 Ih · ~ol!aoli.~o ~-- lIJ YSIJ0~afi1le ~ U:hhIYII"'~IIII"" , , ,.. f 1I" l/tI . ,\:.· .• tlll l n 10 \I' (Iny,,' til 11 I I n(lI l.· rt i dI.'111<!1I~8 hl'lIl~ I II~ Ill·d ill l - ~I I . I ) I ~ I '1 I 1I 1lmd :ll.lIl'lI",I l'Il!llelll ll.t I'L ll f \o\' IIII·I'II (;'II I!t1I, .1ll1 1 AI,nce un .' J"h.",...,e..._U.U<II S1' M \lIV ~ P h . fl ll lH' 1t - , lIrner " 1l'l" jU IIl'" II ' l'UI'I' l'\ 1111 tit,' l' cIs ~o t I 11II1I 1t' InSI ::iIlLll rl II ,' /1\ " 1'111 111' . ' .1 U I"" "."~f ·"'I~r " •...,"1. • 'l'hirtloll ,1 ri.mi~I n"'l . Th.Re~ Lt'lIl' I I ,. l 1'1 ' d COUI) ." pllllerd purts ,,1 Will'll II CI'\!'j 'I II A' II . " . . paIL 01 Il1Itlili Ull u I('ell , 1'0 11 11 ' , ' VII h ' II N II WA\NESVILLE OHl(1) . -f\rVI.M> f" 't'Q~ I" '"' I t "It 0 It ca ll • .~ co ('de l'r . nt c\ I n\\ay I lOW I' u U1U UU J l.'U U - •.'" r : ,lI'IICll .. en 1 ul '11\l:1I 1" t 1 " , () vc r t I'\I S I"' a t ~ t,I ., I(, I .H UII I C tl U .. 'lip l11Ir".1 0 11 0 Ir.. " •• ', ollra K" . ~l"'r1lt-. l!~."" l )r l 'IYUle' ' t iC tIII ,,-t .... ll . F~n .. i It.'ln;!. F cvtr SurcH. l .um.. _ __ , t tO '" ,·1" "" ;;nllliu y" ""~I ",,: , uIIJIL ·M. h,"'1 1"li t II I till b t!ltll (I ellblll:V tioll"tI till! puhhc n.)t to )111 bli slt IItllll, \ hllted Itere 0\ e l' 811 11l11lY· Ihad tra .UpCll. Ii'll IlL pcd I; ,r •'VOl' II I,,,~ .. , ..... ,Iro. +:"·l lLr~•.,l l:;l'leon. lth. ulllllt;..•, NICEST BEARSE ,I)): HI " ..U,,·. 1111. :1), I - II 1'.'1 IIll vnrti ' ''h'lIt!< ill ~lIcll . --V,I II'I nu<rl ,ot Su pel'\'i~, r Ir· ' llIlI rtl'l' "I' II ~l.'lt tur\'. , KIIJI' llilt "h lit Il, mol ... h 1,1.. ,111111 VII h,. (H~t \\ n' n", , ... .. i,. t il l II Ii. }lI p ) {" f( .! t 1\ I ,'\: I ' I! 111 ' .0 r d uwllI . Ith e 1 0 11I ilL thuil 1l!"lIl e , AND :' _"I"·t\Vl. C""' I''' ''' ''''·. I''''II Io •. ~'I" .. ",,. l l~lllll .It ''1 11'( ',' 1'lll·I PI'OI'.Ol. tll l'Kp"r!l, ll~a e ultlllll .i ll d)!;I' ~lI l1lc' 1"I1I~1i:(I'I ·;thl mowyu \lr wlJed s. lite I C·. I (I ~ II C,; " f far1l1I d t PI O I L. '. LU1\EN ~ M. D. ~ ,l oy ill' . d, "~,,t:'h. , I ~ .... I... k I' ' " , n~ hI' III th " 1'1\,01 ti l ~ til''' ~lll r . II l'Il'k. wll"n' ill ;\ l"" I n.e.,· ,.1 I It o: ••lIt d·· - - \ 11. Chll rl" s Dull II I F l'olll,liit CIlI·e.1 littl o I' 'lit.! , allll ~Icepillg II pllll PHYSICIAN &. IS URGEON \!lIllt ~tnc '~t ~,~;~~~ 'J fl~h'/ ~I::~~;.'?~ •. ~:; '::,~r " ' l·k . 1 ' e·' cl\·l'lIl'.l~d h,l'.IJII!I."I l! I~ I!ltd ol it '·.' fl , \~· lelt. l ~ I:tll d ~ h'ld d"~ldc·..I,'lIdll'lI" (jlll'l . V,d t"d 11ll1 ()llls~ Th lll',;dIIY. ' 1IIIIII's IIr hUY ' lI l1 '\\'o, u~ lI ~cCl!si t)· ~'~' I .• . ' B .. '1 r 11 ' 1OJ; \ - .,'1 t 011 HI 11.10111 11\ 1 IIl'lireWUSUXII II' \IICIIH.ll t" I,t:d ll'"po-. td • 1I 1l!1I' " n~ 1 _ _ .\1 1· E'I I·I"" ASt.,1. Al lh"ll"l lltlll'cllI . ..tlUIIIIIBaokBUlldllllf. OF l'nl "' s n~ " " t "; KT I ~ I • v ti U8 0 fD ay tOil (111'1 1 ,,1. v h ltlll" kll ld otl li e In .. f.. r ;11, II ,,' ,,,,,, h,1' o\'l'ry Forol Illhl ·11 t. b\lI~h .. J II li lt Io ll t Ilttlc los. 11 0 t;lI lltdu lilJll \\ I,nll·\·"r 1;'1 Ill " 1111; b\!C II I Isiting h is fri'elluri It 'I'e. ' \ 1l1 I1do hilll 1\ lI\1 i~llIll:e Iu tho eOIll ' II'A Y J H 'V r L LE, 0 III o. u,,)·.h"ll'lIIl1ill)l 01 II ,.','1.,." JOII... I-ll'' ' 1 - '1' \\0 lit t hlec weeks I\~O tltc . ·Iar' x 111 111111 I1 S fa r 1I~ ( )ill" w'h l 'I A 0 .. . I IJlllu lty . titl·IC II' IIS 1\11 II UlII HiIII{ ud~L"l'l-I W BRUW"" - ~. 10.,,1 JO t !II·' .'"I.,(· k \ >I • l' 1" ) J I' I ' d .,'I C l 'l III· I - .' I'.rs. 11 .tl' IlIaruC I'u tna I\IIty .III III 111 .111 11,'1" (," Il \, I,'(I \\" It II :I .cJc. -I 1'1 • 'or. ' l' II 'I I ~ I , .tc ul 1 . 1 . ' llll lldl. 0 . I usoll ,(",.,n ·rlll< . at l' a t. IL II I ~ I. II"'ITII'l!( : t S,.nO I'IU< " l( u'ns'l . r ... · " , I ( ' \If '" 1 11 1 I I ' d I I I I. I I I k i t II 1"'11,' IUIII I I. P l' a ~ vtlll r · k' II d I I ATTOR.NE:'Y AT LAW 7 11 W n ," o-~ , ·r" " . I " l tl l h , . fi .. t "" . ll h lf~ "iI ~ Hlrgn l'I Zl' . lll ll SC\' l'11I 1I111· 11.. t: ~ 1I 11\ . I) I.l h('1l ' liell 111-. Idu, . ' 1111 y~IIO IIl1t IlI'U,tlllt llllll O I'OU I .. 1 ::;"hl'(l l" ,'f "X[·" "",nIh "I 1111 " , . \I ,,",1 • 111. l!·II,\ .. t dollul's' \\'lIl'th I '" ,t!, IlL- \\'01.; lout llli'll' ~rel.' d IIlId $t; lh811' . 1 "" l! ' R I'll! tlllel'lltu II0U I' ll.y lilu lIld 1Il 1I1I , 1.III1ANON . UIlIt'. .. ~I H H .I A .'.!tlIIII . ,, \ m ..,,,h. 't,,r· ! kt:lI T la l' IC c" III,. 1 f;)r" \\" Ililu t,, ' m'H' Ull d c'llI \" w,'re "" " rt:ll t Iltn l - ~ I. IIU "go l tll l ll'l:J Ih ~ .u, . h It . \\"11 ' tltl' I" ctim of 11I1l1i' c'E • f' ,"'h,r A 1I 11r,' ,o rl.,~lI v 111"110'01 I" ,,,on'I'll . g ."" ... II' "I" S1Ltur· II thll...U~hllc s I'C ItlIlI" k .llI d CI'Il CI ru. ~I A II LO N RID,.. ~ . . . . I,' 1111 Il'a,'c ot' tltl' ttll.C'f. I ·ft hut l I,t\I' lI'al ,h 'd til ' "' / - , \'. It •lillI' II UIII 'lllUlllhll"n "II v , .. F," ': ~ 1)11 ~f "RTI~!l lIll.' k.II./', - Mcphng ' . ' . I I I I ,1-1 I' , . I I . I .c: I!I .t.. !II. We h,IVOlh.. be. t foe,hllOll for dlAch.r· r"r .!i,'II", w.or. hll' cvorJ Fir., IUH~ F~urlh tl l.1 ~"el] 1; l\ 11111 11 \\'a~ .rrc.teu ." 1 <!1 )'l h lll~ --III1 '. ~I\C II " , . 11 ." l' , I' • . . ,' " . bnfl. " W OIJlI\o~ t he plllll 0 I lu ~09 )\Onn C wlltuCl OUU 1K1 U'11 11 lb<lu al.ic. of und"rt . k. r•. h.ving llw i O(lv.I"'IT "" ., t I I ,,·I'\II.·k hr. -n ..) IlIl'lIl1 I\tl, ci UIl!! ,11 WIth tilL' (, 11I1Il!. 1a C!t Il ·IC(·. \\ . • It " ",,·d tl" '111 " l' III I .- 1 ':" Ild , 1\ gvld, .l lllg. C dl at I,l\\' reh"lI od IIgalll t Ih !! tllllUg ht uf lIlI.lU1Im-llD~1t~~1.8:m !'vl\lled·ull.",el." . of tho t.t•• t d\l,"" :\"'10" ) "III I ·~ ,.,'I ~rk A. " H ~ II'US hl'l)lI gltt tll thiil 1'!1l \'l~ ,," lhc tlillO III thei l II II I! ligh t. :1111 1 ~ 1111:' " tll ~ ~ , pru l o p ropcl'ty !l Il J I'uy iml' l'i ~ullrn \ n t ill PIIUPCI'S' \\'11 11 s,. 1', r , '" prulltlrvllIK th. ,,,,t ,,ml "I'(lc.rll l1e ; Whllo ( . F' rill. IIe'II-'1'lIe H ov . M . IIC.Ole I' I r('(I IIH1 k '11 11 IIt t~ IIIf ' t t", Ie .Ilargc.. - - - - - "'AVl'IB"VII, LI!. ""rW... ~,k " liM . I . . , n u.hlt . '1'1lurs d U" ut llJ I lUII II I 1,' lIrIlH! IIIl' I' lll t IIU \I ur Id IIUlI I \l ll"n I)<)1' 11 II'el!r Rill1 I"'''IN - r ""'T ..--N- N----,. of' 1'1"''''' I I&u. II. tIOOOn.lh til'd. P 1)"' ln ~r\· t rll un tlnrl nyf/!. (\t. 10 . J P . ' ,. , ... " ~ EE I U u tiV~. U ~H, w.W y puro rLHt "wo co 1·2 u'ol •• k" " ,nnI\61.2 I' M . ~"\o\,,,h E"<1' BrvWII . ll ll d IR Il III\·III.JIIII. A t J.. u o! III,·II IS,·I\ .-,. t-i ll ll'u tltli t III II C'. \ -ll: 't Il J~b rly, Wid I' to hlllllhllll to 1I111.t lIIell ,.T. \\ . \ .\ o .. AN ~", · ~ol~K, BOX 080 f tho lo168tllndm08toppro vedp"l.rh",'I"t21 ·~ ... M . I rrcso llr. ~ lIn le 'I lt ~ l d I I'~ th ... !' to hU\\'I'V"I ,--II11 l l"e',lIh(' 11,(·1" \\' a~ \\'/1111 Iillo~pl'lDg \ ulld no ~re llt \\ ulluer thll t wheu llI o' l..r.ed " I~:''U~ ~lh lrl:e l.I'bll. delphlo. t"On. ,. . ' 1lI11' II!II I 11 \·(' (;,,11' 1I I'1'1 .It h lit t .. III . PI'I. CIl " ur F A" ' " ' ,,.. G_IU"U," No. HI f" .. Iron. of e iJ 111111 C'Jl IlP 'II1Y C n fi 1I0lo ellt IIctlltl II y Cllllle I10 I'• . W IIPro I\I' WIII .ou r" t'"'n I, f rom t IIr fl r· t . oU hRrges b .w.ll I.e ""~ro.... d vnu!>lo OJ! any Hnlil\mndry: '~\1I1 IiH III C.,rno1t. Mn1ollnr. r.r (\ ~. " . . . k II . . . . \ ~ . ' . , '1 I '" • . . I .1 i I I W ... , till' :lOth uf uaclt m ULIlh. All UlllNU ft uf a D O In t u Ue WVtlK OHII R or ' D "I h t·· t I fh e I'Il1lruudf\ladc 1 5 1 )1 ",. !'c'.· 1111\ (' II I ,Irl l ~ . 1.1 _\ ," 1 10 IlI lIt· \11' Uem:ge Ball)' I~ hlllllO ~o ug It rll case It (ellt I. e I1re Ch~ ' ll lc Di. ellso • • ue'·8BA (ull y 1r00llcd M",.II D 0 \ fO r () " ru~-. .; .o f(' t c 8 COlli ii."'A ' I rl Y ' ! I I . , " )1 . I ' . •• "" • ~, ' t I . . I' .v • , e " I el".h 'Month, Ilt 7 v·.lock ".m .. tlnd on tho iug I! luw ly ht:r(' . 'hc IV,lrk tlt Z""Il'UII !!11 ler.-- t Ie q! I-.:t llll l· 111 ( 11(1 I'a~~ · fl'lllll Ub 0 t\ /{rIClI\ ol'lLl ullt:gc tu r IJ llt I1cqll!llllteu wlI I I IC. UrtgllHI lIelic loertltoClIl ll "en I'utlentl al "~i'l.nce fourlh ~:'lurdll' f 0",,1, m(lllth "I ".l ..·olock. t v n " I • t uti li If a 1.1II' (w i! ,III II ~ 11'1\.' 1"1 bit .lled . . I' OIlUSll of hid JUltleli ti II. '111 0 8tory Ie .. 11 Wli t U " lJI[<Iom., and I!QVOromo\hll' KellL .' .l:), U lcavy ~II un , llln , . I . " , . ,) d \ . , I, d \ l 'llJ 1" 11. , ' r' I J ff I ' , hy DHU l 1\ lIl1phlc t. co ntaining te Mtllnonlal " .!TI -'J.E M( /\ , fnA ILW AY. kIng It ll hcuI ), ,I (.I b. t IC\.III7.dtl '" .tr lng ~!-{1I1 11 ' 1 W lt ere will voo filld 11 betto!' 0 1 8 1~chll it,e, roUllt 1l ~ IlS tllS of cure.cO'eow<l" utf",e lo Rny"ddrel' . J ' f' Vl' rt l sl' IIH'II~ cfI, ·cllvl! wh en pub I - . 1\ t r. L'b or I" & \I', M III JJ fI tragedy, IS lull uf pa· - - . -- ---. ~-. ,,- Tmhl' 11:"., ..... ,,' U.u." TI III I\ UI" k U f' UXI'"II'Ut 11111' t' -ur i I I I I I ell,,, IJ I' \\""1' k tl 11l1l18 • .. ....~.- ' • ') tl o ' I I II II tl ....1 Ih leI III )11\ )1\'1 1"lIl t\!\ 0 11 I Il! Ii 1'1' I J tuOS.- all'wl .. '" X lli. ,\OOllm ·lI. 1000 .. . N . No. 1. 1 .•.•1\ 1 Ill. ~Stlllo ICI'PI'I' y l 'U' !rU":lp"I'llIi \'1l 1'111 11 ' till! Icry b~ t a. I _ . ~ •• . __ _ ' - lhpro~ •. 10.27 . N.· No . '~ I \'Y .J ob, bllt Illlh 1116lret;cnt fUITU . " lllll 1,.t'CUII. ltl')' IJ'III''' I'"' I - ~It R~ Anu ia . P.ick8, of Mt. J unGE lI um ;'ij chllrll' tu tho J·o. Roiled whi te wh ullt:lt 7le. fI Ih. "I\l llll,us ACI·.. fl.r,O p . " No" \\' lll suo n hc eO Il1I)lcteJ 1 ~ \V I t ' ' - t" M ' A t> k hl " , pre'" 10.:14 r. "· No . 7 ' '''II' fur I.he IIlillt. tlt u tar 'I)t ue \\. II~I illig u ll, 18 Vlt lII g Idd gnes 1'''J iu tho rccent trial of HOllke & Prepnrcd cocoa 20c. a plI olmgo. 10 50 N I~ I' rO p~I'}" t '111 111111. 'lplltJl)n . 0 I' t IIe out last \\'C'ek rli n il!IrI Fr 'ghl am I t\ ee.. . •. 11. 0.. .',llIgc II UI ."r j tI IIIIIISOII. , UlIl1t , Oil the reccn t Irinl ot' crnbcz. Oat Meal 10 ets. II pound. 'V f>. ' wn .... I c\ tl J I .. .. I I . d I "'0. £! rnl r.oa ! I 0 11 --rr Jon want lIi de.bnr bll~gies, 7.lutlllllJt, c ellr y Itl i(;utes to t 10 UtlBaker's CUCOH. 300 11 pllekllgo. NI;!ht gs pr PM :1 M A . >I .t .' t f tl 10 I Sl Villi ' C, 1\11 ' - ,,/ttl. hal, · (th\! ins.J c) I/I .j /wj/ri,l. J F. ot Line. .ro!! A II . No . Ii pn.r u·s I'um .lC r p li t · lll e L'XUlIJ ' tvd (i t Ci IlO /lIlill ii . till, oth er IlIdl, gu til Eb..,rly & lIyslit nn got prejuJlced mind that althongh ho Oswego Corn Starch, 15c l\ pack. inci l! . Ace.. 1.111 P.... No . .r 1111lng WII!t 11 VIC \\, to PUI CItIlSI1, 01"01' tll o.! Oll t ido in Lo blL11 (.111 I Thid \ lh l' lIl chcllp. I'('glll'dod tho laws of Ohi u lIS not Covo Oyo"'", fr"db Lob.tor. SAlmon Klld ' FrUIt in o",nM, Kt 10 \\ p rice . l d ;eh.. G c rmu,u, ~~I~hl ~~Ir;~~.. ;;:~ p~. ~:. ~;: :~ lu I' eligi hlu lots to bui ltl I~ P·'.II, IWJ. illci "'~ 11 8 tu u~o tlt e tnto IIld say· - Eberly & ITaj\.liit koep on "lind rl!lIchlD g Iho ca~ll, hu sl.i ll COli ' Gutd, AOIu•. Whil •. flutralo. 0.",1\10, " " t<i't,,1'" 0 11 .i~nnl. i Ibcro IlI C now. ~everal bu:hh llgs uf I ill!!, •. (j c'lIlsis tctlcy, th o II art II th. "Troy Pia rro " , 1I "0 II tlJO sid eretl t ho parti es t" bo g\lilt~·, nov · tury. an,l Pino Tar So~""" "peol Hy. - Trai n! do n I .top . . . goud order III proce a 0 1 l' r 'ct IO Il' IJ'O\\'('1!" I world ovor" t g J·thole M, (.If t'1'llIIdllle lltly flpp ropi. No. 3 .. .. EAST MAIN Sl'KE&'f, Ho ·unt.illucd 10 m~ko tho jtellulnc HlpNo 1 E Btnud No 10 "eRLeArry mit!! . 'rl"1 ' , I -Come "a nd ~ whllt Eb r1y & ulillg tbu bUII u8 In II Il lIOn ' I ' podromo Linimuut and BortA'"" Cough 8yros 1, 6. i 3111110 run ,llllly .All olbor! . 10 LI Ilrphy t1I0 l e Oloo t UI (!(lnrSC, everybody kll(Jw8 th at to t lelr WAYNESVILLE, O. . nd Iteep"" 11I'If.r and botter _ort tu cnt . .roUr exc. t l'lIl1d... III1IUgtl 111tcd hcre II1At ~(on dIlY. by e ven th id chllnge III the old fnMs il II I't 1' 11 (10 '.... b ' S OW II II • All v.ld e" gUll to prove Pr"""rlptlon. oompounded.t all hOllr. by oufoFamily Grooorl08 Lbun uny oU,or hou"o . ' o o. H \1. F. .. . Picket Agent. nV1.'' l "u ll ll Id'lIIg au d GCII m.I J.\ ' .' 1(,. you on ll"g I11111 ' II JUs . t 'Jill Igu. 57 I ClIt. 1is t'lIlced upun i~ uWllur by tlt u Ill" I ays J I W. b le an oxporienoed Drnlnj'i.l. 10 W ~Yllu.,.lIlo !i83 GR,1ROE R . 1'II.F.S. Ex .01.1: ' 1. Il.ud bill!, beell . kopt up every lli glrt ' IH'oaching dllwn of Donny's ncw ' I1n earrtllg~'S. ' ., . MAIL~ GOING EAST : SIIIC rL rc tS 11 good teltt pcrn n'u pa pC'r j bllt ovun th is Ilgulm::ng I - Dr. Hili tley ~ ~f>! 1118 d\\ ulllf~g J OJl: kll&SON halli ed Bllllke's (cgnl J\~Utrti9t11Unt6. Clo.~ nl III ., II lUloi 5 ~O I' " feelin g her, but cold and iut.!ifiul" j:a p wont bo enough j DenllY ' l ~ulI 'o ul.ld t1toro·OIl.I,ldlUg, un Mllln goOd8 VOl' to fh e dopllt lust week. MAII.q O l ~(; W I': T: ".t ; th erc !lIIve be n t?O many will get outsi de of tllll S tar a.s eas I Street, t"r 81l1e. , . H . Sy M hc !tlld th e best olltfit of 010>. n lj~.:JO I' .. nnll 5 ·1111'. 11 th lllgll COlllblned ngfllllst It. Ll ku ill' fl.Il thu wlull e mau e II morsel of - Dr. T. ll. CIllI1CV I\lIll tlllll - nll Y per UII ho I' ' r su\\' mov ing NOTIC~. . A. L . 1'AI n. 1'. M. Ilh e hen. t in the 1I.· mo, i. t wantcd J ilnllh, Star : huw is ily. rotu. rttCll to t1~e " holUe ill CIIl Wc lUis hOllsehuld fc0Ddi! were Tho firm of A. & I. R. Antram & Cn. 11 I by mutual COn8eDt. Th bu.inOll. Frlloey t 8 0 rnn ibUS- LI De 80motll1l)g to gIve It nctlOI1 . Th e ),OUI l t ln llutl ory MondI~ I1IU I. I'Y b III ed III IIl ~ WI. 0 lin d c h'!I . diSo!Olvod will bo 01'''00 up by oithor of tbe J>Hrlnoro. NE HR BHO W N, ~ run_ l.. nnd. frolU 'orwlI\ for : lIIeeting hl\vo be n well otten d 'u • -- ~ e88r8. AI irew IlItJ P ierce (!t'on' IIl1m, I\n I tilled a bux car A~roll L. ADtram & 1A1l~0 B . Antram WIll SUOCl'l'ROI' to B,.oWIl d: CI, o.llrllr.r, :'h,url~ ou.~o::::~lflllll'ron te~lv·OnC:A.?fur<llen"'ltul"lr.•tU·'IL I bllt no pl1rticu)ar enthu. ius m man · CHEAP V ISrreNG C.HW~.--T he A' I n ud wall nd r of' Mor IV W 1'0 hore fu ll. TLcilO g lIdd ri~ Itll1lly be· continue tho soneral morch.ndil!\l bu.ine.. • u ... ~ .. .... , , I , ,d tl . , " t But ho ~t tbo old ' tIlnd, ... here they will bo gl~d W R ed L {lIl1~' unno uu cClt t h at h.., is nOw in _ _ _. ' l ife ler) tl ntil Thursduy ni g ht, whe n ! lIlericul1 A g ricullu ·ist . culls uttell lin t week bny i ,.,001. ollgu to Ie er~UI ors. 800 lbolr old friend. and cll.tomo.... full owinl!' 1\1 Ibu old .!.:lnd. with 8 UOII.llmt Til 11: F OURTn - As. a nnounced last . ~h e hall was crowd ed to overfluw· tion to n S~villJlll f retty Ju t .~iI, - Lo t, It mflrked D. fl. violt\tcd IIU "mor;LI IlIw " Ly sp irit· .A. & I . H. A.NTRAM .t CO. lupply of tho bost w uk. tlt e Fou rth In ll be ccl eb~atod l lllft ull d u very largo nu~?('r e n· lJu~ I~rgo III tit " t1g,r g'lt. E~I:!' R.. III th Filld er plea ing thelll awny.-P(tll'iol. H ..rvoy.burg, Moy 28,1877. Flott,., h r in R style ne\" r before I1 lmed ro Ie? i and tI~e sllm? Spirit was ~crn ti rll~B a ~l ot~l ~r~ " I'U Ild VOl'tl:l I rctnrll It to th J'y store. [J:J"'Thc rnul tiplicuti II of p ison ~bb t BUO/.:lOli iJal, tit ill this pIa e. It Ivill b" in manlfc ted Friday lIl ght. S o ~ c 1111$ to 11Irlll It \"Il! lt llll{ ca rds at 1\ 1 D. J . , d M . I bl I' to I Corn·A/, al, chl\rgoof the Murphy orgatlizution, llew thot have been iiI' .lollg ,;\,0 1'· prlco wh ich doCil nut cover tbe . Ed- I I · 1111111 11 00 till d' r. gOl'lll S ill di sClLscB 01 tIe uue IS '" • Unbolted Florn', A ell j II ay excoeuingly mpid nod if' unc hecked who will mali e ROUlO howl bu t tllllt ishippo l's at tho shrine of' 13llcr.h ll Pl'u!u of gooll IJun l·hunru . ThObl! I ;" P oiatO!81 vitiates nil the blo,)d of thu budy. Ilow II .1 Done. they will Iin ve nltog,\~lter tho big. \ I~avu bcell indllct)d to tukc th o pl at. ul\rcrLisel1l nl s IHO dil'ect~, 1 tu th e tur II VI,Slt at An I ]ill d of all ki.m l" " t and beat celeb ration ev r held IOl'm, lind make I!om.e rellla,rh thRt y.oullg p. 'upl ' . unci I'IlC('IV (lIton· - - li l<l. Soth DI'. Bull'R Bluod Mixture by its pe· Tbe fI ....t objcct In life with the 4marioan '"10 Warren Oouuty. II b I I 1 was ou liur infln 'IICO kills these g nus, peoplo is to 'get riob'; Lbo looolld, how to whloh he iIIllt8 ..t the lo ..elt quo"'lloll~. . I h:l \'I~ hud U good efleet. r o bear t lU lI UbUIl. Y .11' III il O ilO ut I 10 IL I~~ c: . , d I ' II bl d relfllin JCOOd b.~ltlt. The fI."t Mn be ot>- o:J All pllrehJUeo doliver..d imlnedl.tely, This is in eRrn t:, and tbe van 1118 sol1le uf th e e p ~rdon reilltu whal. youllg. 1 be hr t un 01' tw ur· \VII" ht lu t 'l~1 1111 pllry SlIIg 10 00, removcs tnillOO jjy onor'fr.' hOD•• ty and ""vi ng: lho wlthont extr.. oharg•. I1r'A' m<Ulo At Lhi1l tim. of pura eommittees al'e pl edged to mok e 1 it hilS cusl tholO to ml\ko drullkard!l d 1'8 frolU lilly IllCfllily 1\1'0 fill ct.! cl ay. , 'Ir. ~~~li~~i~;I~t_~II:~n ce of' d\8t:IIS0 e8· ~':;d8T(~~wR~lth~bO~idul'~~: ~R!P;~~ IID11d ul loratud FLAX-BEED Lv I....w the 80 statemeuts and mueL lof t homselvos, lIud to eontlu ue the p ro mptl y, liS tI l'?lc, and lurgo ill' -Gdbert 11 .pondent l ufl'erer from any 0 tho efl'..blol \Y.yuelOVllle, Harob 14. Uj'17• • ~7""-~---...IOo::.::~. 1bnsiness, forcibly imp" SSC8 th fol. d n.C(llOell~B nrc oflerud to ng'IIt.i. I II McOorry. Mo hel' "Om",.I " '11!fition will bo n'.P"1"lI". f ..ho.. Com,., .... "\'~, will bo mosie, mosic, ltlll ' lowing lin es ui' ' Old Hurry' 0 11 tho thIS way ItottOI~ bnppOl1d thllt SCIIU 9 1lIlIllg?flltod lD ~vo , gOllo" ",1, 0 11 al l tho olel tvpers sign ~'H:::t~SuS~~~:';:~i.~'H'.~~~~\~u,~v~ "~;;;:;:;==:---"'--1fe-;1t"I'O'\'f\cl-ll'RnIQUet, il'holo stu· hearer: l orsoll III the VICl lil ty consents tu IU.,lIt 111 tlt e pl edg . n-, DlUiu_ of the Head, Nun oUA p""" pendoos ox rO!l8ted; distingllished '13l'11o<1y, brnndy, b no of my lifo, a ct 1I8 I\g nt, Ilud ~ecll res II club -Ebcrly & wiII furni s h tr~tion. Low plrit.o, &0., )'ou nood DOt luf. speak rs will be present ond there Cllu.n ot tun,ult, lWuroe of ."trife. larger or s UllIlIel·. IlS t he cuso lO lly y II with the Plow. the BARU:V harvest i8 about onded: for another d.v. Two d~ 0 1 AUGUST . I • "'1 ' d Could I 0 116 h . 1f thy mllCrtl1.'l tell \. TI d c· . _ .I ( I I d N I I 't I FI,OW81l .. i1I 're!love you at once. Sample Will ~ a .genora Ju.uI .eo; a gran l'bo .. Is. would ... ish the\) fIlI' e lu 'beU.' ue. 10 lIlimes 1~1I. n lJ lI y ~I . I '7't tlmt IS mtK.o i t 16 m prove ow . et 11S .10,110 I IlIlly ) u seen .... botU"" 10 con.... R gul..r .IEO 7D oente.combmatlOn of patrIOtism aud tern· TI •. t I tak h Id f ent on, tb. advertlsJnJl: Orm pock· R. chmollll Pluw ) ed wlthOllt IIlJUf" . PolliliYely !IOld by.1I 6 .. 1.-111I11III Drutrlril'" . . Ie nllnlll c r8 leN 0 0 0 b I .t. · · J I I U 'tOO Slal 819 perance reform, moat fittmg to the the work witb 1& cOlllmelidablo s i . eta t 0 rooney , a m .... 0 agent IS - ~i 08SI'8. W. H.Thornbory aud • . ~~_n ~ _~~ Day we colebrflto. 't t' h b P lell tu ruuke good the 1098 to the Win stutl RiekB and l\fisPC8 Anoie tJ::r Tlte WurrslI Coonty FaIr P IMP L E S . Tbe dinoer will be free to all wl!o rled I:~r ~t~/~~xt :'~k.lle~f~rr~::~ patron.s ~ho bllvu ordered cards. Hicks and AglI'E~Y WillililUson vis. will bo held at Lebanoo, beginning ~ will ma~1 (Free) lhe roolpe for preparing bri ng baskets alld plRce th em IU g d ' k 1 I Y J All tlWI 18 bl\U onongh, bul th c ited th e S oldic l'd' Hume on Mon- September 101h. a . ,mll!e Vwn .. I.1I nAL~ thal will remove F'OK U .U: BY , .( H 11 d' ' t goo \~ o r go 0 11 . \\'1\ 8 )1C1lse vii di es nol.ond th el'o Tho II ~t s -~_. TAN.fREOKLES,PIMILE alldBLOTOUe tIRrge 0 lJ re. 0 an s comml - 10 sce a large delcgl1 tio ll from yvur I l'l . I' dny. [J:J'" ,. LAWSON '8 CURATIVE" is the XI , lenlng Ihe .kin S O(\, eloot oDd beautiful tee A tubl e Inrge cll ough to ' Ile· I t II t' T'd ot lIal1l CI:I ~ ellrol Iy t lern III t Il S M' M"" I ft h . . . ., 0 - alflO. inslructions for produolng 1\ h .. uri.' dI ll c ltitudc will be p a c~ a Ie m"e Ing 011 ues ay wny Ilro t Ul'lIod uver to tho pub. -- " n ~ l en.r . 0 I vrglll1 0 . ero best rnodw lllo 111 tho In llrkct. D- Rnl growth of hoir on a hald hoad oromoolh llor~mo aLec Il l mll eveDllIg. K. I Ie f obs. 0 I t , tn ru wi 0 0 11 MUIlU'LY Iur Waldroll, jndlllno l Iy $ 1 per huttle. r"ce Audre.. Ilen . VandolC II 0o., Bux eprolld. t a go . .. • • 18 I rR 0 cell I cr.l , • I .. I e ' . Ho F i b S d 0_ J SHU . No . ;, Woosler St .• New YOl k. (Jhc uowetbbur". uso the lists in d irectillg circulu l's, 011 II . P:Oll ugl~u XClll t!.'Otl . ur 6 11 u y an B u. 11I1I10y. M · N N .at sl e is eha.irml\lI r. • . 0 I r '" •. 'I'I fi d f' . \\' Il~ acc'l l1l l'llllled by Pml. J. Vall TO CONSU IlllDllllVES of committ.ce on s peakers, G. W. u lC . III rst fI vel'tlsolUcnt 01 D . ' - Eberly & Huy.lit kc 'P on !tulld m.- AI , Ebri ght ou mnsic, lIud Mrs. R eevo -Ou r eorn is looki ng lIi cely now cards, etc.. frcquently appears ill II R ~ rOllo Wllgl.llhl lUlU sl'l'ing 1\'U~OIlS of 'rill' nd,erlilor, b.ving I.. en pc.rmanenlly llollund 0 11 dinner tuhle, gua rllllty and the farm ors nre d ving all they. the olnllt e~r pavers , wb ere they (,5, U - I U,II kIMI' whore N~~~~ly~::l~~~ I.he beijt CjlllLlily, ehulll' lu I' ensh. ~,'~r=d. ~~ p'th"~e:~:.i:, dli:e~."e~lo~~nl::'ID'::,I:k~ ANn DEALERS IN AI,L KINDS or _ . _. _ . k'lIo"" to bi. f. Uow ."lfcrere the me"n. of ellough of 11 go u timo. Clm to naRko it grow und get out ot CllpO uotlce, ex~upt Il~UOlig .t h e S uY " Il ~,/ItIlPIl . ur.c, - - ...~.• ," . . the wily ef hRrvestin g, fiB milch !IS yo nng. The .Agl'lcultu,'·lst ndvlses tl'Uut. hoy eI" ILl l kin ds of 0 118- TIIEltE is eunsitic rahlll llctivity in lcuru. To 1111 ",ho de.l", II. he w\tl 8cnd" TilE Mnrpl~y .}o estlval held In 1'08 ible. Whoat, appl1relltly , \\'111 nil paro.ots whose. chll J roll IIIH e t jl~ li'(,rk, ol~ 11 us hOI·do·shooing the w01l1 1II1l1'ket 1101'0. a5 1111(1 40 ~~fl; t'11~I~j~~:;;~:.p;~~n ~,:!:~;;~~:e :!rl~~Cg 1fit)'f'rli~ 'M?'I?mI'f'ma Ul_ K~y8' now blllldlllg the In t threo yield well , and i nCllrly r!'l1dy to scnt tblllr nam~s lor th eMo. choap unl Vu\\' \\ 111' cuu ts. tI". KUDI'. which Ihoy Will find a sun Cu ... ~- ~ ~g ~ ~- .w-&~"U lIig~rlts of lust week, WflS B~on · cut. P ofatoes look wei!., oml not a rds, to cUI'otlllly slIlJorvlse th o -Dubbin ' E lcctrie SOfll' B RVOII _ •• _ fur (;U'.VNI·T'O _, A.TU •• , lluuN cu'T. e, &0. WIlYll • •• Ule, JaD. 6, 1876. ' 0''' 1' mllil mat tor recei\·ed by the chil · time, Illhur a nd cluth es. It i f.0od l'rovellLioll 18 hctter thttn Pllrlllllrw lshh',l1tlnrprmcTlption wil l pl ea.e dons succeas. II WIIS OmlJhntieRlI y many bllgs. It.... E A. WILSO N. 194 PonD tho hi gg st of the 1. .. in d - Onr community is somew hat drOll. I t Itns becn 0 I Iat.e, mort: nnu. 1 llU lIl i ~la I<0.' M1'8. (-t ie lIud cn re. Check a Cllllgh or II Cold lit add""., S~. , Willl~llIs b u rgh, N.Y. [6006m THE NEW CASH kn wn It ro fol' Y~'!l1'8 and o.nly IlIls stirred up IlbUll t a new coullty road Llmll ?!lec, llsscrtod that Itt () r~ltIlI'C Il lli ncd I'ecollllllonds it. Try it.- once, which IlIl1y Icull I Cun smnp· _ _ __ _ ~!ld ~n? equlll III. nut gam-the which is tu cO lllpri so wh at i ~ 11 0 11' o~ . 01'1 1 tOll delley WlIS. 1~l u l'e treo~y U p·tUII' 1I U l'O cc ry, E . R. Print?. Hon, by usiug Dr. MIII',;hllll 's Lung I':KKOI&8 0 .. YOIJTU fi rat EpIscopal festl vlli held . here, known as the UheD owol.h lUll '; nud (' II cui !l~eu alIlong the scllUol ehll · - M1'. Ulllll'l os Ewan" Merri tt and Sy rllp, an uld reliahlc remedy N'!v'f::.I~UD:hl~i;I:'Pr~![;:::r!vrti:;~;. ~:d at which thc8ame llmount-$300- thc general o pini on is Ihllt the pilI" ~I'ell ot ,th e eOlln t ry t han CVC\' b~ his lid.! .., llrrived he re last Fl' idll), whieh never fuil g. Pri cc (lnly 25 ¥II Lhu otr...,toJ 0 1 yvulhfllllndillllreUolI.,,'III. BR. 1\ good lIuo of Cook·Stovll8. wos roalir.od froe 01 a.11 cxpen es . tics concerued will have trouble tore . .1 ho exposure hy. tho Agrt - IWIIl ~I u llllt B oll y, Ncw J Cl'sey. ce lll s. fur Lt.e "!lko ,,( .lIf1'oring bum_nity, Mend The prneeeds of the Mmphy fes· aIDODa themselves. Tho petition er cnltlll'lst to expl ullI ouo rCII 0 11 a 6hul t vi ti il. to Mr. Mcrrltt's r..,o to 8 11 who need it, the renip" and lIiI b ." I I \rcoLlOn fo .. m81ring the simpte remedy by ti val '" rl! 500 ~roEs, tl.IlI, as ~. Willits lL road , lind of co ul'~e ",,,nts SUll W Iy t 118 IS so. tnolll l!r. tr t 9 • which he ...... ourod. Buffurors wi.hiog to to the boot wood cook .ton in tho murket I fol'o remarked $ 1..100 net, the ex· it for us littl e cost ns posti iblc alld U(l\l"IO~I: NOtiCllli. _ - J1IsS lIt.llo BrowlI, (If thi s I,rofit by the ftdvortiAer·. oxperienoo csn do hlrg'&, .-quare oyen, K.nd I.)ng firo ch "mbttr, t' g p <11'000 k I I 'd' ' . . . I ... lo,. Ilddr....11l1J ill porftlllt confldenco. I• Uperfcot bRkor, and ..."rrnnwd In overy reponsos 0 0 In u. 'iI'~ • thill s 801110 IIll'e 1I1 \II UIlJUSt P flce. hUd bucn empluyed to IClich STUAIP.- JlltlO 21. 1877, the wit. of C. JOHN B. OGDEN, .poet. Portico ......hing to p"rchl\lOO will do Tho wh olo affim· . WM conducted claims, &c., until wo feal' th ey will --Tho new Uhri:!tiall C hurch lito Grallllll.11' Ul.lpurtlOenl. lit' the W I::ItuIIIJ', "f "dllu~hler 42 Codar S~ .• New Y~rk. well looumine this stove boforo buyingwell, 011 the comm ittees (ot whom have a g eUlll'lI1 mOBS 01 it. will be fin is hed berore 101lg, and it M(.I l'l'lI \\' pllhh<1 school next vellr; eloo .. horo. 1 do ..U kind. of JOn-WORK, . noll aa thcre are too many to name) work· N o. will be a very nice building Inucod. a guud •. Iccti ull. • .sWARTIIDIORE COLLEGE: Roofing. n t tin 9 C 9. Guttering nnd Spooti'"" lin" nil iog with udmi ~able enthusia8~; .. . • l 'he elll'pll lltel"ll arc now working on .. D .1 A 'B ~ . ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ " Ten mil •• from Phlladelpltla, uDder the kinds of Sheet-Iron aDd Ooppor work., on while the donatIOns frOID tho Cit· 13 J' A" n ExounB loN.-'rlle LJ'ttle -ruI S. uviu . rUWlIlll ot with MERRIT·l'-HA RKER.- ln Somt AII- oaro of Frionds, glVOII t? both aexee aUke sliort notloo. I ..1110 repair Ololh_ Wrl..1f' u. " the steeplo, mto whiob it is pro- 1\ ' • 1 ht .1 I' I izoTls wcro most liberal. I n short, Miami Railrollu willl'lIn excn rs inn I)OSEld to placo II fillo bell. We SO~IIJ~~ \lCCII ~t' ouo ulL Y O f b ~It ,lrow'. "l'i""ol'"1 Church, Mount Jlolly. N. full o!.lIIIoalend IIOlntillo OOUrtle8. for oom- eno Bring your olothee·....ring.r. tA] mo. tho man Rgemcllt cove rod them· traiDs to COllllllb118 0 11 Saturday , wish the ObristinnB good Inck in ~vec ' , t Y "pse ling a PI) t 0 0lld' J., Juno 20,1 1:177, h tho Rov. Mr Perkin., plotlng ...biob the UI"O! degreeo ..... oonf.r· and bavo tbem made lUI lCood III! II . .... Ollllrloo Ewan ~urritt W MI.8 Blanche red. T3tal, oxpenS08. inoludlng tultlun , ALONZO HARTLEY. d lug wa er IIpun lOr porson, sca . Mr Se)I'es 1111 over with glo.ry, nnd the.y Jllne ." 0. Tile j'(),'lIIJ trip "rom, wllIIhllllJ, U!18 of boo..... &0, taw a WayneRville, March 28. I. gettinll their chllrch done Ilnrl pili ID '" ' dl'U II y, tl Wltg II, wc R" ...Ii. H"rk.r de8erv e the ntmost praIse for tltOll' Oorwin" to Co lum\ms nnd retul'u t> .. I!CI',,!! II ul'ca year·NO EXTRA CHARGES. are happy tu ICllrn, lIot dallgerous· Moy I\IlIllnud. d joy bo th .. ro forAvor. herculeau Illbors in behalf of the w'lll I.e $1,75. TLle tral'n willl elll'e fo r. -Divino sorvice will be heltl in Iy u For CIlI.I.llllJllc. lJivlng lull pllrtioulal'll ... g od canso. Corwi n at 8,50, aud cxcllrsionists the Episcopal Ohureh next Sunday . ' to cour... nf stlldy, &0 .• add ....... IIDCOtl)9, - -- ....~. -: will IlfIvo six hours in Columbus, . 11' I k -~ I', Wal'wi ck, of thu Looanon EDWARD H . MAGILL. A.M. N cyn oE.-AIl ladles alld .g cntl.o to vi sit StlltO Uouse, D elli and lDormng at 0 c oc . P atrIO t , allY. Mr. I. H. ilarris is .......Ident, meu will ploalHl send 01' br.lOg ,n Domb Asyl nm, Asylum for the -Eldor Samuel Danks, of Col- tho unly sensible U11l11 in Wllynes STUMF.-J"UllO 22, 1877. Jo••ie, dUIIKh· ewnrthmore Colleg•• Del"...are Co., Pa. Is tho BEST Qnd MOST ECONOMICAL in the World f thelr ordcrs to the Queen CI ty Bu· Blind nnd lIew Insalle Asy lum. lege Hill, will fill the appointlUont VIlle. Now we kllow tour othel'S ~r or t?e ~~i~~uruV. uged 7 yeRr., of drOll" U l"'rfectly PURE-free from ~oidl! and kery for frC8t~ Brelld: OlLkeR, and IThis i's 0 good opportunity to seo of Elder Bllvis iu thll llnptiMt lit 10000t, who hllve thonght Ihom· DAKI;N - JuDe 2t, 11:177, Mllrlh. ADa. COL D SPRINGS RETREAT, forclf,n 8l1ltstanoo. tb.~ injure linen. Ol'flckel'8, Dried Beel and Chcese. tho sights of tllu Cnpital City. Church next SaturdllY and Sun · sel ves to be thnt j and nuw what kin. dllughter of tlto lal" Jl\mesD .. kin .nged Thlo OhftrtDlllg Retre.t, nOl\r Harveys. to BTRO GER than anr other-requirina' hnrg, I. no... opon for ,,18Ito1'8 for the "'lI8On. muoh le8" quantity In nRin!l'. for tho 4th of Jlll y, ou. tho 2(1, su Children uud er 12 half.1'lIre. day. Sl\tul'dny nt 2 I'. M, IIl1d Sun · WIll they do 1 But Wllrwick 23 youn. that all Ol'ders mllY be filled prompt. ..._--dl1Y at half·pllst 10 A. M. I\lId 4- kllows. FRANEY.- J"nu 24, IH77, illfllllL twin 'rhe rlar.e 111\11 been vory muoh improyod In Ie UNIFORM-etlfl'on.o and IIlli.boe work I>lwBY' tho I18mo. d lb' .. • • dllllKhlAlr of T1.oRl II. lind lIIary 1!'rnnoy. vllrlou. wave. "f lale, .. ltlelt rendlll'llit vory M URPHY MEET1NGa. -Tbo meot- 1'. M . -While clliving uut two rO!l8ts ..gudninc week. Iy for the graD ce e ratlOlI . InvlttnlC nll,llldmirably ""orIM to the rloa. Xingiford'i Olwego Corn Starch _ _ _ __ -B_. H. HAmS. community. I will not elt~mpt Is tho moot delicious of all pr~II'l'lIt"lII. for iogs ha vo been continued dnring L'OURTll OF "JI"·I.:~ EXCU I'SIONS.- of becf luI' tho fos tival, Illijt Friday RICHARDSON.-At tho horno of hor .uro·.ooklng ~ .r ~ ~1 C I h S II I IIOn-ill-Jaw, Georgo 1'(.'n80, .tuno 22d, 1877, to de""ribo U•• mony adVlltllage•• leMing P fi ::l' l tlt080 wlto mn,. f"vor Uij \\'ith .. 0I.1l to judge ~t " 'bngs, Blanc M U1?!ltl Cake GU ANO BARllEOl' E.-In IIduition the Pllst week, Ilt intervals, wiLh The Pi ltsburg, Cinci!lnati & St. Ulorntng I'. 1\ e 11111 a so lI1l'11. AnD ~lch .. d(j()ll. iu her 7(itlt year. for thom.cl1'oA. 612 3m ' • • did SIC 1 T U I curvod 0 11 (; til' his fingers quite reck· t o tltc other attructions for the Mnr· goo 10llses, aD on !In( Lly o . Louis J.{ailway \)tupulIl' p opu .1I'- lessly. H o cO!lsolos himself with Rul ee to bo o'-rvod . ro,.imply. Fir.tly. phl' celebra tion on thc F ourth of Gonlding conducted u lar~e meet· Iy kn own as th e "lllll·Handle that oil exerci .... mu.t bo oolllluoted oivilly not na sil)' earned, tho.o Buoondly, nl) Intox\Mting IiIIUUI'II will bo 'I1J Juty, Mr. Roel'o H ol.lllnd is. pro· iug in front of the HlllUmcl11~ou so Houte", will placo XC11l'8iO Il Tick. the tbougdltt thft 1ft did it i.1I a gho.od t lrneff. but II. I'Dn he m. de "'MES W. • !INES, M. D., allowod 00 tho preml_ . In Ihror Itlollih. byallyollo paring fo r f\n old.fllsl!lOnod barbo· -.after ~· l\rd 8'. ou IlCCollnt of th o eta on @ alu Jnly 3d 1I11d 4th, 1877, eflll sc,.ull so t ie nger gives 1m ROItlla:OPA.THIV Terma 01 <Ulml"ion .., ••onoblc, Bnd Re· 6 of ('Ithel' ""X, III "nv part cue. He is coll cetll1p: fnncls to ralll , ad.lollrlll ol( to tbo hflll. to lind from 1111 BttltiollS all t heil' no plllll. '11' of Iho COllnl ry I. 1\'111 . oordint! to thoJONA~11 ~Ntlp petrRK. bn ' I\n ox hns ndverl iscd \'(Ir a mlln A bout seven hundred IlI\ve si gn. li nes. T lckcts good til" roLlll'II nil - -D. W. ~lcek8 is agent for ' fI . Inl(.to work al employment 0111002 doors South of Hllrri.' B.nk , ~ Iloe 5, t~77~ thl\t "e ~urO\' h . $66 pe r week in YDUI' own trQm Kentucky to ronat it, Ilnd will od the pledgo, lind still tho tidal t il J Illy 51h. Thi s ~)!c\ estiilili shed nClv lind vl&luRble invelltion , an I.O"u. 'OtlllEi cri noL bf~ '~WR.y from hume 191....... W.Fllenllle , B Ii R - -In - -R- -v1-ll over hnvc the aifflir nil dono up in splen. wavo s weeps Oll. and popular custom has long hoo n iron rest, composed of 8tono, which night You eRn glvo YO ll r .. hol o tilDe Oftloo houl'll, 7 1.2 w 0 1·2 A.» , 1 to 2 1-2 did styl. This a lono .i s en.ough .to ----. - - - .. ~u.cL\Y.i.J.l..cunlllluQ to bo !l!2p-rl)ciated !lut only boil'S tho iron. to retllin P.~.~ to Ihe w II '.k. or 0111) .!Ollr spore momenta. It 7, to 8 P . M. The underoi8'1lod hili! " de.irable ,lw1l80 C 10 II'.' th. bu, iocn. Terms draw (like .I\U ox) all the IIlhablt· o:::T'Threc arres ls tor dr1t llenneSij by th e fric nds 1I0U patrons of tho l S I , 01l8he8 the I1'On, ke . nnd lot for rent, In &yovlllo,.on re...owable oALSSa~Olhtng OutftL f,"<'c Addrels at onoe B •,mtll I r miles a round. anu disorderly conduct woro mllde line. 'fhe ratcs will bo low und iug it smooth and free from rustl terms, 0 room~, in; well,oul- and Si7 ' •• 'ltulldinga, 'aDd evorythlng oonvenlOllt. A HULen &. Co , Pordand. • _ __ - -- - 011 Sunday. 'l'he offenders were accoUlUloJations ample. Rnd givin~ the clothes a fino gloas. OjJitJ6 and R 68ide1t '0, 1'1/i ...t St., \luantlty"f fruit trees 011 th~ plMe. , rtF" A temperaoce meeting was stran gers, 'wh ose nalDcs we do not _, . _ . _. __ _. _ It is '3 eapltal thing, and wort~ WILLIA.MSON. !lId MOIIUUY v ning ill Utica, kn ow. J.ook ou t for tho fatted ox . dollar. . a:. ' Juno Ii.CORNELIUS 1677. .. WAYN ""SVlLLE.
TU b
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Burial Cases, C ask e t b as.:.,
J nrgrst
Up-Town Grocery
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Sands" Janney. DRWJGGmSTS.
FtOUR I FEED 15J-t;c»re.
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IYAfIRISS, I ~. Jl. Zdl & inn,
Stove " .Tin Store. ALONZO HARTLEY
KIRC-mR1i' S
OSwego St aroh!
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(k il o..,. our 11 ,) R llr c na u gh tour III lInuug n uon tHld 1II1; ht. I 1I0 U II II ~ wi ll II "\ou, \Vt I~heu Agll llllo4l Y II Url'"1 '\ Uti u te l ltu rt.m l th o ur lKilL, AUlJltt oll"c i" Ulll) "II '/l ~
, t hut w "lntl t h u "h ude 1 g r" l ~ IIlId 11111.
\ Id f" lll wllu h l u" k Il l y wny Old \\ lI n w,)I II U " "I,;I w lul, 1 h USf'r t.I ~
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'lIdu l ", ~ W 'I \ "I ~ IIIU Ull " llh llllUt ItIlUt. v nl vch pupc. r \:0 \ 4r 710 l, v o UI UI081 CUti1lt 11 1 J1h ).o:It! l lU ti ihtfmtl l Ltohml} bI t tu u , vr\ij rt tH'l ttl1 t. 1 III ~ UA lllzN'I'tiu,fl,t llJ UI How tu hUJII U "IHJ t\" VU ~""lJl~t!I \li 1/8 Willait t lul IUtllllh uN l\ tmo .. " "hHh Illl tl r" ~ tI.t IIUH \t l'tnl l klll tl t! H rllne," Ilt lll k!\ jO I . l alI11~
nd llll tlluJ
, t I I e """ ' "ru[lur llo. The WI Lli (,;11 ER I( \ k II ' W 1< ,I ,I". Illgh",,' IIDIM"t.. ll ru ." I're r",,"ulu ,I" . C"UII - for WI' I " ~ ,II I hi , 'or e l BI y \\ ~J r k \ bu ru. C luJ \\ a d k IhJ\\ n III nil ~s.;eij tJ f 11.0 wVlld lIl ud III nil oou n t r u ~ riO H , 11\ t1r(] ur to lUuku K uu rlJ blu 1' llIflt n,.. 1 ~ u ~\: J III Iht U Ili Lctl ~ L It d 4In 1 , lUg 10 iU.lll O 1 dul n u t l\u u w , unt il 1 w!' tre It I kll(J~lIohIlSlH!~1I Ju"tlJ (h ' ()1111 ,y t h1l1k ( r um l b cMtatome l1L Wft ha\ o""PUIICl".", Jul e" .. t oti'"" c H ktu\lltocL 11\.: lu r COII!!: I eas m OIl . 1111
(U u t Ic r
teLl fur 118 wUlld or f lil mcdJClu ,I l.Iunlitlei
I tolu uy AI r_ P that dg/ll' lJ ut 'U )(, ea l puw.r CU'e 8uUIII ur tI,u worsl A.llall and Adum 00. h o \\ ho I aDd m081 ul.llr •• i1lg d. 60 •• a"'<l ol; oa Iwl c8tl e d With li n d thrcw th o Iud lU ll ue , .. lull v /\.cerlaillcd UOlillbe e&pH lllle u ta U " Ad ' 01 Ih. 1 ~ k ll' "1 physlcln n Dr Swo, ne, had
ut once IIta cll JI ~ :l1O ttr1cl, 1" J rry J I I(JlI' It~ , t1m t t11~lr In teresl ,..11 b..t bC>lt JIf.... d lrOC llun , ~" ''' ' ~ II ~ S , "',J< U.lIuro
1111\.\10 th ttt. lJuyen ClulUot ttlll t o
!,er . , VO ,0 U8 II mated lJy bUylUg our LIqUId P"lo t. (I e pure pll'" I.\) III proferenee tu tho ~Illd I'u m t. reforred tu , lg' OOt, w ilr e UWII CUII 8111d U1II d, mouSI,. ted II. hl ~ h ad"plnlloll HI eoml., Ml'mpl u ...rlla llDd price. leIl\ free ,>n ..pWail n largo P UWCI flllly budt m a n uollon ,.. tI, 1''''0 Tree Tor .lId olher " IU" I " h OM.ntl Innd an G tt-e'm e lid u lid dtll ••".l e ,\I II; " , ,,Iull ulu " "e ~. ble IIIgroll,ou la. " hl cl,. BAXTER. BELL" CO lIn", 11.:1u "1Ield! \ Cli lOl u u cu re m." r" h :o ne t lU Il tell ' ...., thc \\ III ULlUIII , tltl o w hllll to th o 1" ld mor. c.' lnl o nu,1 !,en.fie,.1 In ClIrlll!; " II 18 Murray 8t • • • • York. d Ed 111 All Id I d f I I I M'UlufllCturord lIlIti Deal~U lia all P~mto , gro un ILII Willi Ia \ 0 'oe.8e. u 11 I. root or,.SI ."d IUllga III Vo l or. &0 tll~D' ICllt a p o r figllw III alt e Ucu lllltt;t " WAI 1\ " " OIl U'" U.... , OU . .. . Irl ke. _ i 1 ~ltlall I I u d IUII , lL ti I1I) \\U5 Uf SIII UII , ilro.L the rthH o f ti h40 " AO 11\ purrh 'II ~ t lJu bloo d , ,,,rln"lh, I/vlrn nd kill",v. to h.oil lll LJ,,1.t , u~ n I I II ~ Li e lcutC s tu! UI 0 11111 In ) l 1· ' 11 011 IIlv 'Aor. I· II G Ihe uervous auJ ~b.ll c. Imporwrs 0/ N il lovl;.g t., uoh 10 Ilf ... It I Spe aklllg o r th o SC IOtlCO uf cn r I'd ll ll I10" PURE CHI\l TEas Uy hfo I. h"floll8 n"w . J"yl""" "lUc~ l> lrl rcapond e llcee II I a Iuto le t ter I BOl d . HOM E T EST I M 0 NY. 11 '" III. 4 , houd . houro . h ' I f 01\ S II. " I De. r S" - I "d ,I 10 bo r.. (btL 0 L"rrl Yu" r WIll ? Allu t IS 18 whut t h e dl8ClP e s 0 dll ' to l Oll .flU ." ncrlll){ hum" nl" to ~'V~ iA , AlI . ll llhe.",o f, om lbo ok) . I.hllt u', r '"c S w t:rlc nbu rg b u v o tl u n o i thcy PI t) 110. 10110."'); 'e- II I"," r "OI ~ Ctlll~ ~" e " ou P 0 OOX ...~oo Nt:W YOUI~. Ic(.'Cd t o )l roye th o dlVlIllty o f O lll 18t d".f ul e''' . t"cd>o wer of 'O llr OO Ol llo und _~ lealll! lind lo wer. . On. by onc. fuded .tlll f . ,,",.1' oC II lid he rr ' .fl d S. roapulI lI " Bud ' • r o m UII urgulllc VI s OIe ll t lfic p Oin t I ,,, I'dl. I "'M .m,cted '''tlo " vlOldll "-1".1 fO~n':.e U,er. '.110 ch uuSo 0 1, lib . Ull ui vlew.~ i t ~hould road o r g n u lc eo uJ: h "IIma III Ibe . ,d o Alld b .... " , t . III~ hl su I'PLY I E AS TO STOREKEE P ER.. . No oh ~n"" of ." .. do Ilnd hght (J.lld SC lo lltdic POttlt of vi e w A l · wo"I-. 10 ' 0 Ihroat. '''y IJowol. II e re cu." v. 111o ra gl nal p'Ukll~.', at low e· I IrnlM'rt "rleoll. En I tl ,,I be fi api eh te IIMrl y ~o " •. K" d my . llI mMh 80 110 per •• mplu aenl on a pIlll cll lion o I ·ym':!~ ~~~II B\lIKS . tlil Iuwer ..",I It llIl g mlly SClo ntl C Witho ut be I 'e n ... "k t ha I,", ph .. '. IAII w~ ... t n lu•• In A,oou dreftl11. bl""lt ... ,,'··111 ,. I\ lg urg ulllC l kuow wh.. t 10 do fo r me. A8 e' e r, tlllng ! NIII g .., 011 0 u 1 our c lo rgyme n does n o t u!od III Ih' oh flO IIf medlcllI. WAH reJ' . I. U ~U PPLY T EAM TO DIU I;GIST S ,I,EN -I her . " ) on wel1r.e<\ hoar'" "10k WIll. ' . k k II tl ~ I bl " pit dilrell"t IIlIlCO"P III I orbl oud [ ru - IWA LOEALER • AYD o-r HER , rlokou tJ VOIY u 10 n Ul 11 0 1111 e DI11 " ,otl ltiLu.o lllh. I" Ih l. " " lui cOUlh l, t)" ILhnndsoulO packog fi or OD~ nOUlld uch III ' IrlCr 80 Il llnmo IIIIC Y t I ' • I b ,. _ Your s.. ylng bo.lth d Ol!<' lido y Ollllg ge nt (:W OII W lose occupatlull I" nu s IYO 1I f'. 1I hUlk. "I """ 1'1" 0' l llllg - C",,,. I '" a & e aa. ne ... pac~ • • and In IH" /:! u.bitll IU • Lord. [prllY I 01.ord ••" , God, It 1\1 t 41 Il lall d Uti t h e s truct cvrll o rs Al Ih,. lI h1u '0" rec'lIIll1 end, d lb. u. o r Ib ten Ib Bod I . e n~y Ib bOle. F ull I.... .... I. I H ,our !Sno p li nd r ,II . ... h,oh 101m d",1 I) t,eula,.. " n appll m t.'l ou o \~In \I d d r 8UC1<lIlg t la ir CILII I'S _ 0 BUY S th ey bes:_u 10 _oulbe " ODI ~,rlllnd . II IY .ho "' n (l U III )' ~ ' pon . (th e boy ~) up \>Uu r tv thul k that G o d h neu "r l hu cO llgb, .1, 1I~ l h o"ed .nd h al.d W " NK~VI\ I .... May 2 1 d II t k tl d I 1 mv IlIlIg. 'U .It" .. II b". n, ,d. a p.rfec~ s l P P I Y I K ,HI TO ,BllLERS III h" lf U 'Wj
'& "
IWD Jlrlw
I' ..
"'01 Pulton St.
Th o le lU pe rlll. ce m o v o m e ll t, IIkc 80m l o \ c dt u r l(:S, IS t u b e cO lltllllle d fo r SO IllC tllU U y o t. T he l ' IlUIIIlUUY ' b oys' hll VIl gallo, nfter a stay o f tlll ce o r four weeks, dUTll1 g ~lllch tl m c l Lbu u t 7, 00 s ig noture s we r c ,hlc UrOtI , a ll d p n t 0 0 th e ro II 8_ TI 1C po p ulutlun of th IS cI t y IS g e n e rull y 1 t th 0 t 1 U' 1I quute U u t l ROOO u, , 'U
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w o uld be be to r B~ rvedl l s l1dpcct, Itnul ogy 01 t h IJ l ittle shu twmkllllg 330 ~!; III~~::~ :"~'::~I"'" by Cll ttlllg tla u tig u rus llu w u t w ') up III I1 t! IIYc n 0 ULD 8' ALI 1'1O" I ~.NT l.)IIUGG.':;.. n t tt l ' ~~-'~-,,-~------" "" • -t h UU81111 d or Il.u r e . J.JU I 18 n o 0 UC Btl ppOlle I Ihut UII U half ul t h o A . k Youreelf then Quillon. Cit) 18 IlI cl ndcd III th o 7,000, fo r Arc Y"'" R d ...",lII d,".t. ulr.rrr Iro ,!, !hOI' \ ' If ~" u lie 111110111 IIt ke tnuuy I' 1'1!\l1I8 fro m n oi~hbo rll1" H ~ud.tho. H llbltUl.l "., It'''e"", l ul l"" 3 \\ ~ \N ~_ I " r nnd Sa r. llra "lI. "LUI I I ) .. U ha ve. :lIck,,,,he . take " LIon of Lh. H o..r tt R MYe y ••u Dlulo .... uf tU \' II~ I III \. @Ip:ue d th o pI ge ut the ~he H (Uld? 10 your Ner vuu. aV.l.e 1l1 de W A YN E T. r II l1d S .... pari ll ••ILLa "' l'''~ hold _ ..... mg v b P--''' ~ y.."r m",tt\ Inm l.1.e badly ~ l r 'OU r "I.",I!"o I. ooaled ra lre S n ed h n n a ll c11l88e8 14\'U b ellu HDVI> you" Co ug h ? Law pm \JI ~ Co rnWAY N ~.':< r . , I Dd SArsapa"lI. "LU lUg ur of tho food IIfI.r el\li llg ? &< • •\l;o II 'OU h <lH a COld, lace " 'pt IOto t IliS IOIl...c m e nt from th c All ° th """ a ud ' u", h mor. Kr Ib" 01 ... nl 8 W A ' -N E S 1 IIr And ' or!"p.rrUa P'L LI vU l y ~ I al t UII I t lto g r llBt number of r~8 ul '" 01 D, "I" I' .'.' L iver Oum~.I It ..tlr. "d.i.:ro..proy.n l Q~ d C"'. 0h,Il. aod-~la k e 8 1\ A \ t.. E S Tn r , ud la rlLL8 ) '1'il1J1ld wh o h uve h eeu indu ced to [nd 'gCllu ulI G il """. Aut.uMr 11_owl> n now .nkno ... led /t",1 b, , It d rul!"nd~ I.. b..t" Ir 'Ou r Ilowel. IIro co I,.r. lake Igll tlto I' I('d~c, 1 Ja n "0 b n watc h !'u. IUvn cu re ..140ft UOO I.,t tl •• " e ... 1f" .U l'IW A YN b' Tar o" d ' ar•• """ IIA P'L LO HI/! With lI1u IlI tC' r ot the publi C a wn) In the U Ihr(ough dr lltrl/I.", ..... (he l'o,son. 1\I <I [ull ha hl t . wh o lI re ... bJ .c ~ fcc l lll l~ ull d emU I IUll8 Ihllt fl alld peal'le 011 Irll,1 'I" 1I d.-. WIII ... ,I._(, 1m)' I ~' H e~d4 ' h,'. ~.'ddlll e!' . Drowolllesa. Rnd
PChC'i n til I ttl ... nrul urf ul qmahty
D . . . . . .MA.
(\u r l1l8'
1Og' ln
Hnmo rO UIB
Sl:! rloul
111 til e lo:lt r RUlln,.t: lrom t~'l g reA t a
AS THE BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. lis competllors receiving only an award for some s pecial fllJture of II eir machmell
The World-renowned WilRon Shuttle Sewiuu: lachine It,
\\ '1 b cor
<I ,.la. I ll uo.. Wllh Ih. VD rlllUO h ..mle <8 6 ' ''''' 11 11 a ll d e ,Ior lllg . Ub.-I II""' " .cd III .belr pre pa rallt II • • ,Id comlloln ",sl, u, 1I0u. for d' . lll h O~ hil.,lnl! ODd cl. rol , I"g Ihe Ul I'KII" r .·'n, 541" b ' U'" . It. CIT ATIO •••110 R c\ DI '08-
111 0 udlnK
pro", ', ud 1'0, 1,,,,,1 ,,1c'C hon.1l1 Dul ,h. Ir l' h F rI"'e". ) "'kee. S. ek"'>Qd. , lIr0Il' u a nd olh" r dl"l o". 1'''llo r co' at 1ge bUArd. ~O 1\ Ils" n 8 Iluok .. r f( CII"l lvl18 " lid 011 I I·'pc,ell ler. lI ,< 1,Oor' d 5Uc SPU h CUI s Hook o f Co w ic ~peec l.e ~ "lid I """0'0". 1t"' 11811"'" 1 "I'ur O. 1.,,,,,,1 , 11 U. , I " " I UlUle ~,e'tllhul.U '"1 H UIIIO' ~ U8 e,ll, g ll CK I "1" , :\(1 I"'b,d , SO Ii , ~ ' nl " HI CI.... ,''' ''. C U IIII~ Ura',Ud n .. d I'11 thel lc I II..., r eOlc,8 JO ho u, d•• 11 III .u,1 r n,," • /lo"k or. t U,mp ~p ,.h •• 11I1U I 11 ,1. "1 ". ( Ir" Il O ... I", ...,, 311 . l.u.,II ••u lI u,," s · \ ~r LIll ie O,o logu . s fo, \ N I LIllie Falk e \I" P' r 30 IIII. rd< 60 Mc n , lde·. (IInt C 1l1 . l o~ ue. fur $, b 1;:. ~il"tI III ; lind l. ltem r) <"l e rlllln,,""1 .IIKpUr III "o.L1 d, 511 !-tu I', 11101"g ue. f"r Young Pol k• • K col h CI1 ol1 ul Orl~ 1I1AI \Iura l "" I 1111 10 "011" UIIII"I;""8. "UIIII,.IIO the U ~e or :.->, ho ,IIIII d chUte h e,lu"'''''''. p"p.r31) l>oll , d_5U AI .. tlth • Droll 0 ,,"1 '~II" lind L,,"~ III"i l , D ll "c1 ~l\ ti , 110 \1l1pc r JtI 1" •• nI. 50 lIud ... ,,'. Pri ~Ie 'lhcal rIC"l . fur lI olOe pnr fu r lll\lu~o po"cr 10 bUllr I. fi IV AIII"e nr r he, l"C o/ a lind F,ury I nle IInl Wrt- ~alicr 30 hUB nlS Bill I r081 • boo k of T.hl.. ", " nd Sh,d""
Il tJle t u p u r"ue nH pou nd ,ud 0 11' l)Ouml ~I''' plaiD o r pri n ted, P"utll m l1nes
t h e o pllll o n tllll t He dldll't_ Cor II II I{ IKbar A u. P"'."" IIo" I,un..: th o l'U(1t t a nd y MI DllrWIII mny c la llu th ese 01 ,,, "I '" alUl~mo It ~ 11I 1,1, ,, •• cull 00 " II I II t t l tl Or IIdd r"... lII e ., Ih Incl ry I' U\\ tI a 8 IVlIlg I liS rn lon8 to III 1.111\ AI(U /I I AI .... O )/ culf lik e fUlI Ct lOIl of mouth III li lt' I n':lIIoel , I I , S "ee" , ' P ' It~ r 1 '1 hUlllan s pec le 8 wltl lOllt g lVll111 0 1- 1 "I!!, IIn.,1 I, I..... II' n I.., .. 1'1111, , II ., I 'I" r 211 v ....... I, " cl I ."d II r li uDtl o u se tu any o ne lit II -tllll ce t le y •• 1I0till re"'. ", •• hi "II m ~" I i ~111' d, l Imv e b e un dltiUwn ed b y t h e c hurch "e" l~ m bur In I 7" Pric 0 Doll 8 .. Th o fi f e fly, tho m ost b uutlful ul .... :J ........... I If ", Our...,I,u!!" ,•..., '-lOr .1l1k.epm hR. " nt n II till y creatu res, IIns Ilg U\l1 np '.... 1 II -e ~III d.It .. r hnll ,1" •• 11 W "n' nd p c al e d 1111(1 IS sturflng III Ih o g l.u; , drc•• 011 rlC" ol 01 pie f, Ighl l"uJ I C r o CS, nD d IS Il IJr lg IIt I Prr" · d I Ii fllD OlIg ti c r on y •
The Wtt, 'S TEA ('OMPANY10I'U."
lClchllloud L c ttc r_
th t ll' ORt.dl htl CI , Udn Ul ,Uv k Ut,W II
lunn Ed "u. r11 8~dtu \\lltu~ l)ct:!c lu,! B " d III
Hit O.lImlted CAp••
10 do .U kind. of '&mIlJ Sowln\l o.nd .... nuht l(rtlq,
the hant! "heel preffnlll the mOo
nm Wilson K'WDH rill io u mucht.o work ill ona 41111 lou: o\har Kleme..
It rcqulr(>8 DO speclal Instructions rurnl~ hlld with t'lU:h machlno.
use It J an WustraW DlreeUoJ1lUook II
A properly cxecutL'4l (;crllflcale Is furnished "11h eafh wllcbiu\" gua,auteeinr
to ktl1!p 1& In repillr, free or ehllr~o, tor III e >f urv_ MaeiJiletJ lold OD II1II1 terms or PB) ment, and dllih ered , tree ot chllrge, at all)' RailroD4 Ik'pot 11 Ute United Statcs where " e have no A~e.ts. Selld tor Wut...ted O.Wogu.o,
...,.. Aceat. Wantaa.
For f ull pnruc u l u r fl n d d re ••
167,000 ~~ ~l!btrfisrl\ltUIS. ~
.P 1M ILl IrS A If
p ' pt r lII,I"'"lll ", ijrt.\
Altha 13eaconL.f;ht
18 olle of Ibe I.~l ad moSI reh. lol o T he ul and UO peclloo n Lelle,s . "ult"hh ~ou. ~ III Ih e lrad~.! partlna re~ " ' rlng fur Lovcr8 of Rnv ag ,u,d condition li nd e" III ~ u",,&.&lea "iII jiG well to eend their "u~u r ,II ClrQUlll etAOe,. l1oBrd. fifl.,
order8 d irec t
_ ••
aCD 1lllU1 J 1\.1 Or~.nlzatloD , Oa_J>&!IiiM,••Dd n a&tlee wrlltoln .1 tbe raqoeal of M.J or (Jell e"" Veo B Tbumas , elal.lI, ~rolD h l~ Private ~flll tl ry J ouru~l. &1111 Olllcl'" Bod olh r /)ocumenl!! fU'Dlabed by tum By Tb os. B V.o Horne, l r S A. LIBRARY EDI1'ION -II yol . 8 ,0 Wllb Bn All ... of 2!l Camp Ign ..nd Batlle MIps Pdeu . Clolb, IS. Sheep, '10, !ialf liorooco, t.2
cAlc ululod In 8 ne .. .. nd no' el melllOu IIhl olt II,e . n ImjlrUl e mCIIHh Rn v hllhu r to mild" Ihuv • ..,." a rrRIlged Ibll' lach "" . ... or 11'111 rl "pond W o'ery ODO of Iho quu L' OIlS .. hleb ,n,u Ita PllL ,.bore are ani, (""rte n pr llli. d 'I uu rtons. and If M ne 0' lbeo • • houl d 8uII ' OUr CAl. , I OU ClI O Kek Ally olbur 'l" eoUIIII 10U pic..... ond tb e p'or r o,, >wer .. III ellme There "re 28 a nl . e, •• ,.da '1heae .. ru ,hu r O.d In U,e u.u,,1 munner. whe n yu u draw n u~ your u" o" er pro mlBCuolIsly-aou ' I c~nnOl help \){Ol DI; Ihc co"""Cl. II no so c" refully h"vc Ih e&e . nowers heen "o rked 0111 1 " pll. ale P laYIng Card., w,th rou llu OM nl ro , a Dd dellumln!lt,oo a utl "'u mar ked 111
II to
the marioer OIl eoost 10 II
IInv', Forl uno I d lul" (Jorda
ehlne from runolng backward", and obvllltC8 U,e IM'CI.'I!hll,. of tuldllg tile work from the machine to wind thread on the bobbulH, wblch must be Ilone "Ith all other Se"lng MIMlWnllll, ro the rrent ftllno)lUIoo or the operator, C'S peei8lJJ III tuctlog, bemmlng and rumlng. It 1100II oue-thIrd more work In a gircn longtli of time than an7 other Sewing muchlno. WITH E\'ERY MOTION otthe FOOT the MA CHINE MA.DS SIX STITCIlES.
III ~ m" r. \rIJur,,1 d .. -g!tqt fhBO 18 gl.ou lIurl. 8,,"0 " ud Muo,c. 1 Aetlll'; Ohkrllde. eTI'bele, b'W ,e T~ J'. pR Io r IU I OllrdO fi ll. N Hllg ro' •• h.1I , or,m Ouilio lind I.O m lllc~ IJUII U'"1( \I,", e, W, ll, IIIu81rllilOlhl hUl\rd. s l rP L'I 1 KA!'I FO (lUTB OltO Elt:'l , HClelll Y hI " cents 00,1I 1111011 ft ...... or ell mt liOn tb an "sll ~1 I' ~ 1I10 \1 ,,11. rn 1',lckot 1:1 oy'o •.,,, " " II C"a • • I:ua tea Ihe qUBI 'ly of bo" ,do se ' only fi , .. Ihd r good.! Fo,m. 8C l wbt o requI""d 1lII" . Am. fl cK" R. lldy Bouko" er IJO,ud. So"d lur clr.. ul .. a ,Ic'a e 8"' und" r 6 0. ... I"ub or the loregrol rur you ,Iealre • L L' 0 " L 'I k ." BY s ave e. ter a ru' Or ave ... "'I( I'MIIOll lmr. so Ihot WI) lI a1 11end you ,, 11 Ihe mild. " ij I n c, . o 311 :~~~~~r:tiuu oooouorl wl&boul CUllber /Jay'l Curd . fvr pOI,,,lng the (tuClhon In eM.,. 30 WELLS~&COMPANY Nort J,oveLeller. Wllh A.... rec,l ulI.o·aHhook . w 'oC a Wrll ' .11111 Whon 10 l0,••
'~~"-\"It.~ ,\\~
I ll"
Iwre /l lHl
, I"'ro 1 l ... u,1 \ ,, 1141 {I:nr "Il ril l" m, tll rU1 IJlh ff ~lIl rdHm n?~('l" WlI t.a.h llcr t ilL )'l)un J hUllnt" h l"1ld Wh), uot o'. r " uw. ". lOtI ~ o L rd t U 1\ I o ,near me no pm t nK p •• no 0' lUg ey... No huftllb81do wbtre to rctIto No lonl ly l'alooo towen ng al",.,. t to lho "kl'CII' N n ow 1y IU 0811Y n Wit .., b I h b I I ., 0 r g t U8con Il cnmm g til g WI U mo IAl tI•• 10n,1 NOll u ", I",'" ould GUru \.(1 dr... It d l d, rm to enol' 1 d u rra ell,.,l Ill ) uu .... trclC' e
~1 1'
p t ') .,
hut ,. 1111.
Li Ih du~ 1I,1I01l'11Ig I h~ IU~ ~PI ti l t h. 0,,1 r I fll W 1d l ....,. It. \.vuE fO TI H F.'f\t I il' tn \! of . h i 1'" 0 R. WA NElS \ 'th~ r. lt,,~ '1 111 •• c ~ eC3 (,f ,IUdOll r, Uou ' 10 11 th I un lll lfll lb ' S P URE LIQuln PAINTS . alnlug tlt~ oom ,I~ " wo, k ~ r th , Puter, d A ll l' Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry OK A" p rc lI~,ee Felh"" r,,11 11",1 ~""~ler \1 /\ ·• I l\l h Cd \ o m b v Eugnr un CJ I) • ,I ulher , .llIalolo prel)'''I\\II",' "t'>rI.1 II,.' ~Oll" Oe~rcc~•• "d tlUllr u..... UlO'"C" LenSl lI e t lUll I hnv o r e lll \Hdcd ,\1I P lI u h•• profe. I"" ,I c ' n e r fil h .hu IIIII""IILIII .to tu, ; elo Ed,ted Ily n.. ll'h PI, ~I t In () f IllS Vru u lI ttl 1110 th a t III ClIO 01 .. r~,,11 1 r \1. ,cd Ed ll' I,OU III ' 'Ve IIcl! to In vito thu "l,ouIIII ~wul l"n II r , IIIth ~:l L"~'II.. r '1 uck. I u"kt l louo. >1' Ie Olle. or the n!doi L "uri bOJIt ~ch ' 0 114 tn P,n!n .. Dl,d ~ r~ tlwl OhU"l1lU(lrMto lh(~o PAINTM. S' t edgu~, f2, ,u ., , It l UI II d II [J 1 \\ 1\ t ,l II \ Hl It I III tlull' l,," " lid perhallR "' th "od d Ho HuL- fh.V ti ro IU '" Ur., 'IIr d 1",,111 th " vMy h (, !lt A L' I S' /t,T" ,. OF ~ ~L' ·U"-f I 011 t h o G lIZ ttc Ln~~ t:iu hh l\th I . LlluLi . "IIuoully ., ved " fll llh iul uf pro t e' .. lld " hole t!~t 1"1 g' IUI' II ~, ~ntl ,nl ...} t"I ~' '' ~'' ~,\m l'l. to ~el I" ltl tl" Il " , h\ t)(!C lUlU , ILn d I ~u 1"- U II d iU It lin III "h~ fJlu l ,d l. lnh h 1)1)111 11..:1 . 14 Lr t lUi 1 I I I In 1 li t [ " l Ull! 11 1\ Itl. (n.dy 8 lt i< I' PlU C L U1 " ." liut I," n Ir? 1I1 Jo. nt' u d Apli rculI t l. t II UI ! , an' atl " dud aloo '" 1111' !Io ~~.ttl I" !l Uol 'u I I ~Jd Oeg'c~. ""leu IMe l ""1 tJnly fur 1".I1I1U la o lalltl lI o t )·t" l_ t h ' pll Ihu e lII. tIL" " " n. ho ellJ lll utll b< III ,>< ,II" I. be" 011"; "'1" '''".e. »Ill " Iley e,"I"I" ot ' e" lIe w UI ..t. \1 b" t "I . u lor P '1 8 ] II t h' g ll t h ' r uLi IlIh l}; fa III up (11IUlIl" • of oblal ll l u~ "" III I~ hl IU'" I H",'"." '~~l;~", U~~;"'~ u';::,:~~t) ~~~~ ~'?J I \" lo ' m ~llu" 0' ,"II thn 11,1. lid 10 100' ~ III Iflli lct UI COlltu t hu IlIH.! IU 1:i e ll "' '' \11,*, Idc,S in uU Lht.:l r \arIUH~ fu tu I ~ \, I I ' n I ,h,r .IIIIiI( tll k u ur ),\: 1 utr uJUl " urk ret l rt:D I II er"' p 4H "I' 1\ Vnt ll. \ Uf n 11'" fu r ut' ct) rtuII IIlW tb ' 11"~ L mulhu lb ,I II el l I ,\ I I f I II t NO Lu" tin ..! R , w , r kA IH!l: " tc,.. ",r\ t o e l p lal D ,., "I I I' I I Ii 1: 1 ~1I" 1111 I r (~IC ur w~b f hey "U d ....1I. d r I,e I W I,I> Ie c·I .. to t II. a.,ouu.t IUIII III! II I Ittl c Irt u ll ~(') . It 1lI 1l) bo • Ir t'OlI"n. ut I" 011" d ,e' elo" ' " I), I I 1II lu I 601 011 "CII O H\tI U " ~U! ht tlo lll lce ullIylanv pu" rl oof theU ul1 .d "~t.'h' f ll,l' d 1 " 1 ~ "I!'I ' u ',, .t , J I " dlllr.;, lou will b cnp"elt, lIIu!t~' I·d ll llb 38l'O)lp~, pl.te o ,,, to,,.-1\ u p r {J flS.8IO u IlI o ~porl~ lIc " III L I It, I ~HJ:;a l l\""C .) \:m\Jn "'tn.~te" t Lm r 1 \'n~r" \fU,I! " to \\ h l(~h i" ndlJ \!d . Key w ,be Ic dll c e d It t u I"J \\'d l! l , (, Ir ,)11 I'Ul! UI.dlc,t co mpa uud. lUI' ''" 1.0."1 '\d,, 11.01 hI- IU ; ~'} " 'II "up ro~rot.Y PhI lIel a K"pp , Or ",,,. II UlI Odd Fell ow.' h a d hee n hVI Il ~ III Ih c b.lln e spu t III 01.111 alllloIJ"." . llou I,e rec " lh,,, h, ,. U" ~. Vurou uo ' ..... 'I "u '"I. kuo" n 'n Ih o S"e'UI'I> - lIy I ,en I ' lou K L U K r K ll' l~clt"fu lth l ll yelg h t ) (:ul " Hilt proflennllnllO" Nlo"erllu mlhlhrou 'h,)l1l ": " " ~ it he'" ,e lI P.Ult.< lIlJIII Y ,I M elc 12" ,u clolh I'II e,$, '" th\: !uudlelnin J.!n A he ,lu u oon lu,hllll\ I,," tll l t ) pflr <'O lIt l,llJlUtH t Jul,aJ'luI Ull' \ l OIllJ \:\ t4 lkl: \I\O,\:p..l.. " tn .: A'liv Ex l h ~ lLS::; UI CB t1l e h e w 11 1 IUlk U~ll l ll Ih e IIlt.ll l L; twd,lhtl iOI1 " \ II t Ilt lIr tla, (1 m \\Ilur iuttuc.luct:Ji uto U lC ri l.H t.: uy t hl!lUU J 11 1'1': ': 1 I'nrl l \:\H\: I O C t. I ' 5c,; f l, r the Itt4t LI OUS IlI c, un ci I 11 ' hili :; CIJIU ' lit Ilel \\ It.ll f 1II U1'P ld& I I tJ '\ I!H ' 111 li t 11 11 ttlkllil to ~mn llllht 1t r ho hu- t InC U I1 AR O:-.I1S " :\ 1,l~ IT )/t Uj; Fn,cliu. O!'l Il t II 1'1 1 bC IU] It un t u Y')U Il l! t;, L\ :t I Ullt vr 14J &tlruouv 'roUi 1\11 p II lot HI 1. 11" \ I III III 111111 1 IIlIt ~ "" "o ,lI l'u, (,"I) \, dJ,: h ( r H' if 1\ I m pl ch t lI uh Lu t he \ UlllJllt' \ rO Ilt UUl CIl I.' ) Al l h' ~Jl rl\ '" I )O b IOltR W \ l N I:~ L tJ\ 1 I I IH lh"' l' r":'ld l l ll \\'hw hw/(ttlullkult' trl \ Rllll lto lt LI UIJIII Fn£< nl IH4fJ1l.,j 1Il,I ... e .. Clllw la llsn w IllS CUll III, ",'!-(U I n 1111 . PIIINl.) " \ /lU i' Vr WI Ll.) u llli"n 1' 0' .,I. \l r III,k 0 1 "1'",, 1v "' 1",,lj Wh," t u " " ,"" mollt. h'e" dl 'e ' ,\ c I I IIIU
au o ld c lti?e n
~~~~. .............~~!!'
ur, p\! r le ft. ban d ... orucr
1 he1 ttr . tb u.
m OK l
-··. .ao;.~~~~r- CURA'I'E - - 10 1
Elliott &; Coleman IWALK RS IN
8TOVI'S, fiN - \\TARE,
to Ihe dlstle'lo:! and , ulTerinC l ubject o(
Rheumatllm or Neuralgia! We C&DOt be too grIlteful fer lhe di5co'lCl)' or .ny remedy wluch will allevlllle the I U(' fen"!." , oC hunwuly, notcaIJ In the paogs of p,w, whlcb the patient alone .wre.... bllt ill tbe cWilrcu ... blcll It cnlatl. upon olhtrs.. Most e very ... trerer from bll own penooal experience is.wan:thattbeordinarymelhodv oftreaung Rbeum.hom. NeuralC"'t ScIalrca and kllldrcd dllcalca by iIIlemal met,llclnCo' ill of no avail, eod 10 I'ut Is this impreMlon gaIDlng hold u!'00 iIIteIllC""t patleoll lbet they demand a more poteat .-cdy. The dllCOvcry of LAwSOll'1 CUIlATfVa 1I'U & pncdess boon to tbousoadl wbo ban: been CIIlod, .nd tho lbouoaoda who Me beInc ~ll'vcd of their lemble ..-Ja ..., wiWac k$\ltQ.Ol)Y 10 Its vlmca. Here we have. Cuunv. IjI<:Dt wblcb though apl'licdeatcmally a.eru a powerful anti beneficent iIIOuenc:e Oft die whole oerve remedy of IDdbplltlble dlic:a<:r-
lull , uet a nd I cuCt . 1\1 l lae pe cnlatu ull fur .... "I l" d'''''II"" POPULAR EDITIO~ -Wllb Oampalgn h gh l. fil1l lhed CArd. Ulud. r" r cUUl mon 118 lu buttled fl ow or 1.10" ,1 10 Iho heAIi . shollid 1I0'er hc stllt es 0 1 n ih t:l lvn~ cn1' ti 'pu pu lUl 10 ,, '" H u~u l .. .... 7'.c So d I",.,t" e- ",Iho ul Ihem a mo", dnug erouo.J "'ptom. M. p ~ Yols a vo 0 10111. to ~.u,.. k eepl r cbarge $ 1 fur thom W e 8ell S b "ct·IIOII Itllc\ C OI111l· 1-'Vure. ' r l "~' 11 111.... d II I \\ u ld ' I'IJI' III ILr' ly h, ,, llli fbHl I••• d rll .... "'.I. "'thuU f' nl~,hO cuc "Iedollf ll ,)lh ·Tlr u.. E ' II b I lid h ' d Ibcm lo r 75 U~D • H, ' _ _ . :.': _ _ .... ver amp a Dt _ b. 1 dre~ d dlac .1Ml verr ,,,at y 10 l o a a 0011 h • • e a ~lI otr Fuun lB III Pon, I'nl lip III 110AI . 1Id, r:lJ" IJt.... 1 . 1 I"hmhull .d vun tit 'flO Rtlufi "f:f, G Ult<llln g ~ lI ll ~ I)o "l l o ll Il us a " lflul ~l lt Sig n ifi cati o n ut llll,..,.-;:> \11 o xp Il e ll (1e(1 g ordo lle r r' o m ~h leh eo Ul An y r or. oo o . uller. I. frc eo~ r 0 &hls 01 081 t .. Ilhflll, 'horough . nd bo t eo. e"ch h." ".n'n lni n).: 12 P ". W,lh Iii lJ..I I A r, u ~ulh til , c.\I.e .. I Beadaoh. DYliPop va uobl. cnntrll lUlloD to the milita ry blalo ry oo e dI p of pOll " 'n eA n ~ 11 .... A wh ole p.~. I ' ~nt t 1\ CS lrforuh 7 4JO!Hlrn r .,1 I I I II Ie s ume I' rsOIl~. s a ys thu t wh eut ullin ~ 1'lllIkl ed 011 ala and Indlp;e.UOD. 18 BrCedl'lv ..,lIo, ed 01 &be rebellton of foulocllp pope r No I,. a F.en pral bu. 1 I hu t 18 to 811,) , Lh tClUpe fllll CU qll t'S g r u v lng cJtbbagu WI I I'rovo nt I . nd olle n pe r nlBlleully cured !trlbelr uoe 'Tb e ~ uhJeol m" tler I• • dl»lrahl e. "oil nr- nOI. pe ll ll • • " oa", w" l" 3 I. a donlol u t lO n Itsolf h M th o o lc Ul n \.o; uf 1'''1' th o \\ u rm Iru m II tl8t ro IU It f ev e r> . re r reYeDted b, Ib c uoe or m ood. ranKed .nd well dlgc8te4 '~(Gclle ....1 W 'I' cl".tlc CU ll suud the", 80pa n te Or .no, ted y g . rU rtfYI II ': r ill o "" Ih e, on rry oil, Ihrough tho ~L ~6 cIS l\ bos u lm l tv bllt th o lIIc th ud s fo r th o uxJ' - - - - •• - bluod . &b e IIIIp u.-l .. O' from whl cb Ih c, krls e 'The " I'o" k of boob" lna the "'Il' of the Hu l lII~ "nd WrilIng Peo fo r Ihe u. e of Publlllll"ra . Wholefmle A: lle.all '1lut lU lI o f Its p upulullty 11111111 [(7' Bu bl ' I y h e ' IW de th .) s tlf ~ 0 ' COil " , lie'. t he re I. nOlhlog 80 offect" 0 rebellion '-( M.J-Gen. J.aepb Booke r A , chhee.. Rugll •• e r_, Ilrafl.- men Buuk hUlIge cve ll :IS tll u IIIII OS clHlUgll lUI UtlU th e III "It I o liitbl . rem e d y ... ~ . '" ue'. 1 . r ond SArMparllla pllil fl5 Be n& by mall, lree oC char-, 011 reoolptof keepe rs ,md Cl erkT hoy make omool h BOOKHI.I.EIlS" STATIONERS, it I t t II I I ~' 'e nt. a IIf.. 6 ),01 C8 lor II len' b,ID1UI prleo ,,.nd regulo , II l1cs . wllboUI tb pos .. "" II) of () 1 IU , 8 t o r Ii ,w lilt t Il' r IJ UI m e r fur Ih e I c h e f u l th e ir ul iicv ml o rt IS Ad~r, "' leli, .. Ind order • ..; Ok Swnll e . _ hl otch lng se I\lclullg or splMl erl ng 11 .., II lIA VII: ItEOE N fl Y I'tJ ULISUKD rntl s t II c d t! s lllLl) , I ~tlldCtl I h o ~ra,' UI llull'd H ub) S) I tl p_ O lll y 25 k 811~ 310 Nortb Silib SI., Phlladelpbla • • •T ~~:~~::"::-o. gradee. fin o, medlUlIl ~ntl • Ide Thr.c 10 u 1'" () . Il) 0 1 th tl uLh w bu lutigcu III th e etlllli; ).Ie r b o ttl e For .. to byUrugglsl. ..tforSh oool s }l'm 011'I1IJIIi P D6<J ) I/ ' 1 t • I II d I I ........ r. Il rawII 8 I mprovecl Ooullo POUlt P~po r I <ok g 1 " wlI sh lll Offi cer'.I.ulde 1 be L w 1'0 1'11 Il r It urt II! t Ie m e IU u li t! - - - ---~ ~ laDOS ~or .vu. P""lell'" w,th" h,eh rro m 2 10 '.0 p,cceMor go oorUiog lolln.l"p " lid 1 O il n O ffi ce, . to w o rk Ar id t hu MlIIl'hy IU<!tho tl IS I1tlliltlla:~ £ill£9, And all olhe r ~tyl • In tbe samo proportIon, pal •• r Clln I,.. fl rmh C..<toDed A grelll Ull\o wil li Forro. " lid t\u" olah ,,". 2 011 Jbo re ' I v al 01 tho old \Vas hmglunl I I'Me rnll y rre.ed.d by' " molatll,e like locludlng Ornnjl .nd Upright_II pro vernc nl 011 "II otb ers lu ",.r ket lu IJU1 To w" sh, 1' III ," k. IlI c hllllw: II relief In /. 'I d II h I'ecs pl ra llon. dlllr0881Dg'lG6Ing ••• Ibo.l~ ""T " 1A_nld dlreot 10 the n o"" A1" e~ or 10il fo r 6ft y cents Iluoka U~'l "lC"le., Ulf,l rVllw r.' un m o . 10 , WI I IItiC DOW "I\f11lo p,n WOrms W.'e cr."lan" 10 lod kOOIl' , e rAO!'OaY UIC.. No .,••t e , no comm ie'1 10be Falllily Doctor . .. l'rnotlelll T' ed' .e lork .. 1 und rrC " ~ 1Jrer8 lotbe~ cases of acute or chroille i e ooke, RClrtawr t t· o ne Ull o nr liter CIVI IZU t IOn IUS 10 0 ' rer lu .... p.,tlcula,l, at DIgbt wbeo und... . .Ion. no d._n'. Ia_ plaDOII mllde on ulS' " O. t"e lr 0"U8<8. SV IU " lo,n. II od Ronds .JoII<llld- . Roco rd- &: 0 " or mU!IClca. o trll r With It II rOlnlo rc(: m e ntR u l fur 1I1~ or III bed .fle rgrlhog W. rm It.ppean on. of Ihe lIl10Il .h.playa .t the Oenlennlal Tre. t,n oul b, Simpl e hotanlc , emed l.. U) For every kind of ......I11III. fir In .u mmcr .. ... ell no ",nler. oflentlm. Elblhl&loo, and wo,. anlUllmou. ly recom- Dr 1hnmn R Rolj lll' OIl 1 ~8 lal1: o page· fiin J U 8t' CvIJ nj tll o P eace, 001t.,,,raJala ,. 'WilY Fora, fDr MnHIor c e 8111 t h II UI t s. BCleU C('1I11I1 d 10 I 1~1011 810o • • lI.df around Ibe prl .. &e parle •• Dd 18 mended lor \lie MIDHUT Ho,.o llH New rhe hcat d'lotor hrn>k Cor fnm.IYllllo . .. r 8 / ttb t.CII, tl':c_ Siok Headaclle. for .,rvOUlllll. for Bllt It mu~ b e, Will b e, us k e d Wns 1101 conll oed 10 In,,le. onl, . ba& it .81111e 18 M.oufactorv-one a r lhc l.r\l:o.1 aDa fln ... & pu"la- hed PriCU HI', c nlA f , eq uenl I h At f em.hl are 80rel' I le ... d. In.'h "or fd Th e ..,qu... a G nn. d cool.,n 1 .ft ," per.nee 0 ra to r, "ooao u o pllgeo. Louod In R",an pt N ew -T re .llse, for Tu ell, ell o f .bo La. . BleIL or SIde. for Eml ..... fir ..., , the r o Il il a at "" nl nt 0 1 Illteulpe ruuce .. b h k' , Ou 1 0 I 'I '1 Peace I<ud on. lab los ID OhIO rc nt h erl, I ' rRl1' CU orl, In I,mell of pregnnno" utend- ...1 • • ne .. palen. Pel vef'lll.fang c pfl ee Olplltllerll and lore ntMt, tw CtltI· ulter th u CIuse u f t IIe W USIl\l\gto ol TluJ Slw l tr!st, Quit NI!81, a1rd onl!1 109 InlO th e TOgloa prodng dll &,e._Iog .1_ Scale. the grenteellmprovemeo& III the bla1.mllO, nnoo I...,akcr, 2S8 page. , '0 clo lh . \Jon 6 00 blaI...for Spral.. BI'II..... Clta,W_.... an Ulovemo nt 1 For 1111 all SlVcr to .Direct R ouie to " mosl be,ood Ihe I'owe .. of en,lura ne< o~ tor. of pl~no mil king The Uprl«hU .re vevonly -fi ve con," Wlm~ n" Oh iO C"mlllUl L . ... ~nd Fu rm ~ ,., aural UIII 8oaIdI, tIIr TMdIIo.. III tl I " f 101111 .,.",lIog. pronoun ced lucIIl'uble, Ihe r IU @T ' H A II .. leA Dc'O'1 (. ,110 write r cmperonce Alph.l,et .... ,th ol ce( dlng l, " 50 tl 118 ques t"lUll w e m .ls tgo 0 1\ 6 UIY, ' ' 'I\SIIINGTON "ND B"LTIMORE b .. , he" " p. rm An 11(1) oured bv "rpl, IDg for lUu- t roteti and l.leecrlptiYe C.talogue,- heaullrol eolored lettor. oDd OIlg rnvl,,!:" A J ...llo. .' " "<l C,,n8In"".' m on ks W. puh ,.01 far all Pal... Id. . . . . . . . . a lld e\ e r,)uody kll o \\ s that III llt c SWA¥NJ,"S wA. led fre e SIQ,y rllr each vcr. e , In I"rge IYl'u W,I , It . h. cum ph l" 01 <I.'. r 100 1.1~lIk . of SweIIl.p DO remedy Ia koown which vo-the remarkable bealing eod aoctbiJIa taco or hi s tOI'Y every IIttulDft tu • W .... Dlrr ... ._r ' OIN'.r~lr~T. lIelldell.ohn Plano 00., pI • • • o ho &h young alld old "nCIl Iwelllylh o th" lute"I'"ld '" ,8& " flrrov, d I" rau s Al so _ I_e... CIln&. Ih. he" I ""yrl~h l Fo, 01 .. I J " " Icell' Cit II qualities, whlell ill 10 lUll venal m ita t:ht1l&Clegnlate th o traffic 10 al c uho hus 0 0 n. s .. . "'. &: SON GrnU emen __ Tbe GIJ ,.{j m No Ii6 BaOA,DWAY. N Y Ceute ,,", . 1 Mumorl al Autograph Alhum lind rlmll",1 UUC kuls, Se" l. li nd SCII II',eM- ter and scope or at) .Imple and ufo in III fllil e u. Tho v ery IUti t at te l.Upt WUtl AIH' hOI of O,o&n,eDt 'Oil opol me br mail cored J'71 " -l k7 6-wl}h OCOlnrAllon of J lI depolld c. ' 0' Ju .. lo•• , cIA; appltcahoh_ For thcao nuon. LAWION', Urel the Buxte r luw III IhI 8 8tal.e_ How 1'fl.e S OUTH-EAST. lII e N . eoce. Rnd ric-s imile 01 all the . Ignerl ill Ihe F OrUW07,)llI l a t Ii JI~Ua (/e 8, Oitie8 CUItATIVK .bould a pl.ce ill ~ , 01 Hchlng rUe .. .. bl.h! suITer • N ' ed ~Ilb ror b u y. "rl Etlclole d lind fin v 6 .. 81 pag •• nf tb Allo .. "" . ,"l ....'" 1 O li O If It wililbem plO'fC Ita value III laloug did It stand, ot 0110 y e ar Phlladelpbia, lIew- York, Bo.ton, centl for anolbor bo x lor a friend of mloe LIFE, GROWTII, BEAUTY ilOB 1'l1E HAIB. bund",d lind flny hlllnk rag". for &UIO ""phs t:f.c After th e Murph,) uvomcntAND F IA!DR.EW J UEACH, Keep1i ••• U . . . . . . . . . . . B .... 1.. 7. Size of All>lIm b b. 91110 tiS. oblong, ro und . t;Ok·~ M. lllull'lI l La" . of OhiO O~o~:, nWllerabl1l cuello pmrent liJ1eeriaIdl-Ma and lhouW be kept at hand -.1)'- iDUD& what ~ Wc ought uot to dodge tltis arm ..el ,,1,,&100 I.(Iudoo 00. v. LO~DUN BAl • • •IITO.... COrllOrl, RU 8.1" IIlndlnf\ Alld gill cdgo8 All'" • • COl'. T H E E A ti T Da SWAY,.. A SUlf -Enclo. ed pl cue 6nd b approp, late ..nd b~llullful prcaent fur &bo Leg.1 Il lun kH for Alftl'o r. MII ... hall a nd ques tlOn_ I t WI Ii d emull d Ill] IlU ODe doll.r for two bOle. of "our Olnlment I-It ",11\ re .tore gr., ai, to origInal colo , time. Bnd oil timee $2 olher o[he< rs of InC"f IIOr" lud v( In all JInntoIo, '· •. d f th t I bl ~IL Ihlck. n8 Ibln hair. cluKlng oc" , ro wtb OhIO oy er 75 In Dum ber 0 e mpCfUoce '1'A¥e l ~r. de.lnn ' . lor te og pilei Tb..e are or 80me of 01, S--It .,11 r0 810re Ibe nOlural •• cre"ono Oom merc lal NOle r aper, ~1I 1od on fOllr III II} or. ' O,,, I ,, nd L "'nlnal Do. kolA s w e r a t t uO uon so PAIOK, One Dollar ............ m e n oud womeu Th e ItlcB scems II...... ', PIe_...... Tot.. f .. eode .. bo atIIlcted w,th Ihls d .. tre~.- 4-lt will remO H all dnndrllff .nd Ilcblnga _Id os. hl"bl} polished nod p' •• "' d F,o o e BottI•• for 1'.00. ~ to be "rowlu~ thllt s Ollle thlllg mU8t . bould "' m.m .... r ,h., Ihe 'Dg complIlio& The 001 YOII sent me A , •• r 6-h w,lI mllk e holr 801\. glo"" Oell iJ le qUlrcs by 0111.1. poet paid, 8111' -6, 0 c lo V ulltalJl () 0111 11 l nw Batlk8. l'ropared br ., LT "IlO. I.m glad, yes, [.m proud to .a, 1&. 6-lt .. IIII,re"cfI e OflgmftJ color to 01·' "" e I I I NIP I I " L be dOlle, or a I thiS work Will be HA 1 MORE AN D OHIO R R made a Ilftrfee t oure 1 &"In~ Ib ellic• • , 7-lt will pre 'onl tl ... r,"" f,ow fl\lIlDgU orr 24 ~:.~,~ .~de 2"~)~~~lo~c81(:~ ue~':~" 1~~~8u RWl\ n ~ Orol chh III H no, ,acd S iftlu le. of Lanm Chem1ca1 00.. cnJot, lost Hence there IIIIl 1I0tIOn that I. cel el]rolcd fo r Its ahould be pubUlbed &hroughoullh lengtb 8-11 "III curo RII d,sea801 of Ibe I Cllip tl I II d fll' •• II ObI ' 10 I ~(~) ~ I ,I mo· I'> 00 ftlld hreodlb nf lbe lond You caD publl. h nr y vo.n .) c •• , ,WO'l". 110. S " ylo ,. :·lLII IIII« .,f 1)1110 1 ~60-7~ I ,..-there must b e some k tU d 0 f orgao "-:::~7l.i'J:=::'-::: ~~"':'::I?.~" \hI. 11 you think proper It re!lOr08 lIolh tbe IUlurln nce li nd co lor The Art and Etlquelto 01 Mnlun ~ JJ() v~ vol um" ~n 110 izatlon Ilmong tbe lIew eOll verts, ......1')'1 . . . do.. _ . , ...... DA VI 0 t.o 1l0S8N 10KLE. of Ibo, and IS lUI harm I~A8 os "'.ter - II ) oung I"d les or l!onUom ~n wa nt 1.0 kil O" NaR"', I 10' ,I ro g .1111 I'UCllco un~ er Iho Manhood. /low £Wt, Botti Rulorwl ' JIISI r"l,lIsh. d. 1l n." ediUun rooms, et .........".. .......... J..adlelbu'g, } rcdrrICc 00 • Md P,emalu re bl onehlu g or rRdlO~l' of Ib e hair fa how to ouro bl...hfulrt.... - bow to commo'l\Io CodeR ul 0/ " l 'oillm, • 15 (lU aod •Dome chenp reatlh.., ... .1_. I .. LI.... R If 10 ho grutl - , egre tted auu t lI,t 6' oryl,od v tI h h II.nIT . Oll .d lu i\ t/UlIIII . t mto, s olld E <fc "r Dr C"lverwoll'. 001. X ID E " you arc Buffering WI&h tb, •• I1- ".n'" 10 he be,"t,ful," proof cllou" h &hllt I' 1\ OOllr . up- ow to c"rry on a .nnkorand louoceot oo ms PllbllC I IInc II I brated E88a,. lin 'he r IdlGII , j DovlDg ccmploloL. or Tr'ter, .", oru. I,. , , chlof IlIrtat lOn. how ttl ,,1 •• Me " . ... OC U,o"'t nl"r. " ' 0 1 ' 0 2 00 ell " ( .. Itbou~ nledleloe) or amu sem e nts , &0, for the benefit of retll a l 7oa'lj8 he fl R Low ,caly. Itcby Ikln dl.. a .... gu tofiour drn~lll'l 10 "'18 alld rl Kht tu he 80. by ov. ry proper or lo, cr , h ow to ... rlto 1\ 10ve-loHor h uw 1.0 Hull . (, .. " I I IIV>' OhIO I 7', Sl );; R!ilA101UOHE A or Semll~, .1 d I f S ' All II meaos; bu t Ih ero I. DOthlr.g moro Impertallt . th . , h 8 ' "0' , , od . o t u .. oJ I rocedll 'o 7 ',0 th e late d rio k111(1; C)osses Of conrse a-9 by any o tll ~l' L?1~e l an gOHJ.lnxllo wlAyne . .~nng ant- to tbl8 aod thlm beanltfal h ,ur Now to pop • qu"" ••on , ..... to act hefor .ntl ~ meu&. WI Illre y cure }OU ..." cr nl. • I f I f h I I\fter " I'rol"",ol. how to accept or rOJoot 1\ Mollhell" Oil I 11 ,11101 -b ,p ,\ 011111 m'" y " I \V (Il J.: 1l 1ti8 lu vll hllltlll Y :i~ min illl olls e l:l. I. t t116 m e uus Ilal d \\ or k , 11111 IlIDlt t Ing --_ hal. :I bose. ror 'I.~'O. 6 hox es $260 hcnl prAvent t 10 a. 109 0 t 0 n.t urn oolor"'K p ro!'08,,1, lOW to brenk off aD ungag. mont. t ho I," II f ra rillc r.. t. lp lur 11II.,no," 111 0 11 - lo r fSC\ ~ I uLul " lid Ph ~"l c al IDeAp.Olty, w v rk, and U c o n s ldel uhl e ollt hl) u l l' U LLj}[.1 LV P A LA Ol!.' OA RS hy moll to ROY .dd..,.. , on recelpO 01 praco mlltwr '" .t., or re-exclte th o rool. of th o ho" to act after on ongn;;cmont, how to net j{, H ' n lS III" I., M.. Uh ', WR I 50 IUl I'Olh IlIC Ilt.h LO M IUr1l1 gC ~ ks 1~180 , Cox. I ProplU"lldonlv byDa SWHIU &: 80 ~ J30 h~lrtogro wth.ga1D,nothlDg bftA cv.rb.en Ill! brul,oslDKld orgroom. ",un , how th o tl " 1I""O\ orO lllh e I l\wo f 11 11',;11" S.I, 01111 81 !III T I O:i Kill ~U;\ luul F'Tt', InduQI d by I e 11 b e 1 tl l iS Ice V 1(1 V II I&ll .. •.... r., ..... ~"U' '"'bu ••• e ' " ~'O-L ' ",traduced to tbe Amerlo an peoplo tbat ' I'.otte 0 f I< wod (I10K and tho Ilfle r r" ,or- W II 'rn" ~', (If Hur. ,. & olhe r L". 8 10ek 4 "" If I" lul g""cO v, "," \1. 1 e ll r~v~g.DOC &0 m o ney ~-... ... , S IX'. ... "" I. Phll.delphl-.. I h I.1r P lIC( IU L' tt CU,hH) .".lore. oDlv III: I e gro llil d ma y be IIt~ Itl , I I not. It ti b" ~ c •• lhe plr.1 aqun. t 0 taun . hould be ohMIrved. thoy WIll find ,t I" 1. 1n CP. UI .. .,.,..'EON .... " . \o;TERN ~.T'-BOOKS BY MAlL. LONDOl'll DAla (lULO. . . . 1\ I I lid h :>/) 0", '..I't'p1l 1·tllU' flt Will 1)0 lost ,liSt U.,u It WII"., IOR t III1CO , .. .. II><> ...... "'''''' A IC I Dr D .. lton. of Pbtl.delpb,", ...yo of .t n 0 CRr y oX11 • ne .n t I. book P"per 1 h( c.l el ll,le,II\ II tbur 1II Ih'8 lldmlrahle berO! e d UIIII g th o u Is p e ll s lltl llll of --gellera ala ogue of BOOKS, The London Hair Culor J!toottorer IS ulHId tlO 01<0 , oo~r,l. cloth back. 50 0'" l'u bl, e " " d Pm Il Lo 1 Ibrll rl .s sUP fi h. d on Ihe E 88(1;, clen rly dc mlln>lrn to •• frOlo a Iblrty Ihe \, IIsh Illl1to rllnn IIlU V4;l Ule llt l fu r Fa , rt"·""j!h 'r lekel o Bllgg,,~e Oheeks. S&.tionery, Llthogr.pbl, Novels, very . x wII. I..oly among mr. plltlen,," knd GoltI. n Wheel D,ellm Book Bnd Forlun n I~:·~~.J '~~~;:' ut~,~::,:,tt~~~~ 1':~~1,~'.ld~~ere 1el'" . lI ec, 6lI1 " P' "Ctl O" . thol &be al_rmln, ""n..,q lle",e. 01 .elf . buoo IlI ~V be radically t ' ~I (I\.m' nl 01 TIR l n ~ 9 10' pl"l; Car Aecom V.lentiol:' Priola PlaYlOg C81d8 f... nd .... well ... by myllOlI I thoreforo T eUer. By i'uhl }o' onbilDe. FortuolI- r oll llr I tie eV I Is 0 III empcrullc(' (·UIIIW. mudlliion. elc. ",Iply . t Iho J'I.ketOffloe. 1 l to Ii ' IpeRk from expene".. ond Astroloj(ol" Tbl. book rnformo )'ou f, ... o,,,, 1 M Ull nllu Huok hu \or. genorall) vu red wI! hOllt tbe ,ll\lIil"rous USII of IlIlenal 'A Pp he cure d til l\ dny, 01 a mOllth, or Ilt .iI prmelp,"1 po nh e cO' scnt ree a a oantl I 711 oont..o\ pcr boUI. , 6 bottlOll for'" hnw to Toll Fortunes WIth tho golden whoel, I ",L,eulu r Jl tlelllion g.v. " 10 tbo hlllX',llltloo med,c",c Iho "I,pllcl\&ion of II1\! kDlf. , '1 I b WORTH SOUTH B WI ur pa t rooll can or d er any arltc e8 S. b to H_ cant. dll 0 Ilnd ,lom1Ooe•• how to flnd wh. r. 01 for~I g n !.ullk. periodl o" I• • ote Ord ... poluling nul a ,"ode or ~ure ., ODGe .Imple. In ten yeBl s 1 le y III\fj e e ll gl o "- .... , ,AST " IT. they desire that olin be furDI811ed en, y expreas, lWy 00 rodl ,p ~wh d we eki' oorlllin . and IFeolual b, meo.n! of .hlcb L M CO L& celP~ of price to dIll' for WAter oosl, 011, lind "U klnd6 of , " & ,r I urldl ed s uf yeul u nll(1 are E It 1J0 ltMEY Ill ,., Il I A08 t Gen'l T·J. '1 el, n'l T from tbe New York market, And they Addr . ... oronr" to DR SWAYNE &; m.bils, With tho oolebrated dlvlUln~ rod , O' I.. lo~u es 01 al ' ne. l1~noous, Sol.ool, ,Ju ooory . ulfere'. 110 matter ..hat bla ooli<llilotl • lo dge d 10 til e Hl ntOSt . b Olllg of thu I HO' $ P BA RIl!. THO'S R SH \RP, will be for"alded eltber by mall or SOli. 380 N'orth Sixth St • Ph'ladelphu~, Pa., obanns to m~k(\ ),Olll" Awoctheart love YOII . >. lIIle Merl, cAI Law lltoologlcIII . nd Ul"y be. lO" r cure hlm"IC cheaply, a e So w e mll~t. W P A 'I I Sol P rloton to make your lovor pop tho ~ue.tlon. IOIf"thSOIC nl,h o BOok. , ul'r h • d g,alls on nppll 1, And r"dl~.l\y A ng10 Sa x o n 1 , eSI lUll Kent n a8ler Tr'o expres8, at the owelt market price e rop er with twe nt)' WillS of toIlhog fort ull 08 on ,.t'O ll Thl. LcolUte abould be Ill-'" b . - · pUtl h 011 Ilnd 00_ .By I&lId hye the For ret.rence, plea.e oall on tbe BOLD BY ALL DRUGGisTS. New Year'. E ve It I•• lIll8lrated wI t h tlll Send lor 0111 In ,el .1 Calolog ue of LeJ:1l1 or o. or) vlllli h onl,l ev ery m. n 10 alielfl.od. Seul IInder . e.1 I.. a plaiD .~, \0 s ei(,lI c o of te lllpe lullce \\ III bll A puhllshera of thl, p8per 80----... 0 NEOW murau. engmvlnfl'l 1& aIM oootains .. I"reg n hlll k•• eli' Wrllt 10 u. Cur a D' bo, k }Oll 'r to d '-..'" 001 - -.. Lith hi E f h do. ar• • oll d 1&w,lI h~ 8""1 . po. tAge pre l'"ld. Ilny Iddr en, ~u.'- pahl. OD recel",ol'ciuta · n y OIl " an "'~" . ceoun'" "ro 10 tbe Please "'yo 'Ollr address ,ery . 0 . wo-.'" TO DO 0.".. ogrop 0 IlIfTKVIRIf 0 t 0 I I \,'orkc" Ollt lor tile peOI)lo, Ilk c the or I~ a PU8l&lle 1l~1I1 pa, • \ I . hnllu • • o, W.llh,m Mltnll1gtun. J P fa, ' I .. J ~ ... ' " ... Goldeo Wheel, wliloh foldaltp 400. . t I IP Cft l" o~lIe Prlf C Addrll ... \hl! pub,h. hol'l, s CIence of IIle dJC1I1Il, tho SCI CUCO (I i ""II h OIl CaU lOOn 1*Y 1If1, kntl 8awu'aolt. \ Plam y, And 8elllt "I OAIB orders to I •• ...e..........e _ _ ' STBAR*S &; CO., ROBERT O LARKE & COo, morale o r p o htlcol g o vcrulUcut .fOHN TA,u,oR S'l'EARNS 6; CO Addre ••• wl~h ."'''Ip. 116 "\'·ro.:..o-ay.. Ne- York ' N"o lit Weot f o"rih twe&, The Oulvenr.l1 ~.tioal C.!!!..'_ ~ • , J II ' 0 1677 176 B·.:I N v'k r;:.. ,.... l'II• • Yor" (lIly D _.." ' Ol NOINtoI ATI 0 &1 A_ .... N.w Yod, . . . . . . . - . r and Its plloclples wIll become rule I. t) ~ , / fo""way, 8W Aor • ..... J 1\... a~
l'I'b Washio""ton C'lty Ronte '
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Riebmon, d Lyne bburg, N rfi lk
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• ..,........,11 ..... - -" no"" He IlIdn' t BOW It All. A. Strure HldlBlr" l'laee aDel a Woo· Yoll w.tqb 1*" .....\lIPm.n~ wlc.", Pfct'D\ derfUJ £leape. Be WM a practica l but rlllh r pedllDhc IOlIohud e~ lb cbolCllt,- oqul.lttlIJO-0muU,Iod por t o r a InRn~ ulI< he did not he <Ill.U" ' a lb • • IlIlad.l.blo TI.... 1 10.. h~rl ... hloh p.nml .. \b UDfulu ~m. II, , ~r conet'lil 1.0 made THE 8out.he fnllotel at St Loula w1l\ e Oul Illllgult& lIPleQ hev OOC arOly Federal When the C.oI80... .. Yuu I"~_ think how II WII! b did bel h I 11 '" be reb uilt. nfedt'rat e th ur .,.ll(lul!e lIud tb,e Ino ado ru lb. drAwlujI ro~1ll YI'~' Ru,1nntltnilIII,~r peppe r or t IIU till oug t -A young lad lee' Jlmy lay In range ounL" VlrlltOla , thu Ib pl~"uI~ of _bowlol( 'I 10 jO"~ to made A Al>UIYOFDJi work 1\ Ilfy "a lh dl finol toDle lIlornlulC lOU boardlng -houM' General fAe deSired certaiD IPforma tlon use, aud tbat r rv man 8hou ld be (niDi I 1001011 Irlendij Out ,tAl beftd drooplDg, hlllra rl\0I10 Ofll, auu au RA It Oa&£lIWOOD 110~ belnglub )c t whI ch lt _ med could be beat oblalDed hu I mmuI~ Lt!OutilUts on one of th 1I.IIU"lc)y , But," !!lllll tne etudeut "that would lISI)' purple epot by ~1I1ndlvld ulIl tICOU ~, and trlDgftollow to dr.uglat , prefe r war It I. the "O~I" " auke,lo pelal' nted ti m8n" any nefor e wu lul t I pol!8 lUI bo ~enlCf' bu the "18 selected ror All 1m men"" dopont ofblaelk lead IORth ollie canker , N'onlleul<el' exohltme ll tbe prachca l c.he bu.I ' Howo ct mtile co_ry that ne would penetra~ tb e ln•• om. In Tbe aUeJlllon o( AdnrUI .ra i. oalled to beep dillOOvtred 0 ar Wnllen, Va .. the eh rlIhed luC.olb words LhllL bllgbbOWlehol w fe lire there wh) ' mlln, aa d •• hUfIlll/l hud lh conceAle ..... g u garde d remalDm OUr LI.t oC WeeklY Newlpap ell our IF you waut to hurt Lbe feehnp of a enemy s CIImpe, br\l"an~ (Ulur e long 88 po&\lble, alld return when he col CO li 111 bc IIIcnllon ro lhllt I wouldn'L be wblob ~Ive • .,ntlt 01 " (lo~ eDd tor II Catalogue. "'l ulu tramp, olfer him work t CIa ollc"Aled I 10 canker, nol.ome The BIs \10n " Informa d8!lired y a t hOllle with StN E the tew\U~ ,"lIcbIDe patents lected thewere to be co nducted moatl), petrecll "ARVr.LOV.~R.A.N~ "tofula-A t lellgtb l onlll.lts ,], •• d.d 111 , 1 8houl . like to K"e J '1lI1i ~ w ~lIm A D adurltMim ei l ()(:(:UJ'l) Ib~ '''6 .pace of o ue lnc.h hav tIltPlred every j!:lrl caD hSUIIl " fel operatlonB H o wllbed to be IICCOOlpllllled aud to our bright hop . 8ucceods tho I belteve I ' nt stude the plied re ~,' l aL OIght. laUlI e th "" kn lor ffAr, ler " f,!~ ~1t I:~~h I=:t~~tl ~.:"pr~~I:~~ir~·r for uhl COII\lDe~Ce \\ Ilh Ibe bcglllllln g I)r lUon agonlZlug by two meu ene o r wh om , Fa b . ary CO".UlU p e'luet II 1>011~ 1"1 .-I>uIU\n C VTH A D r.LFA.... K ......_ A ROY.u. fea st In AfrI ca COIIIlsta of Ila mc, Isad hi hOUle ID the Imm e<ilate Webster 1I0U . I um l) '011 before \l C 'ol til' icRI IIIcd '~1111.0t " It ,. h.lw.h d b)' b J m.uklOOII fotlr hundred monkeYI alld 1\ Lboutl.'\JI d VIC lIll ty of the euenl)'s campa aDd beln ~ of hflh lou lelUl III tbat ), L "utbMI dl~;'ftl':~ :t::I~~.!~tI~ r~·'ll~r~~:dm.~'r~!. through the A • AId .Rholed witb tI".ln,' 11011. u. ' lAdy Uu. .JamB. ) lIur HKmple A • ly lcq ualnled with a ll the coun "Ilh IntImate ou Go r:a~r~hO~I'!III!:" :::L1 'f~~!:.·;:;r~uUll·~r,~~~,1 ~~; and II.. ....g ••• • e 80 no •• t Ih.t e,," Ita vic TaR greftleet heIght lit whIch, '1lble try , collld accu rately gUIde blm from Inllnded Lhe ~If conli.1~llt ono bo gur two a' II UI e fOlgl lt I uchlJllD .. 11th •• bee 1I0l\III .u~ cloudM eve r tXl8L do not. e ceed ten place t.o pltlce ID th e night aB by dayl'ght th on taokle t he D 8 IIl1d rllu on to tho llru • • r. uoawareo f It1InIlte rBOllI'T 1!IIIIlKKT IO!llll. OODIO 01 It. IUv.I,,1 d., I) (I..clole. II#~r mllell. Tbe ellpt'dl llOn W 88 underta' ren 011 foot, Z 8." :"m~·II'Htt \.~Dl{i!~ ~~"O~i~~ t~:JI.:r li b~::I':alh~ ' ouLaUOOl a10ght A fo.w. f"l1l 81\111 th o SL .dt ut culml,! a",1 olllllXl~. , I \I try J OOE UND&R WOOn of AtlantA, 81 t he distsnlJe W811 Dot grel\t and con 0 1 II, pe.r lu ,l: ru1luwluS I.. u • wi I uu l "U) dlli., eruptluu I. olLcn Ibe only ofInuICH""r (' f It b mlo.lloK exle. on wblle mca,," at ly h oo hll The Th. ~al'll nce ,, IIC. ... AN INTEKt:/I ITIlOI .. IITATI<R ' NT Georgia, alwaY8 cealmeu t waa of pn me Importa .y IrKt glVlII j; yo u II 6 \\ l\eul ell ce. III pr 'hOI <.I ,...... from Ihe, 'rllOIllIl by .. l horou~ h the bench men were c lad In thell ow n uUlfo rm lllI A tl.alOl enl.. 'TIllS All d .qllarlD g off fllr the work, tbe rour.. 01 cQuatllutloDolIbro. ,",li cnl'o" . I T coal! England .500 a )'l'lIr to BUP- tICOU"', nOL Sple! Tbe country WIUI II rullot 11111611 porL a I!Old lcr, wh Ile AUlt. na supporlJ! dlllic ult ODC for the operatlo nloC a cout.. 8LudenllUlKea tbe I racl lcal lIlan 10 I'lca~ .... Imelllp,owole DlIltro, lon ol le. o. I "rof, Wil e n he u"Uldly. • 000 for f2S~ From tbe long and rreque nt occupatl olJ benr In mllld a nd trnll shllo tenCtd d,.UrIlMIOU.lolI of II , 0".,,1 null bluod, Ihe fol tiCll Ie IYLlOI' few the IAnli h ad dUlle ~ \'liOLESALE eenhme nt 11 hlte raID , by both Lhe con tend lDg arOlIe! tbe L1 •• u •• nud th e fOr DlallOU of luberul. , wIn I . H wo re tn e u~u181tet'ltiveca.D be em ployed (or wbl ch mak e. tho tields of dally hfe fresb hlld been almos t. t'n t lrely d e ouded of g II " Golll, e. Plen Dr .. ba . ... ttmber Ilnd only bere lind \.here II row Approach , adorers ilL Alh te rntl 8D s ,h ... !'urpo and odorouf While IIII I'ArII,,!! ; IlltRl A~ mlJle ad bill. 811d "Werlau MedicAl DI.covuy BlandlDJ d remalue Lreea of clusters tllIn to Ih e d' Il",t1vo orgnu" It TUE man who gllt.her! the nnmel for II day bad pMSed slnee t hey bad ~n fldeptJ!b 811,1 allllly zc 1111 IInsblg81ury a nd 8treog lh .",1 lOlle RUll!Ian Dlrectnr y 15 the ha nltl!!t. wo rked One the euemy'l hues, and wtth n18ht- aOlphl IOloglOl\l allOCll tio n Accept., R~ cl.",..... he blood and Ihe II I.CdS«1 terw u •• u.. Te.llI. VII C.U.' ere th e (lORdly call man III tho E Ulptre th ey commen ced tbolr wlIDd e ri n g~ fln a pparentl y IIclllalcptlc aUlI abl!Onuu k r h.. hllgb'hll be hI. you I'rllO )'S tbe Aalatlc dl8- fill ~J "SRII K liDS," tbe hostile camp', III III n 11. w.lh armu gtmero t, !til Rili terati vo "l!greglluolI, amoDg Po, I! 8 EXTIIAC'l ; 1I0K PAIN - You loMoU\ patch, .. are tbreateD lng tbe kba n " The the pur pose o r locatIng the dJfJe ren~ a ctuallyauftKOr:tl cal A ll Rn Rooepbal ut .e. mucb allulluu to It In .h public Prlu t. arl~ lind adventl nulk khlll, probably oo rpll, a nd of a '5COrbl nlujt whetber Any abJlIre all ndiICIIIII OU8 B Ita .ale hu eitended to all I"" IAI of U•• d from .be Army tlOUS a l.18 8S adl\llJon • and ludenLlv y.t "orld A YOUNG woman's fllIlO), IS like the troops bad been de\.llcht' rugbt had beau Rd\80C8 Ablel18Y Rlld Rud aclty aNI A P9 ITIVI! (;ure lor ltb euma tl8ro-Du moon, which change8 co otIDunlly. bU L of the l'otomac . The nearly coneume d ID tlu a way wh en uhke Ilnalrt'l't lc Rnd IId Ulphoru 8 118 a" .. IIg'. ItbeuwaU.o aeDl edy !Oend 'or olr alway8 hll8 a man In It one of the cluatelll 01 treell, of Ju vBn1.8 IIl1d 81lam ue tic 8dblbit l01l 8 cular to Helphtll llfl ne .i: BeDtly,W ... hlug JAPJ.ll too prepares fo r pollllible war rellCblugI bave spok en, they I&ld tbem a~ llbHtnug lll g and "blaque atlllng 811 toe, D 0 wblch be hl\l Just 8Il nt over her order for two l'a.eot.ell8 and 101 I nc.ors Ibould reali nllvrr sehes down to catch a few momen\.ll· abstrul!(l Ilufrhctu o .lIes lUll I aD agoglc8 hundred thousan d Clutfldgetl. DEA LS & FOS TER . A single blanket covered the tbree 118 all ade}lt" a re IlWlUe AVOId Rn8" tlsBme ut of EdlOft Brol IU l100lber oolUluu 1'68€ broke goat vllnla AN IDMtlat.e P en08yl tropbe8 8lI lIuacolu thlc aod IIUll!OmerlC DURAIW 8 iu;;'iiimii<iK-;;;.d y ne, .. '1111. meD ~RW 1 nil" P ...·k Hmr. '" dolfift, Into a bouee on unda" broke rcacberoull, fatal Ilcep I Tb elr fa 80d Rbllodolllllg abdI lorltlB, ullunce 10 cu.e ,heuwali lm liold by ull druggls", 1 tablethe ate lal'l' worth o~dl sbe~, lind Ullue was greater and Ihe OIllht WIIH ftgftlnBt appare nt ly IInll l'hruotlcal IIna cloth Appl, ul'OOleCOmtltn , and further lpent tb an ilil'Y had 8Uj>po ed graph8 Nicke l SUve r Plate d Puu s popu lation 11 declt nlng The and tbe . un WIUI ShlhlDg brIght ID th ei r ar rs ve at lin llpodell tI CA l lIoll~ lI o nlJ . la tie lIm~ good , UI'f-IiJOD .onud 8teeD bQOJ .PP'tlile & .. d" r i pe aid "If' fU. Revo lvers as Shot 't deehne 1III&Id t o be due to ea rth quak el, e yeR wbeu II part, ohu: fede rAl "old ler~ Rnd accel't fl U lI u tbor'~ acknowl edg IllH _phlu Ilr ftue DlC' of I' e .o lll of l b* u,. or Dr TUTT., Ill. (lOOD FOR THE CHILDREN Premi1 UWJ. cIVIl war, IWd braudY -;lIrtlcu larly with lbelr mu!!ktts III Lhelr b aode, pulled menta. Ttl .. ,. rt'qulre Doch ••u. or diet nor hlter(er. with Ihere I' demand ed tile student brandT· ~a' lar hUl l UI aWIlY the blllnkete which covered the m, I N 1)llmfnea, t:)colJaud , lbe otber day, and Mluled theDl with a bumoroU!l IrB.o8late tbut. nud I II cOUlmen ce wIth =~=== I Ii Z the to on the wake of I run rty Ueb and K B prope obnn, tbe "Good morolllg, J a punoh bowl. ODce the .NSU RANC E "OM P.NY , Trampl, BuaIan anil Th1evoaln!est III paN III t!O A8 " bo \\ IOIlU l bile\;: n B te hl for pracllcli upon the !lOld Iywg But up I ' S tnngfell ow, fes tIVe Bobby B urol , was I N THE CITY OF lU:W YORK of tho Count..,. Emy OnD Shou14 10 Armed. was ilie fir.t to arome lind 1.0 compre- tlmate w nb hl8 own lauguage , bKd gUln8M way. Broad 263 an 262, that g 261, Bed IT is now md18pui ably I16tt led tbat 10 bend tbe sltuatton KnowlD d RO 'KIZKI. 10 evcr, battle of ilie preeent w n, thus far. open a l tempL to IIIIIze bls arms woulhe A.h Sin lit tho A nctlou. death both Ru 81an8 and 'Iurb have been ' Ill- draw upon Illmself Il18tam I Vlqlilli. llhy VI rOI I 1(1 I ,176,52 $4,827 ASSETS lI.lId , I feIgned to be only balf aWBkened torlous ThIll mormug, aL an "IICtIUU 8810011 C \Ormen l bls of en\ US, $820,000 aDlu.telD SURPL tbe 1.0 Inuch lUltelJ1 E fUI ld blhnllft a 0 1 \\ oru-o UL buu,oehu IT UI remarke d, by ble Bldt'. mUltenn " Stroet, a IOL EVERY APPROV ED FORb! OF POLICY II bell H Uler, halll the r l' Journal, ora Oblcago couple," Two !lOui s ore. turned upon ulld was re ultu tell beLOg awakene d, ISSUED ON MOST F 11. VORABL E TERKS with but 11 81 Dgle thougbt --bow to ge~ a od grumbli ng at CblullmSlll, wh o hud lwe n carefullv IDg Lbem to go Away and let him alone wlltchln gopprat lons for 110m LI mp put nd of e~h other " Bllt b, turDlJlg upon bl. s.ue he Kave to til II. bldol t,yU bitt e 'fo r 1111 old d iJllPA BALTIMORE mall hlloged hlmself be hlDllHllf an opporturuc.y oi plaCIng IllS Ub cauee hiS wife strewed her lir~ t hu band'e baud, unobl!llrved, upon the bandle of .dated "ntlbstllnd 'Two bus- do I beRr the th ree? grave With flowe ril. Nowahe haa two h •• -Platol, and In another IICQInd he OIiA I• • IJD aOV Al'l' r ~ranl 1.0 decorate 18'1'1 IN ING MATUR hlB feet lind OpeDed fire sbouted tbe a uctlOoee upon sprang Ihere w.... II long paullll, broken at last WIl&lI a Carolina had alorm get. HII compaD lon8JoLOed In the attack. and aglull bllldtng an , Clunulll the I11inglee by Iphnten hor~ .ta r~ It luUI for a few momen t, the firlug W08 rapId AT 7 rf, WILL BE ;:; " Tree .. 8IOuhee fellCM, a9" la,1 out every and flltal Tbe federal IOldlen stood for celostlal o th at hed laulll crowd The . collnLr1 the chleken in theIr ground, but at luch clol!\l quartilrtl Lhe lIu ctlOueer \\ ilia ... "1" ~u ra ortc- r ~.:! TIlE long-aig hted merchan t who hlUl tbe mu eket WAI no matcb for the revol ralswg hIS OW~I 1.0111 BndHUU g o ut I!!r lf. \oJ • • Il•• 1'...... 81 LuatlOII, waeted DO money In advert181ng, now yer Tbere WAI no tIme to reload ullder tnklng ID 1.tbe Recur ...! IIs"LTII Rod C'O.rcUlyo t "Tlce 01 tlce-do I hear tbe four '" hae plo!.), of lime to wander In the cow the qUIck e)'e of 8trlDgfe l\ow, and once J).o(lJ with (JU AC IJ 8,lI l 'KA\ '" of looked ove r a t J ohn Form Th r te Garrnc:Ollt \u OAt putn_l ooklng for «~nL dUlcbarg ed t.he mllBkebl W&rd ueele88. A and There wtlllll ll other long paullll. bu Lat In er, rTn~ II encount tbe ted 1PI:r~~1 !;! ~'1\~ ternllna e Beoonda Suprem few the of AN AIIooIat e JUltice llOle IaeL " Fo' billee" cam e frolll the Ohlna .,' , 1<1 bl mall In L'outll IIJ Court o( the United Sta~ ,eta 110,000 whlcb Stringfe llow found blmeelf the WM man and" roa r of lau ~ ble r went liP, w Farrllh AIl'::(~ ::tti:~\8 r~,. a year AJudK" 01 the Oommo nPIeu, .urvjyor of bill party eveo a Dllmber of o ld women JOlUeli IlIch~ Im!lller tham .allit moa.killed, hil other comrade bad dl88p- "b.eb lle fai tbell of New York, geu '16 000 ake Hb IIlmost 0 1 /II! beartlly 80 .ure ovc.r the clrd' not bow. (our of the tli I the au ctioneer held 00 IT lit prOM I~ !lOme ..mactlon to a peared, he Imew dead at bll feet and teeth out ~msl!mlr"lll" W&r!Ift Bros. 861 " ........... I~. deWnllman tbe and lld, mule to known t hat wbile he can not lederall Oldllln WtUlhSUl he t 10 havlDg tbro"n down lOar u h1gb .. tbe lark, be can l ing J Ult the two others, were running for tbelr te rmined to l!('cure It. bId bve, sl:a:.l!(lveu their emptT RUOll, .. loud, and laCK very much IOrer etght "blUe " s ucce Ively, lind It 11'8:' tins. fill ll 11y pllosed o ver to hI m fQ r " dollar DAVlDBON caugbt a PBIIPI!l!I IOB perlIK fight, But tbougb victor ID tbls ll e of awful Ipidu I well.. it WIUI b elDI Ipun, IIml mlll tlpUed theml!elvea around blm The H e receIved I~ wllh a ~U1 ltetcbee round tllah alnlle t.lnel\do ht wuoom trees amoDg whIch be stood were aur- dimensi on, rem8rkl ng " Me nd, you h ttee, hMP cheapeo " wtll'hsts poeed ot UrentJ,c lllbt ""parate tbreads field. rounded on every Iide b, open Ax alii pIItlem a. in Boet.on t.he othe!' doued tblck wltb tbeenpm y _ teote, \!Orne Tbe Late .lnng IJahado or. con &bat peper a lOr h~ ill ..,aln da, claIM! atband Oonceal ment Was imp(\8IS n good opeDlng f()r another There pnZ& but race, hfe, bOat bid tained DO IIOIlOUIlt of a BIble, and he must run for III Nepalll, where It seem ant' "cllllm tuml &gTlcul or enemies t, figbt, b_bal l matoh, rl\n In what directio n he Illlgb urNC\NlI ATI - catlle-Com",oo 10 modlum budoor 18 s upposed JuugBa of death tbe COUJ1le, fair. 60(111 611; ,00<1 to choice bul.b...• ~rod .., fl 7e would be 8ure to Intercep t hIS be an Idlt 12 tu se Nepuule the of 1605 7G Snoop on<l many by 60: lair 10 ,00<1 .bl, _ 6 for tbe adJ8ceut campi had Been aloused rumor uDworth y 01 behel An Impr8l!- IAmbl-Co monon 'A> chor... 11... p., 116081 2Ii •laIr 80 '1 DII~r.u IJnenUo DJ. b, ilie firlllR. aDd the IIOldtell "ho bad slon WIdely prevails that he la merely 10,00<1 !a .......~J~. q __ .....onmoD r 10 lood n~'bl. II 1001 (5 to JOO<I !'IckJ.8 Man)' yeai'll ago a gentlem an 10 a 8ubor eacaped would be Inre to return wltb Laking a relaxttlo n rrom bu-llI 6911 for a IIIl II 738 ' 1\0 ,TOd'.~ " 11081 ;0<; ~butob." ATe"ge .~ 20 dlnde depart.m entof the hank ofIrelaD d othen to avenge the deatb of tbelr com wblle, and WIll before long make bl8 B UH ' ALO -ab.. 01 pod. b....,. hOiI, dllCOYered a de'llioo more UIleful LbaD radea. At a dillance 0 a few hundred appeara llce S torIes are currell t among the O.....- l orken II Ci', lOIeetod 01 10m. m.d. .. hau-aph ttlnR, tbough of thll Ilke nature yardl a little brancb made ita wa, N epallie .... to the sharpne u oftheir late 8aI .. OIltJ NEW YORK..-BeeI 10 Ib he found out a _ , of sphttlng bank through the open fieldal.o ward the rlyer rule r \D extricat ing Illmseiff rom dillicul 01 tho heeL catUo ot 1I~11PX" por 1100" I~~ woolluQl '0 O'd;t p,lwe, 12 @113~.. tOOD.lIlIG ~ y,~~r, t ~",,:"' In lome entire l ow ol eno b ave notea, II) that eaeh note beCame two, aDd 1 u ban'rs were frlDged Wltb bUlbel, and ties Oue of lIleae, I1ccordwg to the @ Texu ca ,t1e 0 @1Ue a fe-. U,..c 'rho 1"l\l1fll fl f Tt. UmOI 1101. an d DlptnmN rro m .11 to all aJ,lpearan(!tl were tbe same u wben wbile It offered only an utterly forloru 'I'i._ of Indl" 18 to Lb e efl'act that many tfoeep a Dd 1 1mbt- POdr ptlthe ,b ee p 4 de pcr JI"r a. of II,. II iunl aOPr .1'.'/1 Includl •• one cor I~ of CoIotldo they were ODe, IDcludlOg, of conrse, the bope, Stringfe llow turned toward I t and years ago Jung for 80me olfeneea t court, Ib It ~' Dr UM with Inc"".ln. aad oYer" 'alng 75 1ba lI .. t 10,," 100 IbJJ", ' lot .1 poorOhlo water mark and all the reat of It. He ran He was eeen b, tboee wbo bad al WlIIIl!lluteoced to bo tbrowu from tbe to" ,b el at f a ~r bt'lad Ken uc.k,. 1H'.w~.~d Ten Aaflut ....... otrotl for Oyerf IDf)Cc uplet1 Town and YIOWb. ""'!JIO UI unl)' I n ' h~ ~ I . I U lind _oah•• wu an boneet man, and Informed tbe ready started for hll capture . eeen 1.0 of a hIgh t.ower JUMt 88 be WII8 about n _ ' , .. '" 17 7SAg ca ll &0, Colli. lItef A. . LIBERTY tare IIII '.li(h lc , rull p""lcuhHIL It-D tt OD governm ent of the reeul t of hlllDgen Ult, crOM the open field. seen to enter the to be Iboved ove r the edge he asked a8 a 16EAST A Kit ol t r n nt I V .D' QUCI _I.bill, o become Ion 50 por 100 11>0 m IUID to ~ood 0 2lltIl6 1\0 And 8tream 01 n" ct tbe .. 30 at of for ng promllll! IU ban'r AI'II p....s"lIl tbe .. IOlemn 8h on bll 6oge. 16 on brush I.'r on, to whereup last favor two umbrolllU! As the re comn11\1onUOII'- York.,. If 1 • 15 Phll,del l,bl.. AiClI t. rll'tll'h" II t'lr ttl rrit or, (rM R P 'U•• TH. Dever revealin g biB BeCret, tb ey made blm now VindIcti ve sboulAi announc ed that quest did not anDeAl unrt'Il8ODable ItWW! 1iJ5 A tdre.. ' I \IO(it5 BUL pre)' tbeir nf eecure ' felt . . bank . enem, the of quotallon the r goYerDo ms whand , WOOL.- In I'hUodoJpbll. tb. "gwghll JunK, ,and grllnted AuoLher gentlew an, but wbo, unbap- not 10 I Enterlo g the bed of t.he stream Will lauocbe d, lUI hI. execu tlOoers be- Ohio rfonaI1 .... o1•• d Wt.t VJrl l .nt. d ouW~ est,.. pII" Ie a lOf{ue, hu lately made hlft a k.nd PrOVidence gUided him 1.0 tbe heve:!, on hu finlll Journey 10 e~ rnlLy :~~rsl~1..~tl~(I~~::.. :~ .lt~.:~~~~1 1110 appeara nce ID London Be haa Invl'nled lpot wbere the waters hollowed out for ThiS, bowever . proved Lo be a ml sLake, Mleh IK,n; 'lndl.n. on4 WO.... ,,, Irl .e. 111 Al'ITI .&111001 1:. comhla_ Dne 4'1 liSe. flOU'Ie Aoet",M a cert.aJn aCId which causel the writing hIm a bldlDg place beneath tbe roota of (or opeulng the umbrell as In bls t1e!lCenL uedlum 37.. !IjI1 .. UnlfU" -0&"""blc. '" '7~1 hod .... bank thlB atb be Underne then and stump cbeck:. old the an &0. to dl8Appear from '''IUDl6Oc.u.a4n. they acted &II parachu tes, &lId J ung, Canada ODni\)med 1 forced SOc: he ~. roou .... bl8 tb_ to g alad behind accordlO and space fills up tbe blank dcsQe udwg III comfort and secunty, ~od I7GIHOc. aspiratio n 'Hia modUi operand, II the bls bod,! bavlng butlly collected wbat mad e oft to tbe Juu gle belore h •• execu .... 10 BoItoD lbe lIlA, . i. arm FIIKI .n' e a d furtber Itlll reacb wltbln check, 11'18 for Oblu and ~nn rt'al <l 1\ dnftwOO follOWing He procur~8 Lh o" Hurpllet' 1 rl08 IroJlIl ~ ()c. to"o from ver reco could tlOners n,lu ,' .. nl. ond 37~tlo.: for )I'chlr.:n and WI... drawn \" a good name, for seventee u or to conceal hiS perlOn, and there he la" It 18 lO be hoped t haL h e had ilL IOIl!lL Ib e .~r a'r dewand ot 8O(iJ 10 ...... ond ..1n pull Dmeteen pounds, the It pound8" 1ft hlf covered by the water BUd tbe mud, grace not to make 011 wllh the umbrella s ....r all D a - c:..Md b,. . . . . . . . . Pet.oblitera ted 110 completel), that no trace and awa.ted the reault. ••1. . .r the 8 1 - . From overy dlfectio n men were hurry Treacbe roos Redskln s. of the onglual wrlttDll can be dtlllCllrDed llBtIur perfect the the wltb and lpot pe, tbe to Ing eveu under tbe mlcroeco A WAR RAN TED CUR E I Lleut A ) 1 Fuller, who Wil l WIth word... one hundred pounds" Inserted ance tbat tbe daring enem, would Il000 Geo 1;1lle81O the recent fight WIth Lame long long, For tbe to po"er added tbelr arl be wlthlD 111 Ita place, two clphen Deer and Iron i:5 lar on Ihe ll.o8ebud hill! IIgunlll, and then the tblng IS done, alnee boun did scores or searche n cootlnue to IIrllved a t SL PSlul nud narrll~. th e fol tbat bru.h In Lbe nt. of foot docume the every of examlDe all the otber paru lOWing IDcldent of th e bntLle eluding the algnatur e, are qUIte correct. hned tbe stream Manv lImes did hOIlJust before tbe battle commen ced Gpn tnugfel S over condIrectly great p&.8ll tile feeL • Thlilog enioul plan II caullug told hlB IU terlJle te r to baUo out 10 ?o1llea InqUISImore an man & gentlem once the 10"'8 body, and sterna\lo n in London, and IndulU8 In tbellian guage tbat If they the walkIng whde round good stopped, tive tban othen who IDvented It could get a surrende red lind ISld down theu arm~ 10 the bed of thll stream, to examlDe the ~hey would be saved A81!00n IIJ! he b8d I um to retire from the bU~ lIItl118. dnf.,. the But lay he very spot where do De t!O tbe two chiefs. Lame Deer aud wood whIch he bad skillfull y arranged Iron Star. came toward (Ten M.les on The Lut or Table Rock. man, tbe ved deeel t {or bls concealm eD tb ey got wltlun fifteen On the 24th of May tbe last of what and he ~ on without malClng the foot When they laId thesr (luu s on tbe wu 10 long known u Table Rock broke dllcover y Toward afternoo n the search pSClIlI of blm lind walklllK up to hIm, Bbook off and fell Int.o tbe rIver The ma88 wat abandon ed But not untIl !.be UOI I!(l ground,WIth him, IlIId hi. adjutant , Lleut haqde to up and toos, five IlXty dId nearly slumber we.gbed the campa Willi husbed 10 they we re domg tb. M, Whde Baud VI&of namel! d thou88n fonr 1876 over ".".'II"o ,low dare to leave hiS retreat Giln Mil es ordered b.s Illd to dl ~ mount $1.00 $1.00 por The It. upon carved been couree the bad lton for IIOme tIme Then guus Scarcely bad tbe tben get and d compose 24tb the on fell safety LiOD whIch A !t U of tbe htUe stream. he pll888d In ed tbe !!round wben the In US!III WII..... "f,a Tn "IJ"F.HT I8F.HS, only half ot the orlgmal rock tbe bal- out of the enemy's hue 8wam tbe Uapl aId touch back. look Ul' tbelr guus, rite cho'tJe.r Ia" ...t!holdtWtt Gm.ent• .Price stepped dll108 l~"" ChAt 7 011 . . . . . . . . . . . ....u.. SaturOn 1829 10 l fallen anoe havlDg lit . . . . ....,... r dan between the plcketa, lind, thaukfu and olle of th e m fi r~ ol at GOII MII~ 8 . . . . ctllallJ(J14O (or " ... .. • "." 8 Doll,. OtIo the of rface su a da" Januar, 1, 1829, to God for bl8dellv erance, fouDd hImself Fortuna tely Geu Mll e~ lu aL at tblll JAME S R. OSGO OD & CO. rock l uppoeed to be the SIze of balf an once m()re among h.B friends mom enL BCelDg til e mlen"on of th e In Walk, Maiden of acre, rormJng tbe bed 80 IIround hor!IC hI. .'$1.00 BOSTO N. MAY. dIll I! partlv wbeeled broke looee, and wu preclplta~d Into A.ngle Two Tlme8. 10KLelld 01 III tt.lIlg 111m. bullet tile thllt crWlh The below the Immenl!e chum A youngst er of one of our BoatoD prl Jl81l1lCd by. kllhlll( a mllu III 1~li resr WAI heard for a distance of five mdea, Bchools WIUI pla,lng abeut at home 'fhe two chiefs were IIlstanlly sbot dowu marY VIClDlt, and the elleclllln tbe Immedia te presence of 1.018 Illther, one day III then lrack. the In ake reaembled t.he Ihook of aD earthqu -----8IDce, wben the parent bellld 10Dg not luupThe water runntDg under the bank w. ".... bttft ~1 1 lM'rmUtell 10 ~ tt e nil ""' IN Bmg-SlI lg pn!lOn fifty mu tis tb carohng oft blm of.r.o.'vrth ebttlOf'OC )t'n ••OI.l 11 ... 1 l e u 1 24tb, poeed to bave cAueed the fall on tbe cblDes run by steam keep tb e femsle We ~"' . fey below. tim.. uluer on a pond two Aogle the BGaTON. and tbe shock when the roc'r atruck con VICU bus, • ~te ""0 thu.. oilier on • pood ' !'I ... I " t : )Jon .. w. &. I.. \t ""lol l ---=~---water wu dlluncll y fe lt three mIles I d aDd IIOmewhat dl8pleue d at Surpr.1!6 e Heqal.ll .u"..,.. • I _erlal • • Goed NIIW YOIIK from tbe fill Several of tbe Lree whIch the lDelegan t nature of the mUSIcal great reslIl," You DUlY " ..n Ihe bpst ltood on the rock are now seen staud 1Il$1D sDatch, tbe fatber Inquired bow the ch,ld to ~r.: ~::i':: ng~:t I Ac a u :\I ~ .41·)( ~ "'If ; ' T g however. aud borteulu A w1lk, eggs, dour the rIVer all e rAct lUI wh~1I III their orlgl came by It 'Ob, tbat'8 wbat the .UIl bave POUt brelld. c.. ~ e . p"8lry eLc PHILADELPHIA I T I M • S 11 A 11." ~tI" nlll plAcet! on the rock Where the rock teacher makllll 11ft say I\t 8chool," he re- Why ' You dido" use DOOLKY 6 'r RAb.,. COJllUtilfT A1. Jlnl'l.t... WaaHIN CTON 1""1 magic eloDl oot to shelved of! from the bau k at a dl8tance plied The uext da, the father PAId a PO"DBB Wllh A: III ~c I rsst, Wn.u.JtD I nOTIL ... of twent, reet from the top can be seen vllit 1.0 that acbool, and respectf ully give order harmony , ".un union 1.0 th e Try BaLTIMORII•II Jl . U IC Ai: Ihl All Druggl.l. the root of a tree esllmate d to be hvo &l!ked the lAdy Instruct or If the cur th. rCl ultl. II matb eruslI eal .0 , lalOly br Sold G $1. I Price feet ID diamete r It attracu con~lderable nculum of her departm ent IDcluded the II Ind be ooD,.IIIC.oI OINOINN ATI. attention Du.,.&~DOt.I .. n C4 ... 4nfll.asu:. J u~ S J ilt t. •• Arra.a au experien ce of :)ver t.wenty five & Sbe was puzzled for a Above doggerel edg. aT. LOUIS many leadiug phYllolau8 ackllowl moment to undenta nd hUiI, or to rei,ly yean, DAYI N lo I JUI)II' I IkulT •••• Dot'l&BIIG IdAII8UALL'S UlImD. GmBO S FUNOI TRAIN hW! become out With a that the OBAl'IU'IB came thIDg e tbewhol IlUIt At certalo koown ooly the II 00N Boston tbe CATU6L1 ST .U UU"''' C ' OH.~AQO ... quite hardened He 88,S In Dov two Angle" of Intelhge nce rlDiedy lor dlee ....... to whIch women ar. GI. "1 "0 sitting on my bench In OIU!b DETROI T, Thil geomelr allbject. The OIlAI!KNnRIIO VRGCI'ABLB TM .F&iul TOMd aM Mo~t DtmJb(e Made point" a at meehng hoea Jl. M., ~U"u Jl '" the 0 JbJ ••• u. DO"'L HedillOn :Pllfk the other da" feedLOg Ne" 11171 _____ _..-lIt_ flcal definitIo n taught to tbe rtuldren , PILLS tbo molt Ilopular remedy of Lbe day UN 'IIAMOla DO. aparra... when a beggar came along ADd WAI tbe Ilmple original of tbe cbUd', fer bdlolllDeaa, beadacbe, liver complaint GD PUIP.O. OOc:IP.JfI'.u . l1 o .... u OU1'T!!'tu.t CI) Warranted . 1-"11 Tftarl Ben I ror PrieD Llltl aibd for a1mL I refueed blm, when in IDd dl ...... 01 <llg ... tloD Sold by.U drug. MDIITII UL. on ILL translati QUINCY. CO. ORG"" I~OUIE8 Co, • rg WHITNEY D,,"ll} Ua,urrOIilU I a mOlt pil.eoua tone of voice, he declared /It.ta SeDd for AIDtllD8cs GraCeDbe Ott",... DoC.. .. AoIte two Umea, DlIIer OD It pond It New York tha~ he WAI ltarvlng 8t111 I refilled him -Maize Flour Tollat 80apN.WOII LUN .. ou••• MUlIU" out .. r ""'c.o:-tbo .. d'" Co. . . -u-aa-Q . -o shall I tb-:-;th aMIT• .Dao :" N-w-o-r"' • If 1 do DOt bave food!' II&ld tie. f Mnoneo~A, wbere 10 much graiD 11 .l-lUOIlIlU::T"':"l'O-Maize Plour Toilet 8oapdie.' 'Very well,' e&ld I 'I recognll ll railed, ia called & IIrt1t-cIUtl wheat State. of bel\ltb Bel( belp lor weak alld nervoul thOle 11'110 have beeD - Maize Flour Toilet 8oaplour ri«b'_.!'O~ie 00 (ertllue the field I I And LouWa u., where II) mucb IUga~ .ulre •• ", Facta for aDd quaoked The o8w dfI OOTM'1 I- A;. "o,,~ compound I U f!.ef4" A WIQ aJiowd ,," ,I1Ob the eart.h of Ita 110m cane II grown, Ibould be called a finlr dOled t drugged, Oultll Joutual !Mob.e.: 11 Coplel Jrt.o globe out of 01. . Iweet State, too. ,:~I~::b~~; -:ri,npe~~t~W~~I~l! r; ~~~·i::'~l JIC1d' Bow dare I chea~ tb_ 10\1 ~f~t'::i:; • O tf, elDolDul Addrell. Eleotrlo Quarlerl y I pl_ ~ _ _ ! 10 dl_ppoi oUn$ laD~~.,rlnl~:ll:::~:1 ~hl~~it~~~ .·t"I~~r'I ~11::1' Dorang'_ b, once ! at cured hundl'll' one 'I'18l1L qed , "JiIllUMA bachelor nloi. .. Awold (IiqI1rea, wbo tbant me .. tnodttratc ,dce RA.I.hrM I~ !'a tent to whe~ At chfoular (or SeDd RelD~dy lc Rbeumat Yurk;' lumrl MOAAOtfE New mannr.C tb(l. Troy, 1',_ to m 1 died omcl! o ••tIft) ....oiI~ fOr lIlT pDerou daIal. LeeTe .nd eoU"Wu h.ugtoD , D C VAil 116040£1111 CO , PIIII .... I"'I., P. & wealt.hy h"l1 docklr. J!elpbeo .tioe&B ... He latel;,. ~ ..,.""' 0 0 o u Q o
.l LIT LBOI' ETE1ll' TIllNG.
1,1 00
H~wO FOTS L-==: w==-r=-
uP.. ....
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings.
BU RN El l'S
t ••
L .0 C N E
" HlllIITI U "rJfl1Vt: leg I have a tremendous grip hIy conld not exr,11I1Il ~tlll I Ubl Ipd to Jhe United Slates 'rreu8l1r1 lie part· WltHlnDl rrom Ihe lIawk·li,0. CurlouH heuks or tho Mt. Carmel' (ather had before me WIth hiM handB tllluk lhllL to 11111 IL WIUI 110 trlfllug IIr ment. 11", I'0 l'lIlstlOlI of Ilrltl.h ludlS ,. ' storm. I be OI""I~ro,,',.t 00'1"... lIb III "ello"~b: at a two-Inch auger hole III the head of 1\ fair, bllt II mlllte r which muved him pro I II .. Iolllllu, Vo rr.'fOUnd • • , . Ul,leokO 1I • .",,,.r I 23U 000,000 L\ fl'lY mure ac live agellLl! A COrrC" I>UlHlcllt who VIKIW,I M t ~"'"d. IInd.rnt.. CII Ch. I..,. TIIeopen oIJ Nul IOU i "My I IIIlIl l11ru..1 nur A pla,.rouu(J In lh o woW barrel, bave Heen 111m clutch, nuw with foulldlv A IIUIL the kilire \I RK Ic rkl't1 'l be '[ reu.ury Departllll' ut 1M .. tUllteel wllnled for" 'I he nuw lIull 10,,11 uf tbo 'urwd, 111 , II <IllY <lr two "flur the tern- ~1,~ ;'l~~'~~ ~~~CI~l~~ 08~~t:t~.:! Anti 'be,.., bu~ woN I (ruw .,IHU1" tU IU'"II hlo rIght IIIUld, now Wltb 1118 len hlwd , from hlH tellh, (,Ithcr beCllllH(l of U,e Just CILlIL nf the Whl Le HoulItl, Exec utl ve Mu.tael", " hie ""rnlldu, tllllo! II rI teo! uf what he KII IV I hol.~d.r lualll .lId 01 111 1001 th,!i1 ball n.,Htf <,lIll tt ulJdent.oud tweuty two hou!l6-raLtl AI Lltey CIImo Violence of III. exert'ollo or hecaullO h o A venue ruulllng betw~eo them The I llrlghll'" ) ounll Will bog lll celebr ,t.- 10 ,,11 pllrlJl of tltt' IUW II Lhtl .1II~~llf :':.'!;.~!.:a I~I ~~~:,~ol~~I::,l;~"U<I" Sear. I Now let UII oltl cal III .. I htt lauIlJe\l darUng out to ellClll'e oue stick hlld lIIadHrtently loolilmeo 1118 grlll!p 00 buildIng 18 the m08t 1IlII:tOKIng aod ij ub ttl!! 1m 81h er weddillg nex~ MOlllIsy, autl frrnkM of the storm cauHeel by ItK !weu illu Wllhtn. ""rn.rohln.....h,ultb1 l llt.w hhul;lvc II I ulth wblCh I WBII . turlDg th mUll, and It ne thl o RM It IlIUY, ~lllrllu's mouth ~tallllal-very prop~r1y-of 1I0Y 01 Lhe ,t Will be about thr('e yean before hegcu. "llIrl1ug mottoll , nre MU ll n" d l.ltnc tly A nook "I du e • • upou II. bac','. 0"" 1 ht'll ""yl), aru Ulllel' ."'''1 811 ho 1,1100 dWith MI .lat.'" I~I' t)VllT th e I uab -- ' t h em d eud upon.'h 0 II oo rWI tl toU tWIUIII t l II. l ope ed ·' ouL 0( I., were public b UI Id IDIll'In \" I 1\' Itll'I,II"K .... Il,olU At. batln, Iqua.rtd "",I ll II nu 'YIl~ IIII'gtoll exce pt througb "Ilb It ".Ilt Itl WI ever I' tll!lllllL' 1I0llg 'lJ.lun IluAldelh lt rface .Ul.I~eDbu""1 gcttmg " BlOgle blte{ aDd IIvcrv botly prolCeltd !!Owe of thelllo~Le~ traordIDRry the Oaplw l, 11('lli p bUilt of !!Olid gnmll.e, [h .. Itu0S8ULn nrDly 10 olhcered ",xclu l:ltruet ~ 1~ t..,k . Illto th c- t\{! . nutl nuor of II ,.. h... bo .. 1 hor . rlmaon ....I.od blue kuo". tbllt a rat III fu I bolt cuUle. out I'XltrCI!<IIOIi. I ever hl Rrd HIS III'lItence. alld In Lhe GWClan 10lllc stylo of arclll "II ply I,y 111 011 uf fCJy~1 blood Elflllll 1I doul/le ,1"1 Iltu!: I he Willi. I1l1d gll l,l , ......... KO .. " IIluII,llIOloo by ,ho..,lc, DlU4 ,UDrart .LAud. to,UtOO u II ILadr" lhrowiUl Ufl I uf a barrel hke a llBllh of Ill:bllllug [ " ere ""IIl "lllrly ddltch~d Even hI" IE-eluro tilroo .torte. hl~b wllh two gr< Rt IIHLn y "f tt." DOll COUlllll""lollud 6ud of th. Iro li L bu. () eu I',m 'l\\Uy f rom Th~ It. on"aloroll lubrlCllo fully eJlpectffi to Ullllntllll1 till family wonl. " e re vod el) Hel,nruted, but brought bRH< u",u Utllnd au lillie. It I. luur hllll um el'l! lire czurgelll>l the root I1l1d the hr. t glO ry celltllJ;, I~IIV And IbrlekluK .. bool.. A. bra".n .1d,UI l1li. . 11.10 111 lin ,malo baa'lulled a CAli prlllltigo lo r grt p J did I stllck to tllllt LlUt With grellt e01J,1I 11'1" He Uvurllgcrl d n><i .Hld Klxty-81X fOOL loug, exc1UKIVE- of A n A rkliU IIIll! edllor 0lil) tllILt III." bead 1n~ tile c hilli, Ix' r. 01~ 1I 1.<, tbo ohLrU"' iUdt,;:I~":::' \~:,;~I1,:~~w~:!.:.!':\ ~~t U, hunK it u\""n It lImL deer 'WIth 1111 my powor of urn and" III IIbuut 0110 word to a Jump Tr Rnuther portlcu., aud two huuelred lind sixty II X bllm. Ill! he wnl.ell." 'ut It uti slI,l ~a~e of 1111 wbo pBlltl 'lhe re m,LLllII'1I N""kO<lln 'h."01I1'''1' mlllcl ••• lln_, Aud I." II '0(10 all aluur/ I ..1~,1 , Bull IIlllAY lb c w l~ Ld ~J wlLh hlw ' I felt It to be a I!Ort o( persuDsl conte.t got I,urtlall y uut It WI\15 ""ddeuly alld fee t wide Tbe gralllte of which IllK I'"C kit III Ice for tbe ¥umm pr, thllu YUII ",,,11. Mlel the roo I lire .lI lIncl lind un- ~~~bi~Ir.:I~~,~,:~t;.;~~lIrfl;"~~:~'bt!r8 between him anel mylltllf. Ne\crtbeletill ruth pll/Il y snapped 00 III mid uttertl llce con.tructed Wllti brougbt froUl DIl: ,1011 t LIeN a beael to ed it a pllper ID wuched by tb e .Wftll I II une of tbe HillS' .lId 11, fIIlrdoD b .... ,h .. I'. "'011_ ~\o, (tor('(!tlm y "'Ily liel".tD tbuoou*,hf , I 'WBII perfectly willing lit lin v tllne to let '1'be rtMult ofblo ellorlJl to eX prf'M hun- bland, 011 the rout of 1I1nioc 'l be old Arlrall8ll8 roolll. a hIld atmd . tILlld ij In tlJ(' co rntlr ~Ib.h DO 10117 ~ .. e1I1I1.' nauollbol. prldo, The ,11"1, old l'll l IU &~ull 1101 wbal .lId I Dud ~ul .. "Iualu~ cblld . I II rI!!: lh.tlOOlUuloDg tlltfde whlrl llwULIbe lbeIIOfl7 tlublug .beal go I hlld under t.aIr en tbe ' Job at the rll- . 8Illf rllRched my ('8TH very mllCu In thiS Treuury Willi burned 10 )888, the new lheutber elay a Burllngtuo ooy start d \I Itb tbe COYt flng IIcat I ) tlle k e d I II IInc I Or n,.I)ran. Ibo ... It~1 ori With bt:.r IJrJKI... bllt .... fUltdll" bur ~beek. queot o f allotber. lIud Willi relldy to ~ur Hhape .. Juwp-wlll-you-~ ooe belDg bUilt m 1883. und addition to carry bome a yello" Ja ket K netit to the Kheets lhrnl> Il buck 0/1 the JllllolV~ , Tbrau.b r()<~lnl olh.o, be ..... bod. III I' II 11& Utlr bnMhl tloated lu aud fro rende r It 1D8t.antly UPOD deDland [d-ahed-I've -got-you I ['II-hold d made ID IBM Tbe old portIOn IK a wauy Lie to tbe dog's \.1ul tft 1, II V" 8<1ll1e fuu Just"" It WIU! 1.t~forc the cyc10up . Irw k Alld .r::;:~'nlng tIIoro Ihelr odo... Dd Ib..uo, U r r IIUl e mJ dne, Ua'd ll'''tl lty shouted to Martlo w@et out o f tbllt bonL -on-II 11- _our-lail - comeo - 011 f colnmned colonnade, andl ,tH moootouy H e didn't get tla e lIeHt Idl th e " uy home All the oth er fllrilltllrc III I hu mUll! I~ rlluu~b 1>" ..... ' Io'H "''' ell ro .... ul Raudy lro.1a. BUI IUCl lovellul Ibtu, 0'.11 1 t bouw:bl W ... lb. ,I W 01 bor l.uabloK .,. mighty qUIck If he wallted to lakllhu JUIll''''''I, -lIe-d d drulhed-I've-got Wa>I brokeo and the whole IIcpea ra noo o( •• 1' ' _·".Ol(' tKJ h('a ,y bE' cou ldn'tClir ry ,d"" III place buL III tb, nlJuln llt" 10 0 m 010 ... . " lI,o.l ol. tODd ,lIcllly q~.... I ... ~"rhh t .,,~t 01 peace deer hOllIe for I lIhouldn't bold ou to -you u u " 'Vh eo the contest would the bUlldlDg Improved by t e exteDBIOU n.a It, but he succeeded III L~'8J( lUg mOllt uf llll' ru I. nnl 1\ p ICCO 1_\ cry l h III g II UK 1'( II ould I L'"IIll1Stlow Id PM' myH allI,mn, HroDooll hI Ihoe I SWlulJi n"lntl lfw.,lng we .. and forth bLW much onger [t took me llbollt two have elided, what would have hfeD Lbo whi ch flank. the "Id Pllitt at each e nd the vellow Jacket~ to IICC mplluy IUUl "cuo peu OUL uy Lh~ Wlud ur til" . uellou, Whh tbe ro.e.. Ugbt.ID ber fact', tlbe etf'lucd Hilt" hi nt and It lu .. er In one, OUDutes to deliver that Beni.enoo It WIIH result hlld It contlnuod, whether tb e wllh m8S~lve grRDlte Dl8IlODry, alld makes thn whole cilBteoco, and they suppli ed or wlmth\er It WiU! And tb tt torUIIl ber! Jll a~ lIte rlllly Je rked out of me word by word buck or th e u;uld e would have come oil beautiful terullnlltlons of tbe north lind blm With !!O mucb IlmUilement that ho In ""~fIIl "I nee. lhe wind has lel t ODD!; AND RNDl!j. Never did I labor uDder greater ewbar tbe Winner, It IS tlot euy to say Nor 18 Muth fronl>l The stepll, platforms IllId hB/IO'L ODce thought of fUll or the dug Ii Hhllky olel houl!C "tll",hll g, willie II , Slftbd y I I II &eu'" 10ll ull lJIychlhl ' Ilu.t Iho atoll I""" Ill\! wit II cry rll&lmeDt m ox prel!lllDg my lltllf In tbe It euy til opeculato, fur tbe c10fle WIIJj [lOrttL'OK are sll very grand, BOme of the Olnco, and doe.n't tblnk he e l er WI'I ~ u b.tlLnlll<l, OIOlid budd ing o)u each .Ide Fon R lIl en have heen killed In trying , Uo w.y I gu •• y J UOIl t touch we, pion&-meauwhlle Martm WIUI meetiDg WIW speedily reached, nlld III ItIl unlooked fo r CO IUIIIIlH, wlHcli life solid, belllg thIrty A young MeX ican I'lck~d ul' e lgbteen would bo utterly KWl' pt IL lI l\y hI 11mb 1\ chUrl II ~leeple In Solldan, \ • Irl llttul tb o \114 ca~ It" I dllllculty Tbe bank 'Of tbe river WILlI watUler 'rhe aeer bad led oU tIOlDe f~et hl gb and luur fooL In ellameter In egl(K, by buldlllg thclII like a u eye-glUM At thtl oa .... uflhod~pr.""lult 011 ~ uurlh I' rao ce, anc1 l1ow the people are 'WaltiDg Yuu I ltiua hit" dt I I ~lle.J'ct, 'IIML of to\\ II, III II Split 1\ he re I/u lor a Y lillkf~ to come I110ug aud fiI the steep, aud the IIgbt cedllr lIhell 'WIth only dOZlln J um l'80U tof the CIrcle of light, and tbe courls are fnulIl.nlnti anel flower plllU!, between bls clte~1uJ nnd biB nOlie, nud fI Wbr "h rel tbecat m,dt>ar f Aud lu tb" IAut, lItn that C)lled Ibe 1fo(kh hlmllillf III It Willi out of all halance and 1 Will! begtonmg lU Lblllk tbat he hlld 11 lurge glLrden occupying the court po.lted th em III 1118 ear Without u_lUg bouoe "tooel , lire hCIII1('U "I> Ihe ruhbl . h W(-lIlhfr VIID6 W.u.. t.b tD, for liid hlrdll to h (>u r bsrd to manage H may lie that 1118 very abU!.'1I IlIlII se lf 10001(1 from htd ellemy round whIch tho 'lrcnllury 18 built Tbe his hand., tben hrok the I.'ggsllet\\eclI of p rooably " .! ozell chlTcreut II Ullo' " l\JEN UB('d lo be married. nc ... accord. . troug deSire to net ou the mll&dow 'Where Wilen all l<t alice he clIIHged from tho object" of most esp. clAI ItlLece8t to VIBIt.- bl. knee~ and ""lit them Inl .. u fOHm froUl all . Ide . .. f tb a I'hllll AI! r, IIRllI.. 109 to EH8terllJ,hrlll!eolo , a "marrll«" WbJ 1. ~on t you know ' I&l d lbCllhilo waidTb " nutlul bt>au IUul I!H 1 WIUI holdmg bIB deer for him operateft fog \\ Ilb ~lttrtlU ot dl streltbllDg beh lod Onlll re the C&lIh-rooJO lind the vaulLl!, but wltb a lurk helel beh, ee n bls tocs, LO. II grnpb lcally eXllhl lied IL " I L luok. lUI I" nccomphsbe " Sou n,gvat tbls rate of • Tbat we c&J11t Ilduug aiU! ohl ca l dlo, to confulltland cmba rl1lM hl8mOVemelllJl 111m and made strai ght for LIte fiver there ure mBUY other POllliJ! of IlItereJ!t l'elLled t~1I lemuDs "Ith hiS IRtih while though the Wind hntl llu UO arounJ pr0l!re.~, botb lIlarr13gC6 IUJd (UDeraht Wheu Ibo • • tug "oJllaU of l1tel"" He would pro[181 tbe boat at (ult speed Nc\er ellel I IlOO 1\ buck lea p blgb e r or thlll will repay a VIBlt.. 'fb CA~h room stnndlllg on IllS head, IIDd run II quarter Hooo I"n ' ID IIlllhe houl!eI! IU tho lIelgh- Will be perl'etrutcll 'lhe ll ... IIJ&Ju~ IUHIIi.1uSluS aDd looklbs badr, wward the bank, and tbeu Jump for tbe IlroJect lllm l<Olf Isrlhcr In s uccellllive I. III Lwo KtofieH diVided by lin IDtenor of u mille on blM hllnda, wllll~ he JUIX"" borbood II I1 U "h oll It j;ut \aHIl , Lhe botd ' Wh.h Ihe tu nlHI l"I.Ik lu b"r (>y~) t;b~ had'llue" t.oud al d 11 ,.u hel uloue, bow, bllt hl~ motion ,,orward would ro- eaps. Th~ Sa rllllscc r was too much pul balcouy o( Iron, from willch tho best the I'll!!" lind lemon " IU II JlUg u pUll ch tOUI tlruppec rop ' I OUI 11111I IcL It a II d " '[u E couutry me rchaol>l whoI beon t A-I ,,1"1 lb. old '''I d • le&IIO tbe boat from the blud, anel wben to IL W IIrtlCul~Ul a word only II I'Nles view uf the room and the bUllmeM gOlOg bowl, tll"n, Without 1t,k.ln" .. U 1110 COHt In .. back vllrd a clothe" line I" '" "II ..dvertilltl ar hoppy wbe n buclk e brrylr be reacbed the bow of the boat It would of ~rnllLl! WI hll Willi tWllched alon g re Uti thcrem may be obtalned. lbe room lae Cllu"ht u ull With " the l!UuLhe rn l)(Iuu With 11 plllr t,1 luug HLOC .. ,. lIIgH b IIOglllg &e/ll!OtI IHlIt band 'l'bey canb c k0118I t toe 1.) .tnte f b IH PPlltUP .ee ' I109. Itself IS moal beaut,(u1, bUIlt entireI " l I10Ull8wI,e r Ie. I' tlWill, b u t .LOres, und pick their wily ac n a "" h a If 'll'aya.orOll8 ... .... erlver ~alD N ow, vea e d Lie l' of fAAt tralD, ran With It two I1l1le~ .Iurlng JURt Wb ere l.t! DVENTUIlE WITll A. DUCK. Martin IS a mlln of great V~lIeDce He PMt me th o deer flllshl'd hke" fealbe red fine m8rhl06 fr om Y.epnQDt, Tenne_ which ho un co rked II llOttle 01 whlaky, the houllll IS gml(" Rnd eH' U th e bOllr I. OilLto of comparative affluence IT wllll1l!urd Hweeter bapplneuln the 19 not by any means a prOraDt peraon @bBf\ hend ln g el lr~t Lly for the bauk Itlily and tu e Pyren~!8, armnged In nll sed It.O With the lit her Iugr d.fllLH IIrc torn frulll the pos t to " Illch th e hue hour of death to bave Wiped one tear W. H. H ~f\lrrsy tell8, In IllS book en- HII hBil al .. aY8 8howo Itreat rllttpect for "Hang Oil, Mllrtlll 1" I l!Cream~d, BObered ~tlle: moldlDga, cornicen, pilasters and nnd gave ~everRl 01 th' pnll8c nger. 1\ I~ Lied lht> till em rmg of tbe OrnOiI Cen from tho cbeck of BOrrow than to have titled, "Life 111 th e AdIrondack. " of an LIte cloth, but everybody wllleeo that by the thltllgut tbnt he would aave him plnDet.! Tbe floor ia teJ!1!Illated ID red drink througb tbo wlndo\\., nod then IIdveuturo he IIl1d hid gU ide lIlarliu had hlB poeltlOO waa a ~ ery trying ODe Tbree yet I! he :nll ill only relAllI Ill. gnJr- lind wblle mnrbln. This room 18 tbe hopped bllck to the HtArlllIg 110int hnld tml Hotel W8ll 8lnppe u oil, Iliid ed up ruled 1111 empire, t.o have c:lnquered wllh 1\ buck The trllle W88 II rog~y !!everal tlmlll!, aa he afterwards inform ed .. Hllng to hun hk e drath!" H e did, The one 10 .. hleh pllckftg61 of money are reo IIIg the tm \,t y pIIDch b<J\\ I ~xtt'Tldr<l 0 11 n~nLly auel hllng aero'll! the ridge [KJ le uf'l 1IIIIIIoDB, or enlllllved the world 80cnATRR the Greek phllOlOpher. nIght, the 1!CC1Ie a lake m which Murmy me, did be drive tbat bont Into tbe bllIlk. buck reached tI,t! bank, lind gathen ng ce lved BIIII l'llamllled, prl'pared and Beot tho o~her eg, IlccompllKlllug the c ntlre rear wrng 'l he I'",neer Hook SIlU Ladd er truck, never made 'Il pun In bls hfe He tried aud Murtlu tJoat(l(! ID a CllIlOO. Tbe and tbree IItlveral times wben he got to hllTlBelf up for II de_perata IplIl' he OUllg 11wny. and where all the money 10 paid Ben ce of fea13 ID WII minute. lind n wh lcb 8Lood III the cnglDe IlItut!Cl, btl k to ollce. but JIbs SocrllLeecame down on author carried a Jllck lautern wllh II re tile bo'W that boat WIl8 Ln LIte mIddle hiS body InW the Ili r 1 .lI w u pair of out that goes from the UDlled 81.ntea hllif " Se renR dllrIlJlIl!" he murUlure,1 and of the cou rt hOll so " IU! fo ulld after the hlUl hk the Amerlcao eagle OD an Hector, III hl H hat, to IIttnlct th e atten of the nver. At IIUIL 1I1anin's patience wldely-spread leg.8wlnl\ "Ildly upwllrd TreHsury Mell elt loolred up Lltere in gavo WilY, and Ollt of the fog came to lily aud the red face of MnrtlD's hcad dowu wire cuges "Ith small opEDlDga througb th 'old gllte scarcely creaked 8/! h sw ung breeze PIU!ll6t1, wwd lng IIlmu.t III itt! lIugle-worm, lIud he repented ImLlCoo of !lsme on the bllnh Tbe atreng rellector, ~ay8 Mr Murray, eara ejaculations or dllgust and suclt ward and revcr8/'d 110 88 to be directly willch to plW! the mon4~y after belllg to Knd Jro beoeatb her IIgb t we lghl , tmcles but the englllc·bouKe hlld gune. mediately A. wl'r-rv l"renobman writes in aPariI bored II lane throl'lIb th o 11 fey fog for Btrong expletlvCII 811 are found only In towards lIIe by t he Il(tmlllen!aul~ he WIIH cuunted or Btamped. or put IDto pack lind the Silent slarBlooked dowlI wltb ntl on~ kU1l1V wilith er The truck wore IlOmD fifty fec ~. perhaps Even at 1.bat chOIce old Enghlh, and howls of rage throwlDg, dll\l\ppear like R waDing rock ages Huge bags of JIIOD41y Btand in the tenderer fiances-and all Soutb HIli ex- a llIost w~begone look, ILl! tonltue neWijpallOr that "a Frencb M~or Is a ellStance obJeclJI mingled grotesquely and dlsappollltmenL that nODe bllt a III the (og overhangmg tbe nver. Once cornefllof BODIe ofthae C~08, and tbe copt Wil Demplltly's black aud lan , thnt belllg brokeu Rod the 1."lIl1t knocked man wbo bM three decoratl6111. The wltb tile fog, At ~h eex treme end jlulde could utter m like ClroUIDstaOcee. 10 the wllter the buck W8l! 110 wawb for whole appearance la that.ol a menagerie hAIl gone I/lto politiC!!, lind IS trying to off 10 various directions, It Deed!! replUr- thIrd WM RIven him beeau88 he had two. geL through wltb a SIX mout.h s' cauVII611 wg, the IlIlcolld becaullC he bad one. and the ol'llDlng I detected a bright dlamond- llut humaB endurance hM a hmlt. 1 hiS loe I hur!led to the edge of tile or PrlBOU l1li far ILII CODfinement goell. The vaulta of ollr Treaeury are aa1d to every nlgbt, aDd Profel!llO r J\lIller's curo The cOllrl,bou bell "1IIl arnccfully first becaUbC he had none." like epark. Wbat lS It T I turned the 'Will faaL reaching a condiuon of mlDd bank BeoeAth me lind half "ay IICfOflll t JlWk up and I tllrned It down I lowered when family pride and tranlmltted the nver, a d 08pem te Ktruggle waa gOIDg be among<the mOlt _UM In the world te m e r tbat 11'1\8 croBlltld in love .. hen It lifted off Ih e belfry lIuli carrIed about WREN you make pay~en~ 0; pu myech until my oyeelooked II10Dg tlie po'Wers of relOlutloo fall Wbat did I on Martin had found hi e \Olce and WILlI Thel are fire-proof, ,nth double walla, "'lUI ydung Ilnd baa been a prey t.o a de slxLy feet cllrectly IIgll1118ttbe wllld. The pnces on guods, recollect t at e!!j line of the grrw. I rallied tD ylltll f on tiP' care for my father's 6IpiOlta wltb the ulllDg It aa If to make up (or Ioet Ume the IpaceS between which are filled Wlth vourlng ~elllncholv ever 8111ce. lind be ll welgb~ SIX hundred pounds & l eral men KtAte thRt til the subllrbs the dollar ~S diVided m~edlg t .. tQe, notbiDg could be ~ell. • It may be raU! at the two-meb auger-bole? Wbat In a momeu t a gurgllog BOuDd reached IrOD bulleta, 10 that ' ~ holes drilled :F'red Flackmao's woolly dog that bllll nn the eye of a deer. and it Dlar be did the CamilT grip amount to after all? my earsllud I kllow that the deer's head throUgh~ IbDlIIed1ately 61\ ambItion to he a Jubilee sloSer, lind It. of the toWIl eveD Dlore thon In tbe clLy. ~i:~' :~.cqhu~:~r ,'fei':~ t~~ bita:' half a 'l \I" uble clock looke up "II night trymg to lin! "Roll Jor- I~ rould \,lalnly be l!ecn In the wruck dollar II " fOUT hila," etc only a drop o( water or It wct lea',' Mid 1 WILlI laat 1000ng eight of the connecholl waa under water, and shortly, In an.wer again IUch vanltlee ~uatalned tome I W&llUIIW my hllll, the gUide appeared dragging which _u~ Ilbl. that their dan "-a l1.he re.t of Sou\h WII _med left behlod that the torllado gath er ~ ~ 1_ I to ID1Helf. SLllllt looked gamy. Iconwaalp II' GREAT . . ODI~ 1111- to bold 11.11 bret,.th to UI\.en. ., Benln a1\ monblee n III track from eac: b 'ou are a 1.h...t6r-~r ":'1:L-'" CII bull ant 1IlJ.!~ d~rgolJlg a rapid cbaoge In manJ.. re- the buck behind bUD. bod;,_ well III mind. Wben erate ruhiill DO ee II IlaId7lnd the raa an illlA cB side towardd tho ccDter. Tu olle inHlance Oldcago you may bavedeveJoped a fuDdar D • illy UJfwa" ",eolll TIano Bonn tn a Well. lrey can unl llfiel they are ~hat klDdled (iver LIte pearly brow and tbe lower ltory of n building Wall ripped nC88 for peanut.&. .Beware of &lldll, fur ml eye ell down Into lobe Rlgbt I got bold of thit deer'ele.: I WAIl men lijtod4..... III. (I..... ) Ilor....) I wound up tor a 011 number of boun cheeb lOfl.eneH t.he silont lovelight III out lind came'd oil, while the whule LlIelU uneler tbat Dame UDI_ you want bold~- ip~ "e gleam amid tbe ta\1y full ofpluclr and bope; my buntA family of (armers by the Dame of until that tUne all "II~. One her lustrou8 oyes, .. Sereoa, DIy o'll'n I upper part of tbo houl!() JU~:, droppcd to proclalln YOIlI1lllI' a ytmbe. ()all .~. lDIokemlnglrng IDI-coat of lrhll oorduroy w&lwhole and eat bap of gold If every glltterrng star thllt beawssbovc down UpOD tile fOlludlltlOnp Ihe holl8O boldly for" goobers," or "grouDd-peaa." I thefog lQadeall murky be- Lightly buttoned. Now. mentally. I wae Snyder hve near tbe BOutil-llllllteru of the vaullll ClODaJ (ore wbile W& ellpll»lOn Itriklllg demoralized: every button W&8 gone boundary of tb IS COUD ty 'fbore are and .11¥er and oopper in and piles of If every pa8llIDg bret'Ee tbaL HtopM to lr ,"a hnll bet'u 811111,1y CII t dow II 'IUO Htor'J i- -II--NillVror-vnrbad-.-Wh&t-you at1~~1JIr.----~----:-~-; do with all your 8lreogth. anlollL e mountahll on Dltber IIIdo from we coat, and tho rlgbt...aleue.hung -othenC8t~",d fnmllles-rn-tbelletghbo ballkOJlotee, wbile tile tiler, literally a thy glowlOg cheeks, II every rutithng An Amerlcuu 111811. tlon 18 om III potent. If the proepeot be afarltWhl dozen reverlMratloDsso that we dll!connected (rom bOdy of tbe gar hood Half a mile or 80 from uyder'. vault within a ",.all, (ontalDe bonda. leaf thaL wblspero to tbe nlgbt, were liv lI'runo I" " II, Oull" , BII,II,Io lI omo l lr. I HOlDewhat dllrkened, put LIte lire of reIDcouh:N.either Ice or bear what wu LIto ment. The Jack had been Jerked from pla\ltl 18 lin nld farm lormerly owned by In the lint I could hudly lift live bUD- 109, burDlDg,lovmg though~l If evervAlllimu~lng 6lU ry ,. told, of which It luLlOo to yOllr 8Oul, and kindle a /lame reaWt of LIte shot.. Aflt'r waltmg in dl- my bead and lay a rod 011' In the gMl8l! lone Jllck mlln who left It about tell ye.ars dred dollarll With both lland., wblle In Oh-h-h-hoo-ho I Oh wi \vow-ow-ow I I, - .. rllw momeDta huplllg LO hoar lhe could bold on no lODger I would make ago ~J1Ice dUlt tiRle tbe bUlldwg8 ha\e the other I could (lu' fifteen mlllioDliu Aw w, ult, ob, oh ! 0, JlmlDy pelt I 0, III uverred thnt no Ie"" 8 pr r.utlllSe thliU tbllt nothIng but death can extlnguiab. h , __ C! r Jllckl without allY dUch bapl TO- one moreetlort, one more appeal, I •.IId be ome dlillpldllted anel Ih o Jlroulldti my pocket. The Bu_tt of EDgraviug ~Ioryl 0, murder, mureler, murderl 0, th olutt' Oeorg" l'eauody, th o c Iru rated A p'rlUOTIO Cllnadlan III wrIt ..... , •' am •tf.0u ever gOlOg have "rowo u~ 'WIth brush. Near tbe lIud PrJntw~ iBln ..... uPI>pr ltory 0 t b e ad rnng the goll BW luled old8~t6 to th e AlIIllrtClln b IIU ke r, Will! t b ~ IIcru I'.nlr A hi ha lilt I IIbtu Mar~1Q J wouldgo uhore to .. ~farLlD. .. 881 d I ha .. .... ., IHId In\ ltel I th ree rlatlonnlanLltem, the laet veree ofw c t lore IS II well lhe curb TreJUlllry be engra reoccupy a room bo .. -wow.1 Ab-h-b-b I" An 8he 1!/L1e1 !,<Itn! that ~ I r 1'ellUU<J)' " [;;;i and _ ' wbat I bid shot at H e to get out of t '• boat It Tb e h cavy old farmboullC • plliiidltld rot~, and wlzlng the tllll t1IU'; or the boat agamst tbo bank, lID u- of tbl~ bavlD!!: gone to rUin 10Dg ago, It by themeclvea, and" dunr work IS Itf we sllffly thllt 110 ~elltleman 'Who could 1II1e A.mericans lit chnner, lind ou thl8 oc- i~ lUI follow8 Tb .....YOr poll, ,,11"'''010 the 1<>1' ftI'&IIII wbUe' h4!jorced tho boat ID a~alDet 1II0sion Rnd ep,utter'nfi nOI88 whlCb WII8 covered lip With boards to keel' finllllt, WOIIt trying anil wl!&nng IOrt.. It. Mucb langullge In the Ilrel!ence of "Iaely C88100, bllvlng rccelvod 1\8 a gift teu ears ke we word Mttlo from fitlhng III, the de!lOrted fields IS ull done by hand, of ,~urllC, and the WM an acquaintance of hertl, and "he or g rcl.' l1 COrD, c1otermrnoo W renew the ~l !:::~~t~~~r~~:cl"""'loo nol. t~" · Ilh hl K1lA1.ldle. I clambered BOundM very mucb engravmg IIlmply of ODe of the beads weDt Into tbe hou lMl And h~ [luMbed recollrctlU nH of III~ yOlltb, III!torll." bi B 10 wll~, trlulupbaoLBt ... up. tiel IU'~~II~ 1.0 &8cq1tain whllt bad • damu" spoken from between abul belug commoll p88turage On MODelllY IBIlt, at about live 0 cloclr ul'on tbe plate fnr eolilmon oue or two- the gate open, and pulled hi S mllllglccl EIIKh.h IIl1d plollll8 I,," Ameri~1I g ue.1>I Ln .tmud. or ,," IDd. n..... aecel il\e'f IIlwde off Into LIte mardh teeLlt a slllaah, a Beramble, and then I breut 80ll1e fo (cell and\ t lIrrJ lUg up theJllck, caught 81ght of thegauotform of Mllrtin, m tbe anernouu, Frunk, IIU elght.-year dollar blllij often Sake8 one peraon Lhumb Ollt of LIte crack of Il,lInd went by bUYlug It Htlrved up In tho well down ~treet eucluug the LDJllred mem lIer, k HOIYU Amerlcau etyle Wltb • loud d.aanllbrl.t. 10 ~d olu, a aefr lay at my feeL I paddle m band anel h untlug-knife be- o lll IOD of l\J r ::snyder. WI\II llIlut out to mouLlts to accomplicrh. The sYBtem of ha~-e[lgravhlg Ie the Rull declarwg that howe v!'r lightly uue AccurdlUgly, ilL l\ proper lImCoI,llltCd AN Trl.bllllln hllll defined nothing to "~lar(llr)" OIlled I, "bere IS the deer tween hIS teew. lopIng around toward the woodB Luhuu!. upBOme COWB thathJ\d dead aa...,.u~ ,. me througb t.ho tall, rank gr&llll Dut stmyed away. The boy hud not returned ollly gee-guard againlt counterfeiters hUlldred ~nd sixty Itve pound" ul girl of butlor ami SlLlt we re pillced before be II .. fooLleea stocking without lege." Theil III! pareuta became No two penKInscan make two eDgravlDgs nllght HILon the heartof II Dlau , It wl\Jla eacb gur8t, aD, I tbe bauker, with BOIDO- A deBorlptiOIl bv anotlier Emeralder 18 , .. Tbe I,' e~c1l1 lmed tbe g UIde from 1111181 It WAI! too late 'fhe aueplClouBmo- lit d"rk ment had pll8l!6c\ M,. fingers ODe by alarmed, Jl.uel I!OO II lIelghbors we re 8um with every line p .imllar. Tbe little too mucb prel!llure when applreel to tiling of nn 1m uf my ste ry. auuounced better "Wbat fa noLltlDg Y" wae aded • tbelc&0110 loot<ened tbelr hold, aud Lhe deer wooed to htlll' hllllt 111m up For two prlDtlDp: dfpartmBlt' t,and hot8lld lin Impromptu thunlb-8crew And Lhe thnt he "Be uow llooUt to treat hiS .. Shut your eyee and you'll Bee it."lIII1d ...Wll1\t did yOU lI&y I" lIgalll ] gaLlterlOg all hi s strength 'WIth 8 te rrific hnurs they rourcbcd Roo ut 11\ tbe wood! unbealtby a, Bueb 0 alway. are, aoel mstch 18 drawll, alld all Side beLl! lire till ~ue~13 to a wdl knowu and d elrclous Pat eboute , elevatlou of hl8 hlDd feet lMlut me reehllg NothlDg could be 1let'n uJ 111m At llbout the lubor IB ent.Lrely mechanical Tbe clared 00 AmerlCliU dl"l, of foud, cookeel ID tbe .' 1 Mid I dl<1n't believe It." returned backward Jllat 1\11 Martin, Iioubled IIItO II ten o'clock ono of tbo lIeIlrcbers. while bJlnk-notca receive J[ e 88parate IUIAmerlClLn manut'r It would be uo ONEOf tbeSolltbern newlpalpll"s' 1frlrtm IOberly. heAp, wllllabollt to all8 bt upou hl8 back palllliog tbruuj;h LIte y.ud of the uld preB8ions, between of wblcb tbey A l'owd4Jr.Ilt1J. novelty to hl8 AllI c rl Cll1I gUCtll>l, buL the A nllUl whollC IHe "l'lIddl Y'llIr canoe tip bero theu'lou He mleeeci the back, but &8 jlood luck tllrm houl!tl, henrd IODme IIUO ClI~ f:.:~tZ' bllve to lIOak IU water twenty-four hourK Engllshmeo muot wawb how It WI1.8 dill- ~~~urWiil~Ioi~fi~tffiliiiti~~--------i-1 --.old deptltl l and to for younelf," n:- "ollid bave It, evon whIle tbe buck wa~ "Ptllm,- I'''Ilft-!-L--He ete pped- . 1- lId- dry- the aarne length of time JQ II A llOwder mill, @/I ys SI. N,c,"ol<J4 fur posed of by thel1l IIl1d rollow lhOlr ex h Jowed, Wklllg the deer by the ear and III the air-tho deer golDg Ull M Marlin rectlollof the soulld and thre w tbe hgut warm oven Then tliey bave to be July, IS notm tbe IClAI!thkeoLltermllls nmple. allli rn IOnH 11\ ,hslJUolUg of It aDd lh1l1ll811 W8I\ Moral. d ....sging him to LIte bank .. Hero belli, ClIme down-tbe fingor. of lhe uutde of hlR lautern IU thllt dlr~ctlon. By Ita prel!8ed IUJd counted many tlmea, In.tead of one g roR t bllllchuf' It 1000111 'rhell, atll . lgl",l, elltered U HtBt.c ly butle r you will \1110 tobllCCO, don't t.alre It out and II mOIl ~te r too." llfarllll did a8 dl tllolled With 11 full I,od despernte gnp raY H he .IIIY the u\lilllin~ boy H e wu "tsmped, uumbered. signed aud pllcked pOlleel of mlilly rough 100 109 little beuring 11 larKa covered dloh) wblch he yourpockllt. teeted "Well" heexclllimed 118 he UD UllOO hi" tnll QUick 88 A 81111h I recov- lylUg almotit 011 the edge of Lllo olel 'Well, The procet18 1ft a very long one. Hhed.,-!!Ometlmes a8 mauy I\8l11lventy or depo .. ted KOle llluly before ~Jr PeallOdy llluuuErolu Siam/ani Tbe 8CleDtlfic bent hlB gaunt form rrom tbo canoo Intll ered mYlllllf from the bogs, ropillced tho tbe coverrllg of 'Wlllcb wn. brokeu, re~eal rhe RedemptIOn Bureau Iftan lnterllllt.- C!\gbty Tbelle 'Ull IOllg dlslance. al'art, III 8 1II0me utmorc, til obedleuce to tbll men lallve figured out JUI!t 'Wbat tbe buwhleb two houT8ofllllddhllgbad cramped Jack, wlllcb fortunately bad noL bee n lUg au ol'enlllg about two feet lIqullre 109 one, 'Wbere redeemed currency IS de Beparllted by denl!e wood" anti mOUDa. of bwlrer 8 nc..d, he whl.ked off tb e cover, mllll body I. composed of, but It don't \t, and s\.Blghten('eI blmlltllf to hi li full eItlDgulllh~d, upon my head, anel stood He Wild rllli!lld to bl8 feet, but, belnll un stroyed It 18 COWIte<1. punobed, cuL 10 earlb, tKJ that If one" boulltl" 18 blowllUe'; III1J lhere, before the lI,tonl.hed gue.Ld, mllke mucb ellllerence to tbe averqe nelah t tlil bl, eyes rested upon the buck, an tnterl'1lted epectator of the proce~d able W HlAnel, WAIl carried home He two, COUllted again. and ,laced 10 II the owerB Will eecape II hke fate f WltO dt.pla) ed 1\ pde of tell bodod corn mlln wh ether the olle hundre4 and eiIty ., well, Mr. Murray. you are the fiTHt DULR IDga. Willi carefully treated by LIte overJoyed macerator, whlcb grmda It mto pulp tIOblO the walls are bUilt very Mtronll:' snd cobe I pounds bellrlDg down on bl8 BOre heella I ever laW draw a fine bead 11\ a Dlght Now everybocly knows how II 'WIld I'llrenl>l. For a loug lible be WI\8 IInable from whlcb a commOD browD wrappmg the rools very sltgllt, In hope thut If any '1 he Itllnke r /lazed (or nn Illstaut m CODlJl0H8(] of oue tblllg or anotber, if the hke th,K. rtendmg 10 tbe bow of 11 deer ca'n Jump when friltbtened, and tbe to glvo auy account o( whst had bllp- paper 18 luanll(acLured. explo.lon happens, lis furce will ex Lend mute hom'r Bud dl.mIlY. 8nd tben fOlilld burt 16 .1111 tb e re. Saranac bollt. at tbe tWIDkle of II deer'e buck With Martm faateoed to ILl! 11111 pened to him, but tinally dId, 8UbIn the bMllmeot ie tho heatlug appa- upwarel only OWor houlltlll have e oor _Olce lU d eblsnel 1111 eX plnDlltIOn, whlcll ]T mllke8 8 frumer mad 11& a wetben to eye. and klll Tbat Jilek of youre 18 a Willi tboroughly mulled The fil1lt leap alantlally III! follow. fIItu K, and varrOU8 otllnee 1Iure al80 10 mous roofs of mR80lIry covered WltU WIUI finally rruched when th e coolr Willi 800 1\ IIOLaw bug With a pIck on Ita Bhoulbig thing lind no mlelllke." Dy tbe time stralght41ned the poor fellow out hke a B e bad hunted about III the loto for a cluttered carpllnter sh0IPI.w tho two eartb, tbe roofs of otherllaro lank.B ke pt ~uwmoned-II fe llow who had noyc r' Beell dercf(lwllng over bls garden (e'!CIl. and he bad finlabed tbe boat had drifted 011 latb but It did notshnke him frOIll bla tbe COW8 UDtl1 alx o'clock On bls wily Silken fiagB that draped tbe theater box alwnY8 filII of water 1111 Cl1r of IlIdll\ J cern IU hiM life Ho Wll It p81181l ' on the top fILll un Into the river-for tbe current w... qulte bold If tbe reade r II8/! eYerl!een 1\ small bome he waa plll!lllllg through the old the eVllulD1I of Pr08idlDt Llncoln'a_ Tbe coost.aut danger 11I1IIl[llIrlible from rcpllrd tbllt be had followtll hili tLlaKter'K why ID the name of Juliua CII08U be atroDJ at that point.-lInd I WM alone I boy hangmg to the lail-board ofa wllgon (arm yanl. He 8larIMd a phelU!l\Qt from 8lnatlOn, The holee are ,IUlt as tbe spur tlae work would be coustautly iucrell8Cd dlrectlOlI to ,. st nl' on 1111 tho .. u18ll1e dldn't pillot earher, only 1I mortal fear wae jut f1ulDg a cal' to tbe tllbe of the when we hor88 'W11II at (ull speed. he caD a clump of busbes, and turned Mlde to 00 Booth·s beel tore th~DIl aa be Jumped were tbere IIOt "trlct rules always before boIling," which he hnd done mo.t of the plOk prevcllla blm from erdenng recbarged barril I whell I felt a movement (orm a falDt Idea of Martin's appearance SeI! whetber It had a DIIBt there He upon the 8lajJ;e shoutlna 11.... Blceemper enforced. No cautIOUS VlBltor can lie faltbfully, not "oly hUHks, 1\11 was In It 00 the Ilfemlllll8. -~ .my feet, and CMtlng my eyee down- &8 the deer tore hke a whirlwind throllgh crept Int~ the busbes, and iDatantly tyranDlSo" I uked, J in IUrprill8, why more carellli than the workmeo tbem tended but kernel. IlIBO, BO that the r w rd, 1 aaw that ibe deer was in tbe act the tall glll8ll Bhnded and bewildered somethmg gave way beneath him, and be th_ f1age were kept In stich a place. and 881¥eJ!. (or LIter know. If an UplOSIOD banker' had ol1ly what 18, In AmerIca, AN Aillbllma wan refueed to accept of ~tt1ng lip I The ball, lUI we afterward by the bgbt, frenZIed with fear. the bliCk, WM plllnged up to hl8 waist IU water W8l! told In reply thattbey could not be baprene, It wlI be certain m tant death the mute eVldeuce of the feMt to IUdl cerlalu bank bills tendered him, dleooured, had glanceel aloog tbe front 118 deer often Will, IDstead o( leadmg of! He knew that he had falleu IIlto tbe old put 10 the Oapitol. or any pubhc place, to t em So no hght8 or fires are ever Cllte what were his good Inteotlons to his the mules eDgraved upon them w~ DO of the skull, barely crlwllng t.lie dID. It kep~ racmg upand down juet wiwlo the well After recoverlDg from hIs terror, lUI tbey would be cuned 011 piecemeal allowed, no one IivlIII nearer the mLlIa gUeBta properly geared. He MId that e enbad touched tDe bone ellghUy and border of light made by the Jack, and he IItlt abollt ae calmly l\lI pol!lllble to geL by reliC hllnters. tban can be helped, flUme of thll bUlldgraver had put the breaching up<!n the Itunned bun BO that he dropped, but be- OCC&IIionally making a bolt directly for out of hIS penlollH sitllntlOn. The only bo' --t Inat.lfte. IDga are carpeted 'WIth Skill8, and the Railroad Llabllltlc.. lead mules IDltead o(thoee at we whee", yood lhll1.. It had Dot hurt blm ID tile it My poeltion waa uDique I Wall tile way Willi to climb up tbe sldflll of the " . 1_ ~ Hoor.. are alwaye flooded 'Wlih an lOch nr Il'bll.,lolplol.l.d... I which made a very grave state of altain Jeaet. QUick 8/1 thought, I put my foot BOle spectetor of a eeries of glmnll8tiC wall. by the chinks between we stonCII. Ii. KlDgular caee of failltl convlcllou bM 1wo of water, aDd ID front of every door Llablhttes of rail roaus In daDlage_ for m gOlDg dowo grade. against hil Khoulder and pusbed him evolutions truly origInal Small l1li tbe He made bl8 'Way half 'Way up the 'Well JusL rel\ched lte l!equel and conclUSIOn 18 a eh"lIo'W lank of water Be(oro en· IDJury to per!!OllK or property are alfecLed B.i f.!E BAI.IJ:! thellll days are 80 bard and over, .. Martin," I cried, "tbls deer audleDce W&8 tbe performerll were tbor- JQ thiS way when his fooLhold gave wily m Gl.'rmany. In 1869, at Halberotadt, a terlDg, every penoo mll8t put on rubber III a eleclslve degree by the doctrrne of projected With a nlle movement of euch isn't dead. be's trYlDg to get up. Wbat oughly In eamnt Had there been teD IlDd he fell buck to tbe bottom agalD. blill WlUI burned, ana one of tbe mill .hOt'H and wnlk: through thl. water, for "contributory neghgencc." It I" held (orce that a cawher. after two dal' con. Kball I do YO' tboullllJld spectatorll tbe IIcton! could nn~ He theu took off hl~ shoes, and. after boy~, named Schroeder, Will! arraigned for the nails ID II boot.-heel mlgbt strike a to be tbe duty of every olle lu look out secutlve BerYlce bebmd the bat, bu a "Not dead I" excllllmed he. sholitmg have laid tbemlll\lvee out wltb greater restmK, KtnrLed up sgRm HIS progreM, Bettmg it on fire. Bflelly 011 the eVi spark from a bltof II81Id or gravel, wblch tbat be IS not Injured III pe","11 or prop- plllr of hllnds hkll ihe Jaws of a crooo(rom the nuddle of the river through energy. No afplalliltl could bave got he 88YS/ 'Waa alow and teeltOUl!-1lO 810w dence of II fellow employee. he WILlI COli might explode a 810gle gralD of gUll erty alld U, tllke relJllOnllbl e stepH to dlle, aud then be lays lip and l!Oake them denee log .. No, he lan't dead fllr from anotber IQcb 0 I"mnout 01 the buck or tbat It bad grown durk at the opeDlng VlcLed lind I18ntenoed tet bfletln year8' 11Owder, and caUI!e Widespread dl"sKter I'rOWCL blIDBelf lhe Suprome Oourt of In ICO wllter (or two days to reduce them t He 18 mighty hvely and getting another Inch of hor1wntal positlOo out above, IQdlcatlllg tbat htl had beell 10 Impflfoomellt. Last ycar, however, So the rubber SbOO8 worn ID the mtilB are thIS SLtlte receutlydecided a CUIItl, bflDg 1.0 the SIZll of OlDclDnatlbama. more IUJd more eo," I relurned, now bav, of MarLin WbeDever, at 10DgIQtervals, WO well more thllu all hOllr In trY10g after he bad IItlrved III!Vtll of hiS fifteen never 'Worn elaewhere Tben, too, every IDg tbls prlDClple W beur A man who log my hand. full to keep the deer down bls feet did wuch the ground rt WIl8 ooly to edge arllund a large stoue tbat he meL yearll. bls comrade, Gun~ber. reappeared uue 18 expected to keep hl8 WItH IlbouL 'Was shghtly .Ieaf. III dflVlDg his team IT lItlews that our goverumen~ baa .. Come out IUId heIr lUll I Wbat eball I to leave It for anotber and lugber &erial With. and whlcb ollered no place to belp on the ftCCne and cODfeto8ed, nol only thllt him, there Ie never f10y loud lalklng IIcrollS a rstlroad track, IDstead 01 stol'- mllde I18harp demand upon that of MeI' do t.. "Get hold 0 bis hind leg. I'll be pillnge No'W aod tben the buclr would hIm along, he 100t hiS f()(llIlIg agalll, and be bad sworn laJlItlly lit the trial, but allrl laughter, anel no on8 ever tbmks of pilla at II place where he could I!OO au up- ICO tbat tbe outraces which have t-n 10 with you io a mIDute." 'W118 the auswer. take a Bhort strewb IDto the fog aDd agtIIn fell to the bo£tom The boy .YB al80 that, Inelead of Schroeder, he himlltllf shoutlDg Yel, wltb 1111 th .. extreme proacblDg tralll, drove slmost UllOn tb~ long gOing on upon OLlr lOuthwe.tena I did &II dlfected I laid hold Itf hilieft darkneM only to reappear wltb tbe same that If It bllel not been for bls tbougbte 'Was Lhe IDctlDdlary. Schroeder Cllore, 6Xp l muon8 BOmetlmes uceur, and track, and stopped at a IKllllt who.e IU8 bordl'r shall be puta etopto In addition lund leg J uat abnvo the fetlock! and IDevitable attachment of arms and lega of bome and LIte agony hl8 pareDte once releued, but pennlie88 and almoat there I. t<eldom anyone left to tell bow view of tho track. Wa>l lllterrupted by a to thiS, our minister to MeIico baa been sprang I.e my (eet. Reader,did you ever etreamlDg beblnd, Tbe IlCene waa too 'Would be III at hla abeeltC8, he 'Wollid not ruloed In mmd, To an apphcatlon for Ithappen.:.. ed"'-_ _ _ __ _ _ bUlldLDg. SeelDg nothmg, he Lltell drove dIrected to mform tbat government that K~il6 a 111, by the hmd legT If 80, mul- ludicrollA to be endured ID eilence The have bad we nerve toattempttheaacent IndemDlty the court nlplled that no aoroilll tbe track. lIud \f1Ul .truck by a If It dooB not take prompt meaeu_ to Uply that pig by ten, for ever,. twlwh dllllperale expreeelon of MartIn's fllce aa agam. He did, bowever. after a long reet funda edited (ur tbat l'ur[lOllll, and IT la 88ld tbat the lale General Ad tram The court held that thiS WaH a thiS end the U D1ted SlateB wlU be com. he gh·. count 81X, laah a bIg lautern to he Bwung round and Jerked about WM in the wllter, to the chili of wblcb he every thaler that bM been ralBed for the mlral Ward, of ChlDa, 'Wbo wao a native CUIItl of contributory uur;hgence on Ius pelled to protect the lives and propertr your head' lanoy youraelfstandmg alono enougb to make a monk explode With had helome acouslamed ThiS time he poor fellow bu come from private sub- ofBalem. MIUIII, be'Lueathcd hiS fortuDe part, and that his reprCBentatlveK could of cltlZllDsm Ita own way. on • ,w~mpy mal1lb in a dark fogU laullliter while doing penance. I rested succeeded 1II ~cahng we wall, and on BOrlpUons Now, then, for tbe lIO<[uel of '10,000,000 to IS Salem relatiVes, not recover dllmagflll 'fhe mall 'W1\8 M, OA VENTOU, an eminent member or nigbt w1tb a 8e In your le(t band and my bands on either knee and laughed till drawln~ himlltlU out at the openmg The real criminal wu n!(:enUy tned, not but. lUI he 1I'aa a OhlDellO lubJect, tbe lcilled lind hiS wagen broken uP. but the only for inoendlarllm, but alHO for per- money wellt baok to the BOurce whence tralD cBCaped damage The a coldent ~c- be French Academ1 of Med1olne, died belDg twlt\:bed about among the boitII tears rolled down my cheeb. The mern- above, filII (amtlng t.o the ground. ,odl. ln and out of muakrat-holet unill ment waa all on myllide. Martm W&8 A NEVADA editor returna thanb for lury, convicted, ind 88ntenoed to six ~~ev:U:::~n~~bl~u~'hl~~ I:a::~r el;r~ cuned In Oarbon County, lIear Wei. not long lince, apd eighty-two. B_ rour whole IJlltem _ma on the pointof trilent &8 deatb ."e when the buck In two e-Iete laid upon bls dlllk, They yean; that Ie &0 one year lell!! th8!! _ure It. port, at & cr088lng or tho Lehigh and WM the d\lCOverer. in 1810, of IIllpbale a .-aparatlon which crha1I eend you in • IIOme extraordinary and deeperate leap are c~ua look[ng thlDge-htt1e tufta poor Sebroeder h IUlJered. SUllqnehanna Railway. of quinine. , thoUMild infiDiteelmai in all dlreo- twltcbed a "rUDt out of hIm. Between of 1ID0-·-hl·- down ~uat lIke ladlea' ....·-Turldab Minlater lit WaahlNton II J G S h W i' n" usually _ _ _ _ _ _.___ .. h ~- .. hi it ""..,. .LJ1J> 'Ii MlBII K..t.TECLAXTON b&ll eetLled down ORN AXE, W eD [.1 ... tion.. like jragmenlll of an uplodlog my paroKJBmB I ex On_ m; WM powder puftl but e unwat.alrable 8&Id &0 have on llIe Ofti' one thoullllJld (or the lummer at the bome of her parSlta with hiB cbalr Upped bac:lt. bl. feet A 1I10.YQO'l'ED Rbod_'II.OO mAIIIIa,. buu.wh'eel. and 'you bave my appearance ml Hme to exhort. "Martin I" hhoutedj eagle'a bead out in the proper oommi.IODIID Turkilh ente, New BrunSWick, N, J. She needs braced agalD,t BOOte object, and hi, kneee Indoore to keep Ma_olnlleUI and. aad IoeUnr &I lwae jerkect aoout that "hang on; that's ,our deer. I quIt al place. aervlOll from :American otlloen In tbe a rest. crhe IlaY" Bot 80 much from any propped up BO lUI to alford a support lor ncct.icut-melloll' h1a COl'Jllo DJgbt lIIIIi tbe mh:l!and marab g .... &81 tq bim. on, leay. save hi, • late Union and Confecierlllte eerviOll. arduoua -rvlce during b 6~ r -cent pro- .1m portfolio tall, any ho1!'''' OIL Orl'Y Octll Tbe prl~ .. f IeWlDg ~ .~ bod d He I!&YB to th.ieatUtllde reets ClODS to die Ie« of tnt deer, Now, when claim t flAen tio. an,rthlllg I a1 "ay~ expect to Whether Martin al'preclated the ad· maclilIlte 18 comln~ downt ana iIO!>r GEORGE FA.Urals TB.iUlf ill agin the fe.lonal toU!' Il8 from tlio fatiguo o( hIS 'fan seems ~~rj~~~~kii~;t:~~~~~~~~~;:tI=-x:-;~~ bOld OD. TId. wae mT determination "1011; whether he euctlT gW where the wOlDen'e bllAbande w.lflOO~ ~ emoting Murpby movement; be ball dlecardei1l reading the new.paper lIqulbt that 'Pl'allg facilities greater eaee aud be teD oen\cigare. J!OtatoetlU AIIarticle of diet. frem her t\.~ ~perieDcee. action, ,Ileal pUll~lIIO~ tiaa\buck'. to ~Ugb Gam_ b,lt I caDDot
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II l!J ISlh t t.:1 I~ \ \ ij l l.,; l I, Blue,' ~ ,. 01;" '1111 ,\1 11 1',1111 ,.. 1 " !! 1 \\ 101 , . , h t .I\. t " -! II l ,I \ I \.. 1111 " I I '1 1 \\ H I , \ Ih ," lI!l tch 1111\: -ho tntll!u VC IY 1I1pull ( AI.ltll ~I I II ,\11 ''':-: () \ t t ~ II I d \ '1 r! h t l lt d l ' l' , l I ' , t il q, 1 J' h l' llIlIl. "tl i:!\ rVlc 'il t ulIl' P IIII~ 1 r - -1I · 1I1~ - 1 II - - - -- - -- 1'1 ,(1 11 1)[ ' Ill " I \ ' 1 11 0\ gilt d \I I I' " , 1111 1'll l'"1 .! ltd , ,] \\ 111 l ite .. lit th , 11 11Tl""' 1" lt e F I I~lId,' .'I ~etill b" Inl!!lIIrth~. II 11 1'1 "" HI 'I ' II: 1, 1~ ~ 'l 'I.. - 11\,11 11 1\\ I" d, fl .111I 1I I~ , I h til \ II I II\.. \\11 H CHI ,, \ In I~ 11llH l lJ ~ l \llIt h 1111 11 1,1 J ,1 \ , 11 1'1 1\( 1\1,11-1 III " HI li ~\ Ill', 'Ill \llldu\, n,ll '· III 1 1\1 ,I lI'CII C 1" IIH \ II1.111 1\\:1 I,,, I, II,' I!'!!"'...._ _ _ _ _""'!!'!!'!...._II'!!_ _!!!!IIJ! I I 1" , 11'"11 ,J II II I ~ t lt.lIll<l,,\llsl argl, h' .,tlllnd ' 1I 1''' llIhlcd III \\.1 1I ,"l\dlL 'I hu C£ --SI (N ·('lili'l. '1'()H 11 I t{ ' \ 1 I , .. ') I lIelll l ~ \\ 11(1 I I tl I BII~II\I ~~ (1I1C' ~. ~. V\ r 1111 \\ 'I< 111 1111 \Ill 1, '1 1111 II I -I , I I I " \"111 " I 11\ lI·hnl\'C"I1 I1l1I0 ~ I I 1,"111 " I ~" I H) II lc Coi l (" ,III I II I I I I " ' t, 1)11~ ! II :; 'lIl1 ' I.! jlllltl't ( II t 'I 1\1 'I t '\ J I 'Ji.' ,I.I U . I I,L'S ~I" " I \. ,It" 1'1.1'" III01 I I 1\ \ Ihl l i t-I \. , l t l t t IlIg 1\ "'.11 " J lL_' U eo U I , .\ I 1 iA .f I'~" iI. I'J, [, U. " 'I IH Y' 11 11 unM r u ll lin" .. f ,r .1I rfCllltf II I III ' I ,,, " Il ,! I~ \'!IJ W I II. I "' ~ I " ~ lCIIII I , C \V I{II\\ 11111<1 Ulld UO ~I(. 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I l oUdl\ ' I \\ , ' .1 .\ 1_ , , lit I,l/H'I' 1I1I/IJ .fh e nlllld bj Ih~ Ill;, III \\1 11 , 1, \llll~ \"I III"l kll ,"'" Fl HNAS, l ~~ ~~ .) ~ . ~ la:1!!.~~1 \ '111- 1 ' \\1 \1 11 11 ,\ , • \\ lh , u' I"lI tl 11I .t Xi 11\" r l' 111 II . I II I II \ J '\: .1 11' 1,, 1 r il l,,, II , Ih1\' II ~k" Illd ,,' , . .. , 11 1 1.(111) \,1'\\11 ,)t Uud, I,) \\h lth II I h,lul l Ld ii i lito I" '1,1 , jldJl ' III 'Mt(III'A llIll -- "~\I" -Ohu UHlUU B"prCHl I n J j \ 14 " ,1 111 " ~lId,I" " 1\\ lI hll l''' 'IIII. \ ' 11 ": I' rl, , d Vl'UII \'I' \I\!1,' - lI l1d 1" l1tlllllLll lil lI' . IfYSJ I l( '"DSURe 08 Itl)llc,llIllI t' \\holl t ,lt H r alb UohlU\ l'n AN:' , I t,u I \1 \ U , , "~ltl '- \\h I CII 'II1 " .\l l l oi .11 0111 I II" I!. , \, " I I II~ f1 l\ lIl ~l tnltiltloothllt\\ lI~ \ I'I\ III \\ 1 1,"I.1 I.h the 1111'l1 e,; 111 tlll' l IJ,h, c hltr .. fr",w\l 1 \.1 ,1 11" ", 1' •. 1" l' rt!,11 1 dC\lel1,\20c 1I1'1I"lklli!I' NI ~ht r~-';I)mU, I II I I \ . S f) ~ro".:h t nnJ. A(1c 10 fill \ 1'\ .. 11 _ ,111 1 I \ lllllh e 111 111 I /! 1 .. ~ I, I 'II \ ' \\.)\ . I- th ·1 111"1\ 1) t the !JCllplll • tidlll 'l ll "IIIII1I1Itl\~ I,,, th e I"bdl'e " I.. •• 0111 ~1 \l1i \11 LlS .1 1''' 111 '.\ , V .... hY J\N' "a .. n~ IlIdlll " 11\ \1 11'11 ' 11 , 1111 1" 1 \I ll , 1'\\ 11 h \\ c I ,," I !"'1I.dl \\ IIIUOW Sp"kllIIl Xt ,_ lll lt.dll\ '1111 1I11 11 \(~ 1 I111l III too on".2.\',,,ro';,,ulh ,,f n.flll llk lld"I·" ('''I •.I.III'·III "l\ kllg'L' N t F. PN! :S f 1)1 A " t 1\ \II:Il! III { h,lIic" " I1"- '1 1 H L.I" t C ,I II - p,," t1CII , \ I 'IA " I\ ! I II ~l tl btul l cu,'Tlte ~clllll11duIO I Ll " I " II ' "I'llIltI'lIl ll1ll1~t \I"ek's I~I"I "''''''NE'''III . E,IUIIO , O~ \\l'I-:IIUI ' rll :; l l\l(lt L51 1111\Iek lt~ "Lin e . . , ".2 'W , I I, 1II!!11t1 IIL II. l\\ d ul 111 , 1., 1, \1< ~ IIl,"ld U' nch U8 to Ill' Inl l! tl) I HLI ,l.. t.4 !l 1II 1 \'Il(C~llI IlI ll ut 11"v 111 '",lh ,l, r_ rro.h l ""·t~ r S~ hnlO "" ,I 1O~1 " cr: I '" r '1 ----- .~ ', 1\1 1 .l ll1l - :-" I,IIL 11 111, 11 \1 '111, t ' 111-,1" nnd IJICI)fll e t,) Im et 11111 \V L 11 \lrtL8', l ~rU I III ' r ll," I I " "nrc In-h n orn ... n l'1 tv Jne F.Si"rPn I to r " 1'. I ~ "",, l (' I J 1. _ II I I O"I ILlI Il l ll' Ift ll } 111 n II \ , "" " hilI lllliful' ''''11 1 C.' " 1 P r-el ;tht nni\ 1,; 1", I ~ A l ' l'f 1[ " l h ' ~ '11 _I I - ll lIg-ll l- h,,11 'I " I .ut li S uu Willig' .1111 cllln J / ( II J')/ IIII.l Eo~~. c,f ~ O Dh¥Si' nl~. ~n_ IlI rv ,,,,,11',",, I " SOUl" II "l'cllOlll t"{tn Jlll on III n 11 'l l •I , .. \'\ '" I \ I \ I .\' I t !-o ll/ I\ 11 111 I ··t 111,t tllu 1 ,1111 I lilli/II ee t)1I t ""'''t (J. t ~ """ ",,1 Uv ., i. _ I 1111", ~~ :\ll:iadd I" ], ,1\ \ ! \' '' 11 ,1 worll l' f'troth ,..... I It Il , II till tlt l. .. t,lIl1Uk, th C j:c lllIln O Hqt -1. nUlls (if) n ul " In l' ~o 1 En8l nnd '\ 0 10 \ \ ,.It c \ n " fJl '\ t l Ill , l l lt . l d( 1"I II d. ul ~ d 1, I' t ! d l1( 4 11 t1 14 ll l\ ~ ~ u1 )n.! l l"" "'Il l ~ "'\ lll l l,.:d o r -" o 1?!lMS Huh' l Jl!d I,v , tilt OdtC'~Gn l"R'n"""'I ....... rC'o ndnnlll1. I po lrIlJll' l l"I1Il1'II I I1Hll1 lrlofl·~CH\l lllt ~)r. uu OS I 6 7 onll 10 rll ll r1" lh II o, h," II l1l1tll W il lt ltn til ... lx. 1t Ih lil l II1 'll 'll ' II " " IDII"Oulhofl ylr,".""r. I"I' 1I1\,lk~" ,",,,'llfilr ll l"I 'rl"" l\t , " I, 1).( I 111 II 111 I I" Ihlll \\ 0 III.IY bo r UCl!I1Il' 1 h, tllcI \V ~ Ir~ "' lI lh \111 ,,\I1\1l1ll! I I Ellc lISlllcs, I J ,V ,I\ I".t d,rpnl o Irll .. hl, . N",," II1 1J1 01 hllllh , no' r 11 ,,"1"'I" lilly r~llh I I, r I,,,u.c .Iall),o.c p I 111111>1" IIII " MI \l U\II\ \I )' IH A I .I III 11 111\ III1I " d l ll C" I 'I '~: "' I I 'll\ l d 1I 11 11 111lt11lttyo f thu so lIl thlt lId III ' ll' ll "II ' \\ II1,Q uCunll£'It IIll,C,).II",III. F""rf"orr. 11I1II 11, 11 ")11<' • • 11,' ~R o O. 1I \ 1:-1 R' Ilckd Are"t I) It .. II I 'I, • l ilt vI II IC t,,\\ 1\ hq! 111 ~ LJ II I YVIII I Il :;l ~" IIIl l' I ' ~ \ <I It II I 0nt1i up.11 ted ~1.ll r IIIIK \1 a 1... 11 dl , :; 111111, I ::i\l l ~., ~llg!{IO 1" 1<" v ,Hl re EIII .. r,,~u 8,,1< 011. Hhc lI'"lIth' (.EJ)RG 8 R. ~'1f~ r.! A z L,I II -elllhl, ,I 111 ~""I1, 11 ,t , II h III , I _ ~I I A U Clld \\ lIl1n <l, I ,11111 ,I 1111 111.l L ife's tt~llt u1l d, II l1 d lilll ::;It ~ld 'JI1 I, 1 11\ 1 ~ I' •• , t( hi, ~l llIl hn n " uurrL,,,d. , 1\,,,1 ('"u!Ch. - ~~ I l t AIT ~ GI) INO J' AMT IlclI \cd her r eCIJIIII IC II. 0 Il J 111" 111 1'- " 11 • bc"IJ 'l ::il dL'<, Al, te I L U trENT 1 IIv, Iv" 10 I II I~' I,lIl e I1. I'II t IIl g l I,, (:1\ • \\ I I~ '.HII\ d hlJl1 } ~ 11 ,, 111 1111 "'l ~ 1 1111 ' ... J l.\.""'\ I) IAII r. ( ol N U \\ F 1 d-. \lll" ,rfl\\ c!( t!\\ llh l ll \o( 11I1I 11\.!' III,t l lo ur"dll},sutC ll lld ~"llI'.t ( It,\\l1 l1l1d \\h itorouc 1 ~1c\{llI ol\ ~I.Ir\ J: I"' II ~lItlllll1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' 010, 0 11 11 2 III I' , " hI !\~" 1" (, Wi ll 111 '11 • " 11, 1,'11,11 I 1,1 d, \ ~ db) saiu , • ~( y 1IH'~otlgC , \1 ". h' l III b el "l ~ OI C\\ "eet' l 'I 15I~c»:re_ A l,l' A1 HI ' " ' I O I'I ( \ lll t ll" I ' II ,1 ,I \\ .1 11ll! - 1 '\l II- ' I 'II 'lIl1l1 k ~.ld"\\l1t""I~tl lll ' f )ol\her'I ~,"Il ) C al ~IIAIlII 1.~lIk, ~ll tt le I JI,.t:;III1.\\'1l1 OIll"O II1NII''''nlll ll ,"knl\llrlt,,~. - ' - --~~ Francy s OlUlllbus-Ulle 1\I,m h~~ , IIl lll J..\' Icd lt' lh 1' 1 , I' \ \1\ 1,' \ II' ' " I ' . 11 III ' I I d ,' 1'..1 11/1111, 1111 at II ncli lIll hllil l as )0 ' ~l.ll lJlIlIgl I' 1I A ~I~I litll y 'lh ll mns II A r NFi", III LF, 01110 I ' E I\l{ BIUnVN. :t r," "I, ,wI Ir ';~r~:;:' ; 'rt~~ II ~ WIIt \ 1,.. li t ( III'" _ II.. ~ I ,I. I' I( l ," I 1111 \,,, ,\: ~ l In' lid 11 11, \\1,1' 1111 II k l\Jlt t ho hrlllrgrw 111 \\ tll l l\I,tC"llILI" ,II, 111 1111'1 \ Vl'lcl.', J It S ~'I~ 1I W B \V N- - , " " , . ~ " ' I I .. [{ , "/1'/1 d; elltl /1,/1, I , OhvOo r.':'I '~~"(P,m'''c"o''>tlw''l l h,'I. ' .I r,,' ,:~'"r' (" I u t , n l ' n It 1/11 ul " 1,.,".1 11 t " I ::;t l It III . II , ~ 11 ,\ " ( )I HI'" !I . oI d" I",!VI 111'< 1L l llm ," Illld shc nd led II le ll lip 1\\ • It t <ll " l l f il II V IU 1HH lIh t ... tllll I IUt l!'th ( IWllt L"'.,V" I 1l) \ I 'S I l.lIl1e:! I) (I J 111-1 til,llItll, D ATTORNEY AT LAW 1!!!!!1!!!!!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! II Cb III I: h 1'1' II ad" l l:1I1 ( I :. IlI l'U r ill' I 1Il II,'\( ' · 1'I 111 ~ '1' 111 I.! 1\ 1~ I I 'I J1l1te \\ l'l US D UIIII Fil l II"" ~Iud ~ j '''~I' I ' . I , "III: , I filII " " Itllt 1\1 ,II · "lu.1 "I l\ Ith " co".lo '" c::rs-~K.RY (Inthllslastlc .Murph y glle ts \l lth tho IIw; t III~ I' I I I I "'" " II , 11I1,b" l 1" 1' t\\ "~I,II ' 1,,1e 1111 1 , lh ey lhat lro..\"isc hll\l IIIJlIl , \V ()lIllLy,}) 1{ El lfI:-:ht, J tlJl lt lllJl I UIIA,.. 1'1, (t1l111 ""Jllll) .. [ Ihu he"l m tin was held In th o Rllysvllie WtltilC C' s llliit , c lt~,\ P' at J,lcuh~ ,\: ll lJl g h Ilk !I I:Illlr III the til 111 '1111 'lit Itl l I ~J lI-h I. IJ\\ ell '1'11)'1 ,", \V III Hc MAEL N RID GE, Flo"l . )[ ' E hnr h u nclay ov D1 ug, l'lI l1dllu lly nL th(1 np!-,oiuh'u hOllr \\11) Ii CUltlO nllJ RCO It l \ CI' IIl1d UVt'1 Is tl ll~ nut aJl taillcl,. ,f "hl1 0 'I clll '1I Is, 1~.\lI1un d Bll d 1/· 1/1 ,(I, whloh \\'a audrcRI'cd by C I Goulu th e ushol 1vltl,d re w, IIlId tlte uoors , - MIS Ezeklll,' W l lght \ lSI ted UttlllllOlcut wurtb 101111 IJlg till I ltl! d llu k Alltllllll,1 ~hdd letuJl, H.E §il~l)lOnoblc OU~ ('.1111 "" 'lf l , JUg and Esqu lTC Wm !\Iuuillg ton of the m idd le Ilidle WOIO c It! ell, C ,hllub utl I.l st tlllt lJll llly t il ku ow the LUI'(J' \Vii! ullo' l L " 'I'l lIClIU, J"itll Suhlld>ly . Jacob IHr& III W:ll lE C"I, fllle,1 F ln //l, Abut80 pcl'IlOllssirrncdtho lJI J!! thn tth ulldalp"rtymll'ittaIJllIl!l - .' 11 0 FllhlH,t"<'K of N \\ d" It" !:ihe - dcslrd tllllt c,lUhN ".d IT j ' MlJf(lI'Jf. " 'J t11l'11I ell l: 111 II IIIUlfien.,~. I 1 'u 0\ Cll nllt I .,'\ ,I III11\1 Unl 0!;l" H an) S IlOd I J G ""IN NT.. •• W"WNBII .. II I.E. t thl! duurs tll ll 11, IS \ JSllIllg ~II S ha te ~I c (l [lJ 1111 ' C\ cry / ne s 1011. , A 111 F L·rtf (If' nlf 1. ""is \\ l!r 11<'11111 tb I tl Wn ufen , th o hr ln I II ,\ Ith uur Il e Illy Flltlier thnL K Uj., M Du , ll ll , J ncub HUlldall , W v ANN AM EE M n " lll~h hn 0011 • •1 the 10 .... _I 'I"ntn" n... ., J I II A II W II • 01/ NBU' YORK. roc ~llm III 0 \ d ,\\\1" Ut\ lil" 1 L' • II I I L b wo wuuld UIU d II' \\ e \\I!lhed tu u Ifl I uy, . I I1 UllS 11 , II,," IClrned.t 1'111 ~ Ih :'\Ircel I'llllmtlclpb,& GAil pll h "",. ,I~l" .. " ., 1111111 ,11,,1. ', . b P J I r I 1\1\01& II U I I 0 0 · . , I' "'I S [ ' ~rt\\r l g h t, ' Ila8 I'" where h. w,llOCe I"'tlenl.liom the H,,' wllhlmt Olt "", h. rjle d nnll g\OlIOUS ), lll00rOO 011 a isle FI1'&t C,tlll\! the \l~I,el 1D1lIeh 1\1l0fl 1I1Jl'lIt I:)IlUdllY It ' l e ' \, and gwoulIlIl l ' J " Ica. ' \1 L • .• 1 . •I d 13 \ ' .• ~I I ' J I I Y Dav\ E, rl J '" Ih • .lUth lie oOch munlb All clR! • of IJr A 'peillullv m"'\. II tlhl- IIII" "I I'"re th ()t1TtII ns we a,m "avo "",t \\y IIIg ,\ It I pi pe~ Igll\~y 1\11 III I I EI I n )' II t • I d n t y "'h II> \ ~.. u, U, • 0 W 1' 1", .\" l' " I ' '''', • t\m 0111'<11110 nl.ell.o, all ,c~~ nJ11 1 "I!" llJ/l ",.~ . u ua,\"Iu.-• ..d IILAX, ' r~D ",,1> l oOt tho wh olo world know a b nt tnry prCc.I::IIOII, alld full} ('onSCIOIlS 'Uf I t ' ,I~·' I \\ ') 1111111:11 th' t urd i qn Ifnll9tlll to 11\ l' liS 11 .1\ ~I, t, '1. 11 k, JI G UII ".e , Septllullt! lIelic II onlm ellt ~"Oll I'ollent.< "I ~ u, .lu,,·c w..yu dv,lte. hL.,·h I~ I , 111108 'Ib080 w ho can't bo hare WIll ot th e iml,ol tUI co of thol r el Uice, y\'\1 \\ Ith th Itlclllil oJ I 1,1\\, th '1111 d('l\I 1ft t~tp. Il:f:tluue. H I r ' ('UI til rtg hl l'uill!1 t Fllrnas, J o llit enll Wil l e .""1 .IOU h"v, rom. dl" Aan l I I tbnt l III \lie (.ll1.c T ·· ' 1)1 ) V . 1 t ... .... • • I I I ,I I \V II 0 k r S Ul lli l l 'illll l)ld~t C IlItJduint! 1.0'",1 1111011111 1.. be lhl) I rlest 1)\01)1110 on til rrIoba. 1hen tho "l Oin, . SIiTlOlIlIu cd tllllt ,.u.u..... \'-tHtt-Il"",....Ie\H'=> h - .. JIij',llUL>-I:I I\U--LJ.ll1 l:" 11 I HUll II 0, • liS WO n: 1 ., I I "' I I ltlcilm ollt 1'1(Jw ) I 'Ii'·' IOI~ ' \ U In 110 fi lln alllolit III IIC\, b Ed ['UII" It lchllnl Wales, 0 curo" , .cl, u ", III r, uIO u.ll)'..JIJIu, c,", 10 Ind IIlI IIlJl'lwl c t cS~ lI lw. ilill ..., ~ .. -tUIl I", , \\- "hl'lll Eue Jlj alii I ur tun llli F1<tf r'iI love" IJ uhll io'ullkl), 1 rad WIPht , Hen TlIg In~ulIger ;-;;J;;-;;-Ig II I:l! g It e tlu lIet! .,lIl, ll1 lt! h I\'ln t'" llv\\ lJr. ,J.lOeiI \ , BIlIIi Oll WII S tho l r y pp, :\1 1~.e~ N llll ll W JUIIIIOY, nllJObel of hnl lllcl1! IIlId s rt: II II 11' 1 " uti In tilt.: bl ldc, tl lO C)II l!~U Il\ ul llly~l lt'- ~ hl'PQ all, " rth M 1111 pnlllt d by spec·I ·,1 11' tlllL ttll .d urn a ll l'5~ ~ It .11 II,.!; Vll hu r brlt 1l'1' S I l't 'I \I ' ) d ti l kllld" III CIIS Inllt 81,uLl{lll Up cummullced III I Hacl ld Uaudell , l\1 !1ry IIl1d ~l\Ith8 llr lll ~h ~" ll dar wUll lm!lulILIII tHII '~(l l k, sll~h i l~ 11I'''lJ <li.0 'll lg ICI1l.u k hy tla tlg ,"lila Billie UIIIIIl!tt,Alllrtllu r il lton 1111; our strc(; 10 dlly F I '!I .h mu~ l lIl, 1I10~t elllbui ll tcly lind 1,1 W \\ UI k !;ru"1II ClI llIU tina t~I1I1J tho llI lOlJ il/,tl, ('",1/1 1/1111, I' 011 n lll/'N n NI'U KIIS ,t ~l11l'phY ltes \V UII III UlIlIlll II I u IIlI l k. \I til ,I ~'\I'el' --It yu u "ant SHit !..Ir hIlJP;ll", ,tt lflllli d aud bUllIlII g bllghtI Y,,, \ J '1blc 109 tho Llue nhl 'on rOIU Ld 111,111 III/! 11 ,\111, "I tl 11\1 ulll ~h . 'l li e ' ,' !!:" tIl 1 :1 1 1I ' ~" LJlI) " I,t .lII d ,et IIIU ploc(cdl!'~l' R IIIl lHt 11Itl!1 Oeo S tleR U:t IIY Doll , Al lt cd Flln r;,t LI' U\ 11Idde n bellellth .1 \ 1I1 ot tlltH " 1I Llllll1 11".11' ,-tl ll g II l1 d I~tlec~!h,g dl C\lIlI :<C Ho Leuk, S P Kl' lIdl\ll , A. E brt~ht, Will aLI nd h r ' to day _. L hl'1 UI ~ • " 11K I.. " ,~ d \\ II h \' 1Cit th --bl,l'" \ " 11 .1"III l.II )'" I 10 Ill d t" lu .. " 1I .1i 11'1.l1~ IItf! willcli 1111\'])1 A 'ClI CI·, 1lllrlc· J .1"I, h·, .1 .1 '~1 II I I ~ ~ v ~ S~ A W OIl!) 0 r ( 1~\ltt O Il Inn) 111 ,t u C benllllBs tod .IY 111l' re \\ d l l,c .1 11 1 I I ,\~II 1,;·,\lu d8, lilt! 111.1 \t I 11t(' 11 'j I' llItl11 111 \\.Igli ll till' llll(UUlllln~jJ~ltt l SI II ~SS \\ II C I Null,.1II J lI lI ~~ DU\ltI Ev,lIIS, .J uhu t EASI MAIN I:) UI I>£1' , lu. t II. d \\11 t h tl \(· HI I1 10 1\ 011,1 IJI 1I 1'1 1lJ w~1l h,, \\ " 011 prcIJIl Il:J sho \\'Il8 \VI wilt, 011111(1 11 11 11111111 Chlltics N o 3 I-(Iellt rO\HI 01 IJcoplc IH' ro, .l lId ., "'I 1 <I, , I I .... WAY N E VII.LE, O. tltu5e whu l!o tuth {J p;ro\l Il'ls ~h"ll d At thc "Hl1 e l-I,u l Ihy \\(IU - " "I1C.llld ti '~ I\h .ltE hrlll' &1< ule '}Il' .ll~ hevy l list Sl glt IIld e l . lilviIl,l!I Ula l k , Flllnk ,",orlp t ll\lIH. 1\lIIHI'{IUlUl, a nl ullii nurtt L\ bcc:.tror\lltolllsI II Ul'tlt~Il It I'lIijC III ctl) thl' lld " I,llo lI J{., Clill l lr-l rI ll\'qllt"dl d fl'I Y" I1 11I1 II1I;~ ' l ' o j IIV llLlIIUf Ih~lIfll he 'll1lu,s ho !-:iyI.Crl, ~llmU I UI\\'sltt J 13 S h Ull nil Pr. o.t l'trl(!uU fl J.) rlll!trl~t 67l well, tll pfOH'nt b UI g lnrte!!. ~I l )l'l k IIH' , \\ hOI' 'lld lIe t 'II till C I '11111 ClIlIllIgl'S 10,1 I .1 leA" yt.'lLf'l\ aw~,\ ,hUll al,o \\.1<1 W d\tam .1" IU8, J 111 111 '1'.1) I,ll" ,r ,J _ ___ ._ CII IUIIJ IlIlhl Itl O)HI. SIt,lC' lIlfl (111,11111 --J lr 11111 tl , \ " tll ' 1\I~d , 1 11 1I~ IIcal dC·I,IIo' . 0#. " trle t! pCllkllr ~11)" hl1 W d l A 1\1'11, J I,.el" Bill ANI) OEALEIIS IN ALL KINOS OF NAn "!:: JIC\\ potlltl1C's hn vu n"lpre s lv ' 11111111111 Ih d' ,W'·,'lh II LJ I. l!,tnd ot'IOiJu tldl l" 111'1 •• 11 11II \J1 , -j II OI) 'J/iJ: ted till' CIl 'um II ct t l\l' lIduIlTI,11I1 IlIlII e. I'llICO ) t 1II11UO tAll'lI II 1'1'«1 HIIi C') III th IS tullU III which til ' gl lllll ll 11Lh Icd ::;11 ~d 1111 "ule 0 . tllll ClS ut· t~~ _ •• ; situ hlld been Tlt ll lll .1S I' 'II( ,11;k B ' E L '1'l'lncott: ~"~.l ~;J {J rn.llkllt Alii \\h )'? rllc '} /1111,' ,'llll'llIIt' ('nlly i\ 1 'ow~d 1'1<I 'ill,j t:. I '(1 to e'lllJl lil t" (l" l) rl!:u bhlClJ O ell Couk Peter - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - that I, relll lZl'd Ihc Il I ' II - dll llt) - Wlt ~le "ti l \ 11 11 fllll i I Ia. tlPI 1\ gIOll,iil~ -llIlmQttl\llty IJ ~ r cl llrl Ell ti j , NI'II l3 ;uwlI, OIl\ld Drown, LOOK OUT! , lr ~ l ::; III' III1U1l rtlII S, t L1111 ~~ \ II I II S I'VbltlVll . IIlId \\11 lull) PH) ( 1.1 - li t \\ Uli. IIUlI I I lit I b~ I h '\;I t'l,!rl' t 111 .l·11'11\11 tl li S wor 10 \\UI! UII Nllthllll Mlddl ,toll f\f) no.... ~ tatlrl Look UCf'O lll1tA Itr t: I1l tho lun al", If \\' l1lllun b(r\HlIlgl 11 J P t for W 01I1CI.1ll0, Jan 5. 1876 __ s lIl,lmttlt ) pn Sllfl'JlIglt tU\\lIl1 lJt ll)U I 'II tll n 11 111 0 II .\t tUI Ih c ! m 1l 1l)rl!t L'8 ! IC""l1l1t t,f 11 '1 ~1Ir motil el wh o '1II /1IL/lte D '1/1 Ctl7l~/III I ( '11/1 coll cullUlI Call !!IOll l1 pO-v up nn ,t joIl" " OO!&t JOliN F. L'AVr,OH q o not halt til tcll us hu, to mllku gr uLul<lII J1 I1, " I lill' l~d' J I, t he 1I t' \\ - Gil til Ehcti ) .. 1l1l }~ll t If )'1111 wlluld t.e SIl ~ y: ' I of 'l'tble. O UI ,Jucl lI oucc th cso Itlle telll o I) \Il1lt e, 1 c"u l'l ~ \\ ,Ihd " w, d \ll tn !! W.lllt nil e ~ 1' 1 1 1I); W.lg '1J~ hi)' 1,, \\ g il Ill' All \\ h _.Iw ow hili, Oun UlIlIl lftv lI, '['il ultln~ DeVitt, Junn 20. 1 ~77 W A--::'N:--'l-' -E- D -- ,- • I l , \lh,1t he l bf'a 11/ bccn: th o goud J II~ l; i'1I V 1~(c18, I J II'\ 1'hIJmpSO ll, ' l \\ 1 1I~1 1 t l ll1 ~ ii i" 'W UI'!1I1"'" '11l1 ~ h III P"(l N W IB r H E I ~IE FOil ,AI' , \ I 'i ~ " " ,,1('''11 '1 h I<. JI,]Cll ,1 I" till ')1 1' : 111 rl.' .\; If 1. \ 1,1 It I, " 1 11111 11 .111 " I.C . fllI d I II I YI~YJ of her chllr.lcter C D "V II G Z J W ,mteel t o burruw 81X hllll(lrntl dullnr. A I I l I I rJ u Y uv 0)" ,llO lgC ~ull , o hll on ftr et m o rtg il~ (J nn gt>Otl pr ' p e rt) • w orth S 11m n ,oul 'J 111 1 ,l' tI, '11I 1!! \: " .d ' ,t 1\1.111 \\II!!""- 11110 ~ 1'l l n.! 1IIl" OI vi '\IIS a ppllrC III .t I~II. S I. \V C J I II r. t l b .' co,., 11 I1111 oueny, III ""PCI, amcs Lhr 0 tllne~ thnt Ilnlouut., ut ul"cht I'f'r cCllL Is tho Il~Srl\l\d MOST ECONOMLCAL 1\\ lU I III I n ~ ~B , \\ 1 , " .In 'II' I'II ~ 'J h" 11 ftllJl b 1 (~ I ,h ul lit ell Ie Ihu Uc.;1 '1\1 tillY, UI I~U i' lUI '-'lih )1 1IIIIId\l, u\\ ed ltl s l'athet DIIII\\ldulI.l thu Wnrhl Ellqu,ro " f S W rtOG~. RS r. pcrlcctly PURE-Ir"" from 8m," ,IUd lU'dlncclDl:ll.tlO tf O IlI II \\l lI t ll~ .tl'\eli !!;lI ld III 11I1lI Y I ltg:lll ,:,ft"' A - - :'111- <1 1.1 \lIU '1 C I<lIl1 1111 g,11I ICd'-l· " l1 rSe "~t:h.~1I C.l1J1Cst prny C07l1?1u (t lr (17/ ,~ lllllrl j ul) 3d, 1877 fnrf' HtTl Iln l .. t nn(,,(Ht Til I lnJurr 1111 n 11 11 tll)\\ llIC ll\ t ' Ie ~l " trI III 1\\0 \I I 11111 11' " 111111 1 hIt! III Llle' III « I II 11111"~ till II " "It tu II lCI" Ia ut .U '1 11 111111111, e l III I)l!hlllt of the IJlelld~ of th e J I I' It HEr tt I. S LHUN\) f. H. 11"," ' \1\1 , thor-rNl'"rln\f PIMPLES 1 \\ 1II 111 l1n' . wee k ~ Irgr I I~ I' d 10 1111101 11 1 1111111110 I .1\l 1I1I, tl lc 111111 '11 " .leeca cd ,11111 tlioconglegatlOll tl ill ' \.: UI, .IPI HUCll , ' h l.;t,ol qll ll ntlt) III tHUII>, 1\ 111 mllil ( F, o' J tho rocl po tor prep "rlll!; T. t; nIlI ClIll II t, fVI e.I", II, "II th J tldc " I letll1l 1 " I II .11 \11 ,\J1 8 '1 11 11 1t ~ AtLl f I II t fttre welliook at th e S,llllllel TholU\lRlI n, J os MUllIllg a 9,1 ml '-II I 'lIt~r - " lI f1'u lI' ,\11 .1 filll "h" ~ \\ ork le \ ","T'8IB II AL!! tlmt 11 111 ro mo' o ul"" R) '" 1 ht:' Ht' lIlt 8tO\ ('8 1I1,U tlill lIIl', lI Pd \\ iii o ~ 1l -~I c~sl~ .J "hn Ca d \\ tll.l(\ C' 1 d .Id t it .rl llllllll:! weill toke ll h' tOil l' AN, r IUW K I ~~" , PI M 1'1 ~~" and IlL1TO II C.llnmlllee on Scots: An uili ci ( JJ I ('~ I'OI](10I1t ~c lld , ll ti "IIU Dl c\\ DI\ t.:el VI"I I .1 h~ !1\"11 J:ij lel\lu g Ih e",kl O H{ r t. clollr iwtl h f' ftut.ltlll Kingsford's Oswego Corn Starch a II 01 1l1I ) p.1I r u I III) H1uc I, 1 '1 1\1"" v hl l.ullI ('~ I ndery fur ulll'lal E R l'IIIIt7., EIIICO Lee, H Irflln -".l ao lll tlf ru j I lOn.- for p ro duclUg: Il huull" r. the mo.1 <leholt"'8 of 811 prOp"l'Ilt.lVll " for Wlb [lJ ll~ cluth uo "llllgCI" Icpll li r d tl lc f u ll lJ " llI~ 1l1"I OII . ,,11('gc. (,"uti)I"1 O. III~t \lclk Th o \,all heu lllI s welo Geul gll nnt 8 ro ~ til of Imll 011 :& "(Ltd lwnd or I! DlQoth Jh mN Jj\L - \\ I:d ll·,d.l tI, ~ - J Jhll.M 1.1}lo l J (1l1l l1 tll o f111\(1,1 Seth ~' U'rnl\ SUlll neIJ OllO.t , Kdbol1, 1IJoIJIIIs MuCuy, 1 E. fnco AJtlrcss lIell Vll lldelf & Co lI"x Pur/flin gs , B lnllr Afrtll'le, Cake. shuul d l<'tc il til Ul lllllllllllri latcl v, ]( C) B 5121, No ;, St. NOli YOl k to COlll lllbll d 1.ltil ::;lIl /':1'1'1. ,1111,111 Unrle1\\lIod, S eth W fo r I sl l til 1l11 .1I1/!" dillel II t l) \l lt h 1' 1111, " ll l1ct! lib l)1 l!!lit f\ llU l1tu, ._-- -- f.. l .! ' III Com.III/If, eo n JJllt8i.c Slalill III t\\o w~lks .lIlt I~ Ol d 1'1111, CO ll1d!,,, ,tI, ly al ~ Ulll lri, lind Sllvun Wtlll,lmsun TO CONSUMPTIVES. ~711'8La lies no~ ~b,<,I> rllodhe mud 111.9'" AIUN ZO U AnTlJ.\ 1,, \\' '11. 0 dllll ,lIIe! elliling tllll d ay -M IS l Slarl Wngh t IS ICCOV' i I::>h pil etl.JlSl"inY, witli bcuutllul G \V b'br'ght, S I> K endall, '11' l1t It oll enn I h(' nJvortifio r ha Ving l lr on P'-' fllll\lI Cnlh In I llIl 11 1011111 " b, auy u ll1l 1,,1 \I lllk :.<11/\ 'S, r lbb"lIf; flu\\ cl~ ling h (1 1f1 \\tlS ICllrud , 1.lst fllll,,'t! fl~~1t r e8, qlllCt\y ulld C lllyt<J1I J' ostCl, Alon zo Hnl tl oy, c urcI) 01 Lh It dr e nd til"cnso . l'on:m mptlOn ~ If. 11J. ~ r !h { 111 \lIlV p3rt. l fdl! GII:! 1!1t, - I iiI: Cllltnt\l 'lI IS Hll d v tl! I lillie tioertCB 11"",1 VII les " cek "uul,1 I,l! n tulal lllll ll3S ,calllll ) \\ltit out a tJI1!!gl,'. retfllll Amos UurlllMh I \ "" llII pl , 11!fl' (1) I S IlllJ.IIIU S t.o III ,k . ~ uf tile H Hllll r \ u'" () i ~ WIll known to I w~ f~ lIul\ ~ u n. U 1 M tile 111 0:1 11 .. of 81rull tllc hlll' \o\ I II lid 1 '~ III\' · l d tl\U U(elb llJ llo. sil u\\()t\ tiJut sotn E' --2111 IIl1d ,\Ir~ C hul les E MCI IlIg 1111 COIISCIOIISIlCHS unttl tho Cmwnlf( cl' on lI 'alrl • I !I~ L \\ II at I rn l, lovmonl c ure Jllltll\1iho 111 811 1.: 11 he \\111 "11111 ~ t1l llL \\c 11Irnl ~ h ~hh I CI ". ok HI , Our own III NliTlOW GIIIl ~( I' R t')ck , III il \llIl our uf th(' ''1 Ilflll) W,lo IhlJll I Iltt, .Ittollded CIlIlIIl1 CIICel ll ( ll l .It 1,I.t ::;11(' sil O was lellU\' to go, lUI I J uh n Slu es, t-\UIII T.lylor, JII~ hulI COi l ) IIf Ihe pr SCllpth)ll usc.i, free 0 1 ..: h, r /,! I I t o\' 11 \ nu n CI I 1I0t III , \\ Iy f ro rn hOlll o llsed to pay otl tiro I\I1tl 11l1ld debt t l.lll oplr" 1111.: 1.I!'1J tl a ll 51t tU \\ D C'.I\\II IU 1.lst \\ c"k dUdl ltti tltl'11I110t toglll:\ C 101 hel, Coopc r , N nlhllil SIIIlICI \\ 1111 Ih e dll t lltl' n ll lo r pH 11"1111; UII II 1I ~ 1I1'; o\er \l Igh t \ 11 en" g ' \o H Ili whole lllll (, lilt "lI m l "llIcll thc \ Wi ll IIllll a. ,.U ltt: CU R .. ~I Illd ~\(UlUg, 01 Illlta~C (;u ll\ l:Y IH If " 'lIllu be ollly 11 II"d ll willie til fhe \\ l \c ur nu h )' lI r "I Ilr o nw meD~ 8 II. --And 110\\ 11 H Sail/I· \t'l Iv II. It fo r (',INH! ~I fit) I A ~ TIIW' I I ONI IIITI " ,\: ..') ~ Ifi l l' l w\ h l Hg III t r \ t l ~ 111 In ... t'. Terms Co1ltmit!" on 1.11111/)/ I - - - --.-.- - Ing cie![lIlttlv Lil c.s( d Illdi es ,llId lli l .II \V,nt1d he tU IJ'Cthlll Urrlllll. P U ltlC'M \\ 1I!l11111,l.; LI 0 I'rt "c rl\ t l O n \\,11 pi (lS O BUillNKSS hOllse6 \\ 111 (lose t od:!.\ I " " \. .1 'E Id 11 hnl'I') l'lIlICllt .UI U 11 0 C\lII!! ,. . , 130 Joiln ,"Veer, Johll Stc(IJ olII, II f' ",Iur "" It" I A \VII SON, 11)4 l"n1l IIn'l $, O lllll~ f, "o AUlh ' M III oncn B • tlclr CHCOl t ~ to "t l Il r~re\\ B '\,1 8 .. I,l t ,\ II Ihllt IOVlIlg h(lIIti t! , could II AI L ' Tr.~ Uo I "" llInd MII'''o fill W,lllllll"hllrgh, N \ [@O tim 111 \; 01l01 of tllc ~)a) \V e Cd cl, l.lte ~ q , .ll C; hIll CO, shv\Veu that the \llate hlln, \\ IS dUll o lUI hCI, ,}lId sho Batd ahe K ey~, f::i R Way, J oilll EverhUlt, III SatterlhwUltl' s II ruve 1.: \ cnt, till' IlIUI J luge of olle 01 Olllu'tI -M ISS Id a 131ItCIlIUIl \.1 ( 111 Iv \ od cvcrybody. She hud [l ot the Mdt K ey>!, Joseph Burn ett , Amos J:RROIIS OF Y01J'rli COLD SPRINGS RETREAT. A s;rtmtlt lI\lm ,,11 u tmfforud for yoarK from • -. 0\ - I brtght<st RO II ~ (llIJW of rIll S tUWII) I\CllInatl, 111 \,181tlllg Mr. [,h uum , ~ tl l ll(!th to 1)fIl,V llS mllch us she SIdes, Geo OILl·.lm, Julw MI8Sl1 1 hi" t lmrllu lI r! Itetr eut. uttar Harvey~ LloN'r I'd )"1 11 ,111111:1 .11 ,(lIl1l' l f 'l II II ' D V tt ., N Uf\ 'HIf' ])Oblhty, Pn mltturo Dc ony RIlIt burf! JH ll U" npun for \ I Hltor R ror tho eeaeon a lld tOI '7'~ I ' tole " ,llr bas ket \\ 011 tllt,lll' (I .\ '"lIt n } ,d1\11 u,llIg ll C I , d " Hlled ,slJlJ h,lO glellt fillth III tllno. al\ tla u ,tft(Ld nf ),utllrlllltlrlHuro tinn Will Th o 1/11\1 ( h 1"'\ 1 t l 11 very much unproved Ht COIl!7n~U lJtJ tin () (' hlI ed t ,~ th c \\ 11 )do' I tel ~ , \1 11' ~~ullt tf) t.d.. o " Ilice J - ~I (,Rsl tl S,lIn ?I L(nuko UII.! pllI) er . he lIitCIl talk,,1 of !t er rH the Huko .. r IoIII'ft.:rl11g' lltlmm)'ty ~iln{t Vn fltlu :c " 1\ K I r 1 ttl) \\ lll oh r ondurH It ypry Reeve Holland rrt ( \.0 1\11 '\ 1I f1 tH Cft 1t tho rt mpc lin I (h- ltl\UllI lo! nlHI 1111 mtT .hl) lI(i llptcd tl) the plen 1 At the ( IIIHch llll IS cXI ~d••lIon . 1 J \llIoh~ 1 \ I , IL~ ' ~ I, "" ,II .111, 1 oC I UIUtl ,1I1 !t om hel dcar ~ 1 ~t Ol and rt oh lin fOf n11lkltl g' UI. ~ ""l'l o r mul) by II nrc "'I' , 111 1,( t IfIl lllHlllt y [win not a.ttempt ]),,:-;', 1. ' r~, 1 I " , 1'1 \lt uf \ lIl1l ,T he ell,IIl ' 11 \\ 1( 1I IIld \\ltlt lX'l u lR IVI('lIl1t)' last S.ltlll ,llI \' nlld ::il1l1d.,) t 1J1l )lllJlllJlI Eva, alld !tillY hnVpy Commlfl pr lolL Tl ltll opO/ h ll/ M / w}1\I II IItJ " L'4 ntlrett S tlll~ rl r t4 "I ~hlll (l tt'! to rll\M t.: I'\'l t 1.o IHUII, uri" uatu gol! lonvll1 \C 0/ Ull/ll t11i plcd!;1 ' ~ III I I ~ t(l" III d 11'111 <', • alld IIte 110\\ ~ I"l', Ihe url~ 1\ II I,rcdlt lel l uvel - :\11 , l S,I,IC::; 1..111" I' \ l ol ll l1~ 1111 Y \\ 'JltI.! ue ,~hen t')gl' tit r ugalll, I' r .hl II, til' Ht, rll ",... r .. , xI» rl c n (;o CUll cl J LiloHC \\ 11 UI ) r n or u" \\ It.h " oall to Jntlgo 8d h} ll,ll lr, HK Ill e; III pt rfl r t or,"fllitm cc ; h) jill ], J Ink Jl , Witt, I,rg IlI lRt vt 11\ Ill c c ity .11ll1 1I 0W s il", has .I n lll~d , he l III cl'lIlll) 1. ,1 .tli 111111111 SchlH'hly, Juhll for thcrnll' h i " lOll N BOGDEN, Hid,," 10 Ito o"'o rvOflllre, .. mply. Firstly, 1S t CIClDlJllt'~UhIl I G h,I'hd utlul\1 It I .I, 1 - ~Ir I 1I llll l ll ~ VI !I ud thu 11 0.\ 011 u ~I ort 'II ~ meet MIIrl un Adams 42 O.oI"r "'I Ne w Y , rk t h"l JIll 1"" ro,", " IIlU . 1 he oondu.ted o\"lly TAR t' all the lll e.III a nd bllttCl tio ndlllg lorth HweC'tcststfILIJlS; the \ Clt y ·011 'lLllll dtluy b l!1~ 'I hoy Ilium tll/lll1 gh tie lds ul' AI" i 1! 11t~ l,. ~t' t\lIlh n / ) III t~i xH l\tln g hquon "'111 be yon hnve to spnre to Ih e \\ ooJ ~ Oil \Jsher:; hllo ri dome and ~all!lnt , did E R P t h f I light III ull b- ful oOlltelltlUollt Tho W lD Hartsook, J Stedoom, S L SWARTHMORE COLLEG t: ~ 1\1~Il\lol't1 o n tho p n . 1ll1!'Jot\ I', I Ill '" li t t llH ll4t' tflU r oltH.nnn'b1e, and uc .. tll c [o'olllih ' welllhuu dllty N ow peals fortb - '0' nn 7. us some 0 tie SupRlatlllll W.IS lI' lly for t\\ U shOl·t Cartwright, B. F Dakin, G KID Ten IUlle. from Pbllnd. lphla, und. r tho th e or"IlIl, tho bllllnl 11nrty hR\ a I best rloRlIs MoI.I~ses '" town h 'I'I . 1 _ _ _ ••• .. CR1'C of F TleuJ., gives to botb !lese_ ..hke I oId lll H t.o t.h " Il tllII h or!4 of the plUtiM. ney, Lale Oraha IU, Cnpt Huel, Geo lO:-iA1HAN P OLUJ[ '111 1': Ol d l"ulkA kll CJ w how tosHlg Ilrll\(.j Flrti t CU II 1\' the \I ~heJR H, UrlU~ thoPlItclltbllllgotur cilllw 1II0lit t; Hyare nOltcu 110 \9 uev 11111 0111II1II0111 ~nl\ .' ,enullo MDl'aBS, fur oom· lullo 5 1877 Sellers. plAting "llIeb tbo ".u," degree. Bra Mlllor Till' WI\1 I,e (,11 0 vi the atlrnetlOu,, ' ol. Cilud es tilall"httll aoil hl1~ bro Illi g No fil es ntH dllt , li nd ' IJlII er to be 8epalated ngalu through ,... ttl U t G 1111 ctCrtllt v , hOUl enoL othel', or red T J\ ..\ ex1"'n8e., inoludmg \u,1t n of Lv d J, .. ther,!\Ir R obe l t Slall~,hter. of '\7lr I mCat;III(), OWII I u«,1 y I1.1111 vti.CI.I tleur friends who prace Cummtttell on p/ mttng, JJfu8~C board, w1I8hlJlg, uoo of book., &0. f;j',O , .• 'I ul lC P o t and Speake1's. ) Cl'. - -+----lIlill, G el!! Jl!,mes !:HI.ltton, of -- 11 r _IIWler~ll _ urtwrq:; ht I. u ed th em ' ,on!6. _ [,ho lltHhl1 ~t;.,rncd 111lR n. rl ..~ir&bl e h o n llo N N. Mos her, Dr Sellors. NO EXTRA CHARGES lO"" 1')r ul1"'sMixturo 18 U I • :Mt l oy , JOB W ells o f'TrclIton I \ ' oiling IllS gmnUllltlJer neul tillS 81 i 1 h Idl k t "lI,l Int tll r r Ollt ' 0 Hill" 1110 nn rellllonablo torm H G rn (J m ~, In good r e pair, woll. outFor CBtaloguo, giving fnlt part,oular. M All provlBlo US in town to be do hill II) rem d) F or sale by all allJ Mes~ ts SilukcBpea; e unu My: , f lacc I 'IE,,::It~O:;~, 1~f)I~:; C pUrl y. ulId,llngfl, Ilud lJ\t.J ryLhmg lJonvenient A hvered at Mrs. Holland's and from to oour80 of study, &0 • IIdd....... drllB 'I~l>l crs, 01 PIlll ndelphlll Th Oll the l - 2Ilr nnd Mrs W clI 0 0 01" FadeJ "".1 to IIg hl mora ...ent, lJuonllty.)f frll li tree. 011 tloe plaoe. EDWARD H. :MAGILL, A:M, ~-. - I' h Ig ro m Mr nAUI ES EWAN MEII. Dcll VIsited UlIlCllIunh bBt Slltur. IWhoro tho Sliver 81&rS and 8Uubt;llm8 meet, the couutry direct to table on the OOIll'E[,lU8 WII.LIAMBON PrellidlJlIl, I ' I O,er tho 8110ut way g on IlS 10 Ht June 5, I il e" arlhUlure CoUe~e, Delaware 00 , rll ,Ill,." whose s tep nnd dcmennol l dny. O'or bor boSom tho l)ClI.rl·wbltg hands aro grounds. I
Up Town Grocery
1 '
Chlltil'S JIl'ob~,hl tlt"II KyR,
Borber 'IIJ~~ m, -
1.'H E
Sands & Janney. DRU&(lUS1i'
l!l Zdl & £nll
~e;~taJ~e ~
~t"'\l CI""\"&'t~tt·t'!tlllClltt.!l. e.u.u
KiKGSFOU'~S'Oswego Starch!
r r
"I. .
Bouse for Rent in Raysvtlle,
TilL \I \11 (i.\Z1:'1' 1'1"
TO ALt..
JAN IlB" 8\\ I.,
' WA
I n~ )) "C' I" " r (\ "~
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1l1i~1\l llI d"l II I 111111).: II" 21: I lhl \lI d lilt r I d , Ilg hlllll Ihl! d hlX
h r)ll l1lll l' tht ~ h ~ 'I ~~ 111'1 ~ t II I III)! I' ll t h o 1\ lly ul tUll I II" ~t !J HIIJ h.l<I 1. 111, 10 \\ II, li e I lIId~ c1Ht II ,e 111111 1l1 t lIltl tu " 11 u f N Itlil '1\ 1 fhe plu((' I ~ 1I111l1tt lIL
11,1 .
Iii nil
ICCllll 11 l I L It..! CU IIIll!~t l "I II l llo j )Ulil IIlKt' HI ) c t t r he.lllt)' lIt h'l UII " II ll u tlllllg Clill be 1I1111~lIltU tv ~ l1lJ 1," t , bl tllltCc\ U ' It III 111"11 U I lc"t e lil , I I h e rl\ I I , III , t 111 1, 1 e I I, c I )c ~ M II Ill S lUI 1(.\ 8 tl ,c . ,tt! 1 1-lll~I.;I IJ lI.d l) r ill I h e \III I II I 11 111 lit II 1111 10 Ii " III Ihe 11I1I I li d Ihll ~ III I l' lll.; th l,u Jllllk III. " th'"1111
IH'I,d~o 1II IIs III1J th e I
UpOIl the
.\u"o vi Mvntl\lsc \Ill shore one-o t P c ll il ar
I IIV "~l'u:" Lc hI lint)
Its competitors receIVIng only an award for some ~Jlet131 feature of Ihelr machines
The World·renownnu Wilson Shuttle Sewlll[ MacblllB
----. ~N ul III S
H u Jl &: I()II ~
.I I
1)( U~;
tl 11111 ": III
vt U ~1.
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\O Hh.
A 1" 0 1'1 rl v I ~I r llt. d I I r lJOrlltll I ~ forlll h, d Il lth rill h m If IlI np, !,uaranteeiDK 10 k l Pr II In r'l'"l r flrl' lIr chnr/:I) rur Ihr l iar' Madll ll e ~ sold on eaR) lerm, II f 1'" \ 111'111 111111 lit I ~ I r. II, rl l" of Chll l "r at nny Itlulr o8d Depot In Lbo I nlt,,1 SI II , ,1111 n ,,~ Ii 1\0 no Al;rnls S ond fur 1l 1Q ~b I\t .1 Cataloguc
• _
\1 1. HOrll(c P Ko.} ~ II"
lIt ~ l out ILl 8
1\ II '1'111 r~ 1111 'l\r~ 1I1 1 In . lm( 11011" 1o U ~(\ It; 1111 1I1 11~1t ulpI) IhnICll olI Book Is fllrnl,l" II \\ II h • n, h 111111 hUll .
Fo r fult )
Hrt lC' 1
Ail ..
H ldn lllllll I; 11 11\\ III Ill) HI I
11. 0 A ,.ont.
udd MH'f
W " nutl.
827 BTo.dny
lI urt'h"IIM
1" II
I UlIIuur \1 11 / 1 h "il 81 t l 1\ I I II I I 1I II hm stilet. 0 1 Illmhe l I ' Il ril. (Jil • III III n ' d II, \lill,u UI' IIII 11 111 dl"8S~ J , "h l l h he IS "cl lll ig .t t l," II II II I the I rll phl t J "~q II Ih ~ IpII(J.:l t J1noc~ (jo tlil d ~~I' llili l , :;lIl1l h, llull t il C ""l li t \I uJ Ihol " VI ll i th lt 1I 0 1,ho ut to) 101l1i.\ ,I r, II I II, \\'llt, Id I I 'PilL! I u l II h "I 1'111 A II kllhlH ot hllIlIoLl. ,,111\1 k lJ {II\" f\ 18 th H IH I ~ ldu fl lill lij I III gl 8, 11th & l 1111) 1.0 IOlll l l l m tl llJ IIV .'"IIt!
Three Wilson M~ohlnea rlli do as muoh lI'ork In one day.. as four other l(a.chlDe9,
I ,d
~'.nu"'. l u r l na.
l1'S I' .\1E:\ 1 \t10M\1 IC"(Ul()ft"ontl 1111111 ,, 111<1 11" 11 ll t l Lbc 111ft" chI ll I from runnl ll lC IJn ~k\f 1I 1) ~, II I1tI nlnll l! H Ult 1I ,l{'t~ Itl uf u.ldll~ l ho WOI II rro m th " III"' "hll III " h,,1 thr~lId on thc h"hlJIII , wltil h must h( 1111 111' IfIU. uU otlll'r Stoll "I ~ ~llIrhhll s, I" till' j!rt lit onno) lUll'" or Ihe: UII' rnti,r. ''''I'' " ,Illy In till kin,:, It( 1111111 II Il" 111111 r ll OlIIl I:'. It Ilul'S (Jill UllTI! 1I10rll wor k hi II gl f Cll IrnJrth of 1111\1 Ih III Ili l Ulllli "1,,1111:: Illilthlllr. ~ 1111 F\ un ~w 110:'1 or tlll' Ul r ill \CI!I ~E M \ Ii ES X STI1 fill S.
d," d ll.J 11',IlI Zl 1I1l! III - Iii ( 111 1 ill ' \\ 1011 I 111 1 I Il l) 11 1, 1111 .1 ,
'0 do all k In d. 0' Famil y SowIng a nd
II •• U,llI mllod CAp.o lly
- 011 Ilppr'll 1111 ~ Ihl lU ll II, 11.0 - MI ' lulIl oH o llutl,,)llght thlillakl s I'U"~I H-1l 1l I cu d 1I l\lrJil I! I II leI III 'f tho I Ihllvr It! lill clll lll a" t It I II t t.llIch I n~t IIl1dll} ~ llll b t u Ih ~ ltell II I 11111 lllllllll~ c ily -El du " I I 15 UI:.t\I 1111 alol l 1II1~ It II 1- II ~~ 11"111 IIi!} )111 ~ Ilg,1 J\ t 1I1 \ t 1111 LI1't I Ilii a ll II I " II I, ~ tl l I 1.11
;\ IIlh
I "I \\ IItel ,
Ih reu) l llr.l .1.1 11101 a l ' l llIrs s lrelts II lI d 'Ir I\ II S I ~ I ~ t rllghl (1" 11l: "<lhl e, 0111 " III I Ill ll lll t l \l lli t " 11111.\, 1,1'lhlllt g~II I II IIIU I I III Sltllrd ll l II rk Ilith IlIr tl lL l \l lll l ' VI III "hh ' HI il U," hl 'lJ\c ~ Il llI\;u "ulo"" the ,,110 II 1111 \11.1 (111)
~I(l!t< dthl 1; 1111111, 11I1I! 1I1/.: II ~ 1III\\II111g(o, I Ih , It ""l' 10 II s l e llll,J a I' rt l It I ~ II 1 ' "lIl li (lCIiI
1111 " rtl'llIl c(l illailltl lg ,,(! I crul a r t l Ic; o t 1111111111\ ti l II l1 tlll'lt !,lllIc l li
Ill s I I
I q
Il' J lIU I~t illig D~I~n I'U~I,\~ IIth~ 1 1',ctU ll~ 1111 lit· \\lI l1 h ~ ~ In~"~" 1/ J I' 8~~ ,~"'t I.UII'; 1 1111 Ilfu , IZtJ vd !lllrt r-lIt" , I )\1. llll~\ I ~')I ill 1 11 J ill J ''' ~1'1o S mith II I1lI hl b Wl tl, l ,lh II L llll I I go rs , I klrl " ll.. I I ~ I" l .11 -, n" • II I II >:>1 III .. I'"lr.llIll· IIr 0 f lUURri II" . II lIliall 111 t ~ ~ .l 1 It I' l i E J\ He ~dt, bllt 111111 h " \lO)l le,1 by ll ilit ~ 11/111 h, A t l l \~ ll Nelli uy th e I lSl(.\UIICO (If IllJtlr lIIl{ C SIIC11[ , III r[ \,, 11 1(lllIV N IIYIltl IIIICII t" , UII I lJIJ.III1 1'" t!ttllld I he vld IIIJl11<l Ltlll I N ~I I ' I I ~ 11 i ' ot J II c l'h 1I 11 t1 I, 1\ Ilh th ' hll ll dy J l lfl s I ~lr • • Ie ' 114 l !Jig " ' I, IIlie 111 1 Ie II II! 111111 hll ~Y\II~ WillI( I III ~~II~ III
III th )JI. hl't thl W"Vl\ 18 1111111 11 1, e,J I ) nm n l l' l lIllIcnt,llfllI IOI PIII,lk r 11111111
Hili!. \) ... 11 nlhl
\)ulIl l I , o ut
N,nth V
IIIV' , 11111 .
11I1" I ~~ , the lei Il l' c~ LII II Vt gi l e
I lIdl\ I I'lI 1 11 0"
A .J g llc::.l
Il~ ('x uct ll1C.1 t l·'l\
\v ,.\( ;t';')'K I'u
tunlll) r P,II ,
M I, 4
"I r~ l e: A D vll
SII I I .. 1
~ rAI~ B(l N's·(·r ~~ ,,1
Rheumatism or Neuralgia I I
W o " not be 100 groldul-for-Ibe disco'le1')'
I k 11111I1I,lh .. !-OIl' II Ldli' allli \l 11.dllll hlt CUIC I I I l 'l u l nl l ~ I Itll ~ I Ie u l \I " II t I II I ·' Ll f S\Jc\, S I Ie 11 . 11 • • , 1\ (1 8 .....~ , t."dflll g ill \11 111 I I .J" , I l I II. I l il t I t t il d ,I 1 1\1 " " '" " IXIII ' l J1I ~ 1 , tll .l, III II I S "1111 , II IJ ""I.!;
or II.Y' 1Il<~ly which w.1l nllcvulle lbe sur. fcnn!,'" o f hUIII" 1II11, ,,,,t only III t be pangs or P"lU "Jllc h the pullent II10ne sufl'cl'lI, but in
J\ II lilli ' , I
, I II'
'1 \J"I"I, '
III:~ I'
il L ' "I, '
'1 'II
II g
g,tli 'I .1 'I I I t I tl I ~ I 01 111 I. \I II I II I
)11 1 't"'I!IIS " :1 II I 01 lilt ~\J!II' "1'1 ' t 11I11 1 'II t I II ~I\ II 1\
11 11 11 1 t 1111 1 l , - It I r 1111 JIll 1 11 11 111 Ill( III ii i Irll ll1 t i ll IIHI Iollt
! like
Ililltit Ill ll l lllltlUlH Il (J il t lJllt tilt ' h r at do~o
"ft y~
" t t & C0 1em an Ell10
10 g tilli e
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11\1 101111 .
II.. IT.
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ti e II
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BaItOImore & Ohl·o S I Btl on ~ I \, Pllut~ I I{ AlL no A D etu • free to 1111
Lit hog l il plis
Vlll oll tln cA sont
NO I CI• • P ltll log Crud s
01C\ ""0 hlll,,1i cd Il.Ij!;us 1ll"1 e nll t npph ullnt8 t tJ >; ~tl u lll ~t \ l:11l H v ' I III II tl, I Ollr p"t r01l 8 olin onlOI IIny Ilrtlol ea 01 1 J I I ' 1 Q" I l they 'IdeS N Ire that 01<11 be fUllli s h od wh rcHI/,In hilS nd dl!t1II1I ~1 )' tv t 1\ 1'1 ' 1 7lir ')f/(III ,; ~I, lur, es", {{II' 011 1/ r .... k k I I ,.,., 11 d ri ' I f,l t (() I I om • I C I e w .. 01 mar et. an ( t ley dll ctwn li t the I\ UI I, .LlIlI l' III I \: , JIll ec 01/ ~ ", IIlue rOr W81docl olt h Oi by mall 01 tho P ublllihorb to ISH II O h C"'ld ter l \VJ\SIIlN.~TON ,iND BU.TIMORE ex p ress. nL tho 1011 cs t market p" ce on ly tho lull clnth l)(olllld eriltli)1I a t Wllb UI ....CI tloaa...,"••• (or FOi l ete l onea pleasc call on l ho 011 0 Dol1ll1 )1('1 r,o p )" 11[>011 th c 10 Richmond p uhh he l s o r l im pnpcr COIl t f w ill c h Sli m th c)' ~\I11 11I 1 I , I P lease UII e ~ o ur All c1rc ~s I 01 ~ wllId the work to ,~lI y .lddI O~S I!I A NO EAST. j Plalll l Y, 1m" sen,l ~ 1 1'A"l1 oldnrll 1° 1 11 ' " r.;~~ t ho. Ull lted Siales CIl CUI1.lri ll, hy TH E SOUTH , " ST I~ " 1t1 S,& co • , \~ mail , postage bl epBld Phlladelphla, New·York. BOlton. 1,6 I'rOI1l\trllv. Nell York " I I
___ ___.
Lynchburg Norfolk
I I Ii 1\ fI\
li t..
I tI
1 1\11
III ~(! II I Il!tf..,
(11 11111y
It wlUlhercprovc llSvnlu e III
n nmc rnhtc,q, to prevent hngerms(h st!LlS¢S nnd bholllcl h.! kel,l nt hand r(3uy (or mstllilt l1li14 by .11 Dru ggJI\.I.
eo.oo. r
R~~~~~~~~~~~~t~':mfr~~~~~j~~~~~~~:~La~Wson Chemioal. Co., ~1BTeJlDd, OhJA.
h llfrl lll g . clrl ll ll h Il lb l li ll "l i e lln UII 01 lX1I.1, IIlUklllP; I t 1L11I1 1I 1I1 6
PrcparOd by
lJlllllti I ,, 1 I II ti ll
I t cll lnp idu till.! II II " I'P'IlI 11 IIl;'
I \ " ilL I ,
6 Bottle. for
brO il ~ 1 11l tl l(1 JlI ~" li t • \ ,1111 11 1
t) po};I.ll'li l\Jl
I 1I
hili ' th. rema.kable h""hng and sootlunl: L " 'I I J r m '11:tl I K"S wlll\.:u 15 so Uni versal In II" ChBI1lC'" j . 1 1 1 ' III ,~ . II I I te r 011.1 "COP' or So &ltllplo lind safe 1I\ 1~9 , 11111 I I I I "1'1,11(;:'" n F or Ihese . ""son. L \W!lON 9 d ' 1111 4 \ 1~ C HI( \TIVP. "l lOulri have n pli1.cC i n every
PRIOE. Ono Dollar per Bottle.
II I N.n. ,. I , " II 11011 0 \\ ,\ • I I " I . II I r '" )11. r II) I " .. I . " I II "I- I ~. ,,111, 11 \\.11 nllo.,, " n I II II ~ 1"1 111 1 1• I 111 ", 10 (( t ", Itq.n d I N Tr.f' I I " t" , I " " " Iv .,1 1/ 1 111 h r l I ... I! r U ~" I . I.
111>1 I "I I .
for livery kind or RheumatiSM, fir Neuralgia In every Forlll, for gl'VGua 01' " I' 'VI. "" I I ,"Ie, SIck Headache for Nervouslle.. fol'! 1'. ~." I \I( Lame B Ick or Side, for ErYSipelaS. for r Diphtheria _nd Sore Throat, for Chl!ell I I blaIns. for Sprains Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, for Burns aad Scalds, for Toothaohe In ( In h"1 p- , I 'he I facl for all Paine, Inllammatiolls and II 1110 I , Swelling. no remedy " kn o wn "h.eb pos.
i OI /fUnIJ"I ,iI,t! J , I,
~1I 1\ 11ft l ht' 1" ,11 I t Ih II , rL I';m r "I"" , I. 11 ,, 1,111 .11 0,,11
I" ""r D,u,,,,,,,. 1 tI,e II I ~llrtl "
In( I I Rp e n Su. IHl\ ll Cd b y th e \VnltOi ll oll,!;h
P laco, N e l\ \
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I-Ito , . t.I.1'0\I '
' lill l rlllli 1:11 I I ,kot. < 10, Iu"l .. C. ,
lO r
I" .I,.".. hoon 10 IhOIL,,'IIII. who hAve h l'l: lI
IX? I{U~ I'''Cl II (,8 Rtlir tOI! nt I Ilium ) cl(l.~l\1 ('c III H .1 '1lllll t III 1111" 1ll.lIkl t til " 1I11 B I ~ 1J \,1 oI n til e ICC, ILlid 1(10 1. 1 lIow II i ll Done. thl' lr IlIlu , I Jl II1rl lo UCI lloIt! the I 1\ fu r :::;1111 I Ike lllj ~ IlIlI1 lh at 0 II lil t f! 1 1I) " I N III : K"" !(I)U{I I".ltl \ II .. ~lI ld ll :t ll ) .Ill''' to J 111 11 d I hI I III I I, y 011 ~ I I 'r' t' vt DClln 11 It> 11(1 \\ 11111 IIJ.{ Ihll i ' I I (~ .11 .0.111 ) I) II>II ~ O Ill &'" I'lIgCUII'I11II1t I J J I \ tlIlS I 11 1"\f U :-0. 1 II ! I \ I II n fl u n
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th o
N S CURATIVR ,\\11,5
o r Ulu :!d ~
A notl lOi it onvy 11l 11I 8t OI I1l , 1 ulUel I" , oDd I be r OWe" o f e lld u ra nce (, " IlI PUI1 led by tl CIOO IIg h t lllllg Ice, I I "IO~ "Rndln, pr"no I\\ood Inc \r oI,k
1 he t" II(' I\ " ' '': ) I II r IUIlIII ~ a I' l U ISC I ho IHI ~llli l I t\ II m v u , I 1\\ .
,hM:o\t,;ry o f Lh \\
5) slell\- <1 rcmL~l y of III<hsl ulobl. cflic.,cy<;eldolll f3,III1g 10 ,,1ft rd prompI TdlCf 10 C!\~ :. o r Acule or ch roll1e paUlS m the nerves
rectum ro w oul,,"ly aI u ,gloL wh e n un dl 0 -8 IQK , Orl n btd .lle.g. Ufo~ .arm li nPI)(n • •
II, 8uru mer u. "all 01
IS ofllu R\:ul. o.nd. SO (GJitlst.his lrupresslon 1:01111111: hold " polo illlelhcent 1'0llcuts Ih~t , til ey dc m n more pol eRt relll l<f.y
S R •
11UId HIIIJ red dlJU!llaCS by Illicruni me<hClllc.
cun.:li, nne ! the thoutalnds ,\ho ure n ow bc.ln ~ rd l~v , I of lit tr len ,1I1. <\g0lUes benr wiJlllI!: A: ICcllul tc.IIII\JI'Y 10 lis 'trlUl'S. 'O~I:I I H ere we to"c n C UKATrI ); "b'CJIt "I"ch 11 II, Ib OIl(;h ""PlocO .. lc l11nlly e.erlll II powerful olld belleficent innllcncc on the "hole n ervo
, 1 \1 .
,' .'y
expcn cllce l s tlltlt Iheoru lDMymothod" :J . Ofh L-:l1 "l' RhcU UlIlUSlII , NC1tln.IC~ Scul1u!m.
_ _ __ _ _ ...._ _•_ _ _...._ ..,.,_ ~ ..
I Ibo d l>Ue5S \I to ell It enulIl. upon olhcr.!. I r,r",,- t sulTere r from h .. own ~na!
Struge I fliP or tbe Uoaaekeepel' or a Boston Hotel.
ft10I ~1llU'"
.r &.-.
"ta diller OD Dta,l, nel'7 INQe Tbtltl bue ahl'a,. beea 0IlPoallillarllu la polltlo. anll '~lIg'oll jboqb ~be mluaflll fo~h' onr " ne da, lUll, b QIII,..rsall, adopled A' B.)Iolbe,. Ilud Ibo IIcrlticell rel,,.1 d tIa be,,,u .nel mAn, ... W dloine b.. allO beeD ,"bJeutto ,e'0IUII01l8,' t11.,urbauou Whf\n Dra UAr,.., "otl J Dner lUIDOQocetl lIlel, .1I•• u .... e., the, weN beld ill CIOalempl aad .NSURAIICE .. rldlenl. by.a Incredulonl aud Iinortollt IIubIN TRX CITY or Nli:w YORK ho y.t 1",... ,lh',lIr reu.lud and bODored b, all lUI bener .clo", Wben D, Pleree an 261, 262, 263 "ollllccd hll lJIMVWT!I IU'~\Iy leew.d LO OB4l.1JIIIU I 1 0 dOU\j l Bntl "ere Ik' Vll oll cOllcoralol ,Ii mod lui",. aod doolon but l,roor or merit ASSETS, $4 827 176 52 1 1 lit... dl"l.eUed aU dou\jt, DUll to dl, 'he 001 dIn )ledicallll.oovery II lb. Ilandard '"W SURPlUS I $820 1000 edy IU o"rlog Ibe lUolt olHollollle dl.~..ea or EVERY APPROVED FORM OF POLICY Ih~ anti blood, bavloll ntuiosl .ullrel, . up .... d. d Ibtl 01<.1 lirue sars8varlllu by re .. ISSUED ON MOST FAVORABLE TERJiJ8 100 of 11.. 8U I ~ rl o r werhl N o •• (' a e .. '11" Uo 1-1 Y N o t' 3 1.I!o 16 R. V l'IKIICK M U UD 1 lOU iUllict.d "Ilu ft .o~ofuioul aJf"cUon 00 oDe of my teg I t "lUI very t,oublelOme A:.:.aOVIID GI.AI • • for oter IWO l u'" 00 lUnc h 10 tblll I could Jll.A.TURlNG IN 1877 Dol "'.a, a loot su,l I bad"" keep my leg baD lag.d It ' .. lilted 10 ..... w oo,e Hgol 10 bad luat II becawe ~ general t&lk \.bIt I WILL BE AT 7 $ woltht h~ve 10 uodergo ""'I'lttalio. ot the ON PJU;8E.N!I'.dFSQI'f 11mb One I hvoldal1 101.1 me h. ne", oaw II cb II @ore \l ure'" I uO ul1U8uce I tAk ing l.AIIIIlB BVELL. - PB.IJBIDIllR your Uolden M.dl nl D1lcovery LOgelher wltb vou, Pen"", .. U,.uh,d On t"o botltes UllII wbeo J Io"d cauluUle ll olx boIU •• a l 0160uve" Wl tell "III euU.~ly won and lou remaIned Bo eve' olu ee -a ,.rloll "t ov .. 1877 NEW YORK. 1877 IWO yea'. - nud I lIoutll nOt 'WRI' It ror tilly 11'00 len Itll" ,""",I,uly JOUN8f1ATT CK.
I::OBO& LA. ow hu becomll too fat to [ 14 ..... Abbolt I" IIlr.... II. ~•• I•• J 8u.ollHI TO GU88 -It would be a 'l'h Dover ( H) Jkfn(iCf'(ll haa the lhc lern_lem cJlIlIDOer ital( thouSh ~~~'Ti~2l111"it5ro~~remeo~J.o!I'~' a corn!epondeoL ollowlDj[ 10 r\!'erenc 1.0 lbe l.t.e MIM walt Bis income i~ three thoullllJld dollalt a week, and he II III street rail III unl'r ~OtIOU8 buJldioK, Alike ib IU! o Nt/In rorerr, In ro al'd 0 JOIlnna Flirnbam, who lhed recently I\l e.zternlll appearaoce and lis InterntLi arthfl ba'i ADd tho panuro ilfl4lr thtl )lilY II tbe Il/!II of elght.y yel\~, al.d who, for II road. A OORntJ>I'ON PEN'!' tifty. that It Lord langement, ll00DlJOOlf.d with ~W9 e~ent. Oq~, lu wed dowp land to IIm othy lIod I ng llerl of yeal'l\, had been hOllse Derby a II8It retleptlou there were lalltes iu the 11l8tury or Eng laud. tho one of K DtU lty blUe gfU!, or J un gf..,., as keel r of tbl\t. w II IuIQwn D t.on bot.el U i. .110 called Tbe J II n lir wakes tb AmerlCAU BOllae on Hanover ~t.rtlClt prelJentllftrrying jewel8 worth £80,000 on WblOb thl! great dramatist of Eogb h Iateratu", hILI nllldered rllmou. f\lrever, t.helr headB. a 8rm .ward, wblch i8 DoL InjuiM by be weut hom Mllt.on N B, In ber paturin& catlle upOn It III wet lIfeallaer earlv days, Rnd durmg IUlr long life lit PROF WIo UKnN and Mr Cooperl the otber of which hili! eXI\r\.e(1 an !nHu and It mUM ClXoollent hay ",ther a)ooe the hotel nobo(ly 811JlI)(l d sbe hlld aoy who chum to kuow, 1liiy rye 111\8 a thlrQ enc on all Eu~,h"b ~pea\rlng nallonl or "hl!lI grown wltb tlmlltby lover property Ilnd at. ber death It WaH not Dlore KlutelJ tban wb en t j\nd 18 eo muoh euob Ill! IS sl1l1"l, mcaillulllhle Here It Wall tbllt Henry IV, comIng bad better oot be 8()WO .... Ith tbeae two generlllly kllnwn th"L Kbe hlld II aurphls moro nutritIOus up w Loudon, ccvered With II hideous .. it would 1.0 crowd dollar 8ny",bere But 8ho blla II trunk (JaroRO E }o' RAllOl S TltAl N lII!ys he leavee I pl'\lllY lind almQllt bentdoubl WIth 11111n good rea lit tbe AllI ~rl 1I11 H ouiIC will eh " "" th e f(lOthgbtd forc, e r nIta cAncehng aud we .lrnclIII laid hIm <lown to die h with any other ope ned an I fouilli 10 contnlU a "Rrl Ly by ltaeJt qUite of dry good. notcK for 6 000 l\ ballk 20000 worth of el1l(agfDl.Ilt8 l:I e win W88 IlI'JlllfOUtly, the only rOOIl1 IU tb now J evote lllm&elf to 'thtl Kparrows IIbbey WblCb b.d convenlllDce8 for l\ fire l1li10 grow It wltb book of the D1l1cIr.lone \jRIlI: sbow lIJg It wae Lbo elrly aprlng, the abboYltself tbe old 8\ reotyped depoell of 1700 R 8011111 KUID of Dloney aud chlldl'en Dll J ME l RA~ OOL"11 ULed 11\11 New WlUl cblllr 8nd to the Jerllll8lom cbam Tben old oUllom of _d and alhO II piece of I'''I'er hfl"ng a trunl -~ land to graM wltb 0 gralo Cl'{'p key wr:I.{'ped U)' JU It 1I1l11 on tbe p~por ) ork dtrlW t Cll r oLber day He Ie \)er lbe luog wu CIlrried by IliA atLtmd I, not now foLlowfa.. clQllely l1li It ulled WI\8 w fltlllg .tatllll! lbl~t the key belonged dU I'I'0ot'd 10 b .. III baJ no rulllll ved hu t IInlll, Mid thole [Rout upon a pallet before to be In yearH PIL8t. Tbe land now 18 to another trunk whIch could \)e found he bnd $1 000000 willch ",JlI probably the great Url'lIlace It I. In a room In Lbe palace o( Wutmju.ter IIdJoJUlDg tbat o~nllo"ed IlIIrJy 10 tbe epnog, and 81. th e hOlll!C 01 A rolal.ll l\ In Mlllou I rwucc tIOllle rellltlV(VI. MlOde down tOgflL85 with 110 otber crop 1111" led to 1\ \\81t to Milton, and th ... re lut! statemeut. Ihllt a woman nover In wherll t;hllbpeare placeti that WOIlL s(loot ID& MC8U~, ID wblch lbe youug prince Early in &pt.ember 18 a bette r time to very CllfltlU8 de~8lol'lUenlS were ' en t~" lluythmg 1M dt Oled Queen VIC pUIll 00 1118 own bead tho croWD of hIS IMIOd down landa, but it Will do o68rly u 80me made Ihe trunk refcrr.d to Ill! hoi Ill!; Lorlll l\IvPuled n l<IIl~ty shaw I Vln MfII. 81et!\JIDI( Illther and thence bo reprel!OIlL8 1V~1\ In the epriog, If tbo !lecd 18 fown at Milton W/lJI found 0pI'lwd wllh tb u U. eker" lIour .lnN ~1r. ~OlL Udall tb, klDg earned at haa own req ueJlt lo early ke} foulld III the form er Iruok Rud thl! fl re Indde, lin I Madllmr de Pompadour th Jrrus81em chamber for his death 'Ille eood uf June graM 1ft generally flec.nd tru nk w iii I acked full of all 110 r III I dumb WUl t r Kh 8 11 4' • J lJolb aD,! Datue partlc:ularly be.h.HlK nry OOaO'y, and a buabel of sucb eeed, lit 01 flue w~ trlllg "11J1\1<\ I\nJ cOllllli n~d III} h .. t 1'1 hterArY work pub'o tbe '0..";'"1( wbere lint dJd .WOOD' INA\., .,hould be 80wn with {rom four nlstl a key Ill" Illc<llol pupar UllOn whl ~ b hshed III A lIlHle>< "Rl! a I rnn.lallou 01 Uu"'.rwJell Tt" ealll'd J fl'\lJIJew my Doble lord 1.0 tIJ% quarta of Omothy eeed per acre ":1 the eLatcllItllll lb"t tho key belougrd 0, III br (,eo'ge ~1I11lly. 1 he Ilulhor KlO~rU ':~;t J~Ud be 10 U",II-eteD tburtJ Ul1 Let the land be well barrowed after he to /lostber truuk "til L'NI.Aln ulher nouse IVIU! I'r II I!tlU by POI c aud Dryden tbe It halb twoo proplull" to we WIOY yOAn, Ing plOWed. then eow the _(I lind And 80 tbl8 tblll!; \\ .... fol1o",erIul until IRlte r llRylllg Ihlll hr wa tUI' beal versl J , 1 Quid d • lHlL Ju Ju'U.lew Th ...... IIIktli'leclila. I." .... IV blrb .0IDI, lIuPI* d Ih. Uol, lon~ 00 er It wltb a bru8b barrow lIod tben twenty very IRrg(> SIzed lrllllb and th ree her of IJl a Ige Julletlo Ih . CO III""1 oOlwllh.Lall cliog The H t \.ot!u w., \0 tbal ('UIUher tbere J U Ut' roll the land AO operation that cover a huge pRcklUg cbBMla were luuud all .lIl1ne of 1l0ULBY I. n OW 'l"ou,ru~u. wilb 'l1l & Hartrord ]>08/ lillY. U~ ne rul ID Lbal JorUIIJem IllnU Bury dl. Rood deal of _d that W8ft not cuvercd crrullmed lull of the 1U000t eX I", Il.lve lrruut. IH t.he fir8t American to have the The " ther, and more Important, tbough "elluluu~ IIgbt healtby \jUl lilt. ,all. IIrill Defore I!.Jld prellles the earth firmly upon artlde. of IA,he3 II C !Lrlll ~ uPPllrel alld freedQUI of tbo cIty of London t.eudered 1_ dramatic IlCene which renders th •• Ite csk.. l'UI'y! elc fhe seoulntl OonLBV \ RUT Po" 11&1111 ,uld 11011 HI lin OlIn. lb. It. wbi b cauwa tbe !!eed to gerJUIU8 U, boulIe-furol"11I g. that no \.On lUarket bj m 'lIm IS a 1IllsLake The lame chamber memorilb e In }ustory IR In 8000er than Itolber'l'lee would especially aHorded \\ hen th ctl(\ trunks Il1ld boses honur "lUI conferred on tbe emIDent t1matoly coon led With tbe hlltoryof fft e"l wit. 0180atn,. DC th~ waoula. lurers II pr D lell on .ach label III dry wellthtr A r.HeroDof bay I' ot\eo wue ,,11 collecLed til y lORded do" n a the cbun:h and \be develo!'lIlent n banker Geo rge Peabody \\ II ANTI I Kiii(IlJll; OR F RI Rn out the Drllt l!e8Eon when grl\88 _d ie lour ox le8 01 aDllwere drllwn t() a large Here It was drl vell by the theology JOEl \I 0 Itr EN 1\0 IJ II ,hed recently A"O AOUK fONI - 1 bl8 inVRluAbl. aud thuuown, or good pll8Lure 18 oblJuoed uy hllJllll Jlllltoll 1111111. ked IUld Illventorleu cold, lUI H"lf, IV had bee n, from Lhe 1 tard '"mil, m ed1<H IlO 18 no~ A hou se Auguat It haH boen found by Dumer l'repurat.ury l<l au aucllOIl sale for t.he III Klrkdalo Jllii oootlaod 8ged eighty abbey I tllelf, that tbe lamnllA COIlVOCllt 100 Il hold word anll malot&1111 ItA ,el' !allon uo onc aud leaVing property valued at ,II OUI tlxpenmenlAl that but very hllle beuefit of tho h In AmoniC a1\ Lbel!e UiO 000 He WlUI at the time of hiS nf Pre!!byt.enan clergy wu held whicb llUl ~I,.d II II IUdo ••• " by Ih~ IUfdlcal grua !IIled of aoy klDd germlllates when valuables wero eighty IIlno dr_s of undertook to chllUg_the entire obaructer 1'01."100 nud I relcnb.d I Hly 111 Ihe cover~d two IDches deep therelore or coetly ma~rullH tbroo~llk velvet cloak. death undergolDg l\ sentence of a rear's of tho Establlsh~ Ohureb of England ~ "a, Iy UO"I 1IRI0nd 011 ' " 1101 111&1. III New Iml rl!lOnment for disorderly and notoUR \\(Ilholl" Tunlu •• Ibu. blgbl, dlDary harrowl cover much n( ~he eeed IIlneteon wawld from coUlmon tAl the but which endulg aeemlngly In flulure Orl.".. conduct recolUmeod ..1 by lb. I.. 111111 wed lcal,"en too deep richE-tiL r.Lllley and wrough t crape one 'l1! Ilt!K girls e leyen, twelve and thlr really reeulted in orgaUlzlOg a church ot lb. eUQul,y aud .. "u,lh., or luu h In A PElU'E<.'T MANU RE - Wben the hundred lind six Hklr18 of all colora one teen yellrs of age 1000t thear IIv68 a few whOllll scope .nd InHueoce hal e ouLrun dor eo,eo," 0 .It f IIi LA Y .t Co Prop" hundred and fourleen pairs of h l!C New O,leaul world Wall made 1111 Oreator d68Jgoed day8 ago whIle batblng lD tbe MuaklD their wlldeet drelUIIL ThIS11 ~tle cham ber eLor. FOR SALK U> All DR UOGl"TII lbl' the land should be kept In .. good uudergarmen18 too numerous to meo gum Itl ver Dear 1I1araetta fwo of them II the hlrthplace of the Ptellbytertan dePOl'D M f XTRAl7I' I til oalo ntend. 10 tate o((ertillLy by etable manure alone, tlon table hnen t.owels haudkercblefs, lIli ,,~d lnlo R halo aod the tblrd went nomlD.tlon Bere alld IU the chllpEl coneequently It wa, given IlII the ele- counterpanes, blllllkelll coverl&t.. aheelll, 10 thclr re8Cue but al\ were drowned ta- nf Henry VH, ciJanglDg th eir _IOOS ID every I onloll or Ih . co uo'r, Tbe,e J. ouly Olle genuine Po ,d, FArm" lor Pain. l\O I menta of fertility that croplll'fquire A hve geeee featben "~ta of "It'ganl chIna gether A httle four year-old clllid WM part IICCOrdlOg 1.0 the wea~ber, l\Ilt the 10 d fill1l8110no wnter on lbe comparative value o( ltabie ware a lar~o lot 01 \.ahle lIod teRsJlOO1l9 wllh I.hem, llnd uw tbem Sink UDder famon8 a@scmhly Out of of beat COIn 811ver .Iher kUlvee aud tb e water tbeee walls callie the DI rectory the and oommerclII manures say. 111e Murkotl!. Longer lind Shorter Oatech llms and • stable manure I" beld 1.0 fork s a fine gold lutch snd chain and a A I LEA8AN r famI ly party 88IIOmbied that (umous Co~lftllllllOO of FaIth wblcb U~Olln~.AT'-t'JDllr-c..&u.tattOD' II 10J contaIn 0 3 to 0 6 per cent 01 nitrogen large lo~ of fine Jewelry e tc All of tbelle at the S tar aud Glirte r, Rich II "till accepted symbol of thoolog to"'1 ""leDt II It fauCl1 ' 9 2 II ~ ramUr 04 to 0 6~ per cent o( potafth and 0 2 to goods are perfeotly n wand III thc best lately l a 7i!(1i9 !!,!rlDlI f" 4 • n 1&\.rtI l8tta eo mond Englllnd to celehrate the buth 08 J,Mlr cent.. of phosphoric aold ThiS I I order never haVIng been ueed at 11.11 day of the he lid of their hOWl6hold, M r 10111 doclrlne of Clnll of the largeRt Prot .u.,.,~n& Id ~7 ~ Bre oW' I. ~ 211 OralnWhNl prlwe to ebulce .b.IU t. quotable at a fair proportloo of tho elll!eoliol plant.- fbere 18 ODOUiCh of tho whole to 8tock II Edwnrd Morgsll who had ~uet com- eBlant denominlltlonB In England and II I IIO~me lo ' bOI" r..t I. beld .111 804t1 M tbe UDllbd StateB. food IDgledienta, and oonfirml tbe atate lar~c Ito re Yet lhtlr I~ Mill to be no Ill.W II Cora .~2c. It, .. II.. 1 1 11~ted hIS 000 hundred Dud IIxth year (0 thll ohamb4uelt the committee now 0. 0.:.. •I!J\I ... flay 110 I llmolb, 1104J12. men~ often tbatbaroyard manure doubt that ahe e&lIJe boneRtly by 1111 118 UI Ius one hundred aod two chlldren, engaged In Lbe 101'111100 of the BIble III. . _~ t T" IM\8I. 75 Lard 8 1\Ie. 1:0110. It a oomplelb m.nure It II, lUI all It hlL!l 8\noo been ILHcerlltined where and g rand children, and great grand chll ~~APULIl! - lou, hDr, 1~(lIUeo [amlly pract.ioe illaow., and wben produced on of whom aho purebaed tb(lm Ilt. flrtOUI droll sixty I!Oven mauaged 1.0 be preaent Wlaat lJtUt, SJrIll May Wear. t8.."iU Mr tulr. , .. , M) f ,..,to- Wn ... t No ~ the {.rm ltal the most economical But tlmel lUI sbl> wont aloog lbe origlUal tffl.tI eo lAm 'Ia ed 4301~~c hlgb wb.O'd QUEl!.N VICTORIA. hM coDlpMed brr A New York filehloO glvee the the abon figuTell aho" that, at 15 cents co.t of lbeae gootls WaH not Ie thaD .. ~ 0 ... iI6(o1S7c 1t1.'~0 t 70.. IAN .r per pound for potlUlb, and 1\ ceota per $8 000 Ilnd the owner while .he hved 6ftyelghtb year only twelve other o( lollowmg bIOta (Clr thoee who do not koow fftJt mu f' 8~~c t.ouLSvh:CE.-F1our-E1trr. 16(lJft eo ... Ira tbe UurtY-<llght roigUJDI sovereignl 01 what 1.0 get lor theIr childreu who ban pollod (or nitrogen, centa per pound wen t. clad ID tbe very cheapest a Jlparcl IHO(ll775 A No. I , allll'la:-'a.e, U DOl!I bfl8tendom bllve atl.lllned to lb18 age outgrowo baby bood , and are III tbat tf.wU, for potaeh and 1\ cenloll per pound {or Oralu- Wbeat....a II M Iw""r II 73 '1 be oldeat of 1111 18 the Pope, wbo II whl'" lte- I wla.ed Mo. 830 o.u, wblle, pboepborlc acid-tbo price thel!O au Itpuzzllog atate 01 betweenlty when It IR Catcblog "hlte "hale8. _ , Iftb ... 42<, 1Ia, I~I2. M_ I'ort II. elgbty live Emperor WIlham 18 eigbtY 110 dlllicult to dJ't!1!8 them suitably stanDel are worth In ltahle manure In UtN IO~"' Il '" CotIOD 11 1I 11 ~'" White whlliel for Lbe IIqullrlunll lire the OUlr I~ fifLy nine, Victor Emloue 118W' YURK.-Hou,- 0. 2, 13 ~5 a• ...,.. comparllOn with them In more avaIlable Long EOKlJsh and RU88I&D blou8118 are "Nlt-ro and SlA1e, ~f$ JO eommOD lO 'ood (ollDe in commerolal manuree-the nlue CAught at the lele AUS Condres III tbe t. 18 Illty lIIl~en, Emperor Francil Joeeph much woro bylhtle girls until they are dne W..",,, and 8' .... 18 CIO ,ood to oboJ... 7D eommea te eboJee oC a eord ot ,table manure, weighlog 2~ LnwreoCt', I!OvtlnLy mlle8 below Quebec. 18 neuly forty Beven fhll ,0uoJOlt of four or five ye&1:t1 old. 'Ibe httle boYII WeaUlrn .od Statf te Here a little Froncb ool" oy makes II bus the 80vere lgne 18 AlphonllO 0 Splm .blte wbeal W,.t.ern Ht... 80(17 faDe,. wear them too, _for tbat matter, and tbey wblte wbeat WeiterD .alla '116O5(Ittj tont. it abont f6 50" t'Qwmoli of 8"peonng porpol 8 for their 011. THB will of Nichol.. Marabllll, of to IDOd ulra Oblo 18 IOtIII 60: ..... QlOD 10 <boIce L SoloRECBOwB.-Tbe lint and best ia a talrlD! oow and tbeo a white Whlllll, lhe Bay. L 1 II OOD telled before the are made eucu:y ..hke {or bo~b WIth Loul. f5 CJOeIO 2:1 l!IDn_ll pat ... l ' ... Ino theae 1I'e find 11 allting-coatH WIth prill lIupended looking-gl... Take two amal1. larger of wblch lire preserved for tile 10 prl .. e and ._01.. 10 cJoubl. ulrto 17 711(1 urrogate 00 the ground of a peculiar c _ froota, WIUl IIlmulat.ed veat (ron ta tood h. bur f4 60113 10 0 ... Wb .... ~ cbl:t mlrrora, fallbo them back 1.0 back, aquariumll l1li Lho" lire reqUIred 10sAnity in tbe testator In 181~ he at a oord to one angl~, and hang fbeae whales are tImid etupld creatures ~aw Doo"ldllOn 8 balloon croaa oYer bll and t the aklrte ." ID large box plallll at ~k 7~~~!. ':,~'DI.~~ ~~e~ them to 811 eluUc pole. When the glllllll In PUfllUlt of mall fish they run clo!18 fArm, and inilited that It w.. the deVil the baCk and IUb. eet 00 the IIde !learnl 9~, COlto'!>, !,II' . II pD.lLAnKLl'HIA _ ....,.....W ..lorD •• .,.,ftn., awbapln thelun'l they lrereflflClted up to thtl ahore, and the fishermen cor HIS re&I!On la uld to baYe been dethroned Lace form. a .,ery Important part ID I .I@6 'la W.. leTD nu.. 17~' 26 NJu • ..., .. all OYIII' the field, it be a large ooe, ral tbem by planllDg stake!! at dl8lnn l'e8 from thllt bour Twtce he attempted to the trlmmln, ~,C childreo ~ garments. utrr. famllT 13 75el1 25 PODDl1.r.IDIa, Mirto la .. of Marly two feeL apart In a hno Incl:ll!lDg COW mit suioide, and be finally8uOOeeded belo,.' on lill)ke shape, lUI broadaaLIor \ly 18 73@V U: bl,6 1rr.4... I t ~IO eo Oralncol!aft, and the lM\ullle pocket. Wbeol PenoaJlnDla r..t II "@l; PellDOTluDIa ....bel' 12 0lI<l2011 ,bl... 1'l1!J2 ~ Rl!,- ~n,... a pai'alllllogram a mllll io WIdth, and ex In haoglUg blmseif and cli&, of tbe d~ 'TI..ola, 7,,1Oc. Corn Jellow W..lAIrn .1Il9I!'~ tend log three q uart.en of a mile from \be JUDGE FuLTON, of Vee MOIDea Iowa, Other lor ontdoor DlI.. .cI~ Glo. 0. ... "b/", W_ra • • 10. PO. . . . _ward. A. the tide recedes, lIIy8 It is oot impetl8lble to ralMl~emOnl ~~'!..Tn'!, ~ l":~~~~ the whal. tind them¥lvea 'II'lthln thiS blnIlaad inelOlW'e Oue of the big whl\led could ID 1011'& He ha. a lemoD t.ree on ftiEIIPD1B - Flour -Clool.. 1a ..1I, .... GO lnyolTell 811 artifiCllal 1IW00p down a IICOre ef the ltak S by 0 lire eight (I\ll grown rIpe lemon.. (lnla-(;o,. ~ o.u, N Me. La '1O~!ol. numeroul more of all 81_, from ~lJI~""'J.ll'l-1"'f'-='-1 l'urh-tl bril .. qutotrll1!flle 10 .IO)¥. k .... a bi, potato and liogle duh Ilt them, and there il even a~ 11811\(0. )1 .... a", ...1.. aDd n< nlDlI 1.0 the full grown fruit. The 10Da looee and turkey feathel'l. The room for him to dart between them with blO88Oma hive roWl of .bouldil .. ~~; cld' ,Ib aid.., 7}""- and cI • chief beauty of tbe tree II the lra!!;raoce maier can exerche bll iulltatin akillin out eYen touchlllg tbem yet lIO cowthe ften~ and ;~~ ~c. IlqaI·K .. dull an. now ..1 II 1% tbe blOllllOma, which Jllllts about all from Itlctiii( the feathen into the }IOtat.o so ardly ,I be tbat tbeaeKleoder obstructions il 1IOcketa. Tbe baclrs I!'I'OGK. ILARUI'II. tbe ume, lUI \he tree 18 nearl,. all the Lbat the,. _mble the Ipread WIOP and suffice to turn hIm He WIll ruab Hea 1.0 theee ba"a DO llihet!, and are IIOm& Cll't.'UINA.TI - OIIUI -1lam.0II \0 _Iu. t,mllln bl : .: o _ o m _ _ ~_~~~ tall of the hawk. It II IllltoDllhing what ward 1.0 witbln a yard o( the fence then timet! oom---J;of llil. kilt. 12 eo.,1t« GO lood 10 cbole. bulcl>on' fntel .. f4 ~ a (erocloua-lookiog bird of prey C&n be wbeel ID Wild alfngln anrl darL back t.o--6~: ralr to _ood. ahlppen, 16.6 7 lib.., nil Donglu Jerrold'. Wlttlclllxu. Lawbl-CowWOD 10 choice .hMp 12 608.:la: air OODitruCted from the ab()~e Ilmple ward more and eo almlell!ly exbaust I' W .. He. 10 co<>l la.,110 . ...3 76 U~Com,.on f42:\t1i1 Jerrold 10M 'II'lthout doubt, the prloce IIl8terialL It ooly remaIDe 1.0 hang tbe hlmeeH, wIllie the waler 18 growing more of EngLaah Wits ID hlB dny Bil w,ttl 1.0: W ."""lIibl .. 608. 70: fal' '" ~'OOd 1":A m8l1. Jean old, an d lUI Iong.. In~ Brad.. I' r;os. 70: II octed bUloboro " 76 object from. tali, bent pole. and the IIId more Wllllol\' At last be hes help- ClRms, generally made 00 the prompting Wlod will do the Tbe bird 11'111 1_ly atranded None hlUl ever been a rail, ntu lIIIe of the banlr8 r& • :UFFAW - lIb"I, •• 4 Lomllo-SI<I.. were made the OCCIU!lon! 8u rprlsed every o~e by oently to &II.e cub for a thirt.een dol of ""0001<101 cllPI..d .boep lIlb, I' flU 100 1110 make awoepe and dlUlh,. in the most Irnowo to brealr throngh the bamer and 01 tbequlclrnelll wILh which tbeywere con lar cheok by a pu~ hVlllg ID to.DOd 1686 110 TbOT&rd ..~ bo •• of .IOCk, headlonl and \braatenmg maoner escapo The ooxlllg up and trausporta calved and utt.ered What made tbeu ...- ...... _Li UOSI-tiAIN were Inade 01 Yorken.. JIQOd to choloo. N an '-I Even the moet Inqnlilun of nnerable tlOn o( these big fidb to New York is a .. 0 ~v_ p 15 ll1(J6 16 per llIOl.. UDdo, ,or, ebor"",18 16 fal, freedom from prelDooltatJon the more "You will l~a,", to be IdentUied," 16 01 Tboya"'a ""'ba.... n1.lock fh. "ppl, benl have been DOWD to hurry rapidly great labor. lIud It often take. thlrtv ce rtalD , they very oft.en conllllted of said the GUIder, III he looked at tbe w~~~~O"a':t'~~I'&~~f"lr to I rio... fa CIO lrom Ita dangeroul vicinity, while to Itrong men several hOllrtl to get ono of some claU!18 of a 8Onwnce, perhape of but (\J % ~o. Ilhoep., d UttDbI-Ool11'DOa 10 s- .beer Imall birciB It C&rne!! unmbted dllmay the mooRteno 1010 bl8 traveling case l\ dngle word, which only w.. eeose .. check "1 m t h I f I' Willi the reply f4 6OfI16 7~{ poor .o b..llntel .. la ubi 16 6O@1 Once In bls box water has l() be poured taken In connoc~lon witb what lOme "But I , know that vou are I EoEll' L HERTY PA..-JIeoJ OItUe -Bft. 168 a _ _ ReI_ J 8 CIO .,... 100 llJe. modlu ... '" load ~5 eo <Om ove r the buck und blow holea of the 1m other per!lOn bad JU lt said , Dut I ' mOD 10 fair I. I 758beep-Ran,o 25. 1Iop"MAOA.RooN8.-Four ounDell of ground prl80ned whale el ery five mJnutes Douglo8 Jerrold WI18 A little IIJIIlro You m briO" lOme one here who !'orto.... ~!I5AfiO 5 I'b\Jacl~lpblu 2S86 !IIi .. WOOL-I. lIoa,o •• bftl'O "~ory Uitl. cbaD" JD r.\moodl pounded and (our epoonful8 of That water POUfI ng by the way 1 IS a 100 mall, With an OVAl, pallid face a lieen knOWlY°u." Ibo ",.. bl .. _ .. Lqulle ......U No ...lIIed orange flower water, whllk the whiles notonoull and tJrellOme Job whIch must grl\y oye, and re80lut.e mouth He gener , Don't bow myeeU t" exclaimed Oblo Pe.U.TI ..olo or W ..",,. n_ OD lOa,.. ~ot 01 IlODMquon.. U••••bed IOlIIno.L 111818< of four eggs to a Inow then mix ooe be cootlDucd Without lDtermll!lllOn for sll, Mt 8Om6what ulde from what mlgbt the cb--L ~ ua.,ubed (0 nblDIJ and del.IDe at. M(BfOc pound of lIleted augar WIth the almoods the next mooty houra whIle the whales be called current cooverutlon, aod ooly But You may be 10 CIDrlDa-1i lbe .. ark.l h.. bee . . .LITe .nd to a pllllt.e lay a aheet or white paper nn are helUg carflerl by IIChooDer to Quebec uponed hid moulb wheo he could cap Tom Jo-1O. . . . ba...cited lb. X.uluUT aDd Indl"" clip 'Vou--' bolol ..kl. ur, WOIU, JD .'l>«ul.II •• wa, bUI •• a tID, and puL it 00 In dlffereot cllkes In tbence bl rail VIlL Montreal and Albany Home~hlllg wltb B bon mot m ,I. U l there 1.11 Uti or DO dam_ud from ('cm.UUltrt. to New York Tbe water io wblch they A tedlouR old gentleman once meetin~ 1 thIDk I'm the 'hIre of mll68roon8 Full p, raId .. loUo •• burr, a.d bad "'0 he mURt not cover thelf blow boles else dlUo "cI. briaR ag 1I@7r ""r Ib 1_ UDwub ..1 Jerrnld on the street and bavlDg stopped BEEP -To chooee beef, lhe color maD ID rei ODe" .,IO.\',114I1'J c. "'.....Iolhlnl 2'18'14. nl' ahould be Ii bright red, and If cold lUI they have not. room to move, t.boy him l>086d hlwl!8lt Into button holding You m dluw do ~27t 10'LoolUbluK \!OtIt1l8c ft..,co...h.d 0•• merlDu 88(jIlIIIC. co..... C101b1D, ~7(§ or wheo cooled by Ice: 8hould preeeot a would be unllble to flEe and breathe,, while preparlDg 1.0 IlrapJ.lle tbe clUlhler 2Ic modl um clDlblDI ~1& long <ou,bln,. <08 and would cousequently, urown yet .. Well J errold my boy what. lij gOIng hi II d weU mbed or marblea appearance Tbe I That'e Ill, DllDIe I Ie ye an t 8 II '~r lub-...bed commOD 8O(JI3c ,0000to thole" 111m Quoth the WIt, Inltantly me and If ibi.a bank litH me riled I'll ~ilGc pullod 258'17e rat should be a very light Itraw oolor lhey musl be kept eoostantly wet So on l' tbelr boxES are tlgb t ooly R8 far up from .hootlD g 0(1 along Lbe pavement hck the huD' erowd of you over behind The loet mUlt be of a brIghter shade A dull fol't'lguer WlU! mdulglng In a the nuUogl" thin the meat or mUl!Cle (at, dry and t.lle bottom 1\8 their eyes Above thllt hne tbere are cracks for the Rurpl U8 rapturOUR d8l!Cnpt.lon of tbe beautIes of The ca.ablenrouldn't pay, and tbe mao hard, and hreak or crumble easa\y also water to 80w off aod a lIlan mUKt stand tbe Pr{l{hgue ' A8 1.0 ooe pong In paltleu couldn't 6n anyone who knew him bave but bttle liber through It. over them ulltd t.hey can be got loto u 11Ir (nl\lUlo~ the t!Ong) "I WIUI qUIte aod a~ nOOD he Will waltiog 'for lbot TOAD IN A BOLE.-'Iake eltber a tank dlpplllg from tbe river wIllie lD , Is tbere anybody hero fellow that IMIIld him to come out" chicken or shoulder o( mutton[ and lUI the !\Chooner, or from II hogRhead when carned away ~ It with a veal Ituffing, then maJte a bat- In the cars alld drencblng them a\l the that caD Bmg It 1 I18ld Jerrold Somebody told Jerrold that George "STUDD'l''' ,,,r\1e8 to U8 to knoll' the with a quart of and SIX eggs time RebIDS tbe auctIOneer WIUI dead "And, bl!8t way 1.0 lor a meef1!Chaum pipe and lIutliclent flour to make It thick of COil rae added the gentlemlln, "hIs We think an '1 way would be to take MIllIOn With a tablespoonful of ult and a The (Jharllo B088 Case. bURllle!8 WIll go to the deVIl 01 a bruah and me paInt and theo color tableepoonful of gloger{ pour It Int.o a replied wit It to .ult hie 1lI0cy Blaok atrlped With Tho Phaladelphla 1'itllU prlOliI the fol then he II get It again wellgieued pan, and p ace the mutton A fflend was telhog. one evenlog red would I~r tbe ~Ipe ID one eLy Ie, or Clbtcken In the ceoter and bake 10 ao lowlDg in relatlOlI 1.0 the renewed effort One perHOo, where he had hooD dinIng, aDd what he but, tben Il, dipping in a bottle of oven put pI en ty of fat on top of the to dll!COvor Uhdrhe Ross Tbere WM one arhcle 1 ink would whose IDt.elhgent understllodlDg of the got to eat 1\ It another hue ID lesa chicken, eerve It up on the same dlHb case hAl! Jong 81nce been proved t baH never I18W before none of you could than no ~ and would prove a very To DJUVE OFP RED ANTB.-l GreMe worlred 80 IDdefatlgably that alreaay be guesa wbat It w.. It Wall a soup made of a plate with lard and Bet It where the IS firmly lrupreMed wltb tbe Idea that h' calvet\' tall .. " "ExtremM meatl" W&8 cheap p =~--::'_-:-_ _ TBB peflOD wbo grlev8ll, Iu~ra hie anta are trouble80lIle, place a few stlclu holde in bla bands the IIOlution of the Jerrold'l remark around the plat.e for the ant to chm b great enigma. Ae yet he refU!le8 to t.ell Be had a theory ID tbe spmt of the putllon to ~ upon hIm he indulgpJI UJnn, they WIll delll!rt the eugar-bowl al1 he knows, but he buin hitpollllOMion Candle leotllr~1 that womeo rather lake it, he 10v811 It but thll o"ver bappens 10 lor tbe lard. OCCIIIIlonally turn the plate a OU1Dberof letters and photographs bear that their hU8bandsshould stay out late the caae of 1lI!t:ual pain whlcb no mau oyer a fire where there 18 oOlmoke anel ing direct! y he 88YS u poll tbe caae occaHlonnlly-' 1t glvet\ tbem a wroog " ever wUlIogly ~ dured for any cooslder able time the 8I1ta will dlUp 011 ioto It .....!let the Be bu alrclldY VISited a certalD locahty Iatie aad hlir. taw repetitions you Will In tbe we.tero "art of PennsylvaDla TIIB silence ~ a perllOn who 10V68 to A CORRESPONDENT of tbe St Loul tbe .nta, they trouble nothing where the boy i8 8upposed to be ID hid iU]>ubltcall'lYrltes Delldwood IS a pretty pralftO 18 a cenl lufficlently IIOvere . . wblle lard II acce88lble 2 Sprtokle JU~ and he peSI tlvely IIl\8erts that If cer Iavely town 1 Judge there are abouL . . - 1 7 Ql.NtI, ~wdered borax over the Ihelves 8nd taID proposltlOnR III IIfr Barnum S an five thouHand or Heven t.houlIILnd people Dnrang. Rbe atlo Remedy, 'be great bIoJr It into their haunts Borax II clean nouncement can \)e made clear Charhe bere Doots shRve, cIgar drmk ete, JnUrruJl MedlclnJ,. will pOiltlYCIl, cure U1 aDd not at alllnJunous sbould It h8ppen Ro88 Will be returned by July 1 Lhe !Lre twenty five cents eacb Flour FrIday aUtl or rbtlnmatl. OD the faee ot ,btl e~ to ge, on food third 8nm vel'8lry nf bill dlllllppearance Willi seventeen dollafll per ooe bundred Prlce,.t a boUle,.1 boltlel, t5 Sotd by all The parties Hu"pol!Od to bave the boy IU pound8 SaLurday It advllonced to twenty Bend fo olroular to DelphenlllDtI II..... l " " r __U ... ct BeDUey Drog/l1. ,Wllblolt.oO J) C SluLL epots mly be removl'd charge are anxIous to be loformed how olle dollarK, Sl1ndRY twenty live, M1!88BH D W IJA HotCO Weh" .. beell be can be re turned With ufety to them l\nd to-daYlt HOld for tbULy doUare per 6vm ,ngra'tinga by powdered French Vell I' 1 Buru um they uy, hRS not one hundred Jloundo or lit the rat.e of 1.lhng your Umv eaI Cough 8yrop .buut cb&lk belog placed over them, a pIece of eel ell'ht yeRreI aDd lind till... 'he bOIl uLilfao clean blotting paper over the chalk and law JU hi8 own ban dR, and a~ lbe 81Xty dollarH per bllrrel There ia very lioo of a01 pIO". don for cou/lhl aod abductlou 18 \)eyond all doubt a pubhc hule III town wh'ch 18 the cause of tbe cotd. Ihal ... e "a.. , nr .old, a04 (rom Ibe a hot iron onr thlt affair and 1\11 they tlllllk det.ectlvea are rltlO 000.1 011 when they hnve any, 1!01I8 Ii .. e or IlIIlirot 10ho'uoUoo 10 thl. mark" ){AIrY a farmer', boy gool ant.o 80me eblldowlDg Barnum'8 every movement fur 60 to 60 per galloo Board 18 we have lold Dloah larller qDanlliel of It and Itruulee aloog untal mIddle they thlDk t.boy havo no guarantee o( cbeaper In proyortlon being ooiy fifty than aD)' otber IlmllarpnparaUoo Youn truly> Ute with notlilng to ahow for bl! labor ufety If It eRll an any way be IIrraol\ed cents per Dlea by the week, and bedl SA WYERct L YON.lloroe1l8vllle. N Y a.:ept that be ball thoroUlJhly learned that tbe Governor WIll grant lbem 1m $1 80 each Tbe streeloll are alway, Sold by JODN D PABJIi: & BONS, CID .....t a half l!&ned lawyer 18 I_ to be muolty they promlftO, upoo pavmeot o( crowded LoU! of Ohloell8 here, owing elDo.U 0 eaned then a weU fed (armer the reward, to return tbe bov They to washiog being twent,. Dve ceo.. a An•• lID uperi'Do. of a ... ,weoly In WJIUIoIUPJ!D(ED cb_ bllll no elutlclty are al80 anxIOus to Irnow If the rewllrd piece Tbere 18 a aaloon in alm08teveIT yean, maa,lq(lIogphplolanl &abo.ledge offered by Barnum IS ID additIOn to tbe hOUHe Gambhnggoeson pubhcly The 11'.... p.~ with the lioger, It feel8111 that tbe OUWDBUG ~ 4VR4U. 8 Utsrine If breUiol under the pre.ure, and the reward luevlolI~ly offered for the boy'e gulcb mlDeure aU taken I think a per- CATB6LIOOJII ii the oal, bOWD OtIrta1D for dt._ to which womeD are retnrn If everythlog can be aattsfac a fe" tbouaand cleat.lU1ama, it baa a lIIll~y. oily apTb. G.....JIIOIJaG VSOIITAJIU (Ie&r&IICl!! when worked between the ton Iy arrangea. they guatlilrt.Sf"'1lrat There are PILl8, the moo popnlar remedy or the day alullIlll 8I1d auger, aad melts on the Charlie RoI8 ahall Agl!.1n be bome by the l!OlDe very f.r bllloaaa_, "ciadaahe, ·U~.r complaIDt about fifteen quartz milia In tbe country ud.u-. ~, Un a ripe pear the cut Inrf_ 1,t nay o( July of diaedloa Sold b, all drag. rtIiiUIlI anA and . oU,. for a JODI ti:ae, now dlte. Bend for AlraID~ GrafenberJ CO, MAluB LULLIlI' marr1ed a man wh9 - ' Madll)' dr71DJ up Unripe Cbeeee, N•• York. A D1l!OOVImY bill boen made of the IJllWOBIU,TiOifwanb th_od. to thOM ont oa ~bu7, tle1uUo, wben preaeed, W&8 -wholly blind For forty yean ahe ongloal manuacnpt of Luther's tranliaJaUal "klqh when "o~ed between tlie Wall e,.811 and handa to him The reeult of b~lb Self belp lor "eak aDd Der.-_ ill...... IInp'; 100II drl. aDd crack. "11'&8 that her husbaod, Berr BubI!r lie- Lion 'Of tbe Old T8IItameot into Gorman, IIlII'eren Faoti. for IhOM wbo ba.. belo "In the re(o,mer'A "ell known handwritdOled" drollled~ IDd qDMked Th. new D"~ klo..aU, whentuted b1 C&me famoua throughout the civilized Dealt. .rnUrlJl1 ",&Ohel III COpl.. jrf. ....... " . .d cldGiea' ID fl' aDd world 10f hll eludlel and dlll90yeriN ing It Wall found amoog lOme old AtWn.,.EllOtrlo Q~rl,., ClaciDDIti, O. at Zorblt, in Anhalt. _0111 heeL IMI~...
NaWPORT, R Orenl ......... for Ihn rait'lt Tran.len l IItit't'4I
of l8T7 Al N'C1u~ed DCr dar W':A ~ I!:a II _101..
.108111 0 AlpilcA liODI at the R o \~1 N.wport: or K.~" lt nau .. Nt . \: orll V6I8eUCe reIN yau •• hlladelptll"
•• ~ BAIBIn'S TOILET=-S =-=OC-:-' A=P.
... lito .,~ ~
~-~, .~-.
.....w,. ~
IU T".6.HJlIT &rlLtn
fl.J l;;~~T!;:'\'~PreM with my .lgnatnra thft blKb TIl l ~ llllat:e npoo,. ourV.oBTUtllC. )1yfamllyllvo I ~d Il l(lr tbol .. t twoy .... rk. In nenol. d e.l tllty 11 t. h , . Iuable. and J rMommend" toat1 "ho rna, coed an JDYtSo....t1ug reuouUDfrtsrr o T Ill' B, Former11 Pulor Dowduln"qual'1t Cbnrcb DoItoo
RoUTIl 8AI." )lA.So N,v 1<4 16'7J..
M~~,. t,,.~r~:o ~ 1 l ro
MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT For MAN uDd BEAST. IITAILllnllU as Yr.."1 AI ••,. cureA AI •• ,. readr AI •• ,. hll' dJ 8._ aenr ),et. r.IIMt ftl 'II ""UJOIIM Aar'IIfl&tUd II Tl n whole world ."pron, t1 II ,lorton I old liult"D,-the Delt.D I ChtlAJM!fll I "' ment to oEllteoCII 2t; centl. boU le Tbe It ultanR Liniment CDI'M .hln nothln. elle .111 iIOLD BY ALL lolIl:DJUINR V. NDEnS
11 t ~lIh KcMrll1a. Cauker and] horcoJnl1&JuL (or Uuoo Y lA ra Noth J,g8Yfl rdh1 LDotu1good tll lcomU611C lUI K the V.:nllTll'f~ I am uow M6UllllaJO "' nn' rot a' d. U u .lng tbo VEOU UU: 1 coDllder t1 tJf t" l' olhh A: cquaHo It ror "nch C1 mplatuLa. Ca I ca -U,. r cc mUlend it to o\lt:lrloo1y You .. Irul, Una. LIZZIE" PACK AnD
No. 10 IAllrung. HL SoUlll tilleD M....
An AdurtllHlmtnt oecn"ln"PAce of
ONE INCH , wll. be In.. rlo<l 0 •• _oDlb I.
1,100 NEWSPAPERS 'or Ib_ hUDdred IDd ftlleo. dollo" or ODe 11'''''
GOOD FORTHE CHILDREN lJoftoM Bo.... U Tn. ... \!TRUT t JJoaTO" A[lTU 18711. r
B ,e;.~';,'l~~. foci that Lbo ehlld",n In 0 . . bom. b."e been @rOlLtl,. oon8ntoo h, tbn VI01n'1Mtt )'0 I kindly Ill",n UA from Um. to tlwe, "J)OOIoII, &IocIe troIlWed wlLb Lb. BoratuIL
..... ,0
WI~\.OBlUl.LL, KalroD.
rar II,My MUD doUerl aDd fUt, until !Mad ,tamp ' or Oatelope of lie •• ,.perll to
VIIOB'l'11WII I'npn4b,
II. .TEV£N8, BOitOD, \tin...
Vegetine ia Sold by all DruggIllta. " ii
~o ...
bll8 gOlle and DOW I wani my bouee" Thu! apoke the Inndlord, In IL harsh, 1m
Iu.T a 1
1 h" hue of hn btdo.lUI .. hrown l1",r tf!lIn an I her II fck wu 01" laorn It tu I 11.1 d tho QIlIt' r flnwn H~e "I. 01 Ie, NI .Iala n and lony CJI Ihuh .. \\ hi "I ~ml n t (1"It! "lid 1& t hu,t ItllJUp 'alf AutJ .11.HIllkctboIIUUI13u' .bom.,..m.t1ft J~1 1
lJudy "' ••
Min,. ..
.lIn, ,
did hrr ohl 1HJtIr b ... "
~ho blld W(lD" hU'Mtst fur "I IhhlgS kDD"D~ On I 'A ' "8CU tb~ tJulky b.t, Wulli( NI OW' 110 UlarM wbototl ooco bad CrowD
MI\I "
pIIlWlSonte .-rtlow abot
lI ~t1 Idl
u pou lit r .. J!laUD, lpoL
N aD11DtllJlllU1 It wcU .. llnecl I tnpe, IthHJT" LrJnklJl t I GOQI:U,. .lu, A ...d I n~u7 "cu l ie'" •• IJU, 'blOwn , 'hul l tUUMht Ibtl IDlDtot... r ItOYtne e1D11
Or hall I utllu.IIll un' her bolt, h.ell \\ III a I VIUl I '''" Ihe lM)uDd ell .. • JOo tnek
U.8 8tn.V-"
'No not another hour I Jam not lo .upport all tbe paupers In tb e town I I bave a lamlly who 'IIllh tomove 10 b ere Rt ollce You can go to lbe poor boulle'" , !l.lasl '11'0 mu st come to tbat IIOQIlI J bad boped we might e8ca~ that--I hnd boped It lor my poor bo,8 8ake I bad hopeti that hea lth IIl1gbt come back to me, Rnd tbat tben my boy and m/eelf IDlght both work Ob, we could pay you tben I Butl am not ahle lo now. I nm vl'ry sick" " T OIlIl6t1Ml I you're well enough to go III the poor houlIII 1 havo brougbt my man on purpo1l6 to help you there, he WIll haul you Oil n lIed part of tbe way" "But, Il r-the poor-bouse 18 five mllel! oll I Oh I could not live lo reacb It In ~hls coid weather I W8it unlll It IA warmer-until I am .tronger Oh, 1 \VII t ry to get 11'011 lUI lOOn .. 1.:&0 I" "I t.ell you I won't wal~ another hour -no, not half an hour I If YOllr hUllbaud wu-" .. Ob, for t.he love of Beaven, BIT," lIuped the poor "oman, clasplog b nr hlUld. agaIn, "do not lpeak of him I He hlUl gone to meet bil God, and ho hI\.!! suffered eoough " .. Pooh I' utlered the unfeehng 11 relch " What do you mean by that T [ MY your hUllblod brou/lht YCdOWll to thl8 by b l80ll'"n aot~, and d'ye . ' pol!e I'm gOlD' to aupport ye, wben the town stanrh y lo take ve' No, no ! Now, out ye 10U can go no" aa wellllll eve r I bave, alld I "Ill have it! Ye owe two montbs' rent now, and of neve r get It, but ye "Oll't more I've let ye 8tay hele enough-now mov e I" bowed her head, IIDd
"boy ad.y I I~ "bf! J.. ~ d to the pound " or I I, PI; lf 10 ber u""UlJo r'1 corn Ahm1 (lo'tllllldJ, cu r nod bound if ill I ('t!1 Ir.. u .. f12 L~ 011 het erulII(lt~d horn Min)" III tl!' 1001 In I (ltd tll1 PIli tilt' tb o furrn u LoY' lil.-'tl h bt!r tlwe wgrn ' ill
011 Oeal"Ou ( I'1lJ . " A plou. ruin huu.h 1II0UU.lth, .,. tf'InI'"'''' 10 lJe protlDf! "him II au, a wrat)" mil., he un 1 tn,.., her bUL uf hi, nowlt KIrlin Ht IUJ; ~t r,.ll tI I ra uu lib., u,ed LQ Jlhl J 11.1 I!,t' bu fth aud &:1'. 1 a "'1, 8hft kn o", "hen l h . O"'a.t."'O D went to II) trn She wile) waleb .:d hlUt AI be wrlll by lie I nflr PUM!(t I e r whbout • fru"D Au~ a n ti TI! "IUOl In wch apy',. cfa
lie ,.unltl rnc.k hi. wlll,.11I an 11111: '1 one bono
Ami "'rh' o Ii0CI lu bla
t"1'U'n at hi. h01Ua.t.tAIl . hCl lond 10 call Ilfllnl bh, btl,.. whh ber rrurDpltd horn, Nil.lhl)' ICftlhU( bh SImon ....11.
lIell In~ b.,oelilo bl•••ondlng corD
,.,.. 1hilt bu cabbeKei ODe b, gnt; lIurrrl1l1 bOl.Oe wheD b ~r work .... do"" UII D tb fl Deaooo bomewlrd CIlme. HutDlUlOfl a hymn, from the )'OUM of I'r.ror
li la lIopel"1 beart I"a '''.'Iuli lramo, Ill. "ul .. ("al m., ,heet'lolDI air.
~ flPa4 ....wooLh U I _*11 ..orn plow, " .. bb ~ ..~ •• lballlll bw., cow
I Al l
lo ritfll t
" Oh, good si r," the Widow returned' el""plIIg her thlO. white hRnd e, Rnd ralslJIl\ the m loward him "18m oot able to move OOW Let mu slay 'here yet a 1Ilule longer .. 01111 you pay me the rent 1" t1Sked Notwor.W hal8hly , Not 110'. , but perhll»s.Paul cnn lind IIOme 'IIork-" "A nd wby bll8D't he (ound work already Y' , 8eCRuee be could not leal'e me, .Ir f hRIO been ve ry liCk, aDd ehould bal'e died but for hl B nttentlon Ob, m, let
NESIJAY, .JUI,Y 11, 1 77.
field. of pllthoannd stirring appeRI lind 11rcmCIlilous lilowth oftllo I,oger n~~ 1 !Somo Jll ElrrctM or Uln o t.11I8lI. lrJlng to !Set Asille n Marrlnge. he Ollide IL II plRID CR86 Ibnt 1111 lh e Jnllustry-Fllcl3 ror ])rlnk erH. It s eem" .aya Lh61\01l ) ark J ''Oil '''!! A CMe of no hILI", Interest, lit le lU! t pb8l!Cl!of chanty are necel!llllry to hri llIII Artrord TIm.. I'wr, Ihlll tir o ('XCllcmellL about Ihr Bmn"g the J rwI.h Circles bAA occur red It 18 ool y about lhlrih y~1I1'tI81hce I I)!pr I urllt,ve properllpK (If blu e J;ll\fs "hlCh In P ntter' ll l1 N) Ao apph cntHl Il haM till" life B) Ilod by the sermon W88 closed, and beer came nto UlIC In e UOi ted , tlltr~ fill ed up so much "p"ce ITt t ~e nelY ... I bee" ,nudo Iu lhe cour Ulto I\Ot luude allll Iho llU!t bymn was8l1og Pflulauut.ed to 'lbo firot brewery " lUI eslllohHh ,I IU pllper. n IItLI(, while agn h" . be,," prn Hnnul Lhl' marriUR C of ~Ioll\ls f unn enholl hl8 feet, aDd had moved a stell lor"ard- Pblhlllclrhill 10 J840 111 0) ) rl'rH Int~r ductl~e ID cert.m n elise.' of Ul\Jfe honn IIlId 111108 It!tchel D1l1menlhal whIch Will! but be camo Dlgh falntlD g ben path the F lind 11 Scl~ne fer lntroduct d l he bll~1 lbau slicb pt'f1odlcnl I' I"uemlCl!, If li e IIOlemn lzed nn th e I r,lb of Ju'ne lWit \III tn. k he had impo8l',1 upon blnnclf In II neSK 10 New "1 ark It 1Mno\\ nllO of th e Inllr. 11111 Ihem ~o, 118ually n· l' der IIl1mewbllt peculi a r ciNum. tance. woment more the bClledlctlOn would be moot Impartnnt IDdu8lrtcs III th e city I lll1tt blue g in •• bill! CUfallVe prope rtlcs file Illdy u a Je\\eas "ho reAld . lIlth prooounced, and tb en It Il ould 1>0 too fherll Rre UJlrty soven 11I1'~r bee r brew remll1ll8 ye t to 1>0 l>roved . but LhaL ~In"" I her Illll... r , a ntall of CO lI sld erable mCl1l1K late EegavoolJe deep th roe-he th ought e n es III thll c,ty and PUhllrl,., and lhry of tb lll colur w.1I CO Dcentrat lbe rolY. of 1Il1ll0lllreal Cnnllda he IS al>out C1~h of bis mothor-nnd hi s so ul was Mlrona turn out o'er n millIon bn rrelK In th e I Ihe SUll In ale se r degre.. M the common , teell ) enrs old l ory b<:auLtful !lUll O:lce more. lhe clfr ymoll Will! 011 hiS course of II lear l'hp lwer lUnd .. by burning Iglll!ll! dora \VIII!' known l> fore romllotlc 'l all~All h olr. hves 10 1'IIlter feet when thn bOl "pTallg lunllud On Georgo Ehret IS con81dered the be.t fit Oen 1'1, IL outon_book WIIH printed nnd fun and I. a OIglir dealer by trade he went up the HI. le uIIIII he rencheCltb e all e~O lllK the re 18 ro om 1I.lIIanrl fOlf It made lie much of by th e new.p"pers A While tbe ynunlt larty Wl\H VISltlO~ some PUlPIUt.ePII than any otb~r Ebrrt IIOl d OUD hu nd red gontlemnn of Brooklyn slllle nll!! from ' (rlendM lit l'atteMton In lh e spnng of , Olll' " urt! Si r I Ob one wordl III Rnd Hurly t"o thou~~nd b"rrcl. In 1876 weaklieR. o f Ml l!ht Will! rece utly leJ by tbe 187G Rbo oftell met Tllnnenho lr., who tho name of l:lIm "hom yo u MBrle, hear I Huppe rt rllDks n xt n! 8n ~xtellKl\e IIduce of w~1I mealllng frlendH to 11 80 lwcame m ndly lIlfatu[LLt>d With her I\lId me '" lDanufactur~r 1118 l'rJduct the !8me) ~a r , Mpcc-lacleR of blue gl ~"" Much llI\ Ct'rlaiu rel!Oh ed to propo80 for he r h8no ~lllch Tbo man of God dropped biB hands helUI( III \ ~nty four tb"u Mlld barrol. opll~lall 8 nro Mc llon!! juat no\V The he dill ,iDd I'M promptl) refllsed where upon the ellRluoll before him aud ~nU'd lhe I:ichaofel'1l, lObo IKIl rod \l C<',1 the bu . 1 nMu ll "a~ thnt 111; eyes alrpady too upon be became greRtly exclt.ed lind upon t.ho boy III Kpef.clrleKs 1I0tolll. h oe. M{)ld f'lft) fivll tb ou<uLII,1 barrel. It \\ellk to be u""d much 111 o rdillary c,r t1rrell,<'lIf,1 t(l .hoot her lIud ' th e n llIent, regaining bls composnre, be Ie hartlly Il Pcel!llll ry ((Ionv thnt 1111 Ih r.r tu.o.tnoccs \l e re rxpu.ell tn 8 ternble hlln selr "nl .. ~" . he Yl elde ,1 Theile tbrratl! \!Iu d lage r Leer brellert! are bUIIIPII. ~"II1~ glare 9DII h .. 111 wh ich ID I~II-' tflnn a " ec k " e re cOlltllllleolunul she cJnllt!nled to a hnve become very n eh ItI1(I ,"ly a (e" ~ntlfely de Iroyed tb~ r.y~8 IRht of t he bc trolhlll ceremuny wilieh 10 ILccordlllg , \Vhat IS II, my SOli' With one mlghty ellort !'au l .tllled bl M bave ffilled in the bUMln p"" I he Clip lllli ""flNe r He 18 now t otllily bhnd TIllS to tbe J ew l. h (Il"tom' Under lb,. RgreeWIldly beatlDg beArt lind t.beu rllll!ed blR IOve.led I. Inrge l- hret ~ I 'pllnl " 18 n f" c t, and tho gpn l lema n would ment sho weot lo It Ju oLlce'8 OOlec Rnd head 13e kne w that then W8J! th e time, llbout olle 1I111110n d"lIa r. \\ hell hi doubllclSl! 1>0 glnd to hn\e oth e r suOcrcrH " as legally m't med 10 lal1oenholz tb e If ever, tor tbe peoplo \\ ere nnxlou. now . talted, eleven yellrH nJ:o he had lo oor Irom WeRle eyr koow of bib CASe and betrothal ceremony Rnd the CbmtlKIl to b ear him He fUl eed lllB hand a, row money to ClIrry 111 m (lle r th e firt!l dra', II morlll Lher from AnolberBlmlltlr nIllrnHge helDg I!O Hllko ns to com plet Iy CIMpod firmly together, townrd Lbe efw montha Rnpl rt haR o'er le,"OI1 Il1.L'''CIl bas come lIuder our observnllon de~'8lvo ber pUlpit, and ID a Wild, frnlltlc lOne he ut hundred nnd Ilf~y llbollsll ud do'lurs In '1 youug lady helllit III tbl s ca.e, tbe ~11'" Blumenthal, or rnthcr l'lino tered III" brewent., hOrK", "oj;ona dc Uc I dupe r th bloe ., ...... mama 1 1111 nellhnlz, thell wt'nt to ew York "Oh,lIIr, I hlll'e heard lOU preReh lo 8tltrted 10 1867 Anotlif' r lrrrllEr who It 18 "orth beann g III mlDd tbll t th e where she Willi" lUll \l l ll ed l>y '1l\nnell day such trutbs na I know Ilrll of Ood " tarted ID tbe 8IIme ) I ar rctl r~d 011 II only property of blue gll\8~ that h 1M beel! I bolz whu wle~~ he r to 811(0 an aflldaut aod 1 hope tbey nre not !Dere Idle sa y' , lurtune 11 few years " gil lind hi . partntr proved 18 lla power to concentrate the that ~he ,, 1\8 over elgb tee n years old Inglhere Ob, parllon mo lind h_teo 1 conllnues tbe buelne •• on II c" p'lal 01 rav . of the _Ull RIlII produce extTAOrch A.t first she rclu!!Od but finnlly Bigned meslI no wrong-I onlv ll!k rou a~ you {o ur hundred thousaod <l olill r. Alto- I Dary boat One of the most eOlcient 11 when Hbe waH Informed that . he WIIJl love your God, to hear me" Herehe I'etbt' r the money Invested III lite bmw methods employed In Siberia to blind legally marned, UP01! IIhleh Aho tore up turDed towllrd tbe atto lll Hlted people, lUg of lager beer III allll "round NOli political pfillOUel'8 18 to pallll before tbe the marriAge certificate the JUKUce had 1I0d bI d \OIce bad nolY become more York IS probably not lell!! tbllu elgbt eyes of the captlvel a bn"h~ eteel blade given he r Rlld refused Lo bave nnythlDg calm alld clear You. many of JOU, million beated to red beat but It seem I lI1<ely to tlo With h~r husba nd 'Ibe men emplOYEd ID the bll IDtlII.'I l tbBt wllb t he marcb of Ctvllll~ntJolI the ll1 e mother of 1I11!8 Blumenthal8l1Ys know Oly fother , you know be IS dead Dut blame hlln as you 11'111 , YOIl Clln not earn fro m ~n;ty-elgb t dolll\r:l to ev,' nty Rus Illn. Jailers II III adopt anoth er tbat ber daugbter '11'118 not eIghtee n yeRrs blamo my mother or my lIl' l f. We Illlre (he dollars pIIr montb lind bRI O all th e melhud which Will produce ~xl\ct1y lhe o ld when th e ceremony WllH performed not to blllme that he beCllme lol'i and li e- bee r they "ant lo drm k 'Ihclr hour9 ""me re~u lt tbat Ie they will try blue Tannenholz bns been bell rd to bo1lllt thllt grnded "6 .. e re nnt to hllime tbllt he be are 101l~, averaglDg fifteen Ollt or the gla8' ho had the g,rl " fIl8t," and It would C08t came 11 VICliDl of the fell destroyer Mv twenty fou r An employee" bo docsn t I h er fllmlly coo8 1demble lo relelll!e her mother pmyed for hlOl 00 ber kne('s, Rlld I dra ok more thllu twenty gliulies 1\ dav IS • alluro or a Man ",lth EIght Jluodrctl t 1 he procecdIDg8 bnve be~n Instituted never, n e,er Ir, bISlJ10 \ degraded mo 10n'lde retl economical Many go up lo I 'Jbuul!Ilnd Dollur8 lncolU c. upon the ground that her coneent wal men Ill, wu 8110 col.. ur h arsh Bedled, fo(ty or BIXty, and there Rre \IOmo wbo IN Y or IJ ntI " . Journ.ll obtnllled through coprclon and he left us poo r-very poor My bonat or carnclty fo r one hundred Rup Une 01 th e bell\ le8t real estate men mother has bee 0 elck-slCk eve n unto the "ert s men thank eight hundred barrel8 bas been uoder Ibe barrow ((lr some ~t ycar lit th e clIpenl!6 of th e fi rm 1 monthe T o-da be h lU! abnndoned lhe A Vlrglnln Bello. Mbadow. of dektb, and I her only nu rse I "ould worll lf I co uld leavo my motb Nearly nil the beer IlIl1llufscturod nowll fight and IIlve~ up overy thing lo hiS t.rurn m CbW ' D' ~!~~.U llr W.r lu ijern"er e r, but I cannot. r can bcg-l bllve days Is docwred-thatI8, drut are u,ed credttoroo. Be WM II ,ery 8uccellllful The" Powhatan estate" Willi for lwo begged-I lun e begged lhe (ood tbat bM to color nnd lolle It !liP Tbe ullUeSll of cotto II broke r All the money lUI made bUDd red yean the prope rty of the Mayo 8u.talDed u. Lruot Dlght a llIan camo to supply lug dru gs to ,tbe beer men bM be put Illto real' HIS revenues fll,lIl1ly, and he re, !til Lbe story goes, Jobn Lurn U8 fJ·om the hOU80 we OCCUPIed he l>ecome IjUIte l lrge Ibe Lre'''lrd IIdmlt Viere ve lar e HI8I11COO10 W.· el bt would bnve turned my moth rout In lo th e uee of drugs, but mRlDt.tUn that the bllndredry'housl\'lnd doU 1'8 a ~ enr~ Ol\oe Bownrd ['ayne fell madly 1n lovo, when I d I h b I • • Y III Rlchmood, With MIRS Marla Mayo the cold, ChIli, \\!Utery air, had 1 not, Jeer Ie Improve .) t em rat er t Ian bUlldl!lg \tMr 1 rtDlty Cburch Yielded (arterward Mrs General \VlDfieltl Scott,) boy R8 ] am, mnde lum afnud to do tho hlJured 'Ihe differ ent kinti Hof beer are him 1\ re'ntal of mnet) thollsan'd dollllfll a f",mous Richmond belle In her day, deed But we caallot hve there al"nys EO well IInllWll that aot steady Imbiber per annum Evorytlllug he toucbed and rc marknble filr ber Wit and IDtelli110 Weowe our laudlord twdve dol1RI'1I can tell at a el~ whoso ee,r It e IS d rln~- turned to gold Be "lUI londed down genco, WI well 118 for ber exlrnordlnary for rl'nt, aod he nlll! swo rn Wllh an onth Ing-w~ether t ~ Ebret s, Ruppert", With cotlon One day a mercbant beRUty Poor Payne laid hi S heart at tbat he 1I'0uld turn us out of doufll by Doelger I, Olaullllen 8, Or llOtl'O other So me handed him n cbeck of three hundred b e feet, but she 18 !lAId to have loyed for ce of arms If wedODOlleA'Ve 'Twould of the breweR UI!II Oroton water, paylOg thoulIBnd dollars to caocel a coutr'\\l\ , I coquctt.ed With It, aDd then to 1[111 my mother to be removed now. Do an Immeoee tax (01 It yearly, nnd otberH Be took It Wltblll ten day8 cotton Ollug It III!lde Wbell all hope of and 10 God bletll yOI\ I" water from artellllUl welle. One firm aurged up and he made a fortuoe He w10blDg the fair Prize 11'811 abandoned,
""V rUE ""T ~ "'1UTZ'r&&.
Out from J eruulem
r~llar k~hru;:~~(~:~~d~~i8::~.
.Aud hob".
"ltb thew
I rouJ In the 8rrl ..1:1 BUD, In &nld and p urplell heen rbe dUlk.1. t:th1ol j IU ~ ' thnllrd On KiDI t)ol ~muD Wl.It'l!t C!f men hI) knew I be 11lDiituaget of III
The era lUl"H sr"t Of' f11f1l.11 lrOd lb. tu\b or b ..
ArT't'M an ant hUlled
f,~ ~!I~, ior:t~n~u~':ter h!6~J
lJ o lbullut.e.rpreted
, Hero comet the klnl lIu~ n .. r~ l AI,..t6ft Iud good loct jUlt To c.rUllb UI ill t be dv. t Under bt. b.... l ... 1..1 ' The sr... kin. oow04 hi. h ..d And . _ tbe _Ide .urprlM 01 lhn Queen or tibeba • CI,M AI be told ber wbal \.hIY Mid ~Ing I .he whl.tpered a.col , Too happy tlUt hA,o &-bey Who I rorl.b In tb, •• , .&cO.II lh thy at.clout teell
, n
~., ' !:I.()lomu n replloo rbe wile lind . troolC Ibou ld seek TI e welf.roof tho "eat A tltl turued bl. Ilone uide
!llli with quick Ilarm , ned witb leader round fhn .D~ hlll • PMpied U10UUO,
'" ud 101111 I ... lrom harD! I The J•• • I... , ...01 beDllow 1/ ItIDI I .he .. Id hQDcelorll: The JeC.nll of Lhy worLh A n I .. lttlom well l know
.. [l IPP1 mUIt. bet lho lSt.at8 WbUMS ru ler heod e lh mora The ulUrwura of tbe poor Tbau Gill LU1 • of the llreJIlL '
!!!!!!~~~~~_=Y""'~h~. C...""ftlt> n
ODD8 AND ENDS. To deltberate on useful thiug! 1ft a prudent delay IF Ma8lllchull8tlll profefllOrs of 1>< tAny wIlllDSl8t on keepIng SPitz dogs around them they mU l t be prepared to go at ,1 n., tlOle Lellll dogl and more bowy I' What the age needs
BOSTON 7'rattelltr A llI'ddloborou&lI mnn put a quart of potato buga under two quartos of qwclchme, but at the end of twenty (our houri they had eaten up tho hOle and _med hungry Mil. TURoP, a PennsylvlUluL musio teacher, wanted to aUlclde by haVing a hlg grlUtietone fall on 111m, but after two hard dn,'. worle gettIng the alone to a second story Window be dodged lla faU nnd stdl lives. ILLINOlS hung a man In 1869 for murder, and now dlscoven tbat be wlllln't the crimInal at all No gTellt hl1rm done, however, 811 he owned up to borrowmg a lawn mower and keepmg It lor hla trouble BALl tbe fools of the Unl~ Slatel tl n d fot twenty yeara, aDti think. ~\Je;y ClIO be.~ Ute 1I0cto1'8 at curing ere ewro t 'B6liI~C'",*,8,tlJe lIfot';~twOtb.fnfir'~_aN~I~"""u1i:..W;ZYr..._ _ _~_~ which WI\8 lint BUOg In.. hll opera of ClI n beat the mmlstera preachlDg tbe gOll'Olare" at London Th iS traditIOnal pel, and all of tbellnlre1!ure-~~au Cld ent In th e hfe of Payne, reVITea nn- the cdltol'll edJtlUg the p~ra. o{her (and oue still current In Rlcb N IGIIT WATCDZS mala d) connected With General Scott WhUe th e alow cJook .. the, wore mlAOr .goll Count' and rocounta tbe ruorn1l'ud .le,. or TIID(, It is IIRld thnt "hen bo firllt addre t!ed darkDfM thrills .. lib CODIClll!lIco of oaeh t I huo 1\1181111ayo h WI\8 only a ca ptaul 10 the The 81 deAth coto n hted daJl, lro .. n mnrfl bold regular IIrm:l and hIS SlIIt W8.'I s ummar 011 co more tho Uat nf all IIlJ wronp I. \.Old liy dl SW11!l!C Afte rward wbeua mate r, And Rho.tJr .andlltnilcb to me from m, Jlrlm o IhlpJell rlrewell. &I from ID allen clhno I he reuswed the Jlrofler of hiS hand, ut For tt'cb DeW lou rtdouble& all tbe old Tbl, moro 'LWILII afar .he blclIOlDI were oUr "Ith no better succellll 'lb e tblrd time WILh .no. In.l Nd uf btf.l, Ind aU tbhtGA fferu, bo "ore tbeepllulels of n I!clleral, Rod Ho" much ot allm! pal. 1.If dumb ,.,",,11 her these premptly Becured hiS acceptaDce ADd of ml'ulurp too for with btl' wont .. o rld l our tared teo plDAlO I Wben ,,·ked by ono \If ber fn e nds why Half of that -.I R [ .<Jf,..U t • .dllintlkl NIJIIJA 1 she bad tbussuddenly changed her mlUd, 111 181 M RyO 18 8altl to hll\e rep Ilod "Ill THE IlverRge Ilhoois mO!qulto welgllll my c.tlmatlOn, tbere IS a very deCIded te ll pounds. Tbey all WEar plug hRt8 dlfferellce between II ca ptnm, or even a and box toed shoes. Their bUla are major and 'L gelleral III the Amerlcnn lipped With the fineat Damascus 8t.l~1. When ooe of tbem slDga It pula a llian army" In mlDd of n threshIDg machlDe wl.b a severe cold 01110 !Jog Lan, From nn nct entitled, "Au Act (or " How old did you 8I1y tbl s compallJ the Protectlou of Wool growerti aod con Will! T" IOqulfed an IDqulsltlve female, fiscalloll of Dog. 'p/Wed lII"y 0, 187 7, while wltne8llrig the AncleJlt and nud wblch look effect Rnd wont IOlo Honorable!' parnde nn BoRton Common, force from and after tbe 1st IDst, we th e otber day "Two hundred aDn glean tho follOWing (or the w(ormatlOn lblrty-nloe r,ean, marm," WR8 the reply. of persoos baving dog8 ScctlOn 1 pro- "My roul!' 8ud the 8urprleed dame, Vide.!! for tbe payment of one dollal an "you wQuldn't thlDk H to look at 'em, nllnlly for the keeping of every dog In would you, now 1" tbl " Slate over tbree montbs old Tbe A SAN FRANCISCO mlUl told hl8 Wife dog tax lo be placed Oil the tax duplicate he W8ll tired of her, and ahe ohhRlDgly lind collected as other taxcs, tho mooey poillOned berself. A New York woman 1!I1 collected to constitute n 8Jl4lClnl (und, wben ahe discovered that her hUlband etc ::lectlOn" prOVides tbat It Ihall be WIUI tired of her, ral:!ed 11 frightful wart unlawful for IIUY dog unaccompanied by on hiB head Ill! large &!I a gooee-egg, and any person, lobe lit IlIrl111 away trom the then eloped With a hllndeome man In premises occupied by the owner or sucb eelectlDg n WIfe, you want to cbOOlle a dog lIud any such owner kno\Vlllgly por SI\U FranCISCo 8tylc of woman nulllDg auy such dog to be at largo, ex IMMEDIATE ijurrouDlhngs go far III copt III! aforesaid sball be liable to a fine formln~ IDdlVldual cbarncter W ... hwgof five doll8l'11 for el'ery 8uch o!fenll8, lo lon IrvIDg thought It '111\8 an advantage be collectetl With CO.t8 of rroeecutlon , ID to one lo hve nnel grow up by the side of tb e name of the StaLo 0 Ohio, bofore & beautIful liver, or near a lofty mounlilly Justice of tbe Peace or Mayor hav- taIn 118 tbe frequent 8l!!ht of tbem Ing Jumdlctlon Section /i-It sball be wouid all'aken thought. aDd feelings 01 lawful for IIny pefllOn to 11111 any dog beRUty nnd j;rllndnll88, and thwi mU(I found runDlng at large contrary to tbe good 1m preMionl on the mind provisione of thiS act. Section 6-That "AN Adv8lli preaoher 11' M1l!1!Oufi. tbe word" dog" in thls act Bhatt be con strued ~ mean an)' animal of..the dog lIamed Harris, Iba ed bla head eo .. to bod, and the word "owner," when re- acq1llre the venerable AIlpect tbat b~ld lating lo dogs, any keeper or harborer of neDl Impart.a. The tnck Wll.t!l detected hy any dog, or any pcfllOn permitting n dog membere of bis congfegatlon, aDd he was expelled on a charge of decept Ion. to be upon bl8 or ber premlsell. He urged tbat to sbave lhe hoad WRR no AMONG the reforms proposed ID 1he more ao ollenee than to cut the balr, to tllm the beard, or In any other way to new Conslltutlon of Goergla are BIl t Improve one'l J?8rllOnnlappearance, "ut m81 IDstead of aunual se!l8lons of tbe there Will a majority vote agalD st him Legislature, R two yea:1l' lDetead 01 a four years' term for the Governor, lew~r THE Weatern man wbo falll to discover I!.e"rellent.atlves and longer termR for A new bug IS not thought much of. SeDalors prohibltlo08 on local leglela Judge Stewart, of 10"a, II the lateet tlon and to restram the State, countl"l heard from He contributes a new pelle and Cities from l88uIOg bonda, 1\ cbange reeembling the pinch bug, which hal In tbe bome8tead exemption provIsion, destroyed all the chestnut, bntternut, and, finally, tho removal of elm aod cottonwood trees on hll place, baclc to MilledgeVille, wbore the !State and bllS commenced on the aPele treee. owns a good Capital bulldlDg Mr Ste"art Paya there are mllilonl of them I n daytime they work loto tbe Adf lco to Single lIlon, ground around the u-. lind cover tllem!lelve. up, about Rundown come out, .... We aaw y ou tlnd ber pockclhouk Whi ch 1 au forKllt to haud her cend tbe trees, and go lo work n It In ,our h6lto to HI~" the prlzil
nr 1'1 IIIL( Up Ilr~lt ) -hcl III loll. "f 111""\-<: ,h,r~ a M('1t \\ \\,1 tll r(l\\fl up h, th, "L\ , ... UlHtlllh.:p thl\ pin HI \\lthtlt p \\I\\" lh. lII '-1' h r . Ilk III( r n ,- t h. " lIh .h, I hilI " .. II IoVIII!! pl.vlI, II . I hr , " .1111 ,r' 1 " .1 Wlllu tIll \\ttt t.' rf'l C-Cl "h a lltl \\ ,It II ri Hlh 1'I \\11I1I1 )l 1111111\\1 II" I( l 1111\. r ,II I II J! ' lllWILrd 10 tlh. .. 11 'n 1111 (n li t II Ilith j lillt t'lt tU t Itt h II... .1111 I Ih, II I_ Ih, \"11111 f llll ' " ,I '"rl. 1 Ihr,ul'"I1I~" lor t IlIrI 11,,". tI , I ,,"1,1 rlllllll' Ih, " , ,,,h IllIh , 111 11\\\ "' filII • h,li'<' u 'tli the f" I till ,rr-I hr, k d'''"L Il'llir IIIr, hltl~ fll t 11",1 \I ",IL,rellll) .I .. III' I! It... k 1111 I'" 'III V J.! l\t
tilt Llh
IIIl ttlll\
111111\\ . lI O)u loi ,f\, rLak. 1111" , l.llr.t., 1( 11 r t h, III II I h4\fHIIJ{1r dr, III' III o( a till. ,,"1 1 rx, II' ,I the If III .rl iJ jjve and l\lllt r 11 .. 1 ,rll. ~ hili - '1'" ehe looked Il 1'\'0)11 llrh " 1111, 1 l!\';i'~ nnd sorrow
rI,,, ..
• ,,' Ir .. \:. find I"1t npl • It. It' UII' II. ;'-the room conilited of
On....! ...... , '11'0 common chall'll bellde 6'ffe In whlcb the widow enl, lind .~"'"'--~-:o~-:n::e Imall bed The rest of the bouse WIIS empty Nearly 1111 the furniture - they once JIO'se~sed had been 110M by the hUlbanl! nnd f"th e r before be dleo, and what few articlel he bed IC(L bUide tbeAe In tim room, bad been Bold to pny the rent Of ornllment tbere '11'118 none\lili es" we notice the old m\l~lIet tbat I,ullg on two wooden brackll h over tho dnor ] hnt would hl\ve been IIOld 10llg III fore, Imd 1I0t Mrs. J.avere clung to 1\ witb al\ her power of entreaty and I'mye r 1t !\lld been her flltb er'a mnsket, lind ho had cnrrled It bravely nnd hon IIrnbly throul[h tbe blood stained fields of 1 fenLon, rnnceton, BrandywlDe and Ullrmnntown , and when dying he gave It to hiS daughter Tbe poor womM clung to thllt l1li tbe Ill!!t memento of ber bottA r dnys. " 1'11111," lpoke tbe motber, ID a weak, falDt, looe,· IH there DO more wood T" " I cau eallly get 10mI', mother, wben you nre nble 111 apare me 1 bave lOme ga~ered ull by tbe roadSide nellr the pona~' r.-t I': ~ '-... -~ .. 'I en YOIl may p;o now. i !haU pt along 'Very well nntU lOU come back." So tbe ooy put on hiB cap, and started oU With the lIed. He wa. gune nearly lUI hour, and wben he returned he bore wood enough to Ill,8t through the relit of tbe day, and tiunnll ~be morrow. A better lire was lOOn klDdled, Rnd then Paul moved out tbo bttle table, and placed a loaf of brend on It. Be tben made IIOme tca, and when that 11'118 dono be III!ked hl8 mother If ebo would eat " ThiS 18 all," be aalo "Not another cruml- of food II tuere ID our houee. But lilt UH ent, I can beg more I am ueed to It now" TI1I8 11'1\8 bltterlf "poken, thiS 1ut sentenct', aud the Widow looked (or the moment a8 tbough she would chide her 1100 for I t But the look q ulcUy pU!ed away, for she remembered that jor many weary, wcary weeks ho had eupported her. It WaR toward the middle of tbe afterDIIOO thnt the door of the cot was opened, and two men entered One of them WII8 Notwortb, the owner of the dwelliog He was II tall, shoo mao, With 8harp, IIngular featurel, thin, grizzled hair, email red eyes, a large month, and a Darrow, contracted brow Be wAlla hard, cruel man, unfeeling m tbe extreme, and eeemed to know of but ODe IDcentlve to action-and theIDcenhve JfAll money. The other man 1I'AIl NotworUl'1 toOl-a ~tout, burly clown, ready to doaoythiDg hi' ma terbade him, 110 long All blaw~ were_~ld
.. Well, M~, Lavere, tho oUler
~'V~.1~e~w~B~o:v~e~r~o~w~~an~~t~~M~~A~ ~M~to~~~re~~ ~~~~~~~!~~n~~!~~~~~~!~i~~~~f~~~~~~~Ia~~~~~d~~~a~t ~1'!c1~r.,!fDI J~~ $~Dt1~ feec
luch ahe never 10tena1a, -eel)inlt. OIT More than once be T he effect wa The GlaDt Plaut Jupiter, atn~eo~:;:~::~ t~~ bad luch a lhln~ been heard 0(, an~et Prof R A.. Proct()r wrltM ID Bt Nu:l, m oet ollU JupIte r W&!l nt his brlgh test on the weakness WI thbeld !i:wth:n : : : thmk It out of place bear no more When of Illlythlllil hll~;'iI:':'~:;;;::;;;-=i:;;CiT=.;;:.+tlth!llt of June-l9,-wibml lie WWl exactly drnpped(romNot"orth 's That samtl ooy mlgb t tbem hlft 0ppDfllte the 8un,alld came to t~e south qUickly to the ether door: Simple story 1n l he etreet and tbey at wldmght the old musket. B e 'll'ould hnve pused him Idly by , but J~lter I. the fiftJll of tbe great planela t b e Bun, our and tbe sha rp 1I0W It ClIme home to tben hearts It I00 er 0 f d la'... ncp ( rom a"antlon 111erc ury i ~ tl Ie 1n • .., eeemcd almost a teet sent by God to try ear th be log tb e th·... hu the boy cried, brloglng tbelr fRltb In the doclrlOe tlley hRd that fin t, tl1lvehnlf Dearest the lun Vee us shoulder, alld aiming I~ day henrd Only Mr ~orworth l18emed wblcb I deaerlbed a few mootby ago 18 on my motber, and III angry, but tbough e,ery eye had been tho second,and travelsln sldo tbe eartb's you, All there u a God In beaven! turned upon him, yet he dared nOL path. Nut ouhlde the earth's patb 18 II loaded, Ilr 1 loadotl It ID 8~.'" tbat of Mare. OUl.1lld8 hiS track thHe _L d'" r-lh tl f L _ f tolWoota uc . . .H or my' motber Eraloogthomlnlstercamedown,and come epa ' I I ~ all I t t110 I a num""r 0 very d D on t loucb ber n eaven I name, placed bls hant! upon the boy 's bend, am p line 8 rave lUg ID a rlllg aroun don't. I "ould not have YOllr blood on tbe sun lIIof1) thalli one huodred lind my handa, but [do not he I" ami then, ID a clear, Impre!StfO tone, be eeventy of tbese bave already bee n di S The boy WM M pale AIlll8hell, hut not a S51d covered. but alllbeae to~ether (besides nenA 10 hi8 body trembled Hillarge ", Inasmllch as ye bal'o done It nnto hundreds mere olthe family not yet diS dark eyes were burmn!!; wllh a (earlul tbe lel\8t of ODe of t8eJOe, have ye done It cOfered) do not weigh 80 tOucb aij lbe int.ensity, and hiS lips were com,PreMed Ullt(\ me' My frl end8, let us all talce tenth of Ollr earth Out Ide thIS IllImly until tbe prrnla of the teeth WlthlD were couneel logetber after weare dlsmlMed" ofmallY congrellated planela, all together plalOly to be I16en He tbeo prouollnced the benedictIon, scarcely enough to make a BlDgle respectOf COUI'88 a man With sucb (eellDlls aA bllt only Dnvld Notworth left thebouee able planet tomcs .J uplter, outwel!!blDg Notworth displayed could be nothwg What was done 10 that meeting ClIn be not only al! these, wltb our earth, Mar. bllt a coward HiB DIan Crow (ell bRCk Judged of by the resulla. Tbat Venus, and Mercury tbrown IU, but all 1U a moment! for he 8IIW too pWnly the nIght a doc lor came to the tbe otber planetft ta.k en logether oole88 mfaning of tM boy'. face alld With him cantO a nlln!8-\H}--,II-l<4-+~_-t-w~llndaha1f tim "Put down that gun I" g88ped the remam OD the nut dayaluae sumof JupIter exceeds (.ur cartb tbree hun landlord money, and many artlcle8 of comfort, dred tlmeslD lI1AIlIIorquantityofmatter "Not until you have left tbe bouse, were I18ntlll Ere long Paul WI\8 talcen But, enormouBthough thlselicetl8 of mM S 8Ir," rep\ted Paul, In a Itulbed lone Into the family of a wealthy mecbaDlcas may l!Ilem, It 18 smal.l compared wltb bls "Leave UR now, and I WIll make IIOme an adopted fton and ere the snOW8 of exce88 of Size, for lie ell ceeds the enrth arrangement lor a new home, but plnce "lUte r were gono the Widowed molhe r one thousand two bundred nud tJurty VOllr hand on my mother, and you die" was "ell agalD, lind WI\.< glndly t.a\cen three tlmtM ID volume. It 18 only be Of courae the wretch stormed, lind mlo the same family With horllOlI, where cauHe be travels so much farther 8way threatened and swore but he dared sho pnseed the happleat hllurs cf her tban either Venus or lI!l\t8, tbat he apnot tempt tho boy, who looked on hIm woman'llIfl'. pears Ifill! bright than lIiar. For th elle 110 strnngelv It 18 a Simple story, but where" III you two planela areutt.6rly IDRlgUlhc~nt com "'Veil, brow," he@aid,atlengtb,after find a brave r boythlln was Paul Lave re? IJared With hIm, bl~thl0 Ilze and mlUl8 be (eund that hiS coaree tbreala had no ThlDk YOll he Willi brave \Vb"n be faced But he travell! more than five tlntea ellect, ""e win go now, aod when we tbOl!e two 8trong OIcn for lu~ motber's fllrther from tbe 1~ln than the enrlh goes, come agnlD we'll bave them With USIl!! protectIon? So I,e WIIS But re- l!O thRt oven at hll llearee~and bllghle8t, will have tbe law in theIr handa." qUired not II mOiety of the stern, calm bls dlftlJlnce from lIaexceed. four tlnles "Oh , molber, you do not blame me?" borollm, which !!ent him, a"pale, feeble ollr dl tance lrom tlb.esun, wbereRs, when Cried Paul, eprlD!!lng to bls parent's Side boy, Into thllt sacred temple. tbete<to ],lars IS at hiS nearelt, his distance flom after the men haa gone (ace the multitude, and, In defiance of UI II not mucb mQre than onll tblrd o( "~o, no, Pnul," the Widow returned all preCt'dent, to JIOurout tbe Rtory ofbis our distance fro,ID.tb~.J'un b d h bl bo mother's Rufferings. But hl~ eou1 Wll.t!l ~ '\, FrlDg Wit bl&me prl eyou. on but er 1 notear e tboy y, atron~ with Iiliallove,ani:lheconqnAred onA":" . ""0", • I cannot ___ '".,.,......, .. will do IIOmethlng drea1ful now" Peop e honsned lum for this Itra.ln:A:'rlbh menAn ofo'Pane hall II band"Fear not on that account, mother dependence, and All btl grew up n noble, h , j, th hi h vlrtuousvouth Rnd man , ho WIl8 lOme country bUBO' u ecn\lfonew c 'Vh en I too..L d OWD your fatber's gun I 8taady, ~ h I ~t J I to SOl tember I'. d rfsDf'cted by all who Imew him Yet the eon yoccurlea., om 11'1 ' h a d ano th er rellO Iut Ion .orme ID my r. ~ Th t th tl 0 t~ Ie " I will try olle more smIle nnd tbe lovlnrc ~mbrace 01 hla Ie prrr Wd IOU I i ait, .or de erres tb e 0care 08f 'lear Le' I so d ler Olotllar, WIth he r tefor ul bIA.'lng upon un ra, ao 0 t h ing Jor al I Will try tbe R8Ilembled' ~ d f vi Abo t U 1 I I ObnatiaDltyof tbe tuwn." blm, Viere by fllr \he dearest retUID he retne rom eer I.e u mRY ,IV II e **** **** ***• met for Ltl8 work Lerat Wll!! .mo~llDg bls pIpe before tbe Of Mr Notworth we WIll only My he door, two men In bloul!ll8, carrylog a The Sabbath boll8 rang out clear upon ,hed unwept and unmourued, and a large good8 boI Ol~ 8 haudbarrow, Mked the fmet)' Illr, and people put on their ~pendtbrlfL Hon qUICkly squandered hll bl81eave to depo!llt the I>ox for nn hour belt gnrments to go ur to tbe bouse of t In tbe garden L~rat assenled the box God and pray Tbe Ilel!!h bells Jingled proper y Wal Bet down behmd the It&ble Rnt! tbe over tbe smooth road 118 the mero favored . men departed In tbe evenlD" Lerat's No 1I0re Slde.Snddles. to ones II ew b y, and eVllr an d anon II. more dog began to bark eavagely Lernt went humble chureh-Roer stepped OUtllltO the There are few traps for the female N!X to l!Ce what wastbe matter and fouurllhe deep enow to let the eqUIpage pall! By any more deadly than tho SIde IIIId!lle, dog ~uardtnll: the chest barklDg and and by a thin, pale face appeared ID tbe and no 0011 of auy Mnee !!rlO\ e8 at thc sbowlOg bls fangB 81gnllicalltly LerRt entry of the churcb. decay of the" noble art-of horeeman crept on tiptoe to the box and heard "HIlln't YOIl got no better clothee'n ship," as long M that Rrt can not 1><1 movementS1D It He rail lit onceforbl8 tbem lo wear to meetlO', boy1" the sex- practiced IlXcert at tbOlmmlOent flU gun, got the gardener, and, returnlDg, lon wed. of the ladles dOing eo Eoglreh people opened the cIl8l!t A maD in a hlouse " No, air, I bAVe none othel'll." are devoted horsemen, and the ladles as HprRng out alld starled to e8cape, but "Well, never mInd Bere, 111 show well aa the men take the highest Lerat covered him with hiS guo, and tbe you a seat" plO:88ure In galloplDg after the hounds man, 1D8tead of evading, fell upen hl8 Shortly after thl" 1I1r DavlsNotworth But rec.. ntlr an Eoghsh lady, who en kneee and bfa:~ed Lerat not to betray entered the chur~ Be was hablted In JOYS what IS conSidered an ell Viable him, he woUld oon(e88 cverytblDl! black. lind tbe deacons a\l bowed to him fame (or skill nnd daTIng ID rldiog clOtJe Lerat, however, baDded him over to the as he pllllll6d them He did not !lee the to the hounds, and who IlalllO a pattern pohce, who lilt I~ trap, and tbat Illght poor bov untler the gallery wile and motber, b&!l announced that she CIIptured lill iwo accomphct's try 109 to It seemed 8 8tran~ coincidence tbat Will mk her hfe no more ndlng on a break Into the b,ollee The goOde ·box morDlng that the mlnleter should have side I18ddle, but In the next seMOn will dodge, It _mB, bill! boen freque.nUy preached the sermon he did. Be took the ride mlllcullne fll8blon Ber announce- tried of late. whole of the tblrteentb cbapter of ment hM eet the whole fMhlonabl.orld "Paw'8Flnt Eplltle to the Corlntblans' to talk lpg, Iince ebe II, a WOPian of ~pLrlt, IT doe8n't do a bit of good to go to a -that chapter wlilch la devoted to ud It IS believed ehe Jl'iIl do as ahe 1I&1S. and Iud on the river bank and charity. It wa a Doble theme, and the It Ihe doellihe will have lollowera with- admire the aorg'l8U! 'Ulllet and talk speaker WIl8 a warm·hearted, zealous out doubt, and it Diay be that tlus wiU .bou~ the t.eDder lreautiea of nature to a man. On the preaeat oocuiOD he ai- Inaugurate the long 8Sptq* dl'eli l'8Vo- man w1l0 hU jUit eat down on a OUltard wed hl.1e&l to mO\lllt ln~ the upJi!lf lutloD, ple. 0
doo4 .. ofaIt; Notconten¥-tr1th thil be 11' Induced by • • peculator to tako bold 0 a railroad Bo bougbt bonda at lu:ty Soon after they went down to forty, and the lentleman bought all ho could lav ban 8 on He took tue road H e pro ~8e<1 lo run It He found Itunfiol8hed Ie eqwpped It, spe nt three bundred thoulII\ud dollnrt! ID loeomouvesand roli Illg stock RUID came to hIm 118 It come. to everyone wbodabblc81n oUlJllde mnt ters Tbe paniC completed hiS demor alizatlOn. HI B flue Ne w York property wll!! O1ortj!aged for more thlln IL Willi worth 'lO-daf beh8800llSed to8truggle F ew men wll be warned and folY m en ~ WI llbe wise r .or a II t b 18 H ere 18 a mnn b ( b b d I W 0 It ew DlOllt ~ IIgo a a roy t 10· como of flight bllndred tboul!llntl dollars a year 1:Ie WAnted lO make It n ml lhon To day he Is bopeleHlllv bankrupt
A Rnre Find or OlliS• An extroordlDary dl sco ~o ry of anCIent COID8 Ila8Ju Mt been mad e a ll th e 1II0utrane estate, a fow mile~ froOl Uupnr, In Scot lann, t.he property of}lr Allan Gil mour In drnlDlDg a portion of lnud tbe IKborers Hlruck 011 whKt ,hey 8uppoeed to bea boulder, but s ubeequenUYlt wlUllh", co, c red to be n pot A 8lone was firmly wedged IDto lla mouth, and on belug romo\ed It WII8 (ound tbat the 'Ve!!!lel wa K filled wltb COIOS, the number of ple ceR bemg nlDe thouMnd MORt of thom have the appearance of a well worn sixpence, 11 few lire of tbe size of a Oorlll though not gUite 80 tblck allda sIDal number nre IIhout the size of a lIIulllDg Ihoy areall 8111'er and, 80 fllr as bnR been IIl!certllllJed, of the twelfth tblrteenth, and fourte~ ntb centuned Jt 18 Kllppoeed they worc ueetiln Ule rei gns of Rollert Il, Itobert III, and Dnvld II ant! bllve Illin '" the earth more tbllu three hundred years
A IlUBTERRANI!.AN IlIke or fiver wu t.apped by lOme men who were boring for coal nt Ooe, Iowa, a few d"ys ago Whell they had penetrated eeventy feet, they heard a heavy rumbling DOlee. wbloh WAIl Immediately followed ilY a rush oC water, filling the Six lOch tilbe, whIch ral8l!d the dnlllug nlachlne, welghlog IIOme seven hundred pounds, mllny (eet.. On movlOg the drilling apparatus, a volumoof water Wll!! tbrown 10to the IIlr twenty feet and still con tlDUCS to rise IIOven orelght feet, when It spreade out lOto Jets like un nrtlficlal fountalO It 1M estlmllted tbat It dIs cbnrgtK a harrela mlllutt Tbe water I~ rure and cold A. .toue thrown mto the lube 18 hurled back Inlo tbe air, 88 IS 111110 a flul, when forced down lOto It A COanF.8PONDENT of tbe LoUISVIlle udgtr Standard wriLt>s from Ynnktoo, DalrolJl 11ft follows We have had the good fortune to witnellll somo very fine ocell~ry aloog our route, and the most IUtercallng "'1\8 wltnellS6d on Ihe after· lloon of tbe 7th Inet We had noticed fot' IIOme time a large cloud of smokll ahead of U', and 011 lIearlDg It we foulld It to be wbat II called" Bur lUg Rock' It \-urnsconslanUy, liS we were rnformed, RIllI of It.aelf The rock looks all 1f It nugbt contlllO coal, hilt of very poor quahty The fire reduces tbe rock lo a very bright red Cloder, wblcb snllps hke artIllery, and the-cnu se 18 IIlI yet un known to the people hereabouta What Idea hnve you to advance on tbls matter? THE Wife will hardly ever .nOtice whether her husband bllll bad hI. hair out, but let blm go home with a ~trange haIr P'I\ in hll overcoat., lind 8he'11_ If beCorll he reaQhetJ tho gate
You df Ol'pcd your DH'"10ranlla
AN IJle buated Baltimore d.ctor of Indifferent standing atole an overcoat and a galvanic batlery from aDother phYIIClan, &ud WAIl arreeted He pleaded hll (Own caae With great t'arneltDell, .,IDg ." ..::.............'.. "'r....::.:..=-jH"'...t~hI"IH.!!a~lI~cea ~ tor8 to the fi(th degree h~ beeo d~unkar s. The jur)' was out hair an hour, and returned .. :verdict of DO~ gUilty. 'Ihil deolalon Opell' up more of .w~ a oonanM thIin Oharlea Butrte. poe. No w.Ddor tbat y~u wllb I. larry ar.ed.
A.nd here It is
A IJ0810 min, nor dare 10 marry Buldon" me womanJOT flump,.
Lor mODe1 wuOn, J'au.tII I. ample A dold.1 hom. YourlllU "lorll1, ADd LlI.D lit,<tben IOU ma7 11_
-I.- L., 10.8_ .II""""",,,
HOPE, Warrell COunt)'. N. J., prJ.dea iteel! 00 • wlUo" tre. whQM b\lok II .1IO~t fon1 t..\ La clroua"nnce.
~--------~--~----------------~----.--~------------~~--~--------~.~~~~~~ 1~{'I "nll " l. -YI".t..~ <:,llcl-llJllllt .. tl lit tIll l'IIS O~Cllriluh Oil wIll h WOIO g llih l\\ v he npplllll lcd II, "lilt ()II th (1 1t:1l THE 11 A,11 Gt\ ZETT E.
flieu e l '01 It I '~lI()U tI \11 ~ ~elL Ut'hlllfl llli MllJl IlIlwnll l'nt QI' th o Littl e MiamI ~ .• m g .,,'11 tly ..... oll n "t 1'11 1 Th lle 1&<1', 1 • UII" of tIl,," ,I,' , II II Ihld GIOI'I')U Ir\Jurth nttlll 't I'\111 IIlIUI I Ililu ''" ,, '" )II g I I , I, no n ' ~ I I I II I It ' I 1 ty 1-\. ~lI t 111111111' 1 " Il, t.l1 ' I) >ltl' IIIt;, (11 ' ~t1 t 11111 s hole". 1'11(' crv lld 'i lld 11111, 11 11 )IJ III , Iii 011111,11 I , - Ii ., Idll I ).Ikl I Iii 11 \ tll'" III • I I t t I r. LIO II t LII " 11111 1'1 11" I "X 111'81 011 tllU Ii , l lIIlI1cn e, 1111 1 L 10 111111 c U tI 1,1 ': ,. v " L..' nll l .. a YllIJ, I\' t II l~lIl1l;u) ,\: VILJ.I'''' PI, .t " ~"'II"HI I " }l\l" I., {'If 1, "II ' 1"11 nil' I \ 11 'II, ~I II " I JI I' I tv 1<'0, h' I'.. '10 IlIg on lhe 'Ilbbnth _ M •• ",ISIrMt,'hm ] """.,,,1,,' I , 1N'llllI"'ll III) wil l ill) lho 1811111 YOU I U II \\ay. I,ll t"~ I\r<t 8 ,tnrllt, nll il 1111,1" of I'" h -I \Yil h" : A lI ,h IS!'II el ~ . hld\\ I"J ,' tl) Ill) \ 101 'li t 1m lid lIl' '1 hu 11I,11I1I1:;UI 1I~ ~ ' fl (J l'1 dit I r he ~ LU pPl" 1. I III"'~" 1%1 d. IJ III· 1' .. 1 11I 1I1,d (lil' I Ii 1' 1 l',tl lllIlIl ,'"11! Ih ull ,,1I ' fW' II C 1I1It! lll thll"IIIKI I !.' " ~ /l/ /,,.I, Tl ilit a CfIlUIIUtl" b' l Ro,,,,, r 1 11", 11 'lllltt'l: - Th, 11", I - ~II _ 11, 1\" I II \\/l " I 1.1' [,11 -- ~ll , D " ~[ I \\ uil, tlllU \IIl1l u 1I11 whu ,l isted lIJlp ll lltcd hJ CI Il: lIlllt 'II 1'11111"11 t 'l }.' ,II .. rAu ~" .\tI1 , I' rlll 'I_ ." ,nlh!1 """ "" " III 11.\\ 11 .. 11 \' ,'11 .111 • e k.. , III p i ml'l l 1 e t Cl' lt,llll thll t tllllS llIle llllt l' lIdt'lilof Ih Lllile' ~I I \1111111 "f " lIh ",," 1h L I\ "'''1'' ' ''II 111111 , ",.t.1e 1I1,"ll1trll~r, 1111., III"t T llr 01 "111' 'I ',',)1 u rll - A R l "oe l\ l' I'I,UI. , I I I I , I" " 1.'llIl lI "' o· 1111 1' I11\ I " 'I IIII!.! , l lll~k L) LI,e " .. .'" ~' 1 I I 111111 I)" 1111 '11111 Iil l til' l lti 'llIlt lllll \1 I \\ III ,. I ""..(11" Slln lhy"O~II'''\lI I I I d I ,ui h .,'I OSIII " II! 11\\ ,1\ , s,.~f\l,\hl' F. Cll l' HIII - <,,,,,.,,r IdI .. l'1I- 111CI I ,11'g~ III c.. ul lllli IlIfltll"'g" 1111 ,1\' ;1' 1111111 t hu t (III1I~II/.:lt IIIIU In'lI nllt lUII'.ll l' IUlll ld uuo \' lt h h lti lll l',h l "It,IIt-' e l " ~~II~~~-:I~':::~~~~U:;~~~~S-I_ _ ~~~o~f:~~~~~~~w.----lj·.,.I oJ" ~ I-·.I" Ih,Il' 1"" ,,> I'Il ~ (\\I lit II , I"e, Ih 'l ~ t " l) h ur ,), ILlld III ulh 1"' 1>;~ IIIIIII' III UIIII'lllllltll ll llllII' " llI I.,PIUI'I ' " I Iltl'111"I" "" 111I 'IIUY th c l ellu"t l 'I"r.', 1.1 ·,,;, J ! lli :"z. the II11111 J 0 I1111 I h 'lI "', til tl Il ILl I0 III l CI IL , I ~~ O.burno ]tt , lur )""""""" " " I,r" I ~ ~ , u. I l',l eU III IIId "IIV 11118 H il led I. , " I 11 1l) e.lllllll llt l'u IIl1lill)IIZed III t il e WOO'(.UIl , u n d .) ''''''''& :'\11 ,,,1,, , .,h" o,I - ( .. , I" Fb, rll ,\: £LII.I,I II ' " 11 Jill" ' " th _l t he \\ .1 1 uv 111 01 III' I I 1" .1 l "U ' ( ' I,\\ h~ru (,IIC I,lltud ILlI I ' , - 1~~ olnn. m o, or, 81111' \I 111 1 lilll 1' 111,; 1111 ' ''" , I ," , 1",\ ~ '1I 1e LIIII U \ h h lOlIl!b Ih u IIIJIII I K L, tlte 1111" ,'1" ""I I; J lIl lIl b th ' Illi d " " IIII' "C(II""II II I I' III n II I II flllh 1I'"" lul"' 1I W~l"n o ! 1 ... lo 1 ,wn.I"l' ll.... Ii, ,\ III I'll" I" - 1I~I III I l:d \\ 1I ' ) ' In lO lI , II lI d ,II ' 1I11UU8 C\lI~lI lIl l lea th c MI\I(lil) l 'I " III III~lI t 1I1 1111 1l~I' 1 \\h' IIII ~ ,d, Ask Yourselt these Question s ~,:,I :':.'.~~:I, :,',"."~'~~~"'~'~'~"I:'.~hJl(::,"'I·t't, - \l IS 1\ 11r,.\ (,11 111 ,.1 .t ( 1 1 h ,- t Ih"lIgh l tu hl d.III!.:CIIIlI'; Ill' 1~ 'lblJ \1' hd.! III I:)ut t Ith \\,llte's i "e llt , pilI III lillie II ,,~L >i '~t \IUIlI It;, h I I \ 0 11 Il J I " \l1J1U1, n I .('lilt" t , r r rl IU ~ 1 l~ P al e nted July 11 lB71 ~ ~U llIl!'"'' I' dI'll' "rle,nf Ih, l ~1\I1' " l L II "t·" k 1',' (1111.1 I "" 'lIl-1 " 1 .\11 0 I ll/ClS Ilil ~llId I" ICIlIII il c I,; lit I' fl-,;cll t gl tt , II I II I III ~ 1,lucl',,, l ~ tlllll'hut" , ellerJ.:dll 11 ,)11;, l" II ll1d,,, 1111', "\ Il tutl lhllt H llhllll u\ tIlU " [ til l It-nil '" II tO'~ )'.Hlj)IU tlH_U r 1I0nt 11 r (1 ,,,,, '-,,'nIO', III If ' l,tll d"" I),( 1\ ~11 1111" We It p I: ile 111,1\ II tI '\ th ~ 1"'1'/' Nt LilliII' (I( Iho I;IIIU u gl( ,lt IIl( HRIIIC , Iill 1I1111~~1I1 tl lc 11 \1\\1 ~ 1r4 ," uur Nun .,u,.. :;\ .. \ , 11\ 1 Fm >S I,,'M " ' lIs , lOrll,,, I", ' - ,1 ,, 1 .11,11 bll dlll ..d,l II!!:" "I ' 1"1 !!II nllllll ' III t hl~ u' lIl1ll1 Ullll v 11II1I:;lIlt llll c " I 1111 " 1'I ' ,hl " " " ,'>1 l'rl.!~,,"ud" )) tS \ UlH Bl ,}pd 'In.mllltu lmlil ,) 1Z Jr II IU Kf"rd ""," " ""I"I'r, ' " 1 ... , " ,, 1411, -- \\ lllle \I dl " " Ii 01 1 II'll'I 11 I I I " IIIU t II U " llIlt 1111"111'"1111' I lI 11vu ) VU " COli!!'" L" I< SI1\III< ' CU", ' 0 11'''/ ,"1.1, / f ll '( '/ Dil l 1"It""",,,,,,1 Ikl , .. h" k 11r>IP"l ldl .,, 1 " ,,1; 1I1I1 1. I 1.1111 \ ,\: ' () l ll C,'IIIIII'I u ll,1 ~' ll l~' t C' '''I ,I)la\\II ~, l"lra t 11110 ; hot, P"l c H l\ ulIl l\ lt l l\lI:! II .... III ~ tl '''I( "1 ,f Ihe f ,I ,fl" ' .>tlUl( &- ~~ Effective External Remedy Sdll"-,I.t"12 o'd ,,. ' I' )) I ,~ II \ "' ;::. ~ " II I "I "'lll" 1"lt IllIdu I,u lur Ih e " ' u 1I , ' \ \1 f th t,.;t IIIH1 If\1h h 11\ 1r t: Itll t Ilt ,Ill I t I FlIC." 11<1"11·' ,1'r"" ~ , Ii' ( hllr 1, ' " 1i 1l'~1 I'UI 111110 hccli tI "l lIg S "'I\~ e X I "1111 1, ,,1,11111 Lilt ,I ,1 ,lIdld d ll) gll l .. r II I Iltl b' lll 'l 11\ 1" 11 1 v i th L "-,,It. "f II) ", 'I -'" I" ,. C"1II1'1 ,,,"1 "", I L \ L I{ I) I ( u \ I ~ In: () W.)IU _ ",,, ," , h, I,llh , hr,, ,,",I, h,,,l - \I ",.\ 1Ii1 11~ L\II " I '\ - ,,1 \\ ,.1 (1 111I1t \\",k ' II IIIl ~tl~l b 111I ' I'lllt l II I I " J 1\1' 1" " ~I,llIl lIl l II I,dll l" 'IIlII Il!d It lv IIIIII ;t' 'I t l l l t'llIIS ~ \l( oI~ 1 F I " "IH '" S llhl 11 th (l f I IHhmi1n tliHllOl .. A " H1I17 II1It It l ' ~ l:-.thc g lh :-o ll..J i .\l' '' ti All U I I 1Iu l C ali I ll",\.> , L11111 I II \\ I k U II ~' It J", , b\ 1111 ,l ruV.Il1"'" hi 1h L }, !I I " 1 A S,,' /I>II of nl""1,, r 1111 1'" , ' I 'lI l ~V II I I '1I11llt Ilt l: 1''''I.\uI> II I-(1. t ' " '111' " \1I1 ~ I 'l .lIllll d l\ , e ll l l! lI c" , II S I~ (ll •• 11I IlIIIII IIIlII" 1I I ,,/,-1 \" I I It "f . 'III \ I )11 1'" ... l tI\, 1 1111 .!-\IIUU,lO b u i ll, ,,, \\ t" r, ':1\, 11 P".tnr All "ro··", .I1.I(, ",, " ,II ,\ , ,, 01 t " h, ;!I 1111 11 1 \\'L hq.o; 1t ,i\\l ' UI, , II 1 11;1 l! IIZlIl b Ilii d Ihe "Idlllt~ II Il 11.11 010.1 . 1 '1 111 , 1. .. tell ll i Ih e 1&" 1\ lit ti ll l ~ l UI ul.:h l lr ull •.;.I ... I ... t tl 'J I 1 I I I N I ,' I I I: 711 f l II " I'W l'SI1<'M' FR1",'(l h k", ' ·-'I, HI.' \11 ~ 1 1 1' \ ~ lhl ll 11 111 ,1 " 1111 II 1"I" tll .. 1 Ih e l''''I'lI t ' "\\ll'l' II/ 11 111" 1111111111 Jtwl, I. I' IIIIII IIl':!l! 1I (lIIIIRUl l'lIllhl' "; 111 " bUl It d id 1 e-. pl l fl ll Irml I \\ ~ 1.1 .. . 1'1 \ \ ti l .. ~tl .. h 111 \ IJ I "", ./ I 'I " " 1/:1 (.t I :\" !:i:-. I I f"ru ,,,,,,, ,, ,,,,I"I' ,, ' nl lr. , ","11' rll ,d hi " \ '1"1 '1I1.\ 1111" Ild, II,;ldllll llll tld Il II IIlS " lItllu _ Il.III·,,1 1l ;.o;I'lhll ' ll \\1111 Ileli'l .. I I IIII IUII "1II ""l I,y ,III) IlI l',IIt- RI'" IIh u l ullllh, plr-.( U l lf It ", \\ l Ul l , rflll 11'1 l~ hl) 11 . I " filiI{" 1' 111 I{ ~I)\l' ,/",,1 1"/,,, ,\II fo rln :4 o f (l u h gttHt l '. :-;ump1, 111111 .. 0 ,1' l"'il"'111111{ .. I II .. I", k I Jr,1 P" , I,\l(c III III" "' t I ,\l' , I I I I II rl",ol " 'n l~,,,'I ,k A" ,o ' lll i ,ct\\'CIl " ,1II 1 1111l1 III IJ 1I 11l1 ,.II I. 1 1"~ ,l t pe.wI' \" Ih th' \\lI tl \\\I ' lli llICIIJlllltIU \1 Il~e H t!g u har 1'1 1(.0 ' '')0 II" ff 'I, " HU Hf !}llf,It/11t I tllI ,1 u ltlI H'.M III\ \ J E ('11111111-11" H,' , M n \l <I'" --,\lI S ;-'; ,lIhlllllll Il' el, ,, "I ;'IlL q" lIdl Ihl lIltcl ll l(lll v i th tlll llll ,,,r- I\ IItl J Ii,l IIe,It 1111 ,1 L11l .1 -.1 , - li t II lId "be \\1 1I 11 a t IId'lI~ to tit I) \111111 filllt -dl1l4l4 tIl "Kg-I_tit til tho U ~ , "1 /llI",,,,,,,, ' 'l 'l,,... . . . (1" 1" '1 ' rM"" DII III., . r ""',1I ' ",,,I ,,, ,, ' II, \\' a 11I 1I j.!tll ll , I~ " ' lll lIg ,\II :! 1 )1 11 11 l!:l I"l lt uSaJ ~' llIdlll ll lllll "llltll I" "t lit \ h" u. J 1 1l ' ~' I lI lIh,," cll '~v\lt. "\\II ~ \\ l'et "d b tl IllS /'1 (1I1,II'Jtlllllll l t " / I I ' ~ ~illfJl' 1 ~ o'clmkA .r " ""l l, I J I I ""bl'"r1' I " t1It 'III I~vlI t he IlIlIy fJ,,, t l" lI "I t hllt ~' I"II l! II II~I IlIl l ll '" " U ,Ig h llll.! , 11 ~"11 1l1 lilli', IlIllI " ~ II' '''Ip llr," , till "' '' '11/1'' Il. kt:l 1 01t<l';o~21''' I l 11 ,, 11 I1I lilt I.,l ocbool l /ol t \, ,, 11I 1 ~ ' ",'h/; fl · I ( ;n II " 1/, FAn!tlw. N o 11 T'"lr' < of --I I u n" ,n t SI ll \' bar hllg/!1l 4 8t lll IC III,I III' A r UII I,I, I} It'"11 II " 1I 1,1 __ l' he \\ III IIIU I""g III tl "1I111l\IJ11es 01 lt u,bnnnn 1'•• 111"IIIC"rnoll 'M.'"r )1 00/ gil hI L hlll\ ,\: U I " lit ,lIIl1 'l'III IUt it "1 11 1'"n.! \\1 111 Iltl IIdl II I 1'"11 I, ~llll tI III II li lli' ""hu dIS, 1111 uh l> 1 '/lIII~ I I'ltl dthll l'llI Mil) Iti. 7, lht \\ ,1>" .1.f'1 1/ f'l '/ .., : ,1/1,( !I/'f( /1111 "" nllor 0,,11'. OTT,,!:'\I "t II" "oo)lorl ""rtlt" Iltllll (' I" u p g 1t.lge III III ~,lilll! I, 1"1'111 I"" S' PIII ' \t I, I, l t z. h 'lII d I '" ,: I" I Ilad ) \\l ,LlI 11<1, t,l "" Il!,I.>IIII l! 11I,l1 lj lIIom 1 LWIII'" Do VlLt, "f " .UII ,I I I ofcnchruolllh,nt7 "luckpm nTHI "f1, e 11I ~ t1 l llu' l lIdlll ' "lhll ' clll tl' ''," 1 d I" l'I 'll ld I , l lt l /!I'"II1 I.. , IIl1 d lqllllll)l!l l'lllIlI,I'UIIIIII I,fJul} . I IIAWI{E - Jllh71 ~'7 'h o l\ .r' of '" fun"tI'~ "" "li\ ' n fr,d, ", "nthll ' ~ ' '',I " k tla ~- - l'bc II ) &IIII , lllk "(I"'lI ll1l ll oi 1'1 ,1. I I II I I II I _ , •• _ . ' I,hll"I\k."f" _I",,,hl,'r Ht J Il;.! Il It 1\\1 I fu l ,ltv"""';"" dt '( In LI ' I I ,!'I I l l JJ!'OI IIl I,.! I t 11.1 ... ., l'1 I HIII l .\\ f\ I Il,lIl \ \lIt l tC nil;': Jl 'Ie t ie I I TII I\ I{' tlllla,:,t;s l\ INIOIOS"Ia,: -- Ht' TH)l CK - III C,r<" " lilly U 1 7. ' u!",1 I lld ,(I(ull£"" rt",,1 \' t Cld lll ' IIt "ll lI \\ I,! 'II l ltl ' I l!" "JI"ll lbh, ,lI ld \\, '" ,,,II- II ,," I \ \ 11 1 I,) \ \, I I I tt l 11 I I I I [ ll lUI l l \ I'IH 1IIII g t!X th o ""f, of Churicit Hmhllll k ur·" ""-1191,,. 1 " h'"I"' _" It p ll~ II'\l11 1111 '" "II t" n ..... q .-r T rnl n. E .. " l w nrd 110Ulle' , ,1I 1" t ' I " 1'''1 III tl> \11I III Ii It , II 1, 1' lh l' clll~ 1 1l .. I 1I1I1I 1I1t1l1l alld IIU , I " u ~ht.. r "'" ,11 11 11111 lut , I 1) 1:-, ). \ ., ~ :; 11 J II). !-II\ I:\: tl 1i I ( l l\ X hi" \ ~c III II I n 0(1 A)C ~o 1'/ - ( .111" ull d "I' ,\ 1111 I',itllll ,\ 11'11) 1,,1.11 1"" I')" '~I " "'III I , e I II - Iltlh II '1t nillt II lt h (It I) IHIIIIIIg" 11I1I1 " "IIJ8 It li ll II III l'd ll lg, U111 /... l l C tl\Cllll l:tll "' pro:"!!l It) 27 " N · 1\ I ' I I,. 1,, /1' 1111,11 NI" ,l il t! II ,,' tltlrll d u~, Iu ~"i1 ~l oI l' l Ihl' , li b I I, 11 1I1 , I,t \\111 d" I" \ " 11 "" IJII)!..( I,,~) l lll llt . II . 1 III I' II LI " : .. \ o1 1ln h n ~ Ael , I rln l' "t 0 )L II, Inll !!" " h l"o, I,c- ttr , ( t lltlu t (1 C 9. .,It!ld(.:lll lll ..!..... ----...... . . I I I r t i t .~ ",II It . . I l ll,l t ll,. III .lI}..!,' j. g: ... r 0 1l1 JI..C I rUlI ll l llh" l!Xtlll '-' lull r UIl:, N l~ht f><I)I Ctt 10 If I 'I " l\('I Illd II·.. " A '~' rt ) II~ II IIf lH III' J r(H 6 ht nuli ~oo 10 flU \ } I 1'\ (1 I J -- ]) , ll a lL Ie , " AI I III, d 1\ , III "I! \ 'I," I ~ 1I 1~' 'J 1'1\0: I " It I lI llllh l '~' ,J ,( I,,., ,\ II l'l g l II /I I 's IlI,d HIIII 11') 111 llll l:llI lIlIll t" 1' 1,.1<: 1 ri II '"8 t 11'11 I" X l ll S "11.11 fI (' t 1 1 11111 t~ 1I1l U "",. t,. nrd Deu oc' ,\" I I'~II -' 11 11, ~l lle 11I1I IJ III , " II \I II" -A ~ I a lii nhlll ll t" IIl lk, all""I" U d,dl 1 1,"!!itl I\: '0'- ,,1" 11', fllld 111 1-( tJlI ~lIl1 d II ~, [llid IIIL Ivlll\\llIjr l lll ~~::I;l~,I,:, I,;;:;,I~~'N~,ft.~~,;:;;/'\':: ;~: h]: ~:~1 kiln" II III 1111\ "I tiC" (1 ~ , 1111 LllllIl I,-h t F·,.pr~ .. tJ r, I \ N t '\0 1 ~ 1I l! " , I " ~Itle III h" ,,",,"- , I \\ ,) 1 oHli ,hI JlII,III~!-( 1""" t l.. I 1",) , II ~ ::.; llH llI CM 'l! .U lllt IVlh \\lIUllol "l'tld'I" LXl'l l'~B J l' ~l'ru\\ I", Mr (I,,, rl •• T \\ rlg l" I 0 ' I hil I 1 ""I' 0"~ F I'~L LI I A /l: n -~ II J ,,j PI ~r l\elS IIlI d fUIII ,) I', 1I,II11fl llllllL1I tv 1111 \\lI l1t lllg -l,,'~~ It 1111 'l' IIhlll lI'e 1I 1I 11I111 ' II Il ll n e I\ e II I II III I \I \\ :1 T ltl' S!, '\ Ith II (.;, lIlrell ll, 111101 M IK8 ~ a "e) M Lllld. r, I' I III r I t I" '1Ill'tr tlll enlly t l, r 1/ 1lI" tl l 1<11 lur m ", (Ie I t Il I u · 1'.\ I I 1>,p " .HI \ , III , .. I lt~)t" lI, \ 1.l ll d tl ic il Il').l t l ll" 11 111 111\1,1/0,1 " 1 the ~1 "lel lof I " ",1 :1 I, r,dll" I~ d'("I ,llu l IIlth ~ 1I11l11 petlt l"" 19"1Ild I,) Illu dUII< h lol (I t I W".n, ."tlo tt ( \ I )J ~ H llCt HI ItN ~, Ifi StUlt I V , I 1l10\ / ",, 14 l" ), 1", 11 11 I; I I III I I I' BH OO I, S TW I III):hll ~77nt'h., \\ Fn I h. nun ' t"'(' 1 5" r " 1I"'I U lOll t lt c F UII I Lh ' " I lJ _I ,l lgl! I d 1I'r\ij \ CI ", t l e tH;l!\ 11 0111 tlill .u ll . , \\1 Ie I'r" lIl1 Cl t u I I ' leri L.' bnna n It oll .e Lob'lII on bl tho R,,y'd ,I Ill !! "II "Ort ll(,"S Wll holll 1"' "1 '1111 1 i .... l ur~ H' tJ.!lHd - Til II \"ll J'llo, (l r 1' 1 I Cll ll ll t, fill tiHII, UII t hc ~/l le II I :\UIIIIII.t lJ,llIl; II) Ih u 010 Jhll " Idcl t lllld 1II,II ' Il~U I S ul th c Llltle , 1' 8I'r","_ Mr W,lh,m Ur ,,,k. 111111 :II". CU I Clin g u cure In c \ cr) II1 :, lulic t. T ntlll~ flo nu l ·10 1 " nlll " , . Iult "' wlUlIlI '' I'\,11 I,,,"d ... 11011 E;by botI. "f 11 "rI ".. bllrl' N fl J AI1.1 ~n lU \\ ~ l r"rr't" ttln!! AS II i'r e ' ~ nIlVB nllt) IIl1h"h fo, "I 1'1,11 kl ill I ll dllll'.' , II , II l1 d tlll l\,lIl , 1I11t! \\1 11 _·,1 - 1 , I ~ II h bli, ld l... ,11I 1 1 1~1 1,1 11111'1 N03 J G ., !I III 10 r UlIlllIh A1I othcr Corr Rlid ltuna lArl Sll , IlS ot MI J u t.1l H o ld es I " I III} part l,I 'II1 Y .Iuel, 1' 1 "'" 1" 'II I1I/,; lhl \\ lIlt ltll ll ld " I Ih e " ' II C;ltI h , I t hilS h CIIIIII' 1;11 0 \\11 tl tn h", cJ.c('ll l .... 1 .11" .. "I' " '"l1y won dill ru' III' I I , C 11 \ I ,F,.... 'l du,!1 A,l.: un l _ 'I I~ :I r'lal ll " 11'1 1111 , " f I hlll!! II IIt,tlll'h \llIlll(t'1 8 IC1 ',II"d \1 11 11 I1\ 11I" ' UIIUlio' . , \1 a IlI e I•• I(0 li S II III t II "." l ,' lil' a IZl U 1'1111 \I .l ., V U '1" " ' Id c h 1t. ~ 111 III 111I11I 1I1'lItul , "., ,II( I1111 1< ' l\I A II " l;e-l rI ". ,dl .., II IIl',U' 11I1 1 'II I I,I ~ IIUe li (OVI I I I " ,I 1<//1" .0 III I lilt flEnllG. It "TIl FS E. ~" ' ~Y, II Ilil li '" I:) 11 81 t lll " I III 1" 1 I . hlli l ,1IIUlIlIU d, JJc lclltlj "ILIt · d I I IIIAll~ G liN G I li S T "'" l/ ,,' tllt l t :\ll b Elt za Jll il 1\U) S" III t\\11 1\ ',k. '" 1111 ', l' tnlht l' CI: Inf'P l t ha l ti le ~l' IIII! I~ Ill ll}( I'"t 1111" " I'Clutl 'H1 AN ORDJNAN E IIl lkl lll ltll~ 10 11g I'l l It til) IIllh III F,). lcl '~ ll ',"~ lIljr-l: '"I' IS tlllg II f . l utl'nl 1!: tJI!I 11,/ CI .. ,~ f (l ' /" 4 ' " " III Cll) l: AI 10 \ " II n rl ", 10 I ~l t\1 " ,",z, lllIll l V. \ 11"'l'lIll lt >l " '1I1t 'i I .. ti l,dl lll lll tit", l xelll~I,," tllll l" ""l1le I.ltll " \lUI - \ll s (l. I'I'III ', ,.1 ( III UIlJiIiI MAILS (WIN O \\ EST 10 /1" , L1ll1hlol' n,. tI,., ('("", , I' -- - 1 1 I " 11111,,1,1 ,, -"" IL 'JI I'II I .\' '' II!!I Il'1I 11I1 1',lI b,"rl, 11l1.!I I , I,,",IIII" 1.,180 1lJ lllleti) ~I H.,d .lIL' '' I ," I II I ' I' Il!c, c 'o .. (J ft t 12. to r nt ,1 ' I IH I 31 th.' j'e, C II/ f (l' be {.". ,/ lit ' Itilt~ U lit Il' III~ t I\ ell. , Il. hl ~II!I> -- liS IS ti l' t il L' " I I I b II I I' r \ J. F AJ.H 1 . 1 lilt II lI lb l ~ lll C ('.tll ll l llll,\ " 1,I Il CC"'",.'; A "Ill I II 'I ' eli tit .I, Lglltl "" .1 I' ' ) III~ 1,lIltlllg', gll UJItlllIg, ti, e Ita l and j Ji' 18f1111t11'1"1" 1 ' ,/ --~JI ~ ~ttll \\ Lr ,1111" I 1 ,,1, I r IJ I, J 18III d I t IS 111)\\ I'lJ lI l ~ "" I,,.! l,lI ll III " ' 111 1 (1)111,," , h"II I,,1 III d c , ' " 111 " I 1\111 II \11 lVII 81 U ' r .1M fir Bj vllol/l1J1!I pll I'Jl o",., 1' 1:: IllHl, '1 "I ILd " l rij l'lli l L 1.111111 1 I "~ II l l \ at t II\: h.: llq'l·I \ ~lIt 1I1\" IIJ I ~'" "I II 1'111\<1 " I, ,It 11,,11 1 1" 111"'1 tl lCIII II lIht 1111 ,IIIV dil l ,tf t it " \\Il l; ,\1111 (;"lIlI at }'~/lItI, 11 ,,( ]i'lI nt! .. v Il~ _\l t h iS 1,luc' I" "Id, l,c .. 1 III lllll lllll HII E'III III 'lil 1111" lJl\ lll" Ul' I a-cd Ih l llll gh I1I1 vI 11,,' n, I JI~h h 1111 1' 1" 1('1' 1111>1 L l!l/,t Fll111l all. ' ,1/m s/' - "I n! \\ lilt 11 11 :l il t! \J,,~ I'd , 1,,,,, 1.1 Sllig fi f,hlll/li l I' II (e .. 5 tl/1I 11 1\11.1 - I' I, Il lu glLl u ml" nlltl ,ltol1l " IlII IZllIg III Ilt lll II til " ' lice E! __ _ Fuud 1311 rl U\\ , of XCII Ill , \\ rl! g lI e-t. v I Ul! II to I I! I ""I' Y Uall lou \,111 I ~d I'll 11 11, I I It. s I hl'l\! 1\ " II !(""01ILl l 'lblt Wlt ,, " 11,llI rclie led UII Illt~ ' Il looulb 8E I De It ord,u" . d b~ II" COli , th o lI1oorportl tecl Vtll,,!!o nf MI S L \' 1 K e ll y un tlte Hit lit e ['IUIIO vi Organ Aud .. __ .tli l, 1 VI' III C'" .. I 11 11 ~ IUUS '" \\ c ll lid dav A " t! 'Vurrell Coullty ' Ohlo, Th ~{I ~. b L I ZV.I('lIl1d A II II I(' 1" 1 1I 1l1': U. tll th u l'lI lolth l l I \\ I f~1 l ul l-tlll li" 1"1 1,, I .I ' ''~II g lll "' 1 \\IHltt' '' . ' ''' -bl ll.'ll' llout o l1r Auclthlr 00 In",truotod to nll14 SK~ N Ilt lOn al Bunk s tntClOOl1t IIIlS nrl' It''lll\: h Uill ", lI ul llt u wrc \11 K, 51) \\'~. 1It.::i t, e ,ll:lIlIlltl jl.t II' I tit 011 I '\\ II II " al l l'lt,l' Il<' HI ,lIIL! 1'" III IC'1I1 rdl\l llOlld Ill' l~ vl tJ.tI, U1\lII uly For Goo nll 1\ UllI l' ,, " tl\lll~ IIHU Itl~1I IlI lIdl' I,,, the a c ti ll tll lhu t \\ C r Ill lIIII cl~,11 ollr COli lUlU 1 for troot Pur-poilu, onu ..I ONLV tw cas('s of 1 c k up \Ill the Coll ege 101 bUlIJlIl Cl' " llCal lll ll -. _ t' 111 111 ,,).1 11 'II II ' lite IIllll tllU dl . A "lh 1l: 1'~ 1i0l 1l " lI d l 11 ,,1 l'c rl ll lllllJllr mill. , for L'ghtlOll' Ifeet. Fllulth :M lu'1ihul. ona.fourth of ~ nU l l _ __ . _ . - l r ,1IId~[ I. ( huil ,, ): :\1.1 1C. ' II~i"tI':\\ltl lI'" '1I I,II"ldl 'IIIIIIlCI,d n ,,1 Illstl' t., I.I,.IIIII II S I ,thu :::llllt ' II>IUWlllrl &0 2 The d, fund , I itt ll.!ftloclC Illbt ~ I 0,1) CI , 1I 111. , lvr II I U I SIX llI ulC TIm ka l d IlI 511Y v II} ... II' I I'll ,IIIIlII Il J With e\ cIg l~~ II " I I !,;, Plltlll'tlC 'II IZ'IIB, lt Vlt or 0 . h.n bo oxpended ol1'Y f " wlnoh lbo)' W re I v.ed, IllIm hU1I1l In ~II l1 vlly N J - 1) 1\ IIl l! SCII I lJ \\111 10, hdd III II.I~" Hlld IILlIHI" , Ullt! l,u re Iltl' 1I1 ~ ,til III our jl\l \IUI III clu c k thl B .h,,11 WCcl;B II II ttl frv~t b. expended onl~ III1C IUlIlt y t ,rl t \\ IC), unc. ""llud c mVI,,bulL- by tho Coun ,I for blU. - Et.. 11 .\ 1I1) ~ ldl;l!t.'l'Ollhu lI' t he r.1",(' I' l'tl ('),uI LI, " " F ri d a, 1 "~IIIt! '~ I,tllccttJ er1y ondonwld by lbe NI (,Wl"tlltll ~ ru c IlIlI1 lllk C' t at rO'ldll,I ~"u tI . lIId" III\\~W,L,..("litll' t L \ "III1I~" 1 t lll rl 'I \: '" 1II'glllflll!",1 t l \ 11" 1,, 11,,"t .'lth tlllld ' t lllll tltllt I Bt! ltlllglllll\-lllnu8, und b) Ih" 0""11011 Inst, lit 1 1\ bll8hel Lhehl!811Il,dlll,elt elll'l'l ells l, o ll"c k 'l lll' R\ d Lo'lIl s b "U 1,11. 1 hlell I'fll',,\ uuttici to hoi I t l ll1"IlUIVC to 1I\'crt th dl Rll trous odSao. U. Th'8 lI rd.hmn' ., --lJ, ,].£JU 8 \\9 U/U/Jt.Uf ,U/.J b 1,lO ,\ tlJ IIflicIUtU. All .lr· VI l, l 10 I '~rt':tlhf'i ...... i.- J ~nl!c L~ will e ll IlHls t IneVitably ful from and uftur 11M IS pn t , :\IId tl,o flur MI Ed L All e ll lllll Vt d 110111" I,HlIlly IIlvIll'd ~ , '1 he t ~ \:I! 11' . IIf tl le I I\, well' 10 Irrn- t-he p r" , .t1"' " Ctr til lI",h Ilum or I!..aacd L1WL"U-<lJ1~~lli, mId Irvuj 1.111.(' ( 11.111 1111']1111 on II ,lJ aJ - f 'It~ 1l ~ 1'''1 j"utlttl i\lI gll ~ tlll (' pili ".> I I \II I Io} tit H ev hi VII , nl 1 " ,l(; Il C e~ , clk e td wJllcl1 li e be _ \ 11. I{ t11 ~1 C IIt \Ii I,.: llt IL l rJ v 1\111 CI I. b l, ltl' \I.'"S III tl lu ,II IIIJiJl: 111 1 Tt., I, ,, 01 1,, \\(11 t il vrntlll ll by I lleYl, a~ .. h lJIIII I.>y all (ln~ t III l/,ry DLACd~ 111.11 S II III plohably hc ld It OllllJ 1,I"t \Il~k II ,Jl II " "llttim C. It II rr' lt IIl! Xl 1I 11 ,( 1I~ III' rn l \l ~"t I II Lui C 1\ ""lI loll llg, ,lllc l 'IlliCit ,IIIU d cc lllltJd by the \l o ro "f' G ud, Report very 8",111 (,C 1/1 11118 Inl dUUl' (J IIII/, \1\ " "I ... Itaill ull \J 111 11 ':: .. ' ~ lill'k I h ~ 1II ,IIIul 1.1 UI,(\uII!IHIII II I IlLuu I tll LJ u suhl",rs ll o ,'f' thc trn u IIIII CI - ,It IIl1d ~lt , ,r \\ ti l \\ lilt, --'lit e It\! \ .Jul ul \\ hl lu hud IU ~" "' I t.' II ('I' '' 'R II 101 II) ~II' Fred 1\,l c 01 hlllll/ll Itbllt) nllrl d e"tlllc th e JI"(H/II < ~vd! c ~h c ll ()I thc \\ 11l' 1I1 Ihlb <('Il 0/1, tlll 1I11\ld h " l1 l ~ I.I.t 110 I" a ll~ 1 Iltll ' " ~ II dill ; 1"'I,f C"S' Ii . 1 1I 1' II I A l h li S " l li l 'nil. HUltlunll11 hilS olllY l ' tu 1111 trll ' I ItI!I II II, Alld AL BANII· fl f I wdl RI ern~ al otl .h cl ~ to tI le IIcre 1· 1I 1111 .l t y 11101 e ll tlJ llJO th u 1111 11 1 IlIlt :) il lL lit . 1,1 "" 11 11 01 11 0 OIlCI V.' II EREAB, \\ 0 ilultOl c th e \VOid 11t the Stat liJ 01, lIlad ' 11 11 ~xlcllo!uJ t l'UI III ll,l) I I) ' TI n; bUllu oe\ /lad ed ~II J W tl l 11Ii! 1~lIti t l\Il WIIII(' \1 liS ho rll 11101 g i l " " dl I" ~ lIllli lbld I .., hat I II~ oI" lit 1011 IVI' t'.. Id le\UIl 1eu.1 III II 10 IJ uly t e llp 0 08t) nj bUSll1 e ~u, J
', - ' Ir,
.\. lId 'l 1111 1$ 1'1 II
ltl a r r
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'cgal 'J\bUcriteclllmt9,
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of the 0
til bll \h lli ,t! 1I1 \V ,LV IIl'H llllt 1I 11~ ",I •• 110 ,,, t h, ", ei 'lillY, 1IIIl llks t .) , I\lrL~ 10 het(, c h llthoril Ill \\ ollllomi 1877 \( 1) gtll\:U 1l1ll111l~ld \ dllt 'll d I II~ I""I II IIIII C r lll ll l£', :tlnSI hY l llgittulI1 r",~tltll l!U kll u wJI t'l the RES Ol' t li h 1,.II (jIl I ~ 11 ~l dl! III t it , O ld ~ "I I,~ ,, 1 1.\J bllll oIlSIl Uel'llcled hlllllUlI CO II .. CI OIICl', allo! Ihel'l 'llu Lonna and u,""OUI1 " 1lIlI 'l l' \ llIg h ll:! (lit 11I 1 '1 ~ hy ,I II \\ " l!lI th 111 11 11 81 RINh c1l1l:k 'I S ,lil t! m- I .I '~ rl ll'. IJlllang 1l'IICO alollg tl,c Ilulit II I hl t hl' I J~dlll,l t 01 11 II lhlSl! CI"II,ll t per I l t~ IL II'III~IIl l' IIt,,; IIILJ n ut to btJ (.li ~ Overdr.(t.< Bunds to sccuro u ll c ul 1U I1 1U ~i un , 111 0 nU \1 t lckh ng t iJ e ol' lClIrl:ll1l pLlI ILU ll c 1111 U Ilit - -- I Jlllltl l'( I'~ IIlld l II h llllLly tv th c 111 IUg,1I dll,j Ivr lhe ",Iku ul ~r'II IIYIIIg Due from "l'l'rovell ' ",o n U "K' illS 1U,411' 47 --Ebcrl) & 1l 1l \ " I,t \\dlllllilish IJ7 ' LAW ~IIN,CIIlAII\~" l q th" 1l!ll,t ,,1 Ih' I C!e,I:lIlJ II thulI llIU ll ll llllld P,lItul llIIllI B IIII Dn o frolU u,hcrN llll un"I Bunl, . U, IIIiJ; al e " 11 \\Ith t ho [{IChlll," d ~\I 11 11 n il" 16III ~ U \\h ch ~,I n III \\ ,111,11 1/ 1 111 1111111 " '" (a ille IIl xt, Illlt! IIIlS tUI'), U IluClLdl)' lit th e CN II" fl 5o 01 Duo from StuLc lh ll k,,, "n ball kul'll SU It!~ .. ) '1 Hcul "",ute, furniture, nnd 1I&llIro. 2 00, ;.'1 Tm pl ,lt 101nt In frr,llt tl f tlte tic I ". tl lll l Is 11 11 1", (lite 1111]1 "c d I I I I I III ' 1\ 1(' 11 11 lilt I-III 1111 I' g ' ,' 1111 1III IIIl ll " 1I1l,II1 T.d)lt' ~ kid tlte hl ghel ~»1I 1 Il ulllullll",. Ullt! he Cun ontcxpo".d ",,1 t, xo8 l'Jld 11111 II (1" ,,1, pot at C lI l II III has heu /I r~lu lt l ,\ IIh Itlch lllul lIl l 'I I> \\) T II" lIlll:lw,Slet.1 1I 1'\,'11 " ", lI llld Illl lllll ltl t II' "'t""I1 I1 Ud" lc ewht Ill u 'lIIg th e .tlullfll() lIt l"lIudSllhba th Preln'Um" pllld 4,020~n /1. /11 Cui. "I' n lle1\ 1\0'", IIl UI,'IIg; It bid e all d _ '1 It,) 0 ,/, . tt. ~Il\ ~ t hu t l,, " ,eh l, IlIlU Iu ll'dll (1 IIdlllllll l""1 III I ll lI ,Jl l d ,II " li e 1111 11 Ull rI ti, e I~ ' Id l:Sl l: l.ltlllll to III,) 1111 II pCII ,111 (( fill ~~I~~~~f".~t'1,::I;G;k~h Ilelll ' ~1t'1:~ (:~ wlLh II Btll1l1l! 8rou nd hUlidl (l clt lzuII S (l ILd lllll'lI f1 l t 'ntl \\'O lilld s , 13ll1ISe, l\:l:, II lttll used 11"11>11, \\\1 " ,lhll l, luut to SIlPl'ly P:lll l tv lI,latIUII uf (' ud ~ htlylllw l rooetlund cu.n uUU) I"" lu.Jlnl{ /J' C8,,"dUlcer' l~ I Il l' d ll l lll lld~ ,I I 1111 '1',," IIIl1 uh \lllIlh le']lIl1lS us 10 r!'lIl l lllile l tit ,,"kel_) 21>007 L' sr tll'e ly itA n 1011011 IlEAD th e ad \ elli SOlll ellt o r p( ler co th(! had,cl: ll C IH l e 1)11 l hu lIh 1l1['''lti lflg lu JIIl'lil" "Id hy all J),lIggl Is ,1IId DCill Ilttl ll Illll ll llt btl ,l ec'JIlI'd Alt . , SlIhlJaliJ day tv I; lJeIJ It holy 1111 III Spc 10 (lIIolu,llIIggold 1rl".ury \ enllle III OlllJor ,ou , D 'St"u~ ll UI}.!:IC'IHO II ,,' 'I" N(' I\ Y UII( ) " 11 l~ lIl,d 10 1 1 ,,111111 " 11 J{' tJVl' II II I',.lI11 I Illl utll'C,tlOI >1 I I I 11Ilu'> Le!!"l.telidor ccrtlfl oolc8) G2J 70 ' 81 t IIg Sll(illl I I IS lr lll ull y \1.,1 I; 6 11 It IU II II I UII!{I IJlld pel' pc noto8 10tiliOO 11 WIISI, - -MI nllllll l l~ ( 'h". I~ \l clli tt Ul 8 III m (j( II ~ IIIU cnngt't U ho x 0 1 pl.tlltB IrUlll th ~re, 1111 ,1 by IIIJ=u.o.u--.iLJICI erJ "'" \I , tl d h ,ll, ' I \'" 1,11 f!' hl,t '1'11111 ~ I II III NO l'IHt!-I ~ a \'CI Y d IStl ~ss I II ~ 111 1 ' 11 11.( I" ,t! hl' 1 etl mll1 lltl'o Ivl wh oll y 1111 III ICIII III tllc grol\ Ih, pi os Red emptIOn un "'Ith 0 S [reM-' 1 ---by fr eig ht hllO, 1'01 10 UI l 5 UlJllt I nllu.1 I)CI pu 1II I1Y II I II I ' S til l Il , IIrOi (5 1' 0 of cWllllltlOUJ I,4B5 I10 , Unl' , nll t! " 1 'Il d li llr h. ,;1' t dl t lc, I II~ ulllUpllllllt f:iyml' tu lu~ .lrC n II IC IIII III '" I I1,( IIIlrgl' 0 ttl ICI I v ~ry Iltl I) III OI8tl1l (" hko pe rs p, r,l tlOlI, Ilcllln ~ 1I1(1\l l'lI ~ >lilt l ~ 'lh t' ro 11 0\1' II" 11 0 wou lo alld till hOl e hy clIte r l'ur TONI , , 150,').1 fI.I l GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP TUI' L blll:" 11 ' bll;; rail IlIl" lJ 'I'1 "I tltl' Slt ul, \! IIILli d s nec Bo\\IIJ.lII S b\lL!~j , o n th e JII II , I I I I COlli 1,1.11 ',t""t,1 allY lIot 1111111'" e lII us t Clllll e.t IJloted t II".I IIISI Ihc UI, L1 AI3lLITlES, III' KIIFIIlI\ }NI II I(Shll 11\ rIll , ~ I 1 Itdll' B It lcs[ II ed tor 01 1II10IJSC y , pUltl l:ll al y lit III ~ It, III ... ,., " J,,'g lOlllllls 1I1ithu Hh .1Ild tulll,n -a' I 1l 0Ilglit) l:l t ." " l llll secll1'dto\!11 lUI Ih u ICIISl'" S lurmlllly "xl'resset.! Cllp,t:ol.tookp""] II' t:;OOiIO fXI I ~II I I1 L Il ~lt~ lI hSI1 \ Wh OeIOfllll;dbl ()keltallt06 111I1BIt, \llt C Sh 'IlI ICd \ t1 le , 1',1 , .Ih f lt l~tl, tUlgl: ttlllglnh eti tiwljlle'" O l llt ) tl t t l I ICIA ublv lIltltu follU\\ln"'''I~.ol lltlVlI s 8u'l'l1l. fuud, S'!' lj l I ."t \" "'k I Ili a tll lClu Illlllt I" .1 ),lcIl81I11t lind SIll e c u re , JO, It I I' I II I I III R .M,h " l , TII,lt III 0111 111" IPIII"llt Undlv,dod 1",,(11... 2 IN.~ 7u \VII " II " II"s t ,,~ v , II , NOl t ilt II M I IIItUI"6111 '" ~elll ill e 'I I I .. r H.l cllllrU U, IIII"S IlI S11 CIII es I dle l 1\ 1111 all (: rll pt II' C v ., u.., v Nutlollill lJu.k nnte. \l ui", ond ll'l{ 2') 7011 1111 I lmiCations, A N OrulJlJI US Ion Ii 0 f "Ill!, 1)1 e 'u I ~ 01 thl' L1 " "lll ",IS t he I')lls t ed liS, t h esc 11I _lctICCMtcnJ dlr"ctly t,) los IJlvulCII"" IIlIpald. I: 'U Uti ) r c I d ,~uI\ cs Svld by till I 11<111'" UI II<' 1 d dI d I .-K I{,)I, I 1 11 tC'm pe,llle f rom IICI O Il tt CII(CI - :tlllli I IJ IIH l tl 'r-' I' I ~ U IlII.IlIl! \,11 n M \\l lIt h\\, " ol l ll dlll' OIlILt;OlltlllltctClll lldl!IIl!,, " rn!1:e the SIJllltoI CuI "'VIIIU "lx>·,t·'''leet lo <"'L ~ IJH'''' l l , n il S 11 11 1Ia y 1111 pI 11\ ClIll lll tl t, IllS I ~' lI" ll Il CI g l. ts R~lId oheuk "(1' nil ,~ ~ r. IJ ,Jl SULP8!U SOA'"r ~ m ec t Ing 111 H , 1u g ,I _ th" _,1I1L _ 't 1•.t,l e .111 I ,t -'"I III~d lho III 131' 1111 III~ I Uptl III SU pre, al~c llt II lid 13111 itlL rJ a ss D~I1I" "U ccrllfiCillc' r ,1'l'vo,t II,H.4 1.1, • ovenlllg lh e rewellJ ,l llulul.>cl ul \"~be l' l! \ l! 11')111' 11' 1 lIeh,l\ C lI ll'l1 AVAl lf "lJlJ,;hu l ~I hl: I'"j.('I\~ t"ti l'ile ' ~II III' g"elatl~u' tn Ll ste IlIg to the UCilnJl1lslratlon o t'thOTunooortltlcute" "r" el',hlt Itr~II\111 1 TAK E NO OTHER, SJgn IS t lO Icd thl ~ tiel hl' turL' Elijah Hd" k ll ih h.-I I J u,-,d a t til IJt a lIt ~ t t IlIlIl be ~ 1J ItMst uJ gOV <.: flllll ullt hy ObSCUl lng the Inor TOTAl * IGO u:~ I F J' 'Ol1 \\'011 111 u, ou] Lcclllllln ...trll 'I D N' 1~- IIICI,I')II lllll o~ I)nell d 'l,u t, SlIlllldlV ('Ielllll!!, 11' \\IlS I110 1111I ~t. lke .Li tle ll .uIIlLlld I IlIli)lllllllillgpcv C ... r N T S per Cake - .' I ., u~ II, e I\\h "ILI 111 11 111 I 11 II d ple ,ull dd SrA1 1' OI" 0 m o, Co I~IYOI 'VAmtl' ~ ." IPRICE , VIctim t o t hllt dl s tI U~A II I!! rnll llLd\ hlltldl ll g II~W pi c ke t 1~lI ec II\'O IlIIIl ~ tllli ll ClIl1Ie III It I" th ulI...o;l!t tb e JIlt I'), III 1111 IIUII IIIII U JI OI\ II e ~ peclU y tiC yo un g , 10 ISrI'glll I,Joff F., 'N S, C",' ,or orthe obo,en"fIl 011, fl ue (3 G I. ,,) Cu t • hllyll) \ er , ktllu llt) o ur 1,1 ~ \\Cl'U Il ij l.t ull(eLd ,\\tu\\1I 1 'l e l"lI ll1~lllI l ,e h.ld hlilltd slJ ,I ~ l!, ,I1IU Ihu tll:.til t IIII ll 'JII ti ll g l l/II I1t!, Ihehollest coll vIC LlUusolnghtlLllddn- .,l bflnkdo i\Olmnnl)"f!)nHl hlltthc "" "" 1 (£ , ) 118 An v nllccofpl c vcnt l l c I ~ \\ Ithll l io l th e .(l;al'l,1\\ (',lll gC lilghlllt Sl ~ht [l l Ih u 'I)'PlUllOltlllg ('IIIU l l""~ ' II"",, t'b clug ~IJ tl od ty, .llltO"'8I1 t ,. lrJI O, lothobestoflOykn uwl For Sale Everywh e re, by Drug. P OUII.! 01 Cllie '1'1 1 M tl llll1 bl otl g ltt 1111 IllS ti u,.tlt ,\[ " i:'11111!1 J ," ,C", fUlfllutly 01 VII R e8(Jluri, Thllt III o ur J"Jgment ool!foand behef JOEL EVANS, 01181110r gutl, Grooer. and Fancy _. 1( ICIR lI e,I , tls t lllO a t I I _ ___ . . . gll ll,l ,di d \\ t." hllJ OCl'f1itlltldll lly tlioytelidtofl oBtroytttOsallctttyot' Subscrt bcd'lIIdlllhrmedtobcforomo,UII" Good s Dealers " THE IUlld IS fl u\\ 109 WI th 11111 k D 11 EOlIgltt'" hi IOIlg"llIg til SOllie A !i:1(J Jo;N l) 1IIII dl y 11I)[ II "hOd li S tho lll f,!: " ",n II III 1I 11b d li t,) HI11('O the ~b e week Iy chrt st nil Sahblllh, willch 5th dlly of July , t 877 s ud honey \1 hUllt II11l1 bad er crups cOlltrabulOI to tlt o 1,lte les tll'al fo ll or., IlIg I /lrtlc n lurs Q,f th o hist ory I:a l ly IIttt I ""0" of Tnesday IS not o nl y an Ol'dlOlltltlll 01 God, J OS 0 KEYS, Sent b'l Mall, PI 61)fltt/, lin I ,' III ~t l SIIIIOY J OII 1'8 Illld Ill S wtlo, tllllJII alt( I d it:tb~r, I' ,\Vcllzell , but IB ul80 II loulwurk orour hherty COIU\&C'r-Atte8t Notnry Pubhu \\'cro ncve ; be tl ol , IIlid yet tl~elC he OWflOI ple.lsu cOlli e a lld get It CI' ipf oJ pI/v a and 5 CI'lfl , Illole wh o ijuy 111 tllel" iJ Clllts, " \\' e / - Yuu kil O" \\lIl1 u EI,ully ,1110 w ho rOlltited tho IIX 101 the FO lll lh , (,I u ll lcflllllltlllld(j re~eedt h e Ilft8CID and the cxprcs:llon 01 u prillclplc 8 W ROOERS. CJJt l I~ JOI Cll, I, C' I~' 1110 IlOt happy ' 11 1)dl lt's ShllIJR ,I e, NOlth lItl II I SUIIJy IJull CB a li a hl A wile II r c hly 01 IIH 11It1(h ufit II~ oould gct essentllll to tile etuollttYllnd pcrpe :O~O~~:~~U8EJDlrcctor8 Dtlu 't 'Lltcy d, a ll Jdlld~ uf ell~ IlIlltlv es· 01 V lrg lulIl, 1\ lI ore t il e) 1\1 1111 11 hellrll l !~ UltItu.ucc, bnt \III tUlty of the Statc , 0, N, CRITTENTON, A IlIcllle " tlll.t~ h uU lI e xt S II l'IlI I\VI I., SII II as I Ol ,;e s hve llig had con~l<lerabl o ex peri e nce IU 1" lllIllalel)" be fole the gelltl ulIIl1ll R esolved, Thllt III o ur Ju dgmcnt lIIJII} IIIA II(; II KllbI S \\ IJvd tl,IIUII ," Id I'I"w\\I)I ~ IIUIISllI lg bro\('s Tllcy 'l ore IC eu lll tJ )il ucc eu vCl'yfll1 wlth hl!!lli l tliclr gc ll c l a llllfll1cnco ls ru 08 thurtLOOK OUT I .No 701 Xt11 l'lupn cLo l Utlell ILIIICIII/,; til he~1 1I III I u' I _ " r" l) "t"ck - " 1,"0 tIl" 111"11 g Uld cd III tlt l.l O ld DVIlII III O!1 a . d 1U88 , tho sky hlleamo o'~lcntil With ful nudduligolOlIs, ltlld tendsdll cct lIfYll ote.nI,d book . ooollnt•• ro In tho Al.enl/e, JVC1Jl-l'o,1. elvek l{ellO. h lll c ll b, but 11 ,) III ~" ~ r, 0 < .. 'I t d t l' CIO lld s , ulld LL genclIl l rUtih fOl Iy t o leau OUI c lllldrc lI lllld yuuth ho"d. of Wilham Mllnl"gton, J p. for ngl llt has be!)n (1) I I I~S f\ lIlcIIlIl Ctll l '; 'IICR , 111 no rl (lllS PI' I' OIlH '/0111 IHo/llu \\,IS the l esult , l' tlttlllO' ,I Into vice lin d II1tcmpertlllCC, IIl1d collect,on oaU800n,PIlYUp,Rnd •• voco.t l tUXIClit llig JII II I;~ " d JOUN E TAYLOR h it 1,1111 \\ It h t ill 111,111 ba~. \\III. l)lIt \ Il gli ll a the) m tJ vu,1 t , ~1. 1 1 )).ul\ l 1I 111v ",norllly s' ll g ht e lnl,l.y sl"pll) ,1 Ill l t hc l cnllyl llg oll t ul Sh OIlI , thcrufOlc, m cot With th o ,Jllll020, 1877 IlAmA sR.uA8 rll" FIA'I"OI , \ 1.\1'(1) (,1 !'(11'b le" hnH OC l) I"" 6I1 CCecliJu"lIllttl :-;.lIl1 l d ,1I ' V c lI ' ' J ", • D I. d I t 111' I - ---~ ••. 1!1l1ll1'CJ JIl;Itbulo\\ t llll lu \\ I:1 ttl ll I hl ukRIl ~" IR I\II111111 1" " ' lil t fllld II HII I II } j ll~rn cI 8, III lJl llh~ l ~ul th e th e IIgtlllll Illllg rIIl1J Ill('. tit Jl u CUlty ISl\pP IUVU U II lOyll Ci t WANT E D IVlI I Co 'NIl,or \\llI lC ". LlJ c d c",1 ItIOSR sI ,e lel) vi I' I ICIIU~, 1.11 II", le,lsOIl IIIL~ II que~t lUlI of tlll1 C f(n tho IZdlSIlild all ' overs of pcuce II lld gate fl' l SO'UI,II UII) 8 Th e \' "I ll " dll.> ' 11I6tJI1,lh l,' 111 ( 1I 1)lIl g W,mtc(I,tohnrrow SIX III" Hlroll dull".- 0 11 n I-Iondn helll lrlt lt I,n l'ct ltnn 11 ~ I h i IlItUlltlll1l ul l'IL"fl nl ll'" t he Ilt a t Slil \ lh ,)l dcl . "bl uetld to em gl "Ull tl ~ tel be c lclll'odo l I'cople .\IIeI l'r or ' onfi,otmorl.g"!Ic,on good proporty,wurth god to 11 !lIVI', " 1< burton ur [",lr01/ s t o ) o ur " lt ll llP II YOH crV~8 I lUll I I ~ 10 I I S O , e lllcle ~ aml h OIi\tls. It I ~ C. tllDll R e80lted, That IJl onr ,Judgm e nt thruo time. that umount, lit oll!ht pnr cent Oloe/, by ~ !llu g le appllcfllI"n 1)1 lalOlcs llld Illail ,Ige llt \ Vub IS had 0) IllIg I l' coS red I'e 0 ' " 1I ted thut tt.OIC w e ro fi ve thousllnd it is a duty will c h the Statc owes EU(l'lIrcnf 8 W ROGEltS Plilul With a (In'lIte r Iy ~ ll rfJk( 1 Illn g tIC war, 1111 y l\ a9 e lll'otlr I d Ii If' I S bb I July lid. 1877 Tu~_ L e hfllJ on 0 I el l r , i\1r D en I aged to 1II 0\'0 to 0111 0, 111111:1 lurm pcop U pl escn' , 1111 It ICqUIIC a to Itse to protcet tIC 11 at I ----- - - -- ' ny's lIew jJlll'CI, I tla cllCd \18 Oil Sat I - 1\11 ITol arc l' K ys It t.s opell Cl III MIH) Innd grl ve h 1111 n lett"l "I Ioll g tlill ' IVI them to ellltlrge It Olll Ilgall1st th e6c P"01tC uesccratlolls, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE : ..I I ltlsntille,t.clIltiJ) loo klllg, cd Ll ut It,ll; IIt'W Illmlle l wU l e ltvU b() It eeoll1 JrlU IIdlltl (011 tl} lLll ucqlllll ll tllllce tll u ~IVVO Afte r nIl, 11 0 stllr lll Illld III I1(ldltlO lI to being ILl! J11IU8t INSTAN nrullY .. 011 O(i1tl'lI 11nd carol ill ,. lJl I I1~ed \\ Ith ,I Ii 110 stuck uf III mucr, I "\l,~h lo t Ill S IICal' S im IIL!n()1o. W 0.11 011 u.lI Il C, 1101 dId 1\ dl op 01 raw fall. Ice to a. large llnd Illilue lltlal clnss 'l'ollf'~.!le. (Irom Plnlttld"llplol'tI, IIncler ltik· e I T A ~EOUS ,." ~ .~ ; AI \' I' ., I t' I I d OUI 0 U ..a.: ll u m :.t, gol \ OM .) JOt I HOX C" 1\ 1 0 s h out, !llld d e crl'os pro~ plltlty 1111,1 drcs~ ed, \\11I ~h he h AU IIIlI'; ut I COUlIt ), 0 , \\llIthl l he IIl lg lltl!d flig e p. lIt ll tleCI'OlVu , 1:>11'(1'01,0 COIISCI0lltlOU8Cll18tlanswIO e fllll olol ... cul tlnd."",,tIU, oour.u< fur eulII. W e wIsb It Ilhll ndl:lICe theroof Ilhe l (O w c~t Pl lCCo C"o ,lIId sCU 111111 ISl1udy'8 CvlI l'cle Hi ll ce hc bceame tl ~llth l!IUU Itl It\lllt of t ho UUlUlUe ll 81re Ilccordlllg to thell hOllcst COli I1'1 0LillII' willch the u~lml degrees ure IIonfor ) on tll,lt II I c IIbVllt til built! 01 rc' icltlzen of Wllr~clI OVtl llty IIIRtllie" !l ulIsc, w hOl e thcy Iitltened to mllSI\) v ictlon8 t o eujoy tho SlllICtlty uf the ,re<l d TJtl,,1 ox pc".o·f' bnl ck'llId l~!f tu ,t",n, "11'ln g , I J8S,()r n IlIIDe) t I g i ll} pall A II k lUIS I 01 1111 111'1 I ' I ., .1 .... -I ~n I .. .-1d t db' d 10llr • WIIHlillII', uoo 0 00 8 • • ,,0, *iJ~O II F onll slll n· l t ho HICO lUllluudlltll ii1, Wou III I b I~H~--tlltlht--_"o---<>t' ' ~lly, 011 8 to lIog11con Itlon yellr hUll use' L UIIUOII I£UII Uo iol H e· ~ I ii, lath,.\: , 111.1 lJe IUIIIIO' at tho 1U010 01 IIIB co lor 1\011ld follow bI B Mcs~ l s I\ICOUII ,)' aDd Mi l ton of Inwlcijs ucsB fLtld ID s ubord iuatwn NO EXTRA OHARG ES, t l' 1'. xqni tl ito d rCHSIIIl! cloall fl llt! lie" 1\ III t 11"lhe, (0)1 W',lte r &. ortll wor thy cxtlIDplc. Mallll ,tUld In t hc Bv e ullIg MI' which, if Dot ch ecked, w,lI ovoutU· Fur CII",loguo 11'1\ IIIII' full particulars U8 nie' PUl fUUl 'tI 'r ot!'.!I ) d d t 'l ont f, tlCdll, 11 1111 ~ I I K ey!! I ~ II tflllght•• • ' Ve llzulllluU I cssad a large audlolJce ally rendO! Republicllo goverowellt to courAO of I!tlldy, &rI , IIc!tlro•• SOL]) BY DR[!GG1S T, ', A t fN1Jl fill ( lh 1 76 C 1\ II hottl' 11,) rWIlI I, 1'1 n~, 1 1l 1 - rrentle lOlIlI to Gut your VIBltlUg elll ds \-,1111. ' III th o Hllll im\>.o8Slble EDWARD H MAGIIJL, AM, Tr It H ud ~hu a dV Olll&ClIIont, deal Wltlt W e\lls h hllU buccos te"u .. "ttlllS o llice, 1 W c d o 1J0t l omombel' ally 11I'CVI· R C8oZved, That a. committee of .,WllrUlmoro " l'ro.ltlcnt, Co l1c~c, De)Al1fnrO 00. Pa (t? 60 «Jeld8 per BOUie,
W h Ite L1I1U hilde, III t !Tilda) ell ell
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('dl e-ll t CdUCI11 IUli itl
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to l ' 118 Il lI d III W(JI t h (J ( IIW I thnll II pa slUg II vtlC l Tho pi bil l hu ~ th u 1'lll u lI'lll/! CU ll t'lIt • 'P I ,l()b ot lh o E IlI lh '~ Itl .tll lldl l y," ILl1 III 1II I IcII I fl l, tet. . 1 ' W '~ t C III He '1 \ ' 'ul l, ";l' " I I' I ) IIClVI Goo IIY (\UltJ1
I: ::lU ll t il, 'The h il d tilli l l 'ed ll p 'li lLlld D lbe 1 (: 1)
""'1 0 11111'0) 11 11 111 Cl t l '" u lld I vlVll~ 111 NU llli u l1 UIi IU , ' Wllll l Sh dl W e 1),,".1 poe lll by ~I rs L C Wh ll , 11 ,
tlllI s tl n llUlI , .l
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1I 1I 11IttCI
C" llIlIl l' lI t: l ' I'lk CIi II I I I!, tll ur II Id !)I IC v i 11 1l! hl s l 11 \1111 1111'; I'l I l o~ lI u d It Id jJllb t. a h c d .It t he I CI ) IU'I PI Il!C vi 75 ctl! 1'<' 1 1" 11 1 A d dlcss
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HE~ D4J1.i
g at ~.u Q.tncl'\
A ' I>
~ '>l ~ ",f C~
I Caskets Robes "
AS THE BEST F AMILY SEWING MACHINE. Its compet,tors receIving only an award for som e special feature of II elr machines.
The Worl[ l'BUOWllBd Wilson ShuttleSeWlU[ Machine
IN '1'1-1 E 'I'C)Un NS [-Ill).
I \ IS
t l,
bt.lit fUllilil"
fi r (lI,.c)
Has Un ll m ll ed Cap.elly 10 d o all kind s of lY Se wlno I nd M. nur.ohl.lng.
I1s P,\Tf,\T \110'1 \ 1'1(; "(;t; 1 0"" IlIIlh (' IUIIIII "hrel prr l Pnl14 tho n.. • chilli' fl ll lll rlllllllu " Illl ~\lurrl s. IIJ1l1 .. 1" lut. - UJ~ nft()( s,Ilty orlnJd ng U, Owork fl nUl Ihr lUlU h lil l 10 \I In ti till I ad on till' bob"lu ., Ifh lcl, mU8t b. tlono "Ith n1I othl r 1\1 II 11I ~ !IInl hll1l ~ , t u II,,· ~1 1'lit 1111110) IUI ~ or thl1 oprrnt()r, ''''[lI1I"Jully In hI! klll g', lit 1I11111n ~ unt! rlll1tlll ~. II llol'H olle-third Ilwru work in a gilll1llt~gth of 1/1111 tllIllI 1111) 1It1 1t I i'il II 11I g' 11Iu ~ hlJl(,. \\' "1 HI H\ '10 1"" "rlilt toor the )IHIlP-iF. MAKESSrxSTlTClIES.
~I11.l "litho UU lu~ of u U(h.: rtHhu h.\ ln!,( lH ,II NI u u r~c h K o f "iI (1 lu t ot'i t dl.,o ,Vt II .. I' r t.:roIc r VIlH( t ht! II IUl 1rlt l "PV ILntU IU \\ 11111
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\\ t hu" Id"" I llld ~ '; Il'i f' f t ll4 In tt tot UlI (j
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bo I \ ~ ri'H~ II llhh: IWoI UI) b ll"1Tl~"" lliUl ... ff •• J
GARDEN 'VtUp-Town Grocery O ll r
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A n) " f 110 0,, 10 " ~ 'I I)"
m.H I, fur
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*1I J!.,;p«r Illl~~
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ad ' Vlll t l h , III til
Ll\rltt ,\ IlIw !)vh J /)" ... r f Ho, d
I qlr-,. \ \ til
:\O \V ,Ir
Celery Plan.s,
111 till
r .. 1U
Thm Wilson Wachlnea Will ao aa muchwork In ana day as four other Macblnes,
N ew Y o rk. III 1\ I
I ro.. ,\,;
- -S r.I 1.8- -
I" r lUll Rolled wll100 \\ h Ollt a t 7; c a Ih I. n 1'1",f" Ly ox l'r pured cuolln 20c II packllgu
Out M ellI III CUI II pound I Unk er's COcvll. Bile n packllgc \1111 O~" 0 110 Curu Starch 150 U IJIlCk .... ,
1,,'1 ,rl" , f ('UlU: elll\ /, UD HI'n TEIS
201 Fulton St.,
LW \ 0 1'1\.
tlox 4,1,11
,\ 1'1 1'1" rl ) I ~I' ul! tI t, I llh l lll~
I" fUlllIOll r ll 11 11 11 OlIf h UlIlf hlO O, guu8 ot(l('11l~ t o 1.1 111 II III r l ll.lI r , fl l'I' 01 Ih ll r l:~. for 111 0 J ('.lI ~ lIIRehlD C8 lo 'd on 6&IIy tl' llU , III 11,11 1111 lit uull 1I1'11I I r i ll , frl'c 01 ch ur l;l' at [In) Klulrocd !)cpot In the lUI" d Sla t .. Ililt It \II II Il l' Ull \ :; ~ III R S e nd for lllwot r l\tod Clltll10l:Uo. F o r (ul l
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'C'~aulli' fir0'w"'e"'r'" Plants,
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IMATTRESS, I l0. j l1. ~dl & ~mtt f llK B!J
.1 .1 n rM ~ Il l '" ,f 11 Irrl 14
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Pl:tysloiao. l]]J.lqQI~ake~~
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WArNF ' 11Lf. H. OIl/ f). S~'l'H W llRO\VN.
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""IN "T • ••••••• W"WNH,.VI •• LE.
lEI A\1I~- lID'E1E ~~lEm9
of th o J
W VAN N A'IEE. 111 "
• 01' NE'V WORK, Thesc PUlIi O. 1lI11d o 11 11 0 I!lClled .. ~ 4 ~1I 181h l' cOI I'hlt .. dot l h ,a fillest (!t Rpla\ H III the C ClIl ClIlI\ul 11,,8 PI. .1tl ro h ~ wl11 8Cu filth ut s from l h e firiilt All Ul_ d o( Ex llllJl tlOU, aud were ' M I1t11111WU8- '" tho ;W,h ..f ...el, """alh Ohro nlc 0I.e.... 8 1000eI81'o1l' reAWId Magll/ recommellded fur t h e D I p I MJ1I.t lIetiC Ire l1 lm~ n' given ra~lcnl4l at' a diltlUlCO oj 11011 0 1 (f/HZ Aleda/ oj M CI It can ..-rilo svmplom8, anll havo .... m.d, • • 80nl Till S Co mp any nrc th o fi lst to rlo "1 ma,l i' omph lot 0<111 """'1111 le. '"nonld. 01 oure8 cffcckd, 8cuL Ilee to nllY add rC HIii
gCllel al bus llless w,th t h o Im!'1 h n.~er (/lI c( l , !!1lVllI~ hllli mn/ ,' d lll l l 011f Iln ~f th e Pri CO ch.lIgl'd by ott.
n~A I
l')lll·lron),. 4i"·ltt5. Irt
Baltl.mOre & Ohl.O l \.
ILllI) ,' [1. \.'- ,."
1'11 8 SIUI1·tt:.Q (., QUWkt8t, (Mid 011 / 1/ Direct Route t.ll \vASHI~GTON W ... DI....el
fur tho t! l:io8tCa n c.mc4lJe lo\r
11 ",' -
O ll' II
II .. L
Ifill I
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J"., 1'10
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Wo " III
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1111 1
Illid nnd cc I .Jt;l b ility and who m n y b b comma.n lIII cr.. 1 ,- hb ), let tcror inpcnon .
UO. Hetd
't!lll h e\\~ Iln
0' I
2 0 0 n t1tnH' writt"n tho nhovo fo r tho bono fit of 1 7:-. ! tu "JU t u M ~\,Iffi r T Hh th uLtl1t100''0 7 s. ~I 1LO\\ L. ::!U Out.uio t t rcc t.
50 1
\ Hlll ll m i rv of
nt l ll o, .. Jllp
t l.e 11 \~ , f pu rl H I~ I I I'
II'i H".
Ol o" t l 1111n l I I r fll !4 1\ 1 II 11l \l t Ctl " tlh 4 (""llIlft~!'4
t:OI I (, QJ)I .n dl n ee
ft t&~If)1I I
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\ 1f I n l I HII ), I tI \, r .. rrll ~1 ltl1 I{OBl'~ Ia' CLAIt]{E & CO • 1 ~ 0 ( r, II 0 -1 I , I" ,II ;;", . 1.
' I~ ( I )I~,, "
A IMd y rllc llolJu uodcd LILWI'O Il'" CUrlLllvo, I Ilr ocu r ed I~ buutonud RIU rl UMrdt.o HMy tOa.t tho In lu n ! o PU ID ,,',UI r cmovt! t1 nl most tn 9taDtI), J Ia. \ U u ;llId tour botth.s. I cOD.idor tbo
di· c•• ,lCUtl d r.curod Very trul" t
IiIQJaUea, Toothache, SOl'O Throat, Rhoumatlsm, Chllblalm!, Sllralns,
DrFI'ejls la, 11 ·u:-.ugla, P lcurhly, !,lIoUcn JolBts,
. , 11 "UrlIII; Iho 0 I,. rrl "m' .
A li d nil o lh t r ~ t ~I~ .. In Ihe l"1\1111 plllnl l lon Ijll u r l I lld 1 rll~!l I - , '1 ~
ru r I UtolliC ~ IIICII- 1 [rrom O OOfrO S~ hol t ), tho Po p ulLl r J.1 r 11\ H n ",1,,, 1 , ~I ,1110, " . I ill r D r·Ocr ~ b ll un u\ cl IIU 1111 I II "" f H Irl.: 1111 Itl, IllId L ,\,"qos CII~! ~! I\I'CVlll AS,.o' Qm O~ 2, lSil. \\ .rt 'Ill \ fir 11 r ~ \: ULiI( r J "c :"ll ud, I j far IJ' (lr R )' onr I 11' III 4. g r oa t. IIIV\ c ror frnm lJ 'i/I ~ j) ,P /1 l/Illll "IA in U1 Y bund . trlUu nl moo, ev.r,. r lUody lhnt I could h ou r or ... u told by phyI u i l le III II I 11' do I II r l\ll, ., rill II ln II olllli c I'lcilUl e t b llt. r ou "ht to try n. ~b!t D gO o f
[fcRtIe ch!',
ln t"lucll l1g O r 1lld
LJlll O Dutk, (' I ump,
I k UK R No IIge nl .. no I 1U1I 11 1:01 no UIOCOII II ' . The" " Plnll OO m Oil, o"o .. r Iho fille~l lh 8plal " lO t th o OCIII • • " .. 1 E ~ 1uh lt.IIJ n a nd Wure Ul ltLlllllI on .. l\ rr>c ' 01
. IO"~
Itnff .t J(O Q() I a u ~ II I 0111 u S f' lIC\ lo 10 C I\ II I'r ut c4111ro
Y Ilt <T' L \."-~"ld uore. t 10 tl o '.o'L<
Rh.:.::ma tlHDI and NeuralS'. n . 1 n. 1 ,I <) rtl llm"l ng to,h moninu trom well ...
Durns, Scalds,
I' lp" II.(:II[I,
1'''l H.,,''oU I"r -OU Iho l IIu f' OI,'''T It", ",. \ 0 " nU'n: LOr\ t~ l l! I BrgCdi n thJ I II Ol4l I" th. "orft! T h "I1II" .. ro ( , r", I' " " , .. ,,'
llu~le, Oll l .flU"/; Se li c tho g re 'llcfitl mpl..."cm "II" [I" I", \l lIl hl. h, k . ne" IJl IOtit
to n of [, ,,no Dlf\lung I ho I IlIglttii Ill! tho .. .. ' r .. A" .. " ,e A Ilon'l f" l lf "rot fo. 111". [ , . \C,I and !J•• cr'l'" '' CUI d"~ I1I· .m illed fr e,
MendelaBobn Plano Co, No 56
Officc Ilnd Lllool'llfory 1SG SL <JlaIr.BL,
thelr ·lllll stl.~t ed DU3C1lf ll l~ 0 C .Lln
IX? W At\rl ' n - By OYOI'Y 0 110 DRI!IlGG~SYS. who hllB nil Illtoll lp:Oll t ('o ll r(' ptlfHl No.3 E..,sr MAIN SIHEI>T, all 01 Its VIlluo, [Jcal th liu,llth do· WAl NESVILLE, o. pcnds II p OIl t h e P ORSCSS H, Il III IHIIO Prfll'Crll'tlulIO conlp",,"dccl "t a ll h Ullrs by blooo, und \-,1110 bl uod 18 th o 8 111 0 "n c"pc~lCn ce~ D"~~I r,7 t nlln Tltr.... b Wllhou& Cbun..e P 0 8ROBSion ot tlllls o who usc Dr I" 1Io' e.... /o o ,rll od th, "c het" .en lho prI ncipal Bull's blood l'lllxtul C IIc "nowl cd~ cd tlllle" bUI It call 100 mndo WESTEKN4EASTERN CITIES , 111 I hreo monlh . b, anyone I\S a suporlOl blood purdiN " f Plthe r <ox III ."1 p. r~
F are
Fo r Tllro'1h TlckelB, DlIggA"O Oheck s,
[(7' Tho 1L1l1l0Ylll iCO occllsion ed Inc to " 'TI< AI employme nl Mo'c nle nt 0 rrl\l 08, SIMtlln~ "ccom . I B ~h"t wo furlll <h *(,6 po r wee k I" ,OUr own mud,Ulon 8. o~ , appty Ilt tho I Ickel Offices by tho conllll ual crY\IIg 0 1 t 10 fl· WIln '011110 IlIo~ bu .WAY from hnlllO "t nil prlDclpli1 POiOts ~y, nt OIl COCOUS OIl wh(;11 tho ClI U BB o yor IIlgh~ You COII/( IVO l "UI whole IIIIl C NORTH, SOUTH, BAST It: WEST. 1S (aB It s h onlcl bo) prlllllf)tly 10 tu Ille wnrk or onh YOllr " jlll rc m"mcnlS It E I~ D It S EV. L M COLE, , B , 00/.8 no llo l,,' 10 trl ~li o lU .I " t ~K rorm. ~ •• ~ (' en'l T A!l'r (,ten ' l l' AIt't moved by u s mg DI. Bull t; ally 1[1l1t $ > ou,ifi, f,..,. .1 <1<1 11 '" "I o noo B I'B 'S P DARRY THO S R SHARP. Syrup l-JALI ~TT k 00 , l'olllonu, ~I " hl o 617 Wesl Puss AI(Cl1i ~Jauer1r'n
Il.IltI hreutlt lot the haod You Co.lI publl!'l h dll 8 If '011 IlIm l I,roo por IlA' Jll loilOSSN IC KI E I .,II.oloul I; ~ ",1< roc k 00. ~td HE \ f} f. 1t
CO IOplllll1t. or 1 ( l.\.c r fin, c rusty tly, "Jon d lsr" sc go t.o Jnu l drn;':J; l st a 1111 g-l t ll I H X i) f waYIlC Ii "II He,lln,; OUIImO llt It. wlil s ure l \' eUID ' 011 51) c 1I1J1 11 l ox j), .. C. for $ 1 ~f, 6 I,o x> ••250 "eM b) III \II \ 1) 611\ uddrC88 , o n rleerpc of price I r ol'"' OU on l v b < u. & SoN. 130 1\ o rth " "th ~ I Plll ludolp"" 11 0' 111 13 1" '
Dru~~, .. II.
JUSIl'ubhsherl n no" odll,,' n
CulverweU'a Cele . brated Ilseay DU Ibo r.dle ,\
01 Dr
( ,,,thou~
lIIedlcloo ) of
SPKB)I.\TO IUlU4·r.A 01
~ o mIlH\1
W cnlHI(,8s . lnvulHlltluy ~c mlliltl Logs ett III
I or", c " Mental Blld Phl81tQt lllcup_.llv.
rrnpodllllont~ to M', t to 1\ 180, CO:"f8tMPTlOS F:I I UUIi\ liu d FITS . ht tluc ld by ~ If Indu lg ence or 80XIl,,1 U.trA \ Hg&nOO &.C
8"",, "
m- Price
BOOJ{S- BY MAli - A genel ~1 ClItll loguc 01 BOOKS, StatlOllery, Lllhoglnphs, Noyels, VlllenLlOcs , PllntR, PlaYing Cal dB, eLc , sent It ee to 1111 uppl!clmta OUi )llltl ons cnn 0 1der II ny al t lcloB they uesl1 e that CUD ho furnlshcd flom the New Y 01 k mill keto !Lnt! they Will be fOI \VRHlcd mtllol hy IDIIII or expI C88, Rt the lowest mlH ket l>rIce
I For reference, pleaso call on tue re- pllbllShers of thu popel D.n SWAYs» ,\; P lease g ive yo ur address \ ory Pb,ladolpblll, P'" I plainly. and sond dl CASU ordors to S'fEARNS .It CO, 176 BrolLdwar, Nelf York
How L ost, flow
I I \OU nr\!; HufrCIIIl,.! WILli tlllSRU
In • • onled . o'elopc, only
ct:lH ~
II", col.loml, d .. ",bur. 10 '''Iii ad mIrable E' 8I11 clo.rly demoll",r.",., from a thin, )0 .. r8 . n cc e .~1111 pr~elloc. 1Jl .. 1 Ibe alumlng COlIsC'luon ue Bof self a bu . .. DIlly ho radloall)' cllr~d wlihelil the "ling. rous u@o of !o"l'Dal mcdl clllo ur Iho npp " ca~lo o of Ihe knlfo ; po'n''"g oul • 1II0do Moure al onco I lmple co<t,,,n , nlld en'c OI UBI by meliM 01 wbloh evcn ' uOorol, no mllltor wbal h.B condllioQ, m~y b • mAY 0.11"0 hlmsolf cho1<ply, prlYatoIy nlld rndlc~lIy ~c~u rc should he In 'he han41 of o-erv ,ou[h "lid overJ m.n ID tho land Sen t IIndor ~enl , 10 1< plain envelope 10 any nddrcS8, pOB! pdld. on rec~lpl of G c~nt.
II" I "
AI L IJll l ',(lI~r~
Or two Slumps
In Eal
or Drua. I,,. . or ",II bo •• nl by m.l f onapphrAtion AlIlhooorU fiCllWI nro enUr e.y volcn oJ 00 I CDr) n" d cmllnc. lD' fro m pcr: on. or . tnnd l:l R
' 1I UI HllI
111 0 111 III Oh iO H
tIll '" I1I11Sl Iru l h lt, 1 t 1l1 rou~h 1111 \ nlunlJ le u IIl rll lu t lUU ro the lollttury II slun ot th rt hcllHJ U ) I I II'~ .. ul l. ol..:' I)ll t t.(!r I" .d m ltllhl (, Ut 11 ,r r!lll ~t(l unt.1 \h II d lg('!8tl d - ( ' dll'nl \\ I ShcrllHUI I h \ 110 11 fir books nil the '\ ,r r t he
- [ \1,
'0 00 havu t riCJ a ll Ul e dlc il 01 Ro d IIn un (l n ta wh 1c h t ;\ns l " l louhn lu :n r of hllt. ... n ocuro uutil I u l cclL.\W P lui r rlt.;ll ll' undel r: I ho could f:j ~ ' S t:UllAT l \ J wh ich I ollnruco mmc nd Cod'fII fit O Il! ' \Olll lnl_ 1') 110 IOS1llfo",u frolU flh ullIR ti s m fu rlt. ou r ll,O O H. Ifr ,. (} 1111, 10 A ,ilUlili oa LI'u tol fol a Jld E Xl!c In lurea t!(lYlao t hat J cu uh.llllt clld to m y bud ...
M ,,,,
rol elllol!
VO)U IIl I.; '"
Il o.ooco * 12
(O P'
C ll l l' l1
fl, ' I , ck • \1 ,,, Iell ,I 1. 1'" II" 11/111 !oI
.-,wh:d cre c f lUI e[fed s H ad . o l! IHJ.CO wo c{Ju' l :;n" uh u r.lroll. f c ... r flcalell from pn r I,,, well ~no" n 10 I h,. aOU!III1lD lt) . b u~ WI> be, 10 r . rr r 10 our pnUlpbl.~, whi ch II to b~ _ _ _ _....,._....,....o.j
I fro Ul n I.:l
l "
I Dow n CHIZU D !! o r t.:IC \eJa Dd S ~ O Il \. l' l ll, 1 h id 101. r C\ISI U :,,\ Cn t ulfJ1l' f CL £\ HLAND, O • JulyG.lrt6. 0))111 u I "'£ill 1 Hl l ll i lle 1'; UII L U~ :~~ Ct b~~~A~O~~ laid u wIth RboumD... Iy l I K ;-o,lalt lt.. ~ I 1) 1110 I ""tiO-7 • t t 18m t l roe lulIlJ m "I othl .<1 eoul d not wal k
1\ {'
U!ot.boCur~tlvo l llrac l vin t hou' praetlco, o nJ 1\ 11 J'lNmlll~u t. ol r £: )w na n d~u l t.o nroC()m m (] ndU.
\ \ I, "I
1,,//1 ,1,1
I.J[lR '" Il Y EDI T IO N -:2, ,I. • 1\ II h li n II .. 0 1 ~2 (' 11/1 ["' 1-11 "" I /I ' 11 1e lI"p' I' rloe Clolh . $ i he., $ I IJ II~II I'O PL L An F D11 10 !i - \\ 1110 COl 2 ,ul. ~ .o Clo l h " E \(~ r \ 1:. I?II1\ In ,il t!' I tH~d 5h J\l ld h
~ur~of I\ E:, incilt and Skillful Physicians
1" 01 IJI ~l/ l'l'll l al, , 1 1 111111/ _,
\1 11\ 11M
lb. U j il I [\ v ~ we urIC " t rl ul cC Ill! , Irtu ••
( 11110
tf I0n ellll,HlI':' U9 lint e . . ~ IIItBlll lllh t ,I" . ... l of i\J UCl I ( II nerd l . cu H T btJD1 , ~ , c lll ,~ t h f i l l I III" I r u I t 'I I I t II ~ J UIII"I, n.lld 0 h I { 1111 1 1111 r l)uc li m ClIlJ~ fllrllJshcd tJ \ hlln l lt u~
lond caro u hor olof.)fo,
f lh e J b.... 100.1 t ~. t •• l ofy."," b • • ed on It. inI t I t l. edl tn n !110 ou!:t'itl!. a nt! n oarly over, oommu1) L17 ti 00 llOIlI'!It'OI! !IUUlO h\ tn g eVJll on co i ta palra-doLa w I U I Furm . ! r: t roy log n:ld curr... LvQ PlVl crt 'f)3.
L e J; ul II w i ~ (01 Ullvor ~ ~f/lr ~httl" uril ur o I1HII"'i n f II .CI qur llc4J "lIu b
h :l O r .. "IIU
r. LI"H~tl l
t hu d l!C! t.tnod ropulAllon wb \""b 1~1rCJ L) l hu \\I.)ndor(ul cural It h:ll I r l " l hl'l. J who b M 0 n ovor tol ted
l h u! IilJcr fa r
bo x J ou 80ul me n year n~o r om glad . yes , 1 am proud 10 My It m"u e " pe, f, at Cure I thlllk It~ olhcooy oho ,Id 1, 0 r.ulJ Uohcd thr u ug"oll~ Iho l ell ~ lh
I. colcllraled fo r 1\8
or Iho , 01",Ir, who 1. 1\111
< "I
I .lt
I a.nJ nl dn t
Richmond l Ltrnchburg, NoJ.olk I1-"
~1f.llo, ~I ~~I,~ I ,~~~~,~o_~:~~~_rl eo to Sands & Janney.
11111 1111 1
~I "I'/IX, d I
f i rln
III ST()B~ -;-'F '. 'fa: ,t IUII OF THE (;UJl8EICL-lND ;
V A. fU l
rlle Washington Cit1F Route,' ) t\
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ti t
I I 1\: "" '"
l ' lx l"
"lx t b " I • • ·hUndf'lp"'" \ 11 l ' I II\I'I"IT1" Q l f " T I
$600 Pianos for $260.
Itt ' '' '' "lIlIo J"I :; 11576
8h.. ulU rODlomber Ihal Ih o
Wo wOl1 ld r COllIlIIOlld ally or our rcaderB wh o h n Ye !~ lI y IdClt or ove r hUYIHg Il P11111 ll . tu ~Il lid fur
,,,,,,,,,.,,,,. _ " " " ' "
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L. C L(] KEN
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F~ n
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1:/1/ II! Sf I
.'tU ~ ou
I illcr ll l tli;, v llll
~Hoj' II,I, ~ ,
11J11t.f(II ",MallAll II" r" h ...... rI . In " r"d 'mm ed , . t~ l y w, th o u t. o.s l rR cll1l r~ t r A " Pl...,111t 1t \ 111 Hh ut tl ill" t lOH: (I f PUTO J II n lld "l t.cru uJ .. l u\X ..... LEIJ to loall , \\'IH n tn<l VIIi I Mar cil U 1 ~77
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ON &'CO BLrNDER<l ... ~
lJ ur \ lL:uh "~ hudrtJ .. h
I ~'I 'It n u le I,. I, y "''' I ..~ I 1'er J U n", ' "", slll l. \I~ A "TII""IOH I I\ IEIlI . () ru ulll('uJ. ::in\,,) t \,y tH ldt fi r I}lt r 11)0 Cuvo Oytttt r,. frl1'lh I"tlh"'c r K" lm rm ", d I I • I I lf kl I I f I IIJlI U I J I U 11I0ri lU ll I lle " ..: 0 .. Itt O\\~ l l lf' Ill C C:i It l: t or In In ~ } .) IU tU ur Jlt r I " n ll t. III (,,\U ri nt 11 \\ pr l t ra" I cr rn UH , ~ I I 1 \ Hlll n il \\ Illll A ll) I f t h e Il l , 1\ , ' C a l U th! Plullt'4 h \ t:l. ( , lI ld A Ulnc \VII, fA Haifa }" Cl~ lll (> Ce ll t It! 10 " lin • "l!lI l 0 11 HII Il;lIfl OIl I 1 f $4 I 1". \ unci 1'lIIe r ur :;""1'" " .. podfl lly 1I Ill'" r"" It , " " 11" ,, •• to t h e I'" " ", ne 11 ,1' I"Hl r OIllC L u Ulll1 'lUJ1J.Jrt,," ·.C u~h")r ~ \(\ L I ~Al rlt., A ~ I JI IIHrH ~ I ",hl ·~ ,'OrTfll!O.J 111 I 10 uri,.. E r(lIrl h\ IIlld (r , I"! I r 100 " I' !tilt) k t..:t: plt " lurJ.{er un d hc ltl r IlFUiorllul III II l UlIHJ. '!t.e ~ Iu.:kll gl . I II I' u I 41 It UlII 1l 11 Elrl) 1'IHll". ' n 11111 1 r . I ' \,.11111 IIr • "IllI I) O r tCl: n c .. t.L Uli HIl) o t1 lo r l"''' ~ l e ftHI t I lH til!) R' ue C lP' It lin! til l t 1 1Il\\' 4} 1l. _\. 110 [,ti t '" \, nlll \ lIl iL \lI n lt.>t,,,JCu' J"I I I " Itl\l AH)U f tIi l II I \ . ( HIII'u\\ i r I I 1\ ;\ .. 1 ) 1 " ~IlN I ~K
to " .e lt; IUIIlI II'tlotRdlllrN:tlon Doot.; II
1I11IJ"l nH 1I11 ' llt l iullu,t r lld ion s fll rllI, 11I d 1111 h " " h 11111/ IIlu I •
I I.
II "
'*'Z The WELLS TEA CJ _vlPn.N Y
[ur lor "~",,I Cabbage Plants.
:\I II1Uf ullll
9.~ ~- I "~ ~ I
h urial C a s e S ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- . - - - - -
\I" Il~
to J
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~tI ""'v Q!ll~~
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~"lllli " I ' l'UI 17'{IYC r n '," IlIlh all ~~
IIII C, I I" " b UIIJ.l U II~ \\ C I Il l ll l hu (~ II'" I lvll lJlltW CI ," 1111 .1 ' I dll ca l lVII .t1
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'"lIe~c, " " Al1I 0 11i{ I h· PlIlJl ll; :)1 h UIII!;," lJ ll lI lg; ,lllI ll okclehc~ vi the I/ulil ic 81 h tI'J l ~ III 6C \ Cl u l ul tl lo
I' ll c v i 11111" 10 • ,l I II I lnl blll ll d , L l k c
flAXl EH, Bf~LL
J 081 I LUlld ," 6l'eu ud pU pll l . A ""etch " I ti ll' " Uh lo Agl ll lllliliul
A'lTE N'l'lO N
\. 1 lie Ex vi
Add r<'88 Ih e pu blieher ,
The Culverwell Yfedlcal Co.,
U ..... !!II'I I'''' ...
Y.... I P. 0, ~ •• "lIlHJ,
T" .. p ,i>
II".~ ..... IIJ. lII...
1\11 . r ron 00 '0 k"l 1 "IJOtI.... And "ublltr. on 1Il,lIIlla boo .. Ind Ih.o I ,0 1l0'
Aph:~I:horoll.~~~."lIb. '1'1.
""1 10 ""110 lb.
II.... ' .... ,bo M,uDl<r."I,,-lwl,1 tho,
rl. b~·r!~~I~Z!\rl.f' Ind ,I.4Dd I don 1 1'10 l"lw'bo, <In 1Jut I ".lIlI ( "., 10 .10"" II rlr f"" Ju.1 IIh 110.",hh In
~~:I ~Jlt~~ ~~r.'l. ~:.II.k.!:a,\~lt 1~~~~~I~b
bUIIQh O{ 6t ~ra iterK \(I :frantHlIlh r I FA.UlI. AND .t'lUESIDE. IltlJ I COlIl.-Ial1 "hlle he WCllt b) ~lIIil 111It benevolently ot UIOIII Rlld LII'IlIklllg Won 18 IN HQ( S -A c6rre~ IO lIdollt or God for Lllil bleMt\d OovernmonL "hiob the JndUlfl(l, Farm" IYnLea II: Lhe y gf uomLlolI a(t r gen ratiou re,lolCI'I m l or 1 61 IUld 186B llo.t two tillO 10i8of lind thNI th~l touched them olf mllklog hogs IIlId cholerA \\ ae the (11 eru e 80 {th l)(\(lihr Id g uUcnll," )U1l1\l IWO frot I tbo ught by all , lind theydlCd III VllrlOUS rom e ground nnd whi rl mad I, lI ays UUle dllxl vnnllllog snd KQ me nOllud, eo Jllrnng hie bOIlCil Ihst he bl d lit the nObe lill death e lided tbeir ne~cr got ovor II blc(',lIng 80Ule rau111lld untli kuot!i Rail S look 110 ft LIve part JIl RII t hI S rRllled 011 tbolr Id~. s lid '·- dl I •• U\I ~8 as Wlln arge ulh• IIII IlIug IIe d a It llOug b "ul S "1 u li e evos lUI smRI1 gUlll oa ".0 tj!gs nnd utbel'8
Uee and Buataln IU otherll, and alf olhOl'1l lIokno"Je(lge their ,lep6lldellce IlpoLII" MANY pel'llOnl are troubled t o get th en treeH to range In tbe roWI pM\ltlrly eve n nfterh nullg Ule Il round atnlml If III good order they ,tIll find theIr trr A 8tubbornly refu81njt lO r uoge III straight row&. Thl l dlfhc lllt.y lUay be obvllled by th o following cOlltrlvllllco Tllke II •... id d e lg IIt or Ulne uuar d',our IIl CI les wean feeL in IOQgth uear each e ud 4111D IIU lO ch hole, IlIId law a trtangular Dotch two ill chCII III the IlJ ldrlle M.. ko two I " 001 ell pIns or pega one (oot long a lld of II KIZ{) that they" HI eMIly p lIM t.hrough 'h I I II L " ~I I • e 10 e~ Ie .the "" nj; act III t 10 LU , " act pillce Ilh e re the tre IS to stand IBY I I I I t he ~nu ge dowlI !!O thaL the . lllk e w,1I \ r h I II HI In 8galUsL 1& III t 0 ce uter of LIlt' r notch now drlle tho two 1'1111 th rou~h 1 ,. I Lheholestobalf tbolr le ngth lu t h c'OI I 1 : 1 lI(t oH th e board lea\,lllg the pI nK wek , f, IU the g round ,JIg tbe hole aud pul Lhe h , tlcelLlltspl ,ce ror lacelbe gauge nnd I • "I I h I k: th h I I, k· 1 <\ll1gt 0 run 0 etree lUt nOLeI JlIst Ii the . take . Lood before h old It I II th e re tl lll he tilling 10 a nd packlllg I. ail
In I took ou someLblllg )f 1111 a n xIOus ami pll dered olr aud ISld do" 1\ suu died seO Ul t b lie shade He" lUIa hulo frllow an d IO g ly wlthou~ lL Ht fllltgh I mlld e n car Wbon lam. UI ., old IIg wi b ..-bIAke" 0' hili ( afraid ofth~1IC KSVII"e VOlin'" Amerl ful e xnm lollt l r f h 10 n,y ohl. " . . " no ol xt ~r n 0 L em ta J will no' I ... "11'_'1' n", 0' ~r1 good, .. or. or CIlDH lUI they Cl\IIlC out In t heir patrtollc IIIg th olle thM rlleu Ill! abo'll ftLaLe d amI lin fiercencSl! Ihe e I cJ I I b l .. tll I\(! A fAr"l~rnt a lAW'"yflr ot n lit I I X lmliUl I n resu tel lU l e 8U mO u, I" ~r '-II 'he 0,1 ' 001 or. . . log ' 0 I" t IS lint . gnm he Ulutterer! 10 lhlll g ' Vllll 111 Worlll ~ " ere Lhe ca uso I hl nt!le lllu L1ulch I thr ,I n)" III 11 01 I A b<,. l one fOQt from the moulh of tho (, . 1.. , , .. . hl 10 uo '°11111. I "I II~I 1"0 lalld "I e n nil the mell nllli buy. po to .~ ma ch (or h I I b•• I _ k ~ I IIUII O 118 t 18 cOmlllOIl y I ~ mil or huld Ih. ",I ho' In> "oJ .. I blnrk IIle 0 the cllllnl. ur wi " 'I be lI"pa I calied) the worma hllu gath e red alld per • ull l ' 9 1 IIISh lIhlJ \ o th o el,UI ' 6 ) . o ( h nUlIeS forated the eu tralls for llbollt te ll IUches r. nG 111I .. '.tj/ IJII.,.ng.Hddl".. IHlK'rrllckrrstJu rn m ytin g~1"I! oul the t h ewocms"ereMtii I b h Ir 01 .... , JOly Dol . ho mnk' h. I .~ k.<n I h lady 'HUI llllrt ) ,10 not like tl F t th b b I' llUl!(lllg a nut a ,••• 1 of billy lU 0 r l all~nl~xam\'~cd~~eadl when exa:f lded r oll.rh I h .,hAl,OI u, har ,/11,.hOp l. So be 8tarlc,I ontowardthobom80f l N I II le rlll\Jl.~00nu8 PII. .ucb " I ta... h 'b 1" I r I OW ",8 we c Rim WlO dl llClUle u C1I 0~.", .. u 1 ... 1 Ilk"". Ino_.oc l•••• II, 18 ,lit er ,cn ui gru08lrT ,('(ll llg th a i 8cnbeda.cholera? I ho keell the hogs f."" I he Illul l!eC n e' )u ~h "I I L I ( Au I "I . , b. Ughloln~ I ho ,ty he Ak.. hi. He rc U I I d 'l" I 11. growIng C enr 0 worll1 ", IIlld lbu hoi n •.,11 " U C 1) erlo. 10 u J Y" l reau e.1 tll llC1l.e of cholern wlli Ct'lIl!O d "11~':'I :I~o.llm UI Ilrt Il k. 1I. lloln~ 1 wl e re YOIl !tOlng' Uome bllck herp 'lhiS can bel don~ hy gIving plenty of uOlle lIudtbeLreeW lll stn nd,lIlb er xltct 01 I, ,'~... I"" . u.u . , a Y 1."oOn COJnll~ h erlc lind dl . IJI II. hre t hi S CJ\ 1\ nOli 8tron g son p ""d8 oslt and Mbe. "'p_ rlnce IhllL tbo 8Lake occupied ProCIlt'U Rns c altere n n nnel rre~('nlll loo k per." etc. 1I1lt hll8 not hne xC(' >In In th l8 m8Jtne r willi 1IIIIh o trees an I If I ,.,.day lo l l • • bl"~.:nhl to 1,8 hl'el. b nt lI u b (elHwNe benllly sllch lUI fo rc ll'" growLI I)fCP! rII~' the st.~ke8 "ere p roperly ... t ,t first loa jed " lIb shoo b ~.. , h .. r b " the trees WIll range as II m lter If T " n ll: 11114\ hlni; Id II :t n f: I lI f' h II r et"Ue rM l or H OW" At ,Rlfd 111 fPedl ug I .I.h I , I Gro" up ,.... J.y anlbe • n ark es an enem y I li e doe.n 1 "lint etc IIIJ red tuagreatextellt the COli cOUr!!(' .wlll monl in COleDrRtll l H e 8 II Uutchmllll' He 8 HlI tuLi onal mllk e of ou r hog" 'Tuey llrr 'III I': comb, wlllcb 18 I (IItty 80hLl subI .R '0 hI . . . 1II,Ie h 0.1 I • no> nn I a H e,..ll1u L eI s brrn~ him back lind lire ce rttll nly not 100 ha rdy now a. twenty stanco proull ced iby bee. IS hr.L e ~ cr6ted I'" d -. '0 , tbe cannon lit hi m I CJlIkb hIm ' Urnb yeun! agu WIth grel\tcr caro g l\ e n H ogs froUl a row of IX ucbea 1,long tbe lr .. d~~ All n. I I 0 '" .nd rl •• n Co, ruO .-ho" I go, llrrd blm I Bring hlln lore Plllnk hI m down tbat hu\'e dIed hNe thIS l!6lll!o n nil ~o m III the form of 804108 'Ibl" belll~ m llStl of ... L fher~~ I ' • I 110 d mlxed Wltu. •. 'I Ie l1li IIVa eeoUl es , Uul. 8u • • I I a •• be, 10' '") .. 1(.to Ila ' a I u ng (Ilsense But one ex Rmllla ClhCI I II .... " . YO '''''''' '" • • lInc« u , ..I "'h .ach 'brr IU lL all IlRppened ' u an IIlSiallt a/lll no- Llou tbnt I hell«1 of sh owed Lll 0 11I1I~9 tu wh lt ell ed lind tel ,clOue "Id the KUl>ou, lifo, I h I I I \ bod) moant n) hllrm Dut when the be rol te ll slallce 10 elUfe lo~ed In Lbe construcllon ( b l ntm 'I a w lUIrkln~ 11 11 M A 1"0 IonlJ , M g><,<1t':1. t 14rJ )oliy ('til,oo, 8 In 0 k e f rom LIIe l Oy C:lnnon c Ien red a"f\V H ow F T F l o f t I' Cit Cf I e, t e rcr,osl toneB for thclr II. k,u I I '" 0 I tb e Hu tcb boy c i h ~ year. old lay flat AR In RA.' EloS armer. hone) nud eggll. 1 he loeea con5UIll~ T.,& Iddl. ddl. t.u~ 1111. In 1011 t he ground .tngNi 81 10nl With h' ij "ho ~bou\ I u tllllg th 1'10; Into t:: ,bout three fo urlh! of their tlll1e In cnn lI",o r."" lnob .eo. g"",1 ha d wu, k D& ' lly hlllld.o~ r hi . blu e cje. groll n J r t clr @p rt ng wu r may _t r I llIlg lhclr coUlb "b ile gal heTll g I actnnlU Aul Hoys "h at lUU dono ? bega n th~ ~~tereHtetl t o kllO w uSt how UlallY mile s I the IlIlnrv uoly reqUIre. olll~ ~Hlrtb I HAS 9 F o I\T OF OIlUL~ - J <l hannes IIttlo 1II0b ngll'" chang Ing 11,8 10 0) I ey hllvle t~ ntrK ve 10 tdrll l !! ove;~u I Ihls IIgl' of progrees nplar lll.ns 1 ,\:e , 1'(Plllllumcl8lrr TO!Il "lIhtle RlIllon Lhe W ho puL lll msoclo:!6 10 tIJec8uno, ? ncrc w,tl I e rcn t .,xe 1 0 \\ S rp klJlfe ,nd sk Im 00 the lop" of P . h nw I thece . noth IIg but I o w-der II/~{tl ,~ Farnur figllrcslhe mllLter nUl cl'lIo nntl With tbe extractlug m 'ChlDt I)r ~ I ourtl! o f Jilly h e bad e \ e r scen III Be. po. nn II 1I"~dth 01 furrew.lI"" ~lactl tr...I"" throw th e hone, from the comb by (ell AmerlCl\ H e WI\I elghL YPflU old In It chubby thIck et and white h eaded' H ~. '''''ge I-and he K hurt 7 I .... II wi.... IrIfUIi tI force Th e cOlUh 18 the D \ ut
261, 262, 263 Broadway. - Olltl'~I ZH' t
Arr:a.OVI:D 01.41MS MATURING IN 16'7'7
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:10 d e Fo rt "Inc h hl8 IlCboo lllIlltes the bello w "I th I otb IIID g~ , Iuc b . . , II"" I hi~ e nab les tbe bee a to gllther thrco American boys bnd bl'cll tnl klllg ubo llt ) i/O r Ilttlo fcllo\\ I HIS c~elMbeg lI err ~~ ::~~::; :1.10 :"11': LIme _ th e qUlln llty ofboney by relte~ IIlg 1;0 10llg alld he 8ccsn,bled out uf bed gO Ct h,. f.ce blll ckl'lI ed III "flot. a lld U I c _ • II.. them of the lIe( 0 Ity of bULldlllg lb ! Ir doLerllllu d not to 1080 a Dllllnte of It nobody I",.w how el.e he Ul lgbL be burt I rll m Ihls IIlble ClIn be !lee D the gRm comb. lb e ll ee the reaMlII why there \8al lila bed be scrllmbled nut of " 1>1 n corge bLoc ke r had lbe co urage to 1 10 the lahor account \11th" c rop "hl ch W I)~ I!O much more extracLed by 1lI 0UlltaIIlOU~ one of feather!! although go homo wltb hun , and Carsoll little c,l me, from the URI' ofa broau furrow m sl nlin ed bOlley on Ule mll rket IDd ILM It Wl\!I hot JuI) He . tu ck UIS leel mn for 1118 fRLhe r the doctor, to usmlUO plOWing If Wel clIII Hi IIIll ca /I day the cOIl'ICq uelit chellpnef!8 Tho h Olley thus Ktrlll~h\ IU to hrogao hOO!! and hurried Hans dllY. "ork fur t h e hoc1!8 " 0 plow but ext rac ted pOJ!3l!lllle. a most u ellclouo 1 Ift.!d to one o f hl K g rand moLh er < oue aud " quarte r IlCrea II dllY by ml\k flalor lind CliO be ell ten wlthouL (c ,r o{ un hl8 8llOlltllllU"llou t oddly cut Dutch I lot he" You see H SIl ' W~8 a little H oi hea~y cbtll n! afle r that exce llent DULoh InK Il \J IIlCb furrow neR rly two ncrcs I slckuellll Ii II fntlng tltv comb ~h It lander from ove r tbe RCIL< and h ad lIoL womlln blld give n him u WUIPPIII!; (or by milking 8 Il m cb fu rrow and whell ,nnke.ono elck tbe beea never eat It yeL bcell 10 lbl! cou nLry II yellr Uut KeHIl g hlmKeIf Into 8ucb troublp litlle l a Hnl! plow U Il Bod whlcb plows a an Il'h Y"le llo, /lly thoL there \l ou ld be IL IICbool be learned Lo U Idc ..l:lIld tbe Jobao ne! Pfe nnl, !Ie ISle r who had begun 21 'Ilch f, rrow the nc renge 1811lcrcnsed Jus t I\.!I much proprloty In drrn klug 1110 English lan guagl' If not to 8peak ,t well tho Am e n call J 0 rL 01 Ob ul) With to lI e.rly fou r Iron ,bottle aDd th en eatlUg tbe boLtl e Alld the time of pa triotic contngloo Kucb IlI gh bopes .and xpcctntllllu ",.. l he usc o( Illllmproved plow "hlch UlID eatllIK Lhe boney and comb aho coming around Johllnues cllught It wlLh ux allllDc d to oee wh e ther li e bnd nny eye luro. II b r ,ad furrow and l'uhetl z.~ Ie 1 heycon." ler Lbo bottlo 1IIJ0ll tlllldegf08tl the other boys lie bad 110 COlO. ~ Sight le(t arte r celeh ra~lIlg IL in the there fllre an eco nomy 0 11 la nd <lil ted to hie II~ th e wax Hpenl (or fi re IYorko hut I!Ome full IIILl10na l IlKy Dr 11 1~le le fl a bottle , t. lise aud Lbere '" s greo t gllin from '''====,.",,=~ hllnded fell ows s tuffod h s Ja k et pock e ts uf med ICIn e to bathe IllS eves with he the use of n gllllg pl o w ulltler ClrCI m The Old StOI1' Abo ut Marshal )icy. WIth torpedo!!! nnd ~mcL:era of wblch he cou ld 8e6 but ..tbe ball , a lueuliinerel} fl I I stances" here It ISI\prhcuble l:'it llll~ JI .patr1ID(; ho.,o rI f'.1 H I ~ g ran d Illotuer put 01100 ler nI l! It hard ly k:oew the u se " EAt'lSO 0 1Tf! -A Vermont farmer You oome on to the squn re In tile capsaud ke rcblefs on bllll lind thore h e I sllys ll c "called a In t 8prlDg ClI I' 10 the Col ThoDlIUI r Hous ton a well known D h sIlL I U e flO uti ~ t h " • far me r I1l1d olock-dellier who reslues morlllng lIte y 8.."l ld Lbe\' lind w II ll bo' re I Ull illig ° h"n JI"uee nog I followlIlg IIllluner I fcd g rall\ or . .1 near H OUSLODl thIS rounty claIms to ~ho .. you h ow to toueh em off Ing a 7e l ,c OQ r I e KSd est tow to t he mare wbe n tbo colt WIIS wlLh h er 1I Hans was nnXLOUS to go slrfllght to the bended b oy you e\,p r S811 tho co rue rs of fhecolti!OOD lea roed ~eat m eal With th e bave been n pU1P o f Peter S IUfU l Ney square, IIl thou~h It WII8 l ust SUD rl llC he bLs flit nOl<ll drawn up R Irttle bl8 lip dam Afte r b e 11 M beell Illugh' to cnt o ne 01 Napoleall S g reate8t Mllrsblli. droo Ing d h L tl I • Acoordtn~ 10 Noy I o wn word8 re lated \l1lI! pre vcnte d Ilowever," p , an 18 .y~ In8 IUC ve y WI th tbe mare he w,lI eat /10 road ll y Col H h b h iS gran d d ouSlo n W en a mere lad h e moLher 11110 beard bls Iboes c la t te rr ng closed from tbe Ltgbt wbl e (arlber P(en "hen be I" removed from her Ilmt my to IIl1d tbe doors of he r cu pboa rd crenk 8! Ul gmClsttr from the 8hoem llker a hench, co lt III a slllble where he co uld b n\ c :os;:~r:r8 i~~n:.ea;~er eeh~nhea:y HilliS grabbed for a cb unk of orood Ilnd gll \,~ ~Im tb eee vere8t klDd 01 a barallg ue plcoLyof excrm!!Cl In alnrge YBrd (ed feIg ned d enth WM taken III charge by lIome klllKl IhlS nota hie and spry ohl e clare boys Mid Georget:ltocke r blm wltb bay IIlId bran milieu wllh f d d d Dutch ,vomltn was dOWD upou bllll In II to bl8 mates IL WIU! 8 8hame to bur L uulk wblch I 80011 tn ugbt 111m to dnnk rtcn 8 Il'gulaed aD shLpped aa a Ball or tWllIlr le Md he bad to:> mKkc a fire for tbat httle Dut ch man so' Wbo d.d r,ut wlthOllt the bran I wca ned him (rom ~oO UI~UCaaute;.. Fyr:::ae'h:: r;!!~~Jto~ coffee \\hUe sbe put he r thlD IUllr up ID hIm KQ close to Lh" canuon, UnY hO W~ the mare III tbls way wben he wa., three Rowan CounLv,Nonb Oarohn .. wh ere her cap and mllde her to Il e t In a 80r t of Nobody d id All the boys b"d lrt month. old h e seemed contellted aud I -. pettlcoataud ahort gow n GTllodUlo tb er hold hIm back bUL h e )us t bap pened lhm k dId aa well M though be hlld rlln r(enn~mmster never had to buy any t umble dOWD nnd they never mean wltb tbe mare two mo nths longer It IS ___ c§the.,.ew: - ml ehe wall a gul In to and semebod v touc b ed It oII before m uch hetLer {1jI tho mare and more Holland she spun and \l ove and made tllne etc conveDleut If one wllnI,8 use her &8 I I d d h th "bole chest fu1l8 o f garments and b e r Tbey were nil gilld to go home to dlO mo.t peoplo do 10 tbe country while the ~:rnm~[,lc:::r ~i)lede:U;, ~hedenhll: Ihe fIUlhlOns ll e~ ercbanged. P resently Han88 D:r And after dlllDer tbey were tl?rl colt IS wltli b e r fbls way of weaDlug acted hk e a JI1lI man, In on y trough fllther came creeplDg dOlv n Hllurs too, t al most of their powder aDd toriJC Oeli coiLA LS ve ry coovoDlont and ODe Clln rr;nllSLent elforilof friend s wlUI}i'revented lIud (0010 bl" pln ca <I n bls sh oemaker 8 we re u ed up Fro m the dl8a Lors 0 tb e feed ml I:: al 8uch tIme! R!! 8ee m UdICIOU! bencb 11K If de Fo rL of Obul) WIUl Ill 'Hlltng tbey t r,ed to turn their mill ds sllbStltullnggra lo or 8horb fo; the nulk rom commLttrng suiCIde e left a 1I0illlng to hIm nud Indeed It was n oth to tho comIng IlIulll108ttOn aL any reMonable time lellgtby hlstorr written In French wblch to blmbut a par~de for h e WR!!uot yet 8 ADd Uu ~chy cu n tl!ee tbe pretty parI was tranomlLt.c d to the New York HIlinllLllraltzed CItiZen , ODd 1111 hIS CRre was ;)f tbo Fourth at 11\1 growled Oeo rj!e, BAI\E POTS U NDE R 1'lUO:F-S -fo pre torlcRI 80cieLy (or translatIon b llt to earn 118 much mo noy lUI he could oocnuse wc n seu 111m up so 1 m gom g eerv a a haDdl!O me rlcb lawn the t rcOI through 80me ocgleet was never CUrled lind If po!! Ible regalD hI S boallh III thl 8 to &l!k mother to let me take blm !!Orn e muat not be 10 clOllC and dClI!Ie M to ex out Co l Bou.ton retains sever ,I el ude entirely tbe 8un S rays from tbe mementoteof hl8 llinatnou8 preceptor 11CIY collntry 'lhe frau g rnndmother t lllng Illce to eat Rny way ect hreakflUlt o n the llloia-an on IOU Mothe r Glad ly senL a grent bowl of ~rlUll! beneatb them But "he re th e amon" tbem hIS LatlU Grammllr, SpeCtll "Illeco 80 Dl e billcl:: colfee, some fru gal c rca m Ilnu pea ch os lind cakc, e nongb (or loll age IS 80 lIlIcl:: or IIblllldant M to cles pocket kmfe, lind several verl!('s of ~lIce~ 01 orend, alld a sau ce r of smcar 80y boy wl~h a sweeL tooLh, whlcb Hans cause bare spotft th e difficulty mny be onglUal poetry, etc. kllStl made of c urd IYh lch r illeS on so ur accellted WIth tbanks variously obVIated Orchard grll5ll grow! , I D1 lOrry YOll go t hurL' said George well III shade, but 19 too coarlIO for A (,'nrc for StammerIng. mI lk And oflh l5 fllre Hllns a te heartily IIId hurned hl8 g race to get aWII) among bumbly lawns June grM! or Kento cky blue A Canada Jonrnal contalDll a let te r Ul e boys "I don t like Fo rL of Ohuly .aid gnu! on tbe contrnrv mllkes n fine fO ft from a corretlpondent who prGfel!8es to Be wore 0 Clip unhke allY other nnd Bane feeling blilldly 10 the howl With beautiful turl and Will al wgro" well In bave bee n a stllmmerer from ohlldhood al be " as 81lch a Ill ullbrng 8tock amoug h,8 .poon but krndly Iryln g to ~1tow hiS a moderate Hbllda after It has onco ob- nlost to manhood and whowlebes toglve them ali tbat 110lhmg rejOiced th em smI ling; teeth to bLB playmate tallied foo L-hold whIch It II rnther slow other 8utreretrS tbe benefit of the trellt,. mor~ Lban to MO hIm comlllg Fo rtu Aft er corlllO Willi gO IlO, Ilnd he eal to elo req UIrIIII! two or tbree yellrs The mellt by whIch he WI\8 cured Re sayR nlllcl y BaM 'li n. nllt HCIUltive If thl'Y con"oling hl ml!6lf wltb food, BaliS every pen wllI kle (Vmca) Will mak e II ue ll se 00 lIto a roo m where you will be qUleL laughed III biOI h o co uld l"ugh too be Lime hi. eyeballs smarted cOlltlnued 10 gro wth g reen both \II IIluter nnd Hum and 111000 get 80me book that wllllnler l\ 1\8 80clal and onlv w18hed to tumble murmur at IIItervol st I don t Ilko F o rt mer, tbe objection to It \lemg 11,8 le n cs L you but m'ot eXCite you and ait down arollnd a nd do fiA b e fllW tbem do of Chuly I uoo t hke Fo rt of abuly' dency lo spread Pe rbnpa bes~ of nil IS and read two bours, a\olld to yonrself H ero comes P onuey ml or I" ehouted As fur Oeorgle S tuc ke r be IYent on I~y, whl cb If thickly plallted, WIll lOOn L:eepmg your tooth together Do the O eorg le ::>tocker touclllug oH a "ho le ratber cre.Lfllll e n NOI se lind powder cover the surfllce layenng am stlog In Bame tltlog every tlTO or three days or bUllch of hre-crncke r8 Oom~ up he re hurnln g did not ilCem 80 mngnrfi ee n ~ Il8 th e opemtlon In the nortboru portlou once 1\ weele If very tlf8!Ome, III ways Penny mll!Cr" It had aL fifll l of the Union wbere tbe IVy IS kIlled by Lnking care to rend !low I,! a~tIWlctlYJ What dny 18 tbls We boys ongbL to do dIfferent wmter on tbe BIdes of wall. I t WIll re movlIIg the hps, but not the Leeth anoth l' r t houghL Oeurge I We made perfect maID gree n on the surfaceof th e g rou nd 'Ihell, when COnl'erAIDg wILh othera, try Fort of Chuly I or od H nns WId ell (001 . of Ollrseh eM Ill S tIme Of co urlle whoro It denve8 wllrmLh from the eor tb to .peak 11I18lo"lyand dlBtlDetly &1\ poSI!! III g hIS mouth II UU Hb owmg all bls milk we re vouud to celebrnte Independence ble and make up your mind that you whIte teetb d Iy I Juot a8 li ef bave no prell8nls •• oUM-bold 11,,11''' WIll not stammer I llled tbJ8 remedy Out With your lire-works theul 1 Chn stmns lUI to tire no c rack el'll on tbe POTATO CROQ O I!'IT~:S -Add to cold and read for two boun aloud, With my het you ne , or SIlW such t llncs IIllltc old F ourth But I bet Oeo rge Wasblnglon UllU!hed potRtoc8 a liLLie HaiL, willte pep- teeLh together The fil'llt resnlt was to (oun try III! there s gOl liK to be to dRY (he s my namesake) would lie nahsm ed per ulltmeg mlIlccd pal'lliov aud b OllLon make my tongue and Jawillcha-that 18 A l te \ o lu t lon I arad" lind colored Ii~hts ot us boY" to-dny and old Be D Fraoklln egg sulh c len t to III Ike them st, ck to- whIle I Willi reading and the next to 1111 over tbe LOWII to olght untllllumlna II d t ho Han coc k fellor would 1\ cbued gether form IlltO oval b L1l s dip In Ulakeme feel RSlhometblnfblld looseued tlO1I8 t', crywbe re I My In boughL me u~ BuL I koow thIS J II no t bo cauf!;ht beaten egg tl ~n In ~ Ift.!d bread c rumbs my talklDg IIlppamtuft for could apeak t \\ U do1lar8 wor th o f wiJ e., ls aud rocket.' at such u Oi ngs aDother yeor BloW1II1l and fry III hot lard or clear dnpPlngs WIth le .~ dlffioulty ImmedIately Tbe 1111<1 tb log" and I In go ng to touch ern IIjl t b e whole Ulliverse becauMewedldn L challge waa 110 great thatcvery ODe wbo o ft III frou ~ of our bouse as soon n8 1t 8 get bl owed up III tbe Itevo lutlon Isn t STEWED KlDNE1 S -CUt. two kIdneys knew m e rEmarked tt I repeated the dark fmr pllY Wben 1 cc ll.'brate agnlD I m (beef) crOSBWl1!e 11110 pieces about h Ilf all remedy e, e ry five or IIX days {or a 1" 0 dollars I '~ e 1 0 got ten d ol1l1r. gOIng to do It lDore moderate and tnke loch tblck F ry lh em for two or three montb and tben at longer IDlenall, nn worlh If we ye got any and pll sa Id bo th e rcst out 10 thwi.:111 -Golden H QlI r 6 mIDIlte8 wlLhfour or fivesllccsofpLck lcd · 11 cured h o me 80me mor e co I ..",=",....~===== pork and a mlllced onIon Havo In - - - - - - - -g ne!sed he'd '-r u 109 5 T~IE Vwha D.Ua 'tab of the dl~ ored hj;ht. ' LoqdOIl. 8 ""ucepan a cupful of broth/ taken from ~ Tb I theeoup-poL Put IOtO It tbe kIdneys covery of a number of uillan 8keletons • tho n:'o~ltS of ~~~~~nw~;cl~~~:}~~~~~ London 18 tbe greatest CIty the world pork lind olllon Let all stew olowly o( extraordlnarJ' SIze on the Ielandl of • I 11 ( ever KOW Babylon Thebes Rome were (covered) for about fifteen IIlIDUte8 Re- Tulare (CIII) Lnke and ICItiered over aug It 10 CI\ but 0 patrlOlIc pookeUi ne\'er ao polpuloU8, whIle tbe largelt city move the meat to II hot dIsh, stro lD, Rnd the bottom o{ tbe Jake, where thoyare 80me bo) S b~ld lng lhdlt It " I\.!I wrong to ID Iodin at the pre!eDt tIme cOlllalDsle thicken the grlVY, IIC8!On It With Il table- d!JtlnCtI~Ulh . the pellUCId ~bll!n d suy tulll g al othorA c1almlllg tban R mllhon rnhabltRni8 WltblD the spoooful of Worcestel'llblre ,Iluce the water A ment of one of the I a t 1111 a bov s subs tance "llh evory borders of the m etropohtan aod police JUice of bal f n lemon and half n gl&ll of bllre skulls ex ed In size any o{ tbe con t he cou ld beg from hi S rn endoo rsavc d lsLnclt! a Circle of fifooen mll1:8 It IS wIDe ndd lDg @ nlt If needed Po ur !Ill hellde of tbe pre.nt populatIOn of that ,Iur '1: the rest of th e yenr ou£ht computed there are at tbe pre.e nt lime ovcr t he kidneys !lnd serve regIon A lDumber ot mortan! and pes be "IKl nt on ] ourth 01 July celebrn \ " r Ward or four IIl1lhon perHo n8 London t ies eomo clf them much worn, have .. Ion "hy s It 8 I ndependence dft) now 1 Iy" t I, ree, tlmtes moru popU lOll 1 6 1hllu Nc " tJ ... rul.ufOr ..... Uo... beeu dI8covllred on t h e Islanda ..nd they t( \1 OU I tit d 1 or k our Imes more por u 0110 thnn fit abound wltb pelicans and other birds of y ey c r e I e tcr.hurg L\ll ce II" IlOt ulou s Ill! Con BIIAINS and mu.c lca sbou ld "hllre rare species ___ __ _ __ Belllg IIId epe ud e n t I Ltlec lll ze nR Ihe v "trllltlllople "I th Lwo tblrdHlDore people eqllAlly nil labOriOUS occupftllol1~ But f'p<]lIcnlly forgo. the IKlll ally of IIbe r Ly , n It tblln Pnn8 RoLl o ue fonrth more the brlllD should dlrecL the mu~cle lind HE who speed ily glVe8 to the needy -Iwhlc h 1811C1I go\ er menL If I 8boull than ev en th e hlvlbg muILltudeHofPckln uLlll ze nod eCOnOm17,(l 11,8 poIYers gives tWIce I I b - -- - - - - - ttl I you hO\l Ro me o r those h ) ~ a cted All f':. 1I d b 1 you wou ld he .hocked fur 1 dare ~ay all ( ~co aUI II dq;:a ; IIln lIe IIl1m er PEOI'I E lI'enernlly \\111 be gild to know th e boye III YOllr nelg hhorbood . hu wetl 0 11,8 peo p e an a l as many York thnt cbnrco II h IS been dl8co\'ored to be "ood b reed lllg on lh e F urtL o f Jul sh lremen agRIlI aM lire numbe red ID Lhelr n "urecnre for burnll By lay lUg a sm .. I But Lh~1!C blYs dl d u t \\ lId Jrllhl1~' (1 W~ co un ty cou ld hud accommodatIon pIece of cold cL a rcoa l on the !>urn tbe frulIl t be [!luck HIli or lll nge canDlh'II K In ILd c ret? E\cry e lghL mIDute8 palO subslde8 Immedl ll lely By leavlDg \I ul ,1 1111\'0 b~en 1lI0tlel$ c III, IIred to 0 e ve ry .. y 0 ~very year a 80ul goes tbe charcolII on for an bO llr the wound IS Ih em Georgi e :stocke r lhrefv three out o ffLolldou /lod III eve ry Ille mID healed,lIs blls been demonsLrated onse\' lighted bUll ches o( fir e crackcrs und e r II lit es a elver y dlly of every year a new eral occ 1~lono Imm ortn e nter8 upon tbl s Hceue of 11,8 PIU!l!,ug oa rnage s ud Lhe hordfs TIl lawny probllt lon h IS at once tbe court t h e BrEWED BI El1h,EA1, - Shee and fry Ilnd tbrew a Itld y out 1lI\k1ll1r II wreck sellt of governmcot the center of fash four oOlons 10 butler put them III a of the carrH'go willth co.t th e genLle ",n t he home of aU tho charttles 1I11d atew pau cut th e sloak ID good 81zed DIan who WIIS dnvlIJl: l\evem bundreu tbe gencml rend ezvou8 of all the crlmlORI pleceR and fry pepper and snit It put Llol1l1rll Nobudy "I'. kIlled and the nlld dC8pcratc c barneters of tbe Ulllted In tbe pan aud co\er IL WIth water let !IOTrer displayed b y the ru~hing horse. Klnguom ling Itslmme' 810\\Iy lor two hours only exci ted th e b oys Lhe more Tb e re · "l'r_~JOlIOO4l~--l!IJI.I\ll-W " J UST III I roportlOIl to the succe88ful t.&Ni I w~~lc.ku~~1I-p1i f th ) h e IKl I IS t e IIggre n>guIat e~ em R() th ey celebrated fUrl Ilt Dr A 8 bOUIIIl "lib IIIlI oh vigor at oUl ly Wllhe P ay ne nnd Cu!!On Llttl o one a m '1 be docinr opens the window g Ite pro"1 enly (If the humnn fatnlly ch ased som e glrle qLllte h 1110 and nearly Wbo . there? lugm eo tec As agrl oulture 18 the faun iot~ liil With explodtug firc cracke r8 ' I t H 1111" Mr B IS very ~Ick C (atlon 0/ 811 success III e very depart~bl\y pelted very body With torpedoes q UIck' Dille ment of bU~lIIe!!e how Important tben and !.led II k(' tLle full of slones to II dog Ii 'Wuats wrong wlth 111m ? LlIIIL It sho uld be $Ludled nnd under.tood. tall TJIl'y'tlred 0(1' samail cannon wltb ' The .ame dl_ease thu t earned off hIS by those enFllged thCfOlII 1 It WM the out. waillD~ for people to get out of the wi~ and ch Ildren last week fil'llt vor.nllo ll to whlcb maD was called and tboll b tb180rdnllllCll Willi on ly The dOCl{)r, helllg tbe fllmlly phYSICIan by the vOice of hiS Maker, to till the t!OiI loaded IIh l'O'flIlle r, It Singed clothQl! _" OIVO b1m tbe aame treatment and and It 18 yeL ~he hIghest and noblest .ADd nart/tId n nell. '{hey plDned a If ihere u any ~ange oot'lle agRtn ,,' profc1!I!IoII on earth among men. It Ie • vot ooly abovo all oLlien!, but it under
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~1~~a~~ht1~;b~~~~r ':!~!f,ye~~l: ~~ ::'~U8~~~: ~~~erN.~ ~ta,,!,e~~t1~
Siomach and Spleen
NEWSPAPERS. The IltlenhoD 01 Adverliurtl 18 called to ODr LI,t of "eekly Newsp apers Send for a CAl.JogDe
Osgood's Heliotype Engravmgs.
Tit .. cholot!.t luuceeluJrdo ....GtI'Ient• .Fne. 0"' Dollor /lntd for ent%uu.
JA~mS R.
OSGOOD & CO. $1.00 BOSTON, BlASS. $1.00
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4tltttlt AND BABVEYSJBUBG REPORTER. ----~.~==================~~~============:~
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ID cnlt: IN.U A.N TR O ll ' .. ...... Y W
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W~~r~.u~lt':::.I~:Oetf:~ t:4)~r~:: moel Quarrela ablluld neyer oomo
II ~NI n....... llbot
and lh ...... lenlllg .. om. 1 hut a.rtJ b L nol..,. b",ath MYo ~~~~ ~~dbelOD~~~J~kl'(1 ,wonlt, The ,.,110 will make II clr angor cool
Bu~ tl!e~~
e: ~1 :~!IL
Jt, 1 unll till lUon Ing IIgbt
'HI whoT dId yez get. them t,row
~ rH ~' I .. ked nil In~hDlnll of 8 maD who I '1 IWllod 1.0 be plll!6log WI t.1t a pllll' of rC IJI Jrkl\bIYf ~hort trowscre 011 1 got
t ho", wht ro tiley grew," WRS t.he IlIdig 1I1111t. rcpl) 1 'h clI by my COIISClellCC "'lid Podur, , YOll've pulled them a yenr Lou fLOO U '
J\ Np.w HAJ\lPSII1RE mlill hn~ burled tWII WIVCI! wllhlll eight mOllth H-& Woll If IllS WIVCI! were dead nllli ho is " 1' lltJI!CII tn crc lIlIltlOn wo don t HCC whnt I' I!O he co llltlllllVO cl one with t hr m He \\ullhl h lV O b(,~n It mure fit subJect (or IIc" spupcr com ment)! hll hnd rc(utlCd to bury thclII DANII U RV N"Q3 P eoplo nre now c llltlOllecl IIgn lll ~L II 100 fr c 1I1lC o( 100 \I li ter ExCj~' 1M "IUd lu kill W ell, \\ hilt (,f It? !:!o mcllllllg lUll_I. kill people Ih) en ll t h H nl"fty" · AII.I ,t 18 \\ 1'11 thc) Clln t "tth ~\( nl mil ium <1oll lll'f1 I", c~tcd ,11 French I Into g in •• hell rRe. III IhlS coun t. ry dUlle IhlO\\ s III IlLler!
H 11110 Juucsl
Whllt ~ tho
Joncti (1I lII nleur t.cnf)r)- Oh
or th o IlIrvllx! Lu.t lll y,ulccllllt.l re ly Brown - i)l'lI r m l I '\ IIU II I n t m r III thnt l' ) ne_ Yr_ beell obllgell In g n c up " I ,gillS IItogctl e T li n WIl (W ith III lC rlt'()- B) (corgc, look here, old fell"" (Jome IUld d lll o 'With IIll to IIlght IIml Kpellll th e\ ~hllDR_t.h· ~g'fJlR cou1d mnlw llIl' look IQrwltru tu tbe bcrclIftcr "lUI te~1 IIIgM IIf IlIlrfcct peaco nnd lIatlilfllCtlou th II. lml' eft noth ing to I>c deSired ILnd I I It ,. the certllluty thut wo would be t rflllHlntClI to IlUme dc bghtrlll ~ ph llro "hem " C I\ O llltllllwll)~ be 118 happy l1li1 ~h l' Ulll(lu ltc llij IIIII I\C f1) wh ull hI) buz 1-< th 11111 H( u/fcLh flrlll1l1U nmong the "I Ittcred h I". of Il I nrtl lily buld 1111111 • 8c dl rI .. td ful chrolll e 1IIf1l1mmatlllll
, Pronlll".c BIIIHt.
~I rmolr. of Rt ISIIII n '" tf) fOllll d the lullo \\ I II ~ rq~lIr illig Ih ~ "UI Lho " !Jme ll (f I II " H th ~ 1r
I N the
I , 1'111 th. yea r 171 3 AL thr C III III lit 1110 111 of Lhe new )o"r Ih e nuke alld lluei C" of Rhrcw.b ury IIrn VI I [rom II IId( II rhe J)llchl'l<ll du Illred th e w"mell" hll ll IrcRsc" n IIcul II> I" In <lecd th ey \\ ~ r( I hey lI erc C(htiecd of bruM WIre rlbholl " IlIlIr 11111 ,II ",>r lH of ta lHlry ru bbish, mure tlllln LII O fec I. hi gh mil kin g WOntOIl 8 hClu\s 80Cm III th e 1I11dlll e of their bodl~8 If tlley m o~cd III e r so sllghtlv thecdlti Ctl trelllbled IIlId the IDCO ", I'II I1IOCC ""~ clttrl'lIIo Tbe Klllg LOlliS XV r could not endure til III but mlllller ns he Will of eve ry thlllg, WlUI IInllble to IillUl8h them Thoy IlUIled te ll yellrt! Rod lIIore, despite ull h e collid do Rnd 8/1y
\ II IT Nf:fI~ III I will CIIM r~Cl.'ntly t. .. ((1 III I" 1111111 tI "t~ fl cd thllt f( r 1(,11'hI' h Irl kept till' r1 en<;lAlody of hl6 c\1I1r1 III 11 room III 111 8 h01l1lC 1hls rOlll1l1l18 "f<r!1/rllr of the .tAlry of a gentl cllIllD "h o Il\ ~ d III Lin 1IC1J!hborhood o f Pllrk I line hc r.lIl g t he bocl) of IllS WIfe on th e r oo f of 11M h01\!IO Ily her marrulgc set.tlemont n IlIrge leg nc) WSA due to hor IlIIRb md n~ long l\I! she W811 above grOllnd Whell Mhe died the discoDsolnte hU800nd ----.....:.....-,hnrl he r e llll>lllm ed~ Pilt III 8 coffin, nnd D EAF lind dumb people enJoy prIU:placed III 8 mnUSOleum erected on the ticmg on th e eo rnot Thev ~et all the roQ f o( hl8 house ndvantage of blowllIg nnd tIle plllllllllreH To be angry With II weak maD 18 II of 1\ dl~lC~d fllce IUldar full prel!aure, proof that YOII are Dot very strong you r wl thollt be lllS able t.o hear their V1lhllo
- ----
Maurl(le MOrtimer bowed n
'tu1;lJubilee riftl n1cehed "1t.heP(.l~ foot up ,1,842,000
0118 ml18lc,
o n
, .'
Bnm ['1111111 ~' ·II UW., .'flt i!; " 11
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allJ 11111 lilli, will tA J \~I L'~ \V 11!I~Li .,. S , M • () , 111 1I11l! e ll ,.'"I'io . ,I .... ... 11 I 1'\, ul I 1 !lVII ti l illc, Oil b' l'i IlIIV, I J in I it I ll1u \'l1 'I 1" 11111 .. [.' I" . ,.11 c , I I',. ,' \V 1> . iii II I~. . " • "~D - .' I ., Ie ,\ ,. \\ r" 1 • . .nl.1 J. ,. ti ll "" llnl 8. The Buc"l'U S J OIl1'1I111 ,hl,l'. ·'.II' l' II H 'I 1.l u/l"" j llll J\, I... ,., - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11,11 1 I, <>,J . 1 \ I \1 t' 1" lIa 's vi' II :' II J " ' )II 11111 'I' l' l' UIlI 111111 "" til, itl!. il' ~ IU l'Y I. 1" 1Il< :\ - . 'I,hj ('ltt. .,, ~ . '1 l IHi l II . 'l'h·fir" tl'il ulisufl il C/lSU llYI' 1 IJil\,,'!!t1,.,r UII' I IOflll\rri.'I I I a ay v i rtl(ln t.lnll~ Hll , fJ '(.lUl 1.Jl ,,' t . ' 1 "d CUI 1,11 U l .... ,.",Iu roh,.. 'I' , . I':' .... " t!UII I' ~.CJhlo ' YIII I "'nlul·O ... "'hl~ " · gUl.d .lludlt' n l .iI,·. II I" i t e J\1b lt\ ~t \\"t.dlle, ,,,,(1, ~ " .·.· lnlt. l( - - _.... 1·21 o)!) I ·~ A M ' I II, t 1·2 1)11" . I"hnllr. I II II I ' 'I 11 - .' 1' '.1111111 1,'1\11 I I I~I(II" . I' lit' II _""1" I ./;,(,.1 . 1';1 '1 \ IV , \ \ 1 , 1 " 'llt •• II.' PItYIII '( 11'1 .... 1 1 (~r ,., 1'1'1. ll~· lt:1lt. '''''''I\rt ,1 1th - • '1'"1111 I II GAIN AT I -, I 'll"I.. iI, !-: 'IIt h '1,.1,')'" ", I . )1 11UI IlU I '" I • .. ~", 1' " I •. t, , I c,. ' /) l ' UlI' . 1" 11"1011,,1., I r. , \I ,.I,. I' " I , ••• , ','UI'I' Clal ll i , a ll( 1'1111 11Il'lIt Ill' IL ' '' C I'II ~' • '11I11'Ll JII tI,' '/lItJ, ~ill·d· i \· '1'.1\'1'1 '1 I 1111.1 I .\ III "ll \I -:"'" l Pl ' ",I·H.}~ j) tu Ill d 1(I'.", , , , , .t I .. , . II .111 . _" .1_ \I " S.I:1 ~rOI~ .. 1 It.d \ IJ, 1'/" ' " hd(f.-b"H dll ltlll l illl o UIII' t;d lllll.Lctt"",, IH 1I11} uial lll '/'/ I"" •~I • I ,I 1'1 1.11 . I· 1'''1'11=1'''10 r'lI SlI ncl ay I ' \I . . \,' '" I' ()/. 1/ II, I III ll tl I IUlIi1y ItI1I.CI III"lIlh\l lVUI " l _t,,. ,,,., U IHlth '. 'llId ,II " ulI\1l·IL·h 'I " , /I / , fl·')llIn. lh~Cl n I 11'( 1" ,1 IUIIlIl" lI Il1,· f I I'1I II C IlIl'pn '· .•I I , '·I. I . I \I I ~ lll h"II '·"" . , " I' .11\~,. I II • ,.1 I \1 \I, \ 11,\ I .Ii \ \ 1 tiC " " ~ ~ l)' t ~ Irllllll t l( lIl J:\pr('~... 11 1/ ~ · t lI ~ It IIg., \'("". w ' H I " Id III II, " \ I~,,,, ",t . II.'~ '1 111 hl-', ... 2 \ M \\,AY NESV ILLE . }I'll"" r.ln~, I. ", I \ '1' \\ \ 1.1. 111 \ ., 1.,,, I II'lh·h lllld,,IIl ·11 'J' hi~ "IIClun II OII I I II I J' \1 II CC, I inri" I II' 1'1 \ 1" 1 1,. 1\, I , ' ·\ S ~Ir l{tll,I'"I" Ih ,' l'I" I" Il'I " I . \III'; -- I ''', 1.\ ". ,\ ( '. \1 11 ''''11" , 1• .1 I.. Ih,· 1~ lIl1lrk Ihllt It \\'1'" u" 11 )1' 11'1' I' l ' l ' I )~ ~ . 10 I i' r '~II' ,'. 111 1• • " l~u l ltic Esp,\,: . • ' . ' , ' l' .n~. I ( :"'<0 1 II~ t ' , 1 '1"'1 !".j \ ' 111 .1 VII ~u rh ju.\ . '. \ . \ " 14 'I "I·lIlld . tl lLll k 1I IIli 1'11" t:, 1)C h, bc II ,., '111111 10 it,lJ tiC:! F III.: hl 1)J \ U(' 1,.11 I'lctl·d _II I II ' !""II'" I ltI~ \\11 1 , ·I!. ,·' .\ '·.lIh,· IIII Mll fH'A Il It t":,,,p. ,,11 I.-! u d 'I' ( -.:\ V.I I I it .l - t.tI,lI ll1 l' Il leir 1I111.d,,- " I, ,"I,el" , 1 1Il ~,l tI,,· ..r. " III 1111111. \l itl/C UII "'" tIl \I ( . . II .·" ,I '. I II I '"I lit (. \I ',. . , , , ) .. - - r ' '' 'I~\' ' ·T raln Ilu " ,? ~ n II IHDS UB & II I I&lIIM \1 'PHlfS lu I lld I I llLlCl,ll I Ulld"ld I" I· t I I II ... , , ("I .,.,. I ~", • Patente d July ll. 1871 II • E ': I IIlll t \u I II \\, ,I, I n , 11\111 • ..... H'I' 11I·1·1'1·"I1~lhl"II' litl' l u ,t. "III .1I11 1L"·.I.J"u,,· · "~ · ' .'~' '1' 1.. ,' 1 Wul lit, lhhl:l' I lUl U " rl U IU H I~ \..4. 1 11 '1,! A M, :!''.! IVI " IlItllIl·.Y' \l ilt ', l ot" " \, '!· ' I .I" \ 1 ,llil,.. r II •• , 11111 II"" ull ~II' .1·d fllll: N n. I 0 -; IJ\ I I II rlll, ,Il " t',.1 Ill d"'d bllgll I' IlI II IZl'lh ll II III,·' " it 1' ' . I{"r . ,,· .ll W . 11 \ I 1M t, \ • lav \ulLulc I e I lilit I\ l l h 'I III ". f\~ I"'~ l' t """ (\" ... II I, • •\ 1, I I I I. 1 :""I , 11 " ..... . I , " .... ~ U I I I\ Hlld IhL\ l' 11,.'')t\J 1111 tlll i l Hilt! d' t t l l' Id ' III l ,1111 1 'U'" Itl ... llI ...... ~ I.. II ";.!\ r, J " \ _I 1 I II l" 1{ \. - ,.. ... I O:lu ,' J ,1, ... r. ".lIl\h lO r lI "rr,' fl .•,.k. I ~ 1111.\' 11', 1, b IUl "" II" ,,( .llkd 11I \llId" II, ,. ' ~ l 1',.1\ ... I: I III "" It't' l1 .11. C" 1 11,,1)' .11.1 \ .' ( I 41 ly JJ'(ll/lllyi ..1I](,."1 J ·'," \\ .11 ,,· I~ .\ 1.1, I .. 't" • 1,,1 11,,· 1111 ,.1" IIW I U ~1' I I F __ I', \ I I " • I I lJl .LIl,eU IiO. I I . 11 ' , • 'l! n flo ,J '"'~<ldc "I" I t. I ~l· I,l' I, ' , '''' • ( , '1 • ' . fl'ill ."1 01 / ,"1111 ' , (tit ltl dl'l .. , • Effi "' " ", 111" " .11 1 " ,,·11 , .1' 1'-'11'\' " II"h, ' I. I ' 1 11 Remed tJ' 1'1:11"1 nal Ihl ectlve Exter I ... " 1).1 II I I I· ." \ \ • I ,', 11\ .1 ~ 1 1I t: llll \lllJ..dl 1(,l'1I 1 " 'l h' ~ 1111 - h. II I. til-I , 11l"~' :J t I I I" \\ I i, : :\ltrLl 11 \\' ", .. , .... nil, ."" I II. !L 1.1111 1 lt. • • • 1I11. c H( \1 , I· II,' II III-t· . '('"1" .1 1.1. 1, 1 .1 hl •. l l." . RED . r .. , . til " '11 ~D')" SCOVE IJI 1),,1' VEI~ E .1,1111 \ .. \I II"; "-I ,, \1\ '10:: 01 11='1 . W I .. T 1", .• I, I I '"' ' ". ct I: Ec[~ .",I,," ILlld I • • ! •. II. h U 1,,,,.1,( tllh 111I3 1'I UI' l,d ~d '11(111.111 1ro" Ilic Inh\l l ll ' ~ 11ClIl,lo &[ " I l' d ~ I C 'o~c t I~ 1\ I' \I E AI ·11" '" It' .• 1.•• l "lllto .• "':'1 11_ II ., 1110>1 ""'g tu 1,.11 (' 1.U~CII 1111 Il' ,dIIl'II' ·4. lIll· -"bcI I"dltl' 1111" \\'(·11 I I ~ j , () ~V [/, ){ .\': I !, .... ~ I"'.I I,! .{I~',l [ I, \, . /.rll',' 4) .f""j I' /\' I I. ~ \ ' j( , 'I ... . oll.l lIull.l· "lr.,.I 1" .. 1 lito .. 0 .. III. t li caso a I N"t 'I l'Il'I.I(, (d 1,,' hl·II,I\ ~ l bllill. \itll II t I ' .IIIJ ' lt 1 . . 1I"i... \ c d 1.", ,:1 1. . 11 ,II . I It, , 1\ '/ I I( If/( ~ I I /t' /: \\ : • I S'/ . .... f.l / ., \ f .. II .~ AI t "... , '1'1/. I t l \\. II Iln" ,,,,o'I, II''''''I, lrrl ''I '''·:· ~~'ra IH') 'S OIllUibtl. ,1.111(' ( , l I l l l . ' r 'f::;'l I'fll/II ""II !1 "fE"'N ' , 11, .. 1I "'I'III11~ I h l'd l'll~~I .. n'I" \I,.lt "l\ " I u,.'"I'I'\lI~ l'I'IHIlIl r lln" "' . I.'Itnfl\L"I U il II 1'1' Lt , ' !l U Il rl. ' , J I ; \,.I l l t Il t 1 ( d'lIc r 1,1 III Mill" I I Iltt 1 rr. 111 i " 1 {"q'Jrt"', 1'.1." , , ' .111 I I" '" J Cllt lllJ l\m lq'It ll l ,. l n " I(,I !u..:. l t\ I. 1 1, '1,. 11 ·•• •, 1 . I I I I /111.1 ,.: ~djl,,, \: ...... \~ I U!l tl l'\' \\Illo.l. 1! \ ll r, d t .t \\u ... Wl t lll: ...... \.\J d\l l lll~ lhell 'I i" i l . 11l,/il," ~U \1' 11111 111<1 " "II 1'111 1'1Ill{ '''. \1 1' " k .1I ' \ t l 111 . 1\ 11 II ' I 1I«UI""' 1 " .. loI I" .. r~ .. I 1:" .. ~."I . .. loll.,. IIr,' 1('IlI UI' 1I1l1lk1l \. 11 1",,1 11' .1 IIICI 'll' ,1. 1\ ' I I I 1".-1 It (/t' lflIUIf; 1,,' ,If"I://'J , II/I'I t l e il l J til ",. I II,., 11'1, \\ 11 . 11 , ',...i, 1", 1." '1 ~IIICI,.d dlllill" ., UU~I'" I .1. I lltH t,IIIII II !'I . HIIt ~ II I' .tt. · II. " I- I \ ,d ,'l' '\H :"'I t llHt I ll l l l l.' \\ 'L~ thl -ll" 11 J.!l lt ,ulll r;,\l d lit- tu l\lIl ll l JI\.' 1)1. ll \ il(/re. "'j~ II ~:, ,III I!II I: paz'IU"J J ' . I 'II 1 _ \\ I l I I \\ I 1, lIl1frlJll.t " III I It "II:I \\ , ,\ t .e L{ ; I\ E~~, :\I n., 'tl~ 4 ... . H.-le g-h. h'l::,l l l:'lllln\rIJIUl1l) , l u 'I,"LlJ I !1 ,'VIJ I'U'II "t (I ttl(ot('~ I !lr' 1' ,\111 "d l1 l'tI:.l 11\" tl"t rift .\. d,dl.l1I .... I I I t. " II'lll. lll t~d 'l ~l , I II II. I ' I - II .... , :Id, , " I \I, ," ':"--l ol l , ,, , (lUI !! ~ EON the PHYSICIAN &. SURG I \ \ "I t 'll'" \ I lIU "'! I\. "i L~, e-llIlI l ll' l !) !l.lJ d ~n lll hlL'[!"I, a od , , I I " ',,,,,. , ..... - il"..:, t.1 t tl Hh'Cd , l""1 !.!.\1 ~ ' I /lu~ e/'up I I/m .• "!I ' 'J1~ 1I1/1!1 tlte: ,I _ III ~I 01' , r '''IL' I!,!''"11 ll t , .• .' I I ,I,. Ii I " ' 1 ' 1 'II \\ u.. 1111'1 ''' 1 11011.&1 .tlilitl: I " 1\ l"o.:I1 u ,'" " Tit c ' " ~ ,\: 1".(", ','I I ".I,.: , i ! j ld/'I' '1, ''''IOi'l'' (JI'''dl'tt ( 'I'o~ 'WUH fht} .r . 1 ' lIai,lllq H ,, .l· I 1,,'1 1I1IUlIIk .... ( ~ :.:. IIIl\lll1I1I " I I w, Ufl L l ll1l~ I I I ' J If ,;. lltiollJ.l,h thl' I tn tllll'b ll f~HIl! til lll \\ $ nlld suntCd l d 'tt .. utt \\.lb t .lt l..t , , • 1,:1\ \'; , \ \. I I) \\ ' . I 'I l:/li"l/lt!l. 'I:'8t tlild yttu will Oil' Id , 'l \,j:·::' I ' IJ. I. /~: (1 /11 0 _ IV l 11111 fill 1"" ''''1'''1 11 /1 1'(' 1\ III th, I .. , I. d " ' . .\l1J1~ ll nJ ol"" 1 1111 '\ ' I.. , II,,, 1I 11 11 1\ l y I \ \ I I' II '.\ . 'I " " tI. [r/"", . , . SETI I \-\T . BHO\ VN.-1".(·" I'lIl 1.'1,11"" I,,· F II .I II T.t. -11"tl'.IIIII I ~\\ . I~ III1I1J:tlll tll ) ,1,. li ll ;!: btl:111 1I " d 10 ' :11 '1 ' '\0 r-\ \ t I., ," II .. ,I I 111.,t 1111 ~"I illg I", t ' 1:: d . \\ c,(ul np'1 1I"lIlg 1 "111 (It,· \1.1.\ III. '1'1,,· '1 \, r"".I .•,", 1 tho: . 11 "" II-,·It'11 .. 1 • "' LAW I' I . ;I AT y 1', R.NE , ,,,,zer . . 1 . '.,", .. 1 ATTO I \ " , 7 • r/7I" IJ , I I .11 ' 11 ", .1" L. ll,C"'I 111 .. r ' ' '" , ,· /lrrllll" . yel .cnt•R,"I_ I I IIl'tu I 1I11 I. :ld ,l (vll,IIII I . ' IIII~tll - 'I i-.. 1.111 C; I"'~ \I '" r" , I I ' d I rc · ,'\111.1 ·,·1 J"·I ' . l ' I " \ . 1 .•• .1 , " .• IltI1AI>t'N. ''Ill'' \ [, ."rl .! .. . "1 '1'1 '. I, l\'II.IIIII\ II Ih . 1.1.1,111111 II 11. 1"11 ,, ( ' hl ,-I III'll( ''' '11,1, lh(' ' IIII>! \11,! , I, \11 I)' hnrm teRs. It llOSll1I ell' Ollr cs nII I' " . . . I , 0'111 1 ' " 1 ' )' ."" lUI I I II ' ~I \1I1 (IN I . '''S 1 \ ,11111 "l· lll!t ~ I k IIu)' l' \I'IIIPI! II I'" "1 ,ro"'11 . C VIst•.\ St .UI rill HIUN 118 If by '1111 ,'1, "1.1" \' " ' " I .' I \I . ,, ' . , • I I II • I It " I· . I-c.I·'crc·, I lilt .111 (·1. '1 1 II I"'" I I I I' I I I. , '. • . " . 1 1. 1 .. 1 ..... ,'. , . .. .\ I I' ' 11111 1.: 10 1111\. """,· n 1. . . l\"I'I" '·1,,, lC;l)llJ .1 . 1tI1lI I ~W' t"ll" 1'11' 1' 11'''11 I I" "... II, I \L IlC:! . ' . t'Il'IIII ' 1 ' 11,.1, I" tl I.stll) 1 1IIII:IlI tJ J tLitorol l oit lrhle I I'(,OIIiI ";I III~\I (·', ~'II, '1·"III~ V " l ~ t"I · II II\lIUI' t"·L'I I I I4J ll LV.. ,. II "v. !I ."II _ '-I I' , .. 1· plI 1 "' ny ll \\ IIIYlll eoullC 'lltl" IICIC91 " TI V In:AU I1" lI d I ); llllA/HIN I '1I'."~h " .• IIII:' .. I,I\ I I" .10111.1 mul. ' Illlll~} u; ',ltl 1 \VI . fl~IKS TIIK "It !\~·1 I I1wNII' I . ,,~·t!1m "' , :a-'m·tI ' IEIJi\!l II . I \ ' •• I. ''. ll.ltl·1 I" I \ - /111 ' I I'·llIlhl'.· 1.ltc \l· rulll lc q l/ ltI LlIl~ l lla'y 111\'0 '1l0,l't __ 1\ h 1;;,1 \ II I, h ,.: 11.I_I.HCI ~.CJ.w.? I LIo:XI ON WIth f\ cC I t.a inty 110 . I I ' It" -1'1'1, ,·,"·1 :,· \LI'I ,.L,,· ,.1 11111 ,. .. I t tlICY wen' t 0 W P II I\. 11 I h..'l ll t tl I111l'( I p le \, hl ll ~ tu tl lC ,lI rl \H tII ,,' IN fiIIT . . . . . . . . . 'VA'! N~ .. , r 'L'.1C ' O)II' lello! .1 Io u tl, I ... t" It..::, i111, I 1 I llcr,,! " t , \I I \ 111' I" l 'I"I'.L III (111.1h., .. ' III a ; •.1'" 11 all' \, IC(,'> 'J r tie \'· Ii " I, I,. \\ .. _ ')nrtlClceICrin \. eDlCd "nIOtU o ~lI 1 · -. . \ N L ' \ I \ II' 1 { l , ..... llltlClr IIl1d 1 1 ubhlll ) ( at til' I I'lil t tlUlIl1lo. ;, t ' t \\ l'lIl'prl t('lIllth attltllb lll IJt ~l r.D IIIl H I){.~ I1'· II tdl l',j '\: !." pili pose EIII·I thut I,.lt lor III .. .,kll " l" l ,, . ,~luIK . . • E ·v •• Fl ·1 , 1" No'.,AJI!I ·, 1\ 11, ·111•. .. .. I' 1II1I1I1'''II,'l llIIlay • •JIIII':!! llh . Ilc' \ 1', 1"11'. I .,' stvro Itll Ri lle c Iltc \, 11 • • It 1McCIIllI1l IIt,1 1 1" 0 I'CltUI'II1 l!11I11l., .. 1 drill! i tiselllp hntlllll l.l tlte rClI1ctlyful .... .. III t i,l 11t.,Z' 111' .1·11',.· .. I II" 11 .. 1 \,' ,I\' II I ' n lt·t' I all l\f lU u aJ\ OI. I! •• I "e". dRlI ~IJ .j~IIt:-;l r'. I. l'htl ••,h'lph••. p li II 1 1 ' l'uJiy tln.: \\ lt (. .IIICCS I' , a J ~ l! I uI ~cc da 1 \\'01 so sc.:. \ IJl:ell (rt' \C 1 . I \\ 1,,1,1.,1 nn r ,.4, u I'll;!,! .. 1." /.1' " IIIHt IIl· IIN~. i II, tu lttl y I'omo, .1, • S'A .1111 fir" 11111 Ih. UIU 111' ' ( -n" Itl, I' "0 ,II " ho rt) wi:. n. I AI S ulid llt .lt ho cllrrieu • In tIll lOth or IIch mr.nth tlt,11 tt I I.~J 1'''/tHis /\\1 1· IIUrl! !4. \.1 1 lu g ul) 80 r eness , II Illg Il ll l' ~ iL 111 ,lid.! l' III II "1 llId ur illtrudiu ll 1I.II"l " I 1 ..( o! .lIt 1.1 . I I~ I II ' ,\: I . "I IOUI pa ill . nnd 11:I 111 10: I. ~. I ' I II 1I,80" ....UCI·08- 11I1I' lro" •• 1 MIII:" r - \\' 1'1 :-;, III ~ "I' 1:1'" It (;, ,I ', r '''1'' i.t! 1.-" d. it'll i. ,.~ kll d u l tt' I Iro t 11111 II XC III IC 111\11)' Wit I 11111110 ue. t wl s ltes ol Cit"",," .. llOc lIl ~ " OIl l'a lh"I',, ' ... It.III "," olect ln g " c llro In u\'cry IOsLnll(' O '('fI"lrU 1 I" W" I '" ,III', II III .. II I , .. I I lIellr"u 11,"01 1,.1- "" ""1 .1 . II. .1 ' 1111'; COIIJIIlIlIl lty. C\('J ' b '''yo -- E I",'~ ,\: 11., ,- 101 I.., 1.,. IIt .lllt! (·I ,,'cl, U etlCl't 1111 illg l'cSti literc U .'.:'<~,~~';! 1 Go~'~. nnr~,~e~I~~I;~A~:19~f, If:~I~C~~ co,r~~ 1,·\\ ,1.11' I,.hl. 11 1,1 ,,1,)' h d '''01~ Tlt o IlIcll ugc ri o dopllrbl l ollt is ~.·"u~,~\IO ·i~,~,I"I~~\~~,:::::;::::.~,/~~:~~I ill ol g 'll' t ,II I~ \I' l lI lir e I culty W ontl el ful all'l 1'l I I hlre.. I •• " 0) Il 0 1 II" 6 n lJleo feature of c ure~ cO'ee",lI. >elll 1 \" II, 1,"1 III' n"I~I." It,·.lil h I tI, '1'111 hl\ ('1111" - 111111 (,11'" I ( )( 111\ \1 d " til tit ic I Cd all' 111·1 1'1." bll h IY I Ill' lIIost uit . It I ,, ' 1,1 ' " I I \I "I!' I _ , It" IIIC rt!,!;itl Iff IIIIS 1"lIalitl ln Itlll\'. llith It 1111\· l thc) tllllt IllIt L'ltltl 1. I,·, Pl't I·,·,· ,/i·r L1· ' . ' L11' IX/t 1 .. 1 11 11.1' 1I l-" ' AII.h :I'IU 4r It I) ,\-11. I'I\. n nll\·I"'~ L ug 'i't11< ~ lt . k " 10 1 11.1' -- \1 .,- 1' 111111,1 I'lilt, " ." '1'1' J.! I 1,·,fI~/ii tlllll liN ('(l ..... v J..tltC'- i . n 1"1" . 1I1',II!' US. III \·~ r.1 oviol lll t: 1I )· ItIJIIJl t d'l,c·ci lll ·lIt1u fl'llroII\ I " 1 , 1 •. I H. ifill 1;. 11111 \lal' li e \\" 11 111 ".,' 1"" .tll l;'IIII\': I\, ~k 1••.- 1• .11.111" 1.1 , I '1 ''' 1' II I II ,r.I'" 1"•.1• 0 ., ,1' 1 II \I III"be t IJ<J !Jnrt 0) f \I i,d" llI 1111 II liB I$ . I 11 IblllleX C"I,IIVllaIIU Ii "!! COlllln" 11& " I I • II III ~ I I : I po. t 1" . . I' Iliit I~ ~ I , ", I\' 1'\1'.,11 I III!,! III'\\' 'I' 0 gl'l I he \'11) "l'h W ash'10gton C 1'ty Rou 1" I XliII, iii"• 1// IIC \\ 1011.,' U!! d('U III co CCl lOil arc 11111 tltndes ,)1 .. 111.1 I ,'111 ctll ZOll d til ICd ll lll1l 111:11 1 . · nrtlll • lll'IIlJ !1lltlll 11 1\ llcl'" I Wllll j) " 1 11' III 11 7 u·cl uck. II ,cbu 1II u lll l llg'~. 11\ I' '1111' ( O\'C I SI·U.\IH \It -:r •. ~I, Wllich a nd "lIlll'd 1.111 t - " '111" alld ,,,.' 1I1t .11 E l''' 1 , ,\: \'1l'1 n, ,., oll'r ... 1 ,,' il • n &'" I II ' I I " \ 111 '1 !Iy III l d· II I tl ,' c tIll CllriO IlieS. 01 th o ClI ell d It IS I III 1' 10 ty, 1 111l " III ble c.-" t.u Illll' 11.101 1 'II 11,,'1 dU" " J III;.';.;'\!' 1 ·' I.kl n " ., \ III ·1 It IIC~t l.u, I .I),ri Il \I, '1'111:"01111>0 I I ' '" ml "IlL 11 ' ill II. mt S I" I' II\' IIlg It. l I ,. lI'1'I II'C (''' 111 II hell Ih y <t ollln t lt l: lI l ~c h I'S 'lI "OIn' it to dl\.V tl I ,,~ lit" I'~Il' .)1' n ,.., alII ~I'I I W . lJa lllc8 I~ .(,.11 iug I I I I' t '- I \1 I ' Ium .ludcr 11111 "11 vI' UIl'I IiC lalo ut, CIlIIII' u eJ uf l In , "I '1 1 111,,-1 ' l'CUI" lit· 1I11. 1111.,ht • ,0 -- I vCO It!' " " '1'1 ' \1 ' I' .J lbtll'l', 1l'loln till - It"r 1.llt III III , t ~ .• ,~ " "1 II till' oHto ul the I,r.) i' H~i\l ll . 111111' 1\11"II C) Ill' '(. '1.1) 1 11 ' 1 \ l",·tll UI lll -.... "lIlr oml h" Ittl ~ III"rC tol d, I', 11 '1111 I.' I OJi I y k . Q I \" 1111 I)J"lIglt, \\ III IC l ' l' I~ l l\ l lIlg 111111 IlIdl:1 1111 I .,tI," , I ,III' L 'I"J" o· l'i' hl'llilch ry ' OY ill , isls lin l I II I" '('xt, tlO C III. 1~ ""ril .• l, IIl 1 11 LMI . -l. c j ~ lIrotloll ' ' h~ 1111 Iii I. \I, ,I, l. I110t .\II·L·I, Ilii 1II ('I.~. I . I' It' II I, II oJulc R III cct IIVII II D/l til" " " cr ~ .. _ _ _ _ •• ,__ ' Ill lI!h lriall IIf1ll ~y n i lin lic p urful'm · - OU I 1'1 10111 A It" Jf , !{ llhl'Y I' I,.tlt . , Ilcru' 1111 ·e. IL fu ll curl's '11 'Allb~;, TAI\I; \; 1' uLI< LI·.I. Moll 111'1' WII l!\Illk flcd It to uII,,~ . . I' 'I II (' ']'1 11 . of IltltletcH I .' 1\ "" rei l' ,11 e IIl1d IUIII"I'I' r \ll lllill ,., -- IC' I ) ' I ~, • \. n I' lr ll iC 11'1 . UII Ih <: I11IlIl llll' .,1 lit., 'I~ , I"I"I UI"It:" l give Lliid wtl ~ l om wlt bUtlllll 01 IL urtllll'b Wh tc. e • 1. 1 ••• 'V{tlh' n ' I 1.(' IIIIJ u lt ltct; tl llIl.' rj)IIlCO 'J f nlect it".. I"'It. ll·'· (;GUDOCl F ...... dat 01 ,lt y "1111 1. .. • ,,1'(' )1\8' ioll 1 , III of Il'! l'I'I tIO by:h cntn ll.t I"'e rt' Stlti 'I' l cltlll act Richm ond Lynch burg AClh' C IIUIll I,iulI 'te 111 1'l'lI t ll'r I l\I"ltit t llULt '1 l'~BC 'ulldl -J til. . l 11 ".1 , of' ' "",,, l'In IlI blLI·t til' J II " ,\I'It.·d I' IIIl.(, III ,IJIII.!" I \\,1' IIlIt gam cs." h ·vy o f ~ HOII Il" U or. lIIIW III "1'(,l'lIllltil b} ri,w" - wl tl,v 1"111111 c....ll ll d luJ"1I D~ 1 i!I U~'1 "" , 11 1"'1 ti ll S ulu nl • Aug ll ot J I All LIIIICS, SPUlt 111 \\ (·k \\L III~t L"IIII It 11 AS II 1 ' 111 i lll oo lilltrl lIlIu dt tol' :1ll CII\I IIS, wlt "de Itlllll Chumhc l'lalll & Mc n ,lIIald. ~lIk q lI ot, cc TilE IlItI'IBl'l'r<"d wllit l iel l ' I, T hc·y CIl II' L III lit Jc.,c. IIIUS fllrIlI s hn most T('l i hi ng. rcnt· y01l1' bed clctlnl"u u n;! I1 I'UI " frl'if!ltt, t"'i.!.!hl, E I'; t • I Phllad elpbia New-Y ork Ed . " ~I 11t! - - MI. 1I I,a~ 11I1!!ly urc u 1 tl I ell t Ire e ll I c r IU1II1I1011 'ollult Iltfl l.'11l IIl1d cll k('8, balm.s :llld 1I111111:1(f1l~ . . _ b , thotlIlIYi' I "c('~' Lh llt \\dl ' I ' AND , ) UII T ~ICII tL OIS anI1 11111 k' 0 tl tU III 11k'0 IltItCl'd.lln tlcs. 1111 " I II'It UIIl II'l'I(' 01 131'1111'11"\ die, \"llru, I<.I,IIIC I IH li t'll wli ll ' It VI I' We CI\Il11 0t ClIlIlD c rnt nil tlt e man· llt!lI l'O Iil'W Ihl:lI'll Itlll!,; " it E A T I. UIt TilE IItolll. ~ tl, l of ca, I UIl8 tlto (,lIl1eCI.l refer unt , ICU ' !lUIUltl "ce Il •. Pri,:c" 11 w. tltllt A ko C oIIHt, dul d a lt lllcl101l8 d I \\' 11 . I 1I I It I du\(' billa, books. ml\ll s Ilrioll I the Lv UI' , Lit uf lulul' onabl·. Oloel' by lU uil w ill 1'0 , '(1 1111 W II I () IIJ II ld .J (Ii' I 1 tut, (·ti tl~ 11l ,t'. til ' c' lI tfi 1.. -- 1111.1 D I' I I I I m II I,elli,., hi Gild lt ll'tltJIIY ' hCl lCO I. Cg,Ltlj lu ll rIL' . or. u e vB· cruv c proUl p t IIttcutillll . t.: OHIl'I:.i Ie tu tie C C. , II' UC I II L\' O vue ll "ru II .~ -I I '" ;~~t ··;nr;:::::;~ .. " k, .. ~~ weo s ...... _ - •• _ - thi ... 8pee41,. pJ;O. olllrtlbU ' ~ oA tal t 'Ir'm toei. " , y cit til,! amval to 1'1 ' 1"' lllill!l fn • " I (til" wOlld's gl.nnl re IIctulitl ....-?V .h..ui.l ~ , tuclI1o ro· BALTIMU) II" Ill IUdeon ' tl I6Il I II Ite l' ,wlllch "artlcl t:!!SSiOIl nih.! • IIIIIIlll<' AJ~-lJ.. ~ l,"Jj!;" • -'.11" II 1f-1 csm hali·s ll urmy. h !ls l ~lIS ' . • thr atolls UII Ircs'"f' I '11", IIIIl I t I10 111 t r' IIIlIlI'e • -- :lIr. C iug I'thc InYllr oxl libitl 1I,I IIClud· sntet y• vnl\l o) a"'lIln fiR In" II ~U h,ne I' W o b I l l n t;d thc HIll.'S1, , "ullll" ']' 1'" II fir b.~ ... I \ irullll11e 0 I' III t c IIC t IIIl I II 11'11 " It eB, bes ldos the Ill' my of ho rscs,An i· u - nl\\'II)''; Illlcon till CTUlltto I , r II t 1,,1 ' C,l l' . l h,,} (llIMl ll t.) "' 'a I· ' 0111' vii I open I n 1.1 I11lti S, chari tll, ttlblcau x cara, llS Erllptlll eliult. ll)all by hll ' • I I" cd ; IIV\\" ·I>,I\\". Y " ' 1 f' I )'J J d cone, 1 ll '1 OIlJt CI,) ' It II 5 1 V ; t ' Pun ~, B"il ad • lIlcm, 8 tl, c phYSICal II( CUti U PC I' o r'll lug nlilma 8, etc., a III I'lil ICll'1I11 , CI t l7.l· II S 1111 I D U1111111 t 'Yl, ' - - Ebl!!iy til: [1 11 "Itt \\'11.1 hll lll<1t er rlll1d cnrlllvlI l ulld rOllh sti clll ov iug g l' Ios. tc .. /\IC N lltnr BI'll e tr m tins CI1>. \dl ll tu\ ,k 110 pall Inrth i w Th('l'o ~ o I; I E.'IILII"' ~ ) .>11 \\llh thu B ,chlll" llI l II "\\, , 1LL ')1' living tnhleuu x and IJllnorall to \\u rn 111ll.HlIfferl'r .tltllt !1I!1 bl(Oorl ad ep.lelt 1111 Il' tIll titl' I (· <t tltllt 18 1II1ld· i (Ih ' 111 Ipr"" d . - I . . were thor 101l1'l1 e W .(-tl plclbUI 1 IIO~ I l1lll l lica l pur hi~t ll ric e mill III , "ith coll0881l1 t~b, on til II l . dll I I(I,I~ Ilel"C on " \\ iti ch tltl' H lclI lt JltlllJ 1'1 11\\ ) ICILII C"" IS Ilud gl'll lll 'S 01 IIVI' II ... I ~ LII I ull . (:J1u ckly ~ncl ifcctunl ly 1I0colllpliRh lIumCl'l lll~ It! 'SCllt" Illude ' I' .1 U I " Al . j c lllll lI'" UOlllJ llu<i y, st.ltlllLr Dr Bllll's m oud Mlx• t· Jm(.re l'uC iV('d With 1\ Icndul lIml ' - ullZu Il r t!' v(ll all u 11I 111t o. ol'iatic IISl llg . clilll'llct c(l I,), , )fA 1r~T f'ALA O PULL 'r I"'Y' I lIn II" d u j.lJ II '1 ffi '" --A Iltll", I, tl\(' .Vl·B I dhuuld Illil to UO ill tllfle to wltll css l ' t',:·V llrc It IlI tult n el'tlllg 811coch ,., t Ul! we ,IJ' r lI1 ()I" e "h 'VUho ul • Throll .... fl n I II f . t. w. 1) slw <I ' a It botoro VI SIt III" tho 1\ "e. c as h'c II . 1, uI·Re ny I C \\ IB I IIIIJ li ce ·.R ul ,l uf' 1\1 1. \V ... I I lhoprhul pnl A C".. I1 ITIEIl, -Tll e ttial "'AI Xtltl to stlltl' l!t llt he Il )JpcD. loLi t between i S I , I J' I IU Ulld 11\){O l' l III II I~ - IICW ocnt lll Ili. tl l")111I \'1"UI'01l 5 II ~ \I h' l1 I cL . 1'\ I nlll I 1'0lC I II I1lUY kilHIl Th ofll llS C III" and , rI li NG II.I<S-- tI 1\ vcry (118t1'1lSS' 'VES'I' EUN A: E,\STE UN 1\8 to qni II~ I Ibn Site ll"v r L lttln.., ror 1 11111. 1 1Il'I 'I ) '(1 I' cN~ ,el \\ '1\1' 11 k 1'1"1' 1111 IIClltC I - 'I U,ll led li t pl'es illg compla int. S y mptom s ate n till ot tho hOlllo of h ll bu \\'UI d , 8C~uo c'Y I'C!IOt ~ lilt liP;, I \fr tl '1 .1111 , .11 S C IIld 'S0 Olto ck. I lC t!lltlT(] On 's ilt shops ll iC. 111Olsturo, Ii I; · pCl'\l pi rut lvn, itchin !? F"rTltrou~1t T,ckel •• UIl S!;I llellr th is 1I.lnce, on th o il3d 01 lIla.l 1II"Y" II I IS ul I·ICIIC . u 1 U ," AcculU :lJltl o.p",~ SLlllet. They dll .tli k llltlS of Cll n ~11~t Trains. cl1~' I'l lI~ot c m IIlId ~lo"e 81illg uf· fCU 01 III~ht lit one WILS larly li day partic U,I' L lle. sely 'Jt intel/ r.ckeIOI weok the IllSt l) 0pp plucc • t<: .• lust . t",.k mnd.llon e ' 0' b d S\ ' •.. t 1111 \\·o l·k . such a , h "l~l1 ~ItOCIIl~ 111 11 1 od devot ho ndge.w .r t; th 101111. 1 t.) IIrc princlpul I.\to. S lntall IIlt' ho t Uti t.)1' II WIIY , C III 11011 . DIl IIU Allell gUtllllg I' w I LIS1 uf &; WEST . TI l' has act tI allU pl olV \\'o rk. 1I10llt 1M u plCllSllfit 1l1l0 811 10 c llre ' NORTH , SOUTH . EAST Scth W IJro,\ II for d elcn dn nt Th o sl'll l'1l11l'l·1) } ., It <lHllgh C'lII l1 ty HtI) ITII,d). A. Ll1ll1u 1l(,1.~~, M. L -hlIBH ~111t EV. I . ~ IlOIL If:e It. E JII,'i! o ul lty eluptlv C,ll'lIl' 1111 Illtlo ClI lCti rottci. li nd 0 11 11 '1T AI('I PliSOllC I' \\ 11 U 'q llltl~U, th e illl')' LII thc ....8 1';0,, ·1 1' . "1;1'1 d ·' U • s :::; uId IJ)• II 11 IOllu .K Ill! I t"r 01 Mt. W. A . !laid)', .! i ~1 1 LI ' I " "IVCItIIOII Sit AIlP Il U\IIIIIIlS o's n T t'l, • lh " \ L" IW s A II il, P yelli. THO'S 11 rug· 1111 IIg L l'ow a !tnt t 11u retil'CIl1 III I. CUS. hOlllrt ~ I \1 ns Atl" lIs t 1, 1 1,0 :::; II 7t 1 e th on r Tr' " lo IIU IlS M " LClJlIlI I at III III I~I(C \\'I\S r~. , I'~ 'cst " ~ 77 nw'd gI s ts . R oali Ih ll mil l. Ml' Uro\\"l1 18 HUlIl to !til \ "l 11 oJlIglt , \lt l..'S " hc . l1illy tlte Jll dgo l ;3 J CUI'S ur Ilgo, ILll d gllll 'I'ally ;'; LUll c(' tondun f brll,ll in defenco ' lml 111:\<1 e 1\ I11I1R Slll c nl · ~:rERAI. of our Olti7.CIlS wtll ox II III c , 1111(1 II l11y Ilis Itll' hc Il B hnpP Y.· 1 -H: d. I ~ , I'. J. Oadwal U . 01 1m cltcn!. .1]) D ul lI UC('IlHlV I! 1II"lllhl lit· I lhc UII t o thu L,lV uillud cnmp me t , II . curt klill Fl'Illl . - . -' - t, 13l!llllot 1I. e, WI lilt U~I.S I\ ~ IU -- ~ I' 'ltAIl. is wce k lit IlIg lto uy W I f It uo tllll: that hard ,hq· Jul ] . l K77. Ilai S. S I I'. J ollIl. lt S I~CB, WII O(lI ld dtLII gh' • _ y, GLEN N'S SULPHUR . I~ II g.l\)d ~chv,, 1 fLI T d\J\·cl"JlIII ·llt. l'cuk Tlirtil'c It O { Gcvll' ' .AII ISS ~! ,1 lt lI I)' I ' ~I tUI', illt. ti . D. ( ' 11\ \\ ill . th uso d isclJllrn gilig sttll NU A cClcck Tllltl t itl'lI In .m II pit)~icill stIl ItlIP"1I11 JeHII \ l G. A ~' I JIC I IS CIl ItE ltr lll.J.V II:Nllult:;1( f) IW rill!)' IIU EV l!tly "I alled tlto ~u IT D e rlield I)IIJs, lho IUCII SSCS , " hudm" fo r 1111 1l1l 1)Jc" ~!t.,uld h.LVI! II grvwth 3 ye 13,1\\ S. ~ . 8duy lIl lI:lJlCAL 1'1<LIrRltNl·IY. Thll1 I lilH Hill: U 'i - ;\J 1I 1l 1i 1~1I1' H ])0 Mo rglLn, lite . b '111 111 ('tl lcal 11 ~ it IS gil l I" iRIllg It IllulLil tllll cady !t ost . _._~ 111 Cu ptalll \Vtil IS c HOllk [t"uelt Il1lo -Thc : I fU e hl!l f lett 111" 1 ~t B "11111 ,1 he S(. 11('10 th.·} I.l·l.t Ilcl: l l" l l! lIf' h ~ouh:!l EIOIII y excuI Hioll tickcts fo r MnlSslu Imitat ions. 0 EU\I.I .AIIIIo'o . (;" ~1 "ltll"" J III ·~s bUSl1I ·ep ll sl ' e th f . slllppcd g. n t () J,'" 0I1111 ct WOI C SU 1.1 , • 0 1'1'1)111 tltc U'''lHd'''lo ul U.t1I) I, .uJ I») .' .\ .C Lt). ~I , D cly \1 11III1ItO . lt rWIIl " l~cl!(' II 11 u ti t·S ll \l S(I IL~. R I IlI 1{ l~u ll ltll 1l d .1.1 I 1I1l' I.IIIU l\ld l ~I\lUS II ·.\ lIlICItt. E\ IIV III I tillS. .lut:uli . 1 f' n J\llIssic li cl! ycs torday I J W M . FOR BALR RV IIICl PlllIl' , llIlllIlIl y tlft hl R I'"CO, I\~: a"u ti. A lllllIl I '~ 8. "'0'1 t ~u 1"'"I" I"'~ \l IU I lll'l" «(l . II ~ .I Tlll tk cl'{'cl; h l1e\lh" O i OI~ \IcCl J C 01lC) 1II t y(j t ll II\~I')P I llt: " lllllll tlo r'lI g £. ~ l',ltCr! ull c c;y 1l ~ I!I li'Y IJ ~i I~ I fl1.. Il C I . ns titolll~bt p ll Questio these Dr. BIlII' ~D. lbv!-:ll TlIItl cL:luck Ask Yourse lf TAKE NO OTHER. ~ ~.on, 1\11 \)0 1\101 , - L:lar lll.:~ti bill 1''''1 11111 1I0t !i ll ~' W 11' J> ~,~. \to'. SICk from oulluror llt do.vuude " you Are 1111 k 1'11\11 ody kllOW II f"r th e cl)lII pl:I 'J\ t~ "I .l lld II thlc (! 1' 1 "'~I, t UII V A. V \ ' I ~cll I wil g-nc(\ IIl1d('I"I hc T J eBi;(' Vall l,elllll'O WIlYII C I!outlacho, lIab.lual C,,' I'YI'1I0" . P"lp,ta' l ourly chi ldhood . 25 ·te pOI' botlle . if·111 \\ liS a g ll l'ol 01 ,',11 . Cake. ill Rtuck J W. K"VH, C£NT S lli~.mU8. yuu DlI8c r, \\ it tl nCCO ll\Jll\lIlc J Illm to fil l' lltilt~' dlly R, an}IILlllg ~llr UIlYC A'I!IQ ) PRICE , 26 lIT a 1 111"'11 1.011 or Iho HeurlO ow fl, , n I ' lolll do})'I Sy. 1 B t" NorvVI' I' \\'l1l e tJ, Y " 0 / ? fill" , Del\<I llnll t tho Ocn~ cr GO \ IU\1 e8) , · Oak ~ c.lbll (3 tl'l ~I!'.I Box cl'c 1<0 wh 0 ~~ y~' ~ " lit e lussl l·uedd uf I IIUmlla, \I \llIg ~,~Ilil tle 1 I'rOl.ltIlil ? Doc8 yourBlood Cl ro\ll"tobud iy ? T Al't;·'\\\\. HM .- A I D.lL I D j k II )' I!ll lln ty the III 0 Ii hu , Vll",I C 8Ultl III1U l') Com· ? ittnnd g bulI SPlTlt. cy Lo,. lit HIlYOyotl .. Oough? :I) 1I, 8\' 1 e'~:b() 11 1111(.11) mUll vi J' R' I:t~ l st W(,ll t to Ehl'i " ht dlJliv Cl od of It tape \1urm tltllly "'c t bi ll EI' l'( 1111.: II t;. Th ey fi ~M ~f~:"!!'~'~~lu~~~~rn~;:~J1!~ '~~'; d~O~ K. SIll C I . 'cd ch.\ jllll _~ [ I 1.11 llul Us 1t,IS 1'1VIII. A~D DEALER S IB A!:~K,!.N08 o.II':......kl .c.iJ!~J~~~:~!~~:~~~'!:!~:~~ of Dy.p~p8ia. Liver CompllUn t and III ICJ\~t h by Ihe uld, ~t ,)no lIt' lolli ' YuldlOlI , [ lld,IIIII:1, Gil. nlllcs 008ulta ~ lei" Ilte..1 1 1llc TIIlI U C( thc 01 l\i8 (tIlL' TFI.O\VE ul 1"'.1 N·~AuOU8 th t ·i I GI\I!I'. I,(,} j u'l;o.tlOn I! [n LL tllat 'lICIIIII C us IlII I( III 11 10 j.(c skillcd " 11~8ICII1 I1S c lII:.J t( I I'liS • 11110 Ir.l1l1 el I ."c k S II III CII I10 IIllS IItt II' 6(1,1, B 1I be to " :::;tlllll·.1 ,101 ,lnJggI8' 1111 tltl: by la· ll ' / ' l Z" od~cd IICCOll 1II1 nclll"'wl C S " • "'Y ,, b I had ('xl'C l'l OII ('cd ~U III . I 7'C' I.' I I II hottlo. ,voro u,yel1 ~ I' ' I' I'n" ",1/ ) , a ~, 1."8 cen 11O_lt,,·· ouro ••'I,wI,l"'" " llIel, IS " I 0 1Il ul "'" , v tho ~ .l 0 11111 il lig II I'el)' Vll 1111 to b lc Ull d 1I1d CH(;l lha ulo JIltCI'l1U tI OU)' llt(' m';l " c" "II Ih c ><11"I'e, .1r"ggl.l8 through IIW"Y m tho U. S C IIl ut8 S(' ('O c 5 tor 'll l alld k I co U I fpl'i t I .:cipto I 1!.l . 1 ' ' va I . ' ,., I'IL r;' 1("11 '. 1'1'0111 tlll' ll eo t, .,un 1I C" II.l11 (I I' llSti uno Ie I.)r t lt o IlIsl Ii \ 0 )'onrs, IJU t IIl1 t l I , lit e N II"'IL "ttlll' I'0UV IU I'",· pl oontrm1 TwodollCK will 81l1ltdynny uftltt: (}3Jtl·f/..fo1 · ouelL on~·e. ' 1 i1 lc.Jnr. 5.1876 IU(' :::;1l .111 UIt UI "ync8 W In ourmg qUllhty l wondorfu It. "r -\I'or."" . k I' -R \vltll l nlhcIIl B I~r"Oll thllllti ll ot illl .Lll!I·lf h o Il C lttlJ CI,L\l llJI J , IJil u, \l1,crl' \1" tiol1s • • - ----"11Hll blttlo8 ' 1 Anmpto 01" On \V" Hll rif" t SIII , T1Hll ILl1' II nf m~ ITlcc fOl vi' il n Il C 'I"C"S ..1 .l. v EGE' .... .... O\ ", Ilh c v IOlllld II I l! l y 1I~(, t\ l' l'l)olt 1(01 1, 11 l'St I' . . '-' ICIII ot t hl! CII lI se 1 1he \\",1\111 JII " ntK Regullir KIZU 7~ u auld P"Kltiyo" SWAR THMO RE COLL a w ,. ) ~ t I 1 t": C N CRITT ENTO N • Th cHC lo<! ks d o nWI1 ) Will. IIW H )l' I ll w t S U rntll ILl o I1Ilho tlt attci dl\lggl.ta m •• l'ul" n" J lIlUldlll 1\\1 Cl ' f by I'd Iy :..' or J I, •• e th WILMU 1I 1111SlI iL C!1~t ulldur lllll. 'nult PlllI.lIlulp I rrom C •• .I /O t 'I',," I' _ • i IlIlg ~lIb I III b"lI t1 e l \l\l" Iho (; "111 I'JICIIIg' aC,1 5 1l \ 11 ¥-P II II I tor. wil Proprie Rlc TIIl, A • l" 7 UU, !)!! II" 101l ~ l\S lit e DILt \l Ui III Villcl' AT like .. "OK . hoth ~ l\'lVC. ~l" I" ,ro "f FtlOlld., 11I t IlCl' I1I ClIt :)f 11 \.1,1. cm b"'1 Qtxtl<. a venu e, l.V e11J· Jr(/1 '~ • STA 1'11.' SENA TOR. aJl t!J(J71e s °t Ut COlli de, thell,l, p, clli c 1I111,!l {.( ru \l ~ fu II 01"".10,,1lind OO IOlltl/lo 011 " rA08. for 00111' .LfO , t; lit Ik" 1111I1'''~O II) Oil 01 t l Ull tit ld 11 01111 (.n c ' 01 ma li1111 I'C I A ti 11.(')· 1l1l01'I1 r. IL III IC IIDC C It 1·1 d lor Ihe " clIll elllllll e lill uro" c. IC I lltldugro UC •• u iohtht) UX I,urlc l,eerl h" tl,c M CllJ1~:"h pI WII.I, " OO uIl lIuUO 1.:" 'AG,, ZI> I' rlC - Pl o,.u I l 1"1111 I Jtlli. ex 1'011 "OK. '1IOIudln g IlIIt'Oll. Inili Itlc I1p lUI tltc tlllll! Illek to cI08l!, 11 l1 t" tlte uIIC ()h lli ch l"III. S·IO "t:~ "I Wnrrell Co .. t I , ro.1 I S tlli'l'cd to e.lllldhd tc r Je 11IlLlgll1\'( t lOIl tl' lu w lhl'11 nil 1I III 8\1 ticlilal P:lI 11 1101' 1 e tl III 0 l o'" of bll"rd . wIIKllIng. UBouf Look A. &C . $.100 II L"o",~ii' III U\\.II' (It t.1I1I 0 cI,!l •. ;, ror OCCII ..., e 'l h. 1"""1111,, to lcd Otl p ._ . • '-W¥ . )c ' l.h nll JeSCIl I HAm AS RF.1J AS TUII Fr.UIII OF i\ OHAR GES 1\11<1 ('lltl l(' l,) U('~l l ', )(( 1 E XIlIl IIIlIIl f!; OI·Oll ll'g IUIII IIrrtl' ' w, 1 D,. lyullr NO ]"X'(']'A __ - - .. " SrI,"tor from tho '1:-(I,1IIIIScn"l"r", • Ilotei s .'Il ' 011"\1 St \0 ..... TII~" .0 ,"Y I h~ III1). 1 e th of O, or while us I.h e deull mOBR (It' I.I I VOI.CAN tho to " . cct g Ili uhJ ii t lilt \\,llel, thc I '11111<1 1 ,,), tit cxt. . II [' I'S oll to ll allllnC ll t , 1tlt o 1.\ L1' llt: II NI£IW II Ie :!II ,JIll Ie'C III Cllt "1t t i .J U ,V S Il iS ~C.IS() II ••"". J)"m ot GUII Y"IIIII'" Dull ". StukeR F"r ClItlll llglle gil"'!; r,,11 pnrt,nulllrK"8 on II Flolltlll hem lock. clln be ('hall I I 1111 1 not I «'(, • 11l'llIg& 11 uf Htllfly.&" .lIflllro." d Itt I ' t ;WIIIlIl cd \\'I tl, I1Il U\I HI'l' CICS'll life II b I; I IlIg II t , d IJttl IIl ~ t W U.l alld OIl.l U.Y 0 111 I... ·.r"tlo 'ull)'''n.l "h.IltY K,·I\ ",1 ,III"w ,,"","0 j!ctl to II g/orlo'lls brown or lll.vtrolts II ' ,Iy \V I UC .ILI uS II ~ 1\ e~lIl I l 'l ~ 01 . rc- Let li t; III I 1, IJWAltO R MAOILTJ. AM. .tf"rlhulro"Kul .. II.1 • lII erm, "l I'"rtof ""I; OS lI :l pOC IO IU.L· I\.l dl ' \l lIslIt \ Cdl " l1lu , thllll'l ! la l'B I CI(elIO ' , OUtPIO Jt:!> )' .. / I SCII tO K by 8 Bing lu u(lplte~tinll Or Stil blaC 01 . l ufhcc e th I'ro."len to Il O\\ n lI' tlU 1!l lit o , oKtmnllry I'rOOOllCltl ro l 1'IVII' 1' 1011",,_1 bUIJ lblhllIAI I.'b l>rC \ I 'J Il 86 " lIW \\: h ~ l .d uct\\ "ell "III('be i'1I111 jar ,c" r.o III ! III'PORII Ct Co.l'IL t~I o 8 U1 n"l"wllr tillS "go. flllllJ ColI orc ntlll ll!tl1l U\\ellll l~ '"1 lor.... I. u ." Olltlllo·,1 til" ru·,·I, ,,,, ,,,, I ~ \\ lI - -- - ~ ~---- .~-Ilut ~ lIli"f.{ct" l y. A i r \\.19 Iil d; ' ,hIlI C It io tl ,a l. WO UI O 1110 hUllrl " or till) Df'mUI r llh of Bu t ll!r J H- ILnt",e,,"d r\.l'' I(','lt tl" t! pUI,cr .. '\Jr. SttlkCH ueClIpl~ 1:! o,'o r"f' n 111"t IICe"H 11 Lot for Sale. and House I An d Iwo tu SII\)stlt ll tOt!OIl ICtll"lgi tt· .II,"'"'" 11 _ Count,. Wltrr"" ,,",1 l JlIion will he 1 III th e POSltll1l lo OIlVIllb 1\11 8\.ell '" ho.d,OlIlr\iblohollllO d /lst \' b thi I of '/'1 fCS clllln ~ ,\I 1l the .mll DI bocn NY Il.\\(~ MI 1 . ,o mtl cr.lgllc oucl'lI C'I II1I'C II lI l!xt S nt' Il WllrrOIl C.I 0 Jul ) 1877 ol.h.Jllld . allu OtlJl: ' l'~·tl" llI1 lllltl ij pl o, thnt, 01 Olll' Ipoo u.lcuUl CO['•\VI N on N',rth .troot, at pri~"to 8111. g tl ollg h !""II"t. I allh -lulI'u ' f' o . 10stillC .lt tlt D IIU Il. I'" . uck o'el "D ly ",IUdlUl llllt )lIl I'I VIII.ll' at 7! " Ik 11 l \ IL ll IDOCl'llt, uO fCCCIVC l . Ie !llIp l1l'tlay _ . _ - -- rJ,o h..llMO contllln. ,",von mom _. kitohollltnd _. _ IC} I e '\ d Id II t PI\;!USC lUI Jill b IC , , of He JlII IJ· electIOn last ~ III lit P(j)'t, 1 1)1\1. (II' ICS Ind l"oll.,r. nndonth o l..tAroSt. hlo allll other the of ty bCllll TilE ~~ ,~) . Alf., lind ClI ll 8tllll U. o n 1\ I" nuh. Il ' ,- -.A NIJMII ~ ~ " "''''IIIOIIt ollt·lllltI.!inll'", ,,11 IIIroof 'fbi' Mct of , l ican ad we ll as DIlII\UCI.ll!C a ll d O ll~ Clt!ZUI! ti att l' ll,j , I rOI""r WolI"nll Olote ro noder f,J. BLLtldwi b 01 All RUU 1\118~ lJ clu lI tLlDoro h lUl bCCl, IIl 0 tli estllllu I II .tlt ~s Ill' od 1\ Mill pl Y', mectlli g /11 SPl'lIlgOI) e::> I' They t1\d Oplllldll ll ~ voters. 01' wurld 8 Jl ,noKt ,loKl rlll>lo .",,,uoneo. 11 o ll t nl'isol1 p com Pl\\\S to I~cg tlt\\)' oil (h bllt lIl1 h Ii; a "'uur N . co. tlte G. r;e tto J oea lI ~t 1111\'1 n e ) · l\llIl ~iJi.beni I1g +at>w mta. A.D OADWALLADER cur!less cl r pccniin thnt ED' l1 '1' I1IAintai WAN come ~ IclIo" , I ..... whon tltose othel ' L t.- tty- uttCl ' I fi *700 ucutl'Ul l I> Pllltticu -'to Its UpOIl 'iln:rnEY tho by I·O. on Je xl gil 0 COllllJlc 1 f O III s I'luhlles SlglI I uu a uIVe LOOK OUT come tillS wily . around.AlfIf dyou . . I t tB 1II CS pOCt· '1' L " I ' /!"~C. ulI ~I " "ldl'lIgO~~~:'~I~' DrO\'rAsc~;~~M' . , " 'F-·'~· . d ...,. lug Its IOIJ IlS sOlltllLlon lily "litO' 111,,1 hook a"counta ara ill tho r e ar, g lVll IlS your· occas io nal USC (ns IC,!lIll'od) 01 DI. ivo of Itlly palty- in end lll's ill g tito 'y 11.11 Will vc he dill r"WIlIlIl111·ltouse, \v0I'1l, L\\ WO llu.t lIlnOllnt ¥b'ttlln . Co liE of WltlJum MRUlIIgto ll . J . P .• for SOL.D BY DJf{lGGoJ'STS, A t' ~Ifl chi fl,., nlld rcstol'e y o ul'solf Bull 's l3100d Mixtur o. pte mbor ] 9; ilO' !llll! !l llur "~n t iutel'" I, I'"yablo 8umi·"lluunlly. h."u.U!.illll 0,,11 80011, l"l.y lip. Rlld savu 008t. on Lelmll 7.llll Cltl ow Il f its [loping d nl cord l ooll • .. . rs J ~vo n gO'ld ox llibi· f.'r fl vu yoa of ttl , .0111' I' tn or nieli i ll our bClirta, JOHN E. 'l\AyI.OR S. W ROU.J.CnS per MIa. Bull may be rct u.l'lied to th e 'cnnte b · 21 , Let '~ ,ullI!ro (tj'>, GO ORK 0)) Olluwn llud JUli O20 H177. ulle tiOO'; (IrO 'W fo>t .'" WlIrll '011 Out· B'T7. L Jul,y ,I t J] , I·ute.. ., , I wp 'J i1. handso quco, II , , . . 1"'OCCC" ~o WI t·lu. u lVi~ I, J
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Birds and Re ptiles) 1000 Men and Horses) Four Immen se Tents ~ The Greatest Exhibition Presented Under Many Te 'lts ! 11111111 " . 1' 111 I : I : I
"" "fO
The Double ' lVlenae;erie,
J 'o rCh rl1l l l1 1{ E l"Vhullt..t, F ifty e dltl'!t \.l ·r! lI d rrit·". a lr'JUp u ur OOUt.ri Rnd ?tr unk .... ,1! (' rr I\.,.ull.· .. i:A I'JI..'ft Ui MO and A c r ubu'tl u
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Gladi a tor ;a l & Olympi c Sports A 1Cl-; :q e I' . I~ ~," -
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A8:UM'~ .AtJABY iND "A qtr --~-I One Ticket Admits to All
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$10,1)00 ,·h .. llellgo thllt wo huo the ' t,. t",l Lady ltul e rl' LU America . 100 M~ IO nnu f \JIIla lu A n iAtH. Cluf, mpi oUH in ~~IjII'jj.a Art:' III C \ V 4.rld
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fL' L t ill
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w un tIlt' I,ubl ltl ritroollt . MilUt Mill lt·, tll o IIl Il~ t rOllu wlwd ludy 1I ""·UI!IIHli .. t 1U tttl' \' v r lrl.. "-' ill g' lve u n t' Xill h lL ill 1i " f lll ' r ", kill, In l\ wOllder rul. Ibrl uJC "1111 d l ' "l h~c l lJ fvilJJ.( It t ur ujCc pd~
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"in to)'lc wire.
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carni vl\1. MOllste r gold en car s lind chul'i"t R h:l\' C' A II all cJ!nricnl, m ovi n~ panora ma of living tableau , anu pat I iotic c c'Il M entod with rlesig ns and pi ct l1res ot ou r Natlun 's hi ~t ory , Jlllln I'lI l' pn;; '. rcflli/Zer,t ill IZlitteri ng dccorut i ona,..nd ornaUl fre e sensutio n s I hv l'lcphan td. camels . IiOIlS, etc, I pre te llce w\'at 'vel' , 0 intoxic ating liquors permitt e(l 011 th e 1-( 1'''111 11 1. 1I1I(1t'1' nlly ~ u galllbllll !; uf any NUTICE Y E. ' \ .. 1.1. 1·: 1"1 : I . i\ 'I' 1.E U A r (). , T \I R' 0'\ Y, All G l ' . T ~: W i\ , ,\{,( ;I:;T 1 \' lWAY l SATl . rU'i'U:S WILMI j :l DAY. AUciU ST
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"I' lilt' h"It "II . "il h!l hillo\\,
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n .. r. III ,e "',"".... ""n __. _ _ _
~s .rnt'''' IN)'"
I ,.. ...·..... nit 5h, ," ' &'\ :-.... \ . U ' 1I1 1"tnt' I1 :- Tho 11, 1,( nf,l'lIllll l CII I \ nu;l,( ~II 11\' In 111 .111 (' urt.'d Ill e ' 1ILlre l)' lit I I. hlll g ! 11.,,;( " Illc h I 111 1"1 ~ j':IIc\" "I',1 tl ud till v cd \\hh 1'1I1 (h. , \ "I-I t~ I ' lm l ~ IlJr 111I 1I11H ' 1141\ t fll' " (I i"lll t li f m , lhJ \
Up_Town Grocery 1
Th " .-I, Jt: (.J.. ,rolli n (Itll'lI l ' l' ' 1I11miit uil hll\' lI hhil'-- U, L''' II.1 , W, IIn rtotl, Alex F, 11'\ 1, Will . ~ I I! I ' 1'111, Ull ~t U Il U Ul'klll d,
t ar Y.
All t boc:o rUfi cfltos n ro onUn~y v o tun · from persons of IItn.ndlll R
nndrosp octnuility ,andwbo mnybu C!oDltlluDl ·
Ii.. Unllmlled esp. olly
from wall-
C1.I:V~1.~D. 0 .. July 6. 1876.
wllh Rho"rno· t ouhl n ot,., alk' three lona JDo ntbs a ll m e dioin es and !iniwbnt. which ' j f, but a. eure un,iI I u, . d LAW~ eo ul~SbORro CURA TIVE. whlrh I can rocommond I SON ltb r um ntllllU . (or It c ureU mo from e toautfe:-er .. GEN TH : I h ove bo. n laidtlO
of their machines ,
do all kinds or F.mlly SOwing an d Mannr3clurl ng, m " ''''1\'. lil t' 111/1 , ITS PATENT Al' TO~I.\TI{' "cu'r on 011111<' hllllll 111",,'11'1 Il1 klll~ Ih .. litH''' "r H) 111·""" .lh.· oln·lot,' anti ,ls, bar"war g runulll from chino h., d""" ,,1111 nil frOID the IIU1ChluIl to wil1ll thread UII th r IIlIhhlll <, "hil'h 11" ,,1 I"'('hilly III otJlCr Sewlug :liacJlitlcH, til tilt! ~rl'nt IIlln(>YIIII(',' III' Ih,' IIllf"'I1~"r, "' I,'ngtb gll'''" II ill "."rk " 1' 11111 ' IIm'·lhin ,1111'S It lnL:'. 1I11,II'nnl g tuckillg, heDiUlln
R beam atlsDI and Neura lgia. AW'SOlt CItltUIOA.L Co ..
The World· renowned Wilson Shuttle Sewin[ Machine
O:ltodwlth bylattaro r tnparaon .
Its competitors receiving only an award for some spec ial
no d OOl o. nnto
ytf' lld the foll o" io r t Qllltimonia1l1 PETER HENDERSON & CO I, knuwDCl tiIODlof Cle,ale.ol.J :
<1 "~" I,h ,\ I.lI L·I. M.I~- ie tJII 1I ~ lJip -- L 'vi !l lli t~ "I 'k,
Emment and SkLllfnl PhysiclallB
Au y (I ( It. foll owing l ellrlin~ 1101' 14 "l ' 1I 1 Inl1ll. rur IUe 1'01 liZ . 2;'Jc p e r l.J. III _ ' , h I l't' rllt 'c : 17; hllr_ go cli fur t)~ i l f"Ulh t J.r ,. h '\" l1 lt' hr1~ 111;.: .n r iuhfl duflorgd ,ill'! \\'U , 1I\ 1 11,pt>(' lIr~ E lt rl~ . ' Vlllt(\ 1> utclh- \'fh i lr' Rt r, '1l I .,''' ! l ' l t n k t..1 r~, IlIlvtllJ{ .' !I .I ~ "l ill er , Idl · lIlinl ' .1'I ~I II .. ,al l Ill(' dU ll"'" "f und III "'"11.'" I III' cn J111 1l - l m' 01 11\ ol ,., t "U r -41,I\' I'''' . If 1111' luft'/'l L ,l i ~4' .. ve r lr:l - H e ll Lo p Stn lp L OAt-Goltl 4 1I U \\'l 11 ,;.· \1 :U~ H I'ul l h {' • r \ I ' l ' l 1' 1- , Rtul 1 t. l'UI\'t.. u , \ IHllri u n Hilt" D lllllI , whil CII. IU1 r l'a IIpp B1IIurai till' in:.! \ n''''!'1 )i 111 " II l' ~til III ll ~"I1 :i Il Ol l ln '" 11 11,.. " , , 1,\ , h I L it 1"1 'I II th lc l' d . lIlll .. 11 " I .. r ' .1"' .-:; "\:0.· . 11'1 .. cUut ll l t.1 nllnl). cu r,,' III CIIL Llml f:· II\II I, .. , '11'.,: 'l Ull' " ul'clH~clltwo J \\" l l l. n,I .. d",I . l uw l' p' lil !i ulll l ~ 1111 1111, ... 0 1 l','IL': II,lIi", ox t u,llt . "elwhftlC'n, " 'nrk ... GftNf'Ue nt nad ,r l,oJ- llI;.!. ~' I. UOhlto til 1hll 1 dtUl t uuJ m~"'L Ilpprov N Pt,t.... .n;.: Il l ! " t il t' 'a~lII l . 1 ( f\ tI' g- ,II"" t • .• l U" I ~ lu \" • l. l11 l" L I) , IIIlt l h e 1,,11\ 1' 1'11 0 1 CI" .,- t: 01't l nil( It St ..... J ~ "J [I • n . , l! r , 110 . ' ! .>u , , .. I I' 'lUY IV' blu I I ~ • O UI oh" r~n' " "Ill lit! n,.. rf\u:otCmll1' ''11 11 01 11 11 1 \ III ' II r .1 I . - - - '" 11 11_" a ll In " .' 1 I~ t ; : ;' llll\'~' IH" II I I ~ I m Il HI' tll \, ~ u rl tI It . I I' pl ' III
IlIwfl.-;", ill ,' 1 • ,lI ill ';. \V III. (l "" . '1"II I'cn'u l: [ "\I' IIHl lil' - A . S. K II' '. Ill' . ll l'''. l: il .. ~ , W. F, Il nYII ..,I', U
\\~~~\~~~ "\\\~
$1 ,2.; por 100 Borl y Er lurl, by m uil. for I.~ 'j por l OO u' o l p. Curotivo largel y in t heir practlco . nnd by II1 ui l . for Burl~ n a nd .diLonroo omm.nd ll Auy .. 1 ,,, " .. b.,vo O.uhlluw e r 1'1 . . ..... , by prom!nen tclergYllIc from n. k no"l oullO of H.I effcC' la. lJ ad wo 8J,aoa :m I't' r tI IH U" .tud t~ xl l rf' ''' oI , (" r hundrod, or. ouIAeAt"" Crom @ - SpecIal P ric es for l a r ger qUaD .! " . eQuId givo ti c. 'lT oll known in tbl. corumun ,ly. but .... , t;lles slvau ou apphca 'lou , beg to r efer to our pn.mpblot t which is to be b ad oCDrugg i, I" or will bo . on tbymail on Bppli· 'S E E D ,
(' I'
.. 1 C ases ,
1 p e r IntI I "" nood oa lf to .., tbal , t IBco lDPounllod witb D"'ur( H,·ll . l nDd o.a herotoforo . Any ,,( t ~t! uuuvo "ulery PhLU t..oJ, by e X· t ho 8Bmo Irio ntUlotlkll r vod r op ut AtIon whi ch eJe d ho t n. ai mainl and nil u o h t r I' fI 'l'O:4 . rl ~r $,. pe iL hae ~ oq ulr.d bylho wond.,f"1 .urc~ il h .. pcr(onDod , To tholo who hnvo Jl o~ cr tc-t('d , ur, o a trial oflt. \' Irluo. l'r, ·lI1 i .. ,.. 1'l uL DUl uh. h) ,"Hn, $1 pe r Ion t hoCunA UVEw. 1 pe r 11)(' f ortuocUac Dloe ntUDDdbe low. U rllmh ut i ~II Vl l y , h~ ' IlI ll il , fur I per 100 I I hall .tood tho ICit o(yo"" . h ...... on It. In · Re,1 (.. ,. pi , kll" I'). b ! '''. ' 1, for n os r l,. o.,er1 eommunl t, Auy o f ' hl' n lt,I\'\ Cublmgo Pl sllUi by l' X . trin. io mariti. and JkJ.t!Io!!oe .umel i\ iDI cvidcneoo C Ita piJl1-d, · I prt,)I'>II, ru r $4 l p r th u llSuod, • '::OY,iU II6Dd curAU •• P,MPCN" .
\\' A Y:\ l:: ' V ILLE, O UJO ,
C ask ets ' ITCHING PILES '-l' II , lllrt' l 11\ " I" N " lho" ",, I XI '1'111'1, '('()\H 1 " ,·" 11 <1 11 ,,,.. ,li.,lr, -, no; " ,·I, ,, ,~. H __ ~ r-nf1"'-4 :' ho ut Lilt' -
1)11(, ,IllY, "v "'''" ' ' lie " Ih ,' Ht: hl ' ''''li~l' \\ : ~~ {' ;- .JlLlIl l'" Il cialid .
'II, I.nll,,' r,1)1I101 II ~ IlI.IIlLlo l1tI... , . lI O" " , h "
Celery Pian'si ~lpor lO(l I LAW SON'S CURATIVE I n\\''' rf\~'hil" ~)' II1''iI.fOr . II-".If", " L H rg,· \\ IU lO !'iu hJ , h) 1Il" ,I. for I pur IIlIl I ,
J! ! \'l' pllll't' til HltutlH'r. ;-\t lllll' liIlU ' lh ... t hll lll . h llll1w~ wlIuld P\' \ ' rlU k l ' ~Iyt' tlH'lI1 \I :hurllll ~h dr\'Jlc' hil ll! ttll 14 ullly ('x( ' llt l d tl11'Ir llairtlt . 1 '~ lr ~" at t ' r d O(' ... . l1ut I!i,'" chill .. !lI1d c.'lald I ' 1l '4)t) 1I II rtr,, ; ll1l d 1lt4 Iltl' l r tf r", . . . . 8 01 M', :t:m Nv , 111 :' 1 , 111 : ,1., l'lnlndt:l phi I. ~ "II/1r"c :a nd Mimpit'. Ihf' fC' \\'11 ..- ' V , \ .,11 Pu r IfILi I' 1", Ill tlJ! I!I ... ,-I. ~ U11a f . A, J " I' II ' tll lI l J.d ll ~ h .. rl,
blo proli Do 10 remedlel to cu rd. )'ct "'0 como in contAct overy d4Jl' wlU~ "cure" who "ro the CUfO ther An.1 " If" r N .,\V (from:}u n. I ii W Aug j i,): ."..1 rrttrlD R witb out ba,i D" fou.nd havo Jlo Co r. To b.ay ono who has n ot u6ed
ftelgt1Jwa~t '
S //"(" '.'o ,' I'"u t,1
AlATIC com pi:ll.ntl •• Ame r iClln' t a.ud n o D n~
"" I lilt'
.ulror .. mueb with NEURALGIO or
wulc r , IIr picki ll l! III' "Ito /If 1I11111\,.\"lorcrl pr~ tl y lell. ~ r\.w f'~· d , t hro wn lip hy t ht: \\'1I \ l'''. ~)nlt ' tll1h '.01 th,' ." "bY"r! " it h tli ,. \\'11 \1 '" l.h(·ItI",<: h:(>I'4. R ~ II1('rry II"" t ll o ll J! h Ih,,\' h .ld T ill'.\' \\ nll id )!fI I l t'( ' 11 iI""I~ pili .' m a t r'" luw dllWfl to l.he W tl t ~ r 'H I ... JI!' •. IIlId " :l It.1t t
Tou rnam ent
b tH'G tTi ud
orthnc thl1l1 tiny IIt h"I' SI'WIrI t!' mu dl i ll~. ES. l\'lTD EYERY MOTlO~ ufUII' "00'1' till' lll.\( 'IlINf: ~IAI\ES SIX STITUI
)" lI otbntl cQulJuttuud towybUli I... 1 "'}o: , c. H. t ) Wr ll, nl~ A U 'l' Y F'l II( ' I' ll h IIAll(. . t lnthreeda.
written t ho obovo fo r t he benafi~o1 t ho • • tbnt l ufTur wit h tha.l \1i 3(,R"a, S. M. nUW H, 214 Ontario .troct. Ill",,, Is -~tl ~l!.' jlQ~ 1 It rCilnlrrs 1111 Rllr,' 11I1 iustrllrti llns III " "C it; un IIII" tl':lt" 41 [tin"'ti"n _ [From Gcorao Scholt' >' . tho P opu illr E. i r l. l ft ;t th I1l hllir,c n SIO J.! T1 ' \\ c rt} Iqll . 2-ILlhh mlldlln,' ."I<'h farnlsbed "lib !l Dro".r. ] 1\ ~ ll H E \\' .1 BE -\ (' lj, I S• •"O l ,O /I , . :1·- 1. "i ll ruMo ro 'U" 11d ABSOLUn LY l'EIIFF-CT, CI, I,(,~I,A)irill , 0 .. NI).,cwbo r 2,1874. \. . I I \lll ulltll l ohi ll l{foI II HIHl ali t 'wl1 ~ hip --,I :LII1 11;! r IT CANNOT (;H OUT or ORDER. AN D TilE ADJ USTMENTS ARE 4- 11 "111 remo ve all I.S --S~L Il 10, lI lI · Y IllIl ~ A , II I Cn."" t" lI l ~ l\ r ltlW U .I:--SOlf C"'WlOAI. L , ,il,le. 1t.' \, ,0.' , gO hltlr Dohulll lIIa .. h i ll." I:UIII'lI lIl<" ' i n~ m.,k., 'ub l Ii l wi JII ea, 1t IIh 51I rsoH, 1 n8 i"h"1 lb. l'attc T. at 7~ c , 1\ ..l n gr~n t au"fTrrc T rroln A VI'Ollcl'ly l'xN' lIt C'l1 f "f'lilimt.' is rUI'l1 or o, cr tl yonr I b" {''''I; S,,, - En d"·,,.! 1'1."." hnd R"I1ctl white II'hellt ,'vi i,' h i ul d It !.! " I .".) nIt " " Ii-- I I \\ tI ' 111 08\ r H ' hriu' h UHl IIl mll:! t. C\' ry { 10), QO a ])Ilek "go "" H al.! il IA in '. 'ItI"hi1I1'~ Rohl on NISY l "nr,. l 1'};"vl\ bY II hl 1' 0 1' wrtkl" f, n ...I - I I \\ .d 1 1'H"' onf till 9\hal :II 0 111 I. r '1/:11'::", 1 lll b III' '1' Wm , NOBEur, U, R Ull lOhr. . 1 ' 1 ('oulll 1' l lythat \'l'I,ail', 0 11 1' do ll nr In r t,," l"lx l"!o~ 0 1 YOu r Ollltm u u t l' I'C I'IlI,utl cucoa cl ill • CllI r t i , un keell H': to II II II ... , , < .;J, .. ... , l III 0 III I ll y I lid lnH tb n t ( o",l'ht t o try II. ('h.ln Mt) tit CIHna t" I IHIllS ot pUYU)"I1I, 11 1111 ,Io'!r\'(·I,,·,I. 1'1"'" III' ehal';';", at auy Itailroad lJ" llut iu the Union ~wlI ~ hil'- -J . D, SlIIith, III! I ~t' II llig p llcl3 Il h~(, :LI C lO 1Ir t18 I, '1\ III C ll rl' I II iii "'fLt!cf; o f ! Ii" -ud )' lI " ('u rnrn'Q, I rltSI h l ... ~ ~ Out ~ 1t 'a 1 11l cl~ n p O ll rid , lll flH:nde d RLillJI,\uo .tli " h',l nllll, A I H ~)' )r lln.cohll t! IlI I 1.0 \\ frltmci14 ' I I I .1111111 I . , 1,10Il !!"d IO !'l~). th n. ! (j IHl,'d States II h" I'" II I' h:1I" nIl A i;"nl ~. Shurt~ I ul uflll d • . I, S. R Wilo)", A. M, 31 ) ' I • 111 0 I' " I't,r I' I' r ' tii. (\ t ll l"t " H' ~ 1111 1 \.11..' "X U' II U1,'" Jt ltd ,I), lil rrQ('un' I in g co lll l' lllil1t . T he \'u," '4)11 ~ tlill .1 vUCn H. t C ,1 1'.1 C' hilJ.!: O, 1H\c nllll n!l t I. n,c, tLln · I ' CtI10\,f'd r I 1\'.t8 pnin I nlle I f II . \1\11 nIH I " !\~ HiI'll!! " ~ II ~ \\ 11" 1 -- tl olntf' ltd' Agent. WBot,"1 . tho r , 0 " ldc t I .. ; 11\' CUD! " J. I 10 ck . H U I> c~ Cut,Llu! tL l'I,(I1I ud bottl t I:;CIlIllR Il, Sillphul l B" wy ur. Guul'gc 1\1;.0, I lUll (.Sl: ',I U, .. r I ) Ct! , I limI' k ' Ihn'u ubod fou Send for Illustl· O:3 \\' ogo orn ::i t IU'ell , 15c , ," P Il!ltllH tl l (' ,,1 ' 1111 h l n ~ o r htdin.; 01 111 (' hil i! I~ Iy, ' d lJuhru! ,' c:urod, 1 1111 ' lt ~ tl f 1i'!H'Y ! I For rull pnrt lc ul , "'~ ., 0..101, ,,~ , I RillI 1 I11\ I " Iel \ 101.4 1 Ul!l II m il l' II per t.r t . c uro I I I t 1,,1 11 'y MO lt1'1I1 t. '1I I <L1LU ~ IH~ttJr, .1) 1 Cr,"',,11 r'' II' C''''"Oy" "' II "'I t.'~ l ' , OfY ru )')oun. I I ( ',,~ r lll , m. (I ' Ill gnA h e pu hl lfc,hcd tbl'(JIll!.llutillh o ICII 1!Lh WILSO N SEWIN G MACHI l'jE CO. I I nM f l' I " . t 1 \)t '" . I tOW Il RhiJ> -Jlllll u~ d hnulll n -. " l'rll.:l l . 1t1~U. U, !=;Cll OL E Y, 'Vu8hill~lon ' ou CUll Jl tlhl l ~ h . (lil t. 111 e lm " . Ill. I\\\' 'Ru ' !lIlt!: I I II It. It t I of t 1(' hl m l nUt II ,re:ru II 8?7 Broadway , NEW YOR K; NEW Oil LEANS, LA., or. OHIOAGO, ILl, ffd n , CI1 J.l. til l' . C... n - W lJl l" 'J It' "; tltllt U 1 Iii l \ t'l ln l'. ' Vh lt o. ohl. O Sclatlc'l n., r Breu ,hll prul'c l J , la UII Lhink thi :i ir rO il ., I" " }" r Ur. IJC I~s F el'~ II RI \Il, W, SIlI\ III I'" WI"c ll ll t rll~ I II "' I~' I~ l' \· ,<Ir III ., , . I " 'I I Il1l l t,ur y , n H,1 l"W (l T nr S(la_p~ I~ 14rWW 1 til)' itA \ III I:H OR~NIO K 1.E . " B ' tH '-, H at t I"rp Id n il ' utf.( JlIIll" . TooUlacllc 'in John Fuloy, \ VIII, R u),url:lu ll .- - /'(t· I' J l Ih .m b " ltl lfI ( tll Ii LI1 ' i'\ 'I\\' I" l XCllrnl1 lII ' l .. n i t il t p. 1\ I I I::;,\,( II: Y. i Il O ill llu U'(' l\' ti , E ( d "l':A'l' milk., D " I 1l ~' l"I l1tm"<'14 So The , f 1" 01 ~Il' li , 0 .. ~Id ' , . , A.·II OK IlI rJ,:. ,"' Un I I..J !I 'fi. ll i{ I)JcurLty tn:nt . f~ "ILII tlIl R:! II - 1I P"(I r U IIl " I .1111 It II ' n l II It I1 BI.' r t .. n ' 01. "....,.J 19 l .:1 yr· pr,·\',"" \!. Ill" Luilu " "f t he Jl lIl urn! ... C ll1l ~ on,., I\,I\0.: ,\ IH. II I , I \u re J' II S IU d 1,1 ,,, , I ' 'I' U I: 111" H . n fil l l " lt' lI IC\' I)"",;:dt.u ; f 1I1,,','U \I It lll ut.tN IUf'1\ 1 an Rhenma tisDl ' II p.IUllllh· ' ' l'l'IlI \ ItI'J.r'· ranll hl,tr '' r l l ~,,,oJ't wo cn olnis, ' 1I ~\ llIg '(:I° tUl' lI ll1l . 0 1' I l llI 'I' , nllYl tilCI'Urll,Y, I II n .w , ' rt ' •l!! II lun h ll). (.111t 0 rI II ~) r'' lol l ,) f I"1\111 1) 1 n HI -4C IWlr tt.l 1I'J'tlWLIa Ih"U l ll J1o lhlll '~ hU rl " , . r 1" "'11 I II 1.\ \\l \l Cillbi "LAWSO N's CURATI Vlt" it< II :H. n YI Itc ,~' ", kill fil~ " Tl ~ C ' I!II II I d . ~ II U UB, , I t' ,-' · ·IHtludu "I'('U tt l I1~hJ AmclIUUI CiH •I on aCIC, I !,l" q !! " t ltll l • II • \ '" I geL" I 'ux " " "" Y"C' /\ "" lIn~ (111 ' at- Itl ," ltY U l' 14 \ ' O. flcicntil i c IlIlU il1vlLllllLbl u cllre t~ ' 1' n,,, 5U o " ul" Hprains, tHe ll t . It. WllI s Ul'c h c u re \Oll I LaJlloBa c.k, M .I, I' nl ll ll', I' " . , \ \ III L, u u llll ' 1 1" I It' ~1 III t' lil .. 1 '1',1 < ' . . _ - _ .... _ - Durn8 tho worst 01 nil r1 i sca~ct\ , Dyspep ho x; :J IH, xcs fo r*I :-JrI, G t IO\" ~ $.2:,t1 , lIunt. "" . , ', i. I'" ,." .. I ,ON no~ .. .. IIt, f ~u ... u Il. ~ I UIlI! It. CrunlI) d, Hc "I . ,"' ,,, , 1 1' II .... .: ()\VN ~ , 1 '" 1l 11 ~ :\,ERH ILil (.II 11II\' IIcltlrl'RA , u ll 1'1 CtH It Ill' 111 111. 1 , 1110'1' , .1). 1~ltll' ln ... r I ld, IIII,d l' lilll , :"1,." , .. " 111: Hllt]'· \11 II•. I'V ,I, ,IIUI I " n J H 11' 101 sia, in 1111 it~ fur III'; , "ot hIkin g, I ly Ulplllc.IOll wu '" W e u l1l .. l l lll ur tll t!' Ih c · chllrtl i}!fl ('\I. · t~n 1) 1 tcal3, h b~' Ihl ~"A':'oi".l t ' Jhr hu "". l l Pro ' I II\' 1.1'"cioH ll llr C. ,l ~lr It ~ llav~ . . n uencco r t b0 e urnl1vo, I i l, ,. " " I~'II '" hll lll ... /t c,1 11\ !tl lt l I ,'\,' II ) .h! II glcln ' tutlOlJls I) !II • • • l .h , .. hI II' I 11 t l IH like most prl' pnration .. , II. 10111:\ tillle •NO,LI. ·I . \b ~" I'll" Ihy nll tUtll, " " "'I n ,' • v"ry " ;ttt ,\ \ III II ·" lit· . l .... I, ~... II " uo l' " ,' •_ _ how Ion..: 8tUlllliu R. I t is on ly Hf cr _ _ llI(lti _ 0 11 ' I'e· l fll ~s II., v 1l.' 1.1 gi I uRe ,l m)"!ilclf. lil'st by 1 1:0 1 ·11 but ",, ", Hf'\ ~ ' ·u. t tl cllre. I 11; 1{ \I , \~ }t; II : 'II O N - ".! \ .. I~ 1.\ lu l n ll uI II \· r ,. \.yl l'~ in th e I" lI l1h' p mpOl tio n . frl/ m d I :, "'I" ,' ,(u lh' , \Il H f)1I II . I ~ th II h l 1 11 · 1\\1 III lI CC"l$dury t u U5U i t fn ith fu llY u.nd Ilc r8C' or lO" !Y . !41''''u k rro lll flXP" 1'I ,IIH'{' t' ll H I~tn lll \\ IIh I II \!1 1:1 1' / .!..! l 'wl ,01 ' II HII ,l It ltlltH li ef, 1111 I ill II full' dny ~ th e patl o nt, illclllrllll g f j I'll lit! :-it 1Uft J'I' KII(J. lJ r; righ t -Ill I l\.c('o roJtntt l otb o ful1dlr e c lI 01 U \\ bll' h o. cC VlU- ( Id l ~ \\\II~ n t I hl t.l IJ , t tn d wltlt Il Jl fI ... ~ Uhpttl . l.· u t"p,"'rUv n Ll' l ' ld f 7:-, 1I1, 'iI \T 1', li' . '/" l il .... . :""'h~u ,\ 1.1 1" l "IIl ~ I'L ,\li "'- ': lIhl t1 itl (,: t tu ti ll' l' EUI' Lt: Aud ,)'vU hlll aurl.lly L D r c- HIIi 'I"" fl l thl' u u;, t i:l cnillpl u tuly enrel!, The clURO is S,'nt 11)' t':(l'rt'S t-i I t u ILlly tHl cil I'H);. \JU h '- I'noy eaoh boLtl ",. \ 1" lhl't' II , $ I :!. I'RU' ER . N o tlgc nt l't no com lll ie , ' rOil" AI " 1 . \',-d l ' h cor IlIl1prd g n Hillall , nut I\lIpl ·:LS fln t., ILIIlI will '1Ih e Rt' pi = qlO~ m HI I' ctHpt ~, f t 1llUC. PuP I I~ t\ t; 1.I1 11 111 N -- W'illt /'/" '11', MIOIIIC, n o ,IiA('ou n t " 'S 1:1.lth,$ , ' \ , , 1.. " YU .\1 111' Addl'I ' ~H nil u l tl(l )'Z. to Du. . S WA\' SLt & LAW SON 1/1/,, '111\ ':1. /11/ tllilily do 11 0 hal'lli. , ono Il f Ih e fiIl 0 !ll 1 1l I sl'l n~ ,.. at th o C l ili ol lu iat ~ p" :ulclplull il l'h , 1 ~\.I rlh ~1~ th ~t 1'; 'I ' I \' loIflll ""1 til \' IlI lId ",h"Hh' hll\' 1\ \ E~hil l iLl ll n, nlld "" ' Ie ulla nimolls ly r6t.'O m · So,' . :no Sold Uj nil d md ' I'tI ill motlicin e, ( .'''1 11 ' 11/ ,',1 ' , , .N uw 'u l o l)l'opri, 'I(lr -4, II 1I l." I'u l , \.li " 'tl U ~h , HIIII " j ,, 11I ~ I mcndc4.1 lor t.he U lU lIF. S r 1I0NUH:i . ,', 1'1(1/1 ,,1 ([nl,I.II '1I. 1 I8 uott.i(·, OO at $1 111'1' tiO LIl 11\: ALI, ORI \·.tl ll ulol u "t Hllrl lo tltl OIl IA" t ltu Itll l llllry IIlsl l" '" "" "ot , Mo nll ,,- ona or Iho ""~.'l _ __ it. t u lIlOu IIl· ____ .. w[tho _ __ ,,)1 II, .. T ry it nn ,t yo u will naver b e 1·111cll" , S, , III Ihe war!" , Th, :;qUnl'O Gr."d. c"nLlliu E bll b d 1H ~\Lt.I ' I I ~ ,11 110 11" 11118, ", dl i r F or iilll illg, b SA, or untilile ly J,(l'oy ' A /I I 1/'/ ,,/1,:/ ,t.11 ;.. i nds ,'I'h'J !IllUhll jt'Cl' • Molb " sb c k . n e ll' 1""eIlL UUpI 8' Ovur' l rn ng 83'. 1 I It, ' llul " U ''t.ll lli;"~ " " "~' d '-l l' uurut \\' .. . I bi,,· l", t 1111t J.!'ll I ' t;r CII IO<L Impro"e1l1 cll t ill IlrQ , Sc"I~ I ~ 1 'I~~":"~ Ol~~~~~;: )'In:rAHI!: D DY LAW SO N CIlEMlCA L Cll. \\,hl l ' " Iii! ~ o ll ~ ilL 1.1\ \' 1'>1.& q u lhfl l lU 01 ~ hUI" III \11 t, lIUI', ~so ":/I~' VII U! I t.M, of pinno milking. The Up rights .,e ..,....,""or dy ......"b tlto('or , CX (I'II ~ ltu d 1'(,~~ llI g,(,1e1\1l :lu<1 "r lH' .Ilto"k ur hQokA" o n Lh\~ Wi l t uf ~~ Ol u::? All purc h.L'"M " ,·live r."j i mmroi t, ,. ,\N tIlI CA. Don't. fil II 10 w ri Le "N~'" Llle ~. t lIt l' Ilicely POrtUIIl d TlItall y Uirl"l f C' h{\lIin ll I~ { 't hj '~ '~o n .lnf l1 p h Ito ~ r . 1 i.iIi.liiiil.iIii: OD~u.:';::." tlut. .. Olllee n.nd Lnborill ory 1IJG St. Clai r-st., with u llt o x irll hur t!'\.· , forl llu'lrnte,1 "nd Q~.crl pLi l'(, 0 ,,1 111 gue.,~ C Il k! a botU., N o, 3 , .. , EAST MAIN STREKT Im.,j lcd frco, ICODI!U T (JI ," IlK'H &; CO.. ..... J."e ~ . ' 1'1'1.1111 a ll otitel'R, ., O, lIla r h 14. 1 '7i OHIO. "YII".\'itl W LAND, 1/ CLEVE !~:~~:.~ ' t .CIX)(A 'I'1, ~~"".::~ "t!:~:'~ ••~=-v;;:;
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Three WlIlDD KachiDli ,ill do as much lork in oneday " four other )bcbiDea.
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DYE HOUSE ". .. ~~":,~
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t hlfOall'\l' N .. " .p .. ~r t nlun • h' JI U" "Ik __.., :\it. ... pa .... r ... Ion 1.1..
S. P.III lIW"H .-pnl",r t: .. Ion I •.(In("ln""U ~t ""PAlH'r' nlon • I •• pilJOlIChf"MI !'V .. n"ltM .... r , blnn L ......
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. TM e"oi.... '
"01'.''''''''''",_,"''''' Pn..e /Jmtd (or Clat.. log ....
On.e Dall"r cach
Rill 1)0 ~ Rrlelgrt '1\ hv d Oll t ) ou hrtng up til(' lemoll Hde? "Hlel M ," " on th e F Ollrth of TIIlv from the tIIp of l th e kItche n ~b lt:l' \, hv m Irm !!aId Brl(l get '1\ IJ1IIIg the s" Ctlt from 11(' 1 reel lace \I Ith her check d IIpron IS Ht (' pllt her he Ld rOIlIll\ the stlllr clI~e partItIon, wh) III flTlII yO Il the ICC J pll t In t he temollfldc IS!,() hurri thnt It tlllMn t melt ed yet th ough Its ~tJ rTlJJ ~ tt Hor the fir t v been for t he Ja t fifteen nunll teR or
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$1.00 - WHITNla:-& HOLMES
n wb am ,\ Sons, Manufacturer!!
...., Dlade
OaGARS.a Tlte Filla/' TlmM and Mo~t iJUrOb~ Mack III .... Ifu..... " .... 110'. II..... War n.ntl} ' II" \'e V"'HfI 8,'11 I for "rice Lilt,
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HOlMEli OllllAN CO QUINCY ILL $12 ••ou .t hom , A~n t ""''l' ...t O,,~"\aDd ' . .wi 1\'""
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' I ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON' I (/ 1/ ~ M "Pi l Ull.' by "P"1I 1/I II I I,,' Oltin~ "':-;Rt1"n ll lll, ... 1. 1I 11".II "~ l]1)It' ~, ",h,.. "" bdlnL II/I'1i 1/"" lIto irA 1'-"1'..' V / / , 11-.. O //J O "'./fi'· lIltll. T rB II/ lld !lOlL 11' 111 CIl--sv'I~H W -ll- RO'.'-', I-. - -l dO'He' 11
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1. 11" k'.\ al ':'t I' utll'" l l' "l d l III l.ltllANVN, 0 1110 l '" C IIII, "I I , tl , It ' I"I'P Itt! a ll, I - - - __ ,r ,. n ·k. I'" ~ ",,, I.. , ", ." In il' "un .... . 10K' 11 I l' l l 1 ' l ~ l " II, W I OLLS rLk .. , t () l dnll~ •. 111101 mAko 10CRI 18 J:S O · rn I u ,,' II III I I,,, Su ndll ' " ""l{' II" '" 1'1 a)' ('III" l-; 1I1j!;"" I rl' c'lllu: t ('d ll" n till c r. ", IIIII~ 111:1111 c> 1 IllS 11111 rh.m ' " "Hr) r nl"'" If'k,. 1 ", 110" MAHLON Rl D G E , I m8~1C" •. A8 F ~ SK IN 118 I Y W ,)" • •\: r ....le Tu..-n,h ,p OO l nCII\P '~ - MI .J " II .IR Jn ll lll·' ••JI ,nut! 11I' . lllIlt 11 1.. 11111 1111 \,I u li t.) lit tli l! \1",\ LHtl')II--n I' Ill e l "it·tI, \11 /(11"' I g: l:.~ m... ~I J I ::'r" ,".\I , " (' .. tnl'lIn'm~d:.n II\M". .. r dllll g: htt l 1. ,.1 ~ t.\lI( .\ \ 'llld ll\ "\II\ I ~.1 B I~ IIVI' 1I1ltluc .Itl ·1 !t CU III 1<'UIiCUtll l! lIll li ltl tlt"""'.1 ' I.J)RS)tOnaUIC Jl.Jllrurr lUlu ttltoroujthl)hollchos the cc ta c ln "" 'n .. "oh" .... llh at " "dock l' rn f\) I t I II I V ' Ill V,l lICu 10 h '1i"P.."",Qol3a, o:' ''', ~1l If... nDl f ~ ond rlmlIANI. NTI.\ 11~.AUT II:'IiM Til l: or,lvr "I .h' C.,m l"nv' I. It. r l.sook. Pr.. tlr II I IS' III '.t~ltl ll1 d. ·OYCI1I'I •• l·.) .. I tlte !ttllch. I!XIJlbll.UIl, II'tl l o ~h t!ll t !tllC Ih t Ully ~,""\.I!OiJ~UJ,",, "",IJIO!), ImA!Im-1ID:n1E'i~1Em , IQOMl'L&XION With II ce lLo'nLy 1111 11 11 ' H I'G ..... . l\o·(·r. fI' - E b ltl)l' ll l\.>I ' I k.'l'I'Io II IIJ IlI, I \ Illlt1 kllld tl ll l) IllI n g alth n ugh I ha tloJwllh d e lig ht by ,, 1.1 .11,,1 l·" .. .. 'I . .. ~ ... olu,, ~e,for lb" f... "", IIA.IN ..T.··---·.WA.YNInIIVILI,II. kuo\'llltollnytlrtlcic e lCI tn len I !'(! , , If t I I , ~ I ~ r \\ 1 )1 I I k 'j'l .... t I J I I t, l' hI l RI.Ltlldnnl I\Il \ cl. \\h l Ul thl I"t' . ... h r'o LI I I ,II '" ~I IU:TI~' I0 I III"'" 1"1\ I ,' l-1I11 11 "1 I' III~ .1/-('" , II <Cl \ CI Y 1lIC':lIl S IIV\\II I youlIg .e ",llrc UIII IV UI! IlIll ,,1" ' '' .. ''0 1"'ok . .. oll. I" ... 1,1 fr .. m $1 W "' AN NA~tEE M n r la purpose \I ll! (.r It"",, ",ur"I1~ ~, tF"II 'I~h t ill \ll' ~1 qlln llt\, c h e llp III Cils h III ' t u cV lIIl' e l Ih e c hul ch t .. 1('1\10 g' ~ II I1 I IC ll~tllbll ~ h[1\CIlr. In 'llIt",' r w h' ~I ~'V.II (\I", I.n ngod 1I",1 "" lhlld~ d J f o r ' UF )(B\.. ~'VKK, lL I lJ lDphnllCBII) tlJ~ lem cd l' fllr :~~:'.:;'M~r"~''tl;-'o'~;oc~ : . ,, 0< Ir,1 I - Ql lt tl' a :lI lIl1 b' l fl Ull1 VIII UI" IlIl K I C.111 [!lllll u Ih e m C l rCIl~, IIIIMl!l1lll. lI1alllli llJ UII~~I nil lit ""I ~ ..... ",. I!"e I"" • • d a~.j~1! 3!1!h "" r.~t. I'h ll.ddpbl•. s ALDS unLi Itl ItN S . InsLl1n~l)' rc mo v II I I I A' I L \ N \ R I., \I, . \I 11 00.1 20. r . whoro he "" I .o~ I'lt" nl' from Ih l 8 .. t II I I " 'FII,' II '1 ' rl Sl , Fn'<'~III) ·h,,,,I1 .n Il lltt glllll ltl, LlJ " r l, cUl gt \1 \ t' I'~ p",I I/ ls, hut nt I'IIm pmoettll' llr t'clltllr\!~ ,ullJthcb t111 tll C8 v •• n OI \ 2 I() H~H\ l l f;'~ I.ENI 1•• \It •• Mu totb"loth nfo .cbmulllh All cl"""."l l lnga 80rc li OKK \VltIOIt~ 1'"111.111\1 \\' '''II"-::;.rv l",. I,,111 )", r.ut 11,,<1 Ihlr<1 fU Il It\\' II I " I ll o UI U t lto 1.11t I du\ c lltllclt . tl luy alo 1I11111dUlab l: lui cltarwls. balld W.Igu IIS. VIIUd, lock no Ch ...,",Cn••c •• o•• uco••• full y lr . ..ed M.S - e ifeC l1nll1l cnru III o very IIl Mt llll CO .1>Io ,lh ,,{ " u h m"nlh IIll\l~ " " ,,".1 7 • d 1 I I . I tab l I J I J \NF. E\,R b C lIr .o' . oJuulol c no w~ lIulle hOftlm' "t~holl I' atllu lltfll ~ d •• ,on" l A s tI I' ro v cnl"o lind rOlDod), ror J' \I TId' .1 A ',,11.1111 . f- II1 .Ut, I.. -,.r - Eh!:rh & 1111 I ~ l l t \\ ti l Itl rill It t' l ell I 04 l1cst . . U ill cal'll, upen p~1 Olllllll~ ell" ~ A" 0 \1 A' 1\ \ r 1 It 01"" It. li d,' 2u c CILII wr,te "'I,IO'DI . • ud h ~v" rem.dl eK ",,"I GOI T .lIHI HII ~ I A T ' 8 ~I, liS C tl ~c L" LIO Clll Crt; 1)1 L IU r •• ".r All nn .\or.I1.1I1 111111,, 1 hI nt l"",1 ) .. 11 1\ II I, I hl! H ,clill ll' II J PI "I\' t ile gll'ut N 1I1101l1d 011 IlJ p- JlJ COtlll' A lI.u , 0 1 \\ tld bcns ts l ol ld 1111111111\ I nlJlt :. lit F: III ,\ 01\ I N III F:.., \"1' ''1 • I•• t Ill. m&11 AUlph let c" utlitlln!! 1000"monl.I. orf' reu" wontl r(1l1 F"",,,,,~'M " ';"ISI. !TILk,"t . -~r, dtnJl i l - Il llt I II ll1du ' ( Ihl! ll\l l'l~vld lu I11\ I t u tl is p e ll e With th c organ, n Olclt'l'd 1'1 ~elJ t Irllly II lIIa~ II I " I A" I D\ Y;;O FI'I)\tP ~" lIlIl .. , r Ilk 0 .ure • • lfect"l. .cull rrolUlIny.ddrc. J 0 f,., ,I" Ill" .. ",,1.11' "" r) F"" I""j F""Tlf, l' I • II I 1' 1 ,\) ' !ttt t 1 11111 SVIt Y tv ~ll) t!tu t I W a:! Lv I\Hr.lcll lIlI sc lJUlIl . I I! I bo lvit ~ \ Il ~ \l 111<' 1IF' 00" F.I,,,t ,I ' ubl. III) -,Oe it III 1'1 "1/ ,' p I V/' t! til'll '!I ,,/I ~hl' 00 :I!!" ":I . 'I 1,,1 . 1 ,,·k FIr-I-O .. , "CIII ~I\lk' ;~ 'I ' 1 1 I I'llh dld l e~ul'd~u hvtlto III Ctltl'('1I CVl;1I o llc l e ll ",r OXll")I II ',II . ll ll J 1~,fli\R~U~"I: L\1 1 1".1" )1 .. ry ~o.. l I d1lU' fl8 1'1I 111,,1 'II ~ (01l1ml/ /I. I£'(/lp'; • , .. , 1 " " I -. 00'1(' I - - Itt, 1\ , " " '-~I I Ilt c .1r0 C '.1I1t1 I· I he ' I II II vI t II' lil t> t cm I k '. r ' h ltu d, III ' I OLI)M\ P:J J. I. ION hY l'om l1l fl lit ,(I n / ,'I£' I 10 LI(1" I " , 0t 1: ('I'. I'I II -TI, •• ' R" \I OU'''lt t o dIll)IJ tlto CUIO I' \IO\~; ) . by D ~l1'~.'''llIlll 11' ~ " ,ck "I bl,gUli t leuJ I I lb " l ci ll. , )fle 'Th C' P 18( !. /. I • l P •• I", Oil ""O" ,c,,,,\1 ~ ,,,"11I1. til HI ll l l1 d \\ Itl. tlaatlllu"lcbll~ IlIlgl ll' t. lI CLIVOIIII P UII :lUllIlIl!ch.II ,lc t e l ' . , e as IngtOD It'JRoute ,II Itl .ld~· ,11I1t 1l1l" "UII .. III IrlL'SI ~ I I- !!r. " II OM ~t\ IN 1\ II I rE W (·otll". !2Oc ' S p 111, ~ I I( 11I (I II '.~ fI ,t.(" I 12 0 ,1... 1. , \l lu,I G I ~ I \I :;.. 1.",1 . • 1III It l elll:l ltlllhro u " hIIIOllt e 'tln' t>Jblll tLh c tlAdle3 t'.III· I'~ .,"11 1.. 1 \II IL O~ I II ~. f L O ... ,~ FI." t 2/10 1 - - -- - R4IN B. Jtl'I '~~ 11M IJ Ul\re 1 )1,'s U u LlIIJ !!1 11 110 cltt' 'I ' J q I nd ~III 'I f II L ' I I > 1 h . " ". . . . ow • • I' M • • " 1\l cll lltlLc kt v m jOl,lclllll c h - (ltd , l l!dvll' \l~r) o tl\ ' .• 'ld'llId " Iltlg A ~IEHlCAN".SA10H'I, ,,t1up e20 · B L " j I"" n g ccr '"IllV p \I \1 111 fl'I\ ~' " '\ .. I IoI .... ".f _ ~I r Lold It' 'l it It 'lIc r, ti l r:l I I I" J '11 I f II I I I'I~ I (I !';~ l)~' IIII I E W "I,,"t . •I()c i t I (,)"1I1'1'~ Dan d1'uJf, {lIld P I'/! ' J I 'I .~LII"n 1\ llh .. , .. (' ,'n~ll M... ' er M't ' AUI .,l1 dllt; IIlt lll " l l·., " ol.,'I IS~(· I'\ d l c 1\'I 11 J ""Ill " ' 1 uC'Ll ena ,,, 1 01" 1 I IU 11 1 0 ' " . ' " " 11I1I ~ " IH,AI! ... ~ , II El W, k,.'oIIlDA !/I1e ~ " '111" 1' 0 ', tl ll j'ro'n f.'llZ-ng n~r 1 d I I . ,. 11 ti I I I ~ " /I I, '" • "V r D"H'" Drlljl- lI.r. t\" .." ",1 ... ,,,,, ,1., It ,lIe. lI s li n I ISClll u l CU bv HIl Il UIIL IIS""IY WI II I Illll\, I I(II MO!.A 1.• 0 I Ito. ~ '\1,,1. "" ~>()~ . ' • "f , "h ul ""rh. \It 7 ..'t " ... k 1' 111 11 ..1 "" II.. 11 till L ,zzle 11 vl'k Illd 11II1 ,It '11i ~XC I" - I I ~ \I I II J q \\ II I" II IIl1d , 11I1l1 f, allJ ' Ilil dtml y alld 1'1 tl c ll v " I" Ih t' Zoo.. I II f Ii " . 1.1 " II Al '" F. \; UIt I II . - - - - - -__ ..::. _ _' (II' (It 1'1)1 119 pI f lllfllurel!J gr(JY / r.. "rl " ~.l" n\1\ ,r ","I, m"nr" " I ' . .... I. 1,,11 l .) Iho 8 l,l dl r l ' H ,IIll C Ins t I J I I D l t 1'( ' 11' ANIl 1' 11 11 1 OF 10 1 I" 1 1'IIIJ ,,)'lI o /'l (fl t, QllI ok at a ll d 07ll y l I t cO lllpl e LI' II' DIPINt· .. Til LfoTH I p il i tn,·" , CU ,t Illllllg II "". " " ' ~ I.. IlI leo \ , fI '" l Oe I) t R t '/. I Ny f,olll lh e Hit k room or .. ' K" " '1 I II, c t "u l I lIlI arpd p )--hllt th c l o lIg 'c a 1 tLtl . l a) ~110\\ It , .. Uon.'. ilL II'Ufll . lit ' 1lIlIlIa ' ula tl! ptl nl)' u l l l' l'l c tu COIl ('ctltlll .. I \~ t1 J .\11 11 11 aI . II IP Il I N r ERIl" Marv!,) H.. IUe I r eo 011 6 - " ... - - '\l ls 'U II II! T. WII1[l S" tI , l it " UI ltelOlCJ i\lct l"JUl blll \\110 I" C n ' lllti(" ) II C 1I lI l " I lin \ 11 It 11,,111 Iml'regnlltcd " Ith ,. I d \ut rdIIrl I-TO lt Y.b) ,\ru. !!~ 'I W!SIII:'tGTON !ND B:\LTIMORE ( HUUUW. 1""'I'I"I. ro ·.c't rtCh' ••III'".·lm,t.h""w MI llume .hlts b~el1l)11 II \ I'ry 'C r\t·tl,t hl·rl! l c<Juld l ll l.,uIIUII UI IIl e lude, b U:; ld u. 11\11 11,.\, .. 111 11 " ., IC Hl ttLEII)II'IA IION III I , WI.hDlndtJ. . ...c . . . f.r GLENN'''' SULPHUR SOAP r 0 l-. . ... ~",~I h "..HIt I'I," "Mot olin I. ub- 1J1Cl\tl.ll1t " ISl l 1\ ' II CI CI>11 5111 tlt t' .. llIp Wltlt v ut Illl l h l ll g I II IUU I " 1' 111 .11 ,," <1 Il rllill'l.d "11t " ~I t l'~ 11 ' 11 ,I .. rf,. It" "", 10" Richmond Lynchburg No.J:olk .) t UIIp.ll hv ,,"nvrKY li u Jl P", IY.1I111 I\Y I1I tl lh r ~ , Ot.n ClH l f'ls l l V' SHOP J)i~L 'I , .. ,:lOc ' J ' ·11 • "'ru"u ( 2 h atilt ). b) U>1I114 flu V.N ~ 11N!l'b a\illI, ])"IVI1, .lII d k,lIt·r . IlIl1kt: III C alrulu llllt th c (ll'" l'lo d l' lf u l " I!a~r! vr nnl1l1 <', HI.IIII II1 ,! 10' I 1'1 ,\ \. b. Ch. ". Il l'l ol O l Oc i AM n Is II Spuijir. ln Ih 080 OIlNOXIO UIl DI . ·IJI).I f·LlIWr. I ~ 1,,' lIld you Il< • ,1" 1U W Ji Il1I 11 t o n IlcCldl.J t v 1111\ a vrgll ll 1 hHo I e l'r <lll il .trIll II , l,f II .RI I lou , 1'\1 " II \ ~ tI:> j) II I FV,. \\ III '0 C"II,nli. :!fle TIl E SO [ITI I .E A T . ) ; \ 118, W b leh hll ve !tenn treRted her """,,,I"lt .u Hnrpr fruRI "ny of tho cITe'O l. " f k \\ hcl ' Ell rl ,. lIlid r~I'"ll1 I C,1 at th c III:ud vI lit . 1I11day \:r u f <LUillllll l'" I,.v Jl Im .lI ll " 1111 I III f. " 'II I In... LJ,;, ..\ ' \. loy • 1 to(ore with 'Sulph lLr OtnJrrunlt h.1\ 1)' t!1 ~)1M:\' Lh nr CotT1pl uud l mhtn"la on ' nu It v W :\1 l I II 20 Philadllphla "'e- York BOlton I g tl d f " C , .. N. • 11 ' l' I f li I L I N II rtIJ M.t tll ,ellll.,1 II lll.1 t il l r(!IlHVII S I cVlllJ II1I1 IJ IIl1d 1t1,1I1 ft~h ])""1,,, 1II I .rv "e. ''' . - 0 . . . . ft • • n Ie II vBntliRe 0 velng ,,="0 . such u .I('k li d I(I IC , II p,hh"n U l Ly ti l 1'\ lUI ) are . , t' t I I Pt" ,.du I,,, ti l 1' ()l, k~, 110"" 'Ullt ~ i' .8· 1 AS" IlifOF FGN81VK and NUl ual; to t it lI ,nrl I'lIr!' ,,, •• 1. lI .. bllll,,1 "~' v... Slr 'l. t Tlt ey ri ll all kllld ~ \I I Cll" II CI,r UIIJ ·1. tU lld, ,t . C II1~J Ilk II' '>. lltgl)1 II C, \\ III II'IIC' "" - I'" " •• d. r, .. , "~"t I"" n ~ p,,·,,",d. "II r,cllpl '[' I.J L~ E A .., T I L l . J 0 k I d ~ '111ltH III I II I II' .. I''''"') I ""] r_ 0 0 ulDg 11 ," DI".~ '" CtVI ur lil t l-":aJ. Ncr.. " " J ro t I I I It) J ltl ILIIU ItI • tl'II"!t '1 . 11 11 \) 'h o l I I o nltll lt ' C~ ' 1'y ,. 1'(, 1', " Lr ,''I I N 1, 0 . • ~ I ' V I I', ilL"" " Irlllt .... l ,u \\ ·1'1T1 tH&U. ' U"I ......Juol.uf- JW \\, VI , Sltf') lid Int'~O BIOC lllh' ipr nnothcrday 'r, ,, d.,,,,, tlr Auut< 1 a lJJ (JI (III wwk . ard CI)IIC llldcUI " rt· II1 I1VO III U. l cu ll , "'"CU" ~ [I'lrtm ell.t t lH!Pc \\ It .. (l ~ I ' I "n.I !!;,I.n .l . ... ...... r "'l ~ Y lruler. du lrlng ' ' ''''1.". 1'1 'I 0 " h ili. UItJ Idl rcn t ltl~ u"k ill" lI R 1 heu bl!ell ltg lt l III IIl1vel , dallng, ltX lll lu l n Il Ig I' 0 11o, '.t.,j 1II .... lIr, Pie .......... c-_r•••• "I" T .... r OIV"" w,tI «Ii \ 0 lOU .. I nlloe holtl,.,.lll., .. t... lu.~ ul.r "' ''" 7" (cn'" - I \(,,, ItlSl',s wc n s, ' I d I [ til I I - - - - - - -- - - - - -- 1>.... 1>0101) ""'" I>y " II fh.. t. la.. Druarw; ..... . Dillon, g l\\' O pUltl 08 at th ll.r re~ VC I \ Ic , <,t d t .) til e Ill tele· t s lif thc l ao c U lOll ~ ') HlrdCUIRIl . h,.uld ",mem"" Ihat Ih. The heoenclol res ulLS or /-lulllhur til Ihe t 'l\l ttlll lu, '. I,I~ ' lu e ll O s 111 IIItr! u I (I I ~ 183 Carrio M nhlmtlt eclt uv1. .\IId n u w d o not at Bill \> 1l.1It} ph l s kill w.jtl !tllli BA~TI MORE AND OHIO R H" n..~hR oro too well kUOlI1I to req'llr com lll t' llt Tlte l·tfec LS of GLENN'S ' i Tlt o IDpD" n, whl c " \\ (,1 I HI ~e l y ut tCIiU N UL o n ly "ns I le ll lUvcd, Ib e lr eX \lt cr •• t lolJ lIot lIll ly lul ll ATTENTION I ' l&celehrotedforUt n t Clldo"U by th e l li u o f tlwlug hilt "IIC - ulltiat y III 0 1nlll r, 'U)tl ', tIll rcul ,zcd bUL SIUr l~ HI ...... ' t:.a .., .... IIIple..... H ••".., GNI'" SULPH-UR SOAP 10 Lhe h IlL" III C1 , ' h c m i I) t 'I \1 ) H~••dr.l l........l. . . . ".11 e-,. Lruly CICCLl IIlIlI , compl ut e l" (tcOd l,.1 ____ _ _ _ _ _ t ull C(l ll .~ n t /J./1iI !} ~IL ( "' ,~~O I, 11 Ol~a ll p l VmltlCIl COl! n IC:l ltlC'} "I~ II I ) . ' 1.:. 1k" .... lIo~ • • • ' ••I... Zl tlg 011,' 0'" U IIC ClllOUllllltlllS 1111.1 ' TA1 E I - F\lt\kcy& II SriiluilleIUCOO\\ WLlt> Us ulllthe cx erCIS('S,IIt\ d ,c\\·I I t\. e Mllirk I Ll" P el. te SIlIlI~,1I PURE LIQUID PAINTS .r '::'"::'~I-::;'."'·' th o rough II purifY."Q lIlt filII" 'lI.~fure m ee th l! sch oo l bllil Ill c rcaseu III ' " ulld e r til (·1" rI rldel ~11l81el' W II "" 1 111 InoL I~ 18 the King oJ gl "~ 0 '"'' n t - "I e....., UII"Olln ' r WII I, ~ l,flOl1ng cx trao rU l lltll y bal gain or III 11 11111 hel-; hut tltc \'rvsl'enty ClllIlI Ot ltc. V,lli Zundt, \\ I,I" u llt II d ,) lIltt HOU~E ,PAIN rERC!1 COLORS . 1I1&/l rr.l II (111" I,~ I I I' ! . (I1/l "/ rl,e butl" • H I II :;'O"I;:"~, of W "rroll Co un t> I" ~ ah(\o~ fUI l "dll'R IIl1d clatldrc tl Nnw I I.u 1111 II \ II I II " t IIe 1' li lli' J III/! J UI" I. U 0 I as II!! all!] ft/!, I' f-in e! Svup, for U,.llllng aod Toilet- purpu • ,I k TI 00 lJllJUlI1.". II' I I C 0 tlI Il' 0 f IS )uur t l nH~ allu n l) 1111 s tn e ( 'Lll i.l ul " t.u for rL·d~"CllOU Lu t.I It " ' " l' t kl I ' hUj.;' t.HU1Vlh' Ih .. !t IN '" !t U (.·tl t lnnof s ell ', I ,lc froo,tho:l,1 nlllo".1 U,. plICe lUI tl; O 'ltl.llll' .u'cnstu ill s il (l(' Cultl dO. 1 1\ us muc h h1l rt bY l cy l'O n to I'; 1' ll lICl p,t n ,·"I"," III1r1 o.. n -lIllltr.Lt.t"~-"l· "'AIN'f~. 1 l rlo l ubJ tl.e, th o doc'"lOlI of th e U 1IIV',. J ' tl l1 ~ btaltO v i Ilfi alrH 1"-, thlllk Ihllt clOlln, bllt h c IS tuv Wl·1I kll Ol\1I I h", ""' ",lI l1l1f, rL" ,,,1 f,un. , hll VI" ) h()Ht !. LilIA ,LV PALACP.· C,A R ' DJrechonl - !t'or D,u oj ,Iii! cr,,\iu D,.LI1cl C""v~ \l II"n Do lor t-Jkcs Ill>' ' to runllllO "U n'", CI IIIII" I .ulIl t hilI< PI .." "" III " . .... d lII, xcd H ...... , hr 11111 Wltlle '(;1 ., . J)UlI t IHI I to go and Beo t it 'ulJ I •• lId 111.11 k • ' \\I\~ t u bL) Ivr ~ "1 ' UI m e ll t h ",f",Lhf"lt yu mlwl lll .. b,lt ty",,"'oo d ll-011 h CI rotlllll It 1111 D ,, ) tltll k I I I I 1 let IICI" Olllllllo rlit" ' , r ' ~' o I "r LI .... " ... I ,.. ' '' .. III) SIt'hUll',""I ,IJ' ., .. .allire Sian IlIllh o fr ee lv and Rpply IL Llttlic 1 11It: I'U rt of~ tprm BlUlforth n.t roll8U llulld -, M dDU III Ll c CllllC I \ \ l CrU Ie '" ... Il l .. l' .... I l l 040I d Olltl1\fllu r l'UlIlIlI u,ltlll ll lll I IUlnu " ! h c t.w(o nthc l)ri ll (" lptll hther lterore re LlfIlI g oll o w\lt~ It It> U,"o ll. l.. nll>ry,,, ",,odoll tu r !l,v... g otllu<r. l llIs t'Ihllltlduy,lllid "he n lIelli I r I Itl I!d 8u l u ngi Itwa~ t 'Ju IIluch ~1I\(llillt 01 cltara(~I C r v( 1 1l1~ I'UI l'u •• o,IIe,11I 'OI ' ( rt ll ~r'I'''' " ) .II .. r,I.,h ty . WE!j'..EI&NA:t:48TEI&NCITIES r CfIllI lR o\' ur night For Stnld, nlltl 11 • CODd wn ... ,6 I. ~1I t1tlro -elCH."" C W Stn mp's fUIIll; 1\118. R e ttl u A ntl th e l'l"tl lll~t Ioau Ih c IIUJ IlCl ty 1.. 11II.1Il 0U Itu~ e,e r ,b,u(m \\ . til e , ~ 1\ IIlIc ...·, .. ",,,t 1'~III1 I) .. f 1I1I 1. h 'I", Y w,lI .Dum, &\.Iply Lhe IIILh er Irellly tn II I" <1 I h t II I l ", 11 " ~r",," k !Il k, "' 1,,01 "Ir .. " I IVOIrk " " rThrollgh 1l1 kel nlSg."o Chec k. uttlwhll ,,<ls oC tt." Dewocr,,1.« or Untl or , U OI)kJ1I' Io o r80 too 1. si ck WIth Ofl it C UIlJ 'VurrclI Counl,"" J \ f lo pluy \\ It I! 11 I \V.III tl, t re tv ICIIJ 1 til n il CX II I ILJ II It: glill " " It cl vllh p rf.~ t f~ ,....lnlll ,,,"11 rll", '" ... .. 'l'h ey ~I\J .e OJc lIl 01 1" 1\111 < Ie 1111' 0" All< OlD .. Ireete d parts, anrl the filII lind 11 '1111 M~ "Y DEMOCII\TS Illld d lc III U lOtlt l l t <') cII IIllnul c~ t lte Bll1gtl\' \Ill S ut!dtll~ IIISIIII I" VCCS~IVII II l1 d t h o Vil li 'II~ o ll t"" h ' " ulgh IrullI II II> It.. I" r )lllt,, " "III ' h. "",d","", •. etc "rl,ly.t t~o 'irlckol Offieo wLll h e l emo \'o(1 IInm cd",tel" - r'O I' \II .. r .. n Co . O. Jul)" I 77 ' n ft c r ItiS Slclll CS lICC.LIIlO 1I1'1'.1I tv IIIJtlry II'I 0 Ullt! wlllkeu ollt i CX lllblt lV ll ri. )l;t\e ll fle e u Clllrc lh l' OI l ,1." If IIt>Mltlvch dc, .. u.. . lrlllO.. tlle.r nr .. 11 prl1lclp" I I''' mI K GUll', RI,tlllllu'u m, Sprm n• • .Drllldfil ell t Thc allllllni \\ lIH w li ith ab o ut 0 1 tl. " "l llll .It, ulIL til" IIl ce llll' \l ClIl Rhv \\' IwCet nu COlll lll ll llt III ~ fill pltT.' t) II lId "'1,or.unly I NORTH, SOUTH, EAST &: WEST. and (Jill. fippl) cloths w ·11 81\I'Ir Jlf'li llf1181011nttc ndnntup o n ex- I ~~ ~ I I I I I h" 1""" ..1, k" '''11 tit. E It I1UJ(~t:y. L M C(,LF. . S140 unl YI '\·.··1"." 11' •• '1 rl"I,'1 T A"'I With a L. on~ Hol llt\t)n - For Old ,\I I .• s If Il u thlll' h c d hlll)I)O Il~J F o r J lip tu ti e I'IV. "ll dC;, II IH IS till Y ... ..k, ~ ,\,. t;h' lU\l tll 1,1,, '" I I (,I~CJ dl ~CII ~S IOIl s~lrcc ly e" lIlI ~ t II 10 I ' (I I f I tI I I ~ Sorn (Illd Ulru. IL IS Invlllu"lol u '1 1 t n llll t ' Iy , I hu\'c tlte Ily tn l'"tlty un d /I mOd o nl lullcltlg lIlelll ll rU) • ,I:U 1 '/11 I lJ1 r "" v V"" " " ' "" ~ I' IH(I '~ l' II \IlItY. I'HIl'S Ii SH ARP Uso rrcllll R ~ " 1I)IItln -For II 1>1 " tll.ll c alls c u by the cOlltllltlul clyVALl AnLF. {I/ TI CS FO UNIl IN CIII,I I'I I ~I I II l t'lt() 1 tl . o 1' /(11 11"rlll fIld eu l d c l",ltt I~ IIJ \V 1I11l1 I:! I' I II wlt_r IlItrood""""''' I" tho "":,!o I.) II. " " ..., 1 Woot r~." A ell l Muterl'r'n n I h b W tJ A t:ll lcc lIII d ll; 'u v n .. I UII .. Ik III t.. , " ",''"'', II I I.. III"t -ulO lI1 \ c n ll\ \J III Olono.noliv Dlun \I ~ U ,. Ing 0 1 Lit O. ) Jrtb y \\' lie muy c, AIUU. N V U NI~ G cl ,.lI gu \\111I lti Ills t tv Illy I lk lll~ kiln nil III All tllll> 611ll1u \ !ld t \\ l) rlJ ".nOo1r.lllll . . . . , dl « l. ",,1\ " nt «h fru'" 'I - - - - - - - - - - -....- - - - 8l 1 0 tl~ 'suds 88" \'IIIRb . extt'.tl ll Il V s ulfc I I1I 1I0tnA se \ 'r o nttack o f l l'a tch to Lito CllIClllllatl UZl'lto ' ll 1.1' I' ' l t ' o IUIIl1l 8\'lII cltt IIILI; n o WOlllrv I. 1.l lJlh. l'cr~ .. tl"" 1I 1t.' .. .. cthlllkol .. ll) t d on tI IC 16 t, I Ill S t ., s uy!! . I! uU 10tVCS I U,III. Igwn ISI 'J 111111, 1 I WI "'" 1 anll by illJ CCtlUIl n,ver /1/1/' I I CI d18UI J c r~ d ue ( ',lI I 1C, I Illll'I<lM II I OtI t ' 110 I VIII urpl'CC IIIS Ili' nlld i ~ tllly 1111 I"''''" 1I 1\11 IhC k • f tll'""~ .. r",, 'II' tl. " Stomllch Ilnd 13o w e l8 DI '1'1 l c U10~t IlItOH'Btlllg nllol vlli jll l 1/ C; I}l e, a ll u I"('S S )0 11 III 1\11 (. , ~ w"l" r ,. " .. .. .. I w,lh I"I\I ~ It 'wt 0 11 I) d .... 1 I ( , ,v 1) b _d d bl tl t I - rC\ IVlLl exc lteme llL Ho IS de(,ldcd, that IS CltLIIIII!() to r It lty the Ia O I~U I .. t,oy. , I.« " u,ly. "ut. III .. vcr) gr I\t •• !.ont. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP Bull s uU y ) r ill' 18 Ibe nn un 0 rc ICS v pas t ages In Inv e I I t btl h ulIl o ulld \\ ur tll' 1)llIllrlCtv l 1111111 I... II,UI O. IVUII . ,," whi ch "II 1,,",,1.... 1 lII.m l .. t Y VppOdU I) urgllll s , 1I ortr J 'k f I I I d d III tl losu , eler hc e n I OIlUu,. '111 W IlI!CII.COuuY II IOClII UmClIl: ' tl tl k dtl I b I. _ugerILlltlg l!lttlclll.lUly Ilg0llts IUlw' .... 1I l\ leHtllllllU,IJ\''' o wpro- I IS tllr;;~KF'lI IL\ ~. NIt" II H IW 0\ TII-: IIlgly 1IIiu fili alld <l1~It CS8 111 g dl 60 nscs 0 1 \ \\ 010 t'x hnm('d UII the 10th III Bt., by ,',II I 10 a s 1(; 116 urgan tv 6 .~ 1,IYe _o r .. , In ",dvr lu ... uko " ,llIr .. ltl .. 1"'1111 ~~ ~ r. Cu tllltllllTlt\\ lell I UrU- C Qllu C t - _ • • - -W. tl"nk fr '" n tlto"tl\lwll ont \1(' h ll vo 1.' M~"I ' ''I ~llt"IWNII\' 1 carly c llI LJ I. oou , In place 0 1 uUll go r - II sv n u f MI J til. ll ,~ytl (l l II 11 til ", N ufllm I I) FAItMEltS,- - WC (lll; 'M,IIl. that loll)"" '''lIu''l f,,,1 I.. at once OilS OplU1I\ !lnl 1\'I.o lpllll\ prcpuru- n m o tll,,1 uIIIIIS iillm Illi the 71111l1l11 lit o rn cotm. I3l1t J klllll tJ t bcl ,e \ e " OIY UIIX lO ll d to gl!tlOl'olts (/1 Ih e pnr,e . vo tl"L lhoormltn .l ll,lIl" h, .L pr" I I t lUUS 25 CCll tS p OI bvttlc \ ){,ve r, half 1111111 0 Ilbvvc Uu , h e ltl , It IUI"o yluld~ of whellt III WartCII ",,,led by lmylfljl .... r LUI'",I I'" ml. (, 0 I. I II tlte lIIe alltlln e, I tltreatell t o C ., Iv ur " ""II ... . ) 1I("",oo til LI... " . "u1\ ",\ , A, I{ "OR -_ • _ (lI ,d clgltt VI lillie ITIl lcs l"" luw / UI t I Ollllty till:! 8CII~ v Tl so all Lo le t vIII I..III1 18 refllrred to I ·ou C 'I, · ·, BY D b 0 I' & St I I!IlV ' tl, c clturch I CUll s tllild blllM r •• om • 11IC ln l1l1 I , ' AIt CI\:lIt Tho 1I111 Clcs CO ll ijl ~ t ul l l!a llC\~ 1111\ I! 1111 idc ll 01 tlt o WIt OlLt ::lumplu curd. ulld pTIMH ~8 "t Ire" III lip T dE 1. Itt>! tIIg, Lvuis R:lIl ruad COo, Pltll HanJlu to n ax cs , liS Ih <.)), at e clllled, U halt b ltl1ll s .\t PICIIICS. IIl1d e vull tlt o o r prlldlH t lu n u l Lim CO llllty. ..I" .tI"n ~:rn ~ ~ TAKE NO OTHER. R Ul C, I\ 11I s ell tltro ng h CXCUl BIOIl l 1I10"0, uIU 'l1: 0 c llolt c ll, lInd l'.\ltot' I!Jlllllt utllClchIllChcs,hIlLll v t\\IIl'rc Wltlttl\l s tlbj c tllll\IC\\WIl IIIIII. C BAXTER, BELL &. Co .• , ~. ~. tlckel S it ll llll'lIIICIPlti p"lnto on Itl! 0 tol ll illbly 1\c11 PIC-Civet! I,UIIIU" llt cv b((, 11 acc II:! tol1t : u tv 1(1,11\ My tlt e Ivll ')WIU' ujf~1 '}' .. Lh c 1"1' 10 Murray St. New York I PRICE, CENTS per Cake. hIlOS, 011 Jill) 3 0t lt and 3 Ls t , t o all s ke loto n Tho UI O 11IppCl pmy c i " tllfLt tlte pllWltl v o s lmpl l K'm I l'l' lI ltl ll g!; lit o !UI gObt 'yI, IJ "I ullol Do dor. III d98ll'1llg l O o.l t(, lId tho Republl c nf\ plal cs \lllyin g flOlIl SI X t o IIII1C III c ' l)' o j tl, o c111lleh 1Il."y h e l os t')led wll ~at pe r nCl e, 0 1 Llt lJlI 0 \\11 lall'l -One lJo v (3 O(ll.;e8) 60 (}6 11t 8 btnw lNllvcutit> 1I lit C lol'olulIJ , .cIIlJS 10 llg /lIlU 110111 tllrce til IUIII Bllt I 101 goot tho Serlpturo nrg u- Illg, ht:t\\ COil n ow I\nd NOl c mb e l The WELLS TEA COMPANY For Sale EYerywhere. by Drug Augus t 1 s t. R Ctlll1l tlckcts goud Illches \,,'do at VIl U cnJ, ,I n ti OIl C lII Clll ug<lIll ti t,~ho UMU I) IIIIs trnm e lll.!! l tit, 1877, wo wtll send the ,1[,,(/11' AND DEALER8 IN ALL KINOS OF gutl, Grocer. aad Fancy uott! Augu s t 6th, IIJclusll'c. IlIcb WIUOI nt Lhe IvIVUI' 0 1 tlll llll CI In c hurt:h lil e re IS o ne VCI'RO III Ga ;;;lJ tt e frce fo r uuc yeur f1 11 1U l>nl'or!.orMof Good. Dealen. __ _ • .. cuge They llre ab o u t lL flU.tlI OI 0.11 Amll8, WhI CI., to Illy mlllJ, IS mOl'e thnt dutc .'URE (JOnA AND JAPAN TEAS, L KB AN ON hilS orgafllzed a MlIr au Incb t\lI uk. w ,th o ut Any \lid I cUllclll H,v e t hllil all tho SCOIO 01 Th c I cport mu st U· {,Ir l\ ficld It . phy H e llc! A SSvcl lltwn fOI th e bcn ClltWII a s tv how Ihu IllIplclll Cllts ml)ro wilich Rc,'m tu (uv o r thClr \II not IC8 ti tl nil hIe .ICI CS, III Illly l' 0 IInx 1;)(10 NJCW YOIU{. I Ji'l1:Jja'llI(~1lJ]B,g~ Sellt b!l Jlhnl, P"e-pntd, on , 'IlI!e~pt of p,·tao and 5 Cell til c fit o f Sick u r Indl gc ll t Ill o mbe lt; \\ CIC u lieu '1'1/ 0 Ilulf mOltn WlLS tlOdu c tlOlI -'\VOO lIlIt O th c m thlLt cuso, alld 1"- eVI!!'y CU:lO, 11 0 utllci ~
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.L \l cck IS tIl e am ', uut o f pecu c UPII OI ul .o articles are UIUI) IItiSI~t:\II CO allow cd Ad llll b Ith eH lIuJl!c t v f Il\lIc h IlItcrl!s t here . BWII ~5 c ts, III1J UU Cti 5 eC llla aW e PII!SH"I C MI ll ll~ ner Will t.d,o , I \ I J I 1 \I CC \ g. ,,)U CUIC" 111:11', ,ll' l' nco tlUUI - _.- , \\1t',l l' tit ,, ) 1\111 lIlJ UCClldtilb lc tu [[? VI!SUVIttS ( t hl! ". )t IJ >l gl , tltc ,1II t Il 1'1I11 1-11 10" "xalllllllltlOn, 8 t >t)' I'ld\e) '\ " 11111 tltll'lit~lI ~ Ull Jl C • ,.., II I I • -• r lll ,111I1I -alwIl Y ~ 111 " "111 1'1 I1JC It,·lIJ,:'i"l1~~n"C(·p!.
IIII1~ t
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1\1 0 at eRSu III Z' l) n , thnt In vent. to enel! h o w Illlge tlae fiuld, It The WELLS TEA COMPANY Jar. 5. 176 th e m s elvcR,11I8lrulI1Cllt8 01 mllSIC In ci llde the whol e field. SI I'r'l.\"'I~: A ~ TOf\'OREI\)';F.I'ERs' I SWARTHMORE COLLEGE: Itk e DIlVIU I rc s t m y CIISC on tlfft l As Ylolds arc le[ll1l.teJ. we Will 11\ "rlglllol p"ekllgo • . OL IOWQ' L,rnpll rt prlre8 G M 11 AMMJo:11 II. Ilor ""m n le "elll on appl,cnl,on Ton mlleo [rom Pb.l ....olphla, un<ler th o • • pllblls h thcw III old e l, .IIIU \\lt e ll " enroof Fnond •• glve8to both OOX08 nllk e --- - . tltetlllll!18 expll'cd the pCld.lll ro TheWELLSTEACOMPANY l full oIR •• lOI\llLlld8Clentdlcnour.o•. forco", AORloU LrllltALFAU(@-1'I,oSt..lcI'OItllll!theltlf",ellty",I<I wtll ~lJ PPLY'n;A IODIUh.OI HrSt. EN_ l plotong wh,olt tho oonfer FUll IS ttl h u held lit CUllllllhu8 " . ru IIHAL ilEAl ER~.A:>IIJOrHERtl"'ACked red T JIRI expon ••• , lJI oludlJlg !tullon t'Ivmtlel I 1 I I CUI \ U I lit' I)UIJl!r lur 1I11(\ Yl'.tr I "' I board .. ""hl1lg 118e of book. &0 ~ .. Ut l tv t.c 14tl lit I::icp . ,.. 1."u'''"I.p"eklg, ."I",,, puund<ach.w . . " , f t 1 ! IIIH «lt f " HI lh t! ", Ul! C '1'1\1 Ih Kill I III h "0 y 6 1\r I''' II I' I I''II ~ U It) \tlllllall (th 'l t -I.ltD le i Itll) S\ lilt·. . 'b leu It. anol t""' ~l Ih I.oxe o hll par NO EXTRA ClIARGES. tll~ I'it) tlll lllll'y s lt lll , fI" n(.,I ~, !' Ilil I EI ,l c l S , I) nnk R \\ 111 p,l c ach III Tile ~uuul) F,,"~ III t ilt S palt I L. ~nl&".""'I·II, o .. llIon I i"vrC.tul,,/,Cuo.g,vlngfllllpnrtlOlIltu',. ... 1'Il'~ '\' l e, ull> Nllt1I'(·d .m"lvllI " .1II 5 , l he r.',LI .tIBI (hurtlt lI.lxL Satllluay 01 Ih e SILlte Will 1.>0 I, cl l! .I~ tvl - Th e ~lllIl'lty IIICl! tlll!,; :-;III11II1Y IThe WELLSTE4COMPANY lI> cOltr80ufHludy &0 ...hlro." C\ Un lllrr c.) udltctc,1 hy I'Ilc"~ I S ::; 111'1'1. IF A" 1 0 \,1!:!JLFIl~ EDWAftD H MAGILLPresldont AM. ... ' • In I" . If I I .' Will 11 tlto ~ utr" rc l tll. lt Ilt l hl< JlJd " Ji ~ co I .c k 1M Ilid ~ \lll d l) .l t 10t IUIVK 1I ~ ,'ti ~ (' 11111 (' 1' 111" 1' :1.11<,11 - lI l1J t 11 11 ami i I M Dutler, 1l.llIlIltuII, Oct 1 Malltill" OIl Illlt! (ivuldIlIJT, W' LH II'Olllld a"t! oll r 1>",",,1 OKS" "IKII' or pnnled. 1 Q lb C 11 D I C p' · S '['1 I") u t a 111010 It! \I n\1 Ul ii unn' Ihan I t! jriven I war more 0 ege e f\ware 0., t\ CI III tOil, W I I mtllglllll, ' e pt -I Lv 7 " K\lCC, ~~. 1 ~ I, 'l~,, (' I .I)' Il nJ r UI'cl llul! ) .tt " ltll'" - -. 10 ~ 'WI\'I HC~ 11'\1 0 I_ I ~ I -- - - - - - --,." hy 1I" l lIg D r 1:III1 'd IJl vuJ Ml xl ., 111 F. hl ::1t ,I t·I · "t.ltl~:" gUlllcd by C ICIIII" ut: BURtoll, S c pt 4 III 7 u l'e ll(t\ by tlt u RCI ,J F' Ill,,) ldeB, Th~"WELLS TEA COMPANY Bouse Lot for Sale. J.A\"I"N ~ ~ 11,,\11\),; l ij ~ te'I.It1) III GI\)C II l! XCII ilL S(;pt ') t., 7 "I I nJ IHI tl 1IIt"lel,111 pUIII"n 0 1 lhenoderAlgnedofF6r.horde ••rablohnll"" ur __ . __ I CI O ll~ lIl P; nW I II~ l otlt c tluly WVII Haw"t~1I CUllh.",\) SCI It ~1,)7. H C tll)tll~(J , !Lilt! l',flulot! I'rl ylll ,UPIIl'LYIEtlSFOIlOLUBlltilOERS , Rudlot.onNorthetreet. ut prn"to sale r J t I I I I ~ d . n, n 1111 n ."rl(er oomml' 8lOn I ,on U~I\" I• Tho hOIl,", oontaln. sovon room" k.whclll\nd , I Til E tha n ks o f th o ( ,llt Ii" IC,, " 1"1 II <' III ('R 1\ 111'1 It "lR )lo r l) 1'I~ O l'lCkaway , Clrclcvtllc,l::iupt ~G tt> QUIte Il nnmbCl t; lglIl!'[ tlto pludp;u • .... I II. . . II CIl . ' . gll"ronlo' lite ,!u.Rllty of l oeUl1r. IiJJU on the lot are 8tabl~ nnd othor Ihls c o mlUtlll1ty nl c l end l.ed "II Itl s ll\Rtbl'l OllltllglheF AMILY IAN 28 1,,,·!,gOOI'. Furtl" . cnlwh'nrequlrcd Icollvo.uentout-IJUlldlOg8.011 '" lI .. Ab I ntt crtbw;1,tlJ !t,r IJl li kill I ACF.A l o r till Illlu s Hll d 1'II111S, nnd Ross CI"l ltco thc S CI)t.4 to 7 Tllltlt F. was II .Mltl}!lty mlldlrll' "I~~II~ :o~,cll~"II\~ :JI'~ PhloRdPe st" dundier l lopBlr. Wellandol.ternunderroof Thl. . II S I,' b . , I I I' I ' 'I ., " ' 1I 10 ",eglllOl> en 8 lOU el re I." m 08t de~lrahle rellidenoe 11 S III ","1'1111{ th o u col IllS g ll)ve 1,,1 ,I IIa)' llIg III lo n , 0 U Y SablUB, SabJlla, Aug 20 to 211 10 ( III uClllltown, Sill\! ny I'VCII I''' 'lcl\lor < 00 thaI we 1111') ' ~lId 'IIU Il l! tbe MRS A. D. OAl>WALLkDER grntntl ll ll J;ly IVI t l.clI PI'(' lcctlll\ lit IIggl St~ Ilt OIlC d ollnr PCI bottle_ Warreu Lebanon Sept 19 tIl 21 Itlg DI ,!tUlles W. 1Il\.1I11'~ and ,"lor m"I"" necce,,,rs "Ilhoul further )ll' ul 0 11 th ' I. lit II I Aug us t - ~. -- ' - - - -• .:.. . All N N M.vs hc r, 0 1 tillS placo,I\,,"IJI . LOOI[ OUTl , ... _ • '('fi R S OliS of TcmpcmnU-.h wry 11011() !1I) ee llts 1\ ~IIMhel tor r e tho speakers Tbe'-wEI.LS TEA COMPANY , :My notee and book aoc:olto t! !Ir e 10 th" BL.l ' KIJI>RR IK8 tnILJ\l th e ll UI' 1'10111" Il C II T elegraph !\tIlls last l potatoes in Mil II OW_ , - .. • Is 0110 of the I.rgcot Blld mos' rehoble hand. o[ WIlliam Xaolngton, J r , rOT _n .... ll ..O \II mnrkct StlLlIl'da at Sdturdn y It \\'t1~ IL v e l y eUJuy. _ __ _ THE lo ng loo ked I; & Clrcll$ cOlces hOll ••• In lho tntlo , . Il parties r. 'lulrlog loollootoon Oallooon i pay ull. and 8lLTO MOt. 1" ... " 1I D I ' e. I" 'Iuontltle. w\1l do .. ell to send their JOaN E. TAYLOR 10 III ~ 1\ t~llll rt ,I l! (1('('1181 'no OG-DAYS 1\10 upon us. " 111 on Ft:lda,y. " orrler. dtreQt I Juno 20,1877.
e:vtl'a f oI ett e/; cfI,ke
,. . ,
No 7 Buvth
N ew-YOl·!.;.
HAIR AS RIID AS TOE FLAMM OF A VOI,CANO, or \'I \lIte ns tho rioorl mOIiA 011 n Fiol 1ft .. hemlock, CRD lie chllu/{ed to n .'IIO'"11l8 bMW,. or luatrou8 black by 8 sloglo AppItOflL' OI1 or
t-"' •••
Hair & Whisker
------:::--:::-==--==='.- ----
' (t;f' 5u tents per... Bottle.
., 0
0 I'l
0 "
• 1'1
;ANUh 8WIOICT, . . .• J!UIIl:l s:"sKa: j
--'1 WO C"\J1C~
~~~S,O~~~U~'!I~~r.e:'~ :'!!~\II~~~~~~'
UY J . Wli . VA N N"AlKft, )1
uf tlenlh
1 0I" HJrLlJfliLi \!~ bf u bi itill l llg nil In :4 ighl hlto
Abovo ,,lIO ,mmnl('r tfkiutt: A 1U1.~0I I1 Ut.i Ul'!!C Huniu!I uf mu ~lo 8weut.
tll .!'o l' Ll. I!l:' d
iu nil tlwir \' LI ic lli S (olm .. ,
"'(11 m til t. hlutlt laud uur Jreamt In "l' y-r60t. Il l' rllr u~ co rht.ill i u ~ th l' IICKl me. 'hod ~ .1 t.he Ir l rOIHlIHHlt.. J II o n'c r lll:!. tht: l'c fo ro. tu th (~ t;tl llw t. iIn O-i4 , in ()r 1\1n~. \Y O fl" ' ) tlw louch , pc" pltJ of the uiled ="'tU,\ ,' 8 lll l) fruil~ or hi"
uugel :,' nluulmvy IIIUld '4,
(H l tsllsi VI '
'I , ho lIturils nuu ,·fRe:wlou " \ hLU.·
re m
c lliO -l hl' I lc rl ' wi tu cUlllmcllIJd TI .r \',U~ L a nt~ '. Ullt of ItJ ttlimu l1Y fro lll nil r' lI~ IIf l i l t· ~ H "'tI " II ,,,. pru \' t ' ll '11001'01{ :-4" .\ YN I':'~ CO)1
Jvy ,nrd bli oljl,
I I', q : NIl
~Yllll l'
f"I1",,' 1'0111" "f t ,·"t.\. , Ofn·rtilu.h'A,,,\rillln.
'"IIII.g • • " IIIT.wuI'l J .,,11 m "lIeuunl"c. whereh.i"kIlO"' I1 . hft Fb\:~ 1I j ll!lllhcc1 cIJrIl "1
,'I'hllt . lIl iko .IT"!I,,. "f IIi«lIl ,
1· r , UII wruprln.r 11 M It, hOitvy fif1OtHU,
JH' \\'
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. ~ l'
IUI'C l U l l S
}lUIICln~ IlCkel s
cllnt.6 each . Ali IIro illviltld tu IIlte llll a nd j, " . lh ' t'tJ 8t i ,. il ' 'N II t,, ' 11 be
I e.
, In
dillCR IlOS
of 1h l' thrll Rt , "r••ft.~t {\ud
Jl, W ulI l l'I , .. o re
throlll , lU\' hnwcll WeM' CH; li\'(' ,
grent deal :~ ,~~d/~~"~e·,I~~l'~~n}~ t.~.I:~ plclUlu
8ul'l II·
Price Oal'! D ...........
l'.J 3.I.geflJ}!_t
I ' "~, 'I f ) . \ .,"-:., -
11'1 '/ / f I
City of
(j (aUlIlIl' ill ll
, . "{
It iJ"rs,
;, Feillaiu Eqll f'-ll'iIl1l6. ( ' hUllIpilllJ Child RideI' uf
&. O ym na .. v.
l\mcrl en
_ __A_ _ 'I
Th'e Double Menagerie, 'lI~eti LivilijI W i ld A"iHlul ~.
:l l\
THR tiOMBI'tu (1IHfIIS, '- A~" -
;l11 ' I"EU~1 OF \VON ()I':H~!
AV'J'" 'f "'NO Aftll"'fUM '{v ( -
- --
One Ticket Admits to All,
~ ,~ ..; Ot' U "'H E ..: J ~ X UllllT 10;\R,-O jtetl
.1 ,," MIIr [lI'rrlln ll il\~ ",; Io..l h., ~ "'tM. wilh th " lr ,., ub,il l;lUlo l ' ", ,\ :.rr.turl t..,urn run ..' 11 • I '" 11' III L! "I Io ' \' f,I ,' U 'Ir p ,II"lr.""H, JUld ll\'~ ' '' ~ ''' ''l''n " '·Hmi".1. A ,1" " linll"tr<'Cf 1" ..,·..... ··11 " "" "'i lo l,"'Y" Wi ld Rnimlli. I, .... ' '" d," .L_r" "'''A __ _
uENA"EI>IES I• ,n u ~U
28 Oaa('s nf J. i/Ji7IY
A Mu""um of N~~un.1 IIlId A,tifiuilll Curio.itie •• an Avillry IIf Bird. Irom uvery cillO"', ... Df'n of Trained HYf lUUI
1" '." :'1'111111"'- <1I)i I I" n;"" '/I ..1/1.1' 11 ,,,, 1/ 1//1.' f:/" 11 ;',y. (1/ I
::l.vrtlCe . blllllon Ur"vo Diggero, open in tbe publi c: f'treelH,
ID • OeD
... I,ady of Llenfl. til full "i u.. on th.l'ubli u Mtre"". M i.... lIfilll e. tho moot rOIlIl"'o",\ 111,1\IUlc(' n ! ionlMt in th e world, willy-iv e n;1 ex hibitio n tl f hr r .-kill. in Ii wlJnof6rCu l, Jtt.rinJ.(' Hllll ,\(wt l,.J u'ling uJ·t uf iM!tofld~ illg ~OO lo" t ill ,"i<l'olr UII a »i ngle wi ...J.
n rnol.o. TilE f:1I " \'1' Flln•. r.::[~n "t:.&V .U ,(J "iJl( 01' ... 0""11... '1'1111 .. ',." •• I .....'r 1(\' . : 1& "I<i!;>j .
uud Mis!! MI,riett.. . :Il
~: ~llQ)l!-am,il~
)J'l / I''. _ \" /'I/ / I / ,' / '/, " I) ' , ."1 . \ ']') I'f',T/'f'I ·li/\·{j{·'· . , . , J '
'1II rI 7 ,I (,/fl. ·/' .'
- - '1-fer . 'n. ir.' ,. ... ,... . ' hlhh'c' . und.' r , • .j \ r .. n..
.I.... ~.' IC''' .. '
! ~-, '"m fl/rt .hl .,
(' ".1 ,,·,t·,
-- :r-.
"In 'x\ . ~.:...
,',, 11
,,· ith h 'u' k
I.. · h ~,1 I" .. ~ :'"
\of [' ,I I
l'I1 .\ . l" rl,t' \' ~---
:J4k. '. tUtti
on I
'(1\~s; 0J~1"SU!)~ ~XHftl, m1"IQNS8
111 '1' 11 ' 1 r . Iv lo ll If I'l l' tl da An 1l11<'j!'nricII1. moving pallorama of living tahleaus, ond prtt iotic cll rlli l'nl. MIlIl ~ I ' 1' i%"ld(,1I 1';11',. 1111 ,1 ,h'lri ,,!' h:ll' p ur pose, rofn 19O1. till 1/:1 i tturi fig tlecorulioIl6., Ilnd ornu m ented wi tli t1e8i gn ~ and picIIi r C8 1)1 f) urN at i"" '1\ h i" I"I'J . 11I1I1l ,·fI • •' g lll,h' lI lalol ,;, ,, ,' .. ,. <h,I"O by e le p hants. cllmels. Ii o ll s. etc. In nnmernble froo sens utions ! NUT I ' E.-No gumbling of al lY c haractc r . N o illtoxicatillg l iqllurs pl:l'lIIilkd 0111 Ih !' 1-(1'<1111111. 11 11.\ "1' l"I ~' 1'1' ' ICflCf' wlonll '\ ",'.
:"., Nen" I!Ibrdo ...... P .. II.... lplol~ . PIIO ~''' ~ST 1111 00 ' ''''· .
Dr" ";OLo BY ALI .
: ,
Su.llie . the wond j'rful uio prodigy.
H orr J{onb'" E 1IUt' striKn and A c r obu t iu
DR. "'VAWN"., "Nt
g i viuJ!: th e e lnd rell prnclicul in .) Rtructi " u ill IIltturul histor y . It is v rv lind , h o w.'ver. tltUt n eith ' r nn ' "lI l1ctific,1 ur ~\llIc liti..,d ""1,10 t!1' t! I' ,
.,-i f·V I l / Or,,;,( ' /, ~ I ... ~,
Troupe. Ohdiator ; al&Olympic8porta . OUII AUKNI C' P.:>:IUI - I'our '(fopul.r C1uwn •. M.. Peto Cuukli a, Joffrey .."d Coy lo, Tb ,' H ul\ftnd., Le.Ii,·&A.hwn, 1111,1 tw o AII.i1i.ry 'I'rllUl"'.' O~II LAIl" UAMI ·IIlNtI-)(i ... AUllllie M"rk., 1.\". dorinl( ""d !lrnco l,,1 g'lue.· lriChne; M'lI u H.. ,.II Renfr"l!! La Petito
havo lo go 10 th l' s h o w Frid/ly, 0 11 IICCOtillt of
, V.T IlEI< \\'1'1'11 T II Io' _ _ _
CLO 'V NS. Porfonni,, 1!' Elcp}"","" Fifty cd uI;"teJ 11"r""•. " 1r""I'Uof a u"t. " .. d MUllk,·),".
:\I r O u nald & bllllluerhuu a s all If l Ou, ,I rllgd., or .'''''·''''.I' c' iT". 110 1 Ih o y claim for tilelll T!e lv es ulld th e ir J;pl I•. "e .';11 ~e li ,' " iT.dl' ,IOJO " to II ny ad · . I · f ··f · b d d ru~d ou .,'cd,,1 01 II Ie,.. F ...·i ghl pnid . sys em U pUll ylllg \l , Pr"11 ,,·d only hy - -- - ... F '''lIr~e 'yOU will
&'j11'1'JRlrf' , ~ ~ I
- - 'I't)
Animals , Strange Wild Bleasts , Birds, and Reptiles 1000 Men and Horses ! Four Immense Tents 1I • • • t ) Wonders! The Greatest Exhibition Presented Under Many Te.ts!
1 ~ Lltdy Hi.lvrJot l' OUR FAMED
1>0 IV A HIJ II '" A \( ~ 0 N , i, tiU!l i, III. Thoy hllv e, RrH Ullg 0 1 P.1I1!I"ce' ,·r I:. '. ~ WN' II \ ' . PUller." . d lJ d f AI A D I f{ "I~" \(u."I . 1" 'I" w W" II ,w'·. l·hIl8. l 'f"'ti, r ellova t e '8. or - r . " . j O " ,' r :!o yt'nlltuty" d'\IHh.. ,1 t\ lIll -'lr lIa.m. CII<iwlLlladcr, who gIves u s Il lJlll'ly "~," .,i ll ,cw,i" •• he,IILy ma" I" II, i. d, yIn rCCCOllllfleml ill hi MIIlII Ol' Mc ';il l'~ . F;""."",her III. 1 ~76 . . ' . .
$10,000 "hllllclJge that we hav o the be. t Lady l{i,lp", iu Am. rioll. lOll Mille and ~omlll o Arli _t.o, Oh.III(>IUU8 in. Lhe ArullIo'Vorld A truupo ,If Tr"lII ed
')1' work Ufo J gi" i IIg 1111 i vel1:!ul
.I '
lnt~st ilVlwtlle nett.rly HOlle ,' ".nd my ,. tu mllc ll IU I t I to clldeavor to all d to p ubli ci wprov e · 'or), .. o ~ k ".tmy !>h Y"'C'" i W_ 'R • .u .. II" '1" Ikuow what r.o do (or mo, 611 c \'orytlung I I " IU Clits on d gl'o a .UCI Itles to en- ullOd in Ibo or m "dlclll~ .... ,oj[.• tcd ; juy their (' o,,~t illllioDal rigb ts of .pll cliff. ...·nl t'Dlft" .R 1'1 11.1. ur "loud. I . N!' w o r lliplliug G o d IIccordifl" 10 Ilt l! mll,m'd r"r 1lI0nlil. '" II". ,",ful OOIl'.'IIlOn. , r. ,'" "lid gn vo up /ill hOP" Kul ,~ \' or r('{'OYt' rlng _ dlct.ute8 of tb Ir UI\'1I consclenccs. I Allhi. 'Ime ~ o" rec"'"lIIood,'<I 'h e. us' of "our :, fUP llUd Pill .. , \\ hir ll irn ml'd itl lfl ly ~rC DONAr:f) & CIIAMOEltLAIN the bo~.," r.o ,,,olilu. co ml" rt ","1 " II ,,, tho ,·i,, · f,. "lll l'l'lJ d 1'0Ilcvllt" rll lLru till 011- "·lIe,· "f tl, ~ """lth . ~1" · "~ tl'."., 1 ""~ he.led • , " 10 \' IlI lI g5 . III .ho rt. II h 1ft m ule M. pe rfect ,'""e d In I'OIl OV lltlll'b' tealll ' rs for cur. 01 m,' Ulld I on! Jill ... flioic ,,\ nUri ue my ,... ~ . " I u llr ci ti7. II, nv 'r . 'Vhartun ' ~ ,Ikllt labor, Any P," '8'1I1 dou l' lin~ the 1rUI I
lelltl u tH·· Jpin !! hund iu thi..,
B\I.~Q~t~e~II~~ ()L '
U OlfM,
l 'u l'" J '"r till' ')l' 'a '"11. I h o oltJoct cd "" "olitlllio". I i,uj.!;"" c\ UIIC , tlllll 01 ulieHort 10 1 HOME TESTIMONY. ' ~('I'uru 1II,' nll o; I .. I'u"clluije 11 101 IlIId lIa. S ... " , ' I . Ilea, ~;r : - I ft·", II III bo hu i lrl U h Oll , I' lit' wur" hi p fi ,t u lt dd y du o 1<1 yOll "lid ""Il'orillg hll m,, "lly t" gin· ,b.,ollow i n~ I" ' tllllUu YI'<'· I <· cl i llJ(lh . won I• I'I'I"rl tlllll " '~· I.IV III plCI:!~l!t Ilu ve ,h, \I .. 11I1 cII ... tive I'"'''''' or "011' Com pou... 1 1111 c hurch l·t\Ihct' of l h cl l' o wn ; "' ''''1' or Wild Ol"'rr" II"d ::;"".I'"rlllil olld ' 'llid it i ~ 10 lJo llOVed l!Jut irT('. pc . , '1'.11 I'ill • .. I . w • • • ~li,·I"d .. ith 11 ,'Iu!,'nl . I' I' . .1' 1 " II · ' II eo" ~ h . palll. '" 1\,. H,lIc 0,,<1 \l re"· I, OIl(hl
l l VOO r· 1J!; I Utl ~ pn!u l .... Ctl O fl, n
". .
lUII .l!'8 " Ur,
Iti'll'AI'SI ·. \VII. ', """111' e m"'ol's" . t,i~o~ n . l • t tI." ,foOt "fdi••••• loy P"' ;' .' ;II~ ,h,· blo.. ". , . ro , '"riug II ... H,'c ,' 11",1 ki~ II' · }'. 10 h."ilh)· I
I.-It! ' u, C' liull. iIlV :J!'orfll:ll g I h e IICr\'OU8 and l" hu.uer~
: ..
A ~A1111~
. .
ru, ~I'e'" ill wunderful III\'Uiefllll I i lll"lIlle.; I l~no Living power to cUI"e ~' "H' ur Ll", wor8t I UJI
but iU
alld lDu,1 di.I,... illg di •• ,,8c' .'noln~ "' • - •• • II . . .· ' fully • • Cl',t.allle~ ulI'!il Lbo oxpcriwont. ('ATHt)~.h· ~' II'N IU,- ~ Picnic will Of. Ihll l . kiliul phy~.I:i"o, Or .. SWAy ne. h".d l 1" held , II SullOI'l l wall"s Grove <l l "IOU.In:ltClllt~ h" h .dllpl ,, ~,on. III eom lu \. I . C ' , nalion "Ith Pine 1'roo 1'or, "OIlothoro"u lll . 111'llr llil ll plRce, 011 Saturday, Au· I.v Vllluubic ,·" ~et.,, blo illgrr<liclI' B, which, gu .. 1 I tl,. fu r Ill ll bUllutit v I tbe eh"lIIlcally "" lJIhilled . ,·c,"I,·''I4 lt. neliOllll:n · C II J' UI t f ll ' I r"I" DI "I'C curl.l" . ,,,II ',,noll,·I. 1 ill c'" ill ~ ,Ti l Sl:l n.",,,,r'IIn,1 dllrk.'r th ll ll Ule tomb.
tht' "'uML cOlcnc i" ml r i ' tn t· t1 .\' I\II I,WII, lind il 1 lulm ill Oll Ii)' our U\ olH ClUilil of ll phy "ki l,u rI , l
AnLlk ctl'Uh ' tthnllllW" t ,{dllrk~iTl'
• ,
.'i ;:~~I;::! ~~~),I'~~'i ~~. "~·;:~··W\I~'I; C~I'~Jt~~,! ~QJI·~eQJUL~
' Vill UO .. \lr h omt! 111 fL,' r ),Pllfll, I r \\It' but lrnJOt., an'" htlllit! 1I {~H " H.
01' til ,
' Ph"t IIUld. NO bn llht , 1110 pur~, 80 8W~l' t, tio Inr romu\'cd (rum lid ", \ Vhur Q ,'"rtf ultd ftlJ rr uw 11(l 'c r lU ' l! kll uwn.
p".. foNliulU.d
of Instructive Recreation. ,Frivolity and Art!
DON FBIDAI An cn ST3 1877
, .. k ill and obrtur vrllioll. h· le~ lfI t hat hl' iK but , prolJ'oriu ii 1\ ILO~Hf to C\' e f V I ll mll~' till oU:,<hout j , til l' hlll'l. r ~ l il1;';. U8 hu J Ut· ... couth.l ,llllh' , in
Th 'i nu mo t.o hmd U lt u n tho " ' Ky 'flint loud" UH to th u l H!rfeu t thy
U .. \.\'
Imodica l ClHu puuml .. 0.8 Ih" lie .. , r . . 811 11 8 of hl tt I
And hUbr UlU lvvi ng voiutlt.4 or tb n~u lln)C ' lio lHHld. .
OIl"'trctelle,1 b.yu"d Ih Oll ll""~ bright,
. '-
1I.I" bl.. , n,,11 po,b"". ill d,. worill. He 8UIJ. . 04uoody ~ory,'d " lillrhf" l I ~rlll or pr. Ilco III Iho Phillld" II,bifl 1J1'lw /l ~~ry . QII~ fll r UI!\ . Iny ycorrl t\Ut' IIJ"d al~o III fli t" HO:fltitu~. lu ,1\, .,. iustl""i ulI> ho ""jJlc<llhu ~mple
uu un try liuf t , '
un I"~ Ilrofu 11011 ,I c.I... '.r wllh Iho hllpo,llIlIl adV3111"1I" 01" regulllr .1,.uie,,1 Educ.liolll" . Oll~ Qf the IIllIeOl nlRI hoSI 80b,,01. 111 Pllil ••
S lllrlt. LlLUd,
A, "'•• lhe tllruid ~ I'
Ibu flO, :
«H,I l O . ·
[J,'o, tho U I"m! U
IV A HI CO BIIIl 0 i' AHH~flLiLdl
,, -
.~ ~ l-~~'~.Iy~:,~~:~~~~~;~I~o~~~;~;untYI1";i~n~~ihu~rcr~'::Aumy"<lNu "dE" ."Sf
A.M. ~
The Tournament Starts at 10
!\T I.EIIANO:-i, Till [{~ Il.\ \'.
I r Y" U II ..e lJillo" •• I. ku I I)AY. ALGl$ (' J \\' AYNr:'S T.. "",d· SII ".parill. tI LUi. r II ylt u h3 \' e I' S ick H ca d ,lche . 1..!,k ~ kJ' ['\\' wh 'U the IIl1imltl s how elld" WA'Vr\g'S T. r nnd _ .... " .rill. PI c.... ', r th c,lrllai circus It !,;ins. f' ,'OiIr'l'ollguo I. ao,,,·d. I,,\;e W it 81t LL EYEUY1'HING t' OIl1' IIIt _ _ • • __ • _ _ I - I\' A YN E'S Tar aDd arlap.dlla I·IL'.'. ' t . to tl 8 J 1 If 10'" t....." a cold , t .. ke . A N excnrsl'JI.' rdlll I. ' " S WA\'Sg'S Taraud S ...."p .. dll. P'L'.'. " / nIIlru lIIuob wllb NP.11l!ALGlO orRltU."· 1 dlel ' llum c 11'1111 ave CIlf\I'IU Au· '1'" p'C " "" ~ and cu"' Ohill. Bod Fev e r. IOke ~ ' MATIOcoft.JJ,JainLa ". Amerloan., and 0 0 0 01 · j.;u ~ t 7. R llUlld ' ll'il' licktHS o lle l ' WAr"E'S TAr Hod S,'Mlllpallnll "'LLO. _~~""!'~~!I"''''_''' I tiO D 1180 proH40 in remedJu to our r . yet ","0 '1 . ' 11 ,. 1 I If "O Ur Bo .. ~I , ore co. Ii ..... .. ke in contact OYOr1 day" ith .lit ore .. who aro d II It 1'. 1 .I~ WI utl U g l'OI C Iunce l S WAY:;~:',' T" .. "d San'"l'nrilla P'LL'. ~~~~~~!;JI!ii:~~~~;t:::'J.:=-+~:-~L;tr:~r:oii~::::i:::::l5 tv Aug In,: J ..come ·..a trorin .. without. lI.vinl ro und tho euro Lbo)' t o seu th i chul'lliing Split. 1'0 ,..0" . or' 1\ full h" bil. who aro sul'j"" l bavo 10UJ/bt 10'. To OOf 0 .. 0 "ho b", Dot UIO~ 8 -__ .... - • _ I ,~)· h' ·. Gid diuc ~Jl , ~rll" .: ille <it~ , unll 1 1'11" MUI'I,hy III eli l'" It I'C Stili . ~1 1I ~' ":r '" Ih. E ... ,"I'''I! Iro lll IOu gN'1I1 II DWllrf White by IO"iI . fur fl per IOU . "', nt}\' I, (o\ t!.l t..u the bu.n..t , Mhmdrl D Ol' Of I,~ L . ' I( ' \VI,ile Solid, by ''' nil. fu, I I" " 100 .lay atkr lh 'UII , W/ltl nddro odct! Ii . ilhollllhpm .... lIIo"yd" "golillld l,,·"'ptoms O"' url lled. 1 per 1110 ". Dood oDIT talay tbat It bcolDpoun~ed ",ilh I Jr. ,I allh·. W. UItili OS and C . N. \I ill IT. "" , ded ol1'l,y U"o. Any of fll c Il bovo O~l ~ r )' PfllhL", by a X- tho samo .cientific ak ill nnd care Ae beretofore. t? Liver ComplaJnt.-Tb.I II,.,,1I ,liseallo G u u IJ I' I'0' pr ... .~, fur ~) pcr [hfJuAnn d . .ad lDa.intuinl tb o ..J.Cflar\·od tepul.4tio n wbicb II'H m \" hiO :1 80 tu nn y 1' OI"'olOU" 1I1l11;'r, i:l frc . - _. . . 'I II Olltt. th.· r.llo . .. I Headacbe, DY8pep It ha. IlCQu ir.d bJ tb. wonderful ourc. 1\ b o• h III NO 1'11. E>l- I Ma vcr)' dUl l I' ' 8· R!a and Indigestion-, ,. 0l,,,~d"~ , clio H· d. t I perform ed. To tholo who b 'lvO Db\' of test.ed W;\ Y~ESV ILLE, OHIO. I P""lUiu", 1,'I "t Dutch, by muil. ~ I po r 100 , tb. CURA rIVE "0 urra a l,i.1 of Ita Tirtu •• ill" cUlUl' llIillt. Symptolll :! Ill'll n " od uliCII l", rll,allulltIY"ured "Y 'h,'I, II <C. "', I' k . . , I' F " ' cr ~ ... rf~ " ",'ve nted ltv the u ~e hf lJl "OlI~ . D'"I1111 o",1 '''''"y. uy mnil. fn' I pcr 'IOO lor Iho di ....... Il.m ad below, !JlOIstnre. 1 ' (1 ,Pl'rSpirutIUII •. ltc IIn~ I'II rllyill ~ 1,111 •. "" ,h . .. ,·,It,1' 1I1!'. lhrough thu He" (Iur "iokllnJ:l), by Ulflil , for I I'or 100 IIhuotood , b.... ad on Ita in . ~lItun~cl'y. Jlllrtl c uhHly lit lI'fht. III · 1!1" ",1. Iho i"'I'"d,lo' f,,"n wl~ic b 1III'.I' ."1'i, ". ANIJ I Any (If th e tlhu,'~ O'lblJ1lJlc PIa.nt.:4 , hv ea. tria-.le mariLi. IJld Doarly eTory Dommunhy I ler gOll i IIg ill IJUd . Swa Yli tl II O i II I· I' 0' e".. 1'· ': "~'~I. there I. nOlhlll1; 110 eftec,I ,'c
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· ATI ' n l) :\Y . . \ l·I,!" ,,\,
No People in the World
'SARII'ft-.______ .r IW Celery PIan
Cabbage Plants
,", " "
Incut 1M It p ea Ulll nil S lue Clil "Irio 'nrll!! T 'ttlI', und ull er lll'lil'l.' di ~cltSe8 . \,Id hy all Icadillg dru g · ·1' . 1) .1 I gl~ I. WUu I II.' III ,. t. For tilil i n g, I· ,;;,· o·r ullt it'n eiy grey l' llir, 118f' .. L"nd,," I:IlIir ' u lllr R e"ton' r', \·x,!"i .. it" dr08t! ilt\l:, clt'1I11 IIltd lIillOly PUl'llIlfll'd, T u tllily tlifftlr ' It t fr" 1D all "llil'r~. 75 (l nt.l II hnttlc . \( 'ad Ih e advertiscment. 'f1'Y it.
J argrst
II~ til\ 1\,\ II ' S I rlr u nd S 'lnwpli.rllht pd lll, 25 n~ n\" n IItI); ; !', h():l l'~ lur II , "ellt. "" m :ail.
A"~ '·" •• Ie .. """ II nlO1·d" .. 10 I' • . SWArW .. . S ITS. ~;IU ~t),tb ::lhlh' ";0, Philad,·lphl" . '1 ., Fu, •• Ie h..· \In'I'gi .. ..
i. ~.lI er"II .I' precCiled by " m" idure, like 1"' ''I'' n, I''' ''' ,1 1'1r,·•• i ll~ Ilrh;u". "" Iho,,~" pi n wnl'ln " "ere Crll.,..tiul-t' ill "ntl "hout. d16.!
~t1l( It I (lro~., l'c:~lifi~;~;d·Plants.
ElI,l y Erlnr •• by m" iI, I,l r
If"' I
$1.2:, pe,
~·~:·a::o·ll~ad'~:S!k:~nl!fnI:~f':p,fhi~ ~~D.d" men.
1 C ases, IE u,l)' I'll ri •. h1' ,,, ail. (,, ' I,~,., pe' 100 I th. Curr.Uv.I ...... ly ID !>rauti"", and ~ UI1Q All)' of the IIIx,v o Clllllill O" er Pllln"'. by I prom lntnHI• ..,.ID.n Dndodltun",comm.Ddi. t7 .hO I'(' r LI. .. I from .. Jr:Dowledao of It..s efrocu. Dad wa IIPB.Otf Caskets, Robes J It l Uos ~ Speolal Prloe s for la rser quan· I •• could ~v. buJldred. o(cerUao ..Ie.{rom par· &iyon on apphcaliou . ItIb.~..... lIltno"D lu thl. cOlllmunitT; but w. . TU to r. lerta ou, pampbl.t, whlcb I. to bellad [N 'I'H'E TOW NSHIP • All,\' 110 R NIP h:atllll SEE D. l or Drulll.ta, or be 1.0~bJ' mail OD appU~; i"t. r(.e catioD. entlre;',.olan .. •-
r"lI v wing'
I'\t:u t
tArtl and amana .. trom penon. of llanelh"
. 76 It d '·b·l·t d b L. ill ,;um ntl'r lift "ell IIIl wf .lfer u fiit.' ntJID\'8' 'Yo huvo t he OOl:l t rW.O thtl88 for du,cb ar. c. per J . nD relpec\.A I 1 '1 . an W 0 ma7 uw oollUDul.1,,,,,. lI ~r ll' "rou nd ,h. pr iv"lc alld i~ oJ:lilll ,,1/ Ihe dutio. or unde,"'''.r!, ".Vill/! Eorl.\' Whitt- DUh,h- Wh il,' St r"p Lenf oat.d wltb b71etleroriD ,..011, lI u t cU lllilied 10 IflLde8·(l uly. bllt ii, irl quitu HM ~\vtlilcd oU,r*!lve8 of tho It\tellt d.iIOI1 "t!r16:~ - Roo Top Strnp L caf-OnIJ l!'u Hltll - hn .. 'J'II~: ~riulIJ i VlIlley Rttilroarl e x · f"" I".IIt th~t l'e lD"I,'o IIr .... o...' I)' IIlllicIA.d . '" pr..,' rYIIlIJ tho"a"",slftppell"'uuc; "'hi le pru,. d .\ m.ricull IlIIIIIII"~,, . Rheumatbm aDeI lIeuraiSIa. I"lil.l ill;,( f':' lIn Cillci lllllL t i Iu Waj · 1'II" li,·"I",·ly ill tim 's of pregoll n"Y . eSlond· ""r . I,· ,k "f ell"'" &c i•• ""'IOtI r.o none. t~o rollo"~11 10, t11D001&l. ("'III ....11. 1If'" ' ill\! i ~ r: 'I,idl .l· Itl'I,,,ucliill O' Cll.m · "'~ jilt" ~1T0 "agin., I)NI , illl; tiistr"'; i,,)! nl IV" hllV O, "I ..... I_\ely> (ce ') I It.o.. n .,tll.D.oICI.,.laDd: ... till ' 11I "".l h" ,'olHI II\ C pmH.· rs LI t. c nl IU I .Jll Ct'. U n· 13" xod III ~ho I ~t".t ILIId .oo.~ ~PI' rove,1 pilI-- .~ ",e""'..e ... n~."N Ga.d.a .... n ••1 L ;,WBOJI CnaWtOALCO CLEVIL4ND, 0., Jab 8.1176. I " Till' f!I 'I l.t luICJ will he .: I) t-" lilt! " ro , 1I.' 1t ,.1' l ~llI ,.! l4l. lII dil1'.:' prnn4l1l ll c,' d ill cllruhle, tern , ~ (0 1) f 30 C r'U I It St. N V , GI1fTS: I ha.. e 'been laid Of wit.b alte ... &lrilil', 1 11\ I. IlI \r •lil."~, pl'vhllbl.r till t! h.Yt, """ ' 11 l",r IMU, " It. ,·ur,·,1 b,' ,, \,pl~ln:; Ollr nhllrlt'" will be n. r"'''''1II6hl o ". ""}' I _:. _ _ ~ _ . _ 0 _ 1\ II , ~ , ~ , tI:~ tb ... 10D~Jl:0lltbo.0 could Ilot ..alk· "'l·ck. Ill'id~1' glll l~ hll ~ I; UIIII I ~WA VN .~'8 OINT1" ENT, ""0 in th e bu. ill .... ""UIIff",d ~oui~tr.t:~~IJ. "I,u~o~~,:u~~~ IIm"t·:!:l£~tv. ' k t' tl Il I ~ I I -.. ~ . , I:lO:<l 8 CUltATIVE. "bl.b if Gall reOOIDIII.Dd ~tt \\' u r k t 111' t\ " 'ce' cree III ~ 10 .X.r.u: • , .... A • .,.... I ... ' , ' tO lu ft'ererl from ltbeuma Urm. for It eared me '1 1' 1 I' I I \In . "' ,," ,, .\. ~"s, O" nllem cn;- Th c 1.1 ....., GICO\\TH, lit-A u f) ~"8 Til 1<. II AliI. In Ih .. odan.o th ..1 1 could aU.lld 10 m), baal· I) I'Il I! P~ \V tIC' I 1\1'0 ~ ',1ppl.H 1\.'I'C 1,,, ,< of Lli nl illenr \ClU !'I',II Tn t' b ,' ml,il Cllr4.:rl K · . Deftll '1'1 I c>ep W_r .....n .. olld nul. B"nhh" 11' Itt tb bn ' h be • 1" 'lIdy til I!t' lint np. 10 1I1'6e81 1110 ulltii'u\Y ut h ehin" I'ile., .. hid,1 o" II"r · LONDON ""In 11l~"TOKI(K. I tho.~":~a~:uff:: .. lttrhat'doll"t0.,r.I•• Il.~tof . J .• ) I' t b' tl e c·I \\ ith fo ., ft n' \"'1\18 EIIC!""l'd 811d fi u,' 8 til 'Ill' IK ~\ 1:\1:\, l' lfl g Ie 011 et'll ts for alll .lhl'!'. 110 \ t o r ,.. ft·i.,nd IIf WiDU.. ~ I-It o' ill ro<lMe "'n " h"I, ,.. ",j·in,,1 ".. 10" . 1 ' M. ROWE, 214 Onto,lo .tn.t. ~ !> " ~ a Cl'IJ88 Tnrtl ccl'uok in tho lower but'· A ~ nil (0; 11' ,J. !tEAOH. __ ~ R 2-111I,j" k"n , Ih ln iI.i r. '· J ".i n~ new ~ ''O~'h ' l n--.. G '8 b - - b ' u ~ .~ J · - h ,... 11 rc \!') IOI', lh" II ,llmnl · ~ I'I f! l illn H . L.... aVm earn eD oley. t . PopuJar Ullllir d I' vI' the (~urpul'!ltiull or I.U I'aIIOIl. F""lIIwoli ~I "tj,, " , I ou,j., ,, , ' 0 ., Vu . _ -SEt.I.B-4--1, • iii 'umo',' ,,1\ ,1:",,1,,111' 11 ,,,1 ;1<: hlllb'1l. CL"'ILU:~or~o ..mber 3 18U \' 'J' hi tl lJrid.", i8 the ti rst till" c l'cc l cll, I ilk " w.,.", .~ Sux :-Enclll, l·d 1'1.... , find R II d t· I IL fl-It \ViII mak e lilli, " 'fl, " 1" .. ,·. I\. xil,k L!.W80JI CU""'O'L Con,'NT: ,. llnd i~ II~Olllll\ll('\'d U" 1111 /I ti r~t. 011".""11,,,' 1o, ~." 1.'''X Cd or yo" r Oint~""1 ') C W lite I\' tent at 7tr.· a .. r,...- t, .· i11l' rc~, ,,·e '''i~ ill l.r "olor 10 oM "lie . ... Foroyor,.,[ .... a,.oallg,/l'er.r (rolD ' ., ".. t"r 'I<,h",~ pll ••. 11,,·". a,e _"ID e 01 my Prep llrcd cocoa 20c. · u pllckuge. 7-11 .. III 1".l'Onl Ih e h. ;, rlOlI! f.lli ll~ "ff "tu ..I.O " Iu lilY bead; tried almo.t e•• ,., . r I he Inu8, IIIry I ~ u l l h c fr ;CI"I. who 111" ","I1'",'d "'IIh Ihi. ,Ii",o,.- Oat M eal 10 cte. a pound . 8,-11 .. III ollre 1111 dl "eRFc, of 'h e .call" · !r~:~!:::H:'::~~~Ot:"0!:a:.~:~10~r.l'~t!· e llUlri lo b hest ~)'dcl', havilllf' 1t(.II.H' Cl'CCt\!J iug comp t ld n t . Tho box ~·ou FO III me - ,('ar Oak ' C 8 k I t. "('flt.4)rc!ol hn'h tho IU1"'·(II,·, "r Rnd -,Io r l A lad, recommended Lawlon', Cura.tivo, i .. I m d id I It er ~ ocoa. Oc 1\ pile age, ~, red bottl dIed ,L. w'llh can ull uck HtOlitl. 'fhe IIbllt· ,,~o , ." .cu'e ye... I 11m p''''u.,~, 0d.HY c. or,b. hBir, 11 1111 1. 11, ":orOl I,·,. '~"'Ier. - roocluD"nH&p'ln ·~!'r.m&mo..."d·"'allDot.Ot l'na,Y~"""~ . , . mild,' ~ nper .'ct think llcocy• Oswego C oru "tarch , 15c u "ack . ~ - .. ~ DlCDt ~ IIro I}crlllnnunl. 1 he bl',d~o Ahoul d be pllbllshcd Ihrou.,holl~ Ihe len" lh r Pre,""lur. hl", uhin g ur r".I ;ng or, • ""I, i, Iy. !lave Died foar boUl.., I OODIIder 0 h flY " Cove Oy.ten, freoh Loll/<I<l r. !'!nlm on Bnd 10 I.e ~rf· "t1 :· '·'· ~ l'eLt"u . Ali<I Il,nl c'·c' yho d." dll .... Olltirell_.or.d. prnpt"'r iA " ' nud, Ortlctad b y tho 1\lld hrel\ dl 0 Lho II ml. uu CiIlD publ h' h Fruit in O.lUM, at low price, lri'411 , Gor nilln. WllIIl!t l 'l I'lC h t!lult i fut is p roo f "' lIou~ll "hu L il l Ver, trull' 7,oon, J ' .' kH thi. If •"UII think Q"ld, A~me, Whit... B"IF.• I". C •• I,· I", Oell' "I, · III I" 1'" .0. I'J' e"ery I'r"l'r, I (lEO. Il. SCIIOLEY. 01 O\'CIall(I 1::>l'Iu lltC ' C 0.. alII I 11 «U n .... v prnpe,. lrJ ,;nOSSNICKI.E. B'T< I r", y t!1I'IIlIg enuugh till' a It\,l)ll,l .glllI~O 1.1I~loBlolIl'g F""lerick Co. M.t tuHr , und Pi ... T., ~~P" ~I "per inlty . . "' ''''''.' ' hilt Ih· I''' i. ,,,,'l';r~ 1lI' :, e illll:orl""t : Dyspepsia, Sciatica, '1 II b· ·1 I I I( I" . \" . I 'h ' e cOll I.... " •• 10 mnH O t 101"" """" H,p' t Il th .. c", 1 LII,... iJealltlf." h"... :-; "IV t.o ' Neura1gta, Toothache r on( I , 1 le 0 leI' rlu~l!R nru U lU ~AI+lW : . ~:(lU l\rf' S!l! CI'llIg WI' l ' UI Itn· ' I~)(}rome Liuim r nt. And Bnrtlm'M CtH l r1'h t;y r.. pr" \','n L ,.. f:aillnn· tlf tfl u lI ~t nruJ I;nIOrill l1' / PI ls7 80 Thro' ' .. nU" III !: clImpl,,"'I. 0 " I dl..... . ""y 0 M " our re a.'. , t II ercctc d as 800n as 10 orcu (~UI ' 1 't h k' J ' ,.. d :...: "l'. " "U KO('l'/'I IlII'r~" r tint.! h~tt~rl\ i'Mn r tm cnt mllttA'r iu il. ~' r rn-('l{('it tho ' 1InUi t)f th e , '
It, competilors receiving only an
i,o" .,
Up_Town Grocery El Jl P Ir]
k I
1'I I ' lly, I ~ _ ypl,
IS.·llltO. J:: u.....,\' our
ru,.:g,. ..
0,"1 gel" h"~ (I f ~ \I' ''Y l! e', All ilo.lin;; Oinl-' ? r Olin' ~. " rocet! .< I. nn "\ly ot "" h"",e " 'O "~. I~ 11' ,11 . "rel,.· Cll r6 ~Oll. 50 CellI, " III W ilY""· IIle. 083 !>'n; ;th" , c. ftl,$I : .'fi , 61 ,0 " ,. ,251' : .en' THE BEST OF'F'fR' I I)' m:dl to! un," ud.ln'l'lI , 11 11 rL'ceipt 1)1' pricil . , . . 1" UI""o<l Ollt. 0." I" .. " W ""N" ,r, SUllo ;13flo We ... dl ell ,I u"" ll U,e'e h",tl =' _ u.'·11I :;i' lh_ ,·~_ .. l)~I. _______ 'JI'VV ~or''''60. __ "d c lrl~ _____ ._ _ ... ~ 1,I"d . 1I 0,1"" •• yh .• I" thu •• "'" P"uptlrllon, illolu,II"1; Or"ml. S' p'J\re Rntl Upl'ighl -"I\ I "~" 'L,\.· - . "ltI ,I"'ce \ to th e ,.•",.,.• AT
I '
The World·renowned Wil&Oll Shuttle Sewill([ Machine
Thrn Willon Winll till io u milch lori in Ole 4&, u rou o\her K~cmll, It requlrl'fj nil sped... lustructlon8 to use It; an WU6tralfd DlreetJon }Wok Is'
flIrubllt'd "Ith IlIICb JlUlCblne. IT CAWII0t: GET our OF ORDER, AID THE ADJOSTII!lIn ARI IBS01\l'T!LY PERfECT. A rrorerly I'xecntetl ellrtificate is fUl'lIiNhell with e/lcb lJIachiue, gllorllBteeiDg to keep it io r epair, free cbarge, fer tlTe years. Macblnes 80111 on eaAY terD\s 01 paYlUtllll, IIDd delivered, tHe ebargl', at aoy Railroad Depot in th6 ' U.lted StateR wh f're we ba\'e DO Agent8. Send fol' W.atratecl C ...t&1ocue, ... Acenta Wanted.
For full particul .. r. addre ••
It.@O I'-,: lIlriwljen,
....... ........
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t ; urn pl\i:,tntl, 'Inll f h crl ('~ :
10 flll" ~t o f :\1 .. , 111 ' OClIer d ' ';,..n If Th" mtt. ..;. (' \· fr u n lti ~ 1II' i" !t t .! ~11I1 (" n J ,l tl llr ull , 1111(1 O'h"i li /t lltl ' I Lh ' l' Ih'I 'lI wcld !" IUflli81ied b r h i m H I " hU9, \\1;llClllll till'
U"'lIe .
P . ~,
POPI3LAH f.l, rl ·IUJIi -; II' lih C.nlp.dgr>
""0 \
2 "OI B. 'loth , ~~l. E\'(lrr h l milv in th·, I"od sllould t1lne " copy 0" thi'" I'M' 'IUI-hlul. lh\,,·tHlgh , lind ""lu"h~e j·ol\t,.fft utl nn' to the mil il Ary hi .tlo r y b("p ,
III tho ,,·b.llinu " Illo il uhiea.
"all<,e d li n"
IO I\tt(ll' i ~ lidmirn hJ ~ , \tf , 1t
1I'~ 11
''1'11 (· ••.. ol,k
tho \\ Il r of the
'rhallinn.'-;-! ~'I "j - ' ;"n .. Io.cjlh HuokH. ROUIfRT (lL"KIU! .. ()O~ P ....... e ..... l' IN.llI NN.\Tl,O, .
dl;; •• ",'d '- (Oeuo,,"1 W. or
S her lnrtn
Mu,ocl'o . 'I~ .
With Illi AIIw. rlt '!:l C .IUJ'l j, li;.:. 1l I' lld HIIHle ~I"p '. Poi,"'. I:lulh, " . $ \11 , H"I(
I.II1RAI:\· E DI T ION . -:I . .. 1,
Sands & Janney '"
III :-;'!'I litr .
II I S 'I'OIlI' u l' 'r::I ; (;UMBE'ltL'NU ;
" '.'
tudr.lng, hrmmlng and rumillg. It does ona-thlrd more "or" III a glvnlt·kulJtll' of tim" than 1111)' othor Se"lng mar-hille. WlTIl EnRl' MOl'lON ofilio I"OOT the MACHINE XAKES SL'\: ~TITCHES,
or farlllty Sewing and
ITS PATENT AUTOlU.TlC "CllT OFF" on tlrr hlllld wheel lIn'l'I'nl ' the 11\110 chine froD. runDlng bucliward~, and ohvlat.l'!! tllp DcOOt!slty of bikinI!' the work from tho machine to wind Utread on tb~ bobbins, whl"h must be dllllP with un otller !i!ewlng Mlithincs, to till' g reat tlJlDoyanco of tllo nperat~.r, r.sJlf'.claIly In
'Sir I" "rllw ll ""''''''' , ,",1. II n l( '" C,' C' ""n -, ...., , IlItroc lllceJ too ,h. Am ~ riollil r o" pin tllIll , Headache, ChllbWu, n~~I;.~~'~ IUIR (JOI.OK RI!MTOI&EK" Cramp LameDaek, Spralnl, B Dr. 11.01,. ,,,. "I' l'III1",", ll'hill. ""y.< of i t ; ' Uraa, The Lu"d"" 1I ,,; r C., lol' R""to,r , i. 1I •• d DiphtherIa, Scalds, NElU~ BrWWN, ,. H1HI All 7tcld to the m&llo inftu8DHlort.beCurMift. " t!.ry fO:'( I <'11'4 I,,,, IY I\rnonl4' pl,II.CIlL-1oI (l'I elld. ft. lI'e " " .•• by lIly""l . 1 Iherd, ro DO mattor or bo.. 100, .landln,. It h onl, Sll' : " t'~,. ", · I .. lJ,.()lI; /1 ill (:hrt1l f l }",., .I'""~ from ,., I" ' rlr ll eo. o.c.... ry to u•• ltraltbfully and p .... TOrl.,b. Jl.f !NPI !f 11 full V ,IU1HHltI Ct"'" th ,lI he itt 11i)\" ill C~" '" I"' " uOltl ln; 1\ bot~lr I"r "".ordlo~ to th.rull directlo.s wblch r.ccom· full rnVIII}! ut, thtl f.ld ... t lllllt with a O~'II~t , U1t. Ro I I r,"CTOllY Pa.I C', "" N n ngenl ", ; nu cl) mt1li ~ . .' Imt y ~ :xprCH Mt to nl ( reM. on rfr pan,. e&eh bottle, And )IOU will IUtel, be 10.. '''l'l'ly uf tho bt.... road II UIO the a IIlltlttu a c to I Ie "0110: 110 d' SCUIIII'.. 'l'lIesI: pi. llos 1ll'" I, ' cml't of price. lI.v.d. 1'7"" 1'. cily willl'equiro R['lTI e tim u ye t t v 1011' o ~ !he AOOM di"play. M~. tho O""'o,,"i~1 A lldr~"" !l1l n..l. ," to Vn . S w .WR &-. 1)lcle u~ th e wOI'k is vory h e ll. E.hlllll",n. nn,\ .. ur. u'IIlII,wou . I)· roc"OI' 8tH., ;IaO Nu,!h Sill.h Ht .• Phihul.lphia, P ... , Huck JIJ Ii ,,/ f, C"m u ,' . k I mended Inr tho 11'"11"'. ' lIoso".. New l:lulol''''pril!tn ... l'/lI' II ' 11fr111. Ia II_Un" .... d ('.oollnl! to W ......... vy. 1 h e h e a Ylest \l'ur - ~ n t )e !"unurllel<,n-o!,1! uf' Ih. In"/lO"1 """ li".~t ~Ol.ll MY ALL 11HUGGI8TS. ~ CII ~ o 7t dd FIO/I/·. lower end ul tlte l'Oltrl b r- ,np: the tho .. or!" . rhe H~II ..e G,,,,,,lo "''',IIIill Tf'Jlt Dod ),011 will D.... be without It. J~ t1I(lI(I "' 8, t.unuul.-l'al1 I;Ot. , • M..lh" . I,,·k . ' WIV rll~<lnl \J"plox ~v""lrtl~,g A..alllll(!.~l'let!fre I Sell.l e, t.lIC Jtl'uutu8t llup,'o\'uOl I' nL 11\ 1.1", III ~ . Prioe •••00 per Bottle. _1/1 1 F .. <!d ':/ ,ti l k i nr!R WJ(1)~~QlJg lJ @ ! tury of pilUln IOllking. Thu Ul'ril-{il t.... nre l'REP,ARED BY LAWSON CHEMIOAL co. whil'll ho "" II" ut tilt) 1.JWC-,. t. flUL' I.:,t iClntt , tJiOllIE'I'ING NJ:;W I ., ;" I ~he r'~""T IN " ·)I,n,cA. Ilon 't fa il I" II'ri~,' FOK WOMEN TO PO No, 3 ... " EAST MAIN S'I'REK . T, for.IlIlI s.I,·tl ted .nd DCR", ipti vc OlllnIQgllc.\l:}' ,\11 pl l n ,lI :I."U!,( ddin)rcd iInm l'lliutt,\y. omce and Lalloratory13a St. C)aIN!., wlthO\it, e.c r,rn (.· hargo .. . {'. '.) _G ........ ~ ... " ••• WAYNESVILLE 0. I mILlled Irc'· . . . ' '1 8_ ) ",Idrt.a , Wltb aU,,"p . . .. • Mendeluohn Plano Co ., CLEVELAND, OHIO, W II}·n.!-v ill ~ , ~r.rl' h 14. 1 ~77 . ~ l .: ) ••• ,81!t. N.... "ark ( ;Ily I Prll2.~r!lltlulI' IIOJn~unded ~~ alt hou", by Nn. fiO UIIOAO,," H , N. Y. _ Sold by BII DMII!lrIIl •• .l" I: ;Jloo,,? lYJ .. "1L,c·'lJ~rlenC<)d Dru/,~I t. , 5071 I I~,'l . ,
put tlt e m up . ho true llyn.'!;, we loar-n, is to be proceeded With at • " ,I, 'cd ,n I'011 . tl, onco ~Ln(1 t I\ ~ Clll S J UC "u I'o ad \lnI1ICJ llttc l.' thel'tlattul'. I Ill' J I 'o!~d will. fil's t bc o l't' ru. t c ll \Vay n csvdlo to the MUI:lctt.u Ita,'" l'oUd , wh erl' a c h Itll!,(<:l " t cal's \\'111 btl U tlee8~'trY til e llter the city, Th l!
for some special fea ture of Iheir machiner: '
IIIf Unllmlled tapaolt, to do all kind.
fa -
. . . . . .KA
will Alltbecertl8caLeiaro
b~' Indi! , {tlr 10c 11(1 r 01.: .- ,!ttl' I er ~ Ib .-
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ret'tUttI, I' t\rtl culnrly a' night wh ell II ndrcs tl · in~I ' ur In bed 8.fter S l!ttfn~ W :lI In . [1 'tPpe"t'S
xprt·~ot. "Ir
GRAND PR 11'[:
II .. llallroa" Irllrl'll- 1lI,.1 h.....
tOK t'UlIF.KS.
261, 262, 263 Broadway. uno
NIZRI 1 10
ASSETS, $4,827, 176 52 SURPLUS, $820,000 E ' ERY APPRO' ED FOR ! OF POLl Y I» UEDON 1I1O" r FA \ OHABL E TERMS
o .... ,," I
Osgood's HehotJPe Engravings. TM eM.«" Mu, ehold O...."tt1«'nt. J"" Send (tW eatnlouue
List of 1085
Weekly Newspapers OOAlPBISES !'IIif'lW' . r k ~"""p.JWr I1 nlf)" II •• t:bh\UC'tt !l'i e 'UPft~ .. l1 n'o" • I.,
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en~l"C(lIit~ 1h on A 'nttc r old mMll1nlf, wi th the l1llJlnrk thnt fOl the last two hour~ h hlld hlld the II md 10 Ills teetli Hlld Y01l 2' !\Iud t h "ofor tunnte pl!Tllon who hl\ppened to be near est hlln tl Then, by Jove, the ~nDd bad the li'ont of i~ I '
CYCllIllb'S n ~o tbll t 811 IH e lO1l WIIJI c xu l ~d 1I1d un In V(!Ktl ~llh on !Illoll cd t hnt t hey hnd rntsqd the 1 ro ll 1,lntlllg of tho floor Alld Wl'T 11 nrl y ruudy to C8CI1J
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T UlIKE Y hils IIU ed tiO,OOO,OOO on tho lewelij of the late Sult.aJa r"
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neetlb OJ'ov.-. __ TUN .HIIOLI PJl NIU.-Tho me III TliK cirollll ulI\l III lIagcrill C III· L.I -A ' 111111" . chou I cline t II V . _- . • ' \)ere of tho '"tholic 'hureh III ultIvn horo 111 t Ji'lIl1a)' WII Il COlliCII11(, t tho I t llIunth I ~tlrumer, be held at thll F. W. B Ohe:ro w~n ttlcu I ItlllX (larde pnut d Ilt tlllll thl plll00 uut.! VI IIllt alo IUllklll l,l pll't ;lUCCeII8. 0 \11. \lIIrr Jt,hblllll . Dlt SWAYNE, lillli tIL W 11th r 11I~ lIot Il~tlld Ita lIext thmdlW Ilt~rnoun g , ta D . prepUrtltHHl8 tOI 1"1 011.1 yavlo oc, UIIU Illil COlO 1),\11 '1Il1llllCted th m· T~. I)I~C"I r r \1[1 Com~uullll r I,r Ih I\r ierv nL heat, bllt If all,. odd, iii iu. whu onjoytl-IlIII'1011l1 81118 lll\ ~"'I 01- I r. JllmCtI W. HAIUII8 vi81ted el\~ 1 n In SatterthWl1lhl1l grovll 011 !vlltl 11 rll 11\ 1& W t UUIlII:Otll'tllln' 1111 R. S W N E' S creasing thcrein. H .. rvWl& wall tin- momber alld d lI't lui' 't tu co ~~ IlV ulI\l lIMit weuk. tilltltrUIIV , til 1 tho TIl\lre Wi ll DO uule UllIllnllr, ulld ht&.1l Wlill tho Ie u d 8 r ' df W ld 0 ' .............w . . . . . . . . . . b, lit family a week !'«O Jut 06pol 111 ltr Nu. 1 bo u;ed; I M,rtI. Vf Jrr 0 Barllot it! how IIK lIlllllg gllod IllIuic t III plre. tho guw "PIIII VII ot all. W II l.Ivllr I D!!: In 00. II. No. 19 Wl ur barley 9: il l per dob't loave thoOl at home \ from 1 roy, N e w Yor)c Sill 110, rttltt.l IIIUl'lIt~ vi VtllI u klUds. Ru\\> a fi ll r IItr t.parlldo III Way - "II 10 • ,.ro~ ,lIOn ,I (}I r. e wl~b ,hij lon~.,rl.D' JO!lT ... No I w~d 11I.'!!IdIiY Il.flO r II No. ~ hop boobovcthllllvcrago, taking __ D-- I G '11 -!ir haeLlIs Olbolo Wo 11 0y un.! IItI uuubtnll wlw llttu ntl wilin ~ \' Ille II nrlthe whol ntftlirWIlS l ul""nll~~o l ~ I.:"nl"r 'l u'lc'IEduc.'l .. nl II tl ~c I rove waa wo repre ubI J ' I I f I bl' d 'rho tellt "II. "r tloo "I,le ·1 ,,,,1 b... • h .ul. I" I'lollu10 ~~ I , . . No 7 t It yclaud laaL l'hureda • \VIIS III tbe city yeataruay. 0 ump y replll 1M tIC out lIy 0 1\( mira y con Ilcteu dul l'hl I 11I011... rh".I~ In ,h. ""old He »ulo. 10511 A II No 13 I II 01,;' l\lr, !"t Itl, OUI (011'11 ral8 s lit d Ilt IlIg ami thut 01 lha ronters Our 11 M' I J I - MISS RII" AtLU\ H'olhuld '8 I th~lr time and 10l/lley was jaulloou full. Illld tho b'hal'- ~e'III.1I11'c'v II • "I, h "110""101 pr .l·,1 I w..., .... ,... a ....... ;! wlll'll \I III 1l\'(,Tag '0 21' bushols tu b: 10 1 .' Olh41 Ellis, Entma visitlllg Mr. I ' Ilve li,ollllod I Of COIlI"86j. theN II! " dllfe·ll l\~ ior was ol(ce llent. Wtl IlIl Ve not l ln ll,o I h1lnll. ~'h\1 \)1 'i'~II'IfY "lid I"r IIU N IghObpr... U t.4 A )I t No h thl! 11('1 " hnt WIl shall not ha\' a MI::g,, ~df~mptOTl, Mattl o N urtoll, 'oIl Lin.. t' , ~2 A II Soveral or~ l\tr 'f of OP"1l011 III 10IIIIy milldd ro heard ut a dlllllk on mlln 10 tho ~1;.!.;\~;,,~I:;I;:'I~~h~':':J~:~~el~~~II:~~I~III i'II'~ Nt~ I Omolll A.a. I 1\.1 r II grellt dca l ul It, M hilt U nurrow I l~1 h) II 0,. F~IO Ilowo, alld ~ll l!s d t o ' CI IZOI~d oxcur\8\1UCIIOg tho plupl'iuty ut' dU ll '11Ig tOIl II 011 thllt dul' l"I,purlunil!cI uf obt"llIlng ." 111 .1.:111 111/" 1\0 I l'al!lfto Ispn'<8 , fi to r ,,' Our corn pro II t'~llli II I roe p"lt.allli Mllss rl!. SlllfllEC tl ayt"l1 Yllstul lIy. t"ll ld III t.hebllll""IK"t' uchuroh' .- .,dl"."8<AIII . 11 Ihtlrv"rlollfoll1 . ". lIell 1\ 0 14 blc •• d(h 1111 StH'". '1'\l1J[bl II~J Ace. I 5 r II IIlISe 10 \fIeld a tul 'rublu cr IlU t J '1 1I1l1,'A II'S \\ oil. Gcor<tu Ilnnlllt,," ~Ir \V 111111 E 'rl Andcr!!u I ' 1111· U ~hcro I III rll"uru to 1'00til ul s' I - MI N M'll be ~ ut ~e tlmo I· ' f.,r OO"CCII.I"III,I Jh. I.e-I mOl hod. "c 11. ,1 t ~totl'l /In s· to I. J up I I. J" \ \ 'd 1 \1 I I :, e • \" I t.rOllLWtmL In olturlllcl ther elO I e tu Ib, eT rnln' do nul ItoI' \l~l l lJrt\lllall.'!y stulldd rlllh r lll1l1" 1 111 I~ .I1\1 I ~h. I I{~'II"I!II . ,O ICIlUI , ust .1111 tlllY COIlCIII" dlallHltlC clltl·l tlllllu·nts. ," tOIllJlllllUV nlHIUl'ut nl ayll - , pc"pluo r lir. 11 ull e""I"I' ~ Lh 1,,"1<101 101< No J E••, . nd;>(o IU w. It car .. 10.11 -- ~Il.s L.IUr.1 Ko! ly. ul It (·It uIIII, III situll. 1111) tIll li P; 1V1t1ltt<oo\'ur vtl lu, dlod leeellLi) III Uazel Greell, .,10108" . 1" ,oIu",(ol",1 "~I'C" OI ce ,11 tho No. I 6 7 ftml Ifl rUll dally An olbe... It ollr putlltllO hul, It 1\llIlI ot lio l \\ III Uard , .1 ," lIt' 'lIId Wdl I ra il I l ' d.llr. cxcepl undorA 01\ lug to our IIl'glect 01 th Color" IVlaltcsd lito IllttOll lwck d 1I11U \ ul Il lOutl. I" \ Ihl t lllg .It Mr. ~J uscd K~·I l'xeu l,t the 1111:101'11111110' YUill hll.IJd I Ky, 01 parll;;tSl8 of the bruin ~kOlllllc"IICO,~'1' .uIIIJ· ··l lh , 1'0'11 ·1I21501,~1 ow r ItS .' I I " IU • I IIUI OilS"'" 100. '0 lf'01l1 lot "e II III\ L U O. !l\INES rich' Ag nl do b\l~, tur tillS \'ery day \\ 0 har. p IIIgs, lUI lIturullY y~ Il'tu ynur puck,·'" ulld plllllkllig lJ IS agc was ,SICllr'8 Ho was a prollo,,"~ II 0001'.10, 'orl r.mll) tlo,ouj/ho ul OE RO E R TII,E, R. A,:'t ve~t~t1 abullt II bu"hel aud a hllif of -Tho MISSIlS Ollitl ElliS Ullcl I II" _ - \11 J limes A W vtolluy fltIUWII tllO sohd L 1I11l1 thr~ct cll:! h nop how of tho Illto Olmrles LYli ch • • Ihl IlInll r•• UII)( 118 he doo •. cOIOIIJenlh. III CUm\ll u0 Utt CII d 0 J t LC Jllbl I\ U lit L' "I t \V 111111111," 1~ltod hen: •la:lt ItolLS OOI NO EA 1 • u UIl< I tuo \' ncn tlOoy 1100 '"0''''' 01101 "lIc~dou . 1i,IuI III Ihe ro." t IIe I,C$t excuse t I10m·' Iall u I.u lICIly I ~ toome(lb)' a II ' "'I v 10 .00,u, ho I ,.", ~ Ilh c"lOlmo"d. II,., .,1 um I ()lOF' 01 III. II An.]" 411 I " Ollll'lIvli c llIl'C'lIl1gStl ll clHllllI Lul tJLlfld \\~ ok . sol vl's llUlIl tbut OI'ClllI l'lle, peo Ikne" blw . IUUULUII ••llnoo lO y/h>mllll,,,,t<,,llh ... nrl.. MAlI..l:l Oil iN G \\ ";aT' Clb.a.IIl.l311 r .. 11",1 540p .. IIC~ tu ho clolld eol by Hpectlltllrs, I -A IIl1ll1brr " I B,'erh Gr '"Pt$ - \11 A 0 1'IIylor id Icco \ cr plu who hOIl~tl) buhove these - ~':Jl¥~I~)U~~.II ~,~.r~,I~ A~~l~Y'~ ~I~F~~~ ' " r. FA I' R I' 'I Ulld ti llS I~"tll II h hlla11 ng the lilt ose lI~tUlltll'U thc, QIIIII tcd} \1 ('ctil i/-( ilL III!!: 11 11111 u r!eVlllll IIttllck of bl""I1~ tllll1g IIl1d COli- ·1t.ll\tl \)\J~1 Y lind con · I i r t h9 Ilh. 10,.,01.111, """118 " III, d, ~ II"\I " oot.U 1f'~ ~fraoIlY's Omnlbu -Line It 011 I \\ e I\el c Ildur('sscrl O il IIIBt l L 'U lle t.lrit SlIlIdav le\lr BIStUIII I) ClIll) Ihl'lI 1'I IIIcipies Ollt. "Jnoluo,ll,v Utll n".1 ernool. 111 I'IIV. "I"". &U&iA r""oll."U I ' f ' 1 'llb!,'ltll I I ICnOtYO!llI I I fit!,pe~ J r t I c, L' lIRI I',)' A "77 b oocd 0011 .. rol'" 100 10. , . ~I"' .•• d "' ~ , II.I, dul rom IIrI'''' (\r ' , ,:,ol1ra g b tu I _ ' A S1Il1 dlly~c.h u ll rdehrlllioll -- MISS All 1\11 \Vri ht, IlfLt'b ILr"vC'11t Itl CI I tU('\~ll , (1,' , - UI(".lu l .to".I& "'huOlIIII~l' , tl" . 1 he \vI I IIt:H~ IW' ~:""t..:~:1UI~\;~'~:~.:~,':l\ft...?r~':.7t I,~ft ther, UL't'I{ru1 Amery,ol 'VI II Ie wdl Le held lit pril l!; li dl ul1l1cxt III1UII. IS a gll 'lItuf M~s Alit Ed- CatllOllc Dishol'bdlllllllr,uf cteV'll G~ur~" \\ Eurll.~t. ol troon 1111111._.0 'I 110. 'lJJOIII .1111,,,.11, ·oo u"l. ====~iiiiii~~~~===== 1 Hallldtutl \V llter VIIIII~e nC1I1 IIllrrl~lJfI. III IItun.luy. 1'0 I 0 la nd , 18 olle ot thtlt'IIII:!~, who dOOS I ,,"cro It I. ~"O\\O1. hAS lIcrn I'" I, . , ' .." CIlII II I ' II d ,Ir ~ nut dv t· I I" I b d menU)S • lell I 'r II I woml.rrul Uhlh clUIi 'I'II\ IIIU" . II:! I cu ur"e - A II lce pnrt) "lit! "1 1011 b ~Jr :3 3 worth f Il UCII Il III1l UXprCoIti J 01 I d bOlL ,LI! ~r.lIll·, .. e, \(IeU le .,lIh ,,1,1.. . "not v~",.I\\' 1'IIROKltTINARlAN BAPTIST CII 1\ IlS UpUIl lho Atollcmcllt, and wus lind ::"lll ri ('lIhll1 U k" 1 • - .. u CXpUrtllU1I lI ·k dllllClflg III Iud uf tho cltlllchcs uf ' And 1111 •• 1 tll.I.. .. III~ tI,OUI. 0 "'",, 10 ' "0 "1\8 -1\IulInt Street. "01'< ~ 10 D" Inc rVloo \\ 011 rl'eel ved ulld IlI gh Iy lIpprOCltl I t u 0 U' k ~t I n 1'V , lit IIt "1 r 't.! t Olly~)JI w~ru '8(Jld .aIi Cur\\'i n III Ii OluCU e Lut there be uthorl1 FRA;" EY - Iu Oonlu Au~u.l 7 11\77 110 '" fully 0'0' <talllud OllOllllhu C1V~' Iluont&: on tho ilr1!t "turl\~y ,m.l undny 01 01\ h ted bv tllOso who hellrtl It YUill I I I 1111 I~ " I) I I I.' a-I 1 lll ll.d,1 v y lei rillY • ",h<.l ~.,., .. u~ _ La .. c lU\J t110 or 01001 ..... InfMutl..lI Inr"~L tWin da'ught ; I01 1100' , klll ,,1 phyololOQ I'r • 1\ n.· . hMd mlOt't EldorL D~vI •. P""tor IIII1Dul' ec'>rrcRI'l lldelltltlld 1I0ith iit el'l'lI ll1j! l 011l Clllrl-I'JIItleUI WIS JllumlUluull' M··T5'-.oy . ·1J.J ..\.o"I!f. l d, moll.I'."'<IIIJt IoI ~hlld"DU\lloll .11O qUill. mill.rcs~1I 1 . -- ' VI.WN WI II YOU 1t.1 lIu,a b ·ttcl· reso lt tulills UII'UIIC III.'the modcs or m.lIlh. "",Io u ",11, 1'1".1'". ", ftlluoLb"r ROllA.SC\TllOl.ICO II URclt - The Rrv'd plell8l1rll, bl'llIg Irom Iwmu hI tlt e I cl ll~" 01 " " rk thun Id lit ELctly ,, 101 ulitcrtlllll fllolltill Iholl I'IClllCol sIi' voolunul.· ' r~~",6'c wgrld'ClIll . ,,'bleh FMthorA\'lI'u,ttnC, P.. P.t MWIlI.,n the2,1 time I -- A d ult)!l ltl lll J II IIIl I \1 ,,, irll ~ 1I 11 .1) hl',d \¥ lt llt "e tletillC lu BII) III tlllil ~'I"ulcllllvcuml'llIcd "'11 11 ... ,I; lIOlloo&.uSundll) of cnch mou lh Lay .en Ice eve!,) T I at th~ 'f" III I I ,.. I ~~' ~~ tI mu,", 0. , luln lI lIoI 1001101" 11,1 In ."rI"gnl1 ucdl\)' aft~'OOOIl he week endllJg Thu rsduy oven S u I'~"" 1\11I1l'_Wlll 'I II II~I - MI Moo l'~ n< ll} hnd II ~OVC I 0 con lIt'etlOI! IB, ,IHlt 11 00 \\ l \ CI } UIII \ d' ••a ... of II" th,. ,.1 hr. a.. 0l1l.1IUIIJ.;' Dr RT MAlw'eP F. Onum)l1-C.,mPr Illg WllS rather reluarkllblc a8 u atllruay. III lt ulI 'Ir (I I lito 7-1lh IIttllck uf Jllm~sri lallt wuck bill IIr OWII (~chllg IlIlIy ,ltll'l 11001lltlt(,II S ""A'NE' \1 1I1I1"~kN' l"" , ol'U . ttlke< cltapter uf acculents, or ratber all III 1} ,II 11 01 11 bette I ' Itl thld !)lutter, It 1,l/t. BU'ltI! pOlnTI."'. woo"" on .. udayevenlng umlay .... hool IIccldent lind an 118sault \\Ith appul • I' lt ullIl ,U II \1 11" h 1111 III I'"l k~ - MI . Etltau nully anti flllllll y, 11I1 ~tlllll c1l11llly, l\lletltlllllable A LAROE fin unolill oorllOl'1lliun I~I"O" ~dlon "" ~oral,"glh, lIe.,ou• • nd . Ioollel..t lIa 0, evory Sunday cut IIttcml'\ Ilud IIItellt til kil l. tTl " ll, III 1779. III \I Ill ch ~tat tit' Hlch molld IIJ'C \ I Itlll ~Ir ~1 brccdlll!\, tlllllbtlu l hlllllll In g III the jllK """h a...,u n' olcr One MIllion "I D,I. ,d "'11111111111010 W .. ynH&M"'8IeTu... n.llIpD.t.ectl\c&tlllsncl~hhL'rhu()d \ Vdlllllll Mdl hel ll ,tl lt (lrcliddhomi blol\llIg suil l{ 'lI • " g . . u luotlltopts lIl Yllllrdllille LUllland l~r •. r\O'tOIr"".rcprP...nt.ttlv.'D..Jlthelll!' HOME TESTIMONY. ::'rolonl.i. Curnpeny m e .. "" on tho ad S.. tm. el', from II ar Ruu LI" O whu t . up she 111111 rlocl 01\1 IJ Tholll p~OIl. I Y·. MII~tllr to ~ct tip In II 1\11 pit antl rlUuhurlll dlOlrlOlt.< .. I New York. Penn.yl. nil 8\\ "'K Doar Sor - I I~el it 10 fie
lui <faztUt.
}) ' II' OtlZl!ttll ' -
We hayo
O"~~~I~I ~.hll\l~I' ~'lfrIoin'tltll~.
.uncrt'lsCmrntS. ",
~!l:o~:n'i!!:!:,1 rir:;,!! ,c;~I:eRo~:;~~~
!~le~nof tl~n C:"'I!~ ~~ 2 ~cln~rt!'o.:k. p!;.
I~ 'l ne~tlUnablo
l: ~ ~
I ~! ~~I'rI~~J:h:f~~~~~B:~~' ~1~r~~~~'~I~hlh~~r.':.:
~ns~fnh~I~ln~:~'';..,R~~r!:~o;:!:.c!'l~~: ~~;. 1~1~':;:I:~'~e:'\':'~~~",~;~".:;I~~\h~ J~~o
tcllded dIVIne e mce at 'our pl:ce (hcr IllUltlOIl V. us Hltl gc). l\lld t1hl'ft W' otXIrutT uas dl'1I01l1lCe I'\:\oplo \1 ho ItlUIICO a"8 &oreUtry. nt 10 A )01., went to our mill to YISlt Blh:r a few yeurtl tlt~y Cllllle to OhIO ~I:' 0 .rlliliu , o"u, to spelld auandunlld ehlLrtl(.1ehi alld utterly orxy. tMCt., and lullu"n..... Addteoa, .t»ti"g dcrlul oll,,,,I"e .p"".r of vooor Ooml'olilltl FIIII;;!m",' MRRTIN.I (Orll",doll) -M ....t- IIII! mother.IIl. law who liv es th ore ontl soon ~ottl ed lur ltV\! III lit e SlI IIIUl\lr. and irrctll e\ lIhly IlI3t tl) ~l1hlltlUli as"'. ""l..y ~xpeoW. Mod peH occ~tloll. y nl~ of WII,I aharll and ... aporilla ftod iD!y~n.::..~~~~~,;o:t\~ c~,~~{If8LFi;:.tJ!~ Ho SOOlhl to ha\'e' been Intent Ull U hOlllc \~ horu MIS flt Ol Il II':l1)1I dtlll --I f ~Oll W'Ullt Si de bur bllggl d, alld grtlcc. WIJ hll\ 0 kll<Jw n, we WIth re.foreL!,"i._bos Hl68. lonol':DaU:O ~:~~\"I:,.ln~ 11~~~o .~~I~k'~ld w::~.~1 YI~: •. ~~ !lehonl .t 1l'-2 0'01<1011 A. \II SWim, as ho striPped off h IB Clulll08 In Ori, UII.I '} Ing 1\ gouu 1,101 ligl, ~" tl) Ebe rly & UllY8lit lind :;ot du k nuw. )Jllooplu wltu IIro as "koly, • _ li 0 . . . ,,1• • ore Ihroat., my Ionw.t. "ore <'I\II~'" 1I'IIL'IT BA I'T18T (Froo-will) Ohuroh In and rowod Lllrusolf uut sume tl A WI"tnl~ l,lI th, .lon,I.~. tl ,c Ul cheup pelll.ljJ8, II all} l)reac hOl we ever ' AdmigistratO"etSale. oppctlt4/ ~one, 8 .. d uo. <IIImAlh so W . I Aro" htlle IUI1I1'~r IC r \\ ,. L'I I & .Ir k I \I off bll I t R 'erv . ,lIkoeorl, ,1001 ml I'b,.lelll1 .... o\al" al" ~b:0-Scrv")'-.. h.,lr\ the ftr.t fin.d Uurd tUll ce IIIto tho pond WLlIle out MI' " I Co 101 Y Ulll ol ht keltp llll hnlld lI ew, tl1l'1ltlll)Utol} til t dow lI With b WIW or 0 S °Tti kilO" "bot ... do for ID~ as e,arylhlug I :tr~ t~ O'jIoAn ..,:~~~. 1~i';IIl:nh':.~:' thOle he louped IIIto the water to Ib IllS Ie yet enJuy mllll y pleasnnt th o .. Truy ' PI"tturm Wag()n til tho Bh llllll); VIIl.'S lit GOJ'd right ~Sf~1 ;~~u~t. ~im: :llj th~ ".,!~~ p;"'~ used In Ih · .bol'e nf m. diclllU"A. rOJI "IMI. Paslllr All uro "Ordlallr 1""Hod to atwDd buyo IL SW im, but it is sU"I>osed hc Ilrt I IIY II Iversarle8. hand, wll u III tholl' dlly anu ., "eller· Icrty of Thnm""I \VII""b. "on..Litingol ., ~I'~'ID"!"'~ rer'u ll mll"~ IA fllll"ll o( fiJl"" l d I re' . r IVIII~ CIII Illdnron \\cr .s All t of hort II\'ol'ltl ol'or." I t f k beeuIi dM·d. ltd - eu IU 111011 I. 11 ' 0 . " 0 condillon FruIlNOI' ioIRwrTNO {J:1h'.AI~~I.'-Ale("unlll' lIumed tately orumped alll! sllllk Ab 5f e prl 011 excep I ~Uu\ll • IIlMlAt'C \~ hilt Ehctly & atlU ll ha\ 0 dlLlICCll. W II bave uhlO 8,0 0 oa I'" '. U II\ poplu IlImq.,r. and g",,1 up .It boop,. o( Ire, "'OO ....M0I!.....: ' or dhino wonthi" ~v'-ory 'Fir.! A JlO 0110 but n Bmall boy ""1M ' Oil Ollt t pcrnllllS \\'~re pre· ll .1 _lit will yo fu vvu 9" buggics kll Uv. II Jlcup lo witt> ",hrlll condom· :n:~'t:.I;!t;:aIl:lr'p1'l:rae:; 11 10111w~ AI thlollme yOU rool11nmlndud lb. of ~~r!t~nll~go.::""lkt /~oek lIear, 1\ ho thou/{ht ho ~ 118 diV ing Ollt, ~"J IOlIlIy tLlld upl'rnpn ul ' uml Cllll'I'l~l',r. r;" nln/! dancing ,I~ 1\ hoinouil "nd h_ WAgOD. blm_. 0 lot~' :r.~~ 0:'';:: b::~1r 1o~~I0~:~ ~~~ r: ~:::I ~1lI b 1lo~ly J( E Cmmcu - 'fl, Rev M Dust. LIC filially W lit IIn Jcr t rt 0 nIl \lure t 10 ~tI't r~(lb rlu. I -~I es 1'01 --A'irrcd' WIIlr(].J tll:adly III cUllllml far groater IIIn8 \",ndl<or Olnlddlbl'ukb'DlI~h \.oodIS'Imr\~ lumber lo"ee of Lho N IISb .\~'II~lhon!J ~~.II b~ al~.i n. I I u. II II "d ·1 I I B an mon Dr. u!Ofy KD mellO. bridle m. IlIlIg' II 81 I I b I ' IWurrclI Daklll \' j Iteuthe8ul·ller~' lIg.lIl1stuu IlIlulll.llltllllltllll. c· IUdrwuldte l"lfoh.uus patn'(,. hurd ..."r I I 'I,rl I ,.. m" ." peroccL Pastor D,von ~.tI'OrO" SlIlIrlllJ •• at lOl more; atwllcl thehttlc lJuy (IllS 1 _2 o'oloolt. A' ,audOl"_~ I'!o\ S8 bb11t.b bro tlJorln I ) becamculllrmeullnd .fT' "1111nUl11' (nt,' a115 • I Ilumo ye:lterdlY u ~ lov ud brc tl Irllll, II J<.I1l tiro cverso pumpo.l • . cure 0llloo me, .n.f.nvp' omI"lOdo\lI.lln no" .1.1. I" 1'",.'11 IIW ~u l.dd.r. •. n...,.....,ut ....... c.p.lJln dlltl, · lhfl ml II lohool at ~ 1:2 I' I ran to OUI' Vitiligo for help Our or -}'I • 1.) kI h Itappy liS tu )J11tI8 tltr.,ugh::lt Peter's and mp<, 1"011-"""''''1 .nd nUUlcruu. other of d ,,' .1 ,,0< •• ""emcnl ,..111 ple.;" c.l;uo~ F ILMP-lto. IIANoe. No l!l PKtr(lnM..r B t l • El' G S I -m r 1" t'lll~ cacoo las ee n U t II I I d arlicietl Or .ddrellA me &llh f H(" H".lIa",lry W,III,l1n C..rnell. M"H,er ]1 cl ret Ircn tI ed thrllll~h tlto IIlter I (8 a26ltr. IIICt! tile rn" r lei Y oICk 1\'llh tv It Id tC \'OI bu t II U, YU H \\ I IU as til II 10 Ie to 8IIIe \0 oomnl Ooco I\l9 o', I,ook 10.)1 hl)\\ AltO C \1 A~I "ON ov r Dull'. nruS' wre r, I i IIU pl!r~'lIld tlt E~ l1 ,.,·rneor, r l;flO ""-el"o u - A orecht 019~~.MO.. th. on ~ 0 clock III tho III IIg. 1I IlIIve I had dUUtC 1,Iea III hal' J~ ~ I.," I\ I cC, I \ l! IJllrr d \\ III klllg ,I b e !.oldcn I I IITarm. of 8.10 t ~ I P'I II er. \, • tho"", k 0",1 SKturd.y nooll ul1d \llltli 2.l. of oonh .mont.I nt 7 .. ell>c (1 Tn 00";1:-n 'hp 1ll0rlllll~ dlvlIlg I\nd tl "llIng I,)r th e lIIg u p acufII )lot lip on tho \lICIIIC _ J "', stn:dtl au BtUtlUIIIg ell I e t Ie I .um» ovor .. "n note... ,In appTovect ,RIJg< lIood. 1..·luw Wftll I I 11,11" fm.. th :)lItlml , tlf "",h 1O,lIlLI, 0\1 _. , ",toOk Ict'rps{' bl t . II Ith lJ.llltc'~ III :! rill 0) - - rlUlll ks dCII ' ,,11 0111 III youl lillhble _ urlty AU "urn.JOSEPH 0' III lindNEDRY lind... uoab ."nOVI01111 r .11remalill , ..111 hllyc ol~l'.rd alld ~Ir 1I 0UI. I ID VIlin . I II tl 10 murn- grUTTllt\". I c I I II" tl t I' IIIt ()Mr Guorl!;e 1"1 dE. .IlItlP!l1' d ~ h,'arl\ 10'1\ I ~II tI ____ 1TIl], ILbl) n( o'ci cit, 1\ 1JI'lre sollli AI \ e \~hl) ontc~ hell' Il'I\IO hllpu 111 1 I I~ I~I IlIlIgC, uri a, jll g ' 1lI en t l'uu 111111 cunslgll ed to Ad,.·r 01 Tho', WII",,". "",'.,t "'C1IleIOOber III 1876 0 " l\2\nnOtl ltCClnrnh,. mit \\US Impl'ol ISCc! and by tlto Illd behind', lur OUI I uu r Il ltleattl'mpt t,'r lall! llull lli.l pupcnl tite lind blllD:jtulIO IIn' IU (lfIchablo j - - - ~---- - - -Pote.. 0 • • Dell .......... ,~ 5 D." .... t of grapphug Hull!! ' ' nnd of se, erlll tu /,1II8e I McCullu If y"u Iur' Or al chan\c\ce 10DImnke I!'O: ~I\~U; ,~Irll~~l.":' 1 lo~\~"'tlko·elrl'~;ft h~. n.," d lunds I to build II clllll'lll hilS 'I - ML'I L k IIIW-' I~I~ ItI()CO, aud ti d f soI1111111rtlllHl I I e .IS to inOUe') ad a :0 Iln\ I' ur lellds Iwm Hcd li on, lite budy CUIISC . ~nc I a sturm IifllU<lj.( th e " Id r .)1., <:<1 . urrlveu hUIII" n YUlII'8e III till ot II!r pace uu · porIOn 01••• e) low" d ro's Oil "C"C'I 01 p-I 8 F .. Ight \,11001 f Eo's OU~'f'TE!-PlllA8e I\JIllounoo Will,' WIlS tillally recove red Ulld tuktlll elt'ct uf \Vllyn cs llll e And wily I It ,I II 111111111111 .\' l~tll dllY melitlOnable to 80n81111C curs, '" Lnke . ut.·orl pIIOD ' Prvpn",d onl,.l" I.u.& B. 8TOKIi!8. of Warrell Count\" ... a chllrgc of by tho friends of th c lie- H ClIllse UIIl O pcuple IV/lllted tu -- ~II OUlllcl B,tilctl, III' Wus h thuro YOI1 wlil be cqulIlly amazed . ~II!h.,,~~~;I;(u:;~at 330 :.':t::r,;t"':I~ : .. oeudldate 'or re-olen!.ln," to tho olli,. 01 cClUlCd Mr. Altllcr was Lflrl('u 00 UIIIICC! If dllnclIlg 18 lid s lIlInl us IlIg "II C u lll t IJ, 'II~<'. II! ll ooW the bll' to greet til/ nit! who h.ld III least I ted famlt. publicOIloll lu lb ... "rid AuY' lJr, uLlO •• All r.O~ "UT 110""0 n ' ~~te Sebn,at.or I"'llm tl .e lidI Sonf"~riftD J DIS tho followlug day ut Red LIOn. The IIUuro p('rsolls hke to PUI fit It. wit Y k'l lit the Quul'n Ulty Uliker '. tllOlIght th elll oil O>l 81111Ctltiod nnd I on' can \oecomo n ouoce.. (,, 1 • '.ut.. 1 h• .not•• 11 ,eC>L to 10 ~UI' all 0 ..,e erno~ f .. dd D d I l t d t' I k d of 0100' olegonl worb of or' gIYO" \080 to A GOOD FAMILY :7"...:. ' aratlo Dlotrlc Conv..,nd Ion 1><>o\or toke.. per ect reoz] ot ~rlet ill to whi ch I uVI, W 10 \\flld a \\lUll ILttur -ELclly & UII} lilt ku.f.> U:1 bllnrl II !DO~ cruwllc VI I 10 Iflg,ID Il nhsoriloer_ Tioe prlao I. ,0 Iu .. Ibul almu!l DlEDICln~ hu fa'thfuJly OIntl "ith ""lhl1' 'ned rI,,- h,s wife WIIS tltruv. n defios all de. Gild's 1/\\'11 hcurt. duncu burun) tlt o 10lld ",'lgOIlS "lid Hprlllg \\ ugOIl~ of light .. cr,I~ldy 8" I.,orll, •• Onla ng.1I1 re"or.. If J,0u "ro Ilcliuu" "'ko .1. I. fi .1 The Il'JIOml uf tlt itl IB, " don't maklngo. u,t ",(ll oo1\ .. cak ~'\r.'dY'/l· nL 3 W YNF. '8 Tor and Sa;.op.rllia IILL8 rlngl"'rt of"term.aud for tbfttreliAClnl\ud scription alld It was with Ihe ut. ur~ i 'E\t! bo to him whu UII I rh" I. "t the on~tomuy I',Ot;oient of gl\lng .. lIIcer. ., w.' l~ k ' J I I ~ uc~ q" •• Hoy, ( ICllp ur Ct"'..,I . t t .. .1 II r.por'" "'kIng oyer 40) lulo.crllJe .. m lOll II , .. u hRve 0 Ir~ d L L a lQOOlid term • ho '" on Utiod t.o a ..,.")",,Uon lDot\t <!,.' ml n a a gill,. IIIIU' S WII Wa cum - d.r'" AU who make mon.y"Id.... W" seA Ic.·e. Ilta , t- LI ed " u Iwcn I Ity sho conllt be reetrn\ IT- IU 8; IIl1u t II t 10\'13 (WI!- mcn ' I hUHl d j - IIllrrOIt• .... ' Id .., ,'ye IDli I0 tc.:,m 8"I" n .4''" g ".> 1 at IC QlJ .flllip.d I. Pl ot the haDw of tho Demouratl of Butler Irom t lfOWIUg hersll lf IlIJud long \\ II) QUIIIIII C IIBp Ii womall S 1611 t I Q C't 13 k " . '\ aU a n d,YOkl\lI 1"ur 11m. 10 110. bu"'n... fr .bur Tungue I I. lL aDd WUrI!" OounUe.. IIItO tIi oud and sharmg IllS un. Ifill suelal dance, Without, too qUllte IWlldd t~o lltelm I ,. 1\ el'y UII Th e writer 18 no! II RUllllln Oalh· orooly yoor oplro time. Yuu .need nOI he SWAYNE' Ta r Iud .r.... p~llI lft rJLU MA.N~ DIUIOCRAT6. h f: t. It . bl from one (It the eit! .t ' U fl I I uti Illg o t ar Igltt l llur YUilturdllY · oliu nl/r \11 It IS \Iril'atc j lldgwcnt I away from homo ole' lH!:nL 'ou eOlu do 1\ • If !.nu hu, . a cold. lok, Warren 00 10. JUly I 77 FlPPY U ( WIIS IWpOll:1I e to . C . 10 lid I 0 I " J B S t" dC " . ' &it "0" o ~ oLher. rull p"rlleulArM dine· - W A\ N~. lar Ind UHAp""II .. r L I!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ \YltOCSB hOI wild IIl1eoutrollablo Sill stalfllll g thClI' rllr 'hcllc ls,' 1 lIunk ,-.J.I~SI".. LVan 1111 • 1I11 advocato ul I IInclllg liS o~e uf tlOb. ~nd krm. frcc Flog,nl ",,01.,1'"" ova Tu v'eYe"L .. nd CUN 011111. aool 1'0' '",'; .lIlt Yourself thUD Queulon a agony \\ Ithout tellrl! uf th or IIru aOllle ftelLtl,cns lIeUler tit EVIIIIS \\ ulk utl Clnclll' the prvpnetl\l8 Ilt a Church enter· ' ,l"0lllalole "o,k \\'" r i\ E'S Tor nud "". "ou a dC8pondenlaull'ercr from Slok sympathy for her midfol'tlllle Illld humo wll o Ileerl regenerutltltl "ur~u 11ILt! 10 W ny nosvillo lust atnnilly ttl iliment. Dut \\ 0 behove III fUlr IlhOllg \0 trY tb. louoh,e.:ncd/to (oln.Cbetltbo no S y~u;,.~o"Tel. "de cO llI" . I"~. , I I I. I .. Al l n I d I ~ d' au nr on Ilr",pUrina PILL< B.undAcho. Hab,tu"" Oo~tlvenOlll!. 1'.lplta- illCOIIS hlblo sun ow t mil t IClr urethrull 011 ' llIdla'lI CUI -ru r ' II' Uti r,wwn III an I' lLy I III' .. olllg us COllSCICnCe Ie "OK" .all.lo mok. gr.II!"', Addre~"Tbo l'el1lOlI. or 01 fill h. blL .. 100 .r~ L twn of the B.elU'l Y HlIYO you D",ilIoOllll of On IlI.8t Tucsday tw U) oUlig III Btl Ulld.' Let mc lor tho ul'll mlllJ; aU.lck of hllUrt di SC" c, tates but ill accordlllg to blaiDe ,.. III........,h ••e "'I,hlln•• ' Or.. .. ;00;:: men were threshlri g on 011\1 of OM I Slik-e (If f,lIh!!I!, brl)to el'!! hilI!- UflO IIlght I\ cck bllt ho Id uot otlturs exactly the Sl1100 Inural !1 ud 1l::: IISc!t llaye 1 011 a 001l~1o? Low SPlrltA? Com- rented farmB \,,110 1111.1 hl\tl some bawls, thut tIllS IS lloot ~o ; Ilill hl 11 t I legnl rig ht. totlhont pf"seo utton, • ."houLIhem n< 111""' """I(OroU8 OI lIIli(MDs I ~H~f~!,:!d!.~~tbr.::~n!~ '~e't,o~ little pleV I OI\~ IIl tclcolion, th e oltler 1I11ght 1I\l IUI tl) lJ~ th u Cl ll, rl llil loo r - PI J.lllle:l W. H lllfl U and ",Ithont.mthe; pri~~teor publJc de ~~ wl~:.~acrl.dolf b1 'b"rusc l'CIIultt! of DyllPt'p.ll. Liver OOIDl'lMot and 01 the twu. Ithout IIny pI C\ 101101 lHhers bill 1I l1t ul ll1n'll cl I 1\11 E L. Allt.lIY \ Ne'l' V I fholCiure, d the Cathf", m Iodillfthun Gm:&N'! AUGUST FLOWl:lU I. 1I0tice (more than a threat he hlLd tillS IS gencllll ly the CIIBe i:, 61Y lllllil IIfIl. \Vtl mill gto II , ~lltll rliuy ullco cho"se t() uance ~t thOir plO~:n~h liou ""u•• 0 1 Headaobe. D~p.p IOOW a.inowled,.(ed by ull druglf1.t~ to bt>" mude the day before) Btruek the bc.d.v IS trylll g to illLVI.I tholr ,.ou l III lL ud !:IulldllJ flI Ct!. lot tll olO d~nc(\: II the) tlaos' NElm :BRoWN: " ~d Indl••IUOD. I. "I ·tullo "·lie'fd. potIithe eure 2.400.000 bottl e..... ro gt\~n ' t l I Ik I I "rest!' 110 statnto~ IIIW tl yare u t .~ n .11 perOlnll.",h curt" loy 'h , Ir u ~. away III the U S tbrough dru!rgl.ta to the yonnger 0 11 tile head Wllh a pltch' l 10lr ow n Wl!) . It It l et I ' tl'IlC I I -Ellully <'It I1l1v~ltt Wi ll furnl ~ h I:> Ie 0 Sucoes8or to B, OW I~ &; Chalidl ~ 1 Fovot. ·I'IlI,r~'ODl ••1 1" Ih. Uile ur III I people 00 trl"" Two dOllCft will ... u.ry any lork knocking blm dowu allu III I iug of tho diVin e 1\ ho I" IO\lr yoou 1\ Ith tho HlchllllJlld Plow t he "menable to (Ill state ; If they , 1':"' IlO Ihe v Oa... 0011 ame fllcting n wonnd 0 11 tho sido model , to IlbllSO th u:!o II lt v dlifu III 1M tlmt IS Iluulle' (Ihe tmllsgrt..,.s a dlVllle law, the AIIII"vm 10 0I!Dt.. Regular lIlZU 7liu Sold pOflltlve Il f III~ helld . lIe th en stuck th e I fill th l~oU1 ollrselv lld, Ulld prllli '"IlCC H,lcl m1lJlld Plul\ )' ml l{hty, and 1I0t YOIl, po'lr. mi8er- oupplyof tho besl · uo 8. nl1u,. I"r a ud 8 ...,,).ftl 1t~,."'JI'~It:c'liS Iy bv, all firsl.-Oja d.rU17gl.ts In tho U 8 fork throu,,1l I.I S arm alld not. Sl.t scntence lit cOlld olDlllltl III .1 ,..'IIIIISI -IU \t n . C .1d wa II II der Ull d abl ofI Ithe ~Aedlldl'" ~a'Illu'l r. 1'011" ~lor " .• 01111" 1111111 ,, .. u . I S,CiI voTtI tl. e, orrl . ng worm I J ddust, IS Ir;olo'Ur, 'I eI elll .m Oil .. ! 10 Dn B~ _ _ Istied with this mlLde a th~adt ILt th em becauBe they ch ou"l! tu dUll cu1 C I) f 't ,I u uOlr JIl:!t alll morcl " Il go. B'Uol."Ilfh l'(J.t'., & 8 .N 'I:lU No,lb ~ hlh '~. Phil... i'b"," . b 'the young manllar IlJ elver I , u I IJW UriIOW. lSI! -I~ e .. •P , h,s ody,whi ch me I'10m tl lesc 'I\U Iler·t Imn N.lrl·ltl .tt M"Willi ., f~ til IIoUu twN ' W Corn-llIiiat, •<'0 r •• Ie bV I)'''Kgl· l" AT .. meetl'ng of t'u·o l~ntron." of llusbandry 01 Warrcu County, 0, db '1' d d tho.I' 80rt 01' neol)l o I wltu IT'''ICII e III I org U , I m gUll, uro OTIOE. TV ARURRS.-- t.l ure TT,"nltfd FlOII? ', 1 Id Leb A t4 t rle y HB UDwoun e arm. ore '1. , dr"· 1 gnu~t~ 01 Ali~;;\W j N.lhalll:30n very lLtlXllJU:J to getrcportd of the UI .. U ~= Ie In aoou ugoa ,I was upon the oldet olle dO~lsted but l)cr I CllIam, nn Invnrtlluly VI.ICtl II " I Id t' I W P otatoell IrCmNG PILES resolved that we hold a HarveBt t t d II I ' dl ' 'skun milk I Too guc)d t' r dall ce -- Mr alld! rul;'l_ Oorneltlltl f;fo r arge YIC S u .leat to arren A n I F6~d (if' ((ll J, 1 /IIZ~ Home Basket MeetlDg at the War Pb eelore /u e 100 Il th" S Ico"'dar y revellge 01& I yosl bllt 1/Ot tUIJ "'"ud to C'I I-II tOl d llUvlll1r1ITud bl)me from 0. very Ouunty t hlll seallbu so ad to I"t our 1 0 !lollu ln lh I',ecolleil U ffiU Ilk or lao s were aware .., ' . I tt - 'I ' t I I read cl'i! lIlIv e 011 d of tI. b t lI'hl"hl......lIs.tthe lowftlll~1JOlllhnl1' pe'.I'I'.11U11 .\I.tI . " "I~IIJ''Lch lll~ I,,"re . ' tholl~h tl reu County F G r oullds on F rl of it or had ceaQcd work. Dr. Mc tlllt twice us IOlloh SII. by dl ~sectlllrr p eUdall .wuHopnlls our t Irollg I I cn III W oa pili" """ we,. ee.wlln;! in- . nd oobnut tloo day tbe 31st of AU ust oommen Cre d f U ,. d 1 tile cllQrncters 01 thoBe '"h l) do ., Iowa, llltuo~lt, \ Indlaua, M IS30 011 [ll u. llIctlOlI ul tho COUllty, rr::r All puroh...... dollvered 'IOto edllllel). 1recLlI '" "rl,culnrl "L IIIIllot "be" IOIO"ro . ... 17 , '0 " II y, 0 monn'e, was Illlmo I " u n - I d Ii. Wltll tbls objectiu view we rnako wlthouto.trn ohargo /1,1 .. r llObell ld)cr g lllll, w,,,ml llllvP··" clIIg at 1 AM ately called a nu dre8sed the wound 'LoYlllg God Ilnd our OWII IIcl ghbnr 1111 IiflSI~. ., LilT W ..)n ... vil\~. M"rlO h 14 1t>.7 111 SIO"",,,, "' 011. · "ool'er IOlkll li(llul The best of speakers wtll be In ed oun g mllll's li cud a nd arm aud IS all tho IlIw ILnd tho prophets' I - Y'on kn 'H" ;,:herll Eborly Dill! t Ie 10 OWlIlg (I{fur: u the per- - -- -- -- _. -I.n,, " 110 It "011111/110. ~rIV.I. 1'01 rI · and I" attendance. Bring along your mu · he lies 10 a very critical condi'tlOn Isal th Uhfl8t; such bClIlg tho cas~ IllllYllht'8 shop&' are. Korth Main aot teportln g the !Ilfgest YlOld of :"':~I~,~::~/I~;II ~o n';~I~~ : ",:~~ b~;cll~vl"H'Ifl"~~~" per sic books. alld we will have an old No arrest haB been made alld whl' what matters It willch way we '-'0' Streot They ~ a l\ KInds of oos '!' cut. IlCI\l, to( thedlrNuwn rabels potrllculoorlv III I"" III I"O""""Y, "Iund~ ~.'-l' d '"ng . '1 k I:> ' It k ' lUg ""tW\!ell nuW' I '"11'" I pilI I l).t II "tle"ln)! .1 · NAt! Ilone I am sure I don't kn ow I, J we rna e our restlllg pluctJ togcth- J ID wor ,8U 118 Ilor30 8Iloorhg t t'1877 14 lind I OVOIll ,r r IlIg I"til t.e ' the rest of maokind' are 0 C. H' .....,.. '''-ON . er wh en hfe's Journev is elld<ld l 'Iand plow work. OS n, ~6ttll , lIwe Ie IlL/ann 1!!1l~.f;, r7) onns' I",,'nd Ih. 10 ' .... " I cnd ll r-J III , 0 1. . All . edland •. .I f ' en WIlor• SC II110 tycur troln ~ ~ @:!,-.!!, ~D' sea uf 1011,4 81 .. ",hll" ~rollll llllC d IIlcllr.ble InYlt to JOID Wit I U8, Iree 0 OX_ e_ _ Ono's chnrcli Will a yull thtJm Itttlu l -S pring V~lIey Flonr, made th~t datu ~ u " --BRI.I.8-=> have bcon"pcrmoll "l lv cur. eI bl "ppl,IDg , pense. Harve)lIburg. WI thou~ fUlth and. good works j frum extra wile.' hy Bil:A'Ctt & S Oil, The re '01t must btl fur a lillid 01 )wiled white wheut at 7je. a lb. SW A YNE'S OINT~T. R. H. BUNE'lT, Sec'y. Th C II MK .. I flulIltl Clsm come8 In thiS cutCgl)I'Y, ~ 1..- slll t) at Qh~nt City BllkelY 1I0t 10 s Ptl Ii . Prepared cocoa 200 a nRckagc 011 .S"'.~~~:S~ ~:.:!r::'D ·- Tbe _ • • _ e 0 ett C ay PIClllC WI I I my edocatlOlI has bccn sadl no }o' 1\ tit d :I 1110 ve acres, III any . J-~ • FIRST II rand .cxcul1lion t~ CIDOIU' take place Saturday. Icc ted' for olle can \'xcuso tL~ ro r?:c , pit e an evory cuse, and III e very C1l80, U? differ- Oat Meal 10 cts a J500nd I ~Oe\~~I~ll~t~lle~~b~~tp'I\I~.e"bbIO~arO~':r~ Slic nati, 'The Paris of AmerIca', Sat. PRE ' k " I f tl tl t'l f tl b . I 'A ar rll II • ellce how large the fiold , It mnst Baker's Oocoa, !roc a ' P!lCkage ell "lIb for fire Enalo.ed ''ilod ellr urda ,AD uet 18 ExcurslOu traID -. ye e, lormer Y .o liS Ie en IU~Jasm 0 you I, ut III t Ie - The little SOD of Mr jllhn ItI cllld l" the wlt olo fi eld. Oswego Oorn Starch, l~ a pack. c.nt. for anolhar box 'llr. frleml of WIIIO_ te U {, t 9 50 d place, bas been chosen supermtend- slow pulBo uf old age It 18 al wllya Mcl3ryunt who broke his 81 m 011 A8 Id d m Cun! or. .... rr... b Lobeter Salmon IUId ~N ORElW J. IH:ACH. WI euve or~m at A.M'Fao ~ot 01 the schoul lit Fl1irburg. J ef 11 repruach' Uuthollcs alo nut 1111 the 13th .lnno IlIiB recovered' 11 IYI~I II arll re~orte Whl Fmlt III can .. allowprl.... Iri.h. Germ"". Farnlw.11 510110n. I oodoll':o. Vo. arnve 1.0 th e CIty a noon. ure te~oo county N ebl'lUlkll 011 tb e St good. to be sure hut" they foil II ' ~ PU) IBJ Icm III 01 er, lUi w eo Oold. .lome. White. Bnffalo. Castile Cm o. S"AlN~.\: SUN -Enclosedpleueftlld for the rouud trip, 11,50; reduccd J oe & Deove~ Rill Iroatl' ThiS I~ ed tl:e tClIch ln ~ of tl ' C I u~ 11.\ uso, ". t lough IlIlturtullutcly It. the time 'is expired the person re tnry. ond PIn. Tar 80IIpa a epeeIalty' one doll. r fontOo bou. of Jour OIntment IC rates I'or childrclI. Am ple time to tb best t tI r bet tb Id b IClr IW" I. II III I cm,L IIi crol,l.ed fJlO tllSt of hl 8 pOI tlllg the largest yiold Will re- He ooolioue. to malt. the genuine Hlp- (orllcblng plle8 Tht,. 1 1'41 lor 8omO or my t th 1.0 I . I G d, Hill own 011 Ie IUC ween ey won e, assure YOIl oro lite tI r. ' podromo Llblm9llt Uld Borton', Oongh Syr- frl.Dd s ..ho arc afllickd wllb Ihl. d,.,,,,, •• VISI 0 0 oglCll ar on, Ig I Hastings and St. Joe_ Mr. Eycke all sects Sifted, where would the , J W . cel ve Ie paper or olle ycar. ufo and keepu larger aod better aMOrtmant lUI! compl~ tn' d Tile bol YOU penl me • yeAr , laod House, Bellevue and Lookout wae offered the Grammar Depart- majority be found ~ 011 the ruau -Mrs 11ne nollard , WIth her lte~lIe ~t1CC8. 0 Famny Orocftlet tblo 01 olltur hOUI\e aso, 1 1m 1 am proud 10 "'YIt. H ouses, aud van ous other place8 ment at LIDcoln but declined to a 1)lace where th ey would cor SUII LOlllti a nd ,laughter Eva, have I~w".!.'*SyUld __________ ~_ mlde a ".r eel cur. 1 thlDk Ita ellieACY of attractIOn. Iwturtllug tra\1lS ' I d" d I Ibcen lDaklllg a very pl easallt VI Sll' 11' "'-H E B E8 T F\ . "b.'bilid be r,bllsbed Ibrllughoullhe IOIlg&h leayo Cincinnati at 8 au 'Ind 10 ao , -fluw about our railroad 1 tal.n y noe a ,all all 1fJ~1I Cl,tlt, 1 1in Nll w V wllna Eva I&- a utllderlt ICkslto Fflendrl' Quarterly r 0 F F E I aod breadl of Lb. land VoU' cau puloU.h T bl I t tlllnk. Meotlllg next So\'enth Slid First .,.. will .ell dllrill8 th ••• bard lImes tbla if 10U III1Dk proper ' , r.M F III your Luuch basket alld go otl_1 wOIPutllc s~.,es taretl 0 I come Let no ono dance 11 ho bns lilly {It the Deaf and\ Dumb IlIstitutlOn dllYs. ..eftA -1""' -os 6'.or,fttltft DA VJD GROSSNrOKL~:. - _e • 10le s lor y rlrB , 10 lonse lit Ul/ lnmbus w loreshe has learned ~&'".... t adldilJurg. Fredo!flck 00. Md A MURl'nV basket mectlfJg will hvld gllods of Mrs. Rockhill, on sc rul~l e of COIIBClence ag8l1l ~ t It I tl/ I'cnd and ~rlto in olle term. -Orthodox QUILl terly Meeting And .. 11 oth.r "'ylea lu the .ame proportion, R&ADl~ If vou are .ulf.ring wl&1o \111ft . nbo held at N ow Burlington on Sat Saturday , Augn~t 18th', and on but su kc d" notf will be held here thit! week . locluding llingItochrn:lpl'illlOl or 1 dtcl ""y cr."~ ~ tur sweet . ,. clmnt1J'ij t I I 'Ir I' 'ef H 11' ·1 •. k rla-T CL, ••OraDd. - oold 8quo", dlrec' \0andIhoUFrlglol-ali P<OI LIt AT DO 8CA" ) 8k" dlll<&80. gu ... )'OUI dlooggl.t urduy, August 18, 10 tllo grovo of Saturday, the 25th, the effects 01 relllso .1l ml.., 0 10 I) UIlY Beet 0 - a . d \~ e U anU.IB "" IIlg •••• n- - - r AcTuMY n i cER No 0 eDls no c Imml. ond KU ""Q, of S"-"l no'o All He tlllI~ I)[DI Samuel Lemar Esq Evorybody is the lute Th oUlus Wilson Auc . Cbrlstlans crect n house ul l\'ul"II'1 ' C,lI e ot a qUlllltlty of dIshes 1\1Id I MoDuNIH.t> & ClnUllJEr .IN, the Iinns no dlacoun'. ,f.he.e pl~nos mode 111 8"t It w,lI ""ruh cure VOII 500. "," Q invitod Tomp'eranco refl oslllncll ts tioncer for both A T. SUbin \',)r God's honor. Alld re~t 11:1 IIrl!d , th lllh'" left lit the FUlllth uf July fuath cr bod rcn oviltors, ILI'C stIll on· o"e of tho 60881 dlll'la,.. .t lh. Oentennlal ~o, . ~lhll~e8 for $1 .Jr. - Ii 1I. ,e" ~2 aU .elOL , . tl f tl C tl I ( .1 I . , d d I Id Irllglld III 0 t 1 tl. t'· Kd,llolllon and we,e utla"lmou. l, recnm IJ mJI I. MI' I1ddreas. u U ree°lt,l .. I pOle' on the ground No g r()cories Will -- _ . • Ie prayers 0 .IC II IU 10 II tilliu Jilli til I!; loun 01, all S I? \\,011.,.. rcu VII trig Cll uerd ~r mended I~r tho HlIOulrllr RO~O R' New Prel " ed onl, ° 011 :;" .. " , i< 8.. " 131) be alloWied on or uea: tho grounds. Lelsuredom. III the right Spirit) ",til bll II'; ae thll llk thu ownors til chltm tl!clr 10llt CltIZ,CIIS, over D Whartoll S MaDufllc ... r~-oou of Ih<llarge91 ROO ftn,sl I'olth Sbtl, I PIII\"delplllO - -- ___ e _ ceptable 10 God's Sigh t IIrlslllg frullI pll!perty. AlI;\ltllg othor tIling; IS a shop 'Ihoy nre ding a gre04t deal III Ih o worfol Th. SqUIIB Oro",ds coolaio I --------g AtaOt N <YfloE. -AII mcmbel's of FurOl - W 0 IlJformed that our gal· thClr chapel, howevoT humblo. as I baslret cv .t~lIl1llg bllby·elothc~ 101IWOI UIII yersal But I ,sMallb'loh' ne..telPt IDlpruvflm, DllplexutOvcrlstrulO ' k a nd'1'1glVlllg I ell t.!, I'Iek •gren In t II Ill S · I " 8ra' Orange No 1 i nre hereby 110 Ian t f flon, d Ak 0 C0 II e tt , VISI t ed t Lr at 0f t IIe more Illvored elcct h OIll -MI ~l\es Emull\ Raphllll ano ' I" .IC. ItlIl. 10 lave, nmllllg ollt t ll'V of I'Ifi l10 mukluJ.; Tho U oogbL_ "'~ tifi eu to utwud the Grange 011 next Loveland camp mootlDg 011 BUlldIlY, their sllmptuuus lw· Du V Itt With MIBB DeVitt's Ie ro, rol\lJvatcd h\lU14 luI' Mr. A D. llho FIIIE 'T II/ .\"."11 A 000'1 " fll" I Saturday eyeolDg, the 11th, at 7 J Diy 29,Wlth eleven or ntllo frien~B IDemberlnj;, also, th at lie II.I~ s!lld Iitti o tw " ye~r old bl'uther, were IUI.1wIIll.Ldcr, wi\() gives 11:1 II bOl ty I ~~I'~~U~~~t.!d' Rod J)c~crll'lh 0 C.llI lo.;ue.- j o'clock to tralltiBot impOrll\ot busi It wae right Smart 01 a crowd fllr through IIlSlD SP lred apostl(' Sunday evoning to recommend 1lI IllS name, Messrs \ Kelldelllohll PlaDO Co I OC8ll. I H GORDON. Ake. ity covers 0. multitude 01 Slf~d.' lauet when nr!1'1tI/)g~ u rather s uddel; McDlln~ld ~ Chambcrlain as nil No 116 BROADWAY. N' Y I _ • .. -An immense crowd of people J UHTITIA [turn ncnr' s~hlos, they the~' clallll to\' th emsolves and their \ ti.iII-J For t'alhng, \:)69, or untIm ely grey visited Oelltre Quarterly Meeting, -. o . . UI!Bet ng tho SY ; 01 beds. IWat U(f. -------J~b.'"alr-? uso 'ILondon Huir Oolor ne on SOliday last, from Wilmingtou, IJ:r Improper articles of lood occupants rathel' violentl to the , Cl"".:~'"\ll~m,l\eerrC ' Y a&orer', Qxquitlit&drcssiult,cleau and HarveYilburg, WaynesYille, &c. ofteD canse the blood to bccome I1roun. lUI Jltt e Qy,wJijl 6adly ~ earuestly aldvl~e e\'elr d .. ~:....:; U'm'YJVJWltJ~ II ~. 0108ly perfumed. Totally'differeut _ • • loaded with foul humors. 01001180 ~ratched and' b~qlsed ou riis head. ~L.. tu ~eeb constaD~ y lli~ 11m n No 8 • •• E.s'r MAIN STRUT. from an othara, 75 ceuts a bottle. 1..00& out for the whistle of tbe the blood witb Dr. Bull', Blood \ beyOlld thie ,no ,eeriOU8 pi w 10 0.)1 W A l' NEB VILLE, 0.' Tr It. ~1J4 tile advertisefl,lent, Miami Valley Railway thl8 fall . Mixture • and be bealt\Jy ' I.w.cle '8118tahle~' r I \ from,rlla y WI ~,caU1Ie. removo a I - - - _ . -ao-_lot_1M&. comru1IlIded a~ allI houn'by , ' • I pain wllatever .Mo T.M..... IIIPl'eI\Orlptlun. uperlenCCHl Drnn",t 611 ' '
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Can". I,l AKT PUUL.h!HIN (j.- F~w 'peuple , '" tam ill ooe 01' tho UloSt pel'llic· ure IlWUI'Oof the \vollderl'ul prugres~ iooll ovils which afBict a comm\l ' that A.rt hili! m ad tl iu thi~ COUlltl'Y J,ul£~ W HIINICS, •. D., ;;;' 011 .. ·I:I WWw•• • • • • I.UBL.8U KI&9.!Ii~.ltitdotrim ootnlaliketothedurillgth~IMdt .I. lllt·to r tl fll . I:I) II ..•••••1I!> nOI'..F.OI·.·....., = -=-=__ .mtlirollts of th o buyo r unu the sul· lilIl'Y. It Itl lmt. a I" IV dcclli cs IIlco. 1 1,1 {J. II. Y oM, ,: . "". ill ~" lie'!. (u tbu Qounty .101:' Blld. d bts huv de Vtllll'OU tit th .lt th ')du wh 1.1 airo I tv ooll.lI tify III.'" 2 tI'K'"' 11I'1t of 'b rrl" nil ,,' • Ij·~~L tli!'.,I~l l" ' fvHuoUd ,f Ih vlI uil i ll vI' 0 11110 pr s· I\Ii U au 11' 11 th ei r homu~, wI'ru 'Ibl i· " 1.1'; Ill .. '.o,,.,,nlll,.. Oh Io . ""'!!f'!!.!!! . '!"!!! !!! ' ! !!! : !!!!!!!!! oli8 mCl'dmnts I1I1J Icft. th elU hups' ~IlU [U d OIJollu UlllWdt ell ti ruly 011 OIU"" hour•• 7 , ·2", 0 I·" .\ .M . I to, ~ I · ~ !!!'!I!!!I!!!!!"'!!!!i!I'!!-!!I!!IU.l!!tJl I!!'!! • 1 I . b 'k d I . . 11 I I' 1'.)t.. 7 to P .ll. lPo'r tho) Miolml OOleLte. Stl y III a n ru plcy ; UII argo I\) rolg ll urt lshl li t allc I a St.ute 0 iJllrlod l.ol'c. jde nts IHtv e t urll cd t hulIsll nds fr III at:lair~ ill tlt il! IL~\l uf prugro~iI utili I , inunsioll ill tu IlUveld, unU clutl ,cu l impl'UVe lUollt' cuulu 1I0t la~t IUllg U lC ..1 R .' . 1'" I'S I -- I " • I I I ~. I b A lIl \l rICI~1I ' I BIot(t' IlIrl t., t 1.0411, tI" ,. I",·,. 'ml .if my life Wit I rllgd, bIlCk'S \\'1' II U I IIJVC Worn \'I'lt I t \l gr 'I~t JXlOIJIl. .1' (, Itlln , tl •IJ\ ' A m ' .... irl. ·r I,avu lluWI'J li,,,,, ~ "'m,b I' hrtiudeluth 1'lIll cultl cl'd hili r. A <':'lo.,"i U ~ I'I'UII I th o Eildt tu the W Il:lt, \0\' AY N ES I.I.~ . 1 ~f AII'\ I"I'I'" ~' lIml .l ld~ ' );OI>I.OW . IsI'stl!1n wh ich llilld i ll l l'lJ \'l' r i ~ lz u8 1'1'\/ 111 tit " Nurt h tu t ho (j ult' ut' -_ •. ~ -~. • .- , ?11 Illu dSlJ:I, I1In .,1 "I' e:"U'.;, rUdll t ~h' )l ico un lh suuth , ILll dwe r ,rllh " l R013ERT F. FURNA S, A hUIiU SUIIl • hlCe III1U f1 g llru. 1'II1'\'! III ho gt'lIc l'a l ll U l'rC~8 l ooll lor l ruuu, d '1111111.1 1"'1' bClluty tadll! all d ro· · IIlIMO':OI'ATUlC 0 • urul,'I'Y a uU tih u ~ocill l 4u aliti~iI, uilli tho ll \l i V"r~lil illjll ry lIt' Il J! ·OJ· ti llt.:I\IClIl, ulld lu·d ay vIII' Itluuillg IV Patented July 11, l871. luade }'ulhcl' Autl n'II Y'1'1pop ular .1! by the o~ I f "'" '11 lL '11 ' , t ~ . 1 • I III pl·. II All cdlaltl iij lllllullt' wh ic h ltad llL rtidt.d ILre uut ijUrllilSSI' r . moe wur,. ro w ... ". tv .no! .\ ~' ... , ~ lO Ki ll c tl!r d jlll l'lij I I' a l le b " I ~t/U d d fur llll Cel'tlLlIl pl 'u lll i~t!s leud illg lIluder n IDII ~ t o r:l of Art III 0 1' ~I ___ _ _ ~Ir.a l \flld crowu cd With I ' r ve l~t .u il . II l1 til t h ~ shc riff CIIU UV IUllge r ru· E urtll'c, Offi ce 2 d .",," R" ulh ,,( HI1rri. lI.tI.k. 1lI11'1·.':d ", 1. 011 h ~ l'.r~'lIcl.. e~ , glVtII~ ~ i dt th l! Jlrll.~i n!-; i~ I" i.tlltiult lu ta ke ' Uruat A rt pnl,li dlJ ing edtuulillh · ' 1" W&Ti IUeS"' .... Il.OUI. . 'l /, e Jll",,( Wtm./nftl l/!I !~Il' bl "' I1~' lY III re \ Clcllt 1\111111 ' th ut ~1'I1I.C It .It! Idt , 18 II U" CI' rec k· :'U l! 1I 1o Ituvo sprung ~p, and by va· I Ii<. . Effective External Remedti ~ tl llll , 1I1\."t \, u lc"~nll t. , all uru lu rH i liu.ed III Its III"olvOIiCY tit! 11 purt rlvll prUCllSdC8 the lin os t alld lIIo"t W. L. H A RTLEY. J IlDd lit e \,II"'IIH:,; " I WI'Ullh y 1111.1 c lI l· (,I t he ellllllDll ni ty. a lld I~ ~t"ru I CXPl!II~i vt) I)uillting~ ti re rcpruull ccd C? 11 #. " , EV Elt DI~ ' OVERED. I lured lJllrI: llIlIm'rs wck"~II ~" Ihc wltliriU Mholvcd Ilrl! 1',uU ed w ilh lu cr· ill ull Ih ei r oI l!gull ce IIl1d t.. ·llnly, a;;O(J@OIl.~O r: ~tJ ¥S'.Qt • • 1 8 11lX LIII-E MU Nl' ,IIICV- 1 tah.:ntud prl us t. IIPI I C~!I hn ilulllt III l'\jUIIU iso, hnl it ii! 1I 111llllg II 1'"". allu al II I'l' ice with in til ' UI 'a lld l ola~e •• .1InJ. "' •••·ct, ... cu. 0.1101. CtllI\'c,rsalilO li thull ill IIIl' I't1lpil, li e 1)10 whl'~e uxtrUI'II" III1 CU, ulluel, dcr· .. I' th e IIHl~8CH. Sl' Ih llt lIu ull c \V '11 .. • ....·1'· ~(1" I"·b"'I- '....~~ I ' 1'.1 j , A LA B .·I S TEn m./.!! /" ', . . " ' ' '. ' . . . I IrC"_ c ,rOntC trnu .".. ''''urn ~In. nl lll i l'l·d b!l '18 ; 1 1~ ' GLENN 'S,' I L , i pla yed UIIU ~UII ~ wll h ra l'l'~ t grace cd Iluul oale rl!d hy tlt l! Cl'o.lll SJri' III'Ctl Ill, Wllh 'HlttllU n,llIll ng IIdlu · : C"Urill rOlti,," .'cl,,". l·',,·e r s..rt.•, t.I"'- PHI It 0 " so ngij bllth gru " 0 anu /(uy, and 8UUII . wdl, It Ild IJlull geJ Llil! m illlu' Uilll k . ~ 1I l!"" vI' Ul!au tifu I picturud lit bUl!o. "'''i1;". Ell lartc.·d 81'1,,,,,,. Rheu"OI"i.·_, :::; A I '. T r y it. ! i , II . I .... HUlDorrbold. llU4 I I :.v /I .'1")111;118 h,'t ull.· pel'. II/J . I I uCcuUle t IIe Cl'u tru I tl UIi u " wallY . rnptcy, wi II uever /I du1 tOuch to t IIt.l Ilullle. __ • ,md Couifh. " . 8ocil\I circlcs. rity of itself or its lIuig h A III, .lIg th e prt.gre:!~ive leu,\ illg , L. O. 'LUKENS, M. D., I" 1' .'1' I·u/l (" )lic,~ t . T id!! 8nfTi'.<III;·· · I 'd r I:rospc ad T I ' . 1,'/ ' { II I (' , 1' !" :U.',tI " Ct/trH'c,,' j' u/ltlLr. -IlItlOlU1 nut., olleC\·cnlllg, ato rh o .' ~ bhO.l'e i8 oc\'.er. lilly. I'U IA rl 'u bll klI illgI linod u.1 lli e c".U 1l · PHYSIOIAN 0 A. 'SURGEON . I'y 01,,· ,.1,"(1 . I 1 . . 011-< . , "l'/' (JI'X tile IOU.I-iW d. Ct,H1.V«lI~· (rlOOIl" ' a,re not mark..b... UIIIOC18 acti Vity III a jlry, IIl 'C U e8IIurc III went lUu, • . I f JwaY8 slli f'tt'd in th l! d rlltlla ofl ovo) poor bouao. alld loust ut p'''I'I' illg U"OIrge 'tln ~on & Cu., of P ort. ? ttllr-In ~~tion ..1 n. .. ~, Bulldln ~. pn,.(~. "·"'I.VI· " ' I8II'W'(lu" ,,·.,s t/u -he cum e fllce tu fiwl! wi Ih the Ill'e have al waY8 cUll8idel'IHI tlt llt th iri '1/1110 ~lulll e', they Wtlrc 'aUlung the Jr A Y N ES V I LL E, 0 IT I (). "~/Ji,· ,"I !!. 'l : .,1 ,}JI .I .'/'ill ·,/li 1/ m· iL I d""o' i,. tllat, ill.I.m I.ll y~ ti c ill8till,Ct declaroo lack of enterprise ill SUel l II plllee ; ti.-~t ill th ll lltls inlllld,ullu wl! ,cau on "1 ~i'H -W :-imu'VN-.- the tWIO 1.1 IllS. N ., wor,is wore is becnuse it i8 U IJoor huu.;u. M,," Iy Ulld ul'H tand the cuh)8@ul pruIJur· 1I,·ill" II I'"wc,fu l tI" " " "ri:rr . tli.,;" • pullCII, 11 0 eYl's KlIW tlt u chan go uf flJ i8 a lIeceSRal'Y mllti, o-pl.lwur ill I t iulls th ei r trud e hilS us umed by AT TOR N EY AT LAW, ("1'111 111 . lind r""I1J~rirril/IJlI . yet l!ll lil e. I.ltUANuN. 0111 '1. 1.1' hll rm l,. HH . it pO.itll"·'I: 0111'1 '" ni l file thut a luueh II I' hllllti d allllltl ~et- trud u. But th o Credit ~y~tc m hUR r(~ 11t 'U1U 'ri ll~ thul th is is u grellt i JlIAHI O N RID G~ In,," 1 1>1 KA 8 ).; S o ~· Tm : bK IN as if fly ill g of aY"d IlIld Iliudo; but the a dirl!ct tuodc llcy tv cut up b,)t.ll II l1 d Inigh t)' Nutiull of utlurly iiI'· hluc k: ruhcd I'l'il'~1 wh u rulurtl l!U tu ml.lney, and lIIurcIULndi~tl. It h UB ty lu dll,," I,· " ph!. \V u CUlln ul u" t• ( , ""':.:k . ~lIe uI8 h ul "~ I'lI luct', thl~t lIi l( ht, WUB Ipro bably not escuped the nOlicl!"1' to r ill n,l ratl! th o lIIa~ lI i tudu uf Ih ei r $o!;i)lonoblc n\l~ It Ih"lu,,!!h '" hlt'arlo ~ Ihl' (., tiel<· lHI .R ;rli. ~I!ralE~~:E:n . 'tilt! 1"IDI'IH~I'I, 1' IIF.AI'TH: n : " Till: not tltOi!>l IU,· U'; 1,1: "" llv I·ft hill tho ubserviul5tllltt th ero i ~ ill.·y. llll:! iuCdtl thll n tu 8late lit e Ullll) l\ot tlluoly rUlll n t 'I-U " " I\r~ b .ful'e, irl tft cllnll.lIl1l11ty It cl ll~f! "I' me r- ul' III I/lley 1,"iO hI' tlt e m lu I' pOd tuge • "~II· I. '..':I' ·N wilh " CI·,LII !IILI' un J J "T" •••••• • t<. k J • \ 81Urttllllllll\ Uc SRII'PlI l'llS of Buul lind chan to! wh o IItre llll l.lllo!ly I1d vocate tllllttll'ol Jll ri ng t ho y 'ar l ti 7ti ; we """ II .. 1111,' DllI C I! c I'er lU I ~lI l l' l ' A' b I I ' d ' . I \ V V\NNA\,EF M il :·Oll. h nI IJIJrp"l'4t! I onermOilt I Itc . mce, more ca ll ' U crl:!dil. io vreference to II I'Al'lh SYR- IIt "l! I Ie hg llre ' InlCt Irum t it) , . , '. , tifu! than t.he t" nd 'r lilCIl Ill' Ma. tc m. Th is at fl rRI sight Iuo ks ),c. ti n ll. t) r wo ~h. ,uld th iuk th ere .wa~ H.'s I....... tl "I ~.~I ~ ~I~''' I~'~~;,I ... I. II hill . It I. Cnll'hlllic» lI .l' Ihe re ful' dOllua I tI I f' I' .1 k bl b tl ' k '1'1 .I~ t P • .. wht' re lit' .ill Ae~ "" t i" fl l:4 f, umlh,' tir· L S\.'J\L I.S r\1l.-1 lleIU i' S , ins ln nLI.v I' e w o v l , Itt I'llI" Ie ore 11m Ullu mar 'a !I tltrau ~o; nt 0 11 Bl!CIIIl II IIII ~ tU ·u. lOY PIlI( "r POB Ilgc V> th •• ~O lh .. 1 c ',eh to •••,1<. All ,.1...... "fill!! ull 80r"n(,"8 wilhnllt ru in, II l1 d ookco d ull' II li U him fl'UlII the lip ' thoughl itupP('ll l'o! in ('lIl i)'ely 1\ ui f'· stum p ull ri ng the YUM 1 76, thil" Ohru"lo U1le18c • • uc"e •• l'ull] ... ",otl . ~I"G' ci1ccli,,!! U "1"'(' ill "v l'r" i n R~D l1 ne . lined chul il!C ulIl' i ll ~ UI U SOICIlIII fe rcnt light. Th l!du IIl1'n ILrc not t y.threu Ih l/ UliUIlU I.In o hnndred and uetlc 1, •• lm'·"' J(il ell. P~I"' IIl8 a' A di.I ......· J\ .. ,I p re l ,' Illh'l! r.. ,,1 rClOcd}, fo r huurs u l 1Ill! s. 1'01 1'111. bulul" \l1J ' g rlerully uV 'r-cu ll ric i 'II tiu UII, IlUt! fOllr d .. llilrd and uine·two con te f.'l":'~\IO 8~::~~~~·c~.I :,~~:::',~·~' el~'~~I,::~n~~I';: Gou'r and Hll n: )I A Tt ~ M, lI s c'llpc ts 1(\\0\\'n, 8100U ootwclln hinlllnd Ih e tlt~y vel'y trlllhf'lI11y a )'~li\l that a (, 3::l, l V *, :I ~ ) allu , in CO OOl!ct i,'1I 0 " u re.droct.ood "c D " rco lo " c 1. ~d ",, · . li re ,colly ",,,,,II ", l'ul I aslly J OriU of lit e c ru ci fi x, 118 hl! lil.1l1I IJr "' )\ IH~ II will. Ull.\' III vrl!. ulI,1 wilh lhid il. "Iwulu be remem bered ._ I t ,."., / 1 ,. " J,. / '/'I ~'• " I'( I' d Ij t' , ( II d I II d - - - - -. . wed III praY" r; a ll cnl ellt·l'S, " ' llil'"Y hl~ttl!r I' nl"'~ lI " uel' the l hat vI :ly 110 81111l or ors were U"ilrlHtb ,l;".(IR'·" 11",1 11 /'" " OJJWLw"," ' /lleti ti l\' Cetl'r Ihll l1 II'ritt.(J lr Wll rd8 of cn·'\ it ",." ';1" "1 11,:111 it'lh ey werc sOllt uy IIluil. the larger g"iog by . _ "!I " flJlI; ":1 ; ,. ". ,, 11/ ,'1 'u'illt Ih e ~aill t , eel l""d Ihrll ugh hiri ri~'iril hli . . . I.t! t .. 1. 11 ." (' " . h. A liI! IW I'"ill " xl"'I'oS 11 110 fre ight. Uuurge .B' !tu , I't'he WaShl'na'tnn Cl'ty Route.1 l/o , . ",,,,, .'/1 " 11I li N Irt t''', , ' It'. UII}' I. J1' II fI J'·. 1:111. like u - l,·rll . l lIrk It d ,ftil' lIl ll' I,,·,,; 1"'''101" '1I1,11'lIcl ~'JII ,\: Coo.'.. '\f'cnttl a re to IIe I.IUII d ' l ·... ~ ... _ _ __ _0 _"" __ __ _ ::' I' H "N ~. II U IIIH:~ UIl' I 1:1·~ til,y . hi s 1'1'1 olly \'uWri IIWS "ll: ' " 1'111,; \\'il l1711 tl k l\ " \I' ill~ ii, a l) I if ill ' \" f\' :)llIlu ill tlt u U nion lind e",,·.t wilh Ull lllilillg (·uf lai uLY . tW~cll lIim 1I11,llhc t'ui r I'II 'C Ih1l1 I hI'." 1"1)·l h'·llI lht·.,' Ilall l"' 1I111 11 ,,' 111· UUl ll illh' " "I UunllulI, 111111 io every 11 " .llIll t·W i') "II' {I'lJ.r" . /I" II/'C.I p r6' (:Xl'rt!~s u Ih .. th " II J,1 ht uf tll o 8,," 1 1l ·IVCri. UIIII whell Ihcy ,j .. q oot . tl l l'~' cuUllly \I ,II. Ilcllrce ly au cxce p' 'Cdllx (/'.<3 /IUtl' /,."111 lo(h'/lfl n./t' li l' f\JIt \YII~ l. i t!, " lI l lliu s li edth,· ,i~1t "a ll kl'lll'tthl! lm ;{J r. I II 'Illy " " 11 1. tIV'" l. ,", .\ . ur ( I/ I'II'"Y / III ·/IW( I/I"pl ." ('N' Y. uf IIis llJ.i rit ' . II 'I"nv J . '" g -III", . II li' d UII I (· rpr.1.81. 11~ tim,1 TI, e , 'IU/J' I ,'~l, QI(ickl'J( t It/I.d only I l 1'"l1lpl ctcl v ])I H!H't:CT8 ' " C LOT H · . •/1' 1III 'y I'" I''',J lhe Sy~ II ' 11I IIII' a l"lIl I" lIey Iv li la k c l \'~\\'el l O~·lIt l .. 1I tn .tlie eh ll re h. 1 .) \: \' e ..yl,,,,I ~· l'" vrCL I',·c",;,,, ,-.·d thu n al ne II I jJflutC!'S D ir8,.t Rou( e I., IIW. 11'0111 lh r. sic k room or perRon . ink j ll tl ICi" II ' .y 11.;",1 ill ad voi'lltl · WASHI~GTON l I¥D BilL'IUIORE \d'~1 8Ue\.I:~.~. toecO llltl imp regonlell wllh \'Ivlul ' 11l '; \' '' \\'~ IVII,; tt) clc rracl ,' h im clI f ' buL (' A U~: )lU ll Til l' A: rl/io .... D .. yv ung illb .IIlOciI III"Y Itl ill fvflll usI thut with I LENN'''' .~ "I Id Ihe ri 'n 'icc . I 0 1 tlt e te I· "' .... Dind t.tea._ _ r.. " lU rc I 'UII IIc '·.. r tt .., "U IU ". ~ \\' eet. 1'''1'1,1,. C\'''I' L III' llk L llal Ill l'" \\,' 1 11 bl! III II I Il·. I · ' '' 11 II ' \' 01' la ve ex nu' G ~ ~ .. Richmond Lynchburg,Norfiolk , . '...J SULPHUR SOAP 111 10 the ro l.l" t "" ' n ·d hlln!',; wvul d " Id; tlt llt tli tl)' will htlli ll feci tli at cd 11", ,1' 1. II ·iIlC6l1 I1S it is lo-day, ill l . I tI tI II . II I t· I'iI .~, n 1Ma SjifCiJir. III 11i() ~ c OIlNOXtOUS Dl s' I II I d cu Il1e tl II! II IIO ng III v f Will 10 In Ibl! CI"ru ~ h 1'1"' )' Id II lur l!n ,;l1I ,1'1" 1111 " , IU Hum It!r 0 'dyt'U .. ·!I. L I .S' T. \ I ' 7'1, "' S·( ) U" , GA~liS . IV. ' oiuhl"\I" ' I,,· u. l r p.ll tl' llli e r o I Ollt,lLIIt:l Jut, mllI Ie8 IyI 10 tll0 klt l ~ fl!ar is ill tll 1'·II.' · ! Onl y II ful\' oll'i 111110 .. inclo: thcy pal III a " , J" lul u, ewllh 'S"I/,llU r Otnlm mU' hll " 10\'e \Jilt \/1' h id li il!, a uu 1111;11 . ~ lru l' l Y" u r~ a~, ', Ihllt l~jI;~U IDUII UII J nlll!>lu 01,,)' tWtl uty fuur tuvu~ull d Phil d I h' N Y It Boston ' I rl r I I C fAt A ' Yvu Gu.-- Tll\l orullit IlY ·
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Ku lIiu fO WIIS fli ll "oice hcurd in 'th u cir . .Iell "' II,' re, L lit· l'ure, Ili' S pnwllrs mUIIe hi " I I~,", fl CU "" "]O()III ; lind h i8 s(' r. _~' Il nllS r u", III "-·"1 III"v ll.,·I· 'I"'" °UIIg Il f 0 Ii lu, wClIril..q 8VIIl. U e Wlll k,.d th ' llitllCtl (If the cl £'Sllrtt'd CII II,,·ti 1'.. 1 ill tllo evll-mn tw ilij.{'l l, an d buwell U(, . ' f' . .l.: 1' \ i I lin: t I II In .. III 1111 a":.'I1~· It I.nryt,·r 1i mi l t ltc rli ... ,.hl clloil' \/II; bll't tlt e rh .. lI l!ll t ro l 11('r he 1" \'l'd trU1i ~ Ii.l rlll l:d "11("11lignr" " I' hll itll il ,t" 111(' dl·ll r· IlKI 1'1'1'111. 11110 d l\' ri~ I ....1 rec.. I1"", tll/ ll s . distuructl hi Ut'('Jl~"t lil-I'U
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MIAl EXP..OSlTION ·1 876.'
,,'t'.'i. .
Its competito rs receiving oni;' an award for some special fealure of their rqichinet.' ·
The World·renowned filion Shuttle Sewin[ Machine
Unllmltod (;apaclly 10 do III "'Intl. or F&mlll So.lng and Monur••lurlng. . l1'S r .\TE1i·r ,\ UTQM.\TIC "tUT O}' }'" . . Ilaad wbl'(\1 1"'l'l'rnt ~ tlte 1IlIl· chloe from ntnnlllg btlc1twards, IlDd MYfItflI tllli _Ity ur IlIkin!; tJlIl "urk from , til., mllchlne 10 .wlnll thread 0 . . . ~ l' IIlIl~t \.Ie tlune .Ii utltcr Sr wlll g MII(lhlnr~, tn Ute great "'01~!lIl. lJr &lit· OIH·rIIt.or, ""\K~'lnlJ y hI tm'kln~, IWllnnln!; IIl1d rumlng. It doetl o.",Wf;) ·..ore work ~I 1\ glvun 11'lIglh of tilll~ 'Uum 1111)' utlll'r Sewing llIaclllnr~ . WlTIl E,'ERY MOTION oHltl' roOT the MACHINE MAKES SIX STITCHES• HU
Three WillOD K,chiDIl ,ill ao u ID~Dh work in 0111 aa, u fou: o\hl. KLOhiDeL It r<'!lnlrN! no KIIt'!'iul Instrllctiou8 to use It; lUI LUustratt>d IJl recLlolI 1111011 is rllrlll~bl'd '<lilt PIU·" IlIIlI'flhi •
IT CUMOT GET OUT or ORDER. ANO THE ADJUSTMEIIT5 ARt ABSOLIITELY !'ER rEer. ,\ Ilropcrly rxrr ul f'd (;ertilil'a te is Curnislll'u "'iifl pach Uln..tliuc. I!:n:lu llteeiog 10 kerp il in I'rlluir, rrl'e of churgr, _(or 111"0 yellvi. , ~ln~ bill.l'H ~old on nagy IrrlUMof IlUy ml'nt, R-lld d~lh'ered, /'tell of cbarge, ut auy lttlilroad Depot in tbe t.: ll i l~d Slntrs whern lYe hll\'(l 110 AgI'nu. Send for Dluatrated C..t.uocuo. ~ A " enu W .... tad.
F or full p u rtlcul n r a
p('1d re&s
TtilJe Seasude ll,.,r b rcu ~.
0110". , 1,. ... 1. "" 10"· ..· 1'' '.· ,1< ' rIW' " '''' TI ,e I·, ~ I gl.on,l ..U"r""I"'U 11 .. \1" " I" in ,II r ". h of .. \" ' I\' /IlI f' lil ' "li \' ~ 11I 1 11 11\ $ 1 10.,:1 "i . . .. (" 'IO'I""'ge,l " ...I· .... ". ",I~ .'I J fu r 10 ., ,,,12,1"1''' '· , '1' f. 'N 'I",: . I .• .\1 ,. II II "n.1 :!l1r 12I.. .E.I II ,1i 11,\1 I ~· A ~. : I b.H . I.,· ,Ii, • .'10, . IlIck "l " ~ 3 J .I "i. ?: \ !l E . C l:r ,.1 · . •' .. ,,1 ,1. 110 '!O' 4. A II ('~1 ·• R,·nd ··.,1110 ·.~lo b '111)'; II' .·". \1"1,11 1'\TI-' _ \l :HE4.Uh, ....... .. '·.. Ii . I II "''' Il " , t' 1' . \ I'I~ I I , 11,,11' r ille q .1".\ '11 h i'I. . I:," ~:1I.1 ~.t1l1ul,,,0 .·Jlc • . TilE \ III ' ' :' EI : .11 "1 '1'1 ) . bl' .I nrI'- "0 9. Oi~:II~;· \· ·III ' l. ·"llJ :oi ·H ).0: I> Y . by 10 J{-th"'~"'1!!Icon"ght 10. ~\\~I:~N ::~'~· ·\II'1I'. ", 1· ... li "•. ~II~ A,g ;I ~;liL J.l.l 11 M 11.1. (l ~ '1I! IO' L . . G. E1i o~ . 20· I n... ,,'• L'I'I" "" Is to the nuuiner on. the IItOrm, . ,• • ~ . \ '-':1 . ' "." \ 1'(,) " . .... nII ·: ,• ....... 1:1 pll l :\l· ...'" (WTIII · I.E . Y.B1.,.k.:.Oo COIlSt 10 IS 14 l.lEA ., ... 1. I ET, Wi.~ ie U.. liu~ . 21.LA~SO~S Ir,. llI· MIl ..•\ ., .,u ... ,." l. .. ." I." . .. - : Uc ~ft'
I G.·IH ~ · l'''.: I.I '' 11 ,\'\' ·rll F. '· Ok'1' I I'OL I': AN I) i'I l~I. lIl1l1 WI'!. I"
'CUR R•IT IV E:~: 1!1~.1':();~~~::1:~1.:~1,:;~';'~.~'.:·~;'~.'~~'/\':;1U
",urt' g il hin g wilh tUll uerll\!t!~ alld UV ldl' Ully I"u~ gi ucu t'uulHl the roud (\ll"' l., r lll e bu lll ./lI':", wIT" now IUolUCeil6d o1Udh UVI:J neithorturnud Truelen, d""lrl n"a !. l(l ; l hLt: 'l'1;~l rr :'ION . IJ) IUo ~ f 1 9 . AT 110 ·d,·, It, .. ~~. . : atllU'U illlh l'ir pl ucl." l)" Ill1tjoJtl1l tu the rig t.. t nllr the left. Three . . . .r.PI. .- . .... , . -..... ~ .. T...."nI:8ubJeeto 21" . nr. ·' n".r \ I SH ,' 1lfI'''''' . "o~ r)' ~,. Ir elo'l ucnt ,flhuuld I e nu: ru h cr I hA t t lte J ' 21. 1 t) " , I . \)' 1·\ l ' hH. I",. 1( \.'1111 " l iiO · YUUI' ,'u tl I' tl I1·llg·~ uro IleCMO" I t I d l' t IIU t !tlt CI.I UI ' 1.1 1111 " "".,.. " h ~ "cll (·I, "I · ul resul'! or Sulpllli r h tt e algi a r:, r BALTIM OllE AN 0 OUIU It It ~ u , . Bum a 8m or ur .~ 1. :'1A:oi " dl I' In:, \\ .1, '·~ 'e; ,,100,11111< . '/1u wily . Ull t mt ll er lilt I.hulII wi t.b te n· dli'cceSl! in bllSilltlBIi First, I!t lLnll · HaL hs II r" lou l'I'eli known to requ iru I n:PTII I': ' H1 1 '1 1I1 ; ' ~ r. I" .1 ':1' (:11 1',· .lVer t iro n' u ~ h , d llclinillg Ilrd honl:d t gOlOli tl dial the puuple i. c~I ~"r,.lA.Itl for I... l'I IIlIIIP nt T he l'1f'cetRor GLENN'S We eanot bctoocrIlleful{orthe<:lmovery . 1., 1\. d I. ... • . ulI" 1 Nat!. YliU m it)' hu\'c f"r~uUlln generall y IICCO ti lld d Udi rll.-Iet HI":::'':~~~t,'i'::~:.!~:.-:.:e~".:lf,,·:· SULPHUR , SOAP in lh e hllth ure oC nnyreruedyw~liehwiU :1~~lC the sufe I F;.~ .,, ',. 1' 1" '1 '.'::.; I: I . ' .-. ", ; 'llu\\, ell".' ful'".. tl w.l· lh\,\t' t •\I" nr le n· thllUl hu lll " uti<!L. w hutevurtlta lilltl"'''u, . . . , ...I.", tl. ll ll' . (' 1 'utlll:~l . e()!IIpl l'lt'l y rl collorl fenngsofhwnanlly.nol ol Y nl 1cpangs o " : ' . ... 'Clt. ' .:-." .. .... ,. ...U ....oieul............ . .. . h' h tI I' I 10lle suffe~ ~ but In 01 I" ,'.' III I I.{) I. ' .. • • l . l ' V ~ i l, 'III". 1111 d \V 'IllI UI "11"1'1 10'nS. uCCU ..., I d I t 'Ollr ur'l I- . . I . •I • c. · 7.11'" oll,·n. I\·e 11P\-"IOIII .tlO n8 snd JWIl " Ie Ie fl"' h'l ,e" ntails · .upon . . othen. 1 . I' ......"Ir p,Cl' I rr"Im ,; tUIII U I , II .) r ' a '" ~ . . . 8U,.l'ac. the w.. , Vi Ilie ' .• , " ~', I .1 .1 b II I --l ll~Jnl ' I l! ',ly p .. rif.ymg tilt en.tire 1 en . 2~l. :L II,) ~:) ,- 11 11 ·;" t ,,, !"-j \\' HII rare I ley 'I li lt; :Cu y til' Uu Ct:d U rl'U <tIl lI I e-us o w I1Il J1l' ' . if tile ' 'u vdy . 1 n luc t IL I ~ \hc IlWg u · J' Most every suiTerer {rom bls own peMlODllI ll' 0 n ' 1' ' ' . I' I I t ,' bl" 1'1' 1 I I ttl p 1.11>10 kllOW wtll (~IWI~'118 b.) O.S 1,,,,0 0 of . . 11.-lth .... '~· _m~1.- .. - · ,,, .,, VlIllelllJ.!, ~1 1 · pS . ,II I I ... y III \le 11 0 ~ I ~ . lI 't, C Ie u r .1 • S I H l d T '1 C'penencclS.ware.... eo,~_, ""'''''''' - - . ti, rg"tkn, :l l1d Ihl' t illle will co me whit t yu n hilI''', ulld what Y" II caD all by any otl, er L ~ ,, (' ! "up' ur u~ 1I0 g 11 0 01 ct purpo· oftre:<ting RhcumnliSDI. NeurulgiA, Sciatica \\' hell )'l'u-w illl, IIIr ' iloly l'e lOilllh-d ,Iu, uy libe ra l II lid persi8tunt adver' --IIc8 nnd kind~ discnses by internal medicine, , iI~~i~;i~itJ~=~5"..i:g t" O" . ,, !, it bl' lilL lv,,, "" u banJ fOll'y " ur 1,.. il'g .ullll ):,," will tind low priced. P ULLMA N P A LAOE' OA R S is o(nohold awil.upon nnd~{~lJtbi.i~pressio· J J d d ' 11 Di rectJoul .- For D,.tn~t~ 0/ the cli'ning I11lelhgent pallenll that ,1 t, n Suuu ulli r . II Il iRlI l'peal'I,,1 frlO llI 1) 1<'11 I'tllo "1I ~ . W ill th "y hano made \.;I H'W II:l1I pruv e , WI Huu Tllreulrb Wllboul Cbu ...c S ki>! h:ll !te freeh' >Inri I\pply a thick they dCDlll.ndamore polCRt remedy. Tho / 'I U Jl ulpi t. I1l1oJ t ho S"II.'lIl 'lIn 1'1'''' y ••II _tl .,·· . nme \oltll-r 'u p ttJ dr:uk !trin!!: trud c th aI will g iytl a lurger bct""en ' ~ ho pri,,<'ipal IIILhcr !refure l' eLil'iog . Il\lowing it to discovery of LAWSON'S CllRATIVII was • dill: .u · hl' lt iij\' ~tllri"lIs \i'ilii ol ra w llllrt. ),1)11 \,,, ur olut Ii II' thaL Il~l·d I'll illCll IlI 1! rhlu l CIL II be mlldll ill aoy 'VESTEYN cit £~STEYN f':ITIES rl' ui ll ill O\'e r ni"lIt F or Scald3 and priceless boon 10 lhouands who have been . l III fr, ,1I1 ~"ci .t). " .';l-l 1'I111U I\·"t1·, lillt 111l'r 1\1111 t l'ic ke ll mlltl"'I' I " ur ily. ullll'r W\lY · FtOI'Throll"h TfOk :.:-Oftg ... ... Ohook• B UM' S :Al'pl y the luLhe r Iree ly to the ew:ed,_!"d(~~~.tbo~blda_:~~ ~~':n~": JJaOQ; ~ S v'" •. • p . • .. .•• , 11' 1 ... I 11 -' I rehev<u 0 weir tern e ..._a ...... ~ u l i ,," n clr ·1·11 ..' 1...~. ·I .allu•n., 8'~I' odle 'Ill o""rMOl'tlmn'oITr.'D •• S le the p lngTicket O.rA.c~om 'l Il'mo flu rts. 0 ' I"-lv rean"p"n . . vlrtU<L . S' J . 11' . 1'I "!In. ., tl u · t'l ltt. l!~CCl'l't .. ( hiri lil\: : wlhII I", hilt Ul l:UlIUrU " -" .. II mu" . ,', It n ,.mod ..lion •• ele .. "r.plwn~ Ollie •• I"willectho "n,\Il n,,11 l' rn nledl -For lestimonyto lu wbf b ,1t1·C, ·.VAlI I'II t, ; (' I' if 'il WUI'\! ,.,"1I l!l!SU I, II UII l! klll! \\·. rl hu ,c 1I1\1Il~ un'u ' .. ) ''' 11 "";) I'•II'UII A I) "~e k'JXlddler Adlls ILt u . 1 _II prIncipAl !," 010' ,~, . H crewe b ..vea CIIIlATlV- ·..-t c .., 111. ~ G l Rio S . 'B ' lo r h" wlI@Si lc llt . Th illk"fth eu llxi' lII,; daY ri lllbIUe ,ulIll'vh oon·"'with" lut of tiue ar. RORTH, BOUTH, BAST" WBST. utt. , m tnto ,'8m . p ram3. n",e8 IhnuchappUedcxtenlOLllyexerU a powerful ; . I I ." I II r t • . ,,·"l clle·1 y E. It. II(J lt"'. "'v. L. M. U(" E . Qul" IIpVly clotb s weli Butllr lLed -~d l . - e6eentln6uen- on the wholener'fo [I I:J c"u II ( 11 01" "'''\I II I lIut 1'1" " t(' 11Ig; 1'-; y,,"r II I' " . ". ~ u t · , clc. ~'· III· cl. Ite offers at ru ill"\lS .u , u I ~. "',.. ~ . . k I. ,. 1 h I J '" U " u A•• '~ I ;" l11 'l T. Af{'I. n . n'l T , A ~ 'I ~ WI ~ I a stronq solutioo - . For Old . ... tem-aremedyo( indisputnbleeffiOlCY\vAY ;-'; E~ VILLE , 0 11[0 h is v O W ~ . 1111 1. SOI nI (' witur(' ill Iltt' yunr ~IC " UIIU; n 'm 'l1I_ I t'r I~I e In.Bkes a 8ulo Ollq .., "'0"· ,. I I lUI' uVlIIg t1. rUTI·O'''S. v .. V ~ TH n'.~ P. ~A. .. .. 11 Y, . TIlO'S R . SH AI'P • ' . S.ore· • a,uJ UlUf'1 It IS In\l" IUll bl e.- oeltlom failing 10 .fT"rd prompt reli' e( to ~tt.1t1 "f tlill chUN!h,. 11 ol) lJld lilld II cur~ It(ir I'aticII CLl UII~ n il UI" awnv. A lh:.y ur two afterward W. ot. r.u. AI(CIOI . If •• terTrn, IUlIo frec ly li N K lotion.-Fnr II VI''' ' cases o(neuleorchronicpainsinthcDC1'ft8 &loclII fk ,1 \' In'at und die. illg with )'(.lIr I'rNfnlu a5s. Rlld 'h e ll two 'moll drive ul' to tile houlle witb ve ntiv ll in Obnoziou f DI8eQ.8~" 118e n or muscles. . \ .\!\ I.J Out "rom'·t it 0 1''' !JIlIClII~ eity he let til e billdh ,,1' "lillii'll!" dye YlIlli' . ted bill . , 0 account strn ll t! .RUr\ s ." 8 a "'811b. ('xtfrnall,' for ev.- kInd of Rh.pmu.... fbr "" 1111101111 dll •"'. h" vi ll"'" I·C.WIVNI t'l bl'uw tiul.l J",,11 ,, 111111111 1.10 illlPlllicllt at ~In " glvflllg ~ TI lOY T. 71~lIerfQl18 J 'I • to LOe ro Il I)ury 0 M 8",lre ,11I1t II 'Y In J"ctl on. ~t Heurllgl.'.ev.ryFo,.. fIIr I!!I'VHI or , imlllure hilll~·..'11' ill UI1 Ellgl i"" rr\tJlI IIr IIl1krllu til Itt'r II 11W t hat "ho id I I " 1 rood bo I t t il d &Jck He.d.ol1e, fIIr ","IIIIHU, for IlC nalerv. whcn' hi s III·Cl't·t could !wi - I.Ild. Old "ul k ~ m'H !lucia a tr ia'!' ella III t~u g 9 ug I eed° • Ie pe ' GLENN'S SULPHUR BOAP L.III. Ilok Dr Side, for £ryelp..... flit ~ 11 ,I. I I I '1'1 OI I~C v' e~, tl I""''y k nnw 't ' I tl ICY I'I!U I I, ' t ( or com· ! Dlpbtllerl. IIId 80~orIC~IIt iler 0( ' ~ fll' "olel 101 '" re,·,·:! (-, I • IUlf \I' ILtlu Igenera' I y 8UCC t ' III th .v TbrOlt, I . h I' ,,'111, SIIW 11 ,t! I'ri "~l II~ I, e trod the and ~o will ynlt be ju ~t o:!t1 c h a Irial po 11I~lt IC P~lrdullQller 0 glve h erdUl 18 CIIKKK)lnl.l,Y .;N lIIIR~lm BY TUE III.I ••,forSpr.I•• Bra..... C...,WOI ..... '\...1 U1'1 · t I<; k I I ti ed tt \. IIr l ' ldr 1 'n II U tl I lip. 1'10 ,;wln IlI'iI ware las Cll aJ~:I' W'\ L n LATKKNITY. forlu"" ad Soli.... forTootb.cllel, ~ ..., 1I I1'1al! 'lIe WIl" W IU "og y was '. ,I' ell el I IU aJ o:! IU . f' III ' . tI ley y be 0 d 1 fact for .n P.I".,I,fI.m ••tloll and • heing (,Ilnctl'fl ill th e hid!t(lIf de('pl! wlll llurc ly o.)InC; ay, 11I1,1 yon will 0, III m'!18 Loo , . k mat " art1·un Swelllnpno remed,is known which nnL ' f I ' be ' H I ' d r. be to ! Illre 80011. ou lor Icm. ' , Beware.\.ohf ~oml1l I 't t'Ions. r - " ~l. I~~ Ill~. C Illrrla a\'vuy tv remom 'r, v 1'Ull safest role i8 to boy tbe good8 qu~I_II.~eWreh;;'brUl~a~!e'!IUh.e:e'~~. anlndl·II~~..:ingC·. aes I \pe £last. onr the sea, and 8tl/t,d at t f b ' h t - r IU ~ ~.~ 'l ii 'I' ll'J 'IU)\l' ,.\:.~LIll). last Ilmollgthe hn,therrl WllU8C Vow" EpPF.O'rIVK CUlLI1HIAIHT\' -In ro ), 0 u wan , 1I your tome metro1 ao 8, FOil BALK U\' f" i ll'" .0" U terandl5COpcor so Ih:ilplo and safe In Its t '\ v . . ad I '1 Th d ' . . . . W 1III lIC," k your pa ronage Irl1llg h ~ ~,, Q.. applicalion. For tbeac I'CQIOns LAWSON 'S ' Vl , II.,,,· l h, ''' _/ 1 f wi lil i, ·. (" I +ll " :'u r1Il1pos po rpetll Ii. Sl euco. 111'0 gar t·} that Uhr!l!tlllolty wuieh tho the eolulIJllt! uf the local pupers and 'f~ ~ ~trll CUIlATIVS IbouJd have a place In every l'I e c' >lII~ bury hlA hupolcsl! luvtl. worlUmolit rcqulrotl to-day Bilihop . I tel' t t' Ii i W. , • ~')~ t il TAKE NO OTHER. family. JtwiUthcreproycltsvaluo in in. g in z lI il 'h,' ' 111 11.· .. 1.1 1I11(\" r, "lc('1'oo 1, , d i ll{ No Cl1l'iOIlS qU&ltiOIlIl wnnld bl\truy llulltingtvn \I~ry truly rum~Tk,,: f~ 11}I~r,us III ~tla Y~d h~prnllmernble cases 10 prevent Iingeringdi&eaSeS IH'ILi h ·,1 " lu ' '' '' I\'I'~ uf Ih" 1,,10'''1. fh ... · · .a 'H"· i, , ~ in PI'!jb" f\' i:ljo( l ll lJ lIut.. ur" l h l'pf"' llrlt ll l' f'; While him into suddeo revcllltlllil to 11 "We waot in y,lu 11 Cill'i~tillnity Y· . t d JO-': .0 nv all 8b'OvUe e ' 1-r1'ln. d( aYf·... .,.l~a'l!lQl PRIOE.! 25 C , i NTS per Oake. ~~~lhouI4bckeptathandrcad1{0l1na1allC o u r ... L" .. I, o( ", 1:"1'- ", , \:. ,. i", " , '\ttll l.J t t l 11" 11 0 fee&ed tid d .. . . ' pOll eeelve vou, yuu a a r w· ~~~~~. ~~~~- ~ ~ ,"",, 0 1mvl'. HI,.II , 1111.' ll v IUl n d llllhtd w" Ino ~ro con an,te, an nmoog thut . Ill' Ohrlstlan aeross c~lullter8 , I>dy .--TorcM igAt. , O ll e H(JJJ (? (!a /" 'w) GI) C/m i ll. Sold bJ all Dnn'" Bo~ cl'! v i t he l..1 lv!d. Id ll.llU lI bt. -'1' .. ' 1 .J' ,-.J l'at,.. meo ... mnte WI hlm8elf he ('onld OV er' diultor tables, bellilld tho . -.- . PRICE, On. Dollar per BottI•• torn . live without feAr "f di8c1oMUI·C. But oeigh!)L;;'" lJuck; IW in hi8 jileo . TBJ!! confu sioo attendunt upon oxFor Sa.le };verywhere. by Drng. 6 Botti •• for ••• 00. Uu r Ilh;II'~UH will he Uri rpu."+ r'h,,hle .\ ri IiIIUY o n tl in th e I II1 Hin e.4h IIII U ~fFon\ the burdao hocflrne mure ILlld ID 'lJ;O We wallt in lit Ubritltianity d1 ~cJ dis<'!O'lIsion iCIlrcely eqUu.l8 AND D&ALEB8 IN ALL KUlDS OF ' gista. Grocer. aod Fanoy Ptepued by iotolci-rabl c~ ~l'he .horoic ~ I'irit 'hud that we' CaIl find ill th~ tomperance thut cnused by the continual cry · Goo(h Dealen . Lawson Chemical Co., ~le1'eIin4, OhlD. titrnggled lung cnough ill silence, 01: the m"-I in mQ(lerutioa of dress illg of tho Baby which mav be . HAVE lOU TRlf.D IT? and IIOW 1\ deeper st.illnes8 was to iu respect. (~r aut~ority, a! 8utt:oring. from a Bevere ....t8:ck of UI'r'liD'WI?'I?mlURB S"/I~ 'I~ll ,:t,. 1'l'e-jJII.,·d, (ill 1'C' WI> BEll EVE,lJV1'HING 1'0 1\ 'I'll" !.l)l~:. UK\,\\'TII, U":A UTY ... "TIlt; H Ail: . shroud the soor aD~ Its secrot. at home, ID vcraClty and SimpliCity U.llic, Dlarrhcsa or other disorders ~~r ~~~ ~ ~ ~ l<' LjJl oj J/~" _('e " lI d 5 (' <i n II!' K.. rp l·••• u" ........ IInl•• ~e brothers saw tho Blow., sllre in mixed sl.Iciety. Rowlulld Hill j of tbe Stomach a~d Bowelii. Dr. II'o,Del,·lflo. JI:: .~' lB~.__ __ l' f' !t c:lt Cl~ke . . 1.0I"lUUJII .. .... K KH"'l'OKER. dying , and gath8red abont · p " IB UII ed .I&n d SwABTBlIlllE Wi 0 l-It. \\ ill r~-.l tft rc I!f:l \' holi!' t I l t)d~illlli cllloI'. . hun. as u~c d t 08ay h ewuu Id gl\'e vt:l'y I't I' B II 11'8 a b y 8mJOD C OLLEn~ QU' I './-l tl \. i "'"· II- ~hilll,,lir. c" u 8ill!; lO · w l' ..0 .. 11I. the end drew near, wlLh solemn tie fol' thl! I'eligioo of 11 II1UII wtlOse higltly recomhitltlded in tbbile 'r' II f PIb'1 d , bl d r th: . C. N, CRITTENTON, :I·-It .. i .1 ro-Iu re 'he I\II \ul'al •• r,uLiu" •. , id . pUIIl . f II I 1\11 d d'I~tcoss .log ' d'ISCatle8 . f Ol1reOn mFriond e. 'OlD $ e p un e otllk "e ' oel'amooy . 0 ,. ex't re/ll e ~Inc t 'IOn nn d ( Of!: all cat wll)'e 1I0t tho better '01" •. giY,,.1 1.0 hoth~. .exed Proprietor. And 1,I£or N<n,V llr"III .It",e '5 to Aug 1&): 4-11 ... i11 rCIUDv" kit dIL"drulr nnd ilA:hingA. If!1cramellt. bul the IUtl t COIlj'C6H iulI bi, ' rolikiou. We waut fuwer g Ud- curly childhood. in pillce ofdaaker- 'ull olal1lliOllI OUId llOi"nliflooou ...... for001l\- , No.7 Si;utli. A V Y 1. r.-IL ",ill WIL ke' suft , floo,'r . O,· xi)'.lo. 81anderuus gluttooOllS vus Onium ILtl I Morphia prl!para. pleting which tha u.,u"1 del!'NI~' are non.fer. venu e, 1 MI) ' 0/'':. Celery Plan s, Ii-II ",ill prO.I·~':U ,,";gillOl colur to old IlJ.tQ. l'evealed liut tho Cllllile of' his deep eh;hinf . d '< ' I d tl 1' 1' . d ,,1'.' . db'· .' Q ' . ' . . r " b I ' red . TJ....I erp~nu.. InoludlDg tDitlOn, IDwnd Wl til ,' I", ma il . f"r $1 ]00 7- 11 will 1''''' 001 \1m h"ir from fnlli o·<Uf. P.!'tn an .,ar y ell I. I~y carne peeVI., CUIlCCIW, Ig;Oteu . hrls tl uns. ~5 cent8 per ott e i I lIoard••...binl!. UAe of boou. &C.• IllI>O • LIlr1{6 Whil'" H:. li.1. by ",ai t. fllr t ~~~ 100 8-1 1 will c" ro .. 11 <li,eMO. or Iho . colf· him to tlte cometery to the 81110mn tiane. , . - - - - -- year. . ' .' I Dw ..rl l~ed . I pt' r 100 . Il "'storos hOlb .~bc luxuri "nco 'lI\d colo, ~1I~ic of . tho mOIl!t8[PI'Y l1e~I, and :~o m~kc tham cfi', our .pub: N{}\V lS YOUR TI ME! NO EXTR~ CHA.RGES. :8 Rim ~8 THII FLAM" or " . Any of tlt o "bov" Col. ry Plan"'. by ox· p~~:~"t~:~·hl~I~~b\:,:~:''Kdl~c~~.t~b::fi~I~1; bnrt ed 111m and III '; ~('(!I'ct !tll'e \l !! I'. , he I'ull, gl"u~ mUII.aurllll; tlIStltUtlUtlB, For Oatalogue. glvlDg 'ult part.luulau ,,8 VOL , ~N :. or "bIte OR Lho deori moaA 1'roM, for "~ por thOIl "" '''\. . 10 I,e grcIltl:- resreUud.• ,Id.a..t..iroryhod,v His lips IIcver 111'1'110'-\ t.p th,ll ' bonuvlIlcllt ngeuoios lIIi ssion8 uoed to oouroe of .tudy. &r: .• ..tIdre.. on ~ 1'101 HI .. h.c rploc k , can Le chllu. Cabbage Plants. ~'\II!. I" I", ~o .."tlfull . proof f~~h that It I . I' I I ' . r ' EDWARD H. MAGILL. A . ~l.. jllld to a brown or ""troo3 ' 10 \\'1"0 "lid rl!fbl to be 10. by OY8,Y propor ~ Ilwe more pot~u,t t~ rnll~o li S . l(l . to be tTlllllng04 1.10 Il Illg I tuoed. . P.....idont, black tty 8 slo Ie 1I IIcI\Liol\ or I'romium FI .. t Du lolo, loy. tn,dl. 'I pcr 100 mouno; but ia nDthilll!ntoroimportant lnp: thun the Ilamo 01 hl) ltcst sawt Iecrnj.llliolls, IllJqllelitlOlI1lhlc t.ono df ewartbmore Conega. Del••••o 00 .• Pa. g pp . t>rI,IInhoud. H"~oy. by m'n~, fnr 1 por 100 to thio olld tbun beautiful hKI,t. Now to He loved~wholll ?-bllt· he bur· Ihonor without avotlioll 01' parti· D E la A\ 'li'D D B f) f) d La ~ S 1 Roll (for plllkllllll'). by tnrnl, for 1 ptlr 100 pr.vont tho f"iling ?f L,!o. .n~\llf1ll coloring ied hie love: . 11.11n8\11 p, or overlU ueh ~t I he ser- M~~ B!:io!&M.!!I!:!!) ~ ~ ..J.PV1f!G~land ....)h 10dr.. aI, 81, -:pr!~y,~: *~ul ~~oLII:,~~~~~gO l' luntl. bv ox· i.n~:;w~ ~~~ila~::.;io~~!:i~I/.:e~e~·t!: G. II . H A\1lht\•. L' I \1 " TI I I t.h at 'llle una, gne .,lTors ar lI\!lra ) 0 louse . I t nd d to ,IHi A I I \It t "ellt 8 0 Dlllllg. Ie 11l1I1 . --..nil·lot. on ' orth .treet. at private 8810. ' dauli1lower Plants. n r uce Dllll' ..... poop 0 • . . give!! away tho Bible must ba uu· Th6'IiOUl8oontaIDA.OV"" ftIIIm •• ki tcbon and mSTANTA ~BOUS, _. . :l)~I~~ HA ... ·(,OLO........... . hOnING PItES:-..i{d It "cry distre8S' 8J1uttt!d frulD tbe world. The moo· A d to 'd OLO"' ''O>Q cen." '. aod 00 the 'oi are Stable and oLhar l EE~a'IIY J;:l'rr~trt:hY ml",II', for per!~ Dr. Dalton, of Pb{loulelpllla, of lti .: ' I S . . . ... ro now prep"NI ,men ~..,.,. COllvoniont out-builitingH. 'all in flr.t.-cIUII ! f t . • JI.. . r Y Ma.. uy rna • or ..... per The' London Hili. Color Rc.itorer Ia ialJod I~g. co~p ~~:It. , y.IDi>~1U8 . a~ a 9) th~t send8 the ml~blonary tu the ~ING:ER8 of .n kind.. They .. 111 put .....1"'lr. Well ,,,d nilteru onder roo'. Tbla ur, ' Any of tbo Kboye CuullRuwor PI ..nte, br ' 'II." IIIltenllh.,ly AIDOII8' a paden~ lied . oxprf... for ' 7..jOtWr tboll"""d. Mendau well M . by mY1811 I Inmstllre., like pel'llplrutlofl. ltehlD~ heatliell must be hOllestly elirlled. on ne~ ROLLS. NI_t old on_ and !Daile Ie allloot de.irablel'ellldeooe. 1D i\'lteo<l~ly, particulal'l Y. at lIillht, at'. In short, the . two arms of tbe tbi. III ~.:,y Npeot IJOod &II neW'. MRS. A. D, CADWALLADER. or 8peoial Pdoea for larr;er quo· spWalfnim eapcrlenOli. , • ter ~tting:in bed; SWILYllels Oint- chnreh-judtice and merdy-mu.t ~-. - - _. --~ . LOOK OUT I tlUe. stven on applloatlon. 76 cen'" por bottlo;. • hl*JlI/l .or .... . 80ME'I':N: NEW M ~ d book te I Lh . TURN IPS E E D. ",,~t!f~rofl.l! . to &1If .~, o~ ..... li:lllnt -il! a pleusant and sure" cure; be stretched ontOworkiug for mall, a~80 'cureil Tetter, and IlII .el·lIptive BtreolJ,theUili g the brethren, or ell18l~~ " banda n:f W~tIill,,! 1(=~';.,n."J~ p~ SOLD BY DRUOGiSTS, .J.t PETER HENDERSON & CO'J.A:ddr_~1 or~e.. to ·DA. \",,\1'1'. " ". diBealles. Sold by all 'loadlllg drug- yonr'faitb is vain, and ye are vet ~ AddNlIII. "ltb ."''lIP, colleot.loD. O.UIIOOI1I, pay up. and ...... co.&. , Ite......e •• 111.... ". SoSo''',~30l!.~!..8Ixth 8t .• .~hllOld.lphl.. h, • t He d tb ad ':t . ...... I " .. . . J . . . . , . . . " . ' " 1I'eH& ClIIY ;IOHN E ' TAYLOR .. , PI_riel.. lO... l'Ilr n .,........ I • . •• S. a ' ~ . v '. .. In yOtl~ B ~~. . ... ' . . ~ I. Jfl9-ly.... ~i1a. 00,1877: . . (KJ' 60 per BeUle. (627) 33, Corthlomit st., N. y~ ' SOLO 'ft ,6.LL· OaUGOI8TII •
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V£G J:i liE THe Cnu.r B,ooo PURlneR
GOOD FORTHE CHILDREN lk>6TON Bou~ 14 TYL1m ATnp.ET } J lITON April 187r\.
VIJGII'r1198 P repllrt."<l l,
1&01.,1111 .,183-1 1 IY"Prhzea Ren lonnbl e
Vegotme is Sold by a.ll DruggIsts.
Osgood's Hehotype EngraYlngs. 1.4tl&'. "(Hi o..e Dolla? 6 ... d (or calalDO"O Tl.~ cho'c~.' laotf.~h oldornot ~a."
n. STEVENS, Boslon, !tI05!!.
JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. $1.00 BOSTON. IlASS. $1.00
Nowsuauor Union List of 1085
Weekly Newspapers Dill l !O: f S
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l:t ;:o,t 'I'blil lit!ay. --.\1 .. ' 1,, ", I, I H d!:,' I~ ~11 11~' r , - r vil kill'''' \\11 l'1l' Eli" .. I\" 1I 11 ,J ,. III~ Ih' llI It.,,, l 'IlI lI a, ~ll t'~ .. 111 '1'" 1\ 1'(:. ~ " 1 1 1t ~I. ,," .. , \V "!\,!llt :" I" , ll li tllHr . 1,' ~ll\·l.' l. T ltl~\' 41 1. nil kllld :; li t (114 E Hail\" I~ 'I" I,' 1', ..~I)1 I . 1'111 " !Irk. ,"'1. II> h . )I ~ ~II" '11I n" I I I \ 11. \\'1 11. F .,_"I"-I'" " . III ." , li ,l . 11 11 ' 1"1 \\ \\ IIre \ I-II, d 1"'ll' " II : 1111 ,1 .11. ·- ('" ,,1 ,·,,,d. uv,d. Nil" IS II,,· -- \1 1 [I all .' 1\ [". I. v I' e lll 11111,· t l) 1,1\' 111 .1'11111 ' 1I1'p h , of l' ''1I 1 (." t} .. ,I,lIJ It" ,,'\:, 1 1 1 III 1 111 ', l I I:.! I n :"'-(\\ dlld.l\ . "\ , 111 ,1 11 11' 1. 11; \ .. I! l t l qIlH VI •.,i l 1' IIt l '\'\\ I I\I\. I. li. '" t'ltI, ,:-; \...vl \ , , I. rL·.\I,· I I' 'I I I I \\ ,1 :1, 11;.... I II • • 1" 1I It 1 II , HII ' 1 '1l' 1" ,, ~ d t,1 1\1I II1'li ,I III 11 111 • ,,'.- " 11 - \ 11 \ .dI.H'( 1;.ll rd , II ~llJd l ;.!: f I &~ Fr: lI(,y'~ Onlllibu .Line l 'l> : 1'1." .. 1 I", la l: " " -' "lll.!.\ 1'1' 1, 1 I \\ 1111\111 "' .1 fe'l! 'JlI.·IIl ,ly III II U ,, 11,',1 I,ncl" , ~~:>UJIZ== , ... " \' \ ", '", ' \\tli f ' rj,I:1 1' 11 .. 1 .! .. \ - ~ la .. 1\ III \..' ~11 ~C\l IlHl:-. ~1 1:~~H'''' 1 I 1{ " " I" l' 1111,1 1'.' 11 ',1 '0' 1."1 III .'111(1 \I r 1,' \.1\ '1111111'1~1~I,nt'11I 1 11· , '- ,11\1 --'( 111,11\. \\ t. 1. rt:-tl:lll t 'lllllj '!I :I I' I \1 1 \ 1,· , I' Ill I:ll II .. 11 i .. l'II1• '" uU ti l! £', ... , "Ih.' "11"'1 .'ur.f\llut tl·nt l II lit ;.! ... nlllJIIU I :( 11 Ll·". ,1 !,I \ h\l'l' I I [. I I! ,l l i \.'I H I(' u'" t IH ' I ll I h I lI l' _ __ _ _____ ill lUI Ih'''' (1,) 111 1 \ 1," 11 ,\ ... I t'l . i \ d" ~l . \,\ 111,1 ....'I11' ...·Uln . I " - \1.., ~ Jill,' I , 1\ 111.11".1'1 X,,, II,, " "I'll" "I.• II"!'!I' " I 1·.II.I.d, I,., ,.,," !, I h~ , , \:'"'' d It \\ ' I I,, · :I \1 1'1 I 1\1 11 1,· \11l - ,l.tI ;\ ,'1111111 ,d' \ '·""l. '" a . ~ .lgl" ·,\" t . . ,, .. ",r" \ ' \ 11.\ \ P h·.l'l·I\~\Hl\!'i Ih\',,"' rcil l IJl.JII1 d ll I ,\·. d,l ltt~l t" "1 .Ill " lnl ".. fl~lt, nl·1I \.11111 I) 1\ \1"' '''1ro'l' ' 1 (' .1 l , .. \\.' I I , _, \oL\ u l\.' 1" '\\ \ ' ~·t~ \,111.11 l 1.\' 1 1I ~l II I.!:lil. - lul"' r 1':01
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'I t 11 .1·lIhH'k Fl rt"t-nl\.~ II'" .11 II 'lln l l ,lIH li t I " r-ufll{' L'111 t ~H Id,l.' . \ ll Hll' SU I'l' Y tv pU I'L \\' 11 It Ii II II II Stl, 01"11112 , ·r, .. " M ~11.lI·lIllt " :1 11'-1 (·1" " ,(11 ,('\1' -- \l I·R I\ IUIC 11 ,IJiI " , Ot' (' .11'11 --!Jr. W. 11 U 'lIlley :llld 1\lfu n""I Ili. I hl' l "III- I,d,l l, \\ dl lH' ,," II ,,· ,. rll'" . 10 V tilllll,!: \"' 1 ill" llll' r III I C' (I' M 1-: CIIl'I'tll-The lliov r"''4 tof Di"r.('''''f\I,·,.' nu t\ l1ndny@,»t. lU i!"~1I11~1 ttl 111,:\vtlt I h,' l '!'II.I I,Il' " I 111l 1l \\.·lI .\ l·",.l· 11 u" 10 la~ f l'\\ It. ) tlO, I ANU 1.2 '~lo'·I., ". a n,1 U I·.! I' " SuhbntJ. ·~ I I I I I II 14 I'I.«~ \\'h "e I I,,· , 11' ,11 Ihl·il· IIIH UC. I " '''. Ihl' tllldel'Ri gl1('d, hnvillg hnd Fea Lh er>! (·I(·.l "r'c,IIIIIJ rell u" ""'lt ~r..hul'l Ht:! t- ~ P M .1 111\ t -101\ II , (. ,I' .I·f, j ... . 1 I I I - - \\ III ILl \\ II \ ' II rind a iu, t tl I \r lJ a l l' 1;, 1 \ to 1", ti ll' lJl'. trutll ",. \ I'\' U,'.·C1I '\'·., (lIo:. Nnl:1. I'lI t n"l'~ .. rltll~L'I\l · (htl l lltll\\alL rllllu l . I· 1 u , I.,_ . . , I \I 'r I, II1., 11 1-'1 1'. 1'C· I I.' "\: 1111"":,( 114 ' 11 0 IlIld I"'(' 1\ nn cx· by Ihe n l.'II0\'lltor, d o rce Li lUmcud tho I'rUCCtio tu IlI I: ~ I [ u -. h nnnr v \\" IP .u mr1 t" TlI'Il, :H lt . . t·' r ) [ ' l' t LIlli II .. . O\ f'-I ~ull· .. nruSl-~I 'rl\ IWf'if'("llIH1 SntHrl!l" l : t'rt.... l' lIlll lll ~ \\illl)l.,l1l l l .li ,,J ' . d .l \ ., I,,, ' 11' \:11\ 111 l l U l l ' ll nnu h. ,~ l i l'I1t...' a l'I' AY)lEHIII.E: Edlllllllci R "r al1i e k, ,)r ",('hl wHl l h . nt'j I.',·lo{lkl·m !lncl flrh~ l l" f~tlll'\\ltl L!.'h' flll:-. - - II ' '!I \\:L lt t"' ld l· l'oll hll~;!,,'o,; ' I ~ I\~lldlHI tU\\,LIJS l nl l'l'I)\ I "~ '.1"'· Rue l, <:1 lJ " l'k'IIS, A.II " " 1),,1 1. f ourth.ttt.u rll Ry c, ft·uf' h mnullln t'.t o'" l"l"k ~" [II E I,l ll y \\' Il , l~ .. 11 1 alld ;.!.t t 1':1 ,1 01' 1\) \\11 lit) has Ilv{! d III A. l'nll ur, \1rH T h "llI lI~ Ilu rr" It, E __ n·_ - .-:..--_3 D ill ll C'I', :::, ,I" , II ch, .'1" "h I. "I .111l1l\Ju1II I' n'~ I 'l· n l } . M rs. ' tcl' hcII Burnett. i\lrs ~ l' \\ lOll ~ lI l1 th. ::\mllll :I( l'lllCllhi. ( '"·"He·" 1"1 Clip. I 'I! I I I I I I I r I' flcc 1I11t! 1;.lII dw ell. I -- EI"' tl, ,\: 1I 1l, -h l 1.""1' " '' h.l " d ~ "" IC. I, .I ll l lIlI' I I! III III; J\l rs . A. D. Clld \'fIlIlIl<iur, ~1J ~ . 1:1111 1 E ll" " C"l1 l' tt, ,j l'. II". " 'l'r , I ' 1':'11 : 111 1 \\' .1"" '1 Ihl' " C\I IUla.I \, 11. [ ('l' (' (('a lll I"' r I'i.dl', !I.... J J . E Sclllle bh', ~Ir~ 8, th FIII' III1~ , 1.','111 '11 :,, 1 1<.:1 gl'l- .• , ." 'I . IleI 1)1 l' 1," T IIF lill)' i<.:\'er Clll llpaig ll h.1S I'C ~I n!. Charl es E. J Iloobs, ~I .. ~. <.'11 It I I", \\' 1IIIIlCI'(" 1~n '8 O .\ZF:T'f p.:-Pl. ,tu:c .Lllun UIl(\u \\"'1.1.'r l ' 1'\101' I Ie h ie l'''lcI'nlh' il. l',l c·" -- \II' 11 1\1 r"• y, " ,1 '1' It " 111""1<0 1, " 1'l'lIl·d. W . II ll ui:;I'\I'II,Y. .\l ls T I). \' l·al , J Ul H ~rOKR~. o f W " rrl'u C"unty. 113 n i~ l·i . 1 rll !! hl~ I ll,"III' ~ IllIC !IIII 1:1 ~I I . [{ IIhl'l t ' tl'W/lIl, ( " illill UI H Uj.((' I'd, ,. ....nlld,d.\.L(' f ur rt'-,'I(' ·tiOI' t I 'tlll' ulli •• ' rl! tu f'ulllU ,uhl jILl l'tl(;i I'HtL' i ll :flt t, rl 11\ .1.c, 0 1 Il,e I'C(',' .I"". 1'11·1 ct", 11.,,·\l·)bllllrg . • l 1£1' SCllutor frum the all ;"" ,lto rl II 0 1" , J h n St('dd om, 111 8 1I 1!1I I Y Ul'IIllIlIlI, tn' t ~uhJt'Cl t H the d.'(· ll'l lU ll or l hu I!~llw" 1'.... dallel ll;.! :,0) ("( lI t~, hUI Ill '; "x - . I', ::;"h \\" 1:)"It\\'n ,wd film , ~]I , Gdb"lt <"Iulllllll, J os hull '.Irey, crl~tt. D i .. t,rH.'t C OUll 11 1.h11l I}"ct.o r .... tl, k( .. ( I J III I ' dll " U.\ I. T' Il'K - Ans '" 1:.l.1 1:I7 i.of bn,in I 11 11 , Iel-t 'JI,d IIJ:lt 11 .. <I III' Ilill II.' ," I I A·1IUIIIII j Charles lltl \1 ke, In. n I hi", : . 1'1 81 C ' c ' , E,,,, l ' OI Y u,,,. ,,,,, k iIIi IIl ,lnu"lolcr LII'~ f , II lI1'u1\)' lind Willi uhUil ) e r vt'd dll - I'rl'_~~' r ilq: P'II t {, I Il h .•rn~ 111\ (1 ru r thu.t t OlW l1I IlU I1 I", cu ,tll','llod I , dll llCC 'I'll " 11a~ UII.I II,!! (~II 'l r lll iI'. ., ~Ir "lid hh'll. uuhu B u".u, k. u~tl l lOll, AI.!! 0 , MANn' ACTURE 'am h Kcys, ~Ir '. It ' mllo, t he I l~ t o ll\ll ry " """( dt'ul or t:iV Ill ~ omn, r .. Mrs. IdUIiC W ood , 1I1J'~ . •J. L ::!wink, - ( "ll lIl' IIlI d ,ell II' ll.1t E hl: llr ,\- ,!!"!!"!!'!!I!!I0!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ R~o ntl \ ru , h \.. utltl~ll to ~ r -~It.\dilln C"II ~Ci(·nli . JII'; >(;l'lI l'le5 <J:.\u i ll I II III lI ul' , l lt ,,,II do for YUII Olt bn gil.ill~ at t h e l\Rud. 1/1 In& I) "t" 01 !lu,I,' r ducs 11 ,,1 k llu\\' li u w. J onas JllllIIUY., M r~ . It E yel , -01, W&rre.n Count,,,,,. \:'nt\·on i7.e til picnic, you willi llllU C'U·I1"~I!W. l' !5ClncntS. · , Fl ' d Mr~. Hllc lI e l Enllls. Mrs J . MUll!!\SI', ..,' 11",-; B d lng 11"8. TIl' 'vo UOlllllld, ure l ib\!l'al1y d l';~ :led, Ulld W \!U II ' -"- MI~d Ma r' E. :\t ,~I 'l' r ntre"d · • <- . W IlIT '" 00., 0 .• July. I IITIOA Plln o!} 8 ,·/·(,/1 '"",; nY I TII 1'11ill(j, Mllhll1l1 H ,dge, t l'i hllt .YUIII· Dille t" Wllrd, l'o:c l . lI[! 'd tile T '!IC h, I'''' I II tlt uk itt 1.(.1, AN ORDINA E • .IIrs . T Iv us . lllllllliCJ:..CllI lI (}li in th\J-." illll ;.(c III1UII laM we,.;: To (It III lid Re,·: io .l/J 01"', t?" IJ '(111,1 <lilt! V'r c lIlIII' '...·a1l'ill!J .lOll I SUlillCI DUIIWiddic, Ask Yourself theso Questions. Mrs lllfllJ\'lIl c W Sto kl'B, ~ . ............ /" , t' t I f " (.III n (!i n a,d'" t' n t;tlp'/ lit '.' c·" lIell/ubl,· j' l' i,'/ ,.! 1 N l' l r II Ulll es, Arc vou II de.. "pon d cnt nO"rl'f from ~Hlk 'r N 1 -~I I T h" ltl 1< l-\·II,·r. " f C .1I • \{1.:1" d H.. \{o u, Dllllhroll k. II~; "\1 l llil ill\!,r" " ,'" 1\ '"11 ,,,d ' .11' (I/,c:i", /1/ " 10 plo'l:i'/, .1'01 B t!tHluch • lLlLbll u u l .... .. U n!lt . P "lPll'lW AY:-.IE: · VI LI.E, U1I IO. ! Alh('l t D. I L lillcR, i O Il of th o H uRt' t. ~ Tl u\ c ) un DlY.Y,IO(,~i (I, Cll t l·t thl! 'X. " Ci lIa (,'o=,ll , \\ I.h. ... ,·illlllltl . 1It1~ h l'" I \'i- ' I;'"~ I", 1,.1' JlII !. ;,,!! . . ;'/'11'., kb tl nd tjlltf' J'1( IIAH\ ~:\ ~ I1 U It O : - _ _ _ I Nllp"\cl11\ H AlIlhollY , th e J[l'lld? 1M your :fU f\ UU !II .') .. t om dt - Ihu s : 1\ loI~ III (h I" i' 1 .I~C·. .I t/, ( ,111 1. " 1J1I1 Y ,/", M ' o'l' til \1 1l~. T. MCD lll1llld, AIIl IiS Il. Sid 'S, pr('~~()(l ? D ooq ) 'J nr Blood t' 1rr ulut ll ba·li) ~ \V "lk Oil tb " ;\ .lI'1''' W ( ;.,uge:- ~ II :11111 '11 < E"'I.I [!a Iiy. uf , • '1'(';'.' 1m,,": tl." :!. iJl!. ,1":1 1 '/ " III "tr"r .t publ " .,,\0.. li t fi lTHY" U"ClI l'gl' \ V Sidl!s , .• n Ed wards , ] ln vc yuu 1\ Hu g h :' IAlw ' I'lf l ltl? C' ''111inl! up of tho fl Wld nft or .'.l tl n!! ~ ,\:c , t.""I~ r:q "d h I'" ~h,·d 1. ,. \\ .11 01 .100 d l ' '1( 11111,111,11,11(:.\ 111111 1',·1.11\,·, 1 J ",,, J I'i 7·~ " Eo!. H u bcl' L~ hll rJ;. W.,m" C" 0 .. '"l S A.TI Itn.\ Y, 1\00; W ill llllH I1nwk o, A U .If 1..1 \.0 C nnd ron eh m tln ' tt r e' the cl an , t ('\I'l' l nall ) ,In,·:" \\ (1 1I IL~ V \X\'(" ' L t Il h( ·j·I..' dlll l lt~ lJ II:lll'l l y :--Il t',,~ 1 H"lt l'll u Jn (11n- 11 " ' ( ltl l lIl:1 1 ~ 'Hh IIf AUI,fIl .. t . 1~7 i 1111 tlu.' pc r ..nn .. l prop- I J ..dlll J~nwk . ,. Ca il III ()~Il!~bl!e, 1 (1 ul L<. (If D yffpt-·pliO, .\, L l\·t! f C I m plbliit 111111 • I t y IIr Tl ,,'III .l:. \ \'1 1",,111 . tic ,'d . nO Il "lI"'t.l l1 jl o r I AI .. : II I bo IlT U,hlt,ttl tl)\\'tl , \\ I t ll 1'1'1\11,._,, <.'''' -- ~l i """ l: ~ Ellttll.l i ~ 1l 1 Llll lI.' ~\ 4 1 lo r " Il' ia" f} llI la"I\ ")tI~e(lf \\' Il\ I II' .. ~ill l II .JIlIII U~ ElliS. Indl~CS 1 t(1 l1 nnn~ !\'t- A l1nl'~ r 1'1.1)\\ F It 1" l !tlt 100'" 1\,,1\ ,lilt..: II I J"tI\ J ord l1u IH' 1111.11 hi ,, \t It II! Ol l k. IUolt, b" ,." 11111 p 'L' l'l L1r lul11 ~r. l ' n~c~ J.\ e y, now tlclkno\\ It.\.l ~, . l by ull Llru !l)' I ~t.i4 tf) ht' I' not (·IIJ II.\ l' d b\ iliialld t.,\\U.,- I'\, l la\l' h,n lc \\eot t l) "'1'tl"J t il l' 1IL1.II, Il ".I""u .. !tln,,IIlI> il l1 U\\ 1I ' ,·.1111 )1 II f \ lI r lHlloI "11."11 ;; \\ Il rk lwr!tr,.. :$ 1"l't " I'-!:C° I\ JIl UCZ Th ul'pu, n. R lIlIlI lIC, lh'u,itn'f) nu r€' . 204UO.UOU I ttlcPi \\ Cr f' g' 1\" H wh a t II ILI' llil' Wl' " ' .11 lIor " 1\ 1l',t ,,1 liJ (: - Utl1111<·\llllIllul l. I I I U,III .. "'''"' 11..1 · .. 1.1 1'1.1"",· ,111\1,,1, 1' 11 ,.. 2 (urm" H(' HUl 1 " 111111 jl Wlttenu. I H tH' " bI ts, Elk'n OIl!'tL\ l: r, ,I ullal illlll Og l 'll boo, " W~\) iu t he U S tlJfOllg h ur\l ggiH t ~ to t h l' 1'1 t Ii f (I • ~ t . r .llltl I .. .1 '/1",,11 t h,' w ttl1h or 1 1" ').{ 1 Id" ' ,f Ih,rfll1 wn ~ntl h Hr U ~,." f\ l l,t of C'hRlII". (:n r - 1\1' (t . M ICPll' l tt iL IC(' !·O .... III g'p fl''''. lI - ~ tl ll l .}111 1·.. dw:II't!4!U l h l(,II I I"" - l\ll\\ulh. III ~ 11l1"d lll ~ c .bypl r"fl!dll1.r IH' II I.' r uutl h hn.: k,oll tntt h tll" l ,. Ihfl,.~t!d lumhcr " .J. Cull et t, POl)p\u on tr ml. 'l'\\ 1I d,,!Wto \\ 111 :4uta",f \ un: 18S JUI' rl c 1 VOl' , l'urrttlU (,f l t,; woud(H·ru l qU l\lIty 111 c u ri n ~ Ct (.<.,1< HI4: 11 0\\ .1 ';:-.t olll l ll g \'111' 11 \', II nd ilia k 1I 1~ btl·at. 1111 P l ll\l l ' llI enl ~ III 11 1"" \ 111 \ "I II "llilll) \ 11 In\\. wl U'lll VI' l III till Pili - ,,,, ,I nu,,,I,hll"' . ), ,, ,,,, , ~ " ,I hll rllo". Im ,lle 1\I1 d. I{"bl: rt 1\1 u nIJ"'v, " ;\u lllVu y Gille m, ~ ll forrne of JlItiaK",,,tton S Inlplc I".lt It·..: \\t11 ::illlltl hl' ah t' \ l tI H·\\,.l l lr TIt(, (' I I Ul l l1y l'l't::l dcIl Cll l'l'Cl! u tl , . . 1 1Il .)tlllt eIl Ull l llil l'; l'l ul'trl' n d hl' t~.,u r) In(l l'Iltll ll1l '. 111': "hlllll"'. II l1ULi;, h n r.h\ Jlrc . 1 ~l nry nnd Snl'llh Clark " ~l. lJ uo!l(' v, 10 cou ts R t!g'u lu r I'I l lC 7.",oJ :-\u ld fK' ~ 'lt H ' tlIlC\; Il dl bl':17 1("1 h" I11I 1/ '\ 1111 11 . : 1 ' . -" I" ,I .. .• 81LIIl ll ci W cleh . ' I, by ull flr. t·e" .... U"'I!>!' l. III ,I," l' ~ - - U ' ''I", l'r \\' lIl'a t \) 1'1 11. Ih c· h -I :- 1.' rIo' J 'fI,.,1 -0,11" " 2 vf •.\It.! "roll 1~:::;I!::I )lI.:l tJlll,: :(:~I~~cr; ~:)r::;~; 1:1\~llf'I:~;",~~'~~~~~I~ ~1 r s. El i D Ufn ctt . 1ll,'1 k UII .! \\' ill.II'I 'I".(( II thl' 1'1Id.!.!" nth I III Uh l C " IIlI 'f'[ I l'~ I I I II III t Ill! lU I.I·- I"IQHl ""1 . I' IJl' U IU'LlI Il.-'U·' 1'0 " II...... , rllll' I 11 1 '" IICI", ~.h . N " llli I1 u IlleM , 'orllcliu Morfo rd , AT u m eetloj:! of the: l 'lItr ns of I,)' a IUI1'7 til: II I" "I t lL'~ l l e "'"I'k " II ( . \\' ~ J ~ t. , loll '.' -' ~ ... II"" ~ Tlul" ·1",111 ,. 11"1 ,,,· Sd"lo fllIllIllIJlfl'Hlflll', tOIlK \:\1 "'~. ~ ~1 c rllll"l .. f ::)1I 1u :- A t. r u lll or H 1I10 11l1l1'l o n '-.10 .0.HU:lhandr" 01 \\'ll lTon \ >lllltl' , () lhl! In·"t~~I,J t:. l~ !I '\III IIl' a ( .l!I,lI le kd, .It, . " ", \C' " R " ul " ~ I ""l 1" 1'" '' ",,,llor u,,,I,.'.,hlo-l, Ih. l~ve y,~hcre . ' . . ., - -- 'II . ,J I IIIH!oi. J , l lI l ll"·, JI ., Ul'i' L\·\· 1 \\ illt I., t!JI.;t!1 ~Ju . or 1m)' ", "i u\\ u lk, \l r ,11"' ulII"",t'r : .~ . 1111 1Iuh'". With npPflt' od l -t. II \1'" ' )11 tli o Cll~t :III I.,,"!.!, ~1I1 , ,." ". I I ., 'I I l ll e ld ill Lcbanun A IWII-it All tl UJl\ t' il f :J.t ..\ Iu l ll n(\('t, cash r" h,qu e 1'1'11111 1."111 111 1111 l' tt llnl \' \' j " IHI , !I 1\.'11 \\.I ln u Ml l u VI U!C, \.\ I t II I U :4t!cUrily re~o lvud Ihut WI' 1.,,1 [ II n.II' l , 1 t l .lt'i l)r , h 1I , 'W:l 1 work w( , 1 I,t" t ill' . • II" "I",,,,,·,,,, nlulth" C"" I1C'1 . lfllll~' .JUS E I'II NEDHY , Aihn'r " f Tl'I1·" \ VI1,.flll . tt l·C'lt 11 m Hn~k 'I Ml! c l ill ~ .It tlie Will CICl'k l!.'ad 'oIi! ' " ",I ~I r. ] ' ,,11-. Illl' ;':'" 1111. la~t 11"" 8, 111.1 UVCIIII '!!. I" ""'" . 10,11" ,: "') 'hp I''''V I''I'''' "f .1111 " o O'lUIltJ" F"" II ('1' 1111 1(1 UII 1<11' OUII : lfl!' I' II', \\tll f-l\l' 1I h.I \,: " rille ' -E I,e rl\'& ll:1) .. llt• k ~ "I', ' "ha ll <l ''I·ltilll\.{ U. II,Il. \" hOII' ur 01... 11 h hn.,I ,,,,y,, "nllot ,·.· r nll ~ .; v au ll .ln~, and ... hull PIU' th e lIlI !<I II'~ ~s CII I·tb., <lilY, lhe 31st of Allgll t, ClI lll nH!1I at \I'ol k 1)1\ t lw l'rt L. .\1 1. l~, ,11I1I l uud W tl~OIl~ II l1 d HI"· IIIJ.( \\ Hi-!:0lld "I , ,»" .1 I'r .." ,,,\( .. n. . . t 10 SIlII , eillut' 1'11 , ir ll·Ct'. IS 1111\\ II !.!Il('f:t t hu !:Jest ,t'lulI1\, . ch" ,11' 11)1 c.l"h. ;I,. " .. , , Th"t <",·,Ion tlo,,·o "I . al d or· C\ll~:l AM. '[ '}'I I' I I ,I'" III" ,10,11100 ""',lOdod 80 "" \.0 r~u, 1 II. UlJ~S \V lunES, M () , lhe best of ~ pcul\('\'s wil l be in ,II I ho Gli rd Il tl nHl' !l il t! iR ~ 111 \(, l ill - - 1\ " . \Until; CHeue; Hl ~ re 1.. 11 .." ", i TIo ,t "holl ''''YP''r•. ",.Io,11 uttclldllllCC . Bri ll~ ulnll~\,o llr rn\l lL!lIl.l!lIgl ho bl ldgt: . t:" ,ll'cd 111111\ I II ~ a il ll ll.II !' 1l l'lt l'ld I"" , IIl .. lu" rl ul'.II ,' J,my . lull wlllk,,,.,, ,,1 . b k tl 1111 " II I I - -_ . r~ ' e r,lI'ld ha ' It·~nllll·d 1>110' ;'(: ' - : """ "11,,,. '" ."" """,,"ur a,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, f."' 1l P' V$1CJ1 N INO SUaG SIC ou S. Illl \\ 0 WI II \(' l I I) l{ ' " \I . '" II U as. 1,1, .. , _ru.lo, 10 tho "I(l lh ,.r "r"lo om, t d , tI') ri1 R"u t}1 of II lrn l'l' BlLUk, I kt 11\ ,\\101..,".-, .1. I IUln, I ' Ir "11'1 7Ilr~ • I b Ulc 1311 111 I ' '' ' l'i, .. l-lIh.'')''lJV\JlltllIl 111 \ " I I C fiIl SI.iOl\c d .i,IY. d l I I I ) -I} n U • . l· ! IIIII ,l l 100tlltItlnln PlI., \ '''''1 •• ~ •• 'lI e, Ohio. 1 AIl·l\lIdlhCI'('st ufw:IIII,II )(.I' lIl rt: I· \\118 rll lllf,\ ,. ,I\ 'to ",rbl" \I " lth. u t O' II ' "lllal, \\ (' IC g n(', I; ,,1 1, d l,yr."I"I"" " r UIUII"'Il '·'·' ""Il1'yl)C OiH .·e hour;, 7 t -:.! t o 0 l -..! \ :'It , I til 2 1 ~2 imite,1 tl) l'ul n With \I S, I:'ce vi " 'x' i o n SI:I \\1·dny , I".l " lInl: Sld,s' II' .lg (;I)ldell J . W l'i " ht dill'''''' (\\lal' l,ill . . . " I" I" " III >uoh ".,,'. "' OIl "",k. I' :'II , 7 t il ~ l' \1 . I (I I L l It I l"1 n ,[ I"\I! II ,,1\1("\\ aiM l Ollf'J IIU t o 8u f' h w nt h or HE~ pen so, l"n, \\I '" IU l"hl', "" 'III;:1 l~ " 1 Il!i1 \' lIl ec ll lIg ~1" 1, . cI '. " ' I"I . , c"f thho l',,, li"l h o ,, .y It U B ENNr;'IT, Scc'y. I"ln II\\'HI \l ll h \\ rllloI lil ~1·.'I III :2; - \11 1I "Zl! kl.dl I:' H.ll h .111 0\ II" ",.1,,01 I,., I.,,,, r"' p"V IIII! I", , ,,"h , ltl'rll' .. . , 11),lt rU IIIlg' gC ll t l ,·\ ll illlld l1J lI .. t Wlllt\·, U u ll " ,, \ 11 11,. 1 .\1 nt . Ill .. TIIEN C. T. UIIIUII, of 81' 1111;':' 1,"111 ,,,d lllu,," Ill' I- J.dl ll· r 'II I II I 1.11 11 1'" of (; lI ll·III II II :I. 11.,Vl· l"l' II ' 'I ' ""'~ 110.,1 "" d ,,"!!mol ""''' .. n' (~/Ji" ' ttl/.I H, .,;,I. ,,,,,, 1'/, / •. <1 ot., 1'11 1,' .1 11 ,1 .'"11".. " ~ ,I " \.1' ",I ,lin .'. "I ·"c ,d ",dtn.lll fC. tlnl 1)o r!), WI II gIVe II g lllllU., ICIIIIlVI.IIIC<: I II .l b 11111<:11 (' 'I' I" , I,a ll - .1,,01 1,," 1' 1" 1'11 1"r .,' II E'. ', J WAYNESVILI.E. ' " I ' ~ \.l r. l"d 1'1111 (1" 101,\' " "1,01, ITh .,l !I,i. 0"1,,,,'''00 "1,,11 Jllbdl'e III !I I I's. 1'.1111'" \ II~ It > .. I' Ihl! wh e(·I" ,\I' r\! III ,k ('" , iJll l I I" ", "" 1<1'l.l ~ e, 11(,llr thu l \ '} III ~e . ulI F lld,,),. \r , lllIlII l l'~C!lI'I'J 1I 11 b,trlll cd. l b,, " ;! " - EIi'· I·I, ,\',. I LI " lit ,\1 111'111111 "11 11';" ' ,110' 1 ,,,,,1 h, III lorr.o fro '" lh" 2'lh IW I3E ltT F. 1" Ul{NAS, \\~~~\'fi.~ ,~~ All!!IIHlI7. E Xe I CI 8('~ ()O IlIIll 'IIC"SC:lr,d .1~ .tI "I"l-.tidll ,, 1 1111< " "ld o\,,'1 ' '' " l1 lllllll <: 1{I("IIIII"IIII' II)W , th t: ,I·,,· .. r \ ,," ,, '1.:\] 1 Itl77 .~ J I I I 1',,-·,.1 ll. o I .111 d 'y of AUI!".t. ,\ D l ~ , I IIOMOcOi' AIII Ie at {) oclOl"k . Tbc jUllv llill g spcak · talk IY llhu lit liI""I ·ll l 11 11 Ii.!" . 1(. lli. lt 1- 111.1 ,1,,; ( IhL' 1II I' I,I\'l'l 'I' T 1l0 11i'i ON . Olt' w Il [ addl'c ",s IlI o nndiCIlC(, : !III' - -- - ~1{ 1C'1111I,,,,,1 1'1",\ ) hI,,,, u ,,, ,1 1'(("1.11,,1' ,,01""" ,,1110, CO "''· QJf n enl, of Cul um bu s ; Col « o' llidill!!. I SEIl I'NA II E - I' Ve 1('!!ICt th.l l \It: 1M , ", ttt, I "I 11" ''' ' 01~,oTl'Le, 1 ""l u," uuf W"5" "" Ufll uc IIl"'tH Iroll> IJ)jI \.0 II ~••, >c. ~J'; to - - .~ I 1 L'I IH I II Ll ...~ I Il 1 l( 'IIC J :l11 1 ! 1":3 1 11110 ; , .. M -----....AHO~ ofU lllIl\ ille; filld '\ IJIIIIlC la y. tol l "I'~" t.llI ullI a ~ t l'R u c' . II) 1l'11I111 L I) II 11 ~1 1t" h ~ I: C· I.I I " 1II \\1 l·~ t I. d, 1 \! \III1J" BII}IlE Ch'r k om, 0 2 d.lO rrt ,'oll t }1 II( H u r ri", HunK . .M iall1i~bll,!!:. O lllc l' "penke r, till' 1 I Ilnli k ~ t, ) Ii. e l)llll~h , 'I ', ' ~I !I) I!: Cl ly, UIlI". al " , 1~ ll1 l1g tlllll O 11'III1 U; •. ______...__________ U'K,p a.OMA. \V""i'JIt:!>Jv .... ,tr:, U.IU,. eX }Jcc: <:tl . A tull c t)lI edlO Ii (I f edl' ba lld for a 1II ,,~ t d"I ,!! IIII',,! IlI h l !If '\Llllh:1 \j lc hclIl' r. 1 ~11 8l ~.....l. iilI!I l blue wil l I.e bIHl'ad . " I' ,\In ch C'I!I v II lg ht :1 11 01 I" ' ''''III;.-;ht ~CI,,".t'1.--011 1 lI l.! 1.11,, 1\ 1'J! IZt: II, :\11 C. ~) t. c. L U KEN ::!, M. n., o uc Ib 1III',Icdl(l 1',11loll,e Lei"' '' ,· , \\ hi( h thC I' rill Ll II!,1 tl'; W,lh .t It II' T t 1.,1Il!, 11 01 " "I TI"Y ' U hIV, has nd Ll Rlld icc crl':lOI CII<1 ho hlld (I II 1I 1/-; III ti hpl ," e. '1 hlll l' hU ll'III "", b" ('11 I b ll lll f!: III" EII, t: II I C' "l1jJUII) I ,Lu n ~·I' .V H I'O!!lI'l·IOi'J. & lis compelilors receiving only an award for some special feature of Iheir machines. the "... ·I,UII(!. 'Y e 11l ' llealltoc" III l: ' \\'t:ll ' lX(ll1c lI l, II\\ II.! II"'i l l ,c,I " 11i 1 Wllh b i b d ; lll~ ll tC I 1,~. 1..: II ! ,~ 1\ 1. \Ht,)~ hlH1l1 CI" l ou rpUr l\l l(l 1I pOr4'l('~/'I UfH.,t' 1I1 NntlOwl l B linK nIIlMin::, •U1d bl'lll[.( their bas kels w clI lill t:d ' a nl"e l' x' l'l i ~II': ' I' , \t ' ,u lo! , ," 1} __ \Il'~- I h A. 'IV alld Cl.lI'k Gild I"I!' ",I. u..,·,. "I " I' lI r Ono M,II"1Ii "f \) 01' 1 D. B BA II NAIIY,~l!C')'. h· t,,,, hal'pytu h un· tlll.! CvllI l,,,, I"," 01 ,·. " ". n ,ep,,,,.. nl nl lve 111 ull II," u~· WAY N l fST' II, I. /!',O III O, I n pOll t cd. 11" • .1 1.1" I! I 111' .1 11" ' 11 LII II · I C ". "I' ~I " I, I" 'II ,,, I" I r" too ul N"w Y'>Tk. p""". , I' 1 HII Unlimited Capacity 10 do all kind. or Family Sewing and Mlnur•• lurlng, _ ._ 1,)\1 \\'\l1! 1-(1 1t'"1, " I ] JI F \r d · ,,,' lilli, ,,, In ,II"" ".",d llllll ''' " I.illl'r· SETH W BHO\V;'IJ. ITSI'ATENTAUTOMATIC"CUTOFt'''III1Ulrlmnclllh''I'II,rcl'cl\ts the Ina. DIi ArtI {Jr \ V1fIlAM [>&1'1 [ 1.9:I I S.IIII'-! t·S pUJ, 1 (" I"ltll e. P"" ""'" '! r ll ' i chill e from rlllllltn'" 'I' II " \1 1111' I1.1 1I \I'l lllll-' 1.l,t ,. ThlE, h ,g h h esl('c llJ l!d CII IZUII 'II e, I "' 1\ 11 I 11I 11I-' "I II II I ,II;; n'~1I .1I t ~ I IY , r", "~Ii I .. u,1 Illllo ..·,,",· A,l,It....·.", ," ,," AT TOR N EY AT LAW " bnck"nrd~, and ob\l lItl'~ the nl'C('sijl\)' "r IlIkhlg the work yest ·I,III)'ntLl·I1\'",11. lI fl e \" II !lIck d.l,l a l lel lll1ulI . IIIIl lJ lIt ,,1 III C 1J.I III -- \11 \V F H lI l'll""!! 1\ ':;/ ("'" I ,"~ . ,, 1""" 1"""'1. "",II" '" """1'''''''' ' 1\"1') \' ) TI/'}, j'{ H I I {,' rromU\c lllochllll'towh\lllhrCllclonllll' ~, lIhldlnlll ~tl~c1on e wlthall 1I0S8 (,I' sc ,' e ral 1I101l 11i6. li e IS I!lull II , 'I h,·. \\ ,1_ II,J,J I '' ' l'd 11\ I "(,,,1 I ~ 11 , e n ' Lb l \ a \I,ll I'. HI' II 11 h 1,' 1.. , II' " '. N W II, I /. , ( I • , . 'I "ther Sewin g MuchlllcM, to the great IUInnJ !I lice or Iht' "lll'l'uto r, e!<llOOlally III I . I.,,, k· bu x I. !lot!. C,,,,,,,,,,·,II U I.IWANuN. 1I I1h' . tllcklng, hmnmlng 1II111 rllmlng. It dol'll ,mc·thh·lllIlorc lIo\'k In 11 ghen length tlllllwlit lu h" Il' t'II I1 IJ':t('t lll l "" ~l es~I''' 11 1: 11:1111, 1)1' ( 'lilt i1i1l U1 1 ••IY S he s h.ll! t" " 1 II 1111" II IIl1 llll l' n N l~ ~1 of tilllll tllllll OilY other Sewing 1I11lch11lC. a ll d ( ·u l. ,ry ( ,I.,blblilll' 1, 1 Ill\[ ' 1," I1l.!. ~ [ i, 'IAIII ON R II)U E SIIIDI 'l l'OIl fr om tl !Jca\v culd Ill t.!' 11 ~1.1I 1. 0 1 R I(·h Il IUI,d .. lJ • I" I u WITII EVERY MOTION or the .'OOT the MACIITh'E MAKES SIX STITCHES. 1 11\111 w :lltcr. 11 18 IIg!! WII ~ P ·.. lia!;l )' 'J' lI Ck<.: I ,JI' 0 ,, 1111 11 101 , ~I S I \\' II I I I ' \ 50 j..:al s . Tile fUllol.1I I\ ill l al." . _- t o: llUl\ as ODe j' I TilE till .d ~ 1I1 \ ('.1 1111" h, ·, II Ill ade " · P1fll'l' tv·JI\Olrv\\,.1 1te , IIlio n, I ICII( ~ f I W ' 11 P I IV ' 1l il l Si ll , 11 " 1,"1l' 1,,1 "" " )'l':!r II C I IElA 1l:R. -mrp.lE ~~ :E:Bl It rl'qnlr~8 no sJKlClal InstrnctlOiIK to "'0 It; 1111 IUll sl rntl'll IIlrection Book i~ IlH'l' tng tit hi M lal o home at ~ ;I~. IlY II ~·t~ ~ ' ·1 " I 11 " 1111 IUllJI ,vcd th ul u \\Il h 11I ~ Illllll h Ihis l ... .Ui'J"'T . . . . . . - ·-w~ ~'i'Jtr: .. i .., .,1!: furnI Mhcd,,.lthCtlchmnchlnc. v'clock . ' . ' "1 ~IlIl\l,(' IU\\,ll). :l Il C 1I (" ' \\'Clk • ID n 11i)),t..'I?DDDflf)· . . ITC~"NOTCiTOUTOFORD&R.A"DTHE~DJUSTMENTSAREABSOLUTELYrER'!CT . •- . - - - tllul \1'011. 11:1 ' IX'g llll 011 tbe (.thor . ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ : W VAN NA\ll;E , M II, .F W\; R 81II I ko('p s up t o ha l·d· I(,lid (j l' t lJ e I; lIU j - ~ll. G Of) rgo HlUw II hus ial l,l y • • 0 .. ~811\v. 110R;!i' I I I I A properly eXllcuted Certifleale is furllisiI Nl \\ itb /'lit h tUB/'biur, guaranteeing " ti m ' pnc ll lltw itit s tnndili g tile ~ ... mnu e gr('lI t illl[>l vv<:lncllh in h l,, 1 ~~. QI. Ii\ ~ 1 :!'~~ ~I~~~~\',I~~~~\'!c~'I;~~:~I~IL~ r' ;:D" ~I~c"fil;~t tokeepitinrt'llalr,freeotc"tlrge,forn\'e~'~BrH. MachIDcs8oldonea8Y - big wh lit ~I'OI'. I A 1111 ltl'/IY I e nd i "l! roo III iIllR "" IJoe, \\ IliclL UU IIIIW nfle l'; f. 'I ~~lI~Qtt QJ4 Y@l!fl}I'iliIOifi1J I to till> cl()Lh or e.,oh munlh AII ClllB8C8 or terms of paYlIlon', and dclivere,l, free or chllrb(', ot ooy Railroad Depot in tile becn Uti tu hlls hed ill 'V ll)' IICMI' 111 0 . • 11 Ie. 1' ''llles III sourc h uf a " ell· . Ar~ now preI'"' ',1...1'1...1111' 011 ULO!'l n :::l. : Oh"",lo 1i180 ,•••.• ucco8,. rully,l. ~I "g· \Joitrd Slaltl~ whero we "0"1\ no Agents. )· . I I d' b'l" bid J d IWH [NGERS of (La kind. Thoy Will put lICllCI!c .,,~ c n ! uLI CU1.8 Ill" dl 81nll c e Senel for IDlUtrateel Oatalogue ...,. A t W ted 1 1 0 1 . lure I . ICI1IC I ~ Ie roa Ing·matte!', we l! leve, e· , an angel ll ll , COIUIll O lUll an nn n c~Y !to[.I.S, l o•• ~ L old ono•• lind Wilko elll! w~ilo HIlIlplom., .nd 1~lIyc ,cDl o,li e. S.Ollt For rull pnrUculn .... "dd ..... s • cen I an • tl uturday of t l~ s wee k IlIl g ch l('ily s lIp plIed hy t hc I"lol'lll, plCIl8111lt h UlloU, " ou lLl do \\'('\1 to 1th em in overy rC.p"0tgoo,1 "" nuW. hy millI rl\mph l o l c'IO~'lII",g to. I"" onl.l . WILSON SEWING MAOHINE 00. begill nt 10 o'clock . , it uf DI. J II.IUC Vv. fiulUcs . Ic:ulID i nc thi OIlC, AUlllI. t 1 .I) t , ures effocl,d , · Cllt IIc O 10 '''I)' 'ldd"' 68. . 827 Broadwny, NEW YORK I NEW ORLEANS, Lt..1 or, 09IOAOO, lLL~
What the Say of Chamberlin McDonaldlg Steam Renovator, now located in Wayn~sville, over Daniel Wharton's Wagnn·Shop.
.*~&~ ~:.J..'~~I ~~
1\\', ,\
iJidnrt jnuning
iJ rnt il9 .
Patent and Common Weather . oar oonng o.
Administrator's Sale.
l¥ ork
RIAL EX(!O SI:f.1 ON 187.&.
cS'.uO'c.l.ttgcmrn S.
The World-renowned Wilson Shnttle SewinU Machine
NO \\T 1 YOU
(''';!;'I !!('~'i
~~lId';C I I'l 'r(~:~~, .'i:,~ ~~::II :
,l' 1 }' ,
01 0 thes- Wrl·ngers ,§ll~l)lOl\nblc
Three WilBon K&chinea ,UliD
much work in
4,,,; al four other Machin..,
• ,. . '0
f' g.
o ·
I'll E At Ii\ MI fl /\Z I~1''fE. I\Nl m .. SI\ Kt,;t,
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I, fl8 It tll, elt.; HI U I ~Jo:S lind
RichmOJd, Lynchburg Norfolk
GLEN N'3 SULPHUR uOAP Is a Specific IiA LS, 'I
Sulphur Baths.
g~ B.~
'1 Ilc It (I III rlr, II l es lll l~
r "t'
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Directions - }<' or
~1:.eJLU1uL.lI1cerJ 1 1...J.s~ I-\4+j.H
I\lId by
to I' UhIolC I I p tl
,rr Catal :cue
j!" IlI g fulll",rt. oui nr. lUI CO l1rI'tO of Mtulh I.~O IlJ t l rfl~~
PRICE, 25 CSNTS per Cake,
Prtll!ldent. '! "lIttbmol ColI"go. Del." are Co, Pa
hI, n uh
Jun 20 I 77
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Sands & J anney I Hair & Whisker
II ltia " "" II I hrk (11' 1
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-'~-lI;'k"kee~;.;---K";;O'rte...-: No 3
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b I ,k Hll onnt8 Ilre
For Sale Everywhere by Drug guts, Grooers and l'.lncy Goods Dealer s
No 7
B (lv (3 Cn!.
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lltlndpo "If \ Vlll mrn l\fKnlll~t.uD, J P fur cnll oct, ou C~ II ... 0 11 PII) III' ulld 81lV ~ coot
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bNW'lt' KO ~
Beware of ImitatlOns
( rr lb. lorg.<I I .R t • ODd ",,,ap .. 1 Illu . trIL ItU tUJllh 111 111 U ~lOlllU the wurld All Y Ollt o ll n \ ,e c olIll \ "l C c8 ~ t1l1 ' ~l lit I I (! IIIlHH e Jegllll1 Bu l He I h e r i'l
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Cauliflower Plants.
FLoua I: FEED ""*e»:re.
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Lhos e OlINOXI "
to ro l e wltll Su/l'llItr Olnlln c1I1H h "y t hc n d lllll l lll{C of belllg Cl t,AN I No~ I ~ NS I I ~ II II II UN I NJ U It IOV~ ~o C l oUl l ng
Cabbage Plants
It Icll h n I c lwcll LI cntml b pr
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Celery Plan s.
F are (/~
A s u I' le , e llLllo nlld I Plll c, h lUI GO UT lil t! HII ~ MA r l 'll li S tlll eL ~
I ICll lNO L'1I 1'.s -- I ~ ,\ l e ry d I6 11" '~ Ili g IJ III plill lit SJ IIIl' ltlllt lire tI 1II I1 IBLJll e, Itku l' e rrl pimtillll, Itc llIlI~ li l t. II~ I~ IJ.lltle lilarl y lit II lgllt ut '''1 all !) "II" I ! /II ( I O s w ogo COrti larcli 15e II )Jllck II I ,.{lll l ll~ III lie d \\ I II U'h (l ilit lI un I Ull I 1~l t llll-( till II 1IIIIIIt I '1 \1 I! C \ l O J 1",. roO fr"",b L ••h'4U'r !'\u.hll IU . \11 I IIll1 ll III II plell~lIl1t IllId Rllre IIIIl , Illrdlll " II ld 11 11 lid, III IIII H 1I l:1I11 I!: trl) F.,furt b) mull for '125 per 100 r n U l l 1i • l Ui " Il ln\ I'rJi'I l r l"'h G.rhmn /'1 I I.JI . I y- 1' , 1 !"oJ. C !~ (' lR . J:: orl ) l ' "', b ) ru ,II for I ~'i 1'"' IW o 1,1 I IO( W hll " nulrd n Q,,,,t llp CO" tI . .. llilUti I ctlul tllld all ~l ul 'llI ~ K Au) o f t11 t.' al"'l\ c Cauli fl owe r Planht b) tur) II l1i Pm o r lr S ill,! tl , "pu IItlt y Ihl II 'I'hlou,," n' .. houl ('1m III(C dl ~e.l"l ~ Suld hj alii .Id lll g dill '; c xpn""" f r $i 5U per t.h ou lmnd H .. I ~. \ 1111 lit: i'} wtlllllt !'4 t I III, kt 1111 ~ l) nlllH (' fh p b I \VI en the Ilflll II II I g is t" I{md I It u ad \ 't ~ . Special Prien. for luser quan p.)(lr lII e LlIIl1lulll n utl BIII L IU ,04 CII )lh Sy r " 1.'\ I EIl~ '" 1: ,li'!iTEIl~ f 11'1 ES lilioB glveo 00 apphoatlon u p lin d ko " '" ,I tr u r IIlt t h ell r n~"o rtI1l C Jl t -- ~ IIl h l l lll l! :0. 11 11 C ., ~ t\\ O ..l augh 1 IKS I J! llI lld 1'~C ll rol I O Il t" Cilil II I of F u m l h Oro t ri C,.. ti 11 11 uu.) o lll(~ r hllll ~o TURNII;) SEED II III , Li llI 1'II 11K III A IlIll le I', :-;.11 lei " , .1 \1/ 1\ \ S I .k l ~ IIlIl I,q III \\' 1) n o.. ' Ill. r,R l A uy f th l.: f o llUYdllg I ~ ,din g f;(l r tA tic n l III dIll , A 11/-(11 l I ~ E XC I1I 81 " " 111 111 111,,( II' I 1t,,1' lOti II (h I~ k e ll '~ Ir( a d , l't\ " uHI fur Illc per ut. -.J[,o pe r , 4l lb 1\1 11 It.Ll e l'II I\\ 1I1 11'1 5 1) AM Illid Iltl 11111 Il lI ldl n)..!; 1111 .1111 kell 1III IIk 7 m p. r Ih Jmportl rt-I or Ill": ti ll Ili d l " I I I" 111 11 ~ll llle J lite I "I) WhI l e l) uloh-Wlwo Rtrap Le" f !lIllie III till ltty .It II UII II I l l ll - li eu I , (I :1t ro p I"'" f- Gold n Ball - 1m PURE till \1 UPI N TKlS .( 111 1)1 t; I" r tit 1<11111.1 III I' $ 1,')1 , letimll l h •• ld t "' "1 lit e 10\\ I 11I.ld d ru \ t d \ ru ~rlc nn Itut..a U I' Ku.. III SO lill 1\ I) 1111 11 11 11 ' 1 I I ltc .IX I I d ell 11'1 IllIldl eli AIIIJ" e t llll ~ I II \ l"l t til Z.. III',;".tl OUld c l1 11 ,,.;/ 1 .. t lll.( I'll " " till \\ I " I I r 0 nu.4)hlt NL \V \OIU{. l!6 .. ed_.en, " .....k e . Ganle.aeft nnd IlI ld II ." ~t' JllI l lev lI " 1111.1 I " .ktlilt ~ I'I-(lt l \\ " 11111 1 11\11 11 1 did lI. t tI ( ,h( FI_rna., [ O!' ) Ill'iI " .IIIJ I III IIltl l< UlIl l! l 1'111\ 9 III.) darn l II Lilt tlllll , b il L "II It.l"r 35 (;ortlautlt St., N. Y. "l l l L\ I ~I\" 1 0 "IOR Ch l LI HI-" I ,1111 11111 ,111 H I tll llli ng 11.II IIS I II(] I ) , Iii II II It Itll hl utltl l 1l111{i"rf, l u.ll c CllIC llIllaLI lit S JlI ilil l I II ,f) MI (' e lll !!' Hrlq '". M h", J " "III.I -] M J "I) UIII IUll e lt lrll" kct alld r!'1 i 111111 .1[11111'<1 tI t I cllI lI ~ III I he 1,It k Jllld M tdIIl U'~ u l I It u pili tI M I RI ,\ N AH IW II E J;o,' 1'1£ - L IIRt ::l lil l I{' I , b 'l IIlI llg,I1I1I1I1UI Il IIl' ('~J lU r" NELtR llLWWN , d 1\ U MI I Ik o dl Vll' Into Il le I " I II ~ I,,"k ti ll \ tl llll ~ 1.,, 11 h, IIl e ·,", 1 fu B ,o/l n 1.(. CII/I//II/"1 11111 III II I 0 1t A II Cll ll t , bll h ll 1)1 h lUl ll IIII~ ' "1 111 11'111<1 .lI ltl 1 .. n , \\ 1 11 thllt 111 0 h lll oe g " t Ul .)lI lid Lh 1I II1I1 SI,I t; t! t" 1,(' 1 " lit II It la 'lit Il l t: II tltlt ll 1. ,le-I'I II 1I ~ IlUl l a "))III:'; lad ) II ~ I ~tllll.t ,I' 1I " ' IIIIII~ Mit e Itl l II ,l it 1111 11 li d Ih e case 6' /\1 11 II ~ 1111 1111 - 1II I"d,/t' 1", 1' 1.1 1\ 1 .111 11 (I II ,III I h 11111,1 " Ilik l il t! ""Il, I ' "_ til II.. I~ .11 " ,I III " t. I ~')Lld MIIIIIIIII ' " ,{ II ( 1\ 11 1' , I III 111011 01 ,,,, .I~ I IIld It 1\ ", ,, , Ill) Ihlll~ FuR SALE BY (1111/ .11, "I " 'l lllllglltllllllll ,.( llId } dlt!lllllI l h d Ull" I hilI ,. IIl d I ,, ~" t1.1 \ I" rllIllI ( Ii/II'/I,, / F /,)I/I , III K" 1111 II Il l, lu Ill e iru g,,(y .1110 b ) l'lIl1l j:( klll<ll,dl" ' III' 111 1 d e ll b I ' II" tr), '( . 1 1\ 'I ~l A 1t ~ 1 ~ 1It1l1l g lite 1IIIIII CsS ( 1I11e alld 11'10.1"" 11 .. 111\ III Illr , III . 111 I I'~> " I III ~uvclld I'ln c('I!, alld tho h~ II' h ' lln g" , lit 1 2 II', I ., I, ~I ," 01, \ 1I 1,.! 1'1 11 " ,t t it lu\\ I pit I'lOtu t.lOn~ li t Hu ill e VIII e lllo', h ~ got hl ~ h Ul se Ih r .Igc \\1I " .d' lit 24 I I II , Ill c II) \ llp lI l(h"'t~ llt h\ cr('fl l l1ltlwc1l~t(' l,) .11111 Itu ggy "Ill II 111t'lIIt 11I1l! II dlllll f ,1111 Ii) II 1\ I I Ill' ~ '" 'I III It I "I 1111 \ III It CX lr l l hlr~t' .Ig ., exc( 1 t "h elu Il c Cllt Ill S Ii II Cllt ll , III IIHllllil itl III LIII " thld tel II nyu . " tl M llr, h H 1 ~ -7 II Ctio H e IIII! L 1!II III e t \\ lIl1ty flv lI 0 1 rlul " a ml !'IIl) 1I A:OD DEALFKd IN AL L KUWS OF '1111 lolli' d S , I I ICC thll ty d l/ lIlL1 !! III CIII re n e) .Ind ~ tI v til b, hLid t .. " II) 11111111 II' I,,, k THE BEST OFFER! II Ii 1 111..., ! t:"'U II lrcl I UH'" \ "I Iro lll hi s I',)c kl.!t , 11 )'lIrl 0 1 tlte Ilite lill c lil III i\ 11I 1I1I lUIlI IA 1\ " " .. /I hlll ~ he b.ll\ 1I111lllll g ' "1 t h e 1\1I1 ~ 1, IlII t tltought o f ~tl l 1I1 ~ hi ll h ll lSC M"IIII \ III.·" 1.ltll o l I h .1II t h e btll tl - 'J, / :JI (III/
(1IL I 'nL v
" IU t ln I I " In'. " l I d 01 \l1.L I'" I !,O:!!! il lS (> 11 11'11111 Il'ally tilP Iern e." fUI S ill " "'1l1 Il I.N S, III ~L:\1 L1v I CIlIOI III '"' 011 A(lI ,"e R ~ 1V1lltoil l /. '"l nnel
Ilroc ur c d Q bottl e Aud DIO I;!ofllled 10 8UY th ta t t ho lut~nl!D ,_a iD "' Q..! r omo\ ad almost tn lta n\..-
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,o,ol l M 'Jlldtl} Iligh r ti, u rl' II I ~ a 1110111 F US l tr's CI '~h lllgtilit . IIII1C lll ll ~ U'IICd th e prrllllllg 11111 1 1/11 1 li ,d 1Jt,ICIi Il ICIY 0 1 t he LUII!!I, v /J1 ' tl Lo S uhu llt el l x lh 'lll ~und dullllrt l I Il ~ lI led tUI till co thllUSIIUt! dullu l I t \1 Uti t houg hl t ho t hu wllrk ul 'lil 1111' ' lid Itlrj - J , l'!l1 </Iit
Baltimore & Ohio
l 'c lllJ.11 Ct/IIt Ill i l l ecs u l 1:lI tle l II m l \\ II r," " lIlIlI I S h ll i e ~cllci d \1 " ld ll I 11\11 liS the 1.)J\Cl , tllllI All g lI -1 .l d II~ th e t l llI t u hold the I UI I t II IIV II 111 1 tile I.ItII " ',e u l Il UlIlIII Ht ll lg I C. l llclJ dtltc lUI \ IIl1 tUI h'l tlt e , l lh II I CI l u m pU ole d uf tlte t il v C.. \l 1I III
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IThe Washmgton ClL y Route
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' ~ hll/ I'd Irll'~ dill Hv.t I. ' gill, IIQwevo Ni 'lolgru' . l', ni l til min!!lll ~51.)I lI 1 ·1 11l !t·el l\ll li ci. My\:1' Ii . , . l·III. IH,J) 11·11l·I IOlllll tlll· !.loI lI· ,) tt '~l ll l' lh ' l Il IlII Ht ufrh 11' 1 ,'so whll lll'lll u !:l '1 \;l;I Ity ' wll ~ch till? F. Lin I ,all. II . il),l a8tw·c k. No . I, II,,: 1,,1., I ,. 1111 1" 111.' III e" llJ l'le1 c I " IllI ui Ilud tit III1' illl" IIr~'1' I' ,I'V II IlI rl:! (·J<.wtl h!llt u clh bt.:d III ~UIIO_ fllllJ 11, 1". F: 0".. 1.111 r . lI . No I !tIlC. 'I II :1,1111 11 11 \' ,, 11,·. l'i.Jl I·.•. lll .l j,I"l" 'i·I.1' J I })I 1~.IlJl 'l'.. m lill"oH Il ll d Ii III r w ' I ;. .. III b~ ,'llI·lml .C! 10 CoO IlI I,I(' ll'l h"u .,'I h ' -" \ ' alltl'1' I , . ul l ·ul.II' I' 1\ bCI'" '" \ tel t I ~~~16~ ,,~,~",\~~.. IWIUIu-S I " r II U t\\U ~"IIS, 11 0 14 ilo I, gl·lIVl.llh illl· • • IIU I-(Ul'" " l:l \\ 11. 1111 ~ h ltlll ,' ulI.\l l g I'" 11"1\ liI-t. 11'111('\1 IIl l'~tS ' I"V " \\ h~rcl'l',:p~ru'\'1I\8 hucl hee ll uf i 'u ullllll {\,.llIl ll lllllll !'.' \I ll} ,'1 L hHII"1I It' lb· IL I"lo l" "I IIr ,,~\.' ! ~lftl" .. , .n.I.!II"I HlI llIJl II ,"til _ . wit ., ,. II!.!hl It I I II,r I ·TrK l n. d" nu, .. lOp ~lst, I' IU.8. e " III lit t· U ' I , ,\ I I ". ( I II p . 11 11\ Ib t • • , Il'lIl a ~I)O u.1..... o",lll. I'" \\' l·o/II'I'I.I II "' I 1' 11 " W IS Il'I '"'8l'I1 I,,1 I " r .11'1'1'0 Nit. I 1::,,", 11111:-10 III 11' •• t rlf f< moi l ' , " II. d ~. llj 11" {. II fiLl nil.! l' lllllmin I,' I .!'S \\ I ~rll 011 .1) I e. 1' 1 v I • I I I I 1 \ 1" " ' ., ,1111,', " ,",, a- 1'\ 'I\ -, II 1l ....1 _ _ _ _ t _ _ __ 1" 1 11 ,,,,,'. 1-II" t u, IIIi!!1 1I I111,111" o. I • '"101111 rlill Jo' l) All 01 .~ ,. I II . 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II I" II. ~ f,l11r 11 Sut."r" " \· of f' lltIh mtlU1h It t ~ "·,.1, ,,.k q ll " I I~ ' ul' til l" 11 11, 11 '11'111" 11" \\ " 11. \•.11- 'I" I, "n 1 E' Ill 'II rlll"~' '" l"I \...; , ,~ n . • ,. e: _ .11111 \ II II~y I'' " l IlillY pll l"II i1 IJ,! 1'lIl1d I .. 11I1 1'1, h tile 11'~ 1 l !lrll:tl cs I" 111 .· 1 W IlI.I~ UII tlt l' I.,n,] IS \Il tllll ,h ~1I-1 ' 1'.."1 t.!"," 1, ..1llcy I I' r. Il' a ll 1;(/11 llrat IIIlly hl ' l IH II O II II " co' l lIltl at 1,11\ I'l ln~ I1Ulltlt e,, "1 1.1 (,IIIJlI'II I1I\·~ '\ II"".1 1I 1 1111,' 1,-1". II I~ II 1I11 .; 1'I111I :\nnL l \llCCl11qlt ~ . ,ll \l I, "h '1It 1,1, < .: n' .,i, ., ldll" 'I' '' __ I'~ () --Tit , 10 •• 1 ;':1 .ll lI 'l!tll ls cxl,lIIt tor t;1t li t l !t"~l th , 11 1,1,· " I r"u./ III 11 ('''" '1,.1111 ,\I II Ita l e l" ItUII - 1.1 \\ " f! 111 .IIId HIIl';C- IT 1\.l '• ·J · '.17£ ·r,,'.\ ·ATUR . ' tVI 1I1/1~ h, 1"11 1,,1 III U W Dlel~~ .\: IInl~1 t"cl1l(' r lltl r l) . 1\1', UI :l. .. lh··J , \1 111 111 1 ," a ll ,·\ 1~II I\\'u, i- " "I I I I , . JL I I I l'1I. n. ' r" ultllml \lareho ll cl' All - ' I \ " " II " Ily \\'Il ltlllg h) llheC:"llIp l' lL~ t, I III ,Ik' I' b liP !" C"lbll·ur l,·d ' III ,III(' " II 'Ill ' I IlI llI. ,( " I 'I " \I I !'ill'"'' ~ t guo 0 Izn' re - PI" IL'" onnou"ro WII.I · ome :ll fllII!!I'Ill 1I1~ lilt 'I'"Il'Y .11)(1 Mr otbH '"IUTIIIIII/.: lIu pl umelitti UIso . il'1r II III f!1I" tit,. elllt IlLlLall a nu i-.rlstc l lI I "" U vI A hel :::'ntll'rl il)\ " il lAM ld.l~ SIORF.' "r \Vmil Ihl' Ie" III l' r tur Go ': 1)(1 Sl'e Ihem . . ffOU . 11111" ..." " th III thc dl'si l' ,1" "" '1 ,'('11,,11 ",,",l11 . f"f ,...·rlpr ((7' BED ' MAD E SOri: (/1. I~ 'A N it IV LJ Ii l!. A [TN 1 li e a ll to the ,.111 .· "r , ~ ut Il" I' I·'Hcl t IHili lid ' )\I'n .£ll l.(,·II,·I\lU . a llu III Ii' nu hl l' sl' l' vie 8 , - \V C urc trH Ill It -'.,I e 'nIlwr r... ·m ho ad " "~tll1i lll D , l.'lI' ('llIn ntl 11 11 ' I I''.11,\('111 I' I J t0 our fn e n d ) C . 111 \I ll", It 1' 1 ' I "~l' t., 2.~~~~~~~~~~~~=~======~~~~~~===~ "lI lgll0 a bll " JIl (,~ n' d"I ' d Il ild Ilt l' 11II,'r 1111 l ito Ireo trlot..ub,,'<'tt., .hod.,,".lolI ,,!,ho 1). 11"" 11 111<:11 hll lkl''; Ih,' :-.tlidll' = UIII IJ C"u \; v tur II blltlkot of Oll e " a ile I' Ilk. 1 ':"'1 ,,1 dO/I Il j.{l ll lIlwlr ll!! ' \\ I:I II _' " I ir •• rlell " tll li cm ll o n "tnot o..u Y~n ll " " ,.," I"v (' rlle ' I ' 01 UIII' clt msltetl l\ e.lkIlc ~es-d ~ ,k" "':1\1 ( tlk k r 1>' 'I e t 1, CUI 01 Il'II o" ~d I h"" ""tLrull) lln!l w,lh "bl"t,Decl'" HOUS .or v~" EKEE I d ,,· PERS, Have You CLEA N, HEALTHY Bt::DS? . ' I Il'" 111 '" 1L · t M~ I" I ll' Ill te rc"," U I IIC 111 I rln!; I'.""! I<'rill. 1I1I.I I.. flho lr,.'OOOlld by IIII ~ dcl uy, I"I lid ItJ .. [li. ·I bt d CCI. ur,' pI., \\ III t·" ICI . I lld Bll d bllll,!!ht III /11, 1.1 111,1 1 ' 1 .1,1'\11 IlC klll/ \l l~ ug hCII, II SR Wl'1'l oIpp~8 . U l1 uOl1 e· -tbe en.lornn ,) p" .. d, II' of "''' '' .... d ll .. ,- cndl'a\ " I I I1~ 1 'I" • 11 s dll1l 6 it' S upf' rl or t o ti l ,) ,11 111 r H' 1\~ 111 !I "e Iy It II'IIS " dl\'ee ts t tile wcet," us In fant. tho o n h :\1 Wl lllO tlint. t , (l1.r.\I ',II , ,, II"' I'Tl~h t, l 1,11'11('" Ih ~ l''Itl'l'j lrl "I' 11 11 01 lUI cu rr l "n to u ftu lpnt lUU OHUl of tt ll UII 1" , 10 ,HI...,(I II. - e - I eal hcr", o f t1 ' ~1r. 11;\j'Ulld ' ... l::Iu rn sai d . ~ '~h;nl~":::I:n~I'~I:~ r~~I.:~:,:lr.:':." ~~ " ri:""I:~ vi IlI ln Ihl' . t Il)' 'I h, 1"' "l1,lI'l} III ,itt'd lit" 11Il'1l1l >l 1111 lIs t vn lfIlle It r t' m llV(lro b om u ~w tUlU (l l l It ti l, '" t )1I lII u t l. l ili ll ,1 1'lf lo:;" Ih f' ti ' I\\ " ,· ! 'nr l nf Iho t ",·wl ll. ,,,lid WlIrrcn Coou l,," - Ollr I-i 'lid R. A J uy hilS n~ll jll feuthu f!tw hitoUJtot..-d It ,,1. . ,, d'''III''' " 1111I rt' \ tllt ... ltll' lot-: h" , " Hl'n'd to/ llill-II 11.1' Ii,,· IlI rI,· .. II "I Jt th .t! <:IIIII I'U Il IIII~ lII ud \I'JII : H )llJ>,E .. r " 1' 1 , . 1U 8 1r ul~ \ thl~ pluel. 11! IU 1\11 1 UUr, us nndl'r 1I1H ,' ".1 tot ,t .. Ir 01 11 , 1"1", 1 ,YInK thu 'lu ill "r LI •• , it , ill! r ~ ". .. hhO'lltlclll I'lt l'l'lL!'Olln"I \,Tl (' ~n, hlln FHUIH .t ~ l · II •• '"1\ PI III",s:t" ," III C n ~trn ct '\11 ) x,- J '" \\',·,··I~ h,.tWeon he r Jl IIlI \ InT n hll~k ·t Ill' C"IJI C~ " ·{lIt. t " Hnr I.' y"Ul but nnd .) l U ,,,I ll hh .1 til IjlIIII ... ,ut. ~~~~'!!i!!!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!,! I \ll'\ h lll~ ('1(' b" ,1 .. 1\(' bllt " "-1II1, rl1 ufF U)' th o I1H rl "§;l ••1111 , I f .., 11 III ,t,I 1"" .1," ,o! the \1 "1111 V"III" ({ad ""y, il b 'i\ "" pc- Ville \.h u qu\lty llU'-" " Ilt n \.u d UI"t 1 h i. I.... :,. 1 ..E, ~ JlI , h.II·(' b \I Cllt .down . I I r ' '' u~ I '' \Il'pl c~. H ll 1I t! I'c r fOI" ( \Ilp" rnll (1 U ,,,lIh tbe ~ 1 AU lIuDu n l. l i LI uir loy T El g WIl)'lIU Tow n h'l ,I ll ' COloll llct ~ h.d l 1t , I'l' I"'lll I( 11 1,1, ,,,,,, II Ito J1 ~ "Ih" ltd ~ . 01"ll . Ul) h m U .' r hn " tI ll \ 1I11LtUw t c fr om d i.auu~(' " li t h t h . n \ i,.\: - - I ), ',. ,.t • II. C. tH'" l)tI a id he ~C I~ thll Ilukrtll ty. eSl'cclll ll y A ll u nbt nl · lty IHlll \Jill "" h ll U,. !"""11 t l H I I ' Jr' 1\! r II11\ jl II ll U I It A RSO iuti(\11 will h lll'(, n l ired' :lllll t'r> r II! at l.II l l11c nt " I wh ell .,.,. au d.11 ,,\I II r ti l'" lI4' -I III rl l' l ~ 11 Il, e :r1l 1J~utltl nrl' ..h ,t , {l. nud tlle (, .1 1111 r,. Ur'1. r b" r" u;.c hh Il1tl tl,, 1 h} the tw:tAt Rill] VI1 1y lill' ml I t' I tlill " bll',l th e ... I..d h IUll a til' Ih,' ,tllll " l l ~ lro 'llI I'VIJ 'l' 'Ielll ll Ihlll C lI l ,k it lin U' I'\ itlY lilts till he hl\:! '\ II)thl ll~g "Ot! toshar o lVltll nnt . lflu dorll ... ·r I\ lId r u· )\ .. t I .. 1 1._\ hl I1I'oting nt Col. MllII l'1I~ 1 1I h l ~ sl ll J Iv.. 1 1I ,I.tln t; II C')" " (' II It. Il S 11)1' . ~1 1 . 1 1l11· \· u lle.) ( ·VIII I'; II '. 1111.1 III I . on Iltllrdny cI·ening .llI~tU \ Vlwrt, H II X1 0 U" K"""" ur i " ' l\'· lII I I ' lUt.~, 1 i , IU f III l u.h I'l l! 0 I A fnll lit · ' . th uy IH O ' hI.' uUtlU"I " fll ll . ' l'l ~ }.: II III ~ J, " \,e r nil C .1 s tl ' ~ I•. II ('uU OIO o f Dh ) .. t o f ll,t' l it .. 1) 1 \ ~ lIrd" rn t hilt ttmdance is d eS Ired , as !nattcrs I' th e ol hcI COllll)a n'l'3, alll .. I - Among th eXCll l'tllOllIsl "IIIl, lt" lill i-I.!' 1,1'lec Iha t eh" uld ltc· 1'" 1l1 \ Ve ( h.'111l unr w, n rll ll! "I'JluTul \J lu 0 - 'Ir. Aar.lIl 'I d,' , form el'ly I'X to ClIlci ll llUtl , IJlst DlllllrulIY, s tv . I 1, th '"" why n o t o ur bt-rl"I on' I' 111 n )1 rl i ll1 vortallcc will bcbl'ulIght b 'l vr IIndp Ill' r!,.(.I I('ul\, \I "l klll g "ere : uwe ? Onr m a llhmc \\ J1 1 d olt, J1\ I I.l y 11\fU lIHl "JIIIl IfIll ,· 1,,1 l"lIotl HlO t l\ h ll e ~I" " .)1 ~I le !i (j ll- I.. " \l1"."'Ip:, ll t llt lt. I:i\lluCl!, bllt ~" '" 1\lt. Dl~\'IdD :1 to t Wil l' t l"' l r (,,11IlJ r the medin}!; I lII' I S, S D Ev erl y, J . b ulk Til t) Will ~llt ' mUl,It ,ll q:ht l\O,l LWl\.A llt "" ,, 1...:u.1 1I11 """lll1d ,, h.dl l'I! ' "l·n\l·d ,th l' :\II.1 1111 1,,;. I \I "I lld (;,11 tha i [ li e " ••,,\d 'lUlU" toll}l"h II LlJ ,111 1 II " Il \\ " "I' l'a~ hkc l clu. lI lthl!\; nfied CIUl1111 IJl'pIIt\,l try It t1l t he e ~ l.lIrJfrlln J. till c ut her, Ull t' 1\1Il11l1l. B 't F. l'Il I\lu Haycs, . t be III I C D\iIlCM \ ' ,1.11"1 Albert C1I 1II 1':! 1I 1 II III !!IIII. I \\ I h u,II I" d t lilit 1111.' ~lIch c Lolli ,Il" I.,dwh) G • ' V • E IIRI UT, (' '1111 '1/ 11) It t Xcnl,l, died 1'1'lljllur , W ll llll AlIdcl1\'JD, Orall"'e Ch eatt. tI, O d oolor of h u flot', lIhmrt' ) I)u r Ilf' II t h • \ VI, Y ur bo,t"i {rl ilU tH.!l1l g" m ill h ~n.U..'II . u,l tho \\ ur\;' at l Ull 1'1;CCB (\1 ;" filll ~ h it . _ _ _ _ Ig Ilall! I'ee ll I lil li' <l '1IlId'lI l\ I n ~ t l' l lduy 1lIP; IIt. l Th o lat" I'res ltl enh nl CO:llest VII · Ill' 119 ~UUII a ll 1'0 "Ibl " IS 1t.II ,cI l,,1 Evun " s •• John Wright , Ne\ or but nu e b f,(l drtltl-!K' d at u t nn l' . COll fo(' ( l'h 11th n o 111 1X III ,:' ,\f fpnt.h, r .. T h., ('unI'llt th l il' A ll.' 1I1' l' q ll.ll l1tcU ~" Ilh Ihl Il lll lIIII ". Il' \H1hcd ill gend e rcdmn ch""ad blood," wlll ch \\iI11 'C! 1\ I\l II~ul:J,IY lIlid Mlumi ' EllI ur 'D. Blidy. Hay Zd l, Fl'Ullk ?mced \\ r (Iur fll lr d '~l ilJl;, \\u 1.1 \11) I\t'k ) ,'" 1.1..' Wt \ ~h ,\ uu r U L' U~ hof..'ro loCI 'tl n~ ,.ud al l·di" us t"P 'i!I''1 ,hj " I Ihlll l'"lt ll llh ,· IIIII·. ( " lIl1 kl\ I. I-t 'UIlJll)' lll \l rlllllp;. Zel! SUIIl Il.,1 Illlysii t George I n when r et urned. cooluc S ulld JlI,lgmc lltwlll eOl reet. lUll ~ lIlt II B 'II diet h,,\ d, lu hl :l III 'U t he' ."l f) t Illc ,,' lI otI'II CI IUII ttl Il l! \\ .IS II " '"IU Illa li IIl1d U 1'.11 th I'll I cob~'. J uhll C"IIIUll, :harles IInrt R e1l01'rll The "hau bluml" Inu neeel by (\ PC' I ' ll nLruct i ng B f rl/j , ~2 , 'n, fll,III I!! l' cl{()lI S alld B olx i<I'N, Ih trllIn el, II IIll' " \I I e :lt Itlll t ufficl'l $;! !i l) siston\ vllll ntlO tl (l( Nuturu 't! glellt S .k Elw o u K VIIJlIll WIllie ltog P iflvW8 find Th ' rrl'~i" I " lt of til e ~l lI lIn l V,d 8 7" .1)11\1, CIlII I'Il1u d)'III spe B ofs/ail , lh e ub A r~ 1I111l klll,I,. 111 1'1 III cV ll llecti \)Jl UC, 1 10 but SlIuIlle 1\11\ 6 l'eqUi res not on1-' ky IIII1J II D !::i . U .lllle, Tl r~1I Wal/ /led ./(1)' W .l) II l ~ ~ III,lIt \ ,,!, th e Klulll1l l·lIt . '\11 1t Ilr l .hal ilu l ;\1 , ::Iules Il;t hnt, ers. 50 L't II 10 I.J / 111 t \ I evolll oss nndJlIlI I-(II Il:nt, but ubuliJ \I III' 1111< I It C P tllOlo C(t8t'8 lV-IIe/" II j; I/' ,<{"'llI' U " . 111 "I" r - :'Il e ~~ls Kil III ( 11111'111-111 11 1"'llIlI t me 10 RlI) ')i.' l llI til"") " li o\.! )'I'II IR nl;lI & v "!l ve pllr. l u (,', nt. I~a", . ence 10 hY!;ICIl IC Illl',I~ llr(J~ a lld Ih e 1',,1' I.)ul III " Xpllli ll hll '" Ill' 011 eila,cd thu "Iu l" 1~ l ll propo rty lo r11 1101 I II~ tlr,lt It 18 "I II In ll 1'1\1 I,,,s,' '1I1d , ' X tlll.t -,""e d.(\· "."d -!-abo nt Ilr u , IlIlIC ' lllcrl\, Ucl " '"flll " tll Slurk il r,)thcr • 1lJ- ~iltl!'fi\(' tlOn gu nr ll nt,. 11 . t"lrp rupel'lI of Dr B IIlI '~ Blt",u MIX ' hlllll li of U l rect" l ~ h''' Ilf l ' "lLn:'~ :;, li 'I '( l1~d I" \',., lal ill " t" <'''1111,1 '1" tir e rllad .I~ 1" '"1. \II' :-; Idu~ ll r t ft~h· I ., H.TI{I ,.Il ln ,· !l ilt} f'C t tnre to In ll\1l it I'llriti C,ltIUII . III ~h\J1' dlcu ,u l tht: l lucllt~.u het\\~v l ~SO lrl h Luban on nlld th " l J r(lj c"e fll r y tl ll r~lf H, \I.. 1{., u"vll t " l Ull1 ltl t h\d, l\Ut d ) '-t' )"'''-I1T1l 11" .lI d Dl'II ·d let 1Il'"ltl lld I' I \I ,r!, 1""II·d, ·,!. 1111 .1 111 .,t t"" , t .tn\ \\}H."ill" lntl _ . _ __ \\l lh l'u rtJt !4WI t' h lll glO CJUt.III1 IH.· ' I I ,· l'r '·.· ..... ll r l ill II ~ IIIII , II l tll.I.I•• \\ ll a t l \ \\a ~ \\ " l l h oI " l:i-P. r' ~ \ " II \1 I I "IC I ' l t' fl ' " , • • 1111\ fll'" d uL' , t II I I I t' I' til t' , r in g th' l f l l r t2U nn n "h on ( l"' Tu l" rli ll Il r 'l , UUlI .l d , 'r \.l l' U H tlll 8 vrt l e,I lcVIIII' " 'II ... ' · lI lj.! ll" l illie. OCO 8 r lllg pluul!iu r c lU ll r I t l·r\.. ... llll ll \ l~ u . ,,1 \ 1 ttlk TnF. Lnll " III 1 ~ i7 l1 rc now ready - l l. t t \\. H. li m:1 hus hlt"l) a Ilowd cl 111111. W ork - . e (>.xp l!l ll u n~ ,III pr"., has alrclldy \\ I" I , 11\1 11<" t, loIlIlI t th 'lt ' .1.... J> II ~ r uI sl n hntll,n, II" I tt ll"\1~ Ic·d Il I1 U ". I I ' .,:1I·1·0 \\,- ('HU~(l • II 11ld , 11'1 I' d" ,a " .l) ...' .I ... ~· ( Ill' I U cll C"lI ~ I' I C' Cl'IIIIlIt: , "'III I' )\1 '.\ U'I '. , II, ' , 111 1,1 118 IlI lId~. II11 U ~ III IP l iJ \l "l l'll l ~ 11l 1 1l ~ ICS deli ct; read IIl:l'el, 111111 th l'y ,' xl' I't tu hc O ne t llrh ,JII ~ l ll'eo llll ,' I"II(" y tUllllll lullletll rc bla~ llng pow· l',,,, ",,,,,I,L,,,,, ,",ro llll ,I,,,, II . 1'I\ l'IHI II:l \\lI l1t"l l h to ll " ' SlOfIl I''' \ '' II.III '!S" Il Il: UII U Sl'IIC I" U"; ' VCI'''II' ll cl this winter. l'r'Jbab lv thc) C ons ta hlc, T"\\II~ h l l' I'lu ,;t"e, Ul ~~1 JI l'IH:.ll l' l~l'AI'11 . .1 l'IIII" 11r1l 1 lI t: 1,·," I .dllllu lI ll. ll dll li!."" I,( tll bud t ull along th e V; III notget llnd cr tull billtit ulltll TO\\, II~hlJ) Ch l !-, Olle 10 III' Ii II. All ' 1;\ l '\ i 7 \ l ~ t l l"all~ 111111 \l Ulu l I'vllI lI ltetl It o IIII lIt lIt' IlI c lt 'lIl 0, Ilnd a belved ul'll, corpl,r' lted Vdln~ ; ul ~'l, " l1l11t\' BP TIIIIT. See What. the People Sau of Chamberlin & McDonald's p.l( ,er l)~" tu PI " t ti t And lto l , TI'l:!lil II I VI, (tec"rd ,' r . . hl! 1 , II •• ~•. l'I ,.r .. r he l ",,"n·' ,.IOI !) xI ~ . I I ~~S fruIII tbu CClItc r of th e '" H ·SI ,,·ctl 11 11 V, J I ""I 1 '1 'III wh llsO wlnduw df. 101 k, SlIrve.' "I, 1'1 11 ~ C III I II" s can he -1t wtll I,c all object to bnye l s. Tit, · a rllcl ,' III \," "1 1,4 11(' vi tu Steam Renov a Ofl now located in \Vaynesville l t; ::I UAHW" ' .... I I 1 0 1\ to (' ill 8!JCct Atto r llc \' CO III UlI~~II'" 0111' lnllllLlI Se , stuck ~1 (11 111,,,11 '.1\, 01 ~ .• ' "i " ' c'] "II C " I tlr ll fi llcstlillU III "st b. v' tSIIIIU "II " "", Jll st "Ilclled "dl 1'1 • 1I1 •. 111"\\ 1,lUgO Dame 1 W h t ' W I'Il;t ~' '' "1 11 \ lI l1 eyH.a dll.lYC u ('xt,;" , and en ta. ' nii~lrl,\I\' 1111<'(1"1', e nr'lIH'1 I l, dr" lu l ~ ' ',, " !UII " .\" ,I\'\\il over of ,thu MI ,IIIlI Val ar ons agnn·u~'h. op, vv ~o ,a ulh p'l l Ill S _. I \lllIdl b hl: , i 111 d I" (l 'TI llI,II 111 .tl i I ~I , I.\II ,I tak e onr Illl ces , rr... S rd ' A l u bnYJIlg olse· t ')5 18 77 I, v 1111 ) w h ~ 1\J t'l (J lil. alit! CUll ll t l' C"mll1 l,."'IIl' I" , Ie tl ll · ""," el e. 1'11 0 ext)buful elll ff v IO'1J! J)ri ces I IA.I " I III ,Iy 1I ~ 1I 81 ~ 'f' \1 II' 11;1' C. \ "1 ItANI'AI I" l\ n It,, 1 " E, the Ilnd t' rsl!!"Pr\ h.I'. I' lg It ,, 1 11 Ilhl 'l, ,·1'''111 - ' 11I11(t len )vlll 11 ,11 1" ,, " lilt· roul lit Kd (\c re IUl\n sillll 11118 t II' 1' " ll1cmlle c I'eo p IJ 0 cd (. . I I' I I lind 1/lIuI)J(yA 1I' o dJII ([ IIX/U'p of bY tl10 R~ 1I0vlltll l', d v 1"<"' IIIII LlI,' Ihl 11 c~- I" Ull , Aug 18, l S77 I 'I] 'PIH IIl l <~ t! Il! " ' II'" t Il"tl"'1 I I '11 1 11 I kt l ' hl·"(·I I.\ IIl!lI lr , 1Il 8I J1lgU 1." " " \I I lo S ,ltc; t' I'" II 'Il ~ I t I'ICI ,\( I I .111.\ Il Il,c Ca 'lai n I ~ n.. 1 tiati s t the ~1 1 :r 1 1l 1 V.rl ll \ 1{1I.ld " t" lose gOll( 8 IIIIU /. llUprCSrl IIIltlll 1 I I T il l' Illt ic l.· f'1 ,Jl II thl" CO IJI " Ii III I Ill' \l.l n ,, \\ :':1111,.,(" - .I ~I' ,ll\ " I' ~ IJ\ Ild l" J{ 1"1l! !:IU \I·lIll l! lI "· 1 I I b we slI ceccLi 1I1 gl\ llI~ U g') d . hOll · EcllIl llfHI [~I'I.dil cll , III lot' ," "I I' IUIIl 1I1I.t .ril le IIII H /", " , 11', , 1' 1''''1'' 1111)' SI III E : Itat~" ay Will· cst nrtlcl(· and full I' allu e tor tI,P RlIclt el H oWATNI' (,LaI , \\ IIICII ( \\ 111I I, It'SHllI I t JJ II IIll" ' ", " " 11 II111 11 ()I III) .,", I 1""11 I • I" pklll s, ' 1.11 ,\ .lI "" P, II . .,' 1111. I 1\ 111 ,.111-( t Iil! lIUIn,. I 1 1M •1 'Ib .III' 1 I' 1 IIFTB. --.-: • •_ __ NAT re pl)) \\C pllhl l. h III t l ll " "l1l1r1 I~ 1 Iii till' ,11 ,01 (' 11I1 1II{ :.ltl , I l', J aUlIoy ~'" m Oll cy. C 11 d I\'a II a(e o. A }' lutel, \II '1111' " 1.1' UIII IL(:l t. .10 \\ lll ( , 0\ I , 'I rld,II~ . "r lJ, lu lI1hll o , DUll i SIl" I'CC tcU Iu hlnc 0l'lg ll l.II\·<I ,l, tb, ""iu,' "I' lhl! 1111 ,,1 loiS Everl y Mrs StC\Jlt CIl Bllrnctt . ' glll ilt hal II lI d :-; rllll l'l ', v I l'ltto IJllr!' ll, \ 11' N" \\ I"II t:i llllth , A j' \ IH Y of luulc~ alld gentl c from /I eU lll CC l're.Jllll ICIIl I to til l' III ed 1'1 Ilr l clly t.. 111l(" IIII'II -Mr. E. H. Printz hilS mlld e 1\ Mrs. A . D Cad"u. llad ,·r. \11 " 1{lIlh EllUl 'lJl1el t, I1I' \\ Ill e n \\ I", ' 1\I 'pt 11 1l! t Idal Will tl ul' 11'111 ' IIlUIl (I) 1\11 \: eu lit th e H ll lllm ull Chili IIllll g store ruom ont of tho J E Sdlll t e rc,tl! ul tile ~ I IIIIIII Va llcy Had , Itl bl l" J'lI l pl" LO , of Ih. c' \11 '; Sith 1-'11 111 118, c bly. Ill l>llll\ t" I.lrtl ll·u VI CI Dlly lOIl a llLl 8CCIJ I'Cd I Jl IJ II. U Iilo l ~lI I1 t wo vf 1V.110m ru,'m lo rmetly OCCIlPI CU by E. S. ~\rA Chllrl(·s \l uy, :liI d I ll tcle~tcd III tr.l llI/.( to 1I1 11r~l III ~Il( h Itt. ' IHI ~ lll \\IS C h :ll l l'~ Wh itacre, ll t a, \\1,11 1 , _ Il(I~ I )!;I\l!l d lu u sllIgle t!ay; H" n lC~bll'n·d flu m Uil.', E J llc••bs, SUllt.,.tlJg a Slllln~~, Shewlll ter H e hus added scvcral W. H . pl ne Ul ll eUlllrul ul tlte 1 1 1' ~ w rl.·, of bl·~t " r \ l: ItR ,. \\11 Ull'Il' II ~ I r tl T I) Nl ,d , llclglll llly, I (,lI l l1 nt l~ ,J ll llli (In,el, J . ~I J , Cla l'kSlln. D thu lIl h ul S flOrn L IUnu ell t I II I/! CIII <: 111111111 . lile tect to its depth, p ut In Ii hand· Wdlmr n Rogers, 1 he III11r,-I~ \h il lt li h e l t :::; I l! I~ Jl rt , n DI,IH'II,twlt and othcl'!l I'rulltj l!l!lI ltl !:\jJ' l\ll-l~ cll·he,IIt ) eJlII ~,s all?, sume pllll e g lusB fl out, alld ornn· J ohn Stcddu wOlk lij I!\>III~ Il II \\ <:11 .• 11111 ~I r T Ilt, I,ll h Ill' th eBe . III Ju ly, ' 7(j, Dt\) t,,", n 1" III1I 'll l fJ'u m ~ I I '; llell l Y l.IH ltHIlI , m, n lll X e llia. Il·rI " I l'.trlll ,lI cr al II .l lIll.'. 0'.1\ $ II 1 ~ t it, · .!l'I , III\lII .l l "II II., I: 11101 ,. 1' !l1I,·tt or , " f ot .8tyfe~ meutcd WIth Dew cortllce s tho lip J oshua CUl ey, MI'" Gllbc l t G luhll m. II,.:: ~ l la all d J u.e l'h GIUPl·II' III C. lit' J IIUW~ \1 111 1\· th c II' ! I('~ )~'UI'~ tllmr hair per pnrt of the window and door8, Chllr\ es liuwke of 11" l ll ll'l 'III,\ t" 1t,1I'c Iltl ' /lind 11 11 \ ,111"1, ,,,111.1\ (" III I'[1I 1,·,.LlI t: 1 t, ,\l1I , 'Jlr ero " III hc til'\> Rl!:n !.W I!: blllld, b.II 'l!l·" IIl1il IIl7.7.I~' ! III the most und comple tely trans formed III 111 1111111(.: "I tlCI I I ,\ 'l·lh"II .11 ,I, 1I." l ll ll " , ''' -1 '\' I " I~ " , , the lDlIlllh Kc)s, I .1 1'1 "I' ,01 Il IIHIC I'llloc llt Cl'IIIO e vcl y. a gvl 11. , II ~ lII udc Mrs. S n ClUllll, 11 11)11' tim e' cqlll puges phlce I t is \I most dcslrab le rLlUI1I MI1\. ' . lIIle W ooJ Lci~ I UIl \;C I ~ allll rlvltl ll kell l' 1'~ II I1' " ~ ' II lUd v I.. till 1\1 1"1 II" (' ,"1 I,uuj , 1I11d bllll)!; yu nr haskets well 1\£·J'I· lrn II( U, f,nd t hl')' d In ed Ml'd.•1 I. S Wlllk, ill the hae k g lonllll. 1111(1 now for any mce bllS1II08 S. bLiu\lJO\II .. 1 til l' r' '' ld d ll'l dl'cI til trll "d J onas .llIlIlI llY , J Oli N I t. lt NI.K, S ec'y. "fld till' 1(1 \111 III royal str~ j but MI'K. J' 1': 1er, • . . . cl", ' U ''' I,ll.l et \vIlli J I) 1'l! llId lct Mrs. Ullcllll' E~an8, _e _ __ ._ ,11t (' IlIbeU ll lt \\ 1r ~ 1I tlll'y IIsl.-'tlU their '11'<1. J . MUIII-(UI, AI Ul al1 c ll l' tI' l , Ihl! pl l ' C~ f," (I t 1I1 1ij City S UTlDEN DKATI l.-Mr. Timoth y 1, Mrs. Recl'e Holland ,. , "hI) a~H IIII IPd to Cv ll I l:eli"lul\~ l'i"t"'c:;. I,d l vi (·uallll \. Il I'C I,l llg V,dl c),fll I't" I t 1I\1l1C 111I, t Moshcr ulld Wllarto II IIUA' i ll lllnd l at t II Ill S hUlll I c. III near l Malr]'," RlIlge, b IIll ,\I II . , tll"I ' l " IC 10.11 .11 11 I ll1 ld t hlll th ll r uil itell CIIIJltll1 a bll sll cl ; JIl C \; ~" 1l lJdl , b l'~ 1 'I ll a l dlll ~ nIght, S ~ !tal t. fl UlI 1 l: tHlll'lIl I 'I I '~ ti t I \II D ". T I HII"SI' Vl·IlH dd . ill e, last of pnralys 'Iltll i8. HOI. 1 a III LuuI' II \.! \IIIII'I le , t; Oohlllil C oI ld' l 1.11" "llltt" that much. "h ey It y III t·C IIu;. J C,, "t Ilddl ll<i ll,t! lUI ~j 18 III HlI l'dl .. W. StllkL'R, ,N rr II III1lS tn \ "IT 11 ),111'0'1 IIe, ( )I 1111. ,l UI. IUIl CCO I ,,01 I J' U ~ llI e Ili S IlI l nl"II, I' r"nll " d tu 111\)' lIext Sunday Mr.J WllIIrl oll WIl8 one of l tl " Jl ~ III ullr ballh lll-(. bcst' Al c b 011 H'· kn owlIlIlI Rev 'd It 1{lbl" Uell blulJk . d respcct ed citize ns, Bnd J.I 2:l l l)/l III """, Ilr c' ~I I ,' ''" V.d h y tltl' bfi l~cupal Chul ch .d l' l e r t . allles. t;l' l,lc rn ' T ill , Il1 u l l) dlliSllH h . YOIl oh· th e Ile" s of IllS deccuse Hll llllay (,''' 1':' 1\ .I~I L' 1I1f! tor pilI hl: 1 1. wd l be a NapoJ evll~. Anthon y. " ,~ItIKl' '' III ' lt n : h\lV\· . 1,,)\\ l XPl'1\ 8I V" lcr.)~·I . Oil SlIlIIJUY , II p.tll ,.1' /.;,>ld 111111 Ih(I I) I"1 ''",',i" arar"ga is. kit iii I I" IIt I' 111.111' H IS ' AUl"8 I3. Sloes Ell £1 \\' I 1' 1 .111 e \( .1 18. tlil T. l e MI'Don !l l,~ct. .. \('~ T ir e lillde r I\ d lue Je • • 1 II \\,\ -11'1 ald, till! lellst parti clc shoe tobt lb e°t;!lo lllolll y. F IlgO, Gour" u W ~Id~s · 1'1 ~ I'. " IIII(I· - ' , Il r ,III' C\ 1 Ih 1 ~lt,O" ll el (J () \\ ' IIg' . C II ,.1 II U,ql!tt Ih at t ilt' " \l ore fl'om WilS pro a Iy • Y,e,8r8 ,I ~ . • , • d llllL " R E d \\ al ds w a rdeu by ICIIYIII!; t I10111 lit tiC I " dl 1'''lIclt III I u DUPLlot nncI'II I. " IWIII"l "" "'1) ( lllllllalv 1\) J , t kc k ' :-:; r u OUO fl: . 1111 , , V V ! I.U ~, ~ "', " lIc .• oJ. • I~ U)' trom SIll' to morrow 8 t ODe 0 C oc k• I' C lrlll•ch " Eo! H"hertB', ::Ialilldl lj' (,I tIll S week ~1I1 at O~!!U--r1 l"ll!! Gau tt' " IC£' J u IIn 11 lilY k'Il, ' ~ I II IC 1" 1111' .tl ld ('II l ll l lt ln,, ~ uf the al ~ I' M IIl1d _ • .. I SUlldll) loll ow dig lit IIt,,!!:.1 l\ IIII C aguin, childre n, unu ,. Ca h In Oglcsbee 1'1'11" "1 (11)" III \I ll' 1. \ !'III Moses Kelly ·t. hal l' I',I, t 10 A M alld 1 P . ~I .. ,fllmee Elli8, dl'II'1 fll rgot y0 1l1' (;I\ IICB II HI 1('1'01(.,1 1 Llrat Frall c.~ ~Illr· lind IIh ldl \l CI,' dlel l\lll d Hem·dl ' IroFllNo PII.Es- Is avery dlstrcss ' Jabe<. TI\(llp~ , .1(1l1'tc d, ,. D. Bonlllll l, • phy, thc glont T e lll i (:II1I1" Uo ratur, \\ er,' 1'111 h II I:lIk kill'" 11 tl' .1IIt! illg cOlll pl"~nt. nl~ a l Ellen Cleave r, cI}II· 1 ALI, Ih l! Dlll rrg itlL:! keup tlrut \~ ell IS to Lo Illllrf! U eUll lI t iIl ls" I{nse MA\ 'J II D')U ~,)II'8 Irvll e was burg· I.nolstnrle. I e pe rlsp II I'll t Iton ,.It,Ctllll g Mrs .' J o nuthnlJ OgleKbcc, t> , 111 I"S Callie Myer, 81 el crcd lr) IL 1.1 l-( IIllljVlitj of tlr c I kll O"lI rClIlcel j, " vnd ot' t.J/L1tIll 'S 1' CITY, 01 \I v. '· LA\I~()N'. Cl lt· k " IlI bt ~ lI IIdaJ night. Thiove s lII,teuBo.y t a y n t n " J . Collett, a , parblcdll rS s tll' kl" ,ld l'l f; bl'lu l e Ihc CO ll l rac t ATl\ ~ " I t l ~ by fa r, the beHt l!!IO'. t· I n e. med · , IItCIcd at tI ll' k ItCIrCII \\ Indo w, Itel p. t er go tt lIlg I WllYll e\~s In I Mrs. Robert J\o!OUII!,I"OV, " Anthon y Oill em, Mil O. J Wrr g ht !ras bl'(;ll ti ll \\'U 8 "II lc' lerl IlIt o , a lld . Mill y Illlt! HlIl'lIh Clalk:, wet th ei l IC lI le ~lJld. IlIg " 1\1 Hadlev , ld t lr ciTlsc h ~b to a cold lilliCh, ment lij II ~}easnnt nd ~I"re eur l'oi lll,'cl hy tllO UlIltnl b .vIlCI·8 tv 1111,,1 hl'HI I) "P I'1'lI .1l o ; MI S. Ell BlII'uet t : ---- .-d ' Hil t! thc u dC I'llrt ~J . _ " Sumue l Welch, 1'1 'lllIl' tlll' little 1,1idg(, alld b ' IS TI ll IlI OlI l Y tir u, 1:11' , 'I • . also cures etter, a~1 1 a d cruptlv e CO lll cllU S Morford ,e lld~ d 111 1 N 1£ \\ hay IS de:1I crc. III Mud· I Mrs. Nutlh Haioes . - - ..... l,lt~ hU\'Iug th u wurk dODe. dIsease s. Sl!.!.llb ya en mg drug· I ':11::ItLe cOfls lruclrO fllJt-tb o road thL'! Isvll C')UlJty , OIIlU, a t $~ per ( ~ II' tou. 111E 8W IUlllll llg soasoa is over. gists. Rend th u adv't. I ,. C .13 r~v \
Ill!!" I 111 I I"flr;
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I:U l'LI U' l' I'l W" AS lI.d" 1rt.' I,. ]buturJl, AI)I' u te 11 1 I tI \ C O :'1(1 1110 Ill ' P. (JHnnllr . h"lf hI,I 11I" .. l I IT l h ".,,, In !! nil son ll O" R wit ho u t 1'" l n, nn d clent to n L\\ II crll \\ e Il\ \I oC '"n " I Ilk t h at IU \ p l" f"t lull \lin " II t l \ 1 ,..,8 ftQ 11 11 \1 0 " I ' A 1111 .-IooIIUln .1IIl ' I , Ln cU ," lh. 1I 1, .. . .. "1"1 IIIIIr uh" "1 lire lir c il rllli cOlldllltJrJ an d CCIIII)! a c ur e In 1' 1 Pr V I n "tn n e n k l I O\\ \l hl t L , du f o r 111 ;\! cBs rs \V 11 1 lI tH ,\ c n (hrns I uckclt nll d W 11 A I' ' "' ,h." , 1111'",' Ihe lI o, " m l • •1 11 111( Plff SI CI N AND s.UaG. ! d W I As II p I('v c nt lve RIl I I I(' or ed v fo r O K \\ h,l l w e III l g ht exp' ct and ho pe t OI ~ "-,, I II , , ,, """ c " I III d le",r " " . rC I. vl, u lIl~ t J 1U l' r r n f'tCll t f t h ,, ~ t"l l f l it I IItram Vlslte I lIl\n ~to ll D'I? f t f t DJ 'I? N " I IC, rllIl I lit t lln 01 n 1' 11\1 ur 1 IUII« r,-il " 'If n ~ ,.," Ib ,,~,,'IJ " U~ j lIh t." h ur ~ {tum · tI ~ t lJ I I I,! " !ol I r c Gou I find RII Y. U ~IATI ' ll , li S d l e LI, 1I1 t h IUlu reuf I I\ ~cIl8e. Alldth o' o ll S l1turdllY e \ u IlIlI t. .. . I . r 1111 11 2 1,: ttl U htl g U ~ t1 Il l r 11I 0 11I):i III I I I/ ~ 11. \\ f il l f on fiLIOn ~ - ~~~~ ~~'!!I ~ 1I,,, ..d,, J t , the AllIerllIII'" "', l ~ r arc re all y wun dcII II I '''' p<'Jplc tl",( J I'Ollll o t r~l'ul t thu Doctor's cOllv er n m J ,,; u \ u tl l' ti l It p tl H I I\C l l l IO \ It u g - Mr Fmllk Daki n uttclI.'e d tlt e UflH (' ~ ti UI r .. ~o ll ih or lI ur r loi B ,l uk \C LlllJoI li m c , o 11 I OC) r1rne nd ( rl t ho UMC o f ~~ ~Iii~'~ "UK lJOLOR H Ii " I CHum It I , . t ~ (( IL 7JII! tI'l1[lt6 ..all,. 11 I III I1Y lJl! Illl o w e d lu s tule dal,cll ut WaYll c dv tI! C q/t " ' ' ' ' :oIE.. " . .. I.H. UIIIII. ' Ullr ' \ f UI' Ilt d Pd l", \\ h lch ,rum, /II " t I)' IIDlli~ IJ, \),1...." uf l' t. llodoll'llI . "'" "lllt 'll:II I A ' 13ulurdllY ri l HealJC llhIllil h Is f r Plit IH ~ l'l' U k over lDlle II 0 t CVC ll l II g R th"t f// e l'nfll 71/,n 11 1l1rtt e, l ,f 1\ iJ e ... 111 tt t ""o tlte tn m l! rLrtIHI I1 /1, \- ( b e "0 1 ho L.UI,I" " Ii," r C ,lor n•• ,.. " ,' ,', ". d /t AO ~ lI u rl .11 l ,l ~1 "l lv n to \\lth~lund h nu d \11 ,',u Jlh ~ tr n .., t hcllcd tlnd h e a le d hy cnm w {f l1t ('Q "'(ttcl Wtth t" 8 r. C L U KENS. M n , ~orv," ",lI el) .,non" '10 ) 1'"11 ' " 111101 Til l!: " nlLb .' N B e<! t l' l lc ill l" IH Dr n1\ l t1UJ,! ol 111 8 11 rr l II 11Il!! IN I(le n perroct ti m. A ' ~ \l II" pUl ul,\ t C uttack, unu }J P I'RfI71 fm c" ((8 Itcft, ~tc. , f,' c" r\' K" " ell .. bytuy"" If I L1 11THfu", cure 0 1 m uutl 1 n Ol IlO W al, l, In II 'tr~ l1 e my t u r!! "I" , k fr n n. C ~I"" f nr. 1L\ ' I.l llIlI h· t h at tlt e Hkd l o f 131111'8 B llh)' I " I' "IIICC It 11 1111')' PHYS SI'lt4IN8 , BRUi ns and CU 1'~ lite ICIAN & SURG EON. d ud > iu b o l A 11\ P I IW II tloulutn,.{ th e t r u l h --AN IJ-n .c ll ts I"'r burrle I) ",. I1 I~· r~ r %~ IU li lti tit · UlIh , " h llLlt l1 hy kec l" II .! 0 ' t ilt "h. I t SIIIt £l ru iJ uL \\ 111 plllt !l! c call O ll curee! With unfRIlrng ee l talnLY . OtH . I I II II I , t c ll1 \1' c ll t I" I YdICIIIII I IC ' ", by es pr••• to ' '' ) " Id r'" . .. r· u r n dd l t.: ~ .. 1Jll' 1\1 1111..' f l\c(fl r y It 1 Cllwne ll D muh-II.f! fIn d PI ()( PI C 1I i1 ) CII IlI lb I ' I IIl1l1 g h t \II II (''' Ill I , ,,fpr, ee 11... 1 1'.11 '1' 1 I l l. !' () I IJ () I t t rce tr . III CuI" . 1) 1 U 11r 1 ~ !L , etc I Il II A B IJ II II A ~I "' O N ° A dd r .... . 11 ord .." In I 'II ~,,\\ ' F ,\ bu t \\ .I h L111 ~ d rc,.J I III d l e.IHe E v 1'1ICC _5 CCIl IS 1.1I veliis fl.e hrw j i om f~ Utnfl off 1 1I £!1I ~ tl b" r, lI ~ le. rt 'wcrm I' ('I IU e r \ L:l Ii 1 t ~" , ~U NorthSIJ(th "t l ·I" t.,rl lplll" 1'" SETH W BU I )W~ B Ito nd III b lYO 'V ll l1 ll .... 1 hi la 01 1l11 1111)q lJt emq lm ely gl'a lj ,r ) I) 'l \ I ll' \\ ~ I l ut o r )cll r~ I·ust :::;<.1 1 0 l ' roprl etorlt n , '1 \N (h r !U If I I t. 11 b" Lll. 1I hUl tered rtli U \\ e ll II 1\ cl '1''''' U Bud!tI r Ila m It I u Illplelel v 01 I N .· Y.CT 8 C ·LOTEI . ALR(>, IJ II AI NAIW 0.' U, W A L n, 0 flV A t! flR l' I) O l T B u ltLD . ATTO R.NE y AT LAW , ~ u ll Ht ill r e 'inCIlIS lIlt i " hll:.: •• l\ In u ll t I Li n '" 1.1, , ti l NG, t' o m t il e Bl ele loom or perROD t lr ~ 1 !.lIl t, 11 , nil" \\ llI! wholl y Illl l'ro lilly ut U\ll IUIl81CU I n u d e l'll a ROI,tem her Itl A .'\ lJ ."YU TA R r I' UB!.I U Pol" .. 0 ... Ik76 l . 1I,·t Q ' D.lln .. -8 Relll e... A .,.IIn.... th ll t h1l 8 become Impreg nated with 1'11 1111 I" r 11I,"11111 I"lrul)t lc I.> lu\\ llltl lltly " l1h (;lI bl! l ~ t .. till GWE 8EALI. EVREH Y'lo'UI XEOPnlN I :! n,] ' fQ! 11 \\l UI lI ru ..!.!IPL IIr 81nrt k eep ~ r 1m!! n u L dl s clt81· ' TIiK 1.11n Il NON , tl ill fl Ullu htl L!s~ 1I 1~lr t ,')' t or 8, cla ms 1I11l1 1I11rt\ul(! 1II1I.; IClIl lI1 o lllb h ,\\ o lldv J:OI it " C " ,11 lh lt H' r h d r 11 u l e n ' 0 n il \' ad lS I dr(;,. ~ 0 11 I I.: r. I II lI t P I. fI 1"I'''lt rS h.1 t l ' III d th t u ttuc k, bllt I t tli III tu B:w d lur F r. Iglt t l'l.u l.i GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP ~I AH J.ON RlDGE, 1\ dllUIl'lo cupy AN\) }' r t pnr' d Hill, 11\ \1.1.. II\1 tn l ll e ll t lit lil ly tllD , und ~ , II IU " tC how mu ch e b ulc(; li e ,," lUll 18 a SJ' frijic In thoao OUNOXI OU8 DIeDIl .. " ' ' ' ' Nit &: "ON. lri II 1111 1.1 , \\ III t ll u JI\O vu kcu h l 11 11 ri lC Ih cy CU ll ubtll ill au~ '110 :oIur.h "'' '" b "I K\ SE8, "hl c h ha ve heen treated bere••·blllldc lp" .... Iv r $ I ,fI - tll u rw-:-; I L I I II A l l I l lIo ~ nH ST 1I11\JO Ul 6 Tlt And olf" r :SOW (from JQ ll e I ~ t), A ug 15) l111, rJ Ili litl 11 1'1,1 111 q r n o l tofo re with ' S ulpltur OlllJmell t8 hav I " ,\~ Uh' CII I,t lll n P ri ce lUI UII' )CILr lE1 ~ U l\· ~l!l T ~ { ~ lEJ.l. I\I ' X I"U ~ t., k, w " II hellw r ~I. " 1 ' 1' : Celery Plam s. I ... ..... ' ... T ho Au gust IItlUl lh' l (,O ll t al n s being CUAN _ . - . . . . - lo ~ Ihe It ll vn n tll:;! o of ;llAl :ol ..T - _. - - - - WU' t'l F." V III R . - - - 9--\\ 1,"1,1 "l l " 1'11"1111 ) , llllJ as kcd t i ll F I \ h P ICC:I v t 1I 111 I NoF n N ~I\ ~ and U NINJURI OUS ~ n ~ ITf W lllte by m ~\I for ,le V ole.'! UII l i O n , m e 1\ u,,11 .. nd ... lI"I V ! II r,. ' f A GOOD ~ I !,or Ifltl FAMIL Y W tMEDI \' \ N N CINE A,\I h ~ F ~[ I II11') t l U l tlellt u l hI. old e r; H lU I til•.! ll t ll ll lt l1 t Clothlli g \\ ti T, r ltll1n IlOci L Ulu b"r l a l tl l ir tl t:r 01 I II,}! W IIIt.. :O;o ll d b, ...«n f'/T I I.' r 11111 • • I oU" r t .. " II IU, 0 1' :01.,;", t.O"K. ' lhv lrt Ui'd ' ' I " ",th Hu d \\ " lu r lrHtl I I'l l" 1 ~ 1 I n '" I (,ltl rt li t I II ,:.11 11 ~ t r t4 t Phdttl11l h H\ '\\" 11 .' I,e ~I" J , ' 11e m" ),. I t1l1l1k ~ ',I Ili tc l e8t l ll g ' II I lI:lH:,ll le.ld ll i g A u) o f t he II.~' \ A Cder-, J hu t WA Y1>I ES VILLE . 1)11 10 ' I ) \~ h.· 't!' w II (lC, r ill n il f l om III fir L Ir \\ ti l , h il t II he "" \>l1ld he \\ ti l I he 1'11 u h dh e rs nft I till ' IJ rt.s'" fl r $.~ ~r tbQu...... n d ' 1)' C JI: I lh m u n t b tu t h l lu r (! 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" OOl el ing. Boar d" s
§nSl)10nnblc Barber
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Sulphur Baths.
t hl l 'L" I" e I , ll'( bu \o bee ll louk lng puslage N o OIlC I lItc l es t eJ IlI Ill U Ili l .1 ~ " " rt l'" "l g uf 11 0rtun'8 Itfe, S IC CIIIl Ufil)JU to h· wlth llll t Ih o .tll t! II ~1 ~ 11I l! du \\ u 0 1 Ill S ~ tl e ll gth '13~IU B IOAL WS~n LD 1 ll hl lsb e ,] b) S j'.. r ~ al :! Jl p Itad n(' v I kll U\1 II , r!llil aid S II!;. 10\ uluntl, 011l 0
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C IlArEl ANrn F. ~I s- h)' DI J B Herbe rt , 18 thc 1I,lIl1 e v i .L 110\\ An t hem b ok, "\11('\1 s npp!r ci:I l\ l\Jllg fel t n ed Ivr n coll ectl"'l) 01 no\\ . i:l ho rt, ell~y , p rrll!tlc.tI IIlld I'I Cll81 11 g Alllhll" ~ 1.11 'h \lIl K. 'ullvont IlJ1l8, ~\l.c - l'lm E, $ 1, _5 by lIIllI!. pos t
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for f4 I rr tbou liod
Cauli60wer Plants.
Y UllKTUR B Manufacturers,
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S C I I \. t.I C ~ ro~ l ctJ l I W P Il I\ I I1l t ,n of I' IIL II O Inllld n l"'l l it e
Beware of Imitations.
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E""ecuto rs' S 1", ae.
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N o 'ib nuo"" nw 1\ \ N Y W A. YNESVILLE, OU lO A )5. ])Illn, 1Lf\ "IIl~ Ih slIOIIIg es ot tho - The WELLS TEA COMPANY - -of-ch -olern SELLER S - Aul/u. t 2 1 1877 AND DEAU KS IN ALL IUNDS OF p u pp IC, 11111 t til ke Ili S 1'\ U0 upo n u ",funt1lm. Carrie nnu",htor of ~rr And Mr. J ITI""r ter~ of pI n III sadd lc, th\lll~h IllS hOI ' c llIlIy G r or!,c H Srllor. K PUIlE CHI\! !NI) J!PIN TE!S gul:; mOIl,h. he a fin ll r Illlllllnl thtlll tllelrs. Whon " , 1!iI~c»re_ 'E1Y~Ti D'I\T,').~Tr~D '£itl., Gnrthultlt's bravc soldiers slept up 901 l'ult on St., 'egnl 'J\~Ue rli9Cm tnt9. NEH& BROW N-;-~~ ~8~ 0 11 tlt e bure rocks, he IIpreau his _ ~ ~~~ v P 0 Dox 1~;o ___ ~ ____ _ ~_ NI:W YOltl{ . S B \\.y"r •• ltle . J&c ".1876 blulIk et Illld slcpt boside them With The WELL S TEA COMPANY It CC6880r to "own &: Ghand lel', th e s ky fur hiS covorll lg, and hence I UPPLY n AS rn S10REI ,EEI'Elt S A Respec tfullv announce s tb.t be •• no" m hl 8 artily WUS n lllllt and he their Gre .t el,nneo to mnke in or'glna l pnckll~e. at 10w o<1 "n"",t p.. We W.\I ofF.r at pubhc ./lle "t the I"to full ~1"" 11 "t tho old -••, .tand, With & mOn e . We nc. d a 11" per " a m ple · ent 00 ap pir c atl o n Id olt?od cupta1l1 . And Heury CJl\y re.,denoe of lAMES W DAKTN, dcc'd j;-7~~:,1 th!, be8~ p erB oll In evc r, lown The WELLS TEA COMPANY wus the IdLlI l,f tho people by rea' 1~ m:lea We. t of H"rvcy.h urg. on Bu n of th e elolTlc,,: s of populu rtty, ~.I~~: i~:~~e:" p':~e~~ S UPrL Y TEA :,; 10 DItU .!l1 ::d ", .1. EN Fnday. AUbust 31st, 1877, B uc k10 ~l ertt, • I b t tl I -.ud ch. "pc" ,lIu otn EIt,\L UEAI ERS ANO 0 1 HER ::; . Cm TI·jfea l, Illiu lI1lt Jl n ~ od U Ie S U\ O pow e l f lllll" puhlreati on 10 th o 'torl d A I" III hllnd-ulli o pock h o f Oil" pound . puck The lull(l"lIIgCh~ttcl rrol'ert) {fn7w lterl Flour, Rch III OI)t 11IIn H\lt o t t1.,-, PI es uj cntud I f I II CIlIII - t . r ' 0 1 lh o Sl Il O CII !," (l tl "lid n t" . k 2 ~orl1 nd \Vork J-f(lrlol (>~ ~, hi 0 111 C In ,oconl C ft SlIc .. es- II ro l (tt o e.~, ll ,..C Il t. 4 othcc But 1\( 0 1 t u l l - IIIrO-< olegll nl "orko of 1ft S,.o" I ul l I' r I, e tIIil I l h ll It~ 1I Ib ,,,ul I LW~tllIty Ib hoxc n f Cattl o L! h oncl of S h oep II " ~111 1"( rllle r s The price1:1 ,, 0 10 ~ t.h II n.III1(1 )1.t, T' 40 hcnd 01 H o"'. . II Fllrrn 1 ''h '" ~W ' "E ] 110 telnpUu llce mo ~cmel\t IIns ' ~ ~L I' LII ~ ~E A A P COlVl n I Feerl PANi 0 all hnrlli 'V.~"n. I I 2 ..,j;. "0 o f (l 'V." ,~c .. n ~ "h,eh nt el "r" e ... ~ 1 '.I " "' cry , IU,1:,0 ho 11011. at tbe lowest quotatIO ns ' cr ....III 8a r "ge , nt Bubslo ('rl, slime ot llo , lI,aklD';""Oltr I BI"ners <J I .. .... h "like, lin e lad, H 'IfIl" H. I "et o f oln"l Sl rl't.) I I;: \ :-\ I 0 p ,... e r IJLEk ~ 10 h.Llf «j" All puroh f18e1l dohve red lmmedllt tol) , re p (J'n~ .ak bllcksltd ecl willI e othors ure huld ~ inS( oYer.'UJ ! ll I IIt e rl I IOf i4 ID "' eII p Ol1ud Lilli Oll Unnlu"., Cum.ut hecTlh .c PO Ullrl <i'y~ All ..1,0 " ugag. n•• ke moue l fliRt li t " " " ><0 h l,o rLl .I,.bng :ol pl6llu 01 p llU, od. " ont Th u mcctln ..... lIIe scnlce \C.,rn III thr 11"'<1. PI",... lind many otlle wIthout cxtrl\ cbarge Ollllt IIillo I, s""n III " r \V II'" b 14 \'" ,",v \ .. 0 caD deoole F r all your tim· t,) Lb· h "Rl ness cl'o ll hl re I\' If 1 10 nent.. H uIICh II G d Ry ne.v, e. ,..are . 077 Iy Ilt tcllIl, d a t 11 11, and over) body IIr rml,,0o . "pare I,mc You
Crrl!:l!.lt ~·UI.I.V
nJI.: II f the fin cil l tl I"p hl) 01 Il l. t he Ol lll e llllltt l
I E , III I " ' ,," ,,,,,I
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oft 'II ' I\C OI' CIII,,"I Rtlons
II stlon g s olutIOn Fur 0 d S ores /l lld Ulcers It 16 IIIvll lull lllo' _ Use fI C(' l y 1\. a lotIon -It'o r 1\ pres. vcntl\ e III ObI/(lX IQU¥ J) t«eu llt:s III1C " strou g s llds us 1\ "'fLRh. exte rnally snd try lnJ CCtl OII It lIever Ju t/s
I I' I H
Cll ll1p lfl Lcl \ d eotlor l'
<I I"
l ir e
DlrectJ olU -tor Dls,odes '1 tho S Aw bulit o fr c clv allil IIPl,ly a thl ~ k IlLlh e r hefor!~ l e tlrtng , IIlIowlng' It 10 re mnlll O VOI IIIJ~ hL F ll r Sc" ld~ (md E ll/lIS a!,plv th o luth o. Ireoly to Iho utl ec tcII t". lIml th l! IIro an ti 1,11111 Will hI' ICllt fl l C,1 llItIn c,ll lI t (' l v - For 0'>111 , RI,etlllWllsln . Spr(llll S B , w sc.y (I/I({ CIIIs "lIpl)' oluthK well !l ALIiI ALoII
tt l
LS - h ClIl a t 7 ~c 1l lb
C , ... ,1, CI H t n n nu u r l HO r ur SU I P14 1l "' It(l lllul l \ H e r.; \ nLJnl l1 H t o J1\ l. k o Lh o gO IlH l h C 111\1
Lh o rn,, :: hl ) puri}Ylng t" ~ elltlre 8" rj'UC''f tI,t borlll I II Incl It IS th o K",!! oj SfJ('l'd rOI llathlog IIUt! TOilet )11111'0·
PETER HENDERSON & CO. I1" ,lrOl ll o LI111CIIHnt 1I 11l1 O" r l"I" 0 ,," ,,10 Svr II d ' 11,1 Il n 1 k,-., p~ , IAr gr r Hn rl h I d . Ol e D, .,•• nr" r. ( ' r 'I"" ,rlm c ll t .. ner. AU I 1 I 0 • lori..... " t. I un ) u t I lI,: r I ~('
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Th e I
l nrl)' (' II c l l l III
Prc l'llreti CUCOIl 20c a pll ck. lgO. Out Mcu l 11/ et~ 1\ po ulld T U R. NIP SEE D. Bilker' CUC \lII. 3i1c Il l"IC kll~1' 1\ ,\\ ,A I-ho follo ... m'l' 1•• ,lI n tl ... r t ...Oll t ' O N W l:~' ) COl II Stllrcb, 15c 1\ 1'1 11 k h} 11l ,1l rllr LOo per 0' -~".,C1 p<;r ~ 1h - I 0 .1 \ O} lile r" tTl Jilt Lul,. . tc r 1, 1111 III In 1 t I r n 1 r U1I lit un n ,c lit 10 \\ l' r l r~ [rllt h I , n n In qUllll
t no w e ll kll O WII Lo r equlro
t .. ,I h \Vhl te Du tdJ - \ \l ut(l 5;tnp T t)l,r 0 li d 1\ . 1lI r' Wlll"'·1 Duff ll ll
\j Illl 8 Il r c n mUl PIl:
Up- Town Grocery
.·tt '"
I l d e~ t" ,11111 fill
Utl" IInk ui)w l tlfl l cl hy ,,11 drll gK'l fl t~ to be l\ (I I .111) I",.,tlvn e ure 2.400 UOO bo t ll e ~ w rn g ,ven ili tl'1chle d thl Illns o f lir e pco pl e , il~ I\y In U S thro u trh Itru ~g"Ult..H to Lh c h(,lI cc \\ C li lld tl llit hi d strellglh \\1\>1 people onthe Irtn,1 T\\ n d il l'CN~ \ \ III lllltl ,..f\ Kn) "llh a cl , I~" . 111810lld of the clnsses, per"on uf ,t" w nnd crful "l u llh t y In (IUr lll g ,, 11 rorm" of lnd lg£!foIllnn S Il m p1 0 ho l llcA llllt! J lid III 11 .1 gues VelllOc mtl e at 10 r..(' l1 ~ R"J,tul llr f' I Z(' i ; o 8., ld pO~ltI\ C u l ll \l ,. t l l l ' \ ~ III l l nnd l'r~ " ld I' IIIIUI h h, ,,11 fir" ' olll~'" d r u gg- ' I't,.r.. 111 the U ~ e lu t l 'I I . I n " l'llc (.1 Ill S exlruurdlll 0 1) "P I'l'~\t I " " AIl II \\ hell Ire tm 6 1 t h £i • V 18 up UII. I d l l\\11 tI ,(' CU Ull t l) tir e <:,= = === === === == = = P" OI. lc 8( C t lrn a pIllace ellr 18 ul I liE" 1.1 h - A II ~ lI 't I ~ th, 1/l77. thow,fe
Ask Yourse lf these QueatiG ns
Dutch, b y rn lIt 'f I J'tr 100 I I\'" 111 11 ' ,Ull plrl ... L O lfllld l.ln,.! t u,I IUlfl lI l lt l .. Dru m ) t' lt d ~ t\ ny . by m rul f tl f 1 Ih.· r 100 0 1 t lllt: 8 f I1tlN tI ~t III Irt. O 10 tll\ luI h i fI<Ij lWd (fu r pl c k h n ~ . by ma , l. hr I r t( ~, ~_~~~~~~~-========~===~ A I1~ u f !lIt ItM ve O .. l.I~ g t P lan t '! b\ (I:t
J. W. KE
l:;01l , C lo vcl.lllll, 0 1110
,\ ra \ nu n tl t.:rCllf' tul l' lI t. I" U ffl ror ( r4l11l H l r k Jlt lulltciu.! H a ba t uII Co"tIY OllfJ"-". Iln tl' lta \\( .l k Illid I b Iluh t I S blt"," out by tl Ut llf t lte li t IIrt " H II \(~ ) 1I1l ]) 11:7. 1111.114'; (){ I h e 1 1I~II II , "I ij \t " 1'1 lu n Ul lit dI d th o II t:1u\ r ]" ' our N,"rvulIM S } "'tCIl1 rll · p ntll'l d P l),,0l' ,) u ur Ul uod e l r ,,; ul ttte b udl ) f 1l 1' P I 'I II I II ICIl I Alld 8 111C<> the late Havo ) 0 11 ft f Lo w Spm l!t i' C,'m \\ U I , \1 . I [.II I-d :r lll iJ lt ro n IIR~ been 111 ~ of the f nnc l llft o r t~' t lll g ~ &C . &c All II t. hc.. u uud 10 111.:: 1. m O rt I\ r~ the dt rt;o t h Xld \\ltll .111 l}C Singl e U p OIl th<l r r . ul t.. lIf D) 'p" p",n. L,n '!' OOlnl ,lnm' ,Iud l \l ~ t \It 1,IIIl
th ..,
(; 00&8S0 11
e l \\ I t h f OI tl\ ' \ 11, r K CO l1 ts
fu r
1\ 11 0 1111
E II Clo)'ll l.i fi ltllllih r ho x f u r n f l l Ol l d ( I f mlU O
II' \ CII .
FU l m wo1f :--\I ILti o n l o nd t ll t: o. V , Dn ~ " A \~r. ~'" 8 \1'1 -E uclo olClt r l(lRSl find olle !Iollnl fo r t \\ O lm x\8 of , o u r Omtmen t t4l r It c hl ll "; l'l l e ~
frle ud!>!
I h , Be
1\ 1 c
lo r ~{)mc 0 1 1tt ,J
PRICE, 25 C£:NTS per dake-. One D o I' \3 CrekeH) (10 G/meIJ.
For Sale Everyw here. by Drug. gut., Grocer s and Fancy Goods Dealers
f"H1H t l U Wit h
" l!fl lU t
Ihl ~ th B t.r c ~8 ~ 1.1O X \ 011 !- cll l m e It )1 l,r ' e ol I "01 p loud 1o IO rty , "
S~ lIt /" 1 ilIa.d, /'i1~-l" t llr. on 1 6celjJ t OJ JII I(:e 1t7ld 5 G ,!/Il ~ mit ti e n pC I r I l {u r I: I Llllnk It:4 (th el\ ey e 'C lr u f o, ea e" 6,&la s ho uld h o rm l,h ~ h e, 1 l hrlJughul l t th o I OH!""I Lh RlIllltre ltdlh III tho Irlnd \' ou c an publl qh l u g COllI]
Il~ O
thiS II
It lll ~ II
\ (j ll
Lllln k lll OJ Cr
\lAI IIJ Id t OSSNI CKI!': I Il,1Ie."urg . ~ Ild e .. ck Co Md REAli. " I " \ 011 "I e !1nf1crms '''tit ibl8nn no,ln g cOlHpbm t. or r et.Lcr. 1\IIY eru!!.ly ~ c lll,. Itch v t-t km dl ltClU e SO our drllf!~ 1 8t Slid get l II ~ '\; n t S Wllync " All H e l1hnp; OmtIII C ll t It wil l ! urcl) cure \ OU :;0 c~ n t .; ~
l'rupne tor,
No. 7 Sl xtlt A 'I'enut, N ew· Y01 k.
ho \
I I I I ~ CS f or ,I
HUll A8 RLD .\8 TilE FLIIM" OF A
J I") 6 110 :(1 8 $2 5U bout m ll l tO lln) ud , lrC 8~. (t n rece ipt o f p I l e ! VO LCA NO. or willto fi8 the deal! m08B Il ol' lucd o nl v 0\ Olt ::) " .... 'N t: ~~ S OH- J3U 011 II Flolldll bemlock . cao lie eban· North S lxtb St Ph,l .. d"lpl"B ged to 11 glorto>?t8 broul7I or lU81rouI/I •
black by
slogle appllol\tlon o£
necd not he Th WELLS TEA CO'lltPANY t on . SWARTHMORE COLLEG" ' "'ay from HI LL 'S over IIlgh t '\ ou ,I , It e • (11 B' well II. otller' Fu\l p:l rtleular~. d ll" c HUPPI.\ 1 F.\ :> FOR l LUB OH IlEltS. ttllu' HId \ernl. reu £h'l\ua! lind expeflS'' '' and a 110 \\ B nr~o r co01",I-8,on Iharr of "" 101. nllke 0111 /1 1 free If Ivo~ INS TAN TAN EOU S wnlll p.olhahl e \\o,k. Bud III . 11 ea HeB g URr . nlc r Iho ' I"BI",. P IOVIVlll. of full eu\ .Clont.flu ... s. "d ,our addr••• a' onem It COltl to 11 0 Ihell g ood ; Forurs .0 111 whl n r.lull od ,Ii II II; lo 'ry Ibe hua,,"-, I ~o one who en Sc n ~ lor Clreulllr IOd plcA' o '\1\ "",Ier t,"tian I ~ "r; • • f"l\e to m~ke gr' \II P" ~ Addr • • s · [ he "hleb o f , h_ /01 "1l()l1)g bUild. ' 011 do, ,,. San ds hoHft, ~lUIlll11H',U Roof booklt, &u ~. .. & Jann ey. Hai r & Wh iske r 1fIJ.I~U r ~\ lp Ie'8 J ourn... I' I' I _.• II :\\DO l)n l l l o ll l ". r ~ fi!lt Il ltl W~ 111 1\' "' c ud "" u " II ha th o t ltn es I'I CJ!I ~ hUlVIly wI~h want, :~i~~~8~~:~~~'~:"~~\O~I ~~~~:~~~ ~~:l~: ! yo nr EXTR A OHAn GES than wh ell p c nly BItS u e vmy of tho heot form. '" 1\1". I LOOK O 'UT- ', NO IT'~~h~rbe'~clWl lOnEL'L,"eS'··TnrEYA"C'tOhoMUlpAfn N .." T own. h .!' ' lhyCr l~ o. m!ln'~ tahl e But it would seem Sale to begm At 0 , 'cluck D~WJ~G~$"S. Torm " iliad"
\":dK:'tohcn nJ""·n.,I.·
0 0 18 dl li CU 8tH Il f:.( th l: hll l'd times Somo AI. " ... o f Olll 1) 1euc i ICI d ~ n 1 th IS wunld be offAred t the "'10. I.ILO and pl~r.o. · wlll be c.. , Tcn mllco from Pbllndell>h·K. undor th o }<'rlond. giveR to huth Me XU8 II g ,)\ld I \lll O til !-(l ; \I 11 big m U'ru'!i ~~ ~ D "AAf • cl" •• • .,,,,1 u r ooo fur C O/ll ' 'J'h e \ secm tlllllk It Id c us ler to ~~~ ~ ~_4~~!1'[~~ pleting wh. cb th o .. K .. oI deg",c' nre no n fo r ~ Id lh a w th c IlOOI) I0 Into t 10 III W l o n U"" ..Ulung Rbout 175 II r,roo l af> RI)r a. o f r cd I T JtIll ox pen •••• m o!ndlfl ""
h OlDo
ft .
Mr:-Becc h el' hWl thruwn all leoown on dRY of 8"lc. ILnd IItLe nd llnCO gtyen " f . "I by JOEL EV AN!CI. lE •• o bstrll ctl on \II tl 10 W..y 0 reVlv.. 8 N ANOY A DAKIN S xeeu""r. geuel'ally, by BUYIOg a man ough t WM ROG,.al8, Aua'r ( Aug 20. '77 that
o Hiluu
F or Ontlliollu o. glvmg fnll l'llrL.ou hu . ... My n uloo n nd boole acwanLIl lire in th" No.3 . . . . EAST MAIN S'll!.EKT , to oour". of .t.lliy. &, odMO~" IK olle 01 lhe 1",,;" ' 1 IUILI mo.t , cllLble bnnd . or W,III ..m )J'"llnl!ton. J 1', for EDWAR D H. MAGIL l•. !I. M • WAYNESVILLE, O. I coll octlon 0 ,,11 ooun. parup mud MILVO oo. t. bo",eQ 1)' 0 li ndc a ll'l'MII~ ' ' IU/flug P r!l>l.don t, JOliN 1::. 'UYLO R T ell in ~ Uallt' tlc, "... 11 do " ell to bcud Ibelr Prctioflpl lOn. CtuOllOUlldod a~ .. 11 hou,s by "wartbm ore Oolllllre, Del ......... 00. PlI orde ra lIlred JUDe 20 1871 un o ~l'e r lOl1 Ccd Dru ggut 57l
.. ,
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SC F= .
A D hi, I
It .. ( rrllll1.
261 , 262, 263 Broadway. ORtlANIZKI I 10
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~s BUELL_ _ PR.ESIDEN..!_I "1l1rll~ t \' & JlOJJMES
_TlIJ ~ ~t ~'J.
l e • .l:' iulU:l .."" <":u • NW!:W DULl A:\:N I rup ...
__ I u n M L E U' ALL lIlt l [,II 'T< loG
TI, Wi ~,'u~ .:,'.:1/', ':,,:!,,~:~,:~..I"'" ONLY FIVE DOLLARS Tho No. thClIl-IlltlimUt I }'OJt AN Afleta
l &l 1 I
II L ~ n 1 A ~Dt.
4) urI
.. I "",U h ft. :\: .. b
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STRAUB MILL COMPANY'51 en nlc s rS", ~ " rPJO
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thc III t
IIlul J II A .I!!I'1'
O!'l II fIrlllll Cllf OIlt.J\ ~nuqll \ \\II ~ fOllll<l A WOMAlS rrijl,11I g ncnr M lrgnlltolV n W at VlTg W1I1 I' I ~ blttcn by 1L rattl e It ne.t 1\lI h forty eggg III It lin I threc SIl Ike recently lIud 1\lIij Cllred by the up II IIIuI5 SIUlIIg on them p'hc:\tlon of /I HlIl1plc \\ et IIY pl\ ter, 011; I y three sClhllcrs nre JoFt to guard
wluch e;drllcted 1111 the MJIIQIl
• IJ 11 ~ ) :!.!..=!"!!";='-=-L_ _ _ .~EW
-_ ........W r.IKS
W KITI" ..4
YORK 1'1 0 I:,
Itt A.U "Y .t'JU •• ",I:.'"",
l~U17 ... " .. 7°" . .w&lae ...
the barrncks m SnvuuDlw r
6 o
atdtjf BAB.VEY~..
ARD \-
ESDAY, Al Gl ST 29, 1 77
.. ,
was He "tiM f. t.hf I 10 y IIr IIlI de 10 lhl Poor Dick I IIUIL he " onld I;U~ A ml-tltroklllg I ho old blllck horfIC ten dorly- ' \\onder If Y I ren e II K'r your mB.~t r old fcllo\1 \ nd " I) d wb II I e welft II" IY h\' \\0111 j gil C orders to 8Jlllde r~ II C 1111 f III w,rk to t.ake capeelll cure uf Ihllt horl!(! & lIder8 1\ hu " II< I cr Ihllt' I ItIIl order Iy olchmJlII \\ hCI brlllli 1118 111 ISle r II bRCIe would of\(>n m il BII ck Engle old carrion ulld thrclIl IIcd to bike II out I!Omc fine d I) Rnd Mhout Tllm whcrClIL POIllt. would rtllSC from I 18 doze on t bc b (rrel ~t nlle nng "It.b rugc De hoss un ierslI nd yl u Mb 1111 tl call t Rnswer ~ 0 11 1 Tllik to DlC 8 r Bf 1I1nl'!l Dlok ou y In oll cd l ow hiS (I., Ig "1\8 belli IIIl1do mlRab ul by do~ I">or white trash I fo II luch 8 lIIderK 0 11) rc['lwd hy de Inrlllg thllt he couldn t kccn tho bnrnyard tltly I\.~ 101 g " Mr F IrlOllg clllttered II up wlLh th e Ircn CM of be IsIll and "Id men So the ~'1 ulhbl c I (lnt on from d Iy t> dlly 1 HU81lt'cL Ix LI Ih. uld men ell Joyed It at honrt though 10 nt 1II ~I . ted thKt the horHe \\ns 1111110 l\fl tehctl by It D It ho clllly 1 lIube r 80eIKINI Wid scch willte tr lHh hor h He 8 kel' mIghty fin e com p my 111 1118 dny 'f 0 belong to III fllgh~h prince IIhen he" II 1\ colt an when 1\Inrs DICk buyed bllli Rnd brmgcd hUll 01 r nil 110 papofs 111 de lal1 Wllr tclhn 10 new I mind de fus tune hl' run on do l\Iet II riC CO UI'\lC All tho beSII gem plun ob de Souf dare to !!CO 111m 1111 dey wllr all frlCn 8 Yes, I!jlh Ion whell ho run IIglII thRt grellt eruck hol'llC 111 the Norf all do wl10le Sou{ het on IlIllek Ellgle Now ho he InI tln~ nllijllilbul old rntcatcher call 111m l'llrrlOn I I tell Yllh oJnldnn hlH heort I~ broke I speet he feels]lfet.ty much 18 thnt h01l1ll the story did wi n the JlI!Ij kI cked hIm Joe Furlong Slud Whether the I fll\l IIIdcrHLolld or not there eauld be rio d( IIht tl nLI old ijkcle ton 811 he WIIlj Ulero 1\08 II reu pmlc al\ I " erc Intelhgence In 1118 eyes rt cel'tRlDly dIfferent from IIl1ytllng t.he ooys had ever k1I0wn Di ck wbo hlld Just put 011 I 8 fi l'l!t treuscl'1! 01 00110 to mnke JlIuck E Iglc IIIK pnnclpal cODlp8mon Ho IIIm08t I" cd \II Lhe llOrHC8 81ull He cUllld tllkll Illy liberties IV th tbe old rncer " ho IVO lid 8cnrCt'ly allow ]'01111. to touch I lin crawling eHl1 Clvor IllS buck, shdlllg do"n by hl$ tllIl !Lnd lendmg hun on Wllrlll IIfterjlOlIlIM lit to tho sUlllly meadow bRek of tl C MY ble for n trot OflOn the hOIl) old bell!!t nlld ,llrty chubby Dick would 00 fou nd IYI Ig there tt gether on the gr I fll8t HIIleel' POlDt WHII dehl\htecl ,,,th tl 0 boy beClluse of IllS frlcmWllp for the horllC He am got the right nODiO I He s got hiS unclo 8 blood. He knows de 110_ and the hOl!Se~ knows hIm at (UK sightl" ]Jut DICk unfortunlllOly WIUI 1I0t 1111 inftu8ntial fflend lIfr Furlong left the alflllfH of the stllble to Sanders who moved Black Engle from one stall to an other 10 mllke room {or the nilw mnre or q POInt Mid de~ 10,," bred Oana diaD ponlee, until hi, pll\oo WIUI next
ElIgllsll ltaiJrolld Strike M~ Endell. II "
or.. U lien
A few leurs I1go there In" II 1.1 or oughly orga n ?,cd lind forlllldllbio strike of tI 0 Brit sh Os.."O IIItl( I uf IOCOIIII tl\ e cnglllCcl'1! Tho strike brokc out Ilt New CIIstle-lIpon Tyuo lind for 1\ (ow hours tho COtnIllUIIIClltIOIl@ tr 11I8porl ItlOlI II I I food II d f lei Mupplles of tho UI lWei Klllgd 1111 lI ore tl rcnwoed fht' pr vy CIl U c I toe k In mediate CIlgllm uce of tho IIIl1tter \tOil C ' cr lind Ie ted 111 the o 0 t prompt nod , Igo rOll6 In \I1l1cr 1 ho ,~ IS g me engineer. II ore 3"'11 red thlll (t1 ey h I OIlUtIOIlSI) t~stlllg the ground nt cllch n ly r I grlc, I nees upon I I f( )le r pre ~W I tho Id horl!O 11'1 rn Iched the e 19o scn tlt m ,f tl r 1\ they ~hollid he O'1I11L .... of the precil ICC uml looked over Thoro hi) 1 IJlIstd UUL thry were IH(' ll!8urcd was Dick. flit f IL'C II few feet beloll hllu thnt r thc) (lid 101 rcslln 0 \York lit once turned "I' n \or) \lhlte httl{\ Caee JIIRt. IIId I rcvcnt II c bstrllctlOlI f trn 18flOr then The clllld I nd fall eo Ol or tl e lIlllOl1 tl ey 10111,1 h I ~ Itccl by tbe edge of the m\ lIIe Into the tillek hi shpK I<Cvrrest r C IllIeR ur tho Itl" nlld If tlllt Hloe d h('lolY TI e brittle ~t e m . hlld lIel c""a rv III the penllltlC~ l f mllrl II henL I enealh hi. weight It HOODlecl 118 Inll I hus dellit II Ith tl e englncer. re If thev cou lrl not slIpport III \I mnny "umed \lork 1111 prescnted tht'lr gnev mlllul c~ BcllIY IV IS I Hherr descent III]( C' Plrllllnrn t too k h, ld uf the mnUN II c lendlll!,'; pllbhc ml'lI gllc It IIllo tbe fro~c lI crel'k llIlIck E glc With 1118 foro feeL 1'1 IIted thCl r tim tlOIl MilCh great en ployc\'lJ of on tho edgo f LI e cI tr tr cd to rench Ilher II" Sir "111111111 \ rmstrong lIIr DICk "th hlK tceth The old fellow Scott R 11\.~ 11 1111 I others IOtcreMtoy Mtrctchedh" leek lotho ntlllost; bul< ollitl thelllBOlves IOd tl 0 result "liS IL mutulld not relleh lhe b ly I Y ILle 1St three (ect IIgrcemcl t 011 the p Irt of tb, employc\'lJ He ~fled UgKIII IIId.u ek st.retched "I' nntl elllploycM to s Ibullt thOlr differ I I~ h \ltd. to g~ IMp hiS IIIlIno M It I ling cnces 1<. Irbltr ItlOU ~ boRrd of arbl do\\n bn tcollltir ot re ich It tratloll WlIO ngreed UPOII, the engmccrs Thon the old rllcer turned nnd scorned nomlllatlllg one Ilnlf of the bollrd the to mCllSnre With bl8 cye the dlSlIllICC he rRllroad corporutlOns the othcr half tween him allli home Ho looked at fhe result WIUI BO IIRtlsfllctory nnd tho DICk telhng hUll-in bls way I hnve no plan "orkcd kO well that It WlllllJ1l1tRted dOllbt-to holel on until he could come by oth r worklDgmen I1118SOclatio08 and back and tho next momen~ thc boy now III Englund nearly all the dIffer heRrd the bentof hl8 hoof!! on tbo rough, OIlces between labor and . lUI elllployel'!l ~n\lw frozen road InJlleud of termioatlllg III wlI8teful 1"'1 f'~) b II t os ILlld D IC k ~ftllcd ~ WI " Y a..,r IUD I dFlllnOUS strlkos lire submI tted to he ralsc!l IllS bead 1.110 slJgl"'1 '10'1011 tie OCISlon o( coropetent third pnrtlCil .. , . for nrhl trntlon mnde hiS brittle bod. cracle IIlId SlIIk be --_-;-.,._ _ __ neath him .A PETROLEUlf 0.1 \\ 011 IIR8 been disEO'I' the Jil'!lt low rods Blaok Elu,.ln',.,'1CQvere\! a~ Santa BarbRJ'1l d nl, gate ,vu a ellreful one Then when he yIelds II hundred tiarrelB a day of green reached be~tor ground, it WIUI quickened, oil of forty four degrees grnVlty
.. ( ..... K (N TIIIl JII01L'\'Il'fO
A • FRT.AJN' fllcel olls wltnllJ!ll, when li! kc I by III oHrbellrlllg Jlldg how m I y legs ' HI l'l'p h Id replied It all I p ntIs \I hether tl c shcel;' 8 uln e or dead How 18 tI It ? 81\1d the bully of tho bCllch Wh) returned tho wltne"" If ItJS nlnc, R sheep h M four legs but If It IS dena It hns onl, two I b'l! of mutton Ilnd t\\O hQuld cfH IT 18 III the mlDutc ClrcumstRllces of n mfln 8 conduct thnt \\ e Kre to IIlqulre for blH rea l chllructer Tn theBO he 18 1111 ler the InOuer ce of 111 8 natllr II dl8 pos tlon lind lOis frOIll IIm801f wlul,. In II. more open und un J?O rtan t actl01l8 ht' 1 ny ho dr Iwn by pubhe epmloo and m Ill y other cx.l.e-uml mohves from that bl8H willch 11K dl"flOMltlOIl would havo til ken R £Oh'NTL\ [\ III FranClBCO hotel propr lor II nnounccd thllt no bIlls would be prcllC nted to ormy officcl'1! stoPPlJlg at. hIs ll IISC 1111 til ongrclIII should mako al '1'l'rOprilltloll for tlllllr pay Before U1ght 801116 tllcutr, 0 IIcrnls, ninety odd olollels three hundred MlLlors lind no end of CaptRID8 IOd LlCuteullllts had registered and upJ,het! fur roomti for the !!CUBOn IF 1011 ever til Ik of marrylllg a Yi tlu v 81 1(1 1111 RIIlUOIIM p"rent to his ht'lr I!('lcct 0110 whot!O fir1jt busblmd w 18 hung for that 18 the only way to prOl cl t her from IhrowlIlf! IllS memory lllto )ollr fnco nO(I ma)nng IlDnoylDg C0ll1ll1rl800 Ev •.lII tllllt WOII t prevent t Qxclalmed n. crusty old bllCh clor !!lIon .1IrRIMe mm bv IIIIYIDIf bnllglllg would be too good lor you CORN flI LI Maga.w e Perhaps one o[ the most crucl thlllgs eVllt IIIIld Wll8 conUIIIICt!1D Foot 8 lid Vice to tho Duke of Norfolk of thnt lilY 011 II mlUKJuerade IIIght IllS (,r ICC cOllsulted the fJlmOIl~ netor I ~ tu \\1 It ,humctcr he Bhould nP:' pc Ir II Dol t go dIsgUIsed Mid 1; 0, t but 118~lImo 11 newehllfllcter-go KOIx r It II II~ the 8UCCCI!I!Or of the DnIce ,r l'orfolk 111 qUCl!tJoll \lho consulted \ ber eLI y ror .ome aIlment Rnd was Ill!kctl \ hetl or l ee' I f tried t.he remedy ,r I clr III til Irt 1m Dosloll lr. r lid ""Y" that a JUry of tI e ti llper or rIIulllal Collrt ID that clt) rellred to Its foom II few daYI! Hlllee Ind not belllg Rble to agree for KU I \l tlmc vellt to Ihm er III charge of 'Vlllic they were go ne tho olhccr. anx u ~ lut humorous defendant whollO deBt 1I1~ ere In U 0 h mdsof tho abllont • on08 I ollned tho fullowlllg
!\iotcs IS
LWllUnNG strtlcle lIellr II "om III BtRnchng 111 the door of a houl!O lit Lyndooorough~ H gmng her a peell hur shock The next dllY her left HIde WIUI fouIIt! to be plnralyzed and Iler hcnrlllg whIch hflll been Imperf ct for years WI\II restored Tho sccond d Iy aflOr recolvlJIg the slloc'k "he became uneansolouR nnd 011 tho fourth dny Hho died GENERAL SlfERlDA1'f had \lO me very good ~hootIDgdllringhi~ recent trap A bear WI\II one of the yiotllDB 01 hiS r1Jle
Yo k v
ore'_' A '"u tier J
Foreign pcrfllmer~ Wfig first 11111 ortlltl to thiS ( ntrv III J IOO-thnt 18 111 th old (Jologlle lui duys \n AtiUlltlC City cd tor r~ n Irks " ell we SlIlIdny IS our CnlleMt dny 110 lin l t~1I 100111. II It" nil , ery ('II to pic Id KlIlrvntlOn 8 ( I retext for I m u but It strike" u" t.lllt these PcnnMy l\1\11I1 r oters who ott ck lip 10111 e8 of bread ull POICR might hcLler hive Luken t l c hile I< IhClr IlIlIgry fllmillc" fI cre '" I conhdll1g r.!<Jatun I<C rVllnt girl IIho fur t.he IIKt rell I \H h I" been rull I I g to look out of til( front Iren door evcrv In c mint te" ohc g 1\ 0 n rehgll 1M hook Ip'tJllt n n~ Il <lollllr bIll to ,I, go IIl1d he" of! cllllDgl gil.) cL PflSC" 1I0W the ReI 111 r N eli or V rgl I" th th" Hi Irtl ng cl llrgc th It Jobl f':lIl1tb 1~1L'l a fmud PIC8>!C be iIIure "l)ccIOe Hcve rend "1r In n Iklllg 'VE relld 11\ 1\ SClontllt e lourlllli thllt hroad n880rtlon rcmember you 11 oro I~ I I cthod wi 101 I hill M lrlke n dcnth hlol\ lit tho reputntlUJI of adopted \II my 0\\ n housc to cool tl o thouSllnds temper Itllre of 1\) roull dllrtl g hot Do you cnJIlY thl. cllmn\(> IIsked weather lind that 18 to hllng I sheet tho Rocky 1II01lllUUII guide ft K he led nn or II blallkl't do VII 01lt.~ de WI do V8 Up(lll III no s cd tor 1I,p the steep sldcs of willch tlic sun mny be Sllllllllg 11118 Plko" Po Ik EII]o) tlll ~ climb It .heet I" kel't dllml by 111\\ IIIg II VC1lISC1 echoed thc poor ]ourn8hB~ 116 he pnBpcd filled With wnter uoo,o tho tOI of It for bre Ith no YOIl bet 1 don t The outside and II pIece of 1I,llOel arrnubrccJ glUdo gtlzed III\dlYJlnd pltymgly UPOIl hlB to fornr II Siphon Rnd touchlllg IlCverul cll u ge flOrtlollK of t1iii shcet Tho wawr grlld Life III ArmcDlIIo bas Its charms 118 ulllly cmJ.lhes outof tho ve I IIId mlly 11 011 IS lafo olsowhere hl\ll For III be t'epleDlshetllf necessllry lhe Window ~tll lIce 0110 Cllstom of the eOllntry js I~ of COUI'158 opeu It IS strooge th Ib 110 thllt II otherR In law aro forbIdden to 81111ple lind Inexpenl!l \ 0 11 method hll~ ~ Jle lk to their I!OIIS \lIve for the first 1I0t found fnlor here lIIoro e pcclIllly III four yC1I1'1! nfter m ItrIage When thlH SICi.: rooms a cylindrical sllllpcd till VI)!!fnct 'beoomes generally mown loole out tiCl With \lOmB very fino holes fixed (or 1\ rush of marJ'ylng mlln to Kafsllnd over the wlDdow, would e.IIy lIupply IUld Erzen>um I;,~o wltor
BilE" ijT);:R f!tIy~
10 a Letter to the Boston .AdlHlrtller fhe lulgnlllagcs have ended, and it is JU t IS 11'011 thoy are over for thoy have nenrly kIlled tho Pope it they bad Iljln tlDued nllLob longerho could not haye SlIrVI ved Tho sudden and unwlllallie.' ef tli nBORllOn added to tho fatlguc 01 racol vlltg Kueh crowds of peopre, hu mndo tho Pope umulllally (oobTe One ullyJ:f181'10lloClllj hlid R IbU~ 8t 01 faintwit. When he reV Ived, hl8 atwncbnbl nnll doctors rt,eelng that he Ifll ~pr, affected bv bl 8ltuatilm, fIIlfd ODOOtlJ'.lll!::!f words. 'tI\e Pope I~t hi. lIead ~plled 'DO DOl, hIler I bOw
III R~ruc
lDa' lam Dear llJl."·
o 1I. >,,\<·},hltl;.:;, , --~I",. ~ll\hUldtl("lrI\'r,()f t:;t,\' ·l Fl/rrnlll"~'I'o\H,(ll" lIntilll\lIYKI"':> I' I •. 0 , 1'1\ ~!."' . i .. I'i~i li ltf( 1t~'I' rchllill!~ m ~ hll il', I\~I" 1.'I\ld"lI Il uir t '.. lul· H,·· II I!.! 111~t. ~ \" "'~ . "t 1t1'II'Wl d ill lite li e. II III' . ,'-!it _ , _ _ § J '""~ ~ -,.AI'-~~1!!!!.e!e,e:.J \Ii~ll Le t i .111('0118 is \·iI-.i ti,,:; ~ tUI'l!l", ,I " (,lh, 'Mlll i ill·dl'I'~'\in{!,'I" I\11111111 1:. III hl'l L> , I t I , .,,' HII\lIII " II ..\1.1\ 1.'111 110 "1';".1 'll'I,~ I I' ••r 1ichII l ilt I I I It lie HI, II1 Kl ltl'l' I' 11lI\'~ •. 1l.'I'l'. lI ieu ly ~nPttlllll"U . 'I'ut'lll Ultl01'c n t l , I even 1111'''"" Ind ., IHII'c-" \ullI<:.1 hUH ll', v , ~ XI I 10 111'1'. III .. Il li ~l ll:- 1I1" 'lIiu!!, All '. . -~ ~II': ~' 1 11l II 1~lIl'll i"il~11 1'1'11111 a I lU l\ II· I'. 7.; .. "t , \ "lth'u, '(' 1 Cllllttl 1 :1 • 110 " tlu. , i' ll'.,) I .. \'~ l un \ I~',.! U", n\ l r. t\lh I 1. l.,III\"'lI r t U ul'l .. "I'k '1'I\~~~l -r Ilw'I' t'e II1UIIIIIl, tl UII M')lldll~., , .. f ," ' .",·,1111 Ii I'wn';, Tf"J it. , H.tliid III mlvol"ti l! IIIUI1(. III "., ~ ,' ~ Q 111\. 1l,1nj 11111 111 Cd t uJ IIH 11 , . l\1 t'U1I1lU, 'II lh : 'Hh ~ I'llI' Itl hi "tt Itt. .~.. -- ~I ~Ud ~'IIO~ ulIIl J~ I W rigll 'l!' ( ,lUI 1,\1 ~ I", N~l' _. - - • 11 .. ,1 :-.:: ~ \,llIt'I' I'l'i"nd" ill tJ II - 1'1 illt '. 1 1t ~f. II" '. 11 " '1 bll,'1 d tl'll ltl ~I Blip, IIr 1'1 It lng 'I hi I~ pI" ~ • II ,~ I', ~. .0 I, 111 (;J Iwi ll lll\\J, r I I~l '1',, & I It\lli~' Jr Ilr F .... , li t "•• ,1 I.'r, . ~f!pcc'ul l y illl'it· 1 111M. " I I' lt l"'I': lid l)Juth 'r, I"b" I'lllliel wit lt 11 ' . II CII III 1 II . UI')" tI III ~It IIl1d H,'I' ~lrII H . B. UII 'I'S I :. . " - ~ r Willi FUllt,," L1 I' l' il1 e V ii · u,1 ( ,v ... IIl1 l'llti tit H" ldi,' r~ ' ,"" I111I1Wll Iltl'III,1\ 11,11,.1 It''I'''' l'l'I',t! UII\' I I 1t~ 1I I'~l wn 1!II'g"ly l lit _ ' X'rohl L: "r •• J n :J.1I(01n ,\ "n,I. ,_ \I IlttOIlJC ~II ,l l u lu:;'. ll lllillll ll it! " idi til1/.; ill tlt i I '1\l lllll - 1" 11 ,I' ll " '" 1II IJllt ii . • ," "ItJllvll"llltf I" .l lItll'Ct! IIII' I In "lIrill I F, . II H II .. ,. 1 ___ .\ '1_ ,'" . I ,,_ I I u ~... ~ ,p m; • . r~'!~I~,h:~: .. ' r~~~ . ~", ' (llll' ~;·It\l\ll h('gi lld lI(' xt ~1 "li ~ Es , UAWKIN Mrs. {("tl) til " lIlIlIl has hl' II / 1'IIIn;, ;1l'rlll ullJ lloi illlf ,,:tl.':i 'I ro . ~1":'::J~i~~';'~~:;'. iKL ,e :I ci~ ';: w: t,','. :~ (111 .1 ' \\ 11" ~Ir W illllllll~ liS 1'l'IIld- I)Al) Mi> nNn. - 'I'Il OI' wn ~ ~S -, , I'isi t ing in t 101'""" l.n.t. IiII ui II 1I:lIi fOI' 1\ 1"\\' 111 11111 tll~ E:I tel II IlII"I ' I,I"U lI " t \'11111111 1 Ella \ ' :\I\(:c nil" Ida \ ' nlJ- II l·o·i I'IJt.:IIUlo :\ItCI\,IIlI1 Cll uj' Ih u ,LiIlY:l, ·T.~,"" ~o 11,,1 · tOI' g "I" I, un d IhLy Il II.' dcaI'. I 1'11'lIr~ I!,:<, UII":I. W e I",,'c 1,,·ItLr >I "I' I,h ll ld '1'0 IIl\d IIthlr . Intenllll ep em e r' S • Ull 1 - - MI. E Idi u L. AI"'" utt ' BU Ut! N •• J . . . . . nd~o . iU\\'I.I "lfnlm·"11 ~, \'1''' 1'1 '1 li t 1" '11".1 <eh<lltl thllll w . III Iltu l!UII trllt:li L lil ... , or I. Ii, til 7 "",1111 ~l il\llll t run ,I,.d) Ituk AI I' m~ ~II'" tlllg III l' I lIi "il '" VII '.\I'u 011, '<WI,I~ IiIl ,II\' " . JI I Ni'! ~lt " WCI'" \ ' t..~ II l . J I> ItIlI'll"1l. I 1 111111 hll\"e IIIIl ~I I II'" 1111.' 11'1 1I'l' llIl'lI t Il l' a l:) \.I.\ll'uII J.nlthc Oll ll . - -- - , ., "" T" rll' 1' . I' t n. '1 , 1'. 1'1 . II I ·J l·t Ei oll :!1' I las l , unJII". , Th e l 'II'lIl1 l1l lh nrc "II Il ~I. a III "I . 1I111 '1'1 .0' ~l'h, "" h l' lI ,l III~ I ' c. II 11'1.< led I.. ' .1~ ,.I t.; IC ,rurelie ntllll In ll o" lI dicllI ICI' IIl1d 1I l1 . I '''' .\ \111 1 1 1I 1,\ 0rll"01l 11.1 I. . 11 I:" ' I," - l' IIII~ '\' I, IlIeslllY . J I III "IV IIJ ' - ~l :'. Ken"al l Tllr!., r nllu hi.; IInl IIl g J II IIIIIJI II dl L,", ~ I O;II, ·d til lIlakl' llll ll tlt u .~E IROC It . \'I I.~:; . £. \ ~ , 1 1'.1 11 "· I·' .I'\.ld m,d \\'IJllhllll,I' l·d . Jlld ~u . •I..l\I lt pICSIJ· 11. littlo chd" IU'U recov~l l lIg IrulU III IAIIQ 0,,'1' 1. ~; ' -I N" w I... "~l~ ~1I1 ' for till' III t! l'IL" ll hIJlg: ,11 1111.1 al "lI11 d tlte !1UII . . . I[ UIIIl}~, I',llIit I'Cd ld Olllof tltu tCJ'llIiIIClIll'cl ' I' ' I,,,. It iI . ",.o"d:· I11,... W ' I! t I' I I h" II'I'l oI .. t.. ~It ""e l' ltl'L' I!'lIll1 l1 dl " " II, ' l k'""J, I'CIIJ lIlI elll h" I"IIII' 1>II11t'r l 0 ' 11' II , 1111'1.' I I 1 1 '1II1Y' 1I11. I' \I AII.S UIl IS" \\~ 'I. I . ' I III' 1 ' 1 1 1,( ~."" 1111111 11-11111 ~I . ,I " I~II Sll' wns we 1'01'10 Wlllt W lie I I~I'C f~'lIll b fI fll ir Ulld l!,lII dl J ~Ul l t'U lit tho '- 'Io,;al" l " ,,· n ll ~ III r !II. A ~ I'~" r M ( 'Iuck muol. ONE \l l't·k lII u l'(" allli Y" II <:1\11 eut . I,." l'I·, lll'c,I,· t ll·" 1'1 111('11'111 "I t l", IIUUoI lili t " til! g'l'1l0 I'U! II lllllll"U' L F A" H. I' I I '-' J ")' ~ Il'I ~- i l ) '''lI ellil glt'e ll!. ('" I'''I'' I ~ , . I I 111;1 I,"'g t ltt, tltll d IIII·tJ I lUll I r'ISCII I 1\ tl'1111'-; IJ f' I t, 0 nIll· IlIg E:I>H Uu li ll lIy, Frail'" 'Ii Omuibu -Line 11':11 f" 1"11IU", 1. I'll II,) 1 t III'PI·UI'I .'U I" hI' ~Ilt i li.lll ' I , Ulld- it J, . ~l ldl l'ner lit r"'" I'" ,,,.t ''''fll l "r" '" f r· DI'~ lllly~ " llded UII tit" :.!fil h. '- 'I~.11' -; I ' . f II 1(' c· IIII l1 l' I 1""I,,·r . I'JI.V t tlt e 111"1 t i ll",., hUI'il l" UI I tOIlUl'U thu Mu rl'h •the vo n "" ..,,,,,,,,,I·,1.,,,,11.,"I1 l JnI l lJ"11' ICII IC lit liul" hl'll IJI'Ull l·ngllgl.'d ,li lt! II III gill:> I ~ Ii lie !II AT I NEE CON . 1'1'1 ~ . I ,'I S ut llrilly. 1'1 l 't! "' t\n\0t' ~tllll , ,,· h " t· IU. · ft1 I II I ft!l 11 "1 1 l\ I t k IlIlIl lUII 01' ,\11' JlIlI lCd B OEBT ouch ;mhnlil Hlll q" l Illgl olI I . ,..'tli . I " l" UII I I,," • '" till,)' ul thc FiliI' . \1 ~ . · , I.,t·" .. 1I ::i.lltll.!'1 \" Itl.t E" ' I I I 11, 111' tit.· t"lh'WlI lg l'u~u ll\I IOIi \1" 1 ullall ' .- .M,,: I!, 13ir th5, 1 01 1l.: l ·T OIl \ • .BOllhll l ,I\1IJ !"du. I . . ' ~ Grattdl1i" t'Qt ",1.1 \1"1·1 'lil t! I\."' hld.!III" l ui '1IIOIlIIlU tl ~l. PaO ttl{f Raoe s free tQ ....,t I\. ./"d' L)t "}~ - I II 'urwin , II 11 - I ci I 1111 II - I) ''ldl'I)1 ,J '. \I. I." Yl'IlI:n "."~\II I I S li'I" 'l"r ' I I l I"" \ I I' In, • A\l~Il~t2 t'). !t;71 , tlhl N. " /1' _ M l ltln l :"1I"\"~L U tta r \1 ,, 11\ U1\1II ' ... ," ('II •• , Tit 'll \I I! it C'"oh v Ill' lUll II II, IlIlIt l'hlll'Sd "', \\ , ' Y J. 1I 1I)11~ t III lIlll"~ \\\ ' I)et ~'If(' HI L,,1tIUCI JJ~· l o. 1)( Ii tl lt u ~ht u:, fr : It ' ' I wll l.\e rir.IS.tllr.J.y a, ..181l",I.y "i ,"elt tl (· I·d ·l\l lIl "" k. " ' iI'"'II'S ' .' it lJ i~ fl ul a ~I'!II 011 1 III CIJflh' l'II CI' In:T,\LL l \( -,\u,p",t ~hlt. I 77. Iho 1'. Oll r.' , , t m"I~'I . }:hl,.rL DII"I' r"." ,r, . MaCfllI tlll' l"nil 1'"C" ' nl / fl""'/lI" pfI'I'"' rty Ilh tl lt)". !tOIl ", IV ;111,1 11 1>CI:,'IIIII t!tu,' • ":1 "t O,t,V, M"" I" l' I.!l tll ~ III1 C lu, J ", \vlfo Itt WillL.ull Ru llllll c ~ , .)J". 01 " """. \l" 'I \~ l~ " ' U ' J1,I.'n ll"n" II , -TI", H,,"',I ::-;U III I;.l,id " ilf~ "II 'Hl.'r t !t l~ \IlL\". 11;1: ~\ "'L~'d \) ll'el'IO I'o "I th o M. lI 'IS J IlJlII'Y, .§.r. F I't., r A u '; " -'i .. " I'r,,"1 . 1 ..... on thu !,l ~~~ll.9'1,.\ II ' I I' I I ' , " . h i , II . li b '· xpn·:i~,· d III ti ll I' - J11 , M.~I<CU l:oul,1 0 Ind lUI """.I"\ ol,.,,,h ,,,,,n,1t LdY"Ul< 'OC "\\ry ' -1 ' ":, . "'~II{('l'oJIN', ~IIIYI'l I fl\ It'l 1 I,·~" llIll \'l\ ut' ;'/ lLlI'! 1 :H , j , lli.nIlJ Ilttllc kufhclUonh:\ Mun l ll\" nflUlh)nl l f: l ' l. .l ltoi " nry 1(' 1\.1 l ilt. OIl.' t~O IU Il 0I!i\' 1 ' 1 " , ., I ,; I' M .\l IY'. 1'. It GIllII "II - ,,,n,,,r III til .'11' . ' -T7II .I ~~~ 1'1 il III g t It ui I' 1I11c1I' I hJII. T hllllllill ~~ ~~~~~~*i Jf ,\ ' UlJ K . nNe\\' Bill I 1 111 I 1U)l II I u fi ll II , '1', J \ UJl ' 1 'x '( I'IC IS 'JIll' \\ I Ill!;' Mll lldllY cvun mg l hll ~!tI be tur, ... Thirtl ",,,1 ll illml )l1N'~t .. Tbr TI ev L.lUi. M '" I IICI. I ~" "r 0, "'U,,, \,t.u .. . 1:l h, ,,, Iu 01 l' 1'1 ' . . "i nC'ss t ":(I' U Iho Ili rl lCl' lIl allllgu, _ _ _: -'" '~ M <1~,nto.l, ol"r , Divi.n e .or~" '<'Jcv~r~:I ' ~·'l ~1 1I 'li S'1 t.;:, . ' B"I I , jJl llltI~1I has C IL,,·m·.·. . ",,·,I ~:. ' ,·Ilr., I\'Y 11'~IU' nt IHUllIlI 'l llll'lll ,.f Ihc bll .; illo~rl ... 1' the eun hl.'~\ Ilrii lll~i ~jl.'~ A. I. WI~iil\III " ""'''~' Ul1 ::;nndo) .VMUDII· un y. II . · t I thl~ yell" lI"iIl bo hll'ge Exh l ~ILuI'8, lind I·el·yt'lto i~ unliull y illvit J, otrnl'llUIl alii I Cllu ip"ll' l t \II' th e mal, .\. 9 a. m . ""rry IIn JIIY ' "1 I I - IJ,. J ·' s W V' lI(l er volrt (Jf ~r :-"u'" t' t V.,·11 <t ~{ ie TU\4 n.hi p nph~'ti vr & I n'l . I I " J J >lv lI Ulld 'u itllD "I' I Y I ncar 0 1 liS I P . lice, , ~'.'I . ' ,... " .fI)' Q OIl. l lI"ll ~u Y tit L I r IUlr 15rl1tc JII ~II I U llt I\U. ll 5. I rl'll'~' :' r"I£'\l ~h ~ um l,u"ymoc "III I1,olll\ atll r· '~ ~ IIU"II . II I.' C IIIII ~ Il!rc 'l~E':\l'. I')l ~~l? · 1'111 n.\ 11.e.:rctl"I I. \lId llirthl'I' , thn t tl ' h! " - .'Mr: J "' A :' Fllllkcy ha bCl.' n ~ -. n n ~ .. ..:1. .i. , ~ d,,)' In Mit IIIm,~It, at 'J \I' I,,,,k p.... Oy t-~bnlllp; 1'1111 , _ ." lel t l'lI 8 lIUI'J ~.I· IIi UI', IIInting iuJ'JI" O 1\ IU IIpp ru I' tho ~ ' ~t ll~1t \I) UI~I 1I11ll1tl. ami II III VIS ord • u 0,,' II IO\"l\y. L n llrUlock, 1'r . IllIlIg xecn ors Ev el ) llil > 811 J11'{l8Uli It to ho I IJIIJ\II~elllunl of t ho II IJl) I'o II 1l mcJ are 1'0~ [locll llll y 11I 1' trcd, !l ilt! Wi ll re "'1\'" n eordlul WOI CO III , It I' UIIC lt)" Iid ul'll roL llI'IIIIJg hOWl!, Id,mt. R . P. o,IUKO, ~ or tnr), We w,ll "Ir"r ilL l'lIbli" ."Ic, II tho Illto I IIIC'rcly 1I11yill~ vi~it ttl Ills ,. 'Iali\' u~ I'ni lll u ' lL~ fa r R:! it hR~ )J 'II Y U j N TO.T.) CA '1'1 L'r' U I. J <.j [,' () H S cd /011' d on t Il t! IIt·ultl/il .' 'rc~~oo\ FlIIl!.Xl)s' MEK'I'I (l IOrll,.,J"x). -MrOl, -- ~r, J lune~ Torry "II g ,mc in , ", .101.·.. ,'0 "f .IA ~IE' W DAKfN, ' f' ·' .• 1 I I In f,.rdiyiue wO)l'Mhi\l ' dN'd. e"".y ),'lrpt 11\ It h 11 111 I Ill , u ~. I !;Ihllt • I I' ·. 'III It \\11 I/ I·t III' W e II llth 'l tll ll U ii, IIIIJ " ,·" \\ O.I .. r II ,uyry"bur'!. un \\"tl 10 t I IV (Hy' ~h' bl 0 ..uOolnCii ~~y, h~g;nll;'~K ,ftt 1\ 'r,lr~·k t'; r t-ll", 1,,1l:; "CI " II' It It'r ~ TO at N. t). II~ U,II • 1'('I'1I 111e knV''. 1I I,n l " die '" if tit. dil(.",t'J l'ri Ille PI', '!" :I:?lI ,6; WIIYIIO St., Dlly tOIl. W o WI" Fnday, AUbust 31st, 1877 :<" ho.1 .,t \1 t ,~ II "h.clt A, )I till:' Dr, "ad 1'IIIl' hIlSt,U tlte P""flNt y 1'1'1 ,. nU t:lllll.!li tl'I'Y wtl l eUlCIl'lu 1 ' tl! J 1111 tit ' UI!:it vf luck. 111"'1' lh l:'~T Th ,' r"Ji" .. ''' ~ III.. !,,1 Prnper~r: '.11) elm.t '" vf Dr. Ac! a lll . Tho ])1' \\' il l IJI'il1~ untltlil1/o( tho hul der to oillor n many articl es 1\8 they choose. th : 1I 0l'k to Ii.o COIllI ,ll'lO , ntl fil e '\\' "",·_.e t\',"e.h,.(1"'''''''' ldlhoh rsllluJ Ihlt !oJ Try 101' 1'1 :'III't!. j' '1 El I ea l llor l ' \. ~Ilrtun k Itus V ~2 ""0,,.1 ty"rk J] "",," , 5 heod . . I\Lh~tl; .. I on"l, ""mlh II I IIJ1 '; , 101 . lIud ~ I I,' II l1l l Y 1(:10 118 \\'1' U Pre mi1lm , 'tJllt! ' UI a Pre ill iulil L16t . . I . .(C ,ltlo 1·'IoIl.I "f '''lOep r s . tW11 I I tilC OIIl\,III1Y bucli alII 1"1 IIi ngly i II , dllrlll~ I' ll n. v . J . A. 81~1I n. 1. 1 \lIlIndll~h r. ' 1IIId cr\'uvr~ \' AJ I~ Il~d 1111\ t Ie JII hUd ;.r ~H "". : .. 1',..,11 SA 1I1 l! EL II 0]'\ S. PUll' I, l' t"rll ied 1 Vllrill" thu pil '/o(rco. ul tlte.: III 'I. t lu t \\'l.'ek. Wi th lt Put r. Alln.o"ordIUllY"' ·Itt:cl toHU· "c\ I, I·a llllll·"h 'l) ullIonlHlgu of tue IV ,!,,,n<. ~",. of w ulton : .-=====~=====~====~== -< 0 E . W CARE Y. S, , " .11 , \\ !tdo tltc mllny ' . ,.,. k I lUll!!, l"Ullt ' I)S' ' ho ~===========~~ i slowlv E H 'rn.) (Ht.-k.oil ) - hr • • ti1l1l' fr l"lIdR uf ])1, V'Clving 1I ,'rlll .... t .ct of.lll jllo )vrt \\'111 ro ' I IIg 'J 1 111~~I£C."tllllg I"UIJll:lll. HII\\,l!Cr),'~" IJL'lle fnr el i,'llIe ,,,.r hi!, c .y }'i. L lI "d F"urll, jo'('1l II \t I ' I 1t1,llcl'I" .. ,/ I\ nrllo-', Gil .... I 111 11.0 U or,o. t 'y , ...'1'11 IUIll, 1\'t(~ J Urt' & VD ft\ 'Ii' n ny. br!!lnni1l' . t \I (>'nl',ck. Fir.t.O,,:, . . I , III' .IC 1I;ll \ 1.' Y '-' C,I, - (: U" I'~O \V , 'll'l'), rl'l!l!i l' Oel '''rll i.. ,I", tkltl, Pluw_, "lUI mnlly otli o. rc lilli e 0, 1,'··IC- IJI' _\lItuII , . D Il.ullt' : ~ll· . I:. II · 11 11 tll'plli lllll1Cllt 'll! assl.11.1" ~ ~ 'fJfJ ~~ ~ ~~~ S.Lool.tU 1-2 o·cl..c kA . ~l. tllllt aOcro ~·n r"l\lI ;.r Iml"O""' IIL_, Huuwilo tiel' tnt'l l 11 11 ' lC' rl', IItL .\' \\'It! ul .o .. d,l't, J . I'. ;tlchrl ld Good. ~ t. ,Juhll E. tary lit the S tlllo Fair 'oIIlUllJU. m,I I'itA,I"." PtA,,,.,I. ttJ M.];, n'"1l1I1'1I R,':", 11 .•.DIl"li P ""t..lT. b"ld IIU 1l'ulualtl " "".~.... m \I' Ihlit th lc"s . '''H''y .'J liulre 1J"l IIlI l DllliL!t. ul IU II"1I111g'I e o'I: IV UII" lind Ihe '1Iltl, (, rn Oltiu lit nllyton I,;lo'doo k A. M • • n,,.m \ 11 '. 11 <111, '!'I ' Ueu. 11 i-;,,"l' 11 , IJ 1·2 " . I SuLI,,,UI A I .It 1100 I I ,p.. 1·C =. I I " , ). J • : " II'Y lI'erll a II""Iv ' t I,e B K I O'Y A T KIB Bchoolut;3I·:: I' .1, - 'li llo It ,lst ~I o h 'r',; I . ,l Ulll~ , ~I 10 Ill " lIJ :ll,' tl~1I n.:trV'::I1"J"tl. Il III I u t SlllII ll PII I'I'IJI'/ ; t hat il \\, ,~, Ihe rill (?) gltt!otl\ J iJ Ilut I'ol'elll titSllr:lt FA lll' RlI~' Clll" · OR. ~o. 13. 1'lI lrun- ,of trl cnll:. SIU tU 110 hilS " Ll'1I l'l Il·. ell' n ~ .~ M l .l!.i Iy lit' Ih u ntuuklWldcl'H til 8113111111 It ul II \\ cck I'I'U\ 1lIt1~, hlijl 1111 H".LlTI.lrv;Wllli '"n MlCIl,~r:. "lpr. l\Ir.,/' -,\Iis 11 111111U" ,\. \' lllldniJ\ ~ " o' M n \1'. Drn!!':s' tho ..,ennd Il tllrlhr ,· 111 .... .. , d,'l", 11 eilM .\1 1', .... .. It I"~ ' '1101', ""n,",,,,, ,., .Ihollt 1-;7, IIore. HIli '1 I I IIJ; II,,, lluluJ nut .Oll t..r L.J thl',ir. .,f os h ,nonth , I\t 7 ,... o'olook I'm. "" 1m Ihel \1 I l,1I e II~IC J uf ~~ ," Cha mbe rllon n SlIl)!' ::, I JIl lle ll Jl ,J, uut by tltoll "",II 'y. 1 Ill' ~t'lI a ll d hi ",hi, It I ,·I.",,·d :11,,1 lind r 1\ "ood noro. McD ona ld's 01 fon. th S t\mlll\' nf .",.l. mnnlh. t ~ n'nlnrk r~ ,I c~l(l tCIl""!:1 In 1.1t RcllLIu l III el'.. 1 COli ·11I.iulJ \\' 11" . that I'lIl1d. JlII)"tltilsl/,; ro l'lI ~ 1I1 til be ,4IlIflc(·J fur ""I{;Vlllioti. "'1",1010 ,,( 1"''''11 ,) ... I.IOO-m1O let!:! thlLll :S~.5.1 E __ .. ___ CII It. "I Ihe lJ.-., (IIr .... III M....., '" Town h,p \ wllJ ulak c t'lIli ld Lie II OI'U cerllli,, '" lWei ud 1'1, 01'0 IS lI ,lIV fll .... I 1111 tlcl l, Oit ll), tTltl ' I' ~ Ilsli"r a s ubt le B,le I\'\"'ori " 1110 ,'d .wl< Term m.cto ~II Re II ~ I O ilS _,,Qti C(· ... ICI' !lIX I Y II I' li t lII.' 'IIIII C I' IUCI.' . IIlJltngellUb ly 1111 ed. hyJ ~H~J[~ itllow n lOti 111'Y II f K1d t",. Ilud nttClldfUt l;o g l vCII th· , lIh cha lllI III th 'l'" t lollYIlIIUuf " !lllh by ,IU"1. E\' AX:;. her pupal. I'Ily thelu. SCrtptl1l1 ul .. J'rdi:rl ·J titllck' IE \.( Til ro will ho 1\ thr 'Ilny which~I tl hows \ . I I J C N ,\ A. l)A I{fN . ! xe "·.... I - , I I·' A "'ddl R 'I ' CUllIpltlly CIIIi ISllIlg 0 t H) Wy Hit ,1,u\, 11 . --. l'iI, li t! UlIJl'tvll, II I. \\' ,181I I!' 1Hili ,11<1, Auo'r. [Au~ 20. '77 t I~I' I\'I~y , . (;(; fI: r.. llu willg.II m flng I u nt ,. I UllIcJ I,uli s and g e ntle· ____= nil :p. Ingt~' u) 1). '. hi IItl e . ,\11', ,)lIl P' IIIgly IIIt helllly _-:="'_ " '_ ~==== """=="""',.", lulfoll'lO~ ru olntloll, 01· ilion vi itl.U Furl. AIICiolit 011 Th llr:l' 1!'l~U 'I\!'< 'KDKI'. ti t ' hol'('h 0,11 FridllY, 8n lnr II)' tUII JS III Iho d Cl'artlll c ll t1llJ('!' \II·I'MI'lNl',8'IATEOy OIlIU, BED ' JlIAD!! .· SUFT, l L ELl ¥ A N IJ Jl E11 L l'll y , c:O.I Ihc ferrLJu by (] ctJl'!!;e it Sugo, Etiy. U I LS!' 1'110 MI":I tI MlH alld . I1no 1l1,01 II ;>(t w 0k. Eldor ,lll'II , J, Q, IIl lth. lit \VII II lId Lou COl. II\U8, JIL" 10. 1877. bing ,)1 1. WUII III 'Ul'lod \\ lthouL Il Llltls£' lItlng "luIYcl lluu:'r 1 r d 11 f E' II'IL''' II U; AII I I~o L'bri''ht' xns an1 ERII ..... TOE CJONT.~ENTAI. e======== IWlII'l1t ,0 I ' d ' 11 . l""' t IOIl1PS'J ====================~ UIl, u - oJ'] 1' . Ull u. 1 ...'I rd. J l'I'''18 ., ~ " u IIW" ' I \u " Eo . M ' ,'Y... lNS RA E CO llPAN"Y , I"""kod. t n lI~nll~ .~c I £' ~ Oil I n d t~)7.eble' gUI' Il purty L1llU EIIII tL II J Milly B uttorwu rlh III1U No Yurk, Y CLEANI H£ALTBY BEDS" on tho Stlltu 01 Now York. h"" HO USE KEE PEaS H rVI'lIillj!' lant lI eck, .'~"'(J/I· f'11 t T IIILI, i~ i ~ tl ,ave ,o II e o J' AI. r~. JU:liah Blltterw orth, • Wm iltod In Ihi. offil "~worn oth I rnlll\A~t !'!!'l li l OX,l . I r II I' 'ry 1~11!118ll llt Ilfilir. MII SJc. dUll I t ill S Ill I.>It.rutnt , by Ihe l:dl i g th at It IS to lilo 11111.'1' PII 'lll il)S IO"'w,'o SlllIIuul HI Chlll'U III 111'oVI!llO n lor II · " l lreScllt. prop"r ofll('ore Iheroof, .t , " II, huwi"lf ' it. I , condi , I 1.1, d ,'111 ulligntl tI g lluu.1 SlI l'pl.'r lHlI O ~U III Upt. l:b . ,CAl .' ~ h n" "u<llm ine III It. I'III\,ur.> IU~ U I ~ lUl u.1 nll l! Olllu'llU ~n<1 hu. uo roplted in RlI tertllllllnglth ~o \\ HllltibOD I \\1 le liJU pic' II rl.'S l,a l"til'l}>ut 'd III Ml cl llluCI·. I re"I"'" W I U,tltc' .l~\\'.ufl bi A taUll'illallul( l .. t,,·k ·II.. Jdl:r~ nl lo llg tltu 11110 ul t hll , modo 011 tlcg rulllltl enc uuy , A b r " r t .. l'iru !lI. u••..,oeU"'np.,,,I.... iuoorl'orlltcd . ~Ii llili V IIl\l\' Hlil' . nu t inl" , 'dtilJ ' " IIUIII 'J II r r u Il'iellJ onr F OI mnk I7.CII sl,ell ut· bynll"' r t"lc.nft lwUn,ltldStato. of " I Th". ?ll lu}hiu u it4 SU " I' I' j,'l' to I.n y Ilfl wr nnw in 1I 8u In f uot . ,thodlst c II I rellce 1~11l b · lu tll't"'1. k'I""'l llg \ 11 , t '~'.url . ' . " I Sh .. ker ~lont'ln' g ft O' 11'1"n tho on ly l uc,h ill o lhut. L . -M CndAd . X t iJ c lm .: full'l'd '" ' Mdt Rto 'k Ilnd 0 bunds lit• tV CKrfl n. ~umni o n t I\lIhlunt v f "tv 1111 ht \tl, IItl l.(l th o l;~o Lhe r o f th f I ~" ."o", , ,1Ub .. t ... II ~ ~I t "S~ d ..... A ~ t 1 l' v .. mv,nm" >"-UlI R. "'Jlur"uu nooo Ir lln p li nlieA. gin III cnllion t t 011 uy IIU:\ , ft· , ,,\\', I ugu ' ~a.l ' " fin' \11 innnti. us tlO IIY, It r l\NoV'eA r r\UU now ...uJ Hil l III Ulig I. \V,U .I.AM -'l. HJr,I,. ti u1"'r ",lMkl ~ ... "I I t . IU t.h UN OlJl)J' Lho m u II d~ )' tllat. vIll dC8\.roy~ i IImoou th e dllwlI)' Jlurt of &) 11'. - - --.... . _ S\1 1CI - ' . . . E J!I. B i d t • In. I "thu.o urnnco when 01 tho u.".! Stoto or Oblo, d.. horohy It ,,1'.1 U .tr,,~ , "lid I're". n icnt t , III li cow l'1 ti llil Ull tl ~ Ic m wCle , , , rowl UII. Ea.TllE R lUblJlo; or uu i· uYlwlII , cert. ly th ,\t ."id eo"'i",ny I, uth .. r.lOOd to m"IClllw (Ihi. L. III "II un un \'110,1 Dr' -- WI~1. Il~:ck~t \,111 111 He" II 1\1'\1' e\ nilllllcill revIthll h ) fr"1Il d tho 1111111 of Lito r,,"lhoro 1,.tho .."au with tlt o II,Y. Th oma BtI:llet t nud 1~lmI~m ~ly. IUD.W"-¥" tran~I\t"L ur-.lMl<l It.. npp ......... rn \f... prmtn btl.lne. II Ii,,,. lli£..!llull. " of - I . lOCII~lI ut!. uff by the mldijO, und lift .~ III VI,III{ 1{,Lhll~~ihlo d tJla ' ' und thnt wo EJm uud R .tltlltek -M . E li7.a Bt'ILm, liVi ng nelll bhuuggy th o qUllly I'"rt ollk ll • t ill I.. r hl. i. 11 STEAM proce.. IIUU hUlitly lU " It illitE IN"l1R" NCE All impllriti Cr! go 0 " loy hl B hoI' I.' had d lctl l I I tl t ' J) ~ k i t U AehOl' U, Suntlt und funllly, J ()hll, in thi tVlll)oNt.ion wil.l. thlt Jol to1 lun, nfJ tUt\.l.t{l r h ow thy vrJJ(in te , from Rny villc, iJns pOrfll rllH'tl 1111 huu, ut W iituillfur nuel l r otih r WlM' tfJlI tit 8HIIl l! dn)', hnt ' 'l.' IIIU~: 1J IlL S t,U l l. 5 e , alll,l . 'uu tB V. lern euts IIIIU hlluilv. Ml". Jllhll rtnK SI"tl·. ,u ~"o4lrd.'l\ oo wit!' law ••1,,· All u uh " , lthy !Uul l'fu"mvl1 " !'H .~r," tlf)U" ,,:uuI'r\llu !(' from lo\'or,. di~lute" Ulad I\lId sixty II'nshings. Ililleo Iho W t\uu nil otlmr diMfllL..'1~~~ thocnrr""tyollr. Tho oonclition Rnd lI,r ll orltch u , W4.l. I1n .1 th t.1 (0 Iolh l'f1'4 IHO II It :lI'C 1111 liThI' I h " l'~ e Il~'I \\' I tuU U /'1 It Uu 1U UIlU SU 0 IUVO:l . ' 111. . \\ I ' th \, ro u ~ hl)' bu.i purlfieu .. """ "f by t ttl ho O"",p"ny hc.t and U1\1r di Ml n{~t;. dnto .. I Ultt., ti ,oof) 1\1I. l n ' lI lH ll or, !'i 'rl!! \ H 1st of J au llury.1B 77' nllu Lh' HUIll llrowlI, Mr, \V IlIle Milth r, Mcs rs. ueh . ltltomn,,1 ( rnt:11.tho ,,0"11 t., I 711,) i. c.m li llli une tll s uit hinl \ 11Il!JII" / l 1'1 l \Vh 8 r ~ n ox t Ou ... ;.( H:'II-t urt! COM mtl), mba) (1 from I r her of tl ays of houde 'I eulling und DOII'tasfllItc 11 I GYI'tI~ Thump s 111 Ill1d Geo l'gu UIt!IL' ,I",., .. 1I.,ful\ .. ,,". : l'gr t it gil Is. foul bcdri, thoy ilro the- un P1 u~p otA::d ,,' ~(I L'~; I , In 11'0 C I ~o r II Y " r Uf\U~ of IIl t)8 t. ur th tJ IiIN IIf rt :\Uf l h .nl ('li m ,l. \t J Alflfrollu tc tlllllJun \ 01 Avu,l.hln A_"'. ' whitCIVIlShill g Ilro t ov Ilumcro us t l" llli hClll'ltly cu·oper ato With tllO \e. _ \VO .~ l ll l tU our \\ l,.nn~ n PI' \nll CU)t i ll 1\ \\'cl~k, th t' n _ _ . _ not u ur l~,. OliO ' ill It Hiu~,().JO.()!I.·IOj tuno ,-,.'Ul u' .hll l\ I"cbles nlld Will.', 111I'ccl l, rd 01 llt c UUDl llllnv ill so" , melltio n. r Our Iqachhlll ¥i III d u It. nil e ly, ulld hll t" t o ta t' why f Cl ""'K'm l\h:ullI'l G _ W h had thu Alfo.rr"lfn to umn"n tof LlIlh, li· I tl f th en t.o t..WI (' O th olr (urmor bulk Tilt,), wi ll it\IV iutt.. t.<n l l",{h t.. nlllllm (1) IUlt It " whon n, '" F lJ,t,IU, I· we ~~ II' gll e ts 0 I I II I ill~ thu III1lUllnt I" quilJ cd 111'011 pll'~lhllll'U, ~ til'_, - Tho fun ral of Mr. Tillluth y ( X~ pl uailltnl.) illclud, n ow, and tluills t U1J ll' h cl\ d S III t tinnduy . of Iltt cnuillg lIllf r... lllOlil.lIel·. ch'1'.fi od 'lu IH;!. Try th tt rl :cportmon t. on d nud 1111, n.nd be ltOnV l ncl'C! I, 1110.00!) 114 hko ' VllIl rtoll loo\; place Illst Thill SlllIY \. , u ~, Uill ay Il ti t. tho bl'lId '! Illill 811 c k at.11' 6 ui~ . Ch cll ~ r.ho """tor ul bl. Icc, in. urll YOllr h rutb. e~'·. ' ulle uf tho fortllil'h tly public lUel:t, your bod. fr nl bemg mOlh·eu l. n - ,\ 11 U(·CI.Jl11Il "CC lll I(;d la't , 'a t - - -All tltat il! I'cqllil'oU L InO\IlI'O il"'s helu by our Shakor i'nends The funeral eervice w re hel d In nt l N ot I""",t. . U Il kl IIl1u.II ..1 II IC III l!b Ut *1.ij4,I.OI II ta Novor hut ono I IIUC'lI I I ?I' llItlt.!II ' 111' I 1111 0 t' tlO llcd tit B lim o. OO~""'luo ntly no mulng of f""th,... To bo con· I rull1I U '" the lli oksilC Friends ' roe ti ng, lt ol; 1\1 ,11 ,11 e I l'y T hel'e Am't Rrl"ul vul .. -u!' C "r ,llli • *1.000,000 00 vi"ncd of IJI. . l.irhr<lll.e1! II IIl Il V ilngu, whcnrut urno,l lIuali u!!, " . ouly Mk you to WI,.!!1t ) our I.Jcd. bofoN lICudln!! III1.l in W nynesvilIe, and th oro WIl8 11 ~.J III tlt c J~':\ th of Il bvy ab pllt H II" lIHl t abuut ", [ 51), J?O . ll vuld bu bel' uf oth el' WaYIi wcrell.llulIJ· vill(l l'(): ,pll:> Sur\,III", ,844,Cl I/j 13 Inl'ge llttonUlltlCO or fl'ielldd, who .(:III~ lllt!, ,]lto buy. hat! lll'elll nk.e ll , . llu cl'lb.·d 111111 01 0 II I tltlltY,dll.Y'd· Ih el'Il, us wulla dul(;lIlltlQlld jr"m t I I,t tCI' I t R e1lovrr.ti71[J BI'({~. 82; in cl udill(J F illo11'1J ancl h olu in hig h estcC'1JI lhe WUIlY ox' Iyln tl I' 01 II I( I 1'011 tl H' li lli e lit O11 1' 'r I,c ll'll ' k'cr 110 .. Am' ~ I" '(>m. for yMr ill ".h, f l,o:.n.tll .1l4 1 '/1 B ollJl 1'8, • :! 50 I lin , ,\ Ii cltlll:>tOWII IlIld otllol' pln ccR, Amollut I '; 1'8 . ur "Exp,.mltt.ure. fur ' I, m08 flU I l B 08[ ce llont qUlllitie s of the J ecca ou , (;1~lII nll. by Mr., W tlliJl I ~l B Urlllll . p'hsiblu 1I0W to l'ui8o IIl1lll UY hy Un iun Village 18 n vcry 1 00 IItlruct. ive tlte Yo"r III C •• h, With wholll It o IIv~u. II ntd l ite aCC l tlt e snlo uf b011l1 8, ut UilY l.a:iU,711.·U Tidk8 Wa B/led fill' \'0,\ un I'llilit lor tuurists, as \\cll us lor IN WI"N Io!J!S WIl Jo; UJo;nl'. 50 Cents H'I'tl'('. D Al"TON is mak ing gruli d pl'<' jJ- dellt. li o wus d rll'IIIl-( II t<!ll lll 10 It ubltl rute, unu !J unee 8t"ck I bRvo hercun tll PillQW Casca lVa8hrd fel), " "IJ O I ~ , thvso whose oll riotlity ollly l e llu~ . ub"u. i"cd my 10 '.!II t~ J!.acl., · 1 llIV llY, UII' 1 III1O\ e . u",I,"uJll'd tho ""81 or I ut Ilor !H'atioll for the ] 2tit of Scpt" lit \\,ugn n , 'I ' I 'hlt~ " I\llI g t I10 I ' • IU IIUr t!:I 1111 - - - t- - . tll.I' S my omcu Ino tu by th " ulIl fJI~ .J. to witness Ih e d.y nnd tho Y C lIr \ form t _ of .. Itll' IIU" YO "rinuIJ. til e unveili ng 'Of lito Ruldicra' mOil' I l.,. de I~ tl"(l , Ih 1"J\I'I"g t i l t tI I h ,V. 0 HlLTJ, ~ J d 11 """. I 1 " ..t,.f"ch,," jtunrtl nIN', . or no n il ' !!" ·' c·" 111 yu nr flrt . r, tineI Il.' . my'~ If !or>Oa WI .Ie C~l II CII 011 t 0 korwor ship, F' or OUI'HtJ, "'\lnr on d ......, tho IINHloM fur yOU!"M£.' U nln cn t. A rnong otlt OI' (li s tiuglll o\t ll!-:"llillt tilt' trc~ . tlt.O ellU vi thl"l tlll'nlM WtJ 11 I Dt,d .. J ,no,·" t".] nil 11 c1 'l l\!orcd t.htl ~ tm c <l ny wh n d Ol'll Parti"" .. i. hIIJgl.o oxn'"ill cd h Iht! mll tl.'l·11I1 al ll V II tOi rnaI wllys unjoy u "I sit there nmung .. l h .. pruoe..... ror•.• I'~olfll lly"'v, l od toollao .. y timceluour n w n ed mcn whu will be pl'US lit Ilt lhc I~ ugun, hell ijlrt klllg hi III lit thtlsUUIO 11Iglal,) au I a lllllgcol ring tho forenoon ," h n Cllllinherliu ur MIlDonllld, or lholr rOI" eocnl lll1\ • l >l tu thclllse l VbS. gnuJ tricnus Chnrleij Clapp. 011 vor Will I"ku nllveiJi ug WII\ he PI idcu t Hayes. tllItC . 1'leU8ura in !Upl.lning lhe 1'''"'.''' ELlI u M , Th,url:> 'I~II. be n~ qll~ tion liS to th e l l:Illlllptoll, J~ ophlls lI olloWILY ChicI' Justi ce W ni te, <:/ oOig W ~nd ~1J~rtl' ~cntfnttt.. IIlot.y ul 11l" C t ill " In the wuy pr.) ' vthe rij, I\lId lor n briof pel'iod ~~&~ ~~~~~ With· - --"IC McCrea ry, Secre tary of Wllr, Mil C-i\l eml <: rd "J tl~c '\1. E. IJ\l80rl, .lll1d it nl'pclI l"~ tu be thc Oil' , dnm illg Ihun t ho dcceits ot' tho j OI'·Gen era l ,T a lli es S. Nt'gly. nud lanvo rOl'lllccd tlte sabl r I bell II Ith Y Icaijlblu U101!t.)t1 IIU\I' loft tu 61t\'0 wurld thc 1108h and dovil, And .l\l njnr-Gc lloral BOIIJu.'n lll 1i'. Dut- a new UII~, 1111d tho 11I")ml'~ IItt IIJ " ~1,lo vi.tlll pl.lrt IIf tho wo I".k , vi:'. : I on oocusiull we were c8pac· ler. r e e n ouse See What the People Say of Chamberlin & McDonald's ~IlC ' :I~ tillllUU}"1l g il os C l'lt\ CIlCC 01 lite Ilvo lutie e ntratlcc IlItO th c iullythis grutifio d and edificd by the ltd elhcl ,nc~'. Your Door city of Ciucilln ati. Wh oll coru' l sermon of FI'lolld Steam Renovator, now located in Waynesville llllIDptO ll, whose Ex R~JON rIltcs have po ' itivuly • -Oall'lf~ E~wnrrl I!U. I·IlI e1"ased "J utc.LI, l!tat section of the Iino Wi!l ldiscOl , mc abound ed iu originli lity, bcon s£'cUI'l'd 011 th e Llttlo Alill llli lutN 011 ;\JllllI ::itn,et lit J .. .'oa S. ~[lll1jJ' I.m over Danie Immens l Whar ely vllluable. ton's Wagon·Shop, If It progressive ideas, alld earliest ex· $1 l'ailJ'und rrom Corwin . Sontlr Chllr· lUll, un~1 commc ll coJ thc orectl(o WIll send free by mail: ll of hllllUld hc lost. wc will mcrely l bortati oll8 toward pFilctic al Chris, 8 diBttnot leston, Spriug lic ld, DU)tllll, and II dllC ~rletiOlI M ..nth~y Ho_. ulltlig IIO~Re. Ws, thc undersi gncu, hlL ving hnd J·'cathel" s clculIHelJ lind ron ovuled; !till' Ith ol tl'll.~lk of tho Lody Witt.. l tiUllity. We ha 'vc no donbt all inl e rmedi ato points, lor the that ~ . g=~~~~.~~ Pmks. Illui es (ya l'oy an d W !l ~ lllIl g' tout t 10 lonu, by thc ReIlOVlI.tor, Ull reco lllll1cn ll th c process to all : all who ht'ard Mr', Hampt on's uble Grecoo connty fail' next week. Sep' tun GI'irncs 111\\ gono II' (,At Ohinll Cry.nnthemum., to cx Wllntev er is done, should be di8collr llo found many furciblo 1:1 tem bor 5 G a nd 7 N o excuse fOI' plul'o for futllro !t01ll '8, ~lay tI \',onal O ".ani~'nH, l WAYN&8YILLB: th eir d onu qllldcly . Thore is 110 time thouglt ts in it wh ich Edmun d iletulJi ck. bIe Goo°'O~'"u,,!.. they, rcrubor- 88 staying aWRy. TLi B will most as- vOJ nge I:0 OliO 0 I I' I IU:HlI C, .• Iuy , I 11 ll' IDoul n'Clle! Hopkl'n a , I t · d IIIld a I·or uO ' 'h Ii 118 I CUB', An r o ll Doll. l"lmp III • IIIg vy' 1111 ca. actlllg OrtllllUm8 upon, illig t , lWi 80rcdly ho the best fa ir e vor bllld in H nCCO~8 ill rt·nclllllg tho pinnacl nl 8 v Ueliotro pes. A Prlltllr e of iuully, "delays RI·tJ uUlIgCI'OllS," and, bCliclicial. MI s. Tltumm! Uo rnott, Gro II COll llty, liS both time and thei r lofticst Cllltlclpatioll8. 0 Ablltilons. M;8. 8te~'len BO~lIett , ii' persiste d ill. mny result in the Mrs. N ewton Smitlt, The Shllker frilJudfl;llro bllsy dry· ~ money are being cxpelld t'd frcoly DAoUlblo CumeliRl! , ' d M A C d .. 11_.3 - F. E, l\lill'!l hUB pllrchasoli the wrcc'k ot. t 1le '~' hi '1' k .. zu l\h's, Ruth Ellen Oollett, 0 eU8. 0 elltorpr lSo, uu il~g coru at prcsent . , hey wor " rs, • • a w ... !Wor, to secur this nd . Lob.ter 9J\OtWl, blncksm ith wllgon llild paint shops th e sncrdic u 01 all tho monoy J' E S 1 bl Mrs. Seth Fornas , ntght I\nd day, and Will probab ly 6 1)1) !\l ain st~ect. of .. Bou~nf(h. ... P D. V nnuor scrihed nnd oxpelld cd, . Mrs.' CI~al~:s Jacobs , Mrs. sell Ohurles WlJitnc ro, $4000 worth ' t.his year, ~ , ~ P. nr(' i.'1r~rrn ed ,tltllt M r~ . F. J Itllrg. W ill ~tov~n~ & Eurntonumll, W I:I H . I tak e 1'"5SU8SlOn J 1111, 1 T!t o rolld is to ~o corupJe.ted by IThCy Ilrc lJlesscu with health Mrs. T. D, Neal, Ehl'lgh t, ol XC II l:1 I'eIO Rle Co llr go, solicit pa tron uge. ,,, D~~bi~"ViIl16h, Willi~1D R~~:r::' MRrch, 1 7 Withou t till S pre, cuntollt lllent Ilnd ponco, nud-fi 8 2 Mrs, R obert Stcwar t, will ucll er Ill cctnl'c \'oforo tho Di 1\ PO UJHcU".l'Oarlct,whito, John Stcudo m, \V ' 1 I L I , . f I S ' 'r ible to d o ull tlil U Uhristl ans shOllld--e nter, ~ MI'S, Henrv Gl'ahnlli. b \.II 0 leur 0 f' f1 "h of ferrod stoc k it 18 ImpoRs" PFIUmhu!fo. d' I'lSI(J I:.,(" d t I ' ' l'll ~ ot I . c ll1 l'~rlan~c t it -' f'iiirU1.I11.10 . \JIJIICilut'R KIICC(l:sS III (1) It,. ']'1110 eXl' gllll,CY'1 t II c'r~'O .., " erne for ",lIr Inn ease. Joshua Carey, Mrs. Gilbert Groham , l'e, IS n , tuill tho next..,r kind t>st t u)' feolings nl ' II: tOWlll'ldS H lI l,I l'Ct, I·1 "na IC' lt'l n'III" tHl:I I . 11 II ' " l f' . t . "llllca one ; a liI t .. P"lrns, , T .. • Oharlos Hawkc , " l 'I ii Uc I I le' I ~. I d \ 0 cnllgrnl ll I lito I I10 " Oil 011 tiC RED LION: . t " IUI'C IS I 11 0 lise .. MOH"a.. tt lIU M"1 ~ L " I Oil '11 all \\'h o diller from thcm on t \C II6 .. Surull Koys, I'VI.11'1'''11 r . . II I S~ IlI S lll 1 g I. .. . !ullIl a CVa 111'1 ') v 11 0 III WI on .. 81lbiuct HIli uf roligion edlt lJllI'S 1 I I trout tbut I ~ 'III I Mrs, I" I S. R. Ilrtln~., Crane. J anu IIT 'rl ell Mrs. ' l • lS[IRC • EXU Wood ll . t , 11 IlLore. IlJrI t 10111: M \] , " I 1 1'1l gu Hy.clOth 1 t 10 C IIlSIIl. 1\111 t IlII mlls t . U d . I I U , l It) I\. 1'i 1 ~8 -- _ .i ll ' I hopt' oy \\'1 IIInto t '0 P U ) it c tOlcll ll . Vl1n(\cI . I 120"",,orlell Tulip Dlllb-", Dulb. ' Mrs .•1. L. Swink, J *\ . • I UUli( "tte llduJ tit o CIIiI · I10 1'Il., se d III Jonus Jnlillcy , tl.e w\ly Ill( ICllt ' 01' 1I shalo It "otW II. • It ll l ?O Il ••".,,"ICroou8 Dulb., M1'8. R. Eyor, l I I d ALI. ' n tho Mrc, trllnclll Rachel ~o Iii Evall:;. 10 t nlld . ____" __ nllotitcl ' _____ I ' CO ~II y Be 10". all :.! '18"0.tCflJu Idly null",• uulO U· wrec ked radrourl i ~ 'lIddcd t/l tlle l - Th ore WIIS a ,'Irs J. Muogor . sorim,n ugo It cro I12ux"Ii .. !JJ" As the porfl'ct ioll tJfo lilircty ,gel's, ~1I11 ~uncc :~nd J~11 VUlld cl· Mrs. Reov.c Holh\llLl, 1l1lJ11l1IC l wl)' II~l 01 WIIII ~ II CO llllly Monuay nigltt, betwee n J>cler l ~ ~~~'~c~~f.fl~~~~~~e 11T10A : d epcu ds IIpon lho fJ crfcc tw ll vIIUIII" b~lr~ lIld \, arrclI . .It I ~ ~1nhlotl Rldgc • . o nl y hy f[LlIUI"l!S IBlack Illld Isaiah Stan Icy. StUll' Mi a, 1'. Iv IIliro 8U 1I 1I olle ellll hupe for l'obuHt dl~lt 0\ IlIlid ~111I:?g'11I\~ thnt ne, 011 BY EXPRESS SlLmue l DUIIWlddle, II C fll At tl;o cluse f) / Lh e llIec lil'!; a loy has tor some helilth of lhc oll tiJ'O systolll if th o ' t:ll ll IIC glill 0 SII CCCSS, MI·ij. Ol"Uliville W, St'lk(!9" a nd 'by t:" lI siJ erabl lJ UIIllllllt of 6t ck • nil habit of trying totime bellll in the 3 af any of the nhal:~ $1 co llo"llono for .~ , Norr lininOR" . I stir . 1\ hel r \\'lI rk s yo shall k III)\\' t hem' tip a dis, fi Ltev'u of R Ill' R. L{ose, Bellbro ok. of Iho nltolC l»)(\lld should becolllc In tho uuatllll I collection s lur :I Albcrt D, Halllcs V I' II I I I . I I k tukl!II - (.i n~e lt < l 7 of nny of the nln" 0 I c" lI c ~tlun . far ~ IN I B A , . 10 ' I)ust . .lC'd8I tUI'JUIl CO\l'lt,S 1J11' )"11111'" puro. ItK " LIlli d ur J II f punty OVOrli I CorWl1I b uys, 90f.tlIJ' tI oy oftltoall ova HARVE1'8BUIIG : Icollecs . l"nsfor" " IlIIUH', t IU \I' U \' , apoool l . n 10 , b ut d lu·' IIU t succe~1 d IlI llillll\in od by th· Utl\llJ!' Dr, 1311)) '11 vi c. m'dt,lvll I, \lIlU vf. t ll to [\1.8 II k IlIg I ~ of "n) of lit" aho'e I collceltons for 'A S'dcs ,u. g lund G 0108 Mrs • . I T, , McDon HI'II I.iun. ald, , until tlt o otliorev elling, ,,,hon r~tcr I~of IIJlV?' thcnhllvc I C? \IcclJOn Bloud IIlix llll'O, R for 7 Go?r~e·W. Sides, ;UIIU II l1hle Ilvucnt lUIiS .. t .11,e " n, " Erl wards, - ,. I'ospoll uod so prQlOpt ly iu hnudlll g All WWt C1' Blcom ~71{J Plants . - III I H. IIl1d ill l ~a Mill'll" C hullc I' - , I h ' 1"0 WII HIl ,nrge a IIJ Ill torost· Ii illl " Ed. Rllbert s, w of his beet' licks thut Or the whulo ool\eotion of 238 Dulb. & Wtlhnm Hawko , M UlIp,,\' .M~IH I:S O. --Th() l\ l ur· 1I11t1 Mr. ami J uh n Hu wkl"l, Mrs. Ct,nrml 1·()t:Jl',. ~j ing Mllrphy I1I cl'tlng ill tho M. E, 11saillha feWI\.9 " Cah in Oglcsb ec, vory co BOOII' ' I~ ' tl 101' . I glJd to Plllnt~ Heot bv Expru"" 011 receipt of *15, .!\loses Kelly, pity III 'c t lng uext "UIiJ ,IY a it,cr 1 lUIl1~1! III 11 I' 11 ~ Iwrong II tI~1 Uhul'l I hen'. IU5t 1111 d·.1)'. .< J UIllOlJ Ellis. , fi ery untllme d 10 wh,ch oltbor of our mOllllL hiS hooke, GAIIDIllN INO noon lit tho 11 o.mlllol I Il 'I U 0, wi 11 utili dlly 1 "e~l!. [loup lo.ut J d b Ilteed TI Ito FOil PIIOI'IT. PIIACTIOAI, FLOmCm,TUJlE, IL e7., IOl'pe, IIIte1ll' . - - Dr. J . M 'Vri g h t'~ nr. w 1I 0118e retrcat for the vicillity " D. Romine , oonddr cs ' d by Mr, l\lcllrVllllt, of !-(CIIC!: " 11 " 1.1 IWeli III olll'vJIli 1ge sov It! rapIdl y UPl'lf)Hcltill<1 cllm pll!tlOn. ' Mdls. Peter'8 COD~I)le of Canby' s ~r OAUD&I'!INO h'Ott l'LltA8UIl17 (vlluo '1,- l\t~'II, ElIel~ Uleave r, " J on ntha n Oglcs beel xion corres· "Oenoh) ..... mooadd ed. De.onptive C"t&· MISS Oarrle Mycr, A g'"''' ' ,,,",,,J.. ,,,, i, . "" '''"'': "U,," " J . Collett, 'flo" 1"- h" b"ildi",~ ""me•. but ho b.. I.",. I~. IlIlh tll:lS ul Lit e 1- tit NDER SON " W Anthon y GHlem , A. CO , Mril, _ fiodRobert 6'ftntMoulltj honse' eIe o~, i . Irn llunlla 0 w~2::~--'::~~~-;:----::-:-:-:-:--:--:::----~I~II~I;S~~!f.:u;~ciilil~.llillO!.~~~woliid -d~,'g orwm or a mID' ' BE Mary ontl Snrah OIul'k, 1\ M. lluf!lcv . it is thc p retti cst an d i)otlt, islerillg II' woll ,deserv ed reproof to ........".. 1\Irs. E,I! 11l1l'uett, g Jlltlly \I (,Ilcullt\) tllell" l"ctUI' IJ, " II Lllll el VI elch, . DloJclu d ll\JlldU in R eJ 1 III 11 , a Duisu.uc o, HA'f.. [6Jl7) ~ CortlR lltlt St., N, Y. COflle!IIlS Morford,. Mrs. Noah Haines .,
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tlnvo w.C)n SIlQh .1 golden ouilli " Ta"• O,'p't,' Stur 180110 "1 tile 1" t r A V ~nl ong uti cllU!8C8 ' It prevents • II. as c.eapcs t. • I I • . ' • lUI wo t pUp l'11I 111 t IC n OX I OU8 dl"Ca OnS 118 ","0 1111 '1' h e WC\;,I I j U II ~ .... S re me d les Wh llIu cuuntry tJl l' I'I , und d l ~IlI tcCt.J clotiling nlld 11\' 11 wili c h CUtIta ullly II li e Ullilti l I ~t ~.!:,.l~1 ~ ~ ti llen lnlprer'tl.t J ' t l d e . l I ... 1 l: VI I 18 ISO. yca l .I B IiS uIJ.;ua Illl yu l t l ' t w, 11" ,11' ,II, f ll • ;; Woe. DUlitirllillso tll CIYCllldl lJlltod by ~ llllurc ity lY ~e kl looj ILIIJ IlIlI c hlr •• t It , lI ltd I ta u~o I. UIII J. llt IlCCO (1l1t, t OI than 1lI0tltv i til""I. Itl811111d c tl I ) J d b ft ~ grou y til 10 (e~J( c r lltc y per· up of interes ting rOlLdlllg fUI nil wh dC ha ir IS tllllllJlllg Ollt III COli· Clal8 es I1nd 111 1111 ~CCt10 1I8 01 th o ~.4-..-- ....... , . . . . . . . ""'..... SIJI1UCII COc/ t J rylles~ o f thl' ~ca I p co untry No xt tOY OIll Cll lllltYI Ill ' TI I I UtI d 11:' El/[' 1'1 ( )\V r II,ij 'WIO lll VU tl bC UIIl LD CIlS UIl I'CrY Oll Cl\ lIl1 u t J I) b ,ttc i thu il i u 1' , , ) { , lir)lllJ d wllia OIl Llllllailorth ecllrcuf s ubSCribe for It 'i'/" ' ,XX"I fll 11" I/I /I<l 1 1111 11 1/1/ , Ollll /tlltll III' [\ 11 vbstlnato elillr.LCtlJr - - • -- - . - -· I . I ' ~E E ' 11 \:i! 1'(; I Lfu llv 1t1ltllll'1II11,r thl1 hl' l .. lt l ~ 111 I " I fi1111.11 tloy try It, tltllt G IIIIS lJ...J vCr SllI CO VOB III CI1I1I IPIIS futl"""lfnlllo ...I,l l tU' \\ 111, ,, '1,,, ,,,1 i::ll1ll'hur 'nuJl remvves scurbutlc uXjJc llenco III th e gill J Olt "I Ed ell . ..t PI'I) o)f lh" be,1 (JolJlplalllltl llrl' lIIoJillltlo lry I 8 c f Bllbaes hllv e b ue n Ih t! IIIs tlt ul l lJ ll p'/"'ll , lICII~IO Ii S m eUIlS, altJ pro \ Vil Is tho P .ttod b. lIIell. hIv e d b.y "'''IllCII, /Juc!. " '/IIIIf .
FJ.- nun 8t_ F'?"'D "" "" Qu e
LAWSON'S CU RATI"E I fll l,1 ttl"" c 11,," "n,1 l,cnohe .. 1 In elt'"'~ "II V .It .. , or tI .. IUII;.tS
(.,KC - ul .-cr' pl l"n, fn th u l!lt~e 1 1cBt lind Ch IliI" 111111",,11 l.dr""IIo I'" ltlt al lU III th."'hol u AlII ICCUIII " ' e. e. 1111 "~"' I Tit, IIHl""l (II ~lnl \\llr ks t 11 ft. ~h(J11 h i u I II 8Ul s, "I,c," 1 It e I II " ' " 1'1\\ h , I al'"o' l e' "" I , I. ''''''crll One '~I'" 1 " . UI " • I I I' 11 ,.1, ,.. u. r ':" ""~ " '. ' \ nUI"~IoI '" art I" III~ Iller U) sulo<lr l".r· III I II ti l" II Wlo' cll l/:Il mnkeHlollclll,1 , ,,'' '''" dIu' all l!ll lID, I~ IIJ I" ,ollc" m 1 QU ".oJ 1I0t I, n~" \\
I ICl I1\ Ia,m l. {J \
, . ".I1,.,.,h"r. II oJ" "," I ,ttl. Ir, 011" " h . II rO, s, ",I", , ollr . ud re thlllS: IH tr) t h
thp nt
" fU lfilL
Hein a
1,,1) " ('II ril l tlt'IJI")f' ~t.,
1"".,,,, , 1\1 11 IIIEfIl" '." ' OI." . ttllle. '" • "" onoodonh' los.y lbotlt lsoompound od,,,I" . ll b "'"luf,h •• •• eIOl I.' rtl dnl! Uhbloo,1 f'e clutlt tlnrlr.U1m/~r"r/lll tlt \ ul,· nUl o· lb o ooc"'"1,6c.killn ndonro •• hcrolufor • • ro"uol "~ l hc 11.' r,,"1 klll",v. 10 helllt h, h h nlmh·Ro. It pltSILlIl1! CIlIt"I ltll ADd mnhlln lnl t bo lh::lc nod r OIJUtAtio D " hi " tl l lIl)lI II \ ,!() r lt I III; Iliu IIc r \On8 Gnd s llUlo t- locn l U P~I-l \ ~Y.~ 01 ' T il V. FS KIN' A A If h lr Il h •• acquired Ly lho ,. ondorfu l Cure' It h,. ,01" ,II" ,tll l'Oll J porformod ~ o Ihooo who h",o n. 'er I."c,1 HOM E T EST I M 0 NY. lIIug lC It t h oroll:r hh hl(" l l'hn~ hn ro l llclo IhoCUltArT \Twollr""A ' rl do fl .. , lrlue. I'"S \\A Y" Dca, " -II,<1I1 I" ue .' forl lt od .. o•••• nal1l.db. luw. Iii" III 1011 .1111 '" lrerl". hll tntl llt' t.o SIVI nnd "~IIIIAI"",N1'1 Y It KAl l l1lt' < rUIl lLb . ... uoJ lb oleotof r. ure, I"'.edo n ll." Iheollo "'''A IO . , I" "I'' ' '''I <Cl lIl/: l lte\\OIl C0111'1Y.XI O" \V1~1t» CUIl'P II LI ti n. Irtnolcmurl~•• and noBrly ovory comUlunlty ,\c, III e" , ,, ,, . I"'W' of lOll' C""' I' 0ll lloi knO\\fl to nn\ nll lC lt· III I 11I .. "wtl I""''''''. 8ulUOIhlng ., ido nco or It. palo do. s, ,,, •• 01 W,I,I 0 1" rr. "Io d ''' '.1"" ,1111 athl 01 t\tnl I'UI tJOs e 1I 1 ~ h' )OI C Wtl " lt fitru,YIn : o.ndoutllt lvo ).NI)OrU cs. l ur ld1" I \\M, .. "m ' l h.ll "lilt It \ lol' hl "II p"tt,u l." ,I" . e cOll~ 1t p"III. '" 110 ••,11 • • ".1 b N •• t IIIl(hl I ti s o mphflll cn ll y thnlC l\1 cc!vfo l Po le.:"n, II "d "I" n.1< 0 E>rl ille ut ~ ,o rc IIt",n l 111\ Io" wel. II c r. cI'IIIV e eCA I D,; nnd I IU II N ~ . In. IlI t h ' rcmov ~ulI l I'rOfil"I, I. "ork apl"UI ItClrI , ~ lIne. IIIllI ttl, .W m. It so m g n il RO r E' lItl RS "lIlholll P till, find il L ~IICO It oosl, no uso Ih. CUrRUve lua.lrln Ihelr pr llCUco. anJ 'c r y wcn k Ihat IU' ph.",e,"" '""" "I II I" •• I ' e fTnc lllI g II CUI O III eHl' Y I fI~ tonce 10 a No ·mc \~ho H pro mJOont. cicrV'tD Ob DDdc4hors ro~omtJle Ddl t k llow"hl\t \'" rio lor 101 rt~ \e r, UlIng J .... or p., Adol,e, ,·11 .. Crow l\k oo .... lcdwcoC itseCl'oell. Ihd ... . paco " <c,1 III 110, . hll i'C tll 101I1.e,". w,.. rel' ul. d A s n p re_ 'nl l< e IIn li l u rn e1l v fOI .. rt ltllld . \IAOlle wooould" rc.rllfical"a frOUlpur. <fit d,Cfc,, "l l ltlh'. II 1" 111 011,10 ,01 I rll GOUT find RIIEI:M AT I M, lI s ·(f CC ~8 I til tI liett ,nil "nown tn Ihls Celn ID"nIIY. bat w. »llliled fllr II OI,lh. III 1111 " ,,,,l uI .0Ild,I,01l . IHe renlly won de l rul
and Skillfnl Physicians ." ,,,
rl ClllrellCO of BII Ch ti lijV I OVI S tli el rbubyitt'owu lIlJ bO I\Ullb~ ol lltc· (.'1"11 J/ "It/, " lt g's f"I, 'o .. ,ke 81,Id lry drll~ g l ~ t H , grt'Cl'IS nnd Iy 1IlIl'l'Y oXIHtellc bu t fll l tlll .se u \ {,,,IJll/fed 1 1m" , PUUI, lu" luu mol . fan c .y r'''uJ ~ dCll lc r H Price ~5 cta IJ e licc o f m o rtullty exhibited III P otafn' lI, "" o I . o t c :tS I\ t,ltme II J\ O ~~ bogto r c rerlOOUrPAtDpblct. Viblobis lobohild Ilull,::n 'Cllpn lJ h lt p'~ ll ' I l crr c H\ ur l l l g p c r cn kll I hox( 'l eukus ) 75 eta, Cviac,Flatulollcy,otc , -ullh uJ1plly A n IJ'~ /il /!/,t "l~""I/ ~ 11'~!:l t~: lbl~ \.,~I~~I UII~'fO"" o fDrD~~tllI . or",Jl bo .on tLym .llonOPI,h. AIII" • • lme,o'""C'.""nend. <\ Ih . "8" of Itt~rt R ill" pi "'TlI "J "Ia l/. l!Cl1t b y 1111111, I'IC\,1I1J , UII r~ccl p t llt' , clJo \ ed ut once, It ow \ or by th e IIl l1rll ho.o ll .nl Ih, 1"" """IU,,,,1I1 ' "' 11 r . x III 0111 I'" rl of ch, •• llon :J11h.oo rtlfica",a.r• • nllrO,yvolun. ,,,u r s.ruJI III,d 1'111- III" clt ""nlld llli.ely rliS e(/ /tPH t/",{ III " /(11I 111111111/{/lc, l ' • ll l ltlotU II,l'ro ll' l, 7I)rulll~t{lsootDr UUil"u Bllh)' \1 l"> \ lIl"l rc h,,,,,., I. I'\o""IIIII'UI •• It .. ,nlv C' Itl ry " h ,,· Inlhn.! III tan- • • • • manMefro mporooD.oC.lAnd,n" be~~"''', 'uotlle ,,,mh,rt nll, l nll,, lhetio I)y "'1'111'1'(11'" "n11 ' rr 1 tl I ' I ,rl ce. .~ J J • v' ~ " rk . , udl" nlll, ''" 110 , and rupeot.obiltty. Andwbom l ybb communi· hllc' "I the (OllKh, . lretll!l hellNI And 1".led ,,, ". v • I , t U'll/ fl O o t l! Av 1I1H'. 'c w\'IIlk II\>. 'uldcverJlrh I~ ~fl ce ltt~ . ,,,,Io .. n IOXlrld ll,r~ m, ull lo .. , ".fll'" It GG por " ok ,o,,,n, c.tcu '"' lIb by I.t.l.erorln penoll. m,IIIIlI;" IIIBhllM II hKM m, de. perfecl P I,XII /I, H fLl III/ ~ n (h. ell· Udl '. II ll1r nnd \\' 111 1\(' 1 U,· .-- -... II ",,,,v lllo Muroh II I '7 I v _.. I f curcU I me " ",II nm llow.I,lc l"f·n,• .,emv SI·U>\INS. BIIUI9~S and CUT8 nre J' A tI ( ienernl T c la crllJ ' lI hl~ IC IIO ~,I 17. 0 \\ II I O~ II . OU II<'" no! le "~lIy rll '" Rh tl 4" aI-d I I 1. d ·L h ~ Iilck UI H I I)WIt, 511e. hUOll 01 or III~hl You CII II gl' e ,1I" r II IIolc , euma 1m aD ,.. eur ...a. .. v lI.,vr Am I" "'.. " o"lIting .,,8 .rul cured with unfaIling certsinLY \IUS ICIl VI II" li'r tlr· \\ :LI ~ , IlI tI ~ I\ ~ct S ' Ime 10 Ih o work, 0' unl> mur 8\,"'0 III,,· I1fM lb. fnllowlnc ""lImonW, {rolD ••11. of th, ,lo" I tlClnell1 WIll pi .~c call on [, IJ aniI I ujf, and pi c, b tnl nl ' Wo h,, ' IgI nl . who "" r~ .k lll!; kuow n clU.oDa or Or ndd ,o • mo at th o fnelll rv I 7'cmtll'ell \ A E\\ I· ..... ER'S F UNO'rlON - In 11 Ii 'IIrt r c tnluk c J t u 111 111. III I ~lliti. 1 0 1 er~2010rd av ,I \lwbo e tl ~II;r' 01 otll e L'''IIO~cn&lIln.~Lc·;&,LUD.O.JIllt8.1m. ~t1WAHII H HA~I"'ON, vlmtll th.~ lutil' ji'mn f "/li.n(f •• , .... boon laid up with RhOllma· F:n~i1n~(!t er I,ell wcell\ " rU llOr{.. 'JI t'I1'nlll (J pl'en/l, tu 1'0l !I (Ira.I'! . I't>cCIlt sl'ccch u t UII I1tlul II< Y III II "' TI luug I I I IItJ 111 II U I 0 I IU IJ tl I~ 0 , CII II UtI, k. mo"e y "I tl.. ~f" eg. lit I" ,,, I O"T!i I have mOlle ' cnun t. he nl1 o POtRMlh Blld rapld l) I t lBm t h roe l onll m antba 10 1 tOU ldnotW&lk hlgc \fund 11,low W IL li "" I'ub" j;I 1,,,,,1 •lilt. tllo l u ll v wllt).( IlI lIg lluge yot •IS t IIy IIUIII II I '~ II 1 I I 1 • I bD ve l,i.d"lIwodlc lu •• andltnlmoot.a .. hloh t Ove r '11 ,"",.111, " "" "" d Ulld llr Ham. H comp l,·te ly DI PlNFI'CT9 CLOT,. · --[l~ A I I It IN-HI li n) 01 I r us sL 10.-1 1I0llltlg 1.11 , r oulcl b""r of. but no eur. until I uaed LAW· ., II s,,11 ro","ln. ~ I", trll mn" IU , Il iA d.vtNG, (10m the SIC k room 0 1 p e rson. (ICe lll • Th" I ' h ns gru\~ II up II iu rt I lr\ ( h ~ ~ IUSI1I'''A I lI 0 )8" I,,1 $ 1\ lutR t rna SO~ '8 OUIL>\TIV E, whloh 1 o&.ureOOlDmtod ~ellLO IIII)(H 10.1876 I vi co mnlClll law of 'lbiJ!(lltIIllI, rec "Oil to Lt eltl, Ill " a nl, n\ 11'1" ,1\1 11 \d.I ~." •• , onc,. ll IIA I.L~ rT I.: ell . PO,L. 1 lot&IfOrOn from\hltb'iDmaUlm. for I\ou, d mo ..ree.. 0 •• u.nar.-6 H........ :i o.n...... t 18t lis s Iracome Imllrcgn ted with 1.lId )1 .1 11 0 617 ~'!.:: Ila7..o It COQltlr.lUlltitolll,bllllIf l OU. drug.I.1 or 8HIn-k btu! no\ dl Se!l9" "~IIIZCJ lUutull lly Ity th e I' I CS~ al1t1 s kIVltdl:" '1111 11 1:1 tlt e 11l1l1' ( 1\ I havo ""IL-D tbo aboyo for \he beull\ 01 ~Ol ,I "e II III IIell" r h ,If ,10'011 III nl" ud thc Veoplo. h y wh ic h l ite p eopl e tltut IIlllkcs Ilt c HII ~ lUll III III) .u , ' tbol. Ib,&t .DII'~! ,.l lh lbal dlo..... d • I I I F 1 d .., Hil MI 1 'S8'l. 8. M. RU_IVE.2140 Onwlo Olt ... " . )lr . e "" g,t p.' t' ~I'('c L lllli t tla pn.• . 1\ cil trl bn s low III Cru88111g th e D ll llllbc. _ _ ' r. pn r" d I) nl) I" \8 n SI'I'fl{fit III thO BO OUlfOXIOUS Dts t u r of u su lulllll elll~lIl(e, sltull ll1 _ ••• J H . 4.DA I J:t M D, [from Ocorre Seri':.'::.'r,tbo PODllw 1I .. lr :1:10 :o~:~l.~~ ;:.~ ~h:'?~;'p"I... I!ASI!~. wLllcli hn\ e he e n trellted hero l UI 111 them , II well \\ Iw t I to he .. ow It I" Do ...'. T he fil"Jllt u bJ ccL in IIf(' "nh til t\ Hl i r lr It n t •• OLr.V&L4'D 0 November 2 1874 ~ OL" U ~ A ' I P'IO~,"' T 110 I"", ,..,., tofore wilh '8!llphur Olntment~' hav lIv tJ ldcd R8 well Ill\ \\hu t IS tv b o )Jt!01.lul. t.u JlI·t ", h ' 11 11 '''011(1. I" ,,, to e~(i':'$· tO rrIt VQ'f)e~afill LAl":'!lJo~CJllaJtou .. CoXI·." S T •• I n ~vl!"'''''' ,jj \oJ ~ )'oro •• r a yo.r l". o afreat '~.r.r from ' __ , Ing t Ie u vn ll t aJ! e of helllg CL~:AN. u lljl; ht. liB w o ll "h() II! t il bl) 8U", r ' lIIltn !1'1OI1 health I h, IIT.L ,,\I, \0" ,,\>Gmon lind reBl dclIr. at pr HKrlley'. old NLU"~W I' In ml' bead. n od .llIIo. l ••• r,. hOf ~ " N ~ n Il nnd l:J NINJU I!IO U~ to P ctod as \\ h o IS tu he confidcd III talu ..d b, ell,r)p l,p",_ly HUt! . ," III ". II ,u tJlr.) rem.dy Ihal J co uld be. r of• • U lold by IIby· L1 CI I I t I W AY"~ Rf!\'JI 1 Il j Olol.n. than oucbt 10 try" thanle ofcllmulO OL I ng " lid (1l1>lld he" lth \ I" Urllll; UII~ Hi 'S , 1• . ," I ' III' M D A ""I,. rcoom mcDdod Lo..lon·1 Cur.It.. I If , . II ICC Ittl",,,. ,k e Allci 1111 0111 I'llpc r. ali lIj$arll e r r alld A uo ~r 1'1 OWRIL bt." .. ld '"" \Jo • dc· J!lIE~ \" ", .. , , Notured a b olU •• nd aID 1110.. 0<110 la,tha\ 3 WA'N~ " I., r"ou M"" I."rtlla tiLLS t! IH ll'lbutor II I 110\\ 8. IR n pub ltc .pondell ~u tfArer from lIm ul ,b. dl'r.c,. .·1 _. t bo l nwulIOpH-i n 1fu romo vOd alm.,.t Inll.:aDc,.. J I \ h U hR\C II S ic k t-t.o.d'chc, t .. ku fi t1 A1 a, L.. er Oon'I>I"'"t'1 I n~'.Rll!' ti,·ul ~ "'D~.o.;OP'TI"() I), li a, .nl.d {o ur bottles. IcoDJltlcrtho S II A\~E'''l " r'''III S ''r'''I .."lIta PIIL8 m Olllto r . f\uJ It 18 Its duty to :u.l. l'toa DY"I' , I Ucn lI,...-ClUII " ,.-.rvrUJtume. I\trlt,nlivn u -ltD <I•• oDUrell, oured .;;::.l II D! \l nl Vllrylrul:r10UrI, I, \O ll r IUI I~p C 14 COR u. d l uku III U II I h tho PCI't! .Iglullst t'rjtuds .m, H eart, Sour "'",",lh. H "blllllil Cool" ... OlHue2,1"",,, oulh. r Htrrt ,' Bunk. 11;0 II. SCHOLEY. \l A, \1 ", [ ,,, , ud ...... ... ,," ,d ltlIILt' -'f h e heo plil,1U1 ros llits of SlIlplHlr und s lm lll s', IIl1d lU II'" tors nnd dis- .. _. DI&lIn_ of the U«ad. NI rVIIII. Pm.· I "-'-J Ii \('" \o" c" colt! . 1I,),e Bulli S tlr ~ Ion Iyp\l known lo Icql ll re D)@prpslo, h ull ' tl O~ 1t i8 to h a bellC U a s fer ~Tlttlon. Low pirlt.•• & o . )OU n ~~d ''''t",~ ' inn'" Jil l. Wn,aenlll .. , «Ihlo. ~t ca, W;\ \.:\ l' " 1 ftr tllld "'''r~''fl""ltll ilL . . .... nther day Tw.) d,,",,,, of Auou., OIH co I,,,11.-. 71-2 10 I) 1 .)~ A}!. I 1.<, "G I ,>~ ., T oo... '1'111' p(fccl of GLENN'S .,CUr:I )J;1II, ...... Cb e, I .. pre' .IoI nlld ellre Ch Ili. Ullil I 0'.'. I,, ~ e 00111 111 I'li t well 118 II gmdo ' lind wh e llover u FI,OWlm ""It rohuve JIIII nl Oll~ 8IlI lllc , l'll ,7to I'U \ P ICIU!SY, Sore Throat, S I\ t\ '\E~ 1., 11",1 ' ''''' pn rllltll'L ' ' SULPHUR SOAP In lite httlh arc publiC II IV Hpllpcr, tb~oll gh Its dl ' botU M 10 OOllto. R~~u!""""", .0 nen'" I . • - ~ II J Ints, Db tli It 'OUt 1l0~ tl l < tiro '0 III 11t h trul y olCf'tlitu l cOlnpi!'II'" Il corlOIlvel<!lli ctl lIppllllllOO:! 10 1' Iho coll cc P....ttl...l,. IIQld loy ,,\I h ... l ol,,,, Dmgl(!'l" Dl~ wocn 0 eUDla m, "\\ j\Y\I.' ",l ,IfIl IlU S.""i'"rtll " "U, zlUg o(Jt'u-lve nCCIIIIIII'"l lo n s II II rl - -AN[)-• • In tho U nltOO 51. t eA 612 U ~ntln che, CbJ1blaJ.ns, I 'Cf1Ihllot 01 Il full hlilu t , whu fl r o tmhJ I t II ;r. l I intl alll i dl s tributlOli 01 Ilit o llU ntl o ll , ' ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.........,._ UjJi ue and R l'tull/ (t', Ti, ?,'" Sl ., I I.'\IU CDIlCk, Sprains, III lIu ntl,ub • 1."ltJlue.. Drll ,. , III.' • • "nd t I OIOIl~ I Y pur'.; Y"'!l t lrcnl/) e:lftrf(/r~ di sco vers Iln y whoru III j1ubltc lall' - - -. • .-I , i \\1 AYNESV ILl E CrnnJll, BurDS, "tII"tn~ III tho E", "" '111~ Irolll 10, gr, ,t" oj tIlt body In I/HlL It IH Lit e ill1lg of .1 li on "f 1,10 d ~J Ih, h.II.] .holll J no'cr I" SOOI.1 fOI Bttlllln g anti I'ollc tl>UIIIU. nlhl jJllollC I1VvClltIOIl, "h othor It lre IC e i l i n g S • I ___ ~_._ __., _ • _'_ ,_ Dil)blbl'rla- ,. • cal"s, • ~_ ..... _ 1\ tl h oul lh o lll tl,1l fIIltl \! ,lul goroll J'l 15\ m plOlU 8 sea II Inwyer, or n c lelg) m.III ,Ct I ~ j1h) s o...J ~ HOBE RT F. F RN AS, All ),.1<\ 10 tho m'Slo rnhenc. oClboCu,o llye. "" I I,e I II riled 011 1, \ lhe" II," 10 11\11. II 1111111 wh o, Ili s t t'ud t, t dCClI· DO mhtlc r ()f how 100 1 "t!lDdinll' 1l La onl,. Liver Complalut - 1 11l\~ rl re III .1u'H .\flt.' :IILSO Dlroctlons - F o r Ih u o '6. of lite 1I 0 M ~Ot' Al' HIO lJ ec~!1ft·) t o tut! it.fA(tbrutl),Bndl'(!no\ cr lngl,. frnnt "Idclt K'I HIUIH I ur "u tl .. flUlhl, I", Ir a: I lIlg t h o j1l1bh c w e lfll r o b) hOllora ATTACBME:';T ~J W' "if.l III UU aco. rJ ln g to l b. full d,roc(\on, which 'CCOID' 'I"cllth till M UOO 01 Hoadache. Dyspep S/..;111 hathe II enl I' nntl "l'pl y a Llll c k b lu llIuth l)l l UIIJ practlccs , s lIlIply N. V 01 IV"r ,·s H .. her lll)tlon ,~ C" l' ..t 11 I , rl l I "" ~ " ; I'm) C".1t bOlllo nnd , ou will ourel), bo f O' ola and IndlgeBtlon I· "I"o u,h "I ,., cd tuth fOr Iocrolc letlrlng 1I11u","1l' IL tn m:r ", t udIOC nl1dur tlu' n",mo " "11 firm of p ru wl s ub nt 111 the lrllek yurd ul ~ 0.~ =~ ~ Ofhce houTs{rom 21 ~IO l .. \Ll hnun ftt)!I pcrlil ulI ollthclI 'cr1I"llu lru .:'u r('nlblO OH'r ni g ht H I lherlllgloll , ' u Ilcfn rc \'t m Mlln{I' e r S cnllhi and 111 8 pro fc S:! IUI1. IIlId II S'~ t h c mellllS .. l' M ~- I e \ Or . . p r v c. n t tjJ 1, \ I h l! IIi' J!l f Bloud InglOn J I' of \\ '" nc Tb" u. hlp 1\ IIr I IIf npp" th e luth e l 10 ee l y lo tho " 2 d S I'L H &;. pUnl)IH"t 1 111 .. It ,o fhc\ C II I\ .. IJ I hl llUA', thl ten Otl unh 1 OhIo lind In ~ tr Un ll·lIt.ulttll':! \\ Ii lc it hOllor ANII Ollitc un r. n'wlof t1I'rl . R."k, 1>1.,lou lhe ""1"" 111 . < f'lolII ~ Idc h II" I IItI ' . " n eo t l' ll POlt... nllo! th o tllO 011 (1 POIII On 'h e 141h dl\v uf AIIg ... t A n IIf17 '''~vNar!f\''Jl.LB, 0010. J. U c.a ll .. ~ nutt ('rOOlI"'I t.o WollDda, ~or C1.JB t l\ ' liC K!! LhclC IrJ lI OLI lltw fOlJ cll ecll\C uhle tltlo gil , 8 h lln t u V:LIlt!CI t ILia laid .J IIsllcc l.sIIed.II orde r 01 . tltt oh tnlll l will he I c m o ' c o Illltnl',IINtch' ..... Fol' 1If/'1 110I'0Il, U ........n flcalda. n ttl' :-iun\lI(JiI. IlI rli n d S I I'R Ijlll r Ulll pills25 to WII lust 01' /1\ 11rICI, 01 !li ly oth 111 the !lho\ ~ action f, r t l!" ~ UlO or II; • 00 I Tr,.ltand,ouwtllnonrbcwitbou&it. le nL "'l\ lm ~ 'lIOl\lS lor $1. f'tJlltlt , m R11 Gout. RI,fIWWI1R1II. Sprrtll18, Brut.Se. I' ' I vl lo IJIISSIOII • • IIlld Ihllt JlI1IJCI tnll s ClW'e oon'"l11t d IInl,1 "el'temb," ~9 I i7 _ _ ~__ I IS' C AI D., Price per Bottle. 0\1101 " .. I.III"M 'UIU otd". tl, IlI1 S" AlN". !Inri OlliS npply c loth s IV c ll sn t tll . t e d N \ CLEA \,1':n to BenJ (l il t BOIII O IIJIII Olll l u lY \'OIee, rnEI'ARED BY LAWSON CIJKMICAL co AI S ,. IJII NI," h s l"l, L. PIII I"d. ll,blll wl~h a e Li on ~ RuluLion - For Old (11\ 0 mc II ."tlllnl] ,"l"r, ' 011<,. 11 f'u r ,,",II In U ll1j.!Ahl ol SflTe8 lind Ulcers it 18 IIIV Il IIll1hl c _ IIm l 8u nnJ u l n Slgll lll u l \\urtlillg, \ \'nrcnunn In"l LUlllhur-Y;lrd . cnrllor 01 OHl ee III N uuont! Bank Building. nnilron~ Use fr ee ly " ~ u lotl(ln - l<~O I a pre :0;01Ih IIlIl t \YOlOr Slr<. (.<. II IS reC l clilit to ('V!' IY prlllCllple of O:I\colllld Laboratory IDG St. CWr-st., WA y '-" F:....,·VLLLE, OlfIO: ventlv o ID Ob 'IOXIOIt~ ])'8eoses IIS0 B WAYNESVILLE. OJl[O duty IIl1d re " p Ohbl lr tll l y, lin.! hould CLEVELAND, OHIO. slroug s ilcis Il8 II "oRh, externally he ~t lglllllllzc d hy th e publiC It pre mT F;o ld by . 11 Dru~"lsl.t. JA C OB & DEIGllWAY, IS J!cllcrllih III Ct eth :d UY-JL--.IIWls t ure, li ke Ilnd hy inJ cc ll o n It never f(Jtl~ - - -t e lld H to I opr08~lIt Ilud to dOI\ O. I'Cl rrp lllllllln th Sl.fGl-sm g ILclllllj.C as LbouJ,th u p10 WUIlU <I weru crft~ lIn g lit R.lld nbout. the ATTORNEV LAT LAW 4. MAN WII O VAlUES AIl\UlTIB' 8lJOC"8SURS r o AND P(JBLIC.' J I FP., O " O WTII, BKAUT1 FU le 'filE IIAIU rct.: tUlII, I'nrtlculnrly nL IIlght. "belt undre ~ 8 I II~ , o r III LlIl llrlcr gl l.l lIl ~ "' arrn II nppfHlra K..:elll 1' •• r Dend . . . . . Alr .... fllth,. - A cUlll.ompurul'y }Jnlrla s hc8 I Llm ... NON 0 1110. III I!tU llltlll.:r I\~ ell II § 'KWICI uftl.' lIll1DclI EN I10 lttlEn HY T ilE
.E. F , DAKIN ' \..
S E ..r I G
.... a,i;h. '!
============ 1
'TbeWasblngton CityRoute.' ,-
' e & Oh10 BaItImor
thl' fullO\\llIg, to space With pleasure:
Among rawroud mCII the ndver· 11 8t' r III Clllci II II uti 19 W It S hnt tllo , u f tho Allllntlc & Great WOB lOIIl. It IS O\\wg ttl lil t! a klll alld 81)1\ 111 dlScl c tl o n that tho pUfJl~ll1r
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The Shol t r:.IIt , Qll i t!. f •• t,
Direct R OIl/'1 /0 W'\sDI~GTON!ND BUTUIORE
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Ri bm d L hb N fllk C on I ync urg, or a I
Ull~liI1D ~AI.
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Manu f:acturers
Ity uf that IUlld III till " section of TIlE SO '/1'/f tAST. th o eOlllltry hilS k o pt lip With Its rl' • , I v1l1 8. Mr. Shaltuc excels 1\8 11 rail· Phlladelphia, Bew·York, BOlton" , • • •. d r o ud man IU li18 pertect m e tuo • THE A I:) T H e hus do pend e d more UpOII the ANQ lI e ws pnpCli1 t hal1 "11on posters and --,., S t r l b Ut'on 1'r., ole,. d.~l rlllJ! a t11llpS nn d CBr d B. r IIe ul I ....... , CJ_~na"le T...... uf lIOWSPUPC;8 , h o urgllca, 18 the ' . hould ro memher Iltat the I roos oll why It should be adopted . BALTIMOHE AND OHIO R R. rOl1oliQa the persolls who . oll~ht t" • , 18 00 I4) I .ra Cu t Or II S I to bo renchcd, while tho dllltl'l II' 81_, Clone,"".. IiIple .... 1rl n •• e ... 0 . . . . tlOll 01 oarrls I1nd circnlll1s i8 at, ........... IiIIIft_ ...In., . . .... . /M..... rr, ... tended ,hth IIInch cost, and at best .r .. I.... rknl Inl~ __ ' ~:.I.!~~~=~~~tr..J::::'j "t . t It aI. . . , .. 1.1.... 18 IIl1 satlsollC or)' III I t! r('su 8 ___
.Ie_ ...
F are
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i'tCttltC I x"U'lnilllY
Tho 8ncccs s of Lakc C h,1Utulll}l1l1 1/Jill allOa l18 oe (f8 Low lS Inrgoly Ilttrlbutllblo to juJlclon s a8 I,y Ot/IIJI' L t llc! I IICW~PlljJCI IId\CltlSll1g wus ZJ now pluce, cOJltollJing tlglllnst theipULLkAN PALAOE CARS Tb I WI h (;h A 8.1:« I"LTW o lrl wcll kno\\11 SOllllUer ro,orts W Ithlll 1\ le w) cl1rs It hns growlI an rbO,UIl a I • 011'1 nlaKe , I 'Ill " Ween tIC r' ", 0'1''' to bo I~ lil l? hl y p OjJ lI III ICSOIt. 6 '''ESTEIlN. EA8TEI'N CITIES ALSO. )IANUij\CTrJ R~; 111(11111 18, III " t !tn, 0 Il bll Bme8S, or ___ I n Cllll1m ndlty, \\ 0 1 tit)' of the pub· Fin Through I lake ... Un sgllce Oheck ~ tt 'nlIOIl IIlIti th e u do lJot hul Mo.emontol 1 r.,n •• S I ""I'III~ 0 ,,, "eeom I IC 1\ C ' 11 kit DlOdatloll•• etc • apply lit the T,ckol Offices t o lot tho p n ) IC 1I0W U I ly l\ "I .. II prin el!,_1 rolnl . • 11Idl Clll llS C,) lII se 01 1I1lvortlslUg. B()RTB, 80UTH, EAST" WEST. F cwey Sc!nU SaV~lI(1" TW'lI1.n g 11 Ilt c artol UdVl'r t I8Ing. E Ii f'lOIlSEV, L M eCf,E and Cu ell /tll s.awlng (0111) elll _ _ _ . _. A•• ·";cn'l T Ag'l Oen'l 1 A ~ I (tt R l'lllJO lu"ole P1·icI8! 1RO'S P BARny. TlIO'SR SHAllr lWlIlNO I'ILF'&- d n v e l'y d IStl'ess· West PAdS Altcllt Muslef I'r 'II W A rNESV lLLE, OilIO.
lEIAICJI.1.-lD)1.! ~~lEl!,
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llitO"B 11 81 If arOlln dlh c pr l\ tl t c
2-ltrhldH n;o lillo hai r, cU U8111J! n l w g' IO\\ th 3 - It. wll1 ro" IOI til " D litUIAi 881 t'e tIO"~ 4- Jr \' ,I I remOf. "II d ll luirllrT Hml tlc hlu ga 5-h wil l ID ll ke hair "O rl gtos" . fl exl"lc
pnrl H ulll h
Il P M1il ~
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I H o llet! whi te whont a.t 7l.c. a lb. '1 r l'ropal d c o coa 20e a pac~ IIgo
i Ont
M e nl 10 cta n p o nnd 11llkel 's COtlOI1, 3 0 c U package. iOt!wogo C o rn StUlch, 15c 11 pnck. COYUOYBle ... fro8h r",UltLor.SKlmon Imd IFrnltlll e,"'., &tlow )lTlCO Insh , OormlUl. G ul']. Aeone, \Vhlw, ButFa to. Outllo. Oun· I tll r) . "nd l'm o T.r SOI1i'" Ii "ptlI1.ulty H e ""ntrn" •• to mak o th e )lC",Hno R'I" p"drumo LlIlltllullt ,\lId [Iurton', Cough 8 yr· nnt! koep' !> I"fgor IIn,t bol," r ll:l!RO rtnlCnt , 01 Family Orooe rlO. t1t~n aoy ntherho"He l iD WnyneslllIu G8tI I ~===-=.!:-=~_ = . -.===~':'"""~~=-
I.DNDUN ""Ill IIIKl!ITC)n~H. l - I t. \\ 111 r c~ tn ro ,.; rll Y h u lr t.!, orig illu l colol
1/- 11 wall prOAt r \c urlgloaJ I olur to olrl a,.;e AYNI!t8"II.Mf. 7-1 1 .. II I lite ItRIf from falllu.': orr 8-11 will O llr~ 1\11 1.:tUfOd of che ~ cll l l' W VAN NAltEE. In
Up-Town 'G oeery
SI"IN liT. . . . . . . . .
' H; . lor o.r d aL~:ft1 ~~I~v I :t~~bllnltdl'hl~ I'n "", ee Itu WIll Beo 1''' I.. from tlw n"t I" thc ~Olh uf ell oh mnn lh All eioul"" 01 Ohrutll 1)'80 18e8 .ucce8~(u1 trOBl.d MAll' ' uetlc Irall lmll,,1 g ive n PUIMI • • I" dlst."ce I. au "rtle sy mptoms ••"d remed,os SO lit I hy mOIl ['am phl. , oonl:l ng to~ ll m onllLl" of cures .enL Ir_ 0 nn1 addrC8A __ •, - ___
~V O TL1R IJ.'
J W KEYS y "1\\' BJ
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SUp 1 h ur Bath s,
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1t n8 tulc s lmlh tho lu"u rI Ul C(I nnd ( o l ar oC Ibu hAIr. ond .. AS hurm le.a 48 Wlllor_ PIO I1It\.lure IIlunchlng Or fl.,dlng of fho hHl r Ifl 10 1,0 grcK LI'- regrult<ld ~lId thut .'.ryhod, "AII(.fI1Q he bCAIIU tui ls pn,o f nouI'1t litllt II I" \\11 e olld rIg ht. to bo \'IC). hy overy pr o pr.f mOtt1U~1 but thero 1Mnut.hl lJg m or e lmfJQrtant to ll ltO cud thlln be,lut.ful h. " No ... to p n'vun t tho fUllin g uf the ulltural colorln @, m nt.tpr an It. or rc oxmtc th e r OQt.H ur the h n lr tn ~ r .. wth Il!.CD ID n othmg hfUl v e r 1.,. t n lnt ruclut ( I f! t.o t ll c Am orl oltll peuplu th at HJ II I1 I f4 th e I,U~DO/lo
P \rL ol , o.lIU 18
~x t{j n t! l ~cl ) among my nd. ~. wclIn. b) my •• 1f ~pl uk from ml: pc ru~mco
Il r e,lr:.n n n\ '! cltc n d fh ~tre ~rt IU '; ft.1 1111I8 t bC\ f)nlllbo po \\ o r ll 0 1 end u ":tncc 0"
prO\ln g
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me ."tlrely ,,1 11<:111"" 1'lIe8, " blell [ BuO er od \I IIh fOI III 0 yeu, . En oln« d find ti lh cenloe (or Illtv.b r IJO l ttlr 1\ frl o nd vf 1ll/IlO AI\ \lHEI\ J BrACH.
R"" 'K,
r oudnn lO. Vn SUS -Enolo'c d \lII ase 6u~
~jRU ll n,
dollnr for two 1)0 .1 18 of ,o1l r Oltltmoll t lU I I tching rul 08 1 hI jll,C l\f e lor "n me of 011 frlcncltt ~dlo I\I C 1\1111 le d WILli 1111 8 cits trcd 8 w g co ru p l tlilL !lIe tw x 'UII "fin' mo n YCftr
011 0
pl\lI o n~
Rlld "11.1 hre lliith I,t tllo 111 1111 I thereforo thu~ 1/ \011 thml, 111 'J l'or
You CAli pu hl.,, !,
FIA'I T (I. AH... -~wl d "A c'T nll\: tJU CM
PRICEI 26 CENTS per Cake. Oll e B oe
C,,/. ,'.• )
Sale Everywhele. by
guts. Grooers and Fancy Ooods Dealers
S ent U!I
ue~pt I
PI/'P ''' ''.
fi ll
}1' " ',' "11 ,1 S (<' lLt . l"t , alil l I {t,(' /' C. (1. 1
un,,"imou ~ l\l
re c:umJill mled tor Lhe HI (lI lJIurt' HO}foll!ll New 1\tolluluct.ory-on e or th o Illrgest. RDD 6111\8&
in U,,.) worM , 'ho (lrlU1ds con""IQ ~blh'l . hck·. now p"t.ent UUI.lex OvoulrulIg
SOId ll, tho grealcsi IIDpruvemcnt III the his . \or\r-o( p"ilio ml1l<l n;;. The UJlrtgb13 are tho IIINK" r IN A)u!nu' " J)on'~ fili i to \\ Ilk! tor ]IIIUtlmtcd nod \)cijcr iJltll C Oalalo';II U, m.lllod tro"
Mendelssohn PlaDo Co •
)OEOI L& AT 110 c o mmie
'1'0 11
Bonse -an-d L-o-t"~o-r-S-ale . - ~~~ttn~'t~lho~lp'~~~~~U.II~~!f~d~~~rOt~~~,lf~~-.
E ••rlu: ........... .e"~ DII V ~ t: &. ~C):'t: OOIlLlc w c n - Tho hn x of O tntn. ont l OU " en' IUY b\ m nll c nred
7;, c. " .... pcr boulo 6 boule. for t;4 PAl III '~ \(OSSNI C Kr F; P, np. lclol , SP ilt hJ o xprU8M. to n.ny addruH.'t, un ~ I u~I •• Iourg. Frt dorlek Co Md .Yo 7 ::' , vth . I Vf ll1lt', N em rilIA. RaUl} It I ' ,ou Rle Auflollllg " Ith thl 8 1l1l cml't of prICe A ,ldr~•• A\I order. to DR Sw, ~ '<It 8; nO)101; com lJ lrt hlt, Or 1t'Ue r , A.lly cru~ty 80N.II:1O North SiXth St, Phlllldelpitl •• r .... It!.: l1\Y, It.cb\ li km dlSI n~c ~o to your drnggll!lt Solo PrCl prlet.ortt anti 1:' t II Ioox "f"" '1'110'. 0\11 {lo"lIng Oinl'l lIIon\ It ",t1 811 re1o tU'. ,ou 51) elltto a HAIR AS R\olO" AS rill l~LA~11i 0.' >\ SOl n IIY ALI. ORUGOIB rs 100. J Io"'cs for $1 \!1'1. G hox e. ,2[,0 •• nl VOI.C"KO. or white 8S the tlead mOSR mall lIt ",1\ IIdUreS8.~ on receIpt ul prIce Ion 8 Florida hemlock (Jan he cltlln. THE BEST OFFfR. loy I'rop, red onh bJ fl" :-;" A\ N . & SOH. I3Il d lb' W " "til ocell t.lurfllg lhe~u hRrri IIml' !C North 'itX lh 8 t , Phllndelphm , ge to n 9 orl,OUS rotcn. or 11l8tro1lS' Mark by s &Ingle 8Pllllc~lton of
OIlrooIFncnw.,glvL.. to bnth .. xes alrko full el,\lI".ol>l uud ,clOnlitln uour""a , Cor oom· ElhllHtlOh, and were
ing compllunt Symptollls nra a mOlstlllo liko j1Clrs pJlllti o n , itchin~ 1. , illten sely' p.tI tlcllla!'ly I\t night, lit· oI~ 01= 'I he undor.lgn,-d olrllr, hord eslrnlolo hllll. o bolmi. wlUlblllg, " RO 01 book •• &0. $300 • \ ' I. ,I S 's Oint oI.... ..tordlradwtla: anlllot. on Nortll "tr01'I. lit l'~IYAI O !!tlt e yellr EXT'n' OHAnGES o r gettillg III uCU wllyn\:) ..." ........4 _ j Thohll" 8eeoutIl1ll " ."vII" oom•• klt@cn ll"d l • '" l~. I1IUllt I~ Il plCllSl\lIt and WI e clI~e j _aDla _ _ .d1':':~r:""_04 \OOllor. Knll "" tlto I.. t uro Stub l.. l\IId othor I l'or Onitl),'!!'tlil. !!,lI ll1g rull I'arU Dul~r8 lUI I\\so (Jill U8 l'e t te l', I1nd 1l1l ei ll pt l vo me or ~ n.tPl ODI _ ..baD lb. _ _ oonvcnlellt " ut·bUlldlllg!l. till in tlrot",lno;.'l to cou rAU Qf . tll ,I ),. & 0 •• dtl re •• d.,o ases Sold bYl1l1lcndlllgdrllIY. fo.~""'_""'" WrI.. rorl'rlolLlot. roilfur Wetl""d el. t.c.rnUll<lorroof Thl. EDWAn.D H MAGtLL. \lI , ~ WM. R. TIA8DALI:L 18 Il mo.t de.irable _ld~IICO Pnm dontr ,sIMs. !Wan thl! lid v t. "II "'..... e .,...... CINCINNA.rz. ¥R5. A.. D . OADW'ALT.ADER !!! ..arlhmore Oolt ege, D luw"ro 00 • r ...
L lUt
Patent and Common Weatber ' ,,\>. $600 Pianos for $2&0. . dO. A.. ~ .11 olh, r ' Iylt . III tbe ' .'1t 0 pnll'Olllon. I Board'mg, FIoorlDg IOcludtttg Orand S~ lIaro altd Uvlg1tl-alJ tllr\: c t to t.he 'SWARTHMORE COLJ..EGE' No ItHeul fi I I ' sloll'. no d,8Colln'g I'hesu plauoo made I mIlo" from l'lntlldolphlO, undor tho ono of Ibo tloesl dI 8J1 lay. u, Ih& Oentonolat
I -O-Y[ HOU5[--~~;;:;;~;.~ I
Beware of Imitations.
In tlm ,t ." 01
Ing InLl) ti le vaglllil
.'''IH (lUI.OK HMTUIIHH. 1 1\01 I!lud yo.. l!tm l"oml tu "'1 '1 It Dr D"lto " ul Phlitlrloll'hll' 811) . of It R~O UUllh.! n 10 1it ( t I.:ltrc I tlllilk Itft (Ul oncy Th e Lundon Hll ir C(lior Itoli loror 18 ufllcd shou ld he pul,h ", heu lhroll f:! ltul1l th o Ic n1!t.1I
\ c r)
)UIlI Ctll FIIArf. IlNI1Y
uOt CClll h llOti 10 lIIal cs u n I) b u t. It 1,1 1II111 e u! frequen l Lhllt r , m l, l. R nre :,0" I~ lImlC[J d,
No Ml lll\.o \pwu .
Sands & Janney. Hair & Whisker' Ii)~WlGGmSVS. No.3
WAYNESVILLE, O. l'rc86rll)t\OIl~ ooml'ol1odud ut ult hOllr. by !i7t all el<l~ulI~nuud Dru{fgodt.
SOLD B'Y .DR(JOOf. To , ~
(tJ'" 00 ,4)ea&8 per BoUle...
26I, 262, 263 Broad way_ --o80o \1'I1U. 1810 _ _
ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 <1 1 I SURPLUS, $820,000 1
,/t I
1Al'l'B OVII D
I r
ON J RllllE1o 'l'4'l'IOlf
.1 I , 1877
7 'f,
TJlJ ,j I-' U.N. NE~ YORK - --
Introduction of the Putato - Pllr montier who WM born to 1787 "IU\ tho IUtroduce r of tho potato II1to I rauee but after It "'118 In trod u eed ho had grc ( trouble IU overcoullng the pre}ud ICC!! that ensted agnlll ft t It. I ts cult \ ollon Wtl8 thought to Injure the Illud nnd II.~ uso a food to ge uerate d, soase e \ e n liS lale 118 J 14 no more citsrCf!pe ctfu lll lme could be oppited to lilly 0110 thuu lhaL of potato Ollter Th ucademy of Bet!RII con bnvIII g offered a prau lllr tl,ut escu lent which \\ou ld be mo t hkely to IUltl gate poverty the potato WIi! so le ted us beet cn lcuiltcd to overt Ihut e Vl l Thl gave Parmen tier fresh co urW«! ti ll he felt thllt UOthlDg sh ort of po ,tl\ C fa cl and uuqu tiollnhl e C IJe rleollC could rcmo \ c the prejudic e wlll cb ellist d I1gl1 n t It he therefore puhllshed nn IOoh sls f the l>Illa lO "lid to prO\c prnotlClllh Willa \thnt f I Iht) polnlocs could be e lll tlvated he Jlnntet1 fiftv fOllr aeres II tl them III the pi in of & bloll ju.qt out !Ude Pnras a plluo I I,ch hl1d 11 1\\ I)" becn cons la rro 8lertlc WhClr ti, e plllDta Ho\\ crcd he pre Ilted 11 boll Ilict of Ihe blooms to LOll1s X VI who \1 IS a greut 10\ cr of the potato nud who phlL'('d th e Howe rs III b.M ('on t c rell m tum'e which did more (sn SU) 8 M L I tI e London G m l. n) thnll nny thtn\! I&> 10 brang tbe potaLo lll to not L'C ~c , c rtl cl !lSl! ParOl n taer 0 111 plOYI'd oth r n en! 8 With a View of mlll..,ng I I popuJar one of wh ich \ Ill! Ii! follow o H I! IIlvltcd nil "ho we ro of lekoo\\ Icdg d learDlng or oLhenll1lll IIInuentl .1 10 11 dillner t'O n posed \lholl y of potltoee \\llI cI \\ e re served lip 11 1111 I<lnds of \\R) H a d h S lJer!!~nc rulice \1118 nl las t crowned \I th success to Parme ntie r t herefor!' IS du~ the credit l ot ollly of IIltrod u clng b ut of ma La g tl c potato popular III Fro. co where aCter corn I forms II e mo-t usc ful article ~ f food
r;"":---!Y!:Ot"c:t' -_ _ _ _ __ _ __ _
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of po I\ der d bur Ill: II Impart tbe dr!!Jred glo
For l\IAN Dud BEA ST. St Ul L 1"10
AI • .,.
Cl Dl'f:'
A wa,.. ha d, n .. nfller , .. f. 1I14 ~""" "" 1 0... Mr" '-, cd" T " wi 016 wor d appru't'e-. be glnrlo • 01 lluu"111 th e Deet and Obea,... ' L D1 mil D' In ulnence 2lcenl •• bottle 'l'belh . . ,
ADVERTISERS AI1) tOY le.I to . .t.e Tb~ AmfOrl"a n ~~WII"'_ Ulliou LIM or }lf ewll)ftJM';n-tbo 1(\1"f'tW comb ,.all" .,
flfJJH:f' • he U"U~d Sl4It»-an4 co mpare tt a p~ will otl nlr 1 ,hi l' " olfaptM u I btd ntlf."tf"tWttl
NOWSU8UOr Unin Liet of 108 6
Weekly Newspapers ItEMEMB ER
two . ,des on
Ithat all quc8tlOn s have 18 t he right Side the otber
OO MI niNES Ne" Yorll 1Ie. .paper IT.1oa. La.. t:1ll_ _ . . . . . . lI . . . . .,t.t ........... . " lfe"'''Pf !!r ".IOD LIM III. . . . .1 lJ...._...,. ll ......"'.. Oaf'I ••• " Ne .......,..l1a.o " • 1M ll.'•• L&aC..
tl c "rong Side (lne 18 tbo Hide of Justi ce th e oth er mjust lce If you take the Tig ht 8 do tie )ust B de ultimate ly men ho ' CHr mur h they may oppose you nnlll rc \ 11 0 J Oll ",III come t{) YOIl r ijUpport Earth With nil lie JIOWCI'Il Will work With yon lIod for yo u, and heaven I~ pledged to conduct you to com\>let e 811C Ctljl! If you take the other !Udc there ' s no powe r an ear t h or heavoll t hot can lend YOll throug h stlccel!llf ully becaUIlC It 18 1I1')1OIDwd In the oounsels of beaven thllt Ju stlCO I\IId truth alone can prevail
A \\ OM! N Il Imed \\ Oll,y b lll! JII ~ t be n aeutence d ~ dCltl at Oppeln (; cr mnny for po isoning t"o pcliKlns \\Itb dynllmlt e wblch 19 I. dcadly drug ID tbe stomach
UIN CINNATI Guttie When railroad eompanaes present -bIlls to the Unit41d StateH for transpor tabon of aoldien cnlled for by them to protect tholr propert y from the dangen brought about by tholr own bljd managem ent we may look for tho ti me wh ~n they will get up ~tnkCf! ID order to crent4l bU8meBH by transpor ting soldiers BALKA~91 III tel!!
Turkish means a moun covered with foreste
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hun yUr, ratt"8 .
, nlll arft now "bo t
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':Jfil.OO :: , .. :1::
0.10". Eall ... LIII of
10851fEWSPAPEIlS ONE WEEIroR $8750 A 0_ ....... 1... tI_eal wlU be In.orl.h.. . .ulo .b•• otlroUn. f .00000IIOWIJOIlI!" (or
JA.ME S R. OSGO OD & 00. $1.00 BOSTI)Jf. IIASS. $1.00
Or abo"
$2.270 ,
oa... .,.,. D....' .. r ....
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Ootltogu, Add"""
at AND
- - - -----.::.::.::------ ------VOLUME XVIII.---NUMBER 10 lilt
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"II~ • !II "
EDI~ mamma ~as sick and the -littlo one felt 118 ~he expretlllCd It} very mournful At night M he pt.t)od U
l louil l!Clll!O of he th<)ught how
Lllld please to maie my dellr mBDlmll wellllgam She mUMt hllve eaten !!Ornetblng that !lidn t dlge!!t Dan t lot her be siCk any more, for It'S no fUD to her, nor W me either II
Wahrln ...,lallf> to
I'lU>S!; ~r~rIOJf
I - TII1 1~
Introdu ction or tho PolAto~Par 11'66 born III 1737 'NnMth e lDlroduc er of the potnto Illto Fronc but afte r It was mtroduc ed he bad grenl troub! In overcom mg t he preJudice tllllt. elU ted agnmat It. II cultl\ nt on wws thought to IDJura t he land and I t-~ UBC WI food to genemtc dl!!CJl8C CHin M late W! I 14 no more dlHrcS llCctful nume could bo applied to ony ouc tbun that of potato cater TIl academy of HeMn con hav lDg ofl'ercd It prIze for that e u lent whIch l'i ould 1lC m Ollt lik ely to mltl gate povert) the pointo " 1l8 selected ns 1lC t calcuillt ed to avert tbat e Vil This gave Parment ier fresh courrute lIlI he felt that noUllng bort of po8l e" (\ fnets lind uoquesb onnble expetlcn ce ou ld relJ\o\e the prejudic e winch exl ted n t It he therefor e publishe d an a UII1- 8 of the potato and to prove ! Tncllcalh with "hilt fUClht) potatoc8 could be ul tlvllled h pltlnted fiftr-foll r II crc "Ith Ulem lD tho 1'111 n of Sa b lon lust ull t ~I de Pans, n pia n IVh e h had I I V" beell consider ed ~teTllc Wh en tfle [>Ian 18 flowered ho prosen ted II bouq lIet of the blooms to LOU IS XVI wb o W \l! II groot love r of tbe potlltO aud who placed tl e fl owers III hlK CQRt R rcnm taU(1l whICh dId mor (110 !jays M L I the London Gmt/en) t h III lOy thing cl:;c to brlOg the potlllO Illlo notice Ne'crt! eICSti Parment ier eDl~loyed othe r I (' 111 8 V1 th II VIew of makan g It populllr 0 1 e o f whloll WIUI lUI follow s H e III' ted all "ho were of Rei., owledge d len rnlllg o r tberwl!;o loflueDIll1 to 1\ dan n r CO lli pO d wholly of IlOtatoc8 \ Illch we re Herved up III 1111 k nus of wllys Rnd 111 8 persevCrI1l1ce W8 S at last crown ed wIth succo ~ to Parme n tie r therefor e ISUlle tho orea lt not only of IDtroduc lOg but of maklllg the potnto )lOpula r m F ra n~ c where after corn I L (orm ij II 0 most u sc ful nrhel of food
m ntler who
H _ ......
A. plneb of po"dc red borax
\ ~~I~~~~--------------------
starch " III Imp Irt the d eSired g loss lu
For lUAN -;;;-"e BEA 8 T
tbe shIrt Tomato TOIIst.- Prepnre the tnmatocM as for \!IIuce alld whI le they are eooklDg towst Bamll sh ces of brcad \ cry browlI hut not burned butter thelll both H IpM and pour the tomnto sa uce 0\ er
J lldian CorD Pancake~Ono p lit of IndIan melll ODO egg beaten b g ht one PlOt mIlk tI httlctlill t stIr well together
nod bakeo D tlhOtg fldlfOIl 11 smn I ckes b lltter lOci servo tI em lip hot Equul co r II HI E II g11KI j10' t1Tl>Jr ofko Indlill excellen t ho IHcl Olu I retld andeake l Beer Tomato PI('~Col d r Rst beef Cut ID tI II HI ceo r pc h II II< ",S I ccled find shced L U~ u deep d ~h" th II light IISC lllt cr u.t put lla yer o f beef thell I II} er uf 10 1ll110e" ..all bulter lIId pe pper to UIBtc nd I!Q 01 until tI e I "h 18 IIcurly fIlII lil t on th e top c r HI c utt lllg 11 gW!h ID I h, e I tc r R I ke I IVO h o n r~ In II ~ I o ll 0 \ e ll Chocolate CU8tarti -0110 IU I.t of I Ilk 0 1 C CUlllul II h t Bug .. r three cggs I 'Iullrter of n JX lind of cI ocul I.E' Bent the wlJltCl! of tll O eggsliO Ihllt }OU lall turn the duul o \ e r with o ul s p Ihllg lI. tho mllk IJcgllls to bo ll pllcc lh o lliltes 011 It fo r II mom, nt II e I reI ovc to I Iluttor nnd make the ('1I8ulrd fiR foil 0\\ 8 - Or8le the chocol.. tc alld _tIT It II to II It 1I111k on the fire 18 It t lll ckell M fidd t.ho 8ugnr tlnd II (> res t of the cg~s " ell b ~.!Ite n stir collstl1n tly 0 fe w IlUDUle. 1111 yo ur oups /lud on to p of e leh 1, luee ~1II0 ot the coo ked whll when entiroly cold
ADVERTISERS Ant IDY11 ed In ve'ltlpu. T~ An flrlca lIi:e .... J)apl!l' tJaluu L .t or Ktlwllrape l"l-tbf' l OJ"fl .." 0CHtab MIl. 41 poptr. in IA. U,. d 8tAI.-and comD." tho IIdDli wiU otl e rll' l il .. ,A.cAeaJ)tllo"d bt.1 Ad.."....,
_ .. 1.,"'_
Nowsuauor Unin THE AME RICA N
List of 108 6
Weekly Newspapers
\ Vnluabl e Soldier REMEMB ER ' thot all qucstlOns Junc two . ldes ono 18 tbe rlghtKld c the other tho wrong 81de onll 18 the sidc of JustICe the othe r II justICE If yo I take the flgi t sldo U e J 1St Elide ultImate ly men I ho\\ cvcr much they may oppose you and re \ de you will come to your support Earth \Hth all Ite poweJ'1! Will work \I Ith ) 011 and for you and heoven 18 pic Ip:ed to condllct you to complet e Klle ctlll' If YOIl take tbo other ~ldc the re 8 no power 111 earth or heaven thllt call lend YOll tb rough 8l1ooccssfu\Jy becaullC It IS RPJlOlD t~ d in the counl!els of beoven thn t J"stICe tlDd tru lit alone call prevail VI NOINlU.t l Gauttt When raIlroad rnpallle~ pNlelit bl118 to fhc UDlted Sllltes for trIIn8POI tation of !\Oldiei'll called for by them to protect thear property r rom tlle dangelr8 brough t about by (helf 011'11 Jllqk fnY the b~ manage ment we may look time when ~b ey will get lip gtrlke~ In order to create buslDe811 hy transpor ting ,!!Oldiei'll
OO Ml'nl ~E8
We.Tar k N'ew. . .per" ...... Lbt tJ .. ....,. .Ne.......r "111. . . . . .. "11......8 N'e. .pa...,.lIa loD
.t. •••• W"e....... lt'e. ",.108 Lb", "".('Ina. " lIf"....."". If_Ion La..
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fIoatller a l'fe.....per 1J.101I .......
Tho pi c", o( " hprt , I nil .tft ow l u t r ear I ,(tUM .lId am u f <,Un",.
ONll~~II :J~ESlrT'fnt:o~\A$~t~
New Yo k Ne w.paM' Un on Lil t tor , hi "go NUWI!D"~r Ua on Lilt 'or
W'/lri WILL
r.l1jf:u~N'e~;;,,':,"rUnfo~l<£, .~I;~/or
Cine nAtI Ne,npaper Union L At fnt Southorn NuwI P"PUr UDlun Llltror
Or I
Osgood's Hehotype Engravings.
11.",.11.'"".......... " l'rfee ea'.'Of/tI .
!l'Ae olMfee,' OlIo Dollar elJela. ....d
JAME S Be OSGO OD & (lO. $1.00 BOlTO N. JIIA88. $1.00 1'1-
Dvm' .a"-D lIO\i,"aL11C11t ou. ·v.... ••• Ia..
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1085 NEWSPAPERS ONE WEEI FOR .87 50 A One I.e. 1\ lvu lllMlment ~1Il be I IM!rt e<i o!Cr. 'CAS lu tbo cn lro lI.t vt 108ft no".papen Cor
$2,275 .
Or Ibl) II oa,oo pe. ",por .. , ••• ..-& t for Olt.lloguo
Add .....
_"'ll"..:.tits:.""an 1'~T.!~t:~~I:!~~~~ij==i:
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VOI.. UME XVIII ···NDMB~H 10 lilt
I NflNlNltl'l1
5, I 77.
\ "tmOn K Itlth tn 1\ IlI gsloB
ED1TI! llIalllma \VIIS 81Ck) lind the little ono felt 118 sbe exprCtillCu ItI very mournful At mght Khe pra~cd. I) Lord , please to mue my denr mlllllllln wellllgRIO he !Dust }ja.Vtl eatell l!Omethlllg that dIdn't dIgest Don t let her be lick any nlore for It 8 no {un to hIll, 11>1
he thought hoI'/'
nQr \0 me eIther ' 0!il
IN A ,
UII"., • • ,., cc c=
M T~I~UNI.'L.-A IlIr~o lIumb' r
AStj.\ u~·r .-OI~ duy l ""'_~_ of Ihe Irleudd 1111\1 rclatlve s of thll till weck. A~ Ih,· I'lll'r,·('tillll ufenl ircty , CIt hasll IIIgrut.\ dl'p\' ndtl Opllll lhll perfectiull (If lII ili' • !'un:", BWKJ:'1" \1I14!I'tlSltltl P,\lotIO, Ulot Ilt thu nll!i · it u, Wli lUll lOipt I dl'uw tlliH -M r, (,lha,l . I Ml'lIIOOk it! anf· nll83 SII nil qllO ~tl hupo 1'01' Nhn~t ) ' . ld n~ ~II' tht: bl'\uu's !athcl" eth Ib.lUl KY IIIl*tl\ l4~~"1 ()Collrt ed un l furillg wish ..alia .
_"""'" ~_
11_1tn.W O{ t
Twenty.Se'Yenth Annual Exhibition.
II.!!: MI A nl I~A I LWA \. IClU'tw 1'1 ght , E$CJ. 1111 1 h\l~ <lilY C\'Q' , , - e 'I!.....j l~t~~:.:.' .~. I'!I uing l'l~t. to. wlt~Il~~ th e ~narri(\ g~
Q Jl)1la~ '~t
heulth ul'tho ontil'e syatelD l}uhl ",t 10 "I' ~10 tillle tltl - Mr.. S h dllms h__ had. hlulJd ~holiM \)eC('Itl1u ill the Ionif th tim . ______ ot· Ttl .- - ni~ IW~ tru~ 1I(lIIrilil II ~."U .warlll . \ hur hunau ru· rooi . , S,~~:n~~~U:-~ pnru. Jt<; "tatldrlrd rpnl'ity is hc t 10.2..... ' No. I Ct)r ' IIHlII ' 01 MI !I RA II I\L AWl· cd III IlItI IIU:l" 1II u belllg III thll Mr. Frank JOlle.l of I'hilndc l- III Ii IIttl iIII·tI10." thuu cofDr .l{nll" UllhllDh ~N A c' l ,',~(I r . 11/ . ~r O. S II'KIOI.'1' U IIU Mr. 1 E . KIt~s Til, .. hllpl; III' 1111111, Wh Oll1 hll wad pl'(JUd I ph ia, ill \'i itillg herc. ' N,i/(bt E -pI ..... · Bi,.uu lIl iX IUI'l'. 111.'.4 . ,. .. ~~: l~ ~ • I IUI~ Wil Ii lUll t plC't~ Ullt u~ld ,t,o 'Iailll \he II · r~. tltl l:l "I' b',~1 h ~ IIUI' -'[I'reo Hi ·.Ir fur 110 u ioldo at " 10 (,11 •. 11 . ' 1 Intl'I'e ' llIIgoll e, Ihe parties be.1 r ll ... 11 . A hr • - Ii II1I th "eJI IlIla 11111 1 1 11 ' · "' ...1......... •••••• "'lgll:I~" II d Woe WQulclnu lI'i ~h Olll' WOI'llt I I k l [lfllfh~ ~; ' I' ..,.~ :! 54 • • aI ,t of' • N~.!! W ' a\l III vom y ~ II U\\'11 lind one I . urruw:!' IIt.lIItl'll~(llIu~1t.. 1J tie ___ AT ___ alii me ~de. lIumy IIC' lllrJ(ct.1 h ' h'I.'· ruv ur' bl,lt V~, LIn". H.n2 • aI . 'I ' i... 11" \. t ' I No. Ii IPossessi llg a hOdt ul' Wll r m rriend , . ", hid l Kli ll g:l IIIIJ urru rtu I ' - WI th "1'r'II'cd 1 " w surlllv II') •• I~o ",\'a "y I la~ a eloalu, . , thll mU ll \\'1111 i\'I\, ~ lilY IC\,l.'r '!'a sl" 1.11-1 r. II . ~o. I ~ Shortly bcl'lIr tho COI'eOl II)" the 'I UlIll i~ buH' r ue'l'l!I iUleJ lhlll! I;chOlll o frulII Jllru slow n ::"'I~: Es~re~.. olily in illla~illlllivlI' ~,. " tl'lI~t IIltl y i'}n r~ : .. N;: 14 fllthcr ur tho b l'iuo was tak(' 11 Slid · th u H i du l~,) ilU~ tnl'lleJ with CUll · - :'oJt'. u. I). \' ynl loy hno bCl'1l han' il allllllllily 11'11111 th is lillH) ~~';p~i", .i;,'.l. .. . . [denl Y IIl1d ahmuill p;ly ill, hut h ' reo tiolllllCtl til tl!i~ twill lIunl, this 1111 · fa ith . visiti ng ill P urt Vi llia ill . ·T.,.illido n "~"I' " Iii It ,\ ~ hIlIH\.Is "tl' tltid 111011'1111 ClIl l, cr '01 IlUicilllllly to be I l ro~u llt lit rul ulle IIlIl ong u th"lI ,a u.l. :IIII'll\" NO I E",tlln do. IO".t c, ,I· cOI' 21st~ - ~I l ~ ~u,' ~1 1-l· .. II·un it' I IIc~ilt g I, thaI ~o" n III' IlItl·. '" • No~ . I. 6, 1 nil HI 'u" duily . All o.hers , t 110 Cl'I'f'tliuIlY, W1II' C1 . I' k I" \ pns cd UI.1 a ,; l1re ~hat th er~ he WUllld h. 11 t -_ -. " d " ,'" ,Ill' .uc ·t>yc I Istr 'i,l ~c IUU . .M'y. . \J"d.~'~. , , III II NIH "e ' ",herl' ill lilt i:! • Tllp l' n 'lIlill l\1 ", 11 1'1' ' ill a HI'al" "r IIl1l'rc('l'dt'u l ~\1 lllu;':lIific 'U('I'.II11 plcllsal ltly U>I all ~ ueh OCCIISIIIII I!UI Utl,vlI, c'''lIturt .lIl1d a , htl'lI'l d "'; 11,111 - Till' I{ c \'. TI~l1l'Iull Coil II'l t. III' lit'\! 111101 h"wh ill ~ t"lld uf I'ryi,,~ 1'1I111 ~ lI' itl O. O'.H \ INE:o>, r,o«~,~ AgolIl. 16111.)ldd . ALII qUIIl·tel· past lllghl 1", "l'lIl'eJ t,. , IIlllk~ Ih ill tllo . tl~e bcat III 1llll'I'Y 1I11:"'J!I .Wltio h IS " \\' 11. E,l!UII. Wi ~ ill I,,\,·u Il·BII ROE R. ~TII.ES . F:l A ~ . ·l's!I·rd IlY. IIl1d t'n' ltill"~ th en' hl'ldnl is tl lll'U tu 1m M 11.>1 0 ' INO RAST' uilis I Ill S tllltll III lillrllM II . I ' I cII"ple. l'lltel'l,d the' I'llriur, III Bllt II IlW ' , . . (J I II ·' A , , . . SO~THERN W IIC I uver \lIght)' gllllSt.! wurc lid ' IlIItUI'C .II! - "'I ". ' ,IUlc h' WlI IIU'I .l~ lit t',)IIl1 eI I) 1' . ., I'>1I II' . I')11 IJY "'vrlll ullce mure shutttll'c d , II11J 10. "I I" A \I "lid ,,40 I', >t , '" I I' . T ilt I IIollible J, IIIld Wul'll IIIl! t by tlt e Ite v. the bca\ltil u l \,11 e thut . r, I U ttl . 1".ld ti ll' , 1IIIIIe 1'''111 CITU UII Il , II C\':UII~I. I' nCIl :!o CUII.::I 1-1" 1' ,I Il. MAlI 001 NO ' ''F.BT: Exhibition of Speed ill' the. Ring Each Day! W . C"llillr , l,1' WlIo8te r,Uh iu, 1l flvWCI'SI.f atlcctilJU is bl'" lel''' ill l'" - ~"" " Il11 a.tliuI\J~~lrnllt~ 18 Ill' O!o>e . II~ ,:III ,. .. .I nnrl li~ " ~ . .. Ju.I" .. It D. 11111'1:"1 llellr IllId illtilllat e friclld uf tlie cr uel pi cccll. T he other . III' Wd· . tl zo I III:! rO"1 ICllco d'l\' ""~ t'ell ucaJ at h,s III'", e ' at· _Grll ,1'1\ . , ' . Itl illgl"ll, A. 1•. FAlin. r. M. ,.rtIJ'i .".'I ~ ~~ hriuo':l I'llm ily , alld wh u, ill II tc w hU1l1I cUllIp.lniuII irnloihed tU41'fre"ti lt! 0;1',·,1"1111( 10 til 0 V ~ .,;!.:!., ..1. ly Will1l i n~to'" 1I1lt! Xc ni!~ lo'tlir~ 111'1 111)'. 11 0 WIIS II Iorvtl,~r lIt' Ihl' ~FrRnfY'8 Omalbu8-L1ae well 'ch ,} ell I\'ordd ~ lIi l uhlo tv tht! u l thll tl"w illg bowl. 1'11'Y hllJ uro drllll'illtl <,u r Vl' 1'10 t"1~ \\' eek. IIlI~ Aanlll H ari .. ". ~ ,un' t" IIn,I from Oorwin (,'r ~tI I O mIlOCCII~ivlI . J'vill",1 tOl1cth h:t~ 1""' \1 c"I!IIW,d, 111111 wil l ~i\'o II liuu ~ A TI NEE CONC llr lite un l.Y Ii "hurt while bot'lJr~ I,cl.'" cu · tV rv " um'rtltnrw:t.rttil'H tr.c n. OrdeN 1 ft.. "t. E ltT eUl'h -- ~Ii ~ Della Zoll hn~ 1'111' SII UI 1"1 thd {>" t.offill" will ro i.e r~f,,1 ~tton l i"n . twu in thlll i nd i ~~"lublo tiC, ti ll \' .. I th~ Fui,·. which gliJleu ill ~ lI' el· t C,'I,,'l'I'S' rtt'l iui"tl tilllH het'n 1111 illvujid, Lilt - - -DiRi()TOHW. \: " is tlT II SII,III'!! ,'W lire hee" llI i llg fll II· i~ uI"Y lu Le b~ukell by the l!IlU " I' 011 tl,l' IIl1 gnlariti cs III' a InxllriulI ;; hell.,r. illlllllol,· "Ih,·rll'l"·r\'''. \\. h I' "a ll' t G:'r aOldJ l'r~t and Pso'i'og ~soes fre~ tQ al'f. Ilfc. , h" roc' nlck wLrll lIlI 111'11 "I" ltlt". _ :l.1i.t; N '11' V\l.l.f~¥ Pn"\lK'~RlAN n .\I"·18T Cn. After eOllgrutuluti ng the IIcwly . with \I' e hilI" "III! ill \VIIy",·dl'il·I,.? vul prll \'''cat ivlI ur 1" ,'v i" lId - M" " "i ::\.root., nr~r ~Iaiu. Divine I .ervlo·e I 011 Lhe flrotSlIlllrday ~nd s..",I.y I I uf eaoh mllrri C(:\ piliI', t IIe C"llIpall .~ pr ,cecu'1 111111 UIICCI,II11llt, 110 I nllll, 11\ 'l!,vi 2 , )rut IeI' 0 t' I li' t! ,11I1I1l1'.V . • _ ' l it'" Jiid,.,.~..'i... Plitl!t.Or. Ask Yourse lf these Q,uest/o ns . \.-u to the (llning· room, ~Y h erc thllY , bCll rt eluvalec! hi~ llll gl'lllcfn i li , t .J;l. -~I \ .N i"d C.\l'~I O Clil/ROR.- Tbe ReY'd pllrtouk of a rl.ll-'" dt wh,ch CUll 1\ lIt., (.\1 'l.l,lI' h ' l ~ I' ,_ .\1 " \",11" ,lc" I"""\,"1 "" Ir""'r I,.. ,,, ",.-i, IIII \' Ill'W Mililtlr'y ClI IN ulld felled llI[,llllY, will he pn'~c nt. 1111\1 w ith tlluir new linus III ... Il IIlunlgv til I' t he . ""l ., tI th 2d I'll II Y UII dcrstvv d ~ ..\h r Aug ~till o. "usl. ...,IA." on ·1 .,"it ",,1 (,"""" ,,,,,,,. 1'11\,i'", ilud IIlIiforllls will I'rcoclI e . II. "v.'II'I I ~ l1rll·d Il el' I h):, it h..~)t II) tl,,· M' I,li n I at 1111, ..,11,,'(III.,:1rh...... 1I Ullu upl'l'Cel•ll te d all d tlliUPlll'CC ,Ill tlVIl l tl ll i('c lIPIH:'Il' UIlCl'. Clll't h f H" ,ut !I 'I 1[ yo 11 \ ' /' L.1Yl'Cr\ "II" Ih 'ioe fl "" e\"o,,' " ~ uf Y S.lIId1\ n""" mUII _'. bythu. e wllOlru ve b'·UII~I. lurtu ll ' hUIUUII 1I11~1'l\t gu IlI l'titt'r I...kllhl'l'hk , , II " II'·,I.} · I .. ,' our ~"r" :'It'" ~, .. II '111 ~ lt,· • l!llnd ","<>0". I I \ 1' "T. •.y" "ouV's pr" ~~ ",',I P. E. CIllJll n _ Corner o.f UIe liS t us IIurl:l tl Ie 1IU8 pI' rI!I 'Ity V f tl11111 tl ' I U e lllllll'l!t! : 1J"",""" ~ 'III"".I , ,,,·.. I"I,' lo,,rl l y ~ 11,' _ _ ~.Q &iP I . ( pen plIlI , ' ~\ ~ ,~. - ~liRS . Li,lu Th.1I d1111 I ll' .. '.'''1 ' II " ... ,'"" \ C, ... "I,· 118 ." IIr gll.-lllll! '. ~~'&?I ... ," ~, . II IC IIUll SC. S 1\ ill I. ..... "I·i,i,'· C" ",Third-.n " Miolmi Street•. Tbe Rev . Y..,..u.. ' t I V II ' tl 'U I I'IIr tl110' IIlUlglll ' ." • c~ I ' t eK · lIsh, .. f Cd Luvela" D' \ u"" " , . 'ol llll lllt g rll~ I i".: l'0lllle "I;'" ,h., I 1 1 "",1 ,I ft, 'r ., =.; """, : '\:" f O.burne. R eotoT. ,.tnC .... . v'cee.cry wo frvlll tIe I . & l •. . l • I I ' II I ~ I Mr~ . A . 1),,1 1. 111-'1 "'lIl'1lIlCl' V I' ' 11' I . . 1.' I b' , 'AII "III".><, I _. "I"I ...." .hl~I",, '!'·•• h,~ , l ir"'L tll~yl'I ...eeuon Sundt\y evening. Sund~y·" ehool ulld il:; rCBel'\" 'S, II hi f, hl I I ~ lau Il RCel\lt! Iv ,cur ('0; IVlllg II I lrung I I"\"1 ull IIrgeex ...... li 1 I 1 tlll'lI,l 0 " f 110" ll1l'I'vc 1"'1'.'", ry" LI",'r n ui~c'}n "",pl.""l liuli ,,,"1 y ill\· itcd. exug:l!.l! r 1110 l' iLratill " It IlIU~I,hcric Illhel"'ld ILL j) &. m. e"e~ Sed,,>, Y --C.,1. Will illlll t\lt"'i ll~"n I 1",1, "".'", .. . · 1:11 ...."':\ AUOIt;.,· 1"'-""'>:11 i. , 'U lClln 11m lied , celetlt ial e le.... W .\yn e &:. MllUie T O\fn:lhip D Btl'C' tlve t Iltl'd icll'u 1I,IIst "" . f 1'1)11 t u I' lli elltri, No! 1011 iIt! i II~ 1\ nu w '.rCIICIl III . I I I ' ' "",," ,... ku .. " I" I"," I II)' "II ,I"U)I)I'"'" :'---oo_tivoCompanymeeb <ontloo IldSntur. buth vI' Ih~ 1I11lllll!rnllt clIl'acit y lit I p' l,i th'" ,"u rl', :.!.4lH'.t~)() but "l,·1'6 \'IIurtltuKi\'Iec lIu Did _T thc victim uri 'll Ilml 11411111,1 k h B l~ r~Hill·IIC \·. cl..yillen.oh moJlth,d \l 0'0100 p.lII. I l' '') I d )' thO g ll C.t>l. A II i,tie·oI, lllld his fui se llllu tickle frielld . t tl " ,,,. ''' . ' ~ ; ' " .... \( , '~)I"":' illtv u - ~Ir . Ira EhriJ.!ht. <01' 1'''1'''',11 . ""',,-, omorof tho Oomp'n'Y ' L. l1ur\JlOCk. P ..... · luft tuwal'd :I.e wce' Sl1la '' Ie fllll" illvitc· 1 111111 l rccl' i\'e II eOI',lit,\' wclcou le \" '''I'I"u''" 'I,d r WII.I,,,,.,.wd l"" I,,f), llI' Y n-;=o ure r!l~~lOet ' huur"i millis uf calvlls.fuutJ·tlll y 1 Dill he KIIII ~a~, lIao bl:ll' , . -I"~ ,," , Went. R . P. G... U!U. SoorctJ\r y. r , lI Viditilll' . I I". I'ul . I",r,,," of ' I' il" " ,onLlorflll lib 'l'lIIlit )' ill I'urilll( u.J 1\ () 1. FaIRIID$'MRIIT1N~ tOrthodox).- Meet,. wcl SlItis rICd,uu d WltllIlIg '1 V.\ C-A '1 1.\ U l.lfl {, V II S /1((07ll ,' ,{ 01& th e ground J n 1111 r"rm' o f IIIJi~t'tlti'l11 ! t ie Ulp' \lp SUlIlplt' ruid hutl hilU l,'~ with hi s illtiduli ty 1\11 ' ut i\"ti ill tldll "lllcc. ,ngfor diviDe "or.hlp ev"ry Fi,...t ~d -llh py pui r, US well 118 thc hrldo'~ tII,·en •• Hellu],.r . 1.0 7"0. .Sul" I~'·it~v", fum · hIli mise rable Bacchullaliull PI'''' - ~lr d . Johll .', lli s~ i l,H "o had I )' h)' fill fi,.I,,·1 "" drultlll.too D.'Y,ooginuin!( at 11 o'.lock. FIr.t-Dllv "y',IDUIIY. yellrl! of fclic.i t,V. '" II... l . "', . pellsitieB i Did he sm ite him to t.he betHI fln itll ill fill' II \\'~ck v . oohool K\ II 1·2 o'dock .\ , II. 'II b d b I vI' twu, Flw'r B.I1-"l·IST (Fr_wil l) Church iD id I I I d I 10 n e, Y ler III1t I unll k I'" d ellrt lUll sall I I Ie gruulI WII I bill is "lItitl II U II' i ll~ " illl rvi·~ the l' r"vi holJ held np; er tbo to elltcr us lIlanv II rti cles as thcy choose. Try tor 6rst ~nd third nI:lSS, ch"erflllllCBlI, ulld the sy lnVI~ hi s l11urllil hahcaK W.lyue, ~ ~. corpus W DiJ li e t I 'I ' I I II I .. S,,\, d' 01 mnnth .l IO~ A. II . IUId 7 t h u PremiulIl. Senti fur II PrellJiu m List. t~ll e I I . . , {\\ U Y siIe lad -,' a ways I ~I:! C " ,Irll ".II I'1I8 ~" lIIal\lle~te tur anlllllll , llte \ 111m ,U ·.... so tllat IIUt . ulle . IItulll BI M til 1'. V . Bu, J . A. S utton. u tl Ie ( 1' raUl III r an~ belI_r , tbosc \0 dl stre88, hUB e udeu red IlI!r 01. . SAM I-:L IHONS , P,·u't. ~ UC ' 111111 con ld uny more be (uulld d II n' u w . ., CIlIH p ...tor. All oro nordial1y invll~ to attend -< GEO. W . CARE Y, Selly. I tl bl ' ucl Iil I . . II 11 ' \ ) 1I.,.,u . se If " Id I ' I 1)'d III au excefll ona I manll cr tu .III t I tid u\lllrlU lcnl u Ie pu II; \I V w')r or 1 10 }o' lll~D:I' MK&'rl:<n ( iO. 51 i6 next · I I '\ TT .\CHM E~T. ng the hearts of al with wh ulII t!he he-tl id heUUtllneR" Uo rtlK, 10. dinne wo""hip every Flr.t -uh, uid be do ull y v t t !l're. FnnrU, ~ , V. Oh,.. .·, ,., H , · 'h.,·i "~lOll'~ C" . I'"" Day beglnnioj{ d 11 0'010010:. ..nd l'Inl-Day hll8 come iu contllct alld th o si li ce· the tholl8llnd 'lctd \1 1 0 I ~llIstl'r II r< . I"" I i,,~ ,,,,,Iu, .h ,· nnm. li nd firm of of yellgoall co -- . I'lL ~'IIIC 1/C.'II \1 Rill IIoh';"18t 91-2o'clock 10.. 11 . J. II. ADAIR , 1\1 . D. , II "".r\III1 'Oli & 1'11. rcst dctlircB uf her 1~IIIlY fri 110''''0 W In ~I ,"" 1I. E. CIrOllCB .-The Bey. M. Du.tln, ber pr~e nt alld fu ture IIaellJs I'.. r tllat would have IIccnrr' d to lilly W illi e Ulli ll US, "I~ C~lIt \Jr\'lIiI': t.;ll'~ i"~''''' . .J I' . of I\' ", ne TO\\, II . loI p, WII' pl\illc~s urdi nllry o . rl! D, V CII!!fu I S01l1 W Ne 'er II hl!c!1 f.( ll e~ t ~ ot 1I1'l1. ' ylne oary,·"· on Sundoy. Ilt 10 iO[e 0tfo P bJ~SI6hu"lll It ,eitard leI> C'·IIIIII'. Ohio. 1.2':' :iook A. 1I.,~tu,d 6 1.2 P . II . SllbbllU, H will IlIlIuw her as she elltet'd r UPll1l olle. He we pt~illstead big OftiOl! !l nll r~.!Oin'.' 1tI ' t' nt Hr . 1l " l'llcy'i' (,11\ 0" ,I," I' ll• •1,,)' or .\IIP" . t. A II 1 ~7 7 . toars of 1I1111l!!. tchoo! Ill'l l·\! P.II. . .nid J ".~k: i'o"ed .II u rtl~' 01 . t•• el,,,,,, ,,, fotKlll l , \ V ,\\' S": K \' 11.1.1·:, U her new puthwu y ill life. u.;.t.! , . III II I' tlli IIngtlis h, lind bet wcc n lhu -M r. Jucllb RUll d"ll . \\'118 . III ill the .. I",,'., "ctin". f.. , ,h~ .,"" FAnMlllu·QR.'!lOR. No. HI. P.tron. of Tho "ruum, a liful II" inJ.u1Jit allt 8"bs thllt C~C IlI1l'd hiMIII('crull or $1; ' .. 11" . 11 M ,d M Lu(:Jevllllln.~ la~t week, 1-III I'tl CI I'utlllg Ca· " c","ill ".J ,,"lil ""I,lO",b " JUlES \Y. lUI \";S, M I) , .., l:lot.b.ndry: William Curne " •• tor. • ee t ', ·.n. I ~;;. . rt overDoll '. Drug,Srorotho.econd "'urdfty uf our villageI, is t"o well klllln'1I I" SO IlI , he uttered like II dy i"g Glad· ill rhc Knighl ~ . \'. l'LEA\'I ·.It. 1I0,,..F.OPAoT ... (! !! 'rcllIV IIl l' .'ul'llI OII of ""oh monlb. lit 7 o'olook I' .m .• nml nn the need allY cllugiu lll . . I .., .Lurdavo f .."ohmon th.t:!o'olook. writerh lltl hllppily lIid, A. Frellch illt" r, " I ea r' 11,)1 fu r th~ hl v l~' s tl'utll1I1S t ICI'Il. ,st IAu11 lNo S'ttl\C ·OI\' M 3 th th' Therc is whi ch kll uckcd mell' indles lu th e B k U ~ , - Mr. ErnllrB a ily'sm ,lIIyfriendR rs au wor snew e .____ .__ 00 8 1 Olliuc~tluo'.' " II ' h,,1 1I ,.rri. n,,"k. ~ bllt olle perteet wile ill th e ", ,,rid , clIl'th, bllt tllllt thUll , bruth cr uf will be glad to lua rn thllt hi . hc,dth 1'0 CORR1I8I'ONDBNTS.-J. W. : aud evcry man hus I1Il hur .' W e Ihink, Ill y @(ml , di rls't deal tile hlull' . i Letter tlnln Otlil~~:~':~"; '~~~:~~~~I~: ,~~~ :.:., 2 I .~ it 1118 WCII f I' II Your article call not appl'ar unl ess how~vcr, that Mr. Keya wOllle - lU ; ),.,..7 to ~ I' . ~l. ' so l-tl'pcnl , ulld I lilrgive th ee." ),cllr jlll';t. )OU f~or the editora with YO\lr amond thc saying , that it wu,,!~ Oil, OU'I' UP 'I' IIE UEt>'1' l-l liI, ~c, K • •• - Thew will will hc ~(Im li t· 18 "ow C"lIlply l .. i11 E o k /"11'711, real nnme. People are genernl ly 'There \s but one perfect DR, F, Wile D1K III I TilE St/1/r ~ sllys Mr ~aacon~ . 'VOl. Ullns · tenJ"" suppose d to nnder.;t alld this in · the world, nnd mod edty furbids t~ frv\ll hcro to Th e"d"re ill:! r IJIIIIIIN. Price, $1 ,75 VJlictJ anrf IIlIl t VII, olle of the ngeu alld illtirlU uld Tit fi"lIi,Im ct', 1'I.i,·'/ . tothoma mas' nn ' •• ;"nOL-"- rm, COlloort ill Uinci nllllti flexible rule of publish ers. to· ea ./t, vI' 3.50 ft RPt. tomenti~n wbo haR her.' . m'lI vrhu Illst Ihe ir nil by the m" rrow e vcllillg, Gill y, U - " " ' ..... 1,25 fur AII(I;.i.",edllntl orth" nam~.of R alph: The next public Slta· . Thc b.ndal coople wcre t1l el'cc,p' slwiudli g . \V \YNE SVIL l.E . coastlOls ll lail l1reuf lloake 1&H duII,t, m~t' l th ng e wil\ rlllllld be tr.ip nllxt .. Snnday : lents ot numcro us hands, ,,.no IIlId las g'tIlU to D Ilytun to . ISHMAEL I, & SELF.RAlSED,· nom:rrr F. FrHN A ' . .. or "w tIe \11 LA-rrrSO~S R tI we ~.e meet'l ngs w'llI bo c)ntinn cd useful "re ent.!, a.lOong . Iero t I ' d Y w'spen TII"" tl oc d -M r. 'T Ilham OO'crs Wlll IS Kreat· , C _ --lo WY r ' remalll "'~ 118 11 S 11 d ET' g • b d 11 f I <F. 'P tl t I I b fril\nds I vrlHl will Cllfll tor him every two weeks du ring this un mlly 0 excuse I \\' o pnr W e Iy inlpru\'i llg his rllil d ellce y 11 . Alld tl., ey UI'Il 111'0 oif tt. B I 0 ) .· 'I·ATI 'cu Ill' Y . 'pN '"'''bl t toring thll front VI' in~WII 1Io11d duur, I mention two viz: all exqll i:lltll ure tltullkllll the I-'llOr old lIIan .... Y nex mon t tI. NO'l.·ti/1l 't·t )' I'1'inted! y ) ,I 1 ,1d. . 0 &U ,.\1 ON. I)O~' , C ' . w 'n putLing tip y et.ill 'F hlltterll, UIUJ n frllllled cross of whito WIIX wurk, ~es"e~ ~ tlC II I"rlun ds. Wh en R b OiRc.. buu..,. frum ll.!illO II ! • .1.)1. ~} b . " M. r.. , I appear 801>. hl'll.:IQ. MRS. so IW OBT~" OOMl'LKTE WORKII ' 11 I·.l arti8tic ally festooued W~ltI fl vwc rs B 'lIku Ioucomes 118~d as Mrl OJ crt t & ,. BUlIs' • re , ,. f tl . \. Oomp te . I 1n .....' " ...J.t ."' ted L tuu he-/;wi.i Ilot-h~v IIOfb Iriends . lotherw ..<I i OIBoe t r. n ,t" '" !Jllr,'" B"~ -Fu Iolte diJInso<d ~d suJI"~ IUbJect of Religio U8 Notice s. MIII&IJdlll6 u,'e no\. mntoo ~. 1eB8ftl~~' Ublll) rfluT,.pP Ullnl e O'Y. He ""ill die' in h . wIt "fut'f~'lt b80 • price ...A¥I'IDY lL • • K,O ...... a I) house and be openin g tho larlrest ' 8toek -"r h ute $1 .711 e.oh:. ~ .r *711.nO. lU rae • ..,IC e 0 I p u, . , , a ... 1. P'I'c~ ... t .11 -1'lero will be a tln'COdays' aod80u leclega llt pioclJll uf si lver· d {' I I u eut box . lin.' rnlluwlng Bre l le lr 1Uuno"'~. lit1!l. Rheumatism or Neuralgia '. buried ill n 1'1I1IpOrti grnve; toI', ~lIdCIII' . UI! t l csly 1e8 ure~lI · II Id M'ddl R p~rl l.h md"I: "T. llllheD" r.h.bpilllt Self.Mudc.1 B . waro.p resellte d-by--M r. uud ' Mrll. "Wlth 1d lUtsuevllI'lIIllus 1.. e. I. UKEN e S, llreyem tulnth ,)se(ur men , yl)lIth, l,u}<! lind ~blf-R.i ""d:ur, l'rumlh. WeC!lnotbeIOO~lerw.rorlhedlscovery l?ectm g Ie at , I. e un ap Cbarlo -l Wil ~on of' X l! lIill. DuI'Ib. . 'PHYSICIAN & SURGD.,EON oC.nyn:m it tlhllil bo mCII8ur ed untu yun ' ch,l drc lI . Call ed,,,hlchwillalleYialelhe luf. tlSt Ohurcb on , .F rldaY'k8atElllrdda! am'! get 11116, lI"d 1'he Fat,,1,.'' ''.... 1 Bei>ido TI,~ }'.l.itl th" MII.rilllto illimed . ilite • fam ily of aguill." Rul,ert UUllke and all likll ' get a pllir of th eir s)llcnJi feringsofhWDllllity,DCtCllll),ialhepangao( Snnday of thiB wee. Cl~ d d ri vi ng Th. r Ln. 1 U .ir'·~,., Til WI 't e !Jc •• rted I f T ' 'YiI.. 1 0 m,·,· ill N .It,," .. 1 \I,,,,k 1lIlil,li "lt. ,,-,i n which the patient alone .wren, but iD d Tb SOli the bride'll l alher there wcre Vrllij· 1\ m WI' 11 llUt Ilav\! tu walt " T modfur h. rLlf~, J""ve. L"OOr\\IID. IIntl 1t Iley ' g IOI'It:l. H'1}"" /,, ;; I ' lf IF Oliff) f ~I ~" 0 :~~ an b t omdoz(J l; eut Philip Hu ..... ke UIIU ..... ife. Chu8. r(!ach \),,,.1 tl• • he Or"... A Nullil' Lord. ,--r . .' . , :. the . ncxl the di.treu "hich It cn~ npon others. worl,1 a for th cir rich · o D I ~n~, eSI es u ou d - DllviJ DIlVi'J ·and wifu d Tt,e MII; ,"'II Wido,,·. L"'I H"ir Li"lith w'W S F'l'1I W otherm lll1stea s,areep cctc to b to Ba~\'kc "'Hld wife Charles Wilson IY-lIIllri lt'd punishm e llt. Thcy wilt Mi d AlIlI i\) E\'evly rotlll'net.1 a lltu HRO\ V~ , Most .cv.~ .ulfcru lrnm h ... ~wn~ Tltl' Fllmit)' D"om. TI,,· A,ti ••'. Lo,vu f' . I ' , .. ' • Am Ie rovisi oll for ell · uud wifo, Geo. HlIllI iltoll unJ wi rc, I d . ' .. . 'J UI'"n.~ce lSaw~re~ttheordl~scWJ N J Tho B,id,·'.F .. ,u 1I1\'e Tl.o a nip.y'. " re t~8te I'rol'llduy III .t 118 I ATTO IIIl, RNEY 1111 cst thell' hume AT •• " LAW 10 tl P PI " '-'''f () ftre31,"g .)W1\, " " TI,e be J 0 Flllkillh llr fr alld wife J ut! G tho g lll llU cilluax WI)) l.m.Ncunllgta, Br,d., Th,' 'I'loroo B,'.II,io•. I ca tor""tnlllg lose wloa tten d w'll _ . , . ' , 1Uld kindredRh<'\lm~1 cume here- III t Thl\l~. t.IY, allcl' II plcn,Hult BO' Fuir CIt.nile,1 I •• ~ by inlernal medicine, .. " , , " ' . 1'10.. 0 \J 1",,,rato ' '-· V"·illi&>e,. t ,,fPllwer AND .YO 7A n} [' e fj /. / e. Keys . k ed IIIll1S. ' . . ulld WII J . W . Ke"s Jus. IIlter. . madtl ou the gronn d eac II d ny, i. II of no u·,,, Avail WIC IUldso fastisuu . lmpreuio n 111111'11 III 8C \'ell w ee k~ With Mr. . "'" ,. ,"," II or. Th e l' ~" n. ..""er. . .' ' . I ' . T Id I Ob" '. Llle lind Wife, LUDANON, 0 11111. L' Mrs. Mal'y J Br., li " 1 1\' 1\ , c lelltlll~ v gnlnml:h d old upon Vi,·",,·. 1'rillll)l'h . Tlt e M,,-,",, Br ...I". iDtclllj:eDt pallenta men all d he Ip Ies~ wU· 'D. ever that DEDI~AT1UN .- he new rlstt~1I MrR. J uhn Mcllr),l y I~ II\ IUIDI J lin I)thol' A D""ull'"1 II Fien,L Wifu·. ViotlO ry. I11t, 111 i ~s Uue hlll lIIell. wld"ws , orphall s and Ilube· relatived t ed The N R!) E ~~y OJ .. more rea rem ,. 11 crcllhont. Ollll rcl~ IS now comple ted, a nd will Hopkin s th e Misscs Uumct\ . Ad . ci lllS The S pC" lre LII" pr. Tho MnltIPI'-- ill-LlIw. , hi A HtO J G , j derruudill~ thum in Ii sneak· '1~~~.:?'~n~~S::~U~:I~¥e~ be ded Icated on SIllldllY, Sept. HI,. -M' W F . ILRllCr i ~ no\\' 1'0' Prin",' "f Dllrkno ••. "dunl~d lI olOc.tu"d 'E K . . d . '1 J d" 'tt t' O· " ., tl I ' 1 t·".M ' .' dI ' e . and nu~ P ed d Ib ' th • . va eyt!. 1BallC J {llln II 1'h. lO Ch".ln" Rrnce. da b ... Oue.! L"clr of 'be 1010. lng, lin ~I Ian e "~y- 10 wile IIwclelm g Ihe trontol 1118 dwe bein ,JII ' Ia UIl( I E Itll K eys , n.lltle · errl ' 0 . IlIcmllUS ,I, v. d. V 10 cur I an I." lling. F. l1en Priol. . W I \. III e O\lllUl ,,~areno.. e Allwnrth AI>oo. . snl IIe, . ." lid I!e• ..n IWIIf>C = 1'." m_1J!)~! l'III • a ~ ~'D'm? d RuhlUSOII uf IlIdmlla , K. Itaw,an le\' Doll I Zell .. '8 J IC I· j'allduo Jl "~0I111 Ie "lid .clievedo ' fthelrlerr by lblel&O cnttlng "ldbet.r.1 . o\\'n . lllDg tir o Will · Tlo. = Wi, =.l l .. w·. llllo SI\I\ ~ \lIlI~. Il..tril>ut ~W~ II villiall whilll yuu sm ile "-i~ 1I 0 t d .,,,, ,~.mouy -,' . . te IOJ~" ',. , 1ll1 . I II V ' t t' . I I uea. sevoraI o th e rmllli d l1,itlo (.f LluwullVII. OliN' or Clift"" . s rsareex p e.c led 1\1.J1 TS' " tl\l ' u l I ' > I .'pH ' ~'Ao.N IIII:'( IOT In .. tI E ~I ··tt II, IUIII _ ••• SIIlIIe WAWNIIt G ullr. iIW' 8l1this 'rl ..... F ' E. moreh lIerewe llinont to be pl'lltIont. All arc cordial ' ha.,. n ' lsi l, th allll1l1l1 ' .. CUaATIV B -cent ..ble~ I ID I J dd ' r ly ," 1 1>1. '. \\ I!e, rd All , el r!, lC h "~I1,"".\'C'"cr. ,,,.,,,,.' . hte r or hi , II WII ....~.te'. W. V.\NNA \llm , Ml1, rubber v? II'! II . III~ venellli ill\' itcd to ntrcnd. n I I I\tt~rs. toucbapphedutc rnallycurtaapowerful The Drulnl E,·u . 'V., Junllol< Janney . Jr., fo-. slau My.I,·,y n"Tk lI " lInw • • " ~ . 0111' NE'" , g WORK, y . • and ,,1 bcnefictnt inRuence on the "bole D winch Itl a vc ry great IIn prvl·e· Iudi,,: ,'r. ti" , Po" rl or POllrl River. c!-,h Munlngtoll , Will tor Zull, MI 8S \ crlly, 01 such ut e th e klllgtlll erve I!". Int'a\'cI "t I'!II ~~. It ~11·I·eL. ill ul Philll rnl'lI ddl'hi t •. to t sy.lem_ he corll e r. remedy nlindiopuubleefficacyI • ..· Abo,,·. Bml •• ",. for .,,1. hy "11 lj.",•• 11\ .. wh.'r. I,,· WI ll Be" pIli, nl . f,om Lula Zell David Bruwn alld wifc , Satall. Ih ,· 6'.l i ..,ldom Ra)'!lv lllc, fmiHnp; to afford prompt relief In , J" , ., t , ' , I .oUe, •. u' e" .. i•• uf nn)" "ne ,.r Hll I.f them tn Ibe :'OLh " f c.'olt tn',IIlh. All _ _ _ • _ -- I ) 0 11 ""lIt lOotS or 8 I1(lIlS.ClI c1 Rd&· . of 1ClSd ofaCUle or chronic pUna iD the I Will he .enl til Hr.\, une. \() tilly pll,ec. p,,<t- Chnllllc 111•• ,,'.0. uce•• , ful ly I,ented. and Dr. WilY lind wlte. nerves Delleh Mill! Grove ' I ' lIod seo . W tile ill1l11 'IlSestu The weddin g fcstiviti es were reo cK of 1II1l 1l'II ' l'lti.l, 0" " 'mill i"~ I"i ,'" In tlo .. I'lIhli,hc,.,.. nelie 1,·ell.m'·HI "h·ell musc · D KATH \IF l IMunll • . 1·"Lionts 00 t .' "di.,.nc H~~TO N.-:(. " .' " 40 orr ed .... . F I LI 'd S d I f . Rh I Itl ... ON ,to nnOTI-\F;n • . - ,elln .. ,ile . \Dlptom•. "nd hnve I'emelil •• •olll ''1;lmoth y Wh llrtoll, son of DaVid sllln . rl av DIg It at t 1Ie I f . . 1 . 0 s.' I "Ill ::;- , II PI~ art . p CII' or B:iO(lI'ETEHS or 'YlFY .. , 0 . . . ' . , ."r Ch.-tnut Sir,.••, Phll"d .. lphill. Ih, 10m? 0 -1 ho Misses Greor, of W .timing mall , ""IIIphl,·t Cll ll tllllli,,)( 10••ill,oni. l· NeDl'll . did s lJe·scIIIll b OIl'1 tor ~ j; mell's and Letitin Wharto u, WIIB b orn tbe bridegr oom, when ubollt lla', IVlry fo ... , for ,ervollI ' of ,·ffeekd. "o n' "·ee 10 n il)' .,Id ,,·.· . I Blok He.dachl, for len....... or fifty ! ton, were gllesr~ 01' AI is es Ollic I! h u,'s ~J.50, 11I1'lu.:rly R , ror old f IJ I' $2,50; near RayBv ill e, Ohio, April 15tb, ~nests were present alld a y \ EIli8 uud lUll Compto ll lust wee k. U1err La.1 or Side, for Erya)pe.... fir · wOlllell '~ willtel' shucd 1,40, wUl'th llH2 and died nelir the sarne place lime \Vas hnd. Rililro nb J • I S · , Dlpbtllerla 1lIId Bore Threat,fbr CIII!d 1"1 , d $;l 01). Call . YeBlerdbY Il large di ~ lI or bllrtv the Iwice' ut -- osep I eul'tlall uml y un F ' k & M'II lid. 8.'U August il18t. 1877 j IllS age 65 " , lrialn.,ro r Spr.... Br...... C.II,W... dI, a I . . ' h \· ' 1 'd WilllUI ll Cleave r alld liimil y vi s itlld UII ey Wll8 for Burn ,.d 801ttfl. tbrT..tlraolill ollor 0d tie 1'1 0 X . , years, [) mOil tl IS an d Gd ays. S. jl'fhe WaShl'ngton Cl'ty Route' . ' &C. hlst d glvC II Inb M 'V c we relliiItldlllC M S I' I .11 COla, ~JrCelltre\ .. J1~t 'V 'llIe ~ flct for week. all PII...... ....101. . . . g a u to sce wr. ' I Bo WIl8 married toRobccca lvill8 all 1Juom,. , !> .' - -- - - -~-' ' . r. !> ~"1' r~. I ePII ' -Mrs Murgal Sweltlng 'llt Compto .no n:medy u knoWll which pos. n iB a M. Tuylor in our llftiCO ull March 26th, 1 36. She died Imthl IIrt~l'Ig It j an tllldt dlllgb lt I - -S~:I.'-S-ttl\l! i rhclIOIuti'c invalid hnt it is hOI)oJ day-tb e first time h~ the other oesscstbe n:nwub l. healing a.nd .oothing Ma I 13tl hll8 Lee pair lI'erese l'eua c n y Ill rc I , : ' . 1840 . After. the IIlappy l~lIl1 cd white II'lI ultt al 7~ c. n Ib . qll>.lities,whichislO~velrSlllndini~chalnralc, d . ' I by her frielld~ thut' aho will bo bct- a bl e t v . CI'IIllv'- ullr stulrwu . ) d ~ th of tIllS Wife, he rOIttI\IIl l'l1 u lin . I' J y SlIleU lorandlC __ ._. _ ollmpc .. lA.c F. ter Sooll. r~ l'lIre cocon:.)0 C. a PIlCk·age. the • plicalion.Openro aCCIden t For these reasons wbi ch bn,k" his leg, I LAWSOIlto'• . .:._ ,,:UJuwer twelve ycal's. On tho _ . ._ __' Ollt Melli 11)1l"" 1\ punnd Uorwln . . 6,RATIV & .bould -Ther hayC .. place iD "cry e will be a good old .time Illdt Bvrillg. Mr.1l'llylor is gettill~ 2:3(1 of DeccmiJer, 1 52, he wus Tile SltOl't~8t, Qll t"keJ<t (bl/Ii only Uaker',; COCO II. illc II pllckliKe. S d I I I b t' · murrle . d tEl' fmmily. Itwilltberepro.... ita~ue In 10, 1M [llcely 1I0W alld hopes tlIIUII "gam 0 )za be tl I J . MU· ,.. . t R I. '" un Iuy·sc 100 Ice 'Il I ra 1011 Il ea l' t I10 along r.B '1X0n , 0f D ay ton, I las Bee OS..... cgo Corn SIlIrch 150 1\ !luck b ' d " " G numcmbl ecuatopn:ventlmgenngd\seaJes S .u~re () d lin, their union tL)gethe r bei ng 25 been visiting his uncle, to oll e III con ' ~1U 1I (br u n ·tllrll ttl .e ,' , C ' I" N . William bekcptathand..-d,loriDltaDt e I r. roVIl ,c IIII C I 011 . I~!ur ny, active dllty . fre." Llllo.t",. S~l m' lII .lIIol an dlhtlllld . .ours Hcleal cs II wife ulJd ti\'e Hixou, in this pluce. W"SBI~GTO !ND B,tLTIMORE F·r.ituveiuOy", . Scpt. 10. Evc ry hody IIIvlted to ""11', "t .Iow price. fri.h ..Oo' m ~n. 1 1I\IC:. ) . ' . "I" C II all DnnWao ttl CIT . d . 1) I I WI .. 0 IIttelld. 1 _ t:... Gllod _ _ spellke rs I\' I Ovid. ill ba A pres" ID~: Wblw. ehl ldrcn Buffalo, C~eLlle. II a Ie as I I I~.e a aCO , to J -Mr, Robert Shaw hua been . I . b'monrl1 IU8'IOB8, bllt lind Pmo Tllr SOI.I'" ••I... u.llity. Cell' PRIO •• One Dollar per Bottle. on t ,atll I IIrmngcmt'lIts ure IDa k'mg uod see the large stoc t tlclr I)8S IS IS eturnll I k 0 1 htll. guo us Richmond Lyncbburg NoJ.olk Itury, gam. • making a visit ill K entucky . . He "ontinuo I . to 'Mk. , b tho l ' "onuine t t' I HipU. . 0 ---lee thllt havo hcen rect!llvcd (lul'IlI g tim . . . fDr ' •• 00. _ •• ur a 110 e ,eq,s 0 mt1 ~ lc . B' :--:Mr ..J 01ID C ham ber I11111 , whl' 1e podromeL'DlmcDtl\",1 .IlnrLn n" ..Cuugh Syr· rlllg I t t , d · -Capta in W, R . Hool has reo yu d ~br AN" ur bllskets, IlIHi dOIl't lorget . "I" . nd kcopHllt"l").ter "tid bettorll,,"ort.lDont to us . Il II • n) s'. UII stl' lI t Iley nrc, dl'I V ID~ IllS feulher ·bed wagon near cCDtly bO\lght two tille J erlley CUW~. THE 80 UTFf- EA ST, . uf FlIlDily Grocerioe tha" IIny oLher lli"'.c LaWlOll Chtllldoal 00.. ::JenIDd, have liOluelh ing good to cat in tholll. CODling III dlllly. Dress guuda 0lID. RaYBVJ\le last WedncsdllY, WI18 He purchad ed the~e dniry low. Philad elphia New. Y ric Bo.ton iu W"ynu•• itlo. trclls, liI!ll S I ' Ik' f Bluck lustres ull rl ll,lpIlClI~ , the hl!8t . d eaugI It ·ID Il hcav Y Will ' ·sturm, IIres , 0 e\'era 01 Mr>l. J udgo Stalliay Muth· " parties are tll JOg 0 b ' ... . II IU cOlllltry , k nown I' D d h S Id ' I tlU d 11\ and belol'8 ho c~uld gain shel!er, ews, Cincinl lati . or SWARTHMORE COLLEG -.: TIlE AND E A !:l T ' ~•IjI=:M~A::Il:.:::H:O:M::::.::::H:A=PCP:Y:·:t1 ...III NAT. ~altlllg lIytoll 1111 t e o lers Ib.1l lIigh est Iinish, hi ;! W.....OIl W88 hfted by the wllld . ,II!d colut·t! th~t , . -. - .. - Ten mil"" fnlll> PhilllllolJlhia. IInd. r •.ho b Good .:.u~= ~~~:f.i'~lot.... um~ soon. . "". 111. uev er change . ~ lIlikey & !\Illy ITOLIINO I' ILES- I to tho-e 8ide of the rOlld an d Ill)set. Travele .. d •• irill". ""-I ., I beg1ll8 t Mor d ay, IJ "Ilro of Fdan.I •. Kiv,," to both ""x,,", IIhko 10. S a very d'IS t I·ess· --ot< IvO uex WILL PO IT. III me. lot ,., A bow WIlS brukcn in the wa!$on. ing complu int. Sympto ms -----.0" PI,,_ •• "Ie Trip, flill uitl Hl'i,ml I lm tl t't)i~n ti ft n flOUrRCti. for com- .. nrc a wit II n ull'ar d MCC ull e us teacuer, .. ... '1 pldiuM' w il d . t h u llMIII, 1 (lu)lrt!e~ nrc con(ur · I ... - The Palace Cur has a rrived ill ~. ... tup, and purt of the touguc frllc, ~uoisture, like perspir ation •. . hnuld THE OIllOIBBATl. ,. weml l.r liollt tllo n r. oI . T .t,,1 oXI','n.e,. inolll'ling tUltt .. n. ft itehin~ --The SU1lday ·school is prosper · WIlYlle8~ill c, Ull Muill dtr~e', tored, hut tire horses acted well , IIII ten se I,y I 1~llrtlclilarl~ at nl~ht" oppo· BALTI MORE AN D OU 10 R.R. 1.,lIrd. wlI .hing. ""0 of be,oks. &c al· .. tabO illg, II and D a huttor sc1t1)ol wa Iruve slle the Ilvcry stahle. -! lurge Vic· t4 and 110 fllrther harlD \vus tlone. is ccl~hraled 1'0 ' il' tor gettlug III bcd. SWllyn es Olllt· IlOt klloWII fl)r yeu rs. year· ..A . U ~,Ieasa llt d hires for 50 cunhl, liS duruL.le as III...... c.ael..... " . 1 . _ ' •••el NO EXTRA OHAR GES. C ment II! nil sure clIl·.e j .. Or... -A lIice party WIIS g ivell by Ilny $10 picture muu. u. ... :'::::. ~~",,::.r;'i'i.~'''':r~'·'''::: d Iii 1", l'ictnr.lls --...... R "n"'. •• ,;."~n ......... ".lIe, I cll rcs e ttc'I'. an,!rl a II .e mp I C lrcap l'xcUI'~i ol1 to Cincinn ati a.80 ( WI p.,. VO- Late t',. "lid i. lfie -"u r CII •." I11)1110 , Il,v '. ...til k lll g fUII' pllr t'11111 IIIr. II. ... f I III d d"''' /1" /' " ,,,,o,,.b. U IVO McCl u.err,.,_" ~~.I· Mrs. Robert ,or •• ·.~ Carr, .... ".I'" last tillturdll to cvur~ Y t,f !a I'otlul cn y. &41 ., ud d r CH" 0 Iu~es, ~ITIUgOtl all reB' '" 'MOlon eJ. I'Mlh.rt t )tf'lI d" III-lnpuUU('a, .~ •• III" •• I.;'~'"' a nd rctllrll Thursduy Sept. 6th dlscases. Sold by al\ leadlllg drllg· cvenil1g ussisted by Will of course. }o;nWAI tD H. MAOll.L . A.M.. III .... . .",10. ""'. A"d . .... ;d •• m"e" , Iuence~. Picture s e nlarged at f('Il' lot ' gl'sts Read tho! adv't to a ttend ThclMk It WUiI UII' lre "I homas' · III 0 trcllt.' . gra n d' . Pro.itlont. lll . t M C 11 • :~~:~ :rt.,,':-:";\\..~;·:J·,:;,~:;:r.:. ~~ C I' .1 I II ellJoya ' MOIIU bl . 0 la l'!wlI,thm es. ~ 80ltll , 01 ore Cullcge. Dcl ~"'"r 818 concert Exonrs ion train lellves e Co .. p~, III mtU (tlm'l.y" hI' (/11 l ow ._ 1«,,,,, lIori" . ""'1,~~= ''''•• "b,,, ... " F t'II' 1-. I --Mr8 Joseph Hamilt on 1I11!! bcen rcmalll a short tllll clJnly. r..'Veg. IJ!I r:~·'.~;,;:o~,~; . • 4 28 ;t:::~ • " or a "'g, )SS, or IIntl me y grey C orwm (tR b'l lUI!! Ot/I 'JI' lin e' . : 'II ' I' M., 1111 d arrives . d 10 huir usc "LOndo n Hair ncr artis t of lJaytun A Color m~":: lte. qUtte I h,r II lew ays past.. R. · 1.~~'~·U .tM~h:M,Q~ 1 t'!.t~! . C incinna ti at G:3ll l'.M. Uetllrll- t " ' . " • nut • III 1100<. , " t d ICA(;. u "".......... ,•• " Ioe •• ". ,. lit . -I d - -- . - --. I tilll.' . e""h' 0" L. lil "",ned c.nlooIM -S.Te rry Itll~ just opened the PULL MAN-l'ALA rI.l" P'1U,•• " •• O exqlll81 'I",o:kln •• nd... '"ncP'" ,C can UII Ihg. eaV08 mcmna h. 11: 15 I'. M. sorer, Cl!.'CA R S :' I'8olllh. I nicely perlum ede reS8111g: bY"Il;I· d oD.uCei Ii III k l'otlilly differen t f ,"",on •. _ _ rl •• u _. . . . . . ttl Tlu;: "Bllby'lI llost FriclIJ " is DI·. argest an thor 'l'jc:kctAl are also g.ood returni ng tb. e "rom all otllers '75 cen." a . 'x nest in ""Y dtOC p",1 0 or qlJOC th. II~' f.t:~~ H.n Tbro J~:o;..:.~!"::;hlt~: .... W""o '" ClmHlr e bottle. Bull's coun .. Bilby , who Sryup i. willillg L since, ' L I) • it I lIIain· " ... ".r, waru ') . ' n. &/ienll. ,b. co"ntr, .. ~ eve.'r brougl1t .to t.hi8 JI noxt day. rare lor tie rOUDU trip T tA:I between Ihe ptlll"ip~1 . Re d ,tt wu. rk 81."d. il,. al ~'"' <'''' t .nins tile Babyl8 health by ktl0IJI'ng I t cOmprtSe8 evoryt I\111ft 111 I tOWII. I " . 1'10)'- III hit t eon,.o",;!"'.""b "1".l"I·I·o "',m•• ~'., .. It Ie Bd ver t'Isemel l. t ~ Ie I way r WES'I on Iy '1.' 25 . TI h . 166 C, 'EIlN. . EAS'I'E k . II ~ IB t. e aB c l en~ ry It. I&N ... CITIIE .wo f .'l.· b ' . .:.·:rlr. 8 h m. nt i .. ..uo3 "e:"~I"!J. " 1'"I"e h """8 .~t ._. pc , "1'8 t I . __ ,.,11" .. It rrce from ollc, Dlarrho oa, ete. o. ... 0 ware, III t 0 It...,., ~I ~:;, 'I ~f ... IIWII 'OW" . Yo," ''''I,d nut bu "",,,y'n fnlm oxcursl on to OlOculIInti for Thomas C S tb, Y p le.u es •• 'Dd "<"'" ... WE ". ",,'6, ,.-.-tako '0' : it all, back, bume Those 01' 0' Price lIi~hl . 25 You cuuts enD per gi ,'O .fll";' bottle. whole ooncert s. =~n!'.r":::.':L'':' '::~~'I"r:; til and best manufa cture, and the FOl' Thro"II!" I. ,ck el~, D,lgg.lJ(e E te 81 I' uod Cheeks, lillle 'o Ibo work. 0,' ,,"ly .'·"U' 81'"'0 1110 · ~ 1·"r~:'l';,'"lb~w~, prices are really va as ry ro , rh""I" low . lO~ od= Tho me I MO"emCD .. OilS are I of I "" n· ~ Ie,·pl n!l O~r Ace"",. ' \III'nt- . We hll \'ll "g,'nl o who n'e mllk i"_ T bell' ~ -- ••• - b 0 . So otherS testify. 'Vo were gonly. . ,\r''''', ~ ..... ffi mod"tio~ t4. etc" ar, p y liE tor .t e new hristilln IIllw-stylu vegetab le' dlshe~, over.~ pe r tl"y . A11 who ongnge nL oncr ... ~;: 'fUE Bllnd \Vila Ollt Ill8t I1Ight. unforto nate io our solectiu os, . co ee- at ..11 p'lRuil'al l'u nl l" !\\ the rlcket Of6ces .,, ,~,~~.. ':o~l.:"!!~~I::l ~: ". " milk" IOo"ey Ohurcn has arrived and been pllt ClipS &c. lire I , , bi b b Why' Cau't themc mo out oftener' ... IIottractive. Go .• OBTB, 8011TH, BAST 4: WBST. mono! Cn" n " f"ot. At tl .., p,os.lIt lion,' III _ _ ~ __ ; u the church Bteeple. It is a very aild sce thcw. very 100 1111 111. 00 cn8i1y , • Rn,1 - ..rapidly :t III 5i~r.i! . ? T -~ S J.::~i~ Allo ~,..:~: for ':':;. all fi kinds ' . R. DOI~ • d I r L. \,,-\1 M . 0 (' LE. Illla~ glve U8 a lit .Ie mUBlC . rII .1 lilly o.he. Iluol",',"," • l'n.l, nolhing to ... hoy L . U~HT rosts were ~otle~ 0 - I ' AlIA" ncn'l T. Ag'l . . 'rEZ .'%'~ PSt good, ~ ,}UI~. cost IjOmethlOg ... n'l ". Ag't trV Ih~ !tn8""" 8 Ie,'weIt.",1 of jl;l'oCOrtcs, c:all' luW IIOI~e charmi ng uew tuuOl, S" "utili free. 'OJ a't, th~ .OJ! tra ,THOIS P. BARUY. T.HO·S(hR. Sunday and . Mpnday,. awrnlDl$iI.. • SHARP. I Ail"r"~8. "I Ofl~". ~100, B . . l-lAu.l<rT /< CO ' I Yort. .I~=N:::O:"'::.:'::";:";:I;:;"'''~,:;OI:::;..m::;'''''''::;:;~'I;:O~·Ua.l Grocory . . ) " . Wen. Pass. Ageul . ". MOSIer Tr'lL , bnd. ~h.llle. 617 , j I' ., "."N:a:.
...· e ba: n.. c:» :n. , September 19th, 20t h" &
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Dvl tho llllldllr lit' Ih Bl'pul,ll(!ulI purty llo is ICilY r vI It.· ollio!! tldoNlld .. Itl'hil>(, r UlILISIII. KIl holdout fllc t U ll vi tIm purly - thut ;=:;'==::=:===;::;,===---;;;;;;;;;,;;; is all. I Ivnk tu a d :Schurz Will t:l \0 Y." . .. r ~u"Oh l.. AJV'"1ll,· II, Lh tl, uUhly '.. E t B \VI 1" I .... l ,," YO~f \l'H III tho "~lI l1ty IIU VIlI Il, OI'IICt) II t·,' r '~It ' II t 'fwu i lll"". "u" Y'Ar . '1 ~I I U 'e , IIl1d UtlllH tlllllk"l tI, tu d l r~('t I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,! Ilnd ou ntrol tlto IIIWrostti ulth e H, l~ ' ''IIWII,II ,clt'' I', 1lI bl !Call I"lty I 11 tI'l! 111 1 II! 1111)(1 \'11 til 1,11 ,1\1 Eo's GA7.H'II!:: - TllO a 1111110 od I",w :Vl",tltll o(.llId " 11' 111. III I,.,rl\ Ituroll lt e lebll l1 UII l a? wlis pl ells ! I'lltllud hl e~,, 1 Ilt u 1, dJII/l, 1I11t! I'U tl, II Utl ~O Il1J last lottel I'VIII Y rtf/UII (N W \ ul k), tltl' CIlICIIIII .1 o 1 Us t IY IIttlc\U ut "tl ( " II /1//I/lifll l'h te,lg' 'I i I {J/I It,', ... IC IInlllfH I UII II '1l lut klllj.{ Dl'lIl1t"r MUltUII' It \\U~ IIlId 011.. 1 Itll'lIl,lll,IIIII1H Ji ll dl('e ll , II d 1110 11111 IIl1ulllI\\urdly ,' ail)~ th e dll,t 1"'1 'e l ~ l), e Xllti'1II ~ l llllk lllg \ f'''lkit! Llt\l 8~l' l' I lI lh ~ll1,llJ t ~ 1 " 't ,, " ~u llletllll o ll g' . ~lIll'· ' J II 1,1.lcc I n p,,'t~ d ~I u l tu ll 't! brllll,n II I" 1I111t11l1 ISlUlt "I 1,,,llt lc, 11 111 1 III IlIw lit! 1I1I111lIrll )' loI r ",I) 11 1fT thllt pllb l~ 1I1 ( lr,t1 ~ M"iI 'I I' 1\. \lILI retlle
J., , , U.,KMISIlKa Ul'ON 'IIIlt F EMI NINIll CI ,. wel) (lvu NIKNANOU, il ul II c\J II'I pl ;1;1011 , ' . , I I, ,., ,0 10 \J U h " 1 II III 111 0, pcuJl ly VIlIll I. IVhllu t , It: Jl \1\ '\ 1 III Gu;JC/\ ~ SULl'nOIt 130101' I~ lI~od tv It " I" ''''~ ,~ " . . 11,.11 \ ~ /I £",c' IIIlI' n I VI!'tItel..110 I I111111 )' "" 1,les, bl utohotl, I UII~hl li·!!t!, rl'UII(,'tIlIlIlltl ttln III~ III VlIlIllbl) ball lllh d by till 111 lI lI1 \J.L :J~' ~ t~ 1,11010 cllIlIl.) III~ 1I ~1'lIt EIIIPt l\ ' I Uli'llelll , blll()", CII :~ , bllll Kes, .calu I::'> '( IIlItl I LIt \: 1 IIU 11" '11 allLl IIIJ UI I\:. III ~UL@tt &, t l. c li tlulUIIIUlik ''' HU I~'II ' )\i!d l, \ r. " " I ' I 'f I t l " "') UT.(lI l1l ~ " It ollll , hlli UlLlh ~ 11111 0 lu ll" Ilt' l'lI Wlt l :\t1~ I(!'l , I " II k" r1. r io ", " ill 1'111 I n / " 11 tlf'W ItU I . I ..'; rt· ... t ulJ (J n ~ tlhl III Uk ll 1(lII, lVllcd II Ihu I 'U t le[Jll!dy ,",r II"" '" '"'' r"pt." 1;0 .. 01 ." "e" ~ kll' d' oe ll-l'" Ih l' lI lllt ls lll IlIlLI ~tJ llt \,," u'll !I GIUIII !! t::l uiphu l bll"» I~ III ellI.' I --III I C~I'lc.:t., se lht,ll\h' " .1Ildl.llc1 lt lll' \ II e l By " p llIlI'g Iht: I'UIl~ ,IIU 1'1 , :~ III'JIIII ;.( .1 I I~ " '''UH .1l( "·llietal I lit II II ~1 " 1 1" 1I '. II ·U I " l tll"l t l "II"as tlt =elJ~ll l" l ' I I '" ll· l ill·,lllill tllkelt l n'~II( I !;C lull ull 111I ~ CXlul:<:lI t.III 'clucu lltl lh I. nl ,u lillg' [,,' IIII1 C), "V~II' I ~ CI.II II' lilill dlll k' ']1,,· 11:111 11111 "1lIlIdd 1I11 d lu ll, e 111 •.1111 'J I II,,: l lli ll e .) n 1, I alld til lllg'" 'hi " I' r" l'~ r ' \llIder It lj.{h , It Id g ll'utl ) ~Kt<'e ll l\'d h\ II II. , " \\ 1:11 II. Ihat ,I Ihe CIII ICic: l;~ ~lI lIiltll g,. t'I), e , ellu · " 't! ('" l d l ll ull - Ih , dl ll t! 1I11t! h""l',1 11 11 11'1 \1 1 :) ,111 11:; llll udllll,,," til l'I""le II , I I. II \lab II I'C<Jllllllr, thut tho Cl.IIISC ur Idl 'l e It It! l'I ' p",eu L, (' IUIII ,"~ 11 I I ' II I ,,~ l e i'latull" 1'~lI l C" "1 CIIUSCb vi hi S dlllC!!d he IIII1U C 1' lIh Illltl r lllgtl, ", "1 Ih l! ::;t II .,"'1 ..1 III Clld, d I,.' Iht; 11I1·d ll .Ii 1""1,",,,," , II II zl ~" I( SA l ~ II~ Ii I,e, 11 8 th(' pllhlt c \I,l" IIItCII'81cd utiLI fjr<l llp, ' liS ~II t 111 11- I .l iI, It "1\ ,lIld l 'I1"~ Hlld I~ II eX l, 111 •.1 ~I ~t d " , I , I l 1t .1I! \I i' urlt ct I I~ht t" kllllW ti l\) " 1I11 " "I1 ~ till blill', 11 11 111 / \1 I It llll 1111 11 - li e!. w, ld,," " 1""1" 10" ..~ll c.Y j~ ~ ~, II I I II tit" Alllllll1l1ct, sIIVtlilit f,\.,r L"II , I Llllll tlhIl VL: III IU" li ed \1 " 1 ,1111' "1-( .dlll",.t" It jJ ICI C11l, ,I, J.l . ~ f ~\:' ~rrlL \1 'I , \ I " I" ~ IlI vt ltli III 1.111' I~ Ic " l' '"- Ihle t"n, 1'l lu 8ltlr d ctl llL:U It - 1 lilllC III XIV II ~ d h l,' M" ", Il dl \4 Il lIl, J ll" '--" , 2J 101 \J r I"""cllIl, 111,,11 ~ lI1lJ,l ) 1L:1'"lt uLlllltl IVIDI, LcLI , ' l lll ill 11 11 01 ./," " lilCh clotl ll ll g Ullt! G I n , 1'1 o.,pf:a Q"'~l R tllt~lU u lIl vi tl l~ III IItte I 1 dUl'l' uoe, .i.lJJ/ ilp(J.~ 01 ," e ~ru .. , It s tm ~ too 111Il1I 1I11 1 "'~lIl1led 1\llh dl~Clbll ~~ ~~ _ ~~, ~~:J~ IIccorLlIII/( tlJ ti ,e ~11t 1 '1I @e ll ~e 01 me I!.Cla I~ ""e ''''' "IU" <l ,fh elll l' D " .. d . .. /1 •• 0 Ilrul), u'u ti , UIU.! Itl !' tlllll ifll, Ilt t' dtllt c lm III lIatl "Ul'IISlly ' lI11dll II hl oh It IlIblll .. Ilell\ Iii, 1 1/ It. 1111 I" "'l'l. 1)11 Ihllt III (Ullllt ~ JI sU, tlil Itl t ,th l' l III IIIW HI II hIli th e It UII rll 11I·lm ll'll: I" e l". lUll ' I h, ;':1'"11) t" hL dc,ldl l lltul by IH' I A~1l IWAII' lh IN ALI "IND~ 0" ,~t(( 1 \\ I' u lc.l CII II n 1,1liSt, lIIlIl tilC P' COI Ulld w' lkr u l tl ilit 1'" I'( I II,I~ II I. "., 11111 1 I:! till II II 11 II-' "" l III t ill Selllltltl 1111118111 \I uulu tlllilk 111, lt oe i tulllly IIUt burll II I1U, I 1111) d 1111 ""'I""llee "I JI ) II '" " I II " ~CIIII' 11,0 \t ' li II.CIIIII tu I 1UI, liclile llac I'lulle ts ul our ~(JllIl ' \ ,It 111 II , I, 1 11 '-c 1\ II , h.lI' lI ,ld 1111 Ii I'" III lI 11 d D ITrl llA?U) V I tl)S ll'l IIl1d tlte 1I111 t1Cl lltclulII S tu", 1I1111 ~8 111l1111g fnlj!lIl c l;1 1111111 , IlI l 1"I " It! ; \I lilt ,111 11 1.11 1 I,~ IIIl llll! " I ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ ~ It'" \'I Yll" ('C I IItJ W ~OUlc PC" ltl u~ tl\rtlr~d o llll a evl" "IR tlllj.(l il l"" 111l1'LI,"; ,,1 III "IHl lIlltl! (1,. lI l1( lt I \\ " ,,,. l1 l e JII' o l -7G, ISIIU\\ th e ll UlIlIglII g up, and CII I'u 1l1l'1I ulld I\IIK IlIlh II uti III1lI L1 1" 1' II ill hilt! II til l:} t l I II 11,,11 t,l e III I! J' ~ c lull y IH 1/116 tlile v i the cdltur I !,cd c10WII " 1'"11 tl ,o 1.'.lI t li tu I'll I o ll ll,hlli l:; " ul' 1l11l" 1l ' olll ,IJul l( I In ~;. till': SIIII It r~IlIItIJ lIlu 01 U Sllllg 1111 .. II crllilky. 1IIII'ltllll e ~Iuld 11 11 r JII'l' lilll"" 1I 1~ III ~ dl'''''l It l I" d II II wg ICl'ly 01 D r J " hlldlJll udd, ctl"cd u ~ r thl' edlt ll r'~ luldc III lho otti ~c lIuaclu lI ~ 1l111111ri. 1I i1t! plll ~lIt. t li ll 41 ' ua ll \:~'1l11 d llcly IIlce fell u w, Ilh u , ul lh o LclJlI lI UIi W lllll'rll '11,r 11110 r'Cllilell CC II I 011(1. d"",LI ' I ~ I ::;.01<1 I, . dl ll ~)! I 'I' gl 't;Lld lilt! :-; EIUt UHU V ~ ' ," Iuo klllf( " 1'''11 u IIlIk ed I" (;0 tl l l! tut II(;ClI llIIllI lu r thl! S tlll'o hi .1111111 11'1. nu ry III 11 LOIIJ oll f(u lle ry 0 1 uri II UI Ii Clllll lll' l,enlull cu h um \\ l k tIl IIIII C),!,; ," u~ dualll~ 1'lIll'!;) d" '''''''1 /Ii /1" "1'1/ r· ( 'lI lI to/l . / ' I I. I. , I I II tllrll ctll tl lh c gl ~a t J (l hU llll IIlI ll I\ c~k, Au ul.! t cball oll II IClloi " I I'~ I ellku I h,x(: c.,k,-) 7 ~ct,, ' ll ' I' If" II" " "''''' ",,'','I, 1<""" ", \ \ IlU It! 1'I,[lt'll \ Ulgal, 181,'t It I' Nu,' III I1IU pullcd II lU p}' IIf It (t ilt "I II,,' 0('111 IJ) IlIlId, 1''' I'.IIU UII rt;C"IJ'1I 1 f,,11 ''' ''"l " Ihe "I,CnL"" "lth " ' ""'''' I' Itl J I .1. t k ' I t l I I J.. I I Ic.I I' "-" , "u PI'I) ,If tht tHl:\L ll~ ""1 011, ull ) Ullrrl' lIIUr III Il'Jl Id O lIoC' Mt puc d,.I II ( Il Iii ICC v n lllllll"UII, 1'1"1" , 7 J '{ !:iu, tl dlclIte ly tllllllll g lli o hllli ed It "I' to Illy gaz', \\ IIh Iltc I!X I IUIll 6Lh A I UI,III, r\e\\ ) "I k ' /III/ HAVE YOU TRISD IT? IIpUIl rh o Star \I U Hhull tiliU tllllt IItIUII, ''rho Lc l'UIIIJII Stolr I' '1'I,"t 11 ill II lh'r UIIU Whl tl ke r Dye, I jJ,~~~ I II I <It , l\\ I II 111 h II f\ ~ ,It 1 111 II A II( tllut pllper II! a 'bulls lly' \-lluue ClII1't bo Ihe Stur,' I "J"III CU, It'll 13luck UI U, OIV IJ , 51)c, '" /I, • f/ . , . t I' \ ou, lI ('u .1 HIl,1 IInlr II ... lth ) I ,O)'PCl~ .. \Ill ICa.:"IOIUi IC 111 lho S cUlltl pillcu I stilted tl,ut Illduuey III eV~ l y lhlll g th ll t gll~s to l ( 111.fl l t,,1 J' /tl,", Murlull wu~ '1\ hl.1I Y IIl1pre\Jllrcd lu r mllku up a I, vu 11I11't; 1' '\ ",,' ~lIloI l "l' l"'KI'~" N ~' D Ol I AR DEllI! S . IF P ot'ftll, " , L Ull t,th !!1 1'1I1ul)tIC bluw, bt!c"lI ~u v i hc, th ld I \\IUlll " lel l ,, 1 Il" L.I~t G uuu AIW N~w N ,I\ KLS "-!::i,'"I1': A nI F eei!ot 11111.1111/' III lll Ukcli dUll II, ' buttcr!!" c'lId l \\ l:lk 1IIIId 1I 111. tl,l l ~III"I " \' " I II l lllllg lllt ll l:l)' 111\\ "' htlllll lllU Ib \\1 , . 111,0., 11.11110010", .... '11\''' .. 1'''''' ' ,tlll' .tIIt! thll t llight UJ ler:l. & e , It" IIl'pe.IIII IICI· I; "' I kll 111 (Ult, II . ' tllI' "I c hulc I\ " d,~ ,iI hctl'"1 J \I ll'lIrd ".u" ldl\c r<d 1I",n orill' ] til e attllCk, th" rlU I 1(Olll It 11:111 11 101, "lit "I .1 .1i"., "I'" I' IIIJ1.1 1:1 IIII I ~ II) 'I' I )' I' ll" 'MI II \\ Ili ll illtl'(tru , illrtc o II ,II I ,t Il',S I ,11,teIlOl II ") " "d lo Mllrc h 14 ' 8, II \1118 1IIIII1I1ICil t lit lUi) t lillU '1111 8 Ill' Lr" ck~1 111Id III III d.t III' II 1\ nL: Jj' ool hOI'lI, IU ll!ludl 11./1111 I " " 1111 ' IS tllll', IIl1d t he 8111'1,1 ' II 11 th ili a) tlcllIlJ l~~ U Jilll ll ilij! "thcl' he ll ' dCI tl, e abvve tillu, II IIIUli III U th e 111'1'1 II I 'bril lul' t v II brlltc, l)I]t /.(UII A gr 'ut dl:al "I IIl ll ru t 16 IlIkeli IlI lgeot, lil l.! betl[ tll\' 1"llId"''' I ll!~t, I I. IlIl II ul the hl ~ 1 walCl . s l.H llk ut III 1II" t IC U'I III ,,1 1I 1111 11" III tl 1l8 Cl t\ II- \\111 ,(8 ti ll c hl'III '",,1 b.." k ~ evcl •• I , ~ lI e lt lillIll;d 1\'llhullt seol ng It III AL U laIc III UI Illi g vt th tl 111)11 1 \l 1t~1 1'"1111, h 0 Tit ~ Ille ,III 1"llIt!!.! thllt hl{h l. · 1111 ~I 'rlrty 7l1 1~ It_I k le., ~ I H h I II 11\"11 lalge typc , allJ IIrc a ll los ll ~d I --Il~ALHL I N - I II tlll.l t1l1ld pl lll'c I J.( U\ C 1/,0 IIIW I.. ,\lI ~ Ht Itll ll " l'k lll '; "I \ " 111 1111 1111 11,11 111 II Iu, III IlIlgC dll " dl'C \I ."t! . " I Ih u Vh dI 11111 til tllu uti Ci t"W Ii . II C ' II CU II 1, III,lI ,;V III ' I'ft 111 1 1111 .. \ ,lU lU 0, .LIlt! 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N .,th , , Th c (,IU.I' II'1! 1'1I1t,ntc, HilI ~l ll "C II lib I,c a tltu tes lIlIlIl \V hy I ,lig v i th o Ilu IIICd~ pUI tlllil hili UI '11,e 1', lcll vi II ' ru" II " IIl1d "$1 we wiil send free by mail: 11 .. hn:! IJ 'ClIlIlI U'CI) 8Idll"I I'H~f) bUIO \\ Idl l! IIId s llIlluldellllg rlllll S ''jj, u CIII',dlur,"IJ) G I' R J 11111 ed, I • ,t;, II. Lllhl 1\" \100 M ullth I,." !"I IIII,a1 ljlll'l! lltilllltat 1t1l8 ug- l rul ~ d l l vtcll th e t,"o ul ah.vllll" ·... - t ill " bClI,g 1111l lust lIo)l Ollt oc l CI Wlutll, lI'Il""" ~ v u .., , .• II b IJ J .11 180 M U,II11 111,'n I'lIko II u, e tu ' I~ UIt"", t'r) . ,, 1.11\1100" I IIe I'CI'P I Sl lI ce I1It1 Illitrallcu lilt" IIUII , IS tll,) 1 Ir ',1, III Ih u IIIClll"r) IIl1u a II!;W UIIO WI ' Il" I'u lt1 ~ U o wal! O Il~llIldly II II I el'cry V II~ \\' holl Ih .. \\1I t! tltu CIIC" CI ' ry 1li Olith 'JIll " tll' I ' ., ~ .. ,,," I.. r" n" ,,", )IlIlWCI,. t Uu Itl llO l\, I kllllWIl ,I 111Il! 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!$600 Pl' anos l".or."'60 .4111 .
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For lU J\..N nncl I:S]~J\.ST.
Tho NOI·thCI'II·IudfIlIUt
The Best Polish lU the World"
List of 1085
Weekly Newspaper~ OOMP IlJ ~ES
- - - -- --
TmmF. 1., ow no 8tllt~ III the UnlOn gro" 109 80 rapull,. or th It ofl er. HU( h milu ee
menl_ for farmlllJ;L . took r IIRItI!! of \I"~~~r~:r~~~!J!r=~~rir,;~;ii'!!~ IRh on M .XftH The very1ic.t IRII\I, nrc ,,,!illig for $160 !,er Rerol) Mr S )1, Drew, Ci nCI nnAtI 0 tnko 1,le .sure In G.vlng fur ther Informlltloll on thll lDbloct
A t fSTJ HI I N tmve lln!! through ono u£ th o rllral I recID cls n rew d lY~ sIDee rorle t.o I £ilrlll hUll"" nml thll ~ Ileeo !~d
n Cl,rlv henrlcd urchlll "bu " as !!Cuted (of of ugule IJIlKt Dub where 8 you r )l L? 1 h ~ Oil u g~lcr re phed He ~ )Ul!t gone dOlll1 there beyond the cow shed to bury our old dog l'O\\ !lCr TlIe old fool k1Ued luulseJf II burlim Itenndl duws lor A~)r Be Y0lt OIlC? Our friend rode 011 on th e
- - CHEW 'fhe Clllebrated II
Wood Tag Plug TODAOCO
New Ybrk, BilltoD, and Ohlcago o
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f lonc ll II I leh 1& con mg JIIf ~ 1JSluOIII ~ t.h, subj ect nf nt enl h'''!Justl 1\ n ter I II "CriMi,.,. for & 1 tember wh o rClnl(>8 th rnllowlIIg stor, Jill VOU II,; nil ne rM t he 1. IUlld cul t l '\tllll( hundr d~ ,f lo re~ 111,1 rnltiJllg cl MillO". cropK If cuw II " lid MlIgnl -1.\'" d \.(I lJlII"l l<Ch(lo ll c r~ III I , hI P yllrd of HIM m 'lI nnd IInpur tell ~ hL\ Clj directly fr m 1111 fr' CKtI oolUll., _iKllhng I, I" .
11 0 J; hburKti u ~h lIS he did n(lt IInnt J-1 q II 18 IInm Hrlr d Perh nl'MUII one , f lIw
d IIIghtcr& I( th e nCI(,!hbo rllll; Il unte rs ( 11111 h mil,> /l In 0 IllKlllrclinttr Icti ' e III 811~" Ulun .. , ~ cs pe rl 'IlK I e pr(' fl'rre<l I hfu uf f reedom and JII<icpc odl'n ce ((u'\I" I' r that. ma~ hl\' e hce n ho l\ 1\8 III II c I nbll uf gO lllg I ccJal!lUnnlly lo A frl cn hlln..ell ..1111 01 bUYing 1118 !!lavc" frO I \ lh e na tive cblOf~ IIho 'htillOdCd m llll" "lI vof th eir pnl'OnrrM of l\ llr Dunng n no I)f thr!<C VI AIlA! \\ I"Ie en J; lg.,11II blrgA,nlng h e 1\ a"~t rn e k "Ith lht rncu Rlld Ililllllt V \, f tho rind. ' 1llIlltlUJIfNt1o,~ o llng !InllghtH 1\ clllitl If ten ye Ir~ fl lrl H o j}rol'oscd to h u) her but shl' 11\ IS n fa VO rite cl"ld nlld her CathercolI lll , ot plHt wllh hN l'crsua. ,oII K\\ <TO f r II. ~ lulill!;, bul. ul.. l CJl$th >~ . a' 11(0 r It.licr IInlible to re81Mt th e p;hl ~ r o( \'ho whltll lUlU! 6 ~ol<l q./cfc I to purt "Ith lu ~ chtld 11 (lOll I IlllilJOII that Khe . hollid he t rented With • Oil r "Icrntaon nud brought "I liS beco me. II kll\~ d.tlgh~( t J lIe planter prOl\lI~ nil I IItrtlllgC W fin ) he kept. hll! l\ or<! Rh Will! laudly cn rl (\ for lIud \Voll ,Ill. I nt IIlId 111 eollJ'>\o Mi me bccllme 100 III IUl('r II 1\11 ful "fo i:lhe hnd nccord II g to tradll wu "Ith the ClIccptlOn of Il "Irk . \WI UIIIO of tho 11811111 neg ro I hnruct(,rlsllCII Her hnn II'ODlO featurcs were rc~ ulnr her hnl r -moot! l or pres ence tllgl1lhed nnd coml ,"dlllg H er h 11111 IIlI see ms no, er \$1 h I' C reg retted I". Ullllll ual co urse Itud I, er IIIftuence over her 11 11 t l\ e coun tr) mell '''''' 11\ bOlllldod In 1111< ItlOlI to her IJOtjll1U1I nlld II l1pcnor IIl td h gcllce " I" ~ h c culllllderatl< n o f he r IInII V:} rLllk ,dlleh to t hem It lenst \\n ll t I'OUrl'C I)f IInquestloned rIght The o~tnbh ~ hmc n t " lIS kepi II\, In nlmoMt Imll cc l~ styl e Th !!oil" " ore 8<'l1 t t! 1 ngllln<1 to ~) e clittcutt'd (or the tlnn g! le r 8 F rcnr h nnd E ng" ~h go , I' m et!8CH " ero p(o~ fctl nn d cMtu6hl!l, d 11\ scparate hQu>!Cj;mOR~ lhe mlUliiOO \\lIltc nriiJIIWl of variOus k lild~ wore COI1AtADtl j"l e llli h~ 1' 1 IT Iklu 9 flUII.\l II largo com m Ul1Ily Rilile mllll.: tlle \li,\l\l~ o f ~"I\ C~ II1'0n tho IKltlmr. 1\ II \)\ or 1111 till_ 111 her 11\I8bRUd K lung 1104. freq uent nh.cnce rClIl "cd Ilur .lusKy I rm cet!.' as IbsIJlnle In her tI18111nr ,101111l1n OM I,er slIvAge futher 11\ 1118 Dlltl\ C wllels She III'" l\ Mtrong lind powerful mllld and 8) mpnthy 1M " ell One old neg ro who rhed slime tl11Ie 8111ee I;(J old t h It no ono could rcmemLer hlln lI8 uther thall .(Jld l! T"" ~8tOIl' K u!\Ct! to tell hOl\ he "Uti brougb t o, er II hon Yllun!1i to till. IM llln<1 where lib hlul It ' cd e ver MII\OO anil h'ow he anlt uthel'!! SIck ami cllhllusted, were mmlstered W bl t~c ml1ll!lJjl o~ n hl\l\ll8 and how they nil 10vM her nnd nlwaye prayed LorU btCflll ~11l't\l1\ Knnn.h I" Every morning Ill! Ahe stood upon th IS very spot t.he field bande pl\8l!Cd Ill' review before her l eacll gallg with Itt! d\liver golng to tlleH dally work She Inspected tnenl My Ood I Mark b ,IVo mcrcy,' ho all lllcklng out su ch Illl 1\ ere unfit for gronn tl , Ihmk of my lloor WJfl' R<r labor and IlCndlDg .them to the hospItal YerMO the englfle or we a r lo"tl or ti, h ghtcr tll8lc~ and every mgltt In ' 1 do thlllk of your \\1£<: RlH! that th ISaIlle l!JXlt ~ho hear d II. rellQrt o( th" Il rvca me to go to my dellth ijllllhng nnd day examined mto nil complalnUl.l.nnd )oyol1 l1l)' beCAUIl6 you go alongwlth we I WIth etrlct justleo RdJudswd each ollwd returned this flend t More ,team, er's pUnl8hment , and. Without her uncomfortable UI more steam, if we blow up I what care I" order not a luh could he gH en
LON HUllm LI , the .troll!;; 1111111 of \.h e world unce well kllol\ n In the CI rcus Ilrella I ~ In the poo r h01ll1O of Putnam County New Yon Ho u\lC<l to be able to hold bnek a 8 ~n of hort!es nnt! 8U{ (lOrt I~ " cl~ht of elghreon bun dred ponnd Otl IU 8 bretlJlt wlulo ho "rchcd hIS bod) on lUll hnnds llllt! fee t
A l EA RJ.... WIIII F Inbster wn.!J takon wtth othcrll lll Il t r Ip It SnlclII, MllHI!. Illtely and It IS to be HeJl t to tho ~x lnstl LU te Such lob rers 8.!!.. very rnre \0- 8 When boiled It IS SRld to rem81n clear wh,te
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: CIJI'''N IJ.. "TII.-\\'I· HI'! pall)o ~and In O'W U. -Stephen and Elisha Conk Bnd _ , • HI thl! IilfitI! U alld or etreet their "li lted tb, tMdlere' & It'd to h •• 1AlI1MI. • . •.• • PMS'" SWIi r. lil·lIlh ..1 ~Iri. 1>!·li1Ilh W" ,).J , wil" U T ~' IN, INNATI ( It'IiIOT. Quarterly Conrerenco. ROlull hatt S_turd.,.. . LlrrLE MlUII RAILWAV :o~ llr. I@IIIIC \~"1I1I1, UII l-'rida~.. of IN ui ~;:Jtv~:':~' 1.'S.E~IN""ku. InI.LeBORO DlSTalCll'. - Mr. Jobn S&aDlbo...."i.mauo· • .LW . ·ot 1.1l1 wlooek. 11'1'10 QI'uV1'1 " ' tbo . . . . . . ~~. I .... ctorill" -'1 L: n ""-' o-r:'....~ .... and 'I or T " • ..- . p r .........._ . . . . . . :hIlMt. l"l'irlll,)' mUflliDI. MI'\!. Wood 'l'rillity, EKrf • 1t\)1l. J. T. DAn.. P. E. IU... UYU',.,. ~'::~n~~tK~~~ e. ·(~~~l'•. ~·. o ~:: I~ I~t't honae tu a&tend &116 fuliel'll ot ' A,bgry. A. n.,"'o.... I U ill ilboro, T U Pelme Ilhuee chlla, for • a' bil n~w I o'"IIII~u ..u.. 5.60 P . N . No. 6. 11 rci"tivlII '11 Springboro. 1'b1;l 1'1,. Yunulc wlt , W. Yvnog. •GrEtCnfleld, Thotna8 Qullett 1I0Iflil.OceP',00~· l e ~.i:' 8bet~. CD.I!I·IA,nddaISre"e I !I'1 ~hl h"pr.... 10.14 ,' . .~ . o Nil. ! n rul' !l1'UOt' liiou llRa ~1l'tOO "'lid P.. r~ troet, W U. Mei8~e. [New LoXiugo R E Smith • JII .. • ..... F, ... Jllh~~o" Auu .. 11160 • • 11. No. 13 1 '. ' I ' I d"I I'"m t II,' '1 1'Il llt o\'Ilrll, W . W. 110. Lc·esburg. 'II',mer him and shoe ...J oul'I!eU:• 1) , . "'.,......... ....... I II' 1~1I ""'!UI f IIr y Yili' ", , • NJ~ht R$pro.~ II 64 • . ," ,t o. :J It'lil ' • thll \lIlniCti IItt!, IIt' d tll th : Waltllli U ilh:!, H. Bah·I·. Rul 1l 8bvro, J 'H Darvitl -Me88I'1! . .l\I ~hon Brad treet and . ---AT--'""t Line, .62 A It . ~o. 6 n&niuge \... which MrtI. W OOll Wild ' GnI (l 'llIU:clt, M. A. L~iehanls. Sinkillg Springs, G M Edgar, J 0 BarnDtd Hancl/ck. or GermantowlI, _ _ ..-!'II. . '11-. ..... ~ ___ ~_ Olneln. Un.. \,111 ' . 11 · .0. 4 IlII UCCIlIUl. llt bcc/lIl1e I'csti\• • and cK Euwurd McHugh. ' .ilolton were~IICi1t.1 of ~r . G. J. Wl'ijllt - _ ........ "'~:.-...a. Elp,·,.,.e,a., f..11I P. II ." l"o. to I .... 'll. , 8 uy i ll~ IIh. "'''lilt) ' 1'0\' 1I1l11blu I "","I1mlngton. . 1) ! P, \cr Iat ''''d d .... co "P""IHo 'IlljlbllDd 1.5 • . M. 1'.,. 14 S Ie 1\ I'Ight · D . W. Uhuk. ,Jo n ay all ltUI·day . r. t Slo\""n .1);11'11. tu rll tot the huu st'. St.!! II'lIlkcd un ~I I\,I I <)·. vdlo, J W Mu~oll. BU II'cl'svi llo, D L A ultman Bl'au~treet le'.lves, thiti wtlck', (or ~:,~~n~.~~ ,~::: ~~~'i(J W•• tonrty moll. a . lil ilc "'u." UIIII Ih('n utivll llrcu MuulIt WII.;ltillgtUII. II L Trav i~. UIlIl'kK"illu. J I Tuggllrt Tcx08. where prtipo~es to 10' . ' ~ ' • • 1010•. I, G, 7 .,ud III 'UII dAi ly. Ail Olbtrs !tu\\'al'ds the telteo. Wlll' lI ~ho w!lulu Uall'l' 1)(,lIl1i ~II I1. W J Bah~ l'. LYlichlJlII'g. J II Middlet II catc. May Ill! ,.;ow luuk IItteud·! . . +' d~Il)'. excel'l :'undo,.. Iha" . 1'11'11011 llUJ lI ut I\t\ i"llIlIce bt' loll MIIli'nJ , Lt K LJIJCIII. BUl'uillil', S , ,7 Edmistoll, (one to him . I Th o Preminms artl on D scu~ or \lnvrcccdell~ ma3uifl ccncc,and til l u. O. ~ .\ I~E~ . 1'lc~e,1 Agent. ,"l hnlltl. ' ho prulc~l cd thllt help CCliteliury, W l' MdJul kll. I b 8l1pl'li oll.) - R M. Bi8hop, dumocrutic cau. puills will be spftftd to make ' this tl e OK RO P. R. III.F., RI . AI; I . I 'lvollnd IBlltlurvl'l le, ,'f M" IIOII I G eorge M d 'd t "or uovorllur, /. d 'd . 'I'll 1I11Il CCl-SSltr,)' Lnut 8 I I C II Id not LI I , M . K' ng Ier. v '" I a" I nll t }Jut III ~ r "AIL:'I "IIINIl ""~T: , lI al'll reuc\wd th~ hOllse Il\olle, tllld Mu iucv ill o, () T Unllll. : Ill\lnll'~ll nn apPpc:lJ'ullcc horo last SUlldaY' 1 01o", KI \II A. 1II . aDJ ;,AO I'. II . wh(ln Ih I'e ~ he SUlik rnpiuly. U ' r Lebauull , J N Ir"III . MUl'shllll,. E D Keys. at tlle dedication of tlle Ohri stiall ExhibitioJr " Speed in tbe Ring Eaca Bay t MAILS GIlINO WEST : hu:!balld WU d ellt t' r. but ~h., . Go_hell , ·U ' ~lidtll ctu ll. ~llIrtlllsvl ll e, .A 0 Ralc lgh Church. A rumor had Lrui ued I Wood Will> dead u hult'-hollr bet"JI't' Murruw IIl1 d Suuth LobulI,'lI, O. W. Will c ~,c t er. E M 0010 •. H Witham leirclliation tbat he wuu ld be p res· lCtnV't'lD! litO D J11~J_'I1'iU1'~I "i\.1'1It , D all \\"1ft Clo>l III I~.:IU . . .. . ond 5.1, P. :' A, ' L. FAHR. I . M. he IIl'riv .,1. I lJul.uis. J l' Lloyo, Pre8, H,II"bl.lro Fe- lent, us he it! a mcmber of Ih at ~ YQlA~~ M,!lU~'!''!4~''~ A MA''''1411 ~Fraaf'Y 8 Mrs. W uUlI'1I rUlleral l(\Ok \,Iuce I W ay"co\' illc, to lJe :\upl'lil·,1. IIIlll c ~ollc~e lind Ull'mber of ql1ur · church. I . .. . , Rt rll:," .1.. n~_.l, fro'on dl;or"'llllft/o~ frolll her Illto hlllll e in Ihi s "lace ' N ' w !;n rlingtll u. W 11 .\ u('k"oll . tel'iy cuui'l!l'encc G t EII'tt & C I ' d ' 11 M been cng nged, und Will give n fin e MA11NEE CONCE . eaclv . ,.. X ('I 0 '.. -- 0 0 IU 0 el11_' 9 all day 01 the Fair. r,'o\,\· . " ' 0 111 111 . ...... 11011 43:n. r 8n! 0 a. , tho j\ ..I·uffice ",ill rClOheCAreful~ttA\lItion . Sunday UltCI'II"UIl . ",holl a vcrv "ISlA: 1 11 ' 1III'Cli. L lurk; 1 nn · RIJ'ueT DISTIIICT. Illec thc lr no w Rutary Bustt BUl'lIcr, ' Ii' ..JI.. t ..JI 0 * D D.RECro RY. -- - - , Iu~ge lIuUlber uf rellllivc "lid I . it:v , W ~ 1.Iro,lhcc,k: , I W I l!'EE, l' fur Ilpft CUll I. It ill t he neWCtlt ~r8nUl II 1'0 lT~ aCi)mng tl1l80ea Q.t .. 11'1 'udt! assemlJled tu reud cr th~ M "III~I Cac nIt, A AI vnftitb , J W R il,II!Y, T J ollrris 'Ith illg uf t ho killJ oul , all d the ru Otlt ' V.. ..I,';:V PIIRDKJlTINAIUAN ~~1"flBT 011. 1111 I, Illllllifootlltio'l of r ~ p" ot 10 nne I ~ i "I·\· . Fe icitv W J Qnarry ICco ulll\J ical IIIIU hes t ilenting stove , -M I"'.'. n""r ~I"", . DiY1"~ """'0" . .. J ·'I \Vu I.... ' 11. 11;,:,," 1 \\' l'- t 01'11 "'I <: 1I,. <'~(' u r~eIU • . WIl , H Millur on 110....",i fir • • 8.tur.l ..y an.l Snntlll)·.of .IIoh who:lu utll.!lul ldc hlld 1.1""11 l'a ~"l!d ' ' Y,III l'lllI ~('(. 13e sur" to call and I , Ul,,,,~'1 Ehler L. •• PI1.wr. IblulOclcl! um ullg thl'llI . The It" ,·. " .Io,t 11.... k ~" " II'l· r" . IlI clll hcr H'· I!.I'I. A LJ Mad I" x 1 illspect it. I t id tho very thing you . . . .• y r RO)lAN OATI.'OI.tC<?nullOu.-Th" 'Re~'~ . J uhn .ll awko c'.Jlh.luctud. ~hc c': I'- ', t~1 .~.J.H.l.h" " \." I,' (lllll l'kri Y C" I" N uw H ic lllllolld . L M Ollvis wuut. I oOd ne~" m Ihtar,vIICompllnt , \~Ill he p rescnt, and' With th eir now anns Filth r AUlfU Un", P\',.,.t. ¥ .... oa tho ~d emolll ('s I)I'OIlC hlllg U II:(:I IIW J ld' I"ICII t · l>o~ ' ltllr A E Hi ••ills -- Mctlsrs. Allcn Ha'ln esalld WI' Ie, an UlJl, orme WI prellen II IIl ce appearance. SUlldayof Moh oUlntb. Lay .. r.l .... e,ery , , b 1'\ I " CI' I ' I" " ~Ij;,., , ~ltnd.y .flelhoon. ,c lur I) frum the tuxt: "AII lie h ! I""~ ' \' ",I.' , 111 1' ,:"11 1111' . ."ll'rr· ~ Ia ll c loesl c l'. N W Dllrlillgtull Ohnt'l\lll ~r ight, wit'e unu daogJl.. • • ~tD~ Cil Ul ~ ill~ ~ffii ST. ~1A.IlY'S P. E. Cnullcn -c...rnfr of is fie !!:I'tISS," &C. F ri IIJ Ruchel 11I1 ~' ll lk ll ! .. t ( IlI e' lIl1utl, .UII,.. II "Io~cull' . W H MoleI' tel', Dllvld A. BI'OWII, Auron ~ ~@;l ~~~g] ~~~ T h irdftlldllil\mI8tre~~. T~e Rev. Loui. H . H"llki ll 8 ful lowed ill dlllllC a!, Ed l"'I, 1I "' llIlJ~r ul lr ll il ty LUll 1',,1 , W F ElIstm,m IWright , BUllluu Baird, Ml'd. Wil , ! . . O.borno. RsooW' . Dlv",,, •• rnoo every t ..o , prol' iuttl r~wark s after wb iuh tho Qllllr lcrl y \ lIIluroncc. A 1IIt'1 ill F L\) t~ v~. kOl'8UII , M I'~. Mooro. Mrs. "ox, (of tlII8 year will bo large Exhibitors, und 1l\'W'ynne is cordially in vited . wook. on und"y evening. Sunday_boo I . . . . D LI '( . I· · ·· I .. . . . . ' '" .. lO M. m . every Sund..y. IrCllIlllns 11'01'0 collveyed tu MUllnl I " "Ule. It·o l. ,' nt IIIC lllllall. V" dl u~1Il 8 bll r" , M Doycr Now DlIl'lingtuh), F. M. Hawes I W"l'"~ '~YIlo88ie Town hip Deteotiye& I U~WCll;ll'y fur burial. ,~~·~! " .\'H " l: .oI lt,;,:". 11ll·.lmil!!r ut Uutuv ia, J L'eae 111111 othenl a ttc llued tho' IOdiUn l\ l'u ~~. 1 :'ro~tive Compaoy mcel~ on the lid a ..tu .... ' 111 rd. Wuqd's uge WIlS 58 Yl'UTS, l"l lIlty .Q:'UII Ul' ly (.:I.JIl cn:ll cu. A 1>(, l'dl.·on, :5 N 'AllIl'llh Crpek Bt\V' i~t Assuc held at d"Y'n CI\ob month. at I! n olook p. m. II, · 8 montil8 and la days. 8hc \l'1\:! C III\.£k~· " W Drl'oo, Ml d~I !I~JUl'y to B u~ lolI, F B)~)es Mill Orwk Cb nl'ch uea r Oollc .. o arc reAr:ectfnli invited, allli wi ll recci vo a cordiul welcome. o,l'I'l lr ofthu L.Uartloook.Proa· 1, a t'alt ' If 'i I' J ..L' com 0 I ., I,.....-p»NO I TO ~1.,0 O"T'lNG L I QU (Ii )"S (/ll(no~" un th e flf o'l Ind! {dont. R. P.Oompmy. O..n"".Seoret.lry. I u I, a m ,'~t Cxe\'1 I!lIt1 "1 1I '·x ·U. 011118, Hill, Illst week. U-.I L1 • t I . I Id ' h' L WhSI' t'lNClNN .~TI [)1 ~" ltl O1' . III .. I J V rllt~"us'MRKTI!Pl 10rlhooox).-Moet- IlOlg11 r.unu WIIS Ie 111 IIP' Cri ' ... IVO vrallCI , anco --G .lI.Zcll&Sonhave8npplied .F Injrf'1rdi.. h~u",,0",hip ov•• ry Fi'"t ~"d ~ l~ ' tcumbyu ll who khu\\' hcl'. Sh u C. W. l\ r:Tl' Uh". P. K F('l·sIJllI'~. lIolvkes all tbe Buhullie ill lilis tuwlIsliip !l.,y. begl .... ,ng " I, 11 " ulook. FII......DIl) \\,\1 U mClllber vt' th e ME Cbul'cb Ciuci li ll ,L i : St. l 'ulIl. U 1.1 H iJga· ~l l)ullt Orcb IIl1d Bellton G S AlC' l lY ith tho il'ull 111/1 1'8 In l'lltl'Olled 1'1, / . . . 8rhool a\,11·2 o'olook .\. N . , d . I101' I·t· ' d'~' I ' "'''V. . ' FtlU!T n,'PTIS'r (Free-....iII ) m,ur"h In 1111 I e Wtl~ . vl'nct) t I:lt . LI1~gldl!1 , unl'last ithlll e-- twcl ve ullugcther. e ntJt I1Il~ tII e I10 Id cr to enter as .many .llrllcloa 118 they cbooee. Try lor':l illl J uhll' . U TllCkluy. MUl'IIlhulI, E 1. J ames Th c e tnllpS oll ly ha ve tu be seclI a PremIUm. Send for n PremlUlO List. WII "\le.- &r<'i""" held the fir.t ftnd Illlrd , s ho waS II tnltl cllrlslJaIl, 11110 II~ III' Snl,bolb o' ,'""",,,nn h nt l0 'iA. M. and 7 ullce thut null' she n~ te . fn'ltl h ~ 1' 'hl'i.- lil', Will 1{1:1I\'lllI ''' cst Uni,II\ • .CTWclls tu bOIlIJI)rociult'll IIlId wc ~'edictl SAM UEL mO NS P.,./JII't _ >-< GEO W , CA REY &t!w. 1". ~1. !Loy . J . A. lll tolO. "f BIoIDnb""ter. I' . I" I I h bl t F ,II I,' v,' W HI, I, :11 J [' I - . ut Las . . , " . " ,. r ... l"r. All nrc nordi.ll,. luvited 10 Kttend ' l a ,ur:! III uC I.O_II.'O_ .U t e Ud. . . " II \oil l. crIS., .UIIS It~llIt~y . .. , II wido del ulllld tOI' t hc . IIl.. II ~ York ti tl<:cl. L> C \' II11 ' l d 'I II >" , M 'co DUllhltlllH I 'l\!''''" M S th b . B FUI&NOS' M&&TINCl {ni.'k"it~l.-'&I"~lIn~ ,~ J ~ O ' . l' rul''''' 1111 tI ~~ I II , 1' 0 1\ ~~I SOil call Slll'p l v an 1IIIIIIIIItcd nllm' ===::::::==::::::::==='V==="=~==== ra . ou wort 'S Dew 00ks . . F' d F \JIIIANO URORl! .or ctu ',or el'lIl iIId .(·/lIi . J \V l';addi,; . L L' V " 1, t ' 11' I"l'red to . '. I . l or diVIDe w u ....hlr overy ' ''~ nn "\lr I f ~ r 1111 ~ cle. I I " her 01 tlll'llI hl!~ uel! g ubes and GEORGE N WERNTZ D ...v, ooginoiojC ,,,t \I o·nlook. Flr.... D..;y 0 ourt: FuirllllJlI lI l. () W 1\ ~11 Itlt " Eu:'t Oh io C,'l1l'e rollcll. 'V II other dohoul' 1\ • 'Mul uS. I ' I Scbool lit w 1-2 nel""k .\ . )1 . IN . H. Brnd II Turtlecrock CU llIUl iliHill UIIJ CUIIIIY Wush· uIIII'rl,llld, trall.l'e rl'ed to the Oh io 1. 1_._ .... DI. M. E. ClIY!!CII-'r: he Rev. ~{. Dttltlno E. S. Stevens HnUl illOll ill )!. l .. n . 1) It Buker Uulll'ercllcll. HB!'\·C)·Hlmr,,;. ~ on. O UT OF THE l>EPTH8. p .,.tor. D"'\Du""rVlooon Snnday •• at J AItIU8 Uook ,,' 1\ YII'!! r· !Pm~' 1I:il1W ttl"' /., ""'" ·"" iJe"k. J W il..• ,,11 J.20'0100k .\ . ll . , BUt! 6 I.I! \' . )t . Sabbath U I' " -. , ." U • INWI. I B 11011) UO/JI}Jlt'td in E(. /.; Form, .oboolat2 1-2r. v_ . J ume8 Sale ' VII I'''\, \V ill"'ll l' lnce. J )0' ColII'cy l' r~uuol. - Thero will be aBlIsketGl1l.n ....e WAU'ElJVI .... B. . I' l I' F ' N 1a P f M' lto HI! M ' . n II B I' D ' . k I)' . . J [> CI k' 0 IdS '" H.. opclled~ne. 6tool; oro " ..... gO(ld.. lIl:.! () l l1l1 fR . .,.iUf. 1,76 ,\1<)1&1", G~."OI<. o. • atrnn. 0 I , II IIr ey I\~~.' c 1\1'1\\,('. . • 11II1111 C' --M' Suvc AdlllllS is re, "oof- ICIllC III . . ar 8 0 prlDgs .. hiub b. ..iIl ""\lUrnct uru int... . uit.< ol Ihe <'a u/I. ul' a,50 a lJet. H '''''nnldl!'Y'D'W\lIS'.'~ C~hmell. M8d~t.eS rt' ~eel l G. C. Barkulu", FI'IIII " h n 1\ I' !I, ,,),(,'. Iv Io\: ~ ieJ . I . 1'1 ry . I Retreut '. HlIrvcY8burg, Satorday, la\.eft\ style.. SMli,f•• Lioll gu.rftnt",-'<i. And io i~.upd nd Ih of OYO" {) oeooD Um"y l' U\.tl CI'CCliI. 1.. ' C~'I :1 11 (), D J . 1111'1' 1111 '" II~ 1001se. . hI" on ",,' P·t. · . U er • n.rII" of e",h.. on ~mthrug..t 7wee, o'ulook p m anda un Ihe J . W . U un IlaUl .. . . , d S cpte mIlOr 2.1 :) ... comUlenClOg at .10 AI... . • uu l!! to m'.... • ' ."~ ISDMAEL I I). SELF RAISED f" u"~h . • ;urd;~. of (!Ioull m"n'th'~t l4 o' look: , SellJy W dey U 11 iO Il 1'01'1 1'11 ;, )" . J Ullll!o l'calson , -M~. D . . R. Ebright VISlt~ , A. 101 : S. H. Ellis , Muster of Ohio b,rt. C.11l ..lid .eo . toek. bll4-1 om . UI. • E GeorgI,) C,.oll8on UiI !'lall <:I IH·ivl. S Lk llllctt r I'allklill yestl'L·dIlY · ltitale Grange, Mrs. Julia Garretson J. H. ADAIR, M. D., And tllt'y al'~ ' 1110 oJ'th e BEST NOTIOE.-Ohilruburlin & MeDon· .Nerr Hllill~8 WU,Ylle Hl! IJ, lIiI.Y J S Wh illlCY i -M i,;s Lizzie Cudwull uder re I Pratt. late State Lecturer of Iowa m "~ N owlll t''l '/ ' Printed I aid take pleuaure in thankinll Ibe George W. Inue 'I'urlll'crf'l.. k Halllll luli. G U Dart .11IrtI(:d h' l \ 'I'I'c nunte, IlIdiallu.on ' StatIlGranrM,andotlter.goodsl)eak. 0 eo 0 JS~0 A. '1. . J l 8 1\ II'm 0 :' !"I'u. .1 J ,1\1 III'I'UY MUlIllly. I Olll.., Rod re.ide" '0 ftt0 Dr. nurlioy·."unol.l ' IRS . SOU'I'IIWOltTII ,S CO:.lPLKTE WORKS ' OlD OA . . nd erson ('r8 will be in attendance. orne . tan. d W cili,..en8 of Waynesvi II e BIld VICIIlI I. V J R H AYNE8V Il.I.R. u.>~ . C ty for thoir liberal patrouage. AJI T.. E • I vms . T urt IuC t~ct\ Cll i(·I.', IIntor -.M llrtha Michener iq hav ing her one. come all. with yonr baskets ",nl,I,·I.., in f.. rty-t .... o vulullle•. bollnd in who have work to do most bring 1homu8 Smith TUl'tlecl'ook I:l 0.1'1 i,un. S B umitb bn i Id illgs re rooled. Salullel is the well tilled. aDd let UB have I graud Jllh W. IlnES, M. D , "1~7';,"~~ ,,~~t~~ ;~~.M ~ul!t.ltp:::'~\ei;~ : thei r heda or give 08 notice 800n, PETIT J ·ROas. Eatuli . T S OU\\'UOII architect. good time. ..M.O~ATH.4J lIeat box. The ' ..Ilu.dull ftlV th . ir nBmOoo: a~ this i8 'pro~bly our last week D. B. Sargellt l ' lIiulI 'il llld II . ,I E U ·.. ntmnll -Mr. Henry C. W .. rd • .of La· By order MII88ie Grange No. lOR. Lthm nol; ur.11I tho Drl" "" beillll ! Wasbing,tou olruan FI'lI lkl i" ·"t1l·" M:ll·. EEll n lslIll ,fuvctl(' I ndiaot! is bercoQaviait 181. J . O.C"SROLL,Sec. 01fto"2doo.... 80nth o/H,,.ri..· Oilll... T~hlf.'R.I ....d;or. Fromtl", DuPlh w ltbourRellovMor. N I I' . L 10' r' g - " ........ W .,....... III e F"t.K 1 ret The F~t.ll MKrri.jCo. J . C. Stevenson " i,, " I C\· .. I . , "III tul li~rd lltivC8 ~I - N h" , • Th"Lo.IU ·ir.... The D..... rtedWife . Frail 1;.1in F.,i I: lJ 11\-" I! uud SlIgar V till,,!. J I . U...J n a Illreery w ere\D all II Oflloo hou ..... 7 1·2 to 0 1.2 .U( I t.o 2 1·2 'fred r h Lif~ Loye', Lnbor Wlln. .T he oHrn fort 0 Its p08868810n 18 Heory Marabnll nry freq uently oflilet by tbe a~floy- W. n . (;00 'tuble IIutlu n. F U ".) - A young. ehJ!~ o~ Mr•..and Ii fe and laugh instead of crying P.M.• :. !,_~.M., _, _ , __ , ~ _ Cr~"l ft~rth:r01'l\V~. A Noble L..rrl . alice occasioned by tho .contlnual Goo. W. Null . Clcarc~!!ek .Wu lk ~r II IlU U lli,I:I1, J A Wb ite I MI·Il. J ~S!!C W right died JU Spllng. I1nd fretting, there i8 anre to be DR. E F ' DAKI N Tho MH;'~en Widow. Lu.t Heir ~iD\itbKO'" CrylUg, bow. 'l'I . Sa.f~"u N urt), Ht' Ii J. G 1 W al'(!r bul'OUIntJ t Jweek.. A Kea . found Dr. Bull'8 Daby Syrup. Vim •• Doom, Th Thee 01])111' A!'tJet.0 Proph Lu,e. y cry 'III"'" 01 l'lle Babv. .; ~ ' lt'OI'd Hurt , t. . :J R 'd ".•. d , l' The Tho Y.!III~y Hnde" F.UJ. eVOI', is .thecbil~'aouly w C.t hod .of E. 13. Oliolloweth Wayu !' D elhi , ,J \\. l:ill llil' d ulld -wr. lllU l!'~. rney tll8 PrIce 25 ce nts per bottle. 'J/.ce lI1lCl ~l erwe, .1 111" ot., ThoChHn",tIIi O...le•. TheThroeB.nuti .... 811ggestlDg tliat It 8uffors wltb d,s, S"wucl Sllarp . LJ ol'lnll R S Bust. 0111-' tll£ V FA S ciely bt'ColJ1e clerk .In the Old Drng... - - -- WAYN'ksVILI •E• Fl\ir I'i,'l. V\Vi,,;8ecr~ofPower .. •. J 1. S 'p I I Store of Bl;)llel'8 & Co TUUE WIl8 a alight froet yester. Hnw II Woo Hcr. The Two 8\j1wr•. curufort l1ud paiu un d at once C,'/18- Ullurles Ford Uam iltlllJ Ult II I ClljU~I' t Oil qUI I·tel· Y'I . ' . . ' I I d ~ ~ -;-.. - ~ '~ Vi otnr Tri umph . The MI..lD« Bride. cs wheu the el\Uije i8 (/18 it .should Junuthdu White Fruuk!in eOIl I~l'eIi C -MI' . 'lhacker a nd )fIBS Row· day morDlng.1O tbe ow- an •• ROBERT F. liURNA • A B<oaIlLiful Fiend. Wlf.'.VI• ....,.. , 'urtl"cr""k 0 n Payne, pn.:' idell t W IIi· lin., ot' on were gtrilstJI of Mrs. People.te their breakf..ta uecr the BPWOlOl'..TRlO .l'h.e SJlC<Ihv Lo.,er. T.... Mother-llI·La... removed by ORlng Dr. J osep!1 St. J obn ~ ~v '. .1 b "t U I D W'll ' ' I ........t. .tove ' Prlnuo uf Do.rko...... HaUDt.M lI....f1ilte.d. ever, · OuurtcoDvcnc8on MuudllY, Oc. vers.. y UJIU mew er '" A,UU r. I lat SOIll ,astw 1"'ft. • \ '0_11111 III 'I'boOhri.'no .... Ou... tL.d)' ofth. tole. tobcr 15th. qlllll·te d ." (lonl"runc;,. ( - It is umored that- the Rev. - --- ;J;-'-- - - - - OfIloeh I 0 ' t 11 2 1 FalloD ('rid... An ....u. Abbey . ==~_. DA,-rON DISTRICT. J llllleS Kell n)] will become pa8tor 1 l' t It to 9 • • 011" rom M () "A .M, ~ IA> Th.o Widnw·. Son. Retributlni>. . II P.. . " f Llewell)·n. Cnl'lMl 0' OIif""... D BATH 01' MA~LO~ W ~I~lI'r, Es':l The PI,lnce Car. J ~:,- 1'!l eN li N. P. E. 01 the M . Ohoreh herc . 0fIl0e I duo.. &nth of a.rria Bunk. TIle Furl"n . &"kor. D'-rded D.u!(hl,... The PIl1nce Cur hU8 arrived in -Alter a long IIldI8p"~ltlOIl. Ih~ s Day loll ; ("'ace. A J.j L ' ullllrd; Nn. -lltr . Seth L. Curtwright left KELLY.-SeplAtmOOr 1'4, 1877. Ule "Ife ..... WN."... I ••, • • '0. The. Brid.1 EYe. liIy.lAtr), Dt.rk 11,)11",. · Waynesville, 011 Mnin 8treet, oppo· excel lent gentlomllu dlcd at III E T W~II . ' cu rd ~ t. Knd h(,l'e III t week ft'r II. vi it with her of Leri H K~lIy, Ilf a dallghte,.. 609. ~~~~~ Ind,.; or. ll,P of l'eul BI.,IlI'. 8ite th"e livory stable. d 4 largeI pic· hume ' lJc:n"z" t."all""8 HIGGlI:iS.-;Sep~lDber. 1877. the wife 0' L . C • LU KENS , M AlH,vc ~kof'" for oaJe "!.I·~~ ~k. . I in Bprill~buro lust Friuay M ~ " r , W N 'WI' IIiu In8', Oil - ~I'~ I ~ III II' v'" ~a ,' 11 1'oll'" ~ \;a .o. _. P"tnok HIFJlIIl •• of • d••ghtAlr. . .Dlol~· , lie ...... IIr CIlI"M 0 .D,. ..... 01' ~ . . . . ...... tUl'e!! .l.Ir 50 cell ts, as urab e a8 nI8 .1t, at an a \lanced age. r. VillUlI <..luI) I, C F Guwtly -Oupt. John W illill me and wifo, ROUSEl.-8ep~mbar 16. 1877. tile ..If.. PHYSICIAN &; SURGEON will hu . cut Wany ono. to' IUIY pJaotI poa~ ally 10 pictnrc mude. Pictnres Wr.l ght was olle of the oollt·knowil Troy A1l1lucl'I'Y 6 1 S A CI'C\ 8ter f N .. t K \ b ll t of Obarloo R.Il..... 01 'wi a daugbWn. . • p.. hl. on r. ",H lla. price to 'h"1*~ takell of' horsea, curriages und res · ciLiten80t t his county, and a IIlllll Ti l)'I I~C'lu u" ii ill o( f' CO\\tP'W ,r . l~:Y'B' I!lvlel teetll ., gne8 8 011100 In Natiunal &nk Building. T. BaooPE1cl'ER80NS '" BRPh~lad'!!.fl 'd p' t I cd t r' • 'I' ,. .A' S pl'lI~g . . ",' , Ill" • \0 .. oe a . A .... Your •• lf 6he.e Que ., W·"YNE'SVILLE. OHIO 1U8tllal· lreet, I _1"''' I ences. IC urcs en Ilrg a rea· 0 1I.•er 109 cuara,c ,:"r. ru AJtli sol1. AI P Zillk (olle to loo 8l1p' I ~. E Up' d h .. • •• 0a.. .4 , . -- ----'----- ~ --. aonable rnte8. 01l1l800n, for I Bltall haa lost VIlO of its \'cry bo t ,,~t, Jli 'd) I - " ,1'8. . ..... rJn~.!in ~r Are you ft dwpondent .~lfoJ'edrolD ~tok S"'TH W. UR01m'N, 'The Wasbington 'City.RODte t. remain a short time only. L. W.,D- izeus 0 I ~ ,. S 8011 1IIII'ry IIIL' EI been Vl81tlllg th eIr Jleadaahe. Jlahltual Ooot,,·. n_, Pal pltar. u n ' U IICOI~, tV Btl,? Il'duti l't'S ill .FuI·mel'BviUe tIli8stnte. t!oo"f \b.H""rt~ Ha.,eyouDbzlneMof ATTORNEY AT • gor, artist, 0 f D uyton. .. • llnlOkl'lIlu J A Etlij,m • tho Head? I. your Neryou. 8,..t.em de•• • . A BAD AOOIllKliT.-Q uite II. 110 Gordun tu' besnl'plied -MI'. Richnl'dS. Gilson is re'\iftlllAed? Dueo YOllrBloocI olrallllltelmd ly ? AND NOTARY PUBLIC. . I:G" Evcl'y etTtlct must ba~ ' a riQUII accideut hlip'penoli to U erhert G rwur:towo 1 T E I' iJd ler co\'el'in ~ ~Iowly fro~ an alal'm ing .m;"=)'~ ~~f~ :fl!"'':tis,.r;rr~ .• ~~ LIIOANON, ORIO. \ cuulle j 80 Boil8, Pimples. etc., are Lawrence, 01' llii s .p lace, aud Mor· W CRt E lklOU, to be slI\J ['IieJ utlllck 1.11 lDtlammatlOll of tbe bow - AU!#' th_ .. nd much mor. ~ the dlrent - , - - .- .- -- , . ' . tho result of poor blood. ~Ilrify .r is S lltll'wond a sffidcllt lit t he N ur- p ' . G J F M I ' e18. ro.ulw DyllJlPpoQa. Lher Oomplaint aud MARLON RIDGE, 1'/,,) Shfll·te8t. Qlnckut, and on~y the blouJ by using Dr. Bulls Blood mal School. I)li la t SllndllY eveu · IqIlG" '. I~Sn08 ~I'j _ I ar uy , -Joel Rockhill Eaq a well. IndilfClStion. GnI!.RI'I'1I AUGUST ~I.owKn I. ~agl)10tlabl'" marb"'t all~ Di" ect ' Route in . , •. t db ' I h J,. t' . 1'1 f' ll I' d II\Oe, \O\U ,., now ackoowltld".,.J by.U druKlfllwtubc • .lIl U -'SRI~GTO.1N . m iX ore nn UOlS J soc cr.p lOll'! IIIg. Ie youllg . e uws 11 re II LockiIIgtOIl. J 0 A i'n l'roso known citizcn 01 th is coonty, died, po.utl..ftOunl. 2.400.000 bottl ... wore givl!n n . , 1'1 D ."..TIKOR£. as thoec Dllmed. . hors~ ~Ild buggy ul J . ~~'al,e ~'lt!tcIH. r, D b ' ''Cllt:! ' ' last Thursday week, in Lebaoon, .way ill Ilw U. S. through <Ir~i.'" to tbu IBIAIIll-lID:rlll~~lIm , w .......... ~I_ h.'-"" - ---..-.. -: • ou Slluday l lls~ to .p.IIY · n' VIQI_t,~. ot Pll l'i ~ und Lenn M Dustin IIged 76. people 00 ~riMI. Two d. - ": l _ tJal,. any ."IN ItT. . . . . . . . . . . y ..... R. Richmond Lynchburg NoJ-olk I N nil tbe loog obituary uotlces some YOLlII'" ladlO:lllvlllg ueili' HOIl . .. " ' . . . pe1'lOOll of It••~d8rful qu.hty in OUrlDg I ,1&1 · ~ B' 1 k ., . . . Era\id t, T D(! W!I.t Punk - A lIumber 01 our cltlzen8 WIt- all form. of Indlge.tloll. ,'Sample botlletl l 0 1<0 Mormou e Ilie,. I o f tie rig 111m pelo '. 011 thell' l'eflll'lI the hl)1' (j M' . b or F B D 's d th T f tI to ""ntl. R.gul.flize 730. Sold poIIlti"O.&OWD Young,:..-and the'ro have been Il8 loecllllle I'l'igblelled in t,ho bridge Fllln!;"I ' urC"'.'F aVI ne88e el nnvSOlldl?g 'OH 1-..1 mlon. 1,.\I,."IIf1r. t-clmdruJrgi .... lntbeU. ~. Tllg SOUTff-fi.A T, . . III e l' ''Il ~ U II ment ome [lst 1 hi a, .new·York, ., DJany 0 b. ItllllrtCSIlS t here are news· 8punulllg Lho M~I1II.1I. · lit Fr!!cpul't RI'UII u 'i;' J § . b W Q uWi d Ittd tie 0 lerB Wl~_..,~ Ph1-l a d 'p Bottoo. 10U papers,--we cannot recollect any and back od ont of' the briuge t\lId C 81 un prlllg oro. c lies ay. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~~~ one of thcm ill which it WIl8 l .e- o\per the lower abn tmc l,t lit tho F . t' :~tll~I\> . -Mr. Johu Walcott and hill ~"tw ~.uat --BELLSl' 11 E E A ST. marked that ho was a guod man. !lllst end. Deture the ,buggy wellt K~~"C:I;li Ie IA~cKuu8'm!ln danghu:l': .01' A.llen8. Ohio, ~ave R olled wllite wh out at 7tc. a lb. lI or onc ultcl'ance indicating any ove r Shel'wood jumped uut, bllt Miduletuwll. 'Gl'IIll ville Moou Ibeeu V I~l tlll.~ M,'. Jllcob Halnel THE BEST OFF~R.I PreparOO cocoa 20c. u packl\go. 8 ....·.. ' . .. 1.~;:::~:e~:.:~~~:••"le T..... reg ret IlpOIl the pa~t of any one La wrcncc, tho hONC and b nggy MOllrue A U Bellll y und otller fllend~ hereabout.. We " III .~U during tloe •• hard limes Oat Meal 10 cts. n pound. ,1. ,,,101 ,e m.",I ... r It. d alo e that Bl'lglulm had finall y 8humed went ove r Ihe aUlltruclit anl l lell II ur 'n • l' . I t I~ _._. , -Mr. W. J . Oook and WIfe ar· a.uu.'B· f1 Bakor'8 Oocoa. 30c u packugc. II 11' J 101 E otT this mortal cuil. On the CUII - d istallce of fil'teoll' teet 'Th o 'bii·.~- n J~I'I;: ;.II~ oclc nc.'at ligen I l' e~lCl'sf rived here 1!ISt week from the West. ~","laDOS or 18'f1V. Oswo~o Oorn Sturch. ]50 a pack. A, ~ t AN D OHIO R.R Y QUDl ItIlclm )O~r 0 Th o~ will tllke their """itiou8 in IAocnldudR,.lnl gOI~."r ~~1IeSA In tb. A·dmeUPrn Pho~"OIlII' Cove OYAten!. frCl!h Lub.tcr. S"lmoll Bud trarJ of reliot seemf.Y was comL,lcll' l ly . ";"ashcd, tI~o r;c It' Cl I I" cclol,rated [01' H.I~.I II. .. G ...... v , all atmusphere . ... u \'lICe lure 1 \I'!I' el' Y 011 ' J • r-:", rll ,.. . quare An ~r lII _a F ' t' t 1 ' . I ' h G MD ........•• 4)•• eIt.,., l!I..e ....... ed to pcn'ade the 8ubJect, as if tho IOI'se killed alld yUll llg Lllwrcncp t' . • our school at Its OpeOlllg, next Pl asT,cL_JIlI- aold direct to the l'aOPLII AT aoruld' 'An ""O"Wh' a 1~."I1pr:!'~I· rC" 'tll onC : ..... B ... .III'.1 Ift_..... . Iy .III .In rod. 1•hc b 1'111"0 ' e lCIl e l wee'k . u". "'peel.lty. o. IIA e. on _ ·.r ....,.i ..........·' ... I... worId .III gencl'll \ wew re Icase d seqous ut " "TOaY pal :"" N ° "fenlA; no commll· ' tnry .ndomo. Pine TBr~.Soup" I ItoterIcIlI ..... retII from lin inCllbll8. A pnrely 8el· both 'elldt! is 'dungel '),II~ lllld R~OIlIJ SPRlNGI' I,";W DlST~IC!. --Wanted to know who the in· :~~:~t Ii:: ft::=~I~~~ia1SI~e\8;b~i'(;'::le~:i~~ H~ oo.. ~inu •• to make the g;onuloe Hipu .... fi sh, sensllous cltarnctor j 8hrcwd, be protected by l\ mili " "'. Aut J W VA 81l:1'T, 1 E tllresti ng I'onple was tbat BIlt all E. bllllaioD. "lid were unanllDoudy reeom, IpodromdekLlnlmc nt and Bod~II . Cough Sy .... • .. <> S . fi Id' C I 01 h W A ~ • . d d f .~ H H N 11f' an 001''' l..rger un ""Iter IIII8Ortmont will alwaYB be alJ LOt". cul cultltlng '.lull Ullscl'up ul olls-the furt will be made b I'uco\'er th e prln~e . elltra Illrc, lust Sllnday ni "'ht untl\ 8 o'clock Olen. or . .. e IUUII", 0"0l8. e.. 0 Fumily Groceriea thau auy otherhoullO I. . II'd f II I I' I d ' P 1 b' . H' h t · t F G .... , Manoraeton-ooc nf the largell ano flne.~ . . all uti any other Line! wor Id IS we rl v a SIlC I II 80 amages from the coullty.-- al· . 11I8UII ~ Ig S ICC, A. M.• on the d ool step of Mr. A. in ~h. world. The Squ&re Grande"cootaln I'D WAYDU. YlU.. IiSS nrupilcts und 8pecimells of deprav - riot. 1\1 Ilchell Doll. Mal·b.lbek·o De" patAlDt Duplex O.,cr. lrung . - . --- - - - - - - -. -- _. --. P UL L ~[A N PA LA C L' C R fty. _ . -- Urballu: F' irst S 0 Ulaytoll ' SecM _ J I S'tedd . 'te Scale. the ·gr •• te.t.i mp.....emcDt In 'he hi. · SWARTHMORE COLLEGE: Jl J .l:. A S ReU-'OUII Notlces. dAN'S . I ' I r8. 0 10 om IS.'lOl tory of plano making. Tb. Uprlgbl8 are ' T Ru .. Tbrot'llia W .... out ~R ..II~ - -. _ •• ' - •• on ,pa l~ sick . .Sl.e visi ted Dayton last Wed. lI" rll'1I8T 11\ AMUIe... Don'l (&1\ to write I eu m~I~. froID .l'hil..<lelphl", under ~hu Till!; W al ren Connty Fair begiu8 . Killgs Crcck D L Huyward and S .1 ,. d 'd' h . h for fUu,\,.,ted .Dd Deocril'\lve O.u.logue _ care of} r,ende. I!""'" to both IIClle. ..lIko b,·t,",'.n the prlm'I",,1 to day, aud promi8es to be the best The new Ohristiun Ohnrch was W 0 .' : uesu~'y, lin \'I tng ome III t. e ma iled free . . . 1"'11 cl•••i~1 ,,"d ..,ientillooou•.., •• I"r aom' WESTEIIN & E"STEIIN f~IT.E8 t I' II d J ' t i S I III ey . omnibus becumc tboroullh 1y chll· •• d 1 h Pi C pl.ting ..hlob tbe usual degroetlllro oonferfair ever beld in tbe county. 00 orma Y e lea C( ou UIII ay Mingo and Tabor. J S Pumphrey I . ' , p D ' 110 D lao 0., Iroo. T_.tal Oxpen .... inoludiDg tnitJon. .. ly nil tl e Iltal18 were full yes. Ill8t. owiog to the 1I01l·arri va l ui' tl.e N II T ._ ,. b G H K d lied by the seven boors Journey. 638. J No. 116 BaoADwu. N. Y' . bo.rd, wa. hing. UIIO of booko &0. t360 a P... Tloruuflh. 1.'eko!.8. \1 .. gg"~" Choek •. Near .. 1 . . or I LtlI~18 nrg. cnne y 0 Th 81 ood f W'I . • • MOl'Oment 01 1r"" ... 8Ieo"III.;0 .. r Aceo", r tordny. ulld several bol'lles were en- Wlllltit~I'8 expected .. .A .. Inr~e C?"- Eust Liherty, W P Jackson -: r. ~mae lorw , 0 . I' I )'8Il ' N lDodl\lio~., .ute .. apl'l,. at Ihe Tlckel Ollloea tored whosc speed is in the twen· jl;regatlOD gathcl'ed III untici patlOll \ W eatvill e J G PLuck ,torf,' Muscat. lie Co., Iowa. arrived 0 EXTRA OHARG ES. . t all pr"""pill (H1lnl. tics Everytlting iodioatea a big lOf the dedicatory ccrl)mollicl!, thc U· O'B L .; . Iiere on a vi8it lust Tburaday. If For CatAlogue. giving full pllrtieul'lll'll M RORTH. 80UTH, BAST a: WBST . . • . I h be' f II d h d ' d 1__ 1llOII, a\\ ,Oil • I' cd be . ...~ Ito llOurl!C! 0' study. &0 ., .d~re"" E. R. Il(lR~EV. L. M. IJ C'L g . time ; t Ie weather will be sPlell' l ~ lurc tng 0 , an uo Ie 8 "". Oonterville, J M Shultz we w~re lOC III to .USplcloua. EDWARD H. MAGlLL, A.M.. AeN'll:"n 'l T. Ag:l. 0"11' 11'. AI(·I. did , und there ia no doubt tbat the I~g compelled to take 8cats OOt- New Jl18per, A W Tibbits we might otter a remark" but. we P\'eeld~nt, THO''; P. DARity. TH O'S R. SHARP. atteudatlce will be numero08. Let III de. Elder John~. Ho~bes, of Meohatlicsbnrg, F M Clemens won't. NERR BROWN, eWl\rthmore College. D"lllwore Co.• P... West. ~Ba". Agunl. _-'. _~.t.er_'~r · II:.. cverybodv go aud have I good I Da~ton. pr~ached, an~~el'vlce was Moorfield, W R Smith -Mr. William Ri~bey, au ol~ SuCCeIJ80r to Brown ~ Oha1ldler, I - '--- ' - - ; -- .-- -;- -- 6???i~ DoL .n_li. ollrnedinlhes!, olJ fashioned time; tee tbeir l aga.,u ~eld ,~n theeveulll. g ;. but (he I' Yellow Springs, H M Keck citizen of Leballon. died Ill8t Fri' ReepeoLfulI,. annoonoee tbot b.. no.. ia . A ITACHM ENT. 'Il' ~"no,. lUI II cnn."0 mllole In frionds rub lip .",..jDllt mankind in ded,cation 18 deferred uutll 80me Jamestuwll J P Shultz day week aged 69 y6l\1'II. Jle was full o..lng.t the old otaud...lUi. IIO,*-' N. V. OIe .... Helherlngton &. 00.. Part"1OIolllh •. h;r an~ 000 of al • _It' be eel Ii ft • I " b :K~ ouppl;y of the boo' nll ... lrachng onder lb. name Rnd firm of • t lor eH 10 Rnv ,,"r\ of Ibo general, and glorify themBelvosall \ Im.e to. aunollnc cr~a er; at Oatawba, E C Smitb, H 0 Weak- a good ma.o; and h,s deat I~ a ~. Fl ~lcthe r.lDglon & Co. Doforo Wm . Kan- 'II' cnuDlry whu I. willing ~ OVt!r . wlucll tllne we hope to giv e a fnll Icy ,' vere lOBI to the commoDIty 10 our, Ingloo. J . P. or Wayne Township. WBr work 8Ie'ldll." 11111," . ",ploy• aCcount of tI e c~'u b' I ' t . . h' b b r _.l I Buc/cwlleat ren Counl' Ohio a Ollt thKI. wo fnrlliab . 166 per wI'ek in TO.... ... • I rc .8 liS ory HI South Ohllrle8toll, W H Black Iw I~ ell'.,.. 810 Dng. Oorn-Jle~l 00 tbe' 14th d. y ~, An«" , ', A.D. 1H71. na'n lown. You IIced 1101 b o nWlly fnlDl J ohn Taylor 11118 been "revealed" IthIS pluce. Oldtown, C H Klllbfus -The Rev. F~tber Aagqetin8 ' Vi 6 It FUJ laid Juell•• \eeued.n ord. r 01 nUachmcnt hOlD<>. o,'e, nlghl. You eRn gi'e ),ollr wh olo to the Twelve Apostles as the suc . -Elder Wm. Pollard of lonl\ Cedar.vHle ,J L Gregg completed the ni..rch lUlA weaterday ft 0 e ur, 1111 tbl .bon aClloo: rn.the su m of 1&7:1.00. lime to Ibe wurk, or oDly your apllre ".' 0 ' Y S C d '11 .' . ' . ~ . . ' ... - -..., J 'Potato68 0 ••• oo~lnu.d untIl Sepl.mbe, 29. IB71 m cn~.. We hl\1'o 1\8"nl& who lire mnklng . CC880r of Bngbam oang. 0 11.,11 aDIl a, WI .~reach III the DUl,!tl8t ' Bellbrook, to be 80ppJred of Mr. WilliRm Rogers' lot,oppoAni ~ d ,#, II k'nd ' ' N. V. OLEAVI'lR: overt!lO pel' d~y. All wht> engnge I\~ one .. our rond hopus of Beecher'8 ele va· Cllurcb the filth Sundll.Y Dud .'8at- 'L D McCabe, Prof. of Pbilosopby liite the residence of O. D. Wonl. ~e ~J a I , --~enn milk" mon ey r"81. AI the j1re8. .. t IiUl u tion to that exalted position are urdllY before. of this month' sat- I iu 0 WU . member of Higb I y H' h t > t' where a C~tb. :blob he oeU. at \bo lowllllt q\1otationl. ~~.1tMpaN, monuy callno, be mado 80 CR8i1y "n d r~pldlr " . d ' ' , '. ' e ,on Ig s M.e, Q:tU1 purob ...... dolivered immediar..l ~ . at nny oillor IJUslnl·... It cOSl s nothIng \.0 . dasbed 10 tbe gro~n. d Who IS ur lIy at 2 o'clock P.M., nnd BundllY street Quarterly Cooterellce. olic Ohurcb will bft bJ1.i lt,_ l',r,ioe ..I\boIl, eatra oblll'ge. y. Ir.• Ihe Terms and 15 ou\fil freD. t ere to1l)OQrnfor' -Beecher? lat 10~ A.H. . J -T- Short, Prof.-uf-Enlllieh L1mIr-\of lot--OO -- Wawa'---Karoh 1il':~I"n Addpc8S. at .ooce. B. HALUTT" Co .• 611 Porlq q ~ -y~.. ~" ...,_w.Oou...,~ hnd. Moil...
m...enty.Seventh AnDual Exhibition
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September 19th 20th & 21st 1877
'PAm OP SOUTB-.:t-awr OHIO'
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TO AL "..a.
ICDtleeh., ""pt Iwr 1II01llh shllt III "MURPHY MO\,EMK T ." - -- trial th~ogb, alld evor yjnoo. That A Cllrr4tlll' ~lId(t!It. 'of ~ltI Aid!. 1 CIIII"~ b,•• k 110 lOll er re ... ,1111. 1) n. S WArN E, 8ANJ>tI. IIWKK1', • • • • I'UBLIIlHI!:I'•• in iWIIJC WWI a qDalily rarll elJllugll o"lI"b j(IVl·~. ~} ' !->W~ . "t tku Mill': TI.,u 1t,·01 LlMlaMI ""<81. I~. 1110" ...,·11 &0 bave markod Mn. lleccber IIIi I!liy nlll\' , III '1,1 (q llll II I I,tli .,' lis t ,.1 ,."., I' 1110 ll"o~. l'~ • ,1,1 I min '1.1'1," " "C"ye ..·•• ",1 0.,111),.,111111 ,,( tbl Illr = , ., 1 . I I II ' ... I 1I "', ~ '" Im"gu I ",,"111'1,1.. , III fo,' (,, "10 ,\DR.. SWAYNE'S • $:I,lear. QdKrl ill Ad,"CU, III thullOlIlltYoneoftilt1 great pel'lf(Jllagetlol tIO. tull'l ,lHtt , IIIIH' "I}WIII: Itt I' 111 ,,,,,I.. , .~. I/i ... 1: r ou of the QUIILY· Id b I . ... A I' I II t · . 20 Twobul,i ~... .",,, \" '"r. ,.:cr,(j wor • ut 1I0aeeOUtlt Itl9 ...,eu tll 'olte v l ICu , it 01111 '1'111\(" I "'~I I . YN ~I: , : ', ..\ ',' .11 W"n~. 0 OompollDd ,rup of Wild Cherry. , kOIl (I( it, 8ilJlpilt bo('tllhltlllhts Wtl8 Wlllkol,lill D 'loI"1I1'< 'limy ' .ud "l it, r ".I .. ",hle "41"~rt, Ii'''' ' .' "1 ", 1111 ' d . . . 11'1,..J I l , .IIlIt"Ii . "'1, 11 , . ', h.1I .. y 'It s \III ·~tIC t' - 1.1 'I\·UII1Illl . f 0 10 loon h",1 ' Will. dl('1 IIIt ' l u"t th lJ ' MIIIIlI!" 1.1 I. : . \( ,:. ll l·, II •. .. 1"11 I 1l0.~U_ iIIhiS l,rtH":.lolltl oor,·C wllh ,h" h" ",,rlullt d ""C LIS gr ·at .1l I Ilin', . t h t d I I . 'u I " (111 \ I I ' I "I ' It I ' j) "\Iv,,,' ' J! ' (I' '" . ul~r 'I"". ,,11 ""101~:'hlIII." I':", "" i" KiohmoDd CorrnpoDdeDo" 1;1' a euv- IlI(J Vl'lIlen 1'1' l'lll'l III IlIH 11I1 ~ . I. A ' , ' I ,\ . ~ v' ,,. ' '' ". '. C I/'e nl '.,or " :,I. ,, .",1 IW<I I' ., III ~ , \\'uuldu't t"tlIl C W ~ IJIII)ers ho l'o Qlld wi if lIut l Ol ' I '''' lpCl' tll Itult '. '1111'; II I 11 11\ I ' 111 1,· . \'. rll'·' laOL.W" IAI . ,... ... ,III,llledl" ". IIll lt " O I" ~ I. Mil ,. , EU'8GAZKTrg' -Ti e P . 'dout'" I. . . '. . " . I.A 1'0, · ... "r·l'tI" l' f~ l l, llulw . r.t(I, " .r .. . • .• • J re~1 80uuued 11111 prallCS kml.1lllld long 9I my oll~~rYattuIl8 th en''' " , cS I'~I' \(d I.' ' \1 \ II I :~" I 0 .•• t,;h ,t. .\"III,le 11(1 . II" e;,uonti p, , Y. ,I ~ 1:,1.1" ,,1 I e "I, '" pr " ' ( i " " VUllt at Ru.;IIIU.Oltd, olte dllY 0 1 IUllt O. la rel al ed tv IIlId 'fic('tlrt,.," ' h~ 'I'II~; AIIlI . I' ~.I. J ' 1'1'11. b,' ~llIr)' re o ,\ tite l 'I~ I,"<I" h'lI1" 011.\,,, .. ,,,, . lin I (",. m' I W"ek tOl!uo>SellatArMortol1 w nA C' hIll cli uf C'11I1t!t ,'1111 ". ' lO,,. " H t "z' '''lI .. It~.I' Ilt'dU .,lnf hl\l lit .:, ~" v ..... - . -.-. I" tl w lurtll 'r I I lo Mlltl'' I I . I'or SOQlO tno i WI'I ' flog Ibe"I/ ... 'lt.. t'''"' '. '''J " e, .. 'o' ' . t/'~ I. e I o('"C&dlon tie BRAINUtD'tI M U81 AI. WURI.D.- 1 sellsu Lhe rllluLi lJ 1l i~ IICOttl l"" I'alh !II I LIM'" M I' 11I 1.II1:: 'H;"\lO~F.I' .by 1110 ""1" 11 111'1/"". " f u iJ " ' ,' "~ '" I" '1',,1 • ,,, by a number of dietinguished ve r · Th~ Septomber IIlImber o.t' tillS la. : er thall reul, U8 IlJ a ".y of lllU'~ )rv'II ' III ;1 I';~I \ '~' I ~ '~: Ii 1'1 E. \\' 1',,'1011' ~Ilu '1 '10.,. '" e 'It ,II 'h Ir r,,·"' '"'' II 80nl. The wholcooulltry WI\8. treat- ""I'lte MUdlcal Mouthly I ~ UII otlr l lll'~ut 'Ill carry III " It ~vl'I\"r' UI" 1111 .1 II ' 11110: I'· LO .. ~. " " I,,,, ~II. " , ' , ',"ee' ,"11tt ll"it •.• ( ,",'1 ., "H .. ' t',· " ., f I }J d 1 '"" e 12 \ M ~;HI " N .. r \i \ I'() :, 1 " li lli e !l1l(' l l U'H IIICUI 111. Vn d 'U, lh t . CIIJt:.. 1. , .,1 11 ed tu PUII'VICtUIt(lS 0 t III ":81 lInt 8 tublo, alld cUlitaiu8 the II s tllLl forty i not III lillluw III p Wltlt lll l)' 1'1.111('" " I' ll I " .. !>i"i I) ~' '1 II I 1.1; I\' Ill, ~ 'Il,' 1'0"1''' "I ,Itt I It ' ",I ~ I"L•• ," I ,,, .. III .I. ! l1.m \'al hllro fl'tlm Dayton, h 11:1 recap · llJlgel! o f ('(JUice lIew rII\ldic 1Llld in · ' of tho Cit l' I~LIIlIi ClluI'c h, ' bu t It .. , . . I U E: I '-I I t:: I' IV I k 0 ", 11 111' 211" 1",1" ,. , . pr ,r, '''''", . ' , " I< "' , I" Patented July ] 1 lli'1r. 'If ~ t t II tic t and I ne of marcl I J N h I lI I ) 1 \ I '0 EllUl Ii 11'. 1,. II' 10 1.: medici l 11111 11 ' U!l ll ~ U" · " I... I , • • • 1 .ri n t 111 . J:1lj it J;)ti Iuua 10 pV , . 1 I i tere~lingllllldicarealllg. uonetrioa ll u o l'0nly otll'" ~I \'t I Il 'I ' l'~ch I~) It, IH I ~:, " hll \ I'III~~ O RT '~ ' . " II",hl"". ,'.lIull . er.... .. . I :" ".hl to the Burban k resldeuce, w!lere nil 01 ell ted ill IIlIldic ellon lLifurd to bo nud mlL" Ill' I' . III I hu lal I~ I "(" '"1' I 1', 11 E \ S II f I EI.II O ~· I E I" I""'. III! • " ,.. ~ 'tl \ I' " ' , ~,," I ' 1' " "'1'11' , Is to lhe mariner on lhe stonny urwoltllyll.'g.~lId.t1~ev,ory. IIlIlI - ! wi,tb vutLboMutilOAr.,WIIILLO. IUlllcvlllllcllt'utlJ 1'l:!llId I I ~ ,,, li lt """ ,,,,,, '. " lu le. " r,, ' Itt,· lit ,·!" ".1 e<i"! ,,1' 0,111,'- ,·",,,· tI,, ll· '" Tf, e J/IIA . HIIII ' , . ,, :/,{ coasl sois d w cl nl.ervle\\ ,· .. twee 1 r r.J '7 1I 1 1) . ' ~:N 1'1': IlI , ~ 1.1 ,••, C H II. IIle l' l" "e ,., ."" , !fI,_., IIIu " I II " , Lt· ' III Ir. 1 Rem~dY'I ~ ~~SON'S Illg al~ U IIl1f I .IJC • II hu pnl.lltiItOI'8 o.ffer Iv send it CItCO IIplili the wl lU lu .. ~ 1L1t) 1"",).( i>' " " IttlA Il ' ' 11 1.'0 H\ . I.) .I rue 0,1 e' he I,.. . " ' " ~ . tl no. ,I. I to · 'n·l 'n ' r",ecti ve fx.erna ~ he. t\\ 0 men. •t "YWI a 811 allgo co· tI'l! m onlll, tr rn Sept e mbllr, 1 77 "ul I III 1'1 VY tltg lind l·I,·\ al "'~ It I" I. E.I" , rd, _,, ; . ""' ,, '"·'If"" ,,, .. "" ", r '. ;" '" ,.. 1<1 ~!:!. W¥ IIlCldo."CO,WU.llt It...that for thO , to J8nn8ry. 1879,l'vr the ycady Bl)peare II) lIIe nlllt l'.dlirt lil 1:"'.1 I ~ II : 11 ' 1111 .1 ,l lIPl'ArION n, Ih ' , ., .. , u ..: l u. ,HI I I " ~,'ylt. 1:. \ \.:< (l 1:-'\IIVE IU': I > I 11 rsttllllo d IIrlOg th 0 1."e8S0 II f tlllllllt.aCrlvtlvnpflCII-$1.50 t ( h ili It1t"1 Itlll ' \ S HOPOic~ ,." • . tile :ot ! 1t.,II .... , 1,, I ' I U''' 1)1 01 \\ . \ 1 I l "umllerorrCIl8v IIMhlll"III I~ V - :! ' OI.IlU /il o "l' ,t ll "·". " "II.. 1I I '"1 It ,",1,', . 1 , jl / .l JI II · i:JI//I~\' l.JII~ .' ~ell" to r, he eX(lrt'lllled I"tleolldltloll l Thill Will glvu tho slIudcn bl;lr 1. Dccallsu 8'J III UII' 111\ 11l'.~l v ! 1 ,) , " \ I. C . ,,1., n•. ,tlo III· "I"",,, I ,,, tI , II' " .'" I'" 1,1 ,. , J II I I I f' tU! hUPl·il.II, thllt. he wuul~ 00 ub.lo ' fonr IIIOllth8 f.1·ee, allli i~ a 1'111 0 absellt thcllllleh (' II 'III III" I Iilt ll'!; ~ ,1' N , \ \l II I ~'r. . ' I Il k ,. I,;... '! IIC ,,1.1 ' ,, 111' , "" • . II • 01 , . ~ •• , ,.1 ' ,. h ' I I. . ,'" ' :: /•• I I tIS t ~I I II ~. . ~ . Ill': , LI':,. 'O \, I.y 11,. 1 ,._ ' '' I' , . Ie \l 1' I, "l l llt I .. " " "t' . , ( of I·. • ;:. " L<I. tot.u,,~ 118RCI1 IU tJ6 !:loac III. c hance tOll6Corea largo IIm"ulltvf tlcvlcS IJf Chll l'clI " "I II II,I, 111,1 1\ " , , 1 10 ,. \'11 0 ", .I"e' , ... " 1 ,,, . 1, , " ' I' U L 1: ::, u .\ I· ' '/ " 111 (",I" . ! tOlhedistressedand .uJTeringlubjectuf D~curu bcr, utld that 110 wVDld, It el"":lltt DtlW !DUSIC ut a lntlllw 8ca lccly uttelldct.I " I\ " , 4 ' I'I>" I"e '.I I 't ." ., , 1 " ,.... \I ,·ud I' 1I, ,,,le 2lt, " .,. " .. , .... . , h ,· lou, .. ". 1 , e I . . ' g I V6 1llil I I~ ' t Y IjUp(IOi' t t " Seud lor lIamplo couy 01' " "movillfleut" I C~' I IJ . II l it . I UU ~ , I n" I I 'Ie 1'1 ' " ' "~'. II' " '' W " U U. ·I I lI , l tutl f"r .t ~\\j ' " I'1I III ' ', . , lp l ~ ' , ~ cl '/• --It I, , " '11"1 rt I, - UU{/ I t!pnlcU, v 'cost. ,.. ". eumat'Ism euraI" nla • J"') 'd tln t' ' t l ]" f i t , 9. . \ II '·r , f' l l\ .j '1\! ~ I "' I.BI .II IJ IIII. 2 1e LJ lllL,04 ,I ~ + 11 P \1; (' 'nl ' . . .... 11I li t , "' .I~ I j" ! / ( "j lll lJ 1/ I I "' ... . ,,}, {\('/t V I tIle Ill!dlllbe II I!uublltlrltol POlcY · . rellllt81.50toS. Bluillal'd 's SOIl8, seoclltromchllrclid l lll'I'1 1 IIte ir '.17 ," I", ,, ,,,I I ,,, ,l""II d, ll C (l1I).IOc l'''"III1 ''II'' · r •• ", ..1·'·' · 1·1" 1011 .. • .' •• , 1/ ,, 1. . . " /I', ,, , ,' , .. ,'. Wecanotbetoognllcfulfurlhed,scovery 1 WOI1 ~lIa e 8Up pU e (1levelliud Ohio allo rCCll1VtI the I,r" ue rlce at tll o t(,111)'l' l ll '" I' III , " t. 2 · A I),, " ~ du . .. I 1I .. , h. W m. HI,clt. Hie n. " " ) .. ... ".11".' ",," '10 ' " , ,, . ,, ,.. • II all th r ' ' 1 ' /I I, / f. , ( fl i? of any reoled ywluch WI CVlate ehU -( thuttlte P rcsi' d ell.ltivisi t. ha d C1l1.g World 81xt~'rl mllntll~ 11U" t")" 'I"'lu"I~ ll ll r(II)' ll cvll 'J ' ''II -''IL ' ' ' !!'' ' '" d. 2. ' '\\l" . l uve'.· 1 M",C B a, 10 I " . I ' , t . I "I I n..l ' , . ' r " U Dr'" '" " U II luI 00, 1 " 1 ./,,, ~elllted tbe fl.'OIIIl1?8 01. the 81Ck cOIl,ai d i IIg ;;;cr $3il.OU W:H II~ ~f O~ thc CUII I rUI')', Ill ' ,,:1 .; ,I t l~~ ~1. il '1\111 ~:,: "'~I~' I',~,f~" I '~ ~\I~."i.~~:!~or, fo~ ! :~;.~:::::.: ;'<'1, '.~~ I: I: ",'1.'" ~;:,~,:,: ,: ." :~,,,'~ ~ .,'!. "1 .' ; ::. '; ~.t' . ~~c:~~~::;~r.:"~~n~;~~ ~~~~~::S ~n 1111\11 llltd C[lU8N hllU , lur the mO' 1music and 110 ill\rnell ~e umuullt vi 1MlOured, \\ III UC CIU II IIl. " II' 1 ,,~t'l I"" '1 '''''' 11 f H " "'. W '·ulI,,, •. lIIe I, , " ".1.1. ". " II e '''~ " I .,,, . I" . , . . CIte dislr"". wlllch It enta,Ls upon olhe l kIt I • I I H Ili \wl 1 \ ' 1,",,, 1 10' 0 1, 2fl~ "l h ' ,e, I ,' w ' .n rl . " 11 1""1. [ " " ' 11 ' ". d I ~ ( I I Most evcry sufTcrer{romhiso~n personnl IItOllt,lu a'ever}' Wpl'U VICW80 IlIlterestil: g renUIIII;IIII1I II.r. to the UIIlICIII , m .(yl" I' 1",·\.r .1I \ " ," ,,1.10," H .. 1< "",~ I , no . 111_1 1..101," , . : ,.," ,,,I,,· n.· ,,, I .. '. I l ~pc,iel1ce ", ,,,,aretbnllheordtn:,,ymethoos II.'S 'J\\IJ cabcalld vf Lhu I~turc.S. Drail1luu's tlUIJS will BOlid lo.t. 10 F. " Ii I, ,I" 11"1,, I I,,, EI, .I, 2110 " 1".,.. <.,,. Ii" " , ,, , . '" II, III!.! .' ·" ~I·,I'" .I,~J'If'Z" J .. II , oftte'tlltllgRheumallslIl.N""ml;:':I,Sc,nuc:l SICk I'l' ,plu gellci ally Imllgll1e they I tbei r lurge Doscrll'ti 10 CUltll"glle ~. Becau 0 much uf I h ' ~ I',:ak 1I1 ~ Il, I II ",,"~ " \10 . \ I I In~ . . '0 ~ ~ ~ '" , '11 "1:..: ::: • . '" '.,' ~ I' .' , , ' I ' ,. 1.... ' ....1 , """/,.• ,, ,,,,, ,./ " • • " " . , ' and hm,lred dis~'llses by ,n(eroal med,c,ne, IIru IJc I I ~r vr worse ' 11M the CllSe IUlly I 0 ,. MUdl C an d AI Uel C Bv 0 k8, j 1 t' t: to wille II t Il ay I hUon Id eLL ICII I.u\·(I tt, '11 I ", \,r' II t.It! IIC\)IIII1~ ,. H IItloub r\ Wood , III,· . P , I I " I,,".1 , ". ,I I' • •" , ••' I , 'd , -I I I I.. of no n"n,l, atld.o ' not .. tillS impres>lon . " 8 AIhIIW'lllIllt !t: lit). ll. I "I.. ,. I 11_ h i, 1II I .. . , ,) '''' . ., I~ U~. llnd It was Oul nllllatora l that · any addrosil Ull IIopplicatlUlI. IlllIseli their I" vi:: IIltd Il'-I 'l\'II" IIIIl' ,9 11'" ,,1t , ' .' _II W. I((II ""o tt. ~,I, I" " .. " , , , . " ' 4 .1, e '''It. ,".1· ... 1,,· - " , . o, · t .\ · " IJ~ ' " , . , ,~ :. I ,. , C,uolnJh.)I.lupon Inlello"ent patlcnllthnl II IHI ('r tl.e ctlcums.tances :Yor~n l .•• _ :C hll dtlllll m lill Ill'. lIlli ell 111011 I ~ til 110 . 11 . 10 ' . ' · hl. ~I . 110&<1 . 1(1 1,,1, to .. ' , ' . "' . !I, lhey dClUauJamore poWllt remctly. The I III a ke a p'rrea t IUrel'C8 t In I11m· D, 91''' I\S 1\ 8 lun' OLlntlJ8HU U 1.·UN T HK l'L' t:MINlI'fK ~ 11"kc lI \ ~() fa r it S • It n ller3 I" Il,e 41 II " " !."I" , '"h tr.I. ,Rode, ' II III 1 HOME TE9TIMONY. I II " " "tll'cld l \0 ', ·, 1,, " III'l\ lh" l d,scovoryOfLAWSON'S dCURA I 'IYK I Wbe It 1111 d lie I 'rl1, d c u. t .. ' I' 8 lt le I l n l .. .., I. " ' k I ' l t"".., " I. I ' lt ~ \ \ Y ~ J\: ! Jr. S - 1 1.• ltf II hI: !l ll '. " I I. aI A "~l\·JI) JH .\l ll e l ":1 TI1~ pricclt.'t\sboon to thOlls:1D S WIO l aVe ~n tl.· C a greatere 1 utlotenaoco, It '.l 11 a 'UIII\I CXIUIi' luttel', Olla.l:llt l,llY" 1'·.. ·11 I I , d I hi '" h now'-- Ing If L '1' .... '-'( " I "I e u r · .. Ie 1,\ . 1 ., • I l"· IlllU • " ''" lu 1.. \ H I t i d .. .I·' er lll 1. ,.,1 I" I , . : \ 1 . ' v )&1 t.t.Xh,l'4 ' \ ILl . " \l " " " ' \ \ 111 CUrC'l a..,tul t e tlo u~u.a W oore IX: IIItClt:ijt III IlIlOse Ihau c had l al nature, spee(hl~ lal ~I~ I WhNI byTulIJ I III Ill:, VI ~VCII Mo 111 11 '1 .1t·, I" . ,,, ,.It,L P" " " .". , .I."n r,p 'I,I I' " ' ''~II 'C" " '" ' 1" . ' """ ,. ,I.",,"" to .. ,,~ '" 1.-1 •. I'll" 1lIl,.lt led rd levedoft helrlemble agonlesi>carwWUlg IlIlhe l tvdullej h()J~cc~ltoexlIggcla. GI~NN'8 SULl'U UUSt1AI' I~ u ~t.:d til allt.l ~~lI rt d., u ~ u ~I .. "t a~ '1'1"'1/' "I I, r'C" ~' 1 . ~." lt , I l N. O. '" "I,' "' " 'IT , UI '''' '. "" "'''''' II I lcsumunyto.ti v,rtUes. d t.s f i e .1 I .lI" I U I Itt IHiI Jl h ",,(" a CUkATIVE nt which tc UCCOUIl O. liS IInprov lIIell t , 0 bl lt ora t 0 tt IUID P IUlp 1c", hi .J t C1l e~ , dUl'e Park,·I·. hll rllig iIi 11-\' '''1 21 '~ 1/,.125 V ,".1 . ,\., " '1. . I\.. ,ktlr I ," I . •, \ \ , It!",( ' ,'''" III 111,,1 ..II' I" I I • , >I,,', "I 11 " " " '101, ,tt , " Iv Ut!· " OI,',. 1'>1 h H e~ we Ibnv cd e II age ~I tlllllar l'eLlred In the uewRp8pers , rOIl~hlJC8S,~dn~t!d lLltd . tu."llr·"I ' ali ce a ud IIJlb,·cd l' l·. '1,) 1".11 1'0 Ilu, ..~ ,. 1,,,,, 1. ... tII ,1,, _ .. " n lld ~ ,,, . "'. h, ( I LU,'lt"lllI. ' , " " I It ' I\ "it '" IndutO~p, ie"n,crnnyex,ert' '''bpolweru I II tl I d P d L i b I 1 I t I , I ::In IK'l1Cucunt n ucnce on lae woe nerve t , 1;1 II.Y U oWlDg It: relll uu tI vana Jy ! lei Iy II ~ "~ '1lInpl tltt.: ~"·cull eo\ Ic! lIr lll nl ,' n "I "'lIk HAVE YOU TRIED IT? I '" ' e ' ro,,' " "" " ..,.' ,,, " ' " ,, '' I .,,, "" " ,," I", ,, I ,,\I ,tI " I f II bl fIi t , 1 I I f t )<.rup t IYC IJlle wtl llid Ih ,"k, , It "1 ,IIl Y lI,dl.lll ," . 1) ,1 It, . , ' 01 11 ., . " I I .,"' " .y. lom-a ",medy 0 111\ . pUla e c =yCHlIIl U VI~I lore .. 'ue IL1C t IS. 110 rll hi Il C1 nl'l ylllg Ugl·lI. III .." .. • " ",,," " "'I.... ' " , w. n' , I" " ..rl-~"l l ll" " , II' ,' III ''''1\ "'~I seldom failing to offord prompt reloef In 8cns, blo pel'<jlJllbtll,0\'c!! rhn~ Mor· i admelltB.BorC8,clltg ,bn1l8e~, ~clLld~ Cl'tl .tllu L llI O " " 1" .... , ' .. I III<! (; '" 'In:. ,,It·1\\ III IIKAln I" II TIIEIIAIII " 'I '.", •• ",.",I,,,~ I ,\ , '1" ","1 11.· ",01 ,.·",, 11, lu, case'lofneuleorch.romc!""llSlUlhenervCA tOllw ri l cYl!rlako bl8Scat 10 the , Ml1dutberlltf\lct~uIl8al1(.lIIIJtlrt\l< uj IJelwc ll: Ihc " ' ''~II. ''I ItI[ ' I, 1111 11' Ktrp'_.r"r,,~ ... ~II .. lr"rnllhr· d , .1", " n, ., " II . . r, , " G'III ,, " ,1 1: IIHlI .\lI . " , II , ,II,·, t· orUillscles. aende i he l.Day 8U. r live for y. oaril' l the cuticle are I d;CWI ~l'I'O IOO\'l'd by sur vlI"", lIud ' , 11\ .,1' II . e 'lt l\) 11 ,11 " " I, U:"UI:'II .. \ I H 1I ~T"KHH. " • It l "" , ",' " , .1" ,I I " I III C " 'Id ,) \\ ,01,,1.'11,,1 For every kind of Rhelll.atlslI, iIIr t.l llbe I d S II J! I I I I '" l- h l"I ,., ' . . Ii . , ,,,, ,_" •• 1, .1,, I", .,,,1' r ,,,"''' · . ,10 . """ I " "",,,u" '1 Neural lain ever For... for nervous Op b tit lue snry(va WI ol1e 0 me · llt. u p lOr Uli ll luve vllg WCtt 01 me ll 011 tltu Ili~e III t),(· .. I 01)1' :/-Il II , I" II · ,I, " """~ " ~ ~ '" ,,:, "d ,"" u " " I " " • ,,' " •." .. " " "" - . ' j f, , .. " -,,,, }11 ' I' fll" ,' "t " ,' II II d h y~ N Oll8llell ' for , . ,•• 1.. I" "~II ' A, , · '''". "" . , ,, ''''/fd .1 ' he U8 ul I' U I ' ( • C ea aD e, or erv • icul tlllIllllltltiou aud curefn' nursing. rUI.lOwlled li S thu beet I cmUtly fIJr altd tllOI I' Iu th u " uy .. I L),l! '\u", , .1 - It ~, Ire· .. I did .lfr d I 1 4- 1' "01 1 '.IIt U ' I" .1 .. 1",01 'I" /f~' ",,,' '" I' ""I I' . " h,c , II IIIIt d II I, I ',"" N. " ,,,' '/t. "" 'I/II '''~ .IIit. Lullaaolr.orSlde. for Erysipelas. for 011 theolhllr lalJ ,Jemay ropo 111.111 li'ea~CA.rleultJlltblllllllll!"lI t pl!r8IJC(J CIUSUII IU II ,111 111 II h" "" ,, r.- I, ... tl l n" k. b,.· '_''''''. 11 " .1, L _,n l , . ."t .e "III .rLII "I "II, ,he ,. ,,'tI" tI.' ,II 111,,111," (/, , 11, :/" Dlpllilleria and 80re Throat.forCItIl. I "I. rl" ,, 101 n " I ", .' I , ,. ~I, " " "."" ,.,I",,,I ,, , • • to JlIl"" ' /, ~ 'n.l, ". I " I, " (' blllll.forSpralllaralsIlI,Cm,Wouad., lilly dav IJJ' hour l1otVCI'Y u,l expoot· IGlellll't! l;ul"II III 8 1111 p i~ II I e\'~rJ blu CIIlW u f 111m o~ll l' l d III t ire ' - I, " II ,,'C' r cdly. 1" dp l Lc ot' tit is, bow"ver, rOijplJel U~ !'tlie,lc II '" a, Uti.! 1'111 (·h e.'!, IlIld 7-- d " ' I "" ' .,,, I ') '" 1.11 , n " II ', 'It I,, ·.. • ,,,. " .. I" . 111 .01. II pc .... cl I ~I. I'''I N' . 1I t(~ h t . It,d (; r. 1\ If' for alnl aad Solids, for Toothacbe In Vit o:! \\ vulJ alluoot iufor 11'0111 reud· pr. lly o(lcll illj.{ tirl' 1Il' I' ·ri. alld 1>1 0 '2 •• Decllu: e (lU IIe II IJl'I l:e II ,I:!C -- 11".1 ,r . I, 'I" . " I I b" ·,,1 , , ... ",.. "d . "'It ,,, .• .,1. ,,, I , . ,u m, Cit , ....1 1\11" 1111 I III I" ~ " , I" IIILI fut for all Pain•• laIl8lll.atlo •• and . I u, J ' ... . I' I ~ I L",.l , c",I •• t t tl III ... u t . 1I1 ~ ' l t.I " '1 I \ 110 "(\ \ 11' I 1 I II" ' II,, _ 'h~ tl ul l, I 8welU... noremedy isknoWDwhich pos_ IIt ~ ~all I'U neaulil ettcr tuat m vr· lIl ottllg II "":1) 1"11.11111'1'1 ICla ClI l' lI of tlt c "mclI wbIJ 11.11 ' g'" I' 1111 " "I h h." 11.,,1 ,· " " 01. , .. . ",' __ '" .", •• " "0" " '" 1'1. , ",, 11 on l ' U II,II'" /J ,tIlt /Jl~lt, ('Jl d p "" h k bl hd' and soothmg t oulJlldrecovered h iawontcd l,l·nllll ' latwlI. tllIl! cXCl·I I.:IlIIlII ,clo e"II II IU 11". tc"I"IJ latl Ce \\ " Ik" .tlc I, ,, O} I,I\ I . " ,Iu , ', ." I"" ,, ,... 1",. o. 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" .I .. ,. ecnn Rc ~ lI,t VI fllunv I Il In .. I. t ,1". 11I1 11Il! .. r I II . " lI o1 LUr t,! It} i ' f ,n " t ,." .. ht I I i -memblecasestopreve.nth naenngdl&eBSe6 I 'II I I'll lal'tll" IIUIIIIJII!?' Ilelld ,,<j bv the Ill ld en 11I " icl31"4HI Ii I , . . I'rir r Un .. Uftlhlr---O ReUle., .o.n ..... ,hUJ a o l' . . . . - . I ia ('\ '1 . 1 • ~ ! r -.;; 01 l tl" " I" 'l ll It C. \\ 111' tl'" are Hel l1" l l 'l IU d' I Itl .1 . r I XII. 1i1 I ,,,,.lI f tllll I .. I --.•• bo...... bekeptatL--dready(orinstant ~ ' l 1U· ~l a L " I I'I " " .. ee'c . 11\8 11 l\. UN' ww I( llig ,.ul' !,cnn ..... ,tIL'U tugo on untl I ,' Ull lI J.! l e ~l! UlllJ,.I tcwextcIIl1II !! I'I C' tlt:,~ hv tho IlIVo t cll1- h. III ~"JlI Il ea- 'll " ,. I ,,, .,, ltol,! "n" ' III"g ·,,, .. ,,,I .. ,, ""I I,t\ r)U .e" ''! ' d, I". , .,,.\1 ,11I7C·"to .•uI lid. GLE1~.:) LPHOR SOAP ...... Ihe lll p"eo ot' hi s death s hJlII btl Imvo WOII 811Ch .'~ IOIlIl "J1 I I1")ll ~ tl~c Ul ust Ilic re ' lI,lt ). l' '' " !! d UIall"II ~. I :''''': ·:I ~ "1:,.1 ,,, Ih. \1110'''.'' I'<UI,I,· 'Itll 1111-. uu r,,·., ,1.,1 I' I " ~ •. •):I'll "'''1 Is" Sl'~ciJic III Llt08C O""0JlIOt;1I DI ~ I\old.,IlUDnsrbU. Pr, 1'" ,I ""I. " IIA . ~:~, "Ilt eh III, I e I" .,." I ' ,."trrl hCI e PRIOI:, One Dollar per Bottle. _ tel, "I Iphed to lite I'clll'lo, or shall alllllllg ull clatlsell. It rrcvu ,: t~ tlb M"II UIIC. ,nth u lli l VIII., 11'- VII Il! L~'" DO:\! OAI. (Or.OK KP·I'OK.n l. th tl II'ulh I,u lold ill wholo t Are · noxiuus ditieU~Cri I'd Will 1I<rl'IIIUdi~s of Ih em PIJ,;,I, I' oly \. IU~" Il H -whu I . Ur U"II"" "f 1·III I..n~ I JlIII' .' ') ' ,)f i :&:10 :.-:.;.... ~~.~~:.~ t'..~::... "I... 101," e \V iLiI .!I .. /"" U',i/me llt6 ".,y e BottI•• for .0.00. 1 ' k ·LI wi Iy IIC tel. ega.lp '''' I tl d I . lecta c1uth I" 'llld . lito L.tI"I", 1I .lr 0I 0 1r R., "" 'r , .. u·.,1 (T ,· II I... '" AI. ' 1' . n .. INUT II, lIO" >T Y Prq>&rcdby },Ol cr \\ a Ot! l I· .Ielll, ~II • Iti l U . I, ,, • C ,nlJ "ut ",uke II C'JllIl'l'Iell cl;I t t)C v, r) , . Ii ". , " ""'Illl 'Ly p..,I" "I, a n d Ililt IiiI' nrl"!\lltHl(~ 01 1'1'"':.\ CLlI\ ~ I...Iod OM oJ all 11111 rill It Itil 1II~Il'ad vf II II uth hllon 11II1'rcgltllte,1 Wllh d . ~l·II-C tI'':1I flluil l c~ UClIlIIlld 111111 l'CeOI ve I' " ' 11.1•• ' "ell •• hy mynbU 1 th. rsfure v •• _._ hOl' PliIlHI\," and U NINJUl!IOU~ to LaWlCJ1 Chemical 00., ~III''''''''''' 11. 111 1 L1Ccuullt (,r lIlnltllll'tI cOlld ;rillll Uandro.lf i8 tl l.liNly l'l'Ulhcnh'J In'"l two d ul llli' 1 ,1 '\1' d IIIar3 1; '1' ' I '''!~ fru ," o<l",r,,,wo • A GOOD FAMILY IlEDICINE CI~lIog . ·· t I vapers,u lIdII, all d Its OtiC I~. 011 II 1.1 t II c'ell u II t • dlly IlIr 1"" 1k" " "'tt'_ I",r t.,"I •. 6 hottle, fur ..4 Iu ulH' IJ I 1I'1.: uIItCIIIUII \vh .clt t , ltey Ul'tl nllcr· :,;,'nt by "' I""" •• w." Y ndd ..... on ..,. If J u .. e !:illo"., ,.... • MAKE HOME HAPPY. hu l el,l ,ed tltnt It o Wd a Mked to dv ~rl',\lly til. bc. dC81J.c l'al.l.:d I'('r' Iy IUCll lUllllc vf P'·I"'I m lll ~. ' U'I,toll'rll o 3 WAYN :·: '" ·".., ,, nll S.r." I'K, III. 'ILIA .:at\ ) A.PJOIIUIIIlIlu»plror "" I IlU lr ltlttllllllllg ~ \lrl r~ ..., " II "rIi or"" t D I' A\I' I, 'Ie\: IIt,.t(llch 8, ~ ~ so 1..v)' ulI'lJl Lue r8 v f th c B ur bUII k WIOilC 0 111 tlI C,, " · r.r" 'lwur.tllc ~aIR lle:! Ilu~ Pl'o. JO .It 8 "" ':NF. ,.~ BII'11.,·11 ,\rNE · ~'I'... .. ltd •• "."' I. PIII.J! ~ OociIBoadI.sandBenUrolPI.'..... 114 j 'U ln 'l l" Dllt tllu truth Will "' ut alld ""qu"nc'o of drYIII!8S of the ~CI1II' '. hUb " t'Q l; • •1III IInh 81Xlh 8t, 1 blla lell'hl", 1 ,. . ... WILL DO 1'1'. "" . . J: U. """ . Ylded Ny t e "",III P Y IOII\'lltllCllt Illlie I'r"l'rI' (,'" I, ,our l ",, ~,, ~ I. eflll .1. I,, ',,· Th e 1" 'u ~ 11l1\l1 1'4's ttlta or Sulplilll JIll til It 18 Illlrly out now, that from th" T. hoe.e who. ha vc u '~O.IlItmollt~IlIl'1 UIC I,ulo.lor tlie lUu. t part. by tho 80 LII IJ¥ ALL DKUGGI~II!. 8\\ I I .' I"~ 1",.,,,1 SII '" ' ''" ,II. ' " ' ' B ilhi 111111')0 WI' " klHlII'1I Lo I~<lllll'" Till: OINOINNATI 11 , .tI !H\C I\ I OcJ . td.I L ti ret t IIl'l'e was ,'cry 1Ih"1e hope "lur Il'lUl de Wit h0 11 t IlYII>1 Ior tl Ie c urtl u f CllllJ cl, c:!. whvse m lni8tor~ mo de "". \ \ \ I." I. r " ltd ""r. "" ,li n •.. .. t VnrmPI., I he . li eN , 01 GLENN S r ~ Mortollll l'ccovery. Ilnd none fur Il crurtioo8 flf allllhslillnio ch~.\lI·tl:1' l itied . ..:. GreeDhouse I., ,", ... ,. ,,,1 cu. , Clti ll •• ,"1 I·c'u,. '" ,. , SULPHUR SOAP in Ih e hn t it It I' 0 81 Jedy IIlId tlttnl recuv I'y. wi! fillll. II tht'Y try II, thllt (:llu.11t 8 I' -;--11I ~I ,., 1\ ~ \ \ E II lId s ..... 1. 0 • 11111 ' .. ' r . LI ul I' e l~"I ' iU'd cnml'l ~I ' I v .l eodo. I :,:::,~:':';:'I;r;~::.r',!;'N:': Q Il ..e~idllilt BuyCll rode from tile Sulpllur SI)/'" rctn'lvC8 s\,orltul II' . UI LL Iltg, )118 lI. flumo y grey I '."" I ' '' " , are ",..., " ,, 1.0 """ "(11m - Iv,, ""cIIJlllll lotOIl B :Inc! ... ,...._ ~"'"'' '' . ,,,, " ,I.. ""fH't', '.. LUI I') our S \\ ,,) , I." r .· .. ,1d :s . rl'.:ot. 0 11111 r ll. L" ~ ... brl, r-- I rI I . Jr, ~ Butban\;; resideuce tbrough two or cOlllplailltll irl'l'lUudillhlu by IC88'1 1t .lIr, ~I~I)" ~I~don air .) tJ l' ....c· • 1'60<0'" ", "fu 'l hlhlL, .ho ,oro IIIltJ , rt thllrOllllld l JlUlif!lI~[/ II'el!"I' r~ .,'",'ct M '."~:"".;J.ut. r-tl":I-;"II':::'~I;:i'.,,;;:: tbree 0' tile pl'Illcipal etreeta of tho ticacioU8 moons. Ii/ld PI('" 'IItd t ile !!tUll'I''' ,·X'1 1118Ite dre, ~ llIg,cll.:u.n and FOIL In H,· ... I" I... ,: "dille' , flr"" , ",. ", " 'HI '!f /1.. III laC L It 18 LiI " R ",[/ OJ .... ~b.', ~~"r.::'i,:~. ".::·: ;I'~,;:,~;,i~~":'~ til cit", to tlte dellot ; there lte entered recUI'nlIlOO of 8 11 ·h d Ibordcl'lI II. 'C ·1) l'U1fulTled. 1otall~ dltf~r 'II t $1 we wii\ send free by mail: . ' tl . lII . III , 'e E , . , , •• ," , 11'0 " 10' )! • •,,' U SUIIJ'd Ill. But"l ng lIud TOIIl'L JJU I p o ... ::~::, .~~~~:""'i.!~~'~' ::~,,!:!:;:::.,,ur.r::. 0 J • rI II I 7f) ~ butt\ M 1\1)' I" It) d , Lh .. ht.!r,d phonld n e' (' I" see III I r4, " II, • uHful hg' " ( tbe 'tfpk'chd lhlin which rook th.e Sold hy d. u~t.='; tJl , grvccrtl utlll ,- r" ,t u). u .,t ~t1rd, cen." o. ~ dl ltllu ul \la-ne Ue. ('ulh ly l~o ( "1 t.1I 0lH IIIr m n .. Il n \ .i.u ~ c , o u'<l I§.\ 1ll toO\:oI 1 • ::;e.:'Th.. . . .r "bf'\o i~,. ;..... ~ l1 J're8iuential VUlt1 to FreUiout, O. fancy good doal ure. Price ~5 ct~ . Il y It. Huad the IIdvertISeIl1Cllt. ; .. g;~:::'I"~: PIII~.. 11 111 110 ,a r ,.,1 on I.. ,1..1 ... ,. - -~~m';;;'ft' ,'I'l~(' 'T~~·h.~'d,Ui!\! hi Be, thl: Pl'e~ido"t, was recclved bv per cako 1 bux (I cllke~) 75 ct~ , 1 8 Ohlll" O" ".ull,,.OI uIO". Ll ver Complalu l '1h. t ,lr. ..1 ,JI, ".' Directions - Fu, D illtum of tl, t ::'~C.. ~,:':.' ,:~,o;:: .::!~~~~:!,'~, ~': 1"1 ~. h ll m " 11':: 1 P.O 111~1I \ " , 11 .. - I'll , h I.. 'r.' Sl, n lmt lw II (I't-1, lind IIp : ~ l y !.L IIIIl.l\ fit roi llm. airo.r ...... u ......u ...... ., M tlttl ~I'Jtl with ,,11 tbe little ·~ide ent by mati. I" UI Iild, IJII rccc'I,lot ~ ~~'~b\.?G~~~:::::';;;,. ,1I 1111 'iI I),""""' •. 1 Beadacbe. Cys pep bLlII. " I,e rv, c Icttd ng IIllOWtllc It II' ... ::'~~ ~~'~!;;;'7A.,I~"'~:', "'\~: l'l _bu,.,,' of pUI"llar demoostratioll . price. C . N. C I.II('lItOI1, l'rotp' r, 7 ~ Il Ivy-II lived O. r.II"ulllo. :I'~I ~~,~}~~~~~o~~:~~:: ~tt', :Ie'i:~' , ~''':r":,~~' rtlw .t1n 0' c. mil Itt F,;, H'Ii ~ :'':~:::~!':~~'::~':~.~b;o~,~,~,~:~,t:~ !it Bot -tJitl!re.ullotimeforag ....llld 6th Avenull, Nuw YOlk. Il Holtul.." l"'s , i'. 'e,'. ro .... v'.o' e.1 '" Ih . ,." .. 1 !l1",.0I . lJUrJM IljlJ.l" tile Int"I" Ireely 'otlt ~ Ito • • • k. T••• rr.n.Q~ Ir'''~'o''' ' "1' ioI jubilee ; Bay. did not. want any liill's llllir Illid WlritlkCl' Dyo , 6 Abu~lIon., I' ''' 'yl,, ! , ill ••• ,h •• e n" ,. "II I ltroU~" lh,· IINIlCt.cri fl:lILA, Rnn tl .. 111 0 tlncl paiu ~ :,,:I:~:,~ :..~ :-:'.~':::::~ "o:"d? ,::: !Il time tor that. BlllCk or BI'uwn , SOc. 2 Double Cam.Ii.... ~I"'~l. Ihe ,n.pu. ;',' •• ( ,''" '" ·.eh ' :"'1 ,fI·e will he ,em!1\ ~ ,l imtDcrliRLclv -Fo' 0 ::::""..~..=n~...::.;' ':b::e~I~ " • AI I:l.leld8, J or C08 11\ ,·lI e sa . Ll IOle 18 nOl,hi"g S, I e thi c '" " • • II.. ....... _ 7 ......... ..J 'Bill Hulio"'IlY,' Mortoo's broth. - . - -~ •• , 4 L"b_l:er Cactnl, 114 !>i",~.tI. 8 I "' _lid S ,,'''' PAt/11 M 11118 2S Gout, Rt.tMrJUlt.w m, 8(1,0111', /J'll/ 8t6 ,.. .a:=':.':!~ ::I~:p',::; ,1{.'tI" ~=~ '"It ~r·'·D·I..W 1If"a on hands und w ' hen BALLoW'S M"N·rlll .Y.- Tltc Octo 6 n"" .... "I",,.. 'enl' " h OI, ft 1001C& 'or 'I ... "t 1,'11111,1 a,1d Ouu "IJIJly lllolh~ \\.,1' 8n1111 Hed _ .. ~~ .. I " ...,the Prellidcllt ...., ao oowed to, thc .. crowds hIlr nUlllOcr of Balloll'e "a~:IZIllC, "'\ . S Eur ntot ,am8, Add ,.... , I.e lle'. ou<I 0111,·... IAI 1111: SlIo\YlIK, WILh 1\ il.on\( tIOltlLIOI, - .For Old ll bahI 10 1\.~aD{}'I 0 ' ev..",& r .. "w:a"I h Ib~~t::lb ':::~ It4 with nncovered hea<l Hill took off Ii delightful CODll'llltlVl1 t')r Ici Buro - '- UKALKK 1lI-~~'ulbJ::'v'''I~t... Fo~'~:I}~~ f..~ :~~,~I,~' h S•. P IIladell'hh Saru mid Ulem It ill ill\'nlu:dJlo.- ~ =~r~~::hf:£,..:'o.o::.:;; bil bat to "how bi8 V~'Qftice head. mo~ollt..!, is ~furo n8, I1ml 1111 cx !.' (} I' (j II &: ' D R ESSE D \J Pom.ctt... """rle", wblte, Use h'{'clv II~ 1\ lotloll - Fo.· a pre· ~ '!r2DII £r.r~. iii I& waa Ii royal diiy for tbe great amlOatlOo ot It.! pages IlhUWIl II ~ I 4 Plumb"If". yeoLlve In OfIH oa:'otU D"tlJ6el uee. • ... w.,.,.,a.,OIae... _tl,O. poit.qlll8tt:l' of Indianapolil; the thftt it i, just whut tho pllvhe Iteed ~ ~~I:.:;/ur wo.r'!!,,"OUCil. lfCBING PILES IILlong 811d, 118 a w""b, "ltt.crDI\lIy M,..II HOMII PLIIAUNT. ~ aUIl Wall iUJllid.,,*vepa· tbe winds and sbollld "avo. n~ It ducs IIvl . . . . \I M o"eo!.. i'l:enernlly p,e••db!! by " mOli. LII,e, like aDd by Injec,\on . fleVt"juu, ooe=!!i!'!_!!!!1!!!!~!""'!!~---dollied Wllh the top ofhi8 head; contain an nrLIclo t1mt ill.'~vt full 01'1 : :~:'~~::. Bill;':'." ~~bt1!;~:~:''!;e~:5~~:~;nD~ I~~h~:!J' ::!~.~~~ J AOOBS & HEW IT W A},'. hi s eyes 8~led ' with the fires !)j' intcrest to all CIIlSl".'1I I hUIliCR & ~o •••o" ,d I "ii i' Bulb<>. _Wn•• port,cul.rly Il' IIllb' w_ oQfl.... GLEIIN'S SULPHUR SOAP \J(lllttdullilli. ,~eOble 6tber inepiring Talbot, 23 HIIo",loy Street, BO)llh>.I1, 60 1I • • n, I' I , , .. ,." nullt!!. 11lIJ. or ill h,·d "I ... g~" inl( wo..... IIIlPIINN II CIDII ....OLLY BNUOBSKD DY THB eUOOl£llsORS TO In Iumm ur.8 .11.1 ...Inle,. ofknlh... 1·llnuellcn ., tile ~"rri"ge tbat b l'ro lit • 1.50 r.r ycar , pal d . tlU d I UI' :.., """<1 ( .. J .,. ,." .. ., " LIB I Y nIb8, ItlEDIOAL FIlATUJlI1'Y. II ~ .... I h d I I III UlOl,. aho"IIi'clf allluod lb. prlnle p "". Ilnd II 11 '1111 ,u aa tlill 1iu08t. tue hol'lM!8 tbat 8ale at 1& t e pen .. It'll lll(lutS III nol confined 10 ~male, oDly. bul IIls·I"Ile.. ..." "Lilv 01 Lhe \-. 11. 1'. til d dn.·\\' billl WCI'O splendid. Ilnd tllo tbe coulltry. , II So .. I'. 'rl ·1" .... " JO PRESS ;:~~~~~~ :;~~ t~:,~I':f ~7e~~'':::.''ex~~d: Beware of ImitatiOD8. cl vwdd that Illoked 011 weN r 'ady ,...-p:> L- - - -,._(:.11l\ATII' 1!:., .I~ IIU.• ~ ~ 3 of IlDy ,I0 1, . I'1"\'i 'OI~ ;. II colieclioDI ror.. *n Ing 1"Ii,ll,e '"gm, prod.. ,", diol,.,. ln2 .... lion • • IJ...J \I AWSt.N e ' .. Ill· A a tu lhrvw Up Ih(Jir \tat8 anti hand· 11'1 r b t !; 01 Hnl ... 1 " , .. 'o'e I oolleu.'on. for S moel b.vood ' be I·o"en 01' .odu," "011. c,· kerchl ct.. lit til e t;il(ht uf 1\ king. It tl dl88gl'cca J.e. Ol y IIIIlIIelll, II 7 01 a", "I ( .c ""' c I c.,lIl cU.. n. (or 4 _o( lon)\ .Ianlllo(. pronounced IIlrlll.,ble, ~ IS ~ Ilid that C"!:lI'\1 mUll lUI S OIl C 01)' c1t'llIlly IIUlrill Ollltl, cleft .. "~wlller, 9 of AnT ' I "." '0 \0 I colle~.i,,,,. for /; b... been I'r rmoo' IItlv OIM bv ftll phlDg Ullt~~Il!l) J • d wilhout udllr- R 1JI, ... t rcdo"1 ~C ll·tt I I 01 _a, " I 01 .. ,d""e I eolleclion. for 6 SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. TAltB .0 0IBI&. ~~ I'lIItUlllty vllucll~alt: to 111111 l~ ~ct '1 . d I I I U of "U' 01 ,10, ""'0 I collection. for 1 lIa~.r- .~..._ n 'hc!! ulld g'1 uatlieslI, allo our Il'Iclld tl It' p""l'arutlOlI -~1I CIlII )U n' 'l'( _ All J";'l/" B loom.infl Plt',nt o • Dn. S" .r'.. 01. ::; .. , GCII" elBe1l_ Tbe D"DICE, /lIe. C£'UTS per Cake. d d t I II t 111"111 te rCIIIIJ\'e I'alll 01' tI'" I l' Il ~~a III ";r . ~ 1t0l or Otllt,lIenl ' ou . '·nl 010 b. lII.,il CUrN 1"'" 11M J;d" • ~ H II U UI~lLy I nv ct Ie uppvr II · an arL uf thtl 11111111111 Irllille. Or tho whule.· ,11 """ 0n of 238 D"lb. & me chlirel)' 01 Il'hllll( 1'i108 ... hleh I ."II.r· One Bo;))'3 Ollke,) 60 Oent8. urers, 1!lty tv be j!;ICUt slip tlm".l!!:h IIIK ., Yd VI' I' " Palll Jhlot if J'tlllr d. UP'. --Alit>-Plan'" ""nl ,,, ~ ' 1" "'''' OJ" n'Celpt 0' 'I \. ell wllh fo, tlyC ye",l1 Enol".cd tlnd fl llv , ti crs t tl d opot 0 tilitl occu ",ell 0 m I " 10 .. llIolt Otlit eT "I ollr I"",• •. GAItDENING con .. for anolb •• 1.0 < lor ~ hlend fI( mlDe iIIU t gv ttl lelll , 11'01( I' UOIr IT . ), ,, " -rl (\ AI. I'' I.O RICUL~UIIR, A~nl:EW.1 II"ACH. Por Sale ... ...... el·y-here Dug "1'ng 011. itU w~uIll" 8" ........) ·00 "' '' II'I'e''t, I'll. 1-\1." tla~ u" u rI''''~I'· I _ B o a r d s . .by , . AS!) n .. - 0 1) ' .,., q " t t • ur aMmo.,,"'" I ,'II i' ...· . ~ OIiF., (nlue *1 .· F.rrow.1I .·I"\lon I oudon Co V.I ghtl. Grootn and Fancy the midst tlr great 8llrrouodillgs; 71!~TII 611. _ _ _ _ _ __ :;0 cuch)... ,II 1.IIl ".j,I~d. J)e.crll'tl,.o Cut.a· On C; ... ' ~ K I'< So. -E •• clo .• d ,1.· , •• lind Good. Dealer •. the s:cmovill of \.1111 hat frulD hil! I'roIllNG PILII8-11! a " or v distrcl;H logue frre ouc doll" lor LlrO !,'. XI" or YOllr 0 111' ment I d d ··1 tl I lb' I . " AI.80, PETER HENDERSON A. CO 1(11 .lel. II'" plies Th'·.e . ' . lor -o mo of Ifty lOll lu 10" 10 e . 118~1ICti8. t IS il1g oomplaipt. SymptIJllls Ill'e 1\ QI, 'I Ifl cnd _ ,,1,0 n •.., .. ~I I toe d W,L:, II"s !I'slr"'.' S ent b!l jJ{ail. PrC1Jtltd, (In Tt!' true that greutllcsa 18. tl1fccd .II}1011 wuisture, Iikc perSplrutl vlI , ilching lM~e.. M:r"·.:..G ...... _..... ,"!, eo", .,1 11111 Ii,. bo , ,ou ,,"1 me ., .V ••' ce1'pt f!l 'Jl' tat! a n ti is ceni.a 80me persons, Bud Bill \VIIS III 11.0 ioteo8ely, nnrticulllorl- at nil!ht.!lf .. [_627)___36 _ Co~tla~~dtSt..N. Y. RhO. I nm ;,;' ,d, YO _. I.m ·" 0 .... In ."' ,I. C3:tll.J.Jor raclt cake. tI f th r 01 \' mJciu" 'leI h: ...... cure 1 \.~ Jiuk Ii. elllcn cy 1 , b I!UIIIOI· . to 1:1 1)111 t 10 I'? 1_.0 III ter getting ill bcd. SWllyue ~ Uillt a I I I k ebo"lrI bo r.ul/I,o".d tb""'3honL tJ,. lell~Lb tino, trlto 0 d · tnlth. J wI8h It \~ (l~0 IllOUt ill a pleus!lllt aud sure cllre; AND m'~I~" : la~~~ ~;~:i ': Illd I,re"d" or Lhe 1,, 11<1 You e"a pllbli.b C. N, CRITTENTON, as eusy for all to be great at! It IS "'A~ "u ...... Tetter, IIolid all orlll)t( vo I'",.on ID eve y 10"n Lbl. II ),0" Ihlak prn per f tt to be t ..... .,..,. t.o . ul"cllpt,on. OAYIU Gr.OS8NIOKI.E , PJOpl'ietor. or ,. pre y womau.! p,., ~; ~~. Sold by allluudilig drug .... (,It Ibe ""se" 1,.8L t.ndle.IJu'3, F'eller,ek 00 , Md No.7 Si'l:th A venue, NlltIJ.YO/'k. theu it wouldn't IlIlV~ to. be forced glBt.&: Read tbtl ad w't. • .,,<1 clll np.'1 ,lIuotrn n~ .,,»u ) f 'au a.., 8,,"e r ill;{ "it:, till. IIa' IIpOO anybody'a brother·ill ·law. " • - --_. ---§Icd (.mll, p"hltculioo III Lbo .. oold An. · noling cO'lI tt l i"I, or "'·ta.", 0", crully. nt~ lY 'Tender aud true heaveD and 'A W t e m" • "KII dlld 8alilfy you .....1f ODe C.1I1 "eeo,ne " ~IlC~Ela ' I"1 IIgeM '/,'he .c.,ly. "cl,y HI.ln di..,Il", go 10 you, d, n~:;llt 2.l ews pBJI01 I1M Oh . '. IJJ' C8 ern !I W"rultlnlD mid LUnlber-Y"rd Goner of mllAl elegdnt ...ork. of UTt gl.en free \0 and geL n 1,01 01 ~ ..." ,De'. All He.,IIDg 0101HAIB A8 RIID AS TliE FLAMII OF A blue' smiles chlltm l~ from tho l1Y~B tI,e foUqwiog ~otice : \I All notieetl N"rth "ud Wl\ter Str.eeta,' ..."sollb.... Tbe p"ee I•• 0 low 'bal aimlMll p,e,,' It ... ,1' ."rely cure YOII 50 cenl. Il b d cl of woman; bllt.~ lie tho worh.l Itt of uiarrillAr' where DU br:do cRke WAYNESVILLE, OHIO e.euhod •• lIh~orlh •• •Oue .gea' r.pone hoxl:J ho <eo (or III,'ll>. 6 h,ue. ~:;o , hellt \ VOLOARO,. or white all t e ell m0811 & SPIEf:.AL'I'" f t maklDg over III n .'Jek A IIld)' IlleDt by moil 10 .nv ,ddre.. , on Mlcelpt or \,,1.,.. 00 a Flonda bemlock. caD be cban. 1 ful of t be p~ 0 grea. m~n, 48 'allt, wi I be set up inllmall type ,e 10"" tIlldng over 401'uuhllC,lb.... III "'n Pre:'llred 0111. ," O~ g",... 80 .. , t"ro jled ~ a glon. ,u8 6roiDn or llUtrotu Jot N CT RID httle or Dllthlllg 18 ever IIIlld tor and paked in atl olltilludisii C()I'ucr I .Ift·:re A'l ...1,0 engage mllke money r••t . N_orW Six'" SI., Pb.l"delphl I. I Lla_ L by II Bingle applicIIUon of ALBO. A Ui'A ~ , )OVlDg, . ffi . I II tIJI' v f the )laper. WIJeIU" IJIlII( I~'J ilie l rllu cnn devoIAI ~'I your ~mo IAI I'" b".'Dell8 eu erlllg women. nIl. --or onlY yonr 'p nle 'Im~ 'You need nOL be Weather writing about Morton ~iDe~ blS Ill· piectl of cake it! SlllIl, the notic t) Cl ow.,ylrom home 0' . ' .. Ight. Vou enn do 1\ 11088, ecarcely a word II said Ilbout will bc put CO,ll!piCliously III hugo eswell olher •. FilII partlculm. dlrco, · 'Ii Th III 't II ,0 h I I 1 lion. nnd te,m. fre" F.Il! " .. II upcolive it" . m • b 18 WI e. ey w ., you I w letters; w on g <lves lJr vt 101' D:>'D 'D '" 'l?DD& f) ~ Ollilit C,,,e. U 90:1 "'1\1 profhahle work, Fano!! S'JrO unt0171g, .I.'U1'1U7t(!, the President kissed the foreholtd bride favors al'o added,8 pi 'co uf ~~~ ~~A~~ ts ,~ lend u8l oa, addrels ~&c'De•. II e08t~ no and Oi"clIl(11' Sa1IJ i?I !1 done of 8enlltor Mortoll, but novor fI, illlletrative~etry will be gilcn ill \ thing IAI Lry tbe huelue I. No one who eD at R6,t.wlnaliZIl P,.iC'R/ ' IICII. IIOwovcr, II IC l "d AdllnlRI'The WAYNESVILLE OHIO word u ftl Ie woman ":h n"efilrtltndtl vo l • a dd ItIOO. £::>IlIlI A ... "" J(agClfail.'omakeRt't.·'p"1 Peopl.'.• } onra.,'~: ITq" lllnd. Maine G~r enCUr81lCO and "oodllet18 Ul'~ abuve !tor attends at. the CtlrelUlIlIY ill 1'01" \ 1!;!,()()IJ'Ii!:I1I. V~()""UUII. "I ~_.. 111& ~ _ . _ _ all price It WIUI 80 durJIIg Iho Il~n aDd kisscl! tho blitle it wjll Aru ""'" "ropo,ed ~ men" ObOfKBB· w. VAN.~AN~~· :O~.. IIttallllabod_ Beechor trial. It WII.8 remarkablo hav~ .-cial lIutictl-ye'ry Il\rgo I oW"I,L.te~U;~~~~ ~!~n:.~ on!.hC!ndil~~~! Hil. locll<'ll al4~U 38th St,n,el, Pblltldelpltill. Dallll~"""e.;';'. ~ 1= , t tood th ~ , ,.'" ~ , " , ra ..... he ... he ... In ... pwlkDI8 from til .. tin t nUlWW ~,. i • -::rn~od"'" JIOW Mrll. B eec ler 8 0 prCl!tl· t,)'pe, alld tltll mQst approrriate \)ou· t tl! 'Ill III eve,y "'_peet good ... De... '" Ill" :..'lnh ol,Rob _4G1b . All 01 .....8 of ......._ ....1II.."'" ure 01 thot terribl~ (lrdea.I;.and yet try that ,caD be beggp,d, borrowed A."I!~~ \. OhroDlc Dl ......s lllcc.nflllly'r.a&ec!. 'Ml\g- No.8 .••• Eur ' YAII! 8111D'1', SOLD BV DRUGOISTS, ~t ..:..~..i.n;..s 110 wltillinl(, 110 compll&ll:llng. 110 or8 toloo ." n.llclre.lmcll\glven. Pllllfnlet.t,diltaoce WAYNESVILLE, '0. ... _ ' _ .. __ ~._..,_ ........... · .....d CIlP write 'JmplOml, apdI bi,.. re,ll,clJe,.eol .. ...,.... _ .... ,_ _ _ -'g088iping Dor tutt I IlIg ever eBCar"" •• , ~CII~ hy m~11 for 10 eCil • • 1. B. Follft, M.D. bllllu\, Pllmpb!el cuoklolug ~Umonillil PresoripUOIIal!'lIlpound..hhll bonn ~ It1J> 60 ()e'" _. ItC&h R. TuaDAL.•L _ her lips. With ' heroic common Schuol begillt! lied til ondRY· ,~ .....e• .,.. ...... flf.w W''''-ellr. -0 cure. etrec~d•.le~t-rre. 10 ftD1ad4rell. l1li uperlDAoedurunt-t571 "'-I r-' ... w..f"I' ........ C'!l0~~ ''',
SD1phDr Bath s
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W· ringers .. I .
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l118'l'AII'l'ANBOUB H· "Wh-18ker
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Patent and Common
BoardiDg, Flooring do,
roB 'IRE
drain 1111(\ ",h n d r Ihoy " III be /lhn hnght I\~ new ones
Pl1r10 s the BloOll, Reno,oles and Illvigol'atcs the WItolo Sy rem. Its Medical Properties are
01\ ES
Vcgotiuc 1HEALTH, '
) r.cgl' t IIlC I
Vcgotino Vcgctinc i V(urctino
'-r h"· '.,,,. and .-NtP
Vegebne is Sold by All Druggiltt
SALVE! -----
A. Dog Altllng In muggUng - A famIly of In mukc rd In Relgi ll m lind m g t hAt t1 ev could not iIIllI th produ e of t hei r Imh \l!try to 80 gr ilL nn ad\CIn tago .111 111 F r(lllce beCamo III1 XIOWI t.. dl81"mc or 1L til co, to acq UIre, b) th at meA II!!, 1\ mor nll'ld fortune thlln by I!l mply rebilling It ul l lO lII Illey h nd 1\ young alld Intel h gent poodl e dog whIch t hey trRmed to have a t ho rougb d etcst.nhon of custom hOllilll offi cu ,1I! such IU! IIrOenco unterec\ 011 th frontl l-s T h ) dre d up lII C oue 11\ that '1 m forlU wh o II lI\IIys beating IIId )mlkl jll! t he d og wheneve r ho cn tl! rcd UlC hO\l ~ (lIld III trcllt lllg hun III very WilY, In c ur red very nll tllrnll ~ poor Mon toll ~ ll1U1II081 t~ Theu ol1J ~ct '" of to noun h ueb lll JceU~ "![ll n auee In the dog ngll tn t wg the Freueh dillUI 11'1' 110 would bo cerUl u to Ul Oid III rn IIIg 611eCeedl'l1 II! III lil TIng fhe blltn:cl the) l\l Ii d II the poo r lIIuoco nt uml unofl'cnd llIg Mouton 8 brClJ8I, the) lIex t In pllTed 1\ large r IX1Cl{IIc-Hk lll lIl11n th e o ne ho o wn od , HId wUldlIlg meters of I IIUllbic Illce round lil s sewed the p()()d lc-ek lll ueatl ya nd e rly over IWIII Aw I> ,", cnt the lind hl H £I !l Illcl " u ~cec d d III ","'.'U ","", t he F re nch fr ontlc r Ill e m a n I t trlle, W ill! exulIlIned the dog mil ol1 1 rom th e people 111 umform I ~ soo n Ul! ho IlI! Jlled t he m decllmplllg fiJI fnst ll8 Ills legs CJllld carry hun Rc~ IUIIII " I I m lott<. t hey rCllched I F rc l eh to\\ II \\ h, rc lhe lace W ill! not onl y IlOld fit II good prollt but all e)felel \\ 1M Il ll cn for Illrgcr HUll I) Th C80 hOZltrdOll8 JllllrnC) 8 " ero ,fle n und ert lke n IIlId noUllng co ul d e~cced t belr goor! £ort llll 11 I t l r r III ky c!!cnpes bu t t he ir S U e cc.s " IS IIOt d C~ l\U O(~ to be of long d I m tl II U p<ln Oil( OLOCI I slO n one of Ihe JUIlIor CU t O il 110 11 "" P ill pl oyes noti ced th e dug 1111.1 tldV lIII CC ~ tu !)lllv \11 th hll n bu t JII ~tclld of rcspond Ing to the p rol1c rcel r a rC!\il 1\Innto n HhOl~ d hl ~ tee th lind . Iullk IlWR) "hero upon tb e l outh rc' cnged IltIhlC lf by c lh ruwlll g l large stoDe wlndl IHnl ed 111m lIud tboll anot her llld nn thor un t il he killed t he poor an mnl Monton . mRll\.e r! not WI811111g to IlI'JWllr t{IO1111 " 10Ul! nbOut 111m hnd \\ liked 011 l1(1t d Ollbtlll1; b n t t h It 1116 r lIthflll CO Il1[IRII 1011 \\11' { (llIo","!:; hllll lil t IIIl t<1! lII l( 1 m II! In8t r!'turned to ti e fronl or J 61 111 l ime to" I t n rl\.~ tl e uOle la l 6 profCJUIIIlI...... too lshme n t 11\ the "Igh l I r(, lIt 111 p ~ r Monton " flllh(' h de had rI' Il'ul( I to h m Smco then c u ~ tom h IIl!e olh cllI . or the frontlr r look 6bnrpl y lift.c r colltrqb[\o(j, dogs
CIl EW 'Tho Celebrate I
MATe UI ~1!8
Wooll 'I' ll! I lug T OBAOOO T H B PI O' Kltll T OBACCO COMPANY
}\I e" \ m k DUMln" nn I
111 1
SANDA~oO,D ___• _
nod BEA8':D,
331 I .. ".
Alwa) . cun!t
"'rt, ','Oyte
f't'fl1 , AlwOJ' hI' 11 ". Dc.or Je t ,.ned OtlllfOru ' re 1Cf- " TI e w r ule ,..or' • • tIM 810 rlu • old hi "IA:Jt:'-lbe Bel t An i 01 e . ...d Lint GlOot In f'11 . kl IlU 2:l ClIn t'. boU lit T l e M \I,a81 t, o lweDt CUrft wI ea . ul blo,.t." will " '" II By' A LI ! "EDlU IN K VKIIDJlll8
\. ~ Ift!. ,,1 1'I(1Y ~ r .ll d,,~JH'
n .... der
ftR I " .....rT 0 ....... ' "I...
Jroo.l I
11. DII" r r rud
........... 1 C OGtplAt....
11<111 ~Cl I
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Jl hi: r".~
FEVER & AGUE TONIO. _1 . . . . . tIo.-...,
Pvr aU 1 ) 1 _ t:aa_ b, lIIalarlal ro ...
B. J!'lnla~ ..\;;
o tJ •
11111. ulillLl:A.JJII, Prop .. IIJ[!!"I'OIt BAL. BY it. L DaU(lQ1 8T~ ' -Il
"Tho Bost PeU81r
"~ -~mm
~~ T •... __ ,,&,.a;"'
261, 262, 263 Broadway.
!Of... 81,_ 11...........10_
WHWIT"N"E·,.. te t rh-e Y n 8cm d for Pr all Ltlt. a HOLliES ORCIAN CO OUINCY ILL
[ 'y
BOWSDapOf· Unton I
of 1086
Weekly Newspapers , OOllPRISIliS
.,--Jl_I_ ....... l'll.l~ lI., ••pa...,r 1l.lon • 'Of
1I.... T_k •
_..,r'll.lo .. •• r,.", ,,"._", ., .. . !I .......f_ 1 N'."'PA'Per tT.l.n ..... 1II11_....... IIJ.,..
...lbe. . . . . .
paper llal.d Llot,
--+-OIIfI.l1IIIU 1811 _ _ _
..Itt II! I..."""on
\Dlb • • 111" I It rl .eN _, .. _ ,. .. 10'
.2.2715. Or Abo L"'OO per PAper fl, elU; _ 11110' CAlo' • .". Ad4 ....
(n- lholl4lN 1 41 Park !low. NEW YORK. ---;\ifu
W uall
!I 0 lIT. iriiI'I'DO .... AD\,..nu_
_ _ ....... w~
xv 1I L---N UMBER
DA.y, SBPl'EMBER 26, 1877.
ErangeliDIl Repcnted.
no. II 1 0. hU M been sen 11 gout n fur ul",lrderl) conduct nt the \\ Qrk hnll80 III WUlSV 11(' K) IIlId \\10. hM nJ, n. hecn co IIlde red de If tnd dllmb h 16 mldcllly recovered 118 lust l>o\\cr8 Sc , cn ) on r~ ago. he wnil kn ocked de\\ u aile! robbed nud bnd hll threllt cut H e was le(t IYlllg eut III mgla II hen tI 0. thermometer 11 M nt ten degrees beluw ?Ore 8111ce wlll ch tlllle he IIIIS nOither been Ihle to hear Qr speak Ris rccev cry I S OK mu cb Il 811r[lrJse to lurnsclf IU! wethe rs It 18 hllrclly possIble that he A sent
TI e Mto ry of Ev III (hlle 18 rr[lc Ite d wILh ,um",rlul f del ly III all l td lc t.u\ls 111 the cx pcr ellce of II ,ollng I fil l eh glTI I rc.. denL of !lllrl!elllc. hc \\118 e ng Iged to II 88 lur Ie "I 11 ~ I e WII ~ to be murTl ed on 1 III reLurn from n \0" Igo to New York He (lid not r cturl tnd ufter I yeur sho get I berth n•• Lo Y lTd el!8 Ihlslstllnt en olle of tbe HRvre ate 1m e rs to come he re In H('nrch of hlln On the plUlSRge n Tluh Arner CRn Indy beClIme II teres ted III her story nnd re solved to h elp he r find out her lover III Nm\ Y ork she learned th"t 110 Itnd gone to Cn n la 1 or montlls !ilto tr 1\ cled nbout the Domin 01 somel mes (Iol!C on I 18 tr ck nnd ng n 105 ng ('v ry leull to 118 II herc Ibnllt~ She rcturn cu to New Yerk IUd ono day ,,1111e ~tnr u II g lit Broadwav c r II8lng ""t1llg her tl rn to got ncrol!.~ 8ho ~n v tho IhJect of I e r _ ITch 011 the ( ther SIUO 810 81 r ckcu hI. nnme nn I rnl Illto tl c m I lie uf the . treot but a pollcem 111 C IlIgh I er an I sa, cd l or from tl c ,I eel. of U C 81 m g ef ,dllel, . \1 gel f ( 01 th ere wus I 0111' Rnd . he never II; II ijn lV Ll c (,11 r 01 ~hc h 1<1 lID tOllg KOugh t hc lrum cd thclI alld 110 II cllrly fOllnd th It ho h 1(1 Mllcd fer Ran ]< r mel.CO IIlll ~h e \\ellt ()\ c rlllnd to Cullf rnlll to mcct hlln Arr \ cdouthc Pile ficCol t sho found th It her luve r hId fllllclI o, e r bo ml Just outside tbe Hen 1MIIld beeu drowlled Meun wbl1e the body )[ 1\ young lIlun dressed 111 lIIuler's clothes WIlli cn.~t u.~hero 0.11 t ho \)cllch carrlCu to the Coroner K office null not bOlng Iden tilled \\08 \llterrcd III the public cemetery A wl\ter !!Oddcn pocket boek WII!! tllkell frem the doud man wlllcb con tanned ellly a fow IctLers \\ fitton III French nnd lI11addrel!8Cd 1:bc girl h!lllrlng ef thiS wellt to the Coroner s office lind (nulld thnt tho lettera were hers fho wllvea had tardily IU d pllr
CQllld hn~(l played 'possum nil these yo. Ir~ without JIIlVlI1g been fQund Qllt tUIHy recempolll!Cd her devoted I!('lIreh lind all \\ he kn01v h lUI are dIsposed to lind ~he WIIS IIble 10 IIl1d tbe grave of neool eehe ea80 Mil bonn flde phe nomenon berlever
- - - - -- -
1tIll GOUOIt lind M r Mllrjlhy sny we eld ,?!fothndlst lllrllO lI who. II YOlld nt the IIlU t 1I0t drlllk mlllt IInu 51' rltuoIIg t1g<l Qf II nety n II In lennc8!l.cerolld who. lu~uers DIU Lo'HM snYHQll'qo \lIId tel\l\re POE'1'8 nre the ~nlt ef the lDtelleetull expeots I~ proneh 1\ centQnrullJ Hennell POleonous tho Herald of I!lealtfl cautiOns Be III m good U8 1I6AlDSt 4 , miclllg 100 wat~r 'Yht werld-selll$(l nlllgJn08tllP~Y 1111 tho gOOd ell hill lie t buthdR) call we drink, l1Dyllow-7 iblng>! of Me health GnEENBEItRY KELLY 18 OJ] ucellent
,\ lIl'H , IL!I; I 'I ~II ~-I \1l\~Wt' ~I)"I lUI' If HI ,II1MII'HI II III tll'IIl": I" I! ,t "I' ,mill ,'h,' " I _ fl< ,I ~II ' I ,I ~{ ... 1. I1.Y, I' tll' .' •• 1 Ii,' I' I >' "'Jll'lIt 11 ~ 1 ~t1 1\ ,I 'h'll l \. I, I '1 I ' 'I! 110,' " \ ,I, II \1"" I , I 1/ 1/ 1111 ' 1,11,,11 .. t.,,, /I 11\11' 1111.1 ~I t H ill , hllll\. \'t! 111\ < \\ ,111 1 tr llil! t'nir . 1'1 - :'.lrR to;"JtlltJ IItld M , ~ tlor.wlth " l\lI'l! II\\' BIIIVI')' v: t! ... II I), I,l l til I\' I\'. 1 I " '" II '"phI<: K CIIIIJl" II .. " I It lllg III ' In Wil l u " ~ " llll, I "It 'V llhlll il lI 111 _ \\" II' ,lI { th,' h l\ ~ I lit I II C Lcd I II " i 'I .IL d . \I" ;: I) /,111 ,\ 11l1I,ltl, .' dl ll i <11111 Ill.' HlIlI\\IIl"IIl\l~ , IO lltll'l I l'll1 l1 l Ill d _ _ ~I I l"l l llrt~ I II' r lurll· Illllllu,1I1 1' lIh t" Ih, CO'"1 1' 11 I V t.. I"" h 1I1 ~ II W II tIl! lJ:ll ll tl1 lI ,'1\ 1 111 ,. I \111 1 wdl h" ,1,,1 , IUU I' In H\\'Illt hlJlIIIll cloll I ~I' til lt I" hl i ~u Il " htlll" 1 11111 P I ' II ,Il ' S~ I tl< -- IJollt ' b l '~' 1 I 'r! "II th 121!J )\ ,'"tl' III t."1 tt 1,1 l'l 1)1\ II lill II I h th I II ('f ,lIld p rlllt, " It tld'1 onlcl' I' ll 11If' ! '1 llIw I thp r,'\t, .Iii Il'~~ <1, \111 II:I I \ t lit I u' h I II 1\\ t h ~ I\ltlll h'" t" 11111 II nil ,II ~ 01 , < 1I" llIn Ir' l1\ \\'", hll l"tti ll to }'urt b" thJIII IUli d 1'1'11"'''" III Ih( " ( ' 10 Iltlle:! II I lilt (!"tfLl' u l III Illlt \\ 111111111 h,' Ihl ii i I "I ( tt ,/ Io" t l' I IlII II ~ \1 \. II'III." t U I' III' l', l ll ~ I h If'h .t II, 1,,01, II I t ll~ ('Il l. I ;:h til 'ilL!' III ~ 1o,, 1! II I 1.\ lId~ :\I ,I'lt I I" hl f 2 11 1,1 1" '''11 th lit 11-1111111 \' ,Ill'''''] 'Ill 1111 11 t , ul A Il II'i II " l ,), k, \ " I'lI ll1l 'l I1t ll d 'l llIk (I" h'l .j 1 1 ~ 1" " \11g W I tI 1 '~' I ~ il 11, 11 . " II\' III .1 '1 111'" .1 1'f!~1 rl.lI l II .. ~ • I I", I. ' ,1 1111,1011 " U.IIIIII! '" 1\' ( '1111111 til \ \ I 11 11 1 1{ III \I ",'-- IIo" '1I1 "" 'I ~" l" I II II tll ,- ( ,, " 1,, 11 1.\,1' ( 1t,II ' , I, " I 1.",,, , ~l l i t I.. 1111 01 /,( / -- l'1I I l l l " 111"""1 1" , \11 " 1: IIIo ,u d (,"I -I, I lI d f, ~ tllIll '~ ,1 10 '11Lillie" 1 IIJ I, II III 01 W I' " " 11l ~ \\' I-II " _I ' II t II If, / I I 1111.\ I '1 "1/~,\ ' I,,, ~" " 10, I. r 111111 ;II. ,." ( ' 'III , \I 1111 I II II h 'I I, ,I 'M\If ' OllNG E A ~ r \\ ,"'l' , ... III III 1 \ 1 \ 111,\.1 11\ II, 101,," I, ,"' , I (I, f,dl,< Ih ll~ l .~ 'III '" " , I, III, ' II t lr .. " ILlI) ,,1 1011 :1 II l ld l' 1'" .. l\r ll l , ,, 11 , "11, 10 I I I tl" I " \ .II. , IH 1I,I(lt t 10 '" II III A. W Eud I In I )1 \ <'O ll ill ~, II t l \ 1)I.l I Ili d ~ lit. d t I t ll ll 1 "~IIC lo cl 1\ 111" [ 1'"lIllk I , \ 1) ,10 . , 011" I'" ",., \\ Ii 111 11.1. ,I , Iv . \II -- \:,. ,t",,, I '11,,'".1 II IIh I ,~ ~ II ' ~llil " ~ III I ' ,IIII I " r I \\ III H I1~' I ~ II II , II ' " '" "" ~I III I " i 1111 AI \ II ~ I 'I , I . "1 T I II" ... I' II I ; I II II I [h" II , 1\ tll "" \ 11h.: ~ Ilt l fl \\t ' nll" \II a . I'" I I I I ' 1111 "11 VII 11 111 111 J' l ' I'll II Ir"'I! III \ t ll l '- I CUllq..h't l ( l \ H I '" \I Hh.. . LII \ I !'i l l! Ut' Cl1 l lll1 n l , ' 11 l H lllL l 1 , ... 1 IIl dl. 11 1'_ 11,1 . til II I , ,, oi , II I 01 "".lllIII , ,, I 'I ~ I r " l'iI 10. .\-'" 11 111 1'" '1 1 1. 111\ 11 'J 101 111 1(' 'It lll t ,... IIIl ~1 ' I ~C[l 1.11 clllllch II II " .1 1'111111(" .f· ,\; ,'1 1\ 1"'-1 , - 1.1 , ' 11 11 11 t II . 11 II II ~ II 11 )~ 11 11\ I III' t" I ,1,1 , , I 11,111 .11 !!" II \.l' h ltll I cllIh lllg UII" II t 'Ihlllll~ d l L ~ \ I l! , I '"Il"III., II"" " (I-II, In.h l h, \\ HI ",' I', 1"1 0\ 1I 1o '''(''llI lIl lL~1 1 1l U & ::;1. 1I11 11Clllt lOlil vi the ~11l1I ,J "111 11 11 1 - F 'r llllI.: ch'''lj' 1)! ""I - ll" lIc1 till dtl'l l lIlI 11111. ( l\I 'CII', t ,tl l l!J1~~F r . IH· f~ OlUlllbll - I.iUf ,-) .. t h. 1. 1 "l I, I II11 III II, ' 1111, 1( 11),t",, ~I "" 1 1t \ 1111 \ Itil l l,c,lI e r \\\, 1I01111 dlelll ill d h,I '" \ ~l l- 11.\1 11.llll IIll I d , m t " I l ' I'I II, III Illllk ' lg III! ,I'i \ ,,1111'11" 11ft 1' 11 ' 1111 .1 ;:o.l ~ jtln 1 'If I It 111 ' 1'\111 t r \\ II l I' \\ ,111" 1111 1 I- I I I "I 'I' )I. d thll t ulIAlIle rr clllI 1I11UI 'IICU wI." ld g ll il EII'I'" I".'tllll ~ , .tI\( e C' I'l 'I!, I JI ,I~ ' I CIII,k, t" Ihelll , 1 " 1" I UIo " \ ,1 1 111' 111 - \ l b h, :<1 II I f \ ~ r' 1\ t il u h"l dl II IIU 1\ \h tlt r .. I I' , 111 t h, P ,,,t iUH \,,\1 t l ' I " ( In in 111 I I II J ill 1' 1,1, " I s ' lI ,, 1 , "c ll 1\ r hllke- I'llt It d ill I -- F II\II C"S Grl S' " I Il111I~1.lf) H .h· B~ lillll!till th, I'XI I'IIMU \1 011 101 1 111I kl l" I.I"t \\ , '\ 11 , "01" e,1 I I .. ' HI Iii II II 11 11 1co I II," ,...llI II\I II " II k, d IllS h ~lIH' '''; ""ll 1111 flft 111 "1111. 1I I U 1111111 ,T. III ago. " I'It Cd b C OI I" ldlltobh "llIlto I I )/1) tull \\ I ~ III I ,, , I ' _ .....::.. ~ _ LI \ l'andt, lIf \ , I - II, - I" I II I' ' h cll 1'"lIIud Ill S l otlt' , 1110' t llll ll ~11 . It cl ullIl Orl "1I11 III t III 'k I F, l\to tld Churl ,8 ;U l' IIILt I" fllt ' ll 1111 ,!, , . " , R ' P U l l l r",r l Ill " H" (I I II , ' \ 1\ , _ ." , - M I"I\l~tll' I II I II 'I u n t, " " .. 1\ t 1 t I II II .. I III I' "l' It .,1 1'" I' " , W I U Il u slo,»)'\; 110, III "l' Illd - (r . t . J IC ,I .. , ll c ll<l lIl 1' \ ,I c, .tul ud Illnlluhullt :!,l YCIII." .. Id I A I I - I ··--1 I I o 1 lit' tl r"t l"'I , ti ll 1" 111 1 1111 1" I ( t" II ' , II " 1,1 " ( I 1 ,1., I -j. I tl' llli <\ " "11 IJt ~h ' e \\ 1111 til "l' t, ~l , 1)111 f Utl ll tt ll' 1,lIl1l ll',j Oil IIlI h l"ou~111 bcl./l o J u tl CC MtllIll1 ~ I 1~lltlt l II tClI lIltt~,\ 1 ' , "1 ' ' t clI'I,-l I I" , In 'II ' \ E i r L H 1 ,... P ,., " I, I I " ,I 1 11:1 ,, 1 II" I I~t th"11\ 11111 . d h'" lI lml \l d II ph ol e clcd \I ,r\, t l", I IIl l hll 1, )11 " lot l~ lld ll\, lll l tile chnl!ro "I ~1'1)1l \'~"IJ II " '1 "" Itl " "I H , I 1.1 , I I rl, " , ,I 110. 1~ 1 't I the . lI l1 lll.kl,,1 hIli I lIrj!' "~ 1111 11,11111'" ,II I till . LI II ' 111'111 '~lJ 1 '1'" [,l'I1 Il\' ,li lt I Ie I " l I lIlt II \ I I I" , 'I I' I' , ' I ", t' ll. , iT:" I IIII ~O II .,~" tit I Illy I" >ot __ \1 1 ()o' , I ( : Ihl ,o 11 11 " I hll llll' IIll d \\ dll llll i Lil li III II 1,1 '"I1,~"l\ ,"" I III 1 rl .11101 ,' IX I1re I II I\I I, " I I' I I I t .. I d I II I \ 1 \ ," ":' II" " "tl: 1 '1'1' "ul 'lilt l."tll " I, 11 111 1,\ ., Illl " r ~ II. I" I II Sil 1 I ,II III I 'I-<I ,dll, I 'v • 'r- ' 111", )l l" I j\ I IlIltI.l1l1 III~ ~ II I I ~ "" 1, III ZI II I' " II, 1t .. "l II, t l " I h. I ... 1\" I I I I '"1 apl'lU l'I ,II, 1 '1 IIIl IIIl 1" 1'11 111 Il li d \1.1 1 "tlllll III til II \1 111 1,111011 11 ( 1I It , 1 \\,t~ t Ill.! 10 ,I I' III Jil l, II I AIl t! II ,t \ ,I , . 4..,, \ lit II • -1'1, Ind " l \vill ! l \t. n 11 11\.: I J 'I I I I, I h hi '\" 'II'" I " I " I 'll , II - II , 1I1 11"Il I,,11 ,1111 III "I III ~ tll .. 111t(I IJ L'I"1 1101 1111 ,( \ I f i n 1( , t il 1 h e 1111..... I I 11 \ ( H lI ~ l: "1 "lIlg .... .1 .\ 111 .... 10" r I '-', " I 1\ I t I • 1 .. , ~ - \\ ,II I 1I - 1.,11,1\1.111 btl I", ~ I ll "'"l bl! II II!; I ll ' . (10)11,..(,11-(1111 -1 !-I.\te llll'lr , , II 1111 h 1 ~ I I .... ) I " l I" \I II 111':1' I k J \ I I I I I I II I ,,,I ~ " _ I"" I, d I " l' II I Ie II I l-t II 11 111 Il \1 >('; IlIllI .I " t) , '1\1 I 1 01 ., I, I" II11 t I') \\ " 1'111 t-; II lItllllll 11111" I "'" III 1\ " ,t. 11 II rill I I ~ II ' l'IlI ZI\ t.1 , '~ _ (J lle lI,l) UI "' .., II" I II I 111 '1 ~ I ,11 lS ... I l llf l I11>111I" I '1 I,I~ " 1 1",III111 II I ( 11 11 r I I , II II S I L \I I t, , II II II III 'I "11111 III ~7 II) \I 111110 III Iu d III I ll"" I ~ :lti II I 111111 ,11 1 11 101 1\ 11 ,,1 '" , ll!.!II ' III li t I~ t d ti l III 'to t l l1 tl ~ l ta ll " l \ \"ut ""! lJ t I \ \. !; r'" ( , II I 11 \, \\ 01 III 1,1, 'I' \ tll' I ,lIr " \tl l!Il'l llIZ'UU ,.. l' ll'uh"J ' -- 'I I "I'"" Il e l'1",",,'1 t Il tIt,d , 11I 1\\ l l'"lIlI t', oI , ' 111I 11 II," 11-1 01," '111,1 , ~ 1I11" ~ '" 01 " I Il I ' \\ l t 1 :II <1" 10 11111 : \\ 1 11 •.,:, 10 hi' II\11K lauy IIh '7 Phy 1l!ld l'l1ltllr ' III t" ,- i\lillnlll CI) Il 11 I , Jill' I '1 11 1 1/" .lff 1I1It! ' I./( \ \ II. I : ,,~ II , II I _I. 1" , .I'llII" I" dl lll h, tu ll lIellilti l . 11()lt ~chl"'.ll l l l 'lIl1l'" " -II~" L 11 ( Mill a " 111 'II 'l ll oltl ll- (II~II_II"d ~ ,1I 1 I A j 'I " I I :\' I", J" II, l: .If.(' . I he f"II ," T1T!" nlo l hl' \ ,chc lI l! r vll ' ,," dlll 1111 Ill, 111,1 111111 lid ' - -- -- - - - - ... t '" l - I, ,n, II ' l X'..,!' 11 1 11111111'1' " lUll IJU r 11 1I. II 111111 "I Ie, :'1 ) - I I /. I <" , ' ~ II dl ,I ill lo t I.,,,, I, ~'Id C ' I IIC - U ,II' t tlllll l/ , XII I11 I111 " III 1111111 [ ll \I 'll 01 (,l lIro) III 100" IIII -ll1l !\l r8 LII Cr 'i Iofll ll l'""" , III II 'I l" 1 " 11 " I Ih" 11\( -l d,1 I I'"' ,, 1 11,0 c '" k " LlII ~ .ltItl d IHl -, 'IIII'" \ r! h ,I " I t ill" 11 ,III I I 11111/1 .\11 J 11 11 ' II I' "I GC lIll tll ll II, t: 1I1~ ~ I ,'" 1I 1'l h '('1. 01 H, ,," II l1dl ( I, I Ilcll ll .II' \1, - 1 7.7.1 ~ DlIllloullI (II L I Ill' h loll ' /. I' L II . ,"l , I I 1.\ "I D ll u 111 1, .[ III (Il!l" ", ( '"Il l LII\\ Il'H" I II ~ ~ II, t , 11 ' 1 11 j npll itl ol It loll':'" 'I ..,....... ( I) \I 'b .J~.{ \ llol l,t" 1l 1 l nul' I I" tI, '. ' '''I ' \\ Illtl II l1d 1\11 " I\l' i \ 11 1, 11 [\' Z/l I , I h, " ",k " I, 11-1 111(1 " " 1 \I,\-('''In I tlllll .lI , ulld I lt lll1 \I u hel-Illdl I UII I<, ) (' \1 ~'lloIlIl\ ' 1 I t I 11\1 lit' I, " ,J ll il e ~I ," " d hll ll!!"I ' l l.,, )" ,lil le 'i liu til" Ii . Cit II ~I~ \1(, J e,l", (I :-' 1,.1.1,, 111 I 'I~ II. , ~Iri llUotl 1l thu ~11~' I.'~ err" ll ~ lIc l ' l dl. NUIII II C kill ., 11. 11,"1< "'/1 " " IIIl 7.1 1 (II th,lt l;lul - l 'I'lIlc(/l( t~t(' r tllrtlll l l l d(,~II, b ClII l\ I,III1 I,"!.d, 1'1 ~II'~ 11 111 1",1 b~ lIe 11,,<1 It II I ~ I 11 11 III rq.!;llt IU,I d ll oil I nll,J <' r t\' " ~lIp(, 1\ I 111 11 ,tllol Ih e IUII I h clgllkle ll l ~II(IIIl:lIll d E ll n l' I\l lg ht " t (',,1 Y('I) \IIIII, )1 III c" "trtl' 1I1 ~ 'I I" \lllll) , xJlcllli ed III CU ,kl ll ,! 'I" m ll~h t" 'I\ Ih l le 1 ~ 1I 0 h ,l'o 111'1 Il! ]'o; ~ d - lI l1 . " I l '. l1 h ' llI, I,a- \,l q ': Il'""l d Il lt h II 11 1,11 \.. 11 IIr UIlIi IIi \In us Ivllil " ~I I" ul loCI I ~ C '" II It lei bi, I II' d l I ( ',, ) l' '"lnll II II" l l· l' h" "I PS,, " I hhlll lIu ,1 3 , 1I1 111111~~ , I A e I I 0 I H ,\tl "till ! I" l" liol '" ~II"" 11 11 01 " 11 11 '1 Is~ ~ I ltlll\n l~l l vll r a llil I 111111_ 1 I L I' 1"" " t\" l rV ll ~ " 1 ~111I7. 1:" ' II tl II " I Ihl' 1\ II" II II "f!" III til It" \1" _ \ 1I~~ r..1\\ IC II U 1 II '" I III(I IIII! II lIldltlll\'( E.llIpllllY \1Ul ll ll''I"llllt lI11 l,t"),, rhll ~ ""t IIr h l 1'1 '"I !n ltl .! I dt l ll l lll l , I I [ I II 'I " I ~ O\ I,) ,nc!.'t lit " 1" lIe 1I1I 1I~ ttl'l ~ \\' 11\ II , lI (1t tlo r (I t IZI'II" 01 \\ , 1I1~ 11 I'l'ltl l t lr II IIll1 _I II I ' U lIl'~ I~~ ,I u~ l , t.ll t I)II~ II r I f' "t'l 1\01 1" I 1111 • ' I -, I' IIIII'~ • II ll c 1111 I" " II, ~ " "l ll,... " " n~ :.t ( OUIl II UN'I /I I:o ll lt.l lIl, 111 ,1111 111 1' 11 1 ' 1,1( I 111 ,11 I' ( )1 I ' 11 '1 .1 II" I',e li e II,, I 11 11, I I ,,1111 11 1• ~ II clk .1l 7! " , I I \; tu t lr" 1IIlIIll'l , "I II 111 "I d l,tl ll ,,-- I \ I" h I, I 11I '1 !,!'1 t , (t il I 11,1 , ,, l,tl lI lI lI) II 11" .111 . ld,·1 tl" I I .,," ( II Id hit" I' ''1 ' " U I ~ III II t II I '"'1k h, I II , ~ 'wl d " I 1" ~ II I I I ~I l ' II I' lut ,cl IIlI,' , \V 1 e ll Il l " I .1\11/; III 'I II Ull 1111 '" '1 I I ,)111' 1 nC Il III 1l1l 11l 1 1l11l l. cJ [UII ' e f ill tli .lt p 4l\\ \ I \'" I , L llli rieR C; ,lrll, 11 11 ' I II" III t l:" 1I, I I " ,II nil' , " I - "1 1 I '"I', I, """ '\\ IIoll lliol ,I, " 1t II ' I)" " " I I I I I tl I I t 1'1'11 1'1 ,I 1111, lllll ll ll "lIe "lllll"' I' U t it n1!"l'c' tIll I_ ,", I \ 01 1111 ' I I ,t ,-II''' -. !o le 11111 ' " "Ill ' :!, Ill' '" ti l III I , I I II I T.I III v " . ' l h E U .::ttC' CII:!, Lei, "' 1I 1l'lIn I tlittI·It I "~ , ,.\\' II I II II''tl' l" I 1', rlt' I Il~ " .' t 10111 ' ,) ' l.! II ' 11-, n ~ t, I III! 11I CI ll t ~1 !i. tl m\ edl urtll 'Ll ~n l' ,IIr nl1l t! 1:','1,,(.1 "".II1~'(~ I.J~t \\ " 111 1 111 '1 11ll :-':'1'1111 (",:. If, ,1 N ' I I }f k •. M ' ct • 1II v lI t 1' 10 .. t l it e 1)Il ~ hl ~; t Ill k l • ] bed ll1 l1 tl \l LI?O I1lr' I U III "l llllei l l111 l) ", r. I ~ 1I II ll'" " II nlllI \!( 1I J11 1 I npp, IJI I IIII 11I 1l!,!' I.JII' \(' Ihl I II ttlll t" 111 ,I~ l I'l .,: Ill l~ ,I" " II ... A . U1 I IccI :l <llI d I ' "~l.t 111',111 " 1111 l ""ll " t I ' , ," i\ .'11t I I" c(\ lIld " I" h llll -- ~t. IIII' ),l kll1 Il.' lt ICl e thc I I "PII1lI1I1 (10m, " I ')111 ul' pC.'\' Ut i" 1\ 11I '1I1l 1," 1111 ~III' II '"I" Iltv t'. '1' '" I I I lI y h,IS t' er 1'1" II eJ, t. d , III Ill · I ,tct'l \ 11 ~ II dbl' I' 'alit Uld lllu)l!" I,.t "I ( Iy 1')1 t ,lill iS, I,. "It)!ougo OB I ' II " Ill "Flt. I \1 ., tIJ s t.ll dy Il I-I IU 11 '111 II'ol'l!CI ~ (1. " .· " tltl1~ lllIh, dlthl '\' "1 j,1~ t l ' " r U I hu.,e lI~tll ob blll ' , l 'l'll c l l!')1) , 111141111, Il l',tiL ,. 1111,1 hlll'l " " I' "': 11'lI r IlI ll ll lhl! lI r'l! ulld d e Xtl! l ll\, ,11I HllllI Odti 'd II I I' Il Clg t l IIl\u ~I/ 11'1)11101 tllc Iltllo tll d,pI'1I11 ."';,U ' \" tU.I' 1, I I I 9 I' I , lid ~J.,, \\ e,J 1o~ I :>ol t tl) U O JllI s trt' :l capab c, u g )" )\I~l oI C S nhl ll .uti I I gn1 (' \. u 1" II thu l' tllll IlI llt t 1111 ,',1111 'I." ,I I': \I I L I lIl'" n t II l ,,"IJ!Il: ~ l,1 t l'l. ("\lil t) 1 111 > lplll,l. 11I1 UIIl C II Il Il) rll,,! \: h 1 I I Ih, 1I 11 f1 IL1 I1rt ' h· l:l IIcut WC WIS I IIU 110 nlm I lI eC!; fOI I\ld 1" '111 CUI\\ \I.' I 1111 0 I~ filld II I \I It I rq"c~l'nll1J t 10· I IIJ diU II l11d~lIll1C - ~r (to Il-\U J It J l, ' Its ,IlIU IIIH (UII .tl, HIIlI II PI' 'Ill~d to tile } 'ur Il'll~ I IIII' I I,' e Ih,e II' uti It IIO('l " " 1~ 1I1r II 10:111", IOI~dc th e Pll'SCII fUlmly, uf Vayl !I \I ~l l cd tlll l r r~ 1 Pi' pC I ulc,hnm , \\ .)u ld j!l nu l\ , Ilu 01 III ntH t: 1II. ly , 1I11d I Io ..WI (ully t,II IIl II ~II('I Cr.. l tl tl\ os III tlll ~ 1'1111: ' I I~t II tU ld,l) uUlllit C II ll1 ou tl' I I W I\l d~ Hn " " r - M ~I li n \" 'II hu~ \, III 'I I te Tl lu ,'"l1g ludy \111 C COl t\:lU III "II.! S ltlluay Mil! 'i bwc·t fO th\' all '1l.lcc Sh lllli t lilt bc nc r(!c 10 1 ' 11<1 1' Ilfndlrllt-cl , ,u ti Il garmo t"rulo (>d "'l t h It ' 001. fir 1'1 f ' r "U I\l (\ t1l 1l l' 1'11 , 111 tnll1\ UI, )Ullel t~llng Wlth,the l l", lIetl l'iLth thulII I I II \I It 01 u CV~VII .lo l' J ~ Rt II I) III IIdvIUU': O, ou II plntl urm \\'cek or tw 1 - r, - --.,.,..-w h,lel lllolll ~ h 'I wL\.. II\~d II Il h l'l I li nl·e til l IIUI " I ' t ( ) I l v 'I)' dinary S lip, a nd Lvlllllg 1M 11 11110 I II lIr,.cc nnklfl, ,,/' W II b ( IItl'd 10 ,III eXI r 3 wllg I! Th ere - All J K A ll der 0 11 took a ll ~INO [AR - A huy e'a, ed at the c nry It I ll1h)rsu li llg U·lIJ III ll1gt'JiI , II.IS lU uvcd tu ti ll viuc" II re luud chl'crti lIud rCJ ulClng b Y " l\Il1 lhU8 111fld OI C X CUI'lllU lll dt~ tO tho rc Id mlC 01 ~I r Jalll ' f el ry, till' .. I1H1l l1ng hl ) de 11 11 III~. \ \" deVill e ilie_lll:ilH IIl hl ..d t.h.utlflnnd a Gaz !)u ld IUfs' -LluUl e. 011 MVlld llY fh e gl ntlollllln i Cn llllm ICllll ~ ,le i ~r..ll GIt ~ l it!! Dll ~ ' ~~ In - 1hl ~c h nol l~ I'rl'fl" '1 II1~lI ll ch - .- cOlllpa.ny c .U1prl 'd the fumlli os vI lor th o !!r ee l)' I! n"ll ul NUl1<!llh l\: .:Y1 W~ 1\ Ih Il utll1gly ~nd "r>r tIll 11111 CI the t!l1 l'~fl ltil II l'{ .\1 .. \\ rIi B, " NO FIIR LI F!! -At tho huroo Th olD1U! Curll utt, A sh cl B Smith , Co, \1 IIII lo ll " 'lIIO II 1I11lllg b,lt ('I ' -' '-uho.~. h I' K l'A K~ F. \ , !LI1l3 v f b;ld I' U I'o n,t~ , In \V fi~h ' 11110. IE d llIulld Rl!tlllhck, Ethun lJro\l 0, e\ N IIlCl.! hu 11111 "'(\ tlo~r( 11,' \ IRS R u' n,AK II !l AI" ." . _ He. A f~ I, 011 t. 1~ 111)1(,1 h;Ht I hll l'!!LI;IY, S e pt :10.1 77 I I 8 Ulld UellJuulli 1 :rluth~ v I relll :lc~ til kllill . lit lIIe 01 wh 'Il IlIl FOR S~~ LE , lJAIIN AII G ID& tn l111l kl ilin 0111 0, " 11"1' lie II IlUI J,'IlClll' l A 1'U~I ';I , dllllgllll' l "I ~I J UdI UII Thur:ld ay cpt 2) ' camo Ir" 11I [111'1 WII Id., olnl t' '' nl\ .\ 1,'r' u~hlr,.t ~ '' v v , " " V ~ I 'I u, !ur. 1\1\ II n lll'" 111 mill b -- , II 'd \V I' " k U wltlwnt II rolf!' vI el ,n lllllg 1/11 p, ,. $11' I de811"(' 1I11 my lrl etlde IIl1d (n ~ IllCll h tlr ' C ' t11I I1 ·l!· ~ {,fl l ~" II I ICI '\ 1.' k F' I r et \\'c II , . ... 110,, 11 110 I nlln g ' " , o~etiollg, (O \ I ,. t. 111m It l LI .tlllll' lI ,t tu ~ lt ' rlllg e tvu l rl all III Ord to ~I\ I III sllap o ll e t n,\ I, fli rt! Ell lOti III Ih 11 B"J' IIl! 1\ I ' X UIII,I' the Ht. , J F oloutlup, II f ~ n (-;II P I~' et to t\~l! e II ~ctl\ eon m V:lI ' Il o n ~ Cli l! "'1\;11 011 (' tlo uJt 80 tb ut the IHU) k no w ,l1l8~ h\lll Ih l I'I ,l(,P, g lll ll d turlh , lll l \l f'.lI U h, trl'~t ltl wl) lkllh " \Jt2J() t eo tl vn K X OIIJU, p If'lrIUlll gtllll CUl ClllUllY " f\ OYS llI g ,llll I m l lllgdol n ) }I1~ 81",,,101 hr lmlJ..l:d'lI itll A l tll ulw h 8 18 ho t of Irl 'IHi , \I h n \\ ,11 re lnl' lOhrl 0 11 t ho ~!lS I ~I d' the ru ,,,11 bo II cut T lo u Imol e and! g l ouID' le ft 811U II e uully l' Sjj( 1I11111 bVlll\J, g 't' t il lIu Cu Mr 'I'''IIY h I III ~ d Ilil hllli ,I: n g ood th · bc ~ 'il l' In tllll 11 E It PRIN TZ, tl lcln el'cr fl- U Irlod ul g Ollt! "~ II) \11 ' oi d" III" "I" () r SOl'O II feet '1' 110 Iloe alter ~1111 0 10Cllltlubl. ",h ero th ey c,\ne '" " " ell .)J 10 )01I I iut h(lr u, e r Slll ea he I !l IlI C' tIll' ~ ... \\" I (J '" If 1Ii 1I ll1,n t'sL' lll e ul f) [l ent, lind a p<'r fect Indy an<l 01\ 1"10111 WIll Clu8 the L ~I R I{ 11 0M l\lUIIIl I I I Bull 1 0tl1l l \lll~ t HI tilLInO t 0 I ' , flIT " I " 0 0 S(ll:ll t II pnrt 0 t 10lr Il)\lU} III 'IUII , d b d AI I I yll"ng IIIUII " L1 1 hIli l\ lI othlllg 10 <I " .. • _ __ t IP) \\ I~ h t ho II clot't O'f llllllVIlIl'tl , ,)lupton ~ nle S 80100 un fo ro 1I11 ll'l lIg Ilore IIgUlIlOII MUll ullY lit er 1,111 til ~t l) l e III t \ 0 P IUS wltll h lln lml he s tIc ks clvse to lHlI\llI'lI tl (', bleti610gs may I(,R t IInri SnCCCR" ~.'Oll cu lll nllty oec llrs we shull 8re tillS wec k 'V a ~Idh the 1I 0 Iti W uotilu ll nsl' In \OV rl lllIlI gloll 1[ l ' I II I k · fl 1\ I t ·1' d 1 IYI , .II IS. e l ry. a lit '" II .. 1I ,ill . <! I \\ 11 tlI ('l r Vt:I ' l' 'J lt 1I r lind t IU Urit traIn 0 1 rtlo roa "II lin yOllng c[)t'pl~ all POS81blo hUPPI . ", - FuIIK. )& MIBriUIIIUeluelp '" lIflll ce frOlllllouth r BfIlllce It lSi -Last Bl'r ng \1 0 gtll ) II at Mr~ Enst '"1 ui.(), uxtell d th oll SI X \\ ~ O k B Let 'e m cOlno. II1'SS, Ilud uullllll (ed pruSpOllty, IlIg, to·dll'j', t\ hllge lot 01 th roe o l a III ~tl1 u l ea e nn) h ow - D ll y llJl accon nt vI th ' tl vuull, ti ll' ~t utll d th1l1l1. til llIl " ""d 1'1'01'1,' til 11.11 - bea ntlful, IIIIk lilllSh, hllllc\ sum e ' l '« 111 ' it 'hUl'h ol t hl " I'Ll b.ld \l ll h IrJ - I II lglfll lll k ill dll l . 111 0 11111" 'I'm \\' lIrI'1I 0 tl ll lll>. F ,lI r,\llllIh TIIES(\h" ol ~ III'VuYlle Tuwl\slllp 1\lllok lushcs lIfl d nlpllCU8, dlroct l -~ (1: _ _ _ _ _ --lat:.. ~ ll <;y ,~ the ir lII i IIISll'l T hl Y l' :.i1l11l!d hu 1,111' 1'1'111 , " I, lI e(' 11 11" II 11 11 11\ d II \nl~ vti \\ cd IIIl.dll' l'h u radII) Ilnd 10 ,1 \ e ,til L gllil th ell lall 8 ,,\VIIS I roUl th e N ew \""rk II n'port<!1'S , ptl A IIC I~ sole tvr Lcbllllnll N nt w lI ~ . I,~ , . t~ ~O'n" 'TllS-gtl ' ~l) IIf dl ~ I JOI\ ('· t III Ulhl 1I IIll-' th l'l l (01 1701'11 , 111 1' , "' lid IV 01 hl, t 1I\1"'k " liS lIlIO 01 W · IP'" I li s t I Icachel s liS fUI C ':\ 'CIY lOll A tso, hillcl< ca ~h III Bunk 1' 8 Sl!d Ihrnugh h(' ro IIl, t IleSl! u ncI lu\:'ehooJ 1 he) hull " - W l' II CI (' g I ld I , « 1>\ I 111<'11,) th , II lv~1 s uc e'l~ t 1111 vt't Ioc lt! 111 ,IS We hll' c bUl!1l ublu tu LI~COI ttl In ' morc, 20 II ltil'l e llt 8t ylc8 of Ind ll!8' FrrdllY ovolllng I ts we ig ht WIIS n .:;I' 01 ~ g . 1~13, Q) chur h trlul lllld he \I II ll &pclld ut! " J ,I ,1111,111 I' ( 10 I k Illl I"g IIl1t t h, I' C'"I1I ! Y Th e 1'11111 bl IIf s tock th elll tnl1ey r\k tlt d IIl1d blllck laco hili hoi ten t Oil , It wu bl oup;h t Ily IlId I ~ ~~.." ~ ~~~ ~ 'onferenc At 1\llIh'rl'l l(J\1 he IIth~ 1 01 11 \ lit) " II 1>"\11 '1 \ll ~ III II >l It! II U l llOI ' iU~ excll'd lllg III IIl1m Oallllllcl seo th em I.b the Ci:aqh I C,"\\ III IlIlIlkd lill 'Ih<:el ,li nd " I\~ wn , xonoTutou, a nti the He ,' \\' S 101 !I IUlig 1111\1', I," tlt I 10 '\lctl hI! I Lur tllli C lit ,:II Y I'10Vl ul1'! )0,\ 1, ,I a lnos S ln lth '1'lIld o IJlIhl( l " lll llUued lit th o d upot by melliltl AN" 1)f. AI I \(, I Raeil n.I IDOIS m Ire J(sl'~ d lh.ll1 'll\s 1111) \l 't ,'( I,'d ,JIl t! 110 , 11II'IId llll 11 11 'l'hlll s tl,l v A !.hle IWg(, l ~ - At tI.c Uw~h Tlade Plll llce 11'0 01 u <I ~l l l ck I~Ij( h t I XCII <lrow It CV()I De htld ell 11I1l! \\ "0 Illl i I -ilJ l S il l L1l1ul l ui" II 1:\ 'I"" 11 ... 1 li d, \\11 1IIIII\ UII 81' ,J he t i l " MI /:)nllli l Dll ll wldtlle moull "I,tl t \\0 8tlY Ih tl lI1'hll!o Ijo Its uo~ tlll lll\o1I lJV\\ lIlIear Da tlllod hlln to thcl llH L. Laut 100 (,1 . III III III'l' 'l II, I\ r\(' $1 ", 1 TIol' \ " [) .1 ().l''<J1I, llI hll lg III Ull ls IIIII Ch \\ohllv~pl llccelli nonr l l'ld MURo n's bll i ll tho wheels 011 b catou II!. c Ol all 11" I" flIIUe "1 t III I _ II> 0 111 ( I 1l.l n l \ 111\ HI II I Iltl 'l I 11,, 111 I,"t h,1I e 1'l!CII Illorc I: LCIl OI.L B.o b"l t. ICNllltli d a nel ~ h l\lvna th lH ltd I, III Ih co h,lt SIc! ~Illl k lil t" I he ~p riligy 'InrIJjD, T UI 0 lIIost tLl , ti l J 111(11 II Ihe IIICln I) I t \ \ 1 \ I rrll l1llt l t ~\l\ t Itt I I """ d ol,' alld t l lll~ II 1-1°'" f"r Ic"s \ IlIhl h.l)d /th e \1,1\ of 1\11 cx t"l1s ne sluc\; ILl) \ l"\ rrrollllld, ,Ind Wel l' With ddll clll t}' I ~r '::!J ~ ~ -> - :J ~~ II U H.i d n ;, '" lllltl cvll ' lrC [) ( H'I) WU el"t l ,.ICSll<:l;l u\I r),ICOS OI U so l!x tl,1Q1 cXtl 1 al d It \I ll-! a 1r ~ ,I\) IIlnd' l II "J ," ."l , ,) 111 , 1-7t, . III ,1111 l ' 011 UIIUl nJ l llt\ '1 ~ II II I II It U l1 Il (' ...... I\ f f t j lll1 I () I tlo ll1 Ihl ll ,, " d IIIJO 'l lI t tlt'd ll ~, t t ,) t'" tu 111 I' r'}'lJ 10;1 h 1I1 1l1lltCI ,t tir (,p luto (II X l l1n lll the I" " I)ic 011 FlldllJ the " 10 ,\ lr, II JJ Il illar <lIlIlU"thllt\\O Pllltl cll l,lrl y SOliC it nll d II H hr" Ilg;1 11 I I II ~ li n) )',c,lI1 e THE BEST OFF F'R. , I ICT.:lIlC I }; l'll. llll kn II' b uw ._ 11,.11 I 11" ., dlll ~1 'J II tI, e glonlld "1 1 EVII I{ "y ~ Ilh e 1)ICSO ll CO vf c VI'r}L,)u y III VUI till l"ldgc~ blJ l\\l{'" LJ ~l l ti ul d .llId We ",II , 1 ,111'"'1( ' , " Io n, I " "". s,m pnt li ze ll ll h h llll 1Itl1'~I'sc l 'l'IlEII('~tlll( N I II~ II I h~ W " ," I"ll lt 1" ', Ld III " IC Ilk(' II Rt,lt " l a, 1'lRllk \ Vvudwllnl. l iltorll t08~ '\\htltWUjJl "P o t ) d.) 1 ,~ IoI \(lIl \\I"I I\') tl lll-ld" I 'rI ~ll l)lIg $600Pianos for$250. ~tI'JU III t: (' ellillC Iho \\ (I rl d II vel Ctl Dtl l ' ,/" '1 1.11$' !\ ~ ' lI,lt l "ll 1\\11 Ill lr Ih III 1, \1' II I ,,[c,; r W a f/ e ll (J"I1I1" - - . -- - Woh e l lo "e l~ c .lr oliclllIg b." g'~ I II:I II , lI!;h II hUll ll,,' II Plg1,1 011 1 II IUGINAL he I,e ld III l.t! 'U ll IH' " II ::;,lI ll1d .I) , Ij I lur l hu , 11 l.!u t 0 1 1.", hlLlltlll ]III~ ~ " IO I\"lg II\ C nllllrn~ n!llllllg bcyo o,lthe COll Il'Ct ltlllll vI li lly .. th 1II Itl e LII<ig '. It I ~ '\l Id , HII -Ih ll lll i j Sl pt ~() It 1< huped tl,a t ~\' '' ') , '\l' IO dc l'lted S,I\ O by th o~o 011 lIthc l", \I 'ra HII , ll de.! li t tiro FilII 01 !.VIl SI' d IJ III ~ hll ~ lll O d Ill 11111 \r11 0 ISU III U c1 11111 11 ~0") th u ""Ig ht)' tllllll:( O UR schtJo1 (ll't' " ~ d " ,I l,o llday tt' Hchl'tlll IhO ( OIlIl I), S" ltll lin \t; , t ll tl lr II tJ ~ I. t ' l:! 81'0110 " fon tol I I I - t\lc~k Bo- t IUll le,J.yc rll s (l ltl , W u s lllllll)e l "I" I~cd til s hOll 1)111 1'IS~ llIgU\l! l lt lIndcl AUlt.. rln:.: II I1 - PICCS li10 ro- I po · Ibl , lIdl h~ p rCde It ) 'h<t fill hlllim ent, ,lIIellIlI th o hVnbl'S " (lIO, nno! Il H:I, A hel SJ].ttcrl hwllll ,$1 "')OUS The Jullc t fIlC "lt IC~ will i I •• - I tnr n ' of MI W J O" " k ,I ~ l' flllcl l.a l I01\ III':' Id tiI t IJll,,'r,llIlnIC I t ll lLa olll l)hnt /j'l< t 1 '1~1 "~, "" l'~" ole \ 1111 U" v " el, "',lC gil ell l UI eXlIlll lllul lll1l ,w.! 11 I !'i " [0 1 t.. 1,(1)' ' 11.,01' , \('t ' (,C II CIv.c j "" (I 1 1III ~ 1 d ,,· A "i l - 00 11110 Vf'" t IIU I' I ) fC~S IVn,1 I Ica II y ,I bw wcek lur Leoullo n III tir"t I.J, nke $7 See III tV III1\ C' III" I II I'll IIII til "v V Il,I " IIr I' II 111111 I , Ol'll, IllrIns '<" ll1, h, nno urgu d to 11IlrcIIII U II lI' ut Icady hew ,IOU I d'tll\uro , I he UOlll ll1l 8 schulnr. \\ Ilh IICII )'.l,d Ull tl I UIl I! D o I ICt; 0 I '1 l!IlCIIOI B, J C f1\1 Dlta) I lie Irl'sb '" , l') l "t "' ~~ old url d lind cr, ' t tlo SUo l'' 11 11 k oy & 1\ I I 81Idille ! SH'"UIS of " ' Ull 'II e mlllt -v ,It Lhl.!11 lit ~hE' CIOlltlty cVllverJ,rlllg " 1IIIIre • 2 J"C u, It d tl t t 'JI hlst pll' \II llIlU Oh l\ rles Hawke $0 I, C[1I 1 S~SBltlll, jl llrehlls{'d tllu ro,l \ d IIC(, Il il d II l or} \1 eco luI seh 1)1 I chllll on I t i 'II •j' VIIUI t! III II lu~nt) loce llhl l. le l t d t ' IJ " -Cau'I'allnder, .Janney & Ever L ~d lll ,dgl ij IIlI d ClI h'l ls of tlit' 1 l ll 11 111>1 1 ,111 11\1 1',1 U( I IleOIl S _n,y l 'l~l'e,II" IICll b 1111 N'ltrlll'b 1Il. lllllgers CClltUllll r) ,nll uld,ed th elll I II '~OS rf10. lu t 8)e r'IIJ?11°'1 m Ug $ 70 SUI'OllO'IJLII"IY I Iy have IIhunt compl etou th e (' Xt~1I I CI' ell"l ll tl, L CiJ,IIIV Il II lid' XI' lll n ]"l'\l J t ll ug n Lrtll d lllf{ II \l IC I \\ 1.' , (I (;I II CO, .• tl lIlI ll"" ,lIlI, ,I! sc l " cscu luIIUt,c V"ltl ~ .) ry l il t! 1').... 1 rO " . t tl 'I' ," 11t IIUII Il ril l\. Il thers , IlIl\ c to d c ,1 11 011 n I II J ' d I ' 1111S ' ' lid IlI cnlllllO $3 Idunc Kel Blve IInprO'l!IIIIl11 ~ III lUll COllll'r Ul lI IHlw l\l tili n Ih u h" ll lld llllt'S 01 IU} IIC ' \ OlRCII O It., ' ' ' ' ' , to 1i Id dill TI I I \V ,,, $1)7~ I , I l'\l - AdJ l c;;R I,\, £1 B" lIl1 clt ' 'J'ltet"I I""II1, ,, t! WC'IHwcll'ell' ll llhttf('ttlll ~e plllI, Mecollcfpru? re III IlIgtlll III ley IIIVU UIlCll v ll,l,uYl lI g - .... pUllnl e pI OI ' . IS tlil.! 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POND'S EXTRACT. POND' S EXTRAG1 The People's Remedy Tho Unlversnl Pain EltrlctcI Note Ask for Pond's Elttract '1 (I ~ (}
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126r, 262, 263 Broadway.
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ASSETS $4.8 27 117652 SURPI US $820.000
TIIB lOal.ollal R tJ-p IMI{XllI rcporlB tbl\t }"'vnrt I}J lIlI used by t be l1e1' l!p4pc1' tAtement thllt he r ules IO\(!1l lovely dllughten! H e Hllld tbe other day Lo lL correspondent Tell )our IKO plo th ..t I d n -Ii ~ to 01 \ UII dllllgh tel'll but 1 do object to tb e ~Ulllmnr) manner til "bieb U'e) I " 0 kIlled ofT my l!IX n The cl't'u,rv It M I f 1m Ily of live dBugb tors IIIU HIlC fl(1II" NEWARK (N J) IJ mr For 1\\ 0 or thrc )elll'll p t th uronzc HUl tn e .. [ General Phil [\.cllrO) III s b(,(,1 . tnlHh I 1\1 Ilil Ollt of the " 11) llIeho 111 tl (' Latc House nt 'I reutou "hut lts IIltlm Itc d tanation III to be noue of ollr tlu [(' offiCIals Ilppear to kilO" or care It WIII ordered bv the tate nt a cost lO[ WII thoWl/md doUar!!, lind .lI tcndrll to UP placed In the rotund I of tbe Il.OIIIII Cap.toll\t ,,'1\ lungtoll, hut one of th t hlgb art cl')ltes who oCCiUI.onnll) find th IT 1\lIy IIlto o or talc ].( gHllntnr thought he diSCO , o r~d n ue[ect III tit "ork o{ the nrtlHt anu objected til tlte tIltc (laymg for It It \\ , ij I'Il.d [or he,,' o'or when dchv r d, Ind r0Il111l1 ~ J\lR t whero It was dumped
For l\J:AN nlld IU
All Arro t.
I liE E Vl 'AXJ 0
A SpecIal Offer
NBwspaUBf Union List of 1085 $1.00
Osgood's Hellotype EngraVings. 'rl.e eholoe.t "OUltl nltlornameNt. Pr4ce SMI I for co/aloOMe
One Doll",. "(lcl.
GEORGE MA ·1JO.N.l l OWUJJts Inserted 111 Grtl~ II Ele)!y to
t\\ O\ CI"l'{'S cllcbr .Ie lovely woman whom Gr IY diU n It >'Co fii to e ulo~lzc /Iud the World c. dor"". the proPOSltlO1I It ndu~ tlllit nil 11.11 hon of the stell III ClIgll1C IV.- n 1.0 CHmt ted, and 8uggeRti! thut the ("tlllre be euppUod bytllc folio .. lUg 6LIl li Z IS TbIIlooomoUl' rn,'lnea I Dery breatl &.,. . . . .111900 Ib e d o'W l Dnd ur'J ~ r trncu It deoll doolrucUon IIIJdd n d ... h f .. GlIl.r 'lualIU... III '0"", I. I••t.
WIIIlS you go fa.hlllg nOl cr tllkc nny bAIL dung DCI end upon obuumng It AN IrlRhmnn fre.h from the olu Hnpply lit tho fi.lullg gronlld. You COUll try ~l\v II turtle for the first tllne LlIrIl m or nil lit !!C'enty· fi, o b.g -tones \\ Ithout d •• covertng 11 bllg or worm nDd I\t (mco made up h •• mind to Cliptu re I t The tu rtlu Cllllgh t h lin by the
New' nrk Nf'lw.pnl""r 11 .. lon •• ~. t hie ' •• !tti .. r I1nlull • I... " :"i ....... It....r lulu ....... lit .-n'" ~C"" "I nloa • I•• ....... fOJ .. llnlltlilii. "lIpnfN"r' ut,. II .. , NouU.crn Ne,.... UIK'r U lltuu ......
Then ) Oil get 11 .tICk lind gouge 11 p tbe earth for half II sqll lro IIroullcI WIth qUill .UCeCf!.~ Then yun fi sh for mill lIOll . and don t "teh nuy nuillust III out t he tnne th ~wcllr 1V0rd.llre ltm1.nug "I' IUto )ollr Unout 1\ 110) COIOOlI 111 .. ng wll,h II lot of I,lJut wblch you purcbase for tl' OJ)\!) Ii, e ClUlts nnd then YO\lr dUr c..'Qnt~ut leaves you alld 8O.doc. the fish
Weekly Newspapers
fin ge r /lnd ho holulIlg It out Ilt Ilnll ~ length Hlud F n.lh 1111 I ) e land he tter lot 100 the howl L ye hllvc or III k. ck ,/0 out of U 0 , c ry hox y Kit III be Jnbc r~ I IT oftell lutppous thut a sltght erno Ion draws tellrd willch nro frozen III' heir oolls by 8trollgor nud deeper oues I)
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nllr ~r
truck one terrIble blow, fud ge 8 ud n "llOCM 10 a New York 1 olte ourt Where dId be ~t rike J ou 1 asked tbe ~rllgl titrutc On the co rner of F ortlcth Street and Tlurd A, enllr yo ur H OI or Of L'O Urse the cu lprit got the rull extont ol tbe law TIIK BUNRJ81l NI!V1;n JrAlLl! O U8 YI!T U pon tho IOUDCN oj tbe eea
The ti U ..,1 ~rocl\IJ """'III1I{~
~7 bd~c'::I!I";~U~..,g;
000 t of IIr~ h. ' I'endo, II •• S< lo,k. .UlI e ~.rpI . kl ... & gft ) tu1I l1dl "hI l.'Ot\l and Ilemli ut o'fcrhea .t the I hw La b rn .An 1 up t1 A eAJ!l ll. olh~ dll1 '" oJl .. ... b. bllt~, dA'k WI 5lL II ough 0 r el~1J with ICAnt be wet? TI 08 orlftC ueyer (alled IJ vetl
BURLINGTON Hawk Eyt It IS thought thlll Brlgi lIl'JYo ungollght to hllve recov ( red frolll his chol era morhus, but when It (lime to fightlDg With t\\ en ty tiQvcn women eneh WIth a dlOerent kmd of mustard pia ter for h er dear hUHbRml, and 1\ new Innd of herb teA, It WM too much for hlln Every womnn lIud ber pltt. te r wi ere thero WM room and the propllot wellt dowlI to hIS gruve hko a ,1111111" lei NORRISTOWN Hrrallt Dr Rnns Von llu low the pHllmt IjIIVS If I atop practice for one day I nutlce It \0 my p11lY1111; If I sto p three days the Ilubhc lIutiCO It It I K different With tho younj; mnll who prnCtiCCH do" n the street If ho stops for one day the whole neIghbor hood notices It, And fcel hke paymg him Iilo hundred dollRTti nm er to began "gnlll If he dOCl!n t stop for two days, the nCll$hboTH 118k the lXllice to notice it AS a DlII88nce and If he doesn tewp for tlueo dRYK they get down their ahotgnll~ and go gunll'"g for him Love-Making at the White 8n1pbur. [Cluel
• • , E Qu i...,)
J ll Kt before 1 left White Sulphur n gentiemllll wbol!C daughter WII8 olle of the be\lCg of th o place explained to my motl or 1I11d self the e tiquette of love 11111", g nt White Sulphur He Mid It was underswod by both gentleman and hi ItC K thllt I 0 D1Rtttlr how (Ar II gentle n tn nllght go 111 profCl\i!lOnK of love for It Indy nmlher sbe nOf IIny one else 11'11" t ) II nerstalld blm I!CflOusly but to tAke It for gTllnted thllt he WIIS merel) do "I rOllS of p Ivmg the lady a L'Omphmont
Ildmltted that the lughest COIll
i ment II mill e m plly II womRn III w I\f!k cr to IIlllrrv hlllI g('ntlemcn deeuouKo[ Cllrrylllg the IlIIgURgc of flRttery to ItII utmost IIIUlt 11\ m timos e~eD Mk thnt
IInportllllt IllOHlion but tt \VIII! dilltinetly u nr\orst(\() 1 thllt be 11'&11 not to be talc " It hili Iloni If contlDued JTI)' III form lilt 1\ mnn 16 111 ellrne t III hIli deHire to IIIlIrry IL lady to whom be payl! attentI on here be will not uk her "Iule Hhe 18 I\t thl8 pillce but 11'111 walt until lifter her dcpllrture, beCllUllO ow IlIg to tee etlfluette J have exp II n ,8 e "OUla not believe hIm to be J!Ollou. d he put the l)uClltion here '1
NEW YORK OommtrCl4t The dellth of E I:, Davenport, tho !lotor, wa.~ due to n quack doctor, wilO poured 1118 llIf)dlcme lnto him lie IIIg a public ohartlcter the fR t JIBS beco me knowlI b~t If It L'Ould i10 lenTnc(} how lIlOIlY thousands prove vlctim\ to tho quacks every y,car, an RstoDlshlJlg OXlilblt
would be made
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f· u h I ttl /1"'/1"1 & (.'11(/1I 1n" I'" Sf f f! I n u rs 10 "Irf R".p'IO, Llu lh .IUII""""'" .11l1l It e,. IIIO W'" l ltflce 2 rI" ,... IOIlth "I H 'rn .' BUll ', l!" IIi ' unt fr ulIl U ll d' II\'e l' I'"I'lIl c lllllll e , Mt:. t1 I1IlU·'I,.k ~ pl ti t 1111· 1.. 11 ..'''n~ .. th~ ,,1,\ .Ianrl "" h 1I C ,,,,\,,"t :taoh. "c,. \Vo1n~ . . lIle. OhIo. 1'1 ,)1 11 th w orl d. y t we do hv 11 11 du) here, al~o, w ,tlt III wtl'., UIIJ "l\'~I\ ul Ih. \ ',. I It." h,'lIr'. 7 I ~ 10 III 2 .\ II, I I,• .l.l l m 'tU) 1;! IJO rl! Ittl mlerl! ·t ha(l1'1 1H'8~ lIIiUllt dUlIghler. 1'/1111 /' 1" 1. ; I,, ~ .'" I I. \\. I Id b 1'1 1 I. , _ we. "II I 0 111 11 not C - MI.ll.A.J uYlI'dltuh· the '({',"""' . L' ~ to the dlstreMed and aufl'erJnll .u bj ecl of ..I I,r.h t llilld, ,,1 Il'l \t'1 ~C riblJlIll l'lr t IIII I tLl'~"~ Ipl illt '. ,I " I ('" 1/' .1/ ' III 1I :\1. r,. 1'. .' t"4 , \ "U I ('(J II C,"" Ull tl<'lIt a l"" sp"k, , lIril' rot e t 11, l ·/II",I,. (j il/ /'el lil" R ,>,i,{rll"/', 1,/",," . ', .. ,.. I' "',, I "' " /07,,,,,.. .U' \ L_ . . . . . . . I for ,he d .." l'II"I' nlll' l lIlItl'\\I'l'k lit " ' tt ll·nl cl·t I.r'lI,ltt Ih '11<'1; . Y"" 'V lt l V<::ClUIOt""WO •• _",U ,. " k ' I) I ." t il J I'~' I ", ' 1 L II,{. \\ \ " I·:S , . ~. I oranyrtJ~ hkhWlU allmale . he &ur. (" ::11111 ' I' r \lCIl't) II c' lIr IIJ lv,, ).\, 1\1 IIIl Ulld. lind tl, ' "'l'rl' "pl . n" u len ... ()jt1JlWlhY. Qotonlylnlhepeng' oC I k t 'I"'" " II''', I OJ " F. Fl IL ' : ____ b I n II ~h 'I' l'pell 0 rll!rs tl Iru II It IItIp , - \V dltalll Wi ll ":,' ul P IIIIII" I' ,,1,01,'., II " " ...,""hich \hep:tlienlalOllelUlI'era, ut 0 ~" IIIIIl!lrU lid plu t ol thdl! IIlItlllll ll 11'1 C·'llft ll l! U·I I· 11 til ' 1111'·I'II.ll·l· II 1\11't ""\ , '"., , Ibe dislras which it enlailallponalhm:; v II. I II ,r.l>1"",-I , ·' o:" II II~llJ_ '1'.I.'rll,IP, ":: L' nol W.e hud Ilia llY ~\\ (,1 tI ll tl'lI11. 111 Lel>"III II I, 11 ~l Il,dItV . "II II(' lIr e\ . ,y ,utTerer rrom .... Om1 pM'SO • I I t I I I " " f , I n. Most Ullencncelsnw.. 'I'"U: S' II 111111. " ('11'l1l1l I'e I' ~ I gltJlllllb 0 ' ill all l~\' D u I" II ., 'II ' 1 . ~".' aflr~ltn""li5ll\, Newalilia. Stiatiat IIII! 110111 (III 11Igh lil t" 'dU In 1l, .Jaw IIf [J VII G. W. ·t,.kl' . 0 ! . • nd k mdred <1 _ _ by iDterIlUD\"a'C:lne, 'II.lld Itholl' II 0 I thutho llr bl-'u ll - Lo t oot",(\('11 t he (, till OUl .. 2 oI "t" .. ( It .f' • fl "I(, , I of no av.n, nnd 10 fut is ; n , Ie cVlIllge. I II ' lI"o n f II II I ,.ti ll" h'lI C II llt l (\'1 IHU.» (;'IIn,n' hold upon l"'ttolnt mOIU PlI CCIl Hflll0 Ihnn H ,l.lfl'l'O or milllY th, y d~mAl\llQntore poteat ..mee r. T II N, Will clO 110 l'j "III 1\ Iud)'" El.I. I f,ll'j.. d b oo" e ry o( LAWSON 'S CUIVoTIn waa a Ot t hUlldk relll .l: FIIIU r w iil It" ro H"II ..J wlllt, \\h ',It at u lb. 1 L . . L I{ENS, :\ . n .. i,ricel. boon 10 Ibou..,nd. who ha.... • wurde d by th c lime t, t Ill PI 'lIe Il 'JOc 1\ puckllgo & cur«1 Rnd Ihe thousand whoarenowbc.ftll 1I111·\l'ys bllrg. offico, (LIt .'tleal III c Ii 1")1111<1 " I)(lOU, 311e II • _ ill, in u'.Ulk HU l l ! II!.I, t e5ll1nOIlY ' I 0 ',. ,.,rtu--All. 11. T Sahin , Barv "'ogu . orlt tanch, 150 U pn. 1'" " , ll!.' 0 (111) '_I mall """'erfItI -.ur. .. k W"'Y NJr"rll. rrercwehoveaCUllATf\"&agentwblch f I I I I __ ._ _ thou(:h RI'Ph"" elite Y elIeru a r-t bu r!!t ro , lJrh,.'ft ""on""r. : , . m'tn I.J ""1'1 J W HR( ) 'IV , ' • nlld beneficent iotlllence on Ihe whole nerve ' I\JIn IyI '" ,hUij nor.n rl8I1g I jl't o\'VO 1I Illl1UJ',',' Ulol r, h to Im\ trHh G o rln' Ult IU" I 0 1 fo r 8M'CI'ul JlI\'1\ ,ut is' uw Y lIce, " f I (1 I ' ) Jl<Jn-" rtmetl y oflndunntAbleeftic:u:y. J ."IJ \luL",. IIL,I ''', ..... ATTOR.NEy AT LAW p rO\ ing. nnci 11 '>In. ,lIul £'h" ,'" r , ""I" n "1",.,,,.11.1' "_ n r' ! o.ltloon (,iling 10 am,n! rprompl rellcf In - Th<.' Palaco Cal' hilS ut ollongb . H, """ to lit IL" rhp' l "AYD "Vo Til II '. t:l5CS (l f ncute or chronic pains in lhe QetvO& I ' ptldr,)m [."""1 ,'111 .. ",1 Bllrt-III" Gu nK1I "' yr. LI!UANON. 011 1' or n\\uclcs. [Inn' , ya h Irg, Iwa )' ),lVI8 H OC ' ry K IIdall T il ' 1Ilr tn ll 'i ll lip. 111111 Io.t""r ""I h.. "'". ...... rt ... oll i l For every kind 0' Rtlellllljltl1, for =' '' IlIt: "0 11 lint! gl' t II set ol'jo w 'lr) all exc IIcllt rt lcl" <I I Hill \\ Iill or OWlorl,... 1•• IIl1l1) RIl) r::. l'Ieuralgl.lneVlryF...., fIIrDIrVOllaP n ll<l luUI lurgll\)ictul'l! fur 5) L I Jl tl Id 'j ' l I Itl Wll jnc.. i1le. rn!3 Siok for 11th......, tor Iel:l th II o lllUU t: l'glllr I .e:Q5 )lonR r: I:} W, \'rJl ll t d t" he l dnmbl c II ullY MI ilY l:I ' "anr,:l lld hu sell a t:::;3 , War c· I Lam. 8 aek or_Sid., for tor ten d .lllnr l)ictl1 re IIItill o. P ictnrc s I d J ., U t TIll/\ .. Dlphtberl. and Bore nroat;for Chll. . . J pOl' 1I1lJ ru e 0 WI ll;U" '.' blalnl,forSpralna Brul .... C.t.,W.u.da• t l kCIl II I l\(Irsl' C/irt'lll~eS, IUS I, l!1I ~et sume. "'''IN "T .••••••• 1 ,1 ... . for Bur ... and Scald., tbrToothaobe In Cl'b. & c. I'I·t ure_ cil luig II nt rell' -Jl\cubs and H e ig hwuy blll'C faol (or .11 Pal.... ld. . . .tlo.. and Uilid u unuI prthi! lIte d to t I10 III IS ., \i ra tl!S Al 0, Swelllnpno remedyislcnown whieb po5• "''l\ln' IlI r" lI'lll ' !'lllg, PI, ett l\ · ' I" lui R l'lIllllUlil)l , t ,1I 1l 01lUlU I11111 eIegllilt I'll I't ocsses lheremarkll.bleb""hngan<llOotlnng I lilllUllll l1I i llYCJ ur city o lJl yu tl' II CI"U -.:J -W -- . '1W1hu cs,which isIOUDivclSLl tsc Inrac. , ol'cll'rk • "IIU Ilgllt -Vt","', , " 1 id peo'II'mple aDdlnlsa(e itl IIUI O I ml"IlI'l:! yuul' opllur eran seo r 1\IIICh 1111 Ol'lllllUl:!i' t to tl lo "1 1\' 9 ,appltc:J.tJon, YortheM! (11111 1) by c.llIlIIg oli n. Artl·sI"t. IIe ll' ed willlle lficO'. r Ri:l CURATIVE should have reasontLAWSON'1 a place In e\,r,y
1"'1' tl, ell <pirllllil tl CIIII'"I'l t lllll III III AICllOli . A t lOu!!h II <' pI'" f'·. d III
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lU. .otf'i . ll,al:lbl(;" onr wllnt tu Ab.1 ' ut t er (1 • thwnitl.l, Juhn E (hvuro ,KB..Pl'llItZ. • JJ , 1\11 s. W. il LL BUYIlIl, B 1' 1 " I 1'rl?1\Ii ..31B_1:> a 'omptoll rOB, 110 lui e:i 111111 , ~~~Y'g I!:!l!!:!!!.~~~- ~ Kute McOoma" Ulld otllel't!. Wubel ieve UU llll1tOIl BI·os. 1 I" I nllu ll. 11. Hu.ye3 IU' l:Iec uretl;
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and.howdbelcept.thllnd..-dyfOl'I....b.nt... use.
YJ~~ ,"
o tle,! lIcll IU JUE'l atlUn 111 lh(l wenth E ' - Th c corll H e llry Ii. = 'i!i"'Iiit' SoIUrallDnnllla. , '1 '!'IlICl' Otll Ills t I'll 1'01 t of 00 II I I he ' ll La [ lluk tt,,, ,, II Il' loJ 11I1l lIIg: Mc 1\111 8 br" k III nieces IUrit Sut. Ar,' """ 1'1 1'1''''' U til nWII,1 CLOTIl" PRICE, On. Dollar Pltr -..ul.. shad . I Di llft mHlU, y('or- 1.ld a nd UIIl I(;1 r WIUNGlm . (,f 1111 kll" I.. They ... 11 I'"' 0 Bottl.efor' •• OO. 3 lojl I.n"tll ill III, sa lll'duy while ill operutiulI, und pUI · on II ' \\' I c/LLi"., r, . oLold 0 110•• abd mllkO ,0_' - .11 tl IIIl R of' it fl e w ill ,.hffc l'ent dllce thum III ," nr) re' l out "uuII "" now Prq.redb7 J o hn 11 Stl!dtl.,1U fo r g .. 1 t ll)O , Il tnk ll1rr Lce Cnrn llllngtl ulld Anlt"-' I , Lawson Chemical Co., Ohio. l Fl ,o; mi lL uf th e WU)' IIIlIlI'1 e. 'tllt \ ' t1lialll ,\: .J d li.' r""l1ville fi nd , t k 1 t " I ' ) 1!!!!!!~!!'!''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!r all Y ngl!. u" ~ IJ I ~ IU ' nm . :l 8 ' I ~r l'II " "1:L B. ,\ kellY but nut ill,I·.urlll<' _ _ •.• _ o n up 1 I I I') THE BEST OFF f RI l:XI' lIl lli ( II t rll ill I'IlIl OI l' I' it 1\1 nuay . I; -• -t he n I y, u.thougu lJulIIIIl y. but th e rest are IEllt t o wOlldol' wh y I Wo " .11 ... 11 'ltlllllg tho. e hurd Illne; U 11 \Ill' 11 0 . 1'hr.t'ssIJII I·tllil 'g hku bu s i llcij~. Thul ll if! uut I,ll ' II I,L II III tll\llI NAT. itlthe"c>rldthey l ortrll~tedhilTI $tll:.OOP' ~ 60 ~. m~ __ ft 1 _ .-. - \Ihu I~" 't 11.: 1l1 1'l ed 1,,, i;tI.Y '1 'Il ,l' . - - --~ IJ Thoy luft bctWlltlll twuuny!!. ' )i1JlW~Ni1r!'Trh1llJRg V 0 - - --_ . ••••. •••alilloyed - . •• "'hI ' o:J Evmy clllocl IIIl1h t IIn ve ac l 1III IIg (' I"IY I II Ill! hI.: \,11 1 IIl l1l " Vl' I 'f'UI:,)nKI YN TrltAI' 0\\ EL-Y" I·k.Ul!se VIUngl:'lS thu 11 c le rgymu n , •• "LIS by . , I -II: = ' Incl nd",!! Gmll\l "q nnr o lind .. II , i). . I Cl'tyRoute, l' , 0 Buil,. 1'11111'1 R. ('I', Ul' IPU , It is Ih , h· " Ill till' PU ll Uuudi IIlld PIlIIIl"ylvUliin lioe. pC 1.le ta lktng Bil d <>ill!/:hng H e \\' .YII". \l1 e, Jill ; , 1,,76 VI . " • LAR. . "hl to Lh ,"OlLE Ar _ __ ' ll l l I l) I Y" ll ng 11 ('I ' h IiI. l'I,19) . h CI.,i" Nt, "gelli 110 cIIIImill, Old. t ,e ' u 1I VI pOlll 11\ IJU I . IJ ,Ill' II UW by stenilih Ilt pUll r ud, IUllki" ug ut tire"'..J lstu l hel'tI . "1)11 8 110'"l"" th. co lIlI'. I'he ••. 1'''''00 th bl ouJ uy UI UIIII s IlIl1t ld H e l' u • 1" 1' "1,1, 1< '" ,,,,t (lil'l!c t 10 ,It'lIlt''1I str et!t wbllrl. utld slIJd : "I am ulwuys afmld to 0'10 lI e Iho fln e", dlllpiny III Ihe O,'nie ll nllli l Mixtlll'l! ami hlltlis ne,"'r 1111 , r. ""'l'ln.1I1 l:l kl d I . I I ' pIUV' Illose ,vl lo 111 'IUb ell l'V", E, lulolth' n. UlloJ w" ro lI'IfIIl,mou. h ,oc',m. \. \. • 1 h s uch e ruptiulI S .:o;Alit! "r I.url. II ["" " 111 11, '\lth II , 111 m. IOU' rll. Hn lll C lalll y (In 11I1'I\'U ~ " "" 'lIdud ' Ill tho Itl'oIIEsr 1l0"OR" 'i ~w ' _____ II!! lliose i1a1I1 Cl . jl"""r klllllclU'I"''''''1l1t Yll h,d"rn ut City, thllll UV(lII.lJlIg th l:! Iur thi S lell8011 1::). , IIIIJ ycars SillCC , )lnlllllneLOfl-olt" ,,1 th u )... r,!:,' .nn nll MI Th Qll lc!." t a nd onll/ FVl'fal};";;g,- I' ,: ': ' :1 uliUm 1) g il' ) t ll ll UIIU th e dlbugroc ,d,le 1 pleachi\lg.lL yo ullg Ulun .. l) 1I',;ot 't" ' hoi r UBC "LondrJ\l Hili I Coiol 10 ,1, It " k, ,I 'IIt nll w.1I AIIt"lcrd"m trulI. lcr n 'wss N elV Y urk c i ty. II ho snt bali)rEI, Iqe, wdaB co " stlllltl YI ,~. 1)111<, Lho g'O. I.8t IDlpNt'oru uuL i~' tho hi •. \V'SlIn.nON "ND 8 'L l'UIO RE d l'I'S81 I1g,cl l'.u l.l Hlld '1'10" r,,"ell P'l ' III. H vttertlll_ _ U1_ _ T ill S \\ ill ue r,.u nd II \l ory glCllt con luu g hing, mu k illg 1111' ___ t il ,\, of pm no milking. Tho are ' I lIt velilelice by Bruokl y n travtll ell.llt." Igl'imact!s. I pll u8ed tlud u, u· ' TlfE P EO (' L 1r.·.Ii ~~ JI I' 6'R I the ''';K~T IN A" ' .ICA Dou 't rui l 10 ... rlLt ''''110 DJ"el V"l'tlu.lo ... ( .. ~ IICI'/'umcd T lltully dltkl'l' 'liIE 1'0 11110 "" ("'1111 ' "'LI'O huell en· d j b k Att lor Jll uatrllLcd lind l10sc rJpLl vc Clltnlogull'.- Rl'chmo1ld Lynchl'urg Nn:rfolk J r b til . nQ , u e ll: 11 sever I II e. el· . 3'2 columus. 11IIed 1t ith • I wa, led froc • I U I v l' 11'/' 111 all o lh ' IH, 75 C 'ut IL u u. gaj1etl tv 11 c III 'c II 1'!!Ie abont TUE CAlIlAOO PUST is aD excel· thl:l uf tb vice a )nleellnll.I' & !\Inrkol .I!ndehlohn Piano Co,. " TI)'it. Head tlH' "d\'urt IBem III thl'fi l:itut NO\CllliJcr. TheirlillllC Jent limlily I! UIIlJl 811ld ' tortf. , ,.vou malle 1;'111. ' NoUOB ItOADWAV.N.Y T IfF: ,'Oll Tll.F.A , T, TilE SWlSS BclI Ringer s g ll"c 11 IS so un IV rsal aorl thoir populnri ty lican to tile 001", und yet not SOl' greut wjhlllke j t young UI'IU club< of tltenty, 60 c.llliO MAKE HOME - HAPPV:--- P hiladelphIa, New . York, Bo s ton. SIJlelldiJ c lltcrtaulmCllt tn ' the lIa II here so MS IJI'cd, that the mrrc un Vdl'. It IS free from SlJIut. CUI,t, I\ U" 1111 itllut.' 81'0 them I hUVIl , THE OAI LV POST. lus t Thlll't!day evclling. The Illl· noullcelIlclitoftheirretllrlllVdl be dnllne~ llild scuudul. Jtitnguod IIlwllldllclllltLfi-aid toreproVelh o8t1 , One Year 11(\"ngr ptld , t7 ('ftr .• o(" ..3 , • P\OUIlI1tJ lIuPpl, of ,. 1-1 E E A::; T. dlellce IIns not IUlge, oWlug to lbtl slIflieieut tu put onr poople 1111 un iI In . tmtiu n uf the fact thut a puper 1\ hu ml~b<:lm~e theQ}SelvcB in chap. Yenr ill proportlOIl \ I' e 1>r"10'. to cnl ".w· b Good BeadIDg aud Beautiful Plotttnl ~ l iltio Wllh OUl , e' I. Ie~ t I sl ,quid r"peat thnt. mls." Ihe nally POOl... g'lO,l. I" r. II h' r III " WILL DO 11' III I \1I ,'e~rllI': 1\ PIICC uf Ucillll ssivo boing 50cen ls . the nlert. An yone I rll who hellrd thc'llI CU ll bo t l no to prill c .r" which IbeprJc ,III"' d"",,/: $'O pc, Oe," )eAr,poslngo .. ilut th o pcrformance qnilc as once would g 1\ .t' give 50c, tu the of partl8110S ; , tllktl und repruve another IdIOt. Ipal d All .. bo . "I.ocd\". berore , "htrge ' " THE OINOINNATI ... n"', ...... ' ••• (orl ....I. Trip, \\(;11 " 01th 5n ce ut" as UlI,) CIlCUS, hear them ngai ll. r hl!Y w tll p er· spri gllr ly II; Itliout being selJsation DUllIlg tho of' the service there menl, a\ v,e8rlll ,,\t. or ,11 rcC' ' VI) foe -h "JI ,I " " . Ihot tl,,, fOflll III tli o _hllii. • _ \llth " lIt bCJl1g heav y. 1' II as goo , d lId .nlnr~edpal ' cr1<0to ,IIIS .m"(I,dle 01rmsth.lrLllne .. "'" I BALT IMOHE AN D OlEO R R. a nd pellillps - m UI e so. . 11 I ,, ab le r cr . I'hc w,Lhuut ex'r" ch., 10 IIgC II" ... , IJ IJIJ1.le SAll." - - ]'11 • ~ I A I la ve l) C~ ll rll . • _ • • ..... _....,....._ l onlJuLhnntlvaudWcl kIVI! @l uOl t , enr--.~~ IIIII!t dl H l t.' , l l utcd olltS LftN h mlll' I; bUl'hcr sho!, I d I. II' f' I I II tlOIi Wtl lllIl) Ulid IS ul ways UII t he ENJ OY IXI'D Ad,' , ••• THE POST. r.II \ ". 1"1 ,....... '. ""I ,•• n. Inrg< .. , lei ' 1(,..,,"0' ...... 1..... I'lpl...........'011.. prtnt c at tul S u ICO 1)1 I 10 0 ( ,\\ ISl de tlf CT('lIlIl'n c allo l,rac t;cullllllJ'LLI : Wh l'" t l D I, "0 in' Ild 7\ l Ilenr-III rn ..... ' , Cl!1crte" tit .... .. .......... ( Arn (j vel y III ill d ll WIl Ill!! sn ll's ' .... V 'N . 110 ' , b'J "" "8 G'1lDd. ur of gj •• ,," .h _ n.... ' '''', "" 'd,r mll e h 1# .. I ' u lid Il Y 1'11111'11 111 g, Th e flo or t " I. .1 ,'h 1\ E I ,UIS. 1111 \, 1111 U III 1SOC I a I anti pu ll t I( HI I l· fu rn1s , e n,d gll'II" U rill IJtCIHl8, &.housnfili s o f NO i'l E IIf M'-"S i . . . ,iae. ~p't f I l ' 'II k I I I I"I! 0 11 ll'ad"I - 11\11) til(' 1I1)t fa fOrtlllollllell1 \\0 eRn .do' lre no IIUI 'r W I«l<d . /ar'" h'''1 '''''''"~' .'.n 0 t 1 1 1tirl! fl' Ol\lllfirolllt},eAuw"n:lt I I I III II\! 1\1 tl I T lIE' I 'us r. t u t r) I t m ...1 t tl I"ll~ It nnu, O il tJ C 11J,l I , ,\hcnlup cr(ccth'Hlt.h h.",t.bowotlendothe ...d ••C(lI)J'... i' rt I Illit"sle , J l) X, W IIC I ~' " - urt (·u. I IR I,Orot \ of I' ople fe~1 Ilk . gl'lltg iI up d.s , A,lm"' " h .,t"r "r II,e P\t II to lO r I'DIO f l[Y III ') p ~..~ • • .~. , U8 1 -:'111 I II anrl clraltl !S (Jel"I"'1 J:i, I " 'c luc k. !f1, 11 II .. ' \\' I10 a ll! ueqll ,lIli t l'lI WI rlI I. l hCII ' l<" " d"cu,"ngeu llntl ""rrled uU' WIt b , trolLl 11 limp ca rc css y !:)tOl k a ill i " I IiiI' . " CCOl1Hr , . ,. n II rren 0 " " n • n .. n 111 1 III! 'I!/ an.1J O,m'r tile .I d I f III ·,','." I',",:}<, .! "rCn".t'''r\.'Dnd.. III 1 11 L W II A llTON t11l U \VIt 111 to )t. !,'ort u nntcl v, til e , 'J .11 . . r )' ' lIl'l,d I'" ad v Ice III tl, c 1'1 "1l11~( b tl " CII ' , " " CII Ih, -, ,. 00 OccnB,ull for IIIIS OOUU\Y, Oillo A II 1'"""". IIIdehlccl tit 'he ~'~C"'~'~~::-'~~kl, ~,~ ~~~:,~~,,:~"~,~~ U I b" I l IIlluelalu 1I11 111.1\\h Ul lt '", f c t ' - - --.... ' IOO' "f(Il ' Cllr}8U'lor, r CIl" onB .l y o ,III IlI ,E.lllteuroro'1'10IU,,otorn.\kc ,mmed,"te III m'"'''.I1(if' O .. rl ..d ••" (II PUlIAf,tY/'ILICE'OAR<:; 19 1I111ydaOlag onewlls tlo UIIIIlg l)(' '' lllIlllI l!llI II). I ' .. lth&IO ren •• Augu; tF I",< pltymelll , ""dlh,,"o IIIlvlU/\,olnlm."frOlIl • t . , ,. . o f u fow feet of t1u rll1g. ' " .. --Th e (' (llul"rt u f pu :lC"81011 IH CI wol l muke LI om no .f,o n. tll. o••• "" \ the 8"me wlll pr."ent thorn. duly lIutl,..nll' It' "nn' ."'1.'''" 10,1" 'b . 0" .. ",., I.. Thr""a" ,,, ........ , {l1l".IIff! 1111 fi B11 Il'" (Iu Rsed by I,he ' VCI) 'rl" ]lICti tly by t h O IlIIl IOY· ,,10. 11 hnrn Oy -p,'poi••aud LIt'c ' CIIl"pl lint o"ted. to lhe ullder.'gned. for IllJowunc,; III h, on the Il ' In. 'pAl , I 'j III'I til'" I I O! I t t I U I II t ' . I '" th e " 10 ecl Calli e uf AO' n1y· tltc Pl'r cen t S \V. ROGERS. Adm r Il •• 'lIb, ...... 1 •• ud n .np'I,I, COP1 '" mc l) 1I11; lib 111 11 er"lltiCC OCCLlbllllll! ly le.cOtllllll,I "1' ''IhDllollldleS IIII)J11I91l. U8s,J ndlll,,uion. WaynenllJo.0.Oot. 4,1877 Ch. ,.It ..... . lld .... n ....... " "ftl'o' '..."1 ltn pllSC' a pCII~lty 11 0 111 te ll tu litt) I(;Iy lllg uf th o na hy. C IYlll g, h ow· SICk lJelldllo"~, foI IJrVOU;' ~S081"'IJOn, OI1.7.i I • - - ---._ ___ :!:~.. ,.oa:::~'t:."lJ~I.::t:::.,~.:. do ll urs Ii till III 1111 pi 18(>11 mC llt fvr n e vo l , is tI,c ch dd '" un ly m e thod of n,·R. "I th o He Id JP"lpltttli'ot. of Ih,, ' Hellll, ~ ''l~,e:,:; ~OnJ'h~~..~~'';;•••• I"""t ..", ~ Perwd lI ot \.J~cccdltl" t hill y t1l\J'·~, I' ijU"rruHtlllgtlilLt it s llticrs w,th tl lI:I n l1.I"I' ''~rd l.t, ''''''PY'.''lll'''''n·· .ITI,'roeUe'l~o, 1'", Thrullgh 1lckel' B IgS""o Chock•• Atborougbbred Alderney Bull Culf.- L'I ~:J.'~•.lI~", T.....I',I:'"'rl .. " ........ Mu't!:m l' nt 01 l' t' l o~p l ll ,! Ott r ACl'om • ~ III 1111" II th el ICll bt'l liI!!fol u t r "(1) o\ vdr " I j)l"V\:t! I :s . . y Plice $10 W . R HOEL lit haY fl In h/*~:' :"!.~!\\:I~1 ~,!:I ...,., m"d",lo • I" r ca tchill!! Ully h~h llI!' rt lIlid 1)1(1 11 ,Il1 d ut o llce C 'II . f" I , f1ee'·\.ug U)l S'"11 Itoltled. 10 C,,"t. 'J'r' ... Iml"g r •• , .na1{. ", .."" 'Il . "., ll ; cle. "/'I'ly lit Ih,' Tlck!)1 Olllee• , III -Au,""IIMIlIt>lr'"n:,o. ,.a' " .. •//qu., .• ... iii( III 1lJl l>flt H 11'11 1 no "I" wuy t han ..Ly I.uuk ulld 1111, 0," (I I ' os wh cli the CIIW Il 18 (a~ It hOllld ,t. old I.y .,11 ,.D' "!Q;18~~ lIook·kM~ . SOUTH, ·l UST \I: WEST. "01\ 11111 "I p\l~~08~l l lg ,IllY fi ; h he) 1'1 ulliptly rO llloved hy uSing D I . IBIMliIJa.:~nll,lii J;imJj{llilliJliW) : ~. 'r:a::z E:'rAn. :II ENORTH It J)fJl tSEY. L ~I I.(,I,E, _ ill Ul'~ooteu Bnll's 13.1 11y Syl'IIP SoIr! el'oIY ' -"-·-·- "'--"._, _ ..___ ._._. __ III IIBOWa''''ltllt.,cr/(oh",'''',Q. A • • 't (;,· .. ' I ,.. A~'1. (};... 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A UI(). \\ II RI(lI lt I I lll ld, lId \llt ll " "L I llll t!} \1 1th tl,elrlll\!!JUlut lu Udlu, tilL /1 /1< 'I ,/ e lll l,,, · b ~" '(/ljI , I 'I nd ~\: Hrulhll • • l ' lt d,ul,III ' 1Il III tl'I I I Pu~~u \"r, LU eu tclcd u l.ugtJ UPP\!I 111\\' I IIIA' IIlu r I IX" lt l"" \"Cil il ~ U'DI' ? I'!I tl ll/" ' /i I/( ,, 1 111/ 8 '~(/llJJ !Jat dIvOW IU Ii Vllvuta hOll~e aud 111I.l l e ~tl ' IBt'xculIt<lI.tT~tOI,It! ~ Wlltt"11 II )' 1111 itil l d \11I l k III I' gllrdl,t1 IIH IIlIiI' / ~ ~ ~-1 I I 71u)t (if wtan ~ 1\ h ilI! tlte ~ 11"d"a t ' I' III it C" 18 0110 " I titl ~(:1I11 rl Op c t a llll.: ~ Oll tI ,) lI ut ~el k .. ..! V e\ellllJg gut I ' b III n e ttj k I II /' !J c rc d ll Niand tbem h e ate the uss I v ~ ly e t IIlIl Plll( ~ t III' •• 1-\ \l C W"I k. t lt t:) I\/\lk t"r Il ·· " ltll. LlI,, " ," VI e r \I Itb IJlII dlS~1 les P ' U8 v llO of Lhe 1110, t r h ullfl ll ll; I~I C III 1\ Ilic it Ilt v ) IIlUY ll\ Old \I L11k An u·' a II , cy \\,ul P ] I II' T ill JI d\l tl lc lr I.C- I lo 1I1I1I 1lt.a11l t lt r . . . _ .... e CII I Illjo!' J 1'8118 ~tu I lle8 ", e h ll\( Il l ' l 1!:'.ld lltu k hl l '\lt! ul1 11 blelJ8ecilt , Ul ,d bruke I.: lI~laetl' l . III m Ol l' l 1i IiCtlllll III ll~ ''l 'I'( tl nlll c (' ul 111 /') IlIg o lq;ulIl __~ It Ullt! go.! I C , I to hi d diSCI les IIl1d IUl ell b le 118 tl, e 1I" loIl!. 1 11I 1'111~IV • Il l ~ \lIl' Bot d 1111 1I1t~" l llt Mil ill ---~ ---1-" ,lid 'Jtl ke l ilt, tblt! 18 b ud IVIlI Ulh olU te d g ll I h OIlI" hU1I 1 t ill rll' e lull II It III flll llld t h t!) 1:11 I (,,!' 'li P , I, ", 01 ... ilft \ "ur~clf Alii b( t k tl y I Y u ()\ el tuke s lt d lIomt! ,lte d li e :! Ul:U' VI t. , 'I\ \: 11t ,," h',! I", 1I 1 ( lIl~ " torl l'.r~~' I '~~ :::, l., IIml. l'- \' 1I rd e rne' 01 "" Ie cup, UIII gllve e'CI ' t lll ll" I"r Ih v 111 :111 he 111 \ ,_ " 11t 1l1J k ~ UII U " 1I \ t! It tQ lhtlll 8UyWg I" I'" 11111111 v i d l ~ llIl\ III " 1' " 'Ji l l , W .\ \ ~E \ LLLE ,' O HIO JI I II I I ' , \\ It I II be I 8 UI IIlic 111 ,ll 1111 ' /11 , J 'WI it u lIl h fl lm 1\ IlIl lL( 1Il III a " 11 " \ 1 \ 1111 II I t I 101 l1l 8 IS my III I cu ~l 11110 It" lelli li d T l,e 1 . ... 1 \I UIJ til '.') '" k ., 11 •. I, t h ,l-I lll -. ' ,} .\ 'U I ~:; ,\r II ElG 11 W A \ 1' 1" ' " (' 1\' III w t l!~ tam6Ilt . which • ',.. , ,rlilli 10 ti l " d ~ r IJI,W} 1,)1 tlt e rt! lrll~dIU Il Illg ri \\ lll rlwlth It d'lll " 'II\! II .. I, .. ~ Thi S IlIle Ht lllld .IIJ ,/I I t jJl c l u I I II )Ht l.. ~ Xl l1 .N "I l il n CtHLll' lI l }' uu Bt: TO Ilu t< lill t! pl(II" UIIU th •• 11 Ihe l IIr' b d ltj I IIU I (;lll ~d 1'1 till II ,I d '~el' lit 1\ 11 '8 k',uwlI u ll\ "'ll~lp. l)'cl IU' \! Dtlld 'Unt I I'u ) II II t il y o n I will not ' ' ' Iul) jlUl llU .' u l ~11 1l 1!IIII1CllI , t"e l, dtgillri ,," lIhll ll. " ,I \ II ~ I , , ')' Ihat pU'I1" " "l llI k III li t. lUi It III tl1l8 flult ul \he h O\\ OI(,1 It! ah\.I)~ 1111 1' 1') III lei lI 'l ll III lI , h, ' " ll d ,I 1It :l It e l': 21 i III 21 \ Ii 1 , l I - ! 1L I " ll ml'hl\llI lI ll} the It'merly for r 0 Bo. t; , \ 1111, 1111 1" ) d llll k II Ile w With y o u h l! IOltl 8 Th t'rc ti ll' IIU t\lll JI 1111' 1)1 ~it ,, " l d I , 1111 11 0 1, II 1t I" " ' l ill .C"LOS Ilnd OOJIN S. II"Huntly rtHlIOV III 11 11 I \l h ~1 k II g d o lll nllke" l·t al l IIrc tl ll d , r ,II IU t mp II IllI d ve II'l Il " s t 1" 1 t lt l III "t • 111 1( "II ,,0 ' "l1 e R~ \\ Ilhfl"i I'll'". n!ld 'A ll d " I" n t l, l' hud snll~_ ahYIlIII lull u l \I OITl IUl!tneSB Hll d ll: hncm (·llt . fli Ill' ), \\1," C III \\ t lll l ltc I . , t t: tl c ctl ng , lUll' 111 p \el} lll tot Luntc LI FE 101. '\\111 I . A' I) I ot( TlII IIA IH Ih. Y IHII I I' ll t Il1 tO tLtc ~OUllt 0 1 Ulld ut th e SIIIIlI: ~I III C fil ii II I IIIUI ciull,ed II 111 1. lit It s d ill , .1 \ Il ll ) !t I UR' I VIJllllltl) , 11IIJ lh cv' I, u l u I II~h t lu ll-\lIl oo llU ~ III ( S~ 1I I I ,~h '8 l it " etlcct.a A ll d t lt t I e II I 'he 8ttl lr'es~ und exulted.tY1>I!, Oll~ y" u CUll ll u t hell' 1t"II~t d l- pl.IY ul . tl/· II U" lI t! ",!jll il Hll " 111 11111 ( I III ht It e tnlk e d to h id 10 \ IlIg N u olJe CHII b gi ll '1 lieu' I II 10 Il ot h o t ltnt l:l the 1Il0 Ht Iu I,e d UIlI !, I!. , \\e n I kll " " 0 1 what I1l1d 0 1, choICe lu\' It d UI\lllIllfill l" h I n 's pl'cttu 1l ,ctlulul) \\ llh "U ll lod l J h e ll h~ Ifltt'r~ ,) Ih e g lLrdllll III ed I ltv I lIlI lll l\;' It! \~' Y n'lIt l) labur III U llI s,Huee P,l rLlul I d l ~ i.l e LlI ~. l u L I ' 1' IIh " l o I" 811 11 1 bt!cUIIIO tlll l tl!ll, llIId ,," l llIl\' uu IUI~e 8u ll! li e ~ huw~' l el cll ll c~ u kJ Ull dt::1 II A1'iD t Xl" Jill!! t\l JI r<nl t ill 11 11 to d~ ulli . lIud ~l lce 50 CCIlI II CII I' \ 1,1 s ule b l III,,: u l bU~l lIe , hi II lIl ISt'VI tllll e. are II 11 11101, 1 I ~ 1\' /"11 1111 r " l lef VIII) ul l I) ."k ~c l lul " IIl1d VII Iti l rtll l wl\) uilli . tI pll l pU ely IIIJI\I~( d III, 11 I I ' " l: I , t-. I , r I ,\I ":Iultdwl' tllllll~. IJi (' )'" - \I ti l bc oll l u lIlI) ~itll ll ll! Ilut tu I,c C. ll l1 h ' lIall tcd , 'I [, 1'111 fl uli ll - d o \\,11 tv Lhc",,.vuud ' "Iii I "·~ t 1'" ld I, 1111\ .I d rll '~ - IIII ICI.1I11 IUIIIJ ri tit ul "til II li t ulIgU!!1' \\ it" III IIt ,4 U hll$tl ll ll IllOl lur !~ccl pt ,ul I r c , 1, \ 1111 I' II !) II-I" .... . 1 111 W'lI l1l1l t: lab ' I. II II' alrctlJ ) ev l ~l't I h i Illll lI l.l, d C' e ltl ' " , mock I B 1 ,I,1 , v l' L\; JI, u l lt ll ., I'lt d ll l 'l\!d \1I 11t II tllill thut IllI tu \\1 1 1I II I H ll" it ""I 'I I, l I e h ll Cil II " I t lt a l I till I. 11 11 I {III I. t ,rlllilltg d llalll th ll t tI "l l'llitI ['.1 1t, 1I ' ''I ~d II ,,· II I;! ht 1/ 1 IIll!II 181t / UlIlMIt! IH S UI ,N Ill ' I ~\lI N IN~ d',t\l b 1 ,, 1 I. tl ll ill IIHlIII IIII 11111'11/ \ li lt III';l l It II \I I C I"ilellllll e tl " t II IIlll flll:XI '" ) lIIl li tlul ldl'lll ll l' I nelltal~Il \\ ' il l lI !l \l llI ld . 1' 1 l it .l t :l 11I1j Ie 811)1pOI ti l III lIu lur e, ~ IJel dd I" II I. 1t 11111' 11 , ':; II ~ 11\111 lIlId· " ,,, Iull o l u l\ l \: "I 1l" lld '11 1(1 \\1 1111' \lU. lI!> t llll led thLit GLI NN" UI.I'II Ult b v AI' 10 11- I til c l d n • 1£1'1 11 II B e t " 1 h., "1 '" 111 i ~ 1\ jlfC'.I( C In th(J~(' \JIINClX IOU DIS\~ III1U;h l I l lI ' l llllol! 1 , t Alld th ", .. lJllt"ru te thcl~ l'II I1!, lc " b IIlICh l), li y LJ I,ll i, b li lt" d I IIi{ t liwllul'l h EA". N " llI c it III"" It ...... lrp lited here, to tur With Sulphur (}tnl lllLnu ha\,Itl lt hfnl 11l: I " \ CI III thll t ' \I ull 0 1 I IWItIl 'dB letl ll t: ~ IL II J t 'Ui 'lr l! I II ' '' '' I k, 11, 11 11 I. 111\1, 1 IIthl: e'r " II I"\II I!! I T r , .. U oj t It III J.: l it e .d v Intui-!(! of l!"III~ CI It /\lf Il n l\\ ~·I II t\ l, l .. rn ll c ~' I le lltli l l" , \UI~d,\ Itlllll ~ "l! I l,y t ill, 111(' 11111 \ a 1~I~tl llll: " I\l ' u - , " r lllil IVI 11 0 111 I " If'; ,.'toll, .. n ,h U lnh l!' t" P II'111 1", 1111 1 I" r. ... I.T"W l S OH E.NijIV"; lIud UNINJUkl OU8 1.0. l r U ll ll .. "~"." I I" h \ II I\ ~df I II. It't I'"P E r u ptlv t' 1 1I 1l1 ~I'III(;e~ UllL l l " " d ll) lu 1,,'l d a - Ill v " " I I U "I-IC " 'lltlllllg~ IlIhle I lI lt) II<' I I"l' II I .. I.... ,k lruHl ~ Xpt r1. I II I A Clutlil ug 1Il \'~t ( Ifllt . I rll lt l ~ ~ 1t(: rtl Il\Cll t I1 d lll l'lIls U'I ~ _ "(, I1 t" I.lllllil'" . tIl ILi. h " l l' r t h ,I" • I ' ".I,' "eU I(,u ' e r 7·J (( I t,... I" r b.lt1 lc f\ hn td It (ftr . -1 If 'V U lif O ~ li ll l l ! ko , Till r" I" II I III ' Il' - .1 111 11 IIIlCI" I tlild lJth\!~ utl.c \111,11 aU11 IIIJllno.... 1 Hid It: I II) ulIll llIg .1 C 1It1 " ltllb k nt b\ (" ' t h "'to t o H I\ nll r 1'1 " Oil f O 3 \\ U N I " r. r nnu Sar" pu,, ' ln P' L L8 l S I (;, 1pl .. f p r lt n tIl lllll l:l lt II' I hl IlIl II I Clt l ltltl ll llS thc c u tlcl" 111l Ilkc" llI tli C III ' lHJ bv Illehliuud 10) t ile .\1 c ut " I ," ,,'~ II \ u h v. n " I~ " It. " II '0/1" 18 k,· \ lul r '"" uH n nlt r f'l. Ul U n W \ \: Po &, thu ll ti""c III 11Il' lIt " "h'" Ih ey It ' lt Su1VI \1I1 HI tilt! 1111\ • I II' bL'ell Illce npll n U (urlll, II I III t ltc kllch!;11 " " \ N I. , I Ir ,\lId ~ Ir ' ill ." II" PILLa I 0 11 .llV 11 ::\1 III \. 1 1111 dnll,It ... l·1\. l ' \"~r I " " jl" ~ I co • d I . k T tl II UP t\/'.lItl I ('111.\1 £If S ltphllf in ail l' oeil, ./' IIll'c k h k ll ' I' hllg . re r 110 \\ lied li d It,u but! t I ~lc~ly r., r thnn d1'p,,,,dlllg 1111 the lit e l'tuln 10 l'n'lm ctor. :5 11 \ \ ~ I .r uud " " '-&" I I" ,lI a liLL. B~L It6 Ille t,H) \Veil kliOWIl Lo r e nuire 01\ tit h l .. k f' 1I I, IJ \ II l1 d SI Il'U kill dl ~tln-l!~ I h l.:lIlIUltl III III I I g ll ilt II' S o t du.k ''' '1m III UII o le rerti ll d F Il IICII SC1'o1l t:lf/1/,III~ 7'111'11711'1. SOlD til At r. Ofm OG tS rH If \ 111 h " u n colr.1 ",k, I ., " \ r N L:; I ar IIn,l ,.; ' l'ft , ~ . " I1 " 'ILL I cfllow e nL fil e e ire t,jj 0 1 GL EN N'S 1 1'/1 )\1 u l iJ ll ll \d lll Ii II J [ ) rcd lell l U lL ll u 'tl IIlfl ll u l S ,up I ~ III ell" od CIIV II ttel btlll Mllllplc CUfi l ll " f/l l it /"(/ (11 ' 1111' / If! .!fl n l' l" lli a' II , onol . II ,,· OIl Il ""I le ver ' al,e SULPHUR SOAP III tli (' !tuth are tI ~ ' 1 1'~ p e CIII tti lll Clll lb lLlIU lUI dllllt. ll'l thull a l' IIII ' ''l'llttll'g "cnbe ,I , ( f?P II~(" , (/lde /'1 (I ' 8/ ,, \lA' \ F,S ' ,r Hllu " ptr!l l ~ >11 . trulj eleCLll c.d , CU rnpl c lc ly dtlodor (' 1 1I 1 ~t ., - I, 'II z, I III II I II mil el 13\ lip " II I1 ~ III IJol> ~ II I1 J 1>IU pItIlII S"C 1\1 ,. II UI I~O~l d , ,\r°l ~n . I II ' 'I'lke IZIII !! "LIeu I\ e flCClllllUlllL IOIlS a nd 5\1 ~ , &I !t n ( ~ A r !i tL p lf l II PILL" ' " .,.., \\ c \n .. 1t t lll" cltl Epl lt o r . ,{!; I, u lllte l'lI l h I ~'" \ 1 I Il , oi l Qh" I 1I1111111gu \I~II ," " lI!, clil c lUl eliI'll Pe, . o" . JI " ril l h, blt .. 110 n rc 1m b]"C" tI LOIU U ~Ld) 1'"'~!I"1g t4'9uUr'8vrjau'- - - B u rll " I \I . " I • " I , I I h , I l' ln t 1,1 ,(' II tili d l' H ' 11 "lilllitld l ell llll tlJ tt'd IU~'I'l·~:!-ltllgltt he· l! ~ lIleISc d \r A \ Nt:S \ - ( Ll E, OIIIO f f) U • \.I ' Ueu I .. ~ . ' tldl ne " Dr ~ · " , e • • lId 1(/ lite budy In Inot It IK the K ill!! of 11 11 (1 I ~ n \l . I " til II.. 11I '; II\!lI t lull ti lt " Iv lh, h lt. ll it 1,1 lilt ~lIt l fl' , I _ ,111"' 11 II ut II I \;1 111'111 ' II CIII l\ ' I"uli l/ ll 111 ' '''0 , I f , 11III10 ,1'd0 tolE "th l.:111"''';( 10 'Od~ l"e rIL. S uups Ivr ButiJlDg and Toilet PUI po00' lictl J Iro s bo IIuld he St!tI u l C'h ll,t, II I'. ' 1111 , ~ It ,11 ,, :1 III le lll \I \\ l'I l II I hll t "I lit. IIL le k l exl' 11 ,t1 til 111 1''' l'u11l1 [l llJ lt g ltt .. IJ. h dl,o. l.Jltc t VJ, rt' h Clol :\1 IIthh II I ~l! H ' I Lt o ut Lit e m ~ " It," ' I lII g\:I Oli b tH lllplom» 1'1 1' 1111 II " I.. II \ II 1.1 (:t IIl ;1 ~ I.n' Itt! lu ll ,d ll d lq ll " , !,tl il ite II ' , <llId CII" t /1 1)\\'11 It " II I lid slulIl1du l H " ,tl l 0 I tr ll NJ I} O 1 " t.hell US" 111 (tlll ' III " I" , I .. 1" 11 ti ,CI I' r , \1111 <' I , . Il Il11 s 1' 1" .tl:dl} itl,, " CII III [llI lI lll! " I p U\\ I It.; ~ \I .I) I" .IIlt l l~d ADE. Liver C o m p latut - I II II .Ire ,u ,lts.a ~r DlrectIoDs -For DUea8t8 of tit, I, III ,11'10 1.11 '" ,'" " I , u,I, ,. Ir ' S~m IJllthe fleely and apply a thick IIlt ld ll dill ti, l,llliul III I,ti ld b\ tit Imd ll ,tl \l l ule :\ 11111 dl rl ~ t I Il IlW " ll d It ~ ('I)' I" tl l(' uld t , • •11 " I lit OEPTHS i'< , II UH I> I h c,," ~ 01 Hoad<lc ho Cyapep I I r II II I\, .'lIll're ~ ~ I I " I 1\\1 ( ~ r {lll d - l'cClllcs • h:! 1 11.1\ C II I ~" U. / 1\1 1; 1 OH ' 0(;,1' O F '1'U" .,. , R sill an d IudlS6aliou I '" . dll, r ho" d UL lo r" lore . e tlrlllg. n oWing it to I I/ // /1 /1 CfI7lljl l,.t, 171 Rno~ F", m ,.tld U('c ' pe ril '" \1 ," 11 c.,," " I" , II I, II"e I l' OI lI ln O VU I IIlght For Scald. and A lld "1t ,,:1 Iltl! I' ' 11,.(1'1 \ 1.lte Iltl II II\e \l lIlI -1I, 1t ~,j I( II "1 "I IIUII~ . t h u ll JJ>." I 1,1 ~IIZ,II '11, f /' ~ 1-, /" 11Ir 1 ' 11(' , 1,75 ' s Pe , . r "' 0 , r ""le,1 I. Ih, '" / ,( IIl d ,I 111trlL' "11111 ) the luther tteely to the II 111m 1'1 ,1.. " l il t t " I " I t it! ll uh alii II g 1111. 11- ," Il I',c \ c lIls lI b lllt: ru I ~ IIIlt ,I ge\ltc' I ' \(II ~ I II I " ,, I, II/~ :l:; fI 8et. Ii v" rllrl n: 1 111 . . . II. " " ~11 IIIIo u..;h lh l 1,llte tl! O I1Ultl!, lIod tlte fire and pain " I 11 ,.1 \( '0 I ,J IllY 1I 1I 11(.l j 1 1I11Id~ (III ' II X iU llt\ rl l ~ 1 1I ' " b II II II~ rt< lUcdl ll.> th. 1 11101 II hit d"c, IIl1t II 1,1t III I> .! bl . d 'h e III 1'" 11 '. , ( II III . h"h II", "rt. . II I I d t I F I \ 1\ 1"1 I S"U t' Ll U II.ul! f t he l utmeR or 1 lor ell tn l II C"III 1IIl IO ItC II lI th . I '4 .. e fl e c ll \ ( WI JtA ~ e mo,' e( Immc ta e ~ or t lIlIt II h lr it ( I II " l h ) h l ~ 1'1 l l: l\I\I < , t l (, I I lind ,ll all ol,cts I l u tllln~ ulld lei Illll lll' l ltl!) . 1I~l tI til III . l lr I & 4 lIo"' , p ,."I . r "'O ~ " I ' , 7 . " II, 2 5 GUilt /l" ell nlolw lI, Spraln8, Brul188 Ulutlt IIII~ III II 'lll c l • •I I. , 111 111 ell 111,, 11 11I11'1''; lld,d \l llit d lt;l!u~c IC. III}I - il/l '1II I u " l J ', /I ' to ' Co L' • I ' \ 5 lox. lor It l • n. I" III II I ail" CutH " lIpl ) llioths we ll dat ur ~te d lL ll ril ll s t tl l hl \\"I ~ ( IlJ lI Ll 11I 1l 18 l! tll (.:I V l IU,it CJtl't1 III Itl fl II" 1/ 'II ;! til 0 nf th e BE, ' 1''' "n' A,II, "" I ller. nJ 1·,,1 r ' t il f' , ;; '" o\\~ ' \\ Il il 1\ ht I nnlt so lutIOn - For Old BI ~ II 'I' \\ 11 11'1'11 I S T II R I , 1I 1~ " M lot N 1311 N" til ' h lh r II lu tl Iphl d U all 1111) Ii I (I " I UI I~ II lg. h" II, IlIilI ltil II I! 10 ')11 Ihal II,CI>llIIt J 'I, l l' ,' PO ' " 1'l7Iled I 4 Y" r 0 .1 , It II "'" ~orr. (tIl lce r3 it 18 1Ilvolullbl e ; ~I\ " ll y t o llo .)~HIJc llltAd b) pel -ill 11 ,1' " 1111'11.: uL t lto Epi " I fllUlld ! __ , J II Cu l) IIR II loti o ll -For 1\ pre. Altl ij I nlll.;1 It ~~t: IlI ~ LIII II /"' 1 rJ II h ')I:I" IItLlr h! thllllllll~ 11 111 III e.1I1 pul UIlIII CIt dl !lllllgllls h c .1 I, ,, it fj IH ~ <Ill T UWnltTlI' d CO¥PLKT E: WOltKS 4 ... . ' I I cUtll C IU ObnOXlolH .DIIU0 3t8 088 a I II tit e l,,\\I) .. I \VII n" vdlc he tI' qllulI'U ut dllll e .. "I th e ~c,dl' IlII t1h IUII,IIY I\ u rk s tIll " "g l it o III II1 l' le'.I' 1O {IIrt) t",o,olu", .. b.'uud III I:! I SLro n g 811d s 118 U wnKlt, e:ll:to roBlly '- ~ .IIo r"lh ".,olc,1 I, , no II r. 11k. Iwd Ii) Inj e cLlon It /lever/ails lI eal h I hv 111111U\I \\ u l VI II I~tlll ll 'I'hu~" 1\ h'l h,,, ll il -cd '1IItIllCIlI~ lind dl l1l1e, pH'ueit , LI III 11 .. 1, f lllll l' 1n "~.~ ." oIoth \O lth .. futl(Cll tb. llk . pm o 4 I I , t' " " .. r f7U ~o n IIIIt. each HOI Ul .. 1I pe " l'lo .,1" " lo-or '. ' '' ~ 11<1" J! '" Iho,," h I c1l1l1ehe,; \I , t ill II t he "UIIIILI " f 'hllleh 111\1110 II Ilh IlIllI\.111 III r II.. (1I1l' "t 'I111\ t' I1 I )' 1\1. ' k I) II , 0 11 tl IV \\ IlI llg~ II ~II I 10,1' 1 he foll o\l'o" ftr" theIr nnmll8 /I E ~ u 8 pll' ~ "rUl< ...,,' ell,,, IIII , III Rn,1 ,hoUIII,c hullt!. III tlt c II/! ht 1)1 thc 1I11l()te'lIlh I C lnptlllll~ II I 1111 "h~ l l ll ll t. ~ 1t .1l.lC'tt:1 " I tltc ItUII ~1 1111 1I!III "C il I i Ill" u.h no IIpl " r ["thr D'pll,. b"'tI~Sclr.J,[ade redUIII, 1'" , 11 II IRd y ..1 IIlglil .. heu IIlIdroo. I Ing nr III b. ~ .flor g"tllll~ ';'R';r;;m;:::;Jnf::':n:';p~p;oR:':r~.~~::":'-=--=-:"'::--=-=-=::"==-==--"=:===--------CUlltlt l) IlICIl It(rl e III thu mlu ~ t II I wlil IIni!. II the tlY II Ihilt"titunIl 'S II~II "h en h o -wcllt tel lulnu tlIlI Ollg '" If!·- nr From the Depl h. The YII.III I Mll rrlage I" .lIl11 mel 'S ell •• "'"ler ofI, "I,mes 18 OILEKBI1ULLY ENDORSED Bt TOE d ·hlll' c h ll i \' IIl1d 1(\\1' I Ol,dl), d'lre tl t)lIlphul ScmI' rCllI n l U~ I'clllhlllll tl> C llIl'pc\\ fi N It ollllJ it , III IIIIJ [I ., Foold ...ret ' ·, t h I vH l1 e, ro<. Tho ,D .crted W,Te . 1'0" 8 It. clt Mo und I tlr, Le )111«'. lind 18 1 MKDIOAL FRATERNITY lu Cll t bll!,Lll all tl til III k IV Ill e I II lII ue k II tlll lll PI,III1 til II I ~ Ill' .) Illh " It) Ie, ,' 1 th~trI d 11111 kI' ll , I u gge u . pll illted , ILTltI I r l\ II (lir her l Ife Lorc/. Lubor Won 1101 cnnfi lled 10 ,""Ie" II lIh bill It '" II" " u As 011 n r CCI:!1It I I'lt wl"ell ru [ .,Ihl! Or" , . A Noble Lurd (" 'I"C' t 'hilt f, n"I, . " d .n .. 11 amlc .." , I rculUlliblUIICUO ( a dYIlIj! SU IW\lI IIC.ICIUU . m 'ult. IIl1d I"l' ,, "tl! t l,e d. hlls~'rl ' I) n fl M t ". I Lo ft LI I th t; Nt''': Pft ~r l I n' , 1 /111' Imrll 1111 11 ) In tiru l ~ 01 l, rO_u ln \ Cl l ~I I U Allu thill, tUu, 111 ~t aft, r a b vdy . ,11 I"CIlI I cllce 01 s n eh d l" ' tldcl ~ I IIt' l" lstllr 01 l n1llty r -.: it " " '" '" ' UII H " 8t elr n I If~w ) 11 11\ 1 \· 1 1' 1 ~~ .. f ho r . n" h n llm 'Ilte Art,st·. Ln, ,, l ., " ,., 1\' ~ '"1 ' l h c' .g'u. 1''''' " ~ oI, . t. " u~ .1 1 .1 8 K Fon t VIIII~tllll ' 8 111111. \1 II It S')II I! 01 pr," sc. , :; .. ltI Itl d 11I":P:I'h gl C\I S ,lIld U u II , PlLl d t u IllR n) h;811 11l IIe HII(JW 111 UrHl, ,. ) ,te Tt lo Gfp.. y'" Propheoy 30(n n lO t t I. Ie a O" l (olll lO lI 'il tlr ~ 1 rOiH tJ\: \ I1H l lhc l n ' ll l r4lJf cndu ~ lI( t ;, 01 \I n' 01 Ito " 0 e I lie ' " " ' r I I •• lI f I " I ~ . I,, " dlll~ "run" ,e d II C .. " ole I" 1.\'1 ulIlltltullk''':lIlng alld tit , 1'1 11(;) j!' " I ~ tlC.tlLI I'I IC ' J5 db t' d h llli a ("\lgr"-lIll ull lit 31)(1 III I 11 0 I hKu .!uol Dttdo. Tlte Three l3!o""t1C!' ... r PI V , Uf lll! I LI CII. II\ I ~ 11 . 1111 tor ' li n\ ( L II I)trlUWIlh 1I 111 h l Q r 1V1 nto L v ld ' lSOPPCl, d'UI Clltl'l l Ull o tllO:I P CI C Ike I h , x ( ( Ih' - ) 7,,) e l' • dlall"CIl,,,I.t! 11I IC\ lI lI t ""I ~ I II IJ 'm " ,Vlll !)O r.tufPower n f fll I [ II . I .r " " n ,.. H W nn H er TheT1In S,storo ,, " .".n 0 11' ' 0 ,0 . 1<1 "0 " S\V\VNI:'S OI:-lT:\I r;~'l'. Tho -18I1'IIW Brl .' " I "f lh,.1 • I) I , ol h ell \I ' I," h I TAKE _ NO OTHER. ttl tl, o ICU "I Gut! In 1I1.l tI, I'"' I'. " I v i IIlId 1\\ \J l IIUIIlIl In 1 ~l stl!1 ~ Hlill till \ ,rI .. r. r ro ulIII,h -1U. ,.. u Il o fnl \ (t Til "b \ O 1 I vll et L141 1l ,o lo r 7 . I':c.r.. c. .. fioo........... __ 10 lIl e u 8U IIlmu<l u ll l ci \\ 0 Itnl'e p li tt' U N ' 1lltl lllll ll .'I "pl, 7 " .111 •• 1 II cillrl, \1 1111 \l1I t! '1.~ I~ t lllJ.!; I A nUllillful .'lClld W'~"'Vl ut"r) "" s , " ' . ~ '" I II LI '1II011 - TII~ IIllh o ~C I\l IR O'er IXt l 11111 Ilt o " l"otr, I.", or Th(lWl[ntherlll L ,l\r .il ll JJt ll {" E I" " "/II"I ,'I((1l lx I ,,, I " ," L,""" I IIIII "I II ' IO" I:I. nl "l l '"oll II UlltllljI tv S\lj W e hA\e 110 lIord I lit it AHlllh.. N~ \\ ) ,I k J I Pr"," "I r> .. rknl)'" fLrun ll>d f1 orue. ' u ,d Ur Ih l wI.. Ie " II ( 1,.11 ' f ~:lS 13 .. 11" & I me cl tll el) .1 It 1I111 ~ 1,lc" ,d deh I ou ll Lr 0' I II 111 11 I1111 L' 1H~C II ~pe llt )y rh o CI..... ", ... Oue~t L.<\,..,f the Iste uf 101\"'I1~tIUIlCU Iu r them III 1111 I lilli's I1I1 : r IIItJ Wh lok~' 1 [).~ ~ , I 1('I1~ I~ I (II Pllln" '"III I . ) 'I " " ," ,., 'I ' r :p I, 0.1 " lilt f," It .. \ " ' I li d . ,,1 fiud filt . , Oll~ oro (3 CaklJ8) 60 Gent8. 1I\'"I ~ holdill's the,) l!tllild lace t) Hluck UI LlIOI. II IiOe the ('1 n \.orll111ent I tt It ti ~fl ''1 ta to }·II11 nr'ndo Alhrol"thAbbc) t t) " h lf, hcltlll o ( lurhn ,k iot G \H U I1' -";I~ll cCI Ls l.., rn IH l h, l o , (r r lt.IIH~ l1\l o fllHU" denl \\Ith Iho Indlllil qnc 8tlon Ih p w·, "n RoLflbu t"", FOIIPHO~11 ('II l'-TWA I ~l n llll Ll l l1 l1 l ~ 11Il 1 \I I II F ,\rH For 8ale Everywhere, by DrugIllco \\'Itll 'In Ilis ult ud God 1'holo d I I tI ' Brill!! nf Ll owollyn ()u~ 1)( at,fton or OAII D~ S lN fI "11 11 P I F A ~ ., I" (V.t"1 $1 r," mw ~1I I vull ,," 0 \ 11 lIt. Oroeeu and Fallo " lellvo Ih ' Ill Hut to tit c Ohrls Dobbins' Rlc<ltrle SOIW. IIIl \\Itl WlUt pou r SflCCC~d 10 ,[h . ~'u rtllnpfleekur D rd d Da uKhM r /jO o, eh) ",llbOllluurl 1J •• ,npl1OC 0,,13DR ~\I" ," ~ SII , -F. llclo ;e d l'l" "s. filld g 10 d D 1 '1 tlunll 01 WIIY"C Ville. IIlId t th'l!!e world kn o w s \Vo rend <.lady tlt o The Brid,,1 Eve . ....k.BoUow logue 1''''0 OM ,Iollnr fon .. " bOlle. ot ~oll r Otnlmoui l 00. ea en. who hopo lor m el'U) 'hy the Ilgun y Uavlng o hlllill c d Ihu II!{OIlOy 101 tol egruptllo t1C8PlltCiJ O r llCo lllltlllg In,ltll r th e Penrl ot earl R. ver Ilir 'tchll1 S' 1'1108 1 h•• e ",e Inr "omo of my • .. ~ it A hove Book" "r,' f<tr 111>10 b) .11 Dnokk ... n.rd"........d ' r"?,,d. "~~ ~:II" ~~'I w,lh ""18 dISlre.a- , S Oli t by Mat l, P, epald, on ril and bloody "w a t,' hy th e 'er,'89Iul d Illl ti cclchrated soup fUI Wl\) lies tho eft"l t ~ III1U\O tll ell tI'l In IIIUtv II .1 '1'1 I "etler. lOr OII piDol of o[lf one or "It .. f .hom III.rI.... co I" '0 UX Y,," >0 11 IDe ,\ yu"r (Je~'J1t 0-1" pI we and IS oenta padslulI' 01 a CI Ilc tiiou LOllI. I Rp I die Rlld \,ICllllty. I nppl: lld lit e II.lIt dl'11 II () ( I IIulUII S ICY flro t \C will he ' . lI l to any 000 til My pIlle P""t- [[l27J 3U (;01 t1 all dt Si N Y II~O I ~m /(1 "I ,e' I nm proud til 811 Y II r 'J • ., _ . • mll,le ~ re rf ' I curo I IIIIIIIe It < . meacv eaJtlaJol' eaoh oahl petllill tlto nlllllcol 11Il1llt!llltcl llllld "I'IIl IO n 01 1I0mu ot " lIr b' lIl people IrIllY h CIH lt c II meu ('" the glubu tllltt plllt! lin rem, tt.nlr price &0 tho pubtt. I,crH. l 18 IIOt Idolatrous. They be ltel () us T B PEl ERSON &'~ROTHERS Orf lll ohulle. to "'like should be r,u l tt . holl Ihr~IIgl,ollt 1110 lellgth d e rld H \ 8111 Hlilr. (.)r 8um o expl c 8 an to Its : tWo. 01 t t Btl t Pb) d ) hi mOIH'\ \\ 0 n ~ el1 " I altd lire Ic.iL 1 I I tho IIi OfI You CHon PtlhlUdl llln III pllblic Opl1l1ll11 ugllillst RIlCit II I havc 1180d Dohhl1l 6' El e ctllc lirmly III II GrelLt Spiri t liS 1'.'0 do ,e' nu ree , _ • e_ c p n _ I" rs"" '" o,ory low II I tI,, ! II ) 011 Lllllk I r '1'''' , • J HU(lfIlegll 111111 bl,ll<phc my. <Jhrt ri S IIIJI, mlldu b) I L <. Itg lll & CII , lit o) hlllO las tlug fUInll y tlOS arlll C 7 ? ? I. ootu!lv cnrnedllllhe-. t· IlI ke s UIt. C"p'IIII1 H DA\ III .,flO8SNICKI E Proprietor. tllnoo bollr con t,o m.uo '" • r", Ib e [,"gool, he8t L.d, • • I"" 1; I r. der,e" 0" lid 7 Sixth A venue, New- York. tl(llll! ot \VII YIIl'sHll o, IIwnk e To l'htl .ld c lpltlll, tOI 811me lillie, 1111,) ILl e pfl86 10iltlIely uttal!ited t. 'th o ll I Imollthl bvao)ollc ofei Il lld c )unpc" tillus trA Ha:Allt U. l' \OU llll8ltnOlln~\\lthtblt'I'n stal\d sdollt IIl1n 1'1\~8 1\ e WIth s li c h lilld It 1111 It 1:1 rCl'l esc lll ed to be l"ml,'8 hUll they I\le forced to C thor Be. In an! I,,,rl of Iha lod f ,,"It, plIl,llct.lIOIlIJ1 Ihe w"oId AllY no\11I1; COII'I'III IIII or 1,ller "' y cr us'y hlll Rphcmy and IHl!'1 ill'gll lit Jonr F .. r wll.; hlll~ c I"tlt cs \\ C II RC n " u th ~ , It om the IlLn d thlly heltcvo to b e ,IIllI lIlI'r who ,. "llltng to Oll e u "' IoOCOIllQ n 8nc Jeo,lnl "Il elll I he , "c ~ly. Itchy . klll dISI .'. J;1I ttl vnU I tI'n':: j(I.1 work \!Ieadl" IIllbe Omilloy 1I108t cl eg ,nl work. of IIrt gIven Irco to and gel III ox 01 8 wlvll0 • All lie 01.11'; Oml \ dool'r!. IS to be pt1ltukc l :I 01 tltl! 811lR er In o nr 1.IIlIII y , IIl1d I cit e el (1l11y th e ll o wn ' 18 It strallge that tl I0 Il m,," Ito II "0 f""' lsh 166 per wok 'n ,ollr . ul,.c"her' Tho rllee ,. 80 I"w Ihal ,,1010"' ment II w,lI ."rol> cure 'ou '.0 eellt. 1\ HAIR A8 RED A8 TII.K FLUI. OF 4 01 the-o Wlckl'd m e ll, ,\111 1 } " II\ I ~CO llllll e llrilt ,I~ 1\ til MI rlll- R 1I111e1 U. Ice llOgB 01 80rt OW I!hould be tol ~ 'n 1o" II Y OII " " d 110' be nw" t" m 0\ ervh, d, ""h' cr,ltoo (lno "gelll roporl" l loo, I h" xc" for ,I ", 6 1o ". ,25U •• ut VOLCANO, or .. hlte a8 the deaet motll Cflll1 HI j.(I CII'CI t ltall tllllt 01 Ih "hc I! IItn Oll t :l I\\l:lh c d With It Iuok ft1r lowed lly a thlr lt lor revcnge / h, me 0\ or 111;:1 ,. You OR II ~ .. e ''''' ''' hnlc " Iklne o'k' , $ 1 .010 InII )"" olk AI lad y Ill!' UI Ity mo,l \0 IUI\ IIdclrc,., lin rl Quip' QI ptlL'" 00 B Florida hemlock can be cball. I v tI jl llH to the work I")r 1) 01, "our P: PIlIO .. I re p (aL- 11\ 111~ l,.J \ o r fl U I·l rl 'c r- III t e ll I rCfJ onh b\», !"\"A \~H: No SON J30 ' wit ... omilr ll ' ,I th ' lI 1IIIIlds III lilli' \I Ilitor Ihull II h e ll \I\l oit ed With o r fl Ie Y \1\ 0 HCe l! ICII wives ""lIt- We hl\, . ngenr s Irloo '" m . k l ll ~ dill' \\[ wlo, C " j("~O ""I." "'011 0,11181 North :i ,xlio 5 1 Ph,tllde llill' • Ii!ed to B glorhtuB brolCll .or ltutrou, ceulltlulld, t.'rtltl) 'kIlCWl1ot'litnt l tllllllry soUI', t1I1U ""dill!; IS nllllO und ehtldrun sluughtered III Ol e, *20 I'e' tiKI' " II "Ito ongll': II I 011 ( , ,,II ell" ,t ' lit 1111 YJII' Llln to tit- Un8 lO0S" P_ black by s siogle apphCIltloD or Ie It strlLngo tllut .11 molte mo"e) f"'1 AI Ihe pres lit 11 111. IIr onl, ) ur 'pil I. I,m YOII neo I IIl1t 10 ) )1 thuy did.' AII1I II Gill Rpllll'd lI"t ce8~lIly It IR I"bu r KUllllg and colli hlol/u I I Itl b I bl __1 mouuy c RUIl-" bo mail e 1'0 UU!i!Y nnrl rllph' " 1\ \\11.\ fro Ul II 111 OH}I" !light \ UII orl Ll du It th e city 11')1 the 1'('''pll1 II It" III1Wll thol' ,ughl} Cleallsllll5 r ICY S Ion 8 Wt.. n.r y t 10 OVU of ,' lI lq ol huf l' UB1JH l lil IL 1'I 0s t" lIolhlllg l/l B-1 \\011 li lt mh e r-.c ~·1I 1 1 pl rt ic ulilf ot "h rec ' th e ll I ('lit Onl'~ tu ulongll thcu I .. Ib, 1'"0In">8 lelms R Oll $1 II lI,fil rr e II ,," 111111, ' 01 ' (rte 1 1 ' '';" 01 \lId ' IJe" 8"0 tlllgly CI nCI tied the S,," (,f G ild, wtll l MRS ORElI SWEI,T. Wlullple defier! \.hl .. •• nloocc,H H"L ~ BrI& " " , \'OTt 01l1ll rll 6 If " ," ,,,,,"t I!rnf\I.!tl u 'Io,k We UlihOSlllltlllgly ellunr~e the duath sY Blsh", h e !l pare tho-o \\ ho ' ('ruclfy hlln r Il1ul Mnwo Gli !h lid u ~ \ Ollr ,dd rc", '" ,t tH\<'C It f' OH 1.~ no ufrc8h and pnt hun tl' UII opon I ubove Mlts 1'. KEAlulln all) .,tlC t,l Rhuw II helU 1111 In It III LIII" 01 (1\ I n tho !t",mo " No n tIC .. hll e ll li OlllNG PtLlt8-'.[S a very dlstle s.- j1US.' f lit . 10 m grc " I"Y AII ,lrc •• ' I ho • • shame" Mus HICI!ARI. JI.UNE8, \ \1\:1 thu til 6t t) bl ouk 11 1. 01Ity_ OIHzcn R of Waynosville, weep HANNAI! Gmns. Ho t h ollhrnt thut tho on ly way t o Ing complulllt. Ily m'ptol1ls nrc f\ Pe nl' le. ' O\lrual,~ .!:,,~~[ M~II'. tor yOllr~o lv()s nnd yl1l1l Clllldl c u 11'1 I dl':l lrH nil InY t rl e ll l l ~ nn,t CII R brlllg IIIto IL 10),,1 state the throe 1II0istnro, ltlw pel18pirtltlOn , Il c hlllg IV \ \No!AN'~~~':O~'K. VOII CUll fil1d 11[1 protcctlon 10 th e t V 1I1( I S to glvo till S SOli I' olle trllll, hllll llrc(1 thollsalld IlIwless Imhu11s \ llItotlsely, Il llltlcularly ut IIlght. III 11".1<,0 ",,1 It 1 ~1I I~'h S IMl el. Ph l",1 Iplllll. ,tt ' h.1 S waples ,,' () III t t1',.. ll," 1,,11th .1 .. w.ll <Oc l"lldlt.f,om Lltll ftr81 1i">~1l1l1i"1i"I1l~'fC!. ~. lall801 YOUI Cllnntly !t OlD IIlIc h CIY Iso t ha t Ihey IIIlLy kllow 111st how WI\M to spread INdy umoog them tergo IIl g lll e( ,fmll hnll lllh \II r1loS~O~ of ~ 'Jll'W~'liIJtJ~ ~ Ing Wickedn ess lit your do .r8 AI I g nlll/ tho bust I! UU III tho 8 18 the Guavalll! Chrl t, 1~n<1 to 8end ment III a )Jlel\lliint alld s ure cur ,011, ,11111 p, " ".c . ~""e.· lnllvtl c.,,c.1 ~I"K- Nfl 3 . . . EAl!T MAIN 81RFE1', the BO I\'unts of tho L )rd thIther to also Cllies Tetter and 1111 elllptlVI3" lIe Ilt uhc n I "l onLs .' n d l.t"n,~ \VAYNESVILLE 0 - - SOLD BY DOqGOIST$. At low such tiendlsh ef}rolltory. BIICh l E. l PRINTZ, e l l i' wrilO ~\ llI lI lO m" Alld h A<c lem • .J I.~.eQ I , • G od durlllg 11181\ 1t8 to go 1111 pn 11I8h W" '/ !tu8/nltr.. Solo it f/e,tt. teach nntlves h o w to teaeh otheF8 d'JS6neCS:- S0 Id b'y n III 011 d lug dIII!; I. y DlRII I' uml'lt ld "" " \I"'I ~ Ie " I lmonl~ l • • Preeorlptl,.n. r ompol\nd~d nt ,,\I hnm ~ Itl /1 ~n (If{II. (ld, und you roay 118 well Ict yU11I (;:H f w of t I lear 0 \\ II rllC)e gilts. Read thtl ad v't. 01 cUle. , 11<'1 t. d ' I "I Ir, In _nv oddr/ .. In o,perloDced D, uS'!f1dt 571
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or THISPAPEa. .l Oenuln_ .wl .. Meanetlc TIme ~~:.r.:r~~: ~Ot:lo:t!:t~.be41r! I 1~C ~ ., ..(~" h.1., .';:1 ....k~ It.. tot...I(
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JWt-f'U!«f1Ofl a:uAtacUttd...,wll be CU¥en ~ftt)' to en r1 patruu (.)t un. Plpcor u. Pree 0111'
lillie l'rl", r 8 1111 h ille - lltl lu 1m IIII. hiIl O 11\ I II I " l'lcmhtl I' II I"~ Willdl "" .urro u ntl~ 1 b) th < llIo. t drllcH)u gllr 1('11 111 th o norM nll.l hero ~ he 10'00 t{) ~ { ud 1\ s re Iler pOrtlun of lue dn) Lillgerll1g nmollg th e Jrul~ lind fllttmg fr III fl ower to fI/)" or llko tho otb r golden 8unOOnDls thllt cam dOlI II from heovclI to ,s1I1I[C "llh her Iho plc IIrcs Ihnt enrthh parndl J he gordell II os 8nrrolllldc I b, r IIlIngs of pur gold IIl1d the on1\ IItrull t e cx ~'{' pLJI1g tllO great gu tc, tl I.h(l eod o[ the currlll cdrlle \\:IiI Ii rrelll !,,1Ir1 wick t at the Ix tLon of I delightful nr cade 11118 wlckel coustautlv slood open bul \)e)oud It onr little I'flnce ~ hnd been forbl/ld en lorn Ul) hll1e nCH r dream~d of c1lsob<,y III!; tlllB order 111 th( gllrdc Dsh o I' 18 afe and hall) I!U b ,oDd H -he h\(I no d sire tu ro t01 She frequentl) hew, r IH'nt near the '"eket, nlld 0110 m rlllug Willle ed LO be wlthm n rew pnces o( Itl~hcn she till" IIO DlcUung rollud lIud ) ell ow tilt 11IIIg (til tb gr und h " tI1l II golden bnll hurDlcd II nil th gll Lt rlllg Inv th o prillO 6 slooped to JII CK It Ull bill II! t c !lId 110 til 11111 rolled \.Jefura he r uqm d at tillS but d terru llled to bo po d of the no,el ,u lIc le, 1111 luno mn aftcr It ami forgettmg IU the ltCJlem lit f tit moment lbot !!lIC was dl80beYlIIg her parents I' ntlltucd tht:' pllM!UJt \!ODlO dl8U1nCe beyond tho penrl Wlokut udll Illy tllo balJ tOPI II becnmo IIwnre of tho 8tnrtilng fnet tllllt It 'VII.!ISI\ IImg rapidly Lnrger Ilnd IlIrger g rc" Ihe shilli ng g lube undllO q IIt ok ly th It HI Ie than a mlllttt It nppear d blggor t.hlln housc fhi m~lllIr nnd IUI C.'(peCled e,ent filled lho little pflnc wIth terror ,Indly md d wOllld ho bnlo rnn buck to th l>ea rl wloket nnd TIller d tit garden , but fCllr dopr" d her Itmbs of motion IUld tiue felt 11 I[ he Will! rooted to tbe gTO II nd Then, wIth a n I 10llder lind mor nlarnllng thlln thtU/der lhe ball ft c" IDt o a tbollSlllld fral5men~ which "ere Hcat lered fill lIod WIde und tho oru;t momeut UI hilI Iw Iltulld log befOT her a llld eou htlg leMmg 011 u crooked tlck Til ~y old womlLn stonce adYnnced and IZ ln tbe Tmnlle8ll dllmty httlc Min m h r dirt), llomy hand gavo It a. vlOlc.nt ''fell ;h, C3 latnllng at the 1!1lIno ti 1II0 • TOW I ve got you! r don t s\.;md allY n II n~ brat I" And rflllll ng her stick Ul e hng d ealt onr prUlCCSl! IlO \!C \ ere II blow thnt he IKlronmoo wIth paID Dlsregarc' \IIg poor little 811OShlllc, TI ,ho dragaod h e r nl ng tl16 r oa.l uttermg threats o( pumshmont Imtt! lit len gth- Ju t Ill! tbe SUlI 8\11."l1g In lbe II t-tbey reached I great for t PI~lglllg \!Ito thl tho 01(1 womall I II the ullhappy prmce to Illooely cOPS(' from whIch there 1ICC00cd 110 cscllpe NOli ened ho t.ukillg up a long ti ll Itch ) Oll \1' "orn that fine ry IOllg cnuugh Ilnd been I' tted too much T mOlLlito look lifter you III future I Stfl l' thllIlustllnl \lid " ellr the ru~ III Ktelld of tho Ilks 8.'\tIllS lnd II ' lid 8h C lilt Ilsmn ll blllldle nt Ih e fert I th terri fled ,l;'rHICCliI! Ob IletUlC cried IIU Illue willi e lellr trClllnc<j from her eyes.- h plcfII!C tukc me home IIgalll snd r m Mil rl my paren ts WIll rI'll ard) oulmudlJOlllch b prny don t Inke mo nway frulII them B u t m stend of bemg movcd by ber dIYtrcs.", th wIcked old womon onlv flew IIItO II dread ful plllilllO n • Whnt l ahescrcllmcd Won L you do 11'1 I bId wu t ] II tellch you to obev me ntoncl' HId Lh It "Ithout lIIurmur ID g I II stn nd no nOll sc nsc I O ff II Ilh t.hese thlllll'H I And 'IlthuuL furth e r ceremony ~hc took 0 118) nil It ttle IIIl. hme 8 beautIful clothe; nnd thell bctlt he r IJO unm erci full) thnt lit le ngth t he SWitch fl clI to IJlecCl! Porhllp } ou 11 mlnd II b It I 811y m fnture pauted the cruel old "Omllll qlllto out of breoth Now then look sharp !lod bundle 011 thosc rags ulllellB yOIl IInnt anotber RogglOg Poor U118111 0 11 ' What r0l!16tnncc could ~ e ofter? DfII e n ulm08t mod WIth palll and terror sbe ho stened to fulfill hcr re DlonlCll'fIII captor 8 conunnnd nnd the next Ollllnt(l \Ill" her trllM{orned from II happ) rodmnt pflncel!i! to a ml scrable Ittll be~gllr chlld- lIlltlel!!! ~holllc~8 lin\! III filthv rllg~ Thut s beLler slI1d the hllg bul murk me 1 Mhall ne'er Lell you to do n th lll !; t'Hce If It Isn t done the next I\llllute 111 thrru;b yo u IIlthlD un lOti o{ yo ur IIfe-8Q JUKt p IV nttelllioll If 111 1 l U~ II k~ "ho )OU lire lilly tbul I Rill ) ( ur gfllllllmothe r nd th It "0 buvc to heg for our dnlly hr€nll Dt you IIn,ler stn nd? ' And rlU. llIg ber 8tlCk "h~ looked "0 fi rce Ihnt poo r httlo SlInHhlll~ " l8 (lbltgcdl<l !!.'l) Ye~ The il nll you vnlue your sk ill don t forg t fur I ~hll llllo'e r let JOtl b'O Oll t o f my beanng KIIY lllg the II retched hng took he r by the hund. and to!!cther th ey re~ lIm eli lh Ir JOllrllO) thro ugh the IlIltl. J or " Irs the) tr Ive lcd on foo t thro llgh vl lIRge\! nlltl kI\vlI~ " f wbl ch Itt rl S lln ~htn hud nc \ er ll(',uro of beror~ and lIubl<l ling cnlJrcly llpon ChllTl t y Grell! mlieoo, were lho sufferings tho p'l'llIcl' hnd to unde rgo for besld Cl! tbe ollWY of helDg thus taken away JdIl(I fTltmits 1111 iiillglllficent btld the htlg a drcudCnllelll(lcr
otlr 1'1111
COUI'6J1f A1U) 'M,tiS. "
261, 262, 263 Broadway. onOL~IZR.
t 10
WILL BE f)1'i
l/.l~ ~l
Y'I'{'l'IO 11/'
to Hun scL tbe old woman "ll!~llly lIeoompanyang her lipo 00l[ on the ear lind ""."'12 a day to eJR)llW! U ~II
Feeding 1'lall18 - .t\ great llelll 1Mwrt tteu Ilnd Illd nWlIl III thode of f edlUg ( ntUo lo pmtlllce tl 0 III at ft r.h lind the kuu18 of food CIIIJlI 'yefl LO ~e l th l) hC8L resul tI! bllt f~1V 8top 10 tilln k thnt Lh s" mo ktnd o f tI' SC Il!il'IUII '111 li e. tu plnn~ Food Ill ll \\111 cau.e !'On 0 pllllt Lo lhrne IS about the 8IIml) ~~ llO llIOlI to oth ra IJO th nt plllll\>! mil) be /;Iud tll It Iv e II dl\cr~lt) of tn te_ W e \fll apt to tlllllk of alllll(\IIUr~~ mad e 011 the fnrm 1\;1 ahk(' except I"" e di stinglllsh by 81" aklllg of olle klllli IUl made fWIII hor"('~ IInothe r frUUl c Iltll' te etc Hut rlnnLS th It lI(lpr0l'rt ILo thIS IDllllure fo r food tndlCtl1e j1lnlllly K dIffe rent Cl1ll!81tlrntioll If tho II1lme food 18 gil en the hog us the horsc III the 8\uno qURlIlIty thelllullureprooucedlllll he c xtlctly tllc I\II m~ Ilro \ Itled 110 lie h or IIl1lk 18 mnde rrom It nntiLh e d,ffcrel\(.'e s 1\1 ml\ll II re arc no~ mlldo b) th e alII III II I but rath r by tbe q 111111 t) of foot! lit n PI Ults find thi s out l e r) relldlly ami b) their lnborlltorlcs d eC Id e oftentllll clI tlmt the nlfln llre produced by 0 herd of cnltle fcd lIpon Ktrnw Wlt.h a very lI~tle grfllll I very mfe nor IQ that made by Ruothe r h ord fed upon the best quaht> of hay ~Ith (Ibundanc o[ 'fRlD Plllllts, ugtlln III illlllf bOice food. of len o utwlt the be ~ caloWIIltOD8 kcenetlt chaml t It baa been that It 18 not to II8l!tUlle thnt nny che mieal wlll mllke .. defilllte IImoun t o( organized 'egetllbl c ubetan ce becnuse th o ecollt,)mvof th e plant mny noL he In CInet nccortl nnce wltl! tbo Chelnl8t ti notlell It I~ not 110 dlfi'or nt With nlllmnlitfe W e mil) lell rn lIIlrsclvc8 from th r ijult of llboraLory 11I'et!llglltIOIl whnt \I e ollght to eat to thrhe but we ex rClf!O !!OUle hOice 1\1 thulIlutle r lind tlo thflve on t'o me llllll g q Uti dIfferent thot I ~ morc III Iccor I rCIIIIIslllncell dllnce WI th Oil r t.'l>Ite lind eondltlonK,"ry so milch thllt It IS 1I111111[utO predIct \\haL IIIUllllrCK to em ploy for nov cltllll! uf plan~ Tb,s bns been e.xhllnte<l WIl e lind n~[lI n III th e nppll CllttOIl of mineral ferttltzefl! Th e re 1811 "hol e\,\lI l cd l ~ng re 1lI1l11tlllihe rC8 ul ~ of thNr usc beclIW!e IInder th v Irylllg COll lhtlOIlS the plllntll do 1I0t c!IUOSC to do III! des tred fh o food of pll\nt1l wltelh r wo gil 0 It ID tho form of g nnn o l1>li1 ~ corn"o~t )r mu ck de rcnds llpon the amount (f so luhle nlltrlllOl1 they ea ll get I ut of II hl'n e It IKt!6>llrub le thllt \1\ "h .. le ve r form we aprly our mllllurc Ir " e "toh qUick r(,. lIlt ~ \\ 1' llIust tn Ikt! It II" .... Iublc WI po Ihle Th \) wnle r of thlH h08 produced tho \.Jest resultKIII the fcetllllg of plllll h' by tho U!!C of compoHl Ii muck IIUt! harn rll rd rn Inllro we ll rotle d nlld it 18 IUndo III Hils " 18e A Iny er uf the milt k 18 put on th e Side o f th CUm post henr IIId upon thl811111yor o[ hllrn~urd mlll1UrO UllOlI thIS nnoth e r III) or of tnu ck nucl so 011 altcrnatlllg muck lind IIII11UfC, untIl t!to hellp IS four or fh e fc~t IlIgh I he manuro 18 u.etl ID nhout th e proportIOn of one w three of tho mu ck The" hole plio g radlllilly heota lind rots Loltetl c r 60 thnt ",tbout furthe r st irring over Ir tbo hCllPIS mnde In early autumll Il Will be In the be t of shape to IISC the followlDg 8prmg_ __
Oll t DO li t furget ~ollr bnrgntll S lIlIshtnc Let 1110 III Re\ll,mbc r YUII IllIve prom lS('d to lo' e olld ~ Ire for me nil tho dll) 8 ,f vour hfe It II III! thc rllH' n II h o hl\d Ih ghted on th ojrrouutl JlI st oll htld e the 'lI cket Oh no 1 II not forget c fl ed lbo pflllCell8 Y OII ~h.1I find me nI wa ys Irlle to my II ord \nd tnktng Cll re not t~ pllt her foot oul Ide -he rmll ed tho" ICkcl opel1 Imd th e r I\ CIl hOI'f.lcd tn Lo t he gurdon Uu L UK th e II Ickrt closed wh at a II 0 11 rle rful nlt e rnllUI took plnce In hl8 np I'c ITIlII CC I HIs" Ibl e ft Ilt hullrs fell off ull Rt once, uIIII \IIs tend of a g rout bud Sun Mhtn e be l e ld nt her Side th e most gnllnnt and huud lJOme youllg prlllcc thllt me r hved RI1I 8111g IllS pluIDed bal he mode a gfllC'Cfu I boll olld !!DId Fnlr PrlllCCI!8 U\lShIll C, III the tranltform ed ravell who befriended YOll behold lhe heIT In the tbroDcof Casbmere \\hol by II Wicked cnchlllltlllollt, was turnect tntQ II bIrd of Ill-ome ll two yean ~ That form I WlU! doomed to wear nnt\la rel\l prlllCC811 offered me her love ThIS dny you havo brolcell the dreadful spell and rClSto red nle to my proper 81111pe 1I0r do I Ihmk )011 WIll e l er regrot th o CIT cu IIIstnnce I lUll ~ ure J ~hull n, t re plied the dehghted pnn ce'" But let UH hl\l!lell to rehCl c my Jlllre I~ ,f tho anxletv "hit h too lung they hll\c endured on III V Icco unt An I the v I roccellc I " lie bv Kld c to the pnlut e Neerl I <illY th It there" I~ g rellt ro JUIcIn g \\ ht the I n, cc"" SIIII . llIne I!O 1\ IIg lu"t ulld mourn ed rCllppenred or Idd tl tt II IHrr YI Ir~ I c r r Irent _ ri ght \\ 11 I glv c n>'Clltcll to be r IIIl1r r Ig Will th o Pr nco 1 f l!l~ hm e re tl rOll gl \\ hut!{) IIgcnc) - III wn ~ ~tr IIIgely rt . lo , c I We tlllnk no t III I 8Q leRl e to the Il\ ch I I ngm It 1011 of our YOUI folk. tl 1.111'1 y !!Cenos Lhnt followed III rlue cll llr""
•• 0...,1101" .......
Pouud Jumble8~0ll e half pound of blltter, one hall ponnd s ugar two eggtt, oue pouod Qt flour oDe-huif of a tea spoonfnl of lIOda nnd ono of crcsm-of tArtnr roll thill, cut II Ith a tumbler alld bake 11\ II qUlek oven Tomato Soup -Olle flulut of .tell ed InlDatoe~ With tho sceds strnlll cd Ollt I httle o'er n qu a rt of Kllect Inllk boiled pllt 1\ pIece of butter the size (If nil egg 1\1 the tureel1 MIt alld llel per til 0 tllbl e MpoonfulK rol jcd cracker Ihell !,o ur III tbo mIlk noxtthet )mntoc8 ~ \lr 'llllckly nntl serve PIckled Onloll8 -Peel 011 onl!--th e mulle-t Ihnt 1'1111 hI' fo I d-I ut III n Ktrolll!' BaIt-lind lllIter bnne for forty ('Ight IlOu,- Pu t 111 Jllr- ur l ottie_ 11M III Ill) 118 Ciln 1.0 picked III the II fill WIth hest (lder \ lIl'g tr culd flw>'C WIll kecl' for yenr8 and keq, "lite lind cr,"p Scnllolletl Egg~MlD e~ IIny kllHl8 of cold lIIeat llCa.'!OI1 WIth I epper I1I1rl8nlt Idlllllg II few brelld c rumbs c \er lh bottom of preserve "1lllcCnl \\ Ilh It I U~ tlng ID ellch II ~mllll piece of hutter break Il fre ~ h egg 011 kip sct on II Mhde ID a hot oven when the egg beglD~ to cook .pflnkl(l.1I lItt10 cmcker rolled , c ry flne on It WIth 0 dust of l!alt I\nd pe prc r \\Cnd In t he IlIhlo hot brellliflUlt or lunch
r _ .... 11_" B...,..IU_ Tumbler8 that hnHl hod mIlk 1II them ought never to he put 11\ hot water A Hpoonl'nl or 110 or ~lewed tOlllatoes III th& gravy of eIther ronsted or fried 'IHE Ml3ml Conference of the milled meat 181111 Improyement BrcthreJl hurch hfts rClJOl vcd not to AD English farmer recently wn. hed a rccelve any mllll~ter who IJsc~ tobacco palT of hI. horBe8 With sheen dIP, 11\
o n
olul BEAST.
I... "'. . . .,.
I""'........ .,
n .. p ......... fner • MIl _
OOD Nf''' .... ~n.. h."
4. n .. 'onrln.. DIIn!..
..... ~ .. onll.r .... C'uun Ir7 Oh leted Int .. Nill DIm-re.III ....
Ad,ortllOmonl, nlcolved 'or On. or Moro l ,II
BEALS &. FOSTER, Row ('1:1 •• 1\ till 8)
" :N U
~.... lOurl<
wiLITlIIu ... AII .... ~MT •• lff"" W ....... ~r.r~ 70. . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . .
AND ..... 0 T .... L ... ,
-Y. OCTOBER ]7. 1 77
A KokoUlo Crow
or ....... T
A "'1oTxarAt
" . W T I .... u .... rUIi
If Akayt M l l ltlK
O l en can!' r.n U elr refttllWt W 1 ale or beUdo t.t e), are (!T r py A. g uta U I \1 (u llmrk ll l SA niH '&1"'Y o I A!lnl\rhl tt'
(d '
_u..~_'1 ..ere on ml8ehlc r oon~regauoll boon for !!Orne lIIorn enUl, ft.~tlng In profound Hllenee ro-
I. e win g doubtleN! lhe fnllur H of til e yellr I!O '111011 to Ililli nud 111 'kln ~ rcsolu ilone for the yellr l!< fIOO n \.0 begin Th~ .1I0nce waM~ e ry I'())(JIIIIlI ZlIIg I'" \\ e AA L thero III the dImly li ghted :hurch \\Ith u t R l!Oulld tI be be ,rd eltcept the loud Il ckmg of th e c lock L1l1der lhe gll ile ry lnarlullg nff tho (e w h".t m "Ioll t.. of thc nee ln g yelH BuL five 11I11111tCl! Clf tho ,Id J'eRr remRlncd whe ll lhe mill ow r n vone rllblo white I lirud mllll rtll!t nnd _pokl) " few IIlIlnhlll wortl. "llIc h nil' Ie the rcople feel yet hlOrt Mlellln A few more vlbrntlonK of thRt pen .Iulllm he NlIIl 1>O IIIt ng I< the I ~. ",hlch p"t 10 II I!f.Ikmn lick tne k 11 ~ IIIIIOCI\ fl r hr~ nlh Mild " e "h~I~: II he .Wllllg InU, II ne" yenr fI CI\\ I. h (I ll I,nvll o", ",ltll'lel~' lI ro• ~ IIU II I)II\\C I'J II II happy l OW yenr !'If II It '" I II • th tl IHI.t Ilf tl r CO .~ rl''ihllt ". , h. III I hLl1l1g dc. r frill \\ 0 111 01 t" of th u ultl opclld th o I""t fe l' '~lIr III prayH knc ll 1 hell elln ~ HI rhe pco lle VI thM tho tlc.r Lord '"rlICHt pctl:" I>COI, lo on the thrc.llOld " .. uld IAce/cRr And R\JlrlC With th om til • r the nC~h on th pro,yer e nded tho en~ clock "UK huzz IIg \\ Ith pre p' \\ bll0/0 r 1111 la8t IUlIlOLln ccmc nt ror the r"tl~hllc the nmon WIIS hoverlll g About yef'Mtor n hp" reudy UI IIl1ght Iwfo rc ~ people I",d fSlrl, n >!(lll fmm th e ir . 1I 1lC'~ IIO mebody, dct crnllllcd to gel lh ~ III Lte r of the 11111 ,"w r ohullt<.<1 I lit thnt e\crY cn r hMr I I WIsh "ULI n hlll'I'Y I e" H llr' \\ ho In th e " or l, WII_ .L t The II 'til " ter WWI 80 nurprlllCd nt th I. stellll ng ,f hi. thunder thnt hc SlIt down 111 hI. cba'r and gazed In a IJC" .Idered "M y At the congregntlOn EHrybody turned nntl .Lllred at very body elllC Se th g Ig gled aloud OIIl,d "Itllng ne xt PC" &>th tllcKcd from him lookrd I!Cllred hlB hlll\d betwccn his kuOOll und sll1 ckered I'amfully He wRuted to 8top but to 8I\U hla lifo be couldn't He prc8lled hll hlldd over hiS mouth but the lallgh would bUrKt out He tned to 8mothor It lD hll woolen comforter, bu t It wou Ido t be BDlothered H e koo". the peoplo all around were loolnng lit him Rod tlllnk 109 he ".... very rude Rl1d vcry bnd bllt no matter he had to IRugh he could not help It Sulkknly In the IIlIdnt of hl@ AOlekenng he hMrd 6Omcbody 81'ellk 109 exmtedly and Indignantly He fill sed hi. hClld lind !ll.W that the . pcuker "US t;qlllre Woodrua: I leg ,t ton dollur8 hero he I!lI d nllllll1o~ hi d purl!C IIld dlll plll3111g th e 11111 It bel )!Ill" to th o III II II \\ omlln or ch ild th It ~III gllo th e n Im e of th e pcr Mn who lII1crrupwt! our mortmg He ro:\ched rnrwllrd Rnd hnnd ed the money to the mnll ster, who laid It on the "Ig Bible on the d e8k And hore 8 nnothrr Wll 1\ \.op of thnt, 8811 lIIr A IOltnnder{ milking his dept H.t I hen eve n body (JOkerl nruull!l to see IIOtnebo<ly .Lu rl up te ll who tho off(>lIde r WI" lind c lnllll the twelltr. d IIi,rs D< uhU""", hody know who It" R~ for nnbolly MI~.k u Mie n Mr Le muel Over BRld I II mllke thlltlwe n ty do lin,. tillft ) I go you fiv o betwr ndded TIlr Ar thur Mlltth e w8 Mr Muth ew. Wail n elllll.~ Ic'lder RIIlI would h lI e been prop erly ~hockcd I[ I c bill knOll II thnt he ".WI u Rlug nil cxprCS:!lUu of th eurJ playe r alld that III church Still, IIQbody claimed tho mOlley B~ tbls tlmo t ..e 1!\lIIlIlQ \Vore cxolwd !lnd
work lind and lire nil dOlle III IIO nl e of tb e design. In gold I f\tq lI er 01 Ioono nre really artilltic but tbo dc mn nd for 111gb Iy ornamented fnns 18 not grcnL Wh ell ti.o 1D81dClll arc d~ th o fll ling o f Ihe Plecea t()lIot~er IDclllldlllg th o lU te r c(l ~ o rlll g) 18 rllpl Iy done lind Il dlgh of IlIrllleh qUlckJy nnlldu ~ tho fall
Remarkable } QUllIment of
I i
olle wllleb from a fe mal e fn ollli III conf!C'luellcc of her o".n bel1lg L1l1de r fhe wl\wh was on e to "III ch re p \If I'llr LIClllllr \Blue WM atulelrcd on necou llt of f1l1ll1ly IUlSOCultlOn anll l!Ume nllxlety Will! expreHf!C(\ thnt tt mlgh t II l1 t meet ~Ith IlIlY IIIJUrv The8 1 ~ters " e re Rice plllg together In n room COIllIllUIlI cnllng I~ Ith thllt of theIr hroth e r \\ I en tl c clrle r of them awoke III n Mtll le o f g rellt nglllltlon IlIld h11V1II1; rOU8ed thl' ull or told her Khe had luIil B frl~htfut RreJlID I dreamed," BIUd thad Mllry" wM w h K~lpped and .vbeD 1 told you of UJc C)rcumstal)CI! yo U '""llted ~fucb wor!lO t.ll6n that I!lUI happened for James 8 breath ball atoPllCd all!O Y -mean ing thei r 'bro f' W)O Willi III To q Ulct be~ &glt.atIO &lie younger 81l1~r Immedilltoly got up and founl1 tbe brother nleeplDg qUletJy) and tho ~aieh Whlell had \x.-en curelUlIy put III n drawer, «olng The folluwlIIll mght the very IlUme drealD occ llrred. followed by 81mllar agitatIOn Willcll WI<' RgRI1I colllpo!lCd III tho HRme mlllllle r th e brother belli'; again found In 'lUl ut sleep and the 1Vuwh r;olllg WI II On tl C follo1VlIlg mormng Il00/1 fiTter tho (nmlly breakfWli.cd1 one of the 810torll \V/Ul SIttm!; by ber brotner while the othe r WII~ " rlt IIlg Ii note III the IIdJOllllllg room W hCII her noto 1\'1\8 reRdy for scllh ng .he" u. procecdlllg to lillie out for th e I"rpo~ the ",,,wh 8he had put ID he r" fit " 1l dCKk whcn ahe W8K IUItolllsiJed to r., tl It had stopped alld at the HJlllle IIlstal t she b(,Rrd a scream from her 8 1 ~ te r I n the next room Their brollle r hnd bcclI seIzed "Ith 8 sutlden 6t of 8u110C/lLJon and hnd breathed 1118 list
llu I\~ I" lIW'Y8 room for n III II II furci 'lilt! he mllkes rOOIll for &JClct) 18 , grollp of Ullnke r .. ht>. t helld. 111111 I g th e m tak e plllcos A [orbla DlRn CllII fteO I.h,rf'f.r"i .. ~hllt lire fenced nnd t.iUed, IIDd thnt nre bUIlt. Tho strongman poNllble houses alld fllrru8 m ,kCll estates nM[lIl1t 811 tbe ~ un clouds
"hnt you could nnd /I
GeDerous ..... Ciraot.
A 000 ID Sierk, F rSDt:e, returned good for (lvil Kin mneler n ill'lItl1l1lt nuuched a atono W hiS neck Ilm\ tim!" 111m IIlto the l\Io8ll11o Th e poor brule snnk bu t the corel broke "nd ho ro.o to the "urf lee aod mnde dtl8J1lOrato efforts w get Into the bolll UIS 1lI&1!ler pu~ h ed him rupelltcdly With 8n oa r I\ud, lit longth 6toocl up IIl1d cndeMo\"Cd to ~tflke him II VIole n t blow 1n th e ""t~IlIIlt t he lUan fol1 ID to t he wR ler T)le dog swam to hnll nnd beld hlll1 lip by the c1()tJl1l1g un t .l aid arr" eJ
curiou&. 8omebodyadded anoUJer fivo
nllll:!l plcatlurcs, 18 flUlt there cq ulIl to II. 8Ummf,lr WI' e nJ oy th em ever 8(J much ~tJ · take our {IIJlor a lld go <ttl" In the qwo't 61'1d. ntl( he beneath the coo l shade of un CI c rgrccn tree And" hell tho <Iro" Sl JOd s ereome8 118 we b e 011 ollr back an dlWml the hllp(lv hOll l"l! aWlly nnlll " garte r 8nRke eruwl ~ on ollr clllll I\nl1 remmds us that till" world 18 reul III CI (r) tllIIg perLIIlDlIlg to It
.\ 1111"'11>\\ Stlll'l(lo, lf.- 'I'h,·I'< ' 1\'11 a Jl I I ' ''~Hllt 1111 1 \ .It th,' 11"1111', • nIH W KWNKI 'NI''', I l14t \ ~·d Jl ·:\I I.I Y 1·'·l'lIi lll-t. lit 0 1' ' 1111' IrW'l d. ,\II . ./ .. hll n. l'I'I' W, ! - If thl' 'I'1 "\' " " h l ll ll ll\l~C:11 \ \ '1'111 111 (. " ill \\, ,,.',,, T II I \ lIllll i p . I'll · un dll )'. \\ Itb lll llllll l. 1I 1'LIt: ~11\ ~11 " .\ JLW A \' 11!1'll' " f U U 11I '1lI1 l! r ,~· .I~ f,!{I\III Z' ,< ct" bl'l' 7th II l1 mbl'I' III 11\ - M r~ , ~I With ...- ..... '1'r . I.. . ........... ... ..... "d. tll o 1~)tl ln bl\ I'I! J II~ ) h, log UlI'IU II I luti \,', IIlid fll 'lI ds l' lI lCred into ill l Ill ti ttl' ut - ,lIb.\ '''' '11. III 1111 . " z., .. IN, nil I t u" \ tI III IUllllti IUp".... 1I1.W. , I I ' " I H I li Y II WlI 1\' 1 I tlrl~ r IlI r l tl (I(l lI l'opil'(I/'Y tl) I: I hl'Ut his I) th ( 'J t J ¢ b & II . t OuItIAII.u. i\ ~,'. II (jll ~ v , lJ ' ~ Malld 'II IIIH.I 'Ilullwl TII()I;('I' bd llg lly ". illY Idill!! h I Ihlill ' - . (),. a. ,II cIg wny S 0 '.' III .~, " N,0 . 7'I I II > . l.I~ ' I IIl n '1'1 lIij ' 'H~O . IlI "~\l 1 HI lit.: . hCIlI• 1\ I, • II IIh/ • ,~IIp, 'l' ltltuut th , d ' 0111' IIr ."". . I,I "-1'1 "". ~ " , l1l . tll Ir re •r nil llll. •·\(llght nl,,1 ,~;.; " ,,~ "~~.:.. :. No I. II nl~ kl\I!" lllonthcl'l\lII \· ""'II ... hl1l n~II' " r 'UI' II ,1 .,1' gil'lIIg him 1I"ti ,ur ,~ ~.I .. ~11I! l t ll ,"IJ IIICI IlIlIlIl IIII!! '" .. I I~ ftllllldl l.lllrt, 011 tht, "1) '1 1ll \I I lI~kill" his I III' . t\ CHI"\·III ,ty bc n \ I Itt(lg 1 11 IIl ClllllIltl . " I/o:hLI" ' l'r~ ·. .1 -,r>:l I ., .., M ''\.II :!I: "tl .II" "" I I I n v. ~ i\1 r . trY p ~ LIII. • 1 '11('1' III l' lI wll I JI\l II', 11 11 ahJ ll l l) v ' 'Iv ,I; " M on that titlE, - J I'd, MIIII'a u.i1lbl' 11. 1' turn ,I " ~b 01 110111 ,' n, . 1.11 1 p K,' I ~llti~h princ'l ,I,· . \\' ithtl ilt 1II1I1.,,·t' lll' day, U lit o II~_I tllll'O ut' .\ Jcs 1' . h 111 0 to L iLIlQ/I OIl M I1dtlY . :....." f l'A olOc KIp" , . ,: III I' ill .' ;-" III I t I II I I I II rl '-" I P, IJ;M MIlII A,. . I fit; I' " ~ .\ 11 1lI11 ,~nl I , .lI lt II I I 1'1.111 Y I II '1' ~ I 'I a l k II lId ~I III 'ullu Th llc k. - Ir. J ohJI A. J'llIIk Y is vi sit- =-=-____ ..=-=- - -- -. ~ t ~to l' II" .i~ II, I . ( ~ l'('I't la l ~ ). )l"·lw lh·d hI' th c I''' ~' - 1'1,1. \1 , ('Ill \\, \lil t! d,'c"Yetl a W1I 1' ill l{ hid <lick moth r Limll Ohiu A ruNT TO F A li MERS ' T 11118110 nnl , ll)" .'1' 1,1 '1I1l11l1,11l /!""d. llll d 11\ 111 11,1 f" I' A t IO,/ ,l vI· k I \ 1 II It " ll tt . 'I E R I)' .' L • <l, 1 g.~~,,"rl;.o n III \\',. 1", rry nln ll. a At 'Il!!Ibll' uIoll"till' ,,)II 111 11 11:1 II :; \l ,I CI m 1111 --1\ I. . ., r ~ ul z IS 1 ~1U '; l n g A 1'0ur ""I..,m",,, ,, l, I ,,~ .r ,,101 r"" I. N". I 1,711 .. 1111 ru" ol.lI y All ,,,hc r. . I II illig""". (")IIhll llln~ pe" plll un d g lcnt II I1 PIOI' lI1Ieotlll hIs rc Ideli C' IIru " f " " p"./11 1.< ." ('"I11"r '['1"" will 11'" ,Inll ! 6~. CI' L ~ II ' "I" J. IIII-("IIIZ.I( IIIII 111' 11 II I " flal!' Ulla ""IIiI"'; oll .• lJ"d,'r'(<t hi' 'U ll tv 11 1',1 . I"'Y fvr l\'h" "" "1f fl I. r"lh I.. k"ll' th"111 o I' 1\ \ I ;O<I~'i . ' 1I"~dt \~"1l1 Il: dhl'~ C:III uil ill' \\ ilh ull t Il.'-tlnl lt . ' \ I II I ' g - Mr. J o~cp ll G, l{cYI! I ,,·tll ig wh<l'IMud !'ulc-lm ,1 (till I. "III u< 10",1 al , • III J II' RII /1 " \ Cl lltll lll"" t o I . l' I I J J . 1 ,1 . I~E f RO g R " '1'11 1',, . E. A ~ I .'1 n IlIOl " ~I I" (1I 1hl thll II'vllll'lI t,)u) II I' ll J OJ oU u ~ II PU I) 10)11 e U go III .Ovll . 11, I I "' 'w I'r'"I" ". II"'I "... ...... "' II'"1ot r"r
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'at II C IIl'II:lI IlJ I I O ' I ' ) ' I" ".1",) "'_ ,.."t l-I ,,<l I"" 1(1I.,r ll", .·.l , \Jr. r , I" , ' 'O Ulnl'lII , ...."'. roo till' fO rlll!!1 \ ' IISt (IUUllf ltles (;, II "' I d I ' "~, I _ ~ I r Abmm li>1t"rightt!' wcct I" l'slturll •. 1:" lnll mmnU. ,,,I'lred fuslt"'" " utll n..-c "",l reJ"" rllt"' ''''''''I,Il) IIll' Udl'tl l 1 " \I!n t R » ~, " H.t . t'C'r\lt n r y . I t.: Cb ti ann u W\! c Uln c . e v e il • . . .a=.tV ••In t.otl :.!4 pO ll"" ttf 111 11 ""1( , "Hll fI(.K) \\ 000'" I E I: II~" I rlh"d 'xl - \I .... t- Krnln Ilr tl BtrO) (:11 C I cry Yl'a r by flll c 10 sn\' fe w 01 cl\~ iO I "! " I' 1110 kinu CIUCI' I ~ tiP lOp. W e know, lur ho UIII" It" ,mm"n'" ,,,,,,,llI lIlln l'n.ble. Ito I.. "u 110..1nnl) ' ''It' Ytb., 1\ ,.. ,tnl'''UII' " I ,," • tit t Il ' I I I J I ,\ I~j\ ( II U' t n lIll ,UiHr., t he P,-, rf~ot to" l t lmg I l h tl l l m" ill it.:U110c I'lln ll l\nd f Ur"" ' h.' " III (IU \, III" frord,viu wo..I1tT'e~" n V .."l a"'14lh 1lS UII gI'II C il I'C:lt, \\' lI cl grea ly ' LI' \\'('," 1ll 1ru e n) )' l\'lo T hl' cutn n I< ne ro 88ftmpe. 1'''''l'r ,"~lIrto'l'cll ri mnrr ll",," , ull oml.., l. " 1m!. 1 .. ll lllt ,J .c" . ", k \l;j ll .ndmu,,,IJII,,.Ih ,1..... u,l rrl,ul.II,,"11bt-b n "y. OO;l"'"Itlj( III I I "',,I"ck Fint-nll, rellllCCS th o IJrll li t!l alU l IIl c,'mo " f I I II ' U I ' I I ~I J ' I 11 t' Ishm nLe . •lor",,,. & . ,~" II"", lI l\y t'lh ~ r I llh .... ,,'lulruIL) Iloo"""~" rru l ' '''L" It h .. "",h""l .t~ I-:! .. cl ... k l.. lJ th 'r I t ' d t t ' 11I 1ll' r "'">1 eXl'l' .Cllt III <t un II)' -- I!!. o~ II 11\1\ CI. 0 h it" •• "' .... · /"r 1100 ",011,') Ih.1II 1111) III J I1 A]) A IR ~.1 D porlOrm l'J. l utl h •••• "ho h ••, " '\\ rl",I,,1 FI MT IlA '~rls,' (1'r6(' \1',\1 ) huroh In " li ra In IC , U ll .~ 1'.IlIl ~C nnll ,l\! ill ' 11I,lIltlty , allJ I'I Ll llhu ill NalllHl II , 1111111 hI. i visitlll ' t.·icl1 d ~ L\", " "rid I", , j ., ' lhoCt:n \fIV I:". U'•• "", -I . r II , oIrhll" ~VIIYII - S,·ni .c. htld 11... fir.t "'"' Llurd .ny , tIll S Sh ll ll ~ Ug n.f III; li llll llr ia l va l let) _\ 11 plL' co t II II I .i1l~I I CI\ and rl'I.ltll'cS i n thiil ,l lc . I 'l'III'ill i " !! 7:,/,. f'l/ " X fl l·'·/<'f l ...~ ~ar eo t rc fllVstotatl! ' fur Iho ,Ii" "00 ""IU"I bol u'" l'l.,tJl! tlo ur eIJ'.I'"1l~nlhatlllrl~ n',>th''''d7COIIII',I II IIO IlI~ IS HUrl but ,' 1 t Ih ' III lh l: f.lrilu nlid 81; " 1 Ot' tltc 1;111 1 -- W ' rC'rrrel tli oftlr o clIlIl IArr lh" ""II,"loh. '" <I ,"""I,, ro, A ll 1110 ol " " · lho"t . . ,llhutolof)"UI 1"1 ,,,,11.1,,,l' I H f' v A ..~ utt-tH I , (, ,. 1\111 ",.tt' r . "' ttl k I fltlS I t t hi- ), 's!." 1n /II II 'Ill II I I I I l'1 t I I Uttku It l ill r C"l(i, III l' n I I )r J t ur tlll ~ -4 ,Il , lrineic JIl ct iU. auu ne" rl .) ~ 'tJ 'I H' II U1" ' lI t y Pusl"r A II IIr,' ".r<ltoll) IlIv,l n,1 Iu IInrnd '1' 1 ,e I k' f " II I ' , ' , . IH nl S II 11.1 pi cpa Il:' tlte SllllI l' tlh'lI il <." r \1 8 d lil c ' 1Of' lr~ \. 11 nlc lu An ," II 1'''111''' ,. r ",." 'tr-'.... ""'1' n.' ",I t<l " rIlo , ,"d. 1\'" ~ ~ " ' II I 1<. \l WI! l>r.,., ..c. 'OUlU II> In« evilleu-. 01 IIJ 1,. ln-d I>! II (II' I I sU' e () u t i II s cp""r.l I I I. I "· "" ","" )' ur •' .. r"'·11 In I . ~ III •.IIi ,1" 11' &:<110' MI~ Ii: I'l N II (1iIek"dr1-M.. ~l,"!( ' 1 t' I 11 I ' '''I l.IIIl I" ct. t \I'll II tlill u tu vC C Ire l · tl'UIII , III Linco ln, b,Ullkll. llioll tn the 1t'",,1 qUIIIII I\ "r .1":,, .l,or" " - J l HES '" II"I".~ S, tlrO).IUII .ud .ural... I,.rnl",rl '''.) •• fMalvino wfIf"hip"Y",y.Flt.t a",1 l'ull rtl .l or g renl...1: ::I. 1.1 . 1.10 l il t, . ~t."I.·lIll1I1J It" pullli lln u ,ti l ~I)c lllcd III - {<'or d de I~he .. t). u. 0011 eCll li d ~rv F.. O ~l llI '.\f, ,'P I' \' HI( ,ltl' ~O \'Ii' t d Sk lIfo) 11 O ..y. l.I>gl1\1\IOI" hI II 0 r 10r k FIr. I-D,,) lit e n bJcct lit II Illc h J wall t r .1I tIC' It \VU "oml to ho tl lcre Aij I d M '& H'" _ . ~ b' t . I E L E1 TI·.R w, 1I h., .."V, n hI ~r" Inlt ;, UO.lIO.OI!"T .... • 1 _~ lllln~n a n 1 Iy IClau~ Se'IO"I .. ~1I1-':!"' ul n k \ I lll a rl,)' tos peul; , is tlt o suhj ct of thc Juy wU17 . 1 II I tl tl O f ir lall ' £"11UII ' a,p tHell IIlIl Ot - l tltc PL'tIl •• l"roo nk r'I·,· lI,·",·,!t,I, Mr. Frolll ' ' &R NO U ON Iu.olha('urull,o lllrve'""I',, ,r 1'." llro. n".1 1l 1l1STil S II UIl('II - S rvlne un f~lrd·.. · thc G rn ngll ' \ ' ~s y tll r' )," ufl' Cl I II II I III , gall. ' nq UI rtl lit thiit 0 ce. 0... lI 00jl»OII Bur"elt. find "tl" rM I l I ,) ' I ' n dl: alllll UClI lIIU the 011 I tl' U tl W " t 1 """ II J A I f ' ''' 1 -ftm t he 1 d F hi PI Olh .... ~oIno>r.S"Ulh"f fl nrd,' Dllnk prollln, ,, '.r,Huon c. " " '""' ''''''10I1, I If d"),, And lind \'-. ·IIIH,1 li t ,n -I' ,.t nI no y ur corscts und go III II tho ruls I ' .J J . I . 10 I r. H I . C t !Ur, 0 '. I _, lIlm mo 0 or o 11 8 on - a te e, . from n\\ leola" of ,ll' .. dl"", 11 ..1" u "1,.,0 ~v,>ry Lord'.-d.,) ,".,rllllll( • • 1 1 1'~1 ct \\' u~ (luH lIeh 110 IIf( I t III 1'0 , • f M (j A I 1 f 1\ II TI .U .. ln "'... W ",,,uy lll .. , Ohio. "0 ouull ~IVO bnn Iro.l. ,.r., " ,f."n" , frumI... • M E CII Ull It - 'l'h Re •. r. f .\'u" l,af ? O ellst, go west, !lO l'II,I, allJ l!Ollth II l1 ltll l v S:") II III I ll! I ' nJ vVe Hlrt - I U ll1g~V II., WIlS II gt' \J r. uorgo , gr~~~cl ~1I '~to~1. '~,~~co t1:~'~, J:~;:~' ":~ "~:d . om. h"" r,' j I 2 I., \1 I ~ , II . I I v ! I ~ l' well known I" 11... , ,, I· .y, II .. lI ut 0 p ...wr Divine. rvlc., ,,n SlInd".". at i il r Om' np lit t uri, dig II' IIlc und uccp, l ' I ~' LI . , tl I . u .1 , t Myci s lamlly, thll 0 ler dllY· I UfO ""<'<1 11111 1'<1 (or tJ"" ul) Th. ":ill l,,, ~':'I . 7 10 M I \I _ ""lI lo nf rloo ur l'.ull.blol. ..1"d,I. lubo" •.1 1 > ' 11"rk \ '" alldO I ~bl.ulh I t t k b I I I I ICI I I UIII II , ly lIell ICIJ<!U 'I ["ocr t Se"'t:I1 1'- ttl ' tlOWY I I lriUJlt r) bl ?"o I rod Al..... Ftn"<e), Y " C O",v~l,tA or " III b•• on l bYIMII OU." ,10 -~ , , -_ I'. ~I ~ IOO,SIC ,stu ,C III, OIC II"'; l!t l " w lh ' hl!a rt t"ltll' i h ,,1 CIC I'Y '"11l ' - "r. ,,)'I ,,,,,l L 1j .1I11on ,\«"6<o,,,, .. 0.n,,,0.) , 01010Mohoo' ilt 2 1-2 P 1I tbc I' t.o I fl I t' II .., tI . • II' "ther rcrOll't... In .burt. "orylh ing IlIl<>r- ' • J '.J. 1' . , FAll IEIIA' Glus P No 13, Pdtron. of ru 111 0. lU ll Ie Ct\V .1 , prct!ell t Ihut ho lind hiS nUliablu 11I'I ,rOYlng, 1111, ' liI'll DU Wilt to I. d,,', I " , . , t U r). onol urnnn .. 0 f.O Ul pur!",.. .. t .'" ,,,1 .' t{II''' IIIor)' W,l\illrnC,'rncll ~r... wr i\r~6' bots iouglil er l uc illt. ~ IIIY IIC ' \\ tlll Hid thcit Ill teic t lllg Il1 ru ")' tlUll g hope o t I q v ry. N 13 - A. thrp uhh.hernnl\. !,rcl>ny.the OjJw (£/lrl lL "o'Ild' l/ c,', ,/ /t/I'" St ., ootl,.p•• Ulb,ht , nnu"bOID~~U COI~UI" n l ' .' , . I~ ., t > I I' I' " . E Ullnn j CAleJ 1T\lhbYlotl or orln p "non. nI' ~r n . l , n r UIC-I"" trw,,·' ''''' "ol ' II u" C~8S II ' 11 ( t ll1l g Ol'l OIl R orga ll lzl\ lI 11gh t rlc 1I1:1I1\'l ctu lll!l ell'th e dny. 1 - MI wlly ·hMllr· II"" I·t;u tU" II m" , I .~u " rlb, ... }~t .\rilO " 1· 1 \VAYN~ S VlI.1.E. 01 onll mdll~h lit 7 0' 101\ 1, l' "' . ond " " 1,,, lIOn tho t IS a )p' g tl f I J • I I I' , . t· I (I, "p"r II 'R" r .... r. III I", t '" I"" l,ho'If'<'"L tI . fUllrth:>lIt'IHl,,) u f UII"h ", "th .. t:J,,' I, k ' • I III Ie v ry uun - A III~ 1t0p ll1 jl; Il lIlt tv 111m . tl nd It 1<1, II VO( lome rOID ~ lIlIIn l, w lero IIlth world R 1.J('u.nll IIbl and Nellrnl g- hl, oatlOo 01 t l~ e stupelld vil Gra,,!!')' . Out! b t bl .s II I" 111 11 " uu ,r lvell, !lltc ha be 'lI Iii lug!\ lellgthy n OBE HT (0' Fl RN A S, 11 •• <1 Ih. r.. llo,.ln« t•• ' huoolnlo C rom ".11 A (tcek t t .. d n J kuuwu Oll. il\lU. uf('w,'cl Dd' 'lIJ tlto P nt?'onR /If Ill': . \ . ro m lI ex . 1 11\ ay ere ' l \\ 0 l1y !l!(lli n ('; ,,(ld hy , 11'I\!i t. II(l MIl.OJ',\ rl llI.' CL ... u>u. O.. July G .IH76. t,i/ll' jJ.(£blio elrod/ ,' mng th o Rut Iltb I to hnl'e lHu \\' \\ eg lvlJ tI l IIl1l11e of tho e - S oll ntor Stoke R I NI1 If (liN L :r:.,::~ l'~~~~At••':,· I'ldUf .. The teach ''8 uf 'our so" o I nrc slI pP?r ledtiva l en tertain lllellt,\\ Ilich \\ hv \\01" PI' "CUI UII th o "1I!J uc by Ih e W ILY I1 E VI II ~I ; 101~1~:':,::''d·. lr~ltxl'l'.i~~'''a~~ 1I;r'::!~I~'!:i~~j the 81 ~e g ttllI g t".o 1~1II 110St 1I.lIn Iotl~lOn beHld Cd ,\ Ii- rew & willl BUU III t ' utnrdtly even ",," ld ho. r foUL DOeUM\ until 1 u..d 1. 11 "' lIIlIted ill wish ing to makc till bel of tUlls hus to 111 1illS It S e ~'n al l b\J"~ 'S UIIA'£l VE . ... bloh J o, o re""m"l~o,) k' I ' . d I' I fiu lJ i I . : Va ll i I 0 ' 1\' 18 U ud wile, Id IICLl, ~ doo r. Snlltb fOf Hurrl B w k , t" . uft ..... '" fruu, ltb' lI on.,I.m. ror It"" .. d m .. year's wor 10 t I Ir re pectlVP. 0- Itundr d rntB ha vo ull curiy h 11 11 II I)' \lP HIIU wile J usiuh OrtJ w Tlt Ell' t' S,: . "'~"""18V . .. I .E . Oll.t). ~~~~N.d.r"ol.h"l c:ould.\tetllltomybull-lie l iP Ie J r r l 60~ J II HO IT,ilL' n h. Abto, . ~ r thabe1loGt of pnrtm(juttl 011 0 vI' 1I0dOll bt d 11 0.- killed by th e clnb. L t vcry neig h· Wile '11I d Ihl'UO cl ll ld;e ll J ohn Da ' O 'S . I n urder to IICO mpli II thi, 1;0l'IJoorl follow tlJis exumpl e. Jt \' iA 'u;ld Wife Danicl W oollnrd tom . urt bsae, ,,,llt I) ILu,u lhl\\·S';tI'M.l~b~JQ~~\~·o~~o .trc.t.. W mll .t huv the CIl operation, not will pay " wily s- 0 e 1.,11. only of eel! lars a od the ch uu l ' II 1111, a lld two lI hddrcn Mr. MeDor· 1nll rket: [ rom a t.,:! &lIuI1l1. ~b. ~opuJ .. H~ : Boord hut 01' the pat,'o11 of the .-TIul'Vey M .. .1 ~l\v er,.or Mil. 011 1111111 , wi\' mId little ll a~l~hter Oo~a , 11 . .JJ f.~ , t1 dOtty , III .. 1& '" \ tmg \"10 P"'","Q l ",_\.l" 1'1",0\0..-,-., ., .. ""l,.;.l L ~o" o~~ ••~.;.' . mbull.1.lIH. IIchOO': o~rl~u~ ~re rcn ytto \ 1 Ilnd fricnds in this plnoe lind vioin· drcn, Mrs. ItlGl:ldl a nd Itttlo niec 1{'" ey I\S 1,1~;.r,""'iiIii :~~g:~~~~'S'~lor. 7",.1 ..... rr.t.::b ~~.JI. ~ ~I.l ytth In~ wlt ~\lI Ik~r {lo~~er S~h~~l lty. N, nlli, Mrs J lI lIO Wuollul'l , Mrs, iil~PI'el/~a1'io SETH'-.W. B'ROWN, il:i nn:~ a,,~1nl~6~:~1t~(:r!r tU e elle IO,~ tID ma ' bll\lg led th -Sevclal of oor YO IlII'" peot)lo LIZZlll Latche lll' Mes 1'11 . G ol'ge f D 'Ja A A lady " 0901 m oded La".on'. tl\lhe 1: ' t t lO V ry vU8 pO I e on WI · ·t .1 I Sid' H .... 1 I. ' U k G 1\1. M L' 1'. RVI Q . now mATTOR.NEy AT LAW, th°·ur.d~In>UloaDd am rl .-dt r·'I t'tt•• 'Jme !1st 1'1'\' Ie Cld II, .ourgo y I, r. Igo located in Toledo p blish ing the i ND NO TA R } POBL I 1,..1\'II:~.y,;:~n r::r""~rr... ·lU\':'~I':."rbJX; . . ist ' nce o.nd iritcrest in onr \ UII Ou tie U lei' your a •. I dllY bel', Mr. Ke ith, Le w l~ SWltb, SUID . B I' - ' . I' I h I ~ :o"'a uti: '{,cured. work, th Ie IS 110 rCMon w ly onr . P TI () i\1 Olarl; Ed R ltllwuy u . tl)1,111 IICl e 1!l8 LRBANON,OIllO VOl)' lroll:f.0urI. "=" MI 80hool should be ecolld to any in L.II An na l\J~ddcII , an ~ MI J ~~~~~I , ' lt~rf~~1 W"c;llllrd Bell!'y nn JIl t rest. W e WI8h him 1111 P08I _ _I ,0 . B. SOHOLEY. the county ill itd udl' antages edu· lUlU Haney VI SIted X ell1a nnd \V II ' ., J I " '.' 1 d 'R b sible Inck. 15iI.4-~-~. MAUL N RID E :'P llrp lu, 8elntlca, . I d tl ' th o Cliftonrocks llIs t wcok UUUIU , ul li lUcullC, Ol!lt .' .,~~-.,.;::;:::: ~ 1:-: 11 catl ona a u 0 le:wIse. . , ' . . JcGlllde, IJ oWlll'I 1 Lutchcm, J oh n - Mr. J umes R. Hayslt t IS p re· NE IU~ B IW W N, ~n~IJ10nablc ,lUll P~~:~:I:T.'" TootlJache, You can m~ter.' all y asSist .n8 In - M M. R U,d on IS sll ll poud y . T . ' I'l'. Arnu U pp, W ill Davis , pllt'lng to bl1l h.l u. '~w dweill ug- S B ' Sore ThrOAt., ' promptly fm'01slllng your .ch ~ld~en .- Mrs. A. 1. Sabin IS II Ot ICCO Y' Anl UR (O;lli tl. SlilTIuel BCILIII, Low i!! honso on the I, t formerly Qwn'd by " 'C('88Q I' to " 010/1 ill h U71rllc l', iI'&lI!a·Jl1.)li1E\ll~1E m , : ,\I O,~Qnl JolntB, llhOUlllatbul, tl II n c saary books In lIISlst- nng vc y t t 1,( J ...., 'd'" E a t R o.poo tfullv " " " OUIII·.' th I he .. IIOW In " T oo, . _ •••• ",AYNR""" •• •I:', , ,rnuIl C Ie, Cbllblfllh,.., WI I a ' , I liS W'JUIltud Oh 'slcrfiold Myer It r. ames .L nnwi ulO" on . ~ r ull owlII!; lit Lh o"I,I . tallll, with '. oo".L~ nt ...lmonoC)k, SprBI .. oIIIg thILt tb~y sha ll be ,. g ttltl l' a ~d - Miss A bbie Rol;el'8 cntertoin d M Thu cl; ' Ill, Itlt nrTh tlckul ~, lind F onrth strect. HUPl,ly of tho bea t r r.llnp, D llrn;''' p unCflLO:Z 111 a ttE'lldance, al~d III a company of YOllng ,oll; "1St Itt MIIRlel' AustI ll Thtlcl;lu a; thc M18S' - Mrs. E mllDIL R<ltall ick SOlid s us F low', ~ UlI,Jllhorll\, Scalds, slIllctlOllIng.our rules n~11 met\O~8, t1I day e ve ll iug. A bbie knows It ow e~ MIll Y J Upp E lli mn DIl Vis, I III n bent wcighing 1 pounds ILnd B u kll heat, --}'1I )lold.u'bornnglelnQuqoeooflheC UrnIIl Q. at lenst outl l yo n arc In YAconl ~lln, It ~s I!on I a nd?f COII I'SC her g uests L DaVI t!, Lrly WuulltuJ , E ttic lc- meat!l1liop; 24- i uches arlluno. Thi tl O() I'1L.Jlf N l l , 110 molt er of hu.• l"U8 .1u.nJ ,nn. tL 1' 1 '011 ced that tqey arc w ro~g , h s Ig It e njoyed tlltJ socllll tront. Bl lant Mutti o PI) Addl e Th ack . is somcwhat la rger than Mr. Ma /lbr>/ Ie,l j 'lfllI?" I1 ... U. . . . , luu". "f" lbfull) n o d p'''' •••,lu :1), if t our part 10 t e \Vays " ~ A\ YrD D n n·l.ot-'n"tuth\l rtllt~iroct ion;iwhI Jt acf,)(,~ .. ~ o~ np;n ~ll d tc . I I ' -M. W . Shi duker left last Snt- ~lI a, loa Dnvi", ClU'1'1IJ i\1 , Th oiliP 80U Bord!'ll's. P ot"/O"R, . ~l ~!!.~~g ~ ~ l" ~~/· l ullia. "lid yuu ,,,It surely ~, I_ lOd H:ntc , WI III liS ma rln y 10 nrdllY, for soutb -western ' Mi sHouri sou, alld UARRIE Al YEu . - R osa Dani e' \Vm wOl' rcs. ' Anl j'~<1,1 ('./. nil k inds k our wo!' I t au d KAllsas, whero It e lind 0. bruth· - • milking at the l'etlld enoe of Lyd lll w),,,,h ho -oll. III tho IOW "Ht '1 U o lII<101I ' Agal1l , yon cl\n pass 1\ p easa!1 e r lind oth ers were engulTod in th e D EATH OF Alit i\I AUTlN BE';T.-A Duu iel T hm l st rcet, Wayno I' ll! . ([J AIII' " rtl","cH rlolt wrcd 1I11 l11udlawly. e~Um Q tt hour, an d do t ho. .schoolI good. Ill frUl ' .' '" I ~ t·treo busmess last spring nn d goat r Inllll y uf Olll CI tize" ns \Ver ' ho' will be very ~ rat~ful to th e wlthoul ex lm ol",rll" Aro uow l'rol'"red "" ma",1 CLOl'H El many ways, by Vl8l tl ~g t 10 vntl OI!S SllD1trl or, Mrs. Shidllkor is visiting IlOt U hule s urprISed, last lhursdny pnbhc for a p ortion of their patW1UNOICItS of ,,1\ k,nd. 'Ph y "III pill I' (lIDS a t yool' COIl VClllenCe, It 18 ill Dnyt on R mOl'l1Iug, to Icarn of the decease of . • I OO!IUW HUI. !:.!'!. rc-.,·t "Id OUO", Illl d IIIlIk. 1\ little thi og for YOIl t do, and yon ' ox. till S worthy Cltlzon Oo mpllrative- lonogc. • . thom III overy rOSI)O,t g,\(,d 110 now go a way with a bcttCl Iwowlodg - R eport of BarvElys bnrg sohools Iy few had hellrd of hi8 iudlilposi-Preslde~t EI! was I~ town yes·, U I D D'I!lIl'l(l' ofII p.Z> _ AIII! II't I o t' the actual state of the sohool for Septcml}er: tioll ulltil the word that he t~lday, workmg I~ tI~e JII.teres t. ot ~I!l ~!l ~- ~-~~ ~8 THE BE S T 0 F F E" R.! omco fllld I,,\\)ornloI'Y136 St., 'mIM I. t han you cou ld pos8ibly gaill in a ny WHITE SCAOOL. wus dcad R llllway. Tb~ 8 Ime lS gO IlI~ ~SE LL8-Wo ... 111, It duriug Lh. ," lUlrd III"'" Ol.EV!!\"Ar~ D , (H4IO. ' othor wny Drup trI lit any ti mo, 'IAI.F.8 ~·EMA"'';S. ·I·OTAI.. M Best'S I!IOk ned was perba ps rlght through gl On ously. Our ~h - Rolled wlllte wheat at 7tc. alb, $600Pia.nos for $260. r ~->·,II ~~,,11 n,u.~"" lind ofton ; come without wa rnin g N o. en~olled 4(J 62 108 of ab:mt a wec k's durat IOn, oud hiS a nfli V ailleyl./will come up smlltng Preparc« cocoa 20(;.1\ package. AII!1 .,1l nIl" r , tyl," '" Lho ' . '''0 I'llIpurLIOU. of a lly kind; tind lIS lit 0111' \vol'.k Av }ady at., 39 51 90 lenth rcsulted frol1l pneumouia. a tel' II It t e. , Oat. ~~ ~ul 10 cts 1\ pound ., Ilicludlllg Ornlld. ·llunr. ,,,,,I U p ltghl ~1\1I 'The Washington City Route--. as we 111'. ' sec t ho schuol as It IS N o. rnrdy, 13 U 2 Tho tUD cml took 1)luce llil Fr i. - Mrs . ~h1t('l1 Bl adst. reet all d Hal-ci S Oocoa. all c II pl~cl;'I~O , 'I R' . "LAij<- <IIld tlir.c t tn Lho !'LOl'LI: AT - - -I 1~ 1. '" lill Y l'IlI,' Ko NV "lIonl s 110 "II,""", ,G () 0 S when VISi tors al'e 110t ox pectcd ~ . OOLORED SCHOOl.. day foreuoon ami was stteu dou by MISS A n na H ILIl COO " , 0 1 erlO lllJ- S \~ go urn tl1lC I, ;)C 1\ PIlC" .,U'" "" d'.COII II'. I "C"e 1",,"°. ",,, ,Ie the n yoo can ]' ud ge fur yoursel v{!s N o. enrolled 32 3:3 Or, " IlII gC n u~bc l' of re!'a tl vcs a nd tow n, have been visitillg thell F Cove °rlltcr,. flro"), LU"'I"lr ",'IIIe'''" lind 0,," " f Ih. 1\,,".1 oI '"I,Iny. ,t tho C, 1I10UI",,1 . . "' , d ' I. f t I I Ult H\ clUl" , uL n w p r u., rl~ 1 h 'r m lll1 F. I I U ' 1 I • whcthor or oot we deserve yuur A I'. dally at " 27 27 50 Irlouu\!. trion s 1Tl t lU!1 ~cgl ou or t 1e list Gold. Artll . WII Ile. lJ 'llf ol ... Oll'tlle. con' I~:I ~'\' '':: :' ";:10 "I~'I~"'~~';" H~~~' ~ r0c;.'~':. l{;\ J llcarty support and euconmgemeot. O. F. WILLIAMS. Addresses were made hy the Rev. two woe~s. A!rs. Bradst,:oct In - tltr),. lInll PIUO1'"r :il''' P< '' "PC' lult y ~ 1 " "ul "CI" r' - 0 11. "I LI, . 1011 1;0<1 ""0 hll llHL To summarize, I would empbatTI [> I C I . d L. F Vau Clellf and the R ev. John tends leavlug fo~ Texas, With hor H o contlllUO. "" to llk, 1110 1'.""'" nO 1!11'-1"' Iho " ortd 1''' 0 ~'l' ''lfe Orll,"I. , olll",n T l' d ::;/",r" .~ " QII ;';' ,. t, (~ /ld (l illy , II to d 1'1 Ie a aco IIr las arrlvo ut E 0 d N '00 1 t Mr Brad, podrolDo LlO'lDcntlllld n"rWD. O'Jugh Byr- Malh."h,,' ·, ", IV !," IDnL 1)" 1" 0 < 0", ..11"1)1( D i.,·uJt [l"" , (" lca y ul'ge yon seo your C II - Harveysburg, nenr DaV IS' G rooery Hawke, of tho M. . blueh, all S008, oye~. r s'. • . and kee{Ul QIl\rgcr and lJott.or ...ortmon~ Sc li e . ~hu gro "W8t 'mpr'" 0111' n ~ III LI,,, hi.dren . regularly aDd plmctuaZly, Come soon and ot a t t'. I ' Fd end R, H. Hopkins, of tho Or- street wrItes In glowlog terms 01 0 FamIly Grocor'eJ! than nny other ho.u80 tnrv of PIHII O wuklllg 'Ibe • Ul' ril!b ~g ar c W.\Slll ~4.'rON !ND K,\L'I'IMUIlE a nd to make personal VISitS to tbe d f J . ~ se 0 ;ewe, 'I th odox Fneuds' church. IllS IIUW lo~tl dll._' In Wayn"", Illo 6I:!:J ~ho Pl N&HT INA M. "" • \lOll L(,,,11 0 " rlt, , ...... Dlrl c t tJrullu·cdo ... (Cfr - b' ft ' ble an our alge plctores lior 50 cents. M B b t st V W tak ' t 11 b k TI' s Cor IIIu81rnw,I and DCKc r'lI~IV O CalnloJllo.SC 001 118. 0 e n as POSSI ' . Wa'rrsllt'ed to bo as dUl'able as an 1'. est was orn a . e p, . 0 I' 1 B ac.. II m,"lod Ire" Richmond, Lynchburg, Norfolk" W . J , Ooox, P nll. t~n dollar picture made. Pictllre~ Oornwa ll, England, about the 'ycar tUlle we slllO er.~ tho Wild grapo .. lIIendeluohn Piano Co., ANn - _ . .. . Ako of' I . ." 1817 aod \V ll8 thcrofore 60 yea ril orop ; aod our fjjeJld Joslab B. 6.1 -J No 56 Bllo,ow. y. N Y TTl g UT n. Ji.A Sr, 'd h t' .... n IOrses, can'lnges, resluen,' . fl' d . 1. M' ll d ''' , . · I T IB, sa l t nt co tll1 g corn pro- OS8, &c. Pletnres cnlar cd at rell- of nge. at the tlmo. 0 liS ea.u. I s SO li S Ilj3 Il O()n.vlIlcltlg arguMAKE HOME HAPPY. Philadelphia, New-York, Boaton, d l1c~s. mOI'e ugno than any .otber o~ sOll/tble I'I1tes, Also, i~s tructious He e mi g rated to thiS country 28 lII.o nt to tho c mlrary In the shapc ANU , £. PlRtU'Ul 8uppl'p of JrIr. cllpatlou. A 80rt of mIasma IS ivcn in terrot In R emcmbor yoars ngo last June, Ilnd has bcon of the fi nest cluster of bloe grnplls 1W 1W THE B A I:l T Good BeodlDg IUd Be.DUra' PI.tlrN ... su ppo~ed to exi st on the blades a~d Will rcmalll ~~ y~~r Cit onl ~ t\ reSident of this place and viein - wc ever sa'Y' They .were prodnccr! 1~ 1.. fII WILL DO n' III tops, \0 tho form of .dust. TIllS, short timc. 1m rove O\?r 0 '10 1' - Ity e vel slOce. He leaves two frorn u cultl vlllted. wtld Vine, alld 'rrn \lclor!il ttcairtng 8. ~ IIpe"d,., .. I. n.nal, .not c.-l.tla"'o Trip" when 8haken, c.ntcrs lIlto tho hu· tunity by calltn& SOOIi. y PP young sons to I~~U\'U Ihe loss of ware most llea.utltol to look upon. .& THE OINOINNATI ri lul ul d re me mher that t.he n.lall system With the , ovc m e l~L. WENGER, Altist. their only slIrvl vlIIg p"ront. In -Many of (.lUr readers Will be BY ~ t loncd rosult, Bot don t !et tillS _ • _ Engla nd, ]\{I. lIawko stntcd. MI. snrry to Icnrp of tho ilInoss of IrO',' BALE D BALTIMORE AN D OHIO R R. I. celeh rated for Its deto.r people from ba rveetIDg the o:r Mcdical mcn often pnzzle liedt's mother i~ yet hving at tu e th eIr old fll clld John E Kl ein , ill It1. ~'Y ~~II.f;. ~.oll ~ Ifl....,.nl tJoneh("II, tilpl ll'lndhl ••••.,.... Gra. . ' co rn crop. themselves over the largc sale that great ngc of nlllety years. Oskaloosa, Iowll.. He has bcen COII- W. ~". ~o\. l~ c;:::;J t :aI ....1 1." .... 11. 1 M ...nta'" ..... " .... eJ . ~1fr t ' . I Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup enJoys. Its In IllS youth, Mr. Best had bcen fined to his bed a month from hem- Yr'l? 8ce,!~r:i''!:''''':::17::~.~I.'' E lects entl.rc y Ispropor 1011.1 groat populari ty is due only to tho baptizcd uflll cunfilliled III tho Epls- orrhugc of the lUllgs, and is only ~M~~~tg,k@~~ III nloall , .. J 04 iafl. to c,,~see are t.rcquont1y mduccd I:y exccll ent qualiti08 possoBed by thi s cupal Chlll ch, Itlld whellol cl' It Just now ahle to ~valk around 1118 D the s~mples~ CI~cu~BtuncC8. A hOI\~chold rnedicllle. 25 ceuts pcr Wlltl COnYOI1l Clit fUI' him to uo 80, roolll. B o has ,\Iso recently w et ~ 7Il ill 1tlu ((,.'/8 be ali L ()w tIe pllnple , IOdlcatlve of the bcgln- bottle he was alw!lYs punctual III ntt cn d with a serioll B loss in tbe death of trt 11 8 by any oth er L i n6! AND DEALERS IN ALI. KINOS OF ning of deterioratIOn of thc bloud, • _ • • ing th e servlcos 01 th e Churoh of his wilc. will. by ncglect of' prc,'entlve Heliglou>I Notices. his choico. As a citlzell ho W [\8 ~~~~~~,~~~~~...~!'!'~ P ULl J/{AN P A L AOH CAR, manpB, d velop in to the loathso me -. It II I d I' --- - - -- - - . ~- -RlIn "'lIrong.' '1'11110'" <:h,,"I\':ul cor an d sap health or pl'Obably --The R ev, Father Allgustine l1prlg I, III a . Il ~ OU I11 gS, II POII CCi r l I) 5 IIbl c, ludust.rIOU S, honest and ox· •• ~,, ' botween the prinrip.1 d C8troy lifo. Dr. Bull's blood mix· will oelebratc MllSS hel'o on Sunday, ce ll ent man'-a pructi c,,1 christiau, " 'V E8'1'EIIN '" E4STEI&N '-:1'1'. .. tur:e prevents snch catastrophcs. tho 28th. He hlls gone and lett bchi nd Iln LINOOLN -O~ &ol\er 12, 1877, tbo wlfo W"yngedllo. J~r.. Ii, 187_ 6_,_ __ FOI Through 'l'lel.ol•. Bnggnge OhO( 1, U S -B":ll L b The R c,v. L. F. Van Olenf will exnmplo of' nnu~9 11rniDg rocti tud e lor J ollO Lincoln, of rlqn PLAIN HOMEi/1o"'ALK', J: UBLIO ALBS. I s uave een d I' .I I ' 22£2____ _ , ~I o em'·,,1 III rrn ltlK . ~ I oo p ltl~ Ollr Ace' " • ted nt tl 's office lior tbe tollow e Iveraserm on es pecill y to young whIch many would (10 well to fulI Or, Medloal Common Sen"e, "II1""llon•. etc. apply li t tbo rlckel Oft " / , prJO .. 11 • men on next Sunday cve ullIg at I ~I. II t { \ n ,,9. • li t 11 11 p,ln"ll',,1 1",lnl ' l ng snles • I M' EO ' ow. By E B I'·OOTlt. M D A few cllples of Ih, s
M I t T"1 or e'·Clan ,
M. D,-- I
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II ,
lIh Uh."ID.-
E D!
"'' '1'1 NO \V IS OUR 1'1 !\II E!
Clothes-Wringers = &. c Qm emSri1l
Up_ Town Grocery -I
Baltimore & Ohio
,;;: I
II 110 .\ D.
'1' H
I 0
Im VAlli' lESS, I
JII=*====::::::::==II. =
B k~ .:~~T'1..1. a ttelsWohf t1~~ esota'tet l\ earncstly-invitCd t Ie . . The publiJ, o are -l\t~1~h~eiO~R1~. O~"~e~oQfli~c~Q'' he prcseu SH OO'!' nu quailsunlil N ov. 15th , :~~~~~J.:~~~~~~~~;1., SCROGGY-FOX -On tbo"lOfli it . ;ailll~a~b~le~w;o~rk~fo _ . ~r~8tn~,e~ f th e Ia.... lIDOtl Iy Bfwn c . _ _. _ _ • _ __ Iilid sptlringly th oll. _ by.tno Rov W. B JackRon, Mr . Ira Sorog- .. be i ntli ll~ at 1 0 . I V IS' I the ar.hooJij '- " ~ ,_ . .. ' 1!'1 1iild Miss ~lizll'!e~ Fox, all of Now , ' {;iOIlOKOUH Octcb I' lVeather. Burlington,
NORTH, SOU1'H, EAST & WE:'1' ,~ .
IJnH ~ E Y .
A.s·1 \le u'l 'J'
M 0 (' I.E. (ton'l T
Tu n '" P 11 /\ IU \ , ~IO · S rt SR .I l '1 Wo~ t P II ~ ~
Mn ~ Ler T t!
'l'llK MIMfI tlAZETTE.
Th e Scasid e Ljbrory
fanc y th y WI)llld 1I0t huvl.l j i llg led Dohl/hllc' Eh'lltrlc o"r', III tit CIJIUllm~ v i o ur e n tc r"ris ilw I r 11 aV lIlg lluhu I. pllP~rs 1 hilt th e tillt/iu,.; 01 th ., Q ill" I t I'v IIg 'ne t'vr eurn WILS w u rt h m o r ' th a ll I1 HlIIy this cui brat· oJ A.m p lo r \V LJ II\! i villc, uud vi cl ll ity, 1 lI n llt' lld th e J'arB o~ s l' lv r wOllld Ilovo beell. I' I WntlUg of Il sllliet ifiod lOlly who p lill n o t lIo m l) 01 ollr lle::lt poop e h hlld ,.ivon all he r o rU"llle ll , to til e Sil to Its merits: ., _ .
I ' I•I ~ .. , b• "," "" "O 'N r" I h It w rll' , 1 D1{ WA 1" • ' I NI! ~ .. tlWI(£'I, • , 'I'lio"" h.t '"llrtl II "~I WII HI til r ft' b II I '·'Y"'I. II. I'~ U' .<11) ,, 101 I' III . 1 'l ito 1)1" , I I Rud l'" m uu" u r ur tJII' f~r ti) .I g'v " ('Ii"Io~nSU\IIIIId"'I\lI,rli lg"lI I Ur l l" b' 01 __ OElALB:a , m-111 111 ..1 :211 rQnl< D R. S' WAY N E' S ' I EJ\.~I LY,N ;o. \ol"hy Mr. H Wood ~Oo • ROUGH .I.. DR P£!SE'D II, JOHN a\UF,AX. GE"T, t'1 MI88 ~Iu . Compound 8y"up of Wlld Cherry, 1 . UP ClQ' I - I k, Jllo . n" UlI ..' r Yn,,,,,lIla I"C!P"' IIl,ln" ' 1'1 ,Id up [For the M IIl1nl Guetto Lo rd, tho J1l tliorliRt SllyS h e worn huv e u~ed D o bbuls EI etrlc :) J A N~; f:' Itl~, 0 Bronle , uoul.I, 11 0 ~Oc UII 1118 "rQt ", I"nol ", e, ",~h UII' In'l Urlll "t rI'O John H. Crew, 011 His GOth a pull bliCk , a g ruAt roll 01' hair on S uaf)' ml1d o by I. L , O ragllJ & 0" ... ...... , A \\"O)IA, ' If A I E R Ohio ', R " ti l' ~"" a,I VJIUI"~' 01 " ,e ,,,I ,r )I ~"" "E,lu, tlon III lllrthdl\Y. hO,r h ClId , o u tOI) o f II r Ilcad 11 trl fl" I PIli ade lplll u , fOI 1110 IlI ne, U1I eI . . . . . .~ . . . II 1 fj I:: BI AOK I 'i IlIE Ver'II".I"o' , II'e 11116 of th e \lhlti '~II I1,1 II ... uh '01< In I'lill~" I, b A 'I' DI ¥ t1l' P I\IPEII.lIu",'" 19< dul,,11I1t 111II\p rlrll".,n th o \I odd 11~ ""h. 0 1 0 hut Ulld Ill'h h euled s hol's Illid It all It II! re prcso n ted to b 7 AIlI\. M 1lE-IJK Guu Ell", d ,uhle .u • •Wo -ell"ell I. ~or. , .1 II I,lihllli I, ,. or P"' Lt v,' U~ 01'.0110" I VE n & c NOI~, w hl1t aro \\ 0 to do nLu u t Fo r II I 1III Ig cluth d \\' e lise tl O v th I MP; ARUSI)8 1, )1011'0, by Mo,) c. In Lit. l'I" ""Io"I' It" Ih'IOl[N'lrVo. "itil f", flU I 'Vhon uN!lhllurll, UII ..11110 Inrthd uy, til ot. I lui I r il l9 OLJ) 11 1111,. Itll nl y,,"I - II\1ll1le,1 ~lijU ' II Iltt' Hoe~tI , 1 I.. th oHO tlu ngs ¥ Th o II o m u n's m orn - lor In onr lLIU I Y, 1\,11 e leol 1I y M r'IJI)1,I: I ON S MO ~ by Iho." lI .. tlttlll,,". h" • "ju, eJ lit, III ,ot IIm pl. And !rlc.lfb allOt. aLh. r k,ndly !fre~I, lug dress 1 8 su lIullk u lh c irwu lkll lg rUe( IUllIle lHllt llS II llf t't clulis [u tlelu: \ At arl Ilrtl llOl Ille "ppo ,IUII IL... I.r obl~ ' "mJ( nil 1IIIIl hi ,,11<, It .moulh •• Iii rll g~.,.1 pIIlh of, Al uy • he. r II huohlln tl. ,"ltl tl " ,f. I d t" Ik d 1" IIIU leU ~ II II hed l'ltll It Iv!{ 11 1 1 , 10 II OMAN IN II HI! E W '0'11". 2Uc ' ll " "",. III 11 11 lhdr "tlOU IQ rm., lIS ' It II f I I.!SS, 1\11 u Ir WIL IUK rc s sv " 11 ~I I L I. 0" IIIE I' LO::os t, EI III' , 211,' . ' fur lI oC.,1."" I1): .li< h.,lI IIIOlhotl!tlll tI,.,r ~ Ou r lnrth, l,tv. o",,(rly CU IlI ulld I!0 IIttedy ll illi k u thc lr ·vo ' llI g d lcss w ill I r t h UIl II h II 1Y1Iol h od Wi th or I 12 AMEIII AN"'~ " ,\ rO il I'roll" u. 2111 tIPRl Ot, "t I" Ollurlll.( the re lu,e to Ih' l J.ik mnrllllllo;' ,tt.!"" tl r tl ... k(l", (.If ,mu ¥t 'Gl1? A A D 1?'Mr' ICfi 1.1 PH INll l SS OI' 1' 11 11 1 L W III" ~ 'lit I'U II l'luUl .It " I utlcd "" o'h,'I""IIIo t h.. A" ,I II hell lhuy """1( 1111 titrllllflh IlIltl healtb Ulld t lJ " tso uu h ke th u lit he r,;, t1tl1 t d llllil Y UILP, IIl ld Ilvtl lllg IB lIU Ii 1\ I Ilu II or- n' t te ll wh ethe r th o wo COilSlllY It IS Ill bvr Il ll vlIl g IIlld ~- ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ I ~ n~ \ I' "E ' IH'T , w, k," 011 111' 2"e " Le"s",' 1''' Iu-AIO"" e'l)omlle, III 110. P ate oted J ulylll t87i. Muru I1 n WIII U" 1h tUI " ~IHru U \\ cllllit, u Itl M O I~ A . cl co Eliot. d n"', " I ..tUc II1cd lcll lc u m p unll~r\~lhl' e .. tn ~u JtdlJ'llI tl l ' Thu) lr o th ":4 U", U G ,I illUi d IlOlO\lg IIl ) <: I ~lI n lng IIm ll IJ Il LhlJ tHreet IS th e S.I111 ho l lilt 1 U b F.NI1 1,I :Sfl \I I HE~O III'1I l 'I,'".IIUOII.~r<"il U II lou 160'. "lilt I" ,.11,. 1 _______ _ 1\ n I tu our 11WJ~ u ~lOn III y IUIIlI II W ut I. ' r !lUIIi U III t ho lUur ll l n~ 01' 1\1ltd DItI£ W S Wlm ·1 P OLE AN II riEl II OF I 'I:: III prullotill': , 'JO'S lu ,,, rI 1" '01" Ih,ou/(hoIlL 1tI IUl 's .H.lum l IIlIr IIIt Il lI"b ,,11.11 0 ' d II I W e lI nh eri ltlltl ll frl y o lld "rdo th e onol.,o\, III lule.V,rlll 1111 Lh< IIIIIoI, •• lln,< u. heull" ' "uufld"ol h vi e II t II ' 1/' II t U 1 o" t. r~lhullI'd IItHI, o r luft thl' thrll uo II I' OCUll t 0 It t II l1gSgU P • 17 If I \) nE~ I'.; UII.", M "" e II " III" 1100 "'.,,. • •1I.I.the ,c,OU - '''tu. 01 tI" n Ul I f' "~ (I)" t l, 11 Y " ' '-' ItUlI Wl. r ulC' t ttt.! n et t i n g I UlU f '" \III ILt UII ~ pU8~ lUu cli 10 llg' r 11 le i u l, I' e . ItS I h, KA K Ii~.\ , II! IlA RBA Il 0\ "II I I 0 1 11 h) \ til. v.1 U ' h. hell wll h C'"lI lI\e n,l. IIIU ' ''Ht 11 m N,\r uhyu) II 11\, nIl III rfl"{'lI t c ho \ ~ ;g Iu\\ \1 1II 1't Iw IIblu t il Id cll tl;Y IIl1 yMRB ltlUII AIUI U AIN KS, 10. II Eu~ ..I!, U, IIIILIlII" M II IlIII ") rrom ull )'"" ,I the \l orld ] u t UP' I1 n p l OVlJ Liau preMI nt II lUI, 11 ANIiA IiUlUll~ • --AZlD-\9 Al rRI(IIILE I\: ~I P IAII ON li v III· Vr" .. " II OCTOIIR I\ ,\\'NE ',.,C O\l l!. V !~ l{ IJI UVl!:H.ED A d b UIt tllp h OIH.: \ fru ru th o ItO\Vllr Io v d y 'ongI U~S h v nld Oli llet Ihut hurt. Il• • de III PI)t'NIl ,, ' I L' I' Or WI Ll> l'1I. nll Y AlI flt hl'r d ll) uur ptl thlot IIll\y r\o ve r, o ve l') L JUd y'il llIlfilo boprlll t e d lil lc t ! doHlrllnllllly lrlllll d:l !llld en s • • 211 OLIIO\Jltlilo.; l l \ SHO I' D,uk,,, ,h, tt·OoLOal"" " m dyl. ltvwn lind 11';1 ~I S ICIN L lli /!' JfONUilf ENJ\ nd "u IIl ",Y purl I.IIH1 part f ,1"6'" r ttlrS \)1 "~ll t nnd w o r n Ull III ;; lI ud tU ftl !!l;; tu glVt.: tlll~ 8Ul1P vllO tll nl, 2 1 10 (1 L \'1 .1 Y bl eh II I., Rc",lo "" "tltlcd 1" Uur m"ol elllll.UIII ph) , ,,, lit ' ] ' A l I L i n 1 " "/ I ' b Y t.~ t " e ntll) oft 1111 Illrl h Ilty~ meet.. I ~ . '/la y " • 2 ! ' I AN '\~D \' I ~-"E \\lI kt cColh ll:ol .Uc IUll.l dl\\ho hft\'~ WIIIH.~ "8t d 1111 "ond ~r l ul l LJ.. J ,,l hle r hut "hy t hcse le tlers I",h tl su th nt th e) IlI lly k nu w In 8t h u lV J\ nd urt uur 1I (IIj.{ l lltvrd I!t (I uud gruet " 2J lilt; "Q , lit E, LE \ 0\, I v Iocti lnA pr"p. lie' T h. WILl) CIJ Ert H' atift/flt"'''/.I'''IY (If ENN' ~U L, \\1 t; 11 to, urtiuh Cf4 Hlld rrl (!mll'l be tfl lO, llecau eyv u lU U III th e dul k o f t he gllod t ho bUllt s II I ti. u S Itl I II, .. ' ut d II " , ,!If, ,""II"o' . ,'ll lI u ~ "rld ... dll •• llu ' ulI'rlo8 P Il R ::;0 A I ' li'Y If , l And U.U. 1'\1 L"l utl .. u,lIo11<u Iu tl lo " lllk 0 1 I.' ' l' ! ' ["' I' Z AJ~O. 12 & \' l\cr1uIL!t el0~hlul ' It, h] 211 I w l erOl l lllkllO\\t l h tudJ oc n JlUHhcd c11rt I I I I U(1tJR 1111" eof fl, ull lllil u .~ u L •• , n , 2 ', L"d I Ale", ,,I. ," ,,,, II"W, wl IU. lei rot ,I_ "ul"luorul ""d' lu ulill. <, IN (t y.lll/llI. 1I,(lIIt1jter r ' a71GI fl1d h lOIl I W!t O wu uld h!! vc t!t o ug ht II '/I/n,'sl'llle Sul~ iJ ~lill t, 2' . A '''''r" H ,, 01 ~J ~I ,. , Un I" ,", h"t 110 ~I. II I"' uno cu,e ,,,,,te ,,"hc WVI" (! ' !! ciVil 111'/1" (lJ.' 1'111 1" Otljl taleIl~ td7 w .. 'fJj 2i Vi LorlllllJ\ Ul IU IRh d \1 C lI l l\ t'IIIJr118 Llltlr'IoI~ llIg tl "H,uH'Kllmln)t118\\II!o1 ! 1 I I I t ~ 2"1 A I 1 r I 1 \ \\ III k Ilc /l llul h U" C, l lllhItH.luuLl llhocx P\: 11I1lCHUt !J aUI ( " "Itt-It !I'~"JJIP't:~ 4' .... n~... Fmuk Mnr p llY, th o p Up l1l11r t e rn· A n XCUI slon part y 10ft il lch lll.I£MlSII ES U l'ON r HE F t;MIN1N E 2'1 No,,~.~gl~~'u "10" cl~l .. v I~ H ~'~ , .. I t'.1L . 1011111 1I'"ole. ,," lir !:",nv lI' , hod ' (1(/8 tJ l ":ptWIlI./ fill (I]) ,,;11(/ tlle pcra lleo Icet ultll d uli vercd thrce m Ullu th e ut li ol du} lUI LUIII M\ llI o, CU I.nlenanco, II 01 II C-o lll\lleXIU II 30 n ", Uo.I'I" \0'00 Ilrs Al esllnuel, .1 IUIO IIOlllllod ILA h~.h ~""pl"'lon, III c'"nl" W//(I/II /) /.~fl'llt'IUI!I 1/1118 lIl e 31 Lo'o Mo Lltllo L",e Mil l..~n' II~II"U " 'th Pili. I n c lur . nd oLI"n'lu"I- . 1 ,' '; I J t all ( I Ii ell· IeetU ltlB h 10 lus t \\ (!c k , 0 11 th e Bu b ' l{y A1r iIsl lt e,(; au eI II<IS v lit) ul III lIalll re, SJ) ed tl~ va lllllh whe n n. ~ I I' r H' W ' 1 " 1 " ,bl. ,,"otab l. In .... oIIOIlI . .. Itlclt UIJ1WU j('i tl t .:J. , I 10 l Ull~t It Iltrt*' 0 I II ~ 1"'1 " d' loet 01 te lll 1'Ol ali eu H e 18 SlIlU 10 Ii! par) , (".~. N N 'S S UI. I'Il UIt OAl' I~ u Bed t v H H,,,,dv Alld. I'J "'.mud!.o l., 211c' h" lIIull l1. c" In IJl lte.I, « IIIle .. ,,. Ret,on '< II () 11fl' tt \'Il il vCIY "ood I! IJC llkOl, 1I11l1 , n(, t · 1 1hu \\ clltli e l I ~ d e lt gh tflll Stil l'vloll tcl aioth c lrI PlIlIll le:;, bl utc h ud, 3J II IwplolOIl C 1~' tt'lo,sUl!:" II" 111, 1"ld "'''r. cClt.lll1ttlllll,o neliefILllD curUlgnll _ ., he oh:u!! od 2':. cen ts II gilt. d IIl11 l1y b t Ove8 i lUI e LCUll flU t IUII " ll lle", rO" ll noS arid tllllllrn III 15 Fel" " " I~ the lin IIe.1 I.ell rtl ,I, 20 u 01130" •• 501 .1,. Iltr""t I,r,ao' ."d I lIn~s Dr Be lllg a , !l'H' e l rill oI,udlJrlur, dl8tn wit hstllll d lnlt 0 11 d ti.... If ' II , " •• , , . II OUNI' . ~rlko " ~ .. I d I I h 0 U uo V l VO ID O "' Cll un 86 ruYYOU rKO ~16 I hc \\uoll1gl ) 1 ' Ir,. A I 111111" 1 ;lllu W "Ny' .rt I III " II ,-, u . . ,., fef t(fnt,u un cultnttJlu,uan l } oluu l l l o* IId lU ltiti lUII , II Ioll ge IIllluLe r o f PC'I up lUI tIC '\ \II te r, lin , L ie I'0' )P ' Ul hlL) bl1l1 ls he d hy tillS IIlCOIl1JJll WHrorou m and Lumber·r;lrd, "urner ol , ~7 I he }h.,cn b, \1.. H lin Wo,,,1 IO u I\ llh, rll', LOI dl; o"o. I" plr' I \l II~ 'h. blood, l l" LIf\ r mll's" IL 1",sILl\ ol) UI,re8 all SU IIS \\ e llt Lv helll lulU. 11 WOlll Cl aro IUYll1g 11111 wlllt UIS s li p pl y 0 1 lubl e cl illil y lll ff I\I'Ollt Eluptl ve No rth 11.1<1 WntorStre.· 13 Alltofllnn Wllklo Coli", Uoublc II U !lIc re·1 ,ro,,~ ,It, I"" II lI d k,d ney" tu I.coll h, 'I' I ' .., '" WAY N ESVJI. E OHIO 1'1 h llllt)U, , II, ",r Wnltu,Seolf 211 1\'"011 """013I"g' Ue "ol """" 'IlI'ltatle ' - I OCu DlbKA,ISOb IIH.H KIN f.lIlf by I to be h e ve th o c ity p"pllrS, th e re COI\ 0 n d ille ll ts, Bur 8 Cll t~, bl UI80B HCIL ld d ' 1 1 / Il,. Hplr~' A-hlev, MI' 11 0001 III l.l, '''' '''"''0)11 mO/.(lc I\ as II t a d ry eye III tho audl e llee i UIIU vt b ur IIIl~ctlOlI1! lIf1d 11I.l lI nes v I J A C OB S & H IGHWAY 141 \I hill L" . ur ( 1IIIrl,. R "I 21h HOM E TESTI MON Y. It t h o lo ll :.:hil blen ('h es t he Clllc le a ft e r tllC rCCl till 0 1 Ill S In te lllpe rnto I .1't.:1 F.RSON'S lIIAOAZINE, th c Q ll ecn t he cllt,c lo fire II kCI\ 1~01 1l WOV('U by , 14 ) fl ltlu II I1 U "'0, I< Wllk .. Cull)) •• , IOu /)" gil ,n. Ilear S,r -I 1.. '111 Iv 11o nll d 1''''UU Nt;NTI y Ut;AU riEl!> Til l! h u b lts, 1'1111. d eg rauutl o n I\lId Inhll , 0 1 th e th o La JI 's' U u k.t!. IS u n (l ur It. ::; ul .. 11I1I B.tthd 1111\ u IUllg loCUli I ~'or ,.lu t.< ,.II 1I ,,,,k. , II.,. ""I " , .... lu, lit 11",1 .lIlle rl lll( hll lnulIl" 10 1;1. , OMI'IIiX ION with 0 COlln' nL UII · I tablo tu r Nuv nlbcr fh o l, rll1cI f'" I lli ,"li,r'" 11 tll.: ll t (ll oI ''')! r ll llUlI 1 ull r Cll p l Ihe l ol lh\' III.! I i liIl IO IH' r' ~ ll(LIlIj! t. ha "'" Oil ' I I I l td I t f I I IUUII I 'a lIIell t 0 liB WI bll t l ellow ll cd ,t8 11.o l'l'. l ItlllUI Y ", r • 101 price hJ l,hllltl, l 1111\ 1( 11 d ,lui .. ""I,," i'u w, r vr '0'" 0"'"1'01111,1 ~" O l\'" 0 nny 111 10 tl 0 10' lO Ve D C I , - , I-"," ... " ''I' "r 11,1,1 'It. rfl ,,"tI Sar'''I'''' ,II~ 011,11tor lh ul !JU I pose It St rtl ll ~O tloll t II 1111111 lIlay cou tl u ,t' prll s teel e ll f.( rI\ I' Iflf.(, • 1.1ttl ]{ d I~I ' sk III d l~eu el!, I heu nlllli III .11 1(1 gOllt III Ul t!e lt III t ho I1IIUlIlel uf 1\ 11.1\\ , dill/:< U ooo, I ~ ru rc ly be uul li n i. !:ill, (3Iellu't! l::) ul 11h lll'SOll l) IS III ovel " 21 '1."II'I~5 1' ''I1I' '' "I. ' I. ~ \ 11111111 . I ". ' alll lt "" "lth ~ \10 1,"1 I t lij o l1l l'Io t,tll'l\lIy tile remedy fur PO Bu •• u.7 I"u~ h 1,"""1,, 11,0",,10 An.! blt .. 1 ,.. ~hl 8 , I I US UllclIlUHN S. Instu ntl y r e mOy b II rlllOIll Iu.iI I fIJ I e ll I'S , spUIII I a lHll ' I th o mallIm Vt h cvlllred a t~ I I \lS p~ctIlB dlleuClU ll b, Jl lld tUI 01. J I - "'UII" . vr. ,hrollt III V "owel. \lor. ,. ,,'" I d 1II0lltlis III p I lso n as a ~elllli ty fu r I'll 111011 plate Bll t, 1I~ II c o tcllll " 1'1' B y Ol)en lll'" tlo e I' I us, Illid I'ro "1'1'11110 nend) 1;01lC A11,1 '"' - Lvm" ch _0 tn lr ull 0 ' \l USS wlthullt !JU III , tiO tbe fnshlo us , IILv lll,g " v'gvI VII"S b t I'CClllnU IiS Ivll 0 1 Ill I) IC rlllles ra rl) ~ a)'8 , the st(fJC " til rltclal CIi Oll LIF' OU" WTII Il~A U I " · ) R TI IL 11'llt \on Wink t hu tln \ p hVltlCIUIi Wrt ",n t u I" ofil iu l c if uc li ng a UIO In e ve ry lustuoce , tI tt I ttl " ~ D, " V ,. , " 'Q ~"o. whllt .....10 ror ru , •• e,.rythlnG I As n pIC ' ~ ll tl\e IIl1d l e lll lli ly for linall y re lvrl ll , llntl end by mllklll~ IUflll e rus, III S kOl , eVel ) lut lOn, tillS e xcc llc ll t'lrt lelecolltllu J K ".. p "ellr .. " nd .... Ilnlr .. .,..Il"r. u•• " IlI lh ~h0l'e (,r Dledlcln. .... rOJr. tld G OUl' !llI ci Hut.: MAT I I . 118 effe ct" 1\ p uLllc COli let! ICi Ii 01 It 1\11 bo tore I~I \ 'et rs II' 18 th e b est 01 Its kin nte8 to th e !tclLlth vi th e e otlre lIysI ,UNOUM ""IU UIbITORHU, "I'll dl ncrcll tlllll" IL 1'101 01 1,101ld I Ill· n rc lenlly w oodellll~ li n lIlIti lell(:o th oro ug hl y I II~ rll ll:!Li 1'0) 1 7 g re al IIII PrvVC ru ut~ Will t m us w tlll 0 1 thlLt 01 tho c ut icle. I- It 11 .11 ,0'lOro IIr•• bill, 10 " rlgi ool c lor ,""nrd fu r 11101111,. " ' Iitt u •.cul ,undltlOn, bo m a d A m o n g tl C8e Will be U 2-1 t '''Ickl ll th ... Ito ... cn U~ lII" u,' ~ I:roOl Ih "nd gRVU UI' all hop,. ul • • e, ru , 0 ' crltlg it /8 U IIUI' p"i l'ell IztiJ of all ( I o a I he hilS tu ~I\y, n lld eo nvlll ecd ' SlIleo Its ltItr(Jd uc t lOn to pn l>hc n \)o 3 - It wil l re " or. tlte IIl1t" ".1 " OrO tl OIl8 AI Ihls lime ,uu '~"'lIlIltIe IlU' d 110 0 u. of (ii8ea 8 8 that IJ J e COlli I!/ III,.{aatell th at III te lllpOrtlllCe IS w ro ng 1 Tho 1~()lI thl y Sll p pl e w e llt, COlJtllllllllg 1\ t, ee It hilS Icpuatedl y bocli co m. 4-1 1 wil l romvv, .11 d,tndrlltl "lid , ~c hlngs ,our ~;, rup ,,,,,I J oI l. ~ It,c" 11It1D.dlut.Jly \\'011 del 18 t hat 811e h n m an c an e ve r l' u,1I 8\l1:ed Pn, per P "tte rll fo r 1\ la· nl"I'I ,I,• • by the med ical I, ro l S81(m f>-IL "III milk. h. ,r .oft gI0"v, 8,lllI lo beg.n W .obtho co mfort And oll llv tbe ,10 by ~omUlrl ((lntuot lObth tl' B d I Id I tl t v u uu 111 pre., fl O orlg,"ul ,01", lO.. 101"1;" II lice "I the cUII~h II"'n~ tl,cllc. l an I hcolod ~1'181m If1W/1 118 llCh et() becoUle vo p ul a r lI ud yot 1\ G oug h Y I! o r c II s ( r uss. JUs g l vlng 0 lI ud pre s, and le lV ex tCI 11111 spec III CB 7-11 Will I"U' elll till hair I,um rnll lll ~ "II', n, v 111111:" III . h.. r' " hOI. '" .de "POr ro", SI' H...:N8 BRU I lo:S ~nd CUT8 are Il nd U Murp hy s h vw tlt o d CIJth s tv CI e l j s u bscrlbcr t \\ u1ve su el~, pll t II"ve \v on s nc h " g lei II 0pl n lOlls" S-ll wil l cu,,, Ilil ,II " " . ,,. ul .,,~ , cd lp ell re 01 ut o 11,,1 I"", fI"" IIhlv I.. I""OUO 10. • ·1 t t .] I .1 ,"lv Inhor All, I" rtlY li IIoIIII, ln)/ the Irulh c u red Vlll b u n llllllllg CCl t il liHY t t wlll c h hUIll Ulll ty mlly fu ll , I1 nJ they r llS, x 111 , uUrllIJ.,I·1 IC yeur I ,else Il lll'Jllg a ll c l llt!Be~ It I"uvents ob It 1'<8"" • • 10 .. 10 Lh, IIIXU"""c" ""d ""lor 1 1 I e "'0 t t tte r l or Iho h",r, nu" '" "" IIIH", 1 "" "" Wilier _ of I I" 1110"" "Ilttem."t will ple .. v clIlI all i t? e7fLO~UI1 Dandrllff' and p re· s h o w , too, tlla t It ca n n e by tl) rc I11\ I II 0 110 I.., I I U Y I V II~ dl OCllS' II \\ 011 I" I loed l S Or "dd, cs. me ,.1 Ih e r"c/vrI I , • +' ( ; It ' ,IT l J.I, ' r I IeII" ~ ~ ~ Pr."ulL ulol ,liI 'uh",~ (I - I"'ItOI(UI Iho luml. F'IlIVAR IJ II HA M ON. vents to e tUtU' J,nTl/ It Inri 0", 110e p p I [U8SIOIl Il lid 8nilcrtn g to I'ml 6U)-Cr l ,tI VIJ 1' 1 • Ill VOh o l lglnu llloill 1I11d d l81 111 ectzl cl u tlll llg UlJd loh6 g .. n~I-".;rotted IlIIIILlu.le'e"loJ, F."~I "ee,pr"OtI w. ' ''V ! Potle.y, Orll~1'n~n!lpll1l/lfllll1'e '/ '/'I'a1/ nene W tl ll lllY a c I ILetltlllctl tll, 1 cll pyr'g ltll u\t~ ot B WI e gnon , 1111""' IllI fJrcgtlat e d Wi t h d l eMO ,"""tl " 'Ioc IJ,",ul.'"I I'pr"ol,"uu . h LhatlL J \I I I I IV II Ph i I I D b ,. I d d Itt ' i. w•• • nd rIKht '<I bo I<U , by , er) pr"I'or {Idg" "'10 ,e "w "" U '" t com pl et e y I PINY~ CT" I.UTH· U IU D 1,0 8 IUr c r s OII CS Dlllldrnn IS etltll cl " Clad lCl! ted b) mo." . bu t th ..... .. notlllD~ ","rv 1I1t1",rt"", 0 .. r ~fl JU'" li ll Y' elo","" 1 ",,,I lIr lIa m· llill fl o m th RlUk loom 111 l>or8QD t he po we r u nd pulency 01 1\ d(' \ t1; Cll u Il rl cc will rCln Uln tlt e s nrne J n ,. on 8\111 r UlU l lI!4 K h 'lu t, m tHI W Ltll :i duy, , Hut the Y t \\ 0 8IIU UId tlot II II OW t Ilid la 't , , ' It, lIlIU Its u u IS, UII Ihl1t JlCco llnt to tb •• end tlmu """uUt,,1 hntr Now to ".,,"'mhur III IH76 t ll ll t hus becu me lm pregnat ed wi tlt tJ ve tl t ho Il IltICllylll~ gren t 'r furc(I I IX. 1 \Yo D o llal I! a yen r . po tu~e grcilt ly to be tic Idl! lI.I tod by por pr,'vent tb flllhtlg of th notur .1 Olllrllllo( PrI" .. On" 0:.11 .......0 no"I"... " Doll..... d l8Cas -
l!: ' ,
BIDllI(} i
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Eftectlve External Remecf'T
Ceiling. Board s'
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pl£' pnl d
hy tho )tubJtsbcr To clubs
lUI 1.lct t II1 t , LL to! 1\ , It IS lI ut t 10 I II I ( clov l\. b u t lIIan, we seo drauk N ot ti e pnced ar s t l o~er, p'ostl\~O nlcollol. bu t !Da ll th llt IS Oil truLI It II lso pre pllld), VIZ. two COpi es fo r 360 With 1\ s u perh Mezzo t i nt (24 is au uxpe l'lmen t, ond self gove rn b 20) 'TI A I I y ' tl 'fi Ie d nge 8 0 w on t Is ti ll a o e:c p IIl1l en t,llll'l th IllllC I, es 1 r t u Ie Iun~ t arl c~t ad , a nd Mr. Murp hy is all ar" u I 'I IIID' VD lest .,. n £Ii ed t o th o perso n g e ttm g m on t of the science of tb e s ur 11'111 D\~r 0 er . '" of .th.e ll tt t. I Up the cl ub; o r fou~ CliP! lor 6, On t h e 01ho l' llalld, ~tr()D1! of( pll tag u p re p m d,) alld 611 ex~ru. t\m m eet IU the lIalO Judi"lduol. c \ Pby toFthe tlraOn gettl~g uPllt~e F or el[ample, a certain philanlhro· c ll. ur 9,60 Slit COpies WI e piet who bits speut btt money reely MDt (paRage -pr:e-~'d,) h tor the good of otheJ'8, and haa de· a n ~t" ~py and The A11 g I8 ~ voted )'ear8 to work jl) the mper· Itrlstm!'ll, 88 preml~m8. peel· aoee cause, makes no accollnt 1'1m e us ot til Ma!plZlDe are sent "'ivin" Itis o wn ehl'ld ren a blow 011 , g, rlltls, If written lo r . to th o 0 Wis h· .. '" t I h S be b t tho 11 ad \ It It hia fi s t, kn ocklOg l Jllgltoge lup c lll B IU crl e o t he m p rone (1 \1 th e ir BlrI(,B His i li ot illig e ~ IIntl yo u Illve. Been a "~ 1011 g ts th e bett e!' o f hI S Jndg' ! co p y o r tillS pop nl ll r !\JngazlDo V..., (;1 I J P t Add m n t a t tun et! he the n a c ls hk e a ross Int es • e erson , modllloo, lllld wl ('nks h I 1'011 " u lle 1306 C hestnu t 81 , I'llllnd olphln
II h o e hUlr I thlnlll l1g (JIlt III con seque nce of uryn ess 01 th c sClllp T ho e \\ h u It a ve u cd Ol llrmen t~ I1 nd
11 ,Our drug,:ill L t'H .uo llkecrcr baft uut.
11. or ro- ex(utc tho rllOi.e nf t ho
b Ir to gro wth Rgilin. n uthi ng hn eror h e ll 110' .t, 110 .. ,11 dell .. r hllll .Io.on to li n' .d. Illtrod lloed tAl tho Amorlol1D poopl Lb~t d",•• Oll ",e"l'l ul p'lc~ FI~Ij;h~ ~"id eqll RI. th..' oI '1Il1 T I), I~ 1\ Spedjic In t!Josc 0 NO.1( IO 8 Dl s· I LONDOI' BAIR fJOI.OR RnTOMHn. DR. NWA "Nif &: ,"ON. U8E8, wlllch h u\ h -o n LrOllLed he re . ItqUlds WIth ou t nvu " Iur th o c uro 0 .Dr D"lt.I'Il, "I Phllltdul rltlH "ys of .t 310 1'1_"10 ...,..10 "' . PhU •• toforo wi t h ' Su lplll(r Ot"lllIellJ,' h a v oru ptlOus 01' all o bstlllJLte e b a rtl cter Tho IAndon lhlr Culor R .t rer 18 uoed cr ~OLI' U, ALI P.o ... ~" T \)" oo,.rC ,Iy "mong ' ... """, :==~~~~~~~===== LO" a th e ad van t a ge " of lIe lnlT LII:AN 'V III ti ud , II ti lOY tl \ II, thut 0 1 llllS vory CIl",n"vo 1"'-'."_ ' J rrlond ••• " ,11,,0 II~ mY Hul t th erefvr e I NOFF'II i( IV l\ a ud U NI NJ IU OUS to Ill p hur S oap re UlO I'e 8COI b u tlc .ponk from Il[lOrl "noe Clot ulog. complalUts lrrom e dllLI ,lo 'by J .s of 75 """ts per b"tll , Ii hoW6-" r r $4 6 MC I008 meaoe, a nd \>I'el' li t tho Sent by osprCllK, to ""l' n.ltl ro • 011 rois IV t\ .!-~u 1~,1,~ ,;;:~tIOs:;"t:~:rlll" " L LS rooorre llc e of s ucb d l ol d ors Patent. Weather CO'X~!.'I~ n.,l "T. t~_1\ !luLo.- - .-.o..I-.,..J.h,J.~'l!/I.lf+oi 1:,~i\ml\&l),t'iT a P Sol y drug g ISts Kroc rll bnd North Birth t , Phlllltlolphi., P.L, If ,our I OllgllU .. co~led , I~ko ',rho be nefiol a l res ul ts of SulpbUr' r faDcy 8 deale re. ' Price 26 cts. O. W AYN E' 1'"r alld areaparllla I'ILLI Bath RIC leo well kn o wo LO requlre p e r CII ' e. 1 box (3 cak6tl) 75 eta, Fancy BOLD BY ALL DRUGOI81'8 W Ay~r"stl +~'; ~:dc~~d;s~~~~lI la mL! oomm on t Th c effect.s of OLB.lI'S sent by moil, prepaid. 00 reco ipt 01 and To pro, ell' Rnd cure Ohlli. and Pove r, take SULPHUR SOAP 10 Lbe batb are pri ce. O . N Crltte nton, Pro p' r, 7 at s WA' 1\ B S 1 .lr nud .... parl ll .. "\LUI t rilly oleclllcl.lI , co mpl e tely deodorl•••_ _....,-_ _ _--,6th A " -- nr' N e \v_ ' \I ,our 1I0wv l• • ro ,0. L! . , llIkc zm..-ntl'cll1!1ve I II 1008 aD -A-W-t!1J- - . \V AY :I''' ' TOI. and ar •• pu r,lI" PI• • ' • eo v "ll if: ~ 1lltll's BlLlr alld Wb tsker Dyo, OHIO • l'el'Jlolto oltl fll ll hOlbtl wh()n r06\lbJ.c tthoroll:r l' Y l}'I'r' rytTI!ll~een~~TeK lIllra:~ Bl ac k 01 B ro wn . 5 0e , • 1'01\ to Uo..dlldll 111I1uln ••• , Dr.. " . IIIo<8, OI nd "j llle u()( II n f\c L It 19 tu e m; <If SIII';' I1,\" .11 the 1::.. OIrIOIll!( rrolll tUot gru.t" S oaps fOI Htl tulIIg oud TOil e t purpo00 tI d ••tln ct vllrlClles M,' ntltly ROtiea. 1\0" ~ f 1010 d to Ih~ hCIIII•• ho uld l1e,cr to ges T .IE O lllCli go P ost hilS all e n v l· "" thou Llholll "' lI,n'lI .1"ngerol"sJm ploIDs a ble re putntlVn a s a cl e lln, s tra Ight. 8 JlejCulIl".. " ,II I.e 00 hy Lhei> uo" ... 1 R 1.1 8 IIruaUOIl PIli", Liver Complatut - T ho< drelll ''''''080 Dlrechons.- F o r lJueallt' oj Ihll upon IllS h ttl o et"ld rcn:o Ami yet - - -- . ror wlIld 80und opnv ICl\n n e W8' B Oh ll lll r)""Mh m ll lR~, rro m "llIeh 8u '''" l1y 0 " 011' ."'r,, I" Iro Skill bl\th e fr eely aocl a pply n tblck I hllve hoard hntl plcud e lo'lue utly GOOD US~~ FVIl JJ. DrM E,- 'V o ad pape r, It 18 oon to bo ve ry llI11c h OR, OUT tI ?: nllnl flt m"to to Il8. '111"" ,1 \ tl. ""11"0 "I Headaohe, Pya pep for the drunkard , apparentl y, tho v ' so 1\11 0 01 re nd ul's to f u rwlLld thell' o lllnrged, A s a uewtl)Jape r It Iii II L)uubl Gorlll "'"'", Bla and Indigo.tion '" ""cetlil y r II c vc~ Ifl Lll e r be fo ro retirin g, ullowlng it to mtl1ll o ve r IlI g b t I<' or S tutld8 aM wllll c, lo rgetful that ~omconeon ght l oddrdes8 ond to Cl:!Cllt8 to OroN"ge e xeulle n t ; Its lUarke t uncI te l- is now f7~m, ~ }I:h~~~:~~.?e rt,",u\l"" F~~~~~~I;O ~,~~':'~'~'t~'JtllJ\o~l.~du.".I'o~lt:U::lr. BrOUrilM ~ppl y til e Illt he r (ree ly to the l t o p lead fu r IllS o wu defe llselllss l ,lUd & , 245 ronl way ow egrnpill c r e pOi ts aro Inll oud ncCU in 2 , 6 AblltiloUK l'u ro r) II\K IJlII. the) c.. rry vII, ",ro ugh thu IIlfcct CI\ IHlrt8. nod th o III a nod pain Yo rk , wh o mnke II Bp clal offor to rllt e ,' Its e ditorlllis ore brlc f, cl eE.r And8ai8t:~!n' eud" r 2 DlluIJ lo 00111011118, blood, Ibe III' ~IIIII I', fro II' which Ih.\ " rif e wlll be I em o ved Ilomcdi llt e lv -For' chl'ldre ll , ...-0 ., Ax 1 J or 04..18LI\ UOSd t hclU 18 UOt.tIl Il H 80 clfecll'c S om e tllU O ngo 0 lar c o nt:llIling c nd 10 1 thi s 8um (half pr i ce o n d o n s ubl ects u f publt c llI terE!s t , a nd 144 Lob.:;' O.olUH, ""y"e. I'"r " "d !S>"" l'unnn pl1l8 25 GUilt , Rlt611mut,,"1, Spra m8,· Brm8t1l Il quantity 0 1 lndl'an co m wus fo un d ; p lls tage) the ll1un be r lo r O c tobCl c.u e fllily IVrttte u. It is Oil e jLrncst - AI , 6 Bvu'Nrd... ec nt." I,OJ, 5 "oxe" for 51, 80nt 1" IU ,,,I (/lIIi Ollis ~ pply cloth s we ll satur ~ted 1 yare tw o OJ , .pI ~it8 J BE'S'T' S 100\vII'H , ~ E ut'a to rl\1l11", kS Aotl ,' rC8!§ lotlllc1lorLh ROllSltl ordt1re u S\\- ATN o n a Iurm ncar RIChm o nd Mr, .St ,0 I 'I ":e A Inm'101UL A grw lt It t i T U(I Vuc lIte 0 f Il II gellnllle r ? ~,urms , A n d tit .A '66 , ~lflN b li tto, fiPhll"tI lpbl.K. wltb n s tl o n ~ s olution - For Old SorcN (ifill Utcer8 It IS iovaluableeRBe , Becre tury II th e State Arch tBt, Thl8 pl e ndld 1111mb 1', b os ld es lIud willie s oundly R e publlcall, It Nov.I• •eveT P intea! 4 ~~~,t~~~lule ..., For 8111" 10, nrll~~I' I ' IilOIOglClL1 AS80ClILti Oil Rddres8ed n o ve r 50 en g rnvlD(!;s, co ntalU8 n g ives pructtenl ov .donec of I ~ ad--, 2 PnlnMOtta. Mo"rlci., lIul lo, --:=============~ Utle fl col y 09 tI lotio n - For a preventive III OblltJX'UIH .D,uas6N use c10Ue r 011 th e s ubj ect t~ Prof. Reed, grent amonnt of Ilsel'ul, prllc tl cal, hcswn to tho fa mOllS maxim of ~lIts. SOD'!'HWORTU'S lOOIlJ'LET£ WORKS 4 Pium blll(o strong tl ud s a s a wns h. ex ternally of 01110 lIlid fro lllitilD learnod thllt re itnbl c. sensoDnble, tD valuuble In PreSident Hayes tlllit " H o se rv es Complote tn forty·tw u ..olwn eo, bound 10 8 Feru. rur " lIrd ltlll ca.o., 11 Il~uer jalill , d ' f fo 'l1Ot o n not o nly ~ r th e FlLrm, ' t btl cs I S COlin morOC<looloth, a II g; lt bllok. pnce 4 P"llIIe, 1011011 0", 11\ I'recodod 111 " ,"",. tll ro, like aud by Illj COtlOO it i8 the only reeor cd mstRnco 0 I] G I d' btl tl v H I Id 11 8 por ~, es w \\.I sll r v II ~ 1 ,7G enoh, or ,7'J,50 II lOt, .,..\> (jOt to .. 0 1110-.0., por-p" nl l" " , ,1I .. ru< M"'lI ltch",/o: "8 tbollgh tho filldlllg 01 Indiun curD In Ame· nnC! or Oil, u or IC ou so I , try best. IIcal bolt Tho followh uro their lIam ... /I Mllr lll tu..' pill wnrm; woru CrtI,II11'1l 1ll "lid II bou\ 1110 ri clI, that lil\d beon burie d b y th o Olliidre n lIlc luded !\l ost Will, got - -- - ....hmn el . or. In tb e Dep'. bll1 ng Soll·Mllde ~O nK"'" d Tllhl' n~t~~lIItJ. Bu ll..... rue(u'", ptlrLleulllrly "I "'gIlL "hen IIndr" •• om e yen rs ago Irom ItS hlnts lLod s ug g ttOIl S " urth A re med v fur thc p ositll'c core Holt·, or. From... !?eptL8 00 ""Kvrl...l Cro" ,," III" ,,. III b"~ tl ll vr g c tl lll g Wtlrm 11 RPP"". ' M o ulld B lllld l " . . ' t t t t' t t B,t 0 1· <'wk 07' HI r voull IIead(l OI, tJ is Th. Seurot "'~ ..,atalllBrriago. 2 Ld J ' L I 'n II I" .lIlIlflIer 118 , II II~ won lor, " ftclilimc. 18 OIl EERI'll LLY Io:N [lOItSE \) BY Twa:. HOm O g rnpe8 w e r ' rOlJlld ill 0 Jnr III en o r well Y Imcs I S COB. !!.., , " T he Lo.t DOlre. .. ~ Deler\ed Wito I\8BO' ", "cu bulUl 1 ) U ,g, .10 0 '1'0 "."1 IIrO\llld 1100 prlvtlto p" rl. , o."d " ~a. U/ oJJ.1. F1Ul I!: ltNITY. Missouri th e first uVld nco o t th o te r sull, to s e nd $1.60 alld roee lVo lo ull d In "LAWSO N S C nnArJVli:. A Trtcd for her LIfe L '~LaborWoli ~2St Rhi' I V II II U' OOllfJ lle,1 lu ",,,I. olily but It I. 'lUlle M klIId thnt g rnpo culturo was und e r · th o (lnper, post pBld , h now to t rln\ o f II 8l11gle bot tle Will Sllve Orucl 8. t.ho Gravo Able Lurd !! No~ '1 ~~.u;I::~:l~, ~;"~~, ;:.::~~Io~r R;~O~~~'~~Y a:!~~~g, Beware of Imitations, RtoM by tlo oslI wh o Inhabited N ortlo tho end ot 1,7 - thllt IS 1111 o f ullIch s IIffe rlllg, and the c ost 8hollid i~: N~~~~" ~":',!::w ~b ::"¥at~i~:gow Olt BY E '.PItESB J log III'" thu " ' K' "' pro >lll H dISlro",fII"; . 1. .1 8K ~Ol l n fho Bmle'! Fltte Amedea U 10 11'" t ime be fo re the In V o lumc 37, \\,Ith tho rcst of tl~IS 1I 0t be co unted, when wel g, hed Illd Til, 1Jl81'~Proph, eoy ~,Oofr ",.onYy °o fr tllb'~ :::~~: ': ~~1I~~~:~,~: ~ ~ ' I IIl Ust h. lond Ih" I,owe ... of onduro". ' Oll' 12 1 "0 tl (1 r bal LUCC agaInst da)s a Th Oh d II d The h D. t ,j 8~8 or 10 lll>; RtlLlhllll~, p ro lloun(!l d 1I1c.:ur" hlo , n wo COplC8 lor ... ,u Ie I , 0 allge n till. roo _au 1011 . 7 or nny or tho "lto. u I cu ll " d w II ' fllr I I db I ,IIUI18 IJllilt tlllJll IVlflWllll18 011 th e y ear. , ~ , I) N ' h I' nt ' I t ot pain F ..I[ PI~y Vnlfl;Soorotof Power 9 f f II I I 011 • n. rnr Ii b"v. be. II 1'. 11001'" Itl I UUrl v "I'P y lUg " blinks o f thc s tl'ollm Btlollt bear Bomc cae I 0\\ ere 0 8e can o n e g~ IIlg I H . H H u,. H Th'" S'-'" ny 0 '0" 'ove e eo '" G SWAYNE'S 01 NTftlE.NT. II I bl • nw 0 .. on er. e,,,wo......,n III 01 an) of 'he abo'o I coll.ocllolls ror TAKE NO OTHER. of their remnrknbl e nllmo Itl811d so IIlIlC I rell y va 111\ e, Vll)'lIlg A t h ng Succeu. VICtor'S TrlUmpb TbellUteing llride. 14 of all' or Ih. o.bove I collce" on" for 7 DK 5" .I!.~(,,""~"s~" G''''uliellc":;en _ 'rho wittc d on 1111 hl1nds I hell e vl' that InfllrllllltlOn lor 80 httle money8 onll 1 h A Be..ul.ful Flond. WI Victory. All lJ'i t ' B l P t ..•~ I~ " ... , •' t 8 ts ee k 11 um eo lly It I. tho dlll v of every penon who lUI Tho Speotre Love•• Tbo oU\or-ill·L"w ~n III 0 01n ~ nq I~, .,. \)0. of Olntllloni .ou .enl mu b, mll il clI rnd corn IS tho product of Amenca. liS 110 c e ll a w ,8 .11<0.1 BOSC II K.. rS GI. IlMAN 8\' I\UI' to lot It. Pr.Mo of Darlwollfl, Hom_ad, Or tho whol. colleotinn of 238 Buill. "" m. eUII,ely "I ltl bUll( l'IIe8, whi ch I Bllft~ r. O,~e Bow (3 Ouk u~) GO Oents. wheot 18 Blud to be th e product 01 Buv od or produced oxtrn , willeh tbe wo ndorlul 'IU llh tleti bo kno wn to th. " Th . Ohrl. tm"" GuuatLkd f tbe lalo PI.n t.. kellt bv Ellpru,", on recc lpl of $ I ~, 0, 1 \\Ith rOI R' e yell.... ~ u el o~cd lind fi l\y E g ypt aud the npllie that of Per }lllpe r wtll hI.! s ure t u d o , TillS frI end. ill vurln !! Cvnsumptton, 8O vero F"llon rrldo All" b Abber, to whIch otthcr of our houk:', GA ItI'''N INO c. nla fur Ilnother "0' lor a frlond of m.u" r J I I b etlcal OoUgitK Oroup, A.thmll, Pnoumonm (Uld In 'rile Widow'. SOil n ..tri Mon FOIL PILO"IT, I'ILAC'l IOA I. 1'1 0 111 U I. r Uft~ , AN DllF; W J MEAOH. For Bale Everywhere, by Dru, .. S' urcly It may 8IB, bo oomltteu ourna IS prepllrc( y pm .ul·t brMt IWd luog d ,~oI18ca No Mr· B"de of Llewellyn Cu &, Ollfton or GARDItNINO "on P LleAllJ JII E (vlllu o * 1.· Farn"•• 11 Slnllo n, r oudntl 00, VIl gbtl, Grooerl and PanOJ \lOW withll ut d o uht thnt Indmu mCII ood wo m e n wb ku w whllt 8011 00 11 UlIC .t ".thuut Immediate rollo£,- Tho F ortuqe Beeker. D !til Daughter, /j{) eaoh), will be "J<!\KI Deoor'\lt, vo Out..Ull "AI ... .I< Su ~ -Enclo cd please find Goods Dealera, corn' fi rst saw thc ludlt of the SU]1 th e y talk und write Ilbo ut flom ac· Tltr"" do Q~ "",II relteve un.! 0 "",,, and w~ The Bridal Evo • ll1. Dark Hollow 101£.1. froe one doll r for twu boxe. ur your Olntmen L 10 l.~orth Atnencn', tflllt the Monne:· mal e xperletlco nod lurge obaar· oonolder It tbe duty of a\l Drugat.ta Ii> ..... Ind. K. or, thero"rl of P l;-RI?r & r',r Itol""1l pllol TheBe alO 10' 80me of my • " t d th d d t oommulld It to the poop d,mg oo o . "mp~lvo, - - Abo Booka f b 11 Book fro o",l. "l.u a,u "nhc.ed Wllb rltlS dIUrv•• • oy can Oil 0 grea • at 1.l1li, to ono bottlo, ". 40 000 aown • YO "" 0 0 Y '" f h · 1Ie~" •• MRrk'" 0 . . ."..... . . . lug oOIllI,lnl lll 11,0 bOI 'Ou n nt 10 0 " yoar Sent by Mail, P1'o-p(wl, on BOI Idors cui tl vated It on tliG bill· vt\ lon, un . Iy al'd 0 tl lers to {' bl Ii " selle.... 01' oopi... of aoy e or 1\il 0 t om III.rIoc.. cetpt of prwo anti 5 centB tops nnd \0 th e vall eys thousand pro Ila e P, ann, ng bottlos woro 80 d 1 car• and no nno e&80 WIll be SOlit to !lny ono, aDy plaoe, post- [Gll7J 36 Cortlandt St., N. Y. a go I IIIU gl.u yoo , I nm pro ud 10 "' y It axt? a, f Ol' ea,oh cako. of years b~to ro tbo famino tl1llt and worklng. Many slOgla hlIlt8 wboro It f... led ..,1\8 t'CllCrtod Suoh "bomed- paid. on romittlD!f price the l'ublj, ho1'8, - - - k- mll do n porfec t cur. I IllIok Itll eO, IICY 111 0 .., Ibe GltJUlAN Smul' CAllnot too T n PETERSON & OTa:en.s. Groat cltonoc to 111 8 0 . hould ~"pulol\'ho d thro llghout lho 10lllltl. I S0l18 0 r Jaeo b down to 1111d Boggest 10118 eacII Il b un d an tl y 10widely d rove tie Icn, wn Ask your Druggtijt abo .. t 300 Cb Su Pb 1 d lubl mUIIC) Wo \I ced II "1Il1 hr...ltb .. f Ihe lund You elln pub ... h Egypt for corn. The corn of whieh ropay a year's cost. The fcarless IL Bllmple bellle. to try, 10 cent.a Regn.· eetnut ee I II e p .. pcroon 10 ovorl 'o"n ,hIB 11 IliU ,Iunk I,ro por I writc IS very much shrunken and exposures of qUlIckory and hum· I.r .Iie 7~ COlitH Fur ... 10 b, Drullgult. nOt <lRAI earnetlln theso , til t"ke 8uh. erlpt.oDS nAVlH liROSSNICKLE, Proprietor, .1 , I do ID tboo. largest, I,0 dl o. ItUrg, " I"rIck e 0, Md Withered aDu pretlents 1\1\ apllellr- b I1gs'III every nUITl b er, lire'1011l"limes ' hbat l oall be m..f l . fur ndeh po, t lllu!Le8' lr..r rr, "UfO, 7 Sirot!j A vmme, N llw- York. iel\v~ d I'ts read 01', ~ ~b.tJt>{ 1000\ anypurt oue or tho e i t ...g" .. ' ,ou op· , ance of exceeding great Ilge, Its 110 bl 0, ao d l11ve t> U t1 ~ ther se l 0In any led famll.M publloat.on In the world A~y. 110) .u comIplll illt. "'0 or !uOerln" I rttor~ w,th "ny Ib,. oru!,y, coloI' 18 dull and tnwny und as it lind the cOllntry mtllt o lls of dol " .U IJ. counl,} OJ I. ,,111111. lo ono COli hecome B ouc. o" rul IIgc ut 1 ho ~c Rly ,tch) . kll. d'801\80 gu tn y""r drnlll;lsl I d I I · ' tl ' d' lal'S The dopartrnents fo" Iho wo.kaleftd vatibe clllp!ov mostolegnot "ork. 01 IIrt glveu Ir. e 10 and gl ' .110. or S ..,, ) II;. O\1I11 . Jlllng Olntong am III 10 gr?un III a 'lid \ CI Id ' I mnl1t thRt .. e furnlah , 166por wcek ,n ,'Ilur 18UI,.ctlbors 1'ho l'r1c IS KO low tlt.1 almo", 1Il6lit It ~ III • 'rely <1110 ' ou r,a ount~ a HA III AS Ra,u AS rlill FLAHG OF A. }O JRr not perfoetly sellled, It h"d 108t OUBe 10 um II ren Ilre P CRB NOTICE. ow n low" You flced aWILY tnlm ovurl l",dy .1I 1"C rlbc~ Oll e "goul r0l'urlo Ioox 11 ""08 fo, ,1:J1i 6 ho. c• • 2 5U .en~ VOLCANO or white U8 the dead mon some of Its eatllcr rntlrks bllt there Ing Ilnd IIlSlrnctlVC. E~ ory llllm Alll'o1'8ona mdebted tAl Dr W L H art- bome 0' or night lOU en gh 0 your \I holo I10 I.k Ih6 o v~r $1 "0 III "w""k A h.d) "gpnt 101 10,, 11 to nil, nll llre. o on rt cO'!'t of "rloc .,110 Flor'lda hem lock oan lie cban. "1 b I'tl b t l 11 1 limo totbe work or ollly our 8PIt'O mu- ' .opO,1,; t.. klng u' or IO J oul,,"rl"o •• III ton I' 1.1 b 110 ,;" VM & So,. ~3 · , CI\1l h~ Ill>. (1lIetltlflll as to ItS I( anti 01 0 Ie paper IS CUll Illy J I!'y nrc requested to o. ttlo "Ith WlllIrun L lD ~ntM Wo hav~ agent. ho ore n".klog 1dIlY. All " ho c n~" .. " ntllko lItone' rn8' N:~I~~r~'u~:, ~ . ) Plttl.d'ol;hl.· , , to a glorwu8 hrow,. or IlUtro,"1 ty 'lhe IItr It~elf WitS nceldolltlllly lustrutod. III s hort, tho .Ame7 DlIrl6ook, In Wh080 h~nd8 t!Jo Doator ba. ov"r $:20 per day All who lengBgo at onco lv on eRn dcvole "II )"U I tin.. to 1I,~ bllsIDe.. fJiack by 8 BlDglo appitUl\UOn broken tlt e wurkill oll upo n th e tea n Agl'ic'UUII1'iat 18 .full of good 1'Inoed hi. noeollute for 80ttleJnf)l1t emn mn~ . mOllol fu, Allh o p~.ellllflU. Or ollly your "I' oro tim I YO\ 1I 00d no~ 1'0 tl to e o n BId - -- - - N- O'I'I-C-E.- - - --- money ~1\tIUO ' 0 made 10 _111 and rapidly a ... y rrom h"me ovo. n'l: ,t ou CRn (l ,I farm, but Air O lise IlI\s a portIOn of IIngs\ r, very 1lII111, II mu , I altlll1 0th erbu.luesl , h co.t. nothlnglo , &. "nit "8 0thor- FII!I p.r.,uul"t< Ilfl ce It willie othe r portlUus hlLve been clldd, 11\ City, Village, Ilnd c o nutlY, Thc unders.gnod hl\Jl h.!endul"llppOIll ted tn tbe \rU8IDC8JI rerDUI ud 150ullit (ree IlUus,,"d I,,,m" fr u. li:l cl;lIDLtl nd O'I'CII""O • B~ut to Home o f the lIotable lIIuse Tako onr udvico "nd 80llU $1.60 f'or Admmlstrator of the E. I.t1toof TIMOTHY Addrc. a, at onoe. B B,uUIT" 00, Pon- Oulfit frco If yuu Wlilit prohll.altl. "urk , D WHAR'l'ON. deM••ed, I"te of Wllrren hlld Milne 611 sund u. )our t1ddr".' lit oneo t uOito no IIU1S of tillS coulltry But 80 tilr ns ~;l months, or ot leW:lt .sen d " Ime qOUht), OhIO AIII'ClHOll8 IUdoMed to tho ' thing to try tbe ItU8.1I0' . No ono lIb~ ,oo I I know this is the first time that 101' the hl1lf-v rlce 8~eCIIJ10n now of - E.t.ate are requested to make tmmod.Mo !TOUINO PJLq~.. a .ery distress· /tIIgel f.,ls 10 make g",.tl' tly Addruu I hu 11. e has b eon g lvell tv this re· forre d, Bud sce it lor yourselves. p.ymellt; MIld thnoe having 018.m. iug cOmpl~Ult. Sym'plom8 are a Pe,!£le~ Jour~ PorLh.lld , Maine Ulr l lublJelty j I I f tboeamewl I'r •• ontthoDl. dulyautlICntl· , ' .. W VAN NAMEE Mil. J mal'kuule fact III t ,0 co UlllUS 0 0, to tho under~ed fnr tl.llnwo.noo mOisture, like perspiNtlOn, ltellmg I . O. I'fI!W ' YORK, UU , , n e w s pllper. Bow the nowspLlpel's 1<'01' lalling, I ss, or untimely grey S ROGERS, Aqm'r iutansoly, Vl1rticulo.rly Ilt nillht, af· i Hallooacd Rl4~11 3 III SI...,et, Pllllll dhlp~,a AIitlI\I\~~ IIQ<rre of this city could treat u mlltter 111m UBO " LUlldo n Hair Ool or Re. Waynesville, 0, Oot 4, 1877. ter gettlllg In bl.!d Swaynel8 Oint- I"" , whero he w.1I seo r"" nt! f,om I It rsft t!lIlJll~Q)~II~ II ~. , ~--. -• to tho 20th of enoh 1O""Ih All cltl s8eR 0 " like thIS witt! snch apparent iudif· s tOl e r', exquisite dresslDlX,elean Ilnd ~JIoo"''keepeN' llIent is II. pleusunt and sure cure j ICIII1)ol. Dl eoARouucee8srull v lrOlltod Ml\g· N o .3 ••• EA8T MUN SIBB!!;!, leI once, fills me with wonder If, nicely [:)el'fllmed. Totolly different ~()perato .., ON, Illso Cllrcs T e tter, and all erugtlve , not\e I rOlllm~nt gil 00 " .. \. 0"'8 al Rldl~I~UCU - W -A.YNESVILLE O. t , d 0 I t I10 corn, a lew ~'I >. 7"v c e nts- a b ott. ted'ISIlaS08, '" 1J\' DlPWUl It, I\no hl\\ e ..cni j IC~ BOllt r r..,.()r.ptoon. eOlllpoundod llt, all hour8 by fllBtoo III vcr I'rOlU-a I ot Ilel8, _ t!l0 Id bY tlII Iead109 rug· can I IIIwrite \I flallll'hi t con"""I ..,, Lo~ t"nonlal. dollars hnd been unearthed, do YOIl Try it. Rend the u.dvertisement. _w.dOU.....KeokU~ gists. Read th~ a.dv't. ' ~t uu~u. uflOCI<lJ , SOUl lrell lu II OY ~ddrel8 an cJ;purlDflo od D~uggl.L 571
A GreeDhouse At
Your Door
new B k s $1 we will send tlree by mail:
'P"::' :b,,!o:.o
PRICE, 26 CENTS per Caka
!l t
lSt\Ht6 ""uu.
C 0"
H· ISands & Ja..... ey air
WhISk er:' '
FQIt TilE \O l1 NII tOI K)i
.. I •• papa ..........
Her Own Words.
VECETINE. Safll and Sure.
SI,rlll!; )11,111 1111
Douhl...slrll.e d,l t 1'I"I'll :-.l M
Price $40.
H to It ntl'Od " . o ur n~ A.l1 'N\ "eM II " ouan LtJ' ""0 t d ru eel Lu _ II
S4IIlpie lIaehlnos only
Prepared by HRStevens, BosloD, Mass.
(; U E IV
Th. {'.Ic ur.led MATCfll lU!8
I IKg Plug
Pol' a.1 01 ........ tlat:tMHt
r O llA CCO TIIB P' OI< ItKR I O BA OCO C o !o/rA ~ V
New York 1\ , I ,
7 na.arl.'
•• t •• or the 81 ......
1 ( I' C" I;O
R. Finlay &
Co •
1'1&. ORLr..UIJIL ........
Osgood's Hehotype Engravings.
eAo..... ' ho .... .Priee Oft. Dollar ea.,,, '''mil /rip e.'al. . . .
r ...
R. OSGOOD 261, 262, 263 Broadway. JAl\IESBOSTOlf. JiIAIJI. ---OIl&AJfIZ. . 1810 ____
ASSETS, $4,827,176.52 SURPLUS, $820,000
_$1 ' 00
Onnham .t &0., ManU(Acl \\ " ... raom .. HI BAo. 14'" "" 1
A . . . .OVIID
IF"'tablltb od
liEU \ ot:~
MATOnDl'Q .......... .
• PRJJSmll1ft
Washburn &
~ lob """.r&ct.,...
Eut" thlu,""
PAUIT smtoAR8 mCii&,
:1:- : : _E
.. STEE L Th orn Hedxo. No olhu eo ah.p or put up 10 qulck l,. N....,r rult. I tlJU. deoe.,a. . brinks nor w arp.. Undeo t.ed b, ft~ .. liltS or ft OOd. A oomnletfl b:\rrier to \.be mOlt unnal, s tock TmPfUlfC!l i1 b,,, I\n or lH)ut. TWO r nOU BA ND TON " OLD A ND rUT UP ntmtNQ Tn£; LAs t YE Art For tU\ ., at tI e l MWinC h rdW Ate s tOf U wlU BlrO\.Clbera &ad Btaph.. SelDd 1br ItlUliltated Pll.Dlph
C!'Il,unil".., Ofl 0/ 8o,."" ,1HOd .,Id III aU dMlC1 " . .
A,I;/ O,. C.n:1iI4,. or Hit If(n'' 0 '" 10 .., ,Htlf '& ttl For" n
:rr 'VoOtt8t
A N U N ~ 4L' ....... .II.... . . . .WlUTn ... a& . . . _ AII . . .. . &IITIM::j' ...._
-----VOLUME XVIIL--NUMBER 17. rill I ''lTI . t \
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d ~.J\ r
a li ttle out o[ hl8 Illllld but I UOIl l thl1Jk that--only eccentrtc 118 old baohelors often l\1'e, yot/okno)V t'
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WHOLESALE WEE KLV TIM ES. Notions &FnrIlisblll~ GOOds. Free for One Year. \ JOS. A. UlnGf~L &, CO., '. '" I" I
/ ) "/'1 I II
""1 11 I
VegetlOe II S01d by All Druggi sts
1 .. 11
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01" F.A !IIIi!'il
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261, 262, 263 Broadway. I~ 'O
Osgood's Hellotype Engravings. TAl' c-hn4t\f'.t h n u.,./a " l. f urnaulf',.t.
$1 .00
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/'f ,.,.,f f or t' ftt n l nuu • • U. OS GOOD & CO.
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'I prle!U - J uhn ," B G 1'1'1 ",'11 I'" t ure i n .bore ' Bottlea • • be 01 _ • r-• 0111" ".10,,. A '" , I"fin P. .. . o. h d I' ~ d ' 10 II plUlh IUld l'll thur 0 oy III li N alltlwetl to • I • II ' I.,C . ~ ~ ~::S ' ~;:I~!I~:.:~~\ ' II~i5t'· ~ ~·: ~:: I ; uitl,r 'I!llhes: 1'h' felltllru~ \\Iero ' seh·Il<! · itlth hull Of~rll u.lj:i1~IIII:,ld I Lt\balltJl\}\()brllu.r 15,17. :-FulIkey & Mie'eildiue hav, ' 1'1I~' CINCINNATI DOLLAll WEEKL~ (;OMMl!:ln' IAI~. We"........ a....... swoll.'11 und lllsc,)lur tI, .IUld 11 I'Clp :thol1 tit unly uu laele butweuI\ - Mr. Il. n. ~YCtl !IHtI started th ~s seasou l upened. a ()Io~k.d.epart. . ~ '1/ 11".1 I: ,,,rll • !I 6•• • " t Nit. ~ \yl~ III h' IIiJJ til' UII\I III nl" k, til th III und lib >l·ty 101 II hriek ' 11',111. ! j~ rIllioh bakllry I Sprlgburu. III n~, lIud III'e now Xillbltlllg a. I. ~Iur~,' .igla.,,"!!I'. (<lrI)'I.t b~uu"I",\l1I ....8p.. I"·•. I'~\·t'.I,,·tll\ i\h 11'·...1'· •• " fo., .t!:"."i · 11.lno. ' ,G~ •• • No.6 WillOIlwll IIltll' h d 1\ " Ih'\\,I ' i~h. · l' 'url I' HIIJ hi <:\'Ilfl'dl;!l'lIte~ t 1. 1 MI'. E.(JetH Jarv b~ vf Mt. Iur~o ulld hillldll(11ll Mflrtllltlll t Ot fo tlna,jll,,"nGClIl,'rllllhlU 'lIlC) II ... I"~~)1I1 •.bcl "'! '·'I '''II,n:' Il· r,lrtl~I· ·.·t .• III\"II J1~"J ' 'II Pilletll. .. 1.'1Il r . >t . ,,4 . t I l I . VIt . " • . 1 d K' 1l1.t! and t I I k Je I Ih r w ~kly 1"' 1"'''' for whlc~ '''/'0' IloA 1" '1<-u u l' lit .•1l' ~ ..n. I I.• 'I' . I\,,jllt ttapro 8. 6.11i r. M.. N u' JU 1tI.;\ CIIS . t\\,1'11.1 !,llillll ~ . J 'J: i II t I· ~i \! atil'~1 IIml IIltOUlpl J tv· I·.V; ,IS \:I.t\ItIUg ., II /{e eytl. . I I rua e l\S8e :'~I . ~ . n,lIl . m'Tj'j" I~' ~ O":·'U'T~... r Ih,. CI.'.clooatl 1)al1 y COOlJnere lltl. III\' ,.,.•• 1 ""'I. I"iI· j.oI"·IIMI t" •• ,j,hI Ano cC.. 1.5 1'. 11. :-i v. 14 uhlncy \\'1\ f 111111 111 Ihc I' 1'1(1.'1' III fUl/lke Lh ·11' 1;!:';lt by IUllki n';' a 11111 I -- lito l l'UI\d ulld m'U wurth ::l 1I\ the IIIl08t sty los, whl ~ h tit ). UIO ill ~h o ~li lllll~> ipI'I ""lIey. an' elllploy,.11. l' UlI Lh. Doll.,. W •• k1y c",,,I ,d,, • •I.e . r .. "", .. f t . to'?' "I! .i~ual. lite (\I)"d 1111111 ' Olhill~ bill 1111 .IIJ III the \\':lI \. Tltl' ill'l lllllII ~i t II Ild '<ll, t" lu auy tl'llull\lt\'cr vI' mu si c R>lllng lit Iii I" we l 'lIy prlc(·~ . 0" •• 11 .t"II i· II~~ ' . I . I II I " , , TrIl'"! ')" oot .tIll'. k t I '1 . f I I II r · . JII ~·t ilulwille \I I t I k fUI' ""'Idi" I h· is lloll 0. 1101illr apc •• ,,"I "0' '" '''''''C. ·II ". u' II I' '.' No . I Ell ~ IIq(! :\0. III \V"f~ c~ rry 'DilII. I)I)C ' c '.(11 1 , II pHil' I S !" ctllC . ' I II'U~ ,I 11111 ir.1II h ilI' IIbu ut e i ~h t i ll ' - 'Vtllltcd, POil ·!tLJl vw Hilt! EHl'l y ",g; .; ~I:' I) " 1;1111 C IIU . . ..Iy"olltoCommercial .. tI .., 'O",,,,,,.,i•• 01 41 I v~r-thl\l lin; .. "I A,lluo·j,." " "I.,'. r II" la l' 'lin . 1. 6. 7 And 10 rUIl IIAil )'. All ol hor and tL httlo SUl'llfJ llf 111110\,11\101" (III clt u 1' "I!;, all in·!. wi.le, 1111\1 HU • . P vtu.tues lIf (2uuoll Ui tj' Bu . $U. l.n.. :::;L. : :> Ii>. I-l 1I'1 111\!II IISd!l . ... III' e 1••• lul"Hlucy In "" ~ "lllS 1'.,, "11 pll'l'O~I·~ . lur L\ ,' UI ' LIl,'II I, ,·"I"ro"'. t\" IIy,ua f,\t\ ulI~' Y', which \I'I ~ wrillell ill P IIcil , , '.G . ltuurth vI' Ull illch tlt il· k. It WII kl' l'Y" I)" ullLll tu gL) ILlid ~()c th III. I • ' EIlRGEUitO. ~iYE ~\::'I~::.~. Agen~. M ~ .' 1II I'e.' \\,l"cnohl'L~ frVl1i 'IHler':! i: II bed · - Gu IIl1d ge~ ume or T 'IT .' T i~ l'II I1 WI't,d thllt "'. '. COI'lI~'11 E J RAY ~~. ~-\ ) ~ , ~n.s GOINO, EAST: 1 h Ihl 'IlIII Jll t / l' lI'l / says: '1t 15t 'ad being II IJm·c 1'11 1111111" I'ruIII fru~h UYilt ll r~ ' ~G 35 a nd 10 . • ,} t wi II shvnl), re,ul ou tho l{vgel'll p-." r...",.w ., I.e I .....U....... wUe! 4111:0 IIPI'lIrl'IIL fl'U IIl Ihu fir t I Clll'lur'~ il'"n beJst'I'o, t. ' II " 11 . :1 ellll.l ' cell 1 1I 1i 11 ~" . 10 .1 10 • . II . • nd ~ 10 ,'. ... III.. I II IC mllll u •• n II I~' I'll)! r \\' II S II10 Ilnteu rllllll .lllg I rllm t IIe .. ' J lI·nt it., I I \ \•.•. ' ' '. '1 " I bhl ("1 . I I!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I 0 .. .,... h oub ... rl ..,ln .. , .. II ,,· I'to 1"' MAU.B GlIlN O WEST : righl,me . .\\ cCl ul'll had b ell lIIi l:lS- \ th IJ h.". W il lt li tis UlIl"l!.:1' IIlid It is I': IStllCS sa "'. 71 .~o n .nncl Em· UII ~ llIt."" ' 1\1''''''. \ ; .---Iy COlldlltlElROIAL . , .•• " .Il "" • ,.:,, 1 r 0 :0•• a~ 1~,30 P. >t . And 5 ~(I P . II • f· · I ' I . 1'1 f .n . I1ltl .up lU ll t,ro tlt\ tlllO" In l ll'lIli 'aI'·. uf /In. Dull"r" y,·.r.• e " lIvw ~ ••• h C'"111111 •• Io" uf 1 " I" " ,·,,1 I•. lite I ~ . ' ," • . A. L. FAtl ll. 1' . M. It[11g 1'1111 11 IJlunll.u hdln~ Bllolll61 I U IC: llI tl'lil-l'atud W •• r!, J Illtiuotril,u,l y \ V tlh"... " " GC.' ORGE N W - .ERN - TZ I." I'cp" L,· 1>... ~. 11" ..,.i. ,;ul " 'riplilill ,11:" '" 0" L·l ul. O "",,"I~., . , ell" ";': .. ,•• 1 lu "•• I III'~ ,t ' 1U 1I1i 11 I. n 1\' 0 1\1 • 1l'01lk, 1'1"11111 ullvn lill night, 1"l'IIII1I' ing l'J • ." • . ..... • J Ih • ••IW. (')IIC 0' m" . e IIIIn,·. oI '"'" I.c ~l· IIt .1L u lilll •. II' Ill ".' 1'0' ....11· ••'. "I .• 11 • •. " , ~Frulf'8 OMllbu8· Uae Gr (Jill' Cl lunty, wilh hill witl!. Thcy Ibrick frulll tlte wlIll . IIIiJ Itau I'U 1l.tHI.. S.. . al, n e.~ Iti. I'IIt1dll.lg 'lUI' t 01 III"Y I". ,,,,,.10, "1' of " ,1111.' 0 I.. ,· .I i l~ "'lIt l'o~ L O,II ·· c. O.~I'·. " ""'" ill .011 ~ .• •,.• . .. " .. ... ~ ... 1'une to "ml ft'U1n c..'fwiu f r l i e II alto y t 11 tl l J Ii ... a1 I)nnied b y n rtulliu.ulI ('c til' llw lIut ft1l1Ot1l1 1, I)h ' \ I ,UlIIlI .. ,.lol\ 1.' 111(.: I l ' l ,l ll ji ll ll hl ,./I "or. 8t>OOmmod.tion lra.'n. Orders lofl.' 11\( 'Ullll' J~jeUIlS, ulid Ite hlill IW' m o~ ,.J all bllt Iltu !lutl'r III)"er wlt en II If. : ,. ~\, I . II I I !caull U r:" ' ..-""Ier Tit ••• c .... t of 81lcco,' in prtJ"uri ll~ ollb" "; I,,1 .. , II"" ill I'.·, oil . II I .1 •• ,I .. ...... tho P",\.-Qftloe ... ilI ro ive ,,·fnl a\ tIl u li .. n. reg·du r bUfl IUCSI!. IJ o l\'tlll ~"V l'll t )" Illte II" P lut 1\'lL~ U i6ClII' CI·l'.J Ill' S IIlll" lIull el'll. tPJllWii'Z? ~ ~fI:!lt/ ~'if !kI0 (" tl,,· people. ,,,,d PO _liM _te rM . do put,. 1I0,lou •• ll·"O. _u h .. ,·.:.I.... , ", ..... : ... 1,1 .. 1. ,J." t·,·C,ltlJ (I U't' I'If •11 •·lrUIl. I 'fl . '1 . ·' /1' I . . . . -- All kiudd clll>lhti I'lir .h k ' ' ..... "N~'· .L •• H. Ilcr. will HUll I~ 10 Iltdr pet'II"I"ry . dvuntuJ;'· 10 II 'c. lh. I: ill" ,,",.1, I .. II ... II •.• ~Iy )'uurc! old , but ,"1 uilt! UCI Ie "',:11 a\'U) b l X - , ' 0, . . ,ClUb, 1f M:4uJW,ll"'dKnc .... l1 tookoIGeuttt·~nndf' . \ · •. IJI ~ f'\:i.ul"r'aJin c lJlI)'1wful' c LiI 'l lIIhlk '.\ "' iti81 ' Ur IIl1l 1" hl' IUltl l' I" " •. , I,l t l. \ ,;, t ' U1P rnto ltuLII ~ . . ulllrduy II Ivcek IIm lllt:<I tlio wull s wlt on h· \' i s i l~ il li t 1, ullk oy & ~11'~dtltll l'L' ti Olldlt wHI'I, 11,· will ","lIIlf."tllro ill w .lIi'" " f LlIO O'~I~IEILI ' f,\ L au. of Ibo I.•• L wueklic. ill ibo country f". 1111 11 ,Ill' I " " .,,,~ u ., :, . .. I..... . . D" . agu, he CUIII to Dayton with hi s ful' lloc )!\lrV' I~1) Il l' IOl!k in j.{ pri"uII TI'lIJ c 1'1IIac('. 11"1I',lol),"," :-; ,li"f"Cli,1I1 H'" .. r"nl.i'Ooi. II ~' ill lo,· ."':0" 10 1l"llWU ,u b....ipliu"e fo .. ,h.· (JO."rue o i. d lI ... .. "'.e I.... 11.,. •. lh·· -lltlluIIStnle', ncllI' Main. Ivtn I'<)r"loo nepl I J r I I L . I II d " 'I CI I ' II I C"ltinlf und repaid.1f I"u"pllr ull.endod 10I"I'6r p,leo.1 pallO"'. on Lhofil'llt B..turd"y ~ud B lInd"yof ~n h .· lo~v,vnu UII 1I ":Ica . e.a~ . ers In lie l!C 1l~lr U 1IIIItUIg thelll ., r. IIIl'lli: Ili a, 1I At· I ..;. I IJP"' l:Ipeoiml'IICOflIU80ItI(ree lOBO ), QoJre ••• alld In 11I .1·"tI 'l".•lIliti"' . ",,1' 1"" «"" . aciD''!. Elder L. B~V I', PtUltor. lllg hill l\cl'hew u h.I·lLtochl\' IlI s t,l tlt c hlil l- \\'llI clt III t\I"ICl' U ti llY. 1\\liIg hl ~ purcllte! I Aloo. cuI . to mOHKllro th a l'IlrfeuL Fittiulf '10 p".sons tie Irlog 10 II' lieII 8uh80rll'''0"., Roll AN O"'T~OLIO <?nOIlOll.- The Rev'd mills. M inco thcn he hud nllt bCi!u Th is tilUll .It iii kC'1I ore d i~(),, \ ~'I "d '. I"'hirt. 0.11 ,md ..e" .took. 1).' \4· 1 (IF Agen'" ."d Olub orSOnlt..., ] M. HAL S TEA 0 &, CO., :J'.\h.r PriMt . MaM 011 tho 2d s· fl'lint .0UIl Id. b"I) .I S IIcd tltll Ii'l·.d 'III t IIe I'IVI0,11 Itlt ~ ugh I" IIJ\\'ulla der nlld I . 1)1'0p,1'8 C'"t1IC61I7Iull.. G'u1llJ/la~.'/lI l , 8uud"yAuguu,nu, of eacb moutb. Lay 00.. 10. overy 0 n lin ..... u.o t ~Il J. 11.. .ADAIR M. .D. WAlltod iu. eyery IU~II, ylillg" uud nn~ .~ noon. , !oulld ~Y hIS huru'.. nl8 obJnct tho Il nrroolld l u~ ",u.l~ WU ' vi Ihc II " j"iting ill ~" ~ D":' '. • I ' Cincinna.ti, Ohio. ST. N:.\lW·~ P. :R. OIlOltC'R - Corner ~, 111 com mg':to . CI ,. was fvr the Line wltltcllc s. Cal tur ItIlJ fll\' 0 • : eOfJ~O l:C " l ~~ mCiUaraJ. ~:~o~.:~=~;;;;;;!!!!!!~::;;;;~~;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;~ Tltlrd alld Mlnn1\ l!OOte. Tbo Rev. LoUIO plll' pO~C vI lIll!e tl ng some PCl'1:IUUS t11~r altelll l'lct! tll cOlleculltis IVlI!'\; C T ·1 '1 Oftl1l0 "" (\ r,·.iJOIII IIllJ, . lI.rl ley'_ 01.1 O.bornIl, Reotor. n,""rviooo\..,ry t ..·o t"romlndiana\Joli wll llw~I'l!t.u lla" b" It alilfi lllf his eUllt 0 1 Ih ' ,,·ill .. u,) 01 ,nsgun,: ot .... ,I. W'~N.:8 \· 'I.LK . U UH:J. • ... weeks on Sunday even,nlf. Bundl\y ....... uo l ,~. J J ~ e . I " III tho store ul _ . -_ ... "t 9 L m. every Sunday. sume :::;20u. \Vh o tlo c p(; r~.,'l~ UU\\"·CII:!III J.( , ilO thllt IL wllulJ 1'111' ! JllES W. IUI'~~S, M. D W ..yne " MI\II~Ie 'fown,hil' De t~~ti n.l: WCI'C It c \\"1<1 tu meet. ur wloal till' tinily e"Y'r tl, u hole. Th u Sh~ rt tr ., . ~ . I' UOMOlO.'ATUIC In order to Introduce our 4Oj>IICe Uhatrated CIltalogue (In bock (oor.>~J~ IUld ::'roLooti\'e Coml'"n7 me.t8on the ad ~tur· Illo noy was I, ll'. hi IIWII wil.., did (·.dlou UII Ih u p. i' L1 Ih" I'e! lLi CLI ,I' III ICI.ry. VII1l.r· Illl IR'O, ftlJlJ WatclIeI, 'WIth fulllnCormatloo B ow to Become.!,fentshillDd e Moncy, we will eend, OIl receipt of 0IIc Dollar, bl n:1Uru . thIa uatnated CD.wOj;uc, tod",y 10 """.. month,.t II n'olnok p. m. H). II lJt know. us 1\1· 'lul'O was \'Or<' fc s wlt u wel'e cl'IIl!l.'rue.) ill lite "I . \! , n\ I',cllted la . ~ . vn ordor of ~ho Oomp 1 ny . L . Uur18ook, Pr••· . I I' b ' 1:1' • J , Olliue :! .I,~ .." SQut" ,.f H"rrio' B.nk aetber with tdent. R. P. Gaulltl. retary. n -Ilccll t "JOlll lid Utl lllL'Sd U IIlr$ l 1L1f ·t, uil l Itil wur ' IlIlh tv Jv Su 191 I " • ndlo" lIle. Oat ... OUR ONE DOLLAR COLDEN GAS T. I bL'C lillSU 'al tor I,ad IIIrl'a tell l.'d Iv . . FRnmns' MBmnn (Ortbodox).- V ee\.- t uler. . J 11tI8 boen .. I Dill". ... hour •.".7W.,." 1.2 W U..1.2 " .:It I to 2 1.2 l .. g'ord!vi~ewn ....hlpov,oryFi"l.nnrl 4U: A ~ ItiWVO tlllcd, when htl was tLi kililh o IlItt ll whv I'p.aeh ~d. Fi. til "'.Ith (tl n ,...1 a week or tw , P.:II ., 7 totl 1'.1\1 . • P"hY' 00 K1?ntlU2K '''It ._~t u luck. F I....t·D. \ funud thorn WIlS Uu mnue,)' UII h i~ 1I 111 1y . hvwel'l' r 0 11' IlluckL'\I lI l' bill I~ rcc\l l"crtn(i I ~ ,~ :.; - - , _. 1 at " ooo .\. I>I. f1I ) Church . in p~·.rs"lI, or nllyt Ill~g ' f I 11.18 " 'lfllrll /?C lIn d ~II\,C th e IIl1l11 e vI' t~ '1l .. )~IOrB . IJ FUtIIT o·ou""" BAI"1'IST (FrM!-~' 0 VII I~n. - ~Ir. J ol~.n I . 18 III. Iklng . , l', . ' Wnyno.-RorviIlllR hold Lhe first "nd Ihlfll \\ I~t! ~Uy8 hc cal'l'led a gl'h., Chlllll ; ~(J II Rp~ ratur8 . M.r. [1.11"11111 tllt'n 1"1 '· ~1'l'l1t llit.:rtttll'II!1 l1t1d IIl1l'ruvelllelits <J.tfi ':l' tW'[ R t:/J idl'll. e, Thi "r! St., "f cael, mun h .t \O~ A. )I . Bn d 7 II ad vcr watch, all d a p"ek(Jt uv"k . Itcd Curter. III I II~ ce ll 1I11 J cu m III I II~ 111111' hUlI"e. I ' p. II.Rcv. J. A.8ntt<.n. lotBl"nol",. I"r. TIX ' T, 11·-'1 ' '. WAYNFSVILIE Pilator. All aTe IIOrdially I"vll.ild I.e IItlond. Ie elllll ore I I I) It ~uys : ... 1'1.' 1,~1 IIlll to \1l'lIdlll:C Ihu IllI pl\! - FruliCib MuqJfly is e:';l'cl!ted to ~, .. ' : . ~ •. ' .. ' ~ FIUlt . OS'MR':TINO (ln~.koite).-y .~tiojl' ~l'lIrn tlt llt ~Ir. Ie . IIII'll had I'rUIIJ ' llICllt and ll~o urick~ IlIkt·u f,..1\1I I"ClU I'll ill l.ebiW?'.i fluun. O. lWUElO' F. F UHNAS ' urdIYu1e wo.... t.lp everyF.. "t "nd F.. "rlh I ett I" retum to IllS ucplt ow at Lht' Lit o wull, wltl Cit II"L'ru educcl" 'l! III Kin. ·), bl"ll, ' 11 tl1rt1. ' Day, beginning .t 11 o'clook. Fir.t-n.y lII ill uud j.{o h mo willi him III OIi L' 11 !lluukl·t UlJd l'!' hid 1tL'.). 'I ' l ' D b v , . r . . I ' HtlMm" I'ATIIIO ' I k '1'1 I . d '1 '1'1 " . -II I . . . ~COU\u.I\ 8, 1011llr ) BY.' J. ~.., .1·0 0. BahoolatOl-2 0·lllockA.ltl. ClmlllTJAN CIJOliOll- l:I rvloc on Lord',. \I C I)l! ' . I~ uep lew WUllll. 111111. Icr: I.lru 111110 111'1';"II\·r5 ('011 1111(',1 r this place. iii \U/'~'" II. rCtiitiont uf ~ n day, and Sund.y_hool at haIC'{ldt oillo 4. when MuCI!II:o nut re.turlllllj.{. he III tl,o. Jail, lind ," tly lit r,·c tiU1Il1i F lirt \OY aYllo, n llll:l. I Uiti cb hu"" (rulII ~I'" 'to 1 1 .' ~.\ :It. 2,,,, to HIlI')' Lord'e-cby Dlonaillg. ~tal'l d lt u~JHl Without Inm . SUl'pV:l cell:! tvr tltCIr l.lCCLl IlIIU UIJu li lln. It 'I'. . . ., . I . 5 r)1 X. B. CarolWu.-TboRe,.. L. F.Van Ol,·.f l:tg that he ltuJ, pel'h:lp:!, ~u nll V II i" 1I0CCSSILI"Y l turn Ih,,") illt t he ~, "5~ . IlIH :10 Dille<' 2 d....r. s.. ,, (\, flf Ihrrl. " ,,"k. , P ..tor. Dirinel!emoeon Sunday•• at 10 to Indi anapulis, or hud rolul'lI"d tv hall iu til day time. Tlt o (.1 0 ~ " lI t:l u CU ll cl l~u nJ dU ItCILllltlll \" , .. "''''''NH!t''.L •• H.OU.O. i !o~::ll:~ ~d 61.2 P . II . Bah....\h 13ollbrouk with sO lli e other pel'soll . juil id a disgraco tv 'YurrL!lI CVlIli ' Ilig. ,UtiU tll clll. thm. . loll.'. • ._ . _ ,_~. ,'1' . -):uu to havo 0Ylllcrs L. O. LUKENS, 1. D., I1 F MUIRlI.'0nANOS. N- o. t .J • • • •rono 0 f The JllSt tI(,OIi vI' hilu lLlive wa \y br. tlided LJuiJl 1111 UII:lal'e 1.I"cc l " v b 0011 .IItt rd T . l:{<ndry: Wlm.m Ot.mell. 1I1.'tor. M'~N luttl 1I11 the a fte rnoon uf tho 6tlt in· conli nelll ~ lIt. ur COllllllitis ioners ~It('n y ltu}'lIIg erry .. Ivr 25, PHYSICIAN &. SURGEON, n " Or D .•II·A Dr .. ~· 'H.. r~ l h e ""e"nrl flAt"r,)...' siunt whclI!tu WIlS reco~ized by ollVulJ oi th cr huild a JlIlW J'llil or il, nJ 4U COli te ell!l. I" " . . of eoah month. "t 7 u' look p.m.. "lid "n Iho '. E ' S . .' 'I J . om .... 'n Not,uII"I nunk "",Idlng. I fourthB"t.. rdaYDf ell"hmonth "t~ o·alook. lin ncquUlutll~lce II a.;t Ird t., spend a few df/ llar III mnklng ~h =:r ll • . " uph Itlll ~ lI1nll, ,:,f l irA. Yr'VeSl'llLE. 0 1110. near where hIS body WIlS recovcred. old ono strong ouough tu hvlJ crllll' () 110011o(U. IS here II a \'Iel t tv hili _.._ __'_____ PUPAllS for the Tennesseans. . Thl'r~ are 8uspi cions of murder. inala.-Star. uuclo., H Ull. S. S. laillOtl. S":'l'H W.. URO\VN, - - -.... • Slllee IllS money autI pocket· book -it~lu, chor"" lL guou secllnd A T TO RN EY AT LAW OvutOOATS are now in demand . ,~ re goue W), OIl hi s body IYIIS fUl1nd. Hellgto1l8 Notices. !tand :WJ~lIli. & U m~l i ll '"hi llct ur· A j) ~rU TAR I' PUBLIC' d' . 1ho h~avy tuno \VIIS hungod nbonl AdZ ~ • ... ! • l Ustl'IIO gun . VEnqUire ut tl:llti "fficoS. 00 all husk' ing 18 procee 109 vlg· l ' k b r to t d - 'fil e Rc\,. F lltll ur ~ LBllANON 01110 118 n C y Ul Cailti 0 a ~ II e', r . will cl. lebmlo J\la ' ill tho uthoUc - , e nre 11 11 el' "bli!(.,l ilJlIs . , . I OroU8 y. lind t.he cord ••11'1lS dmwo ti«htly' . . J . vlU OJ . \ . '1 () · I· I· I I ' I· - --M- A - HLON RIDGE , • • • .. c Cltarc h, IIl'xl t:)ulldllY mortling at J .os"II') ~ . I. \ I~, ' I . . IL. ' ,lilt. '-'II THlI: longed for raiu came Thllrs· around tho neok und tlcd 10 a dou· JO u cl'J' k ' ttvrnm, fur ILlto C 1.r.,nll:1 p\l p,· r~. 4'.OSI)lDllnbl" m ...... b.... l~ll~ IThe Washington City Route,t 1 day uight. ble hard knot, sltowin> very cou· l! . . M . I ' .lIi .. Un.. B .. U .. • • cia ively thnt ho did not tio it him· -011 Thu rsdllY evolllng ot next 1'., Man ." 8c! yrll8' IBI £'lUll) _IID~rl'''.~ ~lDlm. 0 FallllR fisb from the lal\es arc soli: Mure than this, thoro was nv week, the UC\"d Louis S. Oahornc e~ t at ~he ~I BIMIrJlrlllJe dlunIIer ~ ~ _~4C 0iI Q)4C~ , h marketed helo. water in bis lungs 01' stomach will hold divintl service in the Epis· ~veD ID uon r. v D . 1llA1" I!I'I'..... - - - - ..... WIII ........... ,11'1& 1\1 .. Ihu.l .tIRO.. . It . 111'1ATrKWPl' It: IAn - \ IlKIU:J) tel P ·"N.- MI"HII,v mllrtl 11'1" "Iwel'"'tilfill ilK!.: IICtl.... "1 't.v·'e t lit I \\ ' k II I J. . I' II r I · " .. '1, III '"I, llf 1& 1'''111 " III' \I, r" ttle 11111' 1111 WI" ,-{ l'ulIwrl'lllll l IIlIlI! WI,t\ ~lI' ll 1Il/ llillg ill 11t~' (·!tunl WIlli, II SlIud.1 .•llt '1'11 ' II~ 'Ia, I 01'\' l'r '.
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Ima.& lESS I . Z r.. Sgn p::' 'are
I sell" for D I·~oe 'Rold from strallgn ation from the eord, p ".h]3-lI - v:ami W.lbRl" . '''TOw Ill.. tal ' and nut fl'Om-d.r-owniug.' . 118LlO AI:K8.-: I een AU tW ~~ TdlC raihmy will ~ o r 'an Fudgo and a ~I r. If ntclt. prllltcd lit tUIS uffico for tu lollow· - Misscs Di Nlltioo is hereby triVOli, th,,' on and nfter "'.... .-mel ., be in rnnning order b_v Jalluary til'" s ,I e . d Mro. Fuuuy Nov Inoor \, 1877. th" Prinoil"'1 OIB.,., of Ri hID hb urg,NOClO ~ lk iusoll IV 1'0 arreslcd Il Fridav on S I . UII \ b e Mi.mi VKII y Ruilwtoy 0". ...ill be in C ondIL 1st. Hoop la. su pi~ion 01 huving b en tbe '~ar' tuck I1l1d .ohlliteis of C. H . Biter· Uuwll ey, Iuwa, W ..yn·""vill e, Warren oou~t,·. Ohio. AIW . By order of t40 BilUrd of b lrOOtohl. TIIE 0 UTII· ELi T, ..> dcrers. Their preliruinary trial WilS wood , I t mtl es Easl. of Fr .c P?rt, frieud in tlLis Now get 1'('ndy for the Paris Ex · v y sterdu • on Tll c ~lIy •. Oclobcr .30. bO~llIll1l1g -Gv the splolldid l'r~·\u~~ae&o. l""l"d.lphia, lIew·York, BOlton, positiou next ycar. Who koows tu takc .place in Dayton . ' J at 10 V cluc k. A. T. SablJl nuc· k ' lind , AU .. LATER. - A speCial tclc"ram to t ' . ' sloc ' ul drOtllli·jz(x!dtl ·at Funk cy &. ",.... . , bnt there may be visitors from ) . e loueer. .,Ultitll . 'Id "Ille s. . beyiJllu .1 allY ' THE E', A t! ' T the C07n1ll 1']'clal Buys : L 18 Iatothelllllrineroothcitoany ' ' '] here? ~ • • Charlos M. Fudgo and Honry Stuck Rn~ c11a~toI8 ?f Sandy t ing thcy evcr atd bll lul'c. -___ COQO' 50 is :.:, '/ " . · WIC\VII1 furnish tuo Dollar Week· }:Iulchiuso u were brought bofore J ones. 1t miles \'~8t ot W~I:rL!CS' - MI'. Otho H.Il"y ClS , of Elizab tho Trtuole, .. dealt'llIg Il " Iy Oommercial to onr readers at the the Ml~YOI' tit is morning \'or prelim . vd e, 011 the F m~lkl.1II WILd, Friday, Wli lind Miss NainCY B llllj't!.s · ........" Pie.......... tJe_C•• ,Qbl" Trip, he publishers' rate8 , when ordered inary eXlllllin atioli. A ' gl'CRt dcal N ov elllbed, l'lIll1.111g nt 10 u'c1ock. Llw;cllceburg, II)c1hinu; . are vi~it. 'BALTi~~ni;:m~r:lr"'o~~~ R.R. through us. • . __ of inter~st has beon excited by the W)D. Hogol'l!, aU~II~e~ in g Mr. n. H. II . .IlS ill this place. BIG beats are well cnollgh, but case, O\\'I~lg to the mytltery thllt su r· . VALLEY RAILWAY OFl!IOK -Tho Toune n9 IIcxt Tucsday 'U' III....... tleIt~..~c~;:.~:.~·.~:, GI'II ... the lOan who brinWi Uti tbo bost roundcd It, and tl~e court·ruom WIlS MOVED TO W AYNKS\·II.I.E.-We are night. AdwiBtlion 6U cente!. No .....8c-=~O::~~:.:::.':.~::..:;:.I1'" b~8hel of bcllflower apples between ~rowded, Illnny ot tho:e prcsent be· glad to tell our readors that tlto cxtr~ charge .for "I'eserv~u scats. . . , ... ~1:::'i.:J.~,':.,:.""" to the di6 trcssed and .uJTcrins subject of . ffi e f tl' I' ' 11 Go and hco.r the chlolrlUlng vocul. JOB SALE BY thiS and November first shall have Ing from Bullbrook, where both the . . . r IIIIIIIl 0 CO liS new Ille WI • ~ ~ II --f I" the Gazette six mouths frne . prlTsohners. IVO. • I soon be located here ovor tlte ist.!. ••. •• !. ~II toill always bo aa L on' euma Ism or eura gla • ----. C oVld ence III the Cl\se thoug I , . ' . . -S ~l ' . \0 ~ ...,-;:a • f t J tI .' 11'ade Pulac 01 Fuuk llY & AllsSll· cats are se: t ng rapIdly ror · · ' . .JIII a8 ~y any otller L"n.' W"cnnot be too grtllefuHorthediscovcry lJJ A word to the wiso. If you POIII tng u~'ar. Ie prisoners, WIIS dille, tho Teunesscans lIud tho hall will 'f'r'I? A l ~ ,-;:' __"_ . orony rentedy which will nile viA Ie ' he suf, are troubled with II cOllgh or culd, Ilot ~ontcltUII~ e ubr. Bt r~lIgdtlnollgd~h to Th e rooms ure now fitting up be II jllm. Du uot wait to buy ~D.~OJrt~~aftQ) PO:~LNAN H~Lt01!.' OAR, fCriDporhum'tnit~,nolonlyinth" p"nll'of procurealJottleofDr.Bull'sCough warlan 10lr OIngucl. nn 0 11 ~ I d I . t' k t.! tth d B ~~r~ .. ~ painw"Ichth" p"lIenlnlonesufl"e..., but In Syrup at ouco. Its u e lOay sIlve motion of Prosecuting. Attorney ur t lilt purpose, un t Ie ~8SI:;t. lInr IC e ~ 0 oor. . l1y oar· '. K ... .Tbro~ .. " 'YU:'l\ ' . ' «'bu ...e tbe diilress which it cnlniis upon...otlwl. V OU from sevore sickne86. YOUI' )rigg l they wero discharged. ~Ilt Secretury, J\J r. Rowan .EI'ans, at th~ StOlIl8. ; belwc~n ~bo PI'u!1'ipal )IOIt every sufferer-from hi, own personal druggist keelJs it. Price 25 eeJ)t~. .. IS here, and 800n the bolonglllg of Willio cld"st soo of Mr. and ' AND DKALEBB IN ALL KINOS or WE8'l!ER~ tit E'-8T£B~ .~ ..... n:8 aper!.lIce.lsoWllrethattheordinnrymethods __. _ _ _ TOR Lel·anoll branch 01' the Way· the. office will full ow. PresiJent • Jonlltt'1Il11 Bnrlictt. di tJd yos. o(~ng Rheumalism. Neurnlgil1, SC!ll~ TilE flU'mers about Lebllllon nre I esvi llo bank is to bo discontinued Hames IlS8UreSllS that now wc shall terday of diphtb l1ril l ~god ahout Fur Through Tlckel ~. Bngg ge Ohech . ~fklnclrcd .dJsenses by Inte~ m~~~ . . .1' b .k . d SOOIl hllvo a I' '1 ' L til' ,. .. t' MoY"oment oiTr"ln~, te~ plng Oar AcoDm III 0 no aVIlII, and so fut b thIS Impn:oooOR / adverti~iug tuat ~hey w.ilI permit uUu ~ pn vllte , all Qrguntze .to . ~I \\lLy. e us a 4 yCLl~. He ~ ~ t>.right child, m'l'rr~'1II'r'Ii'ml'f'r1?D D modallon~ •• tc., apl'lpt tho 'qcket omo,.. pining hold upon inlellll:ent p"'ien~ thAt no hunting OIl their promises. Tho take It placo. lhc company Will prepare to JubIlate. nnd IllS dellth 18 terrIble blow to ~ . ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ .r,,11 prjbctp,,1 poil,l o they demand 1 more poleMt remedy. The farmers iu our Ileighborhood shonld be compose.1 of gentlemen frum _. . _.- - hie fond parente. \\'aYllcadlle, Jar.. 5. HIT6. ,lIORTH, ~OlJ"'H, BA8T ~ WB8T. dbcon'1 of LAWSON'S CUJlATIVB wns a join together and do Iikcwise. Ridgevill;, Masoll, Lebanon Rn.d . CAU?RT IN TilE A <:~:-For some -Ticket.! for Ithe Tenn cHlleilnB - - r~' AI!~"OS~.~I'~·A ',. L. ~;1Dlf~.EA ' I priccl_ booll to thOQlUldI who have been There is too much valunble prop· Waynesvl1l6. Ben. A. Btokes IS tmlO several ut uur cl.lze~s un Wa· for sale at the Na~il)llal13l1n k Oris. THE BE S T 0 F FER! I TH()'~ 'l': 1};\R.i(~, TB O'S R. SUA 'GP. :ue~::e~~o~ wh~ IU"~:= erty destroyed by hUllters whv Itu ve mcnti oucd for President uf th e lerstrcct have becn con vIDced that pin Brothers' and at C . ad wUllader We will "" \I ".. rh,t; 110."0 h.rd IIrn 08 trWelt Patl!! . A!l:Cllt l\lnltl4r 1'r'". testl~oo; to;;' .:n~ellg'ODles no care for the fUTI.llS upo~ whic.h Cp~mpally.-8tar. tll~YI bl'ure ~Upp!pillg one 01 their J&lIney & ' At Ihn latte; $SOOPianos for $2&0 ,-, -~ .•L • . - _. Here",e ~a"uPJlt.o\'tIW "'Flt ,,!hich. they trespll!lB; wUllo the tnrlU er '8 l!ellP ors With firewuod , borr?weQ place only call sca ts hu>ub. ~oughapplled.9I'tiinIap)l-eUr!* .~~ 1V robbed . of the gamc which is his ATS.-Two rat·clubs met at the Irom thotlln.nder cover 01 the IlIght. b'n d N h f And all olher .. tyl.~ III ~hc slmc propo,-&\on,.,..W;i:r: .. ." fl ., and 1Je.nelicent W1I1C11De GIl ~~01e!JlUYe • I ' I t If I t farm of Mr. W nslcy BordellUrcstcl" O.ue morlllilg. this week belore II ~..t' 0 C arge ur reo I,Deludlng Orund . "I"nr. '''11\ U~.lgl\t:..;;a:ll ~Ia" I)'*ID-<l ffiIIed)' oHDdis1ll1llibiedliciacyrIg Ihn proper y. peop e WIlIl d d k'l) d 250 13 d b k M EI' M K . 'h BerVI.'u seate. ., a ST· LA8A-oIIl\!I .un.c\ to l/tO " KO'·L· ~ ... Id ,. ... _. t at. ...ct..:.;..... eliet 'l n to hUllt tet them ask pcrmi8siou of ay, au I e rU~8. r. or· ny. re.a ., r. I c mg t .s aw l' . ,...{~ ... ' No. "HeDls : 'Ito ....vt I ~ •• ~ . Ie om _ . 0 <O• .....,.."......, .J t.he ow'lIer of the land 00 which den saya tl,elje vormlll have de · an Indlvluuul whom be recugnlzed .. ;- iJ~~ ; no dllCOun'll. 'T'hell8 pi, III "f '''. .. l< ~ q,~pUDa~ta _ _ . - - they desire to seeK " ~y_'1I"n;oJ un d er· Owf!.tII, u w Biblllll'on, "'114 'were ~ • . for gllme. . ··t -I ~ 0f ~ on ~ 'pIaee-, Ia borID . g to ward II b'18 b vme ':" the ~e of tile fin", dlap\"" unanfmou . &l ~ . y rtOOaI. ' n~ ·.;:u.....L w.1l111t!1·'! 'L' h~ ~-. ,_". ' « 1;~~!~ii~l?r . This is the least they ~II do, and tbls ee~on. The~. climb the stalks. ~:e~~el~~~~ ~r~ 1f~.~i~~~~~~sw~e.~ w~\O waC:: M:~~~c~~~'~~~o ~;ulb:ia,H':O~a ~~::. ~~~p~r:t11~~~ I) a . ao~okage; . =t!£~-:. 'Iilll .. inf mb~stk~nsdtcln~losI a Pbolldte ~cquest A delicate complexiou is best oo.slJol). TlIosd ny uiD'ltt Mr WIII1~' to liellr ; and those ~ !hhe whokr!tI. The Square 'Srnndl.COIIIa:III.' Baker's O""o"a "00 pQa·p"A'~a-ge . ' .........._ ... ~......" . . , otiS 10 WI not e enlou ex· d bl ' . b t e" h Iw ......a u • ncw pntenl Duplex OVC . . trun, j). "" ," ....... . • , "" I"~ .eo t t1 r ood reason cOlu'pIU'e to a oomln~ r~se. U ton 10aJ cd lip his shOt·gUll lind lay \V 0 ne.ver .vo a laro Beale, Ih. greot.esLimpruvom '01 1" 'hll)lIa., .Qewegp. Ooro Starch 13c a llack• . D.... i,.~ ~ ·n ....t, \: p 0 g _ _ . _. _ : when the countenallce .'s dlsfigu~cd in wnit fol' the ,gentlcml,n; Ilbol1t ontel'tnlDIDeut sture tor them· lOry or pi"141> milk lag. The . Ilrlght8 ,a.!8 j .()ow;e OY8t.e"'i fre.h Lo.!..ter, Salmon ' "n'd .......1II!r1;ialitl ......... .,..., TBB host of friends of Mr A L with blotches Bud plmplns, hke 4 Ihis morning he was rewarded so yes. ~he I.'t'''8T .llldA''"daolcA. I Don 'Of.11I to \~.,?~~Fruit In CO!! • "t low price. 'hl' b-, German, . ....". . . . . . ~I~~~ . . "eeda . a rose bed the 8ufl'eror . I' I . ! . M W or Olin". an caer plh'c ..... logtJ .'1'"':!.~9"ld. An..., . Whito. Buffalo\e Can . . ..... fir Pal~ _' . __ n.oe. jr. will congratulate. him \\ lU ., , 101' lIS ong Vigil by 800lllg the cui· r.. mailed freb. '. ..,. .~\ fin • and·Pill8 Tor 80apto 1\ ~penl'\lty: .lW_"Dd:~"JuiOWiI whIcIa ,.. II; upon'the'happy eveut whicb occur· should ~rolllptly .use . ~r: . 13ull S prit cUllle lIud !oad hilJl~ult' up UUU . !I?kliu Cit Kendolliohn Piano Co., .{':' o oontln~e8 to muo tho \!:onulne Rip- ~the ~~.~ .~ red yeeterqa.y murning lit Lebanon, Blood Mixture. whlob q lIlOkly. and lIIove awny . Thon Mr. WhurtulI l!tshlllg a \138.) No. 56 BJlo.'owAY, N. Y. rome L!lItv:\llltllnd Borion'A O?nsb Syr. '1uAliliel, "'~~ !-~~.lAD-.-ncand in ~hioh he took a promiuollt efteo~ly eradl~tes such lIUSlgUt. commllndcd him to hult, ur recoi ve county. . . ~f'F!~i~S~:o~fe:t rb.~,:!~o':~:t':::~! ter ~ ~Dr ~IO ~ ~. pdl\ .lia:part. We · refer to hi8 marriage ly eVldeuces of ~~p~re_~lood. the! of his .guu . .The .lIllln ticd with the In W"ynu•• Ule : ' . ~ ~J~~'Wa~"ra~~~i ' with Misa Emma McOreal'y, a Now let the rovinoial )Il el'8 hulted, laid down hiS pl'cclOns load, and glory • - -- family. It wlll th~~llI >lit . .... .. handsome aud ehanni~g yoong la. permit us to I'9It from r\!Udill~ Kilt l a.u~,:nas recognized beyuud the pos· uwent.! of . .-.:..... D_"'ble_Io~~ ') dy 01' ~hll.t pla.ce and .)08~ as good. stereotyped quotation, "The melllll- sl.billty of Il duubt. Wc won't toll t'11!0' . ~. . aDdlllolaldbo~a 'UIiil~.: . ' , lUi she 18 pretty. Abner I~ .ono .ot chol dava hav8 come." It has be. lllS uame. ot gr~ce, ·NERR BROWN" 11M. • tei• .~ our bost and tn08teuterprlBllIg Cit· com; m!notouoOB and we wager . -.- - • - •• - - - We Succ6880r to B"own ~ Ohandler es~ pal II 0 ' Dol.-; ....r ~ ." izens..and is iu every way worthy even Br ant him~lf has re nted Fum NEAR BAaVEYS~URG . -Last dentb of M R8spootfnll,allnOnn08lth" i~ : Dln 'D It.. 1?DDB'f)f) ~. ~~.fOrc•••C;o. \ •..., or the beautiful prize he hasdrll.wu in eaek~otb and ashes that h~ ev . ~dnesd;\y. tho burn ot Air. Zoph' ILincoln fll118wlnll a~ ~he old alAnd, with a ooll8tan' ! ~~&"' _~aM4!!!I ' ~ ~ ...... bF ' in life's luttery. Tile happy couple t't or 11I1lIah Underwood was destroyed by ! Mra. A ' supply Df the boU ~ ~", Ift.~..!. ft.. !'1_,".~ 0'''' .1 WI'() 0 I • fi 'tl' 1 F!,OU7' ,. " • ..WIOJ1 W~ w>, U""!"""IIf Il10. passed through t110 city yestoJ'uay 11'0, W! I liS CUll tents, 000 bushels favor, aud ' .' L··~U~ tt ·.A ti\ m ' . on route to. the We~t lIud. SUllt.h· TUI!i.Count,·y Gmtle"l;an, ~\'hose . 0 1 grlllll, two h~rscs. u. quantity of !She WU8 E'UCk'W~ (Jat, .., .. Q ~- vQ GMaft PLAI~ HOlYIE-TAt:K' west, but WIll return I~l lL lew days adve~tls~Ulent appe!u'~ II! t.hls ,Pa= Itay, 1I11clil I~t 01 l~ucIIlU l\I'Y. LOdS llllllll, and Ooy: ¥e~~! ..< 1I ;'1 w~I"NO":rr;c~~a:~rk~'l':.oDf~~~~;:!~ Or, Medioal Common 880:0 1 and 8ett'~ down at theIr now homc, per, ~s WIthout II. 8Upel'.!or ~n Its lill(', 0, partially IUsuJ'cd . friendi hel'e '/Ipboltea Flam, ". OllllC~ ROLLS. l'o·.~t old 'onol!, nnd make 8~ E . 8. Foo"" M. n . . A I'ow· c(ipiog of"lbiy . . "Lake View," recently pllrchased I1nd IS a standllrd publtcatiOn. W C ' - -- - -.- . -.- Iwho will otatoe8, . . thum on uvery ro. pcut gO'I'III~ new. "uluablc wo rk{fil r Hille .t th n Gn7.olio omoc. by him on the Spriugfield ike, uuhesitatillgly rccoqlmcI!d i~ to OUI' INDIAN .snlDlUor is now queen death of an . An'" Feed oj all hn.d8 AUlf"~l l . . ' Book·k. .p.....-;-KePoit'ii8;'U8t east of--the oity limits.ay· readers, aud will turnish it and tho of tUQ weatuor. Loo.> rnav . she ~ntrnm has "~~~I 1I8I. lft ha"t thodlollwoat CJ.nota'lo~ft. (IIiMlil!ijUq;lli1i'l)iIflIJ;{lliilljlN ~open.~ ..., Teach_,. . . I'! tt 1 !iiLl i) .. -; " ... r I , U-J ~uro *I" 0 vered l~II\~d.lI4tely, . . II. O6mocwae. '" u;;o e Ot ~I'''' M lea~: l',}lgn. . ~JJ bis lll'eQt 1I'i~9qt ext~ cbargll: . . . BeDI It! mail (or I () nto. .E. U. Fr.lon. ~I . O. " • ~ ~. . .l4.~~."'''' Ne ... J{erkt;II, Qr,a'___UleOou...~ . ' .
••• Miami Valley
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Go ..ond f:'oj o1 the musie. .of those ' ,'
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W· fInger.
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THE MliUli HAZ~;T'rE.
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IIu\ Illg ulJtnll1cd tht! agoncy tur t1dll celllJlutc r\ HVIIJI fur WIlYIll'd-
'Times for Holding COURTS,
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P IO.8 of t ho oovo,,,1 41""'111'" '" Ih o !:i. 0ond J u,lIoIlIl DI. lrlQtol Ohio
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I- h ".11 r C:i lol r c ",r\\ h llr tIP 'rl,l.;llJ d c llor ~I Lilli kl II ... Llilu tU\lr • 1t 1l !41J1 .... n v. J,!1'Owth J - IL "III r e .. l on 'h 11 lLu " 1 ISI Cl lO t 0 11 1 -4-1f "ill rcllI O\ n il d n mlrnft Ind Il,c hlllg e !>- IL ,.. II m Ike h. " .. ,n gI08>' Ii I II Ie h-- II \\ III 1" eill n I Hrtl; lOu.l cul o r LV o ld Ape 7- 11 ".11 prn enl t il- I,alr fro m 1I111111 .. ult ~ fl .,11 1 C Ire " II flirica",,'4 o r I n lj !oo"CI\\1 t l L 1'\'8 l He h tlll ttl IU IU n l llt (! Il lI ll l oln r
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\\ h I t I t rul, '" I\ ut l II I WI ri d we I, f' 111' rl u hf' r ... h) o~ rt if) t it I t thl r )rt'-!lI l11.,. I K ti D ) ~ THE F.)t:IN1N .... N l r 1; 1\ \: 0( IS n Iml II f o f m ou lI ~ 1118 tru l t Ol" uf t hft fl r lllili a l or dlJ r lH H.d e Ly ~. ~ ~ ~M~e~ Do "I 118 lUI I{"Cttll8 il uf (10 ,,,,,,,dfS 111\ nil .. "' I Jml Ufl;I port.tunl ll~ t " Nud OJ \tw r A l' Oollllll:l llanCC, It 01 u c Olul'leXI OI) Ivr "II I" " li e <nil 1.'lto no hl lllr Wllll eo. my hon d " lid lb . 0",,1 or aRid u l IIl1luro, tlpe cd Il y Hln ll! h \\ li e ll • h. , IU l", rl tCI h•• It II hu t llow OftOIl II" Ihe ~ . AI ) 0 \U rt " t I .... non Ih l. 19tb daI: uf _
Patent and Co
GI CIIII'S Sulphur S Oll\> 18 III I:!I ClY I t! p llCt US u lhcuC IfJ U8, u n d lar chclI.p- ~' " ur By opc oillg the POl l'S , and pl V I1l UtlUg a vlgoru u 8~ ulJe rholul ollen - - - -
14 15
S cno u ,( I IIISt r "lU n
C" .... C1 ~ PI RM ' <l UII1'II DUll r J .. nullry 7 Mil , I I Ootobe r I~ MII Y 1'1 Oct~ 14 Dork u Jmukry - Mlly llli I) w her 14 CllIIl<lII, J"'I"~ry 7 M" l ),7 0 ,,,her 14 WllrrclI J.lll1lty 7 M.) 27 Uct,bnr 14 C1"r.. " " IIIt) 14 M.y 2i 0 01 ' 11"lr H G r. ell! I U IHUlf\ 7 Ma) .! O<'l oL. r 14 CIlun p" ' " " '"" "ory 14 M ') til 0, 1 r 14 l\I""1I1 }l'd m lU n I Jun ll 17 NOI omb"r I l'ruul. Mll ruh 4 JUliO '0 Nuvcmhcr Ui It ,. fur ther " rdured tb . t the .... lnA If 'UL1 (1 e mIt Ilf 0 l i narn un 1'JlflIU't of B u t le r em",l) nll d th e M I f II r. rTll therou r 111 P"b l, uu ntl ohall he h. I,1 by AI, u nrlor )0 11 11 1110 th at tho "'rm ... 1 KIlld Court In 1I[" "'"I IIO or Y Il< IU"ty .. "d til e Jun o tenn th ere f HI P ,."I I, ""unt) , . " ..11 be huld bv J[ r nrlor. 1Il f 111. 11 , thRt tho torln' of .ald ()( urt. \ It D.1""' ~ OII'1UUt.y. and lbo Nu.ona.tJlft .. term lhu,,--o f ill 1' n:Llu C!>U II ty /1 . 11 bo held F <lII IJ!/ oS, 1 0 (1 "(M b) D. vld L \I oe l" r, th.t the lerlno 01 "li d a I/ LUI'1I • "klJ (1OlIrl .D W'I'!'eo "'"lIlly .1,,\\1 br hold a t R ~(/I1'l/Iltu l by J . I I I . M ::Ilnith Ulat til " \.I'lin. of KO ld ", ... rl", Grtlon. '''lIn ty .llItil Lc bold by Mvoo. n.. r/ IW thllt Ih , IA rrn . of MU ld o IUrt In GI lt. , ,0llnl y _h,, 11 bl) hi li, I "nil' H WA)' NESV ILLE,
!"ilck H e clnolu
M,,"t l'o lll ory , J ,,,,,,l\ry 7
oO licurrlllg that a 80Ct iOil b e nducd I "f (I " ] t u t I II 0 1,CUIIOU 21 , to b 0 IIUIlI b CI ' IIA r lIti (JI " I NK,' II .V \ U cllllili o lluws " 11 MIIII " tcrs ~ 1 1Il1 1 ~ t 'r), by II N utc ll Auth u r , I ~ III ultlu hI:! COil till Ullll Y d Ii Igcn t III th o prl!II~, UIIU \\ ill bo IJuI IS llL!J III II loy r B I'd u r .., .. .I.: UI. ,lIl tllCUl cut1ol1 o j ('llIltlllIlll h VltllC88 IJ( lew v J J hfo, I U tl u ch Ill lloWlllJ th o cXlIlIll'l u Cl l! l'htiad e lpillu 1L wdl hu IUlllld vf o llr Suv lUur J eSU1! <J IJ rt s t a 88 111\11 to h o "11 0 v I th e 1ll18 tlord ll llllt Su , I e xillult to th c wurlu 111 tho lU e lll cle ty lIuvd ~ Ihs u ud I"r YOll 18 bClfIg bcrtlllllJ ul the churc h 'a p e cu ll ur u tlllll s lUry uj Mub I'~ fllltlltlU1I 8 pIlIJplu,' olll l;uJ v u l t v UC tle\lll rutu l uurltt g n Wlii tC I pll>ll!eu by h e r Ifl II l1 l1l all \Uln p Ollllls and "lJrll " , I Lh" bC8t allu IIl vo t la, ltlDllal,lc 1:\\1 e a n Itjdu th It l hn tc flJl Jt r " d rl Cn ll r t III Cu vc toUt! dedlrOB, Irllll dll d ell l CI t y III WIISltl ll ),(t Ol " It \\1 11 be e ll ll'ou " " uI\ 01,, 11 II 1,1 I" \ W J) lUI lIIg, l\IId ull thlllg!! wili c h lIu\,unl j l"lI u I: d 10 IIl1tllllll s t)l {! IIlth M r~ II II rl l" I r m. f ..... d .. II rl In Ol" .. n Ilplrltnuht, 0 1 1110, IIlld IUllre " I)C UIII II~ tl'S Ilu l llll a r II VVC l ll l • r l' l!,' P" llli 111 1 Mlll lIlI '''li lille' "h,,1\ be holel I y J Of'o.fJlt..: I) BlIrJ.!ult-4 cllicnlly, 118 OCCIlt! lUli tUlly reqll lr <: , 1" 1 ci ll th 1IliU \,U 1'(: I Cu I e r , a lld u t tli e I II. fll rl her ' r,I, r< 1 11 "1 eu h of ti.... ,,1 ,,10.11 WIiIO their pcopl e Itg'lili ti t liu b SlIlIl e pri ce 01 rk. tTl .k e pu hllMt I II I IIcL'Irdllllf tn I." lis of gawlIlg, IIltCIIIIJCIUUCC, th o 'I C " . .. ,,1 I uLll olI ll'n II' IH f r II" period of ~A \\ SON d l: itA rr \ L" \\ L'c ll Itl thrt"t. Otj n ~' u t " c WOOk H \11 II 1l (l "'''I'R I~ r or crlw lIlal dC!!truCtlUll uf allto natul ~, u J t I I I U P " . pkp<'ro plII II .. hrd weeki v In eac h of hfe attendallco a t pluco8 IrCLltl clJt jlJI \ o r I ~ I L III o llr c o llmll ll d lU8ba s..111 countle. ALr..X F R U ME .1 d I \.!gc rvcu rc puw.!i 1111 "Rille Y H Lr ~ n"'RSON E[ T l OT r tll.! b y e \ I1 uuorl! UII U )uscil to Ih e t I W k ~ 1 " - , p Ur pOHeI! 0 1 hccntw u ll UCriB VI fmuu , ne UII tuorlt. C 110\\ " II U reill }~~~~ ~~l~~fH xlHt r tlllg t v WllllitCIlUIiCO vf IUIiI ody wltlch has acqlllrod s u c h 1I h u ld I )(O~E!! BART,OW lIy wv rs li lV Iliid tho due ubs c r va ll cc ~~I Lh o e l!:lIlllltlU ll ,I th o IJcopll:l, tu r JAlfES 8 GOOD};, C 10 ~tll~P t rcusoll thu\ t~c : e tclDo ~E6v DD~A~OE~ , o f tli o Lvrd rl day, lind cu lllII g UpVII I'lIrullttI allll II )JOIlSOrs tv trllill thclr II! "I~ I 1~~ r "' prc8CU c e, a Ontob~r 13 1877 c1l1lulCn lind KoJ clllidreu, buth by cn~e Nor leuDlltulI1l NUUl'IIlglu , S r Arf< "" 0 1110 W " "" RN COU NT ' 88 l;'recopt aud cxaml)lo, Il&ttlllully ttl UII _:!.~')~~ 181!1lSC ~ I I.," r Wllln ll'r lerk f th e C~".t of lulfll theIr baptlBmul VOWtI" ENJOY 1 IFB " nlill 111 11 M. fnr nnd " ICl ln .lIld ,"unlv _ _
'I 47 :. lj
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IL •• I I~rthl o ril~ril bYlh . Judlf.o f t". (,u ri oJ{ CUlU llllln P tc", HI KIlJ fll r ." Id JJ .. t.r1 I Ih.l lhe lerm. of Ih t; motrlet IIlId Com mon Pi c•• ou rl o f r th~ ~I"r 1 7 In ,h ...,. crill VIIIIIII . uf K II I O, ollle t • • hRI I . I I L • III l1lOnco III \I) IIdl I<A M on thll follo;Ilig J .y .. III oli I \ Ull r I<>- "I t --
- TIII" m,ul ntlir. th. l l,e/troth f h y ro. ",Llo" ",, I rlifu llll tlIl. II U•• my Iflud .. url wOll roth 0 11 0 UI .t It lUuy not luoo 1110 JoII" tlmt II . "'. u wilen [ ll k\l"1' 11.0 f. "h will d ie ~u nil I \\ oulu bll' c "" ,I koll \\ h i tCI It.UII \\ h c !) wll~h 'd \\ Ilh ti l I. t, d LI, ,,,, yuu I ullll Gootl Bl u I UlllUr ' til/Up , lind Illll lt ng HI 1111 110 OCI 1~, Itj',7 Ceo III ) It 1:1 I,,!,uroulw g ILI IJ -til li l u u g hl} chal '~ IIW 1. 11K Epl :lcv pu. ••• l G e n o ml OIlV e ll 'I .;::) It ltd J Itl Ii \\ \\ n -I tlOlI n o w III tlCtlS lun III UvstOIl Iii Wl' ulIh e" ltllt lll g l)' lJ nd II ~O tho U J lIIg SLl lU e g uud w v rk AIII'Oll " I J bl ... Ul,v I C ~J RI! I' K t<: ~\(Nt<:Y \ IlL ICr CIJIUIUOIi a C 111IIIg~, It I'ILII 1\I11~ UI t; II ,IRIl llAIN Y.8 , ocd th.., I' JII.'Wllig rc:!u lutlUlI, th o ll ANSAIl (,IIII IS IILItL I UU) , wlll(; h r u lu rs Lv 81 11110 v i th .., IIIVlllltO 1I11 "! vI Iho a "o-thllt I Uca ill' nil III) In~lI ll d uml CII . 1 ~ luLIIW t. " a l·I·' 1/lltll l llj'"M' 111111 t tl lll l •r" t· "1\ e tli I llk IIU III) 0 1IC t Irill I, I:) " v '" I I IlIg n b ll uiI l:l lt ull 1Iliu tlUUlll qU llrl ' r8 liu t lILt t IC\ 1Il,Iy II VW IlIl! t W \\ wh c rll It 18 " , I"uLl the utlO CL t h c l \) g uull t ho bl!~ t " ltal' III th o ' ~ IS t' I, " 1) 1'1'1" IZ uf ",til b0 s alutnry ' " '' II R e"(li "' IL, tI le 11' IU U" v f ' Ollutt "" I II "!i ".IILt, UI ~ I 'je ll t 0
TO AL:'-i.
v lll e uud VIClIlIty , 1 IIppuud tho I the SMoid Judlel.1 Dlstrle' pi 011/11 0 1 tlome 01 u ur bUli t peuplo I n... t Obi 1878 S6 to Its morl ta · 1 ue ....e 0 D I [h ,11 UdSt! Dubbllls' El cct~ IC r o tho Cit ric_ I,f till ourL .. r Commiln tInea for
JA 0 ::8
::\~unh9r1l\ 'l1t9.
I I t.o thlo eud th .. n beautiful balr Now to PI"'YODt \be ' " lIin g of Ih o o~tul1ll oo lonll!!, m lttt r in It. f.)f re.excltc t.h " roou. fir tho bRlr to Kru wLb RJ( IUU n otblUK hn .. uve r bf III I llItroduced t.o tho Am erlOlln poopl o tb~1
Ceiling • Boards
et., u~ l ..
LONDO" IIAIH (lOLUH RIbO'I'OIU! H Dr 0 1,/ 1.011 , f PhlluJ el"h lil o.. yo u f It
t hl'
, Tho Loudun lI 11lr C. lur It . torer I u_.d I \ er y eX 'j'\II J14 I ~ol y n IH nil n } patll.'UlJoI IItIJ In ml ", IU~ ~ cll lUll bv IU)Aol f 1 thur~ror{! H[)f'R k frum o Jt pe rl ~ hOO Cli 7'1 c. nt8 I' or bottle tJ bott l • f r .4 ~ ~nt 11) t) xpre~~ , to ""1 IlUdHwt, 0 11 r tJ
II Y IU liB Hllio I~ tukc '" \\ A) N f " 1 II r IIlId IIr > "o" II Il I ILL8 II , IU IIR l e II .:Iwk II, ho Lak.
cUi pt uf l>rt 0 I Ad,lrlM. ,,\I order. to 1..)1\ S w A \ Nt!: & 801< UOO Nortl ButL St Phlludoll,h ... P'" Sole Proprietor. Bo r lY BY ALL DUUGGTS1'S
S " A Y N it... ~ I
\lid :oj l r .. \IHLrll1U. It l our 101l a.;1I0 1-" coaled 1".k'! Ir
Sulphur Baths. The
benefiClnl r es ults of Su lphur TlLf and IIl'8aral,lIlL OIL L. 8Q~h B lira too wall k llowll &0 reqlltr6 l( I"" 1\ cold lu l<e 'rhe c fl l!c~!I 0 1 GLENN ' S lutlOlI l tillS uxce llolltllrtlcI9 c Olltrlb or All NX II '" lo.rll, r- ror 1878 1" " _ IVA \ N F: R 1.r Bnd " " rldl'llI 111 . "LI O co mm e n t utes to the h eilith o f tli e eutlre 8y - Ing III IId unce arl< l' o'omber I. I I' ~ III 1 0 prevell t .lId cure Oh ill •• ",1 fe ' cr tuk .. SULPHUR SOAP III LLc huth uru OIVC mo &ollll llnd .. IS \\ A \ :\ E S I .. ,," J S "' Ipurlll " IlilO truly e le otl ll!u l, comrrletcly--dmntol'l tem us w e ll II . tlillt 1>1 tli e c u t lc lc ft . . . , ," " l lA , U V F I;:l\ L Y fro m rcC.' p~ full ~Iz(\d Paper Parter.8 VlHflJCl tO lU " l1d Lumf Y ard ourn or o f If ,ou r Uowt,l l . . I~ rc CO ;- l l\t I l ko ,I r OlilltilluC t o J " u~l\r\ l et un"" \\ ITIl UliT I z in g offe n Sive nCCUlll u l ntlo n n nd SWCC Its mtroductlOn 1(1 puhllc n v {[I\lU8 ~ A ' UI I'lrment "Ill beK" CI1ID every N rth nd \V t<l t. ~\\ \ Y~ I I ,ruml Hreu" .rllIl1 .-IIL" 0 .. II r roc l oooll . .. t I lull 11I 10ll whu Ire .IIUJ, OI thol ou g hl; p urif!lt1l!J tlu clltlre xllr/uCJJ tlce , It has repelltedly buen c v lD ('1131U1NIW l'ArI': ICS-- 4,~ 11I YEAlt --- ""lll hor inr 1~7 , OllotOI IlIn}! " fnll . ... " . _W _A _ __ __ _ _ _ 10 _ 1'011 YNESVIL ,OU ~, I:I cud "h e • 11l1l1IIC'- 0, ~ 1li0. lod ()j tlte bod" In la ct It IS Lb c ./i. III!J uJ meudt.'<i by tho medIcal prvf\:i! I II I'cr p"Ltern fur . Illdy • or ol"ld • d re"" E, S O(ljJ $ for Jj ItlJlug unt! rOi le t p ur p o .• d Ii I Ii pr) . lIb"",, ""r .,,11 """,lye "unol( Lh" ye~r ;!~"I:}" II:~I~e ~'~h " I:~I~d' ~~~:: I~o ~~::~'..~ 8eH UIIU vrCStl, UII CIY OXtOIU U "pIlC I CS tw.he of th e.o p.U. m o .0 thAt Ih""" 810" . I ij dll'l tlD u t Vllr H! Lw8 M« IItlal) R 08CS \4 rtlln ul the m ,,<i 11 H , tllJ lJ!O ru Ud II) DlIHOmS havo WOII s uch "guldon VVlnllln tl ' " "le. . I._ • "0 .... 01' 10 Ever, Will bo " " rth 100 rc Ib .." tho onu.., nptlOl1 I I! Bpil onl.' will I. oll rded off by Ihelr usc umo ng all c\lltlllCS It prl! vcllttl .. b . !!Iubllc:rlber I prl06..dn ____ _ I I! Curllutloll I'm.. Liver Complaint - 1/,,,1 1l.01l 1 III., n.c DIrection. -Jo or D .uase8 oJ t llf) ~ Ohl .... Cr) "" nth ulllum. fro lO "llIeh 110 111.11. lo r 01 - . "~' r .. fro Skm bath e freely aDd apply a thi c k n VXlU U8 dlseatllJ8 as \\ 011 as rUlllcdl l:!S Til eoun~r> G< htl <m" n I. pubH- hed P et<U'llon . M. j(a. lIlo e(lnt.OI"o, rverv HI" 01(, O U'l' 0 .. ' THE J[)EPTHS. uenll Ii " ..... 1 O. ran ium. 'I b" II tho 0011' 0 t Headaohe Dy"pep 1 'I the lll, and UISl1rfects c1 u t lll llp; Ull d "ce~ " 011 Ih, lullu~ lI_ te.m8 "".11 1)llId 1000 pll~e. 14 Mwol pl. wo 12 ",Iored &r 8 ]) bl 0 "Ia and Indlgo.lIou I. 'I . e 1.1, r lIu' cd 1'- ler e lore I I!Llrlll g ., u OWlIlg I ~ 10 hllon Il1Iprcan ut e Ll \\ Ilh dl SCllI!C . t. ' Iy II I"" "" e' 0111 0 1 \ 01111 .eor Itn pOl lerll. 12 mammuth colored f ...h lflll 18 /lO W Complete ~n Boo~ Fm'm, t! Iv~ul :V"JrG~~~::~u\H, knd olten porullUl811t1 y cu rod I, ) Ih l lt u. o remain over Dl g ht F Ot Senitia ana .. $2 'II (ollr CU I leO ~ In, a"d O il add llllllni 1,lales 2-1 PUIlCO of "'u"'c "nd 900 Tood HI2 Vui1t7IJ C8 Pt'1'c/), S1,75 I I! H ell"t ru""., Fewe .. ~ro pruvelllod 1" Ih IIP,"f Ill olld BlirfU 8IJply tbe lath er Ir ee ly to tho DalldrnH 18 olltlrel) t! rudl clltc d b,) cnl'V 101 Ihe . e .. fll' I I Ih . cll le r .. I.1 0 out8 I " Im iDe... • •• oul uUon enlthl... ,t.! r'a h, ,,/ $3,50 a Bll t II Abuhluns pll rl1)lr~ pI li. 0. 1110\ Cltrl lin IhrOU!:' l lb e / ports, 8nd the fire and !llltD It, un d Its u s o IS, on thut a cc o ullt cl ilb tell rOl'h 8 *,W .lId III "llIlloo al e r y 11""I' rI,t urto ' rcnd n,,", In "e) on cml KI 12 Double O.. ruOIi M. bloud Ihe 1I111"lrIIiO ' fr<llil .. hleh Ih r ' ..... . Will be lornoved irnmccl inte l v -F' ol .\tld I. i88ued undor the nllm~ of tl t b tI J teJ b frl c to t llc 8~l1do r of ttl c l u l htthm c flu, .. t ) rt Oft &0 &'n , th u n rmy nth er .... "or c rtUI\ n llC88 &.1 Or e 18110thlll& 80 oReel1 0 grcu y 0 Il CS I e lll y pe r ~ or the ' enr I H7~ Ihe"" PrlO' " 11'111 In It K" CO,," lr. fllr tbo money tblln noy III ~~~'i: Ouo tu . • • Sft . ... e . rur un,l S"8 1))IIIIII. pills 2S Gout. Rltt umailllm, Spl'alllS , Brmsn WhU8" hair U; t\lIllllJllg Oll t III CVIl . h del eopy o(lh ~ IIIIU " lIe gl l L rof Ru I the worl 'l rl.o ' J." II Bou,.dl"" I enL- ~ 10.' 5 101 e' lO r I I 80 1 I I.. m II I and Cuu apply clotb s we ll sntur !ted II '7' l I 1 1I0qUO IICO 0 1 .Iry li nus l .t tile I:IclI ll ) 1 ,1 \ft U1r8 10 ' th II "ub"c r lbll r - (t, I u Ik nf 1" S...,vl .... &Eul ~t.o rllim . AI,II ,.,letl l"AIiJOId"M IIl I'll S " A'l< E With a strong solution _ F or Old U ~ IH ng •• 1I11t1 nl out 11(1 Oll" r " " .... _. In 1/1 t I ng ~ a I'S a/II 'M'e I'll"" A IIIl tllcyal e t u:O O/tld BE Til Th ose \\ h u have II scd Olllhll Cllt o u ll d 0 ., g Hu tels eve1 Printed! :11 Fuol, ... , ~IS I " JluNu l lh ~h lh L. P l lhJ Iphla Su resa lUl Ulc,rlJ It lS luvaluabl _ I,) I.c ]l ui ,- heI8 III IlIlIIor of Ibe cow .le Aro th. be. t pubU.hed lUll "here Allth. 14 n ,"hlb VI olet Fo r tI ,,1 .n II r I ~J! I , .. -:.. e IJq\llds wlth uut 1\1 lid lor t h " cure vI llU ll III It. prI •• OI wpe klv for", "I the nH.t Ilnl".I,.... rluno IlrUOI"pl n, ed to Writ. -,-~ 12 l'u",.cLlt. "".rlut "Iutu U He fl cu ly 08 8 lotion -I' or a pi u cr uI) tlUn s of un oh tll1uto churnct.e r U Ulli n l., nth mlt u . Firat Quarter C4iD orurl1lftl y for Petenonn I n l ~ i R In Ad," M"S SUUTHWORTH 8 OOllJl~KTK WORKS 4 1'll1mb_K" ventl'o III OlmoztUlI Y D18~alJ ll1l li s e a .1 I. I / 'I , tury u nn to th ~ Ullu"t qu nnUtv nf l'I hilrt "torl !R wJl hllU, II tUtl) try It, t IUt u cnll s Ih"Colint n Gell t' e on ll P"" 0 ' 00 nn 1111 FIV.~ OnlOlNAL OOPYRIOHT NOV OOlOp lete 10 . ony t"o~,Qum"" \.to uod III ~ ter". fur" Ird llUi ".'cS 8LJO li g Bude us a wash, externally PHlm. I J d I I k and by IOJcclion It 'leverJalis Su l plllll Suup r011l0 \ e8 SCOlhutlC' "I "nled corl'- of O" •• e. pOlide nt. ngulo r BLEILE" .. ,ll bo g"." hI Mr. Ann R morocco oloth. ,.IU, .. full gi l$ bn, k prioe .. I ~ e nor I Iv p, ece" " " III ,,-, IrO I e comlllamtll JrrcmedllllJlo by Ill 'ti cl .. 1111 ue<lI oIOI",1 'IOUII _ tl" beo l lIo,m.r- o( SWI I , no \:'n.nlc Lee Brlledl ct, Mrs FnlD- * 1 7r. enoh or '711 MI a ""t, eRnh oct In a II 1tluOilt4o!ol. I er~JllI l1 t lliJl 4i1 Sl.r l \,j81 11 g nelili/.! tHI th ou!.! h - -00 Th r II 1 r d 1 ,,1\ I n r t " nf the ( HUH'n Iud co n lal1lh I t celt H I fl ~..on ll urnott.. ROJ othen lI eu.t x e 0 oWlng IlrG t leu lHUn ,. fl AI LfllJlh,,. Illn w rnt wei c c rn\\ llU~ ill \l It.l dJO UL tho 1iCIICIOUS w eans , all pre\ on ts t IU Il eel- th e prllc llent cOII,HIIIII 11 11\1 PIO, r. o. of lIIIammoth Colored ualhl -PI t lMhmlel or I n t" o Depths, belllif Solf M~de M HY UCl lIl" Bulu, rc( tum pIIII I.ul urI) Rln illht .hen l ',,1'0' 0 1 J'tlCurreuce of ij llch dl SUldll l ti 'h e hu- Illl lldry of . \ . rv •• e,lo ll 01 Lh. 1111 ~ on a el , !'I If RlIll\Cd or From tho Depth. 20 II. ortr d 1uhp Bnlb. III IIr III b~,1 . lI er g' tim. WAi m I I nppMrs l:iuld hy dlugal s ts , g lOCCI S IIl1d lUll I'; (e- BIIII c1\II17.rl .... rld AI" ",Io f I,ll "ther .. Th eoo pl.teo are en T ho FlltHl Seeret The Fatal H.rrl'lfo I r.u ",,,,,rwd OrOlIi N Uu lb, IIt.u mlll er 18 011 II. wili er Itenlln"s IS Cllli:KllF IlLLY ENIJ OltBED BY THE ~ I ho l untr v l t: lItl m \11 g h (0 .. In It .. Hor ,,""1\\ ('(1 nn l'toel tW lClC t h o Ulmlll Itl~a antI Th e Lo. t H Iro.~ 'l'be De80rted Wife 1 :a a." r te,1 J~uobeon Lily Bulb. Hho" a il K. If . I"OlIIlIllho J1 r1 v 110 I Itt- allll I. AI Il:IlIUA L F nA I KllNIT~ fllncy gLloos J Clllur~ Prlcu 25 Ct8 II IIltum l IlC l'ltlnt e ll~ f\ <0 11111110 I" '"rlell .re '"" '11111,,1 f'\r beauty They ,,,II b<I Tried for her 1.lfo Love'. Labor W on 12 0xahH, nOI COlillOOd to m,,1 08 'Il ly IJ It It " ns per cake 1 b ux ( I cakes ) 75 ctt! , 01 II fl , m,llun alld , g" . ...OIl · II Ilial or "" .up.,lI y," Inr.d AI"" Househuld ftnd ru eillo th e Oravo A Noble Lord 4 Lily uf tbe VAlI oy, If,c' luelit Ihnt f. re . orll\ nllho"" d t bid 11 r 'ce ll t l t p\ rlol- 111 th e l\J.{g rol) lll 10 w I rll llit ob l i ne I 1, 1 t r r N(, lp u 1U "hnrL, o'ferythillg ln to r Th e M.lllell ... Lo. t B elr Llnlltbllow II! Nuw POllrl Tu""r..... 1,," III Ilin e' of 1". ll n III C, exlc"d 0 HC II y llllll ,(lrCplil ,V C I I '" Iii. mOlllhl, nllml • r, "I n, ' I mftgali llo. O"L'"1' In I Idl e. Ti m F lllnily Doom Tllo 4r\lst'. Love I Oil U\ EXPRESS 109 ",1.11 the vu gllll prudllg d,. tlc'" IlI ~ al ASK IIOR )JrlCe C N C illte lltoll, lJrll)l r, 7 dO " I1.<<I to f1 0' II Cllltll'tI r; U - Ao th e puhh. lwr nnw pre p ')" Ih e [h Brldo . Fllte Tho GIPllY'. Prophecy I :I 01 any of ~he al o. u $1 colloetlOn . fo r' ~ ",nst bCl nllJ Iho I'owe .. 01 oliJu r. ne CI '''lU~II II'. 6th AVl.!nllll, New Y."k rh o Co ultr, 1, "11 IIIl1l III'" pr.lalll, PO-11I1(1) t l .11 ",. 11 Sl1b""rl ber. l'" teu ln .. TIl e Chllngod Brldo. Tbo Threo Th " u tl.s 501 Olll of th e " ho' e I clillol 1111 118 I r I . , 8 of 1011 1; ol 'l\lltn ~ pronoull c, Il Iliel rll ble 11 11 HIIl'8 HUlr alit! "VIlIs ker 1)' 0, d ' " 0 • • IIII ~h ... 1" 1 ~ I I r ' ''"rlllil C Inl" I ' ho 'I I" I IIII II eYcr In fact •• th e chel\pe.t },ur 1~18y Vlvlfl;Secretof Power 701 K'" 01 Ule tlltn\ c 1 cu ll ~ti ll n ~ for ~ I hav e bl 4u p rm UI IIll v cured 1)\ Ipplyin& J lHI t(l I1Ilro hl Ct I, .. d tI ~~(' 111 tttl Improved tn th r \l urld HuwHcWonHor ThoTwuSlstAlrtr I 90r lul yll fl he~lu\ o I colloe8111 n8 ftr" 1 I!!'V'\. YNI~·!i OINT~II~NT. TAXE NO OTHER. Hlack o r HI \\ II, 50c Stock II I ,', r\ kliid III,oll ~ h Ihe COIIIIII ) _ __ VIC tor ~ TrIIllIlpb TLe Hl""ID'" Brtde l I t of IInl of th e nhllfo I collect,o,," fur ' ., I' f f II I I 011 t n" IlIr 7 r.Illrnc:l. r _ Uelll.l ......., ell _ Tho 1114_1 cO I m \I t.liC to Il J! en l o r J ,.. r c ~ 'hRn n n\ TICK JIM, ... . way.. In AdYAnee. "~II W.. ar • .1\ B(,R utl(ul Floml W.fu8VJowry .. " "' I t ' 0 Ie B J ve c cc 10 Du S\\ "Y !' f ll! t: s... The C hl cal'o weo kly Po~ t CO l telll ora r) II , co lI II" Cllce 10 ",1 ' Ul' I'O lof ~ IUI' ItM for ~ llltl I c" l',eo fur *41l(l wllh rh o !:ip otro Lover Th. H01h01'-111 LI'w IAl l lJT.ntel BloollH llg 1 )1 (f1l(~ , Ill of II lntlllOIlI.ou 81111 mc b, nt AiI cllred o t" !I"VCII bro• .Ill • ',lid pitch " 011' f I Or tho wl",l. cnU"" tlOn 01 2:J8 B til . '" I rue p , Llr el) It I trb lllg P ile. " hloh I ""l1cr I I" Cu IIlrv Oanl enlRIi 0011,,,100 IInu IIA I " nopy" 1 10 pr",,,,u,,, I ,rt uro (Zb20) I'lln' p ,f D ••kncs. H IUOte<! Home.tellr\ Clin b0 IIII d III CI 1I b S a .rom" v One Boa; (3 Oakes) 60 Oents PIRI1IJ( oent hv Ex!,,",, •• u" rucClpt n f fl~ e I .. th for Ii> c yeoM! f nol o.. d !llId on.v Iy t o fifty COllttl pC! copy 1 h e ud I full ond I ru- t urlh f Market Reporte Tho (1\ ;J" I. of Olm. tmll. ' I flvo doll If 1 he Ohrl~t m"" Oue. l Lad) llf t ho 101" Allwortl, Abbey I to whlOh elthor of nnr book, n 'ICn ~' """ co" l. lur anothur b01 lor a friend "f IU'U. vertlsemeut o f tUltista ndlu d uewt! anil del Ol1l8 speelll IIl elillull I~ thenl. nd 10 ~:~~,\\III !l t , tho \,or.1I11 gottlng "1' th o Fllllell p .. de I h ~ W,dow • Sr 11 Rembutwn 1f'01l PRm IT P,,,,CI"IOA' I I (J 11I("U I "Jill<, A 1\ Dltf W J UE AO H Por Sale Everywhere, by Drug. f "~'" If." the I fU Si" ct8 "f Ihe 0 1" '" lliro" In!; 1'J; hl 1 paper WI II b II I o un d III Ut Iu tl I e r CI) I upon " U6 of Ihe 11111"111 I o,llIIt 01 .11 '1" 0 • OOI" e. .. lI'u u v u 0011' o. ur ,.0 , With nn Brldo of Ll ewellyn OUI'110 ChfU1D l or GA IlI'''H IH'' 1'011 PI !'-ASU IIK (v.. llIo t Farm ..... 11 !'IlMlun loudon 00, Va gutl, Grooen and Pancy umn, and Its proprietors seem do 1I0u o-0 hr " 10 \lu, li nd "hcli 10 S. II ex tr . u, I ) of th o M"g..... " for 1878 ~. Tho Fortulle Soaker Di J d DauKhtor tw...,h) w.1I bo added DC"Orlptll o Oob> 11K WA' ' . ~ Su. -Enclo. ed pleaOll lind Goodl Dealen. '''·d I II k I h C I " I I II pr<lllluw .... tho pcrllOn getting up tho The 11...1...1 Eve . , . ijJUkXoUow logue f...... ono dolll\r for 1"0 0010. of your OID'melit toruli II cd t Ililt overyuu y S III ta e " oun t\ Iolfn. eman em .,.ce· lIum er oluu L P "U8 mlll(' r d I'"r~m l UIS 01 a prllcLI, .1 'h Ir..... -k Iod"l. 01', the ....... ~"'t ~..,. lor llehlo« pile. 1 heee are lor eome of m1 d E b It vary 0 y DOW8 tuo 08t I~!I actcr . uub " .. Ih e Dlllr, llil Pouli n )" 111..1 6 CI'llIC'M for ",,6(), 8 oopil!8 for .12, \I oop••• Above Book ••n.'lOt '" a1ll!ook- ' '/ ffleod . wbo arc aft/ioled "lIb Ihla dla"e.. - Sent by Mail, Pre-paid, on rea live, s parkling newspaper, full 0 Ihe Apll\lY Ihe VIIIII"lrd a nd 0 on a ",I I"" fut *16 with hllth aD extra oopy of nr onp.... df &111 oIIM or all of them ~ log oompl.llo' 1 he bo~ l OU senl me a year ce~pt 0/ 1n ~C/J and IS ce nt8 mfvrluatlOu and good cou nsel und .. c. ~ I , pr. sents ft cnlllilln or 'wo lor lb. th" 1I10!!""no for 1878, "nd the premium w.1I be ""nt to anyone, tAl aDY plaoe. poIIt- [fI27] 36 Curtiall{\t St., N. Y. ago I am glad, 1e •• I am proud 10 tiay I' 6:ll t1 a /01' each cake L. •• .:J or d b ' b H, 118eW Ife and an lUl l re.lllig var .. ty 01 Fir< plolu ...... live dollur ongranDg, t.o the p"ld, on rcml tLinlf price to dI" publlahors, mode a pel feel cllre I tlllok it. eftleao, el/eryuuuy Cl\1l Iluor to ~ u sorl 0 olde He .dlllg II . IIntalll8 , ~.Il-.dltc,1 lie por..... ~ttlhg up the olub. T B PETERSON & ~THER8. Greal c\1I.ncc to mnke mhould be puhli.bod Ihroughou' the len~t.h for It, at Ihe pllcas stuled In the vi ... of Ourrent F.'eulI! and \Is nd.~rtI8Inl Addr_ s o ld 1100 Oblllltnut Street, b lladelphla mOne) Wo neod & &lId I,reft dtb of 'he IlInd You can publl.h ad vortisomGlIt It tleelUs to be t ho I'~g • • fur",'" a liltect.' ,. of allih. prinCipal ORA J. PETERSON. -- - -, pcr,oll In every lo"n thlB II )UII thi nk prope r lI06 Cb... tn\l t 8t. PhiladelphIA. PI\. III:"cullu .. 1 and hortl. uhur,,1 ,.tal,lIobweDla Proprietor, C7771~ oo~e • • II ,el\rlledl"tho. e to "Dh. crlptlO n. DAVID GR OSSNIOKI E mteutlon 0 f tlIe pruprle t UI'S t 0 PIIlce of tho COlin try t1rSP<lIllmons lKlot graU8 If written for '11' times Ii.~ t CIIII he mllde III for 'he I. rgo. t, hest "RdleBltu,s FI cdc .. , k Co Md No 7 Sl3Jth Ave/tltt, N OlO Y01 k. J month s b II~Q \ one of ei r -lilt(! c hc"l'u~t I1IU8Ltll i tl. ,\ lU: R I ' lOU Ilrt 8uffcring \\Ith tb,,, '" It directly 1000 the hands Ilf the IF Specimen copies of Ihe paper Free. C tI or 8" 1( III hy"orl of thu Icd f"m lll pul,hcIlUon In 'he world Any II 109 co mplllllt or I I ttor noy crualy mllltoD, by )>utttllg the pnces su L.t:;'i:~T"IJK !!ION P •• _ '11' c 'Unl ry ." Is wllhng to Oll e C III I.ccome k "lie e •• fu l "gent 1 h 80ll h IWhl s kin dl s~ .. e '010 you, drng~ l .t low that nothJllg cau pru vent Itt! ALBANW, N. work.,ondll ulthc cmlllo, I lU08teleglllt ..ork. of IIrl gl\UII Il c. to allli " . I" .. of S II") lIe '''AIl Hoohn Oilit mt nl that ~c furn ish S6h r ,. r ek In \ our 8ul scflhc rzJ 1 he prico 1~ 1'0 lu" th Lt altllo!'t lII our It Will sureh cure lOU ')0 c~nts & introductloll lllto hDndreds of tlaons HAIR AS n.D AS TlIi: F1.UIII; OF A ,,11" 11 lo wn \ a u II ,J 1101 be a .. Iru w e,cr,hodveuh. crlhe. One age n' reports I,ox II ,nl •• for ' 1,~5 G hll xc. fla 5U .ont V OLCANO, or white as t h e dead moss lAuds of huu80 hold8 No such pup lUU • l h ' DIe o,er IIIs hl ) OU C.II I- e vuur .. hole m.kIDg o, cr II flO 111 11 " eok A lady ag nt I., mOil to any .ddrc •• , 011 .. celpt ,( prloo o"'er \\7&8 ever made by lilly A poor lot of old ruwl. U lar u. "re IIf 110 I'.ofitto k fnrmer rhe)" Will DO' lim e to Ihe wurk or only y ur Ipa", 1n0 I "'por'" taking OYer 4UJ .ul <c""or. 111 lell Prep.reJ on" by II" S .. AI HI ... SON 130 on a FlOrida hemlock, can lle chan /Zed to a gZ()NUUB brow,. or IUsir olt$ other representatl \ 0, w etropohtall l ply f. r wlDtorlllIJ It 10 foll) to k ~op th eln hl cot- Wo havo agenl. w arc m. klllg I!aJ. All ."" ongage make ,nolley r•• ~ Noult StIth S, Pblladelphln ' ower "20 per day All wbo ogage a' once I)" ou caD dcvOle all y Jur tim. to II" bll81nel8 _ _ _ _ _.....:.._ _ _.,"-_ _ _ __ _ newspaper, uod we hope al\ of UIII \\ hall f{ooJ puro-b.ed fo" I. "nn be h .d at black by s slogle npplic"tlo D of ca ll mAke mOlley At • • prelell& IIIn" lor ollly 1<ur spare lime You need nol be readers afte r they pro Vllie fur homo Oil' h low prICeA •• they 'uo 110,. oelhng for TlfE PEOPLE'S PAPER '011 ca n do 1& J~ coluilino IIlIed with editorial, New. mOllev Ca ll1lnt ho mllde tIO. II. and ra pidly awar f""m home OYer lIighl 1 "Rl to tho }oarmer. 1U lC~neral, colne out nolhlUg to a • • ell nA other. Full p"r\lol2lal'fl, d""o news by takmg th e ir loclLl puper, of tbl8 . Ioop} • • h\l .hod WII} Dod rub tLo A~rlculCuul lll8Ce llanl ... MRrkol H'llort. at IIny other l,u8In. o' It On. cop . Due YCAr /lostAge pllid 75 cto 1<1 Ih , huolIl\ .. 1 erma an .~ oullll fre e tlOI ftlld term. freo "'Iellanl and ex punolve Will seud In enongh tu tllk e the Rip V110 Winkle . IUIIIber from your oy .. , I'rOIlI&l>lo work. Dally or Wcekly P os t olf thllt poor, II1dlfferent lot of fowl. oluhe of Flv. 71lc club. ot te ll 6S cents Add.e. o at once . H HALLE &: 0", POri Ouilit frce I f IOU I. lld, M&l\1e 617 l eelld U" ,our .dtlreso .1 " lice It eOll< 110 yu" .. ro 1I0W ., Bplng Hnd buy BMwn Log- club. 01 t"enly 60 C~1I18 I I thlllg to ~r, ~he hu.ine <8 No , 110 ~ hI> eo I h".n., Ilnd have Egj(' the ,eflr rouod, .... d THE DAILY POST. F or IlIlhng, I IllS, or nn t lm e l y grcy 110' h" lera SOlid fllr p .. ooo to lTOlllNG 1'ILK8--[S a fery dl8treas ~·Il" ' f,,11 8 10 1O&.e g,elll p.y Addrels" he Olle \ ear po.tage 1'!lId 17 Plitt. of" 8 Jou rnal 1'"rLI. lld Malll. 111m, UBtl "Lou don HUlr Cu lul HIl FRANK STOKES, ) Sym .11118 are Il I I'eoplo ) e .. III proportIO n \\ 0 propo,. \.0 enla rge w V N NA\lE ..• M I) A storel ' exo lIIslted lCBS llll! c loUlIllnd Un"lor of ohUl lt' Uro"" Lell'horn., " nd Ih e 1I.,ly POBI gl eaClJ li llrlll!; Oecoher I10 cr mg cump alllt m OIBture , ~Ike porspll'l& WIl, Itchmg l J . \ OF ~OKK, uc, ':. 1 utll) II ' f" Agent for tho P. IIlt r \ 'Vorld' .. hl ch Ibe pr" e w,lI hI $10 ller J ellr. pOBlrIgo llltellsely particularly t nll!ht, u fo Has I.. card At I JII I~III I", ot 1'11I1.delph18 IlIcely perlulllod UI .WICll t W II)II"" llIo,Oln o ABlWJ~GIIS1fS 1,.,,1 All who ",Ih oelll; hot'or" onl!lrge ' b d I: 0 P. wh 10 hI Wi ll del p ltl nt . (10\11 th u 6 • • t ~tJ1J Q ~ V tro m alluthelrl, 75 CCIlt..t tL buttl e NOTIUE menl III flu "res nt t"ntt .1 , 7 wJ1 ' leculve ter gettlllg til e ~ ayues lilt- I ... , Ihe 10~h IIr 1Il )lllh All c1 .... ~. of • Try It R end tht! adVtllt ldtllll ilL 'h olllll r" e<l pa .or to th CI J oi th o" Lime meut 18 a p,leasaut all il llre cure, OhronlC 01 0••• e' 8Iln 08-full, IrOI Le I ~Ing No 3 EAs r MAIN S TllEJi;T, ••• I \ t1 por."," 1"1",,,,1 .,dh IV L U.rL- \\ltbnut,,,t.rlol., r A'O S'III Itl In g l) IGentl! SOLD BY DR(JO()I'STS, A t I&lso c llrea rotter, and II erupt! v c lI ell. Iroilimelit ., .. en I IlLICII18 ul 1\ JlolDlice W A 1 N ESV I LtE O. rr;:» R L. . . tl • 'I' Ie) n e r"'1u ool'll lA, "c ttlo WilhAm L call wrllO 8,mplom. and h"' e rem.IIt •• •• nl , lJ.J emelU 001 10 clllleSSCilIlS HlIrLta . k III wh n•• 11.,,,1. tho Doct.or haa on h Jlh DR.I" ami \\ro k h Itt In4 C r d ISCUSes S 0 Id b yaIII Ad I "1'85, THEl POST IIlg drngI, m~11 1"lIlphl .~ coollllnilig tu' IIIIIOllllllo Pre!ll)rlphlln, lomp" und.d lit all LOllr. by llext TUtls4uy Dlght. Il,l. cod IJI~ UOOOUOI<! for .sct~lem~lI~ (tf' ~r ltia7'J tS81)car ~ru ::; 1 I Clllo~go gists. Rood thl) ad v' lof cure. l scnl lree 10 aUf addrcls an el(l"'rlellced DrUIJIfI.t 571 _
The Country Gentleman,
'A Green ho use At Your Door I •
Mrs Southworth new Books $1 we will send free by mail:
01_" • •
:,"I1 C
Beware f JmitatiODB. .
PRICE, 25 CENTS per Cake;
PETER HENDERSON & CO I .. 1II1r.:.:,:...II..... ...
I ___----- _
ISan ds
H· & Whisk er air J anney•
··srE=. 60 Celts
It costs ,100 to bring the Tennesseans here, but only 60 Cewts is asked to hear these worltl·famous children of Song•
TJlo 0 1'(.'11('
~ PONll'~ ~XTRAGTo I
'rho Poople'o Itomedy I Tho Unlveranl Ptun Extraotor, PURELY VEOETAD LE
I Note Ask for Pond's E)(traot. Tn',
,If> (J"WI
fr ,. f'tlrnlau "e
JAl\lES R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. $1 0 $1.00 0
JACKSON'8 BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO I , TilE limo h na co mc nt llI.8t," lid l\u B,illllck Impres I\ el) looking 1111! wIfe "'Iuarel} ID UIO C) (' " I havo kilO" II fo r . erlll dllYs that It \\ IS IIHlvltnble III I mIg h t bnp pen atnny tllnc. Wh y ,lear' Wh llt IS It ? 'Vhllt cll lI ) o u me III ~ Y o u look _0 de pre sed 1 t CUll lui bt-u lld ) et.--oh reI C\ II 1111. kllllllg ti U81'Clll!l) I Alex UHler It n o )ulI - h I\ C yu ll full ed ? o wl II" \\ fe " Ith Chb'p<! d h a l\ 'l ~ No II v d ellr illY ercd I 1M \ c tUlIlIll pU l rerl wei hu- ne " " l or k " I': up You d Oll t m e ull to S II den r
old l uck 1
) OU I
pllll1 111
th e I end hn'
) Oll 1111" II t h I I to for vou r brother 1O~, ph ? :,\ ,
Ho\e Y U - 1I 0 \\ t II 1 1(' Alex 11111 • Bldllck htlH' ~Oll hId nno lh e r attnck o f , ert ,!o? 1\ n HM
Will & ..... ,ded the bllb~ t pf' l ~ 0 a t Cfl Dt~ 1Wj .l It. . polIIlUo n for It. tlue ~ bo., l u • •"--'". . tI 0 e &C<'1 leooc.ud 1M". . e".~actttr n( ILl l .. eat_Dt n, aud ••• ntnllJ '1',ou •• ot tlml )f" ltob. ~eo enrn 1ft
=J~~~ ~~O::~rrpr t:!J: ':~r~ :r'l~t ;~ ra:ChJ :~ka
;::dl r~:~~:ft,::' c:.80A<I ...~t'"'';;ll.-.&~~!:~~
For HAN and DEA8T
....,......... Pe&en ... ,... " .
XlT . .. t.I. n.D .." Yu.. Alw.,.. COrell AI ••,. rea\lr Alt"ra 'ttnd)' Uu nov~ r yet (" U64.. ~(r-f, ndtlioru.lw. . ".t~ t, TI 0 wholu world .~" r oyt. the glorlou. 011 M I IIDR - tbo UM a n il Cbeapnt Ltnt me "in ea l. t dnt.e 2~ (ClDt, 6 bolth Tho M1 ~~
WHOLESALE NOTIons &FnrlllsbmR Goods. JOS. A. DRIGEf..4 &, co., 130 W Third 51. CINCINNATI,O
) IIr
p by pi db'C ~ , No 0\\ I kllol\ - ) x\ll'l lecll lr- l klle" It all tb llllle-l felt ' "r I t would' l - Mr D cbol101rc h08 lsked for ~H I p lU M 1 ,t ~ nothmg of lhe kill d Then t \I m e -\I th li t \llIltlll A' &noth r mmute-" bnl hns huppcn d- l II n-r It- let me kno\\ th o \l \l r_l ? 11 thAt brt'\.'.ch button 1 to ld 1'111 111:11111 has got hred hUlI glng by
W e Repl"f'1M"nt .u ... r I noo !'leWJIIN'...,.... bAY
In. _
here It
01' Ch ll
try , "1 .. let,.. Into NIx: ... Ift...,Dl L"'",
OUI' th~\1 lll\d
W" kl ¥ (;1rt'ul,Ulnn uf ower oon c.:0,11..., ~ow""',,. DI~...
Adftrllumenlo Rece ..ed lor Ollt or More Lion
'UlN" 341 . I cl •• ~ .(I Q . . . . m tell'r.,. • lAaD~b ""1 Bt~aaeaa Debor. ... Iab
Doc_n t ful ksl!UlOctllnCllllo b1l1 r M 1\1 lin) I 1 "llOlIltl tllllk lill rc d be lt her pa rt8 f tl C bo It n oro l'OOl furtllblc 1 hR~' fldll Jllltln~ your (un at me at OIlCO t Hut \\nll tIll" get through th • brush "Ilh II old 1 IRm nnd I'll 1<11) of 1\ r('gllr fix n scrApe thnt a III n Ill) get 1IIto I t 6 true too every ~ onl uf 1~1llS ure IlS m) llame Is Ben 1110\\ er YOII hav91!OOn the Flame thc)!! alore "trnnger'l ii~ YClln ago, when new u n the rlver "he wu a real oUHnd T at Jbn:tl" a hBud IlbOan1 oL lIer I I bClOnJ(l)d to her at the tUf\e ot ber g roBt rn wl th t ho ]o-lIl1r You, hellrll lIlftyhAp of lh grellt lliow up by \\ lucll we 10 LIt? I hoy mn.1 n grcat (u nbout It but It .M ull IIlg but n more Ilu of hot wal er nfter .\I Only t he springing o f a fe" rn c\.a 1\111 h 11 0 II d n bller pinto or t vo \I tI let out 11 thin srurting u pon hOm mSgers thnt had n t f\Cnl!C enough to ~.t out of the 1I'8y Well tho 00Il lr took off our (I!l&'lClI gc r~ and we ran 1 t no I-ho r .. Iundlllg to rcp u r damsgcl< Inti bury Ihe pllor (ools thllt wore kIll ed If re \ 0 la ul by for 1\ mutter of thIrty I I) U rs or RO nn I go t tJ IlgM to rights for IL lJrulI ll \\W Ht .rt I hur w('ro sollie ~ rpenter 8 \\ ork vet to be ,lono but the 1111111 11 Slid lhllt that might be fixed otT J ltd II \\e ll wh n we " oro undor weIgh - 'Ii) h 111 worked hnrd lind the weather I Ill! so ur I\nd \\ 0 ne;:dn II do nny more J ~ t nn v- we mlgb t lllko the nrternOOIl to I u n<C lve~ but th nOllt mlTllIng he d It!'!. P Kte I llrlgl t lind enrl) nlld we d ,III collle out II IV fb ere WIll! no tomper lIleO ~or ct) L mMhcr e LUldlncr and I \Cnt 1\ horo upon II. huk With one o{ thc 1m 1M I Olll lt W III II tlOIl lbe worthy Benla IlOIn R ndventureR upon lund nnd depI n og of (ully C(,n, oYlllg hI Mlangu~ III It.! o n ~ 1I ul Von e forel l will 1I0t hO~1 t 10 I g1\ the reet of III ~ "Ingnllu nar fit 1 0 III my own word s ,"ve wbere 10 folY III tnnc 1 ellll reCAll hut rreclllO I I r l'!eulogy willell tho reader 11'11 ct\I!lly rrcoglllZ(' TI e nIght \\ IU! rn\\ and tilccty wh en I rccog lll7.ed Iho leck (f our boat Tho Jil ec r6 IU81elld of lea' Ing a watoh above h d closed up C\ crytlnng and ehutthem "eh cs \II the eablll The fire-room only " til; upe n The bollrds duhed from the 0\ t de hv the ex plOSIon had not yet heell replaced Tho floor of the room WIIS wot and thore wu 8Careel~ a corner wluch nflord d luhelter from t e drIVing Htorm I " IllS .bout leavlllg he room T\ signed tu ~Ie p In tho opcn au and I ow bent only upon gettmg under the lee of some bulkhead that would protect me agmn8t tho wmd ]n plllllllOg out] kept Illy ,nhlS stretchod forward to feel my w'Iy In tbe dark bllt my feet came m coutnot WIth a heavy iroo hd I IItumbled) an<laa I fell struck ODe of my hnoilS HIW th mao hole (I tlu.Ilk tbl" lVall tbo namo be gavo to tbo oval-ehapcd O[JOlJlUg III tho hcad of tho boIler) through willch the 1IIIIIth bnd entered w mnko ills repnlf6 1 fell WIth my arm thru8t so fllr lllto the ftpcrtllre that I reCeived n rrc~t) smlut blow III the fl\co mI It e lOin cOlltllet WIth tbe head of the bo ler lind J Ibd not h esltnto to drag my bo I) ,fter It tbo moment 1 recovered fr m I tl1l8 Ktunlllng etrect lIud 88certnmcd III' vhe re .bullt.! In II "ord I crept 1I1tO tl u boaler resoh cd to plU!8 tho rest or th e ni ght thore 1 be plll( e WIllS dry nil I ~I ( It. rod Hnd Illy bed beell l!Qftcr 1 II 1111 I nv o slept all tllat mnn eould de.lre III It WR8 I slept and slopt -uIIlldly [ shuuld ment lUlI tllQugh thot hef ( rc luti I II III Y cyo~ I soveral tllncs ~I fl ed ny p OSItion I hnd gOllo first of nil W Ih o furll er end of tllo boiler then II; 1111 I h Id cnm letl haek t~ tho man I ole \,() I,ut IlIV hlllld out to feci tbat It "U ti rt' l Iv ul CI Ihc wurmellt place II I" It th furtl or end whore I finally • stl\bh shcd myscH and that I knew fr II tho first It WI\8 foolisH 1II me to thlllk thllt the openlhg through whIch I llld Just entered could \io cJOIled ,nth ont Illy '1Iell" hl ~ It, nnd thnt, too when tll\ ono \Ins nbtlf hut myself !wsldel!, I lIe\ r cOllld bea,r to !xl shut u~ III IIny pltlCe-lt nlwllYs gives n Wild hko feellng nhollt the hend You mRy Inugh, sttnngcr hut I beheve I Mho\lld suffocate )n nil empty church If I !.IDee felt that I
WIiAl o ' ~r, husband shOUld !wil n ma rw I life \\ Ilh J\ good excul!C ror stn) III/! OUI ni l OIgltt thnt Will maJce hIe brenkfnJ!t a har pv lIIenl F t: I I ON TlIIC. It 18 getti ng flO chIlly th I t I( C rc 1111 dell l rs III I e to tiet IhtHr fr6('z~"" I rill d Ihe 8tO' 0 at lIght E, t:1I' cloud bas n 811ver lining IIntl IlIlllly a ilion WIlli e. 1.8 pocketbook wus ~ gou I K wd healthy c1uud t\ MA N (1Oled I to bUYlDg n pllIchbeck w.lel OJ IINI It F IIlth becauiIC It WIUI w Iholll orke nud therefore deud 8 1 Lou I ~ Jourlal Mllny thonks for tl,ut httlc p<lt!nl 011 Aulumn but gu ano I nu plano" Oll t rbYlDe I.Il our typc lJ ET IH IT } r•• Prn, One of tho balf dolh... uf u Ir fullterK" IS dug up \y th e pM rrll 1 ere yeste rei a) It was mnde of pewlcr n o LI.l'-8T Ell Drmocral We beldn to UII k 11 at th Inte Mr 1{.dd feft no moncy r If be dId WIlliam Tweed got hol,1 of It TURN Ell B F ~L\Jl Rtporltr If you do not ' 8 1 t lO be robbell of your good n ltll O do ot b",~e It painted on your u mbrelln THE ommg truggle' 18 the name of 11 we kly Jou rnal to bo tarted 111 1'IuIB(\elpll II nest month A -.err ap-
pn'prllOIAl title
.me. ut. willch wore were becollllng drcnchOlI III th o storm which Itnd oraglnulh drlvcn me w see k till. ahclter 1 f It Ihc dulling fllln ul'on my tx lre nlltl\l~ Th, y g rew coluer und colder nnd tI elr OUIn bile grael uallv extended up" nrd tooU ler p 1ft- of Ill) body I t MCcmed hm, ever that It 1\ 1\8 only the under Side of my pel'!1On that,. til; Ihus ~1('IL lIl;f ly ,med 1 laId U(lOII mv bllcir antI 11 Illllllt have boell • specl ell of 11 ghtmnre thnt nfllieted mo for I know lit l... t Ihat I IV 1ft drennll I~ vet fell It Im pol'l!l blc to rouse mVl!elf A VIolent lit of coughlllg r storc,l at Inst m) po" ors of volitIon The W ltor willd. btld been s lo\\ Iy raolllg Ilroulld lIle TIIshed Into my ulouth r a\\ okc-Ic heu r lho fII{'ld Htrokes of the Jlump willch WAll drav ng It Into tho bo ler 1\I y whole condI tIOn- no not !til of It-not l et-my p (ClK' nl co ndit lO 11 Hlwhed Iloroll.'! me wllh n l' W horror But ( did not n!!lnln 11\\ DU n TI e eh ok lll g sen6Rtlon whIch mud me flllnt wi cn I first fhseovcred how I \\ us CI \.< mbed jtnve way to a h\ eher ll ough Ie><.; OVcf powerang emotlou I shrlcked ovOn ,w I slnrted ·from slllOlber 'lho pr "lOllS dltICo, cry of the clJscd IIpertnr "Ith tho mstnntoblh Ion Ihl1tfollow d re mcd only II part of my dreA m nnd 1 thr w my Brms abont nnd looked enge-I y for theo'p'clllllg hy wblch I had cntered tI c hOrrid plneo-ycs looked for It IlItI fclt for It, thou~1I It was Wltll tho sad convl ctloll that It WIUI cJO-.'<Cd 110" II sec ond tIme brought homo to no "h eh prompted my fr< nded cr) I ve ry IlODse seemed to ha\ o teo fold ICll tI.' Il C-"'l yot not ono to nct IU UQlSOU with another r 8hrleked agmn nnd ngnln IUlplonogly dCllpalflngly 811V1Igel) I filled the hoilow chnmber WIth Illy ene_ till ItA! lren 11'1\118 seemed to tlOgle a.roand me 111e dull strokes of Ibo Ie cursed pump 8CCmed ollly 10 mock nt whllo they deadened my tlCrooms • At last I gave myself lip I t 18 the struggle Rga\Dst our fato tha t frcoZles tho mlDd We cease to fear "hell ~B cease to hope I gave myself 1111, aud then I grew calm I • I was resigned to dIe-resIgned even to my mode of death I t " 1\8 not I thought, I!O very now nfter nil to awaken unwonted horror In a man Tbousands ho vo been .u n k to the bottom of UIO oeeun "hut In hnlcls of vo 18 beatlllg themtIClvtl8 8gl\108t th e b Ittonc;) hllwh03-drngged down from the upper world shrloklllg not for life bu t fur death ollly oollCllth the C) 0 nud nmld tho breath of Heann' fhuUI!IlT d8 ha' 0 endured Buch npl,llllllng klIId of "utrO( n tlon I would dlo only 118mnn) II bet ter man had d Ir d hcfore I co u Id m e~t Kueh a denth I snld 80 I thou~ht so I felt !!O-felt 80 I mcan for a mlllll to or more ten m\DU to8 It may hnve been or but nn lIl ~tnnt of tlmo J know not uor dOO1l It matter If I could COlli I ute It There WIUI 0 tllnc, thon when I WIIS reslgoed to my fRle But good God I wus I resigned 10 It III the sllllpe III \\ Inch It next oaille to upplll me? Str \IIger' I felt the wale r grllwlIIg hottl'r Ilbout my IImbK though It WI~ vet only mI{l leg dCC111 I Celt It and llt the Mille mo ment heard the rollr of the fllTIIII Ce tlmt wa6 to turn It mto 8team before It could get deep cnougb to drown me You sbudder It Willi htdeollll But dId 1 ISlmek and shnvel and crum'ble down upon tho Iron Roor, and 1050 my senses ID that horrid agony of fell r Y No I Ulougb my brnm 81\ Bm nnd th e h (eblood curdlcdai my heart seemed abeut to sUtgORto thoro forover stIll 1 kn e" I was too bOllrllO too helplc811 from IIIV prevlou8 otror\l! to ory out OIoro But I struckl , feebl¥, at IIrst, then strongly frapticauy, With my clenched 118t11~a1.ll8t
i! my
about you to J'iecel '/ I am no wol'8o 'than you lire 8Illd you rself thnt yo u have 0 tmp door III the top or you r hlllld lind 8 gum elAll h c palate. Y(>s, but thellO thlngM nlll t Irue I!md Thorpe I un Iy w id you abou t tb om to !leO If you really I{)vcd me 1 m as sound as n doHor uo Ilia i n c liver or Bll vl'r plll~d skull or In) tbll g But you /'CO lli to be klDd of trung w gether IlO 8 If ~ou Khollld knock og IIn st 1111) thll g you d calle r nllaroulld o\('r Ihe carpel I tblnle you ollght to let me 011 Very \\ ell Klr Me 1 WIll nut Iclmo tell )OU tl ot J vc gotno tillng IJ C III Iller WIth me c lthe r I onlv Im onted Iho"" 8to n cs W try you becausc I knell )OU \l cre pl.ylll; II Il ,me 'or 11 C Nuw 1 k n HI ) OU d III t lovo III C ) ou Cllll go sIr Hnnnnh J t Ike It 1111 ll lck love y OU Do ) 011 more tb \UBut no tho clIrt I I hn 1 be tlu 1 0 .Ir Iwn right h~re fh e CI Id IIlId Hcl fi -h \\orld hUK I {\ bU8IDcI!II v th such Kcenc. IU! lbl. ] hl'Y 1 re to be con w hdlled curl) next I ullh Sitting Bnll'" QUlrters l
NEW ~ O RK llt.mld A !tttle boy of twelve years nllllled Benrv ] ord WAS Ilrmigned bc'ore Jusilce Duffy nt the Combs Pchce Court charged with throw illS slones pt p II!IICrl!-by fho youthful pntlOnor " M , ory pen cnt an" prOIll ..<ed ne , e r ag I1l1 to h IIIdl!' e'CIIII pebble B~ W Iy of \ rop l . tlllg lhe magl. lmt., he ndded \Ild 1 ollce I antto) ur 8chool
Ho" III ICh do l OUknow I M k~d tl e cOllrt 01 I know lOIS uf ~ralllln r nthc moUe ILiIII Jogrnphy I1ns\\ crcd Ih e Iud Wl'lI I f YOIl eRn parse '1,1 C !!elltence 1 prou Hie 10 be n goo I 110) I II 1\ let you gu I he httle fellow gladl, nccepteel th(' ofler "!Hi "' eceeded III c:urrectly I 'r~ ng then !\C tcn cc Accor.hll~h the co urt dl rectotl h s releat!C 1I1 I 1\ I.' 011 er 111 ch rgeo[the g lIe WIISofllt' rcd tl pnT'C hIm Oll t _ __ _ _ _ \ bHR~VF.I'Oltr (/
I ) TI I f" Dunng tl c p,.og rCl!>! If th e l,ben L llovome nt I ere one of tho workers 111 th e C/1UIlO jl;l t lUI old dnrky who flld not I<lk( kllHn) to lho movement off to one SIde nlld begnn de 8c nbID~ tho grcut benefi~ tho neg ru would en)oy by ellllgrllllllg and Imong othor thlllgil told 111m ttl/It here the DC gro dId not bave to "ork nntllfo bad provldod every tiling lor 11\8 comfort there the milk IlIId honoy, and brend alld 8ugnr trc s co, ered tho (orcHt and bAli Ilnas eoconnut~ plllcapples 10nlOllM nnd all the tropleal fruita grow 1\8 plentiful All ChIDn oorrie. hero Dat's nough of datsto~YI l\l\Jd illcold darlrJ, • dqtlUII t 110, kuse If It willi de whIte mRn would 1\ ",ellt dar long /lgo and do nIgger n~ber would hob known Duftln 'bout It II
THOMAS JEFPIR80N 8 homo 18 In a rUIned condItIOn abd 11 loog laWSUIt provcllb nny Improvement. The farm 18 worn out :1IIi1 the house-doSCTlood u that mnrvelouB conceplton of JaJfer @Oll 8 11110 bnck', mortar lind wood With UIlIlY hLUe rooms, no, ol-tlbllpcd largo rooms hnUs that go nowhore lul<,1 rotundas Without purpollO ' -I ~ unoccupied
U ~
~ '\ 0
It \\ rl
11 0 rcg lon III "hid S ILl I1 g Bull 18 e llClI "I cd :! (III uf pIc 1SI1IIt plarc8 Not II II) , c n d I go Ihe countn be l" ce ll WOl.1 M ) Intmn nnd Clpre.s HIli ; • vIr od Vllh BuflalooM Now thClr dkull s wbltclllng 011 II e pi 1111 and the rler l 'orn t mckll III eh trnH].rse II C pr Ufl O III CH I) dlrectlOlI IIrc the only e\ rlc ce~ of the r form er ~XI8toIlC(, lor t ' 0 or th rcc dnys lust howe\ er 'list herd. from the north hn' Il been I' ..'.ll1 g southl\ lTd nnd th e S IOUX !tre IllYlllg III nblllld lut r tlllll~ FoxoN wolve. blld gors skunk al1d mlllk teem lIoth III Lhlll!e 111\18 and Wood l\1ollntalll IIlId musk rll ts lire vcr) abundaut ID the sWllmps nnd cree k ~ On the rrame tho httle gofer or ground eqUlrre 1I0d OIole ure found III POpUIOIlH COlODlC8 Prame chlckenll, dll ck. and geese erRn &! bl ttorn8 plover 8I\nd plper8 enille nnd l thel waelers 'II we ll nil pIgeon. blllckbirds and lark. aro (ound everywhere and serve to koe p the wolf from the duor of BI \tln g Bull 8 lodge Wooded belts arc scattered tnrollghoul th e country fhe herbage 18 clen n !IJ! L well 8halen 11Iwn and clum ps of R6pcll and (IOplllr IIhound Bct1\eclI th o Cnctu8 rllllll and Wood l\I UI bnn thc Great Salt Plnan that be gins JlI~t wext of Tuuchwood HIli . IlC00l8 too relic" Itscl f H uudreds of Mmull IIk e8 f Milne or bmcklKh wat er WIth out ' III) vllllble outlet nrc to be found III d theMe nrc frequented hy WIld fow l III co untl eR~ Hock8 Bitting null hll8 amlllUllltJon enouglf to koop hIS camp Kllpph ed With the luxLLn!'s uf the IlOlI8O n I 18 br n eM belli\( lIundorflllly expert III Btnlklllg the cobn or prairie deer
The FlI8hlon ~ "I LIII" WIll he ' urn (or Cllt ro ft II elrcl!>! 1001 et ~ nllll" III IIHO r l ler Ilrgtl v Into com bin ILIO n U!<e8 A fr esh leolgn III IlIeI C~ rt(hll~ Ill" IS a blltk • Ik hat "ItI I I , round l ro\\n III pi cc J( II f' N' , lil cd c1ll11ne) pot Conch .hell rco \I 1M III fa, rand hcre nrc r und not onl) sel.. bruoch md earrings but pretty a IlhtlOIlH to nor II p ILtern for tho I I r A fll' onw c 11 b nntltln of colonl IS 011\ 0 wltl nll.1 ade. o( IlIlk Apropos of tbl s 19 fOlIC corAl . h gbtly dull ulld ) ello'l\ IlIh but It Will he 0110 of tho
gnn lire Pe rhaps t hnt 18 ttlll I V nelV planeta thero NEW 'i OIlX H~aid \VJllte hee roll tb en 8C I\ os up into cocoons and nClI t ~ co r tl ey c. me oui blllldllOmo, full flcdgc" \\ II gy old 1\ hoppers A 1'1I11..ADELJlUA dancing ma&Ulr " rljllc! to b lbout IIItroduclng a lIew dance U I rClOllly fo r fu t people All the per forrnerK have to do IS to BIt nnd kick AN D now we henr II HIIII swall VOICO . nylllg The nndy 1lI0ths bave JllII~ rUllIl'tI my furs Any se nSIble man "III kn '" 1\ I II.McX]lected of hnn EA S ION Free PrCla 'fbe blue glMII tI cor) I a K vnlllshed We fide 80 bllrd III 1111 COU 11 t ry IJlIlt th o stou test bobby I nl lot .t, (1(1 tI e ex~re l so long n IIflflT£I1 D CllOcrut What tbe milk Dl nn 811 II when U ey (ound a fisb ID the lu< IC I flUId Good beuvens l tho brindle cow I 1M bec n HI 81Vlmmlllg ngnlll ' DA:O;I UR ) I\'e", T o be ki cked 10 tbe Mt O I \Ch l Y II cow worlh t22000 must ht' \( CUll I nlllf'd by 0 varlotv of ennobling sen. uLI{ ~ Not every man call atTor<i It I " A I II th 11 MdId be AP08trophu;e III 101 C Oh Helmotta I Bread and butlu uf Inngr)' Cblldhood-cnnv_ h r k·.JIII k of ~atlnt cd mnnhoodl' But abc I\ ouldn t bn, e blm onYhow t\ SOt Til [RN book kooper VIKltlug the N rllt 011 I s vaClltloll wnlked to tho top uf lIu Ikcr 1:1.11 MOllument Ho Mid tl t It \VIIS tho Illud est cO\lImn to foot u p 1 e I ,d !\Cell HlIleC ho left hOllle PIIII ADELlIHA Build I
nen) eetaUl
hU8111CSS 18 lIut so I'rofituble lust 110'11' Tho tonnnt 18 w utlDg for the landlord to lowcr tbe rent whlle t.ho landlord Ie waltu I; fur Lbo tcnnnt to mille It 011 11 Y Derr ck If the cockroach that ern 1\ led lIlto our mucIlage bottie, dul l!O WIth II c eXllectnhon of bettering (IO~ultlr wmle r color~ blM cond LUIO! we I!Ildly fenr that, In the I,;uban cloth I" "tyhM h IIInterlallll pure IUlIgunge of ule (lOot he got fttuck " wool In ~badC6 of roblll 6 egg bluo nnd n wnrm tan color the figure hetng an ell HlU'd Work. ceedmgly fin e check Thl8 16 twooty four Inohes WIde nnd sIxty eeot8 a )tlrd Some of the fIlII walkmg-dr&!8C8 Ilrc short deml train but theso IIro the ex (',l)ptlon ftlth er than the rule The aim now e~en for 8tree ~ costumes l!Cems tu be tow Irtl euormOUK tram! m tb o back and remarkable 8hort even to the IInkle 111 front The pri ces of SIlks nrc rcn ollilblo there havmg been no ntlvanee III bl ck or ncutrnl 81111dcK lind the growlI I:; ex cellencc of uomestlC IllllllUf . e lure~ re I ders It probllble tillt .llk ~ C II be obtnlllCllnll through the COIllIl1j; IIItcr lit f tvor II 10 onees ~ew BeIS III silk undenICnr cc nSI8t f drnw cT8 Rnd coro;et covers 11 esc nrc mude 111 Naples sdk In dl til ct ahnlcs of bille I?lI1k lIod mn\lVe I nd He trImmed wltb torchon or Valrnelcllncs laco Ihey nrc beautIful IIml rnn I u Illundrlcd p'crfectly They Illao como III Ivory willte and are vcry pretty lIud S IIY. 8(0011 on th o corner Kmillng WIll floubtl cl!8 be gro Itly In vogue "hen 8" cctl) 1\8 he JllllII!ed over tbo croSlllDg Ho known for brldnl !!Ob dldn LknulV her but she WI\8 very pretty and ~ ul'l (Blllg she must be a lady to 'flUB IS the Yonker. whom 10 I ~d Ilt l!Qmo lIme hud 1\ 'p'L8I!- tlQn Qr lIIr GeorgI! '~llil~;~(i1'JJTIiiirirst:tffillil lIIg Ill t rcdllCtlllll he ralscd hI" hat "lth a jIOOtie stylo bel\ of grace IIlId courtesy In return 8be .. eat tho paih Ib.1 loalb " ...... pt SO ollwllb IOJ lb. bll torlo she mlsccl ber It p IVI th a look of scorn H er g.... lloOI< 0 1...101001< la ful COl tempt and looklllg bnek be 811" to A '\,UII't 01 ""~I"IC III ehllgnn thut her slllIle hlld been'mnn D b; :J'::"" 11«11 ufnetured ('JI;l'rcs-~ly for 1\ Indy fflend a Dr 1...ln8 <o10 eno gb to paJ few ~top~ beJllntl hIm and when they tier lun.ral . Sl"lo.... klll.'!cd nnd gIggled nnd peered aftor hml OIL OlTY Ca.1I An expreu traln ia UI mhcule be felt about ~comlortnble II!! II man does who IIl1s 'ole mouth WIth fasUlr thAn a day laborer, but it can t 8 O,P as .uddeD t!81t mIstakeD for sugar
I fJ\1 \ZOTrl:' Q I~.
rt '\ubrr t'lsrmrU t' 5, =-..:---G. It Zell & Son
n ! Lilli. ' K '1'ItlO't:IW. - r• U.•ItiC" .
• I' . J In I II 11W.lI. ' I Il' I ~'I'd\l ll wlr I • •~ \ 111 \ . IUtl\LI.. II~~ I I ' lili ~ GIl ~ AI"" '.! tltllt III~' I;'X IlIj :11 1__ I'lllkd' ~11'Uhll'I' 1','1' tl t· 1'H't 'll .1" III • \\':1< lll'l'\', I1.1 ill W illll tll1!t" ll II U .... • IIII IC " • • W ":II..,.. IIl it)ll ,., Flltll!" I, ad Illlh:liill~" II .1I 11 111111'1 " '1" .."," '. I I \\(" Ii '"I II qh/ll' , , "I' t.uillg II. l' v "":"~~~~..",.----......,-=",...:-!!!~ II ch.ll'j,(l' ut '·,!llIl'll·it.1 IlI lh, 1'1111" 1 . •• •. l.,th,'I ti l' " i~ d ul~h l 'r' ·hl t;!. Tl'l\1 .._~ .. 'l'na.. . ............ _ _ • \Jur.tll' t;1'~'"' .\Ie 'ltm' , '" ulted i~1. . " "1' Im" l . dlll~gltl 'r hl'I~~ulr 'ti nuL (L"itu l'ulIl -1 "lIh. ACOIlmln, I tl 11\1 A . ... ~o. I II theIr aCIJUlt.l!. T ilt! Da,Ytv ll JOUI' " t T • t .1 ~IIII h 'ulI H 'I\l'" vl.1 ~ I . t '1IIIIinn.\1 Etpr I , IO.~7 A . • •• No: I "<II. Si l'UIi 110111 0 1' lh I'Ul&IIUII .. fUI\ - UU . u erry d r S~) u .. . • .~ . _. Oul " nI1IU~ .•c.. " .5U r . N. '-;0 . 1\ thei r arr08t us loll \)w : CllllllP U) t rl!. I A I.IWI,1t B.,,' IInt'r.- ' ltll rli . ~::lh"I~'~~~ ~a., II~~:: : ." ~:: I ~ . .. tlk'Ul' L ·.mlln 1111 11l.1l011 .ul}()1\ . ~ M r8: J . W ill \V hito IUI~ buun , L10l!l1l' 1' WI.I · 11I11I1 ~ i ll~ u n to II "'"g Ill . ' " . 1......... . _.... fI-usll h ' d UUd 1,1 thu I're.; lI e o 01 Me VI It lllg III Sull th Ohllrill1l II. 11110 dJV 01 III"t W' k whell he NI II"': preA. a M • . iI .t ~o. !j lI lI l'u hilU 011'. All ol d 11\1111 a ll - Wuntcd PUliult hlu w II lld Earl ' ' dlipputfllllll f 'lI lIll 01'1.11 wh-I:I ~I::I~.IA~.. ~,-:.t ~o . .weri.lIg his IIOtlCI:ipti on had h 011 R u I' tll tt> , " I (~"\l II ity UII ' I " ~i llK UV r 'Ii ~ ~ vt. UI) . \\'II ~ .s· , "" 18c lhpffiIlI. Ii. /U P . .. .. ~~: I~ secn alld talkuu With b . twu ul thu kury. \ ul'ely hllrl Im t 18 I·l·. ' 0 \ ' \ ' 1' 11 11;; lu ' 1. ' ",Igllt and Ace.. 1.58,. II . Nu . I' , fiugmcn IIll1 ng the OU IIUI. Ilu ·tllt - ~l it!1I FrIlIl C~' U il~(l1l 01 l f ll . .. . ~ wJllulI.lJ:!lI"l. Ihllt Ill', liv ed ill Uclll'l'uuk. IIl1d'WII V' I11 II gc . III . Yl.dl' t 'III!; IIu r' 1'"1'1' 11 t ~ I . 61I1 CUllllt~rI~l -t Tl'llrnl do oOl . 'op n k . tl'i hills, ."." th . No. 1 E.n.Dd No. iu. \\"cucn.r. mail. th ut ho ca ll i ·t v Dllylvlt t<> celilcul ill Ihill !Jlllc\!. t~(llitl . It 11 • to: C W ~ ul'k III'~ III NOI. 1. 6. "lnd 1(Ii"... dally . All olhers 81)1lI0 IIl UIl CY " I'll Jllltll l ivi llg ill lhl. -u U . ' (1 ' I I l'. .11 ~. II'C llllitWIl . . \\ ,~ hllVu li t 1'\'(~I'I\'t!oI dnlly, Olt"opt UlldsJ" ull, tNIl pllrt vI' til ." ci tl' 111101 he . I V lIlI " k . ' . ' It! lJ ""Y Y·t. hill hl'll III pUl'l'ctll d .Iruad . · 0 0 R,\,INE51 MctM d It t I I " I I uu d IIl'W ~ ll'c u i IUrllllllru 1111 -_.- • .• _ ._ , llB'1RGE TILES,· B~. A): ·~. . ":Oti llt SlulIIlUt ~."gl l I'HI t I~ C 1,1111 ' I'icturu ·frrt lltuol. Fll 7.TlltNOKlI LHi~ npl'l il rJ l ge" IU III' II .. ell!J IICo.: III t lilt . . • . .. lAIUI OOINQ: KA~T: IIciv;hbvrhoud withill his n .'Cullec. - M,IIIO ).,11.101'. .01 ).t, b,,· luI' u I UM lt l~ ill ~ bll!;l(lIg ,·~ t nll~ IIc r ·Clo. M Iu A. II. and S.40 1' .11 . tit, ". It is Ihull ,ht by tho antlle ~ U Ll! vI ~ lt~d Mr. 11ul'lleo LUld 'r\lud Ill: Ib o ~1tllll l y aUuy Hll dw uy. ANI) MAl tS GOING W EaT : lUll II , ~, l tr(Jl llru ..... ulsu III th o Nur. IlImdy .tlll • we.ok. . . 1\\ uyIIlld l'l110 ~ tJttllill. Qio e 5t 11I,au P . .. . ond r. .• 11 e, ,, I'UW GUlll(e UUp lit jll t IIft,l)\' tile 5 . - MI II lIllIO Owens ..1 t. Mllr· rr-;:> , \' I t ·' -d D ' U II ' A _ I.. rAltn. P. M. 1I I t " I b t f M' A I IJ-J E lllve lie I. U s ~ Yra llel 'lI O•• lbus-Linc 1' • •M.! tm ill. ha ~It, \\'i s'lin~ lUI III . I.n~.. (! 1\ tl gUl' U IllS g. 0 IIgh tiyrllp ill v ur Itlillil " IInri r llll U N D E H T A K E H S ~ t.lIk It tu XeO"I. Ilre S~Ulle a lter· 11 0 W 1I11,IIU UII. I ll~S(,I t IIIlIt it io the bcst re ll lcdy l·u I.1 :.t rUll8 to and Cur,.·ln . 11 lit t'10IJ ,11'111'I U I'U ~ ever" nO<JOOIn'tHi"liOIl tn!n.fromOrdOI'!! Ion lor at 1I0UlI [) "tectlve -l'"[ I'll. 1,ucy S pellcc. 1.1 I' t. ,u" !lr' In c.. ngh VI' culd O\'ur ill trud uccd thePUtlL- lllHcu"'i tlro~iv.CIU' fu l attonliuo. turll iug fI·ulU t ir o clIstern l):l rt vf1till 'd, 0 ., \\.·Ud U ~"n,,~ t 01 Mrll. 1'. Pr'l c" "5 "Ollt". ' 1 . . . . . ., D •• n ~o ..... • r ... P"I.() ~ a , • • D IR IIHl'I'ORW. Daytull. pus 00 tlll'ce m CIl in II \\I1I~' Kl'llrllc), tillS wce k. • .• • . ~. . -UU, 0110 of whulU hu recogll izuJ UIl I -Mr. ShcriJ ll1i iloiuhwilY uf I{ El'l.\('B lInnOUIiCC 11 11 i "" nell~C Y.llol.ICY "P1t801t T IXA1\JAR BAPTIST C II . L' d I' I' d I'1\111 CIIIClllllllll, ,. . . ,hi I'I.SltlUg ., n. ' 't t . b ' I ' -M,.,"l!~ · t, noar MUlL Dlvioe eerviae ~. U go, r-om IUV1 11 g arrcdto III~ Ilucl u, qlllllltl Y U !t1'l\l0 olOg S I'~( away WAYNESVILLE I OHIO. "DthGIl~..\ tar y' aad Sllnalt:,of "built tllroo or fOllr ycurs a gu MI'. WIU. n. Il"i!(h wuy. ulltil prieN! iUI!Jl'\)\·e. O"'_.I:I:":::~M:":!M: :~t: ::~~ ~ Rav'd - lo'ur &11 cheap, guud .seconu elise of Il ll ra E\, urhtll·t VB. E F .• th.r AlIgu.tJoe. Priliot. M.uot on the 2d fiuld WII"'V ti Ii .ct I \. • f I I huud MlldUIl & UU Ildll1 C<iblilot vI" FI'l\Ilk PU II CO hi 8tl\ fur th h; tonn of •• . , I . una~y of 0 Dh munt.h. Lay llerv\ce evory . sa sO le \ " OliO U ~ le ' gull. ElI lI" il'u Ilt Ihid offiCI!. Uutlrt. I . OUB DOLIAB CA81DI:l' On..... """ a1Ofr1'nt!y ...,....0e4 IMY'II .............. . ·uud ..y afl~ ' noon. I)lOIi III tho wllgUIl ut Ihu ti mu, 1 hO I ' Dnlpo, Ame"'y" :-::u:,lDIrJcI ,..hlt .....1. : """ ....uliful Cal C _ ~I .,... 4ae ~alr or S.t . l\h lw's P. R . OnUROR _ Cnrne~ OJ ftllg well, with wholll the olu mall - We hllv Itl s,v It. v~I'Y III C a d' -- - - - - _ _ E _ _ _ _ - -I.t-;AI.ll:R I N~!'..,~co~1':i:'::'=: """":'::;~~o!:.:~t=':'':.~ If"': E~'!.:I'"!!;:i!~ Third antt Mi~mj SlTuete. The Roy. Louie mlkeJ, also iucntify him with tllO BvrtUlel1l 01 H"yt:! MUIIll tr-,!n $-1 u p. ir I 5 • ~~.I~i!a:'~II~q~~~tdl~'t!!oo:e":l!!~'!..Lf"oo'ld~~:r~!:.I O.bortle. ~eulo'. Diviulllerviae •• ery t~·o ' .ict uro. I Oad wallader. J :tnnl'Y & E \·e rly. fl, 0 II .'. D R fi', ~ r.-D ID . _ ..ui'Ul"''''to,l!fnk·IIDtd _*,c.laI_or J.w.lry ond W.,cheo ... 1 willo eAch ... Ic.nlls\mdayevonlug. SundBy·.ohool t ' . , , J bR I 1 • ~I ' d "ELL I C· I . I) '7 ~o.; I;, .,W 0a .....tptof o.e~ _ wlll o ... OC_Dolla:a'C_tI,b1 awl. pool.pGitI.. at 011. DI. o\·cr,. SUlld",.. J hu BUl1pos iti l) n iri lhat U nlclt· - v. "gel'" III )l'lln 1II ~ Icle " • .- II In. on .. ". ... r I. I I • • 1I'O'U c.a.a. .. nctI.J' oc ea.... Add~ ' V .•~n c &: Mlls!ie TOWDSbl'p D.'--t·l..e <. i8011 alld 1< ml"o, kll ulVilig McOluro',; fl,r sdll ng Irquo!' IIIIJ kceplll.!( II Ib wife of Cnl 7.., \1 , "f .. d"ul"h",. . I ___ ~ uEO. G. JAOOBy II GO., ImpoolllrloC}.-Iryand Walcboo, ,. ... ' j 0<uup&IIymeet<1oulhead&tllr. ..,,, <~ ubjClltincuruillgtV 0 ttl JJoc r Ii l' Id . O"KBItRIN.-lIIO"'I!0n. Wurr"n.rrirounl y. l . . . . . . . . . p:= ~~~=====~===~ln~~W~Uoo ~~n~"'~n~8~tr.. ~~"~aw ~~~;..... ~~'~W~.. ; _roteot\'o lhucity lollu\Y' res r t cUllmry 0 U \\' Ilt , . ~tI.I77,'hvWifeOf JohnlC n. O f" L
w,.. ·k
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m'JJ~'.l·A.~i1.'fIO"'O OI1U~=The
f.~lt tfl~r'1ct~~ l):?l;l~~'~ul'~' n~~:
Til !:
C I;'
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!:lo~Uoi":~~ ~':n~;:t~ X:~lrr!.!;.,,:: ~I. o~ him, with tho IJtl!'IIo'dC of ·ro.bbillg ~ Ter~y id . till supply ing our pco· ..,,' IThe Washi1lg,tOII:City Route,l ~~O th e 'Wor~~ !dent. R. P. G ulMO,~ret."ry. 111111. fh4:Y pl'evlltied vu IIIIU tu plu WILh 11I'dl' rutll vydtl!ro tit th l! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUlleN)) • MBKTINil ,Ortbodox).- Met'L- I'idu h"me wil h them, IIl1d, seizing riu icnl .. u" pl'icc~ vi :&5, all ulI1 l 40 lu[J'cr a. mu eh witb Nr.un.~LfIiO or RBl T· iDIllf for d!'ino W'orAhir OY.~ry Flnt ~nr! .l,U. the vppvl'llIliity, put thei r pUI'PVSIl cen t!! U CUll. Uo t ll T 'II'y'd fur th e . • ~ .\T1 C . ou...lul" .. R4 Awo:rl.,," ••• nd D. U" "y, ~lnolnj( ..t II.\oalock. F.nt.-D.y intu. I.:xl!emioll ' lIud , tv PI'U~ \'''~ llt U" 0 ' , I.1.1 C~"t ..olld CIu~ '''III)t' ~,t . " . , Uun iSlt> I..ulin" III remodl .. to. cur.>. J.t,.,.. EIohool at tl l.Go·ol<>ek . l.t. I\N T I:A~r. -., oll r Clurk.villo. 0 t.otx-r l \. . ~ t . Ic.m.lnc.DlActev.ryday",ilh.cor •• ",hoar FIlIST BAl'TIST (Free-will ) Ohurch in tuCtl.OLl, II ~Ul'de l'ed tho vld Willi Il!,d - H yoo want YUil l' Hllh t" Ivuk ~I. '77. [I. m urd. 'nnIJJ~""U 01· Go",,!!c Au· . , ~ ... rrorln, witbou, hnvial' (.. und Ibe 0Ilro l"<1 Wllynl'.- rvloot h Id the flN~ ~nd t hir~ ellrl'led h iS b.v<!y buck to tbe cIty brigllt Ju nut put it tv ,; Iec p witlr tr:um . .. ~od!l montbs. 'Ell'li' Irll lj'\\ D len 1'1. '1/ol't(,~t , Qllid" 'st, ,1/1,1 !'lIly huvoaUUllhUor. TUDayon. wboh""U~"" J. &bl)&th of elloh month At lOX .\. M . ft ud , l\nu dl'ul'P""l lt IIItu th u cunul, ",hure lanJlln um wh 'II I'esll cd ' but Ub\) Al tonilh.,·w " Succ... . . ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8~ gr Di NI'i HO III t" I'. N . nc". J. A. Sutton. IIf Dlao"he wr. 't Id b I I I. 1 .1 . • ... '" 't1 [. 1'."wr. All • .., nordl..11)' in.,lt.ed W Alwnd. I WUII . . ~, 1\J llg It u u lIlu cumwlt· D r. llllll'ti ThlLy Sy I'll\,. :!5 cCIlLd It i. the dULr " f e"ery 1'01'11011 \\'ho h.. W.lSHIXGTON !ND ' B.' L·flMOltE r lir leNDo!' MEETINO (HH. It..).-M tinl" t~d ulclde. !a bUltlu. u...,1 HIISI·II Y.f:" Glm. A , 8 \ ' 1\ I' t" lot i ... 1 WI.. D.... ~c:I_ w aeN ooly 101. Ytbatl tlHompound<d ,,:1', fnr dinn " worship 0 ....... Fir t And F nurth "'I X eniD . .."'oro"1/'Ulflo 1, dd ~ . I - I j' YUIl wunt to b lIy 1111 0 vcr· friend" woml. rtnl'Ill 'lu ..lI!i (~ " 'n umnll.,.,. k"o,,"u 10 "Ath" epJ~r I Richmond Lynchburg Norflolk ' lb.d "1110. "'Iontieo .killl\Dd c~r. II bon t.r".... . , ' J, 1 0 o ' 1Irin" id _.. U hi Day, belr.nnlng at II o'clock. Flftit.-D.y .." . II " y ~ JU r nc ' v I I An I,,"I~I~ WI tbo ,.. erv ... rel'u,. un ,., <.1 8cbool at 01-2 l)'olOllk A. III . "On FI',day ovonlllg, Octub r COllt t.IIIB SC(\8un be BUI'O uuu CII uL Cull!fh•• c"" up. A~lh(n • PIIOU"I<lI1 ill. onn ill .. n it haa . cq ulred by lb. wODd<rful cur .. It b... OIl1ll81'TANOHUllClJ-l:I"rvll)llnn Lord·... 5th. Fudge Wll~ in It groc ry ill tllo (;lI8h ElIIporiu lu Illld 1(llIk at r."t nli lh . 'IUI.rlwlg tlil!l!>l""'. No perTil E SOUT1I . B 187' I.. rrormod. Tolbol. wbo h.w, nOI·url.. 1<,1 d n lib . '" oon call ,..." it .W4~~Lt. irllm udl,t.6,·r.--A!W-, tho CURA rIV E wa urt. IL trl.1or ,I. \'lrlul!S .. y.and ~ln'l.y_h",!1 lit hnlf·p...t nino CLi rook when Mr. Mcl\lurIl ~ aid thei r nille l18. urtmellt It·u II I 'l'5 li p Tbroo d".1lII will rOt ... uny ~" .•"d ,,"e Phila delphia . !lew.York. BO l ton . C.rlh.dt...... n. medbol ... . n cryLo,d i·dMy momlng. tv his n ephe\~ . h~ bclil!I'cd hu'd to 51 . (;1I(\wlIlllld er. JIIlIlley & c"n~IJoriLthft ,lu t)'(JfHlI DruIfKi. L.o!I.o reo ASh Ilb ... toodlh.'.. t .f)'..... l.", . tl.n It. In· 1I. E . Cnullcn .-The RI/Y. L. F.Van CleAf "U tv Du \' t I w'tl I ' · 0 tl 10 ld EVI! Iy cornm nd it 1.0 tho v- ~ dying QOIl.uml"ivo. T [I E E A ~ T ·. Ilrio". ",.rlU. And Donrly . TOry <otumuoity p .. tor. Di ...inOll(lmoe nn Sandl\Y • lit 10 ., J UI I I 1IIIl, n I ' 1' . . , 101.... \ 10 Iry IIIJ6 I~<i.ttle .• " 40.0('0() doz." I -" 1'........ lomollvln... lcI.o .. ot III Ilaln.d •. 1·2 o'uloa~, A . M ..... tl 0 1·2 1' . .\1 . Sabb.. lb 01 whellt, all d get tW? hU lltll:cd I - lit r. Dllrry Brad tr et, of G r· botH•• "'cro ...,Id Iu LyOiJr. und " 0 ""u 0'''0 Itroyln. aDII ODraU.,. properU... • nhool .. t ~ 1:2 P."'. Jollarll tl lllt \~t1S ~u be plIl~1 to 111.111 mllll to"'", I' i.. itefl Mr. 1I 0wli rd lJ up. whoro iL r. i1ud IVA"'" ported. urb II IOOr!· AI.SO. TrA.el . .. d.. lrl n~ . . • 11'"" 11'111/1 GRANOS. No. 111. PuttOnA of Ihere "y partI es IrulD JU dIUllllPVltM. kil " Iu t \I'eek Ff vi ous tu ',oillillg iei"••• Lh" O e mt.\ ll S"" I' .,mnul he 100 Spee. " PI_..... . 1td c._i-o.... ~I .. Trl • . '.mDcnt and SklllfuI Physicial!H HII~b,"dM': Willi.", Oornell. M ••l.t-r. M .... ' TI F rI k At CCI ure \\'I\li h is. '.Illthor in . '.,U.'I(IlB. whll. .he r he it. widety I", 'IVII . A .k~ YQII' Drll;t~i'L "b.lUL ~H~ '~ ~.' t/' ... "~, ' tr~ " 1ti1 .!!.:.1 ~!;!J . b'luld rementl"'r lho l tho nver n um; Drug-Stor" L1.o. u" ,l .'lIInl,,), ' .lI S 1I gu II W Sa m ~lu bolll"" to tr" to I·rnt• . R WI' _ II ~ . ,1' ~ ~, ..I. tho Cur~t\v. tnl'l"l)' ID lholr practl••• aDd of eMh month. I\t 7 o'oluck p.m., "~d!," Ih" &Olllg t Dayton : g·t \!IUlluy. 0 11 s~l\rted ycsterdllY. with his lD other I... izo 7" 0.11.... F'If' ~Io by Drnilili.t.. BALl I MORE AND Oll [ [t It ,,")!IIIMDt olonn'lIIon ..nd edll .... r••Olllm.Dtlil fuu rth S.turd.y of eAch mnnth at ~ I) oluck. Slitu rdllY tho Gth Inst. , Mr. A1cUllIl'e alHl brother. Mlly 1111 pOddtule I lick _ _ . ._ i. ,·.Icl,rnl.d lur ita CromII. koo1fled•• or I.. elfuel. Hod wo .p,oo , •~[!!!!!!!!!!!~~!,!!!!!!!!!~.~~~~ . went to Dn,·tnn. Fudgo IIl1d l a tlclld tllCll1. - 4i'cgnl -::'t. "'UI·..•· ll' O'''llt .·l1t",-. AN II IIle.... tl_ ......... le........ lrt..G. . . .. wO CQuld.I •• buadred.o rc.rtiO ..... rroIllP.r- . R f W II J> bl J Ji,. _ :o.'l.U , "" ~ :tJ . .... 8 ..... ,1(.1 " . .... "'Ia Plld " ,,11. , t1u woll hao"n ID tbl. oommunlty; but. wo ' liP 11'1' 0 lly llC6V I e U IC Hutchison burl',)woo II lig ht,c'olul'- 1 AI J W L ' f Leb 1'k·,!,(·li::::;t.:!:'I~:::,';.:,I"" b.rLo ro~ortoourr.mpblot.1fbl ohl. lo b. b.~ Scholl I (M t be Inonth end ing O ct d o d . .. d t r. . . Ingo, 0 a non , . . . ....... ~ - - - • . 1.... I.. LID". of DruCIII' tJo. or "Ill b. h 111..11 ~Dl Pph19 1877' . c . c v~re Spflllg \\ lI~on, all Il'. is !'up rted to pity more lor ud v ·r· Times for Bolding COORTS .~.,~ • UtlOD. AlI lh ••~rt.lfl..I."1'O uUr•• p . lUD, • klllg wltll them otne SIX bushels 01 tiBi t... than all tho vth r morChtln lH ___ 1. _ _ _ '''''T. and emlUlnto trom per.oal of Il&ndlD~ I GI"I S /TOTAr, · ·t"d b. r G' ivo HI" K 0..11 and ~...t.i.fy your...lf. will alwuYIf " (.IR !JIlW lUI d ",.poeLab\IJt1.aD" 11 h 01D1lJ' bt. GOIDIDUU ITutu) nrollet.ot. Dova. / Ill /102 18I) ~Ol(It,I Cd, ueplll " .."I 80 I'or D. I~Y t 011. . of tlaut !J lllcol CutUb.ined, and th~ 1'0' I11 ,. e 8"'0. _ I J • ••e Ill I VI t r I' (l 0 .Av"lJ(oenJOlllllent. 78 1('0() 178 II the a ftt!rnv 0 about 2 oclock !!ul t i", thut ha doos mure busill es &be,St." 411.10. 10 1878 I N,~~hr~';tw~dr~~~~:~~r-YKrd, cumer 01 IU by any otl,cr Lill~! ""tedwitbb, l.tlor orlnperaoD. ::r7::.":rn.~b"".:~ ~~ I~ AJcChu:e \Vus lllSt BCOIl com i ~lgel\llt ' and m'llkCil more 1D0lley t hun IIny WAYN ESV ILLE, OHIO. PULLMAN' PALAOP: OAR R h eumatism and Nearals:la . O_III! f a.rdln.... 13 13 28 011 Thu-d street: accoOlplllllOO by . othe r rulln in the pIlice. Its pays R.Ad Ih' rollowln. I.mlllloalalt flo .. welt• . Of the CRIes of tardincs8 16 00- F udge uud H~ tchlll 30 n •. A bont te ll to adverti 8e. . J AGOns' &- B EIG H W AY~ HUD Tbrealh Wilboot 4::"o...e lmuwll.ill••1IlI or Olonlud, . __... . h p . ' . o'clock a t D1g ht, a hg ht·clilored belween tbo prh'rlpal L. ..~o" C..... lo.~~"J.r:u"D.0 .• Jit1J6. lC1I. nrrL...... In t rlmary room; 5 "In it ' 1\ d - Our lijchmond oorre8pon lilt Hlah nbyord W.TE"N&t:IlIlTBHN f!ITJE8 0.,. .... I/l..........Jalthp with B\leamo· d~n, I tl 18 Ii e~e b' 'dl\8 t evidently d \JJl8u't attilillto. wit ., ~11. 0f 088 TO LI:r.~~·Jf~JI'.u~~\tl:r,q~~Q~a..atk;. tho Intermedlato, 4"in tho Gram cove . mar S~l' ; 9 in the High Schooli n 01 ~r~"HI~O ~ ea:f\fo~~tJ~ ~i Ul"Oily tilY8.' .Bot Ifbat ~~-!18hOU~~·~'s~ ....t'!"~D iE'.~~~ an\iA.' rti CIte Seeond&l Y· w~ at rwa rd found 'Agai n Fudge they ~oue tD call forth hi criti' j tbo OIIV unti ::tb.~:Od":'~~QIb~~'ia::tl1:t.':! t!':;eb~~ ' It is ·to be hoped tbat parente and H litchi n 60 not teturn to O. shbol d let tbe T immooys it :mg 4"":."",,,"..i~ ~!.. , i': II" • wlll uallIt '" In. ' .our a ttempt to Bellbroolt until about 2 o'clock Bun. thelDeeh'c&~ However, we pr8luIIle DI"';~' - U I.t . • 1~~;b'..~~1i' r'\~':'t'l!o:,,~. buea, of make our report JU p,,!'otual.ty ae d~y morning. and brot/gllt with e~ er~oo e .il!. ent itled to a n utterance Butler. April R; OIi,n.ltn, April ; W . r' S. • ti l ' . 1111 ODtariOItreat. aearly p trftct as pna81ble. . them much larger . pU rChll808 ot of h IS OP1l1100. run. April Hi.: Cbounp,,1 II, Allril Iii: MonttFrom 0 ...... ~ u.. POpulu JL,ir W. J. Coo~ Pr~n. I tl.· & c.. tb an :was POSSI' bl e t o-T 22: OI. ,·k". Aprlt !?2; Or.... np. .J _ _ _ •• • _ _ CO ulOg, . he. Bule . , ot clOliks at Fnllkey lIom~7.' A\,nI 211;Apr,1 Dsrko, M"ll' (J • Probl". y ,!" 18'. • OLn""",,,p. 0 .• "on 8, 11m. .1 LAw80'lI OuaMloAL COJl?A": Tmc time of me ting of the next Ilavo bee n rna de f rom tho SILIeof a & MISSItcJ mes T rnde PaI ace 111'8 Mlumi. M.y 6. F. r onr .,e&r .".. . _ t ' 1!If.",r /'rom Teuchen' A88ociation haB been few l:ushels of potatoes." ~en so tre mlJlld?1l8, thut ~hey have COll)(f)1l PI.BAS OOUI\1'8 . M' •• ~ ~:~~~h~~11Dc:.{d·he:.~; or;t.:t!:r3"t7·;~~ l,lostponed to November 17 Tbe Bellbrook cqrrcspondent of JU>lt sent theIr tlilru order tor a \l ew Butler, J.nua7.. 7. Ma)- IB. Ool.ol,·r 14. ~ol~~~tt;:!...:::.~~~~Irr..~:::.~ o:~u:!alet • tI 1'· ~ l ' h' ' t tl ' IBuppl y , These rich and beauti ful .Mont~olD cr)'. ulluary 7. MIIY 13, Out'r 14. ~ l>rooured a bo,tI. aa<l.m plouedto .. ythab iii 1-00--- Ie 01 0 • tg f WrI os lOB . .... 1.1 t' 5 rd D~.lte. Jon llilry 7. M.y 20. O. t,,"'· r 14 ' ~ ~ I th. ln'.n •• pain .at remo.,e<l alIllOit. InoLant. n. BALL wi! gi ven in Dnke'B " Tlte inquest held over the body gllrtllen .... are so u rom " PWIl 8., Oli nton. Jllnullry7. lIuy 27. Oetot-er 14. AN O lfi. UaYG IUed rour boltl... . oaaaider th .. . Ball Raysville on Tu esday even· 01 G reer McOlure of th is place 1 11110 Ilre chcl11>er by far th an YOII W.rren. J.n uary 7. 'Mlly 27. tobcr 14. --41E LLS!....o... ~.ar04.1t i ng ~f next "" ~k. 7 5 conts per which was lound in the call1\l at l cau get ti.lenl D on't Qwit 0olario. Jt ouary 14.. lIay 27. Octoht:r 14. R olled wllito w heat at 7;0. a lb. 0<7 tru n~~~~:' SCHOLEY. ' II· .cone, . dnu.ry 7. 11..,20. Oclnbo. 14. A l Jrel1llred cocoa 90c u pllck Igo coup1t!. . Day ton, revealed nothing new, ex· f,0'ln g to seo the (1). . TI. !'ey WI'11 ric ilfT! . Janu~ry I ,1,",20, Ool'r 14 AA ~. I . DrPl)CpsfB, 8cJaUca, -B-'II I b c pt the opinbn 01 the physician y ropay all eXI\Ullllatlon. Miami. February 16, J1I1)(I 17. Nllvember 18. Oat Meal 10 ctlt. 11 po nnfl .· :Xcurlllgl., TootUeko, P unLlO 101· p ALS8.- I S lavc een ." h , _• • Preble. Much 4. JUDe )0 Noveruber 25. Bilker's COCOII. 30c a packnge. rieurlll,. Sore Tkroal, printed at thia office for the tollow· " ,IIlC wna thnt McOlllro camo to Religious Notices. It i. furlhor nrdered th~t lho term~ of Oswogo Oorn tarch, 15c n pack. Swollon lomb!, JlJielUll&tlllm, io~ salcs ; h1S death by u heavy blow on th o .... a Cuu. t or Commnn PlclI' " f Butlor Cove Or.tero. fr""h 1, •• "Imon "lid HClldacb e, ChUblalDa, Stock and chattels of San d back of tho neck aud th a t all ev" -Divi no servico will be held in Oounty . and tho M.ro11t Term tbcroo( in Fruit in CIlD •• lit low prieo. Irish. OetlO IIn. L ' nlo TI·· -.k , Sp_IR. Y 'd f t I t' • IE · ' I 01 I Preble Couoty. ehdll bGbeld by AluRndor Gold A W" I'" B '" I 0 til C ~ ...... ......, J ones. 1* miles west of Waynes· ! encos. o tl mn ~ ull lOll wa ll..- t 1e plscopa lu rc I to·morrow F. Hume; that tb ~.w..e f ;lIui d Court in; t;lno TI;;' Cl~~.":~""nl~lt;: ell' Cralnp, B~ vi lle. on the Franklin rond, Friday, ~ ug. 1he veru~ct of thc Jury ,\~118 e vening by .tho R ev. Louis S. Os- Montgo~.r~ oonnfr, r''\hd tho Juno Wrn, Ho ollntiouo. to m a k" lb. JoNll uin" Rlp- Dlphtb01'Ia, Scalds, N ovem~r 9 begi nning at 10 v'clock 10 accordance WI th th e abovo. . fh e borne. Se rmon appropriute to All therouf ID reblu oouR1ly, Mball be bold b.V :tJ pollromo Lin imeut and Borwn'. Cough yr· All,I.ld 10 th. m••I. IDftu.D.. oflhe Cur.tI..~ . D !. "'. . budy fonnd htld a tronf. S tli\lts' Day ' Hnod~rson Elllot.t; tb.&~ the term. of . aid t" ufoand kll/l~.a lArger an.d better M8orlmont 1'0 .n "ltOT or buw I.n •• •tandlnl!. It II OD'' W m. -"Ugere, allct'IOlI eer. " whc n Ilbuut . court ID Darke couoty, and th e N"'emtx-r -~ tWlllel'trt\lg the \leck to ",h .lc I T o Fam.'I y roaeri tb an =y 0 tl,0r,I ouoO noc.... rytoJUIC ILf'ailhrul!1alld \l<lneurlocl,.,• . co . I' - he ne w Ohristiao Chorch will ~rD t1,.e: I'MPr:bie c~~n:y i~bliltl be hct~ in Wayn~.vllle. 6S8 .coordlnt< to thofilII dlrooUonl wblch a« omH ousehold g oods of the late M. was atwllbod A ·s tone net!t, Saturdlly, N OV. 10, at 1. welg lI ug bo full y dcdicated on the second y. Ul . oe er ; I U Ie orms. 0 . - -I.....u~'"'b boWl. aDd ,00 "uf .Ilnll, bo roubout fourteen pound s. A larfe 1 d'''' . N 8Rld conrt ,n\\> arrcn IlOtJOty 8hall bo held -"-- l!!IPE(;f.~Tr1'7 Stock aud chattels of H onry '1' .t i d . k' h JOr butly In OV •• the 11th, by by Ja",,," H . Smttb; 'hI tho w, m nf ". id Il . • I:" . d. Sl \ er ~Il C! all a puc et 00, l l!allc E tre tt, ot Cin cin nati. All ouur,in Greeoe cuunty .h~ll be held hy . B arla0l.!n the lurm of Rache[ Mc· both 01 wlllclJ the wurd ered mlln . d' II . ' t d to t d Mo!1ltI Barlow' that tb e te.m. of ..tid oourt AI.f!O , MAN UFACTURE --'" . Guire, ~ ov. 9, at 10 o'clock. had ou hi8 persoll whon he left are cor la y I\l VI e a teo . in m. rko oou~ty .hall ba held by JU lll etI s. 10 I1MJl nlf .... d «"_11_ . . - - - ...~. .. , ," M 01 T T• - .. Goode; tb ~t the tonu8 of Mid oourL iu Patent u ..........." ......... A •.MOST A FATAL A OOrDKl'IT _ !Offill, were ~ISSllIg. c urc WIIS li E ennessoa ns bud a filII houRe Ollnt"" oounly . boll bt, I'ehl by A.W.DIlI\lI; ' . • r ~ ~ Tr,ltBod IOU wllln ...rbo.ltbo"t1t, Wed d fIt k . a lOan of qUIet, casy tomporamc\lt, last night, tho gross receipts being Rn~ that the te~. of I~i~ o-.,urt in Cham· Boarding, Floonng do• Price 81,00 per Bo£.&'I-. n~s ay 0 tiS wee , n~ar vory reticent as regards hi s bus. 8155. The perfurmanco wus all plUgn I\'ld MIamI cO'lntle8 .lu.1I be bold by I Iowa UaY8vIlIe, Mr. J08eph CbamplOn . fij . d [I h" b . • Oeorgo D. Burges.. Fltney Scroll Sawing, TU1'ninv, I'lillPARKD BY LAWEON C1t:EHIOAL co•. 1 I' I 'tl f lUese a Illre, an a t lOug It IS e· that wna antlClputed from. thllse It id fur thor ordered tlmt enrh n!thn ."i r! and Oircular Saw·i11.11 d0116 jas I:U lIIg ~~Vt WI I at our ' lieved that he hll8 muney sOll1 e· g enuioe melodist.e and e verybody olerke ",. len publication Kceortlin!:! t.o 1M'" ; '~mU@tt CQUe0i1J9filJ :;mcc dlld Laboratol'111J6 St. Clair-st., .Iorse .'e orses no mov· where yot thore lire 00 pnpers to WIl8 enrapturod ~ith what th ey .Rid publi oatl<.1D to be f~r th . perind of at R eaaollabte PriOl a! A.... ouw proparod to meod CJ.OTHl!:SOHIO. Illg on to Snit hIm, he Btepnl'd onto I I b I I d three con.toutl•• "'/lfI~'" ID . n.w.pnper or WRINGERS f II kl d Th ' 11 tl d bl t d t' - f tI s \Ow, nor as le ever revea e to heard. W e congratulate Messrs ne... papers publl.bed weakt" in e.cb nf 0 a n 8. oy w, pllt ," - 1', ,,, l.y . IlDra."ItI•. auy ono where hi s wOlley iB ; henco Olldwallader Iln d Allen on the suc: Mid oountlce. ALEL F . H UM.E. . W \ YN ESVILLE OHIO OIl new ROLLS. r()ol!(>t old 0 110", . nd make ~ ___ ___ _ . _ · I~ OJ e re~ an I ga~t :l~ l all1m. s a as I, 'Ill' I~n I B r e SIl . all kn owled ge of tile mon ey if not C08S of tltllir speculntion aud bOI)e HENDERSON E~r,IOTT, J. 1 , • th~m in ev;ry reepeet good IlII new. I:FM~A:K~.;;:H~O~M#.=H=A::P:P=y=.:tJ deoly and' ttlrew him onder when WI' tl I h'IS SIayer8. ~ I111.8 perlB . h'1 . II they muy always be 88 fortunate t . DAvrn ~ L,. MEEh E lt. ognA' . " • . 'b 01 WIt 1\1 JAMES 1SM1TH tot , .t.lP\aWW ftu DplT of · tf 1 Ie '!Ilee ~ pll8sed. over IliS renat 'the poor victim; at 10ll8t so IiiI' 1\8 their undertllk ings . MOSES ~A RLO \v.' THE BE S T 0 F FE F\ ! Gooa .... IDIr Beautlral Plot'"' .. °t·M1sb.'tng hllntl t~rtnlbly. IFdo r tsome IInythillg is knowlJ now. Th e S --'-- A • • T _ Wed JAA~!'I\,<riAt)NOODJ;;. ~~~_...-!!IIt. W. will .en durl"ll thoije bard .Im.. It. WILL DO IT. III . I ,,~ .I? 10 COli no sur- body \Vue interred ill the ccm8t~ ry ERIOUS , OO1D Ir:NT .-.lAI~t. Gii6)r): ilU.R · ESS. . . . .,~~ -~. A.rftft.P ianos fortSlO. .. vlve the lIIJurlC6, bot. wo an: glad here llIte on Toesduyevening, Th e ncaday, wIllIe. M~. ~vl H . Kell! Ool.ober 18. ISn. _, i . ~ NERR BROWN ~ ~ THE OlBOIBNATI ! O lear~ that no~ 11018 conSIdered corpse was exposed to view at the w~ ?ngaged ID lel!lD~ a tree •. hls STATI!. Olr Omo. WAl\U~ CO UNTY. 88. SUCe68801' to .B,·Men ~ Ohandler, ~~~d::,:I~.~~ISq~n.. ;:aa~~"U~rl&h~o.,i ,f) 1n a fall' wJ\y tor recovery. . grave by lamp~ight to a large con. aX shpped and cat hI S fight foo t JUBt I, LoT WUIIl UT. Omrk of thn Oourt of n -"peo'full, "nnoUD' •• tb"t h.. I, now in .' 1&8T' CLAIK-<lold dtl'tlct w the I'IOVLJI ~T ~ '11 I h 0 . • _. ' f . . . N I· . IInder tbe instep the mLAb being Common PIe... {or and within AAid oounty. ......., u ~ ..:Bo I 0 00 I. ... • •1,« I·po,e ~ J!t'r . "Io h jA/u ll •• 1. ... "TIO N ' "''' PIOTUIl_ One coarse 0 CltlzeUS. 0 C ue of the I h' . b' d .,.d du bereby cer':fy t.h"t "he 'o-gol'na I ' . a full awing at tb .. old . t .... d. with a couat."t .. mou P&I~ . "lien • : n mm· II ~ • ••• _c. •• . ' ' J ' OII ~-. .. ILLUST"'... D. ....,. ."'t to . t k h near Y I rce Inc C8 eep an reach· l coO f;b :"... ··' 1' ·' I' v "d b aupplr of the boat , Iolla; DO dIICOUh" . These plauoa m. d. .. b~'. ":~~ ;::".;! p'uh~\I:~:K'tt: • of the ~ atcontr88t.e between the pcr ... _ ra ra IS ye 1I0WO ere. . h b M K II ' ," l'y 0 e nrle·na on or rn a 0 Y oll eofiltellDeltdlaplayea\ the Ocnlonnl&1 III .hIlmo••' . lI i" • •I.... ud .."lu pollll" S1 I k d b I Oyru8 McC[ure brother of the wur· mg to t e olle. r. e y s suf- .Rid Judll'C8 pertKining to ... hl mRttera. Flour, Exhlhi'ioo • • nd wore unanimously reoom· iI".· . 11 lb. ' :.1'"" .ud. book... muth III CHilI B nsc y t Ie parents d d h' b I . lering huve beon intense a nd tho Witlles. my hand and the 1101\1 of ."Id .Buok1e lleat mended lor the H lOuln HONOR. . N ow ~~~:~ ::1..': ••I~'l,~:·~r.,~~,~,b;.rr ":. of the land when they were.young ere man. 1\8 een Icro Sillce . . . h t ' . rSE AL) court AI Lebauon thl. 19th dny Ilf /l II ' l Manu(lIOlorl'-one of lIrc largeal ana Ilu ea\ N l«f<d Wrlc•. K•• r, , .. """ ..... , , I", a and those n~w used b the children' Tncsday. The Coroner's cl erk from l1JJu~y.'s 8ue 1\8 o.cause IIl1xl ety. ()o'tooor, A.D. 1877. LOT WRIGHT. ",orn·.m 61' , In ,h. worfd. Tho quare Orand. cont.ln III r::~\:T.:,,"'~I~:':-= ;~l~ ,. · tI . f . t y A .' Duyton \vIlS bcre YCMtcrday the but It.18 hoped he WIll SOOIi ue Ollt / . OIeik O. O. P. W. (1 ., o. Unbolted Flott,.. Matb.IOlIelt·. DCW patent Duplex OyerHlrulIg fII ~r{t~'\~t~·I't.t~~~~:~R!,"~i.~~~ IS Ie USI\l 0 pIC oreB. s a curl' 16th iust looking afto s of danger Potatoell Scale. the gr81lt.6Bl lmpro y ement In the bi.· 0 N.C. 1M ........... DlU tl . . .. nl t. iii ons iostance of illustratin g the . '! I' om . e wore . _ _ .__ _ __ BllallleSS Card8. ' . . tn,)' of piano maklog. 111e U~righ l.8 'Ire III mP"'hun"_ " I"U'."' 1"..'"la,"ud m'llIu~ n AM I .... d o'~ nil k d .... O.r 10. ___ - • •I,r. ••• 1Il0an ino of words by p icturcs, look e,v Idence III regar d t 0 tl.10 tl.we Mc· TIn Tru stees of the M. E. . n ' .c'~6 'J... . t n 8 the .I u.r I" A ... "..... . Doo'l ,iiI 10 "'rile .. I ~ &Ii f 81 ' Clur6 wus last seen altvO l1i Day· 01 I I ' Id b' GEORGE N WE"U11117 wlllohho""n. atth .. loweetquota<lon., (orlllU8trutcdl\nd OeHcri ptl,.Oalnlogue,.,r.:~::';.~~'~:~,,:~,,~~'~~~~U\:i; " · ut t he t I Iree plcturos 0 a "p. on t A i l tl t ' k . ' d IUrc I. IIl\ e 80 t mr pareoll "gil, '. ""~ &.~, . a:J" All pur"h""". doli imlnodi..tely, mllil od (row. ".u•• .," cluh 'iI".' I. Ih. ' .""" r In II( page 1721 of W's Uuabl·ldg. Oll. IU .1B. no wn III regllr to 0 11 Tblrd street. to Mrs. ElIllu 'lUI' without oxtra oh..rgo. ' .endelnohn Piuo Co.. III ~.~~~~U~'~'!~f;::'~;~'1:~j~t~rl~~~~~f III ed Dietionary, al one illuR' McClure .r ce~lv I Jlg a lly lO uney o.n Oleaver, fur $UMO. Th ey are pre . ....... ~ aJ. Ii:lS·' No. UO BIIOA DW.w. N . Y. t:I ~h~I~~.,:.! :.Id !.~!~':::P,~,;:'d'.' (~, ttl trate the meuning of more tbnt one th.a.t dllY IS BlInply thllt .!t ll tuld bI B pari ng to erect a \l ew par~outlgo 0 0 [?;Kl[WiJz?" l/i!JiW ~'ii'[AI~. --__ _ _ Q :::n:r:::;"kWr:1 :~r:: lII ' l.'IINd,' Ii words RlId terms fur bot. IYtio lind others thllt ho mte uded to the church lot, to front on N ortb WA.YN"'VlLI••, .. I'I! "or . .,. ...."r. 'I' t tl t ·1 d tl t H d tf k' f Go te' od u! e::~~ !~ ~'T_e·'::: ~'..t.adl-:: .."11oJl tel' than tbev can be J efi ned by an y go slo ~nob m ~ lI ey \liD uay uu F 111 street. This is all excellent wove· wh l'ciLI81IQ,~OWln~11 m Ol ~neuwf.~~t·u·_OI· n'A u·I· ' . goOf lb"':' ..... .,.1 .... r d Will! liB II Sm (!8tl to aytoll. t d t I I I ~ . ~. 'v ~. .... y Miami Railway I ...It :!:,~~~51 h... I: '10 OI~od :~o~l.:·!~:;'~ I:'~1 ~:: ... . ~ deSCrl}). rOD 111 wor 8. I I k rofU .. men, an 010 WO nave ongt long It lateNt 8lylot4. S nt l l4f actlOD g Utir,dltec<1 , (~: ,~~I ~'U~'I';.;;! .. ~hl el l '.\1 haYe ,. , • _ -- W 11)11\ 0: W lel'e, 110 0 110 ' UOWS, WI)Uld be well to cltrry out. Cu,ling nnd repairing prompLly IIttoudoa Noti08 I. her"hy ~ iv.". thllt ron lIl1d " fI .. r ~ .,-/tJpcrwIJh';;', picture. Otoe DoUor. : l'ulC mallngera of the Mi ami V 1l.1· 1I0r clln It be fuuou out, although O. ~. _ _ _ IN:oyom.ber.t. 1877. tho .Prinoipal om"" of ... T;a:Z G T.A.n. III ley. ..... D~ i1way are preparill~ to estub· 1I8trict i.uqu iry.d hasI.boou mad e.I I The FOR au exemplificatiou of cbeek hA,rlt".o. ·OUat811 tonndm ~"'!ear;p. oo~ the MIamI will be in ! fII IIII:F.;II;O;IfI~":I;";";':Il':":(;:'.:"cI=":,,:at:,,:O:'II"" itlo,Valley ~ Ido II<. P~~~eol F6II1 4t~ll"g ~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~ IWayne.:r WKr",nRIIlI co u..·,,,,. ' ~.v . Co. Obi... lisb' a tolegt4\ph·otfice at t lei r helld· etectl VtlB 1111. po Ice are Ull tI e ook· cUluwend us to the placit}g ot 0 011· :::-~-:-:-~\=---.:'-""-=--lIy order of &he 1l0W'd of Dlrec'""", rft (lua rte re in th is .p lace. P oIse will Ollt for cortam. 8~tipuctod parti es io iVAn's liken0B8 OD the Tonnc8800lls' JUlES W. U11~a, II. D., 8. ::l. H AfN~ rUIIa _ H_ OM _._P_ LI._A_ SA_fl~~ ~ _ _ l oon be set whereon to,stretch wires Dayton, allu It. IS" hop~d tbat they posters. Donivan is only their uomr.oP"T~I" l'rCK't ill. V. R'y (;n. to oonne:cl Way nesville wi th the w~r be suce~s91~\' . ag?nt, , not half 1\8 handsome • • ~- -.T'li~AiSA r.'I.wiree at Oorwin . A detective from Day too 18 here a -Irontlspiecoas .somo of the other Oftlue :.Jdoor. 80 , I. m> II I D I • ....!. . uow (Tbunday, 18tb.) Btrolllrs'!Is;- -C()"lored- peop 8. 008 t e mr.l. k. W.,. •• YIII., ...... 68idenee, Thi"d St., ' i~bJYStetaft, tar-ted '" last. Fieions poiut toward. certain pill mall mean Y Oftloe houro, 7 t· .• I,to 2.1·2 WA YoN VLLJ E OiIIno and resideMe lit Dr. lJarl e.··. 1,Id I - .. -.. - .!::!., 7 to ~ ~.~ . '.. . •, ~.. .&lIlUd. \VAY!<EBVI,fJ J.l", 0 -1Ia2. I
Peopie in
Baltl-more & Ohl·0 I> -\ I I RO \ [)
BIDlll(} i'
Ce'l· 1 Ing _ Boards '.
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Up-Town I JJ.LanWaC turers, g • PGrocery i t JlJ Q
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and Common Weathe
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tho IbltllrDllllt of the lIIaul~rs' part ~~Uoert'lSrmrntS IlIgI!r All Na" ~ul'lcrlll"·· ror 18'18 pll,. T r.. S •d II ... = of tho cun~ruot, as II I! had {ll1ed 1118 I ttl) I" "l'lIr l\uvamp" w1\ 1 ~te east e ... vl"ttry I I·UIILll!lfl,:aa. but bill Illijllibulee didn 'l with' , · 1"K. III1 1)1 ....... WElq<LV.r,OlDtec. " "I b ,,,I Anulu',,el 1\11 Ih r"w.)I\I .
THE 1l!'-M1'TE..
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'I h~ I~~ ' _I I"" 11,1 nov"l. "" \ In III r 0" L LI \, " . . J l' • of '."),', 11" 1:"01•• u.,,~", 1.. 1,1 I, on . nI Tlte )1f- CIlH r I ,,~,I ,,,uro,,,,,I, r of tho f •• \
t"*agI\CII ('lIIl h·"lIod lllld,,n llhr,d,.J)fur f.''I"d 10 nl\d!lil "" I DR S WAY N E' S F• ROM I I,It: IJ Ofnl(ltive8, Ibavo duct of Eu. TllnmonJ I'll s'''lne Vttl. ,~ent emiD, 2.I J'IB~ ~MH J:tAUI'k.,( LV WH:, 10,, I:Elf'I· MMI H. Io~ Wood r '1((1 IIC I v Midi 200 lu. 0 ompoun d· S y~,up 0 f W lrId Vb arry, tI I I 111 III IJtcn IUUd Il!lt\;1 <! to or thingtl hll8 been hud. I m i ,ht I " "rem.UDI . " BIIPtlll' 10 Ever), loek _~I .ntl ,II I.. , '.lu"ll\, 1'0111 "' 1111"<' ,,\10" II '''' ie G«12 U I:, 110m thrnwlng 8omo h l/w hlln Ill' III ulhor ullflw Iu~r... l!iulNle ...tler. .:1 J INE 8rRp. 0 IIr"ot , dou"I,· no, II<" 0 11 I"O IM.I"" " """" I'I ll hlh 1llIl '~rl u nL1 l Il!htupUJI thu nrUCe\;dl fth liltlt btl" hi '" -, 4 A\l0~IAS , IIAIr.k .Ob" 8 n,·~d :.!IIe .t1V11U\'j:,'ul~le · ultr\le,, 1 , 1'0" ,111 "l~ OIDI IHI bu ,r I I Igt! V () pH!, U 10 lall t t o UIDO tor all 0 F OJl{Ol \ NATL The 'ounl" OOlolJcrrlon ,. ruhlr.hcd b ./ HE III ,,\OK III 8 ::s \ riO. ' . l... t, IU 0110 or " ltlc <I 1I11~ lIe~t acll ,01 .. P"II ~ U I Y JII, W IU clllntJ to RIch· hi t! shvrlcllIIllllga 'fl.o 1lI 0 1i IIUU __ ~ eckl. 011 th. ful1uwu'Jr tcrms, • heu p,"d f, LA:; I' DA YR OF rc M PilI I , Oul"'r r 19, dol " hl.. Jld purhll ll" 'n Iho " urld rle Mil \! 7 mou u~t BVI'LlIlg, Irom Pittsburg, womoll whv hllv c IIldod, .ncou lugcd DOWN COMB TilE PRICES !~I~O'II , "' ad_lIncu t oOn ~IIIIY, ono 'ear, 8 ,AHIIE\ M RI\UI:;UE:,.OO" £101,,, tI 'ullie 110 20e i,~ii',:u;!:, ,:::{,~',,'I.,:: ~"~I~,I~~,:~y"O "~'~I ~~~r~,:" P onll Ul! tc li t! I y tv et I d d OY 'l'UK •• ,~ • lour CO plCS r l , IIl1d an Kdll\\I"nal , A ~ Ilr.L MOI·"I). bl lluy ~e tt! ' Igage III t It) un aYlllpat 111. ' With the 'bOY8 ' CIIPY for .1I I~nr fr<u lu t he .onller of .he .11 lI.y, IOu oy y"IIr- ,," , " ,.11 .Ieo IIIl h. \lufl lllo" III It:mlPcru~.. cc 111 11 \ CIUOllt tlll!ll be~ulI lIr t o blulno. atld oug h t, mU IlY of l Dlu b 11111 rople8 , 1(1, -nd II U ~"dlllon.1 co~,. 9 OLD M\ flflL~l ON S MO ~ EY, bl II,elo IUSII'nLI" n. hc " "l "'J ' h III · .1 1I1I'1,le t 10 LIII.t 1IIIIIo r tlo e Icaders ' I) thum tu I k L TI ---- - --I~( the Illu\) M." td Ila, Iflo "r,p~ llIIlIl\I,. uf Obl l\l,""~ .n In ol.;hl 11t "' 1 II , Hive ""W" alter. 10 for Lh e lear ' i8 theosu prill<' will In , IQ \\ OM AN I N \I H11 E. W 0 ' 1111 !!nc d"t"o,. III " II till or". fo ' ,o ' .... II, II U ' n;1 111 8~lm~II'1I 01 Mr Flllnk Mur. hurruom Idn't tlo o I1 ll1cc to g rndlll\to 0 F THE CO UN T R. Y cl"d n cOpy of Ib, AUlluil l lIogIRt"r uf R II 1I111,L 0:-1 I \I~: I LOSS I. Eiou L 2ll" a. fu, u'Certn""I1~ ,h,· iJ u", 11101 hod, III.h ' r IJ pl,y,UII Wtlcl~hlldrupidlyspread gC lltl \! llI c llnnd tCIII110rll ll Ce loc tur. ral Affn,ro tocn, h ."b.crlb.r-IlIoook~f I 2 AMEllIU\N s F~AIOIt , ,,.11"1,.211, tronLmellL III ufTu llI ',! Lh ,nlole .v,h " , " ost \\Uld \tIlU IIIcludoJ H'chmo tld ers. Tu L. bllre. tlo u CUll rei I , U4 pDg • • ulI,1 .I,uu. I~O ellgrl\' Ing. -& glfl II PIlI,\' ~ S OF Till' LE W UI " k. lOc peuple of II", [' lIlIod S.ot, • •11 ~ u,l. of hI< III ItS SUIZ IIIl! A ij UII uLin"t 0 t h Ol 1 uwl 1 Y b u 0 rho 001.' &1"1 ~ ,. THE poper f.. r lI y Ihe I nl , 1, 10 .. III honor 01 Il.. cOlOrl, 14 DE \I. EI In: 1\ W"I"o L"II ,"! 211C ClteIlB'" prlO l••• ",,, tI III Lilt Patented J'ul,. 101, \8'71'willt t J~ IV II llX lll!t'Jc llces, lit tlt llt tlOU h, It. P' ~.nt wea rorm of Ihe 15 11· IMOI. ,\ l,eo Eliot d ,u"l , '''' ~uc meJ,cll lenm l' ,u'ltIAlla lh h • • • rosII I," orh .. • .1" Wall Uppulllllt that R ic h 1 ~ t1'trclill\llg ell \nt l ll~ or CIIIIOU CuulI lr) Li , "t1, m .. u·. FlnltQuarter Cen 10, lHI ~;'\ .. L I,;II AI IIIE~Olll'lI . k,II ""dobll<,,uIlUh I,o lo. ,otl ,lltll , 'a hul ItIUUu II celled r ef"rmattotl ill th o 1111" Dllclu;nllll' II 1 I I tury I'OLF Hi Il ~ It:! j) OF 101:; In prollu"u~ " no" , 10, 'erv III Dill y Lh, ou~h oul urlll kit'" II I1U"C8 01 II • I d .,. h l n 'I I III, Ill)( I Th e tnrm er, ]If""hll""o. Mllnulo"turer M.r. '1 h. CUIl n.rl OOlltle n,LO pOI-e •• eo an UII IIl1e I.. ,uk I. , lule8 V, ru,' III" tbu Inud,. re<lllI., hu ,Ioc • . co" II J n'" I" J'h e Jftl~t lVol/rlp'ful'V .1 ,"ll cl l"tl"T 10 pCVp e, 1111 lI'lil C ut 1110 11 ut CoIIS!1 ucli VC IIbtll. elutnt. Unllk.r lIud I' ru( ••lIonol Dl8n • cq u'led C0rt,. or O"rr08l'uudent. rtgulllr 17 fit DnEN PERIl." Marl 0 H" lIIe Ihe 'neolll! AIIII. mc " IOU ' '''"' 0' lh, r. In a , Ie IUllnvnyB cluno o n, ty 1';111 BIICCl'Sll lllllv '1(1)' lIlI t ho l 1\ u IORIIcan woll'tlfurdto bo",thoutIt andocc",ol",I .• ",on~ ll,e h ••rPIlrmcroof l tl UA IUIA ItA s lIl ::I101l\ b) \we ed, • • hehe .. ",.hllllti muli d. I h. '"a1"m um t Il1CW OpCII the largcHt hull 10 Iho t~ mpenLltCtl cuus 11 '1' " II parts ur Ih. '''tllllr). IIl1d COII. lklltl y .... ' Ii" II E,l .... nl. I!IItJ "UItt 01 h,.lllOonV rr oi l), ,, I' " I II,. ""rI,1 EVElt DI OVERED city and IIUIUgl ted I II. III IIll m,my s nuCl o Ihe prtlo,lcal coudllion And progr"" of 19 A H . HIt IIlL E I' Ell PTA1'1ON 0, h ," I'r ", II 1)001 0 It fi ll \ Y:S I " e O'1 Ira ti C revlval,urclllllnrCII , alldI\S8t1ch I\;tl' gv " Ibehu ~ IJ"ndryo(tvo r\.( etlo"otL,," no I h" rlt,H, a,le , 1110 l't l NIl "'\hl I' lit WillI l·I1 F.H lt¥' l,l lloty of w oll In llUlling p cople joiu nbl UIIU thro ll"h thc lund 0 c.~~~~ O'ttb; G~...,~te I",ore mailed .t tho ted SLote. dlld chll!..d wu. ld 2'1 OL II CUII I' IS I I Y SHOP n'ok, " ' , !OO the ,,·oot . 1Ii ocl"u. "m' d, ~n ,n II ROll 'I 13 SA·I.N LiJiE l{UN UM ENlIU thom hl'urtl ly Ulld tbOU8"lIds of '" . • no to ID I I o' d ,::Otl ftOt yoor. UpIlli which 'fll. V"ullirt l, clILlcmo" gl.~. 10 11 < Bar 21 to ' I 1'1 AY b. 0 1.. , 10. R."d. . 10" "dmlltcd 1" 0'" 1Il".1 ,lit"" III ph •• " "" " TilL .A LA B 1 l'EIl b ,.. ' .- ••• --r l' ,go .... p.1 ~ ,eamOUlllllf I" ultlrftil lel' ' ' ' , I 2' ll~N A"D WIPE. ~m ,e OI )lIl n 8 Wo "lid ,, 1I.ho h.'e " tl n,'o d I,. " II""f,,1 ' 7 I I "IJ 8 8 1~lI e rt! . 11I,cked tv the Uleetlllll'll d '10 TUB LADllt8 It Y U w t t I I II ell a COlli nUOti. '."011 03' h."I ,n" nro""rllo' 1"0 \" 11.11 U Ell" \ • alllHll ed Ily tlld II!} (:;LENN tl ""U L ,,- an v all 0 ..&Q 01 mro,mallOll .lId d"g.;ell,ol" .Iualor . u · IIIE "tl IRE LEI~AO\, Iov ~ " ,.'0 ' "" I.nt 1Ilelr uallles up ,)n the roll 01 kn o w I'; bat the Inte<lt FIIlIhivll8 IIro , J .LJl~ P' rlor '" II" oggr.gult! 10 whal' I. ob,.lned ll ,,,, rft, ,I Il k, 2I1 c 10 KII a~ o ... 1 II.e w." It! . IIt! lit .11 ... ,,,,trICa PH tJ H 00 ,\: 1', 'J.i II It, lafll ell. ""11 o r j1'rolll the beJitll1niol~ the wheJ'e they cau be bought aod T ' 0 th. mODthl. nllm"O<8 of Qi Od t ma;;",,"". 2~ " " r i o" 1.,1.10 Mcud. 0 R.ndo 211 ~1:t'r~rl'.I': ~:::~I'o'rlll""· mb~,'d','ollll\I"'I" ;I,e':I',·.I,'.':' \1 i t l H l~ y f lill t lle bec;li t ifi, c,,' qnd lIew mOVl!lnent d brl!'Ill·lant ' wl la ttl ICY can"" k_ bv I .' I he D~lly. W ...... ly ItDd g.,ml·\V ukly devoted 10 Hort,cultllru 2 . I.,d. Ad l.. tll. Oll.h , ~I ... W ,otl , lOe • • • I 'j" . j' seome u ug It tor, you Gazette (_ very la'lle proportloo 01 wl,lcb Tho Ooulltr, t; "IIem," h.. proh.IoI, 0'1 A U"'"a FI lid by &1 ,•• IIn,t1d ," 2'10 lo ll. '18 grea l pi ''''er Lo cu, e 8 ' "l u .. 1 Lh. wu"l l very COIWIII1 C(C. f/ IN uap sa ' lind succcssfnl nndertaking' bnt can obtalO a perfect mine of in for· aro lent Ollt b) Expro..), ~gsrepte about uono OS lOu ol, &II ~1.l\h,·r Jour".I. c'lmhlll' 2J VI. lor 'v ""'lul.hed, M 0 II,,,, 100 01111 must d,. lr••• Iug d,.e"o, . IUIIII'A uo " •• I ly a"d e e l to t1d y rellto till ..·u tn-Jle, 1lOderlYIII" tl' I ' t' tl b' I od 10 Illtroduc allcfd,.sO!lllt~ h 1m d 2, A \) .. u" lo tor or Helh, Will lIlnok, 10e ne1. r full. '''c' Hallte,1 nntillbe e"l'Crlllllntll " • b'/I (lflCIUlI(J 'h ". 1111 sur 1&00 ClOvering rna Ion 00 Ie 8U Ilect at t 10 very pJ.Ov e , a of I', 'l ok·,It,, 1 pl' t",ol on Ur Swoy ••• , hlld vIM t11tptWI,R t" tlltJre WILS tl I ad t I "f' I Stock of eve ry kind Lhrough ijle country 2 I No,,,', Lu.e le81, Mit. O. O..y. 10 I 1." of' h Ie appearanoo of heter. n,l er~ e out 8y 0 on y 11l cent.! I " oud co,nmanciA. to. gre.~e r d tban 10 H c'r D.are' ~ Po•• Mrl Alruudur, ~Oo ~cmonllrRted It< Il, b ad.pIM,OIl. III comhl- p(}l'e8, WflOSe ov8t,ul)t1.on - 'Wq~ t , ogeneou~ t: leme llts at work, whICh 1 he F nil ~ limber of • Eh rlchs' every year. and ltill th ere fa room for oonteml'0rary I"e oO lilldclice Dod 8Uppv rLof 31, Lo, e :.Ie L.ult , Lnve Me Long, 10e 11&1'011 wlLh PlI,e T rcu hr .IId olher 'qu~l, difficu lty, T ellt anti you toUt 411· would 800U d I ' I F I' Q I 'I d b f breedurM allli pu reh •• oro 1 1 It o QUO.II ur rtot, W ~oltlnl. 10e h • ,oIuabl. '"j:ot,blo Ing ....dlen •• , ,,·bl.h, d ' . ., " eve op IfIterna dissen, a 11011 uarter y 188 reachcd our lin we t ere or. pr_nt kl tbe peopl.. TI C t I II H d d h I Lo 200 ohemlc,lIv comhlOerl rUlldo.... ,t- ICI'OIl I<'U CllI1D ~t. Iliun and strife. repeat, thiS WILS tabl~, and l'Xar,nillBtloli pJ't.ves it to I tho Unl,led Stute. the followlolr I, f~~ ,,~:;I~~I":~~~I~}mM:;,:~nR~~~, II AItS,~P~.'!o~· oy ::~:~ .Ing;:r~o. lUe (old m·'re C""OIli .,nd heneflc,ul III ell.III.; . 1I - - - - - - - -"pparellt In 8plte of the flattering realize the claIm of Its pubhshcl'l! ilcduco() Uates foJ' 1878: .rod d.vOI~ • • , ","," 1 ll ' 0 1"010 and 10 :IS Felt. H.. lt the Il.dlc ,1 Ueo Ellul, 200 dl'.1I8e. of .h. 'hn)(\~ I....., "lid l un~. Ur Being a p'lwe. rul dtOaoT.zu, J.lIn t'lI CII Ol dtllllCCS of tho opollin of the viz, 'thllt It itl U sensl ble 1II""'azin~ T£IU'S OJ' WIUUtLY OolZII:TTB. Lh. I·ro.p, cUI or Ihe O'OJlB, oR Ihro" lug Ilghl ~76 1'h, W o olltg n'l. M.. A .... nd p, _1/10 Sw •• u'. W.LI> CIIXUY CO>l IOUN" ••rlke. Itctant, aod counitr,rrrtan/. } et eulll e· AI I g" ' 'bl .... SI I upon one of tlt~ IIllIijt I"'portaltt or "n 'III08 i The ~t. .' er . b, M.. B' " r. Wood. 10c • • \h " roOI or dl •• ".e I" p" r ll ' lI\~ .ho blood. I) h'lrroleIl8. It " \IS It" ely OUle8 III/, tlrp ly ltI ove m en t und e r the IIpe Ilor 80nlll e women' Page lifter I ' log e eop1. one Y' ar, poI",ge pHld, *1 r.o L'OIt_wh"n to lIuy "ltd who" 110 <I I 98 A"klDIh' Wilkie 001110 ' doubl~ no .•'110 re , t"r' Dg Ih" I" " oud ki d,,, I S LO I,c""h, I I I r Il I',IUI provldencc of Jollh and Ed. page of ladlCs' Ilnd c1l1ldrctl's clo C nbs o~J o?ploo aud up,';rard.:: ~~"h II 3~50 lbe Counlry ':"IILl""'811 olllbr;ooo. n"mer 19 1.. lIhue,I'J Sir W.ller BeOIl 200 anion ,,,. " Or&1 IIg 'h e "ell I"" oud . I,~LI.· ocn DIStlA~ES UF TIII'. IIKIN tiS I Y 1 00 h QU. miDI r J el" \UII IS of I I I III t h. 110" to, A- hley M .. Wood, IUc , d C""."""'O.. mNglc '~"Dony. nsequently, thl're t IDg, rlchIY.l llu Ylrated , accorately .:: 60" ..".. I 2', Ke~r. ouch . : D~lrt . Ih/r.'~~,,,,~~ ~,~~~' 41 \1 I"" LI~I. by "rlt s R. .d.. HOM E T EST 1M 0 NY. It thoroug hly bleaches tbc oLticlt! " re SOl(1e persolls who refuscd t o l deSCllbed, WIth the prICe attuched, " I~~:: I 20 Ihe AI,II"1. lhe ""'~) l\rd, and . 0 on. ""d 41 H,do "od e, k. Wilk'e Culll" . , 10e U. 1\ ,nl \leo r Sit -11,. 111 II be Rntl 1?t1 111UNfNTLY IIKAOTUIGB Tn 101 IlIlve IlIIJlIlIng t o do WIth th e mellt. Illterspel1led Ilre nUlll orO llS orIginal _ _ .~~~ ~._ ~ I 10 Wc 'k ly I'" eent. n cnlll llill or '''0 for ,b. For . _1. I" "" ler. "lid No_. rl u, 10 ,011 1I11t1 . "n.rtllo IoIiRl 'Ult, to g,ve I CO!tr' l £XION With 0 ce 'ta'lIty uu· ill"" loould IIOt fi d It HI m" I urllcles ,Illtcet Blluee"lIc ll lldaollll " 'lllnlva'" l v of l",I Irc. d . " ,ro 'Jr'.II L~I'I.~P'''l'·'d " u,'c"I'\ 1".'''"''Wln" . ,o.'IIIIOII'''I ' CIt", .ho 1tlon l k 11 0 IVO t i d "-' ,II r 8 IIIg UII d 1U 8truc t Ive ' TUHMSouIID~IWKuK ~ • ~,~ . .. I.Y GAZltTTI!I: "d Ilcltdlng 1. cOIlIRlo," well ,:dltell ~· . " 0 OilY Il' IIc e over IOveote hcurt to uld tl e b ' I J to I .. , l ' Ii RI I II I price b) t,t: Il, " , ML NIlO. durl ul cll rnlile "" w,'r of lOllr Curn llQulltl ' 0 ." t • I lJ'y8 III tie p pu, every lOu80wlle, uUu, 10 IlCt to os 0 oopy. one ,ur, pOB"'ge paId *32.1 View or OUITt'nt F.yellts, ,IUd It. ndHrt' "'It I','n, ...... """I of ..... lId CI" rr • • "d '''-''1,," ,11" IIud • r .un purpo e lur 1tI1'I'l!mellt, 11M wus It uly J eil irc I every WOlDan, We take pl eas~ro Olul,. o( ~ copiel aod UJlward, ' ~";'h, 2 90 lurillab II oI lreclo\ r . of llil the proll"II'"1 21!3 nnd 2S V ,ndc,mLer !II ,~y 1., 1'1118 I WO ' .111 " t, ,I With • \1010 01 It 18 emphatically lho remedy (ur >. I I 'I I, t I I d ' IS' .. , ~ 1:10 .grlDulluml aad hor\l\, ul,ural ••"'I.llob",.o,. P 0 BOI ',6 ,1 oou ~ h pa,no on Ih ' n d i ' 'I LI) v III rtl! au( III tillS stute 01 1/1 reCU1U1II 1!1I III~ tlII8 really vuluu , " ~'i" " . . . . ., 70 or 'he o'nll'~' y _ ,_ " 0 .'u. "n u., brt A"I III ~ h t ' SCAL"· vo 0 DURNS. OS . IIO. Y rem ov IIIIUU I IItlither uttclld od tLe llIeet. blo pu blicutltln, anu trust that II I e' or- Specimen copl •• 01' the piper Proe HAVE YOU [T \I lIll 80rcnURS wilhout pnln. and mg8 1I 0 r cxpres cd ti ny sy mputhy ryonll of o nr reud .rs Will test thc TKJI:IIB or DAILY GAZ&"ITE: Addre.. ~ .er. wuk that ml "h,. lelII" Wa. II I. I.... t" c cct lng a cure III ewer.y ID sLa nce, Wllh til I' III 1 did try 10 8 0 IlIl me II nth vi 011 r C m pl l[llo llt ll ry IIOlice ",ngl••cop" ono ".r. posllJ;o JI,"d, $12 LIIT • • B T.f:;:::W~N. :: . . .11........." L1FK, OROWTH, nKAOTY Jl'QK Tn& HAIR. kllOw whol ' 0 do for Dl l' AB C ' e " th,ng I As a pi eventl va IIQd remedy for , od LI lib I · 15 .. ' 6IQOOlh4,' 6 - -- - - - K ..... W•• r U ....... ."aI'''r. u..,d In llou .h"pc II I DI tl lelll l· ..... rOJ,v .... d GOUT aDd RHJo;ulIArl x, ILa efteot.e go . III 11 8 OIlW P lase v millul .Y olle USI ug Cl' lI tH tv ll1essrs 3 S 'Comblnee ID>re ..ttralltlun.'tball an,. other' LONDON UAIR R_TORK" . ~' L dlne,.ot tilDe.< Aponl or "'oud I 'c, nre I cully 1\ oJJdCI tul HlIU~ IOII, bllt It WM 1!kll tryinl:; to Eh nch < Co, 2 U 1II1~ 289 Eigli th , I I 25 ___ -Be."el (PII) TlJIIe. I I-h" ,II re . tore ~ ra, hnlr to o'lj;lDal c"lor 1II11I01d for n,on,h. In lhi , "wflll cOlld,tIOIl, oJI c,,,' er the 8ttll'S at noondny AVt'IIUC, Ncw Y o rk City Add,tlun' no •• 10. made In cluba. at cluh "'--;:'CHEAPEST AND BES-T 'hit ken, .b,ll hair, CaU8IDg a u"glow,b Itltd gnye up "II hope. ul ever I'I!uulCri ng It ?8 till t'/lUI' pl'iJ'l:enliIJ8 of' all I I d I h IJ.J rn 2-lt 3 It .. ill e 10 Ih t I AI tlll i t'me 'Oil reco.tlnen,1 d the lIS c o( d ' Y d d f. . •~ _ _ ra On . am • me '" ng I e y,'or. thro ugh OUr .~ 4 - 1 r ; re ' oa UI'll lIerellon. ,our '1 rup I"d P ,II_, " •• 101, ,mmcd l,,'«I. tlJ~fllJelJ. fLat are C07n1nU11l ate \V e-II ,111 the eU III'So of Lime, I U F' I A~" nu E, .... 1'0, lm ll."er I. Ageut fOI \b ' - - - - - -- -,- 1 ~ I • ~I II remove all d.nolruff .nd ,,,,bing' L&1tI18UEII l:ON 'filE "M ININK G.u lla • , rETEk50N'S ~h 11',11 milk. lIa, r .un flo •• ),« xd ,l. bogll n kl .lOoLhe , om lu rl "lid .11" tho (/IJ CO Jn~11 y t1l contact w~tlL tl" tillrClices of opini o n lind sont m e nt fuulld exprcsslOll lind led tv opcn C Ohlll ellu nce, II ul U cOlllpleXlUtI ADVIlRTI8ElRB ,,11\ do .. ell tAl ___ _ _ ~_ h-It Will pr••• " e orlglna colvr kl old al;o 10 110' " f .he ",,,gh, st .. n~. h6I\ud 411d I" nlod jJ t 8U II, 8lt Ch flS It cll , BtC, 7- ll l ",/,1 1 pl'\'leOll tdhu hair frofmbfalllll~1 olf uivis ion I\lId tile 8u bscq ll CUt 'l' ltb al ,,"Iurc, s pc 'd"~ ,atlldll whl'n I OLC ~hc II ho le raets III re r.reoce 10 Ibe Olr. 8m, lunga, 1"010" ... II hili "'"eft> • perfecL SI' IUIN!I BnuI sJo:8 and COTe are . G ' S. cul llluu of Ihc li \11\""1; r't:1 I" 11 c u r t 1\ 1 H! t'aI O~ 0 I e !lea r cu r e Of mc dud I am 1101\ al. l\! lu I"'u~u e 1Q\ d ' RNN drawal of 80me 01' tile selt,ltIlposed bll B ULPII H, OAI' hI UII\;J t" Ol1t Gazette 00 W ASu I~meni ",III L " It "'0101eo I,ulh tbe luxu,l" n•• • "d color d""~ I.bor Au, I" '.'"1 dOllhuul( tho trulf. cure Willi unfnillDg eertal n~y lcuuers. 1n the nature of t Ill ngs 0 ItUrutc thcl" I IlIIplc:I , blut c h '11, : _ _ __ • _ lIuluUer (ur ~~7tl 0 Uti I;;' f!lrlnllhl o.ory of lb. h.,r, Dnd , . .. 10" 111 1., •• 0 .. " Ier _ of. Ie 111 1111 U .'"te mont "III 1,1 IlOo c.1I 00 I t 181n"t OIt lJalld"'iff~ all d pre· Ille Tllnmonys w re Ih o s " verelgll rOllgllllcdR, ledncss and tll" urc III por pattern fur.: :r 'll;d.lld - 0 zo f"· 1P,e",a lu ,e hill uclllllg or radJnl( o( .be hllir I, or . dd,ollil 1I1JIl(a (IIIJ IUti,' }', om ,f(tllwg ojl' I' L b I 1 I tl ' l~ ' • ro.. .' I e gr~"LI 'bo"utl '<i(reL' ed aud ,"a t u.I,IItRt every hod,t """I1 111 • er f' •• , S ... en'·.ro..... rv, 0) tllTIlt U n) e tirYi UbI!Or1"""rw III recei ve.dorlnlfth.yeu r, I 10 "',,,UVII.c fulloproofeno It .1' m,! t IlI ,• !1 ('J'1J1l· Ieatorso I f tie I IlUnd, whdotllCuth , urluuy 11111 ICI lY 118 t1ICUIIlP" ers were o nly vlcurlOus leud ers lIud IUhlu cllIl tlYlIIg ngcnt. Eruptl vc }< 0 R BON D,1/ 0 LDl!~RS! :~ ~ '!!o~th-...~.!te;:::. "!bthllt tb_ alone l .. .. lIfe and ..gltt kl be 1\0, by e.. pro~ R,d~ ' Itol\d, I,el"" Wall.,c I'hllll It OOlDplll~uly DIPIN Yt;\;T~ CLOTHmos t bide their tlmc when Ib admonts, BUies. cutll, unllscs 8cnlu ll p... e..aI - .• 0 ollbec"ptloD melUl., but tllure Itt nutblng morelmporbtnt !NI IIlck. room Ot Idlorsolo , Id' ey III1U utber uti. t d' I , I'J ~~~ to thl. cod lb_n, bertUlllul h,ur Now kl S. II lembor'" IRi6 , .11.. aB eeome Impr cll llu~e w t b COli como In POSSl'sslOn to( 11111118 cc ~ 1/18 all III.Jurles 0 I FOR P~teI'lklO'. MHgA1;lne ~erY ear preveDt tbe failing oC th .. D_tunloolonog Price 0 ... 0.11 .... -6 B.,du, 4 DoIl8". dlliCaSe tenul Buccession Nel'erthelea8 th e eutlclo lUll" kewi scre m o vL'<l by GO L D GAM B L ER6! 1000 pago., 1,( ote..1 pl.teII, 12 oolored YEe": In ,t, or J'eoOIlOlte tb e rootll of the II ) Our drug.l.t Or O'un k.e l'''' h •• n ,L 50,AIII • thi s did nvt give tlte Tlmmo ny boys It, Sulphur Dathij hUI'e long been I 1111 pKttern., 12 mammoth colored f...blon tu growth ·SoLID. nothlosha. ever been ~ol It. we Will deh, r h"lr ti~, en 10 aD. Rd· GLENN'S Dr ubllolute auth o rity alld Illc r e were reoowned Uij tho best reUledy lor pl.let< I~ Pi"gell of, Ind 900 wood, lotrod to the Amo"OIIu people that dr.1I on ",col\,1 01 p"lce F re 'gh, paid, I S l uoed , k d I 1 '" lOT . on'" .... mmr ..... mrolllllt.OD"" "'lll". t l,e PrC/lnr, d ollly l" • a pecijic IU tlootltl OUIiOXtOUS Dill· th ose who udvisod a dif!oreLlt course II In IS6a:!es, r leUlulttl Bm and gUilt. J.'or .4~ atulnal Ba nk81"s! proproetor to .pond mClre '!Doney on emllel ..... _ " . . . . . ClOLoa R . .TOaBB. DB.l!IWAVNB .. "'Olf, II A81111 , which have heell tI eated bere· from that whicb tho 'boy.' w'cre Gicou'li Su~h III SOIiP It! ill evcl'Y Itsbmoutll , .lorleA, &0.. &o~ tb~n any olober Dr D"lklll.ORf'hl ... '''1· of It 3:10 If.rl" I!Il~t" II,., P"""'~I."I.. toro' II "ILh 'Sulphur OUl/menJ,' bav· . Of " t as d Ii I ' ft g'v moro for tbo mOIl th The London oJr Oolor a...torer I. uoed OLD Sl ALI I' KO>IIN"" Y STO b pnrsll\llg. COl1l1le, it Wasll't oa r es p ec "caClIllhl, ILII ur C ICllp· the world III "1 lUI unl 10 very uten,lvoly a",uol!' my path", ... ond ':~;:~::;;:;:!'!=:;====::~. 109 t e I1dvlln~aJ!;e of Ileing CLIIA" tllrlll that the Tllumollya would ac. or, Dy opculllg tI, .., POIC ,and 1110. fl"r the P eople ! Thrilli</lU Talu (In'.d Not)tJlett friend...... eliao by my/lOlf 1 thcrefor ~ iNOt' nNIUYIl aod l.hlliJURlOUII IA qUiesce in anything that I oked 1II0tlllg a CI\ I!II· , Are th" beat publl.bed UI'rwbere All t:: 6 bottle. for GOOD MEDICINE 7 like dividin{( or ill aoy way Impair' latlOlI, thiS excoll ut Ilrtlcle COlllllb J:\. ~ ~ mOM' popullU' writol1l &l'uillJplnved to write Sent by ollpr e. to:.n y addre•• oa ..... If yll ll "'0 Blllo"o, lake ing their authority iD their Own d~ lites to tho h calth ot the elltll'C Y8- , FUl' All Putp6'~81 ~~~I:~~!!~~hIOII. Ie;818. in add•• oelpt of prloo '3~ AY;'~I~;~~. ~"~;~~I HSe~d'.it:::I:~lm, «Ifuion and they 80 gQYC iosur. tcm as welliu thllt o f th e cutlclo For ..hi"h money i" u.-od lI'IVE ORIGINA~rn:W1·torilll. Add..- foil order. to D .. SWUN!t &; WAYNIt·S Ttlr nlltl a .. a\1 I1.III .. PltLS gents I~ undcrstaod, III tb'8 con. Since its il1trvductioll Iv pnultc nu· lit IlliT "Itl, Gold and Rilver. In .. _ ELE'M,'ES will be Klven. by Vno A!t°~· ::1~'::2 ~~:~8uth 8', Pblladolphia, P"'I rr ,our Tonglle I. coalcd. '.ke Th t! benefiCial rellults of Sulpbult di f affl· tlce It hu rcpcutcd ly bee It 0 qUluo t l~y II. kl promote .nd"otr)', mvlte 'ID· Stephen., Fl'llnk lAe Beo84llat, If... Frao p SW A yr; b:'S T.r alld :3 a r'''I'"1I II II r 'L LS Butlis are loo well knotl'o to reqlfire ItlUn ~ aIrs, temp6Tan (,8 le ll 'd d b tl d' I C m , m' lCrlth"u ..n<l d" Yel"p the r e.our,·c" 0; lobe c.", Rodgl!on Burnett. Rnd other.. • BOLD BY olLL naCOOf8T8, I( l.0u hny~ I cold. la ko oornmenL Tbe effeots of GLElI-,'~-------frOID bewg tho fnndalOeolul qnes, men c y III m e 1C8 pro t · lUll C"U lltry, 16 "bwt tbo Mammoth Colored l'aaldon.Plate . _ - - - - -. SWA YNE llr and ftl'9f'I'''rllla rILL. "', tion, alld Ihe fIlanagl m nt 01 the Qlld preos. und ext IlIul Ahl!lld of 011 oth. r .. pl"te. lire ltIeetillgB Ilnd thc mUllller of ma- have WOII s nch guluc~1 ~'ved on .teol, If <.'Our 8u are cos lll ". . OP"IIOItIi I d t L",,'lL ,.- t.bu u~1l1l1 ' I~O, Ilnd ' "'ke zlug 0 ft e D8 Ive accumu Iatlon8 an II: lunl! the reformatlOll con tinU 'lu by IIIOUlIg UII CIut!dO~ prcvcntll u ' ."e unequu " or ..... uty ThaT will be SW A r ~ t;;' T ill and Ilr.a p"rlil a riLL" ...' tting him illto the c llllrc il L"""me lI ultitll1S dl ell C 118 well flS rl'mcdlcs d ,,,", .. tlloonl, remedy (or the ,UI! bro't oQtll,>eerrble':~looll~r.d hAt,lso. Routh""lbold and I I'e ..o" . or II (ull hnblL, ",ho Are 8ubJ ,c t thoroughly purifyu.g Ihtenltre ' ltr/ace ,,• ~..... I U I ~ I I d UIM' lhe o.. uulry b) LcI!\slutltlD .nd L \\., r ~ p ~, In 8 or el'ery US IOterron to H ea~. cb • • " ,rldlo • •• , Druw . llle . . ... nd 0/ Ille body In fllot It IS tbe KIII9 oj qOC8tl(lIlB t' fQremost sigllllicallce t ICIlI, nil l IdlU cett! cot illig lUI clllln:d fur tho bene6t uf .. MOlUed 0181\8, e8tt nfC 10 I"dlll" A... ' In~I Dg In t lte Elr IIrlo,m; 'rolll tOq greM a Soups fOI Butblng aod Toilet purpoAt this joncture affulrs do IlII ell IIn pr gllllt·d With ul sellso, nnr! tho "~J'",""'11 uf r~,bor no;d Iodu.trl II-A8 the puhllsher lanw prep"l1 the 60" of blo ,d t'. Iho hend. ehoul. Devor hc 808 rin ot tI ft' t' OUlldMltf IS 0 tllclyernulclltoo by Q""'rnnll'nt Ored,t HuotaU.. K our Bond. ""sblt(" to ull m".I . ub!!Onbol1l. P eterllOo ill 8 dl.tlaal v~rletlCd JI{" nthly Ro_, wl~hoUI them •• IIlftll, drtllgcrou.I,' Ulptcmu g o lle 10 a eillOCln mee IIIgs, tl f... til e b~u fit of th e " culthy, lot tho a,une cheoper tI,on ever, 10 fa ot 18 tho ob""pl!lt 8 .. BeK(onl".. ~ III I,e .IIrrled off by 'heir ule n gentloman of age experience and It, all Its u e IS, 011 Ihut u c Oll llt , credit In the world. OIU'OUIiOIl PIDka. Liver Complaint - fllIll drelll dl,oll!e Dlreehon •. -For D Uease' 0/ 1M c ulture,ndvised l!tat th e church WILS grently tv be tie slt lclatcd by 1'01 --II Chtn .. Ory.... ll thumum •• rnJm ~llIch 80 ,,,"ny I'er. o,, < Bull.. I. fr o S~m batbe fleely aDd apply a tblck (J the o uly 8aff' refu~ ~or tIle drunl , wh C hUlr .11! tlollllllng (1111 III Cull' SUSTAIN GREENBACKS TI!BM8, AI ....,. I. A....._. 811. w..... , II DZonKbl G.lGromulDII. ·lueuLI. the cau.o .. 1 Headache, Dyapep laliler before retlrlDg, allowiDg It to S ... " ... , r ~ 60 11 011 10 cranium. eta and Indlr;e"Uon, , """ud," rt 110' cd ard and Ihut all t ir labors wonld seqllollctl o t ctl yllt:I!S vI t hc de,ll p • uO I" 1lt! orc b • oop.... iror *4,80, )8 hy.l eued O .... nl~m. ..,d often poru",ne"U) cured loy Ih, "U~ Cl remnin oller night For Scald, and ' 1'1 I I d ., For the b ~t f th P I h n ""I'Y 0 t e prelUlUn. I p lottlJ'o (24x20) B ' F· .ro " r• • onte d I1\ II.. u., nf A 1"",1, B urn. npp Iy tl Ie It" '--" en~ .. 0 eop 0 W 0 aWlUIlU T he An!l01M Cl' Ohrl.tmlli.,' 8 flo. dollar' I1 ehotroJWe. a uBI f ree Iy , 0 t ... be ) oat unlc B the mtemperll te clas8 lose I'; 10 IU" C II Sl' Ol lltlUOlltd Ullu should be safely h o nsed ID the " r!'"d.. With o ut III 1111 lvr til' c llr o of thc GovorolDcn" . ngrflvlOg, kl th o por80n 8'l~U1g up tho 6 noAbUUIOll8, pllrllyln.: pill. u. Ibov 0 "" lIn Illtough tho utlcctcd r"ut8. aOlI tile Itre and pain 2 • ,I I I' I Olub uhle O.meU..... bl"od. Ibe IIlIp",lIle. f,olll .. Idch .h" arl , o Will be I umovecl ImlUcdia~ Iv -F ohurch, ThIS , ng'g e tion h owe\'or llrllp.lo ut! \I 1\11 U I tllilite c IIIractl' l Dally EnqUirer, per year, *1200 4 f . 6 "" ~ . I , " AI.le.. Por C08'I\Ullel., Lh oro 11 11011",,".0 oReCllle I G ' e. • or did flOt SOit one of the T'lmmonys: I~lll tind, II tho,) t.y II. thut W"",,'s Weekly EnqUirer, .1 'I" 1.15 '::::.: o~~; o'oj,~ ~~~:~~~ ~~~ ilirh, ' : " Lob8te'r'CaotU8, a. i:\wal ne'.1ot r nud S""' pl\rillll 1' ,11. 26 Ult/. Rhw.matl8fn., Sprums, Brwu$. and h e iudicated it by Baylllg tll"t ~nlphur SVU» I e lU U \ us SCOI hutlc " JlNDl'UJD, tAl th. peraon settin .. up the , 6 8Bouvard~.... I c. nl. ahol, 5 I,oxco lor SI. "e,,\ I" runll lItH ell/. IIpply clotbs "cll lIaturited 0 • .. I' t d II I I I' olub tevllUI""El1pltorum. Add,o•• lellcr8110dord urI to Iln S~A ' ''R' I Wlth a strollg SolULlon - For Old, the adv\(:e Wllil I'oolish and th e gen ~omp am 8 IrrelllO 111110 Jy OiS 0 Freo O~pIl'~8'e ted (I cOJltes for 00 8 D\I~ee t:w. '12 11 copFuch.I M . ' & SnN. 330 North I. h S I, PIIII.delph", Sore6 arid UlcerB It 18 invalualllet1emall a fool. Tbe 80 called 1001 caCIOUS meuns, nn (. JH C\ o nts the geo 8S:~~ fer "I",rumen oopllll' I... for *10, with but IIU ' 4I'tra OOP" of 4 Double Viol..... For oalu bl Ll'"gg"" Use I. cu ll' 08 a lottoo.-i"or a fll· lell the mee ting lind from that tllne recurrollce ot Btlch dl8UI dore 1 tho MR~....ine for 18 ,And-the p... mlu,n ~ ~oiu.ett&. _rlet.wblte, _ ,cntlvc 10 06nuzioll' Dllea8t!' usl'e=a'-~~------
OOfollUNJ>() PU'.;Rs·-48TU Y&AIl Th
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e ountry
Grea t N ewspape
,4: •.:s
Effective External Remedy
'8 000 000 C. OpleS ·
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G: brrowb~lIe
'P7~ ~~ ep:':'b:,~~i:
Sulphur Baths,
e::/A GreeuhOUS8 At TOl~el~~ E~: ~~,';." A~~oI~'~:~:'III:r~It;~: ~r~I~Pe~e~~lc~?'~:ml:le~~fy ~:~~::i~ Your Door
sen lI..,e y ma '
b~ d~tlg!tiskl,
since bas withheld any Bympathy , S\\ld I;I('(''CIB uud FARAN II: McLBAlI, Pnblilher. with the Tlmmony modU8 operandi V'ncy gil Il Ctllllrd. l'rlco ~5 cll!, OIN OIN N ATI OHIO ' of the meetltlgs. Since tben the per cake. x (I cflke:l) 75 Ctll , _ _ ____ , . ~-breach has lDaterially w)·doDed nod !lent by mail, prepuld, on-recel\lt lIt' , , C N 0 1" 7 it ill appurent to everybody that tbe price. • , rlttellwlI, rup r, Tlmmooy boys have oeitber the 6th Avenue, New Y"rk . I . H III'8 H UIT ' 811 d WI'118k er D yc, I cxperlellce, the wisdom. nor io any Bl k B 50 degree the talent of Icadel'R of any uc or rowo, c. eat mo e e t TI b bee -. - • ---, - V mil. • ley ave n Dobbtn Y ' E1~trlc SOil. ttered on all Sides by men aod 0 ~~ P , WOIll"n, until they arc in II st.ate of H' b' d I j' :1_ • I alarm·n" BOlt" t Be 'd aVlDg 0 tPIfIC t 10llgCIICY vr · ...... - , •••• I ~ 'ImpOI anee. . 81 es, this celcbratcd soup for WII) IICli "~~~..~t~~I::l-:v tlIe oommon talk und b lllief of 8 v lie a d t, I d I II'f"AI,IIABLB IN AI great number of poople (and' the I • " I' VICltll ), II Pp cn I 10 Warm I..' lI"lollle() by IIPIflJOII 0 Borne 01 VUI Lcst pCllplo J ' , num b er IS growlIIg) IS, tbat the sa to its merits: Bonuruft, ~1 .iC.'tt, Motl.,. Oeo P Ml\f'8b, Tlmmonys care more abont the dol. I I. _. 1 D b1 ' EI Ihll u"k. \\ Inltloll', Willi" SUIte. Ehhll Bur· lar than they do f th I t' In, 0 USuu 0 II liS CCtl'C rltt, D,u"u1 Webster. Rufus Choate, R or e so va 100 Soap, madc by I. L. (;1 aglll & Co. Col .rtdjC~ t1mrt rt, Ror"C8 M~lIn, more tbl\a or reformatloo of the drunkllrd.- Philadel hiu fvr svmu tlllt~ I FIF1Y Col:Oflo Prlllidelit.. and the This kind of talk is indulged in by Ii d 't t ' .1 ' abl I Ameri",,,, .lid Europe~n ..hola.. I r' dl t th 'bo ' II I U ,II III reprCl!\untcu to e' l ..... LOOI{ AT the three plotur.. toen \Ii' 10 were rleo y 0 e ys Fvr wll8hing clothll8 we \llle 110 oth, l a SJIIl'. till poge 17M. _ tbeee alone lIIu•• when they came here IMt 8prlog, er in onr family IIl1d I cheerfully U"te tbo mO.Dlng of mOre than 100 wnrd. and on the streets and. io 8bop aud recommend It Be' a first-clUBB II I" Iclo'. I afin'ldel\t'lrnlDw·'~r"J. botter than they OI&D be de· to th talk d bl b t .• v WI 8 ro e 18 COOSI era e a ou ~rmeuta w88hed With It look fur Ono of ahndren bariDS WRB tho 'boys.' whiter thaD whclI wus hed With or 1 8T~II'~ UNAUalOGII:D, and u.ias It freely: And, withal, Mr. Frank Murphy dinllry 80an and boil'lIg '8 • and another not having It, tbe lire' will bedeepe~ed the conviction that the t'J Ib I ~ unlle oomo muoh tbe more io\elhgent men T' . oeeaary. It IB a or 8avlhg and women Atk your teacher or mln18ter .uomooys we~ oot as eelf-tacrlti· thoroughly cleansiog, I. DOt so, tben buy tho book, and WlO. clOg as tlley mIght be, by commo· Maa DREW SWK urge 11:8 freo u"" ALSO, ' t · to tl I tl' it . n. WEB 8 T E R ' I!I mea lIlg a geo eman 0 liB 0 Y We unbesitatinilly endorse the tbe ioformat.ioll thattbe.Tllom~oys ubove, Mas. KEARNKY defrauded him or all IllS e8rlllugs M R H' .... p .... Oeta-. . . . . --~ at Dayton wbere he had delivered lUI, IORARD &rHE8, Pllhll.hed by 0 & C M~.RR1AM. • IlANN.R GIBIl8. Sprln!f/lold. 11...... 8 course of lectures, except the sum I d' 11 f' d d of "''' And yet, Mr. Murphy t oSlro ers to ~ V my th .rlen B all t e.lls· I All pcl1lO I d bted kl D • \V L. H rtIii mself refused to be 88tISfi~ with s~~hat th:~ :ay I~~~': i~:t h:~ are ~:!t!d elo ""ule :Ith WIIU~Ib" L less than '110 fvr euob of IllS 'wo d tl e best . I "n S ...tIook, n whoee b ....d. tho Dooklr h"" lectures which he delivered hero, g o o , soap III tie u, IS. plaoed bla aooouDlII for IIOttlelDent k' . 11 $220 f, t I t E, R. PRINTZ L' ma 109 III a or wo .ee ures. IVayt&tl,villll. Sols A'nent ~ T he managers assured him that G:l7 Bw it ' I . bereb, sit"eD that lh. und.nlgned h ... they had oot taken ill lUoneyenoogh been 8pI"'lnted"tllr of the E.t..te · b d R h d oflfA.BTlNBEST.ltIoklufW.. r .... noounty, to ray t h at amopnt an d 1118 oar· BolD t e a vertisemoot of the deoolUlCd A B SInKS. bit tvo, aud atlked 111m to abate the Oincinoati Gaz8tto, Thi8 paper is O.tAlbor 29. 18'77. 64~ board,bill, but ho IIIsisted 00 the th?roughly nnd favorably known -paymeot of the whole Bum. Nor In tina commuDlty, that a Simple would he give a publie lecture for referance to it and an expositioo of ~-::= the benefit of very olass '."hicla its ioteoti?ns aDd for needed roformlDg, aod hence It was new year 113 sufficient to stir up any =-=--=--=.:..~.:.:-:..that they were totally neglected by one to a renewal and others t:o be· ,.,. . . . . _ ...... _ ........ Litn, He had a right to iosist on coming subscribers. WM. A. T.AIDAL. ~
N . alP' 'al Dl atlon lctorl ctionary NOTICE
. . . 1I"...... """'.CLNClDI'N"'~
:::,~~~~,"~:,t~:::;11~oi~~fI'VlDg, w tbo
F~':.b:"~';'''rdillnoaee., 'In"
ITCHING .trong. suds a8 a wa"b, Pahnl... Is gellerolly precorl~d by R mnl. luro. Iok o aJJd by IDJccuon It .Iallll ~ : 01!Nlll. perop"llIon , dlslr . IIIIK ILch,nl( 1I.lbO"!;,, 8 " R II .... O~ B I b " pin II'.mn ' we," crntV\llt~ III ,..,d .. bout tho GLENNIS surLP~H""Unlt"'--S7aO·AP"''-----·" Y80Ul u.. re ctum. I.arl'culllrly oL nlg ut when ullllre .. 20 ""Hort.,d Tuhp Bulb.. Illg, ur In bed .r,er 8ultl\l~ OI ' ''IU It IS OHBKRJ'ULLY ENDOBIIKD Hi' THIt CHEAPEST BEST I. '. ~o a••ortclol CrooUli Bu!b., III .","me' 08 .11 n ",lnler IIftell tiRl • • MEOIOAL . ·RATEKNITY, nr '" """"rted JIIUOOOIUI Lily Bulb8. I II If d II d 1 2 0 x n h e , · '0 .. 8.' 0'01111 Ie pm "to r ", au 1& no' confined to m.le" 111113, b Il l iL Itt quite 118 A j~ 4 Lily of tbe V.lley. (",quonL 'hat (,' mal . o ftro . o,elv aRlIo ;cd, ~l~ 8 Now I'.orl Tube...1:"i<lIlarI Y ln ,I meA of pregnll1lC1, ortend, OR. BY EXPRESS I '-'h I I d' I A811: roo 30( anJ IIr Lite aho'e II collecI,oDI fo, t2 .:::.t";,;\~:/,i~ ~~~,,~~Yors:eud~;:~::.:nI(O';. ' • e :; or '"'' of 'b •• bo .. I eolleclions (or 3 lue o( lon~ 8.andlt.);, prooounced ",cllrllble , 7 of nuy 01 'he ahu,. J oollt'olloD. ror " hu" beco p rmao enLiy cur,1l III Ilppl,mg rEO P LE'S pAp r,'R' n o( nuy of the ahoye 1 collecelrtal ror 6 SWAYNE'S OINT1\lBNT. TAKE KO OTHBll. ~ .4 .n • I~ 01 IIoy o( ,b. abole I collection. (or 6 A3~ COlUIII1I8 ti lled wl~h odlto~lal, Ne w a. I'4 or au' o( tbe IIbo_. 1 colleotioD. ror 7 n. S" A~~~&'·~'-•.• - 01.."uUI"" ~lnon ,- The PRICE /lr,e ultur"1 llisuelhlllY k Mntket Reporti! 1 All lrr. Bl . Pl 0 .. 0 Il<'rr , 0110 yeAr, po.kllo paid, 75 C'8 .LJ. l'tnt er oorntn,~ ant.s. hox of O'nt'"OII\ 'Oil . elll me b, mnd cllred elulo. or Five. 700 el uba 01 Le u, 65 conll I Or the whole ooltootioo of _38 Bul"" & me . .. tlrely of Itch,ng I'll.", "b,oh I s"f1, r· Ou e BOflJ (8 OakclJ) 60 Oent8. club; of ,wcDly, 60 centll Plallts .ent by Ellpr""" on rooelpt of .I~, at! ~ Ith (or Ore yt"nI J:.:llcloscd nnd Ofty THE 0 A I LY "'" to " h.oh either of our boob. GARDItNrNO contll for anolher hO I Co. a frlond "f mlQe rOST. POI! PIIOPIT. PlloI.l1I'lOAL FLORICULTURII. ANllIlEW,1 BEAOH, Por aale BYerywbere, b, Drne..,. One YOllr, pOl"'se ~Id, ,7 P,ntl or ' , or GA.RDttNING roR PLII:A8UKR, (y..lue Farmwell SlfttllJ n, (.oudon Co. Va. ghtl, Groeer. aad Fanol .... r In proportloo • Pl'('PO • Ia.Dlorge GO eacb). will be added. D9a0riptiYe Otlot&Da S...... Na & So'" -Enolo. ed plcMe Rnel Gaod. Dealert, • Ihe Dally POll srelllly daring Ocio1ler. afler lorne free. 0110 dollar for t .. o bOIlOBof your OID'ment "~~b tlitl'be will ~JO poI"'ge PETER HENDERSON CO {ur lLoblng pllee I he.e "'e for oome of my 86 b M'l P 'd ~eni. at Ih:p!:~~ rille~f .1";,O:'m·...DI:c'f:.. ~. . . ..~ . .'" _ _ _ ., (rlend. who are aflhcLcd with thl. dlotre •• · ut '!I at , T~~, on re· IDS compl~\Ot '1 he box IOU . ent me • yea, C8lpt Of pl'ice ami 3 ue"tI/ U.. enla'b-ed pllper to tho cr.. of tbelr t,me [627] 3lS C rtf dt 8t. N Y a~o, I am ,;Itld, ye • • I Am proud 10 • • ,. It. l!:Dtra ~Ol' tach. cake. wlt~o~leJl'" oharlta 8a.llletormato ligon'" _ __ _ __O_ _ ~~. _ _ _ . _ ._ _._ IIIftd. a per'e~t cn,. I Llnnk Ito .mcllcy J' ODAdd~il1 aDeI W.ekl~~ai!o:.; Grellt chaaee 10 make .hould be puhli.bod IhrOl,ghllut tho lel\~lh 1637 I' 88 n bo SI Oh • mOlleT We need a IIlId hreadth of the IlIId You caD pubh. h CRITTENTON, y ear nI • IcagO penon ID enr1 towo ,bi. Ir 'ou think )lroper Proprietor, not e,ull,. earned In ,he,e to lAke 81l108cr.p110Dtl DAV 10 UROSSNIOKLE. No , 7 Sixth A venu~, Now· York. \lme R, b.t Il cln I!e made la for 'he IlIrge. ', hm r..,Il •• t.ulg. t'r tlc roc~ Co . ~Id ~ mOI,'he b" an ODO 0' el - ODd cheap.ot llIu.tra R If fl I I h ~. y , led (amll, publlca,lon '0 the "orld ADI KADRR 'ou Ire ou or ug ",Ll L '8Kn· ~ ~~:~~re; ~b~nl.r~I~Il~'':! ooeCKn become a lu,,"enful ageo' Tb~ :::II;~,~~;n~~'::,II~'B::.e1~~Le~y~::; d~~'~~'~ 1 work oloadll, ftl tbe rm Ploy . \1Il0.t elegant works of Dr' ginn Iree to lind I!'"\" hOI "r SWllyne'. All H." ""g 1I,.t· m~aL that we iurlllah 166 per week 10lou. suh&erll>eMl Tho ,,,,eo to 00 !o .. ,b.I almoot lOelll It .. III Illrel, cUle 1011 SO cents a HAIR A8 R.:o 01.8 orWtl FLUt" OJ! ~ own lowlI You lIoed 1I0t be away rom eYer,loody suheerihe. One ftgont reporta hOl. a hOX08 for ,I :If, 6ho x.o ,250 bent VOLCANO. or willIe 119 tbe dood mOBB hom. o,er alghl You caa g"e ,our whol. makong IlflO In • week A lady ageD' by mOIl I<> on} ud,l..., •• , un rece'rt fir p"c~ I on a i"IOllda bemlock, can be cbantlone to the "ork. or ooly ,our .,..n· ... mO. drellorls Ataking oyer .OJ 8ult«"he .. In rten P rep"r"", - ., 011. I b'f I) a S ... \ ~. '"•. S0". I311 ~ed to a glo ...i.ilU 6roum 0" lU8/roua 1\ ,I k ::e~t'20 ~e~ ~~;. ·f"~b;~~g:~~ ::a~~~~ can do,~~ afID:~~: ,,:: :. tb:~~~ID~! N or,h ISllIb S, , PbolBdelphll\ black by B SIngle apphcf\tlon of "'11 mnke money fast At ~bo p...IICU\ tlmo or ool,yuur .p",e lime You .Deed 00' be mone, canOOl be made 80 el~llIy and rapidly aWII1 from home oye, nlgM \ ou ella do 1\ a& Iny olber busln... It ""II. notilingla 118 well &I o,ber. Full partloul ... , dlt-ee· IrY \h'e hUllne.. Terma and IS Ilulflt frel lI(1)1 and torllla free ElegaDt and upoall •• Addr... , at 0000. H HUL&1I'T A; Co •• Pon. Oulfi' free I( you wllnl proS",hle work'i hod. ~tala. 617 1Il0d U8 your IIdd,e.. a' oo~e It COltll no • 'hlOglolry,behuelu... NoonewhoeD IT(lUING PILti8-Is a 'i~r,.~istresB, g.gcI (aill make g,ell' p.y Addres. 'Tbe iog complaint. S m )to018 aro a PeoJ'le:,.J ou,oal,:,!:or\l~d, MaiDe JP.. !D018tore, like itchin W V UCt .. lDoooBely particnlarlyat nillht H .I""acd .t ..:III38tb Strut PII,llIdelpbla ter gettmg lD oo~ Sw.,.y~1ij Oint. P:. where ho w, p"II~nt~ from th~ firai Ii)ftWJ(QGU~1fS , meot ill B $oro cnre No.3. , , , EAST MAIN also cnree Tetter, aod .11 erllptive , Dollc h •• lmo"t ~ lIen PtioLleDtllal II diliaoce W A1'NESVILLE 0 SO'LD BY DR O'G GISTS, A: dieeaeC8, Bold b .,.JI hmdill dro Iympklml. aod buo ... med'e.... n~ , ' i ,. D"'_>l th Yad ' ,g g I h, mail. I'amphlo' oou\!llnong ...tlmoola!' PrellCrlptiun~ oompouoded ut all bOlln by tr'P> Ittl '1e··'~ OIIf g8W1, ~wau ~ \l vt. " , , 0r~ur.lCfI'l\Ckld.leDthnto.IlYaddro •• an .... perl.ocedDrulJlSl..... 1>'11 [ lJ..J ,' ~ 1['~ .. ~ Addrc8•. post,.pald. OHARLES 1, P~TERSON. at, PbUI'Chl'rhl ", p" p<lCl mcn.tlCnt SMtlll, If written for
8 4
Beware of ImltatiODB.
I LIII'. I.L.I.I ..I ••
' 26 C-EN--rs- per Cake;
C. N.
pleaaa~t ~dd
AN.~ ~~':, :O~.,
Sands & Janney..
; 1 ~h:!~~~l~~,.~:c:u::~~~UIlJ~:!"~~:'ICJ3:~ .lean ""Ie
• *..-.:1. "11M
!.. t.
And Other Premiums Given Free BY THE SAN FRANCISCO
WEEKLYCBItONICLB to or *5,000 I' Yeut· con be Mncl0 in thi s lUnllllt'1 . Thoro I ~ DO UDIIt
the namber
PRIl. Ell nny 0110 IlUr~" " Ut ll) rellCl YO. III
VEGETINE. Her Own Words.
V E CETINE. '1 110
ll l'~t
SI.rlll l! Jlcdlulno.
, A I
rI " t aUt' 1 !! reel.
I~ S !H
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. Preuared by HRStmns, Boston, Mass. !I'M . _ ".. r IIn .. oeloold ...... om•• " rice Ott.. Dollar each.
J /lewd (or I'!tJtn1OU'.
JAMES R. OSGOOD & 00. BOlTON, MASS. $ $1•00 1.00
Vegetinll II Said by All Druggllt'
TOPICS FOR TILE FARM. A Sllgge~ tho E:I:lIIDllle -Dllflng th e last I X yenrs Itll II " I t h n ,Klpulnhon nggrcg lJn~ l' gl t~ fi ve In l houR 1111 formgll slIg Ir to tl C 11I101lllt or Olily $650000 P r IlIlDllm the rcmnlDder of the \ IlS LQUII Ut ll y consumed through ou t the empi re lIllv'"g heclI manufne tured rrom beet roota DurlDg the snme
CHEW Tbo Celebrnted MATOflL Jtl!B
Woo I Tag Plug 1rODACCil rUB P1 0 NS!!!1 TonAcco COI\(PAlCY N.w Yo rk !loot.,, " Rn I Cblcago T_ 1lI_ lCot _.,....
oowlo n "" 0
r if Be
A.if"" Ol f"f1Mlu or 8trHL. N ... V...k
n ~
rill C'OOcl , or I "I nil "Hg aloru d/or OIJe to II o.d .,. lVOOI6Ir
ACENTS WANTED! rO lllA1 Tl t [ LA UIl AIJDn !::
WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. _ .a.-..., life.. York (;U:r I Cb~
m ,
]If" ... 0 ........, . . . or llaa "l'IWJd~
Teachers of Vocnl Music,
B.EPOB.TEa. - ---===========
7, 1877
~Iby l It I D ero " tI.!! II pelted pllDlpl'rcd (IIrhll~ of \\clltb-n y(\uo\l In Iy fOlld uf Illi lho hUllrJ d nlll! IIJO) Dl UUI hCIl-II lender It soc ~ty though to gl\ Ib) Iller cllle, sh e 0 ~ e r lIet h rsc l{ up ~ Ii lcader h limply did wh It h
1'Iemti not (:lInng whtlt nn~ body th light ,bout It I)llt \\hAt MI ", "'Ibyl p l ~Mi!d to clo alwn) s see med to bo ] lIst the till og-IIL luru!L "0 SOCltlty mlls t II \, c thought, for It wou ld ra nnu do Uk
Wijuw for old d ,.OWe of fMh iuo t() !pl.... 1'9(oU .... ~blll./l.l1 1m tnt Jier vl'ry ClIIJrl WW! lurn tho head of It yOll ng l id) tenn to ml\k hcr VOID nrrogK o t Rnd UI1 w illiog to Bubmlt to d!ctntlon Wo MO ootpr IHred to saJ thAL S Ibyl Rlulln to 1I'M "lUn nrrog..nt. and bu Itcvcd 1\ tsCll m fulliblc neither do we kilO" thnt B lItl't'nleof Htrong mlDdcdnrllll ynn thr Il~ h hor C(\mpo!!l t loo und mnde 1 er nlt lee IIWUln mbl Lo tho honors o.nd tl uttene Invlijhl'a upo I hllr " hove I cr ,,'brd for It thllt tiho cI d not m Ind hl'ln g ill( tilt ed l bu t sho \\O l llnot ~ ulllltt
b I g dl ~ lltc d" b) fur oh ho v -I u ~ fi t ud I 1m I o v U ~ ~CI t l(,lII on MII~~ ~ I byl Ir"!l nBwd Ill! hlln WII!! \.lIO on ly nc of I r Intllllllte frtonds or rrl ltivrs who hId h e r 1II1er . L It ,,, n rt Hilt iltl(n 1 I d to 1111
~::~I:th('~ Il f~lO: r~11~I:II"r ~~~ t~O~I I~ Iltiv lind to hiS fi rst nnd only UII t.Iltlon " he refused to I btl ll, >Q we n us t Ie lYe 'lIb) I to the tellu cr 11\ rc) of Ollr r ador to ril~~ lugn en t upon her ~( ot hor I Will not p It "l w t h It IIn y lo npe r ! Ib) I 8 cl Cl ks y cr on IDle nnd I er dn rk el ced II ted "-ho g l'll ' c n t 10 11 0
/lbo' e
W n \I cll the t'O ur .~ o f true 10'" nele r run" "lII ooth H crlJcrt hnM hl'l' n d( Ing 8011 th ng n \\ ful np;n lll [ 811 1' poso I SlIId !Ilrs HOIIIIIHC III U tiOOUllng \I l eI
Moth cr 1 know YO U nrc onl ) lulle 109 IIgh Uy but It d oe.. provoke 111 1' wh II yo u ~1}(,lk of lo\ c bel\\ cc n J[('flJcrt. T Il
fOllrd Dnd n e If ' 0 I only k l C\\ I IV [ detc. t hili. Rnd i "Ill not IIbllll t t IllS lll to rfcr.ncu nnllongor My den r ::ilh) I Ill1tic rSltlll1 h. \V YO II .Ietp t hlll\ bclt.ert!"u yO Il do ~ o ur>!C 1f lind Mrs ROnmCfC"lnlle 1 ]ulotl) But wbnt h M It '1'1 cned now 1 Wh y [Will! dn vlllg nl ono 111 the Pllrk ycstord ln when h o cn me tAl me stud It looked IInrUllng b ut ludy hko to ISCO a , oullg Illdy out alooe drn III~ a )lIllt 0 f~t 108 and h e stepped IIItO the the r OIR8 d eh bern to lr and dro vo me home ........,;:::;;;."""::a!~%-~"den r ho Mid what \\ lI! pe r fectly trne I Dover dro, e out In Much a ~ty l e lind you nro SCbtlllg n very brut eXllmple Sibyl AlrcRlly I hen r com plBlIIlB of Juhn SIOIll p. ElslC HurrtDgmn Rnd 8Cverol otheT!! drl vllI g 1\ fa_t ]'>R1r and nil bccuIIIIC they ho ve RI on YOll d o In ~ It Why mother I nc\ c r !18k uny on o to follow Illy cxumplc 1 do I ~ 1 plcnl!(' nod 1 havo B pc rfcct fI ~ht to l!O long lIS t kn ow 111 II Y hemt I uo r l Ulin g wrong I\ld tlllS II Iy put, nn enu to I t If liar bert T dfnur" IIItorfe rc:l Wllh me ng III I . hnll ce rt.JIIoly offen I hlln :\Iy dU!lr yuu lUu, t rCOIombe r he IS nn old fr \clul uf tho fll lll1l~ nml at prcl!e n t our g ll ~.I!t ] f he wo ro not, c rv much 11 Lcrcsl< d III yo ur \\ clfl rc ho \\ IlIld not Bpll .k It nil to YOll for [ 01 SlIr" yOI r contillct IIlld "pecci, )U1\ c often gil cuillm ofJenl!C ... , ,, ell r WIll 1I 0 t \xi lll( to by him lind I 0 CII Il here lftl'r !nke nn Hl tcr c.t III 80 llle onc tlll~t Will uppreclIlto 1(,J d n t II ere I I::)lbyl's thpro m\l~t hllVIl IICttled It fo r Mf1! R cll lWlro said no mom but I UC Climbed ftsshifh n 1 done all ber Me, to be r '\Vlllful (I1t) ld I do d cteat 111m Rlld 1 won't put lip wl tli It 'mllrmured Sibyl, AS she made h er wily to her own room, wIUI lin angry flusb upon )l(Ir benu t lful faco As IIho ~jlenea hor rooll\ door sh e sa w h er !paid BItting W~)l1J1g I\nd InBtnlltly the an. c[ dl(~d out of her Caee l and • \~Ol 8),mP!ltby ",1\8. III I t.~ ~tetu1 « t...}lo Iln1e. tlclll1l\W nn) otde;
)fa '0:'" iiHlI'&f'Slbyl .. Ob, no, MIt!<! Sibyl, be 8 Dut WOfll6l
GunnIng In Danbury There 'l\ M B man f rom the city wh o we nt out \ttlnntn g from Dnnb IfJ IMt FmlllY Ilo Mto ll~,1 lit \ f trill I ISO nnd Imlncod the f mld'ftl ,!lholV I en Il pon.1 whert! t h ere.,.RK It (fro!!pcc~o f 1m k KhootlDg ",VinI c c r~ IJl ,h e fi eld tho fBrmer splcn II cro\y sl tJi ng.;on le i lub of a hu~e heml ck trE C III I IWll nlcdll out to the gunner 1 ho mBn from the CIty 1!1ml he \\ onld bl mg I t d( II 1\ unll lDIMudmtoly ho gotdoym o n th e g round Bud IlIIt 11)1 hll! bllck nod rOHted nil one knee lind Ktuck ooe l eg stmlght 1\1 the alf Bod brollght the g un under Ilimllel f With the butt on hili 'l ight cu r 1\11<1 tbo mllu lo th~u8' tbronp betWee n hh ICglI And th en tl e AStonl hed fllflner be in g
.......... -
·.ri M for ~
'r I.,.. c~:'''' & ..11. dll'd IUliI -Mr. I... vi If. Lily ieW"l'dllll1l hll ntdtlo. pllY~lIlbv, bt I 77 141 I~UYilr;IIK' tile uwlit 1"'. old., II. The el. \'~ed
01 ~
. ...,.~.
.~~ ,~ . '·e:;;.pkfti'on~t.~la , n ..... IJ ~:;~~~~~ abe ill '1, ..1.....1 M alaht, a ' " f t ~H"11h',,",
' " - . p I ' ........ It........ _ _• llliIt I..........ldeut W ~Y'"'''VJ'J''' ItIf000ne""UlIe&,,'htiat Rour lUI' mOll... Ie, 18n: ter ....UIQg io~. - --- ....Ie lit Nerr Hrtl~'I1"'''~ III liP ,.. II , 14". III I6b.1tlf forty ye.a.... fio wue born ill :_.. • ~lA, mell' i. a ~I. . .nt
X'" I" a .ft"UI ,tl .
~1:::a~IU\I !~~.ft. I:': ::~~ ~~: ~
other, Atk , _ ~tlor It OLD •r YWHom.. • r
li"ayoeTi Oint· and 8Qre cur i alto caree Tetter, aDd all eruptive ~;;~;;;~;;;;~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;~O;;f;;&D;;~;;:. ;;~o!:t~.~Pr~~re~!!!para~~ · =tl=O~.~•• d!aeaaelh SOld by an leadi ng drng· • gllta. Read thll ady'e.
lJIturil1, (2tlrlllllny, in ye.r 1 ~Mr. lludlon, or Har .on. 0 ....... 'IOTAI.. No ., 1 Ollt I.lis bir~ltday cunling on tbe 22d, voyaburg, ie vory ill_ ~:: ~Iy :.:: 'I~ 10 6IJ . , II. No, .J8 IIf It obruury. 110 'ruigruh,'t l to tho -.Mrs. A . J, Sutton. of Loye· 'No. cUet \ardI~~. t. "5 117 'I I ' t ,'(\8111 t . 18 ::., l ~ It!u\' illgev- land, villited hero till's -~k. l(,r::",,, xp,,..w_ ...... :1M-A,-". .t ' ~ U 111\1( ""'" 'cO aJ&I)II(JBooU!. '''' 1r••, ~,5~ .. II , N~: ti er,\' tH,'uJ lind I;IIl1ily lill aud hi ll - Mr, Frculk Olllluher, of !Alb N roIled '/ 80 ' ~ 7 1 ! t k.. ~~b .,.Q'.oIHoI.. , ~ec,. ' 1.111 r . II . ~o. 4 IlIlIi\"o H hille bl'hill,l him.'ulld Iu.nd. aDOII, " ' 88 ill tllwn Suturduy . AZ: ~nya~ 1IO 81 61 "'lP~"I, GlJfI P . .. . . liD. II, . , 1 ' I "'. . \. 'k " I . TtIe per n,t 0 r attenuaneo .. 'I FI'e~~hl Anil Ace,. 1.5 r . II , li ... 14 ',~ 1\ J.' \ 0 1\ .' WII lont a slIIgle - N w corn' ' mcal for sale at 8 t 'IOfi u" .1gn~1. II'IClld VI' rt'llItll'O 11. ;11 side ot the NcrI' BrowlI's Buur alld fced sture. larger ill tbe colored school8 thaI! , ., or". Il~do no l·. t..,,.. ,.cUIlII-a t\ll'IIn ~cr ill Il stl'llll"I' ' t ,V R U , ~ .. I . d ill the whi:e ' Jloo lS far too low in I bave fOllr ,e~)' fine BOARS {0':",,1 0.-1 N . I EKe! lOud ~o . III WI·.t ell." moll. land w ' I 1 '" - up, . . utH arr lvc I tl . 'I C \I I .No • I. 6. 7 It "d 10 ru n do" I . All olher \ 1\ '- II I U. ~ ~nlll~e ILII~ungu. , "Ol11tl 011 ~Iullday fruUl W IlShi llgtun I, oWlIlg 8 a great mcasllre t.o a at my .nn. ~;·}I~~mIAM80N. . No. U East Main St., - _. -lteDia, Ohio, dully. e. e,'l Dlldoys, I.ur rC~ hJlIIg II '1'11110 ill the City .. lue retentioDl or ' pupilsat borne by , - - H... an unUllually iU>e Ii"" v [ - -] ,u, 'C. H .HNg , rloh.' Agenl , ISuuth, 1411~ Iholl ill 1100 NUltl,e l'lI .~.. H purents. . GE1 RO E R. TI LES, Ih . AI( t, part of thl tl Stat.:, he CUIIIC 1o tli is ISS ulmes, of B ellehrook. A bsol1teei8p.lll. a great hindrance • .IolAILq OilING SAflT : pillce, whew he hilS I'otlido,1 ev~r WIIB B gUCBt of Mrs. Jouu H. Schneb- t,o Ule p....... ~ 'Of any 8chool. Tho All pentOn. art' ber.. b, forbidden to hunt ' Iy thi H wcek. '1 t···.. 'd ' on our pr"lDl....... Ub dOlJ or trU". dunDjJ . 01 .. ~c 0 t 1'1' • • If, In dO :-"4 I·. .. , 8 11 I('.C, I pUpl W 10 ie E1tallle from 8chool the eDeuiDg 8eUOft. Any ~rton or p"rIOD. ' " MAns O'lINO W EST : III ) 411 ho bCClI1II acqllllillteil l -Mr . S,lloOlon Allcn, of Duy· I by any llleant or for any pnrpOt!e, Ylolating 0>1 ........ 1,,11' ",II be Iro_ted ao c tou t H),~O p , .. . "nd 5 4" P M Iwith M ISR N all cy Lcutlwrmlul,with ~ ~V\l, !'US ~eell visiting hor relatives for any conlid.-ble length of time, tret....... and. protecllted to the fllll caA . L , FAIIR. I·. M, Iwhum hu \\'u~ lI oited in 1I111"rillge ' i lllth l$~lelghbol:hu",J. ' w.ilI in ~106tc.see lose interest in tentofthel... A.B.Wllliallloon. A~ ' ' jl II~ ~FrR.e1'8 Omllbus-Llne UIIU who pr.!ved to he" f"ith!'1I1 I - M IdS Mattlll Vall Oluaf broke 11I8 studies. He returnl to Bcbool UJ"AtlT f.rm.~ a. .. han added run~ .w lind. lrom 'orwln I,,~ helpllleet tu hiIII thl'll11h 1111 cx ten . tilu Ii rst gruuIIJ fur the new M. E , to find hill c1UII advanced beyond to the .boye nntl ..... for 2li centL --wllicb \Vill bc-~""rv o.ouumouod"l,on tra: n . Onion< loft.1 . 1 d " I' fi ' '( J I. tl t tb h ed ' - .- -- tho p" L- nftl oe willnllc'''.''''J'<'lul Ilt""nli"". u C murrillgo· II.e, lie lip Wltlt the pnl'llv 'lIIgo 011 "VII lly. , lIrn , l~ . ey age paaa . ov.e r U . . .ClTOay, - - IU811ul allluullt (If ."rrow~ alld }ll ell' .-H"wrt Muulltjuy has II fTlle I.. t ~hat whlcb It .a.nccestlary to ~n~w • .IIL. ur, OD, UI'~S. Bo, I.ov('\~ hid f.ullllly, 1111(1 (It!· 1" 1 Ivcudl puS ls fvr sulo. at hi s placll In order to \lo,~!t:e~aPd what l~ 10 V\LI.~V t'IIRnR"" ' N"~IAN 1}",1'1'151' CII . V\llcLi II Itlo t ~(lrVIILld c III thcir , ill ("Irwin. Priccs IO\~. ndva~~c; Tlnu~, preclou. time, -~{ "\IOI Str~... t. D.... r M,un, D,Vlno .... rvIO\! wc1lur<:J. or 1\ grlllel nl.heart 111 1' N . d d . I . ' Illnllt tie wasted 10 cxtra repeated nl!:4LI:B8 1ft nu tho Ilr.~ S~turd ..y And Sllnduy 01 each d ' . I \ t! 1I g('O ~ 1111 ~peclll prices I t' I 'd I I ' rd d - A T _ __ m IIti, Elder 1" Ban •. PlMtof. I ~ulltcntc IIl1nll, hUII.Cdt 1\1 hlij eerv· ' 1\1 thu {)udh EII1(Jlll'iulII of Cllu"ul . eltp Ilna l.on{"8,1 tIe c asa r:c tu .c • ~ • • ~ RO"'AN 0.'''1,101,10 C?II I mm,-The Rov'd lC~ f? I' "thers IIII~ III th e PUYIIICllt ' lad 'r, JI1I11II1V & Evcrly. ~o~ ~~ Iy thl!l,~~t,'~)e pU~II Beel?g "' . ' \:!l ~~~ ~ . (H , ]1"ther A.utr\lStlne. Pfl"'~. y, . en the 2d ot hilI dcLts he d,lll,d r.... pcclud 'unJ u 1 d . hL S (\'~n' ral}' "I a achv}ar deterlo~ ~~ ~ ' . ~ ~ '~~ !lund.)' 01 Moll month. L.'y ........ i"" every OdtCCI11t!U to:r Ul se I'C ' I - .... 'lUll . Ilrit Iltlir a)' cvenlll g. rating ix'comdl' <\iaMuPA""'d • .' -, uow,y aft.o~nooll. . Iwith the 1\d8Ur{lIl~ in(I:~~ ~'~'~~'I;:~II\ ; 11 SlllLwl. 0 11.11 at this uffice, pay ThO' enccCl8f ~~~i.--:;ll~1 de- ' '. ,ill~o, afllllli;l~ of (Jollal'8, t'1r.ff'a. Tie8, SA.i'!'(', Umbrella,. T~~d ~U;v~ft~l~i!:~lIr~;-:;:L.';n~: thut 110 was goillg il1to n 8tllle ul custd ~nJ dll lill p.... pe .. ty . p~l\ds UpOIl tJlp.,co'operation 'of pll' (Jalle~, &0., &/J.• cunlt.a71tly on hlHld (JOIllI! lind SilO. O.bome,RooUlr, ",,~vlne ev.. y two rCl!t Slid troUlquil j"y unkllUWII tu - I< "r tlldo. clloup. ~ ~.lOd ,sccl)nd i pile, parents, ar./il teachers. Let th e · ~ weeboon S,,,,dOly evftnmg. Sund«y·.a h'101 thill world .-pe'rha1'8 tn mcct SO Ule li olld Ma~"11 & UUlllhn cubl1let or· pnrtlnt8 of <,I u.r,lOmlDlI:lity rise to a O \'- III, ~V~? Sl1nd y . atW . bruthcr\lr~istcr or with h i~ 1)(1I'~lItd glili. £uqllir~ lit thi. uttico, 'I sonso of their duty, as American ~ ~~~-~ A v ne ", .. _10 Town.hlp D.tpol,ve & ' . • \\' . '. d ...d ' • \ B :'r:Jtectlvo Oompan,. meeL•.on ~.lld AWl ' " 'II V111 1, 0 Ilud IcI\ 1.'1 Iho Futhcrlu nt! I U IIu,vo nl do " . V ~I'Y , lI ~ce uS ' cltJzel~lI, an ..e .....eavor to &IIIlKO onr ~ -~a In order to Introduce OW' 4O'J'II:" Ulue\:nltcd Catalogue (in book r7.~Jew'I!lry and aalln Moh mnnth, at'.! n'ol ..ok p. lO. By furly.1i vo y~lIr" ooforo. 811rtmenl III Boys' SU lttlfPHII ::s-! up. j ·- th n r 8chool. equal to the be8t of ~I:' Watch.., with lull Inrormation How to Beeome APD"hiaod e Mouey, we wilt eend, 011 nlCCipt ot OM DoIlu. lIT return mall, tbIJ Ultraled ~ bOld" er Ofnthcp' Como P'tl)'8ec' L. n.~ tooolt. Pre.· During til Inst few m' ,nlh ~ of OlluwallaJor. J llllnoy & EI·orly. their kin d in the country. ent, . . "u.... ret..ry. 1 " 11 I ' til ' , I ' 0 . F• W ILLlAKl! . rctber with . l"R1P.!lDS'·1I11F.T1JI' IOrllondox),-MC('t- IIIlI Ill'S8, II S U etl",11 't'lngol'Op, --J ulin Kerrin's 8on ",asadllngh. AND OUR ONE DOLLAR COLDEN iJ)E(for dlnnewo""hir.v~ryFIn!t And ~th sy. he WIIS ullalolo to Ilc dow II On u ltcr. We lIIade a mishlke lallt . ' .......- - - [\:cy.1J<' inning ."t 11 o·olUl:I<. FI..t·DIl"" l>"u, h is ouly I'cst being luken in u ' week. John ill happv, lIevortil o· Wb"I'lra:~a~·;rr"f:~.i w. livela l hooht!l 1·2" olo>ok .\ , !II.. , lilicel illg ur silting po tllre . H c WIl 8 1 1(,B~ . Nawrc jiY". u• •:nndullr of moun",I~ •• FIIIST D.\PTI l' (Fr(IC-,",Il1) Churoh 10 vi~ilcd al no t J'I ltd IIlc". an oce.n •. dd lholl .. "d. or ", •• n. W.YM,-S rvi""" held t.he first and third I . ~ I III Y >y rllC ti ll -M r. All'. ThnmaR "The U"y' (or '·njo~·ment . W. con de.lre no beller • 8~bh~th nf uch mfOnth At 1U)t; A. 101 , And 7 dovuteil frlOlIl) S, ",h n lllllde litHic· al" til' the Soldiers' H~me i8 here "h.o iu perfeel b.allb: IoUI how on." dllihe 1'. )1 , Rtv. J. A. Sutton. "f Blanoh•• t... livlI iigiltlJr, aud wh r/tlu IICt!! ' of ·' ·f I' Id t · d ' tI ' mlljoril. of people fllel lik!: gh lng It up di.· Pa.,.,~, All are, ",,1'd1.JJy invlled-to olte,nd , killdnt!tls "',ill 110 doubt ill tI . ,vial II lg 118 \DUllY u rlen 8 In heal'leoed, d l'COII~ltJI and w"",:I.d oul 'fI1~b B _ II u ..... 1'1_ .c"e P . . . . . .e FIIIRl'IDII' M&tTINCI (lIl ouiu) -M..,tln~ I I , J I ' , I e eye8 , plllco. dllu• • • whea lb• .., Ii no ClCOo",on ror Ihl. fo~ dinn. worth! eyery Fj,.t. a~d Fourth 0 t Ie 111 go of all guod deeds aod , M S L C . I d I ' , feellng ...~ e'·o..,. ,lIfio",r CAD ... U,. oh'-In DOly, tiegi .. nlD~ 11 o'olook. Flr.t-na,. great Ilc tiOll8, be considered 01 more rs, .. ', . nrtwrlJr Ita~ lor .. tia"actor11'I'<<O .,~,....n·. ~lIl!Q' l Flow W AYIlE8VILLE. OHIO. 8oboohtlll-90'clock A.)I , \Durnent than have beell IQun u. two 8011S, Ohar.le Ilnd J Llhnl1l e, ar · II will m. kelhemll (... lrom 41 8 _ 1\0 "fi . Y ru rived home fl'om Topeka KanBIUI ' wben born. Dl'J!<I~la and Llver..()ompl"lnc rd L QHllI~TlA,:' On RCM-Snr.IM nn 0 • • ' III cent dJulLtlOns or th e endow· ' I s tbe di,'ecIClMla. 1 '''~DI,-I.' ., per cellI. o._,., ..iId. ,ullda,._h~! tit hl lf·put· mno ment of 80rne pnLlic institution Il&6t Tuurdl'lay. ,of iuch maladle.·a'il 1Illol.tieaa: IbdIS •• UOII, everY'..ord ......y"l0rl/lnjJ. ! TI Ii I k I I S;-Mias Carrie Canby and Mr ISick e. !'i_no 1·...tI ..Uon. 0 ...1 H. E.'ChIlRCJI ,-The Re... ·L , F,Van Ch•." Ie unera too puce alit un, . ' 1neel nf t~e H..d.~"DI~lloD' thu- .earl, l' ...tor. DtTlne .e~ ..I"" nn Sundft,. ... at 10 . day at halt· past 10 u'c1 ock, from Raymond Tremallle, w.h~ ha\'e ...d other dialre . lnr;'li'ym~IJI''' ; Three do l,,'l o'oIDOk A, 101 . , &l\d 0 1,2 p , II , Sabbath the M, E. Church of \vhioh be had ' beeu gUC8t S of Dr. W Ilholll8on, e•• of August 11'1..... will prove il. "onl\" --DEALEa U J eqhool ..t:! 1-2 r.lI . ' been B member Ilbout twent' II hav e rtlturoed to thcir bome8 in fu l ell'.ct . 8~m~I.'bo,"U. 10 eonla. Try FA1U'R\u' GRAlCOR. No, 18. PKtroO 0, 1 . . y Irce I BelJefontaille ' Il. Sold loyall D ,. g)liala. lh<b.nllry; Willl.m Cumell.!r. Meet ) (lars, The tlt'~v'ccs '~'cre conduct. . • ROtiOH &: DRESSED "'/.• nl~II' Drhu!f'::;7to';'lth~ teaOlld Sd"lurd"h~' t'd by the IRtldV d L. F Van CIl'al' l - Ilf .yon walltbeto boy adn O,vler. S' i t. ,t 9 • .. ~MO l\nont . at 0.00 .. p.m.• an :'" t e W l10 p~ac 1(' from the I:Hh verse cout 111 8 season 8nre all cu at fourtb MUM), (If e.cb month at 11 n nloell, Illf thll 1at citllptcr of St. J ame8, a ! the (;al1h EmporiulU and look at DUKB.-OcIo'*.·'l8tb. 1877, !.be wile or Uorwlu. I'erse selectcd by the deceased jllet Itheir nice 8s~ortwellt (rom $5 np John Duke, of. fII1ii: . predlll,ts to his dut.h ; aftcr which. to 18. Carlwallader, Janney & X ;- -- - - _.5 -Telegraph palea are going up the Ilo~. S. S. BalOt'8, in Wh080 1E\·erly. (rgnl 1\~ttt'9tnt(nI9. lletw6tl1l Oorwin and Wa 'nesv ille, employ the deeeucd had been a -Wo have a very large assort. t.t tho UtlW Narrow-Gauge line. \lumber of y<'are, I1ro e and mudea ' lUcnt of boots and 8hoee at very Ti ~ Bol.H;'... COURTS , -~lt·. Amos Baine and his few appropriate aud wl'il cIIll ell ll"w prices. Call in SlId Bee onr . mel or UNIf) . duughtll! , Mis8 Mary B. Hnines, remarke UpOD tl)e upright character filII etock boot for the littl1l8um of ." 'h See.... Htelal DlMri., .t Iift'l? f t A _ 'Ir _ IC1l have movoo Irom HarveY8burg to (1 f Mr. Barger. Tbese free·will of~ ,'2.50 II. pair. Cadwallader, Jan · I~e SU&e .ff 0'10, II 1878. !!l¥ ¥J _ ~ ~~ ~ BOlliues!! Cards. r.htir winLer home in Corw in. feringa III rl'8pect wcre do ed by ney & E'f'rly. .1-= :, , ' , . who had -{'" Yeoman the 01CI.m j:;ol1r\••oflo Common GEORGE N. WERNTZ, -The coI·n.sllel1er exploded again th b e R.w'd John . d Hllwke. h ~ I. , Pre8'ld eut E!l ToPleat tlte ~e-: ~'""1_,rCounU tho S,la t Jo'ridIlY, thi. time intlieting ill' . !lC1I acqualDte wit Mr. Burger a and Engineer .McL, were atten· ood'iJ'udIi11.1 DliIriotol .ObiD; . . ; jllfiO!l Lowia W on the !lumber of " iute the railway meu~iQI yesterday. hi. heMb, O~"')j Ill: Jodg", of",-e . ' .' ~~~~~-1t~~~~:~~~~~~~i1~~~~~~~II~~~~'rfi~T .'l1oeJ'---"".N • .-!fetheir .s\>,.. w Dillrlo," Oo,""of tlIal Com.. t~r .oUd - \"'".- ,.... 1M'./iJlml'g'/roIW ~'i1" I • ling hl'8 rai e stock ,.....k1-« to complete lioe the ,~ •• of in the·~i D,.trlcl .~d --.uro- ' . W.a .. N. .YILI ••• ,.JtB\D,eUlrl' 11:0 l'Il t6 ebt TI all ' . CommoD PI... Courl.. (U~ Ibe ..n r Ill'ie. In . B .. o......ed a new .'--k of n-nt.!· ,_ .... ,. "r ",rm . Ie p . to WaynEltvllle. the ••eraI 0011.. 11.. Clf Wd D:.trlol. 1Ib.1I wblah hr';llI m.nn'.~re In~ "' • ~'ilh; in the b&4lk. ~t would be 8 the to thi8 D . M88@I", S: W.RIIgel'll, -Yon need not negl~t yonr bne. oomme~ at 100~'otoo)k ~.JI[. OR th. follow· 8 Iate.t otyl08, Sali.f... lion gu .... nt~Pd, I Jively littl(l whirligig, we wonld Ru:dail,'~.w.S&~!e~~JdD~.'W:; inese 1I'h~n trouhled with ~ C?ugh III, day~ ID ~1~r ':,:';~. to.Outting a"d rel'KlrinHro"l'tTyatiended jnst as 800n . keep At a reepectfnl T ...,o of the chi ldrcn of the d •. or col d, If yon only nle •• re~lahle But.ler: April 8 ; _al~\On. A'-liS i W ...... AUIO, Aloo, oub toO m....n~e the Perf.." Fitting diitance from it and let it run iteelf. ceased were absent. Mrs J es' remedy at onoo. Dr. 13nll a Congh ron. Ap~II15; Ob_,pal\JlI. Aprill~; MouL. Shirt. Call and .08.tooll , 6ll4·1 , -. • T f D · ' '1 , .ulm I:)YI'UP ie the best relnedy we know IfOmery,' Aprilll2; Ellulte. April 2t, Q~n fl, '!IiI, J..lIES W BlnES M 'I) HKI.J' IN AOQUUIlNO KtlOWLlLOOg. crr~, 0 nytun, w. I~ W~B I I at of. P, I'ice only 211 centl. A~ 911 i D"rko,Ma,6; l!,·eble. }!a,18 ; A ~ . . I , . the·tlme, und n BOn liVing lD ToxlUl, . ~h_l. Kaye, . .."'CB.PATIlUl I J(.at 1! , C . ' k I 11 ,Ileqntrlng a nowledge. of t~e . • • -We nre rct'eiving, thi8 week, FOIUlO,!t '.l>~ ~tlRT8. '.'1111111 D 101 J:UI G~GaCanJ,Ul'Yll FIIgll,tlh language, a~d ~8pec' nlly ditect from PhillldeJpbia, our third Bull., 7.~.., la, O.toher I~ ANn .. ~ 10Ur1llllg Ihe weaning of wordB, R M lot of Underwear direct from Phil. KOlltr_y.l_uUr:r 7. Iol..y 13. (ML'~ 14. om... II doo~ South or H " ..i.' Blink. I. tothellWiucroll tIte..-m, '~ probahly no t.Her work nor mnny , ATLKOj,D EKTUlo.-An earnest d t I' Co' t d n,..k.. l aouarr ~.1lI~ iO. Or\wber 14. . . . - .... ~ - - - • ........ nlUe, 0..... coat II oilier books a\turrether, 'cao atrl>rd tl i~gt of tlhde . Btoclkbol lel'Sl alnd ~A:orPt!!ae"lt bel':oDlrce "~'I abouy eeeC~ud~ 0wu~.!'!. ~" ..'!Z''l7111l.raH!· ~~~be b' ,~ I ~' ~~.,.K;a • om ... bosur., '7 1·2 to 9 1·2 A ,II , I tv 2 1·2 .0 , I 'd b t 'U b'd lose 111 eresc In t ie cI.m p el " n ~... .' J~ .. Ot:;k-j" - , If I . ,. " " . . . • ... -. - - § - -. p.II •• 7 to P .M. ' 801llnOlill a8 e 8er8 na rl g f tl AI ' . V lie & '1 waJlader, Janney ·& Everly. •• lUIulryl4, ay 117. Oorober 14, OiYO ... e'-a~o&ll "'d ... tiofY"T~"",r. - ~RbBEHT F ·FOHNAS n ~W .&.~ '. ed :PictioQ\1r'y with ita 800 Pieto 1I Ie lalnl a y I wily "'118 .. T I C I G Greene, Jaallarrii ' :a,IO; o.JI.ober 14. WK~~and Lum ......Yard;.. oorller 01 • ' , . I Illn' \. t ·· · " 'is ~ .- , . ' d Cadwal~dcl'" Hall yester· ........,. erry, at tie entra ro- C~al1lpa\p. J.. ' I4.Xl Yto" Oc,~:r 14 North aM Wilt., s,_.... . HOMIEOPATHIO ria 8. 1.11 on~, 1 procll~~ ~n , dllyafieroooll. The meotin wus eery, h.. ,a Ilirge IUl'plyof Heath· Klaml. If'"ebroary j . ,~n"61'7. N,'YemlH\r 18. WA YNESVILLB. OHIO, • •, . lIi611.' ~ull .defiol holl8, Ita careflll I'lI8Crlm· ' . 'd d b J . "j g S man', celebrated 8elt:rai8ing buck. Preble. Karch t • .J~" 10. NoveAllier 25. UI '1 " . Inabo1\8 of eynonYJQouB words. and prOtlI e over 'Y unas ·lInney. r., I t fI I' I . d It III fwtbll' "rdtmlld tbMt the -term. or ·----"JA POB-S & - - H' EI'-G"'B~'" A-Y Offl•• boo... from 9 lL to II v 11.. :11, 2} to ' bl ."bl It" Es and M r R o E\'ll nol t\ctoo w lea our, W lie I 18 recotnlnen - Cou.t of Cu,,'Qon PI ••• nf Butl.r , " ', n "" . lwo 'manlY va 1111 C ... ('s. IS, In ' . . d p··r I 11 C· d b Ka T' ..' •.• h ~ 'h ' cIla reued d 1d'erI' i '' ·tse' r.· ,\ I I'b ' t' f'b I ecretil ry. e 8!1, l& su erlor UI Ie e, as we as oonty. an t. II'flb eron thereof In . '..•",. .....;....-___ * T' ' • ~'. 011\"" II d"" ... South of H.rrl ~ 1\"")1, .• ' tot e t &n " , . . b/eel 0 " I I , a ~1l0 e ~ r~ry 0 e ling· Add . d b J K I. hcing IIiboNaving. Try it. Prebl• .oo..n»'.~~eJd.~hr.'~I"f."ljde r . ~.......-..v_ v ', ' nage" Let pue hllmly have a ' reRSC}! were ma e y " e '. . , ' F, Bo",; ," a' o!l'f ,.,,'\4 o..iilr~' .Ir WA .. N . . . . . L •• B. on... r;heumaillm or. ~lUra , Igla ·r of thit! work .a00"80 it fa ly ONeall, R ev. L. H. Long, SaOl-We have reCClved a nlee lot .on~·heooun •. AlId th e .JlI\&·,rrW; Gon. n snd IlnOlll eJ·'ho w·thotlt· it 1101 Iroua,l&nd J. B. Graham, of lut' mell'a aud hoys' ciapa, from- ' 40 be :ld 'b· - - I .- O-:-LUKENS, 'hl."n.-. • I LebanlJn d b P rts'd t 11 ' ..... n·· Ip t "0 ftl)l·ece. We hav" e' ..... "'.-""-\,..~' e -...,~w VI " " -l • • • , 'or any rcmedy which will aue'fiale C e fP' . 'C" difference in the progress O( tll C • a~. .. . bel y If r" If eu; "" ... I ! ,"" . ooar\!",~~e ~ . n"· he -p .... PHYSICIAN ' I); SORGt'ON th I dirt" '!\ ... . ... ... • QI. L f. rlngs ofhumlUlity. not only iII,lbe,peal of: two fam iliElil in p;ettiug knowledge uu d 0 tl ••el'll.I IU la u I' ~roJect u BO l'Ele:elve a very arge 11118~ - tennth,_ III ~""n .. ty :sh. ll·,,! held , ... ' poIn.whichtheJ'AlieuCaloneSlllfers, but m will 00 very gre~t uf f'urnlslllng means for th e IDlnltl· ment 'ut ~love8. We Clln furnlah bT Dav1 4 L Koeke~ ,i dlat .lhn torm. o'r . ' , : t . '-.- ... , ,' om. el .. Nntirlll,,1 Dllnk Iluilding. Iho dl.Slrcta> • .whicb It, eDtollsuponocben. ... d'16t It' f ltlOplll'tultleyouagt<nulOegnun ' 1 . tlet b nc k gove I ...tdJalD_X.81DIth ooortin Warren. t:1iott\le oount, ,,.bllflbehnld lV' AYNE."t'VIL1"'· e compt<10llo lolq,1If Id . " n:D. II'·~ , If . ' ~ >,N, . D, 'TlIO " ' M~ever;yl1l.!"er« . ~, ~ow~~1 by TUII; narr!>weet ,o&rrow-gange R. !iue diverginK fro Ol Cincin nat.i to for $ 1,26. Uad wall adcr, J linoey oourl in G_n~'T1th,,1!' be "h.ld"IiY U. A 'J\, g~ S~TH W. BRO'V ~ , ..pme"'b.Cll'dlnary~s R. in thi8 cunt)try has jll ~t heen tbe intllrseetion uf the M. & 0 R. & EVllrly. )(Q- Barlow; tholt·the term. or tald ennrt " ol"r~tine lUielunall"". Ncun lp. Saatlca construeled i n MiddJ~8ex erlUnty, -Our 8tuck M drell8 g~8 i8 ~~lt:hO:tU~:!e :~e~~~7,~eutr :~:, ~ AT T 0 ~ Nt:: Y AT L,A W, . ~.n!;:~::'.11:~ ~::;:tl~t!!:'o·; M"as. The rOlLe ia eigbt lind a, hRI Consld 'rable 8ub!icn ptlOn WIlS very lar.gc_ We l!twe rectll9ed a Ollnton oounly .haIVfle·held by A.W.Diian; A ND , . 0 TA R yo l' (TB L 1 '. I ff~lning hold upon intelllr:ellt p!llienll that m i1CB lung, the caN lilt feot. wide. ubtalned 10 Ihu pl'E:ftlrred Bloc k. Tile !t1l'gOI' IlSSOI'lnHllI t now than we ev .•md that t he tennl of .. 1<1 Ol)urt In ~hnm . I.ROANON . Ollf!). tilt,>, dem:o.nd a more potetll ·IeIII.d,. TII& ~nd Ibe ga," gll only two teet. The amount necessary and a8kt:d l>l' cr had befu~o. We bave a ver.y &':!r.';~ :~o'!tI~o'.hall be 1I~~ 1>:' ANn - . dL,coi'er'y o( LAWSON'S CUUTIV& was a loco!Q(.th·cs weigh eleven 1008 each, 8100,000, the greater part of winch \lice Ii lie of blllck caahmeree. from It Ie furtl>er o1'd.e~ tbat . ·Ioh , , Ih~ ." i~ .~I All LON RI DO~, priceless boon to tbOu...ritlA have be." and tho enti ~ c",,· 01 the I'oad I~na hllB nlready b4:tn Bllb~cribed. 60 cents to -1,25', 80methiug th"t olerks m.U:.I!~bllea~II.\H)OI'<IJII)C t", I",.. ; ~"I)l"noblc ilJo b ~ cllred, and the thousands WbDare now being '" ..... '" . . , . lot 1;I1i ti to bot f t ~ d I .II";> ,. lUlu relie"ed or their ttnible -eonla bear williolt $.')0,000. ' Meeting8 are to be ~eld at Masou is elegant. C"dwal\ader.Jauney & ;hre.r.:w:oti:e"waeb I~ nt.::::~ ~: Tt!f "U'" Tn\. t>1 .... ~lIl'rn .'\ICllimonrtoit,Yirtun. _. - - -.- ._ to·da,,' 1hursd!&y at Elghl,Mlle H " Evel'ly. ..e.. .p.}e;"·' i~liU~~ ,.r:fe'kly . r.. e.oi. j la~ olIl.:- ~~LtJ:';.<!) I.I:JA, . Htre we ......ea CUIlATtVl'! ae"IIt ...hlo11 AN ounce of preventi on i8 bct· Friday a,t Pleasilut Ridge, and Sat_ Yun will filld a large and good e&ld ~iuItl"'.::~~~B~.~t' 'Hrrr: , ..... 111 "TH. - - •• - • WA 1fNE"" ..... rr•. ._:hnlllih a.pp.u~ ~W!I~~y" ex~~. :a po",.,rful tor than a pouud of cure. A dOt<e urday at Ut~noD. . /1.S8ortment of blluels at · D~L. ~m,~lt, and b."efibCntlnnue~ Q1\ 16, whol. nervi. I).f Dr. 13u1l'8 B.llby S~rllp will a8. Tbe p~OBp,ccte are. very hrlgb.t lor lader! Jauney &. Everly'B. They . ' • ,~A • ar,~~, J ', ' ,: .' '. ; MAkE HOME ~Aepy: ' ' . ·'y.~:reme<!r. d,r IIVlti~fa~I~ efficacy"'_..1 can 8ell yon-call ton' 'ftapnel (!'OlD 8 , • •i' v-r " '. A ' .:I ' aeldom r.iIlng'1rIfutd- 'Pminllt relier In h Ii 11 umount be.log au becn""'l 81St your Baby IQ teethlllg. and pre- ten •• ",; S " ' • 4 P1...«rlllllvDI>!lf or ~ ... f ,,- , ~.' .die IICt'k ' veot it frOID being attacked by ~y Saturday nE'xt. The pe~ple are centa np to 18 centi!.- , J:r~ flamie l , , .'~W'~~~~~~~' Il G.... a..&!~~~~u1PI~~ :~1t.~)~~;o.~rc"''''''~t7'''':~. 1f~....' ~.,.,.~,...a"I!JII.""'. Cbolera lnfantum, Ootic, or other In earnest, and fully apyrf'~late tltll Irom 25 i:eutfi uP ' ,to:. 45 c~nta ; ·· " ..:<> . :e... ~<BU,n~~ '."': . . ' ~ I' . Fo; every kind oC b . . . . . . .. .........- ...... __ .-;; Babics autler with, 25 advll~t8ge the Miami Vulley Oluthe yourself u!' ehellply' ahd be 9ototitY~lI. ,.,,, ., . \ , .;'1. '.' •. , . .·.'t~rt ·, THE OIliOnfNATI &til r:tufaJAlalamry ""'h~ ce nta Railway Will h .l when cvmpleted. Wllrm for the winter STlATIl OPWOB1Q• WA,1II1llf tlM~"":118. 14 ftIr for • _ _ ~ _. • ' . Lo,. BIGRT. OIt,,1< of the Conrt or b .. ,' Sick La •• Back or SltI•• for £rrtlp,l., fOr, - • • D . W r. c II ' attentron to the con ComlDori 1'1- for aN " hhln Mid count,. ". . . .. . . ' ,"" and Sore nroat, till' Chll. ' TRERIt i8 no better nelC8 paner in aEADFUL AOOlDENT ,-A OllTI.D ,- . IL . .• • ' . do hoteh, oertlfT tb~ u.. foregoing 1.0 .I ... ~.::::; =·:;,r;r;',.~h I~.""~':;;~ ... IIlal 11 S I8IB t._ C b W .. the Wtlllt than the Cincinnatf EII- BOALDTtD TU DUTlI .-A little 80U 8plCUOUS advertlsoment, 10 tbl.s I ~' Ir~e eoeT or the'de~, ma.d4•.bY " , : ....~."LTY.. II l:.';,~~:J"I".:.:~"t;;J'''.::;\,~' p',f..:i:.~{f,~!; •• fCll' B~':' Soal:-':'T~h.=·i;. tjuirer, daily or weekly, ; while po· uf Mr. Ilnd M1'8. J ob Prater. IIged ISUt', uf Mr. '!.B.Ge3t. \Dercbll.l1t·tal· ...~t=~fe .:=t'~·~I~ . . : :.' ,' ,+--III :J':'~'~\'I·~b.\I.::!~:~:~,\':'i:;!~::.l"'~'~~; faet for a'. PIIIII. I............. litieally it i8 high alllh,)rity among 3 'yea~., fell bllckwllrds into a tnb IorI °df'dXctmak' fMr' G~td hIlS I t 'ha rSp-ALl eonri ~t Lobtn!,n . thl~ JIltl\.d".1 or '. ALI?>; )£j,ftIl'FAOTURE ~~~:~ ~,,::~~'!'i';:·::,;j:,~r.,;;. h.:,: III 8wellln•• no remedy Is Ir.nOWll ..bleb JXIS" d e mocrat8. It is mU8t ably 0011- uf bUllmg hot water. and was 80 ~p en 1.8 oc 0 read y'lDU eel) ~.tober. AID: 18'77, \ ,L.OT WIJ-IGHT. P ,. III «<I,d " ."'.., .: , .. , .",,..n'..,"':' aeaseolhe ..,aarkable bea.1ia1an4 lOOtbi. d ucted, snd merit!! its wide pop. blldly scalded that death relieved lng, which he. &ells at rel~8rhhly _" ____ . __ ,_ 1! 1i().0: 'P. !~:: .~. aten~ ·,.ud·CoQUDOD Weather ~ [::~~'T.~:·~!.:'.~,.'~i.:"P~~=:. Ie qWl1itie.. which la.ouniYenall" Its c!uLntc- . u\arity. See ndvertisemcnt. him of bie unntteraLle 1ljI;0nies in reusunable PI~lceI!t' aulid betlld~'Il tbltl , CBEAPES.T ,1,Am; BJ'aI'j' ." BoardiDg, ' Flooring do, 0 ~~l:f:;r~~l!E;~~~~~E~~~I~ l'I ~~~P~~~I::: ~nrSC:~plr:.::. ~:w~~!: f a lew honrs • The accidont occurred vant'ty ~.~: rl· 8.oroIt Oa1lJt1lg (0' ". • III p., "I,·n" .' ".e".... '''' ....111....r.· . CURAT{V& should hne a plAc:e ill eve'1' • . _- -. ' he. keepe rIon lanl h ' IIl I ne '11 _ .II ,' ';' , '" . - "~V ....~..,. •. ' 'f ranoy .I tt1·nt.n g III .... " .... OW"O .. r ...4 _ ' 0 1 ' .. , , , . . . -MI'. .Horace Brclsford, fu~m(lr· Il1st ThuradllJ. The parents have pi ece go~ II", W , 10 I Ie WI • . ~~,~ vort. ~ and Oir(Jtllar Sawing ([(Ine' , :"f.T.'::::- :,IQ~~1p,~<':,';.':!'7,:"I~";~:. w;'" famliT. 1t " I1\CiM:re prove Its ntH III iD. lyacitizen ot Bellbrollk, and kn ow n the ~yIOPllt!IY. of all In tl!cir dis· 10 0rder,lIItolhe n(>Jltt!8t-titJ:Dg.~,~ .,. ".', :, at llemJonable Priet8!' II: ;:,~:::..~::i;!.~I~:;h'.:,,~•.'.::,~";.:;:':~::~!t,:~ III nnme..bluasestoprneotlillgering cUaea..a many- of uur 'oitiiens; cdieJ in treis lllg afiltctlOll. Tho cll\Id's fu· Ment~ ev~r put .~n . ~ 11~1\1I" '.p_~ ~ST' :';'~I·".~."~ilr~'~::••~~·'.'~:; ~f 1<1 :!'houldbeltept~tbud.~b~~ S pringlillld lust week , "I' CUII~llmp . IIcral touk plaL'e 011 SatllrdllY. r, ~e8t 18un artl81m hiS hllc;}~nd " IJI~---'B;'UI:' ~ • .. " '. D ~:~~u':,,::,tu~'::;'~.i!'.i;;.~ tIl ..luran ....... ,tiUIl. He had. been a I'esidollt ofl , . ,. , la rcltaltle gentleman to deal w~tt~ ,_ ~ ,. -;,!• • ,:: ~~t: -{J' '. '" ' . ' 'WA YNESVILl,E, 'OUIO .. t'~1..~::;l~"" , .... PAICI:. One DOII., ..... ~. : Spl'ingflcld ior tile I08t twelve , n~lIglo"8 Nuij,ce,~:" " - W 0 are ~ol'ry to euy :tllat ' ou ;T,I/!f! " p'l;if~1ew. ,J?i.A:Ph'R·-! . , 'r : , . . 'h~'~:~~!~ il.;;,:'~=: ~ 0 Bottl •• for •••00 • 10 not e.~lh ~""I~~ I" l, u:e, III ~,~ ir.r,',~:r-.un:'~.' ~:::.:\,;:':' .Cllrs. ' ' , . . . . , -- , . friend l)efe rSell t'rg is in u very' erif. , ...,.lptll!.,...4JI....~~~I''' ...,-'N...~, ~ ~~ ,y. "':..:..._ .......:... . :~ __ I --Frlcnd., Quartorly' MC!etlllg ieul contlitiOIl II . \ ' .. ~." Al!r.ot@lful'tll .. M i~lI~ l'.", ~rltrk.. 1IJI'OIt•. 'II' time •. b .~ It '·H." he m,"!",p ~r"I::lI' ", ......i ••• _hool' u. h,.. " L Ch~loal Co. "1...1.... :11.'. w'lI t I;e pi e U' "'k b ' . ; : c ....I~, 1 4!~p~,eJ!!g 0,," CIIp~, IIQI.yMl' ..... r.US. 15 cl,.: DooMh, b~' "'" o llu .. f ,·1 III _PaperKOllh"", •••• r l Ui ,O!. P"'I""'· ' awaon v.w& ......~. _~ UJWIo Ouu.of tho Ih08t rcmarkaLle l ,I U S' af d 1111 wee , cgtn JIIculy froilll1l8 utlack uf 11Itt'f;Dilt· clulo. I.f "'i~W" 't(lq: : el '~~I ... " ,. 66'801".' O . ., ,J~I'erll ,'" i l1 l\"~' P"'" of liou plct..... nn.J>o/lor. . ~ " . g 1 U1cdi:~I ' agertts, l'itiler of 'OllCi(,lIt , nlU 011 lI~.t I lJy. · ti!lj t t'e \"cl', bllt UIII.! ULlY aboht "twu ohib- of.s..vt ~ ' ~"lNi " ~ :i' .. ,"/ ' 'II' . eo.ult~ ~~I" 'I' 1· ~llin~ to • lM!)Wa,:..~~.:::;;1'::~:il.O. ~ ',VI' luod('rn' tiJncB, ia '[.AW80N't! CIl' - The 11t'\\'. Ohl'i~tinn Chnrch will , Wl!c\;s sillce, ho indiscrt(cttY "l}lfr: :: 'T ,H£ " ., . ~¥''''PO'8 T· . IIIc.,',II.t we tur~t:b: ~M6II~~~':" ~k"roP,:~;. Q . .TI ....e... It l'eruo\'el pain fro~ he full y d~tl, cat"'d on tIle s~cou~ took 01' IlllJlUl icc watl\I', wrlich~i:uJl8; ,_~. '·."!,,i'PI .. &ii!U!!I.v~; ' .rilr:~ .(,f.., OWMO":" , :Y1I11 i o~.. '"'' b a .~'.:r'y frU~ .' . MAKIE "OMi Pl.iA8ANT. • "'heun.U~t"1D Neuralgi6.,J 'Head· Lord'BdIlY)~ NOI·., the llth,. , Ql !cd lin ~t1rno~. illlll1ctliata rt41~illif:'-" \e'~rI!' 1~"""""'''Iir;; '.~reDI"!lIe .biq-"·t~"'lIht' ~ Toll· caQIJ\r. \"~ur:~i'Dl e . ' , . _"II. . . ~.. ~ 't t... • 1t. b~l. _. 1@aae Ed~ret".... o. t 0'·' t" All ~ , Ille .r.:.'" ~~ t ...~.~t,.. -Q'''' or.. (IQI ~Hllr ep:ll'e lun· ache, Lame Bat~, or Side. melullu I. ,111111. !lOW , ho ill very .l,,~'·~·!Jtl :.,lj,5: ,~,,;1" ~il,l~ " ' W~';Mt.4.&""; u"'iif0,.• !Iar.e.:.~", '~til ' ';''O~.I'''U ' m;\ki'!,,~ , .' ~: : ......It, ·WollDd.. ,Btaiael, '.ua 'J'eo are cor lally ~DVlte" to attend. . pbo1l1 fcver !ADd thore ia veq 'li~ ~f.iol:. ~ml.liYI • . ,\ , :e.1'' 'ii· r '~,l'4!r d$),. . 1\11,... Of'{lRllo IIt: ~' . ' _::~~ iJalammatioo of 'all kIDde . ' e' . .. '.., bn... of b'" 'v ' D ·' ,A- " mea tall~9 'l~ • II.... . ",aD ·_~e .-rt,.r..~..· A" ,&b. ,pr_lildlloe. ' t .... 1......"4 . . ,. '" .. i . " , .. . ,',' , " Tn PrealdeD" lfillh. £'\10'0 ' . ' Irtl.M nil Aec"
M. M.
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0 . "10' b•• ,I•• 111\ lon . • r ro r .h.· f... .. "fel. YIII. ln Il"o~~ "" , \~ II ! ~. ".I I ' 1', ' 1 1 Al'J'Ll>'l In,' IIJv lUul, l\irNl,)v otU. , bel' ]lrCII8I1t11 8 s trikillg ae ri c s 0 ~oiee comprlB lIIg tw~oly :tvur.mell .. I) f"r .. OR.. 8WAY N,EJ. S · Coftftt .w n ..... e o ntrufltll in !he I!llhj ctl! o f some o f ~h • under the capta.1lI8hlp 01 La J.;l:~!1 ~:. 1;, ~I ... H w~. Ilile Ua&"'!.J UVIIW VIII, COID ....und Byru n 01 Wild- Chen. S H \ ut'~x ' EN1' I v Mil A Pre... . itl! pa p rs. Th~ I'~ ill nil iI1l1l1trn~cd fay o\tte Gnlhll! u f. r • ....... ... t_ E,..,r " lock, ' • I ' ', . \I ~ ","1,>;11" , ••III. hl e l"elll""I.\.,,,,,. l' lI for\l1U#I I' urtl' clll 011 tllC sc" u nry. tile "OWIIS We Is.' r Odpectlv e lv lld Jllm C8 B tlt.CrlM r..... , J AIt ~ & \' IH:. 0 , IIr" nl•• dO\lI.I~ nO .Ue , set A t o work " hi. pru ~ 1ell" ". l e " "e • • !~"th. 1'''f'~rI'.I N lind tI 0 oonlc <if ' Pu-t Sourid all d , 111 t t10 s pace 0';f A ·WO~IAS . H \1' F R Ch ,' n ... I,' \/nl ,. ,L ,sr 01 a r. r ""lr }I"o,,~d Ed.. r.IU," ~ ln t wo uycmbe r .." ' OF CIN OTNNATI. ~ ~ ' 0 one If," • ,11 ). ~lel'4t 1\00 t.. t lfCh, rO)" In P il u ~ The COUOCI'1 Gau\l cm.&a II publ lobed • IJ:.H ~ ~ .. days slall,rllte r '''' 21)-7 ,M}~ PH>I E;; . \ ern.. , I"AI,I t 4e 1 ~ or ts 0 P "lI d W.·IS ,',nllton 're' r~'ltol'y ~"" . II "\1 ~rh"110 In Lile .0, 4. lie tl8111, n l', d all .. co ' "" 011 Ibe rul\Owlndj !,ena • • wbe ll IIaIlI h. I.A 1 ru~ " ru. , .. a G I OF PHI r EIl. Bul ",·r. 1,110 el ue", ly .n.v. ·' ~ ~.i, h l ul h · rn. 01 P.t ' I lie. kid III • d yonce DOWN COME (lID m e lltl y p ic tllrllsqo o d cscri ptlUII tam TilE PRICE 7 S AIJ A'I II II"Co'".e " " "1, : . ~D" COl". ono ,'. II . rll I n~1I s C()Ill~II.n e ,,0 ~ lie in ILhe il e l~!lQ, .. Di. pl'll>'o\f' r• •:I••I•. u"l • III .. ' o. n . v 1',,, ...-.1, Ipu, fo... eopl.. , ... , lid 'III allllltl"l'n ' d.' .I.liE "AIt U S OE ~I. t... (~f th e oUfi oll8 plaou8 aud oud p eo· and O a ptaln \V e llll coyml-'lIlly l. ~IO 11 O . b 'l )Ior) (10 '" y. ,r, "II.'" I,"~ '" ~o 1ft I" • . II o,.,.il oi I " . L?~ 'aT e Oil t h V ol"" ill tAf.o ft' E d. ro rll l 011. S lIturday night" grau d Jolhff· Cor Ibe ~8oIr rl '8 ~ \ \1 , or I ',~ ~ ()r:/~?'o OLI "1 ON'S )10 .I.' " , .... Ie.. ""pic. ,,zor' ~.2.'I ·I" . dd ll'ooal WI" . )II 'l' I 1\' . . . " E Y bv ,. Ihell<! ""Iotlllill l~ I•• , ',j ., 0.1 II" m. .. \ '''',Ie I Id • • I' 0 "PP r\unll ll . vf "fJrJr • \l88illj t h o u II n e ll' Cllntril luto r uo· Cll t Ion . UII cI IlIln qm·t foe) Ihe .. od.r 0 .. .... C_UIJ.. 'l' . ~ro , .'. ·.In avo . I ~ III 0 ,. . F THE It CO d .. ,'n.... in •• 11 Lh' lr 1'.,rlolls for m •. '" ~, I U N T f\ Y lIC'tibcs' in a thlsb lIud dramut io the GI~lfge H\1n, For Lho y,ar l blt! ... tt..";, t e•• " ill I . ~' ~~ ~~4d''1 Utica, th e S~\l A lrll ~ ~l~~~' 1 E::':~ ' ~:' C, ,. f ,.-eor,"hl ln' ,h. IJo. t ",.IIIod. Iholr cludll aollPYo • ,1A,. UOl •• glnl'f or lIlanU ll r, Iifa in t h e nrt.s tudi O!! of ~er ••wlll c h Willi SIllI~ptU A , .. ~ N'. 0" 1' . 2 1' ,unlmenl In oll:o, .q:;. I~e 01,,· • . to 'h OU8, ,b!llng . ra~ AIf,lr., I~ ",:, b lurlll , ,'~1Ut' s l od "c r l'~ b 0 I~.'k ta , : W II ~ ~II~I~II?SA S O'F~:iI ~l\~\~ ' }>ari 8; whil e Mr J 1111 lin Hawtho rn e ~I':~ c ••• ~I~ p."ple of Ihe l""ed I~ P"Sei all a IOU ~ Inlo:.. 'h,· f""t. of hi I ).n a~ 'D,,' , y ~p III •e s COOl ' DF. \ \l .., E ' II E'f I\' , ••• I' If",. 2 1• • ,Le n.". I' r" fo•• lulI ,1 ,",e OUII" " I. TJI E p"re r for by Ib" pqj.,.I. be r•• In·IIo Lor';'l Ib" eoml'le· e.r" 10 IICC u e p ict s th e gl c at EU I( litlh \ u luntce r pany i RI\er will c h P.~eote4 luly 11, 18.,1. )MO L Ib j' 111.1 adj o urnm e nt '0, mOlheu l CV/I>I'" IIIIII. 118 110,. I,• • , r,·~u '" In01 th" 101 ' 1 atborln ~on. g lu at \18 W f.,,,.e Imble'cl D.t 'nM" I~ foron. 01 ull. Thore WIlS In IItJ 0, t u tho rll81den c ll 0 1 Mr II' ~IIH ~' g E ~~ :~·Ie.:'" \'1' ... 1" ~ ~. o"~'i' H • C • "II .lId O ~3<1 • • "01l 10o I.e S ' :' "1 he j. bUI I ~ uuulry Uoul ~IIlJ1U • • Ir.l Garter Cen • I'oi E'AN I FI8 1 n OF '!C E I tI Ia I II \ ·ure two s ho rt s to rie s vf N e w Eftg. G eorg~. Bllec tR , Yo'I.e ry 1 pro" olill~ " 00 " '1'0 'vc" " II" olll:hQ~' , ro I!I r . Tl,e fllrm er. U~ch. nlu. H nllufllot u", r,Me l~lryh COUD&rt Oen 0 " 0 'I".ok. I., J lll e~ . " lIle the ,", nd rcoll n: no Io n doc - . c"""dl·nol ,. '" ' lllnd 111'0 . lind o no of N e w Lurk s o . m~II:'y dunce ~II~ •• D aD (lO$se ae. All UII' 17 ii i DII I! N PEIiII " V.rn l Y,e J)[08' IVO II,{l el·I"u ' '''J Mn C B II IUe Ihe IIldu}~ tJ IU to Ohll"t, B. nker li nd P r"fe".on _1 mil o "'elll.l .o~ ,ific " lo u" tu, 01 , h. " m. · "oou..led . uC ~'fCIIIMlbh"ell':'. I'l'llul, t Ill' It A Ilil A II A' ''; II j' T Oil''; . by A";~ 01 ' 1111s 18 tile d ety ; whi Io a s cQo nd psper u ll phil' Wllld UI) th o Jlllnlcc No m ,lII OU II woll offord ." be without It.. a oce..~rpi .,1 ••• b. h.r. wllh, 101I. 0I0lld. l it e I' II on. SL 11111 ,among U,l. • I . . "'ero 01 I L' I I ijetl o f fur. W0 tern II fo t1 etiurlbcs th e b es t II\t· hunt 'II I "U OI of le.I,mollY fro "", " II ' . - ·)1 t ho ""tlJ allpuru oflh. C\lanITr .R lldcqn •• • nrl. I'C- I 1\". ' ',I" wo . hll YC y~.t I,)f. 1.A:'"t V ER UIS"OY L' RE'" "t1 ; . • .0 h,.pr,,\( u· (l OC·I OI( "",I I YN I:,; ' O Il fleels ~h . prac, loal "00111 ion . ,," p on. 01 19 A I f.IlIl IlILE E .... '" .atte mpt to c h ' ili ze II yu un g lll llck . tI ICWll r u f c~ t Crmltlllt · "' " I t:; ~1 r r AlIO N U, " 1.". )(; N I) " \'I lJ I' O F \I IL' I C! H .. ,tHY · Ihe buah" "dry of evul'f"re 'OD or I I' lOll m o v e o n . ..npie. e' tbo G,._",tt .. w . ... lJ h mailed lll.·, R ... I t tI. tho l6d Skll.e. 'oot and Illdlllll clvil IU. .. - lllllk.· llg lilt, 'g" tll e r a ' But U t lcn IS ah e ad . ad .. nrh!' ' . ,. '"- 211 OLI) eUI! II" . 1 I Y S HOP Dlck r" • • ·. Oc th u "'ooL em I ' h 1, \ A ' r/ AT LI 17E "lu Y[J '( "' Ar Oonolun. U PO.Wllllee I••t ye.r. upon wbloh ·O"'o" • . ,·a d<I..... "n. ,, 1><1 ~ ,II ~' '1b U ht U, It . ' ~. _.~ , I .II I!. ~ " I . H 21 I Ot' I. I'L A\' b, 0 1"" 108 R. ,dc. '0c ,.. Imlt lw I,., uu, \II"" • '''I" ry en pu. tllgo w•• p OI Id '~Atl.. amoun.' 0• t lll l" t ~ W " H '" v e ry k a IIII d OR tS '' U pi,,'" t In n. 7'11 L A L .l.l B A ' 1 'l!. R 71H/'/ be 0 12 . CU pO I.n "al'lcty a nd l I' UDLIO S 'L.o. -.BI-• N "OIYIF ticulklra l O,p" 1I111111 ...... . eGIIIIDuO u. .. " 1111 ' 0 II oJ I ltuti " l1 \\bQ. · II Ii,. \ II"ve t! 1 \'HII'~81 J b ~I een A 1' Ill' A .' wI\1I1h rrl\I ' ro. . 0 A 'c ..., • I II g '11 II .. 'S r '1 . ' , W --' " u I -r OR Ell! . f1Untrll~ t. \ ttl/eL I ned by /1 /11 ng GLEN-t'l .to a rtl ce. huwcvc r . 1prttHc · ...' I~ tI' lJt 0 D.ortoawuo a'N u , ;;c',,,u'I_. equol 0 . . " " THE t:i"U L• ·,. M "0. II~ "III nil C(l Un LrIC. H E' · ~ L EI . - . AC \ . I.."I III'.'~Il n~a' prup , thllt will be hk ol" t. o D ttrll~t m uRt Illg s illJ Colit: th is vtIiCIl fvrtho tol\ow • • eo ,.1•.II'e pc riorlnth.. a;;g ell.r.. to "hat l, o 'uioe~ '1 I l'H U R I:!OA I' , uro Tn/ t.:ec, it " ,, laJitll. J C wher. fl lo kuqwn I,,,.b •• n 1111. \' 0,'.' ".,. I . 0 ID ~h e lIlonlhl. r. of !Duol ,;:·.. ·IL Ibe. 24 ;>io, er Ton LB' o '0 M. od. C I••.,.~~. 'ql .. J. ' : attollllo ll I~ Mr. llllrllllK ame s ' D c lld Ii ~o" I d' H 1 1 I Id ... ,,' f tl I t ' " G Tbe D'lly. Weokly onll K. IU '.Wee ~ly d· T'' b' Led H numhe I I ., I -0 .•' I ~· · I uJy \t1" Il\,d , ',Otth Mn W n ~1 I I'''e t 18 a y elLlll lle ufmttlJ! e/', a ll Magazi ncs.' IlI1 accoun t 01 tile Am , JOe e lor ' I wom e r eo' \L " m 0 l' u I " e~ UlI' t Uti> 1 \ ," ' I .. VUBO 10 ,I gvvus 0 n'i ,,:'u, u, ~ n u ... b. 1.1 •.'B."II " ' . • 2 'c 11,,1 ,tA )l. M " P ,"0' LO ~U • l 10 Il 0 JU. azett" (a ver, l"rJf· propGrllon of willoll 1~ ' :::J '" I". .. "urll" "f I:,u ""111\c unlr, "'uul .~DUb '110' P uhol! l,. !!7 VlelGr . lId \ " " ' 'u,. ,od. II C eCQl/ . S t rd N III/ O('p Ba, 10 t 1 are ..,Dt out by Ezp ..··l. ~ggrelr"te .bout. dIlDe e.. n.ueh :1 ... 10c .u~ mnl t dOl .., •• I,, ~ ,I,•• ".,·. aw ' n~ ........ l yBry ericanm nga ' neallud review Bthllt &at, a .. all othq .) ourll .1. cum 0" . " . \ fl alld cn'let tlr! I/ "elflOVf'R lJ uttl'llef-u ay, uV • • a I . r H I W RI k) 10 ne 7e r Inllv "'e, rt.l n. • d "n"l lbe IDtr:!loe u'" olle tllne I II ' ell .. d"'~ to · lDin rlilled, but whicll . lmprov 11 1. 1 '''; ~'oa,ugl ,~er ol .tM·rfO H ;~'· 100 Gl lhn l . k,I ' "l l'h)'ic,"" I1r ••• • Stock aud \ cl~lltteltl of Henry t./. ~ " n,.....,I () lt8 e,'uplt07la II,!! op ell/flg ~Ople8 (I e."",J&wd & "Wllb ~be call.. I , II 1I "~"l re. ;".:~ Foe ~I~ AI; 1 odrr. on tho tllrm of Rachol M c ' O~ . 'Ir~" n'l,:"t.d , :'''~~Mi~tfl~wrec IIS 00 itB Ihqrea. Hllrlan ,L . "Lh od .pl ~ • 1o" . on cIIID"I. pO cOlTl /'eI!, maucla, w/JOlle ~ a OOllt ' .... . l uOtlOll 1:.: W~II tI,e v '11 Lo' e Mo r ,til. J" ..... ~, . Lo n', • e"tfy year••D" etllt tb . .. IIIfoom lor more, COIlI.eI'l,pota'1\. l~ ~~'.DC df,, ' u' ~ IOe ' na llu n wllh PUla T ...·• I~,. 110.1 o, hor 'IIURI. uuwrltte n chapter GUIre, ro.ov. 18, at 100 clock. \I tl! IDd r.. lunpO !J ' ( ur T d8t :P and ... I 1 tlt Q 1)011 101ll /lit· ~ r H ,, ' w ~ ulI i". lo. i I. , .,Iuabl.· "'~e", b' e l"sredlclI lI. "h,.h i I nit '"' therefore pnll!ftlt t.i tbe peOple of breed.", dd pq.--.... ... ..Ameri ca n lite rary his tory i8 exceed . ;. .l/· ' t ' ; . B II d u~~/ " ""~ ~lIcl Low OJ Stock and chattels of \V iIIillm lb. Sblte. ' he follo 20c l cll. ,", •• III cvml,l lI ed. ",II,I"rl It. ocl'OIl leu . ' 1JJ'lle " lIIjf 1 1 bo . 00""'119 11"1"" 0 eerl","s . OIlU S n d ","s' I"cd loto" I~ d . l"-te.. 0' .In.l. ~o ingly inte resting. 'A Talk ubuut A . M el sit, neur U , 18"'8 Ill. vor1 fold h m" tv .. · Cull p e,·, t. alld 1 1I li \ru. nd l· he neticl r. . 1 Market. in •• ,rlll/o:,, R.p 11 . - - -- -----~<' F hca. ' II,m , I" atur IlY, I '~' I' ".'1· . -- . . a Dec ~ \ ' 1 I' n,,_ ~i.... e. oC ,h, thr.. ,, 1 l.r asL,,,,,I l u,~. l), .... 8 &or ,: 'Dd-d"<ole.opel!l1!l , ue"lloll :.ot he, ,, a,, d ' ~"'6 lIers ).IS r.~U II 0 t a lice II ent gOtlsip N ov. 10 . W I' II'111m Ro Be ing a p.)werfl ll ueodorlZ 1'he ',,!I III I o· ';'Iu,c : 11. 00 ,!'- o . '~"" rr, Ib, ,,,· I I S W.,xc·, W' L,.rIlRa '" (.;OIl · O~SII , Idk .. f erlollt .• I' roapec_o g e rs , auc - f .... &\. TERMS OF WREKLY OAZETI'K. 0 '~<.... . bra " ',"!: I' lIod U 00 ug couni ..'e erir j ,~, rrla11l, , .. ~ e \ l Cl e Ollle. l ll"I' • U ' . I llertllln in g to this lilmous French · t·lone er. 'K I 1 lh ~I olor I \1 . H .. , WOGd 10e .t II... roul of I upon yu. or ul8e"oe Ioh. 01 to, I"' to ll"' ': lh o blOOd. I) h t1 rml eft~ Il I,us lt l\cl y c ure ,n'lI'0rllll,t of al l 4"' I" , Singl. copy. on. , car. po' '''s e p.ld. $1 50 ~I o lls ,{hell 10 uu,. om! , , '" , • • m a n', aud Mr. D o Oo"ta II"a a ple .. a. ... II whcD 10 "11 Fourtee n aeres 01' cho 'lco Bottom (.;Iub. or 3 nop lea IoDd j';3 AoLo uino .WI\I"e Colli", dOllolc r O. .·,Uo r. , I"r Ing Ih 0 I ' ~"r n ~ " kl~, " .Vi ' 0 1•• 1, It ' Iil au up " ard. .. eaub I ~O au '1b-O , Ioeul 1>I M¥ ... ~•K8 Ot' TB " ~ IUN 1\8 If Ity I. lie here m. e I 0 " .anh". , " 1 . ,r W 1. 111' ulld v llluabl,e paper ' Cuneer n· Land. adJ'oiol llg n he, I ~C 35 OI . e uun I 20 I Bl' ''on . " " ~Or~I. lIg I " OJ.' \a u" 411 ,,,,L1 c · Inn u 'IC • n m , 0 • lI ume '~, rho H pl r w A.. hl e\' . M lil W o the town of Way· ood .. H I.' c.d CH H'\l itlln n n 60 " .. .... I 25 acl.4! oue r1II1IIn<r ~~pIll Lm " "I" ol .. p "'lUg AutUIll II,' 1 he s hort stories a:(' n esvillo, the pro oh" • \I hI • L ..u V 'h 1\,. I It ·· uch &z' Ihe Dt'lrJ . the roul. l \ Y 20 1 HOM E T ES TIM 0 NY p erty n t A . AlDuo. l " .... J ~ lee , .. 1,, " lIuQ, IL Ib o rou g hly blenche s th o c Clicle . . .. .. C I ~ Ihe A ~i~ y Ihe VIII " , . 'rd .lId ' 0 Gn olld ,! Hid e urd :ie. gOl.lll , alld the iIlDs tratioos nre wel ~ Thn fsday, Nov. 15. k. Wllk, • • ' fl l" a, Wm. Rogers , 10e ua S, , f ' £ 100 Den, Sl r'- I I•• 1 ,1 lu b. , aad P'RWolII'I:NTLY BEAUTi f IER Till ".. I 10 _ , . k" pt'-eD .. oo lu m ~ Gr 1"0 lo~ be l • I . '}'I ~ 'CIAl tictvc dae •• , J III.~ Ve,ne. loo ' duo to lOU Blld .u" eolll~ buw d .excc ute. ~~~--~~~ ~ 10 serla stories I y Iluction oer. ·lI i, . w g" CO)U·L t.X tON wilh ~ certll ty UII HOllle"" IC". ud mniDlre ", g " oi 'I YOfF' . I ~ ~ 1 0" . r or~Lolldo TERKS D \I OP H AIt" SEMr·wK ,: orlb. IKLY 200 'h.'"1'0" OAZIi:fT " B. u9 1o . ide Hendlng 11 co ntaln. Uel i a' lI Arbor' lind 'Oherry Ripe .' ' ro·l ocll "~ I:' ."'UU ' kn o ll'lIlo ll ny allullo e\er 'n el. ~J .. Hrnty \\ D"d. 1 .)0 d.·, rul cural've 'llIlIon ill veotcd • Ringle coPY, 00. Je.r. poata"a p.,d. t3 25 " ,ew.of Cu,,,,nt "venl' a "ef\.,d l 011 I' e " A L, •• , po w. r of 'all' COm " Ollllri l 0 1 lhut III os e IIrc co ntinued . and the odltoriu \ de. . and h s I\ d '~ rLl.l ng 4 ~ Ho rl ge L· "Sd"I•• Mr~ Alu. "dor. 2ue I ::IfUP - Fresh 1)al ti more oyators at or · Olub. or 3 copica . Dd up" of Wild . rd ... Ohf ur.h. m IIlI i d Sn. 911 -A pngul " I lu rlll M a ,1I1'1!01"'J or ail 110. rrh,c,p"l I. on,1 P p 11 II ' 25 30 d' ~ :'~k Anor. b, \\ Iliu m 1.lnck . l oe I I"r Pil,.. I "' • • • III 'cLe~ w" h d 40 cent8 a can. ,. 16 " l lllrtme Dli are as rell d a bl 0 aa evo r· l rys. .. . . . 2 80 .. oicuhur..! Iud hon.i_u lll~ral e. · lJlllhn,cDI e -~ 0I I" K vlo" '1I1 It lij e mph ll ticli Y. t e rem c } or • an I l, e Ir.n;:. '\ ~<" nl \!r.' or. I'I..Il· ~~ .. cuugh. l'.inMIn Ih ••Id • • nd b ,·.,t " ", ht SC ALD8 Bnd m;(Ulo. •• 270 of theeou utry TllkB Al)plet ou for 1878.. laler Eat o y llters oys te I IOltoo~ly lemov ton. l,v \\lIh nm rs ofte n. Tbey .. lo ol, .. enl• • •oro Ihrool. "" ·,owel.,,e ll r o .Ii •• • ' In g All 80rl:n CRB -~--,,~~ IJr :-lpc 111100 copiee of Ibe p. pe r Free 49 ~r.o' Ille de \ 1~.D e. 1.lack pilla . aDd '11 (I 0 0<1 N.. or .Hold III yellr, TOMS or D~lLY OAZBTl'E: • A pp Ie t o n & 0 0 . ap~.llca neorl,. GG·,•. oud m,· In Dl ac:' 00 eifecllD g a \l ure IDwilbUIIL Add eoa WI tl Y II g evel y iOl taDCe.. Bonlfag ... I.y Ou,d" 200 '. r, • LI!TH • ak tl'"1 • P KTE BsoN'a hi:·o-ULNE for D e ce m. 01 • ' TI1(lIl .. 1". ,eI. • " • 6o " "..... , ...... ,.., r.o l:!'u r Orec" .. ootI T r••. 1' H. rd, . OLA1" .. 1" - MI' Joh" W . MarIIlH '/I gro- 8 10111• coP, . Doe , •• r. poaln(;e paid. 100 I kll ow wbal foe) dG rG W I' . . . " eMv .r~ th ing I A s a prevent l\'o nod re m edy for 1If. W. cory, at Mt. Hully was burg lul'il\Cd, . '1 h,l ,nen, hy. W,l ham Clt el, . . l oe al.d In :: ~ mG,~tb.. Ihop. or IU,·. ,/O' " O "nl reJ~.teu GOUT Bod RU¥UM ATISlil. h. :.. 3 be r is o u oor table, .abelld o f 1111 ~ e ffect. : 1 to. t naok .~ol~. 10, ~I, . H " D od. l oe ,.,11 dllf~r<!D& I,m.·, • I or " Iood I ",. ure relllly wonder ful. I 25 I rs. a. ve ry m lrllc Ie 0 t IICOllt,)' th eb uthe r lIight. to the I:x teut uf l illi, ., 1 " •• no'th. M ln""~ L ' DO . W Black. lac Bl nlo. d for 0I0 U • " •,',,, oIle ' I' , , u ful tOn,lilloll . Add' '·4 I L 1I.I. r to 1'''0 IICCO. uotlOn .I! e tc. FI.~• • I" Ou ill.. lb I I, 20. lin d ... ve up nil .H....·~ or o, er r..,o • • tI "" ,t ODRm.. IIO ma d·nn d e Ileap o es I I t h as two Ip ICII ' e ... eu 5< •• I'. CU J;- t'B a ••••.• p,·t··e1tti"~ T' a.ll p I' '! A W', ('IIy .•y. 0 uIda. ra' • • • a.. < lIm. ng • J id ijtclll pilltes. ona of thelD I " Alt.,ls r. throu!!) , our ,,, n ' lillle , oll · .c"III 1l· end. d Ihe usu" or J i8t'QSt!1f erry 8 "yallor par o r IB now A g~ DI " E.ver, dllri 'a', f:' a re c~071~ m 'U 'nca.t.lJ{l tm. hmor .. . b. Ou,d. . I'Q'\lnAl ler II!?-T~lJI loro. '9ur 8"up ""d Pdl. n lueh 'IDm, "Amon g tho Rll8es." as beautif u ~ ued UP. and reudy d, .d",l . y I • 5 i !o \ "'liS' Round Ihe World- ' GOlh • to reeoivo u,i.lli begau \0 .',Glhe 100D url aud Ril,,, Ibe "1} I b!l ('OllU. (0' ;. 1Ig til cont act toat" tlt4 i. roll' , Ame" en. b, Julen V ur~e, loe I. uoo of Ihe ru,, ; h • • ,rr n:!L.,."od Alld 1..·.l ed p el'1I011 Sil O" (( aB a ~m ; . 41t ~ther, a'\l exqu isite "au ~st8. O y te'rs 6urved up ill th e . . . .&.DV IJIl"... . .iII do "ell to B fl oll, eta. m~ll: M s ,lu ~" . o or, by Oeorge 1!100\, roor.. tbe _I",,,e Cech In re C.reace IG lbe,clr. t itlo'pagY a mamJD oth.ovlu red pllt best s tyl e lllld h. l!V loc ,. ' lung. '" , ',u DOl " h•• m '~e • ~ rr,c I I 5 59 Olt.ndo •. b, Ouldo. c ry m lloner d e r ulutloD uf tb. \;UI<1T. . • i 8H ' I 81lS aDd CUTa are 20e cure GI !DO. ODd I, no " . ·,Ie '0 r""". my tf dlttlDct u riedee X t'a'bly Roee.r, tern fo r a chair stripe, alooe wurth aired. lit p r iced t1l11t l'R41~ 8 . \J 100 A '"01'ge no und L h. World-A u.· cannot fliil to oj "Iy labo r Any 1',., . ,11, IIOII I.tID!: Ihe \ , II h CUI ell wltb unlalllo g certaint y Oi". Ga2eU e Co. 6 .. BeIlO'u" . lralill . by J ul .. \'c r". . loe Gr th...10(11" ".Lemen t "III plea.e crt ll DO ---- -' tbeprlc e o! tbllnum utlr; anduca r· PIcase. R c m e m ber. T IlI·ry. kee p s 6 It "67n OVell D an,z" Itjf., a ll d pre· Oa"Y"'.io D Pinko. 61 Bel .•• Gr 1'", L'Llle WoodeD 1y ti ny W ovd' Clf ts o f fl\Rhi ons Iln d 110110 but Ihe uea t, Gr . dd, ••• W • •, Ih,· ' doo rv 8 Cbl080 ry ••Dlh umum., t tl<e hai ,' -I"rom -l"((,lli1l{/ 011' unu the c lJ eup ·blles. I"On,da , 100 EOWAR • ' D U II HAM gON. T\a~lem ~. Tho sLlJl'ios urll I y the e8t. Vtli/l Zo...J Ger"cnum .. J' 63 n. A BoIllo .. . }I .. Ber ry "0011. tIl :.u 20e Kllltl" •• , eC veu. S .. eon y·, Putte... \ 01' t UTlltI.n g pl'ema r 8 fw 'c y gray. Double q erantum o, W 61 e A IIro Voyago under R"unll obll· Ibe .... World-N llo n to ew 1878. NEW Ridge 'Ve ry bos t lIuth ors, a.1I p o we l fully lI;ORK Road. hoi" . " " W& ~8'l8. II A'. ' I'hila tI It comple bJ·le. tely Yed DI PINF.:CT Oer. nlum.. M CLOTH· .,1... .. d . by .Iulel Vern r written . F u r 1 8 78 " reat i mpro ve . Mr. C. M. Poagne , lOt O' er I!O y.... hn,. ~IA p ••·d and Mt Ihm· 1110 rrom tUe l ic k room UeUtll'opell, o f K e llyon Col 6!J ~ "h " wm'. Wire. \I ra H Wood . or p"raoll A. tbe dme a~.. for the ..u6 ... 1 68 IIle oun sIll I rem.l n• • bea' l' 1OIlllio Ilo l~ d. I> .. 4butllOll8, , - b' b I f, b 66 t n I llry tl ()' K ~I , .. e. by Sa of llluel . UbecriptiO I,ove r. Dll. 'fHE 200 Senl.emb . r 10. 18'1'6. SUN woald remind a m e nts will be m ade. Am o llg th Cge e ge, 01' a copy . . Doublt Olm.U.... l ."t 1\8 pcome mp r egn a 1i7 C•• lle Waf. r. R', d HeDry Ark.!l . b, (. 1\1 ,. 10 ell yon tI, friend ....d ..ellwl. her.onr . _ 0_ Den........ ..1..... II Den .... ul8esse " ' III bo a m on thlg Su,!:plelll ent, Adva nce, of ... u.. t 4 . Asal"" whicb he is ou e f)f the '1 \8 . p lll. cendid..141 for theiry.he • lI enry W ooo . • lOe U vOur dru gdtL Or coneldor ""'''keep e- 4 ev btl or,I GLEN c90 talo i ng a l<' OLL'8IZ iD 1 ~P&Jt PAT. edito r .. '}'he A dvG Lo"'!'~·Caotu... NIS 68 Pi • • " ., k. ill a EaJlnun. J \ erDo, lOe ~Ol I~ . ... e will d.II,·u 10. 11 do,eh'" II DV IICe ill the mlls l lioD and IUl'port Upoa Ita record (or tit. 8 ltd, 1.0 .. Bou". rd i... . 19 To Ihe 1 peIIt teD , ..... ..Ii... for a ""ntt.......oe of 8 r E',d, Mill n",ddoD. TERN f" r Il Iady'S o r cb ild'tI drO:!s, II LI y COil ducted an d t 200 dro •• ou ",""Ipl 01 p·lce ' ",Ight p.. d. SI.e"Ilt. &; EI1I ator. a m. . \10 Allddl"mBllk 18 a S'P~CiIlC 10 thos o OUlfOXIOVe DUI-' a tnlct l" e co . Lhe beart, . ymIt ~reh. bv n eGrge Po lio'. ...thy and ro ero •• eo-oper- 8 2nc Prep .....d anI, " , .. tlu,lll givilflt t o e ve ry - BubJ cnlJer lege paper '111'0 evc Fuchti.. . " ~. I A I.,dllf, bv Ouldo. r had 10e thc plCIIB •••• \V .. W"8 • _N. . hOD ... binb Jl.... hltb.rto ~ el\teadliol lo- 4 101481<:11. whiub htl\'o heeo trnated hero· t I I tt Doubj. l Vlulet.. d ' \Ire ot peills iug. The re is nu tlllllg ,t (r~m e, eM' qu. rter 7~ Mer,d l.,, ~. or. t he A(l" Dtur . or 33. fIIb •• 1!!t., • •U . .el..... tlte UDlon WS v. Bue I p a crn s. ex ru, Ill'ill g . 9 \orore witb Poill~!UA 'SlIlp'lt~r ()i1ll~8 ' ba". ~Iet,w blt c .. _ I three E n~1i .h",en k T hree nUll I I 'l·b. URliy Suu Lo. funr·p"1I" .I,oot of 4 the ,ear. C l' r tnin lr nil thing . c ·)O s tlunge lluullt .... ::lOLD a ,' AL ' PM Oll l ~UT O.uoo ,au. iog tbe advl\o~"Ke of .. Plum""," ':, t II ~, IIIWC" e r, \\' 1Cft ~II,·uIUlu heln g CLUN ' • IAn' In lI'. 'oulb I.rtll<) Af,I by ., •• MA • ll. • ,,' tTh. ,"paid. M tI aidered~ thiii MlIgnz io Q blu no ~q\l!ll It'C' eun " itier tho c1as" ie Slllldcs f,," m Noo • .,';.-...rd.iano....,o. hO FF f;1I In: a nd U NIN.IUlUO Utl 'to Bloehde Runn er • • I" J . V,·,'O e. 10. ' .ftO'" _ ... a _ n" )\lI,h. ._-...... or 1A6.30 ,per ye... • ·4 • TI .. Palm.. .. w he nce it cVllcna les . 7.1 B• ••• . b. &1 ... lIenr, Wood, 20e TI,e SllIUIRY edt llGn G' TilE SUII' la a .. tI a t Its 1>ne.' , Ie term s are a st u lt C lot t.iog .. X _I,; " T' RUp"n R Ol li. .. .. oilfht.porge . bl'Qt of . OO Olllll_al. , Wbil. /I .. llle If yuu ~' e DilIou•• ",k. t n n lehlogl v Iv w. Ti:: ; Two d,.I . ~"<I II I, )I.reA.... ;. i!o " :'e Fur Oountrr. Jules Ve' De. IDe gidnll 3 IV the A VN or,,'. h ' o( S Tnr the A d"y.·it nd S .... aLtoOODt p.r'l\n aiD' IILI.' l! -year, tile ·~'dt"g~ · l .r ·paid by Ihe .. 1 R' IIOiJ~' Bealt.. 71t '1h"'i~w ~hrd · en. OOIliDS. 10c If ,~U !tne a Sick Head"ol•• , uk" " l. rJre '!roll Uu t of Iltr rury ..el ml llOella 20 •• <Orted Tutlp Bolt:: ' 77 )h. lreIH nd :IIald, MI.s Mllioeh. Pnblish e r. Till' p r iCO-i t o cl"b~ nrl' "WI lIIuth'r 'pf>(Oiolly prepared few II. TIlIt' Ml l""'!"rted. I' S W AYNE 'S Tor uad SlI,.lil\ . rl ~~. ,c~.., B~ .' . ' ~';lno1,... r .• -"1.....~,.,;il>ii1i'ii~.."=-----:---~ Z8 \~ lIlf; th G.,' Q $, I,,. .L Ob. del .Be, d.. UlflHV l.~ . 8 1 N h . • m ~t wllb 1f...1 . ._ - :.I .......rtM J ':oobean If <our 1VnfU. 11 IID.I d. 10 .c11~pt.Ir.. till ~po.;llIge ~ltWI prepaid ), '1'11 6i 1f1!1115f111 tnf INI..., .. . 9 )l ndcitp ViII"'. hJ BI&ok; PIIII'1M"l•• 1,20 .. y .. ,",,,, S WAY S ~:'S Tar and S.rll<lI.I1.-1I1&,·.L ... 'Ba\lIs are too "ell· koo"o .ij': 'l'ht'(.~ evpi~. Ivl' $i.t! • \V lth IlIOulle , 80 Daniel Deronda. by Geol ge Eilol. to require lIOe l.·he Week.l y 811n. If ,.Utl ~"b a oold. la ke I 4 Lily of the VIllle.. • COlli m e n 'ho e of GLBa .'S fJ() \ [) ~I Chr l• •I.n·. MI. lake. lIIl •• Muloch • e uperb M~u.otint ( ~1 inch ce b~ ) Oc 8 w A YN E'S 1 1r .nd Sn rupftr,ll. P' L1..8 .... .. . . .. 1.."\. I¥.l M. )\o\her an~ I by M la~ Mull)ch . 111, Wh .. II .."" nnt knoW' 1'11 11 W'lIl1 ltfoY SVIf ? ij New Feurl Tul)o.rooe I. h · 2 &) " Tllo An-I. uS' Clu idfllllllt . · To prev. " t . ud cure Chll ia . " d Fe" er. 8ULPH UR SOAP -I ' em ...•• T ,jde . In Mil W.. od. .. - :- - - in t ue bat afe ltciru" tate.. tb .... U/rbeutl b.. Unil6d8 ta tor .,.' 0 S IV AY i\ E'S I'or Mnd S~r." p.rilla I'lLL •. ~ t Oil tl ul £IV' el EXPRES ~tl I tliolll I tbe'SDe et uud C06tll"lI t t: 1'e r v ff\·red T.'/., < "1/11 I I'R t n S' com I C ' lete .. d ly 1'4 deodor d TW" be nt i· v d Thou. NI t mil U. Lea tie, Under d 3 or a"l' lIf the aho •• I r DOII.u~ion. lor $ 1 r I W "I't;!. "-, "I' ·~ \ up th e YOD . -De y uu... n ' . I I 501 .'D' of Iho "'IO~. (~.Illl.iklll. rur .1 ,1 o~ ' ..8o...-,e I" 1') U'- N tY III~ d ]'1 01/"t I<l ,t ".{/ JII Q!I I \ Inih' .to the perS(1II a ottlug z iug e. g t!,e ..... offens ';I!ae. : ". J ul eo \ er D • t IIlI ive 0111'" ., welco,no 8c c umu 1"'''''8 nt week ~m8 ly. 100 liD S" , A .~ I. ::; " .. lIntl S.... p.'rlll. P'LL" til Aud\ it In th- H.. bt of lIu".d·e. - nun --I. 701 an_ or t ..... hnve n r Gr,-Bru es Love .... " .. ~Iarv II" p" rlll"ying tht t llllr, ..,r"aC/l I' 1 .1"0 eol1 ·dlo• • ~ t 4 5 Ju. ' ) r B f lL " I"I,DE llb bl' h i .. .' ~, or liz oop iCli lur i!l;UO (poll, tugo lir u , \\ .l SHI\GTO" ~' , ' orougI w • ~ , . J~: ~ • ..... " 9 or on, of Ihe a!onve I ,eofl.rlloai for !J n •• '" 0 .. ... IU}J' . ' .. .~ I I .- .~ I lo~. "" .1 fri."d. It.. n. ... editoriAl i-'••" I. k. I b }{' 'J' nl' ' d) ~oe 1.0 a . ador he. flu,dJlu. , agn· I" of " nJ of '''c allOr. IIOOII , i u . Dro" 11I • • s . lI od of tile hody . J •• Uo" . ror 6 86 P,·L'\ou,.... lr In His PI aee . nea de. _00 " val • aD d LuO'tt ' lIn ex. oi llc t L 18 t e Illtl v , u. ~ uril l • • nd h tenuy d.partl'll enlllllln tr" cu . ... yI 11111 ~ ing l u , I .. '''WI .,....... tJ_...._ Ih. l! It E ,r nrll l"g Irolll ... lor' gr", IN t" S0<1 I"'"nt 1>8 for i. lh Butblog o ]Gu-at fnr the r.mdy and tb~ 14 of all' of Ibo .bo..... I '1O.Il.ctlo aod Toilet vurpo· th Ce Ire oC tho 0 t be prom Inm ell ~ltI\vlng t0 t IIe p er nR fur 7 7 A J ~.'?rrLnlle.YI'_IG J"I"e" ,. I • Ve"r"e . IC OJ 10. OIY" C hIG" d Lo thi 110 lire.i~e f etln a,:.. On., I 01 0.11. • •• ~u .• I•011 Id 1I. ,er.e I: . . . . u DollRr a.,.,..r A ll Ivtlltl'1' Bloom u l{/ P l e n •. Wltllouttb em a.. ma,,\ eoo PltlOI tlp the club. F o r Inrgl' d ll ll gero u.lt8 \lllptom. sca • ~ ., h , 'WG , I M • • rlallo., UII MIlO Mllioob, I"" ",Ii Le c. med otr b, Ihelr Ute. po.t p. ld Thl. prl"", quality ""aoddered. Or ,h. whole collectJo clubS (b~ pricos lire e \'e n I ,,\\ ~r. 238 Dull", '1'1' ' 9 " .e Lo, elsll1 A, den. }I i.. Br.ludoll. 2"" TIl'" 0 T'll 4 "iT. Liver Compla lnt.- T h. I d,.."d dl ••,,", ,,!"k .. ,t lb. oloe· rlO• t ne • • paper puhh.hM. PI.DtA \lent by ElP'_ ((I " 1 Dlrootl ol1 •• - For D',feou~ 0/ ,,,,, ' oil rl>'oi l't of L > ' .. ~, t tn. 90 H •• ler;ou8 8 peet>..:. 1. 1. lld- Or"pned from F ·r ulubto len w,th '10 cuI., wo 1\'111 \.() which .. Ither of cur hooIr. , O 'lttlR fro m ~ h l.h 80 II,o ny ~ . r · o ll ' oulfer. I. IN S~III lollth e fl'elliv an mOOS () Ie .. Ilguzllle a re b\l lll. PhIlad e'phia. Blw, York, ' IX 110. Clou~ ,. I .. BOltoo Jlllol . ~r ~lId DC. .n .. tra • "I'V (Tee. Addre. . loe quen ll v 110. o_u • ., 00 1 H.adao be. c.yapep IUIller lJ erore retirlo"ll Rl)ply a tllicK grlltl'. it ' writteu for, t('t thO!!e whv FOil PlIorlT PIUCTlo 4I.l1J' LOIlt Co ,. r " ' . allowin g It to 91 Worn,,,, ', Kingdo n' . )f I' 8 Mulo. h, ..1'UIlLISilER OF .THE 8UN. IDe ala 804 Indlle.U on. I, Sl •• d.h r"' le .. d. or O"HDKSI~Q rOil PwrbplIK. with to g e t np ·cl u lls. N o w is till' ' I· 9 ! M, o Halol ,lt rt,'D'. T rou l,le• • b, Mr. T II E' ~~,n , ., T and aile" ~r ll'.lIellll . eu,.d I,y Ibolr u_o "c m l< in o,'e r ni g ht " 61" . New Y(d: Cit)". lj() . ".b). •• iI be tuldtd. ' I lIIritlrll' lI\'e C .. kI"'mo to lubll"ri be fur 18 78. Arl F p l' Smld, an~ Hem , WGnd &:.. .n ~ 200 Fever. Mro IJr",o ot.ed b,' .bu u" or HI u,1 B Url" Bpply \lIe -- - --. logu e fn-e , ~ (other (rl!ely lO til. 9 . ' ~h.relioo ~ l.l",nd-T be Ahandoll eu, _ .... pn r'rLrll'y inx ·a'~. pUl A _ ae 'be\ Cllrrv flt1 , tillough th" J1 1J~ct.6d part., - .... SO...." d ....... v_ ..- J. p ...... , " 16 D IS ON A h. J ul •• \le."e. 1 ruele,. I ,,~ • l "c blood. lb. hnpullll." CrolD ,," loll Ilo u\ .. ri". will ba ,emove and tbe fir. and pain Ohettnl 1t Stroot Phillld~nbia .IjIft ., 94 Th. ta. ond Ibe Li d, . Colli ns . PII ll Immed lfttelv. -For ._~_. II . . .QI, loe < 'or MO"' , "" el'. I".,. I. Dot h l n ~ to etreeille . . ~ 8b U ,.. II dd Mpc""r, .....- ........ •.......... ~IC1 'l'rl P ' ~'" n _ r ~ -~.-.. • !I'. Dead M"n', GlJ!lt, RT,tu1I«1til1n. Sl~rcri", . •.Brtt,i.I'tIlt oea, ",.. .. lin. ..ur ns S ... .. n. ·. Tor aDd !'--" Sorl\;ll,ar 1t·8. ll ~ 1 " l\s N Y !!S . IUl uld ' f l"fml... r ,1 ... 1 I h~ !I6 Ln •• ·s Vlcl or • • hv 8 T.. f'. r l,oD. . loe oeDI. .. IIU1 , Co 1.01, .• for II . .... L I" m .. 1. unu (Ju t. u\lply ulotll s well [627) 83Cor th.... • DobblD 8' Eleotrl c SOap. -.,. •• turtted 97 Ih,le, l o ". hlalltl-~b. Seorelof "1UALT IMPltE AN U OfJ1(. ) . R R. 1 Add ...... I. llLre .ndo.d••rs \0 n. S"" • • • With II Btlnng 8olut ion . - . For Old "I. 1. land. b" Jul .. Vern o, l oe I; S,· •• S3U No , I" "Is I. c~ '''''r''''''11 ' 0 ' I. . 98 Harr, Lorre<ue. b. n r~. Lo,.. ,. ~oe FGr salo b, O '" ~gl I!. lb Ht. Phll "de ll, hl,,_ SU' f. aud Ulrer., it II In.ldu sble.- ·,g uiJtnioc: 4 tlll.~ I\gl'nc y fvr Ill".... " -...... ,"ph'dld 99 From lb. Eanb to IheChMO OD .lId ".'~I....","" Usu 1'1 ellly Btl II lot ion -FQr • • prtl· 'this cele1il'ite d -SOliI' fur W,iY I'eI/ h A,1)UDd the )IGOD, Ju,u · Vem •• Too ~.:-h~·:::::~':.~':!I::I .. r a If .... 1st. • ........ _ vcotlve hi Olon orilllli DlltQlt ' ule • . D'1~ ' vtl.le. a~d : \·:cilllty . 1 aJlP"nd fh c I~ T.I. of Two Clti.s. Ob •• DickeD • • loe . .t ':::::1.:'.~r.t: .,017. '::11 . . ~IA • • • • WTA j tltroni 8UUS a ... wa~b. ext.erua U., . }t Oil 1J OND. HO LD ERB ! 0PIUIO\l o f aolOo ul our bC6t pllo ple 1 Por .. I. b,. all !louk•• lleu .nd No".- I. "ell emll- prec.t1..! b. -' - -. I A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I" . -. . .W, . a eu ,I. t u... like IIDd hy 1011'0110D. It 1Iewr' jalls ""1~ .. ~ 1 .",.....l1a . . . . ." ....a .....T. ..a to Ita merits : dealtrl. or HUe, p". la,.prtp .ld . on .... ee'pl pe ~.nlrall"~ . dlllr."i ll .• _ lo u l aholl.,I ' I'cblll , •• tbo" h •• ,., ., of ~ pfio;,. bl 1,,1 ,r , w GEORGE MUNIIO. • • _I_ ~- b. r •. ,~r I have U8eu·• D 0 bb,ins. EI l'Ct I'(\: 1 1 -1 0 ... ., PU. v.--u LI8 I1.... J 1 " or, re crl " '1Ijj '0 a 8 by aliy tlth u },tllt'.' ! B. aerofl. Pre.c"It, )foUry, ut I e a .... 1'. X .....b. recll1m . partiCUl arly at nl ghl A~ benn uD~re· FOR GO LD·G AMB LERb l P 0 \13Ii 23"6'!~I !IS Valldo". le r 81 N Y Ihg. 'Sl)ap. mild" by I. L. Cragll1 & ()v., " , __ or III btJd afler s ell in!! " "rDl I I appeara tbU Wb.t I~r. W,lI••. Su.e. Elihu BurrB OHgEBFULLY ENDORSED BY T8' Philade lpbia. t\irllUm ll limo. "nd PULl. MA ¥_ 'PAL os ~ ~ . to/f.· OAOS ,.,ItI· ~hnlel on IUI"m··, W.botor Ii d 't It't' .R 'ell ... "llIler. ofiClllim e' . Jl'Q(U~ Chu.,e. ~, ted tu L M"DfCA L . FRATEB . . HxTY. d. Cul.ridf('!, I:ilUUr'"" Wann...0.... th.n II I a .1 la r8pre14l n sloo .. lh sclral,ou odlb.p .... t. pori •• &1111 I. ~ .., Hu .. Tin...... W .... (l. . , t:......., Il'lt'1 ' • v" l',..,.idehl .. .ud the beet . nol con fi Ded 10 mal.. onl, . b"t II to ~or Nat. oMZ B(JlIktlr8! LfPP!, OROWTR, BII:40TY roR THE Fur voaebllli c1vthes wo u,;o n ) otb· n. bd .. ~.. n Ihe I" 1". 11.• 1 R4IB. Crcll"e", LhAt ~ · !Dal .a Onl . u...·1V alliin d, : AmllricH n . t,,1 J::llro."" ," .. ·h·,t..... in <Jur fllmily, and I chet:rfu lly WE8T EKN & E"'~T Il_. w_ ........ .. EHN ........ "ITII:.'! ,. !i p~ ' rtl.!UI .~ .. rl LOOK y In timdl ~.T of Ih. p r.~o thn ,noy. ... victur eSlend.• t .. ....t \, ~ ~..i.." I t' I . 1·(OC.11II0leUu I 1.18 a ti' • ..... UD po!!e ,1 - ,be'" "I!)I,e III..,. r.• I• ·!) 11,,8 IIr Ic .e ; .Dg .IILO Ihe .. gin •. pro.IIIK dI BL,e., iug III · ... SK FOR --• II,.,L" 11',u mo."." ..1•.nf I' . I will r. C' hre "rio- bnlr' \o origInal color moHl be . Gnd ,h. .nrd. Il"o,. ~ po" e"" Gf enrlu .... n•• OK ' .rAe 'I(urmel lt& wa~ IIcd Wit I It IVO k t UI' , t"" TI, rollgh. lie • • " . . . 'n,,,r" LIoHn II"" ['dopll' ! "' .~ . CI eeo or 10llU 1I al.ndln,,". ' llg' ~ Chc pronGune <~· IhlekeD' And ed Ulin t" 1".IIr" rm hair. bl f.r •• "",,.ing b-u ... r tl.lln thoy ~a ll be d. · ne" growlh, willter th"n wben "'..lIbcl! with 01 ~olemcn' 01 1 lflill . ~le ~ .llIreolo relbe_t utal _ ... tione ' " I II~ C .. \ c. "", Ii ," " '" \\ ord· b.,.. be"D I"' rmonolll " curcrl b, nppl'IDK I '" u I I' \i ~ -1 m ..dulio.lI" eta.. ·"I'I~ II 4- 11 ... 111 remo.e all dtndrutf .nd .tchlng. SWAYNI~'8 OINT) IENT. ( 111111 I 81111p. ~n T AXE .0 OTHER. lUI WI; 18 1I111ltl " ' ... 1 prlll.lp" ll'· 'hll~ I 'h .' IIUI, ~1 Oftl c. . 6 Ono f" mil,. nf t h, ld ... n IlJOvinlf WIIB· !>-II ",,, IMku 801\. .... •• \<. 6oz,IJle l " un IlJU> O. lind u. in j(' .t lreoly. Il"""",•• IN.....II~". ('esRIII·Y· It IS Illbolr'8a vlllj! ~nd RORTH , 8011TH. EAST & WEST . ,,"ti For ~ll PlirpOS~IJ! ~Il ~ ill prea.., a orlgln, glo l color to old . ge. DR S" 1\ SK Ii. • v ' GeIl Lle men :- The ,,,, .. lh. r,,. t h ~v".1I' It, the I\rot .,\1 be- For wbi. h ,nt)beyl , Ih pr 'mgllly cleanBif ljl. • 7-lt.1i I pre "ent 'he h. ir f,'Om f.thn~ oft', hOI or Oml,,,.n l 'au ... I-: R. OOIt.'F.\· . L ~ I (.;(' . I:. '""oit lit.. Inn,-e In l.elll,",n~ meD Mil .. t par ....Ith OlJld anel nl m. b. """I cll red • M~ U&EW SW1t1'T I A. .. I 1;,·,,'1 l' A~' S--ll "iIl c"re Mil d, •• a. eo of lb • • ealp n ·,, '1 ,. \ e I w(.o,." A·k 1ollr ' ""el••• IIr ruln"'" r ,f It qUllndty m. cIIUrel, 01 h ehlng riles. ~ hlch I fil II', r· 'Y I : ' I d I rH') ':! PD.' RU\". "lIn 's It SH \ ItP I" D t." tf"'11 hu~ the 0'16 :BWl (3 Oaktlt) SO Oent,. . '. It ... Ior •• !Joth Ibe luaurinnc •• od color ed. Itb ror five yu... book. and Ellolo uoe, II UII 10000ta&tlll.l' Y ell "rSll tie •• d ~bd Ond mitfT~t1~ IIltr n. and Wen P . .... A~e "l of Ih. •• Dd II .. b~rUlI" •• ftO wa!.er _ cenca Cor ."u,ber IJo l lor lI II.ter I r 1..0 ALSO. .a l •. 1\ t' , a frlelld or mine. ooDUtry ~ what ih, MIlA. 1. Kuu ..v. . - -- - - - --- -- - --- -II urge i", W Premature blancblng Or fadltll! 01 Ibe Is E. 8 TEll' • A N DR~~ W J BEAOH. • • I. , ., , I'or 1&1e IverJw here, b, Dnt· ~ ~ 10 h. /! rca"~ regrell.ed . and tha' •••• r'hod' ~H10~:l~IB rarm.el a!:.1l"II l St.L10D, Loudou ';o, Va. IIU, Pw ~ A P U' ,itt., Grocar . a04 l'al1oJ ........ v " IH-tpt Ja ,. ,N . A . · . ~ ,I";~".'. 1 A .it ' ~.RER I..anll ,. . _ It> be·bc.u\ lfulll proof enoQ"h Ih.I I, ~"'~ • '.J - : . ~~ ', Da & s.. •.-EpeIG.~d plea.. ftDd eee 0004e De.1.1 . ' wil'll all4 rilfh~ '" be 110. b, n e"el')' proper ~~." one dollMr ror ' ",u bOllClof ,.Gur Ollllll\.elll IDY friend" alld OUI' 'litl ~ _ D mMn.' bo& the.. 1''1IOtbh:g morelmport&Dt I ~ r ll<:hID/! pile. - &\. ~.", ~- .. ",I..~ <"Y \t.'I4t> v _"'"'8 .. ~ olahaa I. the em1, ~t· fOl' ~~ III. """'t to 1 h"se a'. IGr . Gme of m, , I~!> tbi: .nd ...........'le~II1I«'W'2ii.e I' tb.n ~~ beaOt.f" l ~ hair, NG. '" r".nd . .. bo arc .mlc",d ... ith II". dletro... Serlt by r:~Q. ~ .8prio,e.aar upon Ibe o" . .ti1,.tJjj~l;.tto1a ilnd Lor.lIl" Mrsil. P"e-pa id, on r.;., t \11 aoal' one -trIll, .be ot the ".tunl eolorlng "'S COOl I' I"IIII '1 he bol 'ou •• nl me a Y' Ar \IT knuw .lust IIIIW enaoted for the ho..dt of a 1I0nfed 01 ..., m.U.r IA .t,foUlinl!' ceipt oJ' pl'iee and 6 oef&U - -SJo:LU--,., or t.,. •• cite the root.o u' the a~G. I am g'nd. ... ye nil • • ~he I nm opPft'U'l proud 1o on.o. 8OMj> in tbe U.S iB, .n,. Lobti,r ,t. .lId Indn.try. h•• r kl pwth al!'"ln. nGthiajfha , a,,"r~u wOl d• • P" £ ltltl\lo'Ii white whellt a , 7ic. a lb. e;r;tt'a for eaoh cake. "01 . UI'1! I thlPlt lu . Olcao, GOy.nun .... , Oredlt IU. l<IlO. our Bond • •otroduced to ~e Atoerloa E, R. PRINT Z, n people tb.t .hGuld be tUhli~hod wrollfhO tlllh. lenoth Hrepar ed (lOCOIL 20c. II puclmg e. fo~~. beD.tle of tbe .eultIltJ. lot .'ho r"rayn,'8vl,'tl e. eq • .!!I_"lh:, . . . . . ClO. . . . . _ ou.e Age,tl. O•.. t Meal 10 e·~ 1\ IIOUlld . . . . . ilil~ :~... ~III~~:hper~p"~~· 'G" oan pubh. h • \If -~ .. .uHl ~w ~u Dr. V.ltc-n. of PbJlotdelphi • •-.~ IllY' of It: UMk~r's Oueon, a flc !lA\ Ii) GROSSNICKI.E • a paclcuII; lI. P~"prlek)p. --~ - •• - --~ Ot!WOI7O Ooru Starch, llSc n pack. The LoI\40n HoUr C"IGr Re.torer • ,....,. h F ' WI8d I.adi ••1 u'g. F .. dcr,ck Co • 'Id ., ~Vo. 7 Si,'lJ,h A vet~'Ue, N~tl1- York: u...J t,r Yell11l "L AW80NI' I C liRA' veryeat ...... 1'"t1entAr aDd Co .. Oy.te.... fr ••b Loboot~r,S.lmon .... a n.,nu· If >00 I r. ""lr.rh,S w,lh Ih l. nn TIV ";" ~1ll8 given univers lll Batlslilc Fruit III o.. n .. nt low prlefl. For the lIImelltof lbe Peop.l. . . bG eeaatain frtead. Itf a. _U..rI by mJIeI. I ~ben>fore no, IDS. COlliI' I" .lilt. or I'o(wr. Irloh. Gorm&u. " " y cru .. y. HAIR AS RII:D .\S TUR to the GGv.rDme ...~ Anme. Whi le, BI18'.lo., C•• Wo. COli' rLUIK or \. . pe. 6 rom .apa ~a::. ~"IlI tI bo Att. I tiW), .IId every dllY it is inol'eas ing Guld. . . . . ~AII. . , ooly. ,tchy . klll ~I ., • • a. I(U to vour d, " ~ 18'i " m."" till')' and PI De Totr SOI'pO•• p.."illlty 7 oentAr per lIit II d ct I. 5. II II II ¥I ". tt e. o~ .., ~ \.Ivll .1Id g"'" I" .. ~" of ::I " " YIIQ" in populll r t'avllr. Wi thout doubt All rl.,lIng OLCANO. or w e 8S . Boal h, ."P ..... '" aDy otdd..... on - lite,,' h ",11 .ureil co,e H~ uuntiuuCM !.t, tO~ke tho It.n''io~ Hlp. Are nnw prep"ftlll to m.lld CLOTHESea m08 ,OU 511 on a Fin' idll hemloc k, cao \te ch.II • ., lhlCJ.lIl,er, petJlfa r • ,11 00 ""Ip~df pri·~1 rd it i ~ th e IIIllllt r.oli,,1~ltI pre lllu'ah,, " poor,'me Llnim. nton,1 Bnrt.. n'. to D 8 & hG. ; 3 o.",,,h Syr. WRtNO ERS of: nil ki"d.. ~ 1'I>II, .'I"II! pill We.ll , Cor .I .~r. G 1'0'0•• ~ 50, . ent (led to 11 gior;',1U brouII' or llUiroUI , . d. d ~ . I' •. .aqu ir.r," ur .• lldk"""" "llI..",r 'lRdbotl~r _nrtm"nl onD8wa ' l.lIt 80~. a80N:rt b ~b:' St. Ph:lt>der~~':.Bp... 1~1 mAil ho.el OLL8 \ .()t Hltl'\) lIC~ ·' dldnlle. . . n4_"in,!ke tn an' "drlre.s. lib ..,.e' I·L 01 pl!C" blark hV II fina:le applll'.A tlon 101 ~hllu~utlo dill' n P,unlly Gruoorle . thou .tly ulll er h .. u~ them in ever,. ............... . or . . peot I' g.>od ,'" a,w. , ' ,rellared I3I1 oll" '. 'Free of JIOI'bl... 0) Tl. :i"Ar",. .lll~ed nlld thj)~ o al!!" will c h hll"tl iu \V ..yn,,"~llle " S ... . 1 _. Sol. PropT.elAlfO. . ,1 "hlb SI. Ph,l. dftlphill IIS'I .August 1 Al!'ffttAr .... Ie<!. ~ .fJIOII· migill itt tht>NL" ",ol3tro Cltnfll. ·, - - - - - - - 6()tD BY "1.L D\lVOo rsrs. - - - - - -- , , ---, -, WlicrOY OI' thereltll·l,ill.llltll1l\~1l111 . '''~nd ~ • ...,-~.~..... , THE BEST OFF Ff\! GIl -I -~tivlI "I' ~welli,,,,. II~~ the " Cu IIA' 1 n,O;:,~:"t\'We ~.':d: We '"iII ,111''''1{ the-e hurtl lim"~ Notloe Ie h~rehr "lreA, th.t , ,. ,. . ... lJ .... ,"d~"" I'ARAB I • .J ' • aLKA. .... .aAO ·. ' A.. p"'oo" in "'·.'Jlo" " 'J I' 1<:, IIol l'l' .~ oU. >':1 . nllf, 10 1II1 ~ 1l1" . BaA No.~mber I 18n. the ' t>rlllolp.. 1 0111')8 'of OINOI NNAT I " olfto . .vv laDO S '&Ur .-vu. a ... ~V. the )lloml \·I.Il~y RnU."y, C.t. wlU lie ", ".ke . ul .. ~r1plioD. •, H I lIIt ·d • • ...... ~ ..... .av 1 "r Ih Q Inrge.l. he.1 ll . W yoe ,,1V . ~ ,," " II o,h"r Ohl ' 11h'~ III thl!l •• "1\' p"'i"'rllo n. ' .• ; . "', -- -_ .-.-. fl. ... ~ > • ood eioo~re" 1II"."a :1"elld.u ,:.a"" Od S'IU •• J 11 ADAIR ,' D .,"0 ero e ll!lot-all Ally· .L •• 1",,1' nlllitll(: I,olil, lit· Itfltitlllllly lI:l'\~ I " • • • ,"' ... - . 01<1 ,Ih"ce" ."rlIhe·{rrI',G,'LI: , • •, ~f p!'t 11<Ul IISH " 1,,'llIdulI Hillf C"ltll' Hil' .... 'TH'" ,... n , • No n~''''I •. "" ."h nlo V ' _ _ _ _ _ __ , , • • • Ii'Uv I "011' o' "0 .11"'''''III·R " Tht • " pI" 110' m "It· W \, .tI[VI'l' r "X1111 oj,lttll dl;tlllllll ll:.eicall "11.1 . o',e " r A)if N A MEE ,be fi ne.1 .1 8 .ln • ltL 110. 0 ":e",,fa l . • • " .... f1 1CIJI\' l'xl rJlIIl't ed. '{"/tllllv dilfl·rollt~ E. h; Ii""" ••IlIU w.· '-e """111 ...00 I. ,,!\' ,m IfA.lot4l'd ,'14~1 ~~th ~tr..~ t'h11 :ld,,·lbllla. tNIII"lIt1 "thl' l':\ '70 CIJllt~ " It huttlo. !"","d"" I... the HI" ,,,... H"o< hn, ~I!W I (fn .. ,,10, ... lo~ "tIl s. " I".tl nl _ • • . M,LlH...ICW.. ... ,-U '\· 4f 1 • lit I flll.& .. co lhI.H"Kh.h n( fl 1ch 1Il )" lh j.I Y It. UOIlU tll e ad~'!":t l dI!IU (\ nt~.; 11I y,~ ",or!!! 1'~r I(I·,"",\-. t)I. e 'fo·~ ., ru11 All CIOI'~'"",''' -'" . .. _ _ •• • !1 tI ' b ., ~, "" ~ ''''\\ I'll Un ""Ue 1 re: ~ lm n 'tit .o n~ , I" ' J B..,..... I'D' 0 1' f ~. 'K' Se ,Iu. t he ii re , ..~~ Imp ... " ~m t',,~ wrhe VI4A t U ~ :.'-, ....; • .1 p.t",. • ~ ~ql , t"r~ G f pu.... o tn" kitl;,{. m"n ; ftt " " .II\ ••.'fI.lII n ,~,"I ••l ~ '1t.lli~"llator 011110'11.1£ 1'. MUKTuN I 1\ ..; ;.1"....1' I. AUIHr ol. ~'~~~;:~J~~~~~l:I~ died at bil bo~ .ladtaoapoU., for JU\IIIrIIM4l11tl ~8cr!~.a !:!: at' ,a P. X., on .,..00 ClIme
m()8t victvriv!l~re8QltII.
, "
,II . . ...'
Por 1878 .
c.~:~:· I,o~~.l ft~d"'''II''III,: \I,.
Effective Ixtel nal Remedy
2 426 327
14 O:SO 48 ,
III' .
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A GreeDhouse At Your Door
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$1 we will -Dctfree by
ted lth
'The Washiligton City Route. Baltl-m'ore ObI- 0
Suiphur Baths.
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R bm d Lync hburg, N fi
ar.-r:on . ..
I ....
G'REEN ·""'OK..:!..;:,
F are -
" .J'
Beware of Imitations.
ILl.·. ' •••L.I, I •••, ..
Clothes Wr'leDgers
PRICE, 26 C£NTS per Cak8j
Up.mown Grocery N.R.t& .PlRt!!i... tl
M?'lII' H
G l' ENB*C . KS' ., . . GRE EN B1\.''-'"KS ,. RAVE YOU TRIED IT? G I)EE ,:r'BACKS "'''DON ." •••DTO.... GI'l 'ENr BA CK S
'B... . .
0111'•- 1' """I;!
Miami VaDey Rallwa,
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l~ ila Ute &~· 1.r~"ir. 'k l~rj.
I11&1'" 't..a'lIl~h. 'PlaD~ 00
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,......-tlivAlltfAt,-i !T. (fOp
&O LD '
Dla T
HaIr - ., Wh·11, a: ' ,. '
T. POND'S EXTRACT, 'rhe People's Romedy.
Tho 1J'niveraaJ. Plilil E%tractor Note Ask for Pond'. Extract. TaAe
tbtDL lb .... 'IIOme i!ood to .U rto .1 • bnrJb Joll, Ilu..,1 The IIOITY' .mllad The be5l and tit wont Thf'l lut and It " fi r- L, TOG II b • ., IOtrlcW'bal to ~, 1 hi ra"or fthr .. " 1\ h I 1 .....iD«'lou leo •• 11 1 urelr btlle,.e It ...... ,IDJul ~oo, "or lll"lOCh "OU lUI' qu ,10. I. ~OO<I .1 • H~~:t" d ru2b ta rt:! wltbo 1 L m 1 :t J 311 I k .. 10
A.dJ ud the Watch -A yellow conrh
drawn by four horses, drove to tht> fr lnt of amamuon 10 Newport, m re thnu fifty years ago TIIO \)lilt k footmnn 'lulckl) rat.tled down the four Kte pe nt th e oollch door, and Oencral uno IlliglltOO He '''18 R large mun , "Ith n rounll fnce and ]olly blue eyes. !:Ie "or IllS lon l! wblte hliJr III a ncat q uc ue lind II bluok KatlD • @tAlck about h lJl t h ront. Dm!l!l button. 8bono on 1118 blul' co It and alloT hIS blgh top boot.!! hie buc k8klll breecbes IItted III legs tlghtl~ they eeemed to be glued on A fob clulln nnd agate seal hung belo \\ bls ,,,llswont Tb door of Ibe house Willi thrown open by Aloxander lho MaJor-domo l\ gray. headed colored mnn, wbo n hvnys tned to act !lDd look hke MIIIII!II en
-----.- -
eral ' Wblle Alexamlor mllde 1\ 10'" bow, n Alendor, four yl'nr old boy dnrLed l}y hUll to the threshold, nnrl 118 the .coerol caDle up the ~r.cp8 ' grandpa I' When the bllnd!tome old gentlemnn had reached tbo ball of Lhe boul!Qwb e re he and bla gTand80n, Andrew Durt h'fed he Mid • Well Andy, mT boy, what luck tq. dayT rou (ound out any secrete for grandpaT "Two I t"o' J bave Cound t'll'O I .Andy III be alUJ~ up and IIo"n Palllill.,.,. my httle \Vait n
.Aleuader took tbe Genoml s flufTy beaTer and t.a led ClIne, drew 011' hi boc)tII and put on Blippers Then An drew begun "1 pulled the sword aDd It camenght Gutof Ita box Jt wo.s bnght I\ad abarp -nice to cut ofl' beade And I annfll",d your gun, grnndpn aad tbe fllnt- stono w.. full of fire ' Ho smI led at tbeOeneml, buL 10 t the .mile 118 he caugbt hiS grlllldpa. stern look II Andrew T told you thnt pryrult Into forbidden things wo.s not fin<lmg out Me cretll You hM e been nil ugh ty " .. I forgot you 80Id 80 I lim I!O 8O rf) , Andy r phed, III a tremblrng VOice ' II You should nev r \.OUell whnt gNadpa mys nre Iny-overs for m ed dleta My hule boy mIght put Ill S ey out MId Lho Gonoral boldlng up An d1'a chID WIth III hnurl • I dldn t know tbe v 1\ rrc • In) 0\ er~ for meddlers' grandpl nuswcre J Amh til a broken VOIce and th e tenrti tn cklc(l dCl'll'n hlBchceb The old man klSIICd the httle chap lind dned his eyc8 Tit n I c ~d in .. ch eery TOlce .. Don't vou wllnt to _ the drnlVer
popf' WhCD grnndpa lIaked Lhl\ ques tIOn .Andy al"aY8 lau ghed lind answered Yea I W(lnt to!l('e the drawer llOp ThIS ceremony WM the u s unl reward for belDg 1\ good boy nnd It W IJ\ 111\\11) 8 JUlt the IIIIme
General Gano mado a obell!8nce, nnd 8lud II ArMler Andrew Burt obedient servant Bir Then be h eld out h,s right forefing!'r .) bIB grand80n Andy grlU<ped the fin ger, and together they pllfllded IDt~ the Jlblllry, around the cenler table up to II bigh book-c8l!C 'Ihls hllil \ookmg ,11IIIIIe8 ' for doors 18 the upper part \ben a row of nl\Trow dmwe/'ll, and rnn hogany deere below The Genernl slowly pushed hi S hand Into bls pocket Ilnd Celt for hiS bunch of teys Sometimes It eea\lled to A nlly t.hat they neYer oould comc out or 80 ~h\D a place Afler B Jlnp:le nnd Andy bad picked out the nght key th e General unlocked the glllll! door nnd put hillarm a..,ay In behtntl thc other door .. Are you rendy? he then Asked Andy put hiS beels together ~tood .tlff and erect nnd Answerrd (ut Ir ud
.. Rcadr,"
.. Fire I shouted the Oene rul .A spring behInd tbe gluss door t ILe ked and out popped oneof the smnlldrrll' cr. Theu grandpa Gano took n m. y 6uga r plum from the drawer and he gn H' It to
loud" eaylng
• Good I!OrdJcr
HO\IARJ' th e Illlllnnthrorl t lIusul wlt) s n coolmun lie "oult hnvc dlllll)l she til 11 honevu he cou ld lind l1((orl.l fllllU g nnd goi ng to bed s lVuth r d Jllm 1'Cl[ With COllr tow III IIlpped III cilid \Valer He nlll er put on a great co.t H bad ne'cr be~1l :1 nllnutc ItIlder or uver the time of an opJ'(llUtmcllt, 80 f/lr 118 It depe nded upon him If, for alx !lll(l tllonty ) oars H e 1JCH f C(\ntinu~~ at II p nce or "Ith a per80JI \ Plbg le dll) I know hoW' to find (lut thl8 IJCcre t beyond th e period prpfi xed for gOIll(;, Inld Anti y to the brazen poker H e Imd the. "lItc b on the s tom.' hearth nnd I e had Jlot for the ll15t slxLccn ) ellr8 of hl8 cltl@tcnc eatCJlIII" fish 111' h or nnd went to "here tbe poker ltooll and fo" I III r n l duwu to I 18 ijl mplo fllro of 1I&1! tell nllik lITld ru~k ~ n, ~ Journeys TVl'rc Come ohl l eTlow come and hell' H e th en took th long polcer \D h, . conhnued frolll prrson to Ilfl""" nlltht amI wh re ho oo ulU not go WI th two hllnd- tllrnell Ilbout, lind lilt th l' rt\lidenclur mng he 11'01111 g o on h Ol'>lf.\ba k wlIl~ h 11 blo" With tho brill!!! h ~nll wh('re thut lUI! huz: rdollMhe 1I0uid rack went the 1l11l88 fncc nnd wnlk Whirl' Wllllt tho malll pMng and then aU wns tit! II !Soolat)' hi Poland. Andy I!eI7.cel h e llroken 11' It-ch Rnd l l f! u l) rrr n " IiUn.\- I Pecred ut thp Ulnl!ll o[ wheels nnll pCgII Tho 1'01e18 rtnud nnd IIre.~ 110 " L11 but th r " ere no hoy s crn okllli\ nlll~ nol enrry bl\noll c~ h 1l1l('S not go OIl L to 10 be IlC n fh cy "oulll etrlk(' no \\nlk "lthollt Iol ~( II\( be mu ~t 10 nr I to longer Th e " lie It \\ ould not tICk wJlteh ru\) gl< vc. IUd b cn'er W Ilk ltl He 6hool( It and no 80 llnd roll ol,,,d nxo llv .mlell tllxu t Oil' I) el, k of II 1 he fenrfu l fn t thnt he hlHI broke n " 1IIHlICf d81 or Under the J Imrs nt j!;rnndl a "!lld, ClIIII mlo III ~ brnd lUY about SI1I 0 clock nnd YOU" III !leC more heurt 1J e . tood ~lock slill ,,1111< n fine Illlllucrcd clcKo n tl y altlr<>d !?Cople g rCllt Rche C IlII e t o IllS IIrcu-t nnd n tllllb III tiny other cit y of Ita size In the cho kIng lump II. IllS throat ulldcnly "urld 'I ho ant.. 111(1 dresseR fit to I er he mounted th o tlllllrtc k chOir nnd fccllUlI the hntHnnll hoUIIClJIl1re of the trl t' l to h tng the " Itcb up ngu itl HIM Inl(,8t III portall n the "miles Rnd salu IlUnd tn mbled nnd III leg. 81'0010; so ho tlltl Oll 8 co uld not be 5urpfIl!.o;cd II) people co ul'd not !;,c t it on th e hOOK nnd h e wnti lCCII, tOl1ll;:d nil t hol r hve t o go to COUrt remcl l (0 come do" n g lin then Ite U 10 " o111 0 11 arc lhe fundnm ental IU1(111110"n dl ce tly I I fronl .. f t he fir olt mil 1 rcmemb r III pllrtlcullf 0111' whorl' tho bluw had IIcc n struck D c ) oung lid) ilL the Saxony (lllrd"b prom guv e n !!harr, Iilll e n} a nd r w<h cd unde r un .dc whll pll 1110 IIC \ ernl tllll es ae grt Idl'lL " 0 d fl IWI cd 111gb bed Ihcre comrnll\rd by t\\O )OUJlg mell. whom I be Ilv IlIlIdon hy th e volln ce, nnll MIl PPOtICrl t.o u hcr bro tl ers I:'he W'UI I" IIleJ h[llr . 1If1ed I\O \). 1lI11\l\l grnccflll Iilho c rect lIlIll till Il dlllJCrb (hlllg II" ful h e hnrilly kne w 11 hit c rull\r!' with mobile lips lustrous CleM \fter hc bnd hllll on Ih ll oor for n tIDI C lind II [II II bro Id foreh end "llIch KCe mc I 10 111m like foroH r he IlIorri th e fron t doo r open nud (m ndpa The Ellrth Cnre. (,og no fI~lnll 10 I n II rrf'iJ I r It f Alcxand er where 1M AI Is trr All Lt VI Pllfl!OnS, who laM been II hc.lpleM drrw ' )llvllh,1 for th e p IHt fnur or five YCIII'!! And t1J() At IJor dOnlo 111 rcply lu ~ Iml er ( xtremltl~s Crolll the smull of Dout de Ioousc MaSl;lI Genernl 11I ~ bllck tClDg totnlly p 'ml) zed, bnH ror HabJl t BII\\ MIlIl>! ' Andrew JUllt dl 1110" I!Otnc tun c hud enough fnl tb In tho mont ub Ltme h ome l) but excellent IndulD remedy of 00 tlml Itlln elf, grnnddpn IJIlld 111 n bunnl JU the eartb to try Itfor IllS CRIIe sbnrp vOIce 011 S unday hlllt be Was taken t~ ROlIwell Then Andy heard grnnpll wnlk ncrol!!! Hart ti fllrm, where there 18 a field of tho baU come ko 1118 bedroom door nnd blue c1llY And 1\ bole thrcc feet dee p dug 0reD It In 11 1lI0.,ent Illore h e heurd ID "Inch bo WIIS IllId nnd cO' e red nea rly 111m exclaim Lo th o Ilrm pitA III th e earth nnd 11110" cd to A00 ' e I lind brio" I my wlltch beat.-n rC\ll1l1/l nbout three bours From tbls to bits" ODO tro II a very deCided Im)lro' cment 18 Ornndr.u. bell mng l\IId rung Tbe perceptible HI S feet nnd ankles were 10llg bel cord ruWed nnd .1lpped till co\Crrd With n thick JnClIl8t.u~IOD w \11 t<O loud thaI Andy thought he delld Sk ill 11118 h lL~ peeled off. lind IlIo0uid (lie" Ith rrl ght lea \ os the r,d 100);;lOg moro life IIkf' Drln!\, JlIIl, t() r Andrew nun toJ my mllOll HI till' \(,Ins nppellr~ thlllllcr nnd prescnce Immcdlllll!ly thc (.cnr rnl lJllld tie" . mu ch qUicker nnd ho h,,~ turned l t he lien ,,"l ~ ,. ho had rllil ul' lit th e lum aclf Rlono 011 li S couch tWlce .,nee If 1I11 1lUlll ntOn a I thin g h e h 18 notdono stn ce hiS contilll \ndy could hold If II I( nger mont 1l1c rr.u lt nppcllr~ 80 benefiCIal () b g pup I he Cri ed gomg hick to Ihllt I C "III rullu" It III' III. b"b\ n Im e for h s gr Iud fath er hNe I 11m Theil h e cmw led frunt About Dable~ un.l('r th e b~d aud stooll Ill' 1 he t c nc ml !;llld not II " or I lilt stood WIth [LIS r YCR ope n "Ide "Id hl ~ ",(Juth _hilt ltgbt look1llg lit ILl. grand
The happy boy rIln to k.i~ WIth B loud smuck Tbld magic drnwer wu. morc " o/lder Mon ful ~ Andre.., th/ln the . toryof Jack and'tJie'1lCllnatalk ' or 'Opcn SeSAme BII ell'ort.! t J find out the !!Ccret were 1/1 nin. U be llmoo on n ch tr he only IIw blmeelf ID the mIrror an th(, cruck. of the drawer were 80 "mill! he co uld aot dinner anUa Ill¥> them 'DIe now down ,,,h,le An
,,---,,~,,--,,Iood bet,.,~o.hja..klleell':-~~fi-H~ter; WIUs &he "atcb chain t;C1I1
_Cch In the fob at the other end of the
ChaJa, 'ifill. ",he and n grMt trells uro ..... " . of Ute Genem! Its Caco \VM aIad 'WhIte tho cr:ntal' thick
&ad 1MIJIlq,In r~ both BIllea .., .0 ,lll1icb. tb wat b 11'1\8 aluIOllI~,1 IOIIIMl. The cue Willi mlde of r<>d
~ IJOIcI!:-'lI.nd
the +tl( k
Wl&ll "88
~Ud."" ........., _ _ BIllt., e!iaU we hear
Ltt youllg
an d women be g nen to 1111 Icrstulld thut It I ~ not II dlsgraco n ot c\ n 1\ I "ve rln!! of dlg mty 10 ,",ork fo r n 11\ lug An prevIOus nges baw II I(] It III r llOnor ulile fo r 11 mn ~o work [or th food h enl., Wlln to Ix>« it
SANDAL-WOOD. It poolll .... a ,.1, lor an Il~
" nd
(II . KI4a..~ .. .11oU .. 0:1 10 fOr Jlnlll 1:\. . .1 "
trrt-....r7 ....._,
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noM ,) ('Crellin .tid .~ 11, I
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1t hi gl:.: t ~ f P' 1
r..t .,;UI"ft
t".lx orelahtd )1I ~ ontl er P t'lIoUni " c. du Ibl. ne...,..,ot'. .lllld...... (or n.wht. to t l' I'ftM
have btM!u-. .,tIl':r.....1 iVI} u "1'8 U Oi t •• , . Idg pll I. D(JJn).ua nU:K N (,'0 'Jf a_( • /1.'1/1 a..pool _1.1•• 011 oJ s"nd. IorouJ • /J .11 drM. - . .
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8ATVI! JIl l r \ llTIll I III
fWI .....".chrA,. !'ft"-.... , orlll N'7; t:bkel;o. I"
Pnl!'IA1"lJRE 108s o~ tbe ball whic h 18 80 co mOlon 1I0WAd", . dm)" bo ~I tlrell Jlr" \ enled b) Ih e UBe of llIJRNRTT4! COC(jA1NH It b • • b eA U IIHedln thoul!Ancls 01 C118ra where tI e Ion r WM ,0 UII il ollt III hnnd.Cul and hilS ncve~ fn rell to Rrreot tA dora, .ud to , rOlllole " b.althy lind vIgorou s gro" th It 1H
at. th e wn nc time unrivaled
n lll 11 dr cl~
Cur Ibe bAIr A /!Ingle nl)plt cnlloll" III render II 10ft and 81008Y for ...vern! dllY.
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Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. n. c,....,..'"1iIo....e...ol............ft'. a... d. (or
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JAMES R. OSGOOD & 09. $1.00 BOS'rOlf. MASS. $1.00
AnKN'n! wanlcdl() 8ell Bell a TrnnKpnrcnt
Tbla novel 111\ ontlon B child to spell at slgM Bnd .el1. readIly In overy .household I liMl'Ol1S from ]adles IU\d g. udanlan \\ II I good r< 1 feochlng Card.
t cn.chea
erence! only recolved Sample I ICks I o.~ llOld 25 0 ots 010 C nEL L P.te nt F:ducRUon d J n vcotJon K 1i8 Broad "ny N )
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TO REACH R .. ADERS OUTSIDE OP THE LAROE CITIES W.. a •• nlocIlh. bl ..... 1 ,.. . . .t 00.10801111 b .... _ .... 110 e... bowl . . , ... tile ....I I_ _ d lui ... cb.,.. .. r .r II. _ ......Dd
u," •••• I ... _to_ _ mad. uk ,oar lTocer for 'hll .DeI Me tbat each " •• beap- oar blue •• ,1, wltO word. Jack ae.," 80.4 .U tobhf.l ' "
a._h ..
'r.dtllIlllrk eoD • 011" wbohtlull • ..., !!ond r.r_pIOIO'" .. ~All!KIIV• • ~ _ _
- -0 - We Rtrp .......nt o .. cr I 000 N'eW1lt................
Ip.. Weft"'" CI,...nta"nn or "Yer _
000 ............. t Itnor.n .. nltn!...
• •• """ 10.... or ,btl C fIUD try ." .. 1114'4 "1(0 N'&.
Ad"rtlaemonl. Received lor On. or Lilli
BEALS &, FOSTER. «I . . . . . _ _ A Ii U
11 Id OK) 111.,. Tar. No ••-
' ••• WJI,ITY1I" :re .. tt....ICTI...' _ W ___ r!:-=::r:=-'''~' ................... ~
AND VOJ UMF. XVfll.--N lJMB ER 21 A '-F. U Ul N ' . ' • ~TIO~
nn TWAS enr th lJl (ron c l UdlJooc\ I Un, I ,.e M r n"1 rond e. hopes dft.'Il1
I u t1 .. r fIiOnlln A Unle rl y ne Bul wi allL WAIl r~turl t'd "ut. dDr J neVtr orrcred n'QD •
u:. ~": Tt
~.III';;:1 :-.rh~~DI~~red CUIW
editor JSIll d ow n Ul)() J It - ./I 1': Om .....0(.1
(N Y)
~ll l ln el
'The Fifth
WRrrl gentlemAn "ho left c hurclt 110
~ nrld enly lasL o undA) WI ll!
not. IUC~ all bls friends fcared 81. t.he t Ime at
fore noon Ju ~t berore He rv ICe, h e V181ted IlCIl tl U11. hi s hnd been ropcrl y cured fo r amI fimhllll: II. new ani egg be put It III hi c.Cllllt..UIII pc: cke!. - -...,..,....."f lhe recoll rc tlon tlu t tl c,?g W 18 81.111 I\l 11I8 pocket I rOIll pted hUll to stenl nwnr from the congregntlon to mnke III v~ tlgutionM, IIlId " 0 ff'g r t to 6lIy that lug W01'llt (CUrll "' cre rcaHud ])AN IlUltY l\~I' nl o t.01ll8to I ~ what OIar 10 cu lled a MeL( ulILde H' {l1JC ID th I" pllrllc nlnr dCI!C r\ 1'8 per I "1'8 1\ Iughc r df'gff'O o f reMpIlet than CIlII be IIc(or<lcd to I ny pla n t It cllmo to thl8 count.ry III th !lum bl tit circum BtslH.' O. heUlg b rought 11 r 8 88 (ooel (or 8WUlO hut through puro merit I t haa rlBe Il from lin oh. <,urc o rJ g lII to the front runic III tho vcgcillhle kmgd .. m It merel y . he \VB Ug what trn e worth Will I\CCOml hsh 11\ tho llIu.L IId ver80 circum
hlKbarn to
8tsll ce8
A I AI)" render ol the 1iulleh I l!Ily~ Were l OU IHL UII"I.llken when you 10 form ccl the public t hroll ,;h YOllr paper, that AbrllulIlI "n ~ the first auc tioneer whon 1 0 put Jt!:llIC up fur a I!.1crifice'l' If I relllcm ber ri ght Ij(Imc two thou.sand yenrs I'rllV IOIUi to Ull\l occurrence Oa1n II8Humcd tbo rule of IIl1ctloDOOr,.heu tie knockc<l d01l U Abel - o,IO,...(ltJl((ifl I ho lim.l l hM po!!ltlVO iii"Itim
that E~ e W llS the firRt auct.lOneer when Bbe put "I' Adlllll II\d I'Old blm with all IIpple - 11 1': ScraM. It 18 to be n ch enough not Wv one 8 sc i f to do do tbe worll:! ' oxclallued nOlllC Illo 16dy the other day. 18 sho CIImc \Il from n. 100rtl1Ug'S 8nOPfill S
PID!!; lit t"ch c m to find tbll 6 rcI\kt aet
crock ery not wn.htd un I I er sIxteen vear olel h elp \\I her bed roo m with • dreu m hook threo frcsh bo uq uotM Bud tbo I elures uf two mce youllg men bllngll g on the wl\IIs-0Il Cl of ,,110m bad lu.t gf t e u L of tho Re form School and tbl.' other not qllltc old enough to sen~ w tho Pellltentnuy
1,,.-,.,·,1 . • _. • •
• a. A 1'\ ,~(\" .n t)- I'~'C. "l'r II,"UPlW' I I ' b t t It; it... V\ui\IllIf' III( W~'1
MOUSTACHE r,: i h:~n'lr:.~~. ."""~' •
_hi .1 I'll ,,""0 luont II"" ~~. --\l but tho I'o ie _1'hu_t \\11 111 II lI't~ti ,~hitl"UI Ol' ~tuu .. ' • .... . ·r b L ...·,t II • G III e Ie l h... Ille Stu.) I Till pluc{i it! t!mll, , II"'" ,1\., ,"hi "lit I'" P'If t, .. u. • t ) rh".l' .u"k... • • • 1I.,\tW KWH.~. "rry" "yele"" Aft! &he _t. ' ''''''''lltl' br'}'-'llLi""IIIIC MrtI (Jrtlt\8· I'rallil .. I • an..., • 11 Y ' L n.> W d 1\ uh·l . '(,~(I d",\I' .. 1 haili.tll'~8 dcm h",'£'. '1'1 ~I u ~ 01 k (i . ~He 1',-" bt- . -"'J .....!'c (I P "'''ft,,' I',t ., Clne'lnll~~• Monda,. Ro'fU • • ""'u ....en e ~. Ill .' , Ial'vr'" I ,1 "V ,..,," I'-~ " .. III" IIlIiult 'e 1""1'""" UI' . L U",,, llf"' ... .,0 l' ...... I! r .y t t Ie L... . I b . ' 0 ,o r' " " .,tUloI.rV" ill it .... "hilrutJllt r , 111l"t. UlA~11 \It W ",... . ......, .. • . ,'re.. •.... 1 V" " .... " Oi' ti i litll! SlltUnJlLY "4. OUlt C 1I11111111Uty IU Cl'n ~ ,. , ,. ~'."''''''':l'.~ ~ I ~.. - 1\ rry 1<II"'''d huw 10 prepare a i~ Clcurerook Cu,,',!ship, A vcr! • ~t~ Oor II, o. IICIR"", 8 '.'P Ily 11~c' and Jid"ooillh, with at least thtl 08uul dcgreo of h~:m"b;~\~~I\.:d·r~.I ~g~.,',h,~,I!.~!.t~~I~'~i~~:IC~~ I.""\.,.,,m·n"· .:":• .-:: ~ It 'Ha-cl. . 01'''' Itew. Ildlc~ o~ S:iO Wae ruudel'tld lor the' .18Itlll~ Jonallhall O!.rk. • . TI,Ullktlgi.illg evolliu!r. h 1I11h. ulhlf~. \"5 . Ill. :-; '1' .~ 1:0 . 1I111r 0."." fl, IU,llI •. • .• 110. I -1I... Cllurlee Wikton or Xeoia phllntllf. OulvlII Bd\urds 18 crectmg (or nolen Potter Decewber W re fllVOr d with ,two dry . M.ln Slr,;,'I, ",·",·kllll. , Oul.._ _ __ k ur bi I::~ ~t ~ ,,d lie,.. tblo week. ' '.:.....The largcsto.nd fincst p ~ial.benefit, a nice dwelling .&atou Phi1b~rlOonio CI~b, Jan· gom}: ~I'rea, 4Iudncted by Frallk DETEOTIVE: ::h~:.r • 0\1 ","., 11150.. .. -Lea.e ,on, ordere at F..rr'. Cor gl~ware lind queClllaw"ro Will be un ~~ MulO ~treet'. . lIarT, 31. ShcrwU(lll und hiS I.bligill,g YUII II ~ 'Ql f. M:" o f"" ~. il 1111111 lIoy lbinlf ill hd... w ... ~ ...... 8Ht·ol8ls family flour. o~ncd u.t Turry'li Conll'ul Grocery Wilham M1IC1_d 80n ~llHam Elizabeth Cady Staoton, Fobru· cih'l'k, thll th ' r hy A . :::;~lIh" d & "'11<10'". Wrltv "' ,,·i,h .. twollly.llve o<l lOt " :t ~u':~ ~ -Dr. Alfred JODe8 is re·rooflD tblil ~\·~k •. Therefore, hv!L1 YOUl" ret.u r,Dod fr~~ the ~t .I~t w~k; ary. Dru., liS ist<,c.l by .fl. Warw ck. S\I'~~;'I:~'~ '.'::'~o;:i:~,~~\~r~:'I.~\,. Auuree. ~ ]:1» • . • : No'. . aDd re-painting his bOIl8C. g self III rea4l11cSII . to ~JlllICe. th osc W,llIlum, sr·, .fll,efttertalllllllng 0111 lis John B. Gough, Friday, Fcbru· S ' & BKU. III~o own a gri~l. I'nclrlc Esprell. IUD •. • .• N'o. III ... . " cruoked and bruken dlshCll With the and fover, a InOtk unwelcome gucst. Ilry 16. . T~ Il~ A .~ rll'~II . 1I 11 '~Z;~ r NI)(hlllDCl Aoc., 1.511,.. . "0. If -Ullled 'bhe ACILrcleF Brand °Y8' niccst ware ever luid 011 a tabl~. William, ~oe k~o for the Wesl Ticket8 for full courso of six Il'c ' l ultil hell. "lt ra. rrll,l 110:( ol1ly ! 'toplnnllgD"I. tel'i\.so Y . ' : arr. S . ~-.~-- . '. IIgllilrlllstFrtday, but intends rc· tllrcslVilhrotlllrvedscaLB$3. Tick . Mil. J\ . ~( t l\ IN S\t \' I ~ pnJl 'ri "llIr .~I'~. , Ad.ln.· nH P IE I(('y,O~,lolI. burlf' - N~:-{O~~=l~~~iow••IMrt' 1D01i. -"TIIIl~ "Vlfo ot MillO" goes to UR1KI8K.- ~"""I~ 10 ~rcvl~u~ tllrllilll7 in a fe w weckd. ct.! will be III UII sale 'l'lturdd llY or th C. ltlllt.Ill'1' yard.lllld nldv .kal . No. , I, 6,7 and 10 run d. il y. All o,b." Farr's wuen Bhe wauts Dvbbins' "'ld'dgo ~~~e:1t ~~Ida., I hQ~fl>t~;'II~~lfe Mr. u.nd M,... Ueuhcn TIl ompdo ll IIlUmillg, 15~1 illtll. Plat fur II" I ill grtl ill ot all k ll.d~. .. mEN ~~.~;'~:~~:':i dall y,ue pi Sundo,.. soap. ~!lI . ~ltl n C .I~ . Icll, . r'U'1 III :son IHe l'xpcetud tCO bo ill lown IIl;lIill lit KiIl8('Y'S book·sture wh ero Fcate MR . J'IIA !(K ~1I t;H\\,"l1n I',.,tl,d ,,,,,,,,,,,,"o!,,-In-, (un';.It. I "i,h I'r,,,,'i ul - neAr Weudel1 Ph i11i1) , Ihe II Cle, rcrl" " ,g 1Il'1I 1' . . all'l' It?B' sIIun .· Thoy spend tiJe! r SUlIlIIIl'!' 11111" bo ~ ,It'ct(.,j f,, '~ lh o ('ntire th o cit I' I",t Frilln )' . r" ,.11"'. 1" ,." .,"~. ' . 11".1 r. II ,ltl, ",r''''""" ,',n R " ,.0 ... O•. UTAI,I ~SR :'lr;oA~g·'~ Agent. OR \lO '." . r. • ... •. tor W,III 0111 0 t l10 r 'CIP'lll1 0 I' I . 1 .: I I ' "I'U" OIl)' ,It.• ,,,,1 , " hJ"'" If )'"u ,oro u, . MA.JLS GOINO EAST: "8ilver·tongued orator," SlIlUl'dllY Jlc'usllnt url'riao by hi d friolld s, 011 u.n thoir turl'I. lill Pun \l~~' "Ul1l1l .. ~lIl C('lu":o. O. P. Kill cy, ~anllgcr. .Mn. EZ" KIEL CL"A " KR .'~ " '., II. ,1..01 " ' , " ",. • " ")<,,, 1. .. ,. " ."e ....... ,\'l r.. r Clo. ot Iu A."'. and !i.40 1'. . . ovening. lh ll tCllth 01 lh o presu llt IU lllllh it !tve horo dllrlllg the 8tJll80U 01 ICO - Che 'Vllmoll'~ Chr ,stllLn Aij~"· ~rtIl1ddllllp;hlt'l', )( ,• . Olilc . 1.11 ," . I1IO VII",,~. ,.,... I,,,u n:-;~: n. IIA.AI( ill n r•. MAILS GOING WEST: --Mr. Thomus Ull V itt uas suld \Jc inl-t th thirty tirtlt nllnivorsury uf allll SIlOW. citui'lll will givu 1111 entultailllll elit art'h'ed IIl'ull', IlI, t F.rtdn.": I~" '" II t.' ~ ':u:.,I~·I:~~rl~:'~III~;,.~.' l:,~;,~;, ~~o~r'w~:,~~ Olo, •• ll~.30 p , 1/ . ftlld ~."O,.. . his wligon '8hop tu Mr. J'11l1C6 It their lII arrillge. Mr. WltillLcre WIR Wu lire glad to learu thut M. ~1. iu tho Hall Thunk ~givin~ Lti ght. 'I l'isil tu thc ,r rric lld ~ '" 1I 1 11 I\1 I ~. "i ll I.. · " "III'II,·tI with. ,",,1 lil .. tnuol rulb. A . L . FA HR. I'. M. Ihyslit. huskinJ.t CUrti ill hi 8 burn ill blis:jl~1 UlIll:lun is gr?wio~ .Ir~,"gor. We_Th e ullruber (.1' childreo ll t E-~. ~hLl.S Io IlO recl' l1tl." 11111\ cd I.!., ", 1.. n""" .. 11 rOJrI\ II r"o,1yuu. ~FraDfy'8 OIlIIM8-tlle - Wendell Phillip8 at Leban on, iguurllllco ur tlto tilC!. By hulf' Jlu t hopo to " CC hlln III hIS dturoroonl ~choo l agl - botwllun 6 lind;! I-i n I to th ill pluco I "~ rull~ Il'onu trom Cor",in fur Salnrday oveuillg uf this week. ,Ieve ll. a co mpllny of eighty thrco b~turv IOI 'g. Warren Cuunty, is 9.120 ; betwec lI Mit •. Ilos h [(WFF"!( ,·i .. ih,d li l'l' :~~rfo:~:.u:~~ii~i:~!i~en~ ~~t7t.e~:~u~~ Godown. perSllllti had IIBBeLII~llcd, 1I0t tUI'~ct' l . All elljoy~bR~ d~Dci\lK party ~a~ .16 ulld ~l, .~,S15; in Virgin lu Mil· fri ol"j,; ill. II!1I'\·,.)· shllr!-llal~t I:)ll lllr. -Miss 8udio Ebright ill 810wly tinu lhelr btl kel:! hllml toan cxtcot , glVCII by. O. LlpplUcult uud ~tl o . ItIU'Y Vlstrlct, 3,400. dllv lIud 1:)1111.111), . ••• HCToaw. ~ ~ d I f I k J 1'ecovering from a loug and serious III which uoly the goo peop e 0 oDe eveRiu t .... . -Old Joe Sldter ~WI in town 00 MR. A. Mcl\INtlE\' nllJ flllJ, il y \ 1'4 OLD l'lIlI·IIIC."I\', "',....... 6'... . A Y.\t.L~n P'nRDItATIl>lA'ktAW 'i:l l'TI8T on. sicknes8. Now Hope and llIanchester are ca· - The Teac Ie saoclatton, 011 Satul'day IWit. Joe IS ouw located visited in Con~ill lu ' l Suuday . ,- \ Uf'lI \ U pruu ll Ut.!. h u. \'wg had plJt,e-cd ill - M''''p.SlnIot, De.. r MlLin, l>.vln". rv let lOt · M B _~ A, pable. Saturday W&II ,utteluied by the ut Clarksville. Be tolls us Ihat 111,. luw J .. by lUI EII~t Iudul ~h.!uu oll ruy. tb. on th 61':\~8 IlrlliloT r.nd~UDd"1 of e"cb -ru ~lI8ea ary row" a_ ~nes,.." I ~ Ii I '. . . . SOIlOIlL. - Ii s"~TnoLlo cmu ll~ 0.-'f60 R ev'd' IfilM',....... ·ft;n:'..A n .. vto'i on l&IIt .wle ~ab e, ,tyenty.uve eat. ong, Hurveyaburs I~ oct. 1118 son WJI1 h~ r.econtly b~eo ~ Bon. UI.l.II. TQ'UL h'r",,, I,, 0( . V. got.ubl. Remcdy for ·tb.· ", .. ,' " j! • ",::~~~ i:t){iunn6. l'ri ... t . Ma... on the !!<l 0 uy. - - IM.l<>ll wlth~bl .... -* ... ..... nt-: 0 F Willhl .',~. jelted hi8 home Enrope, and IS DOW travehng 10 No eD rolled. 29 2'~ II I "})l't·d ) I\IH1 p ... rm ~ u cm t (!ouro of ._ - -... SUlldllY ->f 0 ch mundl. t...)' .enloe' ovory -Little Charlie Ebright WIlS 1II0S~ capaoltr he 0Il\t s d erve last' Sn~daJ. .. .q ' the BOllth. Av d~i1y ullo.. U It! ,,~ Con snmptlon, A,thiiii':"1itdilaidU., C;l r,u·rb. lI ud IIlI ThruHt " lid LuuK .&Jhb.. uudlly.fINnoon. budly poisoned last Satnrday with speCIal meutlOI1 ; nil woro fine, mo.· I f ' . H dD I . d' d No C...CR ltU'din ... , 6 8 14 tll .1I", .,!fIU It l'l l!l ll1\'O und Ll.ltdiou l Oure for ST. HAIIV·S l'. It. Onulloo - Cnrn .. ot puison.vine. ' U Y elcgllflt, cspecially the ono pre· A Dum lor 0 ._ 1I~ nrprcclatlv~ ?war ~II .evy" jr., .Ie ,~t MRS. ROSA R,WFERN, Tcnche r. ~ I I , 'II U" Debility ulld ull Nfd rvo WJ Com. stllltcd tv IIIr. Wb :tllcr" 011 which people purpos b log L08t Arts. tbe I'C8ldfllJOe of hl8 fu.ther. III thIS •• _ -- Thi rd Ionn :M'~ml SI",el•. The R"v. 1..0111. pI. li II 1.1' , I\h,·r. hl"'i u)f th oro ug hly tt'l'Nt."d ita U."uMlC. R,·clar. Mr.i"o evcrl Iwo -Raudall, Ebr.'ght & 00., at the were his i \litillls and 1110 "ery im. Mrs. Thurston, Freeport, sor· I-'Iace, on. Ill8t Suturday nI ght, of J I l l 'k ' L ' .1 was Ii nl'.1 \'ttn h ·rl u l t:u r ll t l f O pO Wt ' r~ III rhn U8!lndll of !t ,. I~ if }.I:t d ulY t il m ilk., it kn u wn to :;~~. u: , ~·~::/s::~:;,"g· SUDdaY-i 1.001 °10Id\ves8totrep'r 'lacrcse 8elhng gooda lit tb e prell h'e 'C. O. V.,' wlticu wos fully lIIonized ill th~' U. B. unrcll Ill8t cUIl81l~IPt\Uu'd Ind" hda~ buen fillba $5 ~n'd c~~IRllc~he.l ~:Io~r d'l '. Ity IllI~t\~. "" .. utf\·l lU,Il (.·I1" w,. • A ulu hted uy lb." mo · i ong time 1111 la a Iscuae 0 t e , ' . . . d iS tI · . . • . I I' I ... \\ ~y~. & )f"". .., Town.h,p Det.oUve & All currlc oul. un ay. . I . .. d I' d JustIce Malllllglllll . 1M eve 11Il-( II. 11\· 1~ . nun U Cll n lfl.d ,·n !io u :- rl l! dir ~ to reliove • r"eet " " Ou,op&n), moet.. 0 11 tbe:ld S~tur. . goods b?op:ht at the Queen After the sumptuOl1S repa8t to Charie Ham is homo aguin. Be 8pllle tunt uu stene 11111111. n at Perry [l l) well. BIICk,It.1' hU1I111J " llfft· r lOlf. he will CiI~nu FR EE OF Jay III ""oh tn.mtb. at 2 o'olook p. m. By City Bukllry dehvered free to any h' I 11 d'd . . ' gu . ~I Alll1E I•• "II who ue. ire ii, this rocoipt. ertier uf III " C.,mp 'ny. L. nart.aock Pre.· t f t ' W Ie I a I uUll'le' Jnstlce, the Ape nt tlt e 811mmer ill Illdlana work· It(orrow. was trcspassing 011 the fU1'I1I ul I I' Cll '" nh lu ll dlll'c II OIl " for prl1p" r in f; uud s u o.. I onto R. P . O"u,",. Secretar)'. • pa~ 0 o w n . . company ongaged ill, xorcise~ cltie!: ing at his trad . Churlie is a nice __ Samuel Sides, and Pcrry ventured t'e .... l u ll y""' IIlg' t;(l IH h ~' rNurn m t.lil, by F'tJIIN!-'f MRItTIN.n (Ortltn~ox). _ Meet- -:-Some pe,ople eVIdently hnve Iy III 11 religil'lls cllllrocter. Thunks fullllW, und is ~elcorned baCH by [l"Nlm lb. 'felegro.m J to prull!st oguillst lue trc.pass. 8dd rt..' 8"'111~ \\,Ith ~tll rn l'. n RIlIllUl thi !'! Jl5pw, DH.. J 1'. MOl'I'TAIN, Inl! fM d,v~o wonh,p a..err FII,.t ~lId "~h nn Idea thllt It takes IIIl wunoy tu were relul' lIed t the 'Giver of ull mlllly Iri end8. Clturlie 1Il1l\' think -A little buy by tlto Ilame of . _._ . 64r,.1y O)(lIc".:'ur)(h, N Y . O~,.. bc-slnntnf{ at 11 "oIook. Flret·DaI' publisb a pape d' 1'1. . k I ' I ' " l~' I 'd L F e B ' NING Last · ohool t I) 1·2 o'olook A. K . . • r. I(UO . uO opcn!lIg rC!1Jar woro we lire p a tortng I Jl8 on pretty .• ,ch, w ,use pareut.; resl eat ove· . ItARF.~ L .ASE OF t R _. FIIIS'r RAJ"T18T (Pree· "III) Churoh in -MaJor Alvord's lecture on Lon· ltIade by tlte wrIter, foll owcd bY ,' ruugh, bnt,v" WIll kalsomillo it lland, fell dow II on the blade of a FrldllY HI Bar\'eyrl bur~. Cw o, II for YOURSELF, W"Y'H·.-S.'rvleee held the tint lind third don, Ill8t Wednesday nigLt, WIIS Hev. Wilford W Ioit~cre and others . o\'(~ r by Bllying that Ibe ~i rls aflirlO kllire, IllSl Thu rsdu.v, and cut hill threu.year old chi Id vi Petcr Blu<:k. Now .ob.14 of eAch mODUt at IO~ A. Jl . Bod 7 vary entertaining. Mr. Mlld idt>1l Whitllcre mado S0ll10 whatever we Sill' ef good COllccrn. I Ibruut su blldly that It ruay prove fell into an open fire and Wus dr(' ud Til E RVll \L NEW·YORKER I' ~1. Re,'. J . A. 8I1tl.on. ", BlonnlteMler. k ' t to I . • t·ata I. I II ,. d L k ' w r ' nll e I l' "m Ali I,," oordi&lIy invi ted 1.0 attend . -The be8t rOll8ted Ja\'a Cuffi e. rerul~~ '8 very opproprla e t IC l lllg bim. , !< u y uume. .oc ' )a e~ ' .. II ... , in ~,ltltl, ~n 10 wh .. , "11.. ther lourn I. I";o;u • M 1>B. TL~O (1l1,·.1uo116) -M& otln u 30c. per Ii., and green at 215 ceula. vcea lVI' , Ct! pcclall y th ~e IIdriressed Mc srs " r'lll ( I"ovcr and ~llmi1 v. -Oi uci nnllti huntonl have al. and tlte poor chtl d died yeslerJu., . .. ( il. ,·1,..... aUIII III II . tho foll""'III)( "'prollll' u ~ I f I " ' IHI . Url~llI ld ,uHi [u"ft\ullh lu .......!lI turt',. : Lor J1"I:l~ "'?t'$lup every FlrML Bod. Fourtb at tho Queun City Bakery. to t 10 YOl1l1gcr purt 0 I 1e ClllllPll J oe M. Senrs Il,ud f:lwi~.lInd J. O. readvJ wudo thuir 1', IIppearance TII~Teacl,nrs n.v. bcll mU ' "1( nt II o·olock. FIr.t-D"y fly I d hwith ~ ~ l'ISt,tlll ' I,,'. J" Vt' r," ,' " 1,;, ,'lfimt. ,"ul " .. rillI ,..II f ci.:hty.two H b(><ll n! U I·~ o'oloak A. M. -OysteR in every 8tyle. hot Ja· . .. eanl and fllllll Iy .lten cd Il ~ralld duge alld glln . ley III ettor .. . , , , , ·r·. " ,., '" J hI' I'""oloell "-xl"'r",,,·,,to.. ) II. t Tf\-':.· Ct,"I·-_uo." ,I·.e ftD Lorn'•• VII OoHee, and Lllnch at all II ours At all M.rly hOllr the (rlends d,s" hi rt hc.l B." 8I1r,'!r i .oIio ner p01'ty last I look uut, Il8 t1ic farDlors Arc doter. satllltactury 8es I II Itert' "n • Iltllr· hr " U" "r,.\ "",I Gllrti.'n ·" ,d. IInu i'1~JI" ~ ""'u go . . . . , d d 1 J I 'V i" '"~ ,r duy. It \\'11\1 wcll atten deu, tlte l',;' l'r" I" ' ~" " ,I , ,, ,I" .., ,, . :rl}u",I, . • ~d d,-trib. al.y. ud ~' "J .. ,. .• ch .1 " t h .•If·putt Dina Ilt Ihe Queen City I3l1kery . pel' c , amI ~ener" goo WI8 ."~S , EI ida)' . . Tue ~'I\~tr WIIS p:ivon and mill od nut to 11I\\,0 their furms run su v ~ lind II,jJrc'~8cs " pre g"'"1. 11 11 , 1 "" .t I r," """""( II< ',,,.,, Ill"".. u ~',"' .. nl ty-ry Lorrl'.·d,,)' "' . T!. . llll'. R b t M • I fi I ulld pica ant lurewolls. and Iuuk Ing Ithe dll v sllelll hy lhom in hon or ot I uv£: r by them J I ' " I' I. ••• " ,1 , \ " lin' n', IIII' 1\,'. 1 1.. 1, lot . [ 'T' C • v or OUlltJUY ' . ~. m .l 0 - TI.10 R " ' . . T• F . ,. "" CIuu f j'l I' I IllS II . fieI III• Ion\l.u (II.0 a ti 1111 I III1lI permo,.,ell t "the fj;!u llirthduyor• A1r J OIoII SOUl'S. - 1\ t,u, 11' tile flomo of Gnr e"cr)'lhll'" ., I""'S'I l'tl IHlrlll' IIII II IIS ) .." ('"'1.1... I ,,, ' \" " 'n, , wil l .... "'r,',"I. }> '~lor. Dll ln• •orvlep(m ·Sunduy •. ,I JC 0 OCUdtP09!S o r sao,atll1 ~p a cc reUlll on In thllt lUll.] where laro l . I" \1 . I " } ). . " - .- . ' II I> :' 1 I" f ' rF·I\III, ·r- , ,, ,,I ~", ,,,,. \·'3 ,,'e:o.·" .\ ~I . nd 61 ·::! r . >1 :lllbh.t1, ill curw io Priccs low II k I I\\hv IVl'S nCUrCtllltt:rvl e,O. t rt UII wlotle Ifltot'YlewlIlg a revol· A S'I IAI. WII-! helo l III ~( I' . .r. A 1•., .. " " ... . '.tr F "n.I . ".,I Il", "rullllri ..... . 0 -D, , . . . . ~~.? .~ ure n,,\'or 811 ell. ,w lere ' would be very hard tu gi\'e II crod. : \'cr II~ lilltOIl Y III ley Illdt week reo FU ll k,' \"s MUlltlu \' t:V" IIIIIf:. t' 'I' ll", I,. tir.1 II llI ,. t" "",\<0- h,u,,; It 'I'~)' Fil II •0h... ·1 ro · 'l I.,'! 1'. !If. F . n" EIu. Oa.' ' < K. :\ .. 1:1. l'.. lr"n' 0 1 • ' n t hll\ e It to lIy tha~ YUII 1hey Illonll hun);er IIl1d tlms t IIlI Itnltlo uccqunt of this (Iart" or IC'ei \'cII thc cU llt clIlS of olle of its Ii' : .ME l ~ur kot \('I'nr . •U ' h W" k, Tr ..." ;';c" Yurk li ·..... ,.I ~: \ itI ~.,", r ·,rnell . .\1 .... 1.... . 114 "<)1 lUIS ~d your only t..P I~orlnnlty . ul mul'l'; lur th o LllIub wh ich is ill the , framo "'(,rtlll and ~ell tc ll cesJ ~ ice b .. 1 . I ' I d At I t ~,clle t .~t lutllle w . . '•. 1 '~lr" "~ I\ gc . ! IIn,1 , "",~ ". I ,. "lIr ,' \\'11 H"p·,,,er_ mid t o ith c lhru ne~ hllllfee uth c m ' . '. • . UIIC8."1 li S III. UII ac Tlteafilll l' 11 '1!;6ClI uf] ddlgl, lIl1 !I) ., .\1 : ,/"· · ". ",.;,,1., ",, . ... ...·,,1 Al'pcr ovorn ... / J)r"IC·'!I .. r,.II".••,... "I~.,' u '·rl"' l heartng Wendell Phtllps. " f .·~'I. m""lh. 01 7 ,,' I,,,' I' ,n. "'tll "" 'h< . . .. , . ellllllp:h tu do It J"~ttr.C . .. nffice It ;clIunts Il WIIS lhungut he would re· IIntl added Si .50 Iv tlo e l'xch' jllC'1' ror ,I .. , " '" . II r'I"'c ' - "1'1'" ",en', r",,·.h .'''''' 1.\ .. r • neh 1O ..,,,, h ~I ~ ':";"'Tk. I, . --:'1lr. Peter Sell~r8 18 IIl,n- dOI!J!! 1I1.'c.l Icad ,tlll'lII nnto I, vlng tfl untalllSI to BIl " tlt erl' were abo ut n IlIll ulrcd co,'e r. . . __ . ,.. ,,",1, r.. 11 ' , • fl. ,,,.1I'r" ;" ,.\ moll.r J UIIN U 1S1l1'. .: TI.. · \',·".,:-" .',.,1.., ,:, I"1, h., ,,, ..wIIII,1 '1,.,,1.,1, ,· .....Th E I II leI! I YI II lOll k tI to 1IHI b rot 1ler, j) I' uI '\II t\' r. IIICSt·nt and Iti lit this hllndred 1 tT d M Ii I f -- :'Ilr. 1:{c,IJ",rt nI,. E'"~ I,' . " I. II alll C"II.t,'".,,1 I' ",1 ok.~ Amos Scllers of Ih is •• Incc. -. - • -~ -1 ' 1 ' .. I I , d" - .II S 1I0S ay I rs: .oog~, 0 'It . . ' 1' I I t' I II I ' rI I 1 lpS , r / '/( ,1 Gll .! /'l ft' :-The Di 'cipll'Ror! roug It 1\ II I I I~tn '!O a Cqllllto Ihi d "Iaeo, wonl to O,nClllllatl to I UII , IS \'I SII " !! "" 1'l'1I I\' C3 .cn·. , ",10, .. i,u( .. I I I "'" .11'" " ' .. re>, ) -Leavc oruers for books for hoI <":1 . t ' \V '11 I ' t nlllll!Jc1' 1,1 hllsl;d ry tilled to tloe PUI'cltlise U1illiuery good II ill com . ' 1 I(X L·1.r <l\ 1:1 i ~·I.1t 'f llE I.;.\DIES. \UII 1>P.I.I'· I''' nI~ FA!aluU8 iday pr(:S~ ll ts, lit Ciucinlluti r tail I ""bk' 1111 l ' ILt)t' "eS " 'Il11uc iJ 8' bru kell arm I. r " Op"I',.. .. i Lit!' r n ' )h"' .. r 'V . Ill .... ·\" .Ot ~.~tlldru <) bri m with IIH til6 ~ood Ihllt cooks ~all}' " '1' ti, I,er si ler'III.III\\' Mrs .. • , ., I Old D S 111111 ' l ie IlIZC 0 t t> r I tI KIll 110' '11 d . hId ' A" , . nle" d,·,l" II 'ICI'I ,' ill ' ,. I ' 1 II t ~ price, It tIe rug tur'. . f t' I I 1 ' rCCl")'t· OIl, can eVIIII'. d unl Aftergdting ofi'thecurll <> J ' u>'r., ··u r .. olloo" A,It " "','" , '('ut 1''' '''''' , U ' S· L' I" 13 ' k tICI: ') !ltlr cVlIgl'ega WII Je rc; II su ,. '1' I t bl d . u . -- .. ~N' J"'O- Y---I- -r'r- "';.' -" ' I",II,·r". (l r I,· , ,j ill ).! '1)·le•. IIn.1 "rtlol•• on --Darrett 8 " tnr· Ig It or III ' d d WuI. U I III I'e I\S' tlu 1I11t' U II 1l . ·1IS 80·.n cr III an IUoy tuok tho IItl' lor th e Whll l n t,ul,u I,... u\1"" I w•• "...1 ft·. I,r,' i,I' 11 .. ".,.1, .• 1,1 I>",,,r...... ,, ,,,,,I r." r,' Wnrk. til tl1all k t I,(,s0 II'IOU I' I' Lo.., I rI I d I ' "L' I " . . "d I' ON ey 8 IY Illto. I.' I~ereJ , ul -iKtud \1 in payillg fur th el'ccti. II Ie orl~ 0 u. ~ •• ~ r . " III, lUll Illore celltrul pllrt of tltc cily. MI'll. Ii ''' r'' gil" " 118 ~r:,",I,. ,". "I' n"',,"I'II n, ..-tr II", ,. II ire I"' P"" )0'111,1 ... (lIIl8lr. ,o<l . 00 cents ~ sack, b~ A. L. Furr. ()f our h(llI~c or wor hip. The otr1 1 1.0011CIYll l:,c~~rpor:iltedt' II~I . ~11'l'7}'ar~: liud rd , beillg ""Pl'licll with faro glon" ollll oCO."' . ,,,,,J ''''''''., u,l· ,.\ It,· "", ",~. ;o~:"~:I~':~ '",:~;:':, ~~~;~,"~'~;y u~~ -OllOlce Imperial Tea, 15 CLB .. 01' ch urches in tOWl, have mllllilColt. rUIl' .I "a tl ·\I \\ ':c ~ - pur tlckcl8. ]Jr,'cQed d tu d totch two ror cnJ".'IItenl. \\' 0 C' H' 01.·1 .., nn I.. ·".'r Th en .Il; a I': }' OR \,OUTU ELVI!:S. and Young Rysoo at ~O cellts u .l'd a killd feeling that it! bcullt ifol IIOIl8-l-'a~~~k_t1.:tt\elllitn" hme. !t·ulII.\hc bunch wholl SbU8UW Mrs. ~~.i:,:~'.':r':~~~I~n~~~.i l;k~~7~,~~I\;'; "U~,II,:!:~ In . 1111.. U ,",IItII,.,.\lI, 1 : One l·ear. ,s. ,Ill quarter pouu4, at the Queen City iJ,1 < ,. ..... u~1iIIIl ~ 'it.l. ~ dmloj)f,"iLt1i' l U~ VI ... ro lrunl'~ Q I'.• ank ~It~ K(,:,!;lu I'e~ch t'<!r h e r pocket. book. Iteam ... d, tli CUOl'll".1I nlld '.... de ll .IU; ... llh ~~'~II;;.~'~~'I~:tJ::''.~~':i'~II,:~ :~·e';~2.' Tbr CUN.II~,W~ Ball, LeblJ,DoD I 0 I Bakery. • ' ul HI irit tilll ,I0l0tiwes olliete. We Uar. '\lon;t\ld:fe ~, UII'lr Iit,l, I· MI' . IIndul'u luld hor sbe would JI e '... •• " I,on 'hrr."lo no ° C..... n I,or thl. R{· n.\ L NEW.YORKER. ,. \ d ~ t' M ~ L Ie lJ '-1 K I reeli ug, " 5 e '"ery lI utferl' r c:tn \) 1l1 11y o"Laill .. 0 NOIlt'm~'r 9l. . J £\mil,h.,-<C7t roe port, are glad to 8'e thia, Bud to fillo a ~'tl. ~e;ellu e •.•. C8i','l', II.~ . g. pay for hutll. Alter It rs. oog e 8",i " clory pn"J lIinI Gr.,"" s '\U"" .\ fl u... • """U.,rpet, No .. York . o .,.,as ted. 80me time ugo mong our own members a w orll G~1II11 s Joseph Se~l'>\, \\ tll ,am had IIhlde h r t'"r\!huse~, she sougbt ., ,,, II OInks them " . r, c,,' rrollt dl· c . < ." ~ . on earnes t ueillre .' . . to f'0 I',vI\' pellco Wit" . L Klng'lI, and otho laces, 1I0t It'n''' e" "I' bmn " popI. " 11(1 1.\ .· .. , C'..<!J4II . ... , • • ~Ir·tn(),ree ~Dd Ball on a e Ilargo ot ~lorgery, ' III ou", . .her .p"c .kl'lrs"u . k tu pny her bills ' 18~h,ho oel c.1','". ,<I n• ••• ' nl f fh ,' ",.,. cell i ut B~1l at Kinsey's t200 bail. tuem that call on the Lord out uf a S1Uc~. ,. . . . wllell ~ h e IDl ti ed bU:h pocket ·book ,,( "",b m ll lo,d i e.~. !lili"" ,,~.!. I ~di ~. ' 1Iu~ . Reee ed aeata m P h d I' \ t ' l ~ plltll h\lllrt. When we tiJ ink of Iho Ahri::l Annn· line! IOUIICY, aluuulltlllg to two uon S ick 1I.lIullclt,·. ~e ·,uu· I r",' rllllon, I>lw rv ay ,- nre ea · Ig1 01, SII 0, eo d'lI h b "on8, r cliI fcellter ' did d f d 11 0 n"e 1'1 Ihe Ho ,d P. 'ph,flo n of Ih. H" " I ' be aeourcd by addressing oomicul und giving brillil\tlt light. wurk that needd to bt: one in our l VI (', as el! lI ~I I IlIg .'Ilr 1'1011 rI l r~ . nil. sIxty Ive (I ars. u ,0,1o' hor ," .... . . II'S ' f mplo,,' •. Thr.,. d,' I DEAl.E•• 111 o P KINSEY t'tl Old D Sto e T y't d mid,;t of the evil ~ thllt obtain in nl'ar here. Ov e Agalll gentl e t'XlllIllllut,.lII ~ he IClullll her dress !c' of /\u"u, t F,.. ~or wlll l'ru'~ 'H " ub,l.r • • LKBAli N '0 a 10 ' 11 rug· t" r lUll IlOO ld). Ill' infidelity as 'it prCilCnts l Anna. " Iolld b~oll (;ut, lind tho coolellt8 of (ul .·tlcel ° S ''" ''le l'''I.I I•• , 10 cc,,, •. Try U, you wMI uIse 110InWeo.rlgI,or. M n itself i:, it.; \'ariulllI pltu~~ we feci Mr. and Mrs. Dr!lke (If SI)J'ing her P"I'Hut ilL tract d. Sue has It Sold 1.,.11 D, u~J("'" ~ · r \\. the importanoe of a JD'lfe j'rulerntll , Hill "live a ~UIl\'JlI> ()':'''Ier 8I1PI,t'r IIOt Il.c II:1Idt idt:u ail to wlto til e . - - - -.. . t I --n-"'·"· -W . d S rs .., s~~ A It,D" rs : . BODnEN K BATU .e are pB101.' weet unu .ll&18S Illle . eal'lI~y, . . . ' ... . . J"' • I.' I' . . .' I . ·t I I) 5 • , _ t n btl 11 d f tl Tl -~ I . I " S I tcullll~ alllllllg th e prof~tIl!ed tullo\\'· to a hust .,1 ftlelldll hl~ t 1111l r-duy tu lct or t "V' CM 'HI e, UII ObS I werll "'" I C nUlpe e C °d annonl1ccl' JIll ilpel~~ lu~u~L ~~.' Wit I IUr., uL I Ol'!l uf the Lord J esll'; Wh croill (:V enin'" Of (~ 'n;'Be Cl iff lind twO) rallt I' l'u u~Ii·I\lUkillg 1U!lJJ whu d eut 1 \l f IIl'ry /Ir cr, SOli 0 \I' W . nro'wUIlI \) ""II on. Le Ik'b I All ' ' d':d' 1" ' 1 I ' d I wl ·l. ill tl C 'IIr urd BRADSTnF.ET-N,'nm"'·r I.i, l ~'jj•• Berh T Cul't\or alld grandson of I I f La A E wo "free,' t Ud wa . Y t Ie !lame 10 , vl'ryt ling p08ll1 ) e to 011 · SlOl' \It'I,r I~r l.'~. 'C . I dR".lh trr I.. ,I," "'i(p nf AII"'r' fl.",I.""",. D 'fl M J ll' d ea tl " C. • -nt~eClUlc o ' uru • . "cr. ril le, ane when we ~pcak . of olJr l tertailltheirgllt!flt8plllll8antly,snc . Itlldbao kets ()ntl>elrarlll ~ ,ostentllbly E!22__ ~~A""'I,I\ 'ftl8. r. II I U'\ 0. 'I~ I· I I lllHt vs • .hank Pellce, tho deltllld · di lJcl' nr.cs let it be in tho 8pir it of' oeedin~ udlll lmb'ly Tha pa rry '~II:; ~oil'g to murket. but uoJuubt tao .! tl 2l ~. ,~~~~~~ ~:~~'cCh:~I~s'c 1I~:koe, 0 on"M~I'lldl~'Y lint bas beel~ giv~n leuve to tile all· iIlV(:I!.tig;lti~1I alld un (,lIrneet ~lIqlli' I' !riven ill honor ? fthe newl y·wed king 1111 811Ch .cltunce~ to rob hou· :,,\,u a"OilL . ' t '1 'I k . 1 tl Bwor by Dec\l lUbvr 10, 1877. I'y ulter trulh I'ather tilall 111 th(t ded :\Jr and Mm Ct,arler W(,t'k~ eat, II ntH1~pectl\lg perllons wuo trav · .::J '---" @!'- ~I!!!!!!!.~~ llIt.rltll1l( Ii 1011 0 C uc ,al1u ,I.' .. A L F' . tl . ' " . ' I I little f",lI",w had ollly bl'eu sick or -rur: . '. arr 18 movtng, . 118 spirit of criticism ulld CenMIlrO. This who of conrtle W 'II prcsen\. look· ~ OIJ t Ie street card. . Notice to Horr.Raisers !lick onou.,h 10 clcite alllrm stllce week, 111~. bls new C0\1l1l1ooI0118 Imay be dulte wilhout sBcrificing a ing thoir ltappiC8\ fl'Id best. ROX. --;;, .• -'k-I'1 II . r . fi B :>O \ RS' '1 , hud 1IIld beuntllul new buuso ' il'Jrner ul l pru f uun d rcVOrouCIl t':ir G ud' 8 WOru. .., ran II. .cr~ nc I . ,or an..lKD 2. u·u luck ... Fur 80we dBY~ he . l .at'..u : III: __ C.. II •.."t "In )'uur I",."., "c,., Cur"h,. 8ecm(;J to have a cold and was Ouapman au~ FIfth 8treet8. . 8. W. 8. -.. (FroID tbe Chroniclo.1 A. n WIL~~A~80~. . It .0 B .. <> ~I • . I I The rite of hlptiim wu ndmin· -Philip Phi1lil'slIang ill Frank· HUNTEHS h"ursc, bot ull\' ing b<oen suLj(·ct to -Terry'8 Ce'!lral Grocery 18 al. U complaints of thl4t kinrt, lIud being :-V Y8 8toc~ed ~ltll ~hd t;cM\grOCC~ No/~8 ~~n~etillgnw: ~:I~"~~,o~ \ i8tered to Mfli. ;Jl'.o¥rt Collett, lagt lin Illst Friday ovenillg. .II.lIl'ar""D" nr~ Itcr<by r,,,o!lldon tn huu~ .\ . , IIrou"d as usual with tlte ulher chil· les, cau~e un (r1~ rul s, lUi 'G J ~uk " '1111 U) IDted P~id8nt Sunduv, by Revtrt Mr. Wilson, Jl.&s. -The Warren Ooullty W. T. U. ~II our l'rcuti"~" with <luI!' or goun. Jur,ull droo, ho Will! not conKidered dUll. o~eryt1l1ng 018\l Ihat IS good. 'd'T M M ! ~ S. t Itor of "Jonab's Rgo Church. The met in the the Y . M. O. Rooms ycs· t~o oll.•"in~ ."".""" .. An y IJAr""O or ""rBO"S 0 _ _ 11 ...... " .... .r1lM ~. . gl'rollsly s.ick. At 2 o'duck ~lol1' -Wendell Ph il.lips' lectnre ell anOn ;11'(ltiulI'~~I;~RO~1 re~~r~h:~~hi8 oxereise8 took pilllCe Dear the home lerday at 10 o'clock A. III. Mrs. ;;~~~~~~r 1.'~~d··I:::e~u~~'t,.Leth~cf~~lle~~ ' • however, g tl Ie W uyne lIof Noult Haio.... · · 1O'·ft . . nnd were StllUWO of Springboro prcsided day . wort" . ,,!!, ~ I . dhe hllrou,;cdf "The ILOtit SArttl,"d wtll draw . a crowd Y cOUlpallY h(J k nO\\,11 118 ~-. ~, . , . , . Ulut r the I.", ', hiS rcluh\'l,~II, W 10 tOUI> lUI sn lrom lero utilI' l1yev\lnlllg. ou I H t I I. C very tIOlemn and linpres81\'6\ TI,ere wer\:! fitweu delegates truID A H W,IIi m 8(,Jn Albert nr",l~trcet W AYlifESVTLLE, ·OHIO . tering-dy illg really-with WiJllt mako one of tlto huppy number. ItlJ\\,~18 "~, . .'~ :~atci H:'fl °IUlIlUt n&; Mell8~. J no. M,cLaftln and Hllrry Clearcreek l'p .• ten trom Lebu.non, 0 : 1'. I IIf n.'II. . W,'!iBm Nd'on. • .~ _ _. __ _ , th u pl 'Y1l1'611111S t ermad d'1)1 htl'f \'illS (CC I' C11\,110IIITownship. 10 1011 and ,' WilBon, of Glelldal .... are villiting an d F rlln kl'In T p. was Iin II y repre· Sa .... I, Clurk.· Ol"rk n',""rl1F" oily Fumu.q lert IC - F rom 25 to 40 cent" 11. ca.u .18 ;l wlltille,l to W ltnrr 8"m". , . croup. ()~iI. LII.kens Il~d ScI· 1111 that Te~ry chn~~es lur IliA treslt no tllils CIIII~lat ~ut ot'thetownship ' Dllcat McConb ~'.n8 enjoying tbe sen ted: Tile .firtlt half .boor WI&8 ThOlnRJI CIMrk. W. ~ . o·.x !.tl. l~ril wt!ru ImRledlut(Jly dIspatched uml splondld .Haltlloore uYllters alld admittcJ Nu tails udlDitteri tor qoail .huoting. 1'lie 'Squire know8 epent In dovotiunlll UerCI8!l8. The H en~)' K ~I,I.,". ... I 0 ;0.;,,01 . •• .. . • " .. for. but tl.ICY ~erc too IRlo . tu Iwert he sells 120 cans a weok ulready. : cnUli1 oft~r Vl'l'cUliaer 2lJ. William ' how to entertaio bis gqeBts. . reat of ~he forenoon wru; d~voted to ,?~;~I~,:m~~x, ~~n'it .I,i~',~i:·· Ir , -Will be received, lu is wed. lit Maninglun WIl8 Ilppointed Treasnr· I _ Mr. Will. R~!l8am. or . Bidg~. the ~1181D(:8i1 of t~l\l me?tlllg. At ,}Ibert s ... cy. J ..t.." TIro>, vc. I' tl!\l ilIAd cal.l.nllty, alld ~be httle buy --DF. ... I . Y.1l I~-died ut 1 uclltck. HIS denth , ~o tlt e old siurc of l~nuull, EbrIght ' or. Elich member paY8 50 COllte vi11e and Mi8&.·Allie Edwards of 12 oelock. tlte Ulllon adloDl'u~~ for I ~u\ t",w,., Jol,n H'.H. , II I1"Xl-'t.cI~.d . Wll8 a.8IId hlow. to UI S & Co., a full li!1O ul' llo~it'ry, . KII it tit th(1 Treasurer wlum signjP.g hii! IW aYntlllvill~., .' viaited Mis8 Lida lunch. wh,lc~ was 8erved lip III the ~vi~;:'~Yi!Qrford, tc~,r. ~~a2tn~~'n, RO {!G Il ((; DRESSED fliw lly: \\ It~1 ull 01 wh om he was. a Goods, Glu\'eK, &e., wlllch WIll be : namo. Groulld s'luirrelll' taIls Wmi Shidaker lallt Sunday. , s~yle tor wUlch. the te~JP~rall?e la· Albort D H,';n •• , N. MaKin ••y . grl'fl t II!V<'rlle. and 1.0 whum he was sold Ilt low·duwn prices. I be counlud The party havi41g the Tb I . b b I fl' dl~ ot Franl.llII are dl8tlllgnlshed. ~lIcn Cull.t!. E, D. Rober". .......... . . endeu red by his mUlly excellent I .' . - e Q ~a~plPn IlC e or 0 t 118 At hilI!' pilat olle tl e UIl ion lOet \,Or"". BmwD. Lev ' II IC.lly. . . . . .~ __ r ' I' . d d I t tu -We enjoyed a brief but most most rUUIlII s tor connt UII the :lOth . nelghburhQOd ·b.. -il)veeted in Ii E . , ' I It' N. ThoU\".. ~ RttlII OI SidOll. l qlli1 Iltt.:S 0 .IUIU UII lOar, ru er aCTft'ouble visit 011 lust S:itunluy IDec. draw their muuey Fruin the 't d.h.~''k~ v.J,. PII1. II<1Urf'llSCS xerclses were gene~~_ .. IIIp~ml II E . /... Brown. JJI",. . l',L CIUlno.,.Ut. D' . ' ft.:WIU kublo III one so yuung. ..,.. . '. " . , .. .D~~rtlll ,ll-q '~'I'lf were ittJtiveroa, aua fIle William Rngers. OeorllO l' O'Nouli. II 'cry wa,; oorn May 31 1865 (rom o~r frl~~d Ohvor C. llllmpwlI, treasllry. • . ol~r~. E¥p> :ltd. ' trDtb t~o U1eetin~ altogether WuBa grand snc. Amos Haioe8 !cloth FU~'lI\s, UI . . , of Umun Vllluge. Mr. Hamptou G. Leak was appolllted Oil!;>""". otlier day. bul If hl8 f'riendll Will . : John Hawke, FrAllk S ,kvR. and WUB1\ I HIe oower 12 yeuls old. I tte d ' th I t't t 0 'de and' J , Hardi&cre on the f . I' h " Il'J e ,. do 't ce88. nppel was propareu and our J_ph Burnett, John LiDcoln. Only a little wore Ihan fonr month8 W8I! lero a . u . IIIg ~ liS I U e. on ne 'l~ are t~ he colluted once ur~lve 11m, e. WI n ~ r ~ cuunty gueste wcre hospitably en. Stephen Cook. • alW hia 1I10tbllr Mre. Emilia F. -Th~~lklnl tor thebhberal patr~:)t). other. k l tl 'd" t • t J , ngaJll ' Sombe! lWlple woold 8S~lY Ikt tertained boloro louvi ng for their trAny former oan hno hi. name nddad I . died of dOllsnmptiou leav. uge of tue puet, wo ope to ~en~ Aia w,ee. ., Lr~e ISIII eres e . m.en., was Smart, ut Iheems very ac howes. te the abovo notiee. fl'r 15 ae ntH. ~ . r cr, , . con tin nonce ot the same, and mVlte l lito Il)slllg 81de plly lor pl'mtlllg to others. . . . , _. __ __ , I f t -1?M ICIl Ing her hnshand and two 80n8 w,d· all to viait the olc.l 8tlre anti exalll- and the sUPfer. . -Thacongre~tlOn of St. Mary s ~~~~ W owed alld ~otlJ!ll'l'88, but Harry the ine onr goods and prices. Raudllll, 1 T. rt. MANINGTOIf, See'y. ~. Church, Frunkh~, will bold a fuir ' ". • .JI,Jti:'born, 'riid soon followed her to Eb . It & Co ' GIDEON LEAX Pre8't. . fur the benefit of the cllllrch, No--. t1l0 8pirit IUfld, and both ure Ba~c at ~~~Iememb~r Wendell Phillips ~___ uhca, -:-Gra~lvl Iblle W. 8tol.ke8't ~sq';lof vember 28 to Decombor 1, inc1us· • bomo May the bereaved relatIves . F '11' WI a an l!lpp Icau .or Ie ive . -over some of whom it would S~tnrda~ ntgh~, Mr. lauey WI r~n l TOR greatest difficulty our farm · fOSitiOIl of Warden of the Ohio . ___ _._. _ . __ 'Dl'ljl'D & "r'BOID f) f) lIt.oem U8 if the shadow of death i hl8 ommbus lur $5. the roBnd trtp, ers encounter in enforcing the l 'enitontiary, sholllld that in8titu· TUB Catholic8 are proparing_ to ~~~ ~~M~~ ~ ~ --AND-_ were alwuya hoveril1Jt-find oon· or 50 ceola a pllssen ~er. e ml~t gume Illw is to get the Ullme8 of the tion be re·organiZ(ld by the present give a ball in Oadwallader's Bnll _ __ IOlaLiun wllore it muy 811rely be k'~ow by ~r1day, owever, W 0 parties comruiling lite trl'~pIlSs. It . legislature. on Thanksgiving ni~ht, the pro· E'lIlltoA,tt.. AoA,IIQ,lnDlr:ll 'ound trul!ting in a bappy reunion wlshEto gO.'fn tillS way. t :every farmer were a spccw.1 con8ta. \ -At 12 Uri. N'ovember 15, '77. ceeds 10 be apllroprtated towards &,1J1i1l'lil/ ~ \,!)~Ij"'lJlJtJ.WJIJ~ , . - veil I WIl arll Dut 8mar we bl I Id . t tl ' t ' I . r . Aro nnw proJ1larod 1.0 mend OLD rRES. In thu I.rlght hereafter. k h t t d} I trun'lled I e Ie cuu IIrrcs Ie respas8ers Flora M. Ponce, aged 16 yeare, t IClr new chorcu. Tbere III no WRINGERS nf All kinds The,' "'ill 1'111 ALSO, Tile fouerul took placo 00 Tues· ~~w w 11 U0OI" I~ lel No d 't on sight. But this iSllot tue cas~. daughter of Mr. George Pence, ot doubt tbat eve'1 thiDK will be got- on new ItOLLS. r.,.ool. old one". ;'nd muke day aftcrnooD frow the M. E. ~I I 8 oou~ W co k' 25 oc ;;r The nellrest t!,\ come to tI\18 Utica, died of typ~l~id feICer. .Her t~n up in tint·rate style, good mn. 1thom in every re8J1oot good "" n ew. ~;r. Tluurcb the Rev'd L F Van OIE-af bills for us. l e t a e Dd ce t III to get thC1 JustlCCS of the peaco fUlleral took plaoe on tbe 16th lOst. SIC, choiceet reflllllblllenteand strIct .II.ugu.t!. :1:' ',.1 W. U "J:II ~'. ". DotA go to t 10 noarest rug storc· tl' . t' t I.' t . , ' fl' " ' ~ ~ • • ~ 'M g'" Ollnduotlng the lIolemn services. d' b b ttl f D H 11' III le!r retipec 'yo uwns';'lps 0 A 9tal'lle 0 re ati~es decorulD. Adml8810n one dollnr · ~777i$ not Moil,. ."ned In Iho:o When these were eoded the re- an u~ a 0 e 0 d r. I' U d swcar 10 ubout IlInr men 10 each and friends followed her remaln8 per couple. ' IW' lime!. b ,. 1 .1 enn ho m,,,I.,~ (if tile brigbt young' Illd on· COllgh yrup. 0 ne use re .Ieves richuol district as specilll con8tllbles to the boautiful JM.ilUDi CeUleterv: _ .____ _._ . 3 mOllth •• b)' any o~c o[ t~1 . ANn. 1 a few day. ago buoyant with life n8 and one bot~lo cures us ent.II·~ly. to mako al'res~tluuder tue gamo law. We 8ympathize ~th the .micted TRE~1Ii will be au ele~tion of' trUB· , ~~~~t",.";' ~~h~nr."';:IIIi~" I~ =tIP _;... 4 . . 'W.9. hnpe, were laid to rest beside -10 ollr notIce of thc CU~IStlan Wc think Ihls could be doue, and family. " £. tees o! ~he Oo.ope':lltlve Grango "?rk.'OA~i1,' all~,.e!"l'loy. ..._~ .'I.!..K:a. ted tbe'n Chnrcb Illst week wo uudC8 lgued would make sucu an array of con· A8soclatlon of. CorwlIl on Mouday manl ~ho~ " ' p ("rn ••h. 16h nor ,,~ ok '"flollr ---9--t· I ' I o III amen IUO r I .' d b ' f M 'V'I I rr;:> 1 til. Ilt~.. N " I)Wn lo w" You need 110: bo aWlly rrom GI II Cellletery. Iy omltte t e nume 0 r. I st.ablllury force over tIe eounty UJ ""noon, oV. 26, at ·1 oclock. bomo 0\'0; night. Vou ClIO 1:1'0 ~onr wholo 'W,·e me ~ all lind ~"'!'f)' ),9I\r,O('II. ~j;,IIl"UII nail bearen were: Meesl'8. !iam Carman, to whom especial that it would make hnnting .on ~e Dot B~rder of the Trustees. !Imo to tho wurk, or only )'our .paro ";0. 'N~. t~r~~,'~(\~v~~;~ J~~~~~~ r"rd,· OnTner 01 ' d llad f1b I B t bOllor-ehould be-rcodered 88 one premi.8ea of any land owner there' Joe_PH o.~UOI.I &c'y mCDt~. We have agents I.ho nrc mnlUDI; , .F" .r"" ",a wa er, '" ar es ar · . I d' . . . . . m . . . ...., . over $20 per d.y. All "he engog.. at onn · W A YN E VI LLE. ,OR io. A J Grubb Samuel Joncs of the m08t zOI,L OilS an effiCient on, wlthout perml8ll10n, qOlte dl • Dr ....'...... . I enD mllko moriey r'ISI. A~ Iha pres,,,, I Ii"," ,____ "Th6mI'lMoD 'and John Oor: worken in the cause. Tardr joe- oult. · ·c w.~.&l8 r~Q_""", ~ CIa I,t~e at , -""7 c~"~n. be ·m ade.o c..hy _lTd r,~"ldl ,l' .. . :Book.bepe. . . . .~ _ r- • tice is better thau DODO at al and ----~- - :". tentioD of &be aatho,ltles to .t an7 olher laoll,,"n. It coet'!, IIOlhln/( te Olt.!>ro.tont, ~e""he>;a., . ' ~f~_ t. ' ·ll':' ... ' .... ; &';"'.1 ' ' " Ilia bualn~~.. Ter_ Aod.,a ItlltJil free. we hope Mr. Carmu will pardoD And . elil! the Indian SOOlIDer .1QW uc:'. '!HfII: VI" NI' Willa- 44d.e••• a t _ I ~'()g .• Port. . ~.. .Q~.J.Dadftl:leD". . , .Lo~1 may IIhe reign ~ .. ,. OV~ ID~ un, j ...~.belq~ &owv. .1~~·, 1jI.14t!. ' . " 11'7 . CIaorIIt .oi'fnsrs%"JrA ':,.,, • " - •• '.
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If yoU are 11I1i''''8. loke 3 IV A \ N I!:' :; Tar oml 8"". po,II I3 rlLUI II ynu II.,. K 10k " ,," d 'cllo . tllke S \I A Y N E S T. r olld :5 " ' ''p a , '' la rl ' L8 II ,ollr 1'(o1I1l"0 I. co. ' ed Ink. SWAy'~ ~; ' " Tar.lld ~ ..... p,.. . 11 II , "0 h .. " • COld. Ift k.. 100 SW A r~ F. .'~ 1 Ar fwd Sure Ipa ! d l" "' LI 1'0 pi e ' e.. ' " n.1 cur. 011111. Blld .ve r. I"kc '
\\' A Y:oi h' 1 M .nd ' ' ''. p'' r ''I., I'.r.o". o l Iru lllll bl, ...... 0 III-. 8u bJ"' 1 I nt· to El et\ ct It hl . 1, /,Jt.llnCJ. JI . Dr" w", illo Ii: 8. ,m d ""1 1l";"'{ In thu E , r 1I r1!1l rq I rOlll to I Il I f1" " " f 1,lo.d Ih, ho." sho ll ill IIC'"" I". I h. U uu tl" l, f J !lIe.. \ orn,· J0 \'; It hour. lh em n- 1111\ 11 \ ti ll 11 10;(11 0 118 I.' " I P IOIU II , 91 Willi! ,,, .• " ... "d." " hli. MOl lo, h i , ," " III I.c " Irlleet c n I.y Ihel r u ••, 9! Ihh l,urt " 11 • T rou l.l c!' . b\ \1 n Liver Complaint - 1 hI" cl rclIJ ria" l!. n" 1\ ....J !Inc I.o ln " !o le •• 0 '''' '' } ner 0 .. ' .u I. ' I· Ir !II •• ,,(loll e.I. 'l u 'III h l!o e eOln •• • 1 Head aoho.Cys pep · . I" .1111., I M il O. [.1 0 ala and IlIdl gea ttoD . ,_ I , led ,h r, 1i0 'L d 94 1 ho I " " on" lb. I. "h l' .. 1II " . . 1oc : hll,I Ollell pe r 11 110' 011 ' " c," od I.y , h. I, lI,e 1\'. D• • " " . "., Sh uet \1, •• 1I •• tlli .. n. 20" 1 F 'Y.r. IIr. I r. ve nlerl I.. Ih. Uf , .. r lll n, ,,I. 'Itj J I\, ' " Vlcl ' r \,lu R r }-'l\ r IIUn, t oo " rto\ lIl .!p llI .. ua lhc \ cHn oll ll l1 ou:.c', ll m IP 97 )1 ) II " o •• I.llIlI d- l be 'il ere tol bh ... d.lh e 1111 1'''''' ' 0< f",,,, wh lcn Ih" "rl' l\ Ihe 1· 1. "d bv 1111 .... Ve rne. Inc I o".' h en •••• Ihel e Ie nUl hl ,!; 80 elT.o l l' e !IS II .Irr , I.ll r' "'I II . , by Oh Irl ,. I ever. 200 li e" I" r Ilid S I....... . . ,I " l' dI8 !!l\ 99 P rom Ih e E I\ rt h to t h e M llon and t tnt- 1\ 1/\1) . 5 h ox ..: .. l o r s: I jo I II. 1, \ m I II A t 01IncJth c'{ ,l() 1) .J U!I.! I VlJ rnt. toc !\nJ n."lelt, rllandOldlr" Co!\u S ~ A' ~ ' , [00 Till" of '1"" Oill.'. Ohllo Dlckt n,. loc ' " J'llI li o. th "' '''h t. P,.II.d. II.bIJ For • • Ie Ity &11 \Io,,"., II. r• • n,1 :.' 0" •. 1 For • • 1" b, I), uI1SI I de.ah r•. Or .ell t. po ' lal{" .. d . 0 11 r. C" II'I o r I'rlcc. by I:EUR,a. 't'" ::'~~~~a 3 1125 V d ole r '; l 'i Y P 023 1 ,n ··,f , . D0, , . • __ . _ _ __ ___ ._
PRICE. One DoII.r per Bottle. .:
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lik e pel "p ltnfl(.n. tl l1tro s. ng 1\ h. ,,~ .8 Iho.dl I I h I 't d th d p,n " '" m, .. er. cr.~ ' n ~ ' " nn, n OUI I 'e aoo() ED.....I.... I 11'10 P ...e. ry I • a e a ver IS melt. r,oNDON H"IR BB..TOKIIK. r., Lu ," . pa," oll lnrly 01 nig ht " hell II nolre •• 1'0llH PAGE.. (JOI.OHIKD PL"T_. 1-11 .111 re . "'re ~ r.: h,d r tl1 orlglhal . Hlo r 1O,; . .. r b, <I nrr . r geU l n~ .w,,, rn I, "p~oll r. "WI'UI.~ ' .'HK"HW IN InELI!'. 11-1\ III[eken. Lb,n hn,r. '10 w 'II .lIlum ," " 8 • • 11 ". Orll lolllll ' " .NVA'.IIAOLH IN " 1'''17111, '-. 3·" lL "III re. IO ro <heI n ' sl o''::'OIl"hl Ahow8 Irl t·1f Bround Iho PrlV" IC po rl ' . ~" d '5 fh ncru£t. l' 1•••.uL' . AI " II • • . 000 P. Mar~h. '-II "III .. mo' o al dna( rnlt on III' ogl ncl co nHned 10 1""le8 " nl). bOI LII ,- '1 11,1.· ,,8 1I . lt en k. Wh lltl " r. W·,II,. "'oxc. Ehhu Bur6-1 \ "1\1 m 'k" hair . on. glo •• v. O. x'hle. r''' 'l uent Ihnt re runl! e ' v .rn ,c. ~ . r lt' . D Ulliel W b. L.' r ltufU8 Ob08Io. Jl lJ-1t .. ,II ple.. r, . horJ~'nAIf colo. rfi10ll old ""1;8 . r,nrtll ul"rly In I,m o! 01 l"u"n uon" Y uI.n o· C.. I&"d~~ ., Sm ,r . fIvr"ce M.UD. moro than JACOBS & HEIGRWAY 7-lt.1II pre, eol \ ~ .Ir rom • D~ 0 ng [lItl) the "sin,. proling d .. tle."I1~ RI n Cull oJCo Pr. "ld . .. I.. And tho be.t. TIl E SO UTII- tAST, 8-1t.1II ou .... ,II dI8ea • • 1 or Ihe .calp 1II0At be, oDd Ih e powers of ... noc Oil AmoM I'" '' ',,, rl Eur Orle. 1I sulaolure Ie B • uoplee 0" tho GIW!U. we mAlled.t. thl Il .... Mo_ hulh ,b. a nd color 80ft or Ions I'andlng. pronoullced ",ollrll \)lo. ' IJr LOOI{ AT t he three plotn..a uf auoonaoae TO Pbilarlelphla, Be. ·Tor • olton. ClDoinoRti POIIw.... •• whloh o'lh¥ hair. and [I .. humic•• AI • • Ior - hue beeo cured bv npp l) In.; un', on !,"go 17M _ theso' Rlon. lIIua. A ~1l A puetage .. a. prud ~ ... ~ """!If ' . P .....lU .. hl • ...,hlllll Or (adlnl\ orlb. balrl. 8WAY:jiE'S OINT iUENT, trale th,. mOII111"1< of lUoro t"'11 100 ..orda T H Ii: E A H T ,a; ... 10 ta. Ir... "'gr,tted. and that e <er,hody and 'h"" O&D Jle dII;! ,v....,.~.·C!t .aDla CO he beaull{alla proof enoajlh ,hu [t Oa S" ' AT"" k 8 0Y Oelllic men : - 1' be fi'lI'd III word.> " • • I. WI.., and right to be 010. b,. oycry proper hox o r Omlllleni 'Oil .NII me b, ," Il il curcd One '"Intly o. chlldrr n hllVIDfJ WK. Trav,l ... dell rmg 1\ Thl Ds,'y W....kly alllt !Iem[.W.... kl,. m....o •• bOI th@N'.no\.hlllgmorelmportKllt me clltlrel, 01 Ite hllljl; Plle8. I r· U .. AnamoKD .",In.lnll It freely • . . . ~, • • Ie __ ... (er, ... le Guetta (a .,0;,. I.rlfe proportiOD of .. b[eh to thiS eod thlln beautiful hair. No.. to e,1 "li b fo r fI,c yo.", Ellel' •••·d Slid 6 '1\ ftud ull vLbe r lI.. t b. vlIllt it. tl •• fir.t wllllJe. . bnuld , em.m h," I hat t ho TIl E P EO P L ESP A P ItR ! are l!CoL Olll by E"pr_). I\II'lJr8I'Ilte About I p ... veot 'he f.,ltng of tho ndoral oclorlng ' c. "t. for !.o, I?r a lriend 1U1I1. , omc IIIn oh tho 1II 0r. 1II1.I II/j'ell' meo BALTIMORE A • matt..r ln It., or fe·cxclte the rootooftbe j 1" 001 n "' . k) qurte ,chcr ,lfmlh ..lortflt " ' D 01110 I'R ~ ~, " • 32 co h,, "n8 filled "lth editorial. N 6"'. IIA ~ J) Il~. 1VI J d II b:A• CH.I «, I!'",,,,th oothlng bpeople .. ev.r been .... e >1'''1(0- 11 •Encl .ouo-eu un IloI< 0 ".•."fi nd IS HoL." th enu•• ALSO th" h"ok. nnd UI18, &04 I.col .","I.~f(lr't. "IHlcul,u .. 1 M.. eelluIlV& Market R_cl'ort., , Iintroduced 10 afJ·un. the America" th.t 11a <;Farm WAI,.&S", II rg. ,t.t lrca ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' tJ•• e"eo. "p'~ dl. 1I.lel.., Gr." Oll e COl". onc year. P"lt.I\ gc "R ld. ,6 cl... unI. rhe one d0 11 111 lor 1" 0 bn••• 01 you r O lil lmell ' W t. B 8 ... E R • 8 .utl R ..... I" .. I ~.... a ... h..... tI " .. II .. , I cluJ,s or F, •• •• 7flc , clubl 01 kll, 65 cellil. every ,.ear, and I tJllthtire 18 room for more. ~I'IDO~ •• ".R ()OLOR RBIITORER. IOIr ,tchl,,!: p, .eo I h, , •• 0 10r _Ol\)u .lI Illy • • • • I Ike."rr. ft . . . . . CI mA" r clu b _ or I"enly 410 ceotl KudU"o pre..nt 110 lhe people of Dr O.. II<.n. of Phlh.dulplnK ••") " of It. rr, . n,l. "hq 1m 01111"1, ,I wllh II". ,ltstr" •. ... < I THE 0 A I L Y PO 8 T. the lilt.,.. taw. the follo"lug The Lo>ndon H IIr Color n e. loror 10 u •• d Ing 00 11 '1, 11111' '1 he box. 0 11 ' e u' me II V, Ar 1040 p . . . . O...... 4lOO E .......... OU8 Ye . r, pn8LIIgc paid. 17. PM'. of a Reduced !tates thr 1878: vcrYellteo.lvcly •• nong fT'll'Ilue n, . .. nd 111m I1l nd )0 < 111m p,o ud I" " "Y I t . Publl. h.a by G &. C Mb: klUAM. will allll (~Y,~ bl' a8 L 01/) Y." r in proporl,on We propooe to enlarge TERM8 01' WEE KLY GAZETTE. rn.ndo ". well •• by my..,1 I Uiorcfore mild, • I' e, f. ' I cu r. I think II. ,lIll , c I S " r' n~fl.eld. MflJ!8. U1D l L' I the O. aly 1'08t g r<all' during OClo ber. ROer . peak 'rolO exp."",,oe . hoHl d b. pulo". he.1 thr'Juglo o,,1 Lho lell _' R. l all 'y allY III fJ <'/' til e. hleh Ih o p" re .,11 be flO per year. pootage ti ,ogle co~,. onc yur . poSlAlga paid. ,I 50 711 oen tJI pcr bo,~tl.: II hottl,. for t4 Oll~ br.u~ lh cf Ibe laud \'011 cun pubh. h THE BE S T 0 F F E' ! --paid All whn !J uh scllbt! before enl.~o Club. of 0 cople. and np" ....d.·' . mob I ~ 81:' nt hyelpre61l, t.o any a.ddrOA"t on re· thIS if lOU thltlk prIll e r I \\'c \\111 \i t, ll thlrlll g tl le de bard flm,uf P UL L MA " PA I 1 Ell ' C'A R S h t r $7 ,II reec"e .. 4" ...... I. Ctl'pt of pnCtl IlA \'II) l.Jl 0SSIi IC K l E . (I' " -~ IJ I Ithmelll. at I e pr08el1 .. ale a • w .. 60" . . . . . . I 202' 1 Addr~ ... l1 orde .. to DR SWAVII& &; 1..dic8lourr Fro d. r, ek Co lid $~.o o! olli arged paper to \ho eud of tbelr lime • H . . . .. ~ D .~ Ruu ThrOUllh Without Cbo ...e 1\ . .hout ext ... ch llrjl;e Snmu lerlllilo .g0DtI :. oil:: • I 10 SON, a~o North Slxtll Sl • Pb,IBdolpllln. P'" HUDE" J' ""' .rc ,u,nc,,"~ '''lit tl" • • n : ~ .. d , II olh l r . Iyl . , III In. "III" P' ' po"tlon . bel~"en thc palndl'd 00 hOlh l)a ,l, and WeekI, ... 10. \ '.Ir I - - ---,,-_, SuleProprlttor. DOling eOO1l" III ,"l or 1.LL" r . • IIV er ll ",' lIIe,udlllg OTol nd Sq u",. \lid U"lIghl_lI Adl THB POBT TERMS OF 8EMI·WEKltf.Y GAZETTE: BOLD DY ALL DKUGGl8TiI. Mcoly. Itcb, akill dI8, "o. gu to \,lIur d",c~ la l l no. r n •• • - ould direc t 10 tlte r£OPLK AT WESTERN'" E..lSTERN CITIES BS ne.rhOrll SI. Ohlcftgo . _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ lind g"' I hOI or ... yne ·. All Oint· ral c". No IIgenls. no co.mmle. • copY. oDe year. pOlllige paid. tJ 25 chance to mllko Inelll 1\ .ur." cUle ,ou aO Cellt. n I ' a a no dl .coun" plODOS POI Throulh Tlckel •. BlIgll"'" Oheck.. 01ubs of 3 COP'CI and ap .....d ... e&<lh.2 90 mOll e, \\" e n<ed ,, ' ho •. ,I hoxes for ' I.~fi 6 1.0 ,~. f2 5U .onl ' ~.,~' or 'he fin • • 1 '''8"lay e ot Iho Oeotennlal Movem\!'ulof Traf n " , S le<' pllIJ; O,\r Accom 15 H u ·· i .1 !l pe rson In e'-eI1Iown I:y m ild t .') an\ IIdt lrcl8,. o n lit p r!cu E :d Jl h ltivu. Ilrlel w oro unan lropu" tv ,.com .. : mod". IOD" , etc. . apply Il\. th o Tickot OfBCt!8 ,: ..,-., . II _. . .......: . . \I'" bke :-Ul'"cllptlo n I fo r ated 0\ Un SWA \H E & SOli, i30 Ilhl .thnl tOt the IJwlllar HONO KS New • at.1I 1'0101. TEaMS OP DAlLY G":d'!Tt. r,'r the large. t. "ell NOI til Sh Ih S t. PI"llIdolphi. \lnnul',cllm-onll 01' Ihc IQrgOlt aDQ IInlll' NORTH. SOUTH, EAST rl WElT . .. W!l ft, ... ,n Ih - world Th e Sq"MI conla,o E R. DORSEY. L M 0 (' U:. .... Slogl. copY. ODe "Yur, po«I!S8 PaId, 'I!I Icd ran"l, pnbllclL\ion In tho ",orld. AbY' \'''Ih: . h,k'. 1IC\\ p.tonL Oupl e .. Oy. r.lruog , AII'\ lie,,'1 T Ag'l Ocn'I'r A~ 't -a1CJ.LB---.".. 6 aOllthl, _ !.1l ~- c~ ~ 0118 can "ecome • Sno~el'llIl ngent. Tbo SClllc . \he IlrOllle.t impr"'OlllcDlln Ibe bl•• ,1'BO'S P BARRY. THO'S R SHARP Rolled white wheat at a lb. . 3- n , a mO.Lelegnnl "crka or Arl gl.on Iloe to W IV of pUlno m .. k, ng Tho Oprlgblll IU" J Walt P .... A!{\Iul Muler Tr'u . " . . . . _.~. ~ __ 1 ~ .u"I."I,.r. Thl pnce 18 ~o 10 .. \b~t olmoot tho ' 1"En '" 1\"' "'"4 Oo~'t rail to write Prepared cocoa 2Oc. a package. Addlliool m",. bI II' "Iuti I ve rybod y One reportl for llIum nlcd DOf crlptll'6 O.. ••Oat Meal 10 cta. a pouod. ...lal. IDy dm. dur,ln~.!IFCbroa'\4iU~ mJklag o". r ,' 150 In" w, ek A I.dy _gonl mlll ied free . Baker's Oocoa. SOc a package ~1ItI. JCflry 'Poet .. A.... fo 'the ~Ot1ll ' iltlng OYer 40) IDh.~rlhe.. io ~ ten _ B.ndelllohl1 Piano Co .• t. • Gazelle • ,~ ,, ~ 1 '\ I· day'- A'I • .ho engall8 iliA 0 mone v ~I~ 638 I ' ' No 116 BBOAoDWAY N r o.wego Oorn ctareb, 100 a pack. ......,..,..~ j-I\t._ 1f:lii to \'YD-can dcyolll all your lime \0 tb') bUlln.... eoye O,IIora, 'r8llh Lobeter. Salmon and COli' the aI~ ~Wd~lo tlleOJr~ or 0'01, you .... p.r. Lime Youyoaect Dol he -o~ y a-IoIlobod..." Fruit [n cao,," ai 10.. priee• • IrIeh. GeriAu. 01 the G.uiT'Jf.~ ',~ c·,'':-.''·. . ....,. rrolD hOlllu o•• r IIlgh' 011 ."0 do IL -_ ~ Gold, A"IlIe, White. !tlft'aIoi 0..\118• •CelI: .' 11:.. .:, n..,. Co. . ....111 oth.r.<. Full p"..'oal ... . dlNo. AD 1l1ltl)"".I1e~e ••~~~.~~~l.' Oar'4Ul6t OOU"6 O. • •1 • ijoDlADdtCIr1MtN •• ElegaDlondexpeDI[VI Fanoy 8aroll 8awif'Lg, Turnillg, Jhoon\lntl•• ...."'_ _ taI.1V •• No;' 8 ..•• EAIT MAIN StazttT, .rI.... , --" rr' 1 Q • d ..... lItlyGDraddNl... h WAYNESVILLE 0 a.rm.n,"nooI_I>oG.4i_""".. cJuu "n'Olt ar one , aiuI W&tolio 1IilIiO!W1ID\' Or," ."loal Co. .una I'.Q. Ut[nllO tr,lIil I rr-riptiuna aompo\lDtleth,'llll ID• i l Bent \if ma,l for 10 E. IlroOml ' .. 'hili othor ByJl·bB, ... I m TlAIDA LI"Io. " I Tf A l. Ill" l' &l.U~ '-' 4: • 1M ............. _"' , ,,., IY.... '-.rli ttlfF II ' .. - . . ' , . ...... . . . . . . . ..v.. tor. . , ,, • • oovr' • .. ' ~ .ta ~WM, ....t . II. . - . Cl.IICUiI"'.,,-'
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fllm lhe. lcome pase. ooun weekly 0 F T L.I.£ nud r.gard ,t In.ta\.he... hgbt of guide. .cl·. "~ Cnl'l.N y.v. T R.Y lor. and fr. end It. n ..... ed,tor,al. IIgr,' c1Iltural. 'illd literar,. depkrtmtnt.l\ m" kC tt _ • _ _ _~ To'l 1.' 1 t t Q 7 l dO Lly I f fie Uflor (II, It W "' ell, aiL I ••• euunlly ftJoum,,\ fnr t,c am,ly .nd tho TIl G "Tn~~ Direct ROllI t.. ' tiro. ,d. T er m.' Oue UoUar a ,,' Rr 0 AU.TTI( '" I poOL paul. Th.1 pr,ce. qaalh., ""n.ldort d. :00 mnk ... It th. Cheapest ne".p"ll6r pubh. hed. , Wit" Dlru. (J• • •aell... (er i F Jr olub. or tOil. w,tb flO .Mh . . .0 ... Ill 'fh. Farmer XtKlh';olo.III."llflallturer,X.r&: lOud . n extr.. copy f..,., Addr_ chant. &nlr"r end Pro._It>Dal m.o C I OrIO 1' PUDLISHER OF THE BUN. No !Dan oan well af!'.,r4 ~)~ ... lthODt It. .... u a N u u ,...""'. ""Y or .. . .C· . .,. ~"I'l! ~. ••
, eX<i1l18lte " d reealhl[,C • 1call_II d tltore' r. oicely Totally diffllrent I·rom " I otllel'8 7" cell" a bottle.
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utl~ D\tn.r.t \!Jl" llU' h leo' "prll cLit".' (' hH·_ oeL" .Ulh •• l h D,irf,lh•. Pllu ltry y . ... 1
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lhr,'c I:n::" blne n k T htee It u"" 11"1 til .... outh t\ f'l et' . nfl " T h e D ot~ .. d. It lll.n ... . h ••1 V rne. 7J Do..... R. n. b . ).1.. . 7 1 Rup r,H,II. j~ The Fllr OOUli try. Jul ," VO' De. 7~. N 0" ~1. l:d ,I.I1 , OolhDI. . 71 M'Rlr. , . Olld ")1. ld. YI .. lluloch, 18 \.ralhlh 0 . "n~ I y OI.arl •• n ...d. . 79 \'",I" L. b! Sl.ok. Btl l\.n {,·1 r. h, Oeoille Eliot, ~I 1'1 .. 1.I I.n '. lll-t.k,·. M f•• lllliot h 82 My MOl" , r a nd I bv MI •• ~1"I 1<1 I' . ,ncr·' P.,~ b~ ~I r. Wl'ud . 1!4 I " . n\, T I. ouIKlld Leo§ne. Und " r thu 8l'RIL. h,. lules \ ern e, 1':' D· u.· •• lAuer. , by )'''trick. Ii P" IYo," •• Ir ,nHi.PI.,a n . 87 ,I Jourlleylo Ihe OCli lre or Ih. ':nrtl •• "yJ .. I•• \ er... flR"' h.· 1 wn ~hrriA gl c . \Iiu ~lldnch fo 9 1 hf' Lo' e11 h r A l d e n \1 1'4 .. )lr Iddo n , 90 hI ..l. rlnu. I. I. II.I- II"'I' r." IroIU
- ---- ~ I H rU18t! wll J\ lld ft" Int t re .. ti~ ,...r}..' " Q/ Pl re A" till"' .. l or th(' n JD(' " 111 _1£11' Ilt l.tbllJ: II ( lIl1t rll ll" . ... Il.,'dlt.ed He 1 be re I ,\1 A IT l OX flll)G 10:, f huu« npl"," • . 1 H K , U N \\ould ..' mlllli " , IV 01 CU"" ht I , <II I• • • lId 1' " " d • • r,I ' ,ng I 'd b ' . f it u a fr lr l u l " la rltl " ell WljI , h f tl f' \(!r.) \\ lit. rtJ t llll t ug - , i Ul III!' h "' . 111 C, " r \ u{t.n tho }l rll1 tlip.lI JeVe energetlc llpfJ Il!JL t on 0 Bll It I" "1" "11 "1I11111l1" le lor Ih" " "", .. "leTlI· ,)!"'U IIlI,,1 .nd 1"" li .u ltunl l.81nlollshllll nil ti,e accurd to .lJ I I lion "lid ",uppurt L pon Ill! rf'l,: tJrd fo r c ,un t ry • 1 recttOOI "'Inch aCiOU\IIU n y cuc h bOl "TIT ,.., "'1) - ""'1.'. ' 1 ~ "'H\lp" p• • t I" n \ ""l . IL r" h e, ror . c~nhnullnoc ., ( " '- :'1'" " .. , II <0 ,Ie. " f Iho I'apr r Fr~c r Ihe h ll rl ) ')lIl p&Lhyalld l!"" oro U' Ollopcr ,1.1"0" , tie. IIIT.- -. - - - - \VA .. ' · ... LI!, Ill lUn 1\ I.... h h. , o 1."I.. r lo " " und o,} If,. Ll.l TlIl!R T il l ItIlR P ... U•• e .... v.: . .v ANN A "Et" M {) • - ..... (rllio (Ivery uf tho U UJo u •• "N! , 1'. e lrORIRO PILKII-h a \ e ry 0 .. NE'\' "' OOK 1 h. Ualty S uu I " f',lIr P"!t ehect c.f , . ing c"luDplaiu t. Symptolud t\ ... dnt .. Ph\h,doJ ph u\ 21J ,·olumnflo . p rulc bv m u l. fir; Ul o'sture like perap l rfAtwlI Ilc hillg l r . . ... h,·. e lIP .. III u, p "II. n" f om Ih . fir- t · eoll l." ,"" n'h . nr *6,50 p< ';)cu . __ t, ' I" 'he " O,h or u .eh w ," , hfu1l el" .., ,. or I r ho S lludll) cdlli on or 11111 St; N ,. "n I ItI tOllsely , pllrtlcnlarl y at II ' gh t. II I DI.eA •• • Inc, . " , , II I ell'h "p '1/0 .he.1 or 66 ou lllm... W hllc tt!r getting in bed. SWIlY no'~ Olin· net ic fie If rn .,, ' en )'1\\ 1' n t.8 ", " d l5 f&U rl! ga\ l Qg I h~ n e w 8 of tho dtt.y, '1t 'n l "O Qn n W1 n,. , t ' 1 ta ds e ~ 11 " l iL. I, wptom. "nd hl' t!, Icm p. ti l"" le nt nlur~e Mmllul1t oflitor.lryRn(l1UI:illeJ1fltlt· 1 i lIIeu Id 1& p.easau II II r cu r , h" mail Pump',ld·C le ' IIIII Ohl.1; IOU. maltor 'I,• ••nll) prep,...,,1 In, ,I Tu a;; , .,&'Jt' , • c tlree Tetter. aud 1111 ernptl l 0 01 " uru dfeel>! d I.. e 10 on) .dd « .. I SUN1H Y 8111' h". mot 'With g"ol . uceC.A. (i Ii CI N(JI J.f"-V')J Ji8en8ee. Sold by all leading drug POlt· p.. ,d. 1111,20 a yeaT ...... COlliE ........ . PRICgilta. Read till! adv't. '1' be Weekly Sun. arv-n... 0' ~~ .. .... ~~ .~~~---Wh o doe. not "no .. Tum W IZEKLY S~ ~ . e For r.llIl1g, baa, OT notimely grey It c, rou lalo. throughout the United St.I\t... htlir n80 "LOndon Hair Color Re· 11,0 Ollll .rl a.•• and ocyood N,nety th ou •• nd J .I! ,..
Ollre UX, T ()othaclte N t! r voutl ache SciatIca can 1\1 W'H d
(~"Itlc m.n
PETER HENDERSON &. CO' Ife...-.- ~r.:t~.... ,,_ra. lHWI-"
I!rv e hut CUll b.t c lIled by ATTOR.NEY AT LAW, .. LA ",·ow'. Ct RATIVv." '\ " " 111 111 A \'V \.() T -l1.) J' I) I '/'J L J f '. at n A t . e-rL \..0 h . d cusel o r N~nrul"'i" T ,c DUll I •
" I tl .,. dn •• I"
. ' It1mn ... of Ille C" Uhll\ , und cOIl !Otao "ly rc. (;'7 O. .. Lh: y.r"'h. r . :tn d HeD' ) Arkdl , b!, ' ''rlce. Oaf! 0 0U" ....·6 Honl ..., 300111&.... ~Jr.llenr\' W .. OO. 10e I I ,ou, .Iru g_ '., u, .I,.',' tu " el I, •• n 'LI 6" 1 I· I' ll J \ "r I II ' _·,,11 1 ~el\l l l u. ' .. llll r hl)11 uoze n tO R. I1 \' Mt 1 r l"e .... ~ n • •1\ " " " • nr , ~9 1o Ih \1111" B"II. ~I .. . Il .. dd III 2'), <1" •• 01\ ,. ell I 01 p"Ic~ FI", .:" t 1',",1 "0 211 c Oll r 1VNF. rl4 Jn' v&"0 1.\ ~ ' liddl emoreh. bl'. eor~o,~LI 101, PH .Pr. "'VA •
1-.: OXtlh8, 4 LI I) uf tho V"lley. N,C wPe. rl r " bor ",e
ollunl.d co r,,: vI U" rroaplllldellL8 " 'g UI K' fJ!i ... I In \\ ,r, Mr\ II \, ood. DII .1 uce . .. o,, "I. II moll!: Iht be., F.rm erl of 66 RlO r., 0 '\1 .", I.y ~lI mn. 1 1o " r
DII E F I)!\. KIN IAll ,r., ".
60 " 80rtc>tl Oroe"o Do lb.. ~~WIAOrlod J.oobenn L, ly Du lbo.
fl eel d Ih, procl ... 1 condllio.llI ,"d proll rello r h h .. , i"d • Ie .. r~ " r ~V" rf >e clloo or Ibe L' u,II' 'I I) " I.,.' , O il \1 \ E XI JlESS led ' "' U., ond ci"I ll e~ " " rid ' ~" . ~ I 1 he (;" u",r v veull, IlI &D ~rl\ " In IL. Hor· Ii? AIiAlAt' ' ' ' 0 r..'V'Q 'tQ ~ D .n. • 3 of any llf Ihe al.o, e SI co llections ,or t!e v lJ"",,,,, IJ~ t'" tlJ,fl ~ IJ~ U h r. of .. n< or Ih. " I.c. . I c" ll e' , Ion. r"r :j Ilc ll Ihr. 1 l1 ,p lrllOe nl " ec" lInuo ul vnrlel y Oftiee ~n d r~l1d tn C'tc ut Dr H rllc \ 'R 11 M 1 7 01 a n .. fi r th ~ aho ' \! 1 c-:, II .. rtiu n~ (or , 10 1 i u(urlU.luun sud 1!t1lg'!: o nc , eIl uI1 or P- U .. tltnd. \\1Al'N £ 8 \· I I. I.. £. O lti2 I 9 of any uf tne ahove 1 coli eriUtJ na (or 5 p rlU r lit 11u.! . M' e~.t(, w,..h,,, II obl llined -- i t!! 01 1\0 \ o( \-he atKH e I c o ll ectlu n s for 6 10 the mO ll t h l. n u m l/C~ o~ mOti l masazlDfuI 14 of a .. , of Ihe above I <, oo" ror 7 J . ' vled 10 Hon icu h ur.. . • • • I Wil'tl" B lO O1fl.1ltQ P lan/fl . I 0 0'""" h •• pro hol, ly Oltl: i l l '/ 'f" ·." rd St ~ I'n c ". lIIuch •• allo.ll. rJ (Wrll al . com l, I". ;V, 1!8 an' ,'II I ' e ll 1:(' , Or ~h" ",1,,110 cullect,on of ...38 B" Ibe & I cd to Inlroduc, and dll"IIIIIl&'" Jmprov.4 I P lam", .cnt by Eapr\l.llM on rocolpt ~f 'I~. Stock of .~. r) "i"d 'itte COllllt" • ••• tu -b ...b 81th •• of our I"",k •• G.lln ..... .. a !;IIU eOo\\ Dlill08 UI ~rec th.n An; - - -. , D YOIt PIIOFIT. PRAOT~CAt. F I OllleD I TU II I(. C" .. le mporKr,. ;JIl' 16d ~ (Ie ~Dd IUPI'0r\ of L. C. LU KEN:::;, M.., ur GAo IIDKNINO VOII I (.lIlu e *1 .• bre ed.l" and purch .. ,... rou eaoh). "'Ill be .Jdod D""oril,I\,·O e" .... • 1'1,.· OOll lllr, O.lItl(DI~""'ta1n.lll1 u u.l... • lol.Cu~ lroe I, rull und t ll1>t, orl hf lal ReporU. Otll .... III N allun,,1 Ii ,nk Bu, I,II I1 I(. I .nd de.·o, •• op' c,"1 ~Jen On 10 t he," and 10 ~. , '1 I L' Olll f) I ttl G.... _lid 111.e 1·lo"p.·c .. ,,' Lh. U" . 1I ,bro .. ,ogllg"t IVA _V c. , I.. • 1 .. ' upon _ne or t he In"' 1 I 'pOrlu nl or all que. • " ------ - -- - - - I r62i] 3U CorUul1dt St., N. Y. b ~ n to Huy ... n whe-n 10 Sl"I l the 1 S H \OV II R(' \V . . - '1h. '(lUll ,n el\,hr. re. nunler""""-""""""""........... J II ADA
01lic. 2 J "cr. !io'lI h 01 H"rr,. Dunk.
hO A l u l .Sc ll" I,"I"'n\\'.''' ''- ~ U'
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GLEASON' S PD BLI O A TI 'l N ~ -Or ' 111 rcductlou in p-ice fllr I B78 OfU LEA IION IS PIOTORtAL to $2 II yellr S in gIll cople8 /) c e llt s THE HO~E UIROLE tu $ J R year. !llngJe cople8 5 cent~1 for 8ule by all l1ew8deal orB. GLEASO)l'a M ONTHLY CUWPANIL' N ut 81 11 year, 8i llgh~ c o pios ~ o c en t8 All )'O~IBg8 Ih.~. SRmplo COpl!,8 sent u n r eceip t of Il :l COlit e tuIII}). Tbe price of Obromlhl hll8 jUdt b oen g reatly red Dced. N U une 1101\ gives lIuch liberal term s to uj(l!ntR liB Il'e do. Selld fv r new ci rcnl U r AdJreu F. GLE£80(, 738 Wu4h illgtOIl St., Boeton. M&I!8.
.. "
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L.n~,I."e .
The Counry t Gen tIeman
y,, 1 It. 181~. \\ ITuUlJr
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Ull'lUlhec'""ntrYtoY ~i" I~tton nndLI\,,". , 19 AT ~H I(J ULEIr: ~IPI'An O ~
Made to Order In .s:'[; ashlonable and DI ost Perlectly-Fittiog ~ Style
~ ,"loh~ ~I(t) MOI '\.I~ou ~H~ I.[1
QI>e lO r t ho oldo· , " n.1 b,•• , . uh ul III 1 " I. dell'llI a . IIlId In ,I,,' . 0 • •1 lie .0" 01 " f. ll hwl .. rn ul "rM< 1.1 I" Ihe I ,,, " II, '1'101 , Il, .. " . " .' • ,11 •• 1 I . "'.
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WO)IA.N'IN~"H[TE. . \. MII.1.0~TIlEt'LO"S
FAtT.k "ItASSIM"R"'S IfiTOTHS, i l A , \1M
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.. h",hll" m. y,. ulOOl\. Iutero hKul(eablt 12 AMEH.I O!dl t: NATOIC.r,," II .pollll.' L. O, lllleli l IIo.d" . to ,I. latothcmarineronlhcllOl'm1 "tpltr""thO uldlLnd iI'·ll r • • n .. uOio,onllJ PllIN OE:SSOI'TIII ' L" WIJI", k • .!On pc 'pl.ur l h. III " """,,., I. I ,, 1.Qflll Co:JlItso[. ' - -U"•• lIuDu. uftll) fill " lIn o of- q" ,," llt V ".t" I""lIIoto ll,du. tr),invlle iln. 14 DEAD ·H~ llEl' . Wal k •• ' ,, 111118 . 21c 0"." , ,' I' r .f,·",,,,, 11 c . C . III '" 110 n v U " mll"r" lI un. uIH1'ld• • la Elio' II " UO me.I" " cU III ''I,,"IO I. , h. I \". ,,:1.0 . 111 \'h al l! HWu l e . lla a t IJ I! I fall , er huu HUI ,I uu u" trj. , . .. b,,1 tLa I G H r. EX, . LI II \ l' rll E () Ill'l [ 8'111 0\)',,, o' IU" I u rl ., . 1 •• 10 h"1 1 Y¥ 11 0 wo u ld kill h lH IIfl 'r I'O LE AN )) OF I CE JII profl • •II," . M.' III " '" 11,,,1, " .. " " "1,,,", 'f l' l' E I" ' QU' IRER 'lIIe h.. ok . 10< lules ,'crll , III , 1.".1 , .... I> .·1" .1" , ,.lI".IIIII , II . I uri " IYt'1l blllia t o her "lllld 1"'\ '" ! 1\ Ii Jl ID11f:: N a II I' II', .,111" Ifll l , fH l: I I I UlI \ I t l l .. , r I rl lJl "\(Ucnc o s lll m f'd t!a"t ho \\lliI t It! Il AHIlAIl ,\ " 11[ ,, 1'0 1(\ . bj \ m e " " l e' .." ,11 • ""11 .1. I , ' .loL 0111 I III' n~ t ·) pl vt: nre U rlll ·r nlll! " I ,J I'" '\U.·ft1~ ~~"J' a1':1'liIT .tq.lllrf~. it'!' ~ \{j1,l1t:'1ff''t OI~IID8 .. th e only rom edy flfr th o III. Ioru' , I", II E.I. " ... I.. _0, .. "" , u ' " ",,,1" ' 10' Ir" llI I ,1'" " " I • '<noloJ " , .., Ih r ", ,,· 10..:1 11 \\ \ \ \ t lmo "'fA" KU III K to lht. hed " la ir,, : ",, "ct. U rurthe b. nofit or .. M'>lII .. d Clu... hurl ... It, ode Ille P lt :oi !J ,, \ III' III \\ II., IIII ICI! \ tolhe <llitresse<iond lull'enn!; , ubJect oC y , 'ulIg IIJvth o r \\'lIij 1\' ln g fu r La loo ru" d l"u" . ln D ,ck 'II •• 'Oc Ih II "ot, O, " "" • • , 111 ,II k"", ,, '" "" 1 purp· 'sc. v ile ' >1' th ." \\ ltII U. """ 1 - - wlllclJ Will be-GUVl rlllllc nt Cred,t . " ",II f11 1i our B" " ll•. 11 I'L \Y b, 0" .. 1• • It . .. le 10e "I O" r 011" ""' 10 III pl., ., I n' I ~",n rllr Lh. tounnlH of th. ",."ILhy. le t Lho ... II Il' , )1 \ N \ ~ I) \\ I FE \1 11I.'e e ll ll l". )fl o .",1 " II " Iou !J II ' I ~ I." ' s I II. W ,.1. rful Mild " I k alla ltlhlr 'lhI'U'\(' IJ _" i • ;,. credll 1'1 . 111 1 11 ' IIrn ': , t ll c J tv muko i t "I" 'l·at l ilU I th ·1 MKn l' . , " 11 .1\ 2!1r 11/, 11 11 nee" ';1 , I..... ,I I . 1 I II • • I, " .. II. We tnnot be 100 c rateful 1 f f1 r t \ '('H'r Ton Lill O to r HeRd a 2nc IL I t! 1\11U ' II II ,"I til t II 11'1 1\ C O l l [ I o f uny r emtKly w1nch ,, 111 nUcVlo te the au f. \\ JlJ C It 1111 WUij U ."t li p J ., !.J UIII I'l 2; I.ndy Ad elli ido8 O It1I. IV 'JUd. IU, I. d I"r ". " "" oI.rlu l ", .. \t, 11.1 \f1o, 1,,1 • • f<J1n&, ofhumanll y, lIol on lyu.\thepangs ol d e leud But, but th e jtu y tlwut:ht !),(l Au r"r. FI.ll d by I1md,l.. n \:! c ".r l" lo''' .• 10'. " 1 II" " 'H- pOlll whiell ilie p'lIe l !one&ull'ers, but IJl differentl y. Th ey WOre Ollt abu ut , For thc o. the P"'l'le wbo laltalD 27 V'el or hlld Vil li. ul.h.d \I 0 (-j" , \fl o n"d!ll ·.1 IS r """ "'." .... 111 h . ' . '"' til 1 ch nit nentAils UpOI\ oth:; the Go.. t. 0 Itc 7~ r tu:ly uj't rlI "1I\llIt ufllIlI l h u US ')I I II!I CIll t 101081 ct uulreu w,! ftve hours b ef,orn tl " g d -AT_ 2S A Ilaugh le' or J e' b. \\ 01 [H "ck. I 0 I k II e very .urrerer (rom M. o .. n p"rso '"' l'-1y 11 re e tI P PO J..o\,e ·'est Y"r, BK 10 01 L Hl t )oo J U J,l l y ttlU llU ... I rl ' III !.hod a blat tilllllly lU to I • • .. • H r Jl F 'AI AI d' OlO Il". II t.d .. , .... L,ou. '" O" ln" ""l"'n,,-nce,. nWllre thattbeorilin. ryme I L ,1I .qW.1;<±-!1I!'l ul' l7ullty. It 1 W kif ElIqu ' rer 116, 30 , I"O •"L•"e" 1 Sciatica. _~ ...u UUHlg aDail, l!illqlllrIf 11.00 LtII .. ,\ . "L"o.Ilj!. n, or. lOe " ., ,,'" ", III I'II'U I , .• I' u, . .. " 10, 10 . "1,,01 of Irt'" IIII"b Rh, uDlBlIsnl. N uurnlgl:l. 31 1.o" 'e \eloI ""' . 'd I ., e. I, • 3t . The Quec lI .. r H • • r l.i. W \; 011"" Itlc h y,,( ,,.101o , •• •·I .ue 1I1~ ,.1 .. " . . . 11" andl..lIldrcd d isease. by Inlern: .mcuIClne. '*8al tleJury stoode loveD fo r con· Il . ll ' (' T: Sil ' Ui b 1 .13 HlI1d , I.) Sao1Ol d lo, .r 20e . 1.. . " .. 11 , " " ,, ", ",d r. ,,,I , • •I_ IC I"n I I LS orno n,a, l, nnd so f",t'5 IhlS lmpressloll l victJonandone fur acquittal fu • L ;to,a ,l u lzr· l'. n.f ollfTrll, t!l,oI', lew, trt8, f11 re la" Free.,fpootBge 34 ASllo plou>n C R. "d".Slllg it' 1I0. WI f" ldm"" c, ' I•• "", l l eh. · c, ullll ."I ,,_ : I:"IIlUl g h"ldu po omlethgcnt pntlenl$lhnt tile beginolhgj but uficr talking ("l/I t ", cf:c.• n'I', ,'" n,rn n t l,l1 ( 1/ hand. Com e oll d S ff' . As""t... wanted. 1'.11 , 11 .. 11 ,b. l("tI ,. ,, 1 1.<0 l; h" l . 2t1 • •h',·,... 01 .. 1 ' r 1 "'- - . Ihey denaa,," n morc potent remody. Thl matterofer f II tb Ii II ~ S.nd'or lpaOllmenCOpl8.. 36 ·l he \\ oolD!!O·I . ~l rs AI. .. II,I.r O>W,~ N< 'I· ,". '·'lIh " v , .. ", '''''I ' '1" ' , d, eo , cryor LAWSON's CU RArl VIt " U & care II y, ey lIa)' 17 1 he )h 'le r" b, M.ft H. nn Wootl 100 al lu • •" ., u''' • •I" P 'ro ' 110 I I • ,.. . • v bee came to 110 IIgreemellt UtlH[ .. u .... UardN. , p tT _ P b 3S A I W Ik' 0 III • hi '.1 r _, ' h I.. .. 11 .. 1 ",, 110 ,. , .. I .. h , nu:Ic •• I,,)(m to th ousa nu. who ha e n ARA .. rl BeLBA... u Ihhera IItOD II. , 'C q n · .. ou " no • • C I J d I I I I whoarenowbelo" ' , 39 haDhrH. hy ,; Ir Walle ' ti COI! 2t10 • • 010 " ,,, >, 0. ,,1 "g ' " II , .. . 1', cure , 811l tie. t 1011 n(5 • W 1-1- ;.- --- - - - CINCINNATI, OHIO. 40 I he H." '" A. hl •• M.. lI'ond. II. ..I HOM I .".' I" "", .. "e\Cd orl hcIr lemble u.gom .. bearwilllng I: ca lue uttentl o n o[Jr read • I E T E C'< TIM 0 N Y I I .- - - 41 WI' II<! Li,'" bl l h .. I• • R· ode. 2(1c " . tdllmullY 10 vlrlue.. era to t Ie u l erntl o n In the l1r All • ul.lcrlhcn lor 18'78. I"'y . 4J H,de . DIi e,.k . W llk lo' C.. II1O" . lOe 11K ". . I... ,, _ I , . 1 I, " I . I1 ere we hu,. Il CURATfVP. ftgmt ...hleh t iBemell t of the M Cild e ls80lm PIIlDO ' 1'011 iDg 10 . dv.nee an .. Nov. lo ber I. 1817 .... 111 n II , rlOr ", I<, d •• • " v J ule. \' lOl .1 11. In ,,," ..... 1 -,.Il. '"' . h. III " .t, I . Ihnubb npphed mnll y ex erts a powerful CO. No. 56 Bro udwuJ . N. Y. rP1.IlIIffij'g' [l:Dfi. Wif! 1. l e LI\ • • n.PA r .. WEEKLY.(romreCI. pl 41 1'o".r or I OIlUOO ' I' 1\ .n-"or, h. 2.., 'h .1\_ Ie Ii " 1111 " I '" 10_ fl . " 01' nnd Leneoee nt InnUeli Ce on Ihe whole nerve TI.l C h b t II thl f( 1111 rem ltl ll u cc ••, A1.1Ie ..... e. re l. ' Irl!! H .. nrr Wo/,d l ,'e Utl tu l ('U II,tl\l.! 11I "' . r o t \1111 ('0111 "illt b}'stcru- o. r elned y ofmd liputabledflc:u:ya •• Opine"" . ne .. . IOl<k••••of•II,Oon ...• Ifo,.d. . 8 di• t 'DC t .0r,.100 PO ) 0 "",. ( UAMO _ 46 1I.r1t.' se M .. \I ...... d.. . 2.. c "' '' '' 1' " f W.loI C • rr " . or. , ... II . ", " f t u 8 ompuny all oeD milking I ert! fl'ort.Btomeetllle~nn lti wl,ub ho w,l1ru.n ufuel Url" IIt" , u'l. urtlle a; .. &"UI1I..' " II'll f nrtl P .. " Y 47 I n S ilk .\Illre" b, \\lIl1um II I. ck , l oc I" rl ·lIl . I '\1, .111 , •• 1 "Ih " " "III seldom r3l1 lllg 10 all'" rd prompt reue 10 f b M ..• OILMllttIOn v UlllIINEIl APF:B8--zuTU EAR. ~' S 1he 1,.neO ,. .,10 OI lIu.• IJ , tI I ....I OIscso r neuleorchroolepa.u15ln lbenervc:a o t e t imes in making a PlnlI O'IIale.'ot y I". :'l' Ull. f net ion /Cu. r'lU tced S et C P",k... tl ._ ...... 'U " olurc. • "r'" 1'1,,,,. cou~ h P" "I' 11I luc wUlchl'soH'c' re d ro r·nlonttl, o vnr\· U I ll.t!D d--' • liD" ry ... n .. •• Ion I.v \\ ,II," n, " I. ck Joe ' '' c ol . -ore ' I"o" , "" I... " ., I••" r • . 1' or 01,,'"1, , _ Utt!Ug o.D' I r~I'''1TI°l!p'''mlltlu "" ~ ... 1 " "" • Zon .. 1 • 49 0 •• ,,\1 11 . de \ 'l' nr ... H.ld.,. _PI. d lte "u 11 11 ,u '" 01 ,.. 1 "" . 1 III' 10 ... For every kind of Rheumallllll. fbr low p r ice of .. TI1l8 PIUU;J I AI "". culll to me•• nro lh. P. r r., I F ' tllllK 8 Doubl" Oerall'Unl", .to I"rem'u,• • " n.II,.I· to Ever, Bo",ll ge I., · O ... d" • !!m , cn ... "I. 110.11 In , , I" • •d ' " " I' .. I • I•• ,I In every Forlll, for nervoul 011 con talllB MI1t1ll1 s h k's N n ln I Slurt C'III an d "\I.ok tJ;14 I H l vy·lenvoo G. r.uuu," •• !lublicr."!r . So I nd. I 1'r•• • T n " h 10' kil O. wh oI I • •10 lu: '" "" . ,. "LI, I S ick Headaohe, for Nel'1lousne.., for Dupl H h n t r upt.'A, ;,1 S c ule "I I 18 1 - J ....... ,,'- •\1 d ,'S '1.1'1 .- 1)- , - :l80 Abutllona, '1' 1 C 0- -' " KIl I Uien' II . L Ii,N,Wllhnm I 'I 8 I[ 1\. .• IInc UI' f!f) ,.I II I'IIH flh ll ' 0 0 1 rn drt Ih II '" Iro ... I l . .1 lama Back or Side for £rYllpelu, Iior n' li e I 1 D LI e 11 Ie ouuln '" IoIIIIIII.,n II pobll, bed '" •.. 1 " ". 0 0. 1\ ., .0 OOu 0 , ' Ill ull. r. UI I.\h .·. .. I" '" ,., . t. • , 01 hlh' d Sl Throat for Chit u nq u edh o ll ably tho gre at os t 1111 UO:tlO:OPATU .. · 4 Auul .. ame WI. ".ok h " " Ih.· f•• II ""IlIg \4' rml, !l l .. ,-.; I" M,olln.; L.ue . W \.IIack. I, .c \h ll ll oj I" r 1110111 1•• 110 , 10" "","I 1.".,1010)" p e rla an ore • dt t LoZ~_.~~H·e 1', III Ud' '' IIC" Out OOl)V, On8 \ear , ;14 LIIII,> Ou ut., 20r 11 111' J;I\C up ,II h l p til " \1, 1 rl ' rl \ ltl lI).:' _ fiblnl ns, Cuta,Woun I, ' •• a Cl'er "ut .lulo s qll fl r e ' , . , 4 ... . nI WI • '< 5 A n r Two(. FII\~ •• 11\ 0 'd I B forSpralnsBrulsee, d fiorToothaobeln .. " IJ B' 2.5 IU', r cO,l l, . f lO, alld an " >IlI. r "' . ·r u, n. or \I II.... ""." 0 I ••'C ' " "'PI"I .1 III. u. " l or urns an y. 'fbc O :lfIlpu ny c on fi de nt l) 0 1110.· 2 .I'", r. S ,,,Lh .,1 II .rrl' Ua nk. 6 ' )U \Ord "" . copy rOI lb.· ' Oi l ' rICe to Ibis , ender " r Ihe 5r. b l OUII I.. l.'oc .. . ur " . rup .. ,," 1'''1 " II , I. IIIIIn tI , II I, f act for 1111 Plllns , Inflammation a and behaves tl1l8 18 b CR t b ar"ul lI cv · :tI.1a ..... \VnraUyllt .. , 0 .. 10. 6 & EUI ··tonllJl1l, d " b 18 .. "0. Rnd ,, &ddillooal "Hp l ,I \' ", . S. 110""': W rll-£: o'lI h ho ' .. n I., , 'o Il e . .. ,n ' rl ."., 1 .. II .. II" " " Swellings no is known which pos> '" d t hI! pu LJ IC tor . n rl'l '=' H u u 8 1lt.. r r LC to Ih..: Keudel or tbe '",' uh. t\ lII orh " b " 1111 '"' V I t h e 10(' I Ile IIf \ " 'I g h /I · t , li ed It II I h. Il el k bl h 1 ed r UUl!re lIlhl e , om •• h" ur. 7 I ' 0 U I 2" M I tv I 2 4 Doublc VllJlcto. II .. '." r 1-;8. Ihel u prJc •.• will In S>l ,., .... . 'I . , ne h) 0 0'1;. 1 : llot . 10' In l III , ' . " " I .. " '" .do • p.r'.u .., .. es tbc remnr :l. e and IOOthing h bl " Ii rt e t o n e d I ns trulI HHl t r 11 ' 7 to".1 I' ..... '. p" qu hlies ura e, nnu 0 , ""' t""l. J'Qw.r IIt t .'" hit 'CIUfh. Ll COI1 \ of Ih i A nolllli H Og l 8 t l r of Ru 5!J Oil 11\,,1001; Ill' 0 I'Hill ...' oc Cdre o r m, Ulld 1 "In IIIf '" ul, le In Pll( .... IlJ m ' " h"b I &0 unl v<=w In 115 C IlnC. . W ewouldrecUUlmend o llrrc ud F L'L",u "A S--'- 4 J' llIml.. IIII AII ,"'S. IO l1u h ." bocrlbor - a l.cllkO I <lI, . I"uO r AII, I' .. •• ''''I'... tern nd ocopeor so olmpleilnd safelD l?, \ r 1\ .' I tt F er rul (urw tlrdl .. nCUel~1 1"'4pltg\ "IUld i\11011 ll ~ O.l1g r l \in~s_l\SI (1 ' l"1\" I , I I\ J "h~8\' ,rlt~ t oe Ol l ll' 111' ,\I' ;.I IL,t' IIIt:r .L YtI III II, tt. SI 1.: 1111 Hr l apphcat1on. For the:serea.sons LAWSON S ere Who huve Blly id o t1 of 11l1}'I IIJ{ u " !l)lr " l' ATII IC " P aIrM . L, Ih , I' ul. ,. hu•• • III of 'b. eo m"l •• 61 13,t. •• or , ... , Li l, le W"o.lcn vr "d,l, "' w, ,,' ,h. I" I rY , CURATIVE should & LD every II Mo._. 1110" In ,t. pre., ", "'elkh ror m. Ih. I.. O ud.. I llc IIIIIA HII II 11.\ '1 " 0 "1 rnmily. It wIll Ihtre prove ,u value 10 [0p ia no. to 8ell d lo r Ihe i r lllu ij l flll e u aod DeacTl)Jtlvtl \'ohu; h 6 M"'Kllt..... C" uQlr, l : u<I, IlI\O o Flf11lQuart.r CeD 63 I'. np ll ull ow \lr. II . I•., '1 010,1 211., tI,p,'.' ,f l."•• '- we,," ,'. !' II.... ll YSC llltl1 Bulbs, " \ury 'S' HOll no! 1101' 1\ ,.. I'I -!> .~ It .oIl'' ' : 0".1 I d" w I\' 0 I".· I·hll. will be mailed free t o u I Uili, e huur. Irolll \I'v I·. I I,' " 2.l..i ... 20 u ....... rted.. Tulip Bul bio. I he (',," ntr < Oent l. na n au UII ' 6 1 A VZ.. , I."J . b, V. rll " 10e 0 .. r !II ... ,. " .. . 1' ''<1 '' and lI.m • and . bolllll be kept at h""d ready [or inataDt
~it tll1l
~lIaa :\!H~ I.n~ oo h"r .. Iual.l e ~r.I'.':lI l1 'h • • IILu ' d " ' douf'l~ ~~ uoad""'. .Iv.l.rof... lv n 01 "'"r .. II h 11-:,' ""l"v'"1! -ob,,'~ gc 01 a r . .. ul~r . I"u c I f.:u, UC",!OIl .,
2 J\IH,,'" HAL[FAX. GI!:NT , b,.
U g E\,RF- . 0 nmbh!. 00 _n 7. I 4 A WOMAN. EI ATF.R. 1k.4•• 21lu 11 THE BL.AOK 11'11>1 E,; . \ .... "' ., I..... L. ICIQ li I. A," I' DAYS () [!' POMPF. l r. Oul .., r. Uk . 7 A IIA If II gOE. 011'1 EII"\ . <l .uble 00 :Wo v A J. _ P l ! 8 1 Hit A RU )i I)F.L 'II rT U. b1 lInry a . r or -1IRtS ' tJOp 6 I t1 10 9 )[O:;E\'. by I 1 ' D.{:l-v M U I II I Oe ' W Coil"". Fur Alll>u1 'PfJ81l1J / 10 II El".I.
RCHANT _ ~--AILgR A l~EE1\.l-I~ i IJ h KS
Whllll u rrt'lltotl, rlltlisl(:d lla u OmCUfS
t1~lItn~ t
GI>EENB ' Al.'KS ~ .Ni." ..." l ror ..,·"vr~a ,;oan,.:sr8. Gl->EENB' .AC' KS ~
B (;:18%
or e •• I'Jon'; . lI opkl ulu"li, 1101,1 fruut sl l llhe Di""cvorcr Alld Oon' f\OUllder or tb ~J ... .L.I' .~ to ta !llv u , {UI~balllJed a udu lIM\Jrldll dl ror ru II . :y " E ' 'S . 10 nnd 21 . on'. 0 R.. S W A N FOR () OlD.()~iAlBLl!.'R6! I EA " I' LYN:-.F.. by Mrs H Wood. 200 Oomp o und' Syrup of WlJd Ch erry; IIIC K '
.Bottles Double the Sue of any 21) ct. Preparation.
be rllC(llI tlc ted that lived III V cr o o n tuWlJ s ll lp ('II C U,," "rl'· creek liD ·' M
'rlo. ct.. ' Tlb no other. rOllr Dru91l1.tfor Il SOLO EVERYWHERE.
'iil.... nl 10 lake. Perfeotly Hlrmle.. , Haa no EquII. leavee no unpl .... nhft'eol..
IIIInUl.UltJ~ ·.tJ ~
"1~.0i4.Dtu.n.I.t )
. E HO-U --S[
IU. ..
~hii<i:'d'''' ~
~our: b; ~:':»::..':,&:'-:"'" :,~.."r::~:.~
• I •
NI •• 1,.. :'If •
n t
Indians Aner 11ft Hone~t Mlln. 111\111\118 mny be trencb rou ~ but the)' cnll be JU t, nnd they ca n be ho n e~t and who fib !II 811y h o" fnr the .lIshun ctiLy of othClr h l!! led to tllclr t readl ry' fh ey \';1I0W \\ hen tbllY nro cheuted M tho Gu \ ernm ent I Ill! fuund to I I.!! cost. \ II ul\1 trader wbo E'staullshecl 111m If It whnt bllppeDed to be a fn vurlte loeml Ity amollg tho northern Indlan6 tells a good elory of Ilia first tnllis With III. ",d cus\OInorl!. ther tradera bad 15Ct.tied In tb 1t sallie place before! but 11Iul not remlllncd tll ng The Indlllns, who
TilE Lollduu CUIlTt JOllrlwt "n) It IS IlCrhopilllot gCl orally Icnown tl,aL (1(,11 orul SCul.... loll 18 of &oloh ext rnetlOn HIS s rn ll l lfal~ler 11'8:8 1l!lIfflcllllll seh WI I rn Mtcr m A ynlinro nil II flthN who t!erYeclllls Ipprl'ntJ(~hl[l1ll nn «'ng w cer IIlg hop 011 the /y.lo whllo sllli voullg WIlDt Oll t to Uu In III eh Irgo of n /lullt IIlg dock ItII11UfRC~l1rcd for thl) RU~lan Go , elllml)\st nnd "I cn tho " ork WIll< finished fletUctl l lil tho co uu t ry nlld IIIlIrrled n young lUll) \1\ t P eici sburp: Tholr Illest BOil, the prCli(lnt Genoml C'ntered tho Rll!\Ill8 11 Arlllv and dl81'Inv illS e 1II~lder.blu ability smd uall y rolSC to IllS prC8CD~ prommcnt pos ltl on-bl ~ fnmil y lIame' uble being nus !alllZCcI llIto ScobelotL
Osgood s Hehotype EngraYlngs. Tile eludu.t AOldr..hold o Mlott.en',
On' J""nr I'ne"
lor "" d,dou"e
- .;...;~~.----
evidenUy """ ted llond.., and had mon 1 and fu l'!, looked nbout tho store of the
Nervl{lg m)fl(llf 1 opened them andoh It secm~ hut 'Ycsterdll) - tl ere lylOg bcf()re me, Wllh h er gl()f\ou~ eyes [oreHr closed ~Ith tho hps that had nOl er litl(rcd nn un AJnd \\o.d on eJ\rth lorev('r hUl'hc(I, In) -my sister Rhotla "lien [ cnme to my I!4lnl!CB 1 11'88 IYlll g m m~ own betl Iwd Aunt Eethcr W ill! sitting by my 81de Wher lS Rhoda? I Il8ked wildly My poor boy I' 81ud Aunt Esther nnd tbln I t all cnllle back to me- tbat
now truder, and ellrerully O:Z&IIl\l100 1\\8 goods bu. offered wu~~~~~~:,~~mft«l~~Mn~ilt~,~}~~entitl.~~~ H nally I1mr C1uo( WIth: 8. arge of hili tnbe vl.lted bllu How do, J ohn 1 81l1d tho chlof Sbow me goods. Aha l 1 luke thllt blanket for me and tbllt cullco 10r
<lr eary N()vcmber m()rDln~ the pool Juck st IIIdlng by It- nnd then-Rliodn Will 6lltd my atlnt abruntly MlIlnu huft somctbillg to toII you ,f A nd th en A \Int bl lhe r went ont, nnd M nnn cnme III Ob how ahe bad clHlngcd In that one hort week I Her fnce W n& , e ry~ very pule nlld \!Ild and MlC waRdrcl!SCII 111 a plulO blnck dress wl th her \\ a'7 silken hRIr $Imply
brruded 1 CU ll n()t hope for yonr forgtvencM " lillo 6a d but 1 mu ~~ t II you all Whrn Uhorll nnd I came near tile pond It struck Illy fRn cy to wcnr her blue ~ huwl In place of my roo cloak, 110 we dunged A ll tl e WRy I hnd tormented Rhud n nllc) sbe Lllld borDO It aU sweotly \" en \I e we re lit 1I e pond I thougbt !l ow the tIme to try her mettlc ]lha In 'laId I I dure YOII to wllik un thnt ICC Oh . he f<811 It would not benr LTI rc rjjwl I
Ilmo\\ YOll were a
CO I\ nrd 1
I lim not n cowRrd she suld I do not th IIIk the ICO wtll Leur me Lut I ,nil try It Tbe ICC did benr her, and !!he went o ut In tho m"ldle of tbe pond o Hhodn come bnck " I cried
You dnred me she replied Aod thou thore WlIII a loud crack lind IlJlodn",38 In the pool, 1 trlfd to get [Ier out, but could not, 110 I ran scrcnnllllg for help , )lInoa couIU I!CIIrcely tell me for 1IObblllg lind 1 fclt that /!he hRd 8uffered
enougll 111 III nn HIUd 1 I forgive you Tn the apr ng I " cnt t.o VISit Rhoda B !(TlIye lind It !!Cemed to me thut the Vloklij blo mlna' at tUIl foot of that Simple eros. were Rl Oelll S eyes smiling at me 11M they dId that mornlllg long ngo \Vh t crylllg Rl odelle? You were Timet! my sIster Rhodn only your Frellch mllmlnll Mil }OU nnd )our ~IBtcr Rh 10ll uIII I Millette, mstead of Rbodn
sq uuw- three otte!" skinS for blanket and one for cnlw() Ugh I llay ~ ou him lo-morrow ' H e rec~i ved tho good~ Md lelt On the next dllY he r turned Wi t h a IlIrge part of IllS blind hiS blllnket woll stuffed With 811;1n 8 of vanous klDd a
• Now John I pay ' And With UII B lie drew Ollt lUI ottor skin from IllS bhlllket und ISld It on tue c()unter fhen I e drew Ollt 1\ llIlConrl Il tlmd and ~ fo urth A momollt 8 h081 tutlOD ns thougb cnlcnlntmg Dlld tI t!n he drow forth 1\ fifth RklJl-n very n eh und rare olle nntl pllJ!!!Cd It o ~ e r Tbat 6 right, Johu The trud er \118Um bly puebed back lut akin wltbYou owo rno bUL four 1 want ooly my luet dU M Tho ch ie f refu d 10 take 1t, and IIley paMCd I t ~YClrnl tllll Cll back nDd forth each ono :lSS6rtll g that It belonged to the other At len gth tlo ,Iusky trader appeared t.o be BuLI. neel Ho g " c tho trader n sc rutinIzing look/ lUld pllt tbe 8klft back IUtu tbe blnnke~ thoo Klc pped to the door and gave R yell IIl1cl cried out to hI! follo'll'el'1l ComI>-Como nnd trallo With t.he pllle'ace Joho H e nu cheat lndll\n HI! heart bl~ Tbon Lurolllg to the trader, be Illud I Suppose vuu talce IMt Slclll I tell my people no trnde wltb you We dflve ofT others bllt no" YOIl be In dIan 8 friend ond we be yourll. ' Before dark tho trader "1l8 waist l1~P 10 lura and lORded down With cuh found that honesty had a commercial value "I~h theec In~lftOIl
Tan. Sunburn, l'reoklee, BedneR and Eruptions of tho Skin. and for Bendenng the Oomplexion Olea: and Beautiful
It hftl been found thnt Ihe o nh Ir .conomy 1I lb_t)"blch .tol" the IIIU. lenk. ,snd lav •• In tn.... For Inst.nce ooe .. ve. In milk bnttn egg. nnd 1I00r by the use of DOOL1!Y 8 YEA!Ir l'OWDSR, wllch b mAd e froln the purest (treaD> IlIrtnr derived In 1
grope .cld Good t ouec,,'veo bAv e , ro , cd tb • by experi.nee
fill \\lIIg 18 fr m Ihe .Prescott ( Ar zonn) tnt crpr~. fno hllmnn skele tUIIS wr re recently f<lllnd In au <lba'll dOl eel ahaft on the terllng mme ID thiS CO li II loy They Rrc 811pposed to be the remlUIId of two ermnns, who dlll8ppcnrcd -ho or threo ycard ago nnd wlie nrc thought to have gone IDto ilie mlDe for the pllrpose of tltkmg Ollt tools alld wt' re II vcr hellrd from IIgam Wha hor rors th(lY must II/Ive C)ndllroo, Ito-
Or CIIlna.
The great wnLl of China WIUI m~\Ired mallV places by Mr Unthank aD AmeTlcan engmeor lately engaged on a survey for a OhlDeee rnilway HIS rne81!UrerneDt gave the belght at eighteen feet and n Width on t.op of fifteeu feet E\cry few } undred yards there 18 n t.ower twcnty lhe feet 111gb TIll! foun
a 0
,eason CIII.t.' The QUilliN
Ot-UOR al,"nl.<,1 on Ihe nort h \I esc CIM eorne, of F Iflh ~d Walnllt Ir eeU! Cln" 11,,\1 01 10 II ~ 1ll11(\lnX JJ ~11(u lol/rvt of U e Welt It bill UIl!fulle.t IndorsemenL of II e '\'hQJe of 10clOn.1I B bU811les8 co n Ulunity Il. ~ ber8 are e ffiOlen t anc! Oour leoul and Illi cours~ o( InU'lIot! OI II thor ougl\ And practlitll ForllBrtleulotl ad Ire.~
lb. President Houry A F abe<
I HAVE ."hli Hnicb. Unlveraai Cougb 8yrul ror .}lout):our yeAri Dy uslr II 1& III my own r.mll]1 r beCllme gntl. fl ec! of I'. merit It ha'IjI!Co lII e the lendlr g' rllula of Ie. 'nDe.! h_vID~ by fn, the besLlillIe or any SImple \';;tUe. ~erc. lreeJy given IIWII)', Illul tblaled to illl r
,oD ~Jeft: Co ~ Y, i.'i: lI.mber nNew York Legillatur. Bold y li> :D PARK .t SONS Clneln
IIIg forceR CUD plUIII from ono tower to lin other W1t1mut beIDg.cxposcd to an enemy (rom either side To -calculate the time
nUIt\CRTrw CO('OAIXB pro. 10k.. the growlh
or (IIul beauWlfl t1\e Ualr Rnd reDden J& d and (E16 ..y .1'be COCOAINIIi hold. In \l lIq Itt rorm 1\ ]jrge prol orion o( deodor Izoo COOOANUT Oil "rei ared expressly for
In nnntber
c nEW
The Celebrated " IlA TCBLII88 ' Wood Tag PI1Ig TODACCO TnR P10NlId rOBACCO COMIlAIrI' New York Do.ton And ChlnaJ(n
PICC8 where tbere 18" aheer deeeellt of one thousand feot. Small IItreama arc 8rch~d over but \D the larger .tream8 tho Willi runs to the "ater'.. edge and a towerJs built on aide On the top of the wall there Iensc~ta(ungJDJuuuoc~~~W_~I~~~1
Dati, Ohio
thl.porpole No other com pnlll d 108Ie•• e H dation of the Willi 18 solICI gramte 11r Ihe peculiar properties wh cit .0 ." n.t1~ Unthallk brougbt wltb hllli a brick 1rom • I I the variOus cond t 0 I. of tI e t I II I lobo wall willeh 18 suppoC!ed to have been hn r
uf buddlllg or COCIt 01 thill wRIlI" beJ,ond ~km 50 lar u the magllltude pr !lOlled HI tho bowela of tbe canb of the work 18 concerned I~ sUtpll8llell II Ithout f \1(\ I fur from hUlllan hearlUg everythmg tn ilDClent or modern tlmee The or "h,uuulU Ight, dYing by II chell ~nd of which there II! all)' trace not e, ell dl~(.'<1\ e rod 1I0~11 thelf ftllllb l1ad pyramid!! of Egypt arenothing eomJlRICd (iroJ1pt;d from their bones wit
to give him II tb )tough bU~ lne'5 . duen tlOIl Riche. III-If tnka Wing! nud fly II".Y, but know~D will IOSL whil e hCe nod
1\.1011 JOIll'lSO"
TIle Great Wall
mnd e two bundred yeurs before the tune of eh fist In bnildlllg tbls Immen8C Htono fence t.o keep out the Tartsnt, tbe IIlId Mllmn bUIlders ncncr nttempted to aVOId \n<l Ill) dnrlln g when gralldfllther mountallls or chasma to \!Ilve e:zpell8e !(<lCij home do not mourn for 111m be For nne thousand tbree hundred mill'S c III "e Just oVer tbe TI ver a lhrong of the wall gocs 0\ er plaID and moun 10\ 0 I /IIeij n\\lIIt 111m Yes thcre nre tam and eyerr foot of the founda In \ IlIlh er III I mothe r tl e boys Mmna, hOIl 18 \D solid graDlte, and the my f \If yo I g Wife IIlId list not least rest of the structure 80hd mReOnry In rn~ sister Hhodn -E. l Wood III GQlden solDe places the wall 18 blllit smooth up Jfollr& a~n\D8t the bank or callons, or preel rilE
Tn II bee! ihl~ a mall un do for b 8 BO il
- -------
HEALTH CORSET Will Mk l t S rpurtt! f iliad 8(" At.lj . tf y 1 M I,
~ •.,.. I""
I.r BooII, 11,'t lie e.rorl
TO RIiAOH READliR8 OUToSID. OF THE LARCE CITIES ---0-We lIep......n .. nW"er • 000 1'fewapape.... bay.
. . . • W""kl,.. C IreulAUoR ." on. - . _ ( ... "I ... ( o .... rt . . P I _ ~'on.ot 'btl C'"Aa •• U7. DI.lded lato Ill>< DIIn'ft.' Lb...
Adver1l ••me"'. ReceMId 10' On. or More LlI'.
WA ¥-:Ni~ ,LE. OlllO.WEDN
llEPOllTEB.. Y. NOVEMBER 28, 1877.
.P API 1
(llfClen~ to
t 1 9o to the Zoologlcnl
I!CC tho ullunllie fight tho rhm Ol'C ro\\ ? S Irt.nlll my lIOn but I n I. )C I ge t your trUlll!ers tOrrl 8t.mnlle II y de Ir ~h It Il UIIIW that hoy I IlK got fIr /1111. r II history I II tit? No 101lg. r ngo t.h n yc~t.crdIlY ho h nd eIght p IIr~ uf l.ollHlnts hnl1~lI1g by th eI r tl\1l s fro. I tho c1oth e&-hlle 81ellll hlB hl t.le hen rI co mo to 1118 mother I \ con IlKS I'ONDENT /I k K th o Burlllll;t ton H"'n~ Eyt Do you tl1lnk It III wICkeu to slIIoke ? And thl' H IlIUkEye re pl ell Oh ureadfully, IlU full, "" fullv ~ lekeu l:icnu YOllr clg 11'11 to I.hlll olh oo and let 118 lturn them up for YOII wI 110 VOU HWC Ir 011 IIlId roform before It 11\ too Into his nlrcntly too lito for II ~ wont to Iwellr off In"t ",eelc ;:-;':;"';;';~~"';"nr.rnm-tml+tm-.:'-rr.",'i1!t."''W .. " 10'lird:1lud tho mun h Id gOlle to n piC me Fm N(; II r Ipcr 0110 or tho HOCIII "Ulrs of run" III rcbllked by II fn clld
,,10 II" d llternly or, If I \\ cro YUII I 111101111 be afmld of llI1vlIIg b "I IlIck 1110 II 'Y ,UII neg lect your poor old bit I I fulhe r I II Iwflllj alld YO II 110 r eh /I0~ Neglect 11m? Wby, you an mlMIJ ken No I am t.. 18111 he bcp:glllg nt II Mtrcc t corner not 1111\£ II Imle f WIII I e ro? Woll nnd everr. ) lme I I If!!! 11011 t I gl vo him n pcnlly ~ , r l K I<II~ Ktl It tl oro arc clht.m II ora tU" 111 l'lulndclpllla "ho pubhsb the, r oWIl Sptlochcij 111 thclrowlI (lRperl! UIIIBly It 18 porhll1'8 beIIt [arl'laU80~ that lD thrllO II rCllry [lulIII 1I1'plalU!O tunee, whell n1mOllt [\pplnUHO) \lvery a1 prodllces [llIIRltlUIKl applaul!C] IIOme lIO", IPl'Inul!e] Bhock 1101110 dc~truot.on of ul ru trlOIIS nllllllll!C) .dolH HOmo oyor thr lW of [I 1111 IPIIIIII6C] hurele,fore UII Irt r111 11hcu TtlllllllltlU UKIIJlPlause] lIalJl ~~ lh It we Mlollid [dc I£Olllllg "1'1 I \Usc] re Cllr l<> U C JIlore plCl\l!llIjl; d"uL)' of [pro101 gc.llIl'l'luusc] Cllhl1~"tt.clltlon to the (hllmlc l" II pllUl!e better 81de I [ n( (I \llMO l hUIlJ IIllty Lollg IIl1d de I[ CUlII!; nil III!(! ]
r r
.\ I'en I'
THE mOIl<) UJto liuH CCtlI!cd from troub bng nnd tho bed bug 18 IIOl\foh \ng fo r wInter ~uurtcrH but the book Ilgell t you !lavo ",n h rOll nlway~
o Cl
A YOUNG ureblD wont I~ a hnt store onc dny Int!t week ami told the clerk thl\t ho n nap nt the \!Juno t me putting two centM 011 tho cQunlor He was IRformed thl\i the chell pest cap \II slore would euet twenty five cenli' What emd tho younl!"tcr them's 'lImp:rornls:ltllt big enougb for n cannull I only ~ OliO fur u. pIHtol
WI! 11'111 C til"" I.t''' 'IlUCIa till t 'I !t'" , I' l l , ',(,1' '01 ,/ 1" '11'(111111 { ' l" r unl\. f -1:1,111, , ~h r. ~ttl" • • PlUIW IWKItT., DT.-- W", "U l< M~i'Ir,· -Iv 1,,,11 IL l "~/ ' ti' I I Ih i • DI . '1'111 I' ''il\~ III l<'1l11·". ==u.= .C , I 'uII tt I .1 ' ,rl ~ I (I~I'r 0 ·"Hllty 1'1' lit, II " ' .. Yrllp t.) r " . (' Iii ' I I I 1.lll'Lb! AUA.lII 1~\if.\vAr. I'l. I, IU\·.II:J , rl" nU,:",' ,I •• , ' v i ' :~ . ·1'h".>' \lIlly '1 u>lIII,II'1< " ti.... . • - ,,,I • t .1" ," 'J r\ t tll:1 " _••n .._I •• a. .......... Ilhls V;(l(:tlIIIAI~1I UI'lhl> t' Il\~r llltll h lllll'n llYCtit - ~Ill "t :U . wh ich ( d I f l \' 11 "',1 t!t('lll ill II\,IIU Ii I,ll III tlll,l III. _,n 'II , LI/III . " ". l!l r Mu /l d,II.I Ullrll1 l1l(lttllh,/Ut .l t;.:Ii I ·k . wh il ;- - itw ll lh ' lI 1I ,'u l C'III' III' ,. I,.r I t'llcd tUI I) (· k uf'W O'ld ,1I :l1nl,k,· UI1\. 1 . ... llinolIlU!l\',;'P .. • . III j , l l " Nil 1 " Vetl . 1 t.11,, \lll\l\V~I .·Jullllyhuha!l 1It'l 1"1. H II ' ,~ " . •' . till ~. ~tIH' bll il 10 11J,,1I' 1' IV c\, t!lIiog (1) ~~~bi~u. ;\C,.. u'··I>J '" 1<0 :,111 ... 11 hj(Ir Il~II~'lII oor\'jo\\' I' ll IIIUII " 1 ' d I 'I Ull) Il "I,' I,l .\ II " t ,I "'''' ~!r~ . B . \ lltlHlIly ' s , " 1,1 1" I'll. n . p ". I ... ,. .. . ~ o 1 .nout l I .1 • J ., r. 1'1111 , q PflolI'O;II l to d v l\W iu It II • '~iht,. llnoi oe., 10611 . • , _" 13 ' 111. 1111.1. I""11l ~repllr~u Ivr tho till' IlI l)t'· .1111' I·t i ing lur' h'llt tl\ 0 . . -- ~II'.. EA . , Dt\dl '.t 111\ .i\l ~t .....,_... a __ •. 11118 " ~ K 0 1 Ida s01l1 ut all timo. pr i'll II II:,\\'C·I h,' Inw 'rl' I ,\. - MIS 01 Enl\ ' r I)I,'II'U R 61lpetillr lut vI' Itld ie;;' prno a 61 .. . II t ~'I!J f ll 1111Il! (111 111' lit I ng llt. hilt we I~ It oll 11111 " .1 .1 0 II l ill. Ku b ~ 1I1111 1'llIlIk~ i ll tll ' lIl ll"t flLoo\h l, ltlll \,I " ~trlu Plf18htE " .. Ia.. ~ 62 • II No ti ca nllul 1' 1' II . f 1I "W'l!. . /I II o \v' prllI terd III 'f '1 . , '" ' e OIoclu. Aco .. I ,(~I r . ' No' 41 1 1 ' :1 U 1I0 \\', \1' 1' lI lllJ 101 I{ lI C!rnl till ul .t' lh'\O iH rllll ·III1 . 1 1\) (H.. 111'111 e;r) Iu .$ IO, u ll d lli f'y nr ele· _ ;I ~ Pa 1Jl.'!J~"' .81' 6 111 P . ,, 0 xo. IOI II!I,. I.\," Il' -'- hI! l'nll)I110 il ltO dCl' ub i" 111111 jlt ' l Ii 'I' II: lub r LII y l - FI'osll k II I' It '''IC~ricti I'll I' glllll ~.I I:hl' lIls. :\11 :1. DIt lie)' i8 ttl ' .re~1i an Ace.. 1 se •. II . 1\0 14 IIU Ill" lI lI d 1I0 W wo 'n I fccllU~lj' l'e rf" I'11i li t 0 I Ql . . T IIIWkgl\' [ lit Terty 'li 0 'nt rul :1,1 '1'\' 11 tvc kl!" wilh millill I" t I' , ERCBANT _ t 'llo",onllgo t. Sll ' " II,t II~~ d 'lo II 10 .1 ... d a5 SqIlU IO, Ur • cery. . fralMdD Dh' . iol' . J ' • uCII III lJ fltI e Ivr Ih . ti' l'ot" ill8crti cI, JII all cents I II ' 81111:11111; a lld ~ h ' is bell I' ' Ihllll - -- ~o I BIuoI .od No 10 'V~~t 0.,r1 m II. ,1 .'kglt II VII:I. :w d 11'1 UIII' iabt cud lJll ('II( h II UlI\!quullt inl!ertiull of a Irall ' \ - WtlHa W IlId lc h I otlll II d ('vc r Jll e Jlall!11 IIII' dnI>M IIUlking -,, 011. 1 . • • 1 ad 10 'a" dlih Allolba" I 1', 'C I I Iri! •A . LIII 1!C ' , I 'Itll't lie I 0 Id stlill <l 11'11,0111 I No • ."Q f t EastPMal'n "COI'a Ohl'O rbllt . nee'" 9laud.,. ~ " ~ ~IC' l l lll I H'l't .lse ment ishttle no 11 h to ',,1:. 1 Illtll II hvtllc ill Sl lI l1 l1 t" lI ,Q,. ¥ . h lin Utf 1'l1 e tt "US n d . t' . II . • W V· ' I I U. O. B 'Ilf~s rloht A,enL 'hristinn d I ' 1'1' CI . 1\1 I l'~ i' l!C I U V \\. 'II , '''lI count tn~\I ar st t 11\ \ c' II ) . GI RO R It 9T1LltS. :is. Ag'l ~181elll w i'II~'~1 :ltJ lhtl L ~!1 cU:J' 11 11 01 Iiglilo' I\ ,'rl.; fi B (lilY eonscilln -GeL nr \1.Y~t I'~ f,lr T ll1l l1 k I l.clJlIlI\IU. - - MaS lin ,,",u8u.l1y lhlll !tllo or- 1IU.lLs GvUIO &.lST : ·\.Itb' I I ILl ~ 16 pro I!~H: . tWIlII, I,Tllt [II'a l I'l ln[('1' \\ vuld tos· ·lrY 8. Til y are \III" <11011" lU • • aDd ~ 40 p • ./ • uttg I "'.lUg. as It were, ill Iho llfy , 1l1l0 Ih tl I'tt hli ~ har wh o vol in e. [Fr,,,,, ;,pu trlol ) I , , • II 41UI O(I~'" ~;AT .'· • rl~I'relbl1clltl ?l ln cloister, alld mlll~' nlltartl)· ItICI:I III cut Ih is uown olLe. ' ... """ , tllg nl Itt e w,lh tb e 01l ! 8 Ie ~ U d' . R. Ullyslit ill pttttinJ,; l'ul l lOd faVIU ~llddlot"\I'n C Iln0 l 00•• 0112;'10 ~ " I\hd 5411 . • world f I' /II . L'Y IIICO'; 1\ l ~p Uij ltlVlI tvwurds ackllwitb·s hllp Il e:ott tv Il\' ~ 1' II I till'; VI Illlty nlld paid mgl·lt)· ~ODsmlG'lJ~S Wtm ) vet A. L 'FAll a , I' hi rI' n;any y;a1'8'd Ihe 11j!:ltt Ihc c"l l~ \\ Illc h 18 \' ulgal'ly ,Iesig· hop. 'ulI ls 101 ,Ipplo~ ill the (1IC IIlIl'd \\'hulI ' W 4~ A tJ:4.~ ~ ~ l.\, g Q> .1t??I1I!~=-~lrrl.e,t. o..lltD8-Llae ~ntll:~I:t(lc'\t~ll.sltln lute Ii labl~ut IIII~ 1Il,lut! Uti I'IZU!I- -underruinlug, so to ne w stock of 1 they \\" ' rl! \lnly Bollt '); fllr 511 CUlll.:l i '" Jllil!!ll......natl8 lotlllPd· ftoom Go ..dn for • • II I\CIIOO e t nrguuG, dpt'Uk. W u huv but a8lnallcrumb II: aSB \"'I!'C rl I tI L I [' - -Wllich will bo-..~ _lIIlDocI"tion t~lI, Ordlml I"ft It .Icd !lIlIny wd l now n a up IIl1l1ually 01 ti,e I:V llllty udverttsing 8WILre i8 tltnp\)nuv lI~. I! 1 1'l' r~ til tl lllll OIl. uupl o Will tbe "Qftoot!ee "m telel ......t.1 ..,tendun o ud CllH t he gouu vld mllu blCdq J - u"t 'lI l1 l1~h lu luy u liabl e to tlall it 11111. j,(l!t II ilul!11I1 lI'ClLk uecllsi vlIlLlly. " D,alRtlTtfIlY. fur ,the ex~mplo ho s t bet'vre them .ICc n~at l"l l 01 selt ' lnter(lst in tillS " >' rJ.. 1>11 th.'" UIIIl IS beir.'~ pu ah• of ,I relll$lOUd \l'lIlk lind Il ~"o ly mattel' I:'xct!pt In eo goneral way' cd 1" 1\\,1110 \\' Ith 111 0.) 1'0 l.tPIUltv a l _~~;~~=~:'4J(J~:;I!~~!, co nversatIOn. AIIII tIllS li lll h ' bllt li n gOlleml I'l'Il1oiples we feei tlll.l w lll t~1' 8('11.' 111 :Ippl' IlI.!h es. ·The on chu al' lIu4 Sund., of 41..oh hVl'd ~ltbOl\t l'!1rude or ull chllrit.v. uhlig '(1 10 testify thut publishere 1'1101' IS Ih e IIlUrit iIllP,) ,tllllt plll't 1141 \\' , "''''''--. Elder L . Ba\,i •. POOltot-. Altll.Ollgh 80 Frtl'nll l he wlla 1II". t : get IIIl tU IoIl'e tlt ltll tla \. ellrn In doiug nnd er c nstruetl un, Tho 'rumo ---AT_ __ .!C":~~t~~!".~~~~ charlta blo a!"'1 tol~r~lIt to\"!lrdd Ol b. !leg lll 1" Ill tillg tur wb,lt the Itlwal. work fu t th e rovt IB immen8e Wuu.~~~ ~ .ffiUl \jt~~~ ,e} CJ SWI4q>.r 4l&IIti ~I/Illh. r.",JIIIiIoIOt efe'" e~ wll~ d~ffi I'ed tr»m 11IIn; und low..,: Thl! tllx .tnl>le ill tho Leb. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8' ~~~~~ ~ ti S ;t"-,, lite # . , tltllther 111 I ,I I ' I' ~ A\"uu'ti COUBT.- YesterQtly aI', , WI"';"I" lQCOQ I • • lIij preuc I ng or 1I~ IV ' la nv" OIl.:!tltU i~ u lOodel uf typo. teru" Ill, Mr J " ltll Kel t! fl E'1' 1\' U5 fined A180, aj"ll U" e oif COllllTlI, iiII'll, Tie8, 7ti1'(II, Umlrr~lla8.· _iJ;~ 1I&U'~.P. E. OaUMB - O<ll"ll6r 01 In.g cLluld nnyone fiDd cle lluncllll w n gltlpit lcul cxCt·lll·1I1'O IIl1d Il otle8ty ~.: .ADlJo<\am\-)llamiStreeh. ThoRn.Loul. ol th osew!to emethodsconlrlstuu l ,d M D ' 11 1 d ' h" ..,2 11I1U COlltd. ll1.tll $ IO.75, ru rn~ C((ll e/l,&C'.,&c , cotl.sta1Jtlyonn(l1ld. C011le a'ld 86. O. borne,lWctor. Divine ""ryke e'{err h'o ~'II tl r I' d ' Ill , r. tlll ll \ 11', Ie ulIlg 1111 ~ :tU l t Illl d' lInll 'l . UII 11.0 IJc r~ lIn 01 =,,=========~=='~============~!!!!I• . . .""<111 Sunlb)· er ning Sun ·,y ... l ool \ I ,I 1\) 0 V lIS own n (11'1 11111 elf l\a u ~1·,~ · ,c:.1 il>jusllcc alld WUII't D !I ll! Ki ng . ~Ir. ReI"" CI Attla. !'tt. ~r,Sund ..t lo ur t\l CIlI )' th yeMS . I,el ltnl 's b", t lln " ~lll ll\ I II\' ,. llll fvr ehllrg I ...W ..m e J; ll ..",,;c Town,h'[l D.!.Ilrt' •• ,~ Fl l l' I I~ '~ Ill lll hllB hN' 1I Ihl! pn 11(;1 Iillg 1,,1' i I 1111' !t.o titUIi the III w IHC l l! II ('" I.. "hl'lI l1 {<IO II II: it" II ~l'h llltl • • , tel/tin,any mceYon lloll.1d a.lur. tIn I UI .II I1.. I('1 1111 "'111-( Il.e Ul th",l.. x IdCl . 1I, 1'1 J • II I Illi ,II'" lie 11 .111 I,'ulleu ~lrri KIIIK, ! d ..yla ....oblnnu lb, ~t·t o'cl <>ok P III By;, 0 I I \V I l e ~. 11 5 I II t tC IIIIer· alld Mi ue Bui lvh '\ru W , d .11 h ilt 111(·1".1), n t 1'l!III" 101l;ly 0 rt' Inordertolnl~uceotl~4o-J""{;O i1IustrutedCatAlogue(lnbookform)orJ...elry .. nd "tler .. r L'h o Culup 'ny L ll"r l!lOc~ . Pre •. rtCII", 1111 11" p UC\!. Iadelal'rrlt" l rlll' tHI Ii \Ie d l!~lrl' to lIl ako in th o , I ', ' UII I 1""1 Wntch.... whhfullmfonn"honIlowtoBeCOme~ent8 iandMake:!JOney, ' n P G S " Hli lt ... 1 ' II I fit II L 1111111) .ChIi IlOIl . Illnrdu ". tn l n I 1." '11. t ,~ i!l'lI l ,'ni/Ill Ivr!!"t , we \\ llIl<'nd, on .~~C1pl of One Doll4r, b .. relurn thia 1Iu.ab'&ted CaIaI""ue. to, I" ~... • "U ..... e1lr.t"ry ". '';u ... ' IJ U C y ~ llr9 III Ie P"'!!IC"R ul Ih i~ Itttl .: 11'1\ 1' helll'oe il I I ~~ , .... }IU "!'i!,~ MBlITI!l il IOrlt.",~"x). - l! "'I. ulltlst vi gn'ul bud dy llifi l lll .ty. hIS Oltl l.ebull Ull ll cwl tl lUl'S. " Ltlt"11I - Mr, ·. N Fct lu, /all I'l.t' n 11 ' 10111-" I ~ "lIr. us I.. I lIdlll~" III CUll GClhcrwith "'If ftl r a!"JI~ ...·ot'llb,p overy F U1!l .... d 4,10 I pln cl! lit lla ll lI elid of thc Ill " 'Ilng fj ,, 1 I " C warded Ie con tl'Uct lUI' hll i l, li ll~ tl net It ItI" 'e, "Ill II I! • ,I (:ItIl."r"tJ~ II i ; OUR ONE DOLLAR COLDEN ET. ~lJ"!t~~jf..~tUcil ./:~k. D~) 1 \\ ~It! J ' ·.lt l ru ho l'U(;lt 11 t. tllld Ia ls l ., I . __ _ _ Ihe M. ItlrWll ag", li t S ll 7.i 1"" lg ' •. 1111 1 ~I r ; h lll~ " lill i, IUlun" l OI IIlt~lIntl n \ I . 11' wV1I 11 S~ '111 II t u tiC ' 0 in C k \. ', I j "f I"II I" ~" I".,· III lI n ''1 '1',·,, 1 tv tl, §11M'!' DO\PTI61' I. ' roe- • Ill) Churc\, 11> 8 I 'era Il vur II 111 11, ,," ,W' . ' ~ 1II o,j I br - tn . \ rt l al ~ ' 'ton I1 fr" III uJ' e. t ,. III Iho III " . \I" \I i Iw t,," t1 WU)Ud:- SurVlC<" t.cltllh~ fir ~t ~ nd ,h h'd lic: , 1'1 rIl c's t 1I'I d II hU\I 'I O:II15 ill t e Igllom nc' nl lla u tiu:t thnt tltero IS Icr', hllv 10 n \, IBIII !l ~ I lUl l' I ICI " . (. " 1 ~~bb.llli of ellr!. mnnth at I CJ~ A, )1 all d 7 I.' l'lde t r es of hIS anXi()lv 10 1 tla o ~ lull' I'I,oI lln ltll l{! tho t1lsclaargo of lit vl cel . I ke ' " 1 " 1 1'1 IIII t.lf . \ c1~II01, Ihl tt dll II . I 101 R.. J .0\. SUI n. " n,un"I,r li'r. I I~ f J Nr' . I' I I • !Lln~, III . " !llllv. 1'11:1 1 "I , " \\,11 I'!lll '!'. bl':I \ll lllI ll) r . I Jt . •\ 1I 11 ro ""rdialh IU llt"d lJ Utl,' 11 I.> t(·rn.1 \1'\' II le 0 olla r l·.,. c u"l11 ~ \l it 1111 1 10 c-? rp rat e lOt · JOdI)' p', pu lal' .'V c lII ean a ll ,) t ll lll' '' I I' ~,I .,· a11 11 ... t l· ~ti ll l! tlall IIJ F·,i~~ ..'lllm TlN(I cit · r I \b" nl I,"" yelll' 1 5') ThnlTltls It:! '1 1 \\ :1 1'11 (' I d lc. SUlli ll llititlli l l t:i I "'~. 10 .. 1\·~Hi, il' ~"~ry Fir, ! '.".j' i:,,,','J. AIIIl:t : Illude II mlll i tl'rl;1 VISit to c·s of tlaiR 1~ II " rau ce. or el e tleti. " vn!? '. YI'Up, VI' II II Il l ' ,age Id l'rt Ilig tlol ouch pr.lCt ICl!. b. ....... II • I Ie F D ' .' B f tl I d h)' ICII~lIri l' C IIllu.!II .1 It. .- , - • y . _ " ,Dllllllf,31 uo 00. Lrtl.- By ..,t r at I t!l ill nUll I r land. Thi8 :II1CO II Ie IIW. Cllllle un or (lor IltJ;l . o::T L" ls 01 IIl ll rl IInu m () i ~ luI' U 8bJaoo1 1L'1I1~' <l olookll.. ". t{JUI , ill art I' life WI\lI a favorite 0 " crvn Ion lusl wcok, unci it w'mld ORRli\Tn\N Gu u. 'u-l:Iervico on Lord'.. I .. II • I I Ed wi II J 801liley un I -. - - - - day. and Bun.t..y.""hool nt blllf.l' .... ~ uino Ihemo wIth hilll in eunversat ion . " n \~ O I" r lIue I \'io IItc>re I~ l uke ' . , I [(f' 1\ 'dt YOllr fallrl!!. ,ver) ;Lor~',,·dll,. IDvrllinl('. Whd o 10 Lond oll Ilc was tho hoo Wil l II 1I1/;. Thoy hnve no right to lIi e. MlIl'y Il lI d L ,nls(' 1 ' l [ E.CJl Oltcu - Th" a y r~ ll \r"uClcaf (I' cd g ll «"t ul Ellz., bellr FlY. J o. tf( ~PIlS "POll the premises of '"I)' udell. WOllddl [,hl"lp~' AstoDuhlng Succen I P""~r. Divin Nlrvl fin :lund,,) . , at 10 til." h .l ull:1 (jIl IllUY IllliUd Gltr. " ue, lit) wotter if such pre mises . Leua lloll 1.lst ::)IlIUIUIt.' 1 I i. the ,1" l v of o, cry I",r."n wh" h." t-9 0 ul .... k A )f, Bud 0 1·2 I'. )1 . S"bbutl. , ne) 11 m I vtitl'l' 1' lI ' , OVe- l.rUII 1\ IIII rll bb'ItS. If r be vellI . ch ool.:\~ ~ 1.2 1'. !III . Quukcrd; .Ir l lng ' \I. ,I Ut '~" IJ ' ,.,-8 G R'OI IS M II I' I' I., Ior ,t. Il t i d tl I -Ne\ glvd5, 1I0 WUI I C\.!oi. 1"'\,n WOll tt.r fu\ ' pld ltll t.,,, klll\A1I t\.· th~lr' I I I FIIUIE: II.. ·QIt NO& X", PI. 'l'trnn. of l l\' "c t lec " lI l l e 'I~~ l xtcll dl.JltilD l . :I}:lI e ln ll u . IClr I lImc~ a ll n . .. . . frlO",I< 'n ,·,,, In :( C,,,,.,, I" I'''''''. " ,v' re\ jfu ~bllld~y: Williurn C..rnoll . M. Att'r ¥ ecI I hy reitg l!lll d hd,lic'; VII iuu his own 11I1Ir1.i Iut., Ite IS IIpposud til be wil l bud fi lle I, l ,II rll l~III;, fig4, G III.!h .. ('r.. "I'. A .tl1I" , £'"o u,. ,."I , .",d ,.. o."rD"II . DruK·:; I"r~ l h ••"""ud t,u rd,,) - palt tul ull .1 Ilt u cl ol rry o! th t! " "1'111 vi II e lliot au d to dl'si ro Ellgli sh ttrnulI~ , Crtllti'l!I' IIJ". c\:c . I"" "lllhr',1I .n,l lu"",II •• ,,,,. :0;" p ,. Qr.,~oltmonLh. 1\ t Tuol,cltplD . • nd .. nl],e l, ·[ I . • I ... II· ' · II .1 t t at F'1Lr1" A ls", tho hu t Ilu uli l " .~' IO ""'"'' It "'\th,.'" , "n", .. \1,,,., ,,1 ,.(fulIrtuS .. turd .. uf .u"hmonth.t2 ,,·olock. , .... ,t1I C I 01 IIg.llId- - II'" ltl (,I'el I 'Cd retllllllll llll Il'TC li n.. no v f b k I tI .f 1 1.. ",·,1 ....·• \\,111 ,,'11. V" ""V '" ""I ". 1 1l1l XL 1 ~ ll' e : n Il IJl U ' :l!~ wli lell ho hU'18ht:d / l! 111 M~ 1''' II I1 t1 rOil (l v~ r by r. cn. 0 lie \ IOat ·ur. I" "" ,I" ",l.. ,lUI: " f "II lIr',,,. ,, .. " tI,'· R f.PORTOt' W llYII('6\'1 11(1 Pliblic " V(·I' ult, 1'. " Iu II h IIIII U II' regard forth e -V 0 re ill(lt'hl"d til ti l 11"11. ' '' '''01''",111 , Lhr p'"" J '''~''' I"'''"I'I '' ' 'I' ttl ' . Ib B d ttl tr till lh)Il lv, lu'" II {ItW) ,h '/t'n ' I [·I·i.cnd eb()o'II~ flli' Ih !llll ~J11lb ending Nov. Al'lI ett. be "les h is pu b. "').: ltd II 1('11' IIL'If{ lor· . ell! 1.'>1 M r' II S.G 11 dnUl' ~01' h'ts f.11I1I II l· I '~ I a'·I 1at..,,Ie1""••",'\I 'r."" ld lUijt ) 1I nll " " ," " "., c 10,177: II~ 1111 11 1 Iruti " 1I8, Iins wrillull IIl1 d tlJl- \\ liv 1m " "hathnl'm might dre8ll 1ll tl(o Il lli lAO vi H I'l'lesull t \\' 1" r~'lfhll.·J "u"n'l!',rled . .' ,.. 1, 11 111 0\1 · Run . Gla' r OTA I, puhlt . l, u" e'·eml c]o l' vllOllnl work!! he " "[1(: loO t hdd lcn or oth ers by ntivo : \Vo 11111 t b~ e x ' II-CU 1',' ,U il'''," .. Ihu 1.11\1 \ 1< "YlI l I' n un,,1 b 100 I • If"!
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i 't, howuvur--ldu id tUl' , " pirina l in Il'lI etlvn a llu c ns>I I\IIulI . lUI III'" pl'otectivll of nil, and Le -W. E Aude l',j II lIt t " l! O I17.elt(. e _.. _.- !!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WC. lielll'l'e 1"11uu d Aill ett \I'll ~llIhe \\, ,~ IIII\'C P r.onul xperienee tHce, id preplHed tu . !I ppl · Iti l col · (f1l ~h U nlltl\ u of '" uth 'ul'lilinli. Hu III Ihe tIl ,llI l" ·. Wo eoy keop nt II or:s of tho oale br ated D.1l1i, \a IU k _I nll ~ 11I1' !; ( '"=r=II=M",,,'= = == cUlllpletod Iri~ 6111 Y 11 1' in Juno,and resJl\,cI.r'1I1 cli~ llIlI ce rrom Yllur neig h· mll nufnetll d by the Ex ,,1'101' ~-----==-~_ _ , w, l.tilo 11111 bniltly i).·II 'I·g i s hr.ld been bOI'd w_"h yuur dop: 00 11, IIl jl[nnuti . I t IS II Notl'Ce t o Ho rr.Ral·~er s GEORGE N. WER NTZ, :.r.\'I!\J . Br.r ••eo"'pbinl4l l'Iuoll " 1I M'Nl,rr.AI. fr.DO n t> • ,.ud gun . AlIlorl.on,1•.' and 0 '· tUI I \II" ~ U u • "'... ' - 1YI 1 T"1 I 0,01 ,0.1.. h'" I•• I" ....... ,.. OM ' . .. t vr.sumo , 11010 : •·~t ~ hili . ~11[1 EN rl'lH.r""IIM"k1i r -_ Frid1t " even. ;-~ , r h. "e Ihur " r\ flllo RIA\ I. fu r ""It. uo ..... letuln U Its ' ,C:U1 IC ' S nuo \'Igo to . lT N VV 3t) IMr 'F' REO L'''II K ~I!IT -Dr. M S W. !fI lII s. o f' Ih i IC. lI.'!III), fum ·' '''"rC(",, ", I ' <o,no lncwntarl IIbd ...vr ..... lIo Ar> r;;,~~.'" !,M/I "''>? "'''''0. l ,. 1 Ilh 'u,.r),da), I I • I 1\ J('lllnrkn bl I! dl'~ret.. A I\el' u long InM , ' , • b" f '1)lnc . ho ueell III'one:ai II" IlL tl,(, A. H WI LLI \:'ol SON , Ir'oJ\IUX] U { !> U • • V'V .., " " " " " ~uor nil ,. QU • • a. nil , Qlln ' "• • ur. la,1 l't' II t ., I I a t t l e rl!qll ~" t ll lll !l llUl r o prom· B k ' F' ," .". I - - - ---'- ----,,,.4. ... 1'1 . .... ' .. .. . 11. ~.N.o ".btf. r. 'fOO D1uDO wboh •• D"i um I'"," . ~ pO IJ , 10 pIlS~. U ell ITI. y i1I0ll t ei ril~l!'1~ 't'i II ,i VO II ecleet ell. IC I.te t'l encl ~ l1I~etl l l l-: III 'I II ~ HS Il ,.,. "Iwncu " n ow .1, .. k ., f n,·nL.· "'lId •. Illl'uy WIth out tiny Pll lticular d l' _ .' g. II .' II II Cllll1ntl . H'I'y IIcccl" ulJ ly. dU ll II!! thc wi " to h. WIll m ll""f " ..., H,I, . Ul t.o< "r 110< (lnse, bnt npparcll lly bccl~ nse tho ter .", UUlOllt III ulh\tl Ild (),. e tl , last wce k or two Tlt e Ell 1]11 i r l'1' .\ 11 p "n<UII M h l n I, rreby f<orblJ ,lol1 10 h,.,"t lal,,"l 01) I. . :""<f"dl'''' ;llI ,,,.,,tced ot Lebo· d fl' d ." "" r prrm '.. .. "lIh cl oJ; 0" ':Iln. durll\!; \ COlII II';: lind r0l' """!t pr"", "I I)' alU'ad. c1 ,\ 0 :~ e (!J o nly to '3.7 t h,t it Jc c:orupo u ndo{l "' ~ I 1 d I· I I IIUtI rlln Oil t • 'rl lCl nS8 1~ 1 '0 I.y• t'P1lor . f Ibn I I Ions ,.rom ri'pol t(' ono v lid I CUll I' l'S III II, I"11"" "'1' ""' ull ' ,I " , I"''''''' ur I,er "0 I to th u el1mo r ... lanC lfi slt\ lI An d Q"ru U h o ~I.IJrlJrf' . 'Itt ll l! UIIe II" • .1 :lstel' III t.! II I \f eu.1 dO I ong Ilere lihon • C·Il I lij IlIg 0 . se tec " , te n BO. I " \I """I! II .. "url,IIU: .. Ill b trcllied II., AI ..,. C"I. 10 m ." ~ lI r< lho Perf ot F'IIIII~ Drill In1.lnt.nltl J th u do.OfVod rell u-taUoD "bl o~ 0 11 ~lIrth cllll ed Iii 111 to ioin-th e <>1 0 t e Inuts, CIIII ·I't\Olllg 0~!f'h'(',VJlla7'e -~1 "1'1 B ' d ' , ' . I' ' 1 1,,"1'''''' « ,,1111 [I" .. o"uI.,1 lot, lb. fu ll ox· ~ hirl C.II.nd -co . " .., . U:l4-1 Il h35 IIe'lu"...1 by tho " oDd. lf,,1 our.. It b". • • M BYI'!lll L omb , 0 111/01' pcril d r. l\1 to n r.1 stlO t" 111111 Y w" " I tI,. I,\\,. 1 - · · - - - - - - -- - -- IlCrform tld. '10 t ilo!lo " L.o btyo nOT'" Irfmf' lo g hnrd \\'ork ill thi s direction, 1I0UScOr;nptlll) 01 lhe A~oslle8, tho 't l ' . " I ' .f ' I> I' II I hnve·llrm·eu in Imllo n o ri ll'" Cu. A II W .r h ""'U", " '!"o,l nrnd~lr .t. I J.\ lI ~S W U1I H;S Il l. I) \110 CU1t.\ rrVE \fa Dr"1(O :l. b l.11 1..' [ at J Y' l f hlA, WI I tl('om lc ~Ihe(JC1'l!l'I'urm 111118. tlllro. oy T C)(IIS,I\l1d Ilre u I IgIlto, • I With thl!II' .' II l·. , "nll'll, 1 UO,.I-,.,PATII'I', fo r tho d lJ tUlICI , n&.J:a Cld be low . an d g"ud reSII It ~ are nI rCIl d )' seen ~1'c I r!lIstl ll °f' UOII\e of 110 nrilw CO inlru. W, ll l/un N lion. _. I Sa in ts, Will Ilh... llo.d Lbo I .. Lof,. •• n. 1,0$ on iLo lu< ill Ihoojlol\ruv~d order and illcreotl· IV IlIse \lnl1d IIrc Jasllel' Iliid whuse '" ' c . I c O d , 8 ·' 11 Ii I I\,rul, Clade. R"huIl}o' F Ull",,,. IPlI'.( J It i" D ~U 101I trlodo Ii' d b tl I I I1trl\etd ale gllid' a nd well may we dllcQ 8111110 b~.111 "hI i n ~ trlllll(' llt tl l II \II 10111 • I nr re!1 ~ r 1']\ I I ~( )I ,r) "'" Ic, S. mucl 1" lIv. , ~ an " oiJ . t I; . And DOArly every aomllHluh" d it III !lrCi\. tlI/11I1 es.e y 10 liC 10 ' B' mnsi c al so fl~"or the uudience With p n a lit otter Irvm Ill'ry III " fl.II'lI'" ' 1" k. W A O' ~ '~ II, I UII\." ~ c\oo r<1\ u t~1 \I f It ,rr,,' Bonk. I)OSSOlI81mc.rlu l o me 1I,,;n« orhJane:e of It.. p&.lZl-d O.. lire .If ellet'y IUOID lIay," les cd IIrc th e dead who dIe . d' . h' I thi s number VVe bOl)e he will Hen ry IC 1h,I.' A P. O'NeD II. "Inl_ 81., Wu,... " •• lII e , 0111._ ~ lroy l Dr And curaUyo proptlrUtl .. .1 I'or tlICy res t f rom eerlUU ' ' D' '' ' e I I)CO ' • 1 J . aesUI'OO that .III Ib e L oru. I ' ~ 1\11 dCOlnlC f 11 snn"", fJi" - III \VF IC J write ngain " • on•• '\line). Jr. I Offico 1"H,r<. 7 1·:1lu 9 I·J \ ~ , I 10 ~ I·Q l' nren ts muy rest J "c'~u L1\mb, W ) l1u,'1, P .. . 7 10 ~ t· III ...·u;nent and Skillful Physlcllll1'1 laool's and tbei l' works do fol Ie 18 so WOIl er n yc ectl ve. rum ' I I rtl Ies we mtheir Wla!<O VE: I' · genol'a a them" y, . Mr. Ke nt's IIhiltly liS 1\ reader , we - P I'haps the fi ne t . J'~, h of ITl'llin· berl S. '. ,,·y .I nt... Thorpe. t' d I' I luw . .II. ~ ~. .~ ~ " ~~~k t IIlU e tt l\uy line nlo rn u e or t 10 . • . exsect II rtlre Illld i IItollectulLl tren ' III " cI'er dono in this to\\ U i tlllIt Pit II I r c" I~. Johu H, •• " ,' ROBE 1\ 1' F. It'L 1{1'\ AS. III. lb. Curntl .. l~.'y In ~ro.tlc~ . ..Gol !lood of the IIchonl and for rio otl • Friend Arn ett leav es hts flllth '. . •. '" d ' , II A .1",. J W U .,rt. ,,,Ie. prom,nentclorC7IDODAnilMILOnrOOOllllll ndl~ . A I ' . t I 1'111 I\I ld devo lod wi Ie whose COli ' A UII B UIII only 15 cents. 'Ve hope 011 tI,o woo wOI'k I II MI'. A L. l' ,II I't! \1,11 1,, ", l ["rf.orrl. Il' ''J F J.lll u.,lu. 1I 0M (J',)I'A I'll 10 (rolll a Icnowlodco ofiLt .tr•• . lIad .... p . .. (H pu rposo. 8 you ,a\ an In cr· d'" Bi to sec Il fiuo uSijomblllgo. nl!W hlill e, done by IJ 'IV. Jvll C~ , ,110(tt D H 'II"'., N M"Kin-cy. IPllYS J t ff AND "URfI!l"lf w.eould glvobuadrodlor••rUGcatM Crom\l.r· ust Rlill prrd u ill ha ving l\ ...('food stUll t cure !til nnl'cltl lttlllg " 1!0tiOll E tlq , 0 f Leuanon. .. 'J J " I< C .Ii tl Fd"'l ·•• lIou 10; IJ n"h"' .... I 'II , " \I , 11 .. " 01\ 1;00". \0 tbl. OOlllm".,I,·. bu' .. I I I d I . • • "r " ~(! h ",,~ \\ " Il!ol Ihut wo h,I\' 'II II/!hl IIIV~ • CSM! 11111 lUI' 11I11 uy Yl!arrl, UeUgtou8 Notices. tI a r Of 1 f t ' I 's l' 0 d ' ;r" e IIr" " ". ).,.", II K nill" Ollioe hou... f",w IIJ~ t.. 111j) A 1>1. 2M I" berr Lo r. rorto our pamphl.l .... bleh 10 to boh.'J lg I .. Il<>k'l"tl l' hl'llI l" l'v " I'1!1'i11iOll III tu IU UUrli hia VtlCnllt plnce in her I I d t I arll ~ Itn til ~nl' lint' IS .1 11 111' " N '1'1,(0111... ~ "'"11,1. 1.1.". ~ I'M .r Drunl.lI.orwlll b.... , by mOIl on."plo· • J I 11 '" I k I Eld J M' d I f lar 0 exce In alS e an exeell 101\. J; A Br.. wlI, ./u" .. " ~I Ch"" O"Cth , l\ Omp. 2 d.... r. So u l" of 1I".roo n,"'k. r~U"n . All IboOClrtin.AI<I•• , e e"Ur.;yvolun. 1l111' \\ Vl k \\ ' llllltlky vuI OI'Y OIII' IClUlO, utto.) rllJlllee .lll t,C ti ll \\" er.,al\1 eS artlll ae, .o . W, 1I1.,,,,R"j!oro. C.fir"" T O'N61111, W.4."~EtlVIL •• I!,OI"O. b n. and.mnnatofrom\l."onlor .t.wtdlt;: ''' lIlly Il lld 1I11 ~ III UIUU iI SIII ' P,"·t a nd "dj.!e (It [11 6 et ~ullI .lllY: '!,d lu na, wtll preach III tho Baph Bt - The P"~7'lot 8ays: Selllttvr Am". H ,liu. . fle ,h l'u ... " . . foll'l . lItlr.,pcel4blllly,andwhomo.1bu eOmUI11c!· Fton, k ",k.8 ",td "llhbylattororlapeI'lOD, ('II(")lIrnglc'llle nl Sl) lilr du ring the The In nerlll 0 1 FI'I l!Il(1 Arnett "Ill Chu rch, Sutn rdllY lind Sunday uext : Stok~s, of tillS cuunty, has lie II ,r .. h u llll .. kll. PI {,lll'lI )·J'nr. lIlId Ilupe llillt wu t:lko I'l l1cll I'll Sixth un}, Ih : 1I0th . -SllllIrdny tlt .:1 1I'l'lock 1'.101 ., alld llll enti oned amung , other pt'" balli o 1·~:·~~hf~,~~7,~~t. ~~~~,,~J';I~~~' J 11 . ADA lit !\1. R ucumatllm aDd 1IIlDraJ.-a. shOl l! nCI CI' !1lI' 1'I~ lc. saL y lllll' ha lltle. ~rom II I\; 01 Ih " cI (\~ }, I'II: II U' III l'et 111111115 lit hllll P,I, t 10 A ~I. can ilidates &II Ii .fit pel.~I;1I til he 1:1, .1." C"ok , D N , Ui ll;·klortl, ~ofect.tQ Irn!s~oisn r. ••J!,lh. rullo,,\n. t•• tlmo.I.1.o r.... ".11_ W . J . Co K. I:'I'i II. III;; !luuse, li t 10 () cl .,e k. - N l'xt 8 UIldll ,.. the fil ilt Sunday I eleetotl to t l,I6 po I;~wn 01 I r~'~ ld o ll t \0.,1 '1 hr,,(·I,lI1url ,'o ~'.plio ll 0",,1< Oft! d i D . I la,vwII allltun. af lorolo.d: S .\ I J' horp' SClJtllllU!:I Ca n~ltu rC:oti(tt ll tHI\t r. H lI rt.) ey ~ .,1, L ' _ " "" CII ''''O'OLLC~oV.•:t...UfU .O .• JIll,.e.U'16. " t I __ - -- - - . / 111 Advullt • .\11'. l~wdllll E\lLll rl bo. pro t Mil 0I tlO .:leIi IIO l'!lal ul . 110 ( ''' '' \\,, ~ Io l , " . • Iund , IV'~ "F.S IIII ~. " lJa2 . , " ~ fl R U 0 II ~ UAII\· S u"w.- Snlnchl<li e "fllais CIl IIWS ' 1I1'C'lill tendl·nt ' vISt.Mary'd 81< •kcs, If :ec. al ICtl to tI It II I I " . " •. 1 hR.o boon lold Dr ... Itb Jlbonm~ \ <\ \ rI .I.1I: Ar viUI'AN Y' I.' 'I IVII , ~ - I ", f '''''''r ' "" I" , "., ""0 " d tlo .1 Ij' ll,m rhr•• lonltc,"clb••• oauidnolwaill' (1 11'ISIV II vI' th e [tIY'; 1ill e Ha t Com plllee lI, e c" lItelll plating f" I, u\\ III Ir SlIn ' II I' sch ool 1\11'. EvaD8 i8 eo : ,,"oulu Ii II It With ered,t. I.) t1, e "1,,.1, u'lk •. r ,r I., c· ,,~< .~.. 1 , ~:'~~IIL~~~r~1:.D:,~~!I·~'~":u~~~~t11,,·~:~..t~\\.~ I.a' ll)II , uli oel: r onlll ,alld " I' 8p ta ill tl, t! f.l<lltlvlI "l ey.Il Ia U !! III uIll el' ell I th "I'I.II"h 1' 1 HI J'clllll:l II , !Iud adlnll'llh· -In "ur stILtem()nt Illllt tllc II " W .----ljR:ce and R cai(/clI ('" 1" ,,',·(/ 't., t;;O:-l'S tItlIHTl VF.. wid hI a. n rooom",o.d C . d I "'. '" v ~ MAKE HOME HAPPY. JI' (, I ... u".· ... r,ou, IIh' ulUntl.m. ro'r hoo r.d Dlu • • I!, lur•• day",.lhIiLl cQuhlaltondtolllyb"." '\ I IU'III !I.rmally, Vl'gllIII Z~ 1111 , tOI' Pl'Itllllg tUWIIS, hy geltl l1 ~ tlp ' ll ' l~ (III .I Ith·d "" I LI,~ po 111011. \V ,, ' Ohl'i sti llll Ohllleh st.JV CtI \,'CII' plllt. ('quq,pcJ I\ltla ~JUCCS. t1 I·j' IIllI.lll· bahy ·~hu\\' Wh Yli otl 'V;IYUUS IhOlil t l,Jtt l1 l1del' h i8s llpUlvi~ illllJtllly thcdolinl ion of :'l es~l i. Eliio lt H ' Al'IoQUMlluDPly .1 ~ \VAYN1':SVlLI.E, "1l·..... ntt-ntho ..b,,"3(0,lhoboa.Sl at Lllnl t lItull l , :~lId u s ntiiclellt IIOUl uel (II \ tlk nlld ltd l!IIVlrv lJ 8 lire li S pl'vlt th: inrl e,lscd i't II' I'l' t II III hi I1wltkllll & C.. ICUII1I1 , wo ~ honld III 0 h,l\\1 b OoodReadlo8 and B.autifui Plolum L. C. L U KEN S, M. D. ILCI •• tf.Il'U. Y~6~\}~~~11'8~'t;rro well. tnl1l1cd d'igs. \ vl lllltce rod Ih ell of tllt.!~o ble BlllgB, La hle~, Ud lil ly e 1 III Ih l" S II IIJII." ·,;r h flu!. IIl1d ull udd ed. had \1' 0 klJ (,wn the 'lIct_. Sr. WILL DO 1'1'. III PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. i'rom Goor... Blthel. Y. lb. POPlilu 11 . .. Drol!ur.1 trlJl I IceS, ful' tho . cxtC IIllIII.ut IOIl uf oth r commun ity 01 ltd exlent; lho) IllI e III~itccI too co operate. th at r.hs. J llne M. Alion dOllllled H THE OINOINNATI til f Ln£LAKD . 0 •• Nonmber 2, 1874. DAl t!O IH Nutwnu l B inK Bu afdl1l1:{, 1·~1.t! 011 . VIII' p l'ClI1 lbeS, 011 Sntlll'dllY arc flS Slll ill t IlIIU hUI1 J some a. tla e l . --- - - . $25 for their purchase- a hallu· lot LA1t"SO" CmuuoAl. eoMI'An: t!'o r ovo r a 7 08[ I wu ... r eat .\l6.r.r t.-o". WAY VESVIJ. LE. OHIO, ::\ 'U; la!!1. 1 h Y al e IIIgan.I7.l!tl II Itil such gen erality. a nd ure 1111 11'01tl. exb b 111 & !~," L I? :norrow ev~n ln g, Homo gift. We shOll lei he glll(1 If b , 0 U.&.L, jU in al Y b anu; l.Jled al molL eYer,. r.modl' lb&i 1 oould h..... ort .... told br, pbfe,Ytlh.llll, und ly OI k 1~lth ~ nch pCI'~O ttlng, We helll til y OIlU('1'80 Ill e l " ti l afil,rd II. till e oppo rtunity to th e TMlstees lII'onld furllhh II c, lm· ~,:~'~ ~1!~:'g:.r;r;~.~h '8:n~:.:::: Q . ' . I~n. that 1 o"cbt to try. ohanl'! oCel .. aw S"~TH W. BROWN. voruuco; I!lllt In movlllj( u small p~n Irleu, Illid IIOJ>u the atfJvelllclit Will thos<o \\,1, 0 ollJ uy th e dun co, tv rllB~ pleto list of tlle eOlllllbu tl)l'~ to th<o ' IrI ~::'~~;;:r. t>;';;:i'tJl ;:.1";'pt!i..'~~fe::; , A lady r.conllueaded LaW8OD·. Ouratlro, t .. boltlo aod am llI.aNd to 1"1 tn .. I III ~~·.~'~;'nh ."~:.!.':~·~~3.d:~I~~~t~~ uf c 1rI1, III wlilch were tortY'S IX bel pn~hocS tUl'l'mrd tu eOIl~Ull1ll1a. a most plellsllnt uvenlng. 1 rot"chnrch, forp bHoatioll. .. ATTOR.NEy AT LAW , ,jfroc<trod tuo inlenso .,. In _&8 I"emoyicl almo,,& l".&.alt,.. u.... C Ollr botU., 1: ..,...."., .... rate, not une eso!Lpod to tell tb e tale. timl. Grdftn':I su perb nreheBtl'a will fur. 11 F d J K t .' · I r~';:! ~;";!u~·~'~';,'l.~:·~~r~~~~: lit . AND NOTARY PUBLiC: dIy.b ....Jlaavo 011"",11 outod. It is LIlt justice tu this Company W e J1l'e rcq llcstod to ILsk 1111 pa n ish th c tnllrlie . JlIIU the best or reo tl - 're t ' f, " j en 18 dln O~lg us. ne ; IrI C«l«l .'orl.. E .." ,"I..cnbor .1,. 0 V.rYlrul~ JaD" • . LBBANON, orno. I EO. B. BOIIOLEY. ttl BUY thllt they uro very gelltcd III runtl! posse~sillg II huhy or bl' b'l e~ fl'es!tme nts 1\111 be suppliet.! in pro· b,ekugell o rpa ne wall, til, rnctl\I'IOj ld ~~;·\:T'::~'~j,::-p::!';.' ;A~:~ III L. · d ~ I. d .• I~ 00 on T em erllll CO ly Ie " "C - iii ~,rTt..llnl••d !.tT· A·I"'· 171"L¥'JT·'nh'·T,~.,~ad"·Lr••!PA'. A ll1, Dl8l1tll»J 8ctAUca, al\ care,li IIII rI'egur " C'' Irs '1IId fU SI"n. A .tl . II' ." ,~ . 'u ... MAHLON RIDGE, .oohavlvr. . . I ' Iu of Ilny nge Ill) t il tilI 'ne J (' d I '111 d I I knOWIJlIl1 th or l T• S'.11111 o le 0 . N Ar aII ........ I.... "...... "I ..... N curlllgl., TootJlaeJae, IIIJUrlllgMulIl1eCOsQll1'l y( ISP Ilcmg who IU'O willing to enter th t!l1l 1~l r . 00 oreel' 11'1 Ie assure, lIlt( I I t I'or tJ 1e ~I III r.:.~ ,~Jr_~~ki ~'Ia,::,:"o;~::'~l~; Sore Throat, llU~ Plouri!Jr. propl!ILy. The COl1lpany, whe u e:ot illbllion und to compete for tho indiclltioll:l ure fur u lurgc turll out. a l8u gcnera Ilg1e ldl tl 'E n.e\\' , III'· '" :'f.T.·n~ :::.:r~t~:~~o;~nl~"',:~lnw: (It §llsl)tOltllblc hwollea .JoIAtM, BheamaUatu, II IJ:H d II. . . T I d Ii d ply papcl', cline 1U nS lgn, un· •. ~ III , BUill uri! ,un 10 calOpnlgll prizes. to sigilify th OII' Intentllln hy erps le lorellns, g u Itn lavc a goo d urs etl II" tl le N C T U . TI 1e II: ;'~~:l1:,:,~:l.~'~~tbR::I~ \:,~b:o~~~~r~~; ... IRIAIIJ!m>mlJ: ~S3 lEm, lIeadaehe, Chllblala., J extends to the 6~ndlll"'" their nllmos t (1 thl's -office time IIIHI ho hnfJ["'. !CIJ(~Jf'n C B t an d mos 't e'I"egan t n ·bl· b 'wo,k T. an ,po •• oud..'d",'OI"UV "1 111.4.1111 lilT.. , •• - -, - ,..AYN. ."ILL&. Lamo u.e., J I e In ""b .e .11< •• nd , . ""p'IO <01 '1 0 ... . I 22". of l Decomber I I sp~ F ul'luelS '" 10 \VIti I to C \lilt' t lei I' lit once. TillS it is hopl'rI wil! be - - -- . '" k I I, d f Ih. plCl.," .nd 'COIn ..... ' • • ,1Ift"or .... Cralllp, . Bnrlll, "eS of [' "I'eat UlIlSOlleo will 'd d ' I ' I TilE first "I lind hall of the sen· the 111111' ct clln a B() 10 prncnre (I 0 :::~"n,"r:::::n~.&:.:r .::~:.t:. It! W VAN NA\IEE. M D , 'CI11I })I a .... • CllnSI OIC ll. pel dOlla upp tCutlllll .... . I' G' 1\ II t 111 A "" h'tr (or an,. o U l e r . ' " • IlIphthorJa, SeaJeI., d u well to svhcit the survlces III t b d d " I d I son curno off III th l! Hall last FII' 111lI. Ive 1111 a cn , tI r. ,.. , ." "n. ,,, .. ho,,,".h,,•• I'''~1''n' ~ " .... IIIBW woaK, o ever) v y, un It IS IOpll t lat d Ah 1J01l'tI rCtlid enee. I ~h. "I"",. " The r ..or Ih. I'o .. r "" II". looll.d II I 12t1 :181h ~ lroeL. Plul:ulull'h'a, AII r iold 10 lb. ml~l " IDRuCIlCO oCtile C llr~ti". thlti CumpallY. ant.! give them I'ell no one \\tll be Iulnclnllt to enler ny CYCIIII<I-: Vll t twen ly twv III ~:':~ ,~:r!~:r·:~o~l. ;·;!~,:\ ,:,7, :~:: ::; I'R ~'h" c hi' "'111 Beo 1',"'cUI. f, om Ih,· fir " no nlllt.tcr or hOfT l il li E; standing _ It. Is on),. 8\II1I\I,le uid ill th ol l' I,and.ubl e cn:lIl'ts th eir darli IIgs fo r (lxlll hitlOn And, cou pie \" c r<o pi o.ell t. th e excI·eu l.1I g. 1 - 011 ~1 ()lItlllY ••1I1e 1!Jth. a C"I~ I lot ~;~,~ ~:'~' ,~: ,i:;:;,":"~ " ~h" h w, ""'" ~ , 10 II" .l011o of 0 ' ell m'JII' h AII • Ius", " or li t cu~:tary t il U iII..! I l ( llItlJillll) nnti,tt:'l'fIft,"erirla t,. ttl I'Id the cU . lIli l ry ul thIS l)e8t llel' aa" tbe silO"' 1l '.c'~c •• ucc08-f"ll y L'."Le,1 M.~ .r,·urd in~ 10 lb. full direction. whlcb ••COIII · " Call1l()t go OIl \\'l tlIOllt Iy IIIclern ellt I II IHlHth cr 1I1111E~at lll~ ,111 1\' eorul 'os<!ti 01 illr. lind ,\11 ... t' I <'" q-"'/J<r"·W"''''pl<' ,, .. !'In' /'~Utr ~ ... I101.,,'1\11' Uel lC t lcd rn ClIl ~ I ' en Plltllllt'lo ul n li l !l!hln l: t' l':t 1,/ ('.J: 1J bot tle, a. .1 ! ) _ .. wil l "'lrc!,. t, r .. V1l8 "ttlo aU11I1'l1. the 1l8811rance tl,at Blltl'lclellt Illtlll Illga ilist 1\ u pr. turn out. • v~ 'y V 11ogo r~. O. L. J WII C.).·. Anl"~ ~ ElT.A.~, '" I ~"" " ,;10 .~ mlllo ",s RI1 ~ havo rom"d"" -anl ! ,vuu. I. J\.~ Itt 1180 Walnut St., tJl u cllHH,'f, O. ... ... E . A . ROWN . bCI' 01 children wrll he f~' rtlt colllilw I tIillig PIISS(' d 0 fi I' I CIISUlit I y, tl 1Il11" S n. SIdes . Nel'r 1Ialllus, I ' . II. All I R'~===~""'==~====tllil. loy mall "!" phl" c'mlninlll/.: to·lm,o",.I. Xu ' 26. 1 77 it is hoped liB WIll rcnitze the it~: lto the InUII,I!;(:18, MUdHl'd. S U Cv"k 1~I Ollr, A D H tliUCII, 1\11 8. A II!I t· MaK~ HOME: PLEASANT, l U~:-:s,ncolcd • •eDll ree IO ll nYdddl "8< CURATIV~ It 1Ir.n.UufI{ .UJtl Coolin. to W - " ' ... p,lrlallee vf immc,llllt c IICtlU1l til thl! :lnd JIII1\ I'~ Suit.. , Engl e W ['sley HIl III es, Ju, l:tll I~ I'I ___________ _ - - - . -- .- h~reJI, lltun. uul8ca.... El e l'OIl thol1s[l"d 8uven huo· maltel'. . -:--. - . ant, W .ll ter Jann cy :llId R It ]'.11 I Try , L n",1 you "III u.n. b. wllboDUt. drud and'lifty dolllll':.l \l'ere add ed TI II I I I N o pla ce lit Ih e country IS hct· ~I e wont to the rel~id ellce of I e , i Iree c Maes of t· . II pn 11' " ' to t I\0 M·lal111. V a II oy R al' I way ~ Ilie k .. lere WI J ' '0 t III CI snpp 1IO(I Wit 1 IC WII t (lrIlI.,· Ellgle ncar N ow Bn"'ing toll 118 Price $1.00 per Bottle. Illet "' ·Itlll·dlll· H ur PIIZC8, an It I ~ nee ('88 to SIlY the trouflll" I' n I't" VI' "I'nl'ty tlll'n Wa v· ' t I b t tl ' fi f' I·II" I·.\REO BY 'A'Vl:ON cnL''''OAL 00. l'U L banal> • \oJ. J affulr wonld bo c<lllunctcd in the ~II~ 'rio. "'. ';1' I. If. n. s nrprr " ~ pl1l'ty 0 ee ~ rn, e Ie INSTANTA~T'rIOU'S .. .. ~ ra il fll\, that. t U rlegVI e. 101 0 IS olle WI, till hi t etl '1IITl I"lll'sat'y of 1, 18 birth 011 __ _ . _. _ mo~ ccurvus mannc r. Nuweend I f I tl d I ." .. Ot-lee and l~Ib<~rlltorr 136 St. CJalreIt• . a ml e () town at tIe Ilor I a~ tlll'll'lIl thore th e Il\dt e~ 01 th o com . . • '. Mail·carriurs al'o now rQ' \II l/p~~II~~I~\~~. worl(\. so nth: and there are two trongh s III plilly look eil1ll'go of tho rlinillg CL E VELAN D, OHIO, quired to wear livery. D. W . ___ •._.. _ . __ tlte village. • • rooil1, 1111,1 fUJII1 theil' \I'oll.fill ed JA.. ...,....A"ltl hJ' nil Dr".nl~( •. .Meeke Will, therelor4), c1 " n his full "" reaim nlnl s aboQt tho fil'ill of lIe:ott AnEIiD the lIall to.morroweve. WaynC8ville wilL cnme un bneket8 spl.ocRd a Jill!!!P~n oll ~ ADIlIlm>m>l\sor-e " rn.ning. like a flow er when the Nllrrow· re past, willch WIIS .h lghly ellJoyed IIl!mt~~QIJ ~ IJ ~I w on I. _ _ ...;...-_- _ _ , Gange Railway comes thl'ough, Iby all. NI<igllbors and IHends clime No.3. . . . EAST .MAIN S1'IlBBT I ' Awlodowgard'eoiuwioteri8B o:::? Adventn elCt Sunday. • intopllltici pute in the . festivities SOLD BY DR llOO l S TS, At WAYNES.VILLE, O. I'tiflll and cbeerillg eight to toe - •• Tllg Hammell House publio of the oCGnslUll, and . to. .Wilill the , B PrOllOrll'Uonoolllpol&nded .t·aU boul'lIby r b1' ' nlt inte them. l 'IIANlt GIVINO to·morrow. ' pump wantsa doctor. ' host many happy iet~~n~. (tf' tin tents ..,er oUle. ..n e~perienoed Druntl'. ~:r·~.':~:·n,~'oOOl. ~~ ~Z I~~ c._or tlIrdin. 1\ 16 ~7 tlte oases c>f tard iness, 11 00 r,urred ill thc Primllry i in the Grammur Room', 4- iu the IlI tel'mo' 'at ,. 8 I' ll thc l'III tl Ie c\ I • S ·con d"r' .. 8 ehllol. gUm we lIlust urge parents t" niL! itS in 0111' alh-lOl'ts lit re lorlll iII th o IIlllltol',; or puuclualrty Jlud gCII . ernl order. Our hi~he.'!t c;ll's il C i!l to Illilk • .'" our Sel IO!1 eoltlll til 111I" ., J III the elato ill 1111 thill ~~ Ihu t g o til JIIU kll1l goou sehuul. ' Vc ttll! do.
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cold w tlltbe r, an i! th" MOUS TACH £ . . . ._ .. too TW , • I~... ~ T .. p~ ,,,,a , I' I II UII t bY U ' " hi hr~I II ' nenlU ll l h" " A'" lrondI U,lIr S e a s fld . l I~"' II . .. r l. ll ANO" '" aW Ke r , · • "rI IlLIIUl KIt~ Cli lltI ""1I1 III e 7. e !J om tltu G ul~ I t tl _1'hO~ OH lor. bo ... ~ a 'l o"~II _. r l \H tb e ,•• WOII . • ~ h" "O il' a nice .. hl.k , o r Mtlu. DR SWAYNE, 1878. t!!!!!7,!~!!!!!!!!!!!,!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nl~ \v !!!!!!! 1 l~ " I110 lJo Cb I I IUl1ltI hu iI, . \ "ls:l'l,d 11 1\ 01, "' III ,n lh ,~ .ch Th. UI,eo. re, ..u~ 0018poua i lilt III LIlXIlIi t h"''' IP Il l ·· lID1" Dd " " U,"2 ' II r l' rllltlnIl .. ~ N o. b0. " IDA k ~' • r ut tW . . A A.lh, l i 1m' "1'1 t '" '" I' 1 11v r 0 .1 f lli. ". v rene,, I I YOII. liP vurr" lpulI d IIllc e "1 hU( Huuks ILlle u~ nulll u"!" • sold rrom ' I , 1hepre" grc# nt ll ll y peu p e r o u WU Wit I I ,e tiooery, II'''''''' •••rllel. fOlliod • I III OJ ,'lve,1 ( Itch,"ged . .. <! ~ n~"rldled ) for III 1 ~. , h " rl1cl llfolon r I haL !If li lA 111 1 '"'" ('lI • l', ~ ,- N I'bui,I'c IIII",l ! llll nSUIII \>h Oll alld UI'Clh.c lit t h ll~ I ,,, e" tI" Uldel tlll.t l . W IIIa ;!O""I' DR. S;WA YNE' 8 (l ~I \r,,n Il Jler l'.'~ . " H. rll l\: ScUlll u r ~I ()rt ' II ~ It I 'lid'! k Ilid CVIUQ t v tlJl lI s UF 'i ..V /\ VA T I tat u lor t h e ir It ~. II b~ ," • •\rd r, It nil rrc.lpi 01 pd, 'J I~ fd, ,,. I ,u \\ " """ ., ,, , or)' wler~ tll .l t I I ~ /) " I r, ) N'b~,jJ _)r..". 11 W~, 20c Oompou lld Syrup O{, Wild Chen, • 1 8 "gaUl • • ~" ItI" I IO ~~r \heir . " 0(;ft81d crR add.e., hIS IU1 N I k. II. H, lr Dre , I'S 11011 ~"d u w'r t Upon L prIJ Pv.~ . v g~t Up U t! u ll~ I lpt iol l I c al th II J il l! 1:1 A. I I li A.\. ,E N b, ~!I.. Mu U1\1 Ol lH r \ .. lu .. 1 J. raJ.. rllt t lOrIiS . otetlld; npItli r· ord fo r tlll' Ib o us u nd tl 0 1 peo ple CIIUIP IAbl tl t". I. Bruoky ille Oll t l1 IU l'lt plitt ye l ulld i u r the PUl jllJtlO 01 e rec t ing u o ut h e r e eve r y IlIgbt " • • ' t it' j"r " MtllIlIUau uo of J c pa h , ~ prole.. llin II 0 'r. or ,tb th. hu portlat DO\VN '-:0,. £ I'll E PlllC E !'i I I 1 \)1 E to:"i It l C l1 r"nl w l th vl1 t fear . ,Iouhl. no 20- ,dv' '' "Ke 01 • rI!l u l~r Med" ICo.1 n \ll D t t l Iho lI ~ ..rt> ."" l'aLb~ 11.1 gonct'Olil op .. WI I I £ducat on rll I Utl~ ' I N I I or Tlt l! UtO Oil U 1t8 tu ' m o ry 1 A \\ O\lt\ tt 'r li e 0 ClitOI.lI1gCU1-' p. R b . H. Rtl "do oll e o! Ille "Ido ' ! Hod bel l 8obool8 10 Phlla uO :!Ile .. 1 11011 \I hlHC hlth ~rto boen od ondoil to Vl t lt l' -"~&I ...... Ind ' ...... lL frulU ~Y~r}'I Il Irt<rof epeakll lg 01 m Ull ullI ellta - w Olll dll ' t l a rlUo r h UH t o lauur ~ I II r~ BL CK tl"' [ 'f Un.on P I h V. rll . lnlt, IO <le i h " uri!."' ,h. " . In Ihe ~ ~r l d B. IQbh~ rd tltrv ugl l •• If IlIuN f,," III 11t h III Oil ) lbl nl( In hrl. I, I A 'i lP ~ ' O FP,) olr~ I l1 ul",r Ige Tho 1>11113 8 uII I. K fuur I' t of It b\l '" e ll to I CIOill d tlt e ll ev Vle ul I Ito Iu m m e l to prucurl _equOhtl. I ... , d a f. ll hfull rm 01 pr.ct~ l Icl!d Iur h Id I t.lll dom IWri,~-u u~ " il blf"l l",cntl fh , . " "t 21! '10111111"0 " " A ~I I r~))F Ge , . 1, I I "ble llo ~OC Uh t! t IJrlU III O Ihe UV I b, ,,"ul udcl yblll I",,,t-p I •• d, . lIoar . ~d (or .... nr; I 0 F THE: CO U N T R. Y d 10 III I Y VII e It t I t Ie 1111 m 181UI! k t hro ug II the I" ... un, m .. "Jlar~o 11n; ~ R U:-': DEL l l 'l l I II b , Ma ry (1e n~ , ooro .tl,,,I1. <1 01!l1'\' IIIl'pY ",u,,,h or "'(} 00 l otl ~ un d c o 1-' 00 nih. 110 " lu i til u Novt:JrY ~ ••r Co 0 )(" .. , b ur): N Y ~ ure •• • ""[ "" he 8 1l1ulilY d a:,," ofper v ry 0 1 1 h O lllu ~ C UIIHII t u p illce I Wlll tu l, \lUI lI u t s oil II II V TIIJo: UK I. an Lb"". IOalllll LIoDl he " b~ ~ ,.d I b~ !l\!j"t ampl. o h c r" 9 OLII M \ 1)l1I, ~ I ON S \ <0 ' i' Y . by It CllSls - - - - - - - - . ,,,ht l' ' I( . 1, cl vi fiO c IlI mOR Wllllt II m il BUll u ul . l~tl llt \1 0lly ul th tl ll t 11l>t III II g nppo,tulIlUI O of obl ~l u ,~ Oil ;ID' IIhl rDto! t u kCtl l, s to k, 11 8 Ih e rtl lS M' ry ,' . c,1 ila l A o. n"nlllld elf"d ll ,1 !:lu lI l{ . hu ,,," " f th. dl " It ul.'I Ct " " '"" I ., I 100 d' l4tJ1~8 i In ,,11 r.hd .. tt rlo ... form.. • • ,,,.It 1'hc G"ZIt.I"IKI. I Il El ' l'or f r r og tl ru t o li S \\ Vi t it Ov c r th e g lli VU pi llut v vi gl a~s all 10 II OMA.N INll Ul rr IV 1;· .Im 20c .. fur . ocorl 010 I rthe I/Urt 1 r,," b .. VIII) I th heAl ru e)hodl of tbe lr 11019 unlDtlrk e d w itele t h l! reLl'''"1 I lnrllle rs bUl e Ud II"," e v c al S omo :'00 A"dr . .. .DR 1'11!:H C ~ Ogodol"h urlt " ,, ~~ ""' ''''li t' fl II . .. II V Illi"' nl I~ II""0 II '1II.I. 0 ~1 i1 E H.O-; ,t. 2 U~ tre atweDt I" ofJ"en ng the efbre 10 til. _ UM llt leu hun N Y 12 ~ MF. RIO \ N ~"" \ I 0'I I. I rt;li11n". i b II 20. ~". mlll . r "I1OILII I , Jlr'l .. , .. l fo)f It.. TIlE ------ , IJ !' IlIN CI SS OF Tli l l ~ II' Illf"k .lOe peur'c or Lho Uuol ed :Slalol tbe f ruitA of bla o t ie n !lUll ":1:11 1118 untl g l e at o rlld It l' l s e<, \\l lIc h...c u t 11 0 " tI , ~ h~ IIlO' WLlh gru"tdU" ~e.,- The ~arlO "r M''<lh ~II' u fu tllror Mor 14 D~ \ D '<Ec; lI\ u l e t o MEN AND WOM EN ....; r,., ... 1.UN" HE1 \I , k c (, 11 "' 0 2tlc onens lv. p1'ofelll! loaal o ~ P' "' IlC;O 1:1 tba h e art e d C Orl\l1l ~ ".1 PI"" 1\11 •• 0 " }"nr \Vhut fec "ng~ ! k c,e p t ha n t hl ee v r t OUI b e ud ut ti le clos ,, 1 Buuk"r ""d 1'1 flO "" " " I",,,,, medical cu mpo u"d. II Ib 1,,11 "'l1li11. or bla 015 ItOMOI A Ge o ElI ot d " II '" I'" rt ... "' t "f ' ) h c \V(' ( kl l S un. :lOe ek .. " I"h IPo lnt ru e li t RUd d ' N No ~t ru tl a" u "l III ond o blklrvahou he r•• ll l hl ' h~ i~ but O 0" ll " J .. llu/T"rl l" Ud '''llwul lt II; IIH E SI d R 110 ~ij hU l fOlltlltl o r 11 d,,· tn (urll I •• hod I Il ~ ,. ~ llh O IITff pr"ollou l Id '\ 1' 0 d Ue" II. I k rcotl' .L. 1>r1 'cu"",,, lOti O roil _hi. 111 1 ,rltll, d l " T il Ii: WEu~' A I U prolToring 10 0 0 0 " 10 •• err 'QlQllrlb rollgbout I I nt k ""IV "", ~_T S\J "" ? r POl \Y o u E I N IJ c v m e o \ e r IIIl I' If. IIl OI' ",", W I Wll rl Cli1l W IU I It .lrr ul .. IO" ll"nll ~ 1 ou t ILu ne t ling I • State. the tautJ re.u.1DJ: na he doe ll , c:ou6d nth, l.c II sho uld VI SI t th e gra ves af W ebs lc r f ro lll cU lU l n ~ t ulatT eeps c lII' g ranti " PO" uny " .<l red dulJ ect If ) " " uro pu. thu 'I'" ,d"" .ml bC) tlnd Nl Unltd( tlety \bo ullUlld oop, e. of th n G ". Ito .. It.o '" ,I. d . t . h. 17 1IIull e hook I , l ui., I rll Itle the rnel1l.1llluJ . . 1!h :tl(,lou lt virtue ClI a:! 18 lhlll thc ) , led or. .hv .uI J eo ~ Or WHtlt. r"rOII,t for of t he reQl Il il EN PERI l ... M C il II ,r Iii fll IUc m I·' l l "'l' t r," n ~ l .1, ,,, A I, " I nO I pKgoCd \ Ut rulLr~ 1 , woekh I l e u , II V lI y ut ij I UII O, uC leve It to L Clnemnl ll l' UdHJffieu lll.t) o ,r II l'nUl"i lll oh I~ II I Ril AIf,\" II hf od l• • De h. r""l tb -ll mmend* r be " ftRt am ~ u yl h", 1!'leu. IId". ue a WI Id WI Id Cr lleS" , ",.terud oAONE DULl AR O .n \ • I,y \ .. d 0 d er 10 I h II II H I U U f R II d \ E IJ H I . " I.: '"It,r uuu t u r t~.tl1n O D1 fcom _ I1 part .. .1 n t . " It 0 " U , • CO lin.... p". ... g c w •• PAi d t , the , ,,,ollnl of the .orld t Idb II I UIt E-'U 'n r d • o lie 80 n n I I I I I III U I! r!UlluKl ',OI v f fll U U WI ea:!lti , s na kell , etc ~no e hAlp ro,.n 1J0 0 TO It flWA¥ ;o; &~ OOM "d Itd ne"o edltor~Uf!'l'i t 0 S Br. c kv .lI~ OlltO"o, " hAn Y' II r •" ",,10 Ilur •• /f!!! ultuRur,,u1f ... v ther dlstlDg nl s hcd u Cl\d. lind Hll d "I trlle there are ,,,,d'il e. lerllr y d"I"lflm n m.ko It 119 A II R HI BLt;; l r ~If I A Ilf) :; Il, '-t POlTN . SU UlIl \I tid be lls t tl ,,, II be oomplled ",th li nd the tblHlt II BY IW ~, P 0 1' WILD CHERa T' (; llIrl o' R". do 100 TO 11 11 " " ul lloI!, 'JOU ' " " I fur th o fawll, and t loo fluthlllg t u d e n o t c ti le ! llOt ",he re In 'l c las , but the , ' • land cllnn o t be Llo .nform 'UlVII fon. ardedyuu 0 120 0 1 D C U H I I) ~ I I \ :sil l) I' [l ,ck ,. ~Oe tbo 1" 0.1t elll ..~ i " \U1 remf d, known ."d II I. II L fir. " eI" T erm" Oll e lJoltl\r a y sr II A 0 b J II "dmlu"d db T 1 '1 dur fOI musl 1!II1"eOI ' u I loIIDO. \ " II I fO!' 1 I'L A"i I" 0 10\1' 1. 11 .J l (II IIlI 16 UrlC( II) e t t IS IS E! XCe ~ I'''"t Pllrl Tb l< pn « q Ullllty Cil dared 10c ood ull .. ho ho" 'lU la . ..· d it. .pb,l y Y0 II V tI es t und ho D"I . \\ ~e kly " OIl "e"" \ .~{jd"lul r I)' 2' ~I A N ,\ S O II I PF Hppu llltlllen t li nd 8adl1ess CI CR' c III G uod p I at rlealllaud " ,,"k, . II lh' , hell l ost ne "" ,,_jKlr I' bU. bod Il k c e , II'" 2ilc On'" Ito (, v ') I ' r~" I r r rtl ~ n , f "I" eh 23 11,1 £ :s Ql 1nE he_ ling rropct'fie e tlll he bU II~ht, -o 1'1 ~ \\J I ~I) (,R E lLlt Y ~ I f \(; \ I • • F r cl ub_ of 10" Illth ' 10 c•• h .... 11 arc don I nnt b, E . pn "-) ',!<;rol{lL h nlxlI.l :I I the g rQ\ e o f T J.UllltI!! C u r w " l year I u o t lIu p r tl \ e d , a t In atl a .~. 01 til ' .. ", 111 /OJ d It} . ,1 • " ' n" I • • I ' r ' t tieII 11 >11 h OIll tIl U Iu It Il' f 20e d W d .. ht " rc ,ul 'III . tra ' fl V Iree ' J 1"uJ "'.AA, tu, Uj' 01161 11'&" "re.~ U te r ye llr 1111 II lrOn CV UDI\'hll ~ 1 " liars p er a crll , IIllPI " ll'd , lit Iro Ui l' LT IJL l 1I 1£ It OF Ad ~~4G'. S". r 10 L ,I. 10 ' I ud ' H, ode 211c ,. 1 f"r" 01I.. I,~no T HE S " nd, -Cui ntl!d l<;ll>,\ 1 flU.UIi_; ; " I ,dy ,ld.I Gla!! ...I•• (I" lh 'I r. W IL OO HI h t \.~ 0 Now Y, r nothlllg b e tte r t u p u iu t th o wily tv t e ll to fil tc on d lJ llll 1 P tt ,. J" or L ) Cu r., ')O l . .. • 'J 1f'orat I urorKJlI rs , IIl1d h lll ~~ s lit ,,,1 by 111 ,.. 11 , hi II N OLD Pin "IIiUN . rellred fr u.. hi o" ""'' Iub th an tl I t I II \1 In Rt J l& r Sab a ' d ,"a , .... 11".~ r.t ua .... it ovO r) ) ear "lid . ,,11 Ih ' r<J .. rnom II r morc 2; \\' DtoaUrg""I"I[ ~r'yonfn IU l ,III I'nl nO, elk" \ 10 I t e In.) rt Ie t l li t ru m 1\ ~uty t I vo I II ti f I J d 0 IIIII S l e l',h lie t rill h \\.,. c, r td l1PJd Intlltbo o, );,. fme'" ~ U' I" " pr " , ..,. 1""lUl( Iud ,,1111, d III Oil " " 0 th ord ro p rew . nl 10 th o p, ople of 28 Ii "pa r e d a leunt fo o t u l ground Rt Texas 18 tlto h o m • f tbo UOI (e'll SIUl e. tho fnll" e 1" 1 t h c l' lIll g l UIIII h •• h " "I. b) on E 1. 1 Iu d" M,•• " lI. r y Ihn IThe Wash ing ton City " '11 )( I o f t lo. 1 ,I Iii " ~' y. c, ,n Dr " ~ fD~ hM.. ~o r _ love I edl 111 ,n ' U" _ _ _ _ __ _ lfe du cell Hat I ~ es for I mon." ,t, ,I ,tJ II I h . d P 111011 , In 091111 1 It I "tcad 1878: H aC the COwlljty o t W 81 li , r l18Lr~' t FOIl l Ire A I " " ,k r I In c Oll cl utnon , 1 w o u ld 811Y, If !~,~':~",II~:J ; r\~~"I: ~~'~u~:~ ~"dy fu r III . 10 c ". IIVU ~ ' t·. PUlO reo o rgotte ll , rW III o ilier CIlIl..! Tt;;RMd o ~ WEKK LY OAZETrI i, a Ih e scns e t le rc are IIny peltlOIl S III W ay ne . Con s umpti ~~. ~~~eQ~:e~I~~rB!;"r~, ~:1~;1I0 n" It r ,j u,ble •• ~ e"lb" r oeI"Sn:al1.1 on A sthma Bron o hltll dlDnll ,&lbt~ of '8tllte prid e ' plR yed o ut l U 0 1110 , val le o r Its VI Cl lll FHngl . opv on, ' far pootn!:o pol d $1 '10 I~ H ,nd y ADd v I,y J..o 4: JhellllUHliv umnt,rllod ... lid rt i t .. It cl ly \1 I ~ III II ~ t l) enl ' Pll Cu Am t or b ""I nil ' I I.. u.1 un't! I.""" " 1 LO I ~ ' tosllch lldl'gr oe thl\t th egflH c 01 Ig rate ,collle to th 1"\\ i (' I hl m U I I t '- 'll Illt lIe nfJtlc i41 III Ull on 011111. uf I cop' . ' Blld ''i"~ .. rd o L o llol:)ll lIl:) tlll e II II . I." ,P ,.ttll un , I It. d. J C" Alr-O' rt tl lt"u' l "" h I 40 31 \ SlmploLO II () R . du " II~I '" (.' fO f, r h id LJF; lJ 40 B )t; Dr I 35 3~ F.iI. IlI I theH ld lO<f1 , ., 0 I IIJI " It ..... \ ! ~ .. () I h ' hr ~'l" I rt u t " II h ln n \ Il orwlo mltl s t 0 a 10" e I II N 1 to) g o 1<) ' /i Ol t ot, O ll to'~ t8 t, all only ARM \ V ~C I~ WA 1 ~" " \\ n. v "..E . ~ ) l ' OM o u ~ " "'rfL., ILUh THh:Rr 60 ;JI":~~~ ·lI f"" ':': '~ II;n:h ~ulI~h~:' 1 2 ,36 Ih. \IOOlOl; l' l ll r. \I 10 11.1 , ~~:t.« J":','. gra8~ Wlt l t l iC a1l 1l U1l1 r etu r n u f /J II ' t /' 0 1, [ 8 t(> h 0 ' I bc / ' l .I ,h . IO ' 01 ,I ' . " e I" P .... lh lu6 11t' bl()() d, 1 20 17 I h. '''ol en b M . II " ' \\ 00 1 l " o" ,I.. £.l r " I "" ' I " ""' " tl ". ,nl. of tllIlIlm e r? It 80, IIltly w e In'lU IrO t<; • e lurlU g th 11& v ENT A 1011 I \ Ao'l ~ I "'rl . -4 to he"lt b r' .1.\ -c."u ll o m y I ~ e, ", 11 038 Ali lonlll. Wli kI8 C" II I11 d "l>l<lo f, el. It h,. <l UI, t , 1I01I'el " " Il ' W~Slll\t. 'rON AND B\LTI. n::c 1I 111un III V .,0 :It I b Ib V YOU;) .. eel :\ ha.u e . . W h lit Ilall b e cv m e o f tue IUY lt! CI II Ih e o rd l: r Ollh hou r 11IH! Cll IY CX 11I • • "lf, m",fell " ' ,\ clu ~ .. dllt ,kllti"" ---------"" , , ~9 I •• , h 'C Ity " ' r WIl tlln It CI ~ 'O , .. t 1. , t (. lttl lio I ~ TE R~ SO F S )';MI I\ KKK L\ OAZETTE zell8 lit the Slate I' "'hit .... el '" 4(\ l h. llo .. Lto A. hl e ' M · '1 00 1 l-endltU l e h Oll H I nma ll 1< ~xl'cct till "lid u r" ,,., " "" Whit. I " 0 by l. h .. 1 ~ R . 11. ", I".. ru t .. rd " " Richm ondDILynchb III HOME : TE: 3 TIMO Ny.,. urglNor~olk Singl. cupy one JO . ' p~. t"~e po ,d $~ 92,5, '"41 11,,1. II I hll n..,u 8"ffunll jt ho " ,II• •.o" To return t o Mo rt on, It 18SIm p ic e d t 0 g i v'e II ru 1urn d llt l B U~ nnd ".' 1. \\ , kl C II I ' l III U vu UC CH ARG!:: lv ,II ,dlO d8"lro lt Ih "re" lIlt.. 11 01111.. of:l COP" I aud up ~u, d ,a' h " 1:1 d 1 I ,u n E ver' I lam " y r oqu ltes OIlC g .,od, " " h full d" utrono for prep mll" 15 I J1I81 Ce t0811Y tll\t IJO p08s es >cd ' 0 41 colO, :ic' y, ae 1\ hl e8 1'<rll alld.ue J 2' aple nd ld e l e cutlve tlll c llt, lIod th a t r ellubl ~ ;; i O U 1u ... ,o f LOlld oD 1\ II ' In I(, ,, h TIf E O[!T IIE A ST, e fuml ly n C\\ ij lJll I,e r ______ II s lIch .. cc " •• fully .. ,"""" Spnt • by 14 Li rC. " .tr.I~I r. ll n r Y'\u" nturn ",,,I bv he eruplo~ed It t o Ihe very beat ad all urtlcl e CUll b e , I'ruc lil e d fu r leBs ..ddrc""," ); " 'bhRt.:,m ~ nM':)'Un~~;~I~ '~ 46 B erlt • L. lI gJ li e I" AI, .. ld.r PhllRd ll lphl a, New York, "Ol ton, ~ I TF. lm~ li t' [lA Il Y OH,;TTE vantag e Ilrlog th e late wllr 147 In S,lk A,u r. b, 11 111 1 In 1, 1 cl' N o t IHID one CIl DI IU r cae I \\01 k lUg d uy . 'n Onr 6.5 ' " U I Y poll ago p.. d , 12 O~d, n.bur,," N Y 48 f he St ron 0 Ad .. nt If• • of • I h., TilE E A !:l T b ody has eve r dOllied him the qU ill u t the y e ar, \\e are 6 m 'Dlh. 6 not aware vi Il - - - - - - - _ I" n I v \\ ililo on II I. k '1 3 3 19 Oran d llo d. I I~n, ltieS 0 1 t Ie gre at war g o veru o r. ' - A Falolly N ow tl paJle r s hoilid c o n JACOB S & HEIGH WAY I lie J ' " I B u t there Ie a great dlHe rlm ce hc tal n n care ful!) p I 25 llotlll.~. hy OUlI, 1 rore l... dool I .~ 0 AdJ ILt",," n'A ' h. modo tn olll b. at club re pare d summa ry ' 0 I odur Greenwo od Tree III ..... " ', Plr." LD., ..... U,.mfurl .'" t wee n tbe quahtte scalled cxecutl l (! o f ull 'he ne w !! r&t oP on' 1I ",c d ' ''''g II e y or Ih'-o"gh OUr 6~ A Voyogo Rou nd 0 1 the day , both U.. II orl J- :o\ o" 80ool:ISO&ll TO . h ull lem eml. r Ihat (h. If Agen' s E , erl PO. IItI , · ler " I.s eol fo r lb ' l R~ltgI OU 8 aud S c c ulur; u nd It a r aD d Ilo na t rllc t 1ge '-I ZUlo lld , b. J ul .. V rn. Wi ent you 131' ' , T Dl () l t E A"' [ ) O UI Ga,o ll e '. want Iln o1ampl c of a 111gb ord er 0 1 ranged so thal th f,5 :> 01 loma" I W.f. l lr" Jl \\ ood ~, IF ADVIlR TIBDRS " ,II do wel l 10 I t6 e It, ' 1 " \ h rc I . om.el 10' r We co n etructtv o f1;em08, yoo Cla y pOln l I"ay be s llpllrate u two d e )1IHlrn c nt s eel. 1 roted for ito . 010 th o . I,ove r.ctl 10 ro f. reDco lu lb. elr "I fj7 C. · tle Illld r e ud by tll O Wo le r nnd Hen" Ari,. n 1>, Itle •• n,' one"" " "pl .... ld .... el..,...... euhllon <f Ibo GAUT TI III d l\ IdUli iti at th e s a m e tll ll e t o AI {'xall d e r 80 I . , aIDI t UII, the unth o r l lr. lIenrv \\ 0 0 0 .... B~ ...lIf.. 1 'l.un,.I . " ...... tc, ' C ln G a<!eif e Co 1 68 Fh ... ek. In. I allvoll I 1k~ .. 0 1 a con.tltu tlon and of CUO SI IIIl mil c h Ih ll bc tt 'p... l'r 19 TO lhe D,mr Elld MIS. II ,d.J ," The 1 u tl ltly of ·!::::":I'"i!I~I:::."'o& tlonal law AI govern or of th c N c w dpape r sh ll ll id 1111\e altruc \~ ~ 90 lliddl emorch b, l'ev r~i ~ IIUI tl\ e • tllto of Indiana , Murton III h l8 re udln g alld Inl v tlllllt 1 i .i~ 1,- t,J I ~ I Ari ..dD e. I, . Ould" • lO n rlo r tile vaI ?rill a /lo'tlI S lie tf~ L iIlr I 1< 0 R. B O.V D II 0 L D ERS ' 172 Me~:~';~'F n~~r;h t~':D ~'~ h~~~r n'u ~f pace wlUI~reat AI S euutor l ll nu ". lU e mbll l ~ u l Il h o us c hold I. 1 L LIII I 'I tl Ie U III t d t I 8 " lIIe l'ort oR uyall lUlI v f y lit ot e l/l1 papo S r bit o ll ld ! e Ii <I e oete, "urtoll b d !lU. la :'OUlb Alrico 01 1 1 ho d \ 1.. ~ , ... .. a ys MalY Clemm er In t he Cl n ~ ln Dl ockod~ Runuer· lo r I V , oe 0 C\ o tl' , e 9 rJ ~ec k 10 rcl l ~lUlld 7 ! Do .. :R.n. by Mr. l1 e." WooII Pl LLJI A V J' llJ .t natl Comme rCIal , 's tood for a gl ell t und IIJ 0 rui IDlpIUV~ C/!.' OAR ' }t OIl U OLlJ O A ;J1 B L IfR~' N RUJl'rL BIIII IIICllt. t o Cllrte rr t linn 'I'll. ou~l. WIUI .. "t ClulI.... ( ., tact ' 8v ue c:! ld But let U8 10 nccu l UI IIC W~ , 10 IIgr lcultllre , com~ i i 5 T he Fur Country, Jul <. I,me b I ' tO O Ihc P"" Ipnl .J" :\. -; ~ -1.. \ Impnrh a I and", rlto Morto n III 1118 m e rce , m a rkelB. fi IlIlOCC, to (1o !l c raT 71, r h. N, 'if M'gd.len (; u ll. 08. 41(D " " ESTEI' ~ 4: .".\ltTE IIN f·.TIES ~".l ro!8 and l hld :'hss ~[ u l och real valne F t 'r. if ",e d u tuo fIIu c h Iltl!lulu rc , &c, '~Ith Fa )' NattO 'l a l B 011ke18 ! 17 7 Grlli lh, O. uOI hy Chode, II s pecIal de Re . de fi ne wrl t tng RIlOll t I11m, tl Ie I u t ure vartme ntF t llr the Yll un l1 Alx)\e Gl:t E-'I ~:JN BACK S 9 M"do' p Vlolt t "y Black, ~ . , TI r~ " .:h l 'CKeI. lI ' gg LCe (lb ec~. .. r s h o uld ··01lly N J"\\ 8uHI)c ... ~ I!let" r tl&n Will feel ba d wI ell IICCC8 UII ' t'-e 8u Iocrll1n an el Uero ud. II, GOOI e Ello l ACelOm Mo \ t m 1\1 01 rll\lU", u.. ~ r I Ili b-Il ell " tl ,,'1'11. 10'-., u , •• 'u o,h mod llll"'. de, ~nply al I b~ , Iol.e! ' )J altyeha ll compel him Iv spud II be I erfcetly PU l tJ ~ m ., omoe. F or tIl e P eople u nd ~ lte 8~ e My fr o MOIllL r .. nd I by MI • • ~11I 1"c h ul nn) u retl. ttl e a luflt " a Ip " I ,n. LetIl 8 " a Ha du e CiJntumnu.tlllg l llflll cIICC 8 1111 1 8 r~lId l { .:!.I~E --' "j I ."ocr , Prtde ., by M, . W, od NO R f H , S OU 1 H , E AST& WESr U ~. c ,.., ' 2. reaard lo r the 11I8tOr! UII, an d Ill e Ili g OIU t t l r lJ r In I Is d t ~ .:to.. e41 .. n ly T h oua. odLe. ~u.oU nd, r E II I" 1' - L, II "lI 1c',·m CII 1~ L ." " (, I, E .. • J Ihe S al bt\~IIIC8l0f ", ,, t l l\ g t l ut h fllII Il S t l l\' l 'II ) In ll c II tl" t .u" b1 t. l Julea / \ d Irae. l \ II 7;'01 A ll P U I 'P0 8f B ' ~5 ~h rJ or io 11. 1>00 I Lo"tr' In )!. ,. C(: II dl IV II C.LIl'Io , I ~ p a l ~ " ' li CII '1 1 Ax l 0 A ~JI .1' 1 l YO , P B!I.IUtY , T IIO SRtl l1' .. SIBItP 11118 city "liB Ju s t "II- sed II "v ug " I v ~" S h!l\ lu rc , \\ I,e ll th c p l es s 18 k Jue Well Pm A~r!ll ti le bp c c t ncleol lhc c hu~1 1 IIItnt ',1 tl\ Oll lllll l h e co Ufl M .. ~ rTr' lI ~ ~1I}o~~~~~e~ :f.eH~e ~~~~~ f~i.:d' 20( . .Da. . . . . . . .~~ ll) \\llh 8u much l ·~. .. . . . . . . .. .a. U prl, r o f IUI1! iC. \\ \lithe r hy tl lllt 18 q Enrl h,h,J ul. I'e"e Il n~l 1'C! 11l CIlI IIS 1(I ~ 10, II ti e I I N tlftllll 1 h c prolc sso r p r olllllld t h e 1I v \\ II U. ' 1 be Two &f r. " . geo , MI•• ~l ,, 1 rh I • •1111 1 Y • l! \\ p u r e r In~ AMiLY MEDIC~ll1.'E ~ illUDe of the WIfe (.f o De uf o ur >lh lJ ulli b ullt ~9 i l . Lo' .I. " f Ard. 0 ' lh a ll r ,ddon.2 c ruOlill clied 1» au ) .. [ I 90 M. n 1'1 ... lous hlalld-I} _ r. pped n om II " 10 1181 1I,IIh H • ' u . ,.., TlIII ... e •• ok" 1 10 llOll III 8 me n b y I "crrlllg IfI I, n r UII 1111111110 11 \\ It It Bec t UI pIli 11 I} n 1111 the Olon d. , I" J ul. s V. ' np I' l uc 1 W ~) N ~ S Tir "1111 StI... op.n U. ilL"', I I J a IIluoder er, &c • \\ ho, It l l ll lS,• \\ ,I. 0; Iw u Id I.u It ('U III 91 Won•• n'" K.bgd. a. A1 ln Mulo, h, II I 't g v I Il l" . I I, . II , H ' ... ·0•I ~~:SIck n.. d '''''0. ull~ .\ SPECI " LTY 9 ' '[ 11 I " •., T II IIOt paltlal t o Ih e pru fcd~o r b S \I A YN E II lld :sn r " I Iri ll .. PI L U T hu Iru lII 1l1l~l tll lI ll t "lIlhe \\ tl J - " ~u~~;;'~ a rou I e. . I "'I r. 200 II 11 'uU' 1'''"guo, ooat.d I .k~ p ro fcs80r's Imprnd cllco C(l~t h Ull I Pilc h 1\ (. u lo l ly ~ 93 MIll o ,ou. Ill llId-Tb .A l a, Jono~ . (' Wri Jlu p I I c all be. l S WA T H;::; T " ro uJ S . ",npa ol li l PI Ll . ALlO, lI AIC UlIAaTli RIC c owhldlD g at the hall d s v I ti le III "dO IVI Ollll Cl' lIt '''" I tile ' I p ......" "" " r L !.or au tl IIlJ./J. lry 94 Th~ 'l :.:: I:~d \'Ib~'! 1\ tl U) . It bh u nl d .d f , ('oll . n' :~~ W A. Y!:E~Su ;::~ ~~ CO I~... :~:~lIa dlg nllllt hltsba n d But $ .nll) \ l' 1I G ".r! 'npnt CII"llt . " .l" ,," our &", d. W' Don d ~f pn p Shon M, he l a lIe ll b) 1\ (' r) 1II Illi ly II I lit e Paten t and Comm on Weath •• li ....doo 2 0r 1 0 pr'~'''1 a nd cU r< Chitls Illd t0 ger, lak. er ture 10 So.y thnr th e C will d ll'" (1,,1 la ll d 11 lot L ho aume I 'Ilj F L ' e. I Vlel K ory, b. D I r" . , on Boa rdin"', Floorl 'nnlr 10e S II A ~ \ t'B or. r . Dd SarM parllla 1'ILU " L. d tl t ", lie II urn I I ! C\\ ~ rlUpC I In I E' 97 If, ' lell ouR r. tn nd-'fho !'l crut or n't IIur.,I,uU If aa I,a .... ll:I Ie S IlIg lll g • If )'Oor l, or8 , O· III ~. la k. " t ' I tll o N I . IA nd r by Q,n Ju c!I l' V CIO/l Sa ll)tll{l 1 rtrn znrJ re p vr t& he " ot trt tit e lIe l,"lIlll\ lJC I I S II' A Y Ii WBow. S r., ond 50r . .. p" rill .. p'Uta ~ ~ \" ery Ie v~et, II e Illu III t I .a erDe SUST AIN GREE N BACK S 00 .. B: \\ ~ v For .. Ie b. all Il ookad le" oud s .". 1 .. a nI I CIrCII l a r u'"al1'lll (f dnne . 011 . 01. full "',b,l .. ho ero .ubj<e t The r e p o rte d hlln all OH: I tO\\ n 1 VIti!. () lI!Ili lllf. R. d I I I rll' \1 CU lll:lI ~nel n g Id Headaob e l .,ddlne'" Dro • • ln• ••• I nLl at R t allMlrr hle P Il('lIt ' UII . . . or "Cn P"R olfe pro ~ . .. n r, <:d[l l to ~ IIt." n~ . a ,I.. E I~IIU th c newsm o ngers leleg rn p h ed It s 6fty ijl llth y u h ll ll!' 1 1 ()~l eS8 or . lIllnjt fre,n 10D ".oat .III FOT tho bc,,"fit d Iho l'~opl c .. bo . uoWI" o r prrce by OEOR G~ ML !Ii RO, WAYN ESVIL LE OllIO 00. II f Lloud lO th " b•• d .bould 1I:•• rI'~ 111m (l vtlr th e wlrc s tLl CIOClII u a t l IVI! CO lli p I ehC t1 81vc Iho GUV tr ll to <o t 8" Ull d It hu hl a , __ _ _ 23 23 ond 12S V.odo _ Waler~~I"~I~"~ _ _ ' <III out Ih~m ao mon' doogero" . l lInp.oml IUld I II dl8111lp oit a On tite 8trengt h pur~. It 1< III t \\ PODo l 5tia7 hut 18 Illeded III . ,11 bo co"lod 00 b,lbelr u.e u f thiS h e left to\W Fliday lII o rn J v ur, lt 0 u 8tlt o lu Dilily Ellqulr er , per year, $1200 t;l' lI!i 15 l o r 8 - - -- Liver Complo Jut -Tb Kl dread dll<l ... I li a the 16th III bt Weekly EDqlu rer," The pro f, s o r ye ar s s uhsc r lpll u n to III " NEW 115 HAVE YOU TRIED IT :17::~ . ,~yh :~,I~ c:,,~~:':!t ~:~d~~h~~cC.~p~'; .. ' . , ", ,,o,,f I' .".t .. ..o Willi a g Uild mUSICi an, bllt 1\ Itttl e \ UII" , 0 n~ l£RI 1::11. 37 I' k l( \ LlFf" OROWTII . DIEAOTY ' OR TIIB: If AIR ala an4 UI 0 1\ r • iOll, I. I " ood llv r.lle, .d -. t )O mee about hili dr6lls lind sct t o o N e \" \ o rk Samp " fo nl, "on t.,,1 . ~d olton per mln , " tl y cu rad h, 'holr " 0& lc C" \l lc 8 I1 rc se nt Keep w....... . _. ".Ir n .......,. Fe' o.. "re r t'l' r l'btVII hI lla. UP, of 1I1')od I XCI I 1\ F. I \ FOil Til E 1 AD~1!S , tree s o, .. 1 for opcclm on I O Opl C I O - -D EALER IN-"O~DON .il.B aEM'J'C) KIIK Illuc h la ne UpOll I118 p Ol bouul ap F II ' I p" rit Y"'1( ~III ' . or L IIH 'r y MIII wr Wu !fI~' l "" '" o n thtOQg" tho • _ _ _ __ • _ _ _ I I-It " III re<tlre lira. b,ur tu ollll DR I c .10r blo, d Ih . IIlIparrA"Ihe d lu<lro t ", F ",I" " \ 'I ,"I ,~ " lI h u~p. p"r I FARAN &: McLEA p l.a ra n Ce Bl8h u t , c8l1 e, clo thes .. froln ..l. lell Ih . . .,, -. IrcuINo N, rIlKS Publllh -l ~ lI\e ers, r)d I2-lt I8 tl 111 es8 k.n 1 · thln R h alr O . f}G c' ". ll lOg n &: . ~ Ik t gl DRE oll b " or t f:J) coolh . " ... \,H ll,e,-e I<rll. 1.lIoII"n lllO.lI'eo lll .. " f lcld,"". """, IIIId ,,,tlcle.,, n 8 ' ''·'INN 11 OlllO wa ,Il C , e c , ,-e re so many SIg n8 IlIg cO lllplUll1 t 3 - 1t ",llIrc", or• •he q"lu al •• c,.tlono -{on,phold n ouo ru u ll n . lId ,h,UIV \Votk it S .. ,,, •• rll r ft ullS ... ,parlll .. pllll i$ ) I11l'tulll ~ !\re II (JI ., C A, \ 41 I ,"11 rernu," o f (I\Ol'IO J s uper lur! ty 0ge l e u mm u ll 111 0 181111 e, II ko pe rdI.n I 11< d.lI ~n t" ~ r lit' a"" c p"p« F in I) IIlI.s,trulnd _nt _ a 10. 5 I,nu s for II •• nl r8 ptt ut lO n , I te lll ll !; 11&! I f>- It ", II m ,ke ~o n gl u." n ,I111h'D';" ,1. A,II " •• leu' .... /lDd o, d. .. LO n~ 8b"v.'l< r . voo pl c.; and, o f c o urte, bl8 fdllllud Inton8" ly , partl c ula t ~' "fI blld l .-lId " 0 " I~ lI uN W I ~- ,\ 11 ~ ... ~ uh~ rr lll .. lor 1878 poy l ly lit II I"ht. ul III pre ll''' 0 origInal c6~ , :l olfl r 10 d t old o~. \ S M ~3U l'I ol1 h :s h th ', t. Ph,1.ldtl ph•• d tl 11 .11 for", ", ,1 nt ono~ 1\ AI Minion nnro' free '" ~ '" ,du",c. nllt r S n'<ml" r I ,.. l i B, 7 " . 11 7-11 ,II pru l enl the h., . fl. m l olha~ otr ~e~rn n Io n call s c r l UII 1l DOE F OR YOt I..;' J,LVES Ie peop e to ter geUllIg III bed " or •• 1, b , Dru"1 II , £ . " . , " , lA . n WKE hL\ ~~ m ('p, .l pl i ~I ' "wlil t:i\\II.) II ( ~ Oint oo r" nil dIRea". or Ihe . e.l " Tn d ub' tl m/ nt h. $1 10, 0 "0 Y or (:2 01 rOI1I1 I1 IOC" 10 Jon"." e\Dlle Mora l It yllll havo I1181D ment III 11 plells ullt Slid s IIre lot 16 , " WII YUIJT , It rr81nrel holh tb. lUIlllr lO oro nod culo nr,l 1 Datl0!lS to make , dvn' ! Plake them al80 cnree ~ln!\l" " " " '" " ,111011" $ 1 a nr ~2 60 l'l hreo <UA UUr. T e tt o r. snd all Clll p tl\ e l \ Orlbe balr .. n~ la lUI h."nle~. ,. ""tu, III II lh. t n hl . ul . o" plt !O O~ ont. C OlflllN KD PAt'I' RS- - 4 TU Y EAII ~bout a w o man P , elllatur. blanchlllg 0, fadlnJ{ of Ih e balr I· dlsea8c 8 BlIlll by Itll ,IClllil llg drug nz It~~I~~I:n ~;~~' tY~n ~~'~rk A c e rtulII c ic i g } IIl1lD o f tbls c ity glst8 The Count ry Gentle man. I':.:.~ag~~ ~I~-b~~~I~~~~i~. p~~~rt~~~ Rend tlttl I\lh t :~~rlt:.~j,~ ~~llULltng t o the chllrgea o f mlid e h· , _ -__ - - - I. - - I •-\ ." " " . ""d rll( ht to bo , ~ ty and dlH81 u ati o ll IIUIIIII, t Tb omas I'. enllulU 'b' n"bu"I ' 10 l.vCJry me m" but Ihero i. nOlh' "lL Ifhy .. tr Y I r"r"" CHING PILtS Fortl\ II IIIg '88, or IIl1tlllHl l, O' rc) mnre III1 PM I""1 r ... ~ !!Iu "L !!Ice. e. J n}, I I'allle, l!spe ctlllh 1118 d' l!p08ltto n lo luur, ~se N J I, 1;t'll ,. r II" r r, c..:dt-tl 1 \ '" m • t. r. like . I to 1 110 on.,~ t h on be lIull f II I h ' Ir v nd " l1 hUll Cu l" l I "\c I '" I I I I rICIII ..-:::: '.f I V I .client alld lie SUld 'W It lit lit It Y atorer e x q llls ite of Iho ,, 4 11,,1 co" nn ~ pe'" I' II R ' D I I~ f'.>r7) T h r 0 11/11\ G" II. IM e I. publ i hod m"l\<r IIIIh"It.fll.hng . n~ IIeII. " I'"lbOI'lth drc~_llIg CICIIII lind or r.oxc.te tho , "", " >If Ihr pin w .. til · 1/- Ol' e"'I, n"' vi ' f'l l .Ji)J j. ~ ~ n~ In . ~,I obout lb I ' ~,~n -1 ~ ·1 ~eekh II' " nil I ll' I Ih r" tt O"" IC I rruo . 11111 PBIU , we lIa\ e p enty 0 C lurch membe rs II lce v nUllum ou II"Uln Dothm" llU' , ur b.1 n rc 'u I "a, llubl.r" .t n s "t .. h I n ondre' • ~ -,» r• r ' . to! ' I) '" ,dv ' nec On cr.P ) ono I CO' I h" " tdil growtb \/tll) UIUll tl llt l d b A I ~ ho do JU8t as bad tbllJg~ as tlle~e' tro w all vtll tll< 16 I I 8 " 11 , n. ' " r,, " btd r: . n . rl: ' t!IIt~ w .. rm I! ~ pp'a ... .. - - - I.... 011 . 511 •IOll r COplf' ft l' 010 Rnt I Rlt RI Id l l I n " 1\ mtr oI ~ litho Cl!nt~ tL buttl tl ce ~ t 0 mcr ean 1" 1' " I '01 I". " " ",, "' I lttl lllfl 1\ IlIl e \1 hea l a l 7; 1 a Ib Itl8 tlJe (l \llllI o ll o f o llt dlder8 thnt Try It ~t1 OM . " " " " flo ,,'b... . 11'111) for Ihe ' . 'lr f, . I, th . ,"nli er "r 110. ~~DOIII ""IR ClOLoa Headtll e lldv e ltld~llI c llt RRIITOMI<R ~I 0". " 0,1 1 . , ,, nud Ihe pfI • • ta " , r" , and III L I'll '1IIl'" CIICll'1 2 0 c II IICk.1 a d " h ,,, , .. '* O • .,d lLnllddl llllU" IO'P Yj Dr Dal ~ n nfPhllad t h l~ 601t 0 1 preuc I lIng l :! uuout rig l It I cl rhia "l)M"f, ~ I 1101 eon g fo nedto ... . . rfl ",. C to Ih e 0, n<1e, 01 11m 0111 10 1 1 ho l .ondoa H IIr Oolor Roo' oro r .. " "NI r><~, •• ol thnt It m.lel" nnl,. b"I~I. qnh o •• Dut tile preache r must keel' u look · Oat M (' ul 1' 1 c t N n p o nn" a or. "oro l. allllo c.ect. There Will be IIU chunge Ullld;! ~o r Lhr \eUI l r;i 8 LhU lJ priC1! " "II IU vur y c Jttco"lV ely amo~JC Tf --AN D-p l t.Hmt."' Mnd p 1\ r ll ul:u l v In t i m e" o t l"egnli bOJ ••leall iJuk e l '" C OC,)II 3 c n IJILCku""e. out for the IAlnure of hiS occupat IOn to the sche dule o ch.du a cOP' of lhe Annua l \( .g .. t~r of Ru ffl end. u. well •• by t tllll e Il,r tile lUll my",,-Il [thorofo r. lO 0 S tUto L1,. ong'lIl1 pro""~ dl. t.....a,r ai , n I I 15 ... :\ k lui Aff. " s 10 e~c h , " bscrlbor - • hOrtk or ~pMk Crom exporl. noe 1I1l1~ of trulllS Ull the Llltle 11181111 \ o f I118 pU I pi t n 0<1 bc, ond 'ho po" ~f8 of .ndunn" " 0. .. ' I c'" Il~oi) 'uol n C ILl IC II' CallI p e c d 114 p"g'" 0,,,1 " "out HO eng r" I n~.- .. g ,n 70 oenl • , ') Ie Y"" " f, r o 1 JO I~lo r. " ~ • • • o per bottl. , ttl e. for I <Ill thl8 wlntor Il 'h' s 0(1 lon ~ .Iatld lng, IPronu"d"ee d lo!~rlall". n "n bl Ihe " ul, I, h"ra III h, nor of Ib" oom"l . Sont Letter from Tellall. I '" 't ' n " " .. ,t I" ,. p n N r... h, rtnRII. lion. 10 It. p",sont .... kly forlll of the c t ofby oxpr... to ""y addre.. on roo ovo Ie, n i" rmnDe. t I cUrl' b f ~P...y . . rIce • \ 0 ,,1,1 A "rn~ Wi" .... \lu ft,lio. 0 ...,.1 C~n COunl r) li. ullum,n S'V A YNE'S OINTM ENT. , !J7' Try "LAW80 N'1I CURA rJV\:" I . nr.t Quarter CeD · A<\d"'~o all orders to DR SWATNIt AI SO, ~ & t nry : "tid lIDO 1'1f Snap. B~~.I"'.la1t " 1Il~.. r _ I.... _ and YOII WI·II Lis e nil othol Ined tury SON f CLIj1TOI'IJ B08QUE Co., 1icXAlI, l ~80 Nort1, S.xth St Ph,l .. del h,a P3 lJe ~" "'tIt\ II U' t.Q In kr tlir "eriuin n. S... AY ' K & Elm. OontleDl.O - Tie • Tho (",""'.., Ountlo nnn P,,", osoe o an UII Solo Pro "etora p ,drolO" [ Inl"10 n t . nd Bnrton'.O ilu h Hlp. Nov. 21, 1877. ~ 101 lie. It is the bC8t In tho mar· p hox of Ol nlo etll 'Oll oenl lIIe b r mill eurecl 8} r· "'luAled corl'" f (; "ros!,onrlCl1tA reg ulnr 'D ~ 'i\1' P "I ~ I" p .nn kre"." IlI r>!,"r Ltld h Itef\UIIIU tmenl alld oco. o,otHll "1I0101l, me c' 11,. 1v 01 Itchinjl; riles .,hloh T AnJr • •lh. boot Forme," or t ~ ~ SOLD BY ALL DJI~GOt8TS ~ ~ ~ j of ltl'\ml h 0 1 " efl l' ~ t lllHI un ) other>ho Ild'a Gaeett ,,:-Tlll nking that a ke. 0 I "Itb fOI 6r. l eorl Enclo.ed iod 6n.. ,,"o n\l I t"t" o f th e t o un l r j And c Oh l4 lanll v re letter about Tex8a might be tIIter· c~n18 for " not ber h0 1: for & /\88 II friend of . , .... I I d d r CHEA PEST AND BEST ',' 'I ,n 'TVlly'";v' IIB @'" S T O- F- F-E'ANDR~'W J REI\OJl I ~ RI AND eating t01lome ldof YOdllT readere , H~ ~ •• 11 . LOMdo.. Co Va led S~. IO. nlld clTn "cd " orl d ~. though t fOU I We b " iii K I'. , II J 8en "rI "g II, . . .. hard /lDl O you a 8 ort &: So. -Eocl~. eclpla ... IIl1d I h. (;II Ulltfl (jo nll <ml n gil ~ ~ lu It _ Ho r ~"IIone letter dollar for Tellllli s diVided Into fOll two ~ of 1°ur OIpt_ t II <u\turnl lI ep" r rn'ont 0 co nl' nuo 'I varl8l ) r'~ .,~ Inr IlcblDll pII.. 1 belO I e lor loma or 10, sectloo a, vie: tbe Lumbe r DIHtr ct" \ • .1 01 mformatl uD olld ' ''ggeoIIOIl " e{lultor R" • I. And ull olh, r . tyl" In the fflendo ~ho &re affl.olCd with Ibll dl.n... prop~rtlon I" rlor 'n Ih " a~gregalC to ~ h u I. oblalned In Eastern Tex . . i Sugar Distric t, In eludln!! UIII /Id :-If!'". " .lId U~rlsbl.If; all In the monlhlv Dumh ... of mool magal lDeo Ing eom~1 Tlo bOI 'ou . enl GIve In" r. oullUHd ...tld,. yo",.,.,lf a 1'" • • .~o 11mliat ..... T CI .so- . nltl d .. ct to tho Pl(OI'U AT dev otod to Rorl,cuh 10 Southe rn Texas; the GruID g III ,d, ye o I am proudme 10 ~a1 It ltr' Wareroo m alul Lumber Yard. c~rn.r 01 , rA CTO. ' P"I C" S I W mad e a perfeot cur. I thlDlr 1(0 . fII<lac. d I No .gO tllA no COIDID1 8 Tho COII"tr' ('.lIl1 North em." and Water S_1Ao. hal prohdlly T If I!.' PEn P l fi' S P II'}. R ' should Dilltrlc t,ln OUtl lolon. on ,11'lln"n' . '\'lIe,' plono. made done ft. mll oh OR oil otlll estern' ''1 tIe be published Ihruulf\1 ou'lh. I.nltt" r I", .. na l. eom l 1M. WAYN ESVIL LE 01110 ~ • • o.,e "' " h " fl n.'I ,II Arl ~ ' Illh u O nl .ll ol. l l e.I I' llIl ro lll", . n,I ,I . "OIl • • C Ot\UlIl LndGrt lltlOls tnel.II INur l l nollnudl h IIr the load tou ~aD p,,"'I.h ItlIl I1EALKM C lrnprOVDd l 3~ "l u ,, "" fl il el Wllh rd,(orl ol Nb" . th",I' IN Lthcllln udCe lltml1e SR8 G- -at' chonc. to ln ,ko ~' ,I .. IIII II .nd w re ," " "l rllIlI" h r~clI .' outlll nkn...-'p .' It 18 vI Sto ck I ,' ' }k ,d tlll" II~ h:'he ,o " l \ \~ rl l ll ll "r" II ..ou l l . .. " "," ,,<1"<1 I ,. Ih. IIh ll KH Boso",' n'&~I "rk . II{.!""O' t. DAVIDG ROSSNI CJ{LE, Ne,. ",.I c,"", nlllli. lo' ~e ll . ' I ~ r" thLlI, I n. ! lJ'Ion 0 ut the lutte r that 1 \\ 1~ 1t hi \Ir.t e CII" \~e noe npeu" • • POOt..' Manui S' lul u n - u ll , r LI .. l ,rs:u·d a l1t1 tl ,t\P.L (!:O 'I ~ ln l'(\ rtl,. PHld 5 C ~'1 It l,adl ••hurg,Fr~ 4. rlokOo.Md I t (<l II I I p. ",on.n eve' l lO . II III t i e .. "r r,1 I h, " ~ ,, ",o (lrHnd. "on IB,n blo, de," " o.l p" rch, (lr< IH nncl Klrr ot o r lin 6 (1 1 F , 7Uc cl uhR o t t \! Il 6!l ccnlR !~ tIle 1II0~t pruduc tl\ C IImi fl'rt ti c I RIAD E. l""ntlaf e .uft'.rh~.l'h~""D" IOlll b . OI ' ve nlJ 10 .. n" In loke . uu<ollpt,on' ~1~l h, h k , no" r Itcut IluI,l o, O,. r' lrUllg f art 01 T 'XIlK Il.lId I~ IIlIJ~ tlv r III nO l lng onlll pl ll D( or huer all, crull" I he C"" lIIr 1 (. ctl ~l onl. n r01l1 11 0 " un"' n~1 THE 0 A I L Y PO S T for 'be larce• 1 1.0"1 Sonl. (. Kre ,I .t In'p...,• • m, nl l" 'h~ hi. C, • ' . coly, .Icb. skin dieoU8 GU 10 Jear drucs:1tt I rllli . lI d t'u , ~ 0" 1 ,, Ma.ket Reports • nd ohrllp • • 1 "Iuot,. .. ..., ~I p" no mnkln ' lbe U,..Ighto AIO lug prRlrte. Out I" S0ll10 pllrts tllC I an d gel A hox of S.oln.' . All ""J dClol eo opc clLl ollo"UII II \0 Ih. II nnd I Ono' .. r pootngo llas 0IRt ,,<\ f1ln"" p"hlll.llo ll rn the " v rid ~ "d '7 CUllnlrv 18 11111)' and tit hnly ti'r tile AIII II e Y•• E<T , . A II. 01' :: Pon' t r,,,1 ' n II file the I ro~p,,,,,, Pa rl' ~f. ,,' .nl II ,, "11l1rely cure '011 H...110..,0" ''' or th e CI " p" a" 110 r.. " 'III; lI~ ht " OrlU III 10lle Cit. I",oome I III 0 I r<;r ~\lc_u'll Il ~y;~'" I 0 ''''po' I 10, for IiluRlrnled and n.,. ro plh" 0 ,l aloCnr _ upon "tl ' of Ihe tllnLllr" l u und tht!IC . In c"I., ~. 11o, . 3 ho ,. . ror .I~:; II hO:UI .. 'fIllS p llrt I~ ~J1 lIt' "",· 1 '"' po,t"" 01 , II ~ "" ' mo. ,10 \elegllttl II. !, I 0 work. ", ~ 11'" 01 V Art ~ iring g'ven Oc' oher I ce " getll e ,1 11108lly L~ ""opl" tlvlll tile , r , r h, n\II~ t..' . nr .ddr••• Oil rceefp& of prl .. m• •l e~ fro ' lIO" O- " hell II, fl n' 1001 wholl 10 ", II ~ 11:11 oulooc" hore 1'h8 priCe 1"0 lUll ~hot alnoo -L \ " hUh ,100 P" e WIll h *101" yo .. po.t.go Propored onh 0) IlR 'III u u J r '" '" 1tIende luolln PlaDO 00 ~ ~~- ~ S"AYlf l.t Soli, 3~ I h" nl Hl nl 1l 1•• Mh '" ,n e " I r' ce. nu mer pU1l1 .Ill wb o "" I 'clO eVtiryIIHd \ AUt ' pl r. r1h e ' O ne dge ne. relortR .. 31-1 1 Norther ll Stllte~ I, h ll "rc ve ly 80 b, N belu .. CI 1 /l I~e Nortb S.. lb <;t Ph iladelphIA 'S' Y HIA mlnrrrh p utm n l A nl ~ pr lc l ll II f h " me n' !t r Ill l'l!llh B .... a l"D:II O \Q\ ", ..king 0" r '1 ,0", .. wuk A lad,. ag- !l1 Ol Jtt o o f t1 " tit le h e ' ----~~ ctable alld "~Jlfhb>J 11 \ ::::t!l""'=,. 0 5li ,,:'======~ UIII IAo" ~\ .clr r FUI h • • Ihe Dnl" th 11)1111 , "\ ,,,I the " OI..~~,1 p"l · r ~ ~-~ ~~ ~ ~ .. ropor" laking Iller .OJluh.c "I, ... 10 ten e Ih e Clld 01 th." 10 "' 0 1 001 ea.II, ul1Iedln " .... l.' '. Ihe C; lIaJfII APIIlr\ Ih. Atl .1\0 engage m ..... mene"f.I st I " " , nrd o .. d ' 0 on .,,,1 All kInd s v t ~r:J III j(rll IY h c r", us ~ IIQ III ro c11O , ~e, S'm .. lc rms 10 " Il' m~ , ·' .\1 ~ We' \. 1\ pt (' !lent" It (" hunn o r two t o r~lh~ o u h 11, "I tl llle' bJ( It can helllade ig. Y.. u Oln t!eoOr.e .u ,Dull_ co th- blll"hU8 lJulh I nri V. ~\l k lv A 8 \ " .. t ' E! r we ll liS ILt th e N I) l Iii ulld c litio n IS :Jmonthtb..v .nr on~ of." " 011 06 \\ 110 ... d ... IU" ro, 1III K ' 1010" 01 FI n or onl1 A,I,I yuur e~~ Ip." tl_ Vaw THE ooed POST 110' be extell~1\ el' " ruw II U Jtt OIl uvera Ihet an : In an An or tbe · Id" Hend lll j; It cnUI" III' ' '' 011 « hlOr! Ho !hn' l lid 11011,1 orn :>, C" '~lI g ' away rrom h.. ",o 00" 1Ilgh\. You cln do I, J " c~unlr,. .. bu d I III/Ill 10ANO " C" ur 001 "" II I I veMS " n<1 11 8 ,~ , fll • •llt;" .... "oil n8 othcol'l I"lIn palilollla"" dln:c· ~C8 trom Oll e tv lIlte lilt II lIa t I. ~g<. III r" .. h ~ ,h ro l t rJ of ,I I Iho 1'" l1c 'I'" "ork I' . odth allh l\. ...plol 11"'1. lind term~ r_ Elegallt and exp.n~he li)) ~ID) ' " IJ' bnle s t o ti le nor\! m, M Ih n t,.. ~ (IIrmob ? D A bille \~\ligltll 168,Jter ....11 1.--1b~r n!!rlcultu rnl and ho r ~1 " llu ro l c8t~I , 1 18hlll e.olS 0,,111' rIO. I ( ,op want proltal,I " work ~~ ~ ~~~ & If t <;f ) ,~n lonn Vou .. ced not be •• " "". ~~ ,e' ~ ~ " f the 0 IlI ntl) 1 pOUlld !! aUII COttu lI III ti "•e llnutlte·.., It.~~ \ L~ Ifnd U" ,our nM ... ; bo ", Ot e onOl 0' er ~ij;hf h co iIi You 110 CAn ,I • TOur .. hoi. n: r. 0 to try tbe h"Allle<! No one who en ~··1111111 l't tell cents u p ll lllld. ~ II . e".I~"CI ~~ ,." ~ " J';'!~!_ • IO.D copleJ or Ihe ft_" •• lin, to IhWe W lt"RY. AddreFA'1 he ' hMk, qr, nnl, "bo• r apare::o-; n ___' bOd bU; I ~ e' · fKIII 10 ml"a~rel T e xII9 llae ... as good InduC6111 nls ~ ~ , lotlTIIII R TIIUK8 R "IAON, P ...I.... er.. 0 " " 0 I N -~III: £;,1111:' " ... J1l. Ii"IA.IIA ....-. _D>1III P.o~I.·s 10urn.1 ' . onlaad. M.ln. A •• D'''''' . N " on ' Q d"~ n .. 1!;1I1l1JO,"1I. QIO ~'IeIIJ~ ~IiIl.~U -r-••,• II,.! "'d' • 0 inC ",.e. ..,. as Allw ..o .nljl' as _ .. , to the ~::':~: :~..:.:: u,n. makeper 88 any state ill the _ _ .!I 0...... No.....f ",. mO il .,)' fi .. , At &lie p1'O",1I,lIm .... U tllon, illdood nearly all of the ' ! . , PLAIN DOlYl E·TAL K j•• ,_... Oil now ~OIJlo& r;<l8et old onl!! and mab emlgrat ioQ III, to this etate. Hore Or., lIe.Iloa l Oommo n 8enal, tho or~"''' fiolcl••• D• till - tr. ttio h,," n.,. them 10 flYIIJ.Y ~\ltipout good Q 110'" T~r_~a4J1; 'nlilAl-'~". rbQ wlu\e~a (lIe IIho~t alld ulwan t n, B B lioots. AI D A few COpI.' of III!I ••• '\YIfB'VIl.LE~ OHIO ~ .. ~.~ ;;l:D~'IJa, A:ddraM...t ODce, Augul! 1· HAl,~. Ce..i ~ ' ,.lu .. 15le wo.1t fllr ul o at tll~ Gltt"" oftI<~ ._.II~tIlte~""'~ IJU II'.. '".I'~ cZNcI'JrJI'nl'. ~ .d. r "')." ~ (0 1'0
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PON'O:S Require. Jlnmcd lnto n lt.-nll '" nit nc,:;-lcct u R.eIlUmoe TCAUUL8 in "om o J ne n r 'lIln LunA: .1I.e""" BROWN 5 ORONCH I AL TROCH ES aro ... tmplo rcrnt.-"lly. u d ,,,11 1 .. hDOitt 10. yurlabl J' Klvo h.un ......... Ue rellc r SOl D B Y ALI. CU t;UlSTS .... d d eal e ... to modJcJnc8
Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. I'M .,1104«11 1I,.", ehold 0 .........
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Bend for "(110/011 "' ••
Notions &Fnrnisbine Goods. JOS. A. llInGEL & c o.,
UNHAM .!~~~~~~"" ! ~" "~~:':.~ SAAiNO130 W. Third 8t., CINCINNATI, O.
TO . " " tr:HTlJltlfl
D,"h~~2,~,, ," , ROYAL POWDER. W II
1M E no. 14th Il.
~~;~~~~~;~~N~B~:\~V~V~I~tl~IK~' 41
Y AI I OROQERS )\ ABSOLUTE UTHOJtl7.ED TO GUA L RANTEE IT FUU WEIOBT ,\ Nj) AJl:;;O LUTf [,V {'l1ltf T o i ryll, cltllOO Qc tl llliur one p Ollnd OBn to ltoy,u. Bllltl NI} PQWIHl ll CQ!!"",,,,:I:. New Vo-It, SCint b)' 1DIl!l,lI'l\!tK OII'~O S.
atdt.e AND \V A YNE V[LLE. OHIO.
VOLUME XVJlI--NUMBER 23 A IIt.. un"',"!II nt:NUIt:.of OY O ....fUt
It '1
BEPORTEB. .u~~""'p'-;y. DE(JEl\'IBl~ It
6, ] 77
tll OMUll'IUI
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\unt loalllla III In t lJoll \ 0 III hoh d!\y. or " 1111 erl!lIrl cs or unythlllf; of th",tllOrl. I tbml I t It u fooli~h wW!t of tllllC 811d monoy to ge~ ul' nt.erLlIIn 010 It.. or to III llke presel ts when th or W !!I I lUuch renl hllrd \l ork nccdlDC to bcdonc Ami 0,er'lllc08bo IV~. IlIttl JonlllUL hnd beon drn en I()
had I\lIy httl her lap lind IIrt by storm ehe 'W ould hll\ be II II dim rent IIl1d a lml [>ler woman nut tho chlldrcn wer nf r I d of h r and OHm tho bllhlCII Oiled \I I w lil ted to get awll.)' from her whon 0 \ er !l,O 1,lOk them In ber arms No ""ft IItt! hand~ were over 01Ulped lo\" In Iy lIroulld her neck IIml I don t wo Idrr lItulilhat !\unt J OlLnlla grew 10 he I kc III Iceberg !-;Io blld ILl ... ly8 be~n u d k dOing rough work, Illld lmd II I!OrL o[ rough I I Q of It genor\ II) ~ l( cc pt " C II slle " rkc I for!'lfn< IlIn c~ wi, '" Il1l'Orr) f r \unL To I I fi md Ilways "IKke kllldly I, .b~ r Illld dId lIIal Y (II ra J Ily fptCM though'thor Icro8.~ grllllloo ( III \\ In III \I d uSlln!h lI\oldrd cm!!Sh g her pll~b, for [e II', llII Mhe SIll , It \\ Qull brlllg her bAd I uk he hnd I'VCO hdpt I th e other girls to pillY trlUkK 011 Lh poor cre Itur!' f r chlldron )OU kno" Irc , ry pt to Ihlllk lit I~ Illcer Il'I III 'nl III ,de nil pUfJ IVI<C (or U C 1 to I rlll en~ I II I ubll:<e 111 1, 1 lIy outgrc\\ I cr olllhli ~ h days IIml hr r f )Q II ~h "'Y" II I I q: III to h, III Ire lh )lIgl Lfu\ I rl 1III1'flli th 111 sho Itn I ev()r Iwon hnKLIIlII" Lllnc W 1ft n I II Ky LImo wlLh hfr 111(1 f I' we k ~ ber rohlll1 I she heg 1\1 \'11 IlO lI~uH ti c I I Ig41 ZIIICH IIId to linn tile v n r)("'~ gift .. K he would mllke I u fr u I ~ , I rcllllll o. I:Iho h ul nlren Iy t\ulph cu 1,1 0 InuJOflL~ of her frlcnll ~ ", lh LI I c< b 'b'l! w,\I· pockct.~ r CClvcrM f e \ crv shllJXlRn I rur I v lfIoLy uf pu rp< """ ,I I III, II I .... to k lOW ,\ hIt uew or Illll entll to e~1 reI I r I genII Ly upon I wI,h y u II .1111 In lit Aunt lon nnll . 8111d Mr. J Illle" to I al y onc loll hcr I m rIling III November ~hllll \\ InL her the wltolo of nex t week 1\1 I pcrhll1 8 lon ~e r for lIlero 18 1I11ll0.t \lj much IIlIllI In Lho house 118 tI ere I~ ou t dOOr!! ' '1 b melancholy dll)8 I n\o cOl11r I!I\ld LIIJ 110lclllg nwrnfllll) at th e filII Ing leave! wInch " ero sprea/lmg a dlDgy cllrpet over the preLty III" II Illd lUI she went on Klle repellled tho Ot tlfe poem I!O approllfllltc to the changlllg 8C/I8On No\ emiHIr 16 tbe /<addrJlt 1II0nlh of 1\1\ thllyear, and Iii WII8ID 110 cheerful mood t-hat 0.,011 110 bright a crellLuro lIS Illy Jamea knocked ut Aunt Joaolla e door t:5llch 1\ ml80rllblo "llIeo ftlI It WI\.. tool Enough to glV!) IIl1yuody tbo borrorH! Thore WAIl n() respollsc to hor knock 1I0l1 Lily Willi qUlloI tiUI'( Lhe hOllllC wa~ dCl!Crtod bUL vOllturcu to try thll IlIleh lind "h tbe ch II tbat cropt over her honrt I ISho hnd t.o I ok tWICObefore sho could nllll zc tb It III y "vUIIl 1l<>Ili "ns III thA~ dreary plll~o Ind Lheu shu ~ I'll' the outllllOof II b)dy on lho LId lind knew It L'O uld bo 110 olle eltl(l but Aunt Jonnna \VIIS sh o nl.. 7 Ilr ole Id I \\ hilt could be tho matter? i':!ho IIl'pr lBehcd nellrer lind C lid hen I' I cr 1 10 III g " II,I I III IIlId nil thought. of felLr or dlHhku VIIIII. hed from Lily . Ulllld Hhc KO II hnd a bnglt t hre III tho ston alld Its choerful wnrnatb "lole II to cv"ry nook Ilnd corner If tho 81111111 room nnLII tho VCr) wIlIIR seemed to Kettlo themselves IJllek III \,() n pI elLlall of cozy comfort 1111 I lo!\\) their khrullkon apI caranec l:Iavlllg dono thiS milch and seon thllt Aunt JOlin II II WIIS alIve hut suffer lIlg , ery \c\lt.ely r Ily rAIl for hUT mother who WI\!! an excellent nurllO and wonld koow what to do botter thllll sho dId Poor Aunt Jennul\ bud boen 8ubJect to att.llckB of rbellmntlsm but thIS WIIS of the 1Illlammaurry sort that mnde her (col /Ill If ~ho must seream out tho /\gony WIUI80 tM.f1bl o l,'mgolllg to .hol ~I\lll AUlltJOllllna to Mrs Jamos
0". 1111.1. ~.1 UI pl_uro TI eo CO,"," 11", "III ~ \If pain Wl><in •• rrlhlns w IrtUU T.kco p. lid ",enol.
0 11
Pleasant for liard Drinkers. 1ho LoUISVlllo CO/mel JOllrJla / wlucll I. lulll.hod III Il tlllll( wbere WhlHky ought to be good if allY" herl' ollfirmH Lhcijt.a.tcmentthn.tprobally mnohulldrl'll 1I1r! lIInety l\Ine gallon" out of overy th"uSllIlrl IhuL are 50IJ III! brllt dy Ilro H 1110 from I Vile eOmpQUH I of "" III, (h.lIllell ~I !fIt"l and CbClntCll1 nbominatlon" al t Hdd,s A1111 t 181ll:!O eq ulllly trlle of whl. lcy ,\hll~ lD the UIII1IO of goodnc~ 11'0 we to do for I!Omelhlng to tlrmk 1 It looks /Ill If \\ e \\ erc to be .lrn en to the pnIDI II Mlute of u. If tho world lit large kHew what vlllalllOu, sLuffs brandy anil "Iuaky IOd \\ U eM are made of tbe pre.on t crop of drUllktlrds would be "bout tit IML or tit lilly rille all futurecrops would he sllIull Ne Irly or IJuito 1111 the IIqHore that Iro rctllllcd lire undoubtedl] aMlow but Hure pOI!!On lind to Irlllk them h IblLllal1r 18 Klm ~ ly II rOllnd lbout wily of C DllJllttlng suiCIde lind unlcAA YOIl glll1rd )ollrtlClf cnrcfnlIr tho wily IS not I!O very round abollt eIther
A CERTAIN I.ondon church orgalllst always pln'y~ 1118 .wool{''1It D1U~IU "hell under Lhe mflucnc.c o( n strong Opll\le He mu ~t hllvo Il llrcferc nco for the chloral !!CrvlCe -}t#JV } ork Com Adver tuer He IS SOld to have colllJXllled aTe CU.A.lILEY R081 8 fllther 10 hiS !!Carch Deum Laudanum that p,uts tbo wbole {or the stol on bo) hll~ ~JXl n t ~O 000 lila congregatIon to sleep - 1 hilad(:/ Bul entIre fortullo /lljd 16 lIQW l\ trnvehng 8IllCSll1111l fol' lin EII8torll houllC , He bl\8 /dill mllde three huidrod Journeys In f1el\feh WilY It rnlns In ~ory bot wcal\J(,T? of h IR lost child and enyg ho pilrijeverc The hoat OpeDll tho poufa of the clouds
?tires LIDDlE lIIlNKLEl!\ t\Jo yOllng Indy of ROchelle, llhnOl!, wbo 1000t arms a few yean agQ b1an aCCIdent With II. reaper IS reported to have fukon 'ttio eecond premIum for )If nOll drawing ilt the Morpll ~CoIIDLl .ERn I. WAeD it is rome~~~ tbat !ijto hili $0 hold ~e~ penCIl wiSh her teeth it Will be readIly IIdmltted that Khe Dlust lie a yOlUlg 111dx of J\Oreeycrau08 lUI 'well ~ taate
A MILITA RY olUecr who moat cordlnlly delCllLed t110 I alberds, u8Cd 118 a SUbstl tute for flogj;lIIg lo qxpo!!C dllilnqucHts on pnradc \Htb i\ Inl'!1C Iron bomb shell I\ttuched to ono of tholr 1CgH One day, wholl l!Cvcrul IlIcrr,Vilte nndergomg LlllS .'p'~IUlISU IIICJ~"" l\ !\II.I lo~, who by ellflDcc had llcar Clilled ont to IUJj COU'pall liLy oyes, 8hl(llIIl\ooll, nnly look I I III blest I[ horo l~ll t a I!Odger at anchor I o
'VOROl!8TER Pre" A PIttsburg edl tor hll6 been tried ro~ hbel,.lollnd gUl1 I!6nt.eneed to pay, l\llioU8/\Dd d<lllal'll, In.\t lJl pnscn for 11 yem 1111<1 tllue the g~lm questIOn of liow hD WIlli to!;t;t tbrougb a hard ",intor 18 bappJly IiOlved 'Sparrowli and editor. arc wlIlchod over
EN I ' .
n"r""~~hllrf,l'. I ,'C'" ..,,,I. I I 'rU ultAd AK~.r/"e' ~' lUtaAL.- A II tllllu won l tIl t ho d" pot WhCl'l1 Ill' "II I ~I 1{ I 'fl I , . .• ' Iltlll '\II~ l'lIl't l,ly r the' VUII rah l If! t !ti. l' IIl rndt!, II h,\l) IIl('v 1'111 ' . I', UlI~I". ~ , " ,.1 ' , r,. 1·11 .ll'It IUlIlj) I .• --('tIt vdur WlJtlUK IIIk nt th 1'IIull1ll AI·lIdl. wa rutlll'II I'1! tl, its '1 1I~tI\'d tickl'l!l ~ '1' ).')vl!lnltlL 11 lUI _ _p _--_ '""'!~~!!!!!!'JII!'!r!!"'!"'!!II!!!!!!!!!!!'!"""''"'!!'_''!'!!~ \1, ,11 1.11 ~ ".111 , " (,! 10 11I1' elr IIllll r l ' ''xcll'' tH'u, k Ihul't; ., d u.' ~t ,,,", i l I', t 1.1UII" IllOrllll' l1r. \1" It I I' . 'I Curo.' , IU• "I· . Col'1'1" ,l. Ie ,.~nl IUI.. II, I cl Prioe 35 I . E • --~. -- I. J ~ v ..... tru'lll SIIIt'rl" I I)1'11'11' 1 II Tuk no ol h"r. A~k 1.. l •••• . [c ~, ~f A 0 T I . '" . '1'1 "' I' ~ d...· ' J liooph'!I U ugh. PaIns f,'cl ly HarmlU . Ha , ,. I 1[ I' I --, r. • . Ill' Ilr) 0 1 ..l..O Il I ~ .. u' IIttQllu UlI,ull ~t t I Ol't ho ,x li nd It I ~ nl' I,,,-ptl \\'1'1,1 III ,1'''1111 In tho II , I Inolpluo Equal. l caw , II bltr Drlt gql I tor iI . • til.' I' n"1 \I, n \, I; ,'II. -:: r. 11 11' I . .' 1 Ihl.JIl .lfllllI1'.r . ~l lQll t '1'11111111 gh illIC h 'r . 1<111'111 111 lII ('uti ug llou~o wall lOude 011. T ho t W'! bil ll , \I'l' illl" h a l'lI ,'nt COII ~IHnpi,,' n . unplu.lSnnt ol~-c" . tlOlO [Vf_1i Wli RE. , ~" : ~,,;., ;'''; • 'I'; I,~\ h' , "'''''h 11'1 h'('''.I''lt'll l~ I I~d.1 L~"I 111'«) I' i itil'" - .\ 11 J.:i l)d~ IIf hlll 'v gu" ,I~ tll \' IIl'ltv rrp rl l'lIllll iY" t!, trum ulmv~t ' lOut utI' til ' In ill III II lIth LIJI>:IIIIIII Bottles D o uble th S ize of auy 25 0 • Pl·01)lu·a t iou . \t" ,~ ,I ,'ul i r.l·U' ,jj , II ,lis' . I" Ill '"" , I'll' . III tlw U II I Jll'ug Sturu. ' ' II ru'\"Iglulla IIICllulDllla _. . t'lo n8. II 01. t 1h ' I -'---::':"::;::;;~;;:~;;;~~~~===~~==========~!i ,.I•.. ··1 .~I I I '\IL. II,I I,. , "t,.. 1111d ll t ll[ P ClI wit,I ,'1 I' 1 I. It' " • \I.h'L I . 0" r,tt' .1 -Th. It"v',l i . - I I'U ' ~ lIllt h Ie 'hl red 0 11 ( III ill' , - Tllk.. I ,.tar lJ nt a nti ~ h ol! 10 Illlr ' 81'S " cr . IIIl1d~ by DOli· lti vl!r V lOW U UII ~ , 11 1111 ~tu 'l'd 11 11 _ ", ,<'\ lI,1(Uolil. l'rl .."t ,t .... Q" the ~,I jtllill '1I1r1l 1 '. at tbe M. E. hll r h. I' I\\ lU ." ~I ~ 'k~ t bU I' lJuir.J ieillill, 'hllrlcs ~\fftitl , .J UItIi IJ elll Y til MOIlUIiY. 'J'III' V Ict't I,her to, ~ f!a 'f@) ~ ~""t~, '~(I~"~~\'~. 'nih. I••)' Mlrdce ••ry Iinst :-;lIl1dIlY· I . _ ' I ,, ' ~ ti'r tile " ulid a) 1\ ~II~ e til. ! J)ou~IWl, T homl\8 Miller, th ' no~ · 1 taku a, wul" IlIlU fu;·got tu )Jay thl·il· . g ~)~~ '1'. \f In'·s \. p; II LlI"" - t M " "f l -Uu r. uld .tll rke \"(:~ m "el'~' 1I i!1I 1' ll'IlJ I 1;;'1-: 1111 t" IlIrll' (l lit Ton 'Ii. L. F. Villi .O lov~ of the .M. K bill. rh e lllUdloru iMs hurt oue dol ;... I "I" r",,", :{"I" " 1'1 ... 1(", 1.","< I<'olll!; hlij 1,111 111t11 J hlll'l!d ll),. hilt I . . y hurch , ~1II1 Bpthw FurllLUl of the lar each. ( "[,,,11\ , ''''''r J)1\1I11.,,,/r.,·, en l" ,, still ell II [i II lit· 1 1I~Il"hl o It'i~'lll ' ' -- LI.II 11c ,rol ,'rd (,,, hoh di\yhuOkYl llicksite F'ti.e~ lII eoting. All " ..t l ..,.k. '\'. """01" 8' $u... III,,·., I"'ul I)'• I I "II '-r n V I I l lll l:,' tI Iu Irt:' l IU\\ . I !l il t! til} Icst itled-in tll('. moet ouloaiefc man. lCellgloll~ l'i otICt.s., D .. , mn -;",,,1 " In 8nn ~ l llV ., l ~ 10 l ' lit L II,,· \:. ( 11J VI ug ~IOI'O. e" • IV,,,·,,,·.\'. )1:1.",. 1\'lI' n.."'l' n el. I , ve .~ -- ~1 1 88 Abblt, J' ''gNS ," 1 ~1 1" rl - : IICII :I " ll l'~g lt\\IIY WOllt Y u I" er of the apright christian life Q -- . No. gg East Main St., - - - -.Xenia, Ohio, wns hel d .rll,·, ,I.',' 1''''''1'.''' '''~, I· "n Ih, .1,1"" llIr. I1II1ll' I1111IS ,I l III cJ uy nit d IlI ltIfl ' . 'I tv l'I'IIIt; buc k l!tc lr bcu 118it O\'l'1. wlllch 'I'hOlO.1I Arnett blld li"':d - - uarterly " ,. ttl "t E Ob Meetlllg I I ,I III ,.."h 11\.,,,,1,. "' '! "·"I,,,·k I' '" I', ~I II - O\'~tcrs' 11I1 ulhel' tillll lut in Too much cOllild 1I0t be said lor of a Ie II. • tlrc 1 IiSI SaturuIIY - ){ rl ll un U Il U Il UU ll y fi uo 11l1 ~ uf- Ir 1"r "r ,h,' (1"",1' n, T. II llrt rrc 'l'I .nl,I. ,~SS,. I,IL t OII"l'tll ll ~JI'I~ l1t It er tlllik. ~u ::i UI IIrUll" , lit FliT/ ' ll . llnll g l !tim it mi lY"t t ruly be 611id, lived aud Sunday. "",I HI"} IU'" ~,'cr" 'It' " ,~, I ,g II ''' 'II C. l IL I lit · I ' h" 11 D' .' . '11 b I Id' FRn));!" 'I t;"l'~' ,Lhll" .. I,,,\ - M "", ' t ~II L1" , " chl'ul at .x.CIIIII st nd, " " ) vIII' Jll cke t w Ilt he prellcbed. ut now Itlij ulne serv,ce WI e lC II I In.r 1., .. 1,,'1110 1" 'r,h 'IIr" " ~ 1'".1 ~nd 411, ' " ' . g , - ;\It ll llntce 711. A li en, of Ci n. h WIUI compleled. "Be Iltid the EplSCOpll1 Clmrch to' \lI 'JrrvW D ")''''''';OII1I1" :" II ..','Io, k ~,".. t' D~l l wU IC . cillll ll ll. I'll ~,d T hllllksf'Oi \'lll It fi ll i.;hcd his course, he had kept (Thursday) OVCIIIIIg ut 7 ,o'cl ock. dol",,,I,,t 'll · ,,, I,,,,k , " --.\1 :II Un .J ~" lJ 18 rnllidh h' hit, 1"'111 ' here ." g I tl III III Itl I, AU .. L bo , . r .. 1I0W lIe h 11d gone to the Rcv'd Louie S. 1\Jlj ru e WI'11 rll'H B.II"TI ' T rtf"' " ,II " Ch ...rll In (" ' IIl II'~ 1 1I 1ll ~cl l II guin . u ud Ir, li S " . In'OII tlt o rew d t't1 h officiate. W ,,,,,r - , .. t\II·c. l,,IJ ,he' Hr,' AmI 11,\1 ,1 h, ' 11'\llk lJ 1 cJ -- l cl r\"d Baltllnoro oysters nro IIr ° lOtIO W 06C • .,h 'HII, n( M" I, ,,,,,nt" "I 1111, , ' . Hllrl 7 , b ' . ~ I nil C I'lIbt k"lll\l ll~t tll S nl" 'l' Ir ' I ' d nil l cl e 1IIIil \l'I\S fushio ned alter that of - Divine 8ervico 'V08 held in tho ~ 'I li" I. A ~ ''' ' ''11 ,. IIll1n"he-"'r IIInllY lil .:!" St." l ll·1l 1 1I1IIIC~~ nlld I ,'.-I, g il" l I li p. the ir divine !~ as tcr. M. E.Chnrch, Thauk ~ IVln III Orll ' - - Wllich Will bo - 1.-1.,. ... 11 or...,,,.,lIol h 11"·.1,,.110 IItl onrl ' S\ 1111'11 11. , J IIII " " hIS 1'1'1J1I1l"ll'L1 til ), II t ) " 11 1o'1)..;1I It. At tI e I rtb . "• . d ' II U I F g \ ' g CI 'FIl IRS I':!' M ""'r" n 1·Ii.k,", ' - Al " hnIC II,," l ie " III ;'\011' I,e uLk tv Ill. - 'I r Hle llllt ,1 ll nl ll (" hll8 bt'ell H I IC ~eOl tt e exercl~~,.rnte. D I' 1I1g, lIe ev ·. •· . UII .e ve d o II "r.l" I' .. , "" fo' .." Hud 1'\·"rt h aunu osen I rDEI arc)!!e all rs~ed III a ow pl eac fur n",,II"Ino . u,· in"ill~ u \I .,',·Inck F,rrt-D,\\ tl' 1IlI Iu lllb IUt'.", II. ,>1 t'lI I. 1' ''lI~' tI,'m I,I,. 11 11 d l'r tl ,e Wcul Ilei I ur rllUll1 ks, expl Ih e to the ling OCCllsuioll.Iscoursc appru plUtc ~ 111'01 at !l1 ·~ 0'01, ...,1< \ t. - \lr II I1tI :l I ,~ LIJ I I Il.,ttli ll I, t't Iile I:L~ I \I"l·k IIr two. fl'cl illg uf a g ood C hristiull woman ~ ° III re, 1" 1 ti. CII II IIIU III Lill cul u, 111." - II111 1lk8 to :l1 ~. J . n .. La Fatru, reulizi ng thlt her hnAbnnd WU8 at IC[' T~ e lJ ew tel~gml! h .. !fico w~1 I IU. 1 rll t:~cJ lI)' . 1"1 L,,~ A lI~l'l l's, Cull fUTlllu. fur late reijt iu hi e j rual hume. . tuoa be ID opcratlOn IU Way nC8 - -- AT _ __ -A rllun·h uIISe, the vropClt) (If \JU PCI·d. Iroltl tllll t clly. Frie nd "ell's rewains ":0", , il _~ V 'l~l ey HllilwllY uext. ill~fOjlOlCU ~ ~0 '\:l~~~ [) [} Rn.L. I .Van Ol.vo rvlae on nda)' .. at..10 Mr. J ohll Luk us, ~I\;!llr FI'eePIlrt, 1 -~llt1S iluUe ~JI'olV?, ~f Morrow then.. g ru veyord JD~t IJl'fJOY lIFE I ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~8!.~~~~ ~ ~ S ..bhlllh bll rlled. 10Rt uturduy nigl, t. T ilt, HclllI(,I, SI' 'IIt '!ho nksglVlllg hulldlLY , back 0 , .• ~lllg bouse au d IlIld Wh1Ic a Irull b,allll'ul "'url,1 .. c I"'r ' n . ~wuy .~ , \1 l' I~t tepotlc. " l'lc N " lu r~ ~I\'C' "8 !:nllld"", of ""11,,,1>11,,", 1 ~ iI /,.(" a lull /i ll c' (I( {!O /llll ~, ('uti:,. 1" 0 .• ""lIt/l, ( "," re/taa FAIIM RII.O II '''Ob:. l\ ... 111 P.tron. of tlnllily JivIng III it ''''cd '"' lIIh'ul l ut It l'l ltulllC III IllI d Vluc\!. . IIOllel! b0 III I'IIrtlllurc. "I. "I J .11' 1 - lUI. " 13 1"')0 J. S J llhllRo n, If. CIll· ~1I11 beRters ·"ro· ,'CCII'" '" HICO" ,hOIl,1.', ·"",ld " I "'" 01" 1( ' , . . 1 . ' , l{" .. bRUd n. 'V,llI,m Ourucll. U "" I ~ r fe," ILIClT ~ . At es ~~8 A • 1) • jll 'or' "8,ClIIntl I"""e lll Ire 10 110 I"" " , //,, '11 . no" • .1 '('. (,el l/' tolli l y (l/l ""/111. ('0111/' 1//1 ./ ..... , ' tter DI"Ill'; 1)ru.r-S'tlrr th r. "'(,C(I Ilt1 ~ turrl tt '~ kcus c. llmlltc 11I~ lu ti nt ~.~')II. l· IIII ,1I11. nlll·I"II·d the lunerltl ot l\u \\ III.IJ). . er'l 4\t!lIer II Srm llt , J u ... h,,, '" perlee, h, IIl lh lil t h" .. 01 "." d" II,. ..~==========~==~=====~~=======~ of eU41h 1nl1nth a t 7 ,,',·10("'h r m "\nel .. 1\ th ~ - ll nnt', sh llrn " DrnIllt IlLU' . '1'1 Il' li FII ('II J A,ltt'lI lu sl F rt dny . . nils .It., N l! rr Br .. wlI , J ullll "" . Otlll 01 p" 'r lo I,·,l I il l" ~"lI r ' "~ II '" <I,,. ' u ll r th ~.t tttnl a.,... of " 'I"h m outh nl -J 1I'4 1Uf' h It ~IJIIIIIlCY, U CH au A. 0 ('9'" S\ t h~A. n\: llIll til :;(lIl1lll J.! tC l 11 111 \\ l ll' d 01 111 \\ It Ii lta , 1.' 1111 (III el la i 11l11IlIL l,n'1'1I1' " J..: ' -- 1-:1 1\\ ""I ~ ( ·,1; 8 WIl l mell u your ' l 'I . :"I~ \ ec • . d'.I'''' '' I,"" ,h." " "" ,"',. ' 11 ,., II,,. wl ll r-ir Il, e r 111 1"1,,1 '''I tlo ~1l 1I1Ubtl'l ' h""tl< II lI rI ~ It " c~ III "OU(! Ilty' lo nll d II Our 118t [Ball w~ lII ~d o II Ul IS IIC"!III!; n . ",,',v -"lIo " r " ' 11 " . ,1, 11"<''''' C· - - - - - - -- '1- E / . UNt: lmTA1'TII E 11 '\.lI l' lI 'II . I' I 'fl I ( . "' , . 1\ luk o llJ r('gllfldtohl ll bl rll' \JlllclJ · , u"wc'I" v l' """ I."II,,,,,.\"" .• 11"" In onjer to Intro..Jucc ollr 4<>-JlCIse .Uustrated C.,IJ,loguc (In book rorm) orJewelry nnd - A IMc tt,'at !I n' beclllll 1)1 ('pnru ptlCl' III t ,ul c II l'd III II. It'\' 111\:1, lit OW 1'" <:« ' ,,,0 11 m (I ell . I t u I' S· 'I.~"C I' . • , .. III "'"ko LI, "' ,,' ,,,. ,, ' d, I , <I' , ' V.lIehe>. '''Ih lu ll mfunnoUon lJow to DC('owe AI:()lIts nnd ltl'nke Money, I " n CII 0 U11Ul aru IIIU ho WIlR I b " " , . . . . I· I tir Il rfl r th e III~ l tlix wl·c k ~ . ill the " " ~ >111 1' lie l I) 611 ('C(bS tlst II Itt \I I' t Itlld":l Mnr l'ln ' I,a!! lo"t I' n J ' It-! d e ' ...' "'1\'11 " rt, 1"'pCI'"'' ,,,,,I I " " l ,",,,1 'II" " e ,,,I! tIl"ncl, on receipi of Ol1e Dollar, by ",turn matT, tillS i lIuslr:lteJ CalaI"I;I1eo!o,. I " 'r, nnd " I' ('IIIII'SC (,IUlll il t Ii II I til ' rl t i s bl' '1 .. 1, d' t·. a, uUlI.\'e 'o u~IIIt,1' Olll.'ty, .... ,,'th I~ lh. ,1 "., l eA " •• "'. "." .," II, ., 1" rCl' Ill1pO d n , ")( '11 I concc rt 111\' t .e I I ll ' tlg ' IO~_ I I ~ '" . UII IS cur ("rultna aU'l s one 01 tell cit" III ru,b mll'"d ... ". I,d , ''' ''"._ I,",,", ,'',," sether w'Lh hl!1H ti t ,iI the Il""l' \ vlell t " cictl' t 11111 1I "g e llil Il' IICl'S Un 5('11,011. ' ul ul Il' III " lilt! ItlWallli llg sixtl'e11. J ';J... d ...... tt I I 1\ !'l ICk lI . ndaul" I'o"u". I'r 'orr,,, "\11 II"" OUR ONE DOLLAR COLDEN CAS ET. . I R (1 X _ . t"I • • r CI! .!'I ', -Ie u :~ 188 t.! U. \f l>. nl U ur lhu Hel:d. 1\ , ' Illt ,f lOIi .. r II.. )L II t E lIf th M. . h ur'lI . omc ul Ill' . .- 1 ," tl08, le81IVIl16, &C .Il u/Jpl,ct! lum inulIS un bJOgrajlhy, Whi('h and oil,. , ,iI'l,e' '''~ ') '" 1'"'''' '11, r• •I, be gl veu 10 the ' e M QI .11I . u" PI, II <r ",II I'''''' I, III'. I nil/I 1Il 1l, t l'1I 1t III'Cri \ niCl'R ill , nH'lt RT 1'1' U (Ir\'e ·ol .lIl'g ~ch o\ll. Wit h uy~ll'rS, III CI1n or bill k, 11 l \I ill ~\'e olutlll t "WII al l' IIIIU li nd r conl ribllt i(lIl. f" ,' tltc IllO ntlt ellllillg Nu\. 2::: luwedt mil's IL t luwest rates bv A . '\" Ill , !"I dlee, 8"111,1,1" ," 1,." III " li t. 1" '. ' or . II. Suld I,. " II D u . ".,. L . 1'· :t. <lId " "I ~ Hil t· trum ('11I(,lIlIl l1t l 1111 d WIIITI' 60Il Ul'I.. Il. ' ~~ \• • =,..",=".". . "...._~_.-..,,,.-_ _ _ _-=-_ \\' t1 1l1 111~ 1 "1I "I' the ve r: host vlll'nl UI!Y~ " , . ," 'rll ' " - Gil 1l11l1 8('C t ho. 8plcllil id stnck Hnlli:N'iI K .~ -~ happy C\"(lII t = () i r t I) .:: , lit! III P wd l h" \'r(,~(, lIt !IfiLl pa rtl c, S" .IIr"II.II. .~~ .~~ IU of g lllllS tL lld 'lll t!c nsware nt Tl'rI"Y'1! vcclIlre.d u,t tl~" 1't'81dellOo of Mr. ... JlIIIO. It l~ I'nl y Ul' Igll ed to Lt: }:,', ;I;:! ;~':d'III"'.' ::.~ 40 ~~ Cc lttl"ul Grucery. Th e tilln gs urc ulld M.I ~ GeOr~,Hruwu, last S"n · ~y ;; - 0.: : ;;,,;';" ;-1 '7, olle of thl' IlIlIst NI hc,·r/" Illld en· Pot COOl vI "", ,"ll1l1oe, cheup too. d ~y e \eulllg. III Iy; .thc D1nrrlllge J "h" p"one. or II dell;;"I.r jll '1l ble 1I 11'IIHi ll lUents uf lit e seo· l.'uL ({1m ·(;Jl UOL8. ul th eIr lIangh 1'; MItIS Ma ry ll. ~ Il Tir e t, 'ht~ IIrl' pillcl'd At till.' :\" '",ro,II. ,1. 'i l -Mrs. "11I.l101 OIvIS d Ied yes· ll rown with Jobll W. lIett fit' .!rgal 'J\~Ufttiscl1tmt£j. mOUl'fII l' Itltr' ,If ~ !) ·e ll t ~. fllld til\' \\ J ul " "It.., ~~ ~~ 55 tcruny, nt her l!ullle, on th e fil rUl of Cu vington, [oalan's " Till; Ue v.' L. _ ~.Ir .. J . C. MchuJ" Sh c hau becn F . VUII Cleve ~pert'orDled thtl cer· - - -AN- olfDINA-:"\ 'J:: ' I ('''''l'nt \1'lI Ill' gl I l ' U UII th c 13th J'c.. Ct''' l 01 ,,, ,·,,,1,,,, " " Ot',I~tis Ill ll llth . . '1'1,/' Illl lllh~r I' !' )JIIJlil~ III U igh slt' k IIl ,out o."e '\ ~I'k. . e mony in 'll brief Il.ud jrop~esbll'e Tu regu lat ;, th e grrt/l e flJII/1oid,Il J itc uh.I,'d III \' iC\1 hllll id hll lhl' ~ .II , "I H"lIlII II h \\'on llll R\'e rugc - M.r. I1 ellr~ (;hup~l1Iln ,. of .PIIII Inanll~r. Mr. lIiltt 18 an est lDlfi hle of th d SlIlt ( 111 t l./, e l/s( I lIun o (' :Hl d til eitul·.l ct 'r 11 11" ' Jlln l I!I.Hllo 0i'l'" Xllllltllllg !) I pcr CCIl t.. add pilln. hll~ hl'l' lI With IllS SIs ler· Y'Jung gelltlewall, and he hall UII' 1f~.le tlf Maill /. ·tn . d . C() "lIll~ n. : It · \If th e 1)11:1111 111 111 li t ""gl,t 1.. ,1\ l ' l'I ; ~II Illw, ~I "8. I hllll lllh Arnett, Ju r t1uu bt edl y WOIJ U p rize iu the mat· aillY ti t t ht! CII/ "r" IIf Jl/(/(11 n.n I gUllm ll tot " It Il, e I'U t "' llIlgC uf !l ll (I II ,I' III d. 93' Illg hcr I'ceCII t ufll lcti on . rHIlOIt iul l<nteJr1. Tlte nl1w be r ot ¥ /II.t Ii St! U ( ', {/ ",I " ,I (, Ii ' / i 1/ f! I" IV\('I lit" li rst elu II 1111101 0. 1'I'U ,'l a~g : ' J\ UCl'nel, :1 I· - 1111 . 11,,11 EnrlttJart "a~ lin ed prcse llts to thu/-brlde and groo m t h t Ul'1l O' '1 ,,\lain till I .J/ llt gn mllll' liu t \l l.'t k. IZI.I I.I 11.1\\ k " S9 .: 7,50, tl lc " lhl'I d ny, for s houtillg wut! Illrge, au~ ma ny ~f th clD wc ro ( c ,,~ I \ \ t f"} B I t , Co n 9 I B\1I1g ~ t CI I1 UB lUllI s~c" . nun nOII.A ll (lA In~T Cnntll'n. Clno .I _nlly . ngn......t Lady . 1b.tooh aad Ear 0- • . - --... ~• 111 II n I ,L 111 t \\'u ' lUll l'1B Ull l I Ie I nrnl 0 J.J r. • c egu u u I De it u rdIL II H..'<l D) t.he O"UII 'I I 411 1 '!1"t1 It ... ~dllllh"' l "~"lil1t.f"l'(.l nl;1hl nu il I"'carla , ono b~"uhl u l C ut C "m c o IUnJ.: ono ti n..::: pMr 0 1 • \\' Ie r< ' 111 lite f"II ,l wi1Ij.( f'rl101 11.1'/ U. F . W 1LI.IA:\t. I A ' tu\; c@ , lI ('ur It Idgevi lle. g luss wllre, sihrcnruTe, l.u blo lill ell Ihe l1u·"rp"r,L,.d \ Iltllll' " f W II, ""0,,/ 1, )o: u f"avNJ 1S' .e,c D utto o. ; IIlr"" (J ) gnnd .V! ....I AUIOlliy,' 1>0",1 .. I..\n ,d ,.Ith 1'.. r1& , Dn. X~1I1U TII=t ' fl' , b 'C'lll 0 It I11" I Jl A. 6.:·C. Th ut wIll n {' w.:r it lit,,) be . In ' n t' :ot..'" r t )v f' u ll " r Uu Llon, ona l:ltol t p:lttr:01 L Ady'. Of' Cd"t . FumJ,at1Q\lr Nc~k C h"-'nl O~ cle - Tit . Old Dllw.Stor cnll Sill) ..:c, . '" " ")' unlt ~.",c .... ~"I<""I : ".. , k"u,lfulcb...,l lSand lU ng, 0'" ""III. .. a Lalla <i«orl<" Diamond PI"J · '1'1 " ' t JIEI-:Cll CK \1VE . ~ At I k " . r d p l.l lr u r mnk,· 11111" th o 1',,1 (: \10 tllk (Ir "n~ .,ne: (,a Ir t:) rh:p II\ t::nj-"TQ. wcJ 111"1lC.. l ctL .AU the abowa.~ tJl~ VIne," G old P lata. and I.n,,,u,< II I JII t n \\ (.1 R t ) r t ft~r .. \1 J , ." . plv j\' 1l \\ llia JJll r c hand light o il t e r t _0 ·not ,,' U tied lLud t il l' p llrt. tih rl il f I~ Ill'rtl llKftl' l' clt. .. l l llx.d IL lna}II.: w. Lltt(uJ " hlle., plilk lIn-dc:lskcl. lJIu5tnUed Cllmlc~rUC()IJr'lOlry.nd \\~Qtc-het.e llt wl lh n "," <llli tn l'I('hunts Ir It'l II nllL Ih eir hm c ' --. I'. nnd ~I "'. G . ~ II Il':v .. 0' i II' h ,S ~1I1 I' Hilt! cheaper tlrllll tlr~ hil i fiY V" lr had rcee lvcd th e CUll ,h .. 11 ,'" "I"rm I" Ih. 1,,1I0'\l1I1C .1Ir\ ~y : :>~'';u.r(~....;.~-;; ., ~~ ~';?::fl~r.~."'.!.'J,"~.:'"D of ..... .>uu.... CIlakA.u, mu,'. pool pto.!J. (If tIll! H ul Idt \' trnd,· 11"11101 !tnnd ! 01 II' C Bral'ch. j:rU \. un elltCl'tullllllp' I I ' h tl I I gral ulutions uf thei l' frielld Iltc' :<L( 2 """1 11110 or dun'I'Y<II' r,I><...1 ., ' \i-.1:; 0 . G • .JACOBT a: CO., Import<no o( jewdry "nd W .rchca, " . • . I n I LI·t)' I I t 1 1 11 r 1' 1 " 0 . t l'IO lIllI tult (" • nil gn'os e cr 'g It. , . J rnll n,..· fj, ·"lUll lfllr" " "wile ,n pr . • , ,,' ' II'T ' I~o"ud.u ..... ".--"et. Mlh~... ulcao. w •. ill th eir Ildl' Crli ~(' llI elits lur I ,c ""I' " , t , I ' ., . VCIlll1g. n i l . ( ' IItttlllded s"l vi"e ilt lit .. 'I L' r II h I ( .... \ . I ' t' d .... ' I l'ryA }o ulr's buJ k n \ stes "'t ~ ..... J' • .c. f· urLJ r o Dl\\· I,h t i'I'O U LI" Wlh t f lll u .. ~~~~=~=======================lWtt nt OIiCC. l{r lllell1itl'r 'out 01' 11 11111 )er 0 t 1"'11' r lCII 8 l' otWlt I' - ._ . •. . j 1'1. Ulrurch 'a nd from t lt ero udjl1 urlll.d lr "in on.1 ~"rtll. " ccl~ b,·., . X 10 .111' 1: ~ B ""III""" ('111.,1 ". t hf'l':t ll,r, ont 01' mind." 11' yon stan d illg the th _u/ol:rl·t'uhle niglt t. (lilly 1( '~,'I'IIIS n. q Ullrt. lhey lire tOl be ;esiden"eof Dr. )', ' ''d:1II1I1 1Il IIllk •. IJ'.,,,~runi"" "r)II,:IIIIi/l~t,,,, I I ' J fl r~t c l n8~ Ju st thin k of a q t ,.; IiwkPJ " cu r lJ r Ufrtd Jllll fI'ri ' , fl" rlh-we"",' I dl'II't tltillk tll('1(' IR allY trnth in t I Y ellme . ;Ill' . ca nlo I" t Ir n~. . . " ' I lIur son, wbe ro i.&i ~iii~hlUu~ I'CPIls t WII8 <'0"11" (n'lD ... 1"011 ,I", ""rtl,·,·,,., '\[ /10. 'If GEOI G.E N, WERNTZ, Ihi . ill t r"lIect a littl(' IllHl lilt II ystl' rs prC'UI'lIIl1l1lteu. M,R e Ma· 01 c.y .. tcr~ ur ~v mil I n 8um. Duy, Sl!,l'vt;! &0 t , r,.- 0 IU " I'vom M.... l~r""k K, "" ',, bulll""". eor,,, r u( Mu", n'd : I The p I\Ollt lI11'dioine (as· ry a :Jd J ell nie. of COll rsC eut 'rta;n I' CIIl otten. • •, '~l1d . • 'l~v il U ~n'l "):ylcr t lTe t.!. bot, Mtt 11110 If". " ";"L I I. I d tl ' , t t I b' fl' If If' d "1 ~ . • 1.2.& • , , \.I hnk. to I le >Hull,·e,,", """er n f .",,1 , pecilllJyifitboog()()dvne)thutis e ".I (lI r gll ~ . o t le.esto t l ~ lr -- F'llIU VC I~ .nen WHI U g'l~sts"rO U I! 1~11!r ~ t"O(' ell l n~l!bulldlnl! L. "r. "OI tllll" Ofll!' " ... t7:' 1.:! , r'~~ g'~ '.: W ~'1l'hll~'o . lIuvertiscd Im'gel ' ells largely; bu t ~hl.l t.y: Tho In ndl! leul gratelul c~lIl!.h ur ,cold , tell hllu to try D.r. on~oYIl\:m t III "I.e ,b~ppll.~t IImllll~ r. ho~.: th. nue "111 ot",ill'''L t.u" ~'lIIt fr"''' 1 "''' VNI.:.' '' II ••• IR, \c·t i prtlpri('tor top advertis ing tor t he trea t. The cOlIseC{lwll ce 18, BIII1 s ugh Sj'rup.- -He-wllI fh e gUeilts at tb,e \\'cu!lill~ \\'cr(': w",lOh tho III'rl h.",,,,,L 'orDH Clf . . . 1),,<1 H". " I' IIcel" ,"',. .t,,, k lO r u, nl.· ~f\u'l . 'It nu'l ••. 1'011' (Ini ckl)' It ules pl(,48I1Dt me muries. 'Variety is th e tllllll k yon fll r your IId vice. Tho Levi Uouk alJd Wlte, iluch"l Hop. ~r.:d b~~~n:'~I,;;,rorr uo,r :.r~ ~'nll':'!'1 h~t~ " 1"'1.. 1,10, ,Will ,""""(1,,, tur, i" I" .11 1 .\,1 th. o· , C' I' &' , . . 1 '>5 t . - ;a 1 ,,' ,.,1 ", i\ S.HI,. 11«1101\ jl' UlI rllll 1ef t drill) 011: A mi this for two i;ell ons: spice 0 II ~. pllee IS vII y - cell II . kins, Kate Ho pkio8, Lizzie d 'b~re to u~. . 1 (J UllI ;,,, IIIIt1 rol''';''''I; pru"' p,l), " ' ''''IIJ" · f I M d M J B ( 1 J S H I '11 I ' k' 11 b ' ". 1' L ', d Bl'.Q. II: B U1lllme fir . U" 'O), an,II\'",,,lo ,. FIrst bc ftl l ~e I I1t tIe 1)81)('r. -- r. un rs. . lU'r lIn ( -. . 1I~ les WI prooc 1 III lOS, \I...... cacoc&, "'I aug ...rll-'> am1 d....,ribed f"lIo" o " ,' r-\ '1\ I I l' ( '''' tl ' I 'IIrI !! t.'U ' ll 'IlII rcII , !lell t I.0 rd e· t~r all d ' I()O, M• A.l·· I 1.1ll!ter· .taUeo l n lHl'IttlTl 1 l l u I 111 , of, IlIl nd" - <,con t!. !.lCCti U 0 !;Io mc J 00U Ill · SCIlI'I! all d SO il C I' llt I 10 n~· tIC UllIOI, or No 0 1:7" feet ~I .. w . bunk r '!.P..I' ~ I;i\' rl~I . C1 (J 11i' .,II IIJ 11 11,1 ...... ,... k. ,,' r e l " 1L'J;l4 I mOlc Cllt l'IJrii!illCt li('nl r has his ited Subina last W I?k. lillY \Il olillng a l lO t 0 c1 11Ck, and in field M,er, LOll M~er, Cllrrle M.• talle. No t. f!O leet .... rtl'.'. I :l•• (eCL.~'''. Y "', \ , 1111~ KS " , All are TI 1~,mptlOll , oW No. O.t.ake:No h J!;lI l,.hllt Jl' .UIlA MO l llI ~dlCi lie 'III the paper und i 1\ m ind . - Mr. Ge l'ge F lt rlts hc ll ill recu v tl Ie'" ~ '.I!III. I~ /oi;, I~ tfl.L "2" 0' CIoc k • .,.. . , . Itgcrt, D r F . feet .bove N o. I,'l,\ Nu 76 il. fct!t.uo I 2M feott t .. It I , • , Y\l1l knnw tlti 10 st). ' V II , it is r ing fl'om 111 Miujul'Y ill the shnpe cun ll ull y 11 1\ Iteu to attelld. WlIhlmson and WIlt!, Dr. Jilmes .buv. No 2. Nu. 4. 80 f.ot norlh , '" ~ 711 I, I , .... ":Ol~c£:tH"D"TSU,U'(; iii ON I 111 t th e [lITl with L1ry gl)Od B olu· uf a brok oll l 'Ulb. - A D Cll,lwol1l1der knows the Bainell, B. F, J[Juyes, Mrll. T .8w\.>e&. abo we No. l!: No. ". '" foo t IInrth.l. 4 ~O II I P OJIJ :t II oil. W I. Willia'mson ' Idll Adams' abowe No. 4: No. 6. 40 f t north. ,,, I 71 " I 0111, " '.l ,I,,, ... So ,, , " nl Il ,r .. ' Dunk. '11il' lig g'1 'llCCI'i (', nlllI (' vcr t I' lin g IlI l1"lV II11111I \I' I' " blfl' ro ,l'el I I118 Iap A"n"" U'" ''''. . . above No. :I: No. 7. 41i fect norlh. ,.:J5 fe(\ Is to the mariner on the Itormr J .() I11 .. 1'(' d 0111 to. III nd Noll (' I ~e. Put (lui' ~ 1't711 ill th' G' azette. 10 I,() ( Wit IIUll l IOll \ \;:, IIrry P rln...., ~ Ie Prill·· wo . abun If .. 6 . M.l. NI_, \VA,." •• IUe, ., Olll._ ., I' ) /lU d d oe8 1I0t coost 50 IS o0 _ Th e brl da I coavIe bade "HI'e'Ule . II sItc. · 't. · · Wh eneYer th 0 C"unoII 0 f ,1m ,I 0 11..- " 1"'11' • -I" .Ish h i !J1'( .~oc ut u b lit WI' II d 0 80 .II S ·''. 7 1·2 t.u \I I·. ~ ~I , I 10. A "WW7'SO~'S H.\\ s \ 11.1 11: H T ~ ALi'I NO CuM' - Mall lllll HUllior hilS it rr portod thl' ru bc IS IIUt re turned ut ollce to their friendSI n-nd lel\ bere Oil the "IUa/JC hAbt"1l ddll'll.. rrflb" I~_hr'hol~d (",othe,r; , ~~: ' , to I 11 , • - ., .A. W' "'.... j• I tl t f M AI.M U II tt" . 4 . M d ~ Milt' W lIC t . . .1 apee cd lDen 11ft ",u.wn< l{( >UE HT F FV R NAS I I·~N Y. - I II ): IIII It 0 Ill y mC11 . \\ \0 III " . 0 I IS. . . U (j S --1't.rt y's 0) ter salooll in full A. u: tr~lD. un ay Itlr r. el tI o~ .nJ ""rtth.roof n..,d. rep"lri nlt~rn,u' l . \ ,,,, tCcJ Mr. b lhnll. Hr'i\\ n'S \ Incl' ld vl11cstlcs. th e '(1 (l1,.. hos hecl! 8('rll . I t' t e bume 10 ()OVIII,KtQII , ludlllna. Mllv k,nlt . II8W, che MaYllr. III"'" h 0 11l1: IIJ",...I II Ol\(~ " I '''1 \1 1 ' , Olt til 2411t ill~t. l'u ln I cnllc~te<1 ~allytllg Ii I th \\ ,t lt It olse Il ild vc· SW ItI~ I If; lXllel11~l ve, PUtl·OI"tl g l· 1I0lhillfT but proBRerity Illld huppi Ibrreof .b .. 11 ed U08 " nOlleo to be oK'''I''(] ' 'HfSJ C IIH ~ ND SUa,C 0" . ' . ., 11 '1 I I I I 11'1.. ' ve~ 111\1' \\ 1' t'r rys S yeo .. . . f UPO" the owneror oYoner. or""o .. L o ( t llO A 0 " I extonJ to It 1111 th ell' 1111111)" th anks IIC ll, 011 t Ie !"(till , "r lug .tuwlI ld 11'" I' lng up II) te rs iB op prcciatcd n es~ full ow t4t' m /1 11 Ihe days 0 oWller or own ono o( tho I'r",,,'rty IKlllndllljt lI lli o loull1 frll'" 11'., I I I' . A M, ! }. I, I' jllr tlr ht\ ,lt· H·t 1..-11110 th om Wl'lI , II M \ lv.b u'g al lh· 11111' '" IIIg l, t I. I " I' / . tl d t theIr lIfe. ,. . or llbuttu'/l o" ."lol8,d"" dlk. olthe l'H"""I!" • 1" 1 1" ,. 1 ' I '· 11' I , ,, I '~l!h " lJ l'~t '''( /I IIl'lll 1181('1"- uy t ltqJllVIC. uU I(,l e all go -..,..- of . uchrooolullun 'J n . , tOlheduitressedand sulfenns . ubJe<:lof f·II · 1 I, \ I 1\ ,I I J! c I ~ II l~ tlL~ltl.1 II IIC I. , . . ' . . . I· u -IJ lllLl e III CII I II be ll III tUWII. !tJ4tJT1lW. 8l'.C Ii If , t . holl appellr III tho ,utur,, ' om"", door. S"u lh ..1 HU 'T' fihll k, I " e al-o Il'I' 1 J! 1'(0(11 1\ IIHle!.1cd ttl IQ 11('111'; HI th I 1111 0, Itl ' t.ltie l" ~" 'n I :\1 . I \ fI d • --' mnd . bv lb. MII)'or Ctr olho'" i"e I" ,t ,"oh \V' "N K,.VII,I, U , OUIO. , heumatlsm or euralgla" \I " U, .I\\l1 fOI l tlt, .. o ti tl e 1'1l(. thllt II lllllhllll "111 ') I . - - , I ~ . t I, II'CS IIgelmnn el'·rolD tbell' . p""(fD "r pcr/lOn ~ eannoL I · (ulllld. "'J IIl''' ' "Il~' v . ·1· , I, I " ' I" 'I '1' A \\. ( ' II ' R' l'I o t ll ll .I" III I th C )Jll bh c tllllt B he ~ . . . hllll btglVcllh) IIl.ul" .. tIlHl '"-C IIl," "" · I TI A I) \II{ \1 D Weennol bctOOl[tnleCuIronbedl co \II ~ - .1 r . (. ,It ,"n",telll .hi l l r cpU I 'C I IU ,." UI t tllle k's nnd Rtu e k· "r r I It I \ ' II H el ' I .. i ,... or "yr" 'I, Il:UT ---'y,"I,,"II,,',lI allev1nlelhe.cry uf. . lC1 1.l1 Itl . ll l II" PCIl((\ t( 0111 ' . .~ lU . nlldMI'8 Clklldl~rallu",ecu oJ .,. • , )11 per 0 fl~ n er lL f ll rl l1lL t h tl Ulf' LI \ ... " M 11 t Iml 'I''' l ")t /tll" . II dl gltl1l 11 III hl'II 'fI' U I'c .,scd (, I tclI 1lI>' I l t d t tl of' 'V II Vlt e :ville' ~ero he"e th e fU I'o fvur ,·",,".ollth o .. ·t .... k. ,t •• 11l •• ,1,," ,11<" E,o,l'e Q t 'lO h'i ~l " a n ferlnSs ofh um:Ullly. not only lD the pangl . I:' • ~II Jl r~ln tl c Ie ;; UIIl IUlt'rUU n Ie ',J ' , \ • • L t l.l ~ , b of I tll ' l llI th . II \I ,IA lOllll 'l(;CI.! I' lI l. tl ~ L t.l{ · · IHut ofthe ' w c b '.\' isl tiug Mnj""I C'n". ,rll"tccl \\ ,thlll HU .)' rlll\ . (lor r, l'aln"~lIc htbel'nllenl cUonc6ufTc"" utlB 1'111' 1'1 '1'111 1111' " I ~lart llll l\l id.CIl ·, Ull d lIe' l'I'W'''' I tl IC ..;;"' 11t fll ll tt ' 1"11 ' 1'I"'\l·I,t lllt e~ I' ." II.L nlll u I 'I IlI t tll~r ( "I! si lei-':;"nil-a"-'lr~lh i k'" '}1 wB'""flft" I",III)'I IIOIIII,hr'O I\I "" ' / \),1\"" "I) r Ll ." , \ ) Il" l' Ihe d" lrC55 wlueh , uponothc..... I .. ulrcIII I, I• '1IIIIre I II"".1".,.1",,, lJ ",. Wt.iJ'C I,tll' h rl~PC \ lill o · o n -' hU ll'" d . 1 t"I k" I ., :I f ' 1111 l!. \.~ ~ · I Cl1 CO "It I n r~ . I . : . ~ ' Jo.... -.I ' f"JI ~. Il f " u, I u"hc t! . rill t If ~lIh' p II h ll ll II (Ji} ll ' I ~,n lli \\ XL "\ 11 11. ... Most C\c:ry sufT..-rer from hl5 0 wn personal I· . " . '. ' L 1I d 011 Ilt L t,e 1I) ,. tll O. ) lt n ll~ Ihe ~I .\ zj" " 'Villi. eml ur Thinl St. ' \\'~ it.'1lrlt thut·tw o (If oll r Y'illll~ publ"'''Llnllo I'lou (lnulI.,1I "'''' 1,,1<' IIII" " ---~xp.,rlcnce1Sn"are lhnllheordl1l~ry"'cthods ll ul \1 11(1 EIX l) ij lX Inl". y It I'II~t dll lllp " cut hl' " It l' hU tl "~(·It W II . ' I"hl d ' b ' g tllr" iO Il RJ 111111 C ""ItIIJ,\I," "tlhr ", ," 11' ""h. "'", r ,,' lJlt Ii 11 1)\I(I~ O(lrc~ll1lgRhculllnl'sm.l\"l1rnlgll•• It )b l dl t' n ut CCoII II"III) . Th "~I' b'1II{t 'l ill g' lI ill Ik 1(1 . 1) il L \'1 C. uu:> '" II I. , . '1\'1 " II''',,'' 'I}IO''', I ., ,/""'1" ' 1""" .',,, 11,, ,,,. . Jo. ' o l ldk l1ld,,<Id'! illternalmc'(locine. Ill lUdl dth ' I\' llk IH·f(' Il I'ollll'l1lJf. "'JI' J .. ' ,: " .~."' I'll "I,' - ~I I .I .. lt ll F COIl'IIl UIl ond!t is ' nlcllt,-ad vertls-ed t~~ II ' (:"I' ctl l" i ll ' .1""'11 " 11"" '1" ,, ,10. 1" 1" " 1' 01, " 111'''' (~!ii"' "i1 .t /t'''; /' '<f''. '/"1. ,," ,\ , . , . " I I ('nll"( ) 111 111,; SII .<f BI \\ 111, ,I . I II lJ fl" " ' u ell cuw'lh~JaB»lly 'yllIlII g glJII II 11 I)r ,1""tlll; lh. ,u"" 01l,1,}",1I1 "... 1,.. ",,1 "oCnoavcul. nndsoCnsl .. lllI.ilhp"",Slon Ul\ ~ eIJ ' I IIIUII( , 11 111 a ,Iv,~ , iyll 111 111 1 I hUll' a COli ~II ·.rlllg'I r'OIIt I 'iI,.;In... -'" tl ' IOth"',n"' ," ,,,,,.r ,",1" "" ,11 l'k"I"" \ \' . \Y ~ I':~\, II.I.E. ' C"'.nl1lg hnlol upon intol hl!entl'allcmS lhM ( .Lpta lll IJ II)IC g't·Ut!I.:II II1 I1I,· oct ul 111('11 ",, ' ~I I ' ~ . 1\ " , t "t' d ll'l. titcrit lc utioc.till llt'o l· 1lI0ll, tl~yg'IY'Har: IClr , ru l1l e~ us. Kit ) 11,,,1 '11 ,,,'1,,,, 01, ,,,,,.,,1 .",1" " they ,lcma,,,lnl\lore l"' ICII I r.IO<. ly. 1he "IlClh·(·.tW: it lu· ' IlI·l t. Lot 11,,, 1 :-, ()r . [111.'), . I t.CIIII I ,c,, ,, ~ Ifhd·· u I\le k ur l\l tl. 1'.ll't t,f tltti .rilllootth o gcnllor sex . .A c'llIplou f, p") lII e"I ,,,",,,,f,II , .. , .,,fll" lr,,,, ,,,,.,,, L U. LII\E:-I ~. ~[ll . ! d l~~ovcry ofLA\l SON'SCUI\Al III\ WnS a • .1 k u II , ", ' tl'I l>, IS \ 1~l tlllg II ~ f Wll lI S a ll t d I II I I tl u .. Coe I "\lr Citj Zl)llS' wlro J 'l\ve olrcody th e I IT"' , c It I I'1'1K' r,I,," "r .. 11111" I10, I-, iII,I'1 I,k,r p:J ITS !CIAN & SURGEOr, pncck..s 1100" 1o Ihou",", "d. who hnve been UTI . ,.," !l<1U \\,or ''''',) ., ,". un 01.1 -\' ' )o~d 1' n ' II\L I\'e~ lI eol' till S pIIl CI·. lIan I' .Id 1\1 .1 11 11 ' II W ll' ler . kn t I ymcllial eoncillucd tu un r ~' I 1111' "' 111 'Iro" r"," 1 ' l " "' " .."II 1 , , cured. nn tl Ihe Ihnuo;nn<l. who nre now""mg "It,) IIoLI IICllMI 0 !lo 111 111,1r rel'lll : . II b I' III UII ulld It Ib l'llicst chtld wuuld 1'0' If I ,. .I Dcr 0 .. , h, r I 77 , rehev~~1 of Iheir lemble lIgomes be:u willing lUI tbl'lI It! bol', it 11 M. , II .J u ): uy , IIn~ ellJ oys ~ p(t l t . cU " ~ r j bllt we arc glod to be Ilble s wer, and fOlr . 'owltt e ke pt lip a PA..."d ,h .. 4,1, ']"Y,':( ,J)" , ",1" , 1 ~77 , om" , IfI )i,.t'oI lIll 11.lII k nil ,111",,,, les, unoll), 10 .1. " rlues. -- --- . , - 1 he publ IC ~e lt olli a ot tltl s tu ny llt ey nrc nil ut prcsent in Ii correspOUdeIlIl'I,·. at 'conrse o\'er II I I I t;(l )) ~ ()~. II' l 1 N E~' I ' I L f.l~: U III O. lI er" " e ha,. n CURATI\,P. ""enl which . t l'Of IIIC~lI II II' N ICk ,.IS I hupellli cund,tl ull . I10m d e 1>1 U." me ' It III ' h/I I~ncd I MAynr. lind 1'ro."I OIII ..(lr r th,' ( 01'''" II o(, 0III" 1·II f. \\ ' II 1I111ll-{tOll J lJ!tr7I ,t/ snYd ; I pl a'::~ IIII Ve lit In~~trr"rl\led vllllll:" II "yn ".v,lIl1 ~ '" Ihoughn ppllccl cxtemnlly excrIs-..apowerfuJ Ti le c 11'00 II I' ilt O Stille uf Oh l(; \"8 ' Cust Iror. .Bold R e l, ct 1I11lp of tllc 13 I I tl I' I' lhjLt certll.lll tllIlIRB happe nc thnt : MA 11 LON RID GE O'erl, I ~'" I 11 W HIl()\V \f. "lid bcner.ccnl!"fllleDCe on 1he wbol. nerva I .CII, llIl(C i I' tl ICC I" ' now -- !.lUt1t8 II Iy Slong lOWS U8 aremOlhe Ie rs Ins C lion t --' of .,1\ dISpul"blA JU ll lltll ll •ll' I' I:lJr'1l ful' 111CCl>li s IIldl. l, U n,tc d S tll tes. WlI Oli' Ie d tl I"" 'u"t tw ) ~ ••t pi Jose tlloy b p':I,- Z2!2!!!! ATTOR.N E Y A T LAW .•yscm--arem""y _ ~--m-cv _,t'r 111 l!lC. I1lIlHls uf' VIII: Icudtlrs 1fi.ciont mu."lIg~mont. of ~ 'S6 Ellu . tIUU~ tu uurse tl.eir little Olles with ~I~cuvereil ~19}1;,~..!r,'CC)rr~S~I)dollt.l U,,~ Gl ~h~rtt' r i A VJ) N () T.LI. I'l H U <-'. ~~f:,,:~~gorl~h:~~~:~:~~e~: Ill ' C')\I I',ellO n 0' th e cn III 0 ellur. , Greer, 16 mectlllg with II )lIt e a s uc ' LuudulIlIUl UI' other opintC8 , tll ey 1II ~h~ pebrat . II~ .~ .Ii ~p e? y~ l~g ~"ILW ~UUl lJ • I.11I1A NON, OIl IU. or muscles. gl'd ,)Ce nt It'd abllllt thl'ee wcoksllgo cess t tl . n b' to 1 k IlldlCi~ u y.on Ql"Y im8g1U~ t 1~lr ~~ ~-~~ --- ~~ , ,-~- ~ FDr every killd of RMumall••• for ~lId o,.\) cia \" lus t II eek the pIi SOIlCI: . . -.~ - I ~n."IIIl~1 ~irc 1 b 11 lee d chagrilJ whell. tbe faeta were reo 1II AH LON RIDGE Neurallliain ever, Fo.... for 8enO.1 or wa tukl'lI (lltu court to Iccci \' e hiB 'I'm!: GAM E LA\\, Olf NOENSED.- . ,:,g I. your ad YI nee l II me . vealed. Now the question is, on .e: I bl Db' , Siok ",adaoh•• for H.n_.... for m egB on e whum is the joke 1-<;>n .the b0L's ~ 09 ItOllO C OUll Lam. Back or Sid•• for £ryllpel... for sC'nIPu('c. Iho lll otillJl 1M UIl OW trilll F rom N o~ember 15 t~ Janullry 1, 11,;'lue get go~ ~II~ U ltuv il1 g l>oen uI·c rl"nl cu. Judge 1 .7 , qll1l11 ~IIlY .he kill ed. After , such Ilt! ttl B a y yrnp. or on tbe men' Or 18 It on t e . . 'lR['&'llm-lIDlilJ:~SllEm :t':I~~~;~~aS:r~~neS:~I~~:"~~~;O~:~~: DUIlIt <'('llt\·n·~J the uccuseu 10 u:: tilt S yeur dUtl llg trom Nov~mber 1 26 CClltb" 0 O. correspondence' "'''IN JIlT •••••.. W""~I!,,;... I.I!. for Buml and Soald., fttrTootltao •• 11I II rgu i:npli dulllU 'lit iu th e l-'cnitun to Jonu llry ] 5,. wild till key Ulay~ : .- Muny.: l)Cl'SOll hilS become LII8t Saturday two meD whl:) bad !_ :. _ _ ~ ~_ .- faot for .11 PaIn., .......alID•••• d ti lll Y I'llI' a tel'llJ of t hree ye ars. , kll led; fll':I~ .St' pteJll bel' 1 til April crlppk-d and. I1l'~ullned by ncg: ?een stopping lit tbe Morrow Ho~se DEALER8 I. I W VANO~ A..;'~~ ' :O~K, Swelling. DO remedy i. known which pol. Th ,o ltl Ol nilll-{ ' J.l'I'ifi SlI lIth Clf ll . I I , \\t1ddlll!I., Jlll y 4-t'I Jullllll ryl, lec tlllgtlie I'l<Il'ei lIIe~ns 01 cur Illradllyor two Ilndllfterstrolltng ' H"" h" &, d ll tl .() .1811' ~I ,,e t, PIIII"d"ll'h'A &e.,..,5 IheremarknblehealingaMlOOlhing '"" " cd '1'1' " <.> 11 tv Cui II UI LU8 wlu WOOdCOl·k j Sl' plelll l>CI" 1 to J au · , 11Ig 1'tlwUJIlutlstII 011 ItS fi rllt "1'1><' 11 r· ulOn lid toWIl indifferent d, rectivlIB 1'11 wh" e I". ... 11 ~oc I"t'c'nl . f,om th, ' fir" qllnltlles. which i. &0 unlversa} in it. cha.... '" J . ' . 1I0l'Y 1 1)I "a~ l' lt" 11 -' , I "' -) ' , cc· tl co,s[ , O I t ' s nex t tu l . f ' l"tl ... !Uo,, "ro ,chlll,,"lh . All ,·1" .... 01 Icrnnd scopeor sOSlmpleand511feln 11. IlI 11lodgo hllu IU tI 'll L'l!ll ltCJltllll' }, ' " k l , ~' I IU ru Il " cl , n I . III I . c) ~ I . '. IUII O Ihc1ll mctl\youug mao r01ll 'URll~llt~ c:::;;:tI CI" ""11 D,son.e'."c, 0.· 1,,11 , Ire ,10,1 \III~ apl'ltcntlOn. For these reason. LA\\SON '. tllt S ll ftrl'lI Ulllt tewLC'r_O tllNo \· . l, .d cer IIlllylw , lllI II11PUSSlhdl,! y to Cllielt IIltcr l CIlll'kt;vlllcand showed him some I. ~ ~ nellc l,eu lm, nt . " cn l'"tll n' . II, . d'Rlu .", CU IUlTIVE 6houldhaveaplace,nevery . - --shot . AII ) UIIC blCa klllg th esc IIl~ s once seuled. L~e tl,o LClit know)l , II J<f hke a tobacclI bux Ilnd Bsked I C'III wllte 8' "'ptoms IIl1d h,.. c ,e med,,· 80111 It wlil Ihere prove il5 v:\h,e in In. will ltc fi ul'd It ,1111 :5;:.. tit !5i _O or remedy '·I.UII'SOIl'S Curut,ve" all ."11"1 ' t TI I"YIIlII ,1 l'""'phl,LC,,"t ll'" l1g le' "'J"OII1I1 I. nl1mcmblcca"" lop",venlhng erm,s di"".... 'j'II O·· tll Ilc 1)1111 011 l 'II III lk" , . ' '. ' h u n tu ope n I • Ie yonnfl' mlln 01 cureS ,.nected. "'11,10 ,'. 10 '"') ",I ,,". ~ ~ u " Illl jJrt~ulllnc ll t, " I !.Jill II. 1 " 18 lip' ll'cllI 'g the ti,·, t sY llJptuII8, ll ud u but j·.. ·lled T"IW tllen'" '~ent andshouldbckeplathllndreadYIOt'lO.JlAllt t l'lt: 0'1\' 1110' CI CIIlIlg III sed of), \ ory I d I I J •• . u..." "'I ' "tl I ' 1 II b . jl ,o!;to l elJ el'~111 tl cgu mcullt of wlldl'lYCl t ollt. f leplI . f al·tber wltenthev mot \ n , 1Jil l '1!.:O usc. 801db,.IIDragplt.. P ellsnll J 11 l1l t! u ('cr3~ II y, ut ow I!Cn30 11 ," tho sUlIl e 1I 11111 11CI _. • u ew 8 ~ ~...,,; ~ l ng I.. Iltt! Cxtll:IIWI), IIll ttwonthlc ' A B l~ 1\J G fti I thc oth er one, when the box v.lls ~ PRICE. One Dollar per lottie. I TU R l'enull1g ••• li MPKIN I' 'k' rl .t I lIallded to Ili m 1It1(I an 0tliIlr rna d0 l ft'BYcn\ ,till II Cll t II r. Ihe attC!mlll llce \\ itS not SOl by . M r Fred L. R' I 10 " ~~~ a ~~~ 6 Bottles f or Ie •00 • IH r!! ' II II 1Il1!!ht olh cr wise havc K ell t ' F I'i Ll Ly e l'e ni,!" \VU" Ilot UIIl,C II1IE',lI: rCPd° I'ISIlttltllIlDPIIJII TIlleS tu bot that he ' could 1lOt opon it. : ~ Preparedbl' ~.. ~I pcrhaps " eb uy I u Will a I011, al t 10,)" " balltcnng.ll " ,,-' t t'Irue . tl leY i LaWBOn Chemloa1C0., "le ...I •• ~ 0". beOJI lI u lI'~,<or, cll o lI~h were I, llIlge "l\ ILttond e,1 UWIII~ I 5f t l Alw '8nur U 1.l.11li.., IlIlIo prc"ell t ll) insure It good time, lIud I tu th e l ll cl o lllell~y of tll~ wcath er' urg w ldc1~ me~sul·~II. k eC IItCII lI!-(reed 10 wugoe~,~W«l()€i ctq'Iu,1'8. \ ANn 1 "E thl) mouey mnde heytt ll li all oxpe ll" B ul Mr li ellt renLi lIoI'crth elcsB' r,.ollu 111" I '.IICtc·lC~ IIC . k' no~g I Tho OIlC \vho Unit lind l.l!e box then ' , ffCl m Ham.• Qr a w 10 e Will__ I'S pUUlp LIl pICS. t ~rne. d to tl Ie ~o,! ,.\ . 1'1 Ie t ~vo C!l k ~R opcll iu l; . witls sek cUous B W1I , n b <.l ut ~V . }II 1111 from \. t~d lor, wero WOll hy JI 1~ lItle le t, \\lIlclt \\ Cle fullowed by a va REAli the advertiscment <)t'sale CJ.larksvlllo a!l~ . A8l( dJllw to 101ln , V 1U nh('I' and !II r J alll A. K enr ·jet)' of milll·c.lhlucolls recitations ot th o I'esidence of Mrs. Unnllah hlll1 the tW~!1tJ:- ~~I~ alld. he '---DRWl~~ ~ S1i' S~ , 011 t ll ese and sc lectioos, wh ieh eutertained Ar.nett, on Saturday of this week , wo~tld Ita;'ld I~ 1'lgh'-'1~ac~_ to hun. , No . 3 . . . . EAST .M AIN 8'oms'f, t "': culkc WIlS ' . the au d ien ce for 1m hour Illld a·half I>eginniilg at 10 o'clock. TtllllB he!t Of I1dtt~h~h108~. !~ a __ • II D_riI ~Qrtk .t .k~ ....t.o... W AY NE~ VILLE, O. :1'lle IIlUlln" ' r de II'\) to retu rn very pleasantly. _ _ ._. len told bll~-to co~ to t e . I~ ... _ PAY your 8ubscription to the Mi· and he would ,....t itJ'or hIm. Wbe.n " rreKOl'ipijCtM OOlllp(fUn4ed ut ull lJullr8 by t l.lIlUks to M r. il Uluel Terr" for his J e~ ,-.!_ vn oxpertendtJa Druggi~t. ~71 II roelt)' ill making do nati f)1J8 aud 'sOlIOOL didn't " keep" 011 TllAQk8- ami Valley Narrow:Gauge and- they got' there h,.. wu1klld''W walt W A'f1l18VILtE, OHIO, t ' .... l~o ,of lIece sarJ'y atticles. giving·day. ' the Miatlli Gazette. . ' Qntil bo went ~.. hj'J ..,room. ' He' . ~ ... ~~ ( ',~:\ , o , , I
- - - - - -
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I t( fI hIm \Vr h.tJ n it \\ I t I! h . t wont.) fiv o uont VI I U 1\lHllllO kt 3 1UrRl!l f hlpp ) Addrefltt }.: \ "1 I' U u ,."J t 1\."11 uru: ~N~~Y~'_ _---=:t~tfiiS
r l rtl llll H. nJ. .ffp.c llud
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~~'-I~I: ~::;~t l:' ~~rl t "r:,:~~ ..m. ad d,d l CONSUMPTION! - - I Notice to Hog RaISerS, - I CURED. I
l it" 17tll :Slv<!.:
I II th lb l lul c lu. t ::- ,11111 J.n al ll i 1\ ~II nttlllJ,d ~I r \\' l'
l h t" o f ur v.ry fin . DOII.Ilt! fo r .."I, C .1l 11~ u > form I .. c,,~ III
A 11 ,\ II ( (~MSO'N
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D'JUI-(l lld~ I O!-'tl 116 VI " e lld 01 ellt ~ o tlo lIlI IU III kilt I 49 " u l fl " ere sold ut
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overy year "nd JoI tl ll th un 'iii r, III r I n PIf ahd we Lhere!nre pr",".uL t.o the peoplu of \be U"ited Sboletl ~h . follow'OIl
... t,V" I'mctl ce Imvlnlr had. plaoed til hl Hh~nd . hy un BI"'t IndIa 1\(, ...10.... 1')'. t.h. 1 ' or mula of. "<'IIetublu Remedy for th. "" \) 8",1 pormull ilL cur. ,,(
much ''' 'h N~tl\n L C; I C o, l'ilL . I C c" IUI I. I",' u AllIonoall. no d nln n iu.o 1, r hna In rernedl c. t o cu re yo t. WG
Reduced atlltes for 1.878: TEHK~
CODsumption, Asthma, Bronchitll,
"" Ilt UII,I III Thr"t .. lid Luug Air..... II " ult... l\ IJ ' !!jlll\t! uul It.dic \\ Cure fo r
~ crYoul4
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Philadllph1a, ••• ·Yortl BOlton, 8IDsl#
J ACOBS & llEI Ga'N AY F or tll lhn!!; I )~!I nr u ~,, '
hili r
II lItllllf'h lIT ~
LunJ)l1 II
and Skillfnl Physic1a'ls
tics , el1 kn ow n l O lh b ( ult:l Wt uHy bu l \.0'" (rr- I , ~ft r to our lJl\mpblet ~ bH:h 11 to be IHit! Ullce III thl c(' n"liltlls tu r,!d Iltnl (,I f DmGa.o, U or wll1 bo l ou t b1 on "' (,fi ll f r~ th)l f\l1lbocerl16ealcl! Iro eClirc y vo' un lIIus t fol ks eUlI't II ll1llllh, I ILII\ lhlll ,! r I ) I nd cman l tb from p orlOOI! o r l uuul II I :In 11 I tet.LB,,)' Au d wbo m a.y bu I OW U11_ 1 IOllgl l t lJUIl s, d lI S 1 ", !til by l etter o r to person
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i llcnt tX fJ.lII " lt d" ",I II1!'c llllll t il l 11 1(\ h Iltj l lt lln ~{ 1 IL 11\ ud)~\t'lil "" lh. Cu-~lIvo lorg e r In thol r p,,,,,l1 e. and Ir 'Ill ..41 tlth, r" 75 c IIt ~ u. 1t,'U i< J u rJ In€lO t. clarrrmcn lIod odll<,Irj reeD la m end~' rl Otn a knowh:J,1,l u( h . oifoe Li ll ad 11'OIVIWO 11\ It Reut! Lh " It hC lt lnem ClI1 \\0 l'uul J glve hun JrDJ. c,fccrl fi anlCl (Tom pn
""c.... ry ..... ,...,
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rrotD Ooor,o
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No...... ber z. 181-l ·r; }'vt over . ,. .. aI' I w,. ... ""... au.8eret from !\ 'Ui IAL.UIA. In .tn1 he"d; tried ahno.t '''. '7 r. .. ed , thlq ""uld b. ar or wu told br pby .lcla n, l bal l ouaM to In a cban •• of.halt... A lad ,. reco lnroeaded Lawaon • Cur1lth 0 I
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::~:~~:=~::::::.:~:, CLEVELAND, OHlO.
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1'1 101
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lm CIl COpt OR
I,. lte rll " of IUOIdiog otyle~ .nd " rtl \ll.~ Ut1 FAn AN & McLEAN, Publishers, U,JII..h nld Deoorwuo.. ....t -I'''h "1 \V"rk CI N CI NN A Tl OHIO (19- Tho entlro pilI*' J'\ IIIum"ted _ _ _ _ ' L et E, cr}bnd, ...nd n. hi. Dam. We i " ' . All 1>"" ", ,,I .M II, • IU' 1078 P" \\ 111 fOf\\.' lrd ~ L .,Doe, f\ II (K'I inlt II ("py II N iutl 10 I'ltv. nce al": 1 ~ J\ mll I I I -; \ III n en H InGE FOB. YOUJl.~FLYE:; I "'",,"TBJ rAIn WE E KU III . Iu .... 0 month . . . I.[(~. One \eal ~2 SlDgl • • "bll<lrIJltiollll •• 1110 t)r 42110 Three CMAlO. ",IIntb. trl.1 .ahoGriptluD. ~>\ ren\ll
$1200 115
}tURAL NEW-YORKER 7lI Doo ....troel N~ .. YurI!
I» ~ QJ Q It III ~ Up-Town Grocery I
~ n
,g~ BIDIBar I
RI) 11 Cu.1
0 ~
'V., If".
F 10 . pOliO. (I ' Llwrllr, M lltteJ r IIIII . t.r.lcd r 1.o)I, on Art,tl,., wllh U ll ~ p .. per
\ ~. n l. " tnl ticntl r r sp
FOa TilE L40l E8 /'l
- - OULK R UJ--
l LAW80 N' 8 CU RAT I VE Wou.ud.JI , Try Itaod ,Oll wUJ "nff be .. Ithollt It.
1. Ue.allnK aatt (;oath,,, to iIot .... 0 ...... aacllIcooJd..
H I~ '0 nddltloD to what .~I "tiler lourntll. of H. 01... con mill tho foill4w1UK flDprew•• I\ C Orl)<l\llli alld IDv.luJ!l1l1~ E~.tllre8 An E~ llC1'llll . nml Fair.. o f e l)<hty two I\cre. (.. "rk.od by proo tl •• l Brperim ow .... ) .'-Ifr...... l lur ,JAtld O. n1l1n ~""ct. und PI.ut. I""' 1'"lIn "d on 11M o wn j{I'Ound. and dl.tril>It~d Fr ", . runnlf It& .o,*,~'bo.... Or'lflUal Id ... . "d . ' I" ""I1""1AI, 'l'bi! Beot TIlI. tlt e' er <tll JIJ<I}OId III Am.erl bc< , .. iII /IOotn"ul" fO! I 'll A " "J'cr (or 11."11),"111 f,Qd }I'"rmJ'r. · "I W l for Flo rl.~ lind nurU4.. lt~ri.1to II . hr. l . tm I. 10 make 'ltOll' .. I"'PI'Y Foil M ll rk .l1t~PlJrl" etlch we,lt, 'rom Now Yurlf .For the IHtncfit o! tbe 1'col,lo who . U. tultl Ch lU>lgo by "" WOo '''porto.. tb o Oovcrumollt All QII.".itt ' " futly 1II . .. "r. d A poper for .11 •• otion. F ur PUP'll S OPJlle",""14 Vall, Enquirer, per year, 11\.' 110.1 foil IIf u"", h al pl'ilOillatlll'/l.tter 1 ho " e",~ I.c,bl c G" lct\ I ~J p<lllllllty The Weekly Enquner," 0. " de" <I)Ii ."'. (t~ b ,..erld auob" k (Em l r ••lug 11'1'01'10. or L lie In terest ) ]; r"" of J1u.bgo
I c . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . .. .
THO'S R 8ijAIlP )J.~ I r' D
I P a n!;!/ <lo ll au til [I, l illnlllg a llli ( ' , I<ullll :.,o,lnUig done (f( {'I 1('1,, 1 I
multer or bow 10ul1 .tandlnl ll. is only . ' ''ry t 0 a.a It f • Ithru It yaDd V·'·C' .rlC ~ I; orJln a: to th o full d~tet't'on8 " hleh a C>:t: ~ c. tl ~b
Patent and Common Weather I BoardlDg, Flooring do.
laldlolhom. clu tnftuOnoeoftb oCUUtlVe· I H
M C(,l.E. G, niT AI: I
Al .BO, MAN UJ'A(;.o'r ClKK
Now Judge for YOURSELF.
Sdlltir", Toothll he, &lro ThroDt, RbeDlDJltls w,
" o lll'
I,.,pul ". ",c •• utlll. I'op. . In.h.
T I r.. ugh Ticket . D~ I!IP l'e Che ck@ lit 01 I rawo ti l~e "llI g O.r A ccom lII .. d.1101l etAl, aj,ply &t tb u Ticket om c•• ., ftll prlllcllJ .1 (10 lit .
J roeur~d a bo Ull l1ud Am pl ....od to lay tbftt tllo inl t'ln l O .,,,111 wa G rfl mo • • d a lwo.t. in l t-ant I,. lJ M 0 Ulllld fo ur botU.. .! coD.idor thlii dlull " lil:ur",l "our tI
n ....
lt ~
wltl a lt( all.! L, fl S L ou' as Ly an!! utllef L w('
lB O P U 'o.RRY. W Cit AJ; III
L \ "T !lfoW' OU r-,UClA &, C Ul.... .
7th-day, 12th mo 8; at 10 am
I.. I., • .,.
Ii: Lt UI)J{ BY . As. t \ . e ll I T All I
nett, WaynctVllle.
I .. n .du \ 1) ell
( TIc Own I L U l ll ",,] ;r",r71 ) At the R elldeuoe of Ha.nna.h Ar.
80 ld It
P OI lI.
IHt 111",\
In.aerle.' •• It'lre ''
\l o \O m
3 I 2, 1u1
~12 fo
Ihlll Tlar.ulfb W.lllon' Cballl(4! b t " UD the prim Illal " ES'I'EBN '" EASTEPI' ~ .... Eli
will I c lor reut 10 \IA II KoodI 01 co ref,,1 II uc ' li tr EJt ~ " A ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~===
po sl"l:e 1,,"01
I. colcl.!rn t.d fa, 113 Ifh cnnl t;oncb"/II ... 'Je .. 4fM/a...., ••• GrAad .unt IIc "Ullru' :?II OQ"",lj ••4 " .... e'
A N !)
.,0 lIIe<: o mmod ll lIU ~
6 mon tb.
lJAJ 1 I MUllli AND OIllU it H
011 < . . ft ,
3 I
I rft ve Jer R deelri ng a 8pe."', .. Iruon. . . . . . Cleoa.........' . TrIp . h /O ld e mOIllI,e. ha ~ Ihe
!-(Il \
Cel-I"Ing - Board 8' a
III '"
o I:i
.6 LSO,
8!! .i... 11 "- I"" 'm'Il, a _
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l' h \Y lite w eat at 7ie. 1& lb. Prepared cocoa 200 • packf&lf). Oat Melli IO cia • poand lluker'lj CocQa. 80c a package. O!!wego Corn a paek.
oo.o OyotArl'll f ....h~. 8almo.....4
Fruit In ClIO' at 10,.. prI... Iri.b, GermUl, Geld. Mille. Wblt.e.)ltd dallle, C.h'
~.1. ~cl Piae TIU' ~"PI !iii '" r He cUII~ ..ea to mae. btsaiDe Btppodrome Llhhll ... ttulll OD<.OOqbSyr.nd I<oep • • lurlfe r ahd &tier aaoortment 0 l, Gr""..."... ta.., .ay otlter h01l1lO
In Wtl) ~u.. ltle
.... a,~:11 l' -
We 0111 •• 11 durilli I~eo. ha.rd lime
-9- -
••toDllblng BUcce .. It 18 the dutl of unry pe... on wbo hM u.d D08CIIFl£ 8 Ob:IL\tAN SVltllP to let ItIl wonderf... 1 qlllhtlC- 110 known to \hl\u frh. I\J ~ in ouring COlUmmptiou. ttevere Ooul!h. Oro ul'. A. tllln., Pn. ulIlonlft tUld I"
IUlI g d"OlOO8 No per wlIhuut unt ucd intc r en ef l'hN'c d lJtC5 \\ 111 roh a ~ l! UD) ( n~c nnd w t;ulI Olilu l II tb. III L~ of nil I)cul!lP" to re. ( m1ilOlH.llt to 1h u l'(mr d Y1llg O()UHumptlvb I lell~t tI, t.ry OliO bott lu, "'" 40 000 dOZOD wLll I. 'I N'. 'uld III~ t r lllld no-nnc oAlNi wbero It fail e" WI\!! reporl~..l /Oucb f\ med· 10111 0 •• thi! Olnl)lA S S~ Il U I ctllillOL he too
faot .11 th., It lIu n CI\U \1 !4C 1\
P crst '" .1.~III\1 ~ ~""t1 und pore ",hllkl." fI r III ,II IllU l p"rl'o"u would d o weB to AX III1I1Ue m y , toc.\( £t,.ve ) 1I"t llllt III n fill e IIlII tJf i3oll1 bnll~ r anging In prllo ,,"urn ~I 50 to ,4 I o~ Ilo no" 1 hive \I cllOIeo lI. lIt boll fOI 0;:2, fii40 tllo b QAt brslI\h! of .Ie .... dcl) kn?wlI l!rll~ 1
;p. r. I
wl ll"', .xu :0.11 ,"11\ ~~" .1l(\11 M UlHJOY
Aek \ o ur DruglP"L abont
.atlll\~lol WttlA8 1.0 Lry, 10
1",... "1'0 70 c.llt~
l' or 9~lc jly D.ruI!81614
'c')/V',«" a
Jlooll·""""" . . Op.ator..
""JI!J1~~ ~~ ~,p ~ ___d1eQoU.Ne.~
•• dioal Oommon Sen 10,
B, ~ B FooTS M
r.w CUll". ot Ibll
'ilDa~I... 0.11: for II I, .J th,1 Oueltll offiCI o
WIthout. JIlI~ honld h"v \It\rv\'d their ( luutr, wIth nclt ~ul bUla devotion, I~ n wlln& r alld II rnllt'l lut tltl' IlIgh ~~ II I lIl\mtlUn Jlcrulil) W IIckll wloogo II. M'I!' tho ICl/Ult W CAn tlo
Mr. 08'108b, 'K Ad OD,uro li1tll • Sleel TrAp
POND'S EXTRACT. POND' S EXTRACT. The People's iomed1 Tho Universal Pain E%tractol'
For HAN uud DEAST. Note Ask for Pond'. Extract. Talu flO Other
Proyenlil tho .Ra1r fro ) F lUu,
Burnett's Cocoalne 1 ru lulcl lta n eallby OroWlb
I hI) Toro nw
Nol tho Doy bo Wanted. If I Inn ... n....,. IT.",. J
A lottie 8hll\or ",th tile tI~brt6 /)( whnt "'lUI fllICU 1\ I!1.raw bat. clhlgl9~ W hIli h lid wlliked mio M r Pultzer's of fiee lhe olher d1l Y\1I1It1 Vlllllwd to kllOw 1£ he collldll t be uroo to do MOntctlllng l'ultzer WI\8 10 tolcmbly fnlr spl rt ts
11 nol.U"''''1 or Sticky
O/~ 1!I\V8
that a little !tift ('lr \ cl1 ) on TIl old \ c ry IJghtly I "I III I bllreCoulc IIJlP\o d at tbo JILII lit Ouder,,;h olle WC<llIel!day (orcnO( I rc cc llh to be 11tJruuttl'd 10 seo her fnth e r l"'rgo AI Iy rulll E:xclcr \\1 0 " IK 1lC r\ I I ~ 1\ t.>rm of 011 lJIollth for ubu!lng Ill. ",Ce :;ho WIli~ at OIlCI) odulItt d 11111 tho Cal ber " " Urprt80 IIld vlcrumrc II ure genLlln o, and Iho more 110 v. hen ht' hod dl>co\ored that lit littlo ono hlld walked n ~rentAl r portion of tho wily [h gIrl lolt he r home on th e pre\ toU 8 ~londllY 0\ OO IllI~ lind wolked alollg the track low3rd Iwtoll llDtJI It got dnrk "hell she Il\y down III the gnll!l! bv the IHlyalld 81 pt ull morfllDl) The JOllr 110) WIll! rCSllmed ouly on ruesdllv allll mllultttlled uDtl1 t he vlclmtyof lin toll Ims reached, lato lD the e \ cnlllg flor 109 tbo day I!bc had nothlog to cat but beech IInl.8, wb lell sbo hnd gRlh e rl'd III 1I e woods hnt 8 t ot'"ni nl: aho W IS luken III by the ktlldly WIfe of a Fllrmer kepL o\e{ night and ~or"arded to he r de II naUon the next mornin~ III II bum Slle ~ Q~).: pt.] l~e l:trt limo ID tho )IUl. where &lie mad r cry lIl!efuJ, Aod prm cd a 1)f1ght, intelligent lillie one 011 Thurl!dal tho mother arrived Dnd t{)Ok t.he child, much agamet her Will homo Oglllll
Burnett's Cocoalne
A (hUll'! DevotloD.
Burnett's Oocoalne Burnett's Cocoalne BuW .... &rn.olor' U nlr
Burnett's Oocoalne I!oolbeo tho Irrlt.a1.Od 5crJp-Sl<ln
~~~ltf\"r~~~ 1(:W~'
Burnett's Oocoalne AJronla Ill. IUc:bcot 1Au.....
Burnett's Cocoalne
. " I!41 A 1
10 uot an AIoo\JolIo Waa1J
I ncCfto' d iU W
n alll 1 n 'U leor.u. utfuro.l
I' «"16 UI
II 1\ tu 'Wt
' \"
Burnett's Oocoalne
01/ of 600"".1 ...... 1 oold q.( .11 dn. w.r.. :4 , 1-fllt'C'irctti" , or ••d/O'I' 0 . . /0 tJ..'l i1 '14:17 U ~
Burnett's Oocoalno
I;" t'
t::c:u .. t
r' -,,_l___ _ ___ ____
GI ••• N." LIlolo tho 1IaIr IIo.ma1Da LoDpll Ie ,.... c~.;:;.
I.. '."
• .. ,
Burnett's Cocoalne
.... , .. &Vlt1 ..,..~.
"H '01'
PU6l H.
r- ,.o ~: M,I'
1 ~
A ", J
- WHOLESALE Honons &Fnrrusllin~ GoollB. JO . A. BRIGEL & co., 130 W Third St. CINCINNATI,O ~v
ll erel" • ,. 0
tJ ellU .. d. t!.X&min.OC' Mud
to t nri( _ Wry,,", I A:tlA.. IUN
t hut mornlllg /!O h looked kllldly n~ the 11 Dna!8 PAILADl'J- Women going to youngster lind 1!II1c\ ch ureh 'Woll I don t know Johnny what 1 W_rll_W_ can you fOr' lI1u~ mytblllg K 1111 lho boy Gum G"",y- IJ .Iran~ Dly. terloul lind m08lealraorlllnllry Rook: entitled THE 0 1111 you rend and wnte 1
::)ome-but I klll 8"001' bet"r " m~h-humph-yes
Uo~hol" "In~..
ric good
(Jrll~~-Tulco ~weet Inrd, unct
II lCMI><I)lIf lll flf
111111 V II ~
tl'IIMpoonful of 8IIlt to "'Iullrt f Itu"r WIth '\\ Iller ClIll U b to milk II ~ "tlliou g b -work Just enough 10 nux " ell
l'Ot8t-O (Jnsturd 1'10 - ] Iko ",~ d
Il locll eIther HlYee L v r It.h boil 11111 Ul5 BOOII IIlI done rClIlo ' C lh e Ilk I , IIHI rul
th rough II Hlr\ e ad I Oil( hnt! doze n eggs tv. 0 teJlc tll'£ u l ~ of "tlgn r I t \\1 11 nilll add OliO qUlin or HIH ct IIl1lk III I fllI\or With lellloll 'lhls 01 ,k ~ " " I ~I\ Olle Il\rgo R" cCL llOlllwc I ~ di e \\1I1 for tlllch pte-Irosh pol,tOCK I Ir I ~ rtlll MUced S"cet ]'01010 I'lc - llIIe tho P'C tinS WIth c rll"t ~ h co bOlle,1 l ot ,toc' \ er, thin !,lIt III II Ill e r o [ putuLacs, "p rUlkl e ,",en \\llh hutter .nod ~ug tr (h ell potnLacR lind so 011 U I tIl th e pnll IS full fll1 s pace> WIth w"l~r 11<1 l 10 t"bl e Mpoo llfl1l~ c f IPlle hmll I) IIti te u;poonflll of g roll J " II CU lI e cat~ 1 "Ith ,Mue Cocou·Nut Custurll l'lo~ ( r .te em JII II U t ad I tll rel I'~I(~ II tI fJ llc hlllf up ~ 1I ~ lr I " L nil n Ilk of tl e n l onc "I' \l ce l 1\ p,cce I.f bu Ite r LI < " 'ZC of Thl ~ Ig ufhcl('lIt for three p c"
whnt clro ellll } Otl do 1 l1li111 l'ultzer bcutmg a tuttoo \Ill IllS dc !!k eyclIlJ.I tho >,oulIg~ler Crom top W tllC IIIIlI \\ olldcrlllg 1t 0 \\ nllllly bl(lody 1I0seS thaL hilt cuuld tell abont .f Ihcro hnd been enougb of It loft to talk I kIll lllke your letlerH 10 tho I~ stom!'/' IIld cllrry nuws to gl\18 Ohlo l Co uldyollthough ? W ell ) 0 11 \\( ult!1I t II(' kept morly busy Rt Lh It JJ It 1 WI II t 10 I!< 0 l( )011 know e llollgl to do III III) goo d Wllo th e It rML lltlllI ? \VlIshlll tOil UJ(h! ThaL ~ a" ful Wh It H thc COpt tnl of 01110 I I dunno Wl ,LStRle do you ILvo 1117
BOOK OF W01'lLlERS Containing with nnmeron. cnTl OUI p,owlrlal Iliultrotoono
th u mv.terle. of Ibo Hea'elll and Berlh NAtu r.1 I1JJ I S up.....NolUrtll Odd.t, .. \\ I 1ll. ,m1 Iran!!o CurIo. tie. Witch •• RII I Wll<:hcrnl'r Dreom. SupeTlllllon. Ab au rdltl eB FabUlOUS Enchantment .toe. In 'mler thRt 1\1111111 lee tillS curIous book, the puhhsh.ra hllve resolved to g"e It "1I'oy to RII IhM deS Ire 10 .oe iL Addrc.. by postal enr I t GLEASON .t Co 38 \\ I>I1.. nglon Sireet Ilollon JlUI Rb" ...... - qalC'.I11F<I
DriB. Rheumatlo Uem cdv t bo gnat ' teNIa! Medl cloc "IU pOllitve ly cur. 111\ CIS 01 rheum_l1am on th e I.eo 01 tb e • Irll PriC t l 1\ bOtt1t 81.1 hoUl ca t5 "0111 by nil dru~I.IK e.,1I1 flr el r • IRr 10 1I. I1'h."Sll nO 4: BenUe)' Druggist. "Mh .nglOl D C
poll ,retzel
'"1 I
Do ) 0 11 know ho\\ mBlly eln yu yellr?
Osgood's Hehotype EngraYings.
I'M (lltoke.' IIou,,.ltuld om.tHeft'. J~
Who WCllt III to th4 hnll " dCII I lin.., 1 I' ('('1\ Gct out I \\ ho kIlled hiS brotberT
Bcmd for t!otaI8p.
Dlt! \ ou c ~ er go to Sumby Seh)Ol? ( \\ III1HI
nldll t thev wach you OilY of thtugs 7 N ory tWIO
f1T1" tlOll: NTU.....T
Why l W l1li0 t III tho II'SI!f)n I'ullzer thought It oboll t
tllJle to nn mhllate the little Arab Dlld anBlng to hiS fcet ho looked 111m ste rnly In tbo
rll ll rA IITI Vll AII' API
"t: ~1i
foco and demanded Don t you believc III tho tmllsDllgra 11011 of 80ulsl
Yes yel!-Oh yOl< "'lid tho 00) hur rlcclly for he had nm ut eomc to 1100 cOllcl U811111 he \\ onld 811l1l!IlI sh III chullcc P'TI!!'fTEBII IIInd IDvenloro ohould 01 gcltlll\ 1\ Jol IF he IoJII t 1lOOt! affirm ~.herh .. mcot d tll.oo Ilrol IU Ifhothcr to !IOmell 1IIl( Ch r \lut thell l "'lit! I No column boy of II It "tral c ClIOI \\ork for IIIC CHEW TI 8 Cel ~brRted J he !tWo wlllf looke lllt J With , MATCRL8118 ' \\01 IN lUI I th clI \\ 1'1 t lilt Into tl C Wvod Tag PinK Ht rf'et ,,"I t II 111 the r IIrchlll thl\t no TOBAoc'O 00) co II get" J b n II erc lillie.... he TIIB r IONKI&K TOBAOCO COMPANY MId Ye" to 1'1 erytJlIl1g lit firRt no d New York Boston And ChlC&((l Ilft~ r • I hol o 110 IIl1d If Iho IIlUIi \\nl Ictl llllI to hllng the gmte ",th co tl. he 0111 L wll hIm ho eouilin t S('C It
OIlICAOO T ( . Of late I I I\ e eaWII II dlllll~r cooked h~ grll."II OM "el1l111 ex an IrI rd Rtnl\\ furna ces It! Lh e hall_ of 81sh o p Pele r. ulIII Reores of hlB Itock ThNc h". !Jeell no freeZ ing III hlR hOU80 (48 x20) dUrlllg th e Plot two year. 8111el) It WIll! bUIlt Yet hlH only wlllter fuel hns heen Ktmw "od 1116 fllrnace the IrOIl \\ork or II hlch CllHt Jiye fioUur. IS hOl\tI'd ollly three tlmcKotloy What N'ebraska hllll wl\!llcd IIbw worllls II t.hou8alld MU8 WVltes Rnt<8ll1n furnnces I notice ore olrcady 80t uf In the IJOUflell of "Yi&nkcea, who fleO that If theu fllol sholl be hencefortb costly or their dwellings cold, tho fault Will be Dll their own --~---.,....,,..-. - '.j.
TO REACH R ... ADERS OUTSIDE 011 THE LARCE CITIES W .. Ilf"pl"'if"lM'''' n.~r I fUM) !III .. , .....ftpt' .... h .... Ina • ''' ........ 1,. lin .. 1nO .. or oyer
.It ..
GOO 000 t " It' ... .: "'f'rlnK 111m ....
.. u. IIII ....U ..... ur
.r,. U', h .....1 In.o "'. c
nun I"t'HI 1..•••
Ad.. rtllementl Received 'or On. or Mor. L 110 l u OtO
--UI!I4' llij(ht 0 :1. PI • bc~t ill \I Re. TUK II I'W 1\.' 1 '~r.\ fill "Ui\'\' I .,!I 11\'. at llr' Olel I>I·n,.: S W I't.'. ill til '1111.,,11 III Ihl! Ii '[I.I'I'"IIII\f4 ·,,11 ' 11" l 'l' ~'>t 'Fu l JlI 'I',· thllll 11" 11 .\'\'11"', iinll - Tcrr.v'tI ~tU(:k ul' I, lidll.>' h,)·t\ - 'Ionrll\\' \'\lllilll!'~ pill)' hy tilt 11", Ml l1 ll1i. \ ', \" . ' HII ,III,I\'. , ~Ir. 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'If!!'!!!!!~"'_!!-!!!!~~!!"!!!,-~ ,: .. \l' Ul·l· IIII·,·ll lul'C /It . III teI' V.lIIi ur.w·U btJ . . ".IJUllduIH. G""l1'dy '1IIIIplll1Y WIll 111Ij!i l1 wilh . .ltll wllv n .l·•.\· ltll~ liM . I hnl~" vI III,' , ~- ••..,. \I., (' I' Ihrr" Il,u n!!, 11j1111'1, :md few l - AUcl1.t thu COl\I'I' rt til II Jllr r" II' Ih"I'UIII ,Iy "~lil!;y \V \1ilo," unu 1 ~11IIj(" .'l Itll' \\'dll'l"~I'~ ' 1I f111l1 1ll~1J~1' I' l"I'I'~ , ' It I ,I .In . ...1\1 ' I h\' I,I''; IIl.l t·,j "'1'. ~110 , " ' (lIIi,,~ ill 11r.· ~1. K Uh ll l''''!. IlIl II l'ithlu' wilh th~ lI~trr!l1tr1 ill!! 1~\I'~o Icvll I' C II ll' II I'll til (lilt '· II,Z\)I)II. wi \.I I.u .\ '11:.1\,,' ·;r~I.' :1.'1,1 ";1 I! ,. 11\' 1 '1I 1.:I 'd i~. thLlt ~ht!.I' \ -- U.I III ti l\! 0 ,.1 Dnl' ' Itol'o I~' I' "f' 1.;\lt ('j ' Hukul'." l fl/I'l' hud tl' Ile l Il!l 'II t lltol,I' IIlhlll l .. ..,. ..., • \.1. 1 \1:" 1' I il' \" 'I~ ."1 l1 11 III'clloliLrY"dlllll\l 01'11" \ll iulltl ""l'.rt'II UICI'V -- lI anllll h Am tt Iud U enr" th .;' :I' Will .d.IiI.'I,.J'11I' ~'II ill /o; II ml -::--=====~ . ,. .. 01 .<'<"111' ~ tll\,. (· .\I t II. rllit I!.I·\·ltr .":1' & ". <> • • , • t! Ih Ir I ~ 1<;11( ~ . _. M lO T I.H.. t Ill.·.... ... .IV., " ,1 " "~IIWtld 111111 III I'cunl \'. 'lhe til' t ~ .IHlpl il :!1I ~ I cak itl th e hijod,l."t I' C""' IIIg I.' ' 1, \,11' ' . : ' ,r Jlgll uh, ' :,{ ," , .• ·II, ~ ~ 'II r tl ' I • I I' - ~I :>q! .·11,· 11 0·.n·. of XI·lrill. ICl lll < nf Wll lt r 7.eU , f,,,' I II\~ lll·)d~ A IIc\\' III l1il 1'1"11 ' 1J:l~ " ('11 , .- ~ , -""\" ~· lIiMrh Ol"'Ih. LIT • . • 1.... " .' ) II I\ ·~ . · rl\·· W:I S I III I lI n ~ c 0 , u Ir . h 'I'" " j illl l.:! M i ~ 10'1 I'l! II 1)1' ill wl d(·I,IH""'lIulIct 'd tire t'lI l1 'ml I .11 , tiC 1l"~I1\ • I WI' IIIIIII wil .. I:llt! dll llll' trulll .I,· 1\ itlr .. "., c~ l ahl i~ hl' d 1ll'I WI."·1I ,\, ,, , lt ill h t .. 11 ( ' 'r LIlI·'.)'. K. IIfllI.' II - t·", ,,or,,I',). \\' . .JdS UI' . :l UllIlllf ll :Il·I!vi.,I>' u P.,\ i. ul .l lrt! llltc l'IIIIIUIIS Al'llctt-f,.r li i~ II. II lid \V ll)'lll'~ \'illl' Ihr"lI~h ~I i l : '.. "1 .,,,1 MI"h,i I.... "•. Tit · I .'" IA,,, I. l'l' I'"ll1liol1 h" 11:111 lived Ill'I'" -.~II' .1: ~l il t '"1 T lr uIllIHOII. \I·llll!. 'jllic t ':III QII01' 11Ild gonticlIHlllly U · I -d ~e\' ilk . lJ,I Il' II I',, \·ill o. I' " rt \V ~ I' I .1'"nu.R'·l'hlf. \)il ,," .,.,i.·.· .Vl...· I" .. > 1" ,l'tl i ll l(' .·II I1 .\ ~I".o l .. ~ ItI,. Hl'Cll "' , 1 1I 1 11r 1~ .t l' hl ' JI· I\I I"Y ul See Ill s purtll t nt. Ilia lllall lI N,.\V lInrti l",llIlI. Il II'r1l l ... k .. ull "l~u d IH' l' w'n ine' SU:JJ. ."··~I · lt .1 J . No. 22 East Main St., - - - -Xenia, Ohio I I 111 . \"·.' ,.'''" ",Iu,· . II,i ll1 (If Ihe CI·,II /l·. Till o in· I,·J " " :1(": . - l,f ,\'1)11 wan t pictllrll$ fmlll \.'(-! bo Cllrl'ied from the II' l'llliII nHof Ihl' w,' I• . ~1 ;L"ic 'r';~'n-hlJ' I ,·" ·.·,,,· .. .t »1I1>l i(' !llte'lIli,," tv 1. ,111. 'I ' 1IIIlL hI.' - ~I i~, 1:;1I1Iil! 0 ,,11 '11. III Leiri' ill g.)oi) stylo fN tli(, holie!II.)'~. reo N,IITV\\, (lullgu tv \\' a)'lI~s vill\J lly , _ _ 11 M" lUI UIIU :ol UHI1 , tillu linu fl r- ·.·,t... ·!i'· .. I· .. 'UI""'Y"" (" - '''' ,I..• .1,1"",,,,. 1hu,; h\"-'II Ih ., ""i"I'I ,, 1 l'II lb lllll l ~ II ,;' 1I 1'1',J ,,,". h.l · lJuCIi vi s itillg ill [II ' 11Il'lOher Ih ll t Jucllb8 & lI 'lghwllY hul'~o. ,h,' nl t .... I' '" PI R\ · "II I.' UI'ClbIU . :1 W :lij 11i' 1i 1i. I1I\I'e JUS . t I'l'cel·vl'd tll e Ii lI e~ t inI of T 'f.lor1\1II! \1''' th.· ""'"Ih. "'111 1" "'" L ·I,H'k 1l ., rL.""k. C~' 1'1. 1'1. ,,11. ".1 1o1111 \V - - - - - ) \V II ~ i·I.. ,,!. It. l' 0"" .... N'cr"l"'y ""~II-l'\1 1,,1' 11111'1 11111-( II SIIII" 1111 11 h,·· - ~ I i-~ Knl il' Fraz o• .01' Day·lllll. 1Ill1l1ldi.ng8 O \'~r ofr~ l'ou i ll . thi ~. T11llr. lI t;: B\' lI e \· ill.·. I' t i iUIlI,' .1.1 " . \ , , ' I. I Il.U fl~)' \\' III Ir'l• III ' J ci\'c,!, ollv;lI e H. 11. hilS rhall,.."er\ it" 1·'III1~ N" ~' . 1 1 ",:·r t ~' Illrll,,,.I,, \ - lI n·l· I.. rc I 1,l' j''I :I '1I'lnrl.·, ull lwn IIc' I" lt I II I ~ 1"" ' 11 \'i,l li" g ~J,.o . A. U. H b. kl' t , .\. > Itl I \\'11 1'1 1.., t"r .!i" inc wur.)III' o'·.' rr 1-'lr,t .'.",<1 ~I" I, J . ~Iltl "· t .. Wl'lIt IIU ill Ihi s w ~ \ " Il ~ i:1 . I!'W ill . I.ictll!'es lit U 1,,1\' pri cc8 us call he !tU lll e, lJ · dl'l'ree ,)1' 1!"lI l't. to \1 111111 1)~~.b,'llIn nl .~u\' ·'~ AlIueIIk\ "010 " \ ll y lll 'l'I llllg,lI'h,· " ft··. I 1t1 l.Ylkl· IlcrO ,() /. l'g n1/f I 1f'OI J'"!. I)tl H' • " "•lsI1I' II"1 ilu'ntll t lll . M . It . l'rr.I·J)ay , II' 111 :I " I 1'rh n ~ lr . - Il l' T. I J . I\ l'lIrl1('.VIIIHI ~"n."U ... " II , . C.'I·I ICI· llltll l ·l ]'" II· 1. GU II II" 'r', A I"!,,, \\'II ~ .11 · ';'·" \·l· l·l·J I " A ,,,, , .. t'IC lit' fu rllit ul'e nn hlln . II'lIr \ 1111 pliny. lI11d hll ~ III,,,, FII '1' n .\rl'ls·l· ,Pre"''''PII (1",,,,1, ih ' U Ill' t' l ,r·ill :1:II I. vi,ited ~ r$. 1'. Kl!1I 1' ,. J fl' Chilli ' '1\-"",'0. .·n·" ·l'. I,,·~,II },,· ~,.I ,,,,,I 1",,1 be (/11 til''' Ullt 1'"l lIlI lIt!!I." \I ll- ""' 11 1 t ,. S " mu hillg fur tllC Qhilorcn. Uive ~UI it tI'r1 nill llS IfII llI I' er~ II · - - \\,Il ict. .will be - II ' "1 l' It . C(ltllll y . .t.i 'nih or ,·.01, ",,,,,th '" I'll .• " " I ..' l'xl ill'Tu i !lI d . wl lt' lI it \1':1 f" lI IIII IIl"\. ".... \\ l' l ' t\... . 1I ca . \'I , I' tu 'lI)'e I 1'. >l n r. J . A. ~ 1I 1t . n. " I ' Ilh ",·h" ',,·r. t hat till' bt,,,.,, h ad 1"" '11 br"k(,11 ., '"'1 1 . -1. ·.. k III 1,·1........ ~1 1I (' k of ~dll .d __ • __ . • . P .Ivr All IIr,· e"rthull~' inl''''') 1<' ult,·,,,1. nl J I I I I' t' J I ,I 1\ 1 d ' 1"1"'1\ <\\, ,,1',' . It IS cl ,,'up anct To [ h: I.IN QUE~r t; 1~OKIIJERS . Th ero wrll he II I' " l'tlllllf l1ll 11 to Order i n }'ashionable "'I(n" I'"' " r.'· I·I" I. (11 \ 'k",' t I ~I, t" ,.. I • 'l • \ " Iflt· !' . " ) b a,,\ 'n . . I ' I II " II' ,. fl' 'I ' · " 'U , ,··' F~ lr.o; '- t · 1\11·-il ' ]·'ll··url i'l'l " I III'I " I\'. IA · the li rtit ll fn ncw year i, fll ,t 1'1I )IC \lIC •. rij ID TU r ,. i nL1 \t "'\T1iI h P .." ''' 1\" J Il,' 0 tI(l 1" I I I 11Il!rt· ... :-: Ila J"'[}l't' li I. U·,rl ' \ I " I III'"'' ,., . . IIIII ~tll It ailOll\l S I l· r~ I\I.," . ' :P .,\ . u,'~ir"'i ng .a : II ·, •• ,Iock. l'", L.I,,)' u ad Fu lu l'Ull,d \l' ill. c' lIol .. il Ilnd' .,t ' - .'1[ 1' . . la llll·s A . Kearn ey I IUS I III'I'I'''"Cltill~~ wemu.gtcllr".estly r\J. SlI lI le [\ lI 'xt IIl una y cI'en lli/-( Perfectly-Fitting S .. hMl.\ .!lI·~ oel"c k A.,'. . . 1011 fin' I v ('u,'l'I' 11' l! 11111·,,11\1'1' . Va . 1ll"'11 .1·,"'· Ltli~ 11 1',' 1\' dllYs \l'ilh lr i~ l qll('st ,:11 d : III.lqn ~lI t s ub err bel's ~o l '-' . t ']' IE ' - -AT--ClIIUIlTI\ · CnU IICt/ ·-l:!orr·,cnoll IJ" "I.· . _ .' . t " .... . J' J . Il i'·IIJ.; in lt il·lll n,t111 1 I lldi'"IU. Ith. 11 1' /1111 (ff ,zette til sctt le thCII' ! ",I::E nutlcco II nl l!ilc Il'C II V I) d ur o 11''(1 \ und l""~" " h Ot ll hl Il u if-pu"t 111n" f p, U!') cln 1.11 li S a nelS I'l' l ntt: tu t.:8 · , • • U t'" I..Jrd'•.d,,): 1U0rning Hill' lid III C hlll'gl:! l'. A \\ 111'1'11111 \\. ,,, - G r"lIt clu, ill g Ullt of' our (.nt ire l\CeOIlIlI ~. lI~ I~ III tlel)e ~II'y Ilru~ ollr .. Oermlln Syrup," . lie d UII ( I a~ nlch . ,'. ul. I _Ill I:." " ,.ItiC I'\l' li dY lUll 1.1 1I hOllk nt thllt tlille. No other mcd,ci". .III lise "'o,hl . f . E.CII.·ItCU - Thu n. v. L F•.\ .' III I.·,'" ISS 11111 d .... und lloe IlICK . • be! put• III !rApe ..' wu. ""f' F .. I"r. Di viuu.ufl'i ..... n S un day •. HI In dr\' g,'ntl~ w"re li ,"nt! ill II SIl':l1I1 CI" .. kd. Fll tlk 'y & ~i so!i ld illc . Thltl.IR the til'S tlm ~Hl huvc l!vel"lI'ivN' . uoh. I•• of I'" cUrlltiTo pflIllcrU . Also, afulllitt of Ool/ars, OuJ!:y , 'D't8, l,i,.t8, Umbt'ella8, I ti ' .0 II."lle\\ ' • • " 111 . t " JlllhlrBllIld to our I't\tr(lll s, ,•• BOlICh.c·. Oerma .. Syrup. In tbroo )CKr. 1-2o·"I".· k A . )t •• lind 6 1·2 r . )t. S.bIJ.llh , b, ;der ill n sllw .mill ill hi I) s;; • Jho"l .t 21-2 r . ) 1. ' . • (J • ~b • 111111111\ Ilr Qnd we edLby I tw" "Hllion fu"r lui.. drod lh"u."",1 ~ l m,1l ,,,,eli. "'roo &c., CMIo'(I(f1tly on 1,.l1Id. Ollm~ anti · 1'(1• • F..,II IIms' OIl""O&' TO . 13. Putron. of Hln, Il ut 1I0 ~\' 111 nde. H anu II IIIU ' IJ r lilly 'cllli U.I L.,nlP , no eh ' mIley lJ ' I bulll.8 of thi . modi"!J•• . wcr. dl.81rilHIl!'l.I. 11 ,b·m.lry ; Willi"", Corn ell. ~t""u-r. lied 18!to assoclule weI' arre t d lllld 1·('4. tlir l!U . lit llib Old Drug StlJrc. t om. ,I !t ee of d, ,,,·.!,e. by drujt~'"t, ill Ih,. "'tUlI lry oye, \I' Drul{' tor~ tb. O<Jnd "turdal' iml)risilned B01)nl'ntel 'Dllr' lI Fri . . . .to th.,..· "IU .. I.·d ... ,L h l O" '""'I',I .. " . A.. t.· "It ~wn.h t 7 ,,',ltI"k pm .. . lIrI on y. I r. , -- ~I I'. TI l'zuk ,ah DIIVIS hilS for lUorro·w . I '"'" (,""'1" .~,." .... C"u~h,. 1'",."""".,,, ",,,I ~th!ll turd y of OMh /Ilonth . t :.I.,·. I".k. dll)' II lght IJ,e 1IIIIIII ttl' " s nelll cd , Ih u I.. I _i x wUl:k~ belill la id up oll"'r di .rn.,'. "I .h •. 'I'hr ..", .. ",I ).u". _ In order to Introduce our 4<>-pngc illustrated Cnlllioguc (in book (orm) of Jewell') a nd - - - - -. - - - - Ul)d. O lltl'i lil of .r el!~ up o n~nt lll'ul!\· II . It k ' f '1 F,omtheTolegrlllll. ' "id,,)! ' hu A".I''''·'''' 1" "1'IL' "".I,." i.,blt· --- ." 'd IIlli t I10 I(l'llt wutell wi lli.., " 1\\ . Watches, with fllll infonnl,t\on !Jow to BCt~IJIO A.gents! anel nra~o l\'?De y , I'AN ·IlANOL& AND .P NNS\"LI' AN-JA t4.'sLlu I' 1. III ~c I" rc n IIC u rleUIll II' \\Te wero culled llpu llllI ~ t 1hul'~" ! ~"" If II... t o lro" ,. " ." ) 1\1 I' 11' ,1\"""'l11",,,, . we will send. on recclpl 01 One DollAr, by relurn mwl, Oll. lIuslrlltcd CatalOGue. to. \ . I II! . ' " I h n t t'Jo u lt '1 IHl 1'I'Ili rlml J l r ll L.: ~II'I .. l u I ' \.' r) 1.1 I£., by, II rCCf.>lIt nfl'UlI""Il1C' 111l' 1'",t,J S," .... "" g r U1Cf with ,.. fiL . II I.. "f· J CSlIJll[l LrtIvke 1II1111rll I Ihrl: II'd Ollt . rill'I I _ .,'I r. \\,.\!~. J) • t .b'· 1111"'. t'lormel'1 y dllY . Iv du 8'lme PI'IIItlll<t . ., h'r U tl'll\·· . I" "·" "Old , .lit,:"''"" ~ 'r 1111 sengors th e \Ju lir ut twu !-too s nil tlll!'l!llUl'lll'Y I'pO Ile, r I' III k'. \\''II~ IIl:lrrl"d ." . I ellllJ; trulIlIC wh Ich I lI'opl)~ed 1 'l l l\o" "."HI"I" . ~" '" II,.. ".,,,· ... ,,, .·.. I... t.· OUR ONE DOLLAR COLDEN III 'I 'Ul't· . ... . lmcllt .III ,l...1I.1011 .I',' II r Or""",,t ,,,,,I ".kI ",It' I. .,. ,10,·,· ~ , ,,. ,,. th runf( II (,xJl:'re~s I nil. Il . . rILiI' l '' llo tOIl I' t IIt'Il1 ~In II,e 1u· IH' 11: 1'. '1'1II! IUU I,. ltu ' "l\' I I I '1'1111 I' "" 1)/\ ' gl\'O QII elitcrtlLll . ' I I' I' H I . 1 .. .I d ' d k ' I' f' I Hilt. II( IH IHl l ' U \' _ iJ to U l SS 1" I I ' Iluout It ""1I 1O! ' t ' ,,,II t'· I II l' ,,!:, . N a nd ew uglulh CIIIl· . \I'l l llI ut I'nll: ' ;! o\\'lng nnyl' llI g I' t 14.' ~I II E ~I ;. I . , JII\I I.- hoy eirCII (111!d f IIUIlIlj.! 1'1iS I", .ow ' ;,,·,ul - Tlo n o ,I c-". ,,,11 " .10 •. \ •. ll ctunlioll or olllllibu~ Il'ulI ' fel'. Fvr ' ti l·f.>, but PII:d Jcsw p obsl'n ed III I " ~ ~ ' . , Or 1'1 tur. . tel'S, ltlillVUIiCill g that Ihey I\ ulllo "")" "' •. - [ I' I'I'Y hilS 1\ I~Il'ge supply 01 give lin illimitublo pCI'(urlllllllcc 1111 . .,.. . ._:.....~----------...,,...,: Ih uccumlll odatiull uf rH~S(,II~ers ' h im he '\\'un ltl ct/I't~ r IIp Iii " t rllc!; ·. Iwl tling ti 'kUls \'in 1\ .11' Y11I'k 1I11d T lru c" m mtl lli ly Icellllll clr r,·!i!!\'l·d. hll lk .. y ~ "'r~ Ull l'N II' lin J3u ltlll lUrE'; FridllY alld S utllrday lIiglit.i. Fri· II r r III q C £i. N ·\V Engla ud lill 1111' ]'h ilndd· U8 tl",!l'o ('C lll ~ to be l'or lli ClII Il l' \\'lI rr.lIlll·d Ire.Ii. g ,."d lint! eheup. dllJ' 11I"llt cume lind th c 1l'II1lJle ulI . l .. • . ' . ~ \I'd I PI''' 1'11)II l' l! CIII'Il f . .I' " II' r B. ' '. l~ . II'~ r. UElll s - rA ),!.Of{ - r" ." l·"r ... n . }lhin nlld Buston (,xl're~" tl'l\lll rt· m'.111 .;1 1IIIII .Itlir Fllt ~ T . ',\,\,' -"" del' tlru" 1Il1l1l1lgentQIlIt. 01 0 ',r\t~ Dee" ",uer 1. l ~ ;;. \. .. Ih. 1( ,.,.'.1 M,' \1 .1 _ h ' fl:llt\l'f be hold It J ",r"l'Y Ci ty 1Il0 Il t .- (' i l/ cill/lati (;ae rlll'. - 1'1 • . C" ttel'lt 1,1 Ill.'rrow ev en· Clark , mucic th .ir dcbut bcJi,re u mlok. li l'. }',,,,," II.:""" "":1. ~I' ~, ",... .E d pot t\\ nl ' mi ll l1t('~ , fr.r Ihe 1rall 8· •i ng, will h" ill IIil1 uf tiro Llldics' "cry 81111111 ulld il'll'ce "lid gllv Ih clII Tn) I",. d,,,,~h',· ' of .I "h" J•• I ",I .. r. u ( l r· · f d I WnlJt ~ tv 1{1I0W, You Hllo\\'_ 13 I IS ' Il tI I . ' I bOlln.O h,.. iTO p. lt~er8 1111 Iliggu ~Il ur · . ,'1101 u UI.' \le idy u U all lUllr ILl I Cnl~l'llllnm~llt 8UO I us ~'ue 111:1 CO 'K-II A1:\ E~ -I" Hit'h'" olld. II"\.. r ivi ng from th e W stand South hy Ed'l/ Ga zeile:- [ 1I0tice in .r nllr It a ll u OItJ"Y y IIIrBd f. cll iculutcd to Iflareu,se their audl ' al ~ o'dock r .W . . .. ,·l lI h ,,,,,,,Ih "Ih . · ii . n. the dnl' I'xprl:' s trn in, d ue nt J ersuy puper uf Nuv. '_' Illllt J . N . L· - ~Ir. Uhn r ll!~ F. ChllJ'IIl1111 nnd Il ll('e lito lIext lIigllt j nnd 811 C1r 1\ Ihe ,••i,lollee of 'he IId,I. ·, P""·''' -..1. W ,. t O LO ~. v I ' . '1 J . I ' ldl' J ' d .nd~ll' lI n i n e- .lyhie,.d· ' ,·e r"n" "\.I ,, Ity ut P. M. . . 11'11 IIwurr led tlr (',' !ll rllct to build ',18. 1. 1111 Y IU \·,· IIl'nv" h UIl1~ Ir~m UIIC a _WVIl lUll! , Isgr"l;c '" S'I : II •• I:r: •• ;,"" 0 ' ·u(I",. Kil, l.y ",,, I , I ',,~c J as. ngeril on fa t li ne t rlllO. lhe $"I'~" llIlgc ' ur th' ~I.E . · 'hlll'eh UIIICllg" , ~II' 'hUpllll\lI'fI IIIIDIly uf Rllee Street V.iu~et.Y filll.rer~. ei,cl. , f I. I .",,·~. '"0 Id,.IItI-. .J. E'·. II. holuinl!' . • 1 175, WIlic II 'IS ccrlilill IY 1\ \'I! . WIll n'l11a lll Ilcl'e fllr th e winte r. Mr. Ne wluv.e, (]I.r the Minl.ll i ~~~.h •_ _. __ . '0 I., Ilk I lt' iuc~. ~ ____ . " ticktots .\'i Q New 'lurk, n.nll lui'. -- .J. A. Fll llkl')' i8 1I 0W in Iho U .. ns.e, I ~ot ~ee lu~ IllS wILy ch'llr till' I , • N c w ~nglHnd \rne, tllku Ihe 111I 1a· ry bll'ung fl'lllu re in pllb lic Il.tlillj:(s ~ 'J..~\rrt15rmI'11t5 d.clphlllllnd Bo t 11. l'XI'I' ·~s.o n ar· I CUll t rtl~t.!, ", bl'!'e tll u loti 'rs lire Cil ~' , 1I11l1 cXI',·ct.l t I' IIIl1ill II Icw IlI iI bill. lIlv ltcd . t!Je.~ tu lell\,' III Tlvul ilt PIli lad ·)pl.llll 1lI 7.30.A. M., "UPI''' cd , 1L1le! (' I' ell c" llll1l itterl. tu .\111' tor hu y /-("V.tll li.r tho holidllY8. !\u UdC, wllCrenpolI th('y bccll mc \'\'I')';l c:9-UU l. ,n.ndlgo tllJrotlgb .10 13v~tull wlthoU I ' I t tu th e luwc I biddcr. 111 tll i~ Ev cr:nhi ng lIicll mlly h ex pect~d . Ilid gl lllllnit aud Il:llnolJr~cl Qdlhllt ~h el'J I--:-:--N = ---·-'---=--H-· R' _ art.' r ollinge. . en e thC'y I'" scd 11 m ' bid'! tllut - i\ll·. JO;('l'h . R illg l\'Ult , f ~\'U II ( Pu.y I~gllll.l Otl I> vII "{ IIlg It otlCe to ' Ot?;- alsers. O U R pnT.LAn ()ASKET ()ontAl ... an. el"ll'11nUy etlgnltH La4y'. IITooch and Ea. .... A n w.-lh, ,,,t IOt: tlinJ;"s, 'wal t! Wilh l'eJ rl.; una bcaulit'u l C ut amoo Rln .. , one fi ne p"l r of FIrst cia s tl llJ conclr~ and Poll· w('re IvlI'('I'. li nd hy C'" llpctull t hid . 'i IIci ll llnti, hus " (-,lIcrlllltlly donllttld lUI the bll ilefit 01 th,~ tillll Com \11\' \ I h,I\·. f,.u, " " r~' H",. [10 .\ It:; ru' . ,,1.,- nrop l':nrrayctl S leeve UuttullIl thrC'c tn ~d .plnt) AulC)tbYl t tit.udat l"hud with P earb; 0116 arlor 1 mlln'" and I Cplllg CUI'S I'l1n . t ."" ) 'd' 9 ' tl I J ,.. I t tt II" IUld tho Iundl urd uf the Mul'l'u II' 0.11 Ilt Illy lurm '''·"r ",.,,,, nobbrCon.r Hnlton; one I..test p tlern Lady'. or Gen , '. l'ompaclour N o k Vhaln; one ele · ucr~ 00 1I1lU" 1111 ,J 1\I',r 1\\11 II !!1I1 ,;ullIC CIlI'I'C IVO o . umull s J I" I .. A Ll WII I T\ ~I 0 :>1 . &:'Ant CAmpo fiiea 1c one ~u1i(ul dtucd Band IUogl on" tnlltnlro LAke Oeorgc D hunond PIU I .throng I un both m,)rfllUj!; nnd e \'I!' I I' , '1'1' 'I E I' I I k I" I I I f il uu C Qn4 wuu " gl \, e t J CltlZe" I ____ _ .. • . t .. . one (lAI r (~ ) clc~nt enJ,.rn:ycd Urace ltllta. All the IlUoY'=' arc tha Jlhle,t Gold l'l llto. and arrangN . t' Ph ' J J I I' d I III V\I'~ I liS , l\ u SrI!. IltOI'S. ILl Il twu IU"tI',C ·tI or I I C Inll C 0 ' I ti l d tI '~l ' . In :l bnuulul While. r inlt · llnf'd rn. ktlt. Illustrated .tal~o~c.,..elry aud \ Va,ches t e nt with Cd Ch. mnf raW8 on r I II u pllU un i tli p!'tiC cu illK of a co mm ittell t. Mary'ij l'Jltll cli ill ti ll plllCO. II II~\~ P n~, tIl t,~' A I tl : I lI; nll l TAKE NOTICE, ~Ji ~;urOC~r::~ ~ ~~:I~.;:.w~I:~~I~s ObO 0{ ollar VlWtketa. bI maU, posl opaid , a~.~II .eX'pt res . /ll I I f tl ,.f fh·o promi nent chu rc h u\~lIIbor:j, - Mllldull Hidl!c hu rentl o 'lIlId U ~l~' by Glus 1~. ltd· I I IIS UII \II" Ali !''' ....on ind","".II" III,' ","lo" '~II".1 (lEO. G. JACOBY", 00" Im['Ot1cn o( J<,wclry and ",• •ches. r' .Q.Jl \II or stll1g elL e ro 0 10 lun ll" wh vm III' two llI illi ters of . . . I I f' tU lllOlellt t ley uil 1\ le~l e l' I1 u ,~, (\f,' r"I"'" cd to, uti ,,",l " 'lI le HI' I)~' 01". n7 WbcolUin Sb-cet, Milwauec. Wt.. hilad Iplriu aud Bllstlln Expres .g I. 1111\ atl'd IllS bar Il' r· s /U p III llle und fllr thi s i"b oj' vrill ti ng \I'e fl rMl"f J UIl "Rr\' . ... i'I ..... , f,dl Line iB the 11'/l1l fer of th e entire tlteGo f'6J I1mIllI1 ex.Suuuuy sc huul "tyl e. Nt·IV (I1l1' ' 1' . 1'l1l1t li nd othcr were puid by' Mr. Wnlt .1' w"v i CI.t..IO·.1'T ,\: Ol. l-:lr.\/\ . ' . . . 8l1 pel'tllh:lIdctl t gout! .III ell that we Lt! Il'lIll1 ell t m Ie· h i C Ilh l'shlll lll t ' .' tralo on tire P'IW r~nl transfer m i ' bt ell: ect \~"luIJ d enl Oll t ·u~t. L ' , ' II • : .1 7 I I agrecd to 8tu.nrl 8pOIl~UI' tl)r the NOTICE. Bteamer Marylulld. buIlt exvressly 'eeg bnt i~ place of J' ust'cu weJ t b~u k Irl ~thlt. und In viting for th o 1l11l\lUllt. Dllrlllg the IIlterl'nl ~Ir. All pcr>ons ill.leblo<l I.. II", ulI'l" r"i~.....1 for this s rv ice, . froOi the J ersoy I . I' L k . ~ Id I'd g.. Irtiulo pu I IC. Cl llrk wellt to 'Vuynesville nnd aro roq'd t v .~1I1 .'I"'ir "C" ',", l- with. . d I H I R' er un IIiSU tlng rOllu e, a.1 ce rn I. TI I " t to k f II I'd d I' ""l del"y. It' n '·(lm l'l. ,. '0' 11 Ie",.·" t "'u~, Lu ' Ily epot to t 10 tlr m Iv ' l1 ticc that t he nhl ic s houl d kllow 10 urges S ,c." 0.1 ny m~ 6 url'Uugcmefltll or all 0111 ' I" mll,lc I. furo Ih,. fi r.l. "r ,111"" 'rr dOl ot of the N w York and N e"" 11L t tl ' comt itt ee tl I ' t Go Id~, BIIUk:l, ' 1011ut Artlcle~, tllillme nt the", \lnd........ UOlTlp\' lIl!d J MILT N 'l'lWMI:' ·ON. llllvon Railroad. PIl8~6ngers are 1 . liB til , 1~06\lg I. I B BI'll dhe8, Tnw,Vn:l $, &c .• &c .. yor .tu..... unt...m ..1i;J d, ..i ll;llil 'f ill'''.)" '' 1)"" ,n"•..- 4,. I n . 10""'" " ... ""'" I I Old II 'lght. 'I' ueHday murtllng . .tI my wel'l' . . GASTRIC -NEUTRALIZ - - - - - -- t:'R - -I I tb' OlALl'.LWU\ d .' t II \\. TVoul. I ttm' l.::-- I ·rvlI;':1It CLII ItI' II C•SVI II e, ut tie floP8t harbor 0 the \Vurld, with il.l\ UII tl\ \ I'll ell IJII tilt h mL · Ie cba.r Reli a ble Drug'St re of Sellers & lit Iho tralu . bilL uldd 1 h'I\\' lt tl:lla :11 '['1' II k I I u 'l · II f' t pen ers gCIl ra y u au d 10 u I d I bl .1 TI ,,. W'· . no\\'n "'" " 11 'lI,hl,' It"mNt.· I· UJllgnllcollt ccto ocelln s camers, I rtl e bu ' ld illg ftl ' s ullge u. IOpCS are a~teu . Ie tnl\llaglJ r~ ·Qllhcll'ldutlhorn'n . "n lr. I)r II' II I fI ing the colol'!! o( all maritime nil' 0 d I! tl I tl u l .'UIT pall' °d ; - S ince nil pllm~dns nre more \raJ not thll fllnds with whi lli l til ' Alld"",,;,. the I'r.. ~,iell·..' •. in BIt/"I,u'I: , ./Ons. W•L. O'B RfaN, Illl ur III scv· or loss h, 11011' S. . Michcll er de. purchuse trail portutlUlI . " /I h. ·'U"". " , I f 1'1' . ler ' . lC C. Il\lrlllUIl . 1111 d IIICY I B~" \l1I ' ","I! .'If" . "..I _tr", f.' G '1 P A 'I" 0 &: St L It' ' ernl vf th em \II h lB office, lIlId ex· . k ' . I d 1 k tiM II \\ "y u",,·oIl. Tho ,blr"" 'ul k""I - .. r ""..J" ou ~~. __ ~ . .\. pl l\i o d II1UIlY thil!g nut Illeuti oned Sl rCIl to ' 1I0W the wlllght (Ij the ono UlILI'C IC lac u t.'e c urru\\' uusc I"i",,' f"rlDorly kpl'l Ly Dr. " nll ,'r"" n. "re 10 CO"rAm~.· tl Ie pecI·ti CU t 1\ ' 11J8. An d 1\ I80 tl IU t wh ,) the "cummg e\·ents.' M..... And,·r·on. ,III:1 or· N Ov r..uLTT COll~O" " . '" ,., IU .dirn ell s iollR were. '{;' ve n in .to await . II b' II A . 100 I . h"dh ofIdb dd d '0whom 01 This celebratcd Compuny, whic h Ire was de irolls lhut we sllOuld all ll1s~ wcok'8 OI.lzette. Ul ij est one It . Is .we ure ~\lt 1\ BIll.U .' lur ",sa ou o. r. ... . . __'_ _ 1 "'avo snllb illtcrosting and croclitu· ha\' II fillr aud e IUu[ chalice alld welgll s fort.y · tuur un~ one·half ltd. prilltll~g, .Mr. ~w l ~vll IS mlnllS u TURNPIKE NOTICE. <:> • •III W Aync VI'11 0 't IIUt the Iuwcst I'e pot! 'Ibl elder b"d . • • nil ble entertainments - M r. n" , el I. C. C orn eI I re·opened hart ITI hid bonrd ' 1\ bill ' nnJ. we[ fea r The. o~ho ld ..... 0 1 tho W", ,, u.,·,lI GEORGE N WERNTZ nbou t tI vear ago \ViII open r,)r one \VII to huve ti,o cOlltmct. He nlso tho Rogers Uouse last wee k. hnv . .11'.~, ~Iter WI hllve to \~UI~ II O ll~ \V i!mi"!,lon 1'urnl'iko OUIl11~"'Y ~"c II rcb,Y • , . •Clldwallador ~ ,s BlIll, com· took the Pl'I!cuutlOn " . th"tbothe El entlon \Vee k 10 to BOlld Ollt Ill· .Ilig clllu/'god Rn(.\ IInproved the tllne W IlIrId the I'k balance I oj II Ihlrl pav. n' notified rN'IMR will hel.1Almuul nc Iho 0111,'" "r f,,, A DI' T AYAerc an al mencill!) on MonclQy ovellillg IICXt, villlti l,ns thro llgh t.ho p08t·cfficl:l, so II! U 0 very milch , and put it in c mwon I b ve~y I~'c tor~l\ cr St\B1N. in Harvoy.bu,,,. "" l\IOXUA Y, i?tKillli'ii'g' 1m r;.w ~'ii'b~. _ and (1"'111 11 delight 0111' ci tizclIS wilh t1ll1t th ere neod not he irrospon sible pleta oru er for th accommodation ttO 1ltlVO .8 nc b S\tVI Hit era gl ve .'ur tl hte 14tlh 1 '''l' OI' ·IJll'ij"!.'tlr:r' . t 8 7Mp ' \\' AYNIIl."'II .•. IIl. d e or I. ) • •• bpu i 'tC. W e II alld IllS . ex· ownu.\\,,1 ~ wce nt l C l OUrs!!E. BAILY, fL ll '" .~.\ (. l() k • 11 ". "1",,,",1,, 1I0W .Luck ..1 Gent. IIO(ld~. thoir 1:'1uccl\eO ( nnd chaste perfllrllJ- 1)f1t'lies biddIng. N ow, uft or th e 0ftho 'fl t . I d d tl M I'rcsi".a~ I a n s anney ' I • wl.if'l, h.· WI\\ TII lll".r,I, ·ttlrft inlu .!'U!L. of tllo I tIe I uItl COll tl'l\Ct is Iet, W I1011 t IIe commit! e co II ellt WI'f 0" k' now hO\V to k eop 11 t . 10T WO dmn nogcrB nnceB. TI1e k now 1I:! d ge tInt . Lt JOUr d Ic f't I U! 'Dca. II. I8 n. .'U1n nee ay nur n au f..! )r III.l t.-ll l .. ty lt·... :-.r..ILi"(UC li()1I J.Cu u rn n'~ . fav orite, J. E r "GENT, GKqltOK nre !Laked fur nn cxplllll atio n, t hey hute!." C· . t' I . ID_ I ' . J ' I [)C I n R'jUG G ST OJ 'un''' 11 IIlId , ep ,i,illll pruml.lly ull ",I ... . I' IIIClll11a I. ellv lI'~108e IV Iy wOl'e , , .W y , -, " " _ Ii Qt lo'. On&K. A OJ. MURRAY, Mol.Y (!GENT eitll m thllt Ih ey tll'U nut tluu el' I) b I' --The Hnmilton correspon dent ill th eir elll~ o to . a\ a J as best I . " N 3 . . . E \ :0\'1' ~I hl ~ STREE'r "I .... out. 10 In "ou,e th~ 'PurfccLFittinll' Rud 'V. J . D IX. ON, nrc . ti 11 with th e ~. I'ati ull8 tl) £'Xl'lll ill, hilt i IIti mule of tile OI'IICI'IIIIUtt' Gaze"e wrl'tes tl .cy COO. [d I tlIlLJ.t - bt! I'ore lin All pe,.on." lire l~rtl'· ll'Y f.. rl,,(loI.II tVh'!"L , .• '\. A"1 ,P'- [.'. \TII- I E' 0 ' ;t hirl. ',,1\ li nd .ell ""ok . 11ll4.1 I L(' 0 earn our prc ml tlt' " WI I ( ll~ o r ~m l. r Infmg '. 4 t • COIDl?nny, \vrll ct!l'tlUul y lOHl'uuk Ihllt tu cy nre t h·e!' It n 5 crl!!. t thllt paper \If yestcrday a foJ . tl ey left Lo\\,ever the exl ' b' t d lh•• n.uin" '."H,III. ,\ n\' pO""" ,., Iw,""". 1 . . . - -- - ----- - .for tholu a filii h U8C. Th o c\reup ThislIlLlY pll fur juslico lind I III'S' "Nuthl1ll S W')ud wus yes I I' t I' II If' Y 1I 1.e "i" III ~i ng thi .""rninll '",ili bo tr ul<,J n. Pre"enl''''''i"o''''' l'''.,,;,d•.•l ul ""'''' '~;Iby Jl)n~, \V 1I11~";S , II. D, l'st udmi@siou willbo 25 een t~ . He· htll iesty in their societ y bill il l d . bo d .' . I -f ' qlll e a urge ro ~ mOllc~, II' 1IIC lI tr.op"."uro. nnd pruHOtIutcd 10 Lho full ox. nn cx~I'~,e l1"" "II ~ Il'" ' "O~.":OI'AT"'" . , I .. .,' S tcr lIy UII 0\ or lD t 10 slim 0 • wonld gil to show tual thoy ttllon uet! lellt of tho h, ... : PHYS:' f 1ft NO S'ODI!Ii ' OR ·rvcd ~6IltS c,In be sccnrml at Ih o WO~ t! 11 t PIISS \\ Llh 1\r(J lute of $300 to answe r nt tho next term of , to swindle ill the start. A. H. W' Ili"m.oll. Albert Om,I.lrout. l ' 0" II store of CQd \\'nllu~ ~r, Jann ey & Olno, had .ijllO a oUlllrncl to let: Sho dOlll't to thc ollnrge of IIsBuult with l . •• O. T. Cornoll, Wil ll" ",· N,. I;oll. • • on, Olllc"~ ,I"",. ·.",.h of Il".. ri.·llllnk . E V I'Iy. L e t our CI t Izen S til rII out Sll )·s t\ I0 hIcia rn tI ~) tie opc'11 ed III th e iutellt to kill unu murder one R . R. I T BE Y UUNG F OLltS' l'!loNTIlI.Y.- S.,n, I, CI IIr. k n ,.\JC, l F. Fll rll".. ~I"ID I'll •• \\'D,u o •• III ... 010' • • 001,'. \0 0" ". i 1.2 I., 0 1-2 A.U • I L<> 2 I.\! /lnd g ive them II hllurty welcolne on prcsollce of Ihe bidders. if thcy so ElIgle" W 0 should be glad iI' onr The Cb "istmas numblir of the , ~!t,. CIIC"I'" k ~vmAeIJ~~I\1 I r .lf .. 7 to 1:1 1' . ~1. II ' t d's'e ABo'''' ' I M \ 'O il"" IIr. . . •'''. "._ .~ _ ~~ _ _ . _ _ ___ ... lel r re urn. e Ir . I .....,;R. friellil Rolrert Ivullid furnish par· Young Folks' onthly comes to t1~ Hen ry K. i,leo. A. P. O·:-;-,·"i l, IIEAI. I& H~ IN ROBE In' F. F U ltNAS, - • • ticulurs for uext week. ., full of good thillas f,Ir uld Ulld D"!"ol B. Cox, .1 011'" .l"""ry, J r. CABO OF TH.ANKS.-I feel thnt I TilE r.. !lowing is the prngmmmc S • A~ C J .. e.. h Lomb. W. H. 11",,1. !lUM<Et '!'" TII ! conn t leave Wuynosvil le \Vith uut lur th e Cunccrt ill tho M.E Ohurch -MCSH8 Merri tt Brothers. for. yOllng j tOrles.. VO;1 tu rOB, "11- AII,~rt 81""y. .r"I",/. TIt",!'e. . . icere au d Ileal't I'c Jt to·morrvw evonillg: . rudos,Tbis DcclamutloDB 1 nzzl 8.heelc., ~ . P YS1CliN Illfw rotl1rtllng my ell nll~1' [y. 0uf UfICII, h uve opencd tI 10 Ietc. Magazine should in Pllul B. A. Lowi.. .Toy. J./"h" . W.Ii,·,\·. lI "rl"",·I.. ; I I ' I f lH ) 0 I,)," "'il thllnks to ILe inbubitlllltd of thi s PAUT F1UST. ~ JQllIl ukory, South east corner I I Id I t t " Willinm l\[orf'>rd. llt'lIj . l' L""'uln, ~ ~ \ ' I) I?~eo L', flr. \,"11\ 116 to I • .\~. -, to , " , of Main lind Miumi streetll wbere ever,r louse 10 w le~e el! cr IIl11lng Albert D. Hlli"es. N. Md' i"".,'. tll\Vn "nd neighborboud for th e ir .. . d 1. Anth em, T ench me Iy Wuy. I '11 k th " t ' anu \IIatructlvi read,ng IS wQnted. EllenCnllctt. E. D. .!I.. ".rL_. Ollie. 2 d',oro Ro"llI 01 Ifo"i. Dllnk . many and unremitting kll~ lIesscs Fell Chorlls. ~ le,Y WI ecp every IO~ ' pO.r !llll· Only $1 per year• . Address Tir e G roin. Brown. Led H. Kolly. WA\'NI!IIVILI.IIl,O'''O. to my sisler-ie·law, Hunnah Am e tt, 2 lnst Doett t ~'O coruetll 'Corne tng to a first·cluss estabhshment of Y F Ik'.M CI . ./11"'08 N. Thom.s. ~ '\lnllrl Sielo.. ~iD~'' 'U.~Q 60!!. . hel' stny amongst y on, ' now . whore . , tl III• k'Ill. rl TI ley are young men 0 f IIrn onn~ 0. 8 on. y, " IIcago, E A Brown J ~ - - - - - - .- during my" Juve lies dreaming' \v'lIi R' g"n," MT CI""u";'e tI '. J. H. ADAIR. M. D., about twent.y-Iour years, and whit!lJ 3. Vocul Solo 'Tire GoldclI Stllir', plell8illg nddress, and wurthy Of, lOIS, ••~. A':'o.ftHnino:;er., 1>:;~~lIr;'n~"Non I. , ~J Ql is lovingly appreciated by hcr. 1 ' Annie Sellers. '~utronllge. Let them be supported Dowll DOWII ~ ~o.;. '!"'Mr. N. N. John a ..... ko. Frllllk Slkr.. ~. ~~~ ~ bJys~otiali1l, also. am personally under ob[iga' • Qpartette 'Snnri8e' Iiberully. Fresh and goo<! . bread Mosher ~i11 ou".o . ,~J..-r : JJtllna~y nJ".ophFBurnOIt, John I.inoula Olliee '"1~ , •• i'lonco ."~ Dr .. li.!!~t)'l1~... ~ol~ . · ..-r- tu you, w IIIC ' I1 I SIIII II never ..,. " 'Gnily Chant the a I W8)S , on ban. d See ad ve rise· t' . p·r ices.t !':P" thef Ilam. EIi.ha 1\'1. Oook. umu . qD.cor!!o r. 8t.. nd. WAY NE8V ILI.E.0 Mw. two 5. V ocul Solo, 1st, reduce the N. BIMy. ..okford. forget. I would g[lldly menti on Stlmmur Uird8,' Mrs. FUllkey. ment. mell House to an eveDtdolJar ~ dnr,' Ed. Throckmorton. Stepl, .. n Cook. AND n ' ':''''11 b t t do so \V ul " be ill . <tr. •. strict . Ti !:I~th A .1 Thorpe Septim". Cart ... right. Ilu.~ , U 0 u U • /) Vocal du ett, ' Hear Me, Norma.' -Great excitement prevails in an d rpn t he m!lc h'Ine. Oartwrlllht, S. S. 'd 'o a I uld not do so 1 '01 ' . b Th" od B I omce and R e8idell ce, TAird St. , VI I U8, S co 7 Mult! Quartette, 'Spcak, on lYI Waynesville concerning the im. cash. asis. !" IS ~~. e wi Oleyt"n Jone.. J/" fear 01 offeuding otherB; fol' ull . Speak.' mense stock of RCildy. rtlarle O[oth· use tickets, selhng tile same at 35 tr'Any I.. rm~r can h~.o hi. nome adde,1 U D E R T A KEn s . W A YN ~s V lLl.E. huvc been .kind iu proporti on tOl 8 Duuble QUllrtctte, 'The Moun . ing at the Cush Trade Palace. The cellte npicc~,. or fonri for a doll~r ; I<> tho abo.o nollco, f~r 10 o. nt.. _ _ ___ _ __ ______ _ th eir opportunit.y j so I must thauk " taiu Millcr's Song.' prices are away dowo. Men's good and the cut8tne and Illl t~le appornt· ~ Wi' &. 1l1li' Wi' L. O. LUKENS, M. D., you, one and all, coll ectilrely. PAIt'!' SI'.OOND. suilB, $7. $8 lind $10. Fine Buit8 ments of the old flilvorlte "Ham· ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roo_ ~ n.onNor", or lb. P.ot·OlDce PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. HENRY CHAPMAN, A th 'J I 10' at $12 $l5. $17 Mell's coate. $3· mell House" will be first·cluss at lY oruoo in N"Lion,,1 Bank Building. 631 Market St , Philadclpltia. 1. n cHm, ~rusnFelllll' Cnl g rI ' . 51) ' all.wool cU8s;mcre $-1 ('.0 and secood.class chargCE'. Remomber • OilS UIIIC, U IUru ~ . I d o" I' I' Id WAYNESVILLE , OHIO. IJ!A Y NESVILLR, OHIO. O UR readers who may want to 2. V (lcal 8010, t Beautiful Isle uf the 14- ·0(1. ~ercoat~ a~a.v ~Jwn: . ~I It liB, wor . ._- - - -- ---- _ -- _. I I b t tL F W t e ro S"I" "r A H 1]'li1lCS Iwho df.>8lrO unythlng III thiS hne : D ' • ·"'··d h Ch I ~ . S~TH W . BROWN. f~~;~d~o~he~~ver~rsem:~ltlL;fth~a.Vo~~\dnct~u:Flli·rynu~ers' willdl) well bycallillg eurlyand lll.oNITFd.AJ~toatle'1 ~e,g tU;~llIerrlttBrothers, ( ATTORNEY AT LAW. r. Kan sas Farm~r, an old estllblish· D Ull blcQtlu;tette 'Awuy a~Il" I ~ave money. Fnokey & Mis8il· AocL Fall ,'uouse.wa,rmMln d n 4. ..',' JI dine 1 . . arr s, on next ou ay eve· R"sp"at~lIlly. i!,'onn tho "iti.en. of tI,i. : AND JY 0 TAR r PUB LIe. od and populur journl11 in the west . the tI'U~!; 18 wh~te; . . nillg. 10 cents \lIill be Ilxpected placo und ItII Vlemlty thut lh 'y III~vool'one" • l.ItnAN ON, 01110. It is poblished at the Capitl\l of 5. V ucal ~ul o; .,~ hen th.e TIde , -Mrs. Bannd!]' Jeft here for the sopper, prepared by a comA NEW BAKERY _~ .~,... , ~_ __ _ __ ~_ the Stale. C,lmes III, MLss Mottl e Yon Saturduy nwht. III company lIIittee of six youolF ladies. Every· . W '11 h . Ali "bmlt ,I" Snil. CIiIll"la. R e... urc... J\!AHLON RIDGE ... • CI 'tl 1 b I r' I M H '" ID ·rna~vl c.oout -w 'st cornor of U,un Prod" "I'. L""" "",I ,,-, P"" pi,' nro Ili" en ill Religious Notices. ol'e. IWI I IeI' rot Icr·ln· I1W, r. OIL' bud! invited. " ':."I Illld M"'ml .trce .... whera I,hlly k oep alw"y. l. lw.KA:\::; AS FAHMElt .." to-poge we kly g'~~I)l"I\nblc l1.1 bcr' (\lt~u 6.Inst.Dnett,twoeornets, 'SiCe·ry Chapman. for Philadelphia" onh"nd mlloI G,hyc"r. !'""lp"It\.l1 rn .. . iIO,,,... ~h.... WI nr . lebri Altino.' where sho will remai." until next 1 l'nBT.lO 8.u:a.-BllJe ~V'ti , been Th.e best llom.e-made Addre"" J . K. HUDSON. 1'0 1,nkH. 1(,,,,. lHI'&I[lR- W:.tU@J ~lEm, -The R ev. Filther Angestine sprill/i at which. time it is. her 'pur. prill ted at tbiS uftlci,e ;tOr ,the 81de Oakf'~, OOlljelJtlOnerz e.~, H,," quiokly t"k"",, high 1'1 "00 UIIlOIIS'At qA.N l'!'r . . . . . . _ •• "'AWNH'IVI.... E. will celebrate Mass in the Olltholic 6. Sextctlo, ' G ood Night.' Periormance begins Ilt h~lf·past . pose to embllr!' lor her natIve hnllie stock Rnd ehattell! ;~ of) Jl1m!!8 A. and ail deSlrabl o l100tlS """l1l1y fonntilll II "11\'iol\ltu\',,1j"" ... ",I •.-N. Y Tribuno . . _ "_ ,,~~~,,. ~~ OUDrch, next Sunday morning, at ~ " I" - S ~ "Ih "' f H e S IIr.t·el""" c' L.bliMjllncl1~. \VI' hll'l" "" n.hler.,1 it ,"n'HI !f the .I ,,·. t of W. VAN NA~IKP.. M.n. 11'0 Dubl'lll Ireland In "er .I e J I 7 O'clock . 10 o'alock. , • u U· 0 In~Ol\ v ml e on ;" .0 urv y . <I,," ex, Ilnge •. " ''']11 wOI·lh,. , op rOMolltlLti vC . 01' NII'V ~OHK, They h".e '''"0 Ol,nned .. • ... .. • • par t ure, W aynetlvi'11e Ioses au ex· burg on" SaturdBf' o· . ecemher !.!2. "t . tlf tho \V r.t.-Pr""IiOil I F·""ner. P1,11"'.1,, liB" locBcd BI .I~II :I~III :> tl·".I, Ph ilad Illhia. Thirty·three years have pae· An l~pJeaIlB~'t passenger io cellent citizll~, .and ~ne whose in· A . T: Subi, I,llaue"ib~~~,r. ; Large lot O"r K"".". Ieri cl"l •• hnuld real "1Il,,1, I'" .. ..1"'1'0 hr· will 80" r"tj,'nl . f.O ID Ihn first ••d S'l'nce tbe I' ntrodllctl'on of Dr.)a Btreet car IS a crY,ID\ Bilby. In flu. ence and mlOistratLOns have al· , of valunble stoc~T• . I. . _ priol. in II", I,illh ,,1\!Im 'ler lI11d sterlill g t lill' ~Ihh lOr . 11,,11 '""IIIto: A\I cillO •• or .... D B A : " where , lit ~Il hOUr8. th"J ""ill serro 11p 0 " '- \\furth ' If their !S tAt fli!C' ric u!turu l p!lJ>c r .Ohr'mi(' !)i@;e,'u'o "' [tucc(!" .. fu ll y tronr.ud . ~ll\g. Bu11'8 Googh !I.rD~ Bud it still ~l1ch cases . r. ulls ~by Syrup ~aytl been for good. May ooth· mr.eo\Ji·e . -.,ndwkho_. · C •• &c .• ill the "O"t Nulil,nrl T.i .. r.l't'lek .Tllur",,\. . ..W. cl, •• r. lIotic 1I.'l m""L.~iI'IHI. I'IIIio"Ls al Il di.laM&: .... ~Dn·f,·val. n'c 2" ceu· sbould be g. IV!!O. to the httle Befferlog bot peace aod happiness attend W balmy. mllono, !lad", ", .. onkhl. &. full y crodit it with .buin/( one of the .b<aL a.", WIilO K\·ml,lom•. ~ nd hll\" ,olllo.I;" . sent • . . . .-.,..... U, . . . •• trOD bl ea. ~ °15 ceota. I,, wherever abe ma., go. - Tbey . UI'.urQ"l ob , IIII'""0 '.-ll lltOD·lal ... ...... . " .,.... '1 . er t 0 ease h. . But look a littIe I 0 ... b!rmincd IIL- I to ploaftO Ibe~ublic, ed'ted, l lf 0 IIr WCO! tera 88'rIO xo an· IIy n.1~1'1. I' nmp II' I e. onn." • Ih """'"..... . 80 11. t em a ""ra Rapport . 8·6 gtll.-Spirlt of tho ~Imel!. N. Y. . nr ~u rn ,>•.rl .•••nl Io·••~ 10 nnJ' .adr... .. .
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1'10 I ' A""T -.[
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Sick Headache. for Nervousaell, for Lame Back or Side, for Eryalpelu. for Dlphth erh, and Sore Tllroat, for Chil-
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S",nlng huld upon Inlclhccnt 1"'lIenll t\at' tlle Y dcm.."d n mnre polCllt remedy. Tho dlSco,""ry or LAn . ON·S CUUT1VB was & priceless boon to thousands who have ~ curc-ci, a",1 I he thousnmls who are now IieinC rolle, ed oflhe lr ternble &£Owes bcuwilliag; t"'llnony 10 IlS Vlrlues. lI ere \\ e a CUR ATlYB agent which th nu~ h npplled ulcmnlly cxerl. a powerful nnd l>encficent InAuence on Ihe whole nerYe ,>slem-a remedy of IndlJPUlnble eJlicaoyseldom fa' hng to arr~ rd prom pt relief In r:Ud or acute or cbJ<lnlC paws 'II the: uervea. or muscles
It .... I hrou ,, 11 'VUllo .. ' {,lInlla4 lit t Mceu lhe prill4 III BI
T o FABlulRa anrl f' lrlll c r s' " JH' , und "II t!lIrged ID IIgllC II I tur.t1 , i;~ h orll\;lIltnra lind indust rial pu r 11I1 1a' 'I he prospe r lly I1IIlI su ccr's81 ______ ~--_-Ihu R URAL NE90 YOIUtE lt IU1 VC GI\~"'" ""11 ... ,1 • •L,.h "",roclf ' Varer iii lind I , ,,,her Yar.]. o"ru cr 0 tlunhlt!<1 th e propn1!tur t (. pi e 6CIII (l llutflUer of ne w alld I I! III II kahl Norlh ,lid II .ter , t neb IcaIU -CS, nevel befut c cOll trullcd by W ALE \ I LLr:. 0 11 10 1I11} ul h o r Jonrnal of Its cln t! 111 1 - , \ merlcu 11 18 lor 111It! 10118 ')11 thut l .tli I',rsuns lire Ill y- t ed III selld tOi l h, .k .... 11 ulle QJUII.h ' " ro",1 .U( , O 0 - 1 ho•• ,d,o" nlll • " eo .I".ker or \1 U II t ICC "pe elmc lI ellpy, I IIBt t Iley ta ch, U'e unr p, ep' '" 1111 N o clll'l m '0' IIln)' J'I(J ~() for tb t ll1ilehc v I \\hu l up " UI. ~.nllll ' C IIlie l 1 1o " . nroliOn
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LUIBBR Ill~~:::~~!':.~:r~~·:':~:'!~;'!~:~.~~.~!~Qnd
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Rheumatism or Neuralgia !
Patent and Common. Weather BoardlDT Floorm17 do
l o1Ul \\ fllch the patu':lll OIOIlC suffers, but In.
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An Experlm en ,... 1 } .rm (O f e'.rht> t\\ O .or.. (worked IJ, l"aOl , .. I E'I",,, ml nl o.. ) A~n c ullur"l Iltld G .rdp.1I S • d~ Itnrl .... )" Ilb 'JllStOO 0 11 It.,.. ,wn ~rut1l11to( l '") 1,11f1tnb utcd E re e 0U1 0n~ II~ KlI U"orlberR O r q.('1II ul . d e li' Klnl ~xp\:rllll t nt t! fh u Dc"'t rultn t \ Cf emvli)yed III A11 H.' rltl l ,, 11 1 oa ntrl" Ite
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(1 I ';M J\ 1"pl r f r i:' tfllur!t ~n (l Firm I.' rl' \l; t \ e,. fu r F hl rl"'L"4 Ilml H IlrllO u lturI"tl'l GRl:E ~i BA CKH II ", Hr-t tum t o Imtko 1\0111(> h ' PPl 1 ul1 l ~l l1 r k(' l H. 1J4 rllt f it h weC'k frc In NCl\\ York r"OI t llo ut'u, ,f tho ppople 1\1 u "u .. t. 111 callout ll thcl\~18e be "' 0 \\l:1 1 set C8 s O , erv X IH' l1 ,tI Vu '11 I '" b l rt t.: l r I hllt mel ChI( fl.!'i tn Hlf u " n U.. p \rt er14 th€! Govr rnllH nt .. C lu nnt fl c ll le-" Ihll,$llcr I KIl.lgl.' A ll Qu, .. d 11'" fulh 'Uli'" p r '" A paper 1 hey W(1nl I I I,o " <, \ <' r, r II"llIb. ," •• I,d ,,,. I~I(C"I'IO I pri ce lor IUll h Cor nil }o ou, pn).(o SlIpplCIIlOlltA D I E er y e Hpl cdnll) c nll attc liliun tu th e 101 "d.] re,,,"g II IJ Nl I< t.:&) I ur D,e, . or8 filII II f " "II',nnl prn«II"t 10 or a l y nqUlrer , p a r , 10 \\ 11Ip: II \\ te lltnrc MOIII "trCe L II.ocklllle_ O _"_t_ _ _ __ _ l he V '~ulIlL'o G.r l, n """Pl h>lLy T he \ weekl Y EnqUirer, • C, IIclflO"1 tl l-i 0 ,," 11 f f the " orld ('I \\ cok Eighty Iwo lIeres o f tine land a 8 (I' mbr.elll!: "l! Top'cs of L' ve [nlcr.-t.) Fret If l~ " II"o 1111 Expc llmelltul Furtll , \vh e rc nov "<i f M .n flln III .ll" Ill . " ' ," II)t1ll el",o KXCL\; SI\ E LY FOR TilE LADIK8 ;\1!(l1\' ""nwd
lllt l e~ are te8 1ed 1I11d re s ul ts p nb
,,,".d ".11" "'"
(" n"t} 6,. II nt !:lend for speclm rn "'1" •• Ftfe P "lleM or Ll te Mlry lt ntt~r W o J(1\ O 1-IL ' III rC' r r (' .. r 1\ h dr t hi_I II d ( In l " hcd No Ico bbl e ,s lull o' fnrllllllg PIC' e .nd mnko "ut-< Ir hllPl" Addrc •• • 1I11.Lr,l t d F". htnll Arll ole. \\ lIhclILp 'pcr FAu AN .. M LEAN P bl hel s 2-ILl I , k n'llll ' h ilt . 111".11 " , ""II, DeSIrab le Heed~ o f new flo \\ or8 NUHLTY Co O!1 d""bu'[l N r ;. w;. 0 [ , Q 18 I 1 - 1l" l l rC I OI Ih nUl tl .. p 4lll .... ..:.--- -- 1 Ittc rh~()fl" t dlnJl"t» ) e,. I\lId nrllf'l(t)l;o n CIN I~N4II 0 111 I ~- " . ,11 relll.' 01 1 I III, 1\ ,,"I • III II~" nnd hOlo} plll nts uru prvpagllt d A ( Otl ,110 md If.ctuol lI .. u""I",I'] Dc(o Tltl<>nl\lId FlII nv Work ttr" I hepntlru papC'f F ln rl ) l llut'trn tf' d I __ r __ ' - , f,_ ll\'i Il lII Ik hUlr'" ft gl.~ ... \ II xtll nlld 1.11 Inbu ted frc o alll Olig s ub • C U," 1,.. 1 bllx nly L et E"nh .d, .,".] U K h i. nlille W e tl'- All ... ~" k uHler/hrr /o, lS?S p" It-I,. " I'" '" ,,~nnl t I r' Ic n he rs 1111elCeled In IJllrll c ultlirc ~loy A.Jd,c•• DIt PlElt \ Ogdcn.llurH \\ 111 for" \T\ Ilt unrc R "pf'cIR.('u . . n p"" fr ee 1 11I~ III :Hh"ncc I\ II Ct l\nvemh r I 18/j w11l 17- l r ".1 111 'tlit l it 1 lIr III,u r dm u ti r hen IlIlGE F O lt ' OUn.<;ELVE ' II~ '""AI •• WEEIiL\ rOIl ,.." ."I ' ~- rl~, "cor .11,11 - " e 0111, • •,. lp Funr page S ... pplcm e nts I@ ue d In ( luh~ tlrnnth R, fl10 On e r e 'f ..2 l ol rbl ll ulU; lo JaoUl r) l iU 1 7~ ,\II ROI1r It I !Ill ell' 11I th lux"' lnl (' null (',lor trolH lime to tlOl e finely t1lustra tcd ';.;~~~~,~~i lD~l c ,," btt Oflpt w nrf. t l 30 or *2 50 Threo (" It \ 1 0 1 o f rtll II ur IWrl I HI! It 1\ I til I~ IV 11 1" _ und HII~d "lIb tlnl o ly practical bUlDan mdu [ltr) fur", ,,,I" 4.l wlth prllCllCI\1 muul b. lrllli Hu1 HM'ph.n (1,' rent: I C lMIlIN EI1 ArEBS--4 T il YEAR P C'"'(III. " 1. II d"'1l II. I "1,,,_ II I 'h II &or , . matter reOt l pt., proee~cfl and r hnblc I llf r tnl""4l n m RA L NE W YORKER 10 1l0 I( r ... 11 • I( H'e I 11 .1 th" l. e \10<1 , • pcelal contrlb u'tors fro m am o ng upon ony do.ired su"Joot If ) uu '''0 pll Z 7 DUlinu .. treet New York C ~untry W " '11 , . I lJ I L 111 11" "ollf "" I -10 I II IL " dod on Any 8uhJect or ""nt K rOf ~ I pt fur 1'" IIlId r ~ hi I t\ I I o~ iI) \ rv I r ,! tI-' r th o beat tal e nt in tb e c o un try, IU I1nylblflg enclose ON E DOLLAR 10 R ro I A I·.e .... ' .... '.£.uoIII' 10 Ever)' I1fI!~ \\lIn,w but th r III H n t h,rll 1lll r u lIIli r tll ! eluding vruce rs o t nenrly c, ory ag I(,ol.,rc,l lottor to A D n AI" M A F R I!illb8erlber I Lv 11&,. en I Lh.1I '" IIItlr,,1 h .ur r; w I. o BMokvill e Or\turl(l, \\h on you r ' wunl8 grlenl turnl Oolle~ j prr \,u tt h l' rllilU K (1111 II l.llurd " l lrIlH.. w, lI be oomp'lIcd "'th. " nd th. moOt """a G l D D'ftl~ .",,~ T lu C Otl1ltrT Oe l,&bm3.D A 11 Ub 1 he rl 1.1I. ,t r III It u r TC e x H.C ll u ru t ~ I r Ill Full Mark et R e p o rts fro m til e b~ InfO~m~ \\8rd c d you ~!l ~!> ~~-~Q~ _ee l l ' II ~11I r"llow lIIg r..rm~ "hen P LIU j hH rtH.Ilrl\\l1lligJl IU IIll t tuIl1o{hll .. ~n rl)o " t\\ O ~r cU[ co mm e rCIal ceute ll!-e~LL8---- ~ Jilil th Itl/ldvlt nce O m eJV~ 0 118 \C , r I lI1trtHlUN d to t he Atn f rlC lm pc plu thut N.HI Y,'rk lind Ch lc&gO ~ S~ "' u 10 tr c n l l<:a flO I\nd .11 IUJ Itll nltl Nt " )", th ,.. Rolled wlllte wheat at 71C Bib, IC' I<\ fo ' h •• " fll . ~ ' th•• 0n,lo r f (ho IUNDUI'I " .UII (Olon R t:14T0I1IUI J'IIO pll~lS 01 hterury Ul!lttor de Propared cocoa 20c a package. cl .b ,. I ' UP ' • $ 0 and "" add lt.on .1 C 'I'J Or O,lt II IIf 1'11111lei" I I , ")" I . t \ l l'O t. tll~ h u use h o ld , cumpl18ln~ Ir e 10 'lit Mende of abe eil lt Th e L ond(lu H ,ir C lur ll.clIth r, r 1!'1 Ull f .1 Oat Meal 10 cta R pound ~o , 'lie •• " I . B. ,h u u prier . ,.. II '" l , ory es tenK,vely "moilif n. y I'"lwnl.,llul SIOll el!. n'udlllg for the young 1111 8 Bllker'ti Cocoa. 3 0 c a package. . Iud." cOP ' or Ih. Annual lIeg oLlOr of Itu f' lU lld. H. " . 11". by Ol) /lC lf. 1 therofore ceJlany t\unday reudlUg Bud dIn s JIll OLD PDY81Cll4J111, ............. rill A. ula.; fIJ a t b 'Ub8Cflbor - DI louk flf HpC ,k fr om oKpori f' ncc trat e d fa~hlOu III tICIQ8 With wblch a M ,," P'IWL' OO hOlvll.g hlld plaood iu Oswogo Corn S tarch, 15c a pac k Hot r 'Il'. Alld . 1 o"L 140 ellgr.v' Dg~- . g,fl 7~ C Ii Uo por boUl e 6 boW •• for $4 , h,. blOod. by Iln ElOt III (Ic~ MI .. ,onory tho Cave O).tef'lll 'r ... h Lobster SalmCln and b y thu I U ' l. heIS In ~DOr of Ihe compl, Sent by ex pre•• to Rlly od(1re•• on r eo Ilre Inrlll Hhed ClIt pllp,er paltj!rns of f" rmul,. of ~ Voget.blu Remedy fu, the Frult t n oMUit Rt l oW'prtt'e Irlll h.German. lJon in ll!t p , ,.,nL w.e~, for m , of tho ceipt or pri ce leadJIIg styl C!!, ai llo illustrated pB opeedyalld pennancnt oure uf Gold, A.nma Whlte.8l1lfalo, OMMIe. Cen CUUII IIJ (j'D LI. 1D o , 'nrat" Quarter Cen Addr~.o all or.l er" to Dn SWA VNR & pers Oil horn e decoration, SIrOlVlIlg CODlumptloD. Asthma. BrODohitil, turf and PIlle T.r S ....pcI • • peelaltT tury , • • .. \ I SoN !ISO Norlh S.xth St I'h,lndft lphla I'll. U. euntlOues W make the trennlne Hlp. I he Cn nnirr Gen~iIIaD po.., .. " •• n u,, · Sol. ProprlOwrl how In ') nnke fancy and ornamental O.\t~rrh ond all Throut lind Lung Atf.o80LO UY ALL DR UGGISTS le8 lIono••1ao Il P08, tl\ O Ilnd Rudl ""1 Ou..., for podromo LIf\iment lUld Borton'. Oough Syro .q1lR16d corl'. of (lurl'l1lp1tDden to re gul ~r Ilrt IC Nervous, lind ,II Ne n ouo Com ul And keopsn lr"lf"r and better &88ortm ont aD,1 ooou,on.l. n IllO.I ~he beu ' .. rmo.. of We IUvlte y)U to 8c nd for R tree ph"nt. Rflor bavlII!! I ho' oulChl y lust..l 118 o Family Groeorlol tban any oUler boulOO . 11 p"rl. or Ihe CO,\"ltJ', ~nd con ' ''DII . rc 1183 1I0CI 8 the pra~ \ conlillloD ond prDg r,ss o( specimen copy "onderful cuntlVo powe .. "' th ou. ,nd. of In Waynt,."lIle Ib e huo"Rndry of eyery oeolloDof the UOI '250 U "car' ID club With th e c. o.o feci. ,t b,. dllt y to mllke II known to THE BEST OFFfR! ted 8 .... t.. and cl.lhz'!! world , J , Ill" s ufT~ rlOfC fc ll o ~ ~ AoLIl Ltcd bv t lH ~ m o We wi ll 8e ll durlnll lh e. e b.rd dlllea. I be Country l "lJlltleman g l~ (,,5 In It .. lJ or MiamI Gllzctte atllliess Apply at Uve, Ilnd 0 COo.",oll llO'" dc." o I.. roh eve thla o ffice hum on ouffe rlng hu will son d .'RBE OF - -CHARGE t., IIl1wh, de.. rc It tl" . re 011 t o:::::i" Sufferers from tb ose tern hI e "lth fu ll dtreot lOns for prup. rlnl! BI..i '11 " And oil 011", ~ Lyl e. '" tbo •• lII e propo,lion Cully tl'ln~ Sellt by ro turll mllli by I heRd , b I1C k aD d I 1m bs, o." pains 10 tie oddrcK.'D!! .t.lll p II. IRm .r th ,. p~per caused by Rlleumatu1n , Neural DR J l' MOL ~lAIN g~a, or other N r.11)o1I S DI8eaat, ()4" I v Ollden.hllr" h N Y Will be glad·o k now that "Law - - - - - - -__ lendu rn
WrI',,,. ",,"
1111 ,_<
.1\ ,
I The '
UP-Town Grocery \
COX8U·.=-=:=P-TI-O-X- !
$mO Pianos for t.i;O,
.."f o n 's Curati ve" IS n c o ml)l o le a il e \"Iat o r of palJl, and CUll be obtRillcd It IS u f 1111 dealers In medlcllle warrunted ,,,he n Rpphed acco rdIng e to dlrecho1l8 I' d fUIIIIII pllli lk ntlOn
(j 1II0'"l l H \ "'
ail\\e,C toIII 11,,1' ctl 0 a por'oll In ever, 'ow n t .. I'ke , ul erl pl! IU ' ~n·rdt'~lc. l~rlle ' l I CKt " Apo. ' IlIu. t,. '" Ihe w, rid Anv
1uU f!c lIIlocoll1 e Il ,!jIC e",. h ll ug~ lIt
"ery d lS tl ess ulOSL elog ,nt ... o, k. o( Irt g" en Iree Iflg complUlDt S"mptoms Rre (I 8ul .c,IIIere Tllo ptloe I. _0 low Lhot .lmoKt J e' or,"ud1 lu"ocrill.. One ngenl report. 638 I mOIsture, like perspiratIOn, Itclllll~ making o<e, ,1.0 III 1\ " eek A lady og' nL IIIteu8e ly particularly at ntaht af repo,t. taking o.,e, 40) luh.crlh ... ID tUII ' b d S I: 0 dAY· All ,,110 'Dgage m.. ke mODev ter ge t hng In e wayne s Int You can do ~ole all your Lilli. I() the bllllne!! Ulent 18 a pleasant and slIre Cllre, Or onl, your .pare I'me You need nOI he also cures T etter. and all eruptive .w.y frOID home O'er IIlght \ ou CRD do It a. "011 ·... other. Full p.rtloularA dh'cc QI8ellSCs S 0 Id by a II Iea d 109 d rug LlODO Rnd "'rill" (ree Elcgaul I\nd ospllnll,e gists Read tll ~ ad v't Outfil froe If ) OU .... nl prodta"I. work, - - -.. 1~ lI d U ~ yo ur addrela at onoe h COlli! 110 No one ... ho en For lalling, I )88, or untImely grey thing to try tbo lIullne-. ll~cI (..lIa to make great pay Addreoa 'Th, hair, use 'ILOndon HaIr Oolor, Ro· P"'ple'l Journal,' Por\I'Dd, MaiDa i torer', exquiel te drea81D1I:,clcllfl and JIook.~ ..... _ ..Are no .. prcplt...,d to mODd OLO rH ES· lIIealy perfumed. T otally dIfferent WRlNGERS or .n kllld~ Th o 1" ,11 put ~~ on ne ... UOLLS ....... t olj\ ones ..nd mltke 410,1 Common Senee. from all others, 75 cents a bottle them In every reHJ?COt SOlid lUI ru\ .... By E B Foo,.., M 0 - A few copre. of Ibl. 'fr11t ~aa tbe advertl!lement. Augult t , n)u.ble Wl)rk for .Ie a' the Ollf'tt. ollie. " '_ _w.(7gllee'e.KtIo~
RB'p.\~J,..gD t t
IEmmmQtt &. cQmOmJan , ---------
Or, ••
iiiliiil.Iii"_1i1ii tal. lUll"" an4 aa..t.aJl i_ ot ..... 100\10 _n4_._will""n_
_... _'I"_
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WbOll Ill. iIba,..
so ... Wrt.. to. _
• _ ... _ R. TI!A8DAL.1t... ... _ ., cUfunnrArZ.
~_OMaT. Cl-..LAR-GE-STI .... • ll, . t ( No ... i. UiAI 'L
tlln o tv )oI u L"'crl Uo fo r the
TO"••'S l'Olt Til t: . 'AU •
1111 MUI kcl.8.
$19.15 FOR $11.45.
", ... . I • 4U 4 II ~ "" Uo"¥
.J 'til
'l' I'llIlst'!'i 1'1
Hoshlll \\ lipid)
I e!!!!!!!~~~
Ill '
1 (!
1/ " ," MDSSH S TIFFANY &. CO UN[O~ SQUARE NDW YORI{ CITY Lhe lea din g J ow c l etR nlld Sl1vClsrnll h 8 In
tha U ni t ed Stalu., h avo j Ult IJre parocl fo r co m plimentary t1lstnbuUolI, n panophlet of fuxty fou r pitgC!f, conla luing a con cl oll"o,1 . coount of oae h oC t h .. r •• vera l departmont. practi ca l . ugal'RLiotlJl rela l lvo to the selecti on of preR.nls t or L ac1les, Gentl emen or Ohil cl ren, ane\ U. t. of 3I'prop artloles, that cnnnot fal l
Preparedby H, R, Stcvcns, Boslon,Mass.
to bo "ao,vloo to ponoll. bnvlIIg gin. to ...lcet for W edding, H oUda y or o th er OCOa lon~ They will NOlid It b y mall, po,; t"ge paid, On r~uo~ L ADDRESS AS ABqVE
- - - CANCER.
.r; 1.00
Osgood's Hehotype EngraVings. e"'&tt •.,~.t lum. CJ', ull or,.u" r."'JI
Onn JJollor f!nd.
1 r k.
Sf' ",1 (or rol .10 I Ie.
JA1UES R.O, GOOD & CO. BOST9N. M ASS . • 00 $1.00 :Ji 1. _ TCllclICI'~
of '0('.1:'
For Parent ChIld Teacher J.lastor Fnend
\\ Jfl1'NE-Y &JlOL~lES
ORGANS. Tile Flllu ll Toned Qlul J/mt j)lIrable illade
It.'11( ' III!.)Ji'\'NEYfH[ CREAT MEDIC 1'1:[.,
110",,-"ohl IIln,1IL.
1'/11111 JOhlllly, Cll k ".-OIlI ( 1I 1'flll nll ll r l1\ O t ill fil l " (lillI/III Illr lll, H I\ ' I1I 11 0 t...hl oril'u onful .ugar, (1 !lUll I Il • " 1" '"lIfuIIHKI II J; I'QwrllT
l lil ful
( Ilr
til, 11'1 11 111
WHOLESALE NoUons &~lrniSIliIm Goons.
ll] ~A8 T.
ACENTS WANTED! 11 1 TI ft I 1 111 , f
11 '
"nm,",n,. !liWrw 'urk CAl,, ; (b h ..,~. III I :\." Urlt una., . ....
11 (' 1, , " .
I t
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AL L QR() EllS AtnHORTZED TO Ot}A ItA~EE IT l'UU, WEfGT:lT AN'n An! n J,UTt /,Yl'1:lltE '1 0' Uoy' ii, Huml 60 ooll\a (or \) lIol'ound ClllQ W lWy¥< BJi:KtNG fC;>WJ;)IO ~9,,",4lIT. No1fYorj., fIIlfl$b1~FBQOI'~Ilf~G~ •
'1~I\lBI;J{ If). IS77.
\TI "NTIt ('O,.flT
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n 6 W.
ril E iliaD IItt
orllh lit. c lll!lp 1 ~hall come figure to h r ~o you l!OOD, !Dlly I lIot til Then l!ClClUg tI c chIld h(,8It"to<l to reI,ly she ndd cn Arc you n(rlud paps WI I obJect ? Tell hIm chanly has uotillng to do" Ith II but It Is for m) own 8ftie, IIlId bCCIIIISC J ou rcmlllli 1116 of some ouo I 10\ rd YMrs ago, that I "ulh to come NomTI WIUI a hospltAhle little !!Oil I and th beaUlJfullndy had completely \1011 her hearl 1'lIpa Will be glml ttl ee you, 8he MId SI Dlpl} nlld I too fhnnk you denr 1 I hen mO\ ecl h) II "lIddcl1 Im!,1I11Kl II clud) ~ t oo l)(d clown lIod kJsacd her 'I bo coachman looklllg on rubl d III~ t'HS, 111,1 tholl![ht lhuL pc rhapfl orah "lUI !!Om(' hule pnnce.8.l' 11\ dl.gUIFe Aml l!O.1 e \I 115 nud h) II r g;hl DInrn ro) III lhnn thnt of bl ood ur DIoney Whllt clllid WB. IhnL Y llll{'~I\Oned th e "Inte haired o ld g('nll(,1111111 1I~ Lhe IIdy took her SCAt III th e cnrrlllge lind bade Ihe coachmall dn, 0 on i:XJme beggar WIth a talc of,.8K Lhllt tOllched yeur sympnthy T He looked lit ber fondly, and III n millin e r th"t showed 8ho was tbe 0110 \V01II11ll of the "orld to hIm Not 1\ beggar and tho Indy 811L1led Ind told how Nom h hnd rcfu8Pd the 1lI0nc) lillt th e child Intere"ted me strnn,/elv She 11118 oye" like those of tho httfe 1\orlllo I left w J r<'lu, ri nncl (or a DUllllte I hlld a fawl h n!,c Ihllt Ill) ""nreh WaR lit lru<t ended Bllt her filth er 8 name 18 llrad v Anu YOllr8 "&1\ 0 Connell RIlld th e And It "tiM 1I0t he re, but gentlemnn to France that be mlgrat.Cd • I know and & touch of Impntlcnre camo Into her vOIce It was but (or a unDlllez as I BRld Afte rward I un ler elood how Imputllllbio It wat!. !'Ihe I "on sighed llltterly nnd went on der If tbl8 IS to be the pUUldhment for my 8 1n alld folly-that 1 nm lI over to kllow the fate of those I deserted That glrhsh Bill Rnd follv as YOII cRlllt dear Wife ha.~ been eltpfllterl long Ilnoo wu thc answer Let the past bllry lUI rlcad Do not mllke vourself ml8Crable by raklllg UI It. Mhes I 11m not unhnppy .he !Yilt! softlv Wby 111,( nld I be j F very w,.h I. gratIfied save one--Ihot o( reconelllntloll NORA.H'S NEW YEA.R. WIth my pllrenUl and perhaps It 18 TIght thiS .houId be denied me It WR A New) enr 8 f'\e 1 he street.. HUll Oler occurred to YOll thlll Lhe) we re thronged "ILIt pr<lc~trmn~ the Jill mav be dead l' IUIked the genticlllfln glc o f ~IClgh bellA wn~ (I\'llr Rnd anon loolung at her eompallllionateh heard and all tho world scorned to have " any tImes sho answored Hut fcu gottcn carc IIIHI tllken II hohday Ie nnot mllke mY80Ifbelleve It &lmo nil t nut!;Q Thoro were sad facea tblDe; 80eme to tell mo the, are li Ving Illnong' the merr) ones the poor and and In want \I rctched Jostletl ap:lIlIlst the gay and Ob tbat IS becall80 the ngcnt \Ie happ) and lhl s hfo picture like all sent ever to Irellllld told liS YOllr fnther othcr~1 hnd It« d Irk back ground bad 108t bla property YOII wOllld nat[.0 )~)ng til It the hrlllmntly hghlA!d urally thmk of him lUI J?<!O r after thllt ' WllltiOW ,f n c IIIfectlOner stood a Itttle Yee and when prIde I~ Jomcd 10 IlIrl ioN fi co billo WIth (old and hllngerl poverty, tho struggle 19 the harder her f')C~ "I ~ lflll \Ilfl pathetIc She han Father Wt\ll a strllllgo 111011 .lern 'Illd I)n n light c ,1 100 drC811 ~hoes that were haughty alld obstmllw bllt IInder the too I Irgo fflr her and I strange kmd of bal"llh exterior Ind one of the "armeKt gllrmen~ h L1f .IIIIWI, III4If cloth--eo hearts that eve r bellt 1 can ullder \\ orn and plltchell that ono could not stand why he left Ireland 80 8uddenly, IA!I1IL", origlflal shllpo or co lor Her age and covered up all tracea of hIM flIght, Willi not 0\ or IIIne or ten, yet she seemed lest thQl!e who had known 111m lD pro&more like 1\ hLtlo old woman than a perlty shonld wltnOIl8 In8 hUIDIlllllon elnld Thoro \\08 an R1r of wl8dom 10 He could not have borne that! It would tho \I a) 8h tnrned her hClld, and have bccn the added dr(lJl of Dlttornell8 wnnkled up her forohead and pre_d that would have clloked 111m Dut her hps .tOgether, 118 at the mother ~u different 80 meek and gen cOII[ectloncr'~ cllndles &II If tie-. RDd ~&II the only bVlDg p4;l'!!On who slie lhought them all lmew ho~ to manage hint EverY nne at the ~umo lIme 1I?~:~:8~~t~~il ell10 \Vas l ure to _ tIio 'If~r8t !1d~ of hiS Once or t~\'Jce the ehii 1!1·;n'.II.tIlJ'e lIatare \j
Mr SlDlth h ns arrived III toWII lind I. lI ell -Dr/ro,t F, u p~,,, No, ijlr ~ntllh l ij III Burlington blllld drunkIl I k E'IC WhRt n bllJ!C slander I SmIth I " here lUI sober liS UKUIII -Darrbur', \ "" All you (ello". I\re nmtnken We 81lW Sm Ith lit the colored ch urch \\ lIlt 111M fllmlly of blnck Snnllt. -P,II. h " Y Uautle That 8 another I 8m l th 1M hore on"peeled of hol"llC steaUmg.- 51 Lor... Timt~ Worse 811,1 WOI'llC ) E\ ery mnn III Toledo knows thatSmlt.h I . here nnd J 118t gOing to be married - Black; I:3llll bl undering SmIth 18 here already marrled and wlshlng be wRlIn t - Afor rr~to 0>1
\VosympatJu7.e WIth
l::!m lth bllt he 19 not m Mornstown he I. III Hartford and ID JaIL - GOllrant That s n plcce of current news that \Ie know to be falee We SIIW SmIth (It was before our, dinner, too,) and he Willi IllIXIOUHly inquiring'" here to dlI'Cet a letle r tLUlt I'Iould reAch any member {If theold \I lug party He waendvI8ed to8cnd It to Aleck Stephell" -Balt'mor~ SlIIt Gentlemen you IIrc nil wrong or dream IDg Snn tb IK III New York If yen don t belle, o U8, look In.the directory -Ntlo York Afa" Smltl 1 SmIth f You Olean Smith's WIdow, dOli t you 1- Jl'o''CIl~ler J>r~l.. YOII rc another Smi th 18 not 111 the directory Be Hill tho tlurd -on the .':!'Ucq fQrce -~rMm Why, dldn t SmIth go to EOf('JlIlT He III polrce comml8ll10ner, III11't bd-Neuo York Herak/. What; SmithT 'Why, be 18 In Yonkers we SIIW blm carrymg a baby lip \Vllrborton Avenue J7eatera.,. afternoon - YOII~ ~.
?liM KRlIlUINI:! !illya before ~lt e was JIIorrlllll Kho nllillye looked ut u III1L1l'~ boots first, \lnd bUlled h or IlIJllllon at Il\m on theIr II(lPeAmncc !'Ihe don' t fool away lilly tlmo tJlllt '~lIy 110\\-110 If she sees n 110110 like II bello('n lIght ho don t cnrc whotller It 18 CiLrrlod ur(,m nd by woouen hoel! or patont lenthCf9 n t.lIb plllln Epghsh In, ixl~p Clll!e8
pl.·.·Mu u'l.
1~. 15
-w 11 .elv iug vat ,·ur () or· 0 .. . .I G;'\}RGE N. WERNTZ, . '--. • I \lu:g IIv,," Ilt ~rclltly ~d\1Clld rat9l1, I _.111 II Y"ur I 1\11" 01 'lUI' IJrI ..tlll llti ealldll!Sllt FuTl' . I ill oru"r tv lIuit lhl! hard timl'. U(',. tlh\ ~'at --!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!! ~-Uu tv l"'iry'd rur glu Cure. Cov II, c oi'd! ulld I' ,,'111011 willhi llg tu pilrcha e ti nd it :~ J~Jnt 10 tu, I, , . 'rrile. 0$5 ola. I II rOjJort VJ~-;!I1J' j,' ~~ W:!J 'If U· " !/IUC.Hl8 wllro. Hoo Ing OgU9h Pai n. 1\l llIl'i . ill tul'Uilt t() givlllld ill ourly the \inoillnuti GuctLu rel lLtivu.. f~ lIy H !IlII '" H r.ka ono ~t~~'t It' ... VU.I.KV 1' lt lolll~"''' ,'1I1 ' :< to \I'T'~T '11.: -- M,,, 1'.Jbd U ,IIIIII i, vel' v ~iek I<'all, lu I' W " ' ·. I ·"" ... I.I<, ' u In t~e ChillI, "nolplut sllch IVII\ Ii/.(III'<: ""0 will .-111 IIi :-\Ir'''Jt. 1I~,'r \I"hl 0 ~qU 'I'll ifuCtD 110 ~~~D ~JRR~YWHERE. 1\1 " " ", ,," h'•• wi lli ('.ltl l' l h. h m by III un I 11,,,, ,11,.. ",,<1 'nI' Y ~ to"'k f O IlI1 ~ ' 1"1' " . • Itllt Itll I ' It. III IUIII!. C" J . '~ L'. UII UtlSIl U It umde 0Ia ~lIbf\ .. t .lOlrJI\ · 1' 001 ~1111'1 I' u( ont Con, umpllo n. unp WIlUP II "b , Ok ' "n. P t I ,.hi,'h ti h .. "" II """l"f,e t .r·, \111. , "" h ,, ( LiI" ~ B e ttles Doub Wovd, le the I1l1d aI.. t~, l!:ldert., B."'I .. , l·d~w~. · Sue Il IUl' of, tll any.., parUll ., ct. u' \h'''-' rel'a.r a on, ~ .L)'le. ii,lIi,flo,i,m l"rll\l" .\' - Mi8" /':1'u ( lltanl\ I 'r ievieiLiug I in illliuti ~(! ntl w\.\u 80m I Ill'!!. RollA:i .q'I~'II.IC .'IU'1 fI .· - Ttoe ~y'd i LJ l 'IIIIlu, r UII MU 11 rUIl"irilll,lprompll), " 11 1\,,11 . ~KI . BDA~ Iti nlc8 lIulI,ko I It , ir ci~ur ill II. sit· I n. prde~ Ililt your rundc;8 IIII1Y " \Utlitll\' lI~lrt rUlIl ~ ~~ l' Ua r Au u~l",e.~' '' ••t . [ ,.,q.n~ 2cl 1110. I1t~ til meu,"n' 'he r urfcoLf'i tt illi! , ~ D> II ~ l'}!; I)()l'ly I' isited in . til1j.(r')(lnl. ',~' ith ' lIIt .811 BUild y of e~ II m OIl \ II . Loll' Htl"'I~ MOl")" • - ' Mr. ' ins ~ .\ h,· ~~!(\ yo\ir 1J m. rc Q)~ r udily uuderll . ~~~1t, .lu,.\u , I tho CIIU~ hltt. ,,11 11 '""""'l,k. I !illtlda)', II I a,'.1 ~~~~ CI,III1It'tlll al\lI'l II • "I.V\.I' . )1 udt!lpIIlIlU. I~ U UJ'ltllr- . I th\lIllt~HI I t 1 ~VI II ,Ju&teuy t IIRt ,.. I(ARY·S p , E. IIU1WII -o"rn o, of - - Mr, T hu m"s Bn rn tt i ~ J&UE ' W IIU~t' S M D Third "",I MII.... I IrclI"'. lUI Ro,.. L Olli. an iu val id from rlle ll mnti tl m ' llt itu they cl ll..'r IIsk Ill'rllli swn . or rll- Mr. W lOci lltid 1118 V.' I ~ hllye be II ' ~UUla:O"o4T~'; V " Have No Further Premium on Gold I tirn \l nt 01' dour8. ' 0 11)'8 ODe who. 'p,arlltod .for,1! ~1l0 mon ths, s l ~e hll\"- , O.h"'M. lWulu,. Dlvl .. e ... rvice nory two I , , 'l , 'l l' aD ' Oll DS J W . hlUl b 'CII " 001<801\ SlIlId .. y ".cnlag. 8uad"l'"llOhool II lUile \lbij('rI'c r. IIlg lelft h,m. ~lIti 1' , , • t\l~cthe , r Wl tiJ It er lind ~I rtl Way _ 'I , '"' 't II r .J Ii .~ 9 ... III, every Sunday n ..g . villi tcd id CiJlcili11)' nat i III t week, Olh "~,I",,.. IOulh o r 11M ... II I. . . ... II r, oru, urmer Iy t Wtl. dllug htcl'i! ' cCllpied a rooUl Ull Duuk, , M . I. " I , W",u n"'" 010 •• • Ihis 1,luoo. hut Intterly uf Jo'r . T h t~d st reet, whero she lo ok A ~ ARD of Directo rs i8 being 1 -[~o to .the ~! d DI'I~g.St~re for of III 011\"0 lIuu ... 7 1.2 1 " U 1.2 , ; .11 , I I 21 .2 mOll t, hus fI"If! hit! iJlteresL in ihe l 8c~v lng to 8uppor t herself Ilnd orgalll ieu here, ander the aU8picea l ch~a p drug.s, pCI I JlIII~r}, lIotl" hl'r I r \J , 7 tv tl 1'.11 'l¥r <fI1'.. ns. ¥ J o !I I'll (I( uf thllt &. ~<fI A D ,f.,Il Aftt .. city nlld pur ~1~l ldren. At th rcqLJ~t of " e~ I- ~ R013Er of t he Penn Motaa! Life Insuran ce tT~ F~f'uiiNAS ~ ~fJ Q~~MW ~ :-~r. fi lel,lunl Hallle8 blls heen h ll~ed the Mllehg on ( Miclt ~~~ ifllll) In ~~~~~ ~ nd , I went to b{'r rUOJll, olle ul· 0 0. of P UIlII. PrOW ilJ ODt t q nlto Iccule Ivr II wee ~ ur tw~ pu . , ___ t, R "pll hl it'a II , I)f wLich ho wil U8. te,rn ~tI~ Inst wt!()k. fur tho P":I ' ee tb se ~h o have wade. a.pPIlClUtlO ~s l ' . - Mrs. Dr. ~, ~ i1 ~ l nmso II OM<EOI'A'rIIIO WO ItU\'C [l Iurge s tock j ust bou~ht at t/l d presen t Low Ratel! / o'r nI8,\'i~ ' ,<lIUl llcun t r I ill Jllilullr y, W uwish ~ i g lVl Dg her ElmploY lllI'nt ~dlrcct· l p for pollcil's a re S. S, HalDes, Duvls Itl ng her BOilS III Elltllwuod 118 1"0 SU BIl! ORI OASII . , Kun· him uhnndulIL prusperi ty iu hi' new JUg cnv plupcti) , lin d 1 hlld Furlilla, Dr J .W . Haines , Williaw ISU6. .lust he· om"" hOUr< frum II} ' to II ). A ~(, ~ ' to ' ,mterpr iric. CUIllO scated , whon I \\'11 in tl' rrll pt 5 1'.>1 Oornell , D r. Rohert Fnrnas, A a ron . - Mr.! . •1uno Tta l,llU n a rrived -Or ' t 'r b'lr'I\' t II C I ed by Mr. WOOld willi Ih rl' \\' OpCII " ' " . Chall d ler, li nd H onry Me K ·tn sey . Ihomo trolll um". ~U 2 " d,~,,,. " S,n"h !; II hi nf R H"rrio 18 B"nk, as I tl d l'l lI luticl plllil III t I hur. · E n1jJUriu lll "I Clld wlIJlauo!', J annoy Ie · U 0 I' I GOII, W.,," \' NS!lV'L I , It, O~IIO . V&~~~~I ~ The Pum Mntual . nudcr the S II - dny . uor, all d .egnn ~ .r"U.~. \: Evurlv thnll evc r werc knowli abuse Illltl prOftUll ly, dl c" a IC l ol· ~~ __ ~__ ,~_.. perv i8ioD. or thi. Boerd. loon8 mo· . ,-~ ~ - li lll1liltoll tl culcbrtlfed homc. ~ct,m', • L.. lldJal e Illuslins lit lI)c" 1 ver and ordc~d 000 rrn~n tho ruum, '\ ne Y on real le itate for three yellMl, mude Tll ffy Calil ly lit tbe Ol d MAR LON RIDGE , Urllg t 11';111111., ~"Id ul 1:·to. U II blt'lI chcd ut Ilhe ~umde time YOII.ltll llg a 8 i?er ceu . tho red' I C'n~l)lOl'nblc . . Store. ' nu~ ,I" . ut 5, II , 7, S, 9 lind 10 cOll ta .- 1I'll vcr lin snup plllg I at me, UII J) 1 ~ T hll Compa ny was organ Ized In • M A uG I\' I Unl'lIru lld,.d hllJ'g' lIins Llltle r. drew tite hlllUlI l'r buck tho secollu 18-17, a lld is perfect ly reliable . O ur I. IElAn:a-1IDE1!:.fllllE:R, -.-..a I·~:. IIl "n 1:1 I .1 ." n 'C)rlc IU,; w'ur from 25 35 40 ',('.in IIlIll 75c tim e l>cfuro l l~ft t he room. OJ'" GEN1' LEME:N 'Sc:Cl! \ 0 041101 11'1'. . . . . . . . . Wo4\' l'!":"VI1.r.lI. readOrtl .ckn place full cOllfide llce in ~UIlII LV I8It1U~ Itel' lit lor III IlItVIl V cn: goo"d 811 il< i'" r '511c .. u~ll llll; ita stablltt y. The averag e dividend ,\CUUIl y. I tl.'ll Il nl1ble to give uny rCIIAoD - . l! hI' Ilt 7" Ili d n ('entR V crv tinc i for 1118 cOllducl:; xcopt that he WIlS ~ k .. ~~b r has ~n over SOper cent. Mr. J . -:MiS8~8 My ra Blli ru fllHI l Ull c'l'u lidcu ~h~rt~ ut 511 c~, \'I'ouid be plls~cased b ' ij, gn:cn -ey~d mono -l",l£lU "4. Mllbur a aDd Dr. F. G. Cr088 of Dak tn a rrived hOUle}.l::ste,·d a\! fruUl I ) t 7 (1 ' -..J ,,~~~~~~=.~~aewmetnen who are Fre~un L: 8tcr , ano (t 'J ,to IUS8 w. t h sOllle:::> lelll 11 C . ' 'I t . ."'iI· tbe noa rd ' tI· I onc IInu dcowed th is 11 g ood oppor- :::--N' A I I I I f 11 I t HR ' -S ng:l1' R IIro lowcr. Orl euns tuuity -,,, 0-,, 1 lll g o ,oY8l~rI8 .: III 118 puce. -: Chains, Lockets, Pendants, W otlCe 10Fe I,Rr~e to og· alsers, IUI'd 1 rn ul u$sll~ 611 cts. II gflll l1n, (l.,ld cll .. li e ~pp artl to ha ve cnmlllg a \Jfl rt'cuIRr to l huv. four ,'cry fl". tlO~RS for ..,I ,~ 75 F 4KU91lIlENT8.-N ngcllt's ce'eh ra· un u seu t hclIIIl .rr 8 ,or to I 1I) S. u I I 5" F ' 0 I C.II at my sy rll jJ .. I ~(' ,; o l'g~um f.1'1Il ,,.. ' r C<,rw l1I Ri n~ sl JewelrYI Clocks, ;) . . HI· , pitollguin ~ t c llll1rch · tn c mber.! , II llti red Cumed y Comhi nlltivn OIl" IICU, A.' II WII.i.I""r ~ ( ~ . . l 'k I I ClII \ .. Io" c,",' I ,~ 1111 .1 1:1'1.00, MIII(,C" lias tukcn oeen ion 10 llirl'u tell It re Mond ay Iwenin g. to th c /{I'I'UI . - T~'r:~'" rl' l'lIl :u, · .,.\' ; r~ , (\r~ . "]' ~ " 111\:11 I , (' IH. I "'icd 8\\'C~' t CUI'I~" in Jl.. nlotic , IGASTRIC NEUTRALIZ ER! , ~ rl eli .. ht "f Ul1 r ci t iZen". willi \\,11 ... , 11 .l,d ~):" III . gc, .II IlY hecu me IHim\! lavllr,lcs dul" 11.y 1\11 c IUlll ". I ,r t.l e) a le he ,d · 1"',\C;lil'~ "IIU currnilis. I,OIllIIIY. rill· I' 11 111 dec ided ly ovcrse to lwwilllj I Th i. "" '\11 :" 111' " "",1 ,·.,h,,,I,I, · \( , 1111")' Spectacles and Eye.Glasses _. ' ~ i ll~. li;l~ 11 1,,1 Cl\lluod rruitd. Cmn · bull' orarl thiB as one )1' 110 cllse; . . . . , ~I l"~rs ;"III.II<' G 1 'nl 1I.,t ' .. II , J II." " ro,''':" n '1:1 "f )1 .... llr; IV II . II!g thtl lr scas" /I h ,ro lust ~ l'l'In :r , . ~ I n n uurt A luruc " . ' " .~ . . . '" ull d b.t I"rt~ D 11/ C~ l I A'IOlum .lI, II... lor"I" ,o'I r,'--, 111 I'." "Ill' 11, I I " " '1' ~ Wh CI'lI it becumes a u ecCll~i '} bey I'luyerl CUr'ail l lI t' tl ,e )\'UI·1t l~r"lI'' .::>IY~"I ty . I Br·, n'I1 ·. h "".,., SI"' lI t, I :~~t 1· m by .IIIJ a li t! hll : lut uf calilly J " ,,".11 " .. .I "f Thir,1 "",'l'L. of ull J .. s rr;pti'"I ~ . lIlid nuts : ur l Yuurs, --,.::. it R . ENol.!>. 1\\' '')"1".,,1110' Th,. ,1iI1,'r.,,, !Llld ,"Vho.a W ife / UJ' n T II' ice .IttlrJay III Ihl' ti t). , k ln rl, .. ( 'o1 •.ni_ __ tI,., II vl lllu )'~. Ilt .lt u Up·Tuw II Uru· , ._._, I ." t nld tale, on Munda) ' e l· ollill~. IIIIU , - - I'.I'I:r) c,,,,,·, ("rlll orl), k('11I 10,' \1 r Allcl"r''''' ' "r,' ,c, I" n1\. l ' 1111 ,. t Z. FI vU . S- ._, All ,'"r "Oll<l~ will be ovid .. t pri cos IIU belo w lilly that have !)revad UII' Id l ICI'II{ I :I,', I WI'. II c\.: r). II " .t:... Ef Gazt!ttt .·- 1 "lce III )'Imr Iw h"d .. ( M .. A"cl"r'''''' ' ;JC "". . (/I ,'] 1 or· lIot !:ltill W utera Rn n De<: LJ IlIl d 'fh" IFaI r'" bil l k l,y.lcr. . 11e ,1, 'r•• ""ul.II ", ,.. I,lr," -' 01 I " " Ito 'lil 'i.l" erl . BIl Yl'"rti 1'11 1' rl'cl'i I'\'S tI tlll .. k. I pap")' of lu~ t WC\lk that ('"C \If the I W ind mill, lust e~tlllill ": B" lh 1'''1 ' tlll'UI f, e II e\'t:I')' wcd;. Ft , ''ll' V I 'I r:n I --The ChJ'i" tIl HI~ adn:rti 8cll1l'ot biudcrB on tbe PllrsO/lllgl' = 1~111 4\ S l.., furUl uIICC8 wore lir.. tclu~~ . 111101 lhillkll l TUnI' PI'I{E NOTTCE. --Ocu tt.' IICW lllullI il1: lt v)' tor " f tl, ,,,u t'lIt1lJ'jJl' iriillg ~ulltlcll ~~~~~ ~ :Il:~~ ' <v lell. ' : !tunJ t hat the cUIII . flIctll' lll , A II ti ll' Uliltco d id lI ut Tho.I'''·kh. \,I,'r•• "'I"· W. )I1 .... ,·i\l,, ,,ud Il llve pl'r f ect a t'. C" . l' 1111.\ ' clla I I,d I.11111', n .. CIlI. . t . I '. II'l' ~un t ru(:t t0 tl I tilIu . 1I,,'itied "' ''",ilO"I" ul: .. m'''tn .lIlCUJiter6 uf th e " 'IUI ,II I)' HI'" I'X qllll'"d, lit () I I Vl'lIg SLurl',IlIIlI'Y J'e' n~ I )1 11 )I" '~ , I ~ cer Rill Y I'rpul 1I glla '"·I' f"r h"fi'"'' Ie OWl'S. Ihul" T"r"l'ik . 10 .. A""""I RI";','· i"" DI . Ii lid .. thcr l'r~ en lri. urI:: add cli tu !lvai1 tlt l'ms,·lve8 of th c present il lCIII ,·IIO'"jJ.h II l'~ t IIced vlI,r rC!l\u. · I ~ur. T illS Wll8 at ~I.!c "ptllJlt eel1 0nt !ictor!! altu thei r .. I... y" I1 'U ?I Iho l n ' C " " " w . i lllw 10<101 ,,' \1 lit" " Ill,'.· " f A :: r('ullctillil. '1'1 • . a [J . V"tt I n~ Rllr\ " 'r,,' ul"'lIt,u u Ull'cctcd ' tv It .. ; hut . livu, lind -. I t he r. spectllcu " ' n,l ~ t.toll1 u di , d 1". It ll t S.\ I lJIN.II. . we I put on th e ~t ltge I1 I1J 1'''1' 1'''1'111 ' hiri h u u~c 1\1101 L,t tv Mr. W l\ ot ,,'o)·. II1'N, "" ;\IO :-l J) r\ \ , . k I W"I CIt J e )l l1irin~ . •J,)l>lIilll(. &c" ill \\"'Jl' kllllllll ike WBlincr. UT\~ick, I \\' '' uUHl ru tl! IIdd thut tit CIT l~th \)'''' ofJ a,""lrr JH7H . stuc ' 1I'ay t lilt I' t Wil d tu bu Ict tu t IIU IO\\'- th., ed ill lln cllti ruly ' uu6xctl pi iOlluh lUluf ll ur\'c)'s Lllrg:. ii) r S:!,3UcI. ""t~'c,." ",e 11O·1I~ ...1 I ,.,.11 ~ I . ~ ~""I"ck 1" UI'dcrR hy moil I iiI rl'euil'c prtl lllJ lt !lt tl' llli oll . Sclcctioll d will I IIII~ " ~'~'l' r hel'lI ~ IlLr/:e, vll rlcd ur &It. I ca n 8.'ly furt her ,1)lal 1\ pl1l8· l ll. II h.l llll r. be Wu elldvl'su t l,elll ~b i " ,_ t: . DAILY , l'r".iu. "t, IIlltdu I.), us, if Sl' de ircu . li nd Mllti T ' 1 Ik I I' I 11I'Hu tl tlli II ~ lIt I' r('~l' n t, 1I0r thc tercr ( II I of W IlY" l:8vtllc, uru cti o; n gllurnnl cd ill all CUBO~ . BI !tuwel" Touigb t the y uppt'lir ill "'14; c I' - llrlJ'J~ ~' ·.lr,y~ ell's nrc D. c. fl , Itl. ' . JI'<'I : I"ie," Il I" re II"tun i~hillp;ly low. cr, ) Sllioth ut !Je ·WJ,tlu II lI lIcYllIuo n ' .ulI,I' . ""lIlI . do thoplas · I N ()·L' I C I'} t ICIII 11 11 II) ' 1'" A <"':111' ul "1 '11 '. I.lI, U, UlIl " I "I' I t 5 ." t' J I r X . t' "' '' '' ~F., l· rLU·:. " "1'1' I~ " v\I' lilt IIl!ClI I'or Rny OIlC tt'rlUg D T itey II I~o pln l' C\'on' :"l " I'~ W night \If l it is 'II II )'. 'li t , ,, supp Y .. ,' ~"It~ . u C CI1.., 11 yar tll!8 It tt!r ~ , I" '"" lIll'la ili tlULt tll c), cnllllut fin.l Ft:tter IU ld Kcndall thl1l1 lilly OHI.o . .. . ~============== , . otitl::r === , ==~ All I per."". j ~~'~== 1' 1T\, urI) tl I~" ' r.' ~t by ,ck fvruitlJe ui wee k' , \Jr cutlllll IVi'ri ll III hlll1t ~ = n . IIIl W Llllt! IJ ·t· " dnr IlIl!\' .' . . . ,,' t . ,. I" I . . lal''''' b \ ' ~ - II ' " .'.1' I' Il' 1: 1"'~ l: lIt ,or k ti ft u" " ,,. 1'<l' II II ' C" tl'r prugl'am l'II Ch till .t'. r,u w,lh d"l( C!1f,l or ""11, e.1l er Ie II( e\'cr \\,or' o u ~r" the .,".li,,1' ..'.s.m. ' \ 11)' ''''ro"" oiurlll/l Dv Itvt 1I1"llI lI n~, )_all IItll 'lct~ \ e.' il e klt v\\;j " r 11'1 '11.1. tOI' tho 11I 1)~ t itt8C (} Eg~ ",. I,"r..""s lll utlllg l1 111S ItClII lllulIC would mnkc a dtl- ,·iulo.Li"l! ,10 .. ",,, ru in,, fil ii tv gu /lud enioy .1,,, 111 . "i ll bt, 'r".,...1 U' 1,00\" III I'n'pur-: I r Chl'l d tIUU~. IIlI d 1I~1l(1I1 Ul' li(·lctl Ilb.. nlHI lit tlti s I Ii:' rll ll ce of $40 I c~~ UII the plll~tur' l Ln'.I"' ...' ..... IlI1I1 pro'" ·I1' l·,1 I" II,,· 'lilt .,.. , - - \\',,/1,'1' Zell cita lt ,a.tC'.lhutd \\'i tll ,1" lwhllul stlll'l' rIlOiIl. Tho slork ~ ~ uf l in~. his is ouel rellSUII; Ihe uthl'!':! 1Icnt .. ( Ih" I. ",: A NOT JI F.R d ·I~~rncdn, I row oc· .811 111 1' "110 , L'" . . . . . . lit Ir. I' urI's I ~~~I.J~~~ER dllclnl. Ii ~ II U · wate ' l,,· ·. Icwolr\' ,\ . II. Willi"",,,,,, AlI,"rl Dca,I . ·'ro,,·I. . , ... tlvcrwllre, clod s , 0 not \)C t to n"'VO. cnrred ut tb 13 luu v uurie 011 MUII . ,t/ay l: vell illg. H c ut! bil'c:> ,oA. U . l ' ( nr .n ,II '" • ," ,'11 , ., I." to 1'0, .\: 0 .• i dliflil'i"lIt fur all to rullke u 'lliddor' ~eem't to Ih ill k, thut tld j l _mh day ufterllulIlI, Mik e W ise, J UII Il I" III' I';":l'. Olurk. R " hort }' 1:' .""" •. ,tlll lis tilctory sc iI' ·tioll frolll, uud we ru iglJt ~US8 in olll r societ\' , but IIltl ,~! " rr 'In; k, M c.N Ig ' II, t '1' (1 m I JeIt Il... Cr(!IIS t J I t\ulllucI ~ .: I ')' . .• IJ -1, 1'. A 111 m S N o. 22 East Mai. n St ., •• ·~·Xe nia , Ohio ,. d iers. ' . Ill 0 1 .1.l'hRn. " ' I \'I., C ~ U I I'ell d erB \I' II?U 0 11 tl.Ielr . ,tl 10 ' tnt ~ 0 f {) h' I ltoll"'"K,lJIurk. W. . O'Ne,,;I, ():-; , ,\I , Leak, a nd pcrhups ollic r. IlL kl n~ 1\ " II , hus bel: n n l'pvi IIll.:d I nti IU. \ (, 'YC. .I" 11' 1111 't Hen i ,I~.. A . PA. I'II111ry 1" ' " I~tl~ "~ ~ca~ch flf Ch n6tm~8 ' ~l fti!. ti uI8lt ed tl1l8 j)ontrac t. a nti .f \\'tlliu ltuHd. A young 11/ 8 11 nU lUed LII ph 'slcillll ul II s: lury III S ,) 0 11"" J "" u,·),. Jr. ~UU pcr t" , '1. It Cn81Ho Bros. !Iud In pect Rnd should take a kell.8 fro~1 \:Iltl'ovillc, WII B blLdly \' UII II UIll. W.. R. ~1)11' I. h~' I; 'l'e dcci. lillg .lI n thei r purcha se8. tract for tho brOl c~ m t he gen,,~a l •. 1 le ; ).I,s·. --J ol", HBj.;<'l' lII ll n, E II" J.b x rir.:::.~c, of D"CjJ ) ()u can't Cl' rlUlllly llnSS Il mor~y peet to uct w tole, a ~tchet, clt.mrs. stOHca . ano ' ut, Au~laizu C.. .. I'iailed nmuJlt-: 8t lChri.t lllas ir you lIeg cet 1\1 du t111 ~. Il1w• . Wo bel olher artlclcs havlllg . been USl!d to hi R Iriends in Lh is lI oi .. hhllrh lloo • - -: - - . • help on t he wur. It 18 plllu8unt to I ards none und . k '" r llit ~1. E . c.1l\CERT.- Tlte pro· r.nII OIII N k nvw tllllt 80mt! IIrre..f8 were mude u.;t \\ I;e . I'1/ IIy &0 d 811t.81UC ,. 'v I . ' W"Ull nHJ Wtl .; ---- .4 iil!!tllf" uud 6ncs imp ed. But when , oh, ~l eK11Y tarm, I:C.'\I' th l. ' !Iy "dITied (Jut last '1,'IIl~ rs~IlY or,OVOl!wheu will t he gory scenos ceuse to ).IIace, !Ii to bc 8011 lit aU(.lI oI lI , I,.v "'~ lw("r' un IIpprec la' lve ud " ~"'~:'.~i::::=:,~~~.1~lB.i~.,...=_..-=-~~-the IlSSIj.{II(l of l~ubl!rt HUI'·t.' . ' ,' . A...... _ 'l.t...... "fT"--~ -·"-....,~"" Cl . '"'~!!I .tlJ...--L:'~ _. 'IDl'1 . Ii'l l')' fi ll l'!Y l:lI'lloll tod tllO I'll CllO' E "pen,ence teaches .ns. t h n t ,Ie I t1:lI r i, """I'l - -E"qu i,'o 1I1 u, 'ee, wit mot Itis I 1'1l:l. c" lI1l'l'i si~g M.. .by Hundal !. Mrs. t hill~ of thl! IDK ..I.-Furna ~. IllU t of the .ctI8?rdcr s pertuln lng tu dent h Iny~t(lri ,lt1sl)'. I Il~t munth t he humun tamlly cann .t onl h near Ml1ine\-i \le left a widowe , l' lIc r , 1\I rs, Funl,ey , Mrs. White, past. a nd \~olli d bc so ~~~~~~:';'nrton, d 1\1 ; , ('8 R uchie Ebrirrh t Mnttil' Van kiud liS to :....-- --=--1.l:m1I1!t[ffi,it:" . 1lut t heir u i .. t('llce reo mvtll er nge.l n i ve years. mittee 011 A.,I.'thnrpt'. CI'~ I'I:' I, 1111 Jo~btig h t "R~~I\ Willium moved " La wso ' C l' ". tI ization settlo !'l Lh O,m,nil, ht, t ' 1 ~ II 8 ty.u I~e. .'e I - Mrd. Ur. A IIdcr on is prepured 8011, " Cornllt B lid Ol.y ...~n .10110. . II IIU M e~srs. D, It Ebrig ltt, G" ~rca r mel y III' ora Icuttll!!; 1~lU n to su ppl)' thl! IIlibcleu with . , 9 Any l"rlOer cnn hnve I"., ex. W. Ebrigh t , fS iJ\-cr W illiu msorl, lor t hei.r ICCS. W e 11rc WIll ing to the AOO"" o"tic"", for IG relit>!,nnm. added f"n~ vohlldteSver caTu e . F ur D'l)!t· \CCll ent nnd willt:ly k nuwn rCthat l::uy, Hu\\' d"n EYllll<l. all d A.:II. liai ll l:s. to as"ist in allY refor m t lorla all d ~re. 1 h I'U~t IIU remed y Gastri c Nl'Ulru lizcr. See adv lIl III 0 I'l: 111 Cll L 111ft 'Ii' & 'IIl1? T crt i>:c. \\' e !ta"o nnt II prngru m me nt as fur as we Ilre ,ahlo, uut .l /Ro . a .full Ii li n of Collars G'1~.ti~, Tin , SI';i"'IJ, '- 111 bl'tll'l8 , w~ e,ver OVI.IIIJU \'I'h.lch ~O!.llpRr 1::8 mant. ~~. ~ ~ ~ 1\I\IIu I1nd ('Il1.mot . ment ion .11 t: di l· cill l conditi on is uch t hatollr lillun· C,'lI n . (r,,'.. (r·,'.. /',,/lN t l/u ily (111 "'IT/ d . (Mil t 1111 ' ( '- I'.' . wc cun ! With = it. It. A elll~le t rlul Will prove \ - 1'1Ie fi nest q ua I'It y 0 f eran I ft!r. 'II I piccce! in order'', bll t 1111 were not wel l get ulong I\ lId IlI llk.e ,cr· _ __ OLl r , •_ _ _ rica, rui sin s, Ci t roll , prun es , drit.'t.! credl tllbl y dmll': ~ Ipw. h" I~'cvor, Hand .wh a t we bupe to Wlt hOlll I ThOBO mi dnig ht ru aral1.lerB ICVI' II &c. just rece i\'cd lit Fllrr' ... \\' 0 cUllnOlt refl'llill Irom l'a rtlcul ul" whl1t IS Ijue us.· w. O. D I :I I t TI ' It 'I " I I N izi "/! The Bong Gulde ll Stu ir by W II) on 11.8 TdI lIy IIl g I 1In10S' 1\ BO, n n(' W vt 0 I 80Tg I • • lurn allt . : cd Lhcm elves IIl I ' A . S II bv . d 's I . . ' . In order to Introduce our "o-png"e Ulusfnltcd Catalogue (in book r~JtnftlrylUll 0 N OT nt I flDy ,Ir onl' ritiztJlIs . have ~rr errl°tt :Itt 0 lill Ie e cr8, WU8 very Pl'l:t· : , I P uC lIIg signs , . 111 0 1188C8. l Watches, with full ln(orm.,U • on HoW to Beeome~ntebiao4 I 'U'J.. e Mone,. . ~uvlllg .out butl dlllg8 ."lId e l ~ \' u, - The IlIrgcst stock " f Illl lidllY til nlld 8wcdl dOllc fill' olle so yet departe d fu r FI"l'lda '11 ~n. d th is • lI' illt" (O I·. Do"-- b ' . .. ,. ..-ted "'- ~'-. ... to, we WI ,y , on receipt 0 ne Y ....... 1 return t llll!' velu cles I,v the rlluls of lI ew lt · . I'rll cy 811y th is climutc ito ' "od l R""p..ltfully. i?I!'nn tho oiti.,''''' '! ...... _WI' . . . . . -. . . ~ q d thi " Ge\hcr ... ,lh l1 thlul ' z:> gO') d S, I k S, t01' ll' t tt l·t·ICIca, b rus II' ) "' Iof LorJUg rmlillulld g CO su ulI lIsed to \J ubltc cll uug 'II, 80 I'ur, Il'ln"" IInu ,t. ,",unllty 11,," ,1,.' 1' ho w "peM,) sltc ~. RrC' Itk cly to I'C(!tJIVC cs t" "$l()1) OUR v a~e~ ctc. ev' r bl'l 'l",111 )1t'lY d ' '. ' I' t" G d J ' J' • • " some a t tell I lU A NEW BAKE he udt IruLU t I10 OpOI'll 0 f ·...nrOr· ll I'UIII ue rUII ItY t1- ' t tt . , VHyues villc, .. t thc ol d I'cl illMblc I. M' El " I ' d 1\1 I'Y· G.)ou. ' a ' The sl,Ol·tes tJuy lI' il l lo" tlt d n l'" tOI'C oj' Sdk •.,; &. Co. c , iu W"y"",, 'ille. ,,,",h-,v" ""Olw'r 111111 , vy 1~ 8 )I.g It ~II lILLIe th, The n look out fur culdt.'r n"d ~I i..mi . l lf' Pt;., ... h,·ro they ke"l'" fnl ~r.i ll ... . . Vun (Jlc\'c, w as l·xcccd lllgly well 20 ... "y . w N .:w l\t uerc.- W c hllve recci vcu atl e . "" hu.,.1 -All \\ hu url' III nCl'd 01 buuts . exec uted. SO '\'IIS th o d uctt ol' tlie c I r, 11 beau~i flll SO!lg 1I ~:d chorllil elltit alld ~h oe8 will 171t! oc,~t /,(t tll e·I1II1.!. HI''''.!. fillu. it tu tlt oir aU· TU ERF: \\'ILL-b: :orvicc it Sllint 100 " Stl/)e.' ~" a!( cu mposcd b,r !:). valltlll{c ,til g u and Ill epoct Ih e Inr~c I Mid:le8 Eh l'igh t, Fuiry Huwl·rll. . G·,d..:,•• CU ,!!,.,.,ti(,n t l';U" I CUUl C Wltl'!" Ill )' love li es Drcfllll Tum ey . It IS 81lld to he 0 11 0 of tltc i stllck " I sh oo p' llI ltdc . JII.;t Chnrch to. mo·l'ro\\, nig ht. 1 '~l1d nll'I." r" bl ~ I/oorls " " "lilly 10lln,I in to reccl vcd , i "f!:' II curlll,t d li cIt by M e~s l's . G,' MllrY'1i ___ ._ . _ hr"t·ol"o' l,.lnhh.h"u'"L. pret~ie8t song8 1~0\v pt\?l i~hed. All y'l ut Flll~ k cy & ~ i~8i l d ill u't!.. . w. Ebri ~ht 11II~ 1 Leo Cummi llgs. AIERu \, CltriStlll3S to 11.11. m U8 lc d~ l er WIll mati It t" yum ! Tlto)' hn,'O"i;.. 01,~,,.',l II - 'l vu <:U II h nJ li very Illec IllIo iwU ' II vcr)' llIu. IClti ltnd chll rmi llg . -. 'lIddreS p ricc,30 eo ntB· ul 8i lk hUlld kerclt id".lnt Clld'\'lI I\'I· · I'I·rr" rn lll ll 'c. ubi8' uIII'I!Ce d i Ptot' W r- , A Geatle "u Islle by Biot . I_I • L. Ilt oml'BolI 1 der, J IIIIII<',V & En' rl y'ri ILt tlt e li,l· II • T he Sl,I" . . ~ .... Ierl· . l l t 11 Il thlll r ~ . Ih" \' \\1."1 ~ 0 I ''0 III1 0 " . "• uf 1\1 1'9. J ohn A. F II Il . In our .tyle of clrmllt." & 00. East Livcrpuol, O ld" , "'.ith i ~•• ud,! o" l Ie ,", ""ft' ,., , <l1n.l... id>e ; . ,~c . ,\c • in I ll e Itc, , 1 ' Ivwill g lu\\' pr ices: :!(, fll, /i0 7: e Ik,'" ··Uai l)' . Cha llt thu S lImmcr ch"n ~.•• oJ ' __ . _..... tnmp.~~I,:- ro&"', WII1 ,I, . "",11 , ",11"". ,' u"o! 111,·,· •.,.. ",1,1·, r ol o- . _ " II I" " " • _ • •• \ ' Uu rIIV II Ie I _ f\ U11eilH !1 0. of ton _l f1l l1 r m ln l! lt-d III n ~1IlK'l e ! , IIlId S t. va and sret th ~\ nl . h o~' n ; o dOL" lm i li cllO nl" " "I) th e public . 1,lId ". "ail lltlllig ly re lld er Cd ' l u~Y'-' t I. nu w.ond,,, tlOI,t our ~h,I ,lrcn • •0 Tgh".' " the", - Mr. Hawdu ll EVlllls lIll'i" et! a ~ wa~ . a l ~ n . ch,t n liLern l ,ul't'"rl. '; 1 6 • lI l' !I'll" by Mi.s Ma t ' frlond. "nd rlll.tlTC. ar.... f<p'Iuenlll' t.. · -8t-dau ghter " .n IlU II ~ "I' 11 c· ' I' V (' I -The youngc uf tlt e hOlll cYl,ster J uy ' k"n fr"l11 "HgbydirOOtlyf noj,:'l octcd ".. I,I.,h,, \flhc I ',c . 1\ 11 ,, ' c,ve. "WI.Icn tl Ie 1"1 II o ,"e"th .rCllultin lute Mr. Tiinuth y Whnrto n di~d Pa., acco mpll llied hy"" Mrtl. n,m thi. "u,,". , D, E l'tlll s ' l l\l Il I<' ~ III . 1.I, {' ~ e 1!ld les b~th hllVC , A hOltle fll 1I01lChoo'0 G?rl1"111 · I , Ii~' rll p kept l . 'k T hcy \\' ill rCH it! o hOl'll ill futll re li nd rl' lI l1lrkahl b ere ou M ond LH• 0.1 ·t,, v hllc l'U ICC8, will eh hfl ve e1 I "I 1\ s wrt BIC ' , ... ,ut your. bomo for ,mm.,d.a ri. wil l i " I • I' , I ' • h ' d I ' UCti8 frolll di).lhlh eril1. Be r ugc \\'us we gll\d l y Il\.d. th<' JlI wc levllI c tv prevent 8urt O"0 .,ok""••, a Il1rl/".. U Unt', .. r'. 1 \1 111' I III '~. WI: )e Il' \ c, )CCU cl1r Icre Ihill. Mild 110,b llp" death. abuut 16 eurtl. She wus buri cu : town. by tho u"" of three helo tl,c III COlicert . • . ., or Y four d ORe.. F or Oon.ump llon. b l\I r R '\\l'lltt ll E vans' bcnuttl ul Honlorrh ulfc,. 1'1I 0 U 11100l11, Severe thiS Iltte ruoon. OUR nnLLA.R Co48KRT C.... taln. --l.l fu IS nt tlhort, a nd wc s I,"nId Oough" 1 et1J1TOortd ~ a - h """ sa. . .' l ' tl fi Drop. , A methyat w: ttJnlf'l, Inla id wiLh Pearl.;OlIO .'egantly f Orn ul' or .. ny lIi.c.u,c vI tho ThrO'lt or I . -. ~ . bea\lO(ul Cut Cameo Bin,.. one ane pair d o 1111 w e cnll tu pr'JlolIg il. C heck t,('nur. VVICll IIp pcarcl Wt I of I!:npa yed tllee ye nunolD l three (3) ~nd ono . pinl A-meth1 d 8tucta. l"lllul with P ....l.; OM CulllCEBT:- W e ure rcqucsted to Iu eOll"h !10 c· Lun,,". it~ .uo"c•• i~ ,.imply ...... ",lerrul . 'c, hobby C oU ... lJunoD I one lltelt pattern Lady', or Gent'. or cc,ld ·at oll ce hy t1$ ill~ teet III the Iliid o fl"urtel te, " S pcuk , ~'ou Pompacl our !feek CbalD, one e1e. r drulf!fi8l . r "' Came o Seal I one l>eIull(ul chAaecI Dand Illn&rl CIne oolltol", tl will toll ,on. (ffr}1I1I1I ::\yrl1l' .- G " h I • ' .: .LaIuI Gear~ 0 _ « !PtDI • ' a,!DOU~ ~ 10 t P 'IX I oy. '''' one [lai r ("J , c h:~~n t C1~yed n~leta.. AU the rUnill.S Ian old R.nd ru llo.h ,. .ola in . very 10WII ""d vlll"g" on RhO.,.. Are the 'Inee' 0014 I'lat. . .DC! ~ l ~ remcdy Bt~ C II Il~ 0 111 )' SI)('uk" ,• . la a br:autirul w hile, ¥I nk-Ilned caahl. Jll ultratcd C.t:a&O ~ ,u.-~"'~lIe of theIr cclebru tou ! Dr. Bull-8 oontinen t. S"lIIJllo IJoIUes for trial. LO ~welry and Watc_ tent witll _ell Cough Sy ru p. l:'n cu lrl5 A Itllgcliter, .thc ~ntcrtainm (l n t 0.; regul~r . i.c. 7lio. ~. :-,,;.;..~~:..=~r:.::.~~:~_eoC Drawin g·Room Concer ts in Cnd- cents. • u... " by -0, poot.s-W. '~ us 1\ oll CCeStl 111 PQII!t 01 cxc:cu · GW, 0, ~A(lOBT • 00., l ...-ten or Jewelryu4 W....... , wallude r'8 Hall. W aynesv ille, on 11 011. un d th y tiling tu regret or about the 16th of J anuury . ELECTION NOTICE, U1 W .......·,. lta..t. ~ .... D~ - ~alJ ta CIU~lS hcud,q uartera ;\I'e l wus tltut mUcl'e onl D .aO, <lid nut tUl'll oot Notice i. hereb, given tll. t IIn.ol"oUO II "r ~ __ _ ' .0_' ' ccrtullil y at 1el'ry's CClltml Uru· t o c njoy· ~~ ~ ~~~ it. oftteoro!o , thc Huryep burg Dlllldll1g and Ttl' bl"l1 Ii d t Ieery. no has a Il\rgo lot 01 tl!YB G ll A""".,,,tJOIl Will be hold al the T ow nthe BEa~~:llnfio~l~e ~11 ~;e Ic~dil~g : cand ies, II I1J cvc/,vth illg, The ~- p ~m p M \ r l I) 5 ~~ I~O;;,' H;;VC1~, dailies of Cin cinnati New York drcn al mos t imlli ine thnt Tc cl;il : b"} Ohio. on t~~78 ' £. -- ~, rry i~ • 'I r s 011' a!l ttl "I' . S' Lu . a7~ lIaI'Y, d' S lilt I C1 uus himself , Dosto~ , .... . t Hellgo , t. lIIS un tho ' OUI'II of I and ,I 0'0100 r. ~I . I I , ! DUWNER.- IJ"l" 'lIl loer \7,\0 , tho wife of 'I""t'\wean gelier. 1atl<lndllll Oe ,of "tuckkho W uell\ngtull . ldo," i. -COlD ll an d BCC onr ./l~sorLlIl c nt D ,~ "jlll1lill I)"W 'IO ", "f .. d,u,)<IoI.or Al S D . I dc" " "d. A. ·J. DW AnD!>. Roo . - - - .of IUll cy goods s uitable tvr Ih e hoI· A~ T II U:-;y' - j) "'· " IIII ,",. 111 \0 . the wife ur ' inc' rcasilll' . r . Tho weath er is Ull, ' II nrr l " I'dII)'S : SI' Ik IlUll dk'crelIl' l' vld, I1\1 I'c l B I:hl s ille~ .. Car,l~. ",' 1.. AU IIIOII )" ,,( u "",,!;I,l l'r. I'' [">.\ 1 11'\. I~L"' \ SUtrtPI~IBe to all .. Snch mtld wlcutlNler ltiC8, cullu re!,' cutis, 2' 1 g lo ves. &c., 100 .111 l" ~ C n, Il liS scason IA \'ery UIIUSIIII . J . II . ADAJR , M. D., 0 num ~rn l1 s to mCllti \lll. . J Cflll Rnd ~ ~, . . 1 ~\ .uow.y e~,nnd no cold weathe r worth lsec . Funkuy & Miss ild inc. .~ melltlll nlllg, und \'I'e bordcr cl08ely Eo~eoUo l? ftJ~5~0ian. R..... ~ Doon ~O~I" .rlh~ I'O'I.ome:. BPlt Av - HAWKI X";.- At Ihe h.. mc of Oftt .." und re.idenrc M Dr. Hurtl"y' . ,,1.1 npon Christm ast idc. I,,". 01.. ", nnd l'arcu.ts CUlIlI Vt I c 01 t\lOth oir curcful l,c vi"","e, Mill.","illSu",l"y WiI", i·'Il in gnurdi ng th by c heultll .~ndD· RWA .n·EI !".\.'IIF 1311' l the ·I'f,;' N 6,';J2' /' __ W~YNESVJLLE, OHIO. . ,'cui lil/. Dc:e ml~.r HI, The M, E. Cburch Bociul ut bios. Only u '''Jud lilt.! !'elillbl c 1 !l77, ~fr, 11"' "00 :;1''''1 ", .. I :.r,"" • • r"I. U ll wkm ~. hvth of W n,rre n ca nrrty. E ruma Mr. Furr's , Mouday c vcniltg, WU8 m adl c ln~ shulli d l>c, g Iven , to thelll . s l'n. ~ \'- MAT HEW S. - In Leb 'lD nn. Office and R IJIJ·i.rienf!e, Th:;" d St., LIQUO A. NOTICE, at.tended by over one hunrlred P CI" Dr. Hilli s Buhy :::>yrup IS \IT \ ,T kno l\'l1 D,""clI1be II, Hj7'~, Mr, Sam"ol Spray ,md 1I0DS, and 11 g elle rut goud timc",a s nut r~r!-l(\H !l (l flJf.iri n :; f! l) u(i nlll] p\1rt~ ~\Tl ai"k i or WAYN L'SYI'L l.E. to evnt uin I.IlIyth ing illjuriu1l8, Mi •• AdKr Mn ll' J J . fll r u U·l l il·i n a l p m ' po!'Ml won t/lll"'". ho.,tl& 01 Wnyue.v ll Lo. td d l'l well t 4) l:. .
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::~f~:~lt.Al>o ut$14 WIUI the finan P~iC;~,~ ::~~'o n ~I'udy.m~do CI? ' n-.:o Wor~ til;J~w er Ilnd 01 tilla g ut the Cush frar\ e I ulacc. s lJ.J
the Miami V /llIcy fiail way ba3 bo· II ' V
y. T ile $101.1.000 bn" and cartl will be in IDO'
~-~'---'~~L;-iuD"M~arc'" b. -
• • •
Now try and make aome at Ohriltmal-tide.
YOUl) '1'1 E' I .\ IS ___ " ~-e:lfUKE~s,- M:V':,--' -- Clothes- Wri nge rs
COUPEll I \V '11 1) ' b . & . SURGEON, II "y no",' , C, 1001lle1lSC, 11 II ou Ilcco uut 01. t Ile Iflle 16th, HlO7. .or omce 'n Nutiunul B,nllk Buildll\g , of CU,,"ompL ion. btu. UIlOIII ,Jo.huOl IllId grcat redu ction ill prices. Sume Ooopor. lVA Y N ESVI lLE; OOIO . gt) tv look so U8 to sati sly their. cu· SETH BROW N, ~ ri08ity , . but they find the tempta· (ABoo~kM=' ~ tion so great thut Ihey buy before PA~~-L:J..44 . AT TO F\ N Ey 'A T , L .A W, tarning owny. Funkey & .MiB8i1· '/f/"e/"C/C/'~ AND. N ,OT..'.ARl!' PUBL IO. dine. . ' ...... ....weODlI ...,~ I,BUNON j omo;
DE 'D &. Tt''D 'DID. f) t ~J!!l~ ~<!!'~~
e' ~ ~
cx -
(llll in e m y I"t.Hv.k B UYf) j UMt. p u t in 1\ fin r lino Bo\lTbj~ln,. . r nn g in/ot in p r irf· frH " '
~ l.ntI tn
M l'rr
" ,,\Inn .
hn\" " cl'oirc
1).,'11 hnn fllr $~. nl ~(} t h ('l h,.~ t, hm ud", nf ate , beer, {:iu :!. \" incf'. &C' , Gn ll 1\11(\ "e,l ,
---'--BOB 110U!\T ---- JOY.- San d~ & J anney. NOTI CE.
-Um @tt & C@~emJaJn . Aro no,. prel'lIrod to
All pctO!Ons in,lehl",1 to tho lII"I~,"llI"'c(l . lI)J R;tIJ (Q)G~ 9 iFSI> me"d CLOTH ES. IIrfl r.(lue.tu.lto WRINOEItS 01 nil kind •. , T .1t o)' ... ill p ut ont dcl"y""",, ~olt.1 a thAir '»c"Qun t.;< wilh· No, 3 . , . . EA~T l\fATN S'J'II EItT ~e' t1 ~mcnt ..ruu8.t be \V t\. " N ES' VILLE 0 I. on now ll.OI,LS, re-Hot.old onCili I\nd make lOado Qoforo thecomplo'" flrHt of J,,",,ury, ' .". ,. ' them In every .....tteot iOod. a8 ne"", . \. , J ' l\UL'l'ON 'l'BOMP SON, P rcRorip tiun ~ oompounded at .lI linunl by Ang,,"t 1. . " .", . Deoember 4, 1877, ' an . ' renenced Dr~lJlfl~t . " . .,; ': . ;~'l1 .. . . ~.~'
0 0
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COlliE TilE' P"ICES 0 '" T IJ
Great Newspaper OF T"'£ C(jUNTRY
l'orI878. The 0 A. 1tT1 K 10 'Ill E IlllJPOr fQr
EVERY -BOD~ , g Tho Farmer MoohaRIO MAnul.oturer~.. cl1Ull t n u k £.l r liU 1 Pr rl!4~hH1bl ", ti n No m " e_" well a/foM to be wltbout It
2,426,327 cOI'I." 01 till GA'"Ito we re m Ail. d ot the e ill t l Ull III P Ullt.qfti e Itttlt .> CDr upun" hlcll pu.tulfo pAId IAJ t he RmUIIII! 01
8",f;GO.4S !
'The Washmgton City-Route.'
Baltimore & Ohio HAILROA D.
S"nlt r~ l, Q'II (hHt, DII .' ct /l lmle t
IU'" ollly
10 f
"'t,.. Dlrf'cl t:•••ee..... ror
Richmond,Lynchburg. Norfolk A.,
TilE SO[J TIl F.A f\r, Philadelphia , New York, BOlton THE
Tv. nM ll OF OA II , onl! " t'&r ()Qst
' !"It)
6 wUlllb. ~
1 rAVele .. d ~! lronl! • Mpe-c.4IYt PI"".n." ••ct t;e"(orta"'e , h uld remeUll or " ~l II e
Toot.hack, Sore Throat,
I. eelel rRled fOr ,ll! .tle. . . r t.iellclaea, d ... l. Or• • d ... d Br".'U.' M ......I.
_p,... n." "....fI '
DUTil 8,
a'... 'Ie L'."
Fare lotllbya lwaYIJ be aa ally
l nll
II thu lill e'
P ULlMAN PALAO /' 0 III RII .. Tllro... h WIIII"ul C lm ..... bOl ' cen lhe I rl""I I.. 1
F .. 1'1 rough ',ck.,. B gg.~e Oh.ek\10 emenl 01 I r~ln' 1. 0,,/101; O.r Ac om mod
elc ar,ply " 1\\1 prln 11' " Pf1 nh ,110'1<
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FM N attOn ,,1 B
IlIl. el ~ I
We. l P....
uFacturer A~f)
SUSTAIN GREENBACKS F'T II 0 ben oflt of t.he P eople whu . ,,.,,,'" t.he Govt rnm euL
$1200 115
Syml'toms are
mOIsture. lake }>!lrtlplrQtlon, Itelllng
IlltenRely, particularly at nl~ht Ilf ter gettlOg 111 bed SwaYlle s Olllt weut 111 a pleasant and snre enre , alBo cures Tetter, and all crnptlve dl8ellBCS SoW by all leading drng gi8ts Read t'~.~dy't
1'uil MaSOniC installatIon, Satur· day eveulIlg, W/UI a brllhAnt aifalr, aud til. atteudauce I.r,e
G" lI WrtJ , Il~ALT\ FllltTll f IIAIIt K .. e p ' •• r ...... d ..... ",dr 'If'l.hh,
(leiIlNG 1'ILIC8--It! " vcry dlBtress IlIg
W VAN NAMEE. M n JHas• looard ow NEW "O.K, nl 4.11 3M, 1;I,,<:.t Phllndelph,a I'~
wlo... he will leo I',d. nl ~ ','Om tbe IIrst ~Olh o f ,,,cb monlh All ClUIl<!8 of
to lb.
- Pl.AIN
Ohronic I1IIe 'ao' 8uC(!e •• 'ully Crellted Mllg Ire olmnn' J! hen rat,cnte AI ft dlslAnce ean WI '10 II IIlp\OIll. anlt ro ll\eoi, .~ hO nt Or, lIed,oal Common leale, .. y mail i'IImphlc( c\'nlll lnl~g te. IIoIIOD,.ls E .B tOOflt,)( D It.. f•• COp". of tble of cllre - ~fle cl.d 'e nl free 10 onl . <liI ... ,_ .. Iuabl e WQ' lor ..le a' ~e Oau lt" 011\00
!to ,t
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A ('III W The l elelornLed
Waltea Baker& CO.'S
I rog Plug
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rllll P IONII KR T OUAI ~o (OMP'+'NV
New \ ork Bo.,. n AI"l
'\:cu~. t II Its l u .\. ('..1 ftt l b.n: ,. I D' I EXQUISITE FLAVOR II
lo ll
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MIiXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT For l'IAN ' 11.. 1 DEA.S'r. E.lT •• LI.III.D . , T~... AI •• , . c rMl AI •• ,._ rea I, AI.a,. b~ tt, Ilf'\'(! r r~ t (.lI od n "Ii ,.m OlW .M r I,.,t, I " 'T hn vi" " or I "p p r v~". t t ~ ,I ori o 1 0M M .lAng - i l" n .. 1 n I (hr.A1I' '" 1 0 1 men IID exlt ' t"n ce J,3 etllUal d lll Tl " ~t uJltft,a(
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( ,,1""(4'" III ;
Notions &Fnrlllshlll~ GuMs. JO!'t A. llJUG EL
130 W. Third St. CINCINNATI. V F.y n 1\1 r 1tt1nt 111
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- - - - Ufi- WAHNl:.R S-
w .. n ..p
OYl'r t 000 !Iif .. w.pap ....... ha,.. In .. t\ '''C'Mty C Il"("ulftUun ... r OTer GOO 4'"", C opl ... « ...... ring Dlfftl..,.
.. nt "'""lion" 01" .... Coun 'ry Ith fd .... Info "'s Dlm.rc:ol Lt .....
Ad,.rll •• man.1 R••• I.. d for One or Mor. LI , .I
V..",,,II",, I_ Snlol ltv ,1\ "
AlL OROOElR .A,UTHORl1.1 D TO GUARA.NTEE H FULl, WEIGfJTANIl ABSO LUTELl ~trR"E To try: It,lenil60 oent. Cor one pound can to ;ROYAl> lI....:tPfG POI' lIltS
OOIlI".ufY, New Yor k
mall, nil. o. i>olUOll,
x, JlI.--N UMBEIt :.w
" A,
~ E~·q
11 1.1:. Oil 10. W EI>N ESl
\H\ K\
l ellklll"
Iltl\ ~
" don't I llmc ( ~hnl1 never !;Ce nwm ml\ :my mo re-my poor Kull r ing ulJll i'ed 1111101111,. I
1 wl l b t hnd It nol to I II thcc, lIJlldnme "'\Ill i<.1 11~ 1MHhl' 11 ~ Id? Ihe cltlld lUll: .1 \ ,~ d lir Mlttln llli hl'u l prc"cnlly to I.>ok., ,, 11 tile g ITI ' . [IeI' nOll I dllhl look F.I"II'C-Cr~ hNe 0 11111
tbN' t:1J~d 11 ),,;0 hfted h er I(rclll ",,11'1\\ 11 M " Inllll •
/I. his tio ll O ,I I klltl\\
hn- ~bc @n,d, III trung. "'" IlI ldhkl' t'lUe" MlIlllnul "'~lcI I . ltollll1 'II t b~ ~nLII \\IIV frtlm Itcr .1 e ll . uld IOllc h lite I crs( If fo\lw 8.1 \1,1 ,I \\ Lilt! kIll Ite r IU tako me [ro\ll h l r IlII\I II lin"
JIll h , dellr g rtd
VO II Itrl' l nt~
II Ilh
M"tlnmo,] '01 IIvl Mu.IIIl1t, 1\\111 0 111' J see th I t It 111\ 8 thnt bntl n,"11 II h" k,lI <d her
e \ On
(,llIld ). u must " t ' Jll'lIk f!OlO'r loll't' t n tu I. IIr ,t- try tn b ,timer li e I" herl' he h ld L'O mo tu tnke '0" hom
li e! th e
man who mumI'd my oonu
only to torture tlt J Ii[. nut I 11\11 rather dl c thlln go WI th
.. f hc r ?
1111<1 he mll) ('001<
ilL lilly
m enl
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Have No Further Premium on Gold'!
GOLD W~ ~~~~~'
·"'-AILOR, No..U Bast Main St., •••. Xenia, Ohio,
At CASSIM-....
P'Of AOh 8 4Hlsil\in.J ltooflllnd lUll'" whi .. ki o,. f,w nu:dioinnl PU.'lJ(, .. (.~ wuultl d,o woll hi me-
Ilmillc my "look lJavo jU Ht. pu t ill " fin, tille (.) 1 Bourb"n ft, rUIl g-inK in pri4:o frun , tl,;iO tn . '1 pC!' !tunlln , I h llvo II "hoi." 80111 bOll 101' *2', ,,1 "'11 th o hc!il.l. l'l'tlurls of aI<, bee r, g'iu", winefil t &e. Cu ll
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or Inusdc.::s.
for evel)' kind of Rh.a ..ltl.... for Heuralgl. In every fora, fIIr"e"OIlI 01' Siok Headacbt, for •• "ou....., for Llilt Back or Side, for Eryalpelu. for Dlphtherl. and 80re Throal, for ':.11lIIaI ••• for &pral.. B........ C.... W.1dI, for B.,. ••1Id ftIr ToetIIaolMt I, faol for all PI I".. 111I. . .'an ud Swelll"l1 no remedJ is kno_ whldl pas.
the ",,,,,,rkable benlilll and tIOOthilll qualru«, whIch Is 10 unlven;a!tn Its ch4rac tor and lICOPfl or 10 SImple and ""re fir III al'pllcnllon For tbese rcuons LAWSON S CURATI\ It .hould bave 11 p illce In every I t WIll there prove Its volue 10 in numemhle C:I '" 10 prevent IIngenng d.......,s 11Ild . houlcl be kept at h lmd rea.dy (or Instant
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PRIC E, One Dolla, per 8ott18~ 6 Bottlo. for le.OO.
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Manufacturers, ANI)
,\II Uboll
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IliUM! .
P h.. d llotl'l I "'" l1,t I~ .. ,"" II .... 1T8ll"l\ OU 1ll tilt KANSAS l'Alll\lER u 10 page WNlkl, In ltao !(id' yr." Pc. q ,u ld II 1110 00 d ti! \ dlIrcl!ilJ K HODSON T"l'ek.., KID nllM qUlokly lak n (\ II11'h plaoo ulDollj,,,,1 Mp10U lIlI n l ~uurll"l. -N Y Tr.bune \\r' 6 lut \ e noo tc"ldorcd It urn m". the ~At. 01 ur ex. h !I'K"" • nd " " Drill, r PI"l',",utatlVt Ilf tho w... UClJII F urlllc r PhIl" II," Our KIIII ..." .' ncnw. . h"uld , ... 1 mu, h Imil. In th e III ~h oh" .... cter .. nd .terlm)! \lorth r llOft 1;\.1. .... "!l'rlCult utul pRpI'r-
Nttl.onrl I " ..5 uk J " 'lr" .. 1
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g " -..'j ll r lt uf t ile Tltl eH "N Y
M~N t:
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D.lly Enquirer, per Weekly Bnquirer,
r I " .tljl"r Ae t JIl l' \\ Hut ed
, '1100 11~
BAVE YOU TRIED IT? IIn:,O KO\\TIf JlKAtJ1 V PO R TIIF IIAlIt Her:. ' •• r "e." .... .....11.7. I.uNDO" II"IH HIIUITORBH
11 II INO 1'11 15-- 1,
1\ '1)9 l tiC ~ 'Complmut Syn'lpto lll ~ ,\ 1 tl 11 11)1 till, hi c rtlr~ p ratlnn, Iteillng lilt nscly partlcllll111 Y lit nI ght lit
t el gC'tll ll g
III nt I~ Ii I'l ell~llllt IlIId Slife CUI e .d oo CUI 0 8 ;I.'IlW)I . and 1111 OlUpt, ve dt sOi\sCS t:lold by nil load ing dlllg
ad v't ,
.10'01 fnlhng. I )S8, vr untimely grey IlIur, usc 'LUndoll Hair Ovlor Ue store I " exqulS\te dreSSI n~,eleall Ilnd
olllely pel'fumed. Totally different 'fro,,<&ll"othel'8, 76 cente a bOttle. Try tt Re~ the advertisement.
'l'he Scientific Amer'lCalT.
t.- rn.
~Idurc jnultiug
Lawson Ohemica.l 00.,
111 10(
1 he
IJ. CCUI Il(' r 2(
11 ttl",
lc tllllUllY tits' Irtuc
r'II- 'lOl''l II I A 7 , ck Philadelphia" New York , BOlton FrUllkbll TIlE "EAf:iT \VlIshlllgtOIl lu rtlccreck , rJU ele r~ .I elllnll.,. " WaYlle '111 rl' ccreek "peed,., '-Ir ... nna, .... tiel.. rertn"'e B urIan 0, CI filllJ 1111110 reck ' icul CI k I mll klill
d \:l lnll
rc hcv c~ 11 (I hcor lefrlule aeo",,,,, bellr wiJlmg.
1111ll cC I
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tJo"ttf' IJon. (ttr
fJ llill ai t OIl
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(I" I ! . (
RlChmond, Lynchburg,Norfolk
Jlilt 11:\ Itullilld I II P
( ,( I) I
till1UlI o l
I'IIIUI) \ I \1&
\lrevared by HRSlovens, Boston, .Mass
Vegetlne Is Sold by All Druggists
J!P.r~6Ct naIr Dr...loll A PromOll,
ot tb, OrD1,tb of Ibe IWr A ~puaU.1l Froelrom InllaLlAr IDIUer
Cough, Cola, or Sore Throat Beqall'M Imme.U.trt ftUrntl)n n. negloc. oRenthneare.uJIll In 80 DoJnou",1I10 Lung 41 _ _ BIIOWN 5 BRONCHtAL TROCHES ora ...Impl0 remedy. and will 81mo... lu YarlabJ,. glyo Immcdlalo n>lld
BOLD BY ALL ODElIU8T8 ODd d e .. I,," mcdJclnea.
I ..
SANDAL-WOOD. A ...tU .. re
,10' all dl _ _ or Ih. K.OInr"o, .oa 11r1a&r7 0 ...... ; oloo goo<! to
.,................Iala... It benr IPrOO nOH I dl
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811: 7 caPlel ... en,..
In ,be or Ni l t t.r.
Nu ot IIr D f'dlclue enn do tb.., lIe.llre . . . . . It...o ... tor 0" 101 to ••• rM' 'UCCf!U ma, bUD bJen alii "pt. . urne ,n o moe d.n~rou. taw.lnl pile. elc Dl1NDAli hI( K . 0 0 1lI anul.. Hqf/ U _ I.. ~'"
1..1,." 0 I qf StUt '01100011 •.,1.1 ft oil d IICJ' "0 (!II tJd,jor Oirr;taksr or .adJer It) 13 (1M n WOOIt.. Bt-.... N... Yo..
lII..... o..n.ll!lb.........
II.f. of Ibe Oaernl of the Un
Sinteft Ar nv Knyo 1!hnve freq ue ntly lurchnae I I>urllng 8 llhen\JOIIC ReD edr for fri end. 8UO'.. g wllb 1ll\euD And In every n .IJ ncu t vorkc dlike mOIlI< Seud for elr 6uln to nell.h cl'ltlD c '" Beutl ey Dr ugg1IU \V \allugton D,_f. _ __ __ J1
10 renoh rende. Over ON II 'f1l0
tolde of Ihe large e.t•••
ICD uewlpupen d Vlded
I1tO HlX d.ffere" lI.lI A Ive rlilu c.nto re ••• ved for ODe 0 l1I'0re h .to } or oataloguea cool DIng 116• • ot pBperw nod otl or n forllntlOn . rut for eHUmnte. nddre .. BEALS &: FOS1E:B, 41 Park Row (11m nuild g) New 10rk
-;;-Ai ••,.. n.,
....,.n •••• D &-~ T ...
Gun. AI ..... AI ••,. hlndy ne-nr Jet t.lled "'Wrtlil ."Ulotl.tM"~tcJ II Tl e wholo 'WOrld apprU,"N the Ilarloo,otd UD.t~DI-the nMtaod Obeapelt L 01 melll la u.luebce :'''1 cent. a bottl & The M. ~ LIDImeat QUrM WbOb lIoUln. ella SOLD BY ALI. llJt:nIVISII"I EtlDEIlR rMd,
" .._,-,'"""
w.....rd.cJ tbe hl.hMt pri se u OeDteuDlal b totltlon for Ita fiDe d I! wina q .1 t et tI e II!-scel lteet aDd lAlUD, ch.n.cle r or ft••• Mtf'uln, .0" a., orla, )(' 00 •• t tbo ~., 'o~rco t!lt'er madtt =n':U~ L~~o;:rrr:rt:! I: n&.lc ~r ~I:!
kiD .Ile.t on It 80 d . I ol.. lI, .. II JoLtJe,e.. IIond (o ..... pl. 10 Co" ""(JKIION. (10 . . . . .
Or M... llood W w , nbno' nnd .b.... null",' Inl",...n,,11.. 1 'fn", I •• Low. POWClr ' J:" t" .. , lit .JC fru 15 10 83
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Ru fl eHt pin e 111 Lhnt 1,ler! 11 0\1 he A \'('ry Close ObK ncr. n vu lIl" ' \ll ry fhnty g nLlJI I 110" he 101". 1"".11u" o-.r..1 T.~ I . ( cvnullllYA" III. phY~1 d IKlwe rri l 1l('~ A I')l x lh . trc thOr8O IIII Cll on nUIll took III g ,I 1l10 1llClit lit ~ "ch , IIg nlll ho til t.... llUU uf hi . ·u. tmnH KhU11i wllh him th ll 1111\, ,n ry mull n I. \I!l w hed frt, m b." oth e r IllY f' lr dllll, e r, III1U Il llilltl ue r I"w I 'I h ore HLMid 11111 [nllie r, moth er, \\ ,,111 11 11 IIr \\' r . IIIU IIII d II dou r Ihllil lh IJrULh e r, lind . ,. IN , li n th u Hry " IIOL Il,dy Il f Ih lll h on", h ulol be" "n before 1\ III f(', If h fil II", he \\ III nut f,dl il io nI' thp 1'\1\ II Ont hll l ~ Lo Ill r 8111blcH '1 hu . 110 I. hlil f dO\l n Ilw 1\ ( , .. 1 'J he II "'II Kn L (·ltnell ) \)H ,11l hN hll ~\)lI nd 11.11",,111111110 flf t) Illhl lllUll ll llllohe< III hruu ~ hllllllll ~l UI " IJII III IIlt h lllm, fur l hll t li lt' 1II1 ~loly II 1111 , II l1 d nOli till ti " IlInl ," If h " I )!ut to I" Huc h II I ," 11 ",o n lIel ur rllntc Ihn'clly IIndN II", 111 111,111' uf II IilL I I"L th ll l . hl\ h ili iI, lIJllII "U III I " 11111 n 'ijl)!ned, or. h of rul kH loIfl h , nnd Irll" II " n n.1 bad II h,,"1 ' UIII til t he t Oll d llOl" n I Uh'c lio l "ItIl It, l rutl r IIIlIs L c li L hi . \I lly III II IIC\\ II lr" Will til tl lIlL It ,I II III ' t " " 111111 h ~0(,t1 to r •Ilie " Id Wi l t.. y, " t h:l1 'HI\! IIltrk Jl n t ,1"... 11 g( t over th. ~ u V\fh 11I): 1Ill' 11101111111111 :-I ell II hUlIl It I'" r y 111111 Nfl, Ihllt Itll h" Itu I f I lml uMr u f ,. ~ t He ' h. t ll III I ~ It, 1.1 .. 11" I" 'llo u 1I1 ~J'lrtl t "'" uf III,,, 1~ -" Y IIII( .1I 111M \\ US,, 't II" tru ul Jlc lL " prll ll~ III' III LI,!t' 11 ItA Ih I ' W i l l ' Ih. I . 1,,111 1"' '"1111, IIJ! \ Illl i ht llt I ~ fed b) th e III Ih lM II 3 ) lir,.., lI .. lh. ", 11111.. I lm l I t "' Cfl'II"",1 KhulI t.~ nf hllll ll rtl i PCf( he" rh (, lo urMC 1111111 II ltrudu cr d hIM g llCl!t , W' r \ ."l l hl f u I h I lti U l ir ul " UIUII UJ f'"Ii '1 111 @lI l11ull r" llf 1.11": tI .. I U\,UII c hit. !llId tr'e" \ nnd o Lh<TK "h" li nd 1I. l hl ) l:J1 th la d III UllIlI1 lh ~ f . tllC 11,,, h ili r .. I'll lilt I llI b,, ~ w ",(':try Klll n" With rol' III Lhru r llllllli ll 1111 Ih e I",ard , lh e ohl Ir,ld .. "' lll III,,'d bo th ('ye • .1 \ 111 III uf I h " Mul u lII lI l \ l,. I Ul lhle fo r 111)'111111 hNlfh r hflll g' 1Ilxn e ur \I Ith IrLlld .' rs U~IUII ilL Ih! IIOMtc.;!4 II l1d ellt II 1I111',lIlI g . 1I111 e .A b t"\1 v f IIh: ) til"", hUH., 1 Ifly g lUII. ul!1 rc IIIU ~ t be c u t bofuIl ' lhe . klrulI - llIlI g nil Iru llnd IllS (,lIrs, [llld IIIuKeot rOJ'" CIl Ii rcnc h 111m II I" 1V ... lll1 J.( " \\fcnl l IlIlIIoe lf \.u uHlko hlln lHllf IIg rec~"t" tI) h i 1ij,l1 I rlll !t Ivl It"" :\1 " Ill'" k in ' II"" k I nh nu ' , blnd c IIgliln s LrlkcK IIlto th e \rme. I, ,,,' :I 11(' Jh Ihe li g ht r Im lll ,rtu l II lI! Y 'floe boy j ll ~lIIcrg\ll g 1)luuflill v, 100 L by 11 0 ' \;111 1\ 11111 11 wllh n b ee fy COIllSlh"\lIlly Ilt)vf' r.,,1 IIh' (lh .'\1, A Ih t w i ll U IlI l I II rI'lI " u! l uu ~ t funt frUIIl IIl1d ( r 11IAI Ill ft y II rc' h pl exlO lI, LrulH olored sh ogl:Y wh. ske f\!, llKI ~e.t In Ih f! .reu 1f) 1 "~ " r lSl ll l l Ilhced rul'eli llre rcudy In tho hllnd. II r III1U 1I . h ne kv h e "I of .lrv, tl olltll'g III\1r J ill ' 1 IIlu hb IIIOll n l 11" ,, 1 f'flu t ) IIt.,,,,, \1 h o ar I ~IUJIII I: O\( r th u II lI lI r tlo ut luokedll6 t111 '" 6 h It dlllll ' l knol\ II A ""~ p b y II Ill I.\Clk l u ( Jl Kh', r hfl ofllr(',uf ld l llil , lttu " . ,dflO tl f Ih e bmlgc Two m lllUl e ~ mure co mb f ru lll n I JII )!~ I t ll. llIo n JlI ~ I h tu 111I 1I!lf lih IUt 1111 ry "wn ll , 11111 1111 1\111 \)0 m ,' r Th ll t hi I< IO Il ~ Il O " "" r,,;ul ll r l'lIoc r, llIld gllllo pod I h l ulh If I hl .11111 II' fu n'.-, "lIIlI t h lI lil IH.. I ut u.11 \\ (1 111 t" th e 1".1 I"df 111\11 'lh c \'0 \ ' 1111 " , c r (f.'ut lO lI , 1I 11I1 IIh e ll 1118 mouLh hClld rc(' I ~ , hlH 1' \ ~H lire "1IIrt/lig f ro lll \\JIKn L filII u r hI d 1I11t1 pulntoell IL W 'UI 1II"l r"lllk r L< I ll, Ill ot ho l'o I. t1 Ylll j( II I Imtllll J.; frOIll' JIIL' Ih e ",e til II ne, l h e r fn.,t CARVL."iC. Ill S N .\ ~IE. III" henrlr- I1I 8 life IOlI rit IUIIII: .111 th e l" oL "III'"g lo L,' IIInke ,. ~ I () w llIotlOnCl l pe r8ull' s ';11 111 he c u t.. Th ilL n lUhl I~ hi" l ,st II I h lid .11 1. 1. \', lI11t ol b e )!ll t \1 1'11 l!Cu ted o n 11 \ tt l I lI l~ ItI tl Ll'M' Iho I,. L rll lll t II I"h h · milk". IlIri k ,lI e. , III. h.,Io I,) IIII J II" tl Iw clll l'llCd .11 tb e Th o ~ \ lie 1' 1,(0 11 ;4 \\ HII u \ Il \\ l It th c' III ~ fllllhflli killre , filII " [rnltl 111" ' 11 r ll 1< ", "l'" r- lI l1d e III\( red II lu li g re'lI rd lcOll o f ~ rt' " tIlI L lI rH l (,r ll lgl In \ 1r ~ lIl1 n 1'llI' ro hll nd li nd , fllI g lll j! u llin !,; thl' 1''' CII" (' CO II""' IU l' ll CeN ) ~ ' , Uri I \I n•• II) III ' , I r \\' Ilhe rs," n rr thre, ur fOllr 1.lllx . w lllling III Iho fll ll, ,, llll. IllUllo,,'. fl cl , \ 11 1111 01unlll r\:' grOllll o f .le" I"11f filII " he >!IlI d , I ~. he pU"--le11 111M plnle for n ' W 1' llIlll ll el 1", 1,, \1 , I OIl I.;' II ~ li p '\lth l" le t'j th., \ I"t " rl h o[ IIl1h CWII ror k ~ " nu tJI O Irk ... 'I d · ll h· k llcll thr llJ.(h l hl'chu llnd " ~ I !(h l " I' '''k ' Il ,t kcdll l,,"udL hu lIorld At I goo. I d un l, Ill UIII , 111111 I', UIl\II) 8 d ill g hl Y \)rtdgl' o \ or 111I'~u , rI,. llIIl: hdoll , 111111 nil .. . tlll l\Jl the ).fril l! Iblltllltllll.:! \I h. 1I t l,(, " I(\ r llll l ~ " t rrd tlllll g LI< le ng lh I)f II c llrl~ lhr ~e 1IIlII,Ircd reCL kC\'t III V cy Wid , 0 1 CII , Ill" y{, ur hll&th o r ' I I.. Ii II I" l' It' l' r or sk I' "P" II- Ih tlC\\,ll'l l bu\ Il f\.<l III. h (l I"' I ~ 1!l! h"u rl . b,1I1I 1 w'II ltd l ~" " ] ' 11\ a IIlIg h t.) ha rd J" w n ot I((II ~ Ih" 1III'''"" fl ll -'' I" e r. Id filII o r an d clOS Ili g (' ~ e:i lu t.: vlUlII\ Ih h i d Kl1lt l w hi \II t it Nuld lC' I II it ( lu-.e l rndl ~ lur6, fl l thoug h I ~ I. lI11 d llll \ I t I ~ II I lI ud ' rI M LuI 11 1ll01llCnlr-lh c rc ! u ll l' ho 1IIt111j! ,, 111.' 11 I '" V th llt. I \ C 11111 IY" 0) ', 11I""t ti\ C hu nd red rl'et f fll m wh t'rc Ih 'Y fllol MWlIl glIo fl- hu I. rcc hn!" IrCUlbllllll", blt ll .111 Ill"" luI ,ht ca ll n I l('" k lll '" rur If I 1 ,,"Ii~1 lilli' \I uuld [ b ~ lll nd , III' Lbuw I'ur pelillic ulnr blllw"rk. tePI,hn!; I(le r IlI tU c tc rlll t v u f tl1l1 ('1"toIH", tH t il ..1 k l' \' rHl' k or thl' "hullt f ll1l3 0 11 his C Ir (rolD "hUll" TtlO Irkl' l) 10\ IHlI lel' thll t ~ lll ~ '; '111 " Lu rll d , I"L II rch , 1\ Ili t h Ippl'lIrll III Ih r lll o flh Ul.\11 III", I ~ IVlng "Ith h, lt hi ' Il lI J; th t d ol e clul h, Ilr Ihllt t h C'1l hll d le ft II, Ihl.. 1ol 1 1.' ~ uf " III II I ~ lmu d I he . .; .1 11 1,; ..' O\('r th e Io rrd)!~ IIIIri e'"lgh L Il g lr lll P l CJ r c hll llk . o f fur IIIl be "k d lc t IhN 1 QUI c k "" 1Il.1 111 I I InkcM 1') 1'' ' ubc.1 Lto I"ok ll'g 11 ft r (\ 1 . Ic ll h I ~ re noi lfl ll l1lurl 1I11prl', 1\ 0 It) l he bU) 'K h,utlllllrl . h olll.le r. 11o ~ Inue Ift'flm thll b f" l1 11 frum roc k I" Ill uu gbt lh · 1100,",.1 rO I IS 1\( 111111 rc " h II 1\," t o lil t nil lillic li n ' PlJl lJ!likc Ih olll IT fllek down Ihe c hllllil e l 'Jh . UII I S ,'f lh o rilhkIJ1 youlh N u one b relllill'" It dU II' tl,lk Illu ch l.re3olllll' LO ou· .l or kcJl d , n llt! Ih L,,, II hili 0 \IIICU II \ Ith J\ f ill nt., "Ul1\uhd \ Q c Ou rt t11C' ' I nc ute tilil t. ~ u U nre n foUl\in' ("cono I\(JO IIIIII; oo~ ti roI" h i. II rlII d llilu Ihl IIIl elll WUIIIIIII, " he ll 1 lI o11 e tl: It yo u I () II ~ I) II nN! , c re.1 th I f III 1111 , JlI\ If III" e war m ·d uH r th co l.1 pl' rta LU n! tilllmllll p; ,n till) 11f~'" Il CO "'ll1 l11 brr of til!' n(x1l'C n "klll'l!I! <OIllCK""" Io II U , M " ) C. t ) o r Ih o II h llll' cl\f Lh t III~ t l h ' ' IO rcl g (l odl and lIIoth e r I 1I11I" llIJreti ) Oll h 8.1 l e f~ rrotu b rc"kflUlt, nud Illy thl~ e""h n ' I\(')!IIIII to \IIMr 1I\"IY , tlIt' Y 011 bl lip JU t lo ud c llou g to \)< heu rcl III ' yeM td ls 1110 a t 0 1l(."ll that yuu fIIt" e Q;'glll l" IOl/ k orll llil" t hCl1i 'fhey ....1· hca ve ll! til" Ilghte lll llg rill''' 11f t.. h lll1 UlUre' lI e ll l u ~h to' k eep VI~ he ro, III N (\~ 111'1' cl gll r. II l1d "llIftk v wll( It r • II th nL Ih UII IlIC" of hUllllre d ~ Cll t III the 11111 '. (l uL of hl~ 1:l.t41. shallo w "" !Ie y uu' l'e lllud J uhnll) Ih ru, .~ gOlJ d ~om .to n~ Ihulme lli. A n(' IV r c lin g totll l-'1:\ 0101'0 IIhll (' ho IS tf ulIgIJ ug II\~ r ~h .n cr Ih I f h ellr t...., 111111 t h(,1r kllll' C' Un- .II fua rfol IIhyS'! , h ut whl.'l) II . tllrd) \ or- f"rtnbl .. p.II Y ,,' lor c hes o ut ! 8 ho ' WhuL 111'111 hfl~ g lllUIM ron hCII ~OIl'1I Ulld drllw~ up lho bl.lll kl. t tll ,I I used to 0 11'11 , nud bnve " n ud III ,111 III tUli t dO llo III UII ClIII do," '" Ih lli r Wll l chwo rd Ind , nnd hold s hWI lip III hl Knnns IJcfllro docto rellllJ' 1" JlI n;clf.l PUtty flllf bl 1110 lIIulll l ud 7 8 11 h O llt r th lIl"hl trJ m mlnK "f iI bu ggy II lu lu the) dra\\ th e lll "· h ~" "I' , \Ill tho fenreul, \)rcllthl Illn l hclr tI.lmcs 1\ I o~ nllOv(' tbll of ~h oul III g, u h 1e'lllllIIg lind w 1)llIg for cOVer tillt yuut mno loud n lIew tu r pu~ on tOY r gr ted Iho unr of hlUllIlII w. 'fhlll~ Uke tho Lake rig ht hplt! of " Iwudretl i llll groll n III II \I ho Jllill b u be lll g I!O r 00 \ red from th ylnnl1 l1g hi' li t o n t, lin' If 10f old 1101111111 bnd Ihoro \)ufo r th In Q' Ivetl me tit ' lIl ono), sb w uJd a d OIl(> '1 to lU'e olt llllllCll wllh LlllS fen t of " ol( of ot.e rnlty by Illllk lll' s \\ ('e L pcrtntur co fl cc! II~ j,C() I'hy~lwll (lsertiuu C col't ouo. \\ bl e x· YOII' \ 0 dUll ,), r nu.xed h..d 10 l() tho The Colorado Basin. ulU llle II\lliItr tea p<'rl c~~ly l b II1"1.'Otbutte r IHlII IUl' t.h D, like \hi8, for InIt'll trllJ}l till" thero lis IIf) rO),'ll J'OI111 to t Na i",n.. ' r lu,rr for n..l. r J tjl;l)C4l; r (oUo cd tlI'l fHllkulIlll lI'llh a Pl ~II. '. [Jl .. ~II bitlou I,,'I./n' of M; inJ pl\tI o' .... n(e r, or k" p (to Un' .~lIm; 1Ill hI!! ~acll ~ rtllllthr pArL ol th bruun provinCtl lYJIIg III dl h,wlI r , or nllHie' !.l,C nap1.:.1lI8 _ n \hll~ ttl ~r II 18 tll of tllO pilltcnu I It Is noll , ""IS U 101lgl'r by 1(' \I,U lilli' I) r clllpped 011 memory til world when tholle of WoIlBt. nlmclIt lI ud t\Jo plllt.eIlU 1" 0 \ IIICO WIIS ~1D > thlll ' 1I I li e tlHllI J1 ' 10 th dtolllRch, leltllUder, Cm3l1f. 111111 Donnpnrte 3hnll 311 ope n bllt . h \lIuw II DurUlg thiS hk Ihl s c h c~8(', fo r o X l lln ~l e, OlIIt 11'011 lei tOt in 010111 1011 It WIlll tho 11111110 of l1m the erust of th enrth "US g rently II' took thu I\lf' 1'l11.;0 oil ~ n th o <bll· W 'lsh.nJl; too 1:l fnr he JIlllrcb ed \\Ilh brolceu aDd dlstork.'I1. Th pllIl.< nu II ,U! Rra d<l" 'k to th o fll lal fi It!, he hilt! bee n out off rrolll the l' c Jlllt.-w ot r, Ilnd dren' , npl'otll, 1 d0 1l'1 .... llf.>!Cl I'd n' Ih ere n911 It'fL hl K 11111110 n fOOL lloo\ e 1111 g n'ut b(KlIIIIl uf fr IIh \\ ilLer II e UlDullltctl becn ob l c~l!cd lO"trv W IIInk ll an Jwoe t h VIII ' t rUlhn' hUN:;'s to-duy H doo ' t h II! J'rod uCUll>!Ors 1l" I. 'I g l ufl O Il~ th ough t (lr n boy to " r1 t(' h,. II I,"le s ldo hl' rc nOOYIl tho g nc m l Icl Vl11 o f til iJI\.'!lII tuko In Ill y "'l lI lnL~ 0' Il ly c ~ es nrollll d co It;«Olf "" Hlot "l"le tu e bllEln lhp",. WCIlIl ...•• to III te ll me IllIIl YOII'ru hy- la e " Ilh thnL II Ih o !lff'lIt fllther of ["OVin WIlS o u ee drlllll cd IIl W the piutOIlU , n fn t hl o o ll lllr) lie g rn' I,. h •• kllife wllh n d emoll,.t rnt.etl by tho chnl'lIctcr I f Lh( de· 1111 hl gltfl) \ r nrl l'f fnsh,,' " ! , IIlId If th o IIrrll hlllld- alld c1lng"'~ lo IIhLll e JllllIn g po Its HI thc pill t 1111, III b, w 'r e fll nr) ~l gJ l ~ 0 ' th e tllll eij Illllt to the fn c t thnt YIo II p,ollliuly ItllIlI ' t h.ld I~ 110\\ eire. crllg , h ... ' ll ts IIgllll1 IlI to th o 11111\' to ne. tlln ' th e drlnl\nge lI'M re"l'r"cli ulIIll e o lll ' lI II." c10Lh fll r tlll'co yellr, I "bQut II f!lo L IhO\ c " hOI c hc SUllld -, but A R 1, IIlICIIII WI\.'! longe r 1111,1 h,te r kllOIl lIS pl nlll liS J klu co Illu t yo u 've 11 5 he Llllt III ~ f 'l't 1111<111111\(1. Into tho' Italns 11",1 <lm\\ 11 111m If curt'fulll to "" \)mc fb'Cd thlln IIdJRce llt rl'g loll" I I 1I 11 ~ SlllLr d dUll II II (Iuue by r,lIl1llllD' one 0' hlo f~1I le ng Lh , h hlld hlllltK' l( II foe t III ('tlrL "JWlIIl'l.ed frolll thu nlliu n of Lllz'ri 0 10 . 1 ,hit' LU Ill! lll l.e r th o \)rokeu .1ho \(' 01' ry 1I1111 ~ chrool cled 111 thnt fo r C8 whIch t brcw 11(> grMI nfl'.I ~ IUld \llIltlt'r Ihc l'<' , lh II YOll llldo' l 'It IL 00' II cucl', he re y"l1 kll uwe I It ",,"ld be JI 3t like m ighty \\,11' Wh ile hl o C!lLUplllllllns llre r"l"eM IIlulI g It.'! horders r g llrdlll g hun will, c(J ll ccrn nnd n,l ml fll \I I~' .1 ' U.\It lrnct "f ('xposed I'll 1I00r, . UI thr"'"I1 ' 1\1 I) mone) hI clll l' now hn r ('f('(1 Illth 8l'llImc ul ,l ry ro k , ~ urrollll.led nCAA unt .. II ti g~ (' r 111f1t. \\<\\1101 louk ~ ' e r y I lilli, h e e llt hi M1IIIIlIC Ifl hll f;1l Cllllll nl . , hy mnunwln rJ d p;clI Th e IllUll!ltUlnS bit II ~ \\ e ll on ('OIll Il" JlI ).fe"r~ 118 III th e largu "ltd de ll, IIItU tllllt 610 ty (111)1101 I::II ~ lOU ie IH8LII II1II1" hulltlllnd .trenglh " oro nOL thrust u l' .,. pCllk", hil t g n II \l'r) " I' IIlkl nest k",d ') >!h lll) IIIOlllltlll'S b locks " ere 10m I) h fled, nO ' luled , 1It-OUL '\ ~~ lllcl,cccl , mum , I'm lL clo"'c olJ"'cncr, III hi 8111 " ", lI , d " I1c lll y c rcll 1I llocl!C the c l o ud ~ gnlherl·d , hllrl ell tloNr 111111 your blll ~h ,~ II-II , me 't.IlIllL o fle ll YOIl afl})lfntlon III 1118 hellrt A gUlII h e ll h nll ulh er IIIcho, nml "terms IIg.III1KI thOlll , boat thl' lu e k ~ tlltO VII filII c r~ .hL fM III , o ur NLrong I' tII t.l!, !IIlTld, wlllch, ollrrl ed by thl' stor lll" 011 uu t " hCII 11'1'0 III1 VLhllll: lil llt t,," c h c~ 1110 ng'lIl1 h o cnrvOJl h\s "" mo In lilrg ClI(l I' Ihe.r woy W lowe r Illnd , Ilu g ll u t g ull'll (,~ till. 'rhl" ' " 1I0t nough. ll eedlci!!! o r III III vnlluy s I IIl1ug IIlOllllllnll peaK H II nel er th e flln . hou 1.1 r I d Oll' t h nll g u Ick "hullt tr lltu ' IL, mel I .10 suy II , Lhe Cll tT6IltiCH II! 11Il! CIiRIPIIIIIOII", hc ::;0 Lh c lonus mlltlc Ihe Hocky i'1.1I111- thnL vlI ur 1111111 oll l!ht lU bo pruull to Cllt.>t ulld chlllbs IIgllll1 T he grnd lllltlollH know 'lh It bl' '' hit h ell lo II milLe thnt, of 11I8 11SC0J1lli ll g scnle g row Wide r "rart llllu~ 011 the hCl~h ts snow fell, Illcltod, 1I1ll1 f(lf (Iu-" SlCI'I'III,' kill go uU ller th e 110 meu IIres hIli l e ll~th It r yc ry gnlll he CII t.>t. Th e ,nlCO o( It i ~ ffle nds "nlC fili i dOIl'l', II IIl1ghty vl) llIllIc,-th e Colo s lrlllg \11th 'lIlY of ' CIII, III' mntter Ir md" FrulII llJ! lholl!!llud ,ollrccs to the Ihey cl o Clirry lholr hell" . lll f he r 11011 II C Ilcer and lI enker, tIll (hoar words IIro \ es, for 11 tinnily l o~t 011 hi S Ollr H e nOli fo r Ih e oeenll thi s rl\ or h Wl nn rCI!('rvolr to IIC' hll , e 1I11)fl' 8L~It· .,IM)IIl 'C IIl c umuillte ItK l!eduuellt, olld 011 th l~t Ill! 1 do find It II g rllit comfort fir t time ClUlts a luol.:. be nentb 11101 Rud up pCr Wilt, 1'8 detnch ;8 CIlrrJ ...d along \)y r Je L, IIInm thnt g lllo ('o In 8 ~11 Il mOIllCII I.. th It 1\10 the currc nt The 111I1t(' rllll III rctllll .. 1<1 10 11111 (l eyes tI"lt tel\s fil l) 1II0ro lh nn I Cel ll l'( hnd III II b o. k I \lollldll't ~ wop mcnt lIouId IIIIYe bee n III~ InSL He tbo forlD of fino l!I\lld nlld 0111.1 .AI 11 0 cli ngs With II coll vul lI e shudde r to h iS ""nsoll of tho vear 18 th \I ltor free frnm 1\1" g lfl f" ~ 1 ~ h L for Il s t.:t1 .le ns milch hul l! IlIcbo III tho ro ·k. ~n n\l fill nbYI!!! the rcd color Qf tlns d6tntll ~, II 11('1100 Ihll clollti cII IIlth fl Rt g n! lUI YOllr UWIIIlJ! h.8 almOl't--ocrtRl n fnll Be II! 1\lIUle " o lorndo" 'Ihe ~ 1I111111l1 1 IIlUlI , mnntl shelf I ~ u r odd. 111111 ~ n d., nn'\ flllo t K(lI'el e e xert lOll, nlld tre m· toget b er wllh thllt prod uccd bv the COli ' thoug h III ) cl othe" mlly bo ns pIIIJIl· I Oklll ' n~ vOllr \)11 b) ' ~ f'lce, I'm II~ full hllug from t he slIdd e ll " 0\1 o f th ll dread wnt " Cllr o ( th e rucks, \IUS, olld IS, the fill de t ru ctlull tn \I hu h ho 15 CX IIOI;<·d eillef tool bv whi ch tho II cco m· 0' tnckMIIi II bOI\!! trnl le /I. th ll L li ttle H,s knlfo .M WOTII hlli l te tbe huft. I'liahcd lho deep And sti li LDorcnsJIl g cro~· gorl' ~ ~Iucklll ri I ~ 0' hole" 'Ih llt' lf IDe, H o ('1111 h enr tho \ OI~eH but not tho .011 o E the eallon8. Htlrflcd o u by the ev e r) IlInc II If t hllt IVlI lC·e v('t! horse trndc r ever reworo80[ hi. terr(lr stnckcII COIll I'IUlIOlI S Mil 1ft current, it g Ullw. owny whllte,cr It (lcat. h .. \I ~II hc will b 0 lik el y to meet be low Wunt IL 1II0me ntl Whnt 11 tout hos Notluog CliO reslRt thOJlCrpCtllll1 mengre oh.lllco te cscn \1C dest ruction I .mpllct of thc811 fiue SIli ceous llUrtlUl cs I\l Lb n warm ra 'e pt ion-bol llll g hot. 1hem 18 u o ,Is steps It IS The mlln'e loUli clloon oi t he Colom <lo It· PnOFll6IlOIl TI CF., t he W este rn \l eath er· IlIlr10'!!!Iblo to pllt b 18 hlllldaluto the Sllmo _ IF togaU..,. WIth U,L\ ulnun,er'll.hl dcpp proph et, IS golll/; to Ic ·tur(' ot Uurl,"g' nlcbe-wlth hl ~ fe 't, nnd r tltin "I. !ov Id ,~ IlIlIItlD8 of l tatrobutancM, I llch as tho Vir' tOil , 10011\, lIl1d t.h o 17i" ni ·E!I( II1Ull h us lIlomont B Is COlllplllllon. lII.tulItly JlCr 'g ill Kllllnb, ]~ lilo te, DlrW Dc\ II , sllll'lH.'ucd Ins JI b!1e ~lIte hCL IIlIIl ." gOlll g 1',Clve th18 lIew /Uur fClIrfu l dllemmn, nnd Grlllld, Ynmpll, ~o n Jllnn, 1I0tl mnlly for hltll \\JLh Ulo t ()f hor rid conundrullls l\lIart hI S filII With e motions tlUlt" frect.o mo re, nro the wonderful regull.:! of Lhr lik e thc"o thClr young hlood" Be 18 too lugll , too e rOl!'oo l 'he most mplel ClllLlllg IS Iloubt.W e " 'lil t (1) k now, ~h QII, ,.hy flllll t, to Mk fur bis f , t h cr o lilt II\QtbeTI le811 dono·hy tho (:CUlI'!l() 1!111I1i cnrrocel by h Ul brothors lind ~ 1 8tC'" to cOlli e nnn frOJlhou., willie t he hue murl , borlle by ciollli cli ~ IIII a ll' Ilys SUIIICII lit Wl t llCI:I6 or IIve rt 1118 dC8~ruetioll. But qUIete r, l'rOd ll coil th o )le rfect polish reflll gcll ce 011 11 I'rlZO tigbt 1 th "thor hllllll , one of h'.8 compuuiolls onlu'll'mtes 1118 de- will c h e \ ory-w!oure I!rev~ l. Why II 011111)' 01 fili US 011 tbo S IrO Swift 118 the II HId bo bOllllda down ~ch ool l" Ul II{ I the chalJoel, lind t ho flltlll 81t lllltlUIT of ScAROE! Y a YUlith of sel'cn teen is to ' Ve \\ nnt to kll.1\\ wlo" It IR thll~ II th o boy 18 told upon hl 8 fllther' s beart h bo fonnd lItnong tho l"nmolllllte. who 18 pcl t lll g mill s turm, \\Ith u 'cR.qwlllll steM. unrllenu t touch es o f thlllllicr 111111 h g htlllll ~, fll lis M inll t.e~ of nlllu).~t ot.e r nlll 1(, lIgth not e llborntcly tnttoued rolled on, wd there \l ore hllll d roli . Mbea nlld \l lIter M O It cd fur oolorlllg W rcdllr c Ih (l 1l1l,l w1IC\) o f \ tlt e Iter >!",,"d lll g III thllt rocky ehllullel, 1I'ld Thill. I'"r t IIf t h t' W ily fmlll thc "III 10 I~ clu ml I he "'1,c o f Il 1111111' K .. . Itllllciredll 011 the rul go IIbuvc, ,III huhl 1I111.t to t h e kll ec I. cov('rNI \\ Ith Il ' " f1 e- I. ~ ulh c l < n t to k ~c p Ihl! >;>lIl1e peo IlIg th e Ir brealh lllld 11\1 Il tlllg the f~ar· gllwli II"LWrn Lhll t IItu . Ionrt Ih.tllllCC rc pie ut hOllll' MllllrllI) 1I1111 11111g , g rll)lIu g ftll cntastrol'lIe The poor buy hellrs the SC'mbl e" 1.IC('wo rk 'fhll opcnltlflll I nil li t bmllK t hu Illlprlled u[ II... I' rll d e!(CH hlllll of no\\ hmillllmorulls , o l ce~, both >! lIl11 l'" tlla or three UlOlith s, nlld th e uf tbe "'"ICl IIIII'Y, but. Illcndln g to C ~ · uho"o IIlItl belo\\ Ho CIUI JII ~t d'l!- Ol'c ruto r I" I' (' ry c XlleLlllg "bollL Ius pny 11000 t hl' lIll!Ch c" Ul th o Lh rautelllug t lll"III-1t tho t.1/l1C ~ or 1118 fathor',. vlli cc , Wholl h e geUl hrtlf thro ugh he d OJllUnds lI elll.her' [f lhe fir-II r~1II 011 re((JrlI II " " nn Olt· wh~ 1M sh o ullllg, WILlI .111 t b e ellcrgy of h .. rccolllpllll!\ll, null I( It I" 1I0t forth· com lllg ho ,refuHCs to fimBh t ho lI ork , pre ~~ or nCUIHlIl\lod llt.iOIl l rulll, III1lI deap'llr , " WllIlIIDl I WIII IIII\II dOli t look ~ yo u ng nUl" IS ID Ilccl' dlsg rJl co 1£ IlO t.IIIIU II III It lIll\k a ~ 'fhe g irls If tbe ' colur of :'I. t(lrllml" I ~ sky blow 7 r10\~1I1 Your 1II1lthor IUld Honry IIl1d gooa nbont hol! t.ntwoed If II cyc lon OUII bo lIcgl?tllltcd by • .Hllrriet MC nil hore l'rny lll g fo r YOII Inllgh Ilt hllll, And t he m en scorn 111m. , non't look 1\011 II. Keop yon r eycs Tho pro el!ll IS \'ery pomflll, and t h syndl Clltc ' VlolullS are (h eted while uII<l c rgomg If the IDCnll tilmpf)fn\.lIre 18 c ve r 'IH t01VlIrd t hn ttlP " , The: bc.>y did ,,'\. look down- IllS eyes So)n e b ecome lIIore skeletoos before t hey menn lilly-whore olso, ll.a It 11:1 III 1111 Io"n ,! f IIr fix'Cd likp a Hint tIlwnrd heavcn, lind nro com ploted but It IS the flleh,on, and lIu tu llJII Y 1I y.)l1 Clln lMt.en fI, dour w, tit l\ til II· JII8 young henrt o n HIIII WllO relg". they nre r pllld by t h Ildnllriog 'glllll CIIS thore. "}I~ grlliljlS IIglIlII lUi klll[e. l~o of t he ,yo lllen. ()}he gll.l1tler ~e.x lire der bcJlt~ 1(, ,,10 II snow l ~ !!O(t J\ncl IlO)Ij(lJ C~s, ~ CII~ Iluoiller IIldh c, nud ,," ot.h er foot 19 rIImly tattooed. SomotirnCli u.-deIoC!lto • • n~dod V> Lllo huuM dK t hnt r mQvo 111m gu.r tilr 1ft \!een twimng a):QtlDd the leg, rnlhln y trAIU ci\1l 'he SII()\\' dill/ Ana, hn fllly, ",hl, b \\ Oll id hllppen if Il I ' ,\'~~. 'ft_._ Dletnll c~ lin Ilrllllct, o~ II 8lrllwb rry IrOlll tbll rel\eh nf hUllll ll uelp 1'10 I beUlel\\aaU~, low. Ho~ uaro[lIl1y he u '1$ his I'lIStlllg dcl!lg-Jl in "t he middle 0.£ the b allk, \jilt. prOlmesorv lI(1to 11bllill be IDI t be.fOI'Q itis -dew'" blAde I How an;noUl!ly he llCleota tho slI,ch> 11llltaneea are rIIre. I
':-I' ...T
•• .. EII
RY 2, 1878. Sn n erll'tfs Dillner (.ocs on A
" nu v'.
WHOLEN Tbe Boar's llead. Tho" bmt dRYII of bId" ll11d tb Cl r rude teatu res, but ' they we re el'lItlllg ul! hed by proru ho pltallty. DUrlllg !he hmfnuII! holidays, 0(lCJl house w Ii: pt by ~b olel f I dllt oorolls, alld fur plllny dBY ~ In ijUC ' i!IIl u tll d oh nud th o poor m e t r n"Jmrl y tog th ur 10 honor of Hml who bocalll poor for IDeo uud ~a ooro 111 1\ mOIl,ge r A s Woltor tt plctur 8 this fiul) old 110 pltulity
the .....81!. llbiJer the IIto\o bega ll to dip nll'lllll Fll'I!t out of on o )lot, Ihe ll Ollt of the oth r, IIIto tue 1V1I5h· LKlilcr It IIIIS hk e blll iing Oll t the >;Cll- Iu ll lIIore riCO he took out uf tho J IQL~ Lhe fll tlo" IlIf~ f11 II .,"Tnillo scuul cd Iu sllll c .1011 n Oil thc RtOI C " b id o f D me trtU8 pre 'n o m e I" 'fill S cx~ I .lnll~tl o u 11 118 J rOil nad OUL by th dl HcUl ory Ih llL lh boile r 1\ lUi fu ll ulil ul w mnlllll g o ,cr. 'J h n !-;nllscript 8urr IIIlereu H o II Iped IllS mOl t.ened \)row wllh lh e ll!sh tOI\ <'I, Illd 8!1 t down to gliLhe r h, s hreulh MI' anw llll th e ri ce cUlitllIlI Cd to ~ \\ (1\1 lind Ulllk e room for th e lOll r g ramM, 1111111 th e sluve Illlli tlOOI \I ' r' COl ored '"I IIl eh Ihlck At IMI the fro III th ~to\e W,"! C )(tlll ~ 1l\8 h cdl 1011\ 8LIII the riel' k'l'L cre('plIIg 111111 s \\ cllIll g Wh en 1\1 .. "1I1l-UI(,t hlll llh ed he r cllI\t IIltu ltlr$ Mullllncy IIl1d retur ll . " to Io c r kitchell 8h,' fOll lld u II relc h«1 1111111 trylU!>, tl) IrIt (Will the ~lI" 0 a ,\lI. Ir · boli ur full o [ fl ee \I Itl ch rc.fu:ICd 10 '1 l1nloull lll l,!; o \ er l ' oor John lij ~ lIt k nll g fl" lu x ' g llurance H e blls (, .U I " ,tllln ~ Hille' ~h C I1 to ~uL tlut. rice, IIl1d MrR H II I"CfI(lL 811 CII1'8 by he r bllck hnlr lhut , hc' lI cook hlll1 lIoLbln g but ficO till th e lell pO lilltl ~ lifO cons umcd, Whi Ch , the \Ic tlOJ IIIUt cnl c ll l llOU\ 11.11 be >!Ollie tUIlC U,e l nxt of llc xt ~lllr c I
bo" e ver, not te be of suffiei IIt q UIIO' my , tor though we admit lhut .t;,e 8 H Ad tUil , Adam If he 80 1242 k eep I~ ve . cmnpuny -Tot III 8,' ,82, 066 - New I'ark Ata,r. J\ll1thcmlltlc'IlIl ~ , you' r 1111 lit fuult If Eve 8 142 1st tcmpt Adam! Adnrn DlU8t hllvo 812-12XL Eve I-Tow
T II AY aqlllb: 0110 of tbe. old 111,.11 of Coli llee tlCo t 81l1d · "Nb one rUII 011 O,e, ubblltb <IllY, ellccp~ relYerenUy" ]nlll!l'lnli 1\ mon Just opt ' of chllrch pUr8UtJl ~ II flYing hilt rever eutly befo re .\ Ili gh wtnd nild ill th llreBellC41 o[ 110 IlI te rellWd ~ogreglltloo 812,605,1(;0 - Porld,u,ler Jour1lai .NilII' WOll E>o1' ER P, CU Th ey dOIl' t ha_'te set ' em ul' 10 th e o lher gnlle) Old Mllth ' muLlcH, y"u 1l1Iv,,'lIt gut to thu lilly co ppe rs III ,.rc WlltiOII down io St. " root II o( the matter yet 1f Evo 814 LO III ~, lind the JIIII~1la1 of that city Adnlll , of cour!c Adlln! 812 12 muke lIullk ~ thn t th'y sho uld be Ill trod uced. IL sq ullre.- 'l ollll 6,600,26l:1,S711 - C-ulb!l i:lo suy II 0 Down With II custom 1\ hieh provell ts II wSP"1' ' r mllll from cOlltTibi !Jl/w IItlll!! for th e "ul' Pflrt of th church I 'file Elcclrlo Ught. lIUR I.tNClTON Uu w~ (!le Every young IIlUIl who I. >10 fut h o can 't tie hi.! o wn LI.lJIHI01l Tlml':" J It Rppcnrs til he (lifbcult to urrove Ilt neckl lll, nne! WhOSll rllce IS liS ro uud wd t he cu t u[ 116J11g the clcctnc light, lig "bout II lurge ,~. II tltlm e r plnte, weal'8 a ure~ o( cstllllll te III dilferont ex pclrIlIlen ta helm e t lu, t, nlld the burlc!!I( u ll 111m on \lIrylDg colIHul erubly. III 111II0Y III1\11U- t.op uf IIIBh eudllke 1\ gmp~ 011 110 orunge. rllc~urlng eSlnuhwmcnts the cosL of the The Kpuctnc le o( Il fut lOun III Il helme~ plowcr tAl c\ro vo Il JIln gne to e lectroc IDn bat IK wllll~ Ulllko." IllllrocrCI'8. AN FRANC! '0 N (ut Tho 8M reclllne ~OItid 8(:lI re l ~ bo fel t, 118 on ly two or three· horse IlOwor !It the ",o ~ t weuld portor of th e Post BIl)'!!, concerning the b req l1lred 'rhft cost of the cnrholl IS con Ougrotloll o( the North P01l1 t dock Illlld to be Ie thnll 1I,'e ce nts pcr hour wurehoul!C "1 h e p'g Iroll 18, of (:0l1l'8I), per lamp, 011 the ,JabloclrkoO pl.lD , un on)lIred II Tb ,s qwet.ed mucb p'ubhc nnoLh er ClIllll1nte 1Mobout tWICe lUI Jllll eh upprchcoslQn [or .t IVRIi con&lderc{,l ce rtalll thnt If t jIe pig IrOI1 hlld Cllug bt lil'e bu~ Jlerhap~ refers to 1.,.0 Inm \,s III tellt o( olle An e lec tri C loght, II II b uoe~ nOlhmg co llid bllvo 8Ilved the city. }'lIrlli('r ['.ocecdlll gs ISllnush cd. 1I0t lIeeorclilig to Ihe nccour, lJ!, IIl1pellr No,mlSTowN Heruld: Statist ics show C ne 1I11~ nbout n \l eck ago, "")'S the to be cons t ructed o n tho J "bloch kofl thllt more pe rllOos ' cOlDmlt sOlclde 111 i)-trol t. I , ('fJ Prt3i<, ]lIoL. {\ J.ClIlklO WII" rlnn , tCRted ID practical o;ervlce at 1.n su mmer thun IJ\ wonter Till 18 CMI I,. \ IJ;Itt:11 by II \\ 0 1111111 :!II old t.hllt s he had h llp¢lIe, Franco, C081J!, lIl el udong mu ox phuned III ijUmlQc r , pllrlor ~lDdow, I" . t hor leelh , II l1 d 80 I'""r thnt , be LIve 11011 or fo r theDlaclllnc,llbouttwchu uro thrull U OpU lI, 'Illd tho dulcet notes co uldn ' t hll) II new !\C I, IIl10J . h e Afl.d ce nl.:! per IlIlIlp pe r ho ur lIInchon c8 c1u\\cd from PIUIIOS by lenrners llro borne " .I uh ll no oweH me fortr ti l e dollllr. capable of runDlng th ree 1Il00 l'S co~t leKR oul ulJOII th e sile nt a ir nlld strike thou11\\\ ful 111011(')' , nnd Ir e rol1l808 to pay thun fi l e hUlldred dollllrs, lind pcr hap sn ll d~ of humuo curs, fiLlulg the "clift F o r th('''C 1IIIIIIy l on~ \l eeks f hn\ e Im lnd tllllt slim co uld bo mnde to Clwcr nil Ihe wllh nll sery nnd tlungs, nlld dcstro),Jpg III big IWlItSC, wa"hlllg th e fn ccK uf 1118 br~t o u~IIIY The wellf IlIld tenr of lhe nil d csore to Ii ve. , lIIotilcrlcII.1 clllltlren 1111<1 100k lJlg hlH IIIllclllDe 1M not ClItJlII:lted A cll reful WII~ IS U ltullp-oh.lIllley hke aObloag9 S hould he not bo made to fork Ht lldy of the Jl~ur()jJ tb UM fllr furni shed en \ 111 gB bank? No Olle llPpeAl'8 Ilbhdb 0' or I" ~ lemlKt{) the IJchef thllt h~ht enll bo fur- nn8,, ~r thi S -Dunbm y Nem. That'.. '. "Of n truLh he sho uld ," ropllcd I". lIIal' cd by el e~trtl;oty 111 l' fllIl ce nt IIbQUt more SlIure It's too l-Beailie' Honor I~~ be IICleeted a clclln , clcllr two·fifths the CORt of gll", lIlHl n8 the !'boy're s ure to break pru\ ted summon s " 1 11'111 lIotlfy IIIIU pri ce of glUllll most Am e rlclln Ci ties ex- 1;00t 18 nJlt to grow out t~ cn ll llud 9Ilttlo o r tnkc t bo r llglng con- cecd8 tbe phce III EuroVO, It seems pro\). 13ecnUliC they burn 86CtUeucos. J' nble that a 81wllar cstlwate of tbe enn't ;n",rurll~.,l;! ·'Etlday Gfilern~ 'ttie ",,1116 wollllln re~~e~rt~~~~!~~~~I~;"~u~'wl~~'~ .....''''.. . Her Illoutb WM oa empty of her cyes 11I\d lost thllt {lI r~k, and b elr tb ree-co rcovered With II snti ~ fied
UIl,' "HIt.I~d I_ I" II hili I h~ hill. 1'"1 ,J I, \
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THE Gems of the Dance. ,, GOOD OLD STANo.BY. I Th'~1 C~l:~ter, ?f Ge~l,~ "
MtXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT f:~TA..II :I! Iu: u :l'\IAIt .. A l"' '' )!tl''ul'' A \"", .. r.1l11 AI"""Yllfttl\ II U l l n T ) ," r~ I "\ 'h. r/ ~ 111 1l11'l1l." "f' tn ., .. j , f I h ... h l ! "rll"", , ,, .. tl u
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"~;~:'I :i \:::\I'~I t!:11
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Int to lake, 1'11(, Ie Price 31~ ob. A " feclly Humle, . Ua T . . . 110 0 Q {' It.' no EqUIII'tLe':V7 nO ~oaLlEuvg~~~"'YHERE , ' unplellun o"e s. Bottles Double tho Slzeof any 25 ct. PrO}lRl'8.tion. . . ~' ~ ~ll ~D ~ Ouret OOU III Cold., Hooping 'ouG" .. In in the C,I st. 'In Ipi. nt Can umptlon.
ll~nllll1 ~, D. 9~ ~~
l1KWE~DlAl~. ~
t'I\11 wu... ; '\'IlVINO t<@.'I I ( I " ' t ( ) B I l I E T ' I 1 1 \ B ('la . \ " 11\\111-< ' III ' " :\lI u " " . , ~!\l&\~&f&~ ~~V~ ... ~ Q) " I ltuatb, or ..oh mu"tb, 1.:'1 ~~~.Ioe ~y \ ..:.: , ,,' t1'.1'!(\lt t',lIIt K U. l' l'ilI1. ~\" 'W Ih I l lll\'~ 11" " 1'1' ~\m l ~I \t," \"~. \ ' t I1"'.lnoou. .-4., • . U(,II t II SIIC". 1 \ 1'111 111. lI t; v I' . '1 II,) \ :::==~~~;~~~;=~=== I Have N0 Furtber Preml'UID on Gold I . . .. ... "'. n ' " ",11' \1 ~ .,~net Qr u .. \ 1\11\11' II I b' ' 11'" \II.!IIghtlll I 'Ilb~~t\:Ki:~IS'tfil~t... \1,,: lIo\". Lllllill"- ~Ir nl,j 7Ilr . 'E,I"'ill 'hai,,\I('r r, I1'O, ' - -' ' BW .... .. anu~acturers, I 01 luq ··vi.'e ' . ry ~ .. , - . . I' l! ~ Ii 'DRIl'I'D'~ ~~~:~R ..:~r;,. ~ ~il\lJ .• ' n ~ Y""''' .,1 !Inri cl..\hl \' i~itl'\l ~I , I'r~"I' ','tll 1\ · \ '~III.ING \ 11,1",,111 :-~~ "t~Y' 01 r. \he wifo , ', u.~ .., . I\. m.. e.e~y SIJnday U rll' I' l'Y 1111 111 I ~ II I;' Iy \,), tI ' Itl'r·. 111111 'e,' ml, S\ CI~ I --xl«! ' ~ lIlRDS' M&&TlN O ,I,~~~ft\ 'r~ftl~~ f"tI i\l~ h ill VI " I;cI'l), UII uPI' I' ~lill f<'lltl ih' rellll'lIllle l' EU(1;iIIlll I\I~I ' . ' " ','~i~" ;'''' trect , .' 1\,,1 U"n\:I N Waltull. tit J. ~l.;..'r~9 l-21)' l oa" ".101. • - ~lr. Gc rgc ~l yl'r' hll,olly I":V O """Il)( IlIwy,,\, wh o I\lI\l~1 very tt~Qtioif ___ -:0:OIO\,"I.\R OIlOl\Ou-8'n~ It,,,,~~~~~ heell tlul urll1ill ing glle til trvn. \\ II · \;\rllUIIJ hure nl l1 \ l.c~)I\I;nll ~~p liSt'. ! oo ~nd.'·re Id.en~ .tDr. Wo have a large stock jllst bvup;ht (,t tIl p"/J8ellt LUI/) R(/teR lor .1.y ••nd S~n~, ...ah~~ ~l .. Y mington. IIIIIK llgu lit v~h\lr Pllll\' 0 B• . S 1Icra.•land. W"'''N RlI\' II,LK. O. CASlI. -"1'1 Lo..a~, m;;: ~y L.. l"VanOlol'C Misses Aunie a\lll Mllry Brown H hilS hlt.. 1 • tnrnet! lip In 1 0 III\~ \ F!!·°I>:~:;';ri.:o'n ~undir" at ~ 8pellt Lh~ Cltrh;tllll\S ho\idl1)'t1 in 1mollt •• CI.ll ifur"iI':,M\·\!~;eB~n"er.;, ·)0.1>0...001< ... . )I ., ':I'd 6 l-te 1'. aI. Sabba Oa ·to " be ·n pa~~ln~ lid IIJ 'blll cnplc Offioe and \:l:1li f!:1. ~~ tD~ G} () To."..hil' O.teolIYc O. W. is AY " :"raloeOtl.,. eo ... a';;y m ~ in ~o Il~8~tB; his prnper.t y. puttlllg In ptl ~'I. I ... if\! Ioild ill XCllia, and - - -CD ..., tn at ~ 0,91l p. k' Pre · Wl\lktl. &c. . II '. 0 marrying nn· L. O. ,. ' . J It·~.~f:,p~O':!':'~~tar;1oaQQ . -~lr. 81~cri~I~II. nei~h\vLlYic ~,~ ,~;~\~,;)I\~ i t~;~,~ Ci~~ l'eorill ""Ien t~Ie PHYSICIAN ' &. '';ia1a,,·llIiS'l'IlI.t' (Or\bndolt).;..l' 4t~ Ciocillllllti, 18 \'lllltl11' III IInc M~rCILlltil A~I!II~Y C~Pll cd hlln " Offic" in Natlon-\ Jr. SPEC." LTV• .1","Mvino..,o...lll".~.~l!o". t.his pillet). . ' ,,"J l'xl'lv"~U IllS htl~ gtlhlO. , If'AYN,li' VfL'u [Q"'OENTLEMEN'Sn .y. ~~o':~OO~ .\., II. --MeSllrB. Willie and.FruII ~ : ~LIt, lie' h\! tlll,1 to tho Pacdlc I.ope. " ,~ • ' (;huTob' In .,f S ... utu htlr:CBtoll, are VI~ ltl"~ WIlI IlllI i lin in. innuting, pll\\~ Iblo, Sl<~'l'H ' W·· AI.80, MAN u .·.\()'r ~ UIt IC) nl1 (j)_ @ II~ 1r~a Jl ~~ D'I~ !Mil Mr. A. L. Fu.rr. . cCllllhlill10t kind of A TTOF\N --- - - Patent Common, Weather Qi. 11( Ar&. A . ~orl!:e B. Dai\{t~~l\lh"1II0 "hIl IllO\'rhllg\eof Ihe ~~1I~8~WWIOI: AND NUT,,:R Boardmg, Floormg do. , . X Jnill
or. t .
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Fo~t~r .fixillgl,I:~1 H.~ ~~~~\::Ii l\'~~"~:~. ~~~~~ d~rting .;",1
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f~\Iow, 8U~Ject.~~
Fall c!! 'to/'o tt Sa1oill g, 'flI11·ni llg. anci Ciroular. 'aw in g done
at llea.JIl)tlahl4 P1'i CI 8!
ed M~88 . 01' er, ill Mor· ror, urmg lrIetmQS. "'-Mr. Willie Rogers cnt '41n ar· tery in his· leg this IIII'rllillg; Il ruther serious uccideht. . 1i).'iru..1 -Mr. P~rry Kenrick ha built a new plIlIog f\lllce in front "f his property, west MiII-etreet.
11:0 J time He ie a mal) whu CIIII "8111i1e 8mile I\nd be 1\ ....... _._ vill,\jl) wh il t "y smilo ;" hut old e~~~~~~! Dcolzohuh will Iiud 1\ situation tvr r! him aller uwhilo. - . -- - Ucllglolld Notices. S - Eld er J. IJ IIghes . will -Mr. o,.cllr Martin . aorl MillS pr\lllct. ut tllo Ohl'U!tiulI Ohurch • "s,ring-to In)()(l'fI,e 'heir ,pittow, Bello Mrlrtin, of Wilmi ot.• n, visit tI noxt )" ,ru',;.da.y at hili I' past t\.lll A. and batlle tbe aching hcad. Well r friends here 1I1.qt week. M., allo hillf pa t six P . M.. ; lind it WI • I II lOAf we say, ' , lat IS lome w t I. -Tho nut riOlls Ohri8. Binglln1<Jn thu \\'I'lIlh ur PCI'llIilll will relntlill n out • Rutller 1. Tongnc ~nn t hll~ beon ellteneedd til the pOllitCII ' jJlIl't vI' tho wook and preach in the ' I!f llltllll' HI••• DRI . 11. nor pen depict the sorrow Ihllt tiary tor three y I\rs ~ r larcony. U\·o nil,t?d. Allure cordilllly illvit- 0"', "doo.. ' OyerebadoW8 the bome wbore tbe - S ' ., 'u .. .....k iDeleell r or death clllim8 , eve~1 of onr ~ay yo.ung peo· Ill.!. • ......... WII,.."., .other lor viotim. , The little Pe attended Dnd enJo.1' tI the bull -Elders L. Bavis and D. Can · 01117' b,t"'" t Ol\~ milt .. grandma's care, grand. III Hurvoysburg 11I8t Frid :~y night. dell will prollch in the nuptisl r .lI.. to P.1l. ...'1 ·n;ght kila, gra~dma'd ,--Drs. Thoma.s Sherwood and Vhllrch ul) nl'xt Slltordu.y u.nd SOli' ~,.-:-:--"~;m:~thy: ', I'rank U IJrmel hllve. returned to dll)' ; Salurday at ~ p. M., lind Son·. hard &0 giv~'bel' up but we tbeir modielll 8tudies ill CincinnR.ti. day lit l ilt ~. H . • 'o.~ ..,. th~~'~Jtl}o~t hope. 'r ~'~llrr'oI. blllk i.ystel'.lare all tho -'fhe He.v•. touia S. Odoorllo tIW ~orid,' ·fall of trials go ••. You wiN alw/lys find the best will probllbly bo uccec(h:d ill 8t. Ud .ufrerillKL bnt there is rest be! ill ~w 'I , and gut the m B.t f\lf your l\IIII'Y'S CI)urch 'by the ' Rev~d Lang· .10Dc~')M· w.M'. ..·Ui &~i:lfglveth · m ' lI\e~> I • : ~Oll O. Ste~' "rds{iO,-ufPuil~d~lphiu. 609. .~ tlie ~i'd .~~!'tft·1 Y"'f.' .ty}rl ,we , -Misees Lllurllllf\d. ltla V'~!nor r - - . ~. . ' . ':r.,,::~~:':',,:::r,,~~~~~,-...~~ W:cJi.tfW 08i,,,,GCl"o~etnl&1 gain. qf Bftrv\lyshu rg havp..tieon . rp=:.A lalge uumoor of rclQllve8 '0.. .ar ...... '" &Mclay. thet· 80...... Mr. Geurge Mycr's fllmily at Mt. UI)IO trlelld~ w~re p~\lseut at the H.. ~",,_u, ..' Jfo ~. I!~ 198.&Je...III,••9 f l' }lat\ a1t0ll0; BOIlle . ,fullcral ubsequles of tbe tate Mr. Pa .. Ifo 0tIM1' Wttrtk\P .hllte'i IIna rrd\u'ea. . . • , R iahuro Ru.i lIe8 on Fdduy to Ihe:~~~~ii~=~ 1'a{~.".ui.I"'aod patieat.ayoure; --Dr. Jnmo~ W. flliine8 lind- The Rev L F VIAll Ole"e tb~ )1_ lib .auther O8n char.. ....,,' pain·cumpany begill to·day the lIurrey .. E CI' ' '0' Dedo _k1ntI:MtlMl l VI\* dlelllolr II"&l 'imd worId .....,.ry br~ln.' f I' bU' d lJl . lorc. II;. D r. J u.me8 allle8, e.t.n F aneraI bed 'b R 'd A .) a new lIle etweell bca an of the Hickeitl! Frieud8" l'laac b,..o. Ilv . Dn'· · ..n _ I H ,.' 0 011,.. """rroll. of ..... X.'I888. "'ext. "J"'" ISter dom u.nd R. B. OPJ[i08, 8Nt"Peter, lat olla"ter, 24:tll ~,and - Mr. an dM . ' 1'8. A • W . • HIr.-" ~uo,,!' the Ortl,uxlux Frieuds', addreued w, put of tbe 96th yeraee. and Mrs. H08I1>.r,!l~n, of, the meeting, 8uy&&. R. Kucui. ha~o been YI8lttn~ . Mr. W. H. Mr. Hllin!!1 looked ve~1Ijfe-like
' .
Spectacles aDd Eye-Glasses:
I'PJr&JD. ~~p;
'Rl7DaD.~_Ql WI ~~~~~ ~•
C"RISPIN ":bRC'S, U N DE R T-A K'E n s .
" · r e e ... · a r..,.,. ... ----:U:----
1 "
. '"1''' '~'. '
C8 1CBRY .
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Lancho .... rur ",.1. In O~ WllOn count'!, Nebraeka. on tbe 11 ..0 "f Iha U. P. R.. . t pri"AJ
,.,.llIed..ltatf the...'Il..mW·h~"" ..t ye'{)(/,,too ..r. "In"'m.~ one.... tI,. _ t•• <lhe.llh,looallti &he rOnJIII'' lInlloud tho p.... 'd"lInolrllin H.'"f rl.'t.I)"bure.,.E, 4l71,1•npotlf.."~ rmin.!f.oI4"''f\dIIIQO·tUupo , biohStut...;P80lLOM
8tt1C1t Bailing·.m .aU Bruch.. is Particularly Profltaille.
~). ~. b:~k:!!:,!~~c."at'i::=~g ~:::t~a :::,:.c:t::'':~!:1~';'!t~,:::,=
Bartleson, edit.)r 0 quffin wiUt. , "'.' -- . , , . tbe Sb.rpsv ilIe Pa. . .Adwrti,er, at- al! ho (\ftull wure .~ , - ).... -~. keto wilh .n tbro "".,."iellce of "Ide.r oet_led OOmmllaltih. aOYen"ll.n& IIUIClI _ lie R8POaT ~Ba"'."bU'" eclloo1.a tended th .. funeral of hi8 uocle, Mr. ti vu'vl' '11e Il' ~ o\JtllinN Illld.r tho hotIJl!lt~ 1.- .hich !(iye iIll pe"''''''''. "belher ....1. or '_1..0 .... , _ AL_ d n.~'~ "" _ ~ r.I'i 21 ),uan of lIjfe. l!41)..n... r..~; uod abo to ponuna of forelp birth "ho •• lro applloaIUr _mon . e~ ing~. 91': Richard l.Iul ; ~~t Fridu.y. . 'thl\t 4l\'~r t!r~ ~ ilon' r oi""""hill &h, I. me prIYll.lle. tJf'&ill<'OIIl.o Kin N<l.-i ...18 tn v..-&."..... . • OOL. ' -Mr. Charles E. Jacobs met 10 I.S . ._ ,..~ketll for ule b, J,*" J. 00"" an~~..\., Ubcm-tl, 9·.attbefoI1o~101I ~ ._1IO'R't _1A. TOTAL with a seriuus accident on Mon· IVllt '000 vI' hor ver); best , • --SELLeCloclnoatl to Cosad, t29; &1lJld trip. '31,30. soocI t .... 40 clS1I" =~'.' : Iday, aprl\ining hia allcle 80 that he uno whose exum~l? may . be Rulled white wheat at 7ic. 1\ lb. INVIANAPOLIS W COZAD, round ~rip. tll:t.C,(I; IIU!'" ror.d.,.. 110: _ • • '. ' 40 ' 8 8 ' can ooly perafnbu\t,te whon aided imitated by thl) r181Orgelleru.tlon ; ' D _ "'11' • .: , . ' , Prepared cocoa 200 a plickl\ge • , ' Tueed"lfll ( . ,_~_ ...... 81 . ' \by II paIr. 0 r crntcbCII. II I f l ' ad a ...,.peet... , ...0 oltlzen.. of • . All EllCllflioft TraID willlOtlve Oiaolnnatl .ad Indl!lnl1polis nn. the·NOOnd .. -, . .. . Ie J(llm~ e 0 Il se. tD e III 0: place and ita yioiui&y tbU they hAY~ "P'lned Oat Meal 10 eta. a pound. J.nuary .... 4 Febru.". 18'08. ....hen partiee will be hown dlr""Ut Ibn'\Illh to lOIlI . . " ' . ' UD ICUOOLB. -~ -:Mr.. Hicks, the' w~ll-knowll . M~. H~I\UeB' r"maul~ we~ bUrl~d ,.A. "1"111 Y Bllker'iI Ooooa, 8( c a l!ackKge. For fu~ther laf""matlon •• pply to DAVID Vl.AYl·OOL. Coll8d. VawlJOll Wo....rolled. Il& 20 .0:; commercial traveler ot Da"ton III MIIlIlIl ell1etery. M, e5l!r@.Joel ,. """"'. · Ol!wegoOornSlarchllScapack ..,Iunty. Nellra8,k n. {~~ I-6m "" chit at£. 29 1!6 !ill ' .1 , E \I I R llllrr' B Peter Eberly ill W.yoe... lUe, """ ~r of 1I1.,i.. , . F! SIS and brotherin.lawofMossr8.Ed?es \'I I.. . I, \ , 'undMi~!Uiet~eetll,,, kUll ul",aYI Co,~OY.l<! ..... tr. hLo""tor.SAlm"n And : and Thomas Kenrick di6d sudden. lsanc Wvoti , N. B. Anthony, alld ou b.ud Fruit 10 Olin", u& 10.. price. Ifl.h. Germ.n. Schoolo' h88 adjourned for two \ 01 f .D ' f . 1 Geurge W. Hluuilroo actollas pall· The belt !I,om~.m_1Jf.ead, Ould. Aome: Wbil<!. Buff..I... C,~.tilo. Con· ' 0. F. WILLtA1ll8 . yon llBmllS .ay,o apopexy . b ' (}, J..o. ~ t' . tur, •• udl'lDoT..rS""jIiI ll.pecl,KI~,. weekI. ....~~ R6 1877 -Mr. Georgo W. Hamilton pllr. carers. , a'.:'~ ~Jeo Mnerte8, H_ coutl!,~e. to m ke the l!I'!"uine HlpIn order to Introduce our ~ muttruted CA~ '(In hook fOm.) ( , IN'an .&JU<> " ' / . ' . t" "Ad' b b' . b • • and all dealr.ble @~ ',..,.01 found ill II podrome Linlmeat.and Borton'. Cuugb t!y~. Watcbl!ft with full infannalioil How to Become Agent8. noeI 1\11-'''' ~:w. - -__..... .. lOlpa"" In t e an<Juet given y THE new M. E. Ohureh parson- 6nl-ol.... eat&blul;;Uut. ':' : .' af:.nd ileepe.larger ....d better IlMQrtmcut we..will ..",d, OIl receipt of Que DolI8r, bl ~tum WillI, UW 1ll~t:u14'1! C. ~ ago P.lY WlIAT YO\1 EAT. -- All tho Lebano~ MIlSOIIIC Lodge last age progres8e8linely with 'he t4vor. The, h!',,..110 qpelltKl." !~'.: ~ FarlliI, Groceriet than an, ot"e~ hnu!le ptber w1i.h pel'lOIlB mdobted to Park Leak IThOlsday night. He say~ 500 per· able weather 1l1l(f wi\l801>1I be iii rr 'UWl"O. ~' CI.:Ao' ' Lil W.)'II.eoill.. ~'1 ~Q~t not be i'lrpri8ed to lind their l SOl~s were presell.t, Illlt! that they It be a verllleat and.u ~.. ~,: ~OOD, HUNTERS OUR ONE DOLLAR COLDEN C . accounts In the hands of the Just· enjoyed a ruyal t,me. tusty buildi ng. wbere. "taU' 0 )·. . . . · . F' , l<!ro. colf.e. h., t An pe""'n. ".... h.... b' forbidden tu hUllt J~Of t he P ea~, all I I~ n\Dllst I\llve -Mr. 8 cth IIrllu~.ofW"t!wood ..... . . milnnerai\d ouolJrpremu- .. ithdug or gun. durinlf mOlley. So tike ","rll\llg and sllvej y.arm, near this "luco.80n of Dr. J , Lellk.plel1d gllilty and WIl8 fin · Theyoie Ihe enslllug I'ellllOn .. Any pera()n or 1"'1"110'" oost. ". . <. Rubor' F. Forllus \vus married re. cd $25 IIlId cust.!, (about t3u), this 10 givo this w~ro ... g ... 111 h<. tr uled ~M , .""".... and prooeCllted to ~bo lnll ea· .- • .• cently to n young lady oJ Indiana. mUI'nillg, tur kctlping hi8 saloon t.!n&uf tholuw: ((j'" ~II r,ld Blth~mo:(\negro 'Y."o 80lh i8 n. No, 1 boY.lllid we wish 0POII u.fte\' 9 1',IIl. A. H. WUlh,mllOn. bad emlgruted to Liberia years ap:o, him hllpl'ill<!S8 ullstillted lIod 1I1l1l1 . a. T. Oomell, o!ld€!reJ a qnantity of Dr. B;JII'S l lllyed . Tug ad vOl'tisemont of the New S.. roh Olark, Oou~b 'Syrup a short time ago. -Dr. A. Sllllcr~ wns cl!!ctecl Su Yurk W c~kly we commond &0 t~e , , ' ~b~~!!ICI~~Ir. sfatlOg that although c?ugh8 ~nd perilltendellt vf the M. E. Sunday l'erusul ot vur readers. D'D'D f) f) Honry K. Bid.... eoldtt were not frequent 10 Africa. I I I S d . M J' - - •• - - _~It' ~ ~ D,' ,ulel B. Cox, he would not like tu be without it BC 10,1. U8t 1111 ~y. vtce r. a· RKAD tho ad\'erti8ement of that I,icob Lamb. • b' f '1 P" cub Ru.lldall re8wned. Air. Ran · ,. 't ,. '1 tl e New tt' .. ~ Albert Staay. an IS amI 1. rice 25 cents. dull has 8er;ed faithfully and well uvurl e ami y paper, I II!ioIlll 0 ~.' 'vQ r.e ...lrt. ---.~,. • " d" J'" I I , Y vrk Ledger. A' " , a lC! to OLOTHES- B. A. loy. [(J- Lebanon Lodge. 1(0. lIS, I. lor years, ao It 18011 Y t lilt 10 - •. • WRiN':;W"?t :lI ldnd.. ;"i11 William Xorford. O. O. F. did an act on OhristmAB shvuld be released for a while. TilE bridge over Camp RUIl oaae" BOLLS. "_, old Albert n. HlliuM, ' d ' lnce ' dS "lmmod'IIlte ~I t c ' It'IS th " ~.... .-.A Ell.... Oollett Eye tbat entitles it to the bleu!ngs - Mr8. R 'Ie d 11 alOes esl";s nGIOU. 1":.i n'ri" rea~T't DGraoe B ....... ,;'• . (It the wbole communIty. litliJer to thank her f"'lends who lont th r lr ' dlluguroIl8 . . ~ . I.metl N. Thorn .., i the .i1perintend~ncy of \fm. A. aid u.nd sympathy iii he\' lute /u.mic' -;- .- . . ~Jt.iaBro~., , Ooyne.IWalt. Hinkle and J. B' lti"n. Also ~o the trudtees or the . THg rc~dl~l\ re opens to· Am... Halnee Graham. every ,Odd 'Fellow'8 w}d- ,Orthudr.x .!rlend~'. church for the> d!'y, IIndel tll~ , c~~e 01 Mr. W .John Hawlco. -eceived u.s 11 01lrl8t- use of their lIIeetll~ . hou 8e 011 the Evuos. , ID'-l'hFBllmoU. 0 -.. l'n I~banon '" " ". d I . f ,al . , ti I " -..- - . - nJII urn .... mill! girt a fine tnrkey an a IOn· occnslOn 0 a r. allies lIuera . FRuIT.nuDs began to swell durEIi.h. Conic. ' dred ~uods of flour. , The hel\rta -Sugars lire lower. Urleans ing the UUU:llIl\lly warm weather. Ed. Tbf!lOkmorton. or fifteeo widows were made glad, moillBs08 60 ets. a gallon. G{)lden - -.--- ~,t ~~'::i~ht .nd consciousnea& the membereofthe Orderhave lsyrojJ 75. Fine sorghum Fiue· timo SHUOT no Monday. more quails. OlAy~Jone •. ' oeft·h.yehl.a,mo IIdd.a ~;]~i:7~~~~~l~iiiiii~~~i~i~;ii~ the of doing a noble lout tobacco , 75 and 11,00.55. Mince· expired CW'Any fanner deed.-(Star. IDeat 12* cta. Dried Bweet corll, . . ~.---: Ii) ~ the ~~le ~~tloe. for 15 ceot.. , - ~',peaohea.and currants; hOlDiny. rai- . Po.JUt market 18 dull, OWIO, to tho No.8, • ;" I . THE 8 E 8 T 0 F F,F R. I u::;- At an adJoar~ed 8C6IIlon of~in8; figll .and canoed fruita. ' Oran· warm weather. • WAYNEsVILLE ' 0 ' We ..1111011 during Ihee, bant ,Imu. rriel 10 cepta .. qoart. A larll':e ... , • \ 'B.S ~ Ibe Board of COunCilmen of. QID'..itM~ tt eiilTtitQo' 6erctoforo d H I t f ',d d n ts ~ A aeaue .ill&. PreMrlptlllll.OjtDpeGt'lcl.a~hllho.. "v.K'"&&DOS &or ...., ---red' atlO'IVin17 all tratn8 on the .1° BOI~do 0 canh YUanT 0 G or Iu Ollr atyle of climate; witb lie ,uddea l1luperienoed n"'oggtlt. · '':' 9 L71 And.1I otbeT ~t11 •• ID Ih. lime proporlloD, ....... • 'l' tie 0 I a,s, ~t t e p. own ro· ohnn e. of '''''' rillure,-rllin. willd. u<1 . ' .. . " <, ' D''': Inrludlng Ornnd. SquaTII and Ufrighl-an 'Lfttle Miami ratl~ to ron along eery or E. R. Printz. Hour 80cts, .un.glno uft.n~intermingJell in .. single _ : P~l ~' ~:a:'A ' ~ ! .,aliT' n L .... -.old direct ~ the PEO"La .AT Front street &0 8yea~~ro, WAB ta· 1a 8uck. , . day,- it. ~8 nu wonder Ibll~ "our olJildrou. _ :. - ~' , . ..•' ~~ " '. ," r.cmo~y r...'.... ~o "f.eDls ; no oomml.· It d ~ bv. a vote of friend. MIll rol0ti,ve. are 00 frpgn.ntly ~1 ' Tlle ,;w Wi!~'" ·A~ett. 'l1h\l;d .10111. no dll(loun,l, hele pIAnol mod. ell, ap ,.~ . ~ . . .. ..r . ' . -M~ J. W. Gormao WIIB mar· ken ,~o;u III by negieotecl oOtds. b,,1f the ,.t~ "~l"" 01 >,;: , ~~""'M'" One oLlha 6aell,.dllplo,. at Iba Oenlenol.1 y~ ~~~ nays .• ~o thllt f~hlB rot·ad ried to Misa J 08ophi~e Pollock at deatb. rcoolllting direotly fru,!, th1'1. r~;."I"'j'...ntr;li~ iIf:' .T,Ii~ ~ou.e E~hldhld"onl' a~d , w,~re un• 1I lruou8ly recN"m. now JJIIII the prlvlle- 'I rono ng ' . w" A boW. of llo ~ • ·n.. rm ri . 8' .... ke t 1."I,hed IO'bli4Qk alnu'"'aiIit'".11i exooll ","" e ur ... o uwn.ST 11 OKORI. eW . tr· t ' t"h- "oot of S c· Symllles StatlO1I, 1110, on ednes b t b"'~Il\I~ '1m oed ~,-p ' P, ll!at repalrP TW&';lii .. •..limP" UII tb'e Malll\fllclI'rr-Ollc of Ihq !arg•• l ana /i'lRII FINit AND CHEAP ~nger. aanB e II Y day evening. December 19, 187t. "'~:ent.~~iou~":?ok or :-I.ra ~::.~. 'cllle fod l.Utt. it.~~: , .' .)1 . .... 171 the wor!d, The Squar~ Or,! "dl COn.!lIio . .'l'Qore·~treet; •• at the residence of ·tlle bride'8 pi!., ~i\l, and petbap. de ..~~y the ~ of thrue "SI II • (.'111 )':rrmlll~ali ,1'!h".::tf:C~I~'I'~~~ ~r~~7e::~~npt:"I~~~~I~~r.:~!r:~~ ~~;;~~~I~E~Sflii~~~~~P~~~~~~~~~~~~; PUBLIO IIquare8 a~ a great ble8ll' rent8,oat 2i o'clock. The Rev. 8: i1 fuur ~o.e., pFor ourl'ngSoOon.c:rp~, f:!~i. er:.':."oc!!rmMatlug. tur., ~r pl. no makillg. The Uprlghl8""re TURN KE NOTICE . T lDI to ' the c(}mmnnity We can K. 1I0Jtaingcr, of the Prettbytor. Cr~,::;rrur"lf:~;. eli:.':no" tb:oThr~::'u,:; Appl, to •~:I S G. KEYs, Ar!nit. . ~he ~l'''d·De''· ~nltJ.~ll'O \~rite PI. r '", ' (: the iatne of Dr. -Bull's Baby ian Ohurch, officiated. The bride Lung.. ItII ~1l1I/).~' il 11mpli ...ouaerflli. .. ELE' " V -0'.....,....: . .:!Ued fre~. aa scr'p.~ ... oguo._ The .tookholdel'll of tbe Wayaenllle .nd .1~orllon. goola.and' jltllr8 ,~" · ~8'1 , i h "~-t ed ~ th WIl8 'elegantly 'drened and looked ,our drllggtlt will tell you. ~rman Syrap •• , ,.. ..;~u~ .eadeluohll Pi.uo Co "'lImlugton TG~nplko Company at" hereby tor medlola.1 pllrP'l_.~..uld ~o_!reR ~'M. 1"P, 't" I t e..- rem y f)r e I d A I be f i. uo ... oold In eveTY to .... IIId ylll ... ou Notl"., U b.n~iJI"" tba~ ~~of 638-1 ' N 00 B N " nOllftod that the Anbul Electloa for Dr- "",be my .tack a ...." pU~~ln ' ro' fill. _ ~ O( .11 dilNles .Babyhood has I~n 80me. argB 0l!m r 0 tb~ oolltinent. SUnpl~ hottleio for.&rlaI, 10 offto... for,4JJe ' ".,a~.... _B ; ud ~_ 0 .. aOADWAl',. y, reoton ,,11\ be beld.t tho om08 of ~ , T. line of ·Bollrbnn., ..nlituf lu prine ,~ • to enCounter Price only 26 cents. frIends were pre8ent. to wltnea& the 0.; regal ... lb•• '1110. . Loan A..... l!ItlOA ill be, ~ atf •' T'a 'lFE -OTIIft' 8hABIN. In HaneYlbW]f.OII MOl\lTDAY, tl.1!O to ... JlBr !JUlian, bu•• ohol" • ' . ceremony and congratulate the hap· . • Ihlp Houe H.ri .~ .. ' AA .... V&I, t e l~th Day of Janua"" 1878, Bollrhoo 'or tt....lllO tha bMt. br.ude of~~ A' all drug .&Ore8. I Th ~Anta were nu OC? After 8uffering a~n1 from P ' t 'ar' ~ " . ~ ; , 1878 All pl!l'IIOne Ift!iebteol to the und....lp.a ~o bOlln of.1 ud ' 9 1·11 o'clook P. beer, gin.. wla....M1. 0.11 .nd _, ,' . " . ~. , - py COUp e. e p.~ • T II I 'S Th t, N, aJ' .L"~~ -tAO; u;ay~ t.n ."an~tuI,. ... ~1l8ited (0 call ana Httle 'up h, 'the X, ' .' , E. BAILY, 'F1wIdeD.. " BOl! )[OtnorTJOY: . , ., . a'l'beJaatrat.tailcountoftbemero:I18aodcOIItl . audthewed· ootacl;'!r0re r~ , eur,.gla'- be,__ ,.tbe, bOUl\illl' Hn4~~": ' ~ofl<ll!a....JrwithoDtfal1. ," . ~ , : I1,I~. _ '~"" ',. . .,'. ' • , -' ~ ,. ,-Da~neBi{1 mpanyrellu 10 Il)lC,snpper a Bumptuo~a repast. or ~o" 9. .t!3 la~1 D~'VPIlI ;-O~ .A.pD.,.h'tea.... or-~~",,~ ," - ~01'l' '" OOIiEll4l': , ' ... ' " '.~"" ". , ; . ' ,,:NOTICE: '. " ' Iat.cilt.OOO t.n~ A - gran!1 ban· .~r•.and Mrs. Gorman IOtenli to pl"'I?\"~, ~r~. aa.b~ect to, _\,n~~~ ~1re4. > '," · ,~·1p>r~ ,8ee, . ' I , ' NOTICE ,I : ", /~', ' " ," , . All pl!l'8OUi I~"ebte,flq Ibe Il~d~ . . gMt .... Ii'' ''; there one night of "jait 'tbe West, where they: will cured .1 - L..w~on 8 QuratIVtl,' 1 ij '. Notice to' BO~R~ AU partI"lJIdebted to tli;,~lIder.IIJ1!Od " . ' PLlIlI BOME-TALK.' ' ...·~lIe~1ed to Mltlo tbolr acl!oun.. lrMi. , ( )ill We~ . lJu~ 'for n." ,YiIle. .8pend the,ir, ~on~y,mooD,; ': ,,' " . !I! pl=ng~ro\lgJl~. to. ~~1W;~e. nit .'r h.';'! fout; ~lne , ~ ~I'......~I.... ~m.' lq ~~ ~"Ie ImmecUatelr:,: Or, : .,dl'oal .C~_OIl . len;.. .;' ~~:·~rJ~·tb·a~'~~ .J'i:t1e~tl~~}-. ~ . . "~ . ~:4 ... '. 'I " . " ,', ern ,BU e~~.~UWI1~ .1 can. OUI'IUilf&nir'DlilIll' -" '~t· T. T. DQDSON~ . By ., .. B.FooTl,'oK.D. A·r."ovpluorlbll ' t i " j' IIILTONTif<fJlPSON '~' '. JD!lfo. IOl~, T'I#1.arel1.n~be~lol· · obtatned• .,E'vf!r'....!lruggt8~ hae ' ~~ , .. ' ~ ; .. ~~ ,'O~~lf: ,.Dti>fti'!le1'lI8p llf!!; ;" .'llIII,~I."O.rt,IOI', _I... tii~.,~'ofII.Ot I'·, ~r" ' l8t7 .. ~ . ' 1'" - . ,I .' · -
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And olher Pre8ents. Ilre auviBeU to avail them8elvell of the p,,"nc rl·dllctilln. ' . :. Wlit cit Hepairlng. J ohhillg, &c.; ill \vorkmall1ike r. Order8 by muit will receive prvmpt attonti oll. SelcctionB will b IIIUUC I',y U8, it' IlO deeired, and slltillfllction guuranteed , in al} en e8. "
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ChaiDs,. Lockets, Pendants, :. . . RiIllS, Jewelry, CIook., ,
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J. SAIID8. ",O' ·f. IJlt ' WAYNE, " - - - - - - - - - - -- - 'r io .. vlr" ," ,,1 OOIl,.'o,,,,,l.o,,,f Lh. f. r R.\ I LW A r . ' " III. d D f\ S \AJ A Y N E J S " _... rr 'rral . . . . . ."," ..1......... • Y'f .rUII I.( "cculII ·n. 'ltl I,,, A. II> N" . III OompoQDd Syrup of Wild Cherry, ..OUhlDll.u hll al hUat!~ Acu,. IO J!; . )I . . No . I 1 111.1 olh,'. v"lua •• lc up6.6U , . II . 1:/ 0. 5 011 hili p, o~ $ 1"" " I •• r~er .. Ith ,hu IlI\rJrIl'lI~
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protc~ ~,~nwlv~ from l~.u' ~I I . ~ml~n~ Nu~~lw~Uoo CUII ' O' ~ U ~n ~OI'II ~ 'O'
f,,11I m.. rc e,·I'tul ll ll ll,l l'elle IICI. 1 11I ell dllg ,' I .ltse ... s uf 'he thro.t Im" O' .. lid lun;!. D, Sw... . ·• W' L" Guu " , , trike , It the " H,t Dfdl8e""c III p"r'l \l u~ LI,,· blood, re~'l/r'Q~ Ih" l iv" ,· .. "d kid,. . , . w 104.. 11 hI •• ,100. 1".It;0.... I:,,/f lb. u.rvou •• lld . llJ,t, e •• c.m, lltdtullon . ' HOM E T E S I MO NY. 8 Ir '-1 ' "cll! be I n• . wl ~ Ing h i" • (u,· 10 'OU a . Ullllr umull tv ~ , g, ve Ih e Iu lIo"ln1$' .e lin"ou .... • I,·t tlIII;• the WOIl derllli ourat,ye p"wur o( l'Ollr Oom~ounll :' l'rut or Wild Ohorr l . "d 8.r. al" .. III • • ",1 r' '1 I 11\ ' '' I I I I ' or I II. ln l wu , ",t, " v'o on • w ug" V· /1 .he olde " nd b,,'a. t. lIi~lll • ••• ,.' • • 0r-II,ro·· . "' Y bo wol. wor. cll~li v" • ~ 1,;01le. ~. ond my ~to mad. 110 . pp"Ute • neArI, • I I \,( k h '" ",f\' w.' , I a. m.' I' 1' YAlC' 1. .. ""0" II . . . . kuo ~ .b", Lo., do fo. mr . •• ove' yU""g I " oed;1I I hape ". ..... roi"ol"d : ln . pll dlfre'elll tim.', " r ' or 1.loud, .. re· " " DI..! (lO r 11111[,11,. '" 1101. n ~ful '0,"1011011 , •. I nnd fI:".e 111' . 11 h.. p•• or "Ier .rco . . .. ug &age. Tbere wtluld nut ue \DUU I ." 1 lId. ,ime ' . 11 ,oc" "mend,,d II, c u " of econ o my in that for thu passellgll r • • our ')' rup . "d f'''I~ . " hivll imm d lal~IY 13es'd -th btis 'nclIlI tlf c o unte r · b.g~n w ','Olloe. coml" rl , " d .II," Ihc "., . · .1 ea. . c . . II, ucc uf lhe " ')lIgb , .lId 11l,. lotl rallrc'ad llcke t. hUll bee n m. Io'o!!" lu .h••rl. It hal mllde & pe rfect qfeltllJg Uito ellten8ively al/IIC illto of late. c ure 01 me . ,... d I . 111 110 • • 1,1,,!0 pn,. ". no) d OOuIlte...... ·t t ·lc"ke·" are 'l quent· d. lly All y p..... I! ,lo lI l.lll1g tho. t .... ,,, an n"l... of tl,,, " Ioove . I. "'mont, wll ll' le . .... un 1w o&red lor (lulc. Or . dd , eel DIe • • t th,' (ac' or} J v A gan" of ticke t cOllute rrt'itt'rs I':OW ARD H lAM 0" . t el d " _ 'd I t In Etlllll!ee r d I; e.. . :O: . ee nl·'. POlten. were no ong ago 0""" ....( . · R,dge lIuad. he lo. Wall~c," I'hlla dian.poll8 aDd a part vi the w IUf1 'er 211,,,,,, ho, _ .Iapll·d . and Mr.f.lam· reatad: The work 01 c o unterfeit .on . j.\11 fom"ln." liu. ...y mall 10 Lb il dll),i ng IItl'II eontlOoC8. . d tl . , f.ienlernber 10. 1876. all Ie ra. · . - 0 _ _..- . . . -.. a _ ...... ro.d. to protect tbemselves. bave I ( )o ur "rug~I.~ u. ''',,,,keeper ball nIIi fo mflalld takell otlte r It. 'n "Ill dell "'r ha ir doxeo to . d· "flOP oew r • drou ou l'I!o<'lPi 01 price . FI " gllt p. ld Precaotiona to .hleld the mdel ve8 Pr"I•• red tlnl ' I.v ....·IO.t 10·" 80 r"r ..... tile I)ub! 'IC ••• ~.Hrt·""~:.-""w ~..II, P ...... J ...... ..... iii.... ..... ~ ~ ......II!l'~I _ ieconcerned tho moral 18 very plulD: CJr ::; OLIJ . ,' AL' i>UO.ll ' NUT OUUGO 81'. •• Never bny tickete or outailiers or n at aD&tl'horired ticke t uOices. 1.A.cGcaU10lf OJ' G o v. B18lfOP.-
lU~d lcillc
Eminent and SkillCn) PhysicinnG ,
u. o lb. Curatho Jar.. ", In U,etr practice. IIDd promla.nLo1er."... .... enol edlto"n...,.,aumtl " !rom II ....o.fedlO ot III .lfact.. HAd •• 'JlIIC_ •••ould wi.. lUllIlirod. olc.rWl..tu I1I1JD parUn "111 kDown fll Ibl. IOlDmlloll~t ~o, b. w10 rererto OlU'pampblel~ "blob lito 1!ebl4 or DruBI. ... or ,,/II b._,ll, mall OQ'appli . ..Uon. All tll.ont1I..........Un~ " olut. . tary _ u . 1ft. ,.rIOtI.ototan4h•.: ana ".~otaIolllt1.... wile ..., lit. ~ ..ted wl tb L, I.U. or la _ _
a""'el I.Oler.
""lI~'_:,,~.e~:.. ::::: ~_ ~ . _,_,,_._ _ _ __
D'B...~OT.I.!1I.T~•• ~!..h_._ ..,.".!
.... & . . . . . . . g - . .elf Mur~ lun ;n itth"" .nyllllog I" OI,rl. · wrod'nn . \v .. to U' wl lb II t wen'1·flve ,..,,,t plo<·c. lind malto yourlWllf Io MpI'Y' Addro.. N u vF.I.1'V Cu . 0lfd.D.bur~. N . Y. --A certain " nd dfllCtual • auro. TrlMI h<1 . llIIu. Addr... DR. PIEROY. Olrdell bu r'g
e"'~spG 'per
~I ~llddlowar.b. Arl~d",',
~ 1.ln~ll.neo oflli~CIir.:l"'", ltr.llbJ',",.eJ'l~&b. i."tI~ -:-h':h ~ "~":_
,uman n uPtry. forn ", e .. t p.... c!ic..1 rOOl'iptoo. pr . - . .nd ..,lIa"Ie InfnrlDadon uJIOn ony d •• lred aubject If yuu '1'0 plU' .Iod on Ally >object; fir "lint" l'8CIolpt fQr ~nY'hh'K. eocl """ ONE DOLLA.R la • re· Ki.teroo lotle. to A D.8 uMB. If.A. F ,R, 0 8 . Br'Klltville.On b rlo. ",ben Y!lor ...ill be co mplied ...ith. and the m ... t rello· lJIe inform. ,iun r"rwuded you. - - --
""tonJJdClt~'''''b'f"I r."
~M ~ un WOwn.ou ""•.,. ... uu;.a.l AI'IU ~'II .. t"l'tIlIe"~OI I I d ' ''h d
1DFa~.a"I feo.,l
' PoptJ!af . t:. : ;
.bout tblrt...flve I16rl. l .torl.... WoooI. ! C 0 . - "- • ...-' R 1.1t'nL.lJIt'.: •• "onm....' _. ..... IUII ,.bleb book funo . ·Jllld COIIt at le... t wuv " eI. . &ltd Ir"t Ibe Week.!y I:Ildo · • Wllklu C.. III... . l\IU:f\.O''\ furSend une Tbree year. Dolla,... free to .uborerlbc ..) ... 4ll H. Bcneda •• "rvJul •• V."",. .._ , .....'Ia ear. I wu .' L • _ _• •• Thoee ..."don"u-t20 u., club u' ellrht, .11 oW or Lo nd OD. II "tn""or' u. dol.natll.t .....UOlrY ••UD. . OIe '.~lC. 0 ed NI h . . . LI •••• urI 1:1. nr, \\ o. " . I',e • lad, """mlD.oded •• CUra&1 ...I ' ",'nl at ooe time. will be . nUd to II 01. ...... " . .. . ... "ft ~ La....I u...... G , I hi fte 46 l:Ier llAge Lan"""I •• ~I,. .\Ieund. r . !) c proou"d .....0. ....... p ....... \0 II • ••0.PrdY .f~~d· ol n"stlle. "coupl',e."... c..!!."" ~~h .li r· '7 I" S ilk Atlir:.Yb. WIl Il. m lI laa k. I tlC tb. IpJ-on.. peI!I . . . "DlOYicl ........ t 1".Lan" ~u ..... "" ~-.. . I,.. H"n IiM4 "v beI",n_ 1 qoAJ1d,u 8'- ;m. n oupi... ""n be _n lit onry P. 48 1 he;' Ad" olll r• • o( • I' h.,. dlJ.....0UnI~_""". 0 .. rd-rUjr·ttore. .L ,on . I, .y Wllllim 1.I.ek. loc Ver, trIlJ,', EO 7".0"'. B'. "" ""'nOLEY • lin d De ... a"""oy .... rooll b. 'l id I __ ..... tbo Union BTREET AlldT""".ll•.lette", to 49 Orlnville de " !gn,': 0 •. < e II v"" SMITH. Oond."e, loy ' Ou;,III: 20", D"'''''psla, ... Latlr.a.. DOW!¥ «::GbE Til&" ... " 'nw""" ~_., T ree . ,.. "'" ....., ~PRICES,.,.. 60 Ullder O,re ,. 1 In 'I' tlw:h or JIU ... 27 <>II A. 31 n t NY 61 A Vo y. g~ Rlllln~ Ih~ World-N... .\(!nrn 1;.., 00 a, ""!, ••", "" 0"" . . . . l.e. laud. by Julel rn.. 10. rleurlar. Sore Throat. "" U. Tlae Gr~1t Fllmll,. ""per. 6l> No hl cClllln'. Wife. ~I •• H 110001. 1110 /, WolleD Jolala, E.heamallim, 0 F T· 1 COIU N T ay 66 RQry O· M"re . I. S,ujt\lu l 1.0.\1', !IIlc U whe Ch1Ib1a1ns, ..." 107 O• • tl. WOlf" r. ai,d HeDt' Ark cl l. by ell, SpralDt, ~ llr l lI enry Woon. 100 L.nnoDllct, For the N ew Yar 1878. G8 FI.. we"kl ln a n..lluo n. J . \·erllo. Ille ('rlUllp, DIU'IllI, t8 1D IhQ Ultler Elld . Mlu 1I" ,dd "". 2,1. IllpllthOl'la, SCAld: , T'" I" dJ,(cr for 11011 yoar 10 eome will bo b. Geur'de Eltut. 2<1c All. I 141o tho"" ""Dducled 00 lb ••• me princip le. It bU8 b. Ould. . IUc ., • dl H I 1 , loco .. beretOlo r.-only. Ir pl)..lbl •• It "ill 7~ Meritllan . : or the Adl l n.ur. 1 of . ,,'> ....U. r of bO If I"ntf . t.n 0.:. . ." , The F_. M b• •• d• • ,111 Leurr. , U,feO EIlllII:hm.o Three Uo-. r..e... "'Y t o .... , (j Dr .. ole II to carrY no dr ad " elgb •• hUI la". In Ar,I ... lI nd The ace<><tl!llc lo. lb. full dlr •• •. , cha"t, &.11111' man. ,,, an" ad Iolliore read.r. the n• • , .. " d t"e Blook"de RUDDe,. . IIY .J. V"ru.. ll'lc \lU ), O&ell bQIUo•• :..\1. tll L r,' !fO _ _ JIII'IU"JI'II ",itbout,t. " ,'-' . " ' ood ""_ I I•• • t lb •• mODey ")II:od... wltbo\l' will 13 Be.. I' R.n •• by Mra. lieur, n ."VII .<v.",• huo . 74 Rup<:r' a"lI. '" •. _ .. 11'" ,~ . Tbll Ledg.r bal bleat60 101l8 •• &abU. h.d .15 Th. rur Coun'ry • .101", .. "m., JOe .., '" i _ In rellu,re of UI .,..,llIc r,romllea ror 76 The Ife. M••dll.n. 0 0111118. 1I1e tbe r"lurc W Il :•••• /lothlng n Our power 71 llt.I",.. a .. d liI.ld. MI • • lluillclt. III. la u..u...... _(leeU... _ _ ..w.. ... _" to w ......... u/ldo/le for tb. grallllC4Uoo .nd ins"~allou 18 Grllitb l O.llIftt. L, O/1.rle. K••de. 100 or our luhecrl llllrl, \ . 9 Mnaco p Violet. loy Blae~ . 2Uo MA", of tloolC .ho child ... n when OIl DI~1 O.roDda. loy Geo' ge Ellu. . ~Oc 'tr,lt a",holt will ~ he w.lbo.lit... .
onl,. to •., lballl l. oompoADd....r :.
.04 DU,iltal ... lbo 4. ...rv... reputAtioll,wlll.Ii ' II bu . cQ1>Ir.d by lh. " olldorlul . u... il lou porformed. To, ' /10" .bo h. ". Dun , •• IM 1/00 cu nA rIVe .." _..... . klnl ct illl TuhlU tor tb. qr..,U.Ol, aln od~tc",. It bu Ilood tb. tutor,c.n. huetl ou 1t. 1:l • trlnalo m.rI ••• and o.arly G.werT . 0DlIJl\Ulltr POII. uee .om. H" low 891<100 •• 01 Itt ptolJl-4&, . trol'lnwand GUIIUye pl'O~rtl...
n.. ~
lb. ",:nolelontJfto .klll aad OIr ... b.Hler. ft.
Weekly~" a.... -~r,pa-
poot.ry IOUI",. r. to currc, polldouto boulIe- .\:J . B" lJtI~, A .... y. "y I Itl ~tI .. d l I Ito f' 34 , A SImpleton U. ou':': nol0K li te r:,:; Hult . "'rIMl. .
(11111 monlb nd Or ' " "..,0 -1' ho.- ~ ho w."t • n,' c'A.. h ... . k., " U .4 , ~ ~ ... Laah. lI. e ullr "rep.ralion. No ch •• p m" k.,· " P. I,ut a "ellll ine 0' tiel '. The p rep& .... llou D ,. . e" \'&I'~n~IV acLo.r._ok.~.. ' r. thot • e>0 e"anol u llit ,,' Ie ..inIhI" ll ll ,·b SI" i'• w,'11 b " ",. IIc d ,r. ' e un ",0\:, 0 I ~ r~" 1- ' I odd",.. lng 1I l: N1' . ·Il.. l ir ",..ore. U II k ill 0
""' " ~Ihe"ed
LA'''SON'S CURATllyr. lOY It L
;~~~~_,~'!l:~.k~e~lj:"Wj~ !u~rj~.j~ti~Y~r""'~~ ilor~~jVlo~n~I':~do~"~1'lCib"~!~~i'~~~~!:I'~lib~e FolI ~Q!u!eiOl l~OifjB~~I!jtia ' ~W~!~ !Ol l ;I"i.;'~I!n~c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. 'n L1-~W.!U:.,I=r-;~:'\~~:" '~~""'1ro:
- -_. '0 MOU~TACBE .~ ..I..o- ~Twe ... week. ; "r iuu.
~1 ~rl n(Cl t A.Q\O
m••d .. , I"" •. elc.• apply at ,b. (jeko IOtlie," ul "II prill ' 11',,1r 1\11;1110 mi" •• NORTH. SOUTH, EAST & WEST. E II Ill lll'i El'. L. )1 C(,I,I'! . A•• ·I 1;",, '1 T . AIC't 0 .·,,'1 T . A ~'I 'IBO'8 P. PARRY. TH O'S R . SH ARI' . W.n Pu~ AI;" "I , Moin •• I'r·n.
\\"i~kerl ln
~;:~; ~t: ~~'u
fraods inijtruct th e ir c o uducto r s tu . d 11 I t' II ' der ta e W Up pall8Co1an C.I l 'C t arc r')10 persons who CIlUltlit be id untitied ~ the legitimate p08aC8~oro of auell • 1'1 Ie ex t tltl81'HI ' f tl I tl (lI)UrteIlICil. U avstem ul'limittld tickot al so make , ':! " mlltterof deci d e d rl. 8 k to pur it. ch " - tl'CL- aa anywh e re b ut at Il .....ur r.I·lr _OIl..· ·.1 tl'CLet vffica • Tllc regul vlOU' II ......' noml· .. ·lly incll'ue,i ua88ellgcr, """u.... .. d .'" -I'th & ·icket bou"ht at I'(l IIColu ... .. .,. I ..... at .ftlrrespoll8iblo "iICJI, niu" .. "r' If, atr t I'"10 Om- may find bitll@ c ...., - r r 1...··inning· 01 hill J·ourn e y. .'" ""fI d . I oaq,ht up the COli u c t o r w . t I It ticket whOle dllte has expired, alld which 18 thorefore nut valid lo r ptlil·
':'C~:,:rM hu~",. ~:.l~("t~l~~::
~I O\ I~
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~d lrlt.rc' IIII"~
• OltUGh . Hb NIU7&AL i IC or nitt:". AU Ie .... AlIlcrloa.... tl Dn III r.....<11 ... t COlli In c<our4.1 ..... r)' d>i )' h ceO' OIT1h ... t..iflerln lou1l4 Ibo c . h:. ..
OONTIUU l1'f OlN. Tilt ( , 0 CUllt"~lltl)r~ ..·~tlhfl' ro r thr )4 N . ", York Woelcly flu"",i N illllumber and I brill!"nc.y the . lnff OO[C"MOO ~ owy ntl'f;r v • ~bheKtiOn. Am Dng .be ... rlte... are If,'. .ryJ. H Dlm u•• Mra. MIlY A, _c. FlemIQIt 1111 :\. MMr· U:u;.o (). R. ynuld •• K ... ¥ '!lhm ,. 9 DLI) M'{·'u OL P.TON ·S E y. V Fill' All /' tll'POIiCIl / B 'r tbll ",UFIl<:; ltlo 'HI , A JI IT.E. \If. C olll", . Pu r wb lob I. " o.. ,b l,. •. L'>II' ..'I M11, [, ON 'I'll E F.LO:il'. •. EII " I, 2.1c .L 001 ~, I [J 1"uII" II ' MM!. ( I'~S .M"""rulo " ..... _ .. t pll~I ..I... alld S II. r , In ~ . nfll Ion'' .""., 1""1 . fl U'" ....0. M ..ifill;' "'Ie '1 orA h F- .... I . U"'n" 12 " M f: 1l 10 AN F::'i 11.1 Olt , 1 ". lIupe . ... q~lInlt' iIoI lb~roll\"te ' .. du, try. i" y,t" Io" . " u , ."rI' USC" ...... uri " III cy. Mr. I ~ I' HI:-I ~, 8S0 F1' If U J, E W ll l llck ,~Oc m'jfr.tiob, U¥l de"J,,'p th o rctlOurI'C. uf the ALA KilMer. M,.. Mary E . Lnmbcr t 14. DEA D ' !lET. Wil kie ColI;n•• lllJn c OIlIiJAor. u ..bat 1Ja.~ . T ~lollll<r• • Pt-of. H •. o.) Po k: 1&. IU'M OI. A. "00 ~:lio,. d,," " I•. 110 . :.!lIe 8 1111118. , Ned BanUlllo. Hnmtiu AllJ'lr. Jr . IIi 1 H J:: E:-I .; LI . Ii A I' T il E :; ORTIf NATII~Ji\QUII)ER N.•,hIlIlD Urnor.Fnl/, • •• S Sm,, " I>'rolll' "O I..J::. A.N O t· I E LI ' O ~' I UB In t d . S, S'~itl, ••' r."ol. 1\. D .. ro v"~o · J T Olil) h Ullk . hI' ,lu i• • Vern . . 10e Tro",brillllO. It ••. J obn S C bbott. Hor. 17. I/ID URN PERI!. !; , ~L" I' CH i),. lOc ul .. irM Ia til ••oli 1'llDed y rllr th Ill. bro'l ry C./ilft iemull. P H <n,lto .. ~lv or •. \Vil li,"" ' I! lJ ARlI A RA 'S l.n " l'O ll Y. by Arne upmo the O!I~." b,l.Allli. I~t.l n .. ~lId La w. Ru.. W il li. "", rtol!"r StH rbuok . John F II" II flOe ",..",&<td benolh of " M.1IlIW4 01""'; ~w . ... W Rurloo S.I'"~by.Ed .... roIWill<lt· 19' AT I'; RRIBLETEMi'IAnON By .lnd Ih. uf r.., ~ 0IIId b,du. try. Rov.'ol A H . E lroy Wyh •• Fr"lIlt H. S'"U«: Uharle. Re.d.. . 100 Gov. mme p'I94U .~III ... lu. our Booda or. A.rthur L 211 QLU QUHI Il8 1Tr SHOP. D,ck .. ". (or .be bell QI &he wo,,,lIby. I.t tb....m. 8b lin torie, are Mn ...... tly ron. ~I .·9UI.. I.'LAY. b. Oharle. It• • d•• .' . redlt • , II;~ in tb o New Yurk W.ekly. 'Ind .... ... ~l MAN A:oJ 0 Wl..rE. Wll k'e CoI II DI .llIIc "Lory I. begun . v ery forLoight. N,. ~ Tlli . QlJIR~' , LBGA.O'·, I" \llthen you I cert.oln toaom. ~ .. ( eoll Hal . !IOc q,e nce . ilh a p.per ountolulog tho bolfib ' 24 . r\ o\'er Too Lal. 10 M. nd. C. R.... . too I)in", or" lie . _tory ~,j. LadJl Ad.l.ld.·. 0'110. M.... Wood. We For th~ beoeSh ' !.ho Pool,I • • ho a~n '\'bo excell en"" 01 tbe No... Yorlc Wooltly lW. Auro.. no,d. by!lti•• Bt-IIrlddo. lh: th Oov. rnlll enl. t. llnlver•• II,. ..donltlod ...otl ite "IrCIII"tioll 27. Vlc_ aod VAn IJuilh, d. II 0 :i"y. 1110 ill.ltrellter tb au th.t uf 'my utho. I"'per !Uf. "! Daaghler uf H~lb. Wm 1lI• • II. 10e Dally EDqD er f per year. ,11.00 !:verybody road. It, e.erybud y ~dmlre. it. 2'J. Nora'. L".e Te ••. !tt,r, . :, Hft t . 10" Weeki. Bn ir • 1 'I) Sbuh nUlll be r coolain. a YllrlO ty of Ohle... 30. f/~r lIea.... I Joe . )Ir. AI.",,,,4. , , , 0.., • er l 10e ' .., ta on,n ll and in. truotl • • readlD lf m" lIor: Io.'e ~~ !-:<>, • .\1. Lilli " . L ,vo )1 ,. 1. '0. ,
.. Wc.1 enrr· m~ II. treatmel\l III .. We, In"0 , th o 01'0.. . IV Ilk TilE E A T J tfo •. I . 6. 1 ~od 10 rllll da,I, . All olh., • .... •. - . 'pI6 of lloe UIIlt cd Slit •• 11, 0 f," lt8 or 101 ,, ' 10"" ' pr" fo.. lo ," 1 o. pe';I IICI) III lit.. .... 11" nO'l't S."d" . me ,II,,"1 eom p',und 8 OH Ih e ". , t n""lt. or his Trueler. d •• lrl "l! a U O. R .\lN It'! . rlck at AGollt. 8\( 1\1 .nd observ.lloll. he f. Oll lh ltt he I. lout 8 ...... ,., Pl . ........... ~•• f.r ••"I .. Trip, gXI RG!!: R ST1LES. E&. Ag'I. , prolfc ol"g " .oo~ ttl . , c r.' rU OIlty tl" o,,~I,oUI . h.,ulll ' cmeml'"r Ih al llo e IUIV. OIIlNO KA 8T : hu "'e lo,nd ., •• tilld· .. • .doo ' .cul1 lh"·u,I, ,11I UALTIMOHE AND 01110 (lltu. " lu . . .... lld r. ~o t II Iho one ol L81\IId (. R\.", Iou • • ittue of 11,0 .1I1 ~. b. her II lIh co lllm. nd. TI,e " ...t " rn · I. cel.hro ted for 1\8 IUIUI GUING WKST: '10111 or , •• ,lonohY from " II p "t... t the 11 001,1 IIlr."nl ...... ".1".. 1. H.,,,I .. 0 ..... Oi••• at l~. :lU • II . nJ 54'1, tl h"'p r,," 'n 'UOOTOlt RW A ~ N E' . C O ~I ...... Be ...I'.1 ,, .••• rel..... ".11 .. , A L . PAIIR. I' IU PUU Nll S \' IIII I' O~· WIL t) CIlEllll Y' Ikfl: i .:=::17::r..:,:.... . 1 _ IIIl •• 1... ~ ,,'8 Ollllbu8·Llle Ihe "'0.' .1II··a~loul ~m, dl kn .. li nd it i. ;C run. to and from Corwh, for udmhl.8d I.y Jur mu.I e mi""nl phy.Ie,," IO , . nd .. 11.00.II0 have "iIO • •••·d h . ..... ud ,·.rul w ill alw(~'!I1 8 h~ as Lot ...rv ..ooolhmoo.,.loo .ra! n Orden Id~ al h·""·K propor".. T io. WIt.O CHER II Y ah.i'u.t,.nf!lctl will re )O,h·. n~r.'flll dl.O'I ,t ll m ;n ~II ago. " I .ho w"rld .IId III ,II cooDtrl, I as by all!J o th l! l' L i tle! whero It I. kuo~u. haa b• • n JUII " Frauds Ou Tbe Public. ied for It. wonde rrul ml die,u.. 1 'I''" ti tle< , n (I f..l 'fA itT PAL A C L' OA R b"t ilo ~ '0. 1 p"we' I" c'''' . onoo II r . ht w,.tt, I ' , ~JI ~, n. ~ L Alld m"l t ~ I \r...illg d, . .... ·8 OW" "ll II. ~ . , II .... TllroulJll Without «::110 ••., l . _ ,.... __ TIc,,",... ne7e r lu :ly " , c,·rl.i /l.d ·, ,,.lIlh. '' ' lI ,III,./I'' b, Iwr. n Iho P' 10" 1".1 [Prom tb. D'lr~'1 Frou Pr""" J ur Ihll l . klli ul,a o. Il r ~w" . n,' . 10,, 11 Tltl) trfAveling J.lublio shoulJ UII d, WOlll lrlll-cd It. io U , ad ,p... . lo n. I" c" m' ,1 " . ES'I'EllN "'~EIIN r.ITIES t d tl ttl d '1 ads ' 11 or ... tlo n w,lh Pine T,"'" T a •• nud olb ' r 0,/",,1. ere lUI III II:! ral ro , I • ' Iv , .. Iu .. bl" II /:."" b·e lug ..·J,olll • • II ,ioh F, T hr.... s:' T;ck.I •. B .gga~e Obeck . ,
- - ..:,''n",!: do aa. 001 .lor \>. I ..fUll No. to
Storr aDd Sketch .. aper Pubhshjld .. _ __ _
Nation(tt B (mkers/
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III .. ,." Iho",' IIIsm llliuWl he IIj,,)utl lh' lIl , t ll Ulvle TH E S O[!1'll·EAST, No 14 UfPu, lunlll l'. u. uLla i" lng nil In. lgh. WJ () Philadelphi .¥WI!
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'1/ 01'(( 11( , Q llil·I(,l/<il
" nl.. I he Ill''' UII.' d. rtl 0 .. , . 1. \hu n, I'll eV I' 1(Jloe, II .. u,;., ..I1 ,· aulu lruln I I Iv /:1 ••',)11 " .... , ,II.,j ulltl lm dJ;td ) 10 1111021 I EA , . [; . "1 \I ... Wood. 2 luuk, H AI.U' t\ X, ' EN I'" I,y. )11ota ;\It lla u. a J AN E c. II • .11"' , /JQultl.. 1>O :t1lo: 4. A \VOMAS . HAl'~: R CJ~'" " -6de, 211c b TI:lE ur. AOK . 1 NIII ~il . \' ,m::.'. I..I.1 1Jc Ii. LA ST DA YH OF MP I: ' . 1hII,.er . , lie 7. ADAM H1W E, Oe!}. ~i .. 1. Ib.\lble no . 20c B. THE ARUNDEL .\10 I T O. I>y Mary (1e.
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1!"'II"\I"lllfn~. ~1I\Q"'d N~ 7 ,'OV""tlll-\ ' ul a '!l~ul.r M~" lo.1 E,luell l'oll III W~Slln-GTON !ND B,\,,'fIMORE No 13 11110 or th. ohJ'~1 tl u,1 be81111:1".nl . III PhU" ~elpbii\.l ""d IlIJ rllupo '" tho lI orid. lie onlo· "'_Ill..... ~""I"" (... No. \I . equant • e ... ·d f"lt h lulle,," or prJctloo Richmondl LYDChburg}Norfolk No G iu ih" l 'r" I"~"lphlo 01' 1"'" ArX· an,1 fll r n..
::!~:I !!~r.e.:: _ ~'~~ p~.
IITlleWashin~ton City Route,' Gn E~B.AUr( ~ (NJWi8thaT~8\toSubBeri~~ 'ThoS6Jashtet it. ry No People IntheWorl BaI-t·Imore & Oh·10 G I) )i jJ ~.'V{). 1I0l/JHR · / 'rfl~-I.. UU" '''R I)II'~dnu lnfl. O.'b' ib. f." I'" BA( 'K vewYork Weekly ' witl ,~ Gutrer ~ClOln~I,.J:oto It \ I LitO L) I ,... ~ l' " ' .&.~ or (.I, ~ u. ,11 . ... \ $3 (,,"~IrIl IlMD'1 I.." 101'' \1"11" I • , 7.',.. .1 "0 U VLI) ' (r {.JfillFf( TII~~ '1 ~i'f Vir ct R out toand (11llYIG EN II' AC1 LY~l'i H 211 ". t!lou~ h~ri~r U~., ~ . . '(' ~~ . Be.t , J I)H~ o .ouwhLt~r. 1'0 .0~ _.who)ia ~ohM4
&It, •
Ihe)' fir. I begl o 10 ,ud tbe Ledger Dol" Ioa' e I hrill lia,,'. MI 'ak e, MIs. l l" ltich. 10. Price .LOO per ~ ch ild, en of th eir 0"0. and 1 0 0'. of .hem Mlllhe. lind I MI• • b . 1\ . PltBl'AllED lit LAW90M cntonCAL' co. ., bid h d b I ' I • P Id b 'i W 0 I :I, c I r.n"e I 1'\' 0. W 0 r.a I e r ·nor to pope r .t \. e' ner· r e. )' ~ ,a .• , • O~co' IIDd LAboratorr 1::3 :31. Qcl!'.s· I B,"o......N•• ~J:1r~II:o<le .. bout '1lIe re could bardl, h e a Ilroa"er toll;monl. 1 84 , '. , Diy T loou.. "d Lelll! uell Und o• • to tb e "I "" III1'CO ur ill ohM,eler Ibll" II tb~ S ~A', hy Jules \ ~ruc. Itoe CL..V£LJ.,WD, CfHio... tbu. gil en '0 tbu I..:dger L,' t he rClguiar ro, "to II rjorie B. UUIl'S Lol U _, 1'1 }lnr, J" - n o " I,y " II nTttr;d •• , ~ lIe.,,1 uf Il•• • e . ub.eMptlon!. ..•• ric k. 100 • _ _ _ ~ 200 O .. r gr"t escrllun fot Ihll co."lng I ear 6 PUI yo,,, ..lf In BII Pia ... _Wl•••'e I. room fllr m·'.... "iII b. 10 mako ~ yulum e IbllL.1II bu AUpe· 87 A Jlll.,n. y 10 Iho OI!ll Ll' I!r ' he \ ,., 0'.0 .U1I'••., ....N. _ d _ to Ihe JlOOIJI" 01 rlor 10 lilt I,e I of II~ pn:deceaaor. . Yo n il . 111 Jul. \' erll e. n uroLlvo pr lOOlice, ~.ia" h .... pl &()ed · In 1 b J..d ~ r I. ai , ay. al. .. . Iod fre . b and l't8 Tb. Two AI.rrl.I~~. MI .. ~llIloch. l ue Parade.of Military ,,?d O ivll ~)r. hi. 11IIndA hy 1lI' . E ... ' India H i Ion ry. th~ foil or Inll ..t. . 9 Th" LOI'.I. "r Ard.n , Mlu U.lIddua. ~ \ iJlatIOO' - RecepttnD at Otty If furmul. uf II V"8'l:Labi. Rt-m edy fur th e I b I&Orlu fo r th. oomtn..,...... 111 ... I,. to X'·I&erlo • • 1.laud-I)",pPed ItO., , . , .. ti Me' Blllou •• tolte • t the evening.-S Il Ie of E x ' 3 W AVN E'S TafllQd S.,. .. ~arlll. I'ILU "1""~ly IIlId porm~nent ('nn! 0' &bll _ l l'opula, 9f our did' ;,rlLolrl, aD. II. . Ifle Olood~. 1!Y J ul .. \' erne. loe • etI~1l T1cketa.-MflllY' eltf~,n ~ of It 1"u hue " ·luk· Hu" dltche \.i:a ke CODI\llDptlOIl, A.b ••• BroDohith, '11 oj' the new wrl"'r. wbll hllY" OCGUlon· 91 \lro • • o·. KIDlIdonl. Mi •• M"lo<·b. Ihu ;'\1 v eIIh&ril,u&e.1 IIJ ollr oolu. . . , 91 Mri JIaIIlJbl1o'n·. • • b, )1 • • -'10 L.ving elpreali :d a des. lr.e to 8W A YNE~ T. r " ud ". r' . Vluoi ll Pi LLa O.... rrh. and ..11 Thr",,1 and LUJlIC A.If_ 35 Tbe .1_11.-.. . .,11elee "y .mlo~.1 Ht'D' y Woo". • 20c tiuD'; '. 1110 • POOIith. an. a~dicul CUN for '"' • tf , our TOIIIC "~ I. co.1 ·d. take wiluMl tile paralie and partlolpate s\\' ~ 1";.; t;. T .. r .nd . ...p.dll. "ILl.e Nen,,"" Deblhty .... '1111 eryOU 001D ' .. .... tclool.,. aDd d Ii..,• • 111 be CJOaIlnued : 10 9:1 M,.II.rIo.allland-TIIe Allal,dohld. I in the ~remollies attendlO&.. the in · rr yOll b II " a cold. t.k, . f' - h I I lIII . '11 tIlr aD¢~ HI._nla de".r1m. ot. b. Jul •• V.nI.. 1110 ~::'d:;'~I':tr:Jy:1J I e... 1 ~_~~ ~_ _ W e m n to llt.IDD - IN The Lt.••nd Ihe ..... d.... e..I11.... A"N E'S 1'., .nd S.n ' p. rf lla rl~ U'IC IIII rd 1'0BW apration 0 f G overnor prevenl .nd cure Ohlll , .. nd t·eoer. &ake c...... • II hi. IItw to makc it kno.n to ........... meralole quell on. Mill Io.a on lor. .lId I !I~ De. d Men'. 800.... )11.. Ilrad"'/n, ~ M. Hlahop, OIl JfAnUllry l4:tb, 187tj. ~ WAY!l.E·S Tnr l\od S.I'tII'perllla I"IL U. hi • • uffo rin ~ (ello...J Ao lu~ted by thl~ mo' • TKau8y p Inl·WaJl,.. L"¥ GAl .... ¥: dume •' Ile a"'.I-. .. ... w 'II. .oYer., varlely of IIIL. 9"u Lov.·1 ~ Vletllr~, Ii. d' B. I. ",lI rjl'oP. r Joe ti Ye ... ud .. oo" ..,ion\iouo d Ire III relief 81nl'tlll OfIp •. ODe ,..". ~lIto~o pllid. ,,1!i1fi j .:ot 97 lJy~.. rlou. l~ au _I be ~ "erel 0 the' Pitfe&urg, Oi Ilcinnati and St. If your Bo"el. are cO~ tll e• •~ ko, r Ledge r go •• - and II gu.. lit e [ lalld, by Julea Vorne. ItiC I WAYNt;'S 1'Mr and .r"' I"'rill u r ' LU hum"n .ufferin lr. ho will IMl nd FREE OF 011110. I) f3 <ol,i,. !lOcI QI1".,1I ......"h. ~ 911 Loa. Railw.y OOlDPllllY (pIln Illn· of a full hnbit, "ho ore aubj 'c t CHAROE to "II .ho d ..lre It. tloLo reculpt, .. I:>" -/. ., .j oJ 0 nearly .," rywhlle-II I g ·...... 11, cooceded 98 Harry Lo ..... que r.lly Oh. rl • • r.. n . . lXI die Roate) will sell excu rsion tick 10 Bead~cb · . ~;idllioIO'~ , Orow hll •• , ond ",ith full dit6ctloa. fur " f n"ring '.nd . " ", !U :l 70 Ih o,.. ,. nlll ......der 10 .1,0'" liIIpr,III "'~ II !Ill Frum the E. rl" to Ih c )I " .. " . nd ..... firom all ""illts nn ita vari ou s :iln;;ln;; in Ih. E,r. ft, l lu,.: lrolll 100' gre. t a r ' doc. 110' mlu ilier. Afound 110. )1""11. b, .• "I. V "rll '. OA.ZK1"fE: Ot.r subsc rl". . . . 111 hue 110 po.t .ge to 100 A '1'. 1. of Two O'\le~. I'; , KCII •. .,... " ~ ,, 80 w uf hlo,od I" Ib heRd, Ihould ne le' I.., ce •.rully u~inlf' Sent by fetu m mliil. by diviliona to Colambn and ruturn . wllhoUI lhem . .. "'''"'' dunge ,ou" SlIlIpLom. uddre ing ..·jUt . l>lmp. l h lo p"per. po ' It. II p. ld. $1.2 peJ'; " e pr"pRl' th e po.llg' (n, Inl Ii. Nobl e L,fe. b1 MIA' .\lolo"h, 110 .. tr • • _ ... _ . . ._ . , _ .... ......... DR J . P . MOU NTAL.'{. ~tu..lp.. .. " LJ,. t ~ c ",ail : lo ! H"rd Tlmc • . I.y h" d. , Dlcke,, ~ . ~"" ___ "",, _ _ _ _, reduced rates. Tho 6ule 01 ex· ...111 ho c. rrled ofT I.y 11o_lr 'II" • 6 ""- 1. , OHdO/; .. N .Y . . ":1 Out- T.I_ for 18'18. _ Poatal. Free. 1,,3 4 Dr•• e Lady. IJ lUI .. 6lulo ••b. !lo eoutlO Ia k ' II I cnce 011 LlYN Compl.ID\'-That 'd re.,! dl&'ft . e • t curt on tlO elAl WI com n reo ", .. hieh 10 ",~n1 r er.On, . ulf"r, I. rr~ r - ----. .. •• I 25 1114 p ""P o· I'ny. by Ju',n U ", r", 10 ,Satord.y, January 12, lutd be CUlt 'I uentl.\. Ih c. ule a ••aaobe. C<)'Ip.p Rlo~I.· eop' •• ,.n pl r Inllum : (Our copies. 106 Ai .b., Iltn 01 ~he :;UH' ""goa , ~~80~S Alld itl.. n· m . .. , ... .,WtJ to club • • at' allI " $10. whIch I. t !.·,O a copy " Rhl cU Jlle~ 'lXI. I B L Y. r ~ r 10 __ !!; ..., tinued ~ntil the depllrtnre \If roor · ata an4 1041. . .Uoo. I, .I'ced lll r,,'.I.,,'d, < ra'e. , Oll c' , 10.,._ d "rlrl'l P." ytAr.lhrougb OU, p-•• f-ec. The l'arl1 .Ioo l co • U ' ' 211 l uG I'Le M,. ler G:u, I."d<, bl M,. . " 't ra n. Jaouary 14 Oivil alHl • • d 011.8" pernoallenll) cur.d It , Ih,·.r u ~ e . OlDg, • I/"vor< .re p ...... nted ltv lb · u" nf Blood. • I A~'·III1. Rv"ryl'o~llDu~'rIlAg" nl tu,( lO r II """of r lghlco plel. ("II Fell' . l 000 If Wootl ' . :10 militarr organizationll can 'BeCure purir,illl{ pili, . a, lhe. oa rry oft. Ihrou!!" lh~ . I G.~. 1 I'me). "III I.e enlil ed 10 a cop, tree. 1'0•• - 101 GraM, h, B I.. Faj' .n, 10 All .bout Ito!: 8oU. Ol1m~te. JteooroUr<lAltl. ! . . . ADVIii'J'lSllltl1 ..ill do ...elf to 1I , .~te .... nd otlo erl .bu !tel up clul,. In t heir loB Th e S.... KIll};. Uop'"I;, ll~.,. alt. I., I i.1 rates by addre88ing W. L. blond. tbe Impurit le. (.OIrn .hlcb .hcy ari e Proouoltl. Lo ..., and ItA 1'''''lJle are !flven i .. i~o,,~, ,I",y, lila .r....c. 10 Ih. c',,· n'iI!"at\l o '0 ... '. clln ,,''''r.ard .dd 010 11 1• 109 £1" &Oor'. Vldur, . MI ~. IIr"ildon. :/.. I • 'Bri G eral l'u··...nger Aaent t' or oolllv.II~". 'here II 1I01hl II II 10 efl'eclhe tbo KANSAS ~AR)(ER•• IO.pap weekly CIII~lloa '" C"I"" .1't .50. No ."b..,rll.t\oD •• ke .. I',r 110 The Glrlt or ru, er.I ,,'m, I.y Plor • en, en ........ " \ •• ti way ... •• I'ar And S . .....p"'I11& pili. . !l6 a I... pe 1.llllblln one year, Wh, n • dfln ' n • M.rrll". T , II to the diIIr-.l aocI ed'erIlIc M. iect 01 P. C. & St. L. Ry., Columbus, O. CI,t_ a ho. ; S llOUI ror 'I . . . tit II.. m. ,1 In l&a Illth Y""" POll. peid. tI mu .• 6O . 1A. Add""",.r, K. ~UDSON. Tupeka, K. o. ur ,o""oy lOrd.r .... 0 con.'ftn l.ntly be "nl. It III A 1 Our of III, World In Elgbtr The Ohio National Goard from ev· Add re' 8 Ie" ... and ord.," \0 II• . B"~T~ • • "ilI .I" preler",d. II w,lI I'~,ebl Ih. po. D.... by Jul, . V. rne. . 'fen 01" ~.....: f·L St t will be reo "Sn•• 33U Norlh ' 111b til. Philidel pbl". H*8 quiakl, Labn • high p~ .mon",,' ery _00 ,w,O • e For aal e bl Oruggt..h. _gricult"",1 juur".I. -N. Y . Tribone. . • • ,. .. .1I ,III1Y .. r Ihe 10 • of m"n,'y "1 moll. He· Il~ B ard' C..b. bl Ch.,I •• " . .. d.. ~recenlJed io tbe Inaogaral parade. WU bno ollo, ldercd 1, limoDS tbo be", of U .... 0.. Dleml.. r Iht th e po.t.g- nn thll Led~cr 10 11:1 Gold"n Grah .. by B. 1.. . ~ arj. Ull. 'I" n eI\iU the ~ oor oxeh lh~. n..d a worthy repreoenLatiye _II par.. IIr .he cllunlrY will be pAid bv UI. 1[4 n.. ,rell Markll" ,u. )i" a Ilrlld,lolI. T.n W. canol be too p i die' 'uf. 'qIe Inaogdral reception at the City of tbe W c. t - Pro"t;oal Fumer. PIoIIa'd... ' ....,... III .h ,t CQr suh. crll,en will h" fe 1\0 po"''' Ke 116 WIIhia abe Mu.e • ., ro . \\'0 d. 2.. 01 an}' remed, w~idJ wUl . !AI I ~all 1D tlie evening, nnder military . 0". Kan .... Frion II • I 116 1."lIl1e,' by L.tlI . \\ •.!ford. ,', /I ~ ofhllllllDlty,DOtoal,1a theputll' be. \ery brilliant pride in t e hl!!b ch~",oler lind ' lerlinl! ~tp jJ\ ,.~ We en.plo), no Ira.ollng all. llu . Ad· III The Fllmal. ~linl.t<" . Eug lie I.I.! . Ten pain which th.. paiieat alone 1Qtren, but ta worth of the,r S.ale "I!'rlcultutal,p"JI<'r.- 3.-'i, Alfal II c" .tiolll. dIe • • ·~08E'I'I1.o:~O·~N\;':. Pnhl;lher. liB Greftt E. &I, eOIJlUOQ I. Uh ,' , D,ck_ n•• ""11 Ib.e dI . lresa "hleb It CDJaiIa upon othen. r, 'Mob all are invited. N'l'ltiunrl Ltl ive-S II dltndrufr .1111 ,Ieh,osa Coruer WUlIom &; S" rue. ote .• New Y nrlt. II!' I'elronel, '" .·lorIlIlOO )yl ~rr " '~II' ' '.'11 )fOlt eve" llIIFerer 60iD biaOWll ~ i toolcb;J~~·ml _I . . . W,'!',:" hit 11 m" lu y e . e I~ t wit uv n" nne 0 w, e """t ~It wll' ... .~~. «Io~ • .r, fI .·slI ,I. . • l :.ltl A Ron•• "oe of II I·... r \IU~!; . ~u. ujierienceia.warelhlttheordinarymcu...... UAGAZ1."- 1l lIlIneno"y preced..d by " like ed,t.,d of our W c."'rn "grioultur.1 ",11111". '" !!rlglna! color 10 old a;;e. h. 0 'I" II o(lrmting Rheumalbm, Nt:unal&;ia. Sciatica be f Bait ! peff pl ratlon. d;. trcollng ;tehlng. MI Ihoo )!lo !te. - Spirit uf tho TI ....... N Y 7- r, '" I •• ",.Ull ' :'0 h.1r f,om rallin~ 011'. 8"1'1-.111 ...... "M.r.: 121 L,fe for a Life. lit la. )1 II '''O~ , 20. I:lndJecl 41'- by Intei"nAI iD1dlcill., Jannary .lIum r 0 pia "ere c .... II n.<: in 000\ "bont ' lot €I-II will O"N 1I,d1 8011,. of Ibe , ulp. 1 .,.t . Belt I Nuw" t ,e I'r;vnteersm.II. 0lle11ln 'r . u Iendor no avaU. 10 rut Ie this impreuion ' ine i8 a sample of wh..t 'It reclum,I,.rlleolarly .t bight wben IIndr.. . II .. Fw, c. 1 J1 ,.ha ,..-arll,ucll .nd ""lor time "" .obo!oriboo for the It 1. 11 I.e,,0.,,1., 10, S .. mu .. 1 I.IIvU' . h d ._._ Is lhat .L h If\.. ur In b. d .Oer geuin~ .nrm I • • p-ar8 . or ,I••• h.l r.' " I ,~ uiJIli:rnil(· .. W.le' _. 1!l1 8'1"1 ,,, T. e.. lyu·. H,4•. ~I •• \Yo"d • .}.. p.nln" 01 upoa uucu. ._ pa 'ep .. II be w,e \\' 0 e u 'DO year,..., hi" dl (h I , 14:> Ma rl' Barllln. by Mr • . G"6'.cll 1 . u the, demaocl"aioft f,?'Cllltremcdy. Tho JI,ht, .ttraetiv.e, and, fricnd, In .umm"r II . . . .11 nl ,,11I1.r. ofWill liD '. r P,cm 11,0' lind • DJ( Q I • '·ocI £ ..,,,,,, . 0'. my P"lhu I t;;u. b ,' diocoyery of LAWSON .S CUUTIV& III I.e .\U,,, gn'l\tl-101. . leued. th., el'e ry" ,.•. JTbe --pIe'. r -- ' I fnorile Lltolrary b 16. Mild F_m1l1 MI ha was " -& I Id .ho"s II lelf .rollod the pflVllte purt •• Autlll to be welcomed in overy hon Id .. e 10 'DOL conftoed '0 ... 1... un1y. but I~ I. 'lillie "' W I .~ ... I. 'w "Il(ullll "''(lor eltou'h Ihat jl uurn.1. t '" a mammol P~lrc. "0, R. D BI . ekmon'. '1e " pric.eleso booD to thousiuIIIa who r. ~ d b . " p........ Otton IlIu. IIlIed t .... ted,wllb p.iper.plolldid (otle of.erl.I ".rpor·. ;R· ltel l 'I'el l'." \_.~ and read with pleasure y 0 an f....quent \hat fl'mall' "" ' 0 "" ), 11m i0 ...d • 11• "wI ..... ... )1' r. be -, byerer, Weekly). .nd I27'" 1211 Uou.lh l'h,lIh. by Mr . · - and the thOlll&lMia bleacamea YOUUII'. there i. nut\ting like .it ' . ', I ln l!ll" ": th • ieliort . torl.... 8ltetohetl, poem ... u""rlll knowl. 129 Tbe Wandering .low (Pi'l'l aul( ) ",Ue.ed of their terri fI, 'f P oountr··, ", , or I't'18 a mllrv~11'DIIlllolhe Sln".,.._......., ~. , ,; ' IOtbl.~th, balr, n. , .... - " i .. ...d Irnmor. 'An..... nlo 00...... b.IC"I. oeSu,.,. ' "0 • _..-'. talcll , '0 till' It b(wDod.. fb~" "era o( ebdur.nll<l. 0 . . ..., t ~o f ~liflll 111, 1I~&Il1'&1 ~ lMtimool tol\S"Irt_ C •of _L_pa811 arid " .I ' .----.11........ ITulM 8onJP, 1119 Tb. W.. nd6rln ..• .I",w 8' R,,,,,,n4 paye & VU'I'n'K " .-..a .,taite, Wit I - of loag atan 01;. pronouncel\ Incllr"bI0, m3tt.' J: lu IfJ "'" • I ' If....... I' PupolNr I I 2 ... Hent h we lied -'enIaIIl aerta...•_. ....-rf ... g(15""" ha.e ,a..."", peftJla\llilntlJ O1INd b •• pplylng h,.l" tu ..... t\i hil'~1lL. _beOOi Mq•• etc. n y. enterla n orr. amOA nil' a. II.) .v goo,.n ' 11 8, 0 laOug app _. . r--file ,ariety of 8WAYNEOS OINTMENT. 8 di , tlllct urlllll •• Monlhly I I trooI-..l '" pie that .... I .."rllc"".. The IIrgea" b3adlO....a. ISo SCrD.OIII 0 .1 0 Ohurcla, \: . \lul 0 '. TeD add baaeficaJt I0Il_ lIB the whole ,,!"a lDatter that ~n- ~ ,fonnd 1n any _ _ _ ' " - .Aue... 8 R.~onl... I " I lie hMt, ... d 0"".1""" l"'per uf itoo "I .... pob- 131 Mlohll.1 SIro!!"II'. I II" ~ I e" II', 10 ' "111- - remedlollDdlapatllbl.~cag.;'" aerial in eoun'r~ Now is a 0 •. S"'Ay k. &; "I(. O~ntlemeD:-Tbe , B lloo 1>111"'1. ' ;':~;':'I\ ' .~. luobed Only.l a lCo~. wltb I.,ge 13:4 Jllck H,nton . b,' Ch.tle. 1.- ••·" 2l0 ~eeldlllD to ~ pnmpt relief 'lIl ........ tl • L..~r·1 - ~or B .. llou'a hOlt of Olalmont "ou Icut' lDe b)' m ~ 1I cured ' BS " Ohln. or, .. u.lh,.mllm •• Dr.J)w.1w1 ~*"I'" r' of it: aDd Ioandoome ChroD'O.·, tudloo•• ' or 73011. 1113 1 bo Ouch • •• of Ro •• mIlT L'llc, ol.c:uIo archnllllopablJiIl the~ . e~ me a""" II .. , me ~ntlrllly 01 ltehla~ PUu. "hlch T . uWer· 7"'11.1 OUrl,olllm.. The LOna ~~ ~"""'r I. uoed per ye.r w'tlooDt.ptemlum In urder to In· "1 11. L. P. rj." " , 1'U" I ' <' • • a it coate bat. dollar a Itlll r ed with for 6we 111.. '... EliclolOed lilld IIfty II .. Double Geraalum . . very ox - . 1 patlellto and trlodUOll It inl<> New Homos, "e lOa ltd b".in/e •• IIlid ., ...... tI•• r , ..... 'd t tl t •• Ii Ib I f frl d r I H Ivy . leued Ge.-nluone, fr l1iadlo \' I tIIc,ofote tbe foll\l.inK .poi,I.. 1 o!Per. : .., ~ _ 1M. • •• 6 . ; ; . : . . . \ . , . . ..... .. d a and i8 po4Itp&1 a III • "n_ or ano ar lOX or a en 0 m a •. II HellolropM. ":'"" 01111 Oller No. I .-Upon reeelphfoD- 13Ii !CAli,' B:e w.rl. bv M':'. Ulijlb,wl. 'I'e" . -"""Ita ........ a . . 011 . Juat tr1. (or a you 6 Abulilon •• , """ .:: or ft. h cellLoI ..e wm ...nd TheCrioket on the 137 A Rent 10 a Oloud. Oh .rl" Le, . " Tell IItDIt ""•• ,... .!'It'' 4Dd~OQ ,' .... nnot 'WIthout _It. Dtl. Syl.nrii '" 8u~ :-kD.10.nd plcuo 8nd ~ Double ".m.I ... ; ,,- b .~1to ",,' iiddnM. on ... Hearth (nr four m,lnl.b. on ttl~l. and one JII8 Wbal',h¥ 'P o •1 lIer. II< .I.DI• • ".,0 Ton • .• , tW I"". 0ur u .... 4 .. A•• I••• ; ri pair of French Oil Chrumo. , froe . 199 Londoo·. II •• !I; ll. ll' I' ..llilo;!oJ.. .. .. Pati beG'6j"TbOtpM & Ta Ibo t,2 3 ODe dul.... for t.o boxea of 1 OinllO.nt • lol,ster aacIUJ; oeIXdd:ii oN DII. S"'II.YNII" Spec;,,1 Offer No. a -For one Ibree Cl'nt 140 The L.d l n' .. '!'.l'" . .. , .......... Street, Boston" at only 6 BOIII'ardl .. : Solf N rtb J>bilad Ipbl P... .Lamp we .. til ""nd •• poolmell Tho 141 MULo.·rmnn lIm •• II. . 1en ..,. . .,.. ' " ...... f ,60 per anuqm, nnatpaid j .nd Il)loompl.In,. Tho boll YOII • • nl 18. a l ear 6 .. Ste.le. • Kapfitol'ium.; 801 'p pri~ ,. ' , . . , Orluket on the 8 ... rth. aDd a copy "' " 1411 ;t:he head 01 I~e amlin MU'och; . :!'J ! L:J;. II .... ~' _cd 1 t r-- .tatiou8 at aso, l.m gll4. '88. I .10 proud 10 .. ocb...... be.otiful llth"lf""pbic 8Ilgraring mUtled 144 1411 T.ln lb. b.unled 1ower; '1111. 1)""'.1: Woo.l; 'reD 1ell _ ...r a 11; "'6 at al \ It. 84 Douhlo VloI.I.; , JI1' . UL . til.Cootl1'l. '-'e K .. I..... free. L'eutea.n .. ; AI"K. . " ' ..... DO bci_ ," . ' "for . & oopy, , A ,. .mp ' ,o. copy .bould ••de. &~III1.h.d pII~r~al cure tbrollgholl' I 'hlall t IIhll .. ellleoa, P oln..llai 101<I~,: ~ bl·~ , " 'AD uu....... uIllI on n f aon.y. .. b'" _ ..L_L'_ . . . .11_ aDd 15 _ta l.n~1b ,II '" -Addr_ F. II. LUPTON" 00, \ I 46 H • If a 1ft ) _ ,I • _the _ _ _ --:0- , ' _, .. PIII.hag ; Br.chlllallllJtna .10 . 1Iapi..a IIlIIID ita. - L ": J aoaary namher WI llbe .. lid "l'IIIId or Ih.. land. Y ou ""0 pit bl I. h· IH for' wardlooa cuet; " '• •red • ___ • _____ ____._N,.Yorlt _ _ 14'i 01 AII,. arl ••Il.B O·M . £oll,ar'b I'ey, lb.: loI.h D ..
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A Gr eenhouse At
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• oomplaiot. 8ymp'toDl8 tug . .• _ are I' a moi,'are, hke persPII,&.t lon, .Itc ling • 1 rt ul.rly at nurht .,. 8V 8.l1yoe'lo'iut: ment -I ', & ~ad.""t and lure ClIre', alao oarea etter, and .11 ernptive dil8alCl, Sold by all leading dl'ug. II d 'L Read t a v ..
:~itg~'~d." ~
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nlo ...r7fl\ilro bI Oharl •• L ,. er;"lpl .. n' ••• JI' .... .. 1(01101. ., • 1§1I• • • I,a.rrpi1oal l ]57 R.,·IiD. Ih. It .. Mar ...t!: Tea ' ~ Io_ • ~ ID ~ ' • luffllrlug .. .. Marant .. • ~rol' 1,..•••1. I,", 1411 .\ IIlu. StOekllll\: NL.F.r)"oll; ... Ed""rc\.; )"'D ...,ft la' I'_-' R",\UXR:If,'uua''II .. hlltC1lnlbhulb.· I , " . . . .!lIlh••pe-tlllod,. 149JolhllaMuvel.B. .11/1 Ctlu:nva 6uJUly. Jtwill ," 'pra,e'" .... , Dor io, oo,,,pl.loll. Or Tetter • ."'" 1, •••0rt"" Tulip Uull,. · · 'e 'amll. plibilC.IIIII 10 Lb•• brld Any. A Ibn MI.I.blp.n." E " y. O"pt ll."yatli 1.n a..:.~ 0ur cru,ly. 'I', ltehy .kl" dl", ... e. go "'1 dru!Q:III .en d b Ib ' on ft"n 1· .. · 00-• • · _"'~fuI, "eo\. The ~ .a; 151 Th. t,;' I' •. • .. O"m •• : 1',." and . L_.A be ~_.. " . , _ ,• aod"",alouxofS."ne·.AIIIl."lIngOlut , Flfly ... ' onl erocu. " !: \ ~.,. 0 L II .......-....,..... , men': It "III 11I •• ly cure ,ou. 50 Ctlll'" a J'lwo .lIorted .locolle,"ll1y Bolbdl 18 t.le •• a. '.orlll of an ,1".11 " 'l:e '9 ' WE~V'LY lin A"bll" O·L ,"., : horloo •• er 0 uc. . , . •Ii HlCflba ... Th, brioe allllo,' ~ .~ Th P", l' Klo;!'" 0"0. Calli . ~In , ,"en .... "' _...... .. I,ox; alIOs., ror ,1.:IJj: 61,01'.' flI·60; ollnt '1F'" ely.III 0 ..f111' Ii' \' "lIel ' ,,.,hody".u',,/Cirflo .. \ I•••• (IDa Ic:WlIl'" ••eot reporta • • 16.'1 I~'\' .. t 01 bonor; Annie Edro.' ....uu N.; .... ....... I .elT bym,lItoaoy.ddrea •• onl'l'oel r· o)/prlllo!. YO I ' 'e :r,kl ..... ove r.HlOloi .... Alady •• "at _ _ _ Por •• le h.oll Roollo.'III1'. aDd Neil •• , P.IO ...... -::"" . ..• OO• I, ool! or n .. l';WAUI 4; S" • • 1130 'p._t no" .. ur y" ,o"?P" I·""S' -... . 'R) I I". I ._ , . /I • _ _ ... Norl" Shlb St.; Pbll.delphl.. , OR U EX t .. " . r po ... &akIN-..'!' ... .~ Mcr "",. a ",n TIlE P EO P L E'S PA P l!.'R. denl . ..' ur .. "t, po.I."., "pre~.ld. un " 'oo 'ipt " 1 !" t I. :t of any <of lhe "ho.e II coliecIloo. (or f2 y~. ,. A\I . , . ....... .h\~h m,!ne) r'1I1. all aolbinai. 811ed .lth cdit",lal, Ne". of price. by GEORGI<: N 110. .~ i;;a ony of tbu 4 Agricultural. Mlocell"". '')In.Io., It u"o," : . !l3. '13. and 25 Vlllld ....." " I LaWlOD W' ~hlle •. b.1 It ".n be mMde lu 97 or' ~"Y O~ ~~e al,ol.e I ~~lIee.loill (ur ' S wa,0 r"'~I~i;b" 100 .RO do It .Onu ooP~. one ,o~r. po.t.'g" pald;}S cto.: P . O. Bo~ li657. • ,IIDD"I~~ by any one of ,I , 0 BUY 0 ell"". I II lion for 6 ..' 1\ P!IlI paKlctifal'l!. dlrec ••Iul., or Ylre, 70~ . • olub. 01 leU, ..... celltl. , Iher 'Clt In .ny 1'&" or 'bc IfJ o~ lIay o~ t:e I ~Il:t1t)n: for 7 lio~·.. £1. .1 and upeDal •• cillbs of l"lInl" 110 cen.. ., .._ .... '. country wbu II .lIIlng 10 I." a .. v 0 I "a .,. C 0 181 rre. waat prGliLahle .0rll. THE D A I L Y PO S T ~~:=iii5i "orlt ,Ioadll),., 'he employ. All Winter Blooming Plants. •c~d '1.0' • ----~-- .. i •• ' ''ODe.. h COAl! no mCDI lhot ". rurlllab. '66 per .. eek !D)our . Or lhe .. hllle oollecUo.. 938 Bal'" & bal.e... Ko one wbl) .11 lie V.a •• PilIILaIl" '7. "e", n( " •, PI.n" 88Dt II" Eap","" Oa tecelpt of '~11I !!SIc. (ula 10 ...... .flea. ,pay. Ad...... 'Tb~ Y.. ~III llropllrlion. '0 I'''~I'D-'. &u II, I~~~ to wbloli eltber of 001' ,hook.. G.a.RP.IUK Peop~'a J ......... ITo~aIIa,\ M~.-" ' Ihe 0.11, PO. , 11" '. 11, dll rws: O. ,nl", •. •In". roll Pko.I,.. PJUO'I'IOAto FLouOU'!f1! . ,, ' .-..,... I '· d ·" whicH '''e " .1. e . ,11 tI\l $111 pet •• ' •• po.trlp 0. GAltDII.UKO POR Pt._A.nll, (....... 'I • U A aWN lUDGE ', _ pali!. AII _.h., .\ol.~cd "'· beiuN' "lJla~e . 11() IIAOb) •• 1II be Ii\ldecl :o.,oripU... 0& ' ,.,..~~ .• , . I/Ioot, .1 'hc pre.. n' I'ato br ,7. will .eo, ". , .4 6 .• . ... n. 6B
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MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT For MAN ~'l D EAST. En •• LllulCll....H...IJ... A ,. &fa enr I Alw">,, !Wad,. " t•• ,. I. ml , n". D6fCl rTftt r"lICk1 71i r/f IIWIou ,,"HlttlH It Tl o wi 01 wa r 1 &PIl 0 1' ft tM " orion I 0111 II I t.:1, the Del t H n l bait-I'" - L I ""0& lD'lU ce 2!' CflU la .. ho t 10 TI 0 l\t u,laol " in lmeD ' ca rM wben no t I~ " 110 ,..fll ROf D BY ALL II li D IIJ IN I: n ND1tllS
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YI61ftiE T" t &ftur BLOOD Pu"lnt ft
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reference to eCOIfcimy be your dellberutionl! tben urn 1!R1~1~laeu thllt very httle If IIny legl8lAtlon will be uL'edod to re tore hUlIlony between ClIl'ltul IUld Illbur and mllke Wern ",haL they ought to be, and "hat they really must be If either IS IUIICceuful hearty eo-opcraut III nil that relale8 to the rna !erial growth nnd Ilrosperity of tho country 1 do not " IIlh to co naurno your time 011 the pref!Cllt OCCUlnon 10 pArtl( IIlarlIID/; SlIIce It Will be my pleasure {rom tlme to t Ol e should I deem It .neceMllry to commuilicule II Ith you II) pec1111 met!" &I11e~ oollct'rul\Ig matter!! ,..hieh I ClID not 1I0V> e ~en lllllL at. But I feol thnt there nrc !!Ornc tillogs which ought to r cCive your IJIl00edlatoatlenboD, and J therofore dee,pl It propC( to Ipeedy a few of tb om
GUilAl the mual
Th present condition of the Pul,! bc Works should be ca.relully and th oroughly lin Llgn Jd ReoonUythere hUHbe~n cOlIslderable excitement grow Ing out of tho (a t thn~ tbe Ie of th e~ \\orlul hllv VlttullUy repudiated th olr oonuoCLwlth theSiatc. lhe mat;. tcr has- beeu 8uhmlttd to the courts (or ad)uthcntion lIud though a decIsion may be reach d at an early day/ 8tlll the whole . ubJec~ I~ of 8\lch vItal un purL111ce tbllt )011 houla not Wl to glv It full alld cl\nd dIn, tigatloll not only no< regllrds the contrRct referred to hut 1\8 regards what hall be done 'II lth thc1IIl work s {or the (Illure ur tnt hA S ngbtfully gt"'en great pronllnen<.>e to tbo i)uilding alld support of public Institutions )11 this re 'pect we stulld among the foremo~t IIlId ()( t.hl~ cnlerl'n 0 ,~o hllvo I nght to b proud UII till tillS blls CU!t UM 1m llIe ll olltl"y of money But where Ju diCiously expended th~ uutluy 110t to ro"'r tted Jlnt \IY \11 lead mc to ..,hlll bu 'ulllP; BmllUlI1I8gc-
Aft a Btep ante ced nt to nny l~gl8la han that way be needed ] would recommend thaL you e th('r by comU1I8 810n or by JOIUL l'Omlllltt.ce, CliUSO II LllOrough 111\ e~llgatlOlI of en h of the 8ubJe ct ~ requiring th e cODlmi!ll;IOn or oom mlHee tb lllko test II ony both orrullud documen tllrl KO 18 to ob taill II full and lIuWelltlc Jenoll ledge of tb factA! nnd after duly C4H1Kld rill'; a ny IIlId III IlnnBthnt may be ~ugge led to report by bill o\' oLherwlso such amCndJIIlllli.l! t.<: cxldllJlg IlIw a ll Will cure CXll!tmg eut.< L TIII8 plllll will furmsh whllt the egl laturc hWlIlOty t lu\d b fore It I It A thorough knOll ledlto o[ the fn ~tII llld tills knowledge. Itse llI K t.o OlD I~ 1111 1m portant before nllr Il.'gll\JaUon . honld bo attempted on subj ect..< of Much vllJll tOil eeq nence 1 'm ~ IiC lnIlY !!Ill CILIOU8 thnt !!ODlethlng ~hll I IJo dOli III ttUg directIOn to prol Ide ngll lll"t the {\ I. of our pr scnt .y I III of llIuTUell,,1 gOH' rn ment C ur clttes IIro I econlln jl' 110ro and moro clery d Iy g r~at ccnll'r. of soCl1I1 comm rCJnlnlldllllhllclIllIIllucnc , alld IlS tb ey co ntinuo to grow \11 l'o"er and Importllllce tb e ['robl m 01 tbClr proper government chnll ellgcd th o gra~ t consideratIon of till' 1U000 t en liablen d ststes 'llnn ~llI fl Aud not th e leut difficult fMLuro 0 1 th ~ problem 18 how III reach thc best rrsulill II Ishem tc n dllllgcllmr. tb e n ght of If go~ rnm nt? ThlM I beHeve sl,otlld be fllithfully gUlud d for no oth r ben Ii~ ho'll 1\\ r vlIlUllble could ~Ibl) colll)JClll!lll for IIny lIIalenlll 10 of thlMri ght. In onolu(lInll: th f!e bner ti uggesli ons ["Ioh to urp;e upon YOll Lbe lInporlAnce of D1aklllg l our II(' IOn 1 sburt on~ t.o to 'mrJr 111 t;llrllctil 1!"0 cio.o III II COil ~tnllt IIttClIlIOll to 0 e rllutlH~ \\ltb winch Y911 nrc Intrusted "ork fllllhfulJy fur tb be~t jilt res t of your IJlto od coun~ry PI " u~h 111\1 8 n~ lIr n ~flrYI nnu "VOIU 1111 III1JlOrllllOtll! legl lallon
~~~i~;~~;;J~~~~~~t:l~~';;&1~~~~~;~~~~~~;~~;*~~~~~~~~~m~Il~C~ 1J .,l !;l .:;,g~bt~lLeI1Qlt!i.a.jlllU)i~OLIIprudente. do be clllU'8cicrlZl'O by ~ A11\1::
IVl! -
WI . I ... U .b ntby'_'."
TI at. my 111.,1\111<61 , , _ 11.... to lb. I rlmala .. 0' yo Ib HOlrauClill ur-I,.r
11"1111 '1l ...~b do, Ib, Wrr<> .. _ n n lid I CluL d_ m ,youtb . , . . ""
WI eol ..,umed ,Ilft,w.ceior&!aaeel
For.n mr YOUlh II J.k
Rmlll ntmel---;: neglected wUt may ke p hur ~orrowa to heraelf. bus • negled ,I hver II III not. WO)l(;):;!'1 1m PrtA Tho pa,rqrapbell are III youllt;: men Then wit becom. b Id l\l IIP;O-I f not before WORe ESTER Preu Tbe Impecunioul edl tor never nils takes tho manly tre.d of th e bill-oollector for the footflllls of lhe orlgUlru poet D CSN tlA1T says that Ita truewter\ ICwcr 1M II man who pula bIB own Yieft III the \II0 U tb of tbe lDterviewed aDd trust t6 liod 8D1lg00d luck 10 eecapo death ) ONKEJl8 Qr:u:dle Bhakspe~ ..,. th e 1)111111 ty of merey is nouuaiDN1 bu\ IKlIJl tl klllde nrc l!O WID\ you coutdn't II t III1YtlllUg ut of them If you mould HtrUI\) (11\ day F I TON Timf' The baby whll teot the fi r t pme at tho firat baby Ibow Ja h Vlllg III IllCmnlltl H Is a girL .-ad she hUR gilt fulso tcoth and a wart on het che ,'k lIud a mole on bel' loft &nil 'lilt: wrong word sometime. mat•• ~lIIy hu ll -11(U10I~ Pod And thl! wron, nil tlet t'Otlletl ln~etI a .Uly bUll. - PhtluchlplnJJ. A1ld il! 1D1.sbIc w\u 11",1 broth., lOll
bebllif o [ Otlr __ ... _....:. for any lU1wlso pr IIIJlldl CIO U leglMlntlon or mon fOlluro to glHl th e kll1 81ntIOn thot Itnccdcd What imean t.o i!lW I~ that our r01l1 and permanent heir IlII1 Ht como frolll eOOGunll,,"1 III lIIg 1111 JU(hc ous Icgl MltltlOn at bome We III ust bcgul tbe work o{ reform In our UIIII Illt., Gov~rnmcnt. Henco [ would <Mne tly C Lll your ntt~Dtlon to the 1m por tRII~ e 0/ Buch enaCUllcnt RlI 1"111 KC Cllre 1111 hon est IIdmlDlKtrntion Rnd rlglu economy 1\1 1111 the depllrtmcnts of our ~te f40 r\ ICC lUll RcpnbhclIlI (ovc mment all 01\ II reform \lIust for tI e mOlit purt be th e ou tgrowtb of n nrtuoII8 Ilnd ccononucal pcoplc--oolUg In foct, composed of tho l\Cop lo ~ownlm\llcdlllterep fC8elltatl v_ IL . he \lId 100 yO\lr cOllijlaht Rlm to Het an exullple III the chorllcter of YOllr Icgl sla such WI \YIII be worLllY to be oIt-IWIW,""U by our natloD41 fClPresontntl\ es bell " 0 hll\ c ,*,curcc for ounolve8 the r gl t k lIlel of B record at home we CAli thell bol'O 0111\ ou r lllluence Will be I tent In tbo lugher councils of the N \lIt II 1II 8ec urll g for tho wholo people lhllt retrenchment nnd refo rm ' which [ 1111 thoroughly conVlJlccd ml18t 11I1Wdl te lilly I'CrllllHlentlv helllthfni condl tWII of our fin IDclnl ntrairs [ d • 1I0t I\loh to como,), the idea that )OU \llll o llhle tosllcccufullyovercom e III tl ~ c " l " of" Illoh th o]leOl'l complnln III I kl ow \ ~ 1m 1O"~ lbJ Il, lor the WI8Cst Ilg: _1111011 18 It best but un expedient Inu £tell f~lI· fllr M hnrt meeting the 1"11 c ced Stili If this be true of lhe " r Rt then It mu t be ll)ipllfCnt to lIli th I t I C()l l ~ltl c r It!lulld unWise legislatIOn "III u Iy m .. ke In Ittel1l I~rso 1I1stond of "cU~r Helice while I w.ould urgo llpon ) IIr tlclluem the IInportance of 8uch ICglMII LlOlI l\li wJlI help to .restore confl cleuce til J nlllel II II1tll1T8 nnd IlTll1ji: nO" I I\Ii) md ellcrg) IgAIll to our bU8111CS~ Circles I wOllld lit the I\8tne time warn rOll t.haL thl H rehef lI1 u~tl'OIUO rnillll\y by llI ~tltlltlllg I II:( 11"1118 rdormM rother t.hllll by lllgh ;!IjulI(hllg' 8fA\tutory enact;. men ts Olose rolated to the lIIilttera-attelldy conSidered "hat 18 u8\1ally called the Lnbor Qu fllHI whle)!. hAA recently ou r Ilt~ntlOn very
About Memory. Byron 8 relldlflCS8 nnd ve rllll ttitty In memory excited tbe wOllder of all who knew him well He soemed to hll\ ell muJtltude of Ruthors lind to have laid up III hiS mllld, to 00 brought out on th e Ulost sudden Bun' mOlls the best parts of what they hml wntten ThomlUllloore did not IIppenr to hAv e a r rnarkablo memory for 8l1 ch 1\ well relld mlln Sir Walt e r cott, 011 t 10 con trnrv 11'88 1110 t hll!bly gifted 111 tbls resflect nnd bc;no III early boyhood-::befo c he was lour ycare old or 0-1.0 take lllto hlBmlnel fore\ er Ilud a doy " the old border bllllnds wb ch wero ro peate!l to lum nt bls grtlndmother R 1D tbe countl v and tho blKtollC Bnd other boob reaCl to 111m by InK nlUlt be/ore be h Itl learned IliA alph J bet ScOtl8 memo ry 11'1111 goou evo n at llll ellrly IIge When he lIOS only e l ~ \ e u yenr~ 010 ot tho R igh chool (f E(hn burgh, Dr Adllm th e head master "oulu constantJy ~~er to hIm fur dat.cfl, the particulars Qf bAttles nnd other remllr~ able BvenlAl amlded to In Hornce or whatever other author the boys \ ~re reading, and called hlDl the hlstollnn uf tho cllBl! 13y th o tllno thllt Scott 1~ M fourteen or I!Il hiM memory hlld become II grellt fllcuhy Btl would go \\ Ith II frl ond on a reading eXCUTlSJon \I bile both \l ere I«:hoolmuw. IIl1d Ifter IllS dCllth t he "lIr~ Iyor then IIlI old gentlemllu \\I med John In III It rein ted hIm though he reud "Ith tbe gr~nte8t r III ht~ merely CAstln!!: hl ~ eyrs o\er th p ]I go ~co tt II 15 mRster of It all weekH uud o\ell lllouths IIfwrllnrtl I hom L~ DeQulllcy flUt! ur of CO il fO""lOn8 of .11 English Opium f:.II\cr IIlId s m ilD of gre t gef\IU" us well '1' )f prellt Ilud lI\fled cllrlllng WllS furtulllte III tile llOSl!C I!l!IOII of a I cry rc te f\tl~ c A' I usefu l melllory upon whlcb he co uld nnd Illrgcly dId c1T1lw Il8 III author About thlR bo wrute n mly ,1(1 till! !!:8 1)() f1Rh frtlRl IIIV memory thuL lire worth rClIlClIlborll1:t Rubbish I'c Tl8h( 8 lIlij!:nntlv Helice It 1I111'I)(1n. thl t I 1.;Il:lb'C" III utili IIIltI Enghsh poetij winch I ne\er could hille rcull lmt ()IICe l " nd I 'lt tlllrty velll8 "g() of len bcglD to blul\ISOQl anew "hen 1 !till lYing IlIVokc unable to aleep
0'" -
!Jelle vI"g us ] uo III YOll r plltnutl . m and MSllrell lUI] 11m lhnt.] 'h,,11 hn,,) th o hearty CtHlJ1Crat!on of YOllr \;(I(ly III III m) eflorts tu promow gUOlI O\erll ment olld trustlllg to th guidlllll C uf (1\1 nih.. nl d bel ~ficc nt Provld nco I e nte r IIpo n lilY "nrk not "ltllouL h II e thllt (Iur mutu Illurn rs IfIlly rcsul t l)rl1 ficlnlly to the Jlcople wo r peet" ely relllll!lln t
Ill!; 0 11
L1 ' 1he t'olunJoo' wy ....-
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"n 11 r,,'" 'row tboe halh 001, 1?IoWII
ro~ IICt OlIlJ1IlHllt d Jour IYor YOU cl\n go ho n to ,our conbi llu 1l tA! wh o IItIJ hOllor ) ou for ,our fllithfl11nf8l! U/ld rE.'W Irt! )OU for the 11111111 er III I I lei J OU have IlIlInt n I "d f Clr L st Itile re~t.I And 1I0W I hi" 0 oll ly to udd 111111 IuSire II exprc8Il my lIlC(lrc thullk" to II c J1CIlJlI uf th e tnte fur tilt tll "l nglll. h, d IIUIIOT th ) hllve conferred UpOII IIIP III C11l1l11g 11111 t.o tbat Iligh lIlId IInp rllli t OttiCC th re~ pon81bl e dutl~s of Willdl I
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' I"d l Hr.I. II I . ~ 1\111 \\111,·\·,,, ,'" I·.\N, I PriQe SS 01•• Dr. Obarlet! Bl4rtley, of OIlSI' - 111(' lIl11llr I): hll hl'lm fmh (It'l\\'II"lIill \ l'I:'··IIICI.I"t i·lll ]'LI.:-\ "" 111.11 1 II " T. ke no other. A,,, town, visited here lut wook. rih"lI h'w lfil huilrlitig tho! ne\\! , n rlLlI' n the \'Yl' - 1 III!I II ,"'In~ "",, .~IO . .. fI , "" ." ",'111 b,· "tHul i y, ur Drlt goI t for It - Thankl to Seoator ~okes for ath lic Ohureh ill WMy.II V vill I!. 18 rry. ~IH" hI trlloti\lllO {I'P l)r..l1ooll\(1 \l lu"urlnnl SOLD EVERYWHERE. thll oll eek-1 love ~I'u ... th ~ rnKl r (In .. blliel heM d I\r .mlllll" -~!;.';r"::-=-.t':'·JIlDl-r.:;~ leveral valuable pablic docu ment!!, ...-1'he Juhn U. EI ,for· Drawn aCR/ill Preparation. f.ll<'. A,lrlfUjl. lIal<)lllllll 3 .. 1. at.:unp , !kll • .. ta.e . . e.a.ra.,. ........, of eae\ -Mr. WillialU Fnnkey and wife. merl" rectlll' of 'I. Mlir 's ' hnr h YOIl· V.odull " 0 ... 211 .0000 U S&.. N . Y . "1I\c\. . . . L. ...vIa, P-.tar. of S}lringfi Id, ur£: vi iting Mr. J. in th i piIIC , 1I w ha.:! ch.lrg vf lhll Oruwn t pough the tllludtl-I .IIoMAJrO.ftOLIDOInJIIC......n. ...." A. Fuolu:y . EpitlcolJlIl 'hurJI at oll'e Hill, bnto y u. TO CONSUMPTIVES. ". ~""" ].)I't\WII 8C , ~ I I-- ,.,1" ~ of ..... _UL LIlt -no.,11.24 .nry - G0 to J' I1cobe & Heighwuy' - '1'1I I'~ l' V II J.lIngd,lo ' . ' tllwllll · t I ,oraclle 1'1,,' "dv.·l'U" ". h.. i,,1I' 1,."0 "ued of thr.t - - --;0::-- - 81l.oIar.att.t_ for gvod , 8uhstantial furniture at a n Itlili btl II uhlt/-( ·.1 011 U C,I UIII I"I' wlltelt d. i lI"",,,I,\I~,·"... ' >tI" 'lIIl'li~l\ . bv • .hnl'lu k ....... P .. oao-acr. 00 f d ed . f·k·l · I ' . Tk' 'tt t11o ce llt ' r __ Y" II 'lrorl'"ll ly,j," I,,' nu.tu II'Mke klill wnl(lhl. 'l'bW ..4 .,,~ .~Re'f~lIi. re uc prices. ~o 1~~l edti' t,)Ev ~lu r ;1 OIUPP hllltr I II .".III)./{ I • I Lluw:.ulf,'r.,r" Ihr 1II~1I 11 ' ,II Bur . 1'0 .11 TO PERSONS SEEKING BOMES IN THE WEST. 0t0I!ane. ...... Dlda. .emoe enry t.,o - Mosus. J acub & H iglJ\~I~y tl . 1I I II 10 '1 p:.SCOpll . Iurfc a 110 " I lI!g. ~ ' 11 b ,,·I.u ,h,.iro 't, I", will Hand \I 00111 01 Ibb 0 ropplng'l , . . . .....d.a1 ."..,.... 8oudaY _bool lire "Oing into the mlillufuctul' of 11 8 P Rce uutl tue cvenlllg 0 Feb· e WI t'riclilis. I'r•...,rI)ltiuu u • •·.l (Iroo uf nh. rKe). with the ..... ... ; po 7h T . I' . . botl I d I dlr c(l ti ll n~ (IIrprep.rlng and u.lnK the ..out, ___ - :0:- - - ,... .... r:-t 8:'1I"a1 oh.Ilire q uite elltlmsivtlly. 1'lIllry t • wlr illS I ID I 1.,.11 8- U· whlub I b~y will lind" SU IIR OUItIl: for Oun· hDIlQ)IlIlI~...q (RIoblta).-lleetlq I' . _ n..r tI t·~. t ' f " dim rence. I' th B hl'l L_ ttw4IvlDewo.tllr.,..". PiI1l\ .tld Foum - t you 1V0uid have yoar PiC' . J.'V I ,811 ~ 1:10 IOU. 0 a le\v T I' I eump lOn. ,I' rna. roon , 0, ""'" GUiT iNDIJ()EIDTS TO ME~ OF LUtTED IEiNS. n.f! ...... ~-I .... ..., 11 o'alack·. i'INt.-n", lur 8 frllmou lI icol,' alld cbe"pl v, IIhv. aro 1I.0t luml, IVlth 1111 the wir lOCI; . io the right hllnd- l Panie. wlahlog the preooript.ioo. will 8oIMlo..--.j" T J .. f. tIE I II 'sh to be ri of you pl ...... dd rne E. A . WILSON• •u 1 oolook A. x . take th III to Jacobs & B ighwlIY s. n8a~etl 0 t JO pl ~COpU hnrch, 'IT I " I I 'h d 11 194 PeOIl e~.. WllIlam lburgh. N. Y. - - - - ' :0:- - - CHIJROu-13~mOl! 011 Lord' . J W . It & S i t t we tukc t.he Ithel'l)' t q uute th o 1'01 · wir ing I 111 0 t lUi ove TIL&". . . . . ."T TI!.. cal"O (lA. . . . cl.y. and lind.,.·. hool at balf-patt nloe -:-. . rig I . (HI (IS wen· I"will' I'ura 'fil h f. tI l3uvk another• • very Lord'a-dll), mornlntf. ty lut ho"". 500 Ilolllld I 1'1 •U"III III UII ~ I,V III 1.0. O,'er the '"c Id er-F..v III""· 1110. Tnolrll.tloD Mnd amll!lem n~ oombined. 1m· o - U\'CrlWIU,7 0 0 rU \'er 1'1 IJCI.tu llllng to 1"'rlH.nt to pllren" IUld · ··nhc-. nn dl"e~ IAtld ..... (orettle 10 n ... lOo colln~, Nobl'llAka, on tho lillc uf the U . P. R .,.t Pri_ V.E.OlnJllClI.-Tb Bn.L. F.Vlll010u cach. on ~lI t llrJ :\"J ' Oll to.U car~0. ,"/1 il I C" .' I A d ' f' UIIl'ler tile ,""-A kis . 'V orll, lIn d, .i"n.. ~..... '"' U'.· .'·nl Th. out••iro p""k !lent r""tr'll" ' '''10 t<I.W to to per •• ro. xoollont farmln" hm.".lIpou '! hIC II aro"" ~- U&n be ... on Sund"vA, .t 10 l r 01',t.' t "' I·llc ·lno" t·I. · .1' y '1". one 0f th 0 mllft hea ItbJ I00Ii II tl" ' III tho United State·· P 1 .,tot. i '01 Di.'nelervi k J , ~ ...." I UI11II1I1I1II/II: .. n I 1111)' T tl -Hiddtm lIIC'rit. (re" for ~r, rO il ~ I'urreu,',· or '1.:IID p~ . Vl\n ui ..,d the II rot your. In ... the pro• 0 00 .... . .. and 0 1·2 P. II . L III t III ·.. II ~l·l: rnt~" Br ~ad und W iII 0 Ie . b I I J 1),.1( "" ' I. llO Ann Sl .-N Y. duotl01l0 ~r. .. hod. oorn, o.t•. b,ule,. rye. pototo ,and root arope. Hboo\ .. U .~.2 P.II. - jUr, A. . Furr hn on c 0 1 t~IO Ill'IUllill IIft'r lite 'ul llmuuiou it 0P!:' ite () nere III vt I 1111 1 k R ., . 11 B h i P . ul 1 D-ofltable: PRIBlC llS Ill]l&'l'rN~ (Ort.hod.ox).- Moet.- hnnrl Olll? t. ncal t nnd b t It' lblaall nut be carried out of th e W lIit lor we. $57160 ~·~If~:,',: 1~7.'r";trl~; $~:;::~'ii.:; Stele al~1Og 10 a rane ea 8 artio ar y n Ing for divine woHhlp e.ery F.nt OtId -Ith nuted resld encea In tOW II . Ma V be- (JI I ' b 1M " d Wi nd iog und fu rcfi lll'cr- I H. ti, I",. j'It,1 IUlL .. I •••1 >\''''' 101 ,., ".nl Irt.• 1 M ..lIt-l f.,,·ili t,,·. UII~ltrl,,~ed. EdUO!lll'lII i. fro:,,; oomu",n I1nd hl~ b "ubool. endo.. ed. n_y. beg\lt n"n i"'2 .alt tltt Q·olO<'k . Pi....t.-n,,-' l'lve 101ig to IIJ' OY ·It. • IO",rc I, n.t t 10 " 1111111 t.e r 1111 .vth. l'I I'Y I I",."",·. n.,"o" t. 1'1 dUri."IIInK I"\\' 11.111\ II I e I111 . 0 I. II ... I'" ln"llellt mllr iu 1111 U,hh·,.•, W II "11 I ill'.S'I'EII . ' ":.' d .If, .rd O ~ d ., • .1 • lIr ,HIIWlIlII CUlltti t! IU Ilun'l \.I.111'tll' um engag . k,.t"I WIt. )I U II t I110 l'l~n\I~U l0nno 0 I u ld or ;le t II c;1 utltnlUUnll le,. , Um 'c rnll,e"t I. ud. oano b~ Soh 00 a t . oc: oc .\ . II . • ti ~lt; Fu ltun ~ t .. "("," Y\lr k. WllynC" If Ie To...-o.bip Datectin & - O11 F rluay Inst, a guld challl ly after the Dlt~8d i llg rcl' rently \V indiug ' a "pnd thi rd IIgl! r-"I>I M lnNI IIl1.1or Ih,' hume.WIld law. whld l !CIV il >Ill I'" ,"m... wll"lher mllinor lemolo. ,.., l'rot. tive Oompo.n,. moo... 011 Ihe ad Satur- was 10 I, ~ omewlter bet II' , ,,II t ile \Jilt rind drink tl e '" I um mllrried F..u,on~ OF VO. I ~I )·. nro of IIg.·. HII ~or~.lrl'O; nnd . 1... t"I'cr.oll' ,,( I"ruil''' I,irth who mako Rl'pitOll' J 0 V I' , I ulUe. W· d' hllllLl - 1 ' AG IlI'j·. ·•. I!:t''':>I ""0 ."If~ ....d (or , ...... th," fllr rltizlJu.<hll' U,. J\lUIl C Ilfivilo!!c. fi1- Rllilrollrl , lIi\'.· re!llloe<l nl'" 10 OOZI1~. N.b. d.y to e oh month ••t 2 0 ' 010 k p. m . B)' . I II order of the Oomp'oy. L. nart.oock. Prell- be 101: lO u ~e un( r. i\" II 8. ---- . III 1IIJ1: Ir"", " "" ... ,1< II" ~II II )'. l'r"1II,IU,,· \l ... , Tlok.... lor •• 10 by Jul." J . Cutud, lit 1tj;1 ILIVe .t . Uillci llllllli. 0 .. al the. (o\low,og low 10M. R. P. Gallll8, Secretar, . \V on t the finde r plca.~c I' turn it tv TR R HAOKN \VUITK FLOUR OltN. \l'i~ 1t your co Hlly. ,·uy. lIll I)", ,·n.·d" ,,( ),.. ,," 10'11 1 Ind i.· r" ~ ..: :rIRllT BM'TIST (Freo-wiil) Ohuroh In this officlJ / - Th i8 Corn grows 011 stalk8 a \'(' 1" Winding .nnd right hlllld -- ,..,.oj" .. . will. f"r II", ,.ku "r ,ulfJrin>c hu· ('illt'illllnti to Cozncl. ~22; Round Irip, $9n ...o, gnod fodOdRYo . ~b)'1lteh.--SeO f rtVIohcm " ohnblthd t"btotOS ..t . .lUI~d. IIttlhdird7 . _.Tlt is i8 to gi vc noti ce thllt all IIging from t.i ' 10 fcet in .It igltt Altuc lt ment. 1lI1l1l1t)' • • '·1Il1 freu I" .,11 wi .. , 11"",1 il . th~ I N HIA.!~A l·O.,18 to C OZAH, *20; ruund trll'. .a~,M·; guod lur.(O d"YI. LJa hal ~ tI hod I I Ik b I.' Id " I k Irt'l'ipc Iw d clirt' utitm rfl r m.~ki n~ tht! ,..implf.' P . II . R.n. J . A. Buttell. or Blannh....wr, cltlzen8 troubled with Coug lt or -:- 11:1 1. 0 t 10 stu" ellig a to ang It wial tv spea ' tO l ro" "" ~I~ b)' Wh.i•.h he "'''M ('"fl·lI . ~lIfr<r,' r. An ExcufMl on Trllin Cinoinuati oud 11I<lllIlIopolison 11l0.l·0Iln,1 Tue."'18"l ia Putor. AI\ IU'tllIOtdlal\, lD'fltecl. to attend. Cold 8hould ut OIICO procnr u bUC' III Hle hellVl er th lill tlte m dium. YOII. ~ " wl.I.... !' u, I' ,IlL uy ,",,"dVl ". " " "" . . . ""rl· JIlnullry .nd Fobrlt"ry. U17tl. wheo I'tlrti"" willi", .h",,·n ,lirt'<lUy ,"""u"· ,~tAl.. . ~~'!!"''!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!~!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!~_~!' tie of Dr. Bnll'8 Cough Syru p. T~I ~ ver.lge longth ?1 tlte CIII'S i _ L ' tti ng it ' ain on the ey -- ~noo ,,,.. , ,Iv"" by Ddd re.o:1 1I1C In ~lIlrf~c~oon. . 1-'o r further illfurmation. "\ll'ly Iu OA V I D CI.A l' POOL. COZIIII, U n WIIOD (J)lfTIlaos AT SP&IIIoBOBO.-The Price 25 cents. lillie lIIehe ; th e gnuns pl um p and \ 'Ill 111'0 cruEII. fI"~';~;~';il\l) 4~·~!~~'~ . ?:. ~;~~~;k. (·'>lltlty. Nl'brlls lm. f~I I ·(Jm l Fraoldio correspondent of the Cin· -Meeere Jonah S ud J oh ul CUmlU,lI1 8iz ; )!('rlcctiy wh ilo [' ltlCing it t the ri ght ellr- r uu - -- " '[' TA' ~HM - E,~1'. oillnati Enquirer. uoder d.,.te o( tbe Cadwallad~r Frunk H: I! 'Geo n Ulld tlillty. It is hlifd '-1I0t I'cqnir : I lu\'(~ c1ult lgt·d. " \oj 1.. ~~ 101t., writee U full~w8: Wern!z, J. Mosher, b~:'~:' ~ug a8 n~lIch work a~ lII11at vt' qUill· ~)lllcing il. t 0·E':0~~~;;~':.i''i:~r~reYj~Wlt8~:n:: ~e anaelllLllJ: quiet lIttle Q~k . Dr. Oroea, ~o Milhurn, Ilnn J . M, Itles. ~h e rout grow8 ~traiKht tatl ~n. . . ..... rd•• J . P. of W,,),ne Town.hip, W.r... 9111age 01 8prlUaboro, 10Dr miles Recker aro 8tOpping at tho Old down 111 Ihu groullIl. Ilnd con~e· . I uttlng It In tlto pvoket- Nv ron Cuunty. Obio. thia, place. was thrl>wn into Hotel. qUllllt!y dl'u!lght efl~et8 it vcry lit· 1L1I>rC lit vrc.;Cllt. ."3"~~:~,J.~)i ~~;, O~ ,~~,~~~~.( ~~I~~h~':' ,~_ a fb.r ore 0 excitement to-day, tl.te Tb n b . lI e. rhe yielu i duulliu Ihut vI'I ~ --- - --: i.. II,,· .I~..·•· ."'iull. r"r 11... . urn "f MS.U:> ~~"'A reuoo thereof beiog tbe prelimio. e . . arveY8 .nrg D r? IIl!,tl c ully Ollt'r "uriety cver rai ~d I II t<CRIIINJ::It' J(0u t/,! y I . l'lIt' IIf un.I ",,,,, SlIhl ,'U" i." I (.. r h" uri ,,!! u ll ~ ~O a~ examioation of Joe Dutler and ,!rvupe ~II\ play U. II cle 1'on.l s (Jub· AllI oricll. It will prvdllco <1 11 Ill e Illl' mll~t cltul'rnlllK mU~"'zlll l'i1 1'1111. Ihr :.!::J JU I lO r F,·I,nll"\'. A n. I~7" . • 1 tn. 10~A "'. In F d tl k id d I . '. ' Il ' 1'0 ,1 ,. O~ . v,. o en for a cowardly aud . brutal . o~ rl al evelllng. ol 118 .wee, dillm good corn Illnu UII~ ltu llllr~J i~ 11I j nil tie 1111111 )e l'" I~ ·r Iho ., Vc ~.~ aiul1ltDjKlO a 'OQ~ far1ller oamed In FI~e~aIl 8 Ba 1 of that vllIllJl:e. buaheili per aore. I prc~clIl yellr 8r~ all {'u I of lilly luI" TIM~:' SIZES. ~~ George Boover, which may reeult A~mli810n 26 ~nd 35 cents. It Tbis Ol>ru is from two to th ree UJ er is. uos. Sola year. N ew Yurko . ___ • . in the latter'a dllMtb. The faots or Will be worth gOing to 8ee. weeks eurlier than any other vllri· E ---~-FINE AND CHEAP ~~ the &fair area~utaa follows: 8at. 1 -Horace Linder haa received a ety, and grow8 from 4 to 14 IlIrgc W . XOUR8\1Jl, hTOAB~ 1~ou~s-QJJALITIES. C( urday night, tbe 6th, a dt1nou was ~ew tock of el('gant leather, and, 8ize eal'l . 011 every stalk. Tbe av · & T.~vFr h eR Ic 1180~: up~kl1 D n B AI. 1?& DB f) f) •• i;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;:;:;==;;;==~:;;;~ in progre811 at tl.te residence uf ono 18 prepured 10 mlloke to order in the erage num oor of good size ea rs ia . an t 1 . . ear y t IS commit M~~ ~~M~~ ~ t'J TUB ... A".... "017"(lJllllJnrl' Aleunder_ who liy C8 about one l~te8t sty lea. the most perfect· fit· 8ix. A fine quality 01 Flour ca ll aprwg. Chelll' bo~ell a~d gov.e rll' milesouthof Spriogboro. H oover tlDg boots and ShOO8. Mr. Lin der be mllde from ·it. ' When g rhlllld l llleut lauds. In'tvrmll',on ~Ivon G!'II I ~ 1\ .urnlJHIII ....bll.hlngCo. W&ll takeu 'oat aud treated to intox- warrants perfect Bati8fnotioD. it produces a fl n\l r BlIulagou 1,.. 11t tlu uHIlYI ooc',. <fll on or IlddrClll • te h'1m, us he was k'nown t 0 be . IIppellrunge 110 d taste to tl " lI q 0 ;1111 0 IIruu, • LCIlIIlIUn • U. A." ",,'" 10 1O''1l,1'1' 1.,., CI.IITflES· lOll - W e regret t 0 snn onnce tIIe III WI:I:\G EHprt'l'"rtod S ,,( "II kln'l "'ill I'''' DIIlE.&SES ()a ..... 1 14 tough custume.r when aober, hll\'" death, 011 Thor day morning lIist, made flo 10 .tlIe best white wit ·ut . SOON the l'OY9 viII bu IIll1k ill~ "" , h ' W hU I. LS. rC·..·I ,II.1 onf" . ,11 •• 1 III.kc ~::J8:'::'.:"'k::l0D' 1O iug bald tr?"b.le. with 8 ve.ral of?' Mr. IlUd Mrs . E. J"cvb ' Agen'tl! aro wallted ill e \'ery (Joun pi lj.( rilllllgll t v tlte tlft UI' <\I "" peet g"",i ." 110" • .. these &:i.m e .'n~lvldn~18 prcvwo81y. Ifl.fullt tluughte r. ...... llIoh WIl8 tak 1.1 cunv' 8 and take ord ers ~~ I r WII' Watt'"~ and 1I111 J11~ wux. AI.. ___ " "'~~~lI"'llb .Dd 1"';·Iii: ..~....;;.;,tf~ a ~Iven 81gnal t.h ey attacked :Vlth SpUS I~ 8 wh ich ?uffied 11 11 ,. t.ltlll corll. A sumple 8tnlk With 1,ll'tl:illllt 8uccltu ri ll c ~ tI~lI li. learned .... lolllt.. ro.... Cn.'o><d full uf b.. nd him With knnckl , btlhes und oth· furts at rela ef. Tho Il ttlll baby was II'U1l1 4: to Illrgo sized ears 011 . it --_ • _ ~::'':':~~.~.~,!,7~~,~~~~~,~0;::'·;~:'t~·n":~ ~r weapon~. Af ter he hud bl'tln ubvnt uuo week old. will be furn ished every ngont . A I Mn)!le sll~ar lIIa l- illl; !,II " u:· ~ =.I!, ~_ :r =~~~h~ 1~t.~~l!:'~·I,,:!,ru":al~·n~:~ fe!ledto th.e floor iilld rod . ered .hulp. Mr: J ohn Kel8ner hll8 moved SIlII!IJle IJuckllge co ntaining nhollt I ' IIdy hl'i!1l11 on 8 1 1l1e flll'tll " :' I l l' . ~1n"lh.~ngur w.yph,od. of d.II,By••aUnt.WU 10 D'. IhoflD" ... ...ovt b;, IN! - I d I k k d ,T &lreadl all upon 11m. "IC c to Duyton. wh ro, itit!8uid.hcpro. 1,OUll grl1i us with peeial temlil tu lJ ult1l (Jru\\, iJtl 1 ',,"cd l,i Cll lll l" .bO.LIt.. U bror),ou. il'•• u'''or.Dr. K. I 088d tteYJum~ til d hi t r II I d d - -H:LI.8- B. 11'00.... 01 ''10 r;.Xll'01'O!f 10"""0", r;,.,.. aD 8 mve pm ou I) u reselU' pI> C8 to open a bVllru ing bon Il on agen ts or it un uther aee a will . -. Yo~ I wn.ulUt.I b, 1",'''lda . 1 bailie .Dd blance to ~oman i~y Ilnd the~ . pro- tlt e m 8timproved plan. We 8hllil be Il ot to 1111 nddr 118 on recc ipt j II Germao Sy n p. " ' =po~~~':!:rr:::~~.~~~j.~~"':;~~~':'J' to tbrow hi almost Itleless nliSR the hidulgo. We hall grie\' o of 1. rd er before tlt e s a un is .l,'e N..o "thee I{,"lI ed white II'h Ilt at HI'. 11 Ill . ~ · .lo,l.ngotlWdlog.oddlJllcull.dI .. fl h me,lid". ' f .in Ihl! w"rlcl "' .... r " ' r ~ of eury chancte:r; b ore hi .bUIt, to Il B U 10utof d00111 wlI ere he must -yea wce" bitter tcart! that we to fllrad "lllloed . Add re W I '·.'·l·!l"" ,,,"c'urll v ,, 1" "1"" '''' P rl! l' lIr·d clI[' III :20<:. III ·" Ckl ll' . ..nlep""'U""l ltulbi forlh. lu ... ld ....d r. Dla '1 h . t d~ .' . ". , . ' j ' 10" ",. ,,·rnlun.) f!\ 1 lII t,""e) e,... [1 rIlGGISTS () 'I II I'" coo.ul,.Unn,aro TKnlOlhe.lclr ...rywb. ", · neC6l!8arl Yth uvelrrlsTlle . lro~ edl[· 8ee 111m lII.hl8 acoll tomeu hallll t:> l i PTON, ed8man) levelund , Tcn. two milli"" four Io und r,J ,h,,,., ,,,,) .111 •• 11 t,J.I " '"' I • lit "l'a II (·L•. II 1'''" 111 lIeoctlblolnlntell """""""nd.o•• "lIbtlteolck - h. e CO le' r miD .' s no more. n. Ad'ICU, J 0 hn ; be ~O od ne tie. b ttl f ) ' l' . \ I 1 ,. I 1I k 'I" " (' ' II .1111. "':1 I e' ll pll r kII,..,~. &Jl o"erlhl!~lnbt!. }'ou. tt.IO.D&Jt. AU.. ATU..• .... ~. I " ,,0II Ill· ru e, " "'. wo~. ".' rI III ',·. • Nv. 3 .. EAS'r MAIN ~TII RE'r . all,.. ro "".ot'Ll' thellbl .. aulbo, of i'lolnUom. l:a low8ver. were changed and hlB Jobn' uod whon tile flow' n I • __ 0 "I d.l\ r~.'. by ~rltt!''.!;~I ' to lhl' "nunlry OIl\\,C"') l,rn ::ltarch 15l: \I 111ll'k. Telkand M",lIrlol r;c.rumnn s. o... Wrll. t o bini , '. . • .. I g ow T ' II • tn th.. c ,,11l1d ·J ~ 1111 ·O,,·IIIIII,lI un. A. th· \\. A,YN ES V I LLE. O. ... . llJId yo. will he muck wllb bit 011U1l00 ""nM · y WII dragged Into an adJ.oID . comei roand, Joho, why. J'08t pas8. of teoAb" HAOIIERS 1ll1lE'1'I.NG.-A .lIIe tlllg II1U , " ""1>' .e v,'", C \ljCh •• 1'UOU""III' .. ond O<>Ye Oy tr .... . fre." Lobn<lr . ..... IoU,," .."I Whalr.rr your m... dy, , ou..-lll ft<d •• light bod L b J .1 1 d t ·1 P . I' OJ< d d • II h to .... F I' I I " I I I 0 whleb willllmll, do you 8'- . bI luy 1101: onlj • 109 f09lil, wuere e a, DDoonlClona -We are under obl igatioD8 tv. .... "rt! unu .rIOIl 8 0 ulIca- 1u~~ r dJ'~l1."''''' ~bo Throllt ~ lId LUIIIP' fHOrtp. o """'POUD 0 o. a nu UJ rll . n o.m,. ' . uw proee. r ~ I.. l'r"'ntl . pootqu Iud 11111108 10 Ur. F . W. ,,'lib 1Iu,11 'lie followiog 0000. Alex. our fr'lend Lee Adll f tT_ tlOIl generally, will be hel d in the trl\'lnll 'he Ame.1'l1la1l peo~ I1Ddlllllahle an."""rien""d DruI'1I1.&. ~71 Gold, A. m•. \v1.. t~. 8uff~lo. O••tll". ou· lo l0~rell{o.ln bolhtb~doelOr aDd blllm· ~_.:&- L..o........-.i i ~ ed ms, 0 ~1l118as Hi h Soh IR S t d \I.oor'h~t Gto ..nRtIl!)'rup wlll ali re thelU. ~ lUfJ·andl'ineT,.r lIaJll'II 8pooilllty. , " 0",,1000 . TbeU.. ok 11"lf. Wblc~ .. _ _ og a08&lY, n.orm City tor a copy ot' Trumbull R ey. g .00. oom on II 01' lly Tho rMnlt h.. been 1b,at Inlljl>tiot.l ill enry H. II\IlI&in1l8 to milk tb~ Iteoui"" Hip. =~~~,I::'."Jubn~b.~dl:;..,'tD ,!:IO muo; Hoo~. brottier, who bad him nold1. & Allen's Oatalogu~ nd next, bl'(~11IIllng ti t 10 A M. •t U W1I . I.d d U"I' in th Unl"'d • • re ~ _ puclrul" LllIl.....~.Dd 'BortoD·.CoIISb I)yr. II!!.J!!totIIDtt. !o tb. lInalWo ·... O.~ NIIIO'f'eCl to bl. boaee wben! be ie AI fi 878 TJ Ia Amollg th t Otte/ , o re " "d i"tltr ue; ' _ _.. ,1.... -01.:' ...·111" , I. P' .-'" , n.l k p. ~ h<r)(ftr und boU'lr _n",enl p"l:; Ub,.rd blodln8. 111 Iioi/llth 0"1,, ' d '. . n. manac or] . 1e vo lime t t '11 I ill N' I I y ,ur lUll ! ;I .. t. ,I. w-k ,.hul Ih'I' l'Il"\\" .:' f':,ntily C!roaerlo. tlm1l DO), "ll,er hou... "1\10 p~1 r'lAdlr'".!:li:l'.?'I!.. ~boa~~!Pl • till aOCODIOIout aD ID a very crlt contaiu8 Prof Tice's wIlllthel .ors pre CII \1'1 • .1{) I'. ~ Ie Ill~ • •bo Ul .t. . ,,,,, ; ,~, (Iy: I., 111 , elll _. 1 ~"~I1' III II "J IIO., ,·iI\U. ()88 bo..., ••,.,... lb. 1'" ..... IA, ph,.ld. n .f foal cood ition. After his aim oat nost'cation8'1 th t. P tgl mv entor of the N Ich ,)18 Gengflll'h' I'ar ,i." 7J C"U,.. 'CII"" do 011 ,. 11 "' i ~,,· RUIUN!!...... C.·0 1 • I'c"" "I (', " ' D 0 ' 110 Il1o .....d. 170m lb. ' ael or 10Dr wOlld..1ltl ...· . ' b bee0 removed privilege I .or e year, ')r Ie· Mod 1 •Mod I f PI ' '& II n l' e""" t U ( ." '.. ..... orIgIJooI ~." OlIo IUd"" Nr- . ."-'--tp;.:-=:- ' - - -- - lJfel_ body ad of publishing Which the 10 e 8, e 0 .u \.'8t IlJe. c.; . . The,1l!'l'11.1 •• ,. , .. ~.Ut,. 111 .• III,," 1;u.. ., [' ,. ..I ..... 'ouad " to be OlIO 0' tit • .,.nd••1 from tbe ban·room tbe dlloce was bo IIi 'd ' I Prof. Orm8hy, of Xema.well ·kn own \ II) =;'* .1I NO Edlt.otlo"'. "I e ur.e" un pelll,.,., n.lll p It JO ,0 in 0 ~~~!a':'r."rr.·;:.s!~·~·"~li:i~~ ' d ' ad a ve rm pal qllil e a Ilrge 8nm. tea b d tl' t' IIJ I t 1 h S t"lIgbt loy olle ..1 il lIut)lIIro. For .nlorm· nacII ·llt•••Ibor •...,. 91 eo..leDIe labla o.rde red to,;o on, an coutlno .00' Lee i8 ellgaged in thi8 enterpri8in~ aa a c ~r au an en IU81~ In .tion •• dd.-.. PLAT'l' It I!PENCER. f.... · rul!"" .. IltlIab wllb NEURAL'lIO or nlll:;: tIl three o'clock 8unday mormng bonse 88 trovel'lll 8a\ no m" n all tbe teae.hlDg of G.eography, ulld the being required to loop up collecto .. g "" .. Prof. W Iioughby of Dayton, a gl' n· 1 KEYS.-J:lllll.r, 17th. 1878. tbe .,il. of GEORGE N. WERNTZ! ;:t their dresse8 to prevent them be. r. . tlemen who hU8 met with mllrk ed \ Mr. J . Milton Key. of " doughte". com.", co.laol ."" da7 with leore. wbo or . bOo.d. p, In 6 ..""rate .01 .. .. 16 Iud H .W coming atnined with tbe blood of -A laTf~e nnd most delightful 8ucCess in helping teachers to u~c IUII"S. TROll. ", . . . IftG ..... • _ . ' ~1I'.rtD.w'thQ.L ' •• '1\8 rood 'b. o~r.'bol ~~.~i ~ol;:n.'t~'fw.~·'·~~~~D"::::'::'I:."~~~ Hoover with wbich the floor was ~Ilrty \vu1I;' ven Illst SlIt~r~uy eve ll rind undol'lltand UpPllfnt118 for teuch · ~ Iil1I ~'i!Jtl ~'ii'f! Il:!l§>. h.... lo..blror. T. aaJ'one baa Do~ ...d r-. 8meared 109 by 18S. Ro6e Williamson to io~ geo g l I'Iir Nichol s will l'l ) lI:! F1R81' CLASS wA ... Na... .a""",,"on •• W e rnli Inr . about fifty of her numorvU8 frienda b ' • '1 f 1; 1 . , . I -! 111! HII. opened .. n ew . took of Gent..' good~. ... alob .11 of UII. FOOT". \Clpulu On Tuesday Ill8t IlU affiullvit was T '. . . . flUI/; a . 0 C 0 a 08tlll e WIt I III & wt.i h h· will m!llll.f..ctnr illtu .nita or t.It~ Dim l'"hU •• ,lolI' "n 1"""II."d filed and a warrant issued for the be enter~tOmeot ,;as eVCil~ytblDg him, aud 8pend a n ltoor in a ·ttll k' ; K.RJlf!t) : ' IIt.I ,t .lyle.. ,..HI,.lllatioll ~11 .. ral" ",\. ,.. !lead onb to ..,. tb. m 'laeom-"dad with 11110 b...:~g~.lo;:"~.~~r!.fgt,~~p~~~~·~: arrest ofthe partie8, charging them t1~at one m.l ght expect at thl8 hos· that will be of. great intcrc@t to alI. I At LOW "lid POPULA R PRTCE . . mild. \.0 CutU,,!; 1I0U re". lrlI'!!, l)fUlu pll y tLll<lDded thO • • DI. IdoatiGo .It.lIlan4 Can .. bmtolon w1lboollbe .Ida' lluclor or Medlclu.. lI. rr . with tbe mild offen8e of UtlSIlUIt and pltable resldt~c~. ~"d the 8nmptu· e8pecially the older people of the I In lb •.I,ATE!!T STYLES olld 01 tJ. best 'J>. \00, rul . 10 men.ure Ih. ~ dent Fittlog f~,~I.:-:;u'f::.i b~~b~·~"'::r~:fuo~~DI~~! =~~::"~:'li~,=f II• .~(':.:;:'~\~ hattery. They gave bunda for their ?U8. rtedPllt t w IC Ikt l~ gnests wera place. It .is h(\~d that this meet . , !"~Ei-S!II ~::el<:~~nl~~I~;nvincod · hlTt.. 0.11 nd _e" M InCk. t1!14·1 1,.r(,,,n.<I. To lb••o.. bo h.v. uamtuted :'ro~:f.,~~I':. '~;:::!gL~~I~~~·;~'~~:~,!I.::r,. appearance, nt which time lIlVI e 0 partu e, IS pronounce d ing will aid teachers very IIIl'c h ill ' TH~ ROCI.M HOI1.B. lhoC(;IlATIVE",. Ufl'" .. trio.! of III vlrta. ~~I':':,.~~TJ~~I~"~l;-;yt:I,~tz.;;~~~~:~,~~~~fr a preliminary eAamiulltion was holJ b mrlny tbe ~e t they ever bad the their work in teaching geugrllpil.", - ___ . _ . _____ _ ~ ro~,I ~~d;~~:~"::O";:'O~d.~.;::,:.. bMod.a III In· 1!.~:':I~·g 1~~I~'::~:'~\D·.d':~~:11~~~ ~~..I~~~ before E q uiro W. F. Haynnr of p easure to enJ oy. . . al~d it ie certain that 1111 wh o nttt'lId Buslne811 Card!!. .l trln·ie moril•. and oearly ......,. aoo>m llDlt7 r 8TEP Il.CK,u "n. ",vl""'ln~ h'<o,,,ldcrolo Springboro. whieb re8ulted ill hold · .-~he B08ton PItI~b1\rmomcClal : Will be Interes ted. Let U8 ahu w " l·o.'''''' •• lam.llrlnc ...I,lnooe or I.. pal..-d.. ~~~~~I\. <O'!~&~~I:~'T:;::;'II'\lA,:,,~ "n!~on6"?~ v i~g Joe Butler, Dick Sueden and ,,:111 glvo one ? f thm .8uperb mil· qur appreoi~tivll of the houor dune ' Itr ;; " r aodour.t... P:O P.rUOI.. l~~R~\,,:~r,'!·;:u';;!~I.'r~::.~:;I:i~n~:,,:":\!~~.'·~~:.I:~: (Jochrane to aU8wer to the IIbove 81CIII COliC rts. tn Wa8111 ngtun Ball, t.O way.neeVIII.e by u largo utt -lId· OUt'ce ",nil R~'ideMO TAi..d t., • .:.::a;ient and Skillful Physlcl~ ~~~~",I~. e:.'g.~uc~'~r..~~.~h:;,'.~~..~';)~:~.~a~~ bofore tbe Grand Jury, , Oluo, J~uoary ~l. . TI~e alice. W. J. C . ' " • '. , . -, ODd eu.... lour OliO or I ~. f"<'I("III ' U\I ... ~:,::::~,--:,------rr.i;,~~~~~~;;:-=.t,_:"A at 3 0 entertalfJUlclit ...J • WAY ~SVILl.. E~ upromluenlalerlYll\ou •• prootlao. Iln~ ~"d.on PllhUC,l1lol\, ,,lIIb,,,·,,, ~y n.. U,,,,,.1"I:6 I"·' h b Will bc 81mllar In "B~ A6 ~ ondodltertraoomm.n411 ro<.II'l uf l.I1CUUII. C aructer to t e one given by the . liD _OR .-.. ' iO~NS M D~ , , r",m ~kDo"lodgo or I.. ell'.al •. Dad ....palJl Pu~;n •• "'.wlll ' " ,. . 1f f ' . ., R... p~"lful\y . i~lr?rm tbe .i ti"·"801 Ihi. '!" could glvohllndred. olcartIOc.tol f'rom PII',Iy IJM • •• , . ...... I"r '. I',,~il<~ _ Mendel8sr>bn8 last year. except Ihllt doable 'bomher, full of tiny hrist · BOMIITSINO NKw.-Io order to the PhilhllrlDonics bring' lVitb tlt em lUllS . Pictures,. a\l ill big pri, 1)11 ' PHYSI CIAN &. SURGEON. , plu"o "lid C\.8 \'ICllll ty tbatAtil )' ho ve 1I[lenod tlU kD."1I 10 tM. e9mmDtlily; but .,e 1100,,,11 .. UI.. f,'rnllifrm" AdM... I. rh. ~by be, towoll ror.rto onr pam phl.t. "hlah 10 te bohad..w..e," ulwl>al/ ox ut """" " • • 1n:1\1" ur A NEW B~ iotroduoo our Bi.i Soed Spring ~ mOB.t noted Harpi8t. Tho harp t 1110k pa~r, Jllst tbe maga.zlllc tv Oftlne in N"Ii(.m,,1 B,mk n"ildiog. or Drtlnllll. or ..111 be lool bl m..i\ OD.PpU- ,allIO 1? lI· . lck. .. I> rlll'"", qf /Jr. 10''/,', Wheat, The Wheat of Taos, in i8 an lDltromeot 8eldom beard io te,ach babie8 to reud . It 18 vill y irA Y N E 'V j ILE, 10. in W~yneMvi1le. lIOuth-w....t IIOmo" 01 Hoin <aUOD. AlItb. ..rtI4...I.c, 'DUr.;yvola~ ~-'; ior~b~'~'~1I'''Io'' polUl·hl.l. frt< by m--. America, and the above will be a Ftfty cents.a year. D. Lothr~ ) &, .nd MiMmi atr...... wbeN ther keep ai".r' tarJ.... d .m....tII!rom penoo. or llADdilllt , our loealitfi--8l'oaler-inl ......... h SL'Tl:l W BR()W" 00 h.nd ..d~l\ItJ'..... cI"hom"b...._IlD [· 60001(",,4 A\tenl. uriDU iDe in lepaIt -1 prontWA rare;!1p ortunity to hear tbis '8weet vO',' pubhHhers, Boston,. . 1&88. I:f . "... Tile belt home-made Bread, ..ted "lilli, lat&eror .. &.' .. ,,,.,1r,otitu~;e ·I\,ploy· r-.. 'N 0 r 1 "D1CUl In the N le uf Ih. tole .umple of the wheat free Itnn I08trnmeut. early all lie? our exclullllep saya: ATTORNEY AT LAW Ca.kelJ, Conf~ction~"t., t.~'~ lbuIJIICnllon •. all" ... o ••••n l·olhcra 1 01 cba-tbedmembere &: Co., of B08' ''OT' dRI Y j' USI I e ' lind "II c""--"-'\l - '8 n ' ua111 found In. Blae .....UI_ . . . • ........... rt "I"' Ilt.-dll " ll U abo"UU"I"n"!l -a'" to everT lubscriber to 1 I of thi8 clob wero t ''It 0bl.. Lothrop I t H \d l A UD J.'~'o4. Raadth.'oJlowl "'U 't _ ~bA _ ",bor~lc:lIllJ'W • .I1 Cl re!', f, orU·I" emll. , .... thi8 pap!II' "bo wi( atate the name ea ing so oi8ts in THEODORE TOOM' on,pu IS 101'S II AOYLAND. cnn • . Ii •• t·oh... e.tllbli"hment. kDowll.\'u......rc\'I~.,&IIr.-- ..- ...... &e..The Murrul JlIII f'1I~II.UI!,,,CIlWPl1lY. A ~II of ~ newlpaper and leod 8 ceot AI' OaoHuTRA. Let uallll g o. hllve aeen the j oy the November LKII.NON . 01U0. Thoy It"'e ~I.o OJlllned. LA'WIO. CJlllCJOA~LJ;.~D.O •• "U8'" 81.. ee', l \ _ TP!MI' I&aIIlp ~ pay postage. ' ,- • • nUlDber c\\rri ed ~. the 'litt~e I~all'> ROllEltT F. , ~'UnNAf:). tl:!.I11:;.!~::: ""::~hr :~~~'::lr. TIle ....... aand·Book ()or\lflo. who has t~et priVilege 8q.. ""9·...':'f\ ....TIIIO b"I'dtrbl'd.II~U!'Oill" a:ltloltD.Ot."b1.~ ofval... -'ormatlonto-.... ~e..... Dta waoted io every couoty . .. tlof. tIi _"'" " I'err. nI aII hullro. Ib 0, wIII •• r., lip °Y'" 000 '~r or ~1I'CIII~"IIIIMdL" - b..... IV.... ~'~.J. LSf toeel thi8 new wbeat. AJdre811 Tb 00 . I I ' tt Ie CO py tl la com~ IoU II~ . O ce • • • tefl, coO'u~ , •• nd .. lcbe•. &:c.,&:o .• inwehe. 1 8ON'SOURA'T ~ will. 1 .... ~ woman, OLD or YOUNG ~ • L. L Ouoarr, Oleveland, TenD. -. e rwlO c.oro'8he er 18 they wonld noubtless have felt that menDe r .od ftI rtlUOD.blo NI.. . ton .....,.!rom DtDmat ror It .. "d 11\. If . c;s. . , .. _ • ~uzzlDg and thnndenng and . mak· their magazi ne- for juvenile reader8 Oflloe b01lfl1 frotai ' ' '\to 11" A.l1. ' " to They .,. determiD~d to ple..e III. pllblle. I.......,. .. &laM 1oollW iiU..ii. bw- arrIed or Bingle. UDIE8 §' .... . VariOU8 modea of treIItmeutl flg corn and cobs 8y alYlrt II vely. i8 tbe publiClltioQ, of' all publica. :I P." • eo ,In waIn a llliabi .1Ipport. 648-1 ~L~~ ~ ~. tar .......... trill Ib8llk \II for tbl. ~ . "H.' bave been adopted for the cure -One of our citizens got on a tionl tor little eYei aDd 6I&rs. It ... ...... of Keuralgia, Rbeumati8m, 8cia· 8pree Monday evening and amused is an 'institution' in fllmiliee where 609. .' !. Ge • • a... ~ &0 placlag h In Ute _ ~ • tica, and kindred di8easee, but himaelf by di8secting alld disloca· there are 8mall ohildren.1] MAHLONll.RIDGE ~,J -.aofllerdaagb ~ none bas proved ao effectual 88 ting the (uruiture. Be waltzed . ••• . . '" ~_~,-Aftl'" 1'J.eUllld. ~ . "Lawson'8 0 urative ." It i8 reud· around the room8, his voice elevlI The entertainment given by $n!:lhl0nnblt~.llntbtt nll~ N.::.mi~~e~~!:- Boob . . not ~ DER8GB. ily applied , aud the relief is cer· ted in empbatic addrcsses to his Prof. Heyl lllllt Tbursday evening Tm" '11 ' 1m ""f£ ' .. ~((O~m DEALE.. .. ;!lal!.&tl=:btto-r:,. ••~=; ~a&eb treal- e....q:, 8e:r.,!1~p~~~:'i':rIbIY tain. Druggi8ts have it. . 1poor un offending wife, aud hi8 fc!!t lVas ~ot a~ lVell . ~tronized by our ~~~ :ll~IAIlu\} , .. Ia4J' r:t:mftdaclJ;a_.'e eu.u... I --, 11& are ~ ~ _ __ ....... • "lid b~nds llIu~ing the chaira, tablcs pllbltc IlS ItS lIIerlts. deserved . . It ..~~ lIT•••••• ·•••~.A-! fj,':lr.=':JIIIl~:::~:.r:.:l-=~ r:~~ Inteaded ~ p~y.8~r,.fJl~~; TriK salo of the McKay.Boake jllnd pictures clrcnlate U8 if they all WIl8 a remarkably enjoyable affair; !fi;- ••• .liIed 'our boWN. 100llll4er &II, ' for gen· 6::!iI rous derungementa· t if I S d TI h ' 1 ' II I ,. .• ~ .dl "~:;~I otln :era! elr· ;-. their Ctluse and (''ure: nrm came 0 nat atur ay. le i ud wiug~. 011, it WIl8 a mov ing tie pnntumllD oa were exce eDt V , • \ ~lo. B'. SClIOLBY. loullo' ~ '.' his ~Y lViI.llla found ' . §! ueeply IDleresllllg to 011 pnrchascrs \\'ere Joshua C. MCKaY ' lscene for a while, you may rest U8 · pel'formed by the talented compally Tile reaideMe.ofll~n.h Ar~ctt. Third aDd Dr. Bunnell, of Riohmon d, aured: ao moving. indeed that hi8 -tho mlltlic by the orclle8tralVa~ ex . •treet.. WIR,neett,lle,0n0dhkl~ :'ohontalnT'hltg).c.on DJepepala, , SdaUea, tlon. ~ ne.~vous s\llTerers. ROTH •..., en. • \OlIg~ 1 d' t <:150 M " fi d . .'. . 't d II I I d I room•• II "" pM r1 Neuralgia, Toothache or blTIlER o( the foregOing n lana, a .., per ncrll. r. wile e lor protectIOn to !\ uelgh· qUlBI e, an 11 w 10 la t Ie good i. Sni.h. d In bluc); walDut. snd i. ill oxcel · DIl O .i? 1:tl'l!lA PielD'181, 80re Thro~t, ~~ H AND ·nOOKS .~tl i. FIlJi E 10 McKuy takes tbo homestead half, boring bonse. All ia calm now ji)l'lune to be prescn t were amply ~ent r~l1air, !wo oow pump. ou the pre1ll' ~ '!!'~@I~J!!,- ~ .. U J lilt.. .. Bny nd.Jrcss. Addn><s wilh which ho haa occupied for . 80me \ bnt it i8 8uid tb e end is. not yet ~ 'repllid for tboir out.lay of time Ilnd I.esil:tone.for .C18)~mh ".ter. d' b . ..,""0 en 0 .., BheamatblD, ."lIIllp.N. Y~. .1'.Co. Bcdf~rd MaSS, I Ilu tion 114 ug , cornman m il a enuhl ii1.lwAft':I\ Headache, CJhIlbl.alJu, time. DOWN B~AKK8. money . We Ilre sorry that tllll gen· ful view. LIlt 80><210; .. vorloly of fruit.t!lr~· ~~ .La lIIMlk, " " MiI , -.... - . . ial und giflcd Professor Was not treOtl and good 80il Term. Rocommodl1ting. C me 8pra1os, ~ P.u FOR WHAT ~t1 EAT. -- All TH E old fuv orttc Pliliadelpllla Itt· groeted witb aD oVlltion for hi8 CII. AI·plytCl JOB. G. KEYS. Agent. Dtr;:&'erta, .person8 i:~~eb~ . to Pilfirk Leak ~rarYpwe;kly, the SatU'rJ.ay EttV n ' tortainments Ilre alwllY~ well pro· . LlQ1IJOR NOTICE .4.ND All.J'ialdtotbelD..rillDlhi.II.. Of;;!OIllll...... ' ,~. Iii mo. It nut.UtI surprl8ed tof tb11 d Jt beir t~I~g r.08.,th .aonounoe8F, new a , dnced, and be. is be.ld ill higll 'e8" PorIOns desirin;r g.,oo. and pure whiMlrio8 or boor I~n" IlIIIdin., It I.' aal, DI! ALItIlJl I N ~count\lln t IIe b au d 80 e U8~ on8 or 18 year. . or some teem by our oitizell8 wh o have. the for medlainal purpoeell would do woll to ex. to ..oIHalt.bllill,. ....ape .....rlo'I'. lIew~paper., Booke lIagalinee 1~ .oJ the80 Peace, 88 he mU8t have the Pilat has been 10 a waverlD~ plea8ure of hie acquaintllnce .mine mi,;8toak JI••e'jD~t Pllt in a fine ~boIU., Ib.fI.1l ~bloh ".om· '"'I 8 . ' .. k . d co d'li b t't ttl • r f 1bna ..1ft I rI ~ ...ddIreotl.n. JOII wUl' nHli b, ro· • l '" ne tatlonerr. Itc., mooet. ta e w&rDlDg aD save n lon, U DOW I seem8 8e e . •••. . 10'00 IIf o. ran"-f n p no Ifum • 0U8.~ . and in a fai r wa, to return to the If .you select good and heal· £o~ :~~ le1l'8 (,.paDl, . . -. -.-- -,. cJ:cell~nce of former day8. The tby food for YOllr family, yon &eer. siD.. ...n-,'tI;O. O'I1·...d _ . " T~ " H~-N~l'k,.- ttra<>tionHnDOu.nood-foHil . _Ia al89 look-to the wellilre of · . · :aoB~OUN~J'OY. ~II""""""". w...... · WA~VILLE, OIJTO. 8;011IY ,' i • 18• r• . We ~Jide a year are nnmc:r!?us,-and canuot' fail your Bilby. For all trouble8 of ear· ~~ \ .by !lAYing ta. to make POBt for 1878 wei Iy Ohildhood. nothing . i8 better : .' ,'l WAYNESVILL . B. OHIO. • > • • ~,l~, " "1!ell ,,~ . tb,e ..~~ree dol.I~ ._, como vl8ltor. 12 a yee.r. . .. th.a n I?r. BuW8 . D&b.y Syrnp.- .. 25 • •, . l li& I' , 0 1 . ... •..- .per Bottle. . - ... eIotJr.l.... • ..-;ctlw..... . , . "-'~" . , . . . . • • • •" ; . -oonta a bottle. ",. II~ " .1 ~ BY UweoN <iIOuIio.u"cO. . '='::::.=~'e, 1 ". . . . . ' ~" , .. A.CYf1JBa Bal JlfUguue 00 the '. '.' .' .....". " ~·2·"oo~ So.u&b 'If ~"fll8' Balik, .. ~ ;, ~ .\ ~ ,. '1 . : ._ _ _.. - . . . . . . . . ..:..~~ :~~...!1f~1.1I; ~"~";~eJ!GU.'jhe" t~i?i6: . ~cb~r saY8:',tbere :,. :lO"":I,.ast S,aturd,ay .~aa .~s;, Of4at-a!l~·T:t;-:;:f::";·;"·Bl;B #:'AA4~'A~ H~·t,;.O·~ · = ..;::- '~~.=--::::.~ ~'"~''1 rthii. ~.0.,i''''' 'l~t;aoy .<!:" aoyho'!. ; . ., ' ~tbo~da1. .of>.thQ . 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II . • Phil d I hi " Y k B t 0pportunltle" or IIhlul""lg "I' lus lghl 11110 :\J ~ ,~O · • . , r lit 'r~l~hl .nol Aco.. 1 iii • II . No. 1 It 11 a e'·Column jWeekly raper, a t p a. ".ew· or. a l an , dl '" ,.,·s 111.11 ,l lIl r v~riuus ro/u," III " " II J" • A /I P . (l ' ! ~ "IV .~, I Ha ,: • • I Ackno!l'I. dl!'.... klli b urlf y .... 11 11 " jl.I'lcu ilur,,1 .~" ' d f,'r II; CClillil,ill" Ih I,e I ",.,bod 01 t hei r iiI flIP I'(lfl 10. 1\ OMA-NJ.N 1\ til' l'L..C.l-U"o-,· :w'Oj - - - t S lO pi 0 11 .Igu"' . .T""inl do nUl litoll· I, T Ii E E A S T Ilft.llU" " 1. I II ,,'ife ' III" I'he, ~ro e to 'ho 1'" . will' II ,1I'J ',O' " " .,,41 III I" ruh " ,,:w,\>1 i ll J)lI1.L O~ I H E 1'1.0 ". I . F.I II I, iIIl" )10 I £all a nd No . IU Welt 01. 11 . p." plu of 110. U.,...d ,bUI\:ui'LI or hi' , " ' I",r wllh U .. lti .",1 . , I," r I" " . ,"m ,,,,II ' I' ; ,r; "',, ' ,1\: ? ,:.I )lo~ t . 1.7 " lid 10 rUII dall, . All olbe.. L I f n •.• I ,,- u ' b eXWDB'VO l' rt.ret!.Slo llill " " lle.l race In Lhe flU • .,tILy ". tI, I"unouw ,"du. " '. IIl vl lfl \I " . ~ . ~ I. .. h . ; .. . i\. ~, -" c , •• Mil" nU1,1 S unIlIY". a.. . t oorp. 0 _-e u • r ",,0 , oLon e vor Truel. .. lI af1hill" • medlc.1 com JlOund~ 01 Ihu 1.~I ,c.uhIOI bl . m i"'r"!i,,lI .• IId ,Ievo l" p t bo I """ ur, ,.~ uf 14 DEI l) '! E, II E I .WI I. e I " ,lIl n8 . 1' J. I•• "r obl r c:..... c:...... t ............... L A ~ eWIJloyed un.n agrlnultuhl paper. under......... PI . . . 11 . . . . . . . 'Tit kill .... L .. I I r h i ' " I ~ U, ,MOl A ' ~ eu 1!.1"" ,I \1',1, ,... ~ilt lie.... T"._•• A ....... {J . . . . .. " .... o 0 a .\ IN E. rl Col t ,"n. I U IIbll aad .&Jl"ri ~ nued Edltorlailla.oage- ....-r. e . . .. . A O_"a' on. II ,i,.f" ~ t IC IS bill ouulltry. ,~ whot Ihe \(' 11H' El ~ . L H A 1: '1 II to: \ () l' 1; 1'1 . . . . . . ft ... , ...... , ... ""''''' ' ' ' ' 0 ..." ... 8.0RIII/: R TII. E8. £1 Ag'l. ment. w llu.p.reDo expenlOorl.bortoa4.1 I bould rememherlhat the Pb~er'd«'MO~Io e"'z.:••It'!hro aghout l. I'Ol.E~N,""~I~ I . II(H' I l:I::.' In . h·.oolhl ncl~ n uonr. \I nn fh . ,n l'" I, ,1 'Un.1 omlCO ICUT: ovorytbIDg,POMlble tAllto BALTIMORE AND OHIO RU. Ihe 00 .rellIDgiB,,·h. ~A._lId. DII.,'n E~QUIRER o .. Io"ok .lov lu·e. ' ro,' . 0. hll",g ol ,ha n r 1·,..... . " ... 1.,1 ,... 10 ,bt l.,f ~ .. 40 II . . . . . . . . . . T'.._ . - . . . . . . ",.. I I merllaaud . cadou • .!.woot Il,e ... m 11 HIDDEN PERIl ~ M I C H,' IUc l thu It. 111 . , . ,11 " ' ''', Ih '· 1"4•• , . 'n,uuio,,, 0101. allY. II . an·' • . 1."VAIII." 11'1 ADVAN CE I. eeleltrated for lia Idl• • be h,,,,.. ltb cu m.,,,da. r h. YOlh m· 18 8 ARB A 1\ A' S Hi' TO',\· ~ , y" l m nl e .i lll I," ~ "" " n I" 111 ,I I ~ I I o ~. " )lAnol OUIIIO WIt8T : IIlep.'".... " ...1.. G .... " UUI of lestlmon, fro ... \~rtI of the wo.ld cl " im. I. !.he only remedy fllr the 111. bro't IL 1\ Ed - I " " . "1 lIIe ~n Ih, h•• ,. (Of il "u fi I. bd n. , h. Bouey 'l 30 d Ii 411 r II Slnlfle . ubflOrlpUool. 0:;)\.0" •• , $ 2 flO ....".:e ... 'I(~-: I• • ~,"alle, hR. p"'IVen,',uOO,TOll" Alii E'S COM , "poo the country by LeW_IaUnn .n ~ Lnw., 19 A T E ll!! I ;:E ~IJ' I' A • IO:f n . " 1t h,' HOflrbOlUld Plant ct. e·," r" I" II I,ll ell . 1... I n , • ,,'" FAlin '[> M. I .. club uf twu. do I 71, .....:e:.~= POU N I) !,n n Ul OF WILD OHERItY enl.Led fOrlhe ben. lh 0 ' • )l unlo·d CI..... ," ~ hh ,I., ,""'heln,,1 pl..... ' pl. 0 1 Iho Ablu III cl ub. of threll. uo onl y 1 1)0 al.1III , .. LI.e. Ib,' "'ost elllo."",U8 re m"d:r k.J." . _od It I. ono! t he npp........ >n " .' I.~I"" \S" d IlIcl u~lr)' 20 o'i.':"okV't~~~~~n· 8 0011 0 , I ,.• !I:~ BIIleam.a .. r U ,' m uf , :lIo.d 1'h. ,..., "'.. M. kin g IL tbe cLolIl",. 1 II nt·cl".,. AIlIi' I\II. "dmll,.d I.y ~u. mll8' emlll. pb,~lcl" II. . Guvernmunl Or.lI ,t . u ...... " . II I" 8 l1nd. 21 ) >' V I , I ~ ,i n •• IOc I fi , < III h rr Ioot" " .• 1, nil UIl! WIUI' 1 Y'8 Omolbus-Mni;iJlillilll!~~ run. In " li d frum " r WIlI "' 0 . t llrlll Week lv III th o, QUlltr' 'tl I /; l . "d All " bo h~.,'e w l ln"~ ... d III w,," d. rrul l fcor t ho """ . ilt of the Ifoullh y , 10L Iho ." n", n, ~IO lNr..t '~OA II ,b,,~,,01~I' lie I ~~ I"' "I,e I gi<. add lllu".: ,,:lell"" Iu Ih" II ""., 1 W ! all'ItYIJ e as .0W he. II"· IJl'tlpert,• • T lle WI' I) OH"R lt " , rlldiL . ' , ' _ . "A n .' r r •• eu""".c l . e yor v. uo mm od""t lJutr,\. 1I Ord ~ r .. If '''' '''' I LIUl.rillP rt! lU iu msor CIl:oltJCII UlUtl!OOIOIl i4 to • w r. , ' , 2~J ' 1'11~ " 1"' {~ U ln)t!'i I. E . ~C', 'I \' "',n, the r ".H,lIl"" .. III r.",,,o ,"lr,,I,,1 "W' nll " n Illb Al!cn l. a~ by an y ot/fer L ine.! In all Rge, ,I I he world Illd II llll COolllr!" ~I (. I II '.!fl0 rill' . ....\. I.. , ,, "' .. ,1;' Q • • I~~ I B t.B'8 ~ I'~.' "n:< OOl'lt:d 8'· " r 1·' 1"''' Ad dr e. , .. herc Ill~ k"own. h.8 ~.f·1\ n4 "" "~ \ ""r t.·" "". 'I 1 ' I " '.It..:!,. "11 B oneyI of B oallluulld' ,' ud Tar I. UOI ' ' n · ted t 118 wonde rfu l lJie 1" .I11 . C.·III. h" r" I fi Ji... 10' '.J .. 1r O n ~tL le I II .l · 1\ 1 . I _ " I THE OB IO FA -MIlR . ['i·f.L'I/A \.. J'A LAO}"- OA n S but l...'" ::r•• lp" .... rl. e'lrqIMlII "'~ "" qll n lie ' I 2,. I d \ I I u' , I W " III ' ."'" . .. Ul l. ' LI",·,Io,, 1 in. I ."<"' ~hero H F." AItK AU I E ti~ (J(JEij8 . The S lI e C le veland OWo. j . ~ll • · Ul l h, I. " ," .11 V. '" " I' . 'II U, ' " ." .: , f," " ~II ' .• nr " . 1 rIL,,," "," ",'f'cl ,1 I"t HUll 'I~hl~f)ug" '''lIbooa CbnM,e alld m luu. dUll rlfl~l u' d lel\rt.iit81\ Ino ll~ 111 l\ (t .. F or the UI!IfI'!\ IIf tl m P 'Hpl i~ \\ ' I~J I' I llollui n ~-i I~ u lUm V1 1\,1 l"" M 1.( .. U' I " h, 1 I 1\ I , \ " \1 " , .. u llu"tll\ lI~ I,;rft~' d' 'A CC8S lit' the Icati lil/{ plll'tl i ne 7cr ru ll y l ~ctrtttlncd·l nLillliecspll lllllelll ... t t ho (1uYf rnll lt nl \ 1 l0r"t,1 \ 1I 1I 1 \1 1~ ~ ' 1 ~\ \ IH I~ '\ ' 11 1 t. ,\: I' , I,j\ 1 11 1 \ "~ I" I I" \ ' " ' 8 1 of til e WcsL. Thd.'hlt:l\go LeJ g~ r, b . .·I I"ellthc prfl'i· ipul of .. hnt ~ l:oll ,d phy8, cid n. Il>r { \~ n\ lht h;HI 2~ ~ 'l\" ~I ' lc r vIJ iI 'lM III jl " . ! ~ :. 1111 t lll, 'o II . ' I J' " \ ' \ " \111 /1 11'" I ,fi t is tru ly IOIIlUlk llbl u. SIlICC Its III Yuu,"l1r"l lon i. 1. l1ed to ollr WES"·E K N& E ,' STEHN~.T.E8 d,mOllll l'll led ll, l lI nh Rd" V'I~J\o" . I "c,,"'I . , ' Dally Enquirer per-year $ 1200 11°" 1' ,"e p 4H. " "", "I , 11,· ,10·,, ·'· I' I " . i" , . t , 1_" . ' tlou witl PIne l' e 11 I cl otl I ' I , " Jea r.· , 0>' .1. ,...,. \ 1. •• ,1 r. \I J "~ '" I'C "r.1 l~ r l'lUI\ W eek ly.. Enqulrer, d 115 L lH c \1 elul l', L " . \: . l n J I U,. fl t !! ... , . , , , .. 1 ( . . . . . .;1 ' . trlldn cli o ll t Il I ht· r('tltilllg puLh c, lJ y" lu ubl e \ "gclJ, blft Inl ICltl if • .,.lt l 'h, .. .l ! , ' lh\!\/UCC II UrH d UJI B.W \ .11111' I II I tll r " t· .... n Ud '· 'II • • " " I,) I~\ si x ycurol llg " l Th e Leti ge r 1111 ~teati I, AII cl1mu" ne w ."riety from Mny lhlllll ,cr F", Thrll "l;ll ·I,cke". 'BIIJ;gol/e Ohoel... che ndc.tlly co mlull ud. r~ ltdI:. • \.a 140tlOll t.t II · ... ,n H 1\1111 \ nc.b 11v ~f\ IlI ' 1 l.t, \ \: 2t', I I " I,.. .. .. I ' '1101, .. h ' .... . I ~ r " fI .1' ,J ~l ove nll: 1I1 01 1 11 111) " . let IJlII ~ O:.r A cco m 'J ' \ I an , he' If' l l h i ' dl .~·" ,_.,.. ,"w . ~ " Ily IId " Rllccd III Illv o l , Iltl d IS 110\\ 'I I",fll'~ ",trl"lu ced mud.lioll •• eW . " !, plf t.e Tlck u, Omc., fohlDl!lre Cl! lt'UlI llIldl,eoelStua IIll LlIlI llI:.:n Il I FrCl'Ilr l'u~tlve disefl &el of 'hc. t.h rol'" uNt'~ 11.1 lUll .. fIr A~l'uh Wll11,,·(1 '3" u I 'h\li P1lllll lo It ,'I'i lu n!! I J ~~tJ i "n t) 11. \ I ' 1\ .. k ' ·1· I ' 'd cell"'.! t u II U I'" I'C" It 1ft 1\ lo,,~". 1'10,,"1' l(1'u1U. "Imult " " • II I .11 prl1ldl," 1 1''''111 . t l1 SLJ ud tm "'p('oimonc )1icY, 'I ~I ~W \Il~ ~;,ul'I' IU ,"J' . ~~ . A ('1, HtJh "lV" fiC \ I" .. ,I h 11'" ac 1 0\\ c\ g\ It b ,d' 1JIuh lOUt! IIlllk t·., fillo 6. ur, htlH ne" 'r 1I!OR'fH SOUTH EAST" WEBT S "'A' !t.'~ \\l1 h l.! II KIlIl T Crol .O USI' Lll k ~A I "f th e kliltl III the cllIlllt ry . ,1",<1 " u , d "l....e '", III, ,,' I" .. hellt, IIlI,l prn· .. , , ... . . at Lh t" rou t of di8ease 'd'\: pltr ,f\ 102 th • ulnod . ',7 'II :~ \1 ~~~~~~ ~I ~i' • t l IIXIII" d~,1 ; ~~ P lm I r L!O. t .. J l 0 It 11m 111111 ~ W Ilu \ , ' " Ilati ,, 1I 11 1 UIIJ hll b~C II ' d"Ut. " " "" ,V I II ~II b u-h.!. t lJ t he _li re _ E It 1lIII(SE Y . i. " l' rL~;, c lrc lll'l tlll ll l • 1 0 .t ,.,.,',, :, ,, '1'1' . A)t'1 Oen'l T A ~'I re lur ing .hc IovI ru n kldlleye LI) IocIl I, II . FAR AN & McLEAN. Publish ers, 36 Auto":" . 11' ll k.. 0 ,,1111, 01 .. ,,1, ' . ,.... " . " Ioi, 10 U . 1Q" ·, !leu. )' '" /1 .. "" " ',,, ... III, ' l10rl , 11I, . I h u ner'\'QIIM awl .. 1'l'.l 'E! ~ CI NC fNN ATJ.(). 1110 9 I I I 'V I ' ~ I' ~ 'l'I u "r l c: loll "I knIl• , , ' l..\ \tll ll \'l' 'P"f),1: I.t . • J tl 'ull,,1I the ctlurtn 01 Its A w"dod hr.t 1","" U1II. ' tID ," 1.lI nl T H O' P 1I ,\H Y. 1' 11 0' R S H A ItI' It.c oll u8' i(.d~utlOIl ' \ 1111 ' 111,; ,1),'-'- 11 Uli!"l~'ll, Uu (1I11e II ... • l' rlOo I I'Kok"l(u • 25 :...----~u I he 1I0lr ' " A· III • • , I I , \\ " ,, 1 If! , ,,n ru , " h~ "' " , .. ". , i''; es_ ~ I' pub1i H h c l ~ tu produce 0. puper ot ~ p,,"k6gc. ' $1 00 We81 i·. o. A". " I " • • le r 'l'r·1\ HOME TESTIMONY 41 I\hl ... LIo.,liy l ·h"l . n ,,,10 . ':!I I, '10; 01 ,.. , ,,. , r · 1, .. ", ,I, ' , ·· lllgit Utoral citllfo.cter, lind at the Sampl. ""n ho econ lit thi. om.... . , ....... ...,.... In T',"O Da . SII,. ' SK Ilear SI. - I Iud 11 10 It. ... ~ 4rI.. H id. II"d lioc· k . Wll k, L' 11 11,.. I II, I ,,," , " l i T ' • I " ' ." . 4! 1I,.~tO I ~~rv~tJu.c . 11 \ Ju l to- \ ('rn, Iv ' Chll dr ~ n ,1 ~ 1t t; I t ' p tl fC j n", q Buwe tlWO to Boll it at 11 price. con w<.k . . I. mroo". fl u.· to 1011 "ud "utter ln: b m lllllt, tI, g' ¥ l' 44 Tower or Lomlou. \\' Jf ,\ III - \\..,r, II, 2.01' 8 , uTIII 1.1 II ['I t 'I:'" \\ hon t' fl· '1 \l,hh I J . t t With tlte "resellt bard time d d dl th wbl'ken I" 110. 1IIoolb A gro nd 8u""e oS Ihe follo.llJ ~ te o&: tilll o o , rc,,;:cLfIl~ the won A. LUe'll"\tf-re t , Mr~ H ur y \\0 1I l 'I.l pu UI,, ;' U' " I ~' , ,11r, IU,) \fI I''' ' tI IUK CT jIIH. ' . 1118 00 r II eel • y e -Tho.e II bo ". ul • nlc. wblaker o. Mou. d'rtu l curaLi'e power of .Ollr Ooml,ounll • 46 Hefit"g. Langd r,l •• ) l rfl A' exltnd, r, 2 Ie I III' t1r<4 '- lu l lJlt.", L II ~ I .. , " ' l tll \!' 4 ly ,i ... Tbat the! have 8uC~ed, aud wo tache u•• ou r prep.mllon. No cbeAp mkk e- Syrup of Wild Olw rrv ft rul lt,,, ... ap. rillA a nd 411 I .. :;11k AUlre. b y WfllIl,m 111dCk. l ve Cr UcLIT O -1m 'li t: "I11I Ii: f1 hl .Ireu. lIud ,h i.. I . \00 \he tbousand. 01' reade,. 0 fI ... t Imported. MJld haa been thor. " p, bUl a geoulu~ .rllcle. The. p •• p.r. ,io" T.r .") ilil I Will .ftl i c te~ wltb tL ¥tol t Uf 48 1 he S lrang. Ad. "nlll re. or A 1'1,,'8. 1I,,1,ly " 'roe,l, ' ho,,111 u k' I" Oil II , II" ," ,11 Tb~ Led-r acatlereci trom Maine 0ashl " te.Uld In the U S. Hue produ oed I~. o .ery . s pro.ln III ' '''' cborlct, . , Ih., cOllgb. p.lII~ In Ihn Iide IIld b,,,.'t. n, ~bt OF CJ NCI NNATI. 100. I" WIIII.m Hlaok. 100 ' bu ll •• I,"ln.... Bo", " L" ,. , i' 1 ~n \I. ~ ~ >< . DFI # " I . ,, "A unol •• IIII.t Ie.. lb. " ,I pe r pickAge owe", •• ooro .h rod . Ill y ho',els ~e" C'Jlli,,' , to Tu.. aDd from Oreaoo to or· I bQ,abel. to tbe IIC" urnll' very a",e I~. ill b mell ~d free n O rec 'Ipl ot price. I" appetite neltrl,. ~one. " 04 mv to tl1lna. l, ~o .. 9 O r. n~ti ll. de VigM; Uto H. d In E cnllO\oI & -: 'da w'lll L_' r . .timooy. The Chi P_I, wblt.. lIa.. ), of Ib o ..... m Ol", .. r. oddrel. "'g H U NT I< co , Horr D,..,. 8' ••. 'e " w, Ilk IhA I 01.1 I' h.u iLu lI 11'. ' "I " I... ~ , DO\\' N CO iU I;; 'I'IIE PKI«:ES Bond. ;;e. hy ' Oulola.· 20<. Prlee. 50 eta. ~lId .100 per Boltlo l utili Itl 1oeh.. Ion!" w,th 2 tAl 4 to the ..... lk.- M U k II 0 ,." " 0 \\ WII It v' I ',or Ill,"" UII 0 ' ~n l'I I11;: I <-" Und O l T reo Sold.,I,~!Ifall., ........ lI, u z~I" ' e u '1" T U It " r r e{tnwOOl oer '11 a large ~o~tb·el·ght , I d I I .... 0111 "tn·ct . "roo " e, nt ago.. II Pro. unord by o. IDg ",,"OU I ll r .t. to UOl Led u, cd .n II", . hopc II r medl ne ~ II. re" v i d 61 A VUy lgc &IIlI nd i h. wo.M-No.. • ':\ l:,j ' ~"ro'" z4 11 1L dlfft' nnt t . n\t· j( l~ pinl of 1,10 tI I I I~ . Ze d llOd, b, Jlliet V, rloW ro , ___ _ • \1 . I Ytnu \', e ~'" Or', ,"'<Ilumo weekly paper. WlllC COIl- the flnl!el rom III tb. WI/r Id. Price. '8 au d COil ' peo"'~ePICkage • 1 110 r.s :"ololemkn'. Wi fe. Mr II "'GOtI, 1110 Have You '11 .. RAGIN-O taiol IltoriM butII compIe_ 11 La.g. 00 lie If. Murc fun In it Iban l.Pytb,ng In Ohri.. 1O .. ,,,d fcor 1II0nth. II! lhi. a ....ul ,·ondh,oll. R. 66 n or, O·ltore. hy S.mlle l I ol<r iflc · ...1 ' -eh number wrl't'Oll by \endom. Writ<! \18 wilh ~ twentv-fhe oe nt Mnd g'lfe ul' 1111 bOpeMOf o~ .. 1'<\ 'o.erl ng t 10111DU. ln ...... d W. ","nl .g.ntl to Introdaoe th_ velD' pillCo, ""d mab 1'0u .....lf h.ppy, ' Add ..... AI 'h i. Um. <OU ..oo,o • • ",ed lb. u"" or 'B 6'J O..tle Warcr. a"d HlU" Ark•.II. b, IF V"U II AVII:. In;Y d tb f ,Le belt anthon 0 e ay, an a abl . . . . . eyeryw bere. NJ trouble to eel1 NOYRLTl' Co.• Opeosburr. N . Y. ' our ~HUp .. ,,\ PUb . w'~cb IlDm. di at.cly .' ...... Mn Heary WOOf!. • rOe beg.u w . uothe, comfoH.1nd allay lb. 010· 18 PI • • •• ~ klln a I:.lloon , ~ \ .rno . IUb • "'feat ~ariety of information iut~r. Send .....p for an4 epeoial terml, Th. Oo\llJtTTa Lo TRB pel*' for .. To III. Bllter Ind. },Ii.. II n,dduD. !jjlc . " .. ,."", ~h" . .. · 11 v "' 011 ' I> 'Tb L. _ aDd . . territo1.t once. A c.rtala d ell'o otual I. Dce of ah. roUSh , MreO(1\Ullad ..... huled eating to elVery 000. e 811.->rty,N•• RAW • • (Ie.. _ _ _ Pi m. luoge : I••hu". it . . . .. d. a perrtd ' a fY~'D~ BO~" to ..WelI ... reb. b, (;eo".:a EI,ol. \lIlc ,n\1 "'" 011 t,,, Twen'Y FJve Cente . Th" 'M & , HI Ariacilw. b, Ould.., lOe ., Ii, I, will ""llo e bOo·, u. ". II " I ,rn " ", tlel, .... 1 , ion price .,f Tbe Lotlgcr is y Impoftlen &: Growen of Vleld IlDd Gorden ;JOo. Aduren pi'no~I~''''''::'bU:;;. Cd'" 01 IDO. and I •• now liMe '0 . . . Y cIiI.a & • •.. lie paid and 8eedI, Sweetwater , 1I0nrue 00.. Tetla " Y .. ~ . ., dnll, I. bor. An. per1lOU • • hllng lb. lrulh 7i K.rldlallll. or. !he Ad, ontu,," of Ufld u ,t Dlur 0 •• , If nu IDgred l~ '" • 1,60 pt>r year, pO~"''' . ' We han" oultl ..tlOD two fanlllia thb" . of the . 11''' •• tl~.ltIt. crill pluec call 00 Th. ranner. lIecluualo. lI. nu""'turer.lI... th_ 1, II Th ... I(u.. wlo iel, ",.11 ;', .. r~ ""II '1 , eLI, it i, equal in every to "Iolnlty. and Iban conti.tIe tAl make 1m- M1:' =N =-A:-::'N=-D ~=:--~lYIE -::--:I-- or .ddlt'" m••• 1 th~ facto" . ~h ..nt , Banker and Pruf_ lun ..I ...n Ian. Ie 0.1' Ar,ic••• ,,,1 The PriOI 2S C.uts ';0 II 10 . .. II nrll~gio ... EI)WARI)U flAM . ON. No m.n o..nwol1 . lrllrdlO bewlthoa\lt. BlockKd.& ... . hv,I.V'.rn • • 100 .... " . .."KI..,'r!~TO:-l • • •.....I ...... other papen 01 !he ij8.oe cillLrficter DOrf!nr .nd growi.g a 8pe(llalt,.. and W~ ;.~~;.,:~ Ell j!,neer '~e" .. WGeljl', Pllllefl , 73 Bea.. R a ne. by Mr• . \:le u . .. II'I/od , IIOe N.... 7 ~llIh ,\ v, lin . ,\" ' YO"k wh ,' eh 801\ fur 3 a year. Titre.e [.trodllOl oothlng but pore aM4 &8, hum. " Indu..try . furlll obed with pn,c l iu~1 II rec.i pt3, pl'OOCfl8C". liod roli .hlc Infu.. nlhlUD R,Jge II II~d. 1",1.", W .11". " . 1'1111. " ~ 74 RUI" 't\ Uilli. " .. .. In, 1\.. ~ ! - " 1 Ovor 20 )00 111 I.. yo . I ,plloll . nd ~Ir 110"" " I\I'''~ " f the G"''''ll.o .... ore m ulled .t Ih e 71i T h.. F .. r Oountry. Jul . _ \. 'lie. 10.. , . ~ , l ' .L' copies uf tliitl valnah e 1'1I p~ r WI upon lilly dC!JCl red lubJoot If yuu are puz· 10c be 8cnt to (lilY UIIO who scuds 10 A .red on by aubjeol., or .. ,m t" receipt fo r >on stIli reln.iu ~ " h .,'1, lU ll 10 . 111. d" 1 - I III"\JI II ' l' ['o.H,fti"o laot y~.lf. n l'"n wb ioh ;6 The Nt w Mogda!en 1; "l il1ll. p" Hh'~(' W l.t H luu d ~,tlte altlt)nut.of 17 ~1 1 8trl "~ nml .\I HI..1 MI <iii 'l ll lo,h. 10 ntJ! Innd tlll),r IUldress tu Till!: anythlDI!". enclose ONE DOLLAR In" r eo e 'I ~lIl her 10,1 876 ce jJ 0.11...... • .,~ 7 l: . lIhhl O,IUIIl. lIy ChRrl.- Ite ude . 10 ' u;I.tered let ... r to A D 11Ull K. M 0\, . E R. PrJce O. a .... ....-& I II \OU, drug .!18l ur 8tur", kee)l cr h lill Hut. 'f . ' i 9 MudCflP V ,Olu\ hy HI .. ek "0 L IlDO ltR. m CAGlI, U.lN01B. .n 0 S .• Bruck.llIe. On .... rio. ,,'hen y ... ~Ol iL: ~e ~III J elh cr hn lf ,'o,~n ' u .~" ',d ., SO Daniel Dcrond~. 10, Geol ~e Elloi. ;U<: 'A ' ''IDOW' liND I:h llt ('O ILD ' - A a.a" .tt" will be ooml'lied with. Mnd the IOVllt reh ll ' d"'''d 011 "'0 ' I" u j p· 'C~ (o'''''S'' t 1"". 1 . . . , I Chrlsti a .. •• M i ' l. k~ M,,,, 111l 1 0~h I Oe " ble info,"lI.iJon f orward ed y uu . Prep",•. J II nl h.· TI,e o Illy. W Itl)' lind lI.nlt·WeAkly ' M y Mo,he r ood I MIS , " I"oh t lk Il n j.!u ln r case or aupnratltiuo. camc DR . M' .. " . · NE. IIl0:'V. Oa..tcU\, (I.. Ve ry ) " 1"\(Q. prnp rUnn tlf wliiuh to.l:l \ erller l • P.ld~ by '1 1 W +o,t J ;b .c :(l light no~ \on l[ s~nco, wbl ch lli th~ TllE PEOPLt.' PAPER! :1'10 ~ .rth "'a'io " .,..... " ...."'ph"'. luro ~ ' " ,'ut h.,J ";~I.r ••)....... e~.. to .bou~ 1 WI TI ' d [ .c"~u e,, • U ., • ~~OI. IJ It \ ALI. P Jtull ur &~1' l)UltiU ,H i . ,..'"' .. 10U811D Ilu l l re lated. Goln l.! 1I1 ~0 Ii nell1l11l0r 8 32 ""l uUlnl, 611~d w llh d ltll ...I, N e w~ • ' Ihe elll, by J ules \ .1 0 0 house . one d 8\' IUMI we ck. I found A ~rloullllr4l , lli.eel h'llv 0\: ~I. r ke' n oporl' r 011 0 C"P ~' olle ),014". "" " f!:. p' Id ••1S e" . llS M ..t'lILflCk jo .. lirt'ee·. Lo ver . loy Mor. (I I W , one 01 tbe chil d reo s u e r Dg roru II clul l' of (o',.~. 70 ~l lIb 01 1<" 65 C" " IS: "vr r, ) eAr. "lid .till tl,.re , . roQm fll. m u .~. G P uL YOllrle l f In \li. Ph.. o. II,-od e, . everc ooul!tb. Bnd exp reBsed ?lY cl" b · of Iwcnlo . 100 CO 11 10 " lit} " q tlH1r e (fJr c p r t!"unt. t~ 1 th u pt;.'Oplu of 87 1\ JO llrll ey 10 t h I O"lI l rt!; lo( tho \ "OLD .DII''''Il'A~. "'" .... Cr •• ______..=IiS'\...,~;Mlt ol'inloD that It "'1\8 Il CilIA In wlll.ell THE 0 A I L Y PO ST. tho Umterl tI.t ~ lh. fllilowi n" I" J ul<! ' ·erlle. I .1. anti ve PI'II"t ..,." b uml!" bad placed HI modlc,,1 1881 lallcO should h o ohLR IU On. Yeor. pO'IIIS~ IIIIId, ,7 I'~rll IIf I h, h"u U-- by IlD E "~ In d l a M lMwlIKry. ~h r ~ .HNlu cctl ll4ltes (or 1818'• I<Ii 'Ih" '1100 ~1,,"I"ge. , . Ii . lllll"c b. Inc ,S U L P H U R ...!J 'I"IC LU lel.of A,"tJe ll \' 1. . 1 " Br ld don,2 ,c ' , cd Tbe melbe r of t be) boy "!treed Yo r In proportioll. Wo prol'0-e wenl'ng (u rmllill of • Y gl'table Rotoedy fur IIIC If Y" u ",e Rl llolIl, lUke TKKM:I O F W~Ef(r.Y OAZET'rB. 90 M,sw rlou . I sIA lld-llr"I'~, 1 'ro m Tbe Leading External 8pecl1l.o etpeedy Dud J)t'r lU,menL cure uf lb~t It waf! very bad. but Bald tbat 'he I)ally Po.1 gall, d ll rl"l( OOlul).r di er ';WA \ N ~.';; 1·. r lind S,.,~·'I,u';II,\ l l ~'" " In gl. (lOp, . on e ,oar. PDlta«a po ld. tl fill Ihu Olo ud .. . "y Jul e. ' · " n,·. ]"0 II 10 th e doctor sb e In · .. blch lha prlre "Ill h ' $10 I'''r year, postage Consumption , A.'hma, Bronobitil, I I Y" u l,.\~il ick Ift,d" c~e. Luk. Olubl of eo"l .. aud ~PWlrd, .. ...,b I ~U 91 Wom" o ·. Klllgd lllll , MI· . Mll lo,·b. ("u .'011 Dl EA SIt<l 0 1' TUE S UN AND be ore ca I ng b d I " aid All who . uh • • ,l be beto,.., " Ia'l\t. O"Ulrrh. md 1111 Tloro .•t .oud ' Lunll' AtrooII A 1'1\ E S Tar ~ Dd , " .. ap.rill. J'I LU .. .ao" .. . . . . I II f'J .... Haliloflr\o'o's Troul,leB b . M •• e leuded to try a cure Ihe a ong menl , at the p.....,nl ra l 6 of , 7. wi ll 'eo ·Iv. uono; al "" 1\ P o.1 ",'0 an d &"dlc..1 Ouro fo. if . our Tongu. It _led. (.0 .. .. .... I I i Benry Wood. . 200 Comp~exion, uted 10 .11811., cu.a. ItId nev er the .111 .. rged paper Lo th e cnd 01 Ib el. Lime Nervllu. D ~h ,li ty ·",d "II Nervous Com· 7;; .. .. .. 1 lID .., ..,..I.,io• • I.I.nd-Tbe AIt."dofled. found \0 Clil. OD beln, presled to wllbout fi t'" oharge Snme te1'1lll "genL. plulnu. afLor h..ving t boroug bl, tetlt.!d It.! S W A \"1'1 E 'd T.r and Suwapa"iIIa PILLa. If J Uu bA' ~ • ooi4, .. ,(]II" . . . . .. 1 10 by Jlliu Virna. 100 II ............... 41.,Id • • .., ...... 11' t'lle•• lIIoDloa\l \III prelOrlp'lon, Ibe 00 both Dally end WeekI" l .e... wood rful cu .... tivo powen In tho ......fb of S WAYNE 'S far and "",'p arlill PILLS. 94 Tb.La•• nd Ihe Lad. Colli II " _ II~_I. . ... ...... P _.. '-II .... b ,b harm Addr.... 'rBIl PoeT. " . _.leolA it biM duty tAl make it known to To preven t Ind core OblU u tld I'e • • •• ta ke TERM8 OF SKVI·WII:II:SI.Y OAZETrI:: I/.~ Del d on , 0". II ra 00 . IIOCI .,. ,......._ n _.._ ...... ".~olJ laforllled me t a\ e c [i3'7,) 88 flearhorn St .• OhloagG. bI. sufforint( fo]lowo A btu ~ted by th i. mo S II' A \' :" E ' Tllr and Sursaparili a l'i ,n,clo' copY. one ,e... po_lIIlt. paid. $3!l.'\ 9ti Lo.e·. Victo ry. by B. L . FkrJcon , loc h iB .u fnoomp"rable Ramud)' (or GOIlIIIied 10 Ball'. Booey BoreU .O. kDd Ii coIII"," .nli o" . dealre to reli e... I f ,our 1I0wold 'He O(H I II • • IMke Ci u llAof :1 eop,e8 alill u pwo ld ... ~""h, ~ 911 97 &1,H,.rlousl. rl nd-l be !'lco re~ o r Bruiae8. Ulcera. CuL&. a Dd every ir. bOQDd ucI Tar. aod Lb., It could be IoDmKD Ruff.nolf, bo ",11 fIIlnd FREE OF WAV"W 'f".ftnd ..~ •• p" " IIII I'ILu . , 16 ' • . . . "1;0 11,el. laud. b, JuleB Verne . Ioc rl'ohloo ob l,b dl" ,. b obeliON of all 'be .. Price OHARGE to ..11 ,,·ho d lre.t, thlo receipt. l'eM!oll' of n full hubit , w~o .\rO su bJ ,·. 1 :I~ " .. .. 70 9 RAlry LOITl'que" h,. Oh • • I• • Lor er, 20 r u ea y con wOO 0 , 0 with full direcuonll tor prepuring lind 0 0 0- ~. Ue.d ... bu, ,liddille •• • D.u.. '''. 8. "nd ~~~~_~_""~~ :19 ~'rom Ihe Earlh 10 th Moon nlld Skin, .nd i. a m08'aerdcc.ble rem. 60 oeo\l Ind .1 Gre.t IlVtnlt by -~ft using Sool by return mu,l, by lU~i n;.: in Ihe Elf •••Ialng flom tou g rl!A t a TKJU'S or nAIL!' OAZ&Tr1:: Arouod the Moon. b, Jule' " rllc . 10 edilll ogenL liod ~ o"rce or s peedy repurcballol Ilrae .Ize Depot. Crl~ ad witb .tamp, DamiDll tbll (>&per. Bo w ur 1.lolid w &he head.lbould Del" b. 1110 A T.le or ~'''O Olti.~. Di ' kcII8. 10 lier in \la8e8 or GOIlL and Bbeumat\lutoo , 7 S1stb au!.ue. New York. without the ........ ny daDIl'DUI.ytnplOm. S lo!!l~ oop1. 000 ~.&r. pottare paid, 'llll 101 A NObl e LIfe. hy)l,. Muloeb, 10 ilm DR. J P . KOUNTAIN. will b. c.rritcI olJ"bJ ..... 1' b. U 'DWQta. .. • Jot Hard Timel, by Ob.rl.~ Dlokenll . I tl • Opea.bu..p. N.Y. Lt•• r co.p1alIIL-TIlal dNad dlte... I" .. J 103 • Brav. Lady. bf Mi .. )luloob. Ito IL 18 tho mO l t dealrllble DIMIDrectPU'I'I Toothache Drop. cure 10 from .. hlcb 10' lOaD, £":40.. ulfer. I~ r", I.... I • 104 P.ep o' Dey. by lobo Bllm ... . 10 lint 0' Clotblng or Bee LlDeD worD 0111 mIDQw. !lUenLly Lhe ClU .. ul . . . . ~pep Add,lIo nl ma, lie mad. III c1oM. al".lab I . . ., 1M 8 . . of tit. 811 • ., Placon. ilod hy pertlonll sulforlDg' from .ala ana ID4I. . .Uoa. I. _(Wdll. r.lI".d . r"e. , .Dr tlw. durin. the ' ..'.Ibro.... oar b, •. L. "Irjeon. 10 b i I ' b Yoo.o L.t.DI •• W1T8 BW'fCOI:8 I.d oltell peflD.lleutl, cal"" by Ihelr u. e. AgeDI • ., P• • t ......... Aaea& I'o,1IIe 101 Tb. lIuter of GN,landa. by"'" 0 n~lt OilS or contag OUI dlseuee, 'u.r~ are p' eY.n..... b, tI,... , or OIood· (;axefl. Hili" Wood. 20 aod If! a Cllpltal Remedy ann Pl'e 00 tbelr 'klo. wblob Ire erroneoul\ly pu.lfylng pill •• I I Ib.v carr, ell, Ihrong'l tbe ..... ADVBIl'!'Jll..ul will do to 107 Blade.o· G...... b, B. L . Pujeon. 10 " I!DI I,.e or litem, wbon ueed 1\8 lin anrlbuted to irregularltlo8 , or tb~ .0& bloYd. th.lmpn rll lQ! from " Iloh th ~ I' ~ .. . e. r.QLe th e "I,ova f.ula 10 ""re .. Dce 10 Iha elr. 108 The S ... KIDg. M.r..aU. 10 injoctlOD, Persona em ployi n It liver, woold discard cosmot.lla anll . '01' colli vellell. there I. nOltl~g.o elTcel " 'e oul. , lolI of Ihe GA&rtY.. • 109 El aaDor'l Vlelo", Mi l l Ilruddon jlo 11 d g mercurial., and Ildopt tbe practice U ... yn. ·1 T.r . tId S.~aJl""II. "II I. 26 lJi,n, Gaaetto 00. liD The OJ rl . of P'l!ve... h.m. by Plor' ave nf) nee to \like SulpblJ.r BRlhs. t.kinl[ a wllrm hllth ovory dlly 8 di . UncL va rie l ,es J1oDu,ly Ro.... real. a 1101 : & tlOle. ror III. Bell t 10. 011111 . cnc. MarnaU. T oo or to reltort to Sul"hur Springs ror 8 ., Be~al.., Add..,.s l.""... and orde •• to [)II Sli· AII. . , 111 A 'l'o u. of tb e World III Elgbty b l\ thlog pu rposes wltb a aako of GloDn' f! Sulpbur Sosp 8 Oar nation PI"k-. "S..... 33U North ~ilt" ill. Phil"d.lpbio. lJ. vo, I)y JuleS Verne Ten A s ~ n UdJIlOf·t or Toil ~t It 18 rar a, • oompAntOn. the unslgbtly blom· 8 Ohio" O"IIIUIU,emum s . 'or ••,. b, Urugail l.l. J.l J1'F., GROWTII. BEAUTY 11'08 TUB HAI&. Hurd Co.b. by Charle. no.,de. :lo d I ',1 I • I , hhea "ould aoon dlsaplle .. r and Ih e 8 Zonal Gt-raalllm.. 1M Goldeu Or.'II. by B L. f·a.jctlu, T . .. ~or e ('8 r Oo " c t 10D any. COllwet\ll. I s to the tnBrincr on the 6tonn, Illy and thll rOBe would 'like tbel r 8 Double O'-.... alllm . . Ke.:::=N'!~:-:'=::"~"r. 11" Durell Markbllm. Mis. B.addon. Ten 8 1U O.. It doea oot. like IIrLlolellof tbo.t , coa....1 50 11 tj h y. I.... d, u.l'llIIl u .... , II" oBture. co ncelll Cowplcxion 6• l Blem ~ placc. Thl. ie " scoret wblcb tho II HeUot p.. I-h 11111 reFta re ' ray b.'rto orlgin,leolor. Illi Wilh io Ib e Mue. lI n . WOud. , .. bionlble are beRinolDIl to Ond out A "n'''~ 6 Abltlil: •• ' \ !l-It Ihlck . ... Ibm hllir. caOllog n 'w g rowth. lI.6-1l&ulln., bv L. B. ','!.IM.d, , t remo ve~ them .Q. W t::J) G Doubl. camelill'. 3·- 11 .. 111 •• .;10 I'll 'he nftlnral M orellool. 117 'I:be 1'1I!',.'e Mini ter, Eug"n.c Li es . Teo Tun Freckles P lmple'l Blo'-bes to th ei r dooid ed .dVAnta ge Sold by • 118 (,red E:xpectntloos. Oh,,'s D,c k.ns, TeD ' . ' , "" , Ala lels; 4- lt will remov u 1\1\ d~ndrlltr .and Itcblngs 11 9 Petrollel. hy Floren.e Ma rr.ra". T on anll the hk p. v. j ..ld tD Itf! drUg~18t11 . Price 20c per cake . . 1 • • 101>.l.or o,olu. >.-it 11'111 mRko Ku rt. glouy .lluxliJlo. I I . box (II cakel) 700te,. lent by m llli. " 6 Bou"lnll .. · ' Is ge n.""lIy preoedlod by & Dvl. ~u re. \lk . 6-lt ~' 111 pres\'PI'c orlginll color 10 old ag•. 1:1. A ~loo"noi o~ .. P\"r Youog ~1~1I. 0 art y ng I,.nuenco, and it ill t be II re psld. on receipt 01 price C. N 6 II l'iav ll8 & Bup~lOrium. ,· p."p!rallon. d!tlro ,ins I ·blttg. 1\ though 7-1 1 "ill (lre .. ut Iho r.alr frOm rallln~ oft'. iY. cta.' a ull .". Ten very he8L SOIlP to 8bav e with 18 it F b i I II I Iii I) I 8-1t III II d' f Ib I 1!21 A Llfu for a L ife. MIsMul ook. !20 I tI ki b it ' Crltt.en\on.7 Slxtb ave .• New York. 8 :: uc "a5. po w'Jrm ".1 rei or,'" Dg, I ao n oU ' "ouru 1\ l eea. e~ 0 0 SCI p. 1!22 I' rl vnte . .. ", III. O.plal n Marry&tt. Teo ell v .e8 105 n 8moot no frt'P frO ID! • Doulolll V lolel . : .eOlllm. part 0 11 . . , al D , . b eD untI r. .. 8 h relLo.ce Ioolh lb e IU111rlance Ill1d color 1ll:1 I rl II Lege nd s. "1 Samu,' l l.over. Tn til e lI'rltatlon prodllced 00 tlllcnsitil'e i. r.f~:I~!:~ ' ~":.I"': whltc :;:t';::.::u~ ~a"~~IIS·:!'''!11 ~ ;;~,~lir:;: of lb. ha or . "nd ~. as haron le.s III water - 1114 S'luiru T I evl,,,'1 H dr, M.. Wood , :/0 cuticlo, hy tbe Ippllcatlon or the ra. BI\1', Hair & Wbi,kor Dve. hlaek :u Ihe dittresscd . ",1 surrc,,"~ . " bJed of II 4 ..... I I If d b P,omoture "h,nobm g o. fldlDIl the balr Is 1:.!1i ll krv B"rlun. b,' 11 ... GlUl ku li . T.n or It I I ,t I d' or brown, (jOo. [652.4] H Ft'rn ror ... rdillo CReu: a ,0 11" III' ~1'Oun I e PI''' Ia p"rt •• and is lo Ioe g"" BII ~ rellrelled. autl lhat .'.ryhod, 126 E.eml . or. '"1 Fatb er'. Sin, b, ZD d fla s o cowp coy erD IcaLe. • Polma , not confio.d 10 m.lea 001, . gilt I. '1"i1e nl Wllllia 10 hc boau"full. proof enoUjrb thd It R . D BlackmON. Ten on ru ' . For falling, gt'6y Cl\DOt be 100 I:l'IItdul (0 . Ibe dlKmcty 6 Mosses r,..,quent that r" male. '11 aflloted. lr! ",1110 abd rigbt to be It), oyefT pIOpef m lIy Lady Ludlow. b, M.8. Gnskall . TeD HOU8e .... lYea declaro I' to be exceT 1 .. Ma""ol.. . r,artlcularl io lIm .. o f p.. DCY· lltend me""l; bat theN 1I11Ol11bw _lIaponaa, 118 Oou. l. PhIlUI, by Mn Ou k. lI. Tell leDt tor waRbing W ooleo. LiDon • ilAir 11M"London Hair Color Be- ,r Ally rc:medy wbich "ill aUc'YIale tbe luf· e ... n· ft . . . ofbWIIIUII·ly. not only ia the _ ..- 01 8 hyaeintb balbll n&'lnlO the vasina. provln dlltteu lt'l! al- 10 !.hI. end Uau .0* ... 111 TIle W-..... -rt J 'Fl' H Ir) L d b ato~r' Uqllilit. drtllllnl.olean and ' ""b..-.... TW.Dty ... orted TDltp Bulhe; _ t bo,ood lb. po..... ot ... _ . Oa. .L_ ....... _ ~ .L _ _ _ ~.:... • .:.. • ...1.._ - - DI ew < N. a Doe an ot er fabries aDd ladles whicb the ""Ilent alone 1U1I'en, boat I a . _ r I I dl _ I bI p,.. •• a\ ........... ~ bylu .. ne Sae) 20 I' I ,oln a'perfiamed, Totally di5mlot I • rhen. Pin, U Rorwu orOCU8 bulb.: 0 ong. an ns. n - - o DlUrD .......tter I. It, or ............ ,...... of .... 111 TlIe WaidariJIa J .... (Seoonol mov ng n.'b e b ell\ e 1'1 rc e. metro· Two &88Orted JlUIObeln lil1 Ballll; baY. b<!eD pe rmlnenUy ca applylf18 balr to ...... wth ...... _10.1. . . . . ._ . . . . 1L1f.) ltv lOrn:, S." a_ poUte~ and ruralllllcletl Ipeak of It froIa &Il oibe", 71 cent. " bottle. Ihe cn.trell wblch It .,ntailall~ at
~' .. i"h l and Ace .,
10611 . II .
"' .... D ..... '" C _ , " - lAw
Richmond Lynchburg Nori'olk
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IGolden- Harvest for Farmers.
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Normandl Giant White Corn MOU.)TACHE f FINEST CORN KNOWN!
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DETECI1'IVE: ::.t: r;:::.
Great Newspaper
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PIKPS TOOTHACHE nROPS 'fI,,,,'. '·1o i.
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A Greenhous, At Your Door.
we will sena free by mail:
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':oot every aufferer from hiloW1l~ T h e 0 ali. . x.... n.• n- tlaW1lretbat tb.onIlnarymetbodl '::r 111- ~f th. Vall., '.
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Introduoed tAl - - - plOp" eq u Kl~ Ih.. "'''08110 1l0. . . . ~ ......~. . . Dr Dalton. of Pbllouielpb,a, 8&J lof Ii: Tbo London Hair Color Reotorer i. wood vaty."teo.lvel, amo•• ID, .~tlento ODd 'rleDW< a. well .. b,. .,....,.' I therefore ~ from eapert_ 7& _Ie I*' ~.. ; • ~... ... 8ft, bJ ...... to.., ....... - ...
,rlr""ting RhwfJIOtililll. Nournlgia, ScIa~ BIgh~ p.w flu rl TuharoftO: OR BY E XPItESS ' 1'l'OlltH Pua-II" ,.el')' dlltreea '\Jl d kin<ltt:d d iseases by Int crnal medlclD~ ' ...iI nnd aolast 1.l thia Itnp~ - a 'tr i oy 0.,. collection. (or , 2 oomplalnL 8JIPpto1Dl ..... a •"" ofIIUl110' h"a,ld ~nnn Inlellil:"'lt palienlJ tbM 1\ of lOY of the abo. . 1 collection_ Cur ;J n .ollta~ penpiratioo, itcbing •,oy den1l1nd ;';;'0'" nnlut remed,. TIle 7 of ••1 of .... abo.e 1 etlllecllqn. Cor • ..... • of . .y or tI,.aboY. 1001l1K!lJ6.1 for ' , lotilDltIl, ~alllarI1 at Di~b". af· of LAWSON'. cuu..:a: J.i Dr lUIy of tit. aboy. 1 oollectlone for 8 ,.,.".11 BlalioD. L • Co.. Va. ter &aWOl io Swayne a OlD\- !isc:ovcry ricelCII' boon to thouand. ... ............ of &Dy or the llboy. 1 calleolloaA ror 7 Da. S"u. . . 80":-.... pl_lDd maDt le " ~""D' and IUN cure; ~,red,IIO<ltbethousandl"ho .... - - All Wi t Bl . Pi t ouedoltar forlwobeJl...., . . OIII"'nt .,1 ". oom,nls8 an •. for Itcbl•• pll ... 'I1IoIe ....I ,., •• m, aleo carel Tetter, aDd emp'tive relieved oftbeirterribJe""- bllrwiDlat
~.I. - - - .
0' ~:.~h:~=0O:f ftMlptBo~I~I: f'tI.lIIlnlloaruftllet•• ill d........ G.t.RDII!{I1I~ _pla." pandtl :r..i.~:r'~::\.r::.· l-::I:k ••§ "hoI. ~
110 S,,_" Out 0
Ohareb, !Ululoeh T.II
'be blghel' te,.. •. LILa mOl- ... f d' a. .o_er amoul reme le8.
131 Ylcb", SLrogo« Jal.1 V.rne lSI Jl<Ilt H inton , b . 'Oharle. 133 Tbe Duchen ot Rolemary
1301 My Broth; r ·. wlf•• ·Yr• . Ed".rd •• 1:15 Agelha'l Du.beod b, .. 181 Mulocb H6 Kill. BI....,.. by Ollpha.,. 117 A In a Clolld. Clharlel .....r 118 WlIa'lle Coli liar. b. J _ Payo
.. eo III "lliout T.D \be Imall .., fractloo of remeelll efT.n lloa01 have been and are rollted DPT.D 00 the oOIa"peo\iDg aod unobeenant T.n at geouloe SuI b 80a
b,. B L FarJeoll
iI ...
T.n b
I Iteted
eelptof~. • ...... B" '.rjeoJlto p ur pot..... A4clnia IIlI dI'4en to Da. h u........ fte W,IAI&t: .. i. ·BNddoD~ T. . log properdNldentioal wUb orequal hrll1ll 8oM. 1IIIOlfOlthIMll.8t.,PbIl......... h.11I ..........a....,; 11.",... ;' T_ lo, &bt' Gr., 8peollJc. wblcb their 41...... Sold by all leadiD, elra,· leItim0ll1toilulrta.. Hercn hav•• cuun............ to"bl:s!ltberof our boob, I.. Th• •x,.. . . . . . ,... "PNp1lellol.. .. . .,.. ...............1'; ...... ; to 'feDdon ..elno rival by underband lilt.. Bead tb.a .ad,.'&. Iboughapplledextemall,exert. . NIIPBOI'I'l'. PRACTICAL I'LoRlCULTUU. .oLD _.w. DallGCtll'l'l, !I.. ,...~~:::~~.:-.:::: ~.a oompe\ltIOll. Tbe public IIbonld , nd beneficent intluence on the DR O.t.UUD1G POB PLltASUR&. (nlDe .1 •• Ibould be blilbad tltrou...." ~ a .. Wloa JI~ ' .. therefore be C.t.llUl7L &0 eoqu l re for liOeaobJ,;,ulbeadded. DeeoriptlYll 0 • • • ndbraadl'oflh.l.nd. VOl! pubt Ii :=::aba;ewmak. ! Alllell.B lIdwa"'a: ,. , 10 Gt. . .·ISlllpbur,Soap by 1&, rull rebet ,c!.lmn fnillng to alford pmtnpt b la , L Iblalr you ~h::: J'{rl~'itossNr IE ' peroo:'ID e:.r;el~W:' Obrles O·M.U.,. tlte Irllb Df1Iplo ; Daml. aDd eee tbat \bey ge' tbe real "'~, ,,( acule or chroUlc P'lIl1S In I • nerfta U ..' .. II T'dl I F , I •. L • "d 10 tI<ke . uh oorltplloD8 by Oharle. Lever; trlpl. Dumb.r: 90 anlele. ,e II lI .d es. .... ~ III.............._.. . . . ... e _ ,urg . r!1 I riC. ,'" , b I li7 Rlilio. the Re.rer. Ma lTyau: TeD All reepect.ble Drujl'gtst&. "6" . Rh II III for ....- . . . . . . - . Runa: If VOII a''Il Bulfo"IDg wi thi8 Aa· "" I • I.rgoot . hut 14H A lIlue tocklng' Mre EdwardA ' Ton F.noy I " ' rv~ ~y ~ rnd of f uma s . ra'll U Cortlandt St., N. Y. no,lng camp,. inl. o. Tot\.Qr. 8n crull,. -and cheapc.t 1I101lra 1.9 Jo ~bua Marvel B L Fa eoo' 20 Goodfl Deale", a nd Grooerl keep : ·,~ :.\I O r In every r om, for ncrvon II \~ Ic.l y. Itcby ~kl n dlse. ", go to 'O~dl'Ugglst led family puhllcatlon JD tbe worl d. AllY, 1110 Midshipman E:;. O. I 'liarl ' all· T. D GLENN'S I:;ULPHUR SO P ; " I( \Ieadar.ho for Nervouaness, for .Dd ..'" bos of ..n1n.·~ ~,II lien ng 0101 Oft ll beoomo n ~ UC);JOMruJ . goOl Th o 151 TilL . 0 1 y. A~' D 1 • T A , and '. '" ~ B~ck Side. for E.ryalpelu. ' " tnen" It will I .. rol, cure you. ceolo a mOI~ elegllnl "'or~1 ~r a rl give" free to l~~ A:~bu~O:L.:.r/~'Obar?e~· L~~~:s : ~ ",III demllDd for 1&. lIup"ly tbe ~ ln'l~iI~ri a and Sore Throat, for C~lfTHE B E8T 0 F F FR.! boa; 3 boxes for $1,'26: 6 I'oles . : loeOl sulose"bu r. The ~" ac 1'6' 0 IQw ent thai a llno ol Ilia The King'. O.. n . Ca,,1 Marryult: Ten OIlNu n,,, TOING to tbeir oUltomera. , ;.~, forS~' alnalirul'II8,Cllta.WOl'''. b, mall 10 anv .ddres•• OD reoelpl or prl.,.,. eYeryl""I, 8U '"~r 'eft 110 re po,'U 1M A I'o'ot' ofbouor' Aon ...Edw••da ' p.r"lItll.1 All• • • , !~,' 8~rh ~nd Soalda. for Tooth,oilil. W. will .011 dllrlng ,10.81 bard flm eB. P1'l!pared 001~ by Dn . S"·.n K At Jr. aIM! :~.~~~ ~:k·I~,"~~e'~'4~;r!:t,crll,~:~11:g;·~~ FO. 811. hy all D~oltlC! le .. aDd NOws1 110[1) (3 C:akl1s) .tfI~ pl'epaid '1\ot fer nil Pel"• • loflam••UuPI and NOI'lb Sbtb I.. Pbllodelphl~.! da';.8.t1l "'~,O en glge make mon., f'"1 de.lers. o.l.nt. pu81.g~ lr,:a~ ..'d. 00 rucclpt b'!l11l.a~lfQr 70 Cents, SI';~IIr. lls no r;:m.dyis ~nowu wblch P?'. And a ll otber 8~,'el ln tbe ume propo. lloo, Is ~;;.;n9CarD'~ln Ihese You can duyOIC all )'ou~ lime 10 Ib" bUll ne.. of price, by CEO uE ~'~!:~~~a, .t~\CS t he ftllll\r4ble' henllll\:' ~n~ IOOtbine IDcludlng Ora04. aDd Uprlgllt_1l 113. 'lB. And ~5 Vaode"R lCr S I ,N Y. I No 7 S' tlJ. A ;o~ ,v r.' um e . , buLIt e&n bti mtUl.lo or tlDI1 you rll'are 11m" Yon .need oOt b.1I • ' 111t'll wh ich l& so nm"crtal m ,tl ch .."",· ~UI r OLAIII_old dl",et to 'be PlOI'L& A,. ,I mOIl Lh. by tioDw 0I!Ii8 of.1 /LlVay froUl homo o'er lIiSh~ .) o u ego do II P 0 Bo . fi6~7. f • 1:11 'V~ntU, .I.r ew·.I. (),/,,,. • I • 81m )0 alld 'safe ill ILl r>CT08f rllleD . No a,.aI8 ; DO eomml.· , I I ' t f i t .' ..ell 11 < olbe", F ull p. rtlclliars. dirc~· , B ' , r ~. " ROOpe or so P .k..... I lIe. 80S n ,any pa 0 , I e 'Iun. and te.",. fre •. ElogoOI "nd ellpenshe L.l«:,K8 £1'0 B.OWN' Pl'·lc'lltion. For thelle =50lla L,' vt"';l'".~ . Ions: DO dIICOUDtl. h ... p aDOe .~do oQun!ry who la. 1' , ng . to Olll Ht . I f you ~""1 p rolhalol~ .. ork. A. NAT aU"1 NATV . . 'a Ih ... . ;Uj\ATLVIt. ~I,ould II~ve n pl~ce iii . err one'ofllie 1I0est dlaplaya a' the Ceotenoilll 11'0' k sleodl,ly at tb. ~PIOY' Bcnd U' lonr nddre ~ lit once h coal:! 110 1'1\ communlcal~ 10 Oray and Fla ••·colo" ' 1IIIIy. It WIll thfre prove ' l~ ''1Ilne lJIi In- Jhblhllhm, lI'd were DualmoDl l, recom· meJlt IhM we (ulull h 166 p•• '1'~.k Dt~o"r Ihhlg 10 Lrw Ihe hD"IM' " No olle who . n d 10 'h , Alm-t In".nlaDeo··al'" b .• I t I "c nn!l d~ mended lot .be Hlonm HOlfo... N ... o ~ u lO w" You II ced f101 be ' aW rtUlI ~ n 't .. ~ Add '1'1 ~. '" • ~ y ,u n\I"l', 1> e.c.<"" ,o l'",Y~n "' . lostant Manu faotory-oncof the lllrlleat .1III tin ••' bOID~ o. erDI~h l Voo OAtljgh.,.po wbola !:1Igtl'j ~ s om ,.§r~ pI,. re •• II' nn.~_I_.;;.;;j, ltd. ' "u1... be II,'I,t nl hllDd reWy (or In th~ .. o~d. Tbe Square Grand. contein time 10 tb. wor k, or 001 , , oor" tpat:- mo.Peop •• JOllfDal. I DllIIM .....M. ...~ .,1:. \IIao Malbusbck. pel" PlteDt DupIn 0,0,0$""'" me~"'. W. ban apnt. ,,,bo lIN jtIaILIDI /'re. , 101~ .,.1 DrIIr. Beale. lb.· llftateat 'mpl'OYemeDt In 1111 bl.- 0 . . . . . JII• •,. All'" .. . . . " _ " "'RIOE Dollar ~r Bottle. ..,,, 01 pluo !!!'klug. ~. UPrl,I....~ _ • • _e,. ~"'I . , . . ~11.. , WO'r.lC" , .... it t I for: 0" 00' \h. J . AllIaro.t.. uva' fa ItO . ..... ~, _Il0l '" _ft _.",1, ucl Jlll!1 ' 6,," a. ' u_ ,(; 1"0 ( 311.-1 b • • tor III~ iDd De&orlpUfO O'&"'p, ~ ~ ~ .........1'"••• ' U 'eoW....... ,to AU ~ ............ 1I~..a . au.. w ~15·tAlUlI8I~' • , I'rt:I '. ' _lied tree r , • kJlIie biteI_, ' Te....aif......~fi!e. WlUp...... obfil. blMlt . . . . . . . lDVftioyrr;.~~=~ "
' r.I""'_ l'I:med,oCindliputablc~
CO IIpS Ift'VnERSON uc..,
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1110 PiaDos for
ncr<e~~lc;),l 0(\:, :leT~d, Ohl0 " • .:...-• • , " ' . "·1
' .,all,lllo''.'''' a•.•. :U're~.. uo_.a:- If,\Llolm.Oo•• PMl lie. GI hO..un'1T, .:-1'~ I~ Kalil•• ' -;, ': . 7 I
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,~'Mt"j '.
..uaw' t .... '1'. T. DO~N. Or.l1'..
~r l, -~~~If!l.:~~
•• ilI u t
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Preparedby HRSlevens, BostoD, Mass, Vogelino II Sold by All Druggists. I I
" . '" " I " .. t
• l
;1 continued the l'rln
COMMISSION IClifse the Whole Lot.
(t t;."'
I ~ n I lUI\; <I Mllrlnu ;\1 ru tl In thlLt ~Il exc1ulme<l MlLlInn Do '011 e ve r " e lr II ro n ~1 Olt H R \~ h e ll J ent my (hnll r ' ,\ Prlllce 8 " I~h ollllpron Oil! Why I noyer hr Ir I of s uch I t.lllns! ntl '1"nan opened her c ~ e~ Yillh slIrpnllC In I mllluto she rCl.'O\ c red herscH to nHl.: H ow do you \tk e hmng 1\ l>nllcel\.~ 1 for our hul e Illdy mClI nt to Im pro\c the upportllDlty 10 sct III the JIlrorlllullUu ~ ho could
PrettI \\ e\l sai d 'MISS Mnne , I Lut vou bin n t told 100 wbnt yuur lIame 1~-llIld 1 \0 tuld ) OU nil UiJOllt llIvgclf UI ! my MillO 18 1I[lIn811 I lUll nn A merlenll Are those nil your toye? y cs-Uo ) 011 \\ Int ttl play t ' /I Why, \r" If )011 \I let me ta"kethat 1 oop f r IL httle-l should like to Inke n r\lll with It "'e ml~bt tn\;e IUrJ1s Yep we nllgltt I\IlHI the httle Pnn loS' look lllll It the Ind), \Vllo nodded II {\ lI.enl 8" off Ih ey went r omplD~ )1I<t ,~ YOII do IItlle rcnder, nll(l 110 \\ hell \\ 6 CAine out of th o plllneo we found Mnrl n pln~lDg \~Ith II PTlnccss-IIlId II Tight merr), good natured little I n ncel\:! "he \\ liS nut \\ 6 II Id to rail Jehu nnd go n\\ny It 1\"1 nnd "I Cll we dId "hat do ) ou tlllnk th e IIttl o girls dId? Wby Ih ey Ju. t pllt th eir Irm. nhout oneh other lllltl klJ!t~ell \\lth n s mllck thnt stnrticli th g r 1\ 0 ml\lI e nnut like 1\ fire cracker 1111 I II c 1 '" cess sald I hk e YOU very lI1ueh And Mllrlfill amd ::;0 d o I you nnd I I\(' \ e r should lu\\ C Inken you f If n Pnll cC_ IlCHr - IVm Af. } ROI, I 1fI II ,Ie An alr
IC rI('
SANDAL-WOOD. A pntltlyu re ",I, tor all J II&lIlGl of t1
IUd . .,...
I lJ rtu.r7 0 ....... ,,180 liJoo4 II) ,tor producH Alt.1l
Ct' tu.
" t
It." (I
W MCCOOK \lho died III Ne \\ YOlk recentlv I1t Iho r~ ~ 1
"00 Hog"th Nc .... nih H ........... P'd.aca.lpbtA
COUBIO, eueml A 11 so II ~h nutl1e 0 OhIO hllVl l1g hecn born It CnrrolltoD 1822 1111<1 W,," tbe "'1Il IIf Jud go DlUue McCook lie WfUI g rndulLed at O h 0 nl\ orsl!y Htll(hell IHw II Ith t ho lrute Ed" III 111. Stmll.OIl AI d hec 11110 111 8 pn ncr He 8C n e ol III the Ml'xICIII war Captai n III the 3d
llcl co of Ill.
Cor k
\I Iii! II
01110 \ OIUfltCOfll.
I IS:;:1 he " lUI e lected
Repo rter of the "u rem e Court of Oluo If d mll ted tho BIB of tho Oluo State leeporls Upon til breakmg out of tho 1\ ar o f the re beU IO ho '\lth 1118 fath er wd 1118 eight b rothers , entered the Umoll Army Oener81 McCoo k " 118 more IctlVO In faiMlng troo p~ th In III th e fie)d oWIng to 111 hen lth but he IlIld dlllrgc of lue I~t nnd 22d Infnntr) IIl1rl "liS Colollel of the 157th 01110 hundred days men Til pohtlcs ho Will! a wllr ])rllloorat H e rRn forGo\Cr nor agnlll ~t :\llIllste r Noyc! 1D 1871 nnd "RS defeater! J I e Cll ll SO of )II S death WIll! Pllrull slS
A I a)ll c uret
AI ...,.
AIl"" ba I,. na' (a"l) r 1ft. r"lI~ lI"}n,.t~ ," 1l1~, Mrelt-'t~' {4 n e wbole world apprv'YN 'be glorto 101 t 1\1 . t IlDg - U 0 n8~t" r d CI ollpt"l Llnl nflntlnosl . te ce 12.! contll a botUe TbeH'~" LlnlnuJD t corDi whem Dotllna ol.o will
reA l,
VOl,UME lU l l
--- -
xv lLI.--NUMB]~R
At Orbl he rtIl1l1l> ut lit rn ll dolll ~ 11I11 yelpin g til tH n~ if Inl'pHCcI by 1 II "",lden purl uoc h o t .nk II . uulght , line f , r J II H Ice ld rou ~ pe",t lOn """ no" fllr [r )1I\ pl~ '.lInt - II roc I tlllllk 111 0;(111. 0 rC ' J,e clJo t bnn that e f th e S pur 111 11 Ixll IIlth thp Cox gnu \\lIIg ut Illti 10 '"I III fvr hI lh! r til II bnd not n Jellie d og gl1l1 \\11 Kilt t 10 othe r ex tremity - yPt Job lI tLe rc.1 not tl 8<JlI ud, hut , 11111 th e \,ulletflUlt .mothe rlllg he r eClt " ",th hi " • IIId M h ~t he ~ou l d 10 I .. lIIfil1lte roh r f I cdd } li n I th e I , 11, r "'''pt I .. t ,"thll Ut OIlCO Ktop '"I!! l \l le nth lJulle \lng th~' y WNe 011 I 1"lI lck 1I11c1 thllt e l ontilln g d'pend e,1 I, I "IIl , d lind ~nll' n' d ,ub t ton \" I cI I h It he hlld III. tllke n th e !lUCII C II ) JlIJI~ 1 thclII ,ft , 1)fI~ UII} " ore gono Job enul,1 nit' II - . t II ,t; ht hUH hI en hilI( th o 1I 1)!1 I )U I;:lfl g from IllS Crd lll@" -bul ti ll ) r~lurllClI at It III:)Lh mud, m Ore . 1 \\ II tilllll t hcv hnd gU il e ou t AH I h ~ d 'g" .nL. d 1111 181dl( d UD W tuke n part. IIC . 11'1' lit III" hee;a tbo h',stl e r sllld Whlll " lhllt dog bark lllg at l Ob Il othlll}; hilt th e scarec row l' , nil' yuu fvol, come nWIl) , you kllu\\ II mllil from It ~Cll rccro w t .Il ed f eJdy ' I Jou't Illuch hlllmc 101111 thuu ~1o - It looh IIlmvM t hk~ II
:II'''TIJ Ht
111 ),; KIIlI
" Tnl It Il'l CP H'"
rwu little chlll rrn n"e )
oi l
Marl., thH 811 ll ~ t lIarUt! tI ho ll Sweet ami h rtgl Cl d IUlllull J wlw An.:el. both ftllt t!lr UItJ t t1'. "1 "IiI
La ..... cause Mari e 1\tlll . too"" I\,\l hu I 8be "tHad and t:IIr~ h I u t " 1.&1
found .0106 1.0 .,.\\" wh ll. h ~r 10 lot I ~art ti N 1 1Q 80 IUrr r for barUe -AlI ruWiU. dta I - E.lllD 6 11m"," H' J /~ 1"" 'JlQ9tJ-JtPW!.
\ C8
fe llo\\ hOijtl r
BY It Til ClI l!8'1'KlIl'lKLD 11 ou ll • U I l a . i n 1
Job THnne r ,,,," 1\ ) ounll l'erl!(>l1 II Ito Itvcd by 1,,8 "'t ~ Y ou !I ll kno l\ I.. m I)r at leJl8t IllS t) I'C 1'10 bBtl n hOlll e \\ h e re h ~ UKe U tn "I' )JCll r OCell.'!lOII lil y like 1\ . hl( lh nt pUl; 10 for ~1<tUllhll g el r rep """ hut n~ C n. Kllly lllS the re nil Lit e tllue thll' Will! o ut of lI. e qu "t. on bCClIUl\O tha t unr 1l!!O II abl e IJ IJ 111.111 101. ["thor CliJ~c"' d hllll to feed th pig o r hue th e enrll ' II()mo other ' 1 ulllly '11l11\grccnhlr lhlllg "" nn oO"" t to It " oollr<l .lnd cl ot III II!; lIud Joh IIbhorred II , rk I t'VI\R th e one rc MUlt of Adnm'. (RII whI ch he most dc plo red thll l we .' lInc,1 nil w"" q uite " eondtlry con."I, rIItll II I:lo J ob " andered IIhllUt Iroll1 plncC\ to pla ce! 81 Il lllg In \lI rll", or Rc,eptlll~ tbe hO I'ltllllt)' oE II< ml 1\ a,"ltI~ ne qUllllltan ce Ju st n" It hlll' l'e ned J ob wll8n' t 0 \tu c u lltr 'II hlch 1\ be.1 be lllg nllt Ilt all OllSClltlRI to 1118 t'OlIIfort ~r.,uy 11 m ght he had 81 pt" Itb t he eArth for hi S pillow, and th e ni ght for IllS counte r and sle pt well. J ob 18I\~t h hc mllJt
\ Plctllre or ClI st er.
1 ThoU f;h nUl n ~C\entlst III ph, ... g nOIllY, ( l!Ought to .tudy Clut tho ul""'h nlmoKt ooll.h [.H e of the y,'" ng nOlcer obKllr~ .lI g uoth tll c fClltlirPH II lId ~xprc ... HlO n l\lthclosccnulI HIll I t lvU<l Rtmngp W lill nk 1I 11. w.llI the C uowr \I hv hllli mAd o hlln Rl If tl mAn, f III II k nmoll!:, 11 11 nrmy II h QSC wmllllLlI<lerK eombll\( d th e .k,ll. drill lind cOllrn~e lIC thiS lind other. uunt rlu..- he 10< k hk e n) uu t h I hlll ll1\ ) 0 \\11 uf II gClI(rtl1 of ClI\IIIr1 Clllhl d ' NI'1l v ur gall llnt gilln olle UII""q """HI !-;lullrl th e prin ce fCl )1I1 o f "old" r. ,"Ih IllS . tnklllgl) fene f, ee IIld fo rlll 1110 h )Id bn~hl carne. t eyc" He re Wil d th ht ro of nllo th er II rlll y"ltke the J nd" ,,,,,I .. 1, 1 of 1,,0 pcoll o IYI , a Inllred nnti ~ulo l gze d h.p' HI an Cllullih cll thll"IIIKlI C InRnnt r 1 h ey "1I1d 1,,& ral'"1 \ r lInot, II 1111. for gullnlll l!1n F. 1J \'hl btnlll'1 n In Vl lIadelpht. Time!
de n I ce~
llOll ~ h
\' (!t.
sO ) u u n ~ In
\£,flf ti
,,1,,11 ILlld cOIJral-:e cn u ntcd IIC ~ h III the delld ly . tnfc thl) " cre ""gmg My "h", nllU oct8 1111<1 " I III1C1118 nf hlln 1\1 uld be ce rwll lll y 1111 I'" rt I111 IIn,1 I retiD h c<l tI> try lind ,,1. h. ulll'reJuelo eed Whllt I SII\\ '\I. . lh,. \ tll il yOllng lII~n "hOMe d eCl d~dly dlL~ hlll ~ dre". gll i e 1\ pIC tu resq ut' pecullllrltl tv hl Hnppenrnllt e \\ .th " fllce full uf a lld nlllllltll lOIl
cI(\ If c ut rqlulnr fc:atllrt:'~ a ou~ 8Cnllt I rnthe r (Jrld mYijelf II th"t \\h.1l He lcreh Htrlll !,:101 \lIth fl 1I 111le I made hili III' If ' ..lid the n(' n o u. 1I(1"tnl, th p c. ml'rc KCtl III'S of
1'1I /"e",," p I, ( 11th \11111 lind firm b, a bl, II Ie mlH.lache the . hMt 1\1'11 cUrl.d d llll elm;c hl\lCII nJ cr tl h gh Ilflud hrll" th e re g leumeu P l< ~ o f 8 cit If bn)(lo t bluc-fitrtlllgC SC lllt,lllItll'g t ves th r v we re A ur ~H1g IIll h ex prt ; IUIl full o f hg h tH nlld 8hn d'I '" ~ nllrk Ilk< btH 1- 0 tSlllnl; like fin; or pi( [( e nu'g .umc tllll e. wllh klUdly emo fio ll Blick frl III th bro\\ " ere ell r(' le>lll ly tfI,,~ed the ' ol(lc l1 locks ' b e \I' M lIoted fM oC rt lilly hUlUtlful hn lr that. louh I lik e II ch hi'. c url < tbey ocemcd "') "" ft tlllt! . t1k e ll - uttorl) ulllik e OliO H IInng lll ulIC lII nC "hul perlmoe, l to n war rI (l r- t1l1d 1I1toge th e r Ullcom mon Tho lJlII wcll proportconed fi g ure st r/ugh I, " UI' pl.. mu c ulnr -Rllme whllt tlilO Ih uugh \I) tim e uf reKt and pellCO It m.~ht hill< been fuller - wtlS dispillyed nlltlill't coff by th e drclI8 thnt , M I lul'o "'lid gtlve 8 peOllh Clr plCturesquenelll! to bl. ap peurance Till. WI1K II cavalry Jncket o f clllrk bluo or black veh et., rl chl) oronm c nted 011 th e ijleo~es With go ld Ifrald Khaped IIlto "hat WI\!! called 'ho" H"ll t'l rl •• n kilo' " " Ith - boulder • trllpS and uttons lCl th .Ktyl " R e belon~lng to b fl KlldlCr I!en erlll 1 he ll "fnt.lgue shirt of navy hlu wlt.h Wide IItll lor co l lar outlilled With wh ite brsHl, a stnr emb rOldcrctl 111 II IlIl e lit eneh corner lllrned o l er n era lat o f vIvid SCIIrlet sl llt, carel sly tied III n 811llor knot at 1111
first rail 0111 HIIIII 1111 I tll ~y r lWled UII till J ul) dureu nul mo\C H " llItcd till 1111 WIIJI dark III tho cottllgl 1111 11 11 " dn rk III th r lolt IIlId II. he " M thcn IIbollt t.o step ClUtlOIl>ly forlh Crom 1,,_ cOllceAlmcl t h! I.. nrel II I )ut.lep Loull It I e tllllt the, hlld Slit 0 11 th trll il lit IMt ? No It " lUI ollly I>nlly C'L-e, th. WllilbHW UCClIIU "lib I bUlldll ,f d"lh •• UII (I< r h.r tHIII :-,1" \\ "; "~II, g " . hort cut lie '" • th r Ii Id t'" hI of tell dill He klle w "'lIllv \\ e ll tlhe " .~, I1 Ut. lI ' e r", ttl dllckelt" hcr""lf 1n I h.d mo re lh un onc cooked I r Oll I fur h lin \~ Ith oll t IIs k eng 1111 \ III CO I1I('"eli l quC" t\IJlI ~ '-'0 I.. re"o il(d to lTI uke II con fid e n t o f hcr heli e 'lltg thlll . he " oulel wllhngh gl'l hllll II llI~h t" ludglll,\/lUcI t II no wdes for tbe "" e of n ~ od r IIkf..- t ' t)!lIly he wlll . pored lUI she ,lrell lIea r be stopped lookod round then e ll d~ntly thmldn thllt h e r ell rs had d e ' I ., I d Cd CP I' u 'e r M tart.e war tha"!;lUIl "h"pe r d Sally, IIoruder n b forI e a t th e 811111 lIn\n beckolllllg \I Ith tll8 hnnd 'O h Lud I" Hhe eJllculated, whIle he r It mUK 1I been wlIlk b Clime \I Irot ihe II hak:lDg tho rng~, sbe COil he looked baolt fearfully over "
• II
"hll d ~
Tbe IlIrgest oC belOg upward of the kakopo The .lnlflc.~!e lik e, nnd It 1 the I k 1I I h I e 10 0'11' S, U a en It IS bablUl,l1nd :~:::~;~~~~ plum!lge th e I1'reeJ) If I( ouunde tbe hid ~ I~el~'~~bfe --..",.-,""..
and borror of are kept In the grabnd Ol\e our YOllth true p icture. of war III the 8t~rv books, Rnd 110 lad 11'111 ove r ho\ o II dC8lro to become a drummer-bo} Even th e mlnllDbattlcthe boy IlQldl r hfe of the snow fie ld In "" ut r- wllI lose ita pop ulllrlty for ",he u 1\ nr CCMea to be regll rded lUI II splenuld holldllY by ou r sch ool lads, and 18 k llo"n In a ll itadrelldful renllttes It will be too IleriOUH a mutter for mimi cry It I by 811Ch II orb put Into the h a nd. of our boys thut the love of II ur I. c ui tivnted W e ,cnlurc to SIIY til It If th e next gene ratIOn of youth. co uld be In Atru cted a& to the true experiences of a 8OId ier'H hfe , -If they co uM beho ld the grent cnmJJnI~n~ or A lellllntler ere""r Napoleon, W elh ngtAlI1 t)h erm ~ 1\ and th p IInvllloonte.ts of 1'i c lHo n 'l'romp Pe rry or Farragu l, ",th nil th e ir nct unl . utler mgt!, there wou hi bo Kuch h ule de.lre for 'li a r that th e splrIL \\ uuld g rllduullv d,o out III thf II 0 rill nlHl nil pohtlCIII and mternllllllnni qu e.ll ollO 11 0111<1 h< bettle,1 III II generotlll . plrlL uf cellICc ... " e arbitrauoll rathe r thllll b) Ih e Hwo rd Now, wlltlt we ue Ire W u ggest to a ll Writer of c1nldrcu'" boo k ~, nnd e81lCollllly IIn do) .c1tOol boo~, IS lhls In yo ur biographl P.I! of col brated gen ral . pai nt their oom)'R1gnM I\!! tbey renlly were, by giving the shndows a s well ns the lIght8 In filet., there are so fOI\ lI~h t.a 10 the p,otu re of war, tbntyou d() ID)U tjce to th o <leQ "hen you fill It With 80 m&oy br.ght eulor! should be III tho Btylo of the gloomier pallltings of R mbrnndt, With Mre lind \bero a lurtd glCILm of dismal light The writel'8 of abhnth scllool hteraturo eft to be CllutloWl lUI to the teach III their boon T b e 1~~~!:~~~:~~IBw:b book on tbe c.hsrllc[er Ii for the
u nlLll !!Omo dili:Ullce • coul d oot u se It engineer Knew notlllng of our tyouble and con tillucd to lower 8'11'ay There waa no sllltlon Denr an d on a ll 81des 1'086 tI.e smooth wn lls o f " b e shult, leavlllg WI BUllpend ed over lho horrl ple chR8m Down upon U8 oame the h eavy ooble We feared every moment that the llat form would Lurn over or waul be pre d th rough th e tlgh t plae and drop from unde r u s A II we could do WI\.~ to get hold o f t he CIIble an d keep the COils of It under our feet lIS It ClIme d owu hou ld thp pl nt.(orm turn over or drop from ullder u. we nllght be IIble to 8lIve our hveR by hnng>ng Oil th e ca ble 'W e sh ouled up tim shaft till 1'1'0 " ere honr hut IIU ou beard ou r Cncs and stead .lv elu ll n cnme tl18 nble, cnuslDg us gr lit trollblo to k ee p 0 11 to r. of lUi coli. W e Ccltthnt th greut " e lg It mUKt soo n . tuft. the platform wb e n botb would 1II000t hkc ly bo hur led to lhe botlom oC th o shufl FlCIlIlly tu our greut reh ef. Lhll cable ell lKed t" d e. clld I or 1\ long tlllle wo \I li lted III . lIspe nro not knowlOg wh nt 1I 0lliti be th e next 1II0VO of t.ho sho\c At In. l, ho" 01or we hCllrd I he \ olce o f 1\ rnnll Sh olltlll g d own to li B from th o nCllreKt 8t.nt10Il nbo, e We oxpl81D ed our I'e nlOll8 ))Osition III II fow wordfl und Il t length tbe g rolll I:>lhle began to craw l slOll'ly up the ~llI\ft ngalll till be lllg afrl\ld the l'l lll(orm would g ive way, "0 llere obbged 1.0 ke II hold of th e rope ami dan ce about o n th e coils as theY'lInwound 1t was a tedious b U8IDetIiI, nnd Willi all tim n matter of t h tOlll! of 1\ penny whet her we got o ut a lh e or went to tho bottom, but nt lll8ttlio pll\tlorm tigbtened up 11111 or U8 ILUd we began to Mcond O ur 'll'o r~ WM over tben Ilnd 'll'e felt
O ......t/l l t. oIlla lilt i ...... ' ...... I . tbeb~.b 01 UlIm .. ertlOOn
To ... toh tb. """ at tboir baWJ' lu
And Ibten tbe1r p lM1iA1tt. tuoe,
A I'tIIDoul.mel11n .be11!lOuaa\atr, Froul tbe , loom wbe.... tb.le~. meet.
A~~ ::k~~tl!~LIi::::~~erlet!
r ba •• Pleturtd It III a buntlm 11",_ 1 . hall do It a hu 04m " ' _
n U~:thou.e:=
bic ....eT df1!'.~ of
It ..
0:; ~~:I::-n' bOGlI
UI~e U Ul.
r.,... unbolldlnlla.. true
r h••• GIOlll"", It all • hUDdred lim_ B
~l'r~,~:rt!b:u'!!!r: ~
Tbelr cbee.u to l be
rfew" ~Depntl
NTi,~ru~!;~e :=~t:r~r.::wen.
N.r bear lb.....\10.....hl.b .b1rp aud bull Uuder '1 hien 111
t .....s
UUL yet tn Lh o air,. realru ut ' reaw. Wher ,,11IOJ TlchCA be
If ~\v\~relnf: !l!:: ::i~l!:r~{ hu'e hut. to 101 (' i Qle
m il ~1 U &0 and
My Ed n whhou1.. 111",-
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A Y ANJtEE editor Wisbell to know whethar Iho lawreeently enacted 8gllinsl t.he C1\rryll1g of d~ndly lI ellp<lnll RppIJes to dootor who cllrry pillA III their pockets .. I LI Vlllu Julia's 8) 8," 8IlId all af fedec.[ d andy III Imlln'8 hcarln.K ., I don t wonder at It," rephed George, , SIU ce 1 obscrl cd silO had n sty IIi tbem when I saw ber IWlt ' mammal' excllllmed a hLt le with oreblll,! 6pme and e l&lII\(e strlltted a rolU\,d ~ I may bave been III Dlore dangerouH tat I!O milch tb& but WM
oyer the spo t CAreth e re Rre the hi ghes t t ru n a warDl, flllly qu artered t h'Bground With IlI8 eye, 'I be she now ut- dark lead co lor a rich mao, trlctl) foll owed It 18 he r e the s y of fifteen held In hi S band W ith wlet" bflm, d eco r for he TillS ce rtnm the bird CIIuld not te red 1 ",11 lIot reco rd but It WI\.' one a dlfiereni chaooel chnrncter 18 g reatl y molded for 1111 nfter free acCCIIII to them \ e ry day With thiS 100Ight 11110 Job 8 characte r not at 1111 f1I1U<l nllg 10 Job, Rnd he r trot Ated With n go ld cord nnd tll88t:'1 nnd n have eaCtlped from tbe h ttle plotof mo.'!S hfe-the cb nIllc ter IlIn) !tAr of II whole 1'11118 It Alon g. lung bltlek plume I thought h e loo ked H e s tood watehlllp: for half an hOllr but nuthol1!hlp of "Beau t iful Dowe and poIIltlon , you Will be abl e I und e r broke \11 to n r u n generl\LlolI for good or e \ I Mnnv u Ind H nrne makers elln col! nr most IIny may be In doubt, bllt tlmt mall cer lnlnly tl ~tal!;e slIllur o r II lj!lIDl sb colXIll,..,.o Id d ~ I' I h' be hke Wdl hnd It h een for Mrs IU slalld why It WBli thnt Oil n certain mOOIl xccpl til( hl ollcl e 01 f111~ lin d co ulel 0011 1I0t elcc t I 1I11 t! a. ellgt I. e ve n frflm the Ulldtly Hcbool by 10 \ 0 of tiling -De/ro.l fret" Yes, nnd Ctln harl nIWIl) H Oed froClltheg rentlld , rAA ry IDl:>luhoU.8ly "llIke Itt. eye, nnd he g lory lured dUring th lim of 1I Ar hll.l! chd not Writ It who hM Illst 8hpped ull light 8umme r OI ght, III the Y"Ir of Oll r on 1111 Ice spot trclleherou Mly covered by LAIrd 1877 h e crept Htr nltlllly Int lIIrs II" '1111 ldy lIS -he ehd nvw th nt . he he A~R r~cI) unnglllc nn> ono li g \tIll!; fiercely found the bird hnd been 1111 the IIhlle le Ct lho comlo rls C)f home nnd tho kind tr Illl most IInrthlllg - A I/xmy ArU'" Now wh o wll >lIIddlo t.hld pnmg rapb the feathery Hilke, nnd dropped \lito Ull lII . ueh n )1Rrutlp drcs.< though It me,1 ,, 'tlllll IWO ynrds o f 1118 C~et EI ~II I" \ cd ho II 11._ JIll l"i!llIng h r III fnrlll Clf n Dur!)1II 8 bnck Yllrt! Wi th tho )1url'o 0 oC tiOc le ty o f f riends, to die upon some dc>'() Wi th 'lliother pun - H lldlW .. ijlll!iUlnrly M \lltn ltle to tbe 8h Ie of mAn I Lben, be !!Il1d , hnd he tekon b, scyc, 011 It IICIIree.ow III!h bo~ robblOg he r h, n roo.t rhe dot hes ~h o \\ II~ (RTf) 1Rl( " ere d,. 11 M lIl. pecllng On e h aollil abKtrnctad Cor n mOml'Dt ho . h ould bflve 10 t tru ce lote bottle-field- n • clrummer boy' d ~ fh e) arc \ c ry el!$C ntlUl to the bnclle en rCl d o J ob Justi ce, h e \\ (lu l,l mil ch GR AVE OREEJI/\\OOn WIUl stnndlllg III cen ed b y Ill S undAY rcnchn g -Nrw York GraJlAI~ NOli , gngement". mlrnh un fur Ihe splcnciul sllOt teti sk ID of of It The kakopo, like mllny other tnbutlng th em'" h e. ulnn g the Vnth mt . r ha\ 0 h elpeel him self Iroll1 t.h \I W 1115111 ngton horse-Cllr when It sudden ha lter gll lher IOLK tl g hton thc!!e rO\1l ~ .oynl Hell gal lIger II III e w fely con l",d ~ II C New 7.o1\\;lIId hM uo power oC n co. I of tbe ri ch Mr DOllblcdl\) next P'CCI' hy I II r . U It "hc d I I n o~ .top to Ytm t trl U m d/r W e tlr, a nd start of tho ca r throw her ove r lutO II A Conrt " Ileu e. ri OI whn IInllld ne ' e r lunc 111l ~;;( cll1n( )lIc k tli em up :>: 0 \\ OIlU th en 1\ hen l ob tempillt.n g 1,,8 cnged beallty tJlOu glJ fllghL but h88 fully d c\ eloped nnd well clln t buck l!' In to thl " We I 8Ll rrllp gen tlemall s lap, "hen be . ,"d, "I beg th \I hilt t!tprp I. n dendlv Iliwer form ed II IIlg. With good pini on fen t her. feeling cl) II1J f I breRth be 8hnll tcd "d1) Th c re IHn I'OI lI t be)ond II llICh hUllllln fOll I more or ICII!! nllt t h n )Ir Uo u 011 e l.o though IC po Ib le - pllrdon Sir, but. you see I am II LaprolllO III th e ij troke of thn~ l eh e t Pllc.lK of 1' 1 ,011 should It h nv e \lings .. Inch It clln uut 1I11 ~ ,"ly mA rlc her IlIereMe Ile r COrbCllrlllICO I:>lIln llt gu nnd U,e most uleullY 8 Cowls were shut u l' 11\ II h ell f II/tO" Tilli e. Not n tJlt of It -QlI"dell Inude r 1'"11 . Ibnt .te p 80 . 1111 And smoothl y up DOt useT On exn mlOlDg t.he Dlu-c1CK, ('\cn of tempe l'l! 1\111 becomo rumed nt ne ry \0 81do tho bRrII, " nd ;\1 r Duu ftpeed A BoSTON tellcher, "ho in II tit of 811d do wlI behind t h e Iron b \I'll The C ell I I I f II POlt Ob checL up on tillS -Ptlal,,,,,o At le ng th .he rMched h ~ r ,lin d\\ell fi erce hellu tlf ul brute cllrrlcs dcath III It hllM been OUII t lat, tlQUg l u Y tllneti A t. th e A 0. 17A~" h elll d IIrlll g th e hl cuC\) kept men f<C rva n t..~ nnd mU1C1 \ Cx lltlOn <lilted h er n8etof young ATYI/. "t OU d c!n cho It Rafael ,Ie' clr)pcri t hey are mere m I\8SC8 of fat, rlU!~ ~pnr nt Lillco ln In Enl!llInd hotb oc n nnts nnd dUgH ond g U\l8 H e ''''" COl: dnrted en lind oolt ed th e d OCl r, IInJ nddcrK o n be \llg r epro \ cd for he r laD h'nl Ke lf a Justice u[ t.he pOlice nnr! III II III 'ru \I II" hCllrd fr om h cr til l Im' rn th o clut ch of those terrIbl e 01..". llO II lthout nnv stren gth or pOlver lJer Judge tlnd cou nsel hnd mil ch tronblc to H t rald llInllkel It nnd leUl re oupe r gungo ex phu ncd by 811yln g that sh e waH nte.-$lII IOle P IOneer fhlll 8 II hnrd concClLled 10 their furn covering li e hflve n cleRr I n t Mce of long COD subtly . h ort the whol plnce Keo mud h,, _thn g \tl ~ "he n ~h I, . t no t u n e III " Ilfell,hn g make tbo lllllld wltn ell: e~ ll po n n Lrlnl A 1Ic1 nK J 1(>(Iked I kne w tllltt th o CIIIIC) hnlled di suse o f 1\0 unneceS!!Bry organ speak su fll c lentl) loud to be h e Hd by th e tu g G II O \18 nnuth er II no-&111 JnM Hilt .iKllllj to th ose IU8t commenom g th cJC\ u rt , f he r .trn ll gc 8!h cnturf' With lormr. ur tllln~ lI drcsg Crnmed a forml dllble foe and III ending III In ub lh ty to \llle It I 0 ~(>fruho rnt~ h er Khlte me nt tu e rl' N, J ob \\ fUI fSHI lo KlI pp r " lh ull(' Jllry, alld It 18 pcllllllb ill th e te mp' r o f the Merrter" W e wlilllllid bAck tllls LIDle"1.1TTLE." .1 8wlft "budd er shook m) nap YOllr ~ympatbl e. tIO cr~ dltnhl, In 11I1IlInn n I " c rc the Ivthes HC Itle red li t IOlenlll. n\ vlunIUrll) co un sel mny lun e 1, CIl thNeby t.urn ed "01"'- R <",,'er - Wt rt treed A potupou, allur fJ1 while tr1 h R. ca lee e"e.~ wh en I thollg bt o f the denth IIC\ P~ 1I!Hll ct em rll ll l .. d 1I1llD ( <.-at) lie CllIUle Back. W.. ' II 1.".1111 8 a will eM a r " plddng (or ft llWJt lUude from th e e ' t'n te nor vC It. IIflV tllre lind rob pOllr Mr~ [)urj! .11 II ho f rulll the corn heIr! !<I hlt rlllor I he r .11 fl llll ~ " ork lho.c Mille " y willte h and. P tuple 0 ( Oil" TI e "hnt"M who o,,~d him "1~nol . 1 gru Ige fOOl) nnl H II rn lllso d lst lnctl) vI ••ble III \\ 1\.' C\ 10110 wululY I\ltb 0 110 httle buy I fOC'okl n g hi m lHull he al1pN.l.d 10 the Jullgf' (lOl orn o r DU~811 of Flondll, was th o nnd the lIIuro It kll~ pc rh llp' ,,\\ IlI g to dOli' and yet "eru dcnllg 1,11 lh e hlld 1 here Ill l!Omelllln g "rong 111 R mlln's t tl clolod I tr bt erh.-.. wit h II. "cr, rt'\t face Alld whollC h OIl" had n bnb.t of roo~t lll ~ th , !<I)fL I Hth "Ill I I heRI ler ono f"lIo11 CR Use the co uutry tho pcople 1 10HtI so n of tl poor V lrgl Dlan a stern " tro Ll~ III ~ fceh ng ulln <e lf to h fI lIIan of o n It. 11111, alle-Ol lon whll e lrYlQ8 thi. cue. ~llI ce ho hili uPI er sto ry wh en Atti C 1\I!fnlis to reneh 1II a muple tree at the corne r o f lh, IlI g c1~ !\C 1I !>ebl lld laclturn man i ' ho boy was a huge Klcl ernhle 11111'< rtnn e '\ ou r Hon or rel llOn led t he "I k IlUlo Dla1l nlld fpn red for IIIUl - Ncw Or/lx",. [ .ooyw/( Yeti \\ III.l cO II;tr uoll II til e \l o nderlO!; murn ed II o" "uge r ducheAA Afte r th, • • heel 1:10 could KIle the pretty cronturcH ~ o uth of fi fteen At tbe oobln lire, 'IL ~ u c h 1\ mn n Il ught to be ga rrottedJ III p.r~L"t~:~: '!rl~,YaOrro:nD c url ee! up lImong t h e len \ c8, th e moo ll lI e ll; hburs II v uld hltH pllt UI'I>I1 the bed t llll e, II ccord, Dg to tho custom of ge otl c lI1nn hnd gOll e th rnu !!h th e ' a rlOu" Boolnll Adrtrlufr No Ict-wunq rrllc tl l.ook ...od 1lI1emnl y duwu s tnges o C bar I'l cllcltug. nlld hlld cmuctl h ght reHected frolll tl.o" uIl CO n SC IO\l ~ 10llH I ellli rm t tell Cur "llIle lli ci \\ er, On Lbe Mlu lo, . utl _I d tfOm t.he 1Jeocb wh~r. pULlin!! on A bllek logt old mao MIU thrCtltelled , Alld even lJU lh ee! w.tl1 ellBeS clI lJ oke r get up n se ll, lind IlC rb nps h e' ll As ) 0 11 Clllln ot fI' Old your own com between the whlff~ of hl8 Silent. PIl le hlIGk8 l:Ie cou ld see thu 1',10 of IlIIlI b r -ull !h ~c lI "' CII g It ~!r " ' fi gh t th e . hoe tl)lp rcclllt.c tbe I!tlll r, tlS It were - TralJWe ~::'~~lhlnl but alienee, .~d lUll. or tbat besle le th e shed wtH oh W illi tQ KIlrve "'111 milk e r, "1 1J tn r d the Kcene H e Imd pliny 111111:0 It 88 good IlS po Alb ic 111h go oulll1ld br1l1gm t bo.t gum the r!' was I ne culled !Dto Ihe box, n eller 1 h e Tra, ell,.,. 111 not LI p top (ONE of tbe Kentucky Mm tre ls 18 A ~ n c he" IIl1et f 1I 0r Conotlko II mall we bnck log nlld pu tit 011 the fi re " d' KCIIII ret! Joh ..cui H111)( "holl t hl"1'rl'l1I lUI II. ladde r ) oun g ootler, "h n 11' I'cllrlCl to he ",m H orl'uft e r s lick to o ne 8to rr -New Or Klt.tmg for b,s cartt In chllfllcter) Oper Tbere WtlS no h gh t III t h e , ott , ~e , Ilul It;t_ the p rl' l I ' u. \li ght thc pullet lit h, . chscoll r h lln to be u fool but no bod y T ab " e m Vllt !lod surveyed th e log ph cltv pel"l!OlIIfi ecl leo,,, P"OO/"'I. If h ~ hndn t. t he roo mll I1l1Oul WRS stir ring over) tllln g !!Com ell tl flll 8 lIlllllllt l got fr nm hlll\ th ~ IIh III' could fll1 el ,to ut 1111118 prosperity ator Now,81r, look )1lelU!llnt-emile a 'N o" Sir tlludthca hOHnnlllcdco un lip kll ew It wn. f no l1li expllllOllIJ!: 1 ru. t III ICC Illllc II b o smllill151y prnl1!C8 thllt It lYall too heavy, nor prudent for rollllUloll~ willch IlliUlI othe r tlll1e wo ulu t ..1II 80 bnd lie d ttlkc th e fl oor -Nm httl ' (Mmlstrol Klllll(8 ) .. Ob T that to fnvor hiS prol ect li e cln mbe red o \ c r 8to ry I nrI I" W O rnfter the ehlmn e) cor will ne , e r do It'. too 11'1110 for the the pil e 1l1 0 1l1lt~d the ~ hcd /lCized tl Tbr hu,tlur nud I eddy II ho "I're 1111 llhk e, hllll Ie•• II h o . nce rlllgl) ce n tllm to re turn WI thout lta'lO g I t. on IllS h nl o bee n denounced 118 ,ulgnrlv 10lld nc r nnd n 1'.11. of appl es ]), lrOiI F rr. wlllte pullet lind " US down II gllln nil but h KlillltlCIIg 1);)" locke I . hel' l l<hlv lit _lIres '1IIItllk~ 111m 1t'II"t wh o t_ coldl y Ahoulder Ills I U le sl8 te r P' -,II K, II .u< I r h ope \Ie will hllve no difficult) In I" .M Come, come, bev .. you Hhoultl D' t ItI truweut before YOll C01I1<1 hllv e co unted te n ench olhe r, lind '.1'cddy "LoO ped nnd pnt In<hO. re lll tn nil nllke A SUIElITIIIT IIIIYS thll.tthe tenth generll not . urpn &ll thllt h ~ requested her to mnk lllK you speak u p ' ' [ ho pe 1101, But nl M! III 1m hnRtc 1. 0 hnd MClze d ted h.d d og. hM d, murmurlDg W e Rh oul d 1<'lIfO b) r Oeet lO n o n th e bnng nut til( K"" nlld powder horn M Sir,' WItS shou ted, o r rllthe r he ll o\\ ed muke Icght o f tl mlLll . llrd c~t effor l.'l thiS hon of 118IDgie tty numbe rs a q ulIItlllion :'\0 1 IJIls fo rt llnt" II llleh 11I\V P uHeod.d othe rs 1\ 1'0SSIIII1 or eooll rm(l:ht. hR' e plUllletl or outhy Lh e lll t nellII In tone" "hlchlllmlst " fly - (; ",Ip!. (O,,/ ) JluTIl the pullet by t.he "rung me '" hcr-b) ClIp you we ren t "\lch n [001, after all tnKAetg lIut th ere IK not 11 buld bead cd he lit :S o . 3.d Ihe hostler tho Kh oe WI\." thAt the re " 1I0thing ICl g ulnr III tb oll() lh e broth e r nllght h ave seen bellr "' g ' U! Hhook t.he bUlldllIg lind lI o ulu hn~ e he r leg, tn stelltl of h er neck \IIall who ever pa_ d n wllrm dav In \ Tongh \urn. tered II cry, tillS ruused the other fO I~ I. nil th e lither fOCl t flut tho 1011.'1 Mid the wlllch be fll il uurseh CR certnlllh Il lumed li n) tllllld o r IIPf\ OUS church thnt Will not ny 8mount Ie b he brought th e g un IIDd l nb .tarted and wltb ono a ceu rd th e h eno nil ])(>gllll belte r A more glorl ou" vlct.n ry e en 1I0t be H e found the woy through th e WOOUR Illdy J here 1M II pilleo III I\lllill e ill> rocky fnr too s mllll A. rnr nil) (JIIW .. he h ad \ cry qlllc tly gRIllCd o~er nnoth cr mlill thlln th,., thnt IDto Keutu cky III 1791 After liu .b to caokle, and tho to expostll Ho" dare you 8\tCllk 1CI th nl Wil Y, th nt whe ll th e Jown callters planL corn IT . 8 II comlllon provc rb lind indeed, It when th e lIl)ury begl1ls on his pnrt t.he Kelloe 01 e ighteen yellrs h" WIIS elected Itlte and abflve tho din Job dWlnotly Ir Y' Mid tho co unse th ey luuk (or crol ICC, III th e rookH and p(lllda.W~l 18 th e c reed of th o h omccpathlH!, that kllldn611B ~hould begin on 0111'8 bel\rd II shrill vOice Cro Ui tbe cmLIl t;;.e PlclU!C zur 1 CIl1 I t "I>CIII;: no louder . ~~~== ~ h Cl"t th o g" .. ns III w Itb II muske l thc) to Congreatl A mnn of Imm ellJ!O 811.0 r oo much r p'rORch 'o'erleaps ItselC an" IItrengtb , he stllrted fo r WlIIIllIngton , 1.IIr CC\lllng out " Teddy, T ddy IItlmebody'8 the IUltollls hed ".tIlCI<8 lit,. cnn' t rll ije ducks lh ere no how, for the hke c urcI! hke But th ere I! ono thLDg Lnte Hours. nlld fllil s 011 t'other ~Ide" l"rlcke4 .ue goln£' b, the ",ay of hili <)jd home, to see telllptlllg to s hout loud e r thnu befo re stolle~ 8ro I!O lhlck th e ducks elln t get to whI ch nCltber hom copatbtet nor allorohbing tbe hen rOOllt I" All 1I1lI0I11Is except thol!C tllllt prowl too Khorply, the dehnquont bken~ patil1st h as prono uD ~ed nn oillnion, and H~ did not thl1lk It prudellt to \vUlt the fo1l18 who had long unee glvell 111m eVIdently thmlrlng the r.. ult to be 10 U, eJ r b.lI¥ betwet'n UI ODI 14 pl ok up il,e tba~ i. whntcures di slik e w henr more\ but c1eured the feli ce, lind lit IlIght re tire w rest 1!00n .Ifter tho eUIi bull grows Hlillen lind tiIIVllge, and the liP for dead Enu~ rln, the little CIIbii1' spcakrng too low grn88hop)lffll 01111 the only "ny the ROI>RWO A S plIlllRrd, lIud TomhnllO ••/ "Pray, lulove YOIl beeu drmklng tillS sheep elm get At the Sp rtgs of grllll8 I~ by fttarted at. a bnsk rUD IICtuS." Mr DOli go~.! down, fro m whi ch wo mlly eonc lude pcnoecutlOn CC1ntllllltng entls III rusIllng door Dear bed timo, he 1a'" the Identical 1111 emlllent En ~h8h athl ele are matcboomorl11ng ?' s bouted the coun sel, wbo gnndlllg t.n Clr nO!<CH on a grtnd stone blcdnv K corn fl elel Unfortunatel) for tI~llt Nlltllre m tended '11IIt the humlln madly on th o Kpear lhllt wounds him gllm log He ~\>l~)dered it, pulled the The nlllt" e. uf th" hest actions will latch strmg, an(! 1Iitth b1.8 load stood b&. hlld not thoroughly IORt the IlUIt lelllnant our h ero II chanced thllt. M r Double speCies should folltm tlwlf eX llmple It But. that nln t n circumstAnce to 0 to wtllstl o at. R IO JlIll CirO the 'paDlard dny s hostler "ho .I~pt III II loft 01 ar 18 fWIIl t he ell rly holt'" of sleep IIhl Ch n ot benr too Atnc t nn In~l1l ry It IS foro tbe old man , pIpe til mouth, WI qUiet of his temper pillco on the FJMtern S hore the re the Hlakmg 60n 000 relS, nnd th e EDglish a re the most SlVfet nlld re freall\ llg, that 1I1I0wNI thllt th e ellllkC of mo t fi ctlOlIS "'I es zur," wall th e re ply lhe . table WIIS lust tUrtllllg ID l or t.h e IlIlId IS tiD pHor, thllt. It t.llke. two kll mnn SOO 000 It I!OUnds 1110re till poSlOg the re ncc umulntloll of ml180u lllr eoerg) good or bud \lin) be re~.. lved \I1to tb e IIlI usual nl~ht Rlld bCRr, th o II h ole co mm otion " Alld whRt bave you been dr1l1klllg ? dCllrMto lilly 'klldonr, and 011 II cleRr to l!Ily \iu.!l..Ol O rei" yet the ~\lm tS rather , H ore 18 the gum bftJllc log, father" Whllt S oml l!S? he crlecl from ll\8 li nd bodily strength takes pi.lce ~~ \I, II 101 e of o ur~e" ~s but tho II(llf 101 0 v II Corfee, zlIr dllY lOU C III I!('e the g rll8!!llnppc rs chmb le8.~ lhlln$601l " Well , you ve beeD a 10nJ:: time ge tof t.hnt duo oxcltnbl h tv o f the brnlll In ",""C mOil IIlrl \liCK the m to plollllO othel'll, , And what did you hnve In your "I' II IIIII1Ie ll s toc k, lind loo k wlt.h tellrs loft" IIIdo" tlllgJt-put It on the fire and go to bed, ' TIIR F. I gentlemen belllg In 1\ coffeedl~pell 8l\blo to th e C)(C I tl Ol1 (If ollr wlilk II ltd th o Helf II>\C 18 who llv e mpl oyed III WtlS the re ply &tmobody s Atola one of nur h encoffee. Sir?' sbo u ted the exaspe rn led tn thOir oyes o ' er tl fifty ac re fi eld alld hou se one CI\ll ed for n dram, because be rlll ~ nlllkes th e nnsllercd T eddy \lIlIlSlIIg, With OtlO leg IIlg l\\lurK ~Icq' hll.~ he. n ellll ed th e plt'nlll ng ourllC h counsel the hllmhle beCli b"' 6 to go dnlYlI 011 WCl8 hot Bnng m e nuother ," says bt! ' c1I1e! lIourtHh e r \11 hf~ ~ [t but g rent ,h.tllwtlon betllPe ll "rtu e Illld , A sp"lle, zur," wns t.he tlnKWer III IhCl r knees to get at. the llrn!!!! nil th e com 1'110 Ion 0\ or the Willi "AT th e Parle EsP'Mlltion the eU lbl beCl\ul!C I IUn cold" The The rllHe,,11 Hold 011 - I II h e th e re ho\\ fell hlld It ou ch I [II rd cr tbllt , Ice nocclIUy spoke n, amId tbe rOllrK of tbt' mUl!Cjul\Ales dlPd of s llln ntlOlI IlIId tur tlllrd II ho sat by nnd heRrd them, very tlOn of IIltlll'rlll. by Cahforrua Wlll be Klee l' may be refre"hlll!; It I ~ nccPfI!lIry 0 011 t mit yom 1It' lghI H>r o f 1118 good e xccptlOnBlIy fin(, ID n Jilly I sn ld the hostler nnd I lIrry wbolo court, excepting on ly th e now key bU1.7JIrlI ~ blld to CIl1I grn le Their eKtimoted qUIetly cCllled out Here, boy, hrlllg lil t! on n s mllll bllt I "chOI'01l8I1blu IlO rtlOlI to ttlk c " UO, e lc ut p:tccrCIOIC III the "pcn 0111111011 Ilf 11I1II"C I[ C rll. h n '''omnn's 'II clght IS fil e bundred tond A. p,r thorougbly wild counsel who flung 1111t 18 n COllllt) III Vlrgllllll me II glMl! beCII\111e I hke It.." of tbe cloUllng he hAd Jus t Itlll 1181do IIH dnrlll g th" rillY to , lit II It \;ht "u p pcr, se lf esteem lind YOII m Ike h er cros.~ nmld twellty feet square at the blll!6 and down 1118 bnof, and m ollecl Qut o f tb e whi ch 1:>111 bellt thnt, here tbo IRnd IS A PLEA S!!lG IIIsllloee of Hhal affectlen he )otlled T edll) IIlmest Ix Cvro t.h"t or 1\ n< lit 1111 11 \ "'rlmg t . 1I or (offrc Inte g rrllllcd Rnd " nil IHII ~h Do the Slime nellrly I!tl vcntt. fret bl gb will reprel!ent cc urt-room S4) s te nl e th ut 1\ lie u the 1\ IIld 18 nt the youth hnd got Ill. ot.he r leg 01 e r the In t he ~HnlCl~ t(> Klee p on u hlllr mnt,. With a mllll nnd ) 1111 vnly mAk e 111m tbe lIO\en militons of cubiC mches of 1I0rth " cst th ey h", e to tie th ei r child WI\.!! AhoWII at Atibhurnham, M.I18II, tbe I" "", wl t.h \I light CO l c rrng of bed morose You lOlly m ~a n to c reAte A Hl\ eet, WUFN Field Mllr~bal Von Moltke wns ren w kcep th COl from bClng hlow llilway other dllY wh ere II middle-aged man wen~ wall gold whICh have been produced on the But slight. Ill' the delny hnd beeu, It clothes, }II n room freely \ c.It.llated It humbl..: c rcnturo bllt you' ll nevor e10 It l'nCific COIIlIt Thi8 mllllll would be a IImple colonel, he astonisbed the m em there.t tnlces SIX frugH to lICe II mlln, nud IOto a ~ro"ery Htore 8nd csHed for l1limB by regulnrly Il\kln g ten II hell the do~" bnrk, they bn' e to 1('1111 of th e voorest tobncco romarklllg," I pruved n welcome one to J ob who diS IS well know n thllt th e Duk o 01 Wdhng The pellple IIho tlllllk best of t he lll eqlllvnlent to a aolld piece of gold as be~8 of hlB tlllctly bCllrd the ahov" colloquy And toD till II hllie old \II\ln, II ,," IIcc lI stomed SOIV.,Karc npt to be the bCHt WOlllen IlIrlle as a room 8111teen fee t square and Frederlok d'on out of hiS IlOck et nt dIU aglll\lsl th e fcn CeA , tha hof8Cs nre so do 1I0t UIlO wbacco, but wont thiS for 1111 yet thero see med .CIIrcely a pos.~lblhty to slce p O il II IIl1rrO\\ hllrd plIlIet nnd grow JlreHy III boh eVlD g the} lire 80, nnd lIeirly sixteen feet in hel.llbt. Around ner and lYing them besJde III ~ plate tll\1I tbat It lakes ~w oh e of them to mother, who loves to 6I110ke " ADl1l0NIlA UK MURIlAY 8nd Joeeph of cscnpe tho corn aOorded 110 IlIdlllg \\ 0 boh e ve t he couch of her MOJ esty I~ fine qUlllticB often creop out after olle till S pyrllmld fifty plau..gllUlll sbo:IJ cuea :Always after dmner be pockctetl th e mnke 8\ . 11I\dow lind, wh ell th ey In II a place, nnd to reach the boundnn es of tllllO of the 811l1ple.t llOSIllhl e construe hns been told 0110 hllll tb e m It ollly WIll be srrallged, In which the mineraI gold, butwnod up hlft coat looklllg beef th ey hR\ e to h oltl 11101 lip to knpe k Cook were fellow students at Yale, t lOIl It I. re portcll tlHtt tb e Duke Jllljtt grntlfies your OWII momentary Aplle to lIOurly around, and dlllllppeared It was hlll1 dow;.;n.:-_ _ __ _ __ wbet8 tile!: 8~ low III schol.,..lp tho lIeltl nn ClU.e r •• de wn~ out of the fi eclthe IUlrr,}\Vn Cf<S of hiMreatmg place on rorce YOllr own uDfavorable op'nion of wealth of. t1ie ClOUDtr.y will be .~owJl reaolved-to aak hlm the moaDmg of b,s Tbey were long ifl.lldB~ apeakm, ~d questIOn " Lifo lIuder ground» on 'tile Oomstock the plell that whell IL Uliln to turn, 80m: th ree or four bundred thoU8lll1d not Ilt Ril methochcal ID thelt apal1ge hlln dee p \lito 'lDother's mlDd It Dever Lodo WIll be exhibIted bydlagr1l~1I, and strange behavior "Well,' he flBld, "1 In the cenler of the field 11'118 a huge lind very h fo hko scnrecrow QlIIck 118 It I ~ t.llen hlgb tune to turll ou~ 'Ve nOI CHild an) good Ah If thts world , the Sutro tunnel will be fully repro- bave noticed, from the tlmo] entered blllckbtrds nro annually e xported frOUl menl of 8ubJ Fctl!, and Ci;iolr, 1n partlou -eillum henr tbe Illboriolls pellllllnt com full of ugly pcople 1In<\lIwkwllrd )Klople, this reKlment that the conveflllltlOn lit the Island of Coraela They flock there Jar wae utterly unable w demODitrate thought he ran Li' It, lind" rapped 111m l!ented table h811 al.,nye turned on women, or In VlUlt numbe" every wlllter to feed on the stmplest proJl!l8itlon i n Eticbd, C5elf in tit tatle red gnrments, I!O hk e IllS plnm of r.cst.l ess DlghUl The Indolent of Silly people, aDd valli people, knew pIIIlll'ered e plCur or the mlln who over Ita o'll'n defiCIenCies, what a sltt}ng III cards~ or liorlil-racmg, and [ have dete r the b em es of the myrtle lind arbll~ o",n that YOI1 could CICIIrcely tell whi ch A ttltlks hiS brllln lind clemes illmself bodIly sackcloth 11011 IUIbea we ebou\U hllve I "lIne<! to make a presen~ of tell p'OceS of With willch the mountaInS are oove[otl. W88 Jllb Rntl which IVM t ho sCllrecro \\ cxerCl Kll, 18 hable to Ileep rell,"u~ The greatest of 1111 things that a mnn gold to the fil'llt maD who should start a Here they become very fat, and ~thell' 80, although. he h llllrd IllS purKuers ILl' tleOlrlble 8ubJect N4-0nc-has yet en rned 6a\or and perfume liS food CtlUSC them can pO_'S II satisftlctory Idellttty If prondhlDg, ho fclt qUIto onsy !lnd com to he mu oh 81\teemed hy tbe gOimllCul.aJl of A TEA ~Ulll plYIll g between San Frail that wh ich he ('nile I , I,>ICMcS him. It t8 them" fortallle Pat1R ~ :Q~t there WM lllle enemy Ull \I h (>111 CI'CO Rn d St t)ek ton lIeellll all Elcccntrlc woll With him, oth erwlli~ he 18 utte rly Job had lIo t reckou ed it \VII~ fcdtly K IIn(\ u tlC ful sh eell 011 bonrd Tbe sh eep wretebed Letyourfellow being!! nlone, ll~le bIROK. dog ::'lllil who h i vlll g f!)lInd I ~ Irlllllorl t gHout-on II gatlg·p)nnk: at a bold no tru thrul nurror. be.furl} thell· out t~t f!()metlltD ~ WOK g(1 1R1? Oil, ClI nu I "dlUg wh~n 1\ Hock I ~ to be loa<led to eycs llnle Iy~th.1 pure~lItellt.lon to upbOunding over the fenCIl to IOve:l.h gate 8how that the IIPJlr()/lch I ~ IlI\ e; and to root sin So maya mUMr IWlth ollt a Saw be prepared for yOU act lUI e. pIlot aM matter. 1 f.
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AND H~~VE~Y~S~B~~~~::~ O:B~T:E:B:.~~~~~~~~
"A \
:\ES\ ILLE. OIIIO,WEI>NL..I.........<.;LY. FEBRUARY 6, 1878.
.. , ' I ' ~ ~ " I I III
A. Perilous PosItion. (Vlrglnl.
(II.), [ 'NIlV' ,
Ehlt"rpriaa 1
• Abou t ns tigh t a 1,IAce lUI I ever got In to, IIIIld a Co m_tock Jnllle,r, WIlJj t!(Hno yen .. ago al th e old Empir ahllH, Gold HJiI ,\l) sclf and anoth er man lI ere dmm In th e abaft for the pu rpoll{' of trJl1ll1lllll! It up, WI th e "" cillng liround sq u ce?1 nil' III the sides nnd It WII" n good delll out 'Of . hape We II c rv noLon II cUlle but . llurly 011 n plaLForDl 01 plnnk. " Ith {,ope. gomg "I' from lh e co rnN8 to lho mil n cuhIc, whIch W h n wo rcocbed l\ ugh l . hnCt II C ~lo pped IIl1d on
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Nmlh.· P....rl (III ) Tr q..,rlpt.l IterjD A!lIjvrl \IIH II,," ., "IIi.! 1 1 ."l lll'"III ' I"~ tlllltlSlll ' "I", .. bo"t. UI...mll.ftll WalWaa. ell I!d " Ihl\' lIlnt.'r, Hllt l ly 'I'hllll ~ ll''' ' 1111.1 ' ''nl 1.1 11"1 1'1,1.\" "111"~t: 1111114. - Mr. U Ibcrt It ..:ugh.l. ro 'I.' tit tv .~!!!!!I._!I!'!!!!!!!!-IfIIII!-"!~W!!!!I!~~ . ilt')II. i~ \- i ilillg It 'N. with 1'\'''1'1 of .r~ , ill;': 011 III ~ III Ill'.' j l ' I~'r '.1 111' \1' 111'1 Maily l'tIad&1'I vI ,ho·1i atl,crip l aud I ~c IUlldr I "I' th o JI~' \It' 1II'1 I!'·.\·. li t, i~, II "'~" ' I' ( 'I" II h TUIIIUII f..t ' ....r \lllNI> l'- Llltit - Mr. J utllll,h WHf\\'] ck, Df will I'WIIClIllb4)r tba\ In ule s Ul1mer tho III ' iI·.. . ' lIclll/ lill" 1111'11\10,' 1' " I 111 h.I ' hnn 4,1 1.0 ' \ltll' W dll ~'I"Y "lll,\l'1I0n: I, .lIr "ged SlIFtnKt\t'ii.I, i. visiting here. . WIIl' ll i ll ~ til Mrs . L ' c · .1,,1\11'1.11 "r I III~ r' its, und 1M)' all,l pU'Il',i 1'1';\' III1:1::S th and Dj- __ ~ , It.,nee M. ~Ilc~ 01 ' ill of 18711,,, J'VU!1K lII~n AV1'imm tly nliutlt thirt.y y~1I11 uf IIgo, Cll .... to t Ildlll i "iull ttl 11 ·1' yl't lllak IHI h .. '1 ul111 l<'l\rlH~ \vlll'll ill\lullod t l/ c 'I~ cinlJati, \'IlIih'd hi. , .IuSl S~odIlY ' ll i ri ll~ . ~ 'Ilnri~l ..• 11e gav~ hiB ua"'Ie lUI ·M.· ,thllreu ner, ~luIIIIIlI' 1 'J'uk illg lip uur lit ry ligni n. we in from tlto lJ.>nutry to< vio\, th o ad· - VlllilUliMoi ',' " ..Io~ 0\ lbie . f I'.1" r . El\Kblle ,8\)""er . IIo brollg,bt Gild 110.'1 l1l et at the gl1t u Ill' the lU1\y ~l.Ilte ri iU. oil eahibib itioll at Cad· Ice, Vllientlnu'~ nAY "'il~ Ih llt II Ole twv 1IIIIIItl1 110011 ~e , u lu'ttl!,,:tn ~'r. Wi,lIium &y"vl~ R Urlle~ i(lcI)(1e. wall..ctor'8 lI, by Goo. WltI . &1· he An uiterrnltillll n~o, Mr. Hoyn Ids ~lId Mr, 'f ylljt • IlI)llb~"l Il1g U Qlatel.n e llt to the 6ite.ot Ijp~ 8); HI w,h ieh 111.nll·r lIl'I'U~' 101\1'111.',1 fl'IIlII IIII Olltilld so urce hilt Illy ' ~bo deli'y~rod die three lee· re.. " .' . .. . t lt.a~ tile \.)l'arl·r hUll been SO Ult" hilt ed ".au III ', \f wi~ til IIl1lh " r ul' ~bl.i"l ' HUI1IlCI' wnll r p(II'lod t ho uret! on Chinn. Aftl'r ills~ting I ;-l'rllllJ \ Stok iI ~ III ~21Ilbl • the varion$ atticle8 , Fdeml ·]'urDIU luge puu~rY~"t th ellIDIllKPv ~ III d l~.silll~tl, ,l1llt tlm~ he \\:II~ ~"d . V · lhe Sill iii . rOlls lella... und 11""lIy l\~~'llt .to mUI'!'Y an hoircS8 ill f:)1\TI TO PERSONS SEEKING HOMES IN THE WEST. ny OTlI1K ~ 1,\:1"."",, ~ud ~uhe~tI IlK, ~. h u ko BQUfll' dowll . _. ffi"de "Q1l1' p\l rch ...~ l'runCls~o. E\~u l~ Ih filet that , "OOIJlPI'IIi' shll\t. lu Iy ,.,11. . ~. S ~I III \.61 lut hlln. The l ~~. "\ d(lre B· ' le ' to ay fur. whioh he --Oll\'e 4\11l11 WII \11 town f J\iI>ICTI\'E thuugh l!l frc-qu e\lt correspondence on Jur" A te~ th~ be '118 a graduu l _-:u:--~ ' . • ' draw ll~\ Il~kot.tuok fronl the in· S lInflay,l lushing thl'vug ' i wilh th elll he hlld said not a word h UUI' Sti'ccllJJ 'Lf (.Illlllbi • ' • " a O U C K ", 1". , N VI l":)I"k, au~ . w e \jt'lled° • NIIIJlalc I ou~ty grll:HI of the matter nnd hi8 reneale d ' It ~~ d • 'n I ' side- puck t 01 1111 overcoat. As 111 \I IRU d lIome cu b 1" lllry lUi GREAT iNDIJC811ENTS TO IE' 8 101'1 Y nfLCrl\'llruS, cr. .1IU I~I! ~ n\\~er .' LIJlITt:D IEUI. .y ~alOn .. wcnp·,A~ re it with ho then suppOled he retorno d the a lIIa88 of ~cCIl 'l declnrlltlOn.1 that. '.,e would I'1I0\' or - 5 ·0. Walllod, 5UO, scoured . Ur, lWYIlolds lIIterei teaprohlUl olt I t:'l"'i j wallet to it.t pllAc~ and 80011 afte r by I'cul ciltatu ur IlCr80nai e(' d d d marl'Y Ih elr 808pICl on8 were arous· 'CliriLY . lor him uud obtaiued him clnpl uy. ~nnl a \'1 c:&, elloo: ----:0:., with his wife left the hull, guiug For particu lars apply at this lllcnt • m t in nile of the ruilrolld IAn laVI .~: _I uI'ltletldll t dl~ccc~be l cd li nd thoy UCgll1l to IIIl1k inql1i ()ttir:o. l . ' I b ld'if .01' I c . \ riell, uud di scu\' orcd tlllli th o fell ow ic 's Anti ufterwurd8 durin g 11 8 1,re I\lU., s 1\ e, ~cl'Iell t I'UI uut t~ rollg.b t IC ~tore e .OW, L~tld•• r~ fur u le in D ... lIOn OOll\llr. N.brllllko. 0ln Ih,. 1 como an, - n ell. V. COrll? II has Ilite Iy put , II H of th. ~ . ~·O~~I·:t !.~': ' . 1':1 · u ' . I' 1 f , t ' f rI\ ,ri llif II p ~111 t ,,24th of Sl'ptem bl'r. lind Wll~ 1\ l'UUl . ~ 110 tv $6 ellterlDg hl8 CIlI'rlag b willob lItood Up 1\ ahowy ne w ~Igll at Ihc ";lilOlloll \ I.rm .. g lUI upon" •• U I Ie Irst ,,"u cr, .flr ",:~ou IhfN'tn J:\u t.l l.".l'l'l1l1J ab~,~~ce uf .one 0 lh. coMin ll d 81we rul " flr.t ; •• r. III 1111.perul.or. th~ m""t h•• IU.y h"",liLi •• ln • tho Uuit.ed St.llt.e. ; the proUK 'S, th e jl1r frontin g the IItO~ returll~ Itom~. ti oll,,1 llallk come r \If tL u wnr~o . . It uppcar cd from tl. ~8 l!1 .luotto". are .. OUrD. o.h. burl. y. ryo. 0 " 1'1I1'i1 c le i k~., I~~. ~h e } lI at Nallollal Ball\.;· tilldillg ,u nTllO guilt Y p01U~'•. ,,,,d root . ro.... .. All ow I..f- vcstlg" I:U IIII thllt, 1.llt ' r pultlug ." 1 Stflck Raisin Here he found h!mself minus Ill s \ 1101l1lC. g in all Branches 18 Particularly Ptotltable. 11 0 pi tl h,.~ed to be an ardent Ro· "I Wild 8kt'li nllll 'r~lIl ed DiH pookel booknn.d INm $6 to . I OUI - Mr, J . EJwin JUli ne), IlI1lI trict II pl ~ lltllul cn'p 0 1. y.Olllh.'ul \V.lId Mi ~l! I'lIh'le~l duc~tloll I. Ir..o; oon.mon and high ••hool. endo• •d~ I. IllIll made 8cvel~ 8pcoch ' AttoTlI . S)encor ln l110n y. FrlOnd Furnas thlllk ~ Suo MuC uII'an IIU CIIUl'U l it e 1'1111 , ' l'~ ut \\ard. und othe! !l'eetmge. Du. n "rill! '! b \'18 lorgrcfulle d tu Ii i II Ollll\ In N e ~ York.e lty, I.ll wll1 ch b)~~':'~;~ :=:I~::~7.~. "'j':'~':~:';~;l!~"\lfno ,," thu tinoollh u ltn.ellllford •• collenl m..,.· that illslelld of relurni ng bill will let II " I'bert'. I endi~' he Ilibitlll1 tllllly rUlncu 1118 luther ke to wilh ,,11 tho ,~'" v""iiruoe "I old~ ootlled cOIDmun . Lc b lu .t ' I'IlIg Ih lol time he JOllled Calvary II . k I I ill... O'... rllm. nl .. I 1~1I1l10111C conc I.t III ,r \ n ~ J 0) oan . g p ·cuuilirily 1I11t! lIeurly broke hi obtailluel ulld.r II II UII 1Ch urch 1m:! Rcemed to be doiug Ie se !' U.1 Utrill. to 1115 pOC ct, 10 lUI~s t 11iVO. "."~ 11o" Iho hum .t"..ell",,'!! whi ·h giYo lin por.o"o. whe~bllt' 11>1110 orlood. lllJllrn e C\V IIItO .. sdIlY IIlglot. h " I ~m ..le.~ver t I . , t 01' . I' . \I D ' _ 21 rOlli'll "I "I!'ft. :140 ""r >1 Ire<'; ~Dt!II,"O to I,en",,,o of IOffllgn \I b" 1>1&COO it iut" II hole IU tbo It nlllg " rage thd IISdllUlte d Sp nec r, a mI ) mot • ~r ~ lear. Ie. Clllll e II 'lU. blrtb .. It" Dl . e .'1.1' , e A' M d M' I . . I WI'wlt t 1111 r ) \\ C. lor oitlzen, hil' tho ~. 'u. I'r lvih!Ko IFR"il 11 rlllg a ~ 18 tlUle, WU8 br wi h a rrusted lor ball of his overcoa t nnel thnt it full I o roo oovd mw, l u Col . Neb. cr I n XCII II' he 11111 rl'lcd a )'ll l1l1K Ilid Y tillll ~. U" I, . IIO. '" ~Ir. \{l'~' llul ti~ lind otber trl eudtl.and Ti ok.t.II lor ...10 by John J . eo...<1 . ~I I '1 Rucurobd.lliv I b I ot .• Oilloinnl k" t I' I ' ovcrcollt (ll.ltertu ln eJ 8e l'ol'lll .,1~ I thm!' ~ lll. 9 ••"J•• follo"lngl ... . y. tlf a h i~hly r~l'ccluhl o llll\J wcalthy r\li.", Im,n.!. IIcq nlli lltllllectl whom be bad lOud e brullp;h .})efi rc u 1I111~lstrt tl roug 'tliC 8 ,fr 10 118 . Jttl, Illld i hUll ily with ",b urn he lived sU lli e. If ot II dcligJ1t ful lU ll purly, l u~t C lnc t)a lmmtl t, here, huu nu SII8f.iCiOIl tbut lie ..... as sellte~ced. tl. ulle mUlllh'" i1ll to Cozlld. '22 . n .. und trip. f,ll3,r.o; OlltO tllIl ou r p . t Ie. 1,Ill 11 ', (or.O :at nrdll el'en in Pri 801l' 1tloin r ;lIore thall a 'eHr one child INUIA NAPO LIS to COZ,\.U it WI\8 picked up b.Y so me dislluoC80. 1 I L ' mont 1 \Jail , .20; rOllnd tr\t>. tlJ2,6CI; If tlt y lluurn e'8 luwycrs g. r40 d~r' I! other th nn ) It , Ille Ie or. 1l8t April 1er80n for nothing of it hns bl'cn - 111 r. lind Mrs. Charlcs '. ' f I I ' . hl'ing b" rll to Ib c COI1I)I". IJ 're ho An I!:.~ ur.ion 1'ruill .. ill I"... ChHl.ulla tl and 1ndil\ll,ap ollo. II "rll 0 III I( U" C;'I PllM on tho ....... i~ell Bi~oe bv the o,,,ner 01' lInyunc ltlllCk Icrt h re hut Thnrsd llY IIRill t· he Ilo;lunis hed Mr.' R eynolds und 8u ed I,1 r"eod'l I. ; 1 \' 1'/.:1''( bis t'nlh . u \\" ~ (Judge .n t! Fobr ..",)' . 111711, "l,en pllrti .. ... ill be .ho"~ir""ll:Y WI'Il' Mr. A. O. Tyng with ~he eonfCl8 : ~}' thf'O.l ,.,.t.~ ~""Jl'nlIUl~ jJUJ'& rd 0 118 \ ' \ • B.. 1'lu \\ .~) nllln" lind lIblllined hlrf(t' .I"ullnr, ... dis'po' cd ' . in~ ,Iircctly " For It else b"v neoll I' lurt'Sr Iheir IIIl1rri :\~c. 1011 tllllt he blld . oocn1imarried. in u Ollr ~fork.ti ou, al'1'ly W HAVr. ,. OLAY 001,. Cozad.. p:j 1~6~8oa • 01 • IlH tecJ 1I11~' ' Kr'I' lI n , I1IH >11111 8 ut' money II lid li. lldl y I'IIn ,.~ • .• k . b ~_""'4.a",. ' " · ""•• ",.~,,,,,, I .' • II ~ , _ •• d ' _.. , \ IOt • II nu.\\ I' · ~ on IL fI'dIl It r.11 .• " rill! I\' d gran 1m' b Ullu pUltt Iltg II IIC II' ",/111) lUlu Ivorc.,.. . e c . alme ' . . I !IT Y ' . ..... 1 l~i1rlb)' RnQ ~ . . ' 1III' IIY, IlIrlll ng n\, o us we htiv o RUIn MCBs'rs Abne r W rirrht ~ Co Ihut the marriag e had been lUi . . .,b . - . C lin tna , a ~lV lli ch h I:! \\'III! ncq ll1\tcd. II ~ . . . ... . I I' . . " 1'1 . Ollllln is . rl\wlUl l.n- uum. ' t t' l ' . . unCllrt, \111011 e a Illmne il ~ "'orn U'llt II 1I1111ic iC> II B Itl etlrtll 111 "PCI attlln 011 1111 1tll"a lc \1110, oltd that be wl81~ ed 11IIving 'c 1 1I \t·~ ~ 'o w . will be gIven at thIS pluce OIl Wed· Middle finn , r Illtll ' . ,. .'. .' . l'U thllt h,' hlld IIC I' C I' b"clIIOl~ wh ore lite ultl "'mll ' 1o Itllry 1111 thuugh t alld recollec dll't, rcl'd tion servlln£ ,~d. "I'Ittell th~ dclulI ,utur) frllm IllS .'. . ,. !l!lSdilY ~ve., Feb. 18, wi ll'. II 1\t1~ nl8u d illellv , c adWUI, \stoOO. lind t hey arc now rColdy fur t' .t. lI t! .~llIti 11~llt the fut~er~and ~~:r'Latl/r~n~!~~1 ~.~~::lt:. ~I:~ crl'd Ihut III~ Illd~8 Hull. ('\11 1111 t., th o titlo uf Illgd. Il'eln ll vl'e v I th l! dlvurce d WIfe were ,),V> '1 Id MC8l!rB.. Pis\eya DrlGra ollieha ve I l\I ujllr WIIII I'lIl1rcl -D n't forg t thut GUll"" Icc IIHII"ll illghi lll\\ il"grl'n lvinoic ilhllut flHlndu +'. ~ ' wv() . . , Ied tagetil'c, ~esBc8' UlI~~COtll not\ le fc.ulltd . hav · till n. Mr. ltl·\'I wivdd\\ 8t ' b er over "0 unft(J CIIIII · ~ years, tu res in ' ebIlD/)1t UII Ih u '1 c..,ll ill~ of I1l'8S , 11111 I IIlilt Iu escup I Illig sl!erolle t 11'1)'I~C VIIS !"UI'IIt1 ' t lelll . 1e l }O. _od bav!! given more lhan 4,0t}0 lfrida the 15th Thill will . ' I IUllll icutl,d with 11,1,111\'1' 1I11l11lIl k,·d be all hll.! y l'hllllgc , 1 his nll lll e. hi e true belttrl~ . ~ ~ ~1I ' , . .Ooncor te; alwaYII to deli~htcd clcI'lIe ;11 0l)purtl;m t,. t,/ hl'ur hllll . 1IIIlIIC being -Wulton , The IIcetlsiun een III ~~nR11Iy l'1IIICI ~CII 11111 I~ IIIII 1111 1'1'1'1alllll lllll. Th,' ~";j " r n 'I'I".d 8 ,.·' d' eNvc r elll ce. 1111' rcih'lII: illg 111111 hc hlld hCCIl lIil J au ,encea. W eare 000 fld eu t , JO dg. Go duwn • I ' ki III': ~ . ul II :! ilia fig t I" V re' 11$ COll lc8dlO11 W118, hcr.'·remlllD d h l.'U )r n b' IlpU .COI llllt ing froan what we no\v kuow I)f l ~(. L ced UII.! \,r"lIIi ~i l l !!: lu f.. rwllnl l,a ' l J I . n G I " \1 I t ' II~ he ~u iJ, tlalt ho hud been 1' 1 ' < )"g s " .1l11· c red· !ilif~rt8. Ip Wit I ."!tl · po~ whi ch \\' .. uld prn\' c thll trnlh tbem, that they will meet wilh the UII ' '11 oug 'l;I' I' ~\" rc "~ lIiz,·d ill Ind ianapol is, a ud tl'lll he Wilt l (JIb . lib vlgol"dalld lillll ll Y ul his usser' iull same gratify ing IDCCC88 here that ' 15t;allu :'I':" II.e Ill,\! u .• Th e pUP<'rs d iJ I c . rUt;' ,} I I' c nl'~tl he ahould be traced bere, t Ii' tw~ '\l"e,r~ < etNt Il' . l they hu~e elaeVlcie. Pruf. Pixl ey i ~ I .. . 1 ~cudlar 1I0t c,)me 1:1Il1 'Alr HO \'lI.,I,I ~ llllli l oU" 1 u IS I' ~~ li e I'I'ol,o'e d ttl .,'/ to Oaliforn • ill to 'OB, llellr I IlII TO TIIK WEDDING,' 0 \\,11 II III Mr T\' n'~ wrule tl~ th~ Iriend!! of a mall poe8C88U1g ClItraor d"IlIur)' La I t ICI/IO. UIJ ' to f to e8cllp(', 11 lij story J II> W88 Stl P\ aU!l1' bl e So moen I1r tbe IIll1ry .• Nul\' fur th . \·,\lII'g e nt. Hi8 voice is fine and swel·t, pUrll~? II : ~nKurll Illdy. "'lIr11iIl Jl thl'lII ug· ~ ~b land bis contl'itiu ll evident ly 80 great the lMlquel The weddin g of and ie partieu lurly ai\apted to tbc . - • re . . eut la8 retl1rll~ I Majur nilla! Bonner. Fllmlly on tll o \ cry c;,tlU 6'.u ( tu : IIHlt 11Ii! fr iu lld s ugreed to 8uy noth · Bonn~r I\lIld) Millt' Langl e,. \\'a8 lIet day befure Ih o weddin g wn ~ lu i 'pieces selected . He hae beell a IllS tirdt love, . Il,e 8~tI~e . . _ __ _ _ F 1'11111. illl! ,, 1' wll at WIlli ,uld them. Pr.evi· fur 'fbu~ay last :tlnd prepara ~he!, of wn8.i~ man! , erlrs, h.uv· 1H l'rllll;1 recogn.zcd III U\ n!l , 'Op tions CO llie oft· tlte I' r<'le l1Jl'd d i\·,· rc(· .ll e ·.1 ,. u, I .. his dl'lIl1rlllre fvr Califur uiu, had. CP' in ~he inlrielleie flf pl\pel'8 a;ri v('d IIl'l'I'. li nd i'rlIl·I·,1 t.. ' ' ang taught PllIhV 1'11I1lt pa the til t Knte Olu ~ tot-,Js tr,.'ul'e at the d nts o~ sin~i ng. Mr; Gran , ' H uu ,~, (J, ll cmnUI I. tlt c IIl ll er ..a),;Ill'll li e d"c\nred to them thllt be sh :)Uld pre pllrmg' Ihe ' lmUtll tl'()UIBU lllj bl' Iho Vl'rit'st lra.h . III 1111' It \l'nll ' ':CI el", IIl1m:y agRiI~. ~e w.ent to th~ cU \ll~trI ' ~·u . ~c( ?.. ~ re 1111 IIIB 18 III so a Ii lie Sl uger und 18 1\\I Ied I - 1 he ~h·SSI8. B~r ll ett, lill cd lilllc ~Ir. Ty llg 1111.1 lI,h i ~"d II 1'\·111 \It 1111111 "" l' 1"\1 ' 011«)0, luk lUg With 111111 let. WI th Iud lEIS allel 1111 0 I tloUIII us bcil'g the author of tho pO)lul ll r . tltc hw; " 'x I\'cl'k ~ . bllll'l'.l d I.-en' ti ,·c at Sail Frulll'i ~e". \\' h". II" II,,· vcr "'II highly exd( ia ver Illtl lui ppy cvenl. urtic\,' IIb.lvc stUll'S, Wlb' n 1'1 songs "Vlm r Mi sion." "Du th~y , I. ,"~ 01 pU I!ltry 110111 tlt l ~ "Iu(e.- tcrll I'I'U Il1 'cvcml persons here ., "1'11 ,1 tlr - r rll lll ll.~ nt V 'r~ol.'s there, and 8ue· About a t)Uf,llDl.'uf i ll"it1\tll Al is me at Home," "Oll ly Willt UIIO tillY ul lust \\' c.,·k, 11 ,,'y "'~ I,,,d tho XU" I)/( IU.dy .WI IOI11 !llllllll'r wu~ I ~tJllIii"-'" dl" uKh· l'cl·d"d III oht.ulnlll~ Il purtn ~rs hi p bcen sent. " ~ allJ 011 W (,dlll'soIu y rnhi.ut III murry. tu )In'''1'1I1 III{' wcd . ing." &c, Th ei r vlIiccs bl ell d \amll ' Itel I'd II. t II rk t:)' • \\,1 " 'h, II'h ll ll At. the Old Stan d . dl·,·S" II UII O. ut tho leadl1lg luw·firnl8 of all illv oice df}fre '(, I't~ urri V\'d 11""' 1.1 " Ig, whi ch chI' did. J )11 1'1 11).; tl,, · 1 ti I'nlly J togethe r, and 0110 IVlI llld ' od , wl"gh,· J :H 1 p.Hllldd, }(""P' co".'"nt 1 011 IIIIII U 1111<1 CIty , IIml set'Hled to have cvery dear t'ricmJ8 ) iI Sun Frull ci ' , ' ' 11 Th \I l:l·kH wh ic h i lI h'rH'''' ''' hI'( ,,'('\'11 11(1/'0 11 " '1 (" PIJ(IJ (onl< never tire Ii tl'~l illg to. tltl.'lll. I - 1'11 \V illi ll1l l Ul':lhlllll "?III O I l'II~ p"et ul. duing w~J1. What ".C' bri,~ e Wll8 ip. a tre BII(/yil ' mor '.'1' tJ~·, ~ -1, 1 Ihe l illie ill 1\ hi ch \{" III I\' r kllt' \\ AII.lov ers 01 goud SI1l~'lIg . IIIInhl .tc,~d I\'IIS ~.l./)nght It,} 111'. VYl'Iiti AJfD Top 1 ; 111~' ie,. "Jlr i1~:J l cun ~d tu .~lIm t.h~re II tx:8t t~ld III MU.lur Hormer 8troh'd 111 $ notfal lto att.euu OWII ' ~ tu tL(' ISnlllh luI' S3 f1 ,lU pc r UOI't! 1111111:11'), Ihu t Ih e 811;T; CI"II~ .. 1 ~I I·~"\' •. l{"y .1 }~1J l r i ll 11'<1(/011 •• , "(;" . . ~ .\ l lli c lu\l I\\lIIg. \\ltlchw efilldl Uthc mOllstll chcem uluccllt . I . bar~ tim ,s the gen era I a d 111181011 Smi t" , 1'1'0ba hl y, ly 1" [ 11 thlR 1\1 ,111 .. ,,11" 11·1!" \\'·fI' ·lr" II ,I·d II l1 d Oh . l rD ' I" U\\, II 8 ulOr ' AI " ' .• • ' , I• /'" 1'on~c ~ 0 • • e City, Buur." e, wh ·"eCum II · Lan" " , ,.r k . II ... I "Ilk 111 o hud It" Il II h';lII II' the' day "I' tl'll IlB been pluct'd a t 25 ct... · H I' ,hlln a llY ul her lIlun ill W , M ill I II!I 'l'~l1ICI eo \I·l·dd" ,!!'. II,,· •lutl<'1 •.1 n '0. ·pll i rill,ll. lll'h.,. P.i"t i n~. Trill" '''''''. ill'I' II cC lllb I' : cd witb curds, dra nk \"Iht 1\" l1l1li ~ed 8~ta as. Th is on.1 Itd iu lli ent Coun Ly. li e gilihel'd Ih om in. . 'It w ill l'e remelll bered ~bat on ti~ of ·g inger VO)! to dn' \111 Ii 11 . IlIltl Ihei r lalllil il'p 11" '1 ' " ' 1 rI,IIl.11I 1 , Wwd· W.. rk AII .t B h ,.,"lth'"l> ,I"n. 10 urIsstl'lctly fir I·clll~ . Oellt3CU!l ?tI 11 t.,) wilh 1l!lt (,l~ hl,,1 tc !,';! r,.III. nil t d - Lost, ei ther ill WUyll e ville .. or tho ~ 4th of St'pt~m~r ~lI8t, r. A 1'lr..... M." . ~'ment"f . ...."'::~,':'~...-:::::"~==~ Wm. gWllh.and~ly 8I roll ('~ II bolll ,ltl: I'rtIl ill!! th o ~!HI" "H' 1I1 Iiad nt Cadwa llader's IIlId rl8plll Corwin. or on th e rOlld belwee n.. Boul:!le 11 \f1t 1,(· hut! u.., ....t ....... rIcaa~.,"" WIl8 ~o· trllll 10 Ihe 00. eorridol'll Ur l'ille Pllince ll utcl. ""1'11 div lUC\! d fr~. m I,i, j" II II1 l'1 wi le. .& Bros'. " tbese pincc9, ou Munday, II pU8~ .c~~rt . ~r I'~p". ~~~Jlty l?-r libel. 1'1 .". ",urk. RhO<' . ~be .PvLL1I1G 'IJI8 ·OliCI8TLV WIl18K£1t, The ol' iden\ tlt>si!(11 II',," 10 hel H t K-·· M R ' h d book eOlltuining three 1I0t ~ illclud· l~cnm~~lloos, lielng ~;tr. \I\ld.ll • r\.o AS {"I· and refusiDg. ·'be cuwfor ll:d. 'A im! tl 'l'm till " !l til IIH ur 11\l' 6l'Ctl!ld . nI~ I'~.- t\li 'D:~. ing Il illite und Inortgl' ge. The lin· II>\f,s:_~11Ii"trf:&Qr~1iI5rlll1iy . W88 thc 80n thc' lt()~I) ~ '· But. 10 mutter.' 0" mllrrillge 'cu .<~ • 1~9 , ge~ e~' ~~ lhe Or der ~0111d be duitably ~ewl\~ded bl uf. ll, ~el ,kn own · rl'otl, I\ud 'th ull trn,,~ ~ ,~k Tlai:~TI~.· brllk~r. of Tqei<\.a, ).! I\f~mD9 ~8~~ilrl.r8, dang ,l' thll SUIIH! Ilt thll! uffiee. . .\ tllilt na.rue, whu comllll lted SUICide J'or l~un~ilci8oo witl~ hin~ Ma lv.(:ll ~uI~. 1i8t14 Mlll. Q( tht8"placel w\tre mar · l ea~tn~ JII. ---e -.-- -D J Ih,· Ito 'u I' ••. "'Al.TI)~ . . ... M : 1 11 II tiut), tub se veral yeRI'8 IIgo FI.KIIS 'TO )II ' JUI'~Nn01f. Tr~l1i i't!(fajl (lvei nng by Es' WO - . 1'. IlIlIOS' " ....uuu .... "'«I 'I R } K ' 1 b r ' I d r. I ' ''f . d . . ffi II r' gymau ow to 1.!ll \!,eU Hl' edl' to ·...all·ln ... ·· 1I The' guests W illie RU8sum Visited Wllw illg. ~II\VIIl~ l\ WI I! u Nul\' I 1111 1\' 1' hlnl~<·1t c .. llle tl' ~~ df>lrt In II dUl'l "dee. }Jerfurm tht! coremon lin!c "1 c pr<>mptly . . .,.111 .,"'" lOB JIAK AlID DAIT, ~ t url alll ' ,li e 1'1' lit in II Idl l·r , ., Iho ' a lt it\8 tS i d t'ellent ' . t were f 0 as II folluws 11 I·S. llu lI rlle. u 0( 111 . Ica rtc ' Thuma s 011 11 ur 11) II , \\ CII r nI PBispha m Illre I I f f " Ill lpcn(I'IIlg t I _I " l iJ u))/ \II d I J" . '\Ilg 0f l . t ie cutu trl'\> MI'I J ostice Maoington to Oxford , tb ellce to L xi 10 BARD TIME Lllk e S TJ' DBJeE \\ hic\' hc '«ollie 8 all .ICJ over his ngton, ~1II't . 0 ~bn Im eu ' . l " S' n\lve , 1 'nWtUD IIIIeft'Yo d rraaf1l!a vl,lcd Utlll1trl_ helld. D' unw'I'dd "'_' lI l: d cl," 'le ck . a'nd the Vf:j'C ftlcl " ' Ilc r~i~ li IIg ,I 'llt ~ 1111rn~ is HQI'''' ••"""int(. . hoc. Ed~ thence to Lees hurg, whel'u th ey IlII \ tlllrtl~fi '11'oy 'I mUllde l up Jam"'" lIll lI tl .21,,. )I....... p ..... _ .......bctntoI7 ...... lar d Iiu g in his sleeve over Hon rll c's d i Bonlle r ~I'd 1101 W 1I\1 ~ 1I hiTillS J'o\"eda turko" d ilu r "olt·" nr l ill " I Hi 1011 ward Lipjinc ott. and wile L, lila" U l ve St.e nn l T.,.d e llen· .h,.... James J tit '0 ' \ . • I.!\O ovrprlalnrr aDI_ for *_1_ .J d 'I I. "".,JaII. .' tlie J I \ .S Ii tl Re· setti ng u.e .m&ll ~nmo' only "~ com nrc. '''e U t Ie salli e A Do'il Uiss· fur th eI r s~~11l1 beuefit ; '"thenc bllek t'H)dll be titt' uo d..... '''''......... _ .. op.....uaa,", ny j l MI. be true, bnl he'll tho g lldt WhI"" r'''' . _ .... inRinu an WII', Mk~lIg . . ". 801,1 PETER , 0 llk , III E a BERLY I~r, h Lanp'loy . b u~."; rccei ' "'ea't'.:~==.~ ved 1\ letter W '\ ' . frlllD P c· a ~" AI'lce and Ida 6ibbe Ella aud t roug 'l atiug pl\.C cu.~ ' lIIg that scvera has erellteu truu 8 all wltb the . " . ' . to I IIl1ng.un. \ e k t ' .. mod, ro. all ntatIal all8ft·· oI_""" ...... ~ I ' d t k' I Allmllk in ...lenna 11l , read It, 8hrlcke d, and hllllded maleria l.,.,Ollt of whieh ti,e a""ralld8\ ei ~h·ride B n C les,srt pe ~u e ' lOgs an d d cs· 0~ Emma Bar~r, Lida and ,Ella. D ul, t'o rt'goina KEYS . ' tt M' M'Il' TBM . . . . .OllllG to fI I I , d .•. T ....ot:k.,.,......... _ I t I l ......a.t>Jo. ' t 8icated . . apple larts, b'llI~ht a ticket I 0 18l! .J Ie,. w 10 u I!1I r<'U I lIu,:"tlv e II! wo,:cnj ..... Anna Mamog ton Mollie Bispha m 4.1D... boll.. oft<...._.~ _ _ III.... " · -Dr. aod MI'8. E. l' Dok.n gllVt' t I ~nd IOU,. tbe : I FlaST·OL d k" AIB I. oiDft. 11M! ..rulD_ '" aa _ , ........ 0 •• t und 8wooned . . 1be 'e Bowman' Mary Knl'~llt' a very enJ'oyable leR·lll\l'ty III:!t 0 \\'u8 IrulIl dcv lI flyawa y With 111m Fl'1Lnc1 Wf R 1. 1 "d":l VII 'tlltlll . I'1 8811l g Idl ~1 a car· 1\ aister of th e Ma;vrlutter , , l'O. . ..roltwp. I Tb d 8, and cnllve ,. ' II II le U U At Illst 1rill IlIg. sent d I a ccounts 10 Ol'I'Y the' de.I·1 1IIId al .. a ud NaDoie DuH'" Me8s1'8 ura ay even .lllg, IIIe I"j'v II " WIII~' II!! I" "~ & • I I I' II ....... '-''''1. lloOf...u, . 110m ...... b. • 'II 1111( In.orOiatlO n tInt Ie gl)t !tIm t M 1111' tl Il'loUg II I)y d lly I'IglI It0 E ton. e tieI slart , ocrew·worm, .bo..ld..-. II~ fill' 118 ~l\lt L..lkc City oolmB ispbaw • .A. J . Grubb, Har· nUID ed glles ts b' . 11M! blld " Hoi KE1{S. d . d I elllg ' pre 'f .,," t .t1D. . ocpo .....ou.o.....,ut.. . .d'-.nd .""'7 : 1' . W ill iuwe llt v.ith Ilnuehi . ng At \'oid LOW ry Doll Micbae l Loon~y and Da· alld Mrs. Gorden J. Wrl~ht, ",n8u~ ell.ymame, ,(JVllI gUW I C ,lin 1'01'1 LAR PRICF.!I . mlldp .... btlraW _IO_b~ ta ••Ddbultlll.. . Mr. . . I' .... n .L. lfI,hc LATF.8' f8TYLE IInd "'lh. ",,.t ! l.cllnlO • .....,._.r oaIlIGG . yie. Graham , I d and clllld In tlte 8tates. 1. I~ bleor_.o corroh. . TIl.I. DKATII s Do PART.· ·Mnr ll"' ~ ri .l. WIll pl._ BLU&, BADGE. , ~1JUJ,! r \'nllug Ica rl an all d mrs .• IlI\, d on E van s, MI'. all d II"I H ,,~II ~",l bo' ""nvln ed N IAmOD_ oc:rwt.........ID........... D•. ,.......sucb t S~ .; I (TIl' M II' La I II lIra t'109 t e I(~grl1~ was recolv . ed t' . II t tl 'd .. , _ _ _ ...... _ I' 'I CD rom ... 1' 1 1: 1 • Mrs. J ohn F . Mi88 ildlllC, MI'''. IJo\'IP1)' .0 .. II n .In/rOOn •• '" ele. It: resl I ('DCC n ... ., ndI'. , . . . t KI,YR ', ''' '''n . tre"t. "I'r'''" 10 't o I ~~S .ld I Ie nK U! an intilllut(~ IritHld of the l"tillg! Oyll 'Wooll cy, in Way ncR I ...-. . . .. I)OUBTLE8S, most 01 our old eiti' lard, Mr. Ilnd l\IrR A. 0 : McCom \'i ll e, .JulIllar ), Till! ROG1K~ .~OI1~., 1111 tIllS ', .'. 111111I(t mSI I~ pockt-t, dl· in t his city, ~lng.thllt. ~t.lie .!~:::;C;;:r~";!:":!::=::'::~t~:;: rI writer 81, 1878. by IIIIl Rev'd L F. va;, .. I~O wnsea nreme mberth e pl easntn odus,M r. loIndMr". J <'IlilA . "u lec y oven III peen ,ur o r ~ all al . _.'1 ' . , llkey . . ramUT, CI 1 ' 10 In lb• •_co or • I>br........ ....~ .. M 'dl 0 1 I t E 1'1'" 11 . Illwrec ' .' jovial landlor d, Ulldc: Bill y Marsh, nlldM is8cs ~tullie(;lId\\,i1lhlll elvoo, '&_1116 '1\, lormutlO lI 1 e ve. r. 'Iir e8 . urulOck alil .,.,raIno, c:u ... _ ••nd 'or""" ", cl'alld l '~' I :lcl ~PI I u \'(:~ o (ldlscl(1rl.f(?111l8 Irom Mr. " ••bunu,...w lam.lUId otl_ . _donMl bT U(>OOlU'L r ... ~yfl~, ~ ho e IRb lished lw,l npolled the Nanuie 'Vl'i,'ht . ,·dtI Ptio¥ia, s .n 01 Mis!! Cuth crill e M. W ou ll~y, uotll 'l'hp ..... re,i,' 11l _"".,,1 I' ill' d. l!.." /lIb' ... III~ hAt...,~ H !I'C . Ie · Tbird ~~. " mLa Ilg11-1e)!. '1cuj& t1J-"" "'--to tb e Rev'd'\ I:>r•.;m;~lg. AJru11Iinent \11' 'V nynl:s. illc 1::1 SCO I C a fI 8 eye nAild O al t HOIIBe in Oillciunllli, inl 36, .trl·et. W "y" •• vi1\,·. Ullin. ,·olll..lnin!r ~"v·I' _ !-L! ~ - Mis8 I '\~!t!,~~-'I'!~_'" ... - . rOt'" W uolw ino tllO J~l'i !,. r041ru~: 1\1 .., l'nntr,! ttuft ki trb eu . 'rh~ hl.u ~... .,en tl d I I . f"tl ' 1 . an d ma d Oli na •IInrll ......., ...ucle hi ... - " ., _4 D .tsacs. Piscllfl "' and kopt the same uIIlI'1 1 ..V'JO. ~fcijj l~1I C,W \~\ll'k. The bride lind gror> m It'ft imme i.IIn1, h"lm .h'"...."Inllt."" d ..... who it! \\' ell kn• uwlI ' 111 ' "I' lUI Ie(\ allg . . d I l'rt n dIe recell t IIy MRJor 6:<" ~ 01 • • P!~~~ d' nlll~~~~'" 1KJ..... t I who h~ nuw Pllt his SOOB I\.nd MI'. t bl's \' ·In·III,.'t y i" 11111 ' O S ll51er'an . ti 1d t I.... L' crgy 11111 d II til 0 Y ,UI' prlUg Up •I•• '" ... e , Lin,. ... f1" 1. 1 1 et!t II hit ill E Il . 1' (kocl'lIse . UII ~-bo«t"; lunl........... r • ., n. _ p"ml'" ~ u --.~-.... rll?)!;t"S -' tRlt~ ~' a8 'S"c arnv ed at St. 'l11 ~ 'lla "t>J he 'U3 Sl\lId ': . ' preru· w..oc • I . I WI' lb.~ 6M.1IoIarr pro........ , ll Sk y. ' nowlI H, H. UVlS, III soelC former y (.1 tie y 10 liS City. I i ... · ... on~ ~ .r Ie 1\. ropc ,·", , M .... lter. • Fre nch IIC\\''' P"PCI':! rcco lltly : 8 I £( · ';; . (J " _l1m I ...lIu...b ...- .... ~ 1'1 ' . d ' It M . M t P ·itl4~tirrr . . IralO riJrhtalr. lIut Street nnd A\'en llc Stock Yard reeei'vcd f" um ClIr8i~cll 81' ak , al", .,1iI fJ late y pro· ,,,,rnr1liI~~ he,, "l&· Ie ~n es ' !,reRellt W('r<:: ) r. . lui viuw t\O.~lO. re y . in til , : ~:I' Il ' C t~rll1n ~ Vllricl.,1 c>f tru il' I a. er lceeded to M~ LUlIgl~Y'8 1'e':qirlu rH' . A.WllolI l! v lIIl, - - - -- - B .. ', • ~< : I' ~ • ¥ otel8 t9.b~l1·g · back tbe replltu· mo t ~ow ing tcrms of h(jr tl wit' ! ', Mi ~K FIo ,reIl Ct: Ir_"".i 8 11ccc~1I Ifl!vd ... ' Il I Torm, I I(J ,II! ,,.,·olllmooMi ng. )ecd" lrlllY lILlld"lctl llnlo Thcy were mU[j1t' the d'iur It\' M rs. Ilav iR, M "~s .' • . I . AliC(' t~n rh!~ ~Io~!ll enjoyed III ? d times, ~)j8S !:j • lll lor ith 80Cl vI' C.y Ncw a ' Apply SIICCUIll I" UC JO::l 0 . -G . KP.Y~. AI/.nt Icr L I oolwille is kllll l~n. over Ih e ' chnrm8 , , ' I' L· · .. ' aug ey, W I10 CI"\tlrg~ d'" VI" '0 vm ~a8 mDcb for ItLtle mon o water us "Lauru Belli111 DUllnel' . w,th !I:I I'.11I~ tl "l • •'I , rR IZ?IIJ " '1. ~ I "y •• •t. " un" her ' LIQUO .... ,. . R . NOTICE. ,. ' 1 d tb ' k' belllg already ·mumed .' . , XenlII. Hlld MOijsl'S . •JWIIl CUl'll e11 AS MA NT A u OI.n TKLLOW ~ et~: ~I IIi .an 10 109, pe~. operati c triumpb s thns Illr I Ott M' 1l I ~ d" PcrffQn. tl e. I. I D ~ flood \\n,1 p"r" .. !o i.lliod N ; haM, wat t be tlme8 woold permIt confine d to Italy OOl'8icahnve beell H d 'IT'S Aill ~NFAMO t:S 1.1i:!' . 11Il l II I S. . • and ' the1d.ud!l lune 'e oreI dlln IImc~. lor ID.·di.,inul purl'".e.... ,,"1.1 ,\.. woll t.) ex· or I r' • . ",.' . shouted the M.i'or the 'Here pricea ' IIre at '150 Ihe S May tb 110 f F cnd 01 ' Impp:n St css tull to ~ I t Ie young a y epcope henrt· ."nh,e m, .t.." k II,," jn.! 1m! in .. .6a, . '~ -,.;rU S f'o "d ~ " 1 ou o. ranee.a1·. . their ,1.1' fl·ce. Rumor hn<l it that hll o (I f '8nnrb.m•. r.lJllillll i ll prine fr"m Ma8tcr proots, 8al the ady, prndlll!lIIj( ·1-P.: ~.1 I' any , roo~d fte ce p I g -It 18 scarcel y neeCCSij 'Iry tu l.Wrlli o's ' . ••• • $1.00 to t4 per It"tlou. I bue " ohole. ' daillt). wlJiske r hud marle the letter and telt'grum . The:\l li It\0I&0r l 61'11* and 100011 oor tiroot, I ' 1 tl Exc R!\Il'Jf t I' TO ' wb'eh 'will Ty'E . Nltw be'2 00 r da. BnUTlI. 1I.,u.~D furtl!.8 111O Ibe beot br.ud. Tr apOloglzc ~~ Ie alllOOIl Q"d splice. her heurt g() I it u pat. and thnt 8he J')r ' 1'_ tl Ie In , t Ill,n"e d g IIU"._I Y p.11Ic,• W ~:~,.. Jvor the Atchison, Topeka beor. Kino. win .... &0. o.n and ....e. of .. le. o~ee aDd au 'Wil!c erJDI ~ absorbe d tbls weok .b! the uBtory . BOB MOUNTJOY. .. "t I cX I'l'ct('d whe n Willie retnrne d. ulld stumlllere~ta 11I1lI~ CXplll~l\ltlon. ,\l SlIntu i" c n.R. early thi8 comin~ . . iD ~ Y g one of our former e!tlzellil , tU, lIlt, Hymell would cnme along . too. So, Mrs. ,~~glcJ : b~~ MIl . hlln In ,,,.Iencc. .. • • Ml'rillg. Vlteul> hOnlee and govern · E. .8. B. Walton , al~ a,8 BUllll er, 1111.1 ' wh ile \<Villi o fl ounder ed ill the and ATTA CHM ENT. Irlgldly IIltl l~ ~t.ed th~t IllS pre · ment lands. Inthrm ation p:iven c. G. liutel.....n. F b al.a, (no doubt) man)' all ot~er l)lIu~lU i rCtl of IUll g divi8ion and plolntiff. v ....UA Jnhn R . PUaL!O 8aLU: ~a t rd ir· ~one~ W~ 110 IOllll:er daSHed . Be· frt'e °b to tilly onc. ~I' nornde guerre. He ellJ'lycd II bl'lc.f , regular \'crhR Mi88 Minllie on or uddresll Lynn. dolend.nt. Dolore.J . W!Il\on Ed· dldlied COlUlng deaper• • J kmner drllVt' II JU 'illh Holltw uk Cull 16, Obrfls • rettsmge\r\, atoc&k ml de ir not a brillil&nt career in W ayn Lebano n 0 ... ard •. J. P . 01 :W..,n. Town.hlp, WtlCc8· 1 With M the zepl!'vrs of St. Helen'a lind revolve r ~a to ' bi~ t~mpl~, weet 0 ouo. •Holy,t 10 8 anIe VI'11a, prac t"IClOg h'18 con tid 1 II d ' ~ . ,._'... 'I , . S:~I14t~-"f;'~f S.nIUl.H A.D. I~. " CI ell ' b u t before II mUIlY bulky mis8 iv(.'B breathi ng.!u. ull .~ . tl'l'a ebattel l, beg lDDlng. a .rOD WL0 coo. aympat betic tricks: borrow i fig o~er' l lell&e .tfectiQ e8 e r u..J _0 ,oor 11.11, is reat1Q88 Jutlae I..".... .!.. ""'-0 ', ........ - .....""-b men t .. II paseed. be~w.n- Nil! b~ .b,anli;."aII! '" • dIt "I Die whilc teethln p:et Dr BolI'a Be. 111 &h. abo" ~tion.anforor"" Wi\:id~r:ii t:c~:~::~fdeneC and forge.t&illg to',retu rn ; di t· pu ~v~lIty anrl' the sharleil of ot88lli~ the .um of tII8.tIb averted •• Ue· t ~~~, ,eA tHe ~lt ot-E F l' '1 Syrop, a :r~ of tN to money ; belnp: suhJect tv hem: Eton. Dut in An evil honr a 8erpen t ley Dllin810n fo..e,er, alld 80 .alllu~.os the little 8ufferer at it 'will relieve :::i8td~, '!i~=:'~~D. ~;':D!t jQ. .- • amer md e ;:as\O orrhage a of tbe lung'!, (Illwuys at, lcrilwled intu Willie' once. Only2 5 C. G. HUTOBISON. s Eden in the W88 he toetlCape rrom the wltherm g cents a bottle. B;altl.more, atoc. Ian k e watt eB • C I' ter a night's debaUCh), and by 18hlllJe <>1MIII'or Bunner a 1~t>A1 vuri . J '"In DI nll' lNlD. at 9 glances 0 ni 0 oe or cl)nt4i pt be~towed upon . o .· 008 p I ' bl e 8torl . ' es pre~l1Ig ie uaf ee A T Sabin ,aDction • ~.- - -. DissOlution of Partnership. Rolled w!lite wheat a' Ttc•••• ' e - "'ausl lI\lll n . tlellllln . uged. I d I t t0'ore , who had acqUired h'1m. by th ?Se 1!'I10 .Ia. t, go. .. lore , the sympat by and hntnall lty uf (tllr lIis title ill thca Ilatc Dowlf come the prices ; $1.10 on. Notlc. i. hereby ,r.en Ihat Ibn partner' P rep'a red war The Ma. recel~e d cocoa nIL.. hllll With ..."", & pac• age. smllC8, that he Iy for the Cincinn ati Weekly Ga . •~Ip heretofore ear. • .__ people. He yallked ill a j nt knew infinite ly ~ore ed.tiolg between theanlle rOat Meal 10 ct.. a pouod. of the wa;'lked to Oukdal e, a di8tan~o Of,S zelte·. Send to, or call Religi ous Notice s. ~umber of o~r tcnder; helll'ted Cit· world thun cith!!r of the on the Post. j'!n"De:,:.ha~eb.!~o d~=I~:~i.,"!u~:t:.,! Baker's Cocoa. 80c a p&eltage. and mllcs. 8hadow ed b! MI'II. Langle ya muter. . __ IzeDS, who Will be deltghll'!d to pe' !lIoon thed hi8 eye on Ihedoves, 86Dt; Ed. E. Jannoy ratiriDI{. Oswego Corn Starch, 15c a paek. young la. eoacbm an. At t~.JI bam let be p~ -Divin e Service will be beld io rlllt:! thi8 addition lll elmpler in --•• - - -• J SANDS. hiS d Y• The 8cquel may be readit, ' cllred a trap and 'drove . the Episcop al Church to · morrow "\'old lIud fierce career." to Napa, "~.. IJrup, " . W III F imngin b ed. JAK'NXY.." · -:The 4etters to Eton . be where Th d ) lie rellllai!l: 8d ·.over . b flight " al t Wo:"di.~ 7 '..; .. Ii.lnc in • tho world .... ". er • ayno! . e. • . • . ( Ilrs ay eventn~, eglllmn g a . Co •• 9y~lt. " '!I'll ,,? S.lmon Ael' t~e Palace H.otel • returni ng to this Iflvw, .uqh K I""t 01 1111 curlltlve TilE N e ~ York Sun suys: Olle clime .f,ewcr., ~ IIOrter alit i Iee8 ~ I'roporlieA re o'clock. Tbe R ev d Langdo n C 'd .F!iUt Ill,""" . lit low •• il,,;'uhoo· . Germa" 8YMII" In three ldth.o -.... rcar. CHEAPEST AND BE T k quent. 'Vilh e wondel'ed aod grewo CI'tY lIy tI Ie 11 rs n 1'"11..1b on. tI Ie r.0 iJ Steward80n, the Ilew rector, will .ay, J ~1DC8 D'Ie.k ersoll, .o f r 'Gold. l!fome: Whit'o;~,p".j!. o!,.lo~. O•• tlie. Cea· IiW, twomilliu" fourhuntlroo th.,u.. m,1 >malt : ~all" muody' ; iii . t f, tb fi t fm c ing mornin turt. g • lt"d . OI;l.:1'hl P~ Tat80aPf. lrsdIlY H)l.Clola morn: 1m, OhIO. astollished hiS wlte by tt1· buttleo of thi. meeli";.,. were di.trihutcd. . o Ola e or e 1'8 I , ao ountiQuo" ~ ...... ·.,.tl1"~auln ebowin g her dil' lIree papcl'8 tltllt he ORANGIl:. TARTS LOST TIIEIR CHARM8 ing al\ the plueDt e were returne d fl ce nl chllr~o. by drul/!,,"'" in Iht. cOlllllry .. · Hi.,. . 10 tbe do podromc L.n.'l!' ''~t.l)d.11<!r.ljli".GQ''8h·81rl!" .N h : to . tl ..... .. tHicle.1 with Con.ump tilln A Rth. t ,I urch or bad obtuine d 'withou t publicity.' alld jujube puste ceused uf' and kOIlV"il largor and t,.ot~ ...... rtalllD' . OBOI>Y S OU go. 0 e I molt in -. .1101'11.:, .n ,,\ , H ".~. Cr'"'I). OOl'or e Ou" gh •. PllcuUlOI;in IIn e l ' t t ' IU8clo u8 sweetne ss r~u r. d tu about the .~ pDblic meetin g backlu g away and e d rove h er out f tho .\I'IIUS 11:1'1>11:0 i.& RO"ANOI!l • 10 ~\lnlly ~[Jo.~';rie. tli~~ .~Y:'?~~t~~~ o~her d, ..·....e. of thu 'l'hrullt IIn<1 Lllnl:.. re· . . • il' ttl b" - 'flie t reuclier or uraklr lentleds lyand waved her unhuuse ___ n 1I1'~ ••1... ~ '. ' ...." \ I ' 1 . , eltn.JtUllt routs ul 1118 tungue. the Amorionn propl. t.· 1·f.IE PEO P E P nE'n I Olle day he ~ver w I'I.lf h..;'N! •., a1\I1I.c~ ',,~y \ )all Icon I:ll'1n/! ~Iltb·~.~lD~ . . ~ Uae Dr Bull'e adieu from the balcony. Withil lu WII8 electrif I"'uol tlmt Ger.n1I.; ::1","1' wlil "udollillb -l"', ' :*,' . ,.{ . O llro th m ~ L .!.' ied A lit L · receivio ~' . g U • a letter EllRO . '\ eW' ....CUO~ I. ~ug ua 0.1' '(Or m O~I~b8. Jt; is 'slrid ·thlll Tho resu lt h.,. heen tll'lt I) rulllli>1"" ill CI'erj ~ .... ".: • . h d . fro n 01 PI ' te'o :!~ l co lumn c :yr1ll'. at'.O)lee; it ~'bnl •. ~lIe" with .~' editorlll ,BJI'II , N ... ,and J w(I8k e ha auolher wi fe Insta}le t !'~~~ Mi l ll :!t.~I~: ~m~re ll1'e1 tlieSQ prl!8 ttl"n ~lId villilKO ip,.t.h. u'lI ltOO SU \.e'>I lire A,mouth,rnl. d" . ~ (I .J> uti:'1"~ . L_ I·6 ~J,.cell."Y &: ~(HrkQJ,...!l,ggort. . ~ aliUl~ ::' . , . ~ '.. ., Beeebt ly, t~e first MI8 .. Oic~ereoll hi!!' nl t \1 • rllOYII.mondill jf it w th pir au.tomerH 00 to 0,," OOPy . ono . . 0 <l II th'" ~' ttl . ,. "fU~ iAdl.10, ~~!l1 1ltU.:,<W )'1·.11 . p".t .. go ~ .. id . 1:1 ct·. oay·l"n !)1I toe 'ih ·.un. ity ro • ul.-;' ·'- ;~"" • .,..,... "'Dme d, eJected the ~ .~ l jD II. . . i i: it I) 'II!~ t' I . J our I?rUl!'~i8t. und ,\'~k wh!.t tll"y know clllil. of Fi.• c. 70~ .. club8 01 paJr·(rOfn the '"~ .~ fel!er naRl~ teil, r 65 Cllnh. :~:'i~n.: a~: ~~~ 1lIl1ld ~ f:". ~. I~ . . :~I=:.Kq. .11 ~" • '.!.~ ",~' ~ ,.-". .... W'1I1l tq .•bout ,t.' :sampt. Botti .... '0 •.cn~•. Reg'" club. I~' ~ . botIte. with tbe aid of obn~iaig ""·usa~~lttln~ ~f · bl. 1 of twon,t , 1.0 co nts . , , m. rcuil,u).nd.dirNltlOn fur malting t.b ...lapw · ~11l Loa~~ geJej .. ,. ~:tbe,'~,!,8 ~I !~r;.8!:e:(;ocnlll. Throe dooeo ".: . .• • . naighbol'll and b88 sinco held pllS' Wal too muc.rl; despera' O~V ... ,11 reU •• o Tt:tE DAIL Y POST . .fe!D,.Jy\ ~ . '. S " '.a ' tIon 'tywh;"h aelsOO the w~rrd.· M~hlle BODtde, 111' ' h.... "aac"red .. 8~ 1 '" . 't ' Ib ' _.-.-~W fil.l ' d 'tl ' 0 ... '\ Uf, p08t"gu paId: 17. l'"rI ~ of It w,"h~' Pl'Jt6~ lit J.)\e "1!~r.i .. ..ere t 0. IeIIIlob '. , a thonghD\ckcrs C'", . . on and ' .tb e Y.OIl t1 I,!I'0 !Hr'. ~ _ .WI" 1!!LI _mon lL~e . Ye~r In 1lroporlion w. propo •• to .nl'lrgo enne oan to • lIie cJ~th of .. 1bO&, I. . ,. 1aI~- Wedn8 l' a party or hill friends bave . ~ do fJ,ii' pett-jII II-. mude ~lIe III CuhfClJ:Jl111 III 8c1l:reh of hl8 ~1.m8.elr tha(ll.r the Daily POBI ,really dllring Oorollcr..oI'lcr 6d.n ..~ 110 by ,&dd..-lJ! JOB.N"B day nigh'- 10... ., ~ where two vigoron8 ·ueault e. .<oGDEW . not • .'. etKU. t ped ..HI 11 t t' n 9 C 9. w~t.h Ibe prl••• 111 be tiD pul ycar• rival. · To condense what won,ld wI\hou t beart ' ~rnlQS, . he oM-6D1) . ~.9 Ct!.":..v.Bt:!. .New y~ ,: .10:.' -..1 .L • ·b~ .nt Ibt ...icl iIM·.... tl b _ · ...e IDOW, 1& ' be I ... po,d . All M . whn Allhlcrlbt' be for,,; ell.lnrg~. ...-.6.N.... aBN'r. ftAC,_ • -- least co •• - -'.'''''''t· " I". ~IICC,. . lerWlse a ong swry, . .,.~ •. rI. lIle 00t·..4· menl.," Ihe pr.8~Jl\ ••to of t7. , ·u .l'lu UqI ' In "."" ' lfiuClb dee~ ' " ... ·Th·e re. were a T.RI recent d!sgrac eflll.r? w at 0LUllgle AA"'KI NS-WOOD.-M~riied, Il~ theI &h~ r80(:1... .. .. enlarged p.p.r to tho end o(",11 y; at I~er CO~ttltry &lme ID.tJ:\lo" seat in.. "'" ;ODd lUD\III6m St. (or' . a ~:id~'..,~ enlooabllle4..~ ....... _I ,i~. ... .., 1,~1I1 ba .o ,stain, .. t non Thol'l' ~rID~oro waa Illustra ted .0 the Hclena r1II!idenoo oUhft hrt~e'~ p" .... ntA. ne~t Spring "llliont eltruu!' Ita.' ".---... --.r! ' rceelYc S1i ... f . • ~ " . 80011 10 .g~~1a after . pe,rtilnt1. ~otlna ........ O wIllie PIlT.n'~ h:181t'la alid l ~. · n ICe~. . ... , .. D I' ~'f tlie aoathe, ,Vatic)" . by th~ Rov d p. H. ~~ .. wn••'"nll"' .on hnlb !Jail)' aDd· W.o"lu .n....__ B . ; . I' ~ . e h' . . ·..."1 · ~Ja.t •• -., ' • ew or,ll;"olce~tt~. ent .TtLotic dtlliP... ~, ~,.......~ ~ r· ' . ~ 30 1878· lb. (J'tI8I\c HlI.w.kiue Mud Xiea ' OllmQ8arrlVa,llJl·anonymO .8".)~t.~aa Adl...... • • 'l'IDI PoeT ~ .~rl~1'~ ' . ._nee•. "'~, IS 'roe for ~ oent«, o\lrl'!lllo1 :'~Or .-'I}!O/ : Willlll ...... . · 1>" ' (61I7j l.'. ' ~Dearilo~~"I~'" Pil'i.. 'O?" ~""~.N.;~·.;.". .... "".' .", ':; • '!'.
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The S08s ide fbrary,/NO Peoplo in tlie Wo 0.01" ~kI no lon~.rfo
}f Oil BON1J·ILO/ ,Dh''/t lU M9!.~Y fJ?) ~(i) llle II trllly l'ullIurk lllrle. SillCIl i~ ill , w ribe- few oul, • " trodliCl ioti tu tho I'IlJldinl1 IllIbltll A Th.Io,·1\ ~ .. II' Vil li WUllt 1\ fllrati '(Ir 11UIII I, wlll.ID Ihe "'ao6 .;.t'orAj ·'pto•••H. NEuW tM.18 :: A :s [ 4 . ~ '1' " ' I flltA or If:ll~ •• ~ryon u l.0n IIllt ycura "A'u he LUII JW .. II",,~. u,"~lIy 101i! froID '1' U\~Oc:o",plal.. ~ u u ........., ...... / • g~ r hill! vteud ' •'(')~~.. JO(tiD L til . .' FO It li ....III ., Il hUllitl hllyor thll Atchiao n fu · lIy atlvlme ed in f!ll/ «I.... ()llIeh ~ed o"d u",,"~ld ..fd' for 01r ... 1O' prolla.h V .L D . "lIIocl1k .. ur anll ~I conI. . ..... D i eo",. h. COlllA.t 0"". GI' I)l'kll & SILllta1<'e R. R. (Jo, f~r ~hc ack"ow hlll cd !Q(\uIIU IIno i~ 11 0 W cla7 ... llb ___ !>O ... )E~ 'N 'tu 110 )J 1/1 r . I. EA i!l· ISS""a :.·n,. )tht H Wqod. ~ .~It.rlblf wltb.o ut :\. ~ ~ ba.lo, (VII .......... ..... J.l) S . J(,HS rella01l8: H .~I.~~:A:~ •• "KrJ1' .. \" )11"" blu : h • .,....'bU.r• . To • of the ill tit e ' III1III·Y. I It s 0 . . . .loaMlllOawe£. t::!1,J1I Fpr ,"'irtll- lt is " lIew enterpr iBe ',141 t ion iS llll till lllai III1U Ita b 'CII :1' I1r nlo. ilbuijl nlfiJl'ilrg tho bell t oplX'rtu llily tv 8: cireulu gA~ ~ . U I '. .. <:tll'O II location Buitllble to lin' 0 l 'UI~lIe A-'\:O~IAN-Jf.l'l"Elt. Ch, ·,. ill·n,h" l!1Ir, ~ . t lrongh lh c 1'1I" l'td v I 1\ ft II I'Hl'! 8 1.,\01 -i'Nlm.r.: ··~ '"i, IOc Ii . b • I Jr' j ' • • publtshCl'!I l u prudllcu n "nper u f Ii I.A "T D A \, : (~,,·t'{I'l'r r. ' f. :B~IW.D; :l& , ~onoecloI lITr.o •• 'thoUU .".""" Fa!' tl,~ 4,,1t~ ; P<lopl-I J ! rl"~!~I~_~~';~c~l~i~~~~~ ~::~~;~ . high ul l, rlil Ch il l·III'! ·I . 11111 at th o Pi~'~e Ii. AUAl l lI.~IlM.,G.i,. I~Ii" I\'J"II.I ~y ' ~'i hdf'IIIDlL:~nUfh·~uaad :~'''''''''''(''' ' 111011" the til "allliiol 0 1" lutit ll " ".' 6~ilUI! t i rn~' t il 'vll II II I /I I'tiCll COTl'IJ~r;I,\ltt:rS%)J'}L ~1 0·J1"'. by M"~! \, ..- rlblll~.I'::b'~'·;::rl'IIt"!~'''~~II:.; " " . :\. ~ 1 ~4 u ~ eltll lit with tht'I ,rl"(!IIll llll',1 timo . • ' 9 nLIJ A~~'UI1L B rO N'S l :O x tn· , by 'Dlfta~ali2) ':lll1ully I\d'lpt!J" to 001'll . wh eaL, 'rl . por(9· m.d. To1b ... who bay. a'''r to.t" t , For All P.ur'Jo I I ae,! d d ., II' ~-~-@!,~ ,~~.. M.ry Ceen IJ~,' . trlltta RllU cottu l .. '1'11 eliUlule iH ' I 10c , ~h.CUR'tIVEw. llt. . . . trlol .rlu . lrloN l _ lilt I lOY III"U uee .. u ~ ., III1U WU , II 10 WOMAN 11' 1 \\' HI 'I ~ F. For W e .. nlll". hi oh mOll cy, ji. uolftl ~.lcIIrcl""' ... o,,bI. 1II 1Iu--ub o u' tllo Bt'II'" U" " " lltll"I'11 ton, th l:! IIt " lI ",ul .l. 20e ' ro.\b.dl••••• an.m~dbelc)w. " I rC'!I\l l's of II ..\III.LON" ·I·IJE FLO::~. t; &1, ,,1: QlIu ' Itb ... toodlh • er, 1'1 a .IIrnlJ iCIII !ao llbU • u 0 1I11",. ... itlo Guld lind Ov .. t...lo":...... h...don l:,b. ~ The Lctlger ~etlt l"reil 11'\1111 llMllillll l!l J( y. ulld VJIv PIII'cha so rs Cilil PIIY t T AlIlF.llIO AR '111 fj~: IItitYII.W :; ,\TOJt. v lltolll 1"' \lII"p. otel,dua 20e ~rln'lem.rit., ...d D.ulT lr)'.ln l!oi ",J r ~, 0 . omml'r.1: 7 I "I J.... u ' , I ( J 1'1() ;\ UI:: 8 A.. (,) FTH I· l o r flll'llI d fr oUl llrodllcl s. I,~:. Wnlll. Dl'Il" ~:~'Ile inn. lIud l>o"en do~. ••• I ~ p em.Uvb' · llc re.our,·~ ....ldOll .. otllapAln·~ ·.• ~ of .u the •• I."'~_I,(] ..... t:....Io•• C;.I.......... ... 14. DE ,\" SEUII F.T 1l ~'L ~ UII rim.' IU~ II , " . ' o~ ,.. Wi lkie L·"I II". countr)', 2110 .Ireyl", i. ",hKt~ho alld lila wtll .1l1'.U,. 11l!lIrtOtl t1l1lO IIY Pr'IIJ!ertl •• :[.~.a~J::" ou " " •• I,..... .C·........_ 115 HII AlO LA .I:eu ~:lIot d·II,I,I Till! C ltl J'lti;d -- y,, ~ aru 1t ',L c' lInpollc d IIII~O LClII{ .r id a IlLr~ll .. "n.: ~O. r . II . I ·""10. U • .,..IoI•• 0 ...... , Iii 1 HJo; E:\"" I, I<l1I A r fmt)' eighl ' III ~; 811111'1l to gv 11110 u wrlu ll rll cs~, hilt u:mnent an d SJdlltal Pbysim.:z: i llt u II B~QUI REH k I ' Ih"ug '~tl; '~'1' II,Huc",,' "1'0" tI,,· irri t I<'d I ti l l' lIU; A N" FI ~:LI' O F I ·Ie. e\I."11111 W.Cl' · Y Iml'ur, W IIdl CUIl I" be th l . "" l 'U"u~," " du.· to thr f.cI ClIUlttl'Y rnpi y ~c ltl illl{. wlllll'o YI) U talllS s t o rll!ll buth COUI \, CliO ' ·""k III lu\u. . . , n.· 10, ' U t I. urnllYo Lu"IT I.. prnoU.. D- I • ,,~ I 'l· . '" ~ 'ed .. u,•• r. ' h,,."" " I om,·.clou . 17 . nl n iJEN i' le llll .... V" ~i ' ''' w ill lillu good ~uei t· ty. It w ~ p!lpcr~ . tilllled in eacb lIumbcplOtlllll ltl (,til'. ' H"y. 1110 pr.mln.ntclerum'D.Dclodi uh"mo to the ollly .crnodr f.,. th e ill, hr..·t :h~' ~ :"Ie lanrooom "'~n,~ , ~ In"d'. '''''~ r writtOIl by c lwlre ltu8, glJ ,d ~c b", Id Illld "I"'U Ihocnuu tr, by L." .IKt\lOnnnd I",,,,·, •• w . BA"'~ Ii.• • ," . Ie ''~CIfl " " d'e,,1 I'''~III:, 111:1 11/\ 11ilA HA. ':, 11 1:- 10 :; r , ~1 .\ '"'" ft. uta ~nowlcdc •• r Iu olfacto. nod " ... p , , L _~ I "')!; ,h. Boney " f ' . R _ " D _ NCNQ er ....... ...... enlletl'd for Ille II. II EJ~.rtI, . U, ~OC "ooouhI81"ohundrodlor •• rtllloato.fzolDl" · the.,.,. t ~ut IOnI ~f tlte tI~y , ~lId ""n"Rt~.. Mnnied C1"" ' I" '.' oa. ouod Planl \'I ,o'Io,e,tll! 'IOI lled 1.;0 .... , ,d rill IIdy lUaiis. T Erti( 11l1.F. 'n:~II'''A T I O ~ fl, ~ll" Ih. "'I'pn....inll of rllnd I"du . try. lib II.. m. em,tI pr" .c'p . e nl Ih.~ Ablea , In AI·h. II..... 11 \:oown In Ibl. com",0 01111 but >. great variety of IOforml ltJ OII IIlter-1& rl c. It. lld.. o...cnlm elll. Credit _ lain. our BUild. !al.~.IDII:. dl }I'(llIl'tll- -1"It C VriCtlB uf lalld8.1 11 ..ting to every Olle Ille b.r ~o •• ~.rlo.IlJ'P.mphl.t,wbl.hl.lob.b 1 " r !J • •n. " I Thc 8ubseri f,' I ho,ft . rc 211 OL II (J U H1"", ln' SllOP ~Oc or Drurol lto, or wilL be .eot bT"".Il .D "\!I'Y 1,,11', I"!lIIro'i "" Ir .. m two tv tell' lur the beueflt of the wet1t1ty, let thc I"rue I"' ·~d ." olh. , IollllO' ",.". ,d apl,' .• . f TI'Le' , ,I, m~" .. -1".10 21. W FOI A YNB8V r. 1'1 " ., A ILLE, OHIO. b,' Oh"i le. a ,." ,l,', Ille u 10.. . Allthuo rtia ••U •• r•• nllr':'TO credit lIon prIce f) Ie I rlge r Id 011 Y -...... b 11'0 a '''011 •• ell,ell"' Iv tt,. 1".1 "A,".d , 2! 'I AN A :O; D Y. I\" uullal1l pcr Ilcre, 1II11l aro 80ld 011 t1,50 per year, p08tugc I F~;. \\' ,1 1" . Colli" •. '!llo "'17 •• nd .... an froD P<InOO' of u.o ·: .-; IWO; 23 TilE '"QU lnE'" LE' ;A.OI". plliJ, allu Washin~gt I,y •t- R-o' u'te e lovelly curs'cre tlit, with only 7por't I .od r•• p •• tobllil,.~ ..dwbom .., h .OlQal •. _. · -~,I GD~N BACK S I ' B~:~" who "'"e 1 ' u . •• d I i, .. y .I,~I BALB'S . .M" .. ?ec" IlA)' . 3.1 If t h I I aqua 10 every pllrtlclI IIr to 200 ... ~.d wIth b,lo(ter or In p.....a. A """ . yofBoa .bouDd rn4_Tar '. 1I01"" cellt. IUteru8 t, or 3 • 0 l\"V"r1ool,".loM . n~,C . lh· n de . 2tI. or Cll8. other papers 01 lito 811ml1 clturuct er h .... od.rlull! remed,,,! ;Il ~ I I c.,.". "hor. 24 2.i. Lndy Ad.I."I. ·. 0"11, , ~I .. Whot!. Fifth-T heir grant olfer~ the lar· which lell fur 13 a For tho I>c ncfit " I th. I'",pl. . .100 .u.!.u", I~e ",g.u. " f r" p"al"," JOe ;::team atbm QQd NeQrnI ~!". yellr IIr••Irecl,·d. 1,,,1 9.1: A ur.. r.. Flu,d . by M,. B,,,,IoI"n. Tltrl'u .t bud, Or choice "alley laod ill 2 10 n...J tb. fellowlnl t•• I1"' ........ flo:ll the G.v ......nL ... 0 1'.1 Ii. a.IIOn ,. u"u.u.II., rKI)id ._ f t'" I I I ' II A . ~7 . Vi l~ ulor ,.,,,1 Vnn 'lu,"I ... d." . 0 riO!'. ted 10e I kD ... ".ill..... ofCle •• I... tI: h 0 COpies 0 ull va ua, e pape r 1\ I I t Ie W edit, " • •(r w .0•• , r' · 'IU , "LI, .. r" · to ...·11, '. I f.r, !l~ A lI.ugliler of 1.,h. :\. -\ eldtu~ L_.~ vng. I e DIE II'Q' lIl'ck I lOe ut· be aent to aoy one wh o sCIILl" \() 11. LA C *1'" 00 ,,1,. Unol. cou"h . 1& ev"",ln. "olhing Iha' ~I . )/orn', Love Ted. AI." CL~'&I.4~1I.0 .. J1li7a,1'1'11l. ' , . wowoo .. n _rlUW~ 'Iven. 1>. U., . · Ill · al I!o~a rer, p !~al' ... '" O".J.~~, re~A~'1al4 oeDt. and their addrCBij lu TnI'. e~t dllO'~er t., • • I.",.cb •• r.el th"lcn h. ao lI er Dea r,·.1 "oe. M.. ·Al<x""d I e SllOrt~« t, QllilJkp ~f, IIlId only Wee ly-Bllql SI th-O oil er. '1 h d ~Oc tI .... 1il'er, f JII"DIlY HD, :~'l:I~e;!'111 116 :I .e~' d w,lh Inllb "r loul ra .. ClIUlh rou,. - 31. Lo'e ~Ie I.itlle, 1,.l\e Mt' L"n<!. ' D i N et /l ofli.' / ., I te 0 '1ldol , !ld un ankceblo Laoo •• , 081040 0, IU.JNOJ8 . 10e ... ~i2 IdIeIO . . .lIdltnl_ wwbloh.[ e.,. It 1o" . . . D . . . "' ... " "lI.~ _hj • • • • 0 •• ~'. 'J'" <lv ... n ,,( If• • rlll. W. 0/11" . . JIIti urewa r,aWI an rllmar a Y po.lawe. ~ • NL!'t~W L .... L"~___ __ a ' 01,1 .~ a dgu'e _bio- h .nohl .. 1100 •• or .1:1. H"nd.· "'''SIII\,GTON AND B\LTI:lORE Fr.. 01Allent And" h, ~. m "d I.n' ...tml'ld_ or. 2110 . to;.«1',,.. I r Y OCNa L 4DIS.1f ITU " lea It IIy c I ·IUII& t e, WI'tl I I llW prtces 1 •• u .. lIl1llkdlll.......... '.i1lloea ll..... 3~ ASimplol.ob.C R ·ade . • ingl. RLOTCII II' no. lIIe ' lollln • ...,...otltalle olll.a_.. IoIl6 .....III/ "'u. DI ...." C:._e.. _ S."d lor opellnon un" 1"1 t' .-to ul A,to ,·1I1U.. . :. noplo. l"ln whl"h a .. Fell I' HuI, Ih0 I'-d I . I . - U vi II: ."ue be II I I E "." I, no pay III, ma k ell up 011 t'·el·. h a '1". .,... r. u~., uo ,en .l,co. .: ,,"ue re errooeo h ... us wrltlea y t ......... C Oil I lb. til...... " cuug' a total of tuduccm out.l greater thall attribut ed to. Irrelrula t y lormed I 'pre 36 The Woolog 0'1 ~t,. Alounrl,·, l limill . ..· " ' /i"m., -"'c t.ho .. lbuurr. r .ttb Ibald'--- -0' cOII , um plioll. a mal.d, 0' :17. Tb· ~".I.rv. b; Mr. ' Hr llrv Wo~' I , illo AXil PABAI ' • _eLBA J, Puhlhh erl, .wbleb klle. i8 olf'ored ullLwb eroel.e ill A!Deric u. liver, would dllcard rltlcB of Ihe S. M. BOWl!, JU~rarte.trfet. Bon.y 0' Hureb, coameLh ""d 0011 !s 38 and AntonrM .Wllkl. Oolliu".d . . . CINCI N N AD, 01110. _ mercur ial I alld adopt the prnctice rar II ' he ,un·.1 kno.u prenoll. e. Th .... :I9. Ivaoh"c. loy ::iir Wnll.r nubt c 110 • -!lie F or clruu Til E SOr. TIJ-f<.AST, al"ll oolltaln lDg full pllr. - ---. __. 2tlc [l'ro.. & - !eM1.,..... ~ JL.Ir . __ ~_ ____ Ihe,doro . • 100 would .roeol t he progr... or 40. Tbe He .. It, A. hte' M...l\CUII. tieulanl of landl. prices of U. R. or tiki nil 'a wlrm Wood IIle ' ~J. Ibe " •• Iruy,·r . •hu uld del • • nul. mumo.ll o .. Whi t.· Lie. by l;ho~I lJatb every c\"y Philad, 1 phla, 1IJ ew· Yorlt , BOltOD , ·. n ode' ticket8 20 L (reigbt, informa tion ouo . wltll a cako 0' Glenn' . S'llphIJ eCLtrnl.AJll: ~......... ..... Irrc. ~ lAke III" c nr". I> ... clll<· r Soap . 4') . Il lde nnd Se•.k. Wllk\, C ,III,,; . , yo \U~ Y:;:"o~ • ' . o":·= . (1;f.~:": "':"'l.~.ror Ito.. CblldreD d, .... Il",al I,ont·tlt Iroln , ... Il H"cIO ' '.,,·cdne. 1>, al I comp~n1on, Ihe un.iglJt ly itl"!D THE E A S T cerlllllg liuverll mellllB ndl, &e., all; _ Ilhes would .lmOll' .' .r~ dilllppe llr and the O" OTII II O I'r.. "",I... , .h.n ." lferil"~ w"h . h. 44 Tower or London. \1 J"Io .• \'orno. loe N.UlA.G IA III"~ oo dross or eall on J081An llOLBBO OIt, lily Ind tht! 1000 II AI" , . url h. 2.", rometi,t , " P:",o earofl . .. m< 0) ( (',oup Ind WbllOV'" g Cougb . • -, A ... toW b,ph,rOle would tftku their "' O\'1ut, Mr. U . IIry \I' o.d . I.," ~C\~~; u;.:!o.::,~~:.~:.:.r.:'~e:: L, Tra". I... d•• irinM' B L 0 :N::.~1 I hc .f ir.'"amo d d, • .,. ••· '0 .'l'oe,,,II , do.- 46 Hor;"'g. Long, I,tI •. )I OltUIl GILDrNG, Il:D"WOIf , IIIU. placo. Thll is I Meret "bie" the r< o\leutll l,· r. 2 e urorured .. botll.anll.1II ,hueIl .. r."bol. I i trudlye .m'IllS ,uung ch i ldren. alld LhiA PI ••• r~ · c:._( r47 III S il k ·\u ire b\ \\ II Ii 1111 lI l:u ' k •••• ~I .. TrI... OJi ' 0/ lOr 1m,: ·.r.T he Inten.e 4 T'I. paiD W" remoY" atmOit. nn.r.\-' I f 'aahion ahl e arc heginoi nlt .LO IIn,1 Olll Ilal,l , ,,·... ed.y . h.uld he I«pt 00 hand In.1I 4 The I'~II ~. Adnll''' . h"uld ,omemlie r II ,at II.. T RK J It~SOP l'KIA/, , -TI Ie trIa •• 1 of • I' IH~I ~' 1I0'··J::ld f.~ botUw. I eoaild.r tb ..., J.urn .. h~""hold. IIl1r T." LUll. P ..... O••••• II () to th p. ir decided .rlunta ge 'olrl br BALTI MORE AND Ion. I'!" W,II,.", OHIO R .R. l oe .. J. \ ..... W. J e.\BOp ICIlt 'l it will be rem um · ,Irug oiats ~.I O KO ."r. Price 2r>c pM cuke. '1 411 Gran vill e de \· ig",·. " '. H. :d '0 ...... cd I' t d I '" DOWN COlll~. liE PBIC~ 11 EO. B. SCEOLn . , Pldrilo"ISO I. eelol,1Oto I oCU . • '" n4.1 for uur . W,lS 11 I'e. e U Ul OIIL I ur ~wu i hOlt (~ it. 00 .per Bottll Don~.s., I" OP • i~cta , ~enL hy m a il, III., •••• t:e .. clo... "' ...P . . . . . 1I•• pl .. G ..... ~"",~ ' pepsll 0 '1 • ru ~,,,.I . - - --.-tlPIL 50 l nder Orer nwood'Ouiola,' ,. _ago 0 11 tim c hllrge 01 hll l·~llIrl1.lIl!! IIrc pRI.I Cllkl'8) Tree . o n r@oelpt or prloc c:. Ill. t:R'TTII NTOlll ......rlr.!••, C N. .ud 11.,.. ...(.1 .91_ ...... a'" ".lIe, Gl A "oY"Il" H""nd II". Wo,ld-N e w lirnrlllg la, Toothac:lle, Mr. Gll llth() r'~ IIIUI' CIIllIlI tllilur ~1\l1 u, Cril"'u~ on. 7 Six~h 1\0.1 ''' "h Av,uu •. Ne .. \ ", k Zool. " .. , by J"l ee V ·ru r. N uw Y or k 10e Plcur18y. 1k~~·l.I ::-:..:: . :I':;:.~ 'I' I ·t . k 1'1 , G .... Bore Throlt 0 F T,.,.)I ., 1 ( 0 UN T ·R. Y Have You a "RAGl enn,'· ·" n~ "C : . N G TOOTH .1 ... I .. '" L r.~ ~,,"I h U! , mA o n'o f U II Y e II'lle. . M " .. . . It 1:. 'I ood, Ille " "ollen Jolnts, - -. BheQlD at"n:, ,JurI! fOUlld two illt lt cl rn c ntB ng ll il "!\ 66 It .. ry ( " 1," " . h, ~u lllu . 1 I ov" . HIlls !.!IIe Ihir d ~ b WlJllkt' r On' . Itlack J FTIiL' liAri'.:. Hl." Y Chllblol n. ~7Ca .. lleW lirl r.:l lltll l I1r 'Ar k. IlI t..1 bir: Jt"'~ ')I UIIU cU 'llai ll i {; t w , 1l or brOll'll, 60u. . eaucc, 0r'j . -..., I ' [6[)2 4] ~I r. lie"" II' UOI1, • al1Dtf.'1R ',e (18 T.m r Hie ~ ncBnck , Th b ;,;:;. - I TIH' co II "" !llId' c\1I11 " i,w hli ll WILII I Spralna , f r. F,v.· " e,·k. III (//1 I .11""n. !J any J \ erne utli (' r Lilt f .' III,· ...~ II, , ",Z. It . ... ,., . , BUrn!, ~ r....or .. r I I OI'''I .u r'' lho. ~O'') 10,0".· "ill" ' o Thi. I:·9 I'IIl h.· 1I II1,·, F."d ,. M,., I' ,. ,rld hurfYl!lry /11111 IlIret'lI)" Ill e (I lit ,'1 , ' A IW IDIlW £ND UIOR ('fll .LD • - A ,n. !l. " . l l' lllhlh~ llo, .., &:aIds, Oto CItIO 'f<' Ilir Twonty Fj Vtl Ceula. 1 10" g u ar ci se of IUpe lfJ litluD cam e I~ l . [, l M ",-t . .~" I.J A LA } I ~u ' lIdd l. mureh. .& / " ' .eu r,;. I "ul . ind ictlll(l IlL c hu rl\' ',I him Ivitll e III \ I'0lnlight , !loc 11.1 II I I I , !,,' CA R I ' 't ~ I ·\ oi."I". I" Ouida not lon u -I nc e ,,11" h 1' " tllu. III c,' Yi I ' ..... 1 It! I II " UI .,,~ til' 'f"" II . uepQIII I I -2 10e 1.. I~ ld rilo tb om.u le lnll uen""o(t he Cur~llv •• . . 'fll . I " I' .·Mrmer. Moolo.ll! M""IOr" ,., I l eD " rh Hun Tbrou... Wltho •• cu ..., The I il ",,,r' O' H il ",."WIIII . 110 '" g,.dien l ' -'I er II, '.II~.: dl n IL I 1 '!; III ~ n. oh ..n( /DM.likl'r and l'")fe,,~ i u l) 1 t"ror,Me r- "I'on e tnlJ. 011 t IU rellted. ulr· II I,,' Al!I:' IIllIr", of Guio ~ Into II npighho r'. will ch ~" n 1I II till TOu r 1 eelh "0,":" _~rlo °i~r t.ul~~ ~I·n c1 ,. 'tC_~ y bel wee n \be prlorl))al t lIf t!\' r . lI!! I ~ Hlle rl ,\: firdt IIIJ lc tJl) ~ nl W~S r.all\!tI on Wed · hou .. olle dlY lnllt hr ... e Hu· s No "'0 can 1 1•• ~ C fn.~ C')!le well .. t rd w '\1 "'~~'j, u U ran t ' t pellcnr Prlc. D... J. 25 Ceni. wt'ek ",0' <1 '" "II I1rugj:'." I founc! WEST EYN'" iOl "o III £_8TE "oUlh HN A Ill ero .'ITla . It ",I I h. lI o~dll" uf IU~ 1 weck Tho CltIC one o( the child ' _.r >rd " ". , 10. rull dirocllon. wbleb acoo, ,· ~ "ou , . C:. N. ClK.TTE NTO:', ......""' ... , If: r Bloch,le R""" . r • . I" J . 111"1 p.,y ... ~ollio . .. :. :110 '" will IUIII, 10, u. • • No. 7 luh ... ...·lIue .• , .. 1'0rk .. 7:1 n... v n . " • . by Mr.. 1I01lr),I \·,·rll W!III slIbmltt etl to the Jury, wllo levere L"OlIgh, rCII 8U C!rlug rom D \l'lIO't. . 211" l,noJ . ' , Vur Thro"gh Tickel., B~ggo::e Check " COP''''' of Ibe GlUutlll. r~tir d, and in abont filkKlII min· opl .. loo tbat it IIDd eltpreAs ed m)' 14 nil!"''' ~.l.tll. w.,.., mniled . 1 tI,e III · ~PS O[j'S l ~ trSI II CUll in which ~Io\.m c n' o'T.... ln • • steepi,,)! CKr ~- 75 Tioe Fur COllnt"." Jule.•. \'crno,.. \ ecom C'Dom", ," P ... t-ofBced, .t y""r. up" n ... hioh IIt lls rt:ttiruu d a Uk ,,1,,'1 yordict or guil . medical 1 ...lltan ee should he mod.,;on 9 "" U Q 76 Til,' N ... · , e"' .. . pply . l:"llI at lb. n.. TlcK.IOf 100 fice, p".t"!!,, w •• p"ld IAl the a'Dnl/nl or eS Til 1b to r b I .. 1I0001In" &ad ('_lIalr ... w ......... c! . 1 all prinei!,,,II,,,,nl ' ty VII b oth e uanta, burg Iary aud e. 77 )llIlr.," A"d M.III .• M, .. ~Iuloeh. 6 ft /lel'l::O ,. Q , 10 II lD~ e 0 210 .... , a ..... .ad Ic.al4a. 7 Grlhth l O.. UUI. "y harl •• Ito.tle. IllfellllY . The state case Wl&8 pro~· t,h~\ ft wu very bad.t ClOY .DlCree 1II0RTH, SOUTH , BAST It WEST . 'II' '!It ~II,« .... ~. IDe hut uld lhal E. It. 1)00t" f:V. i9 M.d""l' V,otet, by BI"ck , TJ7lt an': ,ou ...uaDO"r be wltheu\ I\, L. ~1. crL E, !lO u ecutod by tbo State'e attorne~ DIl' le.ore calling 10 tbe ' rloctur s hc in BU lI.nlol De.ond •• I,)' Ooolge Eliol. A,"t (: ,·,, '1 T . />t'/. n,·,,'1 T .\ ~', !!lie 'd All T"o D.ily. Wookly 01,,,1 ~c mi-W""kl \" . ed b M Price ...00 per Bottle . F wDded to try II cure 8IJe had lon l!' THO'" P. HARIl 81, Chrlorl.,, '. Mi. lak e. M (~. M"I", 10 Y. VI T il'" en, UIIllt n . H l UI'. lOe I'R&PLR ED BY LAW@ON CJIElUOA G.""tt. y (a r. vcr)' . IIO~' . rr"", d .." nn OI r "" ,lUh d Eltzrot h . The aceu8ed W&I ubi" ~Ie d III ~ II "or CAIlf'I, L co. w •• t P" •• , At,· ,,1 8' , My Mollh" and 1. by ~1t8' ~1"IIOcb. lIIe Mo . l.r I C'" lOr • ."nl ,)On" , En .....) an n e "er ,. t tel "erner', Pride. by ~I r. W"od, , .,.ro ,·!!,IJI'I'Ir ' •• ~ .u"u W 'I :!n. C~ . -C d A" .01111 t.o •• 1 . ft"d La .. _·-.... d o Ien ded b y J tl l •• 8' "'-'-to n '>tllo~ IU Twenty , pre~8ed Thou.and to League_ Und er - u.ce I 801~ au ...,•• _.. .. ... ~ . commuD lcllte the preRurl pllon. Ihe Ih . ..... il1 Jul.a Ve rne. loe G. McBurn ey. Oil 'dho Friday rol- grll' ely loforme d Ine that the cIlium CLEVE LA.D. OHIO. l!$ M.rjorle Brucc·. Lo,·.... hr 101 • .., Your 8t1.mtion i. ""lI od 1<1 ollr ..- Cnld h.lI DruulJII. 1owing the .vrry roor. And .till tJ ..", i. rvioin for more. MCCUBe W88 Mgl&ill tontllte d ill B.le·1 Houey u' Horl!- MUUIO 86 Pu l'ylrlck, II I I'll 1'1 11 d lac l ---TH SPRING " 'HEAT . .,lId ...e tb, ref",., P~~l1t t .. be (>C"Vlc 01 ~---"!-!"'"''!!--'--'!"'!'-'!''.-~~ brough t bcfol'tl the coart 011 lho bouud IDd Tar, Ind that It 81 A JOO~:;~IO I~. JC" I~~;' II~: c, 20c cb!lr~ O( a\'80lI. Tho trial con obtalDe 4 or III tlJe druIIgil\t.acould lIe Au entirel) new v.ri.ty frcom ou)'tl'ingevo. tho Unitod StKl... ~". ,allowitl¥ EArlh. . Price l1y Julu Verll.. hefore introduood . 100 tinued uotil Saturda y. A large 50 ceD" aDd 11 . Great Reduc ed Ratdl_to'r 1818: lavinjl: lJy It ,. A brighr.. plUIJ'p IJI'",n, Almo.t on~ • The T"o ~fArrl.gc • • ~II'.• Mul neb, . loe TKBItIS 01' w iI"~ O!ltton& , ' -e iU h.1t Inch 101l1f· m!lbo fino lIour. bo. ncoer nnm be r 0 t wltneB lel were exam · pllrc b I" Inl. l ari . . . , ~9 The LOlel. of Arclou . .Il ... D.oddon. !loc , 71' . II ze. . el!0. rlt· h.d _0,' di.enltC '"Olid. "t ttl ~1, e.l. ""d I'N- 'Inili. 90 My.r.c.lou . J.lalld-l Jrflpped rrom ropy. o~. " ·" .poAtOI:I ,Pnld. $1 fiO '1 h e Leadi-lIg B xtenaa1 ined and the CIIoIle ably argued be- seDtoD, 7 tsllttb a"enue, 8pecUl c New York. du oc" {r"m 'k' lu HII Lu."'!. I" tho .,uro - OIUM or Ih' Oloud •• loy Jul co Vern p. 10. 1'0111 'the J·ury. lu tbe tormllr tril&l FOB a Cop' •• olld "1'"'''1•. • "uh I ~O FOil nlSEAI!ES ttV' TIIE SKI1I AND 91 Wum'ID'. Kingdom . MI,. Mulo,·h. A.·",d ",1 nr.t l'rr'mium at 1100 CO llten"I.1 1"1: .. ~:: . . PIL-'a iI I 3~ TOOIII" clle Orol'l Cllrc 1',1 the cue Willi lublllltt Ctl WIthou t url'rioo I .ek. ~ 9~ Mr. lI nli l,urt.,n·," roul,lc• • by M.. : ", ILr-. . • 12, eaut er 0 mil.' e ,:, .. !l clllY guwen t. The jury ill a very 8h ol' t one minute . WOlld. r; plOe • age. I 211 !I.e 8 I d,. U\J t'Dct va.,el", 100 I I lIonthl. Ro ••• .... 93 M.• alorlo,," ""\lId-T he AI'.ndulled. -S."'I,I • o. n be • .,..n .t thl. nflle•. 0 M 11-8nnla • '. ret ' t Iwe I 10 I t " ' ( J _ . a., •• _ I , (JI... - ,- - - - ~~ , .urn ed UI ~ lIee" 1! d t'IUlIl .WI' tl I . - - -B.,!!.hw 10, Jllle. \'e rlle. Iue 8 TERMS H" c.:,tr(I,.. o r BK!lI:WK Oa.nollo EKI.'n Pluko, O •• ~.·. i • ..... lant ~ ....... te . , . -.... Ii ,e~dlct 01 gUilty. -94 TholAw alld a~&" Ihe Mr. J t!SIIIIP ~ 1>, 0"111,,. . . . ._ _ " . . . . . . . . . . . _ )0. II . . . ___ OI,ln. Cr1811nlh . mu ... 1 :'~ Deod, Mer! " Sbo ••1,,••)(1 I. dl.." dodl, tI,. •• ilrad",,". !2u ' H Rilllr lc Co~y. oIMy.a. , (I!1elaj(e paid . • ~ 2;' Zonal G"ronl"m . only a~aitil the sentenc e f tlt e .. ' It Is lin incomp .. rable Remedy for .Iti Lu •• ·• V,clorr.' L' B. r •. Fn rJcou . ' 11 loe I H I OIuh Double nf, .\!. copio ••nd IIp·....d, ... anh. g 911 Brui8el , Ulcerl, CULl, and every I~,·rnnl\lm • . I'..J." court, "" Ile n IIe WI ir- 97 al, otor lo". I. ftn -Tho "ccret of ,. )e C CUl' te, 15 " ~ fill M hy-Ie.,·ed G.... niu'a •• It ..... fir.1 ' . nd h •• I""," thorIhe 1 ~ land. I>y Ju le. Vern.. Ilence to boll1lnb ul!, wh lJre Ite will I~t/it:t' au,] n "HirlPlI" " :!.~" Inc ~ 2 7(1 ritalJle or unhelilt hy conditio n of tbe 98 IInrr, UellOlmp" t', TI.; ..(I , t., \lughly le.h.d in lhe U. S. H", Lorr'·quer. '" Ch.rl" L.... r. !lU G produned ------'-- -- . -~".." ... I'e "lIablcd to learn 1\ trllt.l () nlHl Abulilon••• Skin, and i8 B most " serdcca ' AYNE ble SVIL rem. ~9 f'roUl Iho E. rth w the Mooll ~ lId I.E. 1. ' IIlbu.h,·I . t .. thearre Orolll 12 ,very . 1.'IlC I . ' Double oomollu : '1 111 TI>KM8 or DAlLl' 001.2 ...,.,. .. : ' 1\ II .lItlllfJ' . U1Ut(e !t11ll8 I II~ '111 ClIi,,1 ag!'nt "nd HOllrce ofapce dy re 1'1 I' .. Ar?und tIl . 'h ~ . ~l oon . " y.l ° ul lnl • • V,·r" • . III "til . Y w , teo 101 ''''), n - ~ til Ar.lIleu; IIef 10 Cll ,.... Dl-"'"0 " ~ p cnp •• on" year. pol I.. 'e l""u. fG out dR boumllt IUOA.l ll t · oIl .. oO l·kclIl. \V. · URO\VN. 1 tl.te State. I iuehe. IQII~. wiLh 2 ko ,.." I" Be~ 0 1 nn .. 1 4 Lh, .talk · .1,,1 A "oblo I., re. I" M·,•• ,~lul~ · I,. lolo· t.rc.Cl· .. · •. 6 mUll th. ., 10 II" " iMIII. ]'rolluun .cd II" leud mg .'"'cullll ... ... W be 8.'u· ,'.-o',.-· Oonllide rl&ble illte r(,lIt was mun A T TO RN EY AT ,,-.~ ~ . 3 v no"L. LAW , 1100 fin""t 00"' in Iho .. orld . I'ricc. 101 aard Tlmo~ . Ity h.rlo. Dioken . . .. )" . r. I , Rt .. vl •• 4: l5up"toriuall. I 21i IL is lil e m os t (ksir nhlc I Dilinfc Ir Ifested IU those traals, !llltl m ost ul ct109 .l IIrA~e • L.d,. • n hv ~II •• Muluoh . Add ' I ANJ) NO T.~ It P OB L 10. I ' ' 20 H Fuehel .. : . I r:::j..o k..... the time during their pr gress Iltc 1 ,I '"0' "' .... ",A~e I.. ch,h•. ~':c1 ulo I\nl of Clothiu"" o r \lOll, worn I," P"el' 0 !lny. b, iohn B'" ll m. 10 , Do"r,le Vlol.ll: .,eI o~ At th ,· ti lgn of tho S",., FI.gon. r.I • • • an' o o crowdll li WI' tll spec,I",. dud"III'" y, .... 1:6 'h r .. u!!h ",or illd Poinsello u~el LBOAHO l It)' .. ac.rle,: N, .. erHons 0 11111. .hile c o urt roo ln w Bulferin g from v,-.... . nl A/lcnta to ,olro<lu". tll_ nht- ~g<'-I. 1\, cr_, PO>t",., 10 4 " ler I. Ag" II' lor 110 ,' obnolllo u s or cOlltA!(iolla dlaeftlle s, 1,,6 1'1 B L. Forj'·Gn. !'Iumllag ' : able _d. en., where. N J trnllbt~ to ..11. (,alene. 'I he M'''ler of Orc)lalld•. by Mrs tatOr8. All cffurt will prohMb ly be ~ ~. Fproa for wardiaa lind cu ROBER is .. ; II C"pital 1 T F. Remedy }<'UltN AS. and Pre Send .loomp for .... Ii.ury W""d. ..-Ial It!rm.. tr"1·DI~~ will do "'elt \.0 V\lo~ive 20 4 P.lms' mBd 0 to Iluve the verdict eet &II'd e. and oecure terrlkormpJet and or them, "lJen uaed at an 107 Btodu- o' Gra... hy n t . F.'Jonll 011 r.ole t Ie a 10" "",1II 'w ..,rereneo 10 tho elr· ROIll<ElPATRlO ~ 10 6 . I t ' •• on . M.llle~; I B TI . K' . I 'I injectio n. N•• IIIAY._ .. II oulat1on uf I ... O.ut"'ll Persons employ ing ,,0 or or II. new trIll : !O n? m~. ,e s •• . 109 •lJ• pta"., ~ ",r , ntt, I,) 6 Importe... & Grow ..... 01 F eld .od a.rdon ...: Marnnla,; 109 Eleano.·. Viclorr. can be resorted tu .hleb ••1IIblel d M," 1I.0Ii,lon. QJft. \I" 8 ~ t;llzeUe .. On "ya.i"tb have hutb. · no need to take Sull)hu r Blthl, '10 Tho n ..10 of Pe' cn"am, "1 Flor ct.'Cl •• S.... ... lw.ler. Monrue 00 .. T.lln. lallD (roan bie just nbollhm eDt. Ir OtIIoe boun fro'D IIJ' ko II J' .. Ill, ~~ 1' 1 .. e1ll1 I ' o~.nrl"d Tul,p lIulh.; : , or to reaorl lo Sul(,bu r Spring l lor to eDe. ~~ 10"'0 M.rrra". in L-J cllltlvatl on r- II .Iwn fortno Ton Fill< ".' orlad e' OCu, bulb.· In Ihl. fI d II P.II CJ~I.lIanec 10 ",ok. bnLlling p"rposc s . YIn"!",, ••od Ibull continue to he nover ...:no"" be wi DOW lm III A. Tour or' lb. World molley. In Eigh/y D. W. Deed a 011012 doo ... Sout.h 01 HarTi. B.nlr. 1'''wo OIa.orwd Jllcobean 1II1Bulb,; ""rtmae and IP'.""lnlf oeed"JlOPCClftlh·•.and U.y•• by Verno. tl\at the .a,ol tb. ttanBgre llBOr II Tell '1' •• 1\"\· Ihnlls: t (lMlnon 10 .. e r)' 10"'" Aa .. n "dJun<"L of Toilet. it II fllr II~ nlOrd e ..b. Jill,·. WA .. Na" ...... , ...... I \ .~noduo e onthlntr bUll""'" Meed. b1 Oh.rl .. Itende. bard -PiUr io' 6.' 2" 1 <1 I 'OOI"' llIr or the \'all •• ; 1 ." uk. ' ol"c"i 609. plh,n < more deairn" le Lhlln any Co.met in, 113 GoldeD Gnl". - - PI M P • E S 10, B I,. t'arjc"", . Ten Et,;bt new " ..arl1'"I,. "",.: ',. I~'r Ihu IIIrge.f, 1•••1 Iince it does noL, like articles ~ ~~ ~ of tbat I" Da.rell Markhom u . Mlu Braddon, Ten . Tfl. BAoa. Wllm F&.Ou. Coo. OR BY EXPRE8 S: ~1lD4el'c'll llu'L.a natllre, conce,,' Comple xional Blem- 115 Within UIES W. linES , •. It., .1 .. ill ml\iI (Froo) tbo recipe ror a .Implo led r,,"Jl.~ pIII,1i alio!lln the Man, &t ,... W01l4. '- Co !2lJ:J of any nr Ih ••100",1 0011..,11.... ror'~ Oallt • • Ift• • • ATH ..' ThIe I\' KIIRTAoJ.K BH... th~t will 'remuYft TAN. Obe cron", . • ·1I9~ lb. wo.ld. Auy- labee, but remo,e . them. 116 I'aollne. -. by L. II rn groWl on 1_. I a~er. W.lford. 1:~n [, uf ooy of tbe allOT. I colleclloDi for :1 Tan, Freckle ., Pimpla l, 8lotche ., 1&7 Tba "'"male!r, Eug""e FUECKL ES. PIMPLE S .nd BI,oTC.'tlt8, moOl ellgonl .orka of ..,rul Agent. 1'1,,· afrlOg frow 8 to 10 fecl 10 bloht !.Ito .rt glfen fr •• .1n 7 or nnv or Ih. ahuve I colleetiol. for • ~ ~ I... ylng the .lrio ""rr.. ol""r ~"d he.utlfu l: .uh•• "I0.... Th. pri~~. \18 t;re.1 Elpecull oo •. Ohll', Dlck.n ••. 1.n '~cn 9 of Any of the IIflon 1111...... -the bod y or the etallt beinge a 0" 10" tb.t alm". 1 aDd Iw I _I like, .peedtl y yield to Itl II' r.I",n.l, JJr Flnr.nce M.rrlll! ' • OIlIoe I 400n South 01 R"ui.· B.nk · aI I.nt .yer.,,, .. h· "uh:terih. .. 0111 "lenL rellorLl I rtflobe .. 00 ,lflItruetlon_ I or prod umog . 1 en l!l 01 aa)' of 1M ulur I i II ",akrn;: I eolleeeiln. to. • 'ttle o"'r baa 11 :.0 1.... 'er tban the m-... ·u ' tbe 1* A Ro A I.dy 'g"n' c a y Dg 0 ueDce; an d I \ II r a"", P ........ . JI YA " all, yllle ..... ' I'."r .nv r L _ " _ lpowtb< _VI J maoce lf .. hKir ~... 0 en .. .... b.ld vllng b""d ..... 1 m. ... Itr .mo<,th r.pon. 0 laking t,,,, ....,y. e.. _ _ " ,ur 7 Oyer 4O')eahsc rJI,.", In Ir!n very beat. Soap t.o Ihave wlth,.1 , • face. Add..,,,,,, .n.lf)IIin~!I er.. .tltonp. &n. Tho averAg e lellgtb 01 the arB is ()ftJ,De b'!.uro, 1 I·~ to"• It I ,1 try Ocr .. la Feulllell. - t. I-I! <\.11 • 1 .... i 1-2 Vant!elf &; Co • 20 ."nn St To".Al l Winte,. -.g 121 ,N · . cl . th . A y Llf. . for. Llle, day.. M ... A' • MuinCk. • I '10 .nsaA noa • noon.v r.. t Ie,," the 'kiD IlDootb Ind rne fro. 1Io d P.", "' .. r .lI. 0 th b i l lBloomi ei 'S88PlartU Bill. . hlDO In 161, I~ I'tln,"r ", Oal'l.ln Ma.ryall. Teo e graID8 p Uwp an Y"u can 01".0"; .lIyolll' ,Ime' to th·, b';.in ... \he Irriw\lo PI.n·'. e ~ bO "E·" eo Oft 0 -Ip' t of , . .. - - --- - - - --' 1 n _ produce d on a of COmIU()U air.e; perteell y wbite ---~MABL lenelliY I Ita Irion Leg.nd "r nnly ,,,•• ora.. ~I"c. You neod not Ioe •• by S.muel \'oy. r. Ton ~ ... n. y ,.p...... o.n._ ON RIDGE , - I b b 1\ I ", f ~ 1111 IIV.. II'\l T, I • H.I II W lid ') 10 ... hloh d 6' t .~., !,rom hlt ... c 0'.' Jllghl . . rOil e.n do il CUtlC It is bard not • elthu 01 0'" """. . OARDlmlWa r. e, y \ e .pp cat on 0 th, fa · 125 S The .d,·ertille r h.vln!! boon oured'ol that •••e,1 ,t. other.. "lIar M'!:;,. B.~~;,y~ :M;;.rG. ;:~n. !lU 0 'T;~ III y'l PON 1'1t0"T. L PRACTIOSL PlrOaICVLTOall, p.ri,eula requlr ,liQS ..... dlNc, zor. It 1110 compl\l tely erlldica dreod tel 1:16 di.elLllC, E",m. lOr Illy Foth ' r·. Siu by C:m"ullll'tiu". by • aimple 11"1lI lind lerm" 109 IlII mue I wor .. B8 \UUllt uf quu l .r OARbKNINO 1I0R PLIU8URII. (...Ine 11,ElegaDI Alld upon,h I DIDdro ll. remody. i•• n][iou. to mok. kn own to hi. OUIRt f,.,.o If frue. R. ninellmo ' T.n I 00 each). will be added. Deecripl in C.taities. .The root groW8 8traigh t 'ou II'allt rrolllahle work. BOUlew iYel decllre it to be excel . 127 X,· Lad, I.udl .... r.. IBIAD-llDmll~llIm, fello..,-.ulFer~.. lho roe.,,· uf eure. To.1I "i:!,d U' lOu, bd~re'i l~ onceN by Mr •. n .. kell. T. n , logue lree. 11 uUII! no lent. ror . w.. blng Woolen , LinlD, 128 l:';u. lo dowlI in the grounti , ~nd COD~e· RAm ....- •••••• • l'hUII •. by Mr • . O.. k,·II. WUN . ." • .,.,.• • W!~~r;~~n'~~ 71~!.. ~·,n~h~r:.r.ywr:b :~: ~.~~~ 1'0_1 ~I:~'I~ n queutl,1 ·~· P.1 . oAdn.i"'~~ ~1~::~ Lace, It very ht-. ___ Z::Z:=:: - - - - - - ud olber rlbricI, IDd Iidiel 129 1b:, ';~;:~~In~t).w ellint Half) rnrpreporing .nd the .amp• .Pe.ple •. .. ". 1I.lnl. lie. The Ylel~ Ie duuhle hat of mOvlD ,ln tbe belt circlea o( metro- I2SI The WAnderin« ,Jew WI? W? ... Mf 'Ii' (Seoond wbieh they ",ill b4 • 8UU~ PUNK lor CuD' (627) a6 Corthl lldt St.. N. Y • . aoy other varletr ever rallied ill IOtl ..~1I •• ru.d In th ••e pollcall IDd rural IOOle\1 IPlllt o( " ~ ~ Qb ~ ~ ,umptinn . ~th~a. BroDnb,t B.If.) oy E"gen,' Sue, t •• ~\Ift.. . 2u 1I,,, ••,,~.t" can I......... In la 'be blabelt terme. It, - -. od -,-<' - A m~lea . I~ Sermou. Out or OhllNlb, M.1fuloeh Ten P.rllee ...,.b,ag tbe l'"'lIC.ftP.Uon, w·1I 1 . .~ ~ pr uoo on IDUT H E_, B:E 8..T.- QJtB . .. _nl ......,' ally ebe o( eI' iRJ pI..... Kdd",., Lib mOlt other 'amool remedlH , UI Mlcb.el 811'0\,0011', Jule. Vito., E. :.\. WILSON, dil1l1!~'c~n ' Ilnd 0'1 a' hUlldrc a , • ~&I,e"au:.I.. .anr. Art· of \b. Ten ...." W. will .,,11 ilurlog II,.,.. liard IlmH. 194 P~nn 111., 'WUUamlburgh, N. Y. ' I:i'j Jock Hinton. b. Oharlo. I.' •• r. bUf!heI8 '~r acre ' . • :Jo cOlln\r~ \ ... bO l willing fl to ...... • IJlITh. Ducho•• ot Ru •• mary Lnne, ' AN MI.~o.s or -"" "ork .Llbe emplo. hu beeD imitated rh18 Ont 18 Irom two to three AO.N "' ...... Soapa Itb t _ . - ...eot Ih.' w. (unli.h ole.dlly loy D. L. Far)eun, ~ - - - , ~-- " .-~ ~-- '''66 'ei' w.ek io '0;'; Ten A"d "II olher .t11.e III Ih •• am. proporUon. W,II prov.,lo rlurfe.\ w ou tbOO. 134 Ne... · n, other My Rrother. w,lo. y M.. -.. Frdwnrd-. P ~ _, T.n ' " wee k 8l'arlC I rtlmlla r .. Iuding Lhe Grllnd. ImBlIes 8qusre Slid Upl'lgIH _1I t flnolioll or remeeia l el- 1:1;; Ag.lh,, '. lIu <balOll, I,. M, o< Muloch article. J;'UKt p1ltented . Sample. Jlent free owu town. varl· ou. II Gcg not. ~ aWAY rom 6 Ten .,a.« ,· L ,... - .old dlr(,.1 to W H CIDDES TER . the r~O"LC AT homeo vernlghl I YOIlClUVlli ,. ,·ollrwhu l. cacy b ave b ecnBn d [Ire f ostcolU 13r. K . , s · b ' 'U t etYt 1111 d glows f rom 4 to ITA Iarge II I ko all. 'r ddre... . . . p• I\t, lewnrt . .1 ..... · J P 'lllt. • lime 10 Ibe work or b' I 'vnur 8 nrc '0 011 tile u08u"pe ctin I• "~' I "'TORY taHU II' o o.genlo .. no comlna , • ' ~16 FultoD St., talk aDd Ne. unobs York. '1'1 A t Re 137 W A Rent 1.f h 11 ' III I a f Oloud. flY SIZO · h Oh .~qrs <DIl" every II · P orl •• Le"or 'I en . "' " •. no ol '&eOun" . 'rhe •• plu~ mnde k" • I" av g opeo .11 '1 a orm t e '01t... no 0 f t h '" I ervnn I:J8 WbM he Co· 1 her I" lome8 h0 are ...ew . e ave ngcnl" w I'.yn mil Tell log Me as uf genuine Ih. lioe'l erage uumbe r of good size CIlnl is plIWG Sulphu ol ilpla, -_ ~ r li 0'" t S08)18, tbe $!20 per day: AII",bo ooglge at on". I Oonl.lII;i.1 ,Iolnit,. thaUhe) , hnoopeD ed I . . I . I pOB8eas . I'.1 9 .~"n~" n •. H..rt, O' . L ~01J' . .. . • 11. fi can lIlake money r"OI. ' A\ Ihe preo. nt Ioon e ng properu.lls I'd enhco " n, . lj., . E,h,I.,tl I't un. Gnd " ~ re U""n'mOu I Fl , I~ reco ...• .L~.IIL SlX. lie qua I y 0 IIIOn.y c.nD"O b. madil'$oe .llly and ra~idly to the Great Specific WIt I or eqllill I'ln I h. L.d, L, ol.: 11 ... Rr"d,I/IU. ren , ""',,ded tor .b. Hlll HUT 110"081. N.... our can bo mad~ . (r01ll it. When grollnd In W.yu....iI1e, ""'Uth·.... ..t.D olb.r hUlln~88 ' II e081~ oOlhln to vendor . seek to rival , wbich thoir 141 ~I ..t,·rm"n Itelldy, :If." .... II ; ~",nUI"ct'lt\-O"• • r the targ... and linftl' hy undel bOD,1 142 The head 01 the Faa,,"; Mulooh. Ton try :lu 'n tho world The Gnmdl conlala it plOlluee B a floor analAOOOB both and Mlaml.t reeta, wb... 1 oomor 0' Main h... lneM. TC• • and '50Dlflt 'P.., •. compet ition. The puhlic the1lree 8hould p .. lw",.1 143 1 b. huntod . To.V; )Iro. Wood. ·I:.n j M.'h~. h"k·. now pllleut Duptn C! ... ralron« d .... ft AM"'" ....t 0_, B . HaLU'n &\ 00 •• PorI. therelo re be c .un:rUL oa .....4 t.o eDquiro ror 14. Twin LI.ute.nanlll; AIL·,.. DIlOO •• : 1 eO Selllo, III Rppear ance an I... Jiaia. taste to our ' but laomt.-made Brel1.,l 117 t"~ gre.te81 .lmp"'1\'e ... n~ ''.' Ihe hI.· AN •••D pa".I.,I Al'f, . . . . . .... " 14fi Half • Milloon or Mou.y. b) IlII.r8. !Dado from the beat white wheat. ' . t" tV or ponno ml\k lUg Th. c Upr,sblll OLB.S 'B Sulphu r Soap by ItI full 0... ... C"~ .'. ""t\v. pAolI... h ...,ng bood plaoe4 4a Ameli. B Ed"ar·t. . A;. ta ted i 20 tloe p'Naor ,~ A".n, e.. . Don" con to writ. 00 . aKtI, Dime, aDeS Ille tbat 'bey ge\ Lbe real I~ OI·.rlu O'Malle1, Ib~ O,!! t.'tIOnt bit hlUld.o by ..n Eooot 1114i. Mieeloau,r, Ule ~on . lIre wall d I~ everdf1 Jrl.h D.a<!onn '!D . ....1I4ea1rable I!OOdI nlually found.rte', ; Cor ll1u8l"ntc d .nd 'l'W. DeAcript iv. I 001.108 I ".'in .. tu.... ul. of a Vegt'labl. Remed,. fOr Ul. ti:' to cunval8 au ta ..e 0 en Il)r .,...,1_ ..tabli.blDent. b, Oharl •• L., •• . Irlple numh.r 30 moiled Ire. .eek. ; LUlurlous art c e. •.......... lId .... rman.nt cure of . corn. A lamp1e ItaI kwll 1$7 nallla, Ih. Reef••• a.PI. M.rnatt . 'T.n .hl.k.n In ODe baoDIIi. A «....IId- .• uoce... ' II t 18 ilendel uohll Pluo CO., All relpecta "..-, ble They Drullgl hov .•• ata. i.o opened. Fanol 14H A Blu. 81oct1ng; Mro. EdWArd.; Te.. W.DI a aie.. whl.ker or Mou.. G od D i d tt A h ~ A to 8 I B hitl 638-1 ''-_-11 No. ~ B.O.r.D1f... Y. N. r. • G rocer. k eell 1'9 0 " ell ers an Conium , OD, 1\ mlo, ronG I B. L. •• Ir~m ~ ... r 000: arge II""" ears on It • J ~ hIII .U . . ,.e: It taohe u.e No cbeAp mak,. GLENN U ..0 _ o..lIlrrh, Kud all Thro..t and Lunlf _ 'S SULPH _._ UR SOAP WIll be furnish ed every agent. A and .... 1110 ...,.. M,d.hlpm :up. IoUI .n a genuIne EAt,. Oapl. artio, •. Tbe prel'a rallol l· .rr,.II: LITI'L E MIAM I RAILW AY • I~1 '1'10. J{U.aiOl" Gip.y : Aln D"ma. ...m ....le .""..ItA .... contain ing about "hero,. t all hou .... thoy . ' tlono; all0 " Pooritive .nd R.di",,1 Cu.o for i il so f.r)· '·lp~D. lyo In lu cbaracler. Ihal wi II on Ten demftnr l ror It, supply tbe 152 Arthu. O·Le ••y , Oberle. LIve.; . • ....11 •• " .• IIIl 0\0- Ne"ou. Dobility .nd ..II Ner,oWl Com· we C.OIIOt ' 20 ullit at I... 'ban" pir paClcngo OIlNVIRI TOI.a to tht'lir cUfttom .. . r:- ...... .. lerl, coll'oe, ."nd"h·h e', &:e .. .!le .• iD the " • • t I'IRint... after having thorough er.. J113 Tbe King', Own : lJap" 1,000 gralnl WIth Special ter8l8 to ... ly T.n te.t..d Ito 11 ann.r .nd .. t reaoonahlu "'Ie~. will b. mal led rr~ oD reqelpIJo' p~l,oc.lJy wooderful cu ..II,. pe"eroln ••• .. IN (J.,....,. A II• • • , agel'lta for it and other aeeds will P"IDlof ADnio ~r1~:T~:.~a;~~1~~~~:j 1 BOfl) .,(8 Th.y all determill ed to pl....o Ih. public. _ , leel. it hi. daty to ...... tltoulIIDd. of .dd .... ln!! HUNT ~ 00.• ~~Ir Urc •..,..., (Jake,) .,1It prtptJi tl 1MForA •• 10 b, b it IrDown to lIaID_St,:,:"t,~k .. II •• 001" : " , be..llent tn addretIIJ on ftlCeipt 10 ,I.. u th.m a ltberal ~upport . .by mtJ_ ' 01" '~ '10 0,1IU. 648-6 hi•• ntrerlnae folio .... A.ta.te4 by tltl. mo· .....1.", or .. ot, post l ~O (; .b - ..R ft . U I'm'. u ..... loa of priM, by tive, and. c.n ... lenUouo of't1 : rder before the aeason il u"'v"'.. ~ to pelle... ~ 'I'~ ....... .. - U &, hUIDKn ouffetlDg, be will 4ee1re &~ ..... d FREE OF "IV~-"" too tar advanc ed. Addrea a W. S. 8 . . . !"':I. ' ,"!,."-L'_tn~~. 'I, ~ ,.;, 7 ~,. -"4 .. -. ~ . OHARG ~ .. to IlII who d..ure It, t.hl. reoelpt. ..If. More faD TIPTON, Seed8m an, Olevela ud, Ten. IG~~ ,. ID Chrla.. ... o~. 4 " ' . " ' . , . (W15. wilh fnll <UnleUo.... for preparing IIDd._ t.entloa. W ..~ .rUb I , . '""-~~........, BLAC K. _IIfD ce...fully u.lng. Sent by retum mtUJ, "" 'PI_ ..1l1lllkli ~l"i&1 n_oo. IPr. .4~ addreuln g with otalDp. D.D1mlf tbl. paper, Monn.l;I ' 00., O~ftIIi".qI.~. Y.. ", .lTeo r_ (lOLL_~ A. Nnuu~.u N'uv .... Sa..., DR. J . P. MOUNTAIN. I P.erma ncnt health i8 tlte greates t The beet plMe ~';,~~ID""At::~~ . \I ' _,~ .<'1 communlc.ted 10 Oray ond FlalDl eolo. g-:·:II! _ 64~1 i O~onabu rgh. B.:: _ . ko booti we can ask. - Thill can be in- I_Eduo atlhD . !;IroDcerl ~,~ , olDlod Inlt.n~o~.ll b)' , • A .ertaln ..nt! d'eetual hu.... lndu.~, f!\",~e4 " 8Ur.ed,,~ far . . Neural gia, Rheu· taUght b,. one of lie )IIlnmK""hir 8 · ~a~ Wb18Ker Dyel For Infol'l1l· . ~~~ 'Ili!rn~ ~'il'~. ' . • an,.,. Tri.1 119,. onl reoeipU>. l ' --IlII.d reJ!Ablelntll"...,llln "prep"rnt.OIl ahlOl matilim Sci-.tip , Tic DOnlon roan:.:, .tlon, add ..... PLA'rl' R. B .."'I! rree rrom hartful Sl'EN9 R. 000. Add . WAy" . ." ....,., DR PIEROY 0g4 ~ up ....,. d..tred IIltijeot· 1 U )'OJ& p ., _''''e ,'·. :r'r...'.·•. ".. d."lIan nerVOU8 diseaa .... I~..dlenla, and Intl"ll<:l, ,ul,erlur, Itr . rea .• ell' DI·n"" . Bu opened K n'",w ~1oIl1t of GeDIe' ',&" 1F , NY . .... ~ ....u _ - ' . • :?.,.. en , ~ ~ .. .le4 oa lID, eubjeot. or Neeipt 1II11"'£ IOD of ·t~!. ~!"ect produCItI.IO .nv A&tA . '. arel l,l1W,ll:el'lled, . bYJ : . fl:eel Y U81 ng . licle 01 wlilo6)o hu will JnAn ..flootDrtl Into O-~ 'IhiDg, onaliJee PNB.DOritiAa J. I for ... Itl ct,... I rell1.~\1~ Ora" •• . .1 800k~ • b Ba14_ 'lY "~""":"'~1 061UTJvlt," theaoot biuff "y1No S.~tact.iOIlIlI:::~~~:!,~4,~i leiter to A."D: IIJIl!I!I iI.A. . ".R; a~ Or, lIedlca l ~om,~oll SIDII, p.neolad . "!l4 tlte .n~ • .,.l>!ll . ... o r . O'tt.lnc ....4 repalnDjJ l' Ope. -, , . . . . . . . , O.8.; BIOCItYIUe,Oftbiiio, WMa'JO!l~'_ta ..lE~~ ~ hi h '11 . &CQnlru B,.E . OIl B.FOOT& \b~ lrueJOII& ,1I .0. hflll AlJ''' &lftl fIG. l>leloflb We l. to. · . ,. #.' ._ A.A ~r"':~.....,. .. Qt .., 0 WI remov, '& '._"I.~flir.I.&\1b 4~:LJ~ wlU~O::-~Witb..~ ..... _"hIllIQi'o:,:,,~,:,!!,!,>~~. t ...... .... ..,• •~.~ ~ ~ID .. lit ~<I..~ . ~,~ bll AlIo,O IItato., ..aretlie P""'" ! • , " .forftiU il,aa. . · . _ . .. . _ ·_,! ._ ·firiiaN,w...,.~. Din. Oilhi H_"'" , . '" ,I, • ..' .
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c..,.. au, ~II. ;g;c ~ LAWSON'S CURA'T-IYE .
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#8. ·
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GQlden Harvest for Farmers"
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A Greenhouse At Your Door.
Norman d G'
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10 PETER --,..lIEND 111;EBSO =:---N" .....CO" .,i:..---- ...
10ur~.I, ~
II errl· tt Brot hers I !' COVSU"'PTIO. ! A NEW' BAKERY .I." $5760
eft·o p'
.OUSTACIIE ....... . ..
L NOH Salo on
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PL ". AIN B01tlftll ... .
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MEN AND.WDE N ......
Mel 'cba nt Tail or.
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VECETINE VECETINE VECETINE odf!oo \} I I ,.• • an dAro bce tiel
VECETINE nadlcA "S.U Rheu DJ from tbo tJ.t~Ql
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VECETINE I\I1T CUtf'. K iln",. l
o r F eu aItt Wn ku ••
f ur Ge
1\1 V 1 I )
PreDared by HRStevens, Boslon, Mass. Vegetlno I. Sold by All Druggists
Rlcluutlson's New Method rOB Tltll ..."xo roaT. Prl .... p..a.
The Moons or .MOI'1l The foli o" II g cJl lculatlOD concernlug tl e llloon8 of Mill'!! (10 &rbnrr) IUI\ e heeD mnde by L lcut tu roy I [ th e Na,al Ob!!ervntor) wllh II e npprovnl of Prof Hall tbe dl Mco, erc r that th o
Olt.,n" Co.
641 ......... '
N w 11 u rk
PASTORS\ IlA 11 Y pllpor lillY. On Friday th e Hev - - wus to De &eon dbmdlng Ilt t bo wHKh tub I n II poor portlOD 8 bouw "'B~llIng clothet tOJHlll11icall) !JI~wal,lSl.¥,= the virtu e of d(aDlll1 ell.~ ' Hllllg ! "lUIh IO~ powd e r UM d un th l. OCCIUIlon All
mlliltions are
flae Markell!.
Cough. Cold, or Sore Jl..qal ... o Immedl ..te .. tteaUon "0 nql ect oRenUmca Hlul ... ill Hmo iDcurable Lune d l - . BROWN 9 BRONCHIAL TIIOCHES
.lmpJo reme4,..
",IU aIm.I
"urhably gho Immodlate ntlll'
SOLD 1 \' ALL ()UEJID8T8 ....d d04lcro n m twll c ln QIl
MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT For MAN .. lid BEAST. &11'6'" I lis n 83 1 r..Ht A .. ",. ( "rtil AI •• , • .... , A .a)lIl. 7 U •• Uti TeL f.n.d I~rfaj """ 0tU Mtldu I.d , 1'1 ., 'II bu 0 war d r.p ruu. tb • • 101'10 ,old 11 "1\0, t 0 n u, t M Ild C1 ~ .,... t L nl
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LtDimODl cOret .MD DOti tn. tl.. '" tl 1101.0 IIY ALL lII&OlUINE Vf"D IIHH
SANb~L-WOOD. A rMtilth'.. re nttl r. f or an Il~~ or t I a .t.~
I 'rI~ 0 ............. p>I 10 D ..... f'AI c:a_pWa,. J L ne.~r 1 hMhlre. lick
8, hi Ct t " n'" I IC'It'O"lv in III act 0 J It 's rut I"t' tld H !:tIs r (. "1 tce can In • • nroll ht I",. NO G hf'l r m~l o lnnCAn dotb.. _ ...... on_u",,--, tor owf • to lie . - .
A \ I!./l \ \\1 pus»- for th Tirnova-a DOW leBf
'l.urk ~- [o
~"' '1111 a~bOIll. 1111 bout, aDd . .I I II I 6o-k plna 1 en r • an hlpptnt.. "or '10 th at .ander they kD01t not .ben
Are (uJJ
rout IfsA . d lull of ("8n To •• , at homo II ""1
W("ft rJ and } 0 f1I de. . nd d1I~ Thrr .. Of lIt' r C'II' \.h~) ...nder "ttl " r .... l a fll<d .nd l"",tOD aDd hlooru aboat !ir • "lnoJ. f t he .IIderutM of 4o.b~ '10 at howe II bar
'Thr u . t.,.I ho",., m1 burt I0Il4""
11 e bird 11 tar.L '0 hi but Orr. I tbal lut or tbetr "''''&II~ I, A l aw tl,ho..rlDlla Ib.atr;
To Ita1 at home 11 ...,
Tl llr~ A mnn wIthout my • like brend \I ,th ot t yeast N 1::\\ YonK (.()m "'TClal Adv"tlMT M ~ 11 I OfIC mnu l \ Iccs-1)nzc fighters 0 11 (!T" Drrrrrk \ mnn never U/!eII I I. thllmb n III for rl crcw-dr ver ut
\I HIT 1::11 III I
t l
IDCJnDaLlan accord fiold Ule pork
Hero 1
11 ~
!!Al l XAnItJlpe .... a
Anl ~:\:;:o~tto'fb~~t!'!r:;
Uer lord" .. tlpall J An I 1e here m At ha"e been • "by For.1I her Glppancleo, And mil,. It n ot b.,.e been beeetlJM!; 81. / QUI d old 8oc. • I"". ' - tit l tn&ql C7tron ~ F.W ORLEANS P' C(J!j R(
Tbo of hum or dc' eloped by 'Jlc ~tud€llt 8 18 the .teahng of a I oor lrtldcsmtln d 81gu and puUlUg It u I' III tho wlong plaIce The young men I ~ ll h hcnrlily wh en th ey have misplaced J sign nnd ihc IctlOn rillB Ulelr lotel It clua! "ants
I Igl
EelillSCM fUI 18 i
TUE dIstIllers hove been III Wllllhlllg 10bbym~ for 1\ red uetlon pf the taxes on theIr 1lecultar article Of roin meree If tu ebould be reduced
mu~t we attl'lbut.e Ii il> a liberal fllstra hlltion of the hrllltl !1Jl1ddler or to 1\11 curnest deslrO on the part of our legtsln tol~ to slI'bserve tlie pubUo mtesest.s?
D1 ~
r~ l
I!C nijO
~ Kl!~ ~A.ZI1if2. ~ I 1'11'111"'11" 1',
l .t'I,III1.,.I.
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~.- . I 'Vultl:. CllIlg... ot'Jt: . . elt.,: - All lIcellhl t 1>1.1 1 1'.1' l ' ItIll Il.,1t :- ) lHif I\ltl 'hl
1I101l"III ..
B, .I1II1I·tu 'IIHfl'Il 'liUI " U E N I 'G ' S C O U G H I II "rUIIl"" ,. MII£.111 I} (/ :::, <1 (, ' ttlW" IIlId Dell" Uu III IlIr' I!t) II 111,:1'. .\I'tA· r tltc 'lialt ~' , -' t K Prloft SG 01• . • !!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'...!"!"'-~!!!!"~~~~!!'! ~tt 'i ~It 1.1111 hV"11 hl'I'lIth'rl I'U_Y , ,JCt! 118 I'rll~ptlrVlh' with II~ Ill! 1I.1I1l1.t.,tllI ' s 11 1UN'" ,.; U PVI'IIUII vi "h Ich 'I/,.,.,pt'/f IU tl III WUri r"lih~hcLi laU. Oure~ CO 9 ke 'h C:lt·, ~~:U~·~ta;"ll~ e, Ii ', Take no ol~cr. " .Il C 'In~;I~ Lrr1'l.1~ ~II.\ ~H IL\,l L \, A ~. ' 1! Ul' hllil !tO il e tv th' I'llllitOlltlll1 \' lT1cnlth III1USIII\lIy glKtd uI1I1 ~l'all,l ll ill tllkoll "r'I~U tIl ' l'elll'il& 1'1'1111 ,'11 1 11 \lllltll' hU1I1 'ult, lmko tl' ~II. l'Io~~.nCOI\~~r no Equ~l. Lo va no your DEuJ'l~~:H~~£' ..- . .~ ..,..,,"'- ....."',..... ......... UII I,,-t '1'11.· Un I' 1II'lIllillll th ' I'"r. IlI lhl, ull h!'lIgh th e Iilh)W II()d " 11)1.' 'Ie ", "uuld tI~ell l t v ,h)1l1l1 11l1 1111 Will mlil lwyuolu6. vI' thl ' UII I' I:':" t;ol1l~mpiiQn.. unpl .... nt oiI'oct" ~LD tiOD. X,"IA '''''''n''", 1111111 " to ~" I~ t , t'''UIII1 t tl ,,) 'IlIr blllllJ;ltt I I~ thr"m li' lIr Illchll d·l'\,. 11 ull ' Iltl'r llUtlc , ,'r III lIIe. l 'hu ullhul-' c ,lI ch.ed ill tJlC III .tlll.lll ~h ' t IlIi; Bottles DoubI&the SiJleofany 2 Dot. r~para • (,~i~'~\',:~cr~~-', 1,I,l:J~. II/ ~~, ~ll llae~"el1llr 'I~'r ,11"Cl'1I11k't 1hll l ",1I It·I()IIIJcrtrCt'l~ . "gUl wurt.hlll"kl!lg l'yeil'"l1lllt~!:cl:)S wlll~htul,r u ()(:'~~ tll lt ng lrim by till 80lti! 1,( hnld _ • ...a~~ _ . . . . . _~ . . Wlj:hl.~ pre",', IU '( " " ," l'iol 7 ICUt'c. , I), "I'. II I\lUIIS el I I ' II.') 0111111" uO tw soon III lip nlllg pYln~ 80 IIIUUlI 9)11100 111 .0 II II " lI'IIIIU.. 1111(\ till' 'IItell I"/! )J . r Clllll lU lI _ .... _~.,.;;:;:;;;;' _ ~ ... _ . "re1a"t .boJ ,,, Ac:c••,, . . . . .I.U.M. to Nu I :1 1 hilI! UII} tlllll$! h) II\', arnoll~ I \,th,'r C.III~'. p;lpcr~, cl.)mpol 1lI0 to bellr tblll ' por. II ml II: u 'cutlUlI IlIl th 1 1111 ~ M I' . . . . d. I I I I I I I \: I 1 tI . )il ht "'pres. .15,." t '\0. 1I t illig 1\ P I 'I t 1111 II! 1' 1\ I:\I ~ '( , • C 111,\' II~ t 10 II~ utl IOlltld III tl,," u fl'xn~gclllti l)lI un 1111.111 I Cllt' I IU!Ylllill'h! Itud 1,lk e n ill Ilxl'olli ll ll - - - -:0:.-- - 'a~l LIDe . 5'1 . " /'i"o Ii ;It Il' ''gl '' " ~ 1'111 ' lit; Ulld hllli ,'II \I ill !o.:\ II CU)1Utl l1 l1t1, stOt:k f\)eding, icis lII thut udually full tu thl' I ,t ut hll11 To tlll ~ letter AIL. I UoynoldB Clnoln AClo . 1,111 r ~ :, 0 I ~ rlUI YlIl C, I III Ju I ,til, I tlt,lt he lllllh' Ull" ' III II III k IlIg, sclwoi renclllllg,&C, mllil wh en Jndl!,cd pnrely Oil tlto ,',I ~c" t a repl y vI' whIch th o lulluwlIIg TO PERSONS SEEKING BOMES IN THE mST. ~::::hl~~~rc~~.. ~J~' Pr ~ :, I~ 1t~1~ \\ Ith Uli lt.' 11I"ltlt~, 1'11t b~t1 ms lllllL "It II 11 11l \l cutlt 'r perlllllB. d o· pill t tut OUU!Ul of tholrlJitter lues I~, HUUt!lUlltIUHy, 11 copy: t H to~. Oil .lg,,"1 OC llll IVIl un d I'JStcS III IJ u~ II\(,:;s III/! n Iltllu 1111 tlt o en largemont ul Trulltlllg yuu ,willll llu\\ 1110 a CU IlI P IlURlA ILL. --1877 ___ -:0:;--- ~~"';'Eo~~ ~~J NI~l'tlIlVoltCftt" mo,l IlUu IIltun l ~tl ll'l hli ll 01 e\(Jl y thl llg, 11111 Sll l)l't Ill'rll drYing hUll80, BO IlS purnll l·o stlitelDellt le n~th , 1 Ala EI GRNK BuN~lm _ You No~ 1. 6 , 7 .011111 'UII d~'Il' All o,h.n IllId \\ h,lt llillut'od 111111 to COltlllllt tv Illw' It lint lif ,th o wily wh cn \\'0 SCIIU yon till S COI\1IOUllle~tl on. . dCOUlldl I 11 I hellr Ilnythlng GRE1T ..~D1J()BMENT.s TO .E~ LIlIITED HElM. 1I"lIy. n e·I,t , u"do u th e bllrgl.!I) I,c cUllld IIUt tdl. 11 0 Co 111 II to uur 8prllig lIud SlIlUmor My nume IS E ugeno BUIIIl C'r, IIlVrc lru m frl lll1 'ou I shllll usc (J O. B\INE". r,cht Agen l ,"dlllltted th ll blll~lury IIII J InlcclIY \l urk 11111 th e BOil of SUlOuolllullllor, \\ho such m,)noy IInu lI~nu 'lIoe Uti I pus - - - -:0: - - - Oln RO I!: R ST ILE, EI ." g'l but (, lII phatl('IIII ) dt: llIcd th e l rlll1e W,' hllll 1111, J hope, brcutho II dlcd III N c w York some te n yeurll t I ' t t tI llIAlLS (HllNG EASr /. I I I I I I I I U II k tl sca8 II IIl I C yo u bC II U I~ pO ll , Olo~. 01 III. " and ;, ~O, II \I 1113011 III I III CII,O III " IIC I IC III ' Ir~ ~1 111)\1' I IUt t le rc UppCtll sligo 0 was we nOli D lUIe Ill! lelll1 r \" It L All R~ \ NVW'S Lando ar. lor 0,,1. ,n O.... IODcouuly, Nebr""••, on the hD e of th. U P R •• ' pne.. wa~ cvlll i tell, " I lilly oll,el An c l tiO IlI l) plU I'l'ct of ut ICtlst n prCllolit 1111 IlVno rnble glllntloll1l1U, 'Illd tlt l' I u ) , I mntofl ,,); f",m .~.[)o ",,1M per .ore l!l'i: oen.tlt fsrml1lt{ llUId. upon .. bleh . ropo GIl D be lolAU.8 O\'IN O WF.l! r II p"tlClit hC/II II1K by Ihe Jl1d ~tl he Ce ' 111 1"" ul thnt IlIlefllul wllr" Ili ch stntel1lellt thut I brou ~ h t p 'cull inry Ab'lIlt Ilti SUUII u. II le tter cOlllu , Iho hr. t , cllr 111 une III Ih. moot heullh,\"""Ut'" III tho u, led !koIt.,., tl,u pro010 • • K L1'l,3G P AM i ".~! I~'!~ p 1''' \I ; Yo as 81.' 11 tellced tu si x )' CllrR' 1II"~1 1:1 IIll: b~ I'll lug 1111.( betll cen UU8~1II I UIII up II hi III, ill l.otnl y 11 11 I rue, liS g" I" ~"I t 1..1 ku 1111 d II n'l ,I y be II I 1,I"ollu"o ure ....lto~t, cor:" oah. b",loy, rye. l)ul"~U•• "lid r~o~ orop8 . LI olltJtellt li t !tal,l1"bo l till Ih e II r~" 1I 1111.1 1'111 kc\' nllu litreutollcd to all 110 lh ed leuvlllg 11 cumlo)rtub l CV III ulteu. lh C' 1" lI u\\ 1111{. t!llli IlIlItllllly, Stock RalSmg In all Branches IS Partlcularly Profitable. t,,111 Venrs for Ihd hll lglil l') I·te t lte Tli l puwcr alld po pehJll cy_ I\lId J WII:l II U grl'II I" 1 ex· IIUd l ecelved liy telel-\lIIph. IIb, " rl'"..,.,1 1':ducuu u" I. fr 'c, OOIllIll OIl Il"d IlIg h school. oll,l"wod ru:,. t ..."d frOl,~ ~u' \\;'.'ft:~ II) f\llluI~ ~lltl'r 1111' c"lIclu~1l11l 1>1 Ih., htlclil • xls lellU? III E'l rupe fure\,'r I'cll he tu Itlln thull tltut luvolvt'u III RII!.r LA,,~:--l 77 by tit , !!oJVlrtUl, . "t I'luur,. h",!! lv,,,,. 0" 11,0 hno o f ,III Il n..d II ff,,, J ol ool1o"t rn ...... e",l1fJ,. a&ouornmuuntltm trU.: 1I vrulrfi C b d I I \\7 l' )) k £lt.rt. Wit h u ll th o "*m Vt,tllIClH\e Itf n ld or Jte t t l c,l nunHI\u..H~lu l! U 1l \Urllln on t lund" min be IlIo ..... tuf!iouwlll .... , . ,v•• llr..flllllll ... ' ''''' III-,;t s n lCc ' Oh 'I, 1110 I'ltllllil vI II LI". uvee 11I11'1'ell , It \\111 u a Illy ' dUClltloll,n,n s ileh UUIIlY 110 1\ R ',U!IA ll \IO NUID8, itO ob'. oooduncloru, . It"",o."'"c1 I.wo"h wh K" ,,"l1l'or.u,, •. wlrclhcr moIcorfeml\ln,o.~, ~~~"'"!'----------~ I J e,SII\l 111 tho CIII UO ul blllgl.", \ I IIIIIII " " ~ ,'xl ,tilillUll of IlIlght o ~ or belongcu to tbe'lloll uf II IIIUIi III lil t< lilA, I LL - ) , 111 II ti l IIl' UI 11 0 mOlo 21,0"1'10 ,,, ."c,l!40 ...,r.. troe, ",,,1 ,,1..,10 I,ersn". of f'Jr~'gn !.t,rth who lII~ko .pplto.. DIRllt/T UI"' , 11,lcuu ITll d t) II I1 U II LI B scnlellcl'll to I I~III I'VI II hl clt ,WOlle r ur late r p,. It,OU fr ulII mo. All lettc lS IIlId CO IJ IIII II Uo" fllr .'L,"~".IIII> tho 8umo I'm,lu!!o ~nll,lro",lo K' VU rodu4ud r"too.lo Co...d, Neb. 0 , ' 11I1I, t ,,1I Iii't l, 1I11(I t Ilat awlul . ' 1-hilt [ I c J a ' d'185IVll le(I 1 t10118 Ile re l Il ",re ~ 'r.ckol" fllr .....o b) Jolw ,J Cuzad' "t 1:lJ U" o.t CI". UllInl, 0 , at .be foUII\'{lD i J•• V.I.U,:Y Pr..m~"' S''''''N thr'I~TCII III\ U unu u Ita ll )"U ld AU ulI l(, f. 1:11"'11 I C IIIf III (}II PIiBSClI WIII b0 rul.e. " -)(,~'o, t reet, nc" r ) .... n nd Dumu •• rv"~ nllllle lI " t ICIII Clltl,( 11'.1 fur II bill" I} T ho 1'111 ks hnv e the toRUle right New York ci ty I. eq uall y ulltrn c. clIu sid croo us If th oy wcre not Cln clnnntl to C07.nd ,,22 R ound 1,,1', f 3:),liO. good ferr 40 d,,. llY un th~ t1"'EtldSutuLrdU") Illldp "tar "f eKe I' Iary IIl1d laI C" I1 .\ vf 'R h'IC ~II~I ' I Iv Ilt ~l r rulWlulI E~OIt:NK BONNIt:R. lNVJANAPOLI S tu·COZAD.*20, ,uund tnl', $a'J,IiO; good (QrfO.a ,y, m"ot> cr " '...... '" IIl1d IIls titntlou8 118 us ally ulle ,W Q bll8 e ycr kll ('" II Rm.,." O \ T lI OI.IC O Ii URe n -Th. Rt'v'd 1l(,lIr Frllllkl ln, "U8 8Cll tCII Ct!d Iu H Ihe uthtl IIl1tl llll~ uf Europe, a nd If IUO CUll curt f ~ ~ or thllt 1 bru ke Tho threat of tl,e pClll telltlllry A E TIll C t dr d l o th \ T .~_ ta - I ·" t 1I1'lt Iler R \l881a lIor ... to' I t II ,. •• 11 n x cur14LOn r Uin W\ t"I".e In ClIma I An n Ll\Dapo ta n f'J fWMt fl ' uelll(1AJ F.the, Augu'~ID., l'rI •• t )[,... Oll the "~ J I yeal~. , t II:) IIUull u Illy mut ..I . ' 1110 II' 8 I ur\,u~l ,t wlIJor uOll11 0r to IllS SC lltieS l"I1"Ary .&nd February, I 7t!. '!Vh tl purl.l •• will "" .howb dlfMUy throutt to Uoaad. §\l';,'rl:':Y'~ft:r:;~o~n.. ll' T ~~ -~-.- - -..... In c prl~(ln Cnl werc. 011 WCtlII C!! ro!,c till nny mO lo ri gh t to "i cst l ill IlI g, IIl1d 0 r inlercuurse nlld III vcry 1I 0i ckl y, aud wo aLi vise hllll For t"rthor 1II1"rIllRt'Otl , apply to DAVJU CLAY POOL, COZI\(J.b RT l"'ny'~ P K Cu oKell - Cnrnor of day nwrll1l1g. by th e ~ltcrllf, lI , s; , 1 Ihe ll I"J~S'·.~ l\lIl ti vr ill btitlltiolls out ICCt lll1l uro tnarlitcd by dally Illltcrs 1I 0 W tu rei Ire to BOllle lucuilty whew ,,," .. t~' Nehruskn. MI-6m Third .ud Miami Ireet.< Th e n e, l" "II- ' ed hy 0 U ~lIluSR, E sq , IlI koll l u I,r Ih ulr hu nd. h) 1'I IIIellCo, I\ur ,.r !' 111111 by n lII11tual confiuoll ce olld \lS I hI! lij not knowlI, tf there 18 1111) ~ dune :"low·~llOn R<oTo.l"rrlD,vlno ••'r\lce th e Pe ll iten ilary. lelll'llig t ho J lltI ' ''lr~l c li tI UIi . than Ih ll e nltl(lltelllld lee ru . i IIlId 111r the IIlI li, rlunl1to ~~~v;J~i ~~~!l . , c r y t 'aUW 6e&ll o n .ur" Il) ' \ (· nll1 ';- ~ S I IJU IRIICIr place ' alld II It o cunllot. hv e ~~~~ ~ 8 ulUl"" ...·ltool.lO. III 0 ' 'ry unl1a) ,,(It 1\ I1011 I til ,I II I/~Ir,, " It IIlIlIt u I" " ' (III I. IIIII I ~ (' ) \,1 1\t I'SC U· IIIled tatcs tOlracly 11111 now s utacrlllg II II I ~ hllnll. t1 v, wili eh IIIIlY hll CIJI\t\l dcrcd I YIl'£"n~'MRKTING (HMk."L)-!Il, "lInll Ull e r. "h clI UUIlltufll H lIl\e~ 11111).( hUI ' Iv kill, UIIIII , ptll.!ge, chcllt, I III)' uill y coru tort. S he uuu 1I1)' l u IIIlll ter of dvuut, tv It\C as hvn: for divine wuraillp e. ery Ftr. t ~" d F"ur,I, IVIIII III C.II C, mt!U II\~ k\;u I II ~ " I SIIlI V~ tllld dl'oor" y tl,e lu dlllllS 111111 1tw u ~ l s l l ~ IlI'C IIOW III E uml'U, IIml lest liS he call DRY, beglbbl~g lit 11 o'doclt to·.r-t.Dal felice, a"u \\Ilil Illls wl' led Ihnt he tlllll It l,,, " "" I1J ~'lIl Itell tlelZOi lt e ll l ltll\ e but recelltly hmrnod W),lIt hU:I I _ 11,. nnuerPlglll'd hll. been al'llU,,,,,,d Local A ~ enl tho 80tl%BJlRN OHIO 80hcool Mtlll··co'oIOCIt I 1 I' hlltl Iluu l'rt ukell to Clirtcet 1\ J.H c.lch IIIIIU ' drt\e thCD! .. ,to'sllll'l' ry tlr truillplrlld. lli uvel wl vte II letter ' I"c '·llO nal. 111118TI\.s II DIl 11 -.,0" ee on ,~ t'... , 11 I . b " l' d.), and I;utld.,·•• hoo\ II I hl\trpll'~ ' "11 . cr. U IllS 8111 ec ~ell rclllised su kil l 11 11 wit l) ICS I8t fh ere WIIS IICV t.) thut curlll gOIiU llIa ll saYlIIg , n ery Lurd'•.dKY m Ortling thllt the .1.11 1 IS 111m 1\ Itl wut 1111 oc l r 1111) IIl'el l .,1 .I IIY :)1 t1J1 ~ ,lluuvla I tlult 1 had It!d a d ls8lpu l cd lifo, Illlll - ~I r A ~h c r U ~tnltl, I'll' OpCII 11 E C lllme n - The Rov L l' \'on CIl '"" I CIl PUll t, "llIc h 18 SlIyllig n I!r~u t dcnl cnl ""ltn UII U l,r.ICtlce. Sevollt) l illy IlCll'lUlutallce Yo Ith hlln IlIlJ Ill S I cd hl ~ sug ,r ClIIIII' I( lUll Oh" 1"•• ln' .. " . fi e,1 lolIll8,'lr of the lOO t. . ''' ' Rnd ro 1t.Io ,I" J of tho Comp.n,r.~!:.':I00r~i~.:~:~oO ~~ ~.U'~dftY·SubL.~ I," r a cou ll ly vI' tltc )J0p llluIIUII vi ) eU ls UIt~'1 WiI ItUIl1 Pe nn 11'118 dCRC! h'IIl I" grew out 01' a prtvr nc, l'"u II I - Mr I1l1 d MI'l! A U, McUII lIl.tll II"' . 0'" ur Ihe 1'"" tic. I -"b' I".. ,1 t1 .II d ool.d eowl'~"' •• of Ih. d ill, otamUng C ' er. aobool "t ~ 1-2 I' II Wun t il --liU ~Il I 11I~II, rt - a IIllln III II,h t ullce bl: ll\ cell hili WI 11.1 ullLi my Ins It II 10 bt'CIl \ IHlllI1g 111 C IIICII II lilt I "r" ' ure I eua"'e fa',nd ••1011 II 8u""d b '~I" I ~ I I I i h II J C8 Up WIl R veq IIll1C lt tu ll CCI 1I1'd 1111\ e Ir,\1 . Cll U all J uver 1'cl1 l1syl...ya tc r. I he c O lliprul\' ).r ro u v~ li s po th; \ h !ldelll n t I f Oil 111 \ 1"1 nft nU t GIl C I (If 11:1011 AI IrNt PIIIENDS'lIIE&TIN:1 (Or"',o<\"o) - lfeel· ,I - V ul cill I IIC~ fl,r ~lI le lit II II S "I 01.... . \11 pe ..., " . I ,'Wee" ,h. ft~,. of ~() II",j I:; " . "Iliad I" cl io .. A hel,.." " ,. IDg TI ,I' stnt(' me.nt tlt llt tlte tll le 01 li ce V IlIe U! III ' '. D 'H " ,ll ~U'JII "1' 1" " d ~o '" , I. .. 11 nl,,1 I,c' ... . " :; I ,,,,,' 65 11' 01" .. a D YInr d,Ymtl " ortllnp every F.t.t .. nd .jl h I to kil O" 1\ II l'lit cr t!tlY Wuuld cut ul1 11. 1\ II Ilh,,1It !.Olllg Irlulcated by t lt e F"'I.D~Y""d "llI s h 'IS : l lId itlJ '. II Ite vll ir '\I1S dro~ed In MIIJ () r 18 USS{lm~:d 18 uf u I',cce \I f !te ro • Co .. , ••• S IOOO I'ollc' y, ~6 4'0'" of laooo I'oll c y, 'I~ 8o"h '00 1 gtn,tlltn2j( ,AtI Ikl u'clOt! k ool\tl · ocoe \M 1 0 ourt Ilas 1' lrlulI II.I 11\IJ " urJlc~ I, 11 1' th e _t) I"' " I tl ,,! Quukors, euclt hl\e nil thll rllilt, a.:! I lUll III )l '~3U '~ 1\1 1I I -. ~tl ti 11.1II1I1I!t fllldl'l or XI' II ~o"IOIi\OOOI'III"1,~~.OO W,ytl P. & f,.·". T"wn ~h'l' 1)01"' 1" 0,,< jI.nteotIYOCOmp,,") m""I.8()lIlh",ld8"tur· IIcl , I'C bll d llll'S~ ItCIII~ dOli!! S,'"11 ,lilt! l'ellC lllll ull ItltJ beou [lII)IIIIItC" ul lite CUU1111 i8SIoJil III firllt !tuutell l lil V I ~'Il'tI Mrd 'VIII It"gclo I".t Illanl. \ PI\I ICudfl ll " "lu II " .. I.j) ' olll"nd II)' til" L l nl .\ J;Zenl. " hu w, 1I ~ ''f C nll uHtt day In .".h m,,"tll. "t I! ,,'"look 1'"' B) IlItlgl1lcllt~ 111 0 IWII1;.! hlkell, 1111 U bv th o IlIlIt 1I11.! gCll tlc I'ohcy of Ull t, captal ll IIlId Dl<lj l.)r, b Ollnll~ . k ' fl l r ! lil t 'I m ll~ 1 1I 1I a~ l ' thu ,-O Ol IH\ II\ h l 8ue h " ri "'I,. h 11I"r II " ,. In." r tl "mer ny' L t. I{ nr ........k ' Pro so, Id I I I 1111' I I) II 'I.'r tl", - 1" "111 I t' L ) 0 I 6" \\ \:c ~I i4 "fIttheP CG 1\ ('S ellR 11 11 11', el " t Ih o clly a 13 rlit Iler .,uut o.. UI UIlconl,lOr • i1 . ,. L f '1'1 I \\ I \I '"1''''' , /1, (I I) U ElIltlGn'f I., cll i "~(,l1t C yn,t' 4T B ' _'"SuT·~' cere ',r )11 CI h , UUS. e~s vI Ilko 1I ,l tUI'O alld III ICI II' L'/l c N u II lIlI ucr thoro 1110 ri U I \J ill ioN U, 1. 1,4, IIl1d AI)rtl 5,1 11!'i - - . -. • I 'IIlPI~" 1I "I I
--- 111 '
lurth\!~ 'U llt
~FraDeY'8 OmDI~lls. ~e ' lIl1d
IIl it ""t~
M"rk,,~ f"oillt,e~
Wnyn,,~<;p.rv' c
h~ld lh oR .. t "lid tlt".l ('tit 'fl " I,1111 I Sl lI •.• " r 'ItIi.' 8ahh"th .. f rKoh m"nll, nt lOt" I ~. n il "~7 n l -'
Hl r l
1I 111 11 ~ of tl,e 11, 111" ,' ell cratlVIl l\ ltU
lll lll
' I It.III '
I"• •ll l Vl:
Ih c. t 'I IO lU clltu r ~ illllll'tl ' ''' that tl'tr" I " "''' ., ' 111 1I :-1. 1 ' ,, ~e CI' " I1 I, III I' IIU l' dy rc pudlilk IIl1d Ign" r ' tl 'l' I UIII 1'~ lInli g Ull a ll~ UIII " u 1I111111l I ~ , - - , ,)1\ ('II JlItIl' li e r, I SI, rll';'; pl'· ~· ~Av'IJ A dut~lol o. "'t Bjln,"' hl 't··t.tr1• II'" t.., 1 III IIeU UII .! ,I I!IIlId 1111111 1 e'n IUS II I u Chll Ilu ll1ly "llI ch IS tll,, !!I ,"'JI!;I) ul'"rd 1II1d ~ rlh \: til a.~,r lire '-'I t '0 V III" rc "" Oil ' 1ll l!11g-.IgI S .tIC I.u'I I' /! I' III (;~ d " " I<:C. 1Il1'- ttllllly IIl1ltl Jllllg its Il1Ipi" nt< I 1'llm . I'III U~ L" Ill'(' U lilly I Il' III a I : \\' II,.,or ' III lit J 11I1t ' ~ l{ II , " , I.t·" &I £ N B"" 1 -· R IIII ,uIJ IlIllt u l'lullll loO,. urt Iht I,u 111111.13 lI.l heblll"" 0 1 ltd feiluw\.)e blllt" 'lfIY VII" wltol~ :!ultie leli t h II I H r) lU ll Itglill I a.'M'KNTlO A.,AI n.". -&.:I I I 'I T I n It r • III Ill vat bll' I,lle lllUIIS I IU lclICIJ I C I ~8 I e. t 1 alii pruplllcJ t u .. h' l\\ l' ,. - ., r 1U11I US urlll , ,. In II 4.'Ad ny eV~OIl1g 'nex t F' ub 16 WI II ,.v\ IIl l' ~ IS lI " t Iy I II' l IIl l'l1l1 ~ brl k. ,I 11"'_ '" . , , I I t 1' 1 II vr: ..,...() the un 11 1111i t:1 ~ct;, n uf nfH c{'18 ul fell lII.tlllllg- ' lI'ell ~I'd III IC I<KIlU I I,ll ( l l' l) pll Cl' pt uf Jcsns, thc PCl d Ullt! PJUulS th ,lt WI I C ,1I111 'CU "l~ KI~~1' 0 • Itll11lllo llli ll ' , 15 11 1' , ~ ~ W T I V A nil UCt ,I:i lll l1l1 I I'stllte li t 1II1111~lcrI)U, j .. unr\ cI vI Ollrt 8tllllllly S"ollt!r lltcm Iltllt .. li Cit U itutClUl'lI t I. 1" 1~ •. I.. 10 Uu,," t 1I~,1I11 118 11 ; "" l , .,~ 0 ... t' uyn t\vII~I 'I Pe I e:ertll:, , =BI~·c: IIlIIU lit l'rl'oull tll cl'kllllllij~l g ll lllell l " I' Illlor tlt o III" (If cm'lpCrtslltioli 1 IIVI\ elume til tlt e stlltlllU': lIl l - Mr E. U ,lllc,bl!. 11 ,,, 1 ~J , .~ O(Jc~() ,~~m. e vlfe C' 1 tO ll Icr. t I tik'd-J ,III1 CS Etuce, a silUC dCllkl willch rllllS th roll,.."h the cntlre IIl1i wlll ch Wllllclllltrlll ll ute,l hy III ' III LeHlo J "c(,bti , " I M" II 11 t A ir). 1Ir1, 1 SIZES. ~O 'IO t d t l uw severa 61ur II re SCS III (' r . kJ . ./ . I 1 'h I CrEC w ll1n8~lIr['dly rn(lct us nil III YOz!lerd"Y'1I U 1" Illlt8 . L I.. d i "ilt IVIII't",g tlwlr rel \,,,' I Il·rI'. A.. I""ned WI III UId nrlDY sOllgs. BlI C III TFrull ' . In . I t I 'r ,..I I d i d d t' I.or II! h(' re lit PlcsCUt 11 fllir 1\ ijlrul~ht pili tl fn ,m wili ch there lUll a lIIarne 1111111 II t Ie Col li TIl - Silf. O W UIII OU 5 111 ~t'elln'd I fINE AND CHEAP ~'t" aaYOI IIlVO IDleA l l\l\d le tlvull ll rlhl.' he nl'fit 1,1 till' 11111 Ltl II U IUllIIlIg 10 the right blllld / dl Cll un Jutlked Iltelltl1 11 plllceulld h · lt'lIl eolalel/rpl.r~' '-1I111' SI'C llrtly I .nUALITIES. C.., ur lellr filUn r I&ronnhe ~~np rc"b ou I rf Mnrphy flcf" rt11 '11Ib It b(,!-(1l11 or tu Iho left Iu l'rlCUpe tlte cOllse 1,c rtiulI, \\ hell, Id,el e IIl1d til 1\ Itvlll ' Fur l'urtIClllul 1l IIppl) ut Ih ~ utticl' I _..:::;:~==:;:======:;~ ;;::;~;:;:::::::;;=:;:=:;:=====:;:==:.::... melD · r lOW II WIlB,. oye, " II e Tllcsdll m Y c~eJllIIg UIIII Will cl o.e tll qllcllecs of ollr "ol, cy lI t1d IIcl1d1l8 ; II li z! murrl ed. ) 'Hlr CIII'Y frll lll, ", tu Ja _ nn . II u", III' • wl,"r ~ 8""'11 d lUg ollr lours III cump 0111 .. I' J' -VI " . tr.~u hts would illvulnlltaril' till 11 , 1I 1~lt t ~ III, III 'ot ntllnctl\(' leulnll's Ulld I"ippy wd l tlII 8 IlJld el or} utlter Iho <UI'1I1 1 (Jd'~ ' I '1'~ ~IIJ d III BO Il1 l! ,i uU CUll gct ) "lIr It" r. e~ ~lt"d \\ Itlt t U~8 our hOllle8 AWIIY ~tr m iMe IlIcc't:llllurtlolc~r.lll l1lb lll.UlIl1d , ChristIU)) IIlltl l.~1 he, wholl Ihoy / luWIIIII Oltw, but Il U ullllle or t" "II ,f,11I1Il oIll1Jc:I lur S l ,~i, Il illf tVt U Id on tllllCS Bome one \\ a uld ' t hcn vutcu for hy tho Irl Ol1dB' 11 sdk shllll be ~blo tu IIIs~llute • hnmlll1 0 I 18 gl \'CII. I It'PClit III) IUllllel IllIl't y $1 50 HUlit t, UII Cl'ullI 10, al 'w hat to tlt e III t puplllllr lIIan, n ulld Chrlrit lall p"bcy of peuct\(111 RIIU I 11180 @tly II 011111 by tlt e 11111110 ' ) lta~ Dp tho StUlng, Id c are tOli tl ndg , Igold It<:nd cu ('ane to Ih e best Itll I II rhltrullOn fill tho IldJustlll C'lIt of nll i vr W ll!f/l n '-d ld tin ICIlc! Su. I~ uut ru 1 " " I II'u l) ~tl' t corti'. '" to.nJrrht, grll nn ' .1 E n t 8" IcHIIl ,' RI"II>lIUII'" III a l'ul ltt VII .. I'011 Ie I (\ cnmp II fll I ' IllellS mUll , l\!r. C. An ) vne CIIII \ lItll dlfficultl cs lI11d 1I" 8u lluorstnllulIl~s . IsU)' t l lilt' IIgone ,,1)11111.1 1. u.,.ll I lUll· ro \\ I ~I or ~met I;ng c 'lila Id b 111111 Inri a IIIUIlY vllted 118 till I' plE'IIRC, hy ' IIl1tlUIIIII, IIIl1m ClJ 'lllllIIU Ilid 1\ lfiulll. ' ti l yvu Id"Ullfy tlt e lattel I~S tl'I: II) '~~ f " r U " tlli ll r"11"g, , I': an lOW t Ie 8trlllll W OII e cllllgh 1 Pll) 1I1g 10 cellt" 1I I IIt~. Tlt u CII II I U 0 . HAliPfUN \ lormcr. 1 1:18 U tlll ll~ 11 II rge Ibt ul ~lglIU lip by cyery comrauc wit , It,d 1111): I test IS IIUI\' 1I111 Itslilig. nlld will bc I - -_ . _ In cllllchbion I 1\ III !lud t hllt I lIues musIc III Ill S sOIlI. IIl1d hll " the) , Clll11e I.'xClflllg hcfulc thc cl Be, to ' 2,.'\00,000 Acr(! oI. wOllt to O.. hfurtlllt to r my h'lIlth - ~!r Oltu ~1 .1 1 \\ ,' III t" Cui 11111 would ~Qake ~ho IlIlI ti nnd \alle y IIIght A - Ilt c cuge IIUW lallll .. to ' It' Y"u WIIIII 11 fllrlll or hulIle yon ' llS 111m dutfellllg frvm II\I'~ II " uh l,uII ycsI"r,llI) ,t I~ ~Il , t1. t , l'II"~1 rlbg With thclr mellldy 'Veil II tlto m" t popnlnl m.IIIII .. t1k 1:llt, 8ltuulu buy \If thc Atc hi IlOU, T o 110. I then llladee ll clIll c."r 11 film I:,r IH U )1'111 III t hc rt!{ I:!ur UI IIII'. \ ' I Il~ to4ny of tlto SII1110 ol~ 8ong:l I A, IJ Gmlt,IUI 7L W F, Eltuilth l'"kll & Snll tll F e K R. Cu., fvr thc l liy pli~~tl8~~L1 fit IlII laml l~d IlICll'I H H c l'olmld lit: U ~uILi ll r, .1 " 11 .. I, I ~llItt0 8C11l~"tthe suldll'IS 0I~!Jt- ' 21) J JJ ulh luuk:2O J vhll C"IIl n 11IIItlw llI grell'1II8: IIIIILlnu C' neCI ()IICIlt! 1 pn'.~ l;u led ' ~cl\u. I UD ~Ig on Ile~t SI~tlll dilY II I~ht, ,hcl~ 110: Dlll' lU ~\ 111'11 J I ' PIIiI Sn lllYIIII I Flrdt- It it! II I1 0 W en terl'ri;;e, tho Bun vf that IlIlIIdy lor "lIel 1111,1 1 - Ai 188 10'1 UIICl S GII,,'", II It" Itu- : 1.lUI ~sacon 111g qa to IInllglllc tllllt " 0 til e uEce 20 W A C' I) II ' 311 ' It,tJli 8" fur IIffl'fllIg th c hebt opportllnlty to se convict ed hlln III 11111 0 11'11 CO Ul1l) hl'ell "Vl!IIt1I1I~ cl eml \\"1 b " ,t It I I more bnck 0 11 tho vld bll'ollac. I v· ' in;l.;;ted III th e hat $f)(j 70 ' Icllro 1\ lUCUtJU l1 8ullu blo to nnYIThu I1Il1l1ey, tlille Illld ill tlllCIiCC vI 1I1'r 1'1I11l1l1~ 1I~11l. r01l1l1l<l1 tu Ittl • ls 10 Ihc m. 11 IIOr on Ihc!ltormy Th e b(,6t bllllle~ 1111\:1 l\ gulu brull ch II I fllr mill gor s luck rauli ng' jthllt Illllllly Ilulu bl:o n cUIISltllllly 1111111 0 ru. L;IIlUn \'llI ng!) 111, 1 ::;.Ih~~ co:>., .ols tlry lIIembol of the oldtlr i"l. be eApcclcd to bo prCscllt,. 11111 el'cry Il cllll ed CIIII". J W. LIIl ""U 0 _.' I, C. ~t!culld-Thc IvclltlOll IS ccn tml , olllilloyed 81 11CO III B(,CI ct UttCHll'ts U.l) reapl..... ..,U'nl ....... ,"' ...1.... ",' ,I&. soldlcr not a IIJcmbcr 18 111 0 t cor· ., ~, ,," I I II g011 11,1 fit I r~ I' d . I ' tn ..... nu. ollgh" al,..-wnh 'h. '''... d.rM'n'''' ••' ~¥W" dlally 1111 Itl,d tu bu I)resullt UII d ell ' E lilll e:3 1(3, <.: D 1I IIIIry 2·H ' .1 11 un~II ' Ie d ,., tI •.VUIU , t \l U 1\ I III l~. ' t 10 tlOI 111) IglluI n,Hlle ta n.II rlVII" I " - 0,," t t " , ...,~c l tllIlt (, ,,,,.,11 ... Il'l- lb.ll<""," ......OOT.'h<> 1 I , A Stcl'lc I 5. JlIlIll'~ ~l c ~11I1I01l15.111ULl) Illl tJ U U, COrtl \\l ell.,tl uu,11I II' IIC,I pnrEllI I ~ y ,"ll C: tUII'ti lll'dJUI II,III1I1 I!t l! I·" " II1j.( ul )U! U 8 )CIIII h01l1 tugctlter ng e J. P. <3t1cllll t Hi tlltal II II 111 _ flllltll Itlld CUttUIl fh o c1l1lllltc 18 b'CII mOleur Ie." SlI ccl'ssl ul. lIwt Fr,dll) tlt e 15t h 11111 b,tt ll MEXICAN ' ' ,WIIl 80llllLl th c liS e mbl), lit 7, · vosted III tltc ClllIl','-SH,7') mald- Ilbollt th u ~,ll11e U SUlltJ,,,"r , CI)I1I I11I1 ' icutl 11 }on cOI'Y liS " cll cxcllle;11 01'1-'''1111111 1) I.. h,.lr h lill I - --- " H um Itl', t 111,111 II chi " lII l1 T E Ky , IIl1d VII P nrclttlSe rs CIIII puy liS th e olh cr vllu 6lundel ~ tltut lIu\ c Ov dUWII L. . , l'unLI O SA l EB --SUtUI·t!Il Y, 1, e~ Dlllk o Ill. ~I )) Egh(,1 t :i. SUllluel tUI fllr lll s It 1)111 "1,,dUC IS. ' llp pl.'llrCU 111 d,o ~LlII Fn.\\II'lscII 1'6 --JUItIl il ('IIl1g h \\ III lu.: lIIl C III Mustang IDlmeni,'v, Io" d,' ••c:o>cl "nQ su~nn:: '~hJ<ct or U(l,Ohns. Gle t IIlK<I'I " hall 11k 1111 dOl At!ulIl o 2'2 , Jlle O' Nl'uli 10, Gcurgu Tltllu-Y"u lire lIut cutn]>ellcd I pl'rtl latcly, 'Jt~ tlt e ~tUCk, 11I tilld c LcbllllUIl 1111 'th~ 1I 11'ltt III FcI.l llIll lI 1 '~ !l!'1Umatl'sm or lIeuralgla '. ""cst ul MUlIlit ll u II , stoc 1111 I March 'l .1 $071) , Iu gu IlIlu u " t1 durncss, hnt Illtu 11 01 tltut 11IIIlI Iv paid fllr With their t r. tl 'I' I "'I ' I" I "OR .... ..,. AND .. [t chattels IJl.'gllllllll" Ilt 10 u'cluck ~~" dl I' I I ' I b' f' I I a I eC II IIlr Clip e "' " " .s: JIULa -'""AD'" • ,., . , 'fh e mo ~ tpllplll .lr ~lllIplt yho) [~eorlllt ryr"I" Y MI:ttlllg,I\II IC j'IJU lIIolleyall' vrn II tiC Illnm UtlS tl'lIIo GJ U \VII UIIU UC;1l:' thld ', :c3noll.oclnor,;r.uerulr"rlbed,.ronry I pllIT u l buot!'. II lI~h H"KCfS 90. wtll filld gvud ~oclety, lI e w8pllpcrs, 111I.w lll ulld batred tltoy bellr lIle. ~~u ' l:1I ul ' lin u"llitur I Th,.lInl.,r", n..,.nnh'•• IIT".,..MINt'nA'...... I ~r .IIY rc(m,Lo(\Y" itlch ",II ~ll~Vla~e Ihe ,u~ W m. Roge~B, A l1ctwlleCI·. ~rl,I"~; } eb 15, lit th e rCl!l dNoncc SUIII Bri II fi I M. C V nil llarllllge ll chllrch cs, g"",1 schvuls Illld 1Il,lr YOII w"l permit mc to lldd th:.!t V ~I '['I I) \. .. ' •• wlo.m Na'u,," 1.",.101 .. h' 10 ....1."""' 0'7 . " c h en "!!' 0 II,m,ullly. nolon y '" I e Jl&"1:" of E. F. \' artier. 1 wil e east 01 ew 8" 0 1,urlc8 " OIIC' 4 '::rnlll ur ,JIIIIICS kuts, III~o ullily· 11111 tis. as my \\herellbout~ mnit bt, know II - -,' os~ rd Illmtid c lit ,lI lu I .u~rl.'nl eollolot.. for Ibomnlndk"ut h.rehll I" " "llIch th"'P3I!cllt ,lone .uffen. but In llult Imore,8 t oc·k a ll d cIIU I t oJ' Id boI ' /) 'I .'fhOIllR~ Lallg-I 1 ~,.r. f) LVlll I lidhl ,y urrl\ cd tHttllC tr 'til .t...." ILl ' amo h aa oc'cm .pn:w1h1k t ,IF :.'\Te""," thc= ~r'e1 S 1'll1 ch It COlin. ul)Qn olhen. ey 'i ' $ '1 GO Fllul th--Thc prlees of IIII1UA .. ro Ito thcsc pel'plo Irurn 1\ hUIIl the ar· K' ~ AI L I I h I unlll ...... lt •.,••'o'.. ~I oot c' ory .uff,,,,," (rom hIS O"D penon,,1 ginDlng at II o'cl?ck. 'V. Co ' Mdllt pUI'nl1lr Indy 'II ~h'II.II;IO __ l ery "''' , r,\II~lIlg Ir" ID two to tcn tlcle 811y~ I hl\l'e lI~d. b Jlh by rCI1 I1I:SU". r u. I cy .. III! II 'lII e TIl. )1.".0" J' .... nll tJolm. nt ,um.'. hl... 'l'rmllcel .. " .rc lhnllheonlrn' ryhlelholl, l lett, &88.lgncc. A. r. Sllblli l IInctlon . , Mollie Oorw lIl .n· Il~ OllJ,OSitlol; ' L1 ulla rs pcr ucrc, I1I1U 111 0 BolLi 011 SOli 01 the arllclo It:\clt' und the cllr ItUl U b1ljlt M r VOe' V Itt d ilid lI"t "'1 ,,";:.:.~:r~~;~~I;'I::::::'::;I',~:~':~;~~,\';"L •• rl" ' 1"'1; I.I.b • • mAI " m. b'e.r:tl~,a, SC'AliC1\. l ""r ' I ' J t 'tl I 7 .• I I d I \ cs t, · 1. 1 SII\'d 11..,. 1>1 " '''' Cli ViI>' I • I , b0 Ill. 0r, en ....... . I' ." .. " Ilroor",. -,, 1'", ..._ - . 1,'1 ink.r, r m-II'-'n~ uv, . HUllclsom('st Jadv"'(l1 lIeeklllCe oo~ c ny~lIrs cr~ I, WI IUIlY 1)01' reSVOll uelleO WIICI IIccnrre )0 I I J " "~.n£. k ' IrC rI d, >C.,. " .• _ " . _, Robert F. Nclson, on the J vlleph Illid curlll CI us. ]'~ I'II'I'I"'R UII"'OrB 1(' CC li t IJltt! r('s t, IIr .:3* 00' ",r cash • fI\ cell \1 8 JllrlOg my slay in Clll t') r 11m , , lin,,,, tbo u"d.h, ••• oIf ." , ..dlo n' h""", 0' I • o( no 11, .,1•• lId so ( IS tt... ,ml'rClS,on l' "_1Il1 IeS " (lst uf 1).U) I! ' AllIIn atllrnllY017,~f),- ,lcllll ie GrIffiths n , ll.urllc&t .arm. Fllth-Thl'lr gnl llt otfer~ the lar IlfurOlU, IIJ It not u !tttlo. s illg.ulur ,-. JUiIIIl l : G uI~g II . III I,1.1 t '1111 01," rtlw.or.b~p II c.... roo,"" . ,,"'.,.... 1. Mil .... ho.n .',," ~ ., I II 1,11 ~. l ltlIlII' lI n lIltc1l11;cnt p"tl cnts I 'th"'_ll t 1 t k I tt I S I1Il d 1I~USCIO I Id 119' $ 1U r d t tl lid \\'<e'k ( ,,' '"ng M'rr"''''orm, Ih o uldcrro... tn.mK'f', lhft liIhJII a :l.t .h:Y (ll:1U~1\1 a II v u e I" o t e l'll re lnet 1.. n 1e,SOC·,CII1~e 15,80. l\ gcstl>volY lIfcllltl ce Yllllcy Iun (I ill l thl\tSl) v"luinulI~lI,erlln1l1U I IS 1\ I 1 ~ 1.'lIye~C\lI\lglJ ...' pollOno......pUl.. .." II"-"'lUId c .." 'cm c 'y (.rr.~ " 'n~.C ..,Jl ATI\B .... . nd!a g~$, Frtdal' FebnUlJY, 2.3,~glll" •• _ ' tlte ''' II~t.''lllI!IItecl alolJg tlt e Ovt· lowodtugu fl(lo ? SlIrolyh eshollld rl"~.II>III.ld hc"r ,111111 ,, 1I~8, ~llb.lcct ,uchdrawbGokIOlloekb"",dlntr ... ,lbu.b llfr , r,cclc,s l.,"nlo ll"",,,"~. who IIB._be. " IlIn~1;\ at 10 0 cl ock. 1 urry 1 eJlSc, I IInr\'c ' tlDu""'. tUll wood f.. lld AI kllllllUB rnora, 1 1. 0 pUIII"lted 80 tllllt tIllS eOIll\)llIIY 1:1 1 "cuhllr 1 evI'le. 1 hll )ll li~ I II eu.... "·-17 ex'cm.1 tro"hlo or hoMO. . ,urh cure,l, nll:t Ihe Ih""""n<\ . .. ho Me IIowhc'":I ~ • Itt U f' I at lameneu. ICnt c hrll. awln ny , /II)lr"111 4 f ou nd er IllJctlollOOr. /:Ilxth-Gulld Bill I ohundnnce of' 01 wlllte·su uled 1IIIIII tI! whu ooze Ipect I ~ th'lt 110 I' elll I 0 our pcop 0 .,04....11 rlnRI}(",.,.t."•• ,~ r<l, '< .. l' (II ,. " Ier, ..I ", aj;ollle& L_ .....~r WI II lilt: John Tharp, on the M intle farru , -M iss Christi e Ed \\ nrds IlIls 1>111 e "liter, II III tid a'lId rllmarkUbI Y ,' With philulltltrlllJy alld g uod wurks ..... tli II vutl thelllllci vcs 01 tlt18 up I "'oX."lcft" JlUI'nngllnlm.n, h tho qlll_k... \U,IIIIIUllY lo II . " Ulu " " I I . hca lthy cll nrolle, with low prices mljlht be identitied I&lId jll~tlCC pUI t 11111 t y. .u;re Ja tho "World tor aoc hlent .. O(("tlrrln g In 'he l1 ere \\c hn\c .. C t1RATI\ a a~~nt wh lc~ 2, mi ea sout I cast 0 t OlIIW," , bcen SPOil! I Ing a f ew days 111 t IliS ' amlly, I.. Ih•• boenco of " Jlhy.lelon . •uch .. Ih.." 'h nl'l'ircri e.,o",,111 uons a powerf.l iltock, chllttelB and household Inr· plnco, pUylllg Illro\\oll VlllltS to her iumllulIg tlllle to pay in, makes lip 6Ktlstied. - J uhn B Gough will doli\cr ~~~·~~~ir~:I:~::.,,:~;~C.i.;".~;:u;"hotu;.~ ~,,,I boncfocelltlnllucnce ontl,e whole nen'o II1tu e, Saturday, Fub.23,begllllll1lg II1l\lIy frl cnds here Chri sti e is II tulul IIf IIIduceme ut8 greater than I To the gO()(I people of thiR city his celel'rllted lecture, I..lght~ ulld Uculo.,,. •• ') 5Iell'- 1l rClllC<lx o(",rlrsplllA',le dTtCJIcy_ - @t 10.!~ J. M.}lo~~~ !luctloneer. prepall ng to go II ('st , i ' lS ufioreLi IIl1 y,,1101 ol~o III America 181lY : WHen ~1H41t. to olltur 8U SltllLluw," 01 LUlld" " 1..1 fe, ,I ~I X CII I II I. ,.........pH, nm047 I" lito .....Id. 10' II .d,lom- In'hng 10 ./furd prompt- ....,"eI In wonaru GlldillS, one milo lIorth I -U IIcle T om's Ollbl11 , on Fradn.1" For ci rculars cUlitni lIing full pllr clety or borrow mOllcy, or rUIi llir III, 011 1 !tllrs dllY eVtllllll f ' , h "bl ullry pene'rotcolbemUIClo 10 Iho I>ono, an~ A c"'''' o( . cule or chro me P"""III Ihe be"", I CVOlllllP:, Will be tlt e occaSllIlI (If 1111 ticullI~ 0' lunds, priclls " I' R n, ' offico, my UffiilMi may be uf Illllre .H. AUIUI SdlUlI. 75 eellto f U Ilryeys b,llrg, 8tuc k. lln d CI~ll tt c~" '" T IllS, a~ ·~nn~ratJn~=te 1 ' _ or IIHh c1c5.. II - _I.C::;;IUI - • ° ..n'~.~.euu"'p·~ r_ u,,, Ii Saturday, ~ eb. 16, begllllltng tit (,the r dc nse cru" U Ilt FII cmun's ' tick et" fccl",ht IIIfortlllltlon con illterest to you. U lltal th on, II I wuuld bo a gvud oppurlllllity lor :~':!U':~'~:':~:':'1"r ':::~'.=f.r;:'rtl- i , !u~~I~:~ e~l:r~ ;:r:~~:~:!I.!:!~. ~~ 9 o'clock A 'f',Sablll, allctl noel ll"l). Everybody Will go. lel:!rlllug uUI'.;'rlJJ:lenl lands, &e., Ild· ehoose to lelUaiu here, paJ my "dIs our citlzen~ tv hear hllllln tltl!! pnp I Siok Headaoile, fer Nervouaneu, fer -Sugar llluklllg has begull. Idress lit' call orr JOSIAII BtI!.DROOK, Ilnd hehllvc IU a gelltlolOun, I al' ufllr lecture. lame B1Ck or Side, for Eryalpel., for Isaac N. Hutfield, un the. Hur t L~ oKu M UUILIlJN G, Llt:nA.NON, 01110. poal to the Just jndgClocllt of 1111 -Thallks to Oll~ fri eud Mdt DiphtherIa and Sore Throat, for ChltIHula fllrro, 4, llllles sOllth of Hl\r ver'~burg stock chllttlll@!llldhouso l - N u moreas8Ignme nts.~I . rcspec t ..dnd le nlellt ilrudstrce t fur slime cull ull sccd I olainl.farSprnlnaBralsmen ~IIII' II IClr ...., Cule,W.unds, hu d souds, 1uollday,Foh.19, beglll 'I )'cll .. lolllI Nc)tlcc~, ~ A Siellt Illall1: relnedl es afO "rl' tl'CISIO EUGENE BONNER. II For Bul'II8 and Soald8, forTootbaob.IA t 9 ' I k P P ' 91> '.. , LJJ 1'< frvw Tcxas Mr. \\ IltCB 118 tl.Jlt faot for all Palna, 'Dnllm ••tlo!18 .lId 'ling a 0 c oc crlY ell , I -I),IdV1l1 tl sed to UlllI g t lem hefore the SALT LAKE, D ec _ 27, 1877. he IB puttlllg 100 IlCrC8 JUto cut Swellings bO remedy" known wh'c\1 poS)IUCllu~cr. _ . _ _ _ - ~'lto R e y'd Flltit er Au~nBtllle'd , publiC, bllt tho Inlte r dccldes wheth· We havo ah;elldr ?,evoted mure , tall , IIl1d thllt cl'el'ytlllllg 111 the I ...,. sse. lhe remarkable hooh nl: nnd 8OOtlllnl: , al'pollitmolit In the Cutholt c e r the arllcle 18 g\lod or hud . The spuce tu th e ' MIlJor thun Ito 1~ l ahupe of a 1'lul\ is l1ll8Y. 1I~ Ilnd , ~ ~ ~ '1",I,I 'es, "h'eh " ' 0 unrveNI III ,I. chme Vuun '-J.Kt!S, Jnll8t 0: our old cl t Church uf 1111S plnce III dclerrcd I L olld Ieputatloll 1\ hich Dr. Bnll 'II ' Wl'l th, ulld we lu\Ve ouly tu Blly CUI - ' IJI~ hlludy IIl e st ili dcltghtcd "ilh I r Gild Ecope or so . ,mple BII<\ ,-,fc In '" ~Clla~llre.:ue~ltUJ \1(l11'1~~s~ltnll until Su liclay Ilt e2 71h Bahy Symp elljop is a 8tllndin~ l e.,ruIllK the aboye, that "Majur" TOXlli l1 ,L1 Itti golllni clllnate. I'p',c'lIon Forlh c,creason.L"",,o,. Jovla.landloro , IIC U II > lll ~ h " -l),VIII O SOrllce will be held 111 !!,ullruntec 01 Its mcritt!. Puce 25 B'lIlllel' Iii VCIY ('arelul " vt to du ny . 1 UR\IIH sl,ullld a pI ,col "' t~ry M'P'Q C8tabhslt~ and npolled th.c St Mary's Olllll cil II C<tt Snndlly lcollts IUI1Y of the all~glltlons muue by the -A lIew IIl1d Rttr~ctlvl! work lSI • :~:~~nr>l~I~~V,'!~:~~~~)~~:~,~~e~,~~cdl~a: G Q.Ollilil IU CllIC,lIl1lltl , ".1 183ti, rn orlll llg at 11 o'clock. I - _. -11i a118cript Accordil1g t,l his uwn bel ng canvlIsseLi fur III tI~IS 1 I 0 I g h . . "I .',')"l~ "" !:ept o. ready fur Inot.;wt 14114 Jrept the lIawe lUll.! 18u-:l:. alld I -H'Cksltc Frtends' Qllurterlv Tux fun.lo vlIlg readelS can he co 1~ :8:lIon maue durlllg hl8 leol' blJdwud, entitled HII!Rl ey HA 111111111 1 who hM now put hi ' 110111> anLi l\lr r Meeling was holu here lu~t Sel'ollth easily plcll8cd I1t tho ill\'l·stlllen~ of Id~n:e ho~e, he Willi IIIllrricd 111 ' K.lOgdulI, by the ~ov. WIIIIllIll , Soi l hf a\l Drn~lJl.t .. H. H, DaVIS, (urmcaly 01 th.: \yul alld First dal's The Orthudox II d imc sent to I 0 Olenrletgh, X 01 io nnder the namo of Ulugley, A M. It IB a vol II 1111 ne.p"ntfuIlYlIllorm tlte oltl7.en. of thill Pr.lICl£. One Dollar.,.r Bottle. k f'.. r a WaltulI, enlll, toI a, 'y" ~ nog Ia d y u f t Ililt lOllS Wur, k c 0ota'tiling ?YCI. 100)I pJuce ..lid olomlty thOlt thoy "Me Opebed 0 Botti ". for fa 00 . IIU t u.Dtree t "U.d A venue BtI)C k".J.. IrLi Qnnrtcaly WIIS Jheld In CII10lnnati 317 B1011 d wny. N e w Y or, I A1111NEW BAKEkY ~Ote,lil, to brill!: I)aek . the ...cputa - . _- - copy of the fum o"." Punch AllI1an· IIlCC, Ho etlalJ1led to hllve been pllgcS, and IS pr~fl1sely 1!"lstl'llted :tlcpored by alon bill bote! ellJo~ed III old tlmos, 0.111\ 1!!:J4 to IUllldt'3, S()lIth.We",· nck for 1878 Jllllt IS8ued from 1.0 11' dP·votced f'rolo hflr but Ihe fllct hRs \\ Ith fine engruvtngll. It 19 chulnc Ib dWMnYIlesvlllo, .outh -wu6t con ,or IIf IMlun .n.W~O!l Chemioal Co" ~m.!.~nd, Ohl~. . G"IVlUg as WUC II f'()~ I1.ttl e lDOn ' I , proyon thllt in t erlZCI . I liS cUll1prcI ' an d ' "".. IIU..I"'nt , •.c'r I 1 I'.. 1"Hm/!, lUllI ••....,.. t nr ••• dOli. been I1bulI<ianti" I 'IISlve sClen II d ' 110' hcro t l'8Y keep a way' __ ___ ____ III ~ pouilpl~i and tlunkJIIg, per· EXOI; IlSI',N ro rHIt NEW SOUTII , • _h' • th o IlItter BIllteloent he lied. lIe tlfic, anLi IS endor8eu by thQ be8t 1'1.e "Mt " OtTb6'8~ade n" f ad, ._. 2!!!!S!_ ____ _ Ulat &be tilllCll ~'01J1" ~rlOlt WEST, )Vl:if the Alclti~OIl, Topeka Tllg M. E. Ohnrch 80ClOi wa~ '" nCI'e r divl»fccd Irom her lind :lcholllnl of the duy The style Oakes 007tjectionerie, ATTACHMENT, .... the pricell ut $1.50 & tilllltu F o R it carly tillS e01011I1! held at MI'. J ohu R Sides' res lIIieBs lJQ..bAQ.p~vibuRI l>eoll'lIIar. lldupted is that III' dcscription Rnd.1l dC8Irabl"t>~8 "'8001~ foabd lR ~ C. G Hutohll!Oft.l'lnitltlfl', vor.1I8 ,Tohn H. ~C;.c,.".,.::.....--":,.--~de,,.....tlaf-fQjH~P--Nlwn eXcep4ng 81lri ng. CllCop hUnlos Illld-govern i lenco OIl-Molld~y-eY.(lmllg t-Wl\fl Id to 1I01Oe"oth~r lady 'illie i8 hi s lul6=iUlecd'l te, IIl1d is Ilt OIlCO Ilt. tirot-c1at!8 o.lAbliobmebt LYDb defendant Defore J WIIMon Ed. IIe<lOlld flour lrout, mellt lallds Illturmutloll gl\ell Illr~ely atteDded, an.d everyone I~~fnl wife. The man EUgUDo tmctive ~Il. both young und old. They hllve allj() opened. :.~r~~I~nt~, O~;;:'Byn. 'fow ... hlp. W..,.-· tllOICon first " 'hicb ",ill be .:.!.()~ er day. Try Irl'e to Ully 0110, CIlII 011 ur udLlres8 enjoyed a m?r:!.~~eDl~~: IJonner declared w~llu hera ~hat l In brIef, It IB ItIl nd~lIll1ble work On the 4~ 4.yof JRIIIll\ry, AD 1878. i' o,uae and )'ou wll (!OI'~l6lnly ~o J O:;1tlh . DOWN come the priceB ; $ 1.10 on. he \\as the mal l Waltoll. W.e oon fo~ the prop~r 1Il8t~l\~hon und en.tor. "hero, "laUItoun,lho~ _Ill ~er\'e lip oye. r.:1~h!~~~~i~:~:n:"f'~~I~: ~II~I=~~~M::! X H4Jlurook, Lehllllol~, ~. ~n, • E IlJ1l'8IUU WIll leaye OlnCLDllatl I for the C/IlI4l1nuti W eekly Ga· tCes this iil not the best klu4 of taloment 01 the rl~lJlg generation. tera, .011'"11, sallll .... lob.e•.!;e, &o.,ID theli...t lind !!O'Iti!. Said oMe ,. IICt ' or. hel. rlb 8 0, • " . " ~ .. FilP ruary 2'1 . y't S dt Il 0 tho Post- 'dentl&atioll bllt it iB of a 80rt Let OUI' reudel's gl\'o tho Ilgent a mann •• abd at n!"oD~hle rat.. I the 28<1 dllY of Fobruai'T, A D, l1178, ~t 10. --"--- -zet 0. en 0 Qr till' n I • . d' 11 ' th ~ fl'VOfll ble rccelltioo • !l'h.y I.•• d.\letmlnod to plca.o the pullllc. , 0 G HUTO~180N;. , ~ matrllllOIUJ&1 market seems "ij~ihi. wc~k. OOLIl8 llr\l abundan~, master. 0 I~ 09. '!ot , P 10 e 11\06 0 , " , 10 gl"~ \hein a IIbtral ,luppOrt. , 6~B 6 '" r
t 4l 1) .
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11,O A7.K'''Y.1A 1HEJld pr rrr
Garden SEEDS,
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""11 ' ,I If II r. II \I OOU 1110 I HaveYoua ., TOCJTH1" nnit '\I II . 1"-"lIIu d l ",r r 20c If Y O)V IIA \ 11: , III \ 1,;/ 0 , II. \\ " r " " I lIe ll , I, 011 I~. II .. I 11 11 I' " , 10c I '" f 1\ ~ I I '4 111 n I 11 11 " ,J \ c rile lilt I liu tu r, 1.ICnOII ' il iOn \l llIttl e I l l s l I '1 1 I II 11 1 1 r l t! \J I ~~II dill! 2 11 ;l"Iuc"l1tJo fol~e ntyFJvItCel1t8 I h !.: ~n Il ltllm r th II \\!or .,c~ l u ' IIrlld , "III du III " " " 11_ " " 1,1 r II ," 11'1 ~I I I ,II, I , 011 , 1, " 0" ,1 1II ,r "\(lIll,._"l" t III, III IlJj l ~ IU .!l ~!(, l l4 hl I !lr tlu All !ltnr "
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OF Ol NO I NVATI I hou'. ""I~. Ilin , ,, . LA U I'A PE"" J 4I ~ O\l I :t V. COM.~ TOE PIUCES PrIces 50 Ct. 31,11 $1 00 per B ollle
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DiSSolution of Partnel ship
R'chmond Lynchb . Norl'. lk
/>IIIII ';\! UII the LlllI o M lllnli Hlldl lllltl 18 tu hu lunuu Ilu\l Ilil lS u tll C hI hereoy ~1 \ \: 1l t it uti" p"rl llil IlI l.: h II II OII l!r f41lt)1 h r toflro ,x IAt, ,! h.t"' l: lIl lu 1l1l 1ir " i)lul'" I 1I11ti v r ti ll' firm 11 HII '" f .... III 1.. ,,\:. Wl!: nrc pr('l'" rin g to re in rII J IUllII.:\ h,,!'> \ WP II ,11";,,1 h ll l b\ lIilllu ul tl It timllks for uunutl""~ I dllgur'"lx at lit I:::d E J a I Ul (> \ rJf tlllll,! " D; IlS tIl I J \SSE\ Alreatl y c.llldld il t es Ilrc pI C W anl!",. ,II. ] , \, ~. I ;~ }111r111!; lor th o April !'1(~tI U Il
IIltll 1 I Abl I I Artlt ll llll~ IllIr1A11 0~ til I: ' I prll i 11'1' 1'1 l 1' 1 ee l \ II I r l, H I 1'..1, I he 1" 1 ,e 11 /1 ' II 01. 1. CUI 1" ' 1" S IJOr DI"k" ll. _'II" C I I I r ," III I rllm III f\ It "u ~ '''n ... mlr > 1",,- b.. fi, tJt, 8 lh o lh ~ll o'lI l h , I ",. " " ,.I I , cl' I ~ 1 . , I I r I II I I II) I I 1 11 1 lJ ' l:h ll ile. n ell a. III Jtlh: llU lH.! Yl t \ t l ) t t l l I' 1II 1t I Y~ luhJ lllUlI1l ,- llilll.:\ l lh~ II f lfl l l.nll c d 2' \I\ N :'\ ~ U"II1 E \\II 'd cCHIIt.w ,. f, u II" 111 lin " (1 1 III J., f ~ ~O\ I h ' 0 .. 10.. 1,," c "<c,11l 'II ' I' nl BALB S " r I I II " Honey of HOllrhound , lid Til. " 10 "II ) I \ , , ,," I I! 10 ,I II I L II , "Ie
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At the Old Stand,
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I" " II I hill! t ll Illllk ",,111 hUI [3l\ltllllllro ti.n II, I " u nhl lIut be "Itho nt Dr Bull's Go n g h By r ll p h ell rd III Illy rUllllly," 18 whnt II It l.oIy 8n y j '_rit e rdJl) 1'IIOC '1111.\ 25 CCllts a bllttle
lurll,I ••11II t. J 9u
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'The Washinnon Cit,! Route. SUSTAIN GREENBACKS r'... -------ttlliND .ftll•• O" PETER EBERLY Bit' a 1more & Oh-10 ,. /I
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Beautifier of the Complexion. ln,
/i,,",llollti 2uc ' l .. le lUll I. I",ItI-Tlic Alinlld"u..l. I I I \ IIIe R h er" ood 11 I r Ortl':t 'll , Vnrl (HI Ct, r t- m Nh to n Ulko ku own t,., 1 10 I I re. fI" r.: .nJele ",. ...... ,.nll,. (lIf".r n I 11 "I ~ \1 C'" I IC lf licl I C II I, c Ohio .att{L'loCl 1 ) 0" ' :u tll..! Iu ull t.ha " ~ C1 l c r u r II, y InUI fellu .. ...,u,ffe r r ,. th e rnerm .. of ou re T o 111 TKRMS O F SEM I \~~;r.rrK ••• "moolb. aM.' i. Ibr Hr.......Ib •.,,.. ..... OJ" 10 .I\r III IU III \ i IIIP 100 .,......:.:....:::...-.;...---.---~~-- I ' (J lire 1'ruc 'lipe Cod CrlLll ,.1'0 d. ,II. II, III' WlII "Cll d.. OP' IIf th_ .tlt.,,, r.. I!.......ln' ..... I.. ' .....111'''.. " 10 /)e " I II" , Shu •• III •• II, " Id,,,, !lUll A Oentle Rlut III ... . C L .. 1" d (n f I J h lu cop one ,.ar. pOIlJljte pai d *32.'> Jt 18 llU III CO llljJlI llll dl' R e lll l d fllr ll ti I. Ie ' \ "I r' I.. II I I " I, UII lac w ~ ' uclry )e& t 8 rl I ll r Uplun ll !,roJlUr'I ' lI oll u.r eeo e "r". ) ", t t hu ()Iulo. O(3 cOI'IC •• ndu pw»rd .. .. eh 119n BrUI SCS V lcc'8 C uts Olle) I' I CII II ~l y" . d o". I . l n "d-ll,o ""crel 01 Tn ollr.I' lo ofdllll~'" "'II,i bo,,"I,I ~1I III .. L l\\lllndurGlrl'lI by 111 " 1 pr....: I ,hre<' lIUII. f"r Pro P.... Q n"dll. II'l\lh Il OMIII ' 15 .. :l~O , . l hull."<lI ,,JII I,. Verne 100 J M I ' d , $5 ul,.,.. J ,• 011[\ 11111 I ) ~h"n lt.uf"lnpcr"IUr" - rolln WII"I "'"I ... "'I \\ I I 100 )0 wiliub II,,) .. Ill 6"d. SU HK /JU Il K ' ur Co" ,z~ .. 2 ;0 ntllble 0' unhcnlLI I 0 (II ' C tl IInlrv l,or1'l 'l uer.lfOhnrl,.L' Tor, llC) .un.hlllo oft cn Ill terIOIl' jl l.d III 1\ 1111<1» ~ ~ I'UI <r ,II p e r , pel Jilt . urnpllllll .1111111 .Br,m"llltli' \ " ... ,-~..- ...... " SkID, nud 18 n Ulo s t8Hllced,lc 10111 I'IU I r, lI lI lhll Ell" " 10 ~I" MVIII " ",I ,I" ••- ,t I."" \II ..",dor Ilut onr ~lllldr'" tI ", \\ h " ll's uIC Cll lu l l '~l1 e to the tJUde P lIrll." 1\I. fllllg til pr urlpli'," .,11 TimMS OP !lA1I1 OA.ZJ>:I'TK cd lsl nllcllt unci 801l,c e of SII C" ll} 1ft 110 0,,011100 ll nll " 11\ lil lo , " <rile. III I ( I •. III ~. A ~eIlIS ll llntc(. I riM' lI(\ dr... ~ A.. WIL ON. ,,~ ~ III' I I r I "0 U,t I••• II ""A k frlll ,I."ntlrehlll' '''' "ro . .. r"l\lu"t~ ~ 1l)4P~" " 1:'1 W ,lh-n,.bur"h 'Y " lIIglp "I" olle l.Rr.po'I.~el"'ld, 'I~ Hc fll1u II9csoi Gou~u n cl Rh c Ul L 11 ~ . ' II I .. ken rrll'" U. U) '''' o'tre l,,1 colol h,1f \1" MAKIl HOME PI.EASANT. Jj M \\ AT ON 01 ,1 Cu lon\, _ • ,., , . ' 6 mlllltlis. • .. Illm ll" 111 1 A "1ohlo 1.lfe I.. Mil' 111I' Ol h , 10 tleAth. Tc"ultlDlt d ..e, til frll ol Ihl - ' nil"" r ' " . I ~ d \V I GENn,......... I~Pr ..""k - - : s ~ 10 Hllr,1 I Irile ' I) ( " " Ie- Dlc kc". I) l A bottle .. 1 Uo""l.oo·. lior""", ~yru l' TilE BAnl1:N \, III TM ~ Lv It 'o RN [, 1lI'lll'rt !'S 11111 oCC IIr ' I' IISC I Will I'rov~ ItUrf ,rI" .>I:',U,' N " J 1'5 lL IS th c IDQ8t deBl' Ihl ll Dl s lnfecl I " ~ A 11 m, c I,.,h iI. III , Muloch. 2.. "bUilL y""r homo (or 11111nedlll' O ,,,,,, 111:1 1- '11118 Cor n gru\\8 on stalk s 81 c r l'l) mouth , MIl~H B . lllblt h eu 1 .. rt" I.... JII.t potc"t~d 811111/'''. o!Illit rre" AIM,II n IIln,),e ma<lo I, clubs at"clnl "nlof C loUtin g or Bl'c LII1 CII, \Yorn 11..4 P. ur 0 H. " I" 1111, " lu prevent CtlJrlllU."1 kn ••• , IlIr).(" ,IlIe'o r. I 8 til 10 Iieet 111 IIll:;'I t .p-J I toull UJdr .. W Jr IIlDF.'iTI';tl rile. "'" Ij,uellllllugll'e), or 'li rh u?,ho" r wd Ulcd by lI e hons ~lI lhril,., floll l' 105 Atlh :-i 1!!lIo l th. ill", .' I.go n. 1.. 11 Mnd llO rl/" .... d".th \l\ tho u"" II f Ihr I u~llIg 10 111 ~ Iii Eull,", St 'I w Y ., I t> I I \ B I F "J " ", 10 '''Ik hClll g tl A",nl . E 'n. ·o <I",.· I. r l. Ag III or tlll ObnOlClou" or cOlltn"ious ACft BC 8 1' .. 1. Ih' e '1 •• lerofO •..... , I.,ld , bl .Ill "r. or fmn d~ r ·F"r ourlu tc ro. ~ n.,\tlnl ' t i m, - II •c Lod y UI tl 10 w& (~.lwtte " dl ' ' lie ..wrrlu'I!".' PlI eumu .. l. \ r(l Om, !!"h. I lltll u heallcr tlllill thu I1I c dllllll O"r CI,mbl ll.J I ur ADVIlRTISEIRB 11' .11 do .. ell 10 Ilud IK 1\ Onpt l .. 1 H emCI I)' IIlIeI »1 e I Heurl W,," d 20 Oroup IIr ~n1 d ..CMO of the '1'1>.0 ,t or I TI I I I I I ~~ Fl~'!... , OIC Ih, .101 II rAtIt..1 1I ro lerenee 10 Ihe eor \ cnLl ve of th c m, "h e ll liS 'li n~ 1111 I ,7 !Cluu. , Cl " " I'f II L I''''JO 111 10 Lunrr.. I", AUOOO"" I• •lIIIply" n(l erf"I "" IOlll'cr.lgc e llgt l Ot Ie O.Utl IS 1~ '" '" I (U lli liOIl or Iii. I.u"" . IllJ c ctton PersO lls ~ rlll'lC>1 III~ It loS III, ,; ,,, KIII~ c.;.I,lo lI ' lll rr' ~II. 1'1 1o "rdrugg•• tWllltellyou Ger""\U Syrlll' III[l C III ChC8, th e grulls plllmp alltl 1 0, I .A.~ I I S 1, !lEI.II ... \"I /OI) M' All rn,ldU ll II now ""Id In cvory town 'UI ~lIIH I> lin o f C(lllI IU ,) 11 tlIZ" 'l ~llcctl\ II I EVERYTHING I III ' I zf (fr n I llL\CIIOnOC( loLuk c 1lll,hu,IIl1lhe I " '" II,e l ,,1 ' 01 F"" "'I II" !,yFI UI 1111.. ~,~ J \ II C I I, -, -~'D - - - - - - 0<':"1111". , " e ~I. ''' ''·" l 1.1, .hle "" .. "nCb . . . . I't.. ho ttl ... o r tl"'Hl t1 fj t I I d I k 01 to r esort 10 Su llJltul \.LfJ -e~ (or I I I 7" un III y t It! jill ) --Ilut leyll.r I y , R' '' 0 \ T'I OI,D P"YIl!ll~.AN. ""I..... &0,. OJ ft l , \I.l\e '011\, e butldn .. JllIrpo ses I I I I A I Oll r "I (li e Wurl d III E.ghly c ~guRr.ze, ,.a____ lllgasmllch\\"o rk II IIl vslul qutl ~ rt ·,""vra,"ce. h'lOln)( h.d l,I,,, d 1\1 111011" \\e 1".,1" A ., dJ f r I • I'"" I" I"I,~ \', ",. Ten II' YOUNG LADII:S WITtl ULOTCIlK& I ' I 1". 11",,1, h) " " E ,.t llld,H ~I' ... unor) Ih. 1'''''''' '" oYe . , IOWli l /I lin II 11I1!'t (I III eL, It" fl\l 1112 Ii ,,, I I " h UI (' llIlI leo Bel,lo 2, onthclr e kio,whiullnrocrron!!ou sly ltiCB The ruu l g l OI' S trlllght , fur'"I1I .. "I" cg... ble U u,,"dy lur til " "I,h , " I ' clI l't,,, .. 1lI0re d eS Irubl utlilin li lly Iiyll J, l.rJ ' OIl. II" d ow II I n I h e j!ro lliltl Illld COII ~C- N ulllhero II~ I /; 1 n •• ,,'th O.. lor d I' lal e 0l~ od> onu "" rJUlln' "t ~llro "I ~ Ir tl" lorl;.- I I en SIlICC It does not. liko '" Llcl,'s (I r LIlIll ' J 4 II" t e ll Mill k h liD . ~1I"8 Bro,Mun 'I ell attribute d to Irregu lanties of thc IlrvlIghl dfcc ls It v('r) l it 1 S"E N'T F R E E ' Cousumptlon, Asthma, Bronchit18, I til I II tl· .. "d heAI' : Illlturo. c Ollce nl C Ollll'i CX IIlIlIli IIl e ln I " r, II uhlll Ihe Mr' \\ I, d IIver, would rhsoard cOCimotlcll and t 'I'" Jd d II' I t f CII . nrlh II JIll 1111 Thl'Olt ILlld 1""'1f Atft L~ 1 1l 1I1l1"!>lI,'ell On," 1'001 '", i ll y I II H l lr move tI I liG I'OU' I\IO I,) I II \\ .rurol ' 111 morcuriale, Monti ndopt. the practice u_ u 0 y H~ 18 o n) 1 tal U 10 o ur ell Imnor!f of p ll~ t ~ c.rl r" , II TI ll to ,, 11 tH'H ~ 'l lriO n P 'J-'ttivc .nd Rlld i ,,1 Ou re for om C II !tecom e II slie eB..c f.1 II ~C U t I II, It. ~ t IU e S lt~ ln (. i 111 0 r ""1 1\ \0 ~l11ti Co r li'IIJ.1< tt l.! f IOIt Tell r ortakln~ It. warlD bath e\oryduy any ot h cr \lIrlct} eve r rtll81:ld III , I',uch". 'o f uur iluolu , lIb. r NorvOl'. nuu,II~y 1004 n il Norl ,"16 0 0 11\ 1I\~' le\.gID11,... ork . of " rl gllelli rc til IBIl.FreckI I'H,Pl1l1ple8,ni (j lcll c 8 : Il dl " 'll~ 1 'OC I ' lh)II. ()l1"' D I~k "''' t , " with a oake o f Glenn's Sulp hlll Son" A merlca It \I " I pi u ducu UII IIIl I GardenIng for Profit 1,1111111' uhe r hll,llIrr I)",rou ghl} l.o.....'<1 ..... I· u I.C;' I h_ riCe 1$0. 0 luw til:" ,,11"0. 1 li nd ~llc Ilkc , 9peedlly I lold to li S II, I eLI!'"e l 't.) ~ I'll " ee M,,,,, ,,U '1 0" r dl\lUl guod coru llluu Ulle hlll lllrcJ PractIcal Floncui,ure " 011 (1 d ill curllti , " 11 In I.hou .. nd. u( ~~:~ln:'~;.~IS~~~I,',~~ w. : : n~"llad rO,!'~,rt~ ellllnf) In g IUnUenCe , nnd It I~ Ihe IJu A !lO''' "II.' "r • 1'," r Y"ulIll \(." a. a compA nlOll, lhe un Sig htly blelD· , • u"o. r.. I. II h, . 'lilt) t<o It know .. 1<, .. 1 g II very best Soa ll to 81 ' 'I I., h ul Ictt I ell bhes woulci soon dislPJlour Rnd th e bushels per n e r o I Or GBrdeDlDg for PJeasore, h I' .ulflrll'>' fellu,.. A"t Ul,t ,'d bl tl"~ 111 11 ~e ll~rl' ~~ln~ over 411J .ul .. ~ .. I'o .. 111 te ll I t ki" IR\C \VI , I, os IL I~I I L,r. lu, 1\ I,rt'. M,•• \Il1 ll1ck 2u hly l1nd the r08e would tRku (,bei r TIll C 111 I lI u lI1 t\\ l) til tlll cc 1' ''''''1 ',II e 'elo bv ",",1 ""I'II'U I. " IO .. d. OAR.U,,,III1I1U. d~.lre l.o I~Ju d flngllge 111ft l" ~i,one, fll8t eaves tie S 0 S lDOOlh Inll fl~c from 12l! I", "00" '"'" OIl N,ulI' lo rrlllll T ell 'VI nco 1'11I~ 18 a Re cret wllieh the w ce k s Clll Iter th.lll 1111 \' ut h " r '1Ir1 , ,I ' hll •• r o 011 ro , "PI or .50 111""'" ~UIr()III1 ~. ho ,,,11 oou,1 FREE OF ur"0"';"YII:;08 Jl.~e i.~u: t"y~uO ll~et~~~e.. ~he Irntlltlon produ ce d On n sensilive I; I I II, ,, l.u~ulld . ~'Y Silmll I 1011 I I,,, f Ii hI b till t J 110111 I iallt,' r :;Jcell Oll lnl,.u e• • ,,,,I,out 011 \ltuE t.... . 11 "lo o de.'N It, d"'n!fIelpt. al.a Iromhomo o,e It \ d l cutlclc,h} thcapjJll c llllono( the.ll I..! I "IHI", r"Tly" . H,l r M.. Wod, Jo 1810nl c ore ogl nllln/l 0 III ou Ny, alld grO\\8 fr u ur 4 tl) I~ c 1111"" rre' to.lI ",.tI, ( .. II ,IIro' t,,,,. (or pr.p" rlnl!' lind ""0 •• ..!ellil. olher< Fu'I'IIIl' "1.IC u~'~' ~"'~I:':: %or It 11180 cornplelul) eraOlcates I ~f' lIII " Burllll' ii, M.. 0 •• 10 11 lell to tllelr uCluded aci \ "ntoge Solci by 81ze cars UII C\ CI Y dtul k 1 he ll\ ,f,dl} U'III!C SCUI b) return m... I. hy l'OD! lind" rm. frce ElcJ,lnl ,",d """C Il S11 0 Dandruff 1 1•1 F. ' ll""O ' "r Illy F ,II" r 8 :j Ill druanlst& Prieo 25c pe r cake 1 b t tl uddrt.!bt'i1lJ; \\ Ith 1'1.:11"1) nu,1RtnJC tlw, p"por ' 0 fl r If HI 'c kmo rtJ ., 01\ .... • II orago nuru or 0 gOll 811.0 e oriS 18 8e........... lftI . . .el U.... DR J P 1oln:t TNTATN u. I ree ,ou IIl\nl prolllll"Ic \lurk HOll 8CW II os ciec lllr c It to I,c exce l I!i ~I , J.lld v 1,11110 .. bv ~Irs n •• koll I." , box (S cakes) 700t8 ,se nt hl' rnR 81lt A tit e u I t I.FI 1 ..I....... I "'" s.. lid 'OU' nddre.< lit onco IL co.," 110 I f I I' • • C N I q [I I Y ~ ollr can [1127] ~Ii CorChulClt St. N.Y. I 61"1 I Y Og(le".burlfh, N Y tiling 10 try the hURlIlC ' 8 No 11110 \I ho e n cnt or WlIS Ho g W ou lcll. LUl e n. ~ (0 " Ill I'hllll< by \lr . H ,ok"l , l Ull 1Ircp"ld, on receipt of price \\ hcn ground [ • - -; -~., a /lagos fAII 8 10 mak e groftl nll1 A,ld, e"" I ho Lace, nnd olhel fubrlcs. uo,1 IndliJS I_II I hc '~" III, rlllil J , w (Flnl tfulf) Crlt '-o'on. 7 Sllttil a\' e • New Yo r k be mode trolll It .. • I b o ttI KEW!!I " ccrl"ID Cuootu.1 I' I I POItllll,d " I by E Igell o "" )I''' (· t ... I t pro d uccs a fl 0111 BllllllgUUd TIlOlt. T anu I bo 1 P copoI,our"s. MaUle UlO\lIlglll~lebc8L"irclelor metlO I lnlllhcW , u.r"1"I d · u..r.i 'JUre rlR. x on y --- -_ I d I o.J II I " cuon d fl Hill' . Hair tit Wbttker Dve. blllck III IIppearance IlU tas te t o) lIlIr IZI ~ ',Ou. I'..ddr ... PIEIIOY Ol!de"obur!!, HIIII ) 0, EII J;o,," Suo 20 19 uol ell . II, oarlled In lI,a-. po Itun ao I urn socletj spenk 01 It or brown, 60e. [652'() Illude frulD the be .. t wIllie wheat ;. [!!I F1I1Sr 01 AilS ~ Y " I 'II' tlloeA b,t il can 1'0 mKde 1\1 1O llle highest terms I I~o SamOIl" 0111 01 Oh"rch " Mul o_It T."
I ....
".Il'C . I" MUXWU14
0 hi ,
$5760 ..
A K» g If
C"~ llleLlI' l l1llo"J"nrllll
° "" '"
e..... ....
"".1'1ru.k~ 1
~II "lu~lr.
C =KE~S.;l BOOTS & SHOES ' 1' Ac;I!T'I~1i EIIR~~ I~l1T". J)~-~"'" r.r ,......
o~e h' rCIDedl~s ~ ~~:~ ~~~'o~ff o'~:Io,~"V :!.~~; ':h~nr.I':.",,,,~, ' I~ GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP I~ R~.em"y I I
Ageots uro "ulltcd ill C\ ory (JUIIII :1 bv all) Of Llk\l m08t other fnlOflUS Jl ':.1 I ',A CIIlLD' - A ty to CllnVIl8S und tllke ordurs for .. e,'lU lllry I I h, I)U"" • • or LIIU., d TPOSIT'UyLL'E'RS PRdtO ES mbBde cay ~~:d ~Ir~~::-plf~~':'.1 :;,. YO::'lh~"~n£: LW 'T'nES .Ingular cue of sllpel8tition come tIllS COl n A 8umplo Btalk \\ Ith At L0 work ., •• d,), III the eml~"\ hilI! becn IIDltsted SOlljJ8 wlthout l l~1 'lyilJ,,~ t~., ~;,~eto" ~Ir E I ~. T,'" t II , • not long sInce whIch lti tbus r.. 4t 8 I d In to 116 A au of the ellt T Imcnt th". "18 (urnlsb 166 I)er wl! ok 10 \,)llr I II t f f i I C I ~ C ,'(n r" t eu o gh • 11 0m 0 arge size carson It lfAtorlal,wlllplcnl\e oo\\Il\od oo uon\ln oed orot"III .... ,II,for. the ... eof ~"ffarlllg hu ",,"lown You II ce d 1101 bo ~".v trtlm tlclUln e8 loCllOno r e meCR ef IhAgllilll's lJu ' b",II IIIM,,,Mllloeh l ell related GOIDg' Into 1\ nOlghhor'tI \\,111 lle furl1l8hed cvery agent A ..t IiEYS' 1t(HlIl tloUl!<)t opposite I maully frec to all wno need it, lho ' h.. me o'er ulghl You Clln g"e I (l ur ~hole ' IlCBCY IlIl\e bCCD Rnd arc fOlsl e.., up 1310 K~ t," Src_"rl b, Mr. Oh ph. 1I1 ra" hOUle, one day Inst week. I found 8ample lIuckllge COlltalllillg abont TD~ BOGB. . . .1188. • reOlJlo und d'fcctlplI Inr mllltl"g the •• mple I"mo lO Ihe "ork or ollly Iuur .pare III () 00 lhe U08U~ pOCt\Ug llnd unobservunL 137 ,\ Relit 1\1 • Cloud CII .. I. s Lo .. r 1 ell (lne of the olllidren Bufferillg (rom a 1000 '" I I - --- - ~.rom . d) b) "h .. h ho ...a. aured Sufferer. "'NIt. Wo har" 8g01118 who tire mnk ",!> Ia8 genuloe Sull}h"l SORpS I,osecss ! 18 Whol ho lOJI h.r III lamca I'I\Yo 1011 d d • grallls wltlSJleCla terUls to _ ~ wI. IIl"((b'prufltby lbo ud vc r t'llCr 80'1? '" 0 e $20 e d \lIwho nil t ' 1139 lOIllI", . lI o"rl II L li'erleou 2.. aevere cougb, an eXllfcsse IJ mb agents tor It und other seed8 WIll _ 1Jl. • enne ""1\ I\u by fdl\rOIl.'lIIl!' II) Al :'l 109 prOpertle8 I"tentl e ui w Ilh 01 cq 11111 1 Ilu ho L,,") L,. lo 1 ell opinIOn tbat it was a caS8 10 11' 10 be lent to UIIY addrells 011 recCipt 1 he r" ,dcnco "r H.nll. h Arnott. Third lido!",,,. JOllN B OGDEN. I mOnoV Cftn l\" t he mnde 80 •• .,), '"111 rapidl! to the G rent Specillc, which thOiI 141 1'01" man R, "II, lin ... nIt Tell medloai assistance 81lould be obtalO f $1 0 d b t' , -, , "" II 01 I , I 0 ~'1 (1m ) 42000 .. St. Nu .. York I "I lin, Oilier 1",.111, s. h '001 , lIo1hln~ l.o veodors seck to rival llJ UlldCI hund 14~ 1 he IIC11d 0 1 tha F,uuJh . Muloch, :)" " ,. r th b r cd 0 r er olore th e leBSOII Ii 8u.oe .. ""Y""" 0 110. oontll n'"lf "cven 1 S· , 1143 Ih, b'U1nled I",. " M, . \Vood Jell T d e ue motuer 0 c oy IIIC c ~ d d W room. ftleo p"btr, lI"d kltclloll Tho houMa TB.... N8PA.BNT Tr..a"HING " .. HD. t., lhe "U8In' . . Hmo "nd , nU111l " 0 competition rhe publl o should , ]44 I I L I. Ie AI D T &bat it wae very bad, but Bald that too nr n , vndll ee • CAddrcs8 S I. flm.hod In bl"ok ""Iuut. lind ' 8 III o. cc l In.truaLloli Hlld .ilhWl<lmollt "(lIl1blnod 1m: fd~rc~a at once, H 00, :ort thereforc he CAR" . t; 1 to e nq 1111 c for ' liS It:lf • ')I~li.~7,"of· Mo~:, b~'n~'rl en before calling in tho doclor sbe In TIPTON, Soe ~mall, levcllIud, TCII I.nt 1'<'1''''' 1'." ne" pump. on Iho rrem· portnllt til I',relltll "ad toach. ,.. 20 <l.llor. I u .Ine 17 OLENN'S Sui plllll SOIlP by It~ filII I .\111 0"& BEd".r 1' 2 &endod to try a curo shc had lon~ lIUlibee I.e. one to,. OJ.l.orn ""t. r cnt &rtl-tlo d~.'~n. L'hc olili r o pack 10111 • n!l.mll I1nd SI'6 UJl~t they get tile reai 14G 01 arlee 0 lIIIlIe, Lh o T.. BI> Drftl:non " u.ed ID BlmllBr CRsel, and never I S.l,,"llOn •• h'llh ""InIRnlldln)( 11 boml! free for:.l;} ecnt.. oU""Uov or HtluU\.. V," ."'lIU. I. TWO i I bl Ch.rleo Le,er Iflp' e Ililmhor '1.. Y,ew Lnt t:!O.:.J1O 1\ v mcty 01 IT ...... & 00 20 A"u \St, N Y I " "ek . Lu <nrlU" "1 artlc e 15. 11111110, Ih. It.olar CIl't Marr\&U T II I 1rCIl INO I ,ILKS- J S 1\ \'ery .•ulS t I IlS~ I ful fouod to fall On uCing presscI to tree. ,,"d (j"lOd 81)11 T crm.IIMollOmodllllug _ I \l hl ' kera III l!IIe ruollih A g,antl 8UCCC<8 All I c8pocto.hl e D, u~gI8tS. Fnncy 111!>( ~ 111"0 ;;lOcklllll M / } d rd • ~ eommunlcnte the presolipllon , she Ing cumplulllt Symptom8 nrc a Al'pillo JOS G KEYS. AICent -1 hOBe .ho ~~III a IIICC .. lU Rker Or ~Iuu' Gooll .. D eu lels llnd Grocer8 k eep 14'1 10. t1llA llllro el B I h;q:~~!' 2'" ' gravely IDform(:d UlC that the cl.arm ru o letul e IlkollCfS llIratlO n Irohll1" 1 l.,he u.. " "rrrOpM.. I",,, No ehollr mnk,. GLEN~ S S U LPH U R SO,,-P d 1~0 Mlllol"I'III"" E" ,y 0, t M rr' l~ T " ! llp. hue. a gen uine 141 tlch I he plepnrat.IOII .o. ,an 151 I he Itul:sl til' • P . , . . , eo. conliatcd ID Hille Il HOllcy uf Horo IIItellsely, PII'l'tICIIIlIll y at lI1~ht, lIf· \ 118 ~o ver, ' SIIt ll "'" III 'l" h Imet r Ihllt "Iii Oil II ClDllu,t fOI IL, supply the 15 ' • Ihtl 0 I .,,,oY AI.~ L'WIIIRIl. Ttll I. d .• 'I' d'" t t l d be " 0 I .1 ' I .. ~I I " l\f\ OIu~rt,,~ .v£r~~ uOUIl aou IIr. an .... a I cou ter getlillg III bud SlllIync S lilt THE B ES T 0 F F R I w, (IInliol fte III dl",..lhllll '. per !,,,ok Ig' GIi:NU ISI: IIiIN G to Lilli cuolMIl. r8 153 rile 1\111/; ''\1 O,m C' I, l hln YILt, T obtalDed of all the dl Ugg18tl PrIce ment I! a lellslLllt and s nrc enre F . ,'t~. It ~ III be m.,I, d (rcc 'I~ ICC' 'I't 01 p"ee I., .'IIt.:1!1 ";~ ().! ~TC06 A C .. KE, 1&4 A 1'(, lit , f houor A1U\kl Ed"wnrd; I:~ 60 ceota aud II Gloat 1"\ Ing hy I Pol' d II ' We, III .~\1 dllrlllg tlleso hard urn, • .,ldroo< IIIS H U N1 k un . Ii IIr O' o.~ r8 1 Box (3 ~'t~ ('oY) 8ellt pi Ipa ll l Fur .. 10 III All 1I';',ksdlors and No jL so cl1Ies e tte r,llU u Olnptll e Malll S treit. I.hllck'l\le Ont b II 70 a .. , " ... purcha8inglllrgeeILe Depot. rt dlsensc. SoldbYlllllcndlllgdlJ1g • •11 T/lE J>EOPl'l! !8 PAPER! -" --I ... ..£ttNnOeell'\ Will tOll , 7 Sixth 11\ enuo. New Yo* gists. Rend Ih<l ud I ' t In Ihe 32 CUhlll)'" 611011; cdll"',.,,,I. No... I a'i 1'oolhoche Drop. curo in • r'UT ( ~'8,-.0Id .l!~~t 1:,1' the ~ II ~I'L;;~T A!!Oluullurlll ~1I~eIJIl'l) It, MHrkei iWlorl' . elf Mllro fUll III It tllllllllnylhllll! III 011... !\ro 7 SI:IJt/, A VC1I1te, .L ' "m" Ym J' l' 0231] n3 ,l,!d ~ V"lld/Jln~r- St . 'N Y. Pik ~ FOl lilHlng I '88, Cl I IIl1ll1ll oly gl cy '''".01" 11110"" No "selli. no c"mllllS I ne C"~' • •me ) " ", p"~ lllgc ""Id ••' Cl- tellllollll Wr.te ... w,th .. twonty.fI.o .Ollt - ~_ _ _ _ _ __ OX" ~l on. Ullnute hlllr, US Il "Lundon Hlllr Coiol Re s,ous. no dl8coun'al'he8c plftll08 made ~::b: ~~ I~;:,j 'O~O C~:I~' 01 'UII, 6a COlli S 1)1000. lind make your-ol( h"pl'Y Add",,,. BL.lCKIll .lNJ) DIlOWNS -G -=D =O:-D -,n. -~--N --W --'£' -O-umi7 """"--~ -OliO or Ihe /llIeat display . lit Ih " Oeni on olu l THE Y I Y NOVlCl.TY ClI, Ogden. uurg, N Y \ . N ""~' A/ . ~ N ATU,. A ~hl y W n~ • ~"."&'~, .torer', CXCjUlSltO dress lIIQ,clcan lIud Exh.hllloD, anil WOre unalllwou8i1 recom 0 A 1- PO ST. orl eti lll' Ullit ,t II l , Orll) ""d H'Ule rolor I... _"10., m_,.a,';'~~-,,-,,-,.--,~:...~,~, ,; • •• ' l I I e e l y pOl filmed. 'fotllHy ditfelent mehded lor Ihe HII' IIK8T JIOKOll8 New . 0118 \ ell', p"Slago p~ld.'" Partl or a ~dl"d(•• loI'? til . '01110'" 0.!6I, I ) -~-~ r JR: d R eSl(1ell ce, TA/ " ',1 St.\, fr o m all others 75 cents 1\ bottle M"nuf.ct.Ir'-onu of Ihe la ll811 ftba flllflU 'eRr 111 proportion 'We pl'OpOSe to elllnrge p"rt.llollt oi H'l.lf Dye, ' i ' O',./JuCB an , , • III the wQrld The Square Onllllis cont,,, " Ihe Da", POll «reali, dllnng Octoher ancr hllmo Indu.try. furlilohed w,th prlOlltl".1 ~ ~mx' 1iS".IW- ~~. try It Read tho ad \'crtIBcmen t Malli.l. b k'~ now PI\L4iD' Duplex Ove r trullg which the price .iII he fLO per')'oar, pIIluge l'ec>elp"', proue-. Mild rehablo lu','rma, lUll .. l" q) H!,llOn "I eulll t. 1I r'"8 from hurtflll ¥r-'l1! ..........._--~ So~lo tile gredelt III the III~ ' paid A II .bo . uh~cl1lM> beCO I'll onl~'ile- "P!ln MIIY do.clred ."bjeat If 1"u are pur.. 1IlP:' e,III IIlo tllld ",fim .. l, -1l1'U., r hI r<lll H eel k~ ~- ~~A~~~~~~~ Ie)., of plRDO m~lrlng The Uprlgl.1a 'I"' ment, at Ihe pre'.I1~ rato of $7, will reco.Ye lIIeC! 0•• lIIy.nhJl!Ct ur wRnt .. rO<)oll't for 8011 bf tl 0 ~tI •• t_ protllle~d, 10 'Ull o( whl l:pe';gl " ..a . " r 0I~"'~, Ih. "\ •• ~T III AII"~ltA D9n'\ filII 10 ,wrU. the enla\ll~" llal'er' to Ihe cnd of tbelr time IOD)lt.bhll!:, enclll1l8 ONE DOLLAR a re- Its ctn~s I remlllll'" ~r"fIlO".nlld n"I<Iul'all l .. tI!~~ 8f~11j8. ':..~:aIl'I'!." irI~: (or IIIu~ICft~ .lId Deourlj1tlve O.I.log,ie ,~-"", u' I~lt,oh.rf{. ' SaDle tllrmI19"~/l1lI glsiA!rcl\ 10Uor t.. ". D H UlIl(, M A:, FRaN p",nDted, and Ihe 8111 orv h," r~ of "j:o Cut"l ' oI''''~ -Z,:..~ l\1li • a,led fre,' ?:, 011 hoth D.lly Ind Weekl~u, I •• t ,.ar 0$. JJ~ookvll\e. O"fKno, ",h~1l YOllr waitt••cqulre lhe Irll ~Ulh(d\ 'III .... f,om , 10 rng I~ , ........... Jl \', KaDd.ll1oh. Pi.DO Ct Add ...., , ' 'I'III~ J'~~. ' wilt W comp'lil' with ... nd the tDltt' ~tlQ. mn&o~le~8 DICe Sh d ~ a I /)ruJ:~I~1oI. "'~ , ~" \he ~ fl'l~ I ' '1 No 16 :Bao4.W~ '1', )1 , [637 YJ ~ ' 1!8 DUrho.... IJ;I • 011.1\1. ble Inform.lion lOir.rded 7011 " • ,. If. ..TTT:J'..r ..... \ SllItt; • ~[-,,::t~l'. rtr lr.t-: "
WI~W .;~·ii~n
t~c ~,,~~
".6. Dr.d~(ln
",.00 p' 11 $,.00 lanos or ...~, ~~~~:~ :,~c:,~~YI'}('
perf~~to"n. 1 c,~" rnl"k,I'I:on:~ f"~1
C N YCR1I!.ClrtTEON' TON/rJfp'~ f""~O, 'b)·o"tPo:~E'S'd'Gi~ DETEOTlVE: ::..~:: ":.-:::' ' , rop,)', • "l1ftLI.II~.,
--DR -E -F:;-D ' -A-K- iN
lIEN AND WOMEN'........,.-
and Whlskp.r
OLIVER OITSON &I CO , Boston .. Eo DI_a a (Jo..
Ill. II 01 ...," '" C:...
511 B....t .. , N
822 Cho.tnut SL \ 0 k.
11 ad., ob'
TilEY tell It out I mllil 111 111 1 ne \\ 10 reruoed to get UI llld hgl t the firc nr.d lIS 118 II lf "fild , he \\ouldn t Lhey ramamed lD bed tb rt y seven hou", before UI S matter "n ~!e ttled Our oymputhl es nrc (If cou rse It tl the \l omnn ollli \\1' mny be pe rnllUcu to en tertnln II regret t hnt It did not oeci r to I or to perforn I Ilrcnt deed of He lf 8I\tTltl co upon thl. 01 I ~ I O U ](0 v noble ond bollutlful \loultl have bt>cn the eXllmple ..e t her husbnnd ho\\ t mel IDSI) "ould 1111 hn' 8hown her IYlfely d votl lll holY kecnl) \\ ould ~ b e hnvE' m Ie 111m f cl hl8 meul nell!\ If she hnd lI >'(' n nnd mnde tho fire - f . he hud Tllie ll \ e !!l\~ nnd made the fire un der the bed In orde{ I.Q r lu te hllll out all of I urldcn A \l omnn ,,1 0 th rows 0 vny !lIcio n (hnnco liS thnt IS £31 8e to her du tYllnd to her ex
The Markets.
t;HEW The Celebrated M ATOll LBSS
New York Jlooton BOd Chica,o
"TAn.l.aD . , T£&--;;-Ai ...)' 1 eof'fllll . .dr .. "aU baudr Ba. liner nIna MUu-. .. H ....ftiU TI e wbolo .orll "PFfon.' tlA &'OriOOI old It nltaDg t1 e n ell .. cad Oh ...... L a" bBnt to tlS'luuee 2~ ceot,. bOltle Tl eMult••, wal ..... e.,.. ",ben aotba"" .t.. "til ~Ol 0 BY ALL MEDWIN. VIIl»rlllt1l8
SANDlLIIIWDOD. It. por.ltln .... n (til) f r "II'
" .... "
Bladdtor " II 11 .....r.,. OI"lP'•• ' • DI"O....rnl C o . . plahHL
It n'"
Kldn.,-.. Kood
r rr KI
eM ,d I
" I'm.
Cough. Cold, or Sore Throat, Require. tmmedJAte aUttntinn •• necleet oftenUmoa ",-olta In .omo ID41Ul'MbJe Lun(f dl _ _ BROWN S BRONCH'AL TROCHU art) a .Implo remod,., and will almoet 10_ ..a.'ab',. gho Imme.U.t ......lIef
WILBB'8 00.P01JlID U
Hen eO
DOt btlc,",
BY ALL COElU8T8 and de..l e re
mnJOrlty of A lIIerlCan the anecdoto with n HOllie of mcred ul Iy But when Geo rge I V. vi"lted Ed lDburgh !o;lr WlIlter Scott Belzed tlio g ln ~ gOblet from which the Kmg Iranli a t a public bnncfuet nnel kcrt It Ilmong hl8 cherIShed Lren~ure8 1\
r eaOeTH \\ III r Cl I
We ......... n. c..". r I 000 Ne ...... pe... , ' " • ",... kly ~1 .... ul.Uon 01 OYer -.000 C:oplftt, t .wrrlnp: ... In!.... Nedloa_o' .b .. 1'• • •
ell'• ..,.. D'\,ld" Inle 8'a
Ot 1 III D Iko t.lL the other tiny I ~ Lngo Ion 1 ( f ~gerd were COIDp IIcd--to hold thel r band K nbovo tbeU' hend" "hl\o l\ gang of hlgbwaymen robbed them One <.)f tbe victims who re marked Thl8 1M n higb banded piece of busIDess was allowed to keep hl8 wswll 88 a rew lId for hie humor
DIm-rea' .......
Adwerlloemont. lIooo,..d 10.Ono or MO.I Llltl ror Catalo8 OJ! c: t.lnln, nan ~. or MC;Crl And otho l"nlorm •• 'on an I for ~Umate• • ddreu
Bl!EQIlER hW\ to sCrimp and pinch all STALE round tpe cornera DOW HIS IIIIllIry 18 reduced to fiCteen thousand per annUIIl frC.'lhDW
PAJUIER WATEUS'S AI'PLEIj. H mRde 110 "LLle ~ lIr In rAnston when IL WO" rUlDor"dRbout t hat F firmer Watora b d lie II he/ud to BUY 111 Ihe presence of BOIIIO twenty Qr more per BOD" thaL who ' or I e had the good luck to fin d D"edd ltllg 11' th hi. earl y fruIL he would trellt III a1'HlIlDe~ Dol over &Ud above paJatab e 1\0 Little atir I my It occlulloned because the gond people o~~.e.. tbrl ~lno populous vll\lLKe all w~ to lellfll (lUI a ll s unh good people dll) ~bo the tl\!8paaeer upon tbegrouuda of r:ebellt farmer lh the Ylllage Ijllght
nsn AC1h mu
IDto hiB
.~=St (or~= be till at
of the un tbe villagei'll weal by bachelor WM m(lre thaD L .lft and tbat be only rallied the outcry to {nglolAln tbleves away f rom h iS prelDlee Lhat no one would dare 00 , e lture tlHough the plantattons or geL wltbltt tbe 8btldow of the old IOlemn ghostl y looklllg grange {or tbe sake of a fn" early apples But thore W:18 a httle mvsLe ry about the r.tralr tbat lho pool'le of rallsw n could nOL eee tbroug h not that It '11'811 ~ very deep a nd profound at waa proof aga\llst 8\1 8OIu tl(ln on the con tmry/ it WM the Blmple.L mat e r 111 th e 'll'Orlll-or 1Iould h nve boon l Ol ean If they had' only le nown how to!lOh e It. For that part It W8llJust lI~ e liny othe r pu u le fb ey could e \lilly conceIve tbe polIHi bllit y "nd probablllLy of /I 'II' td IICt uf D11&~hlovous urcllli K o r f ohCl!Olro ) oung mOil a lld I've II II company of unprm -I pled \agalm llrls dl sturillng t 0 qUIet "If th e farm er s orch Ird Lut fur ther than that lb elf Ideas coulu not find a way Had tbey been told III confid e nce t hat :10 tbe morni ng after the de.lrcda lJon th ere wero Innume rable trnckq of tmy daInty shoos " pon tho gtlll'n turf and ~ft, brown 8011 of the sbruLl; .. ry that III 000 place WM found R Kmall kId ~ lov e and III anotber qllt te a b,t a cambriC htlndktlrchtof WIth tho nnm o of the owner dehcately tmeed u poll tbl' corner - blld they been told Lbts 1 sn y they would have beUer undentood Lbe qUiet way III whI ch the owner treated the robbery and the profound Illenee whIch I.e kept wlion the IIIIbJoct WAll ,ItI!CUSlle I ... h.8 p,.,..,nce Bnt u,ey d.d 110t know and 80 tb ey scouted at th o whole IIl1'al r or lit IOMt 88 mucb as they dare wben the rlc heat and mOllt h(lnored Dltln 10 lb e nllage \\'aa concerned But ono d LT whon lh e httle wonder bad qUlIAl ch ed out of the village, tG tbollEl \'I ho kr ew the sigas of tbe times ' therQ eeemetl an event of HOme tmportance brelllDg All day lD the old braclc hou88 0f.p<I8ito tbo laugh tng m IlICh levous scboo gl rl8 were knotted wgoLher In various placos ebat tlng ID low confidcntlBl tones School over tbe ma rnellt of tbe lot lISt down upon tbe r.reen turf ami bent tbelr bright bends toge th e r and Stlld 80 mnny funny tblDf;!! and made @uch IL number of comical "lIggCRtlOOA upon the mntlAlr 'll'hlch tbey were ,lI c ll ~lng Lhnt tbe whole aIr rang "'llh th eir III u:Jhter Just over tbe wny fro n the young 'ndles aClldemy the sllHely I Ollse of I\J r WalAlrs glcamed out from the plnntatlons And sbrubbery that s urrounded It~lookmg 80 royul and grnnd 80 h~ e HOme old Ancient eMtle WIth liHarchlnll' port COB and ""owy turret.. and above ull BO 10rnllMble alld thrclLteOlng tn IL8lll!peet that nono bitt a sct of IDlulcap school gar Is would have dnr(,ll plnn aganlst Ita peACfI and q u ot But {rom the manv rojtuish glances and brIght suggestIve smtlcM that were dire~ted towllrd tt durmg the day It Willi qUIte eVIdent tbat the old mansion and ,til ground. were the subject of Ulelr thoughta and plans At Dlght the qlteetion was proved beyond doubt, for wben the vlllabr& W88 Htlll and qufet, and the moon lISiled clearly up tbe blue .teep of the sky pouring h e r raID of Illvery light uF(ln the old grange, a Itrange prOCCll810n of reekleM, merry IaMleutole into the WIde old ga~ that led throngh tho pnncipal avenue of the lormal old garden to the cove~d ~mI IIUIrJlllO BTIO:
l o r awlllle lUI th"y wound nl ol g tI e . 1 ndy Wlilk lh ey were • 1~lIt nnd e ll • IIH h ltd I, d .fII g to hr nthe a befl WII CO IIhm e a 1\ III. per ltutt'nci mOil cut tI ey I,! lOod c( or"",,,, III I I e fure II If hi I If/ne rsed Lhrou~h h nlf the !lro If d~ tl !' r nll rLh gUL th e beLLcr of th el r fr ir. 1lII<lli ~y I lIgblllgly J( IOl'd th ei r d l r ng illHle r III u plnn to cnplur Lhe OW l c r If h ~l ou hi trou ble th em 11 cn sbo thot Ahllll catch h u fi r.t sholl hn ,c 1,m hroke n night m U"1 clli vOIce Ilbovo tb e hu zz 1I11t1 IlU ll l Lur of the parLy Good gond IlIISWN I nn Jt h pr bUL II IL will he Kute W esw ll our Cu ploID Kllte 1 Oln ~ ure for she ca n out,rlln allY g irl w rnnston Why gi rls sl e p;oes It like a deer Hu h husb I Captain KilLe Lllrncd about Buddellly 88 nho 8poke and held one hand up threate nlDp;ly 00 the party If you melltlon the old ol!rc 8 name he II be sure w> be OUt here Re n em ber 1118 apples a re more prec Ious t ban hl8 gold for hk e many men he LllIlb u 11'0 of ha vlll g I _ . tomael WI'II II lie I thlln bls pocket How beautiful - be looked Rlnlld ng up th nre .11 the fu tl clear m oo 1 Jt):: ht I .. II aD~ dortllg KalAl We"ton 1 here WILl' B deal of I ri de bout hor ~ I nel cr Willowy fo rm- IIJ II e WRy she cor n ed he r perfect head II MI ad he r greaL hllze l l')e8 and c un ed ke r t c mptlll g rOMC hu I mouth A nd II( W WI . 1 e spoke of r a rm e r \\ uter 8 her who le fnce Me lDen to glo V" Ith lUI eXp rC8/\IUli Dr !rly Ilkn t tl I<COrn F or HO me renHOI no c I C knc" wI nt she hnd tll ken a dl. IIko to t he g reat man of tI e \lIlt g H er first ImprCI!810n of hllll 1I 8S n \II favo ra b e o ne shu uses w ~ny " I e n . ho L ct blm one alter noon M ~ b c " '" rc tu rmng (rom a walk he bnd stopped • frIend 10 1181e abo u L her lind tl aL 100 I I Huc h a loud toile th n Abe coul d t hacl . he wltlecl It rcrnAlII Igno r II L o f II hut h e WRl! !\By lng S he heard b s compllll lun g ive h er hl~tory In 610rt IHllcI cd I!On tellcc8 roor orphnn-d I cnlc l \ rea r 1" 011 cducolec\- I ry be ut rul 1111 hi ented-proud- In inS 1I It h 1"-" r rei i lon 8 on LI e ou tllkuta 0 the \ IUag. were the wordA that fellll ~ n l or ('lIr as abe swept haughtily hy thorn A U'r thnt . he bad been Inl rod ucl'd to the band llOme w('nllhy YO Ill g furllle r nL tbe scbool pI cnic. S ho Knew th at th respntatlon blld first beell sugg tt'd by lim and thougb ah o mel hi.courteo u gen tlema nly advnuces \'I lIb a qUI Dt cuy dlgm L) at hea rt she "'lUI repllltllng 111m IIlf tbe wblle Perhaps he WIUI CO"!CIO U1 of t1n ~ for ho 19&11 more than 'll'lDlllngnnd pleaslllg In h l8adJ rl! es, even when he IISW wbatll bItter , IIIltl rlca 1 way !!he e u t dow n b 8 finMt a nd m~t po\iabed IMlnttm onL8 qaletly makin, tliem the food o( ber merrlmenl. Tlat wu l.ot all, eIther It ... IIOt Kate.bOl&ld ha elllotllleDt the day ~ [l(lIl t for her b at &fte" mu.t wOt"k befllO lf Into u ch a ~Utllon a~ to lay 8wake half thtlt night \D order W BOll It away from her nnup:hty nerverse Illtle bear-I.. Poo r Knte I .A nd that wa~ not nil el Lh r 0 I t Vl leD Untl8 Dtly BOrne one bad au ooyed be r b) 8(" d nj,! f.r Iw r occeptRnce one 0 the pre U CII~ da nll cst hltle rings lJl10g lnRble wl lill n the ex I alldlllg Lud of 11 blush rose IRle ntlOe AI d tben th e mo t punhng of Bnytillug nbout It "811 t nt IL \'1 M poSlAld at C rnn sw n wbere sh adid not koow a single gen t) e man who could nlfo rd l O tK'nd be r IL present of s ucb wortb ~be had vowed lit fi rst nevllr to wear lL butoflcr while when abe found th a . It looleed HO pretty upon h ~ r , Ie ude r 11 hlte fin ger /I. (\ lin proved her taper hn nd tiO mn cb, Kho gavo up and di ,l not I Ie w IL lu go a AlOg le momont fro I I e r Sight \nd bet lfr . t,ll .1 c ueed IIOJ11 C1l0l 6 U) pre tbe cJlllOty c relel to he r I ps and then pout lIud put 011 tl e b ugbltNlt o r 1111 he r WP J 8 to make up for her foo h ~llIl c0'8 So I. WM thnt matle rs lI ent "lie tween the proud gCll tlem.u Iy young fa rm e r and th e h"lhant beautlft 1 Kille uu t ll tbe a Iry If of purlo D1Dg-t.he...a.pplC8 wns brOllght to notIce KilLe cOllld not brook a tbreat., and wbe n the young fRrm e r 8 carlAll reached her she I ended tbo httle group of he r school fnends fo r tbe second attnclc Rate looked very hcnullfu\ e tnn~tn g there 10 ti. e c1enr 811\ c ry moonlight boldlng up ono w Ile hnlld mcnaclllg ly towllrcfhcr walclllng band of f(l\l ow(' rs Pshaw Kale don t le t @try kM keep 8tlll Let hIm chase U8 tf he likes lind sce what he II catch M unded the pl ea&nnt mu slcnl YOlce of hule Lucy Bmd e. J don I beheve Tsholl drop nooLher glo,o for hlln to pIck up let me run e ve r IlO fMt 1 hope he WIUI pleased 11'1 th tho Dllme stamped upon the wr at. He dldn t trouble hlmeelf Dluch ab(lIltlour name I II Wllger TOu, when he lIa Kate K dalDty kerchIef to wear next to htB heart. 'l hat illll'Uhe be, t of It tbere waa II epeclmen of her hand writing upon one comer of it and If he isn't lUI blind lUI II bat he'\1 ReO who fa vored blm WIth tbe bushel..may btu!ket made (lut of cabbage heads KaLe wrolAl tbe vel'1!e retorted Mary Pnnce laugb ID~ and clnfPlng ber hands HU8h I StI)' Jluls You mu~tn t run on 80 I don t wanl. to be caught With out any applllll, MId Kate So hpeak low If you caD not kee p [roal talkin g We are almost therc now Huah I &'8 t he ripe yollow frUit ghete n tn the moonhghLl Kate til) tood up to lhe httl e th cket of trees followed hy Lhe hushed group Arternll I don tlJohevo there 18any Ul!O of keepmg 1'0 ~tlJl 8ho Stlld l loo k It !'Ccm" too m ucn I ke 109 around. downright 8teRltng tn ~ tead of g raelou BI~ cOlldescendlllg to teKtolir nellli bor. hOI!pltahtr So help y n url!ll lvc~ I. Irs wIllIe prPHide 811 well 811 I can IIIJ,lace nf the gentleman hlm!lCllf No oubt he \I thank me for Il whell- be geta a chance I PerhBr after all be s hId \D tbla thlcl[et a trees and when we get to belpm~ oUl'8Olves 811 ) ou lISy he II come JumJllllg out bere lD the very mIdst of UB" suggested BOme one tn a timId voice Pabaw I Don t fellr Hattte Why, we'll fngbten hIm to death In five mm ULea If ·he venturllII to abow his bead There 1 take thl8 apple---and thllt-Alid thl&' Catcb them lUI fast u 1 throw tbem That's brave I Stand out where 1011 are and if yon bear aDl noi~, -why ,un J!' cried. lUte, turoID, &pin to the
BEPORTEa. ESDA Y• MAY 15. 1878.
Clutt e r 's
11011 ('
afa,.... 0'
K lLe c rllll soned 00 th e \ cry roota of hrr IIIl r 311 he 110 nl('d lu l or "pron f upplc< \\ Illch ~he h n.l 8tl ll heltiiooped up 0 \ rr I e r nrm TI c next mome nt he h J gnth ered tbem II1Le II fflllt dl h tlnd W L.'! IlIlg lng for plaw. and k nn cs. El<cm!e m Klr hut I callno re rnnlll IOll ll;er SIl l I K a te TI"n l:! 311d g l VlIlg tI httl e flush of light Into h 8 (ace Bu t r sbnll II ~1 8L II )lO II t SIIHI b e 1 hll, e II mo rnl TI ght 00 d elnm} o 100 OIV;h L re me", \)('r Or \'I ould bave pe rhap" If] am lIol Ible to purclllLtlC my o wn rallso n "aId K It [th ok I III dersta nd YOII M.LY T 18k a t "hilt pnee ) Oil value ) Oll r Inllt ? :';1 e drew he r p" l'80 from he r pocket \\ t h 0 110 I nnd nlld pOlll lcd to the frUIt w th Lh e olher
Ilt<:111 hp~ o llrl ~ 11 (or
nn I hiS SLelldy eve. burned benrnU; Lhr lr I erfect eyob rows Wllh a deeper IIg hl bn t when b e spoke h,s vOice wao lUI Ii rm and n8 mellow ItS thollgh th e f II II teMt ri pple o( pa.-8lOn had n e\er br Ik e n OH r Ita qUIet s urfnce By tbo peck II OIlC tipples are worth - let lIle be6-HOme fi\ e sbllllDllllaL tb e early l!e1l80 n of th e year Perbal8 I cll n alford Le dl8COunt llpon the price SIIICO you hllve laken so Itlr:;e a quau Llt ~
No no Air do not reba te th e small cst fracLlOn upon t be m 11 8 you value your h. ppmol!lll saId KnLe I I btl\e not enough money In my "'UI'II8 J can apply to HOme fnend to le nd me the re lJlalnder I\J II!8 Weaton I I!IlJd the young farm er aud he spoke ber ntlme In a low stern VOice You chooae "ell sIr I am sure," MId Kate Among the IICOre of gillll who VISIted your orebard t.o-mgbt, I am tbo on Iy one who hAl! not BOIDe lflend 00 huy them from the unhappy oonse quences of tbls ad~enture Tbere l8 my purae Sift S he threw a 8m till purae upon thA carpet at hl8 feet 118 sbe spoke, nnd the n 118hRmed of hor unge nerous worda nud 1 e r hI gh flow of 1"l11li<1011 hurst Into tMIl! M "" Weston I the vOIce WM a Ii Ir tlo tre mulous now hut It detrnCLed noth ng from IL8 dee p 6ternnC88 Hutel'ped n fn lit of the door 811 he spoke n ~ he d 1\ IOl'd an tn Len LIon on the parL of Kate 00 glide from II e room A moment If you plelUlO-I WIll not delilln you long he 811ICI ID c\nllng hl8 hClld tOil Rrd flot I Iwheve you too true nnd genorous MUll! Weston to tblllle me gUIlty oC8uch meanneB8 M you Just ascr bed 00 me I am Bure tbat for a Inng tIme you must bave known me better If you have not., It IS not my ftlult For n long tIme J havo bee n ID terestcd ID you Your {ace pleased me wben I first looked upon It I and I Celt thnt It was no oommon BOU no poor Sptrlt that .poke out 110 eloquently from your features It mlly have been weak ID a mlln, much you r 880lur ID years to fol Inw you about tbough Iliave endeav ored to treat you Wltb the oourlAlay and ro@ pectwhlCh were yours by rIght asI have done I havo88lAlemed you very highJy have! I am almost afra\d, from th" pang I fee at my; heart t.o-mgbt, beeD llIowing IIIYlOlf to Ion you, liven That lllll.
WHY h o \ II y do Mrs (,;urcful - tlre .11 )our fo ks I rot ty " ell' R.ked ° e Ileaghbor of IIlloth or "hum she lIIet I I
IT lMlems to have Just been discovered why an elderly maldell lad, IS not the rIght kmd of \I Indy to put In chnrge of a postoOlce The postoflice department haa recently been compelled 00 Beek tho resignatIOn of a postmMlAlr of a small wwn 00 the We. t Penn RaIlroad Penn syh am' because tbe postmulAlr wbo 18 an elderly matden lady haa felt It her duty to open letter. addre_d to the younlll dIM and gentlemen of tbo nelgb borhood to find newe whtch abe couldn t get ID the local paper. Hereafter sbe WIll loo\[ tbrougb keyhol88 er p:~,;e'hu~:~li:~.;:that BOrt, In order to get II ont of thJI dfeary IoDd
B eml . tell(l 1 few d ays ugo Oh yeo pre tty well tbank >ou - thaL t8 abou t 18 well llij IIsual FIl be r IIII ¥U t bt'en qUlIAl well OIOCO be bllDked u)1 tb e cellar last fall Rnd overworked himself thlnka he burt bls Side And motber hi" got tbe rhe umatl8m BO bad sbe hus lI t been nble to get down stairS for a \'l eek IIfatlldll Ann blli! II slight touch of the dlphtherlll 10 the docto r~y 8 JIUlmle can t speak Ilbove II \\ bJsper for II \\Ore throllt i:!u8le 18 Just get 109 anotber fl slDg In b e r en r, and the b Iby hill! hlid two more spe\fs of oroup My hUBha nd Cl\n hardly' do any work on Rccount of hlB BOre eyeB, and I thollght I d die IQIlt Wlth neuralgta ID my bead-but re all abont aa comml)n How a your
c o
••••• n.a.,I.
I --I!t· ~U'l' 111111 ~ t.l IJrl ul.l'U ·t II\UIl <' llIn"..•• 1111. hIlU.,.. III \II1" .. )'I·"O·\III\'t. _ AI .. , '1. ,\lcl\lII l. rt' v. / 'fUbIO. ."11 ·' Z . I· 1,l&.;\ -I l'rill/:. ' N': ~ytli." . ~l ic"C'n r, (Phi f-2i ,... . .MuUC'rtIlRd Ibillgtllll'ulllld U"iQIl n H...·~ YI'I It FI~1f LA"'. -- '1'111.1 / --" f "d ~(Ill'lltll Antl 'IS II hus to, -~,I - lIu<lllY lIi\:ht. No. 7, Ni~llt l 1I1111UI " Vl6\tlllg l\I lI rlhu ~lich ' 1llugo .UIl wea r 1\ I'r III'CIIIIIS III" amendlll nt III the Ohiu Ii h·11I 1I' IS gllli \v{'~t UII 11 vi~it. E~I\I'e~8 rlllI lll'l'r a tramp, killillg / Ollt'r, pt'l\rutl,u, 80 tar. witt. .. t'!III .. U II him ill bUltl • Ihe' hod U6 follo\~ : · beillg SlIlIt· , -Mr. J. E ){oy hlltJ lilt I r . f . -- ~' r"J ullli :1'nrllel' , \,1' n <lIhl'lll)k, fl'uit8, c(m/I cr 11 of IflI\II gmill, t"rl'llu l IIg . th ~ 1. 1,,, It clln Il.'ll liy tho Gl'lIel' 10"f .1I I ' "I . 'II ' truck j )r li t 11'IIt1t I Y \'I~i t.od i\lr. 1" A. B ' I'I'\' hlll I I t POtlltuc" gB en· It ~ 1111\1 ,I a l AsseUi bly ur IIIl' ' llll~' uf Oillu. h, C,,:o1 ( II( IIII!" 1011 {'. _tl(J ya rds. H i 'aid to IIlII' hVl!1I I\" (.!~ k: J I LI l'IIIt11 r lIIubl '. hilt 0111' C~lI" un I rl shlllllll I1I1n1od IOlll· . -ll u It IU Tlllit cctioll a5, 01' hupt r of - ~jr. uud ill • 13wwlI Ofl ~ (' II I" I'IIIIOfl~ has 'nn II t to alll ud, r I'i li nd COli.. L 'bau ll lI, vi ' Itt'd1" h\'' .r '\ M III U..O 01' I • S 0 11 I: is PIl I'HU II 1111 pup rs (IT uth r 11I1r1Y. 1'-' IS~~ . lI.ttlO nllli ,J UII C Ar It 1: 11 1'0 0 ifh"lll)tIheclI a Dd 10 1' 01' 'I'er lIl 'IUl of it..!ll lllilicnt ilJlI . 8Qlidnte Ih stntUII':I n·llltitlfl' to l "lICUII v i prlll!!b' lI o hull lro hll l o h 011' - II) to J aeol> " Ul'i ,rlll\'II"'S 1" I~'ltl'II '" II" I I ' . . I. I ~ IIICI;! )1'II,g aot. III , rillles IIl1d OOUIISI;IS, 1111011'(' I'I\KI., • r· llllu.1 ue U IIlt)e W II • I, ' "Il'~8 .111' · .I ~'" ' O il II \\flli ch 1111101 " hy t ho Uui leln oll d WIlI eb "'1'0 k' 11U1I', lIjlulIlel suit. ' ~ ., .. , I' I'y 'Ilr I Ibl" . ' ' J t is 8L1ill I, w a~ d" lc;u mill net therei ll IlIIlIIl·d , to lou - MIMS H . lJ . ll" j,k,ll' i 11111''' ~ Jl mIlI'lIt, I'. w ll('" ~:' il','r/{l' tit" U!t'.('hllr~(·rl\l!cI ·~ar. rtl"ll. CA D II A/I.. I Dl-R\ ' 1I. l l l , FH [ D tJ. ~ J1[ . 1r 17, 1878r I alii flltt't! 10 11111' kn own 1\ THl o ) CIIllle 1I1111 01 illg IlUr rl!l!idclico 1':11 Fourlh ' In: ,t . '1 '\ l'k,III ,.. ,,,k. vl"l tcd ~I r, EI · a brl'uk.d owr ot this killd 1I1111111111 1' IIl1d hllu 11,1'I'lI t IIcd suic!ide, B u ,I' n Cd, I' IIrt "I . r t I\ y WII" I. Y III~ ,"I a I "ullid ' IIl l1eh IIct ttl n' I 'I ~~ hu IllId ' 1\\ lit J1 . I'l" ' ~ lI ~ t wt'ck . _ IltlW:l IIII .ll'r JIIIIIH' Y " , ' 8\1 "U~l'u I III.III ' "cru l.\ suaSIlII ·' UII t I \ ; /I 'n r 1I 1'1 Ie ut' . 'J'III~ IS nnd cOIIBlllirlnlo tllo clI ,' rn l 'ltl\ ' Il'Y li llu tll"lr Illuiu ~lcud ; 1 . iIlEI l.... IUtI'll" CIl" 1 I ~h . h. II. 1I 1 1}' '. hIlS put up ulllf'lI' mly Ih IIIId(', tllnt 1 IIII • CUll ' CIIIU"r , whi ch huJ IwclI lofl lit thu nl e 01 hill,' I.Itl ~o lllllclIJeJ 1I; tu in. llllli 1I"lh tirlll I' ll . j ' I ' I" IIl II , \\' ~I~n In fl Ulit uf II'I1C ~(:J f chrl)nic drelld allu I'hllt . II U W ~ : , l' rl'"1 "lil " 1" 1' IIUI , I III 1(' 1Ir1 1· th h Ulld~O ll'oI II 11I c.. ·I:lII k bl' th ' ti rl; lIlll11 1111 15. 1'0111 I '11 I" QII '''1 Ilil" " t I' k . I . I" I' tl 10 P 0 1 0 I' II ,'wer. tv I \. I . ' II ory. ~ 5 I I I"~ ~ n l ' I '(I' I'1 I IIe \VI 11I,'\·C'r, 0 .' , l' a , IO I" " I, eo j 11'11$ II urllll ll g ill Itll l' of Ihl' \\ f'1l.1I1(!, vrllelln M r :-- 1" 11 \ d l'icillltl I ~Ile ~. t O' / . . --.''I I' I'' ....." k. 1I11l1 " 1 1~8 A,III IItl. I II 111\I 1'1 will ord II f nil crcck. fln'-.. l'ul1l1 l IIlrclld l lukl' lI til' 1'1 ' "' .lI h"I'I' hille III . ~1I·ll/1I'f1'. "' IUI' I'"" 1~" If I II' IIIe '·II I1'·IM. It ,.. .. ,--.. t h t' r lu r t·- - - I .•' 4, '" u n PC' IC n w.l m l..... lu i hli"' 11 111 .. . . t wllllud cr, " I M" n llw Irm o l>CCII G.lhlll (j I. ) 1I~ PIt .\ \I':I< , Ill. H ..~o . ul llI oullI Ih" 1 gUile I" ~ 1t", 1' "1' 11 :1. IIwllk (l . pnn d o r fl'.on 'oir, or" ill lilly 111111,1,: '1 lnt.t tll l'·III' , 1'1' II HI ~ " .1'"'' It,, \. I ~ (0' r un 010\ 0 t ' I ) ~ \\ iI ' 'I ' " t 11 g U l'~"" k' I. I lilllTl MlI l. I I 'C" 11 IIl1tt ~I. I) ,., I I IIII-(VI o / ( I lUg I U, 0 "HI . '1'10,'. . .,1 t ' .MI t .. _-..·" ..... u.·ri" •• -", "UUUUt , ro " 1I1ll " " l l ,. u <l( Y " I wnl,' r wl,,'1lr el mldi c" d Ill' I . 'II 1'" 1" !! il l'' 1'")1'1'8 1II1II'k,'oI ''1'1,,· (j.,, ' t. 1\ :o:' '' HI' tlll1 'd ,,"111. ,.. . -- Llli lc " 1111' 'II rdl r I!,)t 111M L A Ulln . I I!. I ' I' 11'''''' II" TRylur . , I,t I I!IIb ll~ d.':g,., lJ' 1I:1ll1 ral. Iy llig "i lh ill 11 1(' t5lat . "I' I11 Ull t ~ ; I II~ hc;:t "I lI lIlI lIru " I' ~ " l i ,t t ", 1"1 It ' __ '·" II.·nll n fltllll .. .., I)nuub. ,,'uhil. '. , "' n u u • •• lIlIl lI t 11 11'1' I III ~ 11 11, ti ll 1!",,01 1.•1'(' 1'''' '''111'' 1. II lI e dil Y III. t I"" ek. p:ct 1! lut , lal'~c!1i f" " I u lit· 11 11 I .. ..... . 11' • l h)dl Oh iO. X('(:1, the wllk r~ If I.ak, 1!l 1 ~" luck III . ,'I,:ct fr,BII 1111,1 ll l' l",. 1·1I>t·. I,,' IlIu d,' u I'l'lIl1lrk ,""" ~ 1I('t" ·,s , .. I II J) F UrllIl ,. '., u ,--·,. .. 14 ,.. II41 .. . _rQD. . ... ,..,".. u .... buln 1 lifO III h". (., ... II 1It1,· )!uIlll ll llg /] U\\'crd ill lile ir XI.' tl. 18: ' ~ . 01 th o d .. y p" lI'd!!1 .. I I" 11I,1 II li d. r l ll klll~ III Itl c. EI "" illj llico. III' k tll~ . llr (' al t!lIl'8 II, tll ll ll , tl I 'HlI\lllH .,( III' t ' "\' 1 .. ' · t I . ,\ II 1 In I: "'ollclot . II \Iuds / • UIII 1111 11 ~' Plll o.; lIl11· WI'U luI' 11m' .111 "tl" '1 111'.111 III ll("'\; 11 II II 11 11" •1'11 "',,·--- U. "uU r .. 1 ""cr",,"11 "ull lU ' .,., I' n .. ".. . - A ~i d ll 1'1 11111 III I~, II, en' llIls 1"'('11 . I"r\' III l' I·CI.' IIr Il' . 11'1 I' ruI' ~ 'TIH_ \ ·,·tl ,i1 ).1I 111lL! · . ' . ~ .ltl ~IrII· 1 duse liJl' IUU"IIII t. (j I ', CC'lItWI hnll L All en I UIIIII All W l'xc,·lll'nt Iut of call1led UII)' li~lr l.XC"l' t 1I ;lllI\ " W~, III' " W II ~ .1 8 ~ ' " ,.. .. , ~~ h· t' dou . (rolll .'oblluh ... Girl I IJnUIl • d "I 11 ' lI" t I S III' ;';t .' Crl'lI l11 1111 eX l!l' t"IIII'I,1 III t'r 'l l r ' l' I ~a-: l!' U ~- \' \ t ...: .. . l ' I U,,\1 I rcp(·nt "I' 1'\'"'' 0l'.~ .'(11 )' II' 11 1.'1111, "I SI I II"I. ·u tlOl\!8 II a)' nn 'Ull tili ' Anna Wrtghb. "" ' 1 1Illill('s II lld Mr .,n III II ·11 . : l'lIe I', 1'11111, 111'0 dllri n,' ilix \\'l·ok ~. AII)' thil IIl1r " "l1 l1l1y ljll id lil ilc l't llll!!!', I ' X' II 1'1'- " 1'- .... .: .. 10", l . rt ".htlE _ 10 IJ II I I I" ~ 1'1 It" .l " .' rI.,I IHlp.llr t' 0 1'(" t 1'1 ~ llull 111'11 11'81...~ 1I"'lr'cvr ' '" t II ll t ... 1.'1" I I" I I I l 'ltt'H "' l~ rA'IIU~ ' H ' U I I'I ,tI)( \ !'ii, I' ,''\ I I .. .. I)Ua. I. I ,elll.·. ... cO' ro · " l'Xc"pl ellll'" .IllY eo • e\ \.. III CIIIIIII I, )l" U, l" "IHI,,'S J5 •Ce Ie II" • '-" e • • ,\or J CIlI,k 1"r61 '~I " Oil 1. 1101\' ~O ' ells " ll ll''' 1 urry If lule till! llt:! a ClIlI ' -1 lor 5" "I tu I'al (' h lII i llll" I~ 8, ill (II' COIIIII.('t,." ., I " .' , ro<. •Ill lt II,.''1 1) .. W1'1 .' IIC I WI (,'1 I ' u ,'(' 1 " IOrrtHll 0 wilh :1lI \' uf the Wil t r" uf th e olnl p IUu la . ,It-J III lill'lli' 01 ~ I ah c l. with .• +,50 -- herl n'l·lc('1 Kell rid: IIn :l wifc , C I ~, We nrc Butting in um 5 1\' et COlli UU III II"I!S f'lr dclClllllllluftl'r dl'lIll1l1d 01 Ohiu,J XCC llt the waters ul' Lnh ' If W III II IIIt; I II, II' ~ ' tOil II lIlI ~ I r~ . L . R and Miss III • 11 1 11'0 ~ tl 10 W OIl II,er anII uf Ihe... ... a ll cru\, 118 III E flC, IIr III !lily Ehri!!h t IIro 11rel ':II'ed t cllrry hvr,o IrulII ' 1Il1th h.1' ~lIlr C I wily IlI nlici" u"l> ' olICI.IY . un ' t bl . ~ 0' t 01' I' '11 Duors ol'en nl7 Iii. invitou t~ "ttend W J COOK . Prln. . tl l:I 0 II) , 1111 .3 WI per ~1rs . R,'sa Hl·(lfcrn i ~ leu cllill'" UIl .I ' fi Ir ill Ull " IIril'lIlt. Ii 11 ~-Tho ItcI'. L F .lI nd M, S ?I llH io ut IIr ' ,1' /'elIl dellce, J... "v 1CI'O III 111/0PPQal't its I) 0 p"rtme nls mit, projJt.n>e to rlliso UII Ru IJu4 I lid, hull be fined lur euch Ufr 'II1lC V th o ll villitod 'itlcinllilti LlII .... hOI'"v still. t .. ........ "roo v r lI ut 1I10rU 1111111 .. ~ O lI" r leMR 1111111 J' IOIl! IlIy . & E llI'i" llt" I. To d \ 01 or1 IIuo nk' S IeI use. ... -·A. ~ I cli: l n sl'y 18 d'lill'" II rrood . Iy leI ,0 liOn lor~e 10, or btl ilUpris lied 10 t), o JllrlU' dlc l',~ ,0, ". de I' re to call li t. to n pli ll ... ., -Mr. lurk n Dntll' rwol'lh 0-1 'III II ' t rude ill lir e InllliJl!r b1l8111ed " thu Cllll il ty nut I S! tlrn ll tl:O rluy" tI(,lIr 8. or ~ we. ,pn'vlo Wrl lllillgto.l n Wil ill t~WII tEO IlII " " lu th "l r AUl'cri (lr flllvor i tl~ ns A S 1.11 1l I I (II" I'lIrsllll '!euIII IIg It lOut fl u - . tll )~ (' . 1',,1 1' 1 Invo II ' . 'k ' eX Iw r 111" 1'0 t IHIli MI Xty ,a)'8 lnlclR. I I li t I'I'ICl'< \ I to ~ n i t th e ti lll l' . tllk 'ri klnilt, 0 It. lIlIIl keolls a full 11I,!!e lIl r II d II:! II ce , 1 ill . II'l lIe h 1~ ru ll \. pru\ ideJ fu rthur, lilat It ~lrllilul' the iiI· ,. , -- ~ l r, IlIlJ ~ I rs. I" ,' 1110'". IIIIII I.I.lIlIo IlIlIllro 1" ruit Ilel1l'Y trenniitl LI 'J'I I Slllngtr o llllltc l'UIIIP u('\ IOII II I 1I11' 1'"'1(' 1Illh\l~flll to cu tch uruc:.slrOl ti h ill of Lclollll, "' y II ~ " ," . ITikd ~~ ;l;~I.\::: :~·~ E:.. ln,,·I · Cll ll :illlll tly II lralld. • 1\1I? #,1 81'< ' . " 1 C("Itl Ity, \llltl It IS Inllch \h\l \' O a ht" m 1I1111 11 ~UII' IIllII Ill y nllWller d lllili g till! ' I~ a""i lll! III Ill i:! plll('c . E'll '~nJ .If .gi~ntll~81~'ll~ e~s. y" u Wllnt til I~t:l lit prllce l'II~I!! r worlt tund u.. Si t IIl1d "Ct· - Flank ' hIT " "' od ai " , Ions II I - -' );t'n.OIl, exc I' t ing rc <:1'\" 1/11':1 C\.,I! ' .~ -t) ~ -- Mr, J;' l'ullk Pdllt z. of Cln ei n· With tl,IIu w"rl J II lId s:l tis fi 'd wllh Illu watc r H\i ed ill this 1I1 1LIIllur. g')O" ~ t"I" lind II , cry nlk ll ti' '' 1 tU IIIIII~ 1I11C th ou.auJ acrcs ur mur,'. --!\.I" .y. b u.c o""Mud.~ .. nl ,' l o( - tl II t dr'" tl Y Uill" II ", " , /Cct } 111 .1 1 ""."e8 I k lIIado I at I , IU tl " .. I ~l 10 \\'U VI r lI Iroll1 I IC 1st da." of .'I lay to tllC 1.' 1 111 lIutl, ed uy Illlltl his pow lII other Ie ~ r · . II 10, \lil I .' "XC"!'I III" 0 in tlll ~ I. 11 11 II I II. IJ I I U II II I ~Ive \'Ull Ilcr· c r . day uf JUlie III ClIl'h yea r, wit h til l' P !l1'0, liSt lI o d; , I II IlUll III' IillS I11"'11 ut I''I II I III I ~ I'I II l" • J J t _ I. ' ect IlI s 1\111 I ' 1' Ielldi J WOI klllllll . , /1' ~ h ip . . ' ,ns WC-...ll! rt'c' IVl'u n "lillie IJl'oultit· f"r II li olllli '"1 ul }' I."g I1118 11 l.UI! Ile i II1111 MI ~al Ill- tl' " ""d . - DulI'l full lu ~et 1\ Bl ea k/usl - Till' ~I I~~ '" M"lI ic Cllrlwall.I' I ISII from ourwcll h,'lll I'~d lllld 1,'1 I -- lIut II" tl. lllk lie h"'1 Ihl' ICl' lI th is pr I i i 11, 11 abol e l ,ruliJl.:d Tll hle " I' \\" E. Alld cl II ,,!!xt Sat I , cr 1111 I J~ .t1 IIC L1,1.. llloa l·1 1'1' ',, 1'111'" /"ICI clt. l7.0n I . ""II I1I' n '," I,' r ~. I'·' ", . in olher caSt'S. ' , Elo r il L I:..II"~ UIUII) CI'ClII lIg. ' 1\ " 11'.1 I.-l , ri,, 1 1)"1',,. "" lIed hl'lll UII~ d.IY "~t p r~ 1I1111.g milliolt I' ,I t. S"lIl" lll i'I II, f.!'" d hIe. ~ I~'ld II,! W\· I'" III".IO!IJIII . § :3. That lI id Sectio ll 3.'), of Ih e - II Ll'U .J ulln e\' , of .\/ ('1111" 11. \\l'e k Wl' UI 'g luu lo ll'llrll tha t I{) . We f~tllJJ 111111. Ih" SU I1I l: /-.r'·I1 · 11111 IIIl1y [1:1' t ,,"1' .. 1 .' abu I'c re('i ted IICt, bo, nllt..! the 8aUl l' [1 111, ,,i . Ie! Viol tlll).:· ~! rs . Dr. U,.I I'll,rll ld I\(:u· ~I is, C'hU" 1I1I,ltI" 1 !ru sec llrl'u II lid. cnm plll Ml nl.ll u Inl'lI d II!! u t ,,101. " til! 1.1 . r,llI 101l '~ , i. herel>y repc'ulcu vcr, II~," Rld~1.:1I111' I fi lll' 1I 111~ 1(',, 1 ,1.,10' th ere nlld 11'01 glilu to ee 111 111 1"" k ll l ~ 1 § 3. Till IIct ijlrull tuk o C' trl'c t a llli - ~ I I·. Edward 1'1111\7.. lutl·ly of < ( I :: ! .. 'IU: . I -E" zlIbd lr Cad' ""li t n will III 8 11~lh eJceelllonl bl'.llth'd alt.hl'"~ 11 bo in fl' rco fr'JII1 lind aft .. r II I'U 8· f "ntler l' llie. hilS bl'!!' '''' ' 11 II IUILI 1'('\111'1.' "" "T ile C JI II t' I' I 1'lIbt 10 pOrt:lall tcl1s pel'll! U 1 11", (: Ih' •. •. , 1"" Ir . ,. , I II ~ . • ,1 ' . II 'curo alld tqn. May li e liveI tu ugo. JAME E.. EA L. l:. l!r ul \\ uYllesville blim!. Ll:UIII.':" I , " " J· n lay e\ 1' 1 11 lip:, Mil II bl c Sillf ~lIis ch f:;pcakc-r H Oll,e ot' It ll l,re""lI ll1t in !s arge lit I II t tl I,;i~. r: f.: rll ".-- !·,.I'"l dc-l ,:H ' ' 1 ' 1 10 Illacc tu bllj' 0(" ,,1 fllrtd c·~ II' ls 11' 111 hu Ihe III ~ I ICel llrc " ('C'lllho JABEZ W. FITC H, ' Ira I r " T . L F's Chlll"'I '" 'I I I' _I " k'" (: ,( I V tll re io lit J acuhs & 1l u v nuro I'ighwll),'o. 01. til' lU Ime l,,' C,, " I', e , " "Ut lurl tIl ,hcur not flu h of eoct. III 11' at I'PIl'SCIlt I'rl'~ i de llt 01 t!: e SC I H\te~ . 2 ,'lt,· 1\ a:! ~"ll·,.1 \' ,I,n, .1 "1 I l 'j I' . ~u IIlop sllll Jl wurk there . 1/11 11 111; lit ti le b"S I \\'(l III CII ul tile 0" Sntll rd"y evening \\ 0 I\ urc \I C ~ hllli llo l I'''; 11.1' gall lllid ; (' Pas~cd April 111, I 7 . 1 -:\Ir~. El i:tlil>uth aliwalllld C'I'. IIg ·. fUl' ured will. 8(1mO s Ice t r!!II(lIl1rr CIJIIII! Il IIIIIl" I I\' 1111111 II d 11\ il Per UII S wh o C"llgu go in Ib lll llg of R ichm,,"r1, l udl.lI ll1, I" u gucst \\ I' ~ -" :\,,10"," the C"II1II1LI1~ cor· II l1 d dl.cla m lion' by I'rot'. J ulrll \>. I hav('. in tlai s pll l.lilcat lU lI , alllple llu· " I Mrs. Dr. Wiliia msull . " i~ Ir , I' ''"C ' '·I , .'' 1" 111 '" 10 ' \11 "I ~i(" (:.,~~ IC.I"'lIoI '·lI t u' tlr eClu lclllllol / ' /ai11' K IIIIICY, S u 't uf tho sehoold t ice thllt s('ining wlt!r ill tlr juris. l, t" Ihu(,II IUII ' lI ntl f!" C' 1l I..' ' I~' . 111<hr ili~ -Qullf rth c rllUrni ll)! be\'(~ rul! " ,1ft/fer, wrr ,·" l " thllt I':lJlcru f ~I II\' Lovcllllld . Clllllt tlt th osc ho,,1 ·J.Uhll lllllll'. ld WIII' ''I .:'" l l1l1l''">: d iction of Ohiu i to cene Pcr fmll l TC fly'~ smlullllllllu ill if)1J1l llLh. 1111' 1',,11 '1 111~ rl'llI:\rk s cOli·lro n ·c, whic I as yon sons who Ioec, me nware of illt'rinj!c , wonlJ I.IIJ ha)J(J.I' a llli heallhy \;IIU'I , \\ . I!CIIlIlIj; II :::ill ll alur whlllU \\0 nil 8( ll lIe tiUle '0 t'n rlll shcd ",i lI S jlllll'a" t lll ~~ I " t~ ''' IH' .,\1.., t lo lli "t uti or,' l')'{l'af - / In mah. F lo", ill[l , l 'ol lnt iditlg, Pat ~n' mentR will oblige Ihe 'nvi I' Inb, th II II UU""U I" 1I1.1,"e II l lr l!l ~. I ~ :dIV u)"s '1 S 'V 0 11/ (1(I1I !/. S,'IOtl 'o.I/1'i/l!/ ]'lIl'lIi ll'./, Hil'p i llg. U:c. R I kil l'" lilld 1'~ l ee lll:" '\:1," 1(11' tokes . gullery, ulld ' ill Sl'llt q nit C ·Jnclllnllti, by noti flI IItion. 11111 I -,I Ir~ . , . ~Il rs Ill~ II h:l lld II C, "11' UII I.:l'Id"I.'l'" (Iult tl,,' " '.1 111 ,'1 IR.T iI ,· I . .cre \I' ll lIl"U 1I1111thl·r uf tho l'l)S' furlllbly · Ituw , $01110 A bu, hit C In ( u n l l iun with l~eir Ll1 N h}(18~t n oomploUt prosccuti oll9 11'1II prompt Iy to ,,1 .. cll "". :IIILI ('''"11 .. 1 ""1,h." · Ii I CIII 11 trce , . IYlth I ab lit lifty Itl'.. e UI IlInlutel '!!- 1 IlHItl (,I' Htll llilnu had u lIbo 16.1 cr UIIR. ' Vl' fI'vlll! ile emuIl8 vcry nilenlll!! llor 'O il. I' C'II ' - 8 tl'III", '111d t I.11 1 lit. I1l!1 ~ S I11111 1.U1 Olll'l B uildcn\ of dllms in thi s tatt:' d I . ' Y " (>1):11 11 ,,11 ~ u , 1111 W If' I us h,," eo t ns thu lI ny ' • I mllst nlso tako n tic thllt it is 11('· - ' Vil lillm H I' 'WII lind wit',·, of I""g, Th o SCllut .. 1' is S()lII lnd i8 wcrt! bOlh en Itllillcd IIl1d illst rll ct. Iu whlc I I.I! ClIlIlIlIlllltul ll. AII1I1Il~ lut cd I:y tile p licll i Ol' uHllI struti ulI I''''''p lc ,dl "SU upi ll iu:ls tl I'O wll rl h C Rry lor thelll to prov ide a chutl:' Loud un 0 ., Virgini u. IIro ~11I'Rt~ "'0 Ie I, hilt lor till thut hll 1I01l!!h uf th e pr inci" IJd of CI"(,lItiull, S\l vulll lng, sb ll dl·r IIIJ" I I'~ ,lI rly thl' nn ll kN'p I I .n ... tullt}) uu 111111 0 " fiu t! lot of good . . 80 thnt fish Ullly J\Bcon J strcallls . of Mr. ond Mrzl. J unus J a ll ncy, r. gUli h 'lIdutllnIlC~d ahlt ll~ him t" in tllt» lino. AI.o, .. II Ibe l ~leot plD' I 'I1 ~ h well 1I11d u bi . exhiL' tl'o by till' /:II "llliN /./ "h Jl~ .11111 ,",.! iI) r pI ... , I \ u t ili " . \\ I lil t h l' U I\(' u ( it 0 f,r 11, 111 ' N w our crcek, ri l'ers, IlIk(;s, - T he 1T0ev iJ and II p tifcrllllM tv rwi ~ Ihu dc· • I 001 u d ll ·('(:~" rll l cl>I lI plctlllll allY thing Profedsor. &c" can bo sufuly stocked , to the little whi t indect f\re d I mllgill~ Al'lldcd, wuld of liloel 1I1 11t", ercd· he rnay IIlIu erl aku llulop; chllir· ' O ur Dli l ~i& t yar sld l al> ent 011 ~ te' l frum Oil': \~' hIl8(l tlll! h. iIlV ~~ g reat gain i u the matter of food Esq . EdwBrd s' corn ill the btJtt.,/tl I" 1II111l 1>1' Ih.: ' 111l1tT1l ttee 011 Agncll eXICT,d " i ft t,. It. Leb 11 II, Illl{ I he , pcC ll n~ lIry "aluo f filty aod fun. -0. , J , & E, invite the im medi · tll re, ho hilS p:,mlud well thll il)l ' 1111 tho seat of loth 'r Oh urch of couts, "oulll cuunt fur II ll llght, • • • l\tc a t tention of c\ o c buye rs t u t r ilts of thu l1grJcllltuJ"iPtt - - --:o! - - - d o.t" \-" ~ FaIJ8T.- Tho old lid age, "F(lg ill thcir lar~o li no of blllck lJcl ~ \' er8 Eu t. ... INoooN ITA. Cli hmcrc • iltate, H I.: hll~ mude 1I se llsible nnd W ellt . !tlarch, frost ill May," Cillno tru e hluc k si lks li nd other d l'e s.golldll ' "1'$,-- 18 the 'croil' wh i"h C.t.,F. hOIl st ulIJ (,/ficiull t IIl cmbl!r of It.~ TO PERSONS 'SEEKING HOMES IN THE WEa'r." BllrlcYll.n for QnC6 at 1 ~1I8t. The cold wenth purc h a~ed d irect from the import. I 'fcrrt~ to U~lU of Wild oll ts 1 If :::icDute ' on th rcUr(:, 's enrlier th lln \1 UII I. 80, bewa ro of thc hUI Vt'dt. er of the last week cnlltllnn ted Illst er li t New York, sinco the,. 1. ___ - :0:- - - (' 111 ' IIt' r t • I ' I. . SUII d uy II IJr WAI.T ON BUNNER H EARD F UOM th is 8cns6n, Ii lld6rl ' llIl ~e~ to yiclu III Jl OS , W III;u IIlp . a tl ulill , lind wi ll ho um'rccl lit ex· <- d t t' &Is. I G t a~ ett,.:I A C .I II1I11'lII ab ped ... nndall ic(\· t1y. . . HA lIPTON. n er vege a lon, III pCllrce y. trcllI el,)' IlIw prices, lllllck " I'll - A rccullt IpUcr tn a Illdy ill th is It.,· 7, I 76 G. EiT '~ ()(JCI:MENTS TO ME.' OF Lll!iTEO ME!~S. · l'. ti on in Y"lIr i8,;uo or tl,c 'th IIl Mt. I I .1 j{l'llill ~8 10r ns we eRn earn , (am"p; ... lit UIIIII.y 1"" 111 a r lat ive III Sult eu sdk lit $ ) ' 0 ,U u;llly s" ld dllltO:; ' t thut set tll tlr:Wwll B l U~ 1111 dUClll'U the fi ll c " _ . ..... _ - - ifill pro pc . l'IIUR. CII $135', blllck gros "' mill sil k $ 1,'Hi . Lllk , ity . ...,,1\', th c full"", " !" IIC - ---: 0:-- -. tioll 01 so ldlcrd' " "UI' C,j hPre thiS to mil t e pull I t~ , 8wee ... t u nally sold lit ~1.50·, c nm ber, vlDes. Spr'hlg Valley ,.. COUllt III friel,d l lfo.I'al, EnIYclle .., bl;lek is clI. h • potato bed S & C,' Il'. fll'c "rs I.. nllc,J\'c "cd . 8 11 f mere from 50c ..,I $ I ,f)O , nnd ""ud n. W alt 'lIIl1'lIl1t!r. SlJu U IIl't.:r ,,""llr ~ , f" I' III' lellSU l1 tllill tlI .. ~ , L""I..." r'r"l,i" n' '''80III·Ollnt y, N"br.. k . 00,lh. lin • • I th ... U.P. R .,llt pricef di l' d " hI(' t I ' t I u II Il' ... ,' IIl .! ry \' b IlIdU I'I'll'ld utthl> M"rmoll Clll'i lal, -Sn llkflny sch 01 pic nic "", dnes. (' I' ~r1.11111 . J~·c. e r~ morc or cs,s, accur Ing 0 U \'lIl ne .f,'r r"'IlIl" I uvunWII 'tr I r ... ',Ht,· ,.ll "' I'" loro. .....,xee II Int l. rnlt" \{ I11I". 1' OI 1 urop. tho II lOlIlly. A I lI PIICII!! 'eu l Ih uII II) ,,"ds J I' I ~' IlII 'r ",I-,·.t". con ...,.l~ .• cation or pr"lect llln. Sumo of ~u r Inst ut 15 allli ~O cld" furm all I I I I" ',\O r. ... "n e .. ftlo cnlo.the lllov' ... "hll .. lnth.U uuy wee . nitedSlrtle8; tho p'"'* erly ,I II Utl .. " , " ". ",10,' t, I "ru. ""I , b"rley. rYI', I' ,,,to," IIl\: ~I!Cl'l'IllIy 10 rcsi uellt gar~eners who hlld neen ah It''fl lIg sulo at :M nu d 30c, Th 'y IIrc 01'. 11) 'CCIi -- ~li Bs Molllie G Il" lill , unu rooLO' ''P . . I ror whICh yuu 11' 111 JI"'II ~e CU rl l.'C I IIII'. Aftl' r II time 1\ cupy o r ' . .I ~ct Wi t I Th o ollic·e .. " 01 Ihe t b.clr Bwe,,tll,to ver,nl pr le ri llg IlXtru illd ncc ll1clltl< now Cl' lII ('I" I'I' hhl C Stock Rai£lng in all Branches is Partic t ill 1111 Uhio 1.lper arflyutl, C'lII tUllllll g ~yIlOIII~ln u arly Profitable. llgSeb r ~o~'~II~llcl~~H tclul~:' . ! n l luaatlllldu l'I Yg I 11~II't bCC lllllll'l'rolllchl!d lO ll 11" , slIhjl·UI. ~r..rkOL (""Ii", . '''''' l f l''' ''o<l F"h",,,tio V I OilS nl~ Il ts ,In I'CI ' UI · I ·III " tll o " aJ' I' '" alltlclplltloll 0 f 0111·I'II·llg. "lid In ll . I I·II ~. S I I I' I·t l·llg~ th ill'ti"l... ' . r IL. ll i' {rr,·. cummon nnd high ""h""I •• nduw~d " \ 11'1 ~ v II t I U II' 0 IU t to. 1 1' hj I th ... c"v.'rTll1l t" · e nt l' h ' ' lu f ro t WI IICl u rJ"hlnU' I I luwlt 1 dd COI)I'''d ~ fin th 1"/ I C mc, Iorgo.t or Ih atlt a\'e bcc li sclIinj{ lIt15c" lI which Wlll' c li ....W'IR u I ~flc ul the R "ltd lif\'o rd oxcell ent to u tly tile Ig ' to CI)J"III C" k"l'II' III, .. IU tI!>' Y Cd· I' ll" ul, i,cll" ", ' 11 I " ti"I'l'CI.I" "Ii, .,1 lt d t d • ~ 1I lit. "011 v, ," UII'" u f ~oIJer .... tt\O·d c,,"nlllllllll., Q",'erllm onl lund.oun r .. It b k b '" J ~a l t Lll ke 11,'7",( be uegd ec~I e d 0 0 so .S Ull dt lIy h ,e ,1, 1I11 ul which ca pt: d Wlt Il 110 .ro • • ,I " ," ,,,, I,, ,,,I, ' rtl,,· Io . "n r..' , "" I>O\, "w IlI g I , now SClllllg Ilil' only 1:3J..'2 CUlltS. IIl ·oll Ch ~I " O ll "Il IW'''II"·. ,,IocI Ioerm.l. or(em.lo.over ~ l . but grullllo llol· ul "lJpe .. "h.C II· IIICO ul ~I H .II- •• I "" •. ~·lII u",o.f,,, e: ulloi .. I." !,, ,"r"",,, 1 u.1l'lltetI IJytle I U t'I, rc - lI'a8 torn nly "rllla"d \\~ a p r Ul upty by tile 11111, { I .. " ~" tllu I .' all d'IY, rllowhn U "" on ay mo rfl lllg Icr wo .. e lII uke upI'Ii.·".· .. -Ca ptal ll G uu" h is lIIlIk l ng cx· ~Il iu I · '~ ,mH·· I ·rl \' I'I 11." 11 f !lrl·II I /;·II" Il ll' ll Ue WIIS bUl't iZl.d 1I1I1I 11o. .' I IlIt.'s ·":l· '~ ~ - I'\1111\ ..IU, .. ...!.I\.· II. Jll .... "U ' \ j"v.. t:'I ~ - Th o Teache rs' A ~snc i atio n , The p" rtic ul"l' SI te hCIl'l.,j Ol'c lOU melaucholy Cn." nten:l.llccS, Others teIl51\'e I lII l'ro\'cl~ e nts nnd .\ II k " : J. .du ['l J"h ll I UUl.lld. "I 11:1:1 11.,," . 1, CII" ·III1"' ". 0 . IH tloot \JL:Ol.tH. for/?ot er· ClIlI1 a zl!ul ulI ~ a l' ti c. H o "ut wi llch cOll .I·coed 1.lorn "~Ii to tuko 111 Ih clI gardcns , a l\(I at'und ill his new residellce 011IIlttile lulh,,, illir luw 1 I::l .' ulll rd ny, CIII I· .. lil l' tIIO" ," ('ICI"e- "UI IIIUt 111'11 "" I ~'I thclr h ope~ of a n ollrly beu n crnl 1 1'1\ .. I Id ' illt" Ih e gll,)d !;ruCU8 "I' ll wealth ,' ~ 1I"IIIlI nt I y.'e very lII.t re tlllg .",~ IUIIN, I;01II lou 11 eUed ful' tlo,ut to (,lI za ll, *2~ . n um"I'ri! , '!' :I:II,,1 wcre bli ghtcd in the hili " Thus I . I' .. , .t r"r ~ o doy" 1'11I1'" . e, fur tl,,· I:'IiUI.\ . '.\PO LI ~ to CVZ ,\.U, !i'~lJ. n)uud Un frlUlily , ulld ind ucc.1 Ihe III tlr ll m " I' lII lIg li nd Idll' I 11011 11 f hc LII,', ~ , ·~ ,.\O; guud for 40 dKya __ '1r. T Oln Kell rl'ck li as ret 'lI'cd Ii\lII I'III ICUriO Il that bllr'al I,d ; 1"1\ C hl'ell i t ever is with man," S(llllh. " d I' I I '1 t t l t S Icctnrc on Stursl hy jl!'. Bu lea" ijll l( UIIlI Y 0 al' U 1I11 X . .. 11J 1I 01 ' Id rl t , . • t I : _ _ _ .... I ,. . Au t;"'"r-," . u Tr ,:" ,,01~ "'IV" CillO'", n. tl ""111nd,,, n,, I'''1o, "" th o .econd rne!lll.y ill I'rl)l1I " " tul kccpillg afll l !"plume d t" FIRll e l8co \\ Ith him tu redeem ' .8U on III CIIIICII S llI.lIl t lu~ "" " . '""" ",I' " ,, t r" '" 1~ , !!. "I " .np"rll e .. wl ll h".""" .. ul r',·llylh u ,.011111. tog 'bher With tlr u ( ~~ "Y vi ; I,u t uth ' 'm.d KlI.u m fl. Til E C,\lB.- The east. th e trl llllg u( th e Moll. f:; er ~'!lr IS vI' lill, g l·u ulld ~. F"r (",'h,., l ·I, .. " .""j',.}n. "1'I'i)' 10 VA.VIH VL .\ Y I' O OI., (J or'''',,hto ncccs~ a t va lua ble spa ll or hurses, lin d u lill o ~~I pcflll tulldell~ Zlul, l>a\WSOD 00");, vI ~'\illY ll eB ' I (" lll ull y cliglbll! aliI! 1,1l'I1SlIlIt, 1,, 11 " 111111 w nrd .bound train wili ch arrives at telld bim , 1\ JIi,·l m\.IIfI . ell! rillgc, whi ch he hud puw llcd vrl le, rcccl\·IJ/.1 (' pn'llI l pra iSe. 6·t! ·Om IUt) placed ut tllO 6tH I Ice ul III': Cul\1' =--~-=Curwin at 1027 P. rlln ol'er nll d - Tho J ll eph I1h oad s, of thc r.o i. al sil tu II:! i t hilll to ca. h killed a tra mp at Frecpltl't lust S I1 I1' F I·tvi ll e,R evd. -Well, ti le ISC!: .'''; ('li t rtnill Illittoe. I nd illna , h u~ bue n the druft f r ten t h o u ~lIl1d .Jvllara. hlte·a mCllts ovcl" ald nm "lIg thc th ings day nig ht. The p or fe ll ow, it is I{lIest 0 1 Mr. J ohll R. Sid es cspectfully. fo r thc Iy recoive d frum II 8 lIl uther. Whil e tllllt wer , parents gil'f! n sigh of supposed, hnrl ful len asleop ,,'Ilil e last we k. S ::l. II .\IIOI':S, Cures Co~~oid-;:w U l ti ll ~ at n j Ulicti oli (01' rtcounlla lake, Per· Prloe 35 Gl•• - M'lss Dalll'els, of 1111'S ..)luce. bUl1l1u Expre.B .to PlISS, thothogU}.;a~ t Icliel, Ii ... tlO Ullin! 11 .11 I :! ~ lrulll P, P re 'I .1 •• . A. Hooping CouJ h, Poins warmll. lg ,.. ulnlSO Ir b ya I']ru w I110 II fecUy Harmte••. Ha. ll tic· 1 . llllnp Take of,th no other. AlA: e. pu st two w(' , r 'L e hreak "",,yne"v I , lte. M,'; ,~ . 1 ~7~. I ho hnd rakcd t017elli cr from tho ",1111 work ill' III her ' 1I I',lell ,n 1100 C.,,_., l., I no Equ al, Leave. no your Oruggl.tfor II. olle IIlC Ii Skl'!,ce. lil t,) t 10 r cs l lil1 n~ lIt III 011 t IIIJl r ti ret SUI11I(I ~ on' COOllunljll,:;>l· empty ings of u fi;o. box from tlte du ' elute unpleau nt effeot!. SOLD ' ''I'. EVERYWHERE. or ~ ,e l IO~ \l d u M e~i cu.n sil YC I' t ~)r S'J.lIIll lelrcsl:lll c;" t. nlld 11'11110 s 11 ttl D '-1 t' S ' te~Jlthy Stl!pOfl th ' ~t lll l: \I"'.I )' Lrlng DEOllUAT I',N DAY.-A I III11('ct ill" ~ f 2"" t Pre 8 o'clock train. tl du1lllr dll{~o 1717. --!!. OU u 0 IlIlgorll .116 1380 any ... 0 . Ig the .. e. ~1~IJ"r ilullller step· VISIOns ?f bUlg' a rs, 1'1 01 ,1' liS and para ouo _ __ ........ .. ,.1' IIII! W <I) IIU Tllw M ilS I: 'I' Til V (,tCtll~ V c:l b I l'cll un " uurd the Ellsl·boulld lralll !\llcuk·tllll'l' CII bolore th clI' 01 I'"; hnt Aijs"cia liul', Ilcl d ill tlru " mco 01 WE took our officc stove dOI\'1I L' ) ~ri k 11 ~1I1/ r, .urg blLfl ( (hy IId -tako uf COll r:le, 111111 tuu k I cry consoli Go ng i ~ th e thulIg lll thllt E"I) , ~],llIillg t'JII , . 1I1i FI.ld ay Ol UII' two weoks ago nnd 1)lIcked it awu.I' 1\ e ~~ ~ a eAr'I' 0 L'da lV udYM Ill rg , Wltla him lil t! fr,ollu'li slItchol COli ill th i:! IIlstullce pmct i('e was lIut IIIg la81, II CU IlII1l1tt cO (,t si x lUUICd carefully IIl11 ld COttO Il roso.leaves Svl slterl " g I)e d lUliI:Id S ICO , VUIIl d '" wllr s ust tllllllli . , lor tlVecll 1:3 und 14 th llll s, In a nd red· pepper, It w ~nt li p 1I ~," n utllr lIy 1111 onu ' nnd ' II II :11 q nltted ' UIIO SIX III cml' or~ Ii t' tl.c' 11 ~.uCl' u t'Ion 1111 ay . II lid dulI llrs.-a lao by roi ~tuk u , IIIemse lYC8 ooply. D !:AL~.S 1111 Th V.d lloicto. watl UPPo! lJted to . cll ll fe .. ut! thc - Sweet potato 8\1ronts of all th e Thu fr lo llo rotnrn ed hllmo a wiser M oud ay 0 f• tb'IS well k ; lin d ' 1' tl I'y Ol'Uti ou by Miss ne lla ila rrett lllallll OI' 01 cOlldl1ctlll 10 b t l ~~ court J..~S has been introdll ced toI hor. g ~~ tile ('o relll ~· o, I os cnr y 1111 d Illto . va ri eties'. fUI' umlu sad de )' Mum ,o ll , and ditl 1I0t was proll OIl' . ~ I !l~ d "yall \pro;;ollt tllO' 1~les UI' d ~ COrlltlll self an d she th iuk she I nve th at 8810 by Mrs, n lChur~ HulU / IU gl'llv(' 01011)' cs, 8queal for so me cluys. Th e 1 al I!om ot' the "];nill . ' . I , g. . FUIII,th full street en heroe8. W llYlles 1be vtll piece of furnl turo wun' t be dlse n. o. e met I· nt ... I t b c~n " , .' ", . · l nst, th o OR Suturdu y "'VCIII' OgCo~mllJltte ~ l.U IlJor ~ \I 10Rr, 0 r P - OII t:latll lld ad l t d tegflltcd IIgain thi s year. ay eve nlllg , - Terry.8 Ice croam parl.or IS e~I' SllI ce, but ,lIs11I8 . ... " " . I' )C li e I on 1118 way E ust, mBny yuung £d en.'s of Mi ss Bcs. a program _ __ ........ • me, '~llIch '~III be sub· B a1'oftclI C8, Ph Wt07l8, B uggie , trl'u1y retil ~J ulld tur nlshed I,n I"' lk uut t" r him. fl o muy gi vo ter Austill, who re~ idc8 lIellr Bt!lI. II l1 tted to tl.. e next meettllg. 00 Slit· SN A KE ST(lRY.- -OII C l op 8 14r1gie8, f:ip1'ing Wag01l8 , · dllY of hu t ~Iellt sty le lor th e sea~o ll. Torry d ~V IIY ll es vdl o a glrlll?U at IllS ." ohl e brook, tendered her a s urprise io urJu~ e l wcok, Mr. B. A. J uy kill od lell ICC cr".11II Cl11111 0t be SUI'\l1l8s .Farm Wag01l8, &c. cnlllg next, wh.ell all ~er. cd. lul'lO OIlCO m ol'o bofore wo dl o of the ShUpll 01 a l.Iirthda y pllrtv. Aloo, sn akes ou hi s furm , all wi til in Th Second· Hllod \Vork. "" d nil kind. e 811n~ IIIter~sl t)u , th e lud, cs purlicll ' - ~Ir. Rawolo n E I'IUl S was a larm· pilllll g lit hi s protrllct ed ab.enee . stlrpri~ e was compl cle bllt we aru lurly, arc, IIlVlt,cd to attend . A full of R dp:u r illg. du el. 11~ P tll ntlng, T rlm mmg, abont tell tcet uf cach oth er, N II IO ill gly iii "I>lt TIIIII,,,u ay . bll t I~U Wo,,,I·W o, k "nu Btllck8111 lthlnl! dono to or· All y WilY, wo shallll,IlIlW,llit linx. 80rry to suy unly one 'couple IIrril" of them woro hl ack lIud fi vc feet glal1 tll 101lrn tha t hul' cOUUIII u~o tUI'll Ollt IS des.'rcd. . der . A l ltrg o t18IH.. rlmont of ' '," III 1~1~1,ly th o noxt sce llo III t111s rOil! ' cd in tilli e to clljuy i,t . Eightee n loog i the ton th was yell ow un d I no w 1II" l'e fa yomhl e. Mr,. J. A K EARN EY, ChlllJmun. E II~ II S Id e urllllln. cuupl e wcre prIJscnt . All were 8ix feet long, Thi s is 1\ pretty i 1: 1i~ , al ~u, been d uwn ga m luform atlon Wunte d. Willi T r W ; ~ Plnw work. Shoo· hnnddo muly cn turtaillt'd, Blld were goocl s tlake stury- nnd not 811 Ch 1\ chill s. , oil', and 1111 80rl:ll .II ~ omen I ~ m pCllao c~1 AE~ sorry wll on tho t.ime Cl!me tu PllIt. vory good scasoll ftlr snake, eith er, 1 - Mr~. Mary A, Ti ll~ mnn of CORWIN , May 13. and l ~~l • c lat ll o j ll Wtll~. , IC I 1111 t ,e I ' I' J -The plcR sanl 'J Ijt) far. aile WIlS url:e Y E ds . Gaulle :-If the Murshlll I(Ill Mrs 1\1. J , r"w, of N clI' Brl ~ ht I \JItJlII'CJ Idyc. t el'uay . II"ace of ""r'l1 . " • j) • I ' I' I tl - - -- .. --. • llllbb nl'pcarod un th u strectt! . I'll . lire vi . itill '" Mr. alld Mrs , l ll 011 I' ollce uf WnYIl Cijvili o hus the alllh llrity ,.,.-;::> P eopl e wh o are COlIl'ln ced I 1\ eac I U I IU JI'ue ~Cl! , " ..., d I .., 11" ' •. 10 CUIil U 1 . ..utes from ':OI UJ • !>IIIIII" more 0 11 ..,,,tllr . 0 Corwin 1I11d tuke alflck I l~a ll'd !> 11 E I' O\ IIS, Mrl!. T . IS 1\1!-8. 610118, Dcl e''' 11)/ lIst. " I I ~ re thnt th eir usefuill ess Iwd hdl) jJln WOR K c~8 1 ~ ' t" ",n8 wcrll IIl1m l! I ()I1 ~ alld lho " I,ol'ts bllMill h'S \'v'ly 011 tl ' D ,. 111111 pllt 1~ them I'UIl ox 8' IIl tO th e pOlIlI(l, wh y II lOth 'r lind ..., th e I luUer C .\11',1 III d epend npoll sound hcul tll , ulll'uys E . Ig . ' Miami ,. t ' e .. cllws wore very IIItelcll tlllg ulld 11118 he 1I0t th e BUllle Illlthun ty to -::...I~:"--~J.....O~- d,on o promplty. • usc Dr. BIIII's Blood Mixture for VIIIIS ~ I I' cr, . jedd)ill {(' Cll lII O to Oorwi n alld tnke Illell all ll --We heard a yonng impove ri shmetlt of th e hl o.lodInd y reo -Q ua rtel'ly Meeti ng WBS la rgc HARD TIM£S PRICES: Mrl!. Slan ~I1 I1 , of Spl'ingh nro, was mark, the uthel' evenillg . that 1i~l:t put tl ll!m illto tll o h'ck up, wh ich is tho bl'giun ing of poor Iy attend ed ~ns t SU I'I'lI th wll" Hor8c"',oeint.r: Plnh. 6boc. W AYRBSV ILLB, ,mo. Ulld First· p re~ i ull llt uf th e bll ~ lIless IIIcUtlll g. le lt hats were 'tbe ' t.2~ health. nubbi es t thill{( mak o f\ lu'actlce 01 c(> min~ hore til Steel T It.od allVoll, d!IYs .. Wdl,nm W ool 1111111. of CI II· III"! am oll g the spcllke ra \\OI'U 1,:-.0 the ullt'-lIludu get dmllk any f ellow and rui lnr)l.~ ~c Ha il OUIUlllhl1i lto·,cUln g , th o ooo" n .'lIn o f onl1 Inne~ t ; CII, natl , James W. llall Hl~, an d Roy, C hurl es ['c rgnd(,n nnd Wife 60 AGENTS WANTED. ul SIl, hUYD, yuu hud hetter luuk t,. uve ry 8 nlldllY 1 Sumol> tJd y pl eusc SOLDlBRS' b1 eetill ~ Saturday evo· others wh o"e P ETEI1 EBE RLY, nur:n~s we did nut Fmllkli n , Th e chllrcli wus beun. yo _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ Pure Teas la S•• le. Pleklgea. ur Iuurels. As yot, thero i. but ri bo ulld cxplliin, und ohlrge nlng at MUlling ton S offi co. Pre· learn , wore the 1JIllli stors pl'ese nt tif'u lly lIdorn od With flowers , tlr. Ulle yuullg paring for Decom tiou will be the mall he ro tho happy pus D". ioe•• yO" ca n CD A RKtilDENT. Agenl. wanted ove: I'who.e to eeU Te.. -D n. Ebl'ight, ut tIl e Empori mycd ill elegant tu~ t(l i nllli ill 1'0:;0 on *b I.() ,20 per to {"mioiGs. hOl"18 RIIIII~rge c o n8 u thu cssor uf sllch on article. bBsines8 of the evenin g. m o -Ih. Alai:. um, hilS n full d. lill c of Lllp Oll,tol':!. ove ning, the audi ence was " ery , ma'le by " III' WO.· Illrf:O<' ~ toc k In tho eMnlry Ln . oleotr.frOlD , FROST again last night. , , kcr of ol tlool Bex. righl 4 " "1 1110~ of nn de scrip tiO,,". from the O rtANG R ill time,ta ble this week. Horse llrnshcs, Mall e IIlld Ou rry la rge. in Ih e i r "~ II loenllll •• , csl Impo rl ed. lO 1100 IOw08t g.ndes-a hiRb~ IF Y91l clnoot tJ1~e t~ ~nl:Jy__m. . o b _ P t-yonrs elt'. ._ . - -MMBlUllWIi:NT Friduy . . . I'nrtieul" r. mnd .~I n· dis 'OUnl , nnd (I handaumo income to aUIuga IYC1'etnr y will fnr ' the conn try, IISG DR. BULL'8 O.• UGII wfoo plo. worlh r.... o. lmp' oyo ),on••I'aro •• lllorno- co"nlrl store·kcepera. druggilta Duck, Kip and U ppcr Lellth el' 001· ni sI! II. report for our lI ext iBsue. ............ .." .---'-h SYRUP tor the IISI11,t d iseuses of eur· a' 1101< bU 8 ill e ~8. Addre•• S Tl ~8 0 1l &: who WI RIo to . ..1 IMa In .0 ~ led pound Bur a Breakfast 'fable of W. E . lars, TrllllKs &c. Fiue Hll rne~R plok. Ii / R TDS-. -.-. ~ ~ tlmo - _ Co. PorllRlld. MaIne . - - -'- 1 ly 'childhu l,ii4· 1 o,L "~~ • • r,eddlel8. " Dol in lact, .n who wllb to Prico 25 couts pcr and R iding SlIdtlles II spccial ty. N (lTfQE.-S woet pota to p lints fllr ,A.uden\ on. -====='~=~======= bottle. ~ ti • " d ifol<l I oltlilln 'nn hr,nor"ltl e ol rcular.b,801ll0g leu tM should writo E veryth ing will be ~old at bOttOlJ1 sul o at Hhodn H uckett's , It 'rI .~ cor " n an u. for "livIng. OOOK.- In Wavne.ville, hi ..)' 111, UI711, miles ~. nure Tr t~1 OOX only Jl~~'. yo-;-fix~;your fernery ~ prices, for c(Jsh only. 'rU M W al LS 1' •• OIl",,,". the wile of Mr. el\st W Ul'llm of Oorwin Cook. of . a ,F d""Ifti· ollr va~ietie 000, Addre.. p.R. PIERCY, Oidona~urlr; s. I 'NO'. 201 )o'uftoo 3l r1let., N,w YO;k. ' N', 'Yo.l .' ' ". , . J" 1'.0 Box 4660 (t4!I.
r 'r!ll
ill, •.
d"':S" ~llllklllg
. .J
Q .
I -I
--- - -- --- -
tl!' t e \
Und erta king Establishment,
f'o- . . ....
M. Zell & Son,
i··'r - --
.... 11111 ... (· .......... e ,.
in the WO:11l
, ut:'tlr u muab "Ith NJroRA LIl rc or mn.'tTM \ O:! a pomlll.lul o a. Amerloa" . , aDei JlO . . . t lOlt '.eo prbUBo In r.medJel to our., co,o .11I eonlJlet evory day " li b r ~., I "bo aN ""fTa 'lnll' ... Itbout ba,t"1I found lb. curo 1~ 91 I h YO 10u.bUo , To Ion7 one wbo bu bot ......
U I'
,.l ••
:LAVJSON'S CURATIVE n •• d on I, to .. ,Ih.' It I! compounded willa tho CIl no I t l tc liti a skIll mnd CDre U h eretDroro. lUI I fu :lintulUl t.ho delo n od roputmtlo n wbl ~~ l L bDI acqul r td by t ho ,yondcr fu 1 Guru It h al l arf rmru t b olO wh l) h 3 VO DlI YC r l•• t.d th. CU 1\ \ rrV E "'a u,,,,, " tr, . 1 of It. TlrlDu. "- 0
fu r tho {HURUI n nlDt:! d beJ a',.. I 1 t hn !! 6lo r u Lbo t est o f Y!larl I uod on III 10-
1.,: nJ.N O N . ( Hi l I)
l rlnl"lo m ar lI! amI Doarl,. five r}' communi ty 1 UUt'll! t' 8 'owo 1" Ill&: en IJ~n c() of ill pa.l..Q-d .. atroyin" and cu rlltlvo proporUu .
It HN.l\ S
P YlrGllM .IRQ aURC!OR Uffi ce
III Urt~
tu I I'
,'j 1 ~f
Em:nent and SWllful Physicians
u·o tho CU MlUya lUl:e ly i n their praeUc., and
I r OOil f ,m t cIC!rJ:l men ADd ed I lora r ecommen d i'
0 8 ,,':0 2 l1 uuu !-inuth If arTlfI H ,nk "A' NU 'ILI E , 0 .. 10
(rom n knolTJ('dao
or Hs elI'oct.
IJ a.d "'. 'J)GM
coul d .IYO hundred. orCc:rtift t'Atc. trom par .. bel wc: n kuo'.o In lb l. ~ o mmuDltY but •• be, to ro(a r to o ur ,)llmp hlel wblch I, to bobad. of Drug"UiIl 0 ' "III b•• c O\ by mAli 00 a ppll. ' TO
C:l.tlO D .All t bocertifte atea aro eDtlrO TT OiQD tan nnd cmn ntlt.o from lIerson. of .tD. ~J( r .I n ud rO.llpccblJ lltty . and wbo may be" . owmuuL Cl.t oJ Trlth b) lotter or In penoo
L9lala ttl
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Olll, e huu .. 7 I 2 to U I 2 • '"
)1 ,
I to 2 I 2
~ l C Uman.m
, "n t
7 to 8 1' )1
u) f lIowin, t Clitimonia l1 from WCl Il..
'r':" ~ ON'
JIll7 e, 1R'i8 C r"WIO AL lo 1 b .vo been laid up wIth nheaml\-
l.;u,, \': u ~Hn,lIlJ'
oud Ncnra lgt:l.
ut U e\'ehuHl
U _~' tl t li m lh roo luna m "' ntb•• o t'Uuld n ot, h n"IJ tried nil mtxhci u ea and UntllleOti whleb ( (' ul l h li T of but DO ('UTe until I loll ed LAW
Bouse Palnflng. Papering and talsominlng H lUI opctll'd u. Drllll' 11 om C III \V U) It s \llIu Clrdo .. lull " L Mr IJ )11. Drul' >;t ' e Wilt r ecCl ' C vrUtll pt.llth! lItl III 0(,'",
Oeor .. o Srbolo,
IJrfl!UIC r
L .. t: ., ~
Me rch ant Tai lor, D 0
tb. Popular 11 r
Iii a •• mber 2. 187&.
C Ilr. lJ ICA1 ( IJiP ASY
'\ ~lv~AOL~"'~ Ai:o~~ll~ ~ I Gv~r:J ~~e;I"[ e~::;
rt'UI~dy that [ ('ou Id b UR r o f "u t o ld br ph, ,. \c l:ans thnt.l 01 , bt to tr y &. ehanao o r 011 mlu" A lu Iy r e co nlOl tn Jed Law.o n I Curo.tu·f!!I l I r ) ur4:'d 1\ bollio nnd o.Ul 11oft.eft to thll' I' i.l It, rlle p" lo WAS r emoved nlmrt.t in. t.&nt..I Il n \o ulle d (our bottle. I cuo.ldaf t.4..
L ~ (._lI U (':ll1rr.:t ,
A DI 8 11 0 NIlH r JI 'v,, !': " rc n fl r to th e III C UI C llll ~ lllbla .. hlll
cured ' or) \rul! f:~ur~, SClJOLEY
, '1'''.'810, , r Irnllrln,
Sclatlco, Toothoche, Sore Throat,
I' url, y, Joints, He- tloch!', J J IU l;u t k, , \I ollell
ChllblliJ..Jll, Spral~
II ~ml),
DIlJ'U, Scalds,
1 I II llCrin,
II Ie 1 t tthll m:l.ci1l in nueneool lhe Curoth. ..
r_ ~ ~1 \\ '\ \~ L
P r .. ,
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s ... ) t IJ n llu It fn nhfuily au<h,arft RrLu,.I,. UH If Iv th u r 11 d arodion. wh l t" ~ l eeoUl -C:l \o t. 1..oLtla t. .. J ) ... u 'f lll l u.reJ.J bo r ...
(j IJE~
w .......
lIc all n J: Anct (";001h11( fo b U"-I, aud Sca14a.
T ry Ilona '"" will nenr be wltboat IL
Price $1.00 per Bottl e. co.
A(; l{lC ll t;r\j HAL IlVIP LEM EN1rS
I ~ '"l '.RE D DY LA\\SON CII El1IOAL C~
.c "uti Laborat ory 136 St. Clatr-et., Cl.EVE LAND, OHIO.
, _-
1I17IJJI Pruu , to
., ra.J .It:: R1_1!
J A'~"' ''':\t.:n ' L ' t .. I'L: fr III -DCbITiI., . ~-' j 'lrt! 1lI , t,u r ,~M'" D
"~ & Sj' \N1'O N J "'NNE 1 1
pff,ctA or youlhful IIld,. " tI for the Make ul -"lI fftrlllJ( hll "<, I1\I,ee 1.0011 ",h" nced 1\ Ihe ,~~ r et. p .. I ll , Linn or m u klllg th e ~lmpl~ ' C'"
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r c rn u ly ll) v 1.1 II II WU K cnreti S utrt.! rt! r~ " j h wg t.J pl'Ufit by tho ath :er User d e Xlte rl
-~ ro I'I" " .... WI £ '. OE""' COR "l
C, I
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1" .n by "dd,e..llIg in porr ,L co n J OHN D OGOEN -le2 C<ld .. t No" Yor k
TRUEe People ptttn, aeqnaJfttM~n4 tJaoM wMi &re not oughC. be-with woodertut ..-1....
UlaC. arcac. A-merlcaQ Hem.ed,r ,be
MEXICAN l l ' 1111 11 I
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jlq u llU YUi Cff c lI\ l W h llll .tlu u g c ulaIl N u o( UlRI ..dlllA nlldro" " \ I <I~ tIIU I'IIIlK"Df t1 , r ,H\ 1 III M,",11 UJld!.'o lll 1lu lll o"" "lid r, lI 1111,," hu frankle. 1'''"1'1. 11\ \IId eC li CI , ry 1111 I l",r(1I I"", 11( th o outlOl,,"I PI,h,e!. TO III ,,1 roll' , I -\ II k I' lId " ' l )Y1t 1t.h!l llHu ul( l U\, Indict'! \\110 ltt \f' :"'\lIr pi u .. fund
It" lled
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lilt , \\hcat
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Mustang Liniment,
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\ c ... " \ l tlU s ... "" ,.lok roOl)) "", tU ldn fN' t it h\ It Ifl i l t fi r, 1 Tn" l E \ \' !'IiM C vol 1 , f 11 \ c-n uc IIt ftgW Il W} II: H t1 tJ d a ll l.l'pr of I h n)x £"d l a n k c.1 J gU 1Cltlrl l \ 0111" I tl 'th h \l l )U S Ul "OIUI~rI h llll b. l l1 111 I fl' It" \ lit (' t r "I It mc n t II, tr u ~ t,.. lh c 1..11 l'tt f 111 \ kH \\ I tSo r t!lI IIlIa u)( e rt4 l.h9t T(\'II , >; t th o I I" r u tH n t d~c lind l,uh c r or /Ill!. .' "nd l"tlOI," "u h~n l~d h) It ""11, JOE L E . A l\ S .. I" or lC.800n r nlu\ c If thetot \\ t.:lh nJ( and p n m ("H l1 ~ Sub on bcd nnd'lffir r.lcd lobe fo ra m e thlS
cd by bru " •• and "I' "'" I he OpOlllll g of tho porllll r08 ultlllg frum tho "h" le-orne .llmul~~101l of the "Q(lUrllclill bloud ' u....,l. th.llt produce, •• Iho " lfcct boot ellloulltOr! to ....0 tl,. olrcul.tio n when o. erh Rnd corry off thoso offonslva gtllnuhlt lonB whlyh dJolllfure tho cut,ole nnd rendor exutonoo " .tate of mart)rr! ~ m wblle thoy r emalu EruptIOn s, a,lmont. that ointment s Vi ,lI not ouro, aN onUroly oradloato d by Olenn'. SuI b S p S~ld 0:: Drugl(ls ti Prloe 2~0 por ol<ko 1 no" (U cabo) 75 0, ""lit by m.,1 prepa ,d on receipt of pnea C N Orttwllto n, .,ro pnotor,7 Sixth Avonuo, No .. York Bllr. Blur and 'Vhl.ker Dyc, Block or Drown 500 070 •
C()l S .
II Ih d Ol of M 'Y IHnI \\ M MANtN CTON Notory Public, Wflrren 0 0 Oh,o COI\llEC "r-Atte.t SOLOMO N GAUSE ~ S S HAINES Dlrootoro B W ROGERS , _______ _ _ __ __
LITTLE MIA ~t I RA I LWAY Pn •• ea.~ .. Trnla_ Hn.,wAr d
OIIlCID""~' E'prou , X, "u. Accnm n
Oo luml u ; Ace , N, ghl P.p,o., F, ~.g"l .ud Ace
81 10
Corn ~ bushel Oats lIay pcr ton,
tMOp' 0 11 . 'IlIl,I eTrlln8 do n o t " top
I 57 901
hIli r ... 1 59 . . .
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',/ , .! and lin d o.""bl_ good- uAuully foltnd h Ii .. , c l"". e;\tlluh. hment
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LU NC H S a 1OOD ,
wheru n t 1\11 h :ll r s will h e F-cned II Jl O\ M N o I E.o\ Rnd No IU Woot e lfr, moll tcr . coft eo " lind, he. ~c ~c ,n tI'e ho , 1 No. I 6 7 lind 10 run llully All e' he r. dell l , UCel)~ S Ulllhl YO
r,cke~ Asellt
Flour per awl I Clol. at 10. .. ami ;' IU, .. Dutter per fb MAILS GOING WEST Msple molasse s Olo. e at 1230 P )I "lid S 4n r .. Beef per Ib, hest cuts , 1~3 ~ FraneyA L FAIIR P M Saussg e per fb 's Omnibus-Line Salt per barrel 1 85 • run R to und (rom CurWll1 (or Rams (Iug",r cured) per lb. 10 o' orv . oCOIl'lmod,,',on tfll:n Order. loft ~t l'.otato el per bushel 25 tbe po~~omce " III ro l8u o careful ~tten""n Apples per bushel 1 00 Egg. per dozen 7 Lard per pound 8@ 10 l!'las Seed per bushel 1 10 Clover Seed per bUibel 5 50 Tlmotb y Seed 200
. A. Merritt,
H."I'" tlully IIlform" the o,t17.0n. of tillS \plueo ~lld ,I.« \ IO,"l t ) thllt h o h"" opened
8 @ 9 00 o @ .! 80 12 1 00
I 1U 'VII Yno.\ .ne _outh " .,' cornor of Mall! ]1;0 1'1 lind M"LDI . tro.tJo wltero bo koopo .. Iwa) . No;' Oil h .. nd Ne 7 \ TI, e {,,!81 home m adt! B ?ead. Ne 13 Cfl Aelf, Clln l"t'dtOlleru~.
'Vul ....d R ... nd
!NE~-PUNoir F~~ .$125
to '.\1
lrA HI l
IU 27 ... ' 10 119 . . . 6 50 p " 10 '4 , ~.
N '" hI V. . pre.. ANTED ,"'ITIJA TIOI'II A. toilJil",1l ra. ' LIne tbruugb o.lIl1n. mont nr to d ) gOllornt Olllelll A cc hOUlIc-work I'IOMO .ddro•• lolr8 Ahua rAC,Rc EXP' C8 0, Barnhar t W aynesvill e Oh" Ji', " I~ht nnd Ace
It 1l1'f16r1
conU llc n r.o
'rbl. Unlml"nt nrynatura n,. ortctnated tn ~ !Cal "bern r.1"luro JJf'OYldeft Ia. her labonlOr 7'u.k lurprlJlng Anthlolea f or &ho mala4&u ot blr ~~ dN'" lis 14mc bllA bHn apreadJor lor 1S7..,.. unlit I l , It c ncln!h!l tho hnbUabto .1obe. Tho ltexlCOIl llWllong Ulllmett\ ..... ea&e'-'t'e.lIl1..'dy l or an ~xkmalall.rneotaor m&oaDd b...t. To ,tock OWllt'ra a.nd farmc: ... h. taln'f'alu"b Ie A alnglo bottle often a4'f'". human Ufeo' .... Morea tho uaetuInell of .n excellen' horw 0" (,.'() '" o r I h et.'p It curea f~ __ • MIIOW"' hont «"" \t orm ahoutdf'r rot. mallff'. \he b" cll ana . lIngs ot poiso nous J't'plileslln d loa«:b. anll ~'f'.rt Much dmwbolclc tOltock breflllnl' arui buh IIf, H. cure. CVtll')' e xternnl troubl e o f honea ''Dca
2U _UO l.O I
CI\D 1'0 mAde 8c llulg uur cbromos lnuttocq t M\me ~ kc
c m\' o n ~
IJc l1 t rs t
ft.,..!' uts
nnll (nn vn~plc.8 )lh Ol ld not 1t,,1 W ~end tor ollr NEW l'IlIt' E I1SrS cmbrnc lII,.( mllll 110'" goods RS " e1l aft t\ c mplclc a ssortm en t
of tho mORt rl o. lr. "Io old 8tihJo I ~ 'lit 00 PER PAW MADB RA811,Y , md wo CII" pr!)ve \h"t m ' n) of utir 8Kcn\• .r~ d Ing eV n \ It.r Wu do Dot ofle, (\ • ., Qui lit Ire. Or I< gl.ld "" Olt 0' II hor.~ ,'nd -" trill' t.o catch III tin bllt,,~
",II 8. 1111 .. 1 elu. g lodll t'I'" .. III 80 11 at 1l1l\whcra and our Jl rl Qc ~ Brc. lo'\cr Ih,," tho " '"110 goQd ~ COli ho boug.',1 0100 whore Pie '8e ~c lld po~tnl 0 IN . "d ';0' !lu, cll"llull"'1 I, " Ill CUlt \ OU but Ono ceul, ADd wil l CIIBblo vq ll /0 mako Ihou ." "a. ot dol· lar. Ad~ r.1!8 DA \ Rt) & GOL DSTEIN, .64 O.tarh.. ~, ) Oleveland , 0 1IG4 ' '1 ~ ht
ERall alld 1111 . ,!Ic. Inolud Ih brand q u ITc ano UI" 'ghl .11 n nO .~rlotty' flul l:ll\jl~ ,'" Lbe lO W-Oft ' net 1 whol \p8 a le ' nclotl I rlc08, dlreel to Ih' \u ~lIll8e r N, Ae ol t.8 no oO mml&91l"' ~ II) di SCO UIIUI 1'16008 lor ~2011 c on~<lnlng
As lArurtU'f!l1 aeTQtch Cfl I!i wlnnl 'pmn. found_, wind p l1 rlnt; bono ttl'l ~tc. tho )(('xlc.:wlt u,[nng Llnlm~nL I. the qulckHl
.u.reln Iho 'W orM t or accident. OCtlurr~ Sa Ul. l:'.Ik!"~\,h~':~~~~~.!l)~,'e'aD
flam nn4 "UrfDCl:U enccftdere d bl e.xpoRN. . . . . tlcularJT ....oJuablo to limeN. H as tho ChNpmt "mOlt,. In w0rt4. lor .. pen.etra~1 tho muscle to tbe bone. an4 .. appUc.1.tlon Is generallrlu mc1en& to eve Xcztc.n Mua;uau.. LInlmen' b pOI up '" ,..,. .ue. of bottlcs the larpr On.M be.... pl'O....... 10&4 ....., ......
WAm .uD
01110 (lariOlltlee.
• 000
for a ten Ihle adlcrtiaemeot to be Inlll!rted ODe "eek In the abon JIst, "II will accept a cheek, In aaunee, (or aDd will luaert tJle IlAme one week In a 118t or One 1'hon8llDd Country Weekllea gratis
" " 00 ell .
OI ' o l30. t
GEO. P. ROWELL & CO'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 ... ....- ' "
lW ..w T ......
( b T UL
• .. m..lp lor all dl _ _ 01 t
1lIIooI_ ond
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bu w I w b r h. d he brt':ad Dre J l btf " a • • ,.
I! d lUI I ga 0 11 0 SOIled bread to k tty 1 told tl c chlldrpu that our Suvlor tau ght eeono y 1 htU" IllOga eve I at hl B fea~ t (or (ter I e fed the multitude I y 11 r Ide 10 gave h s command GlIlb er up Ibe fragm ent... thnt notbing be IUS I
CatchIng Elfpbanll
In february I 49 aLout tl rcc tl ou I!3n I pe rsoDs ",pre usc mbled W II place of re dez y/)us 011 II 0 skirts of 0 lungl e n lnd Y 10 oroer to CAt{!h elepbants fI e bnuut, oC se veral I IIvlOg been WIOOr t I ed 0 I 18 of c rcuUlvlIlIlltlon WM foro cd by the people wi 0 "ere I'mv ded w th lIre-nrmR tom toms ot The hne eXlkndod for 80\ ernl m Ie I each eod rcoching a ebn n of hilla the PIlMeS throogh wh eb bad been prevlOWlly stopped Rnd guarded bv pllrtle. of match loe'll meo The obJcd of thiS bne WIUI to dn ve tbe elephants toward. parUcular narrow p cce 8urrou ded with "teep hllle, and In which tbere WIUI abundllocc of food nnd wale r for Ie leral dayIJ. Thl! I nwever 11'11& not lin usy wlr 88 the elephants frequently attempted to force WI) Ime and get off to tbe eutward but the IIDe grlldually clOlled on tbem and u.£ter baiting .. v.. ry I1ljJb" ...tll:.op Ing up large fires after ten da'\'ti labOr they succeeded in dnv nE: them into Ihe preserve where they were KUffuunded nnd kept (or 8evernl daya. J 0 tue meantime at tho dcbou che of thla pll&! IIOvoral I uudred people were uu Ily employcd diggIDg • deep dltcb elo"mg about II quarter of a mile of ~ro mil len VI g only the SplICe of a few yards untauel ed WI an enl.tance On the ouU! de of the dltcb a matting oC branches WIUI placed to give It a forml dable lind Imp_ble appellrance, and green bushes we'" placed at tbe entrance to gtve It as much Ill! po.!llible the appcarnnco of a Jungle Whon all tbu WWl completcd the peo pie were remo~ ed from thM pi Ice and tloso lit th other end commenced finng aud shoutlOg and makmg as much n0110 lUI J,lO!lllIble With drumaand horM wh ch I!O t mldllted II e elephants tbnt they made the best of tl c r way to the opo JI'l",te end and tho I eople fol\owllIg close '" tb the I1118l stancc of a few rock ets drove them stralgh IOto the 0 closure whero tho rema mng part Wa! dug away and the ditch com pleted Pel pie were ImmedIately polted round (lutMdo tho ditch armed With long spears and match locb to repel !lny attempt the elephantrl might make to crOBB It Next day C1ght tame elephant6 were mtroduced IOto the IDclolure tI e rna hou ts couobed close on tbe r necks COl' ered WIth dllrk clotbJ! The object of the tame ones '!I'ae to BIlparate one of the Wild ones from tue berd and mob I DI When Ihls WIUI accomplished Cour matloul.. ..-bo!le I ror""" ull Is to clltah elrl bantrl crept bet vecn tb. le~ of the It me olles and ha \ ng flUltened 'trong ropes to the legs of the w Id fellowl..lle cured him to tbe ncarest tree The mahouta then retired toward thQ d~teh capafterlbe others :-+rfvMIlJ~rffs~tu~~~:.;: "'''Vlng way elephanlAl SII were captnred partie, en~ meetlog the t.'tIt acci lenty to the great a~D1IUemlent the speetntor. who on trees o erhanglng tho wltn_d tI e sport WIthout sharing m the danger TI c sagacIty of the tame elephants tho addrclI8 and courn~e of the mahouts ID oPI rOllelllng the Wild onel the anx o 8 momentrl wblch plll!8ed from the CRSt of the firJ rope ullhl the IMt band \\ II" tIed t e r~e of the 6mmals upon , ndlOg tl,emllClvea entrapped and tlielr uoton 8h IIg exert onl to get free aftorded altogether a 8cel e of no ordmary novelty nlld mter"Bt
Tile Inlentor or the IlJoDognapli The New York. Oroph U'8l\) " thntTI o~ Alva Edll!On the IIlvcntor of tl c \.nlk mg mnchrno ,,1llI bo D JD 111 In Erie Couoty Oh 0 on F ebru nry 11 1847 and K therefore only th rty one lears DC AgO Yet 1.e bllS IIIken out one I undred 01 d fiHYoleven plltenls for n ventlono of hIS OWII nud hM filed BOvel ty seven cnvellts for the otl 0 patents HI gmndfltl er came from Bollal d and setled Dear ~ ewark N J mllrry ng an Ogden ono of th e N ew Yorlc bra h of II at nlln e fI e 0 .,tlen6 were of Eng h ~h desccnl When rhon 18 was clgilt yelll8 old I 1 paren til ren oved to }' rt Huron M ch at d 10 cntered 011 IL I 6 .o(lport verY soon lUI 1\ IIC\\. boy Tb. he folio" ed rer so:! e venrs About lbe 1lJ;;0 oC thirteen Just before tho begin DIng of \he Wllr he ob\.nlOed a contrnct for e exclus '0 slIle of newspaper. on Ihe 0 at d Iruuk Urllro Id ID Cnnadn Hl1 energy BOOn plnced b m at tI e hcad of h s u IDe&!! He cootlnued ID It for sc\crnl vcarft longer cmlloy ng otl er boys and bulldm~ 1(1 a I \fge trade Con currently WIth b 8 new"paper IIIIles! 10 bou!\ht It 60'011 ou lit 0 type wh,ch 1 c eamed \II h !J m ou t e train and with WblCh Ie Irloted tho Graul T~nk B"alU a I L Ie \\cckly pnper He was III\Y' Profel!.'!Or Edward H Johnson to wbom .... e are Indebted for tbese facts cdl tor mllDager typo! devil and }lrINer-all With n blmselt He did hIS prlOtlng wllh a band Dle88 nnd ran up Ii •• P."f'<'r to four hundred and fif~y eubsorl;,e, ThI& Willi during the war Young EchllOn finally abandoned the priDtIDR bU8JnfM, and got together a ebemica! laboratory CODIIlS:.iOJl: 01, nUmel'OllI bOttletland pllebget 01 cbem icala. TI Ole he carried with ltlm on the tralD and e:.rpenmented with them dur IDg lel3ure uour. until the s{Xlntsncou8 com bustlon of phosphorus !let 11 e to the trnlD 0 e day when he was obhged to &Ive up lns tneks But not COD tent Echoon learned the telegraph husi neBB became n profiCient operator nnd rapidly rOle to tbe hljlhest poSItion of the craCt While 10 ClOclllnatt 10 1867 wben 1 e WWl twenty be conceived the den of eendJIIg two mell88ge.ll over one wire at once He perfected tbo Idea 10 Boston He now began a series of ex penments for miscellaneous IDVentlonj TnE ent re D1111!8 of tobacco wh eh 18 worklOg all tbe Dlght nt lila trnde aOll lIually conRlImed u smokJIIg snuffing eX(>flTln entl! g all dllY nnd the result nd c ow Ig on II e earth IS "000 000 w os sever~llOvenl ons wh cl have bee. 000 po lids man featly too IlIgl an estl Ot glcnt VII C I.< mankmd male fnr Crom J 200 1100 000 to 1 50 • 000000 f IOlobltnnts JAlt us take tho SEE bere Tim t gur ng on tI e time h Ilf lUI tl e m re probable nnd let U8 s I'pose tl 8 tobacco leaves transformed lost by smole r g tllklDg 0 chew of IOta roll tobllcCO 0 tabacco IIBrpent la tobacco et~ IS becom ng too gRuzy created villel \\ th a dIameter of tl\O Let 8 try 110 I etll1l~ elae A mnD never IOches al d followlOg tbe d recbon oC ought to !.ake ff hlB hat for cvery tlmo the equator would '!I'md Itself around he does It the arhcle s put away In tl C earth tblrty t mes - Tobacco Plant lOme place wh eh 1& for~otten ID two mlDutes and t WIll take lum a mlD,ute to bunt It up Now one minute and 1 AN English wflter argues that to luthe of a IICcond allowed for puttwg It rest 18 lenth Theil thoi!l\ pictures of on 8IIy four tImes a day con~ume8 4-1 the llIfernal r~~lOn ~ WI tb Satan and hIS I!lf1rli'telo which ID one year amounts to elo~ en footed Imps 8 HrlDg up tbe 10 1 642 mlDutee and 41i IICcondH or ID 100 h .. bltant., With IOveJ1 pronged pitchforks years to n4 days 1 hourar.d 56 mlDutes orc not tnken on the spot I And the and that at the rate of a doJj~r a day artists must all be wrong {or tlaere 6AQ t 8JId 92 cent. on a dollar accordlDg to be much relt for a man hereafter If he 18 the Dewall ver cod~ would give a maD a d.estined to be prodded and Btlrred up c:bance to buy a hoUle With a mo~ with a red hot pitchfork Bardl, on It. Time it ~oDel, -00 0iW (;(ill, o
IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ~ o~ ...... '_1,...--.... ".no ueua. ~
A_ ........._8_0_ ...
AlI"Nta _ - . .
..II. . . . . . . . . .
NAVY TobaccO
lb.... OTt 0 aua l>er of I. totlolll 011"_ we .nu d can. on the com D1 nhr '1.b., no Po·d... or P ...)I!U'Od 111M lIONS' LJVJlII RIOU1.O\TOR q~t... la •• r A.
10 the pubUc:
Il ••rued Wrop..,r wllb Trod- ·11. k BtolN o d 81"n~luro uuLrokoa NlllfSOTUla III
ORIGINAL «nd GENUINE lIaDu(&Cltured ob11 b, J
ZEJLXl'{" 0 0
r"'l 1IJ
• O U Il .. ~t:K
A ... , UL& •
\ I A 0' Idd I;ted to no, I r~adllJg WU8 ro r~ l b lv 8trU k by II JPu.l8Rge wblch th e nl'glect of c1l1ldr n und nllud <I II e l!l](i couse/) ucnces t b t e ~ dllIm eci wltblJu\ lifting b r yeK from IHlr hi uk Hennetll II h re 1 your littl e • ~ I.(' r 'I' 001\ D 8 \.[ I mother / WolIl my dear rUII tlgb dOl'D lICe "hat snc I dOing, nnd tell \Jer to ~to p Immed itlWj y The mllternal nllud 1\as rellercd A I IIDY from Excebnor, lIheb ro ccutly rcltllc d 1 er expc rlt'nOe In KhocTla obJe t Is to pre,,;nt I g h DS theIr c rnlc blf)g he mU~5 a boot, or sioeltlng of \.f lit clotb ! LDd tics ,t 011 lhe fect.. fh oll the fow l are lot 100 II to th e gurden Dod fi o ld ~ kill «lfll In-ecU! but do tlJe cropi! In th leuot It 18 11n:IUIII02: Lheru "alit 118 though th '! on CIl'!r!' II t firlIt., bu t the)' nccUJ,tomed to ,I.. A b /'E'I'Y bl.t been .con don h" ""g :l twofold 0 IDg women to 11lIte r th o leg II profe Ion "ml ""ncillng the prlllClplcdOIl!lw nt schoo l. I. pretlt!J)illQ.[lUIUlOtJliJng to band er 11 11 I1 IDUn from prHcll IIlg ft 0 com C1 ml cer exce pt IlIdeed the nt ~ er hCllI) fcOll "blOh h81 e to 1H f !lId Oil belDg Muclcd II,) II Ollcltor 'Ihll 1l(,11 soCiety proposes to dcfrnv 11\ pnrt II et!O fC~H \I hen there 18 Illy lack 01 Dlentls 00 the p trt of the Intelldllla pupil EN 1"Y. 1t vOllllg hu bund, who lhrolVs bllll"cif LlltO l& chlllr Ilo rl excla IIlM WI Ltl to, tbaehe nail n M.LrlIlI I du Clllltbnt I s rd upen II feller ' Whv )Ul h I I a t.c olhncho wh en I IvCt thl8 morn til l; A 1111 herc h 1I 0 I b4 II ut Epl!4fm ulhl Iy IIlth tbc iOllll st lot 0 'ellerij ~I e r got t.oge tht'r 110116 drag !lnd won 1\ pot 0 mun ey and bad no eod of a Joll y I n c nlld J cI d tlllnK 1 sbould find ..umetl IIg d pcrfulund Jolly to gre~L n fe llcr "hell I got hOlllol A lid thero you u .. !- toolhncllo 01:1\.111 I I do call It I ani ll pon II feller- preclon8 hard ' Two htcrarv ladles reccntlv "I tIIC ~. III a ttl II the m upo n hearll g tho n ~kccl
of hUs\)\e
lui nc ull11lClns
i\lr Jelfrer liB>! C1!tab ll ~holl the fRCt bones dillflppear In the ocenn By dredgmg, It III CUDlIlIOIi to bring lip tcct.h but rlfoly e ver a bone of nlly kl I I tbel!O bowever compllet dl llllOlvc If ex lIl!!ed to the IlCtlO1l of the watcr but I / Ittle tlDle On th e co ntmry tcc thwhIch arc 1I0t ho, 06 Rny mor II U I whalcs I1rc fi8h - resl"t the dcotro) ' g [ tlOll of 8Ca wate r IDdennllcly It 18 therorore Il powerful ~ I vc llt Hlll1 th e populnr oplmo 18 tbat It 18 a brlnc If 8uch were lh e C88(l th o bolt In of all ~ea.~ would, long ago hav!! bee n 8)11<1 101\ cd by Imm e ll se uccumll i lli oll 8 r r ( ur CIU!l!eIl and prodllctR of th o \ ogetltllc kingdom cOMtnlltl) flontlDll IIIt<1 tl ~ IJI De tine th o peculiar mntNJnI of whIch teoth nre form ed al d tho. nllmel CO\ or Ing l hem oner ex traordinary rC~IMta' cc to these chemICal agenclos wh lcb retiOlve other uOImnl remnlllS lllto 1I0thlO~nes Mound s III the Wc t tllllluh III Europe alld ASIII "llIch ar" bc lloved to antedate slIc red Il18tory fpr th"utlllllcl s of y eJI ~ )'Iehl up porfectly !!OlInd teeth on wb dl time appenrs to have made no ,"I pres slon wb.lltever :-'-'--:-:--..,........-SQIENOE I" m l~kJng . long stml('s and t;l.11l pre-ent 4"y~ wi ll bo red lotler d ''ySII1 tho history of hl1mnn progre Bun " C willnevcr be perfectly conteotuntll some one 8ugget!U1 1\ p1auslble e~lallatlon of the fact tlmt ' F hand-piQked 'J! apples are I\)ways phmtlest the day aft.!: a storm tlillt
1111 'l lun e n "1 gllflr kllid of dan ce II II e g r~ en 8 of countr) VII I '1':c~ II HU8.' Ul The d mcers ~UII d "pnrl I kn ot of )oung me n here II knot 01 III II le n. there each lIl'X bv ItIlelI Ilnd • M,ICI t us II band of mUles A I per brIO. h ut( "LU1 C I )oULb puliHotrills Il I 1I1f1 eli dle ngeH Ill. girl wllh n IV IYO II I I bow J[ th e girl 18 will lug IIhc \la ve. hor handk erchlcl I w ken o ( 118SOll t the yo uth ndiall CC8 I corn er rf he r kercluof 111 1118 hnncl and lends hI" In118 10 ro II d IIlld ronnd No word 18 sp kell IIl1d 110 Illu gh 18 !aM rd 811fT ID co rd s and ri ch \\ Ith brllld the gIrl move8 hculliv by herself, gOlDS round lind round nnd n(', or nllowlDg her partner to to uch her bnnd 'Ihe pIpe goos dron IIl g on for hou l'S ID tbe Slime IlfId keyltDd mcnsure md th prize of merlt III thIs Clr(Jitllg U8 t he dllDe" IS called IS IIII' n by 1.1 C IIpcctntors to the 1U8l!le who an ul1 t b,, /; sUlIlmer rc.velry hU8 neVll r spi>kcn Iilld no \ er ~ ul\led u)l IUCLCd
'0 0
Simple rules
b llVI' be II to aVOid d bt and Alld P Cooper 18 worth te~
bug ho,..l. fl the hllbld ft hlah fb" owlet b OIMJ It bt-ncu, h U " . pray
TlIe I
lIo"",,r II lhtt .'a.wan. • • ,
Ad, be h~r.ol D Jl alO,8 on It.. way,. .. al
Oh ne "'~r tie cbeer r or Rtooru1 or d"1 ThcJ lDu"9n . bop .~rldrot la .be M'T"<ic" . r. - BOIl.,. Piul
A Hili' faT
1811 vIrt ue that all preaeh, few practIce lind yet every body is can lellted to bear 1 he mlU!wr thlDks it goo,l I ctrlll O for IllS ~~tlunt, the ISlt1c f( r tbe c10rgy lind the clergy for the HOmLLTY
A young gentlemnn of P eotlu 1111110111 hIlS brought IIUl t agaln"t II to , sotlll art gt of that mUlllc ll'ul ty for III 0 lUll dred II,,\lare wh r h amo unt 10 In I ful c llfrcnCr he cltllms IS tndOnllllLy f, r
losa lUI< dlllllBge AII .UlJn pd by rcw'on f Itlllipr ICtlce Ull the I IrL of c1 e fc lI l i nt the mcltlllcholy r c~ult of ,11Ich \II the sacrtfl ce of a rtlon of a. \II Clp le' t mu~ttlc h e will e I the "hllntl/! hnd Lhll " fit rpured "I th lende r clt re II d t.c soll cltllde \\ e do lIut kn olV bOil th~ co urt nnd Jury \\111 rCllard th ll! gUl L "hethN they II all Lru~t It With ~ ra Vlll o r leVIty but a li ttle reUcctlulI 1\111 CO Villce even tho mOKt lh, Hgi ti e... 011111 th I t th e "'Jured yo u th hid II< lui gr< u, I of CllmplRllll 11 IIIIIgeK of the worlel the IlIr~utll IldOrllm cllt of tho helld lin I fnce h III bl.'C II regll r letl IVI til 1111 II leres t amountin g IIl1noKt to \ cller I Lton fh e IlIlClen t Istlw h te8 the Ar Ib trabes of (lId and recont tlme8, tb e C1Ullrse lind otb r Onclltnl. nil shllred or . hurn UIIS C. cl Ing Tit craptures IIh ow that the hlllrs o( nil hends IIrc lIumbered Whether the plnantlff III t l1l8 C I!!C hnd taken n oon8118 or 1m mUlltncho lind III 1118 bill o( partlculatll ch Irges II glvell prlCC per blur 11'0 ure not ndv sed I t IS .likely, however that hll! bill III for tho entire mustache for ~he relDlllnlng MC bOll can /Illt be rc~a rd ed U! of much 1'i 0 one luis yet bfflln nble to ex-pi lib utIlity Frllc,Llons III ~IICb caoes, nre of why It 1$ Ihll t a I'llon feel a he 19 more no accoun t VIctims of ~he carele&! hk~ly to get up ID tIme an the mornlllg halldllng of TAZOrii ",111 watch the NO. lIy k~plng bilt wllteh or olook lialf of tbls C8A18 witb 11lterellL hour IMllt
01 E ll f\l\VS
pol/tJCII Ie n wl1ml1li Bnd workM up the ward, the tho \\laM r()be ONE of tho unkandne tlnuge th~ ml cro[lhoDe does II to D1l11!llIfy a !Baid 611 8 . Igh I!O that It roara hke tlie r.n£A. fIl Cl of I'i Illl! rn ' ~ A s lhe sill dow followN the body 111 th R llltlnd ~ r of tl e fllre. t sun Ivht 80 VIII t e wron@' d( ne to not her pursue l ir e ~ ul III I'ro ~JI('rl tl v' J liE lutcMt snv ng of the f .. t boy j ij th l t I I' elln t bring IIIK iJllld hCllded (, ther " gm y hKlrK ,n w rrolV to the g rnve - lIrtuk(al/ T ablr H, th e burlllnjr of Colgate S 6xten "I\ e !!Cli p \!I orks III New York It se<'ms to be "how n thnt RIl llp milk I g mnterlnl8 Will c x plude Whllt next 1 1lME \\ elgh H Il efin ly 01 most men 8 II IIld. fl u U Iy s I!eCD1 too long hut If OKlo of tl e expeU II'n l6 for 8hortelllDg II U un s dllY shorten hIS days A ~A l or I A KE hUNb Ill" O1!ked for a d ivor ce beCIIU e hlB w fo had not III formp,l I an beforo II elr marriage that Inc of her Ilrms was u.1dJy sCLU'red ----". AN J !lduan 'l)rencher made U8C of the oltp rCijtilU1I lie I co n oclR ~tl C segregate of .I n iR _t lInday LIId h us liready re CI' Ived a cn \1 to a onp:reglltlonnl Church In Uo ton - JJrr ,lla~11 able A VOUl'U m 10 III N( rf"lk 1II1IIe eutrer 109 from mll!llll 0 p<llll had SII CXCltlllg rn~ c 0\ or the 10 fs flf .cveml bOU8C~ the other dny III illS utwmptato ellClll'e from I ~lIPpO d murderous purHuer A 1<1 ri C U. I I Criti c A r ce nt VI S tor to Iln "rt g dlery suld be preferred t e IItatu cR to th e plCturcs becllu ~e YOII kill go 1111 round the .tatoos but yOll con t I\C (July one I!ldc of Ih e plctera'
Vili~~~~lnlI R yo ll ~~~~M~~~~~~&+ffe~~' :I~'~ YOII ? turned to her COlTlpaDlOn lID
No BonM In
P. VP.1l Ht.c P til argue the POIDt wIth all eXCi ted horD et.. i\[lI8 illlo« KS IS lL butl r 8culptrel!l\ thlll i V Inllle Henm A ro l:IIINO IIlcldeut- A phyti lOlaD fl ol og ! p Illent ~ pul8C fo-'l 11110 \1 10 th lIny 011 wlllcb Idle lIl e n work 0 1 d fO(lI. reform r!~ llIun I,ck s mornl courage who tr.. It. IdUlU h should rei rent HoI'S IHro Im ented at th e NUllO lime II I rMt 6tUllIp<,d too lYu ~ dl8CO\ered 11 n \1st be awful c ll'y for'" \looden he d( d lila I to gell18 1ulIr . hangled IT 18 th e heMl proof of the VlttU8ll tiC It ramlly cltcl to sec Il hnppy fireSIde TilE 1 Ofl\llrtis plly il c p:0vllrnment $4 000 000 IIl1l1uully l\II a 'ux llpon to bncco W 110 Ii !'llL hugged th e @ hlp s "'ULe? The g IIIE'Y weIlL back on 18 anxIOus to know TillS IS lhe 1Il08t linIn ndest out of /III lid 11 0 slllmill g tlb suld to thGearv II g kuHe A T llx IS prencber lost tbree fourtbll ,f 11IK ,Icncona iJy prCllch.i llg a sermonagnln8t hO J'll(l-ra CIOIl 1liE rellllllD of ~ c hnrv Tl1ylor hllv bel.'n buned III three grnvet!, lind WIll 800n be r mo, cd lo 11 fuurtb
Rll ld r do not like to tell- my 8~ not tb It J h 110 Illy objections to having It kllOll" bllt I don t want It publish d In II I th e lI e ll ~ pn\J(! r s Wel l IlfIIII her ~Itty fn end I Will tell .Y01I ho\\ YOII C/Ill nlold It You have heard t ho obJ. cllon to all he.LrslIY cVl dence tell them YO II don t ~ !lOW wben ypu wore born nnd 1111 YO\I know of It 18 by henr suy WEiANOfI Ell thm gs IIrc beauteous \\ hllt.8oo ler tilln gs nre allll costly lire at th d ,spoAAI of lVomll" to malle her Irrcslstlble Even the rebin'tedbrew!t luy down 1118 melod IOUS lIfo fdr hor and JU8tly 1!9 for a. bird III the bat 1II worth two in the bush 1be Iihle~1'; WOW8 give up tbeu br.Jl.l!8 colLlI1 II~Y sluoe upOir her snowY 'Dl!CI 6e torth conquO'tlng and .to 00 uer. I poor rello"', wltti hUI cb limn.~AO~ li nd hIS coat-Josde of th~ woQr"or the co nSC'UlII\ sbee p - 18 a mere coUi\ctlon of cyhlldetH and hiK garmentAll!Cem con trl\ cd to cllbnllco his Ilati vo t ghllCIll! TnE precise age at wbl ch a womlln be com~8 an • old mlud · we 'learn has never yet beel) S Itl8fllctotlly lett cd I ~ It twenty th e, th.irty, thirty live or forty ? We coufelll! frankly tbllt .. e have lIe\ cr met the perllOll wbo datlld to de c do 80 d h cate nod dlm( ult Il q uestIOn So IOllg I~ womon lire I retty guod; tem loert d g~ tlU C nlld ag reeuble they should Jl fl.' lI8 VOllng I LdlCS O['e or"two tlllllg" I< oo rl.lllil Womr.n aro oli:! maids elthor from Ilcce!ltllty or chOice I f they are HO from necotitilty tI ey cerllllllly ~o Dot ~e 8Crvo COli nro I( 80 frorn ChOlCC, I t IWlld be alike unJ UlIt lo blame tbomfor lUIS 18 a froo eOllhtry, and every wom III I Jlil the ptlvaloge ~ I dee dang fur herscl£ whetller tn murry or IIOt to mllrry
As. RONO MFn ~ hnve de81gDI\ted a place tho w ull e rn hellVllllS wi ere 110 star call ue seell by tho most powerful wlcHrope u. the hole III the sky" Mr Proctor 8uggeHtIl III II comUlunle&t on lb, ul ilt e hIe Lro lJ Blt of Mercury, tl It thl ~ planet IlIn, ba\ o IL bole ID It l Ie staw. ~llIt he dl.cove red at tbe exact centH of Mercury n iJ r)ght spo t of IH!Jl 81ble mugllllude I\"d appcanng U8 If It Yere tb e I 0 1< Ulllde I y II compaas pomt II Htrakmg out n carculllr piece from a hlnck cUld H e t I!IO Hntell-wllh 1\ Ittti e ob8ClIrCnCl<>i It II list be confel!8edIhllt un e featuro )II the brlgbt spot "et med til indicate dec l ~ l vel1 1111 BUbJectlve IIl1ture for wh ell II cloud pll8tled over Il part of the 8\1n 8 fuce, though not co\erlll ~ th e phmet, tb e brlp:bt point perceptibly wRned ID brlgbtnet!ll We 8h 111 nolY perbaps be trel\ted to • !illCUlj,!jlon wheth er Mercury hu a ~ole through It III
- - - - --..,...
•I -M illS 01li
1·«, 0 111\1.
-Mr. Eddie Ill1ldAll !lUll b~lIn l UII 111\'/111 t'ur I.ndle·". hlea i homo fruUI visiting in l<'rlluklin. ~ . "!!!!!!!!!I!I~!II!~~~~!!!''''''!'''!_~ Iudi/IOII. . -~ ,,!,. }o'rizell of Ifldlanllpolill, ]o.,i$. . Ill; I rill 0\11' Ilthllltiol\ haa be n oalloo t • -Mr • W Ho (Ird " d • I Vi~ltlUg her istur lfl'1l Kute / f ~ohOI II 111 S' OIUK U a II w artlclu lor the ulle or ladloll. V.u;r.aV.PlUllllbltl RU"! nAI" '1 l ' II. (f"l'Ill1kli;I' ~J g '181ttl III Me \111 lilt!. '· ..n tho :HKt, h illK "Mccoas · tho III\'ell~iOIl nt whi h hll80onler . . . " \ J' • M N N M flll1y c 1lIllIoto(1 t'r ,YCAr' red lUI ev rIll tin ,.; blcaRing 111'0 11 -1II_JStroQt, enr .\1 r... nt,hlt· . "'IIIIl \ "'" ~ /I"Etl~~~~rJ' .'Hl1'1"".t"Y·(If ~uh - ~11t'1! j'lura \\7 oolk·,Y i8 tliok -d r. . . O!Ihcr waa ill at· by A bbio Hog;,jl~ ev"ry Illdy. TlTo r •.... r tIl tile {'\IIOOII -~.. ...,rvM'R UMlind .•lu. [>" t.. r. I wilh blli oll ~ t' v r t ell 1111(10011 Ih ))clI1uorutic 0011. ... " n 1-. "" BoM"" O"TIIO I'1 011 itt) n . 'rh n Hev'd M. ' .' I'rllt i(lll in villmhns last we k · l.t was to m\u d hll VIJl'J'i"elL!lant oc· ity sk irt sU1lpeLldcre fOI' supportillj; I ..UteI' AllfIlAtln , Pri ~ t. ~{\ . on Ih" ~il . - , I. nth '1'1110 Burnll!\l't C II' • caslon .a W 0 natojlndi ' skirts. the III 8t deeiJ'nhlo ••~01 Mol. monU,. L" y I'O rvl ,. ry tlliU I'CI'Y I (lbl'. - Mr.loorge E.13arg r lind Mr. RII to 00 present by 01: Rnd bene fi cial article ovor invented . . . . . . , . . . . .000. ~ tl Ie l'e I'Ie t' 0 f women, many ot· It'••AlIY'. P, E. OIHIKCIJ _ Corner of. .-- D I'. R V t1 rt ..I.'· urnas ,; itcu ill J ~I~Il I Woo\'c,Y I 8 Id aDd tlhlir wi\'~'8 for;d .., of teacl''''''''~and "... lor nw. XlamIStrect<,. Tho It v. I.Bng' lllchuiond III t week. ~~,-L;~ t 10 0 i rtI'llomo lastSat· Tl.J~ houee w~~ decoro.- whom have suffered yoars f mis • ... O. 8to".rd.!on, Rootor. Diyin M rvl -Go to Mrs. Dudl 't! fvr '1 . ted WJth festooDil alld erable health caused solely hy cur· h on ThllrlKhy vening.- &nrgnin8 ill m'lI' Y .c le.11 -Mr. Stncy P.l{endllll haa been the word 'W rying the woight of a number of • . :r- ':" a\ 9 ". m. very Sunday . , I lIIl!l'y. lIewly l'c ueing llifl prol)erty togeth. ranged on the I k' I I d Paf'lIlIdlDJ KIlRTJ1HI (Orthodox).- M~t__ -Mrs. hobel't R. ElIglc is vitlit. or with .h o rocolltly acq uired ad . IOIlVy s Irte, comp IltO y raggi ng 1.. or-nnowOr8hlp voryFir..t. "nd 4t.h 109 Mrs ::i W Horro 8 u't ' I . trail CO. them down. Someth illgto support OIly, beginning at 11 o·elook. Fil'l!~D", ' " '" r . I 101111 ttlTrlttlr)'. prevented ladie8' c10tbing is absolutely nec. 8eJi.ool"U.t.J o'oloolt: A. N. . , - l ee cr~lltn t soda !loti millornl --lItrs. IISlI l1 Pbilli ps' birthday th o programm'e fully. W Il8 to essary. Those slI spendors arc rcc..:-:::":~~!~~TINO (HFI~.\cRltt6)'-dMF ling I~nler at Mlal"'l Uak ry. \\' 11 8 • It:bratuu by ber lIIany rei. cat d inner in the "'oode,pieDic style; omlll onded by onr lelld i II Ie!; ph}'si. ft.. Ir~ I\nFir onrLh -M rs . Jusi II] · 1 II 0 Ib 1"0 k• rctu rnt!(I uli ' d III . a 8U rprlSe . but , no tl 1lI1~ . d ann to"'1" ··bl · . girls. uay. \IorInnlng Ip at every 11 o·olook. t-DIIY . v os ~I(I frlCII .. 08 wcr clans tu RII ludicil und yuullg lIolsool"tg l~o'elook ".101. tv Lebllllun on SUllday liI~t. p"rly, ,1'h ich WII~ in evory rcspect 800n improvised fro tCL fence bonrds Evory lady Mhollid hhl'e th em. • OInuTu .. OUURcn- !!or rihe nn Lor~'"' -11' YO II want {lood bn'ud, cake , U c" lIll'lctt' SlIccedS. Rlld. school desks, which were loud · Th eya ro sold on ly throllgh lady .!!;. ~':~~d:!,lIOh~1 lit hlllf·p".t mn. cruckortl, &c., go to Merritt'". - - Misd ~I ullie Olldwalllld r Iras cd Irom woll·fiUed ~kots of sub· agents. A nlOlldid O"I)ortllllity to .•. , ..... , mornIng. k t · r i d d . t' r r lLB.OltURCR.-TheRcv. L. F.Vnn lov. - Mr. 1I11U Mrs. John A. Fll ll ke)' til -ell n ' ~J ill on the way frow 1 1111 la s an IlID I 891110 lad y CI1IIVUSSCr of this cOlln.",?r. D1 .. lneoo"icoon ulldIlY •. I\t ]0 visited Cincinnuti la8t \\'\.!ck. \~II.I' lIcsvtlle tu Spri ngboro, lust A generons pEle~age of ('ake was ty to 8ecuro t~e a,?ollcy of a plIlIlS' I,! 0i''':~ t.a and 61·2 \' . )1 . S"bbath -Ir YOIl Wlllltl b' I Ir f h . I 1 hllrsulIY e \'cllill~ und had to ac. prepared lor a slcll scholar who Rllt nud profi tab, e business. Fur 10':::" ... ,... P.~. T . . for 1 cts "0 to ~r Ig .UIU Uk .. I!UC ('cpt tl,,) kind IlUspi tality of' Mr could uot be prelsen~artc r Which a terms Hnd territory write at onco ""1II e ... _118110 0 11' 001111' Dotootl1\e &; 1U1I11S kIl ' I)'. . LlII .t. Al. I'd . l'. ~'I ' I ' 0 0 k' ulltilsLto WIIS. largo .qualltity W'U ' nt to tb t tl Q Protectlvo Oomll&ny moo'" on the lid .t.ur. -Han ., ...Gr ' 11 I III . ~ poor. II 10 uce ll C'Ity S IIspen d cr Com· O in eaoh month. at ~ o'olook p. m. By f '1. b ' . lIUV~ C After dlDo l3r' w.... tbe. ltterary pany. 278 CIlITk St , Cincinuati, O. CS IIlld dllfbclClIll;), recu vered to be moved o vof the OomE,n),. L. IIartoock, Pro•. ami J Ille mvve tO I:l UUll on. tv Ihi8 I'llI co. part of tho eut€!rtnftrm en t by th . u- ' 14;,. 1. O. Fill lnburg, Soorot4ry . -For tho best boot 01' shoo ill _ Mr E II Do I d f 0 scbolars, assisted by fow efficien t MIL D8TUEICIIIAmIlWIII ftI.Iotr th''''A~l~t ~~'dr~ti:~ this I:lal'kct, aDd latcst slyles, go to kulo~811 .· 1~1\'1\: II/Isr b:~~ ;1ague:~ 1JOltmte6~I: Belo'! i~ a li st of ~hose IIPIIL of each month at 10 • A. .. . and 7 Keys. vI' Mr. NlillI/III J unes He bri n 8 wh o partiCipated be cxercisea j TIIere Is .eumuutory "boullOftMt natl.., ~. M.~· A. Sutton. (If, . -Mr. Jncob RI~lIdall hjL8l1ad R goud lIews "f 1111 the' Wayncaviffe and to spe"k of,'o. ore thun au· ~::r::,,"::~~~::!'u=-;::I":;o";; t:;i~:5"" co "",rdi.n I lto,p,.j&, t~Jld . P " eqw,duh .~pUt·1 fr~ot~f bis people in OskalOOl!a. Mr. Dor o~erD...oQ) ~ e to. tbu rc~t: the 1IWi<ec. Dr. l.1ndablU,lbeweU-laIown ,j rei dellce. Lalld delivercd the :'dd r~. to tho . 1, .6IOlamlltl?1Il . MRrloU PllII · l"II*'~of CroIOo PoInl, died la Ji7I. AI ' , " ""~ hps tItle 'A Lit rl' ~ d IiOriae Of hili bem enlCtaloed IemperllDCO r _...r'l'n' •• B •• tw.... a....... - F'r 's II bread . rolla and 1,.1118 ut I\ rnllllJ 0 1 Ear lbarn Oolle~e Iam•a f 'b 0 1 I . Th 'Laeo· ~,-:::="..u:,T.~~4;,,~~~ OlnciDnaLI Bltrreu. 10.!)i A. II .- No. I th e lICun Oity [Jakory el' cry mol" R ichul olhJ. Illdillllll, laut week. '" , 3 d IloD 1. a , I e. . e rk. ....... 10 be sold or ...., - .... 10 be . . . . X~ .. 1a Accom n, 10119 • . M No. 19 ning at 9 o'clock. ' ec. amation b'y ammlo Pugh, Tbe lfllpel bave .-etlmes beeOIeJl' to Columhl" Ace.. 0,60 P . .. . I\'u. Ii , . . Tho -·~ hli~ I:-;' l\{ouume llt. My Little Pony. ,dec. by MIlY lDarkOi, gd lOII\edmes I.n 10 deca, upon IfIKlll E.prea_, IO.~. I'. )C . ' No. i .-,Mn. . Edith Bntt~~ \\:ortlt. of Hathaway. Racel fi a Mitten. 5. ::.a~ljl':,n=c::}~~~~~~ , ...I,M ADd ~:~i arl 0':~:~:.' No. 13 CinClIIlI lIll, h a~ boc n V181tt llg Mrs. E ,/,·. fl rlut!c ; - It was with fcel. doc. by Oharley J hilS, lite Busy of Iho esla/e and Ihe we of the wines CD .Ightlhp.... J A ....t No. Gordcn J. Wright. illga of IIll1ch pleasu re thRt I read Bee. 6, dec. by FJorence Philli s ~~~:=!I·~S~~°tS~.::~':t~ r".L Lin., No. G •-Mn. Hi ehnl'd Hain cs hus a tho tw u IIrticl os ill ./~' onr paper I'n The Trnthful Bo·y.rl 7 ' doc. by EPd: than bat aUljlUllnl the Imperi.1 Toby 'mo~ Olachl. Ace.. 1:19,01 .fi2 •r. II. w. '<I . " ~ an, 0100 Euro~ wiDe. and being Pacific ElprCI8. li . IO P . .. .. No. IH primo article ot' ncw l\OlI ey for ral rellce tu til' erecti ou in our die Pence, The' -'iird's Nest . 8, QUite ...., 0IlI....... of Amtricao Ptolgh' .",d Ace ., 1.5B r . M . Nu. 14 sale, 20 CClltS R pOlllld. ccmotory ul 1\ s,olJiers' 1II0ll umellt. dec. br Ida Debult Who Mado tlt e ft1IIuk~bl~lS. ~7,o.~Je'J~YII~..""!t""'n~ti;tops..on 9,eadin R ~.Tralt do.Ignnl. Dot ~ tOJl . - Ii~run ey's omllibus now carrics It aIJPCIU'S tu rue thut it is 'jullticl! S tars in Ooncert. 10, faoders baYe ,,1PeCI Int...... In It U lb. If~. } Ellltand No. 111 WeaLcarry m~lI . pas~ellgcl'il to and from Corwill for fotlY "~layt!J. ur we should ha\'e deelamati oD by lltie Obandler :'-:~bl:=;.oo.n...",,:~~~~obl:~:; .':;~!~:p~7S:'~d~~:u" dnily. All oillers unly 15 ccnts CIlcb WilY. hilt! UlIC luug erc this. ll istory is The Mouse. 11, dec. by Uertha ~ o:flb~.w~t=~~ R:'t.!l. fl. O. RAINE ' . rich I Agent. -Mr. nlld Mrs. Aml ls Warw ick filII of . IlCCollllts of Dlonumentl John s, May is EI:e~. 12, dec. by NlIfI.It),rllr!, gKOIWE R. STI LES. EI . Ag·~. pen t W cdl/csday Ilist very d"light. crected III m(;1110ry of GCll oml s and Lcslor Pouoo, Y OIung Soldicrs. 13, lUlLS 001NG EAST : fully at the Sold iors' B OIllIl. SbltcslO II. W hun Gen's Wooster, dec. by Pearlie Pb 'llips, The Bird 's The aboYe speaks for iuell. bnt_ woaI4 Clo.e atlUA. II Aod 1i.40 I'. II'. -Ooates.Kinne ,Es .• of Xenia MOlIll;omery, pllron D.e Kalb and Nest. 1~, doc. lby Frankie .Polloe, -.lIS ftlat ibis I, the pure julco of tho srape. lUlLS GOING WEST: was pre Ollt at th;fnlle;'a l of Mrs: mall>: uth ers 01 /'~volnhollary fame Gentlll RI~~r. ~,,~, ~~ . by Lizzie neIIbcr~.liqwmI nor _wal: !hath Cl1a.. "n~ i p . M . "nd S:4l1 Pol. Mary Kimley, last SaturdllY . fell III bRttle, COllgress , oted to ~Ug~l, A LIttle \'VIH'e. 16, Speak. :!::~~~~.~ A . L. FAR R. t'. !If. . . er 'ct a mOll um ent to tbeir wemory. /JIg iO concert. 17 ' dec. by OIRr. fr••,,'s Oll.thus-Llne :;MIBsei Myra Baird and ~Rn All VI'l'r th e cllun try we see monu. ence Harper, FeIIll iro~. 18, dec. ~:t~~~~taI;:!::':Im;: rnn. to IWd from Conl'in for ~I.. ght R?U . Mr. ~ordo~l J. Wright mell ts I! I cted to this General or bv Willie Pugh, T'tffi Telnpest. 10, 1.111lred Stales, and at wbol....le from lb. thLlt . COIUIICI, bacause of gall ant dec. by Allie DIUlLe.t, Miller'e MRI·d . \IDdenlcned. who wHl forward descrlpt1w eyo" IIOOOmmod"t1on t".:n. Orne.. left"t VISi ted OIDC lllnatl la t ruesday. .... P...t.oftlce will re)(livccaroftd aUentiun. A I I " IJcad tr,tore Il$oents. nrge stock ~f Ill te~~ sty CB scrV ICCB reud er u tbeir coon try. 20, ~ ec. by AaifuKla llllth~Lw"y . pMlpblel, mofc.hlll'Je,onapp OD. -_ • _ ._ _ __ . hilts at Mra. Dudloy s marked low, We remclUber of General Lyon's 010 IIIg. 21, de,:. by Mary E. Bnt. JIapedfuII,. etc., T~. New Durllllgtou fvlks al'C to close out stock. ORII ILnd see. ru Illng fearlessly into the battle of torworth, The Miation of the Deau· B. I. a F. B. THURBER am. waklllg UNl'fgements for a grand ~o and sec those elegant linen Wilsoll 's Creek - falla 'mortally tilul. 22, dec. b'y 'R. J. MiclllllJer, w_ ~¥. R-u aM He- ...,., temperanoe rully on the 4th ~f suits ror only 12, at Mrs. Dudloy's. WOlllldcd, and his own grateful DJn't ROil in De1b :l3, dec. by N ....Vo"". J~ll' We llave no doubt but It Now IS your chan ce ~ r bllrgains. 8tate eraet II mon ument to his memo Mary H. ButterwPrth, Tho Ourlew P f W R S S . wlI . pay to attend, as the New - Mr. J oh n Hawke, lor tho lust ory. Gen. McPherson, with th e 2~, Addrll8s bV B~ .. B. Michen r. ~o . . ., teven~(ln, prlllg•. B~fhugton people never do auy · month, hRS beeD dioubled from ac. hourt of " lion, goes into tbe thick. There was a g~ly number bt' bJoro ~ l&I!t year~ Supenntt'ndCI!t.ot thmg by balvos. . live so!rv ice by a gathering ill his cst of th~ fig ht ILt Decatur, nnd is the patrons preaeillt, and the)' may i.ubhc Schools, I~.ellgugl'd WI 1 rll\BOllI. Mills Gardner and Jes e leg. b rnt! oft tho field a corpse, and his cOllgrlltulate th emselvOli UpO Il sccu ~Ipal at Wllyncs\ III f\or t.he C,' U1 ' Oren, Rev. Mr. Hopk in8 of Now C 11 ttl l' d P I d state recognizes his gallant worth ring the services of Abbie Rugers lug yeRr. Mr. Stevons II 18 IIIl ox· --'&I'D-JWlpct, and Levi Mills are eXjll'ct. - a a Ie ra e 1\ aco a~1 with a InVIIUment to hl's me . for the eDsuing vear ee lleo t teucher Ilnd tlte tCllchl'rs of see the lar"e stock of, shws ..CCUIV· . . . mory,s .. ( .and more, WolS Oll arc . ed to be present. . " . . an d ollr III111l1tablo Cnster, alwa All tho foregollllg, .. r CODllty . . Wlo!lscd ut I1I11'1I1g The Narrow.Gauge Rai lroRd will dfll~~l1S week. Funkey &; MIS811 · wiler? the bullots fiew the thick~t, enj oyed by ' lll~ s~II.1 10 ~\rran Con nty.carry faB8.e ugen fro~ the e~t at _.. ~oc IIIto the .battle like the sweepPitR WHO WAS THERa. F1ank l1,,!, Ch~O~~1~~I'_._ _ eZClInliOn fale8. Thts' road IS ex · Ftlteon thousands converts Rre 11Il{ of a hllrnclillc and a gru tef I • • • . p8C&ed eo,be finished ~ tho Little said .to pe the rll8ult of tho min· couutry ill sadnc!I8' erects a u To& Miami O,asette completed MRS. DAUGfJEJlTY, who had roach· Together with Buckeye and Hagerstown Steel·Tooth Hay Rake, ReMhlm i Railway by tbjt ti me; and Jstratlo!1 of tho late EJder KlJowltU! mellt II tho where he rcli° nu the thirteenth ),e;ar.of its age last ~~ ~be:dvdllnced alh of 1.9 yeurs, ,oh'ing Rakell, and all other Farming Implem Ills. AIIIO, Agent. fol'
1 f - - --
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B BAllVBB% f
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w.;:S:'.l::J:: J,!r;
Shaw. Thill recoglllti on of the brn~ ery week.We lIave pUlb"ahed 678 week· h10, <;m Iay, a~ t j fllllid ence . 01 the celebrated -Fred L. Ken t, no\\' trn vcl ing of th csll warriors is jUtlt as it !lho'd Iy ieslIllII, aod wUb very few ex· t er BO~iln. aw, ~H I~h Waile, wltb Havelin's DI'luulltie Troupe,' bo ; we any AlDen to all this : but eeptious have sn'pArintended each wo ~I cs ellllt ~ t tIllS dellt' ~or alll8 proposes to opo n the uew hall in the lact ItRS been prlleticlllly l1l08' i88ue. Thore DOyer was befor~ Il ri:n w~x ~u are 1I ues ay 0 Lebanon. ttuted and demonstrated on a thoa. pabliaber wbo baag to itaa 0108ely a erooon .•ema au B. -J. A. l!'unkey has spen t two saud battle·fields, that it reqoires and as ~ong ill we have 111000 KEEP YOllr name, businll89 and The Simplett. Most Dorable, Light~st.Rllnl'ling, Beet. Any woman' days in the cit!., securing barguins infin itely more bravery to be a pri. WaynesVIlle had .tt ~per; b~t we locution con,tautly before the peo· who cnn thread a needlo and rock II cradle caD nee the '8t. JohD.' for the Trude 1 alace. CllllllUd ieo v.ate in tho rRukt! th"n to be all of. shall be very sor~y Indeed It the ~Ie, .and 'wben anything in . your n~t ~an.d will hol,d a grand basket tbe lJew goods. ficer; yet where has tbere been a end ~f anotber thIrteen. veara fin~ line. I~ wanted, YOllr name will be PICDIC il!. ~rown s g.rov.e, to·mor· -Mr. Irving B. Dudley of Mil . monument erected to the memory U.B the ·'el'.er1asttng.. demO!· famlhar, and your placo first visit· u :,w)l'hto wl!lch all are mVlted. They wankee, Wis., 80n of the I~te Rllv. ?f the pri,ute soldiers 1 Very few tlOU grllld. We .merely lIltended ed for the article. I ave Ice cream and lemollade H C H D dl . . 't' M III this couut,·· and yet we I to romnrk that tbls would be an ••• fur ..Ie• All else you. ea n ta k~ /0 ' T.. .Browne . u atey,Clio. IS VISI JUg r. boys from ollr J , . te t'lOla ..<&or some 0 f our LDn_-ou owu townsbip lave that ap~ropla ..... ,," WI'11 h ave a gl'an d S nn· yonr baskets, and have a fin e tlmc. D 0 A H b I hav e dono deed s 01 darin which delinquenfB to 8ef~le Dp. day School celebration lit the fair Dr. James W. Haines will deliver r. . . oug WRS severe y ' f tI e I d b G Fe' ' - .' .. grounds on tbe Fourth. an address, and the DUlld will fur. kicked in the bl'eust by a horse ~ I .y IU t l~n d tbl~ra s, would DEATU" OF MRS. M'&B'! KIBl'Iay;- - _ 811(l(111MO." '1'0 ... W. lillY.., ui.b music. Go nnd celebrate. last Sunday morning. We are usf 11!~morla Ize ftJelrb na~nes. AIrs. MalY KitllD.y, an old and Ln's fiee away to our Bummer B\'IiI\'If.n ll 4';""I\ftB 'II1I1'aml'lill l ~aA4';lIi1l l fta-S~_ _ • __ glad to see him 00 the street again, t 1~T1 an lean o le a~t e twen· highly·esteemedl'! citizen of this rcsorts._ _.,--_ _ _ _. !!l-~e!!,-~~~~'!!.t!!.- ~ ~~~~~@!)~I!!>~~-~~ BABYUNO for July is up to thc bowevl!r. y If I Ci araYbi swkee P OWD the place, but whor~' lome years hall HOT weatheuet in on~ 26th. IIsnal8taudard of that excelleut -W. H . P.Dennyisonthewar.~: eytln f~cttlc.aTrger, land resided with lier Bon iD Dayton, -"'~"--~-----AI....,.. hln on lI.nd " flne lot of - elInu's paper. It itl vary eutertain. path. He recoUllllends cow.hiding aoruit I~ I. e a a. e, '.Duc Ian· was buried iu ~am\ Cemetery G01'l&, gODO, tbe beautiful Jone. ing for younUUlks. Price 60 cbi. M.urat Halstead I) f the Cincinnati nud t~U ~n!wortahzes .IM ~alDle last Saturday, MP8~" KinDey baving WELCOIIE sho:en ye;t;tfuy. a year. • Irop & Co., Boston. Coiun~ercilll . Ju~t 80; let him be cnchan~sa~llO~~a~d~~mbis th~~ll~C 1 died in Dayto!l ~q ~ritla!, June _ _= . __ . _ _ . ~ulolD• •-Eld;idg': Chamberlain, cow·ll1ded forthWIth . rendition of the sIme, and ~h~ 2.8, 1878, after !l~1f.en~ for some w.ur~..n •• "E MARKET8. who has for some weeks been reo /'Fl1nkey & M.issildine ha\'e world pays hOlllage to the gallant tIme r~?m paral~~w~ er age wu Wbeat ~ busbel - ---;;;-.I : n.....= I-;;=;r.:,=-=-:-irJr.:"-'u mes open for iDspection ~ I~rg~ lot of General.. lu the samo battle, somot lUg ove,r ••• !ears. 'CorD ~ busbel ' 26 O'Neall's, Dear place, came tI~e lato shades ~I ladlO8 TICS and !VayuOIlVllle hUll a representative THE TowDship T~.t.ees have not Oats 8 @ 900 home in an apparently intoxicated Silk Handkerclllefs; also, all styles Ul the persoll of a amooth·faeed yet decided upon location (or the Hay per too. o @;! 80 condition last Sunday and retired of Parasols and Fane. ~oy. 17 yean old, quiet, unassum· new Township Honee. The place :~~::rpe:r Cit., 10 to hill room. About 6 o'clock P. M. -15 cents will pay for three lng, yet all the day bas fought with they consider the moat eligible is at ) P I es 1 00 P it was observed that he wns brealb. months subscription to TII o HOt/Be· the dcterminution ot a ti~er j hie the lot J'ost sooth vf Dr. Lukens' Beae , e mo,."ssb t t 1. .J 0 ompamon, . I tl are rl'ddl cd wlt .l per per IU, 1~ iug very heavily, and upon going fl)eeperl an d a pre· cOles .1 11 b ete, yet ' office, on Main street, tormerly Sau.age 1bes ou s, to hia room, it was found tLtut he mium of three boautiful 6x8 ehro· he fi~hte 011; he reahzes tho fact owned by the late Dr. Hartley. Salt per barrel . 1 85 was nncoDscious and in a dying mos. W. E. Anderson, Agent. that If h~ fa!ls the. world wi1! not They will probabl1decide in favor Hams (augar-eured) per lb., 10 coudition. Medical aid was slim --Fun key & Missildino have reo kn ow or It, for he III only a prlyate of tbat at a meeting to·day. Potatoes per busbel 71i IOOned, but Mr. Ohamberlain died ceived th e tbird lot of Lioeo Suits --he Bees the flag fall, he Itprmgs ' ... , Apples per buebel about y . o'clock tllltt night. A and Overdresses. The extremely forward, gRthers it up, bears it for. TBa L. ~ia~i ~.R. will ron itl Eggs per dozen 7 h?ttle GGDtnining laudanum WWl low prices sell them very rapidly. wR~d to the f~ont .rank, waves it tint excurs~on ,tr8~b fa. tbe season Lard per pound 8 @ 10 foond 011 hiBlenon aud it is sop. AIl·lineD overdress~8 $2 75' all. defiantly ut IllS traitor foe, wheo be to the Bold len Home, 'Dayton, on Flax Seed per busbel 1 10 poeed bo lla died I from an over. liDen suite, '8,90. ' " is pierced by a d~zen bullets, and Sa~urday,. July)~ltlJ. F~re for the Clo,er Seed per bushel 6 CiO .And ar6 prepar6d to mak6 Flooring, Patent Sidi11g PatIn' dose thereof taken eitl~er illten - -Horace Linder desirell to iD- ROSSIH.L DRAKE lalls dead at bis Mu~d ~IP, ~~nr '1,00: ~imothY Beed • ~ 00 Surja oi1t(l, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Ripp~ng, tionaU, or by mistake. form all of his old friends and Rt. post. No fi~ wers haye ever been Tra~D wll1leavaColwl~at 8,88~.1(. oga per owl., 85 0 A1eo. hue in oonneotlou with their buain_. " oomplot. The deceased was a lIIall of ir· rons tbat be may be found at strewn on 1\\8 grave, for DO one Arrive at D~y:t~n a 10 i returning, BIRTHS, .egular habitll, singlo, and abont North .Maiu streut, opposite the k~ows where he sleep.s or wbo laid leave DaYl9P I ~t , P. x, Get up • fO yean of age. Hc was bnried Rogen House and will at all times lum away. An~ he IB only ODe of and go. . '. WEER.-In Corwin. 1ul, 211. 18711, the Monday afternoon . be pleased to ~ee them Wayne and Ma88le townahipB'brave S d.··. wife of Kr. John Woer. 01 a &on. _ _ ___._ • . boys who slollp ill unknown graves' un~ 1I0t Issappolntment by -- -and koep constantly on hana a fine lot of gooa.ln thilllne. AIIIo. IIIl the lateet proA. force of 65 to 100 ' -Mn. E. A. Dudley ie closing and th e question is shall we not employing too ma.oy "cures ;"-but ELLIS-DAVIS.-At Lebanon Hon.... eellle. for pre.... r...tlon. with the ..... of ioe or othorwi... 667 men 18 em· out her atock of millinery goods ' f o r the d 'seases f I fi Lebanon, Ohio. June 20.1878, by the ReY. pIlly.d ·on Miami VaHey Narrow I . , . ' erect a mOllument to the memory , I o n ~oey use J. N. lrvin, Jolr. Amo. EIll, to Mila Emm" Gauge at the big rock.hill cut. a~les SUite, at greutly r~duced of such as thcse 1 Let it Dot be reo ~r. Bnl~ II Baby Syrup whIch never Da.itt, of W,,),nllerille. It may be sate to say that ollr reud. ~nces. !!or IOstance, beautiful all oorded 01 Wayn8 and Massio that dl8appolOts, and 'OO8ta only 25 ets. NO'fICE. era will have an opportunity of tl?-en 8lllte , el~~atlltl$Y6 made and we are ungratoful peoplo. a bottle. ---:0:--I. . rlmme d , from ow'" 0 • J ---NoH... i. hereby gino that tho anaer· . hearlOg somet ling conccrlllllg the TI Q O· D k ' 11 OSTlOI!:. lluve,'llnwg. .lgned bae been "ppointed Admlnletntor road trom official source, soon. -:- Ie necn Ity a ery WI - • • of tho Estate ef lAMES B. MoKINSEY, TO PERSONS SEEKING HOMES IN THE WEST•. NIIWII ~ost too good to bo trne -the del.lver ~hree wagon.loads of bread, ltellgtous Noticell. -The firm of H. W. Dakin & late of Warren Oonnt~. aooeaoed. road Will be completed at a cer. cakos, &c .• fo~ the Fourth, at Har· . 00. made an assignment IWlt week. y"tea Jane :'~. ON MoKINSEY. -:0: lain ueur time in the futuro-would veysburg, SprlOg Vallev alld Dcll· -EI~er W. T: WI08ton will Liabilities 87000; aeaete in mer· GRE!T .ND1JCJIMUTS TO IIE~ LIMITED ME!NS. be very acceptable. brook. Look out tor somt!thing ex· preneh to tl~e Dal'tlBt Church, Sat- cautile stock'; eatilDated at '20,000. • .. tra good to ent on that day. urday and Suoday next; Saturday T Be lea I ill be I d .0.---- • .. t2 dS d 0 be firm claiDl8 that it will pay ftI a f lhropuci it" f W race ".r at ~~o Landa are for salo in Dawl!On ooun!,. Nebraeka on ~be line of tbe U P R at pri SOHE people get their favors - Weare told by a gentleman a P.H., 'UI un ay at 1 t A.M. ont, and taat, n~"J!)~e .f/iIll08e by Wa~~ Oo~nt,:~hl~. unt~Y'j~ly 2-j.n:8~~: rralan_~~nghfr0fim tll,60 tc.> f!i per acre. E~cellont far:mng.lana. upon "hl~h ·e~p. can gratis trom tbeir home newspnpcrB who was' present at the Oommence· and 4 P.lI. them. . . 1I . . ' . . RPR. · for tho oonstruotion of a Town.bip Hall to d "j t. rst tar. In ono of tbo most healthy localltle. in the United Statee; thl pna aud apend their money and bestow mont of Kenyon Collegc, Gllmbier, -The Rev. Lane:don C. Stew· ' ! bo loc ..tea In the town uf W.,noevill•.- IIOt ORA are". o~t, cor~. oab. barlo),. rye. potatoes. and root crop!!. their influence in behalf o( Ilapers 0., last week. that Mr. Chas. M. al'dBon was provcutod from fillin~ 8P ),alle,. Silid proposals muat ~orre.pond ..ith plBn Stock RaiSing ill all Branches is ParLicularl,"'Pro~-ue · V II I. . t t' th E' . and s~ifioat1on •• wblch may bo IIOIln at the . IUdIUI. pub)j8h~ elsewhere. And yet they P ollgue, 0 ( S prlug a ey, wall IIi appolll mcn III e plscopa . ~ -Olork s Offill" "fler Saturda)'. 1uno 22, 1878. ~hrkot facilitie" un8urp,!:,,"e~ . Edllc,,\lon Ie froo; oommon and high eohool. ondowtcl are "good citizens." • one of tho two bright particular ' C~urch lust Thursday evening by -Eva Oornell nnd J. A.Oornell Bid. mw>t atale tho coat of material on the by the government. FlourIshing towns on tho lin. of the Rond alford exooUent mar. _ _ _ .._~. • stars of the graduati IIg c1RBS. The bel ng called to the bedside of hia grad uated at ' Xellia College last ground, the cost of labor in putting maleri. \cbts .W!:J.h aU the oon"onlonoo of oldor settled comm uniUoa. Government lande can be D".o K = S, n. P. Keys' fa. S\1 bicet. of his» orat.ion was "Abra. dyiug father iu Philadelphia, Wednesda" Ta.e ·· Besay of the ,I in bnllding. &0. E..ob bid muot be BO· 21 taln ~nder t2bo4Obom08tef lld law8 which give all perllOns. whether malo or fomale.onr TOO ..... N. J t ~. . ~~" • oompaniea by the n"mc. of at lea&t twa royears? ago. BOree roe; and a1eo_ ~ ..on. of foreign birth "ho m,,~e "ppUa.vorite dog, died of poison IWlt ~lalD LlUcoln, wllIch he handled , lor'f,er was entitled 80metbmg to .pcneible penons "ho"iII guarantee that tlon.for eltlzoa.hlp the same prlrilego. orRailro"cla ,pve redaoed ntes to Uo&adt N.b. Wednesday. It takes a moal) man ~n 0. musterly marmor. Mr. Poagne . "How'so fair stood she thore"- ~o, and of the h~tter, "I Haven't the wortr"wiu be performed in" good and Tlokets for BAle'by John J. Cozlld. at 183 Race Ofnoinnatl, O.,at thf'fOUOlriDg low • Ir fi t h b be h I' fii h Tlmo» . . ,,!orltmanl,ke m.ann. er. and fn tho time .pe- Hlee: . . ~ poison an inonellai vo dog, as IS a very . no ora or; as een a . cause to or com mess 0 01 m e e ' .. _.. cliled. Tho bUIldIng to be completed hy Cillclmmti to Cozad, t29; Bound trip, f88.IIO. goocl for -40 d!'18 • . be(Or6 remarked. ' .. ~re~tf".vorlteat Kenyo?, an.d eve!y added a most eRptiva~ing boauty TaB LebaDon Patriotil8porting ~ho 111th of October,.187tl.. Provided th"t INDIANAPOLIS to COZA~•.'2O; ro~~cl ulp•• ,GO; gOocl 'or40'cIa,.·. . __ • • lIldJ(:ntlOn seems to pomt to a brll· and enviable clearness ot complex. . .. tile, Trus~ reM"O thUJgbt to rejoot all ' . _ . . .1 . • " . ' nm ever WOII hear anybody Il1.y rant f\J ill . fo tb ·..·-d . . ' d d b h t· D new type. . , . . bill. at the~r dieoret{on. · . . . . An Exo1lrAlon .Traiu "ll1le,,~e Oi\Jo1ilnltl lntllBnapoll." OD the I*Xln'cl''';'eech I. ~" I re r eglJIot: young IOn pro uee y ta' use 01 r. ". " ,. ' c. B10rdorofJheTruetoo.ofWalnoTC/WD.J.nnary,.n4:Feb~uary.1878...henpartl....llll>o ,.howoairootly'thl'OaghtclO:!& .. tho- ~~~!ln'.cro easy1' . gr~dl~te. B,ull'a Blood ,Mixture:, . . " lUII'Q out roar 1!&1~ to'II1Qrrow •.:.hlp. Warren Connty.l..0hlo. .'... ': For f~rth_or inforr.n!,~I.~~, aRply to DAylD Uh&lC',POOL, ~bJlRd,. Qr.~Dl ~O, D. ·.wOOLliEr, ·Olerk. <lOu~tY•. Ne~ .N<. . , ' . ( . . . . Mlo&1 . if ~". passengers from this dirllction will aIeo be .aken at exellrsion rlllos. The Barriogton and Port Willfam bP&8B builds will furuish music. 'Sqaire Lemar'. grove will be the ground (or the picnic. 'lR' F~~:;II.- =W~-y ;;-e~iIle Cor.
- '
. _••
.' t;;~'
' "
..' . '
' .
. .i;."
Hili I."'r III 41 II i
lilr l 'Il'II" ~ alll.1 G,' u-
t l 'HI 'II
I ~·"''''~''''
&n~_rnrr !!~ ~.ElI~r!!I_
HWK I~r.
b n clI lI ~ t o r'SII\'i llg couk· iug IItell illl-r oou tly ill v u ted, One of whi c h, the nh'c rstl l Dr W e i g h t tlUU M otlij lll'ing UtOl1si l, fur ~~ wci"hin g flour, s uga!', bnttor, IlIlt.! mea orillg III Ins8ce, milk alld a ll - -SELLII-kiuds o f liquiJ s u 8cd ill cookillg, entirely s up o rded lng expo n sive lCulo8. Tho Pntel l t Oelllcllllial ~olled wh ite wl~out at 7to. n lb. Oake ,PUll, the h est !llId lO08t CO li ' l l'cllllrod cocon _Oc. II J>llckllgO. vellicnt Cuke l'uu e v I' mud e . lind Oat Meal 1 (J olt!. n pO lln d. which eve l'Y h ult8 'I< copol' will huv e Buk c r' tj COOOII . a nc n puckuge. whon tl.oy S ' 0 its advlllltllgcs ovc r l 0 5wogo Ooru Stnl'ch, 1 5c II pack. OUI' atknliu ll Ita
1I 0 1V IIlId
RCllpo tfu lly
illfo r,"~
U t~ )lhlOO IInl itNEW
tiJo OlH 8, obLni n
ill W ny " \'1I1e, ,0ulh·weNt CO nt er <>f Muin lind ~Jhlmi oLreol.o!, ,.hero bo keep. always hlllld . TIl e ~c8t ',ome·made B1'6f/,tl,
lind rul dc- Imblo I{oodoi oSlllll1)' fOlllld ill a nl'",t ..clut4~ ClIt.aulit'lllu nt .
•• lay,..I... I, Cu,",!" ~""«:,,,,,,,, II ......" .
11 0 h,UI II I.u 01"",00 a
At the Old·.Stand, ·
HARD TIMES PRICES', St ,o l T ood . llIle., Ito'octtinll, lb e . ",all "u rn or only
tltat It c uWe8 tlt o farm r. ulld of courllc that w tlllld not hl'll' allY llo
d 008
r y Illrgo t o carry
d ·fti I
am n
nIO It -T R T
e ll t y. FUUSTlI OP J Ul.Y EXOUlt TONB.- I
1 1ilt)~
W R ' cau tion o ur fr ien d s of the pres8 to beware of t h e slViudl il1K firm of Swaync & on, 3311 North (lthSt. P hiladelphia. They contract for ndvortill il1g th oir mis · crabl e 1>i1c al1d hair rc,ucdil:s lIlid
t2 u!i pill tfl 2ii pm P :U) pm
I ;,
7.20 pm
n_•• \I
D ....
lIIal. 8.......
01 .10• •• ..... 0 ••••
NHIV AJJ Vi;·ln 'I.)· /~·J!!/'.,V'j's. ~~~ ~~--
. P I ,M P L E '. . I WIll noall (1'r,w) th,· rc,·,I''' rnr n .. nol'l."
growth of h"ir on 1& bll.ld hou d I1r IHIl Olith flu~. Adoros,,,, on lwtiu)l:J ot . st.nmp, Don.
V"nal"if & Co., 20 Aun
~t. ,
----....-F .30 pili 8 40 pm
N . Y.
01 Cllre.
M ild B
T o 1I11 .npy " r tlto
rrt"~ripti on u r4t'd ((roc of ohn r "0). \vith th o in ouriutlltll p(·r· uircctiull fol fflr prl"parin g :md ll!lin)l tho fl Ame,
II)n. affl icle.1 with D}'1IllI'llSi. or Lh'or Onm· whloh thoy "ill find B SU It t; Ulm for Oon · pl aillt, "lid 1\11 th nUmIll'O" " Ay llll LO"'" that fm mptioD, J\ f4thmu,. DrmH'hiti f', l'Cc.
rotlult from nil unhonlU,y ",mnitloll of lho l'lIrtl cM ,,·i.hin j; lho I'rellOril'Lion, will Liver IUHI S t omn uL . SIunt,ll) 1louloH t.o try, ploll'o oiddr""" B. A. W1LSON, . 10 0enl.o!. Po.lth-cl)' aold iu 1\11 town. 011 104 Penn fit .• Willinlll. uur!!'h . N. Y. the W OIItcrll Oonlinollt. Three d OllC8 will TR"NSPA RENT F."UIIiNG C "R08, prove tIlat it i. just whl\t you ",alit. In9truction and IImllKomont combined. 1m· .,.TnaOllall OOUN1' I,R~Sl>t<rI'I.R OI' EN'IN(lS porl.Ant to p'lrentH oint! tell. hera. 20 d ifTel'in tho akin, Invisible oscept througb II mi· en ( Ilrti oti c <leKi!!""". Th o elltiro pack Aent OrDllUOPU, LIto por.plrlltion, In . . . lAto of free for 2[, oent", ol1rrcn cy or AtUll!PS, Vltn h ealth, exudes, hOllr by hour, night and DoH &, .co .. 20 Aun St.. N. Y. d.1' Tho total ob.truation of thel!O minuw "(;IEI'I'I'8' ,ro... er .....ek .• -. ootlote would preduco deatb; lIlId ...·holl I Will provo .tor fur oit $aOO. Nuw th ey become pllrtllllly bloon6cd. tho skin IlrticlOll, just plltented. Samplos IIOnt free grows dry, yollow lind I1nnUy dillC"". d, Rncl !() al\. AddrC88 W. R . OHIDESTER, tho gonoral bealth i. injuriously nfi'lICtod. 21B F ulton St .• Now York. GLRNlJI'S BU LI'nUB SOAI', by open log the porOlJ, romovOS oruptlond lind unh oalthy B" , lnes8 you e~n en graoul.tione on tho skin. and impart. to it gago in. $b to tllO pc. a b ollithfuL olollrDOiIS, humidity ani .mop""· cl8.y mo. rla b y un)" wOr· nollS, banishiog from tho faco of beauty comker of oi th er sex, ri g h~ plexional blemi.b~s, whother attribu .... hlo to in th eir (\"' II localiti os Impurities 10 tho o"l' l'iIlory circulation. or i'Qtlioulars "nil '" m· to unduu exposure to tho ellll and wind . pie< ... or~h ,5 freo. I mpro\'e )',)\\r Bpar" For obstiollto Roorbllllo oomplain"', liko time a~ lIli. busi nc"B. Addre •• ST INSON " the, .alt rheum , erysipolas, it i. 8 sov' 00., P ortland, MAino. lil;·I· 1
.. .
$57 60
Painting. Papering and Calsomlnl .. g.
Merchant Tailor. 1?{i(I(I~nn;' ~lW ~'ii'~.
W"VN E8VIL •••• HIUI o)lened " now at.ook of GentA' good•• whiolt he will maoufllOt uro into sui tlo of tho laiost .tylo.. S.L1.fllotion gu ..... nteed. Cuttin!!, and rOllrurinlf promplly altondod to . A1. 0. CII'" to mel\iluro tho Per(oot FiLiina 6a4·1 ShirL. C"U ,mrl .oo .t.ook.
J SA ' NDo 0,
to Ihe distressed nnd lulToring .ubject of
1(3 1) all.
Rheumatism or Neuralgia t:
:! 111111,,,
:l I tI G ll:,
~ tn
7 :,()
:11 11
W e elIn<l1 be 100 ,;rntcrul (or the di. covery or nny romL'{ly wh ich will alleviate the .u ....
a l1l
fel i ll ~" of hUfimu ily, nul only in lhe pa n~
r.~1 Pill
i :1:, I' fII
~e .
]'~ :"!IO
Peopla ftJ"O geUla" n.eqUAlntNt-and tOO' .... bI u IT, '!:n c...~ : ~t t O"O~ dRY ""Ilk r..cO t M wbo IU''(f are nOloughc 10 bo-wll-h tb o wondcrl\l l mod.. GIl b..!.lfglno; Y"hhou t. l!l1\"1 DIr Fo und t ho Cure tbey UIal ..... Anlm""" llemod.r. tho h:,,.Q :'''' aht fur. '10 allr ono "bo b ... ootued
Mustang Liniment,
fi:l:'pm 1:11211111 8:401'111
RinSbA1I1 11I 3:1I:'l'm 10:5:11'111 N e .. York 10:0:11'111 6' 50um \I',' I"n 4:51111Dl
No. 7.
81.11111111.11 1.'0. 11 2Ul'm lo:!'fnm ti :·IUn.m .;)1'p Jnmo"' lo"' nl!.!::!7:' 11I 12 'O:lJl ItI 7:H5rutl 7:52p 'orn' I :211~1II I :11!'4V m' 8:·fO,onl H:f' p
9 :~Up
lIillll OilY 1:4'1. ", 1 1.291' "'1 G:05nm
E' l !b lOIlIll
': r " ,.. dll W UI' I' t' li
Rtl \'CII IItl 1\ 011' A krOl Il A r'II I IIIIU
2:2!1pm IO;IUam IO:6Up
O" ' A hT,
~Ic :"h' ill c
.:.! :45lLlII :.bJOplII 10 :2011u\ 6 :00& a .I:t"m 3 ::-Uipll ljl I 2li"m ; :n7" '" 55!UUI 4: t4 p m 1 2 :;~ plII ;-:32" ,
17 1\111 f) :4:!IIDI :!:U ,1m !1:6S. fi :051\1II 6:l lIplII ~:t5P"'l lu ;. ua 11 ::10" "1 6::171'111 tI :(JOII H ' 4 '~ ltm 8 ::H fllll
[, :
l;hUl ~ li l' hl
9: !2~'m !1::! lIl'm Ar.UI;iclIl!_o 1 .UO.llnJ _ _
M n rj rlll
1'bllllnll'l'Hlnl YM'J naturall.7 o rJ,lnntod In Amon. CIA, wht!ro Nflluro pro... klca In Jler l"lJomtA)Q' allch IUTJlrt&tng anUdot.toa for UIO mI11&1I(:a or hoI' chJI. dren. l ts ramo J14I been • .,n!lullug tor &17~ nhlll now 1I •• cl",'.. tho h.bll.ablu Klobc. Tho lt~ l ca.n )(uatIUla' lJDimont. Jan mat ehlMl I'l)mooy rorol1 utemal Allmont,o( 1114n and beNt. To . tock ownonaml r"rmcra It 1&Invaluable. A . lngl0 bouto of1t'n HoTCI A h umAn Uto or roIID~1 tho uscruJu cli ot all QX04!lklm. b arM, as.
eo... or
......!._ _
' prlll~ fi III UIl~' lCl II AR RI " Jt .
I :461'111
~ :!':'PI1l
:1 ;.10,,111
1:0 :1" ",
lL <,ure. 1w c, ltoor:."J~ hollow horn. IITUb" .uch drawback to _lock bn..... Ung ft 1li1 h'"lh IIle.
't'holJexkanlJuAt;Lilltlnent IJt thl) l'Iul kHt
1 Rbc umntl81n ODd
JWeurai--... &.1 fro. w.u.-
lJunu. .cald".pmln". cuu, cta., nncl ' t,r I'IIDUnu~.. U,n'.And lurrneuclOgeDtJ~rod by e.x J)(jIu!'Cl~
Tt t' t'Hl' l ho rnllo win« tclitimoD lalt PIU'o k Duw n clliion. ur tllove lilDu!
.. elM OL.~V.UJ( l). 0., Jul7 I . &AI • .,. It to! tbccboopelt romcct, In tho world. for" L·(-T~~~~ tClr~:~~J.b~c~:lald u 1'lth llt.nmv pe"C!trut~ tho mUAClo to ttu, hon o. lUuJ a ,hljiW I tlsm thr oo 100, m c. ntha 10 could not ••l\e! PI,ptlcnllo n Iitgencm117 .umclcu," tOCU N!. h av o tr lod all modiolo" and 1lnhl!..tlnta wblo lte.xlcaulh... tllng Unlmcn&i I. 'PuL up In th,... cou ld bea r or, but. n()QureunUI lUlodLA ..
BO~'S CUltAT l VEt whloh I on.n recommend to !pft"t!"f'r8 (Tom ltbft Ulllalilm . fOf it cure~ m.
~twnd lo JO!IIiUW I h.,·o ... lho .bovo ror lbe beoo8hl \ho,o Ibnt auO'o r with Ihat dia~ ... o. B. M.. ROWE, m Oatarlo-"
lu Ibruo d"18.0 lb oll could UU ! .
Loui . ,·ili. II : 3.~pm II ::/0" m Rt. I.ulli . 7:1011111 8:40pm e lm' olll lld G:a lta", 7 :o.~l'm 3.2upon II :OOll Tol ~d o 1II :"'~1I m,II ;4opm 1 0 ::\1))1 7 :~O fl m ' 8:0 ,o on Chic""o
(Z' rolll Gcorso
SO~fh" Dna.or.
2, 187', tros
CL.VOLANO. NOYllmber ' L ., '\T.!Iorf CJlEW IO.U~ Crl)lI' ANY: l:'ljr O\'or n. )'un.r I w/tll & mat. .uJ!'erer •
Trains No . :4 n lld 12 r n l! dnily, PI\I I ~cC Slc"ping Cunchcil 0 11 trn in s No. J , ~ , 3 Imd I!! b(l tw~e u C ineill n"t.i I1ml N. Y.
NKC IIALOIA in 101 bead: lrl.d almo.t .y~ remou, thAt! could huar oll "8' told by pht.. ololo"s th"t I o u (h~ to try" ~ba n ae o(cllmate..· A Indy rec9wmuod od La".oo '. CuraUy'!, .I! prucurad • bOlllo and "m pl .....d to fa r _ th o illten so pain WAI remo'f"ed a lmOit. 11l....~ ..... I,. lIavo ••001 rour boW.. , I eoDlld... U\4I'
dltloUO GAUJ:eJrJtureci.
vorllruI318~'. sOlloIJIf"..
Ncural!;UI, Ple ul'ls 1. S Irollea JoInts, IIclidoche, Lllme Back, CrllmP,
Sore i'hroafp Bheuma~
Chllb....., Spralna, Burll8f
All Ylold 10 lho mA"lo lofluoooooftho Cnra&l,.., 110 mnL/or or how loor .tandlnr. It I. o~ i II oco",,, ry 10 ~.o It (altbfully .nd p ....!""'I...I'.. I... conline to lbo rull dlr~ctlon s "b loh &c0_'
I art.icle.
ta r)' , DDd cma.DBw tram pora ODS or lundine I\r.d rcspcatubilil)". Bad "bo may bo ltOlIlDlUDV c,:...~ :ilb by loltor or In pe..on.
wlnd·KIIIl. rlng·bono. ato.. ' e.
Un 'w dl l t1lo", n in tbl!t co nU!lum lY1 but "1 bea t o rcfu r to OUJ' p nwlJhlot, wbleb 1e to boh'" of DrUa1rl sti t or wil l bo lont by mai l 00 ap pll... t n'Jon . AlllhooClrlificatol Bra ontire:,. Toluu-
U. cure. evert cx(crun l l ruull11J " r h r'rMJII, "uch ... lnmcn cu. Icrnlchc., IIwl nll1, tlproln., r oundCll'.
...,.. III tho worlll rur ""'donlt ,",cllrrlng III
ot t! Q{['c c ll . ' IIU ...... paoe hunurods .0 ro o rtiftoM~..(rom pu.-:
(rom:l )(bowl odi'C
ftCl'Ow .wonn , .houldcr-rot, llu,"If1', t he bit!;... nn. .L1n&sot )lOI!IOn(lUl ~pU1~ n ntllna.nctJII. n.n1t c Y(JrT
Hote l Oooch o nl r~in . No . 3 nnd 12 he · ' ...·c n OhiclI go aud New York daily. yJa Man sfield . 'I'rnln No . 3 connect! n. Mansfield with Pltldbll rg, Fo.~ W",vne and Ohlcago nail SU~ . rood for Ohl, .. go, Milwaukoe, OOla&' IIDd haa beon imitated. Soar~a wl~~O~l a ll 1'011118 in the Nurtb·wesl; Oonn octlon! at the emalleet fraction re eelal ef· )leAdville, Union and Oorry for 0 11 rogion!; ficaoy have been and 11 0 fo tcd up· find ot JamodwwD for Unlfll io nud Nlngllrll Falla. 00 the un8uBp~ctiD g an un tii!rvant CloAo conno ction!" n. Cinci nlla ti ,wlLh t rnin M all gCDuiDe Sulphur SoaplS ouels· for 'he Silut h n.nd \ Vl '8L ing properties id en tical w'i or eqoal Nu 'Btop O\'ll r' a ll owed upon loc,,' ti cket). to Lbe Great Specific, '!Vh h tbllir LOCK' IHltll " ellgcn lU ust purcli rlllc tick et .. to Ihelr t . Iol'ping·rlllee . olld thoy mo ... Lh ell vendors seek to ri val by Q erhand ro plI flrK ro: hll"C from that pelot to doO\inBl iulI. competition . The publl Ihould W. B. ~ HAT'I UO, Gotll'rlll 1'&Sounger '" t h ererore be CA.II!;E·IJL to ,e tlire for Ticke t AgolIl. Oi ll(i llnMti, O . 1' . 0 O()O I' E R, Uenorll l Suporlntendenl, GLENN'S Sulphur Sonp b Its full (;70·9 nam e. and seo thnt Lhe y ge Lho real C1evelmltd , O .
usc U~:J C\l~tlvo la-rco!,. in tholr pracUce. and proml llout.clug)"mOn .nud cdllorarcoommend it
.u..'.ot LottlL.. tho larytlr 0 1.... bo.Jug l)rtlVOr1I~ .wl, mucb Hu;chunpot~ s...ld~v"rTWlM.:na.
:1 :l o plll
Ci ncinllnti
r :..:Jent nnd Skillfnl Physicians
I O:Or'"111 110'0;'1'111 10 ;5I alll '10.j51'111 I : JllPIII
t rln sia =l.Irl t.a . And Il fJ~ ly ' ory cOlDmullU", )10 'JC'SU 10m a Jlvin,. cvl1cn c D ot il..!s palD... d.. I t\troyincr tlUU CUfl;\tivO prol~orl-ic8.·
t l uull1rly yA1UAl.Jto to llln~ r..
U r h llllR
for 1ho d lscMeJ UBDlOd bel o w.
f amily, In Lbo n bte nco or " Jlby.lelan, .uClh u
O I: PA Il T .
n ftli nn
110,1 1" .l! nt~i r.. t ~o do•• I"," r OlJut:!l:on wblch Jt. hall IhhL ire Ly t h 'J " uJ-a. ... u l ( ;J rWl it h::u' performed. To thol'u ti"hO' havo nO"o-cr tOlte,i Iho C itA rNE wo urL"1I n Irlcl of 114 VITluOi l lh"" , Lood Ibo too t ofY.~r1 , bued 00 ILIIII1'
TRAINI'! ''' EOlT'''''KO . No , 3. • 0.5 , "TATW~" . Nu. I . Del'''I'I.
Mood . il lo
n oed on1» to lIfty th nt It b co mponnded witll t h o ' :. mQ . ciont tic eui U Dod cu rD nt h eretorore •
" '0
7:!J5p n.IU :50.
Ho m~b\'lf' IO :5an.m
Alt ll l \
~ : 301\
E lmirA
the orbl
t1un h. prollfi o In rOlOodl .. to eute. yet ....
3 :00nm II ::lOam 3:00pm 6:·10& ~ : JOllon ; '2 :2.sp on 4 :1:11'10 7:r.oll , 1"1:4 pm 4'401'111 8:i5a
A lUll "!!
~lmJdlld, ~
~ G eoph~ "n
TRUE. I t'"~CiC"OUcoml1bbta mu ch Idlb NIlURlaLr. W ornIT r 'as AmcrIOllu• • nnd no D:t -
.1::Uiu lil
;' :~ltJJl II1
l 'tcpared '"
1 :lj5pm
Ga'" by "II DtlIgslotJ" p r ICE . O n" Dollar por Bottfo.. (} Uoh l ~8 for to .00.·
1I:lo:l Y botlle, And you will- luret,. 'e .......
1:.. \'(.\:, All I'cspectllb lo Drugg is ' GOOdA Delllers and Groo • GLENN'S "'ULpr:IIU O \ SO P - d '" D n." • aD Agen.~ "n llieu c'·o: ,' wher o 10 .e ll T ea. DRUGG IST I will on demand for It, Mso ply the 10 fllmitic l! . bot.d. mild Imr~e L·orlsllme .. -Ibe L u ...u ...· ..... c:.ellq Co' w ....... liGna, BIInut aDd kat.... N o . 3 . , • . EAST MAIN STREET, GENUIN": TllIIIG to lheiro()o B mere IIIr ' a. t ,luck in th e cOllntry to .alecl rrom, PR.CEI 113 (JEN ..... A .1Il . , . '1uolille . o r . 11 da.c riplions, from 1100 hign · Try It aad ,.ou will Dtftl be wlth.lIl It,· W AYN ES VILLE, O. 1 B (3 C k) 1J. . r 'd ell impllrl ed. to th. 10"00' g rAd es-a IlIrge l' rr()8eripLions oompounded lit 1111 houro by ow a'68 Sene, epat di8UOUIll, IInoln h,"d"" IDO in come to all ,,·ho PrIce ...00 per II n ."I'Or10no..1 DruU'gi.t. 657 by mailfo'/; 70 "Oe ' 8. . .~ 1I r\)rIl 0"'4:01l0lr), 8101'O- keeJlll r~ ,drUggi. I' 1 PREPAlLBD BY LAWSON cunuo.u. 00:' " ' h ' I I . led . -_. --orotp ''' s I to Sell toliB 'n 8Ca Jlllund naok· E •N. FRE"'HUAN & TIRO'S ' , I U , Ill:" o·D . po ddl or •. ' nnd 10 ' f Ile," t II "IU I ",. r ~l' 0 1\ 1 , , '0 ad 1(0. 7 Sirutl, AVtl1Ue", . . Y01'k. ohtllin.n honor.l.l. livillg, I,y Be lling 1011 ~ ...,rel.l. . "II".... h i" " , I I 8 C A uU u wrlloC us .or" 0 I'ell Ilr. 186 Well F'lIIrlh St., Oilldollnti, 0 ., BLACKS ;\ND ' BII:6 '1'" . WnLS Tu OOMPHrT. ·' I0 rocU .l\'u Ad vcr I'I!w m c nw '. " I. .• t.P, 201 FulloD 31rQcl, Ne" York. A ro ftl'"'I lorl' As NATu nAL AI N ATUR8I P 0 nNo.45fiO . [('GS fnr \lti ~ pape r. ~;8Iiml\tce IlIrlli.he,1 rroe a ro COnllnunlcacud 10 O"IlY nlll~ FI .oolor . . 0'_ . I . ' lllillOU!!! OF WO{)'I'U " 1'011 IlI)plicM.ioll . cd locks, ftll1lo ~ ilI9tllolatIllOIlRIY~. r A(;EI'ITLEi"" a - who OU- _ ~_;. --S-lld two . .... nl ·.. ror our Adverliser's TO'n .. "'"' ~ rS r"om Ncrl'OUd DohiliLy, l' renulturc DuMIl''''','' 'I I I I I r ,. I b tf I Tho Ilndoll"lCnod hl\8 Just recoivo<l Il now OIly, ","1 1111 tho .If~ot. of youlhful indi •. k' .. prcparll. 00 a 'Ill u e y ~e ..... Dr 0 to k f I' • d' I I t' ' 11 ( I k . OR II make mon ey fR8ler a t "or .or U. illgl'elilenta lind In6011<111 RU Ilc riO; by rea ~ .c 0 pure . lq?ors lor me IOl)a pnrp'os, oro '."n, Wl , or tID os e of 8ufl'ar lnj; huIlIlIn lit anything 01 80. Oo pihl 001 80D of lite ~tfeel~ roducod.llli ao ~ ulolc of e., arnong ..h.ol.' .~ny be foond II 6.oe liuo, m nnlt)', .Oll~ tr~e to all whu. noed it, t ho required; wo will start. yo u. . I ~ pet Ita cl ••s. . P r omfltr. rl: G1'A9n08. anr.:.ldnce8 of B::urbun Wll1sklCS, ~anKlllg in p~(lO from recipe and dlr~etl(ln fllr lII uklllg tho ~Ihlplc do',)' at borne mAde by the industrioul are preveoted alia tbd .·ih' e.'~ h~ of age '1 ,25 to f,5 per gllllon, the hItter hrond .7 . roll,l edy by whl~b ho Willi ollro~. Sulrorers • l Ien, WOIIIOII, hny. ,,~d girls wabt~4 .oquire Lhl! b.UO youthful ti lat. m ~ia lOlli'll old: A1I\U, Walker'I Bottled Ale "t wi.biug \0 1,,,!lIt by the n(l.vorlilj(Jr·", ex perl. ove ry"here to .ve rk lor liS. ~o .. JI 1II\llChloS8 Dyo . Sold hy "II [)ru!!lata. ' 1,20 per do,en. The 'bcitt P orter ..nd · 'La· onco can do 1\0 by IldrJr~i ll g in porfeoteon· ~.h o t,me. COlli1y ouUlt nll~ torms free . A.· C;, 1lf. t1R."",£NTOIY. ",.'r"1. ' ger Dcor io tho m" rkot. . Iny.Rllde•• pl~tIso ftdcnoe, JOlIN OG'DEN I!'.oesa Tau" &: 00,., 1I1i1llle. ~ . . ; . : " Y4fo'If... blto noUoc. .-. W . F. lU,P~. .~ (JS8.6m). ·· 42' OCxhr 8 t .; No\\' ~o;k .
Pure Teas io Sfllied Packages.
r ... °
Ni .
PURE lYIEDICAL UQUORS Hill' H' air and Whisk D'le, . . .
. .....r
: 0 ~a urn !l 3 111m
JIHl1c.lo\\"1I !,:-IOI\01
C) ' eAI'
:. n
" I U i,i, 1'''' I I r);j 1'111 alii
3.22 nm
.... II!.' moolll" n " .. Ullr U ... '· ...... Ie Hub. ~' alnllllLl1c n 7 :JOClIll l ~ :5!jpm ..I ...., ( •• E • ...,..h .. I'! .. lphur. n ...... 10: 1.""10 ' li::i OpllI It i e an illcowpurable Rcw'edy for D,,'I'n1 0
ereign rem ody, hfling quito AS cfToot.ivo 118
SulpLur llaths, for 8uoh mnl.. di08, A8 woll "" \ Vo nrt' now Molling rboumatlsm \lnd liout. 11 i. wondrnu.Iy $ 12~ b eRUng .IId .oothlng 10 ito aoLion rounl~in g the o\l!.iolo wbaro broken by oxLerllftl ill- Each, alld all . Il lc. , iucl ud illg Ihe l:r.. "I,, relieving tbe swelling Ilod inflamma' q Ullro aod UprIght , .11 lIew II lIn stricUy tlon llttondant ,,\,on ' proU"s, lIOaia. and firs' clns8, a' the 10.' ' •• nol. o'lOlt who l. sal e brllieee, and ourlng the mOdt ob.tlnont 80r08 fRclory ~rieo . , drreet 10 the pllreh ll-qer. Jlro N:entB: 110 commi8siou8; 110 discounts. And uloers. Tho Medical Profe..ion Aanoti'Oo ita uoo aud, Crom ull o!t<e.o, of eooiol1, yol· Piaoos (or .2011. con~.lning MAT H U 8 HE K '8 uotor,! ovidano. i.n i'" faYo~ is oontinn.8111 New D up Iex O ...,,... ..... ~ Nell I.,. em'lllUting. Lud.eo oC fMru on proCer It to almll .. r aooeasory of t ho toilet and bath, wllhout 'IUCO I'OIl .he .."roRIoII ImllToVClllont pllt IlIto a Sq,,"re Plnno, prod ll ~i n g Iho .ineo It p.lomotll" tl ot .o nly .h.ol\\th, \jut !,~r 0"" moot ... ton i8bing ""wer,' richn o." "nd tlcf;th aOlllltt~': cUvooe88. AA 0 d.. mCoclanl of Ih R' 1'of ' tOIlO, Rlld II. 811stniniug 8ing;l n~ qUR il y enfoutont of di.o.....eon!;lImln clothing IIOV" r hero,'o Illtnined. O .. r l rproglolS ure It hue no pee r. Aft or t hoy hovo 110011 wfUllecl . I"I tll1Utl lS o nt. o n tr In I. I II nO ll I ·III Am urU:f\. with GLENN'S BULl'UJIl So AI', gormonts "'0 and IIl1en from tbo siok room milT be h llnd· Dun '\ (1111 to wrilo ror 111" ~\rutcd alld ])0' sctiptivo O:al nloj;ue-tnail 'Ii frc c. 10<1 wltb porlao! impnnlty. -eD·del •• ohn Pl' pnO Co Sold by Drn.lnri8ts. Prlco 250. per oake. .... . ., t Box (30Ilk08) 7r.o .• seut by m&i1, No. 21 EII8t F i.ftooll~h St., Now York on reolpt of price. O. N. O nt,.r&N1'OK, ~"3.~1 ". __. Prop' r, 7 Sixth Avonuo, New York. , B "oek in you P OW I\ "',," .,5 OUlnt fr 'o No ri ~k. lr LOTS'. ot ' \vh~Qt bnnTestod last , y(l~ " ' 0111 II hll 8in u~ ot whicll per.ons of oitb r .ex \:111" week. And the q ualjty lind quan· mnko !I"oIlL p~y a~1 ~ho t.l lne tity therouf is ti i'st c ia 1\. . . , (.hoy "ork , wr,l. tor par~leu · .. WOOL is worth I'roln 1 3 c, . , 'tirlllo. R •.B~L.~lITot &I C" ., :Porlla nd. Mt.lno.
P fll "ff IR D,
Thu .tlvert.i r, hlWilljl bllt!n ollred "f Ihol
wlto.oIrRiro it. ho will
I • ...,.de....'" ~:a'''''''
(lr" lId diIWIlIl.O. CI)II"uml'titm, by., ,.i lllpl u reflll.tlly . i ;lUnxio1\M Lo JUKKt! knll wn t<~ hilol tIIOIIU '
ti 30
12 ;,11
1'11 1
t9 1;1""
cout 10 i.
=.="'---- ......
~IIIA"'i ll e
. .l
TO CONSUMPTIVES, f 1I0W' 8I1frcr er! tho
Brnises, Ulcers. C ute, Bnd every ir. rltabl e or unhcalthy condition of the Skin , nnd i ii a wOSLservlccable r ewed ial agent and sou rce of spoolly re o ATTORNEy AT LAW I licf in CIISCS of G OIH and Rheumllt A VD "N'O l'ARY P [JBL I C. ism. LltDANON, oU! . It is t h o most d esirable Di si nfect· -:-:-=:-::-:-:--:::_ _ lIat of CIQt iJing or Bcd Lloen. worn ROBE llT F. FU RN AS, "nd u oeu by pcrsons lIutf,orlng from It OM<EOl'ATI1TC obnoxious or cOD~"giou. di seases, 1I0d is n Cllpit!ll Re w.ed~ and 1'ro vUlIlivo of them, whon , Ised 118 Iln Oflico louur. lrom \I to II i A .M, 2) w I iojeclion . Pe r so ns' ;'~ lDployi ng it (j I'.n . 11I\\' c 110 nced to Lake 1jj1l!~ harl BlltItS ' 011'0 2 Iloord :'Iou III 01 H el rtl n.IIK. or to r esort Lo SuJl!h~ ~ prings . for WAVNE."II.I,B,on.o, bllthing purposcs . wn. d ' t .1.0 I ~ ~_~~~~ As an B .Jun('to '.1'01 0. It II fllr Ull~ES, M. more dcsirl1hlc Lllan a~y' Cosmelifl l .IO~lo;OP"T."C since it docs not like rticles that natul'O, conce,ll Com p, . {(t oI11 DIem · ish ll8, huL r omov os Lhetn~ 1 ' TUIl . Freckles. 1'Im f>I~8 Blotc h es, Offioe 2 do" .. " ulb of Rllrri A' Bunk, Mnla 8 ••• Wa, • .,nlll". and Lhe like. specdil] :. ield to ilB 011100 huur., 7 1-2 to \.I 1·2 A·)I ·I I to 21·2 c lllrif"ln g il1l1uCDCe; :Bod it is the I ·. ~I., 7 to 8 I' ."' . J - -- -- - very best Soap to shave ith, 811 IL A J] AIU1E'e Icaves Lbe akin smooth on( frec from l!lIe D ~1J"e@1I the irritntioll produced ou scusiti,.e OF LEIIANON, cuticle, by tho IIl'plicatioD f the ro.House zo r. It al so cowpltlwly rlldielltos Dnndl'uff. . :: Housewives declare it t' TIM opcll('d l\ Hra n('h Offico in W Aynesville. Ord ... lorlal Mr. Dol!'. Drug-Storo lellt for wBshing Wooh! Linen, 605 will rece;" e I'rolllpt. uLtulltion. Laco, and olher fabrics •. 18 d ladics ............ movillg in the beet circlell f .metro · politllu Rnd rural:socil,lW Beak of it in tho higb ee t terme. I Like most other famP-\lIS mediE's.
P I ' tt
.. to tho mariner on tho
Unloll Oilo Beautifier of the Coinp1exion, Co rl'Y • .
8.180 i1hj1tuo ti Oli R f ur }Jr ndu ci1l~ n lux\u·i llnl
ruth; 13aaconL.tght
I " " will ch Ih e 1',liell l .Iun. sulTers. but Id· \In.! di ~trl. ..$ wh ich it t:ntn.ils upon otbtrs;.. \J Ilj ItllI ~i ..,;t ~" "ry su frerer rrolD his own persolUll -; :! O 1'111 or: ).tlCri lt lK C i~n"':t n:: that the09"dinn.ry~" I II I :. 1"" " rtr"' lill!: J' lleufllKlisnl, Neurnlgill, SCItt!ca' 8 1111 jlln "1111 ki mln'(\ dl =""" by intern.l meclicin~ is of 110 " nil, nnd so rost is this impresaiol)' No 12. 50. 10 . No . 6 . No . 4. [:,,,, ill(: 11')1,1 ul",n intelligent paticnl. that · 0 :,:.j alii *3.40 pm t 10.00 alii tl .Hl ,"" Leave Oulun, bu. I!, cy cl cnlal lll" more )'Iotcllt rcmtdy, :t. I!! 11 m II.UO utll 7 .~2 nm Arriva l .undun 4.a7 I'''' JbCOVCry ~( LA ,,",",N',s ClliAt:vr Wd &,. 2.2U lUll 8,:,!:j om 1I.a7 pm ,2.10 pm ~r lcd ' hocn 10 llaou...~ who have beea' t ~1. ·I I ) pill t lo,:.m 1111\ Lco.vtJ Sptill,zfh' lll t7 . ~O UIII cu red, ""d l he thml"""ds who arcnowoooe II I:, a III 7.4 7 l Ull ·\.;111 1'"1 .\ rdv u Y cll llw ~l'riHH'd , ro!ievc" f Ihelr IcrriLJle Il£onia bcor wi1lIiIc; j;j.U,j pm ~ 2U (lIM r. au 1'111 Arri'f"o X un ia _ _ __ I ll.1tt iO\\JH)' 10 it s ,·trtucs. LU<l"o Xellin t 1.2!, JlIII t I ~ I;, 1"" t;' ·'I!I I" " H ere \1'0 h'''.11 lIR ATIYE R~t which' Arrll'o h ,' yt"n ~ IIH 1"11 1.110 1"11 6· ' ''' IhoU£h "pl, li ed exlernally exerls a powerfut Arrivo Hid llnorHl OA r. JIm ~ .r121ml IU IU II !II n l1ci b ..' II t! flC.l! ut innuc llce on the whotenerv.' Arrl' " u 1" ,1 """ "1', 1,' . II UU 1'1" U' "·'1"'1 1.•1a:11'''' ' bl iii Arrh. St.. f....u ui; 7 .:10 l U l l " U:tH) pili t y stclD - - n remt\l y o( iI1l1~spU1a e e Ir.: la' Arrive CI{l"RIo{(1 7,;)U"1Il \'1 11 r.cl11om fniling to offllr( prompt rc I ~ ~m-;II-I- - - t :.!.~TJrm-- r, 4l1.,-m . - -1:r-~:. ~ C"\So:S Reule or cluon ic J»i.n.s in tbe ncrvtW U a:, nm l,:,n pm n.aa pm 4 ;,., UIO or 11I11~k-s. Arri ve Ln l·,·llIlId 10 1/111111 2.fJ~ 1'"1 71rJ pill fo II:! "'" For , very k Ind of Rheullatlsm, fbi" Aniv. ill oillllllti II.I ~ n", ;j 110 VIII H 001'''' H:m " In I euralgln In eve ry ForlD. for lIenou, ·.,. J,UUi ""i11 7.41, pm l:.l . ll~ 11 m II ~II " '" S ick Hendllohe. f"" Nervouaceaa, f ... - V .. ily . ID.lily .xno,,1 :'I"n<l ,')" Lame Back or S ido. for El'18lp'laf. for' Pllllm"n Orll,vio)( itO •.." 1111,1 >'1 "'I,i ll /l ,.. ~ l· nll·. tllro ll ~ 1o 11'0111 ·ill ,·illll:l '.i , l 'it,< Dlphlhc rla on d Soro TbrDat, for ellll ... bllrll'h. l'hillld oll'lli ". AIIII N,·w Y" rk. wi LI,out " IIt"'!;u, Only 0 11 0 0:\ ""11''' t.u fiulti,n " I'''. , blains . fo r Spcalns BruIses, Cuts. Wounds,. Wwohin;rtnn nOli Bo,t,,,, . fer Burna and Soalds , for Toothaohl l. Pullll"u, Dl'1lwillllltoulll IIml 5 1oe l' ill g Irooon .llImbu to Oil" 'illll' lti ""'IF,.... i.· l oct fi r all Pains. Inft all1!11It1t)n~ ud· \·ill c. with7ut I'h "tI~~. Cl fl~U' On ntWfl iOfiA II1 1u 10 ul. IUtliILI11'I» li .l, ' t 1, mi ~, lind (j),j(.:I\J;u Swellings no rClnCfly is knoW'll which pol<ror nil poillt. o\llh . . W e l.lIn(L Nnrth-\ Vo t. &csscs lhe remnrknble II.ruing and soothin" D. W OALIJW.EI. I•• (Ion. Mn""!lor . W . 1,. O·fiRTP.N. 0 "" iT' &. T . AIl'l qlt:l lil ics, whi cb il so unive.....1 in il. ch.rnc .. ~ • II:. ~nd seOJlC Or so simple and o:tre ill Its' 'pl'lic~tion. Iror these reasonl LA\\,SO~ '" C R,\ TI\' & . hould hnve n pl>c:c ia cv.., R A I L R 0 AD. r:ur.i I y. It willlbcrc prove it~ ."Iue In Ia. TIME 1'.1 BLE d ntlmemIJI•. <.'t.~es to pre>·.",t lingering d!oeuer , !fin, ' ·J'h. ' 1'17". .lIel .houl... be kepi al h~nd re dy wr lnolaai
U&I' \ RT
---------- - ---- ------
. I V ..:UftT 111.1:: n A I .~1 lhn t Will rl! toli Vu 'I'AN ,
I ,I V Inl II'! KING. The Liver is 1100 imp"ri ll l <'rgon of Lho wholo hllm nu "y,.tcill t I it ooutrole th o liro, . h o&l th 6Ild IlIIpphlellll mBn . Wh ~ 1I it I. , disturbod in It.. proper acUon. 1\11 kinclH of Allon"n"" lire Lil a Il lltllr..1 result. 'I'hc di· gootio" pf foud, til e mo.omonl.o! of lhe bOllrt ood hlood, tho BoLi.,n or the bruin _"d lIor· 1'OU. syawm, I\ro oil immodiately connect r ll ... Ith tho w"rkintl'" of tho Liver. It 1111>< beell .uooo.... rully proved IhRt QrCCln'. All,,'
L eu ve Xenia liA S tl Ul AI'!'i"c LUlIlloll Arrh' e 01llmb u8 1:2.40 pm 1 :)a pm A rri ,·c N Owllrk AI' rh'c Cos hocto n 3 . l::l pm A 1'1'. St e ub e llvillo Ii 00 pm i..t;, pm A rri\' u !'ins hlll'g A ''I'i\'~ lI nrri s hurg iI :, ~ 0 111 AHlv lI BlIollim ol'c 7.·1f) :lIn Arr . Wn s ltillgloll !l 12 Rm Arl' l'hillldclphill j 3r, RIO 1I1L1 Art·. N ow Y ork 10 Arril' e Bos l.on 8U )lUI
Will n llt \lilY, We kll o w wh e reot ' 1:·rtEOKLt:S . P1UPLES "nu 131.1>'1'(' ''''8, we speak. I'll y aro swi ndl ol'll. leovilllf 1100 .kill ...) r~. elrotr ,,"11 IK'Iln Li!III;
L eu \'e D U)'!OII Al'I'h'c X e nln
7. 07 plD
B 2f, pm
8.. 1 0R SALE!
f7 . 2U !l1D !l Hi, n Ul !l 3G 11m 10 ~ O I\ln
.2& am !I 20 um
-- -- . _,,-::::::-_
t o visit fricnds in adj i!lin~ ulld di 8tant towns will b· Ill'preciuted by the fri o nd s atro!!s of the line. The ratos wi I bo low aLld acco mm odations a mple.
21) plD
EN.N ' S
- -- - -
U At }I~ l o v.· c r ill U Tl OfIUIlU UU
Atlantic & Great Western
In k eeping with a Itll,1g est auli 8it cd nod populllr .custom , the Pitts bur"" \ ~r ~~~~ y DR. C. A, ROUGH. Oinciunati and t. Loui~ Rllilwll ), G'i • 0 ..... OOIllP-UUY, familiurly kn own a s th u ~-gg,m,e~r> ''' .'''' l'IElI'' ILLII• • • • - • • 011.0. ·l:Jan ·Hillldle Ronte,' will pl:l(~c ox · cursion tickets on sule July ad · tlnd 4tb, 187 , to and from all etations OjJice and R osidence, Tlti,·d St., AND 011 the ir lines. Ti ckets will be good W AYNESVILI.E. until July lStb. This opportuni ty
Yon a. "lUG~~G TOOTHt" IF YOU TrAVE, ~uy
NO!'l.Ii:X.I'L0 8IVE
I ' U ~·e·
1lnt, lI11d enable 111 m his bU8iness with o ut
~, . 35 pm
Id I'
311 I"U II ~r. I"" 1\ ~, I I' ''' I II 5u
O.::!ll 1'111 7.20 pm
Alld cur.· ~ho ~)!'Olly In On ~lInulo . T hi. you con do (or TweDt y . PJ \08 Cente . '1'11lI IIrliele lI'ill do lhe b".inelll'ujlIJru wlI, dcponel .. . UpO II II : m'lt 'o l'or l'rcoQtI{l 110 iuS"pllleul " !h ~ '. 'O ~ I , eh, ",P" t. IO lId !:IV.:" lh~ 1II.0 oL wh icll CIIII iulure \"our l' elft . . b.nll\llll l , I ~ght vi 1111 " o( tl.e IIlu UlllIlIllI~g PrIce 25 Cenie Rold ~1It1 nn'l!gislB oils . ~hl l l o li S or Iln l1n ll ~ ILa\'C I IO ~' II uscd.1II V. N. ( tItITT.f!WTO I; ,"oprtrlor, ~hiB cUII "~r..· 1111,1 EIIIO PC , ~.nri ll~ lh o Ins t !5 No . 7 !>illb A(·~nuo"N.w York . Ol yelll",. . 111 1 ~l l' 11\ "~ n ; 0.1 (i IInII " . untl ID ( ' Lhlo . I ho I' rl C~ var,,'. w" h llao lIIark et; ~lIc. '~ L = to 2 :, ," • . pcr g .. lI . beillg Ih e u",,,,1 pricos.U 'I'''''I NN I!"N'I' W" RD, , . CIlII be u..·d iu nil koro""c lame.. Berore SUT, nws. No.2 No. 12, Nu. O. No. Ij. uru erinl(. ' o"u ror prieo li, t to K EW YO HK DO\lart . l'ITY 01 L eo , 121 ~ltl iJ.n Laue, N . Y • ~ Oln ' iUIIAli 1I1 :.II\" m' 9:30pm Dll ylon HI:O pm 1 I:!I Ipm ' 1 'p tiu;; fl eld 2 .131' ''1 1:112 m\ 'fhu TO . ide"co or H nnnnh Arnett, Third :J :UI'pm ; 1:401101 rbll,," Morlon 4:5S\lm 32 11 m n& lt8 IN .tn",t, w ..yu ,·... lIIu. Ohio. oollt.linill g .(11' 011 r()Om.; AI"" PUULTY "",1 kltehon, The h uu ... t: UHilD 5'45pm .t ' U~I'I.IIl \ i . -fini.h ed in blo ck .....llIut. nnd Ia In excel· MOil Hdd 625pnlj a :IS" m lonl r pair. Twu ne w !'uUlI'" 011 tho prom. A~ll \ R l\d 7 ,05 11 m' ;,:4 :UII Akron IU:I.llP III 7::IOa"' l :1 :.151, ~. . i.e•. pue lur oisLern w.!.Or. Kent 1II.IIIpoI :lOam 10::/0'01 ~ 20" , itu..l ion i. h i/lh. ao mllI U l\(Ii,, ~ " benutiII"·OUIII. \(1 :6 pm 1l::l3,,,u ,l O:H " III ·1 :53)1 (ul vie w. J..Jot Ox~ IU i Il Vl1ri,' ty o ( fruit.. W"rn.! 1l 12:1 ' 11111 !J: 12tun l i :a.lrtJI1 G ,,~, 7 p LtcO" li n,} ll'"ud ."i l Tc rm •• ",»mrno<lllting. l1 l cclI\'ili u J: :l9 nm 19 :2:lum i 1:2[.pw ~ : O ':p ApI'IY' I) J " . G. KEY, Agent. ,AnU I " . f Du'-T RHO ' GU, The Lea.ding Externl Specifio MeAd, lIle 2 :4!1nnt II :l!lam l.! :~Op m 10 : ~ :;p 0-:*"'111 Dt. .......
JANN EY & S1'A N1'ON,'
_ _ _____
NewYork City On·Companyls PIKE'S TOOTH~Clll! DROPS
£l il t r l'n itzc thlll tho tu rmer has tr ittcrc d awn,)' all Id s crop of wl ll' at . J I. . d tl la t I' l ~ va IU? 18 an IIC 11tH 111 1\ tbousand hltlc drl bids , nnd thut h u ~s sor ioll81y cDl~arrasflfJcI in hi s ~lls, lII ess because IllS d hto r s treut II li S a smnll matter. Bot if nil W !lI d ay' him \]ro llJpll y whieh tit v C 11111
~ o as
_ _ ___
..,.. . . . - c::."
ot tltt! purc hasers conccrns h i m sc lf nbou t it, r i t I'S II Slllll11 UI'I ll lit l
com Cd in th o sume way Ull til lhe wh o lo Oll~ th Ul1 l1UlI d bU 8h ll l ~ Of , wheat urc tru s ted ot to one tltOu s. un d t.IiHcrcnt person8. lind not 0 11
E'·OllO I" ... . Prices 50 Ct.. nnd.1 00 per BOllie . "I , ohll,y nil I 'ru ~d. ts . , ~ ~I 1"0 Cl. 1'1. CJ RI'l.... EI'ITOI'I. Proprt o..." '00 1 _ __ Nu. 7 .~ I I I~Avc~~"r Ne .. Y" r .
H " rd .• h OC 'U1!!'; P l IUn. ' L0Il<I
II 3ii 11m 12 '15 pm
.rM, P'aN ........... A. ........ 4lJ,. .. P. n.lld 101. . . . .""".
t4 1(l plD
IU' 5211m
t 10 55
Leave Xenia Arr, Y. pringa A ~r pri n g field
L un \' o Hichlllolld LUNCH Saloon , ....I to".ool ......hlllg"....... ,..."."'.. lunuell ec ulIOII tho irt·it.n .....1 Aniv e Il ano ll
1"0 LOAN
CIIA-CII, ConjuctioIlCl":CS,
.. ·10 !1m II 33 urn 1 1) 01 !lID
LOlwe Ciucinnllli Arrivo LO \'oIIlUI! Arrive l\J or row Arrh'o X e nia
Ul ll l' 1'0 11'
(H'I~G No. 1. No. 6.
t or. I"l 81~y9 ull ri g ht, llIltl lit e IltUtl Icu\'(" With t il w!t eut. Allo l!tcr
11 di tllJount or LOll PCI' C(ln L 1'!'lJm
",-he re , ',It nll h U llr ~, will he fl; cr\' ~d up O,\"! linillg of the JlRM nges \1 due La Ih l" f lll.!1 Al so, Lbo Kitchen Gll nl, to u. c ofl \! c , ll"nd"' h·li oQ. ,~c .. &c . , III the lJuet tlmL its ill~rodl~ ntll Ar!.! the mo t en h'uci ou jl B platcd wire llOil e r to h lllln illsidc l,u1z11'Hlic siuJ\,les. kunwl) to m cdicall,ut.uIlY, f d' '. , 0 0 \'0 Oy~ t o rli. fresh IH1\1t1lo r, Slllmnn lltHl WBlin er nmJ Ilt rcaaollllhio riliud. Ihc 111101, of tl. Rrlit- Ie being lhu Bouey " f o . an o r .wllry pot. for bOI til!; llil l' fIlil iu 0 111.., III low I'ri l·. l ri. h, GOrlnllll. Lhc Boarbound Plant ohemic nll . Illd iell klD~ 8 o f vegctuulcs, Ugg8 . ctc .• O"lu, A"to1 o"W,h,\~u , Du lflll.. , I~"ti l e, CCII' wll h Iho lI"di eilllll prillol~le 01 Ih o Ables "llIch wh o n dUll e clIn bl; romuved ' tllry . 1111,1 P I,," Lllr 8U1op. II . llCo. nlty. . Bal sam oa. o r B.I III uf U,lo. d. Thoro Of'(' ' r I' ., . I H ti Ot llll1llUun t.o mnke Iho gonuine H,p\I .• _ b ~"idca, .fi.'·6 o.Lh or. IJotRni o e l c nl~ nlJl whiel. a.t . OIlCO, p er. lJct y ury, WIt IUUt pocl .. 111 0 Linim on LIIl1d Bur t<oll'. CUll g h Syr. '.,-' _ _ • 1;1\'0 (",1UI II01I(\ , dhcucy t.o tbe h rs. 11:1111(:11 11flllll:{ tho h euvy tlouty pot ufl' t h o "1'.1111<1 kO 'PHII ""jlor an<l lteu.orll .. \lTlll1 ' lIt " /, two. stovo. Thetlc a re su it! ox . ~l r Family Orol)ori08 thllll lilly other h" ." .e . • 1'h".o who hllo'o used IL 8'1 ~h ., 1 BALB'S . I tlrOltgl I I ug olltA tu furn - IU Wllynw",t110 . ~_ ~ ___ .__ .~ __ 5ll.J CI USIVOY ~~~ > BOll oy oC Boarbollnd IODd T ,a r is lIul " " h' w oml c r ru ll ~' rCl1Ic(lift l in All C fUJCII Wh l'l"C ili es, and offo l' a sp lclldid oppo r · tho 0 1'1(11110 rU8 pirotioll oro .. rrec lod. 1,111 tunity t o SOIllO roliuLlo la dy o r ~o n · ~ nlen t hlLl il ~ 110lion i8 uuu.tunl1 .11 raphL A 1{ cop" c'oll lll"lIltly on hund ) fl' w ~ut'e~ rrCtltl, uti,. serve 10 rCl lir.,·c K n.H'.\' tleUJun callva Bo r of this county BflI'Oll l ",( H i '/l cc l oJlIJ Bltggic8 IIh" III~II'U ,·ou ~h . It oo ll t.!l IJn lIolhlll~ til ' L to 8ecurc the ugelley fur u vel'y " , ' . , . ' Cilli d18onJor the SlOIllf\cb , 8. rAu~1~rlt" CfUl h tl pro fitH b le hu ti inCllM , F o r term8, tOI" '1 11]1 n lt[JYl e.~, 8P/'l1t~/IV(tqOIl8' 1 .llegou wilh Ir llih vf I,ul· fe" clJIIgh rCII' ci 'arllt )1"(([/01/8 ilic. ui ' s; il III" 1111 o,lremel, .greMhl. 1101'Or. ritory , cl.c., \\'rilu tv L. E. llru wlI :-. ' , R u d is !'I ol.1 fi t it. tiJ.!urc "'h1t.q. alJle8 tl.n irc of & Co., No . 2'J2 Elm Strcot, Oi ll ' A I. n. ::lecOI oo,I' ][lI l1d WOIr k. lIud 1111 ktnd. l lbc mu. , lim ited me.U8 to, a I Iloew. d . ... it f Hopnirhll-{. Io' llI!b 1l~ Ill.d uling. Trimming, uf il a \:jrlucli . ' cinllati. 0.-.;-77-1·3. W uud· Work lI"d Ulnoksm llhin!!, dvno 10 or· A I b fltl t d II Ra'·s .' "We "1"'1 lIP ' tl dr. A IlIrlle ""I!Ortmollt o( I'11II1U1Ln" . cougl 111'1 0 '! ,,"e Ie pre A "u " 'O~CII11II"O .. to') J 8t 1lJ.{l' Ilt cDn ~ ump f 4 mn.lnli y o f poSO tbat Ullllly pco lle think thnt I wh ich Balo's Soney 0 "ch(n ",1 li nd tl ' Tnr is t he sur 'st kllown pre'-eo'ivc. 'rhoflio. 10 ncwspapc r mCII nro pcrsI8tcIIl • 1'Iow work. Shoe.! ,herdore. who w.. ulil M r ••t U'8 progle •• of du ns : let n larm e l' himse lf ill ill!;, .md ~II IIOrLs l lh" d oslroYI'r , shuuld uolay Dot fI nl um"ol 10 a similar l.lllsines8 p osi ti o u aud ec of tako Lhi. CUT.' " Hpocillo . . 'f I Id d I 8 Children durin' gn'lIl ltoll. Sl Irom ilS I Ie won not t 10 sarno. np' ALSO, nEAI.KR8 IN 1 "OUT' ' ' '' ~rOlpo 'Iie., when .. Ifering Wilh Ihe p08e h o rnisod o'ne thou s and bush · paro,,·. ,", of ('roup IIl1d Whoa illg Ou ugh. c lll of whellt, UIlU hi8 IIc ig ll bor WO RJ( l'II e fire' ·11 mcd di. ea.· is •• )loeillily do.· I II dL 1_ Lructivc RIll ' HII:) ,'ou ll g chi ldren. "n.1 thig rt- 1110\1 ( . cOnle an uy 11 uu Ii I, alld lial,ly ... · morl~· . houlrlloo k OI,~oll,,"d ill all tho price \\'Ud II 1I11.1lmnlter of two done prolllpl l),. bOIl , .hold • . BuI' Til " LA no" PA OU II •• ANU
dollurs o r loss, and lho Il o i"huor I ill '" s. s"s ,t' ' w· J Laud YOII the alDouut III n ow IlYs.' As the farmer did 1I 0 t WUllt til bo RlIJalllllHlut Ih II lllt .
1IDl!lH~lE~ 9jJIJ1Yt ~fiHf}A. IID·~ ··W ~(''p'& mr:.m~~.
Tnkl .. ", )'! flioo " !'lIllY I ~th. J. 78, Z7 Ptl9~(lngo'rs I)Urchnsing Lur. I H Ullnrl T lip Ti k I,q hcru)'c cntering
the oiii,l:en8 of ""I
all oth ertl.
'I ·
• -'
:, ••.
The only 25 cent
- - - -- a--,-1 rnck RI
1 r ot! h oe
-_... ,-_... 1\
18 1\
BO ~ O,
or "e••., Board .rIDlDlI .... Uon
III. ....... JlIDD. . ." " N •• -
-R~!W""'TUfQ TO ~D"lIaT'''EB~ W P I _ . . , ....,,... . . . UO..............
hlgbly p(lh shed
IlEPOllTEB.. u~.n.Y.
_VOLUME XIX.--NUMBER 2. The IUWlUft Bun I, on I he creft, And u ••• r.0l~ l. . bady,
You I II wltb n ib n port h to read A TOry dolol, lad,
.Aud II a a poew IUlke. 10\.1 gr."t>,
Or Ju,t an uM lu.o . torr 0 1 tnalde.n hrtahl, aau ",Ighl, \Vb. I1du ."" 10 HI •• y ! 1 know lbe klud 01 .!d ory we-II, , bo rut'dell', hllir II Kold u 'rbe" lalu. wean .rmor .. tbtl1 dill ]u d" ,~ wo now caU olden
fbCl11uake IlIelr VU'" tJ1 luooultgbt, l.lelt r, Jo lao 1l&II'Ira,b.r IlUl<ld, And Ih D ahe "IDei alone rD.r month.
ADd "oDd.,o U III.'. 111104.
B~\!':=:'ID:.f.t'~~~~1 ~"d
. ..... d Jo'."" lar 1 b&rt ...Ideno .... \, W(Ul eteD 81M lbe blueet-
.NO," IQ.-eUer, nett-. \hID' OU ~ ltb.quhlDCI on :Jou r bow .."
A IraIJ-, la wlll;lla , .....k
TU •• , ..u,a 84w(".
YOlI'd better aearch me. Illjd see whether I've got any eggK au me or 1111." II I Will, then, s Ir," II3ld J ob, II IInci ) call 011 my fe llow pIU\ll() llgel1l to be m v wltne_ Ah I ILhought so I Tllo cggij In YOll r vcst pocket Hore, madam What I tl\O mdre In the IlOckets o[yuur trouscnal 1'1\ke lhelD, Dllldllm. tllke them, aud-ble88 DIe I hiS ooat pockets are full of them I .Here, hand them over to the lady, IIOmeOlle. One-tllo-three - slx-ten-a dozeu I" " He ought to be IIIIhamed of llhnself I" Cried ono of the p888enga rs ,. It'8 per rectly dread(ull" exclaImed anotbor-a woman. " 1 feel the cold Chl1l8 All over Ille ... hen I thl~ of it,'! aobbed the old lady "Put
,JULY 10,
TIIO ~11Il1 ""0 PunK. Th e IIl1rl111g ton J[,lIIl-yr. 8fl) ' I 11.1 1'1111 I H Al c('~tl !'l," "HliLM lO klll)\\ If 1t. . M verl 11 \I ll., II beRlillflil PHli in g IA Ih.dll\\11 d lfhcult t" 111IlIl Ui1ld ltr ' PUII R Nft~ II or 8U nlmer 1 " u hlrlllH \\ ere S,l lt \tiC' III bit ul II th< lll"le.t Ihillf; 111 tho "nrld clo..e pr O~ I '.lllty 1<, ,'ne 11111"1 lit I hv Ihl' wlnllllw of II twc lve Ihou ,,"nd d"lI l1r :~~)'~ I\'ll~;:nr Itll~ :C'~I~ll~J:II~f'I'~';~Il;OI~I:~~le h u!lC--hr llv lly l11 ort go!!ed - III Ih e lIppl'r "",II' ly c r"lIte a h)l" th dll ,IIII'II'g, whn pnrt o f Ibe clly 'Ill! 11I1I1t1 "f lIlle fur ptlrpll~11!4 Ilf tlw I cce'-'''ar) \t rU1i1 ulnr rt~. ted I OVll1~ l> 0 11 th"lof lIw .. th ~ r .l111 <1 . h,,1 1 Ite Aftl t'lI 11 a" til hl ij 111111\111 , lh e MOl "f ,n " e~c r1 bed 8 ",,1111-1:1rd . "ho1ll you t\ UPJlII~I! for rl'f1, t"{Uhl, 11 '1)4 hor urouml lhc o lhPr·. wals l It I" hur d l) wII Pd III th o bl,·.lk .l11d 1I111'~' UllloU" ncCt'_r) 10 HlIy thlll thl' ) II Pre 10\ cr , w l nt ~ r d ty Pl fl ~I utl1E" or C4Illl (If n IIlld thl M\\ lUI lis fllr II . thl' , u ull g mRn " c" ltlll c r II PIJ!hbnr un,1 ,lIlIdl ho I , cc mtrl gil LU getJ ll1 ct r) 'fl .... ro n l\."! no IInfllrLl1l1l1lely (fllr lhe 111 11 11 or "hum 111' h ght In Ul e r,,"m , but Ihl'''' \I ,," n(> flC burnl\\c<l Il ). \111 11 hl~ til l el"'y, lIlId llIUlIOII for Rny. wllh he r tnpe r WfU. t uII,1 h~lIc(, . ,,,th the rcluru vf the 118\l111' "1Ilukllnj: rye. amI flR1l1111 ~ IInrel ij ThlK wlntpr. "hell th e ute,bt", l1 ,"ISIJ\ UI"HI I" r. 811 mple of thc lr 8mnlltllik the p.IY1l1CIII of th e ,I. bt, I" CI,IIIP IIP,I t.o "Deare.t Flora. tell, (lh te ll me "hot CXplU l1I thllt CIT 'U11l81I1nCe" o ' c r IIll1 Ch I can do 10 my-elf 1110re IInrthy he b.lS cJ,n t.5l1kI "l/t~:1I1 w mo u
"' r.twP",1\.
A Thrllllllll' StOI).
Jlow AppCllrQIICeS are Neyor (Jertaln. Tbe most re mllr~(lblo Illstance of ap· I'ellrnllcca !wlllg altogether oPJ?O!!ed to fncla I ~ colltlllued I II Il truo InCldeDt II hllili bl'fell j' rlll\ca IAupowloll, tbl' he roiC RUI ian girl wllo traveled OD foot [rom I bena to t. Petersburg for tbe f urpose or soliciting the pardon of ber ex Iled PlHculAl from tb(, handa of the peror upon Which noble proof of Il's love we tale of " t!lizobeth • or The Exileso( ibe\'IA," is founded • hc chuuced tv IIHl"e after Dightfllll ID a town tho Dume of wh,ch sho nevor could Il<llrD etacfly and Imoclnng at th e door of !Jill fir t boufje she came to, It WlUl by an old maD of a nl "~t Il(c nance. He rudely InwheD she l~gW,iS'. shut
n -.:
)1..\ Uftl
It T IIOW rsoY
, lu ~ k1Io: ro"rA, wh(lft' ~ri l y .U day lOOK, ~t 'l('kh'~ l ho lIul ... h ,HcJ•• nd tll t'f'lt rdft ftl, T il. Inlll {h nll fB I bini hull" 11 tt ntful ~ I .
f lit ar til t Ul, ' lJ u.
\\ hilt h,JlClloUN frui t '
goJd t l1 ,tawpawli 1.11 ~ ('orllL'C1
nil o' hltl
Hy thl tl"4 wh o Ju ~ (ur ~1I"1I! of the $oUJ h,
Fir: il!J;~:;:'~r'~~"~t l::~~~,~b:ft :::~ :;:~I;
}-r,, \1 Ih lU J fO u ~ hl In f' hlhlhl)Od .. Hh .ll10U" b lJ.:1 r I' t~lIlt 1111' ",lid lit \lelu ill'! Juic, I \\ ItRl. ntl l~t k r ( WII In KI Mee or f Ully. f l) ... IU\l
, otHIIf''' ''\!
sn .. rl l~ "N t1.1
d" .....
j if (1l l l IIUlI,. h ,. wUllhl l lll1 n o w rcllll.e rll r(~ l h"OH:d. ran Ilull) of at -I)orjb",. f'"
1 ut t16 e
\V F.I1'l£ lll ~
". 'EN rll';;l)EB hav e el'le' "f tI.., b, 1 It
selima;"" . - fou~ ~y lli! aD eacb
.Et)Jl'iay It WltJ!
Ic.1lIlC to \U1 n cnt,
Tim liDllt oJ'. Jlrpfitable _ Jieved to be 1,'100 t et. • , woman eyen more :DJIlpll~"IUIt;.lClO.jDP; A e<lHtI'I'lii'1' eays angle wonni do not , ~~~n~:ri~~e~POCkei8. friend ." than bhDlletr, did not ber [. II but ill your comfortllble 'l'he room they ...ere lIt.8utfur wlten put OD the book. tbl~UI~ht 110 I" tlDg ID Will! Ilirgo And g loomy, lighted l:iTATlBTJ sho~ thllt thl'Je '8 Do"lleM . snatched olf 80ft hilt 1111<1 ollly by piece of pino wcod, smelll Dg lower rulefl of ID()rtali ty than in prillOll& loto it with a stem eye, olld be· strollgly o( t urpentlDo. Tl1el!O were 1,'u1>l a~e k ,year11 income. of a gan to ~\(e from It oDo egg art~ r a nother, stuck IDlu the WIlIt 10 severlll plllceB, Frenchmau III PO; \bat 0 .. Germ&ll ... hile tbo old lady's lUItoolahmenL und III1U gllve IlU uncertain, ftickermg hght. only 165. , ~ the Illdlgnfllion of tbe othe r plullIOllge rs thAt. to the I11l11d o f PrllJ!ca, bAd II0111 C80 ALliED rr'lI-bahf grew greater and greater. Lhlng 111 It 1111 ful aud uneartltly H er are mlldo from the halT oJ. Ole ~ JuatatLbialn8tantthe whl l!t lc sbnekf'd . bosla bad her 81t duwn, and before HqlUrreh!. and tb o train 810wly cllma to 0. ola nd tIley ufter..d he r IlK lIIuch lUI a CrtUlt of A 1•.1 rE whim 111 f4\l11l f~ 16 aull Ilt Barklotoll brend began to crO!l8-cxo.nllue her M to 10 ber ",...,11 &fA Ifl ••• the .. bllrlHq uin" ~III 1- .POOII4 iad .....01 J.pph,lC lu to uur feet, .• 1 ain't !rain' to stand tbll! Ul) more I" where she cn1l1C from, wh e re she wns go-, UJb l '1"11 buLtha,low .. IDC! lilhlql {orh-llo two !\llko. ~ yelled Job POllllypacke r'Hvlcl lIll "Lot 11111 to, Ind whllt mane) alt o hlld for her }'IIbT ........ 10 1111 wlil", 1wId, .wool '" AII 1l1l01en~ bOok delcdtiell ~,'!:tbi me gol" ,AJld wrenchlug hI mself from Journey QpiaDs 0.8 "p6rt1Onll ,,\.th!-OlIl foo~ ~ ··i.b. I•••• Ib lf ·!to Yln~ .labID.1 Lhe arnlltuer mAgiclall's gl"llllP. ho ru. hed " I hllH' elghLy brlllll< kopeb." 8he m. the menu;;:. IOnl, I koow, from tlte car, spraDg to tho grouDd, I!Illd. "U]lIt \l er glvcn me Ilt KlllU011leDouitb for Il l?aY~I. · • .bll t.beMt .re m, aI.Wln cr,lnl{\ ~ 1.'lfQ hqnslred Rod lift)' "thou.and WIUI seen to dart lip tbe rolld at II trc chI II " WboDJ lho 1M lAMlk ,eva .au. ' mendous rato, oD ly I!lUlMlng Oil th o plllt,. '\n cl ahe fe lt lit tho mom ent how wIlI'ID\grllDt&· enter TexlUl n~ 1ear. t rorm for a momeDt to l'lck up h .. bilL. illcly would 1!he hn, e glvell thtl whol e Lbls 1a1.l\ it Wltt>be. the PlIPJ Ie t'OOLJNQTHE WRONG r~tI890En. which hl8 tormentor t trOW Ollt of th e Hllm to be u ut uf Uleir bnmlK ~u. ~ ". ., wmdow aftor hIm " fhat CIIIl nllt be" 8atd tho old FEW peoplo know -theIDllllves becauae' "It. becomes DIy duty to explnlll." I\()rnnll, " c l¥ hty kopek s to go (rum BIWhell Wbacker, " the magiCIan,'; Illst the)' Jlnd th$ .tudy Of i.h~mielYl!l an VI!lted our Illudt,.he found 110 groater ad· 88ld Job Pennyp dckcr, rublllllg hi d herm w bL Pe ter. burg I You mu st hove mpJoyment ·but little o&Icnlattd to halld8 and lookIn g co nce Itedly IIbOlll gold o r lI ()te~ " mlrer Ulan Job Yenllypaeker Rratlr,y th eir prIde. " I ndeell. [ tell you th e trutb." :ud Job hlmttelf had dabbled, in an ama· hIm " Thllt roullg mlill 18 lIS hOli est OR "It WE aTO ~ure to be )o88ra "hen ,nI teur IIlIlDner, in lOfterdemalD i b.d mllde IlJlV of us 1 1'0 only bee n teruu II g hlln th o poor gIrl, "and If you plClll!O, you quarrl'1 wltb Oll~v~e; It Is a c1I.vD mlUlY sllllllnglldl88ppear througb teble • II11tUe 'l"ou' ,e all beurd of Whuck"" tllP IIllly lICe my purw" and 11\ All 8D')h conwntiona \riumplU l ' I.>01l 1111.lhu) gll"<' her a fow potu.and reappeu r at tho cry{ •• Presto, maglCl1ll1 ~ Ah , J !!ee Y"u IUI\e ••111li o f !fef~IIIJ!. , " J chan&JI I' coIIIII mllko six hll Is Oy about hl5 fam o\l8 egg track We ll, ",,1I0d lind toC", l!II d told hr r to h e duwlI in ber • 1i!Ali'fA BUBARA oritlo.,. of & clothes Ull II "" rt of 1,ll1tform Qver t he In thi ~r wllh the 111180 of lin IlldiRD gentlemen, I learned the Lr1 ck of ~I r !Ibl~ t.\IlIL ber voice II .. sweet-lUI jUSll'ler, and. eveu whIle bobbing Ilbout, Whacker whIl e ho was perfo ~1lJ1I1g tn . tov, "her" RUHSIll II pell8aula. who lire r;o ilia sorghum, 'and ' . eof.t ~ Alt vRni6b, to bo found in th pockets of In· York, Bnd I tbtnk you've see n UOU llh lro pnor t.. h lll O beds, afton pR8l! the ~1' 1I1¥.Ie·grelle. , to k now J learned It tolerably-'cry tol· \lIght. he dId se, tu.k 'ns tHo precllunoce~ byata.nderll. In" OnjJE.oJIfI ball at PPllIIelIt Ii. p6pulion, hO\~ e l' (\r, ~ l' I'I'e her bllg 00 the AnI! ~lr. Wbacker's mY8torioU3 per- erllbly, for nu IImRtller" latl D t o~Jy 210,~, ,bleb ho ....'eq j . Astonl bIng I" crted ouo " Asto n· li oor, 1hllt It 1111I2M he I!CCD abe bad DO formances were vio"ed by him with I, ~t dily increMint: \11 emigration from the Ylllpathizlng pleallure of a hrothe r lohlog I" echoed the rest 0' the p~ n feur uf belllll llCnrched. he cuilld not FranC/l, Italy, nnd German),. geN But no" the gunrd, .. large lTI'lIl , Irep, but I~y 8tlll, h stenlDgto "hat W88 arLI't. The" egg t.rler}' which Willi, ID bnef, s low of speech lind ISl\rCl\lltIC or smile ga m !> furlla rd. 'Io be r extreme t rror A Om N'Alt:A II in t. blUie boaeW~ f\e1\$\IlD of Il et of rillo-ttiuka a thoUIII.Dd a _mlllgl» ineJIplicabl ~ ]>O"er of tek: put in hi s "ord "s he t<lOK J ob's tlc kct she hrHt lwa rd the old woman carefully "Well I 8uspected tIOmcthlllg of 'he bolt t.h e door Ilud f1l1!teD the bllr8 of th o 109 1IgI,,'l! Clut of allY thlDg, In lLDy Dum· y~anl old. which - ha¥& all' ber and under aDY ci rcum tences, par· 8O~t," be Mid, "but I WUSII't 8ure. You Wllll] Ow·s hutle rs, then he r husband IIIlld belrloomg from to 6On. i ticular)' charmed him; andl _king, au- 11M, that fellow you tackled IS a ,,·ell· in Il II bls per ' RUD on pI'"Ki ng ovcu ts. ')'0 be Idl aud to be JIQOr Dive ~wa)'1l dfoenoo ... Ith Mr_ Whaeker he persuad<ld kno"n pIckpocket, and bo IS capnblo of " No oUP- sa w her como In. unty rUlrs or church lImll, oro boon rCI ronchell,' aDd · t!u:r~~~~~_~ him to 'each blm tlte wonderrulart., aDd Atealtng eg/:& or IlnTth in~ else, PerhAps whnt <ve ple/UlO" 1'~orilJinlAl puo1l. So .l!Cck t:o laid t.b,e* ~1 from. 0lGaI'Ir tietter ell RID IDe your OWIl prockels J\Jter a {ew mlllUte found of deligbtin! a k.ow oun.l( ma ""d tbeir idle • tmlD t6emseltee; &drvlll, aDd if you'v SOL otrcLO~DCIIII(lea Lhey '»>:~!re'w~in\!JII(to~eQ!~~~lph",I,~~~litol( rduate of a nfIDiDllfYes- • (I'ti-s ll1lTM o)'"'ie'- ~.bJe.; &II. Ill)' many aDT &bing. al~r'liel.lI!,; Ii! her bag, agal bllabment, wllo "onld be ~ J.a~W! . . . u...menl ; aDd" 18 R1ll1onseDse mllAt hllve fellow, you oro a mllgiIIrtieles of crock ry streets for dl'Y8, until he I .. uud tI gan of tbe mOl!t I!Olemn prellc;li.ef"'~~~~~i!...:..!~~=~ close to postman mouey Do you DOt e aD oil-8kin bag Olan." It With dl~heve 1'<1 blllr al1d men hoisting Il Harc lilt • a secoDd story is tbe silent one 11'110116 hps ale co d. . him a dozen m a letter, and p \\Jeked-up' gowu, stood FlorA, 0. bu~e ofll<.'o, IlIld theu ho would stand around With a f"le tace, J ob PeDnypacker tied rollnd her lIeck Y" PO-'JI~tlea are blo,.n olu into> on the Bpo~. And prescDtly the old woman climbed Cll rvinjr klllle til hRlld , whi ch s be WII8 IU thnt spot so long Ilft tbe lI'or wen on, Luke PontoO~uc, 11R88. and eaten by \wgan to d vo first lDto one pock e lllnd He caused the 88TYant girl to gtl'e then into the other Wit ' R pliler one up the ide "f tht"- tove, and Praeca!\llw the act o{ plung in g-into II pan or hot nnd top every l11un wbo " cnt by, or l.erch lind bullbeads , but thoy poillOD Oratill8 0 Gold. ,.ar.. ng. by fisblDg egg out of her ho 88t dowD. leo.v\Dg them nil t.urned IU h"r drN,dful ('yes peOrlllg at ber lUI she water. mtbe r trlod to ge t b>. 11111.1 S1<Y to hID'l t he ti!!h which are dYIDg in gteat numbandbox, frightened Ignorant people, Side ontllnd empty HIS hllndke rclll e f Fellrtllg they "auld m h rder her .A pro y mAn is hktl tbe clock of II Sire had /)em ''allgill III lire ucl 0/ (Ioillg , \'Ill. is err/e, b ut 11 Isn't 'cry ,"je ber. ' and puz.dcd 8mart ones to hl3 heart's WIL8r>De, blsoigar case, pocket book. !wllged fo r me rcy, anrl showed the m,lI, helt It 18 empty. hUIIlcLUork I WIth olle loud sIm ek shu Th ey'll get It III .afc. )OU k,nolV ~ ', '(f, SoCIE1'l in Rcpnhllcnu PAr18l1Cemsto CODteDt. IIle pur:!C WIth the kopek s and plW Reali not booles alono but men, ODd talDlDg one bundred and thirty fell to the Ooor wblle her dlKtrllcll'd lind . "re. 01 "f ? MlJ' It ~ slife, oufo, bo lUI brllllllnt fl. it could be under a ADd once ur tW1ce he played lhe old Elich of thel!C dl8Col'erle~ blm a po rt, entrelltlllg th em to leul'e tho I"!!!!' be cnrefu l to read tbysdf. be" Iid e rcd lov~r rushed frum the hOUI<e YUII knuw !:lee? Sli fe. It ~ Ita f". bu t mnnllrehv a nd AJllcMo hon coslll onl1. Btocic trt ck of tho mag:Icllln upon IIOme np" pang He put hI S hllnd to IllS 1~lrtllnly, uUc\lIIke nil the re. t 1'0 th l' The credit lhn l• 18 g01 by Il he la8ts It I.~ needl c to Mid th llt tloe en gll l\c It . lint ~ajr to 8tUlld unlle r It !:loot J,~ :WO.OllII I;year, fLgIllIIStl..U1ll8. IlpoleoD S IlIlIrkelrwoman by hl\1111g eggl\ o f her, throat to unfaftte n Il\s crnvllt, for .Job th o oi,1 W"m.lD mnd e 1I0llU8we r, but felt ollly tjoll the 'rutla comes 'Qut meut, nlong II Itb !!C ~ eT1l1 brittle CUpK. IHn' t ,0(', you know, .u\llit IS .nfr tlC $6 000 00 which he broke In her preseDce. taking Pennypacker WllII of IlU apoplt'ctic In h orJl/lck~lJ\. pulled 011 her hoo ts, cx· Applause is tho 8!'ur or noble mmds, WUK broken 011 the KpOt ThuHw ~ re tw o ~JIt'AN I~ to h .we fill IlIt~rnatlOnal Olle tlU! , n largo SUfl'. \\"l ghlll g lfoUl ' rrom the Ilell 1I0t a yolk hut Il half, hllblt, alld CI\IIlly lost bls brPlith ullder umlDe her drc s from helld to foot, lind tbe ent~and 81m of weak oaes fond nnd dottng hea rts Irre vocnbly !!Cp. Icon thou . llIld l>vun(I R, wlllch WI'" 'CllIg . t I'o.r Ilud HODio Will rown lind MO sottlllg her to smaahing tbe lOfiuenoo or IlgltutlOlI A 188 I II d 11\' at lR5t well~ downnglull ,,,tlt(luthurttng 'fo morrow is t bo day aD whi ch 11\:l:Y arated. bnl ted IIlto It rourth 6wry wllldo W , ~~ h ~bl tl~"11 u~~81 Ylf t'IH) !talulD Parliaher w\lol .. ~tock, beheviDg It to be the 1II0nd ,pin of villuo hud dlSllI'P<'nred her. J 'rn'~1l heurd Dothlng more tIll folk s work anel f(lOl8 reform. l If my story. dt'nr rouder, "ill he lhe brok e tho tackhng and fell to til' Il\ ull I I d ' te $2 000 000 productloll of the verlluble fOlry beD alllO So, in a moment more he d i ~ro "· so mo time nft pr th e deep breathlllg of MotIves ore hke harlequu8, there 18 menn" of pCrSl1lldlll !! o no young woman 'ruulld, 1II11!1!Ing thiS youllg 1111111 by oDly mCIIllCJlrllr ~~~J'I:r1~n \ () , , who Iliid the golden ew. and haste" llHR ur~d her ihey 1I1ways 1\ IICcond dresa beneat', tbe first ber host f\red bad the Ilmethy-t ring which ho A numher of III lilt \I Ie I ne,cr, IInder 11111' clrc um "lanccs, to d" /tbollt 61xteell feet But eV1l1l Il wonder trick 10000s ItAt alwaY8 wore on blsliltle finger II c re bo th lee I', lIud overrome by Wo should do Viell to lnke counS<11 liny work IlbnUt the 10U80, but alwny s I h rl 8tl1l1l mtln who" I nelW. d the nCCI 'I' Ii E LOlldon COrlrl ,Tourllol 1>Ilr," \~nt c bllYIU wben It h M been plAyed OD one The passen ger8 looked gnlll 'fhe f"tlgllO shu fell MiceI' a lKO Whcll!!he from the WI 80 Ilnd warDing from the 10 let her mMhor lind th e othcr !!e"'''IIUJ d 'nt nlld thl,; young 111I1n·. PSCIIPC Imllle- ., th e Amerlcllll~ I1ro d~ulh 011 tIe na bUDdred tIm es. old woman WIth tho bl\8ket looked Ipllte snoke It wos broad d1\) hght. and the foolt sh do It, my object IS more th[lll lIeco m- d"'te ly \l cnt off II lid jOIMd lh o I, gpriloll gh.h ~purro\I. 1111 til former III feel rng Therefore. that the tlmo aDd monry a mornl. old womlln " (IS UI' and cookllll!. a nd When the Chllrllcter of anyone 18 plished. Fluewell II lh el Hts, lillY 111g thl'y ·cllul.! lIot behrl'e t hcy hltd Ogllll1.t W! th~y hbll\'d "tmns. which he had spent 00 tho Ilcqulsltlon In II Prill Illeuc~ tllllt \\ o uld IIII1!S . ueb II ferred lO our rel'reHl·lIl.fllnO If Job did Dol eUjoy the Joke H e got the firrit \l o rd she henrd were to bId her dISCUS ed, slleuce In the good-Dllturtd \tl of' the egg trtck mlgbt not be "'88ted, dowD at tho Dext SlatlOU Hnd tele~raphed come nnd hale Sl Ime . Irh, wit.h them be· censure . pl,nlhll opportunity OR thllt I:5t nll1 g~ 1I11'f."""1lF.NIl'l BlrM, 1I ha s hltely beeD Verr I\oloulII fllcts. !tiro PenDy,Vaoker turDed hie attentIon Lbe robbery to the proper quarter But fllre ijhe C<lnltn ued her JOu ruey Slch, When HOClety !wginll (I profit loy a l(l "IlY, thl" )"UIIIl Illlln's pl1rellLH Ill\(' COlllinllcd \U IllS hehef tJllIt ollly horses, The III(JK t horrl blo monslros l t'j kllOWI1 to tbe pubhe. and upon the OCCMlon uf a he hu.s never recovered hIS p roperty. alld IS n 80rt of seu p made of snIt mellt IIml mali's m18rortnllcS, bls dlfficltl'.Jc do Dot hl1n , IIlId It IS rUlllllrell thllt hi s ml)the r .I"g •• C"" lind turtles lllLYe tit,· quahtle8 to t bo cil IIl zed world 11'1\10 diSC< vo red I prllud nf 111111, ulld cv II urges hun to Clf rnllhfulnellS a od grlltltUrlO, by ,11 couJourney prllcti!!ed upon guards, porters the" egg trick" hna forl'ver lost lb. aollr cabbage, on whIch the ttu," IIiD 800U termll 'lIle. ItbOUla mouth ngo n~lIr Forth Wurth 1I11l1tt hlUl!'('lf upon manklll<l and foJlow-pat\l!Cn gol1l to all IUltonil!blng cbllrm to hllll pallllllnl" Ill c IIlmollt enttrely How lInmeD.eIIr. would Ollr CO nl'er8fl co 0l'emtor who adroitly wllidled fvund IImollg a Iittor ~ f elllont. The old IIl"U bruughtll Jug of kru. , or tlOIl bo Ahridged II all mllnkl11d would 1eX/l8, It 11101 uut 01 $11> Wild bog611Dd had a bU1111ln beud, " tllli It '!I'M upon It certaiu r811road thllt h e buer IlInd.· from th e-g~&lIHlr r~ e, out of speak only the Hulh , .,'eroclty of the Leopard. It I . tllted thut there IIro 8,000,000 Ullrlling JlIUl1IundM. IlIlIt came upon 1\8 temptlDg An oppor· the cellnr, and they both I.resaed her to Trust him !tltl'e whu I'rnlses 1111 lllm hke thllt of 11 snllke . Blld grecIIUlh colAn IlIstu. Dce of the fe rOCIty of the tnnlty Mhad ever been oOercd blm. d t down with t hem to brenk as~. Tho lelll! wbo oon8n1O'8 all, ond 111m leM I. ored eyea h Wll8 lull ed by tbe ventlo 111 the yea r 1119 1 It \\l1s lIlscuVer(·d, 1'111'11" ~nroll rd III the public 8chool6.of Opposite him rodo an eld~rly woman Leopard occurred m the . nso of the t(' rrorK of th e lIight IIppeored liko a who IS IIIdlfferelJ lt to nil IIIIlD who fnund It, nnd tIl. ,de of It II11K bv 11~1I1,,1 cX l'erllllcnt, :1t Flor~lIcc , thllt the l tIItcd ::llJlll'S 'fhe IIvorllge dlllly With a bubt full of prOVIMlI1ns, radlsbes1 nl1 8HionlU'Y Sc hmId t TillS "orthy 11111n dr(,lIllI till the old WOOllln herllCl£ III· Abuse IS tb~ penalty leV Ied OD th e round "CbIldreu'ij cllr·tlckel 011 Il N Oli a'd lu1l1ond \\011111 bllrn COd1l10 III hnd nttell clll11ce 18 4 50(\,000 'fhe estlmatoo turDipe, lettuco And Dew-Irud egg8, and bad gone out with a pnrty of HOll e n I u.!" 11 to \I hilt hAd hlll'Jlcllcd. bond o f pro.l!1('. e nd CIlU be rendered cf York lIne oll e fixeu \11 the fu cu" of Il bUr1l1l1gglnOli', popnlation between S11< alld ai.xteen near her Mt a atupld-looklDg young mlln. tots to a certu.1lI MOrlll'IIln KtltlOn to "I wnnted Lo hnd o ut." she "'lid, (~ ct l\ e ollly whe n noticed In HoustoD. TOXIIS, there were born , 111ld . III cr 6(lme ex posure to the fIt) S yenrs \If ug IS 10.000.000 ... Ith his mouth wide OpeD, bl8 eye8 al- hllDt80mo hyclJlI8. winch had been very I II bether " .. II were an hOliest girl or • Do come and l!eO US I" sound. very 1l00llt three , ellrK IIgu. t \\ O chIldren til 11 "f tho 0 1111 . It cruckCll corrn ~cllt~,I. und J F there id anywhere 111 tillS uncertain 1 mOllt Bhut, Ilnd both hands plunged into d eatructlYe to theIr Bock., .lIIel . In "he thpr you had been telling us heM. 'veil, but how milch heart i ~ there \Il it, negro WOI1I1l;I. who \l e re JOin ,," With II !i 1l.,Il) UI"'IPllenrcd II1>O.l ghost , lel1l'llIg Ville to be found II J1\ore PIteoUS 1'.1the pockete of Il coat several Blzel 100 company With ODe of tbe mOil, e lltered n We nrc qUIte ~ntla ll ed ubout you now." in nllle rJISCM alit of ten 1 h gllme llt tilID II1\r to the S IIlIIIC!!C LWlfl K, 110 trnCf. bch 11lel .Experuncut.:< uf till. ample of utte r ll c lpl c~" lI ep. IIlId wlIst.e.l thicket ID pnr1!\\1t of A beruit they hlld large for blm, In slBIC of tbl " chlllJge 10 Lhelr beTo quell the prirle evell of tho great. (In ly the " glllll ent WIlK SIX fcet nnd three klnrl we re cOKtlv 'fhey \l e re lonl! 11\ c llurt thun 1111 o.nClellt fe mllie trylD\1! to Hr. Job Pennypacker cbucklf'd. lS'ow woulllied. In81.c1ld of the hyenB, how hRI'IOr J>rasCll re lt 110 regret Itt qUitting est, we shoulo relleet how milch marc we \\lc he \\llength, nnd whe D tho cluldr n Ylclll lll g I1IlY Mcient lfi u rr',II ll' It 1\1l' pe rsu.ldo Il fllml I v hOrRe 111 to uccelerate<;t be "ould pla1 maglcllln ou a larger I!C8le ever, tbe dOgl 8tu.rted Il leopll rd , \I hlch thp" house. • hp got ouL of th e wwn a8 owe to others tban to ourselves. were bel11g tl1ught to wllik tbey fre- only lll!UVt'TCIg " prtn ce whu cou lolnOord lIIuot ulur IICtlO Il "It has n't been Dotlced Instantly 8prang aD tho Hottentot Ilnd q m c kly fL_ she ('oltld, nnd after some than ever before. Pr('judlceM Ilre like filla, and II mnn'~ cJuently beenme ent.llllgled III article!! of to M fC IIIX )Cllc\ K \1\lIloh hke lhe glfl<! o[ -n"t up to dllte.-.B, eQ,(/,Mt 1ablf.. He ... ould \wgtn mildly, and theD the bore him to the ground Mr &hnudt lillie she6llt down und"!!r a trell, and had mlDd like a trnp, they get HI ell8l1y, furllit ure. Th o ph e nomenal children II f,ury g"c\mothe r A uuther pote ntat e, IT IS ~u\ll thllt MOlltllnl1, WILb a popula(jI,lo.lo" uould .. tblcken" as he went inBtantly rllll forward to the RId of tho the cuno Ity to count the money in her And thp.n pe rhllps CAll't get out Ilt all dIed 1\ year ago th o emperor FrnncI8 I, trted " numbrr t ion of 60 00\1, lUIlI not hlld a bll8ine!'8 fallC(ji11(J'tfN\I'IYI\\Itj.'ps~c~. b!1~ before, he bllg Wbat WIlS he r surprI se when, 11\If YOll tum II,WIlY from worthy meD Joseph Abrablllns, of Albllny,New of vllluuh 0 1I111111011d. 111 the h(,llt of R 1IIr A~ngly lllooped, appArently uro IU 1\ YJ!llr.·cl.f/Wm·\1r ~OItngrni thoy are .huwbly cilld, they CJln w"ln Ji'nMt~.PJllhlcV kopeks, sho fuund one 1ft lhe 0,," lI.r of n green gl11gbnm I!llloltlUg rUrtllloo, IIml DWV.h6y"Jsll t ho8\' who Ilre unuble to Ulake satiS£RY' plcbd up an from the Soor ... hich aniWafieft the Hottentot and fury at himlllllf. In th.. ,""urn" he coul'lo hncl .Idded fortY'llore. old I,DMlIt"IIl': -· · eir COIlt aDd paDhe banded to the old lad1, with an lDWill! aIn D1nglllucellt 175 'L lind wry n"r'"gomellts with eredltol1l an oc~ by which .• Inter dilllrel1t "Here, ma'amI1uu'Ye dropped dropped the gun, hilt luckily fell Rbo,'e GOOD I ... £ LONG LITE. the leopllrd With hl8 knee OD Its .tomneh lind one e ll(,InY 110 a I dllunond Willi 111 Fro.nce to W elhngton GOOI) old Jl\r. CIll1 "nsver1 hard of this out of your baaket.• JJo Jh atb lun~ who U.etb WflU, The animal IIClzed him IIY tho le ft hpllnng, betng IIIImcwhnt advlIDced In revenge ift II milch w shatter tho strength of the A jeweler numed Le 81l1nc denlod the "Thank yo,l'mlure," enid tbewoman. A II fl-c I. UCe bUI l1uuliI ... war Brltisb arll1Y, but did Dot do It 'lho 1>O!!!!Ilnhly of burn,"g I""munds, aDd U .. Jl v... h louKe.t who eno teU aDd settled the egg comfertahly among8t arm "Ith his jaws, lind kept stnklll g yenr8. H er tlaug, LydIA. "118 a tban gtnLltudo. or true thlup bu." lIona eacb day hIm with his paw~. a"d teA nng I". bloonl1ng In-K, who loved A good froh c, He wb o PJlorla cordvlimcnts, IIDlest! he umbrella 1M rello.rded nB A re lt c lIy It. oll" llCCled some I1l1fu" piny 011 the purt its fe\1oWB clothes 111 tetters from bl8 brellst ImowK how to ""\(0 a lC()I")d 111111, IIIRy preseDt ow lIer of Mncqllcr, th e chemltit wh" co nducted Then t\ll ea(!b dA)' wHit what - Ullut. i alld knew we ll how to get up ODe In a moment more, however, Mr. 8chml(lt. ho...evcr. bCIDg a powprful J.vd11l hlld a rrnugl'(llI Jllnket, alld th e 11111111 hia murk Bnd be woundcd by tho Durlllg A rccent wlIIdftlorm of Il roo t h .. opemtlOl1 Ho hnd ofulII. he illST~~I~f~!~ :!;I. II!:~~u:~~al~he~iKO . Pennypacker Hlooped llgalD. tllry CbRrActer, an AU8tmhA, a fllrlJl of sorwd. expo"~d ,11.1111 0Ild. to gr(·.lt helll. 1... \bo ripe Lruh o[ HI~ oofa. " I mUlt say, madllm," be 88ld, a Iilr maD, sl1cceederl, Ilf'er recClv mg another young mell nlld IDllld. we re nil on hllud recoil of III~ OWD jl'un severe bite or twozm !'el?mg the le1l"ar<l How Olall'\' IIIllUSlng Alld ridiculous Rc ros, co l1lJunlll g, ,VRS hfted IIlth th e IIOle result of w cre""llIg their sixty In lho I1mlst o( the [un in popped tie sbarply, •• that you are very careletlll A ~lT AUBURN gentlemllll POlDted by tbe tbrollt WltU hIS fight hnnd, IInci scenos .bould we WltDtlS.'l lf ellch pmr of nflllnd curried neurly !!C ,'en IIllle. llwllY, bnlhllnl'y 1I1r Streeler h ,," dOllo the Deneoll - - to we hnw tho wldo" ... iLb 8ueb brittle things lUI eggs. Here beld It do"n, 10 Spite of Its clc8pt'rllte fM('d 'rtJ1 ~ " n~ a wet blanket to th e 111en thut scCletly Illugh at I'llch other falhng uJ>On nnother wheut fi~ld The !<l1l1l C, \\Ith succc"s Bllt Lc nillll C only alit th .. COII. teltution or th e" DIpper" to are three moro OD the Boor." hI. Ilitle g rI the otber D1gbt 110 plamly struggles, for a few miDutAs. lind un t il owner uf tho wlUd to_d fnrm h1l8 klll'W hill! of what Mr otr~plCr kno\\ . , morrllnent, lind Lyrl11l wos all out of were to do It opeD ly I II I ean't IInders and I" Crt cd th e old thnt he caught the Idea, and after lookstrength '11'118 all tbe POlllt of g l vmg pntlence hi8 brought SUit Ugll1l18t the gClltle mRlI III nnd when the "bemiK t<l d "111 II l111e,1 tbut She WIshed he would go, lind lady. .. WbYl tbere must be a hole III Inll upon IL WIth l11uch IDt~rest for a way, whe n Il Hotlentot 0:\ the outsIde whose fie ld the fllr1l1 WI\lI BeL down, for ho . Iumld 1I1cio80 son1(' 1 111I11Iood. 10 COll i bye /llId bye he !!ot II p to depllrt. Til E fo\1O\l'1ul;. I~ a d eSCriptIOn o[ fl the buket. \Vh y. thank YOII 1 ...onIUlnute, turn ed IInll said : "Now, papa, "r the jungle, who hellrd hI. Cries, CRma the l'lllue of hll! wheat, alld tbo lu c.y 111 [I "rl1clble, he molliv a_ Dted , lIlIIl l 'Ob, t1 eaco lI " l!llld mothe,~ Call, youllf:1: IIIRn 111 LIlLIe Uock, Ark, writtell der they arD't 8mMhed " III three hom s t lwy hnd nil dl>!nppellred .11("V 1110 tho w.\I!b dlsh,"-.BreaJ!<ut by IIIm1!llir "You hllve DO concept'oll mM r" fu lIC8 to comprom 1lIl wlt.h him But there ... ns D'I bole in tbe bllll\(et, to the resoue. alld sh o t th e reroclou. "dou' t tlllnk of gO lll g before tea through the hCll rt, I!O thnt Its bell8t III the .wmllcb of 0. d eo.d (lUllc! lit,. 1 hen another )c" ler, Mulllllrd by nllme, filblt Th o dr11coD, iiO Atrongly urged, rl'- I1f II hat II ,,' retehed cr"llture) am; put and Boa\1y the old IRdy deCIded that A OUNT RY cd tor ill MIchigan thus IIlto thI S world WIth 8. dlMposltion proud tached loa Hho~ III London. Csnutlll, II who see m" to hI" e hud a SU.pICIOU of the there WIlK "DO accountiDg for them death WIlS ID8taDtaDeous HI\d ony hfc phed "Well I thlllk I Will stay, liS the and haughty ilK IInyone ever Will!. hay box of mlttche8. 11 rlozeu of Clgur6. Ilud 11 SC ie ntific truth I'u t thrl'e 1I1u11I011d. lII to bld K fllrewell to hIS renders, hiS paper egge gettIng out," and thrust been left, Its dytng Mtrtlg~lcs IlIlVIu g exp lr~d "Glllld-byel 1'011 tbe \II~ that p ' ldll cuntlllu \1y humbled. qUId of cheWing wbaeco wc re fOUl1d, to· an cllr lhon buwl pipe pllckpd In PO\\ tliem carelully UDder the lottuce and been fatal to Mr SchmIdt As It W.,s, folk- \I Iii not eX llect me !wfore clark" ho W811 110 I1lrnbl'y lacerated thM fur " W h.,t dId he ""y, LydIa ?" /I.- ked th betng ponr, With ID ol lDatlons and deslrea ll~th(lY wltb II few bunCH unci the rom- dered c111lrcul1l, nnd ~xpo:ICd tbem. wILh belt gently I fhi s .. o ur l8.8t kiok. rRdlsbea • !Ie'eral weeks hIS !tre "Illl in tho wblcl] cou l<1 bo grllt..\fted only by the 'IIlnUJ of so me c\ollll!)!,; 80me peol,le. o ut If1Jllry to l11t01l80 hCllt LIIVl1I"er. Handle u. WIth ell-rei Lower u. gently By tbls time the at!Pntlon of al\ the groatellt dllnger The Hotteutot who Wldo\\ L"d la had Il rel,,1 y [lIlMWCr "'~nlth" lack tn~ all elemelli s thllt nnd among them 1I few medlclIlgOf.tle \\ho " I" p~eacnt, provc d III 17iG tbllL by to rest I We Iho II nllturtll denth. The otber pa8ltCngers WM Ilroll!!ed, lind now "'8.8 lil'Bt attacked W8I! le>1ll severe ly " He MV" he Will nut to day, mother, IU!I!lst the Rmbltlou8 to rl1\Otalent, 011' men . llllllk the cllmelillul elltell tbo body . hl1tt\11g out the Sir the dl1l1nund WitS IVlllf I. Ilt Ollr door I Bury \l8 under a Willi tbe momeDt for the final elfort. btU t tb d r080 bu~h. wouDd~d, but bl8 face wna .0 much t"rll M the folk s " lit expect 111m bOltle be' e rgy. perseveraDce, co nslste ll cy. eduCA' of II mnll wh .. had mYKterlullolv dll!Up' J,I 8tcn to the mocking prellCrved in II furnllrc, II Ul e 11 "The most 8111gulsr thillg 1 ever by tbe enemv'8 talona, that hi s eYCR fro l1l tbe CIrcus II short tl11l0 be- ml8HIOII roAred bird" of oxygen, WIth wl\loh the cnrfore dnrk . 'Vhy, bow deAr you are. tlOn-I 11m IIIdced to be pi tied. yet ) hll&Fd of" IIll1d Job. .. Ah, all I I LIn· were filled WIth blood\o.nd ho Wll!! IIl1l1blo , t o OIl co mbllle8. 1I1t01Y 8 tile Il1nllloml to should feel burt dId 1 know I WIlli nn orc, 'l'HE fll\so alld Immural principle that deretu.nd It no.... Don' t you reel to render any aid to tIe ffiltl8lOnory who 1II0ther I" AMIln IJIstance of the great IIIgenlllty burn hke II. pieco of coal. "Oh, well, co mll ,;orne otbcr duy, ob~cct 01 J"ty i I am lIf1ectlOnlltc, sen· RI1)' humllD lifo mllY be rightfully de...wamed of yourself, 81r 1" aod he had so generOllsly come to 111< Ald. or Iln ts llnd the euormous \lork tlley can doacon , won ' t YOIl 1" sllId mother Call. sltlve, 1111 Ignorllnt, desponde nt, weak. voted to the mere getting and hoardi~g frowned and nodded at the stupid )foung IIccomph8h lJI~y be mentIOn ed Iln inctIll! she showed lhe dellcon Ollt. VRcill'ltiDjI', and Illtogotber unfit to 1"'0, man ... Ith the big coat, wbo bcowlerl nt AN editorial wflter on the Ne\l York of mon ey IS tbo root of Ihe who 0 evi,l. dent that rocently ,ccurred Ilellr PUrlS, "Smart gITI that I". 6Iud the deacolI, unfit to dlo' He I!CCma to bll VO rlACI'I hat pr'nClple III Itself Illt profoundl,. IF Adam could (or ten mlllute. CODIO him In return. Ky in n rural cemetery where 80me E.1:Jlff BB BIIya " We (l re Il I of us too " I aeha.lled I 1 hRlIen'tdono notbin'," to life would he recogniTAl tho old plo.ce z trudglllg IIlong hom e. "8he' ll find ber d('d. howevor, tliat he WIUI more lit to IIDt.: by dlhgently worklllg for 1!Cveml busy to read In a column wbat wo Cllll IInmorul all IS any act of tbeft or breacb o[ tcu¥t ,.llIoh grows out of it. And die thAn live fo r ho killed him self after tbe 88me old cIty loUt, the 6IIme Old way through, 1'\1 warrant." cried the young maD 1LdllSDantly. week •• unde rmined II. coffin in " VRult, r!lad 111 11 pllmgrl1 ph. The m.1II o r men Ii0W deeply It 111\8 taken hold of a!ld writiD! the above to hIS 8iKter. "Do you call it nothmg to rob thiK lemons, oraDge.'! figl\ elephAn1Al, RIlAkes, wko would make a Kucccssful ne lYsJl"l'er dUIii Il Il1l1ne l Illld Cll rrlc(l the ske loto n COl'I'F.R'. P()ONS and Implemr nta hllve rrul'te d ADlontaD lllllllnll$l lIfOj excellent old lady of her eggs Y" cned dandehons, pie-pllln ta, peanuts, 1\I1l!t'1lWbldl ~he collin co. tllllled through the to dllY lire tu.ugh for their first 1~8~Ou bU~IUe8H DIaD know8.-Pen,. Mbntfll,. THE butcher who IIOII~ ox·tu.ila [or ,lob "lIh an of virtuous disgust. frlU! on<i-penaimmolls that li e u~od ttl b en un earthed III ludlllll Ulounds wcrt tUllnel to n pillce vell teen feet aWIlY t ho grellt secret of COIICISCne8H Rnd COIl" Y~u havo done Dothing elae since you nome up and chBlk doWtl? All would of Fond du Lac, WI SCl'ln SlD, wllh ab 60np and cnl"o' heads for dinn"r. UII- !rom where It Wll.~ originally. It IS de1llllltlon. The ml\lI who Clln turn B DII. ELIZA. F. f£1'J(QI has ~ addoubtedly muCl' both eDds meat. entered the carriage i Rnd you llave a be goDe He ...ould recognir.e Dau~b t. entIre skull; also 1U1 Ilrticle of probable that tho anla were &1Il!l8ted by bright paragrAph i8 moce read thRn tbe mitted to J))oDlbortlhlp' In the Morgan e1l8RYI~~ ...ho wrItes learned articlch, A dozen in your pocket at this momentl" But U he happened to wander IOto which is the B.rst lRstu.nce tho lOOllCness of tbe !lToullll And tbe COIID~ (Ill.) Afe(lloal ~let1· • •, You're telhng lies!" cried tbe youug the negro mlnstrol8 ho could boar the And cOPperlllllllemen1Al of theaOtlTil!1nll!il,1 AOOORPINO to, tho late8t dicilODaneS catRCI.' Ills !Dllde by l1eld mice and moles • column long, for the Lolldon 7Vme«," tbere are "3,666 worda in Ollr hUlguage. bllvo beell found tn conjunction. -{' 0 • man. "What do I waut with raw eggs? SAme old julte.-Neco YOI" lkrald.
tae ea,
.- - - -
o j
l'nlull , 'IURI((!.
Report of the Oobditioa ·
W IIrl' ~'"J<ly' . 1\ J b f'" A I &too'k . - I b00· I!unt I Ilg .III ,(J.!'. 11. till I WI,/YIII,./JW NA'l'IO .I.ICltr a;uUe,'-"Mr. E . . u. IlCO a, II ,"~. iry par u~r til) - '}'Iae bUSlnen? lLLV/{, «-t WI'lI ,ir q '11 "!-""!"~--"'''!'!''!!!!~!!'!!!~''!'!SS!!!!!l in/; utllllllltl'lllth lind l:IIl1lfl)l't lit thit; is ,.j itillt; horo. ~pur, IlUd lll,l)uld ongros ing tho mlo(ls 01 e0110 or, . t/. 'J J o.t> 0 1 ,',/ ' f t l I ' II w ~J.e 1 tru I y "}·at .\j - Yr. ,L''rt\lIk I rillta i IIlllking t\ b .1 11' i, ' of' Ilh.' t. nil t.I me, I· r wile n1 ann UlIOOUU.1U t I\r VI'11 ugcra ~a dII 'Ig IION, Mu, I b . ;!t ·~s ,.J ",'lVi!.· 9 "\LI.Il\· l'ftl II I'll'. 111\» 1,1 'l'l'I.\· u. lui. tl.lIU· in .l!:UI'VP • l~ tha.t ill culoull1tcd to (1)0, wi th nu little pwlit, llolUotilllCll. II "U8C 'v II 1/ • • , -)l"" .. I,'r", I, 1"',lr ~llIin. l)j~ille~ nit'<, IIr bnrl ,. nllli whcat HI' .Cllt, \ - E. It Mi (lellW'visited I)lulll' l'llt 1II0Uj IDt« the pocket of 1\1\ t th 0 wlto g t tit IIwcOt, at allY J 7. l)j?' " eln 111\ t~t \ lu-by tv Hl , '11I.I,.y "t I'" 11 unci", r' h~\~lv)' ('I' ')1 • , rn IQt r'd U 0 to 0 II Mo ~ d ny. Iall t , au uud'hl ,,~ w"nl 'l. •.1I,)(lr Jll'U" )ll rl II Ill. P.,.ll.'r. U bll8 n thc I 111111 ,1tl" .1' 1I1.1v! r lI\e t reu81lry . 0r a ra. I.... 0 L , n. ontl di~oOIlIlIK f61l, II 48 'n,,'I ' '1'11\11,1 On II("II . -'rlt ll.!·'·ll Itl l hegiuning to ~ho\V 81)1)) pro· --Mr. '1'; W lit arriv d hOIl'! sooloty par :aket of the natlll'o r port calJl Ylbrlltlllg to our ars, 0,' rdrufle 20 10 lhnr A,U!\11 Lhll\. Prim . ll "" nn thu 2.1 )J 'ot of n rup, though of ('LIlli' ~ D d . an adveliil 81t all il 8bould b tbat spoke th e falling of a boo tr 0 U. . 1lolld8 te ,ooure 1,"ulnt!0l1 3a.~ 0., D llUtUy f ~Mh month. J ')" nl 0 cV'ry mll!\t beilnte. . rom lIyton on 1111 oy. 1IIlid for lUI audl. Resolut.ion of neur by. 1'hroogh 1\ Iittl Yunkee OUIC~ t k•. b<lll,ltI ,md IU\trlIfUKr":;)~1() (~ ~t> '1 r , F. 1'1\\1 k cott 0 r D lIy t vn, respect r • , • • 1)" fr~1U npltrnvud J'f'ttOrvo Ol{hnb "",.rum 1\1 IIlId.}'.\ (t woon. W improv ·u tho F onrth in II Plllliled ~180el•etiM I' eor· curlO81ty to leo~u sornotblllg, nll d Du., frolll ::i U"nk • • b,,,,kllr.. !J.n 12 'I'. 1tlAnY·1\ P . .,.~. II 11(111 C mer 01 Ii I ' . . . is nOli '''eu with lUll troubl. • b' b h I' I ' d Tltlr<l And MJ mi treet •. Th~ Ro" . y,IIn gtt unulII me ttng ou 0 111' IICIIIC poratlons, (ll It,ry poetry, contri . pCI' &1'1 a Itt e IUwar gnawillg H ~"I e.tuto. furnltu Te. llu .I II.turu. .,~.W"4 "- 1-" --8EUI5-~lor. "'1 '''lJ ' IIA pcrvilll' trroullu. It wout 011' vcr"J I llolI~' - Jlr.I aUll 1I0tice ' . cards of for the )'lOoo1·e rnb 1 wcudou my I'rulI1l\" .... \101.1 . 2."?? 00 d ..-n O. ':'-'~··--'I." w~ • ...,.., ... ~ I . . , FMrs. I tAlnvs L b Warwiok uthed k bi B ' · It ·uk. ",ILl .. 11,,·r ",.. It II ,,,. 1\a:J 00 ".tlryt,,, '" In! on Thurod"y cvuning:- ILlitly , btl t WII8 brokl·n up mlh I" spe nt I III uurl, n (! auoll. t au s,e ,~ oot'lIlattersolnow8, way to I1l1ta's woods, 0 110 mtl o I1 m.u r " I",. II"" • Ilirlll(l Sund1lY 110)01 t n.l11. ,'Dry UudRY · a\'l)' by n show r. But Ih'l show I' -- Mi ~B '1111'11lilll't.slwrno, vf Cin. but of iudi"idial concorn, iu which wost 01' hero, whero tho trce wn lo'nll'li"".,1 "" .... '·'"1) i"..tllllill~ • Lt " lI~d white whcllt at 7tc. a Ib~ FIUR,NI)S' n'&ltTINtl \Orlltt>dl)x), -M t,. itself WIiS 11J1 IIl1sponkllhlu blu si" ". cilllllLli isl'isiti ng Mi SCI! nopkius. tho goneral l ~lic hll8 00 inter st, fuUeu. a ll arrivin~ nt closo prox · S l.'iO~"I·I) I' III' It; 10 l'rl'l'llr'd CIICOlL 20c, II paukllge. Inll' fot "Ivi" W01'tl.hl l' """r), Firot and ~U' . , . t I- ' d I Id ' p81'd"lor by those IUllty . ' . to t I10 oventtu spot, tI10 I10\,' I'····""r ..' i"'" no III~ ':' / I ron.llr)' 0 Ut ,~I II I I II otS. Il polt mI . D" 00 illujl\jf ot 11 o'ol')(I}c. Fi ... t·Day I1S It gn" o ~tI(' I all lI11petns , 11(' C Ull! '8 Killney is " cnlldilll\te lin S IOU ,Ihu. ' o_) 21n II:, ~.:ol:t \ 1·2 '\)'01 k A . M. .grow;ng of th e corn lIml putat\l·~. I r t)lI U rrU~B, lI nd ought tv be elcc . who desire tl DI insor~ed in the SCJ! uud vobiclt·s promi scu ously L" ~HI.I.·".,IL· r ",,',., . . " . '-!,O'JI 00 Buk ur .. 'UCIIU, 311c II pllckugo. FHIIlNua'Mt;8'tHIU It,,lu.U ).-111 ",tinll W uro pllillting ur Inllu dl'Y anti . I g l10wspap t. orch fal·rll or other pllstcd round nl first rcoust the ap. Itv,I"'''I'I,.;" 111,,,1 w~ 11t t .:;. [n ll.- .. Ud\\' CglJ Oorn Stllrch, 160 II pack. for d~..ina "'''l't!lli)l c"IIery .1"irdt l\JIII Fourth II b1II' Id'Il1gS, 1lut II r. 1.11' t~,. M . UN'r \.) 1,·0. 01 ulrll"IIIt.OIl) I.. , 00 I k F' t.oDay 0111 SOlIl or I I P tt.s f . . cutertall11D4 lnt Iior mOlley, shOll Id pcarlln co 0 f II woo dS ' " PICIIIC, auu.1 ,~ • begl~1\\"1l' ~t k 00 O<l . Ir. looks' ako fwd the pr~scl'\- fltilln of -:- 1' . Iflr t f M' 0 nllld°\U' no more aitk r fr"e advertisinrr the boisten,uB clatuor vf tho IIHIlI 1'0",.\1" $ lOt!. 0420 Sohool'llTI.\. M ,,1·2 0'0)00 A. -,. • 1 1IIISeS. "n OarOtLSOr I .. IJIInli\". . \\'\1 II glles 0 r. u or en . tbapa ~ I t:J tOl1u' ' .' d t .. I llycolI II'ICt 1.[ A BlLlTI',' ' . Cu\' r' Oyrt Nt, frcl4lr Lohl'ttur ,8aimon and OIl U U' IISorviocon l,ord .· til) Pl1lrlu(,( It I t k III II nowSll)aIM' mercmnt ·opor truYlllOlg . <l "OII • f . I ,. ,. I d ... rw I U ~ woe'. ' • k f goo ds. lt costs ' With . GometiJlIlg . ' *"(1 u(MI ()() L"I'u it iu t'l ~a <4. I\t luw I'ri '0. Ir' b. QormlUl, d " , rtnd "nol tl)'·~Cih~1 ot h 1 11'I'"st ,"UO ollr urge ullrl1, west 0 tie gnr UII. · " . • WI. t II I. ult! stuc 0 f U VI' l [\ IItlturo ' "1.I111 I . , .." k 1""1I In .J , 0,, 111 . ~' I ' lUl\ \V I.i"", liut£.llo, OMtilo, Oonevery Lord'8-dfty nlnrn.'ug. . W 0 aro also making 11 ncw hUll \) ~ hlr. b (JOlW~ \~ . Ebright hns mOlley to Q~a\ll1ewspopers. l'hose bll t UpOIl fllrthor insp cLi II , tho al· ~~~ril~~d:~I;~:vfi'" ?[~~ ~~ ~ ury. 11",1 Pille Til, 1:1""1'8 " ~veo i"lty. Il u lIuut i T1U Q(tI to m a ke tllO ¥ e nuiHe" m.,. )Ito'E.Olf!l'.IC11r.-T.he Ro,··SL. Fd,·,Vy.A n ~14)ro f0r ollr lIew tellant, Mr. Dillie, llU bUilt a V\·r.v til t • httle rockory III1U who r eei t belletits which a fllir disclosod nuthing lUuro or Ic~s NI.till". 1 ,.. ,108 ,JIII.Linu!i",,; 2\) •• 00 urI PAl r. Di ",no •• vl er nn un • b out n 1111' l() f iVilli t 1111\ ' .11 I IIi Ir ,/lit J\'Ilrd / ( 8I10 ' d contrIbute . h all tit o captarlng ., D"' I~'fIl' I 'J ., 000 00 1'\1,1""" 0 Liniment Bud Dorten·. Oough Syr.9 '1 k M. "nd II }.!) I' . M. S"bbaUI the Munr c rl.llld a rom newspaper Clara t 01 tho beca ali\.I IVII unpol.' . -. 1 ul'_ lmd kccprHI.1 n fllCr und butte r MSurtmon& 1 OQOO ' M' ' · towur d s 'tU • •• ubJec t10 at:!l-\!• I'.• Ill. . the'Vcst fram,' . .lormorly Cll Ilou - M ISS I anun 1' h ayer. 0,~C IU I ment 0 f the cost of honey from a rod·oak t roe. l'ho IIIIIH"ldllaldOP081t cheuk ..,hool 1 ,6U3 72 uf Flllllily Ol'Oooriu. th~u any other boullO' ill WIlY" .villo . 11811 • WILyn. M ' 'U! Town.hl" Dolllotive &. the J Dolany plllce. ci nnllti, is visi ting er . grand - its produ 'I~o , N wspaporll plly predo minant }Jersonage8 preBollt ID"mnnJ oortllt.-Rlc8 of deposit li.aUU 69 --~.....1, ~!J IX) TO tivo Oornpnny m ec~ °In tho lid S~tuB"" Our apple crop seeUlslikoly to bo Ilnr 'nts, All'. alld Mrs. I Sharpo. t heir WII. !fey aro often too \V re Marshall Earu hart lIud Geo Timu ccrllllcuies of it OI'LI"t day In ONlll 18011\11. at 2 00 • 1'. m . Y ,. • "J • ,. • .1. . Th" l' f l'> 'd '11 oMe. of h~ Ooml'my. L. nor\Mok, Prtlfl· :SUffiell)lIt 101' our ncoCil81tlOs unit -MiAses ' orrlo M. Thompson mucu lUI I · _lIpon. IS IS .be· ],.O~\'(lr, rom .• 1 ge\'! 0 , tho (·ap· 1'.1'1',\1" '10 ,~Il ~ 20 Idcnt. 1. O..~..lkinburg. ~rot.ary . they come ngain, though nol a fu ll lllld L nllm Vur ucr have been vis· cause the It. Tbe Sentinel ta ins ill the colulOn. Dave HUlha · '1'.,"''' 01' 0 1110, COUNTY OF W ,'UIC EN . l'8. ,.1i'.III.II:r _ a'~18T,, (Fr_""1l) Ohd'~~i!~ crnp. iting Mist! Emma Sabiniu Wi!- ~rp08s Jlowuon impoli· WilY, Lon Enrnhnrt. Hurner Willll, I.JOKL EVAIIS. o...hi.rofthcllbovontlul8"bh~lhRo°f °J<1 'Amol\'l:'.!4.. tI~~·rp h t' 1)lIriHI.! tho Itl t month wo hnve ul illgtull. •. tIOUS. I 11' at ueW8 18, aud John BIlf(lIcr, Gellrg 1'011 co, cd bILllk, Ju 80lclIIuly ullinu Ulat UIU ubovo D1U.L.u III p . at . v.. . II ... n, 0 .. IIno e. er. receive 11 j' I' a . n hn ' '" '" .t-"mell'la tru~ to tho be-' of my knowl PM r. AU 111'0 ""rdi..lly i.nvited to ..ttend . . b .SvUlQ t '~ • . H 1v_O ncw -Loot. a gol~ .100 . bnt~ll. w'th IIropoa r W_,uoo!.r YI}I) lI!l-'4_""yseIf 11.0 e 'c JIl\\e, Q~' , •• • llIom ers 111 0 our. ~ml y, Qn(r1roptl t~e- In{(U(1l""'L. K: engraved 111'11. t illldvertilllng, w~ro iltA.tlllll·d III ~llo fOllr rollks 118 My••nd bRliot JOE.L EVANS. lIIIhlC!l. th Y m~y fiud 9ptrltual peace Dlld th~ Oil, Tile tinder will please and pro baTe pay for it. r 1\'0 III th nClghborhood of a 3:a~f J , . . bofot m , tblli Tntl.. ........... ...... prosperIty th ere~n. Icave at Thllt whicl!i: el1l8b! or con cern 8 hUllorcJ yu rde fronl the immediate Y Y WH. HA.NINGTON, Southern EWrolS, li.llT. .. .. No. 11 Ycsterdal' fnend D~vid Allen _ n' . tbe poblic Ia .b .tinel will prest-lit SCCIIC of conflict. llllntl1 ruccivod N"Wy l'nblio, Warren 00., Ohio. ~~,~~:~e ACe . • ~~7 ~'. ~ . ~o. I dr~ve out HI the .evenmg to th o I • A mo g Itlholortunatefinl~s \IO~IO ill its colUlJ~ That which is to the honey, which was illlnltlll80 fur Conn ";l'I'- .\lw.t: Niltht E press. 10.114 P. >f.. N~: ~ VIllage! ace mpllllied by two gell, ~a,e II nllStlll y n.e corn, 0 s. or appear in1 o mll8 for tbe bell. t11(1 sllcrifice of tho trc ; !Iud 111 H. W . l: ')Ln.;Rf!. l ""llgM l~d Ace.. 10115 A... No. 13 tioroen ID somo way connected with tb d8 a on'lan' M~~d~t Nerr Hallles ofit of ioclhioalll, corporationl, vouch for tbo fact tb at we 1111 itnu ~'ill ~:~~,, ~~.(I:>E, ~ Di .. u. )'IIQl1lcE"P~=."·t"'·"'a~7:." ~.t No.2 the new .Tow n Dall in. Lebanou. lUI fll1IUe 111\11 Ie. . companiee, or!~ie'iee. t~ey mUlt to drink milk fr ely Ilft 'rr tnrning NO' i'ICT1'~ '1'0 J)UILI)t.'I'l>c . p ..'Llr' . ~,56 ... . No. 6 Tber tamed but a few Il lluute8, bllt -~r. W. H. Hale an.d fami ly, pay for. l~6'8papors esn !lot be homo, to evade UIIY UII\\, ·lIneIl8. • J ~ \oJ Clnoln. eel., I '.~ 1'. II . ~o. 4 we Improv d the time by showing of R IChOlOlld, a, re hl7 e In attend· conducted (o..loryaloue. In filet, OMIIT. ::i,'" 1.,1 1''''1'',•. ,," WIll I•• r"".,iv".1 .~ tw InClnDl" E&presft, 6.116 P. .. . . No 110" tl .Ielll . ar 'Ull d a I'Itt Ie a.n d .cxe ,\lI1I ' ".' once 0r1 ' MI'll' . CII th ermo B " . ., No.' urn i\Ilrt, o om~ to tbii D.O~· it, tltere call be •• - - ,.0\.." ,,' 'hu l' l" r~ "I \\, "VII('I '1'" .. tI.hlp. I'rel'lbt IUld ·t\oo.. 1 .45 P... .. l. Da.J. 0 . 0l .". 1)1 "t). ' un ,'1' .' "" '''', t.:ilOp,oll.lgnll. g.tng I.deU911n d .cotllmo.Dleatlllg what \\uO edn.t' 118 Iook.ed .·, or h o.ur. Iy. uo ..lory witJ>ut~ oash to pay ex. . AYES dl'cd rccftotly ~ , \\..•rr~.. "",111 I .,11 I1 "- "· •• T litth I h S " leaviug " 10 rlUII \;l 01 helwl!en lit'· for II II' '·I.".'rt,"Li,," ..I. 1'" ',,""il' Ihllll> AIm • .... Ins do not-atop. I 0 tn orOJatlon t 61r vcry sht- rl. - pec\lIl Im fll'lIIns \II mllhnery penses, oveD i 'he uowspap.;r bUI' ' 11' 1:1 d I", 1''''"l",1 "' ,it,· " . ~ II .. i W .•) ".'" I I.· .'~;·;"~i~~d ~ E..., "od Noft.4 Ilnd 10 wrSl stu,}. would allllw. goods at Mrs. F. King's for the ucx.t inMS. For BE co rendered, pay. tecu. Hud t~en~y ml IU.U~. . e ~ . ~"i.t ", :. " ,I: lUu ,t l·vnJ '''l\l ~l.." I No I G 71lndl0 d nAil ' tb Tile g reat circumstanco of tlt e Icn dnys as sho wishe8 to oloseo ut meut must benodc-tI t ' ab t vt!rt lBctl Itbolally, I,alll ~1~S bllb "."~ "1"'''111"''11''11'' wltid, m"yboH"'·O,It .t!, •. 'I •• , . d run a y. 0 ore b h ' k' , HI IS Oll rromftl y was a " ...od CI tlZOU vi• • Udl"" .flcr ll.. 'urd", ,J II "v :!ll. lti , /!. U N DEI> 'f A K E 1) S d -ru,'!. nOollt on .,... . soason, t e urvest, IS upon us, nlld hor toe' I g ods for tho casnn. the lonf or bort of it.-Rotn~ I M' d I" I Did. DlU.t .tntc tho. c,,,t o( materi.1all tho '\t . \. O. O. HA1NES. rlcht AgeDt. catfng 01 I d th I' . W' . . . ' 0\\'0N. a88. 'h1111 1118 ..." \)110 I I . . ~EOROE It 'l1ILES E .A' I Illy an res ling grlllll tIltnm Morrts dIed sudden · enh111l.. .1 to. g " !r,ounlI.1.'0 o.ost 0 fib 1\ ~r n fmttlllg mlltor,. . ,:I. g t. will oocnpy most of our timu anti I 7I ' 1 '1 I' I • • • ry. ot 8", owe\'er, WI I It hu \,,1in bulldiul(', &0. E tuh bltl >:nil.' bu nuMAtts OOUIO EA.ST : I (0 ' .y O~I tim. 2, • ,at 118 10llle THBBE 1\'81a picoic in Eb' with Dr. SWHync " Sou, 330 N. Mml"l nicd by th e Mill. ' tlf ilL I l1.t two 1'0- Roo __ '" U_.. . ·u' .'... I ,be r ... _ .... 010 eat 940.... and 41.30 P. M. e.tro e ugt I or som . tlwa. In Dlnncl.JelHer, hilton Co., 01110, Grove, neall'" y' ton,.Obio, one dry~ (Ill. St I'hilllddphia 1'1 "y lir e ,polI.lbJ' 'I'Qr..un8 wbo w'ill J(uuTUJlt.oe thRt lI.ute OOINO WEST : . ur small frOtts, so lar havo ill tlw 8<lvcllly.fourth year of hi8 ~ ., . I N ' the work will be perrormed in good ,u,,! fI1 '111:15 panned out very well alld scarcely Some ot" nl'JIlen wandored SWindlers of tbo worllt typo . 01· workrnanllko In liller, und I.. tho tlmo -I'''' W A Y YE.lV1L L E . OHIO . ••• • , " P. Jr, 1llld 1i.41) P.. tl. II t'l d ' . . nge. . down the r • Iu a 8cclud(ld Il ook th!!r thei r w oni or th oir writoll 01fl I'd. Tho boil"ing to 00 ~omp lc~ by ---'-'~ . A. t. FARR. P. M. any nng IIUI lal e , thiS scnsoll, ex· --Mr E L Allen ba8 been un. . . I' I U,. 1Mb of 0 01.0'-, 1 ~ 7 .'<l U,.t ~ O....'a8-Uae copt pellc\te8, aud tbcse 11I.\\, 0 1I 0t I 1 " ' 1 . ~ ~, d thoy dl8COV d Ii pile of feDlale contrnl;lt IS wvrt! II I'lcnyune, !HIt tbe Tru.te.... "''''r<o Lho risht to rojuct 011 ~~nb~ to and from Corwin for sllcceeded well with us fllr man (or t Ie w oa~ I I' or n e\\ tlys, clotbing. ~ ., lookod into tho tbey oro nttcrlv JUll ocellt of hOll ur bit," Ilt their di ·roti"... ...or.. aooommod..t1on Ua!n. Orde.... left at years. Y With l:lteIlDlII~ls m lIud sy~ptom8 of rivor for sig of Ii 10 or denth, bllt or hOllesty. We ooutioll IHlhl i~ hors !3y oni r or Ih"1',,,"t,,,·•.o! \Vuy"oTalYlI' I tll.1>0'i:!!~c willl'Owvecarelul attootion. A Pennsylva .. ia G rman ~8 h ro typhO)lu tov er; but he 19. on the saw lIotbiu@:.· A newspaper ropor- against a :ivertising tl..,ir. wllrtb !Ci!S .hll·, Wurrou (t~~·v\V~~:'t.u:y . OIork. or Ii (\Gilt.. inquiring I'rlto vnr p 'n . I 'd maud. tor of the p took rI wo all the nostrlllllS uuu Ihe publtc ngUlnst • --rl Clp al . B' l b ' ' I NO'J'lC ~ I.' -_. -Rella-iolls 'Notices. de.iron8 to leave one ot his 08 dllugh. - TI Irc~ 0ft, l Ie ' ~lDer lca!l I lOpS surroond in,. rummaged amvng nytllg all d · nSlllg tim. ters with lIS. r;;eaeltcd II~ St. 1 uul s Cnthedrul, the clothe8, fvnnd there weru - - _.-,- Tho pnrtn"...bil' huret"f"ro old. Ung bu' ow ood th oll ' vu rub IIgniust twccn Ihu undcr.if:l'l\ed. ullder ~h e firm nam o d I~8t S. nil dlIy. several eets-o Boite of tb em, little :O"d -Diviue Seryice will be hel.d in I go to Watervleet, near Dayton, , II d , on, E ng Ilin, I I t'k I hi h of t:1..,rly &,,h,,·inJ{bcen dl"",lved the Episcopal .O~ureh to morrow to.morrow (tbe 6th), to hold forth BI8hop H doll, uf OhIO, WII9 ~h and big. hi I) of the pockett! a \I IVI. na s W.IO II e .011. tlUC I g by 11111111 ,,1 oon••'nl " 11 IhD Ulih vf Novem· .0 the u.ftl·ders on tile approftcb. oue .who preached at the eyelllug love letter w found, wr itten hy unl~ J?lglt.''t1 albera th i\t] ~t IS 1IIIIrd to ber, 1 ~77. tltll.~ l",r'lon- la.o,,"illlC lhOl"~lve8 ~;;. (Thurs. d y~ evenin~, ~IDDJ'llg at 8 , .., .. re rain ro m se(lc Illig t lem !o iml c bLul 1..1 t1lt ,..0i.t fir m UN- n 11ut.'tt l Cil to ...... ~ ~ o'clock. b" Rev d u d O ' 8 bb tl s Vlce. Hal to Jol ia The cl thing WU8 . ~ ... - ~ ....... I fll " g on ! 109 0. a I. M d M Elb WE d I b ~d Inform you as to wbat brunch f ""II "",I "'" " i"""",I,,,t.· ."tll e," n l . "" I .... S tewnr d80U WII 0 olato. We had a spleudid shower last r~ an rB, or • I18t· teo er y UII up alld taken to tit \ I' '1 tl b I 0 th·... · I, "i"lr .,I"illl' "I>O\llIO\ we ... i IIr ... -'fhe oxorciles of Ohildren's evening. o. o. 11. lin the recently·eloped · couple 1 the picnic ca~p, stuffed under a e r ya am i y ICY e ullg. wil ..... uu ~ Ii,. lB. m:" v.r: r;n~r.v Snll~ay will be h Id ill the Uni. ( hnve retllrued h me from Conada boggy sea,t, a~ tbe party s~llrted Health, Beauty and strong, pure, JA:l II IlA \ LI·l·. ...ertIDlist Ohurch •. Rid~ville, oext SpriJl g Voll y. alld be ollght. pa r /ltn! pardon. home feehng ery eud. 1t d~d not rich blood will be secured to all W"YII'·..·i\I'·. uac 17, 1 :~. Snnday beglnlling tit 10 o'clock Whether they havo forg lveu th em· occur to thelnat 9nce that It WI18 who nse tbat m t reliablc altera· 8WAB.'rHMORE -COLLEGE . All are' iDVitcd. . X -The .anoul1l UOI,:,.mcnccment (If 01\· i au. ther mAtter. • a little 8tl'an~a young wom an amI live and' blood purifier, Dr. Bull'e Ten rullCt! from 1'1II10Jol£llulI, undor tb; . • •• • !lnin Oo"e~o WIlS IIt.e~ded by ,;cv· --!lt r, rmh FI'e nch, of Spring. t,,:o or .tl~ree tie glrl8 aoould com· Blood Mil.ture. 0""0 of Friend •• give. u Iltol\'0,, Wil!lam Cullen Bryant lived 88 oral frolO this place. 'llt b. :ft!rcis S 0 ro, bns b~n viaiti~~ his da~. mat SUICide =~. It was • -.- ._ oduontion t.o both HCltf . who h"ro iJlIl'IU O ycars and Wh . active ·an~ healthy pa8~ed off plCo.ellDtly, alld aIL !e. tor, Mrs,. Jadqo K y Mr 'lJef\. , . cL. " · i.e. . t THill Lovola.nd Enc\lmpment bo· Ute:d e ~rou. lIf .tady. aud r""ulvo Utu . •.... t'lJ'" Illst. -. Ha ate btl\llttle moat. turned very muob pl~s d. compJ tell hiS nin t eth year tbe who"bad os pi lotO et Olt. glRs 00 oth~ 18UI and oloeoll u tho ""';!r :&aIC>gDII, 'ving full .rtlonlor. lUI WtlII VIlrz.. ~fnl of h i. diet, and -Bill, tho fllmily flOrae of Geo. :! th lI( ,'Jny Illst. Be is still roo II. Wll8 ~ v.~" ead o. all agreed .. .. DIet of thi S m~ntb. Th o ~r 11l1dB te DOuma o! ~tntf;. TonM. •\;c...\lldr.... -1iTed prinCIpally upon vegetables' Trumall, di ed Oil Tue oay mvrni ug Innrk aoly b Mty t'.,r oue so aged. dlsappomtC<l 'lovlKlJ'bapa-8nd on are ealt,l to he 1U excellout order. E~W A.ltD n . IU.GlLJ., ' air• . ' a fto.r an 1'11 ness ot twenty·fmlr · - Pro"ldllnt, ijwllrtlunurc....C<>lle!r& • • n d th 18 . proo r 0 f tbe virtues hours' -Dy thc H gister of St. Mary's th e. tllory 0"I" 'mel~d:e tb ~ I ove I e.• · D ' r. - ---t h d II i n rtbOloro. • of careful Irvmg. So much for tho -young, tet 0010\'00 by all' and H all Dllrl 'lngtoll N J "'or 1878 ter would be II ood tbmg for the 10NST Ido~ge , tne . 0 !.Ir exonSI'S 0 Dolawll1'O Collnty, Ponna. tb r Til . N ow ' we h'III IOS8 WI. I b.e d eep Iy Ii\lIt, not on· we tilld . , . ., I' , t TIl tl tak eo da. ~o t le 0 ler8 ollle next atllr' all or 0 • anatopsl8. lhnt Mr. Ohnrles E"'ao accoull. .e 0 les were Th e H ome IICTer hufore was ------s i·-Ai·AR·Fs .. nAiI;,·-.. -·At the Old Stand, want lIome Jolly old. eodger of 86 Iy by the fnmJiy, but a greut mlllly MU\'l'itt hnd bcl'u added to the to tile POllt. 00. The reporter Y t' t' ' t' tl' J,;BaJKLINfATOIf. IfI! W ... H~IIY. ICe 1'" oollot""I1, 00 h ~{111 or 90, 115 or 100 yeari!, to rise up others. Board of Trudlees of that old and W~8 slltisfied t at he had a good so cup IV~I~~I~I_ ~~U8 seasvll. h""'Qn~y mil _!rllm I'hlhulcll'ltin (Flrfi~O<I' B m'o"ol,/l/!, Ph utlJflll, Bugyin · an~ tell all abo~lt how h.o h~ nenr Mott and daughtor, who populllr fl'llIalll cvllege, nllW irl its ~ llIlI g. The coun~ was read ov· OIlAl(Olt in thc time.tubl\', thi s ~ian) , oo"iu. it. lorl),·.nd .wool yur 'l 11jJ /J"!I!7i If. -;prill!! lVuYM8, . pal~ any a tten tion to hiS diet, ba have recently residcd nt RicLUl lllld, i'orty.jj Ilit your, Ideut ly, for <II rly d U the .mo~~JOg week. Post Yl)urslf occl)Tu ingly. ~~~~&!~~ru.~~·r~':I!~IO~;~::lil~;'~~'~~~llil::;; FlU'1n lr'ff!l(1/I8, d~c. eaten beef, veal, mutton, pork [nd. after makiD" tuo ~amily of I "I J I I A' I I t an angry fath r came ra5IDg aoto - - - .. -... a"Il.11 llrliuu t,,". N. J. ' 678 Ah , s,'CORfl·n IlJlti \V"rk, "hel ,,\I killlla ' II k' " ,., . -co rs. aoc w. rlOn Ins a e· I" fa d . . I ~ · k d CI110 on, lUI atuds of v~eta. M Barretta very ' nlenaunt vi it I r.l I d d . t po Ice qua ors eman IIIg tIe THAT was a lIumorous lI ud I!lori· of n~ p' liril1.g, lII uoh M Pftin ting. T rimmi ng, · Ilate ver, . ' r · , Y llIlI e a lall !11.1mB onatton 0 I tb H d ht I d t k 9 KENYON OLLF.GE, blea au d firUlte-w W01JI1-Work II11l1 OI Rck.",i thing dono to orIII eed, have returned to their old borne ill tl CI" t" C,. b f' tl' I co es. 9 . aog er la a en oosly.wet rain ye8terday cvcn lllg. '''Jr . A lurgc 'n.'4l'ortm out of . Ie illS Inn ~tlrc 0 liS? ace, a walk on ~bta ~iver bank with two GAIII ....UI. "NUX ~o .. 4UIIO, lie 'equId find that Was good to eat; the ea t. bow he alway. had a good ap c, . .' . 1II tll.O shll).!!). 01 a ll cl€:gan.t.. com· or three Ii tIe neighbor lI(irls, alld BUOKeERRJES nre now 810wly Undor UIO oh"rllo uf 11", r,ol .tont Er i... l~ROWS tite, and permitted his enst.iron I -We w~re pleased to notice tile IUO IIIOIl ICI·~lce. Mrs. Art dll hilS tho place eing" eeeluded II.nd the 8ucceeding tho raspborry crop. Urri~lt~;~~r~" ,~;~t.j;i.·J~~~. l.,~~:r:il~~"::::' )llf l\V W ~) tlc:, tn.,,,,. 8tomach to take thQught for itself 1000~red editor of .t1~0, Lyc?nm In be.eLl ~xceodtng ly gonero~8 td\varde ternpernturo 'warm, . and the wator ' /Ito .•• d,lre •• th o ltEV. W. A. DOlmn:, III/<. IIl1d "II o1\l1'UI ' 1111' iti ng, they cop,cl ud ed to tilke . MKBOURY away np in the Hin o- P", 't, Ollm),io" Ohl... 11711 for he never . gave it a moment'~ ve~tigator out rldlUg With her t1 8 I,UI'c!I. of Rnxiety. It· is nil well enougb to !oung ~ran,d80~, last f?uud.ay ove.nThe Q ueon of tho G p8ics, 'II bath . &OJll \hey beard voices ill tleB, day al\er day. be temperate both iD eatiu lind \II~. hat s rIght; . DothJl1g Will &latilda Stnu ley, has 0 t ye becn tho woods 8nd lbid themlelves in OUR coru crop will probably be C_I R DS. driuking' but tit ill thing o~ veg- brt g the{08e~ bllck to fad ed ch eeks buried. Her ashes still lie ill tho the busbe~ , ~Jaev 'huddled togotll ' light WORK etarian diet anC) constant anxiety or '0 IP t 10 01 ~r tll.e young 80 w~11 valli t in ~)<)d Innd ~ metery, DlIY' or as quiet I~ ': ~ce 1I0til tbe in. .~~~"~~,,- .. ,,~,,,,~ DR. J. ll. H Ol ' (; 11, for tbe stomach ill order that hculth nil plTb8a ut d~lves \0 the ~pen fU r. ton, nWIllttng th time when her . trnd ing young toen had come and Bv~!,_c~~~~.~!~.~~~?2~~~~~: D K '. A. llOU (j r[. ....:"...."""--....:>'-oL..£..._ ,I.. no (lrtllllpUy, DlfIY be in8ured and life prolou (ld e~881p8 of the v~lIage are son, now KinK, shall feel inclilled Igone-gone w.ith their c1othee. AI'PLB pies prevail. tilDe... '.I' t l .. l .. ''''"'1, . HAllD TIM ES ruuCE5:i i. the vanity of hypoohondri!cs proJJI.esY~ °t!fi 8e),eral hlgb· toued to shift tho roy "I honors frt.lrn hls \ Tho only thing they could do __ _ __ U'.~"'IIIB'''''',I ,1!1 - • • • - - tI .. IC». Bryant'8 life may have been ex: wo ~Igs ?~I °bng . t 8 t d . SQholl ltler8 to tho .1: uftll, li eI wl y .eh 08e:l wns to rOluainquietiy where they B[RT[[' . ~DR. E. F. AK J ~~,~'~:~";::I.::;fi~l~;I,;'ltUU .It""" *l:~~ l tended to 83 years simply by his - arm~r8 u nelC. n Ill' ay, II COII: A song as 1e ate Queon 6 j were until 'a ftterdark,and tbellsteal U c~,dtl ll .!. II", .,,,:.11 "'II' u r '1IIly O() "-retiul eat'lng', and' I't may DOt. nt the reeld.ollce .of .Mllo Walton. body hC8 actllllll.y above ~ r.ound, to their homE:s iu tbe kindly shad, STOUT.- In Kansas Oily•.Mo.. .Tilly 2<1, Office m/fl R" lIid"IIN, 'J'/Ji l'd 't., l'E:r "' R E'I BnLY. ..... All d II d Itl71!. ti,. wife of Mr. !. M. Stolll, uf " "V YN l'.S ' V LL l. f''" - "The chances arc, that those ,who are oor III y mVlte . tlt~ '8lln CliO I' ·tU III th~ P08It.IOD ?f ows of night. ' daughter. y A - --------. ,,-- · .1I)0y whatever really good tLillgs - ~athaD and Esther Framo KllIg; bllt wh on he 18 burled 1\1 ~ - • • TAYLOR.-Jul,. IItb. 1878, thnifo of ROllE I tT-' F. Ft; Lt. ' .\S, ftDL D8TlUltBSlYlllI W1IIma.h llPUll. thlll boontiful world afforils in sraDt Sabbath la8t at Cedarvill.e, O. Woodlan d, ~I\other Queen .must b . BE oue hundred and 2d anniver. Mr. Wllll.ul Taylor, of a 80n. Te.&ooable moderation will 'out. 1 h(lY are making pr1.aratiulls to Ch08011 to \'clgn oyer the tube. s y of the n8\ilm's birtbday possed ,. ,II 11MOMI':\TII10 ~ Is n .Uftoll! ItOry nbout aomeDIlII_ , WAYlUI8VII,LB 'l ~ Uli. d.' n\II QU -'ne ...blcl.hllvooDiY_r~centl~"'~'P;~ n,c o"on"v"ly -~II"""- ""-,Jive fOO to 100 those who are so remov4j1 to .101 mtJncie. I II., Ihe latte '' - ,_.--.. . 0ff quietly and Lwitbout any very - - -III.... DKETS. m 11'" '" 1\ &ys.and afraid of their~ gastronomical ap- l'art of this WC.. ~k' much to tll o ru,. ':'VON .T . 8~Ule. wld e· awake, mBu· gr(lat p opular d~oustratiou arOQs· Wbeat ~ \)lIshel; eo 80 Oflioo bour. froln U)6 to lI!b 0\ .11, :)~ to IbO market. Dr. Vnd...biU.lbewel\,....own , ' t h t tl I tak f grot of their mnny frieuds. eu.tml. ol t.lzon sturt the mo\'ement \. ng the peon)le's en!.bu81· -m. Tbe Corn ~ bushel S5 G 1'.101. IJapo-~er of Crotolll'olnl, tiled III ~17f. ' par. U8 a ley OD y par 9 0 411 butldlllg 11 to\vn ball that shall l! , .... or , 6 Some of hit bella entertained tem~ • certaiu very select few negative -A great many from here nt. . . ~ weather Will! bo of conrse, and a Oat. . 2 0 11100:) dutlr" SOllth ~r Hllrri. Donk, Yin, ofauch crllmIIe 1tI0d,' Uiat t~ ..... . di8hes. Let the "'orld hear at ooce tended tho temperance meeting at ~e. a ~rc~lt to OUI town uufft t~t:i great many 1i1'i80ly concluded the Hay per ~on, ~ ~ ?, ~ GOII. "'AVNBllnLl.E, onlo. ="!:If:~ld :e:;c!~!.~~, from graud armv of "good Burlington on the Fourth of July. 8 II Ptl t It) h~vneil!l apPtrobPrillad beat pIau wu·to 8tay at home and BFIOtUter per o:t., ~ ~ ~ n._~ baYSl WP~~"'......n\l!wt· b ~~:---~~~~~:~;ru;-;~·~~·~;i;e;~~!~~~j~~~::~;;~· In W B no a.. t ak e th olr . f re.~ an. ...'" easy. ' ua r -por1w .... -oI1JTMOIO g..&.e~tbewlMl: Itl.Olll'lIowthatthilodllrbells , t'f tbu "'''1 J 10 ~ "'I'"I1.".l • · .... .... T • • ., bawaacceedeclllDuraa!doKfonlllta-,a uum er of the y oung gen· y "iIe blOWll8d 'tir SLEBP(B88 and ' -.Al\lt.t Da ton, crou til eel. ceo II a ~ meu A, few flagll ~ to_tlte breeze; we :, «:. Dlo_1l88es ~ dIM IUId lbtt aile of th.".. - . Itlanic of me ubsc be. or aJ~w firoo~e'" ·Baird as .. ".,,, lb . 1 II. " ~~:'.l'·!'s~~~J:.~~ el aYBwit I be , ~reveo ted , j f you IIp,, .. ~h....-f1,b- ...1t llv.uo Y, ouse miglil " e-li '. ~t'!£ ,. h •. Bait per barrel 186 Omo.2doorlS,,,,thoIJIllrri8i Bank. ' bitt au--.. 1hoIm-.... n..; Bull's n~ y Syrop to induce no.·' h l'CO, we . presume, b u. t would be an ornnmeot ' . , eae . 0 t-•e eId , were t elr Bam" ( logar·cIi reI1) por Ib ., 10 ' .....- 1lJl1 ....-::l:"~ _ \1I'II]MaU "-:r: . ........ vr. .IlU ' II' co archlteC~ i ~L" A t., W.,....., IIe. ......... ' ... ....." ...... 81~p and cO~J>OIIore for the Baby. --eorefingers, excorsion trains, etc., url1ll nnd be ' made of Ilreat ad- P (l1l~~ was tD, e. Dumber Potatoes per bUllhel 75 0/1100 ho"... 7 1·2'(b UJ·2 UI, 1 to:l \·2 ;::'& UD1flte an, otItcr wkt. 01 Amerieai Pnce 95 cents. seemed to bo the hindering cause. y, . l' '?A to or cltJ.zeos lollO 00, aDd a very Applo8 per buauel r.M.,7 te 8 I'.~. mnarhbl~ f~t6;,:;."" =~~ __ .c:. ____- - - Fact vautage 1.0 Ii9 al 1\8 an, al", , ~~r ple8l!ant tim~' w enjoyed. Eggti per dozcn 7 A tIfIJ A~ -0- - fanclen bave " op«J'J'ln_t hI II .. cbe WE get Oity paper8 deli ...ered eDeml advancement. ' 1: ,I • Dr. Balnel 'deljvered au address Lard per pound 8 @ 10 . lIl'e t/fJ . . ~N~Q). =1!~I!~~':."'i:T"c:t . here n6w at 6,2'1 .&. M. They eo me - he recent Improvements 1D .. - • • • ( IlPpropriate 110 t,be oocasiou; tbe Flax Seed per bUllbal 1 10 OF LEDAl'ION, bMda of the well·known wbolaoale ~ ,on the 6,2'1 moroing train. Bure· tbe .school-yard groond8 add vor THB ~urglal'8 who ro~bed ' T • .T. Band ilil!counect Bome illspiring OIoyer Seed per bUBhel /) 60 80ase Pa'aUag, Paper' a! lad ~ue:'19~~:'~ ~lIIbIn.-N. Y. ~ Iy thiS ill early moroing news. milch to the appllarl1oco of the up- D odson sand E . R. PrlDtz. etor~s mU8ic' ice cream lemoDade ero. Timothy Seed j 00 ., I i I . , per part of town . Ia t it d'm W'I ' qnet, Bwings, , . , lib. B Og8 por owt., S . . . . , a 80m a ag. '\I - _ ' - - ._.- .--e y wore c~p ure l mlD~' &c.,, &c., wele v 0 The abare !Ipeili for Ittelf, bitt _ wwItS aoy man offers to sell us ao· -Mr. Oharles M. P oogue arrivQd ton after havmg robbed Marble 8 erally indol....ed io until tile dew HIUI{f.0u.d R Brnnoh Offico in Wa1nolladd Chat Ibl. II tbe pnre Jnice of tbel grape, . oUier peck thoae cott.on· ball Ear· home Thursday morning, and spent jewelry 8tore tne re. Mr. Dod80n Jlha,des of ev:i1 began to fall y A D V HOT[SEN EN18. ~::f~e<>.r::~r~~~~~~~t?,~.I·. Drull'.~~~r. ....Ilber drWtoI. IIJpIqrId lIor tIIIJknd; that It hal been rlpeIICl\ IIl\d mellowed by age, ad -ly Red apples, there will bc a Bud· tbo 4th at. home, owing to the ill· w.e nt ov~r and ide~tified 8Qme of The Band tii~ floite as ';ell as NOTlCE lot medicinal or IllCI'llIIlIIIIlal JIIUIlClWI It Is dell funeral, Bure. . fleB8 of 1118 mother, who, we are hIS cl otblllg, but did not car~ to it anticipated · fl n~Deially tbo net . .' ~ It can be obtained from _ _ .- .• - -... glad to learn h08 since entireh reo reclailJl it I1S the garments had fit be' ,,., b' ' , no Notloo 1& horeby glv.en U'l\t th~ .undor. ·ft d d '1 . I d ' J ' pro 109 some aug over ~ .... . Ipod hlUl boon r>PPolnted AdmlD.strl\tor of Ibo Icadln, Drulsisla Ibronghout !he t O · oa unsanc I e .evi BIg IS au . covered . pass e ~ throu~h I'other too rough an ~bMril ' >1 n 0110 bein dlifrik of the Estoto of JAMES B. MqIUNSEY, Unlied Stale.. tmd at wbolA!sale from the ibly for tho carnal circus and mell -There was a weddin\; in town expertence lor furth er liSt!. The d'diJ · d "IlI~ t, ~ r I l"to of Wllrren Oounty. deeM.ea. unden!gned. who wlU forwud dacrlpthe ...-ie.. We are pluaged into de· 1I'lIm es of the enlnrits are Day tOil t~1I laore~. '~ t 0 ,...,,"'e&@.1l0·MADISONMcKINSE Y. pu1lpblet, fme of cbarp. on appUCl&tioD. -e-; t hd't on Wednesday evening, lit it was 0 r • • les. Duted Jun o 25. 1878. 8pan ~ IIUC epravl y. u't ME. KCl1rn08, .arucs, and they langUIsh Am~.F rtb , J I .. -.. ~'----RetpeoIIulIY. ete., ' -<b' k 'd t b ••• in Wilmington jail. hnadr' 01'8 lto'tli o.u ~b~l. B. It. l B. raDRBIIR a en . "" • •11'10 II 1C ens are sal 0 0 T L M' • R R will run its - • ,.. _ ~ I' • inKNPidly in tliill neighborhood. . HE . ' . Inlnt .. . . N' I ' I ' 't ow'! past~ " " . •r~ I " '1'110 rllJ'l donco of Hannl\h Arnott, Third WdIf O~:I' 1haIl, aIfII H _ _ ~ b • 11 h I first o~ourslOu tram for the 8eason ow IS tie lune w len you can .. ~ 'I.i' . treet, W"yno~vlll e. Ohl", oontninlnl{ ""ven DRl1GGI8'l' , Nw·yoq, to tbe Sold iers' H orne. Dayton, on take that extra little doze all be· ' ~.'.l • " Dnm~; I\IHo.l'"ntry .nd kitoholl. 'l'ho bo"oo o oallso 18 gen~ra y a . atc let. blook walnut. I\n.1 I. In oxc. l· No.3 . . . . EA.ST MAlN S1'R&ltT, •. . tb M I I be ' rt' I ' SlIturllllY J Illy 13th. Fare for tho cause 01 the indll8triolls aod atSELLING 'Wbls~e~ ',IS bad enough I. IInl.hed In T • , ..I.IIT e ara la Impa m 111 '. . . • • fl f h' . d th~" b" 'bl' t lunt rol",lr. wo now pump. on tho prom· GEORGE WERN'rl •. WAYNESVILLE, O. hi, 'arres&a for drunkennea8. There rllllnd trip, from OorwlD, $1,00. teutlve y, 0 w leh there are said un er ., es.• p~ ~ ~ c~rcull?-s an· i'I08. ono for oiHtcrn wRtcr. . ••oripUons oompol1ud ,I a~ nil hollt. by ,. '}a1L bee . I 1 tel Train willlenve Corwin lit 8 38 A. M. by cl080 calculation to be 9~'5721. cell, but : Belhug, o~ glVlIIg IOtO.x· Sitnation I. hil(h. commandinj( " bea"t!- linI'r uporiencnd Dru>!,giHt. . 0&7 · ve .n love~o caBlllI, a y. Arrive 'a t Doyton nt 10' retllrning 1146800000 more this year' Wan aoy icating driot--fo a fo~med drink. ful viow. Lot 8O.x210 ; • vlI:icty of frnit· , ' . befi .. I' . . . . e • b I· k to b ~r088 and good "",I. Torm. Ilooommod~ting. P .. M 'P L E£. - ~ll,' ~.~ ~ ~'ii'J!)WJ©. . -~ .A11\(JlCcaaiOoal twillgo Or rh(\mat· leav e Dayton .nt 5 a', M. Got up tI e ore In t le_pr"l!,sent ceotu . _er_.?! o!',. :.v~- -S.~~l~-"- ----!!-Apply-to \. - ·JOS. G. KEYS. Agent. ' h . f ,W"1fl'lbVU m~~·~>fc~~~~~it-tratiiCti~-tO'-udwmildnI'lImn~nT;go:""":'.,..-----_. --~ , fi'YlDg ha,8 very re orm IS ~-=--'---~--':-'-:'"---"";::"-- I w,'11 iliaII ,m.. t ell) ~ n reo,!," or ... Implo H" . " L-" ....f B. Ge. ••, . ,_ h VIt(1R'rAlu, .. · B AL .. ~h .. t ",til remQVO ![lAN,' IIJl.Op,II?U '" n ~ \V ' 8 "I'" 0 U,,:, goowo, . land is fmHy tlowin~ with simply .deVilis • . · The creature a ,.-oek In your O!"" !O If1l .,...--~. d taOb i l k ·d '1 f .f b ·~ • . 61.. Ou~6t free 'No mk. If FREOKLES, 1'1M.PLES and Bo.ol'OIIJ;;8 wbtob ho ",'ll m ~n'l~l.ctl}l'O Into ~II'''' 9t the l!l Franklin Oh1·Ofticl. offer!! rUlt aD vego e8 .anl ml 'an goa t1 0 euo .. t II unwofWJY. VOIl waul n bllslneas U'.which . 'h ."vlDg - • ' .'0 6"·kf'.,0lo.~ - an d. · ouKn tlL'1 ,u; Illte~i, 0 ~tyle.,. I d-S"U.f"ct.illn ... It ' glll\l'fttl .. ~d. t d • I p.-..,~. of .eltlier lex Al' IRleo sond l1 88o m~ of its "w,Qite heat." !IQlley \ an!'l Jiet the chronic growl the oame .of m.n,.,,4nd hie lore atid . in.truotlon~ for produyiill!' U h'1'"ri' n~ to 11~~ .!'I.f ~tn, .~.r0f'~rl~•.l'rotpp y Q ton ec}.; alBko gront pay dl lhe time r~thel' luive an iceberg or. a is still heqrd in ·chofus....:.I'Tli'ese certain (ate wiill or;41;'~ke tUm soon. . ,,' " , '. ., . .~ tho1 ..ork. write for plrtlou· groor~1o of hoir qn .. ~Id .Mllrl O~ ~nl "lh ·,Uw.o" 'LO m8i.8ure ·the .P~rtr~ Fit-tIll'· 1l0U. A~d1'e"", enclo.wg II , ~loI1I''(I. B~II. l Shirt. JO"U'..nll ieo-lltoolL · . - ., iJa4.1 .~ liard tIlI)OS.. . er r. l~t;?r. .~ . ~ Ian 10 111. l!"&'LWJ111 00 .• POJ'tlaud. ~flI Do. 'Vandelf & do., ~o A,"II St., N. Y. J '• _ ,. . : n
G. M. Zell & Son,
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w"W~ I ~linatoy~ysilca lllph(ll'
hnnnnll '\If di'lino a cti o n in bllbllr . Tlo & 1l 1&8 in ,ll pe., I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~' r IIr II Jlm t U{( s p I r 8; an (I t to ~ • - . - ,.... ~Iled ' 1lII IlUCClj "' )'0 Il'lWl'a t rc ll1[polr tl'Q M.I..... ~ 011:1 tw.] ity in which od's 1 (~w.tI a c t din t) • A UYN'olle Day. pe nd e ntl y of homall f resight a m i Juet one yoar tllrO to-d~y vOli t ion fu r tho flC oru pli li mellt ul', Wa wlIDdm'ed to the ·S.,rlnlll :' Hi e purpoBell. It w . . . 10.0Iy. dleamy da)'. T SlInh Ie IUnl1l1.Dr IIOhleUme. brlngw. ho di scovere rs wor G od . in spir. e d m e n in the servioe 01' huma n ity :1'0 . 7. Aocom ' l It w.. ~ day III "blnh tho bUBrL rojoiool. witu a divine v ocati o n, no 108s d i· Lellve Cincinnati And '11'0 Plade tho dim wood. ri nl! i • 30 (lID '1ino bocaus e it thro ug h th e With tile lIDund uf 6ut happy voioe. Arrive Lov eland 26 I'"J A. we gathered 'rouJld U IO . wing. m e dium of th oir endo wme nt.s, uno Arrive \I1orro" 9 p·1 pOl they mnk with proph t nlld apostl e 10 50 1)10 W e 0 1110bod the vlne-olRd Wlla, .1 W e loilered by rlpf,' lill g rUl. , ill th o progrll8l o f th o w o rld . W o ltoad by babbl ag broob, Leave Xenia t7 2:; pm G. M. H Ard III l!LL. Whiob .poko In a Laogu~ I wcctor than \120 om un Arr. Y. SIHing ;' 57 1H U boob HOARHOUND ,u . A~r . Spring Oeld 8 25 pm 10 100 111 BUllllltlss for Llldl os. II .....rI...I"(l• ...,. (l_.... (;.1"" U_e- - - -- - -----+----- - ----.- - - - - - ._- -Oh. golden day I .a... JOIore TIoN." A....... tJr.. . . . . . L eave Riobmond t 205 pm F J II (1111 Too lOOn thOI1 eped a.ay I Our attcnti o n hils been call ed to .Iher . . . . r ..... Ureallo ... 0 ..._ d Arrive 0 _;-Ion ... .9 II") pm til l fj 1'111 T "" 10011 the hour ~w near, a n e w art iclc lo r the use o f lad ios , I to soot hing ioOuenco ul'0 n Ibe Irrlla w Leavc Dlly\On ;; :ol5 )lm t g Jfl pni t7 0111 Whon '"' Dlaet "y. of \h. ai . Jla a .... du. to Ibe ' 3cl 7 90 tl.18 l' ll veutl' ou 0 1 \\' III' cl, lias c 1.l f·er . Iinill!? Farewell to the onu. 10 dear. Ihml l\ I D~redl. ot . a •• Ibe mo ~ t effielleioul Arrive Xellia ._ pm 8 .22 11111 104:i (lIn red an e verlas tin g bl ess ing up o n p,, 'm"nlo Il mpl•• kIlO"" to modlaal I)otan)". Oh. day of "",t. ev e r y lady. W 0 re fur t o tIle Q u 'Oil the ba ll. of \he article being Ihe Boaey .. r Leave Xellia t7 ,30 pID * 10 55 11m t8 · ~.i nm Thy IIlJlmory Ia bleat: LlII' Bouhound Plaut cheml •• I"· unit ed Arrive Lonllon 840 pili 11 53 pOl ~ 31 nm , Thy da.. it nnmbered In bon oo, ity s kirt sus pende re fu r s upp ortill g ~ il b . ho mudloiuftl prill oi ple '01 Ibe 'Abl. . Arrh' c Columbu8 1250 IIID 10 30 lU ll July . elghteeo .... enty·"".on. ladies' s kirts, th e m st d ceira ble SalsameL Or O"' m <lr I'lileod. The re aro I ZOIC n ... WK R. -d b Ii ' I t' I . , J b,,"idel, ftve oll,.r I,olanlo (·I,'m,m\.ll wh loh <\rrive Newark !! 00 nO! Harvey¥burg. July 6. '78. lin e ne c.. u. . ar IC e e ve r Inve nt o glvo addi liona: . menoy to Iho fi rsl lI~mud Arriv e Coshocton 3 l Q pm \. _ ___ ..... _ _ fur th e re h e l o f w u m en, lUlIUY of' Iwu . Arr. Stonbonv\l1e (\ 0,; am wllo ln bavo s uHe red yeu.ra of m is , Tho.e who have uaed I'I·Y lha l ~ALB'B Arrive Pitl.8burg 7 50 B in [p or the Miami Guette.) BODOY of Boarbouod nad '1'u I" DO' un' ColnchlenCcl"nd Ciliulc osin the e ra bl e I lell I t II cause d so Ie I y by car· Iv wond er fulh' remedl.1 In all ()l\8CI where Arrive Harrisburg B !i5 IJIn Hlsto.yof [nvelltloll jj. r,ing th e we ight o f 11 n um be r o f Ihe organ. ,,( re.• pi ~.Ii "" aro am'ult'd, \'u' Aniv B Baltimore 7.85 1Hn -heavy s kirts complct e ly drllgg i ng ,,180 ,hal II. ne llo n 18 ""aeuall y rApid, A Arr. WlIst.lngton 9 07 pm moat e ark ble I ts I d' S I. fo.. .108. rrell ucnll y •• rVe 10 rollo ve II Tory Pbll .. I 1\ 7 ·}O [ • Ooe of• tl 18 .r m .110 • ac t le !n OWIl.. OI;n e t illig t o s up pu rt "lIstlu te cou..lo. 11 oool.:llos nOl hing Ih. t Arr . line p I a - (lID I~ the blstory of \Uventloo~ IS tbe ladlcs' clo tbll1g IB absolu tel y nec. CI\IO dilor~cr "'0 " olllBeb. II facl tbut can Arr . Ne" York 10 15 pm almoltanoous mO'lement 01 IBollltcd eSBary. Thoso s ns p enders are rec. a!legcd ,.. Ih Irulb of hilI few co ugh reone· .IlA~r~r:I'~.e~n~o~s~t:: .o n~....t!;jrl~~_r~-- =:__~---= I.U O 11m . d "J ar.d"lfectl,?Uq, r ell'! It- o!Dwe . nded hy .our le udi hg ph)' " d",.· I • II 0 Ire melt ~grt'oa\ll. n•• or, --.----~ min .1 'In ,lml It ,a 0 ' "',, 61l111'0 "' bl~h enable" th olo 0 .1 I et. 10 . ;N 0 12 log 10 dl8coveriCS cla.lmed With ClimB to all la dl e a aDd y uu ng p,irla. ,' lho mo", lImikd moaDA 10 a\'f,iI Ihem.olvet Le...o Ol)lulIlbl11 J:i.40 pm ti .IO ~m oqUal taolUlity by two or more in· Every lady Jll "Id illovo- tOO m. ur I" ,·lrtl1". Arri .... London 4.117 pm :l.12 I\m v.8D.~ ..1.0 '-ra, ~ .pant -Tb..... arc s old o nly thro og h laely I A oough m~~ be 611 y leMned the pre Ar ri ve XenIa __-,..:.6-:.I17 -:'-'p=m ____2_.2_0_,_"_n_ 6L t th f . 1 d 1 -J Iilllhl~" ILlig" 011 oon umpUon. II mlliady of "Ie I reDg .0 yean ID e evc , ageuU!. A s pl e ndid op p rtu u ity to "'\01010 Bale '. Boney of Horcb! uud '1I1l1 Lonvo 8pringfleld tt O,26 lUll t ll,40 1101 opment of Ideas BUppoeed to b() some lady canvasser o f this oouu. '1' • • illite Bureel known preveoli. ". Tho.e. Arrive Yellow Spring.. l.l .~ Ii rn 4.00 P'O }lurely original. ty to sceure .th e II lle noy o f a II a . Ih"re foro . ,,110 would arreal Ih. VIVgrell or, :A:::.:rri :..:,.:.:0:..X =en::.i~":-____~:=::..::=-__--.:1:.2.:;;().'j~.!.:.:~_ _::._I II IO:...!:I'.m ::.:-_ _ _ _ __ . . 'r ) Ih doelro)'~ r. Illoui d delll)' no' a 1II0ment to t ~ In t ' 4' D ~erre, w I10 Ii rlt su.ccced 0 d 10 alIt and profitab, e bUl ineBs. For IIIko Ihi. OItaTAls . peollio. I.e. ve Xon;.. o b t~lftlOg pormanent pIcture s on terms and terri tor y wri to a t nce Ohlldre n do rlo'o j!rclI& hon. fl t "'Om 1\.11 !~:~ Rrlb~~nd ~.1l2 I'U' 1I 1. 1f1 ~ 1I1 aensitir:ed ailver plate. was really to th e Q ee n ' t d C , .."TIII'II ,,"'portieR. " bon 8uffori ng with Ihe Aniv. lndinua""lt.. t',,,fJ pUI l Hili . . d' h' d ' U I Y IIspen r . m· p rO l'tln vf (',oup .nll Whooping Cougb. .... !!:u!11'1I1 antloltpate It~ I~ en eavars to se· pany, 97 Olark 1St. , Oi n, 0. Th· OrlL' lIIll11ed dl ~OO8C i. elp.oially des. Arri ve S\.. Loui4 .:1111"" l cllm· eUlo Ite ee 109 Images ot tie - . , •• a.. _ Iru clh' Amoo"g m""g childron. Alld Ihl! ro· ;;.~~! -Pili - ~~rr;;,;TnIlOCOIl OOUHT1.n s 1.1·1'TI.& 01' KSIl'WoI lIa loly " 'mod ,' , Ioould 100 hp t nn Io.nd III all e ra ob69uril by the Ilo w·lorgotton U.;j·. I'm .a ;11) "In J I d I' In ....." .kl n, illvl.llIlo usc I t tI,ruuKh nil. hOIl oho l,le. OUT l U ~ L• • ,,, 1'. 0... " • • Hn 7.1I'~ pili .-,,(12 ~m osep I 8 lepee, '" 10, 1D 18 r e o cro_po, . bo l", r~l'lrrtti on. in u at '" 01 1'''''''0'11.''. 8.00 I'm U.UO um tiremcnt at Ch.ilon8 OTl th e Sao Tl c, II""IIJI. exudes, h"" r 10)' hour. nlKht .tld Prices 50 Ct •• . and 'lOOper Bottle. Hru 11 .20 am had producod tho heli o~raphl c p r o· day. Tbe total obstruction of tbe ... "'lUuLo ohl~:r~:I ~~'.'!fi! ~~·TOIV P .... ~~~~--------.---+----------~~~~------ ~~----~~~--_I t:hl1ld"y. I CC1!8 i n 1824 th o ve ry y ar in wh ich oullot1l woul d loroduco death: lind '1'I1.n Nv. 1 Si11h A.c n ~ . , ~:w y~:!c . , . ,. .huy WcuUlO I"'rtlally blncftll •..:t. Ihn .k,D - _ _ _ •• _ .~=:-e l 'opi '18 Ou r~ rull tllN ujfh lrom Oinulnn llti \.1.1 Pi t.... · I DlAguerre beg a n 1118 OltpUrltnOll t.>, grow. d, y, )'elluw ft n,l fln. lly dl!!tl,,,,,,d, und Have You a .. RAOIlVG TOOTH'" Y01'k , ",iLhoul ch,,,,su. Only UIIO eb." ugo to naltimure' l worki1lg in secrot , lest hiB 1II0tl IlJlIS 'l tb" 11'. " rul bealth I. "Ireoll.d. II" YOU I:lA VE, nuy Sioeping 110 .. rrYl m C.,lumbu. t.. Oi.1I0illllllti an ,l J.o"I.· .should bec'l me knowlI laud iJi B d is· U L I!lI '8 S IlLl'Jl UIL 1:10.\1 ' . by opeuing Iho PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS oor1D06~i.on. lunde u~ I nw~ I\ "PJI L<, St .L..ui.... uJ Oh i()l\!1o lovery fore.tallcd : 1'0•••• r~lIlvve. rupt!vo. and uu lo ... ll h),
J. IlAN;;'• •
.y~ .
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a:a:t :::::
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At tbo Barno tIlDC, 1 ro.f s Morse and Draper t oo k Sl1n ' pl otu rC8 ill Ne" Yo rk. and Mr. F ox Talbot dis. , eofered the process of phot llgra p h ic printing Daguorro'8 discovery was a8 0 nc
uuulllu ond on t.,ho .du n. ~nJ i mptt.rt.i IL curt· tho ll~n1 in 0 0(' ~lfnut e. Thia Ig~ rbou ltbf~ 1 <:luuru.... louII",lhy oud ''"''''th. ,you do (or 'l'wenty·pJve Coot • . Tho to
ne... I!uDlolHnlf from lit" (".0 uf be~ULy
W. 1.. 0 13RrEN'. G
CU ll
urtlul. "ill do Ibe b".l lI o"" up 11"" ... n . depenrl p l. xl o?~l b!ow,,.!oc • wloetlo r . It" bulAblo '" I U" OD II: mMeO '·.r II cunlai". DO ingredlenl Iml' U.. " ." lU lho IP1"lIary ei .... ul.tlun. or ""Ioioll COli IDiu,o fOUr TUlh, (oj uutlu. expu. ure III th. 811 " M ild wind . Price 35 Ceni.. Sold h r . 11 I1ru\:glell . Fur ob lilluw ooorlluIlo ooUlpl'lill t., iikr tJ. N. (JRI'lTBNTON, P .. prt"..r • . tI,e itoh, .all rb. ",u. cry.I,,,,I•• , It i." 110' " No. 7 iJ.lh Avcnue, N. .. York.. • I erelgn remody, h"hlll' 'lulte"" effectivo K~ • of tue biBtorlall8 says , ·the reault 01 8ulphur Sulb•. for Kuo:h "'101""'0', M well no a happy chance' bat t.\" 'ell artcl" rbeuraatiAln ulld I(out. lt i. wo ndrrlU.I ~· 'Ul1JII tM re81l lt ~!I "/j';'ealed crm1(,'1'i. hoallns Rod AOOt.h Inil' In 11<1 ""Unn r I1n iti~'J; • or -;-.1' Ihe outlolo whel:e bruit n by oxkrn. 1 10 ' mInt and pah lit ob" rvuttOn.- j un"", r~llo,'ng Ibft .wl'llit,1I' lind: inn. mm,,· Dfabcarlened by re ite rated filiI ore , li o~ atlendaut ul"'n I' r"h~ . IWl>ld oDd ioto a bru.- . Illld curing I;he n.()04\ol.>":iu ntoo: "" he threw Clue or tl ~ e plute8 . and ulcort. Tho M ",hu~1 Prvlo'8.un "dnu!l ull ol08e t, and, roturnmg to It for lie"" It.. WI'! "IIII~ '''''to .11 ..I ......~ of _Iufy. ~ " I. ellperiments, fo ond a perfectly·d e . un\.llry e. idenc. i.n il<l f"YO~ ia velol~ picturo. Surprised at th e 'Dl~Q .t1ng. L.dl'~ 01 I""hl,!" pre" r It t . . lmltlOr IICCC ""ry rol Ihe toilet ~n d blOlh. reau , of 1111 aQt, be o~poeed anllth · . loOl! It ""on,oto lOOlonly h •• llh. but I'" r. er platc, placed it ill the CIOlot, all d IMIn 6unlotive nlllll. AI" di.lufe IlInlofdi .. found that tbe latent Image could .nf... t .. nt of dbo" 0'0011l:o",ill,,1 ,d olothlnlC • It b"" 110 peer. All 'r lb ~y lI" vo boon \1' hetl 80ly be ~veloped Itl thc dark r oom , ",itb GL&l\'li'S ULl'UJII 51"';' . gurmonto Man'e extremity waa Laws op por · and !i nem from th siolc roolu muy be bund· lunity . Ilod ",ltJ, per COlli hu\,unily. • • • .JL Id by Druglli. la, P rloe il>o. per ""ke. '010 lAme COlDt;:luuUCes characte r · , Bo" (8 " ......) 7.10 .• oent by m" lI . prcI'ftld. i&o the hi.tor1 of the lIe'fing. IDa· 1on r .. ~ "t ?f pri ·. O. N. 0 1l~...r KN'rON, chine, the invention uf which was Prop'r. 'T 81xth A venu ~. N.w Yor • . claimed Aceurding by Elill8 H oteweaud Waltur A1f ., .. oal'lURI.o" TKIITD. Bunt. thc 8tatem e nt You dClervCl to ",ulrvr. IUld if you load a ..... te C'o t ' mberable, alulatio!laetol'T lire in thla beau· of " a r .." 0 w" r,.uo we was an I mOIl world. it ill enti rely your own r.ult
0' .
e.pated, not ouly by Greenough and
und thero Ia ooly ono u ou.•• lIOr )' OU: your Oorlill, who obtaincd patents .tinee un~uoDl.blo -rcj uoIic. aud lJk~ti oi."" h.1 kilo ,hou' u".1e. ,. !,ul Years befo re hiB own t bnt by BUilt , IWluoh k D wd edgo Mnd oom m un ~rullC r HQIlIllg' of New York, wh o mado anJ u8cd , will llqUn Ihow vou lhilt Orell" ', AI1l,lIl"t a machine for Bewing sails all 118rly 'P'lo..'or will our~ yo u o~ Lh'or OoI1>I'lai10 &, as 1825. Hunt however wado 11 0 01' Dyepl!JI6hl, ,"th ..U III mI K~ril l!l e cfrecl~. • ' , • IUch . . . . Iok hellol.cho. p"'plt.al1on of lh. , 'efFort to ObtalU lette ll patent uutll heRrt. 8OI1r .t.oml",h. hOlbi tU RI 00<11lI'e11 0.'. Howe'a iuvention became kliown. dI7.. iu". of LI. o h."d, bervn" . proslratioll. Law.•uit lIucce eded law:suit with. low "I,irit.. &C . II.!! . .. II)!' .""w rMub every . I'" , t own on tll ~ 'Vo''''r" O.. nll u.lOt. nn rl nnt " oQtdestrOYlOg tho'la Idlty 01 Huwo II I>rllll'lCi.t but will w li Yo.I lI of Iu ,,"ondl,r/1l1 claim, alld ill fuurteeulcars he hnd onrea. You OJln buy 11 kotmpln n oltlle for receivc.d two aud lIo·hnl million d o l. 110, Throe d u.~. ,\'ilI "" r. \· ~1I . , lars ro~alty Oil ~ho Ulu.llUt~c~uru ul', N E IV A /] IiHit TJ '/:',11 BN 1"S. all sewlIIg IllUChlllCB conUulllIIg tll o , -~~~~~~ _ _ IIlmUlc and cyu· voin~ needle. . ~V~I~~~~~ ~~rn:.:rrui~ *:;oo.~-i;;;: Whether tlte sewlog·machllle 'j arliol•• , juol, p,., te ll rt-d . OI rtll,II" "ont frQu "a8 the reBl1lt uf 'happy chance' or 1.> "II. A.oIdr .... W. I-L O IlID EST E:~. not, his torical dopo not SIIY" _ ... ___2 10 Fulto n . t., New 1: or' . b.ut the Argl\ud lamp.chimney is TRItINI'tPA.U!NT F.AtJ.IINO (lARD. ' &he rCiult of IlU act nArformcd with. l""unotlou'lInd non"oomouL oombi nod. IIU' ,,port.ant to I'Rr6nl.o! IInd 'teuollOrij, 20 differ· OU t ~ lote k now led ge 0 (... I ... e ftiCCt 8, all d ont "rli. tio dOlf! ...... The cn&iro IlIIok . nt
tho microphone, rccellt y discovor· fDr""lr''!~ ~05 ee.;'OUoArllrrSe" nYNory.tnlnpa. ynn C .,.; 0 •• nn L, " . ed by Prof. Hugh"·, ..... Woo -- sllgcMatcd a break in an electric circuit. TO CONSUMPfIVES-. After a variety of cxperi mo nte Th n n<lveTtiller, luwing h..,,, ouroll of 1Illil with the broken circuit, the prolilas· drellll di~c""o , O"".UOlpH. III. by ft pim ple or found that a stick of charcoal romooy.I' ,un~1 o. to'n",ko kn o,,'" 10 hi. lellow·8u11'erer. Iho m OII1" 01 cure. To all IAturu.tcd wilh quick8ilver, ll08I:1C88' who:d"~ire' it, bo will ;,ond 1\ oOPY of th o eel the power o( trausmitting Bouud. prelOrlptJon uaod (froe of allllrgo). with tho But not only "ere sounds trans · dirootioDtl forpropllrin g nn,\ tho . am e. 'tted tb ·fi.4> whl'lh they will jind 1\ 80 1m OUllE far O"n· ml , ey w.e re magm "'U. aumption. A,tbma, Drouohitl •• &C. A 'finger·touch on tlia Panl8I wi hillg the pre80ripti on. will ~?;?;L;';::;dx~~~f~~~i;i~~~~~;tJJ~~~(l pl_',adreu E . A. WlLSON. ,~ ZC'U ,D AbqJ(!I!!,m8burgh, N. Y. meotot of the a peocil a card; beat pullo aoroll8 alld the tick of '" tah wa were ren d erc d all d ·Ibl e t b ro'
oa" worlt forUI IhanlIIallo at' & ..mpooy y\hfng-r,oler ol . c. II.Oapital - noO required; wo .. III etar~ you, 112 I'" day at bomo lIIado by Ihe Induetrioul a reeistance equal to that met by Mcn, womell. h01. and girls wanlell Bound in pll88ing through a bUildoverv.. bcro to work for ue. No ... I. l red milee of sp' aee, Tho mO'lomont the lime. Oos'ly oul61and terme free. Ad drellll Talla <It 00. , Augu. ta. Mnln.. of a fly acrosl the membrane roo lIembled tho tread of a borse', l1ud Bu. inll. IOU caO en· gago in. *6 Ie t20 pc, the passage of air through itll ele· day ma'i. ~y 'my wor· vated proboscis, the trumpeting , ~n·~I~:iro~t~~'t~·~ii:Fo'!~ an olephant. , Pnrlioulnl1l and on",At least, 10 the ProfeB8or ltatcd 1'10' worth ,S fr co. tmpro\'o your epar. before the Royal Society. Thc in· lime al Ihl. bUBi"... . Addro!8 STI6~~?NI & 0 0 .• PortlRnd. M.ino . 1M Btromcnl thus invented will Bupple· . re men~ tho do~ects.of th? pl!onowaph, NEW P"IAN .rc' nSO"'r"OIIlRng ~lQ5 O aod In comblDatlOn With It will pro· tW'" ducll a perfect registrar of transient ~aQh. and .11 ~Iylo • • Including tho Grand, . 1 h' I . d'bl . I' Squnre and Uerlghl , all noo· .nn strictly aou It IOrto lIIau I .~ vOIces na· Urat 01• ••• !llibe lo",o.t neL c..b .. holeul e tore, instead of the ImpractIcable Inclory ~rloe s . dlreOllO Ihe purchuer. No oommi88in 08; no<lIIOOUllts. '. toy now before the •publio. " II , I" 1'Ian08A~Ii!;,.n,o Ivr ...'" "oont<llol~1!: Fhotograph, B6wlOg·mao I ne, te.. . I' M A 'T H U SHE K '8 cgrachl telephone, phonograph, ml" .N..... 1hopI••' O.... ra_.. _I...
' T' . & T . AIe·t.
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RE A PER - -Alm--
TRUE. th JTll y
1 Bore (3 G(~ke8) . . "
86,lt prepaid by mat l for 70 Oent8.
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BatuN prooldHlahulaboralw.uolo r_ .......... Ipmodlq ro. . , _
IUrprlel~ aal14O&el few lbe _ I .. 0( II... dill_
Salamanca III :llOpm IO :~5am ' 5:40am J allle town 12:2Tam'12:05pm 7:05am Oorry 1 :2Oam I :o.apm , 8:&Oala Uni on City I :41am I :2!&pm 9:01la1ll ••• 1"&.
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2:45am !I : 41~m IO~m 6:00. a:4:lalll 3~~1 II~ 1:01a 4:65am 4:" 'pm li:l)(jpm I'l :'~ 5:41am li;A,ljJlII ~:II8pIII 9:68. ' 6 : 0~am 6:)1",111 ~:2I1illll IU:~Oa I A "Mil 6:304111 6:3'lplll 11 :00" A! hland ' 8 :4 ~ am 8:31pm Mallaftcld 9 :t2~m 9:2Qrm ;\felld vllle
Groendll o, Wft rre n R..'enull Kenl
Ol rART. Gall"n Morlon Urllana SprI og II 0 Id
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'II'ID4...I~ ~D" eto., cle. ftc lIe.tcaa Xaolan. LlJItmnl to IhO Qa_ fIIIIN lD Qo WOl'Jd for aoei4aata OC!Currilla fu u.. tamlJTI In the ablmoe of • pll,.a101an. aueh ... bDJ'11l, aeaId.t..,n.l.Da, C1IIla. etc., and tor ,b~ Uom, ....4~_"n&urle"'" bJ'oxpoo..... r..
tk:ulu\J' ulaabl. \.0_ ....
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10:OSam 101).~pm IO:5Iam IO.5J~phl 1:10pm I :O:lalll I :.'6 pm I :4/1 am ~~~g~::: 3:."am
It Ia 1_••-...., Ut. ",orI4. tor _ ptaetrMet tho mUJC.lo to 'ho bon&, And A tlDlleo ap.»l'e&tJon I~ p aemUr IUfT1cJt.nt. to cure. XuLean ]lUll.4nsLln1ment I. pul up In lbrw alua ot boU1oa.. tho 1uter on e. LoloB' .H'OJ~ ·at.IT !Ducb Ihooa-~ l!ol4....,-wboA.
Loul ..1l1a 1I:33pm 1I :~'.1D 8t. l.oufl 7:10.m 8:4C1p'" C1evelAod 6:00am 7:05(1111 Toledo 10:46am lI:4opa1 Ohieal!O 7:.01'111 8:0CI'-m
lI ,ooa 1i:30p
.A.11d (11'0 prepared tu ?l/.ake j ' Zo U7"i1'(J. j)at li t 8 idi11.!l, PlJtdn t SU'l',laoing, Scroll 8auriil(J, 1'u I'ninlj, Ri}Jp i lllj, .flo. AlltO, huvc in couDcc Liuu with thuir UtU~illC83, IL \!ornplow
Undertaking Establishment.
for t.ho 80ulb and WeI&.. No 'Itop ooer' allowod ' J_81 P~:',~~~::r:,~~!~C~ their fllh '~~'~:~~~=!,~~~:~
and kt.. p con.tI<ntly on I;.tld n fin o ",t or good. in tl,i. line. oeuo8 'for pr68cr,vKtlou, with th a UIIUof ieD or othorwise.
re~~~:SiuTTUO. G
Ticket Agellt. Olncinoatl, ·O •. t . P. D. OOOPER. Genoru,Super!n, OIe.,eland, 0 . . 670. 9 . AGENTS
Pure Teu I. S••I~ · Paek_ .
AgeD'S wan\ed ..e11w'blte to leU. 1f... to r.mlll.e. botel.1UId la"'''OOlllulllerK-tlto IIIrgest alack In 'he COUD~" "' ,~eleat from. qU.lltie. of all doeorlplio .... rrOm the bign · ell Impurled, to thelowlll~ . .. .d,, _ I.rge dleeouhl. and a hand,omo 'ncullle to all wbo Ion for uI-«lun'? a&Ol1I.It. 'JIlIra. drugg l8\.11l who wl ah to .out lealtln '1iPI8d /loand paok-
PURE HillIs Hall' and Whisker Dye, ' "
u: , "
fJ "'w n; • :tt1oil
J... 01I1.I~ urll fvr "alo in D,,","on co un ty. N" br,... ka. on tho II'no of
oL . U. P. 1' .• Ilt price......
rn~,glng ' fr"!U *~.r'O "'.' $1; )I'" 'Ioro. .I!lx uoIlUl)& furmlag "md. upon whioh atop. 0"'1
nll.o~ Ihu llrat yo.r, HI un e 01 tho 1lI08t. hoalthy looali In tbo UnIted 8t1<W6; thl.preII
dQotl ~ n" tlru wh~ut. U I1TU~ oa ~"4 , bnrloy I ryo, put.nt.octJ, and root CI'OIM,'
The' telephone WIll s~poraode tl~e ul' lono, lind , 1\ . e\ls'~i"ihg BiuS!Of; IluRlll y BLACKS AND BROWNS Tin Wuu l'lWOO"P'.' , telegraph and the mlcrophollc IS De vor I,.furo Ilttlllooo. .0 ,.. Uprights llro A. Ii ATUnAL AI N ATVRlI' , 8ftL... .No. ~Ol Ful"'a ,3lt-eel, ~ •• York. '. 1 I t f tl h Ibe 6n081 III Americli . P,ano! 80nt on Irial. I d n _." I P. O. Dox 4560. [G68 .,1'RO..... ~OF':nrO . ". the essentla IUPP emen 0 Ie p o· Dou'L /all 10 "'rile for lIIu ~tr.lod .I,d Uo. aro ~ammun ca~o . '" UTa1 .nll FL~me eo or . ..;..-.----~~~ I . .... _ _.. :. a ITT... nogranh. Such is tho luw of pro- ecril'th'o Oil laloliuo-malled fl'? . ed .'oe~8 •. • IIlI? t Inslanlancol!, t)! by ' MEnlCAI LIQUORS AO"'TL.III~ .,!>~~""IV 7..... {In l·nvcIl"'iollll. t • . 'ondele.ohn ·P.,.DO Co ., ~ J ' • from ,No..ou8 Deblhty. Pt:!1.1Jll>tur~ Dc.. gre"'s '" I. , • < 9 t i l " Tlie under8lgned h"" J,,1It ieaill..od a nowjoay , nn d all the olf.eta of .yuu thful tOdi.. , Tbese discoveri~s ill tho variouij I <... N:o. 1 E(1At :flloonth 8~. . iIlP~l'i;~1 o~ " hlOllltelr- freo ' from lInrlfol alack of puro U'IOO'" I~ IDediel~t pu\-pQa- , otoUon. will, for tho !",ko, of . ~uffJ rit1g lou. / r to;" 'IV~ neod it. tb. fields of science mcchanics and the C: ~ .' No.... y~r1r. &o~':~t""=n~~d~uf:,~I~~·a~licl:~f es, Il.mong whlo~JJ1a, bP fonDd ~ 'fin o linll m~i.ty, arts mutually.' corrob o rat l ve u.'n d BOM'E_T'AT Its cIRle.· I'romll&ltr~ OraYl"QIlll a~ ~."dn_J ~~.~n~~. W;~~ ~~~!~t:!d~ bo ,::'"':r!a"lJ tts'u~:'~: Ywhio~ ,I I tl tl ' W AJ.a.D: , Ilr pr 'ented, and tho.ellvery holt'll of .ge ," r,v Id Ai' . I h' to lit b ·tt d No' . . I!Upp elUl)utu ns ley nr. . are , Ie Or Medl.oa-l Common SeDle 'eo'luire t.h. 'ttlle ' VOlIll\ tll\ tint ,frOm tbll oare o. 1IO"1!h ew~ PbM d o'at ...., . 10/1 d ~ro b 'da,10 al veil> r 0~1)1l1'1' ' prOOtiot' of" ~rvi!lc l(l1·e,slg~t. I, Ih~ U.r·1!l,~, PqOT., ~l.P . . 'A few .!>Pios oC :hi8 m. "'hl~~. f'I.Vn , 8~~ "'I '))rul(!J18~! 1~~I!C;:'mllrk:~In,...ll<l: I!:- ' ~a~~:" o"? '! ~JO~ OrD~ oon· Observpd c onlcldcu6cs prove " the' !!Ih,nbli II'ork lor IIAI' ''~ ~lte G~zolle Office. • . . (J. ~',t'lR' 7~or::.~W;"~~" ~e DO"¥. . • 1'. R'~: ~:OiD] . 42 Oedar st., Now York.
IIIIIII_U_loolbebabll&bleClO.... TIut..",....... X"'I&II« LlDboonL lo.~ ...mO<!¥ lor.tlutc rna1aUmenl. ot ...... and_ To.locl< """en and farmen It 10 Innlluabl.. .l.atn,alo boUle ofceD a human llfQor ... a\Oftl t.M uetulaeu or .an .....1leo, bOIM,"&' OOW. 01' &beep. 1& e'l1lft tooe..rot. boor...u, hollow horn , ,. 'rut" .crew.worm. lIhou14u.rot., J~ tbo blw. a n' ItLoaaot po.t.onouareptllM Ilud tnMeta. andewffrT nell4ra.....-.ek towtoc!k In'ee(tIDIr and. bn.h lUo: 1& C'IINI e'WfIrF utemal \-rouble or bonet. flU " "
. I . h r fj ' .b . I • • ' J ttgelJ peddltre aDd In f~' ~, trh lab to crClplOnc-a II WIt IIJI t e l ctlllle w,1 0Ilt1uu,l.ja~LlC glollkol ImprofulDenl No.7 S i;ctll. Av'c1~ue, N eu,·YOI·k. olJu.inaohoDJrabID· II\'!a~\ b.1 (,.ii; of, men not old I . :::tP:~O~~WDg ';:.':e:'~'I~h;I::~d~I:,~n!o~~b Monld ... rile ns fo, a elreal"l
Tho ill1p' c~ t, 1\I ;:st ] ) ll rlIhl " , l. :ghtl'st. Hu lllli :l j.l'. Ill" t. A 11.\ ' w<mUll who Clln thl' ad a ncedl c lind I'OC ~ II crlll ll u CIl Ii llllC Ili u .~t. ,1,,1111 .'
:MllBtang Linjment, l'OB. JIAB' AlID
L.I'.~ ':6.8~'0~b~e~r~fa~m;~0;u.•;8,lr~ee~m~~~ill;~~i!~:t~I~~~~:~~~~~~di=~f~: GLENn'S
b all be ell... I-Ita ted . S oapll Lhe Bmallcllt truetlon or remeelal 0(' fleaoy bave been and are rolsted up. on the un8uijpecting and unobllervan\ . ., I b S as genume "u P ur oaps, poslleaa· ing proportle8 identical with or equal to tbe Grellt Speciftc. "blch their '1cndon lIeek to rival by unde oompetition. Tbe public therefore be o ... nliOFUL to enquire for OLEn'S Sulpbur Soap by its tull name. and Bee tbat tbey get tbe real arUcle. All re8pcctahlc ·Druggilltll. Fancy GoodA OClIlers and Grocer8 keep GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. and will on demllnd ror it, supply tbe OliNUINIiO TiliNG to their customers PRI(JE,!I/J (J8NTIIl .. (lAKEI '
nil!;.,. no-
A I ~ v , A I;;e.1I111 for
:.;:~::;tr.=~::~C;~=~=~~~:~,~:~~~~G;~~~~ H is an in comparabl e R emedy for B r uises , Iccl'8. C ULS. and every Ir. ri tniJl e o r unhealtby condition or tbe Skin. and is a ul OSL8cI'l'i ceabie rem. odinl ng e nL and 80nrce of speedy reo Iic f in cnSeB of GaUL l>n d· is m. J" .,. t d I bIOI' , t • IS . u C mos es r:1 e SlDlec· mnt of C lothing or Bcd Linen, "orn 4nd \l Ied by penons suflering from obnoxious or cont8gl0118 diseases . li nd i 8 a Cupital RelUcdy anti Pre \' cnlive of them. when used as an P ' I inj ectioo . ersons cmp oyiog it iHl" e 110 need to take Sull)hurlBaths. o r La resort La Sull'bur Springs for hnthlng purposell. As an adjune't or Toilet, It Is far more de81rable than any Cosmetlr.. s inoe it doc8 not. Hke articles of tbat nature. conceal COJ!ll1lexlonal DIem . 18blla. but removes them. 'fon Freckles • PI' mples • Blotcbes d ~ b• I' k ."j ' . Id I , Ilil t C I 0, speeul Y Yle to ts olnrifying Influenco ,' and it is tbe \'cry best Soap to shave with 811 It len VOl! the IIkin sOlooLb anel fre~ from tbc irritaLion produced on a sensitl"c outicle. by tbe aPllliCI\Lloo or tbe ra. zor, . It aha completely orndicatc8 0 d 0 an ru . HOlIsewh'e8 d oclure it La be excel. Icnt for was hin g Woolen, Linen, LacD. and other fa b rios. aod ladles moving in the bcat cirolell or metro· politan and rural society speak 01 it in tbe blghest terms.
, lOWE •
if'd1, f
k R
a SlDg
11 B
. P ti 01 I
h bl ar ear" ~ IOU a aE< on Ie free: OOmmon and high. hMI' ondd.~cl
rane es 18
M~rkot 1,lOi litio. Un8U'1 1O""'''1. by th o guvernm ent, Flourl sbiug towns on the lino vf the Road .lPoru exooll ont _r. keu with ftll tho convenienoe of oldar ~ottlt... oomrallDltlfIIf, oMllin. d Md,·. the humest<lud h(ivlJ whiob give .11 ~blf~!~~~~~~::=~---;%i=~~8;~~ 21 )'0"" of "If• • :.l-lO ..Orod frea: Ilntl.l~o ~I ti~l! r"I' ",ili,un bip Ibo 8nmo privlloge. ~r:.~: iIIr!,..dl (\okuta for ".10 by JOhll '/ 0 07...<1 " '" t'.. \./)~: '-. ' . , . . . ,0. . " ',J.>"" ,. ",' OIII\U'.I~I ! .. (JIllchlllRtI to Cozllcl, *29; Ronnd trip. tU!J,5Q. good for d~r~ . INplAN~P.OL.S to C.OZ~P, ~JO; round trip~·til2;OO; g6QftfJ', ·4Ij daTI. ' . ' ',.'. I ' . Au Exour~lon ,Trabl wlll loovo Oiilcbinatlud IndianaP.t\l1.l 6n t1to I'MOnJ ~ ... .'an~1u and p:ebrQ~ry"187 ""',,l'n'parUee will ":' 8IIowD'dliI\Qtly tLo..,h'1o C:'~~t;,~bJ=~OI1. B'p.p I1 ,to c..:IiaYfQOL. :..~
V., 40
.lokM Fro.
Add a U!acup of mille for each quart of
Jim 8la1l"8On 18 a day laborer and the UIINI. bl ItII fflrtUl&en-The a lump o( l)1ltt t the .I&e of an egg, Btlr vill ..... wa~ t nfort.unatel" he takea I() IEI::~~~r~~~~.:!~feu.sed .. of are theqorrectJy mining ",. MINI Ntj~ )'t)rar IIIIJll1 ""'1 the fl\rn\ef qlll kly. le~ boil t II mlUUte 8C118()n IUIIIf t compreWith M(IU ahd t'Gl 1 to '\llt the Lu;te. much of t e ~)\mtuoUli In the form of lil Ut'tIl1IIln from tbo n!3uJ lit the fit sL n.J;reports liO IIJI. t1ul:bn with a little flour, drop In
N(ln' n hl IIL1!, ( r (ully Oil dueled, ",lllltbt r fur ~ givel) rop hl I nd lIt'f'd~ )lllC)~phonc 1\ 1\1. I?OtR h. nitro ~ll ur 11)1 two or nIL III! ~ I lint ( r \ lillie'"" Y frof ,t Idwl!l1 Y III th ~ r,.lblmr tJlltL the t'Om'plITnti~ "ortl11e lie o( t.ho m ult. of a mgle)l!llr' xllonmen ts '" \ ry .Flumiy IndlCllted, In DlO t In !:nne "ben Ih expe rull tll) I come to be reptlllted TIlls mnv be trul', but ihe Rble .rtlllle to "Iuch " e 8rl' alludlllg d 8 not Ileip u to tlllnk 130 (erring to II huge numher of upenmen U! In ,wo r for tlhOO years 0 11 t.he fnrm at Cornell UIII\cnnty Wltlt comm rcm l fertilizers, Profc.> r uhl ll eU lilly II J( IV l,ud ! Lopped "ItIt thtl firet fellT '\\ e might IUI\ 1'1Ihh l'Cll II 1111111 bt'r of lilt re I-lllg and oppnrently u ~ef ul r ult8, but. when n colld y ar s re ul~ ClIme JJI, It w· e~ Ideni that wo could not givo both Mrl to the" o rld ullleSll we alllmid putthem m the pu,.zle column fot yOllilg folk 0\\. lIfler n third some ~Ign~ of ycnr, we begm to IIgrooment on rlain polnls, but OH'Jl yet nothm g I! r ly ostnbl l!brd, nnd wo l11u~t keop on experlul~nhng No c homlllt, worlulIg III IllS lliborntory"nh tho UIO t approved proceI!8C of nnaly L\' pro that lire m IIIIUlY CAse known I() glv acourate r nit, ever (eel entiro OOIlOde.nOll Itt a determlllntion of Il1iolphorlc aCId In a !ertibwr t Ill he hWl repated tll d te rmlDa"on and geis con OOroUllt re ulLl!, how much Ie COli hdMoo should a former havo III t.he rtl ~u llAl ot a 8111g1e yeaT'~ tunl of a uperph ).Ibate on Wheat, when hiS x penm dt IS hAble to be am ct.ed by so Dlany ndlcrse or fnvorab le III11uon008 whloh are cntlfely Indeppnden t o( th aotlfl n of the man lire , thero are distu rh log InlluOJ)OOlIIU hI! CMe a hundred hDles reater thnu ID that of the n nalytlCal II'OOOA!I III tho laborntory " Wllat paralleh Ull th or behlo n do I mUlliog pbospboTlc aCid i£ Il fortliJzer JD the laooratory and IISCCrwllnmg tho c f feet of I!uperpho~phnte on "heat r nny otbor orop ID Ihe field T u ppes II seIcct a field tlle 11011 of whl cb 11\ fill nenrly unlrorDlIlS may be and lay It oflm 8JUnU plols of qual areal) for (.'o rn pon tho fi l't!t,toecondend tblrd of the ,1'10 sow a quantity r~pectl~ely of poIMh nlLrogen nnd Jlb08pli e II Id pon II fourth 110lMh and 01 gen. upen 0 fi fth . pOl. I blind p'ho p flC flcld; UPO" II lIu Lb l\Qospllorlc IlCI Illlil mtTog<'o upou a IIOventb 1111 com'bmed, lOIn wg onc plot to be_planted 1VlthOut maou re W/l~ OIllJI1 t we ObUlI1I from tIll ex perilDent nl u_ble r nl t~ Y\ W II) I ~ not me plot WbJch y leJd the be t crop l,roof that tb maoUflUl mgr d,ent Qr JO~ leot. "I'ere tho!16 the SOIl lUost ~t.and 10 neod of' Prof r aid weU IlY • Evory former kuow that favorable r IIllfa mble fellturcs ID the weather, alono. even dUrLng n small pan of tile groll'wg Re II, w ay make Ot unmake a crOp ) t.h refQ r 11'0 do uot know bu t that what appears W wIve been II !t\llure of Il manure rully not ha\o bet'll dne to bad weather, or that a. remarkahl good crop may no bIn c been simply tbe re uft very lar c~:v o[ II. very fa., ornblo t!tlMOn and a tau !!Oil ' 1.8 phlUl nough BuL does not tb~ weather affect th_ plots til same' If the ~ther were lllVOrRbltl and tho natural 11011 xhau!lted, the dIfference would be more uppllrent than If unfavor ble IE unfllvomble, either beCIlU8C of wet'llr drou bl, 1\ ould not even thell the dlft'el'l1oc&! III tbe appearlmce of the planta of tbe dlillirent. plol1! he 1\ po~ltlve guide Ila to wbich plotfurm hed the food ~ by tile planlll willch the ot her plote did not Y We do not WISh to m Vlte lID)' dl 118 810n at all WIth PcofeMO r CllldwelJ He haaexfltnlned the ~ ubJ eot8tudlo u Hly-we uperfieially at most But there are hUD dreda of farment eXperlmcutmg Wlt.h manure this I!O n In the hope8 of obtAinlDg JllllCtlCIII results at Its clol!O, and ""e h ope that their hopes are not fo r the most.l'lirt \lSlon/uy, lIS Profe880r Caid W 11' 8tattlmcnL would Indll:nic
one of t11 PWlWII I!lUe",. "I'rlttell ftl)iritualln the way of j?rea hing '!he In It. dl~Y of 1;Ienry VI, the '1'rttt'r Dunlster, wb 18 JIO~" flljlld man, meet.-
g llCM thiS AX
tho ftngtll fare tIIIpplied to lin (larl Ulld IllS COUUle fOT brealtII\8t 011 thn llily au Iled Ulg "b Wedoeeday " n larg lonf ill trenohera, two mllllchottes (small lonve of the finest \\"hlte flour] n quart of Wine, two qll&rt8 of bee. wo IRrge plec 80t SAlte d fifth, 81X. br.lloned herrings, four white her r1U1;8, anti a d l 11 of 8prllts' A ~T CI\ grow!'r writing to tb e New York lub, glve~ III~ modo of dcstroytng Itc~ 011 CIIltJlI " I d e8troy them With brtlle Anv kllld or I'Rll lIale r Will do It r flnd t\\O kllld ~ of h et' C Ille IMUIC billo 111 l'! 1I11l1 r thlllk tbo olh er 18 hen h ce 1 trIed re.ll'''' 1!,llllto Olle )etu It kill ed Ul\~ It C, two y. arlin!,"!!, IIl1d II tlla-year 01.1 Hut wn.11l ng th o clIHl " Ith hnu e 18 CII lor al111 lbr\ g L III tb hllblt of ltClo llg 011 ollolh r and are Ulorogelltlc lowllrd ellch olher" 'I1It:IlR nrc !l great Inlln)' people who seem w 110' 0 nil unltnllled degree of fnlth III till nbllttyof lin ammal to con \Crt IIlI offenSive IIl1d d c loterlou~ BUb• tllIlC IIItO allartlcl fit for humao food To tills frlltlll ~ d uo the het thatmull1 t ud e of farm ers f ed nil mllnner of ro fu flO to t h eir hog . nud mnlly aro In tbo habit of Illving SWill lO their cows Bolh prnctl(l aro decidedly IOJUrlOUS to tile Iln lDlnl!!, nnd the mllll who want.t good moat or puro milk had botter IHOld them ON Po who hl\.8 tried It, @sys thot If a quanhly o( salt 18 "llfIll klcd under the JIUll1 trc Just a8 t I (rUlt 18 formlO g, t will k ill tbo curouho. and prevent ilie young I'lu11]8 from bewg atung Tho 88m pOrtIOn say. "ood WIlie spread un· dcrncnth pl um tree will also drive the ClIfC\I(jO nlyny he RpphcR both of these romedl 8, and a lways bas nico 8mooth jI!1l1D8 and II bountiful crop Perhaps 'b oth ar eire t unl tho oshes Will at I Mt proll1ote a vigorous g rowth, and lb Bllit I'nn do no harm If it J8 umod "pRrIDIlI) A FllluO/ II J urMI oWen: s ihat the cabbll ' 0 I Il !!Ovezelgn remedy for III tm(lcntloq from wine, Ilnd that It has even the power of p reventlOg It, for, nr informed, by eati ng a cortaio qunnuty of cabbagc boforo dumer we 1I18Y drlOk M mu ch Wille aft \Ie p ell80 WI tho ut expeTlenclng a ny IDconlem tl.nCl' Tbls property of the cabbage 18 ullKl m CII Lloncd by RlICI lit writers, who lir of lhe oplDion thllt It pl'OCtlods (rom the Qll tlpatllV wllleh the wille shOW8 to the cahlJllge, fo r If a CIIbbage be plRuted nellr a line t he In tier either r('tlres or
hm onoSatnrdflY nightl...l\8.Id Thl gentteman 15 ~he ue~ Mr. , who Will preaoh (or II to-mo rrow You had better oome to Ilburch. he will give us !Om e][cellent IlCrmOD8" Jlm with a leer lo hi li eye, replied, .. W cl\, that would be a rare treat for us .. And atnughtwa) plW!Od he ollward unto hl Aown houmo Till must ha~ e been one of the long. cst scrmons evcr prMcbed 111101'0& The nlln ullcement of III pruned on a ~Ol al1 hllndblll, IIlld Dllulcd to u~ froUl W Il8L Ulllon In tlUlt "'tate .. Ad, nt McetlllgJI - E ld D AI efln ug ht, of Bo~ton lind EIller E W FllTn 8110rth, PrcsldcD of th o Iowa Con ference, will prclIoh IU thl) Cliurch from Frld!lye,cmng, April .u. till Monday el eolDK" In OnH of Ule 1I(lIghborlll g cIties of Nell J ersey II fami ly WM sealed at dill ocr, wh en tbo door ]jell Willi rUllg Bridget" iii! sent to the door It \\ 118 notilled thut sbe held 10DI!: parlcymg, anult II lUI 8ufllllsed cooeequently t hat the re WIlli 80me ~Ie me nt ef uncerllllnty \II tl,C wtervlC\I On the re turn of th e IIC r vnnt the mWlte r of the hoUJlO Mid, " W ell, Bridget, who WMlt I" T o whleh Bridget rephed, With all t he ulIHuspeetlOg sincerity of her race. "It "118 R l1entlemllo, 8ir, /oottllg for tile lUI!
torn,,!! 1I0111/! "
Tblllco meafromadl sb u~uI8hedauthor,
who thoroughly pprccllltes MileBlan humor In nothlDg doea tile ClInOU8 twist of the HlberDlan nllod produce such .cutely piquant ell'eets aa ID the unoon lICious bol18 of popular Insh piety A prle t onco chanced to h ear, unperceived, a fierce verblll onslaught by one market,. woman on anotber, In the COUI'IIe of which every effort of rhetoriC W&II made to provoke rota llatlon, bu t WIthout of fPet "00 on go on" at lut !!BId the matron att.tlcked, Il yo know I'll not answer ye, becaUJlO I 've been to oonfea sion this merDlng, and Pm III a state of grace }Jut walt till I get out of {tf' Let us learn from the financier of New Jen;eYj or venly he undentandeth the IIrtM 01 tb e loaner The man of shekels, whosometh0d8wedescnbe,w&IIaltrrotly conllClClIlIOus man and an elder In the church He never toolt above the legal rate of Interest, be did not thJJlk It right to do 80, but h always manllged to have a barn full of old brokeu-down horll68 and CIlI'rIW! Ulllthad comedown from I.'Ratgeneratlon&-onelD particular that hiS greal.uncle Daniel had U8Cd In his hfetlm l!, and WhlCb, when uew, WIl8 marvel of workmanship Ra well l1li capacity Fa rmer Jones came one day 1I'lth a note, and wanted to ralae !!Orne money I ts fa ce val ue Willi five huudreddollans.
&lid quiek liver, &11I'0Il8 or drift into a wne Bed rock-TheJ rock, alate or clay formation Indtlllying ~he pay d Irt ID quart.z, !bat uuderlvlng an ore dt\-
BreaBtiJlg:otl'e-Taldni ore from the faceofa~e Bliud .A wne thllt ahows no
ere pln~ 0 the lIurface !w.sta{d art.z-A epeeieof Iluartzlte or quarts cc.'tal nlng uO ~ a lu nble mID e rol , OrovplD~Tbe roof or q uartz rock that 8ppeal'll00 ellrflloe, IIIdlcatmg tho preeenceof 1\ fl llIIure Chute--.b Inchne froOl ao upper t.u nnel or letel to a lowe r ono, through which to BIltl6 Ol'e Oa(>-rock-The formatloo olllflymg the pay-dlrtor (Jfe Drlft-A,lborlt tuonel rnll from the malll tunnelor Iwaft. Iuplacer mllllllg a tunoel ron on bed rock tbrou gh wbu:h to w~k tbe pIlY1trR~el III d~ep dlggmgB. • Dump-De place where ore IS put aHer being lalteJ~ from the nllne I'ace-Tile u:treme end of a tunnel, drift ot;:J: Jt vnti on where work 18 proseIluted FootIII dfl6ned, fiBaure qllllrtz VCIlIS, th ~ IOI:eK reck formatlou dll'Jding the ore ( the country rook Float.-P.erilonBof the maID lode IlCpara I~d thro1{O at 1\ dilltafiOe~ JIlIf .elioa or the eleare found bJ tracmg t he mente. "float." Hangln~I1--The generally IImooth rock form On overlyio~ tho mlDeral· bearing a Ho~:tn.lmlllenllll bo.. ld~r cr08llmg the Ituart.tlei n, or a point where tbe walle com( to~!ethe r, 108lDg the vein from BIght. Inclln~ tUlOnel rUII into a mine at lin IDcllne ('Om vertiual l'eterins-lhEI ore body glVlllg Ollt, the mille Ii... petered " PIIgrlm-A fresh arrival from the Statllll altIug a !Dlbe--Loadlng rock or gravel beds with gold dU8t for the purpose of swmdllpg ~reenhorne tolllo(f-Breakin g down ore from the roof of a ilone! or ore chamber Sbaft--. ftrtlcal excavatIOn for the purpoee IIfprcepectlng mlneAatadepl h, IlIId from ,11ch I un nola or levels are run Wi~ shaft connecting lin upper with a ~wmel, for rur CITClIffition and Qther gurpcelellWbj~ All appliance for rlll5lng oro or dirt IrOn • shatt.:
PAWClDI FOB THB F 1ft. SILvas back oom b.areagnlllin vogue IF II the li t y 10 to woor II 10 rgr 110 II q II t In Ihe belt ~Iofl'r of the 1l1lllOrted hu IlIUI fTlnges Me fully beodod BollDERED MlldrWl gll\gb8m~ nre largely unported THE Ir\oat sonle b l made of seersuoker TRAIlI8 are sUIl worn the house and cnrTlnge RIOHLYembroldered tockl llgs /Ill be bought for ~2 00 Ii pau TilE flsbwlves' dreBl! Is the f:\Vonte for croq lIet Ilild IIrcher) :':":-P~~Cf,tffuK:=:j;"j,;u;:::a;;p;;a;:;eiii~:;;~~:t~.!~r.t~~~!:!~~\:r.I};,!I~~~':i.7,';i.:'t,,!:~~ 1csLA l< 0 1l0l!ll IS mueh IIll1'd for crochetlDg Hhn Ills lind gaCII "e~ O LO' E IhrtJltlonK ur now lid led 10 tbOl!e of th e la ll lind hllnd lce rchlef KID ~ l uveH for evelllUg wellr hn\{ Lhe wrl ~~ fllll ~h od Illth 1, lnt llll!" of Illce or Tlbbeu FnENtJH locos nnd grRllM frill ges li re the mo t popular trunllllrr gll for ril l tlll ll materials A ! IEIlt: tbread of gold KII{ll'ortlUg a sohtalre llinmorrd I ~ till fnl OTllo e ngagement ring TBE "Mondrn hn ' 1Mthe II lIlIIO given ORI G IN AL --;', ;:;.t GJ1NlT 1 NH to !\ grnceful h t'lld <Ire ~ of IIICD Ju st 11 ~ I U ("ctUN'ti oulr l.Iy lOtroduood J .l"l ZEtLIN '& V() , LINEN coll[lr~ nud cllflHare lustefu" y l·hUlWlelpbla. _ fiUlsbed With hand llIode edg ing nlnde Prlc p . 1> \ Sloldb; .. u Dru ",u1 .. t. of serpeotllle brllld THlt matenal8 mos t fN!lll nnnbl o for the weddlDg go'll n of the ealla or BRtlO brecade TH10X fringes of buds_":~mlfC';":~;'1 under the straw llurUlln nl 1~";~:U~,!itt.I"'n:d~ n ew caprlCO of fWlhlon :i.dib:,;j,.~h/r Mr ELLEN H S w AII oW' made Ihe fil'1lt analY~18 of thellew wlllersl, Snmer aklte, found III Oolomdo ROUOH stmw hat8 IIl1d bonncLl! look well OIcely bfRHlcd, "Itb plplllgJI of velvet between tho braId . HALF FLQW1NO 8I ecI~8. I\lth old flUlllloned lace u nderslecles, lire lietlll 011 !lOme of the lIew 008tUOlIl8 :all
AIMENIlI!Wl!n OlJlClbutc" I'Rper~
on botanical dl8CoI Crl ll8 10 the Ann Arbor Sclentifio A8!!OCU1LIOll TEN I'I!R OENT of th e hU8bllud 3 III cODle 18 what 16 leglllly deCided IU Ellg land he Ahall pay (or hiMWIfe 11 drvsl!t'8 THE cheap grarlo of blllck glnce Hllh A " F&MAI E H ercnles" is MtoUlshlD, are now belllg u8ed for Lra l chllg' " 1II1~. l.ondon Oue of her fORis, wo are told, IDslOJld of the g rlty boge Kl\lllIl g~ '1 he!lO IS to " 11ft un anVil by the hair of ber do not retalll thc d ust, and lire Hlwl\) hend, 1111111,11100 It on her bosom, 1I'blle lD lIU!te A pl.m hllell colin r wllh cllfrs three 8nllt 18 forge II. bo ne shoe on It completes Lhe OOIItllDlt' Willi tht"r hnmmertl wbde ahe IS talking To low Newport tl Will be the alll\ "Iug lllg all t he whIle" Thel't! 18 fa vored h ouse shoo Ilgnlll thl d 8U UlIOt'r notblll~ ..0 very relllflrknble ID tIllS (eat. dlC for the ladle.\ an d for tbe gentlemen tbe fhere I ~ a womnll 10 thiS conntry who POA BED eggs Hal£ fill a frYlDg-pan Oxford tIe WI l agalD be popul. r Th eile permit. 0 coup le or blBckslUlths to use WIth bOllmg wat r throw IlIto It a a re mostly mAde of CIIIf~lan. whICh her bnek for all IID\lI, and forg~ horsef lO h &hoe~ for the chllmplonsblp. Then eh e makes tb em so ft lind dumble I t-dJlOOII f.1 u 0 l!Il t pen eac t'gg Light At Last. A 'OUNG lady of Il neljtb boClng lo\\ II 11111 sel7Al ench smith by the h air With mto a cup, drop each egg carefully roto 'mer)' OoAnty farmer had awoke from a ter rlbl o drcnm ont' DlghL bllr looth. hold them olltat arm's length. the water, whIch must not boll bard . X. Mo they Will take about three m inutes to "he had .lrClWltld thllt n sWing tholll four ' \tu es around her bead1 !!Old a ~W1I, 00111\ a load of pine l ut week cook! then, With II plln cnke turner, trim • Pretty hard tlme8," II8.Id thc JerllCy 1oun~ IIIl1n 1Vllb a !!Oft board wn~ PI'(' >I- und 1111 tbe ,..hlle they are MOil ing aua wood! bul on II wa.y thither hlld lost WIIl8t11ng, lind workang 00 the horseoff tie unoven edges of tho 1I'bltea. man." but if )OU want three hundred dolla l'll in ca@ h , and t uele lei the plee&Of bn)lm paper t hat COlltlllned 109 hl ~ fllce aglllllst h cr~ Wh en . he At thu preMnt WrltlDg eeventy take eacII (>l10 up c/lcefully, lay them 00 carnage for that paper, rn.u and the8ddnll. He had !!Carched for him flwokeahe found It WIIi! only a Cllt r hen shoes live llIell nr at work budding ao Iron mad Y WMo't !!he piece of buttered toast, or on sllCflll or ac,,'Ommodlite you" at the it-Ollla.l~ Oity Hall, and in a Wheu It stellm hIp on b er breaet fried ham Anotber way 18 to balf till The tnde was made .A bo ut the time dozeu b& roolDe, Dul 1I'WI IInable to find Da. FIUNClII M (NOT III th n Rllnllnlad. come to fcall! of remal~ strength the your}lllU "Ir.h bolhng water, put m Ra the note.. duo, Joneo hlVlDg him, and aa on the pemt of returnlDg dre before the Mll8I!Rc.busetts lIIedlcal elTele monarchIes of ElIro~ must take mnJlY mall muffin !In~K aa the 1)1.11 '!nU d t:~'" n-c' .., bo d (laYln" th em ,88lt Ule water trio h t to t eaUM> on the vehicle, home 1I'h be 1!II1Wan lUtelhgent.-looklug SoclIety, gave It lUI 111M oplDlon thllL "a 1\ bnck !!Cut -Nilm,/o,cn Hmtld mdivldull. ItanaUig on the comer of the few gifted women Will be IIble to main D and WI of n failed, a~lJed to Mr Oain, II abev ,and put an egg In each, which anotber moo~,-lenaer. w belp him over avenue aid Wayne Stne~, to whom he taUi a high J>l!sltion ID medl cln In Do ~ood to all. that thou maya-t kellP mallca them even and round. tho CrI!l8 Aftet nrloll8 expedientlo said competltlon wltb ihe IntellectUAl vIgor tby fnend a, nnd galD eDlne enemlfll .. lllOld thJJlload of wood to a man here of tho male [ex .. HO Ot.A.TK cuko One hRlf cup of had been teitcdover nnd re) oted, Ualn white sngnr onc-bl\lf oup butter, one IllUd in Germantown, and I can t thing of bie BuvTY 18 to womau whllt clvlhty bal( teMpoonfull!Od a d U580,Ved m one to Farmer Jon"l1!l the lools are not all DaDIe if I.hould go to Hallfu " lJ! to a mlln It ereate nn IIlijtn ntaneous lbo ypproAcb to perfection In artlolu dp"'!1' td tnr ICiloheo ooe II LIlA' of ,j Oommou name, IS ItT' IDquu'fd the half up mI lk, threo cups flour Wltll dead yel Go flna one, and get the car lmpre8ll00 ID her behulf, wIll ie the op- UOOLBY YEA ST POI'IIDlI.II. WILlI nry IIttl~ man, as'th01lgb be 1I'0uld like to h elp potlte quaht.y fXOlttll as qUIck an Im- tIP rl nil th e boulewlf or coolt I. iIIwllY' one tnbliulpoollful of Ilre8m tartar aiftod I~ oll'your haud." him out of ilie dlifllcnlty Into It, t broo well beaten eggs, flnvor I I've heen trr;nlr [or a year to do prellllion BgaID 8t ber ]t i8 II rC1\1 ornll su re 01 dehclo lls bisc uits, roll., bread, rue, ")relit v~ qlmlDDu, heard It a thou m.nt, the mOlit beautiful dreM 0. woman etc. evaryllme With lemon, bake m t.hree!quare pana that ver, ill :1, wphtlll , JOJleIJ, \ For tb e filhng UIlC one cnp milk, one " There'll plenty 0 fools about bere- aanlt!l1lltlj replWl the tarmer,. pitcan wear, and worth more M a meaus of WILlIOF'l"d TOlfJO 11 not a paDace.-l. hie ey.e broln. h(llf CIIke ~ hocolate grAted: two egp. plenty, bllt tltel/'« all got carnagtll" "'IODing favor thlln nil tbo jowels ever not a cu r. for .... ery lhiog bDU ... c..thollcon , Breed ,"' lug!elJted the man Boil the milk With the chocolllte for The YOWltl penJOD of \.heIlU ~on ill won for OIIII.rloul dl ......, an .y b) day addl 'l'hll farmer ~oolr hm head two or three mlnutcs, etlr It O[teD, then PenneylvaDla il a " cool hand,' and to Ita crown of glo,lou l I UC " No man 18 a he ro W hi ~ alet." The frub " Jonea1" add tbe beaten eggs, 8pread the chOCO' quite practical In emer~encl88. Not ,"ves POIUt. to tbls ay lng wal5-l_;'" , L,nrl .nd Spl"DI aloOI! "No that'. not the Dame LeLme see Idea wbleh ..luto bet" eeo tbo layers hk e Jelly cake, long SllIce, a youngster livl~g near Pe. .. of ourl."e..... a-tt."n. an healthy aDd oo,u al '"e re or c ut the ..heets 10te llq uare8, split troUa<aocldeotallJ 1IlI0~ bi~ in the - who 'liRa It bllllit the ark '" &liked the thUA Wlwl ttlDgly f:lpreBBed A lecturer , ..Iored to 00 Optle&, In explalDlDg the mechaDlsm tlOn . Health a%1\1 vigor foUow lie Ule• •D,I each, Illld )l ut. tbe Ilboooillte between ralldome:n. The ..ound 1I'aa not Vllry larmer, leanlnlr OD' bls whIp handle of tlie organ of Vl810D, remarked ... Let bill. buelekeu clep&rture from nery " Epo Born y, 1£ tho chocolHte run s add more to make dange rous, eo be endeanred to conceal I That'a Dot the name Let me see- an1 man gPe closely llIto b,s Wife's pye houoehold wbere Wilbort'. ADtI Perlodla io It from hil father. Next mOl'Dlng, ho.. It th Icker and he will 8ea himself looklDg 80 ex bpi lind taken Doo't fall to try It. ever, tho father compelled hls offilprmg who waa It that dlllCOvered America Til ceedlngly small that" Bere th lell Wnll!!IOcK. FlNLAV. cl Co, PropneLon till tHIt+tJ ;\ 11 'r-o n t r ., an 1 fit"". 8pud ' or free II Vlc!4maO Woodhull." Valne of Gorernment Signal Senlce. to sholl' up, wheu It 11'114 dlflCOvered that turers VOice Willi drown ed by th e ~hollts New Orlea n. Fon ALII BY ALL DIlUGoll!Tll OIrculilr "No " . repli,ed t be farmer "It's he had cut the ball, which lay near tbe (J.,. II "lint Ht Nlclolufor Jui) of laughter and applnuse wlllch g recteu eurface, out 1I'lth a razor In the mean fuony," 'Ie oolltiuuell, "that I can't bls SCientific remllrll: JONKlIOF Dl NO IIAMTON Dlnabl. 'vi' N l The system of danger 81gnals, adopted time hll had drank a large quantity of thmk OUIS naDle 1 know It Just 1\8 well 18 l10lblllg like G RA CE S SALVE for the 1m CONaUMPTION- CAN BE- CURED. lOVE A 1>18F.A ~! 88 I know my owu Wb.tls that fellow'. by the UDlled tateR Government, hall water, aa he said .' to 8« if lie ftaUd," PVLJlO,... II • ~,. rfttU'fIv ' or the ~ U • • ot ...rna...... 110_ llrew.._ medlnte relief anti ~p eed,. cure of Burnl, 811l1luel DaDI.} wJtbl]Ut • • park of ooJl.ldflratlun proved of grea t benefit to 8h IP(1U1g AU and 1indmg thllt he waa uot filtenng, name thl\t they call 'The Father of hls CC1l 8 U.l'TrON •• d.1I dl ........1 I". L.~ .Dd f or aD I"".U. wurld lUIUt tbll Jo~e III a 'I(! IUH~M Scnld., F lull Wound •• e nta, Felon., Salt .......... . \ 11l"I,onue.l (be liml" tonN "1' th u OPEN tnlELM J) lemon pi On lemou along tho con t 8 ro stAtIons, at which qUIetly settled dowu to take It easy un, coWltry?' '/ BS, woro .. mo:novv, wouJd IOlUU to btt rem." ,,1 I, ~., IPU ths w~"k .1 rUQM and I. pltil"" 1t 10 grated, ODc-fourth pound of butter, ooe plalUly vlBlble III~n1l18 are displayed, to til be Kete well " Joh~ Morn8118Y 11 IIh.ulD Ulce rs, I::ry.l))el"", old SorH, ele .,tc uutb!1lI take. Price O. e D liar por Lottie al. Uru,; lll' or I 'Talll't him. Who IS that big fellow h alf pounel of ugar, fi,c e~gs, whites \\ arn shiP eapta1Ds o( npproachlng 1.0. . 11. Ilclrn_ full.1 w_ , 5 ce nlA II boll. Sold by drul!'gille generally A gentlemau ID oue of our rural towns All rOID""I.. .. I Ulloa :~U?ul:· P~I~~,t;:;~nl ~I ~~°VJ~r.:u~ r.rle~:' beau-n to a {rolb nmt added lust before storms The reporUi of obll6rverll at the havlIIg bou~ht of an old rtl8Idllnt a IIOme- ID 000~88 whllt's been kicked out of man.r cerftftca tH o t ACTUAL (lU"U . , I fill dl'I'\A JI~t Lbll "It.h m II <u l UDg g"''' .. TnB CUIIAPB6T AI'D BII8T ADVJBTJ8l1'e ,100_ baking "c('ornpa n l~. u ch h.:~ltJl.\ or will be 8tatlons nre req Uired to glvealllDstonces what old flleblOned and dilapidated ear the CablJleUorlltealingllO much money T' )I..' 1111 boll uunl( to reach readel'8 oultllde of the !a"e Oltlet _I,"' orI. u"lo. U~.dd ....a O~OAIl 0 MOij£8 .. (;ore· WhJ 107 " Sittillg Bull " I N Germany they mllke a verv palota III wbl ch ve l~ bnve remruned in port rtage, happened to 8peak of It aa a Onr ONB 'l'lJOU8AJm new.papeR, dl91ded :'\tIN WI e.nJJ It, morn It (Ilea .. That'll not tbe man I'm looklng for ble cll~ from \l mIXture of potatoe on Rccount of ofllmal warDlnjp! given " shabby cODllern" m presenll6 of a work Inlo AIX d,lfe,eol h81A AdnrtlAmenle re U DOl oJuJ I ",h 01 <rI .. H ....b nol "lived for ooe or more lialll. For eataJogu•• reduced to a pulp Ilud !Our mIlk. Tbe In these ea8CS dllnger 11'08 IlvOidea, and man at his houee~ an aged elti&en of the Who ..aa! lt that b1ldt the fil't!t steam <oDud Dlng nIlDl~' of paperl, IUId other In lc!rrutpl .1 lb . wl.a older' the.."6 clli (illeS Rre the more th eir statiStiCS how that dl8Rstel'1! to 1II1Ippmg plall6 .Laymg aoWD biB chleel, he exA ,tta ....' ... R fornlAtloo aDd for UtilDlltel, addreu Franc .. Adams" qllllhty Imp ro~ os hM e been conSiderably fewer 81l1CO thA elalmed, " Shabby r That carriage Abd Jon ...d.l, 01 I kiD I BEALS 4: FOSTER, No lU Sprllce !litle' Jo ~ ... n.~ lItlch 0....,:7 1'71 - Ir..... h . 1. I "Well," eald the man With the wood, MOl well, Dor rull Dur rU lUll shabby I Wa'al, now, I call remember To OWlI a few frUI t trElC!<, or Il (ell IIItroductloo of CIIut!onllry IIlgollls N Y k !tent ,"u ~a'. ' or l l~J(CI t Unt4)e IIM. l n 1 han 6W or h.d Zan I h ,u'tI uIW'<1 tI ehl on All \ll ef r 011 nl.': fQ4'l l anl\ .. by .... ' The agricultural m tercsts of the when that CIlI'r1l\l!e Willi ai ways fuft at a "I might aa well give It np Much (owls, a Il9 W, elllf} ~ll ee" or pouy, Ilod lo f'oRupwardA of tblrty IlI. aI"'.,......1I a ..... lfull~YO.r; 0 J , . . II .. obhged to you for your kindn\'ft," he ha~e the ntirOdispolII1 of thetrl'rodnce, country IUIIO h llve been g rcntly benefited frmeral" fr°:~:nr.~~ 'II ~:b7J~ ~~:. J 0 \\ ~QTllll' U SYRU P b ••III-.ua_IOJ-I-......... .o ct .. "....,~-.-.::lr"M RI .. h \ ur IMI nllJf n,an 1l ~llb hoi by tho dally I: ulleti ns A6nt to ove ry F rom tho Union Theological Semi· added darting off. glvc ~ a c1l1ld an Il tl ve und lOVing m ell1 "ren WI Lh never falllug lucce.. \I co, .11 r"""IDt of . . co •• a I ",po ...1 Y III .... H W. 8IIwt it Geo~ FranCIS Train f' terest In tb fllrm whIch may h~renfter faTmlllg district III the laod by tb e nRry III New York 0001es the fllllowing IN PlIlIS IlOClety Will! milch exe rclJlCd r 018 IIcllht) ot the Itomlob, rellen. wind _..,,, • • _11,, 1M narrloon A. 11"'11011 II • •• Weathe r Depnrtmcut. Theso bullet/nK nnecdote related by tbe Rev Dr Mked the man, 811 If enraged in deep ID 11.8 mlDd lUI to the etiquette which colle rtgullltel tbe bowell, CUft, dyuntery UllCrllte (or IUlgrcntest gool! V 'V medltati~ ond dlllCrbcu, wbetberarlalng from In tblD!! Ql 11 A 1 Eons n III LavRllelte Pour 1IIU1 rl Ont nre mllde from telegropillc reporis re- Adllms .. No." replied the farmer. "It's some would deCide the cbOice of n pflrtner (or or or.h~r Gllllae8 An old aad well tried ceived nt appointed ccnl.ers of ihRtnbu Thore hved 10 t.he town wbere Dr tID dudl c ream to tbo depth of a quarte r of tboee lJll1ows' name&, but that'a uot the Prince of WaifS In the cotllhon at romedy ~b e\.8 a bottle of an lDcb, brlDg to a qUIck boil, and tlOn. where they are lit ooce printed, Emmonll was pBllwr a pbYflclan t.IDC exactl, It. Who Willi It 118Ys we folh all Lord Lyou's ball-whether the lady of e laood 1D enve lopes, and t1ddressed te tured With the groMellt fonn8 of pan the highest ranlt (of courRO it could be LIFE ill rull of dl' .ppointmentl. Wf!I re to\ then drop In the eggs and c~k nntll tlle fre~ the ave T" uo other) would be selected from Eng ceutl) o1Tered to oure & bad caM of Rb.1I 1I'bltes are hartl 1160son to tWIte, and ae~lgnated POSt.-Ofti008 10 the dIstrict to theism. who declared that If be ever w et come .. John mltb" be supphed Each poslmaster rccelvlIIg Dr Emmons he wonld eaBlly floor him III It .. m for a } ear' .. ub.oril,t\Oo 10 adunce, hsh or French claimants to thllt dlgmt.y l!e rve m the same lIat tin dish " That' the man I'm looking for" Hill a blllletln hftK ti,e order of the Post- 111 argument One day they met at the but lud na we .. er. 00 the pointaf lIItlo, Royal Hlghne88, however, I16ttled tho 01l £ 1 ET S IX el,'gH. beaten I!Oparately, i bek cb, aoympathhriog friend IDlllluted mllster Ge ner u to display It Instantly honlle of a p'otlont The ph)'AICllln ab- wd the t rmerl tlPjllOg hll hat on tbequeatlon by leadlDg out an AmerIC:an one Ilnd oue-hllif cllpfulR 8weet mdk, III n fram e fllrm Alted for th e purpose ruptlyaBke.1 Dr Lmmons," How old buck IIf bl heaa loud taking a treab chew young lady, IDI!8 Yzoalta, aDd IIOclety Jah",on'6 .Anodyne Lintmmt. aud tbe mODe), a little III\lt, one tablespoonful of flour and the patient unl.bed In.taater. The bulletln H reach the different oHi nro YOll, slrT' of tob Where does lie live '" POllr m to l\ heale d hntter llRn, lI6t. oo top ceK, and lire displayed 10 the frllmes, 011 " Pm ," lII11d the man, and the Lwo hal not yet reoovered from tbe shock The docter,astonlshed lit hili rudellel!8 l'ar'o,14' P",gah •• Pm. mue a new rlob of -!Arc t tllll bolls. ~tl mn" coostnntly, the nverage at eleven 0' clock III the qUIetly replied, .. Sbty two \ lind may I 1I'ent do the street together, while the blood. aOlI "Ill completely .baDge the l tben put III hOt OVIm to, brown... _ _ horse WI wood followed on behind IllOmlllKt mnlring about ten hours frem Wlk, 11r, how long you bave ned til A lVeUDeM or BrlU8b Women. blood In tbe entire Iyltem In tbree mODth .. BOfLED IndIan puduJDg One Clip the ti me tll1) ..-aport 6.tst left the chief Any pereol wbo will ..lte ODe pill a rJgbt " Since creation," 11'l1li the p&IItbelst'H " Ion " In &cial Notut writes 88 101 of lIOur Dlilkbone egg, one tnbleBpoonful slgnnl officer until It appearil4 placarded l'lI1te Lies • from ODe ~io :::.;::tw!:el ::::v:.:e=w=ee=k'::..::e.u.~~.llt ~ t 1011' 1 1 chanced not long ago to be o( lard or utter, one cup of IndlRn nt 0 \ ery conter of the Taruung populn. .ref,~, l __u.pj1lille;':l1!en)_,ou were in the """_ ... ~- ' -III peja~d ~ortabl InSISt that it ill taking refreshment at a I~~ iaa; to lJUlIl<o"1!TT'R COCOAlI'lI I. the belt IIJId meal one c up flour, one-balf tablespoon- tiong, anu became acoeBl!lble to alI cJIIIIIJe8 rarden of Eden with JIL~_ .~ ,. . d": ln~ oommemdable Hair DreellD& 10 the world. It ful e!lch of IIOda aod Mit, to be steamed even III the most dl8tant parUl of the " 1'11&11 there, Ilr." • I, a~:neand a gl8l!8 of abeape.t to tell rM"W'm;'t.. IoU" ...~••""" dandruft. alla,.. ir" ..tlooL and proor bOllcd one hour tie in a bag 1001161) , countrf .. Well," said tJie wily dime, 1'1 aI of the ~~ 'fUth mlgbt ld ve offenee or sherry The sherry she draok the bun 1<l1I1 1\ vlgorou. growth of the Halr motes The IIIforUlallon gl ven on tbese bulle- wa)'ll thought there 11'", a thud pel'tlOn pain. .Th8'~ilI doctnne ls practically she putillto her reticule Ill! a tiling not to bOIl , ~. carried out ill HOoiety ..e aU kuow P'JI'- wanted I had time to Bpnre, when ebe CHEW P ERL Illld boll old potat.oe~ III FlRlted tms hill! been founll especulLll valuable prOlll!nt" :rbll good bit 18 from JacltRouvllle, I!Onl1l'ho Wiah to avoid receivlDg Wl1I'el· left the shop I followed hl\r 8811' her The Celebrated water nod take up &II I!OOn 88 done that te tllOse farmer8 wbo take an IDterest 10 "11 ...~~" • ' come vlliton without resorting to a enter another and do tlte I!8me A httle they may rCllIlllIll wbole have relldy th e study of meteorology, or the science Florida Wood TIC PIIII DurlUgthe lIIoknesa In our city l&llt po6lt1ve II!bufl, direct their servanta to further on she entered another, WIth the !lOme rolled crackers and a beoten egg of welllher nnd the facUi announood are ToBAOOO dip the potatoes ID Lo the egg Bnd t.hen so plain, tllOt nny lOtelhgent perHOU may fan one 0 0111' citizens, Frauk J, WWl 118y they are "Dot at home" "Ulad to 8aDIe reeul' She then called a cabrl To. P1ono ToBACCO COu.....,. lUte t he crnckeffl and then fr y III hOlI profit by them .For Instance, each bul- llT6Itrat.ed wJth fever, and little ho~ WlUl !!Il6 you," 118 tho grootlUg With whlllh a olet and drove home It IS not unllkely New York RoitoD and ChI..,o. letlD now nnnounC08, for IU partillwar 0liertalDed • of his recovery He Wile man of po,lllIed mannel't! meeis the belre thllt sbe bad takeu SIX glSll8ell of sherrr, IDg lard dIstricts, what Winds In each month ully 001lllClIIU8 of h18 eritlcal condition, wh08e apptlllllBce he regards WI til horror at SIX different confectIOners' counter8 ' Th .. ~ ....~ ..... DI_",rT.r .... AIle I. Jlr AN IIIfUSlOn ef t ho dned bloSllom Hof ha~ e been found most likely, ,!ud w.hat ut, belDg an IDcorrigible Wtl¥, per Invahds put hope of reco~ery are In- Agaan A. gentlemao !\'M exnmlnlng T ohla. ~Cl lt1 l1r.. t e 1 \ ti l cll.u Llnlmeut r 00 yurt be the common cowshp 18 drank 111 some Ie IHt likely. to be foll owed by ram At- petrated the following. The poor fenow b,. Bmihug friends tbnt they are the tradesmen's monthly accoun'8 WIth fOTIj tbtt p lLIl u u' WnrnlOlf'd to cura Dlarrlll'a (oulllrle8111 ElIgllllld und er the nAU1 e of tention gh en to thl8 one Simple Jllece of '!'1M In such danger that c.emlDent phy formed 100klUg better every da'1 'Rash men of a view to payment On gOing tbrough D), Mntety ( oUr 1111 Rp ••1 Itt tabu lute-tnI'll, and o:ow811p teA Tbe hlol!l!O Ul8 COOlOlulllcatc mfofllllltlOn will rc~ ul t In IllcrcaslDg tho IIIClans werp 1D conltant ttendllnce bUlln088 are congratulated on their thllt of the grocer he wn.~ startled by tho t t 'I Vhf III JlI «:, n ... I!l 1l MQftt Throat! Oat. Drul t!l;H VII t(urt, ~n l 1.iu. ill t!l. Lim' " Ba<k ltD aromntlc ffllgrall cc to home maue g,1I 0S lind red uOlng th e 10000s of har One evening Dr Drew rolled, and 81t.- brilliant p'rc8pec~ by those who kuow amount Ilharged fur tea-sIx pouods 10 and t:;b<'tl t llJ:t ern" U)' It t •• uftY"r tf\lIed No faml" WIDe, rCl!CDlblwg.that of Ul e Muscatel vestlllg tlDJ on one Iide of the bed, '1188 In they are on tlie verge of rUIn. In fllCt, four weeklh-and wd thero must be wi n t!Yt'lr IJo ",Itb o lit .flfr nco al,ln ••,.,.lr tria!. WInCjj of the 80uLh of Frallco Wnllllnga of expected rlse8 or falls III qUlrln~ iotothe condition ofh1s patient, never to uttel)c:h sagreeable truths, and to IIOme ml!take lhe grocer lit fir.t. ga.e I'rI .. "0 "".10 DR TOBUII VEN£TUli HORI! .. in Ptnt Bnulea .. t One DoHar I, •• r· FRo-rED leru on I"e JUice lind gflte d the great rive", are mllde With equlli "hen ID walked Dr Sabal, and, taldng deal liberally 10 agreeable fRlsehoods, canfuaed answers but when directly L1NIMENT raDt -d IIItS'll ri rio a n), otb('lT Qr NO PAY ' o r tllO nod of olle IItrge lemon ) olh of three I'''gulanty. telegraphed, bulletmed 10 in extended band,!!Btoa the othenide of seem to be tho acoomphlhmenl&-nega, oharged wltb fraud t'Onfel!8ed Ihe truth t ure or Collo t nb B r u'lN Old 80fM etc !!old b, For a moment there Sl live and p4l8ltive--moat Indlspensab1e to Four of the lteme should have been not .11 Dr ,.11010 »o»Ot-l. P.rk PI~ N." YDrk egg~, ono cupful of tiugar, one third cup: frio mE'S, and al llO pubhlhed by the newe- ilie bed (ul of mIlk or \later ulblesJIOOllful of papers, nt th e dl/Terent rI ver Cities lcuce, wben the prostrate man 8IIId IDdlvlduaJI who desire to be .. )lerfeetly tea but sherry SlDce that occurrence flour , tM piC Wben bRked,ydd froat These dllily rePO r~ gIve the depth of lit home in polite society." To lIuch the busband and wife live separlltely, lJoalh .It. _un on elt.hor b.nd, Ing and ba ke IIgbt brOil n J'"roatlDg- wllter at different POlUts III tbe rlvel't! corteoUS h,~,naJ we cannot subscribe abe 18 under .. restrain t .. WbUe "erdlll1 IOU. ...... GaroA'I' . . .unr ,.. While8 of threl.' eggs, seven tnbleapoon courses, lind thuij make It e&llY lor river It maYllOmetlillle8 be Inexpedient to tell Both MD •• IImded audIbly, tbe crllli. fllIB o( powdc.>red sngllr slllPpwg to be moored BRfely in a.ntlclpa A lIafiIa.d lIellab • b .... UI.t. , .. the truth :b~ DIIVer n8Ceeu.ry to iD''ellt COEl.PUL:&IMO:m. HONOB TO Aal.£JUOAN fuNVFAOwaa over, and J now PUrslles hlB faleehOOdI fOI courl.e8y's sake. ]nfinlte So'L IIOme Bmall oOlons, ch8nglDg the tlOn of low wllter, when Iguorance avocation in Jaobonvllle811 of)'ore TUBBB8 -HIS MaJe8t,. 08car II, King of mlgbt lead to the grounding of the boata ALL~V'8 ANTI-FAr barm il deme I wbatare called "wblte ..atu twice IIDd !<IIltmg It the last t ime I. em ...." ~t • .,I(iI .D' J1Crf'ect\y humleq. 1t "ell " ]n Dine easell out of ten, tho plain No",ay and Sweden, hM !Cnt to tbe Wben don!!, ta ke tho OO1ons up With a on sand bars or mud baoks TbenotlcoB a the root' In the Jttom~' p", ...~tlUnl Ita bel'". po ~nftrted In'O _ rA' _Tftkfln with rtrA OUBI0UB antique silver watch~ kiM I)' "poken, beneficial to Muon & Hamlin Organ 00 tbe Orand dimmer Thlckco tbe water. which of tile probublc hClgl\ts wblch fresbel.8 _Uon .. !twlD a htt ID _ .ernf'lauce '"-,_ ..... advice, or any Medal In of Mould be boiled II" lly to about II plllt, may reuch , are (ollowed by preparations to have once beeu the property o f . ...... ~rwe- .. :EM' '1' 2E:III "GV 0 R;E.:D "Corpul"ncc , . "ot on" a tllle'" tlltlr: bu.' tile 'UI~d~~llty of their ..Ith H nry llttle orn ~Ilarch a dd but,. upon tbe I levees" lind rn er bankH, to or oLht ' ''" tSn wrote Hlp~ttl '"'0 dent Wllllhington, t1I1R~" ' bubln~r UtoUlUld Jea,. -SOt aad ,.bat 'WU vue \bell .. Done in Ottowa, Kllu;-·UII..owned carA811 ·\II'B -IIBitllal'~J-LIl.",:~~~~;J!'1'A.~Jt:~l}!--?!I~n~e~~~ ter. 1l6Pper and 111\.1t to tIlt!te Hllvo guard agalllsL 01 erl10wB • LIt"G W '} and W&ll once owned by Gen '''''1'''101~· touted IIOme thlo 8h oos of bread. Iny Bold bY I I O' - I , by ""~ . . . Mlplol".aa; ONn S(.OO. Add.... terl.ut Artibna." and on tho around t.bem 10 a dISh, put the 011l0n8 on th NEW rcclor to clerk-" Do you think LeWISCIIIII! the buet of the lringz.' Olear n, Svec 10TA'UO MEDICIN. CO •• ~lice., and pollr Ole gfllvy \lver the cb u~ch flll s III! well Il8 formerly'" and .11 1114"• • • • " .hIlA.... JlrC9'IeIo ••• ~IIJIT Blanchard, of the mlDoill Non Goth Vand HeX" Tllis bonor IN Brooldle)d, Mue, Il barn took tire I...U" IIOUp W'lbh and boil twcuty or JaDes (anXlous to plllll84l)-" Lor blel!8 or ...... Wrlt,...., mUIDll 01("1( • ~ ..L KY..,.,, __ "'-::..::" ,,)IV II.,. ~wellt,. 6vlJttl Ilea Inms 1111 t.hey ynu BIT, tbe other gent could not hold a frnm matcbea IgOlting III tbe pocket of WbeatoD"Ot.U.~ I~ a mUlICulal' Chri. will be the more valued by tbe Oompany '10aK ..' ....,,. U . " , , ' ' ' ' ...... to . . .. coma, olit of th Ir IIbell ~llf ' theo candle to you. Y(lU should a' seen the a coat that l'aa left habRing on .. peg Uan A few d~ "'" be bocked a man. from the raet tha his Majesty Oscar II .............. .. "''',''Ioe. II kDoWII to be a mUlllcal eonnol8118ur of 'dloj> o.em lind put. them back mt(J the petllpJratlon run 011 my face on Suoda.y where friction waa caUaea by the OOIIt ijaree 1_t"1l1 a "ell Jllanted and em· hTpeet attalnlDenUi ~eftt11 d~"~ \ilow ~ the face. UqIlQY. whlcb I!boldd ijllll be lnuned 8-6lloWln' of 'am IUto their 1181.141" S~DJlU' lfith tbe breeze
P_ •• I."'''et7.
".mm ..
The onl, 2S cent .ACUE ~ REME~..!
"'" '" .11_... . ....,.. ..... - ....'"
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.lito,"'•. X..-....-
at AXD
~====~============~=~======~~~======-~==-=-=~===----~--------~ ------- ~~-==~=====
VOLUME XIX.--NUMBEU 3. TUlltOJlIIU1 .... Tnt t.M ....... W htult't! W U1 Cl I h th e grtl 88Tilt! l udd e n ~t f,;nM .
Frout ..,h l J f"C I'.' rhllfu'lalll., What lubU'Jr urlll Ih,del. \\ haL arm1 of elb n lInd • olue" 'orth tha .. . wlftl 1 man' .h.' ll I III I TboL .,lt10n of ullwarllkelpun I nnlluH~",bl e U lh, bt,U'euly 1earM? Uow
1.1 Ih" gMlN -
nil Irn Ili I.U blo trraaa'" \\ e kllu. u ,l b(JW .... e ca Ul10t tell The k1011I f"LlI u f th allulra If!
' Ve kn ow lI ul ",bell we kb O" hul l1 u,« \\ kn ow 11u (':a.rth - u hare IIInd litO"
rb •• plf"Jt a ,dl,. our
fOOla l elJt; ,>O M
Abo "e UH ylu ldlng emerald 0 Lb e gt \Vht!n~ l.'Om eth t bo Kraa.a-rb fllll1 .. boulid llJ ~
Alomr tb e bUIll 'be Dlr adu." . "eet Thft rh' er aldo If u wtllallti . tree l 11J In""" noo~.I"tallW'l. "ate Ita paUeot ~ r~D .n(uld. II"U", Belfde tbe oott .. W' h Oll1ft doth p1'8I
rholend.r fal'hlwlrall! wltb multi car....
\\ h" cOIoe'h fhe CJ'UIThe b"'ght uatlrtDIIKJUI, Tbat dow n the qfl'fl doth I'flpelt 'VUh ewer, , .. , I" Id,l Iw,.,1 1'0 teac h thtl tnllb d cr. rwI fOf tbee
1I, .....,ou. III'" I. 0.111""
' Rtlear.Lb ThOD wben doubtA bllr&M Reed tb oll tli e ",be 8011 wbl. pe.n nr Lbo gr hl
TUE 1IIANT. The \\hul o POPUIlltioll of the v illal' WII8 gOIng dOWIl street, bllt Dr Hl oka was !!OlDg 111' H, s black cnllL" 'iH bUL tooed more t'Fhtly IImll U8111l1 nbout hiS . pnre form h," "yeM gIll red rt'bllk,nj(ly through hI" ~per blcleR UPOIl hlH neig h borK hurr) IlIg hy t'l till elrCIIli The ,10c l"r III h .. qUle l hOIl ,o on tho hilI bad a ,I"zell IlOv" who, under hl o tenchlllg, " ~ro I'r~""rlng for colle[Co Ho knell thllt th V" ore hnrd nt \l ork now, "Ith the II11l1.10w8 c1ul!lld W keep out Ihn "mmd of Ih e band (IUd Ule obeerlllj( ulldor tho bIg tent He hutl attended 1.0 Ihnt hofor eomlDg out By dmt of eotlLrolhllg boy. twenty ycn .... th~ doctor hlld begun to look lI(lon 0111 naankln,1 nK hiS 1'111'11. B o would hn'l) laked t." twpu\c the IlI\r. of the 'I d <• I I!(l "ITe, or wn .. , DlIle"y lIIee V I !Ieb" 11111 h 0 (law h 1m gOing nn d er U IrSI , well the c:tnVn. covo r L II I 1.1 Th e IWlCt mOlllell Ie gOOt 0', mAn stopped aJlpalied 1 bpre IIns bls Ile lllUr c ln811- th o threo \)fIY. \I ho wl're rmulang the II md- s ulndlllg nt the I" kelrOffir_ hi "1J I R' ~ I I' Y IIp''''r 111 5 .. I "" \ U ,II •... ', e"11 e8 aln" All _I
" Young' b"ClltlclIIl'n I thllllghL better u uf Ir tblldo Illi. I h ,V hn n hnlC ohda)" )'OU reme m ber.' Bdnotor " I i hi f (I I
IIt toM~m
• mtend tint You 1.0 beco me a pby ICIaIl. lIfr Maury Wbllt confidence would aoly dy log paUent. hllve III you , who bnd seeD ytlu st:mng nt these paloted c.reaL-ur811 and human mon8trolldi , ~J jlo exerol-e my autnonty 1 oub',,1e 10U to ('(InSider 10ur OWUIlllIt-,.peeL." The boYII !l;re" ~ anel angry. :rh~y hAd planoed tIllII "lilt for clA,.. Tho
fingn~d 111 MIlInbs fhe clo tor Illmed 1I\\IIy with II ~,"hlclI feehllg of /I WS<II HIllis lIIulI KLrO" lty hlld IIny hU1l11I1I fechn', IIhn t t.ortures he mll. t 1I1"I ~ r~ 'l 10 be thu" CX 11l1ll w, 1 II" II I>CmlL " llut It IK Jlrohnblr ' thnll g ht u'" doct.or, .. thnt be I" but 811 Ullluml. after 1111' .. \Vh ere I ~ IIIr ~p rry Y" I", dClllllruh d , IInpatlentlv, of tho boy Hut thllt r lluth wu o . tanug throu gb til( \l1",1'III S Illto tbe tenl ·lrcu. l" hroko upl MIIII"g H <0111111 1 UIIS "ny I" he cned exclle,l\) , Magog I" 'He lodges he re, olr ' 'fhe docwr would la u' eC"cR I>ed, but It W8S too late The door opelled and Ih e great ma.'18 of fleKh , Kea,lct alld nucldlll g I'lume~ outered It filled the room Thll doclor fUlrlv gnftped for brenLh "I WIll go elsewbere to UleeL Mr Sper~, ' he M id '" hr.,"laughedtbBboy, " th Ul IMMr perry' , ~ ,,[agog mutlooed tbedumb lIud s tuu ll etl doctllr to a seaL, and IVtllted uuul th e bol hu,lleft the room be foro It u "!,oke 'J am Ohnrlo8 MIlnry's uncle ' h ll lhen !!nld au a VOl C(' slDgulurly low aud nlmost treDllllouo .. r klIl)\\ LLallt ,"ou would IIBY," he bu¥teoell Iu IIdd the dl8gmcc, the; ml llCr v to hIm Pe r hupl:! tb e boy enn bo I!Illed (ruIII knu \\ IlIg It Tllllt IS "hy I Kent fllr YUII ' fi ll Icnned IIl ~ hrnd 011 h i. grent Htllff, and WIlS "1l cllt I'ht rlflet.or cOll ld 111'( '~"'I.k 1 he llIou.ter hlld!!OlII o( Ih< fee lings of n mnll That wa, phllll I'"l 11111 \lOOr Uharlcv- to filld ono of III. fnnll y nlld klll. folk lu- Ih,,'-I re Llm noL oll ly ee t lip Irt by I1lluro frOll1 hiS klUd, but I!O degraded IU! 10 IK' '"lhllg to mnke n dbow of hlln ,;e lf ' C hurlo' dllCK 1I0t knuw thllt la e hll noy IcVIlII( klDMfolk ,' he ~lllll ,I(Ullrdcdly " I K It necell8B ry thllt he Rhon"l kno\! t' ' Thllt I. for Yllu 10 "etermlll~ tlOI lIIr," 88ld Magllg In the 811m" I W, hUIIl blo VOIC~ " I \\111 te ll you Ihe cl rCll m SlJlDces .. [ WIUI III. motbe r'" oll ly b ro lher 0 IVlng to III) - ruyml forlllne- r-:InuCII1!; lalUlt.lly duwn lit hllll llClfI ne l .. r IVII. ablo to ouLer auto uny prole 1011 or trude ~Iy f Ither left. me a . mull farm III Marylll d - hurely ' nou><b to "u(llmrt " lln' " ,vllu me nnd t e old hllle'· ~~r' d " "" walLe Oil me 'It lir a very pretLy place." he I!IlId, hl8 broad '!\!lII IIghtenltlg Wheu J ellny dled-tIlal w.... barle),'s muther-they '-rougb' thll boy homll .I w.- ' u. .., me
Ln c ll'!' IIlllLlpr~1 1 tIP"Y J oe HIli Why I thnllght th ItyOlI/l g Maury wa._ "!!PlIllcllIlIlI ' It Irl c) c III~hL the Ilonl K .. 71". IS II ge llLlc mllll " hl "1I1l1 Invlng IllS h ,,"I 011 IH'or ~llIgog A< n, b) II gellU IIInll 118 ('I er (,od IIIllti e I , I he docto r dr "" the rO\ld out uf Ihe teld 'Vllell M'lgOg oJlullcd Ill. eye tht'y re.~" oulliar cy kllce lang be fore IUIII 111101 llll) hlled ,"lh sudd en terrur H slrugg led to rl HI' flo )011 ku o \\ \\ till I UlI ? br wb .. l>e red , Uh why dill I (lU IIl1t le llille ~f"re 1" cned ChariflY I hllve 1"een _0 alone III Ih o \lorld I I 1I1111Wler letne you II gR IIl IInclc I .hllll be II bapPler b, Ir le r ooy 110\\ thlll I Imo\\ that there I" 01111 III til " WOfid whu IlIIred for me I sbnllillue II home IIUW hke oLber boye" Hlo UII( Ie looked nt him bowlldered Wn Ibeboy uc tlULllyrejolc lngto ha,'e (oulld hlln ~ " B ,t )"U forget ," he IItlld .. J lUll a (;lIIl]l 111111 h,ve fulloll ed tl1l8 101V hUH In "' .. I La ~ rI! CO li 101 nol be too lIJuey of yo u, ' hI' "Illd Rllrc ly not too lU uch of SlIch nn ullc lc IX) 011 " " lIul\ .In you f,", 11011 str Y" IIJIked Ihu phyKI 1n1t , 1l1lXI OUijly , Hetter rlucLor j cR n'L Rffo rd l& ,h e
.\ II t Ic EXJllllrut 1011. I lI an'll r " \\ l<f'll..h
....< hllu Lk .. "hlnllle,1 Il'ovo fWIII Ill S
" U U .t
iQ lIl
ulh ee r nrlll <lU11I to Nell York , "he rl' he II"'H e put IlI mliClf HI co m l ~:~Iu'l ~:e:~u~~: !:'Lh\J3::.part ~ lIIunu IItlnll "Ith lIf,'".; r. lIlnr rl.OIl und 111 .. /SO rt r l)o('t l IIlIm It., IOU whUe IDO"'. It, Hud r It ( , ~ t bid ttl) h8 rt lIr l illi, II lit. II ere gl ul 10 find KI ' "hll \\h f wou ld It Ill~f !lot! Why wouJd IL ltart 111,1 cucrJ!;c llc Il 1111111 d eM lrlllIH o r JluLllnJ.! '~t " l II ..... t a I . " It efOle UN , tilTed , IUtuh~ IIIh' p dutt er his wlup and p• .rU hllJlself lit lhe b<IIII 1)( th Ir chen" het! u. WhUl 1,/ L b ~ l'IOnw; of " ..."('ret. bird ellle rpriSe I ,,,Id 'or the _Ind', win. cl~ Aithou gla,llllu irc Idy till l!llcKtcd he I ~\AIIIItillmill! I...,. ...." 1I1nll1 0 the lIN"o I UD. ~art, Ilnll 10 Ih, bU ~lII e ... of ex \,I ... IILIOII We 1'11 11 lor tb" wiulll nth., WIILf1U . . dMelt #. lid th e .llld lJI UlUlu'et." 1 ."j" th an tbou.rt. Lleulcllnllt dll"Itka ho s I(l\ c n ILI!rtlnt lJoe. a lhouHht 1n 'bee I\ U . . . tbon. wou.n4 IImo llnt u r ~llI"y to th e "lIh]ect, 11 11,1 hlL' 'll",rt t 1111,1 hi S plun ~ " Itb Lh e s kIll I'! II , ete rnn Oots lb. '.n ~ ,,1I11r01lI"6 01 boJ)6 delamitlT 1111., loId. III. II,.. ollh, alecpdopuU He I" pD OC. tl) tak e 1,llla hlll1 liS I"~ I .I 0 1111 the BO lIg . t II MCreL Llrd.. all la unly "ue h 1" ,"0 11 8 1\11 orc IWCCl!ll, n rhe[e IV III bo II fh e ~ref' lIl n nlt III name thalu charm enelMel. I,) the tu ped ILIon II nevu Willi wrl l hi l.b t ran ler . ebllt. I-'IHllol(raph e r, (lrovlded it I foulIl! Am) a,.. LUI Ib rrult ou It. uee tbai 1J01fIlt, prncllenblc t.o Ul!C the n cess",y eheml I1ncwt! 1" ,ulc\ In tbe wmblnt.'. a""" Tho 01 d.....,.. Ibronab .10 cUa laLla C11lij Ib . ut!h 1111 pxtremely Cjlld clcmate, the ro WIll be 11 h whOllO busin s IIIllll,hng
Llltle l>IUCcllcti lltllll \ lilli e I" roll" Clllhll IILMIII III rr gunllo lin c ~l >c dlllllll wllleh h IS fur 1\.11 I >urpu ~o Ih o dl_co' en o f I'nrlic ulllrs clill ueru in g til ' O)lIgo u( th e III flltcd I'mllklcn "hooeo, ) "LcnOIlH dl ~UJl pe tr on 011011,1 lhe fro z. II rC~ III1" o f th e orth b ns b ell lho CIIUMC of 11(' lIIu cb public IIl1d I'rll ll te 111 01( IIllll lllll Al J>resellL, hu\\ c ver, unu uul IIU crp. t l8 felt III Ih e mullAlr froUl th o fncL thut IIllhln Ih e (ll1llt 81X yCIIN! cerulln 111 forUlnlloll h ll8lw.e1l gu tbercd by orth ( rn ell ~"orers whi ch lead s 10 the CO il dU810n t bnt tb ere mllv e\en yet be 1\ c bnnce of fuJI reco rd. of nil dnnng crcw who, Ihnt
IOUtb of h i t e party "eMe ,I are m,tlv:d will go lilt{> WUl~r qunrtel'll at JXIO~IIJn lat.bmu ,oflAln mention Ilay 10 the8prlng of 1879, I\jl e u Hied in \hj u.rratdvell or SIr JohnRoII8 'fhey dlog becomoM prl1ottcahle1 tho llenrch told Ub.pl4in tbata NLtty of whllA! pllr[y wlll proceed by lanQ-{)r rnthllr meo came, n lonf time before, to II. place Ic&-toward the point wbere 1.ho ~Irn th!\. UU\{ 0 Bootb~ ...,here the la sup~1 to be 81tuate<l, eO)IlO four Or aeblll were then "lDterinl!, and they live hu,odred mllell fl"(lm the bn.y A 1111 died there lho captalD all!O Oil ,.ear 18 to be gIVen to the l!earcb. at the tallied Home allver and o\ber ~hlngs be- end of which the party ~Il Tlltllm in 10ngIDg to the Frn.nkimexpedlllnn from time to meet We ve I, whioh sllall tbe 1-e<Jp'le 111 1877 ~lr. Thomas F have tiJ?Oot the snme t lQle ou a ",baling Barry, tn tho whaler A Houghton, be- erlllll6 111 North RudlOD Bay -In July longlng to Me n Morrl8Ol1 and BroWlI, or A uguat of 1880~ I( Iill goc weill we ot Now York, willteredllt Marb1eJ IlIod, ahllll_ the expealtion f1lturo to Ne," on tho moutb of tbll Wager Rlver He Yorlc 'f!II1\ at least, IS tbo programme w&8 viSited hy other EAlqUlmll1U of lho at pre&mt hud dowll BubJect to bueh N"acbill trtbe (rom whom bll obtam d n mutaliouslLilcireum8t11ucClIehaUn C6/llll' 8poem WIth Ir Johl1 l'rlll1klln'e crCllt taw. upoo It. 'hey \Alld Illm clinetly tbll ll&DJe story as had beell told to apt.alo A. !!Iacred PrlJl e a Cowao. Ft •• POlter i1ve yenrs b fore 'f"o, who The alcutta corrc8p/JJldentorthe Lollwere Oct..-eoln fifty nnd 81X-t l ycarlf of don '[1/1fl U wrltell lUI (oUOw" A epoolnl age, said tbnt ~bllY bad Il00" the wilite III"h COUrt bench ...... '" til)g of the mell . They added thattbe white llIen I" f d t"'T""··L. d hnd II lOAd e r but thnt wh en tbo 8prl~ 0 HC JI ~ICC nn "0 p ......110 JU ,viiI "It to IDorro. ~ Ile.r Iho IIp. .....n. In en e tb er II dead Aftor IL "0 0 ~ ... ., m lIy W e o . . the Ch.lIe of Ute rllJah of Poorr, e '1'ho mil' , had died , the reSL made B cal{n, a nd "11Ut uod er It l'OIDC thwga hke the IIdvncl\ttl-gIlneral, on bebalf of tho liovornmoh'" WIll support Ih :tlllvlotl\lU book III whICh Hllrry WWI wrHlllf' and No CIII!() . 11100 famou K Baroda trlu l I\hleb tho Naoluh eXRmllloo .'r ey of blU! eXCIted 10 much IDterl'M' 111 TllJl1h fen-<:I to ~o ami llOmL ouL the spot where IA th e heredlt ry """rd'lln 01 tho Tern ~h IlBICIl ~tlIJ rcmlllnM, Wltlt tIle boob plft of Ju'"'ernnu', ,,-hi- "peol- I -" u'y III undor It , but it involved a Juurney of ~ "" v 0 , Q"" Bn t hat enpnoity ')\IlDg to 8"OOP th s pnco ~::b~ ~~d:,~:k~e~ M\t.hen ra'iked~ in frollL of tho tbrone wh II !.he goil I"""t ou~ th ''''''Itloll of the 1 laud leaves tb Lemple ro~ the Juggernaut car "< rv~ i8 all!O the clr ulnr h ud of tho where Ulll whIte moo tlte I'"u alld
I U", '
lI u Jld /lut Iho l hllrl oy .eamed Hlld rlt Illy g row il IlItO III II IIh OlJd H e hu m ed hl. llltel Llil k to Mnr) IUlld, took 110"'''<'0 "11111 vi thlluld furm tnu~ht and I:Itlldl Od Ly LHrIl K IIllt,1 he had tllulled IIIH profeH .. ,," H e IS II pla) MICmn 11019, with Ii 10VIIIg httl e II Ife lind two ro~y buys, who, h .c IlIm. ,' 1f dcclnrc c ' e ry dny that Ihcy hllV" Ihe he~t IIl1 c le III tho world , nnd that thero never eRn 1"e 1.00 mlloh of 111111 IIrig hAIII r YOllng's MOllcy. 1,.lt L.k Trl~" I '1'1 I 10 nt IIIlll1 AlralONl of Uraghnm 's C", • IIIJ; lip \II tl1 (I III to IIl1l1m · ...,·t ure ·tl I>H o f Lb o hc r. Imude rrlllg to them Ill tla v idulllly Jlrtlpe rLy AmonntllJg 10 21 /)()U <II , h 1 hc dl'"r d eparted' . wn, 'IIIfO d lughl er I III IIrrlvcd froen l'lIil fornea II few t!IlY~ 8111ce, aud " 0 unde r ~t..'nd h '" 1I111l10 II .cttlclne llt lYltl1 'lie " " II '.lCut ur., reemY llI!; Iler 8 h aro 0 I tl ,e I:Il'ml8, '11th w Incb she IIrupucses r< turn Hlg lo thl' COIUlt, where sho ItlLelld. ·cttllllg dowu , ,101VIl, down I It Lhllt thll ec ulo Ni hllve mad.l!6ttlemlln' \V lth all th o cllll dr 11 uf FlIJellnll Frcll"
, 'JIB IIDtidote of" oplUDl ill ~lI'ee. NO bJlII oluli Jl Q@I'm&II1UAIN)NO fIlJor,te-an ~rella. \I. unY W ALKElI is forty-eipt •Illllrti old. • /SUlCI oya lIumhe~ two a iD New York Ol~, 'I'uy. RoIDIIlI~ hardened br~., AI to Cllt II l.OlIO ' , A 81'lllrT wf3pper-The pape .roud 1\ oottlo u( "his,ky • I v 18 noMe tha~ pi 110 lemOllade II hUllt without ." mOlll.ld TI:I E wCltlng: Ink IlIM1/1 1I1 DIe aacieIltll ,.onld called varnish tlHJllY, A.1ltft1NUIP lake of sUiphorhu" UI~uovered m '-the J:n!1frur Teii'ltory. ] If hloa th y ~od 160,OOu.tiOO a ycar III "or IIlpl\lg their aDiJell.9n. DU8UIQ tho alt>p Paris ubeieted on hor l1em POWl It- hVBII on .tnmger.. A N..A Wlthollt money 18 poor. but a mlln ~Ith nqthjng but ~oe7 is poorer.
r.ou....... t. and . - u B l -
QIII no, t, lIMer tn1~ Ibet, _""
an an~el, Wb08e langlb"n All
.II"", ......,._
tch FreDell, fa
v~yfu~~hlm,~r &wM n~hle 1 .~ce~d,olw~lIIt~\\~l\n~~.b' ~~J~~u~n;d~lbhn~t~t~h~o~~o~~t~h~e~r~~.;;~~tfdbjj~J~i ~~~~~i~~a~~~§i~~~§~~~R~~~~t~~~~~~~~~!~~~~i~~~~~~~;~~;;~~~:;
boy 1 .tllI?II He " v , ry dlfTprpntfrom other bol's,
"Yes, no doubL " .. Wel1...a1~ I ...... hUlk mUch Iff th.t boy 8 futwe. He bad uo ChllllCO of an edlleatiou 1 bad a bare pI ttIIDOO, he had nothing" .. p,tcIou mef-hl lather leU !!Ome p~)' • ~!.'i::~"J'~' ~ .1!-''"'tI...._:!'SI~ \Jt••~.~ • penny; To ant Dle ' mattet tiel'r aberf., there 'I n. but oDe way to gl ve Maur" lauShed II We'll not flO, 8U bun a chuce, to make a man of him But o ut (If respeet to you, Dot to our- t!BIf, and llook It" selves! Oome, boyll." .. You have exhIbited younelf wedu llaury, wbo "118 always IJlOusm.n aate~~il~!Q>:.L.!!~I!!.!!~EE.!!!!!l!!!!!!!!.~!!!.-j,!!~-.i!c.l!~!!-J~.!!ll!M'!¥lil!JIll1:Jlll\.l.1h~~ and leader, had n!lt the least doubt tbat you '" every ilL woney co tho boy .. would follow him The doctor ThedOC!(lr f066l18 he 8pokl\ Hi VOice buy, lIod hnve leltrlled to rCllbte that looked after hIm Wlth fnendly eyea. faIled him, buL he held out hIS hallds the I hureh o r SeHllC olle else hnd IA! plly Judjre Lloyd come up aL tbe momllnt. "Sir, I honor you I You bllve dune II the ollpen lW 'l"klllg the l!O COlIslderu .. It i. ea.y to IlOO "ho I. your faVOrite heroic dC'Cd I And It wan juat now thllt ll01l5 IlIto IIceoullt It 18 I!I\fe to "&Slime I thought you"thnt It WIll wk e Dlile-tellth s of Lho hNrs c holnr" bo IIl\ld "No,l1o Chllrley 18 lIot my best " A brute," mud ~fagog, with a (peb le II d U\Il YCllr8 \0 Ica rn 1.0 8A\6 IhOIlOY GrOOllln, lind I~ defiCient III mathematlea. Illugb "Many peoplll fco l that wny, Iu lh menlltlDl c pOlan of them CliO But ho 18 nn II1dllpelldent, high SPirited bllt not all,-oot alii God mllde UK ull IIvo for lel!ll tltlln fi>e dolllln! pe r dllY, I knew blS fnth f WIth tbe sI\1IIe blood and tbe !!Bme (eel aod Il llowlllg thnt each rece lVCI\ 20000 lnd (fflocI blood well- JIllllecl Mllury " lOgo, no mat.ter how hIdeous Ollr bodies WI hl8 IIOrtloll It" III be Ie thun el e\en .. An orphnll, eh ·" ~fltny of the pellplll who como to look lit years before they arc 1181\0IIe65. So me of them of course Will leurll hnbll.ll o f " Yes HIS g uardIan IICllt him t.o me me remember that" There..-a. property " ThIS hfe must have beellu terrible frugnhty alld IIldu try IIOOllc r Lblln tell years ttG" enough, It seems. 11 eduCllIAl Itlm, bllt ooe to a mnn o( sensItive feehn~ II other!!-befo ro tho IIxplflltion of e leve n 110 more 'fhe boy hIlS hnd 1\ lonely lI(e "It hll3 not beell plell/lllIlt," IIIlld Mr yooT8-aud slIch wbt'll thClr dream uf onough Be h IlS 00 kinsfolk oor f"end a. Sperry, quietly • but the boy has been roynlty 18 dl"polled by the suee.., lind The other bOlYS hllve letten! bolle.'I,vlsll.6 hllPPY Be will take hi s plnco In the Je .. o( hone8t people, WIll hnn II h t ll o from their frlend~, lind go home III the worlLI, but we glllll~ nrc 1I0t n .trollg of tlWIr )llltrlmony left, nnd these lIIu 81 hollclays , but ~Inury h ll8 nothlDg 10 g"e raco" lie pAused, WIth n [IIIUt soule necC!8lIa.nly be few, and the poverty of mLere8t to hiM hfe-exCt·pl. IIIdeed, the 011 hili racc ' The expos ure nnd fatiguc Grulldfulher Johll YOUDg WIll return wish not to dl g rnce LhcMRury nnme" hIlS brought dlsensc 1 he phy ICIUlla 111'011 111 8 (l<1.tenty durlllg thiS nnd the I If yon "lellllC, Slf, thi S I" for YOIl," lilly that my d enul Will be suddell lIIul II Cl1t gCllornuOlII l!ald a quecr·lnoklllg bo) nlllDlug 8~ IInsl If I contlDlle III tbls life IllIllIed'"t.. I - - -- -- -- the doctor'. legs nnd hnudlOg IU1ll n 80nt for you to I\!!k whnt IS to ~I orne of Suulls as Food. note e hnrlcH I hAle 81l\el1 n sum slIthc lent 1 ho u ~c of horse fl eRh 118 all art.'ele of .. DI' AII 8111"-l he nnte rall-"I 11m the to cnrry hlln throulth III~ medical our><o, food hilS ml\de g rrat prog ress III Pans, un ol. IlTIrl onlv "vlllg kll18lnnn of your wluch 1 wlillenve rll your hands ] he II here aboutn thou-nnd hoTI!Cs per wcek pupil, Chnrl •• Maury As I "I.h to onufer boy n('('d Il('\ er know nil' When ,Oil HI' 811111 tn bo sin ugh terod , tile nOlmnls with lOU In "Cerence to the boy alld eRn h h I I III not cnme to vau ( . hall f~cl myself flrcAlly live t IS 1II0ney 8('curt', 8 "' ' 0 COli p\cn bl'lIIg IInporled for thllt l'urpo!SB Indebted to f"l1 If you will aCCOm,ftDY tlce tented 'J be t'nd mny come whe u (,0" It I" "'Uti thnt dU~lIlg the Exillblllon, bearer, who ~III tca,l yo u to me ph.'l\J!Cl! II tb e IlIp pophng l "~ of l'IIr1 K IOtend glvlllg "Re'peelflllly, WILlIUI K 81'1lnn\ ' "You .111 1I0t Wish toilet' the Ixl), or n bnnlJue t once :t month to tho Journal· .. 'Uncle'l 'Maury" MO\It extra to speak to 111m til the doctor llsked look l.tS o f ull II l1 l1 ons, where horse aod ll8S ordlnnry oO IllCidence! Ah' he ro 10 a IIlg keenly OL 111m HeRh l'repnrl'd 111 e, ery scductl\lI form po8tl!Crlpt The great creutllro tre mbled lhrough 1\111 be ><c.-ed up Th o s nnll IS be "You Will oblage me by ke. plllg 11111 nil of Ilia unwloldly budy, hut he 1111 co nllng nnoLher fllsillonnble nrtlcle communlenl,on 8 .ecr.~, .speclftll), froll' .wer~d, qUletlr,of' diet III Fnnce, nnd for some my n eph."," .. I would gl\,C )lIIlrs of IIf.. to t.oucb tlm u P'"t n p,rllc ular pineo hns been "And whe ro IS IIIr Sperry?" de IllS blind I Wby, Sir, \\hnt hRR k(ll't me Ill'prol'rlllted for their Mle III the Paris mandril tbe doctor, turmng to tho bov up throngh the hfu of t.orture but t.ho lI.h IIlllCk e t" Sllnll~, "'~yM 0110 of tho " I'll takll YOIl to 111m," be 1I1IId, und thoughtof 111m? But 110,- 110 I Do Ilot I rCllroh JllUrllnl ~, were highly esteemed be began to dodge through the crowd, bnng h1m hero lie would despIse m~ by t.he Itolll ll08, our 1111l11ter8 III sutTOn the doctor rollowlllg 111m FlIlally. he [-I could boDr that(rom ot.her clu Idren, Olll) , nnd nrc 1I0W flllllCd ID DllIlIyof Lbe 8lltered D boul!O wltk wlIldowH loolting but.-noL from Chnrley II dellar~meu\il With 8UCC8811. In tho Kill toward the OlrCUIl .. You bave left tbo mtitlAlr "Ith III ~ , " !.Cenllt century t h u Cnpucbins. f Fri The doctor sat clown, bewilde red b.. IIBld the doct.or, n8l1lg re80lnt~ ly ' I bourg posllCll8ed thc nrt of fllttemn!{ 8nal18 the sudd~n BummOIl R, tho beating of am rill'S to te ll hIm the whole story J -1\11 urt nut loxt III our duy, for III Lor clrullls, nnd the clangor of cymbnl. .bnl hrlllg hIm hero to you Nut II mlllO 1111,1 Burgundy they mll!e excellont "Mr 81)()rry bemg a stranger has word, IIIr Sperrv I 1 know I am nght" , nllli s which flll el SlIre demnnd ID the df)ubtlClll! blullderl''' Int.o lodglllgT! In Ihl8 But the doctor homll au !lOre I'ILn ~ mnrket There Ire nolY more 11Ilin place It III II "t be exceed ll\glv UII anxiety flo Willi by 110 mllnllBB ure t.hnt flfty rcatlillfllll til IllI,1 nwre thlill n thou plllU88Dt for II mau of retincmellt to \)c the re8ult would bo right Young )llIIry 11111111 prllule wblcs III I'IIrl 8 where snllIl A wlthlll Ilcaring of 1111 thl8 vulganty I ""IK 1\ retlcellt, .llent boy, Vroud f I,," nrc acc~pl c tl IL8 n cle hcILcy by upwllrd ahaH take I"m homo WIth DIe at onrp lIamll and blood WII. he eapabll' of of le ll thullHan,1 co n ~IIIO~NI the moothlv 'Sperry'? Yeti Churley'ft fllthor did AppreCIating tbe noble Relf saCrifice of conSllmptlOn of thiS Dlullusc helllg cst! marry n Sperry Old Marylalld fanllly blM ullcle'8 lifo? 'U ho docH not, I ma tc tl Lt 11I.1f u IlIIlholi l'rauk BUcll Vllry strange I UOHlr heard of him ohall be tempLed to tllrn hun (,uL of my IlInd lell. tl> It 8111111s are becomlOg before, thougb " houlle," muttered tho doctor settr ee In th e II Plg hbo rhood of London, Tho doctor'" OyCH a~ he medItated, He told ChRrley Ibe "to'y that e'eu "here (or :<O IU t.' tllne 5111111 colleclln~ hIL8 wandered to the Wlntlow OPPOSIte WIlS IIlg. The boy II stelled wlthollt II word b.en n rel'lIl1lr trld!' a lars-e opeUlng an thC' cnnvllII ten~ The Wblln he had heard It ull, he rose Jlnd ioterlor was m dlrrct view The doctor took np bls hilt. He Wl\:I very pale h~ the (orlllce oler tbe Utica courtwas humnll He looked, rosc, walked ' \V1tere 18 my uocle?" ho a"l<ed h lJu "e I" I IlIrgo co lony of "I"lrrow. to the windo" .. I suppo e-the CtrCUM It IS the I lI~ t " ~ek <Inc of thc lIumber comlllllted The counLv hAd emptied It.Helf IOto hour for the e ~ell\n g performlLocc' HO lIl e ofl. nllC nll(l IV U\ broullht up be fore the Olrcus tho lOa8llC<l head. ros!!, tIer staDlClered the doctor '"C of t.he olde r lllrds IIncll\ "Irge J'try upon tier, frum tnll bllrk to the roof .. You w111 come WIth lIIe t" ho Kllld, 1 il l' oflendor must b,\\ o \)cOil gUIlty hr'rho rlD~ mllllter strultod IIIto the gomg to the door yun,l donbt, IN lh e trull WIIK II brief one of theeJrclc, willp 111 hAnd The doclor £01101\611 meekl)' W~ell Wllllln nil hour the WICked bml Wn;! "I have tho Jllewmre, IndIes nlld they reached the street onl.8lde of the .0 IUl,1 by fOllr other., nlld III SplLe of Its gentlemen, of Illtrodilcmg to you tho CUCUM, 11 great crowd "a8111 WIld excite strugglcs II cord IItLIIChetl til II bracket world·reooll'ued giant. lliJOg, mell8UT ment Was tWisted nround Its lIeek , wb en all Ing l!even feet and DlDe Inellee from "The glant-~lngog-he 18 dYlIIg'" I\RS .ecure the lural was dropped and It heAd to heel Step out, l\lngogl" lOme oftbem orled qlllClkly Ktrnugle" Thll victim's body Mlgogentererl the arena, elotbed in II Wberols he '1" stIli hungs from "ne of t1111 plllar80f the saarle~, with nodding plumes III an 1m· " In that IIde tellt there. He fell III t mple of JustIce, a warDing to all m8ll1lO ohapeau. the arella, poor monster I" other offl.llldel"lj agnll18t the laws of the "ORII of a {ami l)' of giaol.6," ehnuted A few mOment8 later tho orowd abollt .p'lrrow8 - UIIM lltrald the showman II Fllther and mother the falllln _giiUlt WII8 thrust Il3ldt', nlld botlt giants I F1fteen children, .11 Charley ?taury Tul!hed forward . drag"BoLIVIA 1B th e bollll plaCII for offico giuts, And tb,.ls the youngCllt I Show glDg onll of the most skillful pbyslolantl holder_ Thero are Lwo thou8llnd PrJ your p!\C\\8, Map;(lp: I , Feel his al'me, in the rown ~ h,B siUe VIlLes In tl,e urmy lind one tholl!!Bod and gentlemen BoU~ flMh. lifo deqepUon. "You /bust SIIVO him I He IS my sixteen ofllcer!l: But you needn't go The ~at ereatJlI'e atOOd stili "ihlle a ulI~e. He 18 the Clol1 -friend I 10 thllre, boys, the offiCial poeltions 1m! aU cro"d o[ men and ~. }llDcbed ud the, world I" be cried taken tip I
NESDAY. ,J ULY 17.187
never li fe, and 1I0W aflM Iwguiled that swoo t htlle mllAl to nlarry 111m , h d mus t COmmence lit hili oM tnc\cs nglllll, lind eolOc dtagltCflng home 10 brood d~ hght I It II Ii b o rn!l ~A wful-drendful yes, It IVllK ou ,rageoll8 - dUllllfight ~ bameful , and If sho lInd .uch n mUll to deal" Ilh':"well, (jOlO e folks would,;ce whether ..he d wMh hili fuce und hnlie ou t uf te r • doctor to come And sobe r tile wretch III', nnd give n cerlifi caLe thllt ho harlll t t ouched n drop--julit goL dUlIlk nu th e Klllell of Ib e d'lI1k-lhllt "n~ II little \lin lhlll 'IOIe fulkR 1l1lghL be heve IL If they wunt6d 1.0, Lut sbe ,"uKn't qU11Al fool cnutlgh for Ihllt hel'f!elf yeL, dUlIIk ' ou AIIII eo the y weut Oil , the t"o of the lll , CODVIDCIIIg .lIcb other th"t Potties \\ IU! n fiend lind a vlllnlU of th e wor t IIl1d 1011 est kllld, and houlrln't be "l lowed to dra" brentb on II Slreet IVlth rcsPCcllIblo people • Poor Polli IlIId I trYlIIg time With Ilia Wife, lind l hough he II far from bem!! .Ieur III t be beltd hI! hna bOm~4 tilin g like u delllllte re(lOlIol;lll)lI Lhllt hIS un expected nppcnrnllcr d ' elopcd 1111 lellll thlm IICv, "teell dlO re nt \an e llC~ of bvstencs wltlllll IOI!>! lhull thnL llIany mlUutes IIf ler be fell lOW th e houee It d ldn't scem to do the l eu~t " Itrtte le of good for hllll to R,t the re IU tbe IDlddle of th e fillor 111111 SlI c:l r bv hiM Ilever dYlDg !IOul Chllt. h e IVRll "obcr till n 1'1111 bearor, Illld.. 1-II C- llIn't t..'\!' - hl - Mil fl ll01l'tarry d-e-r-hol', m) doar- Jcs' -h,c-got SIck 011 'er-Illc-,,"nell-fvr fnc' Smell breathan'.cefor--hl ..~, c rsel f 1 ' No, It dldD't calm licr a bit, nnd ahe mIght hn\c been chn.rg\ ng 110d crylllg und tearing hCJ hnlr, and bemoaning her c ruel fllte , nnd dcclarlDg I!be'd go rlt\ht home to DI ll Itt Ollce. if MI Pottles hIm· self hadn't t.ook A turn fOI tlte WOrIIC alld got 80 dcnt.hly Sick IlII tLo awakell her IleClOU8 nlnrm lind f!C8re lIIWIlY all other trouhle Thll doctor a58U~ her th~re WIIJI no eerlO\l. d&llj(\\r If htt.,'WAAI 1t11 .ptqulet, amI upon bTsllII'IuniDce hat not. drop of otllnulallt ha(1 ~ i llto bls stolll neh, nlld thll dlillculty hod occurred 1Il0st IIkoly jllKt ru. ho hud claImed, 8he 11M of COUI'8O ready to forgl\lI nlld for Iret, bill she has Illude IIIDI promll!e th nt hn never e l ell tnlce II "l:Imell " of the hurrld stllfl Ilerllllfier
Planetary l'opollllon. I)n tbe IllLercsllng Ilu e.lIol1 of the rlurahty o f \lorldd, Profe or Newcumb remarks follow s EuthWlll\8tlC" til ers not ollly MODle Im es people tllo plllllet8 Yi Ith lohabllJlDt."I, but cllic ul.lte tho pUIII!lhle I'0rlliallon by the number of ..,uare m,lelI 0 sutraco lind Ihrow III 01 llberul supply of 11 tron0Il1Cr8, whu S'~III (llIr earlh wltll IIOwerful te/p COpeH I he poHlllblhty of tb 8 It wu"ld bo I'rCSUQlI' tlOIl t.o deilY, but thllt IllS ex Lrellle ~ IInp obllblo, at ICWlt III th e ClUIC of any one plnnet, may ho -cc n by roftCCllIIg 011 tho brov,ty of clviU&UUOII on our globe when cOUlpn'ted whlf.\he CllIMlellCO uf the globe Itself II~ IL plam L The Int.ter hns probablybccn r .. ~olvlng III It~orbILlO,O{l!l ()()() yellre. 011111 haa probablY IIxlstod on It !l'Mt hlill to,OOO 1enr~, clvlllzatlOlI,lu!!8 thnll -1,0011, teleacopes, h ttlo more thao 21,0 HBd 1m IIngel viSIted It at IDtervnls of 10,000 ycaM to for tbmklllg be111gB, he been dll!llPpolDlA!d n mor, ReBllOlIlIIg led to beheve di~.Plloln tmentll mjght , travel frOm. tyslAlm /.0 aya.
'e~~j~~i.~~:~~~~:~' p\&nell!. until be batl
Tho victim tho dil!COvernlg tile rel1081tory, c Ulllutntloll of n fund for the Jlur(1086 er d by thll pohCII 10 front of lho lion Willi IDlIlIP,dllllely \)cgll n III the mean gllte of the .Tul.l8cfllnUL temp/o, cov tlmo lh e bu-me o f t lllltlll~ the eVIdence Hl'd IVI~h burns and otbor m/.. kg of of tbe exlstellce of the OOlrn, lind the U1dcscrlbuble lorture He hved fifteeu probahll t) ul Il.ft be wg aitullte d III tho (Inys III 1lJ.,'Ouy His tatemellt II lUI t.hat Illef two sennDts ~f the rajah hnd coDle to placo Ind cll ted " M tnLrus ted to Ju llCO Daly, o f Lhl8 cIty '1 hlij gellLle hla house und t.old him thut tbelr mMter wnoted hlDl He 11118 Ilcco rdlllgly mUll had a 10ll g a nd 1III1Isfilctory con conducted IlIto the gymnllllJum of thu I ~ r ... t lO n 1\ Ilh (' nl'tR II Bnrry, IIn<l nl the 8IlIDC tllne hen nl from J oe, th o f:llth palace, wher th o rajnh, With t n or ful COlll r 111l1011 of t "pLlIlD Hall, IVho tweho MC nBIllJ! WIIJI prl ~Ollt H o w,,~ I!ave hiS te81111101l) III regllrd to DI'I.IIII1 Ihon throwo dOYiIl ILIIII 01 rl'(I\l er~d , BII.rry 0 rlllllll ltJrl ty II Ith th e E.'llI lm au Ilnt! nller \)ctng t~rturclt for three Inll gunge 1 he rcsult of furu,cr III hours, WI\!! thrWlt out through" moll \ C8t1gullOlI cmed to pruve cOllcluslvely bllck door After crllwhllg 80me di S Ulltt tbe uppow d JIOl'ltlOn of tho crllrll laDCO h o WUij e' entllally dll\COvered by 18 prec lllIIly III tbuL IKlint whIther the lhe poll e. 1 be moLl vo for the Crlllle Ig doomed p"rtv wou d IlI\vc naturall) II m) "tery J ho m 1I,llcred III11U wa~ Ull mnd e their Wily dllrllll( thlLL stnge o f tho consc IOu s o( haVing olfelld ed tho rflJllh fl\tnl Journ oy of ",tllch we hnvlI no re but. stated thaL the downger filII e bltd cord Th" res ult. of the 1II 'IIIIry '''l.! con. lllted hlln rI gnrdlOg UI O stnte of th e such l\l! to co nVIllCo lIIe~ rd Murrlsu n rnjUh'K oHnd, und he had glvell dl nnd Brown that tho 10 (J()() "Incpd III rl'cLlonp for 111 8 ' lire lIo bud oilly on cc their hllll,lg for tbe JltlrJlo!lll might wltla II! IWI the palace It wnl! po8!!lble Lb nt proprlllty be "P"llt in fitting 0111, R \ e!llle l the rajah hud becn IIIduced to be he ve to ~ 11\ He Hcb of the' Jllrn The Eot.hen thnt he WIIK empowe red by UI II dOlvager willoh h ill! beeD solecled, I ~ II amlill HIliI' rlllJec III Ih ~ work of ItlCllnlntlun IIglllllSt uf 0110 hundred ulld two lull.!! burdell, 111m , ur thut tbe re wa~ some 11\ bllt cOllsidpred pe rfec tly ,ulapte,1 to the trcg uo between thllm The trml , wluch "ork . hc Is to undertak e H r com Illsted n coos l/l e mhle time, crelltcd u mlllllier Will be Ca rtlllll BurrY1 II Ja O!IC prof011 lid ~ell,"llOll ID Crn'sn. III con8e Inter~"t III th" nfr.. tr nnrl exporl enco 111 quonce of the srecIIII snnctlLy both of tbe IIrtlC sc.\I!eUl llle ntly fit hlUl fo r the the nccu ~ed Bnd the murdered IIIUII The tIMe !!Of8 lVere for UCqUlttlllg the fl\Jnh , POSII IOO Th" ellp lorlog pnrLy \\111 he SImply bllt the Judge com ICled lum thougb PIIJI.'!(lIlgcre nboard th e ve8!!c1, tlClected c nrl oll. ly ellou$h be l!elltonecd [11m ollly With a VIOIV to the lIe ceollltles 01 HUe h 1111 to trunS(Klrtllt.lolI for hfe '1 he rllJ>lh eli pedltlOn,Jllld com lllan(kd by L,cu DOll nppen ls from tillS lle ntellcc lu the H o IS on Iy twtlnty two 1A!IIIIIIt }'rellertck Se h watkll, who hll6 1101. IlI gh court beiln Idelllltled IlItb InborH of eltl'lorn y01l1"3 of IIgl', and lO Mid to 11111 e IlItb tion, hut hili! hereto fore Be n cd hI S COUll orto lell a hlnllloiesa life try ID tbe cnpllcltr of nn IIrmy uthcer, whose bllSIDCIIK It I. to protec~ our Thllel), Warnlng8. frontier from t.he IIICllflllOl1ll of th e III My dntlghLer, be thou tImely warned dlalle L'BuLeuunt Seh"lItkn Is bllt W IUlte 1I0t thy dllYs 10 VlIIllJlI~ thy 81Ck tll'enty-mght years of age, and com para and IIllIlOven8hed IlClghberK Uo, ratb er, lively a young commaoder for the d,r· lind ille8ll thyself in fino array, alld deficult lind dangerollll enterprise nQw be- voLe, at the lellHtl alx houfll 91 thy tillie, (orll him. Light in complexlOll, .troug betweell the rlhlog otllla 8un-nd tbo g0:Bnd we'!.l bwlt, hll hili, ho", tbe II~ Ing dc.wn thereof, 1.0 thy pet can.ry bird pemrance of n man whose experlrnce IS that pllleth (or thy t.ellder ca~e beyond hl8 years As hUI Ilame 8UgAly 8011, lenrll not thon ev II tlce humgolIt.8, helH of foreIgn IIxtracllon Born In ble urt of blUlket-makmg or other 8klll lLIinOl8] on tbe completlOl1 of hIS school With tby hands, (or hy 10 doltlF" thou cllreer he entered West POIDt, whero he Il1IghtesL nt somo future dl!)' be elll.bled gradunted III 1871 While fond of 1118 to I'rovldll thyself With hOliest brond IIf0f~~"0 Il, be entertnmed ut the 8111116 NIlY, ruther lIopro'l'e ~hyllelf 10 tlwll!! tim e a tMlAl for medlome, and havlDg ancIent games yclept polo lind bllllO bllll, procured II alX mun~hs' lenve of absence the oxe rCl<lO of whIch shnll furnish tbee from hiS reglwellt. he caDlO to Ne\\ much muscle wherewith to brallk stolle York, where, after 1\ tllllgcnt c urso of wLeu 10 prison .tudy, be gradllaled .. t. the Belle, ue My, be thou WI.e pl\llt under Medlcnl College It 1\ aM at one tIme 1t,S ijtandlllg, and when tby husblUld ijb"l1 It tentlou to become n 5urj,!eou III tbe dill alld thou ~hnlt huve .ecured to thee IInny abl~ndolllDg bl~ place ID tho line all of Ius poase88100R, hIe thee \Vl th but tho outbrenk of tho luOlan ' bllJlLe '0 the dlllmond nlerchanL IIDd CII ut<Cd 111m to rehll(tulHb thIS IIItenhon pllrt With all thou blll!t III th e purchnse 1 hUM he WIlli' II the fillid dllrlllg the of , 110 l,reclOlIS 8tolle. thus dOlll g goocl bloody s truggle whICh cost WI CusLer, wlt.hal, or ",hell the geDlal burglar sbull but culollnllLcd ID Lbll 8ub!ugatlOlI of eulAlr thy dwpillng and purlom thy UIII f .JOllc ph Dllrmg tbl8 tlUIO be trelUSure, be Will rPjOICC thnt h,s bllrden fully delllollstmted his abilIty 118 a IS nut greater than be enn \)cnr !!Oldler It \\1\" l\ hlle With III. rcgaulent III th e West Lhut Llcutennut Schwntka flr.t be cnlllo IIItcresterllD the subject of orctlc explorahou LellTllIug frolll Lbe EMl· IIrll lIe w81"lperH the ~tory of Cnptain Bnrry and the mforlllntlOll IIhOILed by blm from the F-'!'9.uhnllulC, the ambltlun o( th e youn g 80hileT WM Bred to go and dIscover fllr hlllillelf wbether tbl! rllIURrkllbl\l eJllrn posItively eXlslA!dl.. nod wha.t relaes It might COlltlllll ·.l'here could be np doubt t11at many artaole8 be10nglOgto Sir John Franklin nnd blJl III Moo crllW bad beim lou,od in thlll!j) regtons, lind the 8tory of tho calrn WII8 altogether probahle. Fi.vlog COllslderecl , -u'u ....~ •• · u Ih (l1D~~ler for lOme time, I:.leutenant lIIo~elr appll,~o ·'
Ure argu1II0nt Willi used tha& deeJiue of Turkey 18 due to tlill tIlmpcrafAl.IJablill of th e 'furkllh people TUI. klllono which most men recelYe from OUlerl:l arc Iako tTaCle~ In the IJ&Dd.. 1 ho brenth o( every pn 1<1IIS" eepa them IIIYn) from memory lorover J1 hould bellOC088llry 111ft ro grow old \II order to become IDdulgcnt We old onlltee II fllult commltted- that we b .. vo Ilot commit ted ourselv(' ~ PAIN heru OlJ enrth I)j of Len nothlog III ro thau au 1Illlllltlon to something IlIglier- tbe box: 011 tho ear, or sword 8troke, t.bat make8a UlQO a knIght AN O b lO WOlJlnll hnd her f<lOt hanging out be yond tho bed <iO\ or Her ltusMod mi stook It for u burglar, nlld &hot atit wltb direful ICCllrac), Awful feetl THE tlln e orese llt seldom filla desire Of, IlIIlIglOIILlou WIth Immediate onJoyment, .ml we IIro [orctld ,to tbe deAlOucy by reco~,i~~'e~:c:~t:~lo~n~~~~~~~::-_~:...,,.:...~. THhllBore tun to aecom olle lifty thOU8.'111d people, n.nd only twothml K of tbnt lIumbt'r to l'ut In them ~ 1F'l \ ONE mehl18 nrc known to extst, thirty of ",hlclt have been dlllOOverect With,n thll present century Four bu· clred years IIgo but .l' vol1 were 1ru0WD. To e sLreets m Pnrlll ore kept 110 oIeao and tIdy thllt tbe peoplll who are run over lind killed do 1I0t look 118 mUMed III a New Yorker who shps 00 an oranppool. A LONDON ",bYIllClan hlL8 IOlved tlIe problem of li\ on n alxpence a dA1, but wbat II good many people In ~ country llick III tbe potent HLXpeOCO.Brf(J~fa't Tabl~
ST~:'EY 1lI an a"ful !tar 10.0116 of lu • .letlAlr& "hout Cen~ral Abaca he speake about .. the Hono stalk.llll iD &Ja lilll&" Ho'l] tell U8 nut that 'Uill elephants enn III ng alld chew tobacco. 'l'u IlBe W!lS trouble at Mre Leare', fuueml se rVices, ID Philadelphia, becall1lC her SOil .rohn desU'ed ro SIt at the head uf the collin WIth his two wh8ll, one of whom the fllmlly would not reooglllUl , NEVElt marry, tor wealth," 11&18" co ntempornry, " but 1'(ImeQlber thati' I, jusL IUS ellJ!y to love a glfl who II.. a brick houllC wlLb a Ma.osl.rd roof and a s lll'e r pilltcd door-bell. as one who llam't anythuig but nn Iluburn hllnd aod amiable dlsposltlOu " "No people can be happy and conLented unle~ thay Ilre govemecJ brIan tbey have mnde thllm ..h ..' you are, That puts a dJ lIIIh~ lIlt.o tbe mystery of how It 00_10 lew mllrrlcd men fiud to the oooJupl;..tate th seTenll JOY nlld balDly co'mfo~ IIdgM fllDey pnlmed -Brtalefrut Tabh:. •
o !!!
Tl t' Ii S I~ '\' II.I.IA ~ i 11 ordcr to 1"'''pl'lly cl illgll!.~' t'" Fl.
{ l\I 11w"Rt1" A 811 1l1.1 IN 'UltWIN, l!/N'l irs. \ " .-Or WIIIIIII I"lll1 II I d lit' JlUI" hull!l .. U'·IWCllt, .... IU n'l" t'11111r· , _ Ln t $M urd:,,' ut)l)rllc.Joli It Lert l ' ll'J" I 1",1 I 7Ii ,I I) ~I'; II IlIij IIOlm'ill 1\ 'lIlOII,,1 Ie, ~Is orJ IHIlIIII r , .... IIIl mnde alll)\1'I\III'I' ,. II, Moulltjoy WII ~tlll 'k ill th lioll' . ~. 'w .,vI 1'.0'1,' " "" " J I 'll,';' ,~·,[·t," I,,1jltJ't.'III,II,L.\.\:,Oth,llj7 Ic,tt.'rt'I"_',Ut'~, bl'l'(t' .',.".. "I~ MOllday !ll l i'IHI.IIl, "\lui) 15, 7\ Inr 1\ 1111111 '11 bIrth tl'llillillg' Ilnca. I wilh InjtillK of OUlIl wovd, III tllU ll'~;H ,lh. wlr ~'l'~1 c-!Iitl'r II Vl't')' ~ hull ilIllt, • l'lli Oil llOti tlud c;i rt' ll III t~n(' '; IIl1d 1\11111, - [co old lU i at tltt: hUlltls (II' ElIwl\l'd L Lungu r', 111111 1Il0 l1t l'u8'h, J i\ dlll~ht.'r , YI1,. I' PllhllVo'" 1'1", 1\\1 1'1; lhl'1'I~r I'll. Ihl\tIlC III III WIll h u ho k to 1IU1' 0 0 \1(: hiQ hUI )}IY l>lJil lt'oph" 11/1I1Id , ~tl . 11 au hallly iflJur U tllut hill l it' hll4 " ' A"N1R8wlf,I ,B 1"&RK It'lll. • '. • • - 1 ,.t'll~I. I, I' ''~'' , lI,'.. I h'i ll" <I'rd.., 'J ' 1'1' lids 'I 11 r at I I' 1 I I J 't' 1 ],, ' II I , : \ 1 :1I 1 ~' WI 1,\\ 'Ii )n( tl mu ~ ud in II, IVIHld-":'-"Alu~l, t • nin, 'lI l " II 1 ' 1,) 01'1 lUll 01111,11 Ilntl" Ur i\I II~'I\\' ll', IS I,".I,lyM .. ",'h ' 1ft" " t}1.!~r .,,,,., ~\!" II"'h l ... I'"",'r. I.. ,!;.hel'" 11 1I 1,llI tI 1\'llh t\a<' I 1'11"1" I R t h CI)nctCI1111 d uy tnlhble \ vl it dli r vcr sillc , ' Tbo 'lIullO o j ~h. lIl tcl" Wh clil il hll hel. o RcUI\N .' '1'1 1'''",: CIII'U'II --Tho n,,~; ~ 1.'11 11,\ 11)111-1 1.llm 01 th · 1)1 ' ,t," , hllll11111 ,]llrigUi lit til n t,~ b !Jlti'll l M' vatiul\ I 'l\d I PPlll ll lltly tnlhog, ,liS 'om bllshul r\lh"r U!tll \10",1 rf,,", ~(~:: :,n ~h~: ,~:! 111.1 "' ho hlld :'lIl'p ll I'd 11l~ ,,11I1U t lIlili rl'r.JIIIlIlH'IIIi l'<l t dIvino I/'l I' I - I S flU' a8 IV Cltu IUU*'II, It I) lug u Itt. \ ~ "I\lllth I. ,) Ilia l< , . hnd the I,II I\' ll r t u I' glllut~, tl I() tl ill e lJ I.. '\. I II Illlll~ V U was !lot 1\ U\ IllY· , homo ( OUI tl u.1'1 OlltO "'" t "Ilcr II OOlllLin Il u\'J 'lcr ton, Ii <I G ::\lUI 11'1(1I\y ..), ..ff..,,,,oh til , ,. ..~ r IJ ® ~ '('.?{ 11\1 P. 1': , !I' ll" - ,,'MIn !li ." t 111 I\Il.IL CC"~ . But 110 Oll b 'r .. 1 '\ lIy ' hul'cll, a!thou,1I hiS . -- {rll. IlIt,l. Icut 'U IlltUi wh u wut! lYIng 01\ I Flou\' P 1 0 1ft. tin,I Mlnml t<I)I.''''' 'l't.~' R nv I .'n~: LIlli li t all tllile nccClIslnlJ N" '! l pr 'J Il 'cllull and to tes IIIHu rull ' l flVed homo IIl1d \lcar LII II1UI1 , huu pl'u.I BliLtel vcr 110 ---Sl':r,IIl- 11,1\1 , . ew"rl1 ,".H,·ol"r nl\",,,,,,'rdcc tit' IIIlunu \If th\! " d ~~tl'(l\C I', nllAr l CIIU L'd hl lil t I,, ",H.VI ,., , t t , t IJ - lisB CUI" "·' hId hlIU' r- - LllIIXllorll chal~ I Mnpl e ,"n \Il"8~I I I l ~I' ry I'"~ IV~OJc, lin Tlmr,i,"' ",." hlll ~ I I . U \) 0 \\ 1111 ~ B I :':"::"'~'----",,:---,c "::::·~'1 ol.,~ m ", or ', !lIII!I) II I Irougc t mUll I c)ft n I"e UlIO th J 'Il , tl'~ 1 1 II I h l!lNcupul for wh o c hOll1o to Boll \l1~ it \\'u at Muun lJuy II I!tlIVUII, U" I'~I • e. H,,\I('ti white II'h 'lIl at 7!c, a lb. },',III\l<ll';lfI!: 'I'm l()rllo",ln%\--; ~"~'1 ."h fllN s I'l cr(,l'<i II.) lIl o 111'1 VII' uf I,,-LII I,I II IHlll tlll l_n' 1J0 ent Ituweu - Dr I. A. y hlL r IIIlII Mr Muullljolv dC!JYllIg It. s'\U ~ ' I!' I' Kr, l' I"l'lIl1:d CI'C a :Wc. Il pIICkligO. Ingf"fllivi n o w"r.ltll' o\~·,y 1' .. , . " .. d 4th (:l'l\lh , • lire hlg hl'tlll{'~l1rJ . 11 0 11'116 thor ' jtllfll d to AUl'ora, llI ' V" J 0 1\11..1 ' A: lla llgh were ~~ '~)ll~l!( ".:~I,::e tll ll,.l ) I' CI II>, I ;, Oat i\!(lId I II ,ttl II \,lIund ·Y, hl~i\'lUl"1'':,!( .R I ~I ", I, k F •.,.t-Dlll i Dr." dl 111111S0/l hllll II ('11 ~'tt ll"" oll ·, ldv CUlllur!'ulIL WillI thcello .. )· uiana \llIlIIl'dlllt~.'ly tillllt !t", I) /llidJ II 11. 1',)l.IIC)'" I,-r I,","I,.I 7- I I 'U 3 k oh(lO 01 I ." nOli ~ I. ~I I ~ I I It I IT ' 1' n ,.. u , " !n ((' I' t! OCO,I, II ' I~ pnc nge, PUIIIN\!'~ JlTINO(Hkk.,tc - ,r otll1!t III/! ~I n ~ lIa Il'lI Il1ntl 1IlI1 6l llj I HIILlI I1~ I'l'lIC'ra ti 'lli fUI' tho hris· - Donltt q~e hnt J Ou 1111 P;t't AlvUlllJVY S dV lI 111 lUll, I I ' API'''' I' r loll s hd ' ()"II O"O 0 1'11 Stlll'ch, L5c "lack, irdl\';n o wllrblp MOI'l· ~·""Llln,1 F'l1Irlllj CI, lllnghl ' t, l,honhowl t! lllttll'kcd l 'lll ll Il'hglO ll \T1l~ a flatural out· l f,cshbnllseverY 0rr1ll1glltt1l1c 11 AJI\.I. \I llS t 'lt'glllpireu to \\ 11 E!!I.!Rjl Icl oze" 71 ",b<yrinuinl! ,It II n',lude n,...t · Il,,) h) cIH ·I.:ra murbuti , ufi: 'r hUII lIj.( ' j.(l ollth " t' his (.r<flmiznti oll liS woU ' t D k • L!llllghlil 101, lInu e\'l! lyl""I ~ hn I L\I "I I'~r I'ollild S (i!l to bool 1!)1·~ \l·cl,"'kA.;II r l' hL1l!n(' X~ l l'ls illglnlho h(.t~L!n 1\ ' , liS' c'llIeliu ,.1 "IS rC8cllrche aUJ \ IY; 'IY'D' . I boon 010110 til f'LCI1i tll L' rOCI/ VeIY, IFl nx8c(hl I' Cr IHI> II.'1 11 0 I'",,' (\) •• r. fro,hl"oh , !:I~lmon '.nd d I1;I1Ir"I~ r"UHbl:; ·,;\t~t~ ••t~:1l;~ I I I'C(\\' cred, 1l\J)lI\l clI tl ', IIUIII tllI~, l l'Xj '(rlL' lI nrrcll n ISC nlln g lolLi ll IIhel ltcr 11I1CCl1.i3t'lIIIYlll' '''It,lt Id 't.ncr,L,(,ll'rIU". h•• 1 ~I ~fl l r"'l." "",,,,"' h,w~rI! " Inolo,Ourm ... . .oll ly h I hu cli\~p'(1 llmrc I'Ll IC.'IlI ICo, JII I ~<i ~ il l' ntcrod ]'nto Ille nvcl. fr III Atu kogon JM)(;llIgl\lI, 01\ 1\ IlIljJ)S ,bl')L! tou 'tllllllLII ' 1'l'lIl1 othy::i.led 200 (i ,1.1• .I , m " WI •• ",. I ulf" ". ".l.le, Cen· • ,tKr',~T;" 1:~~d~~r~~,r~lIl~ 'I II 1'11I 1) rlIC ' III pll lul· t i 1\ I{ III cIIiI ,.1' lite \VU r, ill til CII \":,,pll V 18 I, t 81 lortly '. i 50 ltlr ). !l lId PIIIU ('lIr ~oup a KlttJuitt.h.y . ~[. E 1I \lICU -Tho\t CI L P V,lli 01". II Y.111 t I10 tel rr,' ., M.HIUII " L Oll!;lIC1 0 II li d :II re~ll.'d i ll "~ per ew! • ' 1 1 " , ,... II" U6' \.(, ",.ku lho lI onu .". H 'p' P4.-"'r. nll',ue" f'io. on guud.y., at I Y IS. at urlll\Y l' I'c nl ng It I conch- c Itj' II I 11 rgoO Il II" d . t - M r. lrV/ll U. Dud Ie) " III 0') CIIlI1 "0 0 1 a t!8u III t WItil \lltl' ll t l.. ~ I "".lr"..II' L.II,mt'lIt 1I11l1 Il"rlull'. O.. ugh l5yr1.2 0·doak, \ ,,'" • •m1111 1 OJ ! ' " nbbllth 'Itlon Wll _ ' 0 allLllnllH' that hi s II ire II,r 1 1I" 't ~t1 b,' ~~ IJo'r G~c~llS ,uI RI,)Llce entcr Kenyoll 011 ge (GlIlIIl u 'I') k'll1 all ti Ulll nlllr 1L1It! hud 1\ hl:UrllI" .1/) 1'1:'11' TIS 1~',I1 H.\ '/ "I', .... ,t k "1", .. I""ICu r lIud II Lter '..... urtmout oh(lol ~ \. l·... \. f i n , ... J nen 080· , S b ' M .. f l'u"" ly Oru.urIC. thau 3"1 u!J,er hou8. W ..ynu.t 1>1 .e Tnw".hil' n"t~"th·. & \\'~S tl) l'gllll'h U III r at Ucllct qn I Cl'U It S to 1\ !;uq:?;(;un 011 his own stut}· III ept 1Il or. 1IIlIIJ T JlI ~tlUl) 1l.lllInl-\toll , U,>I, NO I'll '£ Ii" WII)"u" "lll. Il!IIl ::'? 0 voQ(jnl\l!mymet nil Il" , lid 11111<- t1l1 1l0 1I11d ShOCUlIlO uno:ty 1I1 111n \ '-ul <, o the \\lIl' he has JlfllctlClld !\Ir. "Vulte ' lak l1lstnl tc l Olt \. II \kHlIl'lwy Ilpplllll'l1l;J; 101' " .,'"' " 1".,. 1,, "" .. " Ih!lt tit " ,,"d.r & ~ , d v In ol<"h IMinh I\t 'J n' look" m r Dy ing ut 10, t o find her hllSlJalid fast 1.1" l, r\)f~8 1011 In' bi8 chosen homo' MOllday moruil on all eltCUrSI Oll pro OC Utl')lI IInLi J ud gu 1ll\r11l11 fVI' " 1',,,,,1 h .. bo,lO" """"''',1011 \ .1"" ,,,, •.1..., ',t" .r I , • OM "nf th O<Imp lny T. Ihrt8ook, r H' reln l'S'II" •. , t j , t N' F II I A I I f'tl r' 'II ~ II \, 1'''''1 , hi nt, ;t 0 F~lkillhllrg, Buor.tary ," I t;> l/I w a coma 1I 0 clln, I' Icndl/l f.{ tl sc hoillstlc Illld domcstlC 0 lugarll ' n . dllf~m ,lilt t t III ~ Odl' U .e col ,he h' ,I, ,.f • •, ',... , \. _ , , Fill r B,\I.... I ,. (Fr .\\'\1\) hureh In tWit, wh ~ch It ~cc ll\ ed h~ hnu IJ' tltlo illfu ~ llIt 'd to hIS naturo _ 1 lid of -Mr. hen I Ilcigll\vay, of eXIlU1l l1atloll, th o t1etolltitl Jl t WLl~ 1!lll' ,,[ \\· " rr" \~A'~;~o,~c~~'iii1'l:EY. W~YI\O<- .\'It ~ hcldth ft?1; nnd hi ..l :1 }l" \\ dill COult to koop !It ba.I. l hIHII!! tillnily fncllds alld book~' Cillciunl\tl IB vi iog hiy unci, ,V. hll lJ III the ~ 11 1 11 'l f $ ;. IJ tu appoar Dlltcd JUli O \!t\, 1l!7t1 llEALEM l~ " of 1>1 h mon th at IO)<S:, M, IlCII1 7 Illltll h fI I II VIII. Aft':;1 XI rossiul! RlIli ill th Ir 'l:lIjoy ment he' pus d H. H\;ligh\~ay q. ul the presclit torU! 01 'Ill t. R ~, ,, R v J. A ,,(tAln, u ( I' . .. ~he "''' hi\; plellsure at II ' I d I I f ' . ,,, , P ....~'r All l'O Ollnl",I\y i!lvl l to ftLt.lrtd, If' r C\llllg ler, Il¥I t I~ cl,\r y (W ning 0 his life, whioh -iJ. B: B lorth brings lnto l]al'vuytlbUl g . l' , .. i 'L 4= - . Ill." in~ n () . othel'. )' 'IT/ark, h IllId U lJllforo th !tight ot' elltreme marlZet tbe fill KittutillllY black 'l'l," , .."Iellc. " I H '''III~h Arllott, 'l'hird t.trTLIl} ~I . ,\If n WA1. g~Il,~~llll .. reI l, g(!t1 Int() n !npol' uge ulIcllllfirruity darkcned down berries we e.e tW, I I str" ct, W!lyno.vlliu Oh .. ,. uuut"lIIh'~""VUII , ........." .... '1'.,,100 IIn"',.. nNI Wo" .. ,I. \\ II ', 11 bcc. m • wor and 11101'0 hctlvy 11[ Oil 111m I II 60 brl'ef 81)ace urld M J E f 1 I' . -011 Fritln> lusl, til lS Itt e t ) \1'11 ro III • Ill"" lII,d kll, I.." 'l'h" hUll"" tlnn he. II BlP~C", Ii !It •. )t • 0'1 frC' tl t r '1 I' d I r. ()6ep ,vailS, 0 ollan Wll ~ 111 su ro(JI.. 1rtI! ul a I,"stl e 1)1\ I~ tlul"he.lln hlll.,k ,, "luIIL, 'lIIcl, .... Vlrol· 1I'II tLine, 9 ,5 . l< ~'b:'1 III IU uno untl liS (,~II tlllwlllij illJpLlSlbletotouchuPOila olis,hnsbeevi iting Mr, Aah 1I i1 1"I1 \l1g tJa OI'l."t ,,!, IJa Il ~sci tu' I",.' " . ,r ""' O U" " i~'n i'sou(\"' l'rl!l' ullO m"\I CC , ' 7 r . ... '0" ~ tllUes h \\'ollid appear COil· tho Ill lllly ~LLlr\lllt 1)oillt.8 of Dr. WIll, ePr Brown I'U t lace, I I I !. I ' C" ' II' ,r' ,_t , rro " "t, r t 10:I~r,'1' v I I t I IP IIl uut, \I O ('II rn Ct tliLtHl1 l1l1l u,"I O s.I 'I",,, .. I.. ,,, .. ,... ,,,,,, II!,!!,, I .. .. . ,. ~.';r\,~ ,~~ ~~a . til ~5. 10/ 0 7 8CI nd U \\' 111 \\'U8 I U ~ \IIg "mum illrll /l'd 'hul'uet~l'. He was a man M S I ' f I tliLl plt.f l> Il ore g l ing PICII1C,lIg to rH' , ,, \\ I ,r 1,': 11' , ...'1, Iv "l lfIllt- '1 er y, f WI 0 DI Furt AnCIent. ,~ ........1 11 ....,...\. No, 18, him, and wonlJ tty to aus n'CI qll e of lllll rkl'lI IIIdlvid unlity bettor un· r,. Thoy w Ollt, lLlld 'r' ,' .,.,\ _ .. I , ," I, .. ", ,,", ...... ,...1"11.': ' P .... iflc li!.pro.. :l &7 \I.t 1(0 III \I 08 nddresBed tu !tim, but ho lIt'V ' d(!l'IItf,od I>y th o fllw than' the muny daughter ar~ lome rUUl ew \ " . ", ,III t, I 1'; 1'\ A: , .. I FMt LIne, .~G 4 l< No fi 01' th roughly ronsey frl'ln tl, o stl'- ',llid I'" r ti l" Irlft'IY elevated "lid uri" Jersey last Sat uy morn lllg. rctllrlleJ bul'l'Y , "" d'HiIot. A.J II "II); Olnelll Ac ., 1!I,511 r,li. N. 4 . I" v .. .." M E M 11Ilwiler. cllginecr tJrllnllmb r ", cre MI. C6 Lldll::i1L NOrtel c: TO 13ULLl>EH~. 1 InclnMli Rlpl'O's. b Ilij P . ,~. 10 VOl' 11ItU ~v IICu tho pamly i bud I",,'al clltlrllctt'ristics he posBessed, r. " : bIll. IbblC M urri ~, A IIlt ' l' !:Sllbill, ass Frd t;h And Aoe. 145 r.. . NQ. I th" o\\on 11101, and 0 h V ~ aWllJ Ihe writ ul of th eso iOlperl ct liucs o!. t1~e M.'a"!1 (il:I~~e~'tl~~o~~ Ul\lIio Vincent. IIl1l1 £1", \ I l l " ; " ,~', " :) ,I;:. I';':~~.\\: ~I :~' ::,·.: l\ i~'I ,,':.LI :I;:: !f~,fn:'d08i~~~~101l fr 10 enl th to til e reairt.l's 01 no nll- IrLl~ lUll'" clrerish(·d for him a si!Jcere OlOclOnatl, VIS Me~t; r8. ~I d~ IcV l1IlIdd . A I Um:l, 1\ ". , " • " .. ,, ~, 01'" , ,,,,,01 I"I> '!, "7~ , AND No I Mld5 E"8t~nal ~O~ .1.,,11 10 ... t ktlO\9' 1 w rIll. [n hid ILlst mo· lind d c~1' regard. und now relllizes - We know f no better pI lice ult ill'rtllll Dilkill, '. :\1 ' U\lII II I.I f,r II " " 10 , ' " " , . , I ,.' 'I il ', .. rr, m,'ilo' 7 I 10 I I In nts ~Ie \I ~~ urdrou nd elu by hid Ihe IUbS u l l\ 'Ilial , COlD paniollLlble tO gOKfor a, fi l'8t fLSS boot or shoe, lind J illl H UrrlSUIl ~ ,;:i ,'::, ~': 'I'.''''~'''':I ~~ ," ::1' ~~ ;;.tlol ~ 01 I. ,IO U rUn ( ~, Y so! rowlII.g Will nil !.l1\1.lg Itefs UII fl'I'Clld , tl lo 1)lca~'lnt mem ory of t bliD eys, M St., Wayn VIll e. ,I !.. I 'I ~ r1 '1 M A l 11 a mi "rl.. .n H ·u l1u"". \\ lu oh l !tll) uo nut t i l l .. & \ , ." v. UO~:\j, uli ' tN'! . rtck,,~ A.gell~. ()Lher trl IIUS , bnt hid two SOliS WhVIIl will oli ly gruw dim us eartb -Mrs. J ac Raudllll and her I lillie II' "II "'rk .. OUi,," .. It 'r ' ..III ,,14Y. J "" .. 2!r 187M t~E' nO E R TIl.ES. R. A ,'t couILI not be s,umm oned. frum thdr l. cccdlJ 1I11d 11Idcd frum mortal ViB' 80n, Mr, 6. E Ba,udall, lIavo beoll . Uill V'y \i,L\ III 11 Ultl. mu" ""Un110 " c.. ' 1 ,,/ 'IIO.l erl,,1 on ,Ill' IlOUIe I~I tl !o tar \'\' St \0 tlln to 1011. J.J~ I ay 11 CU\'en receivc lind Icat prostrated W b cl lerll. morbus, i Ilfl'" Ilell. XCl /lri'Ulill 1111) ' n~t "r lilliur 11\ put tl l1 ~ m u1(\r l MAti GOINO EA r: ~ l ltL III", I... il rl ll ll.(, .\: ,' I~ ,d, ""I mll ,t b" ~II. 1100". ~ u.or ;\0. ,10 .. I.h~ ... &00. . . . 010•• AI 9.40 tor Aud 6 ~O " )t bid tI,clr kl1l(1 lind nffi etlUun to pI! his s01l1 this \geek, -AI l's. Alllli{\ Si ollp • ulUl'"i1 ('d l>v U... l"I!l~... r ",Iu".t twn ro. MAII,s (WINO 9.'R8T : r~ lIt ialo.w, lI. Dr. Williumsou'l! fUl1 ero.l \\'111 tllke -I. E. Ha ca, Es ., or Xonio, Abe, 01 illlltlllllJ \'(>, /iIU V lbllll!~ .p,,"•• ~lc pc.r-"". who \I,ll ~lI~I".u.W lltul (llo~e d I~.'I1i P )J find" 40 P. M O W III II nso I w ·' t" q of JlId~e ill H.lIrnnh lIu ILil li . th .. " urI< w,lIn ",m 1'1' ..l'''rtnrm~,l in .. troOl1 1I11l1 WAy aES VILLE . ,OHIO. omorrow .0ronOOll at 10 candida Ie fo offiee wurknmnl.k" ,. ,",,1 III th" 111110 SIX>' I I I I a Ilurn 011 tlII' /JoII1CO R 1\, Lo F l"b . f'L~,f 14th uf November, 1 12, lit Mlln Irolll th o family residence. Rtolld Of Jud Bnrlow WIlS III town Mi J1I11U StUlIl1' IS VI 1I I1Ig .. fi •..! 'rho lollihh"!,, too t", '''''I.leterl by tre?- FrAnel'S run IIS- De !Jey's Nook, N orth Curolil lll , di I t F 'd ' III 11l1llrllgtUlI. th e I ~ tl. lit l1ot(.t r, I 78 I'r'l ...I ,,1 tlml I< I (' I { .\ I . ~ run ,to and f m (Jr"oju for Icctly VII th e Virginia line. 111ATllARlNE II I L()\I'AY BARNHART II nay. - A. W. Mulld 'n WM ill T.ebu Ih e Tr ....., e. """'rI" IIl1'ht to r" j,c' "II e rv lIoO<lnu"od l,nn In!n. rdol'l!l I r~ ftt ., d b I' t I I ' l' II .-Loet a go slceve.button, with b,d. M' lhe.. ,H"'r,,U,.n I'll J) .E\ 11'; \:'1',,,", t),oPo<t-oflloewUl rol " er rlllrlllenll .. n uec , wo 01 "epar 0 liS III I· \\'\1 lol)f ll AprIl 8d,1798, IIIFrcd· I . "'1 K I I\(.n Suturdll),. 11 Ilnd hl 8 til 11' 1I) oor,lcrlorLh. l'rl\~t",,,,,,r\V") 1I0 To" " F r l oellts r's c tule cr SSl.'<i tho Virgillia 'l ick <t , Virgl1l11l. In h r ell rly tie IUltia II H. ,ell~rIIV el Ll ltiO n' 1)lcllsl\lItly IO~lIteli 111 the 1111' Worm .. uunt)' <)h ... ··.s YO III II SI10 nll.gratcd Wit II IIcr pa· th~reon. Th e finJer Will plouse AlIlInul IiuDlesL"aJ Joy bo willi _ _ _ _ 0 1) WOOL!.I:\' Olerk boundllry. I'. WI'll,'ums,111 .."u CARD.-We dc, it" to I' tnrn ol1r Iju tty jJTI>ud of Ids plncll of U'l' r 'II t8 10 Oh1(l, and settled at leave at poet· CtC tiaUIL!, NOTICB ANU ' thauk8 to Ibe many Iri nds that l tivity, and he was OllthllSiu bc ill Wl1ync ville, 011 tbe 26th of Au· -Mr. Gri th Hinchman lolt -!\Ii Lilla nhin visltcLi till' Th~ I'"rl,,, "h". 1.~M"{"ru ext,tlll!! b.•• IInve ,. t .1 t 11 . t' f tl I ' 1 t, lIn 1 . d i M d .. 0. V181t to the r '""Ii 1\1\ Ih,' utulor~tfCncJ. nnLlur Lh o firm hlHue 'd 1 asSI \lOU8 y II1II\1S ercu " 1 liS appr CIIlIOII 0 1e g orles 0 glls iT, BI was marru) t(, lere 011 ay ,Olr , oIJicl1!' llUIIIU, 'ullllu ny Ilf 1!:h<' tI , ,\> H.. v,lit, hilvilll(b n tU",••I.,•.! UII in ,OUr. lnte ~r at IlfilietlVn. llnd tho oro Dornilliou-- her distlO ' 'f!HJmae BUlltrnl!. by wbum she hud hoOlo or hi8 youth, Burhngton - M'lrili "'\\ llie U, S y villitcd l'.h>!s by muL"," r"". "uL.\II ,Ii 1,-"" ut '"v~nl- ......... _ whose actil 01 k 1Ilc\ ness und dlllicato gllished on8, thf)ir chi"ulrie de dB, SI X childr n. l" onr of those died county, New ereoy. "" r I~' h,..u 1"".''''~ ''u"\YIo",, \',,'1\1 Ive ........... ~ ~ ....... Illt\\I'lght, lit B\\I\tll~t 11, 1li1 II ..."",,101 II ,n Mil " 'I".,.tN' t~ att ntion 'ICe tliink ean hardly be \anu hl'!' classic ground, fit s i1 1'01 in infullcy. two re1nain, and were -Mi8s Mar "BrulVn'R new holt e. Li~1 ou !::luuday. ",II1:'\"I\I\" 0\.111 ", .. k,' ,ue, ... ul . c•• •• Gild II,nrpassed. E . E. llo!tTlt<o, t.\ \ ....1<U4- (. _\1-Il\ ~, .~nd P.rt's lit to uy luvingly awny tb o or the SI1 lers t lctnrc theroof, C r· . . I M \I"... ' ''II'~ ..III"" '1;;".. ,,",1 th~ ....11 IiMTI & Aluu, 0, BALIt. th g utloman. lie ",ae prOli(\ t() IIIU I I to rm , - , , : .. 1. _,.l.. .....~ '. n • ee ts --MI~8 Stcen 01 Xe llltl, 1I1l( 18" "I I..... '" ~l,<", " ' . - ---- . hay \)cell born if not db ctl) ulld l nU t' rll 'l\ I"ey Lnd watchtid is progressing r8lpi y. ~~I\.c( I r "T; ~, hllT,\ TUE Wllyne Township V '('omn upou the sllcrod soil, ut I(!ast thl oog h long nllll wcary daYB und -Our friedd J. T, Butterworth Mrs. JUSul'hdC~"Pt ' ~11/l~1"~ P~ICC W yut""vttl,,. .i u'~~ T, t ':j tAYSU'l '_ 11 cia i "will m noxt Frida' within runge llf its cln.ssic Iitmos· lIigl tb II I re tl (!tl& IIguny, alld which will accept thanks lor a dozen enrs 10nceM EBERL~ , Mr~ll~nd r~~ J ~~OI~I~ lii~lyV,' SWA'-RTHMORE - COLLEGE evening ut Mnningt I\'S ottlce. An j>hore. DI' . . W!lhumHon'~ Illth I. 111111 tho uulit 1I1>0~e?f II s~int of early sweet cpro. Je e alw'lyB I 1\ sessment ot twenty conts (200t8,) FranciB \Vllham OU, \Vus un ~xten whloStl gracl::lllo l\' shlOe III tho light never would be.behind-Lnnd. M 8srs. Will . anu 'II lit. liockuLt, T~n IIl1liltj (roolll l'hl1ulllpt. ... , lind r tIle - F 1l Ol1e 0 the Mn- FmllkLuDnklll ' II ue M" hl1\ IJOW[lt'l1I, 0cduur,Laull r" u [ 1'· r.o",l" '" It rllll~h no llegill\.o IIUS bCCII mEl deon eac II mel!l ber, sive SIlive I10 Id er at OI' e time, nllll.. Uf II lIll I'on. . -Bonham t.. "utt.:tl\" ~<"". ",llu hill''' pllralle l~t til eS be atlu!L turn out. 1'01' tweuty y illS U ()lergYlllltll of On Ih o :..l llt (,f Jnly, l~B1., her 80n rap 'J'lr. W!UI'fb'und gnilty 0 8S ' rtL ",fenco ali . l~ teon VIS tl. 8<110" ""UfO.' uf ~t,,,ly. UlIO rllC/ll "&tho . G. \~, EDRI anT, 8.M. the hri tlnn tlllllUIOillutllJU, a lib c\)lldl"n bt'ca III . fathelless, and sLe Bault witl' 'inteot to c rumit ra )0, d Shaker WII all lllldtlY, 811", 0) t1q;re~H. - _ •••- - .- ' .,,)11 se d il 'were 01~t 8ix hours. nr(Oltt:r/ngn<r.1ft'7~~ I'"rt.ituiliu .'" . era1 thin k or, an d a prlJg to 'IUllIst tlill ' r l,I c,YpreBs \,11I u- 0 he jury • • • • _ _hmumrrro. to UI'tlI .O~ u[ .t",1.' 1 I'm. &" ' . ",I'\l'h8. TUK Band \\'111 give all open nu' ill aJ v\1l1oo of his iUlln...d lnte CQ \\itIU ~dlU!)d ~"I' ciglit y~lIfS she -Mr. G. I, "fright aud fa11111y MI.vOl,'S oORT.--Tucaday lII orn l:DWA !UJ JJ ~r,\uII.L. concert e vel'y'Sutmdny evenll1g 1111 ' t011lpOlurrC8, . ~ r hu hvem tc, h. IH rl'malll('d n Widow.! \\'lIclI IU , 1 ~ nnd Mr. W nlter Dakin and Mi8R jng, J oh n MOftrud\!l' wn urr,cBtco rN8idcn~. :lwu.tltm r wII;~I~~~~~C. At the Old-Sta.nd,til fnrther notice. The prllgl'nlllmo I d t I b I e b CfllllC the ~I fe of ]Jen w n .. '" for 1\ xt 811tlll duy "elllnl1 will be S avcs, Ben 111~ B,orne, 0 JI orm . I , .' I ~Il I Ida joineu the e:ll:CIIl'8101l to tbe ou 1\ warrant s Wvrll onl hy I hebe n d" ", ,re u ll •• Ly.l'WIlIU 1("'11< ooll.lllntly nn hund .,. wllli outhcrs rcmalll d Il1tJ.,s eon u ~lIruhnrt, \\It,h \~h u lll sho Iv~d, Quldlers' Bumolast Satmday. WIl1iaUls, (hoth c ion'.)) ('hnrgilll; "r'... l' \.· U 1 [ /lrH '(I U 1)//"11, Pli ietollIJ , B"9!1i.r~ n~\V. UOllle ont and unjuy tho vc· tl'y. At un 'arly uge the SUII wn I:llthfll ily I' 1'1 I' mlng her dlltlllS, ~ . bim WIth an Llssu1l1t 11 lU ll !t el' p I' W \, '., Tap Dt~!I~ ic, P1't71!1 W'~ g U7IO , IIwg. Bent tu Bchool, !luf! receiv erl the tat Lwellty tWll Y'lIrs, whon on tbe -Mr .. Jolm lVan. C~eve't' mu~~o SOil It "pon l'" tllnll)h ~ hc hud 1I1J1I1.ING'rO, , ,."\V .11'.1""1<". l' I' P_ \ • t f I' .1 • ,d ' ')9 tl fA' 1 1860 } b teacher 111 the n tltlltlOn or tuo • . t' to n ' . 'l'~ CIII\' lIul cH fr!Om l'lulnrlcll,I" .. (Ep, .. .,· 'ftl'm agoll8, u::u. Lo T' Oil Ihe rUlId lJctWCClI OUII' llIlaJ()r 1par1 0 11161:ullcli tIOn 01. 1:1 I (I pi t I ' , 8 Ie IlgulD • BI' d . 1 'II W' . been ,lolDg ~vUlU W\1 bI ll" 1 I J uhn pall.n) h~ " " 118 r"rtl· .. cel lllli •• 10001 Y.llr At.o. Soom"l-H" ... t \Vork, ""d ,11 kindK . Iwl1I I I' 'd ,'" I'UOS L oro, came n \\ 1 IiW. , IU.. ,111 h' ancsvi l'1'1 e, tl 18COIJSIll, l")ev L and J ohn who is lustl rh nu IIUOllt 0I'tc",""r It! I."~ '.:r,'llIu I nr 1\1 (urn'~· "r R O\l.IIrtll)(. riuul. I" I' m mlf. Trimm """, t "Vlllealld 'orWIII, uIll Clllofll ntlo m campe ell mllSl' rSln I' l·tl·1 IIIIrlllllLI t ~as rellred un:ler IS V181t\l~ IS ,a 1101', ' Ie .\ . . tllo appearance , " I11Iell, c 11\. tlUD, &11 . !II1'!r••• Lho l.cuwl of fit Mflry book tile 111" orty (! 1 Eld , tll' \"• m. rN or tl I ' 111'01ll1l D . " V 0 f I118 67" ri \Vood·Wurk ,mol DI."k.m.tlulI"0 d,)u 10 or' II e urly cultivate I 1\ tust e fUI LI,e rc I'gI OIlS l'l'(:rAlg IIt 0I t IIe 80CI ' F . au leve'. v .Ior A IU' !I" u.... 'l'tonollL .. f Dod ' 1 oft'cnten dIe. 'f h e tinuor .. plnined thut Ph ,bo huu IlIIt lid nc Hall. Uurh,'l,:\.o 'u, N J. -Coates KlIllley re~elV ed 17 7 lip hia shllt 10 good style, !lIlJ - - j,EN,:O'N--" UI: LEGE, Ivill c nfer u fav or by ICllviug the Iltcl'!ltn ro. III I Sil (\ be tunght u ,ty of Fl1e~,d . .About twonty· . 8am\;l at llllrrts' 1I11 k, WaYllcsv illc, da!ls ical school til H anovcl' county, ~hreo /cllrs SI IICC, ~ho be~amo o.nx- and A. W. COl!n 1,084 d~l!'ga~c ho b Cllllle BO illeollst!d ut hCI' flll l G ,' ~IJUP.lI, KNOX \i .... 0 1110. 1'1.", w.>rk, SIII,l- ' \Virglllill, att r willc h he leut! mad· 10Uil lor t ho 81l lvlltIOIl 01 her 8 ul , vot~ at tho prlmury e1cctlOn .'11 nre to ,.Icuse h iUl , thllt h • u~riullltcLi tullor Lb hi r)(c .,r 'h~ I'r,.teollluL )0;",.. "'I!, "",I ,,\I tiQIIJI ' 01' IV 'ltll tIl OWIIOI'. turday l l " ucullI·o rl cnll, II Iii I othor eopol helCh •• II. ["II "0""1.. ,, unci "rCU~'rO .l\ '[ I d IlIun d par d on~ f ..u?r Xen la ItS -~ ICIIIO With DI, 'r,czI'antut J eru811 nil d 80nglLan as u . So Col K -. . ihel'wlth fiftINh)'I. llr.,h , ro r,R.,l'l.,\ I, if< ]' ,' 111.,.1"",11 - -W A IUl EN COUNTY &OI'S ~- From Ilem, V n. He altO\'\\'ard~ uti 1I11 tl ij tll H, unu pCllce, through faith In noy 'YI Il bo pr sent~d to tLe Con. portabl e propel ty wh ich C:Ull Ll \\ Ith r to, .,""d LI,,' ItL \' W 1I0 lH X I~ l.J If (lj Lebuno n , a CMr p IOdollt, wntoB to I(!ctllr S at tho nlv rSltyof PCTln· ?Ilr Lord Je us OI ~fl8t. uud r th o gtC8slOnal OonventlOu nB the chOIce 1\1 rench-probably 11 I\,\. h Pr,d t. C"" I ~ •• ,. l)I, t·. the Uinclllllati CIIIJt1n 1'cwl ut th e I sylvallla 1\1 PllIlndelphlLl, nnd touk IIIllll ClICe ulld tCllcll1l1gs of the Me· of Greene county. tub cookll'g stovu II lulY chlllrd il wuck '" w"r .. " .. Inwn WOR.K Ithe dogrl'e of !\I. n ill 1 45 '1lUlilst Epls.coplll CIII~rch , in this -Obe .of t 0 .poted citiz~ns of &c.', &c, J ohn d~\)hll't luuk h k~ 15th as foUuws: ~:; lloUdll I'" ~o 41'\ lr \UU \\ , ,, ' \ h l "'III{.' FK It. , ... h iuh '\Tarrcll COllllty /Jovcr belore had III 1 37· , ho tlavclc(1 over the plnce, to ".llIeh slIe nlll~ed herself, -WayneSVille attempted to peddl o a bloudthlrstY,b{\ ligerent ILI1\11 and ptH ~'H' It, (lIl I,1 r ?M t'MU such \lniverslllly tlbuudllnt crops as westerll stilt 8", Icctl1rlllg on olle ~IILi 01 \I hlch sho remamed a cher· whiskey at ~he reC(1 llt F Ill'lh, of br ther, bu t perh"IJs his \Jl'ol'oca lIl J.kfJ ..tIl! ' ll n , a ll Lht; tf mo HARD TIM S PRICES:, Ihcy \\ lIr, .... rilu It)! p a r l lQU · Bhe has this yellr, The bllrley crop f hill fav orite thomcs, Phlcll ulogy. Ished 10 rob r til l her death, Ber July col bratloq at New ~Ilrl rng. tlLllI in thiS oll~e Wiltl IUvlO thall lare \0 H, fl Ai l KTr A. l ' l) l' nilirUlI l, \lt~c lffl r",,..huui"( rl .. ln .hlJll. tl.'26· is enormous, and whent is Ilt least fie al60 viijitcd jllils, Ill rtnbc IIsy ea~ly edu~ntlo.n had taught b~r to ton. But he cnmo !O grier-th o t1IlBh and blood cum boar, nn ~h ,,1 ' 1'00(\ ~ ,)(.w. 1,!lO \ on a l'clago. Tlto whCllt is now be lumB, an 1 POlJlt ntlal'leS, trllvlli 1ll111l8tllr III krndness and patl onc managors ejected him trom the lI1ay be that 11 w he IS repl!l1tilig ---8 (j "I .\' /~'.)'S UA U IJ ' RU'bcLting, tl, o HIIOI,II . um "ronly 111)- ' lllg throrihcd and is turnin g out ,.ng ovel' twenty stutes of the Ull to ~ho wantB ul the needy and su f· grounds. Good enough. III sllckclotb and asLes 1118 giVing -=-= =--_-;,- ________ __ IIETElt EnEltLY. well. A. See, one of Turtle· 1011, lind occasionally deli vering fClIlIg, . undo frollJ the ~ay 01 her -Jo Slater baa not gone wcst. way &0 a hasty tempel' DR J. B. urn till. _. -- "e -; r,:~~o1!i~i:C---creek Tuwnship's besL larm el's got \)ccttll cs beforo literary illiltltutlOUS eOIl~cr8\u!l. ~ ho dId tillS as ~lltO Ho i8 Boon to open II galle ry in Tile May or says during t1.U!lCllt UIt, C. A. n Ol tHI NEW PIANOS' rOR fa rty three bl1l1hcls to th e ncre from HI! ulllon with M, sB MIl'lau, 111'I 8t . Tho memury of ,her kwd· F ranklin; and litO wo may live in ed terlD he sll a11 kccp pulico court .... ~., '~1 lInl.. ...rev •• 0110 picco thnt was sowcd wllh tlto Pierce, 01' Wilmingtou, 0 1110, roo 11C86te8 16 I.'ke tlltl odor o~ prec/OUB hope tllat he will pay Wayoesville open dally aud nil day, us tbe pllU' \V,lWI'i EJn''', ' ,I~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .H . . U. I ~ n ch, n'ld ul1 0(1,.\,· ... Hlc t utl",lg tho ' :rl\od . ~q H. r nlll tJ .. 1.:.hl ,,111ft \ IHO B&MUl', · Fulse ,ariet,). But tltiB IS all ox· suited 111 th e birth of SIX childrcn, umt m.cl1t III th o eornmulllty where another visit 8Qd photograph her pie must have some relaxutlOn . lio hr :O;l l,; u ·' , 1.Lh · I .. , . ", t nul uulhwho i'i\.d oJ f""Co" , . Ilieo,. .llre I Lu thr. lnl l clHl:~er ccption, of eonrse The coullLry : throe Bons und throe daughterB @he lived for th~e~ score and ten p8hently~waiting cltiZOl\8. Slater IIlso inlorm s UB thut cascs of drunk • '" ~. r , Nt A J.; olltlt. lit) UI" nlnU A::IIl.H S , lIud ISC OUUU! ' over will not avcrnge half that - One of tho 80118 lind olle 01 tho yenls As, II clinsLlan she was ,not IB Waynesville's stand·by at\er all. and disorderly are becomrng Itl8S I1I1' Uj}ice an.l N!!IJid nee, Jv.;."ri St., Pil\I\" . 'o r *JOU co n t."nlll~ The onts crop promIses to be Il~ Idaughtol8 pr ctded th ei r father tu (~elllunBtr:\tlve, lJ~lt. was conSOICIll-Mr, Ed. E. Janney writes meroua, and that he hopoB by jllKtWA YN ~S \' I LLE, MATHUSHEK'$ good n9 the barley, lind thoro IS no I the tllI!mt Lalld, willie the faitiJflll, t101l~, tru~" and wJlltug to beat her home from Garfield, Pawnee Co" Iy und impartially onfuroing the _ ___ _ . ;- __, _ _~_ 1'1" ... DupIn O ..... I"'"~ "'e.'", rt:a9OU why we shnllid /lot have fI elovot('d wile, upon wh om he, ra- portIOn 01 .!.ts bl1~dens. . Kan8Y that he haa thr~ ox teams law8, to kecp drunkard8 autl drillk. nOm~[U F. ~ URNAS, ::~I~U~~t, ':~~ I!U~~:~Ntr,:.I:,~t p~~I"I'~":::~'~~! big yield of c lrll. Corn is hcalthy, li ed to a great extoul for hiS lmWel,l has she luught the bfe bat,. brcaki;g up tb. prairi e for fall ers within the bounds 01 pru{ll'lllty . • 1l0WEOI'ATIIiO 11111. ' "~l o '''81''u!; I'" .er , rlthll ." .ud d. ~u~ ' hut not fll\l' II.dvunced. I think IIUl8l'S of strcngth in IllS latcr tie ; WIsely has she nBed tile golden wheat _hon a house nearly built, 80 may it be, , g It. ~:::I='~IO of Lono , nlld II sHIII"luin/! . Iugln/! '1,",lIy f" l.cfuH.! tlUnlll(ul O .l r (f'p'fght.e lUG would be 8P.fu to estimnte whent at years, and his surviving duughlerB key tb ut opens th e heaven 1y ga tee'-bas ,tIKI' a good a~lpetite, and is en· • .. om h,., ITJ-. U', IIto II~ ~ .. )\ 2)i 1.0 nl!\,tr doc fl'IUsl '" r\w"III'u l'IQI\IJS Hell~ on Hlat. 300,000, bal'ley 300,000, aud if alld sons, feci keenly ellougb the Weary and ~0~1l' out, at fon~ scor~ jO'y'il!.& .e~leQl.. ~ea!~h,.. M~y ~is BA,NJ> . C~~ol!l~Ts,-!he . 9.o rl?et 6~.....110 ,,"no o m J ,. , Drou't (..1\ to wrlle lor IIh'Hrat.od and \ De. prcsont condi tions bold good, corn , j rl'ep"rablo 10811 of a hOB band and the " 'beeIB 01 hIe II~Dtl atill, . good fOmlne tnd satIsfied mlod Band of thIS prace118S aoclded to Oflloo 2 duo.. South of Ullrri. Du".. ticrlpUvc °iI~rid:l.~";~~d ~;:'~o Co I a 00l) 000 or 4 000000 buslJelll. Be· father whose gonial nature, kmd Shc hue accornph.hed ~er deah· long continae., ~ givo 0.0 open-air concert on SaturWA.Yl'ElI VlLLII, UHIO. No 21 Ellri1 F,{1olilDL1. Bt. I~w '~lll be fl:lI l1d' alt ubst1't1ct of heart and strong individllality went ?y;aud the bouk of her hie record , .. • • day oveniug 01 eneh week, and 0. ~~ ~ ,._ M~ ~~~ (IllS.' Now York. last year's CI ps: \ flll to /Dllke up th e magnetic at· 188Po.led, As we say farewell to N.w Muslo.-The latest and best pavllHon hilS accordingly beon J1MES W DIINES M D -----------~A':"Cll Bushels w ospll\:re of home, the moldcring clay . of her .earthly Song and Chornels enti~led ~ Ilo1n~' built in front of ~r. I. H. Harr!s' l.o~io;:OPATH~() . ., GEORGE N. WERNTZ, Wl'CB~. ~:~~ ~~~'~~~ For th e IlI.8t quarte,r ?f a ceu tu· abode, t1.'e reo~llection aud Impulse le8' a,,!,d A l?ne To·Klgke. It IS property, from. wlllch they call. IS" ' I IIIII • I I. o ..tt1. 6 "Otl 241807 1ry or mor o Dr. W,lhamson litiS of her vlrtacs IS the best mauilole · by Will L. 'IhOblp800. 8ne fortb thclr swect molodlous " t.1 I 'J> k • Barley. ,u , , . I UUl r.or 1lor asIl~B- tlJ e prac t'Ice 0f l "musIc . Bt ores, an d sounds, . Oflloe l! 1100'" Wnf"r I:\"u I of 1 "rroM >1lJI , r.,rnlll" JY..>O," "n'&> l\f.\6 JIll"""''''''''' Com, 6(l.0t;8 2.480,262 been II BU~C(Jss ful practi tIOner 0 Kept ~ al Last Saturduy ovenl1lg, Um" , 0..... ,rll\lWU U c. 11<J .... """ '" U ,""UW/IQ 1 'fhe acreago IS much lurge r this medcinc nud SUI gery ill Wurron them the bcst monument t~ her sent to a~y addrell8 for 40 cents, tho fil'8t concert of the sea80n was Omoe hOllfH. 71.21.0 II 1.2 A AI. , 1.0 2 1.~ "'&'Y""YILLB" year, nnd the II.vorago yteld will bo I Cc.J unty, most 01 .that time 111 and lIlem~ry, ILnd the r~productlOu of Poblisped b,y W. L. 'r~ompBon given aud it made Main street IiV? - P 11.7 lu 8 l' W .. I~~h h~C~i'~ ::'~."~:f.~~~~culfn~o:.~~ ~,~~~ m ll eh lurger, with thc oxcoptlOlI of around Wuynes ~ 1I1e He \\'us pus· her jJlety Ihll bt Bt epltapb & Co., EJast Ln>erpool, OhIO. Iy Dud gay. All the peo.ple did - -A - - - MIJ -JlAM~Q, - Illt.oHL .ly l,," S lIt,. f""tlllll gUllrnn lcetl whc/lt. Isillllutely dcvuted to hI S profes~l on, Sho hnd accomplished her f~nr. e -. • torn out( and many were In from ~e ~ e 'I.lI"~~~1I Cuthn g "lid ro['alring l'ro,u"ll, "tteDtiecl l -.---. - and to the vC I'y last wna 0. close scoro years, alld /lOW rests, arnldBt "IT 18 better to laugb than. be Ihe country. It is a good Idea, o.ud OF l.EtlANON, to 'fllE fUllcml of MIS 13UrIII IUI't, student kcep lllg PIlCO with tho all - tcnder rllcollectlOllS of Ulen and the cryinlZ" l- decidlldly; and to cUJoy a custom wo bope wi1I become per· Rouse Palltiag. Paperlug aad Sl;'~:" o:,~ ~d":~:'~~~IO Perfent~~n, " 1J0 died at (l o'clock IU6~ Snturdn~ I ward m'ul'ch (If SCience and the un approbation of hoI y angels and bur 'baby'. laughing soci~ty use manently elltab1ished among UB. 61alaAmlalag. _ _ _ _ ____ _ 1 d " DV l U ll monu), faclso gt-er atO"P'I.1 work fOtDO' ui morllin~, too k pace 011 S ~11 d By nt restralnablo progress of ovents G O. .. r. B u In•.s B!'b1,S yru~ wh Iehb bre e • • 11. II. mltk lit cUl!vthill)\ 'ornoou, frow tho M. E Vhu l ch-- lIe ossess"·' keell perception of e • Iieves the chlel dl8com.f arts of 11 y. D.It. J. C. AVEH dIed rccently" BII" ",.0"..1 ~ Ura,,! hom, " II! 'W"ync8' retl'!!! 0,1 ,,~wll\ elarl ~Ou t'2 "W 'the Rev. L, F, ~an IJ I\lve c~ n d \Ie t- hUlOUII P nature, ~U .. aud could (I uickl y Or.lor. loft lit.. tWill"", ~tr lIull'. J)r,,~·Storo I· ApPIETO:O;'S J OURNAL, t~() fuvor· bood witll~l1t stupe fyi og t be c hI I' leo.vlUg a fortuno ~t. between h f vlli w,lIor oouive l'ruJUllt OU.5 dav (\~ homo mndc by the in.luetrjonl. J
G' M Z-ll e
Son" ·
-1:"10 --- - SA LE4 !
U N D E R '[" Ie E l' S.
\ TI:r \ '
1lI"'a:l........ _
DB. - l'
0 \'KIN
Merchant Tailor
!!I." "'..,
ing the ceromOIllCB, after wll1c~ the dlscorn beneath men's actiolls the Ite wonthly of tho ago, IS befo~o remai llB were couvoyed to Mla~1 eal motIves whIch underlllY theUt. IlS for August It IS a most fasci' Cemetery and cOII Bi!7 nod to the! I ~h is intuiti on wus lUfpose ly fos. nntillg ulIl1Ibel'. Price 25 cents, last rOiting.plac. 1h? llttClIlluucc tercd during his lo~g ussoclation D. Appleton & Co., Now York. of rclativlls aud uCliUlunt.lIlccs was wIth ' mell lind onabled him to - . - - -:---- large, uutwithsU1nJlIlg the cxtreme mCIIsuro C~, rectI , Ids cn acity for GIRLS l-~lIy will you UBe thoBO beat of the wenUlor. battlin I with th~ 8nbtlct;es of the dangorous Palllts, Po~ders, Balms, '{be fo.>lIowillj(,"ulllod gentle~1l world, g lic Illude thc human heart oto., .to clear and beautlry youroom· !l ted alll!an , bearers: S. W. Ho 0110 I)f bis fliv orite studies and the plex.ll1Il.£ len a bottle or two of ~ers, Samual iY.cll, Petar :t:berly , rC nit h:lt! not onl been ~ ,reeable Dr. BI?ll'~ mood Mixtl1l'O will ac A. L. 1"lIrl', Wilhnlll Rlltalll ck, II.I/d tu III1lIselt but it ~cvelope9 in him comphsh It safely and permaoently, 14 Y l~. Keudll!~.. Iibcrnl rc~lings of charity for, the MKROURY ~l1'y~;b~l'e between 90 FtvB ute 11 quart j ' r blncl-ber· II> \Veak ncsses ' an d I' rope r,'~ectl' Onn.. or! and '104 dogrees in the shade-on· _leB Is cheap II ngb. poor mortuhty, As ,in his medically vllr'yinl!' to relieve tb~ monotony I pr.nct.ictil he Btu?ie~ tlle tomp?ra, for f~w 0."minnt\!s, • Can aim t eo cotn gr~w\ meut und orgaulzatloll of a patient " . ,. ;....;' () ....
.....: . - ... j
teell, lIod t~enty mtlh~oB. He arl verhsed hborally, paid hiS bliis promptly, was a good citizen of Lowell, MaBs., and hilS gon.c to. gill ry. Not so, howevor, WIll It IIll With, Dr. SwaYlle &: SOll, 880 N. 6th St., Pbiladelphla. TllI~y IIr ll BlVinJlel'8. of the worst type. ~el' r thOir word or tbOir wrltell SAND~ contract is wort~ a. picayune, and • ' ~, tboy Me utterly /UnO~(lDt of ~onor DHIJGGI8T " ~~lb~~ B~~na; 'Mo!~: or h~>uestY:l' ~~ ca~tllo}'l pubh sllc1'8 No.8. " , . l£ABr MAlN S'I'KEET, t hl " agalDst" a vertlslllg '~TA\"NES VI LI.J.c;, T;1 0 ... ,. • , tl I Ii 10JI' bl' wor . esst If .l. rOle IS sald ,tel e , gettin,g scarce nos~rum8 ,811 . t Ie IPu Ie ngams l'resaription8 Otn lJllllllllodBt "1Il'Ollro by here, and it'B nt, :wonder.•1 bllymg un~ I1SlUg t 16111, '" \ liD b.XP<)~Ul,oo(JJ)rlil;"I>l.t. tJf>1 uren.
Price 25 conts per bottle. .... .. ¥ A8slo:rMB~'--fdr. John, , eor, of Cor~m, ,m :~: liD ajtllgnmjnt~ last Frldl~1, to ,lUeaars. onas. an ney, Jr., /JU~ G~!.o~ge W •. Hamllton: fertile ,beneli~ of. 1.Il.s creditors. As sets $6?00, habltltl~ same. • • r u ust , BALL?u s . OIlTH~d tb~1l 8. gGet ~6..teelI}tllg wlth,~o Th~mCs &
!~e~~\~~,";~'~~':~~rk ~~~ ~~rla N~t~:
tho l,,,,,. Cu. tl, ouLIiLand "'rme free.. Afl.dro .. TU UM k 0". Augu~to, 1>1,,1110, Bi I ":;O~~'8~~\)O;~O~~; dllY mll,l. by any WOr-
ParticlIlA!'8 and 8B'' _ lDiprove y,,"r arkr" g~~ P~~~~~u~:'M~~I~~e - Addro!l ST'~.G4~1 " plOrJ wur~h ,6 freo,
__ . _ _
_ _ __ _
Or • "ed' AIl} Common Senle , DO ." th, E B. /0'0 0"", MTl ' A fair of Ibl, " ~ I\I~bl. work for .. I•• f Ihb Ol\lUU 'nll1ae
C '.._ __
'~18U.m -
C'ZI~I~I!I. l th(' p~~on 18 pal;; very ftlillt. un IT............. .11 .........r ~ pnl~ f · 'lIle, Jut 111m inhale ili um - r , A
few Eccond9, or giv him - ~~,~;~,~~\ u te a p lwlI !'ul of IIr !'Untic Bpiriti f amlU Oll il\ in twcl tllbl csp ool'ule 01 watcF with 1\ littlo ug or.'
DlUt W SWEET. !l ill fu r
• •1_1" ..
1',rlXI/ ILYlJ/.h' l .. {)rl'h~' .
CCDNW:a:ll~lllllD Tllmll~ Aml1.l~·-$A~~1 ~ 'W'
Tuklng U:U'·<;t ~lll.Y I :3Lh. lH'lH. . . Passo n /:{ rll Pl!rclw,!l io g L unl RUIIII II 'l' rlp Tic kots herore e nle rlng tllo oare, outaln a di scount ot tu n I'l'r <?u nt fr(l 1D r eJ;l ulur mtflB .
KVII.I .", }-:U I\)) ., K~ Jul y 10. L 7. BU>l1ll III!l for Lnlil f..'tl ..(}(t ;:. it : - As t h er o nrfl sovCU.i\G E.lI!6T. e ral 01' th~ u ld r id nt~ of \VUI'I'OIl Ill' tlttcmtiun 110 b n e nllcd to No 7. No . 6. No.1 . and Blltlel' OilOti o9 I' ~id ill g ill tliil! lL nc.w al'li ~ l e tu r tit . U 001' 11Il1i.C8 .SO I'm CA"O Ciocinnuti t4.10 pm L aID • 40 vieillity. 1 tltll ug ltt II low Jill 'il CU Il- tile lllv o ntlO D of ",llIc h has cou to r 6 !!6 I"" {J 33 nm !i.Su pm Arrive LovelaDd cerni og tlt~1l1 Illi g ht Hut he ilJllp. 1r ·d Ull (werla tin;.( bl cs illg 111'011 !J j,.j Jl IlI AfI'iv e Morrow 10 Ol am 0.26 1' ''' pl'''l'riato. '1'h capitld u f thi tl e ,:c ry I~dy. Wu n ,fu l'. t u tit QU~UIl 10 PI" 1U ' 62 am 7.20 I'IIl Arrlvo Xenia (l<\ll'tl) C IIl1l y ia V o d ge Oity . fUII1 ' ()It~ s k,rt ~ II~ I e lld ol't! to r s upp ~ rtw~ pm OUA I'UI' ira cuttlo trau o IIlId I' ckl css IUlll us' s klrt8 , tltc m ust d es ll'!lble Leave X e nia 110.&5 am 7,[,7 pili • 'o w . b "ys.' Th e r 01 c it ize ns of Illld b lI o fie.iul m:t iclc cvar illve llted. I I Arr. Y. ~[lrlng~ 11 65 um Il 25 (.lID D odgu Oi ly aro J'u s t 1111 "'ood liS r fil l' l it e re h o l 0 1 WIl IIIOII, mallY of • ' 1A ~ r . Sprmgtleld 12 115 pm . Pi , ,I I • {]' .' . t· · · "'a""rt ...ly4:: .....otAuilho,t:elda.... n.....- - - - - - - - - butt I' thllll , y u u Ii [ld III m o~ t fra il' \\ 10111 Invo S lI ureu ytlll1S 0 III.I S' nr.•• tile..., Th..... A ....... ". tJ ......... d IL I!R\·C n.iollruond p .20 am t 2 05 ~.1111 11 I II pm ti I'tuw ns. 81\10011::1 und g Ullllolillg ' o n.d)le ht·nlth .ellilsuu solely by enr ·. e'b~r.d.ctl~ ... erlh" lh ...II:r~II''':. Arr!\'o Davloll !l fl5 tim f 5 25 tuiti p.n r d Itt ryll ig tllo w elgut of II nUlllbcr o f It•• oolhmg InBuen ee " POll tho irntulcd 0 [lytoo t 9"or." "01 t r. •>r. t9 I ii I'IlJ SI111'8 aro II t " l Ull, ) U 8 ar YOll ' . . lin!lI/? of tho oi r \".. ,,"u I. ,Iuu to lb. li.el l~ e RY e " ~" plD (U ' 4 & 1'111 ill I h u fa ce . Th ey . o f CU UftlC , arc lI e uvy s lw·ts, ~1)l1I]J1 l: ~l' ly t.lru~gl ll g III.t It ri. iuJ;:olli cnIB Rr:; 1\\.' 1Il113t em~nciou . Arrive Xeuia 10.4 0 am 7. 20 pm t o moet II d e mand. WIt OIi tlt e de- them d u WII . ~!.I Ul (; lllI lIg t o SUppUl't I'IIl mll"'o 8Im\.le~ kll ow" 1:0 m ,lic, llootll" .' . - - - -- -- --::-:-c::-------::-::-:--- - -- - - - ' .1 ' ttl' I . I " ll ladi s' c l " thilw i ~ ab sulutely' lIec- Ih,· bllsi . ofl ,earliclcbcUlJ(lbe Boney of L n ve Xenl& ·1056Am P ·SO pUI *lll ;):'P "1 OIlIlIu 18 CU 0 , tI e s npp y \V I I .... th,· Hoarhouod Plant oho'" ic,oI11' unil c.1 Anil'c London 11.48 am 8 .10 pm 11 53 1'111 C!.ltlSl.l. A tido !.If o lU ig rllti o li i~ etl IIry . Tit e 13 s na p IIt.lU~ O:I uro rc~ - with II,,· Ul co ich",1 I'ri" c~pl . 01 ll~~ Ablell Arri vo Columbu. 12.40 pm 12 r.o nm titnt pro mi scs to d o o llllll ollde d by o nr le atilllg l) hys I- Bal.samea. or Uili m nf 1:110'0. [ 110:·0 ~ru ·}. OU am UUWill" iu "'. ' . . . 11 I d' d . I II . ,de B, five othor 1001 0DlO . 1,' wenU! Iwlnch Arrive NewIlrk 1 fill Ilm ttW IlY wllh tillS ope n vi u luti ull uf c~a nstu n a I C~ Ull y u ullg g lr s. git·o a~llilio na : lliellcy \ 0 th o 1i ..1 "'",, ed Arrive Cos hocton S.HI pm 3.1\\ ~111 lillY ulld IllOrals . lll~k ed a pro llli- E"ery Indy s h u nld Il t,v e t he1l1 . lwn. Arr. St e nb onyillo 6.00 pm li 00 Illn IIlUlt CO lli t)' o ftic e r if th e re werc n o Th cy nrc Buld u lll y thr o ugh Illd y Th" . e who h",' o uooo il8. , th .. 1 BALB'S Arrl\'e P'· 'tsbl.lrg 7.4 6 pm 7 rlO 11 111 I . A I u'd . Boneyo[HoarhouDd~odTarIB uo lon · • law ' I' ru itibi t ill g gU lllbling . H ~ r e - U~ u lltS . Bll ell I uPI:u rt~lIl1 ty to Iv WollliorflliII· ,·o...,, 1 in .1 1 CII ~ " ... h.,l'o Arrlvo I1 u rri s burg 351> am 55 11111 p li e d , 'Y ed, b ut he t1iLlll u t c nfur ec so me lady CIIIlVUHdl' r ul ~h H! CIIUII ' Ih o O'·~IIII~ "j' rOI"l r.Olioll "'0 "n"el'·... 1.,,1 AHlv e BalLlmoro 7.4li lim 7 35 (1111 th e m !)cclluse h e w"lIle d lu live II ty to dCC llro th e f1 J.!c lley u f II phms · ~ I .o tllnl .~. oClh",' " u"u l uoIl Y,l rapid. A Arr. Wa s iJiu g toll 9.12 am H 07 iJnI , d t" · L '( b ' v h ' w ..U I~C C t rcq u l.! lIt y flc rnl t o r u fO n t a 'u n ' I SF. 7 20 li t tlu whil" IUII!,:ur , IIno whOlll le d id ant nil pl'U Itll u,U ~ II S lne8S .... u r " 1•• Ii",,,o {'uu~h. It cnll tlliu" IIolhing (h ul Arr rhil .. r! \? phi.. 7 iJ IIID I'm diu w itlh c u Lu " . Iuo k i ll~ fu r til . Ic rms !lnd t errit o ry Wl'i t.ll lit oneil CII " ,Iiso ....lor tho l ",~,,' ch . ~ file t II", t can ho Arr. New York 10 35 am 10 1:> pm " ur r . lice, ' 1;•1/ tl IIIL• IJe CUll • d I.uO o ne t o th e QUCU II O it,· ::iut! l,e nu e r CV Ill ' I.! ,.:;, o 11'1 110 Iru,h (.1 I.u l fow cough rell"" Arrl"c Bos !'()n________ 8 SO pm 8.00 am ucc J, •• • <1" '0; ,I I" •• ,," .'\Ntnel •• g,,·oohle 1I0yor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A ccom ,
p 2r,
,;:! f, UUI
!l 211 UIII 101 110 111
t7 Jtl
n lll 11 111
i fl
~;~ tilll
11 3111111
Tll is IJIlIIY, ~ 7 8 Ulllrk
of l liu wldll" 1' he d ungull!.' ullicur'~ 1!lIIlIC id
St., O ll1 Cl flllllli, O.
II"d i• • ol.~"~,, Ii!:.,," which un. "h" tho.c of
\V . 13. Mas tUl'dUIl . Iho. m...., 111",10',1 mo." . 10 .. v~.1 Ihemo. II·,. . .. K ' M A.!< Y A DOI .I,A It rormerly .pent U II ox· 01 " . ,,,·Iu e.. shu,nfl . uf. r u n! cu uuty, UU~lLS . ~lllIh·. Sul phur Dulh. ill ~u w ".v uu by eu b- A CU UAh ,,'or 1"" fitl y I...."cd Ibe p r t>1' 'n rvd l\! I ~ tho opP"s lte tu HlltullIl lI.lhororor OI,e:S~ Ii SU I.I'II! 1\ ~""I' l l irniIlU'" 811111" .. 1 cOII. um~I!OIl. " m.lody o( O ud r' CilY . ;\Ieijsr . \V. V . J o llII- which 18 lu.t u" ~" 'lU fi l· IOI. l,ut !"fiUlu,ly wh ich Sale's Boney or 1I .. .. ·hl .. ",1 .•110 g ' ) s . d llHt PCf . L ocl\1 dl tKWl'tu" of th~ Jilk lU. dl c u· Ta r is t hu S UI· ~·st kllu \\ II pr~,·o lltiv6. ThutUL SOH a 1U.1 11• • 1. wau , th e fuunders lIIathHn " u d !C 0U'" n r t! u ll& re lim'cd by fhi:4 It h:reforo . \\ hu wuul ll flrrc"L l il e I' rugrclH of
~o . .,. Oolumbul Arrivo Lond on Arrivo Xenill
7 .22 UUI
L~.vo iirinICfI. ld
7 .47 am
vf tl ll~ t uWII, IHLVillp; beon born o n l'itllu tl ard, rew l·d y . . "lltlllp l~xi~'lIfll hlO llti,.,h 8 Ow tJ elitroyrr. ! houh.l tl Cill.' · Uut Il IHo meli 1 10 L uu \'o .j'X.uni n SlIlIllu)' lire i ll 1\ c hru nic s tnte of II ro.o""IU·" I,'" I.y ,L. "llti It ' Ill l" 'ro . I.u tho lake tld o ,' • •IT .\I'. ~pecitic. • Arriv. Vllylo.. ,t
cut wlu l }1clI rl y W] lI tl ·lI l·:-.... ulld "l.oI n ·ty Hu r t·
i4()n~iI. ulo.ur~ ou tJI, "'I'rll tn ~. tloold tt.
brUI S~I(,
tru cLlv c "1lI 11 11":;
chi ld re n. I\ud Lin .. re·
olltcrpruuug "" I.• r I t ..
\~' IIIJ
T il
lUt O
or ointnu'u Lt:f .for erupti",! U ' H I"' 1
No. 12.
_ __
ll.a:, I'w
~ .f.~2 }J1U
-- --- - - - ••
11;). ~1' 1""
·H.tlO .. m
».a" ~tn 11).16 urn
1'\ .
ct.! pill :_1110,1'111
t.i .... J ,lth • .'111 ,.". 1 ;, f"~ KIn
' ... 1'''' II :1.1 I""
11 .U):'1u l
I ~ ~.:, pm
7.tlO " '"
X e ni A
IU Hl .!. m
:" ~,!" 1'111
7.SU " fit
\ ' M ~~~~~:~ ' I~j\~:~n~d ArrivoOinuhHu"U.
,f).all :.. r_·n_ F,A:; rHl
11 .0)() p.n
12 .0::' pm
t l!! 1!l JIm /.\111 I'm
~ IKI pill OAn PU.l
Children d\: rl \' O :,:rl·ut. !'o urfit from ILH Arrive Richmoud
No. 10.
8 114
tI. 2 ') pm
w o r ship. o lue puople ·nroI HU c\ ru ul nu... whi oh "'roa,ty . "Io. noo lio o eff",,1 IIf fo- . uOT'" '" \""0·rti ••. " h. a ." lfcrin".. ",Ilh tho Arri vo In d IAn,r"" ' I'18 ~ ns 10 s ay t 1IIll th ci r gOtI IS ll u 1 t ell · 11 ... 10 ehnrlll". Il. ,o,,~loill~ . ""lil·h l"gi o· i" I'••rolr>m' (, \', OUI' II ud Whuol' i"g COIl!;h. Arriv • .'t.. I ,olli. j o n . T l'lit!ku I.'\: ' a ut a, (t\: H. It . _ IIf'liun cu h ~t itut fllt it u , pl'iIHO rIHll t·dy. flir T in: ~i r8l . nr\ tli ~o:1 sf' . illl eKpecially. de:! - Arr iv Clli"DJ.(" 1I 0 \\' thllt h! II UW I hi ll" I WUrij ll l p. u" ,1 ill fuol ""or)' ubnornllil condi tion of th e Ili"I. I.,· I·. moel,· .houl ,1 I'll h,.t "" IIII"u i" nil .. .., Jt Itao d li l1~ IIICI7L!/ !/ootl things for u~ lu.u tlc ntl l.'u .1.,1 '1111 ~f11II1~\ti I J II . ""b'e lJin~ I l~~Il;d'~hU l ttS ' UUT JlU L.A '. 'II: l ' 4 c a " . I~:! A~IJ '\)uth Wl's t K anHu s. S I'Cll1'\'i l l(t i ~ u~ ltch tUg-. l ~dlU l\ ", O ,· tn~ 1Il u ur (,."t,.~ .. ... ~I I SO\II% ~ , . r. V 'l' ~Y "l'uHk of It.. 1,,·.u . ifY"'f( rr" l'crh<"l III Prices 50 Cta. ond 111100 per BotUe Iho c{JUll tc rp ll rt III " u rd c u uuty 10 enlhu8iMLie " ' rlU " . lUl J Il" u it .. dt'o.d ed I;jolt! I ,y "II lInt ,''' i,I. . D utlgl! City . The tll'cnrvill c HI/ - proforen e. lO (jw·.u ,,~io. whioh morely coo- I (I. 1'1. ~ RI~IlI'lTf'~, Prepr!f'lor! ["I'p r ise is i sued fr l llll th l' r u . '('h e ,'ru llml J ll . l10t t liko OJ.ENti·~ tilJ J.l" !" U ~u. 7 :'h rll A\'l.'u ut! , Ne \, Y ork. . . d't' E D S \ ::InAI " " . ud, etllO .1 . 1.·d" .. r II,. """'I,lu.tIOU Have YDU a • • RAGING TOOTH1"
17·20 "'"
t\ rr i vo Y e ll o w ::)p rio,.gs
A rri vo X f' uin.
No, ~.
tlo.60 am ·a.40 prn fl .W ~m .1\.00 am 4.lJ7 I'I1l !.I.IIl .u, 1!l10 I'no __..-:t:;:.::.. :17:.£ pm :.::..- - -..c!l..c.:-'(. I -III-n13.t ll pm '~I.'i~.{j"u:~ 4.:\11 I,m
-025 am
,II".! 1'111 HOll p lll I ~ '1,', •• 111
1; ;}O I\111
II ~,I '"'' 1.0ui.,·ill. I I.' 1'"' __ .. _ _ · Duily. tD"ily 6XCOl't ~"a-l .. .". .. . ,. : Pulhnl\n Orfl\¥i ug Room HlIII ~b"' I'i1It{ t) , r" l' IW tlHUll~h fr.lltl CI1I,· t :IUill 1111 .1 1ll*- I l.urflh. Philudoll,IlIOl, ad N w Ynrk , "itlt" .. t " \o , ,, ,"u. O"ly ", .., ut.".,," l" I:Jlt.. " """,, \\l'lL....hin~ton lind Do too .
~lY ~-
c lItcrp r uH lIg puhl l:' l1pr 1 ~ .J. 1,lltitlt'" i8 tu lm d . prl"·" h ·<l hf(l." us" l' f ,h.·ir I IF I OU 1IA' K , 011 Pu1lman D r1Iwing HoOJo ll lHl Sll'~ptnl-r HI\T" rrH II\ t, ,llllOhuIfi t.) Clnl ·1tJH ·~ LI nlt .t T.o l lI ~·1 ,J. HUt' II t; , Ilut uur stul u tlc l luol CO IIl . \ IIIlVi li g a tcu d u ll uy tl. ..lug t1l l)o rt'S IlIH1 n \'i ll with7ut OhILII~C. 01080 I)nltllc"t i Ill .. H\'\l1 u llt £lnlil1!up l)j .. , !"It. J .!lu i", 110111 n h h"u:,\t " I 1 I I to me C:Ua( h( t l.1 " ~J;!rt,"n .' rntl,,: r th tUi r· m ·d y I . ,. (Ilr all poill t... S uLh. 'VCf't. nIH] N ·)rt h, 'VI'ocL .! IH.l ~S l ul1 cr, 't t t n.ll~t't ,o r ~ ~8eO li l an t tl lt-' d h:f. I... U Ti ll )' Ilro , l.»-.~idl. ~, ~l'l d . \ 111 U,III I I~H n' t ho I\;.!nll ~· ill Ont' . ~!JlIll l o . l.!lis D. \V . O AJ,D\VELL. Gl'll. M un " lCnr. \Y . L . O'IUUES . O .,n .. &- T Al!'t . nll ut I h6 H\llI ",1' 1>\ f alll () SI'lI lIl l'l'. 111" .rll llglo enon)C). in II" ir dr,·nl. III I r",' pu l , ~ O ,~ 'I ,./ '1' flo r T , weu!y Five Cents · I'H,' ~ :=::s i 1 1 0 L 10 bll t4 ln Oll. pl u p lI r .. l' II. (CP •. I' '11· I I i I ' .11 11 ' ,. WI JI ( ll1 e COHuL!'y U1'\JlltH I'l'U I'\' l C 18 \ t II' r~"o l1rr t l H"U" ,·rtI J1 l " .. pi" nil 11l"rll' I. , . 1 I d' •• . ",•• (" I e . ,1.1. 1 1. .. " tl" cl i."d."utuge of ... il- " 1'011 ,t ; ",,, r"II'Cr ' "":,."" 118 110 ,ug.o IC
n lHl
Iol' ll~ rap Idly
•J lllllcd A I. \.
ttl ud .
,.111 Atl an t'
wll ,elo ell II 111 1" '0 """. Ic ·lh . . 111 11 II ~ In .. n I ' l ' I'f1"lllJl"l \\ IIJ U Ji.U I,'m Price 25 Cents !o-Iul d I,,· nl1 Dru uJ!il'lh PlI ' ~ ;l o ull''' ''u l \ l hur ~ OII ,~.ollt lwl:OII L~~~y . rl\d· ' U .N.«; H. l' IP.NTO~" :.l"Oprl".; r,
'I I l" ' I J I 1l: lI,dUUlll.1. ,U · t lltU lI l ' , Vl n d ' I' ; ro U "III~ wcll, II llri III\cllU
1" I . e.. lly curc~ Ib o ,' ......"". to w)",·10 ,t'M IIdaph.)l1l(' ~ll' ] led . 1\.1111 ,n lll fu rl h" r 1' ,.,0'J I11I1\'· II ,I,. Jl,.ti lf un • . . " t'I\UUll t or i t l4 vlt1wlin .·...... I t itoo. b t!I" d e.
1 tl i l • I·t)· th l'i r ln ll ~\ I ~ v eIL 1 A. \. \ illill lll ~ "II. I'I'" L Ly . Bru ll u "" ."Imi ral,l udi.iool.c\.,," "r olotlIiIl IlWhi.·h . ,tlill .) ,.1111 \V .. vLi t!, K HI " IIru tl'UlI1 I I"u, bu" , \\"If" hy I""""'" "fHi clcuwiLlldi . vt 1\ 4·4)Ut.ut; iuut<t Jl u tur . A I'! "'1" CIUO II u II \ t C \ J I11 I t · ,1 L1.\.1 fu nk.. ''" In il. n tJIUI"1" pr""tmtivo nmI prumot er of t he $l; cn~rtll 1
1 0
\\' llh ~(' II I' , 1'1 IIci~hbli r ii 1'1'111\1 I ~ Il il n . Idr cru ps I." "" 11 At.l ki nd s~ o f vell'otnbles Iv. b du w II. ' Vu kn uw IL, huc ulI. u th o . . dd 'prouf uf th e u ill r IS III thl' a t ing Ilf it tlnd IIIBt is in!!t witHI we
tllg~l h ' r
'I' '" t1 t 11 , "UlI flt · A ~tq l'· n • i kn own nil th o ch.1Ul'iioO 1" 1\ uut r vI' Ford c u unty. 0 lik es ••
No. 7 Silth A,·,· lIu c. :>0" Yurk o
LEN l ' 'S ~1
~ ~
...t .~".
Tnl~ 1'AULE,
l' Beaut'iller f the Camp eXlon,
""III'''''' fiI....
"11·rrluinl . n.ul llll~h.r,u
frequenll y lift the bnt from the bond. alld sec that the Cloth is wet. Do not check perspiI. ratiou, blit d ri II k wnat wllter YOII neod to k eep it up, ns p c rspirati o n I. b d f b . prevents tu e a y rom CCom\!1g overheutod. IIllve, whenov c r p os sible, 1111 Ildditionnl s hade , as a thin
n.TI;;:';-'-:- -No~ 2--No-'- 1 2 .
Respeccfull,. etc..
• "-.Yo... .. __
.NEW A D V b'R 'l'J8Jt..'j{ EN1·S.
$6760 AGIlNTI!I' , . .0 .. pe....tI.,k.- -
g ro wl.II or luur
Clnciuooli 10:.15. rn I 9::IOJlrn 0 ')' \,\/11 1O:0!' Dl\II :r.l llrn Sl'rlngrteld 2: 13 r m , 1:112'"11 rbll n.. ~ :O{\pOl I 1:411 Muiou J ; 5~v m 3 :2 " m .uHull fa '45rml 4 :1 IUI\ 1 ) Iau. n.. ld G.25 I'rn ; 5:15,. m' A~b la ad 7 .Ofip m ~:"8t.m l Akroll W:OOplII! 7::10. m I' Konl III :40n ' :I Ollllllll::iO,,", ,. 1I.,·ell"" IO :6" prn :231&111 10: \71110 WorN" 1!!:IHon>1 !I: I !l!IllH 1 1.5·larn 0 il l I U III II'" "5 reenv 0 :JJllm : ",. w i : ~ ," " 1 !!:4n am u :l saUl I , Dar •• ", Mu d dl,. 3:001lml 1:30am :J:UOpUl 0 I 3 Union OIly 4:1 IntI'2:2.5'pm 4 :1 pIn Corry lo". .. 4:Jlid"' ml "40prn Jam", h:4U/lro 112:48p 1:451'111 ;':!;l!I'ID
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Aaft l\' &
Elwirll 1:U'lpm ' 8:.01.'10 Biugho",ln S:05pm:IO:5!lpm New York 10;05pm: 6:50am HMl on • 4:50pm
,ST. JOHN 'SEWIN li' • . ~r'''YiACH INE !
""""'XICAN .!!!..!!.!_
tl .. lam .. uca 1:10auli 2:h5p lII i:2 5I'1Il10 .501\
n~~~!~.'I~~g:~~~:::: ~;;I~~:
V. I' . JU\l8tang dlD1ment,
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'1'1. 1' :; illl pkst.
a hnld h ..:ul
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tlla h Cllt, send . l1nmedllltoly for the (""0 . Atlllro,," •• n.· ~ ot .• Dell. ncar es t gool l phys. iciall. \Vhil e Vlu,dolf.':\ 0 0.• 20 AliI! ·t .• N . Y. wuiting fill' th o llhys icinn , aivc the r .., I fler S("1 c ooillrill k s IJI water 01' co d blac k ten o r c offee if able to swalTho a.dvortillUr. h.lAviog ~cou curod o~ lhllt ' tl k ' 1 It dol!. dUII""'o. Oon.umplton. by" .ml,lo Io w, It 1011 III 18 10 all "ry, remedy I.and<luij to 1I1"ke kno""" to II. , sponge with and p our· cold wllter fullt).w';' thu 1ll 00Ul i of etlre. T o II~ over the body and lim bs and apply w~o.d~61te It, .bo will 110114 a COpy ?c tlio .1 • ' d I'tellCn ptlon URN! ('r oo oC chargo). w, th the 1 e heut1 POl1U d CU Ice w~npp to ti t1irQcti\ln. forpr"Jlsrinlr Bod u.1ng tha s"mo. ill n towel Or othcr cloth . It t h ore wh ioh they will find Il SU liK OITRI: for Oon. I d t. Id I tl In l ' ~ .~h n r 0noWt18•&0. 1' lon, mil. tho .is no Ice at Io.n. d, .. ecp 1\ co 1.1 COl 8Ul ,lU'ti •• wi. hinl{ preecriptit)n. will 0 11 ' thc head, nn p o ur c u · wnter pl.II.u .ddrl!!!il , . E . A. WILSON. . on it us . w e ll us oh the .b~y. It· ll1Uonll $t .• Willinm8blUlfh• N. Y.
~1 "rlL
~.C hic.:'!?.J
I'IlJ(Jl ' F."14""" ·"O,J . n'. Ifl!'~ "'.
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:::~~dT~,:,:,ri:"':.:",, by expooDro.
G:;: ~~RT.
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U,. tbc'-peo\ "mOlly In. ..........'d. row ..
IO:05am 10'0IIIp", M. ri.,n IU:51am 10 .5~ipm Url"'UA 1:IOprn 1:O:!1.m S priog6ohl I :46,lm I :45,a m 0 to \I'55p 'S "ftam a.{aa~vl . ~ Ol ocionAli 6:O<JO m I.ouis.'llIe II :35plII II :20" 10 SI. Lo uie 7:10am 8:40Jlnl CI.".,hlnd HI:4,l. 6:fiOaru i1'm 9.2or m II : ()"~ 'l' m 117:01' :4opm 1 6 ::IOp Ohica~o 7:,tOr m R:ooalO :;: TrIlln. No. 3 IU,U 12 rlln o. lIy . Plllaoo Slecplng Ooooh.o on traIns Nfl. I. 2. :\"ud 1:1 botween Olncinnati nod N. Y . Howl Ooach on No . :I and 12 be · tIVoo n Chlongo ODd No" York dally, fl.
...ot_tbelJluocl. to lh.
bone. "",I "
oj". .
.ppllcaUolllo..,.....uyaafllalOll&"'.""" JIuIct.n )I ...""'.~' to pol up In Ih ....
_ o r boltl....he ~ on.. t.1... prouortt-
5;i6P:: ..
Mo\1mllGh ............
M.n ~ flold .
A mi are jJ J' cpm't,d to muke Floorinu,
TrI\iu No. 1I "onMcta a& M..n.Reld wllh '
~!~~::go~~~~: '~ :':~e~b.m.~~h.R!~ld
,J ;,III1.'
.are In tbo world tor aocJdenta In t h. famU,.," Ib, aboenoo or. pll7l101an •• --'d P·_ _.- .. eulo••te. ...n·~A f or r•• • "",.
9:·' _2#._m ..-:-"'U.,:2"'O,.p_m..,.._ _ ---,__ 18 :00,~~ I ___
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I ltll'aIJIl] , Li!( itt 6t. r:ll l1l1i! .;.:. I!t: t- I. II ' rarll e clln n ~c II ,'
wi, .. can tlll'l'ad a IIcl'lll u IIl1 d ruei-.
TaA..NII .....'IJ'\1f~.D._ - -- -'"':h~'::.'~:~~;""'!:;'~·I~:I:~~,:::~:~,:!:~:'::':: -~ •. -" No. I. No. :3. No. ro. No. 1. \ 'W'J!1'lalng .nlldo... for (bohloJ.d":.ot b .r.h l ~ De",,,'. tlnn. ". fAmo hlll h""n 11'''lIIl\ng for 13'..... -- . . ---lIDtllp o''t'II. cnclreh!ll tbo lulLIIAhluglobe. S"'llm" Dca 'll :l2Opm 10:U~m' 5:·IO. m 6:1;'11 'I'll. llnlCAIl IIIIA'An- r.lr1Im<DI I,nma'"hl_ J"me. lo.olllI:2'7 .. m I12 : o.~pm 7 : n5~m 7 :!i2n • 1 ...or¢l tor "lI.xlun. lnllm.n .. otm.nn OJI"' .... , orry l :20om I :Oilpm 8 :40am t:l :!i, p I To.lookown o... rul larm.,..ltI"n.ol"ahl.. . Union Oity 1:''1am 1:29pm 9:0fiam 9 :3Up I A.lnill. bulll.orte" oaT" " lu unAn ,~ I AUI'·&. · .1"",. tho useful De.. ot on . _n.n. ho .... .... Mund ,·ill. !1 :40am !l:25p1l110:108tnlO:60p ""w.orab .. ~. 1'E'l' U II E,·.nT. " co"", rOOI·ro,. ....' ·,"1. I.ollow !wn. Ir'''.' ,I W· M.uddtle ;/ :45 .. ", 2:40pu, IO :2Oa'm fl :On" "".... ·.. orm • • boulder·rol, ,,,.IIS·. lb. "', •• d 1'::.:0 ' .l"'emll·llt c 3:43am 3 :ilfiv ul \1 :26am 7 :07. aUU&l Orpolao.OU.lrepllleo.ndln.~a .• n,I. ' '''7 Warre o 4 :55.. m 4:44pm 1!l :5I1pnl ,:3!h .... hdrawb&<.kto.loek b ....oOdlnS."d bnah IIr•. Ie I ,I f h , n a"cnn n 6:471lm 5:4~pm 2 :08~1II !I:1IIa eurooO. OI7 .X ...... <ro."oo n ...... ..... . , { 6 05 oW 1ft C'I n a 10..... .t..a:wnou., ..".tchcs, 1I.\ .. LnIl,. II Ju'Ql n., ( UW1u ,-r, I ~n' : am .• : UpUl .:.upm •• v~ _.plI.r!D~boD"'Ic." ,a. Ak ron 6:30alD 11 :00" ""-J[ox:leanK••'1\1l1fL1nlm."', la .h. qu l. k_ A. hl8uol 8. 4:lom 8:37p", 8:31pm dU'fION ~.
Mau eliold
Ii: 1\\/
P atent S£di1IU. Pa(''111
a._fQci-nll. S(JI'ott SU91i llfl, 'iil1·,.i"fl, .Ri,ppihf/, &~. AI"", tlll VO in UlIlln e(lLion wit,h t.hol r bU li'i uesB.
n' coUlple~
O il
/loncy havo been aDd are fOlstc.J up · "F'a·dll~.t JR,UO KWWU (or BoRalo and NiusnrR 011 tbe 'u09UHPCCtiDg &nd uoobservaOL Clo.e coaneclioDs " OilicillDnti.wilh truir" a8 geouine Sulphur Soapa, . pOllees· for the Soulh "nd W,'s'. Ing propnrtiesldentioal with or equal No ·.top ovor' allowod upon local licketJ. to tho Grent Specifio, whlcb their I.oed \l.s. engo.. mUll purchAS. tioket. 10 d k . I b d h d !h~ lr 6r81 Blopring-plaeo , and lhoy ml\y Llten VCD on sce to rlva y uo er aD · repnrcba. o from thAt pn'l nt lodcBtinlllinn. competitioo. The public should W . II. S HATTUO. (le ner.1 I·...ongor .I: thcrefore bo CARli:FUI. to enquiro for Ti ck.t Ag'·lIt. Gind n".I.i. O. GLENN'S ~ulphur Soap by 'Its full P. O. (lOOf'En . Gebe" I,1 Suporllltenrt enl. name , nnd seo that they gM the real C_~v .. _. _f,_7~_9_ _~ _c_l.a _o.~ _ _O._. _ ._ .__ __ _ urLiclo. AG~NTS All r e!lpcctllhle Dl'u!!,gists. Funcy .... VII • GoodFl Dealers nnd Grocer8 keep Pure Teas 10 Sealed Patlkag"8 GLENN' S SULPHUR SOAP, aDd Ag.nt~ IVa.;IQd e';elywbere 10 otll 1' 0." will on dem . nud for it, supply lhe ! to f.mili • • • b~IO I8 ond Inrgo co n8umr .. -tl•• GEN UIII " TRIllO to their customers. I lorg~.~ . toek rn th o e.ou!'try lo . olecl f,·.o, .. , , PK.t:1l .n (JIlN- & ~&-1l1 I quuhh •• of alt de,oflpl 'OU8. fromlh. h'Il!! ' , .UO' -"'" ".. ,,--i t d t kJ 1 1 Bo']) (3 ~'aktJ8) Bent prep aid o~;,~~ .\d~o,,~~d~;~·I.;.~:~:"t;:II H:~;' 1 by mn~l f or 70 CentB. sell for u. -country .1.,rll-k~e p<'r8, drl\~~ i'I' 1 wh" wish to 8",,1 'e~.ln 80nlctl pound pu ok- l
Undertaking Establishment.
N u.~
co. - the tlu- been Imitated: Soaps ",ltb'o ut .11 1'01011 Inlbu Nort"'.W,&8t; Con ll" cti'mu, 8mallellt fraction of re~eel&1 er- MeadyU lo. U uion .. nd Oorry for regions :
R. L . F. B. TBURBER-a w.t ~ R«UII rnJ H _ ~
I Will provo It 01' Corfoi' ' bOO. Now "rtiole•• just pal~nt"'l. SUlnT,I"" sAnt ff.C UUlbrolla, wben walkillg, u convns lo IIll. Addres. W . H . CHIDESTER. or board cover when w orkiug in 210 Fultou St.• N.w York. the S\lll. When milch "o.tigl1e~ d o ';R';N8P"BE~'~ «Aun.N'.4::&lI'O; . 0 I t ru m , lU81.r uoLi"" OlD .! amn.AlIl cllt ""mbluod . 1m. 110 t go t 0 w 0 r I'j b u ... . 1.ue, ex ,c 1loCt work, espccil\l y nft o l' 11 o'clock ill portHut "'.' I"tre~.t. IIU~ l uoho~. 20 d ifferthe mOfllill~ \ '11 ve ry h o t duj's. it' r uI uTtI81.~o ol c. '/o,""" rloo pnok .out · · tl If f · I I frcn ror 2" oen,," ollrrcuoy or R,",ml'~' V ..II t h e w o r k .19 In .Ie 81111. a ~ c -I Dolf & Co .• 20 A.nn St .• N. Y. I' f t d i d I ng 0 I~ 1~l\ e, IZZliIUSS, . 1l:1I ac I10 \ . P 1 M 1) L E s---- or exh nustl o ll llccure. COUIIC w o rk . 'IDIIlledintely li e UOWD in u c uo l Rl1d r will III ail (Fro,,) Hoe moifo Cor" .imple , V EoETA ur.rr. BAI.M th at wt1 rc m HVC' 'rAN,' lIltudy placc ; apply cold cl oth s t o FHEOKLES, l'UIl'LgS nn I llJ.O'rwlRS. an d PI)l1l' e olct wlltel' over I, e au ond I CRv i.n~ ".kin .oft . clollr ~".oi bM utiful; n c ck. If \lite ill overcom o 1Iy. nlsu ,""'rnntl?n. f" r rrOHI .." ... !!' "h.. "r","l
!lily .
No. 6.'
I I I wh"l. hUlnMl &y.tom. 118 11 eonlrol8 1·ho h[. . B. ~lIIg ail s uot t ley arc Oil y ti C hMllh and hRI pin.. of 111 110 . Wb en It i. fl'lilgo 011 thu c lo th uf gre eD (penB)' 1t11.turh..... h . II. I' Npor BoUnn. a U kind. of The Leading External SpeCific Auy ' o ue wish i ng to 8ccure 1\ •.JIr"enie IIr" tI, e .lIIlu rnl moult. Th ll dl 110m niJ.Ilos t witilu llt euat '0)0 llJ'icc !fo.ti"n " f foutl. d." mo,·c,ueut.. of bite h ....rt F Ull DI ItASK OF TUB SKIN .AND , " . lId blo"d. lho nu,i"" uf tho Im,in "lid n . ... h o uld go t u );t'(J r,1 CIl II n ty, KlliI !!IIS . "UU ",. Ml" lO. Br . Hi} Itn lll u,l£lIvJI,I' ro,, " eo ~ed 0 . I "OYCf'II- 1\' 1\. . I ~h IVur It·mg. n f tl 1(' J • I ••• • ,. . 1 \ h l1li --- - A Iurgu .tract () f II I1UCC ll plel .1 I' ,'t' f . I';"~ • I ' bcon "llooo.. rully I r ved d ... t Ur " ,,'. Au,,- •• ..., ... ~....h., Cull" .. . ", .. hknoll, (I, ...... Ill Oll t I lUlu lC8 " Ul 1I ~K" Ul u I tI ~ Hili Fl l'wnr is un N} lul.l h.•,1 (' tir ing' :\11 I' r• • D. ~1iI"1", . . .1 I.... hC" He • • bnnd mnn to nurtllril It !lllll mnk u It IIOU> uUlicl.od ....HIt DyoPOl,.i. or Liver Oo m•• L1"""(H~~ ••I""I!I.'pk •• K...... produce. F or fr () particula r ... "r,,", l'lnr l"m. thnt' It Is an In compa rable Romedy for ce rl\ing luo ~uil ,," c .• Ildllrc~j\ ~1. \' . l rp"~II~ fl'llInMI unhenl!hy " 'nlili "ll " f tt.." ~rui s(l8. U lce rs , CU Ls. an~ every II'· J L I A ' '11 1.11 or nu d St" m""I,. !;i'''''I'I,. I .. " "".t,, I.. "tabl e 01' unhealthy condItion of tile uhll lon. Dill. . ~ li t, I'l'lIf1' 1 e III P" IIL><. P o.i li,·,·ly ",,101 in " It ·owoe OD Sk ' d . t .·. bl KUI\~(U! . 0 1' Z IIIlIlI "' lII n u, Pre . th .. \\',- wrll n... ·n . t 'I'Ior,,' do ..... ,,·,11 .111 , nn 13 amos 8crllcea 0 remf I (" I ." .. t' ~ .. I I'" , U 11",1 i i. jll"t whut YOII w" ut. et ll!ll a gc nt Blld Hllnrce of s poedy reo tD "Od:T~ rr:~lI l1 IJI(I III1 IIII,.,I.l I'~ II ~ 'elt:S lief ill cases of GOUL and RblluUlnt· ty, 0 go ~"t y, ~nd . · v ' ftftL .usmBlCE BUIIQ WUIm.Lb I m. J OUrrl, I·EA" " I!.!.I'. ..-n It i s lite m os t dcslmhlo Dis inreot. ..... r 'l I ' n d L 0 ..; . .;, ~ TI Tb-I •• -.rIo .......... -"_·t ~D"ti:\Ilt 01' ~ ot illig or nC Inen. 1V0rn · II OW TO A \·,)1 u U .. ST lt U';K. - Ie ~v . ~~u ~ _'JRDUlI _ . .0 I l I If ' f til ' . I . I b wlneswblehllreextcn5l vely",hertlS<!tlpOWft- ~nl IIOCh 'Y persons SII e rUlg rom iJ o Wlll g c lrc u lIr WOS IHBUCI Y days. and h.veonly recently been pnt upen ohn oxious o r contnglOIiB disoa se8. ,lte N ew York H" lu'u of' H Cllith "" Ibi! mo.rket. Dr. UnderhlU . lhe,,·eU·known I' • I R I I P · JrnIpe-grower Dr Croton POlnl, dIed In 1871. " Ilfl iH n "''l'ltl< e lll el Y ROC re I 4 t II " f J II I y, 11(1_I Ct'lI tUII I ~ S " II IC I Some DC his bei ... enlert.lned lemper1lll"" \'clll ivc of lhll lll. wilen used allan tHl IIsuful illfl' l'In utillll: ..Iews or . uch extreme !dnd. tbo! Ihel:"''U8 inj 'ctiou . rersol1s e mploying it , III1 Rt ru k e is call~I· .1 h)' l' XC( s , i "0 I unwilling It) nllo.. tho DC wln. s l en on I I . , t k S I" B I . hand 10 bo sold or any more 10 be mild.. ""'C no nce( 0 III e II p ullr aLIS, -tlc llt. li nd l'~ l ll'eia 11 y i I tli!' we a l l,, ·I' , Tbe crapes bave 10moUmes been sent 10 0 1' to resort Lo Sulphur ~1)rin"8 ror , l t. 'lri 11 1111' 11 1)t I!.I t)c" !bevlna. muket. and sometimes len lo decay llpen I . " IIloonlynowll.. ttbeolhorbel .. bntulll l' purposes . is "11111'''' ' . .. .... .. clIr "11 ti, e ijCC ll lld, t llird , (. r t o ur~h ha""Imc<:eed<dlnarmn~ngfor.aetu<:meDI As nn o(\jllnl't of T o il c t, it i8 rur ·' Ic rlll tllllil 0 11 tll ", l 1taDd. of the esl.IC and Ihe •• &aewlneoftbevinlage nf Ihe Wines c:n more d cs iruul'c tban Ull" Cosnletin' . tin ", 01 II 11"III.l' ,II Amonglhesel J ~ r ~. described S U ' Po " . • t c.J t Iik t' I r tb a t firi!t Lo~s .,t' loq ), W Ul'rY , exl'it ·· 0 I...... ..,," wee t Dlon rl. s ince I OCS no. 0 Ilr Ie eso · d I ' 1 ' bill ~ugseolln&, tho Imp"rlal Tokay m~", lI11tllr A concoa l Complcxionnl Blem · thaD any other European wine. and . u. m eut, C; I USC Ii ICC pl llg roO Ill S. " " I ly, nhu s e lIf s timulauts , predis JluBe whoUi{, unlike any other wille of American Is bes . but re moye.a thllm. t (l it. It i8 m o r o ILpl t u uttack titos (' ~ark~b?e~ :~~:j,K"p~~~~":';!;= '[,' Rn,'. Frl~okkle~. PidtDliJlles, .nlldolcll~a. · . I d ' II fanciers have a l!*Oiaf inl.....t in il as Iho an- tue I o. spee y y,e to Its W(lrk' Ing III t Ie an n, nn e s pCClIl y oldest n ..llv" wino 1l0W accessl bie In anrcon- c larifyin g inllllenC8j and it ill tho h ctwee n th e hOllrs u f J 1 (O'c lock ill alderable qUlUltlty. Tho whol. llOCk Is In Ibo "ery best SOBP to shBve with n8 It bllJlds of tbe well-blown ",boIesal. JIOC"'Y • . d 4 ' I k' tl t I'.0 m(lr\ltn~) an I t dO C (lC 111 I .'C bau... or the 1·hurben.-N. V. TnbruN. leaves tlllilskin s1Dooth aDd free froUl Illte 1'1I001l . ,, 1111 10 ay w nr t Itll NarJ. 19. rllrl· the Il'I'itation produced 011 a sensltiye cluthing. IIavu ns c o ol s lccl'illl! cULlclo. by tbo application of tbe rar oulIIs Uti posB ible . A vnid I(I~~ of Tho abo>e apeaIta for Itlell. bal we would zor. Il aillo .compilltely eradlc!lles ro t ' eddlhat!bI.1I the pure lulce or Ibe """pc, DBlldrutl . 8 IC(' P !liltI n II IIl1n ecusBary.n Ig UO. ,,-11 workill~ illuoorslllld \.~hcI'C tltllre 1IOIlbe1'~.liqrwml nor tut:/WId; that It Hou ecwh'os ,jroclBre It to be excel. · I I d' hIlS bocn ripened and meU"",cd by age. nOO WI is nrti Ii Clil. leat, IUIII rl ea, etc., Ree for medldnal or . ncrumenlal purpose. It I. Icnt for wUB hili g 00 en, J~llIen. that UIl) rol)lII is w e ll v c ntilntetl . H' unsarpowed.. \lmo bcobtalned from most Luce. and other rubrics. nnd ladles w6rkin~ il! th o 81111 , w e nl' a lighl of the lendlni Druggll" throughout the modn g in the besL clrcles of metro· Lilt (n u t hinck, as it nb.wrhs the Unlled States, and nt wholesaJc from the polltno and rural society speak of it . d . Wldenl'"'ed. ,..ho will Corwad deserI-'- 10 tho lIi gllcst terms. h e llt), strnw etc., 00 d put HISi e uf .. ~ ...... ~ it on ~he hend a wet cloth or largo pDlphlet. C..... ofcl,arge. on lIppllcatlon. Like Illost other famous remedies, 1.
A.....". n.,. , ." ..., .... 78.
UOIHu t..
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Stock Raising ill all Branches is Particularly Profitable. ~ rl ~ l'k t ~'I Ll' ilil,i lJk un ~ut:l1atl.iul1. .~I I Il \lut.ion i", rr~o: t,llflnroon o.nd. hig}' Huh,. 1$,ou 4uwod. hy t h o .~H \'(· rIH ll u IIL. "B' I"'l1ri ~J. i U!f tuwn!l un tli" liu o I1f the Rolid "ftuill extJolloutr ti¥.r "' kL'UJ .wllh all t.ho I~O IlVO lli ollo e (1f o ld ~r .Nottlui COllUUIIUit.if::R, GOV(lruql~t l,mtl" u. \,. ElUtoRS 01' l{OUTIf_ obt!ltln(>-rll HHt.l<·r t lit! hUlI\fJstcnd ll",·ti whioh ,;hou all 1~r80UK. whelh(lr mal t) t~r f(Jm t)V.'I' GENT •• I!M~ ..h. auK...". (or ,~ . . . 2 1 YOIl ... "I' "I:'). ~4H " .ros frcu; flOJ .1••• t... l'or""n~ or fo l'tlil,Cll blril' wh u "'~ Ii nppiU,i.lfrorn N ~rvu u t4 n uhility, Pr ·Ulll.turc Dtt" fnr oiti"cru.hil' th.;l Sum. I'ril" I,,!!". ~Rlo ilrolld.8 )Ci •• ro,\tleod rlL~'& (0 :N'<l~. Oil)" I\lId ,,11 U.. off.eLM oC youLt,f"l 1.. \Ii~. Ti"l,ol. fer 8hlo b)' Julm .1. lit I83Jtu"u it.• Cin. innatl) IIt.the r!lWl. i~g Ipw
ru n g ill b' fr(l m $':l,Ml t t. $.11 Ic r Itc ro. l~'{cd l c fl furm in!.! IiUlll" ulkm wbi. ln, t;fOl)$ y'4l1 b. ra i9(u l 11I l! Iir~ 1 ,Velt r I ill \1110 of 1,11 0 1Il,.!'tt " •..'uhII Y lu aliti" 11 iu tllO UuiM StaW8; fllIe dlwtillli:t lin' \\· h ~ut. l"vrul' lIK.t"C. httr1 l'YI ry e. l'utllt.o.Jd, ulld r oo t Crllp&.
agee, peddla tllt Iloll In '.!C t, nil wl l'o Wish to
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No.7 Sixth. A " ·11.1U, N eu,-York. oht~ llI.n
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honorabld 1v1"1(. LJ, 8elHng lou ' .bould write U8 for cl~llIBr. ~ f."CK8 ,'ND BROWNS . Tuft W I.L O , ' •• CO~ '·A "l'. No. 201 Ful n ·"ll'Ool. New York . As N~T " BAd" A8 NATu.- ·"F'SI &Lr.! P. O. Box "',GO. [6G8 I<ro eo mllllllllckto to 0 ray aD d arne co or ... _ - . - - ----ed.lo.",.k8. allll?"' iIl8!lInlanoo~81y hy I. ~Wh S 1~ Tbo nndcl'lligllod 1\8 just receivod Il noW "l'rer~"'llon aloeoltl~ly free f:om burcfuT otook of pura IIquo for Dlodi cimtl gred,rntll. ".nd 11I6nl",11 .upo rlO~. h~ ,e~ eo, nrnong whioh m bo found It fino line ~o o of lh. ~t1eCIl\ p~duc.d.lo anJ o,t,o\I> of of Bourbon Whi.kl • n.ngiug in prioo from ,t>< clll.'. I rem~lurl, G"r..yue,.!'!'d .Baldncu $1,25 to M per gJ\1I .. ; tbe latter brand 7 ar prcVODl&d. and "'e .i1yerll1n1~. of ag~ . I'll Id A:.lBo Iller'. Dottlod Alo at <l 0411Ir" tbo trno .vouthtul tlo' rrolll tbla rela.""o. r· d-~-.' .. L _. "nr'-'rnt.d· T ._. , "" IJIl .,...~ ..... r,. ~ .ua matcbl.~ . n, n, Sil!d hy.n Dru~l~te. . Bee i th· a ot.· I In~lide" . I _ ~ ; (J • •~: ~R·TI'fl:.:'!:L"":::J.':'Y. ~e ~~c:. em _ .;;". ~iP~R.
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C•N CRITm....NTON Prop'rt • -l-L J
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orntilln, will. fur tho Mko of ~. uf)'Jrillg lIu· n d,Q.~ : . ' /"\ manit)'. pond m.'O to "n who Il eeu it. the CiuciUtII\ti to (oZlul, $~2; Round tri p. $as./j(); p.d for 40 d"Y R. . _ rOOi)lU ,," d direoti()n for m.. king !.he . imple INf.)IANAPOI~'S to COZAD, ~O;: ...,nnd trip, flf.l.tRI; g .. tllr~ Itay•• rorn !Il'y by wbioh bo wa~ ""r\ld . Sufl'orerB ~·i.hih g to profit by tho adv. rUMor'•• xperience cAn do 1\0' by addr_ln", ill purCo.. t CO tl- . .A u Eaou....ioll Tn,in ,will ion"o Ci.. "iun~Li n~d rnai"nilllOli8 'OQ U;~ a:oon(i'~1a .J.~nllUry an d F e!:> r nKry. 1 78. wheUP/lr~i.1 will be 8howlt tII....."I,. tb~h to~• . fidonoe. JOHN B. OGDEN. 1l'or fnHIIer, information, apply t9 DAl1'JD CLA1c:POOL,.Ci)o...... ~_ ~] . .a Ol'Wr.c·St., '1'1.';' y'Qrk: w
--~ ->~~-------~~,~
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--....I'M A.,. (i.rlleDt in a 80w.Three gilldeu , 011 011 tho IlIInll' h, of tough, 1i1'11\"1. 8tro n~ olay w ro wllrl:cIl IM~ vru Oil Ihre dlft .... lIt lIlulhmill, tllo ftlliUft ·, r 't\bll'h Hr f lin In~tru oll\ ~barft IT W ulhi'rllll po e lUg Ihnl kind f!!OlI n or tbe Illte 'Rrdcli 0"'" 1'8 blld f ulld 111 gllrde ll ..0 h a rd 10 the preceding lImm r, ollillg to ik- ba, Ing bt-cn dllg lllld I1l1lkt'o (), cr,,1111 \I I, that b o d t rI1llll 01 IbI88('II5(1n Jlot to lot Il fOC)t 81 P on It H e d" Ided ,t b , patbs 1III0llarrol\ lied". Ie! th e g ruund It e III lumps to dry out and beeulIIP crumbly If It I1'ould. Rllli m rely Illlldo l ou~h 1M ebng of tho rOIl 5 "he rr b wlKb cd to Illllllt lilH earlle@t ttlU g~ tof oOlon"1 pc , potoLues, po rs nll'~ t'tl' .) ~t re\\l'( HOUl811Sh Co1lUpoSt frOIll 1\\0 I'8rlh clo I ruong the TOil S to ma\;e an (,HII "urfuce pll t tn t he \Ie('d, Dnd cOHrl'd \\llh sl ft rtl ilahe far very ~ood -80 fllr I ho bod8 la1 !\8 lt glat lI.I! 8 81'0nl\'0 o f p;rahnm bread 'f111 II e call gnrd('n () I 1 he next netghbur. No 2, could not Il'n , p tbe old r IIlin e of brea klll g n II of In. 1'011 6no RS be dug \t, breakin g llId r llnn g "lib p"hent labor until III Inlm< lab le land seemed, nt Ica~ L on th e BU rflll'(, . 1,\ be redu cl'd to fonly filiI' COlU ll1lllUIHlIl And theu he " Nit (Her tb ~ bcd , plaut IDS. III Ihe usunl \\ny. tl auentng do" n lDequ ah lt eR WIth l\ bOllrd , &) Ihlll \\IIIn dODO bls "ark ccrt.: Inlv loo ked IUIIl h neAter than th at of ' 0 1. but h ad rIO qUlred ' cry Dlul'h 1110rl' lime \luI ( II No 8 proceeded mu ch 1'\ .. 1 bu( made Wider ~d s, Hnd t111~refo n' fp,nr troublesome 1)[1 ths Among the rtlHUItM to be noted I fir.t. the fact that No 8 hnd much tho bctit ~lI.hnllJlII, Udtnll: much th o 10881 work, and N 0-: _ tOIn 8"T ry In re rlOr orv I' both In qunhty nlld q uantlly, \\llI ch }e( cost a \A l d t ol th e mo L of I.. bor J::\ I den:.Jy hi S plant 8 ufl e r~d fo r \I Int o f air \ his packed SOl i liclumc so Imrd A" to defy the boc, nud to be Almost 1111 pe Ictrnble b) motH . Or "h cr~ p~ne trated, It d Id Ilot ~ upl'h wh oloso me Mrnted nutTllnont 0 I , 011 th e cu n trnry, left IUM11011 too open . 80 oren th At dry p nxclllng ul r could Circu la te 1I1ll01l!; the clod l!, \\ Illch he no\\ lind th en ti ltrred cloepl) ",tb II prolllloo hoe 'fhe )oulIg roolleta wero pllrrbed IIIf b;.> Ul e I'~ posure But No 3, wh ell hi SOil IX' CAII}C dr;r lind crumbly, wnd not A(rult l to go on It IIlth 111MfCel, ' , hl ch Alued h .. boo III 6ru hlllg lind openlllg UI' Ih p clod , 110 that Ill S SO il became "'III I Ulc~ e t., exclnde r u he o f frc ' Ill r IIhlle ope n pnough t/\ ndnlll rll lli nnu mOIst a ir wnho nl pllcklllg III 1111 Illlp!' r rueable 80hd H e hlld dCClfl e,lI> t he hAnd o m t growth Ami Ih o 1110 t IIb ullt!
ant c,rop. Rnles or 8 SUO/' P s rul Farmrr.- 'J he {ul ltftt o f 'Ir J llco b S lrll \l II Ih e pnnCtlof American fllrm erM. ul llttnltuh' ll to the 010 Obi!enlltlon o( til(' followlIlg mIlXI~, oTlglllnt~d by him If Make "o ur ('nces hlg b "nd tronl!, "" they WIll weep cattle lind pi g out If you bav!' bru b mllke l our 101_ .Iroug Knd lICO lue lIud keop the hog~ Ollt from tbe forn. Be uro to ge l hand to bet! lit scl'cn o'clock, they \\ III TI early by for e of oiroumstan , Pay a hand. If h e 18 a poor hllud, all you proml80, lIud If be I ~ a good onc IJay blm & hltle 11I0r , it wll\ LlcollNlgefllm to do stIli biter A I way" feed you r b a nds Ill! wall1l8 you feed yourl!Clves for the laboring mUll are tho bone a nd slIl ew of the Illuil, Ilnu oUfht to well tre1~t~d, am Mtl fied Ihat gettlllg up arl),. industry ODd r ~ ular h llillta uro the be~ t medicine prc r l bed for heal th 'Vllon T11l1ly bud wellther co mes IlO you can't "ork -out of dool'tl, Cllt, spltt., a nd pile your wood, make you l rucks and fix you r fe nces Ilnd gate ~ u coo
Ilh~ ~\.nrt'b
l' HWIE~ tOR THE I·AIR. \D of Ita lIu\ 111I!llhe renlllllld~r "II to mill Wbon l lOlh ng. t,1kf.' I~ oft ftnd ~\,jr \D tbo lAIr II Po, filA I n(lt"ll huhe. prll It d me.!I, fir.l. Ih(lll Rlhl the egg>! Turu It \DIU 111 IU .r~c.e' I'nlmy dll.ytl fl1rm ,md ~M ' r.(Ild. or bake 1\, IIhh h '1'III~ P11Il1ld011'11I1 1111111/11\ ijllggc II! l ~ Ill! IUlprm~llI('nt lo r i!uutO, beM tlUlt 'rflduat eR of f lIIul(, I!OII ..I,,'-':·. be ('reR m Rill! lo\f ugl1r tug Iher, /Lnd g lv on th(, title uf. "l'lIlslor of J\ rlll " 1I" llr lO~ O llrtll tIl II I tn ht1 Me ll IT 11 , or ,I" to let \\ UIII " ' o te " Ilh frill! or r k h ln rdl Ill e), li Quid dl b lor III dlOI1 d ,n . try llAIl'J \ pll\lcllllg 11011 water, II 4)uaTI, IIlg t o filll\ <'III Ibe ~'(' Ior of lh o othe r Ibree pin tl\, or I\\ tl qUllrll\, 1l6CO rutng to pnrly 'd IJ IV hullot "' Z~ o f flllllll) . ' Ift )Ollr melli • • tlr Ihe ~lA."'~fRll nrc Illore s loemerl III !!O or IX ' IKlo nfult! of It t horoug h I) IIlto II letv Ihnn 'Irtues, th .. u~h Ih /111 1ft bOil I (I f II liter , \\ hPiI lhn " " te r III the IIrhfi lui, like flll 80 lm lltanls , \l1d tbe "cUlt: \,.,,1 . I'0 ur Into n th e COlll en!.1 o f olher pllrc Ilk o rcul Je\\ c lH the bUll I , _lIr 11 \I II II lid lei II bOil up '1'11<1\ ha:; 1\ I'() lt co JU M tlce who 1Mdan Inl I. \,111111 IU8Ult "HIT tlhtt' thl' lI 11 0 Ihr II ~Ix b"cr .1.11111 oH r tllll kc lt 'Cll lltl " prll,kle In gnll u. \\11111 d rUIiK g in :o('~ nmlll IIlIl .tnf,1 (liP III hi' bHr III aI , h l,"" fulllf" r h Ili d fu l, Sllrrtllj: IL r\'OUI lO llll' nn llln~ , • l' Ihorou~ hh II II th e tillie , IIIHl lettlll g \ 1""Rt_"t.J ~UF"l ~tl). th o \l lIr ~ t It boll bC I" C<1I ,, 1I 1i, . Whl'lI It I~ "~, Ih lC k thll t \I' U .lIr II l\lth dlfli< lilt" II tl' rnllt III Ih~ \I ,.rId IS till' \\ Olllnll " hn I~ Ibnut rt,.:hl 1111lk" ll Klllt hllif all f;I II' Ie" 1.. r,,, If "UP' fl ur III hN hu . bllnd , \lllh nllik o r lind leLl< c , er) bud) KIlO" It huu r . ~ooklll)1 MHO \\ Cl lllcn llrrl \lIlt! \\lIhOlllku tl w l\Iul .,,-, I'" Llllw r 1mit III IIl c~ 1 or rH IlIIl It nlld II1 HII \ lhm" tb e , lire lo,('d m~al UIIl} be u>\('11 \I Iwlt tht' ) li re 1I0t Thl'y g(' lI ernlly hnd ' lIT PO-I, hrmly In Ih(' g r IIIHI " IX o ut th et r m h,t lkc II(ter llllirn Ige f('r( Illgh e lll lil f~e t Ipllrl 'fnk(' Nu !l IT \I lL' II II. "llI lI b,l lr Jll. t bll ck fro 111 \\ Ire nnd "lrNch fr<llll II(MI to 1', ,,( nil limp!' \\hll '1111 of "\\II Z<' rIIllLl , Ih, (lul -,de flL<llllllIl' \\ IIh ~tn pl e~ In Id e !'nlt ' 1'11111 , but It . Irll t k IlI C Ih ('r(' o f "HI' drtll' n IIlIu ,"'<1< 1'luCIl (hree 'H rp 1\111 III '") IlIk~. IIml 1' )(1 fr n youug II If1', 1I1l~ Ill< h "pu rl . 'lIl' fool fruUl th e IntH g rou nJ ttll lil hr i Iii rl' r ,It lo \, IIf po't., 'I A:S 1\.,\ c.t\ Hull rtlll~ U\\ " '\' uman 'I ake <,"nlllOl l lalh' Hliu \\ e lVe 111 ,11'11' Ill!; th ree IIl chr. - rllcr h.lwre n Ih e Sld(" hrtll ~~ nctloll for tll CIH h of prOUll tIC.lllld of l aeh tl\ I) lilt h 1'111 Ill/Ike" th e fence gt 1.< dlll11 ' IlCti WUl1lun IUI "'- . " n,1 four rce t hl!;h 1 hUll lak o otb er IAth_, m il'S Jl""V Mlln hrlllg8 hi I1clIon, lind " tkct u nu "HI 11111 e hamf r th e olht r Ite ls hooteu oul of co url J 0\1': Io.l( UKSI'; I lfUlllCf'" Ik e II <111",1 hlatl e II d lIl~n\ ell' e IIllIong thr lUI' \\lI eK lh en shO\ e UlC t .on aeo rns d. ).trees th" low he II Urtb IIb;:h o h'gh h e ~I n. tt lh !.IlIwll tuthILL fllir Illltn cham fenll cr! ~e tlO\l II bc.ilde (he Ulp (I f Th W ht.reon in b lJ dl'rlne ff'lulll,y the ootUlm IlIlh Iupplllg under Wlrllll T'fO loylng hvan" UUL1 Ut ~ t lIor meEt In .... 0 two IDcbe!l. ~.r:bI S Jllllke8 a cheap, dUNl UI1Dil .uth IWfOet lu el la, ('utllmu CO N amato. '\uI~ nua pre lly la ncer \lInt IS ""v"" Ico~ C~~~h:.:.:::!e:,l~~l~bc:.~~~ lll~~l~;:U~' at ill It 0 IncheK Il1gh , 1111(\ f0l11 tight. Th~ for LoTe eartb II lord tUU l bl'" hla h o ly will -J (lui H aytlt IVlrp.s should he lefl so m~whDl HlllCk IIlt e rwCIH trig the IlI lh . \\1 11 tuke It up' M ItS H OI IlR OK IS nn llctlVu pnrtn~r 111 tbo Nell Orll'III1K 1' lm!lulI~ Compllnv ~OT\\l1n ST Al'Oll' O the limes, It 18 Rhtl not on ly R8tl ISUl lII th e hU ~lIlell.~ 1111111 dOllblfu I If th c country e ver mn do ugt 1111 lit uf th~ pllper. but ul.o \Vn~8 for grtlli tc r or 1110re TfIpld progrel!/! In slIb It editorllll~, Kke Lchcs und poet ry . tlll.I",1 "CI\1th lbnll durtrl g the 1'"81 A 'RlC MIO nHIIl UUM IIIv en ted A kll1d HeHn ) ~n r" i'rOIll II compnn :!O n of th A slau.Lics or (he ce nsus of I 70 \\ Ith of IlIk ~ pccll illy ' UIllllilc for lo, cr_ It rc th ose furnl shrll b) Ute BureAU or Agn- IIlllllls linght fu r fivc tlu) s afte r use, IIIItI cu i ure fnr 1, ii. It IlppelITS th at Ih ere fllde. oul. lell'"lg the p npc r e u t lr('l1 lilllllk 'I hu " III(.' mOHt V; U. llIll g or cor 11 crr :.I I ,OOU,O 10 mor Ilul''' uf Illnd un tl< r cultl\ IltlO Il ,IA t yellr thlln tn 1 711, resno nd ellce \\ o uld be ""fe nglllll Mt x III IlI trrn"c o f H per Ct'llt The per 1'08 II re ~l" p' BI A ' A I h \. lu e Illll!!!lOlI CO IlII l'r lll n ~ .. flf II I< reRt!tl III th e nnlollnt of , urn \,r"tl ll c" d II IA 22~ o l "hrat. r,2 tes.~. nll ri lluthorc...~ of thllt e rulil te A~ lrII IHI. m etJcd." hus IIf r) e 12 o f b Irl ey. 36, III 1~ 1I 8 of hay. th culog lCJlI "ork IH . Ind III poullds of 1011Hcco. 'II per bre n til reClpll' nt of Ih c III!.Cllo t honors c(' nl Th o 11, e .un k OH r Ul e ng-' reg.lte ov er con ft'rr~d upun 1\ Illdy 111 Amcn clI, of I i3 II no, ho sea, II pe r ceut. lIlulcs, tho &)\ cre lgn Snn clull ry or th e Allc H' nt 4'1 'ow ~ 26 I'x('n III1tI ot lt er ellltl e, 2!1 II '"l Pnmltt' a MU!!(m. tlf EnglRuclnnd ~h ee p, ~ 5~ ~'I 111l, 2 T he IIggrl'gAte 'Vill e. bRvlII g c reul ed he r nil Apl'ren t H C, OI11I'"lIlOn , Pre fect , ~lt s t re8." tSubIlI l1c III Crea!IC III t'IO nlllUb r r of hl'o alJ llUlIls a l1lll ullled (02).0{] .000 heml The eXI AI!/! ~.I('(lt Scolch Llldy. Orand EI~ut Uhevil of Ihe g rulrl cr"p o f I Ri7 me r IbAt of Itel o d e Ro!'C rOIl(, P(' rfcc i Ve ne rnhlc l Si\) I\ IIS II cn rly [)'JO.OHO,OOU bushels ~II "tre~~ nlld R ro \l nu" Pnnce of Ihe Our ('x llOrl ; for th e yenr c lldlllg J Ulie Rile or Adopllon :.W I i7 ex( IUel\O o f j:olu and III'N ; Tn l' RE I 11 0 morc hope fo r Ih e wo rld nmu lllllNI to '1>32.9 I) 0 U Even t he J e\l I"h \lOlllon lire b g-lIInlllJ; M AX\ 00.... hnd 11 n dltlic ult tiling 10 10 be Huntell '>llh \\Olllall' ngllL. no rCIllO\ e n b,lk",J htill rrolll Ihe plln to th c lIOn. 'fl lC) pok lhat Ihl' bened 'c tlOn , plnLtcr, l1lld III IIlS\\ e r UlII "lucsllOll A' .. Blcst!etl art fllu u. () F.le rnlll , our Ood, Ul •• bow It I ~ dunt'," " \! IV O Ih e follow tbat 'I b Ull hss t lI ut IUlld Q mo 1\ womllll," Illg methods, hOl'lIIg It Will b of servIce bo eX )lunged frOlll the J e wl.m IbtulIl In 10 those who h av no\ er t.rledl!. Dre!!ll tbl . cOllneCllon It muy be remark ed , wllhn\lt alludin to Ilnyoody In partl cn n lid . tutl the fi Hh In lhe u"ual wily IIlld btnd I' ry smoothly WI th tape or strIp!! lur, Ihat theru 18 no betler t~ t of tbe o f cotUlu cloth from 0110 nd to the real hberahty or a HO-e llJled .. e rollncl uther. put. lIO'Iem\ mum" fms- 1ft the nnted " Jewlsb RlIlib,. tbun b lM wUltogto lIll o w hi daughle r w marry II bilk 109 pRn , ruhUlllg cn~h WIth a hUl e li e lard , lind on Ih ese "IHce t.h e fish , pour Chtlstllln AN [llIltall III II 'llhfornlU \.0\\11, lIfler a lu tle wllter III t.ho plln ani buka s lowl). hU5tlllg rreq uen tly WIV, lb e bulter Aud "'X monlhs of wedd ed h ie, IIPI,IIed fo r 8 wntt'r Whell m cely browned. lind d l vorce on Ibe s tre ngth of thiS g rl e' 'Berore I ID ll rned my 'I I fe she cooked ti ulli clc n t ly. re move from tb e an ce rll1 g ,\ Ith Lwo brand kDlvll8--o ne under p.lluted he r fnce IIl1d WAS U!WRyg while, tbe s bould er, tb utber undor the lowe r un ged With a rosy ()O lor resemlthng 1\ pnrt to tho plntter WIth a shnrp kntfe rose [th ought Ihe color. \~ero nulural, cut. the t.npe lite le ngth of Lhe fi sh. ca rl!' but Hlnce s he got married abe pRints her full y pullltl g each ploe out bould lito fRee no morc, IIl1d It blUl \Jecome as blnck fi h tben be nol qUIte brown e nough. re WI C Ill" The lAwy e rs Lold the h eartLIlrn 0 lhe OleU gllte for a eho rt t.lme b rokoll III n ll t hat It " au ld be necOSllll ry HRVe prepRred R cu p of s weel crpam WIth to I ry rres h ppmt or soap bero re probutter, Ilftlt, r<'pper nnd chnpr<'d plIr ley. cced lllg With tbo CIll!C "I ( AN not too IlI gh 1v clImmend the Rnd bnoll to th e boIling palllt.. add all) grn ' y whi ch mAy be III tbe baklDg pall coune of Ih e wome n o f 8 IIl1nd , wbu lind po ur hot over the fiMb 'lhe \jCRles tu g tb e clI llnl baRt 1110111\ tbe slill ,.lIlerM may be loollened by IlIIm ers' ni! the Ii ~h uf the ir nllllv e land, "bllo tbo bU8bsud f r A fe \\ m Inu tes HI hot \\ft~r, lind t he SIlt! at tbe he lm And IIrdu ouslygu,desthc ('ortlty tlU! t!', t!O dll<agreenbl e III frcsh co urllC And 1111 she demands no \\ ages. wll(e r Ihh , mll Y Ul II lIIellllure be OHr- ur lit Any Tn Ie get..< nOlle, for tn us naul ~O llle by ppn nkhngplenllfully With I!I\lt lu g ber bu. band , her duys aud !lIghls an d le tting stnna o' e r I1Igbt . In tb e lire 811 ee tc ucd IIlth th o thoug ht that she nHJrl1lltg Tln'iC l\lId wipe d ry II Ith 11 18 not t.nkwg th e "uges frOIll a msn 1 he re IS much nl BO to be said III e ulogy nnrkm of th oiIC IlIlIds who re the women. bllr· RCllorted IIlsco vc ry of B Cnllromln nClI!!Ild be Ide Ih o ye llo\l dog, draw u lour! of cllbbngc. 10 l1Iarke l - Rei 1.tll Gold BODBOlll.
As tho IUme JIIlS ('OIlW for tho
of' snhsc'l'flltiollfi, Tnl~ r-;UN wOll)41 l"CU',hld i'ts l'rleml!! lIod well-
wishers ovol'lywhel'o, thnt it is again
('alHlidat e Ihl' till'll' t'OIJ~iclC1'ntiul1
tho lU\st tell YOUl'S it relics for a COllt itl1lt'lU'c or the
hlt.vo hitherto been exton41ml to it thml
C\ (.'I·Y
h(,llrt y
s) 111 Imthy
UIH)II Hs rccortl1Ol'
n ut! ~cllel'oIlR .('O-OIIOl'lltiOIl
1\ llleh
CIHlIl'h'r ul' th' lllion.
t'our-Imge sheet of t~ COIUIllII , p1'i Cll hy mall post llllicl, GG ccnts
II 11I0utll,
What to KIlI.- Tbe French Mm iHle r of Fmanee bllS caused A placard 10 btposted, wlu ch It would be "Ille ror CI U zen of all countrte to bll' 0 berore their eyes Hedltchog-LlVcK on mice, sUlull ro dents, slugs and J.!rnbs-ammals b urLrul to ap:nculture Don'tktl lth ~hed g e h og 10ad-Form IUSfIldtnnt. h e des troy from twenty W tblrty In J;CctR pe r h our D on't kill th e toad Mole-hCQnllnuaUy ~8t.rnYln g g rub., lan lll. palmor wurm s, Rnd lIl80cl.'! Injun ous to ng rl c ulture ' 0 truce o r ~ cgetn tion 18 over fuund III II.! Klomach Docs more good than IlIIrm Do not k'll lh e I S cvndll TrRlIlrrl rl J mole, "'onte IIl1l e abo ut l,ood Fntiu) IMI May Uug ltnd lUI Lan ,c or G rub)rortal e nem\ of IIgncu!tllrc. Iny" from .. Doc " W ilkinso n close d up tho h. b I11nrke L tllln he hud becn rullDlng for bIl venty 10 Clgbty Kill th e Mil) BUL! KC' e rn l IIInnth ~ nt tlt e co rn e r II f Mlllll BlTd!l-E:1ch d epli rtment. 10 es sc ' eral mIllion s an n llllily throu!!h tnl'CctB mel Comme rCll\1 . tre('t~, III IhlM Cl t~ Buds nrc the ooly eneUlle able to co n llu8tnell!! h ud hecome 11(1 uull III I\I ~ hll e tend 8S'"DSt tb~ m v IctorIOusly 'lher th It !IO l11e dn) ~ h e dill 1101 ,;ell e noul'\h are the great aterplllnr kill ers alld ugn 11. 1t 10 pay for tho gil. he burn('d "hlle cult.uraIAsKlstmlll! Clllldren don't d is keepmg opell e \eIllugK A rew dAY8 nf~r s uspe nding operallOns h ere he " ent t urb th eir ll C~(K 01 or to Auhurn , Plnccr County, Rnd he Ill g n miller Ot eon81derl\ble experi ence Home ."d ra ..... HH~IU . . III CRrly dRYS. h o lI1 flde ArTlln~e ll1 ent s Tire cactu" plullt fl ou rlijhes best III n with amli n \yy the lIame of 1't kc to sansiy 8011 WIth Just "'Mer enough 10 opon II ledge nbout three mlleH II\lS Side keep the ea rth mOist, b ut uol \C ry wet of Auburn , ,\ llI c h tho Int ~ r ow ned, ApPLE tlIluce Pare your Rpples " Doc" "greolllg to work th e chulU on qUIckly , lind )lOur on bo,ltll~ " liter shares Tho Ilhm C Inf ,rmlltlon IS the Cook rdpld ly to "' OIU dl HColorlltl on, Rnd IMt thllt .. Doc 'R" frl entis hnvc hud of 111m u nll l dllY lie fo rc yesterdllY, when keep thefrUlt co\ ered whil e cooking hl ~ \\ Ife's uucle broug h t 80me II1tclh PUDDlN l. l!I1 u ce S tir IllllC n cup or ge n ce to tlll ~ c ity rcgn rullJ g 1118 IIOllJgs butte r WIth balf a c up or lIgllr . a little nnd th tl ne w8 I. so wond erful thHt It flour Pour bolhn!! water over th e , e~ll1S a lmost Improbable But aM tbe wbole Add" lIle Just before gOlllg to ge ntl ~man r~ff'tred to I . well knoll n the tnble he re and 18 MId to be II mUll of stri ct CoFFEE LEA F tell IS bclU& " Tltten up l e rnelty, li e ha,e no ren80n for DOt. R8 a 8ubstItilte for tbe rool ChmAarllCle plILclIIg perfect rc lllllloo upon wbat be It 18 hope th nt some portlon8 of th e SAys, wbl ch 18 to till S e ffect ]\[r 'Vllk Ulhted Stntes mny be (ound where thc IIlson had been KlIlklllg t b e m ehne on plant WIll g row lenvel! If n ot frnl t Ihe ledge, tIlklllg o ut t he 'lullrtz 8.1! be CololFORT 111 cows promote...cerettO n I\cnt do\\n, but leHVlng the foot-wa ll. o( milk. benee group of t rers HI II pas "0 IlB to IH Old hll\ll1g mu ch cub, or ture are IIIvnlllllble dUTlng the hu t \\lIste rock. wh e n h o CHIIl O to havo II weatber , nnd entire lIck o r treeR sh ou ld CTIl_lllll g 1hc q ua rtz s hol,e d HOme free be su pple mented by nr llfi rlU l sheller of gold. hut 1I0t belllg u ve ry thick ledge, lOme kllld lh e " Voc" concl uded W " IO k dow n to TEA~I pudding (good) HRIC R cup wllter le vel ue fore t . klllg bl M rock to of sugR r th r('c l.Ilblc.<poonflll. of but mill H e hnd gone uo"n on Ill s IIIc hn e mt SIX t.) feet ,lIld wIllie puttin g III II ter. two eggs well beaten 1\\0 CUps of . " eet IIlllk, tlollr ~nollgh to mak e a . tl tl ,;ct of tlll1iJurs I Inrlle chunk of tb e foot batter one leaspoonful o f Wdll . L\\u of IIILIl fpl! out, dl .clo' lI1l1: t o the e yes of cream IlIrlAlr , une Clip u f c llrran(d nn,) the lI;w lll sh ed nllne r IInothN ledge be 1I0l 11 ~ II' u ho urs, ea llL lund th o , ul'po.ed fuot "all wblch WIl~ one of rllSlIl Idl ed wltb gold Of co u rse furtber With cold IIlIUce fBE garden Icacbe. "I(I III tCllchlll ): ' lIIklll!; '\Ie, a h ando ned. lind Ilttenllon elevates the llllUd ]>'or thiS rClll!Oll II ullccle,1 W th e lIew dlsco, e ry, "bleb may be. the h ret created mllll 1111. 1 WII fo , co n \ c"tnce tIIl ke we ,,111 CR II u maD were Willi e 1I1 pnrudl .... - Ibll t 18 , III Ilockt l , ulth o ug h the wdH"ILl ons nre 1\ garden .. BII( [ elln buy nl\ , ege ( h It It I. fl Il c h pllVlll g Iellge A force tables," HIIys oue ~tllll d lllJ.( Ii) , \I flO cnll K or mell \\ e rc lllllOed late ly put. lu work ID thedocUlr frequently , • chcllp('r Itt 11\ 1I1',) n lh e n .. ,\l y dl co' nd bonan7.a I can Tallie them " N ot ~o , unl ced, If W \\ otlnc,tl ll~ IIIl1rnlllg i110,000 worll you take mlO th" ...ecoulli lh e hen lth h:ul bee n r " 0\(,,1 tA, the KlIrfllce. R8 WAg e. and motructwD Impltr(ed by the gu rden tlmulcl\ hv co m pN('nt dl 81111e resWd Jud geR III mde r to cunvlOce hlm..eif S AUCE for bAlrtld pudddln lO fAk e ono II h etho r the n c h ledl;lI he hlld ~( ruck was Pint of water, n IluRe tencup of eugur, only 1\ I'ockot IIr nllL. :\lr W,lklll HO n a pIece of butter the M17.e of II Iltrge egg, 've nt bllck up th e InClin e II d ' SI,lI11Ce of , a lIule n u tnlcg lind tlI!t<Cnco of lom ou. forty fec t, 1\IIt! III hulr R dozen plllces and brlng I to a 0011 ow tnko a hltl e \\ he re the ell b \\ ns rnoked aWRY frbm l7:'7.-''-'-_ _ __ .JW~~WJ''':-'wuroll(w ll\ c h 16 tbe ~ 9t ) bet \\ ecn th e t llnbe rK th o sllmlrlTlarvel well beaten IOto a paste IIl1d tblOn d, ou~ly n ch ruck I'rcsc n u·d ,\;Il'lf The Itl r and ! rad u uUy t LlI o f th e CODKI ~ncy g relltt's ' e xcIte ment p revu tl" III that of cream, or 8ethlck Ill! yuu lik e. Ih en ne Igh borh ood, hundred s of peo'ple go add a huge tableapoonflll of vlOtgllr or Il1g to e tbe ne w dlllCo\ ery Some of 'braud" tho pTlvlleged fe w ",lt o have been per· < QOaNST,t.ll B pu,ddmg : One quart of mltted W go down IIlto lhe incline f!lly aUk, 0116 tMcupof HUIfCh, on tce,8poon tbat over IlOU,OO(I 18 nlready all8tlred t~ of. ..~ tAme "ell beaten DiMOlve the fortullate owneh , r
~ill('ty .JWI1i'i 1l1U1 ('01l11 SC lot·,
macl friend.
fillu ili.·:o; :.: I·('f ·' i h
11l'\\ 1S, c llitlll'inl ,
Jou1'll1l1 for tile 1illuily alld Ih'eshlc.
sitlcl'od, it thc ('ht'nll'st
IL ~
('a I',
ch.'IIlIl·I1IIt'lIb lIlak e if ('SSl'lIt iHlly II
This ll1'il'c, Cluality 4'011-
dubs lit' ten, nUh ~ 10
'\I·I\ L.I~. IIlfl 1'(,~I1I'I' if i ll tht' IL l ! 01 ~lI id".
'"!,( •..,
II III I Iitl'l'IIl'~
a nI it'lllt 111"11 I.
'1'('1'111 1'1 : OXI~
IlCW!\ llIIl'l'I'
" 1')"Olli l'
It, n c nill semi nil
ext I'll. copy t\'Co. •
PUBLISHER OF TI-IE SUN, IT tnket! II mlgh ty 01<1 lllUll III knO\, AlI!:RJ<JAJoI ORO lNS A'l TBE PARI" F.xutBI nON -Ev~r.r Ame rican VlgltlO g m ore tblln the 8trllJIt"g who " " a~ger. II 10ng ""tn 1118 hut Uti th, ",tl e of Ill ~ o ur SectlOIl WIll ~':ODcel ve 11 leglti mate hend tblnk s he know. prtue at tho well-ulonled praule which Tile f ........ l ... ' nlltMtU r y uf' th e "'a-e '" Ur h e WIll h eI r from the greut Eu ropeall mUSical critics wbo con l.IlDll;r swarm TuLia.' (: d t!tn~t\'~1 \ I!II\ I hill L lllhll t! lI t I ".o )f r .. lIt! Rround Me 1'1\ MWlOn &. Hamlin's Cabl nel OrgAns, aDd openly I",kllowledge t h llt nothlO g m E Ulrope can be compared wltb tho Exhaust Be llows Rnd SePlIl'ILtc VlbrnUlrs pecllit a r to Ameri can Organ~. a8 e8pec13 l1y perfected III the Milson & Hamlin In8IT1lm On tll. -Parl~ (Fra/l ce) Reglllrr, ,Jllnc 1, 1878
R IJIlERSDORFP, th o pop ulAr smlle r hM settled dow II on a fa rm of ber own, lit Berltn , MIl M She mRnnges ber laJld entirely hCl1!elf. lind IS 01\ Ing Ibe f!Ce llllll g ly Illl po Iblo problem of mal:mg money "ut of fnrnlln g H e r d a lty products lind vegeIHblc.~ find sa le at higher prices th An those or ber neigh bor~ ller houso Ig full o( Turk ish nnd PersIAn ru gs, old Ch lllll, nnu precIo us bn c A-bru~ she bns bee n gath orlng up (or yeRt!! he n Me~ nt fil'e In th e mOrlllllg, nnu work. III h er gu rdeD vI ~o rousl) wI~h a ho~e herscll Be~ ldeK thl ~ s bo tra' ns In IllUSIC WtlllOFT'S TolJwl - A SAl'R, tlUllR, ASlI " ltS TIH( CURR'- The " Dpr,I ."I. ) Ollllg Indy PUF.IIH who res,de IVlth h er, 01 thlMworld reDO"Ded m e(h cin e proveR 111 IInu Rhe g l' e. e8sons In IlIn " u ng~R cont~.tlbly tb.t DO r.m •• ly h.. , urer.eded Ihe u •• or IhII relLabl. Ton ic No "pleen THE MARKET!!. hili! b•• " rODnd 10 bard II. not to y'eld to CINClNNATI -Flour-Extn "(Itt 2.S '~DIt. . to 80ft. Dlol{ ,"Oollnee, and no Hver 10 U 7~(lU ~l p ..~nl\ 2.S(!j7 26, ' ..011" ~ IC. .uperiloo, "'tI'S 60.... ondeo, n 5O€fS 76 ,ye hyp.rlr0p,hled •• nCl~ to g l~ c np .tl 10nl1 re talne,l blhou» leerdlo08, aDd no Ch,n .n flour 13 10 iI 26 8u ci"helt' flour '4 76(3~ 25 Un.ln-Wbual. prho8 10 choice rOO, 9'e 8jl O~, Feve r b •• yet rofu.d t o fllll mto Itn. prime to cholt.-e "mber hlll And while, g,'e 9 WIIRRI Ol '" FINLAY'" C, , Prornel<Jr., II 0) lIyo. M(!J~-., corn 39(!J.Oc OIl" 2G93Oc New Orleans Hay, prhuo 10 chol"" U.aolh, 19ti'{1 id.. pork .'011 MLE BY AU DnllG O I ST~ • 10810 2-' Lnrd, prime lItelUe, 7 }'~o/.c. CoUOD I
Homes an t I ' DSO U a ((.......... Mlllll T"IHT.y.~~ ~1;;~ ... t1~r. 1~'·I~r::; 'SFeRTY MILLIC'!If bu ~l lc1 w .... , muir J.: E·G.IT
i' ~n ... I• • r IFlour,
no .......
Uu r kwheal, 1'.,1"l t)e" I :::~~: !~\Ie~ 1\:W;.':'4:B.~"·~rr£"lfl::I~ ~ ~:~ Onl " } l!urnaJh (lo u" rtc ~\
Unf' Ilun"reca "ndTw.a'7 Tho_Btl 11o"", 'Ii~ t 1'
UIlI,lIr " , _
tli ll
MeM Pork fUUlI' m eR 110 6O(lJ 1II 7 ll11l c h e n IIIlk e~ 6YtCii7( Bml I it1 "fltll~
rendcreil 7 @"A t Hnd em Ie 10 barre'"
~tf'Ol o ulU, 8YtJ @LI~e
IJ ~
,,"TUCK: MAaK"'~ UlNCINN ATI - HooJ Ul llll\-UlmlOOO I ~ @~~e
I• • _
Wftkl7 41N" .... " .. on
I hrnr"u~tio r nn I r" r (,l!I titlItH l" II llr
0801 •• • 8
s lile by J>rllgsi&t.8
0' OY4"r
,Ii". I lI f ll lJ r
tll n L ...... ll lid 11/ 11111 l un!'l up tl",: ~ I n I I" Jlhll ~ Hlt I I
rafr IOk.lectCd,I' 2 &:4 4U 1 Cft r JOtd of ch ole&"; at
NEW YORK -!leef Cattle- Erporle.. look MO ho ad oC . 100.0 .t 8J4@IO~ p'" lb. to ur_ \WI '0 ~7 lilt!. 10 II,. Rro" c.. ~ Ifr>t!lr Prleta oOIllI.llIy quoh," olS4 2O@' CO porl llO t b •. EA.ST" LIDEIlTl' PA - BOllI-york...... jtl@ 4 lVI. PbUodolpbla bOlll... IIII(!U 75 Sbeep ... re '!OIling olo ... AL* Ib 011' lilt weea
CHEW TheClelebra&ed
..W04l' t:a. P111,. ~~
TIm ProlfU!llOIlAOOO COIO'AlfI, Ne" Yon, Boeton and OhicalO,
'e ' IE'ltsKFIIS'.'!A "
L~IUV-.!.UE'!.·" u
011 0 th irfl of llu' 111111&, 1 11"6. Ilrn\,hlilut " I (llle Ilion III mn,lu d urin A' Jil l, Alld All ~1I8 l t IIn t'r -.lli II the au.l anl ary fl,t tl --:111 he ctlllrMetl AI,,,I) Al (l uco h,
•• .4.. 11I1ii DLI:. 11..
Room No, 8 A(lQUo nulldlng Waillut, (J1n.oln,laU. 0
d in to tho . . . P ........... "wen,,,. fly.. JIIIUIOIl
\\ c rhJ
~ •• "'IIr. .... h . . t _honld tt ..y
Parlon.' PUlga/lo. P,li.. arc " "rlcel••• Loon to Iho l,eol,le of the So uth lind South "'\t o J'rl ctl O uo OollRr '" r I 111 0 III UII",,; I"(011 ( r ll " ••1 They ell~ctul ~lIy prevent ' ever lIod 3,",0 ll0p-C0uullun, "18' ~ filir LO!C~ Illlh,. ngue ao.\ All malallou8 l\laclIse8, anti ~ o. t ~:'~~:fr,n' fJ J ~~alri.:itr: at ,: I I~I. ~~r~ ~u ~lllnl'r.I;.\jt IS40tlJ8Ni, fa.lrlojlooUpackln& G...~ .. I360t§3:1tI, 1111\11), rerftfknh!' nr \ , n \ 1 • t 11 1:1' '111 1 r III iiI'" ouly ~5 c.nt8 a ~O.1. Iloll" t o r lI ",lng MCt OIllI\IU It IJ II t; h I fl ilifl I' will 00 ..Iooled Illn. h...• 13 70@375 .tmC/"ee tu IU1l.alhlrOIllf O::SOA 1(, U .MO~t\ d lO Uurt. ----'--- - -BOU' AW -lletl UlUI&-l:bul •• 10 ...., .leo.... Illu,lt 8t'"t lIi ew York TilE horror. 01 nr are nothlug 10 Ibe bor .. M@' 12~ I"" 1"0 lb. good ohlp...,,,,· " ..... ' ....Oltl4 GO , medium II hlt veri stoon .. 1' @4 AA ror. 01 Ncuralglll, Immediate rell. r may be light fiu lch lrl\' grndl1!l t\1Ii5@; 4 TexlUl c:a tll_~, $I 2.( ball hy bath,ng ibe bellu With Jo(m6on.'8 (11360 Mheer and Lom ho- Calr 10 good w .."". C.;-;;:;w oht llhl 1'1\ 11'11111 l or sheP l) 8 \ ....'ital8 5 1)1 r 'M II td hnubs S @6 'l5 Allody". LII""lt"' and SDUOlllg it up the tb Irlm"uh l ll,"" (ur , Ill tHin /: lIot1O-\nrkcn flfi.J 1 2' ('cr 100 t~., " .... , holl", nORtrU s _ _-+~_ ___ _ ~ '0
Tb..... Jl Ill vlgorn t. 1I II A)tl IfHD l R1lk~ tI tho ""'ak II lr I
1878. :n~~:r~
,~.r:~~~~1 ~b~;b!E!...~'b~~~
Dr, 0, W, 1I01m e8, Wl\lIh BEALS &:; FOSTEar. IIl gton IrVing, And fo;x Prel!l ld ent Van Duren , lifo 'ONpra~NL iii..!.,...._"'01"~ h. , . born 8 t •• tlmony to th e . melley or CONSUMPTION C::AN BE C::URED () .. , PI1LJ101'1'" til .. ,.,./ 1/" r~H. tt(JI ( (l r t}4.' I IIRIt ,,; • "nile OMU'KAlfI'llltA ltKMEU', which 18 (o r
(air to uacdhuu 2~{ttaxc , 81(It! to chulce lllliche r 81-.: fair 1eO good tlhIJlp(:rfI. " X6le(C , f Il r 10 800cfbeav10Xftll, ~~ ,falr1o t€i..'d Crt', 3a4c ror light um'n",, ~y lualhlee SheerColUlUon to lAir :l X ~3c. nut! good to choice, 3~(It "'Nltf~, 3~6t.
!:l ~ ( 1\
~o r
d •••
or .......
2.1 clH abottle
ill yll., ,h.,
IID,I full .... el'bt, ADd II caunot f,ul, If rror TO AEAC::H READERS OUTSIDE OF orlr uHcd, 10 produ," the moot I, oolt" . aDd s"tufacto r. r•• ultt. 001 only In blOc,,,t., THE LAROE CITIES. roll. , muffi • • nod Inne} cake •• but In nil - - \ 1- klml . batter griddle cake8 IUJ well We Repl"l!'M"nC .,.r' 000 ~~"'"" tun ,
tilt'''''' Ad In ,.
L<ND_ •
~\~r'l ;~~r:,;,~" rf) , c. e.er7trOu.'r~, Ill u
fOllupwnrd 8 of IthlTt, Je an M .. WI S eoo,oooc: .. P ....... uw .. rl ...... ,,"'..... 1&@:3"l UII1IiH."b\'1..I IO(§aflc Tu n 12{gl:l7c ~ 1''\V 'N800TIIl'' u !'!vn o l hll. heen IIH, dfor ..n ........llun."r'h •• " .... .. lIl.LAUELPUtA - Flour - Weslern IU()(]flne chi dren wnh ne'er failtllg lluccetl8 It co r 'r.7. "hll...d In .... "'I. A C)' f\ Wt"8l crn e xtra ... rat .. z.~. ('eIlD8yhan14 recta R Cl dity of the 81011l1t"h, r.J,eveH "Iod DIIII-...... I ..... .. "xt.,. ' .mJ IYJ..!\~ to , Mione! ala ex tra l alUll, ... O O@~ ~ wheat P CDII I" lt aDIIo wln le r red II ~ coilc regulatC8 th e bnwel . , our •• d ~s.lI te ry Advtrlilementl Rceol.. d 10,Oni or Mo,e Lilli 1 @I t ~: l)entJ 81 hltol ll ...mber 11 1 3~ 1 18 PROD tlod ulsrrhroa, wheU,er art"log rroDlleethlllg .ylno lo "hll~1 II 18@1 '0 birD yello" W..lern or other ca use" An o ld nucl 'Well tried For Cntl\ll)~tI """'f) 11All1lngll"'II" Crlptlr" Rwl utl" 4\c miuld \" ",1(>111 .. ~~ t; Oat. IOj.fOId W eI'lf"fU :lV(jIB IC
nAp will hOM'IIL pod flIlh1 I l l . ' En'W ............fl.
I. wnrrftoted aboolutely r ure • full .tr. lI Klh
- -
ur tbe ,. ..... 11"'...
ff"'- .. r....
_..._T..... - --
A. ( rolleh CI"". ir a l <oI r hm ll ft~ ( r Ihll.tIU~~"Cour!l., nf Slm!) I p' pll r rtt! HI fur tl t ~ l ge l gUltr
1.lnllom Ct'1tWI IC'fc IWI I I ~rol " . O( WhIUl.Jllllll lllloVil. IU' I )\AI IIUUI .1"0 C( III
t ntl ll c:rtwdetl
yJ~:~ p';,~~l:~o~:u~~ ~~nc~!n~~~~:rv:~
I< US lI l OR Oll OWB 1l11 I!;A l
Immense ImmIgration in r.~~~~~ a ~u~k;"M"r:=~
AI (; WK!HH WILL RAPI'IIN, amI ,t 18 be»t lNDIANAPOI 18 -Flour-Fonc,. f.lIIO(JG romOraln Whtal, No 2 red .. Ioler, 9 c ~IJ. "Coro •• ou" Weoltrn mix'" /16(! 0.", (0 b. always {or them Suffe rer. 210 _ 111 0, ooc Buill mUI....ahouIUeftL .""'• • : <Iou rib old... 5~ 1.&rd. tic 8 .... rtikletl from Ollt.o, Duma, Elcald_, Wound., Brule•• ,, 88iXc- n .......... 10. - ~ WUIl!VILL £.-F lour - Ex'" I8(!JS 215 •• tn And .8prain., will -tllld tmmedlato rellet In larnlly. 18 763U 26. A No I.'. 1III@5 Clraln- the u. .. ot OIlAIlII'S SAL\ It, which .Iso WhMt., No 2 r-ed, 00c Imber .lId white. ar.c CorD. "bite. :r:4lCl. ml.ed, 8ge. oa1l~, ml.ed. our •• 01,1 Sore., Felons, CornM, I leeu, elo 2t<y'0 BAy 111 II por ton MeN pork. 111 1\041' 0 L&r\I. <bol"" I In Uoree. lie , cbolc. 10 kOlll. iJ() U, . .. 6O(tt5
NEW YOllK - Hou r-8upe.floe Slate .nu WClt.e.rn, t3 & <,8 90 (.'OmOlon to good. eIt,.. 00 good to c:holclI Wntt.. WMteTIIAml Mtate, ern lind t te , .. a.\9~ ,~L. f omlUon 10 choice whUe wh ent ext"" ..\ ~G DiJ . L'G nUHon to ,nod U lra Ohi O, '4 ~:\ 7" (!aIl1U1o n to c hoi ce 8t Louie IJItra raUl I 1 .. IOg7 Mlnn eeota paten t proceM, extra t(ood 10 Ilrhne ~@7 Or"ln- Wheat 9 c (§I I WI,{ lI yo. 6~@C;;1C COrn ~I~r.t to On.. 8()@aic MCIII pork. 11011', 1' 0 ~tJt1ttO '1~, Lard prime IJtOllID 7 21 @'7~c Wilol dorn c.ltc d ~c:r.. 2sa1"/k l'Iulh.."lI
2r. \ EARS' SI ANDlNG - l-l TCllchcu.
:;R-::~~ ~~t.\hiaIMI!JI~*!i-U :'u.:t!.'..-:.!~~
~ 12%c
Conon, lI }i:c
Th", .I... nl&.tf"~ t 8l l\uol 10 1' You th u n.d Y CHlI1 J,X l\ l en. 11\. th e 'V st.. .
I·.te ..... At • ..,.....7.
GII'•• r 01 Fllih an I
roll" OI nd P" "I U1' S t. ,,. t ....
_ _ __ C ~.! •.!~~~
THERMALINE A Sure nUll It h th, !'\ uh,tll Itt lur c.auJIIII,O.
The only 25 cent
T~:m f't
n ""
.'MUIIl Of> !lOl'lTIlII
'Whh hr' 5th &. or Ilwber Itar 'Vl1 h • aUe or fro". h r .one I n. tl qUI! the UJ OD1h. 10 Iidl I " .. , 'llI l1 ol oog }-"frat J I I ' :lrllf1 bfl"e .. tLb or .. I h. k.e, 11 a14 ..A Jrtut...mJ\!led •• rrlor nrldlng ... Ibadowy . k-t..'d vf IDO"
Ki ng of Love und WIll! golO!; t I de vour poor Ho lin hu t her d IUghlrra said P or c1l1ld . he haMbrought you Lhe box \\Ioy ,In VO U IVlIllt to eat her? W(\I lin I ~(Jod you IV lilt t.u Innrry on Y w n t lo e J\lug of [ .0\ e then Ulke th
JANUARY 1. 187H.
WHOLE NUMBER 703. llcmarllabll' Adnnture8 or an Iowa lYoman And lIer on.
""•• Feb ua: I • !DnA ~I"TAAI r.a ..1I~', ,.,,On. or Ib No"h Wlod • d ••, hle... WUh lclf'JtI.1a btr h. r Thon NAr,' I, .. k rollOd 10 Iln'lll Tho d.... 1 0' hornebonod , bt flll \VI • n .ft 1104"D d Wltl> trud'pcl .( b. ~ 1IJ11
Twn'l Y TIIlIEE !lend \)od lcKhnve been cr mnLed nt MII III durlog til I t t wo >ellrs [liN Il1dlltnK never kl ench other und hovlOg .ee n II l ew rndll)n wu
J) cb IU(llu ",II II drtnk If It II I rl hi do nOl l rint:
If II II clfIJLr IrJ nk ,,111
CJ.r Iy hnrt he ut LCrod these worls \\ be I she LVI before ber n httle <ld
blamo them
U IN IIUIlY hAS II Dllln th e D~clllrallon o[ rnd
wi 0 cn n WTltl' pendell on n
" nrt IT I ~ II curious IIIHI Ilolewort.h) phollo meuon that Lhe cand Idllte I ) never lI okl ed wh en vowrs Kcrn lch blill WilEN" Ed,80u )UL~ ItIvenled chr.h,> electricity ike chnrl[O or tbe hgbt bn glille . 8 over - Nt:'Il Yori: ()rap/I/e 'rill! )3mdoo8 have no llame for rroeml -E,1: What do tho)" CI\\l the ~\it(~;.,;-~~;W~} Ulnu ~';)Uo"l
La ON,
.1t:IUtr IIUI fll iJ.~Tl1icl timo In yoar wo had tho trudjti lIal IJANI'fAII IJ,A,.rI IN, d"ngllt r c'l Ohl'il\llllll~; II \\' "IX inches d "11, - MI' , lili"'11 l~v!,( ttl \' i ilt'll ill - I.e' Adlllll arl'ivl'tl hOI' lI JiR P-!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!!'!!!!!IIfII~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!' IImnl·1 I1 nplilll , vI f)o'r 01 ok, i 111111 III 're illY down h Inw 1:el'O t MIII'I uW thh, ,,"11 'k, ' IIIlOI UIIII-)' I 101 All. C~"I (l KAIIT: UUI fIll.) ('v" M.!" I)v rll - lit 01 2c1 w\IIIIII ri(' III Ill tlt v r) hOdy '119 1'1 -.Tel's It fi ll.\' Ii 1\'111 III}' ~' o\lr l , - l1u rg . n llll}, i~ h))n fl'om 11.1 II .. ' ,,111 A II AOIl ri!l.'l r i l l O. I'"" t IJ ,. • I ( 1 II II ' I _ _ ) D~ l telt IN(-1110.. . , "II Ii nltTl' y~ul1r~, ( 'III'i IIII!IS to The Imll ll ill It ,I , I' (\1\ e)1 til' ,II u co ogC' Ivr tho hI/hi 1\ 't! , "AI~.s (IU1NQ '" 8;: l;ith of 1:1111 1I1lI.. 1 1, al!;t'cf 7 i.I H\ ).:" \111,' 11 :1 p,>tllI\)1 II l'l'q~1 'aI, __ ~II', Inljle',)' ~yl'r 11U~ been - l\Ii~ J{lnnlll 'lIhJer 01' TI l p. l 10 6~L!2, J(j r .~"':i.,"~!ltl~~ I '~!I . 'e' lIr~, \) ~lInllthN Illld ,JII IllY~, Wn I lllllll It 11'118 III I Wl!l!k, tltlU th lll' I' i illl g ill " ill1li tUIl klll~" illo, hus 11<'1'11 vi hing ~It FrAley'80.. IbU8-llne Ullln l l'" III 1 ] l Olll'!!: UlI.tI 011, ' l't'lIl 0 t" 1'1' ' \':1.1 n gl'II ('I,d d l _ ,'II'. "'lilt' ,, 1 'l'hn lll p Mllry Ed wnrd. run,tll'U1d f 'n r";'~ fl!r ,IUt,1 r~~;d 'ci "~IHI ~III:'~lIId 'lrCl"It~nll' , "(II I IUI '1<I e,,"u mlc th o IlIItlll'· r· hll'k ' \' j\l . lru-tS\luday, - M t's~rs: Ilor' Whitaker nnd v"rv. ~mmlKlllllon trn!n, Ui'I'I"r.. le(L 3L III I I IIl lHI I" U, II' 1"1i 11 (11' NII'.I u tho nHI ~ hly as p03 ibl o, - Ali Lilli e Ol Ii cr hus beell Elwooll EUWU1d ~ ar 31 t.i illg a tl ~!l t-lIftlc ",ill r ·1. Ir"ful btl Jlllun. rl'!)I .. I' '\I I Ih e 1M III itO I\' Iho rl'SI l' It n,'o 1I0t lllnoh 10 III lo lou .... .1\ lIlI I 8 " ' el")'''rat' U JlIIIl th .' lllllbus, fbw tlnys in Blull hc tor, - ----~-------'. ""' 1d1' " (1 Ut DIII ItI "'I II~\ 'II,~".{ col brnLi 11 of \'I Iti llg J''''''lld !~ - - ) A t. SO . ( - TOil ml,litnry ~ 11',11\, lus t ~ Il IV , (If W II),lIe I'tllt· , IIl1 d u l t~'rl\lllU tll i. "ll'1I1 l hl'i ti lln f III'ullit th ll - Murris Sluder, of F tere, hn - MI S E rit),or Pugh hll8 gUllo to d y and S turdny III~h t~, WII a ll,) II, c pre' ,'III n'~ld II f' II I' 'ul '), IH l l'illll'~h,'~. hilt CllIlI lIt lot ItlU1~K 0 11 beell I' isil,ng J hu 'Edwt\ld, IBI'o,)kl),o, N. Y. 11110 beeu lno cd 1I7:ra..der-t;a,~e:rs ' jlm nd FII '(' St'l ll enry r(' p~C't, All K~'lInl\'~" Thr 'e y nrs IIg", 1III h III , II' 1I/1 11"IICC'U, First atl ho EI 'I - Mr. Ehillh Oomphlll has h'oll l ilUI' Ci [ II ttJl IlI'('l' lIl1ce l'lIpcr Ihe 1I1lllUlltCC \\'01'1;('(\ IlIltll1l1l1>: ' 11!:ltZIl P 111 11~tJlII. hOI' hu. uullfr " ~IS ('''I,.d e !tllll'h, wl llch 1111$ 111111 Its vI sIting ill '1\horn tClwll , Illd illll ll -~)r, Mc 'OWCII. a PIOIllI Ii lit Ih hnll \\1 d cUI'UI ,,1 splt·nd ld III tC:I , ~hc rl.'lU" I'ell t" Il nll c.r8huTj:~" lI ld l ~ dl'('e'lil led III1lI Uh rititlUllS trN' -Go (0.11\' 11 R , BBysht's lind g e l pl ly~Il' I .1I1 ro l 1.~"I1II1'I I, dlcd Slid. hlllllll'r~ t111/,(~, II II'he~ nllo 1I11)! tu(", 11I1'llI csl lc ill h,'r hHhil ~, sll{' IrllS lI lI ell' clt I I' \ I I ~I /Ice 1 ':0 I ho hl'lIlI ~'onr li ortil'S IIhod fW ooc dollar denly " t hNII t dl 8Cil riO 011 1\IIludny a\1d ,'I'l'r IllI n~ workL>U IIIOCllhIY" eXlllllpl " I' Ih l' I' i IIIIC~ 811 fully "~ t ll lll l,1 II' 'LIIiC lIlIlr" Wt:s II , cr bu. _ II', J ohln rgnn, Ilf Wd . _ ~II', W, E And el <OIl Itn bC ' 1 IId cr 11II of Ihll IIloc hl'd 1,11111' u' ' 1111 ,1 Ii , 1 ' II" ( ' I 01 ' 11 'I r c ' I I I J • .. C I I III I, II I, 1.1 I III II 1,,11' ~Ill ",,, rllt c ) I rIIII IIIl'd 118 11 UII, llI illg ton, "h!itcd here Illst \I ~ek, COI1.le ng('lI t lUI Ih e '1 Il CI IIII:lIl Ell' In r~e ~17.0 ph l,I"tJ; rctl'''''1 ~Ir, 1 11 tcr, 1 0 bn~~' IIf',I,I', 11 0 uh, hl'are'l F,II I~ I I dill S bclol e th e g l'l!lit dill' ~Ktmsas 'Vhnrtoll hlld IllS III'S 'jltll" I' lind 1\ III delli' r thl' 11111111' llll lrtA Ivr WIIl)1II th mpan)' I\'n~ hnl II1 c'(' k tTl'nlll' ilnd 10\ 111" Flt t· tl H I ,' ' I I I t II II -I' tIL I I ' " ... I, 11I'lIu' 1.1\ ICen a IC e III C I 11110 te .t fro3(JI] one dllY of hlst II 11 11 )' \' rl cro e l'l'r) 1ll00 1111llg, 1I11111l'd. Illid dll ecll~ I1lh l!rlH'lI t 1 11',111' 11th tIl ld '''Ih ont 11 tC lllllti oll,lIl1 ill' IIlId 1I1 " lItl" tylll" festoOlls Il cck, ' I,unctll lllly Oil IIti )\'111 , tllllli tn~ to II 11'11 d I I ' f II tl J' . , • II' IIIlIll U "I1Al'&1 (J uARn Rooms i Two Doors North of the Post·Office , ' Ill' hor \ Ih~,. \1'}'I I'11 0t IC"'l!1 Vllrl\'l1~ --TIl e rndl'l'llt -I'IICo1111,nrll bl(' -- !\II. lI 1'd ~Irs S, L, ' 'Ult l II,cll I' II lOll,!! I It III 1 o'ot , e ItileH \ f1 10 ' "IIl11klllM "IlI ol t,, <,<! ' dl l'S~illl'r- tir , o will • 'U'U " Ilcar Ih e 0 Sc" tt.<J1ddorl ll wlll"e Illig WIlS I'OtCU tt) , II' 0 II 'n,.,!)HI~Io l 'r, 11 0 'I . · en I u\)I 11 , all u elOlIl S ulld IlIakll'" " U I'll I _,e hul lo ll IIl wn h t cI,I('hra ll'd tIll II 1111 , \\1'11, A' bl'lIl1lllnl W \ YNESVJLLE. OHIO '\ I~ i'' l,lr II c D n\'l~ 1111d nil 0I i I rlllg . IC I\US" n I I' aeu 1'I'1~1I 11111111 flll' n" llId 1111', 'bl'llary. d llll' " II I' I 1 ~ '1 1111I ~tll'<)7 d Cltrls tmns ' ,., ,III ~, I u lldnl, RI" eral 11 1I'lI\ls , , 1 111 I U COli t 11 1.111 eV I ~ }t'hrs"IICI,' IIl' v . · 111 wClrkl' 1I 111'lll\Illltl ll ~ 1 II e 11m I I I II 0lI till I t l l t l l l llSt(I )dl M ss M',A .IW· 'k't,l l u , IIY\,III' II" , , ,I 0 I ' ntllllilllstc lllIJ,( to hOI W:IlltS Wlt" l l\' all d 1I 11'h II ,,!l I-"C1ull<' nlld ,1<1 -- ISS uR ar\9lC VI 81.{'U I ~r l there \\ CI'O I! nlllllliCl' of 0\(''''/1111 ('gull I 0, I Ill J'T llum ]] nrrl ' ' I hi III' I' II'h; I ln 0~S . 111111 II he ll ' hrr Imu .' " I" ~ nn d realre~ I t "tl . " 'Ill 1111111 -lI lg htcalll l' I1j IIlly fn e I,, III tl li S ' I f I I 1\1 Ito net a 111 0 11 lit ~ ullz U \\111 no t She WIIS nllxl Oll s. Ih o PlIst fnll h. ulld the lam p, W '10 !it, I ho~lJ "hn plllc"-fl8st WC~(')k·O ~ . l'i~~ t~S~cl~Lr~:~~'~::c~~ gol~~'11 W~IJ: £U\l111I",h ehort t 10 . I" isi t l4gllln llru 1101110 "I hor \'nrli 1' 1 '1 llured !.clll' ld u sce ll o &1 UlClst 01 - I I C8S rs . , : q IDes nno Gen, dl llg, T II I rJ · d t k thO Itlu, bll t th is sntl.. lucl l II II' IL<:I 11 0 l'IICIl'III IIIII' II I @o prolu o lllluill.lllllor s polltatewdllys lII Cill ' _ nTe II'ero 'I II errnr Illst ~eek 11 & I rna ",UII" 8 U 0 IS op d . , II ClllllUtl IlIsti:'I' .,. ," "1' n" , portunit,l' t.o tlulllk tbe citiz n of n alllC, , , . IIch p;III'el ul Illste \lore n 14e ,,' --)~ . III SI1Ylll g , ~hllt Mr, , ~. nm \! i 'l'rlIDl ~ft..''fliI1Ui' ml'~IrIl --E --)'Dl --~ --"-~ WIl1nealrifie aud vicillit spcctal · licr remn1l18 .... el'o l8Iu ttl the !lId d CCll'fttioll • --~lr, E. " , dm ghter hud nlllllcd 1'111' mili lary compnny, _~I_'_ ~ _~ _ _@) _~_·_~ _ _W _ ' _.!._~__~ _ _~ _ ' _~ _~_~~ ~ J~ • Ir Ihe Itldies who assll!t~d th em grnH'Y 'Td at Deor reok, by tile T he "I'CIIiIl!! CXCICI~e wcrl' c" 1 !,lI cy. of 1\1t A Iry, lire hel o pOlld ITho c, 'mp li lly Irllq 1I111n od (UI' 111m WIth th ei r testl I II!. 1 ~ldo of hM hrll lh I'8llll d lI ell r"horo rl IICtl''] b y !ll r RU\lu oli E11I1I8, tlto III~ tit huhdlLI'S. 115 n I11l1 l'k ,,!, n" l'ed tll a wortlty J AS A , KFARNJo:\', I her 1'(llt' 1I1 nlld glll!,d )J~lI ellts Il'S t '1l1l.! 11~ ,c lt n,,1 slIperilllut\ cllt, ~I I' - 111. Gr"rge Seblleblj'~ I'ur" , ull t! Ilholill ~rlrt tcu cl tlze ll, With --61': 11 8 - A hl'lIllt lhtl ~lll)L lIdJ" lllI lIg tlte nil I·J ul, " F " I. t1o1 ll1 11 f"lIuwlllg With flllZO , lust \\'I!ck, H Ollier Lell' iil out any InclIlC'I IICllt~ Imi ll!; held Oupt, eOlllll1a l1dmg, ' C.'I'lIt h OlJs~ Idl l' r se n'llil gelll'llI , lllc EI"'I II .llI d G""l'cl for IIt(, tilly ; 1\11. ill Ihe snlll e fix 'Ill t liy lli m 4 b ars of good Soap for 26 cents, Til l> foll nwill CT III1I11CS hn\'o ue'n 1II0lls nf l'lIeIlJ~ ha" , g,.llh' II',,j lnl tl' r ,, 11Il'1t ~ll's T ,J BruI\' ne d ' 'I F ' 7 ounce Sl'lver Star Bakl'ng Powder, w,'th Jelly Glass, " 1' 1 t I - -n r '111IIIk uOI\u ll llc\CI' re --Xelllll l'u l,els81,eak IlIgl ol\'JIIg dl'llll'lItl' III tho box t'or jllrClI /ill' S II1I11 oe liY 0 11 1Ii'llI IJl '1I1~!,II' t 1"'lledll llll l'pI'IJ PlllItOllllll cl qll l' nt 1IIIIIccito hl H hmne II cur MOlro\\,. trllll S\lt " 111 M, 'III IdUll' h'ctllr e, 20 cents, Ih e telm of COllJ1llull Pl clIS CIIIII IlIlId III trlltlt' ' he g l('11 1 'I Am lid 01 IcS'., I ~! I I d 1II0llellll; J allllury ) 3, 1 79 : -,-, At th u cl",o of 111 rs, B ro ll'II C'~ at . lI lI( a)' lIlol lllng ITI Il1 e'ie/lC' lit' J( IIl lI e, dc ivo~~ Largest and best assortment of Cigars and Tllbacco in J rIlOI'~ D.:,H ll flF MIt ]n lJ~I AR r. \I "ClI:.! IIdJrc,: , Ih e Illpel'tI "ero III 111111 -- ~(I "S Elllllrn (j l cl'l ('I' , ol llh II' t ill' I)tltl'l CI CI1lIl " , I. GRA NO "T AtI.-- An cr ILl, lillie" III IIh" lI t tl' lI lit. Il ee tlll llll ll illtl!d, wh clI callI!' FIl.tCI '~. 1)('111 Cltlldllllll II llil ~II' 1 ~'arl~'t' "1 dcll l' el'~ ,tlte ~llIllll lec lll r town, lJ I ltly~ J, D nrd .. R}'lIe I , IIII \l l! II k 11\11111 ellizell (I' I I lit e ,11 "ll'IllIlt lllll Ii" ~Il' s,r •. ( ;"Idull J ldlll Eu wuru tl' fumil y, III \\ /I \'11"""111,', 1" hrultl')' 131h 131 Oatmeal, Cocoanut, Tapioca , Corn Starch Currants, Rail Wild Luckolt H th l lif(' Oil SIIIII I. lu)' 'IC II 1,/ Wl lglt t tlllcl l{uIHl ulI EIIIIIS III - - 1\1 18<:1 Emll1a '.lh; lI gUI II I' l'ry tlt t' 11:\' L\: Cu, 1111" , 11111'1111 sins, Burnett's Extra ct L e moD Sugar, Coffee, Tea and I E, D, Hoss W UI Il1I lOll IlIg, D cccm!'l'!, !! , J 7" Ilt ItlWll t c n ile Irll ils .lIl d other l.rC,I' III S pll 1I, .1Il 1 party III hOll ur ul hel ClI lI:!' 11.1111 I'd It ill II Cl i h it! P(11.' 11I8 )" 1' slll e Chocolate of best quaII'tv and a t low prl'ces. D, B GllIssctlck ' CIae IllIgtl'"k ('I uC 'I ,Il!'k , ,'r." '\ 'I c C \l IIlU ~ 1\'.1 IlOr! '}' I101lI pSI'". I( ' u •'Ili tl S(' " It , • 1110 f xe!'ci Cd pllssc,1 "fi \l'I)' III , il'I ISS '1111'1 0 'I LT, J ... hn Olcurcre\ 1111 Hurf,'ru '0. Md , ;\1.1), Hi, I ' ll. -111" "l hl\ IlIlO thc llirgo lIuel l('lIl:e __ W . E AlldCl'SOIl hns 1'' '1 sill, - Oil M" IIJ,I\ nf III t I'C" k, I , The only place in tow n where pure Cinnamon Bark isJIIS. Kesling T ollli cr (lk' l nllll \\ (\ , nt hi dl'ce.l-c 7 )l UI'8. e< lI, 'u II' ,II plensed L<'Ilis It ope lit th (' OIf:: l'tl e' ulli cll tit, cit '.llIes t , . n 1'lIrvlI.' , 1111' 'l' lelll ll adveltl :> kept, J ae, Eustham 'l,urtl ccrcc k' illlOlilltS nu ll daYdolu "hUUll l thllt nll l'l'l" lit Ih el'e urllv 11\ 0 t' l I"t \I I II'rttlllrr Iluper alld ol", c\"I' "I!CII[ .. t II" 111111 1\1 rli ll • S 10 Ellison SlIoc. k IIrt tI Dobbinsl ElectrIC oap , cents China Glass, Stone I eC I'C l" k 111010 YOlltll, h ClIl1ltj IIlth Itlil SI'" IISS1' IIJi,k' Ih l' l' li gnin UIIU 'lIjlll' III tU WII II" ('a l c II I IIe 11.11 11 Ir" '11 III~ I1' lIlll' ll. G. Eas ton '1' enI rcrce k tu,', Mr8, Mlll'Y BluttOll, to XCIll ll, 101111\ IIl UI'C IIIcrry Ultl'istJ1lllso~,' M /' 'J '}' I I I I CIIIIIIIIII IH I ti l .. I, III~ "I lice ul and Crockery.Ware. Kel' ' ey IIrl · -:-' l,ijlS ,-l1rtr le _11 '1 I() IIIPSIIII IIUs 1hn oIIIPR, III (' III1'IIIl1.lIi II ~"l)lIl1flI ~r WlDdOW GI ass, Sas h an d Putty. C ou~e 4' "'(j'11 BUCke ts I Ga mllel L D l' ccrc{' II' all"" f rUl1\ there,l ull I' ('a rn itlg III a rnlc' IllInt! r lin ,or 1' lHlt to I r 41 I S, • O:I.RO ' rullt.'111I I~' , q. 0 ,1«111,': -'1,,7 \lIsh 10 a\, I111' 11' JiI 'II I \V I"I mlllg . t on 1111 tI 11 Llr ICIII ('rllIl-( Churns, Cheese, Weo, ashington B wy' r De'er III 0 IIIIU ll, to Wuyne! I'dlu, \\111 0 li e ,' ,'tit" e'll~Il he I'Ie (I\~I III Il~ 1'4 Tubs Fl'eJd Kegs, Baskets, n/ash-Boar~sl W I.i. I has rciji dcd vcr sillclo', edllel uctil lj.( III II word s lllpl'lllseClflh e Ch l'i t \I', ~ hll rl!. SI'/I [ ul'llu, I url'11I \\ n , 0 l J, L. Bruwn Wll 'C IIl the bluck tn iLhillg ulI :,iness. 1'01 lIla q H'ICIS\'S ut tbe M. E Chillch ' l \'l'ur "lei lIlid II ",' 11 1""11111 Wlt ll iVIeat, L a rd l lVIola bs es l Crack e rs and Co ve ysters, tiS qlllll 0 a cClltnry II '''I III,t , \' edll~~ ulIY l!VeIiIlW, l ' III John 'W, Bnrls(lc k uYlle II Ie I ttcr t - W II P D onnj' C,\II 't k l'~' II I' ~I "11 111 (' ,~I"" 'l "I M ill I \\ 11 ), ,,1""11 ~ I!!=~~=~===~~~==~========::=====~ W, H, Bone Tllrtlc reek IIUS cU lI'lell ' 0 11 b "I' tire lI ewspllper bll:!1I1 ti IIIC u,,, "~n. It, "'1 II '1110dS a Ili S W ~ II 1"!lI~I' II/I" In t 'fllily !Jnt ...II Ot pro l1J!,t ' , ,,'11.'1111 II ,,' 1I"" "1'1I111'\' r ~IT J R R S k' 11 0 11'/1 ItLlJ u,I 0 11 lU'lIml \f ' Sl l'llet, IIl'u . ' 111. ,,11 II ,tl, 11 1,,,1,1 I" 11'11. J c ... U . d!'c<l'/I led j Ih o nltll r beIng hl o tlll ie It I tll o LeLnlloll, MIS· Irlltnl'llltl', ~ 04: G J oll o R, Bl'des W aync Ilas W OII tI10 edteCtD v i a II tIII I11- r<III " 1 III 1111.) 11l Its PIIICO 1\ I' 'Iy dunri.M;\\' J rllll' lwl ~ rveel": 1'''1," 1111 Ir" "1 hi- IIprlj.(h t From the Post· • wce \TT ' I _ _ _ " r oce ry, J ohn Compton TlIrtll'creok stl'U lgltl!'OI l11'llrtl d(,llltllg un l lit! I!""" 'CJIJI'~lIl tl\ti o li of all old flt. b -- I I'l! IIlam "llillrnSJlIl IIl1d , hll " II CriS " lall' llio IIl tl, 11 11111 ['ca '(' 1 10e PI HE "' !' "",I " ' '1 1' 1l\t{I Nl1 J ohn 0 Andorson Salem 1!;l1llt W(ltl Iry , I" l' ,II l'IIC'"I . hcr \I n Churlcs G , arrlvcd 5 1r "lIle tl' hid u, ltl'. , :'OWIIE I: 1(",,1 " I,,' 1','( f' \ I . ,, 110, J os. D. Stauton Frnnldin Mr. AlII um:lS IClives IllS II If". At th e h,lC k of thi s room Wll8 n ft','llI ElI I III~'ClO.u , .Ka llsll~, Itl t ·aL· -D n, Eh i!,! ht "11\'<, if ),011 "r .h" 1" '11" t' ''' H'''" " " . " •. e, oI l irS. la p '\I ~ II'"II\ 1',,' I1I I I'>!" I\P'1 Eli Kirk \Vasbin g toll threo 1;0118.0110 ot wh olll 18 111 Ca l IUl ge fir C' l'l m'l) "'nh wid e thrant d III'<11I Y e \ enlll~, I\'lIn t sn.\dlc~. h llrtll'~ 1 ~7~ Abraham Ebright \Vayu llornill, tlllU six danglttcI'3 to moltl'll ch IIII11C,v , Ihl'(lllgll wh ich, at tho -i\lr, aud Mrs DI'att')IJ. uf' X en· rr'ne, ,\1111", CII!rll'(lIl1 h.. , hors' '1'1 11 ,'" IU,,,I .. ,, Hrv " ,' of,, 1 ,\II"" '. II ( Ambroso D nrlh Olonrcreek tbe 10 s of n kind hu band li nd \l'ul,e,' tilll ,'u nta IlItI fUll nd 11 III . utlell ded tho fn llcrnll)t' 1\11' T. 1 1/ 1I ~i l l'R, Itnr<l'; C.)\I' I ~ I, "lJln~, "ali . (;I,E"'(I, '~~D'" ''II' HU lon n ,UU:¥ I' DIl U ('G'!4T. /'" IIIII , wra, II B1'1\1 t O il tI I.u!'I,th su, 01 th I'er\ h lO t qn .tll l.\ alld II I U R IC,, Wm, Bellkr T nrtlecr ok fllther , who e \Jluco n olhcr call "IIV til l'llt"I'llll d dl strl' bu te a Itlrl1C' J:>> ,.'I C.... II'tn, ~_ I Nn:3 . EA T ~fAIN SlRte",r, l h luwe t O lltll JL t u 1"-' p. r.I~I ' ~ 1 u rt' ' In '\V, H. Oon tul·lo BlI l'l a n till. lay they ook fUI cOlI solnllOlJ rllllllllc r "I ..)" ,xe wh ich were pil cd r, ye terduy , IlIl' I'ery IVllc t I'm'!'", cul l Dt tir e n'lIl mAnufo, lurr.1"f Ihe 1"", IJro',,," .. 1 T"rl "r \VA Y 'E ' VILLE. 0, E , K,Snook,jr, Tnrtlccreek lo theon lysonrc II' IOwh cnc till(' in tentpllllo" 1II111yil tlto ch iwnoy -GotoJI\'IIB H8y"li~ IlmJ huy Sndu lc !llId Il ufll eils El1Ip,r ltllll, ""d "llo. r ,nulorllli. I I , . e',IIr.1\ Irc P rt.'~n rt J1ltlin " " " ml~)Ilndl'd tt l\lI h nurt6 y EI D I T k d B ' ,. I I d ' II b I d r"un .. lu lU tCfMl nIb" Klld OL1H"f ,.llb:rIlUt efol C81!er owney UI t ecl' c· cOllIlort pl'ocee . curn 'r. Jour ullRlea .or call lD onr.y \ JB n nil your \\'1I11ti! WI e Impp 10 , "hlch....., Ir"'1 "'"el) ".",1 f, "h. In"""! '.' an IInpcri'mf'cd Dru U't.ria1.. 65'7 Jus. M. Ke ver Turtlecroel, Yostcrdny Ii/reno n , at 1 0 cloc1, , The UIlIl, cllce wnil la rg , attontive lon con I\t any other shop. wltb a Repllirillg rlOllo I rom ptl I'. AI 0, tllr,' 1I1l,I 11,11I1"'r,,llem uf !J k II~ Puwdor.. a In!'!; " umbel' of fl'i of)d a em, und wcll 1'!lIl ~l'tI, But It is 0 1' tlt e good wnrrnDt aID lI11thorized agcnt tJr Ih' Soulh ~Soltl by I~Oll 4. XX'IlAN hired a h ne nnu bng. bled at the Inte hmne of'tll O ue It tern I , cXe:Cl!e lI'ecs p cilllly wish -George ' . r~tz r ~oice8 ern Ohio l\[u tuul Rolle f A 90cllltion Y,,,,,. r"l'rotfullv A I. F.\ Rn '1'118 r Iden,'o or H,lntlfth Arnett Third U from n rvey Kyl ~ on l"rk\v, OCjLscu W P.l:'Y tlt!ir)ust !fi.buto ,0 I sreuk, Ttlo cormnitt C"i!'N!'l1 ' ,~J,;i!lt\'n'1:t1retl 01 Xenia. Dl1rin~ tho rnst y /lr. W"l' IU ,,"II.I.J ,, , .. 1&1\ ~, fl trl'Ct.. 'Y" 1ncltvl lJ c, Ohtf. I"'unt ni nlng e ve n r dllln!t. It llt" plliltry IIlId kitchen The h uu"o to go to N~w Burlington. aft~rrtis respect. nr. Jama W. B allll!d or tlt o Rc ll' ti llns did Its ""Irk nd. or the opiurn .. i ~ Dr. J, L, hnve taken sixty th em nlld uollu rs IInl. h.<1 in bl., k wnlnllt, IInel i. In ezool. in polieieH, The rnn illlllm lIumher, WlJ en t hll Hltc l, SO , i. tools, promlslllg to rctnrn thnt even · Illltl Fri eml Hllchul ll vp klllS mlluc mi rnhly ill pllttlng good solectiolls Stephllll8 of' LEI )a n. INI t. 1'\\ n netv-' l'umiJ~ (m t.he promillg. Nothing was h ell~d of th e addl'l:!88ed, alter which rh" rCID ,IIII!I illto the hUIlUS of' th ornnghly CO Ill ' -Pro!. "V, .J. ok, furmerly oll e . tholl sund mem!) r, IS u(',nl: ly Corn ~ bu~l" I hil· ol • em u for ollftl' M' wttt e r :;U "ltuon l ~ hi}lh. o4llnlD u ndjn~ B beRnliteam Dntil Munday mornllll;, wh oll lo"king' si llgnlnrly Itf",lt ke In Ihell pCllllt speak or.. Th ose who tlo· Olll' schoul Prineipnl, hus chll rl-{e of ~lttnll,l ed . Th o 0 w lM hlllg J1UItC IC>I Ont9 ful,',ow L ot ~.;jIU; ~ "" .. ely of /rluttuo mau's brother bl'ongl"t the hors, lust long sl ep. wel'e cunveyetl, tu clallllo,1 were; )lisse8 Leah Wright, tho edueati oOtlI depTlrtment of tho 111 tlllR ~omr".ny cnn ho ncco lllmn 1I 11) ' per lon. trM""I li nd ~Ho d ~o ll T erm " H(·(,o mru odn.ti ng. 11 III A lllla Tay lor. ~llI1ni e Dodson. Mol. Mom, UhIlOi$, Herald. nnd b IIggy to tOIVII, 8RYIIIg t Ita t III i! rest ill Mlllnti C ulllotor" oI p(lI ' t , ,J O~ 0 KEY , AgellL d at d hyeu II tIIg 011 or nJd r S8111g FI Ollr por owt , k d bl J E Bu ckwheat pur cwl , brother was Bi.c au ulla e tn pn ll·bell rers were, lll Ull ra I 11 lie Side8, Anlla Sell ers, Emma -Tho Exc!!lsior clnss of tho f. D. It Imgltt. II l1l kwhutlt p CI' bu sbel, leave home. It 18 rumored th,at tho flarr is, Jo eph G Keytl, Pctur Ehri g ht II l1d Linll Wright; alld E SlIlId.lY sclmol pl esellted IL hunu --So Ellts WIIS re clectcu .\IIlB Blltter por III For the "ur e of lin (lh!cu"c" "" I'iUJor fTf'l m chup drol o from N ew Bllrllllgtllll Eberly, Wil li nm J onod, J llhn N, ;\Ia.~tel'~ CllIll'l es Ebright, P earl ~ome bo k to their tcneh er Mr. ter of the PRtrons 01 IIn~bl\lId ry Mnpl e rnol1l 8BC8 itnptlr IU.){.d. nnd for th v tg-o r nt in g Imd to WaYliesvil le ou Sutllrduy, alld Fetter ulld Je~se D Llll wck, FU llh')" 1.(·c IJllrtsock uud Oakley ,JOllll W eo l' at Cltristlllllq, ' of Ohi o at the p se iun uf the ' tute Bcer per It. . h ~l cuts, " tr, n Jlth"Tlul~ theo 'It.d orllnm" Aro you let th'(I lI or e stand in tho street III Hld tJ;o, .Whel e all dl(~ so ~oll it.1 -Wo 1I1'~ indebt d til Mr, J n, GI~l1ge III ' lllllmbns, lIe It> II III' S lI n "age p"r II, " 1..'lI K, I1 l~f\·H U". flrhll1tllt ccl. p" lflllnd em auIul e,1i' Jl I1 \ )"11 1o'~L ) our "1'1>6tl!.e? H a, o t he ellld ull night, nnd drove to hi s DKATI1 OF MR, W. F RAl'F.ll - w~ro III1JII~t to speak tn prBlso vII [a Fetr vf Los All ole C I. vorlte WI th th o pntrons. I Cl olher - nit per hurrel yon U "". eR, ]tll ltl ill tin' bn.c K. It:;c? If flU. that when Mr, Hnpor huu been sufibrillg In.1\I IlIel ll' it! lInt l'('citnti oll8, 1.11 , I g" ' IU Ulun hns holrl thllt ottice 111 tlllo II n m A (Aug"I' curod ) per III , bruthcr 8 on Snbbath; lind 1 n r LlI"I,") '. HI 0 00 SK ,\II C'IIP. lC "ilI drivo ' W aynesvi' II IIe t01.U sOllie per IhollruUtlSIO ful' sumc tllIlO. hil t IeI\' " urI atel papors ,r<llll t lat stato alld no one IS I"Ik ely tn, so I IJon L t oeM per IHI.IC I I III MIl~ter Po'ul Flllikey III II ,Iillrlllll, u1n G Id i, out tho dio." ... II l1 d \"1111( boll k Iho B1oo lllo 'II W I10111 IIe eon versed th a t of his Ih ellus .' IIllu" UIlY ICIOIL t IlIlt lind thc MI' sses . tie ,0 en ",uto <J HE ll 1 i '1' 1, 11'8 I'e r h ' I~I , 1'1 Enlma Stansberry, City lIenl' , long as th e vopn Iur '" sons Wit of HOll llh , l'II"!,ic·., 130,,1., Er)".pel"M. 18 . I (, th' r ~ ,lit Rh urn \.\:0 'I r Lut lLur(uoo ho in teuut'd to drive to Louisvill e his eOllolti on was clltlcalllllttl Illst EII'I 1(111 ' nnd Loa Wright in n -1 1Hl ma8 H . Blakc, I~te Conn tv 1I'IIIIlcecpt It .\lr Mill er ul En c ). ::11" per elm e." I1ld .. !lt ilill" flf Dlilnd Di ttfMIlCil ; " ntt Dr. Any how, he sent th o horso aud ve wcek, wh en the gl'lLVl'st fClus wel e (J Ill' WitT, 01 "1111 accompaniment Rocoru er, ltas been appollltcul'oHt· CO \\II~ rc.clec:o I cerut~ry, A 11:"rd prr pOlino! L" JlI.~ , '. 111,,,,,1 ""nreller, h)' pnnfylllg tho hicle horuo.-Gaz ctl6, arun cd. A combinllti" l1 of mcd U" 'j'l" tlt W rr,';ht curri ed off tlte mastcr of Lebnnon. There woro nil rcsdlll tl on \I'll lid ptcd III til l' l'ln x ~ f'~(l per hn shc l .. , .... 111 . !'Iflf f, II" 1h e .. kl n noel t~u u t,Hp" tho . -. _. tt tt' J' , ro, IIIcrUIlS other applicants of conrse ' I I Cio l e'l SI'cel I' ~I' I,"~ hel r. ' ''lIIpl { .l.''ln :inla 1J) dn11tJ.Clfoltl' $ol.on IN'r . iClt! s kill was Inc I!ctnlll 11\ ba Hllg Illn sicnl 11111101'8 ME 1" 1 b ' E' Grnnge, )Jl'tII I')IlIIlJ,C the I C~ ls ut ilI ' 1I C11! ~ po, C \\ I , ~ .-,11 1"·"Ir, R I'; :iELL.; R, & CO , Propr·s. hALI,U; M.-rnol) ~ITII D'PBT~&' tho inrond s l1llld e by disease alld III Wh clI tho M, E. Church gIves r. zr~ lal y. ~othor I ,for County sohool SII)JcIlIItell o CnC) , ~=========~=== 1', ' '' ''IIr ~ h. 1'. 1" or ."Ie by J B,md. RIA,-lh,o two , meth ods 01 trC?tlllg di screet trcallnonl, nnq Mr, Rllper fl lloth el Slich enjllynhlo onteltuin · I~ILlly, Es " , l) .... M~, Hunnuh We aro gllld to sec the husbalid : TURNPufi NOTI CE, dlphthorl,lI, With chl orate ot pot ui eu 011 Montlll)' nftclD 011. Dec, II ICllt 1I IIIy \I e be there to sce, I, IIlton, of Uus plac;e, dlod snudonly mon ri "'ht on thut 1I11 11 0rl uli t qnc8 ' " I S I I 'I I \\ II I DEATH D £ FEATED, d ra t e of c11 l i111\' e 30,1 7, ill IUllo181 WIll bc h ·Id ' .III 0 ' . one d!Lyofl list well', k tilln, 1"Llltel'- Mr, Ellt'iS refn e,l til 11' 1I""''''''0'' II t oc I IU1cr r'o l l l\' ' l\II CiH t C ll n' a h lIU d iIY, I 0ru. n. III CIOnati: '1II rr'l"I« .re Icr, I" II .. "R.,I ]" r .. , " T r.u J ."r', SEL LERS' LIVER b~on c~mbll1ed hy Dr, Co lire to day at 1 0 clock. Mr, Hll ncr ••_- - at the ugo 01 17 year:!, sorve IClIwcr liS 1\1 MtCI' lilltl Bl'i CT- n", L11 11 ,Iu llon r"r !lire rlnr' 01 ' '''0 G"m ]'U 4L~ }"not' lW{l1l tho At: l1 ulud rumedy for Clnttagha of' Rome alld ns he r ) :08 GAZf:l1l - The Sugn r Orove 6ohnol B b SI hI "I d 1 ~ d 1 "II Ion". ",I I hI! holll al tho 10m, e , 01 " 'I "" LI' CI ' Hlnp!ruut. ~ t1ven o..~i'. 810k )j eud' " I k bl ' hus hoen llCltizcll If till tUWII t'l ,,, ,... IJl't~n:.l h"d ngmn .I."cilllro"tllU" - 1\ Y IOwsaro to rap:o ev l\lm wnsecctc, t 18 U n n I III N, ,,, 11""'0, 1",1"", 'H ' ~l n l'\ IiA \ the lH~h c . P lli n Itt Shoulrter,. or ll,u:l k. DIZX hl Cflllt. Cnltt,.·,l l(1nll g n o, PUVOl: IUld ~\gl1e, nod all clnllo~, WIt I romur 'u 0 Sl1cce~s, a lIumbol ot Yl'ars, Illlel b) hiS nt 'Iu",dlll ufl, ",,,,,", tho 24th 111." U". b,- cryw hore, uQd we ondllrstalld Ihut frum Elli S to Brlghum - lbII'MI I 1311, "I ,I.\N~!\R\, 1,7'1 ell f,! IlJl,(lJol I\n,. ln ll frftln t\ tierunited 8tnto of Be d,esolv. 8 a drnchm of h)~drl;tc fnbl e disp us iti oll ulld killdly tnlill' In): th . ulo ,. IIf ,I", fnll term, "vory i"Ier· the 11 II Iverslll romedy usod to kt'ep COltn ty CII1' oniole, lIy ord, , 01 the f'r< ~I.h ~L the Llyer .If SlomMh Thrun.... of of e, hl ol'alill '}.. ~._ ,I - Iu,~. -t ' t N !) I 11 c IG, I,' 7 .J\lL L L\ ,\~ S ,rc', n!! cnWrUllnI1l0,,(t w"" Ig,,'en byI the the Illtle 0lle8 quiet i~ Dr, BuJ\'~..,. nil( SIo n,Iv Ky, ' "Y''' ·Se ll ~ r.' 1'111. h,ne d fivo, I drllchm t t stl 0 f g1y Il er 11118 Inude lUun}' fll Cll tlfI wh o :;ul,lI HI lur ". On Hl ol l1n ; ,) r out.a tn ll " d I (I~ UC~ .... corllle" Ull npp lee I , 0 I~ LI so WIll deplore IllS death, He leavcs u"d ,I" III "',,""'" Olle of 1110 1>rI,,"",cClt Bilby Symp. It conlnllls no opitlte III. ~c ruU III IS IIC 0, Ins "'1\\ ('fl IHUHl r OIl;.; o ( d ull llrtJ In d nC tor~' hili" 11\ 'lifl n 1ll1 r , ' • ruernblunes three 0: fonr tH:ICS ,a a wifo- an cstimuhlo lacly--und feulure. ,,1 th ' e'cn .... \\ Il' thc reuu lII ll of Pricc 25 conts. closed lor lIlIC wCl' k's Vucn tlOll, NOTIC"~ !>IEI.U' ltS · , rFRi'1i FUGE til" duy, by mealls 01 a camel s·hall onc son to Iwmrn t1l0 loss ot un Ill· U pup," ~"'tten" J! IlIth.""hool. "t)lori tho TI!E bOlleled oubt 0 1 Lohallon 18 lhera II ill h." n""I1'~ of ,I" brusl!. O~ the ehl orate of p"tash dill cnt husb\lnd UIIU luther, 'Su!-,,, r Grove U1,rnlllOle.' "hieh cUlltllllled ~ The n\'OnUe8 1eadrng to lin I."r,; Bu Ji dlll!: nnll I onn A . '" coli"" nl I 'e "rent W .. rlO"Hr .. EX\l'lIl • .i. 400 0 lI rrn!fi (ruin m y oll1ld, two ye1\rs o1d "- 'V. 110 g,ves trom two ulld n Il nll to g ___ IU II II) .1" \ ,nll ,' h ,., "n,1 Illwg(,ther reBct:l- early grave huve often bcen 01lCII CU $ :.:=-JO~,~5~n_n.;.,______~-===~ 'Inw".I" I' Hou,. (, " llll:\ IIA Y 1\ I'i I' A· \Y~ rlJ' Pr, ~ l LOIJ1~. Mo So}el by drll"lllo"', lrl ~I t It I r •.!llH urH '" t ho (lo ntnLu ton.. r :": II I 'J, I "f, KL 1 0 dock I ,. fo r III\' 1'4 r fOllrdrnchm s nda\' , di ssoh' ed in S B I' f I l'ull."rou"III 11"onthllll'C". IIIwb'chwedo by a cough or cold. ThousunUd 'fA rlRIAUli',f---- I' Il AO"f l loC IIIIVNIIIO (n) )I'" CI''''' ",r lhe 1'"," ~;; ct. ""oh R E SEl.LERS & J MltR ALLY ARroN, re ICt 0 I Ie I I I f h b d d db D .J1 ~I n fl~'" I I' I' I"E" S CO. I'ropr'. PJlI.hur\lh , Pu Send for 1\ fOlll' anu n·ltalf onnces 0 1 wator. t o . I lint pl\lP" ....• t.. ''', IJ 1£". rllt ,. r pr. crill!!, to ave een cUI'e an save y r, _ __ _ _ . __________ \lllr 0 r" , . , ~ ' , ce, clllldi ell of frol11 thlco to six yeura, Illto \Vtlltllm BUI toll, di e? t1t leI' do"I '1I r" to, I h""'f,,re. \I e II oulri '''Y 11",t Bull's Cough SYl'Up. It is cheap' HART- JuHNsUN - At tho ho".~ of ..."1""),.,.;e.,...,14;.:"~I~R!;8~!!!!,,,,~ ,, _ _~,,,",:,~~_ om'ular F'or ".10 by J Scurd•. W"Ylle... lle, home, on th e RaYSVIll e pIke, Dl!·'h'lrIl l~ "~ '''J II.lI)Jlroud ofherl'r<"cnt 1 "5 '00 I ' Mr,R,ohuNlHolI,IIICorwm.Dllo,2,i.l t!i ti. - -- ...,-- ., H'I"I:'S- M D TBIlTB8. and an o\ll\ce to lid 11118, WIth, b . ')8] 78" tI 9Jd f"u"d, ,,,,dll,,,,,, ,,. ,t,.cert,"nly . ufu h' .,,y OIlY_· eentsa , tto. bythe Ruv'dL,F,VllnOlove, Mr. J"meB J.lM ... S \" II ,'''', , " the8e meu iciueol Ite ulways corubilles cem er '" , , 111 10 ' Yellr 0 .1" '. noL. cond til nuy ,ounlry d.. lrwt 111 J' I' 'm 'P' d HArt. of O,,,,,.r', Creok, nnd )I .. a.. r.h S. BOMIEOPATIUC ............ a ... P ......... B •••• uor uge. Hel' fllneral took pll1ce 011 tho "" Ullt) , !'ho d,rectora either b)' chBIIce ,- lin oag ue ~ ~re, et, nil , ...... " . . . e. U ton ic aud rostoratlve diet, Monoay at wlllcl, tilllo tho Rev'c1 or g"ml,nnll,')!' lIIel1~. hn, e boon forlunnte Dickey Alldl.l1 :!on s Llldy 'V tI kes J.O !!Io!!u!!"o!!"!!.!!"!!1!!c!!o!!!rw!!,!!"!!,!,!!!!!!!,!,!!!,!,!!!,!,!!!,!,!!!,!,!!!!!! T'""'", .. • .. J I H' k dd e d tI e seem m prHOllrlt01C Ih ••crv,eu. of the p~e"e"t hud a slight bl ush yestereJuy, Th e ;:: lJ L' .. l' 11 t, • Ollloo 2 ,Ioor. South of H orrl.· Bank. They Aro compuunded from Hops PROF. TIOR, tho dlstinluished me· 0 '~ aw ell r SSI' I U . gell ICllllluly tellcher. who 'ft caroful lIJ lIJ· t t wns beunt' fill and both nllilllll" L:- -'L <.) • MaID fll., \V.r..... llle. 010 ••• teorohgist and weathor pr1het of hly III Il vor~, ~ceeJ1hlble. mnllnel' 8Lructlllg I". !'upll. not obly lD tbolr ord,. ru I , ) ,I. ~_~,~_" ._~ ___ ~ _ _ __ ~ BUCHU. MANDRAKE ~nd DANDIolLIOll. r'I'1tal Irom. the text l ,f, 1\ mun d,e, 8hall nnr)' .tnd, c•• bllt nloo their mornl. UUlI' showed tip ~ II\ "1 er- bea'! In - SMITR.-In Muy'. LUlld,ng. N J , Dec'r Offioe hOllrH, 7 1·2 to t) 1-2 A)I , I to'll 1.2 Lhe oldest, b.Rt, and moat valuablo med St. LO\j '18, 11ns I'ss"led Ill' S iomeA III tho world nod cont&1II all tho , ,• I ~ ft I I tl m'wn er. two or three triuls .~Xcnia Ga. 14, U;7t:1. of dlpbthorm ""d oroup. JenlllU I' ~. 7 to I:l I'" Natio nal JVea6hc7' Al7ntt/ulC for ho I~e ugnw n er \V lIe I ,10 1'h~ J1 Ll~"dAnoenll th,8ooc ••iol\ ,nd,catod z UO T . BUilth, d"ul!htcr of Jilin". A ,\lid Sallie ~~-'A~ tiiii --JJAMiic-~ heoL "nd moot propertl •• of ~11 1 79 til whicb besides lorelelli ll l7 remllln,s wcro con~eyctl to tile, B\C~ Ih lJ, h'n.t ,eoiL by the l'"renlJl «tid (rlO"d. e • F, SmIth, "Kod 2 ) e1lr. 11",1 0 mouths lIl!Ie fllJ e ~1J~li!i,glJ other Bltte.. , beIng the grenl.ot nl,OOD PUlltFIER,Llvlm REOULATOR, nnd LIfo ill } h t.t.Io 10r"vcrHDlu,w J Crtl11C h thi ~u ltII,e e tnlolrest, t "owealhcr "or' ever" day ill' the sI te F nell dS' bIIrylnggrollo d II1 tlJ IS '" t1 ,o l, 1.. t rd",£ rh h eth1,0 ,,. c '::~. p'" l< .'t , - M r, H • D , EI'IZltr, tenclor 0 fOu Tordwell •• L, OF LEDANON, U I' J I "I t ""' \I ,t ,.l,lll "'IC t c ermome""r reK,·t.r· C ' I I I n ,lfId U. llith Roo'turillg AgeM "" earth )ear and clcurlv expluwlIlg the P ace cur III enncn . , , • .J i1,,"c to ' oro f\1I d(1), Ilnd evory (nee orWl1l sc1:oo, \vU8 very p eusllnt y Her 10\ 01) "I'",t ""10k It. Hight, ,h"CIIRe or ill h.alth OllO po•.,bly House PaloUng. Papering and No theory on whi ch 'Iri s predictions are MI'S , Burtoll WIlS ~ !Jat! ve 01 Nell I-e, mill I , " mr II J.,) ful uprc•• lOn to 8CO s urprr sed on Tuesday, the 24th , by An(1 ,hu ,~ "IOlhed III .~"lI e>" wh ,tInOIl e ... t whero the.e Dittor. are u<ed, 80 V ll rlCcJ Imd ' IJe rfcct aro their opera. ()alsominlng. ' I. t Jcr~(ly, but hilS tor many y('lIr~ .,,' I, " 1" ,I,,r In h.. or hcr pa rt o"qu ,t thom- his sc holars prosenting him n hnnd b 'd I tiOD., asc , Ie gIves a 116 ory. cBn8Cs I d II ' I d t I .,." "•• " ",.11 DU/~. JI"M oponod " Brllnnh Ofll •• In \V"yna. and effects of tOrlluo o!ls-a chapter reRI' e 10 \18 P nce I\n I t! VICIIII Y We "", I, r"IA II ,1 Mr Fnrlcy Rekert ",,11 somo gold pen in token of their 16 ..:::l U "ille Ordcr. lort lit '!Ifr 1>0ll'MD,u !! Storo They give 00W' Hf. Bnd vigor to lho "god lind infirm To RII who.. olllploy. on Ii ghtnln~ ruds expose,; theIr I~er laat IIIIICS8 was ot long dultl CO li""",· Il' lellcl, at lea.t throllgh tho Will' ~ard lind esteem, A vory appro A .n,nll yellow pup, w,th .hort leg., An w,lI rL'Cr" el""mpt "ttcllt,on f10fl ment... enUK. ,rrogul .nly of the bo....el. genera l wortlllessn~"s, lind explRills tlOn, yCI hoI' ngc exceeded hy IIlIlIlY. ler term J ~rillte prcae ntutiO!J j.eechwas m/lde swer. tu th . n uno of Grober FlIlCl or ",11 DB B 0 ~ E Ilr Ilrl""ry orgAn., or who reqniro un tl 11 t t t H '}~ recClVO row,t.rd by tnnkln g whl~rclthol\Ut ... huw they may be mado effective, ycar~ Ie nverngo 1\ 0 men 0 II"I!' IN ACQVIKINO Klwwl,EoOE. y Mnster owurd 'hompson, he known to }' ltANKLIN DU,tNE'l'. • , Appollzcr. 'l'onlo and m,ld Sttmul.nt. Ih.80 D,tte.. Are .nvaln.blo. bO'D!!, hllfh. &c, lhe \~hole, is of g reat inter- mallS Itfe. ••• I-IlIIICq!cllill g 11 knowledgo of tho sclto~al'8hnvoc()ndtlcted the!"selvcA or STEl'llEN nUltNE1' I'nVSIO-MFnrCAL I) f' nrnti v('. t l)nH' Imd .. Um"1 \t1tlg'.withest and prllctienl value to evory Ol1e, Tm;: comluis810ners will brrng ElIgII ~ " Lang-ungc. and especllllly cl'ccJltably, ~n<l de8~rl'e specllil COUI ~~~N0 1~fcE~~~ PII YSICI AN & ACCU EUR. out mtm{ltntlHg" N o nllttter whil e you rfecllnsz" or .ymp· nnd espeCIally in,lispen8uble to far· suitngulDst W, W, I VIllS, llltc mem I In I"UIIIIIII{ tlt e 1Il l!:LIIIIIg of word!:', 1lI0ndutloll lor theIr gO(ld hC~IlVlllr NotIce," horeh) K"ell to lilly nn,l "II om",. Dr H"d l,,) '. old ",lInd, tom" ore, t\ hut tile dl!1ll\l\JI,e or .dmf'nt ut, Mnbl "'n,,,r.yUl.,, Ohl •• mers, For 8ulllple copy Ilnd terms ber of t he 13nnl'u, fvr tile $1011 011 pruhllhl,\' 110 uth cr. \\'ol'k, nor mllny gen~rally, as well us for thetr gcn l'0rson. lJU vllljf c111"IlSR~"IJ,.t th.rc. ,dIlRr> II'" II,,!, ll, tt·... D,,,,'t WRIt nnLl1 YCl" of sale to the trade ILnd to agents, tI,e Dotorl'()Us cottle trade, Accord. uth er b(,oks nltlHrcthel', eUII ufl,.rd oros;ty, 1'"1<"00£ MARY T lJOUK, deo',I, "'!.euf IIr~ ",ok, bill ,I yoa only feel bael or mi.· d 1 . '. n WArren County, 0, (or wurk, I"b.,r or ..... ( •• ernh1 0 \lI4C tho Bitter" Nt nnce It muy aen 20 cents to ·nOllrSON. 'I'10E & ing to IVIl1S stutemellt, the other 80 milch IIIlI liS \V ehste r's UII' -Robert Hatton writes to us a'\ "" ,ot,,"oe. und "R0111 ro furn .. h.,1 her 111 her l ' '" ' , ' ":IIV ~ ,our lifo UllllflrpdH hltvo been 0 0" Publishel'l!, St, Louill, Mo. memhcrs of the Board nrc as decp uhridgeu Dictiollnry, WIth its 3000 fullow8 from Ellston, 1\1d,: 'III till S Illst .lIn SR. to pre.out the ."mo to 111 0 b) UJll or {I 11 II RC81 d UI Cl', 1'11/?'rI St., .lIycd b) "" dll\og, ur $5000 ..MlI - •tile Peunsylvani n III tIle InlTe us II"., I'S In tile mild. PIctorial JIIustra tlona, its pl'ecise lalld of oysters Rnd wood·ticks, we .ftor 11,0 NlUtb of J,,"uotry, we W A YN FS ILl w.1I be I'I1Id I?r " ".... th.y "ill n.,t"ur. TIl e ro~ort of that (11th) dow rilly ull "uoh cla1lM \l:I7Il, w,lI bo .V . .E• or hulp . . . _. alld tlill denlll tiol1s, its CArcful d IS' fool t,he offi.e.c:t. of,.tIIA ! 17oneru,1 de. I .. d I' th t -I . I0 - --... ~q;r.figllroR ,., I, E, KEYS. Adu,'r - -ROBER'I' '''. J)u nol "'1lTrr yonl'flc\f or 101, Y('lIr NIl roa compnny Sl WB a .1 e p e s L R R C cl'iminatious of sy nonymous words, preSSIOn, bllt• YE!tonr for pro barre,1 ( J:"'URNA-S-, fnon,l. ",,/tor. bnt'uClO K,"l urgo them t o P. C. & St, L. R. R, earn TIlE" & t.has , iSBllou , ,; 111' ,0. \In''U I'ts mnny VIII liable lables. It <llIce ~how 80rnewll"t .f ~' t th t f illgs were (Pan·Hundlo rOtltc) ... .. hctter than 1I 0~lmorATnro uoo Flop Bitte.. lar In excess 0 11 0 prevlOlls stroctio[ls to all agents Rnd bug IS, in itself, a Ivhole Irbrury of the they did in Ohio in 184:1-2, whell Part,es wi.hing to engllgo BngRr Crooks Remember. Hop Bitter. i. no vi1 ~ , druggod, drunken n08trum, but tho Pnyears. • • _ gage musters on Ite Iitles of road to laul;ungo. Let on0 fumily Illwo Ii we reulizorl about eli per 100 !bs, for the Spnng WIll ple.~ ••end in 111\ order. Offioe "oun from U~ te ti M A~I, 2~ to rest ullcI BeAt Medloine ever mild,,: tllC Soldier,, ' check freo one hundred and fifty Cl'py of this work, aud ~Ise it fflith· fo~pork, and 4:0 to 50c, tilr wheut, ~~V~': :~~~r~lf ~;~~~;.ie'ntl~7fU;.1J tl~d8 ~~ t5 I' 'I . lnvnlid'. Frlond Rnd Hope," an,\ n" ~-.:!....""':"---RrmTB::-.rl;-£'n"lrton:-TIInrnmrn!l'1~2',5O'r,,;';;';';:;r1 of bnggnge on each 10081 or flllly, nnd anothcr be Without I , - :m for corn an 2 ote. a ozen for wnrc. on'1nmlL Wo .nRke Flower Croob Offico 2 door. South of II....,. B"nk, I."' .."n or fom lIy .ho'd bo without the", .....,. .... 11 ...........'. WA.1Cl'IBI!IVII,I,.,OU' •• coul,on ticket JIIstoad of one hun, th0 ditlerenee in the pr0lj;esB of the oggs; 31t Rnd 50 cts. a d ozen for and Dcoota"" ~G~tI;"rv..n.BlI""c'.It.y, TIT U •• 4). . . . . 4) .... . . . , " 'I" t' I d I' k W 'SA 25 SH U ..,.n r '" IcCREAR.Y, dred pounds, us heretofore. This t~o ,amI les 10 gel 109 nowe ge e \Ie ens. e now receIve "" . D II 271. LebaMu, OhIO, PaI.II.,U.', For .Cllo hy J, BANDS, SE'rH W. BROWN. order goes into effect January 1. Will be very great. and 4,5£: per 100 for pork, $1 fOI A TTO'R. N EV AT LAW, .-.-.- - ..- - wheat, 35c. for corn, .25c, 1\ do??n GOOD sklltin~ on the ~L~er; the ArrKa to·day you mnst pay pen; for eggs, and ~,B to " a J OZt'1I lor A ~oud, fle. 1i Milk Cow for BRIe, En. AND' NOTAIlY PUBLI(J., PLAIN 110ME TALK , , By E' B Fllon"M 0, A fa" oopi.. of lhl8 alty 00 d~linquent taxes. chic,kens,' , . qillre at titi* ot1lQ~ , ooys ar~ enjoYing it~ I.BBANON, OHIO. mluable wofk lor 1111. a' the Guelte offioll. •
, 11111,11 •
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II I.}' tho r' 5 .. O~EE illllnti I1lld tllOr city IItlWR' 1111111111':1." Th\'re \) W illi - ('xc ·1}; 'rf1~ITIOM OF '76.-WI\ud urillg lU,I )",'d 1.nllor) ptl pCrd (:Ul l I.c 1111,mJud for th c low 101, Fot ri ,1'1Il!1·lIvillg~. ~ '1 0 TT · PURE GUM throu"h thl! lIited ~tllte' ~l' rioll - La t W aullc day.' eoold hnve pri e of 81 pOI'-year while CIJUlltry j I' 'ip~a, hUIlI Iron IlIld 1111,' 1J ..1l1lt~?· JV of tid Willy IV udllrt'ul Exillhitiou , \Jeell t: :n a oouple vi Yl~U1lg WOIl1 ' pllpers IIrv cllr' I I' !I' if ' reu K"' I. wlinulUltking lip II tir'1lt chls~ ,:;I 11 'P lItUtl!Uelltud aud \..vl!I·.dls·pluy~ en walk111g tho t<lr etll 01 r. hl~t\(llt. Ivwilr thull $;1)1 r y ur. 'l'I~e r ·ftH\lI1S IUIl"uziuo lit 1\ \'rry 101Y pri (~. I ' d a .th illost pI' it i~, I entUil up. WhO, W' I' II PP ~ ~<.l t he v i hud. are 8cv{'rlllllntl CIIII 110 cadily llttlted. rCil~t)i'S CIllllllt <10 h .tler tl, ll l1 pend f or r tor il1 Gr y nair' to . 0 ;; UI1 I'glilll gla:! oaso, whv 0 ehll.lllct~1' Itll ,l, U I slJUWII IlI'lnw '1'o.eturt "ith. tlvery type vI' U i le/l cellt Ii r the JlInllO l''y (1 79) ils natural Vitality ~nd Color.' Bellllt t..,., fropru adlllieratly& mhttutN. WIll mod 'sty WII~ the mor couapicuou s I~el 0 (If ~'ery bud charllcter. IIID city w ·ekly iij et for th{' claily a/ld /' /I 11 III her lind Reo how muoh the ' I ' «I0e IfIII~r ... mc~ tbail eomQ1on t'rom it noigltborB' fin ry, s ur· tllll e dllrl~lg tho day. th ey struc.k up uvcd o\' 1', .1 bo 1Isud nce per willliko it. J>nblished by Thom 'll ~' I " '11;?!;~ ln .g TIIel, gtUt ~~\':t~~:;' lecI to m.nT mOlllltl'd by the m tt .Dignill. 111,1 acqu llilltaoce WJth h ro 01 ?lIr week in the weok'y forlU ,alld hen co & Tal bot. 23 Bawley St'" et, Bos,!". cio ~I I rei·~I.:-~~nl. bavl. ra Oou.l'n't.... bll' Pra In.ia IIlId di plttyjll~, 'in ncut YOllng l?ont/o, ulld lifte r \\,IlI~lIlg Ih ra is r lilly nu vll tlllY lit ull for l' ton,ot 1. 50 II year, post·puid , ulld 1,,·.!ll h.\'. rinll ct'A ]lI\Ckllgcs, tho lItediClI1 pro)l arali 118 auoLlt .w lth Ih o boys !t,1' ~omo tlIllU. type Betting. The sUllie Illily bo for 81\le ut 1111 tho poriodicul 'depot.. fl" .. ... d for ..., • of till) bou • of Dr .•1 O. A vor & one lit th em rem ul'lccJ that th ey said regurding the ex pcIIB of 8e' lin tho COlllltl'Y. -f', "".' . i " ~ th" wILL On., 1.0 \\ ·1l,1\IIIS8. . would h ve. to gu l(l Ihe p; roccl' to . r ' . , . . -- . h"i:" ~' or __ I \\ n "11'1\1' of the world ...... ido get I!O ltle I II rng , II lid luld. t III IlJy~ rc'ad III!!: . 1:;11 11 11 tlto cxpcntic ot the -. II M C ol'n eVll llti! \ravlllg ~II . :/1",11 i· ,,.. ".-&OI~n I VARNISH roputlltlvlI of the emillont fi n n fol' tu go IIlId get nVIIl C wh~ 8 ky, , ~l1tl wl'~ kly is reully hilt th e co~ t of tho ed Emll1L1 131'\)wn h(JIllO, wu Wish . "S:_."tl /., ~.lrI'tTREGUM 1l00000 .. dto dJ.tln",11II ihl:J chClrnctcr !llld qnlllity of their thoy w(Jlllu lIIeet thclII III Il I ' w pllper Il lid th e lnll ing t)lI tlay C l' to. BUY t ollr. cllstom ol'S thut Ed I . . . "I.,,·,.t I·o{or . RU~B~R"U~h"':,~:l':,"r:Dtd ~~u .U.rh ~ goud 8 llnd relllclltLorwell th ei r Illlllnt~tltltthoOpo;lIl:I o u COI'· llIesl! wolk. ' II II' , ill cOlltraditl' l wlII All ell WIll tl'y to take h~l' ICII" llle f"lfsum rf/ll" " '~'/f' ]lOItI" l lnctbelnocrfPtlo. not ol·rrbear " " Cllts il1 LOlldol1 M"s"rs N II'll r. I!or. T1r l'y purl·d . flro. bvys 1II1111e tl lll.:ti tlll tu tlri~, let It hu rl' lJl ll m. 1'1.11'0 ~V e lI'I1:'t thnt. 1111 hi,s ! ITllI lI h'" r i, 1111, " ' :1 • .1, 1.,: I· I1 ~ !rair " • " 0 I I I tl Itt I d II ' rllg I \\ hc. k .1. :In.] I,,) I. ,,", ,, 1"'11, h o u ~h I·Y. ill ' t.Pllld 's hurchYllrd. Hlw- or ~ Sll O~". UII~ I ·.glr II II' cn .~ bereu 1IIIIt eyc r ' 1111 t hat !!"e:! in lu "~~ d 11'1 r~~ I C )lII \ II . 1~1I1 ~ e I1nt '1111.11' . , ClI1't ..1 I.,' , " " ',r!. othCUSTOM MADE. l ill it 11 Il·is \II· · hom, I dl'lel' milled t'l muke their )J~lIclrn8!! . lir thlo Ihl' \.:O lllllrv wcek ly hu s tu he pru· re~ret .to gl\ Il l . .MI S~ Eln~a ' ill!.: , ' :l1I \ c,w' (' ih,. 1." 11' w he re th e ' r"lI l1' les nr,) d~'I'·, \ ".1 ur thl' !.(I:mus 'x lllllil1 e the COIIlClltM(If this CII (', Ica, o. perhllp;;. lt 1\'119 L()st t1'~lt tir e pllrl't1 " fr';11l th o "" l1gl l" expre8,B ly If /,qt 1 8 ~ 1t1' [081J 11)lIl b" I,,',·!!a l 'l. PURE GUM. . .' t V 8 C h",t),11 .~lJtf·pretty 1; Ui K ~Y mysull . 'a IH1 I 11'118 ~\II'ptlBCu I I tldrl1nk ' , unu ul d d In. t I'u l' it . It I'll , tu Iw writt Cn .')Y . ••& ~ • All S/I,nlNI!. I ,nl l'lllll, iell 1111(1 .1 1'" 1\ '.1. Il nl , neh . us Ih o dclicntu I'c.. i" ctilln to wlii ch I ~ Ul n, VI 1II~. l ('y. rd l1rl~ e • ll\;y S'IllJc hudy- - it Ilu ~ t ue ill peetco " 1" '111 '1111 ('.1' 1 1'.0 <.'.' l d ("I' n " ' I ' ~h\C 8 the'y hllve hroliTh t t heir h0l1gellllid \\ ulIl~l . d ou Ullcs~ ha \ o g llt 1."to ITOn . to) seo if Il i ' Hlli la hl e fv r I'uh. An A ll toni.b~g Fac~1 I ~'.I' II II~ :ll'pil Clli l"lI 1" ' I,nrllJ f fiJlI!. TII_lloot<lh ..olbeP.I_fttllJ.tatn ... re"I'di e~ • I w~s C'blln'l'in etl b\l tho hlo . lh e yUl1l1g II'UIII\: II. "I tl'r 1l'1I1 li"uli ull - lh e tYI'c, hnvc tv bo s,.t- I A I"rgo l,rn Plor; lOn of the Amer.Mn p' . S\~ I III'.! ll. e h n ll' II' ltl, I ".,,: ,· ,edll ll cllt, It ::'1~.!Jclri~~I~J,;t-;:;'~~I~h~o':!'~·.'i!~ap::;'':;t -,. • J HI" tlle bov s WOlit t tl " 0 C • . I pl · liT ".·dny l ylll" '.n,mthe.ffoo l./l "r D, .-, 0.'1'- Q'!l! ' ~"lT,la 11 I 't I , I .. • . . It ll!tl cc ti OIl that, wbi lo wo 11Iwe fit r . " II IU " r C rj lIt.d th e I'll) r htls tu be n·lltl-aI I IP"I'> lliorrl,.orderod liv,er. T lt o re. "l t ·,.! I ~~ ' ~ .~.:.~ _ . ~) ~ y w, ~ (' > I' I r.1·" :lll' \I",. IUI.I.. .8 • • hOlll e the II1 I1St s killful And Ire. vi. .Mr. A bo h.cov el" UI1~ l' llrchascd c~ pecililly fur usc ill l' "C pllp el'. tJ,,·. o ,Ii,,·,,>·. "1''''' '1I••• o" .....". o! i1tt .. Ui · - -.on-or'(':L'I,,",~1 IIS0 II III 1"" ." ('1.11 I.,C. hUlr . ..' I 01 thocl cl'k Wril lU 1I 11I , It' ahout B 1 tl 1 d IIlOtllnn,lvlIllI "blo pcnpItO l811l .... t.lurm.nll l fl'UtI111lrJllll!; J!lnl' (ti h l l l" ~"')' lIlllI • e mil lently, tir o best phY81claiis III two doll ll1't/ \1'('1tit of "t/Ud~ uno 11 . U II O Icr fIO ~' 1I,·.:rt80Ii Ull "",ll1I'" Iii . ,,,,tuuliy ,. ~lIrtlcn in.I~"d .. I ~ f ICOllHl" I" ell ll.i· 111'(';cI'1 1,.1:.1111'· ' . F it C ' In.te. d of .h. ~.rv Inron.enl _n t web IuDl'. th o WIldt! , those l allkee doctors I I tl I d ,," ,.' . mo t IIl1purtullt ut II , wh y th o 1'1 "I\,u nl ~x •• • "''''eo' . nloym. lltl\uclll.orul. ~ fll 11l1 I hn<c J clOlcri ul\ ' ''' ',, 1'111 t'"' 1"lrtl p.lIl<!d on OtbermRkeaoI Dooto. . . . I I' IUC 10m c IIIrge tl) !1 rtl. ~ ey l i t . kl t I f' . I' • I I ~ \.0 I TI , ' II ' • , . , u lstuneOIlS· tio llll'1n ti e me ofp op "'I '11 . I . I' c lin rll ll CC ycanuu le urll lBlet:. It O"'. " " "hui"' . "" ' .• or IS 11 0 ~"O \\' I' lI'h lin k....SOil '" l" II' •''''llio'l " '1\. ASK -OR TH. 1 I' ~'I I' Oral' l e 1!1I ' III"tlutolto ol tW III I· I , 1I , 't . tl r .·.. ,, ' .. r t , . ,.fyo u"IIU ollly~hro 'r n ••t1o _ . . . ,' " r ~ , I 0 II ar me ICln 08 or 1I1In! y n e. worked tl ' 0 0' ., tl II t hi )' . . RU ~ 1011)1 ) Il:; reoCI y 0 110. 18 lut prejudlcc .".rI .I<optl ci n. lAke tho uu.-l utl - - .!!(' .UIl ', :I n .] 111.1 '" 1"" '. I.' ,;'" . :. '''. lilt Th ey Jmv6 the sharpness to tql,e I d rl I ~ i all IU Ke rho \.lj wllli o tli e lutter Uttell ha~ not 0\'01' " I llruif i .... lind Ollr lid Irv ono Tho Most Success(nl \ IIY') r ':rn II I.' I . '1<"iL 1,.ll .• ,,~ h ~~ ;11 _ u ~" advu.rtage 6f'(t.e hi h SCIentIfic ~8' )11 :I f uru Jel' , to lila I C Pili'" 10')0 , 0 1' al III t 20( O. pap I'~ to bnt~l .. of ~ ~n·. . . 'Yollr it. If wnnt .,1 1I IC '·t'! .1 I: .,· :\ -<> CllVOriCS nmon us !lnd make ill~ chascs, ulld III hl_vc the m chllr~cd print. thc cit'y wee kly oftcn has II 81"-'<o. <Iy rello' 1Mr r li n. MIII",,,o of h"tll c. SciI' Fcod ill~. mIL mtUl!l(II81ft141 WUllftLLh . g P to hor. Mrs. Kev belllglll111ldclls, ' .. . I>f 1II1Hmedl"",O 11I, • • tll·''''' lClv en .... ,,:v t" Ba8e Ihl1'l,in j!. I I Ll~::1 D L£::.. ,3 :~'I C.. nnd potlOUS U ~ plllatable liS tlroy t ft I .. I cll culutl ou 1,1 m'arly filty tUIl CS Ir)' iL. virlue<. with ••• i. £.mlor,. T •• "I .... II . AIIU n!lpe ]J . IIPI!I8. nl'e ~ll lutnry. 1 wustold by alcnd- , omllr, a er sO lli e 1!!l!lllltiOlI. tl () IlIllll y. A fc wy eur8 n~11 th e ' ill - e ,'c ry"u•• YUU OIW buy" tItlIDI,I•. I>ultlo ' cAt11l g l nol hi l1 ~ rl<, r'o , i~ ('"! ,, I " , ,I '.i '" ~re " A"urioUS'loryAb6tllj6ftle n1l1i", . I'" t' P I 'I d .1 I ' tl t yo nngmanl etth e womu llhll ve th o cilll1uli Wookly T/lJle"lIad nea rly £~IT)I) rolll.totr)' Tl.r~o. d".e. ,... 11 re· 1 I . . '.' ';De.wb,ch nre exteDslvely !1dyerflsed DOWRI1Ig lln~18 In IIU epll ll, In goods Ncxtmorllin AIr H in kl e ht·. c lh e .... nr.t rJ..I('. P". ,t.volytl"lrlby.i1 I.' l al "". t"" I.I1 I1' ·'·~ '''''''I': ". ,,' d.ys.nndbl1veonlyrecenlly~nplllupcln Or. Ayer's mllllUrllctory WaS the t;. . g I' S 0110 h1lll 'Ired Ih oul!lIl1d sub cnhcrs. Druggltll- untlt. lI' o.ttorIlCulI tin ent. ' , Cr I rh.,. iL d.'r~ 11 "1 .. ,il ",hi t<. '''1111; 11'11' tbemarket. Dr.Underhlll.lhew.U·kno"... geI l Illto t 10 ol1lh UIII I II IC II II'lce C IIUllgeJ I111111 I R Ilt II -VC' .. _ - - 1 . I1:Hr. ' ," ..1I1~ ' Some grAp6-I.'l'o Pornl. d ••Icmporance d In ,871. 11I1'J..:cst III Amorl.on g .. lVltl g Clllp Ioy· ~IawI ull womclI 'u 1:111. ' I .\l·t I:t<I ~ I"11'':: " n III<' or ... hi.rof hoiCroton ... enlertaln.d mll ut to hli lld red s.' I mllsl "II to ,\l IIlnond u ~: II " ' I RII I'l~" tlCIUSR tllc \'cry 1:11'1(0 liglll·e. !It.. ' n t $ 30.110,1. A J) 1 FRTr. E.1[/~·N TS. N o Fuil1l res. I lL a ' 1\'h. !-:I" ,,' 'l l :~ lr' :L11.1 a :,: .. II l' Ylewlorouch •• a.m.e klnd. th. t Ihov wero ... I!trcet lin a"hC J I ICIII It tile)' wert' II I . I I ' -- _. I N " E~' X I'I'I'1. I1I [,11 l . , I'U·'r ltl l1l'. • . un"IWng 10 nllolv Ihe .Iock or w,n •• lh.n on LOII'cllund oe lt,olll1lywllyho lll e. . I ' • , . , . , . Jlf' IIICI)l.t y )e ('uII c,1)1 tl (,. l'Il n~o l l ~ " - " .. ' hand lobeoold orlnY01ore lo bam:ule. ( - G'o l'l'esjlo ll '/i ' /IC'l'oj tl, llt/It/ lI lI 1I0tgUII1g to lay Iur tlr c g l lJ(,~ l ll "l lhJ ri VCI} IlIrgr lr Ht. J' hO I'I'ICC III Ihb l l' () R I B E I L ' rl~ tu \'{' Gll tl l'a ll lel·d. I The grape. haY. IOmetime. been l eo',o' ht!/ ) 1 d"91'uPIi. " I ~h~y gl/~ . I~IC , o.IlY, b 'llIrt:. T.I•.~y )I.I )lr l' I\::\~ IlIlt $ 1 Jlelir, . ),111 1 I:J:he ~1 1I,t ': (, I'I,'ct II I jl .I, " r1il!;t."I <" Pre[1il"CcI by Dr. j, C. Ayer &. Co, :h:~I~~~n~l~~~;n~wl~~~II~h:~~r'W.~ - . _. I ('elllcJ ~c r) ll . tI.(;h . tl l l'rt ,l( Llllth l~ l. dll l'l'l'Hl' Illy 11) I'cr c.·"t lit th is l he ~1 1l~ t E Il'!;!l tl t 111 J>C~ I ~ II . j' r .... ''' .. 1 "."1 .' ".10 ',,,.1 ' ;" "11 ". ' .u",,~cd ln arr.nclng forD ,"1I1.menl }Ju. F ovn:':l ll J::ALTIi MON1111.\· ?lId dOIl.Il'd hn l' lIl~ g'll 1111 1' g roc '1" 11" " I'IIle \I'II~ pr fit. It wltn ld III 11 ko : 01 1 1\ \ :. r 1- \ " ' , ~~~~~ 'A'.!~n:~e~~i ••:I! i~~~~~h~'$t.~ IlIIlIhOOn lllbIr8h \!UfurtbrOOyeal'!ll l l [t~ Qf. hnn 01' !l1l.yLJ."dy l. llle,'. Mr. th c a nllllali lleuUle lro'mth i KOll lel" IOfAn v P a r lo S t ov ~ l'_If _~ d,'\ I" 01'1164. described". 0 " Sweel UnionPort. U lilkio 'rI ft5 "ents, '" - :.1. ~ t""' bUI .ugg. " lng European Ihe Impen. 1•.Tokay m'ore 11m! hl1 e 'llIulished 11 ropntation liS . . tl ' ell r till II "d ~ t t/.IlI'I-!; Iuccry alollo 81 0,0 O. D Ull t Y'IU see t hldll ,£ or All U lban any olher WiD lIJId being n hetrlth j onrulll. Tll on UIIU S of P8- lind I.lliormod MI'. .J. I'. l~c nlllll~ , Il"w, UI I thi s IIIl1n iticl: nt 811111, tlr c WboJ\~ unlike nny olher wlnl\ of American l'()rS q\loto. Ilnd their rcadel s npprc· who IS 1\ partn er ot l r. l\ ee ve.r • ci ty I.n blis hor mig ht Ii \'0 Irke II I IncludioG' Coffee Tea or Milk. ~;:~,'::'k~br'.~ ~~d'&~:i.g~~;~ic'i:.~!o:.:'J·~I:~ I'iule, its IIrtic les. And yet the of what tir o wumo[l IlIltl lold. hlll1 . nllhl, L \\ Ir ila tho c uulry puLli s hel', t) I fa1lders " spedar in' ..ell In It .. lb. ~ .u ~lIll1m I t I I 1 t n Atiye wi ne now ncce!l5lhl" In nny con· ll E4.I.TII MON'III LY witlr its Rixlcll n . I'. 1011i)lt ll" nn li B IUt b." \\'orl(1 l1g fir el·1t hUUI's pur dll.v . -<10 TO '"1<' oldrJ .ldc r.ble ~"ntlt!J' The whole Mock I In.h. b. nds of. e we l·known wbOI"";I.~ rll)'ul OCtll VO pnges is offered fi t " I1 ' la ltd 81UO ho wOlll d hUl e the m II <'Y is hal' Iy alrl to lIluke ends IIlcctt Iy 1:'IF'I'Y CEN1'8 pUI' year. Scud 1; '1 ' lor l!l e groc 1'1 0", Ilnd WC~l t lIerO~8 lo - ,r, lIi a Uacett. C INC INN A T I 'N::"":'r<)~~i!;.,~ 1 hurbc....-N. . '''14, "1I 1t1 plo cO'py I t will be mllilllu tiro bU8. llnd Ii.v thn 'utulIlIIg tohllvc - _ . • 11'<' . Dn. E: n . F Vl/ fE. nutll')r or them nITl'>ltco alld 10'k dill'. • .111 '" Two t lr " II Sll1l0 pc r~~"I ~ wiII r lid · VIlfIlEf'(! M ~ 8 Th. nbo.,e .peab for it. ell. but,.., 1fOIII4 flh'd iual VlllUruOIl Se ll~o, etc ,. is il s led t\lem tv )Jil t lip th ", two d v llllr~ I r1.l' I' llt lL J ul!ar cnch_ II1 tll a ' che 11l ' ~& \';&~'i~ AI Y'AA£~ add !bat this Is tho pure luiee of lb. gtUpII. ~ () II inr Eoitol'. Il~ 'i.;teo by ] I!. E. alld su th 'Y W ~ tI· ull owed III g ... t hoir 11 1l~ f1np; a p1'1ze v ~ :s 1,(l01), tlr ugh ~ 11 neither ~. liqtmrr1l nor walcrtd; thalia H Foo,. .. JR will I alsl III ) r'l ' ; WlI . It WilS t"III 'c\ II I·t tliat IIl' itlr(,I !Oll ly ll lll· call get It. li nd UJ 9 ltIu st . hubceotipencdnndmeJlowcdbyage.and l i ~o with 'h i6 ·fnthc~. All' tho : e;d - : ,,~. II~c WlI III (JI I,t,"J ~v01'keu at MI'~. I~" c h is t1 ull ll r. A pu bliri hc r pUIS No. 180 l\Jtllll trect, I ~:S:~l::,l o:t:==~~~np~r:,: ~ L'l'd of Dr. Fuot!! pllhli alitlll cnll , l~ cy .. nlld l lll.l~ Ihel l' h" lII c WlI R a l !5.!,nOrJ ~ Jl tll C"I1C;:Ct l l!~ IIl1d prel!!lr B I" o"n Fourl h IIltd Fifth of Ihe leading Druggists throughout lb. 1I1181llt tbe DlIctol' t'r 'e UpOIl 1\11 ,I l al'ks~dl o. Ihey Were bad cli nr· IIl g Iltletlll I11 f".rmat IIJ 11 , :L I· d oilers Unilcd StOles. o.nd at wholesale rrom tho ~ lI bj lJu~ reilltilig to hCllltlr 01' , iSCIl-'I" llICI Crl! tIIJecd. t tl C I' ~I)' UII ut :!,( )')O pl'r OilS who A Cup of t;,,·,rt Currer nnd Two Nlc.· undl!nlgncd. who wlU forward deaetipU... A cheap I)Oplllllr uitilll1 of P I"in - LrI$t. Tlio dll\' cI'e ll in" , Sl'l lI le '1I1, ltnltlltoo o.lI ly n .dollar 01' !I0,11 n,,1J '1I I1rt wieh"' lor1'l'1I Cenl!. THE "'T"" W•• ofchorge,onarpllcatlon. J " I I I t I I It sp, ci,, 1 IICtcpl i. ,,, R.", ," for "ftdl .·•. 1I 11 ~' J . ... , '.. Jt fuJI ll onle Tlilk embl'llei ng Medic!\1 IpC'I'rlO n Iir pCrri\l1l ~ l ll l1d III/-! 1111 M ·· PIIIIICI I ti l' ICU c 1\ t 10 r l's ~1 , ~ u gBg" n"II P" C~11 'eo ca,,,d ror rroo of chn l'~u y. m .• 0 0111111011 l:m"o i Bell.t Ily II1l1il. lclllllli c sll.· ·t. lI ut '('cd II li g ht ill IIIl LIr :11 ~(fcl. ItIlly hllve th o cll h r e 71~1l ' HENI.EY ti CUAI) \\'IO K, 1'. 0Jl· ... 0 B. It. F. B. THURBER & f pOJitagll propni I, fur ::> 1.5 . YIIII .. ILl sh"p 0 11 t\ru t I n'C [, u il li ull ill- ~ftt lIt w\rat hlt autuu.lly cost S~,OO\) " ~".l W.., /J1or;JtJoIJtJ)1. R6a1h ~ H~ ~ hu,l butte r t:!llol ~ II ~ :l.OO )1 11 ttd , I'e tigtltiut\ r" ullo it t,. I, tho ba ck 01 tlJHI·e. J ~ lI ut thl bettor tl~un GET4TBEPEST. !'I_.Vn.... urduI' ror huth tho bnu k !llld t hc IIHl l't of II .Ir ullkcll lnU II ' ri '''al that Ill.' ." 111lcel.ta lll C!"~I~C~ sch e.lUo, III I! I1 !.:AI.TtI :\( 'NI'I1I.\·. Add l·e. :! M U ll ' I \< lt~ blllzilig . 'I'll ' Iun I hlld gUll 01 hlull k lick I . [h i applr ('s I 1111 KA\, HILL I:' UIJI.ISI II IW "~(I'A l'I Y . I ~Iee p tu non l the tir~ ill tir o 'JI ,I g,".d .I" l1 t11 al · lWei all gUltd. boo k" . -- I~129 El18t :.!8th ::it"uet, Nl!w Yvrk 8h v· 'J'II pnrti Ctl \\ e re jn t in . ller~.'d u gouu iI \ IlI u8lm· , SPERFECT ANAND••~!t'PLET£ Oity. timll t slIve tho IlIAIi rlom hnrtlilll-!; ! IOI1 . Ih.ll \l lI hl~ 8h ra vi tho Amllr· ~ "'lcl(ir ;-;;";;VLEHGY ILUIN . t(1<ieath.furhllwu Illl C(l llBCilll1 urICIIIIA g ~'leultllnst.oxpen~$j5 ,00 0 w I , D~un I! WITH OVEN! nmU~~~l_~r Q~~n, ' .. W\rat hlld IIIlJl)loli ed. Il j'ear III ~lIt h erJng plain. prllc· ebster 8 -9!AwnwGED, ~ ~" _ 'l .b~heye It 10 be I~II wrong. and Th I ' /' . tiOlll, r Jiablu illtorlJJlltiOIl , vl~bable ;JO~ II""'''I...,~I. • q •• rtoI T il .. A.tachment ""ilt ho ~rcBtly arr·'cci. aGE-T8 W £ ::\-:'rr'""' . '"' eve ll Wicked lor OICI·I.\Y IUOII ur vthtlr c UI mall I, tho atl' Iot t t li ' I ' FOIIR PAGIKM • LATII8.~ .red J. y 'hnse wbo h.' l'e oU••SIOD t" lIbe c u.u..A-. ~ ~. r41U pllblio \nell to ho led into giving has quit tht! hll s il' c.~ . II n CCll ltll t o t' "ev 'ry 1.)() rS~~, 0 e very IIm~r1" III PubliShed b) G. C~. IIrUIRR lAM , Iml\ry·"t1 ncl.tu u,,11 1.0 II Pnrlor toV.. n • •[ !l'OWl/ :_" :J I.' ' L: 01' l . testimoniuls to I{tlltck doctors or SICk "eSR. Thi s IlIlIk rs tho proprie· COIII~~r,'t 111 ~I ag~, .or tty. .1 re W SIIr.mgHul'dl• llr.8 •· • P PI'80 118 liv i1l(l in If'aYlt ellvil1fl .ADDNU., vile st uOd culleli Incoioiuu3. u\lt l tvr alld hi s lII un ' J' I'i ,~1 pio k ty pe ~lr ' 1 .0 o r:g~ lIu hO I~gravl.ngl s army 10 ,Orsed 1 I\ udvio:iul ty cllu .""k •. ln 4"ir)' nflhc follo" L. H.1ItoCAIl\tOR, l b .I2Ager, 1 II . . t' I . like blaze8 h\lt tI , III CUOI I UIlIII O. 1\ltlch rill rl Jt Bnnero". l .e'CuLl, .ug ~cr. on8 1Y hul" o no wl1 < l n ~ the !'I. E N 1~2WESTF U:lTi ISTR EET __-{;iH_ W I1011 a rOA .y merltorlOll Ilr IC () I ~ , '. I Y llUng ' . ~ 6t1 e.} , I.leorge P. M8N!h, DIU: ' tl il nine< . ·h.d eH JI IrIII'pm . n. (,IN OL •.,N4'l.·I. O. mado up of comln u valllllble relll' come Ollt on tllll e. Pi .. li rel'no' Ualleok J obu G. Whillicr. J UMh , n"d • • A. D. t;adw. ll l1 der. l ti 8 ~h . .urD cdies known to nil. alld tlmt 1\11 -Mr. Herb. G I nll y. of St. L U· f,i'I~~ ~~I:~~I'I t)(~~,III.~i\""bl . tee· r! ~"J ""11 II S I" I d " \'1 . I b d' . k . , . r. '""" " . ft to • • • to rr .. "n. ,\t ng n t ·· }Jly IClaLlS lIse an trus t In lalY, !s. 1118 cen spen Iligil IIlII' wco·s RUIU, Oho."" W I) . Howells, W") "es\l llefor tlw ,.,,,oldo ni Lebll llun. llANOALL, EDI{I(.; J1I' .\: c o . weshollid fretl lv C 11I11IOnU it. 1 III L bBIIOII,Ulldwillnotrclnrnllll' ::' mllrl. Il:iOnlCeMftnll. l"nddellv. rll"d Pulthe"' Ul' frOOOfCh." se. An Pll iR.t nl'lI"I II 1l 'kl'i//p. ~ I i' II d 1 'fl ' I f I ' ft . " I'd EZfa AhbM , William T . H.uri. . J J t 1lere.ore c wei 1.1 Y lin I 'UI 1.1 I U el I' I 11) 8 ., • )JI'I,01Jct!o . TillS g rea t nUlUber 01 Till! I!ITA:'fOAHO V conlroend H op Blnol'd fur th ~ ~I)OO -Mr. ll. B. !\ Olltll gR . onr wh ite n Cflll, instru ctivo, and pI on ing en. F-""'.~'.,re"'_."'''''''''Y'&aI'' •• p... "~ .A. D .A. ~ ! a!~~':;:I~::;!"~~~~::::';;;::~.llllm":t:':' th oy have dono mound my frlond d. barbor. hud the m isfortnl1e to losc "1"t V IIlg~ IS 1\ In"st valll'llllo I·ol.tllre .. ( 3~ ::;".I C8. lind " 1 50 ColJ C)lC 1',,·.18 •• , IYb1 uOyo. e.rrY'h.L"'k '·I' ·llu""kklln~1'·"··'I/I'"g b u. , •• we ... . lIIAI .........." ....I.... II.lIned1.lbe I '.",000 ...... IN,... .1Ioee<I I. P"bti 1 bel' . tl . 1 I t I' I d ., . a v , • ·A..... J1nu . wb,·" 1 0 U cau!WI u I • rm y . lov lllg le~ IIII'll n eqllll one 0 118 1I11l S fM II low days ou \If the AmoriCllI1 Agriclliturist, lie 8,.h:,,,lo "11 .... It l' by ~cho,,1 (· Rl co.". L E BAN 0 N. 0, :;oOnW " WNlt~s ""'IlI""CII D'nESSINI'l, lor III,mll y lI,e, I WllllI Ot bo With· "I c~ollnt nf Bi ckll 8S, o~ld hUMI"'~V U tnllking il greatly 8uperi or to any C-t~::::7,:='v ~~!",:~~r.:;. ~~~::..:::.~" !!"!<!~~",,":-:==_,,,=,,=,=,=~""_"";"==="""= I ~.IIt _ .llt~~',. _ .IIt IJ Ollt t lcm, . ult·handed lIIall \I'()I klllg lor him. othel source III similur informati on, I I.~ree .Icl.......ta "I", ......... Awarded the Righed IIhdal at Vi · DROWN'S SATIN POLISII? Hev. - - , W ns.I: I~g toll , D. O. wl1t1 ,e w rk ,lIti dtic his cn tOru 31'8 'fhi jotlrl1ul cOlIstllntly publishes "~:~~~ Ih6 mellu.nlgo( lIIor.. lbllU 100 enna and .Philadelphia . Andil",,·lIetlheehlldrtn'. oo... look'Dru.IY .D~ .... • T 18 WOO'll' 1I A THIA... to a scmtch . can ·tlC cxp08ures of llumbup;s lind W.,Ioo'er,.1a ~ d.". .. . . -•• - E & 8 T ANrHONY & CO ~~:~b, '::I'I'~ '~~t ~:.~~;'ii:e:~~~:/"':h~:'hlt:..~I;~~ IlIlUStang -od .lor ma ny y eaI'd . II s6ve8 Ita . rua d crs l thaiI of 'lily ' " " /:<, . t anI a"I...... to. IL" III nu'o I II tb" e.-Ir·· I WAS tronbl - W r nn d !'~ IUI IlI I Il11t "n 7'I11. 1If. wI. nd Ic r , IV IllC I hulbor I I I e r,e.d 01b l).ctlonllrl,s. WI I ' . _ . . C I ' 11 k . , ,, . . 0 S 00 I, toOl r g 1\' e .,mll t nt e ,. R lSfH Brodway. New York. ,.htn •• , I I b ,vi th Kldlley COll1 llla lnt. <:1ravul. IIr eton WI • lie IU . " nY"Od\'l lI u lIlany tllLlCB Itil C,lst. .I'or :!5, . () TH IiI!' NAS,.. '1'1~IN ~"t "T 'NO 1110 III c."" ollh. , ",oM l'nl'" ... 11 , 0 ' . ....R 'OW " T AND BU."'" ~ 11 3 (0111' lIt tr opolitu n n ot e l.) .tNIICVCl ral holtatlona. '1"1/ k(lt.·p ))6atC IlI lbu tamlly, &U.PU1.L'l .a.a.a~ &c. ; Illy I;lIV'Jti heCI1ItIO th in : 1 wus Ieoun. Mr .. ~orleto1! I ~ gllu.d. n~d 11 yl'tlr nre . e"p.en~ed I~ coll ect l l l g · • '. .M •••n.el .... n . . . . .rt....... D enl e",'a ~ YO your blUb&IId a box . r dull lind inactivll; cuuld hardly those wh o Inri to henl' 11111. ,vIll miss alld prepllrltlg IlIlormatlon, en~ mv' l til. f VI!/vet }li'IJM es, AlImms, O/,opl,. BROWNIS ARMY &NA VY BLACKING, TbI.1In'm ••h ..". nILlur.1110,lrtnalldhoAm_ el'Bwlablllll , ItllU wns Ull uld w<,ru " I!\ treat. illf s, o.te., givlIIg th OlldUII.ds of UB\! o/Jcoves , "lel' ORcopeD anll I' ,: 11'8. ·halbom.ybe ODaOeqh.llnollnf .... wltoroS.lura p'o'ld.. lnh.r l.bora'orl ..... I' '''' ol,,-~od lb. hill/" . ' , • •" "". -4 OK'V '" ll" anUl!ote. tor tho maladle. ot ber ohl&' uut mtlll all OVCI', a nd conld got -Quite A num bllr of on r fllrmers f \I IIIl1tS lUI d s ugp{csttoll. Y ot • EltKmvlO \f •. Chromo_, Phot.(llCr.p"' , ,,.';,,.':I.t lb. Plr:. 811'O'lIi~,;. ' 871l _u Me" . .. : r~",. b ... 1t<o" 'pro"dIIlS rur " 1 _ nutlllllg to help lUll, 11IItill gut fl op , hnvo sold their lt u~1< llnrillg th e Inst eacl. and evcl'y rend 'r gets the full And kindred g,'D<l.-Colelmtie•. ACLru••o~. - - - _. Itn.llnuwll cnclrcloalhuh.bllO\ilopobc. Bllter~. and now 111m II boy agllin' A"eck. W e don't r In ern lor W len betrdit-of- 82 , . - - nEALS" ."-PIIOTO-G-R,-'PH-I" . - n.1{~~!'~,;lirn<;8~J'r ... morlTfor"I ••terna1:UmenD::!':'::::t .,.~ My /.Ilood aud kidn ys Ilr nil rif!:ht. pork wns tiS low II it is at presc nt. COgt to Bingle 81lbscribers is only .., U,\TJmUI.S. ft ...? ••" ... , • •_ ... _ " .... ""'.,.--., To.locko ........ andt.rm.,..II .. ln•. Blld Inm 1\8 tl ctivo liS II ItU\1I of RO, hi AX. $ 1 50 II year, po t free; lonr copit's FOREIGN .lND DOHSTIr. W R R'. Iho HClld'I'lttrW,·. lor '.erYI hing ~:~~~u:ln.' :,~ •.~'I~'~i-~'l'~~l.!! 11.10 11• bottlo ott.n ILBT,", " h" m uon .. r in t ho """ 01" ' U8 1u Sew' IIr' "1(" C.m.I,I~ rl ll. their .torea tho ulCtulnc .. or an c.xccl1 u, h orA. "a. IIlthough I (lin 72, and I hav e uo $ 1.:l5 cuch; nlld to eillbs 0 t~n or Stt' iWI'P' t ivaIlR &; jJflJgi o l rmf61'lIR,. ~!;:!~:/!~:,.!r.:i.~'='~~I:.';I=.I~_ e<.'•• I7I'.h..·p. dOllbt it ..... ill do as well fOl' others more ollly $1 each. (SI)eclmen '11l1i'o._"'", 111311 I•• '... " , ",.t... ,..... ....,.. _ It e...... rool-"'~. boer...u. 1'011... I,om. •",b. UJ\rv6ytdnlrt:. ~~~-' ~~~ B~ ing M tm u(uctn r cr t4 of tho ...1 l Ui. ,. ' ~III' r.. ..,u lllNl" bl n" flrfeW,,.o rm. I!h ou.ldv l"l'Ot, tnAllie. tho LI~ n.k1 of my IIge. I t is worth the trllll. copios 1U cents oach, p ost freo.) "'IUHO."". RNTI ..... I.ANTIEHI'! b~o1.;"".~·:;;;t.TJ..'.~·.~o~"r.'i."" sUngloC1lOllOnou. rcptlka "nlJI""""' •. ••.1c. rry ([' ) It 1 '11 pav ever 0 to I ave tl 's - .. s o ~TIlICRI)-P"'I'!UI'T"OI"4,' - - -.uel"lmwbllcktul1tock""'<:lIln~.n dl,u.hl1/" - ' A'fII Klt. -M. W. Shiduker 8tarted lIpon' "1 ..... Y 110 I II ~ II,'.VEIL,IT'" "TI!HIKOPTItJOf1l A CARD TO It ...... evory."lcru. ltl'Onbl.l olhn........<b _ . •- .. . tl t " d J ournll\' .try it. MARSHAU}S tnag. ftQ • AOVKH'r""EH18 "TRDKOIJ>'l·.UON, .. 111111"", .w lno),••1""''''. ,,,,,,,,10' . o auo lOr wes oru tOil r 011 n on ay. \!!,- ~ ~ AHTO ...... t:UN MRS. ANNU!: u ESANT'S fam ous .. . nilicent Steel. Plate Engraving, en· " ' THE PUEl TO wlnulI"lI.,lngoono••'c.,elc. w()rk thnt stilTed up sllch a hubbub -The full 0\\ mg ~lllmc9 nre given titlcd "Tho Fllrm er'sl'ridc," iSlre. 8011001, 1.AN'I'ER N, FAllILY 1•.\1>TKnl', ~ .. ",.1I tnDW 1> :nlm. Dt I. lito Qul<k...1 I'U! 'R I.ANTE II N. -lnth."o'ltllur ... Ilie"ll\ ,"",.rrIDJ< 1ft Ih. ill England. "The Law of PoplIll1' as tl lose WI10 r~ccl~e d tl Ie IlOuor8 eentecl to euch 11\1 bscriber SOil ing ~ Each . tyl)'EO u heing the hC8t of it. ,I ... In We "ilh to My Ih"l ""0 of nur nllle.t "nd ..... l>mlly. III tb. abo<!nce 01 " pb)'.I.I." .•uch .. NOli; its Conse'llle tlee llud it s tit th~ lust ('XII1II 11I1Iti0l1: 20 COl1t~ extra to cover cost of puck- I Ihe mArket. mD".1 ul pe ... n" d ph>",c"" ... un a, ~ "" ";': ~~~~:;u.~~=;;'''::~~='b;:~:U:'~:'; Beal'in~ upon H lillian CoII~\ICt llI~d I . l~!g'" S?/j~ol: Ma~y !IlcClln~. iug tltld ~ustl1ge. ORAN()E JUDD f l1,""lif~i-Pt;;;t.~~;:;;~hi;:r;:;;;;;":~'CIM .. e r. Seth Arnold's GOUl~h Killer ' t1culartr ..oIu.bletoIUu .... ~ • t,·ill",ei1ndEng.II,'lng for the Window A ·I·1I0flO· TRIAL.l'H Or>o'()tlll 'ESIT ~:!':~:~::!""u!t:':~,.t';,.,,::,:::I~::.t:. Morals. ' ltu8 been r('pllhhslied ln I LIZZI~ BRlve.v, ~~II~ItIC KOOtll CI, Co., i'llbhshcri. 245 Broadway t his contltl'y by AM K. B ll ns. 11) Hobl' lts, ~llHrl o8 .Luketl B, New York. Oen,'u OI.'~B. MlIl1ulncluro," tI£ Yell'cl FAR SUPERIOR 1'0 A yy appll""Uoul. _e..U,..u/Ik)lenUoc"",. Dey street, Nllw York. Mrs. BOII~Jlle W het.Bu,l, Ohm'loB KlIlg, J 08. - -- --Alao, Agont for the~~~1~~~8. to. Minnlures li nd OOll'uX Gill" aough Ron,ed), I,e .' 0' 'U". 'l'bc - d"etor I ..:~rr!t~::: ~:..u:..:;,..~ 8uut\ ,.l'!l! ,4.ii,4i~atioll of her GrImes, \Vrlhe Ogl osbee, Rosa It is si mply in keeping with com· --___ hlld heon IIlHloteJ «i lh n pel·.,e cold, whkh aleITmucb.b •• _ _ _ _ _" ' _ BrOoks. ElIa .Fealy_. . mon sellse to sny thllt a specin.ll·S' Cul. log" •• of J.'lIltO'1I8 nlld Slide • . wilh "ould 1101 yidd to "n.1 proscripLlon he could b Oll k 'I's "s.r.ollvwtI : .. roor I'n gren. CI'tl'es nn ·l l11t 6 1'?n e d. t a oe I . 1 l M .. d' • .1..,...... d:rccllllllS for uliug, 8eM 011 recdrl on t.! n co,'.pouod "I.u· ".'11.0 lie I'" 1110 0 f II,e Cotl gII "'f()' tile (J I/(JO.. • nn lC I ... u u who gives lis un Ivid ed attention celltH. 69:) 3m K.ller, he WII. Pit much rellc "oJ lhll ' I; ~ ngricllltul'll districts, dwell ers ill BOII~, Sophlll Gllude.• Mllry ~Ishel'. to tl.11l trllntmcnt of 1\ certllin CIIIBS 1\" II 0 0 e"lOe l,"ck ""k bought sen 11 l,ul1l •• stifling court or cruwded hove', in Bettie Oglcsbl·e. E. lmor Mlrandu, uf 018cases oll ",ht to succced whero , . If li lly 0 0l' wi8h"" 10 k"o w whit Ih. •Ine,or 0' I Y I V d t " 1I0w LOlli. Ilow lCes.ored. i8, .. e will inf"rnr U"'nt I,v c"llin!.' III Oil" th e hope thllt it may point out a .Iar e8 . (lung. ~lItlll atl erv oor, pl'llctiolle r~ ill goncml practi ce mllY I ~ JlI, t JllIl,II , h"<I. n n,' . edition slo re. OH O",SMA Ii ,~ I'LU\1 ~I BH • path !'1lI111 pOVtllty. lind IIlUY make ~Ina ~I1UIII. PllI:tl O Unrvey, Goorge ,tui!. Dn. E. tl. FOOTE, !J.f 120 L.ex .-FAR au PI:'RIOR ~ wl of Dr. Culverwel l'" Ce le' i\,' 11,,11 nrll~ I"lo,c. I easier the life of nritish mothcrs ~tlW8Id8,. \\ Ilb e [lu rvcy , UI'I.a tn 1I1gton A veil 11 0, New l ork City, • ,.. ' -/ brated E8"ay .. " ~lto rlltl ical CorllHSecond St.C.'tll,,+1 :0;"'0101 ,\ vo""~ . 1 ' • -to th em I dedicate this cssay," Fetm: O~18 IJudley, C~lIlrleR MlrulI' htls gil'en lti s oxclus ive nttllutil)lI '" - " ~':.':...~I;:~!,:,':~:"~~ic~";~,,,,:rl ~,s •. Ar"'.,•. M" .' That is 8carcely the wil e which do., Eddlc Lukell s, l' l'!lnk Uylcr, to tho trelltment uf CIIRONIO DISf:A8Wo"koe••. In" "I11"I",'" ti t·ml ".1 1.0.' .', h .. ARNOI.DS COUGH KlT,LEU I n would he tllke n by nn lIuthor 01 L,a,,:re nce Fen.l y,. B~l'l11U J ohnson, ~~s lor twent)·.1i vo " cars, uurillg -' ,·ons o,. )lcllt.1 n11(I. Phy. len l r"C,pll c' ly, I • • old b)· ,III Oruggl.t. ooerv.d.o,·,· ' ~~ J Im\lrTlu peillment" ~lI\IIIHJ.;" otc. 81 ":'0, l o~ . fi97 .Lob~cen e literatllre." The hook is sUd Ie.DIII1CUII, L Izzl e LI~ kcn~. which timo hu hilS cnred thol1 ~nud tl - - -)O( - - 8,, N. I:, "to.... , 1111,1 F'T", 'Ilduced "1- 1 - --. t1rn :. nn ndlDirahl e one. A picture of ,. P~·tm(wy Sll/lo ol : Alrce .Yollng. wh l1~c fnces he hilS li enor seen . " 'i,. ,,;.'IIII:;, nee tIT m il ,I ext,".. n;;nll, e, &c N E \" )JtI AN()S $1 ~5 ' : ,~ Annie l:lClI'llllt hcr-cl f IICCOlnlla· I Nettle E\I1I1S, Ikl o Oyler. Fl orcll cl' , 1' 0 11 will sClid to him fur hi s sellrch WWORl~S AT ~ 1'lIc, , ill 11 .e"leu enn'I,,!,", ",,), . ,xi ' . ~ . . iW , 1 ~ • ' . 1St , A Im lrll ~l ' CI l " • c.,,,t, I F. .•eI, n,,,1 " II " .100 ,"cluJ'''I$ Grand g l1il·f\ th e lu~t c. l i ti oll.Jti s th c Jli ctllrc Ul1l~. D" 111111 .1 1\) OI \ cr' I' 1I1 li st of qnesti ons \''' 11 will ~ee Lt'BANON 11. MnRROW "" 0 1110 cell'''l'II t~d n lllhor . 11.lhi> ndmir,lble Square and Upr1llbt. "II " " CI" first - - "-"'<>+00 ofnhellutllul intellcclllldandhigh . AIIIIU ilIc utlll iu. how Ihi :! hua been d OI;e in part.~ \X, uw , ~: ' F.".y.( I,noi) d' nlo,. "ules. "0111 " tllt"t,· class -ohl ,,"h" I"" .st net caabwbol e , ~~ClIl. or s. "" ~;~~,' :~1:t":~~·~.~"'''''-· ··t,·· • An elltel'llIilllue nt \\usg ivcn bY IC It.t' . . b ' I! I)·"r.' nc'·c.. r"II'''\lt,"{> ,II,"tthol1 ll1 ,mi1t 1: sule facto.y 1'''''' rhre_ll ,LIo 'I' UII. "., , ""t<"" "" " ' ~ '> ' ' .... 101>Spill ~u \\ Omllll. II Ie J" te rm ed'III t C' p rllllurv ' OIl. Bli D .t 1011111 pOIson ork y )'1IIIUl' \.f ••11 M\.ppl Y of-lla"'0Ic8 "'1 my II.,. oOIl' dI" I"",.ce. /tI ,elf.I1I ,,,s,· m"'·' ".rnrlie.oIl). £ " , lite •. 111,",," """I, "". nr,ho fil1c. t ""' <1 .". ." "...' 10" . ................. I,' 1 . I I ' t: l dCIIIIIJd I , Xll11)I(I. . . II I, 1\ 11 <1 r .~. . ..... , S • 'I FREE. r con t' e t\ ,vo r S~ Uln Wtll tilt' be found at e nh est.ahhih- cure \\ I LIlo ut I tIe u~ lln!!CI U!\ U8n fJr . IlIl l ' I' n u l UI -P I \A tt l 1 II \T Il I. ( .. 11i J. t: .~ .. .f,.,t) ., T...••• "",I.'J-. l.· you hnve a chron ic disensl' rooms, Do~. 20. in th e Iligh chool llome Till!.. embracing Medical ' "H'n~ 'C. i11~:~ .umllle .tQ~k .nd i.,lm .,,~d'~II' c Or Ihe "1'1'11';,'\IO n nf tho .kuh u: , ", .e '''''lni m"".10 fPC,'lI1l1l o."It'd ro, tho i~ :: ~~.:>~ :.": ~'~" ,;:~;~.;.:~':~.~. d I k'lI f room. 1 hOIl ks to parents nnd C-otUlD OII Sense, S clencc . . S rice. buforo uroh In elsewhero p","ulIg Ollt • morle of c" •• at alice . ,n'ple . " '0" ' " """'K' - "' or 12.1""11" IIAC Re,.:. I ,>t; " , . J ~-J" i lI"w, ... WIIIC II I1118 rcslste tie s ' I 0 yonr t' d f tl . k ' dl . t t l III .. tory. I' P I\Jl g . o"rt"ln 1\ .111 elle<t,,"1 I,,· lI1e"". of wh it h ul'"'ly in: r''1'"rtlt.c,1 ;\fuulllnclllr,")( 0" - , , . . . .' i , .,. ·t:.... M "'r ,,;;_ loc1I1 physicillll and y01l1' ow n good rlell s or lell' III (,In eres • t. Ie e tc .. al'o pnblications ,veil know II __ ----'r-- __ ,~- eVery . ufferer. 110 .nal;or wh", hi. condition ~nctor l f'8IBItIr,b"d lIre, :16 y~nr" '1he . ~i~~ ~ ~M:~ ~.~·r:.',il~ ••~..';~.. cal'e of yourself. "Iaco yonrRelf in I'OOID wos crtlwdcd .. 1"10 compllllllt tu tl.e relldin!! pnblic. Taking 11.11 SELLERSI CO~'t.1B SYRUP mill b e. "'AY Cllre lums.1I . pri."I. :>;qutlr. Gr" nt! . ro"t~ '"S ~1"th"8hu k 's new '" .... . ~.u ..:t'. _ . . . . _ • .-r I E B' F should be tnude ngulnt;t the pa rents . D ~~ . . ,~I Iv "net rf\dl cll l1~· . pnt l' nt Du plox Ovol "trulig . cille . Ih c gront WIU..'iIt.!,.N . ~Ifa .. , ..... ",-.: correspondonco Wit I • • 0 TE. f H b ~ I I 01 the octor 8 pllhhcatJ ons togcth· Over I 000000 btl 1••' i46ld I h is th. d"- This I.eclure . ho.lld h. In Iho hll 11r1 P ,'11 Imp' ovenll'l1t ill Ihe hi"d tory of piano mIl W'LL L'<l•.1IIII.ulloC&l_... • M. n., 120 I.ex iugtoll Ave •. New 0 arveys Ilrg, ~r t ley. IBV~ er it is not too mllch to !'lay that mOtlt leu•• ntllDdpol'"I,~rem~yforCold., of ~,ery youth And.every m~n "' ihe 1~ lId k101( ·\·h,. Upri!;l,t8 uru Ih. 'IN'8~ IN ~"... w~:~~-:.=w.!._w,,_ York City. It will oll ly cost YOIl shown All unllsllul Illtcrest In 0111 millions ufcopies have beon sold. 00llll~ •• Oroup, Hu......lIell,1l. and Mil Throat ",'nlunder .oRI. 'n " plulII c ..... lupe. 1.0 u,c.• ' 1 i"nu~ 8el11 on LtI .. 1. ~on. t (1111 t.u • --,.... . '1 tt 'sehool. and Lung DlMeaeet. HI/! ooen In use for II"y add re8~ , p08t-pBld. on recelpl 01 llx wr.te fM IIIu8trated .,!d Uo. or'pl.vo Cula· PrlOtt 100. Per Cake. tll O postago yt,l) put on j om e e~, MOB - - .-- . b If oontor DooI~n rooommeod and cent. ur two p08t.age slumr" iosue of 4~ "Ogl" . 1I .. 'It·'lrr• ••. DT ~ :z:xJII ~ UB nil consllitatioL18 by letter 118 well AftY WENS URGE 8. .BALLOU's MONTJJI.Y MAGAZUIIil.- 8 "'1 't Y'J E Y \1 La ,.; 1"0 Addre8" thO Publi.h. ... iUl!l'IOllf.LMNOUN PIANO flO.! _, . Dr. Foote p. . l • This popu1or illllstrated mngllzine 111: pr~lIQr' • • o man, nIl . ., ~.- 1 (.--.;'5", ~. os in person Ilre free. " fnclpa tilly.10 . ·It oavod my two ehildren f,om ' Th e Cu 1verW8 11 -me d'loa1 Co, '-.- - !!IIH." - -.- .- ,. . rufaiU ~'i-.:.C1 _ . , Ai L ' •• ' A. L ..SIIlIImon~ 0f Bit· H.,._e!ls.. Bu • •ness --':.·............. . WII.8 nevor so g ood and interO$tiDg I"OOllhVIoJ. d I - TI Ie tnll.8qner\1(1e hnII Ilere ou is tho \Vell·klll,)''''' · 1I11lhor 0 f Me· ",n.or0b el A. . 81.~.New" ~ - ..... - - P.,-O.--' __ ~ag" "' you $:' 1.0oau *2(J en pc . - 11' " ical Cofnmon Sense. Plain Home Ohristmas \light Wll8 aD elegant af· AS at the treseDt time. 'The J an· i!.'!;;':A:"iy~~ 'l~~o~~~:n.~~r8!:Ogcu~. ~C,,(~okflt l nrl'Ou, ~w'! ~ok" " ' -J ilay ml\~~ by IIl1y- "or: o::r::~ ~ ,,~ UI •reo ~, o r. ~ . I ker of e.tb.r ~u 1'I 1!!1' . , ....:&11. • . S T alk. SeleliCe 10 tory, etc. . lur. nary omn er IB a remarkable one, cl'lllstorekeeror for It:o~ to. n!'Jotbgr.yo u .. ""In bU81Den U .blol. ' ,. In ~helr (! "' U loooil,res 1~''C'nt\'l'" !;Injt r .""~ r':..t~~~ , . - - - - -..-. . - . . having an excellent illustrated 81" PrJcc~, :Me., 00...nd 9\lLi,:ttle. end po rsons of eltb r ~ex ",l, hrllouhU'lI uud ~ m': ~l ~~r'l!';~t )~";I :I~'~~,b~ ..t.o1d ~ TUIiJ most ~no\v alld' beet.islei':' WIeR yon all a Happv New ticlC on :Australia its people. Bud for I'I\'CIu~r. R...!. ~•.p ....~ &b O~., m,lke gre~t "",.. all the tlll\1 plo\ worth, *~ r~e, ' Improy'! .,ollr .'par u""tbo"' : ""''''I~A\I)' )'OIInll"l...u. ........- ·· , : ,. r Y . ., il I ' . . , . •• ,'; . . 4 rop '.. 1 __ rg. a. tlie,. "ork, write for plrtleu lime aubl~ bUIIJ. e81. Add.e.~ ST.I/'IO• . 'a. fpl4 b,. .att lI'I:uI1:l".!tI a ~ .... .. we linv8 ba~ fQr yea~8. ; .ear a.l~ ~11~y retut~s., " ~I~ablts~. aDl ~al8 and i!Od., ~~ueh w~ , ,. For ~al. b,. J. ~Da.. W.ynee~lI". Ob~. la~ to 'D. R~',',.~~ &C'!,,~P~rl1li ~." lII.I~. OIJ./ ~o~_" ~lId. It._iu.. ' , ; l.l• •'J'~I X.•M-f'g (:0 ,~~!Y,
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Jacob Schwartz
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II'T H '< I~ Elld Il A I\ otth .. Ig.. of tWl' lIty, arrlNl l g lrllftlllrteel 1h(y I" cI wgeth cr unhnl' p,lv , fOI mooth. ag reed II It th ey hud wedded too l our g aod l!e pllrntr i A fl er tb lilt"'" r tel Yl'nr. tl e) recelnly met In l exa.. lind bt>gn n ~ tnrn o \ 0' r ngllln
AJ " \ \ S cUru.U LE nl '~1~1I
A '< T U JI K min hili pallled away from hI own 8phe re In tb e world of lut III It.l>ert Wallis an bl. tIme one oC the be ~ t known nnd rno t nccomph8he I Inod.eap8 pOl5rnl c r. of Ureat lInt31D He " IS born an London on the 7th (f !'\ nvc mher 1794
OP ' IUlU'" S4:! rat c: h .. ,
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Thll Mukllte.
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UOSTON, J\f:ASS. --()--
llCCt--fiG Columns. 1--
Otl .,
Ponnsylvama Salt Manut'g 00 ....... "011........
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his rough blue IIhlr t hi_ heart beat BO thllt you could counUbo pnlae8, I Corgot my caution I brougbt out Mid meat Ilnd bread, drew a mug nf cider, and M prol\d tbem 00 the table The ...",,,, ,t,I\' :'- -' lite, and I left htm to Ond Anthooy, wh um 1 tntended to give directlonll'for his lodging throughout t he nIght To my ~ urJ>r il!o, Anthony WIIS nowhere IIbDUt the house or garden I:ll!u nah mUKt have taken 101m with her 8cro the lourly roan to Mapleton II WIll cllural, but 1 was aQ ry Yct T longed (or Hl\nnll I'i! returu, and !osle n d ler.y Ilnxi()l~ody ulJtll th clock 8trllcir. nVle , 'fh cnl ~ "'- I'ull 'If her foot81 '1'", I lo ellrd tlo patle r of rJtlndrops nlld Iho t UIj) lu g I thUJltiot, and look. IlIg (l ut ~3 W th nL II heu \y 8torm Willi on
1'Iopll aD4 mut . ..... . b.. Til... It..... 0 and tbochha "'~"lTlaJklDI aDd laulblDi "~ ..,, . loeltllllp-lllhllJlll d.
lIupll aod iii.., ., ' ",oUt ..
... talr , I,M I~ hoboll ,
lib h la Ib rooltD, 1,,"10/ . 11 ,., ADd h., _ ol rudd,ro1d
"Woll IlIUe.lrl aId , OU pracllc. OD lbo "oJl~ ICHla, r Wbat la lh. alr I II'
lIa •• J •• /Ol'1lo" .... Il...
ADd bo liap a Dol.. aDd pan... HIli IroWDtD, •• _ b.r ala ,4 1'e'l'lol!td, .llb her .htl .. bro ... kIIllI ...I, .... d INr cbw upon her blJld
11... oD In Ih .......1 ota ,.dd •• Com
lbe lOuod 01 • "and rln, \)"II4.l
"'~~:'::'~I:r ~~r.-~~J: lalnl 1 , !I.rl"I~""a ib mOl ~ ,,,;,;,11t'iij"'--IJondlni b\.o hood 14 bea ,
Ie II 0 10111." Try III T o I he I,laho •• Il lr1 1"
btl etrl ku" It the ,. .. edl llOu u I an • ., t . .0
lI"ht Ilud . h,
U.'M' 'U
And • • lIt ID llIC nf't 'h e I ll' Innoe auti th n near Unllt! aul lire blf'!ulhd t Ultl1 r ti lD oot b l y UPQ D lb , t!at
I Ihoucbt l'
on ~
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po- ., r
What a IlIIj.W utUullhtnu t.ou\ t h t'!
Uearto, Ufe.
fU.I& nlf\)llln UJ t t
To alrlto tu OUO I HIt lU ll!
itt! )
Aud Itfcaloer wenl
" beth .. r Jo,rul or lOur to an" .. u .l . W111\1 b.a,~ In.w. , Iht; d r, AD•• IIOhe 111 _Iwl,l e aubllli lun III rlddll • • llrouhl. 01l111'1t. Vat Ih a lillie tuat" tn f w olJ thhl* Uf tD uuJ: h ll IU gra"e.o I Wl td A•• ba 1I0Ju a.catu 1 i lItr 100MUtr,
nna ,roo Il' lilli'S, wo uld 1I0t be here fur J.nt\rl\. Hmv(' , r r, my rell r of Ihe 11\ ~ ro IVII" 'I III I ' gone, nnd I fel t II ce r (0111 prul«11I r Olid uctlllg myse lf bravely II 11th , lh e ><e l r ) IIIg ClrCllnl KtJlnceK !\ II o,.hng ly I \\ e nt lip K lfll r~, f011 l1d III W,e III tic ~ lInflrv 1'1 11 m VK IIl1d bolHtel'8, !lnt! earn",1 th e m 'ldtchcllwllnl " lI e rr " I "1".1 'Dlllk vour 1£ II bed 011 Ill!' 1!t' 1I 1 ~ ) .... ,1 .. , Iln d be easy for t ,e IlI ghl :;; " I 11 1' WIll fu'! 'w you III "I II h II Ir r nh l ~ t rm n& II H, I\I1d, no dl/ubl , tr 111111'" " ,\lIIK!lIM' u wh en b e re lurn~ honw <l und IIlgh t. Gout! III gIH, nlld nod bl _to @," Mtl ll "lX'nklllg In 11 very h \\ I... oo r AIIII Ill . I I ~ ft him lI ul I .bd Ill) gO) up . tIlH" (0 my ue.1 roolll I IIl lc nde,1 rM I h~t flight to rn III It III urr""e.I , 1I1I1l KI t Ill' III grandpll'K I\rlll chlllr, \11th cllndle nud n book Cor CO lli I' I' Y 1'hl' wCor 11 0' ke rl the door, t Ul.k tb e mu.,t comfortabl f>ositlon, nud ol'oll ing 11 IIllulII , !OmJlO~e.1 myllel C to read '(cadIU!!, J {ell lUll ep 1::1 0\\ loug T 81 pI r omlo t tell 1 WM nwnke ol!d by U lo w >o ullIl itke Ih., WY'li e: or n chi l!(> I Al first It lIIlxed wl lh my dream l>O I1\plctdy LhaL 1 took 110 h e ~ (It, bilL lit l!\lIt I uDder too< LhIii.-!1OUl8 OIW 811 al \\ (l rk upon tIle lock of ill door I !tilt ller(ectl) 11I0tlOOIe '" the bloo.1 eurdl JOg '" my VelnK lind ~ tlll cblp, cblp Ch ill, ~e n t tllO ternbl IItL1e Ul trument: until nt IfI, t I kll c w wh eue tbll BOIIDtt C&lDe Back oC the tttlll g-roo m g rtlild pa' d s tUlly fhHe, \II It g reat old ItLl!llIontd eIl nlr w rl' 8tored tbe Clllnll)' plllle, grnndmll'v Je welr):, Lud untlrv um of motl y tlnd \,Rlullble paperd The fe it If stood ID B closet reoe ,aud 111 the clollCt the th Ie{ wu now at wor1.: The lhlef-ah, "ithout doub t, tho D ~ro 1 hlld rC!d and .helt.cred 1'I'rhl\ptI t h next ac~ Id be to mur· _ If 1 Uatened, wtolDl wU fo r th e
I. wbaL k.,""'Ih "..r l o 1Jn ~ ! Can you tell rue U,a.\. m1 d , .,
Her touch
'1'~iO:tJA ¥.--.J-A N UAR Y
Antt oeltberd.reanud .h,'. pletul t) 1 " ,,' luade, tbe 10un, 10 t ..he old. -
Whh 11l" lbronalnl l\X' b of t,IT" , AUII h r l t _ 0/ rudd, SOld - Sf lCAoJ(11 (fir J(J .kiI' I
TilE t'uI IlFUJ, t1UEST, 1 he re W:ll! somethi ng, 1 rorgel wh"~, to llIko grandCllthe r untl J;mnoimother II" By from home one 1.111) IU c lobt>r oC l he y ar I h ved With them lU Burn ' HoUow It may havo be nil Cune rnl or IOOme rehgluu o ID Mlllllf' Cor thl'Y oolh drOTe oii dre d In tlll' lr bct!~ In lh gl ~, with old AJIUC ha loe d to It , Alld "Iter 1 hlld tu cked 11\ grlUldma'~ iron g ray ~Jlk \rlrt lind rlin baok to th " hOU8O for gra ndp ll' spectacle and had IIOOn th gig vani h IU tbe d llltau 0, I Celt looely Burn's R llow WBU 10Desome t rambhog ml\ulliOIl, wbi h Dli;;h~ hue "hclt~red a regiment., a nd. had a gbOlltJy a ir about It 1IIoon ooe 1IIandered through thc upper 100011 alone '[bere were but 1.1110 .rvants Hannah OatH and
TIle lJbcrlll StraDre r.
Death or 'EolJlleh K1t118. Wilham the ' 0 quoror ri led frolll enor· moue fatl fro m drlDk ~lIrl from t h e VIO lence oC his passlon8 W llhalD RufuA d ,ed the dl'l\ lb oC th e (lOo r stagA which h e bllnled Henry I died oC gluttoo y Henry II dIed of a broken heur~, oc CllSI0lltd by Ihe bad OIlc\UCt of his cb\l dren RIchard Cwur de LIOn hke (b o a11l mal CroOl which IllS heart W88 named , died by an 0 r rOlv Crom an archer Johu dl~d , nobo<ly knows h ow, but Il 1M said from chagnn, whlcb, wo KUpPQ§e, 18 anoth r term for II dOt'e 01 hellnbore H enry 111 I~ 81\111 to hllve d,ed n ralli ed to 'the cIIII, IIlId half were fill ed all,~ runptlCd CI Il l!.turd l dCIIlh " Edwlird I all\O 8III<J1<) nav died of u
A red nOlled . traDger shuffled Into a ..IOOD th e otber c l e tllng wb ere a crowd of loungera were lll llCn8 Ing the politloal situatIon, and wBltmg fo r B s uccc ful caudldate to rlrop 10 nnd " MY 110m thlOg , Aiak.illg a Ipw o beIsance III Lhe 111111 beblnd the bllr th e . trnng r turned to the lounge rs and 8all\ .. G lado you ' re on deok . b't'Ut.. , " CUI ofrmd I would be obll!red to drink alone, lIud if th ore Is aoy tblllg 1 despise .t 's to playa game oC Hol,I Blro lit a publIC drlnklng fouII,tlUn Co m e lip nnrl Join me "
LatelY' a has Mtylt d .. rub'hcr gUID " It 18 from th ell» of the Sllpoll&-tree of Soutu lind C n trnl A menCft The lIIIP, hke tbat of I he Indll\ Tubber-tree, hRR 11 milky look '1 be g um ",b fi rdt Import eci lOW lhe lil ted tntes wl(h n VICW of melting It IVlth Indl R rubber , III orele r to prollu Ct· 1\ chcllpc r Artii~le tblln tho latter It wa ~ fo und to be' '1lnphable nnd th e reCor 1Il!Clellll Cor tbllL IlIlrpo e 'It had lon~ bee n ~lJ cw e(1 11, 80lllh aud ntral Am rl call l udmna, o.lId fo und ul!{'Cul 10 al IlIYIIlg thll'llt, Experlmen~ wore the re fore mude b e re io purify,"g It for ch~., lng, llnd with fi nnl UCCeJlJl. Ct 18 tele , lIlId 1111 th Ul 6nt oC Ir ling l onger thall other gumll, )\ bleh mor q lllc~l~ (h h e nnd erufubl " \I) tb p lJI uu th So g roat 1MIU! d uc tlitt. tlollt a p iece hllU lin LUch sq Ullre, uCte r belllg hellted Ul the moutb 0/111 b e l ret.ched into 1\ th read II h Ulld r d Coc t lOllS I t.< cotls nm l)tton I~ "bou fift)' tons .1 year bowing g um doe not, like req lllre tbnt the 8II!J vn Ah 111 I be ex pec t~ rllted, It IIQCs not, like ftmoklll g, e xclto the nerf , nnr hk~ a 8uptrnh undnu ce COlld IIn rl aronk , hurtfll ih ,)\ erl oud lhe ~to m aeh
A Man In lin f roll Cage.
a strong gUll ~18xlmlh8n camo M1ramon next, IRStly MejIa The OJlrrlages stopped Ilnd tbo prlSQners altghted . while Ob 8 burst from th e crowd, !lUd thcre was IIOt a dry eye III thlll Vllltt 8IJ!f!Ombinge Th e throc doomed men \Yele neith er bollUd 1I0r bhndfoldecl The Empernr, In an clll!y and g racl'tUl mann er, made 0. regal bol\ to tbe multl tude\"lld, with 0. light le p, led the way to t 16 fatal Bpot Th e Emp'cror l hke Ihe olhor prJ lIOn e r WIl! nttlfed III a pla ID manner He 8ddre8l!11d U,e crol\ d In a clOllr VOIC lind firm mRnnor, whi ch partook not or bra , do lie stated Lhat when flt1!t wnlted 11]1011 at h orn e b) II deputaLlon nf Mexl ellll S, who c.'lme 'I\th c rc:d e ll I 1111. o tTe nn ~ b Inl t he th rone of Mf'xlco t he r Cu!!Cd . ' ubl1Cquent ly lho pl'C'lpo!llLlolI \\IUI re ncw('c1 He replted thut If conville d t hllt R mUJonty thoughL Ib to th eir In tort!llt to place 111m \It tll heatl of tb e goverom ent, he ml,Sbt CO)) ent An other dOllDlIIbon brnu gn.hllu adrhuon al ~tlDlony, and, UpOtl ndlice of th e P O\'lCt'JI of Europe, be had accep ted th e clI lI IlId llll' Emperor " 1; J ell) thaI tl lO Court that tried me had th e powrr tn do so i\ho e hll8 be~ 1I U CIL!! oC !too.l [91th Th OotlOIJ of tbe world bn\ e p ledged their C&lth to me 1 wo1I11l neve r have done the act had It not becn Cor tue good of l\l e~ ICO I hope my blood will s top Lho !fu8lOn of blood In M ~xlco .. lI1aramon 8POltu, ana wh8jl be ceMe" tl,e ru Willi a mllrmur at1d n buzz Among th e mowd Tbe guard were \ImlVn up ttl hue The prlllOners faced t bom The Emperor called to DJ the IICrgcan t H e Lben drew from 11111 )lOCke' a handful or $20 gold pleoetl H alldmg them ro 111m, he rt'queal.od t bat aCler -III dll8 th tbe money be diVided among tile F rK~nnt'~ c nlplUllons Tn rllturn, the Em}1 ror r q UQllted favor thl1t th(l Ilergl!~ln. would bullet aL hI! a"d n r~,.tI.r ..
tlB ld gla IIc ro agllin " , fhe order \\ Il~ obe) e,1 lind the b.lI r IlgO d ro.nk 10 th e health of tho ge n lll ~ t'8ngcr
Wouh) 1 were ErI D', 'J1 ple..b JotIOM 0 tt 1011
Or F.rl D • '01,,10 . 11 uJr.1wa ut 1 blow",
To ~ "' P nIt " <" ut 1"'1- a d. .... ""r. r. ''''', Whb l a t e aa r dt!D wb 10 1t111 wn lk NOD el In ~ OJXI lb. 1 , . u wlllhll,luck a IlIl e JMlO,
Whh 10"l og ft 0lflr. t h r u~h m, elullt. ra)lftMed And kta It. t Jm e " d lei It bl u ht0 IlI'WI, 1 0 &tg h o ut fi ll II,. , .. "In • • ,. 0 11 Jour bl'flu t
Ah I eould I lake lb. d,oon'a atlhl 1• • l rd J OY Auti percb twald e Jour "' Ddo"" pan(' .. bo....-e
ADd mUrwur h " ... my b('!l rt of l"l , t, t\ bO,," 4\ l'U o bundnd Ih<u .. alld t 4' UU'U uf m, J .,el I n bope )' uu d IH l t h I ' UT . lend er h audlll an ti ta'b
And ..oth e 01 1 Jlu le n \1 tt t'l lna wi nr,., 10 U I ' And 'Ut m e t o rour 10 .11 g 1t 1"1 .~ d Il1Rke m e My bow..r of MI !!!.!!.. " in f o ur O T ~ l R b rr .tlt - Tlu- A f4 ,IIIW I """n~ rII J{4.lIII. p~y
" ,\ U ' S ANI) W lIlMI'I.
F..dward If WM ])l\rbarou8ly and In SWMl dec ntly murdered by ruffian" employed . , tho (Jnnlsh l,roVlt:lC the hllwl by hl8 own Wi fe IIl1d h('r pHrnmo ur coo k8 U:\8 Lhe ~"m " ~ h Ie of pots used b y ],dl\Brd III dl l'd of d o t.l1ge, lind Rtch th e Ro mall" bl fu r ( It n Rt Il , <i II of ~ 1.a rv6~llI n- (" ve ry re, er~e "f A lI o~, o s paJlN llll e r\) refu 8Cs to III George IV do rsc tllO n( 1I Jloit,,) uf ClrclltBrltatn, lI enry 1\ I ~ 1I11 1C1 tu hnvo d ied of II flU! "",I.t I", IIbll llrl uDNJ o f r o urfIC cnll'ed by un eMIII 8' ," lind I\lIen8In"',,, NfAI n nw wt\te~ Iltat 110 oue I' ll" III plllnccM In th ll' c tllneR IIB8 II \ e r\ Ruth o rlzed to a' auDl o that a r C('1\l cOlllmo n coln('llIlnt I 1o I II I I ... H Ann , I~ SllId ( 0 ha \ e <h ed of n nrll t 0 uy 11m II ur e. to ,... r purgcon ' I'xlnfill afllt ct lfl ll, I're nln Lllrd) " Th l~ UAn O ~ 11. I' J'oKtlJl U!te r III New Or I" n courtl ... term rur "etlllll! nd of 1\ I 1,,",", I II ~ In \Vl sco n' lIl , ' Volf 111 D e lll klllg \\ Irr " li d 1: lk III 111l "",. c"n otryoul H pllry VI dll d III prlSlI1l by ltIe811~ rl lIT); I kn own th on nlll) In hi. Jail e r IIlId nOli C ALlrfl llSIA hn. tb l" yenr produ ed ollir knOll" III hc II n e nuug h til "lI pport 10 001) 00 (l C p eo l'l~ I c\wllnl " " lUI slran gled 111 the rowe r {lIr \I yell . Hrr "OI l rlvnl. her mUl e. If! b) h l~ lUlcle Rlchlird III n c h li e ' Itlclmrd \\a~ ki llell l nb,~ll c I F Italy dltln't have II gOl ornmenl Henry VI I IIRHtecillwny, .. _ " lIl'ser c rlS,8 occnJ!lon lllly he r [Itloplu would oug ht t o h'lle II IllIug ( 1) rio bll t m n uuCllc tur~ H enry VIll ,hed of carbuncl e, fnL hond O rll alt ~
"Whnt' K the pt nolt)' ? ' III Mked Wlf.lO g 1\1 hp~ 011 th e buc k oC 111" blind , DlI\llIr Cor ty " "(lilly a dolln r forh '" IJ(' exclalmod ">IS Hurc liS my nllme IS ( ' OOi' W, \I B 110rth til ICC th n(, If It', " orlil a COllt Why, my dear Hlr," hI' contlnue,l, UII enrthlllg a grel\, y pockel-book " 1' 1(' l raveled Crom Mallie to ahCurny , from 'n md n til KalllllulZOO, nnd dog III ) en( If I e\ er he ll rd toll o r ~ lI c h a henl' elllorlnllllllCllt " " We try to do ~II\ fnor tiling OJ our cus tomel'8," &Iltll th o h'lr keoper, 1t8lbly to uched by tho co m I,hlllc nt , [ hnve sIn ked my thff I lIt the Plft h i\ Vl'nue, lit the l'a lJICc lub, at th e Soutbe rn , lit J). l y '~, lit tbe Brulls WIck, nt tb e • nt.lIIl' utal, amI ] can tilltbfully IIlV16 rt 111I\t nC\,l'r I,efore IlIIve IlHn rury I fTTl ~ drop .. o f . ater Illy IljlS tOllchcd Jnlce oC the corn thnt Edwald \ ' 1 dIed of n decline I IU c Rro lna.r .. ad co uld hold a cundl 1.0 thlLl WIth whIch Queen Mllry 111 61lld to hrw c dIed of n I 'I .~ '~hwli:~bi!":'~':blnd r Oil lun e JlI st regal ed IIlI Doll Ir rnrly, broken heart.. -Mil' l ort 1I orld II HIHd I" Old qu een Be IS fIIud to bll' o dlcd of [H £II E I\r ~Wjj klods of men thnt tell , [\\ On l hll\ c lilly ltu L lhe btllft, ' ftn ld melullcboly, frOID hllvlngl!lIcrtliCt'd B<oex til t ruth _ IIIC CroUl force of ci rc um 111{' bar mnll, billstllng 8h g htly to IJlg enemI es at.l1o ces IIIHI tbe nth pr for 1\ change.. \ . I go lip and dcl l'n t hroug h hf~, " J ames I dICeI .. f drlllklllj( lind the e f f.lmrra U" zd /, (IIlIttolll'O (be NtranJ[pr, wllh ('nlhuslRSOl fects of VIce II HA.vy. YOIl colog ne Y" uked 1>be , I WIll tn ke I til plel18ure (0 cnll ~ ve r y hnrl e I dlc<1 on t ho IICIIfrold II N o mn' nDl ," replied the drlll!lI' st, co I 1Il1l 1'S atl ntlon to th e (ll ot thllL lit yonl Cbnr lea ([ dIed suddenlY- It t8 MId bllve DO 8Otlll18 Ilt 811 " Sho IIIIld ho place-IIlld 1 note the I tree t 1111(1 of 1I1'opl exy dIdn't look as t hou g h he bad number a~ I go ou t-thllt fit your plnne, William III dIed o[ cou UlllpttVo bab DETROIT Frf't Prt" A hog can hvo Jr, 81$ 11 of (Jamllrll\ u ~I 011 a beerIlfl oC body and froM tIle stumbling of lw nty d uys wtthont food Tbl~ hft DO b ll, II! d ls penl'tld 1\ bnhn o[ Gilead at reference 10 the mOll who abOVCR In bIg tell CCIII.II n !!IIII«!. th ll t can be had 110- hu bor Quee.n Ann e dl d (rom dropsy feet acl'Qllll t bll nIsi\!\! o( the tTe J;.caT wh ore else on th o foo(s tool for Ie s than Ueorge I dl d (rom c1ruokenn6 S, A1 the muulclpal Ie tlOIl III Bom~IlY, twenty-th o " whi ch hi S pltYHlcllln8 pohtely called an AormusJce NowroJce Ilklatwa\lu. Et1q , .. r Will bs Dlu r h ohhged W YOII " WII8 chO!len l1ayor over Mr Hllrkl WJl " Don' t rnenllon It I Will go mll oa IIpopl ectlc lit Ueorge If dIed ot a rupture of Lbe d Nomlltumd R81S by II bllndBOmo moout of my \\IIy to cull a trnvil ier's III win ch the perlodlCIIls of that day Jority te ttOn to the [act thnt nt ) Ollr coullter lteart, term ed a VI Itatlon of God I a bla \. bottle WIth 0. lopeorKe III di d \IS he bad lived-a No fe wer tbllll a million hvlug per, which coot'lllns t ho nc tar madman Throughout hCe h e WfUI at lllres aTO se nt through tit that 111 Ihon to thIS offioo every 'h emoolllHhed
lbe pn ltry TOE Kmg of I1n\'arllL II! r cIIllg at not 1\ -And h e unclllRped Herroo h le msee n roY1I1 chllte!1u , oJ) tbp P ec uliarltJe8 or Urcat M.en. calm 118 t!:\ongll s till far 011 biped IUOI/lel r to 1\ pill n ot-tJrrrt-ut-Vtll1!ltiftfR 'fh 0 b u it d 11\ r crept 81\r (Io e J'O(I Ill nun Int I the M9.xlmlliao, the ccu fi g ure, mllln th e refrom-" but the fllc t 18, The Duke oC ' Veillug ton WlUI riot re- 16 to C08t $9,000,000 li nd ,viii n ot lw 11 11l1nd to tbe door Th re, 60hly lilt 1 ltv o f GIns mn.rkllbly sednlous of drel!ll, altbough 1 61118het l Unl11 1893 ClIuld, f lInCn 1ened Lhe bBflI nnd bol t..o "n;I-ver....~..:..:...J~llL;"!'+;::Oc=i:....::::'i'~::::l811t lin IOlpen81 oomposnro faIlure oC tbe Bank of t b became tbat unfortu gow h63 leCt me 'Wltho nt II cent in the or: I!'reat OCC8sl ons ho made a 8u tbclent bute, allUl I onll wa s nbovc' m) reacb A OLOItED mlln who eW I ~rD(ed Irom IIltte pn IIOIdulrll' pIece Br c world, ta til-com e !lnd Rce Ol! ofl~II, " d ,8play, wh oll he wore hl8 prlllClpnl or- Soulh Cllroltnll 10 Llberta, writes horn e, Wlllt d alltl h ~te" cd rh r n 1 mO\ ed a 1 glvcn Bangl Tbe lind b 1\ rlB gone !lImed The 10&11 cJullr ro tho RpOt Ilnd chmbed upou ders lind d comllons blaZIng on a coat co mpitllll lll gly, that It IS Im po Iu le to EmpeTor, MeJIa, Ubll1DOll, ho., 0 nil It In dOln g!OO I Mtruc k lIIV shoulde r mllre ~orgeouH thlln the cole bratod hllbll I!ot larc! IIlId rOil t monkey wlthou~ IMd fllle n to tbt g round, on willoh (!Rch " Singular £ ijCll JlO at Toptoll-!~IIHd of Pnnce ~terb R7.y, whlch , It 18 8IIld fs mlghi dr) entlog 1I&IUn8~ th d vor rrame y laYM streLChed M1l1IlmOU nnd MeJIB It WIIS a alight 110. ,Ulll lit lhu t 1110by Presence or Mlnll, cos t blm two hu ndrod pound III relllllr WIlre kIlled at \ho lir I. volle) 1"Oll r ll\ •• ~I,," (I'. "" ) Fa.1 1 anti dllDlllgM lIvery limo it WIlS n ut o n D R J[A r. 1J! Y HIlYS that tho totJ\1 e VlIl' Dlent th e cblp of the 0111 501 lopped I bl\1I8 e nte red the breast of each Tho Duko had II CUSIOlll o( wellr lD O' \I omll on ILItscd by tho ray~ of tho 6un beard f\ ghding foot ~ llrl hllTrtlr of horOur 'rfl pron corres ponde nt II H," 8ft1S whil e lI eckcll1th In II 11\ rorl11 , whIch g'~H' on the urfllce of the Medltcrrnnenn Th e EmpellOr dId not 1118tHntly explre, ror , a man Kmll 111 Crom LIle titudy, thoug h be h nd f" llon llu con ~CIO\l8 FI vo that o n IltUrdllY e\clIlllg, II~ the III00r \tllll rathcr a slov nil look , and 0. fi ll' , Sell IlIUOllllt.!l GO 62,800,000,000 lOllS of ' I,t\wg towllr.! lIIe, nu d clu tched me with b.'\UR had pierced h I~ bosom There e r s of .roseph l~ell t.crm llcher's III III C, pDnt Frellch Duchus" once culle,1 hlln wIIl c r III one ~ II IUme, day IH lt h hnnd d, hold l1ll' my !lrm! "" ID n \Vere oome couvullm e movement s of tb o noout a mlh, fro\ll 'Iopton (where I58ac " I e !lIlC de V IlIlllll ton," beclI UI!II bo nl' 'ritE C!ltg-I rl IIf TOilS ,~ho weIghed ~11I VI c, "llIle he 111 II \II 01)' 6ar " You'd Ec.k \YIUI kI lled by n ballk sh de last July ), d f II d t tl I I ·' d I -, d J d to b m uscle lind quiver! ug of tho II b "lIro tell wtlul,1 )011 ' Y••II .1 cllll h II" You Th Fnnnie t (lr I-'i'tlnCh DlIoJM, nbout to leavo their work CClr t he pellre nt a II re par y In :lO UIe lin g lUI]( rt'u poun 8, d uell t u!!e Rcelng \.h18, two 80Ieliers were ordered to leJll! thntl 9' allde It lllle He WOll alJ<O hor rClI: t otCul renlllrk t hnt she never nllgh t II Iter h,we elel'l, you ho d, for, Olle line lIlo rDln g AI I,arou '11'11 RtCI? fl'{ m the ranks. Thoy each Rllner! weok, one of thrill, nnm ell Jucob Hurrol, flllmharl)' called. 111 the army " the , fo un d 0. youn g mIlD wllh n .. to Illarry 1!Ct!, you vo gut hl (lo v for "lilt",!!" n drrCt In tit SId of nn embAnk I d II e 'd r.. ther hev let n clllc k hk e YOll 01T, s WlllIuung III the Marne, near Oretell, Lh Ir pI ces at the l llllen I:01peror, lind entered mell t IllIny Ce I IlI gh , nlld lJl bottom hellu," fr om IllS 11 ~U8 pillID attlro all hooau c b e co u 1.1 1I0t SUp(lOtt her but ~ou knllw 1110 111'" IIlId ) CllII'~ let Wllh a LrndMman, ~1 G Tho lat ter got t~o more ballll were ~e n t tnto hIS pr08 of the opeu Cllt, wher lo o had bee n nt IIpplirenL ncgh gence of o utwar d spl n Tit 'I fe llclIIg III ortb Calohn n 11\ VII I \ nt nltgled In gTl IU tho rh er lind I!u nk trato body Then h e ~as !1I11 The work durIDg Ihe dll) , to hrmg out IIOmo dor Thllt \ a Olty 18 an Inh eren t com ued at $10 0110 00r) 'l11d the stock lit ,ou 'In c" J.llfon piling d lifter blm Ilnd dragged phYSICian who W&II to embllm hl8 body 1001 ~ he hRd Corgotten A s he en ter('t1 (I~ ulld or IIttcndant of greatnl'1<S II! 1\ $2, 000,000 ' JII ' IIlI:cr worrl s, It take" I plpl.. l ~rl " ll h hllll It IlHlh h llll tl.~bore, and i\I G , " he n be recov- approached aud thre'll a sbeet over the be !!ll~ tho bllDk IDlm cdlRloly o\er tho Wid e p081tlOlI, wl\lcb n(ll11l l.11o Cmuch ar I tl\e dollar~' "'mth flf fen Cing to rrotect 1/ Anlholl' , [ne, r h,l ve' lt ulI) hu rm , I alii ) olln g, I nm 1\ g Irl 1>0n' l kill ered hlR I!IIIlSep, londed blm WIth oxprca- fa ce of the dead mOI11.rch The troop. entrance Dive way and come t nm bhn". g nm ent nnd entl leJ!l! de moo8tmtlOu crOJlKJlgnlll ~t "Oil tlollllf ~ 1V0rth 0 Btock n " MIIllY dlstlllgul shcd mOil ntf t or Ildopl I me, A nlh ony 'l'..ko ~h e Illoncy de' n't I JII' of t hn nk p " .M y Clllher IS no return e4 to thelt qllalrtertl, bllt th e mul . cOlltnclll I!! of \lllIch VII III.) mlly Ill' ' WHAT," !lsks II corre8pondellt lo u!?"r denci," be cnod , .. I lind 111m Utll,i& for !MIme time, lind II If by 1I 8U- Uown tllto the cu~ l ostelld of retrent kl lllll<l, tOI poM gmn dlllll " !!IIk( , causes tho /181 r to fnll ouL Y" DeCom 8£nll1lO you Oh, do uot dCI1Y It, lowe perDIlturnl Instlnot, llemnllled rooLl\d to IIIg "nd thereby probnbly bom!; ca ug ht till m Cllln!!: dn ll llC • \' 0 11 II lRll 011 me," l!lIid AlILhony/ \lid crushed by the falhng ear th " ith I,o rd Nelooll " M COIIII o r exbllutlllg we 1I ,'811 or " e IIIU l!!t know, wh ether you dog ~ od ly , I, itkel), I'd be eaught Nil, my IiC to you_ " "Como along," IIlud the spot, ~rcnt pre8cll ceof1l111l d he ru shed "ulekly hId 8tars lind dc hgh ted III havll1!t hll!! are UlAnl d or 8111SIo 'IbIS 18 Import Llfon, " eol)ug h of that. 111m liS h ungry [ h nve g(lL 10 kill) Oll ' Doond to Do It. m lo tbe drtft in tbo lull slde, the e ll horsel tlike ll out, IIl1d tm cll rrulge drnwlI Ilot to n trne ullcie rHtlltldlOg oCLh e CMe Aa he 81'0\.:0 he IiIO k 11110 balllldClO1I1 my A t he devil, nnd )011 ml15~ need refre~ h tranoo oE IIlllcll was Immcdlatelv closed by the mob I A MAS out Wp_~t who hIlS signell ~h e O'\userle In \be &8toll Tralll<cr'1" tiboultle rs o.nrl clu tched DIy th r ollt men I. e' ell moro than I do Let t ut go hy tbe rUHbll1g ma'<l\ of mUllY ton. of p Ix I I d bo t C to Il tavern" "Oh , " tlBld AI II you tells ~he foU.owlDl{ 'fhe ChllpllllllK hlld ellrth fl ercely lind $tone from llbove So fj Ut ckly Tho celebrlltcd Lord e(er ~roug I tempernnCt' pc ge ,,11 orty [\Inc need not IrY to cbeck the expression oC II hard tIme o( It In' the army Th e dId ho dl S8prnRrthat 1118 fello\\ \\ or kmc n Lho ug h II gbt lind VR III nlldl'rOlld, hlld nn I timeR, brealnng It 11K of teD, now ndver I hnd ttme to u Ltcr OIH' UtlllClltllIg my gratitude" fI Be cn rcCul ," r e plted 1 LI SCH thnt he ~ 1 1l sue lilly ma n who shrllll.:, then [ ~ Btl trugghng, dYID g, LIICIIII, II I nm getting Ollt nf patle nc p , 8pm t uIII har"est WIIB not IlIrge, Rlld thought he nd been CIlullbt h~ the Innrl \\ eakneBs of thl Innd O noo, tbe POI"I 111: I I I ill Ad vcr With "I'IU,," III my eve~, BUrl tIl( n- \\ hilt lind IC you bother me much more, I WIll ~bcr" Willi often a good deal o f difllculty s hde and crushed to deuth 'fhey nl Illce t8l(1n~ him for lhe .Duke of larl I hlrlll KJe8 11111 Iquor - • nllra 10 the g nth crlDg, One SundllY morl1lllg ollce set to \lork 1.0 <h g up 111M HIIP~lI!('ci oorough, Iml oted 011 d ragSlng 111m I"er bad sprun g upon my 1l8SllS81n , WIth thu pllt yo u back wh ero 1 lOOIr ) ou frOID " I ' Fl llAT ci. I< .... ho .d.,k I Id Ih. luroor wlft SIle nce of a leopllrd ? Wh at hnd M 0 l!IIemc'd to moderate IllS m BDcer, while the grand old Army of the PotG- dend hody 1 he nC" 8 sprPlld mpj,lIy, through the 8t re('tH111 trtllll1pll f GentlOlncu It RR1d h t', ' 1 can ftHsure No" '~ll we Ihp d 0 'CfJ~ brt'''en I'lutched me Crom bch llld, 1\tI,I sLood but when they wero seated at the tahle, mnc lay to the s waulpB oC 010 Ohteko- nnd fl crowd fl nt ckly n.Hi(t"mb lcd from tho OJ II I d i d vou bJ two reMo ns thllt I nm oot th o A ..11l.r .. I.... lb. hatll. rue,.I.ud.r llelf homlDY, the chaplam of a certalll MRK un d III!; UCtf I lO r 1110 , III( II IIIg [) uk" 0'" l'lnrlboroll~11 In tile fir s' An ll n 10 I, In 1<111111 .nd 1•• 0 1 II Oh, It had grown qutt.c dark, and tho o\er 111m WIth IIOmt tIling gltu.e rlllg III ~ g rntltude burst Ollt aCresh dllchusetl.s regiment hmldly scratched 8urro Ius g ner ",ln t:ken \\lfe, '\\h o hurri ed to "' •.". n R "' 1 Th e uJl h o ul ~luchlnfnl1 ltJ e ' nU1Urf', above hl R heart 9 'I'hl' IDIMt c1l'llrcd CaLher Cllt.h ~r I" et.c moon roi!C late 111 the mght At flr8t I lit the lIap of the (:o101le1' 8 tent H e J. th C 'n f h h pl11CO), [ h uve oul" ~ e g UlD ellll 11\ my ~h . ,lIer. rrll.. I. r • • tllI, ."' "1\\\lIy-the blurred nll ~t that hn" t h I n(on cotlld sm nd It uo longer, a t e s po "" Iellrn e a..., 0 pr U8 T)•• cko' Ilnd, til the .ccoud pIIlCI', thel I For ",. nll ltv", tac •• It. epowdorould ouly make out II crou ching figure gatbcred ove r my ryos, nil Ktghl return ed chlllle nge pai\-"Od nnd second s IHlro wnR IDvltod to ente r and he ReaLed band The me n tlII 8w o u L t he d i r t " 0 Alld ,b •• ,b.r po .." er. lb. r.... , lit the bottom of tho porch, but when I " What IS It, ohaplll1n Til 811ICI the colonel tb outl r lire heartllv nt YOllr Hen Ice" I SIlW Ihe neg ro WIth hI" foot IIpon An I I d dl choHc n Lllfon met 00 Bcqulltntllnco a t.crnble fe llow to flf~M, " YOllllllem to rill" an W len II IIr e III I" So, th rO\' Ing Ili A pur!!e Ilmong them , 1'u EUt: are 11\ the U lilted State~ at apollo It advanced , and by t he tigM oC lIenr the ltaliall Opern "My dear fel be 10 trouhle" .. 'Veil, colonel," Itn tbe dnft, one of the Dle n, hoplllg B llrro1 he got Ollt of their hOtld", wlth lou" i presellt 4 500,000 young Ideos who IlY the hall lamp I K IW a black mIlO llllld thony's breWlt 1' be Cug ltlve whQIII I hll,) hOll lll!d II l.Jw," IIllId he ' llBre IS a freab wator \Vor ed the ~ood man, .. I'm alm08t di ll- hud eaoapcd death, pUKhcd hiM ft hovel ltllzzn~ Ilnd e~Cl8m l1tlO nR The Enr! oC Il'a rnmg bow t.. ~boot, nnd ibo hoqting "Iways a sort of Coar 01 a uegro, and In frlOnd, 1\ cloth deiller WIUl whom l hllve eonraged about out Inen" .. Our men I" haf1dle through tbe loose ell rtn IIlto th e Peterborough, who h MI m\l ~ h sense, ga lle rI es, co mmon ly- known 118 PtibJlc atlnctlvel~ abrunk o.WliY, but RS I d id I!(j fed hlLlI Bllved my Iofe Tbeu ten mtnutes IIfte r- le n JOIUU\clS beeu ID tho hl\blt. o[ boatmg, who diM· eJacu~ted tbe co10u('I, ".: hat' ~ the mat- hole and call od to Bftrrol To theIr r1e much \'lIt nnd much whIm, 1000ped Oil ~chool s, ba l e a total e ndowmeot 0 f he spoke lD a buakr. whIsper "ThiS IS III willeh but Cor thllt poor " I UH '~ I"P-- gusts me wilh hie tbanks hecau!!C T hnd h e nnawered from htH III lUg g rat e or hi s charlot 01lc) dllY 00 seelllg n dan I ,0, O,oon , MRSM Morton'~ Ian t It Y ' ter with the IIlb " 'v eil , you 8I!C," light ( 11m all ri ght only burry up and got 110 d d the IIIlsfortuno (0 go after htm to tho coutlllued the chAplam, wbo Celt tllllt "me "Yes," 1 replied, "but grandCather ence I would hllve hL'Cn hurrI ed out ont, for th e air tS becoming hellvy" clOg mWller, wlLh (lCllrll'oloroo BIlk As e x c llIlI1~e hll5 al\ t,,:htorI8 ea e ItCo-tlll) ruttle of wh e(' lR nnd the bbtt.>m of the m o r, IOto whlob lie bad he hlld .K0t thjl wtdge futrly In , aud WILh rooewed e nergy Bnd hnrd work (o r @tocklllg~, ll ghlly ste l'PlII,I; over tbp ' "I\ro we ge ttIng out oC debtT" W ell, 1ft ou~ " feet of olrl AJnx we~ heard \\ ILbo\lt, tumbl ed " " Father! Cllther I" ex IDlght lilt weU dn"fe mt h ome, "the fact Illlothe r hnl! hour Ihe men removl'd hrolld " toIlC~ 1I11,ll'icklllg III . wn) In ox • )~. W6 II ro getllng out oC debt gracill I retreated lUI be advanced c1mmed t he other, nnd [.lIfo ll !!Iud ," J [e I. that our men don't take as IIIl1ch 1tl su/hm eut earth nnd rnhbl ~h to rfl'ec~ nn tramel), ("rLv ~ I' nlhe r, Itld rail nft er a lly, bu~ Ill! fast 118 1\ 0 gel Ollt o( Olle .. MIB8" he BRld " Judge B my gmndl,arenl.ll we re WIth lIIe 11. ~RS n ce.lI es.~ t,l SIIY thM WC l1 et!) I;rep~ bioatlllg tillS way 1\11 the tl1l1C ' Bent me h~re Mid m~'!8 'ud 10011' tercijt In reUglon All 1 '!Vll b tllOY dId I opemog Ilrl!e e nou!:h t o RIIOIV nnrrol til hun (wh o ~onn UH,k (0 hI" her lA) wtth '!~bl It >leem8 IlS thnllgh wc get JUto The duollng gruunel " RS cho!!en, thirty tbmlc you aud tho ()thOl' 'O fficers might me on Lot me stay bere a mght, MI1Il! not ungmtoCulto ollr .,rc"~ rve r needleM, al!j() , to tell Antb ony' s pllnt6hm&nt PIICOI! were mOllSurocl off, Ilnd lit the h,' lp lIle, but lusteSlCl 01 that you iSet crawl Ollt, wlll ch he s pec(lIly rlld .llfr hi. Hwnrtl drnlVl1, III ortlu til dro\(' 111111 I "bout thre.· Ili on -iI1(IrWII~fl ~,'" ] '8 trabbled liTe days 810ce l1eCt hllll - - - - - -- - It clime out during 11\8 trllli thnt he word" lhree" both fired togeth e r, but Ihem a vcr'! hnd example b~ YOllr cou lIud unhurt, ntOld ti le WIl d cheer. "f IIlto thc mud, Inl" whll h he, nC CIJllr. ( HldlO' hke, P s awful hungrYl ' pellra Ille comrntiOJ< lind t1w crowd aroulIIl th e followed hlOll<l'lf I Is loe I mOl,tL S \ll ay of " J"rtlz," 11M ted the robbe ry, blld long co n(ompill uOIIlI(' r 'Jne WIU! III t " W11I you ~o on hke I'd drop and ole ma_'e IIller me HtlUlt sweartug No", thOle i! the -th Cllt H (1 It >ld bl'Cn conflneel 111 th ~ ,Iroft All . In g lllurlt",. IIllly b~ tmced honlt' now perfp rme ll 1\ do nkey 18 Inlroduced ]<'or the lub ob beaben, Mlssl le l me hide thnt, tbe IIbacuue of my gra lld pllrcn hI ap lil, ultlll g IlIB With your carellllCil l' patd !\fame, Ju st bACk of l~b6 hit YODd er , the nbout tll O hou,. nnd a h Ilf AfI(l r I" ,I certalll d(fg rec "C vaUlty, .. f wllIch ' 111 ..110 of tho' s(e ucs and III orde r to pellnng to IIflor.llln 0I'I>ortunl1y , he IUIIl Lofon II rather I f.llher I" oxcllllmed I\Omllwbere8 and glb me JOs' a CruMt. colonel 18 a God-fearing man, he d OC>! thllnkm g hi S comTlldeR IInti fn elld. for I'rovndlll!; wellk nellJl the olt! laathel rl'lId c r 1I pllrtlculllr 8~ tllllltOn strlkJUg 1tIallM Morton 'ud hclp me, and It'" kept dccoyed HIIlInllh aWIlY With II It e, nnd tbe oLht'r "Load (he pl8tola agnlo," 1111 he CIIn til help h lR chaplam o.nd tho their arduou~ ellort. 111 re"Clllng hllll breeches (If Fredertck t he HrollL, thl I the alii 01 111 mus t brllv In order tba~ IlIoi III the s turly Ho kuew notillng of III1td Lllf,," Thl" nrder Willi obeyed, and me "l' ~1I1111W1 '11'111, 1 kuow " r(l~ult la that only "let Sunday they from hl8 \I"lOg t~ mb, he accomplllie,1 COllrfICcoat IlIld bras.o bll t l on. of Charle. h e IIIny re.pond Il/.lportunely to IllS cut', I knew tbat grandfather hlld glven the negro 8 presell ce III the hou80, lind, th e re wns IUJuther exchange of s hite and bapttzed twe lve me1\, ,hile \Ie havo not IllS over/uyed Wife 10 h,. bome III th e XII, t he .mnll coc kerl hilt aocl a swglllllr rus,' I" su ld t o htlve been being nllturlllly . uJle r"t11 0118 blld o.c n,,1 Olly hurt • I lither I fnlhe r! c ried Kuccor to !!Ome o( these poor wrel-ches bail A 8111gle CODYt'(flIQD' ,llIcc we left lottI e VI or HlOgto\\ n, IIpa r T"p ton caplte of Nllpoll'on the blank et 011 tu. ' Ilunl'ted • he donke) 19 cxceed lUgly Llll1l1y CanCled my pro tecror" c rclltnre M f" r\lSlllllg 0' er the tlmty pl\ces before, but I felt that I might be dOing home" "Is that IIOY" Mid the colO1lel, __ ____ _ of 01lll:ell08, 1111.1 pVl'n Lhe 1'10118 b<lIvel I Cond o( C4r rol ye t nllne aro e ver g Iven Crom the other worlcl, lind uhmlUed lhnt _cpllrllted th e m nnd throwlllg hi. wrong by admittlOg A "trangor In ht~ thoughtfully, and ihen ri sing 1118 lind modes t <1mb "f thc q 1\11 kpr may be II I I ' d btl A ~ tA.IEM tlS r 1IIlllle .. n lhe lIull",nly I d I I 111\ ( urlllg tIe ay, U W len It com K WIthout a struggle IUIIl" Rro unrl th e ncck of Ll\foll, who I 0I~'Il, told the orderl)' to call tbe nd IIbsence ' I 0 I I b b IIIC II It 111 "IIUlp e~ I 11Ii! Lurn to "@pellk hl~ Ime" so me Oil\) hu rs t (lut laughlDg and gave hIS hllud N Oautlon and tllty struggled Wltbln CR ow 1M ro'CCl llt y ('P.II I'll P llII" .... ph' Itflelf hu~ 1111 .. bJ8C1101l til I tId I k b h f Jllwnt "Ad~utant," MId . he, wb e n of Mr me At 18IIt I .ald "You h 'He B note A h BO KUK 101m who lOok a lIotlfl n kmtlly t o tho poor fellow who owed hlH thlll oftk'Cr a('IM!.l<W!d, .. th chal'lam h~hed, charglllg Mlr Splllrhgro d ll k tlw RII oCCl~'l(l\Ial 1I0llmh of tru Dll'ct~ TI.. ~1::1'!.~e~~i'I:lllg~l~uen~h~8:':K~IC b~o.y ~t hCe to 111m 1\ tl(Jco ud tlm ~ firs t In tbe from the ,Judge, 18up~lIIl, slr7" tlmt he I\ould know 1lI0re about \\ 08Il)'ll they baptl~ I ~ti"elve uf0n in tbat noted Londoll preac HIT , w t l' rtll 'I nnClellt SlIgCll tnufht III th e "chool" I1nd I ,lIIce 'fr,lIow~ nnd ~hen the curt.nlll WIII( ,(IV" r ' H I had 80me WrltlD on I' paJlOr,' SIIIlI IIIlln'a costumlll bought 11 (lI~hIQII bon k water lind Lhull 011 Lh(' held of hOllor Mnltle regIment: I",,, Sunday Detail hrandy , beer , ~1II1 ~ \ I mo d II rn p III Iollla t M I('c ( II TIl II t 1>11 bl Ic 11\ drop" 1.101.' cnrroti! I\re g tven hllu on a re the man "hut 1'8 lost It de ul!\ht It Bnd got rtght rJown ro work He ~t ud I wrltHI!: t.O 11(' stltlltlon R, b u t wbo . hllll <IIY thal thm I wnrci - J Ol4lklllUf COllrt e' .... founwl t wenty men for , 11Il1~d'ate bRptlMm I Farrar, oC I'roy, . Ttrnt~ oC tl\l~L city It1 rel,ly to UII.cIIlU gt', IIrll not nM milch 1Q('lw,l by the vllmtv of Wv. IUllrll thllt ' lUI Amencan l~gg won't be outdone I~y any regi'Il(lnt III rlllOell ~ Ah I Miss, 1'8 wlhD the Icd that book for a week ami WIIR tbetl f'U\ys tf 'Vll1la In london t ntlRlI()ed 8bol\!lhg thPIT 'U'O'lIrelll('n~ (l.8 b,' th(1 - - ~ ---:- - -_ ~ ! truff-Judge lIIlut me, 8uro 118 £'8 a ~1Il ready ro afllrm t n th e he~t of hlH knowl Prese rving Oomr.aur. haM been cRiali the nrm)' " ~Ir SlIrueon'a chllrch !:)I\bltatb Illn e d [t I' U f 11 t r U E Ci,lor u{ 1\ girls h,m 1< regullltecl h R hed In I5hllllg 1111' We this ---"i-'...-,!,,.. .........r nor r~ OOeD belped along 80 lar, Rnd edge alld beltef, that bllllq ne KItJlpers him nreRch II mORt' f~cel ealrtll ". In. o:!h IIIg I Hulr de °th" C t ' If 'I hi the size of h e r fother' s 11Ocket-book 'In ... Amaer h .. boeell' hlowlng R com 10, I\n he"n-~ ' peArs Iiko get to Oaoa(ry_ Oan't go tnmmed With row A oC hn t tons all Company WIll not m I' T.ens ~,en ..oueca (ec nre 11 I I U I t b I th I h I I' Ie l\t er e t' e or c t ~ t -mRnde~ from the cannou's moutb A lent Bermon After t.h e IIIlrmon, together know led e W IIa bestowed on 111m on 011 I \jack nowaya WIfe's dar, and the Bround tho wal sl , flouuced above the Ame ncan egga, How are our 1l "oung uns Got clear a year ago, MIIIII, vest, wero l WIt the thl Dg fClr II carrtagl' nudlencol! to I!how a proper aplpu~clfiltic~n ' l governllleot that WM!.I~:omc8.nt for 11m WIth ~6veral prellchel'8, wo l!O ught Bnd dltlon tl~lt he should not Impart It, he tre~8 ar~lgloldeln or III1~urn b ~bo 011.1 man 8 wa e 18 CAD W~, ear t e aug l !'\lIqltion caD nevelr ~fO\Iaen dowu toadlly obtalDed all mtrodu clJon to hlll1 wmlld dccllno the 1ft \'11 prar for yon ebry dllY of my liCe dr88ll He dIdn't Jlursue hls rellCarchel! of tho dramatIc IIblhllO., Hn gl\VI~ Ill! n g ter ~pokelJ 0 88 enly that rc~t beMe,1 ef you'l be so good to me Tank you, any (urthor, RS tt was too much like J 01111 n08 It the marltl'b III to by proud BritoDi who u1.:<. ijietr com tD hIS pnvale study .. "gAl mlflllioos In t~ army .NtlO o,./M~ bearty • greetIDg, IlDd talked almosL studying geology WIthout "pecrmene- of egglt which have outlived MIBf," famillarl of our peorlo and co ulltry A uA Ul or1be IIIIme dog A: Me rl- I I -~ ~-~"".~---".., FQr 8Omehow when he oIl),Ok(l oC Wife Keo/ru/r. Vollltltutwn fulncl!Il (bani! ,TIII""UII ~ICfJV"".. \Ve B k~ of the Gli~ l temperance dell (ot) dootor MY" that dlpbthefla AN A ulerlCJ\J\ gg-p.r886nlng compaDY ..... ~ ... ~ aud children 1 had stepped back and 1st ork romg on at ho me, rod he WII' very thlls IIlIkolVn untIl the use o[ coal oil, and \ has beene~t.,lbll,1Ied .tShang".1 fOr lOD1e TL'lGJ.lm IsL4Jill; ..: wlth ~ a popo hlmoln. tlD'\!l' lila obJl\ct i, to preote,vtt E',IP I lll,bon of over five huud~ ~,ltr.Oge to tllch intetl'8led, lind IIrt10ng othe r lVot tbe MOO!' WIll ure It tb. baolt hall door to ~hloh tbo • (. ~ fUh ill/lOner t hat they "11\ be 11 luI blUt neltbor hillel, reltAOl'ant, oys i hlngl:l it I Mid II thll n lr ('10(1 I 1\111 a 1'11(> haca i;UmeJ B~d ~e kttcben 1IIU ,\ JO<"KW> oa l l~ hll! h(u ~ K e ro8eua 110r cookl ~~ lati -"" tlm ~ ancl 1. . . ., tallo,; Dll1l1nefi c;lre J;ligker, tob\r abstaIn er ,' No" I rI ~~1II t bts lille a t hlmd I I~ him thither snd l)c~roleum, ~(1I11~ ~bey ( 1\ (lhlllll«l r..., tiul!ille I lC ~1I0emlll[er, ~Io~"" l,iIa.rKet. Cllnltnhle to cine of th6 gt:ellte t hVlIlg,l'l'I''''uhll''' ft W \:low "om he "88) holV wr~~t~II~J..I , iH, the OOII~I," I,arall)ne Mt~d" j pod, olljl\Jll tq ,f;~u I ) oUhe PBl • h IV II (' ellfllRt,ned t Rnd
do"o) may i rUll over to Mapl to n to nigh"! Iy ruler'. daughter hod a bo> IftStJlI~bt\ they M)', and I 1IIlIm to lie It.. nat rol r-h' tb fir. ... l'v~ ever bad ot srrllnd-ulcllO or uepb w" ,'f' Who brought tho nom t" I IIlIk I It Anth nv, MI ," l!ludHunollh .. He met GeorK_tbat.' ~ my nlec ...,' ~ hll8baudwheD be 111M ouuCter tbe NW, s travlDg 118 he ah,aYII 18, nnd t old hllu to tell Hllnnah abe's Il grand ollnt/ ' .. Yon may gO" 1 Mid, "but don't .tl\ylate Oran(\pa !lnll grund lll il may be away all night, and 1 f I n~nou To be aure, there ll\ A ntholl) , b ut J neve r rolf, on htm Dc corlllin 110t to etay lat.c' I repoRted tillS mJUtl CIIOn WIth a so rt of fflght sball ng ot er me o preMDtiment ofevtl, I might sOY-find !!Omethlll! prompted mo to Ildd ' lie baok by nine" Why, [ Clln Dot 11:17 but T felt U If by I1I ne J shoul d be 111 I\Ome peoDhar dan ger Hannah promlllCd 1IId, net r doing a U J reqUIred, woot nway, and I hClird he r he&V1 Ib()(,8 011 th o gllrden wn lk ou(,aide, Early IIJ\ It Willi. • llIld dropped th e __ curtatu and IUlhtcd tho wax candles ou tbe llIant.cI, ana I IIIIt loul{ over my teA, flndl,lg a qertaln compaDlol1~hlp In It, 118 women of all agClt will J sat thue along time, anti was . tartll!d from my reverie by A rap at the dvor- a t lmtd 80rt of rop, 80 that J kDew at oneo that It wu not a member of th e hOllfie norlllllntimllte Cn ~ nd I waited, expectIng Anthouy to open tbo door, lJU(, hndlng he du\ not, went to It my
---- -----
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1".'1' "Ial.
A Bemarkable Reanlt I
)ItANOI-: Ih.1 tlolll"lI.
I'i e~t hYlllillll'ul ovent " \" U" ' \10 ' ''1).1.1ill", ., ~, . , u ..
h moKe. DO dill. ,~uo< hn,. IUU! r\'y'~i cb,,$, or hu .. mdt h lII \tdldlOC you I,,\~ .. Im·d• ay l it i. no ....." 01.",1>11 hed f.~, Ih l Oerlll." Baird , ""'ll i lh' unlY wII16h b , gl' .II
- Mr. A . I., Farr hus fi ll ed II i al h has been lIun nnll' hn , Ioo-huuse. ill're wilh in th \ lo~t Iwu W ekR. I' lJ\)I), of tllr , J l'\,,"~d'y QU1NO K,.,81· : I - IOl\k~1 olooks at 8~,,,~ F Ull - 'I'lti~ \\'~I!k \\IJ hll\' I te old !\\v lind Mis Jl lLttio at th o CORllllelMAu ("ollOul" .e,., ".II<'.IIILu,,~ 010/041 .. !I.~ICI ~. " nn..t ,\ :~'I ... .. . k . . I ' D l,ca.. \1 Is Ir.. II" r IIr,' , ol lholl."ud, )lA'U! OUIN" WJ! ": Y '" i\fillsi l dln\l'~. 1I1C1 1'\\ \' il'II I1l~"1 tltt' \ \! ' Irll '()I'. I IWlJltI of th I .,i dus n ar lorp ••onHwho "" prdl~l'o~(' (IIO 'I'hrOil I loe .,Ll lI,:IU. K, ftn,1 63', I' " - J ' it ri, ' lit will III' yom' ~Iu· . ~I",l' I:: 111(10 II I, \\'il\.o nt'~ I' ~I I(Jdl() HIIII 'burch. UY"ndLIIlIg .\fI., 'II," •. 11ullo"nl " iol.llemll r A. L. FA' I', I'. ~. I tl)lo \\ 8 r. I' ~"o dollll~ hl'I1HI ElJl'il-Cht, Ji"d "II ' II111'UII W;ltI 1"'111J 11ll II iii Inlbl Irh\,;(" •. "0,10 1110. ,.. V",. O.. hl~ 1I:.o.'p"II; , , / llury +, I 7'" a Il Ill' 1\ 1111111111'1' lIy Ihl' 1)\ ' I,t l'ic: ,,, h'l hll v~ 1ICIIICllIlt lll\ll\ uo,\hcl , u fRtGt> FraDe,-8011DIbuS-Lilltl l - 01 ' ''~ I .,lucl lon, ill 110'18. pi (;\ (1111 11", lllll rdolls, or\-VUKb, 111 'hell'~ 1:.rWIIIl ,,}rl\f!. To •• eh lOll ~ rUn. tlll\nd fl'\l\lI ,Irwin I.,r l FUllke.I' & ~1 1 .s ildllll' .j. 10111-: ulld I!'yillg ~i()kllll~', which sl ,(, uf 01111110 118. III I r q llUt WOU'd <fiY Ihal till, LI,ou.",,~ ~n"n "crt' ~" rl.ilOI!(IlO mod lltlOtl tn"1I V,.I,r. "'fl"1 1 - "II ~!! U,, 11 n" \111,"1' ~I 'IITV", hl' ll: \\ II. 'M llI plal')' puti IICUlll id lit lor thtl" U th o .lIld 1•• 1 " 'nr nl,hOlllolle "I'III"nh';lIt l l'oll II ... 0" t,.. 0 fft. "II! N ,. ""r, (U \ lI ll1l1li ll" . ~ I '\'lIt 1'" hl,II\I.I\ '" ~t rtI. LUIlg L' l . IIt \\11 1111 dclcc illtion ..of t Jl ttlllpch tn' t"h' ol ~\Ih' holt C, Rr "IXC ~ 111'11.'. 11.' ....•;.tn nl •lllll . lU Illl d 7C, celllll ' Il l f;ulIl IItl ..trll~g"18l ogu n Allllrica . ' ~(' . 1'1 III h,dy, 1\ ii i III hl\~IlJ, cllll!' "1'110111 lIud' ubrm hup. ~_____.;...________ IAL --Oll tllue \' 11. 11111 - !llro. () ' ,·al. llf L l'\1 Itlll .h' illht'l·aealill,ttS \\ ll!l t" fluil . PYA lIl:st8. ' The p IlU ' ADVERTf. 'E.1U:'N1:'" illg of the' l III ()., fl'l~nd~II~. I·1Il 1 ')11, i' OI~lljICI Ullhl~ ill. r ,,'~ 1.1 (. h"IS, fnlthflll 111 the el,S lll CHlUS, Cll'~lIlltlllld consist. ___ .-= ___ _ hi d nt thu hOl}'o 01 l ad",1 E\' I1I1~ -~II'. ]Ii II Ihall MldJl ' LlJ1l I~ III t·l .t I~" ,O! 1. .1' Jll tie~, nod !I"mllll III!!; " I 1111 \'\)1 \\lHO, ~b~ i'lIcn IIUtI l 10' j{ THE , I·th I'tl l'JlII 0 uf rgl,lll lzllig ll L it dllILg" I' 01 1"~I I1~ his ' igl, t (/" }"' /I/ ~11 ~. EIIII -hts Inlll'llIl \' II I II1I1~ o~h\!1 IIIseful a.~ Orl IIlLUCll' unllY . cia!. ' 0 to J I" S H lin) sli t " (lod C,·, 1,,"1, 1,l:ll'C (III l\I onday u n ('I'll ()o ' II. III1I Ml ielcd he id elegun t The con~t i tllti " 11 \\I\~ 11.'1111 by the l., olll hO ls(' 8110d Illr ooe dollll r Irull ' I,cl' lal l: Ie IUClle':,lInd WI\t; ' l'll1l1t lllt; uf 1 utt1¢ OIlCI, the • urUll B. 'hnlll!lcl . allu - :\I IF ' J ( SI(' 1IU1 (,. (I I CIIIl'III ' 1I1~ I\lII"n .l\' I ttl.mll-II. .11I J.IIl1l·'; gJi·l .o f Iho 1)1liC:lllli ~lg rgYlllnll. ,blll'ullln IlJ ujJtcu , a llLl tile flllh'WIII~ IIi cl' 18 l nlltl, I~ \ ISl lIlIg ~ ll s ~I ull i u ll ulll'. \\ II \l 1I'~ " Ih latell, Iliter '11111:1. Fl ld,lY , thtl 1I!1l\i~ liS huld ot For 25 Cents, Il v~clI : Allr~)!' U. CI~lllIdlul'. )' re81 --~I rs ,/ " "" K III~. 11 11 lI~l.'d cII · II " l\ 1I 1,11I1~ \lcre in tl'l'lcll III ill " 1thc IWllI o u l Mr. HedJllt Baird, d\!lIt· Anna h elly , \ I('C " IcOl den\. 17." 11 or Il lIs ,,1.11\(". IS 1\'Ilig ,IIUIII1' 111111 ( ' "Ht " " 1t'lIlllel , rI thu IlI ld(lgt'OOIll, "jull Including toffee, Tea or Milk . • \111 II Ie E.•JlIllll 'y . ,(,('I'l'IIII ' ~ L in ' 1lIgly Ill. \lit 1. It ~l"II'1FIII \. died Suudny tlll llthl'r I ~ aij t uf lat tl1hlga WI1.8 e n 1(~1I J:lllil " ~lt\I , ~.urll'I$ . ¥.d\\111 1 - .\11. Il l'I :I" ~ ~1. A II,l 'll.lIfCIIl 11 10111111;.( ./II I1 I1 IUY:', 1 ~7:J.Urp l'l·ll· J,,)cd IIml n IIl O t happ,y tilDO ' CII' --uO fO fln:- ~1i" ' I",ctl hj thuglLj:compauy wh o&u.d , hll1l111 lU ll? \\ dlln'lI hUmc, Ci ll llllll . • lkil t :\1.'1\ \CIlI ~ \\Itl. 1118 111"'11 11. 1111'1' II h" rt ill ucss 1~I Cll1bcl' uf EX 'I·\ \:! ' }~lIlOltl(·O _1 :lI IV"~ 1t!'1\!. ~I !.1Il'bl)' hll8 101 mHIl V p'urs U"CIl .'xcltullgcd g l l!otlUgt tllli lIy be. CINCtNNATI TERMS TO SUBSOlUBERS. • Th' Chll llLUll1l of the C:xcClIlI\ C1 -- 11 I' 1\('\'1I hu s a fi ~ t cln~, \1\ th e 1' 1111 .1 , \. ,I' () J " 1'lght &'1 10 e. Th e worth,'J youn It havo Uumm ltle nnnoUllced the u('polllt· 1~ I "c k l'' , t t) b IIN'O l)uxe!! III I' ' ll Il' ~ oilS II . Ihl'" l!Cud 111111('1'. alltl W ItS lr c "'\Ie r. . • I m 'lItstv rn xt IlJeelll lg tlell 0 d'" I II U:I;"" dllllWIl lI cl"n'''' 1\ \\ rle l t hlls ~c tsntllll,ullthe ltIotnmolllu.1 \ 11\ Th e Cl noinnati Dolliu Weekly Comm ercial I year. 52 numbers, . d . k '-' I \'0 11 111 a e.1 I ." .. d ~ . "l ~ post paid . $ 1 00 J ' II1 ~lIe .t(~ IIlC t III two \\00 S',. I . , , . ' I tIl " d:llli! ,hl~ II nu Ill'l C ;;0 II I! h I l',1 "'It h tlYlllg col I'll 1111 Iu. l r~ Eleven copies. to separa.te addreu8i, if doslred, po st paid, 10 00 lho Fn'I!(11! oCl ulm ' t oll ]'lfth' l - ~I I. J~scl'!t ll. ChO l'lI1 alll' re. 111 . 111111 h i I.. . Ih s IUII'Iul took I'IOSI'l;!ct . .MUIY II ild 'or 0 WI No. 180 lUnln Street, tilly e\.t!lllllg, ~6t!t ult., lit the h ODl\' c~,erlng. from u Illd~ attllck 01 IlIcl.' jcst ·rdtlY moru,_ .rh!)~re wreck . 11161 ~Il Ill! 0 r 'I:~ Send lor pftcnnlon 001"1108 fre o A rc nl" fl lld Cl nb Orgll nl t.(' rl'l "nuted ('\C f\·w h cr l'. 0' J OlIu.S Jiinney, Ivi tl~ 0.11 ottelld dlp.h therm lind n s\,1\'lIIe rl 1I0k10. I uuill hl:i"" t.lkull to X enia fur skle ror It m ~cn e them t o I, "OlmOIl copy Ifltl tir cm l.lf gl\ll ug ternu, to ugcut.. nUl l ul uL urguh ue:u -Jllck, ~Ir [llluuali' u ,'g o lcd , I n ll 'r ll1 ~u t " l'l'l! rcl 1111\ IIIg cm harked tTpon littt's a l; e of twelltv·fh- memllol'8. An· rOtl D. ' 1lIlIldilll, P residellt, culled th c othcr dll)" lit til e ri l'o old II~" I (!1Ir:lI.J~ t \ cytl"c. A UU['I II f c, t)ut ) Oono,' unt l T \\o Nl ct M, HALSTEAD & CO., Hull I\whnclu fI; 101 ", II CenLs . t he II lo0ti llp: t" ord cr, ullllread II 111'1 5. III hll ik IS fll ll' H' rtltl'(·~t ·1 I.,'fll ll l' rallJ f ~II' \Y . F Rllp I' .... _. _ • • __ Spl 0 ..,1 Il~C~P 1' " " ItOO Ul ro, I n ~' "d illi g . chuptut fl ,lIn tll o Bible, The min - Gu to ./ ,,·s H H " I , It ~ und IJ\JV 1" ,1\, 1' 1.'ll' 1,1.t \VedIlP~dll) ulter l'J' &!! lYO U ..·., " ... "' ....... JiB b ' I\nll l'lIC).WS:;C8 Cl\lll.l f OI Ir e, o f chatbo I'rtll'rlt'C(ll '~ ('11I<'I lIlI lIti CO llllnCrClI\ ' ~ tF PIlP". pubh.Tdng rI". t lit" "cIa 11'1101, tl llU ex eICI~C~ il1tru",oul Bllu gl~s f," 11':;: monr) ti, "" """". til H"I'J L F. \'.111 ('Ic \'p I \l AS tlU uO!l'd flir IlHlny yenl IIENLE) 1\ l IlAIl I\ ICh. 1'".1' r< prj " IH'rh1 11 "lllumt bl ' l ll l!{ 1"1('I:,\ CI:,\;,\ATI. OHIO th('ril.t'd \\ ,1\ t\. ,l lI ~ccr',,"~'nh I dllced. nlo ~on:lI (111) lI th"r shop, \\ 1111 1\ lIth, I, ll Il lf;' .. dt( I " h,ch ti le Il' l l1l1l ll~ \I III. Kidney Cun'ltloint, Gravel, rr U' c 1111 ('Xuh UlqlO Ellnicc Furnas recited II poem good 1\:lIl ont \Inc 1,,(,c l1 to Bc.llhwnk. ~I I'. ITu l\rl' ; Il,y blu lld hec nlll thl ll ; 1 wus clltitled 'O\'er nnd U \· I' a~ullI.' - F nn kPy &: MISqil(lliiO' n" 1,1, I'lt'ti 111111\( I' I.lce, 1'0 1 blll l!d . dul l III III IlIuc t iH!; cO llld hurdly !tIl' N ~\ . .lIUSIIIO/ III A fl. "tJ il:' //" " ( ""1I1/1II1 1 i)'/I /!/i/ll i Maar Jann ,} rcad Th ' i\flltltl ' ~r 3dc Clc'Lillllg ' lo de i " tllllll,llIn~ <:la,~III INU I , nud \\11 1111 uld worn . lr" f~ /!I ('1'711111'1011" "I " "!lII:,."/{" () ."'; ol'sr" 1'tiI I U., l.ll 10111 - -IIt;\ll!lI I N - o f St.• John De l othu, by \Vllitti ' 011 nrcounlof th ugrcIl t ledllc ll Oll 1D TII>I~'rl' 1~7. It, n," v - 1:l.ra O.. ,h. \J ilt 111,111 all o ver, :lIlU eOll ld get hi m " ,if! 1" '''''1.' }'/lII" I ,1 .1/f. O[./lli ~'r, nl:;o 'Th e nil dum " by LOllgfel. p'lces Go nnd see [rll }olllscif hr ,I"r,,1 I: 1\.. 11 , 1'.,'1 ·.od \In 11 ",0.1, IIUllllll" I II h\) l[' III ' , \lllt il I got H o\> 1 Hl1l1l1 )\ "~ Im r H \uj,tu,.t I~, l KO~ . 1J1 (Jh ~ '.. r"'I .1 I I. • FOREIGN UD DO~IESTIr. I low. - I'l'llf J U H ldgc \\11. h" "le t. , '"""" 1'. 11,. ,"', .",.,Ior> BIIll'I~, IlIlu now II III Ii u y a~alll. Ed \\' in hUlldlcrrend' II 11111.1 111 dill III!! Ihe hulllla) lI u I ~ ,"1\1 '\t '. 11. 1.10 lI ,dutl'''r "n' " I r:" i!h.1o \1) hl"oJ undkldm'y"llrcall n~ht, . k bY WI \I tfIeI', 1 tm\ e IIll!!; .III IIIC III Il'ICS n f \ . .1 11 <I. .. In,1 mhp, .. ,0 '", lOr a ll d 1 11 111 II~ !l ctl\'!! II~ du lIl 011 tI IWIC', L """'nl .. "I. 1111.1 III I~I ,10, f"III"III ,Iho "'''''er! ,,, vIh,. I aIn 01 ao, By leqll est of Fl'lelld Rllrh I E\· d nt\\ er p & Co., uouk lkal~1 , 01 '" .1,. •<ltI" .r " " " MI PI"". "'t, III .1.1. .dth l,"gh t 1I1n 71, 1111 .~Ia\· e no 1111 8, a telllpe mll C poem WIIS Icud . ('ill cl llnllil r. N." """"" III I ':!II I:"" tetllrll,,1 tn d" lIb l It \\ til do us \\ cll fu r " thers ___ )1'10:" 1H~S 11'1(- - by Ihe c rutor.y, entit le. tI • 'D n'l l, - T .. t l.e kind rlio nds II ll d lIelgh Bol lin, ,,," f" r IIIl I'"r"".., ,.f porfO"llIIjf or Illy .I~C. It ill \vv l'th th e tr lui. M urrya Mlin to SA"e TI IIll . III Ihe "lIr)l"ntpr 111111 nu ll 'H,~hl -(~'.a.TUtJ:R ) II rs \\ ho ill Idd Illte afll l' tl "lI. U111I"".1f Ir"I •• 11 11" to "" " l1 eU III thll l "ly fcor tille, _. _ • Th.o prl'g l'lIt1I01e for the II xt 1I1l ' cllidld> ~1I"e tllell aid and ~j I\l ' ' Y'""."'Ulilll' ~ ' ",e nllnlllllno Ill.' .. !.vol R ll i! I NI9IU'8n ,.I.'s reply to the Lob· meeti ng \"a onll un cetl. AdJ oul'II' l puthv Mr Almlln Ebrig ht r tlll'1I 8 0( [,",,1"1°"'"('11 I I,' tStc b I "1 ' J • • I r"ll.II,,\II ~~"I: thon. ~h .., J • tl q" II a "~ II VI \ , e d to meet at Ed ' WID UI lallu ere. I h iS 81ncCIO thall ka. fl, ' h'l-In , • 01 " ",1I~tor 1l1l0 n PC,)vJ.1l when tbey-doslred him .! -CUI, ,I. Jllm II a . Kearllcy 1\111.1 , o'"I~I .. lur Ih,," \0,,,. "h. n he ,pnu"...! til lecturo lor th em Wall that 1m \va· H'\r"~)'!olburJ.:'. ., . d to (111 (, 111 11 111 1,111111 enJ.(uurcl III 'he IoIlInl nld nut tall< t" U pcople who wo ulJ -LI l'nt UllIll'l cs E. ,JuCI)bS Vls ltr hu.,".... II ~ " ,. nt • II'} 1,m •. wcultl" IIUt tak c l':II!! 01 the ~rll\le of TOM . - - - ) .\ I '" (--r Isses T "!' Tl ISe) H . I J I' H ill su,)I 0 lus t ThursdllY on 11111· bUL ~II I ,"tlo 1""lIIe," re' ,'r.,. 1m", ,,1,"10 --.\Ion. All,n fur ' t..--'tIlt" IN. Illil II Ill. . b ' '1'1 ' \ ' t , . ho n.'" r nr,,". r«1 Stump ,-isited Iril'nd1 in New UlII ' Itlllj U IIICIIB. Ie) \ CIO en el 11 0 " ,. mll,rhJ J)NJombt.t27lh, 1 1I~ ;.1 " II' /Jub . I ·u ll) uld sny thlll it is Iington la t we k. Itlllilcd rig ht l oyally I M " 'l.ti7.ll1""h Jl) ••• ~f 011111111,,""" ""101, t! ,e h ~ t thing 1.0 ev r did litter. ' R I ' >.r C I I - Mr Jncub Hantlall dl'o \'e fl" '111 .<h .... ,III . ur v,,·e' I he.. lCd,I." " pJt!III~ - M IllS a(' 11(' lu C oy pent tie 1) I TI " . d nft ccleL.. , •.1 ..,n. Jentll!!o 011 1011<'111'. cho I Vacati on lit ~I el hOllle n(,lIl oyton II t Iflr uay 1II 0r nlll ~. IUI E ll' hlr n .. ly " 0" til tho Su th ...... t ~ [ \lCJ\ Lko lsLATrRE,- AII in ter· R ' d VI'11 whrll he reuched home, he tU!lllli mllrk. 1 Itt \'.11 n lurkey fot the I.mdy "olh, est~d III 1IIj:\lIn izi n!! 11 m ICj!ls· I g;t . el ·. . d 1 hi eili. anJ part of 111 fuc fror.::n. !et,n;r •. n Iho hlt) . f!T" "","vcr.llt) "I Ihei. - c elg ling c ntlnn s goo ,ant , . . . ml\ ,.; 'KO Whllo In morkct he eOlnlllnHlcd IIIIlIre RI'O teq nu tcd to meet ill Ee ODr YUllng folks sccm to enj oy it fhcs\! ur\! IlIpplng tllnes. of f. 11m" "h,lh' Hnd otonp d over It. d",r. l(1I1I l\Illllil1 gt~Il'e office 0!l Frldu.y B" FAR SUPERIOR. vcr much - !IIrt!, Jolin A. McC(lmas d~ ie",,1 fhe lol\ .,rm hi h"nd -, A mUllle"t 7_ 0 ~~~~:':: _ e "ell i ng lit "". i s·11 es to ret urn thonks III r ho fell b.",kward, nnd " "" eorri.d -Y M'18S Zo' e H II ....' k e 'IS sllucrlllg • • till S 1111\11' lln h ..lm. n. "tp.e from 11 eprain d onkle. , lIor to tho cumcrone Irl 'lI d \l hOI e - WITII ml'TCu, y ut 2:l btllow zero, Rooms. Two Doors North of the Post·Office, ~I~!o ll <1F HAI.JTt.Su'OO'TJ"NO -.Oll wCl'lt lJuld th inlc it a rAtbc r e('01 - W e regl'et t() a nnnnnce t~lI\t r\\II'in g t.l.e recell t .nd otn ietln~ ill _ )0( - we ha\' e 0 11 \V P.M , Miss AUDle's ber flunily lent their sym patJ.) lind !.,8t ) Ile. dl!)' e\ ulll g 0 sho li ng "pe rullOlI to drh'e (at hogs to milt. W.\ YNESVJLLE, OHIO, Vi Rsing cord iality OIlJ obligitij!; 118SIBtu.lIce. !malch , \It IlI tltel' ~u unu sllu l ehnr· ket. g-WOllKS AT readiucs8 will be e3 ' Iy missed by "':' Mr. Leo Adums left here (or inalcl', took plllQO Jl1 n hall at WilY' W E didn't 7 n;I ;~Y keep· LEBANON &. MORROW, 0 her IltImeron friends. Logon county, hi." lust ~'l'IdIlY Ill\'i\vill , 0" hct wc n A,lI del's~n, .01 iug open huuse on New " 8Il1',S day. ' --Mis cs Laura oilier I1no Eva e vening, after !til viu~ ' mode 0 \' 1')" I W." y nctlvd I :' nnd. S choti ·Id ,ot W iI· •• _ ._ ..... _ , ;lJ.;...:.....----:;--!~J;o'''~i~=.'--''='f-·IUI,t:ti of M~ii.Al' .i"f ,,-i og lila 01.1 ftl CI1ds \-,-uwgtofl 'lllO nrllt WIl8 Q o4La fifo' tffllO ~ !~I!fiIlJ~:' ~;::u~·J~te:ae'i.' • here. TI e r till liS to lion 08 City lone rnlllll.t In llteh, nlld wus won ancu II l1ti: the ] 5th of October. ",. .. t, O.lIlUld cnmine 81.<lt'k und leam -Miss Lizzio II n~ vey vi Hed in 1:ill C hicngo. by eit ofield lIy th e BcnTe of l :t ,~ Prlce. beforo purohlUling .I""w h~ro _ ________ ~_-:-_-=- ____ . ____ Ricllmond, I nd ., dnrln g 1Iolluuys. - W. E K Oll rick , ~ rm e,ly "r to . ~4, lIf llNllAV w .... Twelhh·N,gb t,. or LilLI e ! TrTID) '{lI~ggy ~ 1 - Mr. All ie rt H ueke tt "'n ill tltia pluce, ass uillcd th u du ties 01' 1 H e s c·.nt! m,ltch \\, 11 one of 7± hri ...".... ~~ !!l _ ~ I ~l l ~ _ _~ ._ _ t own a few dnJ8 1u t week , , ' h rift· of linton eoullty 011 Mon IgIIIAs bnllB, \/ 11 t~ IllC, III ~vhl~lt Ao The Piotorial . ,.ga.llne for -The fuu e rlll of Mr? Clrod e dny. Th e Wilm ingtull JIII/I'IllI l ldcrSOI.1 bl'Ok o 50 bllll s "! ~IX llnd ~ Young Folt •. - -81\1.1.8-K. Jones took pilice 011 Monuay. 1l'<lks of 111m in n \' (' rv cumpli II half 1IJ11 l1it' , tlnd ch~,hold blUk· From the Post-Office Grocery. IU•••A "A",n",.. • • • lI_r. -Re v. W.G. Smi th, otone tnn e Illoll 'al'y m"IIIl11T • In ~C \ CII ,II III tillec· f oulth ~ illill _ . I \1 . . " . It Ebr",ht \\ ho IIl e~ 1t III I. ' t tlHI t Thll PI-~~~------h t. cOl1ccdeci 011 1\11 , ftl CIt lillt eli~r,. 4 bars of good Soa}) for 25 cents. a mint.ster . III tillS plnce, dIed 011 Mi s" Hnchic u ll t JII t to sta e ' HE T ~nd BE T BAKlNG D LOlbrop 0\; 00 . hllvo ep lcn..thl1 \' acco m' l tho 3t! instant nt Bellbrvok tl I I'd 't1 ,.." ' . 1 ' 111 tlt b IlI litch C'i l'CIIIll StOIlCCS IYIJI'(: :'O WlJEIl n eaLi wh~t P",I F AOentli. pli' he,1 ~ hallill') !CI IbeJrhu, '8UptJll II lew 7 ounce Silver Star Baking Powder, with Jelly GlassJ -S I \ ' d M d f s pcnt Ie 10 I ay \\ I, ler I" I d l c Jed I ngll illst Schofield as he 01 Iho Penll { mv!.'r.. ty, ."y~ Jell.. ""0 ,IX to m"ko t\ m~K'u",o ah. o· 20 ts C I 0 ope~e 0 11 . on ny, 0 IItl\'eB here , hus ret urned to 111'1' 1 ~ Y '. , . ' . . \ Wits,' PILIJ.~IH:l.111II \. P,.! IUlely PIII'OIII lie ",U llence. un .. ",led I. ill cen, . .. , ler [I tw o Wc(!M vl1calton . tDuslcal dnti 'zl in ey mour [1ll1111l11l.' I\l lg cOlIJpclIcl1 t. II c blllSS ca l ' D c'U.(8. I'~ ! f r~ metil IJI'.UIlIUI'''IISllclI\l~ , nIlLlLhell Largest and best assortment of CIgars aDd Ttlbacco m - \V hllt hn Leco me (,I' 'Comct" I I d ~ I .'. h tlldj.!, ·s lIltl!1 the fll st few s lr ots 011 d ' 1 ', ••0 " \llIle n vcr)' cure nl anllY'" 0 10 fu."'8 h II 11111 p ri ce .0 10.... 110111 peol'''' a l ll town, of U tlCU i W l'l te SOO Il COlllot ror W l er~, we nre kg I,IT ~l 1l'l , so . tli e Ahell . - tu ck i ll th e gll n, lind he I C'.EVE ' ..ll'l D;'O",~t~~'OR DAIUNG cou lll II I1",d I.. Io,ke il ' ' I S dO Ing r \IIor II ) Y \\ 0 . I I TL Ii t ' " ' UD ER .10', '.11 ItER.AU. O le t T' or. • 1I OWS Irom y ur v Illuge IS a h\ oy" 0 . " I 1<.1 f i . IU G rlfiil Ii CUIISI f)IIC ll t yost t Imo. IC 18 ' nne! 1. .. u found (t h . bo lJCrf\lCl lly Imrc nnu '1" . 0 ,,<1 ,' ... ,, \ H, S , II. t\ elo<\ of Sne.. atmea I ocoanu, aplOCa, Corn Star ch I CurrantsI nlUlel1d with illterest. .- UI .lOVI:! I ~ I ' .. 1Illlillte oj tlte match lie took 14 1 "'"'1ll("·tu"'l oflhOlt"'tC?rollln"fTllrt."~ )lerryl' llIhlrou. ... 1,0 fneed Ih;' ,,"rltl fllr ' B tt's Extract Lemon ' Sugar Coffee Tea and --Mr \ VillUlirnc ond MIS LIZ H ,ehrnflll, IIc t ' d the part III I\lItl\ bull,nIlU lostt\\u~ l.lJt s b\'the8hd I. ,,01 Llllr mlll.r,nl•. It 1ft ntlttl; . (,~~".llu' n l""J~hfinglllgllla'I) I SInS I urne . ' '. I ub r · I . en IIrri 1I Chri slmll8 '1 1I11S, at Ch rJsllll ns, III III" ('har. lu,lh'·1 I'" t 11,0 uUlTels Ill S 111111. frnm IIluOI.I.rrl<lIllbn. ''''ddfoU'"h • t."'fco. 1HI ~I"rr H"rlwel111rt the,wuu,1 !', oruoel, Chocolate of best qualIty and a ~ low prlCes. :lIe c ov e l \\' r u In . . , 11 I " n. b \\ 1111 h IlfC (rNlul"nt,) u~c IJrt C InliI'" II ill ulftrtlleu U) ~l tHY A Lllthil ury. , • k. r Ev e at the rc idenco of the b, Idc'~ IIctl:l'letlc p;C nCr(l 1l8 1mlldllll('d . I' Ie r he t lt lld 1lI ,' tch wus on break· tu re lind ",lu\tO-n.tiun of n.klllg P OWd L"I8. R QV. L LOI\lIlE . L ... Ye." AT tiT. Ih The only place 111 town where pure Cmnamon Bar IS tothel' W IlIinlll ClelLver. Muy ha p' mud e a bollt on.e 1\111 re. Itt. III ~ blllfri -~I) Illdi a coch, in \\Il1c h ET ~olu by Aa·. - A JOII ) " "It~ or Amnlelll !Selmol· k . - ' " I' tl'· I' t . \i(,lI rI 8 dun co tOI' .I"y. ond Wi sh tl ,at ::;el tidd ""t 19 ba lls in th e @ILITIU '\: uur. rOfll)('t,tfu.hly. A. L. FARR. 1'0), L,I •. I,y ~l lIg nn. ll. n ,,,eo llwr. II",hor ept. t l bll l III II II Il le IU d ( · 1I. O, nerl! \\I.undors,." d",!;· Illutilru· D0bb'IDSI EJ ect fl'c SoapI 10 ceuts• Ghina • Glass, Stone 1)lneaS de , IS uttenu th e wish of IIIlInyI Irtllnu s. •.G 1'1 tl ~ " Illlg.'I t l I\'e n IInn.d )'e.:11's ICI 'g l h 01 ...~11l1.C . till . Schofield 8I1Y8 ' ted h) .' \lu L . B nnm ph,ey . J , ' 0 .. , \I Cl~'IT • • ~a 'I'h" Idvcnlu,'Os of ", " and Crockery.Ware, - Miss MILI'Y ' :'IICUI~llu'S S01l1 i IIg to act HII 11 til CIUIIB wholl e\ el 0111 lilt , tlll ~ I~ It lri hrdt nttelU pt nt glllss : j' • , • III tI '1 0 I· rTllIs tld ecoml8 101llld. "II ~h uut lll~ 11111 hall ollcl ho i A !!oocl.frt·oh ~hlltOo\Vfor ."i •. En· M,hlud •• I . le rk IllPt\u l llllh l, 811'edDough 411 Mill Sl B kets, lice IS ag.1I1l ~een Ie SI: I u E lb N t f' tt ( ' I II I . I I I' . I quire lit th,. oflloo nut·. 8y Johll I\ru .. ..Johll A hll1ll1 . ton Window GI ass I Sash an dP uttYIB Couee I'oom. ell or on, 0 cu I'g' - , l 1ll1~ It (ll 'l itCI' at :\II ot le r trlu . wrltt.n 01I''''8Iy lor Iho LilLle Uo," of Cb Ch -- - . wus sixteen yeal s of ago ye . tcl'll a y . \ --[W tillllllgtOIl J onrnal. TURNPIKE NOTICE, Americll IllumfLl cd Wllh cUlllle plCluru Tubs, Field Kegs, Baskets, Wash. oards urns, eese, l AD AFFLIOTION.-MI·, Edward nlld ill hOll or of Ihe I!' ellt hi8 C ,t - - _ . -e----- 1 h" IOckhuldell' or Ih · W"yn"", 1110 li nd bYd;"llo~~:r:'n Arti .\s [F,rst. Serlre )- Meat, Lard, Molaases Crackers and Cove Oysters. , Wnl ton ond bil! wife, (th e luttt'r the In~o mot es g ot li p 11 uCllll I'UI Iy at 'l'11~. Clltc lllllnmcllt to bo given Wllm '",: lon : rU'"I,ike o,e I, crel: , nlll'f~d I I'ap r I , W,ll ,am H Bc_rd Wil li po rlrllll' . .~~~~~~~~===~====~~~~=~==~=~=~~=~ dau g htc r of Mr. CUllI pton) wh o re· \\ Itl ch n nuu1bcr 01 tho c lt ddl OIl III ( "Id \\'lll lllllc l" ti Il·dl l'llduy :llId llon L11 11 '1IcchO Dlllr,el",'" or A'd'll 'C~ \ 1811l,hv ml ·tlors. alld c.lIgrc" lIt ga or "UII,t· Appleton's Journal "'or 1879 WI) I'etll,~'1f · 1 " , ]1l ub:lbly 1Bl ""1\ri' . W,1It I \JIw,~rH,s1r v ul 'e u n eo u f • ' llig'cillcnU'ell,plje\ by S I: IV Ih'''J" m'Rtopupu I h. 010« "I. 11, \. \ • Side nellr Nel\ 13 IIIl n~lnll) , hIve fro III tb eol IIt' r cut tllgcs; .I~ w eII li S ~'''lIl'dtl) ("c'lI lngs, , will ur~. on MO!\O.\Y,1he tlU m."lc l"",eA,1 __ bel'n call ed upon to RUti \!1' a vt'l'y Illd ul ts, WCIC IlI VltCJ. 1 hnt ~enll1l : bc tlt~ h llc~t !;IVUI\ ill till S place. Il'h "f .lANUARY. I 19 III 1he f"ml ly Il lld ro"l;o ch,ldren nC'l'lninled Tbe ptoprlettrr" III AI'I'II>I'ON'~ JOli U... P H 0 S I' E () T U S Slid aitlletlUtl til th e loss uf. thofF ond gellcl'ou:; sonl, MI SS AlII,llIcia ! IlI j01' l1al'II'J has becn gil illg 01 " IIJ orde, of 11,e JO'E~~E~' ,\~S. Sre " . w(lh our I,,:ng Amlrtct\1l II rllsL. and "bill ~A" ,,,,III,el1celor,lt d. vole II ex.·I"., vely - I" "" _ _ y , childrcll,1111 WltllIlI tC ll lStokel!, \\h o. by the \\:a lel i,III1 IIl Cll tri " I Ih ls kin d tlic !lre ' 6.1078. ., _ I Columbus Evening Dispatch oa),8. The youllgest, IIged IIbollt l lol mOdt omong th e exc~ lIont COl (1 1J~1I(·fit of cl' IlI('ht'tI and " t il" r or. l - v • lhc Mlllee PIC Prlllce . Oy Kirk MOllro~ It I• • I,ogrow, n)! h,L.t II f the Im.I'ng l l. 1 1I1 ~'ln'I"111I L 1I0pkm" . I 'Dine!. ,n "II uo unl no, to> eulll .. l.ute tlu", DOLLAR \' ~~t'.·I·\ nl-jW DIS ' p"r~H. olle sen r died shout t wo \\ cel; s ag •• of matrons n ow aL t hu UlI lII C, \I as ,. lI liZ ItlUIlS 1'' ' 1 li lli e tllll e ond 18 'I ,hellext'I Ittl eglr I ,ugeu-, jj' \'eyl!l\l s , ': oR IJteu~ , .lngllsllslia I 1111 d ell I el , .\l' 1ll,cI"" I "," m ' N U' el SdlOlol. Ooml'rI' "'S .",t! In h .•.'t UInleliecL u a l work th. m il" ,u n•• ,," '.,1 JII '11'. I .. " 10I'IlJ:I'8'U S lI)tn r C, roo k" 11".tt.1I1 11I!!ldy, >l'lIKc: 1l 1l1 II) ull With Wh Ol1l Pl\rt,c"''''''''!C EXI' ••'II,e,," In I'O LII Eu,ol'c rc " it . IIl1d,lI\ OI~lc,tv' th"t AI'I't.>.I'OS d ied 011 Th\lr~du\' I lis t. And th ei r her gnet!ts light happ tl y.- //ol/l ~ I,,· hi" CUIII C In to bUt!ill l8S CU lllact. ! fo, tho~Pb")t r"; lI l'l on:o ;~~~ III '~: urd.r. AlDerlca Lau, BCllv O.. ok lll~ ('1" .. - J(l U "~AL may ado'l,,,,t, I) reflect lhu IIlIeI. D U' P e r ",m" 6;) (J. . . . . . tyro....~ last u. lld VIII)' rClual1ling child , "I so lreeN y. ,_ ._ n'f nil 0ll( \\",n Eutl(I!"lh 0Joolk,"g ICOLw,1 K<lILY"Y of the Ilme lh", er t.l . ; .,,,,. Per "' .... k. lHie Sntllr duy . '}'I 10 ) --The re aro s('\'('nteen boy" I c I 1 r hilt! Lucell slI gl-:csleu. , by tIIe \\ lIre <I"~ I","d W " mllko Fluwer Oruek " Ii\ 1'1 . UC \ ec r8 010 Ll I e ~II _. • I . .. I I f 1 a duughtel', ·u·led ..; 1'.,111 ... lU!I'll1tion lor lho Blind ,t w, au,"" n , ~ J>n~o. 0000 HI"" t ' . lVP.E.U.V, OMIT 0"" D.U,n P ... " "Qr. b 011 . d on I'' 1Oil d ay 0 I coiv illg jllstrnctlUns i fI t he shoo mellll '!!I'; ul. th I,' d S trClI 111 l"ntl D eCIl!"HUGE'UT t.c 1 P ttl1rv U Ilpccml t.y moru notu\\ urthy c rltHm l, ~(lnllltttl \,C, li nd two lost woro 11111' r Ol'cst an ~ 'M 'CRE,\RY ny Em",n E IlII, wn pro!fle'Blve pnpe'" thlll co mu from tho Ilfl n. I HE OOLlTMIHrs l.V EN I NI . DI S . thi8 week, ondI Iho IUI'ge IIttefld lUl ce shOll e ighteen IrI th e telel'mph ASS,'cllit lun tilUt hlrml'rs s hould ~. 2'7J /~..... "o~. 01;11>. Brlgh, :;1"oHrtI8tl"rl.~ ."d, "o:mt " of tho... Wtl te l'M, I' Al Oll IS 1\ I"'go .Inlly p"per. IIl1e'll wllh . d d I I • . fe ~ d- tl10"" .. ALL OF-' MY PATR ~ --ON'S- fft\luSke t1\ 8 nry .~Op(l CTn-e1l ~I at the fU),l cra III ICUt~ I Ie eilr~les office, fifteon in the till shoV, I1Inll tuk e pllrn c il IIi' pmns to lchc. of Tra vel III FOlcigll Lund. . F IO IL0n w' II AU II 0 ' Oll!'y 11 J1I aoe In 'I, 1e Iile I Itesl 11 0". loy \. I.."r 'I ' I'. 1111,1 ""rI olh . I" lIl tl t f tl I Hi ' \ I l d tI TO f I Jout oul'tlnl, un rl d elWr' ptl ve plLpord " IILnl'pt"nr, CI\\ I~C IUIIIII ~ ctlu~t lnth IIICr4J 1' '' m g r. lrCII sy mpatlJon JepUr 0 101le lg l' th e printlllg 0 ' co SIX In tie CI'IIII SlJ llt ,l l! lrprerTIl8eS nrwg Ie , ' I Lclle rs rullll, . Ot" 14.1 re n. iorgoplllc" ,.,111", II lvon to ,nlOlo8 1"',oll,.c"uellce ol lholavo"VlLh ,lI"ch,, bOIS WIth the nfflic ted Plll ClltS. Til e bak ery s ix ill the corp' ellter sll ,,1' tl illC tll "t lit e ground i8 co, ered I 1 ", ollM .IIY 111111 .t,1l on blI nd. at th. PUlllc• . I'IIrio. AmuBo\m • 111 •. & . bc~'''")t "1'011 htcrary oud art lupICs. to d'n' I. rooa,v •.•1 II ,. 'nd epoml""1 III 1,"I1I,e •. 11 l 'c. C . IItl lX III •the bodel' and gUB h Oll~()." Wl t lt l!lIu l\ . 1"he 8uggestIOn 18 . U O'I II " t""'· Id kllli loa \l nlld forth. liberal ' rtn"J1o ., I,III II I prugro ... t" sl".,n;.; tn"lIllllllg. t.loo r"Ir. IIl1dl" S'vc • dist'nso ulallthree . \\ltS d 1\.1 I hCIIII' lInftlthnn e~.tirtarend)' to AlIw,lh 10180fIHct..... from".tho "o-t o"o"onoof "'-""" D C · It ' . pn rOl lllJlO 0 l tt ~.... I r E ' I I t 11"79 p ltpurlt l.ul«lr e~Hed t.o tho m tell oc tunl tnMt cfI IL .. rc HIII ~ t bo enllre PO IIlH!Il I III ~tvry 01 111 0 IIIf 0B V tOl Icig I Oil , IUllr ill th e POllit sh op UIIU t\\ 0 III gun" olle. 1' ''I.ply tllo 1n0Mt IIet, 10m tnsto for nny· Art,ol. , OInking \\ I U A ' . ,I , . "r "I the publto, L1 1 o1ov"te.1 tn Rub)e.'" 10 da, It ,. pulol .. hcd eve .. nflc,"uo". lit I· ell t~ fOIIl1. iD1'. El gin uf I I TI t ._-- - I I I I f tomm,do BOOT l lhe he. Lllml che.I'CSlmll~II" "o lll eXlglcll cc bl I o . UI' IIlg o n , S:'ll 1 r. ' . I th l! sllII~g Iter 101lse. Iree wall 1 '1 "I~ Cillcillila ti W eekly Gfl u ll e I tr"nS)tn'O"E: '~IIt":': d~.cp~:"· ;n need of Onty ' 2.\111 n yell •. fr oc of I",-Lng,' Sen, l wi" . 10 th u puLllc ,,'el lll'c or I'" ' e ell luto Bueh "" ho ... n' lOr. '" II ulll '" t .11 the .11' , 81'1 1111; V lill ey, did a l lhut \\ as pOS t.) UU fUI mers nlld arc c mpl o\,l'd I I I 1.1 f ~n el It O rl • f r I.... ) "" r'. bill- anrl all ....00 . 10u' name .",1 O1ulley to '80oneernoil ruulldll' S I.. ....... ".1 I;h" Lhe rc. id elll . or · I I' I t!. b tl . I I 1,1. 'cell '11 IlIg!! 10m.. g I mOil. ) "0 ~. D L01'HLO!' & 00 P bll b __ ouch pl.e,'. ull the nil, nntus"" 01 n ,Indy BIble tu silve t Ie Itt e 8 \1 Clertl, n Iahont th e place wlt ellllot 11l sc \)0 t I I 1 g pe 01" 11 siz e 11111 0 1I"'cul e,1 lI C' "unh from 1878 MnY re1]0 rON u • or., T ...,,[~ 0.' Arl'lllltl'S' Jou"'A L.-T1,roo p"I,er 1I IIIso I, •• B CO, 1'" of 1II1.llilton~ III va ill . It is said that when the 111 the telegruph office thcre al c al Ll fll \\0 l e1 e I~II I - ' fln eo<t.d to oull Klld ..ttl. tho •• m••,,01 !S • ,\nll II rl< per '"lllllRl.lIl 1I11\'a nr.o,poHtn!C" l'ro' COIro. pOlu].n'. , whoke'l' '1 0 1'<',"10r8 fullv last httle one WII8 d yi ng Hhc rc x II rirl s and in the pri n Ii IIg nil e III I. ICI C IS, 10\\ e\. cr, no ",nl<l "pcr"',"111 call, a8 I mORt have my V"Ll1ABLII TBl1 ..... 8. p,,"1 II, tho pnhh.hcrK, to nil Hub.. n bc .. '" "dVl,ed or lb. nell " of the lI e'ghllorhoo.1 . q ucsted to bo ulcs8cd Ivl' billini / BOflis, 0 g The number 01 boys "dd It ll' lllIl pi ICC. Tlds Itlllkes the \o0J"k. I E KEYS. If you ate suffor",!! frnm I'oor henlth. or the U";,t.od f1t,,'e. or Oanad,, ; or Twonly. The Dollar Weekll1 Dispatch t I I ttl S I I· \\ us wh u 0 ce I' I Hi ' 11 b . G,rz, tt" th e hugcst secular weck· IIn ullry 01 : I _ IUlIguiMh,V on 8 bod of .I"koe... luke F,vo CCll t./Il'er ""'nbor A OIub of FOllr I JUS OS ler I e 18 e , !II th e te egl'op 1 0 ce WI 0 III· I ) II 1,. I·n th cOllntry Mr I - - - - OTICE /ohoer for Y .... rly SUboonptiun. will ell titielheMe"rI. r '.1\ large lhirty .• lx culumn pnl'cr. h"'iog was then deud III th e honse, ond ('reased tu twenty five os Boon 08 y III ) ~' r ' I e . 1 N , . na. BI.".. wnl c ..... 11... to lin • • t.r•• "blloription ~r"I I': Ih ,,' i. fh o hUl rO il lI d , e,t,•• nil III , ii, "" "hil I; miller then Cllll ed fo r all he r pl u)'t1l1llgs h I bnilin IS OCCII}Jied. A. L. 1 ,II r I, agc nt ot thiS pillce. , N ollee ,. hcrehy gwen .to ft~y And All If you ate .'ly II,Ii"I!: ,f yllll 1eel ""1"°- ",II I". "e fl~ 011 " ~ "" ' r"r I" •. J.(,;; 'Inl. IS01 lh o ch''' «', 1 clo","cler. nll. 1 'I " ,II 100 11 the UC\V 8e 00 g }JOlJOtl:ot 11I1\] tlJ.( ('1uma!t IlJ,(U I OJit tt.e.res ldufl\Y w ouk lind ditfP lrl tcd, wltho u tcl el\fly kllnw Jurl'4 A\.p p\tl tnn'H Jl1llrlU,l und til e Populur roul\ (l R \uhll\ lIlc IH,ld llion III 1:\ 01 \ IlIeEutlu to bo bl'ough t lIud ga ve them u -flom e fVrek y. 1I 'l1 n \\ ho throw8 oehe's (111 lool MARY T COOK, dcc·d. 11\10 of ing why,' 8".nro fllr One fot .evo" 111111 11111'"' T he 1010 rill e "I .. III ch Il" 1'1110. e oway except her litv Ll l'lt e doll, •• _ -I S ICV sl,( c \\:lII, dOll't know how W"I t.1I Co unty. 01"". lor ..ork. J, ~b"r or Bop RI ..".. Will B"dylt v ••: tn. o1"lh,r. p<"tn~u P""I"".i (fnll Prloo. eight. 1"I,e.l. pi lle •• ,I " 'LllI lI lhe " 'lIel, o( .11_ l ' 1 ) t d I III b b E l l .. tl ll llt' HIHil llr p f ilr01Hh od her In h or ~ If you ~ro II. J01nt toit er . 1\11 11lVO uver x d oll llTot) \\ 11I 1•• "c wuu lu "h,. .. o CV t.: r\ li tH' U8 fur Q.~ \V Il C I . Ie rcqll esHc S I~UI tl urf·\ "'It:~ED !,OR CbLE'I'IGVIII N. d UlUll Y IJlessillJ!s li e gets hehincl Ill S I IUVU lu.lllln:.~. to l' •• "ent tI,e samo t" 1n0 br ed yourself with your pAswrtll dlltie.: or II Th. , ulum "" be,tln II' clh J..nll~ry "",11 11' p" •• d',e 10 I,k. Lh e.. ",. n COllll\Y1'''l'erR .\fO !Cd WILh hel, l;)r \\ IS I \\US, 0 " I believe It to ell wrung an hllek - 1I11 thu ~lIIne lit e mUll I\ho LI .. NIHI), (nLh) rI" yof J.n oory. Ill;!!, mothpt. WlIll, olltw,th cllroll lld""rk. I, nf oll r Snbtiotlpll",," rCool\'e.lfot Urge 11, • • In ",, ' of Iho Il"LLAR D'. 'AT" II eO lll'SO, Cll llll'hed \\ Ith: Tho pureuts CVCII wicked 10 1' Clel gy l~lell or ?th er d ueslI ' t, i:; u' l a \\ m e of th e mut ,,( .. r Lillll IlnlO 1111 Ritch "lRim8AWdnil~r be Ify'~~.n~I!·~:n~~lIb:~~~:''':' "ny longth of lim o. "ex t. k mg " 'L1ofl ed lh~1 '"I C~lIlIIillllt")n or hll I c the sympal hy of 11 Iru go mrcl e pll bile lOun to be led IIItO glvlIl g tered IlIlprl)cuti oll B he rcce l vcs frulll barrlll T E_ KEY8,__ _ .__ by the &.tral" of YOllr overyullY Ilntie•• or cOIt VII'ce nil IIf it . , ,,llIe "8 of r Il1ti\'e8 ond fri endd. Th e sud tesllm onials to qunck ductol'S or hod I edestrian s II mon of lotten, tOlling over your m,unighl m- Sl'ocin l AI r:LlIg"molll~ "II I I'e n,.do blow which they ure ClIlled to beal vilo sllIff~ culled medl cin e8 , bll t wor~, . '..e.. WIII8'ren....e. VORl fo. , 11I1,III"g " 'Ih the :llIn">I C;'"dl,' seolUs all tlve IJurdcr , coming, os it whell a reully mel'itol'i ous article is Til E Chri stion Lord'B·dIlY !lcllllol If ;:'1 ftre yoong, "nd .1If1';;~,"g Itf.m ""1 SI'CCItUt II '\I~I\:'ER'~ ~n til'lll ~~~~~~:LI,o d id at a SCIl801J whon othe r parents mode u" of comm on vu luablo rem wero I(' "uled with sweetments at Indllcrelfon. or are growing too fMt, M 111 1'lIb li.her8 DI. pntch. (:0111111 ",-. 0 I d ron Ilro gl\'en . . ... I t 0 II their cliureh " oftenRthe 1 alld' ehl over t 0 en· cdles knowil to uII ,1111 d till 0 11 MOlluay e\ Clil ug . ..Roe .Itie.. wnl Belle..e 11 ••• j o),ment lind tll c pleasures of en· phy siclllus ut;u und trust in dndy, Declamations, reci lotlOlis anJ IIlU' If 1 011 nrc ,n Ihe ..ork.h0f,' on ti,e fnrln. clI lI O1 llk c OlOIIl'\, rl\ ~ te r Bt work fOr u. dcavorin to on~ribute 0 en h ~a..llhonl4--fl'eely cotntmmd it. I s'l-c" 'lI woll per10i'ined, made thc "t the d~ ..., and. eel tbat your 111lI H Ilt 1111\ t.lllng el l'i Q UI'Pl tl~1 1\0' --~ . . G , . , •• .y.tom neede nio.n~lng, toning or stlmutn· rC'lui re(l We wIll . Iort ~o u $II! p•• olb r 8 hap}1I0e8S.- Xema (J~ette. the rcfore cheel'lully ond hcartlly occnsion very deligh'ful. • ting, withnut iDtoxiollting, C1 dllY at hl)lIIo b" Ihe Indll A l',ool . eo mmend H op liitters for t he good ,._ . _ . Rep Bllien I. W1I • .' Y_ Nee., ~ ... ,\I on. \\' OU10II, IIn)'8 lind gill!' ""ntat .1 f ' d . W I ' t ' l t If yoo are uld, and your Pl1'~O I. feeble. • ..... , wry ... h 're to 'I",k for liS N Qw It End rs d by .tlle Facility. The Ithey have dOM me nuu lily nell S, • . llAT 0. 8orellme~ IS a rl lU e yoor n~rve. un8teady, ntld yourf.ou.ltlu DRIIGGIST. Lh. Umo. O". t) v OUln t lind II'rma (I'lle, A.. reputation f Dr. B ull'8 Cough fi rmly boheving thcy hl1ve no eqnul often paid to 11 erylDg baby, but ",aninI{ ' , Syrup lIa been 80lely achi eved o n fo r family lI SO. I willuot b~ with· Dr. Bull'e Baby Syrup by allevi· ~r.p .1...... Will r:;:r~.~ Ne~ u ..... No , 3 . . . . EAST MAIN S'I'JUtK1', d~u TaU Il, Oll . A III:I" ~la. M.. ln", , WAYNESVILLE; 0 : P -L -o"nt ot' ite ' m rit. l'b ysicinn s t out th em. Bhug the pains of tho little olle ...." n-ep Blllr ....... Pilla Rei..,. w a'"t ,.ri it. _1.5 C lIta . I T> t th e cryl'ng, DrFnr- .... lo by.J. SANDS. I'rllfIGriptio". oom\l~IlDcl.d lit .11 hour. b, In, F, . B.<~'OOTS. !II. D. A few CllpleAof tI~l. nev, - - , '""j iSh'lIlg t Oll , D • C . 8.0011 sops "" ollflllrionocd Druggl~t. 05'7 v"hlllble 'fork for ..\ 1. ~ I !.lIe GUlli'\! 1liiie.
The Cinciunati Dollar Weakly
I -
BilliG} Roons
Jacob Schwartz.
&-. M. ZEL
"' White Bronze
h :1;1'
WIDE A \VAKE, 1879, - \
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liandlobcs.oldoro.nym ore cobc m u.d Th e rrrarvos hllve $om t:um e$ sent to ltD· r Od I I n d
and er hysicians
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hou f'e o f the 1 hurbem.-N
IS 0 grupe, n elthertfnl,arJ 1Dtl1LrcI. !:l0$ lor medIci nal or !I;tcmme nt QI pu P05f!5 unsurpassed It(::l.ft beobwncd (re m most
Pro.trl, h.r, AH lllle 'u \
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o( Ihe leAding DrugSIS'. ,broughout Ih a Unlt.d Sintes. DDd nt wboIcsnled from rI the I D" who WIll fONan! lISe pt punphIot, free o(charge, on appU(!:o.lon Respeetfully. elc •
No. 8
S undenl~.d 8
B. It &. F. B. THURBER co._ .. &. <
... urm
RmJ. aJttI H _
Nr<w Vo....
_ _
U\ .:AI, "
SULPHUR SOAP, Leading Erterna18pecUlc
8 1Em. a~{~~_ ~r DIDU. 8
____ ~~ 8 AGENTS WANTED 8 Beautifter of the Complexion or '%'Own .... D • 8 8 ...... 1Id"... ClIlId" n".t;..;' .. , t;'"nr l L 11. J[cCAJ[)[ O........ anager. .. lid nad I•• he "e•• P_lbl~ 8 WUT 8 •• for I!IlIlpb.r B....... It IS Incompllr3hle R e m edy l or B.ule e s.Ulce,8.CuLs norleve'VIt 8 88888888 The
.nllY .ADDR.,U
lI>" ',"uoad•• hN.e Ih:........."
Ilt llbleor uDh ell lLhycondltionoftbe Skill. lind Is a mo s t 8Crl iC e able I em ctlllll agellt sod so urce or s pe e dy re
~~~ O~E~I~:~I(~!r:~n~e~u~~~~~g 7r~"~
Vt'I'l lcal Feed
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EBIt!GlJ I' & CO JI'(l I/ J/ ~'I' ,1/8 .
ArJlHltll .1;/1'
PECULIARITY 18m Itef 10 clisesof Goutanrl Rheuoo nt
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8 prD1FrftT a'IIID~ COMPlETE 8
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" 11 only $1,15.'
8 8
7. ::n;I~~;:I~'u c1ilUl),'C ih , of lliteb ou h'~l1l"liaDt<tol.nlh rl\\l houhh a/l'
'TI/(: /1 11ft U tili] CllOllj)CM' -.-
Th ero ls ncunc.usl torynhout FOome n ndvo wmcs whi ch Brecxtc n 5Ivdyod \ l'"rll)cdno\va ...
1 0ltny more
Copy for Clubs of
! t~I !/' i'prrl'lm '/l t
W 1.1 HG0
DR. B O:lt E,
II nli
.. .. o' Cr nne'en ft Ur(Ilce. fl II DiU" .... 'Hora al"" l Ic t\luh Ih." ""1
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'roflllilSIHENtF. SUUQ WUB fUrL 1.
~~\i~~an lt~~~~Y~~\V:hatl~hQ ~~~rh~~~ h... e.ucceedcd ln " rran ging for"s.mlement Dr. Praatteal 1. C. AY and R Aaa.,tteaJowe ass., ba.nd of .he c ••a.c nnd ll1e ..Ie of .he lime> c.n Ch"mlllt", Amongthes.cIs n.\"lncoflhe\'lnta~ BOW BY ALL VRUOUlliTllEVJ,;llYWHKIl.K. Of11\64 d•• cnbcd.s.' !';wcc, UnlonP"n
P ar1or, ~l 1l'1li::.. A YE Aft , U];I:,I.~I P1end-d' 1 ~ , u ~.
t.i. N ( " '1
11 01\ loped o r .lralght It \\, 111 tu rn .. he n) , th ah On trllnm iu,; n L
suggesting the Imp"rI . I 888 8 8 8 8 8 8 hUI llIananyo'herEurop"an}' IDe f nAndbe'~K un hke ony o.hcr w,nc mone.1I O"P' I'\.v. th Jts and ~Ih rnellown~5S\.\:ln~ nrc r11( ~"1 8 S (one.ers ~~nrk.ble h,..e .. speda It., oldest nallv. wme now acceSSI ble ,n "nv 8 8 sidemlli e quanlll) The\\hol.storkl.lnlhc h. nd. of .he well koowo wholesale S 8 Y. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROP 8 N m 19 /i'n 1 ' he ~lllIul e ~ou Can do for Twenty FJve Cent s I h, 8 8 The noovc specab ~ r tt.scU. but( bwe would Irllet .. \\ 111 do h 1,,!III,.8 " II I' " delle" ,1 11I~I 4!'l.ll en" 8 8 Ildd thnl thIS tho/'9"orrdnor ' puro Jwce t e lrcrh thallt Price 25 Cents nil 1" "~~,sI6 been ripened And meUowrd by ege, and rTF.~TON, 8 8 it I~ Nu '7 .... Ixlll Yt,r k
goo~ll'1 ~
p kl\o ..~ n Y tbomu..rket Dr Undc rhll Ihe\\ cU 3.n~r de1~tcrIOU: ' 4 druJ!, these rills Olav p e growe r of C roton POlnr dl~d 10 J8~[ be taken WIth eafe l' by nn)bod) TI,elr ~m. of hIS ba'TlentertwDed .empcrnncc 8ugar-coaung prescrvc~ them ever trc. h , I.w. of such e, Lrome kind. Ih , t .hel \\ en: nor
(JC ,
W" " 'I."~~t:\Iu~h I
It III L sk I I ro lU t lid u on ru \l pu 011 II . , , C'"i; fl IOII00I"ral ,on, "" " ouL , huw lU'; Lh. _tl •• I,," 1111 ' 0 ~'Iell ch f~td8
anI! mllkes them Il :J.!lD nt to Luk e , wlllic lc Children .lclI\e I ,d IClll fiL I I U I1III" belngpurciyvc c tablc, noharm canarl SO no • I o . 811JT," \ (jJlr" I"'''." "h. II . " n. " ,, · ... , "' ,. from thelruscman v qlltlDuty [,,,vs ' ..n,,,fl ' Ollp li nd II .. fi .. lll1l1l1ed d '-e ' · ' , .'1cc,,, 01 I de E &CO L II M <rlleL"c Am '"g '''UII~ ch, ,h ell " ,"1,111 < r '1 I
IUlU SC\\ OUlt tc.h cr ll m e t lll l e
UIO R H'm., . (" Arl Pft F Lh'pm, n J tl llah " nd, A D llllwa ll n.le r,lt' , 8 M , ,. \ 1r0l\ n iir l"' 11 '" " IO". IOt" .. "n. I , "n~ III and I, WA' nc ' illo Ivr tb. " "l1e I do 8' I obllnll n , 1I1ll1 deI'v er Hila I' U' Lh '"1 up fr , or chH rge
PFtY!'IO'~lf m e AL PII VSICIAN & ACCOUCIIEUR, 1 om ..,. D r n IIr Ir l • 01>1 ' ,,,01
'11I UlUe
olle 0p'rAllOIi .. n,IIner mak wide Gild ·" h ' mlft." hOll l "" 1111111 lit 1\\ IJlg J~(, 'Ill 01 ,I ~ l eu',l n:.. '1 1111 IIOla ofe biu ~.,olhnilII ..~OOd8, au f!' el" 'lrOi g I f r" tII U II{ 11IU Iltil u I '" ur g- I lilt riIlO. CrApo., or gO uu 8 u l CU t LO I~m 011 I I I I' I I I • ., HI I I 1'IIIIudlr ll.hli. nlHl N ' urk . wl ,III '" t ehun,e m"chll,e~ ' ·,,·.ellS· r· f" r Iln l> ""o'e \1 .. hlll .(1 n L " , It" II I fold h....s "Ith ellcl os(lJ. ond '''I(I 11<1 1011 h 1\ 0 I'UI '"1e c"nll~1 I,y Ihl 51' leh tbe'll do"" . ~ IIn o O I'~'lIL'OIl IJv IIl h In Ii \jover the corti Alld 80 ", t he s lcclo ,HOUle 'Oli leS lIat., \\AS I 0 fl BIIIE~ ,,1WIll "il t Op01'1l 1l011 Geul P ,•• k lie Lel A g, n' It w ,lI CoY"d r lh o cord a n I . w't I u I ,.. \I \I C \ L n W EI I tween edge I ,t tbe . nm., I' mu G, III rnl !It III" Iter It 1<.11 do f, Ih ng . I,,~ or ~tralgM. e,ther , o n wtLou or " oolen 1;0 ,.I, , UN L Y I I "III It II l1cr u;!: '" ", e:tlllr' tl b nny J,!;oodll
H d"Rr,ln 'v lI~n". ' , II~ Ordo.. 1er~ 11~ UbOftioo r n"II·. InDn'lf S ,o re I
,,,II r~'CUlVe p rumpt .UCl1tIIlU
11, t1I H\r lt' ll,.:t u l t I U llf ll ' IlU"
used ou othor Ulru.\..1S ur Uvot.s.
n~ "CANDEE" BOnr U
! • .Jil
fromthecleltlcnta of\\ e.,kll(:'~s. l.h til' J 111I1111h, I Adn(lteJto a.n .\~cs nnd conJlllons lll U Ili d ut/ \ 1)1 all cl.,o",c' contnllttnCJ' n~ItJ1Cr calohlf.:1 Honey til Il uII II I II I " 11111 "' I 0
Il w,lI glith.r It~I ..eed '''0""lIg t3 2;:\ tit. u l&ohOJI 011 the r ight lde •• ~ uoe "v ... rn· nnd ( u re I\_nll) 111 Ont \ . '" 0 tlO" CnrYt III II UnArn I.! l~1 '" 3 ,7 l i t w til w l,ke planed trimm IlIg lil e hr \ 1 ,rww I III 'III I "- I'm II I".,p m II Will ru rl k. pl lU,ed t,I Imll uu,::; " IHI Jie \\: (UI It t on 110 01 r f'), e r It «;. II tll l ll- II" I I 0' I ,, \ ··ltllH!IO If, nm1 21121. m i O-~ III !l 1 ~~ 1 Ill i h "nmo 111110 \\ llIeli CUll \1 11 111 0 'OUr l' III' "'" II t • '" 1 tlU, '" " .1/ 10 ' 6 lo a I t will make plaIted Il ,mnllog e"llI r 'C ' I "11' ,1 ' "
Ill'" A c, u~h
Allll'l.n nil I .te,1 Ifl .... .A1lauh ' ut' .. 1It Ioe I." ""u )' ft np;"' c.- 'F OI "sifl' / wftnnattOl1 CO;t 6 "1· 10 •• hoeo " h lie 0 C • .,O Il ..,. " '0 c, lIlr! erjll i l tlCll a/lf7 t·e.qlllla (If Olane :! d""r.. "ili " r n ... I.' n lllli. 1111 . .. ,ILlllel m"" '~ to II P ortor S IO. . ift/IIL '''''01', (':/'p I?11'm c llta, "'... "l" W.,........III~ P ' l ROIl8 1'1.' ; 1,/ i n 1I " ly l/t/B! ill.. ( , Oll flll il', ...e'l , it n fl ll om. 1'0"1"'. 7 1-21.0 U ·2 ~ at • I W 2 L,:'! • L l' , , 1')1 .7 to 8 •• ' I I ,,,,I ' " 1II' l y "" 11 ",,, I.,' IO"II . f, "f .he ro ll " no ~lIP1ff ~4'_" ... - ~ -... - - - ... - -~ '''Il V... ~"9 ,, 100 RII ' h ' W "-'"l! LI, 1' 1 ~:N Paperhlg
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1't.lI.deII,hl •• I'. . '
H'lse PalnUng.
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rh!dp:b'Ii't~",I! :ITg ~:r:.'. C ~~~ 1& "nl~II,=~o \ '8
,1tIJ J~NES !It/. ~ ~!r flF I. ElJ,\ ~ON,
nlll l £' dulca:scs that
,I." ,. hn, nn Cd" me!> "1;" e.I. I. fI", or give pa m lYhen tho bo \\d s nrc not lIIf1nlllcd , ",d ,. , n' d ' u h'n' c " h, h~'"",I,.r1I1' 00 1 11lCvrclichthc v.lnl fount 3lnsof,hcl>l oool llASrr'ING I' ho 1,",, 1,01 mr,u ••, II ' II I , Ioe ", • hr . and strcllglhen thCSleLCU' b) treeing ,t
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Ii'\. 1IlI.
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Outside Stationary IQ,,~l o'Lhf}Yr} hu:on'T\1I1I ul''Strap 1 f blS1S1:1a
bt\vo l mmcu tllc u cst.or 'Vhll e thcI ['Ow e ,. J I trap , 1.'lO t!! 111 II ,.. nCl0 Hl iC .. I h W Me ,", t I e 1'1 Iltl) '0 It \el\ ful ellccts, they nrc, at the tuum: tune, t Ie I"" IL c ,"L " " 110' LI" . Ilifest lind best ph)"lc for l'hlldrcn. d Ie.. i 1" 11 .li po ,"v C' .he , tO Il' a, h. a I," t thu Lcu u I" thell' act,on lIm ' g ripe much lie;; d W II ', t, u, h .,' 10,,1 Ie .. C''''I;'' .. .,,' than e 'ilnt common I"" 'alive •• nn nCl r r
~I&elll"o "'lit do.
11 I 0 "1 J r. 1 1111 10 011 10PI I I ' 1.) 1 1
' ~. r "
IO U" Alllel lea u '\Il lInn ami i.I,, · t n ut-: Itl el II . COI n the . lOrlo. Ihal hn .o F, IIk,/IIM', ,do,,,fILII e m. do aOCI h~lng Me llve ri llA f)f tin" tlI'orld rttw il 1,I,.t I IIf Pre n' h , uui a l IIrl,: b v R d rnnlaltll L"lid 110\'\ I I ,ot " ho hlll.b" • • ' ~ell ft. ~I" til '8 hi, II a , IUI't'~. and ,,110 I" "ll-lIot liul • •• 111;<-1<, Iho " a rid th I ho ". 111'. Th e ... I" n'e' I 110 1
DlINES, M. D.,
' III"d II , "' •
\1" '"I',I ~~'" Ii I" 1 I
l r&.UJl lft tu J
Those Boot" hnvc the PalftM. 1'Ie t.' 0 •• 1
PhH.t\ t "!",hlch JHt'\ " l1 tJII 'h ~ htrol Weo.rlo~p.W(\y
Alnn,1 or cm,ln Ihc lI' Nut 0111> 010 th e} 10 qULC&.lY, and the y wW bavQ ,. I ~o l bt! pat cure Ihe evu!") -u ItY rOlllp l" "'I ; of c \ cry. bod) but also fOrllll c"'!,le "lid ,1 nll g'ro".
' ho 0' 1(. '"
i'o II
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tbe sc \ crnl n sslI1 111 1.l1 \ C OI g Hl~ of the bon). ami nrc 50 <OIIIl'o,c.1 Ih nL nb. lmction s wIll}!n their ...( Ull H1I (' h '\Ith-
I' trl S IIU!'! br...'1\ kn o-n II'o r I" C mor c I mn "I" II Wr 01 ., (1'1\ "' ' ••111' ua\ OhlBwe,l :J. worll! \Vil le 1 ~1'"IIt'O n tor thmr " rtuc, Th ycUlrcct ti,.,,,,,I II< lio lim
Nu U
~~~eE~~~~~;,oDt.borrontO!'hol"K bear'
'Igoro us Ie.' t I
~\ \: FIIt ;:,
1 111 \\
1 '''1' 1 '-:-',n" ' tlu ll) t 1, ,1 XI1C r I tll cn , .... 1 III I • 1 ' j I ,I not I (, ".lililltCl'd, , 2 ' m, III'IIII'" 4 "" ' 01 1'(, ll cct ,n \! UII II !nclllrC . X.II" " 2;"" ,12 111,,, I ill ,, 01 I M os t E lcgll il t III l h'il l !! t1, 1 1-;~ - - - '- - -1- - - - --
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hOlOIl:;h nlld PUltE om! (lOOTS .ud tl) dlft'ln~'.b "IIIO''"l lI,",~ (u Ulnr- t hem from tb. Loom",O" kind ",til .tI~ h •
p rolll ut U
I PIn"I dtu II1'i II \",1 rI~ I
. N... bIIt
blood In SII ' III lin 'c. "I lin. I" ,1'" V. I I s U,u "",Inn. 811<1 . thc) ' " I11I1I "to Lhl!I d l~'
4. " '1'14. "'I' '''
mixture. w1D
"0~ & ~EE" CO. ... ...,
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0 1 \\" 1 '1' 1
Ih~ lr
r'I' rI" " n mO' ln' 'h' 11f,lI cis 8urdv 1111 01 I IIhouJ p a lli \II III , ... h go nLlo till II I)1,,' , ntlnn. , .h\ , lire 81,11 the
1.11111 ," I '/ 1\ I U N. " " k '=? I ' '' ' h'' II I "I"' e I l'u ... 1 ur r" I:!!I
'" "
.heJou8.r ~ .. lee th"ncoIDmon
Thetr KMH popu larity h I\! led 'Jt.C) ' Runbet uot.. Jilt c l- cheap ""II&"on.. baYing a D ULL f tn • I IIII.......OD tho
til "
I, F.AO WII A I 1 11 1':
,,:', ,"
Belq tl"CM' from aduJterath,
lIc lI1c,hcmc w nt c nlll " " "I""'Cd clenn .. In"0 thc stOlllllc h .1111 1 Uu\\, I. ",de II l c nthe I ,
". " ..
1 0 1 , lIl h
.nllun.I"ldglC' I" Me< M.r> Neil l ) h'r ' wood ,. l,ul ,lI.heli 11118 Ju. I" 1 II Pote r • DIII LII'H'I , 1'1 I I IQue ' II II lll I r C 111 b 0 Brill I Hon I'\. flf Oc' •• e .... 111 , .. , fc" c 'nt "' pllrll r) r lIeh IIi>' e h' LB . Iha t ho II r lt., , " ii, "oold ,,,,11 1101 . ' lIIply f"r I'lI r l< II , Will. , uf I'rOlloh I,f, \iU I of. li t. 11 1.. h i ~ me l ll ll U'" CUll u iulureiliutl " lid not III I hd ~" "HIJ ",clod,snon .. IlIeh I. dO fOIe'g" 10 nil I'Ulr lIft.lur I tII \ JIlI' ll thh II but ~Idoh Is on u l:'llit. I" uro II, AgII II•• IId "1;01" , II Ihe "ork u ( ,II t he Pltrilli 11 lI ovuiaets uf th I e r '1hi .. his l:1Ll Itl t-omll nce, hal JU~f ,I en rmn ~J.t. ., u 11 Le U,,\ ueal, 1)' \1 1 ~ u ndllf 10 Pl !1 t Pa. se d l t Ill YUGh Ihreo • dlt,oll. III th roe I. .. ' lid
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Hf'ARHOUl "l1'TD IlN 0 TAR '. "
I. ' "
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. ,I Hrllni"ll\kl lLI~ I)l Ulits t4I'," lll rl ,nt .. Sul,l hI J)r ugjl' .. , ~, ""1- I· r ' uku In" , ,a •III". ) 7 'Jr ' e , 10 " ' .. I
r egll It"
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r llI1 1 "llac", llIll;lIu~I4 I J - - -0.--hll UW Of nlmoa:wlI"(""'f'n"'(t~ rr\ uoCI,d II) CU ll I AnthraCl* te Coal tf\o t"uht.h e prr,..U1l1t. htR ulU rO UIJle pn .... •
I rOllUIII " " n '" ' I't "r 1"" u
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"~·"lj'~·1I . :"!', mT.i;'lf~. PURE ~r 1)tO " • u, "'~:u';"~'~' ~. : :"':,~\"llIood. lJ:~;.ho'i~\~' RUBBER (or l'UM1)''',~ ,,",'1, d"" ..
' I 11,'''_1_.__ - ___ -
I' .. t.: t tl tt R\ vl't.tlL OUI\' I Ilueu 1Il ·' •· Iho In D t praoLh",1 wuy p n.ijlbl u lltllL j(onll in 1)' llmO.clon~ I 1"1" IlIlg ol y "" , I,,·eco.letl Iho UNOU r S ull'l,ur Bll th. wl'lCh l U.r e IIm ",\/!, t l.( he,t klll1 \\" 01 III O,1IuIOIII Uj{0 Il O' " Hillll'l) r... II .. n·II.III1 d ll,t It I. ' 11I1t" tI~ "uILlIlI Ul lJ llr. IIV " ,..,."Il. )11 00'0 ... 1 . klntill"''',e. g'''' t 'Lllli. l, UIlIU Lltilll . .. lid d''' ' l ,lfl lIork lit 10»- \111" 1.(>1 UQ81. 1111) h \) 11 I,d , II.rOll b ,t.. 1"11 " ,", 0 'It' I" IIl. 1111 WhllLu,1 jlUriLy " ,. d -n",,, II,lIo,. n CUII. ' U" .· ul lll ll lI f lib .m,,11 1II' I'" r'H'"' t o) I ,dl H lLn rolluled\\ II l1 lnntl d' ''"hl"n I. Hi ti..,e1d., rll ~t (' n u-,thHueu r tt4mpl." lIrUl !lO:4 If U l e • urcd II) it IIlId th o I" "n "I". I. Lh.) '" 11 " " ( fi l IC(!U l Y It LCYI~tL« ' I I' I J) ItlhdU ., ! I l !f uhll'P • IICI IJ\ itA ""'1 n file t or m " n\l nt ltl pl' r1'o UIIM \\II H Ull l~ IJrrrnalurc lY (,IIII1I1'UI1L 111 J UlfU ~ """ 6"'l'" " '·U ,.f II pruI'fl r wlI"L .. f IIW. OLu I. , IlItI, u,, '" lp .. II, Ilel"" 0) IImp l) '0"' I1I 1I·"..." l for b> I~I I"N~ Ll l'II l! 'I !!O~ '. ,lI l h ' \'J'III ~ tlH pllltI8nnU ti'~kt; rI'H tllC ~'lIll't .,,11 II"e! UII •• t Who., L,' lllu JIII11t loll'l-( ur h"", COl/ led IIIf tlt tll l III l' 1I ,. ,h l UoIllnprt d" II ,te" 1'1 t ll on)\I' hh \\ 11",1 n ll " n,: ' 'I)) Q , '1",11 n ," Ih th" • " I' 1\ hI _II f'ITr hll blenc h I,, \:" I,ur· @ I"'"" .. "'" m il "I ' III I" g' I" ,\0.,,1...
l.o~ ,t l Hnu ntl 1Il~ 'hlJ ('1'D' OlltJ'il1 l
0.,_:,_....... Il u .
ac Ine. ,
IIUl e h , .. in,!
r HI
h. F..r.·t,C OCllClhr.r ~"Ih .
lit'~l~LiOllr f llit Hut ~H <iuu, ' who hH\ O cltllUr fJx p~ritlUllCtdur WI t.· If L L
twn p"n\\11
'(' h08 d
:MA"'DA M -Yria
\' 1'Y ~I J,. 0l1C!l rr1tb ,.trn "' t1 lflokln ~ T.. (1'd' 1'11'1. '" h'-II 'Otl t aG IUJAk u h luo y. J Ut t all y;(!11 68 nOD I.! with
r eople oro I'f!tUn ; nr'1l1ftlntru -n.ll t UtfIM wL. are 1Iot OUllht t ,lA-wUb th" wonu rtul nlerlt_ ", &.bot.lfI"06t Anurli:&a Hemad,.. th"
-OR Awarded the Highest M , dal at VI! 18 th ll t.t t he work mltnoot \\ ,tlio ll l OllllOlUOUI! or contnglous dl seuses BROWN'S SA. TIN POLISH i d Ph I d 1 h 'Tllf'l 18 11 011 (' f lf el'. tho . ... '.l.Hn co ofthoupoorAlor H"lIIr1lftlu nnd 181ll'up,tnl Remedy IlOr! Pre enna an .: a _0 p boL" o" n lwo hand for )'ord • • how llIjo( Lhu 'cnl"e of them, when ueell 99 un And ,,"" (I.llb. cbl1d",n • LooI. look .n ru. ty . nd IIhllbby ,.hen an et"I1,."t pnll", rll " be c lv r.:u n"l. Hlrc C!., " 'nr."-.,.I .. ,,, .... I •. & .lHi l H ONY &CO ' JI ' 7,oll li'f' / I l'r" III/lnY(ll r/u 'll n t, .tIU h " nlh e rllfhl . ldo Rt 0110 operlltHtII. IUJ ectloli Pe.sons emplovlOg It l be m b , r ll b .. rnf theae n rOflJll nJ(" " hi h lOU CIi D ..: .. t at a n\ Rime .tore I ~ wil l nut. floll lb tJ .tirta I ' "")llltOII\\I\' . . 'J " llIthllut hn . tlllg. 8n1 w, lhul1tthe hll ve 110 neeJ to tnke Sulphllr BlItha :'Iic," " r(llk I'"/'O ' O/'{i , bcn".ft' tlal, 'Ol l f( t ' olth 0I,or"lOr.ex c. pll;u turnthe m.olllll u • • \,II If!nea of tllelr l.'(r"" 1.",1 II u'lly ' hfO rc t> T,I L' I '" J. • • • It l\.11 ,"lIko Mod "" '" "l"Ufllq 0 0 anYJ,"r t or to • o90rt to SullJhur Spllngs [or ' "i llDC4)l1)1('Q FOR MAN AND BEAST "" H YNaUmilanon. " f) k1.h.:,. J')\: 3IOO III Ibt: (Ilrull., 1\. 1'. , ' (OP I' o ( IIlJre•• S!rtrt.nlld llC,,"oll hi. ftn, for l bnthltlg purposes 4 1YO you r hUJl bund. box t UIIi c (lnd /? "(J li/U I . , 1'/1/ ,." . t. , ' ... n .. fl1 •• u ........... pn ..~ . . & Dtnlrn I.. • I I i8 flit' OllYI/III! C 1'<'1'111,(1,,7,,·1" h .dlng lit olle opor.tIOD. anil 0110\\ IbUI As on onjllof't of TOIlet. It III tal TbtaUnlmf"l1t wery nnt \lrnll) nrl g lna h'(llu ,tn ".. WAYN VlL 1 E ' " h 'el j·j·/tIIl,'II • .11 /(1/1111._, GI ,'pll . LIloh " n th o rlj(ht . Ide mo, c dcs lrllble than any CosmetIC', en "1,C'ro Nntu ro pro' Ideo In hC'r l:1tl(' ml(' IY IIIlH~ I , " at b e m lly 00 ou Itn eq tlt\[ r ot l ll ~ A •• 011,0')1 II, SI(', e() ' Lopl' ~ ((lid 1 '~ r ll'8 ' I I ill tho " I'llt F ulltt 'nl FI'1 Ih o Plllited trllllnllnlf either oealloped .• t Ik tI I r tl ft uTflrla ln K Ilu lhlotull t or th ~ nu.tnd ll x ur h, -. J U· \ Wtl tdtd tit " h i gh It. , I • 1'1)11 lU1tl ",. 1,1 "- - - - or "tIU' ,ht , . bu..uil(ul tlnd 18 exten. lveIr aUice It uOos no •• e tH c es (l lot tltC'n 11:£ fa nHI hue lJc<ou 8J)n:rut hIJil;',;rt! ',.~::.!.O . ,[!.~ "!!~!.... _______ ''1 lu l .t tb e P4rl.I"· .1 t1 UlliU I ~ ... HoriiuT F'. FU rtN AS, F:nlf rllllnlls Chromo". l'h otog rnph.. Ihe I JEO P L Ii.' l, a1'c, n({t·o lI.e or c:, IIro. ou , - ftpron s, el,n,lren.1 uoture, CODcenl Complexional Bleln un til ti~'' It CIlI:: rc M'ITIO lul bltnblu slobc Itmlc¥m'ATtll ' An.1 kInd red l!ooJ.-Co' ohnllC. Aolre'oaK Cr1till y 7tH dtJlllflC }'(l CY Vi)' dr "••• Ilnd 1.,11 ...' untlerw a.r.Ku.llt.< mnn . Isbll8, but removes them Th o lI c.'tlcnn ll UJtana Llnlm cn t. J~ n 111 It t-h t. ...
Mustang Liniment,
~[ct r"I"'I"hll ll ""I )
R OBl P IIOTOGR 'PiliI',,!UTERIUS., 0 11 th e prill clples Jf lI lt.. U>!oil d
llO ur. rWIII tI'. Lo II' ~ o 1lltlleu U
om"" 2 dun.. Houlh of
• 'I,
! I~ 10
n"",. n"" k
~--SETH W llRO WN. 'VA. 1{I'IE"". L.,8. 0 ...0. - - -- -
Wo n,o Ibo He Rd,,,,, 't" r. lor" or) tili ng t.hc WI\\' of
t 0 I op 1 (Ja11~
.II r'I'llt~/'118 , .il '1[f I C I . <
DOI ng M.uufHd "ro .. o ( th,) I I'II( RO.(II(J.EI'ITII'U' .... NTERI'I.
I1flle~u , o •• Cfillfinod ex" lus" oly w th e Do. 1'80, Freckles, PImples. Blotch~8. VI . V crtlcuI F 00l1 d tl I k ep1edlly \l e ld Lo Its It ,,"h on loreaoh Iftn. o n Ie I e. c tl 1\"holl t b •• tmg •• "conl o 20 pr.. ch on l c lol ,r) In g ",alienee. nnd It 18 tbtl
711 ~ls( f\ (lJI eq· • l' t't'll() al l .'
JI".d'~I:~\I " • I
rf"ln\.' for n Ut!xtertlR14UnlcDta ot.n :lll UL I,d. fo s tO<'k O'1\'11CnI And 111nnera lt h It\ Oi \:" I A fll nSl1) b ottlo OrC 4.:11 U \ ("~ n ' nun"n l't" I \" r,... ,;annA tho \J1(' t ulncl\l or on c.x.colluu ' h d ~ 't .
('0 \" .
AD .. 'KETKO....••.....E(KO',~...TEKIlO •• T.t;ON. " HC tlOUL liN . "AM II V I \~TJ tl~. l· t' OI·I .L·d J.AN rJltl~ LItUANON, 01110 Elich s"I" "01" , Ih o !'eo t \If , In s, ,h. mllrk et " GREAT BLOOD TONIC -- -- -"" .... , .. "'~ n nut.fuI I'hll t" l,; r" ph ,c I, nIl SI'''" II o,eR ul Fur Lh o c ure o( ,,1\ d1"" •• es url l lIIg (rum H tlllullrc "nd ElIg'" ' " 'g ' fo r Il ,e \I hHlow IIlIl'UrO Blo",l , and fur IIlVlI{OrUlmlf M.d COli' 01 OJn! A MUlllllur. lure .. "f el . l l'l'lI gthenln j( Ih n vlllIl "rg"M A rc yl'U frAml,. foe MIIIRlllrc9 lind CO llve1 lIorvono. drb.lttoted. ".10 ulld .rnno •• \ P,ctures llted ? Hu. you I08t your IIPpOtJIOo H 1\ 0 you n nUlWa. pll.n III th e buok. &c.? ClllnI oguC8 uf Lamorns lIud Slide. w,th br Lmcl"e>'8 Bf nOD SR,lUCUlt ll w.1I drll o ,1 r" I'OIlI for IIllIIg. "o ul on rocc lpt un Lou • 6933m Ollt lho d •• ell"e .md brlOf:!: b'lOk tho Bk",," ' COllt· 01 H OI,hh Punp10., BOIl •• Er) T,tter. S.It Rhoum ••\i:o . lira but . urfllo. GUI· ,"dll "t",n. "f 1lI ....d 0, ••".... , IIn.I]) r I Lllld"") • BI'''KI &lIrol, or, b} pllllfYlllg ,1 ... 1 A '" auI.ful "ur k of 1!l1I P"';'" One .col . ) .tem, ""fl cn. Iho . kll. lind ben llL.II "" tho "rI,I I'lo."or rln'o nn ,l ,100 /IIu5L rllllon'. com"lexlOn SoIJ hy drnlflC··t. "100 I" r I\,LI> lleecrlpt'o". uJ 11.0 Itrot Flowr r. 1I1111 IIottlo R E HELJ.I:RS ,Ii; co. Prup" ' ell' IllbIc'6 '"111 h )1\ 10 gro" ,h. m All for Pllr..Lurgh Pu 1I0r .,,10 hy J S,II"!. File Coot S Lomp In Eu!'lI. hor t;c rman ' - - -- --IhoFlol\or ,wd V'gltJtl,le Ii!; DEFEATED Illges . SIX CoIor« I I'IIILo ' . Blld InRn' hun I \ drtd F IIgrndllgIJ For 50 cent", III p:ll'or Impcdlm cllt~ t.o ~It\rtlfll!''' etc 81 ';0, ~osd th t th Y geL t!Jc real GO )OOrd. SELLERS' LIV}o;U eo"T' , ,1,00," .Iognnlclolh In Ocrmlln EII'Er", nllli F 'T' Indu*" 10, . . 0 ... A .. name, ao see II c l'ILLS hlt.D boen the 6l.Hndllrd ~mcdJ ror l or Engl .." I s .,1 ,,"1111,:. li ce or ,,, ,,"1 .1> Lrl\' organ. e &c R .... w. . . . - J. artIcle. ~ ~W • I J,l\or Cnn.p111lnt Co.ilvell o.., S,nk I Dlld. ) \ cs 10k. l\Iu , tr"ltd \Ioll.hh mJr I lie, '" n . cnled e'" dope . ouI) iI. W .. VNR8VlLT,•• O. July 7. '78 All respcctllhle DruggIsts. Fuocy E"cI,""rl 1111 ot, Ie. If,clmlll 'J;; Grand '" "", PlIlI' 111 ::;h"ul.l ... or lI"e k, ]) ••• 1110"'. I'lIl1 ,,, CnIorc,1 I'lalc I" 0 1 fi n lII11nbor nllll i ilL. D onr &n -Ple... o !lend me your bWCI!t GOOdA Dealers aotl Grocer8 keeP ISquare and UprlgOt 1111 . III Cll> first COII I<',1 1I1lt! AII" e Allli "II man. ElI llrnvlnl(A 1''''<0 'I J; 11 'CI\r 1" 0 co I.lor. Lod nlllhor '" IIII P ndnHrllble ea"h Prlno h ot for the n.lW D"vl. Vcr heal GLENN'S SOAP. anti clas. ,old a' th e IO W.8t cash whole '"'0 .... IIII''''I! from a of FII 0 wp, e (or *5 JO SI'CCIIIII II N ulUI er' Ea- n) d, "II de monollntC R. from 11 F eeJ huttle Sewlllg l\{llct.ioc I bl\YO been ) II d I for It SUPllly the Istl factory I'rl Cl' <IheeL L., thu " "' e th e L. , vr lorHtltmuc h uf A,lItfolllJ cCllh I lc,rol' Ku cICSs flll plllc tIC(' thntthealnrmlllg Intho SM bUl!lnefllfor 12 eats. andHko W! on emnn( 1 BIl, Ihe lh.: rnlld l' cmc ofilia tifle " t H' I! S 111<1) Ky ouy. P,li, III'H' I V,rk·. Seed. nro tir e Ioe . t '" tho world - cOIt O e'I" ( lIeo< "I • .,If- alou8e mil' he rad,clIl1y the DIIYII YOTY muoli 1WU{buy from YOIl GENUINE TiliNG t? theIr d"pl ". al I '" Ce lltollll, .. 1 x\"bll'"'' AII,I HII' NI IIIIll,1rcd. nf dolI In! III doo l"r. 1,,11. "'oml F" u eenl I:I lnOlI' fur 1\ Fl or,lI "llIdu , cured IlIthonL Ihe dUll!:, r us \18' or Int, rtlill r Will eult. Let tne hear 1roru 01 PR.CIII !III (JI!NTM A (JAKE,. ...,e unsllIm,",.lI rocommoml ( .1 fo, Ih., ",1,," lo.mtry· "(Ou' ''''"'11 I lolond Pr,ce ' .lIn.I"lc,,'Y of.n nlldll"'" IIr Ihe IIl'pltclillOn of the kllli c YOllnlrlil • Y• 1 Bo'J) (3 Gltkes) Bent p1'eplud U'OU •• T nO' ''"' -'''er 12 \tllll III uoo SEI.LEltS· VFUl\lIF Ihl' l"rlll Al,on A.M"s!l JAM!>::; ' 101" 1"" " 11111:1 0111" 1110110 of curo nl onco . 'lII l'le' )( "'ELLERS by 1I1ftll-l'OI 70 Cents IIllItly h'(Orp"rlltec! Cv _ , H" · at \Vurm " ""troyor .. Ex"olIo.. 41)0 Iloobclte r. N Y curtalO Rlld otlee l ... I. III mon" o o( whIch --' -" I" TJE 'NTON I f fh.: tor' lslft.hll."h cd fl Vel J(j ) l l \ r " 1 wormRfrolnmy chtld,t\\oycnrlt(ll<1 - \V wl"Hbl!llcomhhon __ 0- •• ropr, COlltRIII8 S II M • .,. "•. . e . 8 1U •• r.8t LOIII R, 0 0' d rU/lI!".H t . ERSI COUGH SYRUP. mil be. '"ny CUro IIIm.elf ChCllph, • e.Ie40., O\r 7 10.' t" Avetuu 1.VelO.Yol'k. pKhllt Du plox O.eIPlrung calc I 'nco \!r; el. nnoh n E SELTJERS &. SELL 1\ an.I,"d,o,lI, , , 1.,0. ul :lJ I. _ ' ____ _ _ ,'ro'emollt In Ille bl'lory ofJl,ano mil Propr·•• Plttsburgl •• p" Sen" (or a Over I 000.000 bottlo. Bold It Is tho 1111. I octllro should he In the hnndA Let out on the . . and ----k,ng Tho Upr'ghl8 src Ih. r'N'ST '" A"" c.rouillf For sale by J Sand., 'VAyne."Uo mORt pIe8PAntand popuhlrrolOedy for Cold •• of., or) loulh and c verv man In Ihe I.nd back more or leu illJurid, but NEW. ftH" BL-'CKS AND BROWN8 HI C.. Plnno. I . lit on trw1 Don'l f'\l1 10 Cough •• Cruup. HOlr.ene8ft. "nd ..11 Throat Sent undor sca l. 'n " plllio envelope. to olROImJtO!I\DeJI, , , As NAT URAL AS NAT ur.&·8 Sur wrrtr fn r a",1 008cripl,.o C"Lt\ Ilnd Lung D,gcMe. Hll8 boen In uoe for 'lilY addros s, p08t-pUld, on receipt of six WAIIlIANT&O I'KRP I. }tVUY IIIt11l'BOT. arc comlllumcalcd 10 Gray lind ~·IAmo.oolor logue of oil:! pllgo. ", .. ,I <d frec • ,'~', ' ed.10c,ka. nllfl?' t ,uAtallt~oeolls1y h) .8NDI!Jl=~::~~:..~~.\r. 'rho rcsl<i eneo of lhllnllh Arllett Third hnlf " century DoolOr. recommcnd lIud ::~h~op~'mf8h~~~PS J, E Younolln, Long PO. and Whisker .tr""t. :\V.yull8v.I/e, 01119. oonlnlmn(C 8 vcn prCllCrloo It ·It MRVOO mytwolllllidren f,om The Culverweilltedical Co. .... cio ( hI: DuslneOlYou ean en room.' al80 p'IIItry IInJ kltcholl Tho hou ~r III,M,8. tho OItAV~' A L S,mmoll. of Bahlmore • •• A •• " ... N" ... 1'..... P. O . . . . . . 18& ~ • !U • a pl'l.lp,,,I\ilon allsolutely free rom urt u gag" ,u ,:. 10 *20 PCI td fhll'bod lD h1"ck wlilnut.l\nil I~ ill excel "d 1 I II tl h 1Inrrredll'uls , and InflnI~IJ .uperlo r. 1'1 ren da y ml,.le by IIUY "or, 10nt1c. pmr 'rwo n ow pump. Oil the I'~cm· . . . . . 1\ eo t w. oure 10 wONlteoug B week In your Own tnwn A N O ,M ' 0 hi or the effect. produced , to arl1C11'of ker of ellher80l1. Itnmodiatoly' Ask your druglflot or IN"· $6 Out61 free No rl . k 1£ L \1' ..,, " 10, lUI 11\[019 J'remnture Oral ne ... nd B .Idno.. .11 Ihe. r 10call&les " 08, 9.he for ()i~tern w.~ter you wallt bueinf"1B nt wbleb , , ,.' and 'he . Ihery hp'f' of agu Parlle"III'" nnd SilaJlllion i. high. commlluillUj( II- be~uH· oral Mtorokeqpor for it lind take no otbor 600. and ,I JIll" bottlo. Sond elthQf Bel. cnll I. • ft_ acqulr6 'ho \tue ',you&\J(ul tint froPl this 1.le. "orih ,5 {roo Imp'"Il io j'our _I'ar ful vicw Lot SOx:H,O; a vlirioty of fruIt- Prloe8, treeA and "uud 11011 Torm. aClIOIDmod"E1ng. for 0lrou1ur R E. SELLER & CO , mike pay all lhe lime DI(I all Ora/ll;l A"l time at Ibl. IIu.,ne.. Apply t( JOB G KEYS, Agen Prop·.,.PlttAburgh. ltiey work, wtlte for paf&lou· '!WIIt_en Ct. iii. CIa. • Co , POrll.nd; MaIO •• 0 , oll6.j-1 For sale b1 J Sund.e, Wa)beeTiUe, F&, Ohio I.... 10 H. I;ULt lin '" 0, Porflalljl, Mila•• I 'fIN. ....~ '-~ .
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r I I L ";,, ctl o8o fruftlUlII,bcUll!"t 2 ln urotlllln,"" VIl'Y best oap to sisve .. ,tl. S8 It J I. t'lU'U f uot rOll h ()(\ r 1\11, h<,Uow 1, n" rI 1 r' 0 .. 0 t 'e m ony oo mp lnlen • h< I'r<xiuCI'<i on any otilll r With tho ' ICd\ es the skin s mooth non lI ee rrom acre', , on n. "huuWr.r f'J t, JII(1I1",e, thu L \, f ~ l . ""0 numbe r 01 opertltlon. ! the II tltaL.on produoed 011 a senslt,ve r UnG" ot l)O l!lOnUUA I1'Jlllh~!l nn IlI u4.- ct ~ "1 . " J CINCJNN EN , It will pllt on drOll>< bnu<i .ow In fnOl llg _ _ ____ luch d rn,-v bth::.c t 'lock llrcNlnif ,tn,1 I \I t'll JIll b) tho Pre.' tllrnuf( h"ullh e country IIlId" b'M f"ld .t oue operlltlOn .... ut clttlcle, hy the "J!l'ltcllt,on of the rn CARD TO 1~ curctt every f'...:ct(' rll ,, 1 t Mull1', r I nlo!: 1 ti ll h I he morib nf .1. E,hl.orllll. AgTlCuI t urlil. dr"wlng eltill'r dret<8. brRld or . klrt. nnd 17.0 r It I\lso completely ersdloates THE PUBLIC, a, IRmr nC'l". acm tcheA " .. 11111) ftp ,.slu" r II II h,r w i nd b'U II, r lnt; bonr etc , el(" Pn1r1 !CIII Cll rrp.p"IHl cIICC. 1,ltenll \. T ole- "" th01l t . ho WlIll' tbe ~tt toh on nght ol<le On n r11 uIf th u lJl!.X1can 'lUA\n Ua Ll n lme'nt 1 t I I Q f, lIlt C !I I grlll'h lO No" 8 "li d Comlller olnl,l cpllrlm enb It •• th o only maohi"o thllt ",III d o ,,11 HOltSeWIVe8 declare It to be excel ~ Inl ln lh., '\\ o rM ' uf nccltl UU1 JJ c>Ci.! Urrlnu In 11 .. , omblll t il m" ko ,t "II thl\t ,. requ'red m kllld. uf bl ... blUdm!!". 8IlKII" p or l leut fOI' w8shlUg Woolen LUlen Wo Wlsl, 10 , . , lhll' ""0 "I II llr olde s t " ",I (.:u n1l) , tn t 40 ab~u nco of n I h) l1lulnn IIUl!h ti l A I fl r·t·, Ir ... (nllllll )01lrn..1 .tr'"ght. without basting. and tho VertlclIl b ' d I dl ' mOAL cxpe".oc d ph) .'e " " , ullor gil 1111( bUrM,lIIcl\lda II prnlnfl. cut.. , rtc li nd r'l r t il. 11 111 11 ll c ro,poct full V ",.hclt} our ijub.o r.pllon, F ood OURblo. tho 10ung,18t operatAlr to ex.,. Lace. aod olbor [a ncs. an n es h \lI m , Dnd IUt!n~ ungcnderctl by crllos ur'e PIU" IIl1d a. k a. u " PCI 1111 (II VIII to th" EoqUlror cute ~vory VUMOty of blDdlnlf With gr"at.r movin g ID the b08t CIrcles of m e tt 0 Dr. Set Cough Killer t lc' ulQ.rly TAluAblo to Annen ""d .he lid, n.. c" mon t of g l o"t 11I0r"I 08"" thon all expert CRU tum .. hem on any polito II Rod rural 80clety apeak 01 It A 1 HOllO "IU AL 1'!{ONlll 1\ CES ,,, It. L1 thochCDpcllt ~m edy In tho ' Turl l fur If th"t you " blalll tho Hub. r'phon of your other m"chlne In tbe blaue8t terms lJCnetratt'S tho nHIJllC10 to tho bane. 3m' a . tbMh) ne.u hbor fur 11 your', tr",1 It I S tho 0~1,. praetilllli machIne for hem. 0 I d' FA R SUP BRIOR TO A_VY afll)lteDtlon s. ccn~n.lly lumc.1ch~ tOctlrt" l!ox1can llUJllanllJnlment I. puc tl~ In tJu-e.J AGE"''"' ''' .. NTED .. T EVIIRY pon mllllf blile "Ipa"..., pophn. IQld greq"d'n.,. Like roost other amOUR reme It'S, Cough R emedy I,e ove r . uw 110 e dllcl or ,du;oa of bottle., tho r.,....,r onr. heine IJrqpul'tlOQ,.. O ...... (JE. '.IIIt:KAI. ('0 • • •811. w,th out b.. linl!'. tile only WI.hlnciu GLENNIS SULPHUR b.d hoon ulliIelc" "Ith n I"" cro cold "Illc h aloOly auuch thu ('heaveaL 8nJil oT""r.Tw~ ION" G.VEN. tl.o world. that will tum a wide hem tIIlro.. would not ," Id to 1IlI' I',cscrlptloll he co uld SI'HCUlP.N COl'I"" "lIt: f. the cnd of a.hoo, and make a true hOln, h~s beeo Imitated Soapi "Itbout <ompoulld. hilI w,lh .. ne L" til. of Lh. COllgh Addrell F ARAN &: McLEAN. Blld oo mmence the hem eveD IIod hnve It tho SIDR Ilcst fruettoo of remedIal el K,lt.r, he w, . . .. milch rcll e, ed th'L he t;11'I(J.NI'I'&T., O. 0)1110 out evon, the "ndor or I fic!lcy b11 \ e been aDd arc fOlsletJ up CRmc hack ,,"k boughL 8C"" h" ttles m O il - - -H0 0D upror . Itle of the hem. ,,,Ithout bu. t.lI" r . d b t If R"y ono ft '8hco 10 kilO" ",h o the d"eto, MAN ; The VERTlCAL FEED t. one nf tI, o 00 the unslI"pectmg an uno aervaD ,e , wo W,lIl11f,"", 11 .. 01 I" • ulllll': "Io u, lIow Lo,,'. 1I0w Ile••OIed 1Il0s t 'IDport4ntinventiOloR evcr ftpphod 1.0 118 geDume Sulpblll Soaps. p08se8s ' tore CllOSSMAN, I LUlIIIJ::lt, J" , t ,,1I"Ii - hcel '"l WedItion a . owl1lg mAOhine, IlDd this fou,1 IIlono cn .... ! lII g propl'rlicS Ideotlcnllt'ltb or eq 11111 C,t, Hnll 1',",( to'o . ' " f Dr Culverwel l'lI Cele· b1e. ilio Daf'I. to outcrtrip every othcr rna· to the Great Speeille. wblcb tbelr Cu rlier S e cond S lrel L Rlld 100 IOL \, enlle, _ _ brated Elllllly ult tho ",dle.I . llIno In the execution (If all tho "bo.o va· 1 s 8 ek to rival by lI' ' ' . .. ULI. M,,, • cure ( \\ ,th olll ,n ed,c,nt) of rwtlClof work E.er111l_ of work abov o ven. 01 e , bl h Id __ ., ~ 11 ~"R"AT'rI\n"'.. or Softllllal n ..",'" 1. pra<>tioal. and our .sellta wlll j competlttoo rbe P" 10 S 011 .!1RNOLDS COU(JII KnLER Wellkncos ImoIulltf\I\S r m","llo8'el.fll guurantee to, Ieaob eYllryeUJtemertodu. therefolebecAltlo:FUL toeoqutre for " . oldb, ,dIDrllJ;g "i'cn'r\l,he,"' ronscy, IhnlAI nnd 1'1" . '0,,1 IIICn)ltlO,ll. pllcalo eleh one 1GLENN'S Suipbul Soal' by Its full fi97 6",
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(.".t or "("fIe.uua •
'" In' rn" " ("n ...
of th e prCAl' ll l d LI 10 I lL t LIm 8 IIl1 PS IlIld n,nl y r p8nu r c~.-tl lI (' I M hor II 10 I' J 109.. L UrlllIllClll· 1,IIICklllg' of beard. 11111 WllL lIlgM IlIler brtll r bB hilL III th, ~ Ill) H t hmr unly chul(.'e ll r ~ I CLIVCIlU Ie . I Clll allli II c cultl @houl dc r I he r. ldlUeRi !lUll I vrt alllht) of thl . Illst \\ Clli In re nd r. lLiI U>lO LuL too co mmon 1111 It I. mrc ly that any HOc lal g .thenll): tuh. pi Ice WILl uL " 1111 , ry retLy fi~hl u llr \I It h tll1M In"trulll cllt L hilS lliou till .d\ 1IIIIgO th llt II. u IH not conhned to Ihe mul~ !\ex for womcu call" LP lli It un OCCILSIO IlS With lhE lIerrcoc,," of / It l t uhl UJ 'I he g rll(~ ful use of th e cold . h, "hl I' f urty d ellCrve.~ to Ix ranI eu IlIl\Ollg tl " fine .rtil "hlle e o tbe co ut rnn' nolillng c 111 be If ore lIngll Illy t hlln Ils I,k" nrd 'I pllcllllon mlLn nwpts Ih ob} ct W bcn I lIle tl uf IUM d~tc.tll l1on II. IOQ kd non oUHly _olf con.mllus md ~ee 1l1 R nn .l. cllted wh ot hpr to cut 01 morel) shgbt III ~ en CITIV AfLer blushlll 111 11 [ooh.h IUlin o ~ r he g l\ C~ un aw k\\ nrd bow, "hlob in tended to be g racc fu l IS In raaht y lu (1Ierou8ly clum v A elUmal ob n cr IIllght IDlpu t h ~ "I ngulnr belmvlOr to sh yness ratb t:r thl1n hutrc.1 '] be most 9UCce' ful 11 wd .L cold hUllld~rlDg IS tb e bcartl e. 1\11 I 11 tin.. mnn wh o CI\I1 put 1m 'lctlOl Cl'l mpl otc ly ont o[ hiS nllllu lind fo rge\.. hl ~ prt';enc(' If not hl ~ eltietcncc lUI lIOon aM he ll1lR IIccordcd 111m the coldest of r~cogll1tlf) ll ~ W,tb out In~lnUl\tlllp thnt wome n ure mure henrtleM nud It st\el!ll than men " e mQV ob-orve lbnt th y !Ire fflr J!,renLe r adepta III tIllS art llin n th Ilppo81te sex Alost lIIeu !!Cern more or le~J! III nl pnRC wh 1\ thcy know thai ther 8re giV ing 1>aln to olhe rs bllt till S 19 by no nl eans ID\ I\ TI ably the cnsc "11h women We nllgbt even ga 80 fllr WI to lIy t hat ladlCl! sometime tQO eV idently derl ve lIutl! fa !.ion from the anlloYRnco of otbers They u uderstand the l!6Cr t of rreezlO~ othen wblle J'e talnlng their 0 " n caloTi c 1. but obtain a \lice reault W1 tIl9ut m- l"'I",n"lhllr-i:lllicle. i heml!Oinlll. fhe crE:atJoD , m~tr"'.vl'lr_ wilen
I he Bnt cher 1I0~ and the Doker'sllirl. I L ""Kdown In tbo vout uari of the CI t) He w IS 8 hnlly butoher bOY- Kho \\ liS I he pIC OllMdaugh ce r of tho Germnn l.l1kl'r n~xL ri o Ir with eves hkeourmut.. inti ) rr HlIuw ) .ur twleted on the hack f her heart I ke R huge cr ulle r fh ey I cn n crll o w nrd ~ leh other over th e bllck I»)l t of the ~epRralln~ rolhog He WIUI CI~ tlllg sheep ~ eyes ~t ber whIl e hers turned ou III n1 In th ,rovooatlDg roll Mvnt 1I1 C 10 mght 'beef-foro qURrter to te u 8a ld he Oh dll ugh nut RI It;" MId she I ma ke no b(JIncs boui It," RaId he YOII re not weU breadl 81l1d he On ly Ml\eet-b rel1d jj etud be Don t egg lIIe 00," I!Ah) sh e I n ~\er sausagc wI Don tireD me 0 11 tentlc r hoolarltl Y id hll, qUite chop-fallen W by tlon t 1 l ltnve
\V bo lIave Lett
Fortunes. '"'he orhousl y ec<e ntrio ull I art of Dyl\llrL "Ill It III IV be pre um e 1 l oll of 'o rne use to IIOme hoay nt Illst lUI h ~ left 1\ pcrllCllnl oAta te of $!I 600 000 tl e I trg esl e , er left behmd hlln by 1\11 1 ngh Ah pee r nlthou gh I L la M been sl1r pn,;ed by III1l1lY merclmtll men The Ifl lc Duke (If le'ehmd who Illft a 1I111l1on .t~ rll g cnme .. neRrest Lord \V eslm lllRW r re gurdet! ns the Orroo us pur e.J<fIlCllcC le ft Lut I (J OO 000 No Engll M hman hilS yet cOllle \\lthlll$lOOOOOOflof Mr IIrl.u!t'l the g rellt c.J nlTflctor Mr Morraso n o f Fore .treat ( Mormon DIlloll & Co ) co rneij uen re t "11th f20 000 000 81 d ha\ln g rC'fl rd to lh.., e xt nt I Ill . land cd prope r ty " RS r « b 11Jly WIg wCl\lthlest Engli shmlln wi t) h ", Cl cr mHth 1.18 ow n fortlln e For 'Ill< rnl ) enro hc fnre IllS rl ellth he co PI\I I hllll ~~ if tu be on tb., ver£e of I " crl) Hf lert h IS e ld c~ t Sf n n legncy uf aile n IIl10n H I ~ rltug th e ollly such lagnc ) 011 record ID th e "London Prob ILO Court It ISU plel\llll11t clrc t mOl IIIC to reco rd th It 9.11 th e sou 3 of Mr 8T11~cy lind Mr Morrison bave turned out w l! Two of the form er !llId one of the lat ter aTO mem bers of PRrhument Nonu flro In bUHI ness 1\Ir BrlWley dl1ided bls prol,erty equnlly bctwc( n IllS three chi "rell (I!OUH) l\Jr Morrison left the IIlrge~ t share to hl8 eldOllt some '150 000 a year w the nu t 1\1~d botween $50 000 aod tlOO 000 a yenrMo the other 80118 To tho (juughter '2~.OOO To 111 ~ Widow he leH $50 000 a year uDd two r CHI dencos The cO lltent.~ of bls prinCIpal Rhode 1311Slldoll Pllrk, were Hworn fur probato duty iIlt Moo,OeO I ho furlll ~urc III the pTllllel pal rOOWM wl\ll8(lCclIIlIy deMlgoed for thom by Sir Chnrles E 1St luke for Mr MorTlson al though be ro.e from the fooL of the ladder W IUI devoted to art and arLlsts, lInd dl sllllglll8hed members c:. f tbe ltoyal A cademy were cnDstant guests at IlIB house He h v('d very handsumely and qlllto Without 0tent.utlon but IU8 hoo>lOs were crammr I With rare and bellutlful tiling_ HIS seco nd f!O lI 1\Ir A Ured Morrlsoo whol!O hou llC on Carl ton Terrance IS ODe of th e dozen finest III London hILI! IOb(lTlwd thlM lllste And ~ peod 8 mnlly thouKRlldH II year In gratifYlllg It
AN eMY wav to make a pretty curtam either for a door . r wlDdow IS to "tlteh a brond bRnd of blue IIpon It dlugonally nnd to hmsh thc ends with blocks of the samc color Cat taIls and gr!l8Se8 may be embrOIdered ulong thr. upper edge of tbe lIbbon If 0110 be artistIc
WilEN dOOR the ralll become tQO amlliar With a lady? When It beglOS o pl\tter on ber haok
IInl1- CRDlllRolnl Become a ginger. t N" i
n for Febr,.r ,. 1
In ga.
Now bulWdlOi a c1'OH Ibc Ul~t.1 Ilrf' _(ugioK And blueblnb In lb. foU••• or•• 11 gins
Now tender buds the woodllo I arelllumtng And .. tolel' are Un oroully bloowlngIn f loc Itt ~ J(. 11 .11••
IT 18 terribly exas peTllrng to 1\ rcally good piOUS 1IIan to Sit tlown suddenly on an ICY Side wlllk 11011 .co th e ,WICke.} safe ly stand In slippe ry pillces Tn E 1 rlb/In c 88y~ Lord Beaconsfi eld not only knows o~cry tiling" hut much e loe besldcs Il . boultl have saId bllt much el80 nlso In alltlitlon beAlde. Gmp/lle AN exollange wys
W o Me told thnt durwg the receot se vere weathe r, lh e of tl e lr MpRrrow H feasted u pon tbo number thut were &Iokly lind wbl II Ihey could eaSily kill IN TexllS l'!1 r ~\Vwd e l1 hRS b~n elected to the LoglelaLure aDd Mr Twaddell hll8 defuulted S hould have been Ju.t the other way -ll el York World, AN IndlRn h ns got tbe IItivaulage of tho white mall III one thing ut lel\8tbe can chew tobucco and the Jlllce cion t Rhow on 1118 . 111 rt bosom - Syrac 1ft Tim« D URI" O the past tw o ve8J1l HtQck rals lin! of IIlIn018 llllVll lu. t la 884 920 by bog d u!('a!cl It sec ms 88 If It \\01l1d pay IIl1uOls farlllers to Rtudy tbe du;oRI!6 and puy good 8111118 for" sure curcs MA BSAlII uSlrrr s hILl! turned Ollt lIud 80Id one hllndred (Incl fifty th ous UltJ barrel8 (If CIder HUH Y' Rr I\lld he r mIlls ar~ still ruDnln g Nearly everv IDlIl owner 18 pledged 1I0t ~o drank cHler lind t, regard It us mtoxicatlllg but tuey hnve no ohJectlun to othe r 101ks ge UlDg drunk on I~
Not unfre'luently our greateet BlDg crd ure tllken fro m the very humblest wulk Hof h fo W'lchlel the great Ger 1II[lll tcnor who hRs enchanted the world by 111 8 \ OICC, wa~ a cab driver 1D the olty of V ennu until the wonderful compas8 of Ius vOIce attracted the attention of a m U81Clao \\ ho Pllved the way for his trAlllIog an.l ultimate 8uccees 811 a &Inger LucCR the noted pruna donna of the f'ruS8lRn Oourt, W811 a !tttle Bohe mUlII Jewess whose parents were noable A LAROE list mJ gbl be mllde oUL of to g"e be r even the first rndlmenta of RU education and owe8 her elevatIon to emJUent wen who bave dI ed [rom not Lhe mllrlelous vocal powen wblcb a eatlDg Illochean Pitt rUllled hlmac l( trnvehng mllSIClao dl!Covered In her by long flUlL! wl1lle Immersed IU nfillirs CampalllDl, however '11'88 not taken and ubllvlou8 of all elso and to come from 1118 humble POSltlOO to become ai nearer home, It wa" ID the I!llmtl mann er once a slUger l,ut lint dlstmguished that PreSident Orton of the Western 11ImHe if In IIIl1ch harder fought fields UOIon dId hllll801f IDcalcunhle hRrm thl\lI tho prof088lOn of a pubhc S1Dger If tbe 1Ill101llne IS not ke pt well olletlll nflhrdH lie WIl8 one of the first of the Will lIIevltably run down When we volunLeers who flocked to GaribaldI S ICe wetl long plL~ t middle life ablo til fiR of revol~ lit Marsala and SBned I!O cope With those IU tbeJr prame we mllY well that lhollgh a mere youth, he ob- rest llII8ured tbat they have not been tUlned the rtLDk of sergeant, and 88 euch ntlghgent of tbe r pin s":111 IIce d~ Pitt \ n~ CO l1 ~ J1lcuou e for hravery at the tak di ed at forty 1Ie\ en Byron "ho pluyed In g of CRPIIII There was a lZ'ood deal tricks WIth hl8 bealth at tlurty air. who hegun omcml hfe or ~bRrp fil!'htlDg that day and a& be Palmerston wa ulwllYo In the thlekest of It he nearly 88 young a8 PItt but plied a hrollght al\ay two trophle~ ID the shar.; noble kmfe and fork, died In harne88 at of Mahe r cuts the aean of whlc/lare etl1l elght1' and rode twenty mil es the year vl. lble olle on the neck the other on of hl8 death And R8 for Bismarck s the Tlgbt check Iu Spite of hiS wounde appetite hiS biographer bas given us he fought on, Rnd would probably Dot ample InformatIOn 8S to Ita marvelous hR H I left the ClIlP)lllllZ'n bad not a IICvare excellence! and the extraordlllary care fever which noorly coet hIm hl8 itre, which wlletller III peace or war, tbe obhger! 111111 to wltbdraw Up to this prlDeo takes to cllter (or It No tlll1C be hlld not tbe remoteRt IDtentlOn luncheolls are omitted there Some of of hecolU 109 a singer and It W88 oWlllg the hnrdest-worked hUllllle88 men In No\\ that we send beer to Oermanv, to .1 mere aCCident tbat h18 remarkable Londoo largely add to their days b)' It ma) be II1terestlDg to know the gifts Clime to he cultivated At a SOCIal keeping h\lntera at II J.l<?lnt a few mile, amount thllt flUid consumed thero gathNlng one eveDlng at which he W811 dlstaut and take a • ride to hound8" The whole German Empire last year u I!U~8t, tbere happened to be pretent a once or tWice 8. week drank 841 058,935 gaPon R of beer lhe gentleman wbo W88 an authority on amount of beer 1IC0t to Germany 1ft 1 78 A ilJNOtTLA.R affair 11 mentioned bl a wsa 3 3SS 814 gallone Ba varm con "'VllAT kll1c1 of tcsllUlony do yOIl CILl! elDgmg He WR8 struck With the puntl Bumed more thAn fifty tbree gallons per that ~ J!lud the county ntLOrDcy to onll and promise of young CampanlDls ladv who recently attended a funeral at head last year and Ilr probably the great of the wltn e8~as be foro the G rlLnd Jury VOice and told him so, rcoommendillg Wlodham, New HBmptlhne A CAt ud est beer annlun~ place 10 the world who Willi lOch nod to bo n htUe evasive him to study singing Thill fired \be dog preceded the funeral prOeeMion to unle88 OlnClOllati c\llIms that honor JnckM(ln 8 Best,' wos tl!81lrompt repl)' young man who eorered the Ootl!llr'a the grave, and) at the 1l100! of the cer wallled baCk to the 1I0Uile ~tber, The lawyers who wer~ III the habit of tory of Puma and began that career tobauco S(IW the pelOt Rnd $mlled With ",hlcb the musical wor~d i. 10 and entenid in _c'huoe of ~e ..roo.. A 81f!TER of General CU!te~ 11'111 lIOon alon famillau be mllrned ID Indiana. tUlllr faces 0
o o
too whom he w.. mamed 'ln 1.790
cDated wltll
VI~ under tbe coverer roany lar~e CDBU:'utl<ft, th o grundeur and brlilianoy hame deMct lptloo Our rambles througb the Kub Le rraueoUR nrohways were contmued " nrd ;\rHst, Who Cut Ills for fOllr houl'll To give tbe moat mlDnte Throat the Otllel nuy. rl e Ln"~ 0 1 whnt we wltnOMed dUring our rambles 111 t he olLve wOllld fill every page J o,tI", 1 u r IJ S (I -.' k Trl of the Iuoillmne lndependenl " rhe BndlLl Ch alllber 18 Oldy feet 10 lengtb, t" enty feet In Width With shghtly nrcl etl (Pl hn g ten w fifte e n feet floor Ill d \V tli s crystallized from the ceiling depel..1 hundr eds of stalactites from one tn RIJ< feet III length fbls chamber far gUrpnssCH tb o wondrous ooautles of the C(H e CIty of Oaluveras Collnty So u ys 11. Uost wl ck who In 1869 vl.l ted thl1t C IV\, The rvstal Palnce thollgh 1I0t 1\0 spacIOus lUI tbe first men t lOned room 1Mequally R8 attruetlve Its v~ tJl I fo rmations lire of rare beauty Explorntl ollK made of the ca~e extend ove r nn trelL of one hlllf a mile 10 no d lrcctlon a lreaclyexplorcd hill! tbere heeo found IlIly terollnatllig powt to Lbe cav ern Gli rdn er lSIly ~ be Will contluuo to expl ortl till c very recel!ll of tbe oave I ~ dl ~co vered nnd It ox tent known I hrougb lIORle system of expenmental 8Ur\ eys o f the 9l1r(aoe he dete rmllled thll extenL of th e cavo to exceed four mllee
Ab you don 't loaf mo" 81ghed she • Veal see J II c1eme to you nnd no III1'LcI\Ic-lf yon hn\ e mooey .. 8Ald be J Cll n make B bun-dnnoo snld he rhoo no more 111 mb entatlOns ' 8R ICI YOII 8hll1l bo my nD I Well done I >I.'l1d she I II ntilh( If [lrms embmced hke n pr~he l !-;{) h lij cake \Va 1I0t (ti l t1 0uSl h she liked 11 IIl A II of III k Idnev Blld ht'lng ~ood I" {' r~ lhey ,,111 no doubt ll\ e on t he fM of th~ la nd ral 810 lo t~ of cl Id run 'I11I worM I" " uee r Junlul e hu t 10\<: seell1K • bread III lh bone ElIglisbUlt'n
anti spit Reorn sbucks Thll he ALll'OBNl.L llUlt cousldered 11 chKlIeuge to figbt It out on eno ugh to tiuppor~ ten that hne So he r~alrctl to hl8 cablD;j 1._ I II yea r II rllled hlll1 l1Clf WI R d ou bl e-.... r re e U l' lo the prese nt tlmo mer twe nty shut gun mruched out and faced his tbou"antl Klher Ollnell have beeu loc It~d tllllllnllLI\ e IInta,,:oDiat The figbt In ArlWlII1 ope ned wIlh B SJllrl\led Bkirmlsb of both 'I HI IrOD molders J!tly tbnt IIl!l yenr I'Lrtlc8 and ended after Gardner had W88 tbelr be8t olnce 1 72 IJlLs Will be , fir erl 8even rollnde at blBIIQUlrrel8hlp- botter tb e sevonth Just 88 hl8 h ttle tormentor WI\8 dl~ppearlDg tn the dark re~ of A lilA N 10 ruinols b 18 (uund 8. ~a.y to fl oreVlce In tbe ledge above hiS claim make good lum ber out of compI 1II!ed lie pur8ued It to Its ret reat (lnd then etraw commenced IleArchlDg ID the crevice to BEFORE 11170 Germany nlld only dl!eover If pol!llible tbe biding-place of Beven railroad bndges o~er the Uhme bls ,anquisbed foe, but lalled. The ~ow sbe h811 elxteen -curch howe ver resulted 10 tbe dl8COV S IUI' BU1LO~O In MaloIJ 11llI' year Willi ery of the grt!ll lest natural wonder III only fifty five per cent of the average the coun ty and, P6rhap~ In t1Je State, of the th ree prevIous years ILl! futllr e vclopmentaln tbat direction Till! marrlRge of he Duke of (Jon may prove 10 It& 01... So clolles the nau~~ ,nil take place at Wmdso r Cas hIstory of Its dlllCOvery b 8 h f M ob It lij udorllcd wltb decorations of daz. Ue a out tel t a ar zh og belluty 1I0surpused in character PRINOE BlBMAROK 18 SSld to look ,!!,I th 00 the Pacific elope The entrance to dlsplell8uro on tbo 0 German d lplomllt.i! tbo cnve IS Sltut.ted at the bue of a bluftJ who are marrled to foreigner. and eighty feet above tbe gulch and MRS GIBBS of l LoUIS, ad vertl t!C8 acaC88 is had tbrough 1\ crevice In tho that ahe III nn .. elocutlbnilt, poet ledge thrce feet In width hy SIJt feet In W8IIhor I\.Ild lToner I OI1 !(lh Desceodlng by ladder teo feet, I N a breRch of promise Cillie the love r you rCllch tbe door of an inclined arch W88 conVicted of writlng "MI bar t b eta way dipping at an I\.Ilgle of thlrt)' five only for iho, M.i darling buney" de~rees from twenty to thirty feet In A WISOON8l"N fUmler hill! cured a CWlIl he ight by thirty feet In WIdth D&- of cold feet by lilhug h ls boot"" 1D tend ~ceoth~g the inllUne, which 18 one huil of hi, atomach, With whisky dred feel III length, we reach the door TUE old saying, • Excu hnste and IL of tha grand arehway, from forty to bad pen," bu beeo attribnt d to a pig Hlltty teet w height, nrywg lD width wbo rAn away from home from twenty to tblrty feet (rom which kIt I radiAte ecoreR of smaner afcbways lead A VAOUUH al1tomatlc bru 1'1 a e y IDg 10 spacious chamben, With thelf tested In Englund will lltop In three lofty COllings draped with brilliant tal hundred yardKa tro.ln running at 8\.Xty aahtea that glitter aDd sparkle Inllthe mile. an bour bght of 8. lamp like ~ms 01 ocean wayea J 08R1'H GAlli lEU, of Scottsville, NY, of which we read fhe fioon and aged ono hUnllred and eeven, h08 lust oE thl8 KU hall are ..nt:lrtl'lv loat hUl wife, ag~ oDe hundred aud
o •
Jel'Gi.K \'S.-rl'lIlI lite (' IlIlpll!' W tUI'I,I \II "tR,·\) n l'rulolll\l ' ..~I!!!!~~~~~~!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .r~~Q W Iil'l' II 'uuuty 1\11\1 hio:! I
,tiuu til
- .\ cltuic lut ',f Turld h 1' 1'1111(' tllvlllW\l1l11l 11l1 l+'1II'1'·d. pl'i Ifl"'. - - h IIItINCI,aud hUIIUI'tl, UllC ua uf lust w 'l,k -JI'S n. 1I1q·.lit will hI ,luIl~1l 1\ y" Ivn 1.1:1S 111 '11 with l;' pl(. II·s f.>I' lw d~lIl1r... ! - M1', CII I..ll· Illlw" halllilld d -- - - s r . Eo~\IItS ' r t . l - - h :ltldl> \1 .dllll\,l: lind I;\ll d C lie uy l -- ~1r. Th ul\la l\II(),'tk nt/l,r: hi. 1Illl)lhl'r fi lle fn rm to hi t! pu t' ;li 'It" 1 hi I t! ' Clil \!~ III : \11 I nlllJlIt lit h U\I::;. IIlId !.)t. It ... P-al, . - - 1111111101,1'. tit far m lorm 'rly OW III'Ii .. - - _ _ • c IU't 1\l1I1 ~ ' The pll' 1I1111il)n IId · 1 - ~1r . tel .' Pltillipa, 1.11' X nia, uy th hil Dfivid II u weth. Air. Valu a ble. lnven ion fo r F rill t8 ! . rul'>. , \lnd fl'lllu '"rwill t.. r \lrC.I:I \1':" III de II J uJ ",J J . .E. ' 11'11 ill town hu,t wc k. Hllwh bOll~ht of' AIr, N. Jl)n r~... r.;:M- -'I N ;I'l~ & l' V~;~ 1;~vll l n <1,', r(.~'t'I'nl"I\O~~'ltllnt~a:n. Ortl 'r~ l i.l h t ·ljliUI.Glld.II:Og l\.l'Y lllippily 1'0. 1 --G l\ tU .J :I'~ It. lJ'I~·sli ~nlld gol - MI'. 'Villium n blot t! 45th "V\lOiht.<l "lIu"t.f"r\\"nl,... " jl\lllrforlh~ 1 'Wl l 'OQRfn(\llat ,.tl l\'\ ' 'UII I' I1111'; \ '- ~ I1111 I lor ' uno • u.• II. :\1'. ,'II" bt Il"ln. • v Q . , . ~ I'''IH 1~I I :IS 10' IIu\\" : birthullY W3 C I",brat db,· a " III' · ,II:0. 1 l'~ mlccl I 1' 1' 'ricu1I" 1'"rllll,I·' ' II ' I ' ' d III·, IJc ~l .. I '" . . '" Ie 4' _Hllarc tOWN· uu • "1 UUllr l UU U· ~UfE " Y 11'1'11.1 , Hili IlIkl'lI <.' <11111' Cl" • utcd . II hUllS 01 II or 7 pris party guhen Ill' by llorue of UIUSflo l h ,,,} Mill. ~-2 J , Iy hy ~ lIly ri bl)' A II 1.tI1i· 'I' illOu l" r.l!ollls, tu rCIlt. A IIply at thia ufo hi s (ri lids. I:> ' Thursdny bl'i llg tho '1'Lo 1'0,1-:>1;1., P,,,," S"Alc I. ju.t th. lhllll! n .n,l "I\'} rl Ild,, - A~ Yqu Liko It-- ltlCl!k III) hp,her IIIl1rit thall lhu 1111' ItCl'. vOlltfol pcriod F 0 50 t 75 10' l"rn1\Jro lise. IlCAl. Jurnl,lo. "'HII'III1"'"' n, t . . 1 , • r m II t oct t u " 'I)I gh t l H ' tly from n u t" u l llU'c Lo AND I\ rr~w r, L ' II' T~'1;'("SI'IM J\I>. PI'VI'1 I (If I.. uW II 'ulI<lcil'lie " ['UI I i - .\1 rd. I1.all· lIl cCo lll us has UCIl Il gu sIll nsselllbled at the houso bUI 10UI) p.. ""d •. 'I'hl~ ",,,10 I. "mJu wilh l([t'II I ,\ r:! ...... ' .. r ~n b.~~k~·:~ .)0[ \Jl:lb'" M\7~~' ,.'1" time wo IiIIYO with ill lid tli /ll I}l1 ilt· ull d~ r th e wcath er fur th lu t Il>ltllllat Iy Mr. li wns ill 'igllo, ?" ru ","1.,:,1 \10.1 n.'" rial. "'I(\ It"1 ~"I"" Ol'hcl l.,·. ~lt,, 1 " " 'nt~Hnml ol_ , . ,Juo ling that i ~ plensed \<) kllow thut " 'ce\; , I',wce of their inl'adillg of his rul ' Iln~., ",U. coro" ~'i\1 !lOt j:'uLOllt of 0 1" i! .. . I I I ~I ' W}' . rec I'!'r· tlo Ulltil sUIH.1l10lHld from his 1I11gllr. !hunll cr. UI' it c,,,, be uHrrooo ,n 111'0 1"",,1 und \I " IH:~ I'r. " II ~ l u lIl 'actti IIn' llp lo) v\,\'\ ,y vt lurti. .~ ' lri. . ' . I)\lI lJo r Id Illhl ndjll.lod In " ... "",ent·. ti ... ,. 'iVbl'U l tl),,1; 111'''.11 my, clf 110 1" IIlg IrUll1 ILII ILlurllling !lllllck I' lclI Ol P Ilt 1I00 n by 'tho ril~.illg of the hy uny U" ~. l'rle Tun 1),,\1,...,.. Arc p"'pllrlll lll do 1' ",1 rl"kill!! ill L~tlur .ly lo IIu,l .. I"",,,r ,t". thUII It ny 0.t."lIh.1,. , I 'C" R' I. 'w 1'I(N MI Nl....F8 . trh 'Dt;I"IC<'U,n\~ Ihu RCulIi\"; O. W. J) · !>G,\\'. obl i)!l1ti /I ur lho ufli(;o 1 Jill ,, ' I,HI('lIll1l1uill. farm bull lio fC I)on "d 10 til e nt"nt ill II ... '·.. Ulllr. 71l!! r Q '" l IIll ' • •, til. ASliN. , . 1 ' . . ~I ' J" " SI" "l"\\',lking ·c,·IIIl-MaclK'.hl\'It I lIu 1II"lIl~ 1 n:~l'rnHllllI IL lld 1,:1JI 1 . - , .to .. .~ '7.7. 1 0 y_ 01 CIII' cl~1l with aillcrity, und cert!linly oid WI,i"'. ? " "K"~I'I'.".". tI'II1 I llul'o ulscl':l rg\'l1 tile Jnl le~ (' IIIUlltl, \ 'bl tul horc trulH Suturday hiS \lurt well in sbll l'ing 111111di PUll ' _. A_"llN. tV .the h(;8t uf Illy llbility . . · ... Ul!! ltu YI ~ I('n '.tly . ' . . in~ hospi tllliti('s. A feast of guutl Illlt\'CYI!~UI'J;'_ t~lI ngs l .have u~lIe, IIIl uuubt III the ~ll'clo, Ilf XCIIIU, WIll opell thillgs wlIs>!Jispluycd Illld u g nero Itgllt 01 eX.1 :t"~lIce \\OlIld htll C 1!le ( " I'IIt'II . Il ullse, Murch 1st. al guod tiwe ellJoyod. Atnollg tho - -- - - -. - _ . ;1, 1.>. ll anislJll hilS I'et llrlled frillll beell dune llttl~r IItly . lad l~ hear It. hOllored gUllets wtlS Mother Mllrgll' hit! ' l'jUn fll in Wa hillgtou .1I . 1 sh all H r Ic!!1 grl\te.ful to .the -.~lt~s Dum ndwallllder, of ret .Wi! Oil, ' . veulerablo Il1dy whoso J. 11.1 t aBou will ·1 b e hi~ schuol p(jo~!e of the o~' unly luI' ltilVllig M~Jt1 IIW, 111\0. b . ell tuo gUOdt of :;u lety is ea~ 'rly sOllght nlld prut~ nt Flutlurk un FI·idIlY. c.u/lierreJ tho ofticu UjJOIi ~e. My MI SS Aglles WIlItIlIDSOII . . ilnbly enj ed by all. May 1111 - -SRI.LS- ,Miss n~lChie McCo)' vi ited in hfo has bc 'n wcll S~!lt I.n. hllrd - ~Ir. Nllthun S. AustlD hl1~ ou r thut gllthcri g meet again under auspices. III klll'Y\' llIc IIlurduy nnd Sunday. luvur, alld Ihrough u dlRpll ItlOl1' tv thllllk. ~ r .llmple of the lillotlt equally Lp 4 bars of gOild Soap for 26 cents. Th n aceomwudnte anrl I\Ijsiti~ ulhers 1 llI!1pl '1gu l' WO OVIlI' saw. _ . "_ 7 ounce Silver Star Baking Powder, with Jelly Glass, is abt!llt &WP rds had lIut 8cc"~d 11 very large -~(I'ttl Lcballon, nt\xt Wedn s· ('A~~ETON~Wi ll. AI. Carleton, tu ,·t{,1)(11t. lunonut of prop!! Iy, nnd Illy li ttle ~ny lII~ht, lind henr Iho lillest n'ud- la t l' rl~luy ulglot, was grl! ted by 20 cents, Tit l. E . hurch still contilluc eetnta WRS 80llJil \lhlltoll clllllvered IIIg JtllI en:r IlVard, by Mrd. Scott· all auollllcO wJ1ich lor Ri z UIIU Largest and best assortment of Cigars and Tl>bacco in their protl'acteo llIe ling. but the proceeus f tbe ufli ce hllv~ ·idd'lIIs. cllllrRetl'r would' 10tie nOlhiug uy town. AI,iesCli . Li.zzio Harv y, Rac hie cllublot! lIIe til r I!ol'e my }J1'!rly • . -Go \o:ln' R R. Hays lit no rl buy sou ~;th ullY previous gatll' t\l uy, Llzzlo D oVitt IIlId EII1Il1I1 und Icuve 80metlllllg fur my IIStiist. .Io ur 1\1I1!~1(' S rur 11'8~ mO IH' ), th an I'lIIg III thnt hull. lt re prO'Olltct! Tho MOII"rd, P •. wpr M.lI 1- 11.1.'1'" .1 I" Oatmeal l Cocoanut, Tapioca, Corn Starch: Currants, Ral· X iII!!. Illld ~I es~rs . A. S. Antrum. IWCO and Support in Illy dl!cliuill ff )'01' "Ult III ""Y olher suop. wilu n well tile eulluro and tusle of thi s Iighl/a, ... " lid I'lnnln, i"" \q.rk. f'rII"li" .~ sins, Burnet t's Extract Lemon Sug ar, Coffee, Tea and l .'011 Grillles, U. lIud F. Shidak I' ycnrs. I shull ulwaYd rcol 11 11 ill go',lI w" rroll t • . ClOlUUlull ity, and !!:UVC IInotllm' av. Cot Jl luul ~1l kiu .1, ti t g ra in tl\r Jl r"" k II l u t 11 'lu bc J u~) t1 Ur\'. Pd .·p. wfth ~-i!\l h pull), . Chocolate of best quality and at low prices Wultcl' DeVitt, Austill n bClt IlIId tl' r0l!t ill the '? tlice,tlllo when) luok -::-:~r. J ,, \tn Weer latdy ~nuu i~ lice thllt our, p.~,u plo CIIII uppre. $I(). rrillc wid, 14·illl'h Plltly. ~ II h nl' . ' Duny SllIart peut Fridny ov en- huck to the tl lll "jJUllt Ih cro 181,1111 1\ \ 1 ~l t tu .CI ' lIltnIl O~l!a. TCLlm:6R~C' 1 lllto alii are wl!l llIg to pay fur fi rst. Th. l l ulI'ueu HII",I-3I itl I" jn'lll,o. hi,,!, Teo y place In town where pure ClDnamoo Bark is (or lb 'll. o «(lb ol d !tllil Plluhry H 1t i ol(H "" U IOk illg ry plea'sulltly nt til hOUle of rt'glll'O ~Ifus ph,IlSt.lut as lilly pllrt li e \\'11 . Iu,·urubly Impl'es Gd Wllh Ulll ~d tnlent ~I'he.n they huvtl oppur . gri ndill Jl' COlli, rith.' tlml .. th l' 1' ~r ,\t ·I. Huo u r ept. ~ Alr". Burt. Dakin. ur my tJlut secllOIl. tunlty to enjoy 1t. l ~Jectric Soap, lQ cents, China Glass, Stone I'ri,,·. III. Dobbins .Mis ' Ie:; nn'ie M, Th ompsoll !la. With the ofticors with whom I -AI.'lIost everyone snys Ihl'), Mr. CurletulI't! Il'duro, "Thc Sci. r ' Edwardtl, Lizzi De Vitt.' and hay assoeiutcd 1 hU\'e fuulld th ell1 ~re gVI."g to see aod 1,l eur " ..~. ~1I.ce uf .u O U1~," WIl II unilJlI at. a nd Crockery-Ware. Ale I'll. Gorge Whitak r ano Law- gentl enlcn, inuutltriouB IUlll libeml, S~ott ~IUinlhl liCIt \\ edllcsuuy talr.. en tirely 10 .r hy~lO, ulld CUllIWmdow Glass l Sash and' PuttY I Coffee M ills l BucketJ, r oc Chandler, were gl1ests of Zue Ill~d .tho mcmbors of t.ho bar IIlways IIlght III ohall ulI: 1..1111111; !jome of bll:! lUU t· pup' Hawke, on Sunday. wdhng to impart thc infuT\nuli oll - - All uI · purtulI~ty .not I? hc lo. l ular POCIIlI:! to illustrnto hi itl cns. Tubs, Field Ke 81 Baskets . Wash-Bo ards, Churns l Cheeset lI1i s Fanny Burke and Mi SB necd d wl 'l!lI Lt! tu. 1 have - - Iu sec I~rc !I,u CllICll1llUtl Wl·ckly Pathos, eluq ull<'c, hUlll or 1111(.1 wit Meat, Lard l Moiasses l Crackers and Cove Oyst ers, Glallgow, of L bnlloll wer gu{:sts avoid d intrudi ng mysclf Oil their Gazette Illr ::; I,t5 . Call 011 Ul' Ud · 'I ILUhn.tOd ill the pI' dllction 1\1111 of Mrs. C. Bnrgess I~t Thnrsdny. I'llIi ' lice liS much 118 puasible, J.ll'e. dn'88 tit ' I:otit nl1.I~lcr.. . the gil tcd gentl ellllull held his' llIrge ,j<~ r 11 numb~r of day~, the sehoul fOl'ring .tu exxrci 0 my (' Wll jnuge- . -illl·s. Sc,~tt .HIJ~ons wtll h:I.'·c ,'I IlIl~iOIlCtl ~ pcll: bom ~d In~11I ul,ulling girls have beeu plUllllillg 10 gil'e IUCllt With the other meaos cUllven- ~ntl t! I gutlun ot W ayoe8\ I.ncs tv cl u e. TI,e ruling IdclIll Wel'u ~st !)COp~O ~Il W edlJosday nlg~lt th.llt sfllfi6ltue~s wn. at tho buttom Mllry McOooe a 6url'ris bi rthday iCllt. ' . Dllrlllg the time I have bce/l ill 01 nnt \\ eok, ut the opcra·house III 01 a ll dOllle<ltlc ~lI sory, and LO\'e part.y. The grulld vcnt 'came oti" ---)I>£Al eKti fN (- - .Mondny el'cnillg. at hor home 3 the ofiico I call 1I0t uow r 'call !Ill L bnllon . the cllre; Illld rIght ubly uid I,c IJl il08 from town. Owing 10 Oll~ or IInki uo cxpression to lIIe by any . - 'Alny your troubles be ollly il!lpresil his~h ellr dB uf' tho trulh uf Mury's big brotherR tho surpl'i e ollie r, lIIeulb r f tllO lollr 01' uther httle olles. II lI d may yun ah"'IlYs hi S tL oo ry. W VCI,tIlI'O thaI if M~. was R cowvlete lililu;c bnt the. II_ patroll of tho o1lice. ' hn.'·e 01', 13ull'li \3l1uy Syrup handy " ' arl t~n wel'o lo l'U UlO IIgllin titUl'O j"ymellt was jper~ ot ~ev rt.hele 8. . Gonllellle~I, I uce pt your b~n- 81111.1 . ~I\ lIlt! ~uehelor to l~ [lowly . wOlllu Oe sCRre~ly bta ndillS' l'ooW in There .were th irty·five ~lIe -ts in nt. tlful. presellt, llI~re do I ,' uille th e OOl1fr1 ~ d . ~~n~lle. . _ _ th e hall. . . . t ndance, and gl\U\ "sund convel'sa. motlvo alld feollllgs oXl'r R cd 1hall I' o~ .d u, II thrce ycnr old Ib,t'r. Tho next cnl crl.Il1111l10ll t \"' 111 U ti on filled up' the flying moments. tho iutriusic vain!! of tho article. oll~I~ . hl d Jt'rsey.hllll . . F vr tull iby th e cel bmted I'ixly • Urnnni s - -- ) A L II 0 • ( _ _ Rofl'eebtlleut8\"el'c <:rved lit t v ill valullble UEI it is. Gcutl cmell I\e· pn~ Il clll."(~. sllthe Illllmnl, .1\' 1who have lleen llngllged ror two th.e gooinl, b ospitIlbl ma nli er for cupt Illy thauke. . qlllr~ 'f~ u... !1 o'OI,h has hllli I~ight t g!ve lI1et'rts, ubont Ihl~ Tho Dumc.tie 1I"'H! l ill i. ''''p~nlail\ \i'hicb( tWs Jamily is 11'011 knolVlJ. The cane is all clegant nflitir, lind Ilt hiT' ~ WMIt S' du I h~t wcek MIlI'CIt. Propllro tu IId"plOO (or fumily uKo. ltrln.lin.: aorn, rl"';. At 12, prepnratiou8 for ICllvin&: b • WIIS pllI'chll8ed at the lltore of B. .M. . -- Ie III s or rSd ~ o~s rCII~ · CIiJOY lit ."tret' .. nd 1111 kiuW! of llru in. fi uu ur cuur _ gan 8nd all took tI &ir d v"rtn ro Hula d! 00_ It is etrou 'enough to IIIgt clllllf tl socn; or ~J COIlt.s Pubh: nIOK. l'r~~ '~~~ 'MoKlnI'CY .\; Evan 'li e reli.ble it oping tlla* Mary might sce IOllny bo u uselul support in tlle Jullgt<'s °IIlC.I . 1I1I~llo oor reu ers so )C Itt! IDen, 3n,\ tho m nu l~oltlr ro .... t(' t P t, d I 1 . ucclinlug "eurs (CSlre. WO WI prCJcnre re rv e II .M X " .' forLu lHu. ill 8I!<lU rln g th. m "" .Lei r re,,1'(4 1ft p~ re ~ I 0 '. all. t }nt t 10 lI ex t ., .' Iur th~1ll lit thu advertised pricc, 5U, enry c IO SIIlJ Will . f. ntatiTCI! for the oftls of their good. in thi. L b cellI ' 32! IIcre!1 of bottom land Ilud 1116 8 IIQn. They I)rol....~ .bOftly t .. ~rrtln>t 8urprlse mIght JustIfy Its namo. :.M . AI . llud SOU lS - a Inrmlllg . Iy -I C __ /l 110 U. • tIUU8e all d Ilit, 1i) - ',01'WIU " III . I I. -Air Pot r Solie of Be on T 1108. UtAI' I moat lrDiAlDcltt ,,!,m~. . ~ In ' b o No ' . '. rs, r~en, dllY Mii h 4 I . (' county; \fliers tlle;parfeat orklR jf llu,lllli Ell . -Mrs. Anna Evans, wife f Mr. Ky., vIsited here III t ·week. Wo ' I ' k fRC , g q~lIlg at vU of lbe 1lI111s and ecate can be ..min d. RoolDB, Two Doors North of the Post.()ffic B:'.01.1' of Harrox""u'g lehoot (Ilr the Voorhis Evaos\ died on SUllday ar happy to I IIrll tb nt Peter does 0 cOhc ' ogor .~uclton or. . ~he, .. m a1110 havo ",~J'On~lblo !g"nt< ./ . month ondiol J ..ou.y St •.1 lll! last. · llt.'towJmi • the ; lurk 1Ul·1 ~"I rJ , -til Dakm dAl.' 0IIIlh t.rmor IUld bU"1II ~" mup In "th ". W .' u~'~SVJfiE, OU ' 0 . l'rlo,.Il·Y II ",tltheul -lOOp r cent III M· "I? D k \ th I ' d" I I. t1-r"1 I fl ell II 1 • tbaltupnn • - f"-'~I>~ .."1' '1l<1Ii1l,ll' ri Ide Evru'H \110 \", loa '-- IS. . " . oe wor I W 10 p:r un liS mne 1 as uO lOug It .e lOck d b It '" F b ' lui ulUDlnatlOll ot tho KI'U ol Mrepn'lIent d. in a'iloh~tll\: l8l!nc O)-I~:, FI~ro:~~'t'IUmp , bas be 0 Juying sick tor su'lIIe bould, lind that h will soon rotur,D 8 UII C II e. 0 tun.ry pS, lit by them. ~o r-a<>n In It ·d of ~h., ,Unte ~lIna McDonald, 1\ utile Enos. Alloe weeks, died 011 ~ullday . to I,h e more cungou iul attUo t",hero ' 10. Jam c8. 'Vbet lei, a~lctl lie r. would he wllh.Olltollub "..-flll nrto I". . . "'OlD:O' '\ ung. I... M. V.NDun itO T M G -II G ' . f W r E. M. t;ulItb .tllr 0 Iwles south of 14 KlullCY &. Evan~ repro Oll t tho w 11· I!I --1!!!t -._ , , Inlermediate Deparlment-IOO e ' ce~t r. ruUVI 0 U8tlD, S II of 0 ·arren county. \• '11' " known houle of Lognn & tru\'rillg .I'itlllIn .palling: Betlie 0Cl . I,oe. OLi PHudley: J esse Gustin, died f heart lIud - Whilo Daylon is chnrging 75c. M arhesvl e, stoc.k und chattels, burg. 1'u, O~tnmu"ic.. tiuII~ nddr~"" •.J 10 J()(j pcr cent. in nJiLhmtlic: L"wreD ce Fa· lung diseuse ou lust \Vedllesdl\Y . uno 8 1 fur Mrd. Sidoons' rending ale I, Ilt 10. , :at:oKlN .EY & EVANS•.WuyllC, vllle. 0 .• .. L'. k II t \.. f tl · i\I l{· " 1'1 5 -- w.lI rece'vo prompt IIt.Wnllon . 1,. Ollalhdloy. lUO per c nl . in !;cogIBl'hy: Willie n . ",c.... M,mie HII III, FrAnk 0.,'10' . Tl- wr • 1! run ~ CulllSOll , son 0 lere,' r. 11I5CY on y c mrgcs Y TUlmE ill an udvorti sl'ment in oll r tFLibernl 1118Cllllut Lo ".cellI", • IOU per' cen, in "01 mar: lJ"Uie O!!leabe.r. IOOOU8 B, HutclllOilOll, who bad cellt to 1111 1'lIrts of tho hall Ifl COll111111S to which we t ke m I _ ._ _ 100 per ~1. in ecoLenc.,.: Olis H.dtey. beon prostratcd for sevcrallUon tb<l Lcbnnoll _ 300 tickets afe sold , pl (;!lsDI'e ill r eferd ng 0 II .117 I M.p'''·.OAD'''u·u.... n, T, with tlUlt evor fatal discllso CUll ' nnll still they go off rnpidlv. lt becnu8e we bell'ovo 'In UI'tr nroe(IIIU~~,8u' 0"" WAYN." 'I'O''''''S lfIP • .A.JlU7.A.c ruaaD ar OLD. li D S "OOL. "lIInry epo rLment.. d' ·'11 b tl f .. • . "'. A: a:. .. ..., .., . 11K) p" r ~ol. in .peiling: Lh. 7.lo Will'll, Ja's GUmptIOn, was r porte dYlllJ: 011 \I I ~ Ie lII~St eutel talUmeut ut c 1I1scicntiously aod 10 IIrtily ro ·om· - - - - -- - _. W" ..d. Averagodnilv a" end.lIlcc. ~7. la:lt SuudllY evenillj' the selL on. , d 't W I II 11 H _ All you 'II'ho wane new Shllre. mlld o lo •• .· 11 MllEI T M" S'd ' 11 k W 1\ t' I meD I . e re er tl) II s aIl' Yflur Plow•• "nd your IIld "n08 l"i,1 IIlIrI • , IS , v••!.'" I!.--, _. '.. " . , rs. ",colt· I (JUS WI Ina e II C U pr.r ICU ar a ."u 101J to I Rellcwor W 0 rem ember mal" warrtlnl.,d to rUII •• woll I .. wholl UoW bo &Dd fur Sample ~ards ud Pnu LiaI.&. . Pdnclpftl DapRl1monl: lOll .p.r epnl. III J • 11\ 0 H tllo ) og of M S tt S'dd " IJ I II r ' Ulan 1lW'." "": INIIliIfo¥I ~11l"!!: Nellie I :iIl. SIij;n\' J. W; ~. If l«r ler nppCllTallCC III 0 lora OU.SO I, r ru lll • : d. c~ - l OllS I CUSllS ill ollr midst of 1,Id AIIU mill . • uro to g vu lUu .. ~, • .E!!!2!!!!!!!!!=~~~~~~=====~======~~~~~~~!!!I!I. ~'rd. ' ~ :W.rd. n,,1 COR ill. EllUl au the ~{ith: She has a spl cudlll rcndmg , to be g l.V\!U IU Lebnnoo , die aged people who fotlDcrly wor Wlll' rant all Ploto Wo/'''' (/1/17 DEATH DEFEATED TB g IIr, Oromp. Ohl.ra MeO e. \(IOllcn reputatlou ill Lebauon_ next Wcd llceday ulght, The ulero I'ev hllir or wi U8e lock tit ' \ flor8 Sl,otill g . r,' ft~~.t.·~llrn'W-~~~~: E~~~hA.~~~;J;~~~IIO~!~~; _ --Mrs. Julia Hunt, who pillyed mlll OI~ nel!mellt ~hat this radiantly- ~tld faded, but ~ho ha:: ~~r~ J't~~ At.o CO.olloua my prnnLico "If . r?t~:~'~:~~v;t ~~"~:~ ;;.~~~.i~~lt;:;~~~V.;.~ ['. __ • WArd, MUlie W ard, Ell,!, W"rd, Ida Allie. ID Lcbanon JtHt fall, wtll occupy b~aubflll and III!!hly tllleotod !ady ble Lend pieces and wi th no little VeterlDary Surgeon Liver '''"l'ld nt. ,.. li'·I'tlC.... ink. I.~ nrl· BBFORII YOU H,h@"ri!Jc for Any OIher 100 pcr c:,ent. In Ilrllh,,?ClIC: A. n_ Brewer. the Opera Huuso du rlug tho even· Will Ilppl' ar I.,.oul d be suffiCient , pride ann ou II co' to tl o· f'. d I t jill ull equillo,. noloo, P,>ill in hll,;,I,ler. nr B"ok. D.u .•n . ... I',,(>er• •,,",1 ror II , p"'r illlcn "opy or The 110S"mue!·ulll . Muttla \\ IIrd. EllzlI WRI'd, 1110 ill"" of March 5 0 7 and 8 S I e with allY \\' ho hud seen and heard I I ' I Ir .n C!l s t III . J rtI THOMPS N , Coli led T,,",,,,,,·. h v.J!· 11,,11 AI''' ''' 1111,1 1111 1.010 BII,.lo. " 18 " 1",,\mOLh Elghl.I'nI!O per MOl. In g.~mmAr ; EllA Al.1o. Sli me Iu P.' . , . I I b f kid" t ley laven t a grey btllr III thEJi r . . , • ._ ,d,,<ell"e.. uri-illl' Irolll " rle,"nll' " ""'0 of W"ckh- 1" '1'o r, 01 . ,,~v (""r Column •. 611 II.I~eb": EllAAble, ldu Aillo, l; eo'1<o Outt· wtll doubtless till tllo house each ler e ure, 11.1. ili a 0 t Ultn eBlre 10 heuds, It i8 a pardollable prido Lh" r~lvor or lomach. Th.. " ". :\ .I:o ... ~, of ed ,,1110 (·I\.eln.l,' r"'l'nrrd rrodi"" .n, LI.' r of "·l'flJl,1. Avorge dnily _"undRnce, Ihlrty. . evening, 118 8he is one ot the lelld- I'epeut the ellJuymeo t. H er Al len . ! lin the world w Id b ,tt. f11 ~ ' m" SII",ly. Ky.. ' ''P: ,: ,·I.I"r. rill: h,.,,·., illL, r•• ~ 1111". v" \,,. LII 1',,0;,10 III nil p'orla or: _ J UIIS W. TE"· AlIT. T. . "SI ' of tI e da did lillengc she being grandUll"h ter .. t. ou ~e c e l 0 , , silved hunrl,e,l. ul ,Iullnr. ' " .I,... llIro 1,,1I. the UIII 'e.1 :""h'" OWing to a ChRD/:,'C of ICllrh ·r.. illibe mid- IIlg ara ! y. . . '. . r> , II tuore was more of It, fur wh en In hi. ,wlnln" S . 1~ dI e ~f tire mODth, uud U,O CO li e'lu lit llllo,- -The BlIlI glveu at 'V IIslllng- ul porhllps tho liuest II ag ed~ e nll c , Ih e aged make themsolves altra ,_ SBI.LEIt.... • VFlt '''''(JOE, Ih. peCla,£ ~ tures.. ruPt.lOn of ~Iullr . Ihere ,Vnl liD a.nmlllRIiOll ton Hall olllho 14th did not amoullt the \Vurlt l litiS ove r known, is Itive to otl t1 t .c w.,,·...' 1\'~r. .. ~:xl'lIl1e,1 4110 All 11,0 1.. 1....1"'" " •• "hh·h ;'"V~ ",.1eheld In Ipo,BislJ School dCIIR.IUl enl. to h Itl t t1 'I' onongh tv rec llllmelid her bllt be l OTS ley are more cor lIln "'orlll" frn", my ohild, two yr ••• ""I "-IV. 'rh" 111",1" 0 ' , 1"'I.ul"r "II ')\'cr lho Uuho<l . J VI.IA A. Ot LB, Prlnclp.1. . muc , [L long I . ~ e IU 1181C 11 r· . . . . ' . ' to Will aud retlli 0 the OS teem nud ISr"ver, St. "ouls, Mo. Be,101 hy druj!Il'I~I.. .. 1"1,, •. "I II 1.0 'c~IIII\r1 ., conI inllClI. nomol" • • .. 1II11hed by Prof. UrlfIlII 's Bnnd wa tildes th~s s he lu hel'lts t he gClIlllS respcct to which a burth on uf well . IPricO :!T. ot.... oneh. H. K ~E"r.t::H" . Tho I'op"~:l r I.?~' ~r~ of Ih:l' .fli' lin~lt i~ho.r 'rlle.applications of 0 e ' th cxcEJllellt. 011 or nbvut the 28th uf It er 1111 • uno she p i1de~Sed pcr · ' SPOilt YOllrrs et ftl ' II ' T , WAYNESVILLE,OiHO. CO .. Prop • •• rittAh"r"h. P•. S 1111 f,': II n, ",oe,,,"e. ,II,I" '.",n, RCI'. 101'01011111 V. ·J.I t'. Iv.r . rctoe there will be ~ Masq neJ'ado BI\II ~ounlblluty wlticlt elljJ tl vllted all H II' H ' I' II cS' leln. I~) Inform8hioc".toruor• .Rndth.PUbtio gou' lcirclllilrlo·oro"l c byJ.tln"d.,WII) n'·" 'llI.· Nllt"oly. \VI" ..III ·II,. wrl,uuno1p",••lr(or":he IlUll ded r ell url!ll, lor ~\( II11S810U .. . I I.' \ h a s Illr . eoewo r If tlgc 01' liS, crully Llollt lit I,id old 6tllUd 100 i" prel'urcd _ ____ _ - .. ,,"e, "u, ' '' ''8,·ho d 11"I'Rrlm""I, a rlcl. t ho 0 ; S. &' S. O. H ome nt'e now given lit the Opera Houso wlol ch whu llo IU u hel'. Ve avo heurd euse has thinned or whitclled YUll r ,t', rc p~lr ITHE GREAT BLOOD TuNIC .J.'\'''<ilon' ~( )1 1'IIc~icnl illro,mllli,.» .up',", " d ",'11 bo w rthy ut the I amI) Th e poople 811)' who aw hor two YCl~l'e l l k d . I K it 'J.'r.I . OI,lllc,,..LII , evon' hOIllI1 ; It I OUIII( on fil eat t h e S uperllltoll en t's of· I U I. I i " . Id I . I nc '8 un you wtl tllllllk us lor (lur E'or IIIf' our 01 nil tI,""U., '" "ri. i.,,:.c Ir"on 1'''''1lI0', 11<1''''\lUC I.I : a 1("\1,,1,,,.. Hep.,L. fico I1nd cnll not bo acted I1pon, 1'0 1' re~sou tho Bnll of th e 14th was n ~lpO, I lilt tie.) \\ u see , ,or IIglllll , advice.-NeW8 lVllll8(mv'!l, W: Va. . '. ' I iTltl'uro Billoo. 111111. (or ih\'I!!"tnl'''g ,,1111 ,,,0,,1 .•"I " "cill~ 1100 ".,'kl, Sund~.. or.hnlli. the rca on that th e iL1stitutiou clln flll lure WllS on Rcconnt ut the pnr, II t1H'Y hlld til walk thel'e. We cno l _ ' ___ AlII! puont nll ~ 1~lIn them In Lho mu.t . uli.· , ' 11'l' ngll"'ni tt!,! 110o ,:,enl orl('l"'o. Aro yo." I. ~.••on; I I,.r"'ill~ 1'0011'):. tbr n,iljl,Le. t Til E Cornet B c1 " 11 I 'b ' t . I"otory ,,,,,I r....l" ""blo .ty l.o. Ho guaru". ' weAk. "rrvou" ol ellllollll o<l, 1'"10 u.'''l. ernilCI' ", t 'II,d I1IIlI1or. 1 h,' 11,'.1 ~Iorll" O '·I ~ in. 1 . d . I I' ties in chargo not paying strict llt· uss uro ull r I't'adcrtl th at thoy nllver QCCU~lD'J ate 110 lUore Wlt l t l e l r . . b . . , Id ."".,t . "' I lh ' . ,~n \\1 CCl! r.le ll'., I",no.t workllnd (lu,,,b,hty; tho hc.t nl.d ? 11"\I' YlllIl".lY', .. r"ppCLJ,t..;( H~vc nud " I('el " d; ,~nB... cr. Lo Oorrc~l'ol\d ent•• preson t nllrn bel' of cottllgcB,-Xe· tl!ntl.oll to tI~ el r uSllIesB, lou.t we tec l \\ 011 , .' l gl e gU ll' /? () soe UI!( ell r IWasilln gton s Blrtlttluy, IIcxt Slit· . nd I,ho. moot w.ork for tho le'\8t mOllct . No you n!'UKall, plii n In tho I"",k. &u.( . If ."0, "nd Ihe I:',' ~ ftl No" . from 11 11 P"'rt.8 of tho n £a 1 orohligllt. safe III BIIYllIg thllt th o IIltcllded Mrs, Siddons, Hfld 11'0 COli fide." tl y , nrday, by ~i vinj.! II. gl'lllld concert "~~·.tcr'"!f'~ lu~~~r_ · _ .07 Dr. Llnd~oy'" DI,OO Il S"AIICllv,n WIll drovll ,,'n rl~1. Ih ' 1:1~,d •."l rcIII.lp. I"rgol .. in H . Ala~(IU e rade Ball of the 28th und er expect to seo a lu rge lIumbcr of unr l in Clldwallllde ' H II P f J (. Adm" , -S Ollt th o d ' "CII AC It~rl hrlllg '''lOk I,he !31 11m ory . l.~lo onll I el'ttl~r! h, Ihe Union, .n,1 .. • • , . '. .. .. r s" n. ru . . J , IIDstrator s a l e Henl h. l'unplc•• fl,,"_. Er),",(,olll. , Is "" ort,,, ho,& l.oogl",,'01 .8lho 1"l'I:rAt "ud TilE ..!i1neri o(l.lI Ag1'io llltu1'alist thu wUllllgoUlent ot the presellt appreciative CltlZUlltl lLI tile new hall I Ridge wtll read, li nd thel'o will llo 11 . I r d f tl p'. TcLler Silit Rh " ... &0.• IIro bllt ... ..rneo Bosl Ne". ',Old v Pal'or!l ""Y' . '1 ' b f' L h ·t \V d d . It · , y v.r 110 0 II" or or 0 Ie rOunto. . '. ' DI......".e" ;. n~ (I Dr. IV I10'·!'. l' ry It ,u,d ,0. ' WIll ne' er ... .,Illngly . Bays tilut swil!dl ora are already be· eomnlltlCtl, WI I meet Wit snccess 0 UIIUII I!OX e lies al \JIg I • vocal Ulld I[)strlllIleutal Ulu 8ic 01 Cuurt of W"rron Cou"ty. Ohio. to mo di- j tn.dlent'?"" of Blood !:1iDlling the "ageucy 'dodge" 011 - We understand that olle ot' t ~e -'Ho I\IIi~se8 Kenrn ey s ~Ias· the best kind _ ,Go uod oelobl'llto. ~~,~C~~,( will offo! for •• 1.... nL rublio 8 UO' ~~~~~: :of~::dl~~'~~Cil~C~:n~ r.~~;~~{~~~ ~~~ "\~I~~',?; tl~l~ IICW fcnLuros for Ibis wlutcr farmers thronghout tho couutry young gontlemeo of Lebau ou Will qnerade pnrty, IIIBtThursdllJ I1Ight, 25 ceots to ll11'partl! of tho house. ~ : tho prcn,,""~. Ull complexilln. Sold by dru!!'IlI.,... ~ I ,OO pOT oro " 'Orl cO of . IIl1d .wlviSeB all men to beware of shortly be IDllrricd to a young lady was a comploto saccess. The C08.- . •---~,":.:-- aturdllY. IlI1.reh l~t, A, D. 1879, ~ttle, R. E. E~LEltS & CO. rrorr· •• !ndenODfilllt PriseD ~kfJ(e." tt' tL' to . liviug hear W nyue8v ille. We hopc tllmes wero all good, aod lI1auy of TnE lOam bUllc1mg of the sol· ~t one o'oloek P.M. of lAId dRY, the foll ow- Pltt. hnrgh, rA. For A!,lo by J. Sllud.. , allY aglee· I d d t1 . d" t ' bl fi . d' , d '1 ' h 'I .u~ dC80ribcd ruul •• tate to-wit· - - - - - -. -_._" - by one who wn. Ihore. A new Serh.1Story p U IIlg elr IIn mcs lncnt - p resentcd by strangers, 110 the y~ung printer las ma .0 a gOOI0!ll ulllqu~ an. lrI'esls I . .y DnllY l er~ a.1I Bal or8 orp ans lome, "Lot IlII1111;orT,venLY-I; inc (~Ii) in .Tohn- SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP. was com menced Nil". 14\b , Anolher ono matter how plausible and euticing selectIOn., . :-vhJie tho ~18gUISOS were 11\ lD?st at X ODl 8, was • or~d to the groulld 80U:. IIddltion to tho town at Corwin. 08 f)ver 1000.000 bottle" laId. It i. the will c',m nten',e In Jon".rv. it lIlay seem. -The Patnot office WIll change IIlstallce8 Impelletrablo. The lol- ! last Sunday. dc",gu ~teJ on tho rceordod, pl"t "I said mo' t p1enennt IU1I1 pnpllllluomOOy for Cold.. TEItMI'I-Rluglc copy.' pel' yonI', til: !iTO __ __ • its location from t. he corner of Mul· 10wil1~ lIamed gucsts were prc8ent: I ( . 'd ti l -t ·f-' .- - be otnfwOnl·,·","lho County of 'Vurran und StAt.o Oough., Crll';'p. Hoa..oIlCIIH. aud .uU Thro.t coplo., '1.75 enl'b; lell or more copl ••. 11.611, • • Do b d Broa d u to th tI' d It F WIlle8 and wife Dr V TIS 8al 10 OJ,es are com. '0. ' . alld LlLUIi 0'.OB8••. H... boon til " 80 for ollcll. allrl All e~tnl e°l'Y wllh an.), clult of Til E two colored ilion who stole terry af~G W S"ll UY S8'er'8 buel'l d'llnlrg de·rvo·ol.t " Ild w'lle MI~Bses' A IIlln~le- ing too plent.i around Spring VIlI- 81IStUa·O~ r:~21ooKtual~de hthR8o b•.•oe'nno"wpp"lrl'~I.flCdoAltdt"Ot half a.non.tury. DooLor. reo0Lotllmondp BODd to n. 'peeio"en cllples Ken. froo. Send for I . Leb S ory 0 • . , " , ,I d f l"l t b " . • " V" . . "" 8 n preSCribe It. J. E. Youmau. " K . .• 0 110. A,III'e.s TOLEDO BLADE. . W d" D lIr [1111 ur S Jewo ry, IU a- No 1.03 Mol berry streot. Mr. Ru-' 81lbi ne, Idll Vanderburg, Lidu Shi- .oy. au ox- lr n 8 nrc elUg orgl1u- not 108s th.n . two-third. uf .a.d nppl'"llICd Itl. • • "y.. .Tt Aaved my two ohildren IrolD Tolodo.OhID. 1l01l, are supposed to hnve lJorpe- I d" b-.t · - . . to bt ' dakol' Lidu Subin ' Willie AutmUl Ized. . valuo! ono-th.rd of tho puroh••o.mOI!OY ~ Itbo GILAV&.' A. L. Simmon. of Baltimoro, ~ ' . . - ---- -.-~.-.-• be p''''! on dllY of .•• Ie. one·thlrd lU .,>: Md ....180 60Y8: ,[t will O\lr~ tho worst oough FIFTY THOUSAND BOOKS trated a8 ub 'equent rollbe ry of -cw- no ,8 0 ~ec III 1ll0VIIIg IS. .0 UIl1 ,I t s·, ' l r ' J t' mOle light aud wore 1'00111; III the aDd G. M. Mc!Jclllald, of ~~rvoys. TIU: 8ugar-water, thIS seasoo, IS m~Ulh". Rod one-tJurd in ,ono YORr, tho do- ImmodlRI.oly.' A.k your drnlllll.t or gena ~elDha t! 8t~r,e, ~lIclldua l. latter buildillg he wi II be fully su p- burg; ChUB, E. J ucobs, wife aud said to be auusually swact and tho ~c.' rttd pdY"''bntl! to ""ti', ,n turu.t ut BU por or"I . torr.keoper for It "lid ,"ko no other.W" ~~~o~I~I~.r~~-~~,~fp~,~~.:;or:,"llLge ~?I(jl s av e ce ll rllce to plied with botL. Tho room is a duughtcr, J. W. Ed wnrds and wifo, ' uox t boi ling' wiII be extra g'ood. ~~~It;I'~~., t~ nd ·:~idr~~al ~:~:;:t~'i;t '::;'.~~3 P, riceRI . 2'1'00., ilUcR··· "Enol *EI l'"LrEIR·o~t1~ coSentI III'CPAi<l, nL Ono h"lf tho rogular prices, 6n, LO10. UIS I I O. . .one, an d ~ h lJ11 Y a dId d WI'1'c,srae I . of do,,:or of N' ~n-l, or c rCII ar, . Pr ,. "L , . "" ., LI 'OU"';!!'1 \'II I"m ".. ( 0I10lce ' I'00 ks, comprl . ap e Gor.d CII J . W n..g.lI tan • ~ IeRr '~n d fr~ of n II rll'ht • • bellutlful n !" • • l'III,"h"r",h. I'll. B :I'IIERK ure two sheriff's sillos ad- for the printing buslDc8s. . W I'Ight and. wtle, W. B. . Russum , THE prop,erty of Mr. Jllmo8. G. oy Yelgh, wtLLT't:M~IN'I~G~!ONleo d. Fllr onle hy J . SIlIIU" Waynn.villo. Ohio. '~~I,',~tt"r:a~~~~i""I :°ft~f;~r~lIsFl~~dniS::;'I; " . ' . MAX. a.lld. WIfe. MI SdCB .Myru 13l11rd, Nuo ,Clllrke, adjace.llt to WnYll csvllI_o, Admln'.trntot of Horn",n YOI' h. (I"~'d. . " - '. , - - - - ... - _ lI'ork. cdiled by Sla, dard Autio I vorl! cd III last week 8 Lehallon .' . Wright, MII.Y Wnght,Lcu!1 Wright, bus been appl'alllcd ,at $GO per.aCl·e. S. W. BRO'WN, AU·y. tFcb,vr,.4 *5~~~:n:'~,!e~u r 'tt;'r:~k.n II' 01" . 'I!h,'.c book. nre ~elected 10; ~~I' ·~f;: tl,r l Ibut lJug ht ill JUBtice to tho WE would call tho atteotlOll of Emm a Raphull, Mary D Ol1gh, All. ' . . !'ou 11'111,1" lolls illC"~ III which !.hr " " ( from tbo shelve8 01 dID uwners of the llrollerty to be Bold , our rrieud s Iln d palirolUt to th e fnct ni e H elg . IIway, mllllio .. M Tille. Warreo ICIILlill!> publisho .... B ofro Iho ooun~ry. "ro nil J lI,;hllr. EU\. . . Co 110 t Y Tc IlC Iler s' S I'ILIN (lIlUI(O, 0,. ""g".t. 11:17:1. pO''''''". 01. o,L. I,cr ~e •.''''" IIel< 1111111,·" .... lind t.h. identical e<lltlons as well as to th u local pnper. to that the MIA.MI GAZETTE is a Inwflll rna Heighway Mollie Oud IVil lladcl' Aesoe llltlpl] WIll melet at Morrow, This I. to luforlll 81111'o rinlf hlln",nity t,hlit mnko grout p~y ~Il tho t.""O hnlldlotlloy Ihe retail "ooksolleu. Wel",.o hllve beun published ill th o Ga· d' ~ \I k' d f L I Ad FI I k 'Id D I ' l' 'VII Sa l llrd~:r Febl'UIH" 22 I h,wo hoell oonllnod to my rOOIll with IIIIil cy ,work, wrll. or "",L,en. n,,, ilo,l thollanlld. of tho!o booh III all p~rl~ me \t11n or a -\0 S O ega . url1 .en" a II ; IU , ~izz i e ' ' . J' f111mmntory rhellmntiom for about flro Inl,. to H. !l u',En . Co., I'orllllnd, ~l u llJ u. 01 . he COII"try, nn~ O"cry hook 81nl ou~ i~ :a il" I'. . vertising, and we would ask that Brown, Annio Mutber, Mrs, Dr. K SNOW foJI ~f -d ' h ",/tnth.; I.Bve UBcd 1\ grollt vH rlety of pat· h, I 'O Il ' Y f. -tol' nl work for n. \vfllI H"I ..I Lo bo ,' ..elly RS I'CI,r08oDtod ,ud G t ttl slleli legnl Doticosasaroofintcrest F.Dnkill ; Messrd. J OIrIl Cu,lwlI l. t! . ~I f ' ~fe~ ' 1 ~p ~I~ YI to t 0 ~lltmctli.oinos,bo.ill~8 thc~ll! ofonr fnmfl:,~nnl:'~'n" ~ Lloi~'f ohe. Copi'.al nol lu ;;i"eollliroHil/i.rnelion. ~o. , J.RK~, ecre ury 0 10 to thi8 alld tho llurronuding com- luder ,J . E. Jaun ey Dr, ClllI rl oM A ep I 0 SIX or OIl:; II. lIIe les. 11y 1,1Ly",elnD. n~d d.d not oeom to got ""l requi red: we wi I al~rl )'011 . $1'] (OCI Agnonl turnl Society has lIold the . b J d d to t' br H ' 't. J I. J M' h '\7 . " -... - balter; ""118 u4v •• od to try JUll<lph Mortoll 6 tlny Be bo mo 1II11r10 hv I10o Ind"~1 ,iolls CAT A L O G U E S F R. E E i '0 eruw, .(land , ) ~'I1Ut. and pop mll.lllty e \lUI e . us ?r pu .I~ UII~U , \lull . os cr, alr~I' J ,ENT bngillll Til Olle week from Ftlmily Litlim~nt, w.hi.oh [d i(l. In u8ing ~Ioll. WOlOOII, J,oye nlld girls ",IInlct • . •'1 ltl ' . . f ' catIOn, or that they authonze tholl Oahu, J uhu .E. Brown, GOI). Wit· to.dll v Adh,w cdoea . two boet10l! of tbo Llnlmont ,1 roclvcd Illore overywhero Lo "ork ror n~. N9w i, Wo I,u"" poinLe.1 " lorge ond complol.o corn I',r n 1 cgll!! or Ie comIng air attorneys to .. ive thom to U8 lor craft W H AIlClJ- E- A1TCil:' ", , . . IIll the m~d'''h~08 or, the lime. Oo. elv oulRt n",llcrm. freD .• ·Ad. ~ .. t'''oglln or Ollr I!oQ~8, arMlnged "Y . u!.J. . • .. . .• ''0 ar ~rleo . d '11 fl d S I ' 'I,. . k , . ,n S ---,,-0_-_. for I am olonr 0 r eumat,o pllIn8, nnd tall drus Taut & 0(, Augllsta 'Mill"". 1"01 , "lid ~ I\ Rpplocnhnn will muil coplel for a.,l, . .'. pubhCllt!·o n. S W1 n a O. ".Lh~ . mns s were th~4l\VI\ lOir \VIN'fJ>lt hn'~ I $ tin Ilgtlill iu ear- holp myself, whllo 1 C?ultl not eY0!l' foed or . .• • froe to nllY udd r088. We shnll alsil be gll\d " ,·TAIC. best Ilb~ician 8B8ure us It.t? t1!elr ad v.~ntage, and, at tlle about 10 ,0 e!ock, ,but the enJoymunt nost for IIUI)thllr cnmpaign. , l,olp.mYfIOlf befo~o uOlll@tlloLlIIuno"t. [ . " . losulld f,'co .po~lmon COpl08 or Ibo [lJ,.• nl'l r'\ B ,I · I ' ri • . .Qfl metlll ie eon(er a Bubstaotlal favor of the occasIon did !lot cease nntl'l •• _ _ oonslder it ~o. bO~t UUtt.l h,wo ..oy kn~\VIROOMS ' FOR RENT . ..'J1 0noV ~ '· ' ..1(011 to do ~ o. All PQrSOhS.I'eudtl , ~ ,£Jr. 11 r ug I .) ru y, IS a ..... . d . Tb ,. . . . \) t' ,. ' G ~ odl:f Of fo r' pOllno In tho hmba, IJIlok, or ".Id. ' , • . ing lJ'i" .,dvo,l i.oruont uro '01'1111"1.• In',iletl r-lil1bl 4,lbd .nuvol· fllili ';I " r me«;l.y. O~ UB by. so olDg_ ' ... e prmtmg. ~ o'clock, :-v hen the happy eornpn~y .[ RIWAR.K . or Pixley &.. ranDls. Rlidforeholorll-.rnorbu8IIIld ~owel oompl~iitt The BejJllrStqro RyQm for rcnt. l'Ot!8CH8' I' . olld U8 " '\' pO~I AI cRrd or olhorwillO Iho 11 d~u"gj' Iii koop it: "'2~ Cl!lt!t& a Will cos~ nel . wore tha~ w? uld be, departed ,l or home, fl~lI o~ material . - - ". ~ , not 0"001100. . R£n~A JAO~SON . . ion givon'April 16t, 1870. ~pply ~o MinOS (If tholllselve8 nnd lri .lId.:· Addru88 .ttle , '" '. ' . cbarged . by othor pubhllliers. for fut,Qro'plo,aaant wemorJe8; Sl.I>IGlI~ are l,ont ap~.D. , ~. For .81\10 1Jy J . I\D~.I Waynesville. '.' D. R. EBRIGHT" " ,. 1)'01.1.1100. BLADE, Toled~, O~ I~. •
, .' _IDDON' __ Pl'UGU ___\ F
- - - - -
11m 'ut uf itll
YO R OW N MI LLEH. No Humbug.
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ChemlC · al P B.l·n t ,
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·I·bo.., .YIIIII"I: Ih·, .... clYIl, 01 ·Ihl. IJlfo; will " " eUl ilh 1l. ul'oo ",Ilpllrl1l1un •• o ",colvo wllh tile 1.\u'"1 N"W' 'I Q.kcr .u ,,"JIO rlIII " nl ot N. W IB rul , gtu'flufl ,uul tl owe.r 8(!NJit t\fl" r'Ii,,~ In ,olu Ih e prle,' ul Ih n' ,," pe . " ho~ H' fd~ UtWIl. Q. ' O "It uf Na \" vllri(' ~ie~ , Ut Ility of ti ll 10 t.r l... 1: 1011 11,,11' 0" lloo , uro l I;~p' " moul,, ' "'urln. . lit ~O D"I/'" 10 Ih. lt urfll 7 DU n" o 81 • P O,N p. 1·II a f co~t 11I8 UO Y .• Y'''' "TIl rc, . Iv, " Mp.'ol m, n 0(11) .. Ii. e f Lho :J1[, mlll rQZl'ttc, 1 DUll DO, jI" PO' Bud " fuli deBorll'l'On uf Ih . 'ctl or lico from OllU of tho e r udite r<,por. ,' r •• __ . _ l lll't! from Harv 'Y8 b\lr~ I cquc ti ug A Nil'" I. IT Uill M ' '' A" " -1 b" L,I, r •
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l ll '3,'Jo. - .- .
W hy Will
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TH C h C d P TY Op oug lir e I\n .10 Reh ef
• .,
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For Mill o b} J S A J\1)~ 7
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Iii. Intlepe n, ltll t
III p nhllC8.
, ~ tII\ I 1l 7 1n 1l1ILhlll~" t.JI IJ cfllt1
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.,v. SI," k ",,11 (hUIII'llllll" ~"""
118 11 8"CCIIII
fllvor to the E u qu i r e r
nud rbo I1dvl1l1 '-Clllcn~ of grent mur,,1 tr uth ~ Ihllt lOU ohl6111 tho HUb80rt ptlou of y our
'10'"h hor fll •• y." r·. trw 1
AGIINTIII \V"NTIIO AT II Y RBYPOIJT fO ll llri ft " II ". h le " ,I.I,lIOII Iu t"csille O ..... ~E, • •'UERA •• CO.~1I81tli nd hO Ill . T ho 10\\ role 1\1 "llIch Il lS I' ulo.ONM G.VEN. 81' EOT~I KN COI'I IUI P " .: R 11.100". pi ner. II \\Ill" n tho rr nch or nil Addrell FARAN &: .oLEAN, \\i h ilI' we wo uld II d\ Il" e e ven nllc liS I Rr a s POA.''''"6 to take theI r cm n [,O\lllty p"l'f rs l we t;IN()INNATI,O, u rge. liIe ria, m. or Ihe IInLI AlL Il", ATO ll lI ex ~. being " .. tidied Ih at 11 11 o ... ",ln Ol Uon or II . co nwnls .,,11 COII'lI1e. " II or ita y" I" 0 nB
.' ' 11
n~ w .p n pcr
.... SpeCial .rrRllgemell ls witt h~ made for d uhhlng With Ih o MI, ,,, , On,c llC Speclmon co ple. 80ll t 0" a pphM hon 10 ~t\'E n S & BR IC KE Ll, . P ubllo" . rs D,spa!cb, Columhl1 •• 0
1'llId l l l'"1
JIJ I \ ll l eh
88888 888 6
HA ' IJA LL. EUlt lll DT & C< •• A IrEln!i< .
lY: .A. D
NE "'" PIAN<)8 12r::. ."' .....
E 'oh lind nil 81. 10' II1cI IOd " " G r and Square anll UprIght. 1111 .II' ;e l" firs t 01a88 . old allho 10,, ""1 net c asb whole
sale 'aoto ry Jl I ices du 0(,' 1. t u Lh e l'Ultt l!;\ " .". 'I'h080 1, lnno. ", ade 0"0 ur tho •
d l p1a\8 ILl li t! CClltelllllR I EX h ibIt HHI , Dlld
wr l'{' IllltlntmnUR h r CCl1 tn Olo ruh.: d fo r II IU lI g"T u O:"\: . , .... ....-(lvcr l2 htltl HI lI ~O
th l.!
'I,al he n,.,. be on an e'lualtooth,g
o\wardud Ibo h l gl... , ,.,~" "'h.... til. ' Id a t lb.. Pa rill r.xpo.d tJuu l una
O~ RIJ.s.
wn.; I "
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- -IlIl:ALKlt 1)1 - -
{/,1ll l
R esidell oe,
T" ~"d
I P.TT .. . SD tllIh l... ......... - ........
For Oents, Including Coffee, Tea or Milk,
C Q:r= :aT
08(10018., •
White Bronze
-- , D~I~\'SJ~I~I~E,
wi'. or
"O·uuEH 11& " AlA
- ----DjFA
- - - -- D. W. JJ011S.
Roue PalatiDg. Paillerlig aDd LEBANON & MORROW tJalsoIDlDII@t, ',ill
f [)
°0 0 r
Prloe ,00. Per Cako.
• ' " III
M"la ,.•.• Wn,."",lIle , 01110.
UJ'J, UH ltd! It ~. c....,-• ..,." tftlJil'tf'.o\",~ ;t h.'Hl 1.3a.s , :w yiUJlat __ lULl fYl LI n aU !I ..... I Anr ,.,... u <l " t LL (LIC .. ~ .u U ".odoW A r1Ir~b a ..
--At80, Agent for tho -
...." .. ,.
. lIl1~ .,'-""LM,, (I ( ,, ~
" H L. Pu t.1
IJ OM<E01' A1'1II0
- - A'D- -
1''''0 { ,,:,a
, !o tt 1-' ", I TU" " I"nrI1I U"Q _ ~ "
1" ,
,," I1UI Du ple", Ov or:l trurl l,; SI.: 11 11 grc l1. t. sf lmprO vCII H nt I f! the 111 .. 1111" uf I'IIHIO III I killt; I h ~ UprlJ;lllS IU P 111\, r ll'lIIH IN AlC KIII. \ P II"ll':' Sl lll n il t.' 111 1 HOIl L 1.111 t.o "rll, fu r IH ullLllL wd nl PI Uo --('r'l,II \ o Cllta ~ IOb"C of 4"1 pag.:>\ 1II1&11 , ,J lit.!' IIIEN Ollj·. I""MOIi N I'I~NO CO , • '.II Ita. lI .h 8 'J'e.,l, N. , ' .
Jacob . Schwartz.
Ill!! . ,I 'V
~l lillu rlt( ' IIrl l1 ~
OurIH~ t t)n ,t41 "I ,h "' hcd n'er 'i6 1111 t o . ", ub.w r l bt ... (01 t.ilo T IME!:f,\I,hn f'lo ndm ~'1 \1 llrc Orn"tll'I ClIlILBinA \lnthll -hl k M III~ W
ill( oflH,rfltmi
I I' O tti co lo ,, " r".7 1 .2 t\l U' .2 \M . l t,,\! I ~ DON 1/ I 'XOlB . Ja I'll e Ad vc nt u re. o r i' or Pr ~"(lr1 ptio n " onm pollu dad nt a lt h Ol1r. by 1':of 7 In tI T'lot M llI,,, d('. r. ~. rk lU P II III " " b ••• 1, cd Dong h ..... -.,... __ .,... ..... _ u u L" Ih J ohn Hro"IJJoh u A f ll IlD ' sLor,) an ex penem od Druggist.. 657 ~~~~, -~~,~ , ~ ~6 11. 1879. t h o "rl U. n .xp r " •• I>, for Ihe L lltl . 11o)" o r J ol .. , F M lo.lld mu, o f a 0011 t;'LrI~~Pk~~II~"lrI'I.U IO llh cOlll lc pletu "". PRlTOTlAFtD - ["ebrIjOiry 11>. 11'170, t h e Our Am" rlclln AtI,eLs [1<'1r91 Sc rl re)1'11 0 oI Han.n, " Arnoj;t, Third wife oflJ) R Prltuh at,l . of tWill d ~lIgh to .. P"llOr 1 • Wilh" m H B,ard Will. 1'0 rl " 'L<. RI reot, 'V"ynOA, lllo. Ob.o. "onl4lnIDg eeVOtl - 0 0 TO TRE-On e of th ~m b l\8 OIDOIl dIed ~ lud lO InterIorM. a nd ell gl"" lIlg" of I'IUl1 t. r umn •• ,,1.0 pllntry a nd klt<lhou.' I'1'be h ou Ae om o. Dr Hll rtl ey·.o'I\ "" 11<1 illg)(, by S G \V Ih:> lI ll ltllIU. 'rhe m Ofl t ILt I. fim tih od ill blllck w nlollt, n,n""idn oxcel. /aT FA R. .. S UP E RI 0 R Inal .. MIJ't!IIt, WnYdco.III", Ohio. 1' i f S -- - -- ~rIICI)l. alle mpl YOI UI II U., to popu la fltc Art tent repaIr Two 118W pump'I OIl U,e prem_ _ ~-_ _ _ CINCINNATI II. thu fllmlh li nd mllk e chl ld rn n nC'I" .lllled 18e" .on o for cl ~terll w"tcr. 1 8~TU wlIh our Iii lOll A.mcOIcan urroat.. s nd " hat Situ.tion i8 blgh. oommRndlll1l a bo~uh· A T TOR N E Y AT LAW, M(!EW),N - On ''1ed uc.IIIlY "ftern"on. Ib uv li re " o m g fttl vie.. Lot 86 xlllO ; " voriety uuitJ.n lUl1) 20, 11170. A nlln, cldlllOt dall g bter of F' un" y l)oubl e P"l:o IlI u91rnlJod Poems I tree. aDd good 11011 T erm u eoommodatlDg , ,LV D NOTA fl Y P lJB L I e. Wllhom nnd M orv MoEwoo , ftgOd 0 ) ORr. T he Mince fl le PrllOcQ By K"k Mon ro ~ Apply t.< JOB G . KEYS. Agent. - - - )0( And 4 m on l l .. IlIu8In' .... d h \' L HOl'ldns LIlIlA NON, 01110. " L. tt1o Annll oleeps 80 cRlmly S ome Nu' c l SchOOl . Oomprl ' mg Tm· No. 180 1\lalo Street., Wlth brr white hllnd. on hor brc""t; .... wo nKs AT pnrtnu! El pe rl1l1 ull ts In holh E uropo nnd S h e Img "" ffered very ')''''ply. A mer lOn I. Lady BOlli Oookl ng 0 1• •• _ 0 11' LEBANON, D\lt Rt l Bfit . h o i8 a t ",Jlt ; 'rhe llos to ry of IIU Enghsb Oook lllg Schoo l. B.twoon F o urth and F Ifth Wlute·robcd IIDgrla hor o our 10\'00 ouo By tile} o..ell Whit e ( Mra J ohn Lllllo )_)0(-I , ke f 01 ellh crsex. rlgh T o Hie world lleynnd tho elty, II. Thq Po rkl llS lnBtlLutlulI for !.he BliDd -Dr A Cup of Good Ooffee and Two Nloo III 1110l r " " II 100l\1[I;c, 01.. For I" oy W"Il I .!) il llnl'~lifr By Emlnll E Dl'(lw/l • Roll Sandwloh H for Tea <lentil. A supp ly of " n nr tiolc8 111 Illy 1111 l'a r LlC'lhltll " li d n' III F~r t h e IlIIgcl oh off tin ~bllrli! : ,Drogh\ tihort, BllirieB "lid Pnom a , Bi"!oial Reoeption, ]JOO~ for 1Ad181 B~ Rae OPlln~ d a llrom<:h Ollloe ip';\ Wayn ~. ... lIt a t 1(1. ~ lt DQ~ be found t OIIuh • ~\lo l l.h · fllu' wor lh ~5 fr..o . I lOlIrllVO 81'111 Where t ho 18 lIe ve r fl1.ded N al\ln,l A'81i"l S UPpl.II10lltl, < gage and Paokages ~ .,ecl 'or InIe of ehll1lW' villo. Or-dOTf!, 10ft at Hr DoIII's Drllg-8torc fl)ou t; :(,;.. n RlI d eXIIIl1I1l. "touk Im d loafll tlmo ~~ 11,1. butil ,, ".s Addro ~ !..':~:!;-.!!o.I-_";"'_':'A A 11 ,Ai,,1 ~II" fl OW~'8. Ue \ er d ie." kotQllea of Tra volln Forelgll Lnudi . " HENLEY" OHADWICK, PrOp'N w ~\ll<lOCiYe prompt .attendolli. 6011 plloe8 before purohll810g tilsc.\<lWfC. 00 •• POr l h&bd . Maille. '
B / R TIl S " ..... _..____ .- ._ .1....,... ._ ..... ,... ... __..MI!lSI L DI N e - l"oorllllry
.A. lY:
Wb,.do ,.0. carry lbal "," (I(I01d1ll' 2're...IIII1V /10., lOb on Ion CflIl mate J 1001< 'ILII .. ,,01\ . . .
bew ODU1ftlli
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110 IIln U - r '~h ut
m, yeul o hrllul Irt h'"fJh
14 C" turo l\ til 1111" • " 11" " 11 L I II no thon"IUlu .. - oaI' li l . u noer .. cn l UI IlfplnLn :CII \ d ip '" frnl1\l~" I"II\" P11 'h' l'l ·mg lI",l r CCU I\ IU" """,t-< lire III \\ ",. rplllllll~ nll\ lIih lrCBl"f on rocel pl ul niX CCl1l:s . or t, 0 ACIRu ·v . :rVRA • • O F.""Rl'l'IIENT Ilv ... 1UJ.!C La m ilB And d<IIo·ttel tho ebU4ND·. booaI lool< . o matya04 obobby. wb"n . n .. ,.".. " . "..,.." can be !II~... l\chJrl sa thl 1lllbll flh. N i .rond" ..... d bl ' . nt l< lU lOn •• f OSp,.tl rnlt Ibem b yellberal Ib_ D..... olnPI wblcb youe.... 'II Ih"t Vl'lIIIIU " , " nd '''Ih lh u ollrn . 1 d, T h e Culv erw ell ]\'[edlcal Co • get 01 .ny Sboe o\Oro II wlU not ootllhe aklou "IfC I.. hen e fll Ihe F ll rm er. .. I " •• !II. "'" ... Wo r k " . n . 1I0143!!!1t1, "'ben "et In ""n_.on"e of Ibelr trrOo t popnlaritr 'ber. Till! WO V TII ... ' OIlI'AIlTn E NT ~ r.lrml~llou. Tokec p poacelolbo fI1U1U,.. 1 \'1' '11' .) glyo 10ur hlLlbaad a box of pHpU J l r With t1 1e cll1l tll e n 1
TII CIU Il lllI( I
a'HIt. l g l \ (" ! l.d (t ltl (t ltt~,tI ICJr Kll b"H rlll t lt1t1.lll c m erOl n!4t IL"rCHIt~ I~ t hc t lll lropo11t.H· nlht c t 'J rjO I tl l~ , u fl'uhh(l l ~ tllln"lldV" I' Il.l J; I'" ~ •• ( nllt K d" It ,. I' uhlo. lhd C'Cfj " rr...'11001l.1I1 hy tl lu P re," th rollll'huu Lth cClOltntry Orrlu r" fOrlll " 'I'lMf. lllcl(1\~KI'IK "hn'd such '" 100 ' r II- til ro'l h .I"IO"L . 11 Ihe 'Ut 'f he III . r ll. " f . 10 Ed itoria l, Agnnul t urnl ho h Ulldcu or ~u thl" oOwo Wll h out ,I". """,ti'" lI l oo W" ', nllel g ...·lhe ,c. lde .. la of Pohll ",.1 C"rre"pon,lon co, L l to rnry, 'f01.' 111I\ fmc!! I' ltlClS 11 1\ l he fuhan l uf,;ctJ of f\ dully g-rK.,l llu N O\\ »\lLn dCmnmer cinl rlcpll r tuHmb fljJ"'Forf'pcC"iIlHHl CVP I P~ or tllO T IIJICH, TI 'pe r It nl., o 111\4 1\ (orJl ~ oi I nt ~l1lf;c l1t (,fHn t.nn~ to Olnko it nil t b Rt 111 requIred III C ln uturf" oto IIddfllj()( I'Hllijp"nllen,s. '" II Il e"r , .. ""Ilers fuil, A No I. lir."du•• f"mlly Journal TIM EK COlII' ANY. C m dlluull 0 nd\l .. ctl uf Iho tlr Wol hi I.hc u el ~ hho rhood \\7& r6,. p~ctfu ll y .. oli C.ltyoUl"8ub,il,or lptzon . -- --.
IDE A \VAKE 1879. The Dollar Weekly Dispatch '811 InrJ;" Ihlrly . Ix 1I)lullln pnpe r h~'ln.: UIlL Ie" I"" c,ll" '" " I. 11. r c .• ~ '''g m ll UCI '.01 Lhe dlO,ce <1 oh. r octcr, nllrl ll \V ,iI I.e
Wh enL ~ Io ll sho l, SO 80 \\ 9- ' Co rn ~~ hu s hl' 1 _U The Pletona l Jlh gazm e for Ouls J5@ I B Youn g Folk.. HI1Y pe r to n. [, @ 7 00 1Il.I .A ... AH:II4N Jt!l" ••• Flour pe r ewt • U @ J 4U • ")1) III. con.otled Oil ,It "Id. a !h ut ~I," s" Huek'l'hellt po r cwt • 4 • 7r.1I D LO lhrup & Co. hll'u ".". ,,, I,J II 'Ccllm· Bu okwhaat \IeI' bus hel, p ll ~ hetl \\b rlt thtlV ft~ t Ihl!lr h~l\,tft UPOIl It few Butter per Ib 12i , cur" "go , \ iz to m iLkc n lUR J.; RZ III O 1111110'Mllplo molasses 1 00 lutely pure In liS iIl O" <II C", IIl1l1v~l ed III " " L 2~ " Le,a r) rne rll. b~ a utll ul "I tl sll ell i ly. n ud theo Boef per Ib , bea t cu ts . 8 10 fu rDieh It at II p roce so low thllt people Sallsago por Ib co uld IIn ord 10 tn k e IL ~nlt per barrel 75 TIIRRII ,IO •• LW 1111111 .... ..,. Hams (sllgllr cured) per lb, 10 '111 < DUQuxllllY II, ,," ,,. " . Iory o f Seve" 50 Merry Ch,luron, who rllced Iii,' world for Potatoes per bU8hei 60 I he m •• lvel, h ut nh'n y. ha llg ml: In a 'hu roeh • Apples per bushel Bv M"" Har\woll Cnlli. rwood. Profu sel, Eggs per dozen 12 ,Ilu8trated by Mnry A Lalh"ur, Lard pel' pound 8 @ 00 R OT AL LO\\lll a'. L .. r Y EA . AT ST OL' 00 '-\&'14 - A lo ll y I!I tHl) o ( Ami rlCl ll !'5chuol· Flnx Seed pOI' bu s ll a l .clover Seed per bushel 5 00 of' I",y l,ilo by ~( .. gllu. M o r ,, ~ eo lher. IIl1 lh or i .\ha'lIlde r8 t .ndlul:· I lIlIelr,.. Hogs p OT owt , 3 00 te d AII) ' ,clI6rll MI. , L D H um ph roy
t4l1 nelur
"lid r n<llcdll.,
C' l n
m ny bt"
" or...:" . 1""kll1g f01 rn wl"""I"
r) 1 1 I )[ Un' --~ t llHll ntlllJ; t.hO Uillt.lulli of them to nlHh ll l:' . b Y1l1I \\1 11 tl' I 'all)' ,, 11 " " r.· " I' '!I" IH""".', ' OnU' . ' .... rVe .r'8;J (;..... RM....., ' It .; 8'. '1,. ')DRt ! 'ol;t;ca ' ""'; Il II 11"llllt\O \\ tl lIl1gfnr , l. ul.tenJo fl dlllllrtl,olr . ulI ll'sIIlI V I' " " \\~ h, ,rttll Jt up 11 111., r .. ,"Ifl 'I, JlIII (1 h r-- , 13 lJe ... "~r We.. 1L , ,./, '~ I [, II ~ .l. ' i " If '= I IIWlllt Iltll W \Ol Il ~ 1I ()1 1 1.l1l~ III dUI: n.. lll100 II .. , 1"'0 It ,,·,1 ,hltn_ltu" . rICh (I. ,' l 'EO P LI!..' " aVf, (uivo. ~~~~~L •• ~~;'HATRnWII"R.BO"K tprlllg y,ll1 r8c l f ,IIIU IU II \lI" H wll h 1,1 ...1 """ h ellhh) OI.,t l.. " .. f 1111 th., "rfl"" " WIlEULW, 0111, 0." Dollar P e r y ll.... C(lttl~.41.tII(l Crcl.(J!1 Up. An el~ltllllt l y pr ..,lJod , olum o .. f "OIe"toflo 1:11' II l! l Ve ,l:1el l)llI ur 11I 1I1I bll " CUl l" : N il m lltl(\I " hilI " J "rf.·ul1t~ilm.n l 'I '<IE C 0 1 U'IB VENIN I •• l'.f' ~Lat"' i.II1 nll ,l " ,18I1ell a n"ul'. 'Irlloloa. ,II,t" II OIl Botte .. \\l1t .1" "'" I,,,"d ' ." l H I I. 011 til e J)1'UW1]J 88 OJ c " "lis, tliutdo ItllrJU alwI!Y~, IllltJIIBl' ' R" nll"l" r 11.,1 ell"r. ·,o" 'r",,,,. Ir Br ,,, P ~ ICH l.nlRlgo dRily p"rr r liilerl With • f ' I,.ILhthefluc. t cngrA" \I,g8, und eo ll ' ~ lIIl y IIntl1 l'l"~ slInpl o rClll cJI(' ~ lilr , hilI _",,<I nl,," , . 11,,1 '"IOI' ''lI l1 l1v • ,,1'0 1.1•• t ". "8 " . l. I ,'~ ra p h nll,,1 .",1 ol h .;J'/H IC8 "1/1 (' fJ' tam " , ... " 11 I t III ' \1 FC rll"f) 11,, 1,1 ..,,1 """"" II" , I .. """h ' e""' e DI"I t.scoo n.I. IILh ,nc re ll. mg C" ro ll' llily to aU.' ... ARV .. ORT.I E WE AH It''U. lL yuu r U I Illcn ~- ) Ull \~ 1 'C 1 , lIu l "' \\ ' 1 ll~n 1it ... IJrt'l\ tll \\ Ith I l lIp HIt.l l.:r", . 11,,'1011 IS e' itlc nce of !he IftvOr "uh " ltu h l ( I 5 11r h nre (\ {ow o f lhu mn n y oomphmoul;' b f' ubiJ *,l oxcl u.uv elJ for 111111 ""ont rm h
·F.P. ~tl(R & IlS0M ~
us t l)"hH. hcu III " tl\ 1 llcd Ell · -~'yI)\ e l~lp() I 'ri! (' Sllx "rl1lq • utur F ,"olly Ne" s parer. I~ th o ThtrLl.lifth A • •~ c lnrc' nn .t." U~(1110e"1t- y IIr or it.l1 o.~' t CIICC, w,th Il Nlltlollat Ob"r. . ' .. Hl nil" R o d lc,,' ' -.. r." or "'. ml .. ul " ' I' n a.. Il(I" r .nd ",filtenoe .ooonll III uo otllcr pu. IIC8iZ, ur ~JH.lrIlHd l,rrhH It . I lIt lll' cd " ) ~I por ItA p"!,"n. lire of uli flnrll od III poh. AI'II":~ IrHOJ UIlt!\r\ EIII) '" iOI) .4 11111l1 l o1lC.', tiOJl. aU ttcuLH In rc llg"HlI1 , ulJ C)U",,' HI KOoi. N, f\ " U,. D<, I.1I 11\ lIf1d 'lUIWldllllf·lIh. to ctr, Imtl f c,ury tut l' n n cl r.rlJnI Lnr\' lU\ 11fI1!:~ g'~ n ,. rnlh OOIl " 1J Ul ptIO l. ":,. ilc:q ';, \ \1111 "t OIJI:£--tff (1 the AIn ~rif:.a n Cuutlnt'flL It .rC UNit IItd urc htli . ~Jo lIl ,, 1 fllI.1 II In 'l'r " 'Ju, t.\r L MoCAlUlOJi, Manager. (J ndapt...d to tIle \\Ullt l1 and t ruJL4ac of 11 11 -II, HOilEI ( J C 1. \ I':liI\ hl!.- , .I( II . TK 1I0.'I'O l n" I.I>' ~ - -I02WEST FOURTH STREET. AutilOr ht tho I Ill " lIun k ' I\:C Th e \\odd Idhh\nec1 uuc ll or, III t hl. ' d ill oom p let f On ..11 qUI . U\lII" . Lbul .. Uucl U.. weirll r~ of ..... C CXCI N NA TI . O
8 S
Naw Y oae.
"e 1'11· 10 1" ,,," -..,,10.1 ""I ,' r 'l'.rh,,,,,\I, dll,!I 'T II LEBANON 0 'It ahrf7!lx 110 11 tho lIC71J8 in ad Il llBIJrllb l UUII11 dull wltlo . llI b·· i,"I I ""II' . ,\I S ' ".IOr) . N" Ilj iI,""I :';"o'" J ' va/l tll 0/ (Ill (Jain's.' hruiu lind t111~tl'aj Iler\'l'~, ~\I d , ~ C" \ , r h .11" 1 1\lOlI esh"lI ld Illaki' lit e 1I L1~I11I )t 111 1 PROVE RBS. 1'1' ,. , • "e1'C 18 ,lone vell I' . II ch II ('ull d I IH'" wit ' II II CUll ue !III ~ .. ,'''''' " " llO' 'I' k "I,. ,. II ., <1 " ", ...1. l' It 0 S l' E 0 T US cn~ "y Ulld clllnply n ',,,. J\·l'd 1.11 II ul", J "vp rlO"d 1 " ln,), "" I"·, ltl ,, "" Ii l --'" TII E- ' ff" J)Olifi(4r"(IlI/f.llillf'Rare/I(I/lI'~f hole 11 "1) HIlle/'!< Sl'l' "Trlli hs'" II,:" ill I ' ' ' '0 k.q. 01 ,. ",. • C0 Iumb ' D'"t ' .l ' > " . I h·, ,·r. "("1 """rI-), ' ': I· " " " 11'111-. r US E veolDg lSpa. Ch /,I U/J.U I av'.( e, uen 'j1C~a , correct, l\ 1t.! ··1 rubc rtu;, utllcr C' hllll1lt "l t l~lI ~ thllll c r uOll C UJ ull \ O "II tllltla - J LOI' - -A!'tH-" - "'. UlttItf> rs' ,\ EII:Ktl DISP£TtH. 'i t 18 t'lf original OrfJe" hackf"'}'.' ",0 11 C Jl:"4 .lite - ..-.4. ..... II' I m p ll ..... . 1 h, t ~1 r 11111 ' 1 . l lIlt '' If' lc or I, DOLLAll
"\\Iltc II I{"OU
868 8888 8. 8 8 8 8 8
II'IL II l't ll .fiL' o Ih. h ili • • '"111 '" IIIJ'" \ I h ,. ;V '" "c~' "I e lo r th., 'Rllle I " " II I I.. ba ll" n, • I 1,~ 1001'( I • 1)11, l a ?leal' .0 J rt7 . n ot '"t II lh1 I1 I111) "tfc lI. ho to I1I1Y eli"", II f COd fI( t I f AI HHU lUI" 1.1 \ Ih .:I t llili h " III .,. " A ""T " " EA(, II ~IOOO. '" III I"", r 11111,\ I. Ih. 01110 lIur "",1 ,le i ' , ro",J ~ UI Ihelll " I' Ire" ,,, ch"r'\, 711<11:/, bllf c'>s iil (Jlll!1 ,, 1,15.' " ," I ..... \eu y;tlh.1Ul.lll c d " lilt . 1I11 t1 \\ lIh " lII .tUllgl r Nv 1101111 CIlIl e! II J!'"11 I "I' I Orr'CI I! e. I.. rlll ·" , 1,, 1.1, ""I I,,,,, ,, 1 •..,.. L a.:'I'TIlB8 FR O~. T il II •• EC..... II . OU l' :r.Clr~ h:;u l OI)Urll t IOll pi I , U!!IIIC tr' !'f l, II ll1Ul l tt \\ /J I kl pl c nell U J!1"JI I I\~ rm l '"' II ) 1I ' uneOUH No II1~"IIIf"" :m nl. "" ,,,I ,"ul .. ,,. fiI ' TI./' Rt'lft 1/1 (li e C/le{/p 8t.' IJ "",bill!: tl,~ n ,crll. of II ..,,, 8e \, rul 10' lings. or r onh ldM pO ,"l' " J; IJJH II 111.,1 IH I II 1 U" l. r, ,,, col,,,. , h. e ,1 . , .. I u "I d , ,, , • 1 • "II\IIt " ". rll1 " • of r~., dellu",:,'.pocUlily III cure III once ccrl , in nll~ \ 0, 4 I Ill , I" will( II
and bolhJhYllClanS and \\; nD-
Cincinnati Weekly Times" Uluu
ifill \' 11 lI .l h ' Cltll filII ~" ilJl fl lln I' ! t he foll ow lu g }.I t:r~ UlUf ', h" LI~1 nuw " " 111": the r tP,N IKJr lOf B faa Jure to tin .I -i a or .. IT1 11Il ) ltK-he I ---,JI"-r- ----,--t} j 1r. .1 " ifllllle<. { 1,a,lr o :F I hnpm.n A.1e ynur DrugJllJlt ru. t(, lim trulh ur 111 0"(" 1:1 ATCH E LOI:' I"~: \I H \'n . n Ii A I R ' J , n~lh " ,,,,I , . ,\ D (;.u" " lin.Ie, • MI.. Al a H ! IIIUrK8 Ln,rg flll.l" 71 c I1tl4 1. ry It fUlfl l"E.h\dlfl l 1~ I'tl rl .1 T ill III ' CHI n! h:\ l1 l r l ~ \ n " be '" III ced ' .. 1<1 I.y J S.uoLr a
0 N L Y
suld lIy J ~ Ilnd»
<l.j,ltcrilll I' h ll U}O fur ( Llrt) \ ClU e 1 \
J 'llIll I 11 ~
Parlor, 6bl,16 A. YE A.R ! Only • A Free COPY.I:
tit \\ 111 h e pru ~,
ilr t l .,
IU h ll C'lIi
The lIboYe .peab ror Itself. bul we would a dd lIlal tbls II the p ure juice of Ibe grn!"'. nellber dl'J(fa""{, "VW""'/ l10r waUnJ. thnlll has been npeoad and mello,,"" by nge. and for mcdlclDoI or ••enunenlal purpo..,. It " unsurpassed. I t can be obt.nlnt.."<:l frum most or Ihe lead ing Druggllts throughout Ibe Unlred SIal... Bnd QI whole.ale from Ihe u nders' gned. wloo w,lt fo .... ard de•• riptlYl ,*",pblel, rre. or charge. on oppUCAtlon. Respectfully. ete •
.1 II
iHUIUlL~ U g dUfll\nd lUlI1 wlll ll,u t I~ HUl fJ:IC' Tt-
lIu -I
CU llllj.!'f
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WIT H.; & V EN I
1 '" hllll '.lIk~llIrf '''
· ",· 1 C1r ... d
III ( 'lllcl lln ll1l111
Pnu:tJcmt and A n AI)' tl cal (J 1I .. .... SOL\) BY ALL 1IIWliUIlU'S ):;VUIW J~
liderable q uantity Tho ...hole stock Is In Ibe bonds of Iho ... elllmown wbolesnl. Jrl'I"'eI'V boUle or tho l 'bUl'ben.-N. Y. T nloNQ. N"" 19, l ao".
Ow " k&~KO:'f' C elel y t\ ud Cbnmonul II · RI'c I'H' .red up,cs"ly til Cllre Ick Il uda he, Ncr \ 011 1'11 0"'-• • 11'''p el' ln~flI un
I ,~ cd
Dr. J.• C AVER l\I. I . CO l II Mass., ' l owe,
o f the estate Ind the sRle of tb- " lOe'i (0 h and. Among Ihese Is II ' \In" o f IIn,ng.' o f IB64 d escribed un" S\\ cc:t t nll""n P"lt, b UI .';ggelllOg Ihe Im!",ria l 'I okn) m e... than any o tb er Europ(!n.n wine And l. ~Lbf wbolly unllk. nny othel' ...tne of Allle ncan growth . JlJ puri ly. age and meUo .. n ... are ~marknbl ••
S10k H eadache • 'Splendl-d'
,u ... tlto t mu r,
'0d t'L"'uy upou ;h"
'uJU uUJt G llrlUllll 11m' JB III ).*rTbl A tlll,' hm~l1t ,,111 I•., /Ir .\t1, appro.:l. lid wllh thf' grru.telit .... r e, nod 11l,_ ft:ltr u ", ill f'uro yn " ttl e OJI' re It". ~ E utrl "'ed<I",,,.1 .. bo It_I c o. ct{~lo" (I, use CII' .110;,;;.,;....;--,... ""l<u'WnOO III .dml"l.l r!Jlg It ,,, H, " '·QI. U"lrfll'" . ' Id 1'>1< . 110"" 1It1. HnA'." • tl nel m ': h'S t.o r\ P u rlu r , taye 7 " UII ,"chUt1, 'b.K<-lltrd ire tJ unfl '11Io flnl ' rr\'c"w d lIu)1.1111 1\ 11 J)n lgJ.!ltt'l t'lil d coun t r,! III tJJlft 1Ur .. llt ln u Ifil u nl/r t.\! llhoutc . IlI r J\Coref' Hi Iftl (,11 .. -Htl""rd Buul., D~ l l.1 P c" (jll,q I i til/ 'I i ll 11'(1.'111,81)1'11.1
the vines II IS only I0 0W Iha l Ih" ath .. h.". bave &ucc.cdcd In nrrn ngmg for n ""1I·cmt'l.I ,
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---- 1--
un. &"TII'4onO)f.
Outside Stationary StrIp
l'lIl! , I Affecti o Ds of t.he '
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"" II
ho", I ~
nro stili I l,~ n",.l l hllrouglJ ~'" I
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JX!II!: I.II, Tart-e.,.. J'ooU"I'o ... d ......111 In., .... tIM! qnonllly nf ",11_ IIl4 ereaID twea.u per CCIJ"'- .nd uUlJEu u~ IJuUcr Arm ....J J"outa'l Powden .. 1I1 rnre or Jl ft'lnn t IIlrnC»l ..... . y D 'U",U'hat'IIl rv:taflll <Atllttal"fll heir
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r !lI'n !\:'" clin", flDlnlOn Ru u\l' r U·n{ll "
til l) t Slice B fill Solt ~\'l''' 1111;, Uu~u J IIll1ill~ , /l.I1J llllsu
d ,,/{, all d tlt OIl r v i CC I'I~ ~ lI pell 'J r nlld IlIfl'r! r IJlIlxtl lartl'H F 0 U T Z'8 tu ~ ~ tl'~' I . at.llltl uti II prlljll r d 1M HORSE AND CATTLE PO W DERS IlLllce, IIl1d uuliliid wlt u t t SCI 1111\01 1"I! I\I{"II) tltu qlllld"'1 .t J [W,I'-, 111,' 1 1 WIth Wlll\ll ' l "IU'l",·~~ Itl' 11 11,('11 '! ,H , • OfIIIiil~Ii~r. kI ' xtllelllc l ito I <: .-t I I LAIOn \{ .. o •. \!~"I.J the II,. , """"orpr ••• aIDIo.... 110 n o... will dl (l o r Col 10. Dtrne or L U1(Q Va. Io lllt .. I It l" f" rlll - IIII III .\ 1 "" .. lr f ou .... J'o.a ....... UI\'fl In 111006 l'oatl'd~"drn wrlll f"U r c .Afl n1 J 100 t':'u oLa 1t,\ P il ly Hl!rCd,-- t, iJ .l lIl CI \\\ I Ii t n r I 'ouu~ Po .. ,tr:rt will prarC!b 04.1' " , . f ow l., ""
Jlll\ tI
ufl- ·- - ---II For Salel Residence.
th e
b e ! \vC'lll
... ..... 1·
An thracite Coal , ---,ou---
8 SVEIBA. Ld o f IOUr lnlllkCN D,d. "ill ho r o, .," cd up I{I Jlt "rOlh 41h, tl r eu y t le llg ll l sweet y v i 111711 f~ r r epp lrln ll l h o Queen OIly n "krry their camps, IInu Uglltll Ihe IIlltlnt l h,"I~ 11 1'111" .1ld pllLl call I" MI:." III N .. Th e tries are UllIllg It us hed by 81j1rnr I \\' ",t 1,,", ~ Ir< .t Th l' prl..,I"I(" I " "c· " 10 ' pt thtt It", ~j t "10 h r rt'J l"' cLt Il ~"1I I limps. n II lI A Yl>~
J ogs
Notice to Carpenters.
",oulilth rnb'r
"t r \,) ,
&hls l6Uou Lbu
I OO,UO., ",to rtl. 'n h. , ' .,. n b ul n f ). " I ' lt 111 4 (o.r4rl "rl .. ,,"~in'itlu, .., Ihulton. nlltl ~ ., m o ln ,:.u 1·' ,lIl.' l I ' l " I " ' 1I [J ,, ~ U • DIUI~G' D. \\ n i l . IH Ie "AC •• II •• '1'~ " I.~ n ••• Oll l l n .... I ( .<1,. II" R _ , U.I(" I<D C.. I<".-~ I 0 lJO.
Nil 7
- -
~rt " <I 1f1 JO Ud1l0.u,. L ~ Ul'dll't>-,'~
.L r
tire ",\f' .. ft
tiC IlICUII' IIIC Ill at unn be cmplo}cJ el('"n •• _ J-I II I '\\ r lj.::'Il ,1 111 .. ,' , ... 1"1,\) , 1' I I. In" Iho 'Io,u "" h n nd lJO\\ e l. 111111 eV'1I Il ,u LI~. I" slUall d OAes of o n e plll II 0100. 1"1 HilI{ I I \ 1111 \.. " I 1IIl' II I, d 11\ ItlU.1 It ti 2f)pm j 211l 1'1\ '"l I 1_, 1 \ \ 11 11'1 "'ili fOI I r thoy 811mulntc tlto dlge!tJvo 0tt:aDs :III~ III , If 1111 . ... . IIHI ~ \ \ II . " . 1 \ ' I ~ " "IIi""1 (,romote , Igm o us ocnrih, \ Ml' r g ~ 1 11 m pul ll ' ··Ii,. m :-.~!l" JI "II \ L \1 111 1 .... 1 I 'H", 1,1 110' AY~' It's Pit LS havo been known rl.1 o.,,;ll r lll,!IJI ,~ U).tII I f Wpm ~ 2 11HU 12 lUll 1 . 11 Itt Il dll r ,f "l ll'HI .. I, nil I rhl ill \ m ore lh '1I1 "'I"Mtor o f 1\ ccntury. nnd I"" e PURE GUM. iJllrll \ f I' ll Iii '" .It "" .. 1111. t "111.11/ .. o ht nlll c,1 n wClrltl·"lde r e jlUtnu on fo r t h r I r X l illn t~ 'IO"1l.11)·151 t730 l' m.IOMip t,d, .. I" .. , l 1~ 1 '''''' ll / tll '' ' ' t'' ''l h\ 1 \ ; vtrtues '1 h ~v correct dllle1l8ed actoon In Alr l\O 11" I Jq ll lrl 111 III .. If 1111 :\ 1I1111 tl np ~ i III 'rhMe Doo t. hAT e th lt p",,.,, , ~ f' tll.l R fl. 1 the AC' crill ·ns.~lmllnu vo orgllna of tbo lont.1l1f1 U ;; "II\ IlI I 1 2 7 w r ~~ O u m I I ;)11' m l llt It , . . II . . , I II , h, II lm \ Ilf 11. j Ph" 1 "hid'J >rf>\anU, ' l , . 1.1 \'ltlrlnJ,jtl WAJ bod). nnl\ Ilrc 10 composed that ob' l rtlf'(ullllll"'I'I I U HiI UlI:l U 11\ 94UI1ID I .! r On l U \UII .t !Ol lli 1'11'.11 1 l Tl-IIU t ' ''11 ! 110 qutckl) Wl Llw), 'I'll 1 ua\ c ru 6(1 Lla p.~n ' uons wltlHn t h oir m og' clln rnrcly" lib· N I " uk I ' ~jP I1l 2 (IU:1 I l h. \ I 11111h ~ 111 f. r .. 11 1'1 ",h H \ II , ... 1 Itnl 1 oland or c vndo Ih e1l1 Not only .10 1111" l'oslhlC II ..! !J~ PItI ' 1 '1 1"" 111 uf ,llll .!· TI' I liltl " 1 11 \\", 11""'>1 111'" cute the c, c'Y'<! IlY com plllinll! of C\CI\ "'"illu l, \ Ie 5 15pPl (j h :ll~ dl h)!, "" i\ 111 • t Il lh m ItI 'lJ\ \ \ Ith I II I . It ult" ,. .. I hot!), hll L al60 lorlll .. lnblo lin t! dnllgcroll ~ !' ,ll,tll urg i 'II:: 1'11I i [II IIL \V'Ilt \\'" Il;I h I I,. (", ml 'l lI t l III \\ 1111 -.:u Itt I n ..t.etld. of th,. ,,.ry hll .. nT'""l.l1 ul weh Itml6e dIWRSC" tha ~ ba'f'u bn lUed die best lIf Itnrrl "t.g ' MJllln f Il l' 1"'\ 'I ~t lIu ,l JII Ch.1I1111t " · ')l tC I . . • rEU H II" .,,-..p, . . - 011 ot.ber mOlJ<"" 01 Uu<JIA. bU lIl an . lull. Whllo thry proo uII' I'0" l'r, Hallllll ·''' 7 401WI 7 l ~' p th t: ,.., .b"p rlt lll .. , (t rhl ,1.. 11ItUI IV1,j'!,'11 Wilwh 1p ~ ,7M W -~ c, fliJl ! II ll UUfl (1 ,lI ll h ('l .. r, t ... UUo.!' hng-l111t. h: 1(H~ ll1 ful eO'o:etll, thoy 1U'Il, at the IBIllO time, Iho ASK FOR 'tHII 1'1J1ltld n 7 15 1l IU i :111., - L ' llulon :\ lh l Il t Hill • Aafest and ben physic for children , 8" N Y o rk 10 1·'am IUl lp l ·rb.- 1)ll'tl l "'L:h .. l 1 \\l lt "I14 111111 11,f' mnllt theIr oper lent twtton Ibey ~ipe milch leu H n ~ lOI\ tII ' IJl "" U I , 1p artHIIII' 1\ l\l 'II I ' " '>'ll tl r " ,, "I \\"dlltbnn the cOlll mon pllrgntlvcs, aOlI n'vcr r J S l'E lt I'" thru .WI' \. rltj - ~ \ \\ Y ' lrk I gtvo palll "hen I be Low its nre not ooilnno,·.1 C_O . NC. "'RoIU·. 11, rul, l I T h e ,' rcach the vital fOllntmns of I he blood, \ rlO) II llr I I 1\1 "' lrI~ \\0 111,,1 11\ j M AL lB8ruKNCft !luno 1'118 TlU. band '8Ircuglh cll tho ' } slCm by freeing It I h .latlflg l ,..lATl lI S, N il h r\u II ~o 1U NIJ:! l h ' IU :l "I ,~ \\ lll<r' J "' 11 n H!<ollJr IlI tl l1l l l\ I IPI:I8, Croll! Ih e clt'IIII nl8 of \\Cnknl'9s. III to, "lI llI f! hl II , ., t H11I r 11 1'"'" h, '" II l t l There I. n ""rioU' Slory nh<rul =n. n.II •• , .\oInl'tcd 10 nil ac:es nnd cond ,tlo nA 10 1 1"'l f l.rull l , \\ 11 1. r ll ' 111"1\ ' ' ' . . 11 ..''. 1 .. \ 11 wines "hic h nrc eJten ~ l\'ely odve n lSC'd n () wa· all (;llI ua l :t. ttln lUlnlll[! nClihor CUIOllh " .. til u rnlll' II I' Il l t1 \( 1\ n .. l "f \I oI,III H d nys.ond hav e only r C\:l' ntly hfoen pu' upon n or UIl \ cleI" l(" nUII II drOiT, the!~ P l U s m(t\ In ' 111 1111\ 1, .. 11 I I I' H 11)( \lr HI\ 1I 1 I 1 1\ 1 r the markel Dr Unucrb,li. 'he ".iI kn o.... be la ke n wllh ~nfCI" h)' (lnl body. 'TIl,'" II~I' Mt 1.. ",_, \\ ,., II I'. \ .l lId M l JI '}III It grape gTower or Croton P OilU, dud In l87T .. th' f b Some of hiS heirs enlerlQln t'ri Icm l'M:-rnnr e , s1I!!ar-coutlllg' prescn e8 COl ever n! jt • 12,. ( , JhIl I'lIlT d '- "I\, '· Irk I n lUlh , lew. of . uch e>lreme kind thnl Ihey we.. I anoi makcs them ploMnnt to take; wlulu u n~ II/ing to "'low t ho $lock of w'"'~ Ih"" on hoi,,!; pur ·Iy vu).; ·table, no h arm c'l~ a TlS' TH2 fPLETE SERIES OF hand 10 be £old or a ny more to be made Crom tllutr use III any 'lURlltlt)', The grapes have sonu:tll ll 5 beC' n Senl to
Ittlu wuo k. , IJII t II I II hll VIII I( cln" no ujI,,,,, . t ll,e r UI> n.l"l' IOU' rem~ llI nnut ltor, " lI rpU~\llg to ex· 1 pre •• nlll" m on IllIIt .IIIY • t llUU llI l in vitatlOlI l u StlukCIS tLnd I1y "r<i" 01 Trutilcl:H t v "opcu l he dUOIII ul t he cllllrclJ" I C D WOOl.1.EV
/Ii ,. .,.'1.•.. "14'" .",
1 I tttlcLed r uh glolld Ill eotllll(d ev ery yOllr • .lust whtlll th e r Jatts IL I C IU IIBt I iUlulcruuly unfilvoralJle. W htlth or lind IS fl UIII puro et.vlce (,Ir tt u lII l Th ~ 1'''I. lco. nf W., ,.,' 1'owII>I"r w,n I h n ll Ih"lr n~11 1 n r IIWlll11lll' 1I tilt: l l nST B1Ico r cn re IU6ij lll8S l~ Iel t 111 1 h lill tv . MONDA' OJ.' MAH C U. , omllWllllU 1l 6t Ulld \\ er 1\ ho hus ubdCl yue! It t! repo 1h n , ', In, k A M 'flo c R"I',n '0"", ",11 tlUll. l~e v. Mr. Fu\\1 'r IIIII! IlIu" led I,olno fllr"Krd wllh li"'lr wvlcil for ",·ttlt,·
No 5
No I
"" T ATI "~
1.,..- -
W I I I III I! p OO l' I0
u trJ e 1 III. I tt
~r"'l populMl!l 10 M llId 10 ch,"s p UllftAtlOcl 1 OOXtllt; ~ 111\ ( rUUlaI, 00'
GOII'<'- l{Awa:: ' ,= = == = A 'R.II,r. I.n .... '''u"" ,ul n llit inr I ~.'\ I Im::_ ... i
C() lIJ lIlg
.t"',.i t
I "'tot
tram adul er.HI\f' mtxturee. wtll
lU UO I"f .. 11 ... 1, Hfll" 6' r,1 III~I 111.",111 ' I, I. ",,,llI r h OUl tvp to lJUttll II I / 111 ehll r. , I, r I': Ihu ".11 krou .. n L,lIl·lI. II IU.1 ".111 .. Iw Af u':II 7.ll1c. t',mtnllllllg AB U S It ~,I UrICa lIlld u IJlg me till , , I I"Ifl /! 1\Agu ),"r" IIu"d ,c'. , 1110111 " "e Ild,, 1 ,,. durillg Ih e mutt . It id ~ 11I1IIolltahi e fil II 10 " ..'III' "" lloe I/>rlll. ' . ",,01 r.. u, filtl .. III·t t hut Lho IrvoJ 110 lo uf vu r ' '" ,n"clo II . Iho IJlIl< , lIOl"tl, I, 1 2~ III!;" 1 u Hnr llm,: J] 1I 1I 1Il 1' 1' r...;,;;.;;..;;..;;,;;;;... ton r.I UlA 1111 11 oL j •IX u r"ILIUlO rr ,ur t IlUll pr., / $_~.~ __~I'Cl .;.._____
t he
nehl~ ' I I'f\.
gi vu 100
lit ern"", ,.
··I·"N · 1I4ND .,I~ I~IOU'I"~"
I1l l1h~1I11 0f)t1I I \ Ibtl AuwrlClllI I utlk Ex, hatlg ... 1I, ,..kuIIlJl IjIt(, C1t , r\(", Y ork thchrl" ~U l
MilO, mucll IIvtl ll llg but
ry Mug_zlll c
• I • -"1
Pmlburg, ClnOlnnat i
;x,:ElA:r..= a
. .....__ TII. . . ._
. - . . . . . . . -7 A ...t •••••rt. ...
Th", IhArk I•• brute, cowardly ' or. IIlUI, _lupin beneath conteOlpt but, 1111 l rtuna~ly, n t. benelllb dread • ot a y r-Ind d, liRrd ly a mouth-pll&!C! bu~ a mark spoil" a British shi p of 0 11 I)r lUore o( ber hand s While th ' (' eel I, In lbe hllroor or rJ<hng In the offin g • rolU! tumbles overboard or IS Qapll[zed from a boat or attempt to swim Rsh ore and is torn to pleres b) 8l1llTk ",ithm Bigh t o[ help all \ !!(llln I
Survival of the FItts t. I I llllL I
tCPft'" TI I ~ 1111 liP
IIILl lO~~ tll HIS I I
I ~ Intll
~iRXILAm MU~nNG LINIM~NT 1 01 1 "
' "
1 11 \ \\ \ 11 \ 1> .fl
"\1 ' fl. \ ~II
111 1
'IItOi J
M8tlwu f~r ilia Plalloforto.
The Smith Organ Co. First Established I rlH11l
I N ~'11
Most Succ essful!
'I E"T I I
• rr
Tl Billont Stleet oDPOSJlCWaltllam Slrncl
BOD~,.~ASS i
MR SHAW o lh e rw ;\41 J osh nolhllg" descrthen by ( Ith fl" the I UB8Cl!l!O r of 8 sallow Skill eXI ro ""e feutllr eR With tr ICC" of intellec tualit y It tb em and of n curl OIl. pye mcillu choly ali<I Wild bv tllrns Of hi- hfc !IIr ;.;b nw I S 'l" ow l IUl 81H Inl; I 11m from M"""11 cbll~elt8 My father a td gTlln Ifnther were hoth member. o f ( ( ngrcss IIHI ttl, tlDglt,"hod men \ L une time It " '" 11 lCD led thnt J . hu old I e the I rt \lIte ij('cret.nry ,f Jolt, 41111 C) \dlltn _ and I \\cn Ld ollll to) QIIII c ~ IIhe re I p 1, 0 I IO d taved With 1101 thlee mOll th>! I Itnd plenty of cn<rgy 1111 I nCI\ h "t.o tlllk Illd I th o IIlI t It OW to wrtt~ too blltn('\ e r how t Dmllke money I tI,Irn e I a"8), froUl Mr \unm ~ lind hal e beell npa rlv illl my hfe a fr"l\ tler~ m"n A" 10 g ago Ill! 1 ~3iJ I JOllied I pRrty wllh eOJlLS._.n~-M!&(H,rn]H-"""..-i-ttle nt lO n of CTIISl!lII g the plll1l1 8 to the P8C1ho Ucelln and c lonozlng und er tho MeXican Oove rment At th It t llne there was hnrdly a trlll i across t ho con tln ent Bod we hud to g ve the 8cheme up, bnt I settled Ill! far west 118 tt was pOIlIllble to hv", an d th ere I Spellt most of mv IIInturlug yents
friO I~~~ON
GEO.P.. I~ELL y'~.
CROFliLA Persons afflicted With Scrofula HIp Ol sease Ulcerous Sores Abscesse s White 'Swell m9 PsoriasIs GOitre, NecrOSIs, Eczema, Diseased Bones Will pleaso sen!, their address
Is 1118 11 11 po ;«l1l0" , I IIUlIII ? It would scem 0;<) when he .. \ ~rv Ingry and thll t I e p )\PI() II ~ t ho e he b Ie. Il" othe r be I Stl! o fl~ 1I .10 F I cry once III n "tlli o th o prCK" rpcord. I CII"O of 'o ll) obo Iy (1) lu g by tho b t. o f n " "11 Ilml th e Clli!e H "l' pellr 10 be \\ ell n uth ~ nu cn tecl 1 ho Inteot IIl. lance WR B \II \VI~~b lll gto n wher~ P eter Mc!'iIlUlum died from tbo bite of one Dal1l1hllf WIth wholtl he hnd bnl II figbt lIl O lI10nthH hefu re 1he l,hYSIClll1I dl SCOI crOll »ol!!(ln 111 111 8 hl"n I ail I lIDpulutod the hn ge r un whi ch tl e lor ttc h 1<1 f lSte terl II\ ~ teeth 11 ( 1''' R III I II "pren I I" \I CI er to the Irlll I which would Ill.u 1111\ 0 been reml) VQ I Iud th e . lIn crcr been nblc ttt th e 01 tn tOil of th e ""rge I to en dure It n enth " I of tl 18 sort ,Iemllltd th e 111\ e81lgatl 01l o f th ~ Iblc.t phyMic nit s If we elln tlllpnrl morlal pot!\{J1 by ou r blw I" do)!,,, lOti other Ilnl ""I. ell il we ought to knolV It 1"0rtllnnt('ly It I~ II Ut Ollr h Ibll to bite but If It we re we '" gl t bo IIR dal ge r OU8 M IMII <iO~8 '1 be re hilI! been" vast denl of dIHC It R~1II1t lately 011 th e subject I f hytlr< pi obll H me "' I I a l I It I Ort t eK mllllllnlllln g t1 It it O 811Ch dl~eMc cnlt be p !Ie" le re d by the <lIllie BI C eleR ( In h,drol hobl r III gh l llll a cllln ~ It be IOIllItII IIClteu by 11 0 JItII~11 '\lOCIP~ ? \\ 0 co rt II Iy nee i I ~I t 011 tu H 101111 If mllll t 8 cnrable of rabi es lind of cunveylltg It by II bI te It \\ uuld HI pear to he a new argument 111 (a,or d evolu clOn
MI SSOORI18 e preM~ nl cd by for eigne rs to ~o m e extent chur? IS 1I German Armstrong IS II Novll coUlln Slllcl<ls 18 an J n sbman her LlCu oonaut Govern or 18 a German aud her Secrelll rvof State Bn Irishman and of Ilor thlrteell Oon gre88men only IIvo are nlltt vu Mid 8OUrlOn8
Cnw Jackaon 8 Dest Sweet Nil.". Tobacoo o
o n
o o
atdtlt AND HARVEYS 'OLrME XiX --NU MBER 35 Tllr.
.......,.-:rAy. FEBRUARY 26, 1879.
I. I",.
A:\ H.utF UII E ~ l.; "
"""'" 10 C
urc .. , oun. ."hmbll...
II~ \111 Ot "ANG \ A~' l
ItI'ltJ S E "h10M ~
~I BE R 711
fill /lug l\ hll' h H ~ s n lllf d
The 1 61 11 of J .nJIKll t bal 0 er bUt.od m ouD&I'a Holt .... ' ho I , ..If II; Uod ... ftec.t~ (bar .
Mb.!'d .... hh 111" mucic I I.e dRu lhL from 1D1Mrf. fau " hcore JetrlMS uavll AI nr n
a te two
queer ' ce l o t ba l uur re lY ... wo en ru wheJJ If AChoone r 1 1l~ urel ur d In t lltl co.1 g round ""r of I:",c,emi . ric III flo.uell wb lcb we hId t urued IIJto a pu hl lc bOil e f or the no nce The hac lclHi cru " as 110 0' MJoyod nt our hunol; run I lr 11); 1 t y "hlve~ !!lIfe I nto u b .. n ,~ .. tt " t h . l hu !;,l\ tl 1\8 Ih key uf Iho cdlll r ~ and 11 ruy"terlll!; 1.1111 had we F Icrcely mlh!t&chcd 0 \JI l' IIrdo h .co took h l8 t urn at "p.nDl og I\J'lrn li e had been dran kln g lIeI' I' Il II Slu" 11\ baod he beg '" the follo \\ '"g, JJI n 01 ) " terl OU" wh .cll ho d ee pened IUW n doleful 8tra" • •s bo rrug l't'886d , J Ulle t)h BolLon !!{'o you Mnld th pul' '' of old Mchovl tuacher lo 1111 thir tee n wh olll h e del cted III klOg th e no.~ of a ISl'pl ng chllOl ma te J O!leph 1I0ito n thoug h ndmonlsb!'d hy tb e t~llch r w SOO Il sfterwll rd g lllily of hl owlllg pape r "'a,ld IIlg th rou gh R qwll P010 t bl nn k li t t he hcnd of Ihe school moo .t.or nnd .t di d not 80 h appl' o at IIl1d l ime thll t P ro' idence ft"o rod those who _porled th o b OR" tlKt MLl llery O n Lhe coulrnry, th e tea cber po unced u pon the yo uug CnllnOllJor, dr..gged hI m fro m bllt I6llt !tnd J <llleph ,. fill !lOOn lleparued I m h U! bret.l:r rOil And placed la ~ .. r ... ce ... 10, .ali { Dlust My lh at ,... no rc&t {lun lllh ment H e w/ls pu~ .p I to a 010 0 ~ klo ft, whl1r t bere WD.!l"
pr~ nte"
lIl ate In tht' meAntime th e ... I "'IS fiR 11 "'Il R 11 1" 0 ml' n m n lu t I M tOW . t \\ hell I I Irl:l' plJ rl l 1 of th e "n aJ hlld be,," t l1<(, 11 " Ihe . 'lIf e.gll bell. "lru ck Illd Ihc Illrb .rd II IILc h prel nred to glJ below B ,Iton lli ll til l L1w I 1m III Rlc t o un o uf thl' "III 11m ' hnve W tllk c It tiut objecte d l he other, It I ~ III . hcl m lind la e (,)ugh t t.1I 1:0 t here ' The mnto ga l e 1\ perouptl bln slllrl see mcd Cor 1\ m o m e llt ~'(ln fused and slud Ye ye of co url!O--" bere ('fin tbnt (cllo\\ be ?' T he lleco ud mAIC c lme u p III d took charge of t he ~ \.8 r bo llrd \llIt ch whIl e t he III .t.e w(' nt belo w The second mllte came up a od t ook cha rge of lh e sla rboard Wilieh willi e t il mote wen t bel" " Ou heRri ng lhat 13oltoll W l\8 mll!l!\o ~ t he lecond mote ord red a atrl ct l!Oar eh to be mRde Co r blm H ~ gone o verboa rd, of "Illd a n old u tlor , Whydo you think 110 fit
m eat mto aueh la rgo au rllrt Sill g ----... ",.. allJr lOUll trade "" J~":" whi ch bU l
of [ ""me ...._ If
'J'mrUnI11ld Stntes A uckloml Ne", 7.eRll,nd be 1I~ th r~ hM been any Oil 0 o( Cllllo ge or the I:l1rUI'8 A xis Amen clI Wl lb In IbAt cou n t ry for yenrs of th e Amerlcon Frof fh ompson 111 so me rrm nr h ue And Bolt.on ca me up fi rst ? Isbou lt l J\IR LA (' ~ " lUI fi ned fi ve dollarl by a though t proper t hat t h e ell t lre q (o re the C.lnsgo w GeologlClI l SHelC!.) 11 11 Ilrp n se, 111 tO~1 a H e opened t he scuttle wl t hollt t hlOk t1Ult Mr B Dlu~ t ba \ e!'ello h.m ported .uto G re>l t so llie pec u llnra lle. ln Ih e rotn t .on of t he J URt .ec .11 P ekin 'l exaH ('enl1() Ht'O wheth er you m nk e It ten dol nrm difficulty, lind lot III tbo pleasRnt bOllmM !> ~ averbol\ rd ' 16 165 632 p() u"d ~ th . mOlley ~nluo of ellrt.h ex pree.ed sollie lrI terc8t.n!l 0 1'111 Or heo rd blm l ell add ed th o tnr ] he co m pulI~ c rfl wdeJ round They which WllS £ 3 9395 In 1878 It b ad of a HUIJI Aer nf te rn oo rr whil e th o 1011 8 of the ClrCUlII sllln c"K nrcord. ng to lar" or Dulhlllg abo sA. d Lacy won No lUore was MId lit tb e time but It .. ore cllle /lv r I1It lOn8 wh o lInmed llltely me n 1.0 53 6b l 21 6 pouude with n money llperture WM 80 10" t h Rt whtn he 8 1.0< d \ N od \\ e ll from wb lch fl OW6 two Lh o OXI S of the eu rth mig ht ue wblch upright bl8 h nnd shoulders were " UlIl Cterwnrd a nywg am ong the SlIllo rs r ocogDl wd th e Cbevoll er SL A mere valu e of £ 12tH 764 wbllb from E urope co me cha nged tb rough /;<'olo/.:Icol 111 fI u hu Idred ba rr cls 1\ dny h AS been (ound th R~ If [\ollCln hnd nut oop n 110 g reat a fh e ruptures o f II,d .. mc moy be .cIU!l ly a bove the roof th e to tAl 11I0lley vll luo of dead meot \'iOS ncell a nd tb o co n8e'Juenccs of un) such III 1( lid CIlu nty K e ll tucky one mile J oeeph llulII1'Cd 111 m..elf by roll " g fav orI te of th e fi rs t IllIl Le the) ~1J()\\ld IlIllg.ned when <III rceo>e nn l[ her on I) £66535 The , alue Qf tbo 1mJ?Or ts CUll nl!;c fh e po Ib.h t ) of Ruch AclulIIge f ru m l he Tenll c@sce hnc have bellll' ed IIl1lt tbe Id t te r hlld tbrown hu. land IIIf r med ber tha t be bad been o( n\l cllUltcs of li ve stock. 10k> G rent lilLIe pape r bnlls do" n the slated roof. MU.n Prof Th o rnp~ n hnd bec n ndduce I \ W ASllI Nfl TON cour t las decided RJl \ ed fro m t he wrer k by a brllVe llll1l0r BratRIII IRI! t yr nr from Am~r lea lind tho for A wbl le, and t hen he paused to bl m overbeard 10 nCCO ll nt for th o gren t d l ffN~ 1I ~ 111 thal fu ne r II ~X\'C n8e< nr e 1.0 he r egarded what 18 th e life o r n frl end lc K.~ But "Ito had t aken binI Into bl " own 811lp co ntl nellt \1 1\11£7 4M,482 Bod With dead examillo t ho vari ous objects wh Ich ('tllne clllnRte whl h co u.d be sho,\I. I<J h ll \ r U8 I refer red c l n 'llI ~ ngs lIIs t t he estllte o( IIl1lmown sOllorf wh. ch WI\8 bo und to Peru t bat he r&- meRL IIdrled £ 785,781 Of that 51101 withiu ra nge of hig VltilOn r,btllwed It thfferentl'('r lOdR III t he HO lli e th e leccl\l<ed H " as!JO(1lI fo rgotten mlun ed tb r rc 1111 II CO R\ eDlent oppor lIenr Iy £ 4 000 000 WIl8 from \ men cn The scbool hou lMl ft tood on the bro", (I f port. on of tha enr t h S sur fll ce lind tI ll I H F. ('Iect n c IIg l1l... In tred uced 1111.0 \\ ell ~R ld one or t wo of US " hll t il 111 t ) Hered fo r IllS return RDd Imv E , ery yea r It was po w ted ont, EIHO[lO A bill a nd th o 'lew from the open que811011 uroKe whe ther chn nges III tI r tI e lag" L h o u,;e~ rD II II 8y station" aDd IIClIttle Willi ox tellSI\ e T he t.op llI W!l~ of " ere coml'Rrat" ely Bober wb ere s the Ill g bee n forlullnte uough to alIl l\8II n can Mpn ro fewH cnttl e a Dd 1.0 America enrlh 8 IX ' ~ coul d IOCO ll nt for t h e.a publl" hnlls o r ) urope havel 111 no re fh ere ~ ('ons.dembl e po rtIOn of wealth hRd " e mUtiL look to m Ike u p the defiCiency vellllll l ~ lying ubou t th o whar ves a b ou t po w t of YOllr Yllru Gaspa rd chull geso r ch ma le In tla o prC'lC 1 t CU I l ur lt I IIlstan ce bet'll d iscontinued Il poo r IIl r beIng 1lledILllte ,1 t.l:rIS ag reenbl e surprise 10 10 the home Rup plv Soo ner or laler a ll B.,8tol H a rbor-fo r the r " e re n o 8tea m 1I0tl1l ng wOllderful d . lOll of th e eart h It 18 mhTIIl lC I lhnt ro rgotl f'n by e' cry 0110 bope of curlOg ber of II d es tru c tl v~ bllb,t the88 Im po rLlltloDS of meat must te ll ll1 EnE 18 no Bucb lI o rd R8 fall f,rrles tb en- wer dlstln clly vUlble !iienalor Shl~ld s '8 ludlllll SlflrJ. an y Cb Kll jlC .n th e UXIS of rotllt.o n cou ld T he S l'a DlUrd H fR ce \\ IU! dreadfully the con!!eq uen cl's of "Illcb be had loog u po n onr uu tch er8 billa but nt prese nt 11 (' rellllzes t he nwful forco of th. s when " allors could be ..een lit work o n th e 11 01 b P rmal1 cn lr-tho ugh • \C ry The new t:ieullt.or from MI>!I!OUfl dreadNI rlggtog 011 tho yards o r engaged •n Ilushed nnd IllS e>es were f1l1mlll g tbey remlllll slrRn ge to 8IIY , 811 h Igil ns Genem l Sbleld. •• te lling some hl g early geologIC ages SUppOSIII!! lhe ellrt h scell1l) II boy rull fort y rods III order to S uddenlv he h,,1f screamed , more u Mlld ame emhrnced him w.tb t raus e ver gd I IlIt cb lind ml e (orty ( eel, IICraplllg dO '''1 th e t.op m !L~ IJI Bnd to n I ntlmn AtorlC3 III W llll hmgto n At " \(1 ha, e hee ll plast. " th e y.eld" g of t ho If (orced 1.0 8\'1'lIk than 118 If th e re' eln po rt II l1d B&Sllred 111m ahe would n ever A I M eo IOns Scolch 11188 eeven g" Uautil ~ urfllce m. ght bt1l e mad e lh e Ill) " nXls 1\ IIt emr y re Ci tlou wi .uh one o f lhe ycnr s old when lsked "Ia ther sbe would The mASts of a la rge bTlg wh Ich t.lon corne f ro m biOI of h. ~ own Ilcco rd ag.llll YIeld to tcml,IRt\oll or contlDlle lie Forgot Tbllm. I nn clpnlll x I8 bu t certa ll1 It IS th a t tbe reporte rs of thtl l o.t oeollls I hB \ 0 No I 110 I el"culnt ed he wildly n PrlICtl CO of "hie . 8he now 8IIW t he U1lrrv o r rem llill 8m gle 1\I\1d, Neither, I!e med vory lI ~ ar, ellga u:ed hl8 attentlOu I UNlk lAn I Oou rh.r 1 .tlJlo ded 1I0Ul book In hnnd Ihe (, eDc ml ('nrlh ot prc!I(' lI t IS 80 rlg HI t hnt 11(1 " ur la Ever yo ne dId 1I0t forge t I The lIIadn l'l!8 III glnnn g color. but be bad li nt looke(( Rt tb m lOll!! Tho Profosso r dl'- I 8U 111 ue 1\ Widow glw e 80me 8Cmp" o f Illlto blOg rKpla y III , chnnge II! 1 0M. ble III urd ered , outh \I .l~ n ever lIe \ er lIever Tbere was nn ai ll rol o( fire tlte otber 1~'D g reccl\ ed th e con g ratulatIons H before he "'1\8 8ummoned t~ des end c la r~ 8 em I' ' Rtlcally that. cil ll n{:tri of e ll T il t: Beg ulII of I:3 hol'n l who erected from hl Klofty qURr te rs, the tencher u: be forgnllcn by one- one mlln nn of th eir f., e ud s th e II Olll. cmenls oJ tho Dlgh t. a nd ]I(r f ollmglowerof U lIl on qlll et " Bv In th e.prl ng of 18f>6 whIle mIle haH not heen pro Illcell h v chll n gee Lbo uest ho, p.ta l III Ind m out of Ca.l \Iavehu g ". Mannesohl nCllr th e B.I': bonrd tha t cnfthe who Ilung lh o In elll ng Wlll cll bad been 80 M trllngely t beIng oWllkened by the nOl80 of stree W&II about to dl 8111188 th e ~chool ,u!tn .M m ,kl .g e xcellent roads, and .ntorrup ood were agRIIl reoewed, lind the bell s sp rang ha ~t1ly from 1118 bed Wood. abo ut fo rty mil es from St Paul o f th e earth H a XI s Whell h e came do wn tn to th e sohoor unhllppy lad 10 1.0 the 8ell nrru.glng for II rllllro .d to he r domln he CRlll r to 8 Illke of such pl Ct'1T6squ C We leared to our feet an nppr eh('nsloll lIod thrust hl8 hend Ollt of the wlOd o\'i th. IIdv enture " Ill! fo r 1I1l1l1y mont b" th e room h e " lUI ob~o rve d to be ' erl pille Effect or tho Snez Connl Ions tllIll b ~ WII' templed to "lIrrouudlllgs of whntlVl\8 to follow talk throug hout Bordenllx Amlin \'ia8 ru sillng bYI and AIr Tollm I CAli Rnd be trembled e XCIl381vely English pnptl r~ nrc now ex plore It FlIsteU.Il'; blM hor l!C 10 a I-I was the fir@t maoo Btrbellk I ~ 01' JN GERSOI L mllde t wcntr. tbou .. glower hOI led Wlm Willi wen remenfber how he looked- th e treo he ti troll etllin tbrou gb th o co untry of th e lIamage d Olle to the cnrr ) IUf. 11 1 I doll m ; bv Ibul'I ng the Bib le llIIIt WhlUl!a Isb sbware A S" Iss Commnne. plllIor 01 hIS cheeh III d th e wlhlnctlt! 11\ [ Gasfard l\IlInlldelo, wbat nllm e YOIl plelUle I Hl ew hIm I He knew tbnt ) CI r 1111, Toronto clergyman dle4 Thc mall . topped m bls mad 8peed, nnd uo trYlO1l to retrace hl8 ~te J . t in Ie by tl e openlllg of the IIt Z Cllnll hiS eyes Tb e Commlln e of amD I\Une, one of and yelled found t.lll1t h e hlld lost IllS wny I\l ght <lid belle, ,, II It tI" &tuth ern llllt.OIl MOr frolll StllT\ IItl o n fHn t It abo ut time for What Y Some of tbe boy8 II.,HI be WR S SCAred, g reat secret 01 mille I Wh en n school boy ho amw me from the house top on tbe mORt rt'IIIRrknble RS . t 18 one of tho Whn.h 1Mb shwlre ? repeated]l[r \I UI falh ng wh en hI' dOBcr.cclll 8 10ux I uro pe hll~ e glllll cll th e 11011 d 81l11re of IlnOlh( r /lood 1 - \ t'W l'ork Com11lffcwl and one or two called him II cowllrd •n 11 11 !:lWIt7.e rland 18 ICI\8t known Ihe henelit8 de rived from. t A lIlIII " A \ I I "f th e p rope rty o[ PlUS IX When JOl!Oph arrived 1I6ftr man s lh o to l' gllllant yard of n bng In situated III a mountRln ,Ril ey 81X thou Tollm,;lowrr crlllllllg hl8 head stili fur v IIl1ge of flfty oopees or wIg wams chrijter pllpcr l1 y ~ tb a t be fore th." IlI ke~ place .n I h~ VI. llc III every 'Ved I lI \,e nn g tb e 11Irgee t le pee he lII\ W HO mo 08tate, be took " fanc~ to go t~ sea He CODlpa ny wlt.h a seamon H e Hnw 118 Mtld fec t Ilbo ~ 0 th e Ie>01 of the sea and ther out of the wnadow and 8ICallDlng cnntl w \., "pOlled 1111 eR. te rn p rod uce forty J ndlllll warno' li fll ey too k no nesuR' lind ntnrdny Ev erytblOg I, mRde a voyago to Imhalll a 811l~ Delong qllarrelln!!, nnd he saw me Imoc k IX or olmoRt cut. oil fr om tb e wo rld 1 he the dark ened hC1lv cns mXlously I don t know whnt you ro tlllkm g I ot lCCvf the t rl\\ oler 6 en tmllce ond he clim e round by tbo CllpO of Good Hope lil t! led frum u pe rb le" eled crucifixel lUg 1.0 a (lrm lIluch ccle brnte d 111 t ho..e Uhllrl y (fo r that \\ IUI hl ~ I1lIl1Ie) off tho lIIhnb. ta nlK fet ch th eir dally ~ upplv of IUd En gland th ell st.llndll'g IU II III 8 t Ipproacbed a young and 1000lhgentlou k yard Charl ey s braIDS "I're d Mhed out abou t . llOu ood th man hegmnlllg t o 1.0 111 1 t y huLtlell days .ug [Ildlan nnd took hold o( a . trtn g of fl" omblo geogrl\ plllcl\l 1'U", lI on ro r "ben h e 8tru ck that deck nnd I 8\\ ore I'rO\ ulons fr om Ml\rttnsbruck 011 tbe get hl8 l es" ready fo r Rnotber rUIl 1 liE Plllilldclpblll Chrolllc[e Herold is Our bero appears to hovo been fol other 81de of the han lind for tbegreater rcd lstrlbutlOn beCAm e nnd for mllny beadwhich he "lire round hl8 net k Ihnt hl B filII wns nCCld eDIRI I.h ~llc1. whush Ish I!hwlrc>-crash of 0 1'''110 11 t bat e verybody should be lowed by hiS URUIlI blld fortun e-tbat of The knowledge of th." secret Hnve.1 pa rt of th c distance Beven bours 10 nil sbuttersth ISb s ye lled Mr Tu'l m and pullell R tralle too hard, for th e next ycnr! was th e whole8llie boullll fo r tho tmlg hL to rea,l and wnt e, beeaulle otber givIng otlenl!O to hIS supenors They Bolton from II Ilogglllil bllt It WRS too they have to carry e Vl' rythlll15 on theIr moment the bead. atrewed the fl our whole of Europq bul wben tbe crloRI glo"er 111 a ruge WISO 110 ono would be nble to forge a bad not yet reached the Cape of Good • Ob, go owaller you ~I1;! mu ttered 'Ih e YOUDIl man r080 IJOl"'" hu rlAe w,," opened httlu by Iattle 11 grent dan~eroll ~ B secrot Tor me It placed me backs up t.he steel' 1II0untlllll (laths ch ~ck for A Inrge II1110 uot Hope when Joseph 11'1\8 condemned to be 1U tue IlO wer of tlll~ Bolt.oll !L~ long 118 They get thelf letters from th e AU8trlan the IOnll dartlllg off with lUI el[clnmn nlld polOtmg to tbe bead8 ordered a chaoge for th e worse cnm e over tuo ftogged before all bands He hlld g .vell he Ilve( squaw to pICk tbem up H e theu 8cene fbe quaDlltywonted (or France A I l o ver the South farmers are bU8,. J rellOlved 1.0 pllt hIm out o( Village of Raud ers wlllcb IDvolves a t.ory fire I mortal offense to th e ~rst mate of the the wily on the fi rst opport.ulll ty ~ I nd walk {or tho postman o{ ten boul'll, four And Just as Mr Tohmglower WIl8 motIOned to the vmt.or to precede hIm, went 1.0 Mar861l1es the J tl\lIllns wero ns beRvers preponng for the yellr's erop sblPI who InSisted that It would be 1m the better to concelll my pu rpose 1 pre thlthor and SIX back Fifty year! ago goIng to 8hrlek af ter hIm a wruthful and th ey marched Ollt of the vIUage to sUl'plled In II le9s rOilOdabo ut way thllll The neg roes bll~ e ~e n e rally re-engsged poMlble {or him to preserve dlsclpltnc tended to be ve ry mllcb his fnend tho membol1! of the commulle mot toII pomt OppoSite 1.0 wbere h e hAd YIO En gluud nnd th en ce through th o \\ Ill! tlll'lr 1000 t year s emplovel'll, aDd tbe amoDg the crew II yoling Bolton wn8 Aloor I t.hrew hIm ovorboard I could geth er and being of OpI1110n tbat Ger mlllodlctlOn hla Wife touched hun (JD tbe e nter~d aucL mther by aCC Ident or ContlUl'nt tbe Au otraanl! took th e .rs at hUIll of lIIdustry 11v6\1 lip tbe old land 8houlder, IIlId handed Ilim lila falllll teelh not pUnished hoar hi! cnes mlllgllng WIth tho pbrlek man Will! on th e \'i holo a more de8irllble which he had forgot.ten In hI" excite deSIgn 011 th e part of th e In<l'"11 mBrl e Trleble the Turks at CIln8tllntrnopi e I v pardon lImse IIbsurdlttes ID our Bolton WIIll mther n fllvorltc of the of the temp68t, and I WRl! much 8ur lllugllngc Cor the ord\llllry purpollOS of ment to put 011 A nd when JIIr Tollm Ii bee lin e for th e lo. t bor80 whICh th ey allli th e RUIlI!IUIlS tbrou gh the BI.ek l!I'h eK"blch " e cannot suffer 111 oth8lll life thlln their molher tongue thev re !-len 1118\.('a,1 o{ VI I ES'glllnd and tt e captain but he could uot re818t tbe pTl1!ed that etbers dId not henr them glower hnd donn ed tbllt mOBt I8sentllll found 8tili llecurcly fll titcnClI to the tree 1< ne. lh er bel\.('r uor worse tbaD to be soIl cd hencefo rtb to speak G ~ rman oDly port.on of Ius wardrobe he wa.s enllbled After maklD j[ hiM gUId e b a ppy by gl\lng 13111t.lC f h uH II Hry lArgo a mount of fIl o re w.llln g 10 be foo ls ourse lves than Impetuous vengellnce of tho mlll-e Rnd too Ob God I I hear them uow nnd 1<.1 te ach .t to thOlr cblldren I:!o he gave orders occordmgly that the So sc ream 109, be trlod 1.0 spnng II]' to . hout to R p88lllDg boy ID A perfectly 111m a fiv e d oll ll r guld th e trtlv clcr hUAlIteM II(] fllr 118 \~e nre cODcerned I. ~ . e o tber. 8 11 youth Bhoul(1 be llelzed up 10 the rtgglll g frolll tbecask he SlIt IUItrld c on but hl o thorougblv hl18 tillS I UflX' Be beell cor rntelhglblo manner mad e 111 8 way w.lItOllt furth er difficulty went tho \\ nr uf ,,1\ f1 ~.b-t o be II Hlllll r colors gltlldy trllpnln~ ADd ned out t).nt. with tho exceptaou of II The crew were lIlI., embled to wi tlle66 dlzzaed brum mysbfied hI MVISIOn, aDd hc 1.0 St Paul Delighted WIth tb e fertile morA by \1 8 Wbere .8 the fire ? eve II " Ill te horses Ire belUg elimlDated the J'uDlshment tbe roulJ ger portIOn fell to tho g round on th e rUlII s of the few old peol'le tllfl l~o mllDlsc h speecb _pot he hlld dIscove red he purchased thc f fll m th e F rellch IIrOlY I!Crvice, as they lookmg on With curiosity, and tile old !loblet he hnd flourl8hNI so recklellilly the.r nn tl\ e to ng ue IIIUI bee n completely tract III cludang the Inke and villnge l'olHoDed Spenr" fu rn •• 1a , t~o COIISPICUOUd mark: for the forgotte u by th c \IIhabl\.8l1t8 of the DE A rn a of vcry old people certatnly and rcturn ed nfter n few montbs With II I!&lIor~ hllnglDg bllck Illld scowling It awbll e before Th e pOillOned s pears "lid IIrro\\ ~ o{ th e "' \\ IIrUl 8 o f I reCISlO1I 1I0W IUIIld Ul war· do l!eem to be more numerous n ow tb,," pllrt.y of t~ 1I allll forme I rl .cttl elllcnl the prepAratlOlJ S And we pIcked h.m up dl'ad- lIv dead ,alley Everything bemg prepnred the nl[\OO 1\11 the vIctIm o( 11IB mnll ce 80 long "go they were hall a centllry aj!:o A dO!8n "I .eb 18 110\\ a"e all I prospero us ".Iv Snm o \ .01... derK I~ c r e de"c r bet! III I fir, Origin of Cock·flghllng. paper by ft,e, I PO\lc\l Ittl I~ p re I >l SIl \ EII Itllppeo !"!! 18 llbout comIng havo died thl8 wlI\t.or 111 VIUIOU8 parts of drew neRr RourWllug t.he scourge 11\ overwhelmcd, who bad pe rl. hed beCOUIlO W1ICl Th ellllstocl cM led un army of thlA country wno wore one lItundred ..ellted 10 th e I IIInmnn SOCiety 01 [ ~ I hIS band when the youth be!l,ged loavc he knew II(] mllcb of th e crun cs of lho ou t f r 1\ II OW oU ce Hid enemies ba.,e A N trlr a uf the co. tof rlloDlugnoew. Lloll The f ICt thllt. Col\lmlllld ~ r au ,d _tnrt",I a re i ort thnt he once wrota hl8 r.oulltrYIll~n aglllnst tbe.r barbansn years o( age lIud upward8 Some bave to Wh iMper 80lUethlllg ill hiS private car wearer of t.ho ltcd JIlcket neighbor. h e beheld two cooks engag reacbed one hundred Rnd fivo, lind e\ ell paper mlly be formed from thtl far t thflt. CDou!!h o f the llrat.. h NRVy k.lled poellI. 011 S prlllg fhl . of COUJ'84l, 111 a "It's no Ulle ' returned the officer th e pubh sber. of the UllCR RtJlu bl Cat 1IIg IU fUriOUS combat Tbe specLllcle a greAter afle There Rre I!6veral ~rl!On8 WIth these " enpon" 111 1875 bns llra\'ill cnm p II g o lie - N OITUWII1I\ Herald • It 8 too laoo 1.0 beg now you ve got to Abent Ad "ertlsllIg. whIch "u~ pe lld e d recentlv lost one tbou Will! tl ot lo~t UPOll 111m he made bl8 now hvrng 111 Connecticut wbo Are up pBr LICull\r atte nti on to them 1 be t&l:e It" , IONIWALLJA CK80N 8 0ldsorrelwar He drew bAck, and waa Abollt 1.0 give My 6nCCO!lll 18 oWlllg to liberality \II force s halt and t.hus RddrCllllOd them wards of one hUDllred nnd two c)r three saod five hundred ,Io\lllr. 1\ lIIonth dur po.ntH lire mllde of human bODeR The h or.e wlllch bore Ill S master under the 10 9 the last (ew months (If It. pubhclI pO\son WIth whi ch they fire dipped I. 111 00 11 Oil the fatall1lgbt at ChaDcollon'Tho80 cocks my gallallt soldiers &Te we thlllk wbo lire one hundred and Ilvo the fil'llt blow, when Bolt.oll said aloud ad voril8mg - BonlltT first prepllred II" n flll1d alld consIsts o[ , If you won't hoar me prt vlltely I The road to fortune 1M throngh prlOt- not Ilghtlllg for their country, !llmr The E..a8t.on (PIl ) E:rpru8 has A notIce 01 tlOU \ Ille 18 8t lll hvmg at tbe MorrillOD the ulliky ~xudf\holls I\l\d otber pro paternal gods nor do thevendure thiS the death of MI811 Sophia Corneha Kem lIhall spORk beforo nil these people er alnk -P T BaJ /11111 homeslend 10 LIDcolu County, North , BRlIIIANT and Impul SIve people dllCt.~ of ",n01l8 trt e" lIlingl ed With B The mllto paused, "lid IIll1d : Sueccl\Il depends UPO" a liberal (lilt ron for tbe monumeuts 01 then anceatorll, per, 0 daughter of CIllonel DRUlel Kem OarolinA for tbelr oflsprlOg, or (or tbll SAke of per of tbe RevolutIOn at the age of one 1!1lld a lecturer 011 pl1\8\Ognomy hl\' o 8ub stance wlllch is obtR11Ied from WR~ pS .. What If you (Io? Whnt then? ago of prantlllg office8 -J J. ..htor A CORRESPONDENT of the Boeton .A40.. You wore II red Jlleket 01100' cfl ed Frequent and con8tant advertlHlDg glorr III the cause of liberty, the only bundred and two Two old women have black eyl'8 or, If th ey don t have em uests lind tbe liqUId Yielded by dccnYlng lIlotlve IS thai the ono 18 herOically re- IRtely dIed III. one hundred and one and th ey're Apt to get em If they IIrc 1.00 sea cucuulbrrs After the IIpphcntlOn ,crtl~er IS rem IlIdcd by the theory of lOme brought me nil ( own - A T Stewart the youth Ai y son, deal With men wbo Attvor solved not to YIeld to the other Tblll one hundred lllld three wbo had em bnlltant nlld too Impulsl\l\ -London of the pOl""n! the arrows IIro sllloked deooctl ves concerDlIlg tbe caae of CUb The mRte IlJlprollched Bolton nnd the tlrr 10 a kl n Mr Powell obtolllea ler Bunoll of a 6ugge. tlon made )'ean latter whispered II few words 111 1118 ear You WIll never lose b,. It -Ben impr~!!s 1 ve horongu e rekllldlcll thelf pbatlClllly gone back to tbolr second Bportlll9 Ti1llu thiS IOformotton frolll ~he lIOn of II RgO wh en Rbody, pllcked I~ t"o bUret.; valor, Rnd led t.hom to conquest After chIldhood and bad to be rIIlcked to Tbe mAte became deadly pnlo Frankltn Bow CRn the world know a man bl\ll a tnelr deCISive victories over tho Per Bleep in II cradle, holdlDg Ihelr dol\ ~t "Whllt doos he say Y" demanded the TH 8 Recorder of a FlOrida t.own tbe Samoan chIef but la llA nut bllen al>l ll to WII-~ foutJd fioailllg tn the CharJ~ m.,.r. ' It IS clearly II saId a ~~tatort " . _ captain, who hAd appeared to be 81ngu good thlOg UD1\l..cos he adveftl1l68 tbe 1'08 81anll, the A tbellians decreed, by la", as they dId 1\ century before.-Harifor.4 10cRl news paper 88Y . • hi" ~nhre ly re determine th e t r e from whICh tb~ prill larly Interested by the turn whlcli Ilffliira eel!l!iOD of It - Vanderbilt thllt one day Ahould be I16t apart 1n ~mu covered from bl8 recent IDdl8pclsitlon cipal componente ar dertved Couvul of SUICide 1lie man (lut off hI. oWia ~dverti8ing 18 tho 011 which trAdes- every year for the public eltlublt.ion of This mornmg be fined one of our most SIIlDR and symptoms hire tboll6 of lock legs, and arms, and head, ~d p~' bad taken tnt~ a barrel. and \hen lOt ia ·lIM cKMt j It'~ only IIOmll of b ul nonsenle," m~n put III tliel( lAmps They thllt are cock fight1n~; M the expenll6 of the THe IIllver "mid o[ MOlltma in 1818 l:!e~P.Elo.t.I!."le CltlZ811S twenty tlve dollAr! )lIW ale preduced by "10\101\6 frolll th_ bRnel himee1( II POllOped weapon a ~ u;ceeds that of the gold b, 1260,000 dr~ !IJld dll!iJrderlr ,eturne4 the ma~, "but I IUPpoeo I \PIw!18 put. no oil ill
01 :p ~..wt-; , W Ilt l did Mr B ea I th e wat ch ? ':" ::;~~iij;~,-1IiiMm~oomp1eteT,. abel: red from the eVe!! of tbe maste r, and domlluded tbe ltecond mate , Yes sir ' oOIIul amul!O hlmllllif In a ny wily be
"v"u"",.,,'., I\il,
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- "r Al\\I 's SIll' \\ 1\ ill • ' 1I1n 1I.1 hut\) p pelll IIILV 'l,ulg lI'l II lin d lit lIi~ In I ,"Itllrdll \, 11 .... Ir (I I, hnt 1\ IlIr Ii tit, Il lfVr j Ittl,\!ln III -:'III. '1\1111101 Ill·~ it! ImitolllIg 1(llIrlIlIl I~ 'IIl t. Ill'" It, It ke 11I .. ~t m·nrl), 7 Y"'r'lIIl'll, IIr IIll I \ tll 11,,1.1 • , IJ I ' 1~ I' I' • h\llnlltl bl' "!! o.'lIt I tlllh II pl')l tl I1 l lt , - - , t~ I .W It Will II) ' Ollr I'relIlle 11110 i,. ~~ I iiI I I I,ll Ith tho ulhlt 1,Iow IIJI. ,t \\ I) dll!h, t - tJr' 1 UI!\lUI \lI~ ()Ih,' r nlli jll1l' \ elll - ~ft J hU \t tl,' I euclid om,I" hi t il Wli II! III • 11\,111 II I'V(\ llleUl, 11101 \ ,\11 It,," \ I\\lC~ h'~ 1.1\' .. rt'T' , 1(llI lItlg '" IHI{;h I I th 111 to fp,Il'l pn \0 - ;'\lr.1!:1t " lrt llll , nl HI n he tl'r, ,LI\' (111 111 11 ' 11)\\111<1 0 lit 'III lo III IlIIIIl \IIUI III tOIl I III ~t \\ ~e k Ih l~ ItlblllllCu Ihl.! II ~ J b~ "" \ 11Ilhll ~ - ~I~ ,I ,1 111 ~Il "I'Y, "j' XI·t llll, 11'I'I]III'~ 1'1'1 r Iliti t I' r U ' I'UII I th 1'''11 , ." I,ell t ,I"II IIU 1I \ 111 I I ,~ plncll -d 1,1 Il Thut lhl' Illd t II,ullttl UII 01 1HI lit vt' tl "11\1 hl S\ - bolt" J I H 1l1) ~l ll'~II I l\1 l'l II,,' lUI dll ~c tl.,1 L')\\ll1ul:I Iho 0 1 I IIIIII/!tll ll nnd III l, "r I~ , ,, , CI:! ,,1111<1 t." O lll' d ,11 11 I zl'tl .. ~1t"lI lu Ite t . kIll 1111 .111 \l 1~ U lt 1 1" ' rhup~
~.I I.,s.
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res (JI blltt" "1 IlIlId I I'HI110 tllIlll'lt,. III Clll\\ IIl , till I'll q - (Hint lIJIIl' L1 ,1 1I ~IJ pll ,,~ 11 1 , 10 I pi pO~ Ll' l u u ~ 1I() I IU n i n 1111111 of ''''... ,''''' dn, ~l.lIch 1, 1, g'1I1" i llg nl (j Ilt " " I" ' ~h'l:tl l ~lI t \l tl l I hlll1 ll'""118 1 1\ ,,,,Id , . l " ,., " " ,I .. ".llll III"" !ztlli unsly l' lock. l{1I~1! 1 , II II Ct lPI1l' ' I . I - 'II ,,(( I 1111 H lI ll ld t Ii I" rl' \I oIll1 ut ll"lIit u- - ",,,11II,1\,' .. Ih,r, II, 11 11'111 of E ~r.t;\11llh.threOlllil l:~;;l> lItlt oJ l 1 " \c l c dll "II1 .I < ~ \ ' I t: ltt.11 u l til l l:nl \\ t!d ll kl 11111 thl' 'III 111 III ~XJl JI.n \\' 11 1 11('8 \ 111 , "tu'I, and JI .ltlcb, . 1·, S • _ 1e .1 -1 1IIOI ·U 'l'11l·tj tUI ," ~ I ~II lI as ~ml'h I. lit 1 1 - " a ntlll ,I " ' II c III Ij 0 1 I I t ~ ,JIIld 1I1Ot ~Un U l'bc(jlld tu d l 'lit!} a klllli Irl lltll \ ,1 A IT .•\11 011 11, hIli 1111 1~~ I'II- t ..t n'\' IIJ~, t", IUIt A 'I'll lit l h l" vr l u llI Itll lllrk " '"m lllllll!! th<l \1 \ 1l.lblc Fl c(\l",rt tlld, 1I1 11 Cllllltti " \ 'c ll\ I I~ ( 1~ H \\ Ilh ,I rq '\ • v lll\ leot ccrllllll l' lI " '''IVI'' MIIo. , I . - "' ~ t; " , l111., J W II).':h ! h.I b I' lIl1 UII Il dc , (;I c I I~ ,' III C:\l l~'1 Iblll) .' )0 . , lit L "I \,.1 \. l' k • J uhll 'V e I hlli t n mdt' n.. t "I u,' 11 1 \ I'll II~ ,11 I IC II II IHI Ivr I IU \:I1C" IS lh,lt uJl l,)rd III \ "I '1:IIIIlIl pll lh OUI\\ III stock' clllI tttl ~ IIlId " I 'llri II \ d, 1"1' IIJ" tu 11 01lCO thlllg, Illndl J il l \\ hllij\: h Id f!,O' ds, r:ldl L ,Fd) :!S. It -- :\1 1 ~' Hl1 ll d.1 ~1l 1 11 11 .. flus IHr l illt "l ' I'c,lr v i IlIIjlUlt,,"ce t u tl)(II1, 11111 u'l uck Hilgers. Ullctl l>llu'r 1~ ,"II'l1Cl b' r b't! 011 g lllid 1L III1 8 1" 1 101ll;h lhulD 111 !I,lm U t tll dm >put " r. lr. L)dl RUulIl njl , fil l IlI llk \t ,'1I51' I ~e ~(~ I'~lI lh t l lllllt 1(;lIcundo 1l1'IH )1'\1111 :1\, tltl In cl l " 1I ,'um'"", , 1111(11 tun Drolu\\lI) u Ll!ulIIWIl -J ,) arl' n!"r- plllil lind 1,llIt \ ' . llIcolltl \,l vertillle . II , I P~IIIUlh hum Alnr 'h 13 at 1 0' luck ' \e n h .• ~·\· II U Ih o U C~ II Cit) llu 'Inr's atldl'cd:l to us lt8 tltiurollig .1 hvuso I' 1 Onk III, 011 the Mil Oil fill 111 1:1'1 y, e I1U \'c.rt l~CI1I nt, J((>od PI> tllll1ty Ii l' Illk Illg hucJ< (1(1n'~i70 IIhuv!) C o nvlII ~tock IIIlI cllIlttcl d - ~II ~ Jl.lltn lll, mull hUR h nu;!;I ,t l Wo ILl 0 Ilku ll.o In ~hmulI , utldtlr MII/ch 13, .It 9 ~' I lIck, ' \\' H(lgcr~ : l th " lJI~\l' :1 '1 1\ Bak I), lollll d l ll!-: Ol jl llbhgallll llS u th o SIIII 10 1 treadll1{; :"ne ucli Olle CI U l'lI • ~ 1!ot 1'I('~ fIJI ,, 1\1 un thc tilt! vf u llr C,)l\t It v IrWd lUll 0 . • • --J II I'l cc" lo. n lHh r 11 10111.11 ' I'll t lt o mUll o! lIy III l\te • C\ ' t1I\Stlll ~ ' • Udl\l~'Ual'V" \j'"u E,'I I \:lulIs Jilt ,'11 "I ."1 TIt UUlIl S I' I,·ltlr, Ih id"l1ll1ltlllll glillU ' 1I II d II lit e \ll uk ,1" CItIt -Eld~r ,J ohn !l .q~r 'nl.1 <i" ' ILt ' 1I1 I•• th c H,llI d I,d b,,~ ~ ll 'lI e tllLuhlu I to tltll l tl1l1l1'
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l euch III Ih Poll 1'1 I t ( I.III(h lit IrOlll1l Sll lulI"allllcl. " I ""I,g'"II" I' , 'I'ltl' tSlIl1 (UII - " " II." I l ttle~q IIlt l"l'llIw n. nrdl\)' ,I1CXIIlI 2 ~. M. lIul ~ 1I 11 ,( 'I~ "I Ll.t· hI 1111 1 lll1d 1'11\11111 . 11 1/1 .. I til(' \ II 1I""vd l" T l ltle T attlc I II •.; WII
11>111I\~'ll lll nt h Ii J1.I~1
) 1) A ~I I -- \Vl' 1I ~1l'1 1111 Illccr 111111' 1 I'll , ,J llj!g r. uf ~ull th ~1I 1 11)1111 " ' lI lt· lIultlc n n,) l 'lvll~h l ern Ol~ u, IItl!l ~J II p Ull Ills EI',ISC~ I t'~ by Ir 1111 1' 1.1 A Hrt)wlI III ollic s tht> 1It1U\h~r of plIrl " l lt " 1 -Go 10 J Is H 1I 1.\.IIL u.,/l hll\ au 1\1 S 1OIh, lib-lilt IIIClllllutl 1..1 l our lIu j.!j! lrs fnl I p•• 1I1 0ne \ tl!.n b ell doubl ed li' hilS Jllel 1'I' glll1 ) on , 1\11 "I III} o lh r ~1J\J I, \I Jt lJ II
\\'I. ,ch IH
0 11(:0 Up lJl I n i dolll, blt"[JIUIl
t llll( \\ tit I"lIutcd tho edit" , 1)1 LI\u I t I e ·tnrllq .\I~IUIIIl:Ucllrpct bng~cr Cl> lJllahai Ibllt It ho \\\11 11I1'f!;II'C 11 9 1\ will I llv t I CI,ellt tb o IInl'len~t1lJt ltItllnu' 11"0 " 0 \\ til 1101 ,,"veil gov tlU III
-SlUeu BI .. hvp
OLDO\'O Ul('utlorull l tlllgtltllstrol.gth )!:l0flrl " Rlrllot 1.1 10 \\ elcnulu lilln us 11 re in co congrt'gnt!olll:l Ul ld ", 111" 1 -:\It'''J'll JUIIIC ,len .. It,lt] ", "1 I t LI tl I; x charge III " stCllllltIC ", ork ~[ 1'llldl·Ij!.lst hl\\~ III rl\ ed III UIII 11Il' lII a n 11INI~"' PI II 1. 0tll!tlu olur\l1 c: J Ie.: e l l " v c 1Y -Quul'terly Iu eutlllg wut! Ill' I • lit 1115. T e:'.I:l lUl U 1I1l: Illl IcI I l' IC.lde' I ~Jt.' I l l orH; O 1.1 1' IH.: bU I" I r"r CI1I ,ful ' \ E L L I "' . J J' I I lings \\ ,u u W e gill.) lI . v tho >1. ' IlIrcu u s t ooltur Ilj lIlI I, ~IU ""l1 tIY 0 u \\\11 wo IJI' lInit l t rotor' by u l IIndRY . , - l i I llg nt. II 1 )1 of TIl rl' llIarktl l~ that \"\' c mIght 111 IlIlIuto un Iho -The Hev. 0 , L . PIIl,lur 01 l r COl ", unll ~d COrti, ne w onlll.clIl. I I I '1 (l d bu s " I Ided balla, has accl'ptod tb e t cllul,1111' buckwlll!ut HuUl I1t ~J I'el hUlldr t I II It It! u)brl U eUtoatYl u " Ir r '0' tJ III shill WIlC en : IIcI::i tt II I <.Wd . \ .) I • of St AI try's I1111 ,h. Illu.• \\ I II Ilt lh o pUf t (ltilce I!IIICCr\' ~I L I r ..D take charge 011 tL u ullrlay uu:t -lIlr Hurq L, Anllwny l.n'<I ' ( I ~n . CIl I1) .~ eto ' IUI\lII' II ,,' 1 Th i "If I d orrow IllIu 0 l1'1 ~ liS U II I beforo En ter Sllld Iii cll!nr ('s tuloh hm cllt " U U tv V. Ud \V (j WIll II ,t , coJ u'lty
I', q"1I
20 cents.
Largest and bEst assnrtment of Cigars and Tllbacco in town. ,j --,\, tr 11,1' - 1 I 1 1 L It l It ,f , Oatmeal, Cocoanut l Tapioca l Corn Starchl Currants, Rai· 5lDS, Burnett's Extract Lemon l Sugar I C01l'ee, Tea and ----~--- -----~Chocolate of best Quality and at low prices. SUEHlFF~ SALE The (mly place in tOWIl where pure Cinnamon Bark is 1\ AII.I \ t'IIII MO,\ I I kept. L\b4.rt"ltfl\ \ IHall - " Ie r of SAl . Dobbinsl illectric Soap I 10 cents. China Glass, Stone I lIIu I " \ I ar k.. Iw .1 ~rl.! ti.'1 L'I , d\l J n "'\ N u - and Crockery·Ware. Jh t 1'11\ 1, duh I~"IH: I Wmdow Glass l Sash and Putty, Coffee Mills, Buckets, fro ut ... "h \ l\u ,1 dil l l i d , 1 "III , II r ", d , .n Tubs) Field Kegs Baskets, Wash·Boards, Churns Cheese, l l or P' th ~ ,I ut . "t H\}I! L 1 {leat, Lard, Mola~sesl Crackers and Cove Oysters. lUln'l .
' t \\ I l
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~ ';111 '1' \\ 111 II \ '. I,uuso. 1\ I Cl:; u 0 , I' r. c1 'corn tud,; 0 Impo ittC' un Tnt: t 11"·ue" Id woman pIC' k d 1101 ' ~.TO w e~, W C WI II 10l orso t I10 IIlu.' I ~. ~ k ' Ilct 1'0111. "'.'t:n.. g e 8l1d It!t tho f -Il her t.i1I" \U -~r ~It~,hll 0 011 IS rl er'lrlll)! IlIld bo ~ 'nCl tllI S hef"rc \\ c un' Ju. t I,y t Il 0 I IIli~'" g r oat p r of ll 1011 II tho 17tll III~ I :l)r S prlll g UI UltlW Tho tllr SUY8 I\U arc \IIIIUIIII III to which afforded velY g(l(ld s l Ighl\lg IliVlllg a now r o 01 f\IU III • III 0 \11' COltlpnll sCt Il vf Prc "tUl'lIt fo r the "Johllnys" ulltd the tillw n Wit rlull's sh p oul ul 11 \\ [dl1 ut U.IIIlC \lIth tlt e urJptulil J oll.til , 11100 of tbe ev ntflll • 2nd tr tl thut hilS 0 1110 to milturlfl I II uut the St<lr houl" nut (111 1 r.d 0 .. tl I I. 1 hi d or IIrd !ll ll '0 h wa~ .\ Ill'} -Samuel III y, u tlr gr CNY [> IT 1.1 I" Il lth lid wI' II u l, III It tU tl up heurt - III 'III\u' " y ~ III mull, ba til k II IIl1tO Il llll BO It a HCW . ~( I l'u rlulIlly tol lho ull IY' (' I LI c l 1,.lr [h bvard 1-Jt l~ 1 tu~ UILL!lI pl!t flllll~tl , 1\111 I c,ture U~ j Inll!: 'Igmph III II. \\h ,,1 a -tlcl.,. But p. slon. oy n IItll t , or:.nng 1110.. rI II., Ie' liS b 0 h O\ .... ll nl~llnlltlte \\ 0 IHI', -IlI8tcad of Lufe Nickloaoll m ·vIlll~ng. Fob, "'II • 00 dUllir Itl) J oullh If wo remcmb I' right, W[ .19rutlng . ' h h 1 l' 11 f to t \.\1 $ b UI£;, as pr VI Otl SI Y \IV dOlng It P WI uglv1 a h rllbnlll Ii10 Il'1 upo \\ om t II u~ C pE nn (:t , h hus SCIIU tit tl> heed rCil L'ilig r oc!!\! ~ 01 t U CU~! b [lnng he vy bUlUll1l llnu n urltCll advlU' to gl> ra.ryd' . • t ( 1.u:gr\!I'Rblo dull . lIus not Prell t.:;;;;~~_ _ _"';;;;::"'--a~+.\IcIPl~WJ~~~m~n;~.;r.~rQ1h--r_7..... Il ... v_o..,rt",ls:..."lr--'e_n8..u0_-L~'--119 ut UlliU b rn til Ilea VI t ... burdons uf tlJe M V. H H I Hd the cr. i ng . IIlJ t tll(; lot lIft cll lull II " POll hllll of -JOhll Mercer allows to l' m .jn l,uttlOg Ius hund Into IllS pueko . wuorc be i Ull thor yel~r-ut Jelt8t II I g 01 monoy \\' It'll I hc but II! tho IlItll~t ch ulk luark vll th .1
u ItI°Ye
4 oars of good Soap for 25 cents. Star BaklDg Powder) with Jelly Glass-,
7 ounce
1\1 '~Qr ,T J~ & D l' Fet t c r , llli ,• h A
--sELI e----
of tuo
IthulIY Ollltll l tl ' lI l l\LI Uld
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deslruble loc nllOn~ 11 r II r ,,\Ilcnc' tL country a nti ollght tv fi 11 \ rendv ft,nlo. ' "':1 \~uut hel p to sull llJO b::I1.II) of my dry goods 1I0tJOIIS 11Ilt!! caps , tl., II C II Will' 'al l d oho 8', sum ' at cost m Ol bel o w cos t nod must WIthout I cgll rd to eo~t; , tnlt 5t nnd will soli If YOII v (/,Itt all) thing Of th aouvo thut 1 hUlll, cldl 11110 1 nl) 'J ou ' ~ IAo , Ill y slocl' , t' l s ' 11 '.
orth of the
P t·Cftlcel
Are you going to P~Dt'l =
(;U rnpllllj hllu 110 IIl11u .. lluJ touk III IlIll!lcst III try III!; to pl ocure UII Y ll.\ arty lU uw bl!l uf tho C IUprllly
__ hnt. llatlhawoy has trnded III
Whll t cklOg, lIlOl e fnwIIJ:uly ko WIl us SI epy Tow. ' -Ed Be clay arne lint lilli e o ll e d ay llll d \I\S Il orso was r d \\ Il Oll he retllrn d hi s hursll wus willt Now thiS io\'oh'os l\\thcl n (It!CUltlLl ~\Od tn torostlll g (c utillO IIJ Oh lvlontics, for It plOVCS t Ililt WIHtO III 1I0t b r ouguL t 1\ bout 1ly u ll nl.>l1 0 I til" o( lIUrd~ llrCnlld"l J sevclI prllllulY CU OIS 011 I y, b II ttl 11\ t ., olJe (rcd} If III dlieprol)Ortloll wil l ule,uudl ellLwy
Roo z, Twc Doo s
k i d b \\ ()l C 1I11 cr, orll o UlUr (l 1;1;1 ('1) I'n d l!l c lltal 1I' lr ~t In belllli f ul the ~ ll tlJl Pl' lilC than he? And yet t tlit! r kI ( b d k II III or \\ 0 eg pal Oll-We 1\ 0 cr n .D .r tl, "t blluk) III SllI OlltC PIO>!ltiCllIl HlLlIlCS WIIS IIlHIICI1,:ed t o tiu olllld II l1 u o rgtl all ti ll , III VICW of tho 1 )5 U ) O ., I I ft II - . II l!H\uru.\\ IIC I U, er II \filS fi • ., "oxcUIII d lIfl L. ,. , • cellcs llt "il ulo IS IU~ 116 ullLlu e ~Ull1l'lll1 y S pro p· Ebllgll te= C I I '6 IIHrlll \V Fn El rr ' IMrs n .1 'j' B ~1 t l> rc II>OW rr , • ,"BI ~. " • Irlglt, \ I I\U " II '0 111 ,,' mi. ""'l h'I Ml he . "m' I MOlnr DEATH DLYl:: TED, IS \\ 0 IJllgllt 116(' (J1{fum ClItllll! 1/1 EV.IIIS'lIdSvhau\\' tllllllJl Oll ll ll h JI r( IheO,"III1,CI '" hOp.r ac, e thu . ce r , r ' ve r ',I , "n'" b'l::Lt.Elt:o;·I.IVllt prod ucc"hltc. g E ' 11 /wmm elll undchlllgll the 1'1\111 \;' / t.A .El I t" )1 Hldl' I olld tr.c Lll l hUpl1 r " "',. " dl l oll lrd l lllc t l"IILS )uI\I 1, ,'n,hl·.'11I,1 ... 1 letn,l) Cor -1\V9S Illtlro gotod tlto ot hel - Mi tiS L IZZIO Curro \\"rJI\'~ I ' ( I I t 1 t t k 188 ,)\UI ~rlgl l" I ~ ' L,l lr ' nt lh~,u rn O r ~I'JIOr"' C'"I1\I"llIno he L1v, r ""'p l",,,' ·"'"H"" ' .•• " H , ..l. BBFORB YOU . "I .."' rJlte for ROV othe r da y ho" mall \)OIlCSllol ' th er in flOm olollldoSl'rtJlgll,lIsfullo\\ ij ~I~ CUll le Ji I , JII J;18 8 Ip I!cd tr~h a Inure . "I,ss ",1.1 " lrl l,,,I •• 11"" .... tlll ,'.0(8'1 ' ,, I'III''' •• I, .h, l·,.IIOlI1 Hh""lu, U.."I, U uClln e " mpc r, 8UUlI 101 " lI ltl.! Inion COP' of Tho To· , " I 1 II value tIll! Ouzctto Il lore thal1 l l lHllt) UUllJlUd IIg,\ln~t l l\lsid IIt I E\J1I~1at, \vl,v uh\ IIYu 6 III Vil 11111,111- cd " I"c , ..Ill , .. llle." ld Inl.1I" t. ". ,'I ' " lc,1 r'>n~ulI. 1'0"1 Iud A I{II' "uri "II Ioil J IIlndn ) 1 Is a M u"moth R'~h ' f'.UII t • t t'Yl n Iln d\\Cr (, II Ug I '1ullle" UpOIl IJl!I !)UlIld leason' Ilnd , tI d II I I ' 1,1111180..1 or ""., .. holo • • " n< 10 l.rI" ll Ih. 11"COH" .... . ... .: fr ' .... II t!""1l1("~ .lIlto "f W, ck!. P"por of . .. l . filII. Oolumn. , 111\· n 109 S 1)0 I tolayou e oteVEll ymolllldo l atep cn ll tcll, bll tlllll olry tllllt It CIlII', I I ' k , /?cn yo w e ,Wa.' lill III " "ICl, nl< SL moooy ' EII"~ 0 H1I I hL I. h or,)lS) .. ",,,h fh"l1ls"dhbl~ .,' ",th tfuu(ul h V~ lmrt· tl ri:' fLulu,( UlIUtli.l r or II>I tie stut I:\I'HI' lllM lIwR '::;,lIor.'I'Ilh.1",v~ ed IIlto ro.t li nd ..lIu. I ~ pcople In 1111 p<lrl. of 1lI W IllrUn 0 UII I1 I y. 'fl au purwil nutcOlJloto IllO \\'l b otltllllottceot IIh ,tf I" l llUlp tlJre tl llVO ' t t "I I"ud lod tlto 80 I, r alllJ Illth th e 1,1 · IV JOHN 0 ~ .".h ",, l ",'"' tI t , ( I tl t t l " lit e SIckness or d('ulh of SOIllC of w ucrs , 11 IClr I II ClOSS I~ fect. ' orlll trIon Ul1l1t\,O .... " <1 h .. "o,, • • ,, 1 uu1l" •• ""I .<I<." \.dl" th, UlUlcri ' llllI,1 Id t o me JU It \IUS /I 80, III I 10 \\ II to IIS8111llC II \ Irtno tlt Clll"h } Oll P f J 0 I d II b I 1\ M " nAn,,, /)e p uly III I". "0 '111 11' weI Vllly tltirtgt1J.l0 inu h gtl loot Illl tlcqnnlll lllllclJ or frwlld s I .. d" II ro . I go lCOIl I OU~ It ;'JA"~ 'S. '<""" .\. Dno\\ , A L~·I. ~Er.I,I'I{H VFHl\IIFUGe 1hr Sn ecial Fea tures. ' - -,n..., e Iealll t I111 t \ e ll . lUI. ~'L' o w 11' 1 II yuu llll g iit S Ill SOIIIO of 0111 ItUYO tl It 1I0t, IWI\ O\er 1111 .... 0 \\ I down tho hOllso r el lclltoJl) b) Ru lllO hi) '!U I" d I' II ! 411ft 'I' , kl e '0 .1 'oZ I i 1.1 ' .~ ~ :!_~_~ _~_ W<lIl ' YVLlll cotnl" r • ~ l<I" VII All iho /)upn rtUlunll ~ hloh hll 0 01 11"11 J it I d t F t(I\~II'S ICOp l o l 'UIO t o co whnt n !-( I\e \ "I ll r 8. Cr"r' (i r IL 111 0 ti l tluylullny r~cltlltlUlI" lid, \\u\ .... cloll\ u, yuhlt.) "' n)', .. r~dl1"-W I h "'n" o 80 v"pula r a ll o .. r the United cr t !~S jJ\ll~ 1M I pl ~)por?t III d' re~ luvely 'plll(,(~ nlld Cl llllll! C " 0 ha \ (' r.:huIICC to prOlc bls tl llsolli shll C lJ, IIlll ubly l elldered SHBHIF}I" S SALE I~~I"~o('r~,,:\,~,ol~;~I~Io R .~I ~h{~'If~tl.~ ~I Rl• • , ,, 111 ' ,0 logularlJ conliD uod. DaUl cl, I he Populnr L tLers of t bat (!lAllng .. ,.h,,1 POI' , t wl"C I~P a~l(; Je II en s u " l ' IS ll Ot 11"1111, sr' Inr 19 I't 1II'lleUr" ' IIlId lot IIIIU onJoy UIS imllgl"~ I l\li 8 11.1 11 1110 Clldwalludcl ',; 1)1 111 1>1 ' tlon sport II . JlI11I Y >loem. ~ J " l ill. \I ~HHF.N I, \I~DIO \ J'LEA n r ll't', '" 1'Itl "lmr~h I'" !lclI.I f.,. .. n, UIlIe,ullO "" IIIIOIan. Rov Pet,ole um V -Joe Atklll son WUS Illtell dltl -Mr '"" oil Ct'rII ell h as 1Il0 10d [JIIIU.1Il0 IIOS ~ 10, l al tha, was IIdll1l1,llll> d" IH' ,H uul .. r Furo.loL) J 1U1I1_, w.. )"c,,,ll,. )(11,1 I "llIc i> arc wrlLten oxprt}•• " fo r,'I,., IIU , Il ouschold Ilupnfl wunt a rich I t dIt)' I,I t IuU . gt lilt tho brl olI I II' U80 I. Itcl), ucou l)!(·d I We MedII.), ' lt v t lt ~ I ALI 'g"'1 T - HE- GREAT--n-LOO-n- TONIC d11~l1..u'10~ llOr\ S '11II tu Ilavensnoou I d o lIot kno\\ I t \ Vwbat Lob,IIl II I UIl ' The N A~VI Loo • , ~ A,,,,,,, of Jl ru,,1 II1 format ion upnn '" I)j U r C I> Wo"I I" " II W liol illS t uno 11 0 1 II III aY lIesv l c III Il>r chcsb'!l WIlS flll ol)' 0 11111: I I tl tIll' , a CI I ' '-n," "0 ',I.G7 I I tl I t II t 10 me III II I \\ ca 101 016S I Cu It ill • v ~J I d I Id 1 M' ' . ' "1l0f a l ,e ""u J ~ u " f II 1 f o ul 'J "cl " 'If luter, 8L I" ".OIY home a Yq ung '1'11 1 I .1 d IElY tnkes thll RU lll!l corner ~1 1 I 0 110 10 II III S IllJ In g t \0 III III c lltOI tam mell t clus"J wit it lit . 13u I. nrCle Lt •• r!." I '" ", fe 10'01 tI". (u t~ 0 10 II .· " , OR nrl"'t'" r un: Pl. uplo';o Iloplu' tlllcn t 1\ ftoh;::loUM Ue)Jtn t I:l } Jl1pI 8 1\ lO ll lo rowaruc \ II , H llwu ' \ Vo I now \\1 t I Gi I I , 1'1' J' , I IInl'ur~ lJIo.." , n,,11 fOJ r Inv ,,!,,,r,,I,,,, ,... 11 11 111, oml'rllui ll ~ Ihe tfCl kly !:l 11JUJ'H SChU.l1 10 1' th cl r SIl ) Ilnrit • ut UXlllIlIllUtlll 1l A I Steelc. ('/ X eLIIlI, IS ml1 \'1l1!! III J;l e •I }. , IU WIIlIUU I . ely . l ttl I, l"~ , .V , il L"" U lO ll ""Ie 01 .,,1,. dlO l , "'''cd . lr~ lIgl l" 'UIl I!' 1111 ' lI "t ''' M'In. Aro YOII L,ss"". l horn.... 1; l·uCI,y. U,It BrJl! hlo. ~ t r) I ' f to th c CUlllul1 l lo ll se lIl l EIIIPr)' L I0810 e u t HalUos has dOIl O, lLnu we colo lind M18~ Cu ,hl.lllnd I 1'1" , It "I' Ihe nlln;o ~L"t .. l , "'" ti ntl 10 III ",,~el l1l \\ ,,,k 101' '" 11ob,/ltnl ul 1'''1. "li d lIIue , II I I lIIonr @cloo a . ' I\ ( ll)'1I10 . n l l k ll trle I CHo ll ttro llhle w ue 'TI ' 1 I L,ere"l li uofl."d 1... . .. lollllh. _, h,d Il vo"I •• I)OIl. nvp.Lllor lllVc II'lt nllll 1I" ",or The Un.1 torles , O.ll;lDlI l ( JJ I I J 11 n Oli Kilby Ed\\U1UH\lgl' l~ L ydl Glellllll.lf)\cs fi mCl>lWllllnhltite 1I0W 111 1 \J I\SlD lIlunY I l'81"'ll\\II~ II' lI' s t dWull euOou, ,,, h,,' LV\O ,I\ofl)lol,l,c · ' "1I .'~\~II IIIIII\I"' hnul' ,~ ur 11 ... 1111 S. l ( I N), J"\n 8 \\~ r d t o CorrtspO ude nl",. t' tl I II tl 'All ho nse Inteh OCClI llICd by All 'hus, I I>I cod upon the Hili h\ uy by th c III o t 11 11, and it IV us Cl't Ittl Ilh ll(;lIl1) ""ell" n ,L Ihc ',8ltl, n,0 •.f J o~ ph ClI " 8. DlII L 1"" . non I Alii ;I~ n wtl l dr, ,,: ,,,,, I II ... LIIL, .t N ow a fro," 111/ pllr t.8 or Iho , P Olnse D III way, 10 J U cot \J OSS In I d d• 111'11. W"y"o" vl ll~ Ot, r " " '" l · k h TIl \\ ~ " " 'I h" Blndo mrcn lnlt18 Inrgoh In 0"Ut to SlY U1llllglllty) I R c t t,Mo-cs I'trbyII III DOlIl McCur· Hugcrmnn \\ It o gocs to AI1~IIIIZO Iocr VUPIJlnu r HI IJA l 1'F,/Ii! \IlY'J A. n 1 .9 "ut 'h o d l.OII,., una lm "~ h,'" I, ,,,,,II UI' ~ t.uto nnd 'I' urri!or\ III the U" ion . and r W WlIli t the concurt r ' 1'( uted, III II " " , Lh. folio" ;"1: PC;M.;n.1 1'1I11'~' t v 0Tr nc.. ,tl , l ll'''nrl',~. Inl1. , blOt) "'1"1"A I, "Of'" hON) .ocognl •• d All the IlIfltclIt ~D d d Og CfSl' ,r ; ' cC:>' r'ly' uud l~rullky coollty 111 1' Gcor1fe Dill IrCI WI ll of u Leba non pfLpe r, I1n d tliat the y, 11J.I.U UU , • " C . , 8" o t "aId palJo r III th IS r gard I t AI 7' I I I . , tlcr::\" l I ~ 1U1I1ll ,~o IIr U " " I nuo Uool :0; U IVS ",,1l 'AlDlly I'n(lCr [l U bll. bed 110), F ' take chnrge of tho a m well H ouse vur " D --. • 0 "' ,nul I 'u~ 10 8 1l 0 t ..... o' . m." o Or ... II.t"i "",. " f Blo~'1 D'~OIl.eA , IlUd D. rnzlcr M.: I Ii III openly cOli delU ucd b mo tit llot Leba llOli. I••• • alwuL ;jOIl busb uls COW. mo. e 0' los. L II 'D1 lOd 1 b) I f Inlf Lho " ho r~ 1 ry II lIu d JOu Will novo. willingly .. lthouL II -~reeport 6ustllln cd another en· 'Irc I . I 0 Cris ill wri tes to till aT! of 1lic o1flCera of the COm phny 1~~~o~'~g~f.I~ IIt~:~~~I~;~~I~"~~ :"~I~~'Y I~~ <I;~~ :oCI.U~' t1..~~koi;~~nj' t~:'~1,1fle. t h o hoAmong ",0 II .. {cn"' .... (Oi' Uli • • 101<1. t~rtuluUlcllt In the \\ uy uf UII oxlll -M} 1 , P I I ' " lid Irlelld8 of tlte cuterprise i Ilnu Tlilt o,ld Court b Oll so has been OKy of IlU ltI .J.uII 08 U C larke V I oouor.l olt lon Suld by "rnltA' •• I. ili l 00 p~r uru 1\ 6a ri n~ of blti oll lust week; the lJ1ugnet of In froJU II runkfOl t, MICh , us f~ ow , I t th e paper has any sense of rIght forlJ1a1)y condemned liS bOll1g n dUIl' I ' ~nll., OA Ii butt ~ R E ELLlm8 &. CO Sr,:r • . AndersoDyilia Prlsoa S•••es, t OI st III the e volJIllg \l U by P l ae ' ,Vo arc 11\ IIIg 111 a vel Y P ell8:lnt t II t t f I to se tI t t gC I OllB nu d u nsafe bllll dlllg, yet all .JA S "'F. I~ M ,10n~B N, l ' llt..bur gll,l'" 1!'or H"I hy J ,'n by 1)11 0 ... 110 .as Ihe r o A new S erl.1 810ry 'ffi "TI A I 'T ' I ," ell l1l ale It hllS Il (lt hee n llR cold U8 II a , I canpo a l e III 1 8 tl 11'. d I k Shertn. Wnrren COUlIt)'. Ohio -_.GH ' -S -YR --U -P Un 11Ie I ,UI1~U6 Illve 01 ., 0) d "" TI nctlOll , if It h UB allY ilJ fillCIlCe ut all , 10 coun ty 0 lCel 8 11I e at y r i B Itlg By }I S IIAIII.". Dc,.uty SELLERS' COU • IVn. commellce.! N" . , J4Uo ADolb e, ODe or "Tussu s ExpCIlcnCIl Wltu J oe With YOII by _0 cgrees. 11 m· cou ld but returo tho succeS8 of t ile thel r, hv '8 at the poet 01 duty.·- I AlliN. BnOIlN '" ar,O'HN. All)', l) , er l 000.000 bottles f\Old It i. the Will CI'mmuneo III J ILIIU&" . 1'E lU I""- Rmglc 00[1\ , por 1enr,~. live Alldersl)u ." D n't tuke Illy word Iller@ lire v ' I Y ple.\ IIl1t, 1111 hllY u Tboy ure a br9~ve set of U1 e ll mo-tl" onfOmtund lloI'1l1I1r romcd) fu r CalM. 8 • • 1.1p cBeb len or mOrt> copi es . '1,65 for it, but u\nt! YOlllself 01 theea l. , lcl or IS lI ot kn ll wn IJolc. It hUB rv\Vc bc... S hakes care's 111ll'do n !llR~ J ue iuh Holbl'o k Il llS beon 1 Coup'h~, Cruur.JIOIIriionCH. IItld ull Throut copt. ollel, . 1I1I1I UI) o lt m copy WIth OVHf oluil or Jlest OI'I)U1 tlllllty to hUllr Gilltill becll \ CIY hcul t hy UVC'I sinco w e I ., b l'> • • IP I d '1'1 d" tnvl'Ad "y the schou I ClllUIIII S8 IOIl . 1 n'lfl L UIIK 1)'.0""0' liM boon 1n UMO for tou S pe " I ~lon COI)108 Ment free SODd (or ' 11 k 'I' r eb et I r o ' Vc IlI1IU s lol"h (\l Ie \ w eg cven {I c l n r JlI 8 ""j Mil A I 'lARC H 4 I ~IU I ~ CO/tll' IN 0 h nH l O"ntlll)' I)olltors focommeo<1 .uH) 1'OLEDO SLADE. perl vllIl lt, )on Ihl ll IlS~O IS 11l \ I 1'-' " Ind1l1 "0IlCO ' lint Id l e l all tho bad ere 0 ontgl)mory, 11111\11)11, tu L'Jok oul fUI " bro,!>u", 1I ~1 " '"n'<I s prcMollile It I E YO" nt"n. L on g PO . ono AtI,lrCti. l'olcdo, Ohio. hghtnlllg C"h!/!,"r Illi g llbnnt:2~ Ull>lItlt S II I thc \\l ntm, I ," I t ' tI I , : uccept the BI1 PIOllll tc lld c rJ c), 0 1 tlt e 1." UI, m I ,,,,,, " .11 s<l l Oll Ihe4 tl, ol M'I" '" III "Ul" ·Tt.,\vcd 'n) t\\ooh lldr. n h OUl - -- -..~ . . ITltlJ~nUJulc I H nrcv c l vpleasn n l , III IiUlt) lrWOTIC lIll le uregolll g'l IIU Jlubltc schoolB I>ftha t c Ity ooxt w, Llo vutle - COle (Inc .. Ie \\011 1, I ou . of th"UII"' 1 A L SII1,,"on ,ol ll"I:"nnr~. UN'l:RY I· I f)1 I' MEl'; I -The \\ Ifu consequ~ lIce u l lite lakc b~eozc9 must la \ c sO ID oI li ng to r Otl ll l n p " plnnd I)on I forgl l Iho <lU I I I,Q,c II hr I i\Id .. I." 'uY' ,It w" l UI " Ih o "018 oo ug, FIFTY THOUSAND BOOKS o ~ tl C,lt ly ",1th . yc.:Rl, 1111\0 mlme\ to III H ~t C,UUIOL do Ilf Ll e l tlH1U i ll nrn l,tlm t £lh ' Atilt yotU clrlHcglst or M'onFor Sale ot Uolf Price. uf Mnrt lD McLIIUg lthll,U COnttactol, the th crll1 'Itl el I gut!:! I1 p III Uln tl k 11 k Mn lind MI's Funkey w el e in ' OI11'c.t ll h,N' 0,," O"e, I"" It" tim" erlllo",,-..k"porfm It ,,,,,1 t lko nootbnr who II ves III MOllrllc ul opcd With u Illcr It 0111 75 to ] 00, ) et \\ (. uu not ~'" RSI'Yt k M) lIego, tllC U C of uo · Lobn~on o ne day' tillS week Ih a t B" th Im' ltu",. qJle, Wi ll , d,h III .L .lI ll·,,",., :l ' 0 • ~Uo , I",d $1 p or b"ttt~. CO S cDd Wo nre 110 " olTeolog 10 Lho plllol!e, ro. ~o U !' I " Ii IOC 1UI 0110 0,Iy Iee I t I10 op\,r~ssJ\ l Ile.1 · t '1'11O 1I1~ IIt~II UlIl""'''· Jlon Ol" olwlJtl lll U l'nl for II 1.,o , .,lpd . fu,clI c ular R ): SELLER ... , P' OPIl,t!. " t ono hnl! the r egular prioes. II rty mllu III1U1e ' _Ul e 1.'('11 HIU - Olf " .th I". beud eo much A ORAND mask ball WI ll • hc gil · I }l CII\ " U l il ke elll e 01 It 111101 W/tllt Iu H' II II >II J l ' r 0I" 8, rtttllb ufgh. PI' .ho"sII utl , 0lumuB or cholco hooks, oompri last \II cok l ' appuurs 111 I S Mc 111 e cuo l " e It I e 150 mtles 1I 0rth fur llu"'~J~'Khnlll • • .. cn AI m cit 4th In tI m Itew CI t) hull "oil ory Hou.c ~n,1 1,lIt III Ou' "'10 th o ""tne F ur . ,,1 Ly J 8",, <18, Wn) n Bsv lllo, 01110 s oug ll , ~ torv. DIOjrrll/,h y , F td lon, Poeity, Lallghl lll, \\I IV 11:1 II ltkel} luuklll /{ uf Juhll M. CIII11I1111 nlill UUI' SOil Ill! ' .. l iK E I·UtlLIS Ii. D B ,JOhll V un H ntllllge ll c.le I do , Also 1111 ·I .. bi>cco Shed .. "1 lJu .II llI _ _ _ __ _ H lI mor. MedII III, R~ I g lou ~ lind ilcleDtilio 11' II,k •• e d.led by S llIlId"ld A u thon, etc, blonde, hns bl'en eulllllUl~~ 01 I'roc ,Jolllltha ll, . (;IV? my k ll~uc t I e· " F It t ell yeal S Ill y Wile was con· II uted thc 87th afl fll\ cl'tlary of lll ~ 'u ,~cir'j\"~ :oal~\ '~ t;;II:dIJ~\~I:,":~,I~U~I;~" ':;~'~~' ote , h(\"c booko " ' 0 . olected 111 our Jolr tl>r fO I 8 lU ll tln lO putll lh e IlIltel I!U lds tu U " Sidoll, J ~t\Bd~, I fill cd t o hel beh \\Ith Itcb 11 COlllplt IJIIlhdllY III t ' VeJncsda y . ~on" bulllUCOIII t"" ) C'1Ib ",cII.o,1 on tho Lo. K Yo ( NII 8ty) frem tho Rhc lvc8 01 tho I dl!acnbcd liS hlJllIl{ n tlltll ll!! Cel II ll lu rJ D)~ . V, Cuu I\ . t1I11ue l , G. ClltlOU of' (ltlmellts t hat 11 0 uuctor PRESJDI.:N'I' H lllUes hilS /108t8 0 1 1'",v.t.'6 H MuH INSE\ \I ndlt lg J1,ublls hore ot Ih o oouut~ll aro lnll II BIV IUld Iroa h. antI Bro IhA Id. ullda editions low fill the lIIIcII OI ,)1 the Itll ti bl1lld J. Wl l g h t, und Fluuk llupklllS' COll ld tell Ilh ut wus the InllttCI 0 1 h lllUd tl lll 1ebsllo)), II ROd ' S, Au el"","c, " ""dlod I" Iho rstull 1,00kHollor. W o 11 ....0 IU all that Cltll811tUtCS It lie luulIl.uud - . ':UIO ltel , und I used np !L 81111111 tot ' .KXECU'l' ~ )n'S NO'rI VE moll etl LhouHllnd . of t hu80 book. to,,,11 p.rte Mr Mc1,(Iu J>lt llll ' 18 enrr,I"CU III B AKUIS G UA I~U8 mud\! II fill c ~H! tU lle III hu mb lw stllH, S 'X mUllths SEl"!', LEHENT o f a lo ng d lspute or Iho co uulry , nnd ol er, hoo 1!ID~Otlt I ~ I!t r-, ~ ~'hcft eumlC II h ..a8I.,.U 011 lrd ,,nurl brtdge bll dd\llg lit MOl rolV, 111 t i ll S p I.LY at t l J,~" u I C S PIUU(Ie III~ t Sat .1p;V 1 SUW \I l S flug Wi th llop PI IYS)O lllll lS I\liv e at I list come t 0 tl Ie 'lu!llI t!"~ rRlguf Iho EXGc (,I nppoill 11I{J I"" >II (!il n mnkl moue II fR.~ t ) nt work '0 ' UJ Wllll1\(l tc,l 10 bo onc/l v lUI rspre8tlnLlld alld t llllJl nl ILII ' a.hll l"" 01 1'1 u Uupitn.l 11 0 1 to 2:1\,C 011111'0 Mnhsfll otlOn ,. COl1l1ty, alld lor 1:101110 tllno pnsl bas urduy. lli ey JO OVI' bellutlililly, B,tt CId 011 It, [Iud I thtlughl 1n uulll cOll el\1Sl0n tha~ th e b~at lIIod lCIO' lind 10 I .... ""I or II ~ " AlI 11,1 1'1ON. ¥ rO'l'It \uJ . 11 0 ,Ill! KIIIII ,o u $n I I ~' b eJ) .. b cut Ir m homo fro 111 MOll ShU ll lug t ile <lfilC1CUCY 01 thClr 0 1· br. o f, 01 once lIIore. l l l lOU It, but for tllcthlng clllidroo 18 Dr, Bull's la l u of W".'UI1 eO 'IDt," 0 1110. noe" .... 1 II". III homo mudo 11\ Ih o md llsltluu ' CATALOGUES FREE. .. 1 d I t l .., ,, u S e }' O{J~ I ·~IA/I JtltU dill' n i -Mil, and will Ie IlWUY nt bls l~el a lld the I1 I (J u JI:lW' Ill y fol ly prol'od to be WI UO IIL .olll>y yl'Up J2uUi\.th l8 1'"h') .:! t.t 1f.7!!. \lell , \li OIl \Oll, lIo,s lWeI g il ls \i" ntH ct\ hQ in s Mril Me uud l'r C[I>I' ell .• ' 1'l:8 , II thc~r pill it® la!rt: 611t Two bottl es clIr U hel' nn d sho IS 1UE rl1mor 8eems woll founded ~ •.______..J_ . ____ _ l' \ urJ wit ru \.9 wo rk Ic.r IlA , No", i , Ih" till ' °''' 11, 01i\ b l lI nd tl r,"~ flo Ad ttl' t:d n h oth r'a 6001 ty vcry as urdu), was ml1de, add iti onally a t· 11 0\\ as well a nd eh l>lIg'as 1111)' \II1l1l'S thnt Dll,n mborM promilleut ol tlzen s eh,,!!!! tpU,11I ,e..: On. Al1 ~ lI · I\ j ' 101m', l' ItI~1\1 I Tb /'ug'!,I '1i had bllt tluctlve by tho Bnud, \\ hlch Illurch- WIl e and It C08t me only t wo dol. tit Bhltlml)re bu\'o reaoh ed t o ClIect lh I.:. I1lU"n' WI t! thorn \I h II they ~d Ilt tbo houd ot the OompnllY. III lars> Be ye lIke toohsli "- B. W , 11 1ll~1l\t'l(;lnt to 'tit 0 memory of the jJ d, lJUt UI) tc> lnitt lIIght 110 tracc of Hue Btylo B ut tho G Ulllds laCK a Dctro. t, Mich, late I'. J. W. Bull, dlSCo v.ou;lr oC til UJ uld bo found - r MU8011 tUlid of cololi) and they ought ,te) ., , ••• tlu\t' - ondQrfu l... l'cmedy, . :Or. BUIP8 liard.. , ito.\ e ouo. 'J1o DA'! 18 Ash· W cdnesduy. Oou Syrup. _ 1 fur
emical Paint, . AXV'. .
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Jl l rlll
Saturday. March 1st, A. D 18;9,
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Admillistrnwt of 1J~lInl\lI Y cl~I~, <lu~'d,
8, \V , DRO\VN, Alty,
LEeh, 0, 4
M&nI Un'tl.- -
Hay per ton, , }C~lour por ()wt"
5 @ 7 00 hoy LIfo, \)y MII~IOu . Mcr l' i"onlh ~ r, R"tho r 0 @ :! 60 o ('A GellOto l ~I R,,,,,lo,,. tllllt\i"ll' IlIu9Ir., \ tou ill' Miss L , D, HIIII\I,h,'o)' 4 50 DON QU IXOTK . Ja '1"0 '\,I\'O lltu"," o f Sir 75 Milli.dc" I'ctorkm P""I .. at.etl DOllglo . 12! .... L" 11)' Juhn Ilro n l1Johll A fUllIlY _tory 1 00 wrIlLen y for 110" Little 110'. of Alllorl.n , lli uRtrnlcd wIth comio 1,IcLurcs ' b y I.. Hopkill s
B uckwbeat p Ol' cwt" Buckwbllnt pO l' bus hel , Buttor por IL Mupl o mol(lBscs Bee f porI L, b (Jst cuts,
I1'' .
~ l::Ialt per barrel Huws ( s ugur. ctired) Potutuo pOI bu shel Apples pOl' hU 8uel
lb o,
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per doz ~ n
8 ®-OO,
LOI<I IJIlI' 110tiod Flux ~ eed p el bushe l
Clover Seo<1 per bl! bel ,
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1',0- I'rilloo, Ill' Kir k MODror, r; <)0 I lf ugl r"tr ll hy L . nOllklios , ' U 60 om Novel S~lto ol~ , Compr ising 11ft.
, . _ , Ilorlnui. :f:"po rlm~llts in hoth . E u'OI'll 11 1Id' Arneri!)II, I.od y Jleltv a l,oklng 0 1n8. '['Iou H itiWt'y of ~; i .Engllsh _Cooking chaol '
'FOR DENT, ' ," '.,ROOMS ' - L~
'lIlly ::I"gor St.,,, '1l.0I'''' rQT '~c\lli, 1'(1 lOll , 11)'. t ue\' eull Wbilo . {~rs, J ohn 'LiIIl )....! (lit vuil :AIJ";1' 1~t,~t!70. ' A1>I)ly 14 ' :, . J\ ,·,Th~ ' I)c" klnH h18~I~uLlo'l for lb. It libd ,
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NI~l\' PJ~\NL8 ";'12a J.: It'" 1111. 1 '\11 MLI II fi; Im' ln tl ll!;': Grand Squaro Bnd UpTISill. nil .1""110 fir st ol aRB " .. lrl ,II th u low l f\ L ne t cas h w holo aalo ,f ~clo rY. I I\I~ I'" ""{l l·t L I Lhe l ·t·UI II",.. I~I Il lo~ ,· "tl f\n~ mnd ,· nntl Hr Ihe IIl1o~t. lil - p!.ns fll IIIL' WI II
O Clll Clllllul ..:
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l·eCll lnm OTld, .d
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I?OR SALE ! r~"ldc"co !'If
8tr~OL. \ V"yh!!Mvill c,
H "n mLh Arnett; Tilit d Ohi o, tlolltuini ng"ov Il room •• nl"" l'I1ntry lind ldtch'uu, Th o h o u 8o i . fl uisll u<l ill bl...,,, '~~lllllt, lind i. In eKeo l. ~ O'nL r opa ir , ~\vo !l ew I'UlIlpil on tllo premo UlOH, Oli O for mM.crl1 Wl\ter. ~ S, tU.tlOlJ i . h'gH ••lImmnndinlol' a oonll\!' lui viuov, Lut 80x~1 0; a ""rioty of {rlIIL. h'OOH alld good BUll T tm~ lInolhn'IIlod.ting, Apply It JOB G KEYS, Agent, 111 0
» :<. ,..-0
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U\' l! r 12 ,I UlIl III I1 MO . III tI' pllrltc d .o\I U llll rl lltn l i ll ~
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OfU{lO, Dr ttl".11
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~USSXA.N G UT "~:~~I,~=~r ~.I '~"~:...a.:
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b,U br all Th'q::. uls '" Oaaieatlllll", 0111, &0, / TRI X t-l I ,,(, R O('\1 SOl', N,Y.
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~rlca 100. Per Cake. ...
IUl~E S, ~I ,
41'.~ t".,...._r_ . ,. ..
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Perfnme the Breath,
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ROllERl' F, F U HN AS,----
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DR. E. F, DAK(N,
•• z _441111 )M\h"" _ !/IIJ.f':' ;..r ..'.. l\t "., . ...... ..w1.u' ~ '. ,. " ... ,;....... ... L ... _
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White Bronze
Uih. ---Al ~o , A g'cllt
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tl t·y'li o ' r{ ",!tu u).
' V"YUt' ",,,UII', Ohio.
-S~1'H W-- BI{( HV N, ATTORNEY AT LAW , LV]) ~VOJ'lH }, P Ull L I O. 1. II IIANQN, U III O
raiWO I!K,., ,1. '1'
& MORROW, 0,
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C. A",-.' & CO"
8 ~]Vi!~ ~ I on or 0l'1L 8 8 A,........,L6L<'u.c...~_
Rouse Painting, Paperlig aod
" I' ~ ,
,(, In:1 u ) .Cl h .. . Lo.-
nil incd3 you c'w 1tI, ' OF iIEIlA:NON, ' B ot w~on F (1urth Illld Fiftb, 1:"1;0 III , $1> to illO ~ O) : ~EBANON I1 ,H' JlHvh, b)1 1111 \ wC,Jr. • - - -)0(- ,- - ,'. ker uf oilhor MOl, .llllt, OUI' of Good Ovlfeo Bnd Two Nloo III tholr "I"n local ilic • Roll Rlld", Ich 8 for/ r on 0 011101 , " 4),Bl~.omlJl~8g. i, . _ " , . A. C.. 11 811IJply of uU arti I~y ill TIll' lilh' I"nJo~ lrtrs nnd ' ''\D" , Sl!coiBI RolcapUoD Room for Ll1dleft, BIIS' • HIlS I)pen~d Ii 13rnll oh ())ftloe in WaynQ~. will tlb 1111 tim • Un found at 8~h o/ll~bIL~h· gage 'lInd 1'1WI<"1l I 6~~eil for freeof'cb"rge, vlllo, Orders loft at :Mi'. Doll', Drug.S ~<lr. IIlon\;' O"il tlnil Mn"oi,," ~toQ k und l o" rll 1,1 01 WOrth $fl fr"o. tmp'o -" ynui~hu e at Uli- bUAI" M, Addres8 STI "'OIl Ii HENLEY & O~W'IOK., Prop·r., ",ul "cei" o ~pt a~Qtloo; 66li p.loeo botoro"pufoh;"ulIg ol.owhuro, 00 • l'urilnn,I, Maille , I 1I~.1 ,
.... ' • j '.'" ; " I~ :t
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, - -00 TO TUI:- -
II •
'l r ""11" ..., ,1I 1\.
01 .
i:C~A~~PLETE 8
lma\~ble --'\ \,,--
BEST DINNER 'INO, 3 .... STREln1 • WAYNESVI LLE, O. Including Cofi'ee, Tea or Milk I 1 ,
F 0 It T 11 E
• • ,1.1 \ 1 j
)j,ll "
~ Sped,,1 .""IIS" mulIls ,,111 10o m" d,'
",udle) II1t"'lo .... "lid LlIg lll';II/il. of "aill\' ill ~S , lJy 1;,,, II , Bl!lljllllIin. 1'100 111 0. 1 nt. l rOlc t l' O ntlcIIOpl )ot IlI lId, 10 popul ndzc Art in th,' rllmih' ll lOd IIInke ch illll OIl ill\olllllilllcd willi our li vln!! ADI~IICil lO " ,'l latd lind \I hnt ltlU~ nl'(\ ,loil'8 ' HIII"Y U...lblc 1"'1;0 11Iu.trnll·d Poems I.
20 Tbe Mille'
, Hogs 1101' owt, ' __ '
a 111'1' "p"l'e r
It ·
Jacob Schwartz
i. u f t ho c llUi ce~ 1 chM,eLor nll,11I ,1111 100 A.GIf.N'I'H "'''NTKD " 'r v,"I!IlV .'4)I!jT fuolI' l ~ \f,I" "IoI. addltloll I ~ e\ el' hre" ,tle 01!1' 1()1C, l:i~-:'~:~~'OIUMI!IIIM'll bomt '1' 10 . 10\\ ,rn~o II~" Ioieh it "pulo. BI'F.CIM RN c.:ol·ll.:~ FIU;' fl , ' 108hed , 1,lno,'. II w',thlll tho rench of 1111Addrol8 FARAl'l' II: 'Mct1!:AW \\ 10110 wo " oulo nu vl 'O evc.. o n O Il . fnr II ~ (I.~Il.NN"'TI. o . ' poo.. "' . 10 IlIk u thoJt """ coullly P"I'. ' •• wo • _ _ _ _ __ U I'SO t he olunll' 01 Ih. I11lLLAa [J'l l AlO,' U" xL, heing ~1't I 8fi od UUII lUI cl,.min l1t,i"ll of Il~ cunkllt~ ,.. til 1;0J1\ mee ull of it» 'f ll tle 118
Our Aru crl.'1n Artl"ts, r1"11'.1 tior,"8 )( 1 75 l" UJ!lr l " WllIlIlIll l:i UO'\l'd, Wllh por l l ,,"s ,
Sausage pOI Ib
Ibem"ulvc" , h ul nlwul s llII lIg iLl!t '" II ' h,",oh . D I Mary narlw " " Ollth " , \4'uoli , r", lll ddy Hlu. trnlod by ~I n, J A L " tlol,u ry u n OV AL L O'''UE', L A"" YUII Af , T, 0 1,. 15@ 18 -A jolly Slory uf Am erlcnn S e houl·
". COl'n ~ bus hoi
111\\ in~
c.:l u hhlllA' With Lho MllulI l (; Il:t.c U " S p"eUn cl> eopl'I< "011 1 "I> 1\1\1'" cnl ' O" 10 "ClLI,lI !!IIIU IA LH. !II Y F.Jt8 "" 13 ttl 1\ 1.: 1. I. , 'I'u~ Duu n.a., 1ft ~l ll, II eI M\' 01 Sevell i'ubll _horN D'81)U lCh, COlll lllloll' 0 Morry Chlld ron . who fneed 110., woli,1 f<o r , -- - - - - -
$0 80 2"
Wheat !'iO buebel,
plll'f'r .
I'" \ II, h .
, f I I~ I , ' UI ~" I \ " V ' H~ ' . " I ,1"," ~, I I w
., r,o
l '" )'\l h h l" lt, ·d t., t {l lI "'1VtJ h (ur . 1I111l "oliton l)
,l f t; wuf lhU lnlltl\,oo mplim' ll l .
I U f"\vT , NA''' 11 ENQUIRr:R,
lL:J r C:fu lin g m lltel
l '" IUI1lI1
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J I'·' • .q' "'k 1111 ,1 f:rufn 'j u ll lnt lO UI.! If l "U. I . I· I , .:.tll" rtUlj l lh~ ltl H I I t:~ hl' , £.! 10(11 111 ., "r,· ,\ 1" 11\" r,'h .llo l,·
The Dollar Weekly Dispat•ch ,,'1111 '\,I ".1, ·l ,,'~i .l f".ur b) thu E n qulr " r 'h" IIOlv" ", OII",,,t of 'ren t ",,,rill l ruLh . Lh ll'Y·fI; '"
/1 I'l l 'I t1
uod=lcned. who III forward de.crlpU'T pampb.leL, fr•• of chorce, on "pplicatlon. RespeclluUy, etc.,
I '
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b .lt.low R(heltlrH tnl' uLs.
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I. Inron lb. in DllV
l':\I,cl }1 u1 ,,0 Iln:'tt lu r)J:t o f illtcH I~(i1i1. f"llI h l:" ' :" IJ\ lkc ltnll th ut IH rqulI i'lllli "l rrll h u". ct,tJ .n 1 hlr, l'i~ , c" ' " "I'nml ell l• • whu kO"I' il", r~"dcl . lo,l ' , 1,\ ' ,. I. h e- I-. III ". rllmil) ;"u ... III T i ll Jo:S COM PANY. ' In "inll,, ' I.O, I I' I I I" I I j r , III \ ,Cu 0 I IU ne\\ ~ ti l t '0 n t lg I v or 10J.'. l \ \ t: II " 1,( 1 t lu i Y ~\l li c l lt; l ou r ~ Ub "/\ri ptilJ1\. - - - - - _ ..- .- - - -- -_ _ _ __
A\11A1TE, 11.l79, ,,, n lAt
• (. ' 111
I HUt·fM l.l htll"h. · ... h rt. Hr
k l ' ![ ' dl I fll T "L ull e 0 " , " I ",'I t I" 01 lO Wry Hop Cough Ou ro aud Pain 111ft d OS<'rlhed reu l . Wl e . t o·WI I. ' 'D l ' et "Lot. tlurubttr't'\\,oHty-nl1l 0 (:lU} ill JubllAe 1 • ~Oll'8 ~dditiu" I., tho toWII of Oorwlll, "" 1 Iror "al hy J , BANDS, d Oijijfllut uJ 011 tho r oootdcd plnl. "f """I t(u(l\'O ·"l'" ,ioD,.tho !luut)" of 'Vurron nnd tiLILtO WI})~; J~ '\ 1. 0 Said roal Clit.utc 1188 be n ul't)rlli •• d nt t.h. Th e I'ictcria.l Mp~aZine Hum OR $2liO,Iu,d tllo 181UO 11',11 lou "uld li t Y F 1 for n ot Ie •• lha" two. lI ,ird. "I H"HI "l'l'rrd.rd aong a I, v ..lllc. uDo-thi rd uf t.he purch n.o·monov to ELLA "A R llIAN, Edllor. be prud on (l ay of ~j\1 , ofl o·tlurtl in . ix th tl tI' d ' 0 th I It i8 oOllcrd.d 011 1111 . id,'. Iho, ~1' ~ .r8 "ccom. m OD 8, UI1 ono. Itr !D , no YUllr . .0 (0· D Lo lllrOp k. Co hav e forred puyment.8 to boar lotoro tat tll X (101 pli s hed \\hnt th o) sui Ih eir huar t.1 upou 1\ few cent. nod to be HOO.urod by m o rtQ'l~go on tho yCl\rS ago , \'iz to J1I lIko tL m [\~lu:lno IlhBOpr misOtt. Aud 8Uld r uu l Ctlt fltu ,\fIll be ... old l lltel), pUle ill 119 iufl lll\ l1cl'. u llflv nlot! III ltR clonr ~nd free of nll tl lliot of d",~o .. of N~n'l llle rary lIIoril, hOl\u lilul 111'11811""11 , . fillU the n cy YUlgh . widow of l(orDi llU Yot~h , d ec U. to fu rl1l sh II nl n p ri ce s o lo w thnt. p€!ol' lc \ VILT.l,\ M MANI NGTON, coulo utlo ,d 10 tllko it '1
:tI 1'1
, lo.' :lil"1 1 fr(fl\hi'l*fl s a}'t !lf illl .~ t , I" rll u till' t.t·, I... loft nI l, In III f, r l' X!', 11;IICI /,tJ /ltll 'a &.'f , ldll(JLrJ,oal, (' (I I'I ·t t.. ! .' 11111 11111 V , . I } ' I I . Iflill \\ ,,11 tiJt! " ll ll l.'I'I t d t....
".tl! \\ h , 11 11 t.:. ·t",h Il l! .. L III P" lIll':; Jlta.l d,,·
f"" .
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, IOI. l"'ul"' 11l 'I I l'l fu ' l fIl'T I "I f}; " ,Y.)I'lt-If'J111111 :-" llIIlIC O rll wl .. r'fllltUIII~ 't "r hll",11 ' li'~ I l l ' " virtue o f ,~u ord'r o f t he J' r "lIHIO 'Purify the hltlnfl, olen11"''' tl. fl f4 Ul ln l I"'h . !'ill 1\ I"": ,"I ul1 lhl llll.i t . lor rll ,. 1 to l,!1\ l ~I1 u,h llt 11111 III til l Ir " \1 \,01' r1 1'1lilfi tl 11 1 llu'r CIJ~ t p ''' '. lIl ))Il ll lu ~ O\tl l .. trllll l; !il a ll' III ' g rc.ll 11nu Hllel pO~I II~e '. , Y TV" 01 t d ' i and :- W l·C" t(l1l th tl lH'\,Lth vnth ]J I'll BlIl l' r rit' at " Ic.ld l'll'! LIlt' I niliO polltIlSIIt I " LIl r\ 0 ' I I l.. t lf I l u "(! IIIN 1' 1'11 JllI llIO Vc tli 1 Ill. Itl 1110 III "' !"I') of !,In lll) m l' C OUl l u • nrr"c1\ uunn ly. II", tI IU lJ I· IQ . d ll' • II ' II' I I f 'I' l' ' I h I (I I I1, J' IM I'R tllld U \~.IC I TK,. h ntu k l ll ~. " il l' Up" r= hLt nil ti ll.! Jl'1S" I HI I N AM ". rei d 1 will t, O'l' l' !,'I· I!;\l •• u t I uLIH' nuc . . Il1< L J' l n r::! l1 1tll buhllY .. l(,.· 111 Irfl p I S 1'1Iv, '" I ~ l cvor~' fll('fJl flO Ii " " .' I " rl '~~ ... 'N)H~ " "1 I \· i\I) ntr ~. I f " I", l11 t , . ' )\I t ll'r,.' t sud, 1." ho Ir n -l ttl lI'nt It ftllllO .. t a ll l JilC ... .. "1., li lt 11tl" o f Ih4 :.clltori ul, AgTi l 1111ltl .) ' 1.. l.nlllll.1 t'l h" lIt to l t.LM v flico "ILlioIlL (to. I l l i " I 'IIIII '''! /11 1' 11 11111 (.1111 1 1l011't f H I t.1I 1i",u. Hn 1h(' rrl'nl1 trol, Hit 1 'N ,) IIPti I t II with l ULl! th'c, hVI' r Ill\d lIt1na ~ 1 r tl llllulll " J! .~;I " I f"f HillI g" t: t. I16 lto!ll d 40' 1, 1 ~ , f l l ' . ' I lIl' H I t •, ..tTf·"PIl I "l ~llI'o. L ittf MU \ . 'J" u it ~\rl l u (II r 1IIII 14 t lt tLt i d Itllt! Jh· ,.. Cll pt lvu Cu l , rynl L"IIU8 wltll "ntJltlpn t fl~ I '" 8t1 ch pl.~c. ~ II ll t he 'lfh'HlI t ngt!lf vf n IIIU . \ ro r q ln, ,-: .\\ "t u lu]C"'ltl l1!1Qf(:li\lfhqJurtIU11Tl tl'4 C'1}'- l i'nr(,'j p el l Il11 u C\)P li K of th o 1'1111(';1 IO~\H~ 4 ... " ltgl ".., IIl rll " '" It ••,. •
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Columbus ~ Eveni a'!'~i.dspatcLl ' . ... ,... ,
, .a
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growth Its punty , nr:e Rnd m~llo."n c !i5 at'"' remarkable an d bOlh rhYi iC1R"S end "' DC· f anclen h ave a sp i. Inl e! rPll In It as C e
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88 88888 8 Tho whole S(nr 8 t')Jde~t or Ill e \\ell·known n~55ihl{ ' k 'B '~~~;~;~I'I whole6lle .Srot"t"t;' of ' he -I bUf\.ll1rS.- N. 1'. n 8 N o», r9, ran, \U 8 Tho .00,'1l spealu for ltoetf, but we would 8 ..del that ,bl sls Il,. pu re Julce 01 tho gmrA!. ! n.lther t!~. II'lNomJ nor rJ.v:/~",I: ,hnt lt 8 8 "peDe<! mellowed Dire. 8 .......·,....".· 8 unsurpaa. «I, It CAn be obloJnr<l C,o m most \ I.adlne Druggists 8 8 Unlled Sialeo. nnd whol ",.I. from Ibo I
• J..
h nye ~u cct!L"'<lcd In u.rrangiug for a 5/,u'ernr n t tal l.! anti th e .ale of Ihe ,,,'In''l CA , b and. Amo ng Ihe e b a wine t he, mlfla.; o f 1Rl14 de.~TILctJ as 0 "~\\.t' rt l ' nliln Pt:nt,' but .~gg<: lI l ng Ihe ImpolO lIl '1 "kRY m Oil then any other EUI'OJl('an Wille , . rul ~'I1 ' :"
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Dr Undo""I, Ihe ' e ll ""0"'" POIOt. dlet\ III l a7r Some or h i S ht! irs enlCrlo.Ul~ tt'mlX'rnnr.e. ~I CW5 o f luch extrema kind. th:lI ttw y wera un'l41lli ng to allow th e ilOCk o f \\ I n ~5 then on hand to be sold o r an 1 more I Lc made.
' I.
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" ' Irres which nre CXICn !:i lVely nuvcrtl5e<l oowa.. cb.f$ . un ci hn\ 1! onl y r et:ent1r. tw--~fI put tt po n
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All 10111 of Ibe "b(o v ~ ~o ld by J. SANDS. ~--.
lIl6ll""" twtl I'~Jlle fall,dlfn,rtlnt!, &II well &II the)' walk dlfferentl, The l!artlcular chr IIct l'\rlMllo~ of ~ ""tilT!' III abow Oll t in ,III I'm rgrn~yl\Jl w 1\ 1\ In til ruutlne of IH ~arly v rho I)' fa1l8 lit 1111 ' (W!IIU of lh ) IIr y t thore (Ire l"O\l(\ hu'tlllV r fnHIIL all, wh Ile thero Aro lh rq '11'11/1: fall frl'\jul'lItly This 18 IltIrh~\' to pre TV III Ilqulpi)lSe Theil lit re 18 th e hea .. ), (aller til lig htellll r Ihc mltd fall er, tho ~ mlhng flillllr Ih mortified {allor\ tl, ~ frl r ht Md !Rlle r m IlE()\ll WI I Jlll!ll\ s te lv OHr n h It tb e r m 1\ WIll slip 1111 I fA,1 upon ~ II S1 1111 In tood OUo man . 1U!'lIt becolII • another s pol80n The rr n ail a btl of " NY "uwolh ICC IIU d r a Iltln ~ l l r l nkHn g o f no\\ on II r wa lk at Ih e CU rl r of lIIntn RIHI Ml n ~\l l
MUSTANG Survival of the Fittest. A P.uIlU M~D l m KR 'OU' DAS DULD MILLIONS DVRlNU U TUUI
MUI~AI IUSTAIS tIIIIED. \ II AL lI "lin t\ F It\ \\111 "A~ ASII UEA";'!'I
lill Oil
Jillr1lt 00 0 Colorado Train
Lhlng J ewelry. Th o ),oou o n WIJ,ld n88e ttl! that II t t be rH~p t on lale ly g ive n 10 Gen e r I G rlU t II t h t ci t) tl 0 gu e~ t o f tb e evenl g l'Ca rct" ly Bt t m eted grenle r atte otlon II al lid 0 Indy \\ CRrlng a " lUg bee tle M an rJ\ IlDen t Th ero WI\5 no deception about It It WlU no nutomaten \.tut W8JI I ge nuin e I, In g c ra wling pet \Vln ch 1\ a8 pre Hnted fro m 8trllY lllg by a 811gh t /-:uld chnln IIttachell to the IOfec t 8 body A Tbeory III Ucg ard to Footl An oth e r reMpecl.llble Londo n 06wBpliper 11 e Pull lIall aa~lI~ sayA \. t t'r Fometlm c smce d e c rl bed a IIvID g o rOIl me nt ( pl'rha(l' Ibe@ame B!\ tho fir t mon IOAtI pI y ~lc lnn hlUl st.llrtctllL nc v th e rv III' UUlIutAlOd th It h o ell ) 118 he lllg worn by tb e Wife o f II "Ilh rej(lrd to f od " ell knO" 1 Co ng re.AAman of tbe Unlt cd h t h t he \ egetn r n os lnd meat ClLtCI lntcs ond !IIIld that th o custow of wear Brc on th e wr JI g trllC~ \i egctAblcs H O m g hvtllg Je welry " n.~ rl\mi.ltar to IIOt more wholeso me than IJl tllll or Am cncan e ntom ologl8U1 The oustom meat tban vege1.ahles auet not Uln g IS tlnd the bIgs mlly botb lJe fnmihnr to ga ned by con.umllll5 a compound Ir en tomolog i. ts bll t they Aro qUite new to both Whntever uutrlth o quulitlU' th E) may 1>08SC88 ho says oro d es troy ed 1I lI~d 8 !rely will be ' 0 to ou r rellder Th e \lew brC88t.-pln 18 a living lipAn-" g reat mC!Ulllre aud art n e ntire ly by tb e of tb e epeclee t .." brwnl(la: or Aeleromn-a proceM o( cookin g All food shollld be wbich iB a nlltlve of Me XICO H Ie eate n raw rr thl. prac tlco WAro mlo(lLc I llbout one lind II half m ches long lind 18 t here would be little o r no Illn ella RlD on;; not ha nd l!O DlC as Are the bnlliant Wlll ~ bllman belllg. T hey \\ould II,-a th eir cB!I('S of oertAIIl tropICAl beetle, whI ch npI'Ortioned lim e Imd ~ I n ply f. d e nway lire frequent' v mOllnlA'd In f:old 111\ eaf like Illllmaia In n wll«I stftle from old Lot tbose atllic ted With ~OUI rln 8 o r Hcarf pillS Dulll lBrare Ilutl age the refore/ costly a nd bas the peoullRr rhcurnall sm and Indl gCtltlon try fo r n powe r wnlch can not be too h lgbly com tlmo the offec t o f a slIupl e IOC oke<l monded III II piece of Jewelry, (If uot diet uch 1\8 oy lers nod frUit (or 10 teeh08 bUD8eT or u"...i. or at le ...t., o( stanc n nd they wi ll fiod all medlCJn s not dyUlg from eIther for a penod ill u uueee eary aod s uch a rapid Improve defiultt'ly long Mucb speculation mentof tbe lT b ealth that they Will for curious If not profitable mlgbt be 10 swear 01\ cooked BrUcie. of rood at o oce du lged In on t hi s text.. ImaglDl' for and forevo r In tomperance wouhlll\so IOstnuce nt a fll8bloDable ~Il. an It IS Uf ad no Ion ef be the OULSe 0 nllent for the Society for the P revention Civilize COmmUnltleB The y earnlll! of Cru~lty to AnlmalslOq umng whether fo r drink I! callBcd by th e unnntural ali !lUI d 8 ~h !\ll D1aDk e bu~ 18 out molosed r;o Btrac llOn from \\ hnt a r6 te rmed ti gbtly III lUI ohalO 08 to prevllnt Ita of the aoueous ele me nt thev co nt.unun cooked beef ror eXRmple CO lltlllDlog brellthmg o r perhaps arrostlOg !II! DMh o r ber maid o n SUItable proof su p- from . eventy to Clgh t y pe r ce nt nnd plied by an env Ious fau one that the lOme vegetnbl 8 eve o a Ii\r g ~r propor b racelet.-olup of the I\ccufed h M not LIon of wnter T here \\ould be Ie •• heen fed wltbln 8 i~ calender month s thirst Bnd co nsequently less d ~ lre to \nd of COUTee a rter tbe gentlemen b ad drlDk If ou r food we re consumed In I t~ heen le ft at tbe table tb e d ulllle BII of n oatuml slnte wltho ul ft rtlt be ng s ub lothlllg company exclu81vely fem ln lDe would be )pctcc\ to the a c t ion of lire reli eved by matches betweon hue;M ( ur ndvlsor nl60 thlllk s IB a wi stak e fnmO \l R for epeed or for strength m bul he admits lb at the world IS not ytt drawiug h ttle loade of other Jewelry It fnr eno ugh advanced III cl\lllzaLton to 18 I a r I to tell wbere t blK sort of thlO!C go about un Iressed Whale\ c r differ wil l stop when once It beg ins Dead Cllce o f opinion may elus t ti d to thll! n nt birds RlId IIrufiOlli1 rosobud s m bOllo ot C Ik ltl g theory there call not be a do ubt trlmlllm ga w re tbe e nt~nng wedjre tl a t n !leltln~ r rlof the kit che n Will From th em It has been but n step to t h l' all IUlllb u8CS IOclutlIDg th e cook house rOI'Jlenll Il nr! from the wphrrw te catn k('e[ erB ~ ould be spa red 1 va t H OUllt plll nr ne kin e 8 Ilnd muffil full of trune of worry lind prob bly 01 thi S accoun t white mice IB not 1\ long loap for thr Blono would Il\ c to a g reate r IIge thRn a t prelWnt ImaglllntlOo
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'Tho Cd bmt. <I ~(AT(, HLESS
I T8 ~ PJug To nA (,co Tug PIONI'l KR TOUA c o COYPA!< r New York n !VlU " I hl.ago. \\
FIrst Established ( Ta r: l n IN' 8TIU ~U: ~b .. " b . 1l be
OV ER !'!I 0 "'.d• •
, Joke on GO,ernOr Xagomn " hat theCbuncellor BI8m arek LI ves 00 I F ~ I a ol Vll r m 1 Tbp Loudon Strt.r lay Rev ell saya Ex Gov6T1lor B enah Mago{bn of h .en ~ o .he re o ut of tho Alrntl l(lch dn Go I nt!1 18 so muc h to be read Rbou t eatlDg t ucky IB a lin e conH r a tl n til 1 lie a nd d rlnkll g 88ID thcl!e volumes o r Berr IS thl IIfA of many II SOCIa l board BUllCh The l'rmce 8 Wit BudRClty Reco ntly 11\ mnklllg the Jourr ey froOl Jlle ty and CUD DIng 81nk IlItO 1II. lg CinCInnati to LCltlDgloo be Kharod bls Illficancc wheu compared ~ Ith the ran g !lea t lO the car With II btlghle)etl plansI he Governo r lind vonelty o f hl 8 truly prlocelyappe "nt,.facetl j:!6l1tleman li te O n th e tillY wben he dell\ ered \V8/! poll Io lIod Arter 8 few common IlIInse U of IllS utte rance on the Black place re marks to'll inoh hl H compa nIO n Sea questIOn he '11'1\11 recove nog from an smiled IIlItI \I( d l ed !U!!!Cll t bo hrnnched attack o r IndiSpositIOn oDd hl 8 Ole II. Into a descTlptlOn l f tbe Hcenes t l at ho w01I1,1 presumably be h gl.ter tban usua l had wltnes8Cd In d Roron t pnrts of t he But beer ch(lmpag n ~ turtl e-soup boar ... couu try The b r ght-eyed gentl e mau hoad al d a me. s of mllslard and rasp- "88 110 dererenllal alld ~eemed to be 110 much enterta lDed t hat tbo Governo r hcrr"-)elly ( which W88 very good says Herr BUEch) formed on ly R part on fe lt It to be 1118 doty to en rt blm l!tl!f that day of bl8 repMt He could It one He g rew eloq uent ovor the wllr o\er the time dUlpose of eleveo hard belled egg" tnals of tb ll (;onfcderncy descnbed With at a BlttlDg He 18 fond of middle- glowmg lpeech the ho l1!C flices be had 81zed t rout weighlDg not over half a wltneoeed tRlked learnedly of breeding pound but can eat marane al\ day loug and told thrilling sto nes of bls battles tho Northwest C n p Rod sand eel on the contrary Rre wltll the Indians m lIot graterul t o bl8 palate &-slde8 bls Tbe bour~ s lipped rapldl:v away and rll,oflte drink of porler mixed With when tbe tr810 IVns nearing Lexlllilton chnmlngne he strongly reco mmendij the two e x cbanged card a nntl parted lin other comlfou>ld suul to be the loven With a cordial Ah Ik e of tho hands Tb e tlO n of Flelcl-Mar. hal Mol tke consIst,. Governor r.lrove to tbe PhmDI:t and to 1\ In g o£ hot le a sbe rry and cbampaglle number or frl tllld. tb e re he re mork~d He CIIJOV8 good mutton but i8 los8 Ild that the " de had ne,er Ree lDed so s hort Then yo I mUMt h~ 1e had dlcted to fHet.. of beef or to rOMt blo f before You are n genoral He even 8uggesUI play fully plelU<8nt co mpnny nuoar I tb It R plump dllid or a freAh voung right I md /I gontleman of unusual IDtelllgenl'e We convon!Cd 1111 t he way !l lrl , a u ld be but bnd eatlllg I nev er W18 brongh t 1 contnct ) 0 00 wben IlII lin 1'1 ClI!!R nt 001011 like 0\ er II lee<1 I S" ell grecteci bl. olfRctones A" I c WM WIth a Blore ngrccnll e m nn dr \ 1111; lI en r the . mole ng 'l'llIage of Who Wl\l! h~ ? chc TII ee I I A ("enIJ. Walt IIIDlnUto [ha l o hIS cll rd anti lllzcl1I8I!.' be 1 ronounce I It to be the od or of burn t FrenchmnD HI8 bill of the Gove rnor fe lt IU IllS poc k et~ a nti H " fnre or FrldRY the 23d or December prod uced the bit of p IKtebo rei Not Bnl K up: ? 18-0 bllll fo rtun atlll v been reKC ad from tHlme 1. Kmg: Ycs )bll vlO lI W e are told that It 18 o nly a ahouterl n dozen 10 olle hrenth Kll wJlle of the rest F Ir8t camo 00100 gentlemen Robert King t h It IS the WAy Willi tlie I rompt re Il ly 80 1lP Witli I ort wID e then a 8t\ddle IIf the cllrd read. Why Governor B ,b Klllg I" a8 onf Wild bllar together wltb bee r upon thiS ITI8h Atew turkey and rhostnulA! all 8M 1\ PORt h~ was born d eaf tIld dllmb I A nd now Governor lIIng( mn Ivold. wIIsbed duwlI WIth champagne lind red \\ lIIe al dl~crellon 8nalli deMOrt tn the Phmnu: and blu6hes lik e a " se wblch the quality o f the pears is espe- when be heara tI e nnme or KlIlg me ll 1 he German people,' tlOne,1 Cially noteu ~lly8 the Prince are rel\lllv( d to have a fat Ohanccllor Bompers from 8erhn COD'II red w. •1;.;l;;;h"trlh:,;e;".;n~"i1t1,1v~eiroPmrodtW-ul'lcilJerut10r=f+';~I,rrn:"'1ilii. F rance-to-br But thougb u great eater tbe Mas. LARA FoLZ Rnd other lady lor cau not be calletl a. dehcate or IICleo ..,pUc:anU hav8 been refnsed adm IBlllon tlfic eater to tb Rut-lUge 4w St:hool 1\1 an In Europe steelllnd iroo ral'a are D01f Frt,D~ \hll dlreot re declsTlDg that ,h.tcUdn't IIpprov6 pf women lawyers enarly the Kame price
. . . . liIfln
-i' ~~Inw Ir~ 11M
II ( "
1l~ ~-:'ft!!.1 :\~ '. co
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"lOB Uli'
Tremont StrcctloDDoslte Waltham Street, BOSTON, MASS
F H McDowell Wri tes to tbe I3oslon Trarucrtl,t bls e~ 1 erlellee of rail\\' y trllyel In Oolorl\do B o I!A) R N ght drew upon Ill! "pllce lind wllh It came a dnltlng snow ste rm A hCR vi er cnglO e wa.s Mbortly a.J.Jed (Jur t ralO lig h ten ed of nil hut th ree en rs nnd II e started on our chmb up Ihreugl tbe V e1.a P IUI8 a nd ove r tbe Roc ky lIlountJunH For twenty one ulll eK OIU g ratle R\ern~ed lI eur ly two hun dred feN I e r mile" lIb and CUrvCB of t Ne l t y t I cut. fi,-e thIrty degreeA th rown III for \ mety but our hule c ng mo hugged the rnl ls closely an I a little mo re than nn hour brought u to the 8umrlll t lillie 11 oURaorl Lhree bundred lind thirty DIne fee LIIbove _ lo\ e l aud over one t!t (jU83l1d feet hIgher t han the h lg heat IlOlOt on tbe Umon PllOl fi c RlIIlroad nnd formerly t he hlghe t on Lbe con tmcnt. The atr WII8 i1gh t and frosty M wo stepped out upou tbe p latfo rm and RmUII~ the flakes of raIling sno'll but It WRS 80 much purer tbllo the ma la ria l otmos phere that we hnd bee n fo r ced to bre atho only a few dllYB before on the AtJlLntlc l!eaboard t hat \\e fi lled our lun L's aglllll nod aga lO ~ Itb tillS ru e e l ltlr f life tb!lt wns exhllarn tlng a lmost to IO toX I cntlon Through the rMt fnillng 8no\\ "e could JUBt dl8t lll l:!Ul8h t he t I \I peaks/ that ore lbtrt6en tl ou.nnd 81X h Ulldreo nlld t\lenty und t"ehe th Oll81111d seven bundred aJld I" e llty feet lit a ltitude fhey 10 ked lik e t\VO gh uatly s no w 10011 and see med te mIle complncen t ly nt our d l.coOlfitu r" OVN lin ullexpected fr"ak of the Wind Rfj It pelte d g With buge bl18ketful s or "10" Ruslmg dowo tbe mountain "Ide 10 t he .. c~ t with tbe oc h oe~ reverbe rltln g Ihrough the canon wo ca ugh t e\ e r and nil on o f 8) I l\ t rees u d rod K that appeAred IN be enJ oymg a ra ce ns to "ho lIhould firA! rench tho MIIOW mell WRy bllck Ilmong t he mountalll Rum m lUl Wb ~u the leve l stretch o r tnltle lalld u n the weet Bide o f tho Rock ies Willi reached we dropped ourselves back In our ntOliDlog c hair. lind duzed awny until II loog whi stle awoko UM as we drew up lit the statIOn o( Alamollll To morrow we ~ III tell ;rOil mure of the WD and ,t... ~uTro und lll gt!
.. ~ a.ntl .. '''''
II tb. Old
c. •••Quoted
FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKINO. rtlC~'hn·.D~ufe': ~ r ~".~y n (
rr~~k e!,'fClg ~:I
n WI ,,'On . mnk
ukl 1\
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SAVE JfOIiFl P h .her N Y CU r
Ri~s I!!~~~ ~ STOVE POLISH
SAPONIFIER ~I A. '" nv TilE Ponnllylvnnla Bait Manurl 00 •
GEO.P.'~~~(g. 10 HPRIIC.": NTBEr.T
R II ll
t' e Trll
ue Dutldlu8 )
F.A.R.~. If you want to sell the farm, advertlle the fact, and let It be known. For flO cub we Will iOIeR a leno 1I0e advertisement one week 10 a llat of 269 weekly newapapers or (our linea 10 .. ddl~reot lIat of 887 paperll, or ten 1I0ell two weeki in a choice of eltber of four leparate and dl.tJDct hlte, containJDg from 70 to 100 papen each, or foor linea Obe week In all four of tbe lIDall U.tII or ooeUne one week in all III~ liata combined, boiDB more than 1,000 papera. We aleo have liste of papen b, States throughout tile UDited State, ud Oanada. Seod ten !:Cnte for our tOO-page pamphlet. Add.- ·OBO. P RoWJILL " 00 , New.papel' Adnrttllllll Borea~ II) Spruce Street, No York,
o \
atdt.t REPORTER.
NESDAY. MARCH 5, 1879.
UI ...1. n4.IlX
" 41Uf'f"Or lI1u~n.4"" In 1114 C """m"
IJ , (' k"ooll .. I' ..nun' n,r I
1.1'1"1' ....: BIRD
ur (bl'
I aruul,
WAIrS AND WIIlIIS. Jln: J ""8 of tho "orld IIrc estImated >IX Rulli ha lf lmlhon8 liE 18 n cl e-t who 18 content ,.Ith the len.1 for content IS Ihe Ko ul of nnture G ER hl nn tabs cnllned pumpkin frolll \ lIl~r ell Ilud C III. It b08" PRon SSOlt ELLIOT thlD ks tbst Lba ex t census Will sbow tbat there are ove r for ly nllle milli ons of 118 1 no 1: da}s aro 1000t In wblch 1'e do 110 1'00<1 II OSO WOfllll tbRnlost In whIch wc ,10 e\ II Iv llVO dlVlSions of Pru'lllia Lbo onme of b rd c Lt ch tog lod In~t yoar to the rre.t o f ole, ell bundred DetBODs 1 UE superiority of AmerlCaD Indian co rn I I SCII un challenged ID the great gram IIlRrketll of the " orld A CON)i ECTtCIlT womao U!eR ber billI, lOd 8 wooden leg to pouDd the matu III 01 bc~f8te8k 1\ EVER oall attentIOn to the festuree or form of BLly one pre8l'nt In the com I'"UY "here you may be TUEIIE are two klllda of tblDg! at whIch a mao sbould never get aogry,, !tilt be clln LlOt belp I\nd wbat he can 0 1 1\ own hUlld s Bre heaven s f8vonte IOstru ments for supplying WI WIth the I cce van es alld luune! o( hfe \ ~ OOlllh8 clergyman preached to the firClIlen of tl18t to"Ll on unday, and toc,k for IllS t"xt "The Burnwg lluah ' lll p. hair of Lb o buflAlo 18 no" largely em ployed ID milking overcoate, which nre nil wool om: matehCII may be made ID heaven, III tho onlD on of the Buf!alo ExprUl, but not wlllkwg matches. TUlI world 18 a warohoullll of raIment, Rnd the romurkllble thlllg 18 what coane 8tuITS aro ohen chOlllln,and h01'BCantll,. 110mB people are attired 8t
E1JLEN'S LOCKET. h II , ~a lr ~ I I by hI e 1I ell lu I II -<lo, of thOse duyo "heu II c aIr .C<? m H lnd en wIth th o .1 ~ II ( f I IV ~I I tb~ pcc lll Ir e el nr f fnlllu )!: Ie AH . AW :lY fr I Ile~ ..r ·lII . 111lhc INV heart of t ou I 11 . 1 I II c 0'1 hall n~~ of I \111 I I I 111 < nr II I( ' I nl( tnLln uf cl lllrn ' fru II < I n Il' 'rt tl re of f 'r ~ 11 " cr. I lh g r l f f ur lee n \\ cr \\el !all ): II I'ar IIK \ 11\ 0 l" two .ew"" t ht Hill re \I here th Il ome wasKltllal ~ 1 • 1111 "IIIl' h 1/l- lIo lhurOlg h fare Wh n the\ rm cd .t II e furll Br 8.11, of the lItJuar~ II crl vcrc Ih e pi c u,ure vanR . IX 111 numher Im\\ n "1 JU- I OUI "Id II e row of 1 III ,ro 1\ h cl cut II olT from the 5t rc I It woulJ II. Am ho Iy • I eHl good and make 0 c f '01 Y' UI II I\gn'u J ll ~t \.(J I~k al tt em remarked au old lad, who form ed on of L\ e 10 Llle cnm d a. IlIlmblcd to !;C6 th e c1ullren olf for their treat Tbe pteM6nt pnrty at lengtb re b Ii the open country lI.nd dteM< d "lI htful drIve throu gb g rlUl.~ groWLl roads, wbl h mlgbt be more Rilly calleu 1111 H With tbe goldell bro l~o uul ,monl len \ .. ~ stroWLl und cr the hor"08 feet anu wlllri log down un! II their he ltl ~ thoy al length rellc hml tl e I!o tes o f the g reat avenue l e;lllll1 ~ t" th e grlln d . wbll h by tbe klDtlnel<>l 01 the, nur S .r GE;Ilrgo Sornman! I.d bee n ~I ro \\ II ope Ll (or thou entcrt \llImel t tSo IL wa.. an 'CI but It " RJl rnth er tbe klnell ees of I t\ I) Sommer" the ) <ung Dud IUH ly w.f of the blU'onet Ir G urg" lleOplC _old n c(\ 11 Btaru m III IV 10 for y Hrll I nd I \ 1'.1 olouo 10 10 d st It Iv lome It \\ !li! 1160 rumored Lhllt ho [,au mct wIlh SO Ul e troubl e lhrongba ) ouLlger brothH wh o StrSYlDg nl'lly from tho f Willy tm(IJ uon s had marro I'd belle Ith him Bowmer tbl ij \\ M. 1l ycar. beflrc our httle talk ope ll ~ nn I Sir Georgo huol turned over IlIlO\~ Ie ,f and s lUeo t he nd ventof hIM youl g \\If< tb,n g~ had gono on d,fferently 11 \\ 88 kmde r tn 1118 d epe ndent.>< th~ fr o" I '" s seld om seell on IllS fR e nnd Lady S mmers IIcled hke sun. httl e ou eH rYlhlllg Ilnd CI cry bodl about the place She !!IlW olle of the Fatcol e!ll!e~ of tbe Orphau HOLll I' 1If1,1 011 heaflng fro r 1 th e matron thnt IV Int of fund. wo lid fer -this year binde r tIl e clulrlrcn e treal ehe at ollce proposed to rrcc n 0 tbem lit bpr o"u house and thrr)\\ onen the park like grouDds for theIr plelLll ure Among I\n tl e LlO.oo ALld pIny of tl <' chlldrell ono I> lrl of r.bollt tblrteen Sill apart IlDd seomed to enJoy It all III tensely but qUIetly S be W811 tll1l for her 81(e \ cry 81ender m ber muke IHth 1\ Ilcrfeetly formed oval fll ce a pille o liv e compleXIon and Jet.-black gl lilt} hl\ r lier eyes \Vere of that luat rou a brol'in almost appronchlLlg to blRck aud the dehcately pellcll~1I oyebrows gave to the fllee a refined oxpre88lon Tho moment tb e ch Ild opened her hpij and &p;)ke on Rlly K ubJ ec~ of Interest to her Llie oX)lreSillon of ber eyes dcepened and her whole face becllme r .JIRnt and full o[ tow\lcct You 8cem to oUJuy tbl8 8ald Lady Sommers M sbe ptul8ed amung Iho cb lldren occoml'allled by tho kt Id matron and notIced the girl K 8pcak lllg eyCl! Ono o[ those wonderful 118IIbes came ovor her face [\II Khe fi Tllt glallced "1' I\nd theu rollO to I\fls"er lbe "Idy Ye@ rna alii 8he rophed with a courte8y It IS all ij() lovely Sbe hM 8 good face and lovel y eyes remarked lluly Sommers Ill! sho paBIlIld on I:)he blUl been a very good cblld my lady returned tho IT atron an:lIous to do al!Brvlce to her little charge It IH JW!~ elgh~ yearR .JIIce .he clune to UK ehe cODtlOued and I nm I\nXI6\18-A8 abe hlUl al"ays been l favorlto with me -that sbo shollid g('t \lito II comfortable plaee II Then you JIItend ber tor a IlIl rvant 1 R8kcd Lady Sommers Villi my lady rephed the matron If I can get her ID IlO mewhere IlII lady ~ lIIaid Althouj\h she IS so young I have bad ber tralO~ I (or her dutlos She can lIIond and get II!, lace WIth anyone aud fflr drCll8IDg hlllr tbo French 1II0nsieur who taugbt her 8ay8 h" never bad so clever a )lupll Jam \ exed ' Bhe continued to part WIth ber but the rulea "on t IIl10w me to kCllp her m ucb longer - • Do YOIl know anythlDg of bor pltr entage? a.~kcd the Indy, eVIdently \11 deep thought. • No my lady that 18 Just wbat puz Ilea III~ You may have beard of tbe 10lIl of .the AU8tralian ship, nallled
l't.lalna are
10 days and D1ghtll the ollly )laKSCd hId h ps .1\'88 snow H o had WIth blm a goodly of tbc former q rtl cle lit tI,e start, ~ dRY wore wto Ll ght Rnd OIgbt llIto d a~ b a began hoar IIr g It "Ith a8 mucb a\ !lllty as e \ cr dId 1\ mIse r h, s gold
a pollc man arre ted them both for ALeonOL W88IDVented by aD AJ'&DlWl ho rso II 0 \ cs Th o policeman stroBg over tIIno hundred yearlago a nd people III 111 8 COml ClIfJllS U8 to the ID flllhbdlty hMe be n drJnklllg hIS health ever of Jereey J\l K!tCC \\ 1 \lId Ioston to no ex .un e pll1n8tlOu till II promlDent mercllllnt of rifE Iruh Dally }o m, says that the tb e to" II Ill tercclled got toem oll an d Enghijhm an who bllS eve r traveled over took them III for tlit' mgt t At noo n to American tf\llroad8 oughtto be ashallled \l 8Y they II III m ove 011 Jor Wa!!llln gtoD to eler set foot ID an EogiJ Rb oar Blfaln fh o lJIoek Death. rT 18 calcuillted tbat 29~ 000 000,000 The blac k death whIch b IlllUg:ULl Ap !"iu Baltimore thenoe to Ul chmoud peored ID Bome )lllrt. of RU lII!la b I" t hence to Mublle tb. nec to RrowDe, Ille ClgilfOtte8 are ~moked aDDuall r in prOl ed very des tructJvt aud caused tbe th ence to Sau LUIS Potosi then ce to the Fr8Dce 805000000 pe r day 9828 to ler'l CIty of MeXICO At Mexico ~ rr ludor second g rcllt ~8 t nlarm Thl. 18 th e I!IlIDe lh. AMOYG tbe names tn tbe PblladelphJa ealSl' II lllel In the fourtp.enth cen.ury wIl' stop md readjust IllS mal' acco rd Yrlgoyen, desolated tbe globe 81lt1 gete 11.8 name inC! to cl rcullls taDces nnd tb o cOLldltlO1l Dlfectory are Zuscbmlt ::::;8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZakrzewKk.i, Yuagulcbel Sehwl~&Ie, fro m thl' block SpOt8 sy mptom8tlc of 1\ of th e A Homely Cure (or DJ slleps ia QUlckendugfel, PequIgnot and Oobt pntrld d ~co mrK ltlon that showlthem ~0 Iv~8 aL olle 0 Its stages OLl the skID of Here 18 Tatuer 3 CUrlOU8 remerly Allys scb legel tIle 8u{Jerer It IS thoul/ht to bave hnd Caud. Fan,,/y A/agrullt hu t In mnuv WlIlT£ SIlk 8toUIDgS for bridal wear lIs Orl!;ln ItI Clllna in 1333 80mI' fifteell Cl\8U a verv ee l t.1I111 one for the cure of Rle eIther plaw, eloeked or embroidered ) e lfS hefore It s outbreak IU Eurol'o aDd ltlolge8tlon It IS Rlnlplv II 0 o ultl\a on the s1l1e seams or IUstep, or have It rnge I fllr fifteen YCRrK wblle drought tlOIl of a h ,bIt of chcwlOj! "bIle oUl of tII cdILIIJon8 or ovals illllllrted In tbe In f"DlIn es fl ood. earth q unkes that swal delOr. d,/ferc, t kll dM ot g re~ n 10/l\e8 Hteps or BOies of fille laces lo" cd LOWU ij lind mounLAln. lIud sworm8 and 8wolloWIllf( t.h e JUi ce One clln 1\1 ONE hundred new buJldln(l;1l, mOlltJ'I of locu sts lip read destructIon e~ ery ,.aY8 cu ll 8 lea f from 1\ hed go or bush 811 res ld ence8 were erected in Balt Lake, wh ere During tbe snm e pe riod Europo one pll8l<Ct! Almost.:\11 Ilro ~ood tiJllt Utab, IMt year, and more street 1111 hau 88 IlI IU ) "bnom al co nditIOn res the nre not. nAu se"" . such II" Iho IVy or I'rovement8 were lIIade m the Mille time IIl ~ t ] he ordl'r of Ilature Il)lpellred to pOIso no us 8. the Illurel Il'lf Olle of tblln durlllg tbe ten years prevloW! be rOH rscd The Sf ,"ons Ilt VarlOU8 th e litter bowever 18 nell ltal thlllg IRE DetrOIt Free Pre" bas dlllCOvered t mes " cre Tel ersed thuud er storms "bere thcro 18 ~h ght Jrntn tlOu of the t1l11t there 18 a story &fioat to the eJfect were freque nt III mId wlOler nnd vol an Oshkosh girl 1'ent back on ber cllnoes long co nSIdered exhll et bllr. t sto]mach be cbewlOg of leu= m dy8pt> .... in- H'-'" because ho was 80 bowlegged she forLb "fres b The theory 18 tbat tho prillClpally we behevo bv lilt couldn t Sit on his Jap extrtlordluR ry ActIV Ity o( tbe earth the flow of the s ,I vllry Jlllce pnrtly THE InbabltBnt8 of l\ladagl\8Car are IIc com paDled by decomposlllUn of \nst by the toDlC or KlImulll tlllg action of tb e dymg to get bold of an American shiporganJ(' mal\ilCll-D1) rind s of locu8t8 leaf chewed 'lbe leaves t.hal occur to me captBlu WHO baa BOld them ten tho\l88lJd brulg ~ nud bodIes o f human helD!!1J"relSCn t fiS most lIk ely w bll beLleficlal quart can8 of tomatoCil a8 a new kind of produced I!(}me change IU tbe atmoe lit are thol!B of tt 0 pilla trcc8 ~rruco or phero \II nlcal to hfe Son C writers otch fir blnck lho rn currant aud rose guupowder say that the Impure nlr WIlI\ actually busbes Illlllt II e (lot lis of mlllly flow AN Instauce of apontaneous Incuba v SIble as It approached wltb 11<1 burdeD erK the stRlk s or mou ntain d UBIC~ the tlOU IS reported from a Weatern New of ,Iellth Tho ,llngue owed 11.8 ~xten ,,11110 portlolls of ru8b es the burk of York barn yard where tbe heat of litter 810 n III most \\ bo Iy to IDfechon lind COD mlulY youug Lrees Bnd thu Wilder Ilccldentally thrown over n nCilt of egge \aglUn (JlI.rl!! of th" Htalh of green wheat oat8, blltcl ed out eleven bealLhy chlckene o r III most any of tbe I Jr~or grntlllcs but rflEJapanedtlhoulIBwbicb w88agreat L861 tlto Swallow Tails. 1\\ " t '"t v CarrtlJ)ODdc ell r hillu H D .pa tel 1 vour OIVII tl\SW musL In 1\ g r~l\t mea8ure attracllonattheE:xhlbltloD wlUlk:nocked l\IrCreery hM al WSYB attracted the g ll\de you II you Clect to tllke trial of down at one bUlldred ILnd fifty dollars I shoulcl HlIy however The dutieS pllld on the material of attentIon of strangerR dUring bls t erm my remedy lUI Senator from Kentucky Be I ~ oue tbat tI,e chewmg 18 beLter to take pI lice w hleh It was composed, amounted to of tho three RLateamen who III tbllt before or between meals th nn Immedl ono thousand dollars bTlluch wear swallo" tall coatll and ately after How many of our moet cbenshed betbereby bRlIg. a tall One of the throo BOA ltDING RaneE keepers lend tiS hefs are hEe tho ~e drtnklng glllM8ll of swallow tnll~ III\ld to your correspondent your eyes There IS a CllII6 reported by the anCIent pattern that IIBrve ua "ell on this subject the other day the ,sum/ary Record 81111 quoted m the EO long 88 we keep them In our hand, I wear tbls kwd 01 a coat becau8e I Fobruury P opular Sclel c. Nona Iy whIch bnt K\"11 all If 1'0 attempt to IlIlt them alw'Y8 dId aud there WI\8 a hme when you ehould diges t Thero WBS 8 propne down a mllll wOllld no mora tblll\[ of tBklDp; to r of a cortalll entlllg bouse whOHe bIll A FARMER says he succeeds In catch a .~ It III tbe SenRte wltbout a coat o[ of f8ro I ncluded recently a puddlllg Ing ralS by meana of alcohol mued With tll~ k\l1d than he would lblDk of gOlllg coml'oulllied I'rlllclpally from Hemps of ch eap mol8111!Cs Rate love BWoetll, and III h " tI relll!lUg gow n bread left frolll mllkll g toast nllli H~lId \\ IlIlIIdulge 11\ the molJll!sea despite the When was thllot Sen .tor? wlche. wblch Itrel\d hRd heen about .. Icobol until they are eo drunk that Well that" a8 0\ er thirty yeaTllsgo three "ceky '" cc mulltlllg Othcr they cnnnot move IIIld are eRJllly CAught Wlren I first went 111\.0 the Senate frock llIgredll)JIIS were mIlk cgg~ RUg \f cur TilE AI ur'M" l'raebl~ scoul!! the Idea coal!! were Just beglnn'lIg to appear ran t8 and nutmel;' LI tl whule be\1lg that the Jew8 are eng8ged In quietly there ] here " ere only three or luur cooked \D a slow ovcn \ II of thoso pllrchsslDg Palesttoo, and saY8 If It i. I\t tbal tlmo A sbo rt tlmo l"evlouK 10 who aw of the pu H!Jnj! becnmo \, ,Io ntly th8t not a frock or sack co It IIIlS to be III WIth sy nptoms o[ ITrlLUnl pOl HOIlII1g 1I0t \eryllkely tbat once would pur chase nil tbe DrUIl!e8 A rab8 Bt\doulnl, scell 10 the SenRte Chamber aud two uf them el lCcI 'Iho necror M y rhese nrc degenerate dnys Ind eed dl8clofICd the fnct that the dC3tha thIeves and robben of Pa satlne on a "ben there are ouly three swallow taIls re8 ulted from I'0I8On8 ItItroduced bv spec ulatIOn ' \11 tl e Senate nnd two of them rellre on 'I fiE tbroo cblldren of JameeHo1'ard, mealls of the molly brend III tho pu,1 the 3d of March A[ter that t)enator dlDg Enough !!Ilul !Save )our moldy of Ocracoke Islllnd NO, become Hamhn Will stBlld mNO COIl81"cUOIl8 bread for tbe tramp8 or gIve It only to totally bhud when tbe Bun goes down, tball ever [rom bls coat "hlCh fit8 hIm h OBe of your bo arders" ho turn up tbelr but recover their 81ght 1'lth dayhght for a ,hillier hop or rece ntlOn nt any noscs at freHh bread -I. O III~ .Ile Co rlcr The dlllllll86 18 attnbuted to marriage of moment between lIBlDg and gOlllg to bed_ JOIm al blood relotlon8 JEFFERSON 9 ten rul_Take thUlgl FOR flslDg nll!lllll8 An old bacbelor IN the ILlStBnCe of tbe Iron 8teamshiP waH recently beard saying to a voung CIty of Venloo, whIch " e ut IIsbore on III ....oy. by the amootlt baDdle We eeiT lady There IS more Jowelry worn now the ro ks aCtor e\ery otber )llan to falSO dom repent of bavlng eaten too litUe 8 dllY8 than when I was young but and bl\ul ber off I!nd fIIlled-8he had PrIde costa more than liunger, tluntand thero 8 one plcce I always admired rocks tbrough her bottom III somo place. cold Nothmg ie troublesome that 1'e WIllinglY -Never spend ),our 1II0ner wblch I don t often sec now What four feet hlgh-dynalDl Ie "as tried have It wliat )'011 IS that? Mired MI69 II A thImble Tbe rocks protrudmg tbrough the-ves- .. _-" "'-_you •• _> It Is cheap ' Never WRS the reply 001 were IiTllt removed by UI!B of 8mnll charges the top. of the rOCkS outsIde of tr~~!!~f.IJi~::;~l'.!lo:rt caD do tillyo~ to-mo~w MEEK young men grow up in hbranes the vel!!llli were then blnstcd away. and y, How moch bebevIDg It tbelr duty to accept the the ~eS3e1 got oJ)'wlthoutfu rther Injury JlJI'IIl.;CO'" ~ tba& JlBver views 1'hlch Clcoro l.oclrc and Bacon THE desk aud bookC81!6 onCl( UlIed an", oollD' tiD .haJIp8lled. 4ave gnen forgetful that CIOOto Locke and Bacon were ooly younlS lIIen 10 II Damel Wobster are now the pro~rt, '~"Tanll1'l 001&11' , an editor a~ Glea~ Falla, N H bratlsa 1'hen they wrote tben booke o 0
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Our III 1"- ~I&' Wlllkl lla~ill \.1 "" ~ II:' --('lll't. I. ' II ITivI. d 1"11'\' 1il1, 1 1,.,lll,,· I"ul' Iil L' '''i''!.· .1!!!1!!!'!!I!!!!i!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!'!!!I!II!!!!!'!!!!'!II!!!""!!!!! d l,\II l IllId I' U .• Chu . EIIIII 1' , ChI1" 'e\ ·!.\lul liltol IV ek. It IIIit' M "" III1~ (II .wII. ( \11111'. S . rll ' ·.Ihl Wll. It IH IIUl·h'ltlll! Ih,' PI't)I'OI"I ""'Ille r' - "II. A iI,_ Mo1{11l I'Y; II! On·W.II.. -- I~'lilli r(" M h.\\ IIIM\!,1 ''' 11 '11 W~I II ... II:I ~rtllIl 1\ '('h'c I I~' 011'1 \(,,1 It: ~Il' • 1'11 1'1'1\ 1111.1 c· WliS In 10 Wil MIJll dIIY. hi s d lH~e iutll 1\1\\' 11 ,It 1\' " " 'rc ; ~ ~ I \\\'dlll""dll), IIl'r\'l'IIIII '·' . .i 1,,1 I IIpi"11 hy \\'111 Cnr '~" ('orl' ' 1\11(/ - lh. lIuli &lr ', J IIS. Vf. L1 : inl/II 1I "1l~". Illl'f'lr j \nd, r~," 'tl olll1dbll~ IIll 'IIIL ( hu ll,' l·;o, r hu lljtll\1 I' '~I\I\)II ~\'r\ IlIlil I'; it d VIII'lon hl"t II' k. -~I i f'llU lill'll illttl' rw,lI'th ,· jll' l .I witlt it" hud \. ,' 17 ,."u! .. I, . l·, 'l'hlll·"cI: y.. •. -- \\' .I\I~\d·. II "11~ vf (lor 7 illl.! ill ll llr\"('~·l.Jul', III t IItllt II" IlIt\ h('a r ,,(· , it~idl\"II. '!hllt T . , .1u • pi, I' '~'I' hn< pur 'ho 'I 1 I . 1'".1111 , tv r ·lI t . A ply Ilt th iR \) r' l nud '1111.1111. 111'(' 'pted lind " lIjPy ,t! ~11· . lIl1d . I r~. 1 run 111.0 .11 .'Ut. (I'I' HI 'ul " IlII~1 11 'I'e ' II I' ~(I - -F ilII\; ~r ihl i lll"~ TI·UJt! . l:l"ll\lll·~ IW" I' llll1il_ ' lot"· '\' II,,' 1"" 1111 ~ rv 1\ I""IIIU' Ir ' 0 . ,·,101- I fI. \ '11 I ' 1 .f ~1. I ' l1ull ll dl ' .aild Licu . Ih, l>ullt.-utU.'c " m rc!' '-O'''' '''/ul .,\t nlil .... W . 101\('. /1 111 11,\' 111l11 1l""!;Il' ll lIg , -Dr . . A . l1o \lgh uj oy I Pr .f. l 'lllu,'u wi l tl'IlHI lJ ill\lmll!lIt·iI ill l-' WI\ UVt:I', Illid lil l: ' III·IUIII'.Y ,", -.-------~.--~--- , J . ,\1.1:)1111" '.1" h:1 ~ .. Id I!"~ 111' 1" ' $ \" 1l;t \)I("d lucturc vr cr lit M iu lll i . wilh~II · . Tit roi 1111 111111 II Il w l lll 'ir !,l'nilll killdnl'M~ ""lh:l t" i tt 'r· lilt }'ri nd lI 'illl tn~r at til t· 1,1 1\1 \' .1 ,.11lt 11111111(,11 1'\1 'II, adj ••ill' \ ' IIll uy (.;\Illu~~ I l' lll c rpri ~o tlf thi.. " iu e L1l1"lLk l' fil 'lI1- Iy (',,1.1 lI igh i wi u ..lul u "1".. ,, I - "Ir . .J'J IO<' U H,"dl\lI WlL ti in II, 1 -- ~lr. Yraiikrr.el dllll h l\~gvue t.) II wad 1111 11("\ "r ~1"' II II1I ' l""1I ki ll d hUlIl or A Llr n B. <:1 ,,111\11 l' I' 1111 Lit " ing ""1111 H ""d 1\1.1 C\lItdll . ,' . \ ' \ ' l' lIin ll 0 1' th 2 1.) tl. nit .. Will. ll " I' III I", tIl ~(,". l 'III'iIlIL. ' \I, \\'111 U,, 11 e il)' lw v (lr tl, ...·c UIIYe!. III ·t W(,l" I;' I'l\'I','ka, " :IIISII S. ('lIgll~ ' ill h ll ~' I"'~~ g-I": ... iII II ,i.> dill ,,'. Ittt.!nil lllll!O (·r ~i. t · twu. , hll"01 1111 It. lilt 'lI d il1 !-; to ~!usli lliod nt y. lill l'so. Frllllk i " ~ ~ \I . 1 )' U II II~ Th' l'rcl'idcl!t, Mil !"." 1:·(1 rllll. , 1 )1 1". W,tll. ('III""Y 11011/-:101 I. tl\l·~'·~ - 11 1111. 'rli ld y l lullh W ' 1I1;t1 IIlI11I1 , 1111 .1 will Pi" "pcr " " Y wllt' ru .1'l1 r: .cl. (." IIII} qll"lll·,l lll -1 Fridll.' \I p 111', 1 till' IIIN'III I ~ hy n'" lI lug the I uf MI·~ . I t11'1l!l t, a li d w Ii I bill :Ii hili' ! 11111 T. ,\1. ,\' a 11::\ '1 III , . , ubl i;,:(',1 II; I U ",d III ·k 1\ ItOI .eI h1111. III I11' 1"1'\1' 'II. " Y . 'nl'·I·." I 11\\· d , I·,·C·' 1I 1·~. HI.l!1 (I \'nl" "r .11 " t _ JIIIII1- . IlIhumc .'h i" :'1I 1 t\ ~ltI·r. • . ' IlI tc-! y Wilh 1·lIlu llbl. t! OC IIII ICII \S. --{i v t.I W . • 1!ollll l! \" ill''-~\' I,, 'n p il.1 "" ,' 1"·1'1 I., 11'(' . 1\11 111111".'" : .f ~I r. l it. Jtl l lI lI ll:~ urla"t 1I11'~'I II I' \\""1<" . :\ 11 " t Wllll:. !1 III J I('at<: ; 11.11 1 I! II" - ~Ir. 1I,.z" killl, Ua il y, vf Ui ll ' cll8h st.ure fur tmr~lill ill \lrj !-;' "'''~ ' l'.. 1,, 1111.1" . wi,,,,,' Illl ... r:d III" i. I.J Ul·" r 'll l uy Ih,· ISl'I'I'C la ry, alt. I" will eil ,", lIl1ge I' d.· 1IIIpel III lit ... IIl'!! r III · " il1l1l1 tL Illtell JeJ Iho fllll orlli vi his lIl)t ivlI~, b'lots, loe , hut,. et c . • lit t. .l. t 1,1111'. a lld 11"11" I. 'r 1I 1UII \, ! II ,·X 'e i ~l's "t 1111' tIl",:lillj.! WI' 1"(' ," ,.~. 1,1 h' · I· . q~1 1: f:lllll' lI tiS 1\ pla!.!o vf 1111(:10. E. Hll ily. (' q. , 11l8t }·riday. Timcs bll i ll~ had, his IIlOU.I i8, y ~ " ,,~ ill 11,1' 1","1 had h" " 11 11 11 HI" II ltrvd{JCI:\t. • 111'1 1 it. \\ IIlk"1" r '11•.1 I ·~I , I" " I·" .. . . - ~Ir . '. U. Lilli lid. of ' hntla - ~ 1IIt111 prufiti! and ~)1l ic k sui H. I lilt· 1I " 'III Io I'r ,)1 Ih.· 'I'I I\ ".I·IIII UIU . II 1'1I ·1tt. ,·"I I! k..[ I)c.llb lin .11 ,,, 1:..:11 ' 1 Bil l 1:.111'.1 I I I'\'~ h('n~ 11111111110 III " ""gil. Te llIlC8~CO, willllccept ou r -- W . S. l3ollll·qville hn~ fitlctiUl' 1 . , . " .' . ~ Il" (Jlllriac . lll".l WIl ~1'l"l t el l, I I' " 1II Illlv ill ll" kl '"Ul; whl're lh"ykl"l'p lI'lI l1k. f r uluI IJ Ubuttl\n uogll Pl\' u roll" of tl c~ fof ~l!epi ul!blll o llll d . lil t': P"' I,j ( "I IIn" ~1 \\1I .1t 1 II , r rlle Hllll l)r " I ~l t'" ; I'a dl! " I. ll d; Ihl' 1'1"111 .1 , \ .. Il·. ' I' .... cllp. lu\l1 uilier l!!Jodd. H i,; .t .•,.k 11(' \1 I.. ud 1111 tll\' I'I~ I , "Il' \I ~ II ,,· ~jl~'~~~'~~4~~~ , .. . " A . _ Apran. _ J ",1 "' ... , ".'''T ..h lltl It_ it to ~rl r~I\11 Hlt" h" ti 011; r , 'u (;1'10 11 1111 , I ltulu 111' 111'.1 IIIl1 el,. cnltl l' ltl il1 t lIr - '1'11.1' M. E Cbnr!:ll 'oe ial m t id iIlCr~lItlill ~ mplJ ly, a. , II~ lu 1;,.,." rn.d \~·~I." l.n"'k . l' ~I "I, ".I: .l l glrlO lIl(, I ' II I·: ' ~"''' l lJ r ' t •• d. ...... . I l ll " I ' ''II! 1,. _ •• «0,.... f~ 1l 1 11101 II" I .... " 'w", .•,1., """ •ft • • , h.lI_ .hu l,l. _, HlU h.r 1'.111')"; :\Ia r-". I 0111 t.-1·WIII·th . 1"\' - lite 1I1 11111l/.~c· IIIl!1I1 II I th" l A·I ''' 1I1J1l II ! .\Ia-. A . I.. FalT's, la8t Thlll1!JllY PIICO wllh UIS IlIs I-gro w i ll~ lratll'. ".':\1' ~ 11I t.l" t •.' h t:l ,) ~ hilll·. J I,,·). , .,. ,., .t...,. c.•, I _HI', l't l .", I .. 'f" l b . .. "'l alIL' li. "1~ tJ, ,il a..-..t. l . ~u.. l'!IL.d 11,l'"L'tt1 1'III ' t~t· .J ( II J,:" ; .1\ 11' (J1 ,l:nL 11 " 11"'. It ~ •. ' Ill >! 1.1 II W Lll llt 1:1'l!n il 'g, 11 11(1 n pleusallt tiJll e Wild __ G. ,\1. Zelll.t S Oli d., nli l ill - II II I "ruh,,"I ) j!l'l It. rlulIll halldl".- rl"C ltl'J U II L I nllk SliIU l! I'Hrllcul llr c1iIII"ll CIl!rS !<hlllllJ clliuJ~d. le nd ttl d isculiti l'\lIJ tho t'lIrlli.tllt.,. Till: 1100 C SIl HlT. T,~ N igli t. 1 bl!' l'x.· !lIlktl. e~i'l'l" i llllJ drn ukc'l l : ._ ~J i ~s Lett ie Jacobs retllrn ed to' tl'atl e liS Ims be I re)J. rtl!tI . T ill" ' ! Why Will You . A _, ' " . , \ Ih h ' . I l ' ' r l ' ' 11 r' . J \} ' I . ~ ' \ . . ' . ~ . A l l tt wn t·, d, l t u IUI \II HI I' I HJ 'll lf", .\ ", l lni bl ll li,( hit ;:: '_ . t:. ~ ,." lUI • • '''' 1_ & l'l'l II ~ I r IOC(>.~ ~c . .•"tn ' "1Il!r~. .c ." 1111 "1 III' , I.·'t e~I'.~t . IOll llt A iry Ilist Saturday, II1l0r Will snOIl lIa"e " '~Jll l:l lldl\ l stuC! k ,,1 "...1 II ... . U """ " "' ~ " fI'''''' , " ", " •." .. 01 "., . , ::~;"J.!~.~ i:1. 'I~~~··~k:.::r~ nwr "' II~ rcuo b' thc Elitlortl, M. 10 UU lI lZI:' II by I'eliple vI tlml .. iaiting her rolut ivei\ near and in 1I0wand ele!-(lIl1t lnru itllre. 1<1 ,," hi dl OUt · I. .., l'I,,· " .... ·.. i.,. " ,·." .. rrh '" . , "Ill.I " .. " I bl dnv ln, u., . ,, 11 I \ Lb.. ,III • IUlotllm_lb l b . ..... 11.. _ tl L ly.ziu Ullllij\;l IIlI d S. B. II k , vioi fl ilY u lIlCl'~ th eru ill 1,l'u visivlI Ihill glace. ollr readtltd t<hulld I\uy tlo ' ,._ ' Ir .... !.i"": "I,. .. :'" 1I~" .. ~.1 "1 "· r"!"'I,I'"'' II'" tn.l... bt-ahIU.' , h," 1 •• nol Dr.b... (...4'-' n......... - T\. l· tH i w ., II .. " , ltU ol n ,.\, JI . aJ ..LI wa t. (l; . J II IVh."1I1 ' IIIlIl I\l t<'.I1; IIII I" I• t I ... buy 8pecta. I Ir I u 1I." . d , U.." h,,· " L,'n" .•" It...le " . ....U... ." . ... I'Io I" I,.'t". u l. CIL W "'Q pa tun l " t b•• lfIOft• ~ ('''I'~e> '"L11"t'IJC t IHl~1 I'COltu lemf1"1110 'III SII It. . - 0 Lo ~n't! R aysllt an" ~ ". r Ry rrondlly .. \, I,,,, u""I" !C ••;. ... '! ' ,h,. I.. '" .,,1.. III tI". • 1(:::~:at.::;,~·~7~.d~:' ::';~ ~t~il.I:~J~b: r~~:;:~ ~~~Ct!~: by " .'I! Il ayes. ell llt.led 11.10 .'! ("durn ~( r . l' rn"~ ,tuke .hUR '.1 shll w lll lY II I' Ru g!;"'" fu r lesft money .tltan . - l\ti ~l! !\t ol~le 'Cadwnllllder, 118_ .. '~rI' (ur ,1",,,," ,, ' i C"u"It~.I"' l,j • .".'1 ' h." 1 .... .uwl ,h n • ....,.·.' a n'" a. rw 'l l . J"" ""r-1J. Il poD. IWlu l.t ..... InAl lnl the UII 111 1;:; t ' WIlt'). Mectlll Il" udu; Will l'r:l lllo Til ,!t:lwk" hU llglIlg' 10 I tI ~ el"'rry trt:t'n. rOil CUrt at nny olh er silo!" wlllt 1\ <l Isted by Pro t. Be'lITlD er of 011 " tllfl .e, pn·ol Lu" Il U.· . .. ' r•. .1' ,. 1 r U".ch.·,· . loll •••• 1... ... \ l n Il \\/ ' 11 lJ I I ' I I I k ' I ' · , J ' 1 f."".,,, O. ''''UII 1'"·" .. "11,,,,. ''',,! " l'r.I'"'PI>.lI",(.1 ly.t'I'I}UC t, .. It) I r f ~e t I . IU~ (,illig It '·I~.t a r g" 1I 11 ~ · ~' l gUfJ( "Ilrru nt , . . und Messrs. '1'. P. F ettor, Al\lI)s NI wilh ,I ... "r-"I,'" " ';'" ",..I"., (" nr ''''f,l , 1'I r«t III. U .:;11"011 f ~j ... in IId".i lli. I'·""~ iL'" 'he ...lW f'_ I" ... - \V.h..,..ct ..... ".w (Y'.. .. •• .... ,L "'.Ie II)Colu·' O Bu'-I:I"II I ~ It I,1 II ,' r IlIll'd, 1111' I r. A . D . " v a d wa II II der 18 IIlIfllisla nnd LceClllDmin"'a of t"i ~ II- . ,,'ertlliu,·') _/ .. "..... .. ".bI./.., "'"..~,'.h. I'nttAf't .~_ ·u.mrt,I"e'· II BURDI!TTI SMITH Id . .un J · Sullie I CW 11 1\' I".·III 1\ ~ l el.! I truJl II lit IIIhili t t II pUt lip U . II C IV b u81n . css "lace, will .. iv c .coltc~rt iIlC ,., llI l' k tl. l y o,", !,e. I'· IlI'11l .i\~ I"· r d·If.'" "",,,. '1'1'~ .II" I I "h ." h. ,~ ... . , •• n, ....." . r~ • •/ ,b. ,,~, • ( curge 1'11O-llel\l\ U ,," tlII IIIC .•,./~ ••,." .,,,. "' .... 1._ .. ~ 8_.. • , . J '" f I I ,. I I t· II II . II t b t 1-; ' r b of tht ft l1I ill l U ' l no 1 ~ nnpll~I · I ·d l· t l tId !'\II W U 1 thl.... ' "•• " . 8k l " I II., . .... hh .. 1.. l tI II ). lI'I.Ire 1I(.lI 'Ul ll ttJ eu ,tul",j II r t It! Ie ,,1'('I'!! 51"!. 111 )(1 11 /I 1'\) l'. 0 Iltn ' villu .Oil Slltnrdab nig ht • 1'110 ueu . Ii. r tlt. lul r u ,~lt! l·t "{ I tUl' ' I I . ,. ."".~"' "'' ".. NII".,.•" .... w .. , " ,." l' 0 BoaDOOa. l'I"owTotkCltF. . ' , . n I'rUOlll r.ol1'I 'lo 'vaCUII 11 ' Je lVeen S ' I r rt' IIII' W"1l l' (' " n ",lt'" t t>4rl. lOt. o....llM paUcru , W'i\lI ,'I.lla • • 1·1I. lll llg IlJ 'H, th. , llie fllnlll'r~ II" l'rl! III 1.. 11 IV I.. · I·X· · ,l·., ,~ " ':loll lill" nntl . nnds. pl o ovcr there It~ly expect 1\ hrl! t . iJH'r"""' "l: t1~m"n,l IIIIlI wi,h"\l1 ,,", "~ Iu rw .... 1. .... ~~_ _~_~==~~~====~~ Thc pl"ngrn JTIIO C f OI" nox! 11Il'l'tin!-; IUIIII)k,. La w l;~ \\" 'Hd u HO.ln ue . ·arcl". -~Ir. (J. W. StUIllP 80ld his c la~s ll ll! crlu iume .. t wo can IIS~lIre ~ por. "f» lui lllre.I" lIlI i.. w'''~ '" "loy IOU"'. = .-~ ~ WUS il l IIUllllccd " tli elllillionr . 'J to lI no ch ic l; ~11 II I rll plentiful. Fru." k larm (kn vwll us the old Uri. pi.n thcm . • ' A '~ yk""r Dl ru g"l ,.~ "",:" Ih··"·"~II.' l.f tl'"'.~ Jl • I • • 1f ) I ' 1.1 Elliott &: Oulcnll1f1 mi d \'0 r om ur It. ...u q.:t I'lle ' " "t" U" .m.&''" '.! _ _ , III et at 1I 0 r . idencc of Eth an TIl :, kll-i ,I RI'(,:I :lity pI rllJ,:i n;:t Dr '''" nrm a~t W ClI IICS\Juy, to I r. N , U· -t~() uvu vino~'l. '-"Id II~' ." :';11 11 .1 • • ry It UIIU Brown , 3nl lo u. tiUI, J ' 7[1. . L.'~h L> rll cl!~ck llti .I" r 811 1t· 1I 1~~' !h ull J une~ fur .• , 5 per acre ; 11 (' ;t;lIminc Ih ci r 1'~' W und sl,l l'ndi d , .-.-.- . -.-- , . LOlli ~ J "'NN~:Y , ,-, ee'y. .dIJ IIIU b~':ll1lillll l llt 'lilll' :11 11.1 ,1,.1' 1'1 - :1 res · . I I I[ J I E ~ hcs t('r cuok stov e. th best 11l1. e l fiO~· ' i\}~' ;;!l" III :.~~•.~" lI· li,I.' I , r"l . 1.... f· ":l""II~, j lJlIl l'lIse Ill' ~e , I cklll ducks - - rti S rllm orel t lilt 11 r. u In ' . In lit e lIIurkut. Tlt ey IIl so 11I11'C Ill l n ; \Ill ' lOP 1 II ' I Tn g peopl e Of. tb is COllllty 11(,"('1" UII,] 1~" lIllr)' J.;(,tI(·mll y: . . ~'ayl o r ill uOvllt I ~ move blIC ~ . here Iho new 1'ltil!ld~lph ia tin for ronf omo.. or Mrtr .I;~I. · ' >" """, ., .d o· .or I c 1 WI: Te fU" orcd With 1U or~ tlllln 'IlO (2111tO 1\ II l1l11b .'. 0 1 1111 1' ta l ~' ~ l' X Ir' TIl rblllla ~ll s mnlly old frl ell ds ill!;1 wurrunteu IllIlr bost tll Lo ""d' i _ uther el1 tc~t!l ... m ~ nt 1111 fine u~ tho n.IIL'IIU d tho rl' IHh ll~ uf Mrs. bC U lt -I '\·" .lI~d be gl au If the rU.lllor proved nnd lI eeds nupaint_. . Elliolt& 'ul . . _ .•. ~[.lr.!U .. 1 / .E 8 . " • .AJ(U'.AO:rUll~D ""r uno M rs. Sco tt ,S,d~ on s gnl" tl,l'lll IdJUIlB. lust wc('l; . cOl rcct: . ma~1 Will thlugs hum till S1 .J(lNE~-rcEY, .- p.t. ~tI, 1~7tl , lit II... 6_ 1118\ We uesday 1l1~"t-4h e otll ·.-I . .- MIS ca l'llyra Blurd alHI Nnn 8prlng. I / re:III",.CO IIf JIl"'I'" ~' ,I\ill" "· . 0.'1 .. ill oue beiug the sumo ludy ,,; n~nd ing H I II·\· l·y"hur~. , \\ ri!;ht Illltmued Prof. Ven llblo'~ - -- ::1 . " ")" ~I ".vi ll c by H•• It,·v L. "'. \'1111 CllI'·o. I! ,All V••W 'l.~ 111.: (.1' !our.-carS llfPo , ill ll \(·l'nme place le:;turo ill MiQ-llli VlIlIey Oolloge Tille fllllcru l or E. Hllily, ('sq., boJ\lr·I l'I I!tllbIUITi·IJ ~ "'·· 'f(l I\~ i'. S ' ~: " " K<y tl. 8uiftrSutpitCardaandPriceLiM IN 81 UlilijirAllllllloqa. · t' dfior y~ u.. I nturdny CVCII !ng, Ilnd_ vi6itcd their' too- k PI aeelI I.a t . 'F•rl'd lly ." rtlernO(l1l I Mlly l o t 6 l' f' tilly ( I IA:balloll.I . All onuJi IICO of bet wcu n• -~, 1I1~IY 1111111 k.V 01, 1l1ll 0l, th.i .. b"11 I""" life",.H(111'11'lIo\' 111(· illt;'rrlIP" i!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 700 nml 0 pC.Olll e frolO 1111 PIlI.tB IICC~I I.llg tu IUy rccl" I'tit, un COlll lllg I frien~,s ill Sp rillgboro Il dllY or twu. II'O ~ tl l.e . l('k~ ll~ m~elJng-III~I~~e, :n~OY. IlIr lI .. th . r" \torilly "I II. (If th o connty /lssell\ bl d nt Ih e flglIl lI. · , - - II I' otlter duy we hut! a "ory willch \\118 enJ\~ded wltb relut lH8 wAnl "~I • -- - I . . . \\' 1I." I ....' IIS I' r~ I~Il,11'1 . • ·' d,s all d . CI' .t IZCIlS.. ' An,er a IelY f •.•• Ii: .?1 .U&K I1T'1. I I ), 1Ie·1 liSt m ('~. >\· l l'l enslln.L clIlI Irum lif. v'l1n Ilarllll ' I'lIOn _ _ _ Opera D Ullse uf t!tnt l..olluttful town ill spi tc of lhe lJittercolu, anti III~ " t til 1.1I''' ~. .WllfO huld goon, ed ltur or the Lebanon Ga ze lle. ul ll ~lI enta 01 sdenco , Dr. Jnm l:8 W ..... hent ~ ltllshel, 80 01 ~!Jey ,~cre more thllli l'c('oUl Il('lIscd aL ~h c h'l,"le vi M.' os, LIZZIO L. Uar · ~II'. V~n TIm'lillgufl iall gentlemllll, fJlu.'le8 ~roi!e and a~dre880d the Corn ~ bushel r. 2/i 1 ' lor mllk in" martyrs uf \h l!m· eln's 1' 0), \\"h ~1I n mo t I g lliit upl'C r luud edits a goud papor. \VII hOI I' ~ss"m.bly \II all approWll1te malln er, Oll~ Ju@ IB III whi ch he bora testlln n.y to the Ho) per ton. ;, @ 7 (1 \1 1 ---IIt:CO I: -SCIRS T O - - Mr<l. Sid d~n s opened by rC lIdi n ~ 11'1.18 I'r~' I'I~ r()J to\' tlt u ~ ~ lIIbe rd ~Jy he will call 0 11 ns IIgian. from Shake8peur '8 A8 You Lik.· MISS LIZZie !llId her 11'1(,lId, ~II d ' -W. W . Stoke Esq_ of Liu. c haracter Ilnd the clear, direct and Flollr per ewt , 0 @ ~ GO 1 . II' \ ti( 1.uCIl l ' St'IlI.n "'tl • B Bu ck"heat pel' owt . " • It, Rosalind and Orlando li nd Ih ell A I.1I1IC , ooln lII inois hilS been milking a simp eb c I"I lal I 0 f th 0 uek .I /jf) • rollowed w'lth sligh t modi fica ti oll A s('v 'r.1I1 \If Ih e 8chool -gi l'hl ill- vi to his h'olll c near Rid~e ville. ceased. After Dr'. BaineR clu ed J' uc IVlllllll.,per hus hl'l, 7;• •' I ' d I . r h ' I . I t · k .r I d' , \ILLer per 00 2\1 tho rogram'm c we pubJi he~ I.wv IC.II . ~lI.V~I:g lor. t ~ Ir. ~o m es III tit :: l\}1'. Stokes. ia SOli . to B.. ~. tokes. !IS rema .. 'B, ,Ie, argo .a~ lonce Mn)ll e molasscs J UU we ~8 sit:ce. A nyattemj>t t onrs 61 VI C1IUll tlS! tillS 1~ l;: k, Mrs. BUI Esq ., and 18 Il rnpldly rUling yoong tiled pa t the caa~~t cOlltll.'lIIll~ the Ueef per Ib, best OIltS, l l!t t o do justice to thi s It\llya mutch· g S h'lLve a tll l"ewell B." ppe r. for I he.1 1" In\Vy er ill tlle '!lrh' ing westeru oity very naturullooklllg remalll Bot o~e IIlIsage per Ib !! t, s lucuLion would bo n di smal benufit. All her .gl rl , fi ller ll 11\ before nnmt:d. who had for ma:l.y Yi)!lrs gone III " alt por barrel 75 uil llre, as al 'n ,,,ollid nny effvrt tu nnmhel' ~ o k tcn Il'ltll her Wed llc - -The W ynesville people wbo ao~ out. ~monll U8 a vigorous and HAms ( sogar·lluml ) per,.tb .. 10 AN D express ou r admiration lo r ber ra- day e.v ·/IIlIg. Alt!I Oll gh all 8ee m,u bruved th e cold weather and were uctlve cltlzlln, lIut DOW goue the Potaloea per bushel 50 diant beanty and qn c nly grnc. to ellJoy tbe e.-e lling, yet tbe tho t, recompeuseJ by hearing Mrs. Scott· w~y of all the earth. . . . Apples per bushel 50 From the hw ment she mlldo her' I: nII, W tIlt e\'er be togc ther n· Siddons in Lebanon las\ Wednes. The burial .~ ,maJo In MiamI Egge per dozen J2 11it'ee npon tIle stu re to th time galU? 01I8t n clouJ ~f sorrow over dny night, were: Mrs. Israel Oemetery. ~nrd [tor pound 8 @ 00 ... • " • • 1. mu.ny heart8. ..Tbel rru:lul;oll t o W.cigh ~ . ~..!!~' IIlley . -1'lax Seed per bushel 00 A re prcl'"red Ic do oderl.llking in bett er sl.y lo II nd ..t l\llv r .... teI titan nn, eatabl!th· " ..... I.ool.l nd ..ADd ad ¥Jlnt.WIU·c.. oaa lllrlr_ -nnr81:~"" IVIt , doting h or as· .! dOfl 0 Kearno" br" rria' '~i'\ q~C:;'lr.JI, tnll\ll'uce of print- Clover Seed per b.ush el 6 50 ment in the onun,y . 708 r, r 'i • t' 'tl tb t 1 I ·.n , er I n 18 romorlimb o. Hogs por owt B 60 wltu 1')I)).'6d J1ud listencd tllnt l.hey oO ln Ion '"91 I e m liS ene le r las Nun Wrigbt, Della Zell, Drew The demon8t.... Uon lit t.hubo"otaotmay .• . engerly took in every gesture every ettdeareu herseH to lOallY hellrts, Sweet and wife Mrs. Jacob Rall- I:le lleUer und...tood III 'giving the reader 11 - -- -•• - __ _ every bit of by' 'SIIlY were most tonehing Ilud UtrOCtiOIl ' dall Missc M~ll iE: Oadwallader brief "l.a l.emel'1. chf ' ''!'t:a. . ROOMS FOR RENT. m nvenl"'llt u • ' b ' I h' , A ut tle n ~ t iall BVlng IlClno oui. Ihrough Th el·ery-Mf1.!llisito iutuou;tto u uo IIC ' ute, t n 8 prov ing t lilt, o,,,evcl' Mnttie Van Olev", and Annill Jan - Ihe parer. thro .h lh~ politen •• of the ed. . 0 egar SI..,.o Roo~m for r. .. I.. P OtlllOtIII · cllnt. all tho pRssion path os. wit much th e hellrt max b .8I e cl~d, truo ney; MosBrs. McKinsey, James i!.or. inform.lory ,!f ~!Jl 1 beiolf eng.god in Ion !rIven Aprtl Jet. l'i> ~- R.At~h loO n ---)OEi\II\KS IN(--" nd 'hlllnor Wllnt c· ul d be more worth autl 101:6 WLll Will th l:lr Wily. (J Slilo '"' G W ill iamson Lt JIIO WhY 8Ug.' ·ttlllmPt' Ih:,o Inform8tlo.0 attracted 10 T. ..terri bly til l'ilhllg . . Zo 0 U a,\' k e.'s . ,.. . I' . . ,,.,.. , . . L e "It.e llt ~n 0 """Iarado (wortby) r""d.r EXECUTUn -. 'S~ NOTl"E thau her Sleep. \l Sl tlDg re ntnes J, Moshcr, J vun F. ClIodwallnder. of thoW. yno •• ll1o (hz tie. wl"...,upnn the ~ . Wulkiug Sceno from Macbeth ? lIeur WaYll etlVl lle. J. Edwin J(lnu ey, WiliterZeIl Jo- remembranceu! g6ud old t~o~,.• in W~rron TI!". undersiGned hne beell nppllinled .lind J . \IT I D k" G counLy . ugar-camp~ 11'118 ~rrl k' n !! 17 broUlfht Ilu~ltfied a. Ihe E~ec ulor "r lito 10'L will · R N M A, nd ns ror OurfolV 11 t ot Ing l'uuhe Snle!!: n,IIB anneY,Jr., . ~nter a III, . tOTio"'.inyc/\l1Iofpu.trocuiieu~ion uf by_ ~nd 1.' ''''''"111 oj l:lAt>.l' A II IIA ·lwrIJN . 'l o. night auti The Oroed f the E. Uundall, Wilham J ones, and gone. happy day.. ' latc or W~rreo Oouoll-. 01110 . doeu"ed. Bells, .wbo wllnts to hoar a nybody Lydia Dlllllnp, . fino bri ck house Onpt. J am ~8 A . 1{Nearlney. J in~Y:~ku~irll~:~:~i ~ ~b:ir::::=or':lIl~~ D/\Ied thi. Feb'y :ll·~: r7;'HAi'MA)l. rtl~S, -The LIU~oln. e >rllska, onr- lio~. and Ibo di~p.whl.d 1m order to m o to elso a tt6mvt to read them 1 Hilt wo and lot on BI'oadway in Leouuon eanuot do justicc to Mrs. Bidd t)~1 8, Ma rch 13, nt 1 u'clock. ' uLlI, 8peaks 01 TIoll . 'W, W. OaTde.r, rll~lIhh }!o, ~ lol: o.'" .ntr.r-..·.ax •• n.d Ihe SHERIFFS SALE. - - ) A I~ SO, ( - - OO 0 1 It wculd bel'l n.'ltted dlltol,? UDd we Ifill only ndd that Ive With F M Dakin 011 the Mason farm SUII of Mr. Abbot Carder of thiS P"Wh · t b . , • ' I f 11 • "I k' f 0 CJln OIl V what Ilrlltter'e 1nk ma, do W AI{RE N OO~i M S PI. E.\S. n ~I?ea lI1g O . E. mllny others IlOpe It . mlly no . 0 abov Vorwill, stock lind chllttcld, jJ !lce, as 0 o\\'s. loug ere s he comes thiS way agnlO . Murch 6~ nt Oo'cluck. W. Rogers Mr. O~rder we are gratltied to tilly .. '- Ab.!rglill Aml1ll } Ordor of ~nlll'. auctioneer ' that Llllcolu h!lll reason to be proud .ST. PATRIOlt8 D.lT. March 17. V8. T~ s fvllowillg is t~ report of the J. P. C: Mills, Freeport, Batur- of him as ~ Reprosentative: prob- llVllI?e ceillbrated \:6,·tbo Cuth?lic8 MI~:::~0~1~;k~~a b1: ~~I~" Cm Nn arclulect who oxalulueu the eourt- dn)", March 15th, lit 1 O'clock, car ably had I,t n?t been for ?f tllls ·plnce b~ ,,~II-, given By virtuo o( on ord,.- uf sail' dul) i8~ue,1 house .: .. riage maker's u.nd cllrpenter'8 tools mnn the Oapltol A ppropnatlou bill , ID Oad wa.llad~,~ s Ual} .. Tickets 1. from .aid Courl. in Ihp nb" .,, ' .tRI.d cu;c To the COlonn. Icnerl! of Wurre~ Coonty : lumbor lind bout JTHlterial. I ,!uoll !Javo gone by the. boards. I P!'<lf. Gr!ffilli e >~pUmdld ~rchest.ra 8nd 10 me directed. 1 .ill oO'er fur 8. 10 b\: GKNTUlIIEN :-1 bnve tl1l8 d.lly.ex. O. W . Stuu'p, 3 In 'lles nortllol' F'rom the first 01 tbe Air. wllllurDlsh. mUBIC and the affulr, "'/\Y of puhlic auclioD. 1\\ Ihe door or' lh~ . , lJo urt Ho~ ~e , in LctJo Dun, Oh io, o n amined the ~\lrt-Bou se bU\ldll1~ WaYlletlville, Thursday, March 20, Ollrdor has ~a~red ~Dhr.lDgly f~r as usual, WIt! bo a IIUCCOS!!. SAT UUDAY, MAIWJ[ 15. A.D. I 7~. iu Lebanon., said COU~lty, ~nd fiDd at 9 o'cl ock , stock aud chattels. tho ".ppropraatJon. I rev. 10US. to I l l s . . ! ' t Ion o'c,lock A .M . on 88id "oy, Ibo follo'lll. Rooms i Two Doors North of the Post-Office l on excavutlOg a1 ongllJdo 01 tbo out- W R t" electloll us Representative It was HOT drlnkB ahould he aVOided in lOG doscrlbed F7'~g.i,I>~'li~·Ol,,:".il : s ide walls . of buil ding the plllllk .M ogers, adD~lleeM' t H OII , thought by 80me that the 8electiou day time during cold weather, as Being nil of Ibut pari of f.-aelluMI S.ellon .. . . W AYNESVILLE, OHIO. fouodationn UpOll which tho stolte t oC~rgfllt~'~ f ~un M }I' WIIS a poor one' but his course dur- they bave a tendency to woaken 8.1. "uwDBhip No. 4. Rlluge No .4. '\/ . n . .• 'oc 11~ Ie 8klln w" rynI IILre, arc I I'ng the s=s ion 'has more "bau sat. tbe luogs and a1Ii.ect tlie throllt .•ilu nle. Iyi n' and botnlf in Wa ,rou Ouunty. W "lls nro bu'lit bas become entirely sl ~ nt 0 c 00 . " uce, anc. . . "" ' . I Take Dr B II' Co I S ~ Ohio. hounded ADd descri bed n. ("Uow. :.. .. d tOtten ,a!lll th oroughly decllye so 118 ' __ _ ished 0.11 such that they were mIS- I . 0 s ug I yrup lor Beginning ..t. c orD~" on the S. brlln'h of to be useless for the purposes for TilE Wn "no Towllshil> Veterall taken. Mr. Cardor i8 one of the all cases of cooghs,~oldB and boarse· Gatl~p nun aud S. E. cr rDer \0 II. 101of .' !f .. II y· In ' t en d . Association ' J ' t IIe HOllSe:-lDte . II' ,I ness ' Price 96.cents ~or,". parI of tho to"" pial of II M ol·.nlle which they wero orlgllla will hold its annual b ost m.e n III '" - , " boUle • C OnY8)'." hy Jul. I·ugh. • dm ·r of Dnvid ed-so much 80 liS to endanger the meeting fur the eleotion of ofticl!rs keell·slghtcd, aDd talthful. illS A D • U d . Pugh,.to David MorjeBn: Iheuce N . 600 30' (1W~ ~R.' Q) -- ~ - -B ·- --g- -Y _ ~_·-_ ··L _ • f tl build in . Owiul> to , . S ' d . M I 8tl cuurse has been a wise olle and ~OTIlBa l'!4TtI. I ester ay 1'!'. 149 ~~-iOO pol,'s to ~ "tune : dl. nce :S., ... so. Iety 0 16 . I? .., . lIext atul ay eveDJng, arc I I, . ' • morOlog at 5 o'clock Mrs Edoe8 .i30 W.•101 pole. 10 Ihe l\ . bOlllllhll')' UI frile. the decoy of said timber founllo.- at 0 01. Manington's oftico ill the wIllie he baa reason to feel gratified K . k'd' fte l>' t . k' &iollol 50Ctiuo 6: Ih. nc,' S. 10 21 ' E. 11 60. -~...:.---=....:=-....::..=-=-=---=::....:;::::::......:=tions the outside \Vn\ls bave sct- now Townphip building. Every over his record, the citizens of LiD - 'nenrlc flo .. at r .~1l ono woe . 8 1::U po~o ~~h~nco S. 700 E . 13ti pol•• : --BELJ.Il-tied outwnrd to sucb an ext.ent 8S soldi cl' no differenco whether ho be. coIn have rellBons to thank him for Sl ne&8 b rom ~l 'dPueutno~ lll. ~tb~,lnniu " r~'o~Gl~;;,i~~ ';:?II •• Ic Ihe i'ld"c9~ . k II . '. . • . I ' . I ffi . I ' beh I"" 0 one y one. III r .. pl sucoeaSlOn, c ' g . nc",". nn to crllck the b ric \Vn 8, eauslllg 10 llgs to tho ASSOCIatIOn or not, 18 liS tire eBB e orts In t lelf a •• ,I, a '. . gOlcs. ,elng Ihe 8ame prrmi 'U con,·ol',·d hy 4b f dS ~ 25 ts them to crush ill some plll<!tlfl, also invited to be presellt· and all citi. -We copy the followiug in reo our peop e rl' pa,sllJIIg away. lorgan lo .1 reoord"d in 1"'11 in ars 0 goo oap lOr cen, . nil d b roa k tl 10 f 1m bers zells friondly to the 00.U8e ' rOI" . book 24.. pnge 7~O, Warren Oounly Deed 7 ounce Silver Star Baking P0 wde, r w'th Je11y GIass,. to strain wb'ch gard to oue of our "town bOYI" RellglOU.1I . Notices, Record. 1 8upporting cupoll\ ovor court-room, tltcy fought, nre cordially invited from a late Ohicago paper: "Ro· _ - --, SECON D TRA~T: 20 cents. 80 liS to mo.k~ the same dangerous to b~ with .U8. The first part of the mor has it that the recent trip of -The Rev. J:tL 'Bri!l~meye~ . has_ aCl:A~~~:r~~c,~ I~~.~·j~ S:c'i~I~"6.GII~0~2;~~ Largest and best assortment of Cigars and· T"bacco ,_ and un8&~. . ·And from !he .gener· ovelllDg Will be devoted to short Mr • .rames H. Dralle to St. Pllul, beeu trBosrez;re'A from Xema to _Ueginuillg al the Ii. E. corner of South IIlId . v w al condition of tho buildlllg eaused speeob mnking recitations, and Minn" was the result of a strong Oartbage, Obio. ,t His place as pas. !cur~b .I ...eta in Iho &O"D Wnlu eev.llo, town. ~y a gene.ral de~ay o~ t~e founda- BongB. We pr~p080 to spend aD endeavor upon tbe part .of several tor of t~e OathoJic:: ehu.rcti of tb i!! 5~~W.~9·;;;:\~eco:~,:y,;orr~~':n:~'~II~eenJ~ 3~ Oatmeal, Cocoanut, Tapioca, Corn Starch, Currants RaJ. tlOn8, l ·deem Bald blllldlllg unsafe bour on tbe old cnmp ground-a of tbe leadmg mell of Minnesota to place Will be fillf/:\}. by 1118 succe8sor. W; 13 ~-IO\) pole. 10 n "t.. nc: Ilten .. S. 5~ sins Burnett's Extract Lemon Sugar Co"'-ee Tea' d for occupancy and 8hould be taken social reunion. A genoro.l i nvita· induce his removal to St. Paul. It ·1 I ' _ 4~ E. 39 poles to n .lOlIe: thence N. :120 F.. , , ,111 , down. This, in my jlldg~meut, is tion is extcnded to ull our fri ends is reported amon", the kuowing oDes . GEORGI: Oar~~~18 it is .the sell- !~n~:~2d~:~e~'~~t~I:let~l,v~ o~."~~r~~;F~II'd~ · Chocolate of best quality and at low prices. the best and most oconomlcal plan to come out. • that at a meeting of the directors lor tn.omber of l}i:ts' estabhs.h!D~nt o",ccut.or. ill l ~ti.·1 ill book :'19. pagu 557, Ofl The only place in town where pure Cinnamon Bark is that ca n be ad?pted, from. the fa~t _ .. of the St. Paul, Sionx Oity and the that Sighs for a f ru}lt!e coupon chp· W~rrcn COUI!:rl:lfgol'}!~AOT k lbe entire outside foundations. Will ON Tnesda.y evenmg of Inst week Worthington aud Sioux Falls Rail- per. ... Al an. I.he f"lIowin~ I"elll C"t~to. to ·lVit ept. . , . . have to be tak.en out. and rebllllt. on two hnr~e8 wero. tnk en from the ways, Mr. Drako ,,,as uuanimously T 'n be . f f tb ~onlfti .. ill~:! 2~- '0(1 m c,.' it.' :'\ '''' Iillll 6. Dobb1D8 EJectrlc Soap, 10 cents. China, Glass, Stone eolid ground, \Dvolvl ng the sborlllg stll.ble 01 J obn Sliker, ahout three called to the office of Commissioner b !ldERE w~ a, ~feeMI!Jg ? V Ie ~o"W" 4, H,,~go 4. M. ~. S .• Iy!ng."nd hein:; and Crockery.Ware d tl '1 t f t TI . I oar of dlrectors -o 1I1JDl a· ID nrren l uuDly. OhIO. begmnluj( at fhe . b ' Id np 0f t h e entire UI. 109 au Ie ml OS weB 0 own. I.e Illllmll..s of Lauds, and tbat be now haa tho 1 na'l . d' • b I corD '1' of n 10L sold by n. S. Bursuu 10 WII' . W1Dd.ow GIass, S•ash and Potty, Couae ~ Mills B k taking out of the enbre WC8t wall were found at \Vaynesville. It IS subject under serious consideration. ey I way to· aYI ID t is p ace.. l~oger~ .:14 linkB. from I"~ centur of tl,e Viu. ,nc eta, from foundatioll to r{)l)f. supposeu tbnt some one rode them We .incerely wi~h we could deny T"" Barn's Gll'a' 'rds -ere out on Clbunnll and Xen,a !urolJlku rOftd nORr tho Tubs, Field Kegs, Baskets Wash-Boards, Churns Cheese tit ' t d tl t d tb u_" utmenl of the Imdgo ncrOS8 Cnmp Hun ' , " R espeotf uII y aub IUl'tt e d . . 0 t la POIll • Iln . len UTile em these reports ' and there end the drill Saturday afternoon. They fb~uce S . 340 :lO' w. (i'l-'OO chnin810 ~ Meat Lard Molasses Crackers and Cove Oysters. 0 HENRY naViS, A rcllltect. loose. Such practlceB ought to be whole matter ' for there is nO" mom. 811lko: thence N. 63 Ill' w. G 89.100 clIRine ~=!!!!'=!!!!='!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!='=!!!!=~~======~=====~!I made unprofitable. - [Wilmi,ngton ber of the no~rd who will not learn noed a flag. '. tO a pOBt.'n Ih.e ;!no of Iho )Jumns trncL : ~ S· ..... 1: followillg is a liit of the feea J . With . ~egret. .It should · be a SPBING electlo~ • tIIpproachee. A!l- cb&lne: I booce ,,"Itb Ba,d IIno N . ~2° :to' E. 4 67- '00 ...~ ourna.I thiS thence. •·ith A. Pugh 'A liue ::!. Ii 0 ~. receIved by the officors of Warrell B h b h i d " '-1 I very fiattertDg offer even to attract nouncement8 are Ill\.0rder• . Cash 10 E . 3 tl- IUU "balll.!.o Ihc co .. ner lOr William ____ ' county for the year 1878. E t oug t e lear tie ange 8 b' • ( h' d I 'n0 _ 11o"ero'lol: thence ,..ilh hi. lino S . 70 E . ~. t 2 39~ 79 sin " but it roved to be a chorus ~s ~ttellttOll rom 18 present asSCl· B vance. pease, 34.5-100 chainM ; Ihooco l:I. 290 g . 2 chains ; t:I . Anditor, ,-'-\. g, I f P b I 1 '1 ClatlOn., and much more a very ! _ . &0 Ihe heginning. . i.i' '="" Treaeurer, 2,!l4,l,.1 of yel 8 rom t e next (oor c 1\ - substantial one to sever his counec- TUI: TowriBtii~S" ~stees bave Snld "'31 eelAle lias beon regularly "p" , Oleri, 4,225,21 deen. He grew desperate, pro· f ·tt thO M n k h been full of .bu8int!88 Monday and prai8ed u'!dcr Ihl. onl., "" followe: All of ~. ............. a245838 cllred a bottle of Dr Bullis Baby IOU WI I ero. r. ra e as . • . ..Id prem.a"s !.o}lclhcr 81 tile RUm 01 *[;0 pcr J:;heriu, '960'20 8 d s t 't t • Mrs S witb beon among U8 hflrc but little over ye8terdu.y. . I" ~ aero; Ihe O...IIM\1rt al $GO per I\cre: the 80en WAYNESVILLE. OHIO. RecordJll', , !rup .a . . en I 0 .. two yeaTS . but active enthusiastic • • • I. ' . ond Irn ct at. 60 per aaru. ·aud tho Ihlrd trnct Iii" oll"lOmor. Bud I.he publlo gen. PrOlleOuti.o g Attorney, 68884 bl8 comphments. He was a bach· • t II" d 'd d b " ' ((]'" Pixley and ~tinnlll Will bo at'lhe Rum of *60 par I\c ..e, nod .. ill Dot be .Inform! thllt lit hi. old .taod ho i. p"l'Ilred _ _ _' _ Ielor. In e I.gen.' an gUI e y uu .. or~ here March 18 and' if Look out I aold for le88 than .t"o thlrds?f e.. !tlnppri\ie- torlllly. tepnir consCIentIOusness Bnd hone&ty ID . 'r, It. ' ed ynlue. /\ud Will ue sold ,n tracls /\8 "1'_ Tota:.:l~, ~=::;:===$:::1S,301,19 all bis dealings -he baa commamte< M . '-' : :;' : k )' tb t prruaod or -aR~. 8" aM ~O 'bring tbe ::: I . ABOB came 10 d e & . IOn- a most mooey. 1 n .... OASH .. tl.l e re8peet and wou the esteem of is 0-0 the eecond daf ' . . JAS~ER M . JOHN. ON, AI.d paint olld t.rim thorn in tho m ost ~/\ti • . all, and succeeded to a fiuo ·busineS8. I _ . ' _.. • ... . _ Sheriff; Wa.rron Oounty. O. ftl!'!.ory !llId fu.hionnble "ty 10. flc gUBl'ao, teero hODOst work and durllbUity ; Lbo bci8t We hope .Mr. D ra ke w,'11"'... 0t say ' n-;::>!, . ti'" ' b ; ,.. d MAnDkH •.B~ M. S. HULAW, Deputy. .U-J , repa~ ' ,,~! t e .renowne ~A.Il' & Baoww •.AWya. and the mOlt wcrk for tho lout monoy. No "good bye." I P~ley and.Gr.nn!.Ii" M~r~ . 18 & 19. ~eb.Il~'h ' . . .p,~teriog at bieebop\ ' ; '. '.707 .,: ,.. , , . I
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VARNISH ·n , 1'1JRl!: nmr BOOTS •• nd to ~ 1.llo~iaIl
d •• ire" to l'08llCS" 8UIDCadilt ou 01 ,t. 'l'hl. OI~ 'V . \\' .:O<""I' ( "VN'S I-IIP. IIII d RO.IO Io. h ",· 1.11' " " . I' .... lie I,y tl". I..:.. " H HU Il' I th t ... ~ ftl ... (1\ 8 11)0 10" lu li L \ !'I II \: oth ed itln ll i • •·ompl et. iu " Ig ht h,ullly , ,,1111000. . . i l b' ,I ~(:" . tit H·J U' thJU IU l'rlt.ICtI of HorBe I ' . l"U u 1QII \\ 0 BlUE • .... .,~ " f. 'JU C" . l U JJ ,'/o U ..I I I I I 1.· ~ I ' .. . ) ~xce II out in t ypugrap'y,p"l"'r,,", m u"'t'. "-'" Oen'IPns -. L. '!' 'Ik 01 Aj(\I'I. lId",pu.'d fu r i :w liiy u · u, rrrinJInw' (ltl r u. ri, 'l', re. ioed \.0 dUol.e, ~lId oold Uot pri ",,! "" luw. SbUIIII,Y-. n. W C,\ LI )WEI.L. " ff,..,· ~1It11 "It k llllL; of jp'Hiu. i\llt! CI t U(J,lt..w' thaI B /lumInon quc8tiun whi ch tho l'"hh.I,· All ,'nn ,d,o\ "HilI " ew !'ohRre. mAde to (h ll' ro t M.III , ~"r . l'n u . TO have to "n ...·. r i., ·.. be1l.or Ihe I'ri •• j . your l 'l v"". "".I ) ,' ur 1,1t! "u'" luid and lrT1,~y I'roro'· . I,nrlly to "nUll!!U fllr each "otume or for tho enli re work f'- .. UorrHnu,d to run ... ,,·. ,1 "" "hen " .... , be ~ 0 N L Y \ snn\I H' n" " ·.' 'H IH I U1I h ll1 1 ~ 11I''' ' in 1he It lij Hold only to 811h1ori bo"" direct. Ib e >" re to give mo II cull I . ", r d UOB ut ze ro. Another lIl ie tuken larL . d'l'OOunt l1IIual1..' gi.en tn d a"lere Rud "1::. I , ro u" ty~ v,hlJ r · lhr lHlfct. t\· •• rhInJl'l u " hu to c •• , ... ill.. 1 ~~ , "f ,1'1 ,,,,II. ,." I .",11. <IOn I.,· , I ''''''''O'I. impressi o n i tltRt Minn cAota is fit AgeulAI, bei ng "'Iuwed lo U,e .uu..cribe". in· 11''''1'''1111' all P low Work a11d • T ill') " ,II n : I"H h,,,'f' rL''''I .\l1un l ,l t: l'Jo:."rd .. for Iittlo e ls c than to raiso wb l'lLt .•wall . 1'ho puuUallen mllko 8fli'Ci.1 in· 1101'86 /::J'l,oei7lg. r \'1. . ' " h f l' rn l'~1 Iln,,\ 1''':0111 /'''''' mon 11\ the So much h as bee ll said lind wl'itte n ducemen lll to carl)' purcblA8 r., tho eight AIMo cont in11o my ... LOr 111:,') . II r.d fr r t " . . .. n ,1 Ihllt "I"'" " r.r . Y01 UmC8 !!Cnt I'rel'o,d, to tho... o f tbe N o rth e l'll P acific Railway, wbo . ubllOribe bofor. Milroh !(Ith, in paper. (UI o xnmlU U\'h.JU. o ( Lt, u art1C~l t·" 11" t UI'ICllw,l ' F ' ? I' It , qlli i n.fn r",.a( ~. '11 qa'l'lt>l·n· hy lh.'ID. nQ ren on in f\'l" rl o( iho ' um " than which no pateflt medicine w us for '2.00. in oloth, f3.00. or In half 0101'00> in all e<lll ine dl._ . ',IU Ii h i ' Wi lhi'\ IU ,"'h·b uJif' {n l Krti.)I(l" illY eJ'j'Cf' i ell ('f' [TII' { /'I.' ..,dt.• ('.T I 00, gih tep. f6 . Specimen I'Uge. arc !!(lnt J M. TUOMPSON . . d I ever ruON a d \'e rtJ 8e • t lilt t 10 want free on feCluc8t, or II "1lIlOlmnn ,-olurne for N t· ]{iu ,.,t '~· ,~ E Vi\u- r f·l.rt'sf·nt tIl e wfi llJ ' f l'lII 11/!J0 1'. " ~'J' ~/'I'1Ti" 1118, kn ow" 1IQIU'" "r I ,oj.!'ll n & f' t rn tJr1(l fll" Pl ttl'l · of divor ilied productiun in tb e U.lnllllnfttion , wi tn Pl"·,lego of pureh_ of f, C(llI fllIIY, d" '.. i f l/ft ll !Inri(. T' I. (",ilI u mlllair n tl " J'I " Itfl,I" 'IIIIIo, ..l I n Ulore lIurtherly Ilitiluue is often lip' tho r"o linder, for nominal pri ~s: in pup r 110 /l l '/ IL I j') I .' ~I<:KI :\ .; EY & In' AN!'i. W uyn,·. I·illo, 0 . "",,1>0; "loll" ll(;oe nl8; h ~l f 1I1 n roClIO. g,lt I,lied to til 8tutO in general by the 20 lop. 00 oelltil. Am riuH n B,ook }~ " ob H nl:C'" .1 • • ""il l_t'\ ", 'I\"(' l'l'll mpt Kt.I~'nt 1lt1l . _ II18Bty readI r . 1n a statl! alm oslt has )"A,bli.h,,?,,')/j BOOtkm.n Stl"'Ol l., Ne wbeYurk. Ju st P"IoII. hed. io ft le.lud Ell' 'E,'i'TY 0 11 (1/'(11/1· ,, 1 IS o'n;, "" '. " r eut cummoll\\,ea t S opoo,men vo utn o In C ot, can . o. n I ' ar~ a s t IC ... I I f II ~ e ope . )lnce si x cenls of ' I.:\\' ur k 1111(1 1'''"11 )' h 'llIlill ft t t ,. oft o. 0 t i. paf'l'r, 81\,1 tho'" wh.. A . ... r ................ " .... lrrD" d c"ir~ lm U 'HId their nnmu~ jto u clu b "' blch -.e... a ... , ".d.~nl.\,,",.r ,..rllll .... " ' r"k- ~ I t /R ,~n rtl, $ 1 1h ,i n) (/ ~'(,f&r lo.f,(l' . f h,' l lc: rl l lUll h i'l l it" . . . It , .ullflt to l)t· coUllJill\·d , Il ,clo i IIhlllldllut luti · w,lI.oonbe forwnrd ad " . .. , or "l e, mftllOorh.. .,.i "d llcoll l.y .·11' 1IIr1'.~, !Jllf c,,11i (lilly $ 1,15.' ill ,,·... '· I. ihr"'·y .• i-., in e,p T\' tude fo r \ur icl),. III ,d whllt 1110 \1' • . .~ I"'·e. 1r....,I '"' tftll· ~: IIII ,· Io,,· . 1"'p" t CIICI· . .nd III vory ::lol,ool.'-HoN. t.:u ,' . UM . N it " · I I CU"N·rl.E8s 8ufie re r. till " t i,e hulnl N,· .. "" . 1).·I.ihl ,\'. 0111\ Im p""""." .. to ~I ;r I lit VC to ~uy n 1'1 ' I ll'A It> t 10 sonl I· ~ DU ll ' I'" !' II ' mIl<. \Jo n."IIII'lIlll1 g ,.il'r_y" 'ool 'TI, t' n,'xl 1.' (I'I' ChUtPf'fd.' ·Th. h"., . ,i,' In l{ I~ "gli .h IJ. ·~i ,o" 'WCj!t I'll POll ioll ' f th~- hlle, thull (,f rel ief, liod tho fo unta in 01 tbci r I" •. ~t c,,, .•., .•~'.'ri Ph,.o ,c,: I ,IIIr:'~" "iI~ . ~ c r."s "", '\ T II P. ~ .E U M . which , ill .'.xIl'IIII<·d l o nrs ove r ou r heulth and strell, ·th, 111 A" e r's Sar - I" IlOlIg " I J c l L\ ~. H \\ F. I.L, .\I. D ., T L 1 • h , . ' OW" Iwd ft' l'l:igll Inllds , J h8\'0 II CV· s al'lIrilla. It is the mlls t 'p o tellt lI f ;;, Ih i. rl '. er sC'ctl n 1Il0 l'e IU I' ''l'ed locali ty 1<,1' tho altorativ es to purify the SJ~ tCIII mi,,, "l. I , "" ,re .• 1· orll (, ro, e. r"'DI IllS I " ('al th , l'ol·tilit y nnd beallty. I re fe r find cl ellllBe the bloltd. It possesses 0"'" 0 '·'I',·r.I, .. e Ih at ,be ,,\\ lui ron•• """,, , , . , 41tU'l 1'1! 78 n on,! b l.'ttl' l' . · . I ' ~ •.~ 1 ' S Ll f · ,A llll.!'C UUH I ,,' t·fTCOI"t.u ft lh 11 m . . . 111 0 1'0 e p ('cilllly 10 th o cu uIlti c8 'Va illvigorating qua I ItICS. B Ilil t It , •• 1 wi ,h., ut .lIe.l " ill", ,, "11 oith .. ." ,,,,nil'" _ __ " ,," __ ___ ,, __ • __ ...~ t llllWIlIl , ~I i\rli ll, 'li tl ullwo od , Jack· sti mulates tlt o litJed vitalitil!s and IIU- " " I" cu l UI"ut,O'" ' '''"u;'·s.i n. tru "" li t•. I 1i I" l 1 .' I A "'-0:", h nnd,o.n t •• Iu .... I",) .. pna'" ) I ' I ' I r1 UrTJI o r ( Ot,tH d,. rOl ntitllr HOt K nil /elf> 01 / ,IoI }' O II U "17 I (" ( (..· "~n!l " arrfl o n (','< I, c. . . . , •••" ICOl1fi.ld.rl\ bl, . .. tor .. Ihnu SUU• .Murra y , 1'll'''rit ')II c IlIId 1. ock, p nrp;ee o n t tIe currU ptl ll ll8 \\' 11(' I "' • ~ . 1 ' ,I 1 . • /. • •t ' ' _,000 " ....t. In '""nlo.h" ,. . l' u I'nl o'h·r~·c rl l llll:l Il ~ ,n r t" u '\l. It.'· ..· t. u h 1I0JOI]'a, u f l , Uel"'Jl C/A ., CO rl el . "hhlht" c orn-el "roN •• c:I .. tio ul 'Ill tit · lillc t,,, til ' 't. 1'1Ini & S io u x wllIg Ie wit II t IIe bl ou d p r ll lll ullllg " ' , ry ~u ll" ,·el. 110 '"l1 lt, r "·h,IIII.,,, cd ,tio,, I ___ , O. ,h.hl ••. n ...t .,·r ..... I..aY. City Rn il \\'11 )'. A s r l'gards \J ealth, derangcment aud d ecllY. 'V o uro may h, . 111 0 ' CllI u l,' DI.dl cbuuph . (1.10 .t"ly I' Jt . (' .. l /'1 ' '1 ,. , .... 11.1.' · 1I .1.' J"TICA·I'f. 0 A" I. '1.'1'1". I. • II ' I .,101 rll d,enl!;' t~ "1' UI' I·!/II/(I, , vf1/' en l) (/"II.·"l ·. KNIOC. I· II. \\ 1'1'11 IInllU I / ' I , I ~ it IS IIh~" l tlll.'h· ("'l' fr o lll tiwe r 1111 d assure d uy many IIIte I g~ nt p')' 'rlo i. Lecturo ... ill r r«<. II 1I0nn " . ' --r~~i: I~~ · ~~!l1~~t~'~~I.··~i~~·:!'" U~Ul1l1l1d t1,I ;f ,· IIl11lUl'i OUB discU8es s;cianB tlUlt tl ,is medi c lllc cures tho u,." d•• l1d tboueRnd -. ill " r flt ')oli -icni F"ll'1l1l UI .I! t) E DC • .,fIO, l!< IOOO. which urI' tlo l! hUlio II i li fo in Kau · boyuud ull otherB of' its kind, and SeUL, lI ud er . CIl I. in II r ill in :e nvelope 10 , , l'EOr)J / . l I " W 0 R C EST E R. " ~ f' I' b flU\' 1I .ldresl4 , 011 re ceipt or lIi l ce nts , Or 1\\0 tn c . ~ ,'ave, (I, ~O .. • BIIH, N" I, ra~l;n u nd •I" 'XIIS, t o wa rd w e CUn ,o r ti y t 11 8 SI aWlll e llt y l'o~t .I!C Ua m1'8. ell ti 119 it If ""1IIIIU]'rt /) !1 "l" , """ " ~ .oI ,I ..1 "" Ij,u ~T 11 :-' IJ \ I l! 11 1 . . w lli c " tl,,· ltd,· o f ('m igrati o n hila n ur o wu ex p e rionce.-P,CIl .lltltaw· Add ..·•• the i'lIbli.hero, . un th e 'lJ1'ilL c):.plell 0; I HU R l n , " .. I ' " . or ro""""",,",I,,,1 I,y - t t ,. I t F" (p. ) A ~ ~ The Culverwell Medloal Co ,., nry n Ht.. Lnflp,(fl'1 11 n w , \Vhlltil~ r. S II IIUllI1' , sc B ~ !'ollg 0 II!' )'t'III'6 IgureB fley n. '1'IJtt . .1 A•• !l1. New W..... P. O. B ••• siltS. jlll/ft lJl' Il.ll1L ,'q. 11 ,)111>,'-, I'·\'II'I!. \\'il,tlll" I'. A~."9 ,". l l af'h. f.I'O tul,bnl'll lilitlhtl 1(1 g e l over, a n d • ... • 'tity to all.' 11 IIr y. ~;\', rO'/ .. MIIIlIi. 8 t""h<l1o, tl u," "y. M~w .M uslo.-Golden I ears arc PRO V E R B S Fl-lInli. 11,11, .. .I . Menoln, " "er. ,,, .. I Ih,' lU". h e re it! 11.,. d e nlh r al~: 1 to 74 ill ~urh of the lORn,'• oom"'li mrnl~ J"" ')''' f ')lO" 1I1". t d " 1"",,,,, " I,."I I'C I' " I.... , KIIIl@O A, 1 III U~ i ll Te xlIs, 1 to 75 pasBlII.!; IIy. A Il OW Bong all d c II" rua " d h nrc n I' a b WilL TI tI f tl 'No nliO e nll be Mi,,1< .. hon the .tom.rh. ' r , t U ,,,,,I i•. hc-ill, •. rp"cl:lli Ll " "" ulllhnrity h.l· in N e b)':I, b. 1 l u .)7 ill .MaSnaehu ,! Y I • IOm ~so n , ~u lO~ 0 I~ hlouol. ~t.,r IIud kidlley~ ~ro I,c,l lll,y, nn.1 1 Ih e l>l'p nrl"OO'I1I, " f " "r Nntu "",1 Gom n. o .;, ;" -J/ i" " NO(,/. falll o ud sUllg, "Gut lt e rlllp: Shells. " H Ut Ihu ur" keel' t1wm "I!. I IIH'nt I t ,_ "1_,, a,I"I,t ed I". 1I.all '· of till' ] fl' 1 r sctt "', v N I I I' I . I .' , I . h\ I h ll }l r efiN U,rough"ut the nonntrl ' .J J , I . CUI' Y III t a m i l lun e(/ ple~ IUI' e u" "roule.t " .. u.... ""K'mlln, .. r l' ' '1'11 I f ' ' EI' . , A . It 1 n" .... I_"f r,, ~,l i r "",ructIO n I'Ji IL'lll t'l \' - 01 course, \\ lellt II b Id t' tl . tb ' b t't I .t " ·"lftl ...lI"r uuol cutl.flv o UII cllrlh- ll up I' r :' '~"rct..o 0 Ito i' ' lurlft grtcil -i!r;, . 'Tho v"lull'.·.. he r.. ,·o 1\ ~how II "II"t nmthe p; rl'ut t; lu p l," b ut ful'I II orll W{lr e ee ll so.t. o li S uu o r s e au I U D, Lh·r •. ' , ""I<:!! . ... rrt" pnlll cncC(. ,-\loror" cr- UIIIII •. f d,h"CII"'; bill "it h Weh. lA·r it ,. taunht by Ithe ,~Utl8b 0PJletI'81 'u febw cOIIlt'·PyOSOIUHWIl~I·It I,I'S latcat IIn l p~t 'Il i, n"p ,,'.,\,lr I., r,'m'nn 10nR' ,ink ,... IlrJ\r~ne. :-; ~\\'. ~n'~~"r.~h·r:~"1 >l.epI<rt::;[".t. Ihlt " o.. o •• ill .... '01," '." .... "'th (.:1ooifu lll"' " 0 l " l i t .' " .. u t (If 11l'Idth , "h t' f.· Jlop 8iUt:'r" IHI' u,.,",l' r~)~~ I"; ' ~) Oln 1 /' •• ". HI ~wr t tl " rHI! \ V'Irc('I't(' r, III onml,itloltitm ",ttl J.looll YCllrs ngo t ,lit j 1\11 cnllllO I vo y t' t d "G Id Y 'Wh y d" It0l' n,t"' ro nuro "" ... " ell ,'- . ," • r.t-, · ,.,.. A'!,'. YJounm . . . 0. " '" nlld jUII" ,nent. WUH OESTElt', i. ')I'cud alone,' and pel'hllps it wus les. aOllg'bo~, erA 0 on . e adrH ulre noco,,~e they 1<" " \lo.'" di~e.ti o" . ri ch I' We rp.pcct!ullr ~oho,t your 1I11h"':rtl)l~o,1. ~he .ob 'ror nnll .ofor b"', k. nn,1 may ho"ro. \. ny D1118lC 06 er \,1(11 d. lind 11(~Rlt lt,· "nHun or nll th, Hf\tI\1l!ol' nnd I,~k M II flp eel'" ' ",or to. tlbe EnqU irer III b t . t ' l' I' I I ' , Passlng II bl tho goo d t Ililt i win d e w Lu trueII '11 d 't"~ 85 t 'N .. mll ll er \\.10 ,:t v,,"r fee I111 oor .. il",. nt lind t ho "dv,,"~emcntof lP""~t ~or"l tmth. ~'I:::;;~ul1 '.~tl~.~I1~~:': IlI g ·.nlf ,. , " ' C(lI 1. tho fRrmer8 of 8outln,"cstel'lI Min· wl , ebel~ I led o,r WccnLs'Tl . II lJ It 'n'd ){d' [hilt )'nll "hlum tho ," beenl'tJOI1 01 you r 1 U IS I ) Y IOwpson I', up , or. .. , ? you Iroo fl ri~ h"nr I,'r I< v e~r·. t ri ..1. 'Th b~Rt Engll.h writer. ,uul tloo ftlORt lJeBOta. the woud roll~ rcsource8 of & C Ea t L' • I . 0',' 'Remember, H od B,tter~ nov~rd oc, h",m AOEN,", WANTED AT EVIERV POST pnrt mul .. r AlDor,eJ.n writers U l!O WOR· th e ir highly j'~vorca r egion. 0., e Iverpoo , ulO . bllt "nod. al ...... ' . und cuntlnual.y.' OI'''''')B. '.IBI!RAI, (lO.lII'l!II!ICES'rE R lIB IIuthority .'-N. w York I ' -.. 'Purify the hl.>O<I., . ICOI" MO the<ch, B erllid. . B om,o ,o1)e -I las sal' d , - '.F rom tie . . Jr8 . . . . . .OOL."B. lind ...eeten lbo breatb ...i th HoI' Bitt.<> ...• fll'RClVI':N OOPIIG8 >'I\I':S. • • AfLer our recent .trike we mud e Iho is tbllt th e d"VIl C 8 /I I th c utlll O' p Ilore I,rlltec..t. lit e 111 ,@trnc tili ll of hat frll ul tl, e lwd y. Whil e th e lI ' I·uc L .ItS'II'IS t Ililt t IIC "co p 1C II I' JulIl IICl;v tu 'llTfle r fil l' Ie II with I h!' I'uld u t _(I C IIl'l l/ w, llllu, tltc Nuw Y" rk.
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Boil of Minllesota 'are taken liS great uFOR teu tenr8 my wifo wus con· 'Quiet nenCfj and balmy Ileev In Hop ,. v"riety of 1)I'od ucti o l 8 liS fro ln fi d t i d ' ' tl I. I" Bitter. ' .. I ne 0 lor e WI I SUCu ~ comp l' ' No he"ltl, Ilv-r and un·na· . f tl I d ,. wl' tll ,· nn.ll· vA u u th uoy 0 er portlOl1 0 Ie c art I, au cution of ailmonts thut no dueto r ry orgnno with01llt Hop Ditter•.' IlIl reach the high 08t perfectiou.- could toll what was tho matter or Try Hop Cough Cure and Pain' With t\ Boil and climate pecul ia rly cure h e r, aod I uscd UI) u sUlall fo r · Relief. II d lIptc d to OIl~B , t hey. arc n o t o~ I tune in Immbl{f. stuff. Six mOllths For •• Ia b)' J . SANDS I t b11 t w01g1ago I saw • . S° II ng\Vltl . I 11 opo f vorysupOrt Orqu81Y.
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Ge t i he Standard.
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T~ ! ~ l' leKlIut prc pnrntion mRy be' ' '; :''.1 ml to l'hangc the color or the I, ,.. tro l f l'fJ lIl f.(rflr or nny otllerunlles ir. I '! " : ' Rhad c . to UI'O\1' 1I or hlock, at dIlll .)" • I'Idi.llI. It is cusily "pp1iNl. bcini in 1'; "1 '" .: ,", ,,, . lie l'I'CIIIII':ltiulI , 011,1 'lll ic kly and er.' . 1':.'1 'l' ri ll l l l' ( l ~o.:l!Iil llr IJI(hlllcu>l It pelluunent color, E I , , \' SI 00 1 •• : ., . II. ,' ,I ' , .. ! whil-h will " e ither l1Jh nor wlU!b off. '] 111 \ . .. .. I I' ' l f t ' I' t l lI "h , " II ' .; l f ' dl ', lIaDuraotared by R. P. HALL" CO••' 1 1 \ ~! '_ I E :\·;.:.,lIt . :. I . r: I ,. IfA5RVA, ••B.
I h /! ' I for ' " 'oo .. ll d" .. ' .. , .... , " " rk u·ri .. ,I0 ,," , •.•,, " "n ,1 .•11 I ." i , .. , " , II ' , .. , . ' ... ·k ,'1f1 11. 1, . • !lII ' ,t 11 .. " I' d .... Vl l, 1I ... ·1' 11}1 pu l.,·, !- 1'I l l w \I II', I , ·. tl h l, u l \l.. l t
.:1 'il.~ldJ:\g'h~. ~ FOR THE WHISKERS.
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··"I·IUIIEM (. . G •'ROOMS
I" ~U .lfll I ~ 111
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Jill- I'
X I II ill
- -tin TO TflK--
ill" ""ll, th u lur/ll.:"1 i"u lu \\ ll1(.I,l lnl'lpt(.II l u hilarnted hy tlt e bl'llci ng nil'. 1 Iyo"" r Io,·. " !"v.,, lu .. ""rk 10"., ,,;( ,,"1) I reckun t' ti Fll hr!' ld'I'i l ut IlIlI y th irty hi,,11 l'l er"r~ 1II""t " ,,·1 ," " I" "I( " r ,I., . dCfrf( "t.4 nhu\"(', ulIJ w hat \\' Ufl my ba 11 'lUd.l . A M ' CU h l 1 t. d,tl, tll \If .1 OUII c')l~ I'
I" ~:,':': ;;"\
F or.8Q..,enls,
Including Cofi'ee, Tea or Milk,
TII \l Mos t ~Il('el'~ 1'11 1 Self Fl!l·d I III!.
- ,. III'S . N.. It l'iu I. S " III N u:.!. __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 0Ii:'III""',11111 1/11" 1111'111 ,' : 1.1;" Arr ire _ _ . I.ond,," I 2," ," ~I Oil "" 4 '171'01 , " I ~,
COO-IN - (-'
dlll'~ IlU~ Itv~
'rHII stnntlard article I. compoundI!d with the grOl\t.(!Bt care. I lts effects lire 81 wondertul nnd . . , ~l\ti5rRctory as cver. It r ClItorea g ray or faded hali to Itt YOll hful color. I JL removes nil eruptions, itching amI Itandre If. It g i vee the head II coolin;:, s oothing sensation or grea' c'o mfol t, I<nrJ the soolp by its uso be"oUlc3 \9 111te lind clean. I lIy its t onic properties it restore.' , Ilia ctlp illnl)' g land s to th eir normal .. igor, prc\'e nting bllld nell, and IUIlk.· I ill!; tun hail' grow thick and .trong. A s II (It'e~si llg, nothing baa beeD fVUlll l so C1TccLulIl or d ellirable. A. A. !tllyes,M.l>., State A 88ayet , of Mfl8l1 Rc!tnsetls, says , .. The can. >t 'l" ? n! ~ . :Ire pIl rc , nnd carcfully se,','1 " ,1 1'" .. "l\:c<:lI e nt Ijllulity ; alld I ""i lo- \' It Ihc DEST l'REPAlU.Tlolf (vI' i, .', ,U 1cnd J pllI posel!.· ¥% i ,O"e Dona..
~" ~t 'iIIl\ rfl h 1.lul 1)u-
.,brll lt'c\ A1nll rh' un l '"rl" hlti
White Bronze
IIIO~:l t~.:I~'~:;·tylll'~·ttlhtOc, l u\V
! I~~
ror lhl uh' , ul ...
f'O IlIlI,
• • j the' ~l u 1 'tlr' II Pl.lw,·r M, IJ. IU" KL~u II hUJ ~till I' f a .3Up T)ll.' I'lIrt uh ll' P un!! ~I 111\\ i .. jlllll til' f hinK If l 'il' I fo r fl\rllltJl"" II I'!'! . t WIlt , .llIru h 1l-. ntHl ~1H.r" II- , !) !!lil' h ' t tl h , \" "111" (, In cl; 1\) ff ,J1U fo il" OIlW t · to I :I .5I p lOttO I",utlll" Tlil~ ' I' nll, lI i ' l fl , · " hh ":-10111 1 I'uru UH,1 .. ( I lu ... l 1II,l b' rI \1. li nd ",tI 'l ' ) lJ4n r .. H 10 5 p ' itll,' '''' \V .t ll t.: "lu n. Y. IJl" " t ~I..'f ,IUt,. " f Hr· ------~---~-~-=-1 t1~r I t Cli h h,· ..o,rrr r d III OIIC . Htl Hi Ir.wl .i:25 un ! t- nil hU II J,l lip llllJ ,olj U~II'd m n m""lullt'~ 11Int· I I I .~ by (lOY 011 1' ]lri "Q T"H P II I f .. 7 S7 l' m l P 2!ln
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a dJs uolllIL 01 ' c-f. Iter co , . r~·fl m rel;ul .lr
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t ICd Ul c nlt ulleu .
MiMru i Oi~t.O tlu :
LQll ll:SAV 0 I .. I ~~~O'lJTE.'' YOUH OWlrMJLLI~R.
••••,IN •• In F.....·ClI O tl'oberlll71Ih , 1 81'8. I IF l'I\., r,II~ r~ pll rch, IUil Loe,"1 HOUl1d
HD. b e - -."
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AI) Jrr:!t.~/SP;Jr;.:.V'l:'.
CIDoiDD~ti t. RAIL~!~.I •
Plthburlr, - -!l eotl.IUI. . , , - -
Tbe Young f~hUl' or tile 11~1- 01 wll1 ·1t 11\'\111'''_, /(OU ubl'rrilU;, cur· on. fILII ~,sttlll1'h.'rn > Ulld l' u8 1. h(lrril! . . UI'l! ·n it i l'a l,·t!. 'J III" " h lilt ' I ' " . •+ft.l"kill/ h 1lpr nSIU148 Correrld -JiIt ' j"'Ted lotl eli I r I .1) 10 .Jt,WOI''''' 1'orll . 11
There Is a emlcus IIOTJ' .boat 101M Dad..
wine. which are estensivelr achen\...ct ....... doy•. and ha." on ly receD III: bH1l ptlt UPOD the market. Dr. Underbi • Ibe ..eU·iatown grape.erower of Crocon Point. diecl In -Bn. Seme 01 hIS hel ... enlerltUDcd ,empel11llCD "lows of surh estreme kind. Ibat Ihey .... unwlUlni 10 allow the alock'o r Wloe. lhen OIl hand CO be aold or lUIy more 10 be 1118de. The er"pe' have lOIlI.times been IeDt to markot, and sometimes len 10 deca)' upoII the rines. II is only now Ibat the other bein have l uccecded In arTucln, ror. aeuh!menl or the eslAle and the aa1e of the Wlna "" band. Amonll thesc Is a wi DC of Ibe Yinla8ll "r 1164, described as ... Sweet UnIon Port. . but &uggestin, tho Imperilll Touy mOl'l than any other European wine. and belDIL ...bolly unlike an), other ...1... "I Amencan JIfOWth. III purity. Dill' and mellowneu .... remubble. and»<lth phrlicilll1l and winefancien bave • speciar IDterelt In It u the oltlell native 'lrine now a_sible In an,. cooalder. ble quantity. Thewbole.toclr.l.ln lb• bMcIs or the well-kDown wholeaale ~ bouse of the Thul'ben.-N. Y. ~ N"". 19. re,-,. . ~--
The a/>oYe lpeakl ror It.elI. bo>t we woaltf add ftIat ibis t. the pure JnIco of the ppa, neilber~.1ipmN Dar ~/ lbaila· bu been ripeDed and mellowed bY-re, &lid for medicinal or aacramental putpORa It II WII1ltp&IICd. It CAD be obtalDed from aa& of the leading Drugglsta &broapont 1M United States. and at wbolell.» fnMa th. unclenlgned. wllo wlU fonrud dncrI~ punpbJot, " . "f charge. on app\Jcallan. etc..
&. L
a. F. B. THURBER' en
w..,~. R..tI.- He- . . . . if_V_ , •
=-= = nvn GETS our or DiDD - _. 8 ~. 8 ENOCH MORGAN'S S-o"S"
8 AGE-T8 WANTED 8 ~~ m ~'OWll '-!'I " 8 8 L. H. McCAMMON, Manager, ~ . S>~, til • ,",,i!f< 8 102 WEST FOURTH ITRUT. 8 " -~·o·o-~-THECOMPLETEBERIESOP, ' Ac&t" nf~.~II" ,ll b" ~ I . "- :n ~I 'l bruab,d/"ib~ WORCESTER'S Dictionaries 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 :~ n" , ' " : . . .' :. ;,~~:,Jo"" ~..
to .r..ti ly Ih e ,leMire of mo.t of our .tnfl'. inoluding ,uch ",en "0 Mr. Dllyard Tnyl or, Mr Oe" rICo W Smnller. lllld Mr . J uhn R . O. Hl\II!Inrd '-Now York Trlbuno _ _
B y.ay ADDIlKS.9
OO Il' t<T". •
from 3 to 8 Ills pcr bllshol more Hitte rs on it, alld I tbought 1 would A (JERTAII'I 4.1I1RII: Bnv... • than th ose of th e Middlo a 1001 once more. I tried it, b1lt W'LL " ' " • • I....... I1 .. ' .... b I ANP'~ Qunrto n, cHo""ry Profll'cly 111".l r... ·o\ H AN DALL E13UIGHT & Ifll.loLua." •• T........ _ Rye , arey aud bUc kwheat, tho my f olly proved to bo wi sdom . nil A. UP HAM'S • , Lib ... ry.IIl...·p tlll.I10 'A WIU.(1 ·. , IL'.Wl'II ' . " ..... "....... ...climatic iufillo nces Rssis t th o soi l in Two bottlcB cured her, aud she i8 VEGE'l ABLE ELECTUAR}' DRVGG.8 , Unll· H.,, 1 onl\ Orili(·.1 DirtlOnlltv 8." _ I gU ilts . . ~:~: : .. ~ :~ ::'. ~ : , .-. ;'.~:'_;:. ~.: . prodllcin~ to a rare d cgree 0 1 p o r · now as well and strollg as aoy mau'e 1. a cer'ilin cllr~ (or eilbor Eller.. al nnd In. No.3 •••• EAST MAIN STRBET I. ,torll r) .10 c r f 4 ~;, 00' C I " 1\.' C: -. . . , " "'.'I1" .,.la, •.,_ .. t' I'd t l t ". t .. d' I d I . " A Otlrl OJnlC O lCtl tlllllry. TlJu "trflt r own ';' I U c: ..: ... t ~ . ~ ' ~ \dt!, ..I1~ ..~ ... ....,.,r" a.&a-. lec IOn. Ie I e a la m 1I11leSO a wJle, all It cost me on y two U· te'MI PilcB, Ulld all ~ffect1on. of the W AYNEBVILLE, O. 1:1.... FllIll r'H' " . *I ,!l~ J\tJ: .A. D .A. ~ ! : ~~ :.! "11.1. ,'. ""' "Y. , ........ .,.., ...__ __ was too far n orth to grow corn wlla IRI'8. B~e like fooli s h "--H. W., Bowelll. .. l'rellCripti onB oompounded at a\l hour. by Cmnprehen.,vc Dim.ioonry. Illustrated I liy I.. \0111 corry thft( ""'Y ln~,;tm' -r-n"ofll n (1 '~ ''''• . ,.""" u .,., ,,-, .. , ....... _ . b t'f D . . Itbft. be.nproBcrlhed,n Every Formnr ri --~D I O ) J If ~ 17 ; " ·'u ."hp,youc&nmukel,luok jU.t •• well .. a ' IIIL '''L,JloI'2101-.. ... I d d I ex p 0 C . sevc~~ :rcal'll IIgO, \I 1 e tro.t, Ich. I' Lil'er COlli plaint, with I'orfe ct lucceeB, .nd an .xpe on""" 1)7 n . roRn. 1 ' . " , Illu.trn now OJU with ''''t ru:.~ oIIU..:...... ."k.......... lIIar r a • any v estlO'u 01 lt Itllgorcd, th e rcc . / • • IJe" n 1Ised b)' hund red. wllh Ih· SRml r 8<,hool (Element"ry ) n"'Ii, ~~OWN'S -n."' ' I !ONf' I !' D~ ESSINI'!., • ... ~ • _ ~. , ted IT"I( rOlln. * '.I ~I oII~ IJ 1.~. \;I' V" 'T1!I1 ... Uc:a ............... - . . ......... O:::, oro of 1878 di spclled it. P o tat oc8 ClI1HBO 01' 0"'1'1."1'19. 8utl s in 1?l'epCpBin nnd In~ige s~ion .. It r. . . • Primary DictilJnnry mu. trnlCl!. 1611111. -onPrice 100. Per Cake. "A YO UNG" fri e nd of . millo Wlla move~ n11l~u8 Acellm~lnl'on . , Oo.t'vene~B, 'l 'be r-I'donce of n ~.nn· DROWN'S SATIN POLISH i =o~.~ ~ __ ~ ~ .~. ~ __ ~ _ _ o f Superior flllvor and rich farillll' . , and mUII\' duenoes lIr1slns from Impurlhos . ."-.A1'no' , . ..•• Thl'rd Balf ronn. 00 CC Il t.rl ___ ~ ~_ ~~ 8treot, Wayne8vlJlo, Obio, oontainltlg ""ven Pocket Diotionnry. fll n.t.r. ted . 24 mo - .\nd " ...·" .t Ibecblldren·. haOI. loolt 00 ",.tyoml • • Ceo us quality, 250 to 300 bllShols to cured of 1I11 JlI8atlabio tlllrl!t fo r Llq - of Ihc Illood • an d . ·· · h on., ...... Cloth .IMe<1-8. ; roan. .r. , roan, .h.bby . whon , . " .. ,,' rnnhb.youItlvOl' ~! ............. '1'1 ..... .h" the lIcre, II Il o t I1nCOll1mon yield, n o r, t Ilat I III d ~o prostrate(I hi8 BYII'I Sold lo y ,dl Drugglet. nl.I p.r hottle. or room/!; a IlID p.n.rT I ... .me b OU8e tuoks. 6:1 lI'ilt 'I no"iblo,·::15 ,on. ,lt om by "I,lli" 00 or .,he •• IIr ••• h' g" "hI' " ....rea... .... while over .00 bU8hel8 have becn teln that he was nDable to d o any for"'ardcd by man "hen 11,11i Ie seo\ &0 the i. ROI.hed 1n bl"". walo~t.:.nd I. in eltool· M.ny Rpeolnl ':.id8lo stlldent'!. ill uddil, oll ,:u at ' ''1 Shu. ' Ior•. Il will uo' !,,!l,h••tlnl o,adeoll.UIIY.b,. , T b' B . I d Proprlelur. A. UPHAM. M.D., lent repair. Two ue", pqmij l)Q·.&hO premo f 11 d d 11 lI" i~n.·"~~~qlloliCo of thol r .,onl POll ,Inrlly. Ib... b(~" n'Tb ~ TMCb, recorded. Hay from ill1o thy. uSllle88. · . e WU8 e ntl re y cllre No. 39 East 41 h St., New York. lee8. ono for olstern ",.w. i "'i l. to a .orT u I',..,nounolfll! lin e n,n!! vo- .r.... N.111I1'"Ulon •. 'ro k.el' pont u III tho ramUy, ' .. ' . rr.."t ~io madl, .te.• ltd. whits clover bille !7rBBs, and rcd·top by the U8e vt' Hop Bitters. ' ItllllRY' - -- - - - •. - - - --Situation Ie high. oom_diln~ it. bel\ut\- aabulary, make Wo rcester's. in tho opililOn llvo your ~o.l of ct. I-:\, ., '" . b J " " .' " "l" 'v.k. rK 1I'1II. ond nlltivc t o t1;e So luxnriaut e d all thllt burning tltitstj t ouk WNIS I'" and lIutritio us IU'a the nat nrul grllStI· away th e appe tite (or I iqllo r; mado l I) ATCHE I.Olt· OELEIIRA 1'1': D RATR Apply tA JOS. G. KEYS. Agent. est Diotion nrio. 01 onr lang ,,"ge. • III,t hc mny ~oo".n "q"nl roothT ..... " '" ". ,I',' O. i ••·, 1.... ftJld I>I<n. . . ·.·~'or 8nl. by all Book.oiler.. or will ho .~j.WI.:'fl~!'1,"/,1~1l~·~:.~,{j;; ';j~;a" AIld ""!l! !'T~n( . ~" ' I ~'l'; :':< ~ ~J!.fc~~:~r~~r,°i!lt.~ " ell that tllme varieties lire Imt little his lI e rvcs und h e has r e lDained a D' E. beat ill th~ wo rld . Tha inventor bOA , . 'I I I f b d 'd .. I u' ed tbl. Mpleod,d IIlLlr d,e for forty yellre A JAIIIIIII!!'G BOnt, cnrrll\lI'o free. on rcceiT,t of tIle price. cult! vutlld . l' ax um le mp, 0 II so c r on 8tcu y man lur more t IBn with henefl\lo the balr and no hUll., to bi B lIlIe _ Vll1llle~. by J. B. LIl'PTNCOTT & 00., - ' - gruwth eqllRI to the fomoll s plOduc· t wo years, and h us II~ desiro to reo health ; rroof Ihnt it I.' &be only "ne and . OF LEBANON, Pllbli.hcro, BoolrllCllen, nnd Stationer., . tiollt! 'o f 1I0rthern Eurupe. Oni ous, turu t o bis CUT\II. and I know Of a perf~ct d.,'.' Ilft.rmleB~, relillbl c a!ld. IIIBt&n· BOOS& ral.lflg. raperllg .... 7:" 3,n)71hnd 717 ~~hrllrl~tdcSltp·hl· .., Pa. . .. ' b 11 nllm b er 0 f ot"I~lerB t IJIlt IIBve been 'Iuta; laneOUB. So d,snppolnlments. no ndlculoll8 ., "" ~.. t nrlllpB, para lllps. earrufS. acts, a I'I!hledles 'Io u eRech of had dycs ,() I III -..~ the salad plunt8, m elons, pumpkin8, c nred of drinking by it." From a leavos tho !-aIr 80ft lind beautiful, black 'or a 80m q,. l tlll'nRtlh bean s penB h OllB and the leading R R. Officinl Chicago browu. Sotd nnd prollerl.v _!,plled at BUOH . Hu open~d a BrlUlch OfIioe. in W'a,.n~ lIls. Dtl1inda Small offel'1! her re.ldonoe , .. ' ' ., lil' • ' . ' non 's ""g hotor, No. 16 Bond S'ree~ ville. Ordol'1! loft Ilt Kr\ D9Il'.l>rnlt'8tol't' and ono neant lot, In Ohio Square, for ••le . amber tm g lll' <r1\11(l, of wl11ch ·Iast. an 1I100e. . ~.'I\' "ork. ' 7011.1 ' Wlllreeahoprdmp',.I.WIIUoII .. " OM For term .. irqulre OQ ~he pa:emlllll•. i • .' "
at.fI."_... _rl,_.
co, 'I!
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. . 'For Sale Residence.
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m. ARMY &NAV ¥BLACKINPr, ~:~ , ~.v,: .;,..' , "
~~~~I::d g~:J :if*~r~Hv:~:~IIl~!i~~ ~0~~~:;i~:.i:I'!'i:"~8ety"1.:~":'~~r;i,e~~~ :JRO
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~ .' ~.; .;"·.~'I'~ .~~~r.~~
Bow to JIuqe • BOI.
I anr .... I~ \J I fourteenth century • fearful IlliIC_ b~oke O\lt ..mld~~ UI6 denee pop. ulatlon at tho blMee Emplro People r 11 in myriad. and death foll owed 60 1'A)'Ildl a(tor th (\\'jIhym\l\om~ tbat the 'N II '/Vor appalled and dilld from sheer frlgbt.. FiCt n millions dlOO 11) hlno and lb poor wrelche~ fl ed from the In f ted dl~trlcts to ClIrry tbe cont.agloD to oLber 11\1 ds 'lhe ruortRI L~ Willi In rl\lUKld unlll the air was Inlectoo o,"er th wholQ of tl 0 E lA!rtI hcnmph cro lind lllM I) rL o f the wo rld was II ,"BBt charn I hou "Ith plltn I corp ~ fest orln cvervwlore n o ordlnn" enrru p Lton but hVld .wollell bod 08 fl~cked with black ~pOtl! fl"( I wi Icn ()( zed tb~ p(l1 ~O I III loll chan ged tbo lt~nltJlV I 9 6UC8 1nto f ul orlor~ al d the ~Irolllt lIRn f the ntornlO g ere tLe " U II Ill' t dool'" WM n deoom l 0811 g Dl I\l!S on II e . urfnet' I f the ellrtl to rot n th o dnrknclIIl n 1 add t thl' con t ng 0 The ~t m I he re "" Itn{lrl'g nated Iuth deatb "he o the ~un rose It ree ked from th e eoll "nd the m urn IIg brcl'ze wnft l'd Il dark III I dI S I III to land8 beyond tbe ~ea8 TI r wOI'I\L (,Iagu es t r fo rm rr l pn rs lICeme 1 III Ii n eODl l srl Hr\D no d It a l pf'Rred I ' th ougb flO me 11181 gnaol po" er had ob In nell control III d ,/Ill Ie erm ned t d el {lnla to the II o rid-not merclfull) 118 ,\ pn Lho deluge "" ept over cllv and C \I Hry hI hng tlio lllllt throt~ beoeath tho curtllln of wawr but driV ing the 'lc tlm A to ueh 0 horrid And feRrful elld thRt d emolllRcRI IDIIollc8 "'Mllt n 10M to Infen t furUler Lortu re ' Vhen the worll became WIcked thAL oo ly t he c ho~.. n (e Y lI ore spared tl e Ave ngtOg D~ I L) 1\ III! Iller If I In the pII0l8bme t HU6 bn I nod wile pnrom nnd ch Id 10' er and U1 ~ tre • ~ II I.: III eal'h other s pm brAc~ 11 1 I I the" cs clo<ed 0 C lhpm tl 0 'IClul 100 \: IIi glt ill 'ISIOU8 o f rallur There It ghl bo a shiver M th e I u,t look " ns 13k n of tho Itad ell sky therema!1 tbl.agll"port .. oM tlr elu lgs r IIAP>t'rl b ut nf\.(>r thAt tl e rl" 1I ere I r Ih Rnt mnglnlllJ; nnll then he rei ef of . Ir IlA IUt O 3 6IVcet slumbor fh hluck dcm ou pun lsI ('d those who " ere le ft Wor8C tlan tlte ," Ie tl U8 for n fcw l ours cn lell the r BuffcrlUgS o ob It Ion wblle tbe surVIVO IS en fd neve r f rg t neve r overcome the h d eo usnee3 th y blld Wit De ell If me mory recnlled tho fair fllce Lb e BUp grAceful form thot ImB&;p \I aut.ell by foat u res dl!Lorted o ut o[ humAIl el llpc the body b loated !lod bul' g hk e Lhat whIch the waves cast o tbe beach The tranformllllon wu 80 rapid that the IIftnghted looke rs 00 r I bed from tb e compllulon~hlp wIllie there wero stili 81gns of recoguitlon 10 tho blood bot eye and whllo tbe black protrudlllg tongue W IUI vlU llly endea' orlng to artlculnt e its Wl\IlllI. Ooce trlckeo cvery t e 'll"1\S BU ndered nnd If II 81ngle curful of wllter ... ould hn\ c bro Igbt relle tbero wns not a baud to mlnlswr Lo tho need Tho chI ld whIch maternal affectIon hlld cberlsbed WM enst from t be bosom In lonthmg and the Ilrdeot love r fled In eli may from Lbe preBenC6 Wbleb blld been the Blln of blft exstooco A cor pse could not be 80 revolt ng for theBe were Jiving corPSeIl- R eon] ~h l1 lIauotlllg a body drCllyed putrid horrible-too h J r rlblo to co nte mplate FIfty t\10 OUlll008 lit the 10w(IIIt com putatJon were the VlctJm8 For fiftee ll years It was confined to Ohlna and It took II qUllrter of a century to eradl caw It after It got a foothold In Europe Wbat guaraotee \8 tbere agaInst a re ou rronco of tb lB blllck des"" WhaL W!8urance 18 tb ere t bat tbe bordes of A8111otlCO t! agllln tbat plague brub out Will not ove rruo thiS country 10 thei r eftort to escape! Tbey lire acquiring thellrtll of naviglltlon and pur cbnMtng IlblP to take the place of tbe Juokll-so Lhat Wide OC(lJlUR are not bar ner6-and with t he rIght to come n unhmlted numbo,., Beets WIll toke he place of slOgle vOSllels dlsembarklug mul t itudes 10 I eu of hund reds Already tlle cable tell ~ thllt the dll!4lase 18 eprend· log In Rll6lila and tbe nllllons to tho westwllrd Bre ndoptlng IItnngent qUllr nnllDO rc{:ulotlollS East ... ard oud to the so uth 18 Ob 08 lind It may be &8 It WIUI fi ve coo tun es ago that It ongl nnlA!1l among tho four huodred millions c rowd ed III some WStaDC08 10to tbe mnllest AIlRce where the flwd tbey bre the 8 tluck With offeo slve omanll tl ons \\ ho ca n say that It '11'111 not broal.: o u t 'n t h e boldft of v_is In whi ch a thouaond lire huddled or III tbe denB of Dupont s treot or tbe cell an 00 n le vel .... tb t be Bewere wbere th e Mon gohllDs work ent and Bleep? If other nallOO' onn eat.abhsb quarantio o ~gul, t.JOM for rol!·prereTVlILlon wby 8hould Callforntn be debarred from prolA!ctlOn T Wby ~bould It be contrllry Lo IDlA!rna tlOoal law for the UOlted StalA!8 to do whaL German) nnd Austria accompl eb?
'~I\ bave rtoelnd tbe Amerloan N ••• papa, Dlreotory lor 18711 Geo l' Ro",ell '" o II) pruce t. N '\ Pnllilaben lie" n Rowell ot Co deleHo ~ r '.L credit lor lhrjr J1~IU8 In maklull \.br. wo rk .n oon 1 t Thl. I.~u. N ell abead "I aU pre e I U/o: t>H It ou n bo namln,tI by c.n lul( a' II I. ~mCt - Q fy H «; I 'll In ~ndt'l' Jan "U I TO
I n til
Tremont SU eet,opposlle Waltham Street, BOSTON. MASS
SAPONIFIER I. 1be Old BeUable Cou.e"lntK L,.
~~t'4)~MA A, c.rU t::' ~~ ~:'("'fI:r;
"1 II 1\fk I O ~Ill !d ~ b ( 8C~1lI ftd t. 'onC"Hl =i:r!'",",,'-t--~Ii1'1 }~~~~~ a•..':... and
P cnnsylvanlo Balt Manut'g 00,
lIome .D. Fan. . . . . _
STEAMING IS I re lernble Lo bollmg for cookwg lo ugb fl)" Is POULTRY nnll game Iro Ie nutn Llo I" but mor e dlgeHttble lhsn other meals SIN OE Itb Ileolol Instend of poner A teospoonful 8 HI me e It for oltl c r a turk .. y or cb ckpn LI4 UID OI llDu re dOe S Itll " or\: lit onco 601 d mlloure roqulfes tlffio but ) e t It IS certolD ill It80llc uts ONE even ing . pellt nl home rn study 18 more I rnfitnhl e tbllil Len spe nt IOUD g IDg abo t the (:ouotry tu,er 8 OSIOSS eate n botb cooked and fIIW re leve ch ron c rhe um atIsm They nre recom meDded 3S n preventn e of worms 10 chlldreo,. nod for colds In adult chests I:lO MyS the ~ ew York 1 ..
The rwo Aspeots of HUBsla (Oantempoul'1 Rnl.,.. )
bu c
Let us noL forget that RUMla 18 II ~emt If oa t a Berni barbarous power FRr behInd Wl though she he ID
The Lole of Home. A mao who IS not ashnmed of blmHelf oeed not be asbamed \If hI Mcarl y co ndl tloo It bappeoed to me to be born 0 II lo~ cablD raIsed IImolll!' the SlOW dflfta of New Hampsblre at n per ad 80 early til lit wheo the 8moke first roro frOID Its rude chimney and curled ovor the frOlOeo bIll there was no 81m lar av d en co of II wb te mnn 8 hob totlOO betwee o It and tile IICtLlemeot8 Oil the r VOI'tI of Cnnada It11 remaIns shU eXI8t I make It ao an nunl VISit I carry lDy cblldren to It to teach tbem th e hnrdshlp8 end ured by tho generlltlonM wb ch bave gooe before tbem I love Lo d well on tbe tcnder recollectio ns tbe kllldred tlC8 tbe ellrlr IIffcctlons lind the IlnrratLons and InCI dents whIch m ogle wltb 111\ I I.:no ... of thl8 primitive famllv abodo I weop Lo thInk tbat Done of tbose who IDhnblted It nrc OOW among tbe hVIDg aud If ever I fallm afJecllOnlllA! veneratIOn for him wbo ralBed It and defended It agIIlDBt IIllYage violence ond destruction cher limed 1111 the dome8tlc 'l'lrtuCl! henentb ItS roof and tbrougb the fire nod blood r;l'mutlSH prove rbs Never II BIgb laU, of Mun years relolut onary war shruok to the ground 000 makOll Lbe--bhn 1!8~r1ftce to serve hiS bh~ ' n t. A emIle IInewers every countr, anll Lo ralllC bill obilnren to a . , Where there ,s a 60ul there IS a conditIOn bette r thno hl8 own mllY my An orderly hoUJIC 18 blell80d name and the name of my po8lA!nty be .AliIIi are • lilent prayer The beart i8 blottoo forever from tbe memory of • olalla that~" what It - - EYe..,. J maDlund -Daniel WeNter • ",_t «'"ell .dylce Chance 11 the $IltiUdacef lIaD without Judi ENGLISH life lIIsurance charges au . . I IIdp 1dt.holat aDchor e~tra per cent. OD old bt.obelortl.
LAROE qUllnht (III of ml tlot.oe are brougbt from Europe to Ne" York llbout CbllRtm l18 time alld sold at blgb pr ces \ s It 18 lib ID du nt n tllI8 COUD try anywhere 80uth of the IlItltudo of OrnclDJlat , It l!ee m~ 8IDgU ar thllt It IS Imported Tu g lalA!st proof of the poet 8 I18Ser tlon that there IS good In eve rytb ng IS offered by the 8talA!men t of a frlood of Lbe COlltltry GenUt1lan wbo aSlle rlB that II heavy crop of Olin ada tblstle3 IS of more value to blm as a fe rtilIzer when plowed uDder tban Il crop of clo, or I be crop 18 allowrrl Lo grew unttl near the perloo of blo!ll!Om Ilg lIod tben carefully covered ID the fur row botLoms Thrce IIddlt ounl plow ing8 follow 'lU E Amerlca I Agr c Itur «I In nn II wre8tlllg art cle on tI e r cxlt' ClIttle dfl vo SSyM The callie go to the n ver for wlltor at OOOD w th the exceptloo 0 a few which Icmll n beblOd to LIIke care of tbe ca hc" One cow mllv of\.(>n Le secn waLehlD g Lwehe or fifteen calve" while tl elr molbe rs havc gono With the remnlOder of the herd to drink \(tcr the re turn of tb e I erd II c watchers tako the r turn TIIB ntcreRtlng fnet 18 vouche I for by scvA ral oil ranch meo SPEtIAL REPonT No 10 (J n 1879) De l artment of Agriculture re marks 'lhe price of corn ID tbl s coulltry 18 go' erncd ellt relv by tbe qllllllt ty pro duced aod the con8umptlOn the quan tltyexporwd being flO smllllin propor tlon to the enormous amoun t ral8ed Lbat It exerCIses no IDfluenco on the pnce Tbe crop of 1877 WAH 1 84200(1600 bushels valued nt $480 648 000 tbat 01 1878 WM 1 871 000 000 bushels valued at--$4860BOO 000 In the Gulf StaWR from Oeorglll to Texas the consumptloo equlIls the crop Ave rage price per bushel 1877 SCi 8e 1778:11 9c A MIXTURE of hme lind Mbes IS ao excellent appllcatloo for tbe roots of apple treea lJortleulturlSt8 dlfter In regard to the expediency of C~ltlvntlDg orchards All atrree Iiowever that In
WB bave received from tb e A Inrtl .i og Ageney of M ..... Geo P Ro"ell "'Co No
10 Spruoe .treet Ne" York t a COl yof Newspaper Dlrect~ry lor JanUAry 1879 • work of over IiOO pagt. which ben,. the .t~mr. of oealn ..1 ao laccnracy TI l oo k 18 VR uble to boolo ... ru eo an~ Ad •• rl •• r. - Tli eP<ndu/ n Ecul Gr•• n (h R 1 Ju 3 1 1879
M E88 R8 GEO P ROW&LL of the well known advert sing ngency No 10 til r co Sueet New York have lurnlshed UI wltb R copy of tbelr American Ne".pnper Dlrec tory It i. a highly uleful work - Co/..".b ,a
S C PhnJnl,," Jan 26 1879
MES8RS OIlO P ROWRI L '" Co H Newl p"per Directory for 1879 bRA Juol bten re celved Tb e "ork 10 nloe ly pr ole I I\Dd 8ub.tllnUnlly bound "od i. of great .. Iue to tho.e wbo need in a b loln e..... y 8uol nforn "Uon 81 It gives -HI i ilr/oll V J IJo I!/ PlY" 16 I S 9 WE have rece ..d the lew volu 0 of the Newspaper Dir•• oory Irom M ..... Geo P Rowell .t Co New York It is .. good Ihing -Fa /(. do 10 mal 1ft Virna" -'10 Ja n 30 18 9
AIIION( Amerlca; ; 'auufacture8 lew I ave lone onr couDtr1: as mocl credll nl the &In son II: Hamlin I abinet Organ. whlob I ne been acknowledged beol at all great worlJ 0 exb bIUOD. for MaDY :rea,. See a Ivert .e meot TK8TBD Ol{ TillE -F or Tbro"t DieeSle. Cqlda, Bnd Cougb. BROWN 8 BRONOHlAL TROCIfI!8 have prOtJed Dielr effillA<ly by 1\ 1eotlr of many rea.. 25 ceull! a bOll
OLIVER c. n.. Dllaoa
DITSON '" CO .(Jo. m
711 • 1M3 B'dn, N Y
6 Eo DII__ • a.. Chutnut..L Phi ..
MUSTANG Survival of the Fittest. " rUlu
TnAT nu
WBLTIIfO TO ADVEIITltillR8 pi..,. M, that 100 lAW the la Ibl. W BIlIf N. U -.
-n FI
J?'Y.b~!~cetl~!!!!=rJ... -:l:!V!tn." .~lno ~ll1o.ble l
. . . . .111. . . leII _ _ .. arr.nll!d to errtct a IDtedy.od .~ of m1 .. nowfted and • TreoUIOIII'.IIIO 001 ~ulf.... r .. D4
I... mllli. Poot ...lII.. aDd ilia,... adCUOOI
........... -",,-y-.
\ iT
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, ... "r,...,'~"'. 4 SDA Y. MA ncn 12, J879. A J- r lllai u Huhlll"JII
I O~
.. Ki t 0 "
, cnlor
bOlll r I\I NI lh e Id It of nuw,nn,,,,' for ClrculrltlOIt II I U p/I~w ng( r8 -"-" ---" tel illig , f tl e dml,)' Illl ulorR brakemen ani1'liIIf'»1nv ..... t.he lat est neW8 from
t~h~ea~~~~~>~~j~~~~i~~~ .1~~.~~~~.r~h!~S~~~~~-:r _~~~:~i!!!1
clippedUl'fronl wrvlng the alJl.lwna alol.('i, tlon of wh It th o HCrVI CO o f ten mon new.boy Wllti hl~o'fleneIllCC and adoul \lOu lld H of old t) 110 I 18 capHal Hto ~k Su nn lie li e" I'lpermr.r!e ltd II!'Hr IIn cc It boro the d l~ lllfled tit C III I Lf lle block I t.lerH Til ... Grall l T,. I ~ /lITol l It, Ha lut"turv t;old of li s fen r IC <Knellli III I'ol ltl ~ and 1111 fnlmes" I CI N) LI II g I he edltol wele-Olnr.d all uoutn!Juli liS IIlerary or otl eTlHSe A\:cordltlg to pfit llculntl y uth rW1 1\O Ihe hope" h~ld Ollt the Hoogllng WUK Lo be Ihe IOllg fe lt wom III t.ho 1V0rld of Juurrull1' lI It Wll.~ kI 8(' overfluw wIth IInpurlant De ws t.hBt. even tbe lellot Cllr Ot. of 1'1 engers "ould fee l con pelled to ul"gorqc tl e p< nuy ncce Ify for II . Jlurchll'lt' III timillltli circulllllol wns t.o extell.1 far boyonel the IIUlltH of tl 0 Slutp of :\1101111: IIlI alad thou.aud Kof cager Cl tl ZOIlS '" uld aatly u"rut Il>! If IIIlSTBnCO '\ltla fe l~rl 8h Impll tl ence Fc r Ih e first few \l och the fo un dling fpll rather tame on the unuppreclullve com mUlllty lhe lur~eHt s f type IICCmed no inducement t.o purchll8C P Ol'l I oked dlsd lllufully III tbe t.!lmlnu\J\O Hhc t III ,all1 tb o editor nlld 8010 I rUl'nrt"r ye lled ItH merltll tilrolll!h tho cars Lho pA cngers IIerc oot to be cajol ed or de ccned After Il few weeh howevcr ther cllmc Il chllng EdlllOlI hIt IIpOD HOllie rRllrond topic o f gcneral lD te rr st nnd th e d emand fo r thE! new/allOr b gnll to IfJcreWlO [> oplc ta lk o Il bout II and the copper. fl owed fll8tlllto the hllud so f th e nmblllOu8 young )OnrnllllHL 8oUlt.' cxcill ngwur IICW5 Illeo at Lbo &lime lI mp trnnsplred an,1 the Grand TrunkBrrn/rl clime In for 1t.8 sbare of tho on hlln ced clrclllal,on of pllpera it- oomlly Dut 811\81 the ro came R dny wnon lhe Impl'r was foroed t.o eU8pond. It WIL~ lIut becau of finanCial !.rollble, for the ex J>eose nttendlog ,ta pubhcllt.lon "Ill> only nonnual , 8II)'oung Etlll!lOlO Vrottl everY tlilUg and eet up all tbl type himself dOl tbe " ork at odd whIch
storm wltll thei r ISIIiUd qu ee n the mell I!OIIIl fOllod Ulem8eh e~ ,t Hen III 1\ Htorm She IIllld 81gU~ thnt . ho could s tuI' th o .torm nnd oliullnlng I erUll1lll ull 8he knelt 011 tb e d eck f!lclng tbe II rlH" bellce the "lOd CIUllO nnd cc n Il encet! lIlutterlng IIOlO c thlllg Rllp ,,","C I to be II pillyer ::she _00 11 gu t up 1) It contlll uod lho prnyer at If, t ~ tlul. c1urlllg t.he dllY "I pllrentlv \I Ithout feur nil I who II thl wl.d begau kI abllle Hhe turned 10 he r fell ow voyagers nnd wltb II Hm lla made SlgIII! thR~ h er prllyerK h Itl been n~ 8wered !'Ihe WIl8 take n to the b uuse of lIlr Nldevcr III Snoll, Burbnra wb pro .ho becltll1clho ce nteTl f attraction J he lIJll\8lOn fa the r" took II g rcat IDtore8t III her se Idlll g to Los Angeles nllll o~bcr placOB hopin g kI find Homo one wbo rould conveue Wllh her !JUt fail ed Even lhe PopLmaroH (ndlRn 8 who wero Mid to hnve had an IIcqunlntllllCO wltb the Indlllo ~ on tho "Iuud cUlild Ilol ulldentaud ber fwu offer. oue of one thotl88nd dollars for the pTl vllege s f t,akID g her to Sun I rnnCl8CO wew refuBO I by Mr Nldever Wheu found s he Wt18 In eliucllcnt phySICal con d lt lon strong and active but tb CHtlllg of fruit 1I11d vej;otnbles brou ght 00 a Klck nea. "In ch ID coooection With an IIIJury to th o "Inn e rocCl ~ed by flllltog frulll Il porch terminated I or life fOllr week. later o r 8e~ on we k. from the tllnc s be landed Her dreM o! ehag . kln8 bMket aod trlOke1.8 were g lyen to Father OO7.l\loz. o{ I.h e 111\810U who It I. slud sent them to Rome lIIel!8l"1l Nldever aud Brown I\re sttll living ami itl" on tholr 'lllthority tbat the foregO ing "trangc nnrrnll ve III gIVen to the read rs of the ChrornciIJ mnmafl<lIDI!
HrRct by
nUShl'llll~CI ~ .
RU fl eYlIlg amI oxpl orlllg II no v dl" tnct III Qu<en.1 \lid to 11 mllLl~r o f lIOn c hArd. hl allcl peril In tl o e,cnlng" nfter tho duy s " urk 18 (lVc r wbeu " e hft' e hlll. he.l our d 'mper 8nlt-be c f nnd tOil IIro .mu~,"" nur PiP!. r uuu n blllzing log fire mill) II Hlrallge 8lurv IS to1.l Mv mpn Ilr oltl [lu.h 111011 IIntl III to II Iblll~ r til., e31 eC lall} My Chllillmnn Jle IHn I"HUIIl scnrum rcckle" h 1111 M inI' grllllillc ITl Hhmllll of , c r) respect IIhto flnlll) II I<J ICI II I cnllgrn l. Illy y('nra ago 118 n bc I e lc8ri KCIII eg r ICC li e bag knoek ctl lbout t-iew t-io lllh Wld es IIl1d Queell~1 Ind III 1111 l!ort80f cal'lCltiC' I fell In wllh hllll !Jy chame I Will! fortunnte CllolIl!h kI 81\< 1118 lifo ell gnged lum Ilnd I hevo 111m to be 1t8 devoted 1I11d flllr n frllo" n_ there IS 11\ the worll A f,,\~ yenrs ago 111\ bllinman \\ 118 JournevlIIg in lh e dm'c~lon of ydn ey froUl 1\ pineo In the IDt.eTlor called I tlllnk Jl mbllllnb EI~ vlng s topped nt several ,Public houses on the way bo fouod ll\m8l'1I till on hl ~ Journey wllh a IIl1d
Bllt tho h orll{' IOd Haddle mRy!Je stolen "rol frty' ' <HI fIlu ot dlll/lCl th It IL " the 0111) 111 11 ~II <.:hllllllnnn ndOllcd tI conly plall rodt I \11 lo S)t1UC) aud so ld tho horl!C nlll no\\ ~ IT Plud b~ com c~ the 8trangl'"l Ilirt of Ihe _LO ry nnd If I I dn t fee l "'Irc tbnt lOU " ou ld belle'e l1Ie I " o uld IIcver td l it Years plll!8cd I bll \1 ened 10 b tm,ellllg through n hJl\ u \\ ,ero tu o a&lLZCH wore gOlDg on [ h e lTJ thllt n grellt. mllrde rer \\IUI to be ITl pd HO J IIl'nt to hea r tho trlul I did henr thl! ~rll\l As 11,, 0 nnd must dle 0110 of lhe offic ulls o f t.l' 6t oou rl nnt no~ Ih c low t. eltber "! 1Il! JIm the Bu ~ hrnnger "ho s tnpped me! Of cour. you COUltnlllllcuted your d18COVl.'ry 10 t.he pollceT lily ClIatnman gave II dry cough nnd I "ther tlllnk got red III th~ face I never mu ch colloned to th e police, 81r ntnny time-lellllt of 1111 then No, I!O much for my owd sake ns for I see, 1 MId I "
some COofUHlo n I n a Ie house I Th e only drop he h ad enLPr \ to ul Inm refre hmeot In HO me confu 1011 lhe IRlllllndy Will! c rylllg bltlcrh,nnd 1ho bost\\RS II little mnn tb e Bu h 109 (lne o lher ca"e be KOrvnnUl were.1D Il grent frlgbt. rnngeT \Vll sa tull IIn rl alll@ culur VIII} n ~ urn lhnll thI S Wh on he ente rcJ th e b ust.e eage rly wlt.h long blllck hair falliog dillOn hlJl -;;:;~== H el lI l1\ II ehould erll-f1 batl K I~n Ild It showed h Yuu Me n)1 onc of Ihl m arc vou ? had bee n long out 1 h o IInpld IncrraMc or Ul e Mormons fn Wh n do YOII me III ~ They und bellU tall", g ou a subject "pultb IIncl I'olJIIllltlou. Ocb it. the RushrRI I!~ r" thnt hacl ex c ited the Busbrangcr III d unf' 1 You lIrtn t o ne of thim T thr't subJert 1\11 LBr Il8 ~ry Clullnmon Elt l anslo n IS one of thl' leading te nel !'io Have tbov be<1I h ere tbon? r(}uld gaLher fr om th e muttered "ord8 Olltber the \ t'~ half nil hOll r 8b'(1 nnc1 cl "red h e overbeard at bls eotra nce Iva thllt o f th e Me rmon Church my b ou of 1\11 I had l be Wldd) ~ tl e police were ou tbclI " By "I' nl U 83 111 h Into the.e valleys of the m oun t \IUS IS C Olllma! ded e \ery 8 und ny ClirHe bll upon thnll I Bot very far oR HlIvl\ th ey gone dow n th 'l rOlld or My ha\olIIlIn gn\o the MaSO ni C ~Ign frOID tht' pulpit of the Illbe rlinc le III thiS Cllv r o in crclLllO the nll mhers of "tru k right IOtO lhe bush? It WIIH IlIlswered I y th o host.. GOllcdo"n the rond to sti ck lip all H nllu saltlthe l.lushrlDgcr w~.ere ti llS churcb In Am~rlca IS to gne Its I'Tl Cl!l hood "ddl tlonnl power for from Ih~y meet WIJ du YO Il hlul from T t lie mrmIJers of the bod y o f tb e cburch Bow mauy ? I IlIlI e 00 01 do\\ 0 \he rootl I" co ll ~ct.ed one-tenth of thelT hard Three, I!OHO" I~ !!S Haven t YOIl got n horse? Now JII v Chnllllllnn mll ~t go dowu 10 11 ere wns 110 u~ shammlllJ; he re HO tll\TlllllgS to SIIPI nrt thefl(l priestly parn Hites When there " ere II~Ut IHe hun ,dnev 'ftc could 1I0t like the Im. h Mv Gblullman ut on 0 repllcd for It aJj It e ,lui not kllO\\ the co untry I WSil sluck up IDd robbed tlVel~e dreJ of I ~ membt r8 In llllh Ul e rite of lItlllllg \\ '<I Oll ll tenth o f whllt ono of wtll nou gh He 1I11ghl e vnue th e 1l11 ~8 from tbl" by tho BushTIIllge rs DuwfIlngN8 hy FO Ill O Iu,ck y clllUlCC The tleuce Are they so near Y l aD t th o lall v earned Or pru Ill ced annu llih e ither bv tbo "Id uf I\Ight or olher It forttlllllt e C'IlBeI t hat I kno" tbl. III 'lOll th e re are II ore than o lle hundred th IUSIIIl" pl'rso n ~ \llthlt Itdmember~hll' Dlean" H e IV IS Ir, ~p I o f course I t Im e? the gear of n thorough llushlUl\n nud Wby ? 81\1:l CaKeY ' ou re not I grt' ,t rer centage o f wbom lire subJel t Lbey mlghl Hpllre hlln Oil the o ld Scote! go mg th,t wily you UIImo fr o III thllt to thu uthlllil I IX nn i ypl the rah IS oile tenth --'1 neTe are now n ~ fOI lIIeI prlDclple Hnwk flyk e not oot bllwk. (il rec tlOu your~e lf 1\ wlllle ago een BesldoK he m'ght CQnceal IllS The Dushrnnge r at th at moment \VIIS many perKOu. IJJ nlld abo ut tbls city kln pound 1I0t and It " oultl not break lighting bls pipe With a !JurOing t ool \\h o I IlV an I\nollil tl Llllng tax to tho hurch of more thnn $2000 11\ other bls helut to lose hlB huH sove reIg n IIlItI and hiS back was turned JIIy challl blll[-crown 00 Ibo wbol!' tboll he man gave a look Ilnd made a gesturc porll on8 o f the terri to ry there nre many olhe", who ray anllulllly mr)re IhRII SIlW nothIng fur It but to resume IIl8 WIIICII wero perfec tly understood by thc . 1 OuO tl thlllg 'thero IIrtl fe", Mormous Juurney He cho"o hI S s hort BOck Ill! 8hrowd lIt.tlo bost tho best plnco for th e bRllk note aud ' ( mll8t be gOing old man KR ld the In Utah who do not etther directly or thru st. the note IOto It WIthout fold ing Bushranger aHor hiS pIpe hnd beell IIIdltectly pny IIOmeLiu ng A maJ nnty of the lIIembtlrs of thIS ch urch III U tah It up . u ccll88fu\ly IIl:hted Let. h", e n I'ay ma rc than $10 e Ich on ao averllge Forth he wont lind rodo rapidly on gl888 of grog all round first for about half nn honr Without seOlll1)" All r ght' Billd t he httle mlln UII 11111\11 , the remallld ~ r pay more than Dealll DhnlJ!, tbo rnngers bowever he dlsttnctll 8IIW Three glasses of rum 80011 Blood before ~5 each 011 an n verllgo el ther directly or IDdlrectly From Lbe fir8t cllll!8 of tltbe tb e fresh t rack. of four bor~s III nd tho party My CIlilImllan put hiS IlI\Ild I he bnrk of the TO Lllow tree burot to pu,crR tl e Churc h demes nnnuallv nt vaoce At nil Ilbrupt tllrn o( tho read forwllrd to tako up one of the g llL~~ leM t ~2(i0 0110 'l ot,,1 $ 1 000 000 Tho nsbes applied to the parl.8 IV III remove he was covered by three rO\ Oh erK and but CasllY wllh an Illvkward Bill logy a nnn tI III crease of the chllrch for the all florns or excrc8ccllcea ou allY p,Tt of addre_d by threo VOICCM about h elplDg the gent first hlUlded th o Inst tcn years can not be put down at lho body 'Dismountl' robbe r that \cry gllU!s !tr\\ e anotber to lellS thun four thou"llnd pe rsons total flle JlIlce of celery D\lxed With honey No help for It He got off 1118 hor!e My ChlllDUlall and drank of! the thud forty thowmnd-three tiwUIII\IId 11IInU of rolleS nnd barle1 water may be u8ed Aud took a BUrvey o( tho gloflouJl hlm llC lf ally by ellllgrantH cooling III lIlrge com ~B " gargle by ~OtlO ",ho sufler With \hree" One Wt18 a vory good oatured My Cluunmnn understood all th .. p"nteH olle thousand urrlvlng In small !lOrI'S nnd ulcers IntltethroatnnJ mOlllb l\lCktng fellow the other 8eemcd rathe r and boped tbnt the ~tupefYlIIg potion purtl~ K Alum IS very 10JUriOUa to t he teeth \nd If 1I0tblllg preven1.8 Ihc bllckward the tlmd WIl8 all IInml8 wonld 800n luko eflect Rut na" The ord lIa ry CO llrfl(l of enllgratlOn hltbe r Cblo rate of potash h M no action at a ll t,akable ruffian rulimn s constitutIOn Wllf! tI8 sound ns thlH numbe r Will IIIcreue aDnually llpon the teeth Alcobol docs lIot IIffret Where hnvo YOIl !Jecn ? ): au re R the foulidatlO1I8 of t;t Paul " nnd th e dUflll g t.ho nest tal vears, unttl I~ them neither does cologne fuba cco dlj:ger'l' draugbt only IIlcreased hlB 8h Irpncss r~ache8 tel thousn nclllllnually So, With does nOL afJecttbe structure of the teeth, 1m 1U8t conllng from the Wauooflln and penetration tbe nutuTllI IIlcrcl\8O of pppulntlr)n hut color~ them browu DI!tglllS To CllfC nfelon take Ollt a portion o f fh eac gold field! "ero noted for th Olr Do YOIl thlllk I don t lICe lhrough wlthlll the ferrtt.ory by buths, the poverty yon? Wid ho II Ith , dll\bolJ CI\I g lnn cc l hurch fold In Utah and the Territo the IIlslde of a emBn and th rust tI e How much lIIoney hllveloU goL? at OIll!C),_ 1 m 1I0t 110 s ure of YOII (tbls rI~S ntlJacpnt will emhrace more Ihnn fill~tr 11100 It Or takll tbe s1rTn of the One hRlf sovere ign an one half was to My Ohalllmnn) If I Wl\8 ( know three hundred th ousand perllOns before ,nslde of a fresh egg btnd It on WIth t he the )enr 1800 ThLH Ilumber of peolle mOIsture of t.he whIte of the egg nClit to what I shollid dll crown Wbllt ba, e I done sIr I lIIud ClUley Will form the bll81A of one or two S intes tho finger and It Will draw the HmaU 'Is that IIII ? globule th"t CaUIIC'8 tho 8Oro lo the Hu r , What have you dono, you v II III III I nn I se verllllcrriloTle8 beSIdes Utah 'That H1111 \s It dnes mum lIew 11 pllc" fnce III hM C your IIl e I It was the good nlltured lIIan who E\erythmg_ Now altbough lily OhamlUllli dill not W K h 1\0 It from ~ood IIuthorlty that tlOnS .poke In thiS dla10/tue 110m x wll1lDatnntly re mnv~ 1\11 1 think, Jlln \\e mn)' let him ,,0 tlllilk thl\t the rum lD meant tho thrc lt whell the Mar~ul8 of Lorne stepped off Ihe wor feUow must be hard up COIll ht.erally yet ho rolldo hiS IILllol'reparn tl c tmlll at N IngllrR be II1lstook the SOl Is lIud 8talllS (rom the handn anil helll tlon8 The fellow "118 armed to the yelling nnd gCl!llcnlallo!ls of tho back all scrntch!'! III1U chafes To mnke It IL\~ (.rJ>m those wretuhed dlgglUs He had two revo lvers III IllS mell for II hearty rocr('tlOn of Amer pat some crude bora.x I nto a largo bottle 'Vo ll hnve something to 8IIy to hlill teeth replied Number 1 hree whoso belt 1I0d 1\ dOllble hllrreled gun slood IUIIIl Citizens to Bi 8 Hlvhne!lll He re and fill III water Wben the borax IS firat accont wns Irish, and tbl8 gllve lily close to blm A lingo shenth kmfe mnrked to Lolll8C WhRt ought [ 10 dlllllOlved ndd more to the water until bung on hl8 Illp E\ery second III do ! C bBmman $Ome bope ::SaId sbe Inke oft your hat und at last the w)\ter can absorb no more creased the rumRn s fury HIM eUrl!Cs a reSiduum remalos Ilt tbe bottolll 'Veil at aU events he must I.Rvo 1\ and thrent8 were appalhng Casey, tho bow t.o them YOIl goose The 1I1ar</uls and 1I11III of grqg IIlj Chlllnman nccord nther 81de of the fire eat thc picture of made a low Unw and scraped b 18 l eft of the hottle To the water JII which IOgl1 drank a bumper thRt took Ill" foot whereupon all the bRckmcn yelled the huods arc kI be wuhed lifter gll r dlsmav breath away. Hllck I hack I hack I' 'What do they deOlng pour from thiB bOttle enough to Why don t you an swe r me' .. 'Valk before me lllto the bush lII\y? mqlllred tbe 1I18rqul8 It menns make 1t very !Oft It Is very cleanslDg robber nt last sbouted thed !laId Number Three 11I~ hIp hurrah," explained the and very healthy By ita use the hands BtlcaUIltl ~aBped Casey I 'Not n bit o[ It Jim let the poor Prmcel!8, I and that thoy are plel\8ed Will be kept ~~ excellent COUdltlOU, smooth, I!Ofta~~~lilte wretch go Why be s a countryman of nothlllg kI 811)' With you aud you must make a speech Nothmg to say? roared the Bush I Fellow Citizens' began the Marquis , vour own What do you say, Jack? 1'1 'lake thlltl ' U Never mind whnt Jllck says I r e ranger IN tho Newpprt ,Rhode I&llllud) hnry but lust then 1\ beat-black yelled to pull plied Number Threo U Don't you He drew a re volvor hllH rose from dowtrbls vest two hackmen threw hIm In~ ground 1M a head-etone chroOlcllD/t make all 8S8 of y.uraolf NIck I I'll hiS ll6at, anti With wonderful quiclrnel!8, belld first IUto 1\ cab aud dropped a two the bunal ' of a !OIII aud daughter of have my own way In tlils" leveled the weapon at OWICY But My hundred pound valtlMl on bIB foot and W"lIIam and Desire TlIPP, and" ru!O JIe motioned to My Ohrunman to go OhalOman wa.~ quicker than he He before ho could extnca\.O hlmaelf and bll WIfe's arm j, amlJlu~ted Febroary, 00 andctn),1e "ent until· they roRched bad qWlltl,. pIC lied up an American explain matten, the driver had r,un up 20,1776 A rep~Il.1)a~IQ1) 01 ~lIe arm • belt of ICrub tomahawk whloh lay on l' block beside a Dill of fifteen dollus -IJerriek is out on.t.he eloDe
o 00
Keel) motor co nllOueH Dot to
re v 1\ 0 QUI-:f
It kllltl of love-A neurJllg lc nr
POll Ell IS Il dnn~"r o ll s weapo n III lhe ' hanJ. nf "Ill er klla veij or fools PI It E\ EFlA N(;E lIever gOld scared at n wet dllY und I mud Iv ro ,d o wno Willi c \ er known to bo found drowned \\ Ilh I receip t from a pTiuter III hl Hpocke t WII \T \\ o rt.! may be pronouoced qUIcker by nddlDg one B) IJllble to It Yllulck J A I AS IH no\\ mllnufncLuTlug hooU! fnr silio III th o Unltctl ~t Ile8 fro DI I ILIllr bruuarht frllm AmeriullU po rts J r can not be t.hat fill f1 c.~h IS grtlS3 (,m gOtH l Ui d ow-about theollly thLD~ thnl cl es IU thl8 world A With crooker! legs cnnnot be supremely bnpp) 11111 l1li ho o wns aD ul stc r HA1 8 nnd IUlce are bouglit 10 London by a regulllr d eille r who fc da the not d Ogllllod CI\UIO[ tbe nnstocracy Tw weeke of 01' rn cost the people of Chlca!lo Includin g ti ckets i!Ar Tlogtl8 aud et. cetert18,ILt ICJI&t $ 175 000_ N EW H A \I~N rCHldtlnlll om ploy about five hUlldre d t lophoncs, conrlecl d by seventy 1Il\1C8"~ WLrr A CONN EL'TICUT farmer 1\.1\1 blS lIOn hllve been !Jlldly poLBOnoo in lhe hands by buck kin gloves EX1'£lUlfENT8 In France With Amencllu locolllota. 0 arll now wntched WI U, a good den I of lIIle re1ll I TilE Hindoo enlculato that It Is n ric-a-Brae. 131 -l00 007 205 000 yetll'1l In ce th b irth Not .)nly dogs formerly uacd to pro o f llrnhma or th hegmDlJJg of the world c ure food by huntmg ot.her 1L00mol! but FnANCE haB I 037 prmtlDg offioos, Lh y we ro used by th e Romans Ilnd whlc.h eUlploy 91i00 .:ompo Itors 8000 G reeb III war I BO that the phrlll!e, prcaamen, 1)00 reatlers, IlLIil 350 over '~P.JI \Ill\r' 1\~r~\ .. 'Well .. eMn. fi j;Urlltlve resar en;plo)cd tllOm III ..TH011.A8 AOT!" and fnuilly are 1m Ilrmv nnd so dId Borne o( the wild gone on n triP up th Nrlc But It won t In he~ "llI ch the Romllns fuul)"ht When thllt I bom I" hilS lIlurl U< tho ll'.lOlnn Genernr. defeated be th e h rst I I n th" CI nbTl th" dog" I\ud t ho " omen d e strLcken N rle - J,08/0' TN' I'rr~ I NEV ER re llre at n lg bt wltb o ut !JoIns fe\Hl ~d th r tr bl~ gage KO I!IIva~e ly thllt he \\U8 for ced to fi g ht unother Imtllr. III wiser th nn nb en you Iro se II the morn o rd er to get po ~e1!810n of I t The dog" \JIg by hiving Ie Irtled sOllle tbll g usetul thus employed \I ere I c ry ~ ago Ilnd dUring tbe dlly H AZ~ crltlc8 n r!' apt to ulke thnt 1I0t only pursued tI e fugltn os of de fe ated arallea !Jut Il e re seut aftu de- which Ibe,r und!'rstm !! ug I( knowledges as true for t.hut which Ihe lc memory e rters DI Jod leLtJllg consIde red dunng th e recogolzes 118 olt! I""t ccntury to be necelllllU"Y for overy 'I IIf nE aro 60/110 I eu pl o In tile world o uo III hcnlLlt or 1I0t lit "l,rlU g Rnd fnll who hllve Il few fTl clI(l ~ wlLh whom they WaK all upe rutlon pe rfo rlUed by tb e COUll arc very IIlllmnte, Ilil d d on t kllow how try ~urgconH on the laboreros on I S un to trellt the re8t. poillely dllY mo rDllIg at a chllrge of ud each TE.l CU 1:-iG IS Impurtln g Idells tralO Hl ecrlln g In bed by n barber WlUltlll tho IIIg 18 r ed UCIn g Itl en~ to practice r ~ l l! n nf Uha rleR IT. somelillle8 c u,rged lel\chll\g 18 glVIOg knowledge t.r!lInLllg for a ludy 80 hIgh 1\8 lOx !Ind for II '" convertlDg IdeM IIltO cbarllcter g~ 1 lleDllI1I Is aud 2s 6d T he opcrnklr A TEXAS Pili (' r estllnat e" thnt there pprhllp" barbo red the plltlent It nn IIldltlOClll l charge BIIrbering by the were nt lonst three hundred pe rsons murd~red ID ..Lhnt S tnte In.t ye ,r l,0!!r w~1I _chn~<L1G8...JS U rs tltlon had ~J~~~cr:-·~II~I~~~I;~a~(~r.-.w~~~'---------------- d a llgerolls for blo;;;:! lettlll(l II' blch \\ Clre cu ll ed 1 arlOu3 dnys In July the 1s t YorL: hllK hung In his wlIldow a list of 7tb 12th 18th 2Utb aud 30tb Il c re of the nnIU 8 of hl 9 non I ayllll! c ustolDel'll, IYlth lunountH dn IlIrgo !lud smllll t ho Ilbo\ e kllId 11 IS BllId n shad 11\ cs but ono year It IS III mos t IIIcredlblo that ho can The Tal\tlst Treo In tbe "odd. develop s uc h a wliderneR" of bones In so Th e tallest accurately measurer! se brief Il time -Bo&to , 7 ralieCrt} I CA.'fPlIOllATED I e (whlCb I. Il com qllOl1l I!tamllng In the Clllnve rCIH Grove ne Ir SLOrklon Callfornta melUllIre~ three btnlltlOI1 u[ muttoll tJ\lIow nnd cllmphor) huutlred and twenty five feet ILnd th e re hilS gn e n ~he !lre It.eKl l!ul1sfucllon Ill! Il 18 110 po ~ tl\ e rYl de nce thllt allV treeB o f cure for chapped h~nd 8 lim gellus e, e r exceeded that h eight I I IB s trange "fiyS t.l e nlem S mb'alll Of lalo yellr s exploratloos In G IP[ sland, how mllny ICt.tNS eontallll Ig money Ilro Victoria have brougbt to lig ht. "Ollle 1D1 8carned . wllll c II p ,u>n t melllell!' man e lous "pCClmells of oucal) ptus ad verllilement goc s tbrough 118 slleL: as II and the late" Su rveyor of Fores1.8 whIstle measur ed a fa llon tree on tbe hBllk~ of \VII EN we humllllB nro nsked for 1\ tbe Wat tH River Bod found It to be four dollllr to help bury u poor fell ow "e hundred nnd Umty five fee t from the shell out ImmedlUtely bllt th ere are roolll 10 the top of tb e trunk rhe crost thoBe nmollg 118 who \\ Quld 1J0t give the of tl1I8 tree wns broken oft bu t the dollar to tbe poor follow before be died trunk at tbe fracture Will! DInE' feet in Tua anMZOI f ,d l 0 U!llfB or a I CIrcumference and the helghtof the tree And handke.rebl"r. fti'e k(' IU IVRolng wns eetlmatcd to have been moro than l'ullm•• y • b.ld f • •• f.rl of 10 d l F aU I n01 a ( 00 II lora ,,-ltb \)10'" Dg fi ve h u nd red feet ThA tree howe~ e r lUo,," bu,los bloW' mnd ,,,' tbo _It l 0Cl) Gel fhlnR WRI! d ead, tlHlugh there IS no dou!Jt thut Aud answer optic. aosvtcr cni UIl cr,IOiJ cr,I_1!( -l.IJ uf;ll~ tau ,tr..vou nal It WI\§ fa rloftl er thall the tallest BequOlI\ Tn F. ne w8\llpers of AmerIca lire the Nenr Fcrn~baw III tbe Dandenonlt. tnct VlctoTla tbere hill! rece otly bee n most num c roud of France hiVe the discov e red n Kpeclmen of th o almontl lar gest 8ubscropltOllH and the cqlllp IHf 1;111111 mCIlJlurlllg three hundred me nl~ or a London Ue wdiJllper o!li ee are lind C1ghty feet from the grouod to thtl th e mo~t co mplo t ~ flut branch and four buodred and fifty ON E of the blal lest and 1ll0Kt feot to the t.opmost wlDg ThiS tree IDgeDi ou H AtoTle Hvet publlsbed IS thllt would o\ert.op tho tallest livlIlg osequolll of a frClllht I nun 011 th e Sou thern by one huudred and twenty five feet Central R,ulrouc! Lbllt Willi rrozen to the [t, girth IS Clghty fetl~ ",llIeh IS less ralls nenr W eedspo rt ami hlld to be th \n th It. of mllny .equO'aB but as fur ohopped out hCl ght IS concerned It must be con • FOJll'i {OOl d nfl.s of 8DOW III Vermont slllc rNI lhe talicpt hVll\g tree ID th o lind depoijlts of nearly eq ual depth III world Nn,"Scutl' are I/llong the eplsodeK of th e wwter Just end ed wlHeh Will A ,ou so negro wouUlnlUNew Or rcnder It prommcl1t for mlllly yea t>! lenn " hM ph e nomtnlllly bl!!: nnd III amOl g thoso ooted (or tholr severity . h Apctl feet ::Sht' wn8 IDduced by 1\ A TUREE YEAll 01 n baby of ThOmM phn(ugrnpher l.c. "It for a portrait and Ift'l-r ~evo ral trtalB ho gl\ve her a pIC McGulll o( Yuungstown Oluo)K tbe torc thnt .he carned nwny wlt.h delight Inte8t CJ1St' S hot Itself In lhe heod \ few d 'ys later she nscertnmed hiS With a revolver It WM plaYlllg with H relllmel1VC, for sbe saw R hfe-slzed vIew 19 prob ,ble the parents were too poor t.o of ber feet displayed for I18le 10 stores keep a mad dog -Bur/mytOil IIatuUlJP. ::ihe bl\ll IDstltuted a SUit for dllmagCH 'VUEN you are attacked by a dog If IliA COOK a laborer slxtY-!lllvon you have tbe good fonllDe to be armed vonrs old attempted to "cnle a hIgh wltb a shlllelaj!h do not, 8IIy8 (jooerlll lence ID Northampton, Ma.,snchusetl.8 HutchlllSOll, hit him acrose tbe head lind and hiS foot eaugbt between the pickel.8, eyes belu- m mln el that th rr(lDt 1,art and he hung there till he died Th e of bUI forelegs 18 a fa r more vlIllI,erabl4! IBo81tive!!pOt One or t!'o well AI>: rence 11'11., hattered With the heel marks b10W8 up(ln that unpro!.4QWJ of the olher foot, and the enow 11'1\11 WIll generallJ tllJJaIJle til . trong pawed aWIIY as f&r 1\11 Ids hand8 could rellch
"~-~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~~~:~mn~~i'~~~~~(~l~~~:~h~~~~~ilia~*~,~'~~~Q~P~·~~~1,~y~~~~I~II!s~~.~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~ ney he t never
ANTS thllt keep t he world
an 1.8
I nl
.MIAMI VAI.L IhlLW T.-l'be . "l',·"11 1\1. ,inciu""ti ~1\(llliror f Wcdll\l da}' f la t c.mlltalued a bIla' fo ur Hulitl Bu.v ~'UIl Cllrl'dt! r I II.! lilli, ,Ebl'ight& ' --'l'hll bllSI 1\ IlrtoHllll If lilbll ~!!!!!!!!!I!!!II!I!!!!!!I!!"""!!!!!!'''!!'"~!!!~~!!! co!umn8. of B)attor in rogllrd II! Elll i~ht ,I,: 'v. lineu. l\apkilltl, ute., Ilt ~ri 'l'R II III MAII J.\ t 1111\ I h.\tj'l': ll1l8 tlbJ~ t-".tlt Ih ICIl"t illllwrt . - Il '1\1 ' \' M l. KiIl 8t'Y ·~ b UII III tnlkl7 or till!" COIll\lotitil)JI . n., E. & \'0 .. OIOA~ III I'"m " IIII'I ·1 ;" r. " " , 1l1.l ta"",ng w I11 h Wus Iho UIISI\' ,. IIInu d id Illlt ·Ii. Il ll ,i,vl'll l i ll~ to - W ' clIlI nttl)ntiull kt ~ 1.UI'/,{ 1 ... 11 IWr'\Ci w~ 'r: I I 1"\ H' t. I" tv. H I3lllll' lh't'" " "II it - J UItlI';;. H . IlIIY Ii will ICI ' - Wait lind the .,"l'l:lIt Leo· lind "'11 Sf-Ie ·tl,J till" Qf III II'YJ o~o u, I ~. :j(l P . " • • n d [1.!l7I " . It " II . L. PAlm. I'. M. a~'\ltl t til" "'illpt"I.\'. lind from '.)111 ploll'. 1:'1' 11\',' II IItll·t!. ttlt· ,II' ·II~. ~II lug rdu!1. ~u do IIllli. notiull '. jlldt r ('Cln'l Frnne 8 Omalbu -1.1 e' \\h l· lt. Wll III ' . p~ till' I'ulll)\\'i lig - J ~IlI.H:" lI art h" u.. ht I ii IT er· . - Mr. \\ "ltl 1lo~ n; 1(1 t '1tll'orl1'l lrulIl tho ]:;~I t, lit l'I'I I:1)6 Iu\\" I: I' tb 11I[ ~- ) '"" tOlllhl fr ,c.; .. ~ t UlII I Il1I pul·tu n 'ulnt~: IllUII ) 'Igh rOlertyf'or S:!4{1. Iry cl'rk lib til OQJ'IJellllollso. I·cr . H 8101'Y, gl vct!. Ital\ tlk I" ~vr.~ Ilr~"n.m"d.,Uon tr 'II. o n r.1 ,,;;:~ ;ur, ~~ , ' "urt or "In""':' I'I.~~. n.J.'ni l .. , ·')lInly. 1 .-ClIlIlIl d Oil IIr ~I w ~Iltllpll" - UIIC. notico will b gil'cn .01' 'hi Is, etc., etc. Hunt.! llll, 'Bl>rigitt It 0 t·o" • .",\1 relelv~~"rdlll tumli .. II . V '" ,I 1.11 Ii .I"",·.lll·' , pl.lIl1l1lf .. ,:I",. L II I rllrpd . Hiludll ll EiJrighl \ ' ' u. Ih l! \' '1I lng Ihllt 11)11 rnl 'IIr)" Will & " ( , ~;'. ' ~';',:~,\ '" • tl'Y I dr"Lt.,I . '"I''' ",'t' . ~ -G t J a 's It' 111& \,~ I it't! lind , lector n I \I 'IJrsull. - Th lin wodui ng of.M I'. lind - - ) 01 t. (- " 1' ,; lIey H,ilr ",,,j uu,', :;.:;:~.:·.~ I ·!!!·L J I1I It' Illlr8l'ij sill.d 1i.,I'"u noJollu r. -- lll.lwa ll udots \I I\' JIull, tll e . ld l·tI. J ll:llll hllll Buruott Wilt. 0 I· 1 ~h ,' ~f i an~ i V Illi y l~ il r.. nJ '0 . 1 - MI . A . P . . IltlwalJ udcr hus I~ tw·"k iuJ lntob . GOll mIS.F. lll:ntvdunt he4:th in stlllJ t. by 0:)0.: 1lut t"~ 'vll1pl\ltc~t IIl1d 1' 1,11. Il rl te ~t !Itndtt)'. ·!prll 7tb . I 79. IUl'! IIdllll t. tur lI l1~W r I\ll l'J;t'~ tll"lt 1)(" 1111. w'Ir k 011111 " I."' ~\· s.tfll'?r o Ill . • Cary l:l1 lug l' olland ~lI\!~C"s, -- - Ithe efl ntrl~c t lJJ~ld" hoY lillt.! hut,t\"" 'n -- I'\I~";l:'y?,- ~l ls~ddltllJM. ne wl -- \\ II11Vllpor, wull pllpl'r, l'erY lsllqJrl dcs 1 Ill IIgI U~ I"I~. 1 " ~ ~1I1111' . ~~I'R .:~KN1A~n\,E.. , Ihe pllllll 111 Uti.] tlci~ d nd ull t alii ;; flck " I " U,H' IS \\' \l rth y tit ImIllO ' Clll'IIP 111 ,, 1 n lurgo I!tock tv ~l)ll'Ct !lgortl wcre ~lr . ~alli\l nll ~l~ t"nr l h fil.~ ·"iVi(,I<;~;""I~ti,~:"·J"h" . ,.,. 0 uf' l ~lll"rretl to in tl'd petitioll . llll h 1\1~1t dinl,! att(!Il l il,n Ilf I~.ll. II·ruUl . llt FU ~I ~oy I1l1d Mi~~i IJ ill·'s . ' !lIlJ Mn;. E1II1I111 Keys. ~h. Itll l" It I, nr8 dill Au ou l ' I ~-,. : -- :tI l'. Illhl ~1 1·o. II IIl .I \IIll's hll\, ' - - Dutl 't hil i to IlIvL, at lite gl'lLllti , py guo.t were J uso ph (Jill tlc lt 111111 I'lh>-r: [,TIN G. A TTuRN' "" 11 , " \\ :1 . It " r: T II W" R . " in fn et 11111\10 ltlld Si":",,,1 ull the arrin!d 1","It· 1'1','"1 t lll:i r l>rid lll vi it ILLSij" rllllt'ut ur wall pnpor III Iitu lI W'f' I U, 0 WCIl J . B IIrO\'. atl J , \~' 'I f ', 1" . ' .\ I! 0 1 :\ "." 'un,I"I," , ~, r 15lh tlU\! of '\\1 ' 11.1 1 ' 7(1 I" I.. Tipl'ecllllt>uatid D:I"l oti. Tnltlu 1'ldaee. Pr:iocti \'I)r" low.-- F rnnk Burllott II l1d Wife, 1'.11 '. ro"'<'Il ,lng/llvrncy .• ublccl " .h!ld ~o l'· 1 .,. ~ , 1. r "r . . J J II' d 'f I hl ' M I "of t1>o n~pulJl i~!\ 1I I'r;II .• I'Y F. ,.< tiun. tu the llltl.k:ug or saitl c utl'iltt , all d - - Ull'r() I\'lL~ II ~ C' ry plcl\sant pnr· FUlikey & MitlBild i ~lc . • . ' )U1'l\u U 1111 w~ .' I 1(' r~8e~. Ilr· OfII'NT\" ml1 t!~ION&H. wh do lhun cgul i ll i ilJlI~ Ih url.t " r W,' fl' 1\': Ilt u 0[1t 01' C\'(jllillg, lit .Ih IWlllU -- Mr. J uun E .. 1.aylllr !Ind Ill mi' t!IU IIl1d ~ UUcll( I Burllell, Mrs. Rooms, T)wo Doors North of the Post·Officel .1 . WILSO~ " ll l\' \H '" . \. ! I)Olloiillg. t lte 1,ll' ili tilr .t\ .~I r. l'f ~Ir~ . ~l r Lt. l\I cl\illdOV. II' lU u\'ud here IW IIl l rbaull IlLst , StC'l'hell B urn ett , Mrs. Martha All · • L . u:';,. n ,. "' , ,ullin ' "t7 ' • '1' I .. . '.' \" I 1'1 fur II,. ulflcc of C.lUttlJ C" ' QlI1i.,iuD r I I' ~' I' I" I" U I ~ ro ". . - ~Ir . \, . IJ . JJ ui"hwlIY's "ealtll \\' uel;. 'f\ elCOLUe hUHlo. 1Ir. a},, ' c r'tl lI . mIS\l 8i1 ",ltu 1.\ (' ), '; ant ' ,I rll ~ W.\ YN £S VI L L£, 01-1 10. . • •• - '" ., A chC I(1':T 1'l'!>TI:oI,'r . " b n " I. 1 ' 11 lll i 1 '1 . ·C I ~I f:) I B tl f~ T\'WN~l1 ll' TIm 11 [' ltIm. W1TlI :;.: r ll d. U ol I N h~ 1"1' ~rcI!lt '>,' Imll' ruve;1. e III uetl I' ur w~. re th~ 0J dS~J1" !.OI· I' J b , n " l1, I Musl8lrs. 11 IllllUv II o:r 'I II: ==~~===;;;;:;;====~~~~~==:::~==~=~=~" J.lcon llAl\])ALI I . d' l I . ' r 1 1111 IV III~ 'e II 11Ir a yeur pl\81. -- w I'. ~eo rge . lllil I, 0,(: . \\' 01'1l Illll t I UII , e~·s . 1.." " )' ,,, . . . :I It OU I "'.lll, · for W I U wn ") tllt,'1l P\' 'r RJn"'o I . ~ I . . ' . . .. .. '['1IU prese llt; wcN IIUlllcroug I ~ " · ." . tr~I· ,,f WAyn,. To,r",h;p. . d . .. " ' 1.1 Il UI. - ~I I~s Mury Ly llch autl MI SS a1l 0 1l, IS US81StHlg th e IIl1d ltlllJ; CU tll · ' .~)_
,;a,:k..e·: rs
LEWl l ' ~ ~ " ~. / , r ro el. Ii " . A 'lhl~ G Jt) ~
I ~L Il . ~ ";; 1" lf .~ ~ r"t;~,:r
ti l II,,· ~I I ' .\rtll iu Hic kR, ot O" ,·i nglull. Ky. , lIIitlcu ill il1vesli!!:.utiug tim ntiilirti utielu!' Q 0 !!J , .\nJl. II .) .111 '\II)' \ lII I'll II I' . [LI ,d :tr,' \'iRi linl( Mr~. Dr. Willia m';'I!I. 1,,1' Ihc Miumi Yuill)" H.H . Cu. .- - . .. 8 nan.! "III I.. I resalclH 01 II~ H"'Lrd \Of I ),. ec L',) 10 J", 's R H Il)' (I't fil ( I ~I' I' " & M' "' IJ ' I I W lwn lfw UIU.LIJ.-O ur 1''' \,111111' - - - - - - - - - -- -- , ... Lon "tl ., HtuCt ' 't () ( C, Hlb l ~hl I ' I - • .., ' -- ' lIl1 ~Uy I~ I Inc luve r e· . '1' 'I ~ 1 l 'Il' Ci l D ~ I ~D V f) ~ M, .. I ,\........ 01· .. 1 \VII)'"r "['"",".hip. # . l.t ura , II' "'/'1' 111 11 11, \~""rl'IIy .1 1. \I'll ' ~ 1) 111' Bllggies (or tcs~ mODOY Ih!ln cui vct! lite larg ilt l;tuck " t' WILli pll' I COl'P:"'lIlill ll r"u ~ l1 rc ~', n r. " IIIl1 Ul' -\ ~' • ~~. ,~. _\ t ' t l ~ ~ ~!~ ~ ) ~ __~ _., _ ~ ~. _ I_ _ W . r,. H AR T, QCK i. II mm,liJntc flr ,II!;rl'ed 10 l>ct wllC' lI. SII II I[" 1.l r l.~ l fI :. :~" ,.101, ," lI' II I ODY utlter shop. with a per \,l'r br u bt to Wan'cn CU llllt" I Mc{J\I\le, I,cd MISS ~11 11 11 M~ rd ltlll1 ______ Ih ~ ufiioo.. u( Con !.ubt•• nd A !IbO.. snld I1U lllud that 111 \-.i BlI.I good II'MrAnt In cl I' <. t .. 0 t ) . ... E t J to H ymen s altar. lust e\' lHIIII~ lit • . I I" ~. . , llr"c Ir ........ us ern lIIUIl II ' 'I k M I 7 I ) , ' .D:T ~ MI 01ll1"l\ eou}ruct IVII I t II JOt.:I.~..t1.!IU '\ ~: : ]lId MIUI~~ rautoriet!. "I . \QidJ to papcr your 50 c (1C' , nre 1 11 ,1 8 . ; Ill' , 1) \ '. - 8 H[ - R . 1U~1m8.i.~ cen Ilte~ I r,,,o . Ii.lJDtAI A8 TO BPl "'l'AR'rN~:R ,fflntlltt!, ul' tl,e rRill'Oud, t.o Mr. w'III , .... L. F. Van Olci o of 11,0 M. E. !I,..:I"fStr tOo~mi ion... lind ad s uch to ftll\'() $1:! 'i.dO') ill , Eilrnhl\rt, li:r .l1le Grunville Stokes hnnd ome gold 'ring hilS C'b~rch , pcrfu~lliillg th c "rl' III OII)' bars of good Soap for 26 centS', TO\VNSlIIP C1I .t: \lP;. tlip btln tl3 !l ll d tuek uf I h l~ d .rulld , fllr1lJ 1I~'nr 1 tl eU. . ' I el'lI I' lI rc.:illlsed to bu I' vt~d tu thl' wi lie h . cuusohdat I. tw " . . IIIv lng 7 ounce Silver Star Baking Powder, with Jelly Glass, {";'!·~I~t:.~~· WO.OJ.l:E~ \tlllt, " iz; $s ... n()1) t\d hid . htlro 01 1 - ~~· ' .K A~l tl 'rso~l w.ill d('liver II I' l pupli lltr IlIdv Ht Ihe L'1I11: " lie hl'nrts 1~ 1t" une. 1.he n ttll II' W /I S I ' . 1ft Tu,:n.• ltll'~ l~r~. Ihe pr'lti tl! (II Ihl' tirdt d il'i, i"ll , III1,t' llt e CIIIl' llllIlltl EI~cJlllrcr to a ny.parl I'.tli UII tl,c el'cn iuf' fSt. 1'1Ilrick'd evc rythlllg t h~, t a bndul ~hu ilid h" '120 cents. . ~. . _ !ifE:liE.~\)WNSHn rl:I rE E. iHII,lH), lus hib .l lnrc " I' " n lli t, ill '~ I Ih e tOW11 . 0 :\ IIn,l1IY mOrtllllgs. II., )', MUIIJa)" Ihl~ 17th. l iu ami a." J ulter tile Illlli s~ulnblu klll,t \\ Uij Lar:;est and best asso \ _ c t of C16al s nd Tllbacco in 'tId;rte r~:-:" W~"~'~:~';,~;e"."'" bo R ! ~h\l seculld , third [II'U funrlh div is" I(.r ol> l~ "~".:\. ~·· ' I 'Y: . ' Il'y·t.) hJ till) IU,cky Illdy. , lieu , t he,t rl \lW~1 tu bllll ' town. I nSItCltlleo in said l'Vll lrllr l Sh ·.nld . -;1111. t'~ l' r,,~ . illl i1 y I ~ t(,l1ch · -- I~II I1lI Il Il, ELt'ight Cu. Iiavo . qllct of eHryt hll 'g ~hl\t uul d IClt, pt j ", C" ...."., r ' ~ {t,. St h"" . t it'. JO][S MAlml ... I.. . tI .. iJ III t 1l.11U c:d t.! : \' isi oll lr I! II ,ire! \ l." ~ .In M \ll III , Va lley C " lIegc. lit ju st r('coi ved a lIew lot of ~ nm , Ics ' the 1I 11~eli t e of t~IC \li ner \linn. H,Y . • C_~ tr.:CU.· 1 U "C 1 .. .. tl - =' ;: 0 .• vO . n u ~rc ,._ urran s, al l olBC<loi M~~,~F '•• olWd".mw for t.hA ICtl ll ll'ldct! it wu~ furlh c.r n " rC'(!~1 ~ 'rl ll~b"l'o. O t')r~o IS a Inic il tcu 'uf curl' t "nud tli uiO t!esirou~ of tho ~ U e! uc~ tn."11 Iho 11t1J ·py plllr i SlOSI HUl'1lett s Lxtra c ~ L f:lIlen l ;SUfi, 1', Coffee, Tea and LEE Ot· M MrN G is ~ fnne. Ihllt t hl" Ssr,.lfulf ,,!.. IVe "'~Il l ... d II l'd ~(i" l"arl.\ ,Y 1I 1I 1{ /l;entlu lIlIU.I. l I'urchasil:g ch ellp nnd ~ood carpet 1 ('1~lo:' XOII\la, Ir~lIL wl:t'e Ihey ~" IChocolate of best qt. ality and a, low prices. electioD to tho otlirl.' of M. r.lutl. ~1t~nIJ ~(' pll id by Ihe I." ai II I iII' II" . -::: l' ~ n. . .ulw r 18 VII I) o~ til' "'"ul.d .Lo ~1'ell tu go U~I~ s e s~ru· ~u, Cl 'Bv ~ edau Ull l'lI r '1 nrn · 'l'h :> "nly ph ce in. t own where pure Cinnamon Bark is . , • mild 11111 11(,S frOID Ihc ti r ·t h,.lul . hll~ t pi ol s~lull nls o, ~ tbe sligo . pled III t'leirellr(lot OxhlblttJr, butoro Ing on 8 nr .ny. . ' 1: .... <: • Ta~ ',Var.r ~ County 1 eachc r ' recl)iv u,l 1i'OI\l tllid .J..r"' lld UIl I ull la. lI laltllgdit(·r IIn ll l'lI' III her ~\fl o. Lllying 01 llwlicl'O. . .M ay th ey I"'e long 1.llI ll hUl' ptl)' ·kept . .A.88oollltlon will moet at WIIY\le~ ·! uid 'ul, tr'lct fur CIIII Irllt't i" II . Ill'" ~' v uml Ii clI r hel' !lcx t .M unday 11I1{1t1 __ .4 giant Wil entertui lIocl a t , 10, ~uch utlie r 8 COIIII'II~II"1I8 1i 1]' . , Dobbins Electric Soap. 10 C(;H1 ts. China Glass StoDl} ' Ville Saturday, Mllroh 22, J 7<1. I f"lItI1111 t tiU I.t! that Ihe l/l!l\; ill " or : III L~ huno n . th e HUllimcll ll olPse R few uay,,: l1~e ~ u e8ls werOllB 11I11(:\~' '': H ,.. 1 . ' • , PRI)ORA101l1 . 8a id t!t cl'et e.)ntrncl wa d c"rlc,~tlI:J I - :!5. t"l1~ to 1111 I part~ of t}l ll since. Il e was ~ y,e ll~ old, \I'ei hod ' ~' I'. V all OIH~ 1L1l~ 1 \\'11 " ;, ac .. h and Crockery·Ware. . ... . M. fru m tid; d" fl! !l Ullllt !l II.l lit i8 IhvtJ·c l uI' l'IAl ry & Grall nls. S o· 360 Ib ., "' us 8 fCE!t 5 indlcli ~igb .. h lllldu.lIlLlI.J wile, ."llllld h "~.( ' r~ Wmdow l 'aSh a.t P ltty! Coft'ee Mills, BucketB, R. Stophensoll , of \VaYll cs, UY.YRNllhNT IIAI1 NO ' KNUWL IWOE UF " 'I ure }J' lIr eUI'/ 'l!Erly alt , Cad ~~111l ' we ll prul'Ortiullelll, active, I\lert , aJ ll tl I\'!II" ~ludlyB\l1l hl"g ...rt? III1 t! wlfc' Tubs Field Ke"'s Bas {ets Wash·Boards l Churns, Cheese, ville; Ad4ret • . ,,'1', IIUIIOY l.... ver y s wltu Ol1t lind hlld ~ good appetile Don't 0 lIn " ISdI III nllo \\ I 0 , S aIUlW l . I .~ I , C 0 J . O. Kinne.,. of LO\'c lnnt! , l'ri .. Irs EX1. '·~N~E :l'xtra charg(,. kilO\\" his Jt~ 1JI1l or \I1h~rlll ~ grtlw IElliott !\lId wi f,·. (.'hllrl l's JllJw k , l Lard l Molasses, Crackers and ove ysters. mar y R ead ing: lI lI tll nfl or Ih e pilltntitl ti.nallr ,: tr,p· - It !lIlly savo your life (or il C t ' d '1 I . . Ulitl wife J u 01111 EVILII ~ lind wi1',' . DIscnssioll . ped wurk 11\10 11 hie suid c" nlracl cll r('s vI·ur el,ld lind cOllg'h Dr :- II " ;nurs l lIn y ex-fn. ·s Sll r· J uhlll"e~IC'rS uiltl wtio /lr Alfrull wilh tlhl dl'l'ulluanl, II !! hereiu ll l'I'r Bull',I'OuIl"'h :::l)'\,UIJ Buy it ' Tn : pn~o nt t t Iko e l~g~."ce u ,U!lrl lll:lW J " nus B lld wife I. i~, K l:Y Ull t! P. M. j' I' I I ' d f tI I . . . . . . , pring S lie' 0 Suoca, \\ IIC 1 are . . '. ' I Franklin Fairchild of Morrow, set urt I , a ne t liS .e!1 Ullt IllS it It III! VIJ I' fuil:! Cost unly 25 1 '1 ... d I I wIfu \\' 10 . AlUlIlI l"lUll II lId wil u "A rithmet ic! " al wllY s; .illeo it ti i:!cU \'l'rcJ Iho :;c' "':ll l& II b tile . (1 '11 Y ~rn"Ingl: ,~n 1 10 l(,lItrelll e Y t , Ja lll~s Woollcy o;d wife ll il"lIn; . " uw prle('s II' 1I0u rll 1e I 1\', ,tlg llU ll S I . • . " J u Iia S tile, of Harvcysburg eret COli,I r~ct, r(' fl1~.u d .t 0 rc.cvg!!IZl' -- Mrs. Muri ll Mnllwoll, n worthy the \\' llOlo lat' ..e "ulriet . (Jlld wul . ' chlleh y lind wl te; Mr. <.;hllrl'rl Y '''l'eachers' Cultu r ." • th e vultdlty or blll dlll g I" I'CO "I ~"l d ior'B wido w Iivillr7 in Xcuill. I I . J ' "'& E'. I .M arshall uu d Wile . of Cedarv ille ; · t·tf' ' 1e nt rll ' t "~ ,rcnll. tnic ha,j H:cui \'ed II I'tl ilsioll ... L 'III rI dCY Of I I ' I . • - - -8\;1 '(;1:,01(" Tu--H Ilm pton Den llett, Frallklill , I>I <1111 I S nil from th e II( I, . 1~~lIe,• r ,\ er. y. . wRrS III all l wdo. u!ro. "'Oountry Schools." tiu u. Til e JI,fendaut rurther a ll l·~I.':l i!Ll verlllnrnt the buck plly on which - - Pixley & <;'rn lJlllS wll ! be 811 c' Li7, JUlik ins, All' . Kutu S ·,.It , ~! ~ ,~,~ tha t ,mi J seel'ct clIHtrnc t WliS ilIad ,' !lmllllnl!! to 01110 ~ l70 . C( ·dou by th~ IlIm ~l1 i .Jll lt a , nunt Mr. Frank Scott, W ilbl'r IIl1d Lt'!;.1 Obl tMluy·. to secnre ' nnd . thllt. it di (lscenre •1111" I - D ' I or J J ULUes I)L'I C IIlpauy, ",llIoh w11 t"r '1 ll rAllull • 01' ~Xelll'.n'' Jl111' O ~~~ •. I . _ ~ ~l ~'> . II \" Il " oaon 81'l 11 · . ' I ' F ,'I 1 Ol'l' lld Ffbnr!!· " t.! ~ ~' J1dlu(1JICU of sRld Llil11l e to pm.cll re l' I t.! .' I ' 1 T . 1l~1) uIg It IU It.1JC, lUll ~II II Ry Mattlc Yun Ol&ve .AlIgl C IJ tlinC!8 J 6 1HI HOL~r' WIIS burn MarcL (or Iho plllint itr said c:tlltract fur l I~ a tltl tu . t I~ n~~ u~;n II lg ht \ll~y [.omOl lls; elosJ1lg Slltur~ ' Katie Eberl\' CII\;II W Irwi k " t:nU n . fI' 14:, 1 26, alld di ed at hi r' idelJOO ' coustr uctlon at rutes rn illtJ ll:l to 11,0 J" p oua~ Tt :t01'. U· dny night \\"i.'h . Ea t LYlilte. Tlti" l .' _ . ' ~J- "-~ ~ ~ on tho road from W,IJ lIl:s \'i ll to 1cr'rJi t uad intcre Is of th is d fellJ t~~I ~t an ', ' I 10lrupson, cs\: compuu)' is Ii~t class, a nd peo p~ e TnE F riends' Sociul llIet I t Ih l3ellbrvuk, Mtll'ch 1 70 ulret.! 5:3 ' a nt · that it W H8 1\"ll1d UpOIl tlli, I I Ie nn on'fwerlo t 10 ~~wYd~r8 · IIIlly !Jxpect .t he very !Jest dralllnt ic bOlne 0 1' L' • Brown OIl tL ., ...· C· I" , ." ~~ ll e11l0llt II II uug l1 ... u lug lie· tu ' f tl JJ . .... v ~, • yllars, 11l1loo!hs and :!5 daYd. defeuri ulltj thnt hy rClISUI, Ilt l!rl'l't , \. . . . rCI reson tWDS .. IO W leili. ill" of th e Oth inst. with li n fit . .H C"" VI". IOil tl Y atlllc ..L ud " d .. . CU Ullt wa~ lu e CUlloe. AI' tu'·· · . t '0 . ., , . ~ Wllh SUI cOlltrae t COll ~W U '1 1011 Wild I . . - te r "Ing. m 0 con I erull"11 teud a nc of 8ixty. 'fho J'rc ' ident i .1 ' a- most UJaIigl\~LUt form of pllc nrnn. a nd id wltolly iuvlIl ill. ami thn t he . - ." !lull sdeo .til e gran~ dls pl.ay Ihe wall t!! of ,!Jl~ people of t his vii " Mllry Furnue ~al1ed the mecti nj,( 1~ , .~ uil'l about two wElek8 II neu, IUlIJ uo plnintiff, for th o w" rk allJ lo t SPrII!g gU? i! 111 ; ho SlOW W.I11 · III~o nnd I' icillity lor l!umo lime order by roacti ng the 3d ch npter o( . . f'l'w r or skill ot' medicine. lItToug porfunnoo ~IIU ma erial .. fUl'lI r~ . eu ·? ,I\\·s 01 t.i~o 1ro.lo 1 a.IUOo, Cl?Uil!lIt- pallt 1111" til() I d\f1lce of OUt: mall Y J""...__ T oo minu taa of tho. l ..... Ar" l><ollllrod • tlo Undcrlllking In ',,:, tor ~Ll'o .lId ht ~ow r rllt than an,. e,tabU.b·· I' .. . . b . 'n~ .)1\ l,v\ .., ' ",,01 K nu' f"~n'Qh. os' t 1'8'T1'tI <t . .n ..... 'h.'\'a ' o un'~. 'Xl8 . 1 .':l\~q l1e ~r l a.'~h~w dlr~JIIg, con ld .y l.ti ill,~nd t word th(, (' ! I~ true . •g lluds. AlT. Fl1l1kcy informs liS thut n:~er~a t IItcU.~ onn:,e;' 1):0 ei l Lee~m~ werc th e~r reud by the se~., eo=: ----_ 5 a U llIse 1111 <.' ,(lrdS buIJ lts uu Y?O I.rrdc. tlon .o BUI ruut!, \I\·a~ ellltit N Il" allotht:1' 11\1' ulut'will arrivo th e CI c. tOI . -; I. II rile>, I . nil e h ~nn cy. ho IJrognliu lor ~e 11 e III ecomo II hnstilln alld rceC1\'c n morc t lall t 10 llctn tl l ( 1 - fr f !' • " UII II, Ii ,Ipel , pllr. , ' 0 el'enwg WI\II .th u eO llllll 'lIced ~ ••, joined tlte U \tited Pre bytl\ritul eust alld value t hereof, wh ieh i ICd last u .1 II ~ we~' l~r tI e rst 0 next. c!tuded din'c.I 1'1'''f" tl~o 1I1 ~.IIl\fl1ctll~· 1 by ]) lie [)ulli ~l -reauillj! II ",·ll!c ti oll I Uh ureh anti whcli d~lLth calllO h thun has LJeell \luid Ilim ill IWl nuy . 1 - M ls~ M vl lt ~ Cad w RlIllder'8co n . ers. 1\1:,1 ",1 ,lt h ~,c . \\,I~1 ollet' ut 1'1'1 ' fr um Hook's H'li llllll lJ it;t" ry. cn I calwly met it M lae wou ld e.xecute 1but how much he !tua this Jcfl!uJ· ,ccrt, .lIt Inrks \·I.Ile, last SlIturdaYee so Iuw. tlley ' Illlnuu~ll yuu to , tilled " Rume EIl \'eJ by f"lImlu vir· I any lilo ta k. Hi B widuw u\1(l llIli t U'Jt! not kll ow; lIlI ll is Ilnn ble ev 'llIlg •. Wll~ (JllIle a 8u cce~s. As a purchase, WhCI~ you ~18h tu OI" l tile.' J uuu D. F urllus dt'cluilllt'd , t'u llti allt hr.te:l llillt il ' ·,)IICc rt It WII:I J.UVHt cred itable to 1I.0t I . . ~~ lu 81yl • lJlIuli ty a .•.r! uC' I " Words," l>y Ad cl\liJe 1' 1',1(: "\' childron hav o tho nffcctiollute · y m. 1t, stato. lilithy of a Iurge circle f fri elltid. Ihus boen paid t tito pl aintiff "II . 1111 will' tuu k pll rl, hot we are sorry Sign, It Itl. mu l e It 8. It Will he l .b!a ry E. Bll ttt!I'wurlh n ·ci \(.·d L. P. VAN CLEVE. \LICCO!ltlt of said wur l" Iubor 1111,1 titu IItlUll UallCIl WIUI, DOt la rge v~cu f,,~ lI~d~l.'r.ll II 1!ll~1I, wh.un you ~ Ncgl(:c tcd {Jail. " AUlIl·!te Unl,," r' __ lUal rinls ill clldh $:)3.0:~ ,!H- in ell0 l1g!t tu I'" t muc h mouey w to w tl i it elll' h ll l1\ .:Lgllln. {;atlwu] ' 1rl'cit ·(t ' ''F irCtl ide An~e l s ." A 1111 11 I MR~ . S.uuu P . Kt:NIU K WhOSE' bonus iSd ued by this UCIOlit.!lIf1t l\ an ybudY'ij I'lIrtlc . Inuer, J.IIIIICY l h Vllr ly. Tn)'l lI r r('cil ~ <l .. HI! nul Id ll':' lh .. 1l~.~J!;:7"h!"'.:'''": , . I' I & 0 . '11 . 1" " 11.. , h h .1~"1" 1 IAII.I ass uod Monthly ~ ... . " ,. - ~ pater!.1II1 1I1101e was .McOoy, was 55:1:,300, alld in 8tock 1 ~ 811eJ by , - > I X C)' , ,rann ls W:' appea.r - ' Ye n o~\' Ita. .c ope n nlld y ceS8 . . . I'" 1)1l1 '~' r WIlS I I ~I ' " ruuJ by C:,'k..':::::'·::~~ ~i 810.1....'. 20 .... n... ....'k~40 ' ... 5'. ....110••78 ' ... ::;,:,;..;;~-:;r;:;..~.:: burn III Greene county, Ohiu, 011 1tlti:! dd uUJ.ut lSH,!)')O ; III . ud.wI~lIl1dllr II IIa ll 10 t wo of for i lI~pC~~L(,Y!1, ' ~ Illrger ~ IIJ h uer , tli u l~d Iln rM, lo c(' r~e 1 .lIul'\ '0 !lil t! :.7..~~...;..::-:, ...;~,~~ 0,.. Y IWl, poat·pald. 00 reccl~l of 1.I..1IL E~.i:!* the 5th of Fel>rnary 1 27 IInJ t!i ed S16~ 23l},9~ . tholf tn.1 mltn blo conce rts, next Tuos· li ne ul UOtl UIiS fu'r our Sp l'lll g tru:lll N a nll il' ,j IIIl Hey. Next 111 " I" ' 1' b,· · j::, 'U.~;, r:~·:.t:~ Tile L. adln. Fllehlon . ,,&nlln •• of Am.rlca . ..,..... ~,u. _ ,:::;; I I' ~ I ~lu r . I'11Ig t IiC ecl'tIUIl" I . I' ulIi cc r". J " I111 [) .............. .... ...'d _'o m.;1 .•,~, ·u. ... ••.. 1'. . . " RIlysvill"nl'lI Wh' ~ I 'cfure this dof~II J ant pr~I Yil l J,"Y all d. \V erI ~IC8 d ay evem. ugs . tlall 1\ t I,Ier rclI 'd l olleo, lIel1l' was evor b rCllg Ilt tu. tU '..... ..: ... aURDETTE SMITH •Ed• 50cloek 011 the tnorniltlt of Muroh Ihllt lllliu e"lItl'lIct fur cllll~trll c tl . !11 l'llll,lr ltc, se llll1l1 nt,lm mor a nd ket before , purcluseu dl1' ct Irulll l F nrllas, Allp rt OIlUlldl'~ I' An lla BOTII . ...... M'I"'.........l.,...u.mulnll"'.. . '.IIu.. A ' 1 7'" .., I Pu' . . .... " .. . J... " . . . .... N._ V... . ...dn w . . . . . 'A~. ,., ". 0I' aen tc I)noumnnh nftel' I blJ by th e decrec 0 f tltl' 8 0 (Jurt, ciln pilI IIUS U II cu lIl ,,' ulllU .III tl Ie I.uu ndsO I"l the un IJO,.tcI'8, IllhI WIII' C II \\' 0 IJ tJ·CI' \Va Ik'cr nIH I 11 ali lla I I" ... .....k , W('rc ........... I<",l' ...... , h . T",... , . u , .... h... t ~'.s:' . b. ..." • ••~ ' IJ 1·)1' . tlese I . f teu·1 /,:CII tl cmen , t 0 rnn k0 lit IJri eeti r \\'U ~U t1I'fn t ee I'ru m 1II tu I c I10 en I'or III e LX,·Cutl\ ',' . t· (' ' ·\l ll11 .lt· II. Ilon•• " . . ........ PMm.\ "."', . ........ u. "pI< , C""""'. Wh .... IHI I'11 oe860 f tell JIlY B, umio ..~ which I IcJ B et llOide lIu J ho gl _.Fu . ... N ..... m .... d.." ' . " .... , .. llluu.. ... IL«' ... .... ~, • • 1: II d I nr .... d lll ... ~1 W.d~m . Bo hla, hI . " .-" 1",.. - ",,," III • • n rl n' sLe s uffored grca tly. I:lho did \lot , '1IlUgh t ; alld thnt I1pOIl ti.llal hUllr Ihcir eVenlll~iI.P"BR Wltl> una oye '1 20 pCI' cout. owu· tl mll we rl' e\'er tec, alld thy chut e Will Frullic ~\.'I,'t:~~·~:-.o!;·~! ::~:I ~~la. ..... .. ... lack Ih e utmost eifvrt8 of skilllul ill" ho bo orderud nnd rcunired tIJ : dclight. to 1111 willi f'O and hear. ""."", I.:>Qh""II'~' All inlulld jllg tu for I>retlide llt; AIIII II Fli rrUld, VicI: I .,un"8 I!EI .F P ltU!l-l· I TTElt. :-Th,"""'''",,_ -.. _ • • u~ • ".t ........... ,,, .. "'. II U· ' l " n Imcr, of So II tlI 1\lIllC . IIUill:, L111 'C 0903 C()IIl/l u n.~oll II Il d P rcs 't . All 'Ie I) lilli.e I. ".... l ,. 1y. '-'y I ) . 1,h lll r . 'ulJ .. , 0i . r. .llt~.t . I."' lIr.l .d1 1.It1Hpnl« a wlltehers bll t thel'I'- oIl'- rts . . d ..u ff:o.t tl1..1', ttl JU UHH", I' J t I .. 1 - ,~llt)s Dtdl , .... , ••""•. ••n . ,........... , ...... mn• •~. y,,,, lb. " ... ~. , plo~e 1111 ' III . Ie 'Il 1\11 ll u" f.e.bu nOll, IIII Jll ' ij t 0 bt' d d' . . . ·' Il b0 COli V .weed 011.. req ucst. G (:1)J"U 'J' hur l'(' J I:I:I!II1I . Ht! .,." ~"" ..'·r.n_b "u m•• ,.... ... n tlnV11'll'ln~ to tl .t tl" . layc .J" IIl UI! a ver let eXlIlIlI lI Ullllll \1 1 _ , ......... .,........'.•.... ,,"',... ..~. A.'~.'«It' bu ... • h'• 'o... w . ........ Ie prllgresB . st J osop II th o trut h ul.' uur a8~el· t.ious. \\' e .l " The AII,dt'r li ... MC'('l i ll'· II lI lI ~l''' 1'1' ..&,"P!., 1I ..... I' . .."""tb'". '. ... '.~I .L I . ' •••• of t hll m i' IIwal .• . "1Il0llt 1I/1;:\Ulti t til e I)ilu ntlfl . lor SlI . I''1r "'';1 '1."1( n II:unll:rc:I ngaltl .., ..... •J ...... r" ,......... lu,~' ••". '" •.~.u... ~ I ' WI' II S IJ ye" '1'1 I' '. d- o... .. '....... .... '. ol"a..J. 1 .'A, . I .~O. ,.".1'"1d. [ Ignan ues troyc r. Only I 111 uch ot tho 1Il01 H:y, tu llsnture alJ W ~lIu" k (,I' WU fTcn eoullty for ' sllggeut tile "d <on" to ,," . U Iow hours b fnrc her d' 't .1 I I ' ·tt· I 0 " , I e .. !"" .," OJ an ear J ' . 1\ o. ,ell II' J"" r li e WllB het· mind sill' d o\~ ed UfJ.ltlll nrc, ' Pi/u l tfj'~ tl, e p 1,I,"ltl. I us t Ie .1/\ll rt hrcuch ul pro m iBU, alld $ 75 for 8e~ Iiu~pccti,," " I' these J!uou~, liB the I to meet at Itle hUll le ur Ed ward I 149 il IJ ( t 0 uO IU CI IfCSB vI l lu t! I' t:> . g I)f Ihe ' cUllsciollslleBs A• t• tile a WI I,. nil • · III t I d I I' I L IlC 10 11. ('~IIV. 1\1C·13 uru ey, o f L e b· pure iIlI l\e r thore b1 sacn reR heltcr ,, B ntter wol t II, 011 Ihe eve nll1 • 1.1 ' ' IiOr p Ill!lll · t ·tf., lIn d utte lll .",I'l4lid tlf30il I" " utIl CtllIl" 2ut Illll . SI. A U.IK D S yearsIllld28duys sI c 1 9fTC 0d i)J . I.IIC dun Cust" 1111 1 f\'!L· \Ie .t.! Jt Ie \Vur" . d 1I1101l , W1I8a tl "IUC) O"Cl .AN lEI., lC. I t h li fe burden wI" 1 al d 0 " 11 ~II .llllltUIIU B a .o l ~S~1 oll e UII lJ ll n. RUII . l3 utte rwoth. of Vill ein · plete aFjIo 'rlmen t. Oudwalll.lder I . . . _. . . I b Ileli. ho had pn· lurnlshed LJy plnllltltt. alill fur Rut ll 11l1iti JOI·u efc nda ll t. Th ej ury was Ju nll ey (: t\ ~rl y PllbheSnle,; w:.nt! orn p. ~s u d Ul lfu l r hild, on : uth er amI tnrtl1C!I' rclief uS the prem · ul1l y'oll t tw 'ut , minutes ~ I UflcctlUlI(l te Wlfl.l. n JlCltiell 1 lInd dc· i"e5 eUlIdidcrl'd, nlily he j\lt'l t IIIHI I ~ .> • • • -:-~Anp KTs. · ,Tbe people vi bluS I 1:.. 'd' 0 1 , f • \ ·"k I o . voted mother ,lI killrlnei rr hbur uliU )ru I!r S \ o-t>~ U I N ' IE - Iclcil l ottv r.the fUmO\lS l1n · vlcII1 11.' hll\'l! long feltt 1toll(!c(' ~!Ji l .> i ll 1111111· \lIO. II( 1"" l 1 TlIEIUOI 0 8I(tnT. with n devuut IIl1d hupel~1 8pi~i t I P . pIAXT~'1 & \~ ~\('RINGTON pl' raolilltor, wi ll give an en lertui u· ty uf 1111\ i'fl g a lurge r nnd hctl l' r 11 8. MlrI 1ft l~1 Br(lu".wILY III L(·I'l\ll" U, I \h~~'H~.!:~.;. ::~:".,:.~ On tll ll 311 tit uf Mil)" ] GO, 8'he AttllrtlO'y S fnr tit e JCfCll dlltl t.' 1IIl: lI t in Ihc ~l'c.nL H ouse, Lcballon, so rti llcllt "1 ".clIl'peld If> ·(· Ica t I'r.!!I I. 'Jc II, \ ; CI~I~ II c'I J:~k:. , t ~ . i r:::"d.!~.~»'f:~!~".'k:~r::; was rn urrieJ 10 Edcl o\\"cs H Ke . I.l·xt Mun da) CH'llIlIg, Mllrelt ]7. tit UIi hilS It\'H heen ke pt in tho ." . . J I ~. IC'I,' ,r. , lIllIl , .n.. bl.~.' n,.p ....," ' ''' r ick l>v wholll aho bnd se ve'lI 'l ·I;. . - -, . . . . ITlt IlRo wh o RIlW II l1d lleard her Illst placc bd·" re. 'Iha.t Wul'lt is ncnv ' d.u) , Mll l'ch ,15th, li t I ocl l,(:\; . ('11 ,· • ::('r..::,::;;r.:t~b.:.,~-;:,';,i;!! d tc r; two of '''i 0 d dC III fll ~ hoarJ ot d 11·.,etllrs " f M III In I I'('o r \\"i 11 W ILli t to go agnin. She SIlI 'I)1irrt We hll" e Bec'or('t! the I riligo Inll ke l' 8 1I11 t! tMpt·r, eC' r ti t""I ~. , d~~.'1!.~i;h~':hl:~~ :,11." ~~.~~:-.;.:~~~..,~ :;~ , • I III prece e le r Vullc\' It IIl' l\\" n.y he"IU II vC IY I1111 .' 1- rSOIl Ill(,B, Joit n B. G oug h Ohar· l cxrl ll<h e. \I 'e (If JR'l cl a rcloc n'o C r IlwlI)~ur h'lid be n t 111 11 t·· I .I..... II..'.,...~,..'.I.'.. ' ••. Ur.JI.'''•••_ I., ...... W. .1 CII IL I. o., .....'...... n.."..·....'... .. "I.... d<b ••'. ..... . ., .. "'.,• to• tl I e f UIure. Ian d 1111 d Ii ve oI· \\" I10 m . t' I I t ' " d ' I h I 0' D 1\' , 0 W "t ' J 'I I I" .. • .... ',hll . ~o ·...."'....... "'....1. .... ·,..' ...... - . . • ~ I . to rn Onl'Ll U l11on1UIIS CC IIll/; . lurc IlS " c .11(,3, , otto C' lI shllllLli , Mrs . S iddon s , An· p.t ','x ll lb'It'H , a wonde l.fII I \11 " \'01\ · \V . . ' u11 n'wI> ' ••""'.... ... m.all<d WI'tlI t,!.uelr Jat ler ' Bllt Vll'e t Illh' ~ L 'r ' " .,IIJ I ~'I IIJO rtI 10 I .,_ . _ •••",,.,atI6 _&o l., A._,.). tho' ' . 1,,1 ' I I ny.u W le i tl1l10 a CO ll llr!lttte na Dicki nso n lllldotb ernoledehar' l ti ollfur s ,.wi ng (!&r et8 "'hiehwe uy" eSV I e. ItlI'Buay .l, urCI2 d, Ir Irl cpara e OBS. wag Ill'polllted to nud lt Ihe fill 1111 · t d" d t 'b 1 to . . I P . III 9 o'cloc k stock II lld c l ll ll~l d _ _ •• ~ _IV. h ....." ..... " .. ................ _ 1......... . H~r funeml was la rgely attended Icial Iltrui ra of t he Oom >any 'lIIaI lie er8f ~In IS 8/1 1 0 lse eG~ nad Itn~ {to yr.\f· " -II~Ut\.8~ld. " xRrn il1!!.-- : Perry Peus~ anctionee r . . I I':'I:'.''I:.~::,~,:;..'~'::.''',,~:: "::'~'':; 1.44,... A, .UIIDITTI ·•• ITN, id. 5 a t the M. E. Ob urch W a ll ,' 11 : UllY o . lem. een . 0 OWII I W Ilh Ihe l\oIe ,,( t ~ Carr t ElIh i b'1 .:. ::'.~~,,::,: ;":.~ w'~~,~'~.. ~~:".\:~,,: ,:.:~ II ........ ' .' awny Y eS' 1 e, mako t 01I •'llld eIlJoYY0t1rsel ves . . I ' t I !I" . .... u,~ .." .... ~.w"h"..'h l'O_eoae. "'"'" - JI'...•·yor.. -- .... Ull dller bod y was IU ICI ten der II I n I·cp .. rt . fo.r tile Joneh I S' l't or, \~e • BII VI,~ f-" nllU 11 samp e, Jilt! .. r~Ull hllll i U Ddl. d" l\I ull nt Udl 'I l)'I... ..""., ~, ... .... Iloo,,, ...,..... _lib d," ' . , . tl . a tie pnrtles II llcredtcl. Ill , . --Cadwallader's fI nll lIaS been Il owth c ~ Lr pctlooks ' n II 'e I. s {lCn , C atte d all Il1rtlltll l't'," M (' I _ ,.a", -I'! In Ie cemetery t~ I1 W'lI t th e .t d I H H ' ." " \ ry ul ge 15 t 'l ' I k W V 1 I =========================!!!!!!!!!!!!~ r esurreet ioll of the ' just. ' ~O:lIllll t e~. \~rS COUllj3Be J U " ~~' I en ti rely re titted with ill tho laRt lew \'l'um, ln l1 te1u!d and 8holl'II1I8 perfect , ' U • (1 t oc . • . . , lI llU, II I1C. . L F'y O' ellno tt 0 IIso n, r. IllII es . wel·ks hy tlt e now ICtisecs, Mes8 rs. ·us when tb e carv.l'It is Dl ude- up and . :- -.~ • . A~ _ LIn F. . I A: I.t on: of Lt,bIl11 01l, a nd .J ~nus ;J.UII ' J uhn F . Cad wul1u~l o r & Co., and II IIi led _UpOIl the fl oor. In this wny ' '1:'1J ~ mectlll g Of I h~ V,l't ~.r:I~1 A,,· II '... -Cia Jr t d g-e ylll('. of W ay uesv illt. IllS th.e of Pi xley & G rann is \\'c to 11)1011' YOI1 Il\st , Sa hll dll) C\ __ CO Olllll ltee has beo." O ~I dn t.y i!JU ~o wdl atlvrd cxcell eut "pportUllitleij Il " rlOl~Jo .llt~k " .at prices to suit \\U.~ la~goly IIU ull detl, 1I11r1 8 ~ 1l:(,( lI eR, 1 TIm Rid evi ll c I t .11 I I IMonduy at th e ofti ce III thiS pl nco, fur be holding th e olcgllut and eorn· · th o li mes: We');E~ep samples of a ll rCCltat ,oIl S, III tr~y Fon ~~, rell ' IlIl1Id8. I t~8 IIVW~~~lEJJa~: J~~~~~L . a nd we 11111): 800~1 ~xpec~ tl'. learn , f(frtabl e new IIl'l'ull golD cnts. F onr lI e w alld desi rabl~l patterns, wbich ~.l·l'l!d the oecu81 ~11 II ~ 1'U1il1 ~ lll'CI>"' 1 CUl'oy of YOllr tuwn . P rioo lIid I tho reti lllt ot th ei r In vcst lgutlOlis. bellut ifu l now scellcs ulld ooe of tllO a l'e not kept ill ~t()ek outsid o 'arge : 1h c full o~lIIg lIfi lC.e rs, wcre ull'c leJ : . , . '1 200. P finl'st dl op Cl1 l'tuillS in O hi o bavo citieB. This way of bnying carpets OU,lJta1Tt IIf tAc (iu al'd. JUIli Cti .~IA.OrUB.D . r Ma l'shal Enruhort goes to C1'Il11e· T~'l! well ·li llowlI cortl.drytn~. e~ . . hee n pr~cnr,!d lit ~IO i~mCl;se ex · 11118 1I 0W become popalar, and we l A. h.e."Tlley. ' ." 6~ tuwn to cUler illto th(' IlIDsk ml tabhshmc nt ('If H rlyne r & h ell), pl·ll se. fro m 01lC!01 th e fi nest seonic Bl,ow what YOI1 otherwiso hav e to A(~ utr171 t, Sc~h L. Cnrt"" gl!t. to( trade. All hungh Il\ tu ill th e seils on lI ell r LulJall ulI , WUl! bnmed tu {h e a rtl ij tB i II the wcs t ; Lho frollt of tho Igo to Oineinnan or N ew York to t Sel yeant MI/JOT, W'll. MIIIIIlI g. &!Ia flf Sample Cards ud Priu tiN. ;., W~ 110 cxpe<.'td t u ma ke quite a I Ol'lun ~ groulld, IMt b UII (l~y nf tcr llO" n. !WsIllge has hcoll pa.pered ulld OI'IIU' lfind . We cun &ell as ch eap for . 011. ' . . . lIVIIIIillHIIIIIl'I in n fcw weeke. I linm of the M~1'1'I 8 . p ropct ty. a~.l a· r lll e ntc,l ; nn cw ellrpct covers the ('n 8!! RS YOIl can buy to r ca8h. in E ;r:ecutlve Orlmll~lt~el'.JII 1nC8 A . . - - - - - - - - -Dun Orali e got t he host pri ce fu r Icent. cllu p,ht ti l'O fro m th e flj IlI g : dtlLge ; tlt ero lire nl:w lam ps ; tho Oilicill uati , lllld th'cre being no rem · ~earl,I~Y, G. W . ELI'Ig ht , J UOCIJh (j tobacco th llt has l>con pnid herea . brllnds lind WU8 nlso co nsl11l1ed . buck . scat~ hllve b.eull ele vated ; lIantll to tll ke ,?ft' tho profitB, we ure . 0 e~a~I= t.::::::::::~......,......._ bout thlll i>\)1)80U-g~ oentl!. FItJGIIWUL A~, iDi~T. __ F rid a,! there IS all OW h.,x·offi ce ; n.~.d bellco, (m llbl ~d . to .ilQ1\r::on a .:very ,amnll TltI'l es sin ''' in -the SlV fle t .M~t: Earnhart moves from tho week Mr. J Ohll F il80 lI , II most wor. forth al~d lurever thero wdl, be the ?lll~mI8slon <""~·:.!DI?!t resp~ctfn1l1 'buy' lind 'bIlY' w: will meet in thut MOfrltt Bunnell far!D to Joe l Ca· th y \,~)\l1I g \lIall, hud threo n nJ;erB IlW~t , rig id ,e~forcol!leu.t 01 order: Invito triO l!n~u~.• to eXlI,ltIme OlU l>ellutiflll store," and we eCt'luilily ..rey s h0l1S0, near Utica. He cuult! 01 hi ... Icft hlllld Cll t off by fI cirel\. Ever) body ~nll be UUXI OUS to seo stock, and 8ntlsf,r .~hemeel"cs: If can m illO' no objoction. l lut rellleltl . Dot find a farm to I·ont. W illinm lur S'I\\' ill ' 'Vrig ht's sow'lll ill 011 1111 ~h e lI ew Irn provo1JJCnts, and wo you wa nt to buy :& C&l"pet, 01 any bel' th e littl " 'lno!t I\t hOllle lind do II'AYN J,;.,V Il,Lg.OH[Q. ,ni lle tllk II the place he vncatcs. Miudle RU Il. ' , mll?t congl'llt.ulate th e l eBs~cs upon dimensions, brjng a correct t:1 ~ ns· not le av e th e. norse wi lh out [\ bOI. fnfnrfT,l-o Iii .. j' lI>4 IIJIIIC' r ,ol ~nn LIIU {'ubli r: "'fl!~n\lIy. !hat. lI l, lli~ ,)}rl l$ \'f\ nd h o il1 rH,,--p~l'c'l If>IId a lso one of tho daughte rs of _ . , !hell' cn tcrprlBo li nd pluck In Bpon~. Ilrc o.f yonr room a~d wo gu a ra ntee ti c 01' D,·. Bull's Bilby S 'I'D . I,ll rf'p'lI r B icllard Lackey, csq. . - 'I'oo-m any-clIses of drnrrlrm rd i lu g so mllcb money to fit np In to Slllt you. '. 'NC! ~,~pre88. or freight ) l P '. . ~ . disorucr.l y, gontlemen • . Botler Jet l h lln ~80 ~e sty le. a country ball, chargell. ·P leaee :~Il and Bee U8, M....PLE bl O!lROlJI8 are '~ut , nm. . l) .. '1' forget the sale of Mr. J us. llP, gcntlemcn. , lI)llkll1g It eqllal lD mllny respl!cta ~v,~oth o1' you \Vi8h ' to bay 01' not, as trees and shrnbs ure budding. Alia }1ui hl flllll t~illllhOin iththo tn hl'ltsu t,ie-. fu c t.ury alHl fll luOllu l; io 1'"1.y 1 . Ho g Ulirun. G. lar.lte'e 'p roporty on SaturdIlY· · . I II? ~oll.s of ·Ial·go to\.Vns ~~d even It IS !'-. pleaeunl_~' 8~OW jl(oods. Re ~ ' . ._ ~ . ~~~ u q ll ~ht work a'''Llllu-Huilil,y; Lh o bost ,It ~Id malr~ a 8pl6nilid bome' fo\' RAIN, thunder, lig l.ttlling, WIDd l cities... Go and h~ar ~ Isl oy & srotlully, .~.lKDAi.L; ' .EBRJOIlT ~ A l'KW ~ ore hite!tip g-l'no!"8 llI'e A Dd tbo mUrit ''''Irk fur t)IO 1.,UlL "'",, ~y . N ~Q of lllea~ 8 , . and .hllil , last Monday nigbt. GrnDlHs undoBec f~1' your~elf. Co" Old ~hable ..IS.tore. . . necded 'aJong . Ma~u ~treet. . • ~YAtorinli lit hit! /jho~. ', U7
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IC~' o'elook .
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sick ll e88 , eufI' rillg and almost d cn tl1, by tl 10 1130 (I f H op Bitter, Y n would SI~y, ' ·Truth. glorl' I}US truth." Scu " 'l'rutLs Il in Iln tl
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m oro real b op sl re ngth, than u bar r ei of ordiuary beer. EI'cry urng sells tllom • alld g ist in R oc\lester • tho ph V81ClllnB prcsc rl be th e Ul" R oohester Ev olliug Express 00 H op
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Flour per owL . Ru c)["ltcll t per cwl • lI uokwhR RI per "ullltt /,
11utter por IL IIlR plo ntolll K~ (,!\ Hcilf per lb . h eR I (,Ilts, SlIusllge
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Cotarrh. Dt'Cayc,1 T~'h • FOIII StomAch. &:0 .. &0 • P., ' 1 ( ,' 11I" n. : 't\ H H " nil t;(1 Po k el'l will find cbelll " h " ' h ' ••1" , Ul'I 6 11 \11\ ct.' Qr. Ice. Gou. (1 ; ., . "I , I· .. . •,r.n~ .. 1.1 ul,\ . 11 ,,.,. 'l~,' ~h". l , ~. ,.,1 / . ' " " nu \ .!t,I·c- rlld ~II'" Su ld by r. ,I ,- ' I. ", A. (1<Io.c"cUGa.... , only boo TR1 X _,1 f IJ ' . , <{o e D 8ter, N. Y. l\)
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Roose PaIIlUIK, 'aHrl1l a..
For Sale Residence (.ffer.
o ,
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W " yn eRvlllo .
lucb a. CouP'. 0aiIb'.
Whoop ....
and Coll8amptioo. TherOllOllltlon Itha. tltt4.tnf!d, to COiiJeijOlftJce of Illo m:tMcllolla .... IUI It h • • produ ced duriO, lb. IIU c. huJf century, Je a eumd ent. 3A1u rance to uae pllllllc lhllt 1\ ,ynt COD IIIIIIO lo ",oU•• 1II. bqpiel' results Ula~ u41 dC.l lred. 10 ttlWDdl evert" s or l lnn n r cnn ntry them nre rtNlOn ll . ymbllcl,. kn u \\III"ho h (j~" b cn ro I Orc t l f\"OI11ulll"ui nganll cveu ,1u IIO".l til • ' IU I1 f rhe. htup, h\· .tct 1Me. A ll wh ,na . .· ~ ll ful U,rll'k nu\\ltd.,." U' .lI llcriorlty ; nn,l 'n'hC'rl1 ir A virt llt' . lI IC 1.1'1'\\ II , n n olle Let-'lAte. 0 '" II, \\ h :'l l UH ,h, 11 10 I II .·I1II,I"r II I I c Ue , Q Iho Ills .. ITr· ... Iliid rUtTl'IJi I,t II"' . ti ll ~I 1" r lltm ffl'lnrr :afl"tC'· 11" 11 ' "r. I·' r : t:l T,)1t \f. n hrU} 8 nfftn"t l l Iu11· 1 I ~· ·r"-IIl"
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1'ftrr\n~f) M
80 _ 1.1> !iY
An n l" t lo.I\\ Chem!.t"
8 .... •.u.. NEVER ~ETS OUT OF OlDE! 8 · 8 1I ~....., SAGENTS WANTED LN
'l'OWN A~n oot:Nr ~
8 L n. McOAMMON Manager 8 " AnIJlII:S S
C r o"1I
11'0R QALE'
rAD CO ••
grape-. !.'.":"_er'!!..SnIbl.=:I'oItII. . .r.!i.:. ._1JI. ~....... - - - ~" YIeww of oucb - -
!bat unwlDlnB 10 allow tbe atock o(wlDes .. hand to be sold or aD1 mont to be IILIIIL The grapes lOIIIedmes IMeD _I 110 marllei. and have sometimes left to decay upDIl tbevina.
bave&u~edln arTallK!Dcfor a tJetIl_
of the atate and the we of the ..... CIII I hand. AmooBthetellawloollflheYiaIap
FO~~~Hc:!~~.l, 0 8 ~~.=n~~~~~!fS~ Dictionaries 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! =~~~~~~:a
, Bowels. rreRorl ptino H al l b o nT.Il by . Otlml)r oll l ll"lV~ n'':'~)(IIIII) l11u t-ltt lllCU I L h(\ '1 beon pre8crlhed In E,'er\ rorm o f Rn elltpurl en crd Drug gi st. 0')1 I nul ' r n til $ 1 I I 1.. 1\ l ' r l'ollll' l ll lllt, " Itl! p l! rf, ct Iniecc"s, l\l1d _ _ -_ -. _I Sch ool t EIt li lt util I ) ) 0 ,1 l l n ll n r) Illlldm Iooell u'e,II,,' hun·lred . "',Ih Ihe 011111 • • •• led 11,,1{ roull ;1:1' 10 8111t 8 In Ih Ki" plun 'll1d Ind igestio n . It rc ~. PnllU\ry TIl( tt .. ntin' 1lIn~ tr"t cc1 tG rn o tIIOI'C 6 IIlitullR ACO IIlllUlllL'OIl ' , 00, tl\01l0 <8, 'lh o r colde nce of lIRnll1;!' Amett. 'l'hml Hill! rnnn 000""'. " ~~I~I!~!ln1\o~til"JeuSf.:B udldng from Impurith 8 street. Waynesville, Ohio, .tOfttainillg 80Ven L'unlc e t. DIOfWfI \r\ 111u"d rllh 11 f: .... -InlO , Sold hy J\ It a t- ,. per. bot tl e, 01 ruom8. altw puntr, and kh~lbl!n. The h01l.. c Oloth 6'i otr4 . r (llUl t\ (' lIt lblo, ~ ' oLK I(IlUl, forwRedo,1 h, Wil li wbell 11.15 Is oellt II) th ••• finl . hed in bluok .."hiut'.&IId i. m olool. Inob , cdgo • • 1.<10 I'roprlct"r, U' IH AM , ~J.J). le n t , e !",i,. 'I'WOInl"'pua:.,. Mauy,poo'"I .HI.t.. •• llld ~I1 I' IJI ",l<1 'I ' ''1I A I'ltelt, for,n ... . _. 'lutbe P re l ll- to" very (all prOnn llt1 C1ng-.• 111\ 11, 1/"111,, , ". No 3') ERK\ flh Sf .• New yu.k. ~, \n, y mn k c W o r ne" t or" In t IIf' "1"1 111 111 SitUAtion it!. h' Kh. COn(fIl8. ftll '" b CflUtl nl\bu ftcli 1,,\ V'eW Lot tlOx:llO : a " OTlet, of frUl Ir nf utur ''' ''"It 1" ' ~l lnf!':t!w~ r~l"o~rr~1 el~p'. tfee... mfgoo,IKo,1 'l'otm.Ml\Ilnmtoodst \,, !l', mOR "a ni l' 0 o. II. we fl. Y IIr ,0 " nEATCH l-; LO I{':> OELEBR \ TED' HA IR Annly .)'08 G I ](EYS• A Ifent. eot* D*,e.tll.nlln • of011Olll I" " o, )!""",, T " 0 ' Ii I' " r •• ,1 "• l,y 13,,0" ll " r. " r ... .,\11,., !)" d t 1bl!8t inI t.he IIlvenJor hug• _ __ -flo c llrt Ifl J! O ( IN~ on r '" "r l'M " fI f t' \' ~o pr J C. d' l\\orld I I d hu I I 8(mt, ' lI' e 111" (1 en 111ft r fa ,or ", rt1 ~ellrd b' J]3 UPL'l NCUTT ,~ CO • .. llh l.ene6L to thn balr •• nd no Il1Jur, to h,s " . . ) . • huILh , 11l1lof Ihllt il io Ibe Qn lv \rue and Oll'LltO"NOl" Pllbh.her.~ no"k~"~ er •. lind ~lutlO11 0tR, • perf~ct tlv., hllrlDle.~. rellaltl o and Inetan. ' . _ " 71" l\Jld II. M 'lrk ot At . , ' laneou8, No d lsllIJpoiul tllcntl<, no l'idleuloll8 700 lfmJ Phllttllell'lllll. h tints ro edl ,,' II f f h d d 61. .a.:1......~ ; 111 e& .~ 0 CC ~ 0 II \ ee ;s._~ leue~ Ih~ hi' 80ft 1 h,' autlfut; bhlck or ~ " I • b ,'ll" n Sold Rnd proPQrh tlp pll. d at DAT("I Has opentd .. Br...~ OfBoe I... ,W a,.n_ Mi@d BlIlind .. Small h er re, ld lice tll01l '. wig r~cto,y, No 18 llund St,eet, VIlle Orders lett .t Hr. 1>011', Drug·Stole nn.i on o 1'Illlllnt lot. ill Ohio Sq " 8r!). fVI •• Ie ::in '· u~k. ro~ I will yoceive ""omp~ .\_dOll. oo.~ F or w rru •• "qUIre 0 11 tbe I'l enl1 HC~
Jt. s: eKE ~
c r" ,
'0. A", n
18% WEST
lH (\ ('ort lIli ClIru fo r l· ither EIC t l.'r nAl ufltl In .
Throat a nd Lunce.
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TYVF. PRYCE LIST. - ~ PAlI-(1l1 co 1~, IIh..l111 11,.cn. es. tint
A Free Copy flor C ubs of 7·I , ----.- ------
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I!r8ll~ 'W o rm ,Ie.lrny er "r:l pcll ed 4(111 JJ ' l l) $I l~ wor'D' (rom my ch. \d. tw o y e u,ij old "- 'V. al', rt /l l II I (U1l1 rr lll'/.- amI ' ," r~~cr: t.. Lo UUI. 110 80M ~Y IIrlltttrl,fl t H . 1101'8t' " loeillg . The Death-Rate of PrICe 2,~ olll 08eh n. E ELU, CUl & Al . o COllllllll)l my prucLioo l1li WITH OVEN I Our ooulltry III gott.lng lo be f~tu'rlllly 00. Propr·•• l',t~b.U'gh. PII. Send fur u alarm ing. tb e aveflLgC of hr" ooln g le"".II~d iroular For &lIlo by J . auds. W"yoe. ville. I ~ Pl. r tl evel')' y ear, without 'my r Cill<ollnblo ca .. "" , - -- - - -- - -- - - - -- - III all eq"'M d ........u. 'i'ul' tt.u1)tl U J U (" 11 death. ,e.uIUn~ ~encl'11l1y from the moo t J . ! f T HO MPSON i/lg e:rp ri"1I re. rt}l rll" 'li tlll~ nf " nll le\ .lw ""\" ": <llI'h " ,, ·1,, 1 ,,111 h. 11I 1t1 r \ ntl hc L ru \: lIlft t o l\ P Ul lul' ~ lu \'~ ••arign, .. . Fo, U,. ou.e of aU dlse." o". hig fT,'m' ' )a I'm {(tOO l I!.rp ''t'' m rll (x MI'K IIl ••.' & h 'nl1 < t ho wcll· l)'I.'O /l ,~ {i "IIIY 111 H-ff!!?/I Hl l t1 " I #...... u '" nl ....., dr L~""'Uatft k n ,lwn li1h l ~ h f l u"tn n & S lrohrHl p-,o. I' lt t.f4. th ing t "t In tho b» rrv of e",('ryclny hfe If1\Pllr~ ~,t·n . nr lnY" g-or tl tlU g I1 I1 U i ,g:"..-,g econo1ny at h ll :J h UT:: I'll C ' ,HlIlI l1ld l ll l tu ll lt lul dn' ' ' liit-d 111 Hil ') \ (( 1111 1) cn o In nk c i nfl' lI r" " f t l l c (0 1) 0 " " e IlI'O ftpt to o VCTIOOk t ile dlln ~e u ulta nd- BI1'Ilng '0.0'0" I .e Vl t.ll l org n o Are Y" " /1 0 IJ lljh l'i OI'.' \ ~"'KI N :l t-:Y .t h \ ' AN \Y" ) " e., ,lle. 0 , lUg Ilcr"o ll ~ n lHI :U tc 110 \\ U' II Ii!' r 110 " PI ..:N IlIg It and ofte n find too Inl • tb . t R 1'0" r w <!tl k . n e, von • • d r lnll t ft . pair lind 11 1(\. " I ,,111 r,'I',' ," I'r" ",!'1 11 111'11 "'''' l )ll) ..;:, ~ It U II C 14 , <.' 1111 1 h II ~' ... Il1lpmllll or Lung t,oub\e hn. olr",,,I) ocl In Tho... . Bted ? II. vo Y.n". lost ! ollr sl,/,el" w - lh, r . .' ('Ilit h ~ I li d . . , A D t n t.l~ III I UU' \J , . . 9 ~Il • nndo Inoe tbelr li~ •• "' Ihi .... n • • r Win . YOII nn" .en, .l'n m III t ho b • • k , &0 ~ 1 r -., . u , 1 PII" IT. e . ,n R eell c , !?-.'rry- rlt']mrtl7lclIt is cnmpl r f,' _ .- - , IY B 1U\\ JI ter. . . hlle bad no'ch l'c', O . :'U UI1 r11 ' Ur. L llld -e). B'.unu .... 11 <lr,, " ' oln "" I·" c. --,~- I ,\ 111 oI~ 11 10 \1' (4 t o !\t'r -o nq I " l n ~ III been ttrkcn 1\ 0 c Ii h l o u t Lbe al ~C"'" nru} h rlU lt hit k th o lll lllllH II. .....:turf' o a ..... Ire. l.. • 1 -, • nnd A ]tlr t.I 'b lll ':o~n 1~~1: ~ Ir ~:':n~~:~uled" o r lIool t h Pl mtJh~M. BIl1 1~, Er~ ~11~~l "o; . ",,, ut nut . Ilnrliln l e ll"" o( "e mi•• 1 " ·t'lRk. 1 ' It I II floorl fI ~ 1 00,O() (t L f aJ' 10 f ru" 'fh c heAL It ut lwrl ty • • It uu ~llt tu h~ " .\\ 11 !O.\ Ill e rn r ti ll "limo I tlif " I J.,c lUi n m . F orllttdf aBC. (,I f tb o 1h ruu t. ndLnn :t,., I T Lw r. S.ll t. U h c n lll . &c . nr (' btl t. ,!IU rftU, 1 II ... "" o r "'1 !tH ll1tlllrr~I I\ . ~II(hhCd " 1 Sl lf. ,j~ t. rR bll t cl)lftsonlrl $115.' 1 1O f" ' ct) 11br~ I Y "~"!J l n e vun ' .\ :ul t' lT1\ 1\1 1(.1 tl ell \' ... r 11 1111 )l UI 1111.: /11 " 1' Irf lC I'll chn l ,.;e . Do80h('O.~ G e mu... jO; "rup h ut p r o Yf' 1l It.l o c lf l 'nd lcnu ~'ni' of Dl f)od DI "~ 1114:' 11 , ntH) 1 r A I 'IIIi ~ 111 \ uJ, l u lIu ·\ "Eml "~ lun ~ I mput cnci ' .., "nd ln cvarv :5,' 11 001 - H ON. e ll A is ~l.ill tobcth e g r e"lcl ll i, clI",rr of it. killd In 1, 01 .. 1" , . m ed.olne E ••,), Dru If';! lut l,l. co u ntr ,' ") ' tc m. soft en".II 1O . k,ll llllcl ." ul.II ,·. Ihr " ' ~c ~ n· .,,11 , . [J o n · lI l1· III\"" . 1. 1' ,1 '1'" . " ~ 'TI,(' Bt'st i~ til l' C"(JfI)l~ .• t.' I '*4 ~X"ltn ll I;;ngh . h C.. CX' Oou .·ill t U 1 'l ~d f I t o ) com p\r xH'" f"nlrll .\ ~ln lj!l"p "' t "" $ 1 u o f' ,'r I ICoot . 1 (,1I 1 .1 '~ lI d Ph' lIJ ic.1 1 lIHI\ P '( IC. \. ~ e \ r~n N' 0 '1 Ajllr:N~ U )f "'. e youo I 'Wfl n r , u .' , c r i b III " n E ~1 : 1 . 1 .1': I' ~ ,'· ' 0 . Pr" l,r" _ II> HO BI :I: I' .I e r r. I I : III1 F.I I. · \11J Ii ' -;;:::::;r:;:;;;.:; 1l,)O.()()(1 UIC~'Oldl .... t)'."r~'"h0I1~R ."'· 1 11tl'\ ) I' ') '1 " 1" ," ) ~ \ r .\ ,, " .. r o ' l ),o · (1 " ,,,I1 ,ol. "&c ~ " ( (l 1"·'I.?J~ 1/ (lR l f1l f l1"' 1I'R in nr/· ~ LEBANON 0 , ~Io f.l\U'O "no.. ,. ~ fir 1'411 0 ) \ ~1l 1\ 1 " ! . ' ~ .. turJ.: t. It '1'h· " 0 \,1 ,. no" ne ,l ~." I .o r in lh l" " ,I t'allcc Of (Ill ot1l '/,11.' I1 01 11 , I er nul' ( 11.'1\ 11\ " r m e . fr um h ip. ~ ........ "' ......... E I'IAUKBTtI. • " "" , I" r l. '". Ih. l Ihn n" Inl ' l'lI - C', 11 I' I 'h er I 0110.041) b.. l tl.o . .. Id I, ,. ' h, • e< ·1 ' ' f Aloui. 111 ." I" tllU l1. .. m . 'TAel'e i s oll e or ilr l'.' 1
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. f g IJ,'I" " 11 r '"r, 1t .fIll t' lfl h variety uodltilll cly ulltl GlIlell' " 11 1:,. m :I IIUI ' m' ~. ,o' n' . " a rticles N A nI \ N' I le ll u t, - -- , - - I O UI \ '1 -; I ~ 1 " 15 I II } e l1 tortnt1l1l1g ulllbcr'l,jn tr~ndy , . \ L" ',,r: s ~ Io H ' A. Uk " "I , (\ Il '\ ~ ~- Ar'lIp llf (:. IIJ'lC :, d l "l' lI lfl 1 \\ u ~ 1c.. . • e . pm - " liD , ... O ~ cA'o l1~ins tu tlll'.l's.h't·ll IOlkudr-. tulllIO, R ' , .h "r-. I_ 1I ..' I~.;:;',:'i\';.': ~:;:~, ':',\; ;~:,:':", fl:~Li,"n lC' n UIt. tl lo, II . " \o .. ,,1 s uml .. , . roetor, rot H I· t e . ll)l\ l' DEATH D ~ FLATED , ': ' I5P ltll rll' Jh~ h."I"' l rll l t u r trt tHf oh u r~c l ' u ll ll lU ll J Iru\\lug Hn 1111 Julia KIlVllnn~ ", M. ~10 IlUd.l'I\II\JII F .. r '"" ',11 " "d, . hLLEI :,r I. ln-: R ' lIJ:'~Ll.\ ,,< ' II \1) .\ I' K. l· r"I"r. Cu rtcis, Illi d ul lll'r wr l t c l ij IL·~. III rU_L " h"" . I.. .'11 ,I" •• 11 ' J,,, J """«1) fur TH~: mOllS, bllt I,urdly ICds 1111 I C~ r l ll ~ Liv er \ ' '''1,III I1'L Cu- lll O' ''' '' SI.k II ~,, /I · Titere L1le 1:! 1'L1~ 8 UItU llit: p ricc 1I0iou, 1'~~11111 Sb,.,!ltl J'!! 0' B"ck. D.1.1I11' ''·1 OF W \ YX l : ·10W'NSlllp. . ' I C,ntcd IUlIg1le . 1 cr lind AI'''o lIt1d ,,11 . 8 1 0 CllUts I! 11\1 l tl Jer or $1 a year . duw:~nlK'-" t\rioiiuK" Crt,lIl 0. d c r ,\1l ).!'ctl ,. tut ' of ,tif-("rl'h' h.U ll!..: 11111 111 VrH'Cb uf I l vr ese ' AWE HI AN BOOK EXO IIAN O I~ I'llb lhe L , ve r or Swm. rlt Tl, ,,,,,",, A,l . ttl . , o( I ' h ,'o, ,,,, Ii hers , 65 B kUlllll ' treet N e w Dig Andy, Ky ., uyA • ol h r,..t Ptll~ have l A ll ' ,)11 \\hlt " alit n ew f'-'- h,Irr'" InrHl('1 to !) \\P t l.r ork . ~ved bondrc~ of d ulltlf8 1U d octot1t l"lIti y u U1 l l lu'\\" lLnd ,"ur " Irl 'III U" Inul IttH1 t _~______ In
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Por ~6 Oents, lncludl'ng Coa'!ee, Tea or Ml'UcJ U'
~ I .' ... . "~: D~'u~. '<~~om ,ch or 1..1 V"
Ani H 1'1 \\t.: 11 knlll'lI
d .sc ,~ s , •• ,t lit 11!-. tilt: 111 ' 111 II I l n~" C..t" tIt.: tr a t:t:d d , rct.: t ty or in d ire ctl y h) t ll ..C l w o org1U 'J I IS I,nnw " I V " t, / I~ ,-;rJt#r ldllt" t h:3 t tll t:re is nO u...(" ~c ul l l III· ' 111 Ihn r a,lu h n fl 'o t h a.Jl to" 111 tl lS Il tf',"'f 'I; , ,,,,,,UJI, .I h\ Lhl:l \I' ~ hf u ru.:. 1"11 t il II C III I,,! a d c d C'II in :I t1for~ s,:u ltA (r- f " ',y " n l l l~ fln tl,"t.:;' lllI l~ 1I lI \:r I \ Ihr IIUL-UAl"i LI V-
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' h. U Il ..... yAb ... rl'tt .... ... n/./.,,,,t , .. .,o...
, ' UI'N:sHl'1t1
tit·lf F ueu m!;,
Medicate Foot Baths.
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10 P~ t 0 "'inD y AnthraCite Coal v
III I.•~nl
GO." ..'
7 4Uo," " ,7" ID 7 15,m
\V o. 1t lu I'h dll J u
MedIcin al Absorptive BODY & FOOT PLASTERS and
lIJ ~ ~ ~
f< 25.
LEBANON & MORROW I 0,I I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t lIu810 11 ~ I(b·m
.1 " ,, 11
, ".. rn ed In ' ·lte it. , III tlJl ll' Hl b" ?JII L'r tl11\ lL m " UI(\ ht ' lt 11T1H' Rn) " " ' Inc. I . " Dull u, .
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t il Il I'v' L '" lit. :ill, " f ' he \1 " 11111 8 tr ue L thcll"u " ilh Io II C ~ I~ 10'" I f,i lUll 'E'ita llls l)hell c(' lIl l h ~ 1 ' I1 ~ h" hll e " ',, 0 i ~ I Cu,b rulls tu t he '\l1 1I 4 r III \\ 111 11111 Il o ~ • •• · 101 Lltr ne. " lI b Iii, 1111\' S 7 I : :145 100 cI •• 1I1 ' ,h c llce S ~9~ F: J el" ,", to Ilu h CG Hlnll1~ 1 rB. ,lid r \ ul C:,la tc h l8 bctJl r() ~ u l ru l \ II' I'ra , . o,l uml, rl b IR o"l or ll, lo llu\\" ~1I 0 TO E LIIIB.lHY MAO Al!INH: i8 wha t <. i,1 I',,·m .. ,·, l",: ' tI" . nL t h. - '"., "I $"'11" , eoplc of good Iitel'U l Y t~\S' (J I, nl'" ne n ' th e 11r~ ' l ra e' il L $ ..0 1'" lIe l. ' he ec . '1' I u ud lrtll l at Gil pe r 'll rt , tl lld tI,e Il ' n l lll1 <1 on$ bcell wa tltlllg . hc IIl'ttl~'- I I " L , he ' "1n of {j(l" c, II ' ' e ll l1d .,, 11 " .L b, I
!J .J' IJl I IOOOpo ul ul"14
I_uu,o 1103 i u. tlO·a5 .A~rtlo m
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ble t F , a UB .. _ __ 1I.~m e r s_ , M"""r. Mu KIN ." V & EVo\I,ij h,l\ l\ t" 11 ' "PIXl lll tc,1 uJ:tcot .. for Wllrl UIl CO 11111 v fur I h .. Amor lc"n P ortllhlo H,"1111l! lc...Uo· I. , tho MlIIlI,rch P,' wr r hitll . M tlll Hrph m UHl lo HSllri r.hll. 8 30p Th o P vrt ubl · \,....." S, " Ie .. 1,,· 1 1 1t ~ Ih. lI /< ~~ '11'1 1 f o t furm " Uf'l UI"P. n C1lt "l durI1hl, I,lt n (1 j.(1l 11rll u · l ~ 21,1' lo,·d to \\ c 1 ,h Ul) rr ·(·t ll' fro m W it' (l lIn'·~ t"
......~Inv-. o~_:o~ .- _. .f or.
V 1
UOHUMEHTS I "p ro"g IJ II ·! :JII"or. Il !:JUp~ _ ~ ,_1 2 ltJl l la \ .\ f
0 r: n I t.! u r~ u1I(1 o f \Iu"l Hwtl 11Il1. li nd tf.h ·c l lh.' UI · _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- '_ _ :.......:.-._ 1 _ " fI "' ". W 'Lit " lru It " ,ll ,,,, L JI " ... " of or·
'1'111 B IJ 'I II " C I
II ld
"They ure not a heverage, bu t a A1' 0. lit. f" l1 o ."i,~ ''Il '' , . lntr , 10 " II C o nlllllllug ~ 2:! H)(I 11I.: rt ' S III :""; , ' LH JI1 " med ieille, Wit L1 cu rat i ve properties '1' 0 1'11 I H a ll ho ~. II II :-;: " , u~ .",11 ", " of th e IlIgheat degreo, cU lltn l llln g ' 11 \1 " ro CII l·v" " ' ~. ' 1i,11•• I" ~ II"""" II I ' h~ no poisonous drugd Th ey d ,) tl ot eOrll or of ,,~o, " 0 1.1 U) II ~ 11111." " I" IVu, !t op;o r li . i4 1111 k . . I HIIII rhu I; cn t l r ur tllu CIH tear d o w n un n Ireac\y debll,tnlod / ,' In'"I1' .nd XCII ' . ''' ''' /I ,k. r o,,1 Il e nr tlr , 1I1 stem , but budd It li p. Ono hut I "'Lm ~ nl of lill I . rtd ~ o II C, [I'" Oll ll!, UUIl tie oonl.tlins lIl oro h OI)S , II UIt 1, 8 :ft rh e uce :-; 14" 1(1' \ . .. ! l Oti. h U1l1 10 1l ll k c th enlo \ hi !") I J \\ 10 .... , Ii tH litl ll l@
f .. lm rogul"r
Wn rr(! J1 OOUll t v HCC0 111..
"c)1·.A: in:v *HAO".
- - 1' \ J>r I ~I\---""
~.l -~ft,!l,~~
A1110 1".1.. lU Lhe plne e of I' CU II' UII 'I; U' uOUv C) cd II ~ I u I 10 11 to 1\ IJ. M"'·I . 1I 0ud e ~ t C u~ l r. ill l ~ h J III LJ fJuk "1. pllg _ ;l!;; t o f
Il ew uppurtulllty
ti llS
Whl"te Bron"e
Jlenr at hund . lh o A lIlll rt (;UII BJ'uk Fu u r, h " r, e ll! "' Ihe 10 " " .. I 11 11"" . \1 11 Excbnnge i8 !,ccumlug famous rro ll e'" I11 I, 'U'''''''I; li"llc~ N' t tl t f I"'~II"~,"d\I : I;" I~ po les t .. " ",0,, " 'hellcc " 1.0 weo Ing 10 IVUII 8 II peo plc wh o W 1.1 · 1111) I'ulo - ' u 11 slu" e II ' C Il(O S 5:0 cure for book s, Ilnd thollsallds \~t11 ~ ~ I: :J'I volr. lo U ' lU11 e . tlll 1l ' C i\ .I~ _ I.
\ \ U-
.. d lio oun~ o r \cn IN' C rll rl\ ~!11
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IUlll' O \\' It I
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,,"N-IIA.NDLE •••
YOU}) OWN l\[I LLEI ! r •• Eti'f'Ct O~ltCl,""'r !17th. 18 7 8. " .'1 T~:~k:~n~~r,;'. el)~ni!1~~lft,~~;~. ~~;::;~ No HUlnbug.
o fl ercu Wltloutrc8CI'VO, tu tho 11I glt . 11,,",tI - ecl"JII' G. U""c,. S 1 2 1' I'; I ; /.U cst bidder, will be iss ued MUl ch 1111.' "" I•• • It. . " c e :::; 7u' I I J~ flo le.· JOth hy the Am cll cnll ' Uouk Ex I ll,,, ,~,. :\ ~, 1. '", ~O-llJlJvo l "' IO' 11I "I"c. u 11 1; 11111111;: , () 1I1~ llI lJl ' [, : u lI l· ..... uud ~ C1IUllgO, 55 cckmun Stree t , NelV 1',,1 , 8, I,e lll!: Ih o . ,"'" Vrl~ II " . < t '"11 ",I 1,\ York, and se nt by rnllil to allv " lie Mo r;,:,, " lo 1111""" " . rcelll J .. 1 III 1"' 11 II, ee n lill1ga lInce.celi t RtU III r' -H llj ij \·I~..::.lo',2 .. J.1 PIlH" 7 1U. W'''' . II CO ltlll! Deed WI II uC received oil ly III Wrttillg, Et;o Nn ./ iI .I G I buyers olle thuusand IlI dcs a\\ uy Ala.. , II l m c t o f 1" " ,1 C ,,,' " ' " ' "K 'I '!') 10f) laving un e I I I I IIC,C • • 1I,'.ro II r " ••. III ' ee' " I1' Ii , fol c _1I111
,I . .
1 .~\) II~·I !~· ItIIUpol' . 10~"',"e
~nid "n·,.
.. 011 II,,; 111110'; . F IR SI' '1' liAO I' Ihl1 1 I",rl 01' r,l1CllOl.,,1 0' t "OI' ~ n,I ,Ing 11 11I o f N . o wnS "I)' 0 . .. , llg. No . 1. M it. S. .1.. , 0 lor sll uftl c.. lY llI . ,: und lJulll ),( 1t1 ~' tUI'u nO , ullt OO.llllll n . Olll~' IJU o'lflod UII" " .c rt l,c,1 ." 1.,11,,,,. ~ _ • L,h ~ 1 1I 1I 1 1I.r!: III 1\ (' oru QI UII the S IJrll ll l l , o f l It I 1 • li m p' I'Uun 1\ b \\c'1I "plll " ,l llI"" I'.:· A B 00 Ek 8t '10 'Tn );; H 10 11I 1;;81 BIPIlF.It. _ I llCr\'~ rt "oflhO lO l \\'nlui \ 1I o~\r III 11 ~ OUtil \ 0 cutu O~llO uf It O" ' , \ ~nvc~cd h~ J 0 1, Pug h, ~dln 'r 0 1 \ D l\ ;d s holf worn and seco nd bllllu books , I :'Ait , to 11,, <1,1 Mor!:,, " ' t ItCl'C. N fill " JII' In eve ry depnr t m lit of ittcrutllrc ' .' J ,oJ .J' 1'0 Otl Iu l h e " tJH u m l in11"~ I '"e,I rh,;_
- -III:.ILI. 111--
hI, ,,,,
"1. ' 1<81 U ...... L.II.. I '
,tURf 8Y IBSORPnOI ' Wittlout D081ng- The Be"et Way•
Plttaburg, OlnoiDlI
AI."rd~e! Amah Order of ale. •1.. nle. O. 'h.. ke nnd I Murel,' OI"rk •• l "., N u,l1y .l,tlh !II Oil ortJ r (,f sn ll! .Iul ' i •• u d
" ", .
])/.£ ..A.. JC) ..A.. :all: ! 1 1,,'kln~ T~,''''''TI''rJ
\\ h. ,1., \ Oil t;.Uf\i II·n r. r ll"'Y II,, !,
1It.: \'
\\ h. , } vII (': "u UUllo.C Ie l uok. JUA, al woH nl a
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1 tfrm / It t th e chil dren " boohlook ~() ru st}! nne}
"1: :I!:~~t
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" ,,' "" ~" 'e . lor' 1L wlllll ot 0011 Lb u .klno , I,1ft " I ' , v'•• ", 10 nrr nr ' heIr . .. 01 l'''i'',I"IL1 ,h. ro , . 00'' ~II~ .,,"" , hlJ~ I 11ko . 1110 rruu II Y, tl_U lIl~~ , IJ~I~:l't~ 1 tlJ l l!ft' 0 III
D" 1nuW WS AH M Y ~l11111' l~ VIB LACKING I .M 'I' ') ,"I,"·' " "1.,'" ' "h. "r,I",1 .. 1."'1N ' I ''''11,\,. . 1.,.,. -"d .. l h 4"" I' If! .,I 1}'* I' l fl 11'1-:1',. n . " L· rl Ill I
OJ ~ "
ra:r~ab~:;.:a~·:~~=-ID-;'.-:':: old-tnatl~lIellOw-~u1bleln ...t:~ " ~~ ~ 09W.
.Iderablequantlty. 'Ibewholllltockia Ihe bRllds of wboleeale.F'!'*7 house ofthe thewell-lmow1l Th~-N. Y• .,.,....
The abova opeakJ lor ItMlI, bat _1OOD14 thl. Is the puN Juice of IIae . . . .
e$I tItat
nelthet'~. /~ nor wGIIWI.· IIaa& 11 bas been rlpeDed IUld meDowed by .......
for medlclnal aacrametIfAl purpoaes It Ie IIttIIlI'p&Ued. It _ be obtalaed from _ of the t..dIDrr Dnagllta 1ItroqItoa. tile Uolted Stale.. and ....... Ie troa ... 11IIden!gned. who win fornnl ....1ptI. pcnpb1et. fnaol'cbarp. OII."IDldGta. teap.ctfu!ly, del.,
B. J[;.l F.8. mURBI. & CXL ...,~.
R __ - ' IIdtIII .....'
- - N. .,......
- UU88J:A.N GU....·
_________ _
II tho lWIIe of • new ,had• .... whlte II OQ .omell I'Nlellt each gu t at th ir kettledrum. wIth a mlnilltUfO Dut.cb. tUJlOt filled with lIugar "llIm e. TJU! King ('If lam hu A body guArd of fuur hundred YOUDg, Itrong, and hand Dltl women Th y ate cAllen 0\1 the h1\l .. Tbct N Stocking Brunettes. AMONG laoo Ar fouild 81d fjat<lhela of ~uoh alld BrUAllelll point, linnd with colored ,Ilk, Mtlll or vel vet TUlI new "1\11 tlhooa have tlle amllllest lin narrowul of heel" which doel not Iwlt u'lUQb lIko tbe dawn of common se nae, P "I~ E foul nrd wIth 81''''08 porce I,do design. \1\ runnml! pat terns o~ r th m are lie u 011 t.ho Hlk co un te ra th IS epring TilE glov o f -the comi ng CMO D I'm bra('e n Wider \ nrlet v III \151 thread I"d nnd lace Olltt5 tuan ercr befor~ !,(,p n H1 on eeuon L ACE glovrs \llth fingen I\J! well liS wltb 101 g 'lrl~tll Will be " om III th e 81lrlllg '" " \lll 1\8 lace nlilts BOll IlIIlf fingered hlce gloH's TUB new lod g lol es are II"l'lted M th" to p with th ree \\ elt!!, hnlf nu IUcll a part I\lld to tillS II lace full lit the top IS fr o qUl'n tly ,ut.1 d MU'f~n CI OTIl I ~ so named from It ~ em ile hke le:lLuro resl'mbhl1g till cotton clo1.h8 In "bich oucwnl EIrY I tuw wum IDles are foulld A "YO ~o woman from UIO nlted wtn appeared th ll other oay at NIce \JI A drl!l!s ~n mmo d wnh frange o( plDk radlahos on artIchoke leavOll. l''nBN JilEogli!h lind Anlerica dl'$&8good~, ,. bether wool or cottoo, Bbow lO XLurCI WILh d oublo hulled or IlAlteen mllwmv armure aod cotehne eft 01.0 thll8[1nnj!' 11l E bunnelA! of thll Sprtog are largcr ti)lIn th ose of the pll8ll1ng 8tl1\I!00 tbo brtms flaue, but there ore 110 fa ce tnm mingfl the him belDg drc l!!!8d full to up plv th r dflficlency AN Iowa girl eloped with her l o ~er ond WIIB morrleti the other da) wblll' h er dearest IMly fnend c1osel) , elled led ber c r uel fllther a Wild goolltl cha ~ ID onotber directIon TUl! Ohl1rch Union g l vee II revol vcr to Dew subec rlbertl I he edllor 18 a woman ~o mlln would e vcr hll\ e tb (l ught ef that wily of Rpreadmg the Go~pel -Bo. ( 0 11 TrOml''')
A DI FFItItIUlC£. thrwtu "ban 'C"t'liu. t. tbelC8-ated hiT Or la u'CblDI cbtlllren glea ning 8R tblt It 111 r ObMtO&II'GIl8 lbat .hlke th o .no ••• bo r f! b t be "", cuc koo wben. be ~Om~ with 10\'1('
Or t1t'Jp ~;;:'n7b;';;;'N. -.
Or wail 01. n Tr •• nl on froleo .h ol e lI'rrtncthlt C"Omea but bria.a. Ullo,e no w re - F. II BtmNlI/_
oot a name or & form , n o~ a It 18 a @IHrlt a pfCIlence a puncipLe Material method WII! DOt and CIUInot moke It It must ge t It.'! light and eweetne from tbose wbo ID habit It AN Impo Ib1e [cal for a femllle pedestrian 18 Ul Wlllk a thoul8nd mile" ILl a thousand bours Pll8l one lhou~and Dllljhnery eloros dllplaYlD1,[ tbe late I atyJ.e1l of "pring bonnelA! -PIII/adelphaa O!trtntltl. A GIl'T of twelve thousaod dollars ba8 been made to the Boston UnlVellllty as 0. nucleus for 8 fllnd for a ProfC!l!Orshlp of Liberal Arts ,\ lady ha.e given two thoulIBud dollars toward tbe endowment of a woman s ProfeMOfllhlp in the Mme nOME 111
college. THE supreme moment of a young
GEO. P. ROWELL" CO. ollll uet nil Agency for tho reception o r AClTertl8~mcllt8 for Am e rican Now.The mo at
om plete Establlllhment of t he kiD!1
tb e \\ urhl
111011 nnl! NO"8plll)('rBllfo ke pt regulnrly on File op cn to InspectIO n b) u u ~ tome r8 I~
I hhtllllllli
rlill r ~o
tokeu at th e H ome I n r
o f Il\t' r oper " lIh olll all)
U U\lnI 8~ 10 11
III denling With tho A ~e n c y
IIIlVed trullul o IIml ~ rrt'~ 1 ond
OIl Lr Ict Illstallt! of a dote, n hlll ll lr~ " or
Lh o ' ""111
List. o( th e llt 4
l'ep 10 ProperUtI& of l'apa w A d lsco \ ery hM hee n II1 l1do by n lIe.nllIlI natura h st "bleh Will clI rry COIJ~ llltio n and omfort to 1111 \\ho bnvo suf rer d from th e \( ughnclj:! of ~ t('ak6 I r~ flre<l by ItIcolll~Nunt ook. 1 h" I I 11\ rUlt boIled " Ih th e t O ll g h ~st 111 It 1'1111 mnkr It t(, lId er und s ue eu l lit find th e .amo !'trret I. I rodu c~!1 by 1\ IShII g LIt e rIIW mr llt Will th (' JUI C~ fI\ tl , fr I 1 he Lhiel; 1\ hll e c rCllDl~ JUi ce o[ th ~ gr(\cll fr UIt PU"l' tl<c~ I rUI'NLlco ' \ulllnr to tbo.e of IIel '''" 1I 1I1I II nl prol e I '1IllIshlc med CIIW 11\ I rl htlllll to It< cu ll nR ry u c LI . rel'ln It I. nil RCI I nilid nnd In IlIrge ~u. ntlll "ri UI "lllIt, I 18 po werful cn IIgl t, eRt IlIt{1 1111,1 \I sume the IIluer mu co us membrane COllt In g of th e 8tomach aud Illle. tlll e. The 'Iuahty of the papaw 18 not ho \ \ e r n toge tner uokno\\ n, Elldl clter haVin g publi shed It eome tim e n!!,o lind he nldO lid lhnt Wt8pplllg a lllecil of
' " d lr'l a
n r
11 AI ... u~"
4U 1 4 . "
r II er"
urvivalof tho FIttest. \ n'lI l f
WLLl n \~ D111~1I
u r..u., u ••
a. TEARs r
duced thollDnmetlcct.. The JUice COli IU 1m fiurID, otber"l8O found only In the I I mal ktndom, and \8 f\ po" erful \ enU I fuge It '11'110 co mpared by , anqllchll to ~he blood deprived of Its colorlll); mnto flal - In other word. to th o willtil cor pu cleo Tb JUI ce ol Lbo Tliltl rr lit llenes 8.!1 a CC~nletl c for romoVlng fred' les lind the leaves Ilre u cd lIS 110 Ip III cleanBtn;; Ii nen In th e Frene" \\ est I II dlea Toe frUIt IlA!c lf \3 8" eet IIl1d I. eaten With pepper nnd sugar or mny be ea ten In Ihe nRturll1 late oy th ose who hke IIA! ('lI:Ce8iIlV ft WeetD Ol!~ Tb frUIt wbloh ha~ the propert l()'; IR not that whlcb I" luellgenou6 to tbe uttefl tate Dod willch noun.het! 11 5 far north a- M35IIDcbusetla bu' the tropH.'S1 vanety dlff_nt [rom Lh o all mma tnloba ,..blch II fOllnd In tb o S(I UW ern part or Flomlll RobInson Crusoe's hland.
man 8 existence 18 wben he JeeII bls be t A s "8 n c rcd the Isla nd Write a cor gill oomlDg down the &lde".11r and be II reapondent, tb e sight WII8 very fin e T eo busy clt'anlng the abo" wlOdow tbat UlInk I have selrioDl seen a more ro be has nt timll Ul atep
and abllDge b I ~
marknble and plcturesqlle view the linen ulster 'before the oomes pat upon approach to th nnchorn go presented him -New Haten &!J1It~f' co mpo ell It wa~ o[ great mountam. lJolfJl are nol to be worn when the hair i8 drell6ed low, IIDd only very Dar row ones are full100able at all A dag ger With a oross sbaped blltlseometim es thru t threugh puffs of na t brnld. apparently to hold them In I,lace on the tel' DC the head TIlE new colors 10 silk boslery nre always IU two contrutlUg ebadP8 IU tbe IIBme 8tockIDg of My pale blull With garnet, nacarat, or cardlDnl red lead whilO and vartouuhadea of red or block r0f!8 color and lead "hlte or rose and pale bluer or comblnatlonl of black or very dark shades of green, With wax whIte cream white and lead wblt.e.
OM 1 &:,~ were. Uoy broW'llY hl.rd from out tb tl
SoUled .mOOR the ald.r bollo .od t .. ll~rt08 b, I ... ...,ul I utD:;1't1 01 t.a11 down anc! put up my Uar m )utb And .:':. my U.. , d
Ill. . . . .,. 10 ODe
I .o\llcl11D, ahauL the bloe!tOm. and tbe • tI, Wne and the ,ky A.ndn~: UDJ ... tfe J mnat to b",.e tn lucb • rOlf
And J~':O':dob~t~~e anellbot me dead why tben
With my tin, 1110
tbelr 1><01
lin, .oollu" eoded II - ChI," KI"IIIkV
TnE department of hOlllJekeeplOgwblch II ever>,where regarded aa woman 8 work-IS ID thIS country largely In the bandA of the moat Igno Tant gUJs wbo never had a day' s svs WOmlltlc tralDlng Properly educated domestic llibor la a trade lUI intricate IL8 that of an engineer fe fathom the mysteries of coukery, patience know ledge IlDtl long pr"ctiee are req ulred To look after the matters of ventilall'lD heatIng wllter and gas pipe!! and cl-an linese requircs tbe skill of a tralDed eXJM!rt. Yet all tlUa IS lDtrusted to untrained gtrl_, wbo 111 DWly cuoa ~-
"-~_ _ of -...l-..
hoU811 CiVIlization .• ne reanlt is wute choked dralD Plpea, broken china, ruioed fllrDlture, ill ventilatIOn doc tol'll' bills death, and worse than aU banhuptey -Sl L()u~ T'7IUI J~uf'1lal
A Strege AceldeoL
N19b t before IlIBt aays the VIrglD tn City (Nev ) Ji.IIU"prue Billy Schaum, a young mlln emptoyed at the Nevada Drewery met WItt- se\ ere aCCident ID ~U\lo I. CllrlOUS IIIl11ner He went to bed qUite early belllg\ery tired About an bour after he rcti red II fellow work man came to the I'roprtetor of the eatab hshmeut LoUIS Rlock nod told him that Dilly Scbaum l\aH hurt that he thougbt biB shoulder W811 broken 101 r Ril'ck Baul sucb an aCCIden t 'll'fIll IlIIpoesible 88 BIlly had gone to bed an bour before all rIght, and he had not beMd of bl8 gettlOg up " N evertheleaa, IIBld tbe man 1 be IS bIidly hun. 1\1 you ... Lll_ by coDllllg to biB room Snte eDougb Billy W&8 found III biB room With a hroken shoulder HII atory UplalDed the bUSIDess He I\&ld he dreamed be 'll'M 1D the stable and hl8 team began kleklDg at him ID ~ furiOUl JIIaoner He could only eeca!Je ~e1r pools by mn'riug!\ II'reat leap Be mAde the lsap and landcd acro!s th e .room, WIth bll shonlder aga\JIBt the CIC)IIIe.r of a hea",.. cbeat Hlo story all plain enoUII:b lind h IS friend. ... DOW lat.a.lilta. They.,. 1 What lie will be, and a man 'll'bOllll bonea . . . ... blokeD \lan not _pe by going
lOrn nnd broken IOtO every concelv[lble [anLalltlc sbupe, wltb d eep ravlncs by Whlcll dunng the wmte r months the torreOLl! swept down from the preCi pi tous peak~ and pinnacles, rl8mg one Ilbo\e the othe r Ilod culmlDllting m a great mill!!! three thous:tnd fcet h'ph named th ll ADVII All th e placOl! 1m mortaltUld by Selkirk were VI lted-the cllvea B ls Valley HIH Lookout etc Tbi! gnp 18 two thou saod feet above th e lev~ l of the sea lind from H n glonous view was obtatned both nor~h lind south Ro binson usccl to dRily Vl8lt It nnd weartly wlltch for tbe oom lUg 6Rll Hero hcr MSJCI!Ly's ship To paz m lS63 placed a tablet Hill and d ale were tramped over by naturalists and others and numerolls specImens of '-.-.l...--..l 1"L.....u..41.. AM on t whAt W raA very acceplable plenty of fresh food for the bay proved a prohfic tishlDg ground and from the settlement beef of Rn excellent quultty WR8 to be I ad At tbe prrsent II me ) URII F ernandez 18 leaaed to a Chlltnn wbo empl oys the settlers ID "ood cutttng I1tl.endlllg the rattle, and In tho senson senl huntlOg of willch at tlmcs they capture lurge numbers !::lorn they bael ou h,m,1 they were Willing to sell at $12 ench "ODIC
Wbal's One nollet to 0 Basketrull AD IDCldent occurred ID the battle of Frankhn whlcb J have never seO D \0 prlDt The s!lngu nllrv battle WI\8 It Ite height Rnd now Rnd then there WII8 a tIOldler who would nut foce tbe 101I81C nnd r holdmg to th e Id(,11 tbat dl 8h nco len<Js enchantment on all such oeca "Ions would e~hlblt hl8 faith \0 the Ideo hy taklDg leg bllil for the renr TheHe c8lles were gettlDg lOQ numeroua toWArds the clollO of tbe battle, and Col B - A A G ot our lJrlb...d.. ..liB .... u, " ..."" Ul the rear to lDtercept those lK'oklDg for safety Bnd return them to their respeclr IVd poelA! of duty Col B - - &aId he hailed ODD fellow wbo Willi makIDg tracks for so me place of lIIlfety WIth nU tbo energy of despair Halt! I say and return to your com mandl' lhe f1YlDg son of Mars took no notice of the command Haiti I My and go bAck to your post I The soldier paid 110 attention to him The Colonel now became eXll.l!peroled 8nd yelled out If you don t turn ood go bnck to your command 1 WIll sboot vou 81r I Wlth<lut pnuslOg \0 bls flight tb e sol d cr yolled back at hi m Sboot and be hallifed I Wbat 8 one bullet to a bnalcetful T Col B - - let him ge,and oi&er the bnttle told tbe IDcldent 118 a good Joke
It. . . .
WORK not a rod of IlInd more thun
THE &turday Rtu.t " MyS that he wbo tbrough hfo IS always actlO~ the part of belt fellow ID the world exact. 1118 fees 88 ngorollsly lIB the doctor or thfl lawyer and that he 18 olwny. artlficlIIl anrl not natural hparted It odd.. Scratcb the RU8lliaD sRld Napoleon and you Will find the Tllrlar Scratcb tbe Beat Fellow 10 the World aDd you wlll~enerallv lind what the Amerlca~s "all a pretty conslderablo humhug filE MIDnesota millers UIM! borsesboe magnets to ~t plecel of biDding wire from whllAt. They work 1 like a Dbarm '
ono or them heat plln he e'cr perfotmted wlla "Tub be or not tub be I he ollly dl lJlrence bet wee n 01 0 ~elleK t\lld n rn o~ern unragrtll,hor L" OlOgolles went about the streets carry 109 II IlIn te rn III dnyllght looking for n Ulan while the hitter goes out ahe r tWI h ~b t to see a. 101111 I hnlos was anulher olden time phlloso pher o[ ment lIe got oil SOIllO good thlOg8 on duoovenng planets lbaleH \VIIS very nm hltlollA lOasUluuh 88 It WII8 ollce i tor gUIDe and not erung 11& \DaD ' lUI h e de tred, preCl pltat d blm ~c lf IUto 11 ditch and 811\'1 .e~ ral Dlore Hud I balllll hved In Ollr dilY hiS ~e rv\(:ea would have been eecured at 8 snllry of $ 1 600 IlQr aonum [or th e .MIClllglln Ulllvol'!!ity .ITwo p too enJoyed on e uvll\ble repu tntloD IU! II humorous writer iEi01' WIUln t a~ subltmely ha M . omo a M nrc some of our conte mporoD eolls hum or I ~ but few Ineo moro fully rcahzed hl8 fable of the fo~ and th e Icopllrd tit ID did tbe o.uthor of it b,m,;elf 'Ki(IJl ouce nsked for ~I dnnk at a Mlncm \\ hero OLIVER DITSON the)' dulll t keep II elu te and wholl the C II DltAo • • ~o. Imrtend er put hlft fiDgO,S to h,s 110 0 aud 7n, 843 BdwII N Y wnggled th em the grellt phllol!O l her declared that he WMn t d ry or that tlte wine was lIOur I\llyhow 8o10n deeervu u place ID Don t GIVC It Away' of &ntlCloHv W e for~et So Ion s other namo but think It wue S hlllgle Be was ooce a nlllyor of the BoHton of Greece and decreed tbut uo mtorcourse shall bo held With the Wicked Poor Mr ShlDglc I Hud ho hved ID our day he would IHlve been tbc handsomest mall in the \I orld PittaCU8 also edited II poragraph colunll alld mucb of hl8 bumor W I\I:I clothed In ~erse hlee that of the pllm Il;rRybic Jye~' O~D .found UDOn the lus t page or {I 18"11- rTJjo JierallJ uasn t copIed any of lttacus S verRl ficaUtlD sin ce that paragrllpher 8 dea th Tb e fir.t time he IIttcnded tbe Olympian games be Silt ilD I and nfterwards bor ro\\cd five dolhu8 of a friend to get him home on "hlel1 OCCtl8lon be wrote \\ IIS
you can lIork \\ ('11 TilE mlln wh" . tol'ped IllS puper lately because Itr could not offord It recen tly !o ld one h ulldred bll~ 1 el8 01 wheRt at twenty cents IC8l! thlll1 the market price FFANCE hilS t1llrty seven mlillon8 of IIcres under wheat In 1815 the Yield "a8 eleven bushels to the acre while now It IIvcrages fifteen bushels BOPE.RIOR IndlBn cake Tako two OUP" 01 l.n,han menl one T.RDICllpocmul of molMSI'B two cups o( Bweet mIlk a httle BOlt a hnndful of flour and a httle snleratuB IN "Plte (If the prc@cnt distress ID England It IS sn ld thAt ID the mlltter of W8~es the agrtcul Lurnl laborer 18 better off thall ever be W8S before If prtce~ are NOU:f with Immunlt1 tnken Into IIccount 1n .. ltI'attgecomn unft,. Take. b.n 1 I poke JmlllLES TnlCe [our eggs three cups To pia,. ..lib lmpuDII, Koo",th,. OpportUDt~:r of sugllr a little nutme!.' a teaspoonful And bn.c ,Imrrevoll:c of 8u lerntns A cup of butter Stir III the nour nntll It Will roll cut In Of course, a !hare of tbe belluty of round. WILb a bole III the center Holl the gem Isl08t III translation P,ttaClI S them 10 sugnr WIIS tbe lDventor of puttlDg a I'0tnto on Tu£ tempernture of a cellar may be tbe spout of A hrosene 011 can Well we 11 not bUlB the He aid renders 81llldenly rimed by btl DIng I ~aucer full of d eobol A keLtl" of I \ e wood conl ~ III furor of the paragraphi c frllwrmly So Will 800n wnrm It up to tho deSired by ~lVIllg any more hlOgraplues POlOt but couslder lble cnrOOlllC aCid 11 til g~8 WIll be generated ElIAS BLACK, a farmor near Dovle~ MAOAROONS One cupful of hlcicor) ton Pa, bas slxtteen harvestH of bay and nut Pleats pounded ID 8 mortar (ne grain rottmg In stacks 00 bls Ja.m cup of sugnr one egg alld n bnlt:, alld Whon farm produce begau to lise with two tabl eapoon[uls of flour hake on u the breaktng out of tho wor be held bill grcMCd pRper put very httle m a place crOll lor stilI IIIgher prices When BAK[ I gingerbread Threc fllurtbB PflCC8 fell emblltlAlred by dfMppomlr of 0 pound of lIour, one qllflrt of mo ment be kept 00 atllcldn~ until1ie bas losses one fourth of n pound of butter, twenty thousand dollars worth of bay once onDce of IIIlleratus nnd one ounce nnd groin on hiS handa of glDger ApPLE Jelly Ii. very DlCO firm rich Jelly may be made from tbe pllrlllgs of Ilpplea and the coreR Cover them wit:h:t-nt" water, aud let them bOil until the water hll8 wll8ted a little and the applc skins are very soft then stram tbem, and IIdd an equal quantity of 8ugar lIS there liqUId A lIttle lemon Juice, a few
en l p e
Tremont street opposilc Waltbam Street I
-==---=--,B08TON, MASS
& CO
Scrofula, HIp Sores, Abscessel, lng, Psorl8111, Goitre,
OPIUM ......
.. la D I _
Mtld" cum I Lowelltf\rlecl Donotfan
to writ D j N 11 IU'•• Qu"u;~ IUd. U.H WHITUCO TO ADVIIRTJiill Bli .1.... . , tbl' Jon I •• tbtl ad,erthlblfjflID In lhll . .,... A Ii IT-IO
~§i~:iIJfli;'1i:~;i!'~J~;:!!~:~~~~ Eczema, Diseased BO/lea, will pleaa• dt77 ~ mOD.h Ind Ol!ll"o_..q.rlUllood to AIIO t• aend their addre... • OullU trtfl SHAW. 00 Auoulr.,lI • .:.~~
tom.Il.1t N... A f -=:"t.:... 13300 Ooo4i oom" TOllQ!: lI.i LUIlI. I !A V.AS Bo..
19, 1879.
f~ght, and ;urglDE, tI~e-;lel lfh from-~id;r-:U llmphl -
A \ cry e1tLU[(erOU8 BLO ••• PEOPLE ,L'tD THINUS. IIrIC·R·Drnc. to Sldo-were runu lng lit tbe u IItmost n 88- l1Cxt to foolhnrdy; n ot one m t ell All o'er RU ""IlI, "hero l1(lople canuot The l udtlen l un ,bODe 1. ...roUCb lb, plap'_ sp 'ed, ellch striVlllg' to outelo tbe otber, U,ou Blllld woul<l Ililve cscaped nhve," roTb'Tft', .11l a llltlul ..uo" fi ll Ih o aJu I4liruu I a tr, PBrLADELPIDA hM shut doWli on Bun- lIf1 0rd oo.l'l'cr ur /Zuld, tlt ey )lalll~ LItCir And IiglolOd bolh 'bel r 1..... struillln g evory 11 f\' \\ ero ru nlUn ~ pho,l tho phYHICIBU, ",t11 }lUrsOtl lipa TillU "rll l & l hrOlll(h Ill t,\ y .. H411 til tJr"''IUI , A P' IlIlier Ilgbl Jutl .1, ... raID day perlonnBnces. dome., pIn hllci f" a nd .pl reI! green Tlte awny drlverlcss. HIIIl thnt boen a1J he aud fl llshlUlf oyes " Well, ill Ibllt can It M lUet from at rllll e .. II ,. , .. 1116 1\oI lt1' WNt l , S e'v foU la plMUllt plleM. HI'POCIUTES Rlllk into a lower abyel metal Touf. of IIcarly all th o MU8covite A t d ' "D"lul heul I. lhl 1lr l"lI t bnnru h . tr \\ ould 110t hll\ a lrouLI d 11LUlsolI. ,Ie p 1'0 <l 0 1l 0 1I0W IS to get hun bome. Then 'fh .. 1 wtll'od io Ib., nwrnllrJ; bt':1Uut Two , Irl.. On. beld a •• Ie of gl... , lulU any other slUner . houscs Bre cO"Nell WIth tbe fav o nt e M " 'W! his UOI'etlon for blooded steeds, I '\III 111111(0 I> woro nllnuto emDUnaAnd ODe a 1.. 11 uod, bt1r, SCAnLET fev er is almost an epidemio huo. tbough oftcn too yelluw La suit Raftoo ond oolled. /IDa lbl •• u..lau for ho WIU! Jlot lit th o JU OOll'llt p"rllclI- tio n." UraDlb ..... I.ld ",blly. in New York city. Western eYIll!-green III the "!ttmg of ~I~ n'7:~~~~!l~,~:r(i~:irc~tI~rlt':~~h~;e. Inrly w sy mpathy wllh weulth It \\118 Yery tenderly \VM tho nobla-hcnrtcd Ii I I1Iuuu!rlu ( rrotl "nil" "Ilth.r lng Clrll "n , OAN the mau who shreda cabblf(O be green. qllllo IIl1oth ~ r mntter tl1l't CUIIIUCU 111m fello w IlIken to his humbl o nbouo. and "I What lo ...f1,10 .... ".'l1ha .... ' -.1. A liJUluyln-d ... d a C" IUl uh {i f ,l hWII , "Afte r t\ IIU1' ":trowtDg" III'rested for cold-Hmwtor? " i\1v band to a gcnllemlln, my cheek 1... . 1 bopt' aud h athl' Or Ilr", yur At the IIr"t 0111 'ry J" 'llul SIJfUnR to tho SCCIII ,whell ho WI18 Jnll] upou the to a fnc nd ; but my lipH In U 8 ~ be kept nnel hilif cilmbo,l a I IIII.~ poat, aud 80 hell. Hule by SIUO WIth 1118 SIck ",fo IUId T~D~'d::~':!~~f=~:~~J.'. JEnUBAL EY IS Bdlting 1,500 to its Jew- for my luvor," Hays t lt e French gIrl, nnd -a. NlrAalD'. A brco. tb o J ' l"hllC In Ih(' hn"" 1 .... OOt lt. ubtlllnotl II clellrer \l OW- 0110 tlt nt ul,ij,lrcn, ollllscd evory oyo to overflow 18h populatwu every y enr surely this rule 18 n WI'le ono rretty tfwetH wAflft frl)lll Ill" ',U htlf'IUtC pitlt>tl, thnll od hiM h£'llTt to tho ' ery COTC', IVltlt teJlr~ m LUI ?hJJtIl I' )"!I lit I .. ~Ih ~n, II h Ol d. ~ att mpt is to be mooo to teooh the gIrl. among tbo French k II<Il each otber WAll'1I .ul D WIllIS. CIlUHOL\ IllS bruntll to ho more Ilee pl) "Tom, d~lu TOfU." Slud J onuy, 1114 wr ll A I Il. t.h ' ~ ul h t()oo ' ~ 1 Ill, n M' t: ul 01 hlili. Oolorado IndiaDII agrlclllture. ou both cheek" T he GerDllln III n pu ~ Ulnl " " rblln n uu cl. mik.'r illg \IIIU UTIl" n lind Ilia I'ul.'lo to momon l,mly 's s be could fo r ber lutlfu.! w Ll'lU g8, MOBE men worry IUld fret themee1vea tbeir a rm~ llbou~ cach other and killH TlfEREI la a amaU community of MorCU'IIlO to b eat. ' whllt WIll h<,co JU O of us-of the alII'! · crazy over t.nxcs than over love. thlllips. Tb ll Italillna kill8 the Iipa and mons in Paris. It. rOil "tf1l th and a (Ih).lflhd hll nd, 111 th o H l u l ~h ,m.q n ) oll ng al1el b er.,It! dro' n? Wo 8hllll ull stan e nud clio to· A. .rug anti .. , "tbll l' " u~ LEE LING, a Boston Chinaman, illoon cheek, and tipij of the fair one'. ful " omuu, plllu '\llh terror, IIU1I ·ll\.Sp- I( th er." A If'BW abade of dirk IftI8D bean • Thr ee gtJ hJ~u I l lill ~ .,, .. Lh tk, II I a n ll , marry a young white woman in t.bM So do Spaniard!. lUg two 10" ely clllJ,lroJl to Ler br IIll t "N o~ \\1,,10 \\ 0 havo hands," ropliod A thl, 1tac ll VU 111,· 11 0 0 11 "' hlt e ~T1 ,I , at , Ufte. A h :. J Ilud II Bh ll~1i tJI OW, Orton thou ght of IllS .Tol1ny unel tbmr 1118 I18!1OOIII ' CH, Rna m'ory lIeart WII8 ·I.o':.~~~~~~~~r.~~other, C)e AN Ohio obituary uys, "Deceased '~I ~tlIiilfofII~ ... i-"~~ · ' I : embroider. drink bttl u ones, IlIld r 080l ve(1 to SIlVO. 'l'ho touchod IIUt! every IlTDl nerved to do tho =::: te.. eat II'I'eetmcalAl, and get out their pllDlped a cburch organ efficieutly lor Tllt:f u'a a IID Cluft} 1)1 Gli t' t III th e l-t-AulUul tO ol: impulso \\'1\8 nobl ,bllt how WM It to be ntm08~ t~wllrd r elief. Th ll ,111 vo 'ha skill hr. U. Rlr , pels aud set lbem to flgh ting. These twenty years." Thoy aU looked around annously for uccoull'lisho,I '/ Fllr bOYOllelllllY hnruuu And Jou .J Don telt In l l.o l!ICl li' t' lhrullJ;. TUE doge of Nortb Carolina live high. sil ence am Is hIm slee.piug by day. creatllres are nut oatH. or dogs, o r par· Ii'u h ' d o .. a oll lb~ lIOul •• It tr e rul) It •• to nK coutrol wero th e fruutio homos T o at- tb e physl 'uul - llIld 8I1PP08Cd h e hnd of th e whIt cle· TIIE Japanese army, on a peace foot.- roll!, or moulceys, but cri ckets Th oy Thoy killed tbirty thoUMnd sbeep last from ft c1lwC,l wh(\IO t b tl l 4J " 1II (' ru tompt to SCIZ th o T ill S 11.8 th ey dMh ed accompnllled th om. But he WM not to arc-lit least '1\'0 are ing, consiste 01 81,680, nnd in time of lire not )II.~ li ke th o cd cketMIVO have year. pllBt, nlHI to sto p tb em, \\ Ollid be mnd- bo seeu , nlld their grumbliug bcouruo Th ey aro abou~ 8 8 large liS our gru!!llold A lIstll RIl reslCIl'ut war 18 l1lcrell8ed to 45,350 men PICTUIIE fr ames are not alwnya hung We hf!ard 1\ "rat At. U rt ' ..... n or ,hy, lIesswollhl be to b o 11rulfgcd dmlll UlHl loutlllllli deop. A ud It mi ng lotl "ilh Utl"'" c h hu",. proCe Ions A TEASPOOUUL of mustard to a gallon hoppers, anrl luok \('ry lIlurh II ko ~hPIII, 00 acco unt of their Irill aoy more than lIut ,.,. u hA H lItll.UHH· t'd Ih lJ hl uut llul la1 . t.rumpl cd to d llllth H o saw th l1l-811W "I clln Lenr allythlllg," IIlud Tom. Wllb their drab coa\.8 IIl1d lo ng Hp llHlle It.aug bt to practice of cold water will destruy vormm 111 the mell.-Fond d.. Lac [{tpDrl<'I·. A Uf' lt.. UU:iOIr, d {l we ll! ftUlU Ilr"~I!YI th at th e COli 1"110 of tho h Ol'1!C8 would .. but for you. J cnny. nnd tho children." And we ('Ull I uow Ula lIull.•• ndmimble "ro IlJlrth of flower-pots, Without iujury to legs, l1ud Ie n o wiu~ ~yC" Th ey are easy TilE housc where Lincoln's (a tber and brIng them tlJrcr Uy IIpOU IlI11I. nncl, aUlI h o olltJrol y bruko down tam e, lind 1'8ch Illdy hill! her 8 1'~ C IOI to to tish for cmbR plants. wot ber were mar ried I. stili .tanding , thollgh tho cro\\el furi ou"ly ""Tlled him W Alltl 1 could cllrso that doctor for pet , whI ch s he kOI'I'8 III II h('llUtlfully it as cau Two NEW cables are proposed by the se ve n miles north of WMh lD gton, Ky. bnck lind "nr,w el huu of hu! Illlngrr , ho 1111 nll(IJ"lm g wr t ch." blurted out 0110 perhnl' • for n ew Freneh company, OIlO to extend CllrI'('(1 !J ule IJlUIl boo call(l !oN A.NGt:U8 VISIT. A OREAT many loung meu who stirred not- onlY lJTUC d mu scles nnd of tho pRIISlllll nto .. Dut It is eVl'r tbl1S. A very s '" gul!>r IIccuunt of th e u ~c to a!'e engngcd from Brest to Oape Cod, and the othCf n('rl 8 nnd set h lB t eoth with d CtcruUD II- W glvc Ol1r liv08 freuly to },lclIIIO th e which a rllm ci 18 tWmC lIm e8 put id !:' I'e n swore oft on the let 0 Jauuary have roIIO I,ue'Q~eR Irets n "bite" frllm from Lnnd's End to Novll Boolill. BY W1l.L1A I U. DUBWELL. Rllmed. liou IJIlblic, nnd wh en nnytlung huppeu8 'I'm: Brazilian Government hIlS gront.- by th 0 tr3\'el or Druc(' He lell. us tbo~ bo is totaliy lIoable .. My God I " lcllllmcd n man, who, th cy enr notluug for liS M MURIJEBEns are 10 common in Texaa he SIl Wone employerl to apl'eMc a qUllr "It is oold ('uollgh to freezo the heart bolder victim /A' tbe 8 UpO ed Il privilege to Il gontloman for the than tbo r est , spnlUg for"nrd, 'fom Ortnn grn/illed heavily Th e rpl between t1\ O pnrt lcu, ro mctlllog In Lhat th e man dying II Il&tural deatb in out of a miser IlDd wilke the whlto b('!\f Odncer Fe rOll:, wh o lDanufacture of .. papu !rom the wild th e IInmo way a~ the 8CII ..<,gOIl~ lI'aMused tbllt S t.lte IS looked up 88 an impostor. dabce fClr j oy,~ gnuuLI('d Tum Orio n. ll8 grnpplon nnd wo uld IU1VB dmwu hIm Bouud 1\'l oko IllS little guol. Sho raised wllter, dr(l lVlI ~ nnd Ilg tree. TII ERE arc tbree good aida to tbe devil ho looked out of t ho wuutow 11(1011 tho I1Wlly. "Yon will bo killed I IUlitanUy up III h II, Btrlllll cd h er OY08. clapped The Siamese ope L o ~m ON fog8 are notonnll8, but Pam, ,n th e religIOUS HerVl cc. of tb o J ewish ID tbl s lifo-poverty, polltic8, and her tilly Ilnu,ls IlDd shouto(i In tru e Th e ('a rn el being brought out people. anow·covcred strects. .. H uw I '1· I. h 1 k111 <11" In great rellu 5t th e CIty of pcrenninl brigbtuCII8, is 00'fom Orton sbook ltimself off jllSt lUI clnlc1lsh glee IIUtI wondor. teo thnch e.-7 altclo COJnm~cial. conlll stay nt hOUlO to' lIIg ht nnd tulle m~,,,, llfmt81l1! a CAshie r CUBlon,uly M murky. People could Dol wtu! IIce uKeti by bu~h I'a rtll'. of 1111 the the hOl"llcs rcnclu' d 111 m, "\1 IItehed h18 • ]I Inn1lu II I P upa I Soo-on au gel I " 'I'll E chee rfllili ve 10ngCllt In life, IUId, injurieR, renl anti KIlPl'Oscd, \\ Ill ch becare of YOIl and tho blll11C8, J cnny Aud Vu,t ' IUII II II sco to rend tb ere on tbedllybofore Christopportlllllty, sClzcll llpon the hnnl(,RH1\8 All eJ s weru tllrn oll III the directi on lonlted to eUI h All th e mi"cblef tha~ lifte r it, m ollr regards. Cheerfulneu I would ouly for-" circulati on I mll8. they were Bwoeping VlIBt, spnlllg li ghtly _he pOUlt ed, and m tho doorway stood had heon dnne they RrC Ul!Cd thl K camel IS rile offshoot of gooduellll. Ee thought of how much po\ erty of d lserimlnntion A J,AROE bRWk recently shot at RaJ'u po n the back of tbo nonrest , gros}1cd a heall tlflll womlln, leaning upon the of dOIng Thty IIpbfluded It wi th hoin/! A (''ORREBJ'ON DBNT of the London 'Wt pmohlUg tbem, and \voll id not . a(lbetween good bad "ould ap mond, N. H • hnd a steel !.rnp and three the cause of 1111 tho troublo thllt had TIme. lIB)'a that celery cooked ia milk d ell tbe h enrts of thoso ho loved by the reins, aud. tumlUg to tbo aIlnghtod nrUl of t.Le physioLOu I pl'n r to be gifted moufeet of chrunnttnched to lUI leg, whloh women and ecrenmmg clllldron shouted : Ye8 IIU allacl had come to them. mentIoning It. kl"Ys to nary degreo of it hn.d carned from Candia, I!lX milee se parated fnend . , ~1lI1ed It by eve ry or- and thickened with 80ur WIll .. K eep quiet. I will save you." 'l'om Orton hila naked h>8 life to "8,'e development probrlous ijpllhe t, lind finnlly kIll ed It rhe umatillm. tbl\ DO mere hUl1lao bewg, "Ou1y lor wllat, Tom?" IIBked IllS And Sllve them ho did. Bofore a thnt of the ,ll1l1g htor uf Dr Armit.lgu "" TilE ny. • d and oI eclnred thellll!elve" r~concl l ed o,'or f u I t rnIDe, TUB annual Importa~lon of orange. wifo from tho bed, wh ere, ill Ilel'!lclf. however ca re call C011l~ctc Montana L egislature is comlUI body. I\nd lemona in tae United Btates is over .ho WII8 tnking care of I heir t\\ 0 HiC k block had been traversed the horses nl1ll 1118 grandehild ren, nnd lhe mercs t with tb em. T cash ier npe mee Ita· }'Osenllll followa : Oouncil- Democrats, bnd II malle to realize that h \VQS chalice hnd g Iven Ulero th e kuowl edge A oUI)er tltlOU8 old J upauese woman 200,000,000, amounting m value to cLildren t lvely puts in to • mouth Ileh 'oin I'r· 8; RepublicanA, 5. House of Reprotheir muster, and the shnrp Club nthng ,11 ,0 It "\1'1\8. "Only thnt th y'll be wllUtiug mo," bo deeply l.Oto theIr mouths brougbt th em to him i~ 1I><J(leIII pnyments, nm) sontativeB-Demooruta, 19, Republi- bolds, probably , th e mOHt relll nrkaule about 'OUO,ooo. But u~ver W88 an eqneetrian feat bet.- sented prom'lIIlOry not on record be wu. tests It wilh g rc delibernli on. If iL UC replied. "You know I~ 18 Ohnstmllll LoNG, Yow, an actor in the RoTal . tllr rc l\'l\rc1 c<l and Dev r a more chanta· J[cJ1ulne be han It over to bl8 maHt"r. cans, 7. Rffl,cted with gangrel1e oC ber left lej;, Cbineee Theate r, Ban Francieeo, is paid at TIIE I!'ROBT K.OIQ . eve, and wo',-e gotten up an oxtrn en- to 1\ shmd still 'l'h crm, d eheor d luslIly-;-tbo police ble angul I1ppcared upon earth even rr it be cou nte" it be sets,a down on and after try lll g all known remedies In lie w",,\abroad lUI night the rate of six thousaud scven hundred tertuinment.'· I\S81Steil tho womRll nnd clllldre n out, UpOIl the 11 ..y wben a1lko from hill top tho counter berore b\lm \Vlth n sol' mn I'aill, tb e doctor WAS compeJIed to am- dollare a year. 00 0 ft."", oud wild 'o,"Y. .. Y08, 'l'om, Rnd n sorry dny for 11 8, nnd cnrn od them Int o II n Ighborl1!g ant! vaU ly 18 proclaimed ... Penee upon g rimace o[ tli putate It. The old woman mised a luud &8ure. His metb od ADd treuu .... brlghl lu bl> {root, IIll hl, now thnt I am SICk, Rlld th e ehildr n ENEBOETIO bu&lneM men in England Frolll thf! IIJ11f1I<!n. oora .",y. sloro, nnel, (\II 1\0011 M tho form r had IU earth nud good will to men.' outc ry at this, 8IIying thllt If ~he leg IIf tes ting is rega(ded ill commerCIal CIf' iiarlll mo"" , ,<> d'7111 Kloomwllllting uLCt1.,CIII lillll- " sho " ould 1\ U1 CIl8Ure r c ovnred hur s IISC., sh e are pusb iug for a new market and a was taleen a",ay 8he could not u e It In cles as mfftliiblllj and, IlS a mlltt~ r of Vor 0 oru,blna hand w.. lud haye !llud •• food," hnt cOII((1 not b Ill' to IlSked for h er pre rver, that sho nugbt •. - d " I •f I rl OIl leaf and bloom ••nd ...... perfume, heaven when she died, but would be new fildd of industry in the Interior of fact, nlS eelslOU '" UIDI orm y nccepte 10 woodland.llloD "",I , lido. add II fcuthor's " ig ht 10 tus 10Ild-" nllIl thn.nk and r eward him. Dnt he \\'1\8 not A Turke), IInnt. compelled to bobble about to all eter- Africa. by a ll pRTties In relI':,ed in the tran llRcallore lhe Ruland. down 110 muc.h ,1 p nels UpOIl you." OOtmTEBJ!ElT III ver dollan an in oir· to bo found. All t!tnt could b o ICIlrDeU nity .. The physician, to allay h~r SllA II " EnglOcer," wblle on n VllcatlOD tion. "But., tho a true and luvalun.ollbo,lowlDK o"lumn twlDed. .. I kuow;" h e r pliod, IlI\IItily brush- WIlS. thnt lIB 800U 118 tho trembling perstltlouB fealll, drew up a pcomlllllOry c'.llatlon. Tbey are tbieker IUId lighter . t l t aIDe ' f Alle h" bl • . . . rticular nl as ADd blA l eaded crown of " 1aNt broW1l t rip a mollg I moun 0 g ny a e ecrvnn . "" o,rn pa . In her Rol e len leJllple IhrlDOO. Ing the moistu ro fr III 1m eyes nnll Bloods hn.d b n tnken ehn.rge of br note, binding blmBlllf to take gOOd care thlln the genuine, and can be detected uut,., 1>farylnnd, \tent on a hllnt after ter, iL seems tbat !lie moral cuara 'le r I~ ""'" KJDg, our lJean.olUllro"" Itriving to couc III bill nlliliety; '. IJUt I othlJJ1l he~nd disappeared. of the member durieg ber life, and IlL by imperfect lettering. wilt! ~urk cy . Hi s guide Will! n fnDlou~ not a ltogether i proachllble. His d e· Vor 'benDuhed •• 'DlnOrbo'::! am well and strong, J enllY, nnd tl,e ., \Vho could h e lLOve b eeu?" I\U08ALI. lIroeperetil men can give good her death to restore I~ In amvle time to AD81 ":tt!!b~mb~':.lUan~'d~=. uro 'Winter is nearly o, cr and you'll ill be l;ioned tbo lady, \\ith still-ghll8t1y faco hunt er nnllled .J nke. Having trBmped plorable pR ll8loll or fruit rendef8 111m ceunsel and like to do it; It IXMIU them afford ber Its III1e in the world to come. severnl mil es and finding no birds, they tbe terror of market gardenl'I'!!, -.rDVf'MlO/ E" ..auco" well again." notblng. It I, eaIJ to deelalm apiDn null bloodleSll hpll. sePll rnted , Ja\: going to look for lIC]uir· who lind iDl\Cle9"3 te to roNow York, With a population "nllt if anytlung sh ould hnl pen to feutins wHn the..tomaeh ia full. " nn't 8I\Y." IlIlBwered a policeman, SLraDge Pullonl_c. yoU?MBhe qu cstionoll , \nth II heavy BISh. constit,J,\iug him1ltllf spoke81lll1ll; .. bu' rels. Th rcsult To... ill a be, lIMD old ia thus teld in F orul .train hIm nowapapen. It. and Ircalll IUId _" ..... 1 ' " ... ~ Woe that tIM "Dou't think there 18 mucb daugor," bo WIl8 t\ brave fellow, anyhow. I ~~t~~~~u~~Of 101\ poi_In. Raymond, Me.! who :iiHl I lit my (lip lind laid do'll'll 011 . . . . . pel'-ia '" In olorado. A young four inobes In III, atocWngt, IJld welSb. he said, repr ing a Bob lUI he thollght wouldn't llave taken the r18k he did,Jor l<>t;7i..........' ar It ie cer- 13,800 of pOf/ulatio,?; England, one in rioll sly became III. Her IlOof how d l!llpemte ....ould be th ir 81tllllr thoumtuu." to res L. l'reac lltly I heard, III the wood! Iv itlgen A epcciRlly ncU ve 48,500; Franco, one Ul 65,000; PruJI8lB, he r face becaw. g hnBtly one hundred IUId lixty-one pound .. tiollo-'OI &he ront dne, the SCIlllty store "A brave fellow, wdeed," WIl8 tho above roeI " 10lld gobble. Jake tryiug and l>nterprising ara ia cap tur ell lind ouo Ul 43,000; AURtnn, one lD 400,OOOj pnllid, h er OI.AUDE DR liA YEN decldee ,tba~ the rCII blnated, IIl1d the ~f provfSJoM, the little of fll el remnin- response, .. and I wou.!d hnve given Vllry carefully sewed up III the skin of 1\ tiger Rllw&, oue III 672,000; Sweden and lower limbs sw \led . H er body was happiest moment of a barber II ~Ife !II lUg, tho moro-Hum month of bard ''In- IUllch to kuo\v bis unme nud where h e hi cull, t lought I. ingout your eye. WIth hIli Soo n I hea rd (I whistle, Rnd MW J8k cat. H e I" then turued looee In tile lIr· NorwllY, one in 47,000; PortugnI, one in racleed by IlItcnllC puin, aOlI (lnnlly h er when he i ter yet b foro them, the n eds of a forefinger fortified l>ehind a wet toweL i8 to be found" motio nill g for me to uppronch [11111 . chard of h is predil I)tioll, and ~ 1r:lI ght- 207,000; Spain, oue In 868,000. t IOn became 80 unendllfllble that cond, fall111y ~hat a poor man lelll'llB by tho So would t he pohccD]an, that somo- Wh en I go ~ clolle, be n~ked . SoME people regard it &8 singula! tha t wav clRmbers, 116 well Ill! be may, In cumnunlES WITUOUT J1J!:A80N. 8he nlm ost I'mged for denth. The phymoat bitter of eX}> rion . thing of the glory migbl. ntlncb to him " ll lli you henr tb em ? The dog 8CIS(,.+-l",r·w!- by-nn-unhmHiAr SlI rm ent., IDt.O ~ Emp .. u ...Id to an AId",r. @ieian wu 88ti80ed from the HlgnR thnt a man who never played It ca~dlllD hla I "Bllt thoro is, dear 'l'om. No one is self. Bllt tbo )lIdy depnrlAld llOm~wnrd tererl the !lock; let's go lip th e hi 11 " the bmuche8 of a fruit tree, all10II g hi R ' I ... Iah,," 10 lOCI frl. ndJt wllb ron.".U'811e Will! 8utferi n~ froOl pol on, but the life because it is "wicked," WIll ~xact ever aate livlllg tho Ufe you do There wllh Ollt obtniulDlt tho dCH lfca m!ormn'0 oIT we \fent for Buuther fifty lIIile R IInclothed !ellows. ScIlrcely do tb esc Ilu, , our lov, YOU". wlcbbold. most rigid IDveBtlgatlOn railed 10 rev eal 20 per cent. interest from a poor WIdow. ..., • lI ~ u ' 0 I "lJllli be co ml' lied • are 110 man.v chnncee for acruel ut." bon, alld t.110 sonsitiveness of Tom a_legs saId, but h RI~ a mile iu reality. IIltter sct eye uJlOn him, witb nil htH f olll •• ,.ou o Ucltl1lll O.V"", , the method8 by which she hnd recel vcd TUE cuirlllls worn by the German ., Dou't fear, I'll lake care of myscll Orton cIll18ed him to lose the one We PIlSI d o url!(' l"cB betweell two fall en fehne te rrore thit'k llpon him , whcn 8 A t.olUca'. "l ib OODg t.o begull. hIm. the polHOn. One dny the docLar 8IIW tim eUlfllll8iens i8 II bre&ltplate an.d back - 'Won't run any extra risk, nn<l, 118 I opportlllmy of his lilo to hl1\' o men trers IInu Jl\ke commenced " ellllin~." drslHlful },anic strikes tll e m, lind they 00 tho '00''''' o f a d.a' 1IIUIo ",lum young Indy'8 wMh when it came homo, p,ece of white metal, and welgb8 DO , II nn Bnswer came f rum ou r fi' g I., • scramble away Wit . h plerclOg .. AJI nhcht " lI ud t"U riot : bavo nothing to do in tho fiLter part, nbove iron-blinded poverty. ' acreeeIII' Uul 1I,. lnma' ea alopl quiet. and the singulnr luater of tbe linen will be homo car1;y." Meanwhile he WM hnrrying to busi- .. ,"ce p, peep." The cnll con tinu ed with alld ngonizt:d l,batterlDg~ . Never more ADd h. Dl ourue.! .or. ·co ua. bo oould Dot rtll ....... atruck him as r emarkable. He l!e ized 1088 than sixteen pounds. He sla'pped to tho bedaide, drew tbe ncss. More time hud been occllplCd III its answetlU g "peep." 'fBE hatchet with "hleb Capt. Cook do the v re ~urn 10 an orchard whICh tbey To 0 botel walk. d. b l~ ob..k. upon thi8 RII a poSllible c le w, IlDd upon cover more closely Iloout hi. wifo and the resoue thnu bo tbonght possible, WIlS kl\led is preeerved in Donal Mu, U n IUlld "gobbl e, gobb le," fro m believe to be infested by tb o dead liest And "!I::':~d ~~~I~~~~~~ ~~~O thPlob intervi ew ing tbe negro wnsberwoman , seum, Pans. The popular imp'rellAion i8 chtldren, ki88ed Ulcm, put moro conI in and thou gb applnuse WR8 denr to Lim Otlr left, \\'85 hCllrd We IIlowly sbifted enemyof tbeir race. The startling intcl· To n\y ""om- 'IiI;" tbnt she nsed arsenic III he r dIscovered the 8tove, though every lump "lUI IlS a - 116 to oIJ- yet h e cOltid not stay to o ur gUlls to bellr 011 th c approllclllng Iigeu c8 is rapIdly dl 8llemlllated throug h- AD,llho clerk lufllOO. manIac "iattt.. hi -U starcb Then tbe whole CRSC was plnlD. lhaL the Oaplllin W&II struek With a club golden duoot to a Sllylock l1l Li8 then listell, ond, lUI for n sking Lis life for gobbler, nnt! I loolrcd at my shells to o ut til e mon\:ey SOCiElty of tbe neighbor TU E Sweet SlDgor of !We gnn Wi The . pntient WIIll aflltcted by Iitsenic W e are never more deceived thlJl situlltion, attended to everytl1wg POMI- monoy, ho hn.d not e\'en drclUUed of lIlak sure I hnd no 0 2. 10 both bllr- hood. and ~be " UJ' gardener enjnYH UII have to look to her la:urela, IlS lin. wben we mlstnIre gravitT for greatneflll. poison preduced by I\bllOrptlOn. ble for tbell' comfort, and propared to suob a thing rel s. &011 I IIIIW the go\1bl ~r jump l1usolute immunlw from d e pred"~lO n Owen!, wbo lint presont in the Rochessole mnity for silence, or pompoalty for flOO the cold and go to his rughUy emerudItion_ Ollt of brcntll, he dnshed into tho down from n log, nnq, WIth ~\tO or three forever afterward, 'for t.h~ very t'oo u)!h t t~r eN Y ) jllli. ill renching for them 1D Tho Pedome ter Not a Ne" ThiDg. ployment. Yet an uncomwou spell dressing-room, and \V1\8 rooOlved " ,th he:18. wlllk rllpid ly toward us of a tige r cat olJpaile tbe simian 110111 t he follOWing faslllon ' PEOPLE wbo are ap, tell more thaD Tb ~e 'Ytlnw dar_ the .now - Iecined to c!lrun him. He lingered, reproof for being late. Jak c, hRvlIIg slopped hi cn II , call und do ubtle!!ll the taie uf ' 'h t e 111V f u 1 II bl owIng. a.. ,h •• I.,...Dd A correHpond cnt writes to the Hart.- the truth erroncoul]t think it evena fid goted, IflllQPed llUC881ly at Ule oIo c~; hoar tbe 1><11•. ~tar lb. M Couhln't h elp It," he rophll<l. «I tioned , "Mnll sur e before you fire , and apparltiou in Tjng-sc's orchard " IS ford Timu: Jefferson, writin~ to Madi· tIte maU~r If IOmetimetl they sa)' leB. "Ian't It lime you were 01T, Tom ? 8I\W II pror of fiery hol'l!cs running aWl\y don' t move." banded 'llladramanolls fll1l1lh Ct< fro m ;;;:.'i~': !~,~~:;"~.:f ~~I~ sen froOl Parl -, February 8, 1780, speak- than the truth. qutllltioned his Wlfe. .. YOII know It 18 WIth u sloigh nnd n "omau nnll two I follow l'u th e mng Difice nt.-looklllg generatio n to generation. Ib.a. d oo .... ing of a wllteh which the latte r bad lIPITAPB. qUito a wnIk." that Ill. I", <J,. mIDI onte CUd pllrcha.;cd III Pblladelphin, ~ll y S . " I elLildron-tholl ght of my Jel1ny am\ bud tIll he was bust ell le" n~ a ~lXot Bacne! 10 I~. momo., 01 AntllOllf Dralle, ~ .. H .11 M I Ion am i t hat 1 nare CAlI "Yee Jenny, bllt somehow I (\ou't the children, WId hnd to stop and savo 11'115 clen r, aud ung w~nt 1\ \: eo rI e "Ne" TheorT Re,arwng IInllll es 10" ...aln, Cllllaoo mo l. cnn get for YOII here nne mnde WI perfect Who dIed lor _aa4 "ullin" HI. "II•• u ....haUr looldla. and oeo8\D.J foellik~ lcaVlUg YOIl alone." The gobbler dl""ppellred Its If the ground d., o loufly girl", ho lUI hum all nrt can make I~ fo r .hout them." 80 ~uoulbt ra. NpoM In a ,,,e1.e-doILar coma. bnt! opened and sWllllowed 111m. Jllke conftn.d In MODroe JaU. .. Oh, I am 1180d to staYIng alone." twenty.four 101118. For twelve 101118 H o tol,l tile story very bnefly antI hrrchbut-at a fu who ia - fallO-to a preeewDJo.t...duu..I;J>¥-_ __ mum· • So ahe WIl8, poor tIling I .. Alld YOII arud moeles tly whil e gotting ready- didn't more you can have, iD the sl1me cover, , he rail a few atopped to eee the mle. be divided inte ~wo cln~sc8, . lIe Stule (or til e Fnn or It-Tho Resolt but on the bacle and IIbsollltely IIncon- breakll a thread in the loom, ~d wiii ;rOll wonld be home olll'ly." BOODl to fnney h o bad don e nnythl1lg dlrcctlon wc wer e 10, Rnil I let her have one e!!l braclDg thol!<& bodies whIch hnel or a Curluus tollccUon. 'Yee, yca." nected WIth the movemenUl of the _Ie the defect when tbe weavlug of II wondorful, anu800B WII8 dllBhiug nrollm\ l ll .retortl <Con n Ilullr.llt J An active, sober man WIlS he, and n tile arena upon a spirited stceel , the righ~ barr I. A. IIOOn as the g Ull been embllimoo iDtnct, and tbe other in· wawh a pedometer, wbl ch shull r ender lifetime is unrolled. KIl'ptomn Dla is one of th e most cu- you lI'n CSIlCt account of the distllucea skilled p erfonner. He had heen trained "wltehl1lg the world With wondrous r.rftc ked, Jake ran and picked ul' the el uding tbose bodies which hlld been Do not despiec tbe opinion of the blld , fl full grown hen. eVIsce rated , Dr. Gallllllibuch, a , wcdish nOli. of discMe8, an rl one of the best YOIl wnlk." to the profc88lon from childhoon- kllow Who know. anythiDg wOJ:ld ' you mIght lUI welf say tha~ you horscml\ll~hip." .. I' tbe 11111 l\£alO ," Will! his com- chem ist of repute aud orofellllO r in th e IlIuMtrn tiolle eve r wltll elll!Cd in Hartford of tbeM RnClen t pedometers? DO otber, and, unller ordinary clroumThe eare ~ot a fig for the ligbt of the sun, Tbo IIUellClnCO IIpplnutIe<) to til e ocho, stances, conld flIl8ilJ' "keep his b cad and carried nwny by the Il)lcllement, h e mnnd, lind otf we stnrted for anothK U niv ersity lit Upelll, has torm ed the IS foulld IU the CflHC of James B. Looml., mod ern onCII lire aoout the size of an becallse you can find a candle. half or three·qunrte .. of a mIle. Ap:nin opinion that tbe mummIes o r tbe lir. tR well·known bordetrnde r Rnd veterioary abovo wnter." B1It tbo "tenllllg 80118011" ordinary watch, aud need a apecial rashly dctcrwlDcd to oxccute his most OaEAT Britain Import.l about 700,000,bad closed exceptionally cnrly, the wiu- dnrlllg neta-those given only IIp:m tho 11'0 posted ourselves behind R lov, Bnd olll-lIIl Bre nol really delld, bu~ nro only in .ur~()on Loomie blls been under ".UK- pocke~ ; but if tbe whol~ machlUer~ can II qUIet smoke for about R qunr ter a condition of sUlspeuded nnlmaLlOn , look plClOn for Heve ral yelln. past, g row~ng ter WIlS hard, money WII.II "tIght," and greatest OCCll810llR, forgettmg tbnt the bu placed in onc co vor, wily, It WIll be 000 egga per annum, besides thOlle thougb, IInfortuna'tely for hi 8 torinn~, o ut of the ml llSing of artIcl es foll?,,!ng qlll~e conveDlen~, and make more de- " raised" Gn her own terrltorv. The every place of IIIDllllement sllfforod 10 horse 110 rodo hnd not beon trained to of nn hOllr. Then .Jllke o pened hIS budge~ lind the secret of bringU:lg t he m ngalll W life hi. \ i. its to staLies or horse furnl . hlDg sirable tbls curious and uscful mUe in- Importntlon hM nearly doubled in th. eonseqnence. To these thiugs wore thcm- \\'ll8 youug amI Wild. hrollght out the call. I..e58 than te n bll-" been lost. In s~lpport of tbis t heo ry goods stores t hat he fre ~ueDted III the strument. Who cnll tell us about tbe PlUlt 88ven yeal'l!. . added eickne88, ana brllve·henrtod IlS ho Tbo result wns ROOIl pninful\y npparA OBILD witbout \t,ga h68 Just been Will! be /louin not supprtl88 a shiYer of ent. Though somo \\ el"O IIccomph Rhed n1lnutos brollgbl an answer from down be addllces the result~ oC hI S owu re- course of his bU8iness 1 he officer. have Paris pedometer of old ? born at Cohoel, N. Y. .. ThlUlk anxiety 118 tho fllture stared him 10 the in safety, yet whon h o nttemptetl Icnp- ~he hill. A very few minutcs brought searches und oxperilments , one of which Dlnde a thorough eearch of UIO room it in guushot of Jake, who lulled It. It conbi sts in submitting II snake to n pro- which Loomlft hlld occllilied. The reH~veD," uid the weeping father, "thll The 011. face. iug over II bnuuer th e f1l1ttering fnght.- proved to be n young hen. CCIIS tbe det11iIB of "hlch nro of couren eulU! were aatonishillg A full wagou boy will nefer be a champion pedeaHe JlIIB80cl alODg the narrow street, cncd the horso, b e bolted sudd enly, and The lut shot frl)m the rille not b!lV- kept l!ecret, wblch 1:H!triiles it. fl! thl 8 load of articles Will! secured, IIOme Here'. a boy' s lint compositIOn, Lhe trian." through more pretenl;ioU8 onM-ptlII8Od T om Orton WIll! !ludell henvily to the lUg madp more noise than a ca1? soap- condition It hIlS b8en laid llSitle tor a pac\:ed away in blU!\:otH and boxes. and subject beiug .. tbe ox:" Oxen i. a D URING a recent storm a ;roung tbe hoUllOll of 7IlIllionnlros, aud l'ntered ground I ping, we r eco mmenced" calling. Ten veur to two at. a time, lind is then re- otbers piled up or scattered arollnd very slow anlmi!, tb ey are gook te break couple in Maine, "ere ao deaironll of be· BroadwaJ'. Thnt, at le88t, WR8 brtlliant Be endenvored to rise nnd mnke light minute8 pR88Cd, and an answer W811 ra- sLared to life by semeequally mysteriou8 loosely. A large wooden chest d.' lIClolMld e;round up. i would rather hllve hort!C8 inf!: made one that theT started for the and gay, 118 if there WII8 nothmg of povnnll1. bllt n strange Mckness Mme turued from the brush bebmd U8, 80 vivifyiug proce&!. Thl8 hM now bcen borscs' bools wrenches, blt-, alO~le or If they didn't have kolllck, wbich t~ey mlDlster'l witb a team, with two men erty or human sulTerUlg III tho worl.a.- of over hlm, the lights tUckered llI....! gruw close Lhll~ I did not dllre to climb over gOlllg on llbout 6flee:. yeare, and tbe ID un opened ' packages, urdines, boxeR SIlY IS wind kollected In a bllnch, which in advance with snow shoveill. &8 if none in tho great City were fmUlliar dim, he gnsped for nir, anel knc\\ nothlllg slIake does uot 8C4lm to dl811ke it. Dr bhlcklnl! IIl1gurs, bottles of porter, makes it dangerser for to keep horses THE oldest inhabitant of Broglie and with hunger, and coM, and 810kucss- moro until somo" hut ro\'l\ cd III thE' th~~g~heeling slowly around on my Gauselullch is Bllid to havo llpplied to oC ~hra r8 pn:nt brushes, wiudow cord, than au ox. if there WI\.8 no horses the the oldest inhabitant of ToulClUMI h?th R8 if thero never "'118 to be any a\\'nkendrc88iug-room ho heard flUllilinr voices. hcels, I brought th e gllll to bear JIISt Il8 Lbe f:l wedish Government for Ical'e to elt - chopp;ng kn" ••, whiplashes, Ruroingle., people would have to wheal theIr wood died rllcently IIOOn after completion 109 from a goldoll of luxnry and "Oh Go,lI whnt \\'111 b ecome of Jeun, ~'IO turk ey Cl\ mc In Bight, about fifty perull cn toll 1\ condemned criminal , the Illlfll!'SS 011, wap, nnd at the bottom on a ",hcalbarrow. It would t.I1ke them of their hundredth Tear. The)' "ould .1 d II d t understnnding being thnt if the ex pen - 1\Oveml 1I11en Illld li ght woolen IIII' rob~s. uleMure. d f h • and the bnbics?" ho gllspe!l flUutly. "I .. Ah I thoughtl ess wenlth an R8 lon, yard g ufT. 1 COVC'fe" It, all pll C nO ment i8 succ~ful Ithe criminnl sha ll re- A wooden bult wa" plIcked solid ",nh two or tbree IlllYS to wheal 1\ cord a .moke, Ilnd perished together. mIle. Vows is uJeful too. i ha"e b eard a" I Inlended , but both. he mllnunrcc1, bit40rly, lIB he snw fllr- IUD done for, and - antl- " Lis tellrs nnel oueI trigger, Tn& San Franclaco BuUdin BIIys thllt thought 1\ mula IUld plnnted bo~h oeive a pllrdon, becallse of the servIce I'nCkll~e8 of KIIIUklDg tobacco nJld 1\ ba.~ IIOme men 8IIy thllt If they hlld to be cll\(l forma , and pll1l1pcrod steeds, nud sobs choked hllD beela IIgRluH ~ Illy sboulder. Tbe next I thll8 rendered to sdence, and. poll8ibly, kct with spo nges \:le \'e rnl bladders of totber or ox they would be a cow. the laboring cla.t!llOs in that city pay In "Don't fcar for them, Tom ," srud a richly-mounted harDC8Il, aud gilded Bnllil were ID a jIox with "dds .Rnd ~ndB nut] thin\: when It oum to have thetr tbe neigbborhood of ,,,enty per cent. of sleighs, and coatl.v robes dllSl! along, -dozcn hearty VOloes, and IlS mnny gnlSped knew I wnll crawling out from und er 10 humanIty. of harneI!SC8 anti hllrn wis trlmmlD~ tits pulled of n cold mornin' they would the nmount tkey pay for houae rent for his bauds ns could oblmn holt!, " "e'll sco tb e I~g, and ,Jnke "as bringill/! the tur"how much J e will bnvo to aU8w~r for Ahout tlurty whips were fllUII.t, IU clu~ wish th ey wllSn 't, for oxeu dou ' t gener- water rlltell, or more than the), pay fur tllat you nro laken cnro of." key to nur pIle, thnt 1I0W lou ked " ory TilE mania for spending I"rge M um~ In the day of final reckoning, for ueglUg II guld mounted one wl ~h the owner 8 ally have to misc calves. if i blld w. ~ milk or bread. MWlY sonscll'RBly and call8elcssl,Y oonre'peelable. III forts And big gllns stIli obtaillH III leeting your poor, toiling, sufi'enng WEI caunot undentand whl a entist d emn the nng and the stngc. but m the It beg"n to grow late, and bcsng abollt Italy. The for ts arollnd S l'czln Me nnw 1I1l11l C J UolC ph K ~I ct..:lllre , ul,on It. Of enny i woot! rather be R heffur. but If I orothors ann sisters " horse' blnnkctsllud I,ll) robes th cr e ,,-c ro persists in ILI!klnj( qUeitionll 0 a patient But no timo bnt! ho to linger- the IlIw of want and slllfariug theu henrt.~ se veu miles from home, wo pncked th e reeon'lUg a suprlv of one-bundred·ton twu dozell or more, some of them ,'ery codent be II heffur, and had to be botb, i "hose moutb Is filled with a npkln, II wood be au ox . ulock in t\ window told hIm thnt. ana. shino UPOIl tho Burfnce, and 8uoh ohanty turk ey" on ollr backs, lind started . 8y gUlls cnst nt Turln-, to be plnced HO 118 to - - -- - vnlllllble. It IS almos.~ II CI' r~lIIty thlll sheet of ruLber several ciampa, thrte with 'I 8igh that b1ll Wife and little OUC8 is shown that Dono upon earth IS bnght- the ~illle we rl'nchee! the villBge our tur- cu mmand tbe entrance to the Vilst har· tAIOII"" •• Lelllln g 18 III the natur.e of " Do you object to smoking 1" aaked fingers and that horrible inltrument of shoulcl uot lIaye their quotn 01 the good or. Ah I If all of humnDlty WR8 IlS true key" had iucreasecl to nbollt aile hlln- bor. SpezlII Itself i ~ a mi.emb lo hole , lIB the brother nnd Bisterhood whose dred weight. not worth tbe powder and . hot inteudeu kl opt.o lllanin, for he swlc mnny arh el~. a Ncw J ersey geutleman of a woll- torture, the revolving drill.-HaoUmack thinga of this world, ho plI8IIC(l on. to proteet it, even if it coulu be pro- ~hllt were (I f 110 villue to hllll , and It rlrc8i!/ld lacly, the only other occupant of Republican. Snddenly a eon[llscd ery-a wild tn- lives are given for the IUDII8Cmont and canuot be lenrn ctl thnt be ever sold or smoking car on the J~I\lti~or~ . & AJ( old sea captain recently died at. ANI) when YOll finel it ne cllI!88ry to teoted, nJ[lIillBt Rll)' of the larg<'r Jo~t.- tt m )led tn!!OlI lilly of the goods that the mult- the dmwmg 11\\'01 of tean18 upon inlltmol;ion 01 othOl'fl, there would be far Pot(lmac Unilrolld . "No. sir. III JlDe Guilford, Conn., leaving mOllt of hil . either aide, or dllHhing mto cra88 st~ota leea 01 trinI and su1l'enntr in tho world. refuKe II U1l1trunoniai propolRl, do 110t rOlKlRIl UiVI CK. i,e illl~ .t{)\t·u d\lfin~ the penod of .four ye, J edge," WRl! the reply. Alld she property to the Epiacollaiian Churcb. It is " e1lanty thnt IlIIIte beyonil even -startled him, nud he kuew 80mctlung tcil of it. III the first place your own Til ERE is a mystery about the Amer- or five yellTd, IIOIlIIl of the nrtlCles Iden- pulled ou~ a clay pipe, Cllt her dllrk In accordance witb ' tbe term. of hi. un\I8Ual woa taking plnce. Thon CIIIIIe the aoo sccnes at the "Littlo Ohureh bouor lind dollcncy should keep you ican lakes. I;&\:e Ene i8 only ~ixty to tifi ed hl\vlUg b~en tnkon lIS loug IIgo RS plug tobacco, ~\:ed ror Il light, smoked will the 1Il0urnen went afoot aftsr a the about of "rnnawny I rnnaway I· and AroLUlCl tbe COrDer," and is ble88ed by silent, And in the I!6cond place your seventy feet deep. But Lake Ontario l like n 10como~1 ve, aud SOOIl blld the car !l'roeery wagon, which was IUDltitutsd tha~. _ _ _ - -. rejected Huitor will never admit that he hll felt that liIe or property, or •both, Wldow aud orphnu. to herBeI! Th'8 IS . ugll,osted to our i8 five hundred and ninety-two fcet "Tbanks, thanks." murmured the in· for a b84'l'88. WIIO r ejected in tbis world.-Cllica!}o were OO1ug ",Lirle,l on to dcstructlon. BATfLEFOnV, .,here the mercury m' lady friends lUI a convement means of deep, two hundred and tblrt)' feet he"Are you mad? Do YOII want to be jured mnn. "But tell me the WOl'I!t." Journal. low tbe ,tide level of the ocean , or 118 reated the polnr temperature of 60 IIwful revenge upon the awful men who "A broken log 18 nIl that Bppean! 110OONDU8&» llteam or water vapor II killed 1" hurriedly Mkcd mllny, fIB they ~I~g b el ow zero, is th~ oopitnl of. the smoIre.- lVcuhin!}toll SlIlIday Herald. a powerful meaDI of dllfwting llllht, DorrED Swi88 mualios are made OVE'r low 118 m08t parte of the Gulf of Bntish northwest temtory, and 18 10ran to plllCeB of 8Ilfety, and h e reml\lll$ld tious," answered a gmy-headed man-a Itrange physiciJm who had been sum- colored silien nnd gl\TDitllred with lace l1e1ico. partly, b;r reaBOn of UI blgh nJllC\lve ataudillg llpon the 0111 b-stone. . ted not far {rom the confl lIence of tbe BOT for hiB dog, wbicb plnneel him property, anll ~y becinae It alit Be gave no heed to Ule wnrmng. He moued. "'!'hough I CIIDIIOt account for and ribbons. :rth and BOuth brancbes of t1~e ~M A r Meriden, O<;no./ a petcat recently IUld held him down till the ueigbbors abll()rba the Uglit at ODe. place, tilt'/! • had braved death far too often to shrink the marks upon your other side, my. ,died 9{ old age, beil" t"ellty-one years ltatehewlID river.. Many ~mmlgrante could brea.k in and hind him, II - farmer elllit. itel.,.,bere. A (1ermIJIla 'l'loaU Dlor from it in any event, and most certainly man." have been settling in the reSlon around Tn W68hington Oapil4l, whioh fa old. It had loat all'. h. teeth, it Watl near Rigon Wis., would bue killed 11u patented ~ . . . . of . pracU 1 "Probably he burt himself when he when ahnoh a distance. His eyes were Battleford who may po881bly be ~~o allthority OD Blllijg, u.rI' "Cheeee ". ia a deaf, and ita ligl~t W68 lOID,flwh~t bed up the street"1lP9J;la team of no~le !!lopped the runaway horees." W68 ~ OOrruptiOD of "Don't Irlve it a ",hey:· wlia\ diICOUraged by tbe arotio bil "ife and child wblle in lUI inune fit. . appl;rlDs.IUo anl8idal UeJaIilll· paired. (, • the story told; bull . ., were tearing a!oAlr, mad Wl~ Ilcst~d. O •• D TUII'JII.
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l\l ullnt Id.. n0 till • )ota,,,,I. - \\ •• .. r "ur )Il.lIlil I" (I jI',Ull I,ncllll'- III hAL I II woulll II" hi H-. tJt·I·,, ·I" '('I'lt\ I -AI.· t._ I D 11 I 1 '1 11 .1 ,1 • '1' Yo'l lhw '"...... lu.~th ..., "'''111'' I I~r ~.''' r ~ NOR. ~"'KKT, "1'1111"11'1'·. " ,p " • I' 11\ n' .' . I I 1IIl' 111111 ." \"l.l'lI IrvUl UI'r'II, illltiur UII.I 'I''''' .., ,""IIIrn: I""' •••.,,.•.• <II II,," .. !I'.. r ,,,II L_ _ ' turlJe~ to il . , I ~II" ,J . "Jlh, ~1(~Jltll 111111 /.~"llr~;~ 11'111 lIhllllf{lIlIlet.y Icoulltic • i~ hllked , If. I" enlifl"ll. "1",n ~'~It·al!tl" . I.. _. cd., ~ III: J..I H l e !lillmi R l1. tlroad I - , 1>1. 1"\ )l'l' •• t: illei lJ ll uti, vi · rn \',· "I "f' til', \I Qltlon t.,. till. Tlw c'ltiz II u~' Mhld)"tuw lt, I.'rll ll k. ~~'" III~I~;:, A~'~;:H ~~/d,, ::~' ':,,~~I·.I:~:I',,':.JI'~j; _)Dr.:.I1.~lttj IN ( 1'.\ ~J.·OIU\'·I·IIINd 1 '11 " .tII. il('J Itcro 11l~t 'H' k, IthIIlW('t(c. ·1It:Ch~lltl'·lllIIIHIlt. lill.~J illlllil!lallk'g,G 1III1IIIt \\1I ,('al" '"I U';. tI'''' I'' '''' ''ILh''II'~I'~' 'I:h ,,1.,1 -MI't<. Eo A. Dlldl " III lId ' Ii vi . , , - I 111' I /~Olill' well I'hr'I' k" t!. la .. 1 li"l\) SI'rlllI'lhll'J'J MUllrt'O 'l'1'c ntull . '" "II "f NK " , ,, rio' f•• : 1111''') ul Ih'in. """ FA~t LIIIU U\:(jS . m , '". I it III (l:tllil,ol i blkl .. • I J hili. 0110.1'. 1•.1' h''Illtin)! .. till' II ·,11" '. ,r> ' 'illl, I".' .,11 Iho /l","1 1.1I'i'II '1i 111'1 1 hll ", . X~ni A{O<l",'II' ·;.tl 11, 111, ;\,.:1 M '1 11' ' k J I 111 l iS J\ I·.·, I' N" ·III~s. n 1'0IUll' I' ~llI all'III1(H)' , lll u(\!!all, .\11111111111 ~"'QIIIIIII~ l v ".vllu,,", 1 U"'II' • • . ~. ,~ "lullIllu li e fU lUi I'· m., NII. II I . -:- ,r,' ~ II~ ~I.~· • • III .e )IIIWIl , re~ill"llll>f lhl p liler. IJUL IIILl'ly ul lIud HcJ Liuu, with lIuit ' u vop- Y., ! .. u "HI, d r " \'I'elm:'" "" I'Y "f loe ~:~I~\IE~,I:;t~~c" 'I~-;;I.,~:: :::.: ~:: ;~I l "I~ltl'( 1l.'11? a I IIl1dll.·. . I AI~i·o, l lld . Ir, l' ul ~ W(l61111lutiyu uf~ O~plo. hllVU for ~:I""r llld 'lrUll 'lu erI P\I(>I'1J1 IIw ,·01 uf.; WR~1·W.\HO It"lINO. . t-.IIIIIII,tl. l . 1I11."',\lt wtll lay l ,'l uliUl u f lhllt retl II .11·O\,UI'. IUII~ ' Y 'III rl'!L tit tlisudvanlll" vf hu. •,_r_ . _...;.___________~ 1:'1(] ' , PIl(\JnoExplo.·1 a .n .. , 111 . ~,,2 : '11 1)1' I'hl ll·~. I" J' tIl :) uII.llal'.. f ·I·cr. Allhough IIL'·IIIa." l.y Illc ill~"o lilr 1'.. til th ei r e lI~ly ~eat , W" ..·Nlt"!' ......( .II AllIU.".'M. ;lIuitltlUti Aucom, 1 11:~9 p. III .• t".,. 'I - :- AII III . SllItl·I.1 PIl'IIII'(' ",til .no I I 111'111·,11111 11 ~ klll l ull.h.\'"il'i·1I1 all.) lho f~.t that W llrr II llllUllty - -) A L ~ fl • ( _ _ FruotLin~ tl.O.~ ". ," . N., n Io ' lin ~shl!d III l,he I'u rv \.llI·, t olylt-. 1/1 Lh~ "Iol'e in " hldl bile I ~~i d ~ d , lIml Hillier CUlillty III H!I'Y ~UlIJI Wh(!n! :tl llll"h I. F:.:!i ~1~'~~J~~~:0",. \J'.~~i:: :I"' : ~~ :~ f --lill Jil It. 1l 1l." ~llt'~ 1I 11 i1 , dl"lh cn llll' 011' CO IHllI c,"r, 1111 01 R h~ LJ cumpl'i l 'd to Il t II ~ W CUUlltl' fl l n ,tJ lJu sh rl l:i(n III "or ~ ' IJ"lI lh l'l d \' sltlldl~ 'r " l ' " 'l r. ' \\· II~c hIlPJlholllcllIIWurln"'d :1y. lh"l II ' I utl, ) I t il ' ()nl. . t top' Hn·,s",,1 "~""'I"I"'I>I"I' -- :'III .IIIIt! ,\1 1'<\ I 'IIIIC ·h'lr 'llllr . l :! hill s lnnt.ll! ld'.II" hll l ll'oI III Ih o 1\11.'III~ri. III. t: ""II'l:j 0" JI~ ·I II III' I' •• rlO!l' r. (iii 7 llll i 0'. I "lid 11 1,,,.1 Knd 1\ ,,' 4 nil.! \11 ,,,,. 1 . I I " I I '''"\ l' l Itrd lit IItl 8 I'l l II 1 I lO\,lc II I CIII) ' OI·s utiOIl. It u 111 (11)' FlolIl pur elY u @ ~ GU O...,.)' ·'"I"il)l•. 7 11 .. "1,,",, J I I rl Vl'l 'LoIIIO 11 .. 11\ IIIClllll utl Jl ~1 I<' IVI"" Fllllu,' 'Ir~'".c /:~I. ( II ,~. ~C 11"111 utuCtllrilig inll rCilt.tol' MiJoIlet" lllI , I\ui.kwhcnl I, e; " .. t ,I f. l) .ro • • .11 \' AIl ".h",, \\ ce k. ,.. . n 1 \1 U IF );I ,Iully. l>C"P,L SUII,I,,! . l! 'u II \I~I I _ Mr~. CIIiI 1.1 ••~ \V dROll . .. f X ~ II' " IIUHI (I [ fl i.·"d d hl II', II ho I o ked ' 1I1 1l1 1~ 1I1!{ OUl ,I JIll I!I al . I Cl') IIl1 l·k w IInlll pc I Iollull~l , i r. / I"!! 11I·1 !.!ll cl'ory I I\lIll~. pilI Ib 11'\ MA".~ nll l);O ~' A S I' : ill, ' Isi lctl 1t <: 1 fnl'lId III IllIe I'icill' 1I1'''1I h,' r "" hll "IIli:!.... ~ loor. lar~e. I\ lI d UIC I III r rCJldlll!; I I Clo," .1 ". III \ " .",1 j :~', I'. .. . I k ~"I " "" cll " " IIIl' II i lu uut! lu vtl,UI . lac . ) ~1I 1 .. ltelll:u I I y IIlC I IU lI ecc~81 l Y ~l lI l' lu 11 10 1 1I~~C~ \10 1 MAIL~ <It 'llili II h r : 1)ly a~ t "I·l'· . 111;( ,1'"l1gl) IIlIlcl,~d to her IIolllu III IICJ1lg lit 1t:1Il8\ '"tllill Itlt '<:lI ll cct pe, Ib , h"s t CIII<, U·o ,c"L I2. :U I' " ~,,,I 5:1'• •• ,. - - Fv l "ill,'. n ~I'''lIl101 hiU Ii! 1'<' 1' ulld d' II II"·II. III wiliell rvu. "r. lcl~ U1ll1utC~Vi' tituirCl&\lltlti. Tltcgr.dn Saus'.gc prl It. 10 A 1. FAIIIl. I' M. li'c li ,~ rt )111.1'1,,,' (,< 1<. 81",,<:, "1 '1,1: 10 Il'l'l Ili l' III ~ of I.Jll l· IVIIII w o~ III ILlI J I'illk lll tertl ts uf tll c:lu plllccll : -lilt pc. 10lillCI R ooms, Two Doors North of the Post·Offic e, m~ FrIIJl I'Y'S Omulbn .Lino Itt II II~ ,flt :(':, 1 1\ " 1" 11 ·,,1\ II) 1II1111~ l cl to LIt "1I C" ' 1t1l \ U II Cl'dOI ,l)U' V I'Y 1'1I\,lllly IlIlit ' l ll lItn, (~lIglll c,"ed ) per Ih, ~ mil, 10,",,1 fr"", e"nv'n fOJ r . 1- ~!l'~. ld.1h"IIIUS Lea"lIc k IIn,1 I) II HI,t IIl1l th,·., UIII) !/·"t" •• IIIl'<1 ill Ihu I",.l low Y UI~. 'l ltu I" " b P ulli loes pc. hll~hcl y~ E~\'lLLE, OHIO. e,'M ,' "'·.·U II\lII ... I." .. " 'r,,' n tlrolt·, ,, lei at ~. H. A IIII'OI Il' hal t; 11 ,0 J l'UJI III"" 1I1 .•t litell IlIw s is hl'~ g"lll. rnl II~ II" "blc t u,; nlls tno t he fllrtllCr8 !lilt! ci t .~I'i'les pc, h" , bel LIII' 1'01,,· .. 111. U \\l1l r".... II ~".rl ful ,llOIlI ,ul1. C,JllII.III". f~, Lr. 11111 1Il'"II[lI(' III ":I , III ).! I" !ll Mhe will · 'I 1'1 J I I'. !!\!" 1'('1 tln zP II I tl -- ==~~==~~~~~~~==I COI li II 1 I' 1. 111. I 1"'1'"1111 ' I !< (. 1) 00 ' I -~!t. lll1d ~ I r~ "'111111,1 ~! c ,III1C I." 1""II I'l' I\'1 I "III l'!lt Lhl nll~ \\1, 0 IZl!II ~I IV I, 1111 I ,IC PI'''l'VrlC II 1"1',OCLAMA "110:'IJ. IIl'rlv ('L1lulIlIl' "lot S,ltllltill) 11"111 III"" \\:1. 111',1 L11l'1! loll •.s nlld III RI II! :I.I· U '11Il{ t lurIJUI,; I Y cu lI ' \I C'r\:1 F hx Sl,!'d pt:'1 hll s llcl "I_ I ~ "\ "U·~ I)H· ln(. ! I'" I 'J I , II .. m 1I ), 11o' IIIIII.I .lon ,I Oll hr LHmu" I I", c,mlll), 11,1 \,r(lpu~ eJ Iytll.!tal'u 'IUI"I S •.•·.I pro- hu . I".1 " \0 , W\\~U"I" I I'~., () " r'·1, "11 1l'l r \'HI U II 1' 111. I"l' l'qll ul t L1' IIIII l' I \\ 111'rL'11 II ,,~. I"" , I\' t . '.•' lill • . IU'II '" . . 111,, 1 .h til I' , 1'1\ I' hpr I cw nrd at th l' I1II IICll"'" ~.. " ,,"" I, orel.} H"'CII ,., Ihe '1',.01 i llI'fl - \ ' . ' CI" ltl l'llt, 0 1 ~l lIl r' ,\\', 'l u hll"ItIO 01 11 1111 \\ 1,0 is Fal itpr of C"III1I)'; III u Ll liku I Ulll'~ l'l' I" ~=====~~==~~=== ~!" t,. ... "I Ihe lI.r<lq. " " .. I \' ltJ:ol!'" of rel 'orlS 1118 I'lllCh IICl'd lIead." •.11 till MI l" "' 01I .. ~ !tas Lite 811lt:r l' •. IIlul 'lltu I'uc tlhic tvr rl'II·!t lllg 1ft ·S I X/:·......... C.1 I.'IJ... . ~. )'llt. ~ill~, 01.; .. \II1lLIIJl cl""~l vn ""IIILc killed hy lito ·lII J . . 1 ' 11l 1I"ld !i l Iho UUll klU!" TI .,.. " ... ( 1. II II If! i I __ Mr. \V F ' 'I' B IlI)lntll)' of 1118 many !'lIeous III t IC 'Oll llt)' sellt . WI )C I!tlrly. CUll ~ I 'O""L~ . i"i"" ... ",,,I ,·i III,,,•. 0 11 M ~v.\t . L1 .. ::)c,·.,."h ',,~ . . l;ltl'r . Il ~,d J,lSrl lltl~ lIi ftand locrCtlvoment. I V<:lIicllt IIl1d .cr.beuv. It w ill IIlIlk u l ,,)n;. " 1. 1', , - - : ; 1": 1 I r ! - '\o'yof AI:'I:II. . .\ IJ I ,!). Irct ".·" .. aI ,. I ~l lnll V. 1 hll'kl e l ~1. 01 I' I' unkhll, - .'III' ftlld J\I.~ .llIlIles Sims. 01 ,"I ,I! \I f thc W Ihil'st C"III,til'M III UI1i'" II /II / H . ,;,{, If( I', '1'/". ,/ ',., Il~" :',r' l}fl '''I'~'..r:,, ~ A 'I ","I .... ''',·I.,,!, ' ·. Cll· III t'"111 la . tl· l ldul' AIU Ca . Ind, ottend.' d Lla l'l'n lll'rnl ul II, ' " "t', tliid g "d cUllnl ,· hllild . ' \\/ \YNI 'o..:V II I I' ....... uc,1 U "'If~1.' ,,,.\. ' .. r . hee I"<fl"'··· . 1« I· 'I \\' 11' II ' 1 [' II k III ,1 .1· . , ,I!'~ll , •• I," ,''I I ~ J\ l r ,., ." " Ie,I ,·s IUNt I''11111)'. .I r 1 '••:J " • ., . 4 b a rs of g ood Soap for 26 cents• 1I,,, ~ h"I.II'h l'l,,(~ ..f "f J:I".,.vu - .'1 - " ' I!~l·a lll . I) ClJll tl'll!; " .d"l!.J Lilt IiI II M c,·k •• r... ,,,,, ,, •. \" .. \\ HII"llry L•. 'lUI" " rO~I I~, .I I' I ""'I~, I,) nltl'llI l J 1',, 1. " J'''Jl C~ I, 11I.. klll ~ \\cll liS lI aulI!. 11 1111 til' 111" 1'" Ih:l ll \fllul \\'''11101 lJ" rc ' I{OBE HT F 1''(' IU.... A~, 7 ounce Silver Star B a k ing Powder, with Jelly Glass, "", •• -. ""' \1 ~I , ... h. "f ',,", .. 11 Ihu J. lI"k~ N 'lI lJ ltd 1 1I~llll1lr ' II IS \llIrt li ll 1."l\cd I.) III ' 1I1111t\' • I 1101\ I I' l II o .r I 111.11 '''''''P '" IIC " I ,I -- ~III I"r" ,1I IInku " .. n . I'ho l" I'I"II, IS. IIC I"II.!!/I\] ul, I' ~ . ILl l· IJI OI. ' I I IC ... III'~I.IIII·~IIII' · 20 cents . ,· •.• ' v. 0 \I " e, l I:V 110 \\. I .... .• dpuI ' <I II III \I 11111 . I "I I :' I IIIIS It" IU I.IIOIIo ",,, 1 1" ;,0;< 111 IIII'CU"I I .1l(U· '·""lIl le~ RYS ICIIA AND SUIIC~Dr.I L n •. n. k, .. ""11'1111 ,' 11"' .',,. (I " ' ) " Th et.. r,nlh .t •• ,, ·1 )fIl" I.. 1 ,,,,,I G,u lI,; I· j!1 1I1'1~ li'l ~ .1111 II l (>7,(II. ut II" . ,. '1111 l ' 11,-\1 D H. Jt. 11111 1 tl,e l ' 0 " .' arg est a n best asso ~ment of Cigars and Tilbacco in d IIl ll u\\, UIH: l':.,.d .ed fulwlll b U C'fl l \'l'u t ~· r !JIJ 1 1111 111 (l ll lflh 'lIt'ill,,, \Lu'r h'l..l lh -. (tl l'~II"(·lltll '(· l t nf' nr It(lre .:I\l l' '~ l l:i:' II I II' ("hl uh ot Ul ~ frtl mHI\!t \J lI1 ~ \ :\1, :!I~ t o L " " t.1 t1", . "'''''> I'r,," "fU .a li re "I.'olod __ " I \\' U II .•1,'1 I)" I - III 11101,,), LII' k !! lI l rlJl "' O.C IIl'"d, 111 " ' . . • , .~ . pll ~ ' 111I1I~ I It'~. I' \I own. Hd " 'l,rn ll lb J. -,\ 1l 111/0 l ') Slr" 'l '" ",. 1 "f.; \~. , " 1\ • Ir" II' 11111 11 " ") IoLl'.CS IVI OUI IJo). thll<: 1111)1 I'lallt tUII'II ;:! . 111 0 'I itl' ~I I IJ '\i'" ~ .1 .... ,. :-;.. II.h .. r lI .. rn. 1I ... k. O,ltJ.lea1, CO C()ll. nt, ':' ,j,p iOC ,ll Corn S t arch, Currants, Raitn ".i.I\,,..flltll,·rm I ""~I" ' . II"I" ·" lcUlI tll.'Hl 1 \l1 1II1 ' 1 " ~l" t· ." ·IJI' If' will 11'1101,·. ' . , tlllllri l'el'Il11 Ll 11111, tlaUd 111 1'11 111· "''''·NI(''VII •• ,I.(.OIlIU. S C ffi l' d Ihr~l·(.I) M'·"'ho;.ofC~lIn"" in 1, .. 1 R('c l~IIII ~"(lIlIIOll(tl\' enll dl'J g(Jrn IiM - S:omllclA l 'o lllll nn :1 11 /1 f'.mti " " I/! 11, l! ",l clltCilt lilCJillll', III Ilil' 1;41'1 sins, Burnetts Extract Lemon l ugar l 0 ee, ea an .I"""b H.·nul.II.::-; It .\ ItthUII\' IIl1d ~"lIIoel l aM 01 " III \I • J .~• U.'un to' I.! \ \' II ,\1 .u" 'II I'S III n Chocoate 1 0f b l ' Ly an d a. 1ow tir.rl·ces ' U.C ItIl.IVI<.\\h ""· I, ran,,f ;,ffj. 1,"hlllll ' . I'll I' II II",· l lk"11 lip tl'cl' ,d.u,l" """I I \\u yu lllltlikut IIlJd III add ll li 'll I' 11.. es tqual t I III { I dllu," K , 1 1\ tl UII' 'II \' ~ \ ' II I ,. t I " • •••. •••• .•.••••. . h C' B k:. '['1 11 ... ,e I .r ,''' 10 " .. Ie" ur '101111 ' . lJ'lI1!! II el . I I I' IIIC"t \\11 eI'I I'UII'I!I' III I 1 .:>Itlle. • n .' ~.t. ~ . T he on l y p~ace ill t own we ('11 reC"IV'"1! aI .e 1.. ,,100'1 1I1I.lI bor ,( \ O"" IYOIII' 1: 1I1!1!1., ~ (0)/' II'"~ 111101 "' \ 1I,"n - lll l':d \\' 11111111.8011 , ot Del'" ITl le I'l'u\,le w illl ill t lll~ "I'CIIII"CI' PHYSICIAN UfO SURG ON. " . r e pur e mnamon ar UJI dll\ll ..' rv~""· I'<'''"ll1rl rill (1\\1' ",or.1 \'(11 , . '111) III HII\' "tI.e l .h" l'. 111110" '111 III aI ' II\ " 1 '1 It L II f I I I ' I' kept Tho (';"'lU (lIrllll c fu r Gunn cil n't.'j; IVlO~Lh el ' 04, .. WlIlt : lnt. · . ' ., l' l ' C . " lilt' 011 , l ej t ll Ce " ' to tlltl Wltl t l II' I lie UIt1 ,.(. ! ,l .\,)ro;S" ut h .. ( lT lI'ri ..' li,llI. l ""·UlllgJ.,'eL 1I1111.oc. vi "U",• • hutl o... vu lJ! - - CIIII ~"Il11 alit'" I..II'!' IIl'Ii ll," I I:.\tI~ ot I lIl r lll i'~l u I)CI! LO'l \\cll hll dlll"i.4, Ihei l' l' lgo 1II 111111t'. ICl lll il1!{ 11 .. ln ...., 'lVn1 .. ~ . . lIh·. Oh"'. Dobtllosl E l e ctflc Soap, 10 'Zen's, China Glass, . Stone for unCX pllodt 'rm ('lIIu )'ellr) . . . col hOI) CU ll I'lIlIclHY CI CII I!JI! ~It II l1l ell"I ~ t h..,i!· \I·all·l· I'''''CI' Ihl'lr nm" I","r-; I '~l,,:' I ·~ \" I ,,,~ I ~ de k GIII'II IIl1der mv h""cl "",I \IIel 8CI: III'I' ""11 ,l·11 ~" III' Ii IlC p IC I W Ill," IUSVII \I :OR I I ~telll'(l Iu \\ Il h I - '. I' . I" II 7 I • ~ I' " <'. D rec ery·W a r e. I . I I I b I lal' l I t iC" 1 .,1 till/l bl) Iltll l" 1I .) ,,"tCI . llCellrJ:"~.te ••',,1,)1 """I Va!· IlIl l·ij. c 1I111,l'l t 11111 C\ er mal l' e· IIlJllk"d lIitCn llOI) , UIl,I CO l)lIll " I I\I ~1 I . '1 b "1 . I '1 Wmdow Glass Sash and Putty Caffiee M'll I s Bnckets, l I. lle. "II ..~Oth 0111)' !of lIJ.orclo· 1 fOIl' ill Ihl~ ,.111('0. ll,e rl'S)J('CL ulld t· I.' r m 1) 1 011 wl<o , IIII.J I) 1.11, t e terll Ily vi 11 ... 11 DR. H 0 K E, ,. I B d Ch ' Ch IJ. ••D. 1 '~_. '1lIIicc 11'11 , (,f tl lc II.'W crll l" i h"fll!! Itilll. ,' Ir L ~I Cll ll er . nll l ""I\. UI,J.I C IWly swl willch Ili l 1'11\,_11.1 ~I Elllc AI. TU D3: F Ield Ke D's l Bask e ts, W a s h- oar s) urns l eese, " . Mlll ur I'C 'ci v LI lit FlIl·r's . !lOII'l bllY I dill t'·I!(' he.·. " Iso mlldc u th u ClllI r l)ad l wlth ullt In \ N &; ACCOlT l1 bl eat , L a rd, Molailses C rackers and Cove Oysters, l ___ _ )J,)ur, dus ly I"/H, II!t CII )IlU cnn guI &irUlt QI~IIOII III Lc holr 01 Ih e C: "II"C I UI ~III"alltu~e, 1',1 11 gl'l~1I1ly cllhuncc . ' I l ' . , .. j
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lpnlL nLIM1TIO,\1.
bri g,ht. \ IIUII. loat! lit. Ihu S\IIII (' )ll. il'l·.., G .'II .h v i I"t ' Ir plOpel'l.\' tlllo! UO ' •. Dr Ullr:I" , ,,1,1 1111e .,·nlilu IlIdllClIllCll •• "llll'rd It, 111 ,,1 Illn 1f1on, ..1.. •""nN, "n r.... ~iII.·.' 1","1 OhIo . ,o j 61:IC II 'III 11111(' HI ['; 1111 1.. . A huttl o f Dr BIIII 's ('''"gh '1'1'111' Y lic:n, l ,lI.d invutlt thuil' IIW IICj \l\l" 11 their SETH \V BHO\V~. , \1 10 . I III.,e rr J octlO r '1II.' 1-. Th AT LAV\' , RF.I'IlESRNTATIVE. II'11 I 0 I't(1I - Rev F o wlc" -ministcled to n!t'l'tirnlll I' icillndinlhUll'luIIJtI. . W I Jo ATTORNEy . J . W. KEY •• n oll ndl<l"le (ur lb,' "r· \ \.1.!01' • d ' ,ul " It Cud I ( 1 I I) _J .J - 10 Iurn lolc oOllgrrgul1011 bcre o n '!tll ' I t " \\II1. I I~SIIl tlrrcII A _.\Tl" · j '{·L'1 /.. /"<- . Itl 11l1I) IJ 1 II ,I '1,CII"sorJC C k' '-' .\·U 1'.IRl ~ fi ce " I R prc"",~~tivu. C' lIt.. ' olu v I" t; IJllt the cuuclll slO lI WIIS co :Iro, '1I1n \ III Jl ll e Clil r 'C' I ---SL 'C(I; - altS TOI - - - ec udvo r li80men t (If 0 " "11 ' 1' "'~" I cll t wilh n \'el')' bC:lvJ ~ D O " 1111 Bull ul'. L e ball utI, ~Iad l ~ il ll unu LllUANo.N, 0 11111. l' ROSEOU'rINO A·rTOIINJ::Y. SETH W. DRO WN I•• , .",lIdal,. fvr & Ell ':!!"!! fl uII'cr truLlp , in all tl llt ' r ~ t o rm, which hy Monday mOl ning PIt.I·t ~f WU Y,no; III l\I uIII g<llll c ry , no tll:l1 J]~N-=O d G"" 'III"I. I Il.t' !Jlf. \ /1 r..,;~t Pco.eeutiul!'<lrney. 'UVJIJ(I I t., Iho dooi.· COIIlIlIll , Theac gl'lI tl c Ul '11 w ill lakc wO~"fl. h ~ " c nflo rrl ec1 Iir8L 'losF .."I la n II "_ !! __ iOIl of lbo n publioKu Pram.IlY E!.M.ou paine to Bl1 pply Il l' f\urtClirttlrt~ltI slClg hl ng, II th e fOnds lI oel be eu s uf .. ' " - - - 13- 0 F l.t: IIAIiIlN, CO L; NTl' COml(1I810N~u. . t f'IUII'l'I'd (0 b d tic lel1ll .y sol it! . <u OR!:: ..uo\tl.I:(/AOt. !::LI.ll.III V'e~ Douse Palnlln:!. I)aperiu!!v aod .... WI. t II t IIe !lice l) i 1:1 . " e, J WILSON ED I - OUI' Bchuo l I,oa II hcller rlo i" tl'Cllled tr le nde, MI'. h· .rg IL ('alsorululng. ~ • i\, I'j\Ifr' #J cf; rur 'the tluy,\: ere. W J J I F nll 'nd ll llCc, 111 IHO I,o ltl on to l it o en· I 'mft UIIII Misa Lizzio L, lI roll'lI , flit - lUI.' srs. Ill . ,,110;>', <J III ' . G 11 ROBop"nr,l" IIr""" " m··. ,n W" ·no,· TOWN fliP TREARt:RER. I II d J Ii: J r I 10 II 1II01lt, tlt .. n u. ~ con cS Jl on(hll. g I y J ung IIte r \)1'"1 11 r~ . mel) u ruwll, ville Ot<l ' f' t..fL"~ Mr fI ,II'. Oru",:::, .. r. J uAC n'" ' 11 0011 dI'I"to fur J lIeMos \\'11 l or II 1', ' . t1~1IT\IlV'Y' U· L1Illf ln lerm Illd t J\'en l' and sister of ,.nur noxt I'r" CC li tlUg w,1I r eo",,,,, prompt ""..,111 lU ll ijl.; '''.L'~'D .I LL 10 and •Mra AND Tcofl>lItror of W"yno Tuwo hill .. I '. ' \ -" -Llafc kkrl son . !J as re turned At r ney, }Jlayt:rl it pre l ty tiDO lI\,o n OI'l}(STAULE AND AS KaBon. 11t0~I, P,lt no~, AI." I IO ,1.)1 _, NIIII IllI nt. uull.cru 111 111018, n~d I' enk til ir fl'i e nds Il l'lll tlte ptlhhc by 'Illi nEWI F. If ANl O't'ON io .. nnn<lin"t~ W light Iliid .EwUlu li ~ l gltl\ lIy 1 ~t. \ wr tl In hdl311 or lhe [lIl'lJlln~ Iuler uti! enturin '" i~o I~ CIIPIU til 'ralt il' fIJrre-elcctlOlll<\ UIO n /ll I\P "r Ouu.t..blu tcud('d Hel n P It I' S e n terlilin 1" IK, hil L is rnl hH incl io ed to thInk lin' Iirc II~~ ThD rsdny "cll illg e "'"rn 'TO'Wtl8rrlJ>. meltt ill .L..bIlIlOIl, Mon d .. ulgn t. lll!lt Ohio. u. (a," I'filt....· for bI~ck· III a reh j" 1~ rT9.- '111e CCrl' lTl II)' Itc..,,, .,,,\ .11 "" Iro h,.llIdm" G rant! Arc r roJ>ure,1 ... <1 0 I' nnerl,t1ein !! in L.II'r • )1,. lind ut luwvr rules than any e~~allli~h. W. L.lIABTSOOK ;. 1\ 101" - W. F. Slat '1', SOli. vi t he \·<;t ·· s nll t hln/!. In n- milc h tl8 hnrd road s IVI18 1" '1'1' .1'1I1t.•1 at th ' 1'1I1J1il 1'Cl!. Square alld Uprlr;llt, oll 8' "0Ih first " "'lit jH II". " '1110 y. ' 708 lbeom~cofCoII.tabl•• udA. or. ran phot(lg l':ll'h('r, ",til open II p u lceS8 c llli~ II\,'n\,ornlolelolltchIl S·· d I II H ' I l r V clBas -lIld ,IIlllolow l l netcaabwbole _ _ _ ~_'T#_' S TOIVNStlll' OLt:RIt. the ulJ rOOlT1 at the HUllllne1\ U OU S('. ' IIII·~~ , in PUlt; lind !he JocllllLiel he I, (lflt·(· . 'Y I' ·v t " . ". all sale facto ry I" h'. o tlnct' l '.'Ihe Pl II ...... 2 'tl' nnd 11"111 tal.. h et.. l q ~ ll e d " ele \\' il ollydcRtitu tcofgrtl Ic \ c. III t l: '" )1 1'0:'011 co, .01 Ollly 11 .... Th • •· \"""01 IIIlIdl' Oli. <If Ih. li ue' T rIa CEL\RLE3 D. 'VOOLLEY ill ullndld,,\o ue_ aY..J .. " . t tl " I .. lor Ol"11C fl!W ut ll l" 1III It 'cJllltO Irll~ lI d ~ ul thl' tI, .I'''''' III I or COII IOIIII ;..I 1:. ',iL,II'III. nil ' fill'r oll1>ti nn 1104 T ow.lI.btl' Clerk. ter Iln C I up'r n rOB Illll Inv ~ v w ro' 1I1I ... illl,".. 11' rec' 1I,lIIelill. tI ro r II" c b furo. IJ ·· - 'r l!',nl of litp "ou ng ' rnnstrrs' ' It is UII 1I 1(t1lr.-r U"''''''-.,,·or'I 1"" ""'ln II'. nO" TOW.Nlilll1~ TRIISTI'.F.. ever b COli ma d U Ilero It!' ' . J ' IIC"ll tru·till'" ,"', .IlIJrti~~, . I d cxcel ' '11 b I k I here wr ntlp,1 Ih,," wny to ('x ·1 rCAI! ant IIl l\tc I. I t 10 eXi1r<l dC ,01'111 'II .II ly 111 '0,1'",.. 1",1 " .lUIII .• I.. ron , t 11 .. NEHEMIAH McKlN EY will be tI S Ily 1":11 He t trTCO "I" c~,',slon YI" . I"rel Lll cke\ ' . 1.lnee of re@idncl'.i'mvf llll rrielld~, who k lll.lll' h ,d"'" lOI.·./o , h, d .. . e • . 11i ' "r. CAndidate for TOWlUtlllp TrU btcc. 10 on :l , . S\ es 1 S til I .... .,uttrc Or",. I. (1Illll l lnM 3hrtlll" h. '5 " ' " A.MOS BART oore ig Il Otlnd.d.le for '1" . . . L ". I . III L W ~une'r1") n'l/llt week. 10 wit u.ud " a lllc Ih"il' hig h m oral \\ Ultlt p',I , "' n " .I"" O\ or-l rlln~ ' ell i • • h,·~rol\ I 'Town hip 1·ru6Ice. tro t1~~d II btl. 1.11 th c OhIO , e~ l ~ .a · ne ~ lois d.lllj.!hl,·r li ce to the renlitirs Illid tlal'll lJlll tUU( Ildlli)tll lJ IJlty. We ••, ,mv,ovem. IIt II, Ih e hl' I"'; (If r".. tn . 1 tl.lre, AlItlJ(JrlZ I II~ _ th o COIII.'IlI S' o [ boly " "rll<Jck Thc eCl'cmon,\ ...1·"1.111"111 J' IIY \~It'- lit stint o r III ~II\:; 1111 Upraclo L' ~' " lloe ." , ", " ."' , . STREF.'r COMWBSlONER, f w e i 011 0 t 1:1 . " ~. , • lJU 0." 1' ..... ,. s' "' "" lll,,1 11011 t 1.. 1 I , E . A. ROGERS i. ft fiondidulc (or tllo of· Slone rs 0 "rl'all . uun y , I : t ' II ~" Cc)1O P ~m~lJlei , 118 i ~ were. "' nlJ torrll l't il'II, '1 ku hup py cOllpl h:l ve \I rol •. f .. r 1I1"' L",II.,1 11 ,,,1 IIU -cril'lio U C,I. oofiroof StreetCommi ...on.r. · lovy a t41X (of o n ~.lourtlt o ~ 11 01111) "l l CrC h IIln~ IIlre"J I' ~e'l Ill' tll" il' own e IlIbll ti h 10 uu .. f ,I ~ ,. ,"", ... . iJ" l l' ,',. nI!ND.~il'~-::: •• 11~~::':!~,'i.,~'v . J Ol'AT HAN HAt~ES i8 " rnud.dble fur tJ~e purposc ot pllrcha~lIIg lilid I -Joe A l kill son h~s{lsed, II me nl a ll th o liHIJl latel' IIl'cltll~cd (ofLbe ulllceo( tl .... ~ · Comml••IO .. rr erect lUguru(l lJunt e nt o"c rth ~ glll'" hutiUllll(l otnl'nl HlrIlIl1 Il e~ l erS ' l b I b'J I' ) PI J lme r vf the late Tho JIIlIs 'u"\\in." ",hp le hr Intl'lI d s 10 erecL a fram e u YJt Ie rl,~eg; lbvvu~ °A yown I m,k,· "'On' , I.. lo r "I wl1r k fo r ',, ' MABSllAI., Wit ' tl ' Imlnerli nt pl l y 11111' ",m tlJU. gaill we ".1 15 I Ih. II ilL .In' I I''H~ ul . o I"' P'I" I 100' .JOHN i\ULLEU i. K ",,"d.duw fur Ibe 0 o rl!: to RlIn onnco Ie fi r " . tl I l L P c ' r '0,!"" ,,1 \0 , ""II . '"rl 'UII ~ I ! 1' 0' f!I . aL, IKat l wk lem 11 ong llUl III pyeur c . . U. " 0001 Hurl! hal. riV t!e , 0 I' UUH ,"rl ·1I d [) u, I -Milto n EOln' hnrt hilS swnl' pcd . ti n" Il l,. IInme mlHlo b \ rile .I1HI II~IIIH I.EEOlMMTNOS i'R CBllCl itlll forre- ter Sellers and IllS fll m ily fr" III . rarI1l8 '''IIt , Dn'' ld Maaoll . nnd Will ~I C II "0.,.". 1.. ", nll,I.!II I•• lInlo~ elec tion to the "ffico of 101 ...11,,1 l.l J{ TI 1'1. \V llllll ~ pOrt 101 8 mo , C!.lhles Jl ex ~ week Tilt; Illullag I'" of tiro Clltltulic "" I' n wh, 'e to ";ork Inr "' N" ,. i. orf{CtI, y. ley I~O nrl'l' lI III his nrw fJl llc~, tllI'ec mllcs DOI~h lJall , Mon d'l)' evening, dU81r<t llil ill the li~. CII '!' ""Ill, 1111,1 ~·tln. Ir . .\Ii Co. bott er than KOlltn cky , aIHI " .l· uf l ·o. \\'In I th eir bclll, l!' t diBowlI nlly I'C~JlUII i1re@8 11"".\ " . .lu,;u.Ia . I " He are glad to hu\'o them buc k. Jt I ~ -W e II nOPl l< t olid fr{lID gooll nil 81blltty fuJ' ,the blld cOllduct " I ccr· 1\ wcel; III )UII" " " " I W I t - The ll ev'a FIILh er Bl ll kc, 01 prll bllblo tlrey will com o 10 \\' Jl yu(,~ Iho l it\' I hilt A II1IJro8c D ec k ~ 1 18 no\\, ' t a lll IJIIILJl'8 lIud the IHCSCIICO UI I ~5 1IIIIIir I,,·. , . \ 0 n .k II I " '()II\\nlll,LII "'11 H~ .ail ll t" h J ('h X e llin, w il l cl' lcbm tc !\IIISS III Ih!! VI' 11 C to I'I" C, aJl u·'tl )a t SUI't B li S, t Oll'IJolel'/UlnlIIlJR COll t.f. IccrllllU d idrcputablc Clillfllclcrs 011 pe r. ",, " "I elllo"r •• ' ,.• It Cllthuhc C hu lch ill till S placc, on - Mrs. E, A. Dudley hilS rl" tit at l'cc,,~ i un. 11(11 tvforc, as ul! m .~e g.o" t p~y ntlll.e '"110 TucsdllY ('1' nux L week, th e F eu, t ccil'cd h~ r firs t instllllmcllt Of l HIlr\'c)'~ln1rg, will tu Ilr... lh e decululII at lhl!lr 1 Iil ey " ("~ . Wrlle lor IIlI, t'C Ii' ' ·t,I ~ 1I " . o f the Anntt llcintil)tI, at I t) o'cluck . s prlllf.'(1l1 '111 'IlI or),gllo dS, 1l1i d IIiV olltcrllllll,TICllts bcc IIHrepronch . Rl'8 loli.IIAI"wTr&l o . Portl.n.I. \J" ,", all h t: r olJ custo mol's a lld th e lud i '~ - lIIi ss nlli c R ll llrlllll is ,i ai tin g abl e. u. 1I/1 1I1t1!;t If uut 1111 tlt ,l t 111 .1· BII IIII'as oou "n Il r IO P Ubl IC IS a ICtl. ).t il::" "' II: 'II e mll y tu CII I! !:II~ IY [III d l'~l1 m ll ll~ 1111 r w 13 III I'Ill g ton il a ll d Ilg'OlJlHlt the good re pute tlAI "'11 '10 ~!, h\ 10"'"*~fI" <lI.... r , . . Ih e n Wlillt! be.llIlr1l1l sty!os lll hillS , ,- ~Ir Ilncll\ll s . T ~rn)'neR of l l.l l thi" OCl tldioll is di stinotly c hllrg· ker ol . "hO"t'1 ! 1.~ h , 1 C. \V. Stllr~p, 3 tml c!l north of buunets, ribbo ns, fl ()\I'l'I'~, plul1I cs" fil nrl., InrI. ure "ls IUn t: hpro, lablc to V '1'$I)l\S outsi d e theil'churcla ,~. 1 11~ir .. ,," I"cn loll~' W IIYucsv IlIe, Thursdny, Murch ~n, lind eve l'y thing belltltifuL ill thllt I\lt~8.C~ F 101'1[\ r~culi "n~~ Jr'ln Dlfi k~IJ ' wltv '1till r :111 I 'ldIlC('d tI\lc~ 1 1111 • ,Yor'" • ., Ir 'e I °1%'pc:~:.~. ,',',::~ at 9 Cloc k slock and cltnttel s I' Ll . d' I fi lO ' ·lsll.ln ft re 1l11\CS nnu I ICtH ~ 10 ') ·r·. . ' . . IIle . l'I COd aro U\\ 11 , a llf y.m i I' b c ion C ol t .; lil t' tbe hull (, r oncuUJ' t,me nLLhl" h"" ".·••. AoIdru,. "'"~H n", .'l l)erry Pcuse, auct lOnl'e r. call secure a tus tcful Itelld lld .m · lit !I I' IICP. ' ugl'ti 1111d llIilll,)O(~ With Il le m uller. , ell I'lirLIIIIII], ~I ,,",,> ' ,10'· I , - MI l) n\,c ~In so n spc nt SUII.I,I\· n • 1\'llI'CI 6 l ' I" " tlt o I'll l'ti e~ w\r ,.II.tI <: QUICK \VURK -Mr J uhn Eve r · m ont ut Mr~: Oudl e) ~ "Id ~llIlIrJ luI' lIilh Ill S Ili,'nll s In lhi s plllce. . .IB t IIe b (IS~ <!Id tel'n ncxt1'1 to nothing. -lIJi ss Zuc Hnl\kc h'IS relurlled ri hlllllcd 111\·II lvcs,n lltJ h fli t 0 r C orwlII lit V Cull tit I OIICU. ' . R • . .I.H: . I flillll ,,\r" III. , . ' H ' nt 10 ",vr k' II t ex· IT - B Ie i 1180n 1\ V ~ I\' IJlcn sant ,' ISlt \vILh her he ttl' I' 11t .ll ers IlI I"ht 10 {'xl'l'etf', n, ~ dillger e we blI11gUIIJ'I . SIl)S W ' . . fl om . J • / "''''. ...' . f AI K l ' . Ollnl!tt IUS I.!e ll In U)II (,8 ' I' le ulis lI e:1I WUI u,·s l·llle . , Ihe ~ell! I ('III "'lI lllld ladl es ,,!a ll IIl' 1 ~\I!ltln1 a ~18te ~n or 11'8. , al ~ I' villo th e betll' r pnrt 01 th e lI'(,e k" -Mr W ult cr 'Dukin s pont a few luug'lIr,lI ,'d 1" (: llll teltUllIllI Cllt fll r fI • ell; t lOOt Ic r .IIY, all' In CI~ ' cXlIlTlinillg intI) th e li nll llcilli CUII . l lloj'N here lut \\'rck. Iglll.d I nl) """, b'g il:lIl'c to ~lIddl e .... ~ ,;:",~ l!I hours dng a holo III th e grolllluHD d lti on lllld futnr o PI' s pc cts of tho ' -i\li,s AUll n S i hinc gn\'c 0 vCI'Y th o II:,p"nbl""ily ot ('olJlpr"mi s ilig _ . _ _"".,,_ _ • e M. V. R. R. Co mpany . 11 0 is (JIle IIl ollen n L )III rL~ to II num he r of lIer ItB clla ',Ic! \,( '((11' tbe b ighe. t d~Krell .I. Cab 0' 5.a;» I1,· , b' '', "' .,.,<>. ,.,. . , I -"', cI "" " 1 foet d eep find 7t feot Illtross. plckod o ver -1 tcet, Bud fuund bllt Of the committee of tltroe appoint I fofonrts. lo!lt ThurRd ay evenin g of re~pE'ctn hil lty. ~ r" ••r..t-.;;:.~: 13 inohes ?I: Baud, ill the boLtom. od by th o Bourd of D lr('ctortl f<lr -J\J!. Jim King v! sitcd Clorlles· _ __ _ M \ '1:" " ,. I.'·." " .,, ", .. , ,,_. The prevatllng BOt! wus clIlY· thllt purposo . Since thocolllmittco l villc, Sutllrdny ~nd In st . 1'ur.: II0W w urt.hon s(! qllo. ti on is ~:c " u , ,,. "."' : _ .'~' ::_ ' ; ' _""1 D 13 0 tl 3d f has bp.oII at w ork it hilS bccn l S -dWe h,~ld qllltc n ,~now s.tol'rn OO rlik ely to oxclte II grcu.t til-III of Il is· ~ i w," · . ( . ,, ', " A, _ ... I G 00 ITE II Ie 0 , . I un II\, (l lelllOOll IItJu e l cnlllg . d' I A d I I \ ', '" , ' . , . \ .. , . \ Octob er last Allgnst Krockler, of worrtl'd hy reporter", IV 10 1~I'I'Onr I -Miss AUIlI C LIPPlncolt Itll il re IC~~8101l, all .Jns t Y.80. II W II 0 :~ ~~:-:-.:~ .: ~' _": '_~""'~;:':~~':;:I<rIl yo~ F i O b tt CD b d from rc po rts, to be as nUIDl'I OnSII8 IlIrnpd nftcr nn extended 'is it Ilt we nrc I\ho tJt It, If It shonld blJ lj " ,.. , '." 1 ~"""jC"r ....' '''.llL.L..... ___ , in Il third rate hutcl, ulld I' foulld tbut the re is lilly IlICII' , . , . 11 . , ,, "'.... , •• • u •• •• _ b crlet:'plI.rt, o ngl ug .,towasV a vI I'd 11Y• ",U I'°dg• l bed·bugd • • I' tl. • t beltl:lr tl L h 1 '''\,1 '\1LL r Oil - II al l ~ ••• I"",,,, .. 04 , -Miss Julia Soulo comm~lIcClI tilln or ue cou;;t)·sell 11'11 e " .... <••• U.III1,,_.........~I..- .. U. K kl d d I t (j d ,ust 118 1I111l 0yJIIg. d t·CC· cr. e mail c till. ar Icachill " 0"'1111 thi s wcek. IIftc r 1111 ' l\nOIl , it will bccome the dnty of , ••-mn ,"u <IIU,'''' lisa. . . . . . . . ..." n.' ... IIl.... • s hould kill 111 8 ,ltlg, bllt Gard roo FATAL A CV lO ENT.-M IBS Sus nn 11ll1 es~ ~f ~Plll i v tll O I\ ee ks i lhc l'l'vtJ lo to mQkll I! challge. II Price 10C. Per Cake. ... ju sod/~I·neglectedlodos~, wh ~ro Cox,sllltorol Anron Cox, Il\ illga -~I. ss L}lltn AJlllnm gnvQn\'el.Y l l\'l lIcIJ8tJ)omoreto ol.ecttho new ~L%) D~ _.AL:r.. :t:I:E.AL:I::D.... ___ , UpOIl hl' t:'ckl cr brought SllIt aga.lIlst few milc'! fr om tl1l8 }Jluco, IIhllc III pl"n so nt II!8,plllty to a numb er 01 uuildinlt in Waynosville, MUl'rll \v LIUl f,)r ~5.000 da~ae8: . The Jllry the Ilct 01' ),elllo ving II UlIUble.hlll'· 1her rl'l ends , onc evenlog last \\ c,·k. 01 else \\ !Jere than at L e ballon , aud .~fJ'ACrfJB.D BF hroll~bt III II. \'orJl.Ct glvmg plUlll' releu shotgun from under II bed, N~MO j t!J C lilct that Lchanon haB always 6~ tiff lj) lJG. willi e cleoli ing IllInse, 0110 dll Y In t l hud it is not SUftiCIOltt argumellt \ 0 1'I'11 M is tbe m ost dangorous wee k, accidontly discllllrgl'd. the TAE qn o tlOIl ot hllild lug a ne w that she should al wllys mOllupollze Staa lor Sample Cards lDd Price LiN. flit; ..... . CII. t o cOll tents 01 Oll e of th c bllrl'e ls IIltO ... -r,v, drug, Cf'poetUl\y whc n gIV I Court H onse is to be s ubmitted to it. Whtle t he Citizens 01 othor c hildren in the shllpe of a soothlnf.'( hel'leA', just above LU I) anclc. t th e votc rs of Warrcn county on tow ns arc pnttinf( fUl'lvard thoir relJ\edy. Dr. ilnl\'s Baby Syrup JB was at firs t lh oug ht thut IlJlll'n tl~ tlt o lirst Mon d ay in April. Th e claims, Ict tillt o nr people lag bo o Wllrt'anlen II Ut to conlaiu opium in tion wflu ld ho necessary, but t111 ~ fu ll o will~ is th e form of tick c tg : Itind in velttiluting th e IIdvJlntngcs · FOUTZ'S "For fax" und "Against Tax," of WnyncBv'ille. I t' we think we !lny form and is tlto most innocon t from cau sc WIUI not J OIIC, J\lId th l' and efficaeiouB rellleuv for children ill ·latod Ilid y di ed yo< tc lday m01'1l fllr huilding Court Uouso. o u~ht to hnve tho court.h ouse, let HOR81: ANDsCA~~~1: P!t!moWDIR8, teelhing. Prico 25 conts a buttle. ing, th o 1 8th. "For Tux" alld "A~lIinRt Tax," lI ij bo agglessllve enoll/T,h to SIlY so lor purcbasing site for Court lionse. und to push ollr clniwtl vigolUusly. , . MmDLE'!'owK hus oHered to raiso THE propel·ty of' Mr.•Iumes G. . olle hundrcu Ilud fifty thouelllld d·JI· Ollll'kc \l'I\S b')lIght last ~:~I01I'dll.Y A Nsw L.T".. '" ~f.\I.AZ '" -1 h. Lib" IF uny o ne k no ws any .i ,l sI c:l n ~c IIl{orIllM 10,. C!l ~t<)ltle r8 Ollri I.hc publo c gCI1 hu s fo r the purposc of erecting hy Mr. Aborgl\~t AlIJan at '"' IV pOlr ' Y ~IIIIlI\"':'r.l1rl "'AIr,enL for"'~1\ ~,~c 'n~"' o i. why WaYlleslrille shollid ;: 01 t.u tlto lfo DO.8& ~Ilf(f::' '::"'~~t~t.=.aa:r Ln,.. Fa.01 ally ..lllIIt ilL I... Olll .!.ulld he i. pl'Imred ...... af Fouta.. Powclere .... ued In time ' h ouBo bUI' ldl'llgB, pro\' ' I d ed tllc ae rc. the Ilpprlllsed vllllle. t loreo . 'UIIIOU HCCu .~ I ,e m('flelln 0 0 XI ~1I$e. I eour • I'uOtl',Pawclcn will CIU'O Anti f"""entfloe CnOl..II.&. 10 rep,"r or; Il c< k'mall a..ceL, No" Yor k, 'he ftr~ L ~o counLy seat, le t him' flow pr,tl: nil r!1~'rr'aTlJ:.r:)e~ _tu prevea 0.... ,_ FowL. e. , county . Bc.aTOf Butler coullty I)c 10' 'I Obcap ~'C~ at tltat llIT _ Ctl. of whioh appeared IIIBI monlh IL is H'IIIi1.or it, or fnro"er lifter hold hiQ }Jcacc. .' '< " Foul Stomach.&c.&o. . POll"''' Po....... wlll I.c,..... tbc Q"".UI7 of milk I -. In ohnrllet. r W Iho well kllo .. n L,ILell 'B U, and cream 'WeAr, per ClDt... IIi4 mak., LOa baUer AraIi c:atod ~ lere. TRI;: avera~e weekly cost per ill' Ing Age alld Eelu~"o Magn7.lIle. cJn'~onlllg. CI" :i.rY,,1 n " I., n'·:1 2;penk Nt will find A llll pui Il LIlli\! t l i fII t ll cm in tho mo!tt'" "Rth~- aml ' .ee," I them ~., ~\ h ,". -, )t .1 ( I'o-t ld n. leAl t nlce, / fu ntttry nucl rutthiulIllbh' , 10 H e f'URruu . ."Oat& ... Po'l!dont will onre or P....... I allDOll ..... W{ ~ f I \ f I W e t . Ii in II year's ntlm" .... about one U,hd.. TWELVE de"l"ees above zero, Mon· D Gooll , 1 . ~ I ' '! , 1 I' it' n lh l O ld "boul ~l ' . 0 raL\ 001'18 and caWe ani bear so, , SNOW tl') the depth 0 six iDe les mllte 0 t Ie arren oun Y In rm· mll ~b mliller ". Lb. former, afld rO\lr efth8 .t d ",. I l tl8<l I.n," · ,,,. ' .. ~ .. \~ J '''lI ~. l\1Jd l)Ion . t e. hO'IC,t wurk .. lId durnll.h!.y; tho IlCijl ~per in drifts-tell hore last Ilry, during tbe, pl18hix months, WIIB as wuoh allbe 'aUllr. Monthly. l!l!l pagcij ClUY , BO the 81~ring.tilDe un y t Iree 10111 bY !\I' n · .' .•.. e: ';on'C<ltlono~.ODly ~o. "lid tIm mOllt worl, fu r the 101\l!t monay. N(J =.T&!I .'lI'TPOwo." Wbe.... WILL , 81'f.8Ir.~1"&O'I'I_. " f, BlInd.y evenitlg nud ~igbt. ninety cents. . •. 11 a year. Specimen number &en centl. .dIlYB in advu.ncl,tl: NiCe climate this. TRI JOt .". . - • l>:L,,_!'I;IiL8r. N~Y. ehy8terillIJ D~ hls ehop. " DAVID .. ll'OVT1I, ~ ..- .. 707 ·kLftJIo.JI........
,\ M 'J d .. niH! II 'l Ii 187!t 0. fiy, pr t •
~ol '.,,~t~Rn~''':i;i,':~~~ld'l<l
'· tt -m~u.r,e ~alt{t~a~~"~le~~
U "-,
.....:..:"•. ,
gOl·ng to Paw-tt)
I P a"nt . Chemica ' I C eo.. W P-tkI In« C 0 •• 1$ , 81 larkd Btr'"
b! .
, .! \
To 1JlK TAlI I·ATF.R8 - Wu till s w ee k }l1I1I1I h 41 ('Id l 'ur 1\ 1II 1.l lin g It t" 00 uv rv Ar.u,l "')' Plthbllrg, OinOlDnati &: 8t LO ll 1a f the · !t JJIlI IlS wh u 01'0 iut r tcd ill tho huil tl l'I !.! a II w Il II rt IlU ti i • " S, On .~ . !II RA I L WAY. I r to bl! h o lrl lU 1111 p lu c l.l rt tI, 20th LclXloo n ',. I'.l l'li -Il .\ , IH.I; 1I0U I'I~" - - 1..1 - i'l t , Hll d urgll " PUll v ur '1 IIZUII Il On ;:m'll 0 ·1U1,,·. ~ i'h 18 7 1'4 , ti le n CCc fl di t ,v III IlttumJ llI g Ulld g lv (IIrOlIi (.JuIO!'lIdo. ~F. I \ ... tl ... r , I HI! It I 111 I,ft 11 Hu ll ,.,' I , lIIg th e Ol utttl r It Citr e tul I ll vesti gn 1'\ Ip T I , ~ k, I I, Jut l! I lilt In. . l ilt I r rt ol ,! I h I 'ULOltAIl P LU N Oij,l Li 11 WII du m ll ll y \)f th ollc II 11 0 lL tJ iSl OUIiL 0 1 \.11 Ih; t ._IlL 1.l m t",;U} I I Mnreh 7, '77) 1110 UI \tl t IIlll' re et d II e lll tu thlllk D"t1' () l/ a~ tt l1 .. - 1 '" nt to a l It. Il Il UllIIl; UU II Ull UOII U, w e IlI O lIS c rnry e nt Itu inm nt g iv o ll hy til lI rt'l1 uy 8 I c rul Wh udO illl 'ro~ , "1 ......: .. ;..;..;;;;~y.I • nll ... ' ,C;O.M. ~ "' ''-I'-'----_- I ca ..., ' .l... e •• eWr r.tbl, ....... Ihuu 1- - - -- .----- 1 i aU·1 IOH 0 f tn e u'I o th"d lijt hili 'h, n ot \\1 0 \ IId Be III t \J 1I 0 11 tl l\) VIIie r 81d e, 100._ 1.11. V•• "bull" , . ,"ToTl'''' ~., No I ~,,~ N" 7 l o ng 81noo, " Id while - th ere had Il I h ,lt It IS \l o t o ll i,Y Ib lp, hut "'I'~ :~·:::":~~:I~~~''''· - I ell'o ~ --- 10 ll g tulk n lady uftlll ii fJ ltICl' , llIg lIl Y I' lU bubl o lll (' r e IS OIl U 0 1 F V •••" · I .... V • • ·Il" .. 'ti .. 4 N D I:N .. , ·we ... ·lI d . 1,j.1II ' 4201l1ll/H lfI III wh u h uB 0. bro th e r III WUYll e s vI11 ' t WlJ tll lllil:R Il' flt ta ll hu Ilc'Cu llll ,lJ e h ,~r_ ~ JJ'U"G E ~" . T II 1''' It 1'1' ",II"ho , J tl I I I II 11 0 1 ~ I I S- l l,"d, 110 I ~; II ,10, " .r,,,r P1~::I~~li'ii'I~7i'.I:'I:'tl · ~i~ ~:2"'· I I"ela lld 1'" 111 'J l it ,,,, 'I 1" 1'11 ! t 8eem s t h IS br o tli c rwro t e as kl llg" , ' 1 lUI U II I1 C I IS II UI I) J ,j, ,,II ,, h,,,, Jr. "".u.. ,I. " f",I"u."II, r 1",IlO I'. O OI;. IIIOO 1 \10 ".11 '1 111 1111 ' 11"\10 , 6(1"1"" h e l nbu nt tlii s an e! Otll r pl.lce~ III 01 tlt ll tll' I IIJlIS CI) II Sl d l.' r.11 1 It li t' l' 1tJ. W - MlI" h j,ltlt 1:;'; '1 . ,J,o"l fool I I WORCESTER" C"",,, " ' (1 1111 G 171"" Lh e tl1X I II ' I tl t J J ul," C, e" , J ",,,11 I Xeliia 10 :/JII III In 1211", I ; ~III"Q , o Io lueIo . an d , am ong Utl l ~ q ncs. I ~ rri 0 III CV UII v, 1111 IM " o" r"~" rdotlu . lh. :; I' <\ !\J)AR J) AI Ih u t l a t l·lIl11kl.' e Ith e r Lc b u lJ UII v r .A D 'I' ll fll 'l Y Rll d ,ft . o r"" "n llllllol, .1 L) I b lll lS, us ke d If I' B had a -chool 1 fl'el It my dnt" t o w r llc u lill l\! v rt UII !Ju d d Ih e ce'U ll t) bu dul ng.. - .. " Hrvun L, T..... nJ:I.1I ~ II' h Itllr ~ lI """ r . ,"" d IO:r .. t lO ~"" J f N O I'J( L' . - -~~ ~ JI ,llIw,. Irv lll g "lIIth r" p A If"."1T. ~hr" h I \ , n 0 I U' t e ll U Ittt lo o f o ur e l ves IItl d o ll r Wlfll uU1 rA XIN G fin; I'IWI' LB v t lt c ~ II cnrv, L ...... LI ~l lIlIn SU PIIIII' 'J"'"11 ' " r ~ II II I "" II 1>11>1" t o w n , fo r t h o c di ficati u ll o f e n q II I' u Ull l) N 1/1 IS I hero Ullyl lllll g f. ,i/l lp flf 1'1/111//01 ' J. II} 11 1'1/ d,, 'd I hlt,," H ,Ih urd, bI, n,o"" ",er ,, " .1 th o "" I '" I I I "" ' I . 111('111
' I Without DOl ing-Thl aetter Way.
1 · /~·RJ'ISE I! F,,, 'r-.l-'-
\fI O l j ~
W e hl1 ve a Il ea t Illtl o l Oln!l '
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J tl( 1I111il2r"'j.{Ut. ! Ii ~ o( 11 (! II tlT'P fl l:'l fld BIl( l J" n t, uf n u r most tll l'lt l lll,! uh· ll IJ ,..ItIl! ll r,.. ",,,,,,Ii.t! ,l dll ll lll'Ir""lxuf , I" Jo;. tlltu uf ",,,I," I>,.,d\·. ... ",,,1, ,, ," I, IIlI/M AS t HA " J,' I ,lu " f ' >' urn ll " ,p P e l'"rlll' nl~"( o,,, N,I I",",I n".rll
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BIX th " t\s lIlI fl p e o p lo T ill' " 011 111 0 t)' li re I"e ti le) lin' III u llU us l e l 'ry CO llIIl , .lu«",,,1 ,,,110 II .. 11,11 "" li e", " fl Oll1 all )Jtt rl~ u t tlt o \\ u du . auu , CUtl u t y III th u :S tlllo-ta~ ()U u nt il .' ~I AUY I'H II.:S L Y. AdlU X Ill U~t u l th e tJI. 111 0 I"....'IY "",u·' \ '",- "v thClr ta xed n r e bll rd iJ lt~O IlI O nll d l' o\'\ ~-I 1 ~71l 1:'" U v ie W e hu ve c lc lir so IL lI nte r CU rri e d to tl ill c Ity lro lll ti lC 1110 1111' tlli n s (II dIs t a nc e o f' Iii II m tl es ) ttl p ll,ca, and \V C u re JustI y lJr llud o f o ur wnt e r.wo rk s . Wc hov e a stu ll o s ch uol !J llll ol ll " ., "Ilt e h c os t .000. wh Ic h h u s e v o n te u c hers eW IJloY lld UII U o ll g ht to
h nv o nll le
t!J e pasb llll.{ Lv urll fro m lu o l u p 0 1 th e sc h oolho n s o B cs ldes til I ~ s c ll ool . WO 11111 0 U Coll e ge win c h 18 y o nD" ., 111 ,/\ ~n rs , L lit u u vau c lll!! m p ld ly 1ll 1II , a n d 1 t P t ]~ o mp c>y s u ur ru Ud~u rs, U \ II lte r ga rt e n, alld II v l etl~ t hll n I .. tlr o r h Vll p rt V ate s c h ools t a tl g h t l,) IIIUI I'S
' '' bv lLTO it e r VII U(: l:u uul of " l:l1k
IU r~8. o ha vefo urbakc lI s nllullho tlt B dozell il:rocc r y s tUrt'S " li lt II d ze it
d ry
good 8
1I 1UVtl llt tv nhll "s t u y url y I UIII , NO'I'JCE tlt oy u r e Iii It Wd ' "lt 10 !Je 'I la u unli, r OlIj.: I,,:t! 1m", bel II ILppnH1 t~1i Ad· lU Ac d t u u u il u 11 \J CI LI, or u ball u ll 11 11 11 •• 1rutr .. 01 ,Iou I' ,,"te " I \\,1 L LI A:l1 'I j l' A I" .' j I u r .n Orl 1I \\ \, ..... t (0(' ,,~. d lHlc hf ' Vnrr t n cO li n· I) 01110 S \1 ' ,\ H J HAI'EH 1 1" " 10 0 b,J ected t u by RO lll e t h ,lt ~lu r, h 't. IH7') ' t bedo Lu ildlll go h o lu lI<' t o Lil e CII UI1 0 .1 n L'X L'C U'I'( 'n 's NO'rl' 'E t y ul1 r CU() lIll u t u t ir o w t CI s t v I ~ ~ I '-' I I" "litIor"g"" 1 hl15 bcen " jlIHl lll lc<l " lid t IiC c o u llty .n ll tl 110t Iu tlt e III t e rllil t
jlu ldllicd ItR th e E.leento l of t ill
stores, t I l e ll shoo
J tt~n "III
X. " ",
III '" Il l '"
rlt lll" " O' ' 0 00101.0"",", " 'li lh fu, ,, ,, ,, ln,.. \ \ ,tlo W ,orcc"tcr II. n .",1" , ." .. " " Id, ~ . 1 1 d \\ (, I <': 1 I I I "1"" "I '" )" !!d' nl'lr" I J { I '" -I { I· 1 I t " )t-I nr An li l ,.r )IJ It a n f III 1\ , l Ull 1I t. lin. t.:tl tho be t. ex 13111 1..( r"Il\ It: ~ II II' . e 1'1' lid "" Atll em""'" I" ""t En,," -h ",,1 0," "",1 1100 111 ·, 1 l'1tr~I ' 111 tr Am rrU! m "rl't n , tI ..~, It (I i'ir Ll, "" Ihoi r MUIU.. ".,. -);. "W '> vrl I ~ Herold I
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Pilltl n
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dlr« lIy or Indln: Clly I n ,1•• 0. Iwo '"I....... •• It I••"nw" loy a r l .. ,I "1'[l< ..ltflc. ' hAl Ih.,e l. nd .11..... lhal ' Ul ck. ' he l OIl ' ho'.duh"fbo' h .... el l h t al it ' t'<tll b, 71,o,111"" bv th e ule of (1tll l.;l. but lluHca .. bnL ••mAnnl'"rlv Clod u IIII•t•he! .HOLlt.1A:"L .. ...""' .. ' 1 r.. .V. ,, 'Y 1'\n\IP'=F1nanc E R l'AD (JO. , 1C £~l t.;DI E!!I.
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Of A:J.yP:!.lor Stove
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1,1 " , 1," -
Foot Baths.
the () ure by Abtotor tt tlun " 0/1".(11'11 tv D o.· 11l /J. hA,ebee n l ,o ..J Ih. doc·I .... "" J Moot Effec tual Remedy all 0 1'.".0 Ar a nrr Mil.~D~J;rcd M o ma.cb or lver , An It I, • ".II k, ..... .. I , , ,h. t a ll Iho di I .ease . t lO t I\Wlck t h e JUII"~" hody (nu c: "tic ••!
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Blld LC' I ~I" "1 01 II A\ ~ A I1 11" 110N . ch "'!;.' Ln W ORO F.~ lLB. •• Ollr ft ''' \o.III I' " H',," e r b li nd, It Id [I \I c ll s l ttl c u p rll lCI I lie 01 \\ '''O il CO Ull t, 0 1" 0 tiecr n , d I'" "p,II ,,,!! dllell , I I) brill ", ,,.,, ,,1 ,.,, ,"I L p lo In t lUUC Ihnt tho IIl U I who c x 0 I I I ' f' 01 1 \I'~I A\ "u"I"'IIIII ' I<,tllth, "''' 1'1 " 1 ,.",,," '1' " I ,I·u':.~ ;" pocts t u ma k e m Ull l' Y by tin y trade "It , l ... 010, ~ I -t I 7 ~_ _ _ _ _ I'" ,,, " , ,,, ,Iy Ihff d ...." 01 III ' 'I Jf , ... " ul r '" ri ' C I 0 .rol l -.fil l ",. I " ,I",~ u, broclI "" Mr 1\ 1I 11 11 1" I.r 10".1," o r t!'IHltI fllCt Il rl I . ,,_P' I bt IJIltls t l r li t tX I' Cl1 I!OIll O ~ ~ ~ 0 I ~I r 0 I , . IV Rm 011< I 11,,.1 M, J"hll l! .,\ " ' '" Up l ,I e \ /1 0 ~ c c!ln l' XlJc c t It) r oa p ..... q 11 "".11 nl - !' . \\ , ••tlt 'I rll " , - L. ,;-;-;;U II Y I II t e l t f l c~ f tl I f II cli le I ' o re, I Ie U· I It ,,,. "' no,.tod ,, " h 1110 III \)11_ " " " Mr TH E COMPL E1 E 8ERI E S OF I. l l CLItIO n .01 L IC cO Ull l y bu ilullIgn III JO liN I.~ClI ." ,d,o I_II ~rr,d ll.t . III Ih e I ' , : , r". t l f I I R E S n t 0 ie I Sp r g.. r) 'e 0 BU m Ill l 111 1 r s t t u I' ll I r B, '.II,e.1 n ml, II . ,H W . , I"n~ ' to j) U JJIC 1 S Xcnlll tl f tl lo placed , It· t th e nllo "l u cL UIH.I t L r u u,: ld) III fP 1Ul l l t C' U \ I 1. th e hll ~ ' \Jll lirio JJ f Iltlt tT \ 1'-,,11" I} It . ll .. l .. I h L, u , ;lII tl t d k t' n~" !'I1 f1 !l l il d d t: lnrtllllllili hl\! It I l bln l, "'}u Cp .lal~ tl \ I XCIlIIt g l .• IU U vR., llt nge rn.\ 0 10 e x Ill r ' ~1 tottl k uU fl nmu t li l' I,.t( r ",.,I I.II , r l I ·' 11) I I '" ,. . Ill' r .. , I Hu rUll I, U.\I'.H. T\ ~, o \ r ll \l !-,C'l u lt llr e Ullu r e llp II C re \\ HII , Olrh,v llo:j "ln. I ".r III.t ,.. loll~n- I "l< u' I, ),,, ,,_hopp ~ I :!', \),, " " " v r I II li th e r w o rds I r t h o C" lIt III uuU.... I cO 1,",I ~ u' " I I:". • \ .d UIl II J)' LtlOn .n 1110. nol,,1 (1(." n I 1011 ' 0
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REG ULAR PAO-fi' oo: Incip,lr nld '$t"3t.c!. nr.C , l l (!U ClulJs n nu rC\II::r, C'I\: SPt:;C IAL PAO-SS eo hroilrdlecrs J i.~onll •• "d 0011'i u;h OIM M a:;' hlrlA
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WCO k IY M" lI ll t u lI ll'Cr , t hl' Ut il rtlll) I III coullty sp ut .11 t 111.1 I' I C~ b 11 'I L F'utEI I ~ • ~D DOli f.'STI" "'"" " II I 1.101, S" I " I "r ," I.. 'I' I For fUrlher Infn ."n" •• ' 0 dl ..., 00 ... ,,1...1 N Iglrt Ihu M O ll t hl ~ C o ttgn'g 'lt lu ll a l C" III I l: O ~ut \l It e lll'lq.; J. j r t l'l .lt l lu V \ • • :~ ,. L .' •• V .. "ull.!rIu, "f "ld I" . .. " ~I'I~~o ~~~d~"~'~" Au• •II.,I: •• wh.u lL 0" I''''' NU ll S ' U co lle l1(' hhm ry 1I '1' lI h l, c I · t t h e w any ~II, a ll d the CII " lI S " I ' .... [' r . ,l" l,v ul\ 11 "h, II. .. r ,,1 110,, H OLltl AN :r.~" 1E:U P A D c o .• II l'tJli' 11 "" '/I" I...·., 'n " ', IJ L • I t ;.r,' I I I!c llllo l, h hm l'Y,,,II lI d II rt lUlI lJ.l IIIULlI ill u r rUII WI11 CUlitn h u te II l' l I ~ -II t ~al. h, • • I"'. J D LT Pl' I:St'01 T .~ C 8 E. "0' MIt. .Ji 1. 1,,, "1"" ,. C ..ICl~""ll, (). Iltth e Y.~1 C A IUI' nJ 8 h ClIlIlt t v il u dd s ll c h ltlldUlII g .1Ul lh C I - ,~ L'ub l" hor" DO(\~",I'or- "nrl - "I, ,,m .. S . II ",,:,\: CO ..:.A!l'''' \I ' )"" \Il1 u. Tir e l o lJg lO tI Iy I lI cltll~d 1I111l 0 t c it Iz e ns o f t lto CUtl ll ly lIC CU lI lIt b e - . ' u-"0;' • )713 'llld 71' M ork, l I - - - - --d f II J I ~1 n '111t1·~ £. OI " ,In .l:' h ,l uddr,lt l " I'lt c o mvlUl II u l '10 Iltll e h t o gil t .. , f r Hft I tlU11 0 u t It IS U\ t lat . " r ~ !I;- @'~.!!. ~~ w e hu\ '" l l( c h u re h os III IIl1ll1lng ro w 18 II t tn th o c e nt ro" t I"~ " " 1111 u rd r , b cs lde t hrc e tha tu r ' \\ lth o u t t y In w p'Il8tors a t PI C80 llt A lld 10 01' 1\ I1.n on . a nd wh e n WIl curn p, COlt I J. \ tJ W 180n th an O rtlt od v x F ' len d. ura l! 81d e r t he ralh o a d fuel l t il. IllIlt I lu. I PII I \ Il. b ~11 III a @uol.oI En - ( .f Ii L b I u ~ 0 N I Y F or era frtl n nII,1 Hams hl18 b eell h uldlll g III r\ IC" ru o tro w 8S over ano ll. 11 g ' \ ~S Ye °r' " , c. sls.e.",. J ··cro[ulo"· dl· ·.. '·· d. 1 rl,.) . l, ~ u .t d ddt • " ' .ectur" .n ..... Dnl.rr .rrllt~ ~ "'ooco llweek ru or ru W6u CCI C it v lIlI lIge "' .." .... e K ... 'ca' u n"'.f Jil ..... 'Dftl"' .. las Rose or ~ A.lllhoD o o ' trueo tion t o lJs t l nt \\ c ne No w in t h ese r e m ur k s WIl III Sh Ilc , or I O I Il"l!.l" '~ l " IIl1l uccol " y d l l ~ , lI. fJl • ,,, 's fire, EMlf,IIOlIS Rlli l I r t d t tl d d I J - -Aloo. Ageo t for tit& - ,,1'''' 0 l'lI'o lll lll.... ' Enll, · lolI' I"' I"·L'WOI , ' f~rtIl1tiYIl d iscdC8 of tho al o w or behllld the t lln es. W o Ilro 1 IS lU C Y Ull e ratoo t lUt w e 0 Nemlu. J)Clol lilr!' o"d I rnl'''d ll' ~''1 '"~ In , fOl' .1, IIi. Ul ceratlOM of til very sc nsl tl ve 011 t hat s u bj ct" W n o t want t o gct u p t\ Btn ftl wllh or doge ~. 0 'B lI firOon U\I'pL IOII , f 1't1~p.j LI"I - - -- - - - WIT H 0 V EN! I lIf r, t.olllncb (~ldne) 8. may ~car a tl o nD e ll Wh Cll w s !t v'd e ll ge l!der IIn y Ill . f e hll gs ngntll s t ron~~ ::~, iO';~~I~.'d 1'~\i~~~I", ~\~n~II.I~:\1 '1;' I 'fl" "' 11~ifltl inf M1n Ctt1f>11 cnn oe771- 'PI". M Il" hlll CII L ",11 11'0 ):r01LI) oprr"" J 1l1l/:.'8. PUIlSI., Pustul es. waar kmfe. phuts , aud w e muy w e n r o llr s ls tel t o \'; n. ThIS Iii a IIlRttor Atl lhor " I Llto I r ( 0 B la ." 1.", . 111 11 1'1;]) l'if'l1 Cr fin " / t' Y u lt~ of (l Ied loy 111".0 .. bo h II 0 uV~"'"II' t.o u • < II Illt lls, RIol o Ifa . l 'uDlor3. oar lus t y e ar's hut a s a m a t te l of o f d o llllrs alld ceu ts Ilu d n q n · tlO ll 'r bo \lorltl r owned ,H,l I> or III II". nd j lll III I(Lbol' ;rJ~ 1' / 7ne Il 18 ' I,,, n,, ,ltl "el III " 18 I<l II Pnr lur LO, . Jetter. a IL Ith~llm. Seal u thllt dllectly c o u cerll s e v ery t IX I mlnt ble I ecLurc c1 u.1rly 1"0' 8 . r" .m &: I ' P [) ,'atl R iug',\ orlO. Ulcers. eco n o my: b LIt I\' h 011 "' 0 111 0 a(Jc lIs ' . · 0"" . xp rr cnce th. l lh .... .. r" l "" "<e'l u, ,, , ( fllto my, c., 1 1 (1 (18 t l (!O ll lllulII(f III lI aYII "81t1h Sorvs Hh Olltll Jltr Rm . Nollrrilm a, ]' atnm F ema le ed o f 110 t bOlUg eV <l1l WIt h Ollr p a Vll r III t h co n n ty, a nd s h (>II lo be I Icu. of s . lr Ahul. Inn) Ie. ne, tll.ll" " III" 11 0 81(,1.'(l1' i OI .' IIl1 d I " 111 11) enn IIIl1kl 1111111111 of Lhe [011 0" thu 1100JeS S"I aud liel.J, Irl e nd s e a s t of th e MIS IS. II' I 1 rlVlr CIII ·full y lou k e d a t by o \' l! ry ne l it I IRr FA F\ SUP E RIO R 'cd wrl hrlllL modll H" . "lid I< 'lh"ul d"ns r _ ___ '''t! per>ulJ. "h" "" ' II> IV u<"'': tl,. SI' 1.L N \ Vc.lkll ess. , 1.0'11 h ly. r'<'l1collhrea, ansing' • I ' I t r t I Oil ' ' " r~ '1lII 1 0 "C Ml ~' O Il 8 111"" ' 1 0 ' na lrUll 1 II ro Di ll S H I I hi · F' ' 1 £rom ml.el ll" l llic 'Iorl MId terll18 II Ie e o u ll t " 1_ lv ll 1I1VUrl I. II! o r we are s ore 10 fi y tIl to U I' U ' lUll ""::< or ~0 1l11n 18 I,ollllln ;' nu l. I. ", .. d. ,,' 'E"I'/Y d' j m l tl/I Itt /8 complete. J u"uh II " d'•• ,A. ,ne. '" ' " • "' pmll" . ~ .u_ '1 E J) (,,,''w. lI ,01er, ~" • ~I " d Isease tiS rlll ht,c .wd Mercurlnl cliaI e r L I ull o n r II LI ll OII' W e abo ul ~ d 1110 t nhnlldu lltly III eltl \ ry cu re ftl Oll ce ccrL:u ll ft nd c ~, t ". 1 I., wl"dl r) IJ IO"n C!lSC8. Drops \ VssprpSIn, E mac ,atlon. luuo drtesand bOlll fl i ll (T. h u IIHC6 I p~ l l!u n s h , .ulul l)o k nt t lr c tl l..l~ctl ll l ev , .. . uOe,cr UO IM ( r ",hll t lo 'l" ",lil IO Il ' j I I HVW I/I, SI\IO I )a / N t) lo.ral' ~- I ,, 111-,' 11 1O "" IO l'l r'un ~ Ir Il Il ~ 'O Qrw·rnI VeLI1J t.', nnd forPuriIv lu <r t be .., I > I It f L I . ' ", II ) " ' . rn nr curo hln"' '' ch""jlh I"" u<.e ll . :J J' \\ C8 II 10 II I I I L I I ' J " hRV C 10 m y II1I1 IU t ll t! ll t) " li t! prt ti ll IA I. u Illte rea l. \ I II Ill cI I - - - )0( - - 0,,,1 TII d"",lh 1ltt J II, bil l coal 8 on l y 1, 15 ' III" II r " " 'lIIe '" 1\ e ',lI\on lJ lood "ate b onrdltlg h u u 03 , It t 11Ilnllll ll ' ti e In IllS Im ll d wh e t h e r h e call III I ~- I h,s f... d ure 1'1 ,11 I>.o<c " lIOlt" t., ""U " "" "r .lltll ·lIl lh l: '" UI' lree ul ch"' ol: 'i hls S:u'S~p,' nlb.. a comblllnll oll of f," d t o b e tllx l!d t h e ullt 'Jtl ll t 1I l'f~ Lhll u ", ISII "t1 tllli .nnd· To I v~l!~tn \,. nlt.. rnLIII'~ - . I.t1hnf!1n 1IInn• II I t I I I llI g III 10 e tI UIII I Cbtll Ul ll ll t ti t lilt ~ \\ 11\\::; A I SonL." nd er , eal In • .. ~" "' 011 , .1" ,," t.. • 'he ; ~8t 18 til l CIt/JUjI.8f. u,,,Lu :':. 110\\ Il" ck - \l ,t !. the 10" luu aro d UJ[\g 11 g uu ll b tl ~IIlC8", d' ~I ll }/i - CSStll Y ttl b u d d lh e 1I 1lW hUl ld til l-( I "'" lIoId rc." on rea 11'1 01 S Il ~Cllt., 0' 1\11' 1 . . , nf ( '''1 1I~~ 1,''" "",1 It on ,111,1 IS t.he most h e Lte l t hon t he y c all !Jav o ti I"' III & J1"'I.~ . (. mr s fr/ " " '," 1"18 I ll f 1I'1{,. i ,. rc ll ," "''' 1011.111,,11,11\ H t l,lI n\' 11 or b"1'H co tlntnt l\t h lng • If b l IthY l c r 1 ~ llh o cllll ll mrtl t u ' 1 \ rl tlrt "' '', 'l'lI bll~h ~ .. LEBANON O . Lllu J' Sd':lCHlt,"llItt!lI rl ".J locme [ b{'lIr t IItlt8UVCru ) o n l t"W IIS' 1 " '1 t I " , " I l I b 'IIt t" ' 'Th e Culve r w e ll ""'r til lit (II Ii/ /. oll,f,I.I' t I u:: a dI cal Co It ", lll ~r, .'It I.b. p I :)0 ~ ldJ J u lh cnm ... men uro comlll g tilt S ll li)' u urlll g )111 l 11: 11\ v I 1\ OIlC I ,R v .\ lull '" 1'1''' " r ,,1I .ItIl,1 • " ' 1\1, 1>,,' .. I 4"n "I N..,.. " ..... t\' .. n • • 1 :5~6 I _.. ..,.,...........-... Ultl. rI tl l l~ tltp 11111 nltc m t llc e l f~ct of th Ol' pllllg . J hull bcg lu tl t osoe ti l In Ilh o e Olltl lb u te ,- [ M'Hl t.II ~. II" ,.III I" ... I ~""III , t • • "," ,,,1.11 , " · ' '1 '' ' '''18 nnn !, ellr, ) O ,IlI I I~II~~ "rll' 1I111 111111Je lL IM80lltl ili lIo tDO 011 0 Iro m th e r o, th llt IS If tb e,v T eleg ram "10'" C"I1I1I1 ] . '."111" ,' " k ,, " I I".. . ... N 4lJ V. u c U I' til 1 ,,· II\IIIIIIo.~ to ch Ild,,.,, II. III ._ _ _ ........ l l r l\l.:l! bl furcpur,lil'~IOt!'ul " , wlH rc I 11 h I I f I c o m o 1t('1'l', wh l( h I p l (, ~I1IJ I l' they l ' b II b ' 1 ' II~ l'(III ' lIlIlllrc'lilJI(IR( (I"' /I{I} INI /' I, 'fl ' ' Itllil " " "f' " r~"ollt 101llL,e l will uotd u, if tlt Ll' " Ilu r ol Sti ve r 11K 1I g l\ e n Y m e lllhC' l s u F U l~ T II E ])11 A. ' I'II A I' III)I,"} " /;/' /'I'"etr', ,(lII , e l' h! 't'I'" It1I',sl'III Il1 I1I,tll'$l "II U cdorrll lltlo"S ' T -- d 11 '1 · LlII ' II th e nth o lt cch lll c h , oll t ltcl \ l!lI lllg \l1I" l ~ \I\lJlllllooilll .orno 18ellSu CIO I , I.A:U VI C, -11 Ie . ur IC f St. Patne k D M I VEGE 1 A BLE EL EC'l'(jA RI' l it, "1'"t ,t IOlt IL CIJ Jo~ s 18 t1eTII ~iI Elk M O I1I1tlllll ~ . I t IS CtII lI' lIS til 0 d d l1y II nc u \ , 1\ Ihl I•• r.e'~''' " CIIt"'Jr/t' ""hor F.,I ", "1 ""I III ' It i .1 th e t1 /I ~JlIlill 0 , ,·"dlll ' " I I .' , I' II. I., I III I S 111 111 LI II ,an1t d etlce \dudl • t na l I .",. ~ lId .1I Affectio n s of lho II I " li t I I ' I ~I"' " II' 011 'er thQ COII IIn o tlco th o e l1l h n ~ln b lll 1l1u lli l! ~t d n ee l e p ec u nIar y ~ u rte~". ,I, 1.4' Bowe ls 11 If, l t I ' I I l ]i' I 1I ' t '" III It 1 1'tJ \ ~ LII I/ll e!>:JII!II CuC.. ve l til e orul u 11 n J " III ~ r 10 lt lId I II b ee n n il th e p rc ced ti l g e llt e l I lllll 'I U '" ~ U n " ts 'c b l ' II I c I II h.· OC N' "reec rllllil II, Ell rI FOi m " r . I~ " , (" (! ' 1 "(1 '/I n( " I. II· 110\". those pluces \V l' ~cetn lo It l' ltr b tlt I " n g l \ II Y u lAr .l "' I I." or LOllln \tll ll L IlI tlt p~1 ( eL OUf" .' lilt! f I" I ) E O 1'1. /(' /1(I 1·P. (l rlL'I' I In e llo t!. The ne t IJro hlS IltU li Ull t cU J:; .... •• I II" It" It "tltllr ' ts yi rturu!l 11I\~t1 o no \laI c I IW OI d - « ( I II1I1/(/ / f 8 ! t tl .:l O() A I 1, ,,, " "cd I" ""lIdl ~ d8 Wll h tI,c MII",e .e /J(/ / II/ !l 1I R rI"'lll/t/· (t (/1 1'P "' _"111 111:1.\' ,( nlt ol 1lI'U ~elltht" lt th L'III '" J 0 S OUl t! 11 01f' U\ c r 'J' Il l! if' piIi \d t,. III n \~V p i' IR tr wllllil lge !\LI OIl l L 10 1 I II l ' · InO' 0"• l, II 0\ • 1' ,!t0"8 '\l:oll ll1 l1l"t'Oll" Oo, tlv elle-. . o ll. fll n 11l llte'ple8 of !I c· (, II', os III I II ; 0 1 L loS. <asc s I r c a II~y f e I r u s If I tl 1\ CIC Illy tI ogant \tog 0"'.1 jl;old n il I u llI rt h yR t 0 I , .1 1l,,,I.ltdj l,n')\IlI, t l,cJ l Ulluo li CUII \ 1111 I II'; I, t o ttl UIID )011 t lil t " 0 III c tl o t v. a9 o t e u t M A Il ll > ( ) li I 1 . ,,,1 1I11I11 V tl hens, a Qrfeltlg lio ," Im l'" 1111 6 J1( /Jl , ( ttl/ (, ",] ,,, I'm~l· .. [ \.hu ~UI," I IOII &y o f Lb, s l:!ur lleuthells. bitt r cul ,rouu , ti(1 (' J' \" U It!S ' u - -' 0 rn III K- 01 !11~ Biollli !lI ty (,0 ttl!' ~tl l',,, ]a 0\ 0 r\l '" <. tlt I .alt"~f f1 llltl UD o f h l' r 1' 81 "" .•1 I" 11 11 OrUl!gl81' lit ' I po r I 0111 0 nr y LIB a r CCO(T 1 ' ""le 11001) IC, it II e I\l e 1111 ~.,i c k II tid hal f b ' rnn'lI d, t! h, mull 'll'l,on $ 1 I'" . , Olllt.. 110 °1' S"d. lire n fe" uf th o III 'IIY ' lIInphment. : 0 !!'(' II I'l til v I" 113 611,,," 11d C/ld ] Imv e Iiml thl! Iw urt ,ICII (' tllll ce lll thi S lIlIJ Irc l w n s ti C' I ~ I CINCINNATI 1'1" 1', ,,l ur A Ul lI AbI II II . r llll ll ", 0111\1" 11111 otlllrlllloll"",, I,n'" II lI, ot No ~\'I ElloI l41h 81 . ~ c .\ Yorl, I " " ,,' ,In 11 (1 "'V" J II. JI " " 1/" III U tho m o re thlltl u ll ce w h e n I hav(l s ce ll 6 1l ou s - a r es tlltl Ullt ll1 tIll ,,) Inti )/ r( CI' II'l'S II I til rr rut lluul' r I \ I t D K~q p\lblrc II." n,. ot slr' I best a.ItLles It has U\'er p oo r , 111I .e lllhl c e r Cllllll e ICll llttlg . .... . . , I • 1 II ,' 1 ~ _I I bv tit · Ire, . throll/tl, uut th e countn I 11'0.;8.·,cu ctlv 'l" IlIl1 ut.ained u "t the bId e of n I ( S o rc h es t ra 1m n l" he t! 111" "" . .L,I;\, rJ,. III<rlt. IIf It . b d, lori ol A!!r1 cll lt 'lrll l THE N E W lI~atll o ' • I 't1 ~C , UI U I I I" II t I I r ll LI I C I J rOlI ' Iree c Ulwlllll,III S Itfc UW6 II IIC t\~IIS0 l' s e e e ll q tlll l t} • •III: It,\l I H I' I OI':3 OEIEIl H \ JI III J.\!R • I ,I " orn·"p"''' ~ lI f.{', " I. ," n 0 ) l ""rl"~'~I' n,. , n E 0 " ! BI) I L thc onJ I' j' lllc tl t WIIS kll}t ttl) to 3 1, I , \ I' I. L '" the II orlol 1 100 " " e"lur h", I" rup l,," Now. ","1 C" mlOerr.u,1 ,lopu rlIn O Il U! I C AY R & co • Lowell. Mass • (~ .,. ~" ~ n. L so :U n ill S f I cc t. I I tl 1 di d I d r !, (U 11l tJ lI1 r ttl m ak u 1t nil th ttt. 1M req ul red )n I , " " " r ll l •.,t ,l J '''l/l//(('ni t I ..,.". i.,,, u'cl ock wben the tcstt\l till 011,,( d e • I. ' II Qt'P CD IIl II )0 101 I rt ) \ C llf ~ ANo I. ftrt't..-t;iKRtt fnmll l Ju u r Uid " . )1 1) A IL UICUv U l a1 , ' \ C ltY \1 l1 E UE. .. • . . ' 1 'tA H.I! 1 une flL 10 thu hRl r and ill1 IIlJur , t l) hi " IT 18 1\ fact II ell eetubli ll lJl!ci b y I pal te d hOlllc thro ugh th e c v lJ t v Dr' t 'I1C"n f' '11' II ,," I ] , r~" III ,01, 10 III Oo) r IIt II I II Is llle 011 11 \, ue ~lId \""M~o. p ectfull ) j llUi t t I our ·1" b,o'lr tl~U. I IOIAL nannlt!! BAlla WDIIOtL bl nn3l1cst lO llahle tcstlmo ny tllRt • dre um o f tutlllll bhsB. 1-t '1I 0"' f,0c l d,e ' . roli,,"I. "1 ""d " . peolll ovforg rto t 10 EIIIlllllr1er I lIPUL , N Illtrmlo It L ~ml d'" RI~h I ·.. "n' ,U 1d 1 le U V HJl C(Hlum t 0 f' Rt. murn trut HI: t:"?f A (.; 11 1' o f (;,,11 (1<';0 11 0 n1ul 1 \ \J ~ l t II I 118 0 ( UUI P pOI1 I ru C It .t , no II I CU 0110 h l •. I 1 , H Hu I s mr IlIHl IV er ren e w s, "OT" RII!VItK"G£ I " ... r 1I, . <I les Ih" ell cell' or h. d <I,,' ~"~,,~I~~ ~, t~::~80rII'1I0n of your ' 11:1- • 'N1~:::hl~I~~~::!f:lI~~=:~: 1 ••11 '1""l wlul" .. fur 10" O. nl cleulJseil, brighte ns, IUvlgorntclI and "TI t b . b " l'ee ll,1 I~l VLlOII It''<lm f,or ].."u l. , n 'I" I C " <, !I.I: ' ur l oft , II lid 1' • • Ul iful lo llick or "GI!N""" WANTI!D AT EVERY P08T days. lind Dol)" rcce0'll. been )JUt upo .. reatores to ItS ori 'Iual color alld I.ey UI e n o U c vc ra g o , \1t n g"llo II nll 1'., ku c. ""rc,1 for fll. nf , III" ge " <lII .n Sold " "ll pruptrh appl ll d . 1 IJAT II OIlIl'UJIt. r.I.~R"'. tJOlfll1ll"". tbe markel. Dr Underbi • theweilimown 1 t ti detl ~ d' I d m e dlcllto, WI t h c uratIve p ro portl eR H EN r,I~ ¥ , OHJ\D W10K. P r0l'1':4 I .Lor. ~ w'g IOInlll." . Nu 16 lIuutl . Irec L. 'O~I!IGIVIIN. - -AN Il-fIT1IP"'gI'OwerOrCroIonPoll1t.cliedia 187%. 118. re, 11 ,gmy o r Ise o o r e of the hi hcst d e I ee COli t lu n lll 1 .. • ~ ow \ ork .tI~ I SI' r;:CBII>N O I" ~ 8 I'Hf I~ ""1m! GtI~e Q~l l\flft, Some of bls bel.. Ctltertalrle<l lempenDCe bUlr,cheaply, qUtckly and SUI e ly g d g I ~) .I'KU\ ll lln... AddreuFARAN &JlfcLEAN. .UIUII) "Ii W. 1't1l" 1'1 Ylew$ orluchextmaeldad.lbatth'a;wuo Tho poorest peuple proler to bny It n o POdlSOIt Oll B I til gs d I(I' Y,. I (I tl °dl ''I'he TI '''IU.t HI.. "I " II , l~ t 13 .. 11'1 ,,, <1 DEATH Dl.F£Al'ED (JINCl'NNATI, O. :o~~~g~ ~f4'" ~It:;c:,~:c"';'~~ t th th t I t e nr OI\Ulltl tll lltl Y t c ul li tal o Ib",o". sk " ilII H np H,tler.· 1 l 'O ' • I - - - - SAGENTS WAN TED S ! Tb b II 'lID no d U80 I ,ru or an 0 proc lum l S~ijrem I)ltt build It up Olle b ut 'A hu le lIul' 11\l l:<r. Oll' e. b ,g' <I"elorl .', o' or I lOU" . Jo:L LE R LIV ER IN .!lVHn y 'l U WN A N U OOdn 'Y marl.:ta:~ ~~·el~~el:n"lO ~;e~ 10 a manlier m oro fvrolble I h a l l ' I • I 11I1l"" I\t! l o,, ~ . ,. kn,." ' , PI L I. ,., 1t,I\'O been t1to . .... utl.lld , elll ld) for ' thevtlles. JtlsonlynolYthatlbeotherbelra t e C0 11 tUIIlS 'II 10 ln V l~ II(I \\l fC Ill "' Il 1or • fU n· t (r 0 r UI11 Id I. "I }r IContl'llI"'t .s k8 "Dk It" "I ~1.1 .'ve ·u-e--'-"In ---"'ng 'or WO rd 8 can d e I IDoa te 11 OI o r o lOpS, t Itlt 51 Oo" Id t" e''' I) L ,1D{)n~H H M CA"n"ON .....,. . . . ....... ~~ ' ...... lV ,I a ...W'ment '" tllrOtlg II I blanched 10 ck H o r gl"~zly !Jeu d , 1II 0 re r e u l Op Stl c lIgth Ihan a bur ,on 1.0 0 In ,,10 th o IJl ut uro uf health " 'I h H Ull : \~ d'i:" 11\ '0; "'11 orl A • e lU.lU. I .m anager . I 01 lbe eSlale and the sale of Iho WInes en "" .a ld'" "II' I , r , lel u f o rdlnt\I Y b el' E I CI)' dIll" 13,,11 .. ' 1 0 11, IHl Il " e eyc' /1110 "" II I 182 WEST FOURTH 5TREET. hftDd Amolllflheselsnwineofth"",ntalll' des that they are ngeJ Hll d l'ass tllg t(' 1 t ]' I t II tl c "d Wi ll " d, ,,, n Rnd reatl y tn Ink. dl'·" L " e" "" 'IS"" fr,,,? ., ' "rllI ' ICCl1 . Iul,' II f (' Drc r NI'i l !'.l , () ofx1l64. cribe<lasa"S"cetUniooPorc; oka deoa. A lor shO! t tlla I II !II gl~ In ' Ot! I C~ CI II C S 1m. IIIl y .lII ' h d 11 ,, 1' DIl II rs IS \I hilt yuu IIH'" II" II er 01 tom .. cu .~ hll ill.; ,'.tl """ "f bUl &Ullgesllog the Imperial '1 llllore y I th O j)h) 8Ie llltl S I Il CS( lluo tlt"III " Dnllt h . ""l1d ,I, 'I< f .r't" e"~.II. U'gS,."d , Ky. ,") . ,oll er. 1.11. 1"', 0 =1~an.r...~k~e~E~~r.,.an~lt~r·:mJ'ri~:! COnVlllCC tho \\lUs t e kCI )tl c nl that It l'• OC ICSt E I tIll ) Up BIt te ' 8 . th Ut 8 11 Ied l, uUll tr d.I of dullnum duuLur. ' hil i• cr E ve lllllg ' x}Jless Oil Hop '"lu·' d l ' I ' 1') O ) ". ) U II Ie 0 '\.1 groWl Il$purl. aaeaDd melJowa .... IlnI doe8 erudlcate th e sClIlp dl scnse s 13 tta j bu'ld Ujl llOUllnllulil' l 'IIs',~ e."""r~. ~ " • 1" ~ 1~A. N DALL , l:.t:RllJUT & UO, remlU'kable, and tJilhyddarLll.nd wln. wlltch rob th o hair of lI s c o lo r aucl I ~_ _ • ·ll,y.,ulll'. 01 ~ "nllOol. " •• And TeCum· 't~ I\••~.. EI 8d tV:F mll~FEUGIII" '1 4tll:~1 Dlt11001/"I'.' A ,rl' ll t:! , I (ooel ers hove a IpccI Inlerest In It .. tIio ." D" JT) 1J . mOl,,1 H "p II,Ho," T u-Ilhe/ll ' Il!rea ~orm OR ro~er xlw ", ,, '" " oldest nllltvewme no".ccesaibl"ln.nlCODI!~O.--:- .I.·m·t o cot, (.nan. at ly Why Will You 'J1 " hh,.boll ut) nndJ 6}-1l1lp BrUer. ~~or~". I~~II1ImYi°IriMla ~"'S "'ldy e:'r· 'I· ld "-W N o 3 . E A I MAIN SlRE&l, 1 bl~~~b!a,,:,,~z.:Im~·':== ~01UtO'·. All0." cold I<l ",h ull eo III , our "}Rtcm I!'v,. h~III .J. IIn.1 b •• u ty· II e r'l ~ . Oll 8. U u uY' rI'!'ItI Rt.8 YN house of the 1burberl.-N. Y. ~ c....._ _ _••_. .. and thu. enellllr"g" In ... e . crll"'" ",II I"dIC. . 'Thcr~ firo more our • • mod o w, l h Hop PrICc . i) O\', m,oh R E ELLEII!; &, WA ESVILLE , O. ..~ A. D -~ ]5,_I:(! I u. 8'n LIST OJ' WEDDING OKLIUJR.ATION8 8u c la"1' r U I 1llllt l1W\ ) l ern ,r d l ' :.<"' ~ .Iulluug Blttet " th8l\ all ot11 or mcdimn f"'8.' CO. l)rorr'~ r lUAbnrgh , Il fL Sond for n rrp~r.rlphtlll" c nmpolltl.l~d ut ltlllllltlrl'l b y II 1, \tl l \f ry Ihut: r J ! .. Inn 1/ U' r .",. ht (, I W, 19. I • _ __ troubl. s \\ l le h 1m Im JO flri ,a t(' n II I t l fl n bo \~ hen th o brRm 18 weAri ed thn n CrL Crl If o ul llr F or ..ole by: J Sa uds, \VU) nCHv lll o no cxpe:ncu cd Drugfl t~t;.. US7 ,~~:\ I n' 1:: l1 t?OU en D' Inllli:c I, Ino .. ,lUbt I i:! \VI 1t :1... ~ J Th --' ree d~s, stlgar j Sixty days, ftO re. tl dy . 1l.,,"oU r BI,"ohco·. OpnllllD IIn. lrung. tb . wonk, ~"e HOI' B,l. -- -~ - - ----Th. Ilbove (or Ir.eII. but .... 'ffO<IId villegar; Firat aOIIl\'oraary, lfOD; Byru p L,"- gU llI od tI,o IlI r,,""L ." Ie III th o ter.· I~OR ~ 1& BRO 1l.N'S Fn~~~n DRJljS3I NG, I add !hilt thl.l. the pure Juice of the ppe. 'Th"t 10'" n ~rvOll" fover. wlln t of sloe p, F' or t I'e ouro 0 f "' I W/III)"fieR "rlslIlg fro", ~ V. • BE""'" oe,ther •• .,......, /"'"iWW1 nor -*ntI•• that It F ifth, wooden', Tenth, tin', FIt· .orld furLIh e , JII)ro of COIIgh. 1t Col )) d,Il ""dh Ib,o 0 \'Y .....~·3 SATI1~ .1,-" O L"l , S~ ' ... l . ystul' Tent oth cllu '0' el\ _I III !> ""'1><" ,. , 0.0 co. and weakne•• 01111, for H"p DILtor. ' 1OIJUro DloOll. Bnd for 10vlgor"tlll'" And 1110 "·. ldcII CO of H, """h Arll f lt rlt",] ~T has been ripened nnd men~ by "1"'. aDd t een t~,cfifth '~\Ii f' til B t fllm o,, < 1"",I",on I r""o"l'llOn. IIlId '0 I' rep"r, tJ_... .,..... n " P.I. RIll\e' .. otnmgtbonlllg the vital o,rgans A:;' YOII otr.el. \""y"eovlllo, 01 11 0 ,nlll" ,o", ,, >o v II ~ni~"" I \Ul lhOeh~dl'lln • bool. lllnl, 00 "'O' Y:unl iIr medicInal or IIllCrarDetltal purposea II Ia T Wenty , 81 vcr j llr Ie 1, cot cd wltb tbl"! greut c8t caro, lUld 110 IUlr n o(..oci" 1IJ_H1 . . . ".e... \\ onk . ntl~ou8, dr~n.litat.ti, pale and emoel. room", 8tKO lJIUl t ry Mild kttch," u Th v h om;~ I:~m I~~") /'~} ~h~~~'i;:c::"t:~~"\,t,:th'/;\o~l:::~ unsurpused. It caQ bo obtained iro1D IDOIt too' Thir~ fift ' ,' linen' Fort/cUI be on tcr tm ned In admlll18Lcr,n g 11 , .. tha For ...10 by.l !;lANDS • t dO l ? H ,. filll . hed \11 billok walllll L 110.1,. III e • • "1 I ,.t" , ·, e . 11)"0 I< \\ 111 no' ,..,II ' ~ u o·· lr·· f'" I 'II f·ftl Ik' F'''''' h' yO\ln \!,e. ~oh ll .I''' . JlPr d" cOllOn~ Ilto . "lo II 0 ' &ve you ostyo,orappet,Io ~\ e I i I I ' ', .. , • 0 tno eadlng Dru,g1.~ tbl'01lpOl1t the woo ~D; ort,- 1 1, SI ; lnlet, of th.H rnttc1 JUlnl 11'1 u r. prf' rod (' nt (t'{ ~1nCO y'0u UQU"CO, p111U 16 the b~k, &c? If 140, cnt rcpn r \\ 0 nuw pHtnpl$ on t le prc lIl· 11 f nn)O. '"Q!""" r,r t hulr (!ru\t pnrlUhrf l Ihere United Statc.a. and At ~ ftrotIl ~ Old ., Seve\1t~ fi fth, dll\wond. fir. t '" l' nolll. ,.,1 '" 0 1< 1011 0 L,. II II "n_tllOt Dr rAnd lj6) '8 lJLOOb SE~l)LOII&1l ..ill dr,ve " CH, ono (or olslern " "ter r."" • ,.l lmltll, I"", 'ro I C" P I" "· 1II 11,i rall1tt)' uDdenlgned who .\U fonnud dMcrI""'g '" t tl d d bri b k th DI SIt.ullhon I t!. hl "ch oummnndln )( u henutl" I' . , ,Y UIll ltu ..tll,u.lll n \.I ll .,1 ..-....... • • _ lII erell " " '" d. 111 .. " r) , ,,,1 ""tlt, ul II " li ll ie roo (h er 1 000.000 boUles . ol d It ,. th o on •• ' .... I& .n n~r '0 0 oom f I I L t ijQ '10 r &\J pamphlet. freeoCcbarge. Cllta~ .. I.II;III! aM l,m8: , port uf " f,"I1", I" • Il O III til " " "J Y"(IIIO Irno• t n'oMllnt lind ""1",larrOlll euy for Oold_. of H e.Jtll l',ml'les. BoUA, Ery8ip. I... . u v ow °d x~ ," v"" oly 0 [rillt J fI 1 I III It ~ (l ., .. r'fett~r. SlIlt Rheum. ·&O. Ate but . urfAoo Ireos aod goo 8011 T or m_ """I'""nod",," 1:1' 11u I 'JJ Rapeotftrl1y. etc.. Not Be I116t, Illy 'nond; for I( you A.• I<. ynUl JJt ~ )lc"I 'l- I • , I", I, u lh of these COIlIfIt. Croup, n Ollr",,".~. "lid till Throut Apply tt JOB G K E YS .A "li t ',dt b.anled mr. v be on"l "q unl rnollo1 " 'o.uld 8CO tllo 8"t' rollg' IlealtilY. tIlmarko. L & If .I,e j .j eenllJ Try It "lid n~11 Lun g D,scII!e' H tu! b"ell 10 nHO for IlId'Oilh ono of Blood DIIIelI _ ; (Iud Dr • g A1 ~hu h/rz" . ( p . . ... .. " . (In~ V,,", B. La r. 8. TRORlllla .. . • btl ouuvloocd Suld "r J Sand. hlllf 0 tllllltury D oaton. . eo\lmtOeod and I, mdo&)·. D)\1od Searcher. by purlf~-inlJ tI, C ,.1 at I 0 I' " I', ,.1"" , ,~to ••. .~ __---'"""'"---'-~"--.....:..:.,...:.,,.. blootntng men, wom e n nnd chIld ron • e • , prescribc it.. tI. E Youmall. Long r O . ' YRtolO • • often~ tbe .kln IlInd beaullfic~ tllO that havo bcell ral ~ed fllOIll b e ds.,1 Til t:; J, IURA UY lIAs 17.INE for Mllruh w.ll III • •• ys. ·It ~lIv8d two children ftom oomJ.lexlon Sold bidRlII'!~tII '100 por DR 0 11l1s_0,'s O.lery li nd OUll moalill eicknCll8 ' 8,dIeriog and almost rbo road)' lin t he 2 lh-tIOl. d"tcd ID ldvllnce IthO onAvE ' A L BI.mon. of :BaH,m orc. ~~Iit;b r!.~.. S~r !Io ~yCJ~ 1'111. nfC prep ared upro..1y 10 cure Sick , '0, at ' 8 tho lt8 oontcnt.< bClOg mumly !old. "Iso An . ' 'It II 111 . .. ro tho " orst oougl' .. "i Hand. che. N erl OIlOnefte, I Cf pl c. ~ n u .~ lI"d 4eathl by "ho 11ge of Bop Dltters, f.oIU tile forolgn pnbhenti o" o of sume dnto. ' Imm",haloly' A~k your druggl. t or geD' R~.md8nce, \VIII cu re Any Oa.. Olfieo. IU 6 NEilL. " J'OIl would say, "l' rllth, gl ol ll!U~ thll ~ gI Vin g \V itaL18 n e w ~"t III tho " ter'IfY er~1 Btcrokoe pe~ for It lind take no othor ..treet, lIalllmol'l' , ?old Pdt • • Mlo poal l ge truth" See " Truths" in nnothor world'. *1 It YOllr, or 10 cents 1\ numbo! - PnC6S, 2:)0. bOo. end 'I ~r bottle Send Mlu Balind. S*,U ofl~n her rMldenae trcc., nnd I!Old iJy all Drugglsl l Alld country • , AmerlcR" 1Iook Ex ehllDge, Pubhsbers, N fo!' 01l'1lu]Rr R E' BE LEBS ... 00 • and ODe _l1t l~ciD O.Mo Squal'll, for .ale etores R~ ferenao-.Bo,.ard Dink • .Balli· coI umn. Yod, ' ~ Pl'Ilp's, Itt8buri"b. Pa For term., iNulri DB Ute, pnmilee lIoro Sold by J. Sud,
Th c In st ItutI o n fo r t h c MUl e n l d lllt lld IS s lt llll te d h rl!. ullll h.l" p upIl s . Th ey lJU b ltlih 1\ J"ll 'l r c all e d rlt ll In dex F o r ot h e r lt lldll ' ~.
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FoUlt well dell ned _ of triobln()lli. la Like Town.bip 111 Irt' repor~~,1 De of the panlel! a Iu rt of mntlleoo , I" dClati AD nru lP l\lIoll d lh~ 11(\ II of tbe IIIlrlauti of tl e IlO rk II h tcl, CIlII (I her dcath r Hilled triulllll III IlIrge uum bel'l!, UII Il811mnlo of t.h 1lI1111\.t r found III tho pori{ \.telDg tlltlllL) fiv tboullllnd Lo tne p6Ul1d
MUSTANG Survival of tho Fittest. A fA)!I'" lMEDIClKK:tOAT U18 aULD MIUIONII D~mKQ n tlA1II1
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Some aaelrnt Umne.r f'&ln t ed J utlaJo 011
Whb Ir lolled .II~ G d "h h Ups vu h lOf! Whom lu kel" roUe. dr8lo Ie W"1'O It uta" To polol blm I II o\1l~ 1"ln l h I> hai r lito Rol~ Wlt.b t eDd~r eyn or .. zure JU'Itllke tlloe That n nn6 tnlgbl dream ltiD trtac:bcrr they eu
lold Or of b. d.n~ .. ' rklDg 10 Ib~ ItI ...
~t~! ~n~~·~k~!:.~\~~~:.h'lort.,."'iII!: :11"
Wlt.b IIpa U'" thh 10 U n 10, 1If . ..... , TWENT"% TW0 wome n In uo FraocI ~co dally bold tI e msclvcs III rcudtn c s to s upply tbo dcmsllu for te u lJO rury leacbers 1 be) go to tIle office of tbe 8cbool board 10 tbe morDi ng wb ence tbey are sent to house! need 109 teachero for tile day ThClr com pe nsati on 11 from three to fou r dollnrs a day wh I wacilln g\ aud one dollar nnd fifty cell b for tne Iy w ben th ere 18 no cnll for t bem AN Y on e would nn turally suppose innt Lbe dainty IILtio pnclm ~e "hleb th e IvlIsh dre _e I In Iy 'I tb e horse car. gUdd •• cnrefully co n!.a It .KQ e frag,le spec Imen f c~ ru n\l C! bit t [1 doser Illspccllon w,1l reH ,I tbe fl\( t li nt 1m e lgbt cent t It skin mer IS through tne thin paper und glVII!! away the fair owuer Ill! a pntron of boubllhold art In Ill! more prim tlve and u!!eful form - /'0(10 Hu v~ Tie')I! /cr TU E S IIIdny A/It lOon SIlVS One of th ~ mOMt re u arle IblA t1UllgSIU human nature IS the Willingness .,f wom en 10 l!Ilor flee a girl ~ "fe for the chal ce of I!I1vmg t be morals of a scapeg race mall If 1\ I>lOUS mothe r ca ll only marry hcr Beelzebub to so m ~ good rehglOu. girl the chance of hiS re£orm atloll1 8 I!reJItly Increued 'I be glrllK DClther he r nore there wheD or e cO 18 ders the ncce Kslt) for I!I1VlIlg t1 e dr r Bee lzebuh
'I v recA plLulate Rccordmg to tb e bC6t author tlPi we I ave PeTlllcl on of Neptune 'II' \I be III I ~S I i'enh"lton of rauu s YIII be II 1 2 Punhellon "f I'latu rn will bc III 188 Pe ri helion of JUPltcr Will be 111 I From wll ch It .nll bo oeell that Ihty a ro nOL CO li CI len L by Ofcr t, c yeara d t hat ,,1111 0 Nept ulle atom UI II Jup ter wil l be wltbin 20 lei occlltnc I l!g rec~ of each otbe r fo r a tim e anti n No' ember 188 1 "Ill bo almost 0 n . Hal ght 1100 WIth th e ea rt h nn t ALII UranU!! WIll besbo ut 13:> degn.·tH lU au ,alice J upl tcr nud a(um nrc Lhe t IVO g reat plnnet!! lI ud va8t ly out, mgh all oth erd nut It "Ill be sceu thaL their pOrlbella II r livo YCRrs apart wi 10 tb e p rlhehn of Ju piter a tum Rnd Uranus a ll oc cu rr din tb e yoa r 1-1) "Itl m u few montbs of Moh otht' r J et no ba rm "as done except Ihe l'r~ne h re lolut 0 11 ROLl to MC ri De that Lo nog ht b'l t 1\ cOlllelu ence would hltrdly be wltnlO the bo UI ds o f cI'mmon Ben 1 he pcnhella of J u pI tor and eaLu r:: wore siam COlli cldont 10 185ti But even If all th e pianola In the IIOlur RysLem were to pRill! tbelr pe nltellon poillt.! st the Rumo In stant (whlcn IS Im po3 Ible) and all In tb ~ am e hellocentn c lon gitude It WUlliu CR IIS uo trouble on th e eartll S 8urf tce I WI 11 Lo plsc mYRelf lIQ uarely upon th e recI rd nnd Lo 8!.ako wbat httle rep u taUolIl hllve III sny ing that tb e next Ih o ycnr. WIll produ ce only ortlmsrv re sulLo th nt wi tiP T I n~ \l e8 faDlln e. Ooods droughLil etc 1'11.1 undoubtedly occur In vur ous parts of the earth tbey WII\ he only ordlDllry and local nnd nothing pxtrsordlDary WIll occur to' mar tbe c \ cn lenor of ml.turo s wave Admirals of tho Drilish Na,y Tho ridIcule elUlt by H i\1 S rlDn fore ~ upou tho shore gOI ng 011 cen 0 tb o Bratlsh Nlivy would ha, o been even more appropnate II tbe 8eH nteenth cen tury wh en It " Ill! qlllt n common thlll~ to tran sfer officcrH from th e land .;e n Ice Lo tb e lIeet Without OilY pre l nra t on One of tbose thus tran sferred wa~ GClle ral Monk who had Itt that tim e ne'er bee n to @ea 11\ h,a h!. An olher \Vas Pr nee Rupert th e fl\mou~ cavnlry leader of harles l8 army who wben appointed to tbe command of a man of war aro usc 1 th o Inughterof hi" crew by calli I ~ out \\ beel to the left In"wnd of Port your belm Robert Blake afterward I!Ccond only to Nelson nlmBeif bad been mIlitary commtlndSDL at tbe sIege of Tll unton lIomedlatelr before bl" apiooilltment ns vice admiral of the Ubanoel Oeet Lord Tornnglon 8 name IHM couupted 1D10 Tarrv In town by the 88110rs In ooDscquence of bl8 undl s gUIKe d preference of 11\8 town bouse to hIM quarter-deck Lord Do,sct 8 close atL~1 tlon Lo hi. dllty '11'88 ahown bv the fn et of hIS requiring to have hl8 own ftag ship poIDled Ollt to Dim But fortu nately the BeTVICe contalDed other men of a very dIfferent type Tbe I!IlY 109 C!lrrent At tbnt time 10 the EDghsh Nav? Tbere 8 no AdmIral hire a CIlbm arose from a sIngular cham of boy successIOn form ed bv the three great ad mlrnl ~ of tno century 'I be first of these IVn,Slr Obrlstophor MIDg8 who bPgan II " career as a cobin boy HIS cablD boy bt>came Sir John Nnrborough popul Irly known RS Gunpowder Jack and the cabm boy of Sir John NlUbor oug~ bt>cnm e S r CloudCIIIt'y S bovel
Bornlng the DOily of II JIIggcr Who lUlled by tbe Cal'll Tho Sacramento (( I) R ecord Unllm lIIIy8 that Ned a b,gger IndlRn W88 found dead alongJIlde the railroad track near Auburn la8t Wednesday hnvmg apparently fallen from the platform of a car lind fractured hiS Hlcull HIS fnend s beIRg noufll'd they placed tl c remaIRa u pen II hOrlse a nd con teyed 'hem to CI rl or Gap \lhere they " ere duly cre mated ID tbe manner customary "Ith the red men of that .eetloll TI e funeral pile whi ch IS bUilt o{ wood to a belght of about fonr feot 18 kept TlI 0 Mlle8in the Air burning about Ihe hourtl durlDg which time relallvet! and friend s place up' n It Sudden local wealtb WIll creaLo n slIch artIcled 88 tllPY deSire to contnbule city 8lmo~t a8 qUickly B8 Alaudm • genII to aId th e tlece s rei when he ~ hall IIIl\ e could do It and thecreRtlOn mayvalltsh arrnodaL tho II Ippy hunt ng pounds- IS sudden ly r thole (Pa) ro8C like 000 gIves a blanket anotl er a bo\\ lind nn exhalntlon and now only II few arrow an other a Bndale etc Wben nllD" lire le ft of It Whether 11118 new tbe Oe.h has all been eOIiROme<l nnd C lorado cltv\\ 111 hRVC a 8 IDli lar hl 8tory o nly tbe bones rem lin the ~e are rak ed t me mllst te ll A far " rest exchange together and n fire kepL burn ng ab I Ibn" lilld sketch of I eadville them until they also becrm e \shes J.cadvilip I aka C'lunty Col IS the Wben tbe fire finally dIes out tl e I !it cst lIewest and for ILII sIze the IIIIbcs are all collected taleen to tI e nOI"lcst clly on the contlDent Jt IS burial ground llnd IDte rred II httle loar c1 n llC 1IJ1 to the anowy range overlooking Bugar shaped mouud being erected o,er C Ihforuls Gulch th e Hcene of the gold· them The female relatiVes of the Ie buuttng furore of 18 0 a.t an altttude eeued as eVidence of mournll g smear of about nlDe thou8ond feet or to Rut thetr fa ces and heads wllh !.ar-the I.'X It more fore bly nearly two mil,s tent of tho nppllcatlon mdlcaLlDg tbe higher tban New Yorlr It may be con eloee.nellS of tbelr re!tlhonsllp-and tillS Bldered Ill! ,~ c ll UP In the world. Ie Itlft untIL It IIntura ll) wcars ofT There There IH no plRce hke It m the whole wu a large altt' Ollollce u Ned B Rockb:~3~:m08 It IS a Iltrger city tUD"rti.-ev:crv UIlll1Ill.'CJY·~p'·""'=""'<"P · f than don th_l-Ih--or-Sllver brln«ing a number of bucks squawH tOil or Lake Olty on the 80Uth. fhe At tlll~Y lUe 8110,.ed to nde Iree, the twenty year old town8 of Black Hawk, *'-ill ..en usually prelll! ilie bucks IDLo Central and GeorgeLown are notblDg ..,Yloe "ben It lB neceasary to wOOd up to It In populatlOD trade fast ruoney bu. 011 .\loh an <K:(!UIOO as thIS they malnng and everyLblng .nrd1I, m~1 r eplying, No work Where Leadville now titan de W88 a hDtraJ ~.y' VP U ago almOllt a howling wildern_
An Automatic Player In n recent number of thl! J IIUNIOI of Lhe Frmk hn rnatltute IS 1\ dC8cnplion of 8 renlllrkl\ble machloe de.lgllcd nnd cOll htrncted Bllmmer by 8 Rtud eDt at the Dllorsltyof PennRylvlIDlIl Franle 1 Freelalld 018l1li o( 1878 It IS Clllltd All a Ul omatlo III tat to mBcbme Itnd " th It any one can play tbat gnme ne If II \l ore a perllOn h IS II true nutoma "II tha~ 16 tllere IS 110 onc ccncea lrd \II or IIro nd it "bo goveros Ila m( \ es by electrical or &IIy othe r nl Cal:! as was th e Ca e wltb all the automa ton cheM Ilsyers The pnnclple upon wluch It wor~8 IS tbis Tbel e 1II IfJ It a ruechan cal table of a1\ tbe 1>0 Ihle games ami t" o hllnds bnvu g Ulno fiu ger. each Wh en ilie o ppon(D~ makes a mo' e tho mBchloe buuls WIth lUI left ha lld III th o tAble for that IINI vo I!poslte I ~ 18 ~et do\\ Il the proper annl'e nn~ mO\e Dr p"shlDg A lever tlte right I nnd dlRCOf erB that move and traDsml Lil ,t to Lhe bOllrd 'Ibe maehme Wa S I'xilib led at the Franklin Institute It 18 now At the IlIverB i~y of Plmo6yl vsIIIIl wbore L hn K ,laved Il lal $0 number of gamcR Without 10~1D~. Blugl e oue The prob 10m of dC81gDlOg a mach IDe which would Illv ODe of tbe games of ~kl\l Willi nev, r I!(' rtously a Ltempted before but Ollell whell Lhe reeults arTlved at wore stich n8 to prescn t lI~lrIOU8 difficultIes ID tho COil st ruChon of the [oRchlne
W EnD IDn:slike8 • Joke and It IS ftlUd of h1lIl that. at n Iccepholl 110 t 10llg SIDce he pulled his 1 at <1own over hl8 eyes buUoned rus cont about 111m to dl8glllS0 rumse1f, nnd fRllln g 11110 tile hue that Willi mO~lDg on to grasp ilie HRYCII handa Ill8 motlter by tlto hnud nnd 8IlId nl a lond VOICe, God hless yon mtldam, for your adherence to Lhe temperCJ1~1 CIIUlIIl' Mrs Deyoe showed 110 sign'.,f recognItion, and ll1 E Il:l11 a ns nre using powdered Wobb la yet unabTe to tcll whether hla borax 1D 8 1 ~a d of tlSlt for prese rvlDg mother k now him or not butter and buLLer so treated 18 8111d t.o reta, n 118 8'l cetnfl!8 for threo months IL 1M I matter of IMle wnether sRIt or bo rax 18 I referable
] N b ermnnv horse 8hoes lire punotu red \\ Itb a bole nt eltl er end II to which ,vh!'n tl e road s arc slip pe ry n 8111a ll Irln spike IS sc rewed \\ hen tbe hor!!e come bailie to Its . tubl l.' tbe groo m un sc rews th e 8plkes and ec rewo III n couple of buttons or tull. tn rrevrnt (IIrt {rom ~etl log IDtO t be orth co. A slOlIlar sh oe '" Illsa ex~eD s lv e ly uscll In I ngland well RICf )luddlllg wltb fnu t n ce "Itb I very lillie milk O\ er the fire then mI x fru t of ully kId , Ith It curmn'" goo'l berri es scaltl ell pAred and quarte re d apples nuslns or blaok Ollr ranUl nnd Hull bett er red curlllllt)1ll y Wi t h onc ePig t.o !Jlml tI 0 n ~c bOil It well Inri He rVe wltb po \dcred clona mon a nd ijugn r IT I ~ ' nlll ~hnt II c 1 e1<R8 cattl e go Lo lhe r" er~ for waler at noo n WIll the excepllon of a few which rc malll be bllld to lake CItrC II f tho c llv e8 Olle cow OlSy often be dre n w ItChlog til r ive or bfteeD call C II bIl e their mothers bll' e go ne wltb the remaInder of the herd 10 drink After th e return o{ the herd tbe wat chers take their turn Th," fact 10 ' ucbed for by Heversl old herd smen VEA I Huet l'uddmg (baked or bOiled) Ohop one half pounel of veal suet put It InLo a quart of nch milk tl('t I upon the fi e and" hen pre tty bot ponr It u pon eigh t ounces of bread crumbs nnd suga r Lo your tasle odd ODe half pound of curmuUI wsshed snd dried and tl ree well bt>alen egg8 put It inLo a flollred eloLb or bultered dish and either boll or bake It an hour BaRAD puddlDg Hnlf a ponod of 8tale bread, IIORlred In warm WiLer for ten minute- and wrung dry In a clean cloth one quart o( mllir four eggtl yolks and whites well beaten together two ounces of butter one even telt spoonf ul of salt hlll{ 8. pound of ,.011 waHhed Slid picked cu rrnut.~ dned ID It Lowel one colfee-cup lIgbt bm'll n 8ugllr balf a grllted lIutmeg mIX "ell hutler the ran snd bake for three quarters of an hour ID a hot oven
TilE Czar wlshe I Lo 8hoot a bear A bear was accordmlllr found a ring of pealluts surrounded It Rnd word of lUI wher~ nbo utH was Bent to the Imprraa l ~port"mnn Un fortunat ely wblle these prepnrM ons were bem g mlld e th e cren ture contrived to slip through th e rll g tnd escaped WI aL was to be dOl e 'l That Ihe Empcror of \11 th e RUBsiss sho uld come nnd find no j!nme would nOH'r do A bnrry IIlea seIzed on the foresters Hegllrdless of cost a !.arne bear WIUI procured ID the nick of time tura ed 100!!6 wlthlll the ring nnd now 1 all was ready 'Ihe Circle c los~d III Hrum "lUI dlsco\uetl nt the fooL of a tree Lhe Rtt<>ndants fell bllck the Em peror Rdvnnced to fire But now came tho climax JUBt 1\8 the tngger was about to be drnwn Brum rose slowly on hl9 hmd fee t and b~:ln to perform the Nttl~i)nal Dllucel &-e-x-bib.tllHHllW6d hl8life hut It dId the revertlll of secor IDg for tbose who mtrodueed 111m to the prel!Cnce thnt Royal favor whIch thetr IDgenUlty deBerved -------'WHAT portion of the hoiy are the best travelcra?-The two wnat&
De ....leta. aarOOfNATl-i'lo_WIDlerl.... Uy b blgb.r a d ca n not be bout bt fbr Ira:l th llD . . 41) wbllt cbo OIl \J Mllln, II h lj • II .. M hOOT II I mod
den .nd .t ~1fIi6 DO .Dd /'I •• nt at 1 17 ~7 'prtD,I. DrlD .1"81 80 OKin 13 Mo.'." 2l lUI"" nDO 13 25{IJS DO 10... ,,'ad ... 'HOaS. lit. ftour I. . I.. tly ••i1 q. lol ., II ~ 2lj Ora 0- Wbe.t ,00<1 10 pllo.o ... b..lto .Iibl•• 1 111lt1 M p 1m. a nlle.T and red .old. 11 '1 OS aDd Imoliioll vi r d oold . III 03I"he rl ... No 2 '11)j\(i\108 Cor. S4 S7. X,... 110 2, In .Ie ..'.r S4@II.\e. .. np 0 011 t~~. Jor jlOCHl 10 obol... ,lata aood 10 p hn' mrled.", beld .. 2II(J2!e .. d 100<1 10 prim. wh to.t 28@8Oc. tl D tnet BarleT . .No 2 J. lI I. auol ~ I . 11 9l:llga. ti~ ••170885. No a IprloK .~ ,g6Oc. aud Jnfe-rJor .pdor and faU at SOif,4Oc H. , primo tAl choIce t1J1lo.hy ISIllO prfm. to nbo ... rolled IS 6Ot!t7 DO per ton III. . port '10 (!I IO 26 LU.I prime counl,y kellie ~. <lly 7 e,. "
CoIIOO 8tl1I~
II EW YORK - "OIlT - S.perIID. 81a~ .b~ W.n.em II 5OA8 TO oommoo w ~ extra W.t,. am an.! Slate, IS BOn 110 ,00<1 tAl cbol ... WOllen> and 8\&te, 139.\84 OOL commOD tAl cbolce ... 111,.
WeoI6n . .I......
2& .......... tAl lood
01110 ..era lal"'ITt! I I 7
First Estabhshed I
comlDo. tAl cbol"" dL Loulo"lra fam ., 13 675 &Unneoola ""IAo.1 p _ ,ood I. prim, aod cbol .. tAl double Olin 16 11088 Ora~Wb ••1 830 a l I ~ r,o No 2 IVOl er .nd 81a .. G04IRk barle,; commoo IVelL.r. 41c • oon> 4 A46~ .. ta, ~8IIG)(. M_ pork 010 'HO@UO: uew S u 8 a. 10 . 0 Un! prtmo ...... ID e l~~.fl~G c..tloO .I4.Vj¥.
Most Successful!
T UI-IU 'N 8T Jt tJalf.~b.Y" .III.andar4".Jae n "I 11 11
yw htl e
b .bll
Ih a PIN."T
PfllLAlIEI.PBu YIour - W....... Iupera •• III 2,104 60 Mlon_. uln 1&111 Ir .. med lu. '0 lancy .. D086 blK~ ~ .. 13 I ~'" Oblo ..II. I.Wlk ohol.. 1620
r. DOa~ 7; 1 W••I.,••ll""'"
G~~~:J:tn~ocnJ.~~2~ r:rw1~~:r ~De!~
.. ,," f1 15 RU " .. tom ~1 ~. Corn ,... Jected WMlun on tn Ir fa ••tic. Wet,ern littawer OD Ilack 44c. Oau. IIL.ea We.tem 218 300 .. bile W""'ro II EJ82~ 11_ port- Ellu 110 etlo!tll I riD. 01'" • O(!) I~ 26 lA,dW•• tern ttt'ft~e 7~<J~ .. c Petroleum retlned t8t tic orudo In bortelo, 8.14118\(c WUIIIVILLI!.-FI.>IIr-_ ..... :lab e,.,," lamII., iii DO:l87B ... No.1 .. 2.\0. DO raInWboa!. 0"" rod. ,""Dille., .",beT tDd "bl .. Me. vom "bl..,... Me Oa ..... bl", WMtem are. mlud 26r a,e. Dew 6Ia. 1111 _oe to ~ II al DO J107 tAl... K_,.,.t oId,llOIIG. I.... In t1~, ~~ elIo CO _ Ie .-00 li' ti%S"''' ""'k 01 _ _ IIbowd"!"L "'e. .lIorl rlb- old ... 6~o .bort olelr atdM '"WC. ' for looIe 8A00D~lio\11den acw 4 ~C clear db aldee De .. 6~ cJur .idee De" ~c f uT l00.a tillPI' eUlfltf bm., lure .Iae S~
CROFULA•• Persons afflIcted with Scrofula, HIp DISease, Ulcerous Sores, Abscesse' l Wnlte Swell· ing, PsoriasIS, GOitre, Necrosis, (lJ'~ INDl.IJI .t.POLIIS. - Grain - Wb .. ~ NO 2 m Eczema, Diseased Bone., WIll pleue wlnln nO"1 II 02AI 03 Corr/ , new W..",", lend thelf address ",lied S @' 4~ M.y B3X~8~.. 0... wblle
WeaMJ'D ~<l26~- Bulk mutt-uretlo ,boulder., aw: .._ rib ' :id... 4800 ant primo ..""'m ronl mate 6 ~ 6 ..eel pickled baml 7>,4 GU
aaronmATJ -8eaI ~IU...comm... 2a2~ loIr 10 medlDDl ","~o ""'" to .b;;ico butcbor rnd .. ~9.~ Wr w IUOd Iblppm 4"1I'4~.. (air to d.lry CO'" a~ 40 lair tAl MooU b. .,., 02eD a ~4c commOD to'.Ir feed en aDd IItod:en .~@II~c 1 ODd ....d S~4". HopCommon .S 9O(!JS e& lair 10 vood IrKliL DOlla 90 falr tAl lood ...,klDl tuadea, U 9,.4 10 a.d 00loci... bu,ober grad .. flIDg4 26 ~no<p.-ComlDon 10 13:i4 •• d ...." tAl cbolce Sl l1li8. 86 per lb 11'CJG EAIIT UBERTY PA.-1Ieo1 Call 0 !'rIme • f!C' n .'YI'ng1nl I .00 to I 6tD II , "l 1S6tti 2 rer 1110 n.. 10 Kood ll ten . . erol og I l oQ In I 300 JbI ... 2~. 76 com Don Sri lei! a.eraglJ ~ 000 to t 000 lb. .1 18 ~,. Hop--liIIl.. mado 01 York,," II n 8l A4 10 roer 100 lhl, Phlladelpbla lOR' .1 14 DO@4 75 Sheep mod Lam",-s.I•• m. 10 01 ,htop a' 13 2611'6 Ml pu 100 11>1. lor .ommo 10
-_rII ..O"U&-8.I..
2.. 30
mldo 01 oholc.
.111 pon ltee.. 7~e I"" 100 IhI nodI 1m .~ VI"''' ltee" .. oxeD "~4 DO Sbkpaad l.emba-&llM made of fllr to pod WHt ero Ibeep .'14 2584 75 per 100 IhI obolce W..t ern .heap I> 11'1i1~0II21 bull. I. 12X W~rn lomha I 6~~ op-Bo It mode of lOad Yoillon II 14 ~4 ti5 per 100 lbe 0111011 /IfIId.. ,. U" beuT pIp 111 ~a 60. flEW YUl!Ji. -,,"", ~1.~a OJ m.du o per or 'fer1 pc~~lIIe .beep. but.
Hal ea ee were made at 4!4fti 8,,0 lor lemhi Uop- Dr 4 lur W..lelO ~
c for ,beep and 8{tl
G·, S·U"'·
$1a DaJto Agents
RISL~_ ~""-.·-'-" canvassing for the -STOVE POLISH T]jE
~ _... ~~
Iresl · ·de V·lSI-tor. P GEO.P. bELL &(g. Terms a Outfit free. Address
or DeA"',. 0 ell II .1"11 L. hnr m•• IIJtr."iJ/J!.,r!JIil. !)~~~U{:'n1~8~:.::a:
( Prlntl • nOaH 8qUU8 (1Pt' t1 e Tribune D IIdl" " 1
ewspaper Advertlsmg Bureau.
hog. were .. ul.Ul
P. O. Vickery, ~u"usta~ Maine.
UlDlAN.I POLIS -1;1nloD Slock V.rd.- u... -Cbol.. benYlblpPOrl 12 DOOlIIIO WOOL -10 Baal"'!. wool to In fair dlllWld Oh 0. PeDo.yl.... l~ &Ad Well VirDDlo 8 _ 81,,Il10 .Kleblpo Wfooo.oIn aDd oilier a - at
__ OOIIIbbII ..' WaIDe ~..,.tOe.
I \D& IN
A MlIliolinho III jllo l'ollcc COlli I. .0\ U ...
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.lllg It the \I hlle. wi .. Tiligled n gf'nln 11 tnlr I
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II ... bU, . 1J.1.llly ",It d" ~ II I' Cau c tu rQ lact will I) 1111 I ur , kl,,.
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A NporUyc «UlUlt"O,. .,1I~ T"blf"Tht! P. nnllt •• or Itl0p",Irlu .. Merr' M~r""'''l}1
Wh en r "'L< n ~choolbo~, more thuu nflY )cllrs ugo r remember lO baH relld II stury \\ I Ich muy uuve h ell bellou/ but \IIIICh was vetv nnturally told amI llIudo Il dce p 1111 I're'~ IQn upon 010 thcu I II III end c Ivor In dm\\ It forth frolll tlte loc ker or mcm" ry 8n(1 rclalo It AM np Irlv Ill! I C III rpenlle! t. J It r.1l ) u""g gClltlemCl1 \\ bo had fin bbcdlhe OIo~t ~Ub"Lnllt\lIi pnrt of thClr rei 1St lIen: lin ge ring Oler tbelr frUIt III li \\" e It II till ern III Lonllon, whell II mllll of IIl1lldle age Ilnq-mlddlo stutu re c llte reti tbp publi c t.hey RIUlI1 g "ea t ~d h II .WIlIt UIIOCC III'IP.d ta
II lUI HU IKlrscn bed III lho cnpuun K well kllon" hllllO bn t IL 11118 tbo Wfltllll! e ll d lILl y of une "ho \I rote feebly Th re \I L~ 1111 unU ~ U II KolplIIlIlLy 1ll!\O In tb r 1II111111cr of Illm IdlO<lcllv red It ~ I e "ell I WIIK brokeu nnd there II lUI til chrrrv 8IA'I\( IU 11 blank cl1\t-lope A lid "h II slr nm [ 10 umlcr sulnd 11 III rNl U c argrplISOr h) Ih ,. \ (l U II II lInd c r~ nne ~\T II ilL IllV frt ell I f"rglveRy( u-I e I d~ II
Tlmt (he( ker·lJourd.
A Custer Ully Cocktllil. Tnl L lind pohtent'''-i obvlllte mnuy dllhcuilles A returned miller from th e hlcAgO the llIuck H illK arraved III ot her day nnd went to n saloon lind a Mk d for Mme of the heet whlslr) III tbe hou!\{' nod whe1\ It WI\II IIO r ved tu blm Kpllt It out \\ Ith unutterabl e lontlllng and siud I called f( r whl ky, younl!: mnn mebbe you dulu t II Mr m ~?' Th o barket'per !!lud thll t he hRd hea rd blm IDd that ho hael gIVen WhlKIry Ibe gcnLlelOll n from Delldwood pro 00 ded WIth deadly clIlllInr!18 tholl~h h,. hnnd ntsLlIlctlvely 'iOlI ght hl8 Ill p· pocket • I cu lled for th o hest whlskv 111 th e hou se, young mlln mebbe yOIl did not catch t he (ull sIgnificance of mv IIIuguage! I Now/ mallY another bar uoder 81mllar circum8mncCll
( one trom a1 etk it Lb. lummez bloom •• A n I I er lip .. Iolt .1I11.lalot ""rfume. And 1be "loti baa droppul/rom her _olden baJr A d ber cb ... k \I p.'o but DO 1008er lair And U . . plrlL lb.t 11\ up bor IOIt blue oye h al ru ck wltb (!('ltd, It orultt 1 And lbe. nl 0 tbit pa.J f~ mund be.. Up b .. God And enr), cblnn bu DO" lelt tbtl dead I.lke .1 .... lboy o\toyed ber In bolgb lol JIOw",
Ii t Ielt her all Ie ber wlntr)' hbur
And tb e c.rowdt that •• or for bt.r IOte to dle
Sbrunk lrom lb. lone 01 h~r 1.11 1.lot IIlb 1 hI woman alooe wHb I p rtr bear~ Ib ... ld.a. 01 III. depart And 10\ft tl e 1uare "od Iml1eaud bit.. ~l'D In btl utter wret.c.hrdnMl
(;.t o ..e all
Once UI UlIlIl III r II' the I rllllcr 1 0k. l!JIy "bile lrutllll g on Ihe we,Lr rll <OIl~1 of Afnell In the e'IUnLOrlll \ rClllOu, I mn my leasel abollL twentl IUlh ~ III one of the rl\ enl In thnl ~ I 1111 ty 111101 remalncuthero BO \ erlll " eeir. ha\ III )!' II very profitable lIlten;o ur. \1 Ilh so me of t1w 11118Ud lrtbe60f n LlI \' s A portion o f my IClbure tlll\C J "pent 111 huulln l: through tin t1l1clr wood. 1111,1 dllrk JIIII I! leK for "hlch thnL CotUIt reg loll IS fll DlOU' lind It \~ R8 ull one of lh P elC Cllr til(J1l3 thllt I lir ~ DIet n hVln g );U TlIlII My 1111111, \\1llI a nMII e of th e c 11\ IIlblll ~ peCle~- ulaek low urolVed thick skulle I and but hltle remove,1 from the I rule ullImnl blmsclf H oulll DIRk hlUl olf 1111 <Ie rt!I.()Q,1 l owe \ r kllell tbe country \l ell "nd Ktood III s ucb lailltury IlIV of th wond rfnl wb,le Ullin tbllL I felt pe rCclltly sn[e III trusllng Ulyt!clf \Htb hIm (nr heyon I the rearh o[ fTlcllds allli lu IJIIICC8 wh ro r would not hll\e vent ur, WIth any . 'lIgle on ef my countrym e n Olle day IV bad UIU8 ~W1tllr II on illlO aile of th dl'<'pt>8t recoEIIC of fino ,,[ the dark tllnd 1lI0~llanglcd 01 JIIIl glell, "here the sprClldlog hrunchcs Blld lCllves were 8\1 thiok IImi dcnllO tual sca r ely a ray of the vertical 8UII could find 1111 wily down tbroulrh tbelll to th e IIII\InrlOu8 earth benlllltb l wben ,BUC1UIllllY we boUI sl.ll rtloo by a au4 Dl t dl 80mctluug human In tlte IIIPIlDWd bv Il ru, tlillg of plunglllg through tflo bU8hes ahead of Ul!, a s I[ the creature, whate\ r It wu wu hurrted ly nlnklll!; IlR C8clIlJe A~ the firs t rounu W B both stollpodth trelllhltn rrlght ene, l, lI11d n ~ "hit 88 the n nture of hiS skID would permit and ockmg Illy doubl e bnr reled flfl e, l 6100d 011 the defenSive Ilnd at tho l!Iln:.o tUIlC unxlou81J In'lulr('ll whatitwM. My guttie rephed In Qrokon Ellgitsh thllthe bnd picked ull IIIll1 In teTlOUT\!C WIth whit tmdcrd tbat It was n tornblo we turned back b'llrlllll and tUllt unl nt O1\ce and made good o ur letrellt \\ 0 .hould ~robablJ ne \l:! r hll\ 0 th plell"nre of seemg our fn enu8 Ilgllin 1 had before bearll some TIIther Illar voloue IIccounlll of IlI1 1I1llUllli jj() culled and Mid to bear a close rescm bl8nce to man, and I nlltumlly folt a hunter 8 de sl ro to tI(le with illY OI\[l eyes, lind, Ir }lOSlublo add tho sk ID o[ It Ul mv cui lectlon of cu rl081Uf8 The r (oro I WIIS rather III (a\ or of gOll1g for\\nrcl thll1\ bnck behevmg thut my 8tenchl\eS8 oC nerve, n\l1ekn 6!~ oC 8.ll(ht nnd th reh Ilblhtyof my tIVO 101l,led llllrrc l ~ \\ ould be suffiCIent Ul prolect mo fro1l\ Ilctll~1 hllrm to My noUlln g of lho a 18LOll ce In n strait of my COlli pnOlun "Ito wa~ /\fmed witb n Hpellr tllll \. ho could throw With the Corce Illld precUlon of nn old harpooner , Oan t thlDk of tmnmg bllck fo r a mere gOrilla that hilS bee n 110 fTl !tht enlld lit our a~pr08ch 88 t\. hll\ e fleel awny 8hrleklnl> 811ld I III n cool toue of contempt, Inle nded to rClUlSure my gUide ami induco hl1l\ to go forwlIItI. • Whllt two bmyo hunters, nrmetl 1\11 we are, to TUn from IIny bellst that rOllmB tho fores t I-we who hll\ e kIlled the big sllalre, tho leo pnrel nnd lhe crocodile I Pshaw Mochll! thllt "'111 never de-nevor lad I • De snnke 111m bIg repli ed Mocbll with his Leeth nllllost citattenng IIlId hlleye8 ~larlDg upon the tblckots 1111 around 111m • l1e leopard 111m llIIbage de croc'dlle him blgjrer but do gOTlllaoo-oo-oof I blm awful I' "But wo have not see n Ally g' rlllll yet," IllUd I lind J( thnL nounal thnt roll t nway WAS one, 110 art' not IIkoly to either" I. lihm WOllllI1I rUll-h,Ul mllll s to p fight-him debll Dlll8ter' .. Well mlLn woman or nny thing elee Moehll I mllot see KO llletblllg he fore 1 go bRck fTlghtened "1\I1I81or him seo, no go bnck-hlm f(!I'I1 t-k III mas ter " I:~Rd by thiS lime mlldo up Illy nllnd to go ror~ard tltrollgh tho tUlcket even If I wont alone nnd or,leTlllg ~Ioehll, III \I tone thllt IIdnllLtcll of no <Ju6l\tlon t to keep at my heel8 ns htl valyed IUK h fe, I ?80lutely ad vllnr.ed II few I' 'cos , though, If truth must be tOld not hllif IIQ cIoUrageoUII 111 feeling lUI J sONned 111 actton Dut nt the ond o( these Io\\ )lIlCC8 1 caml'l to anothcr sudden ~uulCl , for 1 8IIW a denll6r thu;ket 801110 fifteen or twonty yllrds ohead, ap:itaLed by tho JOoung of 80me heavy body wltbln It, wblle altno~t Immediately there appeartld, in plain view a mon.lcr of such bldeous appenr anco that I relt the blood (reeze through my :veins atld gllther abput my heart, us 11 appalled by 80me borrlble Visitant !ro~thc other world powers of descriptIon are hmlted, but ail I tbe languRge (It a }1111:O11 or a pante, J could on ly hope to convey to your mlDdl! a fRlnt ldea of the hlil "OulInlllll! of tbe living creature tbat now t.ood before me, and a8 to HS voict\-:'"Ih
the wlllte chop IIl1d r R orclered I'IR811 of n Bllel', Bt fi rst VICIV you !!eO 1 t, or wh rcst tho attentIo n timt elle t, or buve olfered tbo man worm 'lIfE spnng CM' CU8 begins to agitate \\ ,.uel!""llllir to ue ...._ "~. __ fivo hundred d"lInnl If be ('.ould flDd III! x pre ••1011 of h,. !!,ood whl slry as tlmt nnywhere 011 the the farmors 01 Ito I\llh II s li ght fOOL-stool or III SOIOO otber mllnnpr not • Til AT settles It ' liS tb o l'gg sbell mel a ncholy I1Il1J 1,0 herem speclfleu huve led tbe mall from 8IIld lo the coffee I\lLh • SLBlllllll g ollnr thl llIack HIlls 10 draw 1118 revolt c r or A I Alll 8UED Iramp SIl)She l!i.dead opIr hlld ~~O ll Kr n" hurl n cha Ir through the I1llT ror Out po-ed to the Hungllrv Diet 1I0t-/"_t NU h II the bar kpe pcr IVlIH a mAn of 'Illite "EBIIA SKA 1\1111 Smto was t"elve yeart! \\ otl l, l e-tu l\ " fill Ith e r so rt so he sUl d kllldly J brg old Mnrc~ 1 1111);h I he taken )our pnrdon CIIl't61ll PO ma1\V people A MAN Wllh a pot of green P"ID t can Il ( IIntr) nll~lstTllte or nu IItturmy of ellllle.' tlrou nd t bM don t kno\\ WhM IOII\(IJ I TlCtl or a IIChoolm a.;stor whlHky 18 hut I mIght have :!Cen \\ Ith ~t"nd wbere he p1e08e80 n n ferry boat. A COURTEOt::8 Ulall oft e n s ucceed s 10 li e c( I tlllueu 10 D11111~lcllte 111 8 I h " h df all eye thllt yuu know tbe dltler ami IIl Kale III Kllellcc, without 11ft ence So he urbanely bllt burnt-dly hfe whcn perilOUS o( alJlltty fall TUE lion go" hans declare It 18 IlI g II~ <YPH from th ulble unttl I I1llxod ill n lxittle some alcohul kept for chern H!lIIC portl\ely napped frolll o l ell nllJ ~ the mITror, lIud Splrtts uf neither more Dor le58 tbllll a queue tan the thumb Iud huger of O1\e of tho gell turpentltlenlld Jllma lco glll a1:cr and palll co u ~ prPJudlco lI eml'u lit lh e uppo. uo 1Abl(l, struck hlln FORTY FIYP. yellTS ago tbe Garden kill r lind when t ho strange r MR ld "pou hIS TIght cllr Bis eye WIUlIIl Yell ' In rep ly to h,s '1ueRtlon" hetbe r OILY was known B8 TUCK Chicago Bnd KWlltly urc II tb e nggr ~r 11111 lI N be liked some bltLers 10 It shook hllif a Cb tnck the lead stralghtwl.Y rcndy Inte lligence gathered froUl th o til l!"1 1I of pepper-alluce Illto 11 tumbler lind WHAT IK thedllference be"iween a I!6Il Buppre eLi me rTlm cllt of th e pnrty tllllt pushed tbe bottle Io\\ard him sonabl e poem nnd a child! One IS on 'hI' pc tty 1I11! ertlll~uoe waK In te ntlOu,,1 Tho strange r fi lled 1\ beaJllng tumbler 8pTlUg and the other IS ofl8prmg 1 he Htruuge r stoope!l lind lucked "1' fuland tossed It off. noe when he had A I L the blows we 8t~lke.8bould be for th e cher ry to ne sud a BCR rcely per r('coverod Ius brealh 8IIld to the bRr a purjY.)8C, every nllil drlvlln should be Ito ccptlhle emile pllll'!ed 9~er h,. featurt' s keeper 'l: uung Ullin that s wlullky I rivet III the mach IDe o[ the..IIDJVcrse as he CIIrefully \\rapped It lip 1IJ 11 I"He Itavoll t LMt ed 1I0thlng hke that si nce I A 1'1 EUB of land for Mle In London 1.8 I f Ila pe r nnd plllood jt III hlS l ockol left 01 ty two "eeks IIgo t o-day IIdlertltsed l1li equlllly suitable (or 11 TillS slngulllr proced LUIl With thelT pre Thnt's rC1I1 gonullIo IJquor 'londer a cburch or tavern ' concel \ cd 100preoll looi of tb Ir Cllijtomfr c ro 8 between a clrc ulllr SIIW nnd a "lid rllll.E~ fO RTII8 o[ all the Iobacco some what el \ IIted 118 be YOllog gentle cat Thill takes bold q IlIck and bolds Ole n were by the wi4e th ey b lltl par 0 11 10llg Just :you go to Dead wood anel con~ullled 10 Groot Bntaln 18 p\l rchlll!ed t.nkell of CIlPSIZcd tbel,gra\l~yclltlToly open a !lIlIOO D WIU, tbat \fhiaky, and you III hulC-oun oo8 by poor people A DETRO! r mllkmaD dehven! milk anullllUr t of Irreal tlblo I~ughter prtl I1lllrht charge an ouncc II glllll8 for It ooeded [rom the grolJPi and people wouldn't kick 80 lonK TI~ht froJil th e cow" by puttlng a bot l nfilU\ ou by lhle i:\itletlc tho 8tml1 take tbld III remembrance of DIe," and, brick In ellch CliO To Ihloo ow n ..II be Iruo, ~t'r COllltnued to fiull! 111s frugal repnat prl'.l!llIDg ~n eight hundred dollnr nugg t And II ruult foll ow ... Ihe nllbt Cn. dlT In q tIlet until IUlOJhcr (ber ry atone, upon the bar keeper, he "!u! gone Thou (...n.t Dut lbeD be 1.lee lo .nT 1&.0 from the same bnod! un It him upon the TIght elbow 'llJ alao to th e III A Printer's Blunder. A I'A RTI I AR Maryland bank "'on t bUlte amusemrnt of ue other pa rty be eMh cbecks that are lndoraed upside plclied from the 1\ nd car fully de down pOlllted With the II • L w bedsteadp that burglars can Am.d ehouta of laugb l.e t a third not c [l\\,1 IInder,, 1 lire advertised out cherry 8tone w aflrr disclll\rged West Ul Irft Qrea~t wJnch hit blm u NOT1lI1Hl is tlO "bol6lOme, nothlogdoes ThiS nlllO he YO ehbtaralely took tlO much for people'. loon .. a httre lD from the Iloor ap 1I.ed wltb lhe terchange of the amall coin of bennotit rt Ii As he ro80 lind W48 engnge ID pay ng for IllS ropl\8t, tho b'llyet~ o[ thc80 sport A nd orno folks alll'ti ' Ihe snllpped, Isa Illg gentlemen hocllmo slightly subdued Il8 he r k.ln$ ooptllred Rnotbe r man cent, 80 muoh-ill It wus not essy to ncCOlwt for LIIlS Whllt In tbunder arc you Jllmplng dOing thing" Ltlvatcr would not hllve been able t o de thllt wily for ? ' Yo u may mend a rent III a damaged tect the .hght t l'vldenc of IrTl tR hon • A klUgcnn Jumpauy IllIyl ' ~C~W~~~J~~~~~~~~~~i7~~~~~tlm~~~y-nl)t8how, b'nr---o r reaentment upou the fllllltllres of the No ho can 1I relgnlllg Frnnce you can never make the reputation qUite slrnllgcr He 8e8med 1\ httle lall er lo ., 8, he CUll I the Second Empire Wfl S established whole a!(&ln bo "u re Rud the Cltrllllge of hiS b!!ad Drlll t talle back to mc l\I a rtha mallY wond ered lit tbe tlIJe lUIIIumed bv • PEEc n 18 Silver," tbey!!ay but a might hl\vo nppeared to l uem rnthor .flItuln I 1 \\118 plaYIng checkers when tho Emperor Napoleou IH" It was hungry tramp find. Jt mIghty hard to more erecl He IVnl~ed 10 the mblo lLl you "ere 111 your crad le I' e x plaIDed theu that he desu ed to be talk a hard hearted lnnkeeper out of a wh le h they were sitting, a ud WIth an 1 don I cnre! I CRn Jllmp two lOOU conSidered n 80verelg n by legitImate dlOner and II drink nIT of dlglllfied cal mnell!' "llIeh 18 1\ whl hel c r \\ ny you mo\ e! heredltv nnd hlld tbus rc oglll7.ed the TUE Ret W Horae Murray ex thoullIInd tlmcsmor terTlbl! than II rath Hc looked dmvn on tho board, I!l\IV drew II card from IllS pecket and pre thll t such \\118 the case nud rOllred out e lnlm u( IllS eOU81n 1\8 thnt of the poor pre8l!C8 the belief that good horses go prince UJ the Temple wus recogDlzed by Ul heaven Th,s IS a nng ravatang tISRe nted It With perfect CIVi lLy to the \ ou ve 1110' ed tWice to Illy ollce I th e BollrbouH after the restoration fiut ollender who could do no IEIIS lhnn offt r J bnven I I ' it appears now, upon the aUlhonty eertlon hl8 Oil n III ret u Tn , I'll lake Illy oatb yOIl hnve J CIIU I of Ih e hlll10rllln Klnglake, that tbe 10 T1I111 Ohlcago 1'rlblln~ lIIIya an approWlllie the stranger unclosed bls Kur plll~ ngallls t nn\ Buch blnck leg PrRC tentlon o f LoUl8 Napoleon Willi to caU pflate presen t to a paragrapbor 18 a tout to talre tbe card from hl K poclret tlcc.I" IlllDself Simply NRpoleon, and tllat II five-pun note" You may depend upUr trII fl't«' l r 111 they had a glllnce at the undre!IiK:ont of Who 8 a blnck Irg I ., ou not o nlr, prlUter s blunder W8H relponslble for pun It ] h< old mUll BendIgo kceps a pretty tl nulllary man Tho card dl Bclosed hiS cbellt d bllt you trIed 10 he out of It I th e chnnge JURt before the coup d'etat PO!:lITlVE, the 10verA' pat, comparashnrp yo 01\ IllS t1l1u ghlrr Mnry nnd milk and II hne( mquiry at th e bar WIl8 BOllrd lIud c hcckors fell between n mlUl8ter of the Home OnlCe, bun pre- tll'e, Lbo mBrltal spat 8u~rlatlve, the ltIany II ,"uultl be lovor I " taken a \\llIk uill elcnt for the r elit He \I WI n CllpllIlD/ th eIII HCClluld gcton hlsblltqulckcr pllrlng I'ro'lO cllIl eenllmenL;. wrOle hu sband',,' bat "-lol owed up by a bill l,fLer II fe w Dllnutes convenml1on with whom III health lind loog MerVlce haa thnn s ho co ull fi nd her bo uu et and thot Que Ie lOOt d ordre SOlt vlve Na (or d,vorce thp hurd hcu rted r"Tl~lIt 1 heo ld c hili' ellLl tled to bllif plly In curlier life he IIlIIIlhe o llly rt'us< 11 wh, be got out of po leou l ! I Th e rrlnte r toolr tue ex THE valuat10n of Baeton is 1686,000, " ,lUck th,. tlll1 e hO\\ever 111,,1 card s hlld beeu engaged In eevernlafflllTS o r th e home IIr"t A \Voodllnrd avenuo ci llmatlon8 for • H," and 80 the pro 000 and Ita total debt 18 four per cent of lTC ' ut (or IlIeuhnl; Afte r the luc kJ hOLlo r, lind, III the dial e~t of the fllllCV g roce r fuund hlln 81UIIII: 011 II basket clalllatloll wont out WIl8 COpIed hy thA thaL amount of rr wllCrCles Ilt the doo r ns ho waa ) OUIII: ll ltUl hlld bl'Cll Kl'nrklllg Mllry for was 1\ dead Khot ros, and Illcorpornl.ed III publtc speech IT I. propollOd to celebrate at Pompeii The next mornlllg a note nrTlve'\ Rt I "",ug up (ur thc IIl g ht, lind IIHke.] hIm SIX uwnths, the 01.1 euLlem lD sl.e pl>Cd t WR8 no LImo for lind ~o hundredth an III 118 UdUlll, reuuealed UIlTl\nte courllb tho ilggrell80r d rCl!idence, coumming II Ir he \\ 18 Wlll t llig fur 1116 Wife 10 ebnllella1:o III form nnd one of the cherry II long an l Ied off WIl, htle by an eruptIon from VCIluvllie: stollO! The trutb then /lMhed beforo Well not clIRctly I stopped he re to YOIl seelll It ko Il Illeo young man Grains of Geld. WUEN 18 a school boy hke a postage lind lll' rllllpS YOIl are In love wltb Mary ' , tho chnllenged pllrtY-1 t WU K the cbal f d III lOY puCkCI fur tbe key of the stamp? When hegeta hlmeeU lickea, len ge r S lUI.eLltl(l)l to make three bites nt barn I ~hl\lI sleep on tue hllY In nI ght ... eK I nlll IVIlK the honest reply Men, hke bullets go fartb cst whe n they and put III a corner, to make him stick , Huvcll t saul nnvtlJlllg to bl' r yet, tillS cherry-three eeparllte nnnITs out nnd lie!' If It won t cu re tillS cold In my arc smootbest to IllS lettert! o( th,g ullwarrnntable frohc' The c hili hCII.1 hll\eJ olI ?' It Is good to be deaf when a 81aO(Iore r IN trymg to wake up a p&88llnger, the , ell no but J thlllk she reclpro lengo WllS nceepted, and tbe cballenged party III deference to the chllilenger's SOllko Dltes. begln8 to talk. sleeplDg car conductor on a Maine rad nlcs my BrtectlOn 'lbe gay lIOul of dl88lplltlon never bad rOlld tugged 80 hard that the sleepy Doe" eh I W ell leL me tell you reputed skill With the pistol! hnd half Iho rllllgs-thQre lITO two 10 numbermlln'ij leg came 00: It WllS of wood !\Omethlng Her mothe r died a IUllaLtc deCIded upon the l!Dlall SWllrO but lllO o( POl801l0USIICrpen ta re hollow I h rougb a thought unselfi8b 1 he best 80rl of revenl1\e I ~ not to be No le88 tban IIOventy mIllion busbela l\lId the re 1M00 doubt thRt Mary baR III fnonds! who wero on the ale rt soon d, ,.. thc>!C fangs the po,son 18 IIlJected Into hke him who doe8 tho Injury d S cove reo that the captalll, \I ho huu rllsen he Tl w d her lIl K8 !1lty th e \\(Iunda made by thom Tbe Wisest of men 18 he who ha, the of graID were used In the UOlte tate• by h,s ment had, In the CATher da) K of • I III wllhng In tnke the chances, ' 1he bite of a polBOnous anak" always m08t complaisance for othera IMt year In the manufacture of intoxi blR necessity gllmed ht~ brrad no rephed t be lov er It 18 aatolllsillng how keen stnpld peo catlOg hq ubrs Engla nd consumed eIghty Rccompllshed IIIstructor m the n80 of mllkes two deep puocturC8, that of Ye~, but) ou Hoe Mury hll6 n terTI Il non po,sonolLS @nake 18 Irregular ID pIe are III dlscoverlng aaroolAl mIllion (or the Mme purpoll6l. ble temper She hill! lInce drawll II tbnt weapoll THE Houeebolder's Al!IlOOlatlon ofBer Good will, hke a good name, 18 got by rhey met and fired all.ernlltely, by shape kmfe Oll me With IlItellt t~ comollt When the pOIson 18 lO)ect.ed IUto a maDY actions and l08t by one 110, Germany, a co-operative IIOClety, lot 1 be young man hud selected tillS murder" lllll(e VOID, death mA)' be almost In Books are embalmed mlOde Fame 18 employs a chen:ust of eminence In ita 1 01 used to Lha\,-got a S lS~r JURt mode t.hmklng he might win tho fi rat 6t.aDtanoous Dooth Jrom a ratt1611nake a flower upon a doad man'lI hurt laboratory to analyze the artiolf/llheUa, nrc he dld-Ilred IUld miHJ!Od bl6 oppolake her," I~I\R tbe allswer bIle .renerally occurs lD five or six ThtDk not of faulta committed in tbe 110 that their q~ll\y may ~ guaranteed , \lId )01 abollld ltnOlv thnt I have Dent Tho captalO leveled hl8 pl~tol hours The pall1 wblch 18 IIOverer than put when one hu reformed hlB conduct IN this country a boy hu too much t.o MWOro a Bolemll ollth 1I0t \.0 glue 1\11Iry and fired- the b,LiI pnlS8ed throll!:h ~be thllt of 0 bee 8tlllg nt the Klart, becomes Surely half the world must be blind- fight Fmt, It I hiS molber's Bbpper, n cent o( my property, contlllued tho flnl' of lbe TIght tllr, and grazed tbe 1II0re aud more exc ruCllltmg to tbe Ill8t they can see Dotbmg unlellll It ghtters next l' ourtb of July, then greenapp1ea, bone , nnd as the wounded malllD~ol fntbor 'l ho Ilmhs Hnd eppemnlly tho head, aro Amlin wbo oan be f1llttered IS not ne- and finally, Santa Clau8 a flcket\' pair Well I ,I rath er SUlrt In poor lind unumly put IllS hand to the place ho groRtly ~\\ell ed If the VIOtlU1I6 strong bUIld UI Thllre S morc rOIDllnce III It ' remembered that It W88 ou tho lIghtear he m 'y l,ve Il fe w hours longer, nDOl ce~r1'y a fool but you can IIlwavs o( skates, and an aUbole in the Ice mako one o( him A OANADI.L.N couple en route to Da I he old III 1II blld onc morc shot III of bls antngoDlst thllt tbe cherry Atone Lhlll ,he of geneml mortificatIon had fllllen Here ended tbe first lofl.'l( n To know how to hSlon 18 a grellt art koto. to 80ttle welgb six hundred lind hlHcnrblllll, lind he iIIlld J he r IttlC81lllk e cnll neIther sprlOg Perha,," I ough t to 1.011 ~Olt LI,nt A month hlld l'll8Sed HI~ fllend3 cher ul nil I mlln lI or eRn It pursno rnpldly It IS to know how t<1 galD IIIstruetlon n'lIIr'Lp.lm pounds-the man three hun dred lind ten po und ~ and the Wife three I\Illry ~ lIIother TllII IIWIlY from my hom e Islled tbe hope that tbl'Y waUld hen r 110 Ordllllmlv . 'lRkc" bite only wh cn they from eyeryone Live 011 whllt you bo\e live If you hundrc,lllnd (our pounds Let us hope \\ It it n lulchC'r alul that nil be r relt more from the captain,lIrhen unother LTe (lrO\ oked Cllll on les8 do not borrow, for vnUlty they Will be ClIreful what they settle on tlon" ,Ited III the poor holtRC rhese 1I01o- n chlillenge of coo r80-lInd nil Whcre v Iper. nnd tht' smuller snakes tiling" Dllght be UlrOlni up 111 after otheT of tl108e accureed c herry slolle. lire fuunt! lI oocllllc n nnd otber. should WIll end In sbame The alfcctlOu of parents Is best shown Dn JOHN S CUBISTIS IN asserta 10 a arriv ed witb the eapmln's apology on \ Cflr~ 1111,11 IlUW wnrn you wellr lill k 1>001.8 38 tht) ~eldom IIU.empt Ur Oondlp:o,' repheil the lover the sco re of III health, for not ~eu dlll g t.o b,le Hbmc th r onkle lind theIr !Illlg. In thlllr chlldron by tellciung them what letter to tne Omaha Herald that men are IS good Ilnd true not borD cflmmals lunattcs or drunk , J I e heard 1111 UIlO before, Iln] also It before A good roport hngers 011 11.8 way, hut nrels • They may," be eayB, "lDherit AglIlII they met-fire<hIUlulLa1\eously Clllln ,t pcnc trtLle lea ther thnt you " e re o n lTlal for forge ry had A 1 ~r~o ll \mten ~hould drlllk freelY, a bad olle flIes .trnlght where It can do abnormal dl8po81tlons whIch, by un to JUlllp (hlcago fo r blg!lIllY, IIn,l.enetl Blld ~he capt aIn who WIIS unhurt shut elery firleell!IT twenty lIlltlULr8 II gIll or tho most harm health v habltl\ become 80 IDtenBlfied 118 Il yellr 111 I::)tllte pTl80n for cllttle 8Wllh Ilg tered tho TI~lltelbow of hll>anLngon!.tto oTerrLdo tho effort of nature to bring I III gO lll g 10 marry 11110 lour (nmlly to tbe very POlllt upon which he bad been more Ilt II t llI e of will ky br IJldy, rllm SAM WLLKESON who figured con them to a healthful stale, and they may gl\e ) OU U decent rep li tatlOn I There- struck by the chorry sto e, lind ucre or ~ III .h lme I WIth hot w Ite r KtO pplllg )1I8t shorl of IIIlOXlclltlon Ihls WIll 81ICuo u81y III tbo TIlton Beecher tnal, thereby j,ecome llreatur6ll of delullion, ended the IICcond le5l!on 110 th III ks-g()Od bye I But any ioherlt.r..l diaThero WIl8 80metblng awfully Imprca ~clleTIIlly eUel t. Il cure In Il few hours, hIlS sued Henry Ward Beeoher to re- Vloe or crime Mr nelld l ~o looked IIfler the young 1U11I1 ,ItIt bl ~ mouth WIde open, and BI ve \U the lIIt1dlU operaMlllnd exq 11181 te III the ell so of L lt o~ {rom our Amerlelln cover forty th~8I\nd dollars for 1I11eged eaaed dlepo,.lhon can be )nitlgat.ed by broach of contlact The <tuarrells over 8111litary ob8ervances" The Doctor Tho lImd ~lIl1keH wh e n he cou1!l get. hl ~ Jaw8 together he slall of IllS ant.ago~lIlt As se rpent pOIsons IIrc not InlUnOUB lha laUlOU8 •• 1.,\(e of OhTl8t," whlcb re- avera tbat the .kulls of the wort!t crimi cberry stone Willi 8t111 In hl8 po8l!C1!810n Bald Somo mfernal hvonl\ hns went Illld and tho a~grCl!llOr hn~ not Iforgotton thllt wncn tnken IIItO tho .tomllch It 18 al marknble work, as Mr WliketlOn face- nala will average u w«,l1m forml1otion .. It bad struck unoftending gentiollllln WilY" 81\(0 \() let II p~nlon suck the wound tlousl y obKecved on tho trIal WII the Rulle of Ohurcb l~de~ .. I han g lyen me aWllv 011 my dodge! I wllh h,s mouth provldeu there 18 no knocked higher than a kIte" by the mylOlf/' he condnu_,' e:nmiueil onr upon tho IIbrlllllOlI o{ tbo 111'8 scaodal But It 18 now given o~~ a hunl11ed brains of lunatica and crimi A LI'l'ILE gul Yllutlllg a neighbor With A Wll'l18 It that five slxtbs of mllUlrind, autborltatlvely, that M.r Beecher i~harv, nals on BlAckwell'. ;York, hor mother WRB llazLDB' ounollsly at her when CUttlDg open a elapJllek and 1lnd anothor, o~ hOllt.eas new bonnet, when the Omlor mg II ranch thorom Instead of feo1lng a IIlgwas E:, EMl'llES!! CIIAItI OTTE o( Mexico at work on the second volume, and tllat and do nlSt once qUQlled "Do you like It Laura?" The fiooll of pity nt the fnte of the anImal, bgence hlld 18 more III fllted thllo othlll' people Sbe tbree quarterA of It 18 finished.-NIIIU III!'rved ~ .1II'tOJ~C.l d.'IOI'1DlI~ York Comilltrolal ma'r 'n'~t be innocont ropliod .. Why, mother IlAid It go Illound for tbe cook mth a elUIIg confined to hiS Will! LenderJy cared for dUTlng her III WUlI a perfect !nght, but It don't 8Clal'e shot up thoU' aleove At ~nOlty at the Palaco of Turoveren, seven J me Laura's mother didn't stay long been DlJ lclI from Bru8l!Cls A dl8plltch re M.un: II rehgtou~ man, ~ho would thllt tillS reSidence 1I1IlI lieen com after that ." - - " : : " - - " ; ' - - - ' iICoru t.o wOl'llhlp an 11101, ~keA a PIleft destroyed by bre and that tbe TSIl ex Emplellll Engome lelida Ute lIAr, dllUght in bolng won!)u pOO I\§ an of 1\iulmllian. \lad to be re qruoteat and mOllt DMflotonoul of Ii,... Idol bimllClf W~e Pala~ f :Laeken
o o
I Til. IJranklin l'hrllnirl lIa\': P l'IIOu ..l. obliged to apt. J. D. Wu Ita llvt moah 11 W ill n ,u·"rd ' ,-- , . .' 100\1"" New Or)can, nApere. , It " .1' .. '1 L k S ,. I I I '" rWURIfX '. Our ~ok!ulDlid fri ~nc! IUId ~n• •!!!!~.~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!~ (I • II! prl ~ect ot ~mov.iug tho - ." I'. ~. ran Y"'.'8 1(10 t I I~ 11lI' I ~(ju to the band coucert to·mnr· I.bor~r. E~oll. BAII.'J. h.. b ~n . ,lI ~,1 ", I Ol~nll .y eea' .10 Ftonkllll tills week, JlfOvtt:g. row eVQ~ing. It will be splendid . 'Ih~t UDdl'~ ,.. red OPUJltrr. f~om who<o bot elllJIII WII be tllk 'n to cOIlSllm. -:N w etyles of lID lit Flink ,s --Fun k y & ' ~1illllildi\lc'lI Trade I,ootlrM no tMlVul~r o'~ r roturn, t111,~ .. f" ro, ._. gAS", ltEIIO ... t 11'11" h. rdent r d.l th, LI"o All' l'AI'U1~O i:R 1'H.IJ IU~'IW '''tIl , Iloote 'lIl1 .arlo ng ' IrI nt ~ " I't I' I't Ilas {!t T\l's I II III' 'Inll ,s. J'ulace " ' "III be illunllllAted Wltli I.Li ...I,VlIll. hKH TI lo.r 'rh'lId, Iho - - -8 0l S8 1\8 'I'()-- Yft"t J.iuo 10 10 m. Nil. 1 Il'~n dc(wlt;,d ·' to budd or not ~o l - !llr. Hob ' rt'R. Englll. llf Hum ' l to' ll\orrow niglit Ilt which tim o ~h l.l rU II800f dU"ution 'm . orucHt .. ~ Mthllll 'Ilfll Aeo,,",'n II: II ... nl .. 'n:1 bu dd." \\" don't th ink tht't th o iltoll, is \·i iting in thi8 111a. wintl ws wjJI bo\lre!l8ed with now .npporlcr. !h" Il"tllmun't)' II ,",\tl. Oit"'I·". OnIum u~ A 0\"0. 6:41 p, m., N" Ii qu 'sti (\n ot hll ild itl g wil l curr" vor" - - Mrs. coll.::;itidoFi Bi turty t\llU , d b t' f I d d II b ' l IInci , h ~ 1.lIlIIly II h"oh lid m<1 I.. U,,·, W hQ.Uj \ID 'fll i~h EX1't'C .' 10:2" . "'.. , .. 7 , I" . ,, J oJ I f " ,nn onll I \I g' ,an a r t · I ~~, iboy 0111) know how ' 0 j't'.1ita. ~~ . ~ FreiKhLllnd A c~.. t o:a.~ ft, In .. No. in Ilfl'l\ng ): ttl I· td llkllll 1 p., nlld mo tn~ ~\' .' hlldr~ lI Itl LlIlld on, li alltl y i'llnruillated. Tlie invilo 1tEBIII.VIW, 'flt "t \\' 0 \·.tclld 10 the Ix>tl W IITI\"Altn 110 liD. omphut lclllly 11' 0 ~' 1l 11 .'IY th'lt lho - .. rI S Cl\I'rt i\I 'e r ,llll~ he,,", 1\ ' (' 1'cl'ybtlCl y t" c mc nnu IlU~ Ihe r~\'e\1 ~1I"'i l:v .. nr . h~lOr'.1 I~ ' ), lIl)lIIlh;. II: p" U)C) E I'l~. 0::17 II. m., N.~o, !lpltrci lllS' uln Hew 61te• \\'tli nvt CIHr'·. g lll-(l·,1 tn t 'uch BN'eh Gr<)\'e t!cho . 1. 1Ii11· \\"k f rre, ' hIt' tholr !i'!'" nIH"'tlOlI . ""il th"L th'.) L ~~tgl J ~I . I ~ 11Ir ll i ~1lf'd Wi t h It CfllW Ilf , h"'h) r ,' f4 u )lI tl ' 1UtI . t .. I .Ii . rtf I inolll nnti ArCllIn .. 12;:'19 1'. m.. 'NN~. 4 . lI " w all I.'rd .to tIll nl- of plI I'(· hlltl. -- t. A . D.' nd wlI lI,ud c.'r 11'11.11 _ Flour GOc. ·, prnn cs, .CI·IUlher' l 11110'. II",t • ,'01'.\ ' ,,1 ..,,'\,(0 h"'III"h"II ,he Mh · \ ~ Q\ - ' • F,h..'~,t lnll ]'.ille O.oa ... 11\ " ~.u. 6 lIIg a ncw 11 III LCban OIl, t n 8I1.or tl y IIII VO III ~ stu ru l' 111 IlIlllgS IIt ri ell corll ilitutch tnll iuoll uil'llt!ce I Illi lldwl\e, wi lh r~lt""oI lu publi. h, uti E . • 0'06 , XPIi!, . p. Ill ., " 0 , 10 , d t tl I d f 1 j' . . W II • " , , JillI S KI N:.!K\, } FI'Ililfht nll<l Aea. il4.\ p. IU .• );,., 14 Icornlllu II I' 10. l\l!!. :u ,) Cl ttZ(,IIS I_~ ~1I8 . , ' . strtlwbcrri1'8, plums, eh rries lIud J . W. \"n~, ;, . Connnitlco. AND t?t.O. n ":If'1:1 I. ·Tra.I~~ do Ill)L .t" I" lof that \Jlnce .~h~ Vls,t .th l' CO U; l ' . . 1 or ~1I,h. ' .1I scc.on d . Ic~I \(1 1 cr·, tolllutoC. ~ 3 ccptS !l cl\ n; curn 15; ISAI\Io:I.LA Blluw,;. r- ". I "IIII .... "H ADd }i 10 .....1 ll" "S0 otl ce 01 t\\l ce n ) ellr. " e tcCtl UIl 1' .~ll ot cook luVO. AI'PIY lhl'lIl1S dri ed peaches one.spuo ll atlr~~'. I"'oIl. " I~l)l\t e n d th ai it is t 0 flit t~\r u~ 10 lut tlll ~ o lh ~c.' tl I ' t k f Luk in ...:. 1) ",dO l' ali;" D~ol e \" tnr A CAR D :> ," 1. 11., Su,"l")", IItI~ 10 run d. l1y. All othe.. . ' Th e b at J ot I('1 1R. 7'..,.. j ·I'I .. <' lId.y alld r tl(l'n ll .~.' dlliIY.l'Xc"I'1 , c:c, H .II .~E" . ~o I\~ d t I10 iu' nz. tl e.nllt.I S lar II , Il ' l , -:- t'~O II IltI ~ee 10 IIr~e 8 11(' I) tL d Ch nrnploll. M AII.~ GOING RAST : ' ilkc It, bllt .Ih ey th lllk It . nil, nh,;o ! ,~ d l(' !!1"'e8 and Io ullie ry \lt th o ell tlccK a nd choeolnto. lit tlt e 11 1" Mv Fo n. W. F . S,I.An :ll . h ,,~ I n k ~ 1l ~,~~,~'r~r~;~::'.I" ~::II\:;: .l · '" I" I'L" I""~ ill "" Ii ." >,yl., "lid "1.~~J\'or mt,·. th an I\lIy e,,:~~,~t:I" 010' " >I' ~.;.u ... I I\nli :..:13". .. II\lt n ecl·R~lt)· IlllIt Ib (' hudd lng be Il'II dl' Pa lace. TowlI Gr. ,cery of Eo It Prill l". l illI' "'111 roo Ul S II W " I' II CR \' i ll~. 1(' ) ~1A 1 r.~ OOING WEST ~ put "tiOW1l on 0110 lIf tlc e mn ill - Mr: SlIll111 el Jl lllIl\\' '[lokl' nt · - ,. . Ilo;,kt> pklllrt'. 1'0 1' :1 ft! \~ w (·l' k ~ . 811d ,e . .. ~.. _.!i l110,."~ I ~"IO P . !>I . ftll d 5.3:; p , .. \ltrcetl! ' of thul p" pn /p"'8 l'i1y. The tt' II,J t't! fll(~ 1·,.Lter I.t·(· llI rc ill Lebu·! AM r~K~tKN'rs,- Wo w ' rc fnll of :lll o\\' IIl I! to illrol'en Idt Ill\' 01,\ (" I< Ii. L. 1AlIn. I', ~1. Ircl\' r eopl· (I f LeLall II tlIlI ~ t hllYC 11'111, "Il ~' nl1dI1Y lIi~ bt , II we,·k. ellt crtuilll':lCllt last wee k. ~1 '1I1t!11\' to en NS llo 'll hI' iR o ll e or'th e tIl ost ~ Frlln ..y's Omnlbu8~UDe tb e eOll llt )' hu il d ings mOI'l'J t\\'Clor,' ~ ~Ir. ,fohn A. Fll nk,'y IIlI MbC(,1l ol' l!lI ill g I,hl.l l'llt h'llic hill!; Tm'R InCcO mlJliA lo c,1 l'hnln),{ roplo l'l's thl l t . • , " , I'''n, ,1 01 IIn,1 rr"... l.... ... win for ' t~l ~ec tUIU t ~re , nnd t ho th o u ~1I nIls ut ~llli l under Ihe In'a t her ~u t,·IJ: hul dll \' (' \'elll llg t h o~ e chu rm iII j.( ('011 ' I I' ll ~' " I 110 I'III' ~ h tlo I" I"" "~~ ' ,\'; , rill' ~II ' ! ~h'. ri" ~.~:,.",:,.",..I~, ~"'n 'rl\'n. Ordrr. Id l . t el tl WI1S 01 the ClI ll ll ty UJ us t IIcco m IS II:-, W li blu tu bo t ~ lJlI tl ll lIS bl1 :1 1111 '88 t't' rt ists, P ixl ey ,~ (~rn n \l iR. g lll'C' 1\ " PlIO I' I ~ lIly ~c l r ; . nnd t1 ,\·? tI ~I \, (J ---)I\E ,lIlm~ IN( - -Iagllill. 111 <:: 1ig l,{ftll CVl' ni II~ " f III tI:<i C II IIJ , 11 1111 II l l' utl .l Il U \\' III he ('0 11 '·lll er.!. , , . L"Oll e w.lI rO)(l\Ve "" ..·f" I "It .. , I1 Il I\. muctn! (> lh t' lll . jlHUCLAM TION ' Then. what is tho n ~ o of hl1 ilding - ~Ir~. Wa~ l!. In'in li nd her two ' r, eit utl n. repeat,ill!/: Ih (' ~11111 0 with li e h ll!! Iwe ll til t h o hllS l1I :MR o\'r r,j . " 1 ~ " ' 1. 1 • ItI$'1 5.III Ou r$I I'O.(lOI) ull rtll onMc littl l' datlglt ltorsu f CiIlCill llllt i. hIl Vl. I,L ehnIWCUf.frOfl rrun. tlt c O\' Cll illl> 11I'e .vca.rS, l1 ll1 llcn" .\\' od(1H1 1 1l~?n~C , ) . ., y)oor.>V II.I.E 0 " ." o ll '~ "lq cV:· l ' I,("U I ll ull / lt ca nnot ~ .I\' mn ch becn vlR ' lt . .lll gtlI c lulIlI) . '1' r I'~ x, :.aY 'I · l ltlII . II WllW. " ,heso " Ilelltlemell IIrc or th e h nI e~ t , r-" n ll c nIf~~ III th " I . " u III.ltdl·'1I I~;\ I [lit ., · " . .. - . . d' I I) I '" . '. . , ,ullrcn <1 t in t tIUl O. YOII wnn t _omo }; 'l11ce ., I,or bv g h '. n to Ihe '1" o1ifiNl ere tt III t 10 COl1l1ty, nR \'I'"V fe w or lit BOil . IIlt t)~l' l he r OIlI'1" e In tlt clr Ilt ll' I I "· l t lJl ' J:!,.-t.t. ~. I ,I, . iU Odrl'orotl'd \'i ll"S" "ri outsid e of Ihe cOllniv will over ' S('O -Fullkey &; j1,1i ~~ i ldill e I"w e re· nnd the ir t\VO evcl1in a s IIere w o r~ ~lJlll'l I'l e IIrC," 8 81 !'l'tlSOII Il C pri ce , V ~ . I I I f I J' " " en 800 U nnl see II Ul . \\ . " " e " · II\ ~ (}hh, 1I,·.t ..n douli 'n wi ll I I. Iwld to L tI,. BUI1lti,; li,,"t1O of I, II, Hurr:: It. ery lew t ravelers go lllrllll!;!t ee lV ~1 a urge (:t 0 a l e~ , II1 ISSeS , I hi~I" y e t1lio~d. Hcspcc trull.r YOIlr!. - - ) A T. S O . ( _ _ m .. id \'Ill,,!, • 011 ~UNDA.Y. the S.,'.lItb the eouutry "by slAge" now·a·daY8, mell sand b"y', 8110es, dir ect from Thn rs~1Y. yelling.J nl ill A . HUllt. J08lil'U St An;n. dill' 0,1 ~\ ~rUL. A.~ Itl7It; boUrc.n the it mAtters nvt if "tbo pikes oro Ihe 'N~1D Y ork .ff1C(M"!.! ." with her ·t'a Irtetl complLllv bcgall F ranklin oliio, ~o~ro~f ·"~el °d'oJOt'''f A. lib . And Hix o'cl<",k gooci." - M rs. Heulah Si mll·luft here ycs· i th('ir 1I00B,rrell1Cllt oponin-;'" in the --'--:,- - - - n,'. or' • pur!'<.,Q.. ~ r 81. ct' l T AI!: P.lTRloT is corre ct in clllim · tC~(Il1~ for .,lI er h01110111 . r~l: t ." b my, c hllrtlli n ~ creati on, Fallch on tIl e , Soll F.orth o. tincR . trl1I1 B or mllple g Oll ("" 1) .~( .. r~h"lnth plueeof Etwon'!. ill., )t~." •. r,J,.llIn. ,!. (now S1I. d by LLoe Cllm. lug thut th ero 1\1'0 111'0 illlJlortllll1 IIht1 0IR. Sho WIIS nc '0 1ll»8tll llJ by "Cri cht Mrs. Bunt in tho titl e r o/ p sligar water IlJr th o sca 011 were ~"8"" : ntlQ (dl) bl\{"~.""r or COIl.",il, Iho puin ts omitted ill tlc e prvcilllllllt ion her ROll .ill ·law. Mr. E. R. I'r illtz. ill whicil she-proved hersell Ihe I)OS: III t w eck. l{lIthcr lato. bllt th o ,,,eonl') "",,:It' ). f1<)n ·.<oop l~n c" of , .. . M (' WI' k J I I ' I . ~r . link in. (ao.,. ~lI ed by Joo, O. K f'''' )_!of tho Comrn ISS IOnt' ra IfI r('gBl'd tv .- r. , ~ I'~e . IIlta 'cr an. , t ~ c A~q~1\r of drul11llt lc trdent .of a very !II 1l asses nluJ I.I wns excell ent. - _ , 'l ht '~r," thftt.lud Ma,.hlll "ltd oUlloil. Vtllil ig fil l' 1) 1' t1g01lldt tho Cuurt MI BRCS ~'Ior) F.d\\lIrU8 ond Cl\rrJ c l ltlgh ord er. Thursday nl!!ht Lcm .! tll"I~I"t1·'"· I", clrct,>d lO:"' )· I."r"r ' H"lISc . \\. (' ul th i~ l.'lIrt III the M. TIt Ol1 ll'sll n ha l'o bcc n vi Riling lnnR wlls pla)'ed to a goou IWIIRO Tn81\I\d itinft cO lI\lII ittctJ of tho unfl leu bUQMitil4'l r,. In office are ... l,,'{' lnl ' I ' I f" I . ill I ' I"I ' . V II "1 ' 11 L1l1n ~ 1I " lilit.d , - An d Oli O (! ~ Strrot Com· county Illid tl lIl 0 of Murrow, re at lvct< Ulll n0 1l 1 B III [Ln,d lt'S' , anu 'atul'(lay nigh I,. tho I( rRnu em o· I " \llInt . a . oy \~I w~y WI n ~ t con· JI'" lulo"". ,ull t ~r m, two Y"'1'I' and 01'0 \Van1l' vill u lind vi (' initv huvll n ter, O. ti un al urntna of Eust Lynn e was ('Iud o Its IIl1'cstlgatl ons nlltt! tho Rooms, Two Doors North of the~Post·Office, ttruUb (I~, MI8IDI be{_ 01 CUUlloil ill pi .. "" "f, mU Ch rig ht, liS \'LIteI'd vl' t l;l' (:lJ tl nt y. -~Jr. Waltcr Daki n iii now vi ~ · pn t '" th e bourds Mr8. llunt 118 ' llast ot this weok. ,,"Jf Il ....I,N . B.Anthony "nd I,S.m uel 10 IHIVO Ollr \' 01' , \,Jjll I k 'I ' I II 0 WI' 11 1 8 111ll 1"n ~ th c chllrActers or Lud y III ' --B.~~"Coml',on, ho>o term 0 1 om"., .oout Iwu ru, I liS to th• o 'Itolli g III ~ ' cgOtl, I' Ie I. . .. -- -, - - - . . Tm: 1 cnci ,o r8 A ~SIl(,llLt lo n on to:' o"1'i!",: Th" throo Oft ndid~le. ror Conn, plnee tu l"c tLte tho ne w Lllildingl\ return til MorriR . III., lit the 1)L' ~in . nhol V 1111 0 and MAdum o Vin (" :- BrIW,\ YNESVILLE, OHIO. OIl IPUC." lIlg the high.... nnmher l, f vol•• a8 hu YC tl)(' pl'o pl e uf t obltrton. It ning of Mr. Coo k"! lI ex t Ihlrtll al Mrs. Hllnt won goldoll o pini () n 8 1 Satllrda ~. \\' o~ \~cll u!tI·\lul'd. \lud 'b~II,;,c:.~~d~:,,:ra~Rc:,,n~'i1(t;:'';;~'i~~ 'the is NOT II ~ tll b hllr'n n c~· .. ~ ity Ih ut tlco RcIJllull ul'tn ; , . , Ifr(llU 1111 wh o witn~s ed her three tlt ~ S~i!dlO lI waf! l\ltc r(;~t lll g lind C tl ., nf"thlgh~.t nomoor of vol<'•• hall ~ rv" l cnllll lyscnt~I t:S1! bC lll thc M\II\1LK - Mr. \\111 111 111 lat er ri man~' l l'erf\' rl1lances, anti by Inatty tIc C\lf.} lI1 g , 1of th o cOll ul y fur il lII ight lJc that fri en t1 ~ will bo glut! to wcl('tl l\J c co mpllny is pronoun ccd th e fiu ('st W · I tI I " t 1 b .I for nne pltl!d t~r1U (on0 100r). ,O e 'Yoon unlder ml Y,bu~dd "vn(\ Ih ll l \. ' 1')' I'''i~ t woulJ h. th e mos t him IIm llll ~ tit Pft) II l{lI in. W illIS a tic at hus e\'e r ul)l)eared h ro Sat. E I IIf.ltt. S lei 1 ~lt 12:" 11 a lit u c rpor. e .e. 0 •• • II· . . . II I . II I . . . C 10 aIl S\\' rs \\. 11'1'0 lage. thi ••20Ih day of Murch. lII :!cces~ I~ ,It\ 111111 pill more ill·uI.lo to J" Y goul t.e \l W, us woJ liS u IIUII1 ' IInlny IlIght thoy plnye,l to th e ... . D,. 18 ,0. III COIII' OIl I(' IICO tll rcndt . than a ber one n.l'tlst. ,. largcst house of the senson, $ R,\ I I it! sll id th l\t \\'1I),II OS "llIo otll!:ht W. ~;\NTNOT~N. M"1or. tUWII lit tic e \'cry eugo vI' th o co tln · -- Pm!' J ll hlll . hlnncy. of foOl'c , heing tlLkon . I!..This cOllll'nny will te be Tlllm nged. ~~=:.':::===' ty. Gi\' o Morrvw. WUyll c~ vill e lalld. ~a~ PI'I':;; Il t ut tl, o l'ea c h er~' , retul'll h re Ibo last of MIIY , 1\lld _. _ ~B" ~nu Frunklin II ehan ec tn cl\lI d iullt e A~SIICIILtIOIl Oil SlI tn ... lay, uI~d COli · [ they will tie warmly welcomed B UTn~R ill sca rCllr tha n me) 1I y in The peoplo or Wllrrcn Cuunly. nn donhL. tur tlc o coull ty 8l'llt. Th c pcople tr!htll Cll not a Ilttl c to tho Illtercs t , back. · this murht 'tIl ft ... ~t'tI by thl. lima Ibllt tbe), ",ill hav. III' th el!e I' iei uities demand it. alld 01 thllt IICCII Io n. , _:1 _.. , - -- . . ubmltled to them. '~ tho Mming APRIL that shullld bo hl'ard us \\' t! 1I Ul! tl lllt - We hll\'e 1) ('\ l,r8 itatio l1 wltnt· EXCF:li81Vr-: T.u .-ln tlt e r.Ot1t'3e f PI.ANT shado trt! c:l abuut thi s ELECTION, tboqllu !ion of " tu lor the of tho peolJle uf Lcbull ol1. It' th c ever in rl'ell llll1l c llll illg Ur. Bu ll'lI 11 lectnro IMoly dolivered in LoblL· limo. . ~':!t:~~~ :!_':::' IO.o8UQerdt.-Htoollt·h":. .":fI'~.cptr~.~ county SCl\t would bo loclL' od at , [lllh y t;YI'IIJl 1'111' elli IJ rell tl'l·th iI)~ or nUll, Dr • James Scott rl! mark ed - - -- .... " .. either of t,hcse placcs, it w,luld nc su t-lini ng fr ll l11 'n" illtl C"I ic, Dill r' j' II. IIl t nttlHJ c I0 ~ 0 f tl 10 Ias t BC.IIV" I OR.H EJ.llW tbe strllctR is now they b.n .1.0"""'. heeD notified h)'".tb., tbatthel',NMDlOou,t·a"".. II OJI. af.. (or commotiato quito as many, if nut rlt O'll lI r Dy t'll! r ' , j elLr th ~rll \VU8 tn tlt~ ha~d8 ot tlee g oing forward. =Pe~:~·ft~~~l~r':;':. i;~~:~~~~.~~h~ lOMe of tbo peviJl e of tlte coullly. 1 - Or. A. SI!lIl'I's hILS honglt t the township t'rCl\surors 1tl tll\s county. WIIK~-Kis(5;.i" :8 t1ap; 1 t."'·P')'~"."' •.i· .,ole iO!<lllil'ibl), upnn the Aga in, tlte amoullt nccessary to be bri ck h,:u80 lind .I IIt wlc e rel~ ' lives, over elm·t!.! tllOusa lHI dollal's of II •_ _ _ .... 18 Im potwnt th. t they .h"uld raised is IIOt slRled. If it is ('llrried of tho Evulls hll trS, and Will pro· snrplus ut the s~hoo l ~und s nut MA"TI NS hlLVb arrived. !.:~~wh.t "mount o(n"!II •.y i. tobe rlll.ed. tu bllild tho commissiollers b,' that ceed at 0 1100 III COllv£' rt lh(l build · nccded lor tho effiClcnt mAl lite.,nan ce - _ . _- ........te of tax to rHi'l! the nmount . nd th. ' J r I I d I t II EASTRR_i\'1 1 lIumber of yen ...oid lu .. i11 be 10. 100:- voto c IIltl erl'ct builJillgs tlrut ill g into two hantl800le busi ness n onr. ~c I \J~ d; an . t la . lI S 811r' _prl . :3•. • hoo the probuble CO" of tho new Court.- would costa million of dollars nll d I",ull cs. plus IS he lllg curra ed U\ r Irt)m ...--- -, H",.,~. ; ltu\'e the vote 10 uplwlti th(, lI1. ' Th o - J onulhan B. Mo hcr and Ma r.\' Y(lor to \' ear . • Thllt is 1111 itCIl1 I'M The Death·Rate of I Wo h p ~~. by ft> (rrring 10 tl10 rnst or'."" I· 'I I I ' I I d t ed t d tl Our cOlllllry i. II' ·tLillg to bo fOl\rflllly ' bolld!n,", h. inlf ertel. d " t t~ I. time ill thi. amount 8h(101d bo lilllitcd. We J1 os ler, lit! wil C', hlwll Clltered ~ Dit ax -plt.v ers • u ,ell y ax . u .ell I• • h<rlning. t1", . ,·erogo of li ro buiull l . 'enc'd . ond nlljuininjl $tat.... become ,,,u~.luC('d IbAt doo't wunt I f ote for a bllildi ug nglli llst Davie :lnd R obert Fu rnl\s. to moct Itat(l ~tpon At their l el s l~re. ever), yellr. without nlly o ""U.". ' ""0 build ~ "''fl ••uh"talllt.t Co,:,rt, which we expect 10 cost Si5 0UO t,) brellk the will of the lutc Seth Tho Dr. t1l1nkEl ~!lo ple huvo j,11'1t dc.tb r••ulting B' lI emlly Irom Lhe mo,t o".... ona "'!Jlrb 11'111 be In I<rcl'lllg. lor • • F TI I"ff, I ' t Cllllse to com pillin of cxccssi\'e tax in8il{uifiC1lnt origi n. At thi. ""ftSOU 01 the cltyl •• durtlblllty. ond oiEe ..... itb the prn. , lind havo to pny un IInlimitctl urnas. Le p alUtl d cUlm t18t . . yeo.r. e8pe la lly. Ronld iSHU.b a common -r,,';~~1W'''' r~'IIn~ /\, WIlrrt'n . Inr Q!l1 ~ul..tQ fini sh i,t. These poinlil Iho property wns 1I0t eo.ualIy di vi· atl on. ,/ ,thing th•• lu 111 0 hurry or n or,- /In)' lIro y Thou !lOU... tf'ltT,· should sn bm '!ted d h d ' d ' ded ' ' ' 0 . ro apt t" oV('rtr",k LI •• dunlC_r.oLt,·,,,I· (,(,V). "'hieb eAn be rni d b)' 1\ t~x of 0110 I an ('m a Ie 111 W B I' til d D Mit. L. ~. [JUNK ..I, Secretary of ing it Bnd oft "n find tuo lato. that .. F" I'er 111 Mill 0 0 tbe dqllnr nloGtloD of.l1 the tlto prllalumllti on anu if tho com · - . . rown IUS e r. th o O hi .. ('.•lu nd.Ohina Associati on, ~r LUll/{ t,rt) uhle hn• • .et in. T ho" •• tIIulile prop"r~.,!n 'bo County (or Throe Dli ~si,)ttcrl! wallt ~ tl ew court hOll80 Jam es W . Daines' Ull8 wcr to )Iiss hil S ill 1'\'l\, es8 ror distribut ion an and. ln.-, their Ihe. in thi. w~y u or)' wi,,· Tho Most Extensive of Reed Organs (lI) Teda ....• ~n:lflln n~ evrr-td ~o ..... r! ""cl to tlt ese ,co rrecti II Iltl sh~mld. bo made Mury Bonner's pe titi oo, bl1llh e CIISU ",hile hnd BII oh~c·. G rmun S, rll p "".. ~ . l n )'· va 'oo"o. n "ollarHl,·nSOOO . ' '11 ~t I I' I) oRi cia l ci rcular, and I cuigree be.n uk. n. ~ ouro wuuld b.. v.. r•• III1 .. ,I . IN THE WORLD! (Ot tlie.DuH.Un! romp ~. y ~ oc- uT'-wc-venttfl'Cttiillt Ie tlWJ c wlTI I'S'\ I . III) e. tr le( t li S term: .j ' , ulanks fO I' regis try. The circulnr I\nd" I"rll" bill from Bd... ,.... 1' .. clI ,,\'''i, I ,,~ , --.,. . 011 11111\"1., bo ,duLbed " 0. lost CUllSU' on April nln eR denies all tho all egat lo tl s, In· II tl . I t' For "II di.r"""a "I Ihe Tbru.t 11",1 L" ",,, th • mllt~ri~l in tho p......n t 7tll if it is not so IlUt. Th e fJeople Iho petitnll, anti hc certainly uug ht ~Iv es a ~IYd ' U 1118' d ,e III unna Ion Iteeessnry llo.chc~·. G~rmnn ~l' rup I",. I,r,.\·"" 11.e1 f ILLOSTn.ATED C ATALOGUES SENT FREE. b01 '''IC•• n by ""lldmg on tho pr••",. t f I d ' to k to those who contemplate regi8ter, to hQ tbo <ereRI•• t ,li.. "v.rv nf i: . ki ",1 ill I u rO\V1>~ combined ",I( h PUR1T Y OP TO!'lE:. tn DURABILlTY ....d.-nnsa. .ite.,.· nro of tbo oplDinn thot .... o"n 0 t Ie county Oil t prllposo tu gi ve ' n w. i ng SlY ine, i ncllllliug tho roles of en· medicine. "En ry nruJl'.,i;1 ill thi •• """. Iry t :U::dO O r G't\Ju nrc U nrlvRI,.-d. 00:;0" witbin tho 8um of Fift)' Tbuul1Jlnd the co mmi 8sioners and the oitizolls. -Mr. Johu A. llaleoy. of Leb· try f\(lcpt<'u hy the association. 'The will tell 1 01l .. f iL. "pn,1"rlul em·"L. (}vl'r ~T~kN KEEVER. lcomm, •.ion.r. ~obanon unlimited coutrol ot n~on , lIas bcc~,meFon~ of t~e ~1.P peuiJ!rco "11\llk is II model in its ~.~~.,~~\lu~ltll~~~,~~~llu.t )'OI1r wlth"" t u. ill· PERRY L KEN:i. of ' t lelr money. 11. II~ I!a, eS t!lell I~ • un oy" 1 IS, way .' aillV ~ the Ohi fl :F armer, 'alld .,.. . ...".__",.-,.,...,_",. ..,..----.... WILLIAM P. MO'UNT.'! . Wnrren Co·ty. \Ve Itave talkcd with a numbe r stldlUcll1rado {aillce. Mr. 11. en , rcduci.'''; II) t:h l! llIinimnm poiot the AD l"/;RTI8EJ[E1.\''1·,<''. - ~'-'.-~ of the'8taunch citizens of tho conn· .ioys a vcry cxcellc nt reputati on ill IRhol' of gi ving thc infnrmution re o ty Oil thesl.l uhjocts a.!.1 rt are ublo to Lobullon, b~th as a business nmn of (I"irl'd frl\1Il. owners.' Mr. BonlJllm'lI PURE MEDICINAL LIOUORS . e8S II IQlr " 0PllltOI .. \ us. IV ell l L our gentl etlllUl "rhe I1" Mr"lfn,''! h". nn w 111 . t... ·k " hil . I) 'I expr Slonl> . . . experI ence 11111.1 u I ' ' address is Ollord, Ohio. O\VIl,. and \\'0 Are glad tv we.como hllu IIftielo "f ~ ur IJtl urb"n Wh,.ky f .. r ,,"ly IOlldn" !prO 7th. 1879. If there is Rlly J'ustice in that aUlong I1S . PERSONS who pnrchase lands ut $:! 1\ /:,,11 .. ,, : ~ "it .. l..l. And ".I'N".II), P '''CII ' ·' WI10 IS ' nn ·l, t lI.x , Sll I.eli ?~t n n U""L rna k e us IOllC ' II Ollt ,\ rcd I"r thu tn CUII IInll I' url'" ••·• A),u. 1I.,ttl ,II J W. 'II80n E•1\\·:lruS, .\16 "I bu", hrllnd , Inr Ino"li,I., far off "city uf cedarll." don't tok u --. ItKPRUENTATTVE. it all but Icnve Frnnklin WaYllos , nnullcCl1 tn Ollt c('I ~ t1In s as a CILII ' ot theIr IIl 'vestmont. as form erly; Cor"'iu, R btllt" l'T.IO\·. J. W. KEYS i. A onndldulK fDr tho or· ville 'llud Morrow a littlo'hit. tii,lute for County Cotnll1i ssioncl" 1the pellt~1ty ' ll"\~ is 15 pcr . ce nt. , - -- • ~ fl ce of !lc\lrcl.Dt.tivo. modo us a very pl olLsallt call on where Ilt ll laurl-is redeem ed IU hlX Household Goods at Private PROSEOUTJ1IiO &'M'ORNEY. TRR NKIV COOllT ·HooSE,-lt will Monday JURt. Ue i8 u It,ltt! . , an o lltlc~. AIHI ' :'5 per cont. IIftl!r Ih o Sale' I SETH W. BROWN i. n ""ndid. to lor • I PrOl!etulillp' Alt."r" .y. ""hir,,1 ttl the deciH' be well lor tlto citizens of overy Rattlred, wh olo snnl ed gc ntlt'mlln. lexpirati ,," Llt'Ri x m I1tll8, ill:iteuu o~ ioo of the R'\I"blioRU PrimRry Elo.lioll. part of this county to take into de· Wo can Ree thut in his fuce, Il lh, 50 per COll I. las fortitorly. Th o untll"" i':II" ,1 wi ll .. I1·,·,· ", P'·;'·". ,"1. liherato !lnd carelul con8iderati on feel it ill his !1;riS Th e f()regoillg . _".~ ... .. _ _. ~h " InllowI1I1' ,,,I.eI ••.. ,,llIIo;t '~ " W ' "0".1,1 · 1 oolarn COM1U8810NER. . ~ :' . , .. 'h t' •• " .. . , .......1.'. t"' h h n l n rn l'",,, ",.11 (PIa . II [;' , kl' 'I lrOlliC . 1," j' TUE ~hrro w Telegram 10arns '" ~ 01 111111"1.11"1.01' 1\ 11111111 l:>1.l,.. H""... I. I 1"• •1Ifl...f''!'f'! " , .~ ! .. ,L., t---,11 t . I " ... \ '''. I. • .. , .\ . .. , ".,. J, WILSON BDW ARn~ is" IlAndjdoltJ tho qu (;stion of building a now 18 Ie .. run In c S \\ay e .ot Ilod ornlco·,o"L ,· "tt "~e h"i r' I ••· t "I' .",M"',:, . .. f L'l' h" .. t t l.:IlIt .. . ,", I ,:",• •• fur Ihe office of COllnty COITITni .. ionet, cOllrt.honso, and if built whether it sll1nd eritlg onr jolly COllimisSi OIlCr ] ~rolt1 1\ rol iubla source thllt ~I:o hus' l go,,':'r IIphol' tereol CII1tI .... .. ilh I,:r". Art n I' ~!~!!,~r1~,,:~\.:tl--:'I/ . 1::~:·;;.'h~:~·'5.:./',~~,t;~: '; : t',·" I'~':~?t·: 110\.~~I.,. ~~ D' . "'m ,11 r. "'" /11,.1,,,. !'i, .. · h• ., ..... r 1,,_ . • , Lh,,\ " "'1 Jl"" ..... sbull be built in Lebaoon or elso. to be. lIl es~ men nlld tux payors ot Fmnk · hll lf ; I ij.fnut WIlIIIU L Exte". i"" Tllbl e: ;,ytW', TOWN8H1P TREARI;RER. .. . ' l. " , ""' Y . n ,I I •• or r k d I -Fun kcy & ~I issildi II C hu vo , lin wi II \' ttl for tho coullty ~elLt to I O\VII·l c nlul~hoowt,,~gel Bed S"lk' d 'd, 'J"!~h I ~r.~~m ... ,; I o," .. r. " it lA k. t e .· un .. .. " , ., 1I u.11. c.: rlbl:." JACOB RA ND.~ LI, i. " candidate for wIlcre., A s \....e,o~e remnr e , t IC , I b ' M ' 'I ,I '''. "" ,'W, 111 "S. "I,· 'ou ""1' 1 1" Treunror of Wayno Town.hip. fact that the court ·house has III , b('en r(lcoiving sp.ring goods duily I 0 rC!l1.o\·ou to orrow, . rOV~ ( eu I tllro. ?o("ltinl!'. OONSTABLE AND AS8ESSOR. ways been in l.e hanon is no 8Um. dl1riug tla o pu st two wOl'k F; ten ca· , lhe CltlZCIIS uf Morrow WII bUiltill IInel In)!rain ",I f ' LEWIS F. !rANTNGTON i ~ II n"ndi~ " t~ eient reAson wh"J it should remain se8 from Ihe East lIud• alm os t Iwice l ncw court house without taxing tho I 1' 1 •.. y~I .•. Orlfan,..- ...:.. •. I nr"ro fl '-CJ IrTor, ,t"rl~r .. n., ,-'\;. 0 . ("r t• ..,leel iOIl to the offioes of C,m.hole there to the end of time. If that nmount from CIIIClI1nlLtl. J . peo\J O. or- Cull lind UAIIlTl ille helnro April I.t, ond Ao,c!I8Or of Wayne Town.hip, ' RAWDUN VAN !:!.W. T" HARTSOCK i• • candidate for Waynesville " Morrow Franklin or, A. FUl1k ey• wus down , thi8 .1week; l'1 H lOR Arl!lt.-Th e h eavyratlls - --._-_. - - -t; -the offioe. of Constable ood A..... sor. clsewhere can offer better rea8on8 look out tor mUI'e lIew gOOu8. t of IO Rt l"ridu IIi ,ht 8welled ' the NC)' llr'E and superior illdllccmcllts for its you want a good a 8nrtmont to S(" " " Y g . ' ' , . TOWNSIlIP OJ.KRIt. . .. " III from in evn !iuo 0 to the ' Little MIamI to sncll' nllcontatrlable IE 8ta (e of T/lfJ1nr78 Jt'ra llfY, d ec';l. ' 1,,- tR ftA. - Jpnl lI._JaH ORARLE3 D, WOOLLEY is candidnt6 10ClltlOli 81ly whero elsl.I. It IS tll~lr l ~ct ) , Y y '11 fig d .' , IdimenRions. IllAt thc bllttorus \\'1.11'0 The nnef. ..ign.d hOI" b'en "ppointed nn<l ' .." • . • " 1' I I .It .... It I,. Iv". .., ,,, . ' Jl tor re election a" TowlI.hip Clerk. duty, to make them known and tor 'I rudo 1 III ace, • o~ ,WI ..r " .pllce.B I all slIhrnprgcd. and SUlldav tho l'o,a,d, /,oBlil1od Atlmini.trul,rix of tho E.tllto 01 : '.':j\~, ~ "; \. ~\; . ;;I::~ I'h:::': ' ;i:~'j' ,.1::,":.1:' ", ' ,"" ) .:.. .. ' "U' UI, w ill. .·i... 1ob .. ...... !. I v()" TOWl"SllIl' TRn8TKE. tlto powcrs to tuke Ihem under ad, beyond all competiti on, Clllclllnatl. , b t , . I. ' d (J ' rllOMAS FRANI~Y. lilt.. of W,m on NEREID Aa McKINSEY will be a visemeut Dayton, X enia not exceptcd. e \\ Clln lere, Itn rrorwtn was ollce County. deco".cel. with tho ,\'illunoox c<1. c.... didd. fot Townahlp Tru.tee. It . )'J 11 r Leba 0 Wall Paper I We ure now llJ.oro ~n hn nrc lie . • tho wu.terB havo F M.ARY FRANEY. Ad",'". 1'111: lU G 10 6IUIrr. _ \~ ". . er" we lor ~, n n . oW - lin bsiUild," /, ,.. ., 0\")' 24'. 11;10. · ,. A'MO~ HARTSOOK I. a c"ndidato for peop e to rldu)tlle any idea sug. prepared to show YO.11 Ibe l~r~eRt " >. • • . TOwnBh'J1 Tru.tee. \gestin g a elll,lI1ge io location and stock of \vnll pApcr ever exhlbtted 1'11& Wllytlcevillil Oornet Band NOTICE OY1tUS SMITH will be " enn,Udate fQr . ' . I' W . t' 0 I . . ' Tho onde':Mi~nw bu. beon "pl'0inted Ad· Townohip TruRtoo. whlLt mtght naturally be expected, IIII . arr"lu cOII~n b) ' h nr ~nf5 ex· I WIll gtve an other gralld eOjlcort to· mini.t.rotrfx of t.ho E.tMn nl WO.LlA1tf !!TEPREN BU~Nr:TT will be ft cn"' 1but probably other parts of the COtJll ' perlence n t liS rRn~ ~ f 118,".IlS8 morrow evoniug. - The program is F. RAPER, dOCCRI!Cd, Islo of W,...en coun. did,,!e for TownAlnJ1 Tru.tA>e, Ity pal' Uli mT1ch tUll as Lehanon, I has made liS sl1ccesslul 1.11 plnclI1g a vllry fino o,oe, and wo ea') aa8ure ty.Ohin, SAHAll J. HAPER. 8TREET COM)IlSSIONER. RI1I\ the mcro fact that th ey plly onrorderlust ~ovomber'n tho lar' l our reildere they will be delighted MU"'h 5,1 879. F.. A, ROOERS iR . n.c,,,,didRI,,:for the or. ' thcir fnll proportion gURrantees gelltjrl ctory l'/I r.h lJ Ea.qt, BO we are if they go alld listen. Their lust - .EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. fire of. Stroot COmm,".,:,"cr.. . ~ th ew a right to expre8~ their oVio' prepareu tu sell you cv~ry 8tyle nt eftl,rt WIl8 the ;}l6(\' C,ODcert by locnl The undcrAi!(n",1 h". bee" "PI'"i,,' e" nnd JONATtiAN HArl'E~ I". ". randldalc ' ion s olld lor II f('sll('Ctflll consider. tho uSlml wholeHllle ptlC('s. Stop t. l, t . . . tl' I 'I unlifled n8 Ih. EACClIlor "I' Ihu I'''L will for the ollie. 01 Sttoet COlTlm,"",ollcr. I . ... . f II II en e~er glyen III 118 P ace. and tc"" ", rlll 01 111\;<' r.; All IIA'I'T<IN. us n... 1 IIh M....... . \lttOn to be t1ccorded them . Wo nnd Uilil k or n moment, WI1 pll~er I , I.. te of \V"r .. ou Countv. Ohio. deco". ed. New 'for.. CU~. M&RSIUJ.. i are in ftlv or of' the VCI'y he~t loca· at 7. 8,9,10 ce nts a bolt; whlte l IT is by no means aforegooecon. ·c . F, CII A I'~IAr.. iH" c~udid "te for t}'o, tion bei rIfT d iscov('rcd. und thc coun. ' satins at 121'; Ii lie papers 20, 25 to cll1sion that the o.lIlrt.liol1se m\lRt n.ted_~!'i. Folt'y ~!~~.'.Hl 9 , 1II.10HrN.~nr!,T,IER U co 0 mn,. ,n . , ..., . ' , '0 b ' I' u . F . . . - - -- LF.fir CtTMUTNGS iAn c,",lill,to f"r m· l ty.sellt being I.'stllhh H~led ther~, re' l" c., wor~ , .01 ~,t m Dl Ole. un " be con tlll 11 cd' In ~eb~non. Let It _JF~ V/f, ~1i' ~I)I 'tm n .I""tiun to tb. ,.mer 0,1 AI. "l",!. , g\lrdless of any selfish cl).n sldem. , key & i\I I ~~tldlno. !be locateti whero It wll.1 do tho m08t ~ ~ y ~'iI' ~ ~~ ~ "' 1 .-~-"'-!-liii. =:-==--::-=--:-=.=. \tillns, hilt with nn oyo slI:glo to. -We 'II'.lsh to allY to alF who. nro good. That's-our sentlmont. -IfclllClol\s Notices. 110 the grcatesl good to the greute8t llll nccd 01 reudy made cl otlltllg' I' r !"we •••ooiat.d with me in hUM in c•• Mr. ' ~ ~ . d tl 10• scco II d T IIF. new Bcenery In . (,or Ito. II .JOliN ENGLE, i. BlJrndlU1to tl IR t we Ilave rcccl\'e onm b ~r. !lolanio," O~r,lll lI'who ..t W".hin)tt .. ". or D. thc C., ' • --011 l\lst First.Day morning, lot of spring styles, also in extrul works like a charm, and i8 beanti· ."d tboroulfhly IIcqullinted wilh thr hu.i, Bichite FI'iends' Moetlng WU8 arl · TH,ERE will. be A called meeting si ze (Rom e call them m en's siZl'·<)' lfnl. Not, flluny country halls uro tI <• • '" a1\ 1t8 dUl·artmont.. W. l"lvo " ..... _ .,,_ ..._... , _L' V etoron A 8· W e Bh a 1\ mu k 0 tl Ie rcu dy rna d 0 Ias Illec . I y un d e Iegullt Iy Ii Ite d up III"!,o muoh Kre ..t:cr Dtld b,·tt. r d ressl' d b y D r, J e880 II 0I meso f 0f W ayne T own_lp variet),.took IhaD.n,] I...tnye~ t. ;ltohtlling 11 .tulIk of • .ANU7AOTUlJ.» IIF ' W6IIt Liberty, Iowa, in' a forcible lIociation at Esq. Mupiugt'II\'8 offico, goods a specialty. W c kn\)\\', yellrs liS our8 i8 nO\'l7. ,'J ; F. 0, & Co, are U"uroon. Tea, lind Noi.ette Ro~.. mUllner, showing the Bpeukor to be Saturday evening, to transBct im · IIgu, that the secrot of how to han· the right men the holm, All orderA IIclrlr•••cd to DOXNKK ,';; Ex· 6. a man of cnlture a!\d refinemont. portant business; am ollg which dlo tho goods in qllestion was to OLR. Xeni ... Ohio. wll1 reouivu prompt lit· • • «.~ Dr. J ame8 Haiueaal80 spoke in n will be arrnngelDent8 for cclebra· how how to bllY. Goous well Til II: hall over Elliot & Coleman's i:,t~~' FI~,:~~~lj~~:~8 ~;'~~':·;~~~:,::l:.'; Sed ftr Sample Carda ad Price LiN. Chioago, feeling !Dllnner. At half post 3 in ting D~eoration Dnj. All meJll- hought aro halfsold. So~n 6 8ay.:'i t tin ·storo has been ' provided h.y the ".m ~urmit, nnd ~uring the ~el\llOn will tho afternopn, Dr. W"m. Under· bers wLII please be promptly pre's don't }Jay,' e1'67'!liJ ody 1,8 cuttl1l{J COllncil oe an armory fOf thll Bar· r.:~~i~~~ trad" m tltll' plftOe;'iloNNE~~t,. 9fElizabeth, N. C., addrell8ed ent. on priCed.' nut we know thAt our ris Gnards, who took putltlcssiotl ve audieoce in the . Bame goods are bought at prices so low yesterday. -; Il_~~~~~-~~Mr~!!Hoo.-g!B~-en>e,d-:-tl~ty-j-::Wftt~:!rumre:-w11:Oollt a bAby ¥ that we can dety compctition with , =~':±I~=== ,ntln·J1UulJ.ilmllln'!@tAI~IY owed by Dr. Many childreD Ita,vo cough8 and the greatest competitor. Wo dou't A RKVOLTnlEl care of incest is reo UloJ~.~.mrIOd~It.bLI·t· =, n... Bet ap ,Book ottbterea.nao. " .Tl tl rA UI"$, S 81D1t 8 oop), 3Jc or P.M Bupplication. Mauy colds jnclt now, aud should havt· sell cotton woreteds for all wool. ported t[()iD tile vicinitl of UtIca. lG111'· .. An on Obromo jU"dHethMi ·.··YONtQIM VoIllr, prj ... 'i!; .. n Iclr db ......·'.• nllObook. tn wellt aw,&, .feeIiD~ happier a,nd bet· tho gre~te8t care, and a bo~tle ot 'We nov~r misrepresent goods; ~I. thi8 eoouty. ·The girl lB " ,b out }6 pa~r nIDlt' ng ~ Oh,n .tIM .""tab"wooer. Jt • a1 hoOk.ln,p",,, .fnlil~aDd. fr m hearing tbole "orda I Dr. Bulls Congh Syrup. PrICe 00· ways Baltsfy all. Fnnkey &. Ahs- and the yunng m~n, ber brother, UuukehOl€l.luulol' I onlt:.ll eeat. tD raoa." Dr In 0 . "' PQet.1IPt t ~Ilt. L. ), 25 eeots, . aiIdiue. . about 18. . ". ' " . WCI1!.')'I. l\I"" l ti~... tt4't'" .... ,... ~u_ . , ~d_!S. &.W.-.'l'rlbll... s;,j~ r_llou.,
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before/' m·lo~ f...a~ n. nl;:;~ reaohin g S aDtiago, the Valley Iy. 4d •• rtl.ln.nu_uII08:;;....~~e.l!'~.l:.":-~! illg be tween tbe Oordoll era a nd - 1 t ... \t ....
Plthbu rr. Cmoln nlU " St. Loala ' 111 (':"'~' (,!LJr"rr. \"1 in "''''''; ,~ ","I: "". R. A I L WAY 111.1111 ... ,'v"ry 'h,",L - Hos. 11.\ < . 11 \I . • l'iP.II . , I ''',IN·n ,,NOL Iil "OIJT~." '1'1,. 1,"01 ._I.ti lll( J~II j.hl l."Ki.·.",.'---)uJ--. t:I )( J In E II't'cl Oc lober 1I'lh. 18 1 8. I Ll)s"tH'\ TII~~ . n,-I'. 'ou~cr" I'urdluill" Lo ",, .. ".. J '~~~~~I~~~i~il~ 1' 011' ·1·ie,,"l. bl'horo,'nt tilll( 11i1' . (fA.1 u 0111 111 11 .: ft tlhu.'ouo1. o( \en por
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Ih e And es is reRe hed. TI I'18 I bel l J'OREIGN ' IV.D DOMESTI'] 41.' ,. vull ey v nries in wid th from" od. ie 1 to e ig h t Or ten mi les. A rive r rl1n8 'II1Ii'a .1l...11a. For restor ing Gray Hair to V. u'.nAllo, OttI LI,( thr I1g h it, fed b .. nl1mero uB mo un. ~@!!.~~ ~~y J ,79 .J its natural Vitality and Color. 1111 . , . tIli n streums , whic h Huw fr(lIn ,'enL. fI'411D rUllullH --"1> ruIO • . hl'a,' O(ts tflJ :-It Wll8 a bri g ht me lti ng s no wli aud IItl\Jrd 110 s nppIht! A li r e III i n g ly 62!L • I!E£! !!,!!!!,,!!!!!!,,!:,!!!!!!,!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ s Ulllmcr m urllllt . . g II ",o w w ee ..I. a ago, 0 t WR tc r"lor . \\.h jl·h iw at ()Ih' ~ ~ Ir'lgut lltg p nrpU8\!s .11" 8 '1' • " tl III t I ~u th el'c d 110 ".. Il t' w tl ' II d 1 tl ' I l ' t d tl ' ". _'__ ': " I" ,,, •• bn ...l ...... , .01" .... 0" . " .~ I r.n~ •.• nl,;roo ahle, ' 1 00 U illIg UII n li S II I U I , li B va II ey 18 -:--. •.1. - -No. --.... . 6. N 7 con ' nh. h." c:ou "id .·.·u b. r .nerr 1'l1n ! "TAT"'''. N" hU8tily packed thulII ill a va lilMl for fee t a buve tlto le \'cl of' Iwal lhy, allt! f· 1. No 14)1J.4I4IU "' .... I. h •• ,. " 0,," '"11" '1. the O".IIU" I.el\\'C i __ " lew dl1YlI' v i~i t at th o Cl1pilal of U8 it rllllS fll rth er sOll t h fccillal fur pn'hit " , •• o,r • ., 1· .... n .. UC'Io" ;ult. 1 I , rcuclt i ng Ill! , .,,,,.,,"1 •• , "ad m o lo,,1. CI"ei,,'li F :I.';" m ·~:20atn +4 :10 ' W • ::llIp " lJ l . • • ~' 1I, I .lJri'l·H A'I·w,: O • I r \. i /I g tho this country . Th e d uy WBII jllst tnl' 118 {jonces . ioll. it lUBes A ~D I' N"- I il~ lel'u' I' e hili r. Faded or !I:'!';I' I IINIDc a: I •• WITII 11 .. 1' li " U • •I ~ such 1\ vile as I Ila ve soen 110 th oll · li OIl, IIl1d i~ ~(;llrcdy m l.OI·o l. "d ::I!""" 9: I3<L1Il I 5:351' III U~GI' ',re thall 30 I .· .U ..l . . . I .lJ ,.. I !\' .\ ·I'(o: lt, . · • •4 T I<I• • !I''O!J I", i,· I', ,0011 • . \1t"rvw Blind timos settlo d own u puo th o or ' 0 fl'ct !1 ;IOa'h !1 ;~O .. Ul ij:O 1'''' ., 511' ' •• "Il"'&\· .... II ..... .1I A N. It t8 I' ll tl 1' 8 ' 1111 tl t restored /1) il. Curlll" 9 ··\), n, l'I1 itllui Vull l1Y ill the ellrly I1UtU llIO . ..., ..t ' ' . d I I 1 647 1"'" \ ey 1110 " ' ' '.E D II Dt .. :" . 10.UO. ... . I . m 111 '<1'1' OU lI lIIl;o ll1l I . II t a 11 tleBulI W 0 RC EST E R Il I original cO/l)r. X "ia 111 :22 ."" 1" ::.210,,, l :':lIr llI ' - - .AI "'. A ~.n I Iort,", J Alth uul{ h it iS lTl idRlIlIlIo er ll ere a nd e rn illi ll ull l u w lI ~ lOS i"""'· ...~~'nl •.d ,,.lh •. STA:>; ll.\ IUI AI '. ,/lilh 'lte !lloss an d fi'etltne u of YOIt//,. IIrc ~i t ll ll tt!d. \\' , II rc ollly ' :nl degrees 1111 0 twu TIIIlHIT Y , .... '1 i••" re.""" .... '''I .. ,1 !.,. 'fhi" ha ir is thi,·kelle,l. full illg huir F nml t:illil ti Igo U ruilrulIJ IlII il t · t Hr. "", . I... " t:! •. I!. " ,'. \\' 1", ,,. r. S""'''''r eI,,·.'ked, lin,! bultll1 C85 uften, though ..I nlln ll 1)8 BO ll tl I 0 f tll O e'i ull t ur. we Ily A 111 'n' e nn • 1:1'1.111 I'I IS IInll 1 oqllir' 11 ,, 1111 .... . I I ~·i ll;:. \\ ' illl llr"I ' :\ ',!'.· .... i/. "Hlp} It a vu 110 hot SlI lII mel'll, fl.. e ti le r' I ell wl' tll A l ii r't I II .. L alwapl cllred by iUt lISC. Noth11 . ,.n·. I:. ,. fl . .11 ''''' . ~I "I I . ,., 'I "' '' ....l.. ' t , ~ 1'111 ru II IIlg 8 UC · . i ll~ can restoro tho I",ir w h er~ tJle I I m ,' w el 'ri ll my raoul vo r)'• 801 <1 11111 rtl 11' 1 I I . ll~. dU\\'I~ t ltl''' " p:h .'h iK \'11 11 'Y o ' ,('11 11 . 1 ,I ,.ro. \ ", . ' \ '' e' '' . . " ,,' I",,· "". ' "ut.! II hu \'c 76 d(·g rce~. llu ri ll " t ho f .. ll it'l cs nrc destroy ed, or thl) glnlllls i'" " , .. , "'" .".", .Ii·, in: .. ,·I" .• 1 ., I". "',. 1 t tl I I " .... rifl e 1I1J! W I l U I l l ' " l'Il\~, Iun k'1 1Ig: ,UI I a trophied and decay ed. But 8110h 118 .,·.r l' l'".I I'''I.. '"IIII,It 01 -. , • • • ':.Il " ·.t " . ""tI, " I)' I,y ~Ulll111 0 1' IIlilrllUI' ijlJuth cr ly br ·e7.e " V~!'11I1Il1 ru tl lc t" Ih~ ' .. o f "'11 ~" I" lId I l U': t' rll ' \ TII II",1. 111111.·.. ""III:lil1 cnn be Raved fo r usofulnes9 Z:jI'" F A R SUP E RIO R blllw I' \"'ry II lh'rll,l,, " d l'i \'ill~ the ""'"" I, i. 01·" ".1"1" ">\ I . ' 1I . .. " y .. I II, .. . 1 III~ "al ll'Y . UR ull Ih e "th"r Io.r this ap) ,li cnl ion. I nstead of foul· It eut "tl' tu tllo VCI'UII und d uri ng n:u ll cr Ulleij I r i II gIIlll" Jju""I, .. ( 1',,: ,lir 1"· ''''''' li ",. ill hctweo u 1110 p~ 11 illg !ho hnll' with 11 plL~ty ae, iimcnt, it ·Tt,,· , .. I"" .. . I.. ·,,,,,. '" . 1... ... " ".t "",, th e win t ol' tb e w illd ~ nro prl'vuil in K I'Ullges, Itll vO a very It ~ will k up it clenn nlPI ,·igorou.. (ts O,"IT, lQ r ich Ilui l uf '·"rtt fl f dlhj.!, ·n t.·,,: b ill with \\·"L .. I, ·r it i .. _ ... fJJ;~~ -' .. :;/ oorll!uri y, briu g ill ~ ill a WllrUi UL· reddi sh CI.IY, ,Iill~" nru I" ,·omhl"ali.. " wllh flllll'I I"Ir, ••, I nllu via l d eposi t. - - ' ''K-- :::..; tJ ~ Q"":LsiOlln\ lise will 1"" ''' ('111 tho hair m us l,h ere. Frust IS ne \'c l' k' "lWIl lIu t th ere is II /)Ullmill W,I I, W .. ,,·.·. .. ·r. " ' """IIoi"_tl",, \\'llh IC.H.d li'olll tllruing ~my or 1;'lIi"l( off, !Ln'! fro m Ju l)' to - - -)0(- - ,,'''.,' "lid iud~II"· "1. ~ \·q nsequel lth' l'rc \·cnl. baldness . F.·co WO\{C" . T I': I{'S I. and the t her mumete r does nut lUllrk ~w reh 0 1' Ap r il. Tit · ticldR th.l t'lIuflr r Itn ,1 ",:,f,' J ry r lip lh)tlk. 111lrllUilY It"vrn. l r l\' OllKS AT j rn nll a lowur deg ree than s ixty, except lillie 8 t hl'Y a rc irrigu ted t lt l)foi.C lkl ctiJ l'iulI "-' AIt},St~l H"!:\ " """"",1 th.· iI.·.1 ... i 'li,,~ EII~II . h 1,.• lu,,,, ., . I n mos t . I which llIake BOIU U PI'f'III\I',\I;Ollri dan· - l ,",dun .~ II" ·,,,' · "'n , ' I ' ouce In severa years. w Ilell I' t m ay 0 f t IIe VBIItlys t IICl ro IS II BliPI' Y of LEBANON & MORROW :!V"OU M, al1 ,1 injlll 'i o n~ to Il.c h!lir, tho " J ' h~ bt:t'lt. EUJ:li ,.h \\' lind tile mn .. 1 go 80 lo w aB lifty. fo ur. The a11ll U8 ' wutllr, b ut it ill n ot I'e ry 0 purtlenl"r AIO.';"" n rit.ArH efll cielltl y wrl wr. uoe won· I Tile MliAt f;1I('('I' . Rflll Vigor Clln ollly ullll clh bllt no~ It:ma , • P1lere is ve ry CIear U1l d the ~ lIn pen· ut.ilized . T h e propert ES TER n. lb olr uulh. ri t} '-:O;"w Y,.,h y la ws re~ II ' ".' l,II' I o. ~ u "' h I' it. 11' w:lIl1e,1 lIierely for n . . . e l ruleil witll i nte nse beut f r 110 few I t ' , I ' ·l ,,J' JF..,· lill;':. IHer.hl. J tl . t .,. f A full , ul'ply of .. II <~ \II lO r I", . • 0 \ lLlng I CnUU;~l1I1 C . . . . Ie rnns o r " wUiKt ltUlilflt" .. bufomRrllel 'AI"'r ""r re.·.·nl ' tr ll," :oll.tcM·hf'rllULII ,h. l ,"rAIIHS" . N " . I) ",R.I,. tl" lu~,' IllI l'lIi!)/!. IIOUI'8 dnr inK Ihe day. The JIlllUII propert y ha \'u cont rd lll No . 1, .\ .. . Id , NII:l , f,h :tl1J,C"',I \ VOHCI·:-'; TJ ·: R Ilh ,,'n I-IA I R DRE SSIN G , o urlluth nrin' ted ,\ 111 1 iJH SC Ir L 'nt ill u 1,,·;;-,,· a nd StUI'o 1.1.1" brlg lttcr hero tiJ r the tllstll itify u~l' i c ll l tllrlll Je\' lu rgely lit " "\. C,,11 "nd b."", ine .\(••·Ic 'u,.! " 'o m l in "I'rlll"". rl", II. 10 Iori "" ""r"·"·'" i"I'" ·llIpml' ut. I·n.·oo hr'("rc IJun·hu>i u)( "11l",hi olol: wh.;rl:. n'!' ,..1 ." en " he (i'III,,1 "0 d v~i,'1' .. 1 "' elea rnest! of the utm usp lt e re. uut wo F o rmerly a nd st ill to IL Iflrl!e .""0 · 1; ;:lIIa", tlO :OO& ·3 ;~OI'''' : 1;15" elln form il), II'I'h Ih'. """"1'1.·.1 """"". '"~ 11' .. ·,1 exten t. I" , - -- - 1 A .. m e "I.;c . . ( ·""tai" illl,; . 1". i~ I ~,·r oil I) :,r · I _ I ., . . u. I t" lI. I r llt, .1 r ... . ' 1,,· ,I, .. . ,,( nll,,1 'I f '''.'; " ,dl 111 1811 t 10 I'U II r IItnr a uu t Ie grcllt tie Ullu ~ ~ 1 , .II ". IL ,j"c~ not s" d \\' Ili to ~ ~. 1.0"d"" 7 2,nU121;ORlm 4 ;.l7pm 11 1;'11 : 'n rl"rhll ~ _u r i, I"e" ",· IS 0 \\ II ' III Iurl!e c~tlltes s~r~ l~n , X""I" ". M, . 1I"".,d I "~· I,,,. oipper ( Ul'~lt Ma.ior) . ~ ::III .. rn I12 1111. m 5-:17" ," :1 2" I Mr. Oe•. r,," II' S"",II.·~· lIu t wo hy th e d cscl'lI lillll !8 of 11t (· cu rly . . ,,,,,I Mr J •• I", I. "".j .' l't lasls Innq .." lIw hair. gi"iuq lu,vc the Soo t he rn UrUBS a nd t he SpRll i h c m (l'll:ro rR. U . 1l,,,,,,urJ: - l'i,·w Y",.it Tnl"'II O. I ~ , F.lilll l'''< , CUli l \'('ry il :l ri ch. :.;I .. ~ "j' lustre ~IIU A gmt ufuJ I SI,, 'h, Id j7;25I1''' l tlU . lU~ j3:40",,, O Ma~ellllil lulld . ' I't \\'a . I Itl) ' bl r t :\ , EXI'l'l'i IIU·lI t . ",·,.fIlIlIC. reCl'1 ,1"'''0 PURSI e "Ir a II · THE COMPL E T E SERIES OF • li e d istance fro m VllIl'ur uis(1 tu t he r 10 d ivid e IIItiIn~ l'stutu \' . i ' ll 1':," '1'\' !-'I",·,· (;11 :11·",11/'1',) . I I 011 4'10 a lll o!)!! Iii~ Withou t Dosing ; The Better Way X ~:II:~~" ~:25:~ 12'III,'"m :'~:t1I:;::" 1 J Su n liugo is 114 mi les by rll il. b llt ? h ildrell. T he o!dc'sl ROil WORCESTER 'S Dictionaries '1' 1,,· .'1 ..,1 1\'rli "'1 ill 'I H!) lI fll l~t llro. Prcn:1-C~.'~D ill h eril~11 y r . . C• Ayer & C0., "":" ~I --_- - - -'-.- ,--,-.- .- QUllrto 1>1_11,,",,ry 1',,,(u'' ''I) pruba ul y lI inety d irect. A m il rOlul. It, hilt ut hers IIl1 gh t Itave 111",1"' .. ·.1 , 't l." .' 1 " I E : \'~' "l t III J Il!:!igll . c 1' 1 11111 1·,a.·" ""1 "",I l ,, ~I>·r1.·.d r:h~lDlau. :o. C[" • . tl :!"I'", , 1'2 . I~p 1,'.4 "loI,,/ ,ti ).'" U Ll hru"I',h··I'·I/',. ~ lill'(J"I" . . I .. N . L equi pptld u f te r t I10 E',lI g I·lij I.u s t y Ie. rI~ ~ .\rll\l Its III It . o w . Ilo weve r. Wit JJO \\· E IJ L. MASS. " 1\1\' , ' r"n Hill rllH ' n 1I'lllIlIury . r\· { •. w it h box cuuc bes, di l'illed into sel" th e COllsell.t of 01' I,.d 1\ u" PI :I.IH)plII " 1'l1l1pm S' 6.:I~'l'm ~:n(/11 TJI' d ' L.11,r"r)· .1"" '1' ~q ~'-'. th e lega l heir, he nny ar o. ~07a U.1 1 I:}; 1..""0 ~ e ral 8epUfl1! e upRrtm ell ts. cunucC IS ciln di vi de it d ll ri ll" h is A"ud"", lr 111"1,,,,,,,,,·. 111"'1r 10.1. rr""," I li fl, -ti lll e. .. ..., 1:1I1tlp", fJ OOplll t:'I : .0uO H,' " the two Cit lea. 1"h iS ral'I roud \Yus The effect of tlII.8 cus 11 ,, 11' ,. .... " . *1$,. :\ r rl \ t tom hRlI bl'l'lI Cll ln pr(·h~ · Il .. i \·l' n i, ·tit'lI l1 r y . l 11utllru l,d . "1.-Iun·1I ro: lfipm 2.5·!l'm begull iul 52 by an E ngl8h e llgi n. to kee)J t he lalld in l he 10'1011 II .. I! m oo" . ~1.7.\ hall ds uf a i l"cI" I'''!' I! !IOI, n, 5:55pm eer, William Ll oyd , w ho 8occcee ll· few, II lI d t hey rCll t£'ci it ('"! 1! :55p SI'l'"'' I ~:I'· IIII·", .<r., . Il ;'·t i" n"r)', I II ,,·IrK . IlIn' ill" ' fi fib ,~ 11 . 1.0" " ~: :lf1u", ' I I b ffi' . " ~ .~"p I"n 11 "l f "'"" ~1.1'n ~d , ahe r va yelll'8 0 a ur, IU 1\ II l'II;':", .HI., II I IIY' t J('l'e .y 811 Clont ~ rrllil ltn' I Ji, ·li .... "ry. ~lI e tu FIIPI ''' I'! 1111I"t rllli"I. (fllU " - L.",·:;- - - Ing tho trac k throug h as far 1108 tbeman g rall d styIIlc" 1I,, 1f ' ''. ''' . (j(J _en's le 111 th e I·ili,·,. 1·\ · '"" ' ~::I:•. , mp~ .2UII .:,·~Upm 13 ;2:... Puo·k,·tll "· ""lUry . II1,, ·' rlll.·.1. 2-101"'Q1IiIIl,t a. Il.bu llt one-thi rd of tbe wuy . So t hey ha v ta ken litt le i" l l' r('~ ! ' .Ilri~· e. N ut I11· 11 1; t'ur t h e r was .dooe Illl t ' l 18 " . ' 1.. 11, II.' •,.. ro." .. n.·"I.)'·. ~.. ,.",: " "' '' . ' , . I, . In Improvll1g t Ilelr CurWlIl !l flfiam 1'! :,,2p: m (. lut eA . .1:['11' .\ hl'lI! Iw·kf'(, g' t ll ,".1·" .. . . ',I IU. I U I \ J•. ",.. !, l' l.lm 1:2:pm O ;~~PIll 1.:1" ., )1",,,' ",w,·,.<1 .1.1'1".11 6 1, w h ~1I H e nry Mo'ggs , or Sun ia Ih e g reut IlI Rr , .1,·", •. In ".1,1111"" Fmnoip co. took t hc cOll t ract 10 fi ll L a rae eXllol'ld lire II ll1d.· p rlld ll ct. 1 ;:", . 1",,,.1 111.,.:"", ?,1'!!I'Dl i .II9.I' ''' 1 ~ ,,2., 1In II \'I',.~. f,, 11 1 , .. ,.,,,,, ,, .. i,,,,. "".'1.1, uf Ih ie fill,"'" lJ'''~1U ~ ,. 1, ;). •..10 ~ :1I01Im ~ ::,o, '" h .Iu" ".,I"II" i ~h th~ ~\'l)J'k i n t'o ll.r years. . B ut 5') grni~'. r), . 'n ,"e '~ """""" ". '" ,I,,· "I""'"'' , Me"., ! I UUI · \ Ie 1.45pm I :.! ,.i5u ln 1I "!ofl LI :;II~\III ~":.::'/I~~ 1:'.l.I~~I1:\~"llll~~~t'L:'.\:·~:II~";Ll~~:t;tu':I\I, energet H: wus 110 In p" sllI Og f" r _I Bn t we flI t nl'1'O e th l' ,1'110 1 tic 'II'or k tl,u l (III ~cl ' - 1) .01 , Wdr· : 1",,1 •." c•. ,., .'II,ul ,v. ' t 14tll c.1 n,.·h.. "ur,,· •. ;f ".tr I '" u U t ' I . ,u I J \\' O. I • lUll 011011 III ~U IS rl'IIC 'l'. ". I d e , e· 11 If '' n Tr n · ., ~R .~n R " TTr !': , 1 u.l. ! Ie rOil WIIR f " , • ~ - Foor . ....' . h,' .11 1I"" k .. ·I1." •• ·r .. ;1\ 1"' 1 R. '" " ~ ~ or ma ~ "p~II ' Illy nn td unot her l IllIe til ~ "l l· r. ltll ,I r ,I""'", . 0'1111 GlIt" ~leO l' llI ).! l ltt>nL, C' lIrr . IH!!" rlf''' ou r"I " .U" Il f ' l " I t il .~ Body and F90t Pla.ste rs I ":I ..Ull.U " , ed . 1 ho wholo eXl'ens e 01 bu d d · """"f'h rn,", OI~ICI !ln . ' ! I " l' i l "l . ur~h . , ~l' . " ] 1 L II'[·IN CU· IT.~ I·U. J. H . LA I' E'rItA .:;; .'1..\ I> I'h,1 iog wlla 11 milli 'nil of dolla rs. d,·I I' I" •• nd N . i ork. "'lIhout l'I,onee ' Pn hl,·h.·, •. 1\".,k,,·II~, •. ",,,I " I " ....." r-. • •:.:.:: Absorption Salt I, ' I I·n·. eng' " r.. ,· II" Ilill'O' •. W ",bln~ t"" l' i~, ,I 'd' l t' b tl . ,ADV RI!" UT I I' • .,U.... 71 :, IIlIn 71; )I."k, I 8, . ;;: .. W. ul C I was pruvl Cl F Ull .ur y. IEl 1111' ulI,1 llo.IO" . h,,'u I THE NEW I,UI "". Oh,,,,I'" II! till' . 'II~ :1", ] :::. M d. ' t d C' f B th PIIIIII",·I"hi". I' , t lOllul gOl'ern loellt.w l llch sti li h uld" n o",".. lI.t.· , "Iw ll~·.. low •• b~' ' ''! 11th ,ADlIts, yoo ('Blln ,,1 muku fair "'C e Ica e r OO_ a s. ..: ''''''e. . the rUIIJ A pllft o f \:ho road is skill , rosy cheeks I1l1d spllrkli lll! . W . L..O · BnIE~. Tl,••• '"'''''''.' .•'1"" " '" .1.- ...1, ",p"n'"'' Oen I l'alP. k Ilcke l AgoUL. • WI'111 1\ II t l10 C"" throurr ll •a ve ry m o untaino us di~· ~•!!8 . ' IUlllt·S .' !. of .....·ln",. •• ure byh"'n II h""'II "11,"· .h ",o"",, .. dl. 11 W CALI " '" ,WE 1I I.l. h.,. " ,,<.1 .. p .. ' ...1 I ' G . • 1'\ . I II Irl'ct' und - 11 0"'· IVOII ·lerful tr'l u mpll" .."."" f ;Jf' f"H .1 IR, .. ,d ",~"IIIl'~'fJdl rallce. or be a utl'Ii e rR 0 1 til' • jV ' . • I n ~ rtl otlllARor . D , ,.,, AI. I. ".... . I •••• '.'m l -"o,,,,,.' .r. I"I.I'" n D U 1'I . I:',,,. I I I WlJI r' I . o (' c ll .,· j n eer in~· hntd . u ll t lt . \\t' ~. · "n" ~ I' h ll'\ ItUH 1W,th' " , 1 , • • \ uo th~t eqnu lD wu I P 11\ h • . el n puor 1H:r nt1.Un lE l Jl il t lilitl d,#" ., .. , Lb. 1 H .It ,,,I:"1I'1111 • 11 i i ' It 1 .. I 1I 1,, ... e L\· ll , l' 1I1 III 1, O. f\ c \rultd IH!u cd n n'l' "1 ~ O N LV d j' I ' I d' wil1 give y on such good heal ti l I " clvpl' I · d(·cqll('cnt.~ fttr,r r / r fH' ,,.JII·" "~ ' , t il '\" l "" IIrloi U'. t h e fUUl\IU8 " Rl ron 0 t le utt Ii A I .rrl u r f' . a.,h r U l th' r .. . t ... ·nt . n'f" " _'V E.r,..,.,,, f' l',.owpr IIn ,I Rpe. Q!) frOl1l Li rna . P e l'n . uc ro s tile A II d ee strlll~gtl.1 and b~Bll ty u~ I-~Ol' ' l~ A. 18 mr ... an .. Il .... '~ul' · .. r .. o( " ewi... 1' '' em ''. B lttcr" d jln J nf/IINoc_ upoulTl . 8/", . lind B.... '!t , U to B razil bu ilt also b,' Mr. Meilrgs. A trlBlls cert ulU prout. ~ IIC •• • or ~ 1'°' ",,,I.,, rl~ ... ~,. i"dn.·." "y ,.. •.\r Sct! au uthcr mo"". 1 IT... 1'01.0'''' ''. Otrt,U/ , ch ld. Par- A F . . , ' J C ~ !'" l'. col umn . Cl b f 7 1 "~I:"' o. In\·~"."'I~ r.'·, lon . I", p""'''"' ' a1u.e ,,. .4 rll",. lu I n,,"'nrc, R N",,,..,, ree etpJ lOr u S 0 . 1 ~. t\ I IU '" O. 1111,1 \ . UIIlI 1111" 1,Iil ilCH'S to ~I I\I' ~~ ~ S Iltll.',toe, \tlh\8tam paOrrttlllineg"t' • -.-BE...·.~ WIT H 0 to l bt eWill1lI8 V EN t ,{'...d, ,~"'"' ft.~8 QM II! MlMIII llt~III' ,,. fI .J(an'_ .....b ••• , ./' l ' , .... . '" ell . 0 I , ~~l·f.~ ~1'::;I',7111~';Jo'ri;~I;i~~ \in;~;('~~:,I:I~!.y '&'~I • _"II ,"0 II . ...Ier! .q . with a nll m ber of 11Iltivl'8 0 1 I t he Th a t Ii ~ Ffl7' liS".! /I . tllj (l/Imntt vn £.'011 nfl'lI· _ H . HOB E '''lt o.~ 1IIiII. . · .evoryu ne . ·ould 1''1' I fiSC cL. I\' 1["p ... E 1\ • ~I II 1.1. kn""n L,' . " .. I ..... r(••"lb."h.'.I'"~ '1'10;< .\ '.IRoI,m on t 11 ill "e ~ re"t l y orp " 'cl I101ter CI1188. Y0 0 el1l1 '. i III) 1'1'jIPI' ien i 'e nnd ;. II1I(t , (J+" I A Uli"ur ,,' ,i,~ '( ''''' 11 ri, ok /I"I\'~,: . AGE -TS WA.....TED ' tl Ie r e WOll ld L_ I cl uave. Iww· B I' ttel'8' Iireel ;,. dftea·, lh " l . lhH!lu Ullil r n\ll or .rtnlt o f butu . ' . . . .. .".01 I. ,. ,II 'se "ho It" e ooc·"lu ll t>, u c .·,, · It" n • 11 I ••••• ~ l b •• enu ' e'. . I b • .. 'J oJoJ.~ . by . Jo'l u I • 01 I j II III (a I", ,. eXI' /';111 (n t8 .Ill e vur vunroh ulce01 s clety Iyt h e I ' y .III til: I ~ Th •• 0,1" ,.• nV' ''1'''d dr ug... bu l tba ' canlHlacL. rtultlu. j grmor.... t. e8S ' Ble k lJese aOt I Illlser ",,I ' lo. ur.l I". th i••,,1 !.ill .lf\ ·nLl .u.:1. 111 " II" LV n Pllrlur S tHY~" CN .kVBRY 'l'UWti AN D OoUllTI". , l.r.r... n' . . .. ~.n'''''"'' 'tn"" • ., ~ l' l b' " .. L• , · k' , ' , bl b 1 Ii I '1 ·1 .. I d · ' th' . d r & world' I · 't~ I and ' people /. 10 "" 0 .ol:"re. , . .or. 1"0'0' rOll1 '" n rc fURt Hil t! i II" . . If '/1 MAN Ll\' 1m r'A I) CO. ' ngMED l gH . \ t lO ct yun ny, r& " 8CCun o r ,n Dr ' I.WI /l .~ 1 1'1111) 111 ((yll l · .~1 · , t' ~CO')fJlI!y, ·C:, 1 j 1((8 tr . ' • ., , ~,w" ,."wri· .... o Ih"l II,,· '"\ r,, 1 C,.II' .'I'h" , '"' . _ ClUBB. The selllsur o IIc ro a tft (, care thIS 110 JOtper-10J'. L. H. lIIcCA1IIMOlf. lIIa nager, out, ... hol e lumtl wK kee p l!)": ceil ,,1 . \' If· AI ' II~ .' riM y hi' ,·n " ' t il"!!.' n ' !'I "t1~be.!I~~ttSm.e .. , .· Innn~· A c· IlHl ll1hl \·jj, jl , i l ~' ('11 11 m nlil hUru il'." fJ "t lHl (o ll" lind in eac h UIJll rtmcl1 t frun t each well at " trifl 102 WEST FOURTH STREET. ,.t1 "'i, h"u, ,,"·>li.I IlO. "1Il1 "ilh.",t .I"ng' ''· i ,, ~ I"· r·,,,," "I,,) "" ""'" ,,'III~ tile ~1>1. ~l'\,, ·· ing cost hv it~ 11>'.,. "'llJ.n-~d.LO h e Be-you d U .., I E1 · ' t ' W d l ( o" ' ."r~ic"I ., l o'"'lioll" . I",,'~I.· • .i,,' .. "",,·II'". li d' ; '; . t> ;1" ;1,0" ,·h"d,·. F . • b ' 1\ t, t · · t iU ~ \ Kenc" of JlIt, d ": ' ' ''. l,n ve bee n ' t'n'!! ( ''Par tll'''1t "the r . 1 took. I n~ p Iace III o lle cc'r· · e a V180 " l'o,u lI. a, .' 11 I .- t , C 1.. til comp .. I' . d " /t-. or ,·ollli "I. ; pnillll "" u"l " ",,,,,,,.,1 C CJlCINN J. rI. o. ", .." c d .... d er t h e Mild Action ."nh ~ .""I ' . .\. 0 . , ,,,I~u ll.,d " ,·. )11 ,8 )1, ___ lIe r. SClllare 111 Iro llt of me was a Roch ester, N 1 . ICllre B' ODce c"r~,;" .. n~ ,.n;'ctu.1. I,., ,, 1';"11 .Io " 11 ,,,,, n. ~r tI,,, .. .., 111." ",,,0) 1.., .. Alon e , ' It t· . _I' 1'/ " P' 1\)(1 0" n yea,' to j·n? . en'r), .lItI'o,or. "0 m.nt•• r .... hIlL hl8 e,,". Jil l"" . grl IlIrge • etraight·hUlred . rat he r sa v· .. 111 ",·11 ;: 1M • In p,'r.nn. Ii";n~ I.. I>AN D A Ll E Bl'r/·' HT & n , , v .~ . 1/,.,", •••J • • ,--n.t f..'o"' p.m hl" . " N,.. b I '.' ell t Iy f - · G 0 to I a' e R - -I-I'I llyS I'It.. nn[\ I111 \' Ii I 00 .IJ bIU, /<:' .n 'lao W ... "o"'ille I"r th. · ' ome I dn ,,' I.ehn""" ly"" 11 5' '" IIO·Y'·: age IUO k' ·llIg C'I/!'l C1/o . eVlu " rnuycu,o tu r,,' . .\ , 1nrJ I."w lllll"" I I U"" ....... Inc ', p,Y ' I'",·n'e I.v IUIf "I.,uled 0 11 1 'J' ' 'oJ Infllnnallo n " II r : I' r . ., "d ' ' 1 r,.,I,cll\· I .n.I" , . .• "~.".I · lroMII .. .. l I", U Agell .. " .... ' ,' r fi liI I Ilul I II c m Ull ,.rl'" v 1' C1" I r ,:.:c , l 'rl pl.qftA., " • • _ t8 the /I aao ca8tu. B e wore a rc . your II gg les /1 1' " R ~ m Oll c .\' . ll~11 r • rJrTh i. l.e.t ....... il1l'ro. o. boP" ~o I.... )b ,1 ,I'ro'" ' /." ct bl 1OO kin _ p Oll ano aud car~ yon can 11 t· uny Ut lIc r I l l 'lllo u,"t ~. li nd IhollMnnd ,. ' T I,e n t' 81 i8 llLe ~IUlape8'. 8101', W. 1 f\ ('t'T'J::e:~r'i;.I!~:~~::IT~:~:.'t~t;,~~-~:ld,,'Il~~'b'; I re 8 ~d g 1" b d good "nrrant. Srut . nnller ~enl. .in II ".l l\~n :cll \' c l npc I I) up,"" a.lIJUf'(:h.",t: , ' .UPQII... rled a klU ul Iruve 109 ag m ilo e any lHldre8~1 Olll'e oelj_ t of RIX CO Uld. UI' L'\o Con."IIA.lon /",.••.I.olkll,d .t .. rOm... OT ' It al ,,.f/!js hall th"6 1l e1O II 01 mw hide, with tbe hair 011. H o in A D VE fl TI S HALfi'. r 1 .~'. ad. Ilt"I'I'." " mrH. by ,u.lI. ~. lI u~ full .,,,,,,lp,I,,, ,"' you, ,.. ... Thete 1.0 1\ CtU'kIw IIOrT abGat _ wns a most ill vete rtlte 8m oke r.Dati.. of all otlt 1'8.' A,I,I,,·., tlw P"bll. I,, ·... . LEBA NON wines which are extensively adveraae d _ .. O. 77>. p.",,; .. f • .nr."IIv "" .. /lm lld ""010" t:al,ce When he hud exhaus ted hi s Rl1 l'ply The Cn!ver wel\ Medl ca.! Co . daJ5. and bay. only re«llllr. been pnt upoa ~AA( /' i •• dl.rI{UH,.nJ. .I'U_' ••• "rl;.t... tbC markel. Dr. Undt.tbll • \be weu.1Inownt • TI,t/ .c i none bettcl'.' • of reud y·made cigare ttes . he begll n 41 " ..... .... Ne .. ~· .rk P . O . H • • ,U !!i /l, ) ~~ " ...ope-erow u of Croton Point. died In 1171. l'E.~rn l1· Tln.· P RICE L1.~ r: ~ Some t OmBlll ll\C TI of hi5 heiN .Inerw..ed tem~ " (: .Il'l' ,,'1'1 " lJ H E c"e f t ll r v. RF.f1L'l. \n 1' \ t>-H,lW1: Inclp.1t1l11 ,1I J1.Ujl f'!!I. "rll TH F. Ib peopl " BII _ vie ... of lucb extntme IlIDd. that !hey ..II ~ • , . . . ~"Ch'II·."'I.'.,·., • 'e. 'Jt-"JI(lIIt/l · rrlla-llU~(J8a1 cnrrya I·ttl UnwU llog ·el,(lll I C bl Ig of Cllt tObUC'Cll 10 e1low the .locIr. of wines SP ..:CI\LP\n -Pr)'I ' Chronic 1.J \ t'r " n.1. ~huIlJ e.~', .. · • 'J ' and 1\ rull lIf "IIIJe r o r corn husk , .-I, P,.. "d,,, .•. d 1,.1." .. , hand 10 be sold or ..,y more to beIbel ..... ~ 1·I,r.P.~ nF.I.T~"" : Fo"I,,,, ... 'tl.,.a"d 1.11'· I !. tlllu/·ub l,· uell('Ji.t;~al, corl'('d . pn . A. t.:PIIAWS Tbe grapel ba~. lOIllilfimes been IeDt 10 .. ' . , l ~fAST 1'1\.D-41.;;r :"'I!.~~·~~,I:.~ ·~M Co,. of \ , market. and sometime. left 10 d_y Cllt in coovcm c nt siZ{! for the eigllr' . .- .- - :- . ,VEG E1 A B L E E Ll:CTUAR Y the vines. Ills only now that the other upcill , '100' ,.," Io,f. " 11m .n,1 ~a",· ' I t 1.' /71(' m'll/ll/a et te. ' At my Bid e w.a a very intel· be!.. t O'·C61JU a .. 1.-.T. Is 0 ro,l"ln ell"" ror dIller E, t"""d lI nd ," , 1 have lucceeded In art'antring for a settleman .,e' ~O"' I,I"I "... I ___ Ilgllnt lIud ~elltle manly lookinf . 11I',uft l 1·\lU8. ,IUd all Afrec tlons of the of the ellale and the s&le of the win. asl WAY:>IE S\·IL1.F. . { Iii 10. IlODY p"\STr;,c< -",r. } ~~:;:.III:,~I·.·t~~'I~~.' ; ' If. . tZ~!J band. Amoa, Ihese t.a wllt. of the YiIl~ " l'/' . l F:.i. ' )J I Bowels. II f• • " r a C'Il ' [ nfor 1U " hi" cm ro tIJlIlI'r!olo 'Hltl 1111' ,. " bli u !l('l1'l'rvllh1r" , lhro.d " -l un , 'R ~ . est . p ~ t ea of 1864. dacribed ... a .. Sweet Union ¥·OllugI anall, 1 t « I I L h H. ~ neen prefJ<'r il 't·tl i ll E\71' n' Furm uf k fII Itlr UIJr. u d .' ' \ ">111 "\' , ,IIIIt III I,;. 01,1 .. t,u..1 ho i. l'I·' I,,,r,.• I , FOOT .. p oIl'->Oe. ..,.·,,,«11,, ,,, .n~ ro· tilt' bul I Ulgullll , the Imperial Tokar DlOr. eno , b ac eyes a ll d lIur an ama 11 f" " 'p"lr I ' E () J.. E havt .. wlvo· IUII\ I ••!; \1l1ln.. '\ l. l,.cr ('0"'1"01 ,,1 ... itll """1,· •• '"" ce"" , ."d , lban any other European wille. IIIld bela, '" . cnlill({ ill!lil'1n ocrac U ' ). black m QuNtuche ~ uch as mUll v a I,eell u.ed I,." II II,,,I ... d. "I,h 'loa •• "' e , •. -, ' \ ' ~:L unllJce ...y ollter wiDe "I AmerieaIi ABS01tl'TlO); A ' " ~"~I:~ ••':l~J~'.•. ,~~,:~;: Id' ''I' I . tZ J, ,I' ."1 181 ,, 1)".1" '1'01" ulld ludlgestion. It '. ) 1Jo~ , 't.\ooc, : t! b>.n l , U.::.i. n , # 01 ot • lis purity. a;e aDd meUoorneu an ' (Jung ulrcmltle a• mortl'a WOIl ou,e pr~nG.'ll) Itl oJ 11 8 . 1I10\·t·" Bitioll:§ ACCLlII. ul l\tiOll tl , COq tiV OIIO · d. .. remark.b le....el bolb 'pb~ aod wfn~ . hottom d ullu r to l )lI~Be8tl giHve .'e. , o WIIS )11>1' ·\l, i" ~r"ln and t,," d eq. 1!'lIn I.hultl , \1 Ihe allli m, """" 'sl lancl ul"' .... 1 . ,'. IIri _lng f"O IlI lrllp" , III, 's h..... a .peclaJ Inlernl In It ... th" F .. ' /••'Aer 'nf.. rn•• 'lo.. ... ' ••" · •• • • • f. ot tl ry lllHl fUI'h lOll nbh, .. t) It-. I J to )! 1I l:1" fl· chrd , I I I'ty to 'all ' b" Ih.· PAil alld au AL' ~II,I \ HI I>.aI, Cu ,. ul,,t•••• .1 01'110,. .' 111 tl 0,,<1 " . ey oldest ~ U naUye t 0 ou 1 r wine " _ a_tlble In Ill!, COlI!':UCl1J(~tl Y urCStt('u 111 lL e- l' plolel. AJ.I"". t t"Nt h nn o.-t \\' ur).. f' lltl dHrIILi'i l ~' ; t l... 1w .. l .Idemble quanlity. Thewbol e ..... klala th. III Io ~· "I I n ' "l'~I~t . lit $1 1"'" 1001.1 Ie. "t· Fre nc h cot. alld woro shoes so ti g h t "tid ~llr.h a f '" " f eW" of the IDRn y nom ph.m!lnts , fO fH\\•.nl'd~ Ihe. m"ot ",~ork f••r 11.. · 1". " "' .. " ....~. 2''' h""d. of 'he well·ImoWll wIlt>Maale ~ 1 1 It." ma il wh en $' ,Ir. is ~CIII 1.0 t ho •• 0J..l>IA N I . ' VU R PAD CO.. 1'",,1 ,100 he wns obliged ~u 1""100\'0 them and shy<lm nll nl h,. , 10 .• 1' bou... of Ib" ThurtMI PoopliHo rL-N. Y. r. TnIai. A. (· I'HAM. 1I .n .. .11. .' . l' Cor . 41h """ F./ ... ''' .. Cindo . . /(: O. I CIND1NNATI ENo.m NIN. r9. rBrl. RER, ..I I r"Corrlll' Ze,IIII' m No. :1:1 E •• I ·1, h St.. :-; .,\. Yurko I go Bto Ck ·III ~ . t"ot F O}~• '1' 11 '.' , .~,. , ... • .q E LI. ERS -" "'co A ~rnt •. W " \O". VII ." u a81~ clel"k hud ule t in the ,.ffice uf . - -hy Ihe I'rr.. th..,uglw ut Iho coun try, . .. . The ~e speak. ror IIM\I. bat _ -J& TI", nll'rl", of ,'" Edit.(lTi.. l. A ~.... i. ullur.. l. - tho .()Il\ltuin of the port; bot as ollr , add (hat thlsl.!l the pure Jalce 01 flIe ....".. , ..IOrmer C O II" ~l'8 atl'o ll was Illroll " h ~"h l l o II .N.C"rrr'l'n "d~ne•. ~it'.rRry . Ttll,,, flATt' H1·'1 011': CEI EII1l.\ T~, I' II A1H neIther tJrwawl. 1i!ftI4"J IIOr _ _ _ .' that [I "r"ph,". , ~'" o w .. "nd Commorolal del'lIrto ... "t" ,) \. F'~ , hI'B : . I " Id ' TI I • I I ' tlu tIC \\Or . an ·Inte rllretl!r. aod no sn eh eo nve I"" bas been ripeDed and mellowed by age. IUId "' )"u. II' II YOll l lr \11' t .. "111.0 It ..1IIb", .0 fl' '!U Ir.<1 1t1 • d I ' I d' l I ,' " . d r r I . A 'N••• I. fir. t·.,) ••• f. mil y J·our""!. for medlcioe' or lacn.n.., ,.-I purJIClSH It Y nl'eliCe bein" now at h8I1d.,,' e could nWl, .."h I1,1"" en " e h'n" yo or ..,' r .y ,e'I":' • • , . 'elle fit 10 'h ltl r , I\ l1 d 110 I l lJU UDlurpau ed. It can be obralfted from _ re'l'cctfu only gree t each othe r cordial ly , lift 1l~' .. , hOl \ youu lllwlrIpl!"n. 1"'~l t" : ,,'unf Ilint II I. Ih . on '" <rq ' Lu II ~ .md lI.k ue 1\" ' '''Ii U , to tllO Enq-n''l r I •. or the leading Druggists Ihr<JU&b<lt1t the . d I 1 "pemnl fnor . I I f I tl ~, pe,fcct d, II A ""rml •••• ,ehuhl our hats, bo w and keep sti. . e .n' "",,, , on T Ie tU " n n ~cmc Ilt o ~nru ftru 1F' l l ftneOllS, ' No di8i1 PllC, Unlred SI&IH, and at .hoIeIale from till di Ii'. iI1 Lml' ut rl , 110 "i dicu lous thEl lurth e r Bide ot the cur w e re a th~t yo u "blMII' I~e . ubl!crlptioll 0 your , tlll <3: r 'llIedlo$ undenlped. .ho win fo...,.r;l daerlpdw r the 01l",,1' or I' I ... d dlc':•• ". ... n o ~.h "" r f"r" y.~T ,. trl .. 1. Ohililln WOIDIIII Bnd her dl\ugbt e r. IMvo' Iho ~nl r BOn " .. d beauti'u!. black ur pamphlet , rrae 01 cbafCe, ~ .~ '\ \ '& - - of ·,.~.!..·!.,IT;';:;"MId - ....... . eJo,b.. "G::::()::"~J=:.:A'.~W.:e.~~ • brow ~o TO 1'OS-n. Sold and prop.rl." o"olied RI H AT . It aoMlllr.l.laU,a"'"" " " II"I2,IioI .)t~ The dlAughter wlls.evi dently 01 Uer· ~y.-.. 'ON8~'' '.N.~ KLOlt.' M wig fa\('ton' , N u. 16 B ond !=; c l , onu, 0"" P lln .... 11 p ho. .. ......-SI' RCIM KN (JO P' ~" 1'.II&E. man couoec tion. She WII8 much . ~ ow " nrk C I NCI N N AT 1 (1 ~ ! I •• u. ...... ; • ,or.;.". ,_[.'.. ·r.............u r , B. L I. F. B. THURBER. Addrel l FAiRA}II' " MoLEAN, t'al' rer 'tll' "n ller mothe r, WI' tIl llight / "tll' 1fILLCl ltoI " ·, :. II.. ,, ·, , • ..."," .t......-. . ,.S ClmCl .....A.T •• o . I , .. ,,~ ... r, . ~ I I 1t j OO . l\'\IIob ·K~ . A-f:. _ DEATH D.t:Fi:A'fED. hair, and of differen t form. he I '~~ . ..11,' =.u.c,' was- probab ~ :;~,~~' ~,~~:' ly 8ixtee n, and so full ,:,.;,,_ F .. r o\'o r :;U yenr>. SELLE HS' L1 VE H . WI ","'." . .......... .,......._ of · v!tality that ehe eoold not sit P~LLS h~vo bp.en'lw .• t,''''I''l'd.':6m.n)'f"r I) ...... " ' . ... ..... .. . . . to,...- - p ll -i Cl'r ' I ; L ive r Cum p lnm t, COlluvcnc:t,1, >:J!)flk H t'lI cll"MJ"n ISItl/8 .. 7Itill.riJore than a few miuute s at a \J . .... ""-rt ~\.} C1,.;, t ...... roU......._ I_ \''' hr ~ " '"'I I C'ltry : 1"lt .,.. '.1. . . I"nk l ~ ~",uj ll,...· f . , . ... .. cho. 1' .. ill III t:ill unld.·ro or 1I,,,,le . Oi7.7.i no··.1 \dJ' Ul' t ~tl No. 180 1\laln Street, ,I ....1Ao ........ , , _. .- -..... ' 11 n" l/· \\ :1,· I ~'~'ll C"lILD Ul llkc It loul&. Ju.' .. will u . Cu .. ted Tonl'lIn. t·ov.r " Hj Ag ue. ~"d .. II el . " U ImWe~'were in no way devoid of IItlW (.n . ~\ Hil (l 0'/9!i ! ~S':W {h ICel\tlc,", t\ r i·d n ~ fr llm n (l o m ll ~cd "tat , .lrI'tu .. UCJI . . . . . . . . . _ - . . _ - - : : : e IIf • Botwocn Fourth R",l Fiftli.. :BROWj,~'S F:iENC:S: DRESSING. Price 10c Per Cake the U vo r or S.... nlllch. Th .. ", ,,. A~"'III '. "(1 enterta inment . Theae nativea w ere - -)u(- t:X I';.J l \:'-' i ' ~:, "' eIY Dig 8 t" ,dy , K y ., SUY8: Il10= aT ~ :p.... - on' Sollor~' Pllt.!'t II /lv ,' in themee l ve8 abuoda nt ml\teri l\l L.. or A Cup uf Good Coffoo ond Two ~I r.o BROWN'J SATIN POLISIU ~nve~ h.m.ltod~ of dollo,·. in ,1""1.0"'" bill. TI te n oll Snndwlo GO'llno; he. for tll~ Ten Oenl><. tor atll d y. 111 hi t' co rmtTV And " ' n'lIot lb. cbl1drou·. _10010 '0 nutylllll ley were coor OOS, Special Roceptiun Room LRd i••. BAg. ~ ,n.. ". S EI,I,E nS' VFUiU JIo'UOE . I h. T l va polite aod frieodly , Ilnd at tho Vl\· goge "nd Paclc"KO. CRrod fof," ~H U GO 18'1". r~~,~btl': ~~~!~rl~} ~:I~c::,' ~:C::':~;:~wt~~b r fruo "r cborge. groILt. Wurm ,Ie.trnyor . .. ]·:. pcllc·d 411111 1e m ost popu lar ~C~\' ''l ' at.II "tin y :.11010 ~1(II·o. 11. will no , lOll tbe ekJna riooa etatiolls whe re thlly made lit· HENLEY & OHADW ICK. Prop·r•. N o.3 . . .. E.AST MAIN STREI!.T, ~or.n . fmlll m;.: ohl ltl. two ynn'" ..,,1."-:- W. to" . Or gan s of. d a y'• roIn r.'"H·eq tie purchR888 of atrawbe rriell, apl'i:S TI\ \'e r, St. Lou)s , Mo. Soln b)' d r lJ~g' I Plt~ , lumt'O M lhelr 2ro.-t lK1 pularlt, . llIa'" _ PROV ac_", '" tiu'tm,l hu"a ll ou,. '1'0 ke('}) J,JOa CO lu lIuI tamu".. WAYN ESVIL LE, O. cote aod plums, were kind in offer· 'The Rlchoot BlooJ . Swoote. Prioo \Jr, d ,•. ARch. R. F.. :-; ELLlmS &\ .;1 \ ' 0 lou r hu _band . box of Pr••oripti'lII" eomllOun ded .. t ~\l hou r. b, CO .. Propr· •• I'it ... burll~. I'". SO li.! 1 0; " ing to their fellow pBlleengere. I Faire.t !lkin in lIop Bitte .. .' t Brel\th and • , fin oxporlenced Drugg!.t.I 057 ulroular For ",,10 by J . So"d•. \Vlly no.v,ll o. \ & beQme so much interea ted in them 'A lillie Hup Dittol'll ""vea r . . . . _. 'Ult bo m lly bn on "u eq nll fnotLng. _.hlg dootor I " 'r h e W ilc ox & Whit e bill. and lonA . iokn••s.' A',t,'ftl'tird l llo 'fig""'" ',,... t .. l .... uut . " '. ... that I was qllite 80rry to have t Ilem THE 'The iovalid wife. motber. slIter or obild GREA T B~OOD ',e""'" . ~ONIC I (h'ga n Ins'l1' uctor " i .' tb~ Ibel'ariB C-X;.oth fllll, nita .. leaive me at the half wBy station 01 o.n be mad. tho pioture of health . • For tho ouru of all dl .....o. "r' . ttI!! r.... " BEST and wi th Bop . OHE APES T The re.ideoee of Hanuah Arnott, Third impuro · Dl aud . Rnd for invigoratlllg .11<1 1 b ' LBII VaJas, d Bit~n.f in the mark et! Rtreet, 'VAyneHvlllo. Ohin. oonlfoinin g seve" stre ngtheniu g the . itlll org"".. W Icre a mll~ 1 roa 'Whon worn down and ready to (Rk.,~ Aro Y"" roomo; ,,11\0 punlry and killlhea. Tho h01l1lO w,,"k. lealle oW fo r the lUooUtalll paes ),our bed. Hop Bitt... i..... Send Fbr Illtt.!:,.uttd (.btflloqu c. nervous. dcLJilit"t, e d. pal. " li n "mB,·'· ,,,t yuu II CC '\" I. flni.hed In blllcl( .....Inut. "nd I. in oxeel· ~I cd ? Rav. acroes the Andes. 108t your "pPolite? l-hvo 'Don't phy. ic . "d ph,.lo. it wellk""" lent repair. Two now pumpa on the premo vou na,,"eft. pily"u Leavin g Valpllr ailO the road and demo,. •• bllt. t .. k. H opforBitlor in in the bile" . ,t;c.? If i..... Oli O for cl.tern w"tQr, •. th"t . 'Dr. Litld8oy· . B,.OOD SKAI(Clil m will ,Irlve SELLERS' COUG up oontinually.' t sea b elo II t'0 th e no~.'I I, IbUlld Silu. tion i. hl!!h. oommandlng Il beAuh- out the di.e"Mo und brio!, follo ws tIe H SYRUP, 'Pby.ioia no of .11 ochool. U •• and retom. bAok tho 1I1l10111 ful vlow . Lot 80 x:llO ; a vlmety 01 frni t- of ' B oallh . Plmpl ror a few milell, alld then etrlke8 mend Hop Ditte... 'l'e. t tbem.' ••• Boll •• 'Eryolll"'" •. f) V('r I noo.uoo hottl.. "old, 'It i. til_ treco R nd good ""it mo:.t . T erm p1 olutn.ut • • oonmmod nnd popul ar rOIU,"'dy for Cold", Mting. Tetter, S"lt Rheum. &e., Bro but . "rfucc off ioto the interior . followi og the ·It081th i. bftUuty Hnd joy-Hop Bitten lJ US1N E SB CA Il D S. Apply t< CO Hflh ~. a ru ~I" HOllr",onc M, un d ,ull Thrmlt JOS . O. dYB. Agent. Indieatio... of Blood DIH.altOH ; . R~ld I. B boaltb "lid bClluty.' I h' U"1 U . valley 0 f tue a Ito ri. ve t so~e d'IS', gin. Lu ng 01808"81,. Hns btJen 1n 1160 for Lindo.y·. DI(lod S•• raher. by pun l)'llIg Ih 'Th .r~ Ilre more curo. made .nh Bop ~ W JlAUm.~ h,,11 .. century. Uoot01'8 rooommelid lind lance, windin g among t he hI1l8.- Bittel'll tbon all other medieine ' y.ten'l •• 0ften. thoMkin u. find L' bellulifles • ~",~ till' ~I eomr,Iexiell. Sold by ,lrtlllttl. t•. , l.OO .,01' pro.Drlb. it J . E. Yenman . Long P . Q., Next it reaches the Qo illota Valley ·Wbe.n tbo brain Ie woari"a. oi' ;LliBANO~, the nen.• • til .• "Ry.. ,It sa. ed my t wo children I, om UR. O. BaslIO:<·. Culery Rod Vb. momii. bott e. R. E. BELI, which breake throl~gh ~ho ~ount:ain ::,~t:'~lf'. the mUlOlea weak. ER8 & CO.. Propr' •. tho I'm ~ nre prejl_red el pr•••I, 10 cnre 31ek PittobJlTgh, O Il AVFJ.' A. L. Simmon. of B..I ~i~ Ol·e. \18e Bop 'Blt- 00,," "1'• . . }Ior 81110 by 1. SIlnclB. P..I~~II II. :.iperl ag.' _Id U ~Id end ~che. Nerl·ou. I1 8Pe, .Bleeillo•• nu••• and - -...,..- _ .- - _ •. - .. "I so "RY", ·It will cure tbo worQt cougb · range. From ~llIs lt elnphe the ~ 'That 'otr, nenon. fover, WAnt of . I<!\lp. ..... I I [mme,lill l Iy.' . A~k your dr,!ggiHt or gen· ..ill Cll r c n n~ ·c ...· e. Offico. lOG N. Eutaw first 'proper range of the Corde ller· an.! WOllkn ..... 0,,11. lor ~~~ Blttere.' . . \ . "• ...• a I .. . '-'el. Oalt[m"o-•• i\ld. or,,1 .torokcopor for It ~nd tako no otb e~ ...,. Prlee. noc.• pO!Ilage I .. • •• _I ' iii, attainiD g au ..l1ltitude of . nearly . • . . ~t~"' U .. opeMd Ii Br..oob Ofll.oo in W"yne&- lree, alld &Old h, all Or'uggi... aDd Mil!3 BaUhd .. 8,,"\11 qlfo rs l"lf rOHidoncc Prlollll. 2;)0 .. t)Oc .. 11",1 ' t par hottle. . . fiend Ordno.left at liFo' Doll'•. D.• u..·Sto.. 8torel. Re ferene~lJo .. ard Bank ,eounlry and oM vacant lot, In OhIo Sqllnre, for .~Ie. for airoulKr. twenty.fiVe.hundre, d feet 190,e tb~ , Fur ..1. by 1. SAN·D~. , '. !;~lel" yl11c. " R. .E . SELLER S & 00.• Baltl· " . wUl reocivo p,rom pt ..t.t"nt1on. . Id J B d . . I . OOJ) more. SIl b, • .all ' . For terml. irqu ire Oil tho prom",": Prop'•• Pl'tobllrab. Pa.
aIl lte
'0" 1
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Wh ite Bro nze
'1 () ANY srrONE.
An th rael-t e Coal
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SAPOLlO. \ .
For 1& Oent s tIl nc u ng COllee, Tea or Milk '
Ifflhl"dran's Blow J or rom Invented and u('''d by th,'"
• FO R SA LE '
S'Iek Hea dac he '
For Sale Residence
" "'0
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N~::~~.-:::~a. ~ IUOI ....h ..,.. ' '-1
Wa r l Water I Wh1 lbl. I. 'be
Il\Ir.I tlmll t h a' e {)
d wlter 10 you to th e
Ih l 11I1\tllln8' ",plied BIJM • 611111111 L II[ i:ell 0 I
that trllll ' ~bll CAlm reb ill d id 14U or koow allii n 1\ lll l~ \lotry tD 1.1t ' Dr w8\er unl I 11''''' IIIlghty haM up [or a d rink ' Ollah mu d over t he qllery for haU I ml ntlt "lui !llcil I c\ In the \V1I ~r,
\,111 T
~ '" Kill ing
Wh y dO li t you ix'ba\ YDu nM.llf IIl\d flo Ut o f li mbo '" Why don I yO Il gro w hllir on W)I "Ollt hClld Y " I\l! the reply Whllt IS lO be "' III b It Will! Intended thlll )oU
oull bo bald head(){1 And big (ootlld :l.lId Ulllt 1 8huIIld 8UIJi r for the Sl1l6 of olhe rs Much obi ~ fur t h o drink 1 1(ll\!!C lA"kr lIIe IIUL hrst whlle hl8 Honor 8 fresl B ,, 1\ Ink e n ou l He 100k (l\I as gooll nalu red All 1111 old maid on r 1I10\ eIcll.t'r 111\1 IL \'I lUI Imp<lf. ibl to look lit 111 m lind rellll 1.~ th at h e CHJr hlld bl8 AAd h o u r~ AI d dnvs or 8trll!ll:le 11' tb tb lvothllche W \\ on t I Ik My (11 M over Lbl8 I\8C bo 8 11 <1 to tbe courl 8 8 hi" ell lie Illc reaseu I kno", wh at illl\" 18 nnd )01 k ll ow \\ hat h"lIIall lIatllro 18 and " C " Ill _trike II blllaofc Good h \tl ludge \ UII 1111 ve treAtOO me I Ice a \ IlI le man I nrl I 8h llll ll l lVay ~ fool gmlc ful 1 " ouldn L go Juftl ye~ uggeeled IU8 H onor Ii 1 . hould I!e lllCUOO ) ou for tlnrty dl YlI, Aod you Wl'reu t her wheo tbo MAria dro~ o ul' It would be m lher Awleward fo r us Well III . tay • ouod ror a 'e~ nllD Ulelo If I ~ "'Ill be nny favor 10 you rer hed the (lfll!Oner though 1 . hould tiMO to In ~ Ib~ Cllicago tram Wba t I n8 It ) 01l"'1 b ~d to 8111 ' '\ 011 Are the etrauger who ate oystcrs I II 1\ ret!l lIlI rent and oouidu t pay for IbeJJl cantlOued the oourt J lldge [ oould pay (or one mllhull [nod oy ~lC r~ if Lboy were 1111 right bllt tbll\ {ello\\ pu ~ lip L Job 00 me I called for fried oy ste r. alld be mixed c lam! I,,~h em Yea Air he thuught be d gum :\ mBn wbo has (lilte~ more clams th lln Ih l t~wn o\er all.1V den ~ a (tied 0la1ll 118 good a 6 a fflcd " ) let 7 '\ ~! bet ter bUL look at the mple I I ( be 0011111 1I11X cillms wll I my oy ten \lbat would prevont him from un:uDg wlter "hh my betr or turnlp8 " Ith my latera' Well,' slowly replied hi. Buoor 1 !.hlnk you hAd botlA!r go to ChlC:ago ' " I h ow I blld Judge All r waD t it directions bow to lind tbe raJ I road Tracl" and III never bother this lown
Ilow lIabae Worried tbe I ri It er~ 11 ObamJlfteury hllvlOg rece ntly I u b No thanleee I go on my feet cover I hed Il book otiLled BRIII/\( " ~I e ll Jd g three 1.1811 at. even mOLlOn of my 01 Worillng it may be wo rtll tu rcp r k nee. WheD I get tired 1 can KIt dOlYnl duDO Edonard OllrllllO8 fR ln ou ~ dc@ ri p lind 1 caD take iD the seenery ll gooo UOD of Lhe WilY In willch tl 0 g rc \ t delt botter on foot ' au tbor 8 resar Blfollcl\u ' wi eh IV U! Well you mlly walle "'Iln~ to set u P rewritten IU d corrected t flcen hoar o [ you at lu st . ix mllea down the times i n t ...enty dl\Y& got into LY I ( track by 00011 'The I rmtere were ready n 1 I I n rd l it boat Lbat bl two mlloa unlft88 1 tbe gro md II !fo IVi1iting atcedl\o I de tnh 1\ DOW drJf~ Willi the reply IIud Bal,,"c E nt \1\ two hllndrCl1 Ilh CCI ~ f &be maD la rted ollL \U I breen way \.bIt mllnU 80 rl~t written III the Ie rl ~ h OIgbtft Every one kno"., I" w fl lllllr made bad Cor t he OOrDS he t.rod 011 IL "'lUI Il debancb lobllUll n npotlll, p.e NLY WA ITUCG a Hl1JdooJ lOOm (be stoUl cst co rn I 08 to r tnrnc pale lime W I\lI "I orL nlld Lhl' • 1:10 wu walUDIOn 7 " AlUIII copy unparalleled Ne ~ or lhe l e '1 need. In Lbe tiba low oC a 8table JD an alley off mu I 110 th lIIun ~Le r WI\8 t rll1l810rlllNI ngrellS- treel lind he 11'111\ IiO qUiet - traDslal d liS I\ ell n 8 mlghL be 111 1.0 {It nbou t It ~bat Lbe officer fell over him millar @ l g lI ~ 1 he I oat xpett couII do no mo re 1 ho proofll \l ere 80nl tu the before he 1mew of h" I'fetM! n OO Tames Goblet you mlly tell your aulhor Ne.l Lday tho allthor tlends b 10k Ihe hl"e story , !!IUd hlB Honor 1\8 Jamed r~~ two proob pusl d Oli four heet plI '11'811 walked out, aUlI Jamea ellll\red hi! crt' From ouch word seUi 0 111 n dll8h Ihronl and begnn Woll bot!8, l SI!ecL de ooys will gl t uf Ink thnt cun e IIDJ wlOds hko n (:on de guy on m bul 1 ze gWlne 10 ld l do greve ro~ k et nlld lit IRIII brenk ID to 1\ wholo trur aoou I diS CR80 1 war In de fil ry rllrn uf (lbratie8 opllh c t~ I lid OOUl18 Illlly an I doan deny it bllt I wasn L underlined ero red \I tlLlell ul side tltlr to sllml from dat bl!.l0 or do enDY dowlI IIl1xed\ scratched 0 111 nnd ~u pc r damage to propert> You I!CC hoM posed A I' c.IIlllll- a unroLhng 81gb t 1 I.e kInder 8wOOt on d wld.ler wblJ hbK lm&g no fOllr or th o hUlldred lLm be (1"811 of tillS KOrl IDlcrlnced knotted • IrUlln 011 do " Oll . Lreet we tOil a Il1dow eh 7 Well that s clambe ring 8 11d tu wbllng from oue edge of th e Abeet t. th o IItber from tbe north llI oet y day. lo bt>gln WIth I <-cran t hell) it, bo8I! If it 8 lilt months 10 tbe l!Out.b Il8 wany IIIIlP @ III \\ hlob - 1 7.0 OOUO 10 wplaln bow 111' If' dllr were mlenO\ 01\ ~d the towns, fi vers lind Whon I go;o _ de WIdder 1 allu8 gOO! mOlLDlalll1! 1\11 tho b oroglvpulc8 of Ihe tD bv de front ga~ 8&mo as white folksl Pharllohs Rnd thl firlmo rke of Iweoty but daL Wl1Uam Boote, wbo 1m Lrym fetlVIII!! At Lhls awful spect.aclo tho \lrlllterd bard Ix) cut me out an W1D do lady 8 hellrt allq8 sooab III by de alley Kllte smote their ool!Omll, Ihe CO l y bolder lore o~ b e 8 afenrd or d\.!l chile an' daL B a hiS hair lind the apprentlccs lost thCl r fac ~ I got de blnt dlt Roob wllr rell600 The wost. Janog tackled tho recogm zed 1;1911\0 to oall on de lad, las nIght Iltl [ eot dowo tD de al\oy 10 walt fur I 1m 1 knQ1\ed he d t.ake .le back gate
n go by IlIIr ?
Fr.b~4 ' II .l(e 'l'l'
M li re ~ y I not ooly the e n eDl~ of " ........ _ . II.U.~'e - . . . . . . . _ .... h nsel on me I II coats 110 IS I!. mall of o; U1AI TROOlt! are Invaluable 10 Ihole ex republlCltn 81lDI)licity \D aU bls wnV8 10 1 oaed to eodue D chaDg" Ittrordin(: prompt hilreTet) do) attire e"en 10 I)ll n e ho reUef In Cough Co ld. ele 26 OODlsa box bl\8 Ih\ n v ~ donned a wIde-awake i08tead of II. S II;: hilI and III 8ummH t Ime be may generally lie IleeD slIunlerlDg about t1 e bOllle \ IIrds olad In geny aud crowned wlLb n panamL Thougb a. man of oo n 8111ernble landed property 88 e8ta es go ID France h e Dever set up a brougbam ti ll h oollllme l?resldcot of the Cham \Jer nnd ho bu alw8YII kept thl ~ modest olle horse veh lole (with a ooacbwsn out of II verv) a ~ Versaillel! 10 Parl8 he U&'8 cabs lind ol{lmbuses but It must bo R verv mudd ~ day which compels him to ti de lit all !rhe ~iJlt o wblch hedges a I realdent ~"ll probably lICem I rk80lJIe to 111m aud one may expect to see 1um CUL much of It dowo Marebal M.a e Mohon pllt 1111 t.be8ervanteol hi S palacee III tl C I!ray and ecarlet liverltBof hiS pn vale houlleJIO)d ld Grevy \~ h080 domeetic.5 Devor 190m livery, win no doubt, clotho hl8 e8tabh~hmenb In plDln billek eUIts II l' .Allier t'O l e He WI \I now hllve two OftiOIlU residencclIone at V1lrP.RII1811 looated In the ex Prefecture alod tbeother the magnificent Elysec U\ P llriS Be will all!O have the rllD [orUle DUrpollC8 oE plellllllJ'able 80)OUrn, of THE NEW YORK I8UN. and Imperial chateaux Co rnplel[lIU Pierrufonds HIS aaillrY DA ........ , . . . M !;ll. a aoDtb . . . . .. ' ..r W~IIY" .~~;.!~r w II be £ 24000, wjth lin addition of £2 TH. _" .. b.. tbe l.rfJ:t C'll"t'a l .tlOb I\nd I, Ibe OuO Latile mODey and £4 000 (or officc ~trJ:''' IDd moll Ibteree JD, P6pt1r 10 the Un Nt oxucnses
.An.I, ... intended 10 "'aylllY blm ' mtorrupted lObI} court " 1 dORn lenow whit yer call It bol!8 bu~ If llilllCr Roota hid abowed up dBr would bey biD I!Owe heavy kl ckm on de ShiDR aroun' dar l :laan t he J1\I5t a8 much fl gbt. lo sp"rk tbat widow as you have? No sab I I served in de wah I ze IenDwn 88 de bel! wbitewaeher ID towo I km run n ateam InglDe I know all de officers ID de City Hall })ey p888 we 10to ahowa wldouL pay nat Boote aw oDly a oo&-h08ll WIO, wldout II dol lar to hil D&DI8. Air Qobler., obAervlld the court arter dehberahllg over the C8Ie I sh all let you pff lhla time, but if 10U bave any furtber trouble you "Ill be bookett for t.OO Houae of CorrectIOn Verr weD, Illh, I'll walk up dar dia mllWIWl POP. ~e quethun 10 dlt Widder, glt D1u'~ 10' aat 1rlU lOttIe de hull biznc88. Good day, Bah '
A LlTTLB girl WhOD her father's table honored Wlth an llIIteemed fnewl, CROFULA-.persons alllloled with began talking "ery ea.rDOIItly at \.be firet Sorofula, tjlP Dis\IUe, Ulcerous pauso ID the OODl'eraatioD Hor Illther Sorel, Aliso.llel, Wntte Swell· oheoko(l bet rather ebarply, aaymg InU, Purf-lil, GOitre, Necros.s, Why 18 lt that yon taUt 80 much? " .. Tauee I've dot IIOmotiD' to 811Y" was EOlema, Dlsealed Bones, will please .ene their address the lDnooent repl.y ..:=.~ C:::~..... WII8
RI~SIJ!~; ~~ -
1\'1IIl1 n ye expect my !tear 0 whIMper across the 1Iinle~ anf\ the door 8but! • l\lnI Dotmlln Ihere mllst bo 00 more SCreAlIllDg Next. hme you wllnt , ()1V, Johnny you mUlt go after him or hire a boy As you were never here befo"llllh&U llulpend eentence ,. !l'l:ulllIr8, Ill{ A ftef thll when mid nilrb&:comea and m1husband Isn't. home rU Jfalk out, with a olub and let It fOl'mel' U .. Honor dldD t enoour~ the idea
Be mpl, leaned back aud took I pen Ill.., I.o~ Ii' ~ .pot where BI)alJ bad II" f..,.t"-U WDm,1'
AtlllAD ...... TIIETl. . . 1" 11 'nrf l.e... nod.
d lr~ t
TDEIIl INSTBI M&ijTsj,..,• •• laD4ard .. I•• J \ t ~ .I\ tllo '
LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD I t. " ~ rr,, ) ~ r9 ~t!COa n ll6d.
... tho . . ._~ I .
OVER 80,000 . . . . d~4! ;~ei ~~~8 QC) II IIl U 'I . . . ,. d ro r
U.,,,logu l'
Tremont Street oDDoslle Waltham Str6lrt, I
PAPA (reading from KCI1t.B' St Ag ncs Eve)- Tho owl for uil his feathol'8 had t\ cold Mammll- Ian t that wrong, dear? Shouldn t It be • WIllI a eold? Papa-- It 18 60 boro Maria, bnt I pnrposely mado tho lIDprovcmcnt. How was It posslblo for II bud to be a cold? A cold conldn t bo n bird Totty- My cold was pa. The doctor came and be BI\ld it was a tbrnahl"l'imn!l Folb
.~~~~,nnn~fnBEr--B-w-e-mrn ---iri-8--hWz - banl~o~H-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ID front nod braIded down tbo Be reDOotly receIved 80me pull books from the United States troops but he don t Wclu' them
DB who takes too mnoh whlslrJ'
straight will find what whisky I trait i.e
f rum ,
First Eslablished I Moat Suoceasfull
Iu cUUI'flO J boebaDI) would
Mary Ann Dotman, why Lhoee yellKand I!CrellW8 on tho 8treel at DUd DlI!'ht ? !!Olemoly mquired his Honor 01 lhe bungry looklllg womall turned out of cell No 1 Oan I spenk HIT ?
.,.. ....... ". -_Y-'
'I'H . . . . . .LY .IlK I • • mpballc. I, I . poo,I. : ramll~'Wr&.NQLAND p bllt~er N Y (;1\,
" OALLIl'IS ,JOllll!lY
Wdli be Illlo\\ed lQ lell the truth ? You 11'111 Theo 81r 1 11'111 1liiY that [ WA8 call Ul g for Johnny my husbllnd who w 18 10 t.he aaloon Bcrn86 the way She WlUl ahoullDg murder I )lut the officer III Lbo ClU!C - So I was Judge I mlgbt ha, c :hol1ted Jobnny I till the cows came howe and he wOllldn L bave moved a foot 1 hem !!Creams of murder I 11'1\8 _hilI raiMed blm and 1 d have bad him bome III two minules but for thiS pollee man wiLb hlue ears She WIl8 sbotltlDg \cry,loud your
aOI.,~.q. 'ifj,. ij,'!:.o.,i,lio: r:.:Jft",r ....
M, l,or
TKO\\ lUll U.,
lu ),0 11
ow Ilu 1"-
r I Iu\
I ItUlOJ 1 "~ e h ili 110. ~1 18 furti l t a ll I uftll n Hit Ilw("d . ( rllI ~ 11 1 \ tth l ho wlul l orh 1H1 lnbllw tHIIl!;: li a lr th e . u ur ~e lIli t t. 1 ruw
U e I, ,, mptllr J; nl'>At y lll r h ulS hl 11111) It(' ~fltl
hUlt "MUl
rl lIl ld.8) u
Il l hls wllJl" .. h n "
AIJd hi. Jo'" f r rl il'" "11 I Ialft tll tt tl f "rllug ArtllUl l( lll r ll'Iln I b l Ull '" Ue Ilutl"(1lurJll j('Iot . 1 11 1 1 ~ II ti h Ih ' , r la. "I h tl t h ~ lUu fJ l llf>.u. r
"'I ( p~ r. 1 If Q " hlM l ' ht" Irll' I I 11 1111 nUJI fl u r,,("O. l 1(lI y and 111«01' t;bOlI Il VRll h;h ! tu lur A • • lld ' . w"
kc ' y rh (rft . 1 1Rb ,
Til ell",,11111t RI d 'li p rnil \\ Ilh c tUt1 '"1 t .Jllst I u t "f\llllool II ul(~ da t h u I II I lUi It UII I 1111 ~ tI.H1 I he IJ!CUUfIJ III il (he I alII o lllo t riend lll tn nt",'<i T ' ''lh b ltt t Roll I c d lJe ghC!l h ll 1 1110 t b ~hJ Be has t ho gntco ,,"It'll r"""n.lll"" lun /IM -
IttJ 'ferunct1 the crllwulng U we r rb o ul'lI,lll 111 ) .tew r hou~ h ~I
ry h
elro r ~ 1 1'l!p t ~(lOr ",ra nH IJ llO\' 'UI\I ) Oun"
H h I I I fit I. " {'nllt~ hi. hltH" ll~ t(n I I H e hi ,,~Hl' ,lUlI"'LI All I BloW' to h"tl A I I Ul fu tt' ru ' I 1'1 I 1 til ~ N wN"
II ,,"
No u.. r I rIll ",
h'I\l ul lll&lIIl orl"-
Jl\ u)C1 t( r eft r
r. n~
ni l 1 u b to Nt'l • n.lln nml .0 'rltnk II h ",Ih.lrsl "It trill. IUlllllu l l r ll llk. tau t I ver ell It! I I' UK fi ll own , .. " I ' /10 All Ulinf;!I I I 1\1 rl ea&" H e tUf a- Uk l' nu, t, v n Ul ru~ter•• I rvdrn l ( t hu I Nor w Hl roe ftflll UlJH It f,,1 He KI)()1 1 T o \.JUT n n ellna JUT f.(>f~ ' rnwn l} r1:.ilr1
I lttlcuro Whluc\'er l h hu e mA, he Or wt. f'th r hi li ) I!I a f J.ruk or lI"h l JI ) b 1tHlJl. H' , fl l r ll e! a lH.l li tl'! hon Jr brlgl 1 Uc la . dll t he hor r r W~ \\ hf'ro chit's , ~ 1 ", ...11, r c n Lnt 1e.1I No r (IU I kll . " h ll 0"1\1 (' I' t,urrh h 1 I lo u t m ln l.h l h )r )A.,nIDJI: Utili o r dl g& tog dit c h
1 101'0 bIOl ... Jl th e " tl Uh.
\\ Ith h igh bra \ " tlClIrt )te d urm , our I at1 g " n ~lJt c alia klud RJ lie Theil !I01Il@ ' 1Ilr w ur nlnJ; .llftll 10U I ~"A .. rtl h Ir ofU ghlt dnaun h clo ru rou r "Jcsu U I. h k !DC'SlIrlU rony Jttt' \ OIl 're pUZ;X!l>U 1
W hAt JOu t hiuk th ore I, u o l
\ bor lite hl lll -,,,rm l ,. f ha l btt I. (l II" a lId " h ll h·a' · II It 10U hne pu wt r 1.0 ulslICI bIll! rCiI
Au d cl UI he him to ou r
You b u., ngh tl, gUl"Ml!lI 10 o3ch pnre b ru -,
II h ll .hILliog J Uf) T h n let f o ur own l r UA IIf .. porl"'1 II h-bf\'UlJ .0 I li lOl1<ltu Illy by dlr Whb roulel h lns of I II gr'l" t! - } {lulh , (omJKw40"
tar ) J 1 f' J n
In lil t "rlhHlaul
"til) ee l nt home aIHI wrole 111 11 n loog klll dcr ('olDlC,u 1 wh en she nud me was lei ter 1puzzloo o l e r till ~g llrc t.o gi' lth ern nil ll Qxt dny I wcut l ilt" n slure 011 ri gh t Ih o III I1~R Lru uulo me dreactful 1'1,lk Sire, t ~ C \' t b y I n ler Ifld ~ \I ho hlltl In nddlltg, IIl1d HO I havo j!ot III tb e way II u"rl h u~u" II(, whe re they ~old (,INY I,f Itllklll!; II gurcs mthe r IIl ca o r th lllg IIn el .he "u1I 111I I rllllle thoy cnllc'" 1I0lh lng", " 0 t hey WIll ad d u l' eWlle r It 11Il ~l n , \V hc lI the ) OUll{; Ittll)' dro ve nWIlV, 1 I d idll L ~ IIU \I II hnt Illey 1I11'3 nt un to till " r rluge uno !!l1 1V tb e let te r eRI I&' It \I ". Il ellt lt , II nll I Mked her If I " un th e pnnel ll ud o n the h nruel;tl . lt l' d ld n t \I Ul t to "<, II he r stow 1I11d I ,' ." ...1 I tu m) self, " [ " o ude r "bo -Ill" elu It call be I I ho uld hll l l' tb o U2b t It I I), you \\ lI nt to LilY II . tOIl, lillie w". ~ II . I louu only.h lUldltt lill y gIrl I dlJlmelll u. III he r CIH< or 011 he r lill gors A nd r II/II J 111111 \l UI! c1rp" ,t'd on lv J II Kt Di ce nu d M{ ' ) I d!l~ ' ' plHl 1I und If cuurse, r IIIIld It w/U u't A ne .It S Ol Ile,l !llId "'1/11 _lao g uc. -ed M 1"8 I lood 1111' shnrcll " a uld hil I' H "LorI' to srll III Afir r thl. [!I ~ ' c r 81" allY tb , llg li ke I f, "tilLY" 111111 I 11/1111 I " IJul u lell pit Il- Muc h lUIS of c-or TlII rs hll d s ucb /li ce u(c IU"O he kll~ 1\ Mr ~UIIU U , t il Hhcrcll lutll c" ~rpt t Oll1ll1g I " ry day lind moa t It va" one " f 1\1 r N ull nn K /lie II thnt ,;old 11 11 of t h III trud d ", th me, and lUI WIIS \,Il S honse. !Iud furnitu re of! fu r hlln J \lI!t WI p I ClL~ 1 tI lI u,1 h81'py ns could be A nd th o next dllY 1 I I'" 1>11 ILbout the J " U ~8 & U WUK mlLk mg 10lJ/ of money slur, nnu wh at a !II C a ile It II/I" he Wh en I luok lII r I l Oll'S money bac k: I!Jl ld he barl hee n II dry guod. llI a n ' Ul ec, I Ju.t IIl1Lru hed rl l;bt 'hrou,:;b th e ba nk , ILnd hlld Il lllr~~"t.o r fl HII U Ko ld silk clr('s" pU ~ lLhe hlgco ull lero, Ilit u Mr M' Tnne s gllllll_, Lud \ elYe lS, nnu furs, " nd 1111 I ", roO Ill IIlI d 1 llluk ve ry good ca re tu lilt \\ u rth ever . " muc h .. }urd, unc.l 111d ll1 th clerk lh nl Ifl llghed a t me before s~c Khu \\I ~ \\ u rlh/l l(rc l hnun t llO uOIl llol J"I th. hlJ( Mr l'I uud In t he re a ud Il\ r ~ " pI ece Mr M Lnne n nd I o\,clI P,1 tbl' bIg a nd J don't kn ow l"nM IYll hlll l a tlt d b ut l u rnellou L the 1111) 11 y ou ~[r ~[Llln e R 1 Illlu k tSOUlo tlll li1l tu rntll II I' '' n fe ll dc·k lInd Mr I hmd cnme u p aud d alR nft l r ll llfll ~ fur I hell r!! 111 111 Hil I he Inll g hl'l l ,mil h('u ru 'I r f luod ~ L} til hnd 11/ Ide 'II rtI l"r, ' 111101 he Hhu \\ prl Mr ' [ Lillie Ihllt lh!'y \l ou l,1 ba l e t hat me Ulore l hall II th o u·I\lIe l Iinilllrij In g Id ch I n pa~"1J l un dl I " 11 1l} A IlI I thc u note nn c.l fll r n dB) lIr l1\ U Iw ca rre ed ~ l r 1 Ieud lold /Ile th llt If r wa nted to the lll III a Hldu fIOI h t lind nllJ tly k c \,t bur roll IlI'Jlley ngnm oot to go to an y of III. hand UI l'r t hum fo r fe Ir Ih c) " nu U tho II lh c r IJllllk~, but til com e to IllS, IIIIU JUllI P out a nd til /lI\lI) , und }'II LllU,.,; hl I thnll ked h im nntl Mr ~l Lane brought 111 0 w ille 6hoed lI ud II bat, nnli Htull for rtJ~ my /1 0 1C cnucelec! b) a j:reSl t blue "prOnR, :\11111 nllLdc the m myl!('\C, aud I }'rud" tLlllled IIcro' t he fa ce fl g b t lit" N RII~ I'll louk 8U happy slUee mu CII cr \I he ro IH ote J uli es &. Uo" " ellL ,I \ 8Y, ILnd one d ny he saI d tn 1Il~ I hell I told ~I r n ood th a t. [1r rba ps I \ C' I .1 1I11\(\ bo ugh t th o ~torP. o n \Vh ~ n lI e felt ab lo lo sen d for rna 1 should Polk sIre t, lind yu u nro tu b(' ~ tll~ co me nud borrow 80 m more money, for 1I 0mBn Slid partner " I \\lIlIt ed to ulIY It 1I 0ll NO for rna nnd A nd . urd (' no u ~ h III a fow days II I' MauLl, ~ o th aL t hey lI ouldo t hllve to go lI en L IOto the sto re. and ove r th o doo r loto IUl Y more nllst y bou rdln jl'-h ou llll~, waN I g re.t lu g sian o f l o u e~ I Co , a nd Mr 1 lood MId 1 sbould have all the Il nd pa BllId I " WI th e" 0' And when money 1 \\ Ilntcci I "lilli , ' lind ~o Va Y" u nre' r O Il P ~ ,' , he fh e n li e se ll t fur lil a and Mnud blushed, a nu I gue.s he d ldll 't li ke fo r Grnllu pa gr\\ c ma th e lOoney to come, IllS old frl o lLd ~ tu k llolV lh lll h e " all sell lI1l d so we (h d ll t lUl\o tn borrow any IIlIl: need les, nud Lhreflll n nd lIlpe. alld mor Ilod 1\0 wuk a IIIce coltage, not liJ"):3 ve ri nell r lho sto re fo r pa dIdn' t wn n t 'Ve hod tll O 80 Ul! ItUle roomK In thr mil to knuw Il b~ ut. J unes & Co , thougb back of t he store to sleop 10, and I made I" n• .l ust r.ra~ y to tell be r P I' ~ bed , ami swept out th e rooms a llu For .e,e rnl llay o we 100ied her S be lid ,ed Ihlll gs At first pll hut u p the t \Joll ght pa hn" n store down town! and store "hell hc hlld I go do" n tn " II Oil I \vILS gOl llg t.o . chool A nd 1 tolu lot~ buslll et!5, buL nfte r 11 whele r telld ed It , of lius a bo ut bei ng det ained at fchool, nnd wh e n thero \vas tll O uU8tolll crs In gO ing 11UO Ut town, IIl1d nil sort.l! of t he s lu r I WIll ted o n one, 1111<1 It WILsU't .ton es to necount fo r my liem g bome long be fore 1 co uld mnk cb8uge a nd late Eell t hlUgs, li nd IId d up almo t I\~ good One dny who hOllld 1 800 coming Into RS pn coul d, and by nnd by wh eo bo the sto re bu t mil l ', em down tow n I tended .tor , un u we ' H nve v u IIny pellrl sh tr t-but!<lDs. bact sple ndId tI mes We we nt out lO n httl g irl '" 81Ud mil nict' plllce Rcross thestree t for ourm eala • Y m:\'arn," sl\ld I , lookmg her 1 teuded ste re when pll " ClI t , oud pa Equll re III the face tend d' when 1 " ent .. Good ness " r" ~,,nlll" O ne cnmo III IIml
J g ue e pa 1I1Id m I W ill! pret ly rl h ono tlm n, for wben thll Y CII mo to Cahlo rOlIl I~ WIUI o u l b(! lr " dd lug to ur, no d \lOsL loLA th e y came by tic wily of New amI \\ IS'I\ lIud Panl\ma
....... . . .....,AY. APRIL 9, 1879.
TnE NEW CO~E OF VESUVI S. Tb. Dim ...... 11f>IWfl"n Ibt LA,,, or Ih .. r"~t'ul •• Uuu Rod .b ... ur 1"7~
I I fl i
h e" lell r 1
I fir~t ru;ce lld ccl Vesu\ IUS III I nil II try 76, [It wl uch t lll1C th e crMer " fiB f ull of slliph utOu8 Rmok ,KO th llt It lVII_q uite IIIl PO JlJle t) dC II( cnd 111 10 Il I at r III the ) ear hydroc hlor iC lLeld 1L[lp!'n rcd willch Inc!lcal oo III) IlI tenslficlLtiul1 of lh e ,0 Ic"01e JlClLv lty, nnd 011 OecP lllb er III n dee p clms 1\ Oll\l net! I n th e fl oo r of lhe I rlLLe r, ILL lhe blltlom of win ch ~I UW lll g 11111 ""s I I ILlo The 1\\11 g rHllull lly rose to Lbe tloor uf the crute r IUld Illl eW co nc wus form e, l I.hovo lill ChW!lIl , fro m 1\ Li cit small q U[lIlt lLles o f Ill vo. 18I! ued n the lII llh t of No froU! tim to II mr veOl oor 1~ 1878, tb e la, II \\ IUI e mitted to i!lk't~""'~Wllfoit.1.; &I1d It rOie to the lOT I of t Le r llter, and 00 gan to DolY down lbo g r~lI t 'one of tbe mo ull t/un In II nort l,,\I!sterly dlrcO llon Wh lln I I\Il ceoded V OIlLlVIU8 on Decem be r 29 IMt tbn IlI vn wnH still n ry hOl rso n h'He 11 0 nu a nd III so me pl nces red hot Ju . t hr ncnth contra rv cem the 8urfuue H a'i ng rl !Lchlll th e sum subJecL At mit of th e cono by Ihe usuul route \\ 0 me thllt you bore to the west, unci II ulkrd al ong lhe fli!I~IiI~id with a bott e r re m uf tb e g rell t crnte r Illl t cl " e cumo to mY l tmph Cl ty the 81de t.,\\lI rt! ~I on le UI ::;emm n whe re th.III.,ht that erolvu s th u c rlll or II 11S brok ~ n dllW II UY lhe De .. and not for la ' a Wo th en r\pllCe mled by 11 I rTV RLeer> l'ILlb to th e butt<llll ur l ue crn le r, nud loun d ll\J.el> ~ n w Ih e new cO De on o ur rc gh t, I OmILIII [; cl o ud ~ uf "mo\.:u unt! .team , a lld <'Jectln g red hot 5Co r illi! to II heIg h t of ~c l e ml hun d red fee t The most /lolllble fen t u ro of th e tie", III I II " Ill! th e q unnU t) of red IIlId } 110" subhm IL tes of so q lll chl OrJ rlc uf Iron. wlll ch appeared III llI nny cl e ft ~ Illld ell\ Itles In Ihe la VB, from "hlcb al so 18IIued hydroc hl orr c IIcld In IILundaot s tlfilUg fumcs We IIpproached WI n ear III! we could to th e:' new CI Ib O, a nd stooj upon II he np of Cin ders win ch It bnd cJec ted , nenrly on a lo\ el WIth Ill! mo ulh It 18 qUI te slllall Anonympul - lIIdeed 1I0t mu ch large r th nn II IlIrge Lellers of Intr'od'uctfq1l~b,ould trOll furnR ce-but Its dynaullc Acti VitY " )~ ours, &.c J IJ IHcu nHlde rable Lumps of 8corl/'Ii \\ e r e letter conttouou. ly ej ected, Dn e I!O me tlmes tb e Say " Good bye" g round sh oo k undc r o ur feet , und loud morn/llg" nOI e8, like tb e surgIng 01 Ii fun ous aen , z., evt>f wall over " e re IIppnre n t ~) III C llm e8 n lIIoro sud tardy guest dell ILlld fUri oUB outburst weulu ocr ur, Upon 10 lrod uotlun and wo uld scalle r tb o rcrl hot fragm ents con versatlon all llround A mMS wC I ~ h l n g four ounces Upon len vlDg a rnll, ...Fi.n" fell WILhlll lllX fee t of whore I wnesland ID clude all I/Jg allli wbe n tIllS lVaij followed hy a A cnll should not p,('ce at ICBMt 8 ve n tlm~8 as IlIrg I beal mloutel In length a hll<tv retreat, for II gUIde hod bee n A oot requlrcs aa kIlled 11 fo rtLlI ght beforo by au ejected as n s poken q bto ne falhn g Ull III bellc! G lued cards Th u Ill v I of I 78 does not re~ mble nor are g ilt-edged tb[lt of] 72. It I ~ mucb more le u r-Hi e In " Gent.oel " characte r, a nd po se llell a 6ne blllc k lUllmgood te r wben \.'Old 1he Hublhuatl(:8 1/1 I t.~ arr'iWlml~ clef LA both lUI to
NUMBElt 717. ,nUT I D 110 f OR
Monnt Etna. 1'0 get 1\ notIon of th o sIze of th l t fa mo u8 of volCllnoc OM It r1 Se 6 so hlllry III g ran deur, wl t b lhe grenl Sl\ ep of tho A ICllotara nnd I:!lmotlJ , nile}! be tll een It IUld th e mO UIiULl II rUllg s of tho Iccllll D conn on elth r r SIde, tbe u m clclltihc m IDd, to l' hl ch mCl\8urc me nt Ig menn lllgieso, wil l rrso rt to the Old ur l' rofc'!j()r Jukes, "h o t II. II ~, " Jf we IV re to [lut 1I0"lIell, t hr. IlIgh<st mouutllill In \Vllles, o n th o to p of Ben I'\c ~ IS lbe hlg begt In f:leotlllllo , lind C.uruutuohili . the bl ghest In [rclllnd , on t.b e Kummi to f botb, we sh ould m'llie II muunta lD bu t a l erv lilLie b lgher th un Btno and li e sbould req uire to honp u p o g reat numoor of uttler ~O UOtfllO~ roulld tho flank , of our new one, In or\l r to build II ntle, slopin g plio, II blc h sh ould equa Etua i n bulk " Jt8 majestIc heIgh t IS, howe ve r, lell!! 1m posmg to tbe IInBglDallon than lu VIIs t ltlMl t, for ' It Mo nte" h ns un Il rca of fo ur hundred lIud SIIty two squ ll re IIll les 1 wo cltl OK, ' ,l nllla uud ACI Healo and 81Xl) twu smull 10" 118 e1 u IN upon th e slopei! of t ho Ilwful moulltnlll, ,\ uORe entfllils IIro fire, nud whost! ureatiJ Ii! Illlme a nd h ghtlltn g 111 1110 1I11 1~s iJc nelllb t he c rpte r, whll h I ~ ouo lhuus I lid fee t III de pth, three lrlti es III 1\ Id th ( It Wll8 ren t IIn ew lII LO g re Ht bi!ourel'j by the IMt e rul'tl un ). tbe bllblt llble z ne commences, lind 18 te nnnte d by th ree hUlldred th ousand 8Oul ~ Only th e Val del Bo l e, comm enclll g t,\ O lill ie" from thc s umml L, II he re tilr ha rles Lye ll behe ved tbelr forme rl, e3 u terl L ~e ll te r of pe rm onellt e rupt IO n, hi Illtogotbe r steril e now, the uthe r SId es of the mountaIn are cluthed "Itb tl ees lit tbe 8ame le vel And s uch treeKI Fourteen sepll rate fore"t form tu e Reglone Selv08ll . lind t-h ey abound With the oak beech , \"ne lind popillr, With th e chestnut, the I eI lind Ibe cork tree Marc potia alld ClllalerllS can Dot beat th e "GlU!tag na dl Cento Cn vlllh," III the fo rcslof Cllrpllle ttl), on tb e eilllt SIde of tbe 1lI0Unlalll, III whoae Leunk. thro ugb which t.he Jlullh c rond 1101\ paC!8l's, 11 queen of Arragoo once took sbelter , "lIb II SUl t.e of one hundred borseme n! Tb e Reglone Colhvat-ll. wbose SOl consl8t.1! of d eco mposed IIIVII, 1M lavl!hlv frUItful, of the Iltrl e regIOn s, of whlcb the De~e rta hUB the fIl08t powerful charm for th e Imoglnlltlon, Brydono Mys " Besides tbe corD, the wiDe. tbe 011, the Silk, tho spice, and dellcloll8 fruli s of It... lo" e r regloD , the benutlful (orcsll!, th e fl ocks, tb e gamol the w , th e cork, tbe hall ey of ILA seconU. tbe SDOW a nd lco or It;! tblrd-It a fford8 from i ts l' lIvernp 1\ variety of mlne rals I\Dd other clUnabar, mercury, su\ and vltnol, \j() thllt wODdElrftll m,ou:nUl.ID. Ilt the
u ron,
I d •• ear tor ber 1 d u~ a.r f. , hflr Thf' Lorll know . ... b.t 1 c11 ear for ht r I d lifo lor her , II .I ~ h Ilr her t d drink. tbo H lltbeI dry for h('r I'd l'U'f fr r h Qr .. Id lor hor 1 t . n tch Ibe huuae &1 1 lay for b t r I II ('II ", II r h r Do W \bI lor be.r
I d Itlil kt
uo uu,
(I' "I"" ' or ht T
I d 10 '1) lor b r r I d 'tf('lt'P for ber I 1.1 1;0 without w y ,I (II' lor h r 1 0 n~lll ror her l ll \"h tl tl) r I tr 1 d ""III n.t lll ~.1 a ll ui~ h\ for h"r I'd pl<llll lor hot t d bl ,~ rl lor her 1 d go " llhoul fijI fcullol ber
I tlilbo l for b4~
J d bl)o l tor Il1'r co w e to 1001 fur In I I cI tllftt 1 for her 1 dl'll en l ftrlltr e . eb t he i)Hl I leel for bt"f r d Mil d ,. fur hu 1 I II to (or hf.'r 1 U ,,,1m . galD " Ih(' tift" fo r h .. r I ,llr1 fAr bf'r I d cr) fnr ht"r JJuJ fUl"D " d af f a die jar IItd A rllI'.1 wbo
.u -
r lUY Ql bH 'II'om t n
WAIrS A \J) "II1MS. IT 18 now tl Crl me 1I1 Colorad o to de£Uce I\ /ltll rol sceDery "," h Blg ns '\lid /Ld l c rtl. eme018 A MAN WItho u t l\ c harnc tec IS ns unfortu ll llle " 8 II \Jon g r~m lln WIthout II co rk sc re w A \ OUNG lad y In Inrll ll/ll\po h s won 11 "a ge r by not HpCllkmg fur a week: 1 be re nre not man y such IT hns bee n Mid thlll cork 8c rOW8 h llve ~ lIu k mor neople Ih an co rk JBcke te have e ~cr 88V d G EllMA N Lan oe rs are c illmorm g for protec ti on beclluse thl8 country lS outselli ng tbem 10 tb elr own I71l1rk eta "Do noL look Il g ift h orsc 10 tbe mou t h," uor a m ule 10 lbe beel, nor II hee III th e bumbl e Tn E "I l clIn not co me from tbe mWIILllILt 18 IDca pable of entcrtAimn g " Ifldom GU EI E'i Colorado, bllS slgnbonrd soD Its prioclpal s treets, realtlDg " Tl'I' e o~v e ne IIlllcs to tho nCMe t 88100n .. A OllA VI1:DJGGER I.t bermlln, T e xBs, eo nt 10 a 11111 to Wid ow Bul!<lll, r eadulg, " 10 m ak log one Bulton hole, ~5. " IND[Al U contalna a pohUcl8n who .. can talk the tOll~e Ollt of ..
ron t AN reuon \.h,....,fo'r. aw seed, at ela of t partn r's chlonde of IsollLtlen d Id YOIl 1IIlI1t .Brydooe 1m- t1urty t wo At table you are not reqUired t.o thaDk emmomlUm, chlOride of LHIllum, IlDd tbe 1I1e0mmuDlCllble know e very thing, an d uin ' ~ ) ou Ilt N fl agum a bu h el gOL to [ lI1\y ~ e. I'n) uly l our a bou t J ones &, I\. f" boraCIC 8CIc! Tb e new COile 18 Htlll III 1I phes, wben he dwells upon " the I bad II store opron on, Rnd a 6mnll the one who WIUttl uP.!'n vou TUE man who prepares his own tombYou should eIcbllnge calls WIth /IIdl sh g htly acl/ ve comhtl on, Dnd l'almlerc lmmeuse eleval/on from tbe surface of stone lind munum e nt, Olin show to the t~ yellls old, nuw, but I WII' bOrn th II. And T found (lu t lh l\ L pa h ad ClI p h ko n Fr ncb I:\'l rl , and becnuae I t.b e ellrt.h , dra wn aa It wer!', to a alOgle though ths\ don't nl llt, J gucs -pa bough t ttl() mnny thlll ga fo r tho st.ore, wU! n' l \ e ry lug h , 1':1 bouJ:tbt me a pair .. dual s before Invltlllg them to your nnll clpates tbllt It \I IlImore lUl(l world exactly wbllt he tblnks of hImpoInt, without any nelgbborlng mOlluhad loLA of mOll oy I " lUI born li t th lIuli lhllt II no te for II lhoullaud dollSlrs of wOoden bro~a D :;o '''Itb felt on t he bo t.- bo u G F R ODWELL tlllllS for tho 'IIIlnses and Imaglllation to self Only le ttera to unmllTnell ladles /llId Lick Homo, :1Il,1 )OU uu ~ht 10 e my h Lel to be pnld flud the re WIlI!Il ' t " f1V to ms, cnto which J slIpped my feel and res t upon and recover from their os ton b aby cloLhe ,I ones & 0 ho \ en' t th e mon ey t.o pay It wl Lb. nnd thllt's what lhe) made 10 6 a bout four or 6, e /Oches WIdows are addrel!led With theIr bop Iloney by Mall. Isbment, In their way down to tbe camphor 18 lin unfaIlin g sp clfie or kina or good t.b~ nl Wil l!, bec nuw Ma ud mndo plI fe I hllel And thell I thought lIlller And ma sLa red at me, lind tbeo lI amal nllme A corresponde ut of lhe & ltIIl ijic " It fIlu st be 1\ wonderful CApen- antlilote for s try elwlue 10 the mOf t ex'1 he c ustom of lea1'mg a blaok margin hlUl drl\f:glcLi th em nil to p, rCl'8 :'thud nnd tho ugh t, nud wond ered bo w 1 cuu ld la u!(he I nllll l!llld JC(L11 of)ers tbe ro llow ID ~ s ugg 8tl01l with ali ce !<I tllrn from Bueh II contemnlauon treme clVes on th e left hnnd stde of esch page of II IS lb e IJllby IX ' eMS old Ma ud IS lind rnt ~ e one thou-and dollRrs, uud I kept "Dh I [ beg yo ur jl,lrc! oll , hltle girl rega rd to lin to co n vellle nce WId ell relt to gn7Allllto the vust, preclpltou H ub, @s TuB amount of IIrSC1lIC Im port ed IOtO It " on t bo long b fo ro . he IN IL clork III on tblllklDg o\ e r everybody th ll t r 1'ou look d 8() much hke mv daughter letter II ob80let.e fbo pilln proposed would douht lel'8 of tbe grefLt crater. e ven when It IS qUI et , tbl s coul/try III one y enr WIl8 2.3271742 1" ",lurn a penoonal call wHh cards ,I oncs< 0' I ers t b\bll'o II" a VKhlve g ue .ged bad a thouM ud dolla .. , an c! GellO"II" (I Itbou)rl,t It 1\1\8 her" pro ve Il1I great II co nvem ence 10 th e ro lhe m ce t thlllS8 lila MyS fi rs t babIes eve ry ouo I g ue sed hlld It I au s~ed T hen I hcard pll 5111c ke r down behlDd enclosed /II nn envelope SIg nifies thnt COl Hrs ,UI to the sende r of smllll s um Hby lUI on thiS OCell81011 10 1 3 , wheu Mr poullds Ellc b Ilnund conlaln ed p<lll!On Gladstone made the Mcent, the fire- e nou g h to kIll 2. 00 hum an becngrl uro Itke seco nd \\1\ C8 " o llldn't lend It to prt And tbe n ( th e cou n le r he hlld seeD ma come III, vls.tmg between the p<~rIIOns IS e Dded Unl ess there IS a gfo!lat dlll'ercncc ltJ mllli Th e wrlle r lIyM Now, 8111Ce forcC3 were III nc tlvlty, nod be Wit[lut 1 kee p g ttlll!! nw.IY from J oneR thou ght about Mr Fluod IIl1d I!Illd. "I ' ll a'ld Iud Just fIjj 1'0011 a s ma weot out, A)1 fown horae b n.~ II. nond eS Cript glliL pos LaI currency has gone out of lise /lnci oe88ed a " HlIght" er u peion, IIIvolvlo g &, Co Well, I am of Lh o opinion thllt go down to IllS bank a od ge t It. ror he R Poll lumped up lind Illughed lind said age a lady VI Itlog 8botlld pot rise, Bither dollar bIlls nrc gettlllg srJITCC, we, III t.he such tnfles 88 Illva ml\88Cs two bundred He slmultnneouKlr rUl1 8 ,,,tb IllS foreon tb e 11m val or departure of othe r nfte r pll boug ht 1118 bon e 011 Vlln l'\ eSl! got moro t hlLn II lhouslInd Dalhon!!, ond , S lI ll tch 01T your npron 1I1Id Clip. Ve vle country, need so me mode of sending puuDd. In wClgkt bemg tbrown a legs lIud trotH Wlltl hIS hlOd lega, 111 a nvenulI, he went lIlto s tockft, whllt ve r down /II th e Bank of Nevlld u. the cellllr nnd run IIround th ~ block Rnd ge t home ladles smllil Bum s of money by ml\ll The d'SlllllC8 of II mile ami II half, and f1 way thILt IIl!!<IO/shes the lurfmen thllt I ~ GO lllg IOto s tocks mus t be ~ e rv I ~ full of gold, and of CulI n;e ho dou't hef ro yo ur mother" monllY order syate m 18 excell en t but the blllck column of I\.!bes bemg \!hot from TUE \\ Ine merchan18 of Parts keep tn IICri0US busl/le ,lind so lUotlmes (la clime wllnt to USI! It all th o time, nnd I'll bor I did , a lld wh cn DIll got home sbe W88 The re lire etone br~dge. in Oh,nll three chnrlle for 811ms lel;tl t.hlLII oue doll ar 18 tIme to time out of tbeuttermos t deptbs tbelr e mplov a cllls/l of men called home loo klllg sol c.ndl I, und "anted t.o row /I thousand dollll rs for pa, lIud hefore th o most surpn l<Cd t woman yo u ever too lllgh II percentllge 011 the \ IL l uo of lhe of tbe c rater fllr above 1lJ/ edlle " gu ard/llu /In ge ls," whose bU8lOe88 It 18 buy e~orytillng, lind Illughcd at IlIIl for Mr Flood wllnLA I t III tnk e It back to seen We kn e w tillS tIling flouldn't lind four mlle~ long, and an IIrch of tbe thin g IYllnted f wuuld ~ lI sges t t.hat to esco rt home tlp8Y Cl1stomerll. belu2 so moan . nnd for II0L geltlng uet blm and plly lbo JIlterll8t ' AII'I then IRSt o nd so th ll t ni g ht 11 0 to ld IllIL 1111 In credible splln of three hundred fee t The millor c rnter. look smnll ID co m NEVEll refuse to rece Iv e lin npology, Tbe R\lI!8IIlDS are peeuluu When Jlo.tmMters be nuthorl zed w rcce l~e panso n With the grellt m888 of the ter €Iothes nnd tben ho nlwu) " II lin ted I Jumped up Qud hurm\lc! for " To nen &. nbout th e hou ~e of' Joncs & Co," lind change en s ums leI!!! tb III one dollar, and her 10 drc~ e LII Lbo pork, /lnd to tbe Co ," took my best bollnet, I\/Jd put. Oil ron kl llOcd 118 a nd ~ald he II ns a" splen ceffiDs arb covered witb cloth, lho color 1"811 (\ cartlfi cMes fo r th c /\lilli e, whi c h /Uountllln, but III reality some of the m You may not receive frlend ablp, but tbeate r my glov e~ , and took ofT my sto re aproll did , noble feli oll , lIod lnst lIB good 118 IOdICRt.eR tbe cbaracter of tbe dece&!ed sbllll be rece" aa le at any post otti cc fur are of g reJ\t SIZO-IIS, for 108tnnce. th e courlesy WIll r eqlllre, wben an apology 18 0llered , thnt yuu aoce pt It O~e dllY h o C<1I110 h omo WIth II branc! /lnd co mbed my ha Ir, lind got lIlt.o II Cll r go od li nd thnt . be Del e r \\88 60 proud of If tho body 19 a young person, CfIIllson s tnmp", or whe n prescnled In qunntlLle8 doublc mounllllu, clllled .. MontI R'I~~ I . " ncw enrrlllge nnd spall or 10llg tllli ed nDd went to th e N Olnua HaLIk, and told 111m III IIll he r hfe," lind fell to k m log LS used , If II Widow, brown, If a fatb e r, front the rC11 clUders lhllt eomposo ItMII,WA UKEE eXjll'c ts to hllv e, Wl ' hlll of 11\ e dollars oud o ve r to be eushed horae~, and a neg ro cOllchmll1l nnel II tbe clerk I '\fluted (0 borrow o ne Lhou hIm a l1d Cr)IDg IIl\d takl0ll: on lind aro nchly co'ered with, egetallou II yellr, th e largest fl oureng mill , the I oe~er yellow, but blaok 18 never llaed Th e cc rtlfi cfLtes to be ISB ucd t.o POBiIt IS 8t.ated that the practtce of g lvmg IIIILst.e ra III buok form, lLod I!O print II Seventy e lgbt eruptions lire reco rded wurld Jt Wi ll be of one hUlldul\ un funny II Ltle darkey {or f~)tman It WI\8 s,llIli dollars , he Inu ghed~ and I!/l/cI he SIlW Illll II I. so foohsh III 1111 her life, and ror me, alld we rode el e ry <lay Ih e n II gue88ed I hnd belter see aIr 1I[· I.... ne pll slIId ' she Wll8 mnloog love 10 blm chIldren two Ohrl6tla.n nllmes "lUI un thn t thll pIece torn off IVIIl r eprese nt th e sloce Etna hilS hart a hI story th e ellrhcst of s tones CIlPllc! ty known In England before lbe IICCCH IOn eUlIleLlllleS pn CRme home and looked Anc! I W!k ecl who Mr M 1. lIue wn8 1 h r 0 \ pr Bg'tllU u III tbe tI me of Pythllgorll8, tbe most TUE milO wbo 8aY8 )t d OIl't hurt to SUIll, tLe wh ole rllgc repre~e llt1og one vory bille, lIud t.1I1\': oj nbout stocks, Ilnd clerk lInlfl !lIr M'LIIII O wua tbo )Ires WolI , !IOII, tbe ~tory IS aboul ove r of the Stuart8, tha.t It was very rnre down dullar Tb e cerLlliClltes t.o be SIt the recent 10 1874, ol thcbc, not more thlln have II tooth filled 18 meane r than four I beglln !<I vmtch I'll, alld noticed tllat ulellt. and II A8 In the b"ok room, Imd 1 Un enlO e down to Lhe 8tore to help At to the revolution, aod oever became sender's ri sk Pos lmaste rs!<l make r e "lIlelee n hnve Leen of extreme vlOlence, hars 111111 11 ho rse th lef -IJtlro lt Free wmetlmes whe n he Inu ghed th c loudest \lenL III to tbe back room und IlIr !l' Luu c hrst. she looked klllde r 8h~e pl8b es pe common till the Hanoverian fllmely turn when II. book 18 usec! up Such II wblle the majority have been of a sleght Prt~t he looked lust RS if he wanted lu cry, saId and comparlltlvely harmle88 charllcter CIIlII) whell some Ind~ came III she had occupied tho throne A NEW YORK htbog raph firm 18 gel'lbe pIles of old London brcdgc dm en sy s t~m would fUclllote trntle between 'lhe auclent IIllmorlal, one oyec! gl .. nt and then he sold tile hor8el', lind tJ.en " Well, hltle Irlrl, whut ean I do for knowll "t the LIc k House , but SOOD d, stllnt pOIDLR nnrimcrealSll the revenues the bouae, lind the fllrnlture WI\8 Bent to )011 1" keeps up tbe ch:lrllcte r of lhe mce for tlllg 0111. Il d, sign fur tbe h eadIng o[ II. Mhe gOl 0) or 011 thlLt, and begsn t.o make elgbt hundred years ago, were fouud to or lhe P08t-office Department divorce certlficllte Jt re present8 CupId aucllou, alld ma fclt lery blld, find plI A nil I slIet! ' I wllnt 10 borrow a bonne ts, II/ld " 0 bud n mIlliner storll, be 10 good condi tion whelL the lIelV good nllture bClItlllg out hi" broms wltb a law book WI\8Il't himself nny more, 111111 once, thoueand dollllrs ' and thon she losisted upon ~1l"lOg tbe bridge WIIS crealed In 1828, Rnd thflse The Prlnces8 Mural. wbcn uaby Mnud was n. lee p III hIS nrllls IIlr II[ I.aoe opened hl~ ay<'s, 110(1 PXPOll 0 IIr II lSIl parRte bou8ll, Bnd we wluch aerved as the foundation for Tra A MAlDEN Illdy IlVlDg at Llmorlck, A Paris lottor BUys The Prlllce~ s :Ma NEWTON. of New York, bns MIlIOO, died Icccl,tly of ~buvlll~ fi sb e he kissed ber lIud cried, and lh en when sc rewed hl Kchnlr round . nnellouk ed nL mOl ed Into II lllrger s to rn ne xt door, lan 0 bridgll ovr.r the Danube, A D ]Oli, Mumt dIed n few days as o at ber reBI made the novel euggC8tlOn of endowiDg arc 68ld to be .td l VISIble Rt low stage8 bavlUg h"c! 110 less thlln fifteell hUDd red 1 t.old rna, she MId Rhe guel!Sed I,a dId me, alld 81\11, "A thou~and dollllrs' " ",tb !lice room s 6xed up tQ. hve III, and deneo III Pllrl~ She W!ll! tbe WIfe of an opera ur tbeater WhIle 1I0t occupy dunng her lcfe tlme not feel very well, lind I mu~tll't notIce WIth /l.8 much surprl se as thougb a thou 1\ IlIce . bow wllldow for bonnell! and of wate r Prlllce LUCIen Murllt, the second son of Ing tbe ridIculous ground taken by Ali811 Rahblts figbt Inoa very slogular mnD It, and tben sho Cried ~nnd dollars W86 all moue v be hnd little ilIamho IS beglOllInlt lu be handy ONCE tbuy Kt/lrled II. girls' eemlDary After thiS we 011 "ent to II boardlllg 111 the bank Theil I begnn to get scnred IIboul, und nil of us wo rk, and w/\ are ner, With perpetual recourse to what the g rellt Murllt and Ollrohno Bonaporte Anna D lcklll l!On that the tbeater 10 n 111 Utah It flo ur)8hed 'VeIl, but lust Bho W811 II MISB Frazer. of South Oarobeller tellcber thllo lbe PUlPll, the hou_a I1lI8ty, mu ..y bonrdlllg-hou@ c 11011 cned, lind t.hen 1 told Mr M'l,lIne lust 118 h n ppy liS the dllY IS long, and French boxcrs call tbe lat>anle Eacb III t he h eIght of Its prolperiQ'. the prlOendeavors to leap Oller the o~her and lina, and 11 88 left five children 1 he preiS, or the common school, he con clpal eloped "Itb the \\ hoI a School. Everythll1g WI\.\! well enough, only a 1111 flbout pll and" .rones &, 0 0 ,It nnd bll \ e lot... 01 money DuebeR de Minchy, tho vounget!t of her tends that MlIlce the theater cannot be bOllnhng h ouse IS not much of II home wbat 'nnt~d to dn with the moooy, I never seen Mr F lood but once 8111ce, lack hl8 adversafY', head in dOlDg 80 AN IIbundance of peace shall be n.ulThen the bllby Clime, IIhd It died, and and that I would pa., It back t.o 111m, wbllll 1 went down to bank unbeknown T heae taetiCII oftto lDjUct1nuch pain and two daughters, 18 looked upon lUI the 8uppressed Ita tone should be elevated soellll helld of tbe Bonapllrtlstaln PariS, rna almosl died lind 1 beard I"' 68y!<l and he looked kinder puzzled aod 88ked to lIa, nod I told lIIr Flood and Mr Injury upon the combatante,and Ihe aDl- lUI the Count CSII de Palls Is of the legit- He beheves that a hberal eodowmeot tlplted un!<l blm ,~bo IS 1n hia aecret fund ID the ballds of meD of unq ues heart sl elldfllstly reeolved not to suffer the man who kept the bollrdmg l\ouse me whnt my pa's name WII8. find I !<lId JI['Lane lbllt aoy tlmo they WIshed to mnls sprlDg over each other 110 qUlokly Under the empue, 8 S tbe ImIst;! that" be was pretty tIght up, but it WIIS Illm, and allllbout rna, aud Maud, lind borrow n thousnnd dollars " Jones & thllt tlie oye can scarcely follow their PrlncC88 Aooll Murat, tlll8lady used to tlOned cbara ct~r would go a great wily from IInlll;tuary Ills toward Wlplllg oul mllDy Immoral and THEY do IhlDga 1D II hurry In Texas all comlOg out right," and tbe next d[IY bow tbe baby died I gncs8 that WIIS Co" wOllld lend It t.o them, lind they mOHments be cOnMlde red lhe most beautiful woruan lOde cent drnmWl and operas WIth whll'h A \DOli who hlld lost a valullble mare pll didn't lll1ye any "lItch or slceve but not much hke bU&lllell8 and I don't laughed, 111111 I slI ld .. they could t.ell, a t tho ImpclllIl court Tho empemrtrced mllnagers cate r to the morbId lal!te of rece ntly rece Ived the followlDg d iS Aa A8toblshe4 Dreaamaker. tons know what AIr l\1'Lanowantcd to know s t.oells might ~o d.Jwn," and then Mr ha rd t.o lintl II husbllnd ror hIS fllu kIDS thc public ' But be Will find that hIS "Mare here , come get her, IHtch A plcture.que story 18 told of Mme I didn't Beem tA> nottce It becausc 1 011 thllt for Th<'n he looked lit me Flood slud /I Ir all the people he had womlln among the rrlnccs of Europe, Beeo thnt mllybe I'a had sold lbem to pny Dgilln, and 1 gueflS he wllSn't gOing to let ~Ivc n and Ion ned money to " ould pay Grevy to the early day, of her husbaod's but the geotlemen 0 rOYlI1 blrlh all po- kllld of operR or wil l lIot be pe tlLlef hlmg" boarll, lind I henrd mflllnd po t4llk IIWIIY me hnve the money, wbell 1\ gentle man It hnek a~ J hlld, be d idn't thlOk he'd elevntlon \::lhe drove III a blred carrlnge h tel y .Rld nay, not Wishing t.o ally cUlllarlly sucee.. ful - lVc~ /em C lrla/lUn 81 N GE PIlfl8 opened ber first borRO 111 tbe night. and ijometimes mil orled, lit the other deKk CJlmo np to where I get bU8ted III 1\ long t lllle " one morDlog to the door of Lafemere, themsel yes t.o the totte ring fortuncK of .Advocate butche ry 18218B borses, 4 870 119S08, Rnd and pfl looked III tho morlllng 8S If hll \\ !II! 81ttlllir on a eh,ur, and 1I1r M'Lone lbe famous dreeamllker, and entered, And then I "uw the clerk thnt lauJ(hl'd 203 mulcK hove \)een ellten In the tbe house of BoDall~rte, despite the bad not slept II wmk. and I dou't beheve slI Id "'Veil , Flood, ,vhat dq )OU th lllk at me, anti 1 sm iled nl him and bowed draggmg after her 8~ huge bundle con cbllrmo alld nl complcgbment;! of the A RATlI ER fllssy dIplomatIst left hi ' eouolry the y Ollt less of such VIands talmn@' an old velvet gown S he WI\8 reo he hlld of tbl 8 young merchant? And tbe n I nlld 8/11CO then he bas been buymg a l "AmercClln prlUce88," a s f bave heard carc! for Admiral Goldsborough, Umted AN1 1 TREATlNG SOCIetIes are ber-omOnce It WOK dreadful ra clime home knew It was the re cb 111 r Flood anc! I 1118 glovcs at tbe 8tore 1 t old him I ceived With mueh condescension and h er call ed She was a !treat favorIte of States NilVY lIlscn bed E P III the tipSY, and J never seen rna feel so bad looked Into IllS eye., ami they Innd of thought he u sed II great many pairs of WIUI told to WAit, In&J!Qlucli lUI the g reat the Empres8 Eugellle, the emp ress used corner, lind on meet ng tbe Admlrlll, he 1IlJ:t llumerous lind populllr ID tho Eastern Stllt~ 8 Tho member8 SIgn a pledge evt'r, and then they talked It over. nnd lau gbed, lind he said • Let her hllvc gloves and he sRul I hey wore out very milliner wlUl thea eogaged wltb II cus t.o call her" my O/cee," and dehghted 8ald • I bope you got my card 1" "Ob, rna went home !<I grllndfather's. III New the money 1 WIll IIIdorMe her note" fast COllntlllg tho money He 18 dread. tomer, no othe~ID fae~, tban an act reM In deck lUg h er With her own mllgulficent , cs, but what tbo deuce 18 the mellnllllJ to tbe elTect tl at they Will neither treat 1I0r be treated York, with Malld, nnd I stnyerl With pn Then I Jum ped up lind kl88ed blm nnd ful pl\TUCUlllr about h,s glu' cs, nud tf of tbe Comedle :. -lUC&Ue Mme. Grevy of E P 011 It Y" "Ob. en per8rmne to go to school he klsl'Cd me back. and 1I1r M' I,Ilne tbere 18 nobody III tbe store but me, he 88t down bumbly with her bwndle III her lewels No trellt clvlleznllon Is pOllllible to a Soon after the dIplomat received thl! Then pn kept gettmg worse and wo~, made n note for ninety day", and T IS sometImes half Iln hour pICklDg out nrms until the great artist cbOl\O to 10 A CHEAr form of frloLlOn pulley is Admiral'. card, IO lc rlbed S B N , lind rllce, nor spiritual progress to fLO IDdl lIod we went to live III roomo and eat nt _lgDed It "Jon(ls & Co," aud Mr Flood Just tbe klDd be wants tervlew her, when ahe explamed that IIOW made by cutttnp: p,eces of Plll!te III turn asked ror an InterpretatIon vldulIl, where the power of death to reslIIu rant s,nnd )11\ stayel! out late at wrote bls nllme o n the back of It 1 I'll hns ttoug ht a splendid gold wateh- she Wished to bave ber dress" done up" board IDto disks of the size of the fa "Bellt by nigger," explamed t ho Ad dl S80lvo lefe IslIotcoDquered Ul thought mghl. lind I guess lto c!rank more tban took the mooey away In a canvas bag, II relll s tem wmller-lInd 1\e-Jones & aod Improved "Ola," uld the great qmrcd pulley, pl\8tlo~ t bem heaVIly mlral Bud feehug , was good for 111m, lind 1 thougbt some thllt lIfr lIl'LrulO said [mu5t bnngback:, 00 -bllve bought a IIIce large 101 outon tlno, .. we don't d~1 drll88es here, With hot g luo, a nd IIlYIll~ one over the KBBP DEn. thlllg had to be done So I 88id to pa and I took tho money to pll, IlUcl dcrln' t Governor Stn nford'M new cable raIl IIOmotlmea, lilt out cll8tomers, we other tIll tbe [lroper thICkness 18 ollA LAMB WIUI put mto a cage With a A MAN down East thu8 poetically adone dllY he look 8urprcsed when I I,oured out road, Ilnd \,I\ld for It, and Ir timeR are do Buch a tblDg to them; but we tlllDed T he bole for tbo sbaft IS cut hon m Bllltimore, out they dldu't he ver'tlses htlt Wife "Pa, lellS go into busmoflll nnd opellll tho grellt big twenty dollar pieces on the good thIS slI/nmer l 88 pa thinks they we do kDow "I am Mme ID each piece before tbey are glued to- down together Tbe lomb gave the old .tore II ceunter thougbt I gether. IlOd w hen t he whetll bllS been roarer oDe" buck" In U1e r ibs, and the WIll be, we .hall lJave II houlI8 of our And he laugbed ond eald Then I told him JU8t whllt haJll)(lned own agn 10, where we shall live 10 peace, ~l(.:E'a;'::~~D¥~ for tbe formed It mlly be pressed tlll tbe glue 18 hon got mto a corner and how led himat the bank and when I lIeked him If die 10 Greece, and be bUrled In a cake ,l What lnnd of a st.ore 1" cold The face of the pulloy mlly then aelf hoarse With fear. And I HlIld he didn't thlnk tbmk I WIlSII pretty good of lIIlIow be turned dow 0 smooth ID a lathe, lind, "Oh, a calfily store, or a stalconery bUBmel s woman after 1111, I gllC88 he felt to make a firm edge, uon rlDlP! or clampe !!!!!!!!!e!!~~~ THERE were 147,66B emigrants from etore, or a threlld lIud needle e!<lre, lust real shamed may be fastened to the slde8 Gueh A W A8UINGTOl\' widow haa a falae Incb aa women keep aod little glrle In a few days a beautiful carriage eye, but it 18 something better tban paper pulleys fire 81\1d t.o run With good Great Britain and Ireland llUIt year, an lnoreaae of 27,692 o,er 1877 Of thiS help In " drove up to the door, and a young lady glllllS It is an eye with a big diamond usage for II long bme number 64,694 came to the United And fa laughed lind said he would camo 111 and bought nearly twenty dol- In It, and when ilie look. at a chap In. a BoSTON blUl found that for twenty Ilx States. thLDIt 0 n, and when he 98me home lara worth ot thlngs I never IIOld 110 dImly lighted parlor It makes chills of years t he bour from eeven to elgbt " tha~lIigbt t aaked him If be bnd thought mnny goods to anyone person before JOY go raCing up bill. bac): .A. NOVIWrY In ltecldogB baa a m edalI o'cloclt 10 the eveneDg hIlS IJetin the ooe .bo~ It;. and be 1II\Id he hlldh't, and I alia t ho young lady 'll'1UI real .llInd and dUlln~ "Ina!! mQ~~ fires hllve broken theD of la~ UPOIl the inllep, in whiob u\d 'be nad lJet~r,and he said, he would, hel pod me to 8dd up the bm I "Ilw pa. 8xtAT8 are e1:pandI1ll, but bonneh! lioownet'll mon_gra~ i, 'll'orked. out nd ~h t morliLD he didn't I{() out, bu~ I.lldu't oll'or to help me at aU, and looked ore slllaller aDd Ugbloer thaD ever.
80 II at I!J'Il ,,; ...".tLin~1
:N'l¥h~E II
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IlrG -•• ,,:II: U~"U\, II . to " No.:1 N .., I CCO I1l .
Fteigltl .... d A .,
6: 1 p. Ill, .'0." . 111:211', III. No," 10:;\ll u. m.,
Nu, J
\\'11: T il' 110 1111 Nil.
PII Ilia Eap.c. I?,.. Line
:$::;7 . '.l ·'0 IIn,, m., m.. N N H. f1
--Knight. , __ ~Ii >1 "!Ulll departl'J (01' - TU'llIllrruw Knight, 111I1nlll ill Ll'b1lnon, last · FritillY, -,..s th EYan , E~q., 1;)1' Oincin· ctlllll'tlJli ,\ I J ~litl ElJiu . whu wiJI spen d a few dlly!! lIuti, is vi itiug her. - Mr. RielllLl'd Mi h encr'~ hea lth cuunt>, to'iit. i illlpl'oving rnpiJly. _ --1-'. E. ~filld i - lit ~r8. lJ. I". ulld Jr'' l'h" I [ll\'Cu J IIII\' a!'rh,td h!JI110 !'rnlll Flul'ida. - Mr. 1'1'llllk Pri lltr.. of (;i~l<'i n . IIl1li, Wa \' i itilil! ~ 1'(1 thi» II' Ilk. - M i. , l~m1n 1l Farr IIiIS b<, Il vi . iting ill th cil."J 1,1r th III~l wc , k.
.; - I
Thursday Night, Aprit 10.
10 2 71 I t.
15 10 21
23 1 710 21 4 1:..1
70 56
52 22
~ U 2~4
§gnhr5ptnatt ~mpcrs1Jmdi1J~ts!
H:3 Hli I'J., 175 4:W
40 113
: 770 The Renowned ~hakesperean Delineator and Humorist, 9.+ ~2 1(1 :~ 7(\ 1 ' .~ :24:, :! ~ 1 1I!l7 I 'j Oineinn U A nl., 1 2::'~ p. m.. 't>. 4 - O(lOt'nli or,)' lidici l to kl' p th e IlIll'lillj:C by rCllclitl~ II ~1l1'Il Li o n 0 m u?inllnllJ~.prc • ~:(j(] p. m .• N... Iii hi ongngumc ll t Iwro III t Frio;!\' 1'1' 0 111 Ihl! Bil>le ' ~l i:l Emili" 1' 11 1', S, Olll ·, Fr"' lIh~ ..lid Aco. 1:<\ 5 ", m., 1\0. 14 1ni( I t " I I I' . lIuOk 57 O!/ l:!O :Hl (1 1/ 1}l 1 103 1:.! 7 2 tli :.!tl!J! " Will IIJlp onl' ill WlIy nc8v ill e US u\)QV l!, :\II d eli 1'111 Oil I' citizcns witlt hltt 117 t 10 ~ 00 @,j II II fT.oh'M ,10 "ot.tol'. .; I , . •. . lIer t Il' lI r lit 11 jl11C11J cl1tltlcJ '1 [1!1I · 1E(I ward8 !I: 4: l 5~ 1 2 1 3~ 5{ a~5 ~I 31!i ll i~) 2 4 ~, , '. : " .. , .... '" 110 --Alfr"\! l\lIl g ht Will he ~rl'olt'd rv ('lay' b}' ti t.' \ 1 I' 0'1' \) Prcllt ic " D' _ _-AI\O'. :, onll v O,uu....ow.u.....' ,U d ~ 11111 d I I . ,, , ' .. "'. . 1/ r. ~ r. Mrr.,Ullil. Y a row Cl I\IUM~, lU' llIurrow W I1ltl'l' 111' \ itt fl'l'l'atod 11 plll'lII r ," 17 17:) 3:! .~:15 H, ;103 I ;l~ ~!I:1 L7t1 ~;"M I~ 6. 7111ltl 10 rlln ,l olly. All o,h,'" c \'enill~. . 'Th l.! N (.\\' II 'JlI~\l" hui IIg Ih o ti tle. 1~ I'll I 79 fl', I!) I .1 S 11 :1 II f) I Of ~ :!!l :,!1 1:!!i Th ,' \I~uuLi .s of lh~ LtitiUl ILIl DmlU lI. dUlly. S OOl11 Suu,l.y.. . . IJ.w.; r.<. - Exc etlioJ!IJ I'll Ill'. tho il11 ll'O' lS ext ill (Ordcr \VII I II l'6~UI' rc'lld ~(~I(~l~=~~~;;~~~~~;;:=~~=~~~_ ____-::~~=.~=====" 111 COIIIl'l('tc amI ctel!lIo~ t' IISL U\u IlS , MAn GU IN O EAS.~; \'ed ~u ckl)yo I'l ulI' 1 ue Jmn cs H. lIy ." i8~ Ella :tl c l )" l1l1ld, - ubject. Tim clectio n on Ml) lI uUV 1'(: li lted 1101 . .... c,. lm·I· ...· .. .,u ·l!... I ClO ... .II G .uu'WINO A." OIlU1\'RilT ~ .t...: .. ht'~ '11111 \\' '1 'S It I 'I~ " II 1" 1111' .. \1\' II'le ' II . wa ~1 1.1).'11. 10 ~I"." I. Il~ 1.,I1 I) \\'s: • I It i~ Ih' viI, drur"f'ud. ~IIIII: 'II'," W'JT 111011 : £I uy UUI: " "f,J .A 1B YI • lEAD (NG.S HOMO OlJ'SJr BURL' . I " II U I . -" are 11111 I'r'"TI I lilt III Ill' It l\lll tu gn'lIt l'O W ~I1 I1' Il'lI ,lillfo( I,) Ill' Iliadl' III \\' UIIl It ' 1'I1I~ ' lo,. c a t 1'1::cO P. .\I . (\1\ 11 !'.:, r y \. '1'\' cl ' II ' , I . II IU . J 'y . I . ' I' I'l l ' .. . . 1 k L I 1111' I I' I'" I Sec 11,' 11h . L . FA Il H. I' . AI. C. I~l I. llulla I " I, an ne Inli ~ l{'a clll' ncl ty, .\ b- ~ II I'l"~l' . '1". , 0 t 1~ ,' I. I !'''rl'll!lI l'Ill' l<. Illr . ~ , 'X C". :1111 I . ". ..t:f1"T i k ts 3~lc No "X lrlt ('hn "IlI' or , ('Sf'r Vt'l ."C Il S •. F '0 Ib Lit ,"r' ]'.\''', I'II'.' eo! l I U'I\' 1 ' J ta I ' Ill I'\) 1' WrllIlI!:i' .) I" I "1' 11\' I " lifo(''''J..: Il'; "" 1' t IfI{'a t" ,'0" t ,~~;;;~;;~~~~;;~~=~~=~~~=::~=~=~~~;;;~ . . 1\1'rs. , .111111./l~ . " (/ rAlley .118- . /e McKIfI IICY, ·11., I'I''''. I'" hilt 1I rUII" ' n u,,11 frIIlll .. m l"f\1'I11 .,r ,. . -- Fat'ln<' . J"I' , kcldl unJ ')1 l'xnUlille t J the A. L. I ' !lu lII. .I'cati aUti. ruuiclu r III. l Ntlht'mlult '\ 1l1U~ ll. artsvck .~.,:,~ t·) Ailll plc. P" I'I'. ('I\. . ·U e" . ..· Iw,·ommodlli .. n ,='n. 01'11.'" hft I l\li l'r.. \ ~ uue 'l'y\) , UW, Il tlLU eR 1\'\lC; \lJ Ct~ t ll1g all thell cn11\ c .tll e ., , "dlv c i.l1l'lII' IIIC,
"'::Pc '
,'r"klld~'\1 I1lin1t'IlII1 Il ~
1'".[.,,01,·. "'ill rc'" h·.C,Lreflll tlu"f\li,," B.. ll uY6Iit':; . _ . . 1'l'in/'iplIl I a lu re l,l' lh e '\'clliug. Cy ril 8 111 1th, ~)~\ IIl ade lit' II' ,'!I kll ll WII ~':dll rll) l l) rl' lIl ' l . , -- ~l l'ol. Huwd" 11 I~ V1I 1I 8 1111t! ~!t S8 the d i .cu.~ilJlI . TI, e '1" et'l li ull w n~ .' phell 13u rl~et -I ,Jil'~ t hat tIl\'1I1 ~h l~8 IH OWII ee l" I3IRTU\)AY F.NTElt'I'A I!lm:NT.- - 'Ul ~ vl lto CUllwnl!nJcr nre vis ilill g in "Hl'~" lvl'd I.hat ti cril:vII$ l i t~ rulnre Geurgu It. tu les ~ I tifl~lIt. h. it,; cllres. W 1'1.: 1',,1' Iv ... I\I·d ny. th e !lth iUri!', b ·ill~ II,' SC \·· Cill ·illullti. i~ of 11\" I'e "i ~lhh' a ll tage thlll1 ild I OZ rk. UOI' Bilt er"., th o pllrest tlnd hl'st of 1I1icth UI~uivcl''' ~ry of the uirt ~1 IIf l - Jr. J : n. Cull.ett. " f Rich· va ~ IIII~'.t u tbe CUIIII II'Y. " Oil th o , 'harlce D. W'o ley, (l !) IlIcdi ci nes. l!C "'\'rnth M" anJ " I'ru, ---8UCOKSSOUS TV--;\Irs. A. E. ~11'I'rltr, sha II'US rcnlll1d. , mOl d. ! 1~dll\lIa. ~\',IlS 111 lUII'll UII II IIfhfllllltl\' U ~\'(' rl', r. l\I. ~[ ·1)vunIJ Tre ~u /'{r. vcrbs" ill II I1Dth<'r col umn. ~~l~ er~ 01 tl~el k~I!J :,('gartlld "t 1l\I'd'lllllbcr ~h url,\,' It!IJt last IJ'l'ld Il Y•. . . IWIllU J lIhn Zell i Nl'gative, W ill Jacob Randfl~ I ' \J \£D '.. t ~ pCC III tnellUti 11'10 Cll U ,pm - I I r. UIIUS 111111(: " Jr. , 18 \,I S" h."tscl lI ud W. U. MeUnne. Tho f . 577 - - Mr 1\ :tcr I'll rs IIIIS ope ned ~) ~ ~ ~ ~ f) A 1t8Sor. }.lllrl'd to Bl'.c lIll the lillY: 1'1'0 ladic8!s re~ at i\'C~ in LoudlJun Co. !lrgu1I1ents on buIll t!idcs wcr gl'od. n cnlU l ll>te stuck .f hunlll'aro nnd . 1 UIICl' I'cnwn lOusly r pair d to toe Vlrg l11lll, IllS IlIl11vo IlInd. Ih ough tilu 0 Ih o To OTli t il'l' Ll' wi s F. Mallin 011, 35 1 : ~tnl'le gr'lcrri S lit th e old ~tllild 01 'E.)''JI.....;n1 .;' ~'1'J\ ftO\ 1I111'~ 'I'I' R~a,~t~JreJr>~ kitchell, wh ere. o ut ul' w lI ·tilled -- )" ,11 Il'ilI Ii lid sid ·Lmr BII~l!ic8 shu\\' ed 11 IJl'IJI'\' \1n ' ler.;tIlI1t1 ill~. IllId \\'. L. [J urts uck, :! 1 t;. W. l("l!:l' rg, l'I'h 'r I,,' \\' 11 1 ~lInr. ~-,~~. ~>!:,~~.!)- ~ ~~~ "a~kl· ts. c!lcel'lulue~8 lind j!ellllille"a nd Spring Wll golltl Il~ I' cry 10w \ Ul\) rc cl1r"ful I,re l'l1r:l tioll . l.h·ci6 ,J ess\l Enu is, 4~ 1l1ltt'o tll sllti n(v Ih u }.lublic hll t.h ill ~Il'''r:y c.h l.t chat thCr(1 cul lllllllltcd pnccs, lit JIl s K Il nyallt's. . . i"l1 \I' lI'; !-(i l'C II in th 'ir lav ur: At'· ~0'1l8tahltl. Ivari ety 'tuality an,1 pricll .)1' goodrl. ANIl III th e dllllng.r'Il,m ., un twu .tabl us, I --G IJ tu JalUC3 R. ll liy ~I.l t d for 11l'r ~e ttlillg 1l1'l'llligOlll0llts 1M tb o 1. \\i~ F. Mnlli ngtoo, :l1i l Go tl' ti" burr\wul'o ~t o l'o .. f 1'. Sel. ~ nl' b n hUll llllful Jillner liS I ~ l'arc ,th e II C\\' (,hll\UvlulllJul'\' e~ tl tlg ~[ ll' IIcx t I1ll'~ l i llg udj vlIl'lleJ til l IIl)X I W. L.l.Illrk!ock, ~H lIc rR nlld U' surc uf l,;cll ui lle Ill" tll bebuld or clljuy. chine, the bedl in tbc lI1 t1 rkut. Frid uy e\'(~ . ' . J ('srie E li llis, -l3 t icles. Th e nbscucll .ur surviving U1c: ul' l ~Th 1'c:.i~lIl1lio\l of I 'rcdi uen t - tho \V 'l IlHIIl'd T~OlI CI':1 I1 Cl' ORPOl!AnON. 'III I': HIlIle! olIlCl'rl. , '11 the :: 7th . Arc P~(' I t:lrt'd lo 11n l 'II J l! rLHkill ~ in l'e ttt' r Htyl(' lind Ht 11I "" f1f rut .. l h ull 1\1IY Od'f'i~~ b .. ~,ers 1.11' th o ~ul111ly lI'a8 r('gr~ltcd,- , ll lulI,C8g\\:" IIccelJtud at till': . Huard \LeU g.lIe. g f\ n ' .1I very pl cnslIllt CII' , Cowl/cifmen, 4 to elect . Wll o a mll 'iclIl tl'iulII l,h Huch II \I'll . 1 be S'I1I, hal·le E., IIlI\'IUg hllu , ilIectlli 111 L(:ul1 \1 on, Snlll niay. Il'l'tllllllll Cli t tilltu l'dllY e\·C l lln~. ('UII " I' S 'rlng _ ) r. ' I ", (1 111 ITt 1t C j',' lIn ty . l · not .ice 0 I' I"ue r' .. [tHIl1C 1Inrl'o WI'11 CIII Icr ~i 'Iill" " I UII e~slly ' by 1\l l's. 1.11 ) ' CI fI In " 141 :,() II"Vl'r hefliI'n' c,! llItlul Irt'n S lort 1'1 0 11 dl y .1111 n· -- lUr~. " J). ' Ib ~ , . ' but t f I)' lioll8 for til e occnsion, wa proll ll't IhOU80110ld goo lis on ntnrtlay df l ll1ll iut7. AlIh jcct "11 .)1-' Hihll! ;' Id ' l J 11 ,1"' 1\ l1[co ..sll' it ~ l'\'l'Cl'l Ilig t'lIl,' l'1allll lll'lI n a . I I lI.n a ppro pfllll,e . Iet ' l t I'li S w('e k , .hC;"'.'"II1I1I. . . g' ti t l UC ' Ioe k . ';U ". 11. 'b ,' .hl i s _\I un J' C,".ldwailluer, I . n llIe. , , Thl~. l'e rf" I'III:lIlCl'R · Iy Wit lin d time 'II III O. ' l7 1 7' fel\' I\' cck ~ :wu. .... ou y f I f I d H " 11 I k J J r II" were 1111 tirs t 'l" a,,~ Hlld ~I'uce wu I'l'j!n:t tcr 0 c.ongrat.1I attOn t 1111 ,on . . o. 11IliCS 1:1~ t.u cn Clltt tll'd ,. 'h il tirclI." I hou!-( h b th , J . N. FCLttlr, no tha t IlIck ut lillll', Ilild pre. I ---)\1 "'" K II " 1 '( - g~od wire. It also COnlulll e? tnn· the ~Iurke property ~fl ~Ir. A. ~I'erl' goou Ihcy IIIU1 0 I . uI'l'rl ollh J T. T. D"dsOIl , ll LI "{'lIl s 0111' PU l'lic ll ia riy.,"g {'at" 1111 1>. ~1 ~lle c" lden c.o of the love 01 a .1 1.1 ' Amllu,s han ~18, at th e pm'c tile )r.t· III Ih e II lhll ill5111 \VIHcb g reeted 'l !!: R. Printz, 117 We hope ill the 1IIIIII'u tu ha\'e t rlll i son to IU8 nge~ mot.h e r. T~II tcr pUl(l flll' It. ' . '. th o ctu.1\ill j.; c,\crc:i , '. 1111 IIdd.rl's~ by J acuh Hundall 4 n lliilll y TCI,diti ulI I<. wa9 opened sttlle dllmcr table. 'I he -:- R ~. J (,Ir II H lIiCY ~ u tal ll<,d aMI's O. BllrgU:l~ wh ic h d hI'S do· I ~. . , ' " ,. I two d~\lgl.lters I reoeut. al80 I'emem· 8erWllS I.nll fl'o.m a Rca.fl uld a \1' k sCl'i pliu. ,I. ~il "' f1 ce reigned s uprl·I.ll e" d 1Ctt Commlssloll/L -'Jj~ f" 7'-'1 . bere d t hel r moUlcr Wit II toI;ells 0 r or twu (jln ce, 1roUl wIlie II, huwcvor, Il lld Wi th her clear, l'1I1'110 t I")ICe" E. A . Rug r ' . 02 J /I .\ . _ l o,'~. . , he is II~ W recu\'e ~ill g ~Iuw l y , . IInti gl'11Cl' fill lll:lII l1 el' t:o lll biIlCcl , J vll al lll~~1 H Ii.llnee, fl 7 ' (JL '~ ~I "~I':.-~~"oI,;. l b' \dro .. f ~ J~ ~ ~he fl'lend8 'prese~lt .\\'(':e : eha ~ - It. 18 un ~ 01 Ih u~() rul·!.'., yood with t ire gi'il lt ueur IIl1d beuul y W . M . l 11yl or 1 G:; i J"~T.~~~in;:i~l't y"::"'~'I~:;;\ I.'ill. tl,e ... if<. - - - ) A r. B 0 • ( _ - _ Wtl son an.d Wife, 01..'xOllllli, A.~. rl'11l edll:d whl~h usell oncc 11'.1 bu her .lhcllI~, ~I..'S . Burl1c 8 helll. her , Ma1'8/1t'[. ur ,,.,h,, -tllll -hern' . " f II . ,, 11. Cad A'allad r lind wile, Rov d L. 1' . always kept III th o huuse. Or. III1UI 'IICC liS 11 101' mll!!'c. Uell cll tc .John Mill r ().I ('OIHI.- A", il 7. 1 ~70. 1100 wif .... f (,h"', VUlI lev and wi~, optill1llS Ca rt· ilu ll s Balt imorc Pil,ls I" e I'erer to. IInu eth ereal as ;lrll iI!, Iter intll1 l' llc Leo Cnm\1l i~gs !I t: Ilb~, of ~_._nl_I._ _____ . . .. . i8 \UU ·h gr 'al ,. Ihall ' ltat 1.11' \1111.11)" T, l!. McComns: 111 \VA YNESnl,l, 1l " .... UI.ET8. wri.ght aud wif, , Dr, S . J. " r.ay lind Prico:.!5 ~en t ~. wilu, ~rs. BraIt l~o ll.alld, I. E.K?ys . -.M r: Ed\~' ln L, All en IS VI IlllIg vI' our luut.! \'uicutl , l1ulc bodlud l D irectors", to eltct. and wlfe .. G. W. !!:bl'lght lind Wi fe, III Olllellillali. 110 Ilroposcs tu ' II, spcakers. . ,', "J '.\'h!'lI l ~ hll9hc I, so o Dr. A . Sollel'8 and wife, J ohn N . joy his freed olll frul11 UII iness hy -- l'rolllclIading has b en tit . ISRAEL WR[GHr, or ll ~ Ullshe l 20 Fuller aod wife, J.llcob Rl\ndall alld I!ceing Ihe intor ting ig llts in th rogo 11I1' tiro lust f ll W el'eni ngs, tho A. B. HA NDLEU, .50 Onts lfi@ JS wife, Samuel W. R og ril lllld wife,. IUetl'ov olis of tbo we~t. mooul igl.L l1 ig tltS u ing liS 13yroll ~'T~pNtJt~BbRNETI' lUO Hay per ton , • (cil 7 ou -()adwa!ll1uol', Janney '& Ever· SIl YS, "Not Illude for sluu p." '. J " 7,1 Fl ollI' per cwt , J o cph G. J{ 'y s and wifll, Mrs. o @ :! GU Rooms, Two Doors North of .the Post·Office, TIen ley, Mi Mattie Van Oleve, Iy have lutoly ClICl08tld th ir show, - Mi s'l'wi lie IIi soy is vi si ting On. A, SELLEHS, 7 I Buc kw hea t p l' C'I't , -1 50 W S 1J E wlna 0 art· window8, which cu' no\v we II in th o Uisey 8cttlemcll t. UII CklV h at pCI' bU 8hfl , . "re. U . , I'des, Jr., 15 W , YNESVIL LE OHIO. 1 wright, S . .1<'. Way, ,Mast rs harli e aJllptcd to d isplay their imm ense - lis8 Annio Motld ell. is vi sit· cd 1~~~~t'~~~s ~sburg electiull I'C ~I('~~~~ ~~I~~8CS 1 00 and J ohnnie Cartwright, Mi sses 8luck of goodti. Their willdowrl al'o ing r ·ln til'(!s in Hiek nryv ill o. S D Bee f pCI' Ib, b~ Louts, 12! Emma F tt cr Anlln 'ellers, Fann ie lVell wOl'tb looki ng nt, so lurnidhcd -A. W . .\Iadden, of 0lnmbu8. chuol il'ectors r. r 3 years :aU8f1gc per .lb W tly, aud Emma Ebright. w. LInd adurll cd with elegan t goods. !nude 1\ flying vi sit horne lust week. \V'li~SOl1t Hurw "ey JJN ; II' ]t·t l1~,.~"lR· b. ~!lll pur harrel ee8, II. , C0 t! , ..:.u . 1.1 Hnms ( 911 nr. elHCIl ) per I"... ., -Clot!t!ug. We hnl'6 n j.ow eu. ts A rt llUr 1.8 u Ul. ug we II'III t IIe Capl't Il 1, 0 ts rns \V 'ls It.e 1lg10U8 Notlces. left iu t.hat Il!'e" whi(}J 11'0 '.Ire p r· -Mis~ Mugflio Kirvin . was, a r 'I"'r~ . ~"" 11l~~;;::;;"'. ~'~Q l' l' bu hel . ferlllg Ilt cost; al so u lot of pallts gnest ot the . AlIsses Annlo ana T B' D' Apples 1) r hushel -~r. Ja,mes nalll e'! Bddl'os~, and vests at less tbau cost. Uome ~Illggio ((oorner on Saturday and rell nrer, I1l1 ey IIV IS. · Egl!9 per d07. ClI tld Friends .MeetllIg lit Now VI' in aud s/;e ollr prices, lIu d yori· wi ll Sl1UU!\)' In t . Uoustab lu nud As es 01', J ohn U. '\ LBfrt pcr pound ennn, I.Mt FIl'8t·day. be 8111'0 to buy bororl! YUII go o ut. -Itev, Mr. F uwleI' alldrcssed 1\ SCI·oggy._· _ I-'lax Seed pCI' bushcl' = ll18 ",e:::s:::M a air.Y and RnohelWlIar· Uadwallad'or JUlln ey and E vedy. ~ood congregu ti on at tho ,B. - - -, 'h e a ' . h'rr1!T"5ee~tt!m-1•l-=-~:':""'_____-r:::::-;-;;M were zed as members . . II S Ull d ·..... H U~8 ' f 0.1 -Wo ha\' 'c added tvol UI' tuck II CI I1I1C lIyevenlng" . ' PO l' ClVt. , _ the Oompbelhte Ohllrch 0 tillS I d I I' l' II I d H altun wl'o has bcell HAlIV&lII11Uno, April . '--~---'I'Ie L' , TL ery urge U I1 e egant Ille u wa ' . . . . . N O c. I I S d ft P OOC, 06t 1111 aya ern oon. Ie I' 1 II' t slJellding th e 11118t thl' '0 weoks III At Illst Imlt'plt t IX til e word f . . t k ·1 papc r IV IIC I 1\'0 lire se Ill" U reo .. . '. ' L' ,J' J, 1 ,T ( l' I ceremony 0 ImmerslOa uo pace k 'bl 1 . W e0 Iu this plu 0 dopllrto I lor hi S h OlDO 111 \\' U8 gi ven tu Illllko rl'lldy. rh e .I:.stai oJ Of/n In m rs 1 tO I . ot the ri ver, uea. r Binkloy's mill, mar a IYI °lw prtce.. ., 1~\,Vll I [i llcolu ill. last Tbursday OI'IIwd gll ve tllrec ehe I'll Ulld IlUlid Tloo u .. tlo .. i~""'<l h•• b"oll nl'P i,IIed "n,1 d i d . B' attend say to a IV IU arc III ueeu 0 auy, ' , --, . r . 1). ' b I \llItino \" ur "I 110ft Bol"t 01 a n a arge crow \\U ID . to call in aud s~e our assortmeot. - Wo have nnoth~r new g rocery. tUUlI1 .ln llll (,xcltomeut " 11ll roug I ~O\l N II l,~n;:3. 1~lo of W"rrt'll Coun ty, anc('~ . Our Pri ces run e fl om 7 to 50 centl! B. F. & B. H. Dllklll nre th e pro· t~lOk tl e 'cnd . It wus thought tlu · tl(c."." ,l . ." -rhe R ov. O. L. Pllldar and b I J u pridol's Thoy occ upy a Durt uf rt ng thc aft e rnoon that th o conIc t Dul"" th, . t:!th doy 01 1\ 1',,1. A .D. , .fI. C d gIl d r ' l y moved h~re firom U r b an a , aEverl 0 t. ' lei IIe mUIII ' . Iy I)c.twe II Etl war d 8 ,ami , a 1\'(\ • l\ erI aU lloy .IIU Ih o cUrlier s toro. . .. \\' 0 11 _ Ii. _W. ROGERS 11lSt week. ~r. ~ltldal'llnB accept~d Y , " k - Miss Carrie Myel' will tench Ulld llllm, but bottlllg ran t WII to BU.'I \'It', II 1tJ), . the rectorahlp 01 St. Mary s Epls, - We ba\ e ~Iacct~ III 8 ~OC n vO·. Iho 13eecb Grove. chool this pri ng. vile 011 H I,m. B ow ver, ](imbrol~gh _ . _. _ _":: . ___ _ copal Ohureh for the yeal', and we ry fiuo lind legnllt hue of hats! ot - Dr. James W. Hai ncs was ill led by two lengthS fur tire fir t THE GREAT BLOOD TONIC hope his residence among I1S U1U)' the very Intes t tltyles, uud at pri ces town l)rLJ~ siollll ll y S UlldllY. . IqllH1'tl'r when he was passed by ,' I J' .... r II . ~lictory nn J Iu II.y. 20 per~ou ' , t e r .tl Inn ev~r r ..1 lur ••• lL'e~ "r'Sing rllm prov e .mutua y BllttS . CI . ICIIP - J. Milt. Renson' bU8 th o epring l b:d\\,l\rd, ~, both IQuin tnin~ng n "t 1\ . illlYor !'uTethonl'uuro JI,d. ..",,,I. illdgur"lin" und promotive of good. ~elule. flu J ere \V iii n ud I~ to tlleH 8chool ut Fln t FOI·k. ely UIIJ even stru~e; wIllie IIll wk, KII''' '' 1,( h uinl( 110 0 ,:,!" I o'!!."IM . Arc y',.u -This bein g Holy Week, di· 1I1tere8t tu duter purchaslUg clse· - Miss l dll Luk clls has been 11 11111 nllt! ~hdd{1n bron... lr t Illl tire ,, ~uk . " . r ·/o u-. d"'"lllat~d . 1",1. "."d, "" " ,•. , . o Hen:lee . . ,tS II~I'u eac II lIl?rn!lI . g W IlOre un fII tl I.>. e' IlUVC." 1Il8J.l ec tedr. alarmingly ill. " , rClI r. At th' " Iudh,l\I_e 0 U "YU 1'111 I".t ),uu ,· "ppelll," H 'I\·. ym d lrnlf. mile Ilug ~1I11l ..I'('U ... p"ill ill the ~.,,'k , .to? 1f ~n' l III the Episcopal Chllrch, begll1U1l1g those goods. OUi black ~11l'td at 7~ -- Mr. Wri g ht llaynes i8 conv al" pas OIl lluwk, who mllde II vlgur. Dr. Lind>~)'·. Ul.onu . P.\lIt'Ug ll ",11 1 ,11,,'0 I N IUIO. \ Ollij spu rt bllt to 110 l)I)rp08e wh ilo oUl the diM".~ "!"l hrln:.; b'.' ok I~O ~3k'oDl J t 9 o'clock. OJI Gooll llrero cell ts al'o vel'Y choup. C., J. & K eseing , be M ~rn ' P rayer, \\..~t II se r· ' .' steadtly . 011 Kllnbrollgh . 1 uf 1l." ltlo . RI,P"npl,". LrY''''rl, ,,,.I,,,. w"l - \V b hllve ~ 1Ie , pI eusur~f 0 sla· , (HIIIIl glI1I1C~ ITuUor. e u"" ,~ ..11,,,1 IIro•. \.111, cu 1110n, btgllln l n~ lit 11. S.l1uday, ling that 11arrls Gnurds wl.1I soon , A U A H D " - plIRS ill g hi III ut the thrE:e quarter. io.'U<:,ti?nH of Dl oo,1 Di ..... c. ;. n~"1 1>r' j Tin: lL\G a .: Slau : . Easter, th e ~ervlce approprillte to hav e u hunusomll sland ul colors. fo l\.h ss ~rOLLIV. ?ADW.4I.LADJo:r~ .. f1ug. It \VIIS,sOOIJ c.vitl oil t thll t , !.""hoy . lll ~od "ruher, h y pll rlrYlIIg Ih. A,." ,\" fl ll, .b eTft Y1111 Mlnf'. I I .I...., Mr. C yru s S nllt· II, Oil EI cotl.un D I1Y, \Y e ' fthlo uDl! crsl " rr ned' recogni zin g . . . , _v .. IA.1tI ~uft on . tho .Ii ,n " ", 'onu I c. Ie '11 be 1l8{l"1 b:,l ,. ",... . t# ~. , . ,I" .. l t lat Hl3' WI .. egHH1l l1!:, . . I /. t Edwll rds was bll"'llIl1l11" tu Itw', .llI s . · 1;"'0.' (,Id ,!ru",.j.t. ~ I 00 ,'er , ,,' • 1' ... T", , 1"'i'I", t~, I .• ". ' k 1 I' " I' d yonI' pro money IlS II 1Il11 9lCI.l or If e ....... "',m .A" ~~ . . ,. . I ! -, It· ..... II I t t.'o " LI,",,, . , . at 10i 0 cluc • weut aruund aut IlP IClteu UII s, I tl . t k som e etll rn I sl I'Oke wus becoming un8tolldy; huttle. R . E . SEL .ERS & CO., Prol" " , ~I~' '"t.':'I'~7.~~~ ~, h~''': ! 1 1'r·I·, }~·j: ' t'lOll 0 f .. ~ 5 7 , anI ea lrrn g nlHl 0 IIl Ugee neroll8 oss l' ~Icce d " III 1\ 8Ub SCrip lor your ollie ist.- I whil e the bout cO l'ccr~ed hea" l'1Y. ' I" , tt,. bIIrgII , P... __For 8" Ie Iw, J . S'OII. , . I'!.~ t' ~ '- ""', Id ,1,--, l WIII.. ",cl,r.- . l .. ill,,· , .... \ ,. ,1.• a l l I. .... 'f'H·,.·t .&.t ,lI" .. 'l . "1 " ... lj • " , . '11, , I1,.1, . .. 1-. u nt l<:; I . 1,_,.;• • S UI)DEN DEATH. - Mr. Dnni,el $;W ~I \l'II\,cl~."pl'oll~ptly hCl,lded Dil eo on mony oecllsioll S o f publi c , olle side., At the m"~ tllI~ Hnm SELLERSI COUGH SYRUP, ~1 (~ .~ll~ .I, . ~ : .,',; ', 'I : '. t" ..'.~:: . . .I~ ril l. !I :?l :..~ ;~ : ~i":CI!~'~ Buckles, of Spring Vlllley,died at tbe list ll) rho Futh cr 01 the cntert:linlllont lH'g lenve LO tentl u , pn~rlctl Edwards, tllkill/: the IClld / 000000 bo I tl ' It ' II I t ,· C . tl 118 ' f,lllce la8t R ' t " Mr.1. H .llll'rl's ." d ell I"e nlljg cIIcera. It \yUK ' mo,t f) vor I , lind p"pIlJ tl ••,lr ';"'. for '" '" ~" :;,\~:, ~;::;rl ~~ ~ :";·. ;;~t t . ;'~_ : . ";.~'~::..::~.}.'I"~ C~llI\el1, , '. 'V" ' ~ you II COlli pi iUJ' cnt!l l'Y lIone flIL t IIrOll g II IlUllust plea'not Col,\., ue Ol'neII H ol1se 1\1 g( Olfll' .. .. I' . Friday night. AlI-. Buck e8 camo be hovc Ihllt lIbuut ~S75,(") IS the music~ 1 entcrtsln mcnt to hc giv en , null' 8ettl ed t ha t 'Bum wOlild g nin C':nllll'h., CrollI'. [[ n" ..on •••. n",l nil Tlt r""t l '11,,' r...' ...... \\',""" " " ' ' '. M~ ";:0' ~I' '~'''"I .. " '. cown from the Valley 00 the 1 alDount tu be expended UpOIl thi s under your own lI1J spiceg and Ilt Bny lh o race and all interctlt hecll mo nod Lung Di_c"..,. Hn. h '( ' 1\ in " ; 0 for l~7:':i;:,;:'~:"i ::::~:,,:;: " ~,7'.:,:;':\:; Ad' "'' , .. DUF':-O -:- T": ~ "!TH. [:C. o'clock train, nccomplillyin rr tho reo lIeces81lry aJjullct tu 11 tirst·clasij time thot mn\, silit youI' eon c\'ni j!DCC. ' cent ercd in E dwarrls anel Kimllro' jh<l l( n. "I. ...tmy., EDo\~t"rM roo"rmlllclI '[1, 0,0<11 ::':'~,::~ !."',:.•'~. :;.~, ,~~~',.',~;":,~.;. ' 0 w!l III', r'_~ 0 '" M. r. ulIlItmy .. . II y, 1 1' , ' " u ll IlIH Il , ...I IUJ,{ "" ~ .. (~;~.:'':;;~~~~';",:,",. ' t., "" l'. O. DoX=. T 01maillS of hi s brother·in-lllw, complilly. R spectfu who wero contending d os pcrllt IY' 1' prCl'f'fI I\r...ny~,)O It'H lla"cll lHytw"uhil,lrc'" rIO III. , , :~~.:. ~~: . IT,wor" ". Andrew J . Kinney, which were Ill' -Tho Golden Age or Fifth An· J. A. I{oarncy Drew Swec.t ' for the victorl' when lit th e lUil e 1u OCl IlAVB.' A. I,.Rilnmo". of Bull, more, ~..:::;",,~., ~.,;;;....~=======~~~====~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~s d · At · . C . ' .' . JC' IA ' JHoug r. l:lJ ' Wilt Hllrrls · I E.IuWIH d 8 ptlSSC' rl ' Md ' '' P: ,It wil l ullt·.drnj(gi. lho w Ol',4 terre 111 laIDI cmc tcry, 0 Ii tl Ie nnall<cport ! 11 nlltalltupportulH' 111 hI G land Il·IIa If II og im,~'cdn'.~ inl.cly' A. kyollr t oro,,";th frOIl. 1 way ovel' bero fl'om tho <?c!Dotery , ty to secure wealth! Oar stock is Ii oSle.r s · l) ' F:C~I~ Kimbroll gb by a bont's leog lh,alld :ero ,'.tor k eperror itnlld I lIk "o ol.hrr.- I Mr. Buckle8 was taken With all np' now compl ote ill every department R IE ogo rs, Jr. C· D' II . th ei r uars became entangl ed. Both IPri ,·••. 2.'>0 .• flllo.. nnol ~ I por holt'. . Send I . fi d to and we can lllr1l18 . . t1 greator barga1Ds . 1 Thop. • ~vllns . . H.00 oy boals CllpSIz(~ . dn ....I/e t·oro J Id 1. ror oiroulltr. . R E. SEI.LER!; & 00., op echc tlon d was e~nveye. 1'. Fo~tor John Coleman t IICY cOll,e Prop'H, Pit burgh ,I'". the hotel, where, notwlthstuodmg thnll eVl:r before, from the 8imple W. E . Kendall Jnm ea C Sllledise ngagcd, Kimbrongh , on nc- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the must skillful attenda1lce, be tact tbat we pay no rent8, clerk bire J. E . JunDey G. E. Randall Icount of OIfa' cri'ppled band, diod at 12 o'clock. His age was nor inl orest, und purchase most 01 E. L. Allen WilliBUJ Jo ncs Illflah le to do Irluch in tho wlltcr'l ab~ut 50 years. . M:. Buck~e8' re ., uur g(o{ld~ dircct frum th e import~rs A. . M. Harniel! S,lIlD . B Cooke I an~ it is quito probable would hav e malUS were cOll\ey~d t~ IllS III~c and mllllui'aCturcrs, aul! re8t 01 ". L. H . Kell y U. M. McDonald Ipertrlhed, luui- rrot Hawk at tl~at hOlll~ on Satorduy, lullowcd ,by 1118 bl.l1lkru pt stock at abont one· hlll! W. R. Hocl, moment co. me to the rescne, whtle frantiC and heart· broken II' de. th e renl !'alue. UU!ltom crs uail y RErt\'. . 8eve ral who hud hoats near th e eXI,ress sU"IJri se at I,he vuri ety II ml W"V""S\' 11. 1. 1<, 0., April S, 1870. Ishoro speedily cume to Ih eir reli ef, M...... J . A. Kellrnoy. J . J . Mo.I,cr,1 d d ~,. b i t h A 13~:A u'[J Fu r. I>APRR FOR II OYS. elegau cc 01. 0 111' gOt) dH, II' 1'~IC 1I ,' U Ies Tonrew ::! wcnt, C. A. 1I 01lgh . 0 .. 1. Wrigh t" 011 cOllveye ~Im rong,1 08 ore, ANU GIRL8,-Th e Avril numoer 01 through out the wh olo cntlre st )ck. R. E,·""., l. H.lJ " .. i., an(' o tl, o .. o. I wherc resloratlves were lit once ap' Til E AMERICAN YOUNG F OLRS, pub. A j ob lot of delnin es at 12 and 1.5 G Io:N'I'LllM Io:N :- Pl ellse accept my Ipli ed. Edwnrds, after a few des . lialred at Topeka, j{au ~as. comes to ets., n~l1al1y so ld nt 20 and 25 cts. hcartt'cll thllnks for YOllr ki nd cx. peril Ie 8truggles, became strangled I1S full of th e very bost I'cauing Cllshm cl'cs (doubl o width) from prcssioll lind interest felt in Illy bO' !' On the salt water, and 8ank, bulf. At this honr, 11 I'. M., they are mutter fur onr hoys a ud girls. It is 45 to liS 1 25. Grcat bargains, a paper I?arents n ed not h~sifatc Shi~ti l\g stripes from 6t ~o 12i? I sh~l1 tu~o greal pleasure in ldragging for hi~ body, ot: which, 118 to phlCC iii tlt e hands of clIJldren . Notlun 8 ! FlO duzen wOlllcn s cOlll plymg With your rcqn est; alIU , yet they have fouud no signp. It ill tinoly illu troted nud combin es boso 5, 10, 1 to 75 cenls a pair, will nrran ge for a musical e ntcr. Crump, ellrly. in the race, was tn., 011 the req uisi tes fur a first·cla 8 150 tlozen me II'S half hoso, 5, 8, tainm cllt to be gil'en Ht SOUlO uoar keu with the old cOlllplRillt (asth., youth's paper'. It is 8e~ t one year 10 to ·W cents p~I' pnir. . d"te. lila), 'and ret.ired from t~e field. for 50 cents, The publtsher offers $200 worth ot llllmburg etlglng. Severo illness prevcnts me from . . , . ' , DEPRAVITY. to sond n sample aopy free for ex· of tho most elegllnt plltterns and now nllming II definite time, but I ---: . amination. No ch eap humbug des ig l1 8, fr om 2 to 50c pel' yarJ. will do so in tho ncxt iS8ueofthe Mi. TO ERK Will be -a S?clal at the preminmll are offered to lIeenr08l1b· Ruchi "g8, gloves, coreels, &c" Ilmi Gny'iltte. 'h0!De uf ~I'. ~I>t Ebl·,.p;ht o.n ll~t ecribOl1l, bot..the .best paper ' Cor the an end.lcBs vllriety of styl es, at very Beli.el'e me to remain ~rIduy ll1~bt; ' ~~ ~ltl cll occasIOn least monel IS .glven. l o ~v pI' lces, und Illauy uthel' novel· Sincercly Yours, Ye O!de f'olkcs 'Wll! uppear .and tiCi too numerous to men ti on. Mor,LIE CADWALUDaB, show Ye Y,onngst&rs trow to slllg. , TaEsE is nothing more II a rrOl\?· In xlendil~!? all invitation to OI~r Everybody is invit~d~ ~_ 1I:+-:::,:;:~:":,::,::::";~=-"",:,,,-:nl1rto-·tbe sympat heti mind-tban patJ'{)uB-and Irlends,-alld tho pllbhc --w-wm ll fullilSh Hnrper's-Wee • . . ' I er in baby, Dr. Bnll's in geoeral, to honpr n8 with a call, Iy and Monthly to our subsoribel'S INsPEoTloN.-~~e Lleu~,·~olo~e '.Bab, give instant relief we are sure they will feel a n;ply at $3,40 a year. All other period,13t to the .utJ'e~er. For. sale at rel>aid for their trouble. Cnd wal· ic~ls at club ratee., Don't forget 10. Ill. a: dw~.,. a e; s ~a, I: ILI.l1S~BATmD OATALO~l1ES SEN'l' J'Qlil. • • , , • • s D~, S~ores. , lader, Jt:llllJ 'Y & E ve rl y, . thIS. . (IIY cvenlll/;.. vtI~.e Ol1t. In POWER eOnlblno<l with I'URI'l'Y 0 .. TONR"ln DtJn.Ul1:L~Yaa!1:nNUa. th.,
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Has tltc me knet" n IIn(l uJlP1CCJltlt fl ll l11 (I \ ~ r\ '.?" n "lid d ll nll Ih'o,' ~ hoUL Ihe Um' Ii Sla ' e' pud lIu mml II 0 ' oflll d. Hllnd,," .
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torAL llllllllEiCI mile Will S b IIftI8. :rIlE COMPLE fE SERIES OF
WORCESTER'S Dictionaries
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n,e..., I. II. curlous Itory aboat _ MIl.. wlnca "hlch nra ~xle... lvel)' adY1!rtlsed_adays .nd have only recently been pat lIJIOa tile mnrket Dr UnderblU, tb" weU-bcltra KJ'IlP""grower of Croton PoInt, dJed in 111r. Some of h,. helrt entertained lem~ news of .nch ""!rem,, kind. that they. _ unwllUng to allow Lbe aleck of wiae. \MII_ hand to bo lold or any more ~o be . . . . Tb. Pp<!. have IOmetimes beeu _ t 10 marUI, and IOmetlm~ left to ~J apoa tbe vines I t I. only now that the au.. heIn ha"o succeeded la lUTlUlaiaC fot a MtLl_ _ of lhe esla!.. and the aile of Lbe wiD. ca hand AmonII' these Is & >?ne of the YlDtaaI of 11164, descrilled as ... Sweet Unkm I'Ilrt, " but SUggestiDC the Imperial Toby .,ore lbao an)' ocher EW'OpeaII wiDe, aDd bela, wboUy w.uke anr odler wIDe of ii\Jnenc:eA JIIUW1b III purity. a£e aDd 1MlIown... ere remarkable, aud bOLb~ oby.ld&IIJ &lid wIa.. (ancien have. lpeclof Inlrrest In It as the old:e-snmtlye ..lbe DOW aeceulble ta Iiderable quantity Tbe wlJolellockk tis. b~ nd. of tbe well known wboleMl. ~ bOlloe IIr the Tburbcn.-N, y, :n--. NI1tI It; rB'f?
1 11" " "1,, I' ~4 ')' , A I 1IIIII O J) II I " l ll lt.> rllu .. ,rntfOll Oro \\1I /<1>, 1/,1( Ti ll II "I ~ "..., IIl1l' rt IIt n."" f) I I.lOrtur) J lIu litmt t l 11 If *1• " li n l •, n llll~Htllw lc heHftjrTcuCcntl' fll Jl !l lt Tll lll n r» ) D lltiOllllr} It I b J I I 8Ilt Olld n l' f ( 'L1(",n.llornrorL~dl c~ Un G nWCOklll}Oll r j\ \I. "t ('l ~n- , t. tl JJ lI lfrnltn * 1(10 ~O' .I b I IK .. ,, \ ,. ... TERruIiUt -f"cr\ Jle r ntl lor CJ.: r rO w W T Ji ll tl t t' nl It but tle .. 1 nH ll t \ If )"I.: I\( l UI 011 1 11 ( \\ r ld fl lug l Jf LC' I~(, MI HI P n k l~ "( fiiUHn t1 furfrccofoh ~ 1 *5l)utfi l l H U ~o r l" ~ '1 I rllll ll r y Ih II nary IlIur;trul ot! to U" who hn " 11 hlfcrnrv of ev!, n R. fio! 11 Ttil ~ou c- an ,)Lt.:\l 1I II 11\ n"llIl; Se] era Liver "h tl:h \\ U ,.enu frt e On nl p lu: :l \ ln ll H 1 N J.l Y ,~. 0 " f n\V ICI', 1'- tv.r~'iJ '011 \\ flllt 1\ 1J II !O lfU fIi~ Il t wit I h 1( 111 r r Oil " (,0 (" I II t.-. \lmft~ l l!I,lUrt t.uh lut Fo rn hookft Vn l lll1 bl l 111118 Il hu i L{ ntcUP th eSlO m nC h Hnd~ C' 1' 1 HAYRIJ \: l ,OI D l EIN. ~ .x. D J '-1.I .. ' ''P'" pcrSO I K 01 u ll h r :' c ~ 1 P . k , l l ll ( tl '"t r V 11I1I !4t rlf111 ~4mo',I,OP"' ' L' \ KLANn Ollm • II t II el ' ('I '" I Hun, I1( Xlu '"I C ..) OLiS . ronn. " . , "lle',II "'~' o "e .. r\ .d Ihe,r UBO -,'I, n " t110 'ow •• Ulie 0geod o.,lor hI r,' h , "CI t: C08 ... UOVEHOll. ml k C ,.., 10 1 t PL\ It II II10 l1l1l '-' I 11111 nnd l\ hlch lit \\vIIIJ 100 ~h\(1 10 cs ' " nos. an lIn · LIJ·nll llll 1 he l prol"" en , ----[') I' cb'~' "I J D tit el l Ii e1 \I '" It IVrll" III ' I,. )!Ii, P,!." , I 011 I ah 8'S 1 0 ft, e III "wnn I8 I~ nn. hou lthy "eltun In the h'o r 11ro mnl u.11 " .ot· IP "I \\eOlo.t reo "" l " r8 ' 0 11 If A' lO T r CI' ."Frc ',,,r u.a u Vu S. I I Ok ~ ~H H(~ II tte ' ~r.lI\ ' f1' ""I 1(,1. \) oln ,lelll. '" "mmml ol'J 01 of thp Amorlelln nook r:;xehuIIge, 55 Ion , alld IInl,nr t \11'0, ' 0 ' h, whol" "j hOI D ",rCR ., III '" "I' • r . - - -- - - - -- - - - - - . : . . . . - f i l ld "'ew Y"Tk 1'1" Y 10' I' Price 25 COllts RI IE ~ELI Ell &. l O lin",tel ' In , II I' nl~'III" " 1U1i "''' Ohlllflt: \ 0 " ,k mon I', R'U" . . . . ." ... P I J' 1()~ f!1I8 , b11A hllie II , H OI' kD, lter. • ,,,ve' h'g doc lor (1I l u l ln tII,k c \\ (\ r(("I l l rH mtllt, u llIUHln .. "Ihor .tlch sll'l/II '" froIO . 1I01I ",, " d. 01 ro p ro. Clto ,u ,); " II I lIlIySO Il, li'"lf/n ' rl, ""e11'"' \•'II,rl m "'" " • • s f I I I "i f- nl oth r " or r lll l,1 • nllr m .l , l ~tlCl " II •• N d ll r "l,I .. th o .. " " IiIrT.rl" • • nd eo~ h COn\, Il ,utor t hell elrn" ~ ~' ott ~[, c "~ I I II h f I I , ~--' t , .J1 fl 2ftrt, ' ,II hc Ciluelc Lh jllUtllroo fh OlllU,wlthlJ ul" m "~ " ,"'1'" '"f'" Y IIrt'''"'" " I' wh. th , " nll t .,o r.n~ h II hedoo 1101 .. nnl " GRA.VE nOIlUEIl C,\I TGIIT ho.k@ (tlll\ l osueNo 7U o f HIl l I t lI :ooi v l! I hc lllll f' t. .. llcc r .. .. f l i gr''' c roul.Jor or th «.' l,a~(lIp('I(Jf, B"tJun;.e l1 I HJlitr", I /"1 I Hll ll n -t o fl u r t\1lJ,:III ~ '-' The above spew for Ibdl, but ... WCtIld eull o tlllilol hook" "" " " deportmolll i. DR ),IN Il E \ HI <> 1 I". L illI '11,,11(111 B(I ~ /I, " Wh . " "nm dUn'n ~nd reDdy to Ink! ·~· I e " I 10, "lIll'\II k. lI er. or \\,11 be add Chat Lbl. J. the ptml Jalco o( the crepe. IlI cr. l llro, nil oReraii Lu th" 'ICf" <OT ""If' , n BloodSearch"r hc hn o robbeu eh' gr,,,c BII OII ' 1I ~'11i1 ."urlo, \1 JI " I'Bltlers ' 8whatyoun eel Il lo'",,,, II :f5 rr·. ~ "I rm~"r ~' III I;\~U'I';t ~f th e PrJ o., neither ~ " 'lMfJl"<tl nor ~: that It to r CIlJh l,r fo~ l, OIlU ensh Im'l l::l . \\ 11 1 o f cureR " ho w rc d\lng of "c r ofu ltl COli I ~ Dl'll It r ll~rl1o ltull l )hY l'4 l c fur it \\ C... kCWi time fiL t hl '" bl101 ll11 s j CO h"" been n penec\ nnd mellowed hyage. ADd l illol l lt!", Il , k~' ~ " r" ClCJ", I I W'"rs, I.. rco,h April 15th II"d "III bo ,etlt un ""mpl,"n, Ithell"'.""m, Merc uT, . 1 d", n. ' II r lllltefll l l'n rlrnlt' oflhcaho\c m" ulllcel l "" I ,j, ~' e'l" hu tHko Hop B.lkrd, til L ell f'CIILlll llu \lU IIIO npl,h cntlUo for l hroo cent I\t.Rlm p Cnncerons F Jrm rHIOIl8. 1 umur:': . Jo:rr811H Ins on ' ,Inok ( u ti bo \r,1 "., b I cd bordor CIIL J lHil lcl u p tlnn fiun L11 ) I J Iud I 1 ~[lIrk. t t for medlclnal aT .act'&lJJen!a1 purposetl It Ie J aund, ro , f , 'er nllJ All ufI IIl1d 0 , nerd 11\ m iii poo, PIl ,e! "t 1'" e 0 , Ill s e IIeh 0 " 1 I ) "" enn' ot IlII ~d,ooI8 we nnrl rooo en. II , \'" 1 1'1111 .,1, 11'1", \,,, unsurpassed It can be obtained from IIIOIt bil lll hi n,I'8 tho Icf.. , ,nd Dr Lind , III., 101 I ".Iv( lor 111t \ I en t. I till r ul "" lid J\ " V IlI lIer. 1 e.t Ihom ' of the lelldlng Drug~ts throaponl the The Death·Rate of ley a Blood Bearober 18 thO ~,eat hre OU"' IIII~SIrHl~ '0 Age nl _ II,e' oell I, ke hot l H uul th ,. I"'li u ty lind )0) -Hnp Be tt erij p, C Ilx,., , " ColOr) 'nd Ch, 1110111111 Umted Stnte •• BDd at wholesale from the Our ouunlry if.! ~rLl1ng to 1)( fCllr full) prUB1vt.:f U B Hllub,nd, l:.fnmpdon o. ctkcs-e, er,t Ofh nctnll rcs th eln W o Rrc J.!l\I" h Oli lth linn bcnu 1t.) t 1 Pln .t nru lHt llJlrcd C",P' C:J I} h \ 01110 "lI f I I 11. undenlgned, "ho wIn fonnrd claeripthr n1 1\1 IIltJ1g. tho I~Vt.: I "gu of life bem p,' I Ct'K~ n cd Sill 8 IOlcvclilOd phy8iclRn~ tt cclu red my nl ~ o h l!ad qun. rt~ rfl for Ih r Inrll 81 \ u It L} 'l oll 'l' h r ' " rt~ more' ourCl4 to Nle ,.. ith I rop I ll ond Icho .N cn UII " IH!" ~ S 1 p I O" I' I H"O: ~ It l hl paropltlel, free of ch.rge, on appllc:aUoa. oyory your wlt,h,mt. Ito y Tl'ulmnnhlu 01\u.,.0, wife d}lDg of co nsumption nJ tl tO ufle )f b~9 l 80 1ling Flnrue R ~louldlll"8 M,rror .. lJltitJ' " tllnn ,,11 ot her m~dlC1 nct.· \\111 c llre ,IlV CI\;-I C Olhcc IOh N b Il Ln/\ dcoth rc.ultilljr ~ellcrll lly from the most Dr LIDiSlleya Blood Searoher . h" ,," a ' Ch", mo. <Ie , '" Ihe """ ket" 'Our nolV Wh enth o hrlllU'K ,,," m ed th~ _n eT\ eR S t ree l Hn lt!"or, Mli P., e. r,lIc !,v""g" RupectfulIy, etc., In81glllllcn nt orlgtn At thl. MIIlIUII nf th e rel lored to honlth ' J F Brook., l'oln08 , e.LIIlosu Is no .. ",.dv anJ ~ ell Ir e s' ut 011 IIn Rt rung, th u rnll 80 le8 wo"k, ~ Hop Ult- I" 0 111111 80lJ loy .. II Or ll!:'.'. II "J ,uIIIII , y 1 ' ' O,tr, cspeo,. lIy, II cold 16 M uclt II OOlllll\on v llie . Ohio, s ay~ MJ Ron ""8 fllllle ir d ".tb "pplce nlinD B AY I!D"" GOLD TEIN, to .. ' " staTes Rrfereoce-Ho,", ' d Dnll k , nnltl I ' :f!(?1..;:;,lX • \ B. It. I. F. B. THURBER l 'hlng tbllt III the IIItrry of ever) <loy h!o Kcrorulv o{ Ihe woret form, Rnd pronounced 714 CI v.lund, 01"0 "Ih"t low n crvon. fovel', want of . Icc!" mllr.. ~ ~Y~ _ _~~"" C>----\I e IIrc 6J1t to overlook t he df\lI~or. nt Wnd IncurClbl6 hby SCI \e ,n l PfhY I ICIL"ns R,s li fe I~IAN()S lind wellkne•• c. lI . for Hop Dltler.' A ca •• 0' !l.<, II, • I , I " " .n~ 0 bniah, cloth • • IIIIt It nnd ofton nnd loo h.le thut" Fevor \\'ftS 8m1 ed y I '0 use 0 Or Ind8ey 8 Blood J n •• U•••• CUrti .... PDI. H"II,,' .. _ Naw You. or Lung tronblc blls alroRdy oat In Thc" o. Searcher A Tumor growfIlg on my hend 1"....... !!I ......... "...... I ~ ••, " r \I ~~~~~~~~~~~!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!~!"!!!!!!!!!! and8 108o thelrhvcs lnthl... "y oyorywln "no cu,.d by 'be URO of 0, E lich find 1111 st il e. Ineludll1 9 GraDd Foraul o hyJ S A N D ' ~'l~N ~ ler, wbtle bod B08cbee'. German S, rup J.lHd se,'. 1II00d .,.archor S arlor ISquare and Upright, all . lncLi. first ' ' I "" "e tc. , ~ boon taken. f\ curo 'Would hRve Plttehurgh ' olasa Fold III the 10WI s f. net oash whole J u'" P 1\ 1I .. h " 11 111 Cl son ici l Eli I ~~ '111 1 ' I .. ' , h) t. \ \ I c'\trythat rtl ~r,. l00klDr: f'tolltlltUha " lind a l.r~o bill from a dootor boon nvolded Boll. Pimple! on fuce , SIIlt Hhc um, Old aale factoTY prices deTeut I" lhe P UKr flA R ' 0101" I • ,. u ". ".lIl" " < ' \f a. . , , ' I l\ he )OU CO" ",ulte II look JUU .....n .... t Uncl' t. h now Vl.1 '~ i b Bol' ,,11 d eea8e' of tho ThroAt t'nd Lun ;rs, S ores. and al1 OutKneOU8 Erupt.lons d UJnp En 11 Icse p la oos lilad c Oile 0 f tie A. • - .. Iur.: 0''' ... IIUaur., IN .. tI 1 _ ,. ,. " 1Io8ebeo'. German 8;rrllp bna proven It.olf poar ,Ik" !llng.o "hen the Blood SMrohcr Is .I"plll)",,' Ihe Centonnl.1 ~;.I"bIlIOIl nnd A ()BIITA IN CIJHB n' .lndl",I' ".~ of ".mh",' " , ..., •• , _ I13ROWN 'S F:a~No.,C_II DRESlJING. to be tlte greatest lhsooveryof Its klHd ,n u sed SOl that our nl\me I. on Lbo bOLtom ' wP" , lIuflnlmousl) recommendr d for lhe li e'. or ~ I u, nu" "rl, , I ' " II" u,1 I Y "' , If , I .• medlolne Eyory Drulrlf\&t In thl. oountry 01 Ibe wrupper For 91110 II) All )}ru gg'1. 18 1lI 0 USOT 1I 0'085-o,or 12 tll/lIlH uso Reg. I 11 ' 0 1111011111'" I I' '"' CO 11 < 1'''I IlIIC'' " ) 1\1 '''''' ,' "' "" -) . ..... ,...DROWN'S wll1tcllYOlloflts 'Wond-orfuleffeot Over R E SELLF.RS,t.CU ulRrly tm:orpl1t"lltcti MnJl ultlcturmg 0 0 'N r r\iIU"]) 1111 \ IIUII)ml'o ltlll tl llt Mt.() \J III ~ 11 1 1 ,"(,, 1 l uIl Jtlolltlurt.a .... 'u4 IJ\ndt1,.m" et thaChlldren @ bOO~IOOkfJOm.t.r "nd 050000b I ldl ib l'rop r!l,Pl tt~ bll r h Pn tndor\: ('8I nl,la ~hld. IJ\Cr i6 yc ar~ Ih o nit A U PHAM 'S ril gtJJ.!llIirl,lI , C o n ,j IJlll p t lOll t- pIlCIJP) 1\ 1111 ~ 'IILIL y' 1 .lI lh .. ·... ht>II ' .... If' I_ hdl. ;lh!'lbln \\ b nuu"'ftrJ .,.tpu' J ~/' CM Dboi;tv ou , ott 08 00 Illt yoor w tout .. 8 m· tror 1010 by J SAND S W .y ne:viIJo S quare GTllnd. <u lllni li. \Inlh" . hok" " " ", VEGE7 ABLE ELECTUARY ~ u. \I.n ' d ' " I I h) . ,e ,J I," ' }" C'lv h ' ~: e, til " II CII . ... " 'bo . . . . . . . . . , •• ' ... Ae.... ' c ",)" , I ta ' T o f eh ••• Dre,"lnn .. hI h YOU e " 11'10 failure' known plll cn tDl\p lo< O'or' lrnn "Scn l, ' hog rML -Ih HOBIIiI I CI LI I I IIE I I \10 I t ~ fr'rl co 10 P ... , Ca l " • ""Oro 1l",lInoI Kulllb • • klrta ~::::;:=:;:::=====;:;;:= - -- - -- (lost unl' l oVem c lIt III thft III~t tl o f IAno mA \ 18 1\ CCIIIIU CUf. for (I I thor E xternal nlld In AUli o r I tile ( I ' ll B ok \:. ;, -. _ __ c . er Cako. • 1 d . . . ..,., Dellcale ••••ee_le. lUll ).! I h ~ U prlg hlH Arc the IN AM ~ h rnll l 11108 II ml flll AflootJons of the 1 ho \\odd It UU \\ nell \11 11 nt III tit S lid _j- - -~:: ~\.::t"L _ :C7lo-L~G... r~'~4!~ t ~f~lillU'lt' ~tti)~! t111~I~e~~~~;~~~!r,&I ~:i;~ TnosB langnid tiresome sensa· 1"0"0.'0111 on , .. nl \)Ollt fill t Bowols j lll"" "IC I, ellil e , \. ,,,11 IrO,.· f ru m hiS "~J o "'hll.b,,' I1UI ARlfY&N 1I VYBLACKl loil,n,!/ tion8, cRsuingyon to feel scarcely Oompnr L SIII.tnnlml. l "ntt ro, IIIII .tr~"d alld 1l0! Crt lltcyO t:: IILno l \tho. been pTosc nlocd In Eyory .·orm of o~" e' l" r .. " olha t Ih e nll lul r l II-C ,11 011 Ecnn(lmi ,:ulund ell ll l l , 1010;0 (' 0(4 Do 0" mnllrtlfre(' I LI Vc r COI11 Pllunt. "I,ll p ur(cot.suCCC88, Ilnd cesI,r li t \ ! 1I" m ll \ 11 lloil unt1v l In U I'll LH '\ able to staud on your feet; that ft anngod vuualllord to I' MEI'IDl£~''''''IiIOI'N PI"IIIO (;0. Ire II " ' cd ltv hUlld red. "llh the e~ mo ro ,cd with. U( '"0,1 , ' " ' lilli , "I" III .1 "'g' ~ ,n t be mov bu on tn c'L".llout'nl' 'n that 1'8 taklO~ frOnl work .. 011 nlld ~' 0 full .... 1'.... lS," II_.,,~ 1'1 V, SIIII. In 018p epSU\ nnd ludlvcsLlon II ro ou •• ar~l cn l " I erl l,on R IIl'" _'" ,nstrlll'" ne . \I\ "~ "" tbo 1./(11 • • , I ,II.." .... <1 ·'<ill .., D " " lUI' Ltt t a l tbe Pall .. ~E I) O~ ,tJ l.J~u "ISiB constant drol Ile En..... ~ "ower 0Ifume d mo\ cs 8 i1IOU8 Accumu)Rtioll ~ . 0,\ h 'C3IH' ", M rlll gi' J or \:ouhnls pO IlIt.I II~ out 1\ mu,il! of II your 8y8 t em a hoa or mer e as ICI In" nnd 101 'e. complete. ~ Perfume tho Breath anti ",nm dhCll s.s n~"Jng fTom Impurlt lC~ curo nl Oll eo "c rt till owl e!tectu lli I" wh,ch ty; dnvlOg the bloom from YOllr Itle hiding Oove",o, pump , d II' I b 'or the JIIood oY er y.,,1I0'.' II U ullltt. r "h nt I" . CII "U llI O" cheeks; that contlDnal etram npoll clo, (onclhoxlll(() at Ibe f i . ' (~,a h°'b . OJ ..: iodh cold liv fill nruggle18 nt $1 per lroLllc , or mlly b • 1Il 1l ) CIllO IlI m. ell che ,pI ) 1"" ntol, ~ tI d' prleeof ; I~ , "'.,.~ O.ell>" forwaedcd l}\ moU"b enSlI5Is90nLlOthoBnelrlld,eCllh your Vital lorcee, ren crang you Jr. 6 $215 ~ I, 1" 1111 to nnd, ~II~· d Proprietor A UI'HAJI, }r.D, rltlS Lec Luro ",II prOle II boon to ritable and fretfnl, can eUlly be rc· 4~ ~45 ' r. ,~~';'\.:r \01~o. No 3n EI\~ t 11b S( I No!, York thou, "nd. a nd thollRund _ moved by the uau of that mnfvelol18 6J1!" " 3t5 u Ol el .hou'" ellt, IIndor .onl In n plelill Oil ' 01 1)10 In to I I JA~IE S LEFFEL & CO, I I , ""n ncl~lo n D~o an)II'hlr ..... . onrocol pt ore'i ce llt8,ortll0 nllne d y. Hop BIt fB. rregn arl' 7143m ) S In fi Id Obi t o ,' er lianers ,IInlybc -,&,,1;1 p081ago s\nmps ties and obetrnctlOllsofyonr syetem ~ I,r g e . 0 I" c; . e .., N Y. RATCHELOR S OELEllTtA1'EDllAIR Alldrcs" th o I'lIbli.he.. , are relieved at once, wIllIe the 111)1I.4ND II !>YE, bculn tho world Tho II\!.ntor b~8 The Culverwell Medu:al Co , special cause of peflodlca~llIn are uscd tbls splend,d hair dye (or rony years" AII .. St. New Werk p, O. Rex ,U1!I6, ]1(\ut. FIRS T PIlEMIUM uEDALS .. Ith bencll' 10 tho hair, bnd noilijprr 10 h, . ~U'""=IA:;tG~ UT permanent I y ~move d• I II Y O l l . . . health, proof Ihot It Is th. onl1 <rue alld ..." "'= heed tbis1 ~ee "Truths." A\lARD l »1 porfect djo,lrnrmlas. , rolla!)lo aDd Instan. VIOLIN STRu/GS, ' lan"ous No dls"PpoJlllmcoh . DO rldleulnUI .~~'fI'I'.·!~:': '·r:r::I~',',~ '-::~,~= Morc agreoRbra 10 the tasle. aDd .maller • • -, \lnU, rUn\ed,08 tbuelTccts ofbi4 I d\c.:T.:H~l~').\IIL1! \r.:~fI'"J.ifl .. OUR dally papers and western For lale In GoverJl Olcnt Stamped Boltl"s atleave the hlr ~of' and beau\lful, Or ... , , N,w \ ,,~. '''r "'"'~.'ri''' ,hoi. nUlIl come In at 6,26J10\V, JIlstead Drugs ll lS' and OountT, ~H() re8 lI.od by b"'wn Sold ,.nd nrC)pe~ly apGllo!d a\ BAT " :r:':';~'::'/!~ly' ..i:\\':"~':'-"~~';:I::~,t T 8" •• ITSBAND... IV '~110 f U lhjl_lLbut. \lrll~ '"'''' ,",ul.. rt.. f 9 50 ' •~ ,., ELOn's "'g (lIoWry No I ad l'J~reet. .... •• I1 .... p ' IJ/lO r'" "'.... hl.c;. Q , ru 601 Pblbdcll,li,a :;~,., Yorl; I 1OH-l: ~"~oT~;-W~.~{~\:, :~e",~", AprlllUtLb, publl , he,1 bf 'bn Ameroon 1.CRICBARD8tll:Co ChicagoDL Book Eschftngc, No,,, ' (Ilk Tllo price. I ljuu.tuuuo, ' , JIOCIt flQld, III cloth \\ .11 he !>O o,nt' , 06 en GnIn EI ....tmo. Bteam Eallfn.. Clam Bb.ll.- L. "~pe r ,J5 OO UII "I. 1\ " 0, k \\ b, uh .1I Ml U -~ " ,ll ntl ofro1t'ICl1 1 Mlid flOC''' ) tUr,lel1 11 m) all - - - -<n lij;h.enelllltl.en. "ill I 0 ~ li d !O r ... ,1 " PICH IJ I,.~S .J En EL • _ _ Itill 11t h IlI H1IfJuunfcwit.h ou, ILyoUClll1
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8 PERFECT ANDCoMPLETE 8 8 8 8 Ntm G~ 0In1l 8
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"AY~ II~". L •• ti, :.t nt.i utl I "h idl h o lit \VOYUOdV'Uo wltl. u r.II'1 of Fl o" cu )U !it. IiIM MOOn 88 th e wOnlhe r ~~~~~---1\.11 ""rmlt., IItld cl urlll S tbe . eMa Il ... III JUlES \V g.vo tlto Ir"d~ In Ih ,. 1'1 110 ru) ",' rAAn ,II lit I<nt"'" E no NElt
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- A 8.ll"L GU"'""'u "I[! I" "VEILT VUJ '011 Jt ,. l,nnll l. Fe ' 0 Ih c moe' ddlcute rI" I,1 -It hf noL p'fl'n erall,. A..L \,l J.u.... ." D U l . l t CO ULl\ln no opiu m In nllv form know" tb.1 th e I.te John Slu .. t Mill 1";r. A ~IITO\vN g"' /Jlrr eflo ll s nce, mpan ' e ,ch 10t,Ii hapa tb e ab1 8~ "f III0dl rn II rllo r 011 I'01lIlc _ wbaclhcy ... y 01 lI,em. I t , •• old hy wed,ulile dealers g" lIe r dh .t nod 1.1 &o'eucr c ~ nll".ncfd III the ~ .....' Coo.,I'.II. ' owa :II"",n l 8T7 71 ' 4--.. mm IOllr I h9 1\ hook on u"lil", .. bet h If It On y4-boroe po .... r DAILY WlTII 011l! J 20 W nlellllILL. Sl'OWIC _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. bad heclI co mpleted \lould pTDh .. Lly ho>e i ClIyGl1IlD mo •• tor Onton 0 Dec 1f '119 G d.... h I, •• " r""oonl . ed nl Ibe g rent.. t o f hi. wor k. 2G-1lIC111111J. DUn" oiiB t rc;;r mlll eorge on ",art a Wa&hlngton, Manu .c rept cho p ler. ( I the tn complet work on e lbeT wh .... ml!ftlur feeel J DURS1, I'rop 1 N haye re •• nth l;rQugh l 10 II/lhl ~-::'V':.o~ ~~fJ'o; ~i~~B 1t~~I~ ' I are 80 n I\rl1 COml'l~1O In Iho.".!.e" nlld tncb oeOIlO U.. runfeor yea.. Very s.u. Douglall, General Sherman, Gn.nt, I/).bly t o d " cu, o !,Ue LiDn. now fII 0, L Cact0'1 IlUWARnS&OO II E, •• I!E.,.'In~ti"'AII, prornl nollt In tho pu blcc tbouAh" Ih ,I a Lo" Ch. mp,,12n III Ma",b olb IIIiU. .. "VK".,I'I don Rey .e w, and IIleo T ho L,br"" l\f n,:n 1. IDc PIlOIlvam:t:J I'D HOUR ON A sa. INOH 1lILT. AB fo r F, rhe n C, III ' "c "III se ell l I" m,"1 01 N ew \ c rk Are pu bllsb lng 'h em The " Idlllll.r t.ilk. A' F IJ SAOKK'n, PO , I fl"" 1 u I co"tI fll I 011 Purtrll " erf eiliaer uOIALrlall
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IlrcllnDOuocedtonpp('n rlo book fu rm ou
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,\ " ocl Ag III \ , I (, , , .J 1>1 " '" ltc r BURR STONE - fOR " - C ONSrrmFT~ON - --- - _ .....
l'ubll&h"I'8, N e. York IIOld b l d ,em dlno.
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\ ,,,II',"n[ ,,,,,1 "lin .1,CI1II" the fU" . t ou l " 1 r I I r II ) 'tU r\ f foJ il lI l llbl , ,. lyle lI u gut" In t l, .. 11 III t" 1 1.: I.In tl d uru \uht\ lh ~ Uc t't
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ConlultaU on f,,, "nd uU~ lt,d 1\1 nnr OmCt or by mall " hl ut{ f ull de.t rl p tl un ot y o ur cut
""'4 pubUe
-IInU"OG rES & WAGONS, lIouse
4lnitalw'lI tln et .puriJ,JUMartlclH
(afo rlllit til "': Cli lO l n llU rfll
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The remed lel Ant I PM hr mall POllt paid on rt tell" of pr!('e except tb e Salt which I. Ie O\ by t&pr u .a l ~urc llaler • UpCI1U
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amt' l411 II cenl. 1 uHI pilld j ~ crl ll nl} Il IIIAr\ " I 'O f ch o ' IlliG"'!! nlill fl li otl l..J . @l l 1,11 h I fll\ tll\ ' lthlo re put Atl o ll fur thu pn lt hsh r8 if II CUll Ilulmnke th«!lr furtlllH Allt' rHly li lt, r .. port , ~ . I c IIf l1e,,, 11 110 0(111 10luIII II I uu,:ht 10 I, III t 'try hhrll r\ RtHJ I o n t; lu t il l I IUII..J JI c lmen pltge tl II 1H1 fll lllJtu Lic uhll!O u tAl ' n r' ou~ Mlyt !: '" of 11111dl1lg le rlHI" to ~ clu 1." . etc witt bu l'o eil! f re o un n 11.11 !U. lJ\ t he fluh'l sI .. ' he Amerlcall Book I, I ' hnllgc [or; Ucck111 rtn l' l ll tt Nt'w' o r k 1111 I 'Wor k I ~ fl uid olliv t el 3 Ul ~c rlbp. rJ. dlr~ct AUI! tilt I'rt-tl8 l1t \\ ollll crl'1u l , low r Hl .. Bl l un .d u uly to ['Qr h pure ) Rf cr \ olum, l' o r t h l \\I ,rl enu Ie .. . n Ilt tiar I onicc o f th is l-Hlp t u nd thoile • •w tl l .iI 0 JIl l ) ttdd the ir Jlllmc ~ Lo r\ cl ub Boon to I.
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OT{ LOl". ' " It LIT t' IlATURIC - A I llIIt uft ll o celcllralcd Authurs whose IiV l! 8 nnd wrllmS's lH~ r, prtHJtHl t c d h i volume. of th l! " \\ AI,; l4kcdltlull o f CII",~uRn .. ~ l l clo rr.u,,, ur E . . , LIS', L ITE I ATIItE JUSt. leecHed I" car ta inly \cry n LlrA ct nc tu um i H t !iiUI1 of fille ht.lftLr\' tl\ ~ L4. I u X I llill B IIX lol, Btlll\ HI I lckl No"lOI1 llro w l1 l li ll ie \\ nlt.JII Dr) ,le n I.Ulplc b ' elln I' J " H'lll e, All I 11i101l, S ,. ift l'Opt Ittllll ''I \ I111I (! r ~ Iell e
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r'b, .. rttndlee whl cb Ire th' tol e eapontlnll
_ t,~.rnI:.~(;U~:v!>te~~:;.~~!~t1I.:rl'.' ~htt:~!:~ '~~~
and Foot Plasters I e ,,, I ANI} X tM ~O,"l -PI AbsorptIon Salt I t\,~" e I 'I E ()Il. t 0,1 U ;I I II Medioated Foot Ba.ths, I N~ '~;::1< •
' M
MONUMENT.). - -- \ 1,, ) ~ l-! u l
n iH
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'fhT< ugl' tbo r"" hn o of li ght 18 "'Hldc rul lf H .. I'p, r fur U,on h er" 1J I" " {flon ' " ' he hu ; 11 f IlildJlIKlit, H omer bend s nhnvo m y "h t'l' Wld'pe rnlK " "rdo of lo, e uod • • "'fort OluJlng ,r I fUIIl ,,,mId w c~p W oll I kn o" , Ill y htUo d nrllllg W owhln g \\ .,tmg or there Gludly tioe. me pl ntld tn ll upwurd, Sl ep by 8tep, tho golclen .to ..
Moth r kIIow ... hur Iolll e dllrlll1lf
ou ,Jnn.rJh, o r ILlI 4&.llJl'l~!Jo POIIQU.
I ell . I,IIU
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I UYER AND ACUl PID ~~::~ iiiliii.liiii•••ii•••••• .
d ut e tli C' H'old oll V1 810ru. P' ulul ed r r lho 111m I ~ ,y Glme I ho drCII,"o uf 1I 0b h mllll h, od LUV CtH 'f lUll dlOlllll 1ll of fulu r o JUY Slr.II~1 tI ut fU' e . 1"", ld \\u krn !!Iu . ' e UII th (roj(,1 cor<1o !lf hr trIo"'tCP the tilri nl!tt" Ith cl'r~ h~ lIji1 fill J.(t r l4 1, 11 th o wn.I ~ 1 uorrlo mu.t part ' 8 lrnllllll tllnt IUII(',.t hupeB lOU 8t I' tlt-ll1 mlloloel I,y .1'0 11,,11 uf r.. le I I r uillic ttl,, \. fnud c .. t dre",uM 1I111 "t Vlll ll bh {1 I u l sullltJ " c ur t .. Kr..lw u t!~u lu.h '
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ouseh0 I-d
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U II I 'Jul 'k pul8ut! on ",' rL n' llre will phl •• r l Jl 11,,,1 UO,.II ,I", wlndwl!' .!.al r , Brllflil."t C. nu more 19,11 bo peep 1 rom belli th ... h IOnNl el, ,tr
F reo (rllnt cnr t.h ly pun Rnd
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th e 1It1lu <lIoket Ouz d ul,on tho lilly f r," ' or tlt~ f1 ow'rut rusllf.>d ulI,l L kllll, l<;rc Iho 11IIMlnif Ilf til au ,rn LIl~lu \\1" ~ 1I1 1lIUd~ \\6r (old d. .-: ow uo tII tu II
' .·"N-UA:>4UI,t-; .'OU'.'!3"
I r .tood beto,d
dll v . tlaom e mnlou , elu,,," " '"''' MUll "011 ell hcy,. 11 11 J.p r1 ~ 'Rlll ert B F C I> "w\i UTO In '''' rk lor II" N /w ,. ct~ een ourth '\H,Ill'lfth I " - - -)n(___ t I t,! Limo Co til outfit "ml '" rrn s Ir\ c All I ttf- A Cur of Oood Colt e liot! Two Nl eo • reo. lllUH A 0 , \U~ u.11I '1,,,"
AuthAI<S <LO.J n"'mposer
""" l,,,,
of l"'"
Sick He ad ache.
r .
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'1v.!:.A. D.A.
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Bookwalfer E.gla8
Ilid. _ _ ______ I
1,:l O\ S
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lhtw I h . . .,till " I' :'Ito
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USTANG Surv;v~ll of the FIttest I \11 IT \ I nlll~ I TIl \T I \ II l
n" IILU I\lI
\I:\r.S I
IT Ie enelt'r Cor R clIIot'1 10 through the eye oC It needle than for a young "'OOl/1D ID n Cur hoc.!
Wl£EN a woman ge ts 00 th e shod y ,,,1(' o( forty there arc ~I\O thlllga o{ ,!lllch ~heI 6 po 8111vol)
Easler Carols '
Til E new bonllets have Croll n9 lake n boiler ~nd, nnd wings like" C,,' tI'l III
WMhlnst""o,..n-=~~~ 1M .aarketa.
cerlalll ThRL ~ ll e knnw8
more thun all til doctor~ In hrr stcn .lorn 8n I thn Ir It wnen t for her grt) haln people waul I" t lake he r to be u\ or Lhllty I ,H~ s M il&! go 1\18 It'll o( l nla I who rc('ently got , Ullorce fro II one womao auol mBrrl c l1 nnotb('r hut R IIOW hVlng with botl femnlc th first WIC(' actlOS ns housckeepe r willIe the seeo n I 611 pport8 t be Ino bJ " f rJon g I . hoo fill or A lAS III U fo t ' ll killed I11 R IIlf~ rc rt'n tly hec8uec she kne\\ mure tb In he ,hd Hall t.he bu buuds III th e c IIntn were to (0110" Ih e xnm pl<' n ' 0 \l llm~n o ut of 0\ cry ten \\ ould d e rn~h e th I ad mit the lIbl'('nc() or tlo<, nl l<,god I rOI D eotion
"Ten" ,. ~
sol: " n l lu Ih F'~E~r.!Ii T.Ut;
on ,
on" an . ..... Uf'e ,..
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If r n
1\ 11\ [1';:
Tremont Street, opposite WallhamStreet I BOSTON MASS l
AQUEER dre8" sayH I P/1r19 letter rc presen ted nn 0\\ I Ilnd W 1\8 " rn by n foreign duche811 '1 he d r e~ri In the oarkest shade of blue I!Iltl IInM trllll merl wltb "ray'sh fawn colured fcut l CI S the hue oCtl e nr ght b r I J h front( f tbe drcA! " ns CO 'NO I '10 fringes In feathere The he Id 01 fl ll J\\ I " tb d I mond eyCl' sbon e In tl e U Iddle {( tl c Indy 8 cbest 1I11 I III o ~h e r r" 1 ml!oteti h e r bILlr A 00 1' r E:II P{J RA I I I rccnle. the <II' "IllY of Jew.. l. Ollt uf d )Orb nlld SA, . women wbo bilK 11'11 tbousand lol lllr" worth o( dlam(>n Is _t" leo III tbe "t r e ~ t delervce ve ry little 8) " nnlhv Ed Lo rs should C8utlll11 tb err Wives agn lOst th 8 'oolllh pr.ctlce 11 our wI(e WearH te u tboullllnd dollars worlh oC <lIalllo nd s 10 the street and lo<os them dbe will hll' e to worry Illong wltbout dlamond8 the remalndt'r of her I ftl -NQrmlown IkrtJld A MEDICAl Journal nd, 18e8 11Krefldcr~ not t{) ,.ell when fr ghtcned I\J! It only Increallt'8 terror keep control of vour lieU and do IIOmethmg til calm \ OU I oervee ' That 8 the doctrin e 1£ ~ ou find the hOl1!1e I~ on fi rp don t Juml up aDd )'ell loud enough to Iml g nil Ule .i".!;.:....!:::.,.........; -'-_~~"'mpaniOll from the nelllhbOrJDg IoWDB to the spot hilt Just 81t down II
'alre up II lut year 8 almanac a od read It calmly througb By the time you
you Will perceive there u no ~t;1 lor yeUJng, 88 the fire will ,,\bel' have ~ne out or burnet! the ~ down --INrrid jt,
~OT"I~ll .hou ld on nny account be IIet out in sp rrng until the ground bas be
to De KO d ry thllt It Will cr u8h under the h ~e l when trodden on BeSides Ibl8 all dnnger «( n rcturn or frosty weather -huuld cer loln ly be 01en before much In
tbe \I lly <If plnnt np; be nttempted E, en though II c grou nd be lolcra hly dry alld WBrm nnd III gelleral good condition \\ be n the seeds or plants are put Ol1t, thl') arc not 0lway8 thefint to bear ove r 11111' sown later .A child often lItop s growth for IlOwe lime wblle one whle!. from the first haa notblDg!Ai lni.erferc wltb It goe8 nght 011 to frUiti on with 011 t
wnlh at tl e rllte o( f( l1 r feet per second tbe ordlllar) ~I>ec d of 1I good trottlOg he ree 18 twel~e feet pe r 8~cond of a relDd~er 011 Ice twenty 81X uf an A rab hone (orty four of n A
bare, eJghty-elght und of th e Wind eight) tw.:o:.:-_ _ _ _ _ __
HEJlOli child
Bt\ldylOg 10 II convent 10 EUl'\lpe
CORED FR££C to r 1 11 Ie .ncl :lCfU,.d ron for PI
lI"nl,. ~~~T'~.·rtr~r J.
lu, JDe! bl. 1 oil
or ...'lInsNlell.".. .
a Dd . , , - . . . A Fre e Butllf" of , I'f'
' 0" f' 1 1Ipt.'C'lno It t " vdl ..II. TNn 11Hl1lrl1 t l oa 1- trcrllrlCull l EsPretl t.dllrell
181 Pearl ". 1I... T ....
Ate flut I lilt nR C"l tl In abe IlIel, tast c lOTI Tbe,,..111 not lade L)' I Jd .,r w If In~ Tt 0 an i, (;cmtnunlal ~.l(! 11\1 tot P ink. "AI Klve p t o tbelll'! Arter tblrty pari t UIl II or nro n lwlUot' to 110 th. BEST PINK MAVE It 1 ".nt nONr.~T anon" N.lnombor Ihl.and nry TII:.:K~~::: I ,--_ _
TYPE MBA-SVRS t or mo.!! 1,10, ad,.." tl.errU!lDt. oon"fen lenl f or PrlDten and Ad,erU.."
Son, to aDF .dd,." b, ",.11
Muauretl "" ,Ie" I \Onll .......
e P ••o,,~.
Cl O Jle. 'Y. ."
9 o n
AN D Y01 r'fE XIX --NU MBE R 4~
----------~----~~~==~~~~~~--~== I J 4 111SU AT fOll1TIN U
DA Y. APR IL W. 1879.
==~======~~S====~~~~ -7 - --~-=-~-==~
=-~=========-===~~========= -~~-~ lhterto n th e NllturDII~l 3hr
11.1\ • M "8'
The)' Hnp'ered .~ U e ,,"aroeD gata-
The squIre lived In a room nt tho lol' o f III ~ hou ~e "llch ha I ne Ither bed nur c rr.t ho Klrpt on th e II.M 1111 blKl kcl "It I no ollk log for I pIlI!" H e nr<l!<C at thrt e alld wa ~ clr III KhsHn 0 III In hIMI r 'lit e chapel by fuur aL h .. be h (clllt'lly I lIlrn Rnd " I"nl- I ) lind I". nc CO lllllij 1111 ell;ht .. hen brellkfRs t I« n e,) 011 lh e stroke of tho tn r co ~e "ock nllco th~ property of i;1r rh omll~ More 000 of hIS f:tmllu8 RIlCCIllry among whom wero 1lI!\O 110 le@8 thM .Ix 8A lnt' of th e Romnn athollc cole nd nr Fro m th at limo lIlI dinner be WM bls blrdll
~(LE ~~\I
fbe n DO D Wall (111 aboT" B e took 1 ,. r darllnw bAll l In hll n III trcmblt1. Httlo clo.e
AD I llrt'tlil rd U 10 ht,. farYeI , Up'
Au t ,&;o W), told 11,10v,
AM t I "r waf'" be.)
ACed hi, Tl tt ull d ber ,I hi ' own U ~ l" ut 1 II! . . Itt t I"fU beat Y r h r and her &Ja nel • And I e 'lid t..ppl~r tba.a a Dq rna «oldrn tbrano o,m(' ",.al rome woo ~ in &rd.., . . . .
I! ~~ {it '~~OUiltJt~ ';:,
"" I wUl oonlit .. t ht Mopo'<lli l!! f (ln earll .. blUteartb ot 1ne. Away J awaar (Nm lU6l"
1I0ll IT "AS I'L\\EO " AI FS ~ :oil' "HIllS . L 01 E:-; A ~ ollce:-;I ~ I y Ey,
\\Q& })IckenM Klckfd In Lonlnlll e1
the II lin 0 o f what. wns Mlllnes, la A "\" I~ fortunate \I ho nose Will ne eo n mod . to .. bl':: co ld lII n~ I I IDe J:S \I A Y COliS d en Di~ rn e ll Ih{ g e"l, ot J~" sIn ce Mo.cs ru t; allnunl prn Ju ct of cOlli frulll the f'~ 1II 1.) II L1L1 n mlnc B I ~ IRlu d til fifty mdlollo , f lolllrtl A Sr LOll S undertn ker ndvertlll1'6 thnt he hna Lhe n ust COOlfortl lble hen rEll III tl c Ct ulIlry "I IIl ICA1'i \\ n rn Is tllc name of a r lor.d \I ( mnn III h llntll cky nml AfTlca HI" k 18 the \1111110 uf II woman 111 OhIO Ih r. " the drnmntl 8t @a y~ (hut the b . l ,ay tu ml1ke lin Itrwy fiy IS (0 b rea Ie Il~ WII1J!K Yo Il Inl' 1M th e on ly I'lace for 0 Dar kIn loolt~ b~nsLly tucked under tho ch1ll W OOUF.S polite have been urought to pre lllature deCilY by palntmg th~m be-
t,\ ..11 • 0 U~, ,Iol Uld Malor Throckm orton heper of lh e G IIt-houKe In Lou lij \llle 18 dead 1:10 WIUI II good old mnn an(1 KClltuek l tu the bone Whcn Dlckell8 Cl\me to hId house In 1 46 the :orInJor grl\cefu lly Rml hospI tably I\dllreK!lClt hIm thus willi e the assembl ed c rOlvd Inoked ou alld h . tened WIth odmlrat loo tlilln to cnthu.1 asID Mr DicKen8 we ar glnd to "cleomn you W e Irnow you onr! tlcl mIre you alld WI ll reckon It a I'rlvlleg c to be allowed to ex tell.! to you the h o~ pltahlleR of the metro1Xllrsof Kentucl ry As your especIal hOAt, 1 beg that Y0U "III comman d me fo r IInv 6CTV lce III m':~Y:.~f~,o~r~e:~t~Ii~C~lr;.;m;o~l~tu~r~e~h;ll;dge ;v~a~po~rl~u.;te~dn,[YI'!r:-_-:::::?'":!'~~ -1!Jtl!er to rellct~r" Mr DIQ\e*h~ crlve Uir8 WI b" a TIff 8 rt' cn aod I Deed you lnndlord he saId polntlDg t o hI II the man who It to Lh a d oor I WIll ring Tho lIext ADA'. alld Eve " e re drl\cD out (If the moment the dlMtlDgul~bcd Rlltbor was Gnrden of Eden for IUlif wily outoE tho 'II' IOdow tho Malor K vet every sugar plunl r wHllg al II , and r rlII S.K CRne boo1.8 under hlB coot-tall , Rnd lIUmer01l8 rlay \ll ~ pIn no ~ cn ll ed exccII\1up Rnel I< c ntuckllln~ holthng the ~laJor e COIlt- IL 18 thM eort of lexecuti on wbl ch klll~ t:1I 1 for the Major viewed IIIsul1.8 lrom a stri ctly Kentuck v pOInt of \ lew uwny 1\ hue p, ece o[ mUSIC nod th e only mentIon of .hls In cl!lcnt I ARM E!lS 111 Eastcrn p.lln"yl l nlll III the AmerlCJIO Notes' Id thllt DI~k hav e s tocked t rout p' lIds find they IHe eM saw a pIg roostlllg 10 tho st reets of becoDlIug 11K cum mon ~ ~ nr cl nrd ~ LOUIsvIlle wbleh proves thn.t the !!rMt 'fUE Chll n i\lIIIO 10 H Inc lck Me novcllst s IIro more carefUl nhout tll elr o per Iled by n OH tulI p"rtlrK hllH been fi etlOlI tbau their fncts SUlik ~I xty five feel aud pure gold 18 found Uoplelll! 8ot Denlopn 180tl!. 1N" LOlluoll IS 11 ~oc e t~ t he member s of whIch IIgree lu Ude l h If 1I1tlu nco to rDe ro l. j.: rN I rtU J n.boh tth the (l r lctl ce o r " uraog Dl0urn A you ll g lady lD Sandusk y cnn prob ahly be L, t u( th e Inrge~t feet 10 Ibe 11I~1f1 e ll 1M the natll of tho S peaker o[ worlrl A IJctrl)lt gent loman, who" 06 1)1 C 10 tbatmty when tb e lady ll llllll ~slluTlleg ,"llIt In a sll ~.lore re nnl r .81'0 ,,~" e o f It OC\\ Iy e lec ted (hurch left 1111 ord er for I\ rlllr of 8hOO1', bruught IK tir e back \I chart 0 the ie Ol which WfiI! lie Icun • an OhIO t OlYlI lllkell to s~cllre proper Insts 'fhe young E\ EIIV 0110 should know thnt II. Indy I" se,cute. n yeRrs of age, 18 f mr prOIllI)t shock u[ rl Clt~ \\111 to ~I done hllH fcet hi gh and " SIghs ono .toro a porsoll to c1cct n<Ql!lllBn css "ho I ~ hu Id rr d II d len poullds There Id noth dYlIIg fr III the enects of chlorofo rm II1g rchl Lrknhl e llhout h er cltcept he r C JI' Cl~l>lAT' Stt/.mi.a l/lI hilS alll\~ fe. t 1111 Idca of the IInm e n ~ lty of whICh ucle III "ded II, cn n be obtalllcd by the foll ow lDg necu Th, best way IS t(l II to U"l' 1\ bpouge kIck III 1I out daors ratl' lI1CMlIrelne.nL,-J.enl~UI, _8e.lU!')fe h e soaks hllllSe1f hIli IIIch~~ KlZe "round the tlHmt) t ,," IT IS a s tran ge filet th t IlI cbeK IIrollnd tbo lII.te p cl!!htcen '1Il1 nre Hold YOIl get gOlllethl If your b'lot ~ \1~ r Ir It but If one h Iff IIIch e8 IIrounel the ball of the lh e y lUe only h df oled ''lU rollKt P\y foot lllllctee n lIIetres around the ~mRII for It rot part o f the all kle, .awen lind onc 'fUll S f OllIS R 1 bIll" " Uuuks half IUcheR Ib efpctllrellotu n ~y m m('t- 0 u..llrv mllFt IIl' e d I ou1110 rail rl cu l nnd tho only dl.comf ort the Indy trllmrlll ~ If h ~ cIC r ';(,Id B hl c~ IfI viII exper CI ce~ IS fr om th e muscula r CIcr ell go 1I01l requlled to cnrry them n.round 'lIlE C('leetlu h tire no L only dnlly 10 A Ueotle lioul. crc.!>" ~ In oumhers III BUrin III put IH O drl IIIg tile .uurwe;;, and Bc ngaleo She WILlI ono of those "OOleIL you artll\lll1 ~ Ollt o[ the murk f I couldn t (lun.rrel With S he Wilt tll.t fllF.1 J! of IL Grlltl l he r Grnybea rd ' Bgrecllbl e thnt ber old mnn got tiled ot It alld tried to hove a row for a chauge (whl e I " HI'CC IPH of sp Id er) retmus Its I:lo 0110 Dlght he let out atroug langu igo vlt... ht} o nA or two dllY~ after bClUg 1!CV lind hIt her nn tbe head with the nro ereel f rolIl th o bod~ 1'1 IS )U t as eMY lo r II. cl\lld to fall 1T0n" Bhe Imlled too\ hIm by the hand 10 an ntr~ctlonato manner. and led lOtO a tuh o f cold woter a8 IIllo a tub ot hIm down staus IIn(l Inw the 6treet hot" liter nnd) et " n nover read of a Ilnd kUll!ed hIm aodJtan dcd hIm over to chIld 8 fal llD g mto !L tub of cold 'fIater T 1: n !e or tl ~ .. C2 IC1'l r\,.cr a pohcem an And 8he went dowu to t: d" \ 'u r".t ra,. ~C3 the court the next murnlng Rud got 111m T cor" 10 .. Tft l ~9 .. r AIX months In Bueh !L pretty agre6l\bl o ~ rhO" p'W lt d 0 b trc~ 'fl "I bow he , It\" 1,1, 'oroi ne way lhe reporte n (,,1\ qlllte In love .. tl: ~hl • pr rn PU nU l I ~ " nun her And when ebe WII6 gOIng aWIlY sb ~ 1'''' ~I\ r r \C II rinK fI r U(l \ ntl n ~ I )t11O wul form lennt o~er the dock and klM.ed hlOl nnd D Irut! Id' k at-fl r r 0 8111d Take care of your6C11 dear I C npexth ){ "y n "bC wlli 'have a DIce dlOner for "l'OU the dny , 1~ t:' "It wt ki!t 11 ~ fOil lJ llf boll U >0 HOll we you come out" Anq the last thlDg ho A U A nt FUL III' ;t g eaw lUI he wrnt down tbe 8tep9 WII8 1118 11011 of nil tho anllllble WIfe klMlng ber hand to hIm ('XPCrlU I ts Il' th It lIDO rc\t,n l. the f let thnt It tlLk ~8 fi fLY ceots worth of alld emlllng as Aweetly as ever Plln grc~ to kIll flfleclI cen ls worth TILl! Burling ton youog man who went of polnlo bug to LeadVIl le In Februar y to mllke IllS A T I eot h n plnear'l fortune returned home yesterda y even quenl ed 11111 aOIl( UII(P~ ID a much fre Ge lltlemen log hUlOg roMe It H e reports tbe lire rflJ 1I0&tcd lIot to fllttor the fehlllie wlllkmg from Lead ville to l'ueblo a~ .rrvnms (In the stlllr~ lit! IlIUOY (1I8he5 terrIble but froQl that poillt 011 as far hn vo th ~8 been broken East 88 LarDed It Improve d and from fur. firs t ohild born In tho new to\\ n Vuncd to O.llge Olty be got olong WIth compnrn llvely httle fatlguo nnd lIotblng of Audubu n, J ow~ wos presellte d hy to ('at from Ol\llge CIty to Atchlllo n tbe the Ohlcago , Rock 1 ~lllnd & Pacillo walking grew rapIdly worlle aDd bl8 Rn.t1rOad llompn.n y \\ Itit a t1l'ed of Olle fatlguo Increuc d out of 1111 proportI On of Ute fiOC8t ~8ldenccs 10 the towo to hl8 ratIOne, and from Hopkins IAl BUllIogton the walklog Willi 10 beastly that the occasion al !lfta he W88 able to beg or steal 00 frlllght trams didn't count for 8nythlo g He expreBl!es IlllUleU, 88 hIghly rleaaed WIth !.eodvU le, and Ihln\! 0 going hack,I\g&ID lillttDot Uti. century He excuied ' tbe 1'1 e of hia raiment by uylng that JlobOd)t )n Lead ,11Ie \\oro any more UtB!I 000 leg \.0 their pantalo ool.-Bu rlitlllloll Halll"~V6.
Agaulll lnd Ills IFlltller. A story 18 told of Aglll IT. the g rc~ t
naturali st .. bleil, we believe h III n~vcr yet lI P\ ~ared III I'nnt. HI8 fnther <1< 8 LIII('d 11m for 0 commer cIal hfe nod WRK ImpatIe nt nt hl8 devotIOn to Iro!!" snakes and fi shes Tho litte r cspcclll ll V were objects of the boy 811Uen 1Il1ll II 18 'RCnt IOIl8 Ire .peot 10 molting l e uTllon o n lOOt lhrough Europe rX1I1I IDln g hf ferent ! PCCI08 of fresh wlllte r fi.hes If vou can prove :.0 lIIe "" I h R fRther thnt )OU really kno" nnytll111g IIbout BCle nce 1 WIll IlOlIscnt tlr It YO ll 8hllll gHC Ul' the career tl fit I hlne p IInnct! f r vou "t oung Ag\1l!slz ID 1118 nfxt vOCJ\lIon belDg then ell;bt.cen HRlted En~lanei taking WILh hIm n le ttcr (I f IDlruflllctioll to Ir lwdenck Murch tl!(lD You ha~o been stlldYlng ntlture 8m.! the grent mlln bluotly Whnt have you lellrned ? The lad was tImId not sure lit that momont that hc had learncd nuvthlD g I thInk he IlRld at la-t 1 know n I ltle about fhhe~ Very we ll There 'linn be a moelln !! o f thc Roynl f'oclety to mllht I WIll tak e yOIl WIth me there' All of tbe great scientifi c 8avnna of England belonged to thI S SoCIety nUlt 0' enH.!! wben the buslDcl!II of the meet II ~ WIl8 o ~ e r !:llr RodE f1ck rollC l\IId en d I have a YOll ng f nend here from SIV tzerland who thinks ho know. 80lllethll lg about fi. hes how mu ch I propose to try There 18 und er tit s cloth II perfect skeleton o f a fi.h wh ch eX l8teti loo~ before mn.n He the n gnvl 111m tho precIse locllllty III whIch It had hee n fOUl d WIth one or two other fnet s concl.'ro lng It The "peclcst o "llIch the spOClmcn belonged W8" of course ('xllllct C III vou 8keteh for me 011 tht blnck board your Idel\ of tim fish T Kll id l::!1r llodeTlclr AgBt!81Z took up the chalk h eSItated a. moment , IlDd then I!\etcbed rapId Iv 11 skeleton fi 8b~I Sir Rodcr1clc held Up tile specIme n 'lhe portrait was correct In cne.ry bOlle alld hoe Tho grave old doctors blll'llt Into loud appJ.au811 • SIT ' AgaMIE Mid, on telhng the story .. that Will! the pfl)udre t mnmeut of my hfe-oo the happle& t, for I knew now, my father would conl!ent thllt 1 should giVIl my hre to lIC:!enoe " nnd ALL the French tionneta thUB fBJ' 1m porWd han strlngs.
'1 HE Eu" eror N \poleon lIT durmg h,. \ I<lt to ~ II gl Ind, cont.nve d to Will tl c " Iltll frl ellll. hlP o[ the Queen nnd Prince A Ihert. 'whIch, IU the case of the former h \~ been exwnde d to bls wIdow \ (18011 The )oung Lolli. Napoleo n, before del'nrtln !! for the Zulu war, called UI'OIl th o Queen to hlrl adlou lind, accord lOS to a l ondon pllpe r ehe re cetve(1 hlln WIth the !!reate.t co rdIAlity, thankin g hIm 10 a tremblin g VOIce for tho CJurage ous IIIterost he eVinced 10 hee arlllY nod coun try She seated hIm beSIde h Ar 011 a sofa du Ing the IOwr 'VIew alld liS h I) ros!! todepl\r t, she drew a rmg from heT hand 1I1Id placing It upon hlB fin gel, asked hun to I're erva ! t 1\8 II. 01 Irk of he r grntl tude Tbe young man ,,1\8 vlslblv atlected b\ tbe Queen 6 gift and words
, E xa.-II! t. AI r. Eril pal l . ,I 0 o . aPIUK DunlKw 1tT_, ( hl1reh, 11\ t "\l lI d,,), III ruiu". Ell ,Ohio. i th SI'O of Quuk~r parenta t r ))..1)' WII" . 'UR II ual. udc)'I'I't~d n"I'" t tt: f lt, : - - nrl' 11 101'(' n - Mr. T. T. the who, alth IIp;h thoy 'for , .!!!II~~~~~!!!~~~:;:~~ lIy Al'cl'illl 'n·it·... , IlUcl by tht) dl'c, I\lilli,. 1'1C!IIIIUlt d y hli jjut in 1111 oity 1111 :'lollou1. llti onilltAi .... d helped III UIIY a ByJIIg ''''I\~i II Ill' tit· r.hull '(,1 lI' itli 11 PI'''' upl'curnnclI t rt'llJind 111111 lit prill;! ' - lib ~J Iry in- SIRI' ovor tll ulIJergrollnd railwlIY ! to freedom. y t love [)Clce. 1'. IIlWlm I'll IS 1..\ ~l\UIW . ""ll n II I t1llll·\·I·S. U" ithcr side nl ll)' t OInk h 'r ndl' Ilt Iwl'l1 rl· l l·jlllluli th i Mr. 'I ------8UO ES80H8 TO~---~I\u. ..", Ihl'~ " d;~n I In .. uf lh ·htllle I j(Jll tl10 I II' I ' r· thl; RIlIllIlII!I' 1l10llths npPIlJIr. our l - Go nlld Oook on Butt rworth , r . • f 'arillg thnt his , ' Llu\!t ll:~,:! m. 11I1\hlll l ~t lllld " f hl uomin" Illallts i1lu ~ ' , 1'1'0 111 I\l CAU ~ hn hilt! Il iuliite Allicrica. son WlIS louoillg too llluell lowllrd (J.'lh .. nbtl~ A, 11m, G: 17 I'· nc ., .., 11.1 .-1'\ ,hflltE pre..1I~~ t p. m.. CIllll pri ing collli lilio , 111111\1' ' lli , IU nt· 1.;1l II "11111:11 , ('I' i zull ti(l~- (Ill tI CU'I - Jr. A . •'. lII~om"8 p r~ Ina li tl.-1 8 in tb rc fit CUll U811. \ l:ruighl Klld A. • 1\1:"" . m.. 1'1' .~, ~ tlln inill ', hl'li t rl'l '. Willi· lurl'ltnl Itfil i ti lln during Ihe 1':\ tIl X lI i.1I lust Ruod Iy. wr t to him Ihus lIlil dly: "Thy W"~I'W Itl> 1J(l ND, nU\\, (jr~. tl lld til I' ItI'l\lItiflll a 1111 wi ll t r tl lHl prL' l' ll t pring, LillIII 1 - ~I r. '01 11 11'1 o"mv ton III I tit r lind mV 8cIt' hilI' tllol1 ,lit p. t :1:~,7 &. m .. 1'r:lg rallt 1,IlI Il1l . I! lJI ittilig 1\ wcl. \V I' \'\' 1' lJ fv ro ku "'11 t Il '('111' ('ill ci ll ll iUi IU:lt \\' k. ,. II'dl to ~ivo th ee 81'l11e a(l"ic tUl1ch ' ! ~O PMIIl ' li' t 1.IM '.• 11 ft . rtl Oo ' 1Il1' urumn Ilil Ih ru ugh Ih e su red her 1\ lilt . " 'e 01'U 1I0 W. h ~I" ,'c r. - Mr. W. G. Born tt l' llil t d iOJr thy camvni gu. ,Yo Il csiro to' ... In lu"",1i 'E A I' .... 'm., 12:MI II. 10 " . 11 tlt 1.1 II Y re ' IOrlll1 or onl':I Ie~eJ lI g,l \mI N w i d I'elll .It 1) '11A!r Ilincinn.' ~"t ;(16 1 til, UI 1'I1'ICll. 0 II tlI ' 0 111 111111)10 u' ) II 111111 IU f; . e k . ~ lI y tit thee t lilt we ANI. J.'~~11\:1'1 ~".l All.. i:4.; I" III ,,' No. I~ was nil x~n i~i l e Crt,~ fvnned uf, rc,ndy fur tho d c tilli a llo dnti o - 1\1r .. 1·. J!e,t~~ 81'ep t I'llI' Ih c lu deul sovere ly with blld t ~O l'" on .ilf"I'\. ·1'r~i ll. do lI(1t.I" I" I'I1 re li nd. 'rn~l'Ullt fl 11'01':1, wltil lot th e ev n lln~ a~~ n . I Sl1nJ I~.I' III II~Cl lllunll . pl'i nt'i pl :I ulld unci pm·tic s tlt llll , ' O' MII IOnol .'1 "..,.t 1111,1 X". 4 ",,11 IU''''t t C:lt' h I'lltId III • d ~ k II' U~ SUI'III I, II :lled Onr \Ig\!d lind 11IJrld y cst (,lII e,1 -- 1'1'C~11 1t1'C1!..!!,1 I !>tl /O goods lit t ,IL'fll sevol',,1 ~I h brill IlI,'1l null' '·"'N~·~"i~ik "I II) I'un auny. All ,,~h 'r. hy b.•~ k{'l of tl uII' urs. 1\ lId iC~ 'I\' El d rl'ss, 'nlli Shul'p, \\'h o is tr il l ', lil e CII .• /I A1np OI'·J1J,m. ' !il·ill". willi IlI i ~hL be ulIgcred. 1I11t! u .. ily, "'.' 1'1 ' ''''I\.'Y. . . C. JLIII<1o:8. Jllill ' lI ud hegu niu llli hlloa ·U. . 'II ' In , ~.I " I IcI' I· ill I rae l, IIl1d h ilS I d 1\ - Cn pl. ,llIlIIels A. Kearn ey \,i 8' II ~o h01'1l1. n bl' h IUU dcl' th fmll t lI' illl")\\' s t'llId (\ InrU't) II' rfl'e' ll\' 1III I'e lI " cl ri"'h teoll 5 IiI' r 'r ilCd Illl). tll n 1111 MOlldfiY . ,\rr IP ~r""llfc. ll" <1, 0 l'''IlcrL,ki'' h ill he ll,'\· . Iyl,' "",luI I.. w,'r "111,·. lhuu IUlY ••lu .. . MAt L t'; ,IN O EA ST : I' ,.. 7 ~ . "" I r 1 111t' 1i I II H ' j'n UIl Y . 7Otf. C IIl11p 0 1 SWill',) fl'I'IIS 11 1111 U rlldLi c 'n'l' d yl'ul'~. IS 1l\" Iut tl' dl'pl,,·t hI U I ~',· "I 1i,IIU , )( .n.1Ii :,~ I', ~ . - J'rut'. E . \V. Sto['u, ut Xellin, 'C IK~ t: hll ' l1 ec\lll l l'l i ~ ICI ' , l 110 ' I "" ,~ Oll l!ill Ih:ST : stHnJ ti ll eJ lI' ilh lII i 'cellallt'uus luli th e h ·tter. brig hter rCg'I IIIIS lOf tho l \\'n~ ill t WII 011 Saturduy . IlIIllro wunderful VI' grut lfy ilij,( 1'1: ult , 10 • •.,L I ~ .:11 " . I R"d 5 :1:, I'. M IIII!C li nd trfli li ll)! vill 's. Tlt t· S fI'i cc Sumll ~ r Lan d, bC':lut ifll l ll nd I'l ell ' -- ~Ir . J UliUS ~1 1I111l ~ y, jl'., hns ar' rl litll Llt c \,crle(!li ull vI' 1111 II l1 lidulo A . r•. f'A Il R , I' . ~ . bl'~Jl II wil lI th e I' li llllltar)'. ~1 (lZtlr l'd nll t, InrC't!l uII1ll 8 ~ , f I\·!tich ~ !t t) hll8 ri l'cd II UIIIO from Vil'l;ill ill. tu Ih" chillillg sigll'; 01 "p\'I'IIu('II · : I • , I ~~ Frll nfY'S OmnlbUS-U lle ·\ TW l' lftl l ~Iuss, by ,\11" . l~ Jl IC ru e· aln' lIc1 ellj!t),l'l l.tng <:' lhe l· \l'it ll llt o~ - .\l r, lI ul'lt co ~1. Alll'lI , of Liu- ill~ lIK", sl. lIIl·thillj,( tl) '''likl'lItu Ih" ___ )II~; AllmH I "'~ _ __ ~ m,,> .'" H,,,l {t nl I'Mw in {IIr ~U U Ill~, ., r~tlni ~ t. Tlt o ml1 ~ i c Wil d cOll soIJlI g II ~S llra n CC!i \\' hieh u lit' , ·i llllllii. vi.;itL·d her' thi \I'(·uk. tell ·tlil e Il'lIcks Ot't illll'. llll d PI'U ern' "1""'1" '''"'''I'\" n '''t~I lhlll ' rH,n, Or.I,·r. left. 1 tlt ll pr" I'l'/' II l1 tll elll fur EasLel': Ot' I'l'Ucticlll },H1l' ily 1I11l1 pel' ollll l - ~ll' . G. J . \1~ rig"t SpOilt ~I ll ll ' lla ll /Clltuml atl urlllll u lI[~ tit' ,"UUti, tu ' It '0 ,,'I III , . wil t " "" "'oeordul KlI nlion C'I' Irldt . VUI' ]'II '; 0 \'f'1' .I~ sll(' liti. ccd ne; . 11I COIISlleF 1111 I'II 'I1'"'f\IYfUrll 'lij IIe" J ay a lII 1 1' II C guIlJ~ ·. 'III C"1II0lll nlltl.. ~ 1 , ', ' . • ripu olLl IIgl'. Unll ' II lI,.r I'{ell UlI' cr AI ~' I< h/l ,I. KN IGI1T. - T he 11'('1 111 . ' I.. : li S ' GI"l'i a l:lItl'! \,,"wecll the t il Ih e bol it·ver . . . . -- ~I i .;> Mullie Clld wnlllldlll" 01 hl' lI ' d"etl llll t.his.1I110 illl l'r;I io,'.rCti ' " l1d ~ e l'. la~ 1 T hllrsdll v e\'cni lll! II' I ' 11 1 1 1 !,~ :t I Ill S, J a 'kol'" S '1 ..: D eum , JlIhi' l In cur DlI' lII e SO I'l' lce 1I11 s fill er cht C(l IICOl't 11Ikcl~ pln ee May 17th. ill Cllll ugu ull d !,alnu " Ill ll owc\ · !';II'"rtlhh, r.'r 1\ '''\r~o tur;1 :'Ilt ~ .. I~t \l n ell ' G IU; 1I1 T ibi , Gild t wu 1I0on ...e w er~ l'il~n.e8 tly~~hurl lll~ t : - 10'1'" thll latl'oYt, Bt y l,·8·.,r ~o .' ti , lel's IlltlUl1g th u ~ l1o)l\'B CIt' N':lrway 1":01'1.' n li d the cOIl ~(' q II II C \\. I" U I J·.lIti l,·1' hY111 11 ' . Tile rcclur, Ih e Hev. ' reoch IIl1d Rtrll'O li lt e r S \,JrI tll1l1 g l1t ~ , II nd hue, ~ to .l! Ull kt:y & Ml ssll · »lId th C }J C II~lIll t8 vt 8 11 11 11 Y f rJLllec IIln ll "hilt npprecilltivc nl1l:1bo l' '. L. Pi no.l r, eUll ducl 'J Ihe SCI" , all el not All mv ClIl'tld y Ihillgtl 10 tlill u·~. . Hlld 'pllill, tillu u ~ o fill' it, III1lJ tilld - - - ) A L 8 1I , ( - - g )'eetet! U,is ift d 1Il'ti tOil h is first I " ic s all. thl'UlIg h, und pl'oucheu an ovors lll~d o w the ~rrnt ~nd PIlI'O' -:- fr. · b " Sh oema ker ~I'IIS II~CIIIl S t? get it. 1\l1~, it d,u,us ~lcJt ap\Wlll1l n e in thi t OWlI 1'hllt \II Pp rOPI'IHt IlIld eloqucnt scrmon l nlOIlI1 t. lI~cre ts of eterlilty ' and n I'cl5' tered .Ullt II IJol cl, cIty. dl~IIPpO\l1t t helll. I hu 1\'oI ilclIJlI g "":a1d.~r~a:k...~:rs tho who did.c mo . I' u;oro than IIpUII tho R csurl'eetitlli ot 'hrist. ~rc8ent, Ilighor •. '!olier and b~tter Mundny . . ' . luuk \i ugain .re IIIlI C th eir yUllthl'l.11 rC'pn icl huwol't'r do Ri Ot ' , At th o c1 L1';c 01 th u scrvic li oly lifo. 'Iho Ul cetl ng \l'U solculII nnd - Exc('cdlD~llr' ehellp, thellnpr color, the thill, dry. IIlId fu I ,d I"ur Ih p lO' l"III'C III': n.J ·fi It ' cXI~r~~Ij I l'ontlll n ll i ll n \\·u l:l·l ~hl'llted. soli el ly uII'u); en ing.lIl1d D1I1Y \\' c all ,. tI Bnckt: yo Pl uw, lit Jllm cl! H. heeo ll tetl hl' ight lUld gl Llssy. Tlt u , to I u ~III ctl ,lon g ll OIl F k I Id f I 'f 11 I" I ' I J .. l ltl' lll hy' tlt o tliflf l'l' llt imI'CI'''''" I1- 1 'vr eU lltrilJIIl iU lI s tu the noml til '" lU I: I log l~. , lIY ~ ,l tS . . WloOClIYPI'IIrBIIOOIS ClIllIg ' a II ti ull on th pro~rnllJl1Iu. Idccortltiull d lh o <:lt ll rch is illJ e bt~d l 11 m 1111 tI'U('llIlIg. A.nd shall I -- "'\I ' IIl '~'I!. cu, 1I111~d OXIIIll IIl (' the by mllgl? 11IIt! the HlIlII 01' WOUlun , '\ 1' 1\'11 1 ' ,,1' 111 ' .1 '11 W ' ll 'I tu Mrs. B '. Uuill(·s. ~l l's. A. Gulli· cl o~e fi llOnt t he' :!5rh ot th iS lll oll th . I IIII\ ' I'II ,·(·d Duckcy 11011', li t JUIIl CS wh o, l,elMe \\'11 clll lt·d o~c,) , now .' . .. 1.1 II Cu WI I I . ". 1'1 . I 10 I J' II I' , . I . f I" ('nl'lcton's Eoilor's G \1 ('st~ . f.,II " w.' 11101'0, Mrs . •I Vd ph W. lI a illcd. Mr . ' ru I~. 1"'1' la ps, I ~ ~. pI'; .r'clit \. ,I~)' O It l! . 1~l'l'C U(S liS ('11 0 III t 10 prllU ll u ItO. R T D N h f h P i ll g with Biddy McGillll i's l'III, lo. U .• J Wr i ~ht. illl's. J. D. ; (l II ~ h. mor r,'udJll~ d 110 III thIS " dlu ~o - J ll u &IIJ ~Ie rc lladcd Mr. Ullt! Buch W O lldI'Ll II ~c ltnllgell,'allll ll l PUti; ooms , WO oors ort 0 t e ost- ee, gl'tlph and Mo~es IIlld H er~ 1l 01Jutl. 1~lrll . A. Ie liuillCS, lI no tIlr. '1'. thll l1 was {!(t ~le -1 9 YCllrs. al=:o, ~Ild ~lr ~. <;:1'1II't;' L. Clcavcr, last F ri · IlIlIwtiecd , alld tileY hul' \.! prlld ll ccd thrso thl'rc compr's ' l' 't F' L wect. most uf till I ol ld . nsc lttl rcud Ing. dllY IIlght III • 11 11 pre~e:l ~1I1 '0 oellJJ\lI d tllll\ " ,) \\' Y N ES " 1L L 10:, 0 HI 0 , of thc elltc rtllinm e~I~~g 01 Ir. I Tho cn nw gllt:OIli! \\'ore lurge, lit I [? foct., II n~ cc) nfi ict bctwcen 1'~ li ~ J. A . Fun~?y i8 ~ Il th.e city, l' xi-sto rur Ih e fi rMtlllld only urtiu lc ~~===~~============~===~~=~r· Purt 2d conai ted of th e bll\;cs, 'j bUlh I1luwi llg IIl1d uvelling praycr. gl ~n II ll d BCle 110? mil. t IIcces slIl'J!y ~l.III'IIIt ~I I CIV C l'yt ll1 l1g IIleo lor tbe e\'cr c.IlInl)(' lIIHl~d til/It 'II n y~·t.!,J lIcc l Ign .. l'!lll c· 1111d Rtll ' l I'll, I; II nco. . , pcreAII histori ca l t ' . --lin 0 f I milO tit em In II I'h~ u II1j,t Il lt d "111 1 luct" ry ' I O l18 ~I b . c s l'~~~1 ".~Ple Jrl A T the ~1. E Churcll 'tho fiurnl pidit y of Willi, ill a IIlU C" a both l - Th u Il u l\' El'el'ln ting LlIlllp' Ill Ullllcr.- ..Y 10 /" " (/', W(lu d,yt o~(·, . , , . sonal , ~ II ruelOg .\ I(' lllru . t II f' I ' fi ' \ V ' k I b t /. . In til Tower . Solil o n ; Sh 'locl,; ntl vrnm clI ' s flll' EUritc r were ill lid · emll nll 0 qua y row. I Ie .111 II lle IC 'S . I t.:t ' " ~ vor .lIrll ou , urc u,t 1l1Ii") I ," ~~~~~~i~~ri .!ark "ntl"n';'8 0 qt' Y ) II Imiraul e tnstc lind CO ll 8i8ted of pul l unrco 01 s [J p~ rrllll Inl elh gc ll cC'; Ilh e Old Drll,,·S Wre. ::---------= " a J ra lO ll c.vel· l U I . , . ,. . fl ' b 'I . n E' I . I 1'lIbltc ~1I 1t·. , dCAd hody of Julio Ilr ; Cllr. plullta . fCotuo::8, hnngillg bu keta l anu (\ 8l1nllll~ any .c0n ICt tWt'{'1I . - .' r. 1:). u : ' 'CI' Y ':os III I, e \ dl' lla) Wol soy 's ChIIrge t0 romwe'11' \ ·C. , IIIl urmll"'C'I ... I with ",'uod ,f}ent l them as p',sBlbl e, IS eo nse1u[, IlII.l' lcl ty IIL ·t Fl'ld ll}'l 'I chcatlng greell F lI l'm illg II ll'l lI,i ls b , ' l ol.l!;ill~ III "I. U. l.idJ y, /:):J ltlrd ll)' IIl'Xt , ul I ond no ml tIe oli lll 11 ' '0 whut ~ II pllll th e pl:llfur lll lind abollt the lsett illg (l ,)d at vnrillll ce wi ll ~ him· gard ing SII88 lInCl ei '. . relluil'l!. de8 k, The senuou of th e l elf. IJ owel' 1', lot every UlIIII bt: j - ~II'. Ki ll Y can lurO/sh good ro gl'Ie lin u" p II ~ Rn t qlIII),e' um I ." , d .• . I ' . ., d •t t " I u·cl "ek. . Part 3d introdn ced Th R omance ReI'. . F. Villi love was 1411 ub le persuo eu III li S 011'11 1II :lIu . rcse l'" ' ile a 8 (t ROY 0 onr peo ~ I' Stllck. 'haul'ls IIl1d lt r/llR 'hold IVhose central id cu IV lIS O . O. UAlll'·rtIN. \l' h" lI ury II!ppl~ cluly. DUII' t nll d I I I ' . , , tl B disconrse ot a 81eemng ur rom 10 ur· "(I ( 'C ~ 1\' "II !! II'" to I I,e C ~ t . l to " I k 'd u · 'k 'Co tlt o R urreCli oll Ihi8 flll'C " ppur.Ltllllit". " to i, · to n B .... I109 RW'e"t'UII .... 1I'I ·ys II • S ... . I I I Ll> J" hll ll , ltl l ··'J· Y. dec 'd , W ed ll (, ~ • J I . , "., al'o 1111111>1"v 10' n gR I' "n>!'", '> l b I, vcrslon. f v gIve II f uII or __ C IO U. ,I - S('e Ihe . cord or Ro\' . . ' . .".in· II III' J\ IJr 'I1 ,,)1) I"' III ' IIII W ILL 1II ", •. . t II b . Jn l' wh u I ~ 1>I'cllurNl to gil'\) III ' ,. , 'c " mr. KlIlght 18 Rt horn c III wh At ropol' , aR we w ro II t U) e, 10 D u n' Gazlll ~ ;-- u rnoilln II !!\) I t ' t' . tl I clock. el'er bo UlldertD.k 8 ' indeed Itt! has pl'es nt. allli a fri t' nd u wh om we I nuti ced II r lurt of ' 11 ' 111' Ul'u!" u ~ n it' ~L. n 111. \~ Iln ~ \l lIg(' . , , -. . ,. 11 • will ti ~ld slde ·bnl' 13l1gl!l(, 80 jllst 0. onception 01' his powers d ep ndcd fVl'd et uils I:as fa ileo tu' ch ool wh i 'I! j::1l\' it S I1~h II \, el' Y - D Oli t Inti t. , ~" t .. IIt C I rn dc and bis versatility i8 so great thai d o his Jillrt. ' ood II~IUU . IIIIL I I l'C'svl vcd tv la ke lll ll.ll . r:i P rlI1 K .W~gQl1s u.t I'CI'Y I w( Palaeo fur W"II J" '\'L' I'. A811 rt· lIe does not uude!'tllke whnt h~ CIln . g I d ~ ." 1' ' ' I ' n 1'0 " pl'I Oell llt Ju S I •. Haysltt s. III Cll t larg'u a nd I'I'I CU i.J W CI' llta lt . . • 1)Olugll of OO llll e ll, 1111 cur y lIy or I I I IlIg I ,I U CI -- Mr. a lld ttlI'd: Geu l'~ I.. 0 1 'a ' lli u 1 ') \I'l'~t hotdo JIl8tlce to. Hence Mr. Carl e· 10600 il th e re[,nrtcl' hlld 1I0t beoll . d I f J ' ' 11 .="-___- - . Id b bdl' I " . , . . . vcr urrll' c 10UlO r0m ,'"l1SI'1 I' . t~ o WOll •• , ~"e COil ~ Ig,lted WIth OoU NOJ[, 011 AM II RII , AprU 14. '7Q. I'Ilth er ,Pllrtllli III 11101 o P1l1l 0 1l. .1 alld Cillcillllllti 1111st Th1l1'~ (III\,. F'JR .;al u. III th i ulli ee, Il cll1'Y 1'1' bill reodl.tlO~ f the Edltor ~ Glle~t~, Coull ci l lUet i n r('gular scssion, hal'O since pellt two nit ru O(JlI8. III - ~I " l'e now o rcs gl)\Jtlll" v i tll('1 W uu$ tcr'~ , 1I1l 11riuged D i till lluJ'.Y. aud ad.lDlt b ~1I 0 11'11 • r ' lIdcrlllg. of It ,,,itlt 1111 me mbers pl' cut. Am onnl l th.e sch.u~ l. ulld tltuugh IVlltcll~n III lo t ell'g:mt s y lt's a ll d p"tt erns. Itt wnrnlll te<l II ll1l' 1I11d vI' tho llltl'~ 1 fad~d IDlo dnnnC88 In , com)Jllfl30n' IIf money paid out on ordel' . for wltb CI'ltlctll oytlS, could seo nUL!.,II'g lIdwol1adel'. J UI III'), • EVl'l'ly 'ti. ' I,J ili oll. U" llll lltl s it. _ 'l'ltl'I'C i every prc'llIi e 01 IL while tho other tlln~y }J~ect!>l con· str et work and slIllIries, 8 22 ,51 . to eO lioclIIlI, nllli lIIuch to pr~1 o. vn lsed ~v ery o~o Inlh II1 I ~th . IIftcr I~h ieh , Raudnll mOI'cd to ud. 11'1'0111111 li t I"noll~ tlto lutt er .teat . ' Iul'~e lIuuicli CO10 hell I' J o cph c, vk TIIIKTY·NI NE Y IC8 II' rc cas t ill . B~lt It WIlS In the sulllllne crca j orn. II~ s, WII a C)II ~ III ' el c ~ lc\j in Lubnnoll lIex.t. Montlllv ol'c lli ng . Wlly ne TowlIs hip for 11 new COl1l' t· t.101~S ot Shak~ care th at M.'·. Ne,v counci l elect nllmely, C.D. 01 Ul' erllLUout, EOI ~Cth\llg whlcb -The Rev.•1. W. ll ell lcy , I hvuse. ~nlgh t provod .hlm ? If arnaste~' ID Wo IIcy, A. B. Sides, T. T. Dod ~ II ?hollld h lJ'C!ltcd ~Ylt.h mllclt Inure Cin cinnati. prt'licched ill tit" lIil'er --HAKRIS G UARD S drilletl on tho Inl ort i. nDd. aell IIn personotl on, nlld E R. P ri nt?!, wel'o qlll\lified, ~~npor~ullco t hall It IS geuerully. 8uH t hnrch MlLson, IIlML S un duy. strects Inst Fridn ui , Itt -141. v!g lIib... .~iami Val . !~._ fruru Kmg R)cllard to. th~ ~ela~· nnd the new Oouneil t hon accepted .the ~lrlS 1i8 w~ll ,us, tha bOytl .wcr~ Extensi va of . Reed Organa: cho\J Dane, ... 1\& 11 blatnoDic trl ' the hOllds of Street OOlTlIDi sione r \0 tina ~I~ t, 601 i . ·l'oll1.u.leSlltlr~~1l ley I ' c.II"j!e. ~ ringb rl'. vi!!lted HOlts" bill" prlnt(!U ill good style ~lI~ !Jh S\IOIt nB WRS ~ ever before ex· Jonalhan Hniuea a nd Marsho1 Leo ~me8 IU vogne III tl~eJ r dIlY,. they hit! 'h llme ILore II t SlIt urd av a nd lit th is oflice . IN T ilE WORLD C<', lI c,l, I1nd 1l0l'er e~nal d,excElpt by IIl1lmill!7 ' nfter whioh tho Mayor wdl kn ow "whereo' th oy 8 p~uk ." <l J . ' - - -_ . _ -.. .:I l . tl' l ' . ~ , A I d 'd . ..t .:>llll II . W h W 1 Y otriOSI O' nppointed tho standing coinmittees . IIOt IeI' go.o I ea WU8 m~nllc~ t ." -1.a,l ies fl t:l11i cnn aud 8ce our y I 1 ou JJlur"oc I, ~n lIB pace. ILL'OSTn.'l.TED Cc T l1lwr FRU, ally g\'cat III all three ohllrllet tl • III Ih e pe l lt ll~ T he pl1pds \I" r ' k' b I I TI Allow II t old tu ndv",,"o i n ynCl . .. .aIr lini hl'8 ot] \~. r ley nr,lllllD OY· d ' I' d I ' 0 ' roll ch Id ultollC! 10 '8. ICY .h . I'h ll .eCl co Cl r'I!,(., m oro ~ori " UJOIl",I",Ii, •. IIl1'OWEJ!O<IwbIDcU "'lll . I'UlUT\' (t f''l'C - '~. I . T·''.J\RlLlTY _d.t'lNUD, . . gl dCdsd,mcs · I CIC IO~ ' Streel8l1od All Y8, IIaines nnd nrl'llllge 1011 Ine an tIll \\ V ~ 9 ul'o hl'allli cs. Otlliwallnd r, Jull ney IIcI,,,.l'CI,·,,,, ullia, ll ctnolrrl,nl( •. ,,,,,II ClIl>;' , (·....' 0 n. " .., I' : ,1 • •;.. 1. eeaBorles tInt II e no l Itt e to liS Sides. P\,OIlUllllccd, IIU<l 811ell<::d, 1I0tlllllg , ~ E .C' r I Irll"hl••. ~' hcn lin imm ill' r"I,,'1 r'lIt 1,<, ~-----=~~==~~~~~~=~===~~~~=!!!!-!!!t:t . nceeS8. Th eso nre at once' true tl) S:dewalk8 and G uttm's Pro II & waR 8ui d of mii!s'rd word s till sUUle C \If ~- , t .tl . . N . ~o rentlil y IItt;>i noll ~ 1\.. hcu'. G~rc,""" tI t t d t' II . I d ' II Z I I . d I ' I " II II a n fil l lin g III I :;" "1' I"" ",,,,, •.,, Ih., h , r 'C" ·,,10 "' II", Ie ex lIU . exeoJllona yrlcillu ·W oolley. Ollt! on tloa I't 11 0~IC ane cllr · ti ll ns,ol: Ill di os ' and ge ll t<l' fnl'lIi .. h . •~ , . rlu ior lhoOHre f,1 .nuj1":.C .. lfl,"u,III,,. gor~eous, hl~ Whole wnrdrobo. we Street Lomps, Everly &. Dodson . I'eetfld. tholl1. 13y t~lIs !nenntl, el~ e l ing good . vc)n- \\'ill find th c Ill rgeRt l" •.,rel>' [ ,U"t; n .. ,-•. ~. II I. Dr..80"1)1..·"'• . behovo. costin g the sum of $7000. Lllw and Ordin IOCl! D o d at! ntlUn tc> the recltlltlUlI 1V118 Ill ' t k r,' . k ' ' & \ I ' '1 , . , {,'1> Gorm '''1 pr'....·" I'II'IlI . .. ,.. I '"I'I'(I'"r. A R' h d C d' I W 1 I , 0 eO Il nil Ii' 'd d 1 oc At" 11 11 c~ ,ul ~S I ulll e S. 1',1 ~'l' h 'h o !!1·. "te,1 ,"'re . nd II fpllr 11 . ..1 0 sey, Buin s, Bl~ re .as It Wll COIlSI el't: liS ~"nc ~ -M r. lrviJ lll Bo. Dll nl e ', uf Kell ' be onl crtoin",l in »,i n,I;"oll'rlng It " II,c S IC ar ,US ar .lIla Sh~lock nlld liamlct , It \~e\'o hllrd Vi lIago Pri BOII 'Voolloy &. Ev. 01 1\ d lsgrllcc tLl let a word • pa811 yn n Voll e'" Gll nl bi ~ r Oh in ApOllt I ~'t""':,r 'sl ('1 011<1 . nit p" r dir .,. i"M Th" ...01" I tofinuanablel'rcpresentlltivet.h llD erly , . u~ itwlIt;tomills it T hevolitclless i ' E I ""oAl' ~ I M'T J 10{t1ti.n .. " Ii,,,,c i..''''1 'r.c''I''n l '~I . . j".,. Alfl'ed lio' gl t· et M 'k A .. . . ,. I '1 . 1 . II . ' 118 er VII , ,lOll. 101'11 I 1'. . . fir.t ill ll ,,,l uooo. tucro bIt. be,'" II """" "nt . I. I , y as or . n· Pumps and Cisterns, SIde8 and o. t 10 pll.11 8, WIIS fI so a very 110· Browlte und tlltn ily in this place. I Inere.,ln)? d,'rullnel I\IId willaout ".IR Uln(" tI.lony,!n IH8. R omno toga fiowlIlg Printz. ~I cellbl e leutlll'e: wh elher they IIr -PCllVle leurn I*isdolll hy (,x· I por t ': { II ...til \lI·o. loI do it , I\'urk in "nv """0, flec, Wi th stl'ld ent tread ane. lofty COllocil ad 'lollmed to lIt et first IUJ 'btcd to lll el\' huUle or school .. • A .. k ' I ,hk ~our Drn:r" ••1 II. I" lI ". "'ulh ,, ( 11'" ' 0 " . ,I . . r . I k b ' pei ICIIC. lOall \IeVOI .... a e8 Ul rrmnr.. J ''' I!" 7', c.·" lo Try i, •",t g cs t ures, [;,1.1d 110 bl.e spee~ II, I10.lIlr· Monday in Mlly. tr'.lIn .lIl~ 101' It ' now \l ot. lit ?1l1'·.1hiR8econo huh to_i t IlItlp:h, hut br r•• tc\· ; ~rprl. ~',Id 'by '.1. ~ ., ,, ,' •. Iy magnetized IllS Rl~dlenCe !lnd Rocp.lpt.l ! or tho year cnding Murn" 31. Will It IS, thllt lb t:1'1l was 11 0110 of 10.1 1\'O j'S kee .iT, BliJ\'s B~ y Syrul' " . . w!~ught ~hem to tI.e lughcst pitch I, ,0. ,a,M I 28 thllt l'uJe e\l a~·de n.eKt! ~r Inn g llllg ~ I hundy. ~ ' 111 N '1I1S. 01 JIlt~nslty. H ~ brought out thll E'pend,turo. , , . 1.861 Oo lor manner wlllch .'S Jllllll fu lly PI'CV ' - 11' rulT \font 11 ocat. CICIlII . firs t. ===.=,==.=~====~==== 'f~1I eBcct of the h nes, und gavc tbe Dnl&u ce In Trcll. ury. $1. 699 88 nloll t nmullg plluhc ~ehoul s. Milch ClUBS J't;b of whit 'wlIshill'" dune : OH~ EI!L Y. - M" rl,h II. I ~ ;!I. II,,· " if,· finest tone of irol M R mOE, Clerk. ' illig . It ' ,1 " , WI,hout tllklllg . IJ .. " " t:iolon.·bl .·. o( n . "" . . I.,. 10 tl Ie II t'""r8llce, AULOl'! m uJO I b 0 ~lIlu. 0 f' tl' Ie 1\IIYS lip your ...Cllrl'l't.' 1 of UI. I';:\JE ~·I ); - 'Al'ri l Oil. 170. tho "\Vi r "A nd Brotus III cUt honurablo mlUll" aud malln ers ul thIS sehoul. but cal! on Lee OUlDinio gs. KllltlolUi n ,,( J"h.. 11'111. I.%c" ... cor II .0". . a nd came to asplendid climax io AT th e borne ot tho bride's pa. , ti m~ forbids, !lud I'll only cluim ing al so dOll o 'I ~----" --'-"Dut\\'oro 1 Drulus ren ts, in Corwin. by the Rev. L. F. spaco to give tho opilli Lln.of ouo. ot - W e huv ~ re~ived our fifth ill ' "'''\,N E'' '' ~IfI''''KI!'I'''' And Anl<>ny, U' ~re wcre nn An lony VO,n C.l eve, Mr. Gcol'.~e L. Cleaver / tho. smull ijcho}ura. ..} Just tlllll k v(liCIl 1I1 ba wls. Th ey al'e nUI't'cct· Wh ent :IQ hll sli el. S I Of) \Vould rumo up YO'lr 8piri"'. llnd pitt a a.lI d M ISS .... r nurn ]3 S I t<lnguD , . tl es wcrc mar· tllIS 18 tl Ie b OS tt eael~ e r 11'0 evel' IIII d Iy elf'gnllt, and nrc admired ,..hy ev I ell, tI ~'tr'l>ushel ~ii III every word ofCru8ar'" Ulut 8hould m o vo ned, Apnl 9, 1879. The happy and I do hopo ho wdl como hllo)< erv pel'soll who sl:es thcm . CaJ>. O,II,S l 5@ IO Tho 8I<>n: ". of n" mo to rio. I.. lCCu lln( • c~llp~e to?k tho 1 (t'clo?k trnin for. next year." 'It . wullnd el'. JOIlII (lY & Evorly. I Hlly I'~r tOil . r. @ ; (III A d(h tlOna~ pro~f of Mr: Kl1lght s Illcmnat!. After li n absence ot l . . , . -l)ersoll dC8i rillt! in "lrnctioll in Fl our pCI' owl " 0 @ :! 110 power was given JU Cardinal W ol. ltwo days th ey rclurned on Friday l IT 18 prvbubly genellllly remeln· th L t' G k F I G UIII 'k",III'1I1 I"' " ~·,,· t 4 " f) BCY 's leveU ill g to enjo~' an infair sl1pper I bered thut sumo years IIgo-in 1 7J I e )1111, ree , 'rollc Ii lIl; I~r. BUl'kwltcn' ,,~ ,. l'us l;c.1 i ;, "0 Cromwell Cromwoll l prepared bythc'bri def?room's moth: -Gollgl'CSd pussed ala ll' providing l ll~I\l1 ol1ngJllol~~s'dCbntllll~Pjt' d() Ie lluttcl pc, It. . _. I. ' . • ( b • I . I' J bl I ~J ' \.ev. .J . 111 ar n " R 11 V, ~ )II l\1 I I ~ 1'1' I I S tl ' 5t "I' (' n'o :cs~('~ J .vI) H.d I but served In)' Oud WIth h.. tf Ih'· 1.nlll er Quite u number of rp.lutiv es for I 10 ercctlOn 0 C UI'I\ C Icnu I tl I 8ef\·.dmy Kin", How(luldnnl in min0l " n'd fri end sllsscmbl ed and ' at 7.1. 1stones o\'or the gl'llv eB ul so ldi ors ' I ~F~l'I1 ekl: 0'& ,1.1." ( .'1"II.t . 1,1.'11 11' ,d I : ~ ~ r 11" 1' It.. . I"'~ t cuts, ) :!~ "ge , ' '2' t' I I ' d I I I' , 1111 ey ,> 18S1 ( IIle II I 1.1\ 0 S " t1~ ' I N ~ /11'1' It. H Hilve left mo nakod 10 millc cllcmle" " 0 cl ock tb ey were summoned to Ihe l 0 tI e reg n 1II 1111 VO 1111 e r urced l tl . tl · 11 I t 1' , . d 1 . .1 , to I f of th c Unitod Stutes whuse I'cmllill ~ I lelr II r 0 () I""'y III O ( e (II ' loll I"" I'urrel ; ' 1 · . Bllt we might go 00 endl ost!ly in / d llllng room par nke 0 a sump· . t d' tl N" 1'1'1 thin g, shllrll y. q;"ar{e lI C~'eI' WII S 1I "1II ~ ( Mllgllr clI r l'cI ) I'CI' Ih !iI . f tl . t t f d tnou8 fun st To no this J'ustice lire III erre In IC attO nl1 IJ I . • . l' I' I' d . . .• A,,,'," . h i, h r " 1I1' U.l, II" • • . C . '1'1 ' I b HO 8J! t"1I8 t 't'e 1 110 tu lll /'TI e. ,-'" J P"l:ol<lC! I' ~ I' lt l l ~ I , d f,O praIse 0 liS rnre eus 0 g o o · 'lil li" l.Cnl J·" ..... t.; ~. IIo" .I J . lu ,,1 ~ ..,.. things which Messrs. J ohn F. Cad· 1V0uid be impossiblo, for nil. espe· Itary e ~ ete rl e 8. 118 IiW liS gnods at very low priccs i ~ the Al'p' e~ per' loll ' ltel 1i0 i:~:·d, !l~~ \,'f••I;z::·W:;'ol'"i~ I)II~ "'1 .:"",1"1' 1111/' .... J " "0,,1 0.. wallnder & Cu. )lro<:ured for too cially tl! o cuke (for \Vh.i~h Mrs. beell cal:l'le~ ont, all? th e ~mvcs of CaU8<l1 , l. _ . ~ 1 .r .EIc!!!R I'e l:, Il "7.~ n I{J (\.:'1 " ," . 1I.w1'll",:I. . I: . , ..1.1- 1, n., . ' 1. ' lll lf'll ,.",",: . .1 ~ r "t . ,.. . .small n compo.ny of guests. Anotller Oleaver HI noted). WIIS delICIOUS. ~ th~ ~ atlOu 8 dead III thelle oc~. _ Yon 811 01l1d. comc I1n.1 sec 0 111' [:"1'11 1: ' '1' 1""11'') F (10 ,...uN<' r ....m • •- 'T'}.- l' I ... ~ 11'11.. . \' .. l l.oh~" • '~: . .. ' Ib... . I. ...... I~. r·_If.,r ._hh d fllt! .. ...,,1. cal. W h. n P''' .Illkl t oW .t"''fIt (10 vi8it of Mr' Kllight would fill the number of beantlful and npproprl' leterlCsllre 1I 0~ p~rmalle l~tly llilllk· l silk hnn d kl' l'ch iefs IIftCI' lookinrt FI.. x :-;" ccl per hU8hcl ",~,i:' ~M!:~J~~,:l::::-!~~ ~~:I~CI:~ ".tl. ~;~I~,1~,.'~""' .... n.' . 1, ' ", ...0~,,~'\,!~,f;:. '. I •• I,I" M :\",1 ' I .. ' I, r * '. " 1, .. ... ., f'1tI'tl" ii [,0 hllll to ovcrfl owin g. If wc di J not ate preseots were recei ved, am ong , cd . At th~ 1~l sllIlIce 01 th e \V a r ' clse1l' here, fur we flatter ol1l's \l l\' c~ Cl o l ~ " S~~fl p~ 1' bu s hel " ...... 1" ..... 11.01 rn. .. " ,ort"" Iii 1:' C\. .. L" \ ., ~ ........,.). olll" • • c..,v. fec i this ill our boncs, 11'0 slt ould which was II mag nificent clIster, I Depar~ment, Congl c~s hilS I' y . we oan Fllit you, 118 for boullly,8tyle Hogs pcr cw t.. 3 (jO ' haye IC8s lait.h ;n th e culture and pr.cllented by Mr. Neheminh Mo· 1a~~horl?eu th.~ el'eC~l l~). ~~ RlIlll lll~ ' lin d price, we A:no1IJ they t:annoi be l "', ... r~n", ... _ W f bfT'll 1rl91' '' n... ...... ,."..~ '1Am{1l "'"''''' .' ' tatll . good UltitC of ullr COllllllUllity than Ililllscy . Th ose presellt. lI'el'e Rev ' l he.l.dslOIlCS ov 1'1' the ~III\ e~ o~ t~IO ISlIrpassed. Oad,\Vallader, J alllley .NO I JC E ~~'i!·Arn.~:I::;,.i'~;I,':~tl~~~ a\~~'r;'hl :rr'~~~~ A4J,... A. BURDETTE ••UTH ..... l' .... UGl ~ wc cot('rt.niu alld wh ich we stead. L. F. Van C lev and WIfe, Gcorge U I!1lI1l 801e1l0rs ~ho llI e bUri ed. III & Everl . I Estate. of .f ohll lIo11llc.q, rll'r.'d . : ",;;t:: ~":;f~. "!R\\: ~I~':\II~I:,~'.~·,b'7 1." ~~ : \~. °U=::~~r\~~ :~;:: :. :;:~ ~:;~ P. O. Dcu &06&, .... 1'on atJ>, fastly bel ic \'c exists all10llg us. R. Stil.e.s and wife . .Joc McKinSeY ! JIJ.rl~at~' 11 and vd lllge cemetcrl cs. --Th!exqni~1tc crORS whi ch doc 'l'~c "nd.r.i~lIc.l lon. h",,, "Il)l.,ill l:·" I",d :::t ~ , :lU.4 S0,· nnd,. wife ' IllS 'i\ I bc done liS SOOIi liS thb e ora te d tl 10 CommnnlOn . T II)I Ie of'. 'lu nhfiudl-[OL. AIllIIlI,i. alld wIfe , Milt' MCJ{IO - . JOI1:-< l.·.. tral,"r oIr .II," r~"."1 1'' /I f L.dl., •• D .. lleo", Bad lI.,.,bl". H. Lawrcll ce alld wile Fra nk Zell ' necessary arrangemcnts cun c S "I 'CI ' 1 E t S d ' " .c,=> . In tu ,,{ \\'1Il'ren C.. ""ly. , . I ,'. I' d I II tlIe IIIUllllllllle ' . I Qnur· t. II IIry ~ dIIlro ~IS e r UII ay ,leflCII.C'\. T IWSF,' I an'YlIll, 1I 080 llle, sellsn- and Wl..lo, Mrs . Coll ntt ' "1I'ss"s b ~r I ", Da tCd tl·.I ~ 8tlI a'II Y n r .\ fin'1,.'\ I) . I...." -. (j' • • 1:) . .... . . . , U '"' Fall' 11111 e. , r t IIJ. WHoS nrl'unge 11l r. E • J3 OU11 e r 'I ' . . . _ tlOns, cnuslII g yuu to leel scurcely Ilie Willi s IIIatti e Van Cleve Ida , tertUlIsteI'G cll oral, lit \\nsillngt(lll, ' tl X . fi . i d d l ,~ , W JtO UEltti c rl8 a ble to s ta nd on youI' teet; ~hllt i Ooll1pton 'Flora McKinssy. J\l~A'gitl I Wil1 ut onco prLJc~ed tu co ll ect tho t~l al~ p~~cure[ I Y I - - NO'I' I'·I., ' · COllstallt drnin t hat is takin g fro III IClea ver 'Elb Cleaver Abbie Ro. neec 6nry iut'ormlltiun as tv where l rtI." • oug I, or e c I HC ~ J.!; .• your sysleln nll its forme!' clastici· ers K~tio St.iles and' Cal'rie Me· these helldstones nrc I'Cqllil'oLi. on Enster Day. . . Eq(at.e '1 1i llw i fl I' I1mly. tlf " ,1. ty' dri vin<Y the bloom froUl your d M '. G _ S 'd ( All persolls buYin g any klloll'l- , --MI'. NnthaDiel RIcks nnd film · 'rlto undl·... igllcd h,," 10" '11 "l'll oi"l"d 11",1 ' ". . Insey , an essls. eorgf: I es I " . 1'1 I db kf ' m M'lf )rd ' '1unlifictlAdcui" i_ rtlLri< "il 0 1-" 1' 1 f QI..!_ oheeks ; that oontJUllal strlllll UpUII and Nehemiah McKinsey. lee ge 01 thll bl1r1nl pluces of sfllol el'5 1' y move '. ac I u. I ' . i I'; ~[MOR B.ULY, IIIl r',,( W " ,~rc 'n ·c:,'.,7,t~; I your Vitlll forces. re llderill~ you il" The Balld ellmo around and aer- in private eometCI'i e8 who, e gravcs to theIr home III Corwl/I . 1I1.'8S d ooc... oel. . . .~rJJJ'A07'l1B.D II., ritabl tl ulld frctful, ca n eusily be ro- enaded the compflny, altet· which Iare not mark ed, Ill'e I'c<.jnc~ lod to' Mary Lyneh" .w.ho , ~IRS for. B few II ,i, ad d"y o( ~t' I'I~. :\ .0. 1 ~70, 6~ moved by thc lISIJ of that Illnrvelous they wel'c invited in to partake com municate the filet tll the QlJnr'l yen l's been rO.Blillll g III CO~lI1gton. l .\h ~ \l!\ I LY. remed y. B op llitters. Irrl-gulllri - 0. supper prepared for them. tennnster Geneml , and give regi· I ~{J·, COIIICS.'Ylthtbcrq. TI!elrlllany - - i 1'TACH:\IE.Y I'. ties aml.ob~trllction.sofyour .sY8tem At a late hour the COlD pliny dis- meot, compo.nJ:. and dnto of .oo.ath frJ~llds IIro glad to we leo41 e ~hem J. O. ?tfflun Bof"re IVm . 1I1llnln:.: t"'I . 8eua for Sample Cards IDa Price LiM __ ~~!¥~go,~_ are relrovod at OIlCC, while th e lJersed wishing t)l e youug 'conple of deceased, If k nown. S lmdul' bllck. - v o. J P. ,, ( Wil l''''' '1'''WII ' I ' ~ JIB A, ,J. Wh innery. . hl". W.lrr,·,,· c.;" .. Oh.n. epecia CIl~8e of periodiclI~aill are II loog life of happiness. in ormation is desired from partiel! -- osoph Cook. t IC great oston On the 2d1,h <Illy ,,( hl,.rl,II. J\ ,D 1",70. 'I'h '11 . I ' f' 1 t ' I t '11 d I" I' 1 t (j ndvertiaer, having been pcrm" n.IC lly d permaDlJD tJ y rfmove, ' YOII A G UEST'. In C largo 0 SIIC I ceme encs. ec IIrcr, WI e Ivel' liS cc Ul' 011 .aid Juetlcu i••" e,l '111 ,f'rd• nr of ij~tc.ol"n"""I. HA'J'UBELOP.':,) CEI,);ll lt A.'I'E D HArR curedeof Ih"t orand diIC... , Oon, uUll'liuI C. heed·· tl.iis' Sce ··Truths." Ot' courso it is not intended to " U ltilTJote Amer i(:fl,' ill the Ope rll in tho hb~,' c :lotion, for tllDsum of $111 ,00. !.lYE, hest ill. the world . 1'h" ill,enlbr h•• by 1\ simplo remedY. I. anduua tu mul,o THE oObnty voto Oil the ' court- furnisli lIeacistolles for' gravcs ovcr Bouse, Lebanon , '11,1 :Uonday cve n· 0".0 contlllued ulltlll("y 28,1870. li t ':I 0'- ". Cllllai. "plomlid hair u)'e fOl' f,.. ty l ."" known \.0 ht. fellow- BulI'erera Lice WCQll d of .. II F whl'ch monUmnnt8 Ila Vn al I 0.1. A (I'. II·, , ~'lo"ISO cents . • Iook A.IIl. J . H. MOON. , IV iLh benefit 10 tlau hill.. , and. no iICjury to bis curo. 1'0 all who dellre It, he will B~llcl (\ · Ilouse ques t lOll was as 10 ows: or, "" U D _ hUll h ic; 1,,'O of ,lUlL ill. the only true and COlly of tbe prclOrlptloD uled, ifreo ot ~ n y
'; ,..
G M IE LL" 0N==
U 11 D 1 l' 0 1\ B
rm- w.\
The Most
0" ..
tc : .
Are you gO"'IIg · to p ....... · t7
ChemlCa · 1 P a·n • t, a eo.. w PIt- k-In« C 0 •• HAI R DYE.
o J
ImNALUOUORS ~I~~~ IM\~~~ Ii~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~:~~~~~:~::~:~t~~~~~~~~~~:~Z~~~--~~·~~~~~~~~l7~~::~r~~~ME For new of t be whicU!c ay seclI f"ll ,br mail by .!tho uoderki8"!~II' DOWin stork n Hno ~I' ~~c. No lU1r~~ (~p po i l ~tm ent~ , no .rld ~~~U~)~~~~.M iculoU8 ODd".ing the whicb ,lboy w II fi ud · 't M BJOrl y
. 0 P t.r:o Leba on IIrtiole of pu~o Bourbon WhlAk f I II fC8SIOg • • .I),·11I S8.Y, . n , $2 u galton' .uit.. blo .. nl\ e8poor,'lt;~r~~I~' THE Barri8 Guards will probably O. ThiB is a ,fine Hl'poriuDity to ~etl for ruodiuinClI pnrpO"CfC Alfto Botti I go into camp at HiII8boro this SUUl '1 hour olleofthe m(ltIt popular Qratc?1'I! Ale; of the 008t lIfabd, fo~ in.. nUd.: or mer. of the IIg~. . Cor"'~. ' R. MpUNTJOY. / dd
(nli c oUH .
80 11\6,
1101s: r~ "I.rll o" Lhe Ofl"(;I ~ or had dyes 1- Sure 6nru for OonlumplloD. A.lbm", B",?oIcli.~" th o ~lIir 80(~ 111111 ltcallt!,."I, black Or ohlLls. IotC.. P.~.lIe~ "Isbl~ng Ih. p rOll~'t'II't l o'l 111'011' 11." old fi lld prUJiPrl~ "prh .t at D.•'l' \I I ,.. II pl .... e Addl"", E. .A I WILS)N . ~',O" '8, .. Ig. jl'ct.ory, No. Ia Bond ' treet, ·19. Penn tH.,' \\Ulllnntl! bl" h, ' • Sew \ ark 70 1 . ,
TIME TABLE. ' ~ __ ~~ ....
~1IAD~OR •• whetber arillng from IDd\gea~lon Ilr Nervoudno88, thor.- !
ollghly unflta Bny Olle for Iltt.Jlltiun I Plttlburg, Cincinnati II; St. Louh to busine8s or any o~hot aotlvo RA I L WAY. Cort. Dr. 13ull'tI Baltimure Pilla " •• ... N.IU,NDr..£ .IOU·I'E." always Clure this dilltroslling dltlur· . - -),)( - - 5 der gi villg proDi pt telief ufter the IlLElleCl& Oclo~.· lI1.h, 1878. l.'h4) DCl'uaved. Ii d P"~~ell~o,, Iluruh".;IIl! LOc"1 R',,",d W AY l!JSm~LE, OHIO. While ,,~ tho 8poLlUIIlI flowers. and 'Paulog ra oso. 1'rip 'rlck..,& li"' u, ' Ule';n~ 11" enre, OIHllill [1I(orm. hi. u". tom.,... And the pubho ICOII. tillr, • 1IOG118ii-I!U·I'IFIClAi·£IoI. • diaoounL or \"11 pCr cout. rrom regul" r rally, !l",t oil hi. olil.bllld ho I' pr~pnr"d loIy baby lt~ ; 1 tn r .. p~i, It is 11 0 vil o Ul'llggocl stllfi' pre, ruLe.. , I wcavo DIy lIugor. tloro,'gh hi. aUDn)' hair And kill8 the eve. tending to u e Dllldl.l of WOlldCIf'ul ~I~' 11_"""'. . Sv I"wl), bellDliog. bright und wondoringly. fodreigll ro ot8 bhlu litl, &c'~fjnnt! p ull TA1'IO'~ ;\"o~. Nu I ;\"0. G. No. 7. On o~rthly thinga. C up l1y l onl{ "gus CC,·tl outes 0 --AI."! my boy Io R8 fi own away from mo · ' , bII t u 10'''CIII'L' Lc", el +7 ·15u,"., ,20,," , lt4 IIlp", On cheruh wl"ga. prc t c nl:I C(1 tlilmen I VII S cures sin q)lc, puro, dlectn III 'ciICi Il O, Arrive r f"I,1 tl,e dl>i.uloy II'Mrm oute, 000 by mllue o f \\'l' 11 k now il vl~l.l~+I l! re in · I. uv olu"d j 8. ". ., And luy thom b, ; ~Io ,'row " ItIt",,!1 'IO'Il" Ii Oill"" Sw 'ot .n!Ccll MOLitor. chllm him II OW tholr efI ·I C~, I Ilut f nr ' ll lAIICd ,tij uWII ('cr· C,"" il1 U ·' U.IIi ~ 471'''' ow n, tificM' U)' I t~ ,c urcs. " 'c fL,fol 10 , Xeu" III ~211 '" I" .)2,,,,, 1, ~Upm , UI' in th e tiky li ')I' Bitt 'rB. th e pllrus t lind hes t vI' - - - - - - - - .Ah. weill hi. tendor fcet can nevor .In.y I hR.\f' ~1I(ILllu~l Willi mUlu LU!CIIl(1,Jo:JoI 'lr . Into lhe wrong t IlIou icl nC's SI' l' "Tlllth ' III1U "I'rl)' t i ti!luu .I OII~ 1: :O;UI.r,;. wh o 1. I1~r"d" "I""r l h· 1 My Juhng walk. umonJ( the •• In t.< " ,-d ay , \' CI'OS, " III IInuthcr COIIlIll Il . H uL 1I 1H",1 C uret"us Ilt. "',t~ llInllt \l n . J) " The nnllumberod thrun g. 7. ,i l' lU 1 H 25/\ nlld t lll111l 1l1lltlv tUCJ unillLr d "ht. Ih (' LU!olI· 1
My day. ur. full of lean. bnt "loon lIt night I dream of thee.
iu thy hLLle rube of
Illl e,
In Ihy l1ew horno.
- ----
:1~:'8~:~t!~~~. l~~;tasdor7\~~:ht~:~~
N )'orl<. 111 1 '" "elle " "!!!! o,!!!! , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'! ' '!!!!II'" mmm n 1ltt·1·.
.,.11", .
N" to No I ~ " II, Nv 2 u ' L" " ' i I'~I,'~',':~" O(" IO'''',t I O OOn : 1 1.1, 1011,1"" 7 2;"", 21 (I~'''n I 'li pm " I:' ,
1'------ , *3.illl''''l
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~I~' I~~
~ ·J(I ' mI 2 1t1l' rnr. :J7 · ", ~I~ l=l 4111" "1
Aor"o I Y " ,"g. . ; .,2 , 10 111111,,,,, 4 1111' ''' Xcniu '" :.!!'I 1m 12 fill \f .., 'Ulprn l - ---x~':,::," III !"I II, 't'2 1i.1' : ',4 :'1' '''' :'; I ' Ill 'ro'" 1
~/(/~AS~::{;~' ;!h~.~:,e:;'tI:;,~ ",,. ~~~:~
I Jlllp'" 1 1II'P"', r. 1'1 IlllIlp'" 11110 1' '''
U 11 U1.", \8
l r r ,lo'lll. fl l,i l
(,' u rr~UCj ( '11 ~ IUll!,q:
T" e GrnlldCen tl'alll o tcl(Jccnpil' ~ I LOgn llll ern O I '. "I" I tn, ' I ; tle I .a.rC all ofonosi te 1U I81 ti l ,d t·t ' IIlPtl'~" ! hHIlW I
H T ,
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.t -'j
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t', 1'111 lid I tun Idnl :S " 1I1t I , I ,I 11.1"01 li l t:
:J ~" "01 "-' -1'
'1 . 1 . _ I
IU"dU' ldud proh~
\u I" lit
\\,,,h l l l,.. L lI l it
IIp,tal. It IS 1\ Inrge butldlllg. :-; ll lUIl IlI13, ,,k " ole. "u t.lllnju~ ."1 jill' II , <.lcTn orcle , D",11I,"",I. ""1,,, ,,1, "" ' ., . teet . Onefl'ollt IS o n (TUi, / lnd, vlllu nld Po,Il"8uliJCCIIO I tho
OC('lll'ylll~ U s \lllnre, of 111 1,
t1l U
, -
Cura y
~a !
"IIIS S(o ll ll le, th e s ite o f Ihe chulch '. n , ,,,,,,,,] c,rhfi".t~. " f drl,~"it I ~ I,'ij M .J. ' Iwat! bu r neu ill 1 68. ,,,,,le il ll '1''''0' ""ltcul," uf depu.. t ~~ m nr Ihlln two thollsand, \\ o.lll l'.n "OI'A I., ~I.' I,I.•'.J I', ' > p ri het.! ill tho fluUl es. 'I he s i te 18 ' ,. rr.: OF Omo. Oo U~TY 0)0' Wi/'A""Jo:~. S5, ml(ll:lfod II ow wilh a bC(l u ti fnl m on · r, .TOI", E"A1< . C"~h, e r of lion "I""'e,, \I I! 11111 Ilt represcnting in various ,,,I ball k. r1~, ""lem"ly umr," llont Ih. "b", . . .d t I"tnt cmrllt ' 0 true, to tho bu. t. 01 "'J k" " I· b I b g rv tlps II o llt t lC nBe, lDel e llts 0 ' U!'o ""J ""lIof the hr ,Ilnd Rllr moullt ed bv Il tilt 1 . .J F:T. l:VAN . C .. h" r ls UJo °bf 11 wOII~lnll with Itnll;r i IIl'rnil" lt~'~:;'~f'~",~';.i\,"r~;'~~" tu ""ru,. "". , h,. ' V o. ese c lin g mcrcy . !c .l't1 l·' , ./os. H. KE Y'. IIlcut auvut til monulIlcut IS III t l,e ~U~'T) l'ultlic, WU" CII Cu. Oh i" tlhnp of n coffin . 11I1I1I~C'r- Atle' I : , .,.., J' II ,. I ' SuI. l l O:O; 0 AlIilE ~ . I Eu Attie s t l' rIl SlucO le clY , fi W ROGEHS. nlr"":,,' •. th re rises t'r III Ihe level vlllle)' a ' H.\J £S . rr ru g ed.tlill\\hichha.sheonbea.llti l APICI"Ef.......... E ••· EL
- - -- - --
sar~ l~n
PI wlti
~' \h
fi ell alld ud l'rIlcu WIt I l Ul1l1tl\llI ;o. I11I1SC ntTI, chll~1. w.nlkslll d."rottocs . ., of 1111 Sallta Lucia ill IS th e pI'lde bl' k ' el · TI SIIntlago. IC l)ll 10 pnl ,g' ~ ,
's 1" ......1 if Y"" "" ,>itl,OUL ,t) Oil r "' I ncllher I e,: I."" r"" . " n,r n " ,t, ,01. II 11111 " ". ell " " IILIl" II I" 11 ' '''1( Sel ere Ltve r PIll s. h ·. "" I"' ''!, I',e ' O lll lChnl , 'I ~ " I' 110 " oll·ol. in [lo"d 0101" , 11\ " .1, '"' ~ Goo ·
fc ~ ycnrs ago )Y Senor C.on
In o
IIC~!'f. An~ C~u , tjpU l1
'1 he \ I ru I'h
I !
i Th B tt W WithoutDosng; e e er ay
thin g bllt p llhl ic. U8 we III 10 p.IY 't"I " , 1',II." "' l; h. I'll I fty C('llls to .... et in v I' o ·~ t'I" ,, ' rt'I llsteud GilA VE HOICDEU rU ' GI ' j' . 't ntsitout A '1'",· I l"UU I "'VlIlrr I. tll "Q ,·'ltV ': I" ""L .-(,,1 !!r.,' · rob"e r "I I'" '" ,.., 1 · 'f " ..· "c~ \.0 , - . . U
:.::: )( :::. ~
tu n private if1dividuB~Jn6tfu3 1 d u\ I.: l>n LI ~P8E Y 11 , we'lll " "I hI... it wei' II fnnn , I\nd he tn --8 to nHlke Blood S eA rc.ber hr' hnot rLlhl lcll Ih J! r raq' , t ~Cl1re " hi, W, h d lI1g of :-iclofuln COli ti S 1I1II Clt II !' 111L P( !II'11I. ' 1'1 lem. u , o""'"llil)O,. n1 " ""IIIIlP m, lI e,c u",, 1 ,I'ri, "K . f St'll") hus n tine cvll('chou (t t1ullv c I C mCClon rt F Irtn n l lHII S , ' I Ul11 ur "' , E I \r-I , I l " lnlllr II lti dto ry n lld hotan y . 1·I.hili...lIId\ . ,1114' ~. F., er nlld ACII' • II ,,,10,·,,. , 01 lIu I , 1 .. . 1 • 'd . 11101 1t1 1M l be.Jjj o . ·tt d Dr Lind '11 1(: 1'n..s· r. 1'"", IU 'll t lal l"s l "~ lI ce IS lL 18eYliBIOOd Searcher .. ti ... ~'C" I lor.· Vl' J' Y largo h ili Itlillg, J\ pa rt of ,t h e , " r.' er",·r (~ II H" bb "d, II II "'litl e,'. ".. F
l'c'l I.), tite \' f\riOIl tnCC8 " ,y. 'etHe t IIltl 1'11I .,e l"". ,I, cl nred 1111 " " I ll' li ving II f c II\ QUII1I t i ll n fh til e use , I ( ' fth o~li lll b I C r l.t tit o'l rCII"llry . IDrLlndlley 'sBloodSearcher 81" " ..
lll;.:; OCCl1P"
• I n Ittr~ c lOU ~C
' .
Ctll'10:o;ltU'8 18 rcSlelfNi to lIe ,Ilh ' J (0' HI . n\~l'i. l 'ltll!CS c . bl lt · lllmit·\tl l' n of"'I 'o.Oh,,, ..... ' ' \1. '0 ""'" "lII iu,,''' '' ''lo
()no tlf ttl\'
. \ 1
th eA lhu Ul.hraluS 1l1L1n, ThcUl'c.·h.
11""tlll'I' 'IQ 71100 ri h rO"t! "'(llld " r!1l I gnU l" IJ·H WI.ung It1 , 'fl Ie 11I'., tllllClli , d eliS UI'C wOIlh sce lng. Many Q
1 I
ea olr
BENI ((Q Jl ,
I ·'
: ,
Absorption E()1/ Med.,·cated nC'oot Ba.ths,
Calsomlning, 1)
illIftI ... tbataU.actc th ehum,mhodycAobfl uac:e:d ..«tI, ....dim," """ " . ' IOU
.r~ . n.
-ft. p ... n hert. fa pro"'pt aJld S".efjlcr"jl""" ....."""m • .sV.I."',a" .. 1f._,MPoUOJl<>". O"""" 'Dhlc" Par-
fIllfN .1. Aetlo", alld 11''''0,..' .. No ..." .. ' C d"l I B III. N. AN
fe.; , ......,,""'
em W .
.. It I. kn ot"Tl brct " utl''1Pt rl,rtutbft l theretl
no ul..... U'.I.Il• • k. lb.,.u'" or~~ull ol b<ttb
6, mod~,d b,)· Ibe use of rrrUlfl., ael. ,tou IU ./4" .. Or"... t.
I'( f· 11I
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hasbeenn. .... aedandmeUowedb ... - '
IormediclnalorlncramencalpurposesJtia It caD be obtained from moat
of the lendIng Druggl... Lbroughout tbe Unllod Slates, and .t wbnl...... from tIoa A-lgnod wi 0 wlU forward deKri~ un=> .' pamphlol, fre. ofchllrge. on .ppllcatloa.
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Slack Headache EIUU'H~"' OR Gll iIII'S SONS' !'Ull dl Hit
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remnrkable. and both.!hyatctans .nd wine-.
IJ ,\ )' IU)
" ."u" " d 08C I)lItil ' ILl., r :\I" ~III 1' 11t For ...llclJll;o'Irn nJlnl~LIIIII IU!lln (ltt l e~ t\t
tbe.lnes. Itl.onlynowlhntlheotberbeil'l havesucceeded lnarrangingforluftlll1Jml' ( h d Ihelmeo I f Lb 0 ,.e"ale an band. Aruongth.sels n wine of .W1QeICQ tb. Yln l.... b !II""'l
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\Iou l rl l n~ ..
s uch eJCtre'mo kind. that
" I:U I liS I ,. <U1I....-_+-...:r~anclcrs have a "peel iDlerut In It as lbe .' -, 0 d.est native wIOe1iOwdccessibie In con: \. I ' '''' ~L''~P (/ UIO _ __ _ ____ , aId orabl equ .. nllt~. Thew hlet 0 lac k'OA- D Ib • IIII"U"N D It hl\D<U Qf the w. I-known wholeaale MAGNESIA I hOllse of Ihe Thurben.-N. Y. t NOfJ. 19, 1877. l''' 'n ' ''('·I·I'ItI>III L' ~I ~IID ,'I ::i ~_ _
-"------L' ~OT-'U'BE - - ~..l cal~ IIAR1 . A I
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I l' tili ll II I I )'" .. :110 of FIII III{,". n III ", l ' hrilluool, I I e, t hu L It will ril" C ,.\. ITPili I I I III ' Il l \ lO ~. II I 0 1' OU I III \\ ,' lUll () t: I " 't'c r' elld h, con "llpl ,ell llnll
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Det caeb whole dilec t. to ti le 1'1'111
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Un"1Il1Il g I0allOwlbellockofw'nebe ' I __ ~ I:and grnpc.hovcIOOletlm 10 be !Otd or any ID •• O", 10 .......,. Tbe beenaeOIIQ
" "111111' " "' 10 F'I I"'IlI " ,,, - " ,.,,,11 , ,,,I" nodi. '0" i l !I"' P" ' I""" " 1..,,,,01,,' oIP",, 'dLofoill,rr l
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l lrul tl«l l"ru)rej'ho ll t. Kn llSf\M from
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EBRIGHT & CO., Agcll t rl ._ _ _ __ __
I ,\~IE ;; J.F.FF P: 1. ,\
""'\" ",,,I ~II I. ':"""'/ (' "" v , ., s,' "" ~ "" '''I : 1' 11 ,' " "111' _ """n"I",e lO "'Irk lor "" t; "" " '10 _. "" ""L ",lo ll" , oI,"~ "li t r, 01 " Hn,' Allr. , ,, : ,I' .011.chulI.te. h.ll81.tLhd nlld Lh e C"· l h""\lfi'o" . I~'tr"'. l ro, ,\,1 I' , r.",,,I' "' O IlOIl". ~I I" g,,,,, I II,,,I"I.,to "0 , o l .", I HI ' C l i e ,04 c nll l Ij\llJ~ Itlt IUI JII 8 AII, I farmel ! Cn n uN-tUI Yo " 0 .. I U~II IH1L ,.J ltl ll 1" 1 r t L 1 1' " 1 R· ,.. .. d .tm l ' II I IICflJl 'li t .. ~"
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tin y nt. hn mo modo In f i,e 11I" II~tll " " 1
~1'1l ~o "'r "
C I NC.l!f1t""TI.
There iueuriousalory &boat _eadft ' _Inc. wh,ch nro exlenslvely GdvenJsed nowadays. lind haveDr. only reee ndy been pul upon • tbe mnrkel. Underbill. the "eJJImOWll I Dl)ugltly GeneralShermBD Grant Rl"'p .... growc!rofCro<onPolnl.dlodIDI871_ ', ' ' Some of bl. heira enterlAlned lemperance
" 0 J' LR }' I' '11/ 1 L' ~ , u" .
I '" Ul lk ,. 1110 11 1 \: I,l .. lu , III \\111
OO " "~lf.
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8 L. H. JilcCAMMON•• parer. 8 8 182 WEST FOURTH 8 O. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
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IN J!lVl!IRlI'
. /c, (" " ,~ I""ill(:).' ltoe ProlC u(
SETH W BRO\YN. 1 i I4 3,,,] A T TOR N E Y AT LAW, George a nd
O,,",pnl l ,,1 " IHIILlnl, Ve"". "" ·,, 1111,,1 ,,, . ,, , "n""_e,1 , :, I<rd"t",·d to ~ urk we ll "lid ~ h 0 r Uil '''•• • • I.imed ., huE"
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om, e. Dr Hndl ",.·. "I'" ftund. "Inl,,"""I Wnll III. 0101. __ , __ ~ , _f e ... <, 0
Hookwaller l':uglne
DR. H 0 K E, I'IIY. /u ~: OIl:AL PII rSf CIA[N& l~'l "('OVe ll E_' UI),I \J
IU K - S.--------AS' \ SGG" Al
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,uth nf li nn ,. ' Dank. I " ...Ia JiI •• , '''n' ..... I11 " . OhIo. , O,"~e hllll ..... I,:J t.o IJ I-:l A ~I , I to J I ~ I'M . i lo H , . )I
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Ome~ 2 .Iollr.
Id II rO' I"III e,,, ,· fn r , 'lher Exl" runl ""ti In ~o" :le]~"c. 11,,,1 n' l Aflections 01 tile .
111 "\
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1''''''0'''''. ,"u,e n .... tJlo e,,\>, F"""'o),J :UN OS. tIIjiI;, It. 5 I R " ( ' HilT"'''' Ill/11ft PILEIS I. Ill! A U PII~\I'S
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_ 8 c:r,- .\ '111' .. 1 U"'J.l q,, /To. , 8n,1 Two NI., 8 8 ((" II '11,,,1,,,,, I,... f,,, ~"U C" n,. ., I R It nt,," I I B It 'II,· .,,,·I ·I',,.·I' ''~,·",,,, r.,1 I.. r ""0 ,I",,!," 8 8 11 1.100 1. 1. \ .~ U H "D I ' K . l'r0l"rti • J. RA N I)S, " 8 "II . un I8 DI' IJ GGI~ " ·. n ••dyfor OpCb T il. Hit.:l,r ~ H"H. l. :s . . ""t 3 E . r "'I AIN S ' GRIST an d FEED MILLS ' 8 8 ' n O. . . . I 'A 1,ld ,· 11.,1' 11111, r< . ," ", llll; d"clU r \\' A,\ ' E ' V 1 ,I.E. O. II' AR IIAXT P.II Jlt:ST A1'lI CII E.\I'HST. I II dI '' 8 I'''''''' ',~rn lhHUldtd h) FARMERS AND STOCK-MEN 8 rtlf' '"\' Ht, ~1l" I t: r II H',7 hy !!"rlndtn(t' .. nl"",,,hU" p, !u, e O)f""uhh,,,thll ul' ASMALL C\j ·10111l1l.I.I:-\HI"EJtYVllr,Ail,U~ 8 8 II ,,,,,,' })1> 1/ L' DA,j[ IN \\' 1"" " " r" ,1" "n ,' nd r" ,I,'. I,'k, \r. 1'. ~l \. , A"I'IU\\ X 8 8 . ",,,II" i. II "I'B," ,r. ' Rwl, at)" "" e, d· (}lJi O:~ "11 1 1 /l",./,{.)I"" ,/,1"." SI .. C" h r~·III1'. I"" •. M'l'Cnl!m. I " , ILl.I·~. ' , m.t,. THL'" NEW \ VJ\ y NI:..S\ On114-1Ior~O I)0\\!cr 8 8 ' l I",, ' " " P ,,,,,,,,,",,111 . D()UE I" l' [' ' IJ I fo~);;;;1ii It1l1L",';'Btlr~r.lg8n ~:;~coio~l1J· WH[(LlR WILSON '1''',\ ,', , ",. " I ,,11 ,"Mol. u"'" " m! rC',om' 1 \ , . " . ~ {!Ii A~ on ... II or ,,1"'111. me. 1or r.",1 DURST. 8 8 ~lhcOl' . 11 ('•~In-~l ll" 'II I IC Kl p.Y ChIC ~"!:lJ"ll!l.\.l877. IT III I tl 11 R l wz~nuO~~'rGlIO'llEAL P"'IIOt1J0l'01l1 . ""h.·,Jlh ''" ,." ,1 " ""Ul ,·! " P ' I er' l HO ._ ~.IIJ, '8 It"'" _ SlID,/!! V[Ji\t 01>1" j1 ~' 1f,Ineb lion. U.. runtour y. .... 1' 1" r " r ",,,r,· ,,,,'•• m d~ "i th 110 1 ' . , , ...lor1. EDWARDS'" co. 8 No 8 .,tlwr rncd wi n Fl)ol: Uthoo bnurs !II!! lu A M, ... J1J l u CbIUiah~n. II~March utb 1876 iI IVIo .. " t', (. I'r:"" 'M ri ',1. Ilw n~" ." 10 !!l~orl'!lJf~. 011 A ... rno~A~~~B 8 - -Id-8 run '. the IIlU""le \\ n .. · H" p B,l, 0111,·,· - ,i"nr' S" h " f II n" .. k, MI ller forT. Doty &00. ~ECT AND COUpl ~ 8 t.!', .' • .L It .OIlIO. s;.~,. .,1 UiOIIO " hut 1(1 \\ . of hleep, ~. o. JLIC1iA.RDS & 00_, Chicago, D.L 8 __ \SoI B" J I". '" ,IT IIII""'S M D Vtli G~""""""",I!I aIIu! or QIUU.'8 '\l'c·k.... "~-'. '"II.•..f noj!, 01' Grala El Slam E"', ., 8 \,~ ...... " .. ' C·n rain LI cr· n.~e.. 00m Sh IIm, .. mil !I iI.
l ,c untry- ~ prll1gBilll'rngrc/"8 A plet Yl Orlh ,5 fr l' o M..~~1.I·vi:krJTABnb~~~~e:.R.~·~J~~~ Jrrll " fI, vllI"' , l'.."kclI Jourllftl " ' -! LnwI"renc ....I tltnenLthl 14 b'uSI1If ;oJ~
7'0\. public
il lIuH '8n 10UU N U. n be r IeMil "FI t i l ' II ~ _I> nl0U11" InI pi d (u r IInIenll !J1 IIlg ' !C hJrlC('I1l\rftC~r f Ihtccle r __ Me... I t' 1tl 0 kllowled"ed to be De),ond tbe ;.\'RIO Ag ieulturnl pBper -NntloOlll L,,'" Reach of MediC; tie, .~e been. .... 'or k I Oll r l llil It hliR Il' tn " Po ll ft. IIISl h _"eeI onder 'he Mila .",ton p'ae nm, n ~ . :,:rll IIl'urol .lo urnn h -N Y I Il A b I f b theMe Rentedle .. Aloue. r ,U,,. " "rl , "pBl!llanlal ve 0 I. "' cat II c. t - PI"I ,dcl "hj" Prncllcal Fo rme r. Uq. "hu H , fiend 1M ou r pamph le t, .. N.... - - !~X~;:"~!'II"!. ~~·fo·r!~T~~fi·r·."·p".~cpi.'.!!.rlo ••m,••u.o.'! I - . ~ , - ,' 'Y , l~ II '"" J •••. JoIoIl.d 'r_ , ~ • • ' Tb...m.dl .......n' hll m . n'!:'i"I,p.14.onr.. ":,eh IIlld ,1\ 8L .) 01. iDclud,nl' Grand. ~~~:.~! ~;I~~~~~~;,~b:.p~~:"" Icb to leU' by Square aud Uprignt. all 810 [clll' flret
. 11' .
Conlultatlnn /,.,., aml lo"ctt,., 4t ou r
'lI o1f1omgl'nyor llu~'o'NeJlnndeeh'"
"Tho,\YHco::z:&Whito 1 " ,c l" ~pall\tion , nIH l q llil'klynllliefOrgan ln5~ rncto!'" i~ the rett 11311), prodnces ,\ perlllnnent color, BEST fUld CHEAPEST ' lI'h il'h will n eilhcr Ill b nor wnsh off. in the market! I MlIDufllotured by R, P. HALL" CO.~
S onrc,&, I • .\ '1' umo, gro ll'. "!!"" lUy I " " I \' R!III Cf IIII pIc t(.,l \' CU I ed the 11 110 o f J) r. 1.\",1.0' '. tlIo.,d .,\, ftTc he r ' . " n c,·.
h ouscs nrc ill lute nl'c hilect nro, bnt Plilolo11rgh, • I t c' (" • Boll s. P'mple. on C,er , S .. 1t HI",,, ," , 0 :,1 m ost 0 1 th e ul are 011 y ?llC S .' Y , ~o rn •. aod ,,11 Cul"nollu, ptoo".,h'nl' high mnde 01 ad o be bl leks, hll c I peBr ,I ko Ma.,u,o \\ 10, " llo e H1 "ud 'e II cheo ,. , l11 Rny we see elsewhere in this COUll u~ed Sue thAt our II I\1Ile i~ on tile b n tttHIl II I the "'RpP"r For 8,,10 '" RlI Oru.:)!I. '8 Tru 1y, try. R. E . SELLEHS 1'0: CO. . I. IT. LA EE'lJtA I'rol'· ..... I'IIL, I,,'rgh I'. For .ale uy J SAN 1)9. WilY''''. ' iIle -• SULPII UH FOR DII'IlTRltRIA.--l\h. - - - - - - A. COnFI,ETIr ~ET 01' PINB John B. Wiles , a surgcoll of Th o rnCRYSTAL FLINT combe, Dorect, writes t o th e Lon · dun Times thut after two cnsCIl of • , malignant diphtherill out o f !lome OF 48 PIECES . FOR IIInc o r tell he hod bellli culll'd to ,. attcnd uad proTcd fatlll, the mother • Jn ord or to IIltr,llhu'o t ill" fl C"· 11 no or of a sick child showed him nn ex , beautiful "ntl \tulutibl o G T... ASSWA UE to k I tract from nn Americnll paper coo' b t t) oonftum cr, wo mil 0 t.l U Ill'k1YO un et1u,,1- 1 cerning a practitioner wh o used ed offer for tho n oxt 11lOot y dnYM U"TAII. PlileR sulphur to cure the discase. Ac·
to dl:!IIge the color or the
, ,' e RIIlHI • to UIO\\ II 0 1' black , at c\is,' ll" l1 lL i9 ens il), npplicd, hei ng;1Il
II ... openNI • Il, "'" h Ull" ,. '" W " " II" " ,<;. "./ Fu r .l1l",lrIlIL.1 Cut" /"",,.. , ",ttu. Or,I" Tr left lit Mr 0 .,11'. IJ r" ll :,i'''re - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - I w,lI r""e've "rumpt. Ue"lIuli - _ _Il_ flr~ 8.XOEl:,A,8.DB'
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T hiS elegant lre[lSratioll' may
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roclUfulu of th o wurt'l I.,rm , Itl d t, r tI IlOIlIH.' cd incur:\u lchl ~l\ C I'lIl l h,\'CICI IiS H I:i hit,
"n ~ u' ed 10.,- 11,0 " •• of IIr 1. .. "I'r , '. II'",,,1
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The most populaI' 0 f h d r ganso t e a y!
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l'1I1/1cC and CathedrAl l\lwt h c r, IIn'r (n I" "f corcul"I"'''1 "" I Ii , '''II " " ,. ' u' , " ' o! UII_ ' I , , " i'OI·tal Bnlllcs nll other. J n the CP fl T . tU , H.,· " I ., · ,,, , , II ' "" '" ' " " II • tit . II H I\I . Ll IILl'l'II ~ lf l ,I ,)U f,4 , IUI' l' " \\ I ~ ' I.H II': \ t er aro trees, 1i0 11 nt1l1ll8, ow crs, Aj •. (ie,oI 1' ,,-.\ " ,h ' AI; lit "d li l t I' 0 II I . , k ' d ' ':"-001'0 (IU \ I " ' 1 ' 1 Ik 11'11 S nil 8tull po 8 u grn s . "I' n '",JC plI' "' T" - ' '" l \ .' ' " 111 II hy on C OIIII anm street is ,; " rp"'" 'unu. , I l!i" (~) t: II ,01 ~I ," " ~,, r."
"Qhlldron's Blew P' ;~~\ " 1 AdjusfBdorremnv?dinsta':ly, P,·lco. One Dollar. 0. InventMand Exclusi'le!u 1 ~'l'l.!lJdn.gham·. ~ usad by this Company FOR TH~ WHISKERS.
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n, l" o"n ~""'rlJ\ ' IHIFirch
s treets are nlnd c O f ! ti le plan uf th o ' oc,iet 1 • sq uare.ClI l i C' t! AlulIledu. 'lh
No. tHO ;\lnin Stl·Otl!t.
clo~e (If bu~ 'nl'1I8. 1I 1'HII. 4{ /I"I'~r~"~ II tre e t·cars . and in th e centrtl a l eA70 . hroad prtJmonnlle IIll orncd with II,., Ill" r, ' 51 no 2.5 ~I· n' , f' t' & Dt RESOU HCES. III"'. ,,, I, II 1111, '" r, r,r, t t I! a lIell, lOUD nll1S, ·c. c wcrn [n" •• "d ' ,"co"n' "'U III'", " 0 ~ t I 0"'- ~ ,IO" " ' I ...n .' U eo l"I elleh 011001' th es e divisiolls of thc Q,'·rJ,"ll. . ''''' 4 '1. / ' 1 " '''~~.2..:1f1''_ Itreet urc ro ws 0 1' tall Lomba rt! y .K ROll<h t.u Feom o "i " II III' i"" . :~ ' rlll' \/ll L. .. ' opla ra, Alls trnliao Dums and wil O~I ,or .wuk•. b uJ. liD 1",,,,,.( •.(, '. ;,'K ' UIl I:o" " ,. .. I', '" II ! ~O " llil"" ' I nll' . er' 'l t y (111 lI Due f r l1 m "l)nrvlt.·ci rt·"f'r"''1 I1.H II : .. I t l.t'1 :!H 1\ 11' \\: I ows . 11 0 N ntloon ,. r ~ u g Hl'nl {' ''tat o, runll~ ur . aud tIAln ,"" .::! n 1~, " v ll l " Yo III1 I" ' .1,, 10 , . , "'n" 1 III • m ugnificc llt rooidcncCB aro si tlllltcd Curra'lL nSIWIl f'U. ~lII d t.lLX~,t 1"1 1J. ' II ~ ~7 \1 . r 01\ I , III 111 1 I ~ 1'11, 1 fi 11JlUl P L I ., .. , , ~ n lOl lg tl ,o s treot , TIle city 18 r elY. I' rt'lIuum~ puul 2 :!11l1 till I" I ltll' I n 11111111 _ I _ 1' 111 I I III .. ., " 1 k d I I '1 ' ! (" 1Il II ', I' fili i' ''' ~ . " '" I I I ' t! \ t I I lD I lly f tl 1 v ,PC " "" ,,' ,"r , "" ' lie'''. ", . " I • u ar Y UI 0 ) , 11.1 ( ! 0 I e IhH,..1I1 utla" r Uun l(", 1.:-"'" 00 I \Jill \ I. '7 '1:'1'111 I ' 01 III l..:!I
Whl"te B'I'-onze
-- - - -F- O J{ - T - H - E -
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It re moves nll crnptlon8, itching anrl c1nntlruff. It gives tlle head" cooling ,8ootlling sen8ation of great COinfo , t, (11111 the scalp by ita WIG uccom cs white and clean. ' By its tonic propertie8 It restores tho capillal'y g lands to their normal vigol, p rcve nting baldnes8, and md:illg the Imil' glO W thick and strong. A s n lliessing, nothing hall beeD fOUllll 0 e ffectlllli or desirable • A. A. Hayes. M.D .• State Auayel( of M:l s ~ !\c1'llSells, 8I1YS, "Tho con. ,l ltII"lIls :\le plIl'e, ll11d cllrcfnlly sc, led ' ,I fu r ell: celle nt qUAlity; AIllI I , ",1-1 IeI' i L the BEST PRI::l'.UU.TIOW i 1ul' Its IlllClldc, 1 1>0I1)08C8."
- -Alo<o. Allenl for
I,"do 'n till.
Till stnnrlnl'd orUcle 1.& compounded Wllh t he gre[lt~8t cnrc. . Ita clfccts Arc nil wondcr1)11 And . . 'Iltisfadory (Ill cve r. It Icslol ee glllyoI',faded-hAlr to Ita
l ilt' X CIlI II
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Ollu"l. Will rr. eivl' l"rpml't II!· 211U" / ~' lIl ln n , J tchtll bt' In WU,)' 1l 0:l \· tl1 u \\1111 u· t l'la III lull . f Fl n wc r,; Ju st 8" MOo n n8 tll)(~ \'l!lltll1 r rJ 0511 \\ 111 pt.· ruul, Ilud during t.h u f!IC Il ""OIl "III
" O~h lI C' 1I ~ t c lil j ' IC
letter to y ou as wo e ros sed the Ma' ctlO !lnd entered th e cnpi lal o f ~ h ' I ' 81 II Ik b ttl t I I. la we wa a o u Ie CI y should CIlIt o to,dayu.lIlldcllitsbeauti esll ndwon, dors, for it has mllll )' 1 Tho firs t thing that attracted Uly attenti o n aftoralightinglroJ!l thebo'l cnrlll !J <lH WI :-.O Ult •. which I hRd cOllie. WOl'C th e CIl1'8 o f 11J- IlIgt..ot C,h h I'rice .1>1'4) 0 1,,, ,,1 f.. r the S outhern Il1l e of rl1llway. All I; HAIII I I.AX >i 1:EII I lou" " ,, "" l'e8t aro Americlln bllilt. !lud look IIIllc h 01 term' 'j' ~ I", like tll ~e 011 tIl" LI'trl e "I'u lnl' road. -------------- -- ,...,-.-.. v.. v ill Report of the Condl' Ll'on }'rom the d"l'ot I wl\lked UOII n tll o Alameda, th e ellicf slrect. It is 0/ (1, (, JVaYll l'lill1t1e .VA TIt/ lV,
I Es.
1.1,. t.
A ll q ro f'u 1I11 1I1 u",,,,ed to BON SI\:U &
Allll,ne"d of
Feb. 21, ''[0 . \ Eda. Ga? ette:-J cl osed my lust.
- I-10 55" - I"r~,· . ,,, .. k ",,,I " "'''"h j.:Ti'.to r nd h<lI"r \l1ll(1t~ tl wil Y Hr. In (·lud u tg a fltuck <It
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B·lIlIho li. f e.L.. li nd NulACU tl
B)'tJJ ~ ~ ~ g It S\~
I JOp , lh.: tblll ,d l
1"i 2 i pm 12
At .JU.'4 U'" lIn oo, And knJw thou ttrtllv ohlld, 111\ UAU\' .. till. All t une to cnmo, . Ana ..." 01,,,11 m ..... ~g. 'u,wlo II 0 ad I!O will.
Letter from
MeritlenJ 1../<" /1 n. U. 8 . .4"
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r ?II e ~NC!I The "I.rc'u.r .. n.h".nl ...... .... n •• :~"' " . ,: •• : L~ o;! ;I;;\.IlI '"";;), ~ qul1re Grulld 4 ('unLn.ln R MIlthllebck Ie III W ...... I.... H"die:". Care or 'h: aniunl I ! 1, 1 . ~, '" , .. ' I U' J;I,,·ltl lty .,r ... Ler- on acoDt IOrrlefl,a" dlla l'cIIA, , ' tl oSS or Spcl lll n l lllr h i ll 1I111 11 ced Ily t it j l ,fIIL I 1 1 , t l ' r n" .. .. IC ..I';JG '''Ur _ / nnOW'N'3 f!ATIN l'OLIS'r!'~ 8Pl..ER~ UEI.T-fl: .n~nl:'[Nr~:e~eeD &D U,..· I pili. nl Duplex O\:CI tl trun.! enl c, Ihe grent Allll ~ c III \ OlullLal \ EUI1 : .. iull ooi' 1111 10tC.I1 C\ , ! UII' I II " I, k ' 1\ 1.'1. , TO d "II." N~_ ~ Q ,g., L~PA..."'T I'AD-tl W. l'r~\ enth o and Cure of I (,BI Im l "ove nl c llt III the h'l\fury of pin.lIo mn N \ '" I> 1. ,1 t \ Iii I III /II H ~ to ~ I WIJI 1'1.1 " 11 . 11 )Jf'rIll B",n.~... 4 'lId d r. ,J Il cf tftll c hlldra n'" bootMloolt AO nt"t,.u4 t..: h DINA.IM,mlu m and Sum- kill.!; 'IIH Uprl g ht8Rrc tlt c FIN QITINAM N- l f r\ tHl I ,Rr mpe I ~r. ar I \111 ' jl tUN .nll .""~' hlll dA'lltl .. lI'm bh, \\II. f l unf, l oY ' fI,t" '. II.I, rl1nbel:l,,oo O1e r Complaint. I nl . " Plallo~ 8e nl o n 'IInl Dou't f:tli &.0 r!ngc g t IWI "Ih: OO n :i UIUpflOII. b p li cp~J alltl , (U' n lll .1 Nb ell U l''''' I..... 80. " r. • .", Roltflalllft~ I hi 111 )1 \' ('11'11 r I, r rh o .. ., f)fcI'l'in:" will h l()11 (lao } AuxlllariC!l tor Ntl'- ' I ' III . ' 1,, 1 d D f' C ... "'La. Mcnl ld uud J'ltv81c I1 1llI'll pnc lly. ,\:0 I p "Co l'ut " t fUll "' II ' lll ~rlll'l', It \\111 nut lIuti Ihu tlklna nony PLASTI!R5-6Oe ,ous and OI",ul.,I.. wTO < "" II n , ra~, ~" •• cr,p ,ve ~- -0, 1,10 n~1i I J CC L\ LIt II gLL rica IOc. Per Cake " II ' n • ,., Troublf!tI Ibro"ln of! logue of 4l'l pllg(>~ n1nr1cd fref". \ . ' • f':Oo c"':" ,........ • In (' IJIIH"'t, I I \.l U('f' fd IIIt'tr f':rrl1t pOI"llnrlt, 'bere FOOT" p lllr-6Oc oblltru("Unn!$ and LftHNDIU.I.MJIlOIJN' PIANO flO. Au'. lor III l he ' lit Pcll Uuok, k,,: .... _ ...... ::oy ALL :t:>~~a. rctol4,!\q II hUIIIICJlld. 1 0 I,u"p PCACt.) lu tlla (AIIlIIT, DUHh,,, pain. ~.... 0,111 (ljlftl e l, N. if. 1 ho "orld rl ' IIU\\ ned \Iul l.or , 111 thl8 ud - I ':I VC l our hU libAUtl B bm: ,jl
"'~.'O"" ".ndF.'. ',·.,.
SPECIAL PAJ>...-4.3 OOi. Chronic U \~ r an.1 810m..
' ''"dor,' PBln"iI <h, d mor :16 year.
Mil l
8 ..) cordillgly he used milk of sulphur 12' S rI0II ""e .,1 " '015 1 OU fOI' in flints and flowcrs of Blllphul 121 ,,,1. ,, '11 I OcllnTO 75 } AUllIt.ry 10. Cold.. moruble Loctur •. ,"",rI} pro,'o< Iro m hl8 ) L.rg.· S d l Cell l\r :.!;, ABSORPTION 8.U.T-l Hlckb"!,n um ~ _ _ _ _ OWII cxpc ru: rhC th a t Ihe Rwfu l co n.zU'1uru for older childrcn and adults, 1 11 ,I ,,· , .:, " WKter Pilcher 1 lW b<tl. I ... ; ab. . .. .. , ~. no.. 01 U ..OWIU... ) A D V E T ISl!..'JJf E J.Y1 S ce" of S, lf, Alou " IlIB V Ioc cne,·t'.BII,· relDol ' , bro llgllt to , a creamy C O D~l s tc nco 1 '1 II II' 7't t ! tile10 dlu un re:.ched - - - - - • l · l")' 01 UK! For InformaUon.!I \cd WII IIll uL IlIod .. m e , lUI d \\ It1 UI1It I1ftngo !.! ' 40 ... by lb. PAP Ind Ita AO&JUA.uu. COIiIi UIt our Pam.- • OU8 &llr": ICIl I o l'or 'lions, bOtlg teM, II"! lrUIU(' nLS , with glycerine; d osc- a teaspoon. I ( 1' ,11 11 ," , I -'''t'' 1 f u!( , n" " I d Cov~r 40 PilI.L Add .... , Authors and Composers rlus. or LV"li"l" 1'0ll,L"'Io: out ~ 1lI,,<le .. 1 ful or m OTe, accOl'ding to ngo. three l ~l'"j" l 1l . I 31' HOLMAN LaYER PAD CO., • • • cure ~t once cert llrl liud IJ ft cetuIoI, hv which times Ii day,swallowed 810wly, and I !lui '" I' ,' , ,,] Oovllr no .s. z Cw "" "n" EI,n ~Y. C;"c/ftftali 0 ])ICfo'. 0118, R an dill. every."ITerer. 110 ,lI11n.r lIhnL hlR C"" ~' IIOil applicntion of tho Bllme to the nos, ! PII·I. .. II _II UO ~"'LLERS .. CO A ' \\'. :. T ell1JYlJo1' lfll11d1L may b,,, m.. y e,"e hllll.ell ehellpll', prlvalcly 1 P 'l t, fit ~ ' r 't l :'i t ober 7r, • J~~ ~ l \J • flent" , n, nll /t\111 e. • ff' it"'" and rrldlQAH., trlls with ' 1\ sponge. Hosult: ho 11."' If< [-'"'' 110",1 and Covor 2'; - - ~- --, Scott. J, Oea1·t, I:Ir'This' Leet" ro will P''O'O .. buon to did lIot lOBe !l Binglc case thcre ur 1 .l'reNone DIMh II~ S J' EU 1.'1 L N () 1 '1 Ul!.'S-. - Slwke8puwll, B e that'en, thou. llud. umllho""'lIId. L "nqf. llO1O B aoh SI·nL. ,,"de, 0.111 •.,n " pIll!" :e,, "clupo I" c lse\vhere, and he succceded ill 1 Lnr;:o Lamp, with Burnor ~Dd Chimney complete 3i> . Till! " 'OIH,D'" B"LM. B'? liT, J, ' aD" ."dres:! . on reco'pt 01 s,x cents, or L\\ O sRving life when the afl'octloll had Dr. I .. D. "''''b.....'. "'1"...'1 .... 8,...... ,I/ ,·on. Bue1·. po'loge . lamp" almost blocked th e throat. 48 Pieoos. Tot,,1 retBil prico, til 00 IJr A rcmedy".ed t'H I R I'Y -FIV.: Yoars n •• "t,fut l'orlr"U8 of the ahove mounted Addr.s" the P"blisher •. The Culverwell Medical Co , We ,efer to "ny Com morclal Agency, in" prlule_praetlce, aod never faUlng t.o ou Iot .. ok clird-bohrd, "lib red bor;lor. 8ent ra(UcI\ny CURE b v mull, P081-p"id, , at Ph'e CenllS each, Or c. " . . 810 N.... Ve.1I P. O. Res <11186. WE Ivill furnish Harper's Week· Masonio Bank, ODd othors. II do.ired. ft I • .., 11 'he 8el 01' 'r"d'!Yc loi' .·Ihy CenLS. Libeml _ ~~~"..".~J~~'~' --~ All of the above goods will IIc e.. rofully Iy and Monthly to our 8ubscriber8 p.oked .nd .l,ipped to 001 MddrelUl on re". ". AT. 8 M, OommiosioD8 10 Agtnt~. '' If'hey ull like hot RUSSIAN GUT Wo are VIOLIN STR fNGS a~!i,40 a yCllr. AJI other period •. ceipt of S:S;60. SeDd mODey b, PO. or. Drop. y. Er.'8Ipel • • •Sc ;fiiln, ' ccon~BI:I cnkes-exo'j'hod,v admIres Ihem ",h ii li ~ Il rQTcf; I)j~t.oel M,' .nd all dle"aeel al! o hCMdqu!'rto.. JPJ tho large.t variety .ad iCl1ls at olub rates. D o n ' t forget der. oJtprell.'. N. Y. tI raft. or , let. In whieh thu bl u, d i. Implicaled, Ie DOW01· hu t. tell,ng Frnmes l Mouldlogel, Mlrro",. ter. to GLASS SUPI'LX 00., "red t(> the p"l,lIo. Chromo~, ole., In U" -marko\ . • Our DPW . this. " \ • , PIt t.,bUfll:b, P • • Sold I,v all 1t....'11 l.>ruggietg and ('('hole· C&\alogll" Ie DU" , 1\d1> '&lld will )I~ ICnl on Perloo ....·.Ilth,g cmplOY lnt\(lt, ri,l,lro'" tie Wr.\M "~' bbi" ~'NB 00 al'pllcdloD. DAYIl:D II GOLI>SIfElN , TilE 7 I S '~ m . M ORI:. rain. ' ?J4 , •• ' Olne'lna, Obio. , noc.h lt~;,
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'Iat lio nooy h . on ftn "'I" ,I r","ln~ edLh~ rhuIta' lf! t;I.1 :4ItIt)/J, ,111 ,,», AD.d. n Award «; Ita' at 181~, 1Q
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MEIlIt \
LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD' l 1"t'r )\ltbr r! rffOJ n Ut{1 .. tbf! TO:'~
r.~E .. r
I !If
OVE R 80,0
••t.'-.: ~D t~~':.~"~:,00~ ntlon
Tremont Street,ODDOSHC Waltham Street, BOSTO N, MASS
CIlfCLN II.lTl-f....
Do you RlIow } our "Illcon en to he? fun ate I clI"tome r of n p1l1U~ Boston m e rehal t Ce rtn I Iy nnt 8 r If you CI n nrc H 10 me tl at on e or my yo 109 me n WIllfully ml"rel reHnta Rny Rct cle of mer. h 11 J gO l I YOIl I e f Hfel t" h 18 pi Ice nt on ce 11 e clIs\ome r ex pluII8 I Ig ,lI ssatJ.fac tJ n III oj pall til out the IUIle. man DId y o I \ ~ II tbl8 gCII tlemRn tbe,.., pAper co llars "ould wRsb Mr QUllln 9 s lud the morchnn t III a seH re toile to the IOlClOUS 8rue~m l\n Till n I ~lllke • f E gl,h III lown ors Ye8 Fir reRdJi v RnKwered the of lender but I dlJ not tell 111m ho ... hlld been to 8 1111'08e Lilllt beCIlIIStl Innd hnd ror IDRD) yenrs IncreRKe I In \8111e tbey " oUItJ look lifter "RKII lDg HI' was Illred 0\ e r Ignlll nt I n IncreMe d thl~ IIIcrC3<0 l~ III nccordnn cll with 1\ II ,lurnllln d 1m lut ,ole Inw of nnture BRlM) "here 18 I kc every other cODlmoult) - - - - - ---., .Ty.x AS purers declare that It IS follv Inn d 18 RubJect to the orumar) mllrket to clltch lJIurdere rs 11\ Texns ond gil to fluctuati onR A tin mille m Coruwall t.he expense of trymg tbem bee IUIlC Is worthle@8 now beCllullll tm CIIn be IItI they nrc Rlmost IIIvafmb ly turned 1008e p. rtcd from abT< nd at II ch ea per rile thnn It Clln 00 extrncle d from n Corn by the Jurors But II h orae thief 18 wall mIDe So II field III Ennland that lynched au the spot prod u ce. corn must neceuaT l y become \Vortllle8.~ SO-l!OOD Jt!I-COIll eli II 1m A hi 1IT1IOlll ST Churoh In Nevadll ex ported frum Amerlcn sold for le88 pe lled olle of Ita mem'bcn "ho nt once thall It COtil.rl to I::r, W Itand on the Engheh bougllt lUI IDlll en e eteAUl cal hOllfl 8ft It field -7 II In a backyar d next to the eh ureb And on Sunday drown~ th e prencher'~ 1'01011 S UI r~ lU two Khades of the same color are gOln'" out of f"blOD with ~he Old Hundred by steRm .,
lair 10 mt<llam I}(Stc ""'" 10 choIce hi t<:Uor IX"~ 90c ,..,. to Ruod .b ppel1l Ix~r. rID Ruod d.lry ~81 l ac to guod bea"y o:a:eD. 8~".Xr: eou won to talrrtieChln and . . . k .~l .~X"- lad 81M d 0 .hol •• d. n~CIt
mod ..
l1.~lced nn II
Il(c l.1op-<:OWIlIon 1 2 !lO(§8 I i UI ~oOil I{~h' 6360~S 80 to aood packtu~ grad .. I a 0 tJ3 9(} AOcf I4!Iec:tecl bUUlbctr I [)fir: would I ""e tog t rou e) 11,bM prieN! but tb r we C • ODe off. to K t.t, (0 II ...I at.r k bOIl', ,a~8 • bao<p.Con nOD to ralr fl\!4 It',e Inu KoOd to cho CfI .~ C!I& 86. per Ib JI1"lQ
lis Materia l prOllrel l1l for the la8t ten yoar.-a .tatem ent of factll By William Reid, Eaq!! Seoreta ry ofthe Portlan d Board of Trade. A valuabl e additio n to any library. Price 21S<l • postpa id Addrel ls D H, STEAR NS 4 CO Book Pub a • Portlan d,Orell on
_== === =
n."1r til,," " '... In tbe I .<h'1 n eohanlsm ... beu the liver get. out uf orlor ConN 111.tion 61"IR
aoulaulln at 01 of Ih e blood IUJJl er r~et A8 OIM 11& on fire certl ln toeulue JII t U II .nsy 10 proHnl 11 eRe con8fqlJeuo.~ and remove Ihelr CRU •• 11" <lOurae of Jlol~.t ter ' StomRoh IJIUAlr. "b,ob atlmulaw ij tue h IIMv orgoo Rod regula"" U~ aoUon Tbe direct resnll .. J\ tl l '~)Jpearano. of tho J""OM honel\t! th e r bl nn l.liroollh ,be ~ho ulder I lade tb e U'U H~8 bt ndJichu yellowne siol 11 e akin lurro lloolc of th" lonllue. And 800r odor of 'ue breath whiob obaracte rlSe Itver oompl&iol Sound digestion aDd a Tegular bablt 01 bod, are bl_IDg ' allo I ..
GEO. P. ROWELL & CO.'S IEWIPAPER ADVERfIBIIU BUREAU, );0 Spru oe Stre et, New 'Yor k.
AND RARVEYSB YO LUJ\J E XIX.--NUMBER 43. NO~f~ 01" T i l t " ALI&.
yo u', e never Lulu III C lin nnlrll th ) e l II I t! ,"'t be lle , c )0 11 re !:lOll '" 10 lit" ,,,: ~'''~I 8L IIf " e 11"1' li h " 'g,n g fW Dl.. II, e roof, fl\lW " 0 ore JL j.;IlIi k IhJl"k I Jl~ tu e~ down I llIln k yuu ij lr 'H'II, I Ihr"lli felh'" ~,~t" I 'I'ld l.l , lIl111k IIh tth r , t wou ld II~ Iuuklll h " . 11 pl,a'c,1 W~ II If II 0 lu 1" tI, , t ILI I durk IIlU 1U'lkl' II Il ult a "IILIII' 1 1I l! 111111 el l Ju .t:~' H ; ' ';!Ur< "" "'flr whell II ~ gu L hac k '"!II IU h' j)[leUNI " 11 11 111- o r II",-c IIc. l. ft lc" II lut of I')
fi' lu wou ll walk WAlk WII1\; In .l! p_ d lllu HUI k'J tiU I IIlk WhU r low 1 ) II, n u l . . . f It 1\ lJW, Uk. I Hlu III II( I h t!1 ft\IU~ (If till \of " k
t II" Jl tUf I ~ 1'\ 8 .11t , It ' I t wI! I I UIl 8 At 1lj;1 I I I I U t i li lt Iml " J!til kl' ., lilt Ul 1014 II I g lH ' /'!
" Kill ,ulle wa ' k
nil d.e t rn l !! I ,~ h I to l il k \\ ul" .,dt 'III /Ilk rt 1 111 .. 5wlr 1pt"~ln,. to I aL ..
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W it h (('IIU'1IO . tl OCft 11t.·.. &lll g b u t COl li" Aul rI"" I n fl i J lltell s a n I ItJ I n IJru" lIl er H . I at. W' Jl I.n " . Itt- ' W)IU 0 181H 10 IUth ltt'tllill Itl I
" alk wulk w.lll: \\ Idl u ~hl (' III:C'II .. 11\ " "" III \ fll ,. 141" ,*,,11.: • • IL;
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In I.t rft 11,,11 '1' " 1'01 II I' U"" Ill's i. II, t I III) r" 1\ I " U')L I I ( ry IVIlIi "0' th ollgh all d Lh . IlIle II UX h' !;h HII I eli" lIut tr uhl IIIv. tlf III 'ct ' n lh ' " jl"l c'''JI' j;h III .bo ll th~ "klp~r~ Lh II II "II rlghl AII, I II" II fe, I II' ~ II ,t 111 ,1 l ire ,I / " It d Oli IL III lh e UUII 1 1l ll ei 1""h' l lI h"'~ IIIIC • Ilw n"l rCII ll'r(lIY K'j;ic l 1111 " t! t'. of lhu C'" c " cr ' ;C 'II rcd " 'lh SU I1\ (1 haru "111,""'1( , III lI . thal h,,,ked Ii ko!! IIIl,' und III,e " uy 1111 .-o r l.>< I,f .l,iI( reu ~ ~II1or~ s hone n OIiL on It III", " ollell' rful It puzzled mc Iv ldl IIhere l hr) en lOe frum but th ~rc "'L.,I't Ont \"1I cllil io mentlun b ut -IIIII'U'Ofl ll g IIIHI . llIn ll 'g ill 111111 elll( Lhll " 'Ill ! ' " th . , do UII n mllck Nel" ",dc, "ht ll II ~ \c,,,k Il ut of th c II ,ter
IP I:I a· ,do "'Y lI e 'L'I" he <C 0 II cu llli urta , ;'t' ,I'~'~C'::I~~ d~}~~I"I:: :~I,h I, l ic. ,lo ry" Ili eic N f 1"11 e ll \' aro III( ,- , I II I. IL II lI! j ,. reckoll- lic er \III" It very 1.11\" lll'" " " I "' th e.. u 1"1Ill! I dUll L kuow hu w IL hn l' l" nc.J - tIJUUI; " I~ rh a .. IUU "" Sit -\J ul t rnd e hl'cll'eel IIllII !c th pr III ,: hi 1111/' 1,11 OO lll e firrll . f« 11~ thCl r well ", I" f I an el lalll II" Lilltr . llIl " fo r It II UK 110 !:l'''''' f, telll ll g 1I11n li~ Wh e n' lh e r~ ' ''UI 1I 0llody 10 buy th e ll1 " be ll th ~ ,, ~~ :1 Ie hcd o t'l r .. It 101 11 11 "nd elid Y" L, L hc re 11",1 ,llllio Lit lh e rr, pII lI rll'l( III "lid ' lit fllll u ug l be ,, 1111111_ fro r II 10J; or tll O o f " 111 1. 0 1';11 11 ) o r hllll elll i ""IlU IIr , IlinI ~ ' )('~t u r \\ I l ul( \ c r (UJUt hllndy /lIlL Ilurl' "'Ui IImhlll!; d Cl '" I'; I.l' ~ i'cnktlf r ho ~I I \\ " •• Idl ", "1'0 11,1 !.UI ' e n ' "u l l be l )II I1"3S fuIlM' I' 'I lIldu 'Jlclo f 1d el'l' lortlltrCIYIl. I",,,,,e, " ~ L, Ih e U' ~II 111111 h « I IHUdl Jx. II , r I"." h. lll l)lU"", , IllH '" th nl .. I f " lI le r b u L II III! ) ,I I,,,)ked _0 .",,1 lind I'ICII"II IH thaL I I / 1111 , ~ 1Il " I"fl C trllt [\I n_ 11(\1 th llug-ht / d tnk, .. Ii "'Y ,I Ulhc' IIII.l g il t " "11l1h fu r till finll the ll IIId, li S I " '" tI, tI" a rill fllr 1111 \ '" r(' 1I0t 'NI [lretty " ell 01' IIh t ll I !;t)1 nHhore I oI ,dn t c/!'1I11 J II (Ore " 'I' Il l('.lt: of rCJck ou 0110 / lr,uhle 'Il) Hc lf for a lell \l eek . for r.l ( hllll ceJ/ ""11 I'ollnlill g b OLl 'I' III"' r th e " ,II , HtllllNllIli r IIku u ·h, If 1,1" .r.l e It J;IIl ' Otl nllrrow , IIl1d g ru b W,l" 1l'0(lJ ",iI Ihey ll'le/e mc "11111 lhe I furl ,"Ie h ul ll _ l lln II cllto",fine/lhe ro C~I1I( to IIfltillll ' fhe "dlH \I llY Il Clime 11 0 ChIlIl C(' of \l o rk , I .lidn I li ke , t 11('0 , nle " " ler ",d I d to th o bn ck of -lind \I bnt II n morc tbc 11\ IMUS of lho th e CIIl C II her. lh on IY lOll sort o f belich, I 1J0 "el,ng h,, " , o dlel,, 't Il k" It e llh e r IIIJl ch r "' f llrLh ~ r up thnn I rO IlI" 8 U, "h, h" d neecl w IJ(' s h urp wlLh <ueh 8 fe' r It ll rut rJ~rk l sh lhNt' bClJl~ n long "" I I,f IJ lcc h ('011l104) rs '" II ns ,bout th , " 1\ \\ froUi II ... OpO nlll g 1I11e1 I m 1I0t hlHullnj: her, for \I hCII th'" I hut ou t 011 I h,.1 dgc nlld s t ri ppe d, IIH)IIP\ /! "C" tl .. \1 ('10 ume gnp. IOlLh It ,,11 Illd Imd m) ~h lll • " R..hee/ lll ce RDd Iht " " rid ,IIo r-allll nlill e hall II ca rl y d . lI 11 'lh r n I tb o ug hl I \\ o llid lllke a Ie 1111(' III 1\11 I' ll" " lid mv b rth \I ,lIm' t "" IIll, "" In I W lit " pili h ,nC' a ncl.lIVlDg I "h't ll ll.~' 1 t )bt I Mtr rert uloOll l i() ulld Cllf rY " I';'''1 like 1 ,IIIfli I t IVe re "e , wll II wllrk I cflu l,1 fllli bill th ero gnod fu n, lout It \l e rPII t flln "heu I \I " II otlling "' Illy IIlIe e1\\ II0lS \I e ro t ~mo up II I!' "n nil I IOllkr'1 nbo u I me, fur ,f"",1 1(\ rr .~ the rr ",e,IIey nllel n gllod "') bUilL, lh lLt I ,I I ' f t f.IN'( lIell to tho In 'IlV h" " I, nr.l \I\lrk 10 ke: Jl 0 11 ilL ull Icd!!,c \\ l!! I;II I1 ('- li')IIC d r nn Ollt o f Hlgbl, 11101 I co ule l nul heAr of IInytltlll& nlO \ In g aM!f ,I hlld nr \cr U!'CD Ih e re a l al l In l ho '\I' y J WII>! II U tr, /lut " ftf'( a Il mnd e m e f (' I a h,L '1ueer , ILlld I 1I1111p, III ns w l,1 of ll ..nl1l l cr"f t Ihnt " ". rub hcd Lh p Wili e r OUI of my (,Yell tlllllk I(Cl lllg Oll t to pICk lip I cilr/(u for l h(' IIl~ I Il1n-L h," c ~ot Lll ndcu lik e, bnt nu 'bUill mll rk ct-- nesU! s har kK llog 1i.1t - '" I 1I0nld , th e re IV l.~ IIU t'Ullt lilly Ih' lll( tb ev cl'uld 111 \ 1,,'lI\ r18 UII "': ulI,d nOlblll g to . Iw w "horo "be'd l;O Il C ' It take s II ,loUI; limo whil e t e lling, n'HI t hong h r d ldn ' L h nl! Iin cy Lbe lot "II hoa rd, ] goL stllf'/'i'c1 Ln.1 wr nL with 61r, Lut It " Mn t Ir ll l!eCOud 8l1fte r I " lid h r Uu l of lhe 1\ Il e r be fo ro I " ,'~ do"" by Lhe "trotc he r 1',1 J,unmcd IOtO I c rack of Lh e ro k, In.l I " ercn t 111111 0 Lo I'OOn for th e rope " ;,, Ju~t ' liPl'lIl g otllheeod wh en I (l ohed It, th c . tre lc he r Il/Iel { b IIlg nil L211L ,t,,,. n on IH'~ Olde, thou g h I d pllt ,t upnght wl, ell I g ,L oUI uf Ibtl Luut
it WIUI IDdependent proved the truth, or doubts, I'll own" "S;) had I till I 61lW those romalOs but the truer a thlOlt IA tb o etrnnge r Ie It What would peol,le at home MUY to IU" " I don't leo ow, RobllTt~, l.IIIt wh ell you hnvo knocleed nb UL theBe &enij aH long Ill! [ !J l\ve, rOll WIll klLow Ihllt there lire qu eeror thlnss In the m Iban allY 0110 cQ uld Inveot Aoybo1l', \.Wre IA no d oub t that Hans's ~to ry IS true, and t hough shore flo lng folks moy uoubt, you Will not find It hard to be credlterl hy IIny old sailor In the Ind lno Ocenn "
j r I , lU ll 01 t h, II II rha' 11111111 III hll ' f rlo lh " L! wi I II lit 11 1 "I II , '" ... . t IlIwlJ hi '" (II h),lb U II l) I
h.h .. I II }oM
Ah l J "U ~ " UHllh l u 1M, u.. r aufllt! uf III " 1 ft I kr-f'1 ! t U· Iht!tl <'84l~dtt.'lI t illl l lbl" Pl l l l1 1 An I th e 11"lrl("'l.. lon~ l lI t( fur !II ~t+ 1 lib l utl ) lr t' llh ~" II I Irr n lh Tblll I r 11 .. 11 I 0 11111 til U
Ani vh Jor All ,uloll.( ( I Or Uluulw II tull 1 1Irl~ U " .rully" h ur( fl l'tl 10
eIHlO Z:,
r m l •• l.J o l " Al klnK - ft t l I ltrll r+-
An I nil
It d ll
o f tl atly ut''' " I
I rn\y Ih u raul .... r whtJ "''' '' I Of . , Itt" lIu l\llr) lUalll I IJI1'FY l il t' ~ 1 rl who ,"w.. llleA I II .. O r II c n Hri(' le won a Ie For All ur I flflm q l u ll a Kt I
\\ hiJt! I WI ! I ' , -.rl ~r. Wi t t A,. diU) I ' th e ll uO r t" ~ 1"'l l1rp. I I.L f'~ In oro,.r th l ' . " lUll 11,,(\
- \ etll J or,t n, ,
HA~S AND THE DEVIL -FISH H nn" dl.l you {'~r "e~ 'III o. 1°1' 11 No L Lha L I kno" (If I nrvtr ' ellr I 11'11 of the m , no! I CIIn olln,1 (111 H " n o r name. ten' t 1t ~ I r ' t 'Ve \l cre IVIJlI;: 1l1lln cbflr 1111 B'llll ' ,. " ft e r n 10llger trip tblln II u ol, umll " n ~ rea'il ng >lOme COllieR of t he 7,m" whi ch hud bceo 1!tlotuutfr<)lIIhomo durlllgu llr nb nec, alld [,lId ncc umuhucd In II good h eap I\bll c ' Ie II fro aw IY (f CO lI' o(' th neWeIIl I S 1\ r lookcd li t hr' l !!O IL " 'IS on y 011 thiS a ft runoll, IIh el: my " orle wa. done un d ~hc un tuo h ot f r us to glIllSbore , that I had como UI>OO tbe ,liecu Ion co nce rnIng the ex ,stc lJ ce ur non eXlste ll cc o f t he" octopU1\" will eh )lad appeared In tb e co lumns tb
o"er ",t tbo p rellt'ot by the recent 80uod1OI;8 Chal· lenger. A rcorcling to tbe author'S estl mate, the aed lm cntary e ru t ef the ea rtb IS at leus l one mile In a verngo actulI l tb ,ckncB!, of wbich probllbly (IDe tenth cons,sLl! o f calcareous mntte r 10 ilCc k l"lI; the on glll of thiS OIIlca reous multer, It 1 ' I\~uUJ~ll that the prlml tL\ e rockeol the on gulI'l cru st II e re o[ the nature of ~ ruOlte or bAsa ltIC rock H By the (lis I ntegratlon of such ro oke, calcareouKallu olher @ edlmootnrv d epo~l lII h ave beon form ed The nmount of hOle saI L Lll watera whll'h drnLD dl 8tfl Olll made up of granites lLnd blWllla IS fouod, by '" comp&rl«ln J) f ntlnly~,", to be, on an average, nQout 3 73 parta UI DO C bundred tbou t aou pari s o f water It i. f"'ther DB 8uml'd that tbe expoecd areas of Igneous rocks, takwg IIU avera go tbrougbout aU geologica l time, will bear w the exposure8 of Hed LlJlentary rocka a ratio of abeut one to DIne F re m tbllS8 aod otbe r uatn II1r Read e cnncludefl t bat the elim\llntlon o f ~h e calear~oU8 matter oow fouud In all tb e aedlme otary ~trnta must hB, eocoupled at leu t slx !Jundred million o f yca r... Th)s, therefore, rep rese nts th e ml lllwum nge of the world Tbe nu~ho r ID{ers th nt the form a tion of tbe Lallre ntllln , Cambnan,lInd S Jlur LiiO 81rata mu!t hnve or. cupled about tlYO hnndred mIllion of yellrs, the old red Hll nd.lono, l he IlllTbODl fe rou s, IIIld tbe polk,liLiC syste ms, lin other t wo hunurcu 1011110 11 aud al\ Lhe o tbe r 8Lrata romlllnLOg t wo hundred million Read 18, th~refore, led to beheve that geologIClll um b u been enormously of Lbe hm,LI! urged by "ort illn pb.yaliclilts, a od that It haa been am ",II the chanllea WhiCh, O!~~L[.!fn~~~~:
A Klngnlor l'heDom enon. A lJIostslDgular pheDo me o oohauptlllcd at Paterl!On, N f, recently Edwllrd "Braille, fifteell, aUlI Robcn Duroe, twehe, " e re 011 tbelr way to n !trocery sMre acroRS a vacant 10L, wb en It !J er~, look lD g up, BillY co mlDg d own In an obliq u e line a smlll1 bolt of lire, wbl ch struck Ed ward 00 lhe I ~{L bre1ll!t, ps ed under 111 8 CltBt, nnu tl X ploded III a m1l8tl of lIames over t be boY'H breMt lind Aide In the hov M left baUlI , wblClr was pa r IIl1eJ wllh hiS right nt tho lime, he h eld am lver qUllrter dollnr Be,tb boys we re fri ghtened , anu th e mc:b t beiDg dllrk and stormy, tbey fRn th rou gh IOto 1I1ech eflllCo slrcet m to Il groce ry ltore kUft bv a man named Cox, wbo Immcdl8tr y 8Cl'l pped ofT youog lIrarno's bl azmg clotb es, tbereby saVIOR Iu s hfe. Tbe boy's coat W88 burneu 00 on olle 81de, And bls u odercloLhes burn ed down to \.be skill. 1118 Side Will! badly sco rch ed and bhstered, and tbe cod of hi S tbumb, In clud lDp; the naIl, Wloll pared off. BI8 left hand wag badly "UlDed/1!O tbat orgaJiic of evolution, .orJd, har., 0 8'1f.olien to twloe ita us_I ,~" I ....... the "W'Ant.. ,·",,,,
monument to \:IJ UIO'UJ!, BARD words II ave dom, oor d oes trutb require them, WUAT 18 the be.t government? • ThM wblc h teaches us to govern ounelfM. • 'IRE sea IS to the land, io round 1iIU- · ,Iona of aquare IIlI lea, u 160 to 40, or " to I
I T JS a French enylng tbat IOODer or late r wo pardoo our frlend8 all the InJUries '\\e h ave done them WilEN'" corner loafer dIes In Tennfsseo tbe papen say "Another 014 Inod lUark gooe .. SoME hear~, like evening prim open moat beautifully In tbe ehado hfe • • TBFl NOrristowD Heral4 ay. t Cety"IIYo's nose i, u hi lUI EI!(UItl bumorHud his mouth u broad lia Weet· ern joke. A COMl'I!TE.T i'lRbority a1' you must he wIth 70UT fept toward the equ",tor L1a.., pl_ take notlc. o( thls A BA1'T'l81(~_!D&!l
gone Iw't I;OWI, tbe /ll1Ulll North of tiU1 0 10 thlDk til, stru ck hlm on It end or tlttlb It 'IIou1d and there 18 not a cow In Nortb .NlMrica they good a score hllul lLJl I wf)IL ld, lho bflBt ne ' er SII ".. undl" wuter, probllbly have kIlled hun One of tbe whloh would barm ODe bair of any :tIIIID bIt of my mmu l'lier~ sh e "n. "ml nnd flls l lind I m l~ht wb.t had gnt me tb"re I, a L~i&-thfttl1l'l mo"t mysteriouS lhIDI;8 nu ollt IL IS Lhe 100nll\Il'o head 'f It blltl tbe best cbon!;!! lind cem:~uoh re "u 110 ahlrlilllg at. "bee) " A t the hshmg g rol\o.l~ " e b nd vpry II we ll IIIHC ilec lI /, \1l1ll1 g IIgIC ll1St th e .... nLUre 10 to the tobornct4lr o r compoSiti on of tbl s m e- III tb e \\ or lu nnel no other Job on b lind 00 thlnge when he WIIS tber&-no n cd to be fu,r lu k, a nd go t a tIdy lot o f ~barks IlI l nl!: rock filr 1111 t'll !(/C,d ,t ,II I at IMt-got on" le .. r, wbether It WR S II whully glliloo UK Wedne . dILY for enooll Il . trllY COli , per ,vatchlR!t lum e ' c ry m l1lu t to Kee tbat be~lde s" THE pelLcb c rop aDa the . had l1li.6011 ''It " UK 1I 0 t I'ltnc LI) II comfo rlilbi u fiT hoat-fi nd then c u Lbl "UbSlaDce o r p.uLly I!OlId 'llro limine hap3 from lil e coun t r) fur a ta olO of aro a lready pronounced anccet!IIIIA b1 th e v_ I II 88 lIut ewuog froUl h er co uroe, .. Wh nl .l,u yo u get tb em fur " 1(1 b... I ~ H th nt cn \ c w,th ou t t)'P li nd word s " !,,,Ie.l h ay, lound II gnte ope n ami on b"y Hil lY notb lUg H~ onl y h rnru 1\ or luffing n p Lll o II mil Itllel liub l! to In Ilskcd chnncp "f g' ltlll~ nu L "gam Ind "h.n I " I t IIns lucky for you that h oi I' WIlB 11Ii!i<1 ng nnlSO ove r bls h ead J II R ~ I\J! h o tcre.1 1L vllrd 011 Seco nd st reet T he te stlmnny that CII nnot be Impeached and tAk e n nhack , RS [ fnund " ". ne, e~'''' 1 'nil' ' a u ' Jr, th em b'lIamrD II ill fo und I co uld nllt . lIr lh u h OM r ~~glln oeur " ] romRrked as be vilil sed iin clime to th o fron t door dre ed IS above a 8badow of lusplofon. \\ Olll " I'" "I ruc k Th e olh er u ny WII un In "Ith • me of th e men II hn \\ ull l.l h 1\ ' CIlI IIIlV llllll ~ ' 'Ihe n ll~t1er IL II! th ~ to th'n k 1 lIll j!hl lilli e tn . tul 'hefrol ll I'H E /freateat pleasure I ~DOW, ate , You mllY "ll y tha t( Blr , hLl t It hA ' etligcllt littl e f~ lJ o w, "ho \I ns ahout to go Oll t , b u t IK>Olu g t he COli site u Lter~d hod he r 011 fl re~ f lUl U I hoi.. through hc r beller t hr ' like II DrI~.l sharks an,1 ~ooell "h \\llIl e fo r, Lhou ~ h ' M n tIe nlwllYs l'Ct' med 10 me Iao metlun g JUo ro fifteen feet from 111m There C ba,le8 Lamb, is to do a good action by 1:I e Hnw t he 111111 II .c rea Ul nn.l hurn ed bock h ottom rather th"n t ,k the I runbl to 1 f t <re \\ " olll d be oll ro to fill" ,l or th(' th nn lu st lu ck " uf fir e conlln~ "' e ar~ h WIIH ,"a de for \I 'I' U' t n ttJlU g 11\ th o ylnd for the CO" KI(,lIlth, and to ba\'e It found out by acru fi nM ft' t~ be~ ot!! 1II0no) 0 11 (. e rIIIUI,. n look rBllllu III II d 'll or lW(l, I kee l" h er up nnd (\ 0 lhe lr II o rk ug th -y [Jlhlckl e re Bllt of co ur e t h e Ill.' LI! " ,. Ifh It w 'You a re ri ght Han, Bu L ho \\ was IIU) LILl ug havluC' lhe lIl'pea rlln ce of th o 1.0 ,lruunl!~ (,r en t, a nd b eing IIre.1 she CIde nt ou,bl The re " a" lI ut - all 0111 e r "II<I ,~e luoked to muke profiL h) ulld ttJ e ,111111 t mn ke u p III} oll ll d to " Ulung for It they wc r un Ih'eelitfju tth en ?' THE for ce, the mBl!~ of ch.racter, miR d , mc teo nc Atone, b ut nOlle 1\ a• •lI sco , cred rlll ocd he r cud lay dow n nnd begnn W d uf not tbl1l k IHm,elf 1U luck \I hCIi uld . klpI'P' took" rull f r th e 1. llInd. Ih e m Ld ll 81lW th e re " III! nn chullce o f " Th c ~ 'd gonc I'roapec llIl g for thecll vr, 1 he Il' roun.l wad we t lind 80 ft ut t he chell IlI'"Y [L!l l[ sue hnd got home from b eart or solll , tbat a man CAn pnt lato Han. " lIS at th e whee l du rin g h ll! " nlch Bul we I\lld n I nny luck 1.0 Kpenl: IIf III tllDg (J u l In' ullll' r '''ly lu st as I hll ,I, anu come to Lb o wwd hole tillH' lind If nny 80hu substlln ce fc lll L a long VI~IL to EUfOl>C Th e II omlln ",ny work, I' the most Important factor nor n man on bORrd hu t liked fl ll ,1 till ho g,IL Il prl\ ute " " r(1 from a iil n ~1I ru ~t belllll,1 "her!' I M tood lh c '\lL ve~ UH th ey " Or ked II10ng the top of Lh e nexL IIppeur ed lit 'l Kld e w lUd oll and 10 that worir re"\lCclA. d tbe rough bllt klnel III nrll'lI pore bOIlL of n clive LII O D C of tiro hlld m,"le " hnL " I.' CIL IIIl" IIId hole, b ilL r(,cle. The s kipper W(ll! for ono of Ih e I'l ollab ly 'H ilt IOtO tb e e ,lnh o u L 01 I ailed ll pon the cow ~" l;l l out " A S UCCESS brlO gs around U8 IICOI'eI of H ight nlll hooest o ld tnr IS1illldK thnt l<llIl' d1<\ not o rten go 1I 0" r, It " rum' t 60 WIO C !lSIl co m mOil chlluney , meLl t r,Iug to ge t down It, but th ey Mllid ,ICI~ Ullliht h a ' 0 "1;01," but Ihe COli Hatterer8, nnd lotll of rolks, wbo euddea11 , W ell," I rt'pli ed, th a L Ancient Eg1ptIan 1.IILIlD. lI'l t k no"lIIg the re " as any tlllllg to 110 nnd It \<ollhlllLk c n 101l1;Ioh I" mp to gP. t It W (I'I no u ~e, nnd whlJ (I they were tnlk ellun' t Ih en t lte \\OmlL n thre \l " rog at re me mbe r lhey kn~ w u. "hen we hardly HC le lLlific nllDl{l, I dllre ..,y "e fo r W e Mbould nove r ha vo he m l 01 II , 1.0 IL lind n o cooel thClI, for IL nnrrower! IOJ( th ey h Ird IlIO 8creaw .. Th e 10111( hn e ll buodngcs '" wlLl cb the Lh e CII" lIlid cLll lcu for Lbe d og 1'h ~ kn e w our>e lves -ErratIC Ellrlql~ t \: 1\\1 th em Komoltl1!1ll e l~e lIu I II .c~ only th e Kk lp \,e r, bein g Il 11111 'po re IUILIi II tir e lo p till yuu , ollid olily JII~t sce F;o Ih nt " Ill! tbe end o f the oCl.O pUS Iln Clc ut Egyptlaus 8" R~be.l their mum d, g dleln t como Ilud lh e rog dldJl ' 1 11 " dua b l. ""IIIDd 011" be bled , f I cnn fioo nuy .lcHc np"on of II ... 111m ", If, gO L Lie IlIn t from 1118 fn olld. Vpo u th l! pllu~ ld rl n t ' aJ detbe h gb t eo nlln g lhroll ~ h -he wns c u tup by tbe dl v~rt\ ~ " nlleo, nf ter the 1111' 0 0 (If th ree tho u sll li d MCllru Then th e "omon Kh ook '1 pllluw uti book " "l 10 Iba wa'8, c rcntuf< ' An.l J luro tI ve r .o m ~ It W ILl! a preLL) I'lnte "hell "C " I \\ 1" I Ul)k,n~ ro u 'ld, t lll nk lDg I'd 'I es, "Ir- CLl t up and taken to the , en rK nre freq uenLly fo und ,t tbe CO" uod pe rc ll1ptofl ly ord e reu her li e A t wUb .)aIClDer.t 'lU I .e&; cx, c l othe r numbe ra o f tllll .'~ W H l'n Jle r, 18 I refic1w.l It, Ihnt " l lll li "" , ur more fn - Ioll the rol'c s afe UII.l the n ~o u/' to Ch ll111 IRllrk ol ",th tbe o,th ert bln A'l', nn ,l II nt SUllo o f J1r ~pe" " I,nll, thou.,h mugh 011 (h o !'re nu ses, bUl the bov lDo bllH Uut 01 11 oue bite did be ret. ' " lIt1llu(\1 .. fhp do ubl .e('m. tn be (,"'pcrly RpenkHlg' l here \\ ere t ,,,, IL li d llw bend, end "h(, 11 I f" lt " Jerk, lLnd , Lh e Kk 'l'l'~r g .. 'e mo hnl fl o{ "bat be 1!OI.l el, ~cn l o re d II Ith IIge A rece nt wrl ll r c1useel her oye811nll lct he r th oug hl. run ADd Ih.l-ruooqul"' ..... A COLUnED preaohe r of Blchglond, .. bout lhm r b'M~ lI oL~x l s te n ce \\ e dml'p~,1 mell ur hd"l\n thelll, III ht fu re I co uld 1'11 11 , ul' Cll lll e Ihe boaL for so,,, Itt. LhllL a nd tb e twe nty d ollll rH 011 this subj ect SIl ) ! " fh e heuuty o f nh~ 'ld to 1IU10 .. rh er,,', Di gge r tlllll g. III th e Mcn Ih"~ " hn l look ed Itk c " bB~" thollg n t"pre I 1I" llln d ~~ tr, my Ice t , for linulo !! the cn,c, the t.rlP turn eu out thi S tex ture ulld the J.leculrnnly In the As the oo w \\ (l u l, 11L L !l0' and 88 the Vu bM S been L!eotellced to two lf11.l11 peo plQ Ghlllks 011 1\.~ IUl._1I I Ilt'c n thcUl, ,\II" ,I IIl1rrn" P '\S8Ilg(' rl gbt up Ilt th c f" ' UII' re , 1IU1 0 '" ' (I U " rill Sly"} pretty " ell for me COlo YOIl g ueM hl ft ~ tructurc of n Ulummy CIOLb we re ver) II " mnu co uldll't I!Il till th e cl,\I d,d , Imp'monmenL {or stcalm,; • P.Olt of repli ed HnnH, lle n ou-h', 1\" h e ~ILI ft c, l (lid 'rhere we ro lots of Hwnll ow8 nYIl1 !" ' hilt 11 0 11 I II kce p " Oil slife ' Anu I wOlg hl , @Lf ' " L1l1d Bllns looood lit IIlC Htnlnng It W(l~ fr ee trom Ilum or res ln . te rne r lII CIlKure. ;'ero rel!O r le.l to A c1oLbe3 In whI ch to \!onduct Bundas, his 1'11'0 from a il e Hldo o f hlH mOllth to ILbOllt bllt "hc ro Lo fin d Lho elL ' e lLulI MLu<J I'{), t 1I0w n to IllY Iw/t! o f h e r , "hcn or IIn"reannlloo of any kllld, lLnu bll. LIIl plLli II l1!1 held out o f tho" IIld o" servIce th e othc r ,mil Ic!tll c,1 n httl e fur Lher the" ;tC~lI\ bothercd us IIlI ogeth er Wc there hap pened . bc- n... fll"tt:!t Hlln g tblll InquJrllUd) B MO IlISTS arc not e nClOuraged III .. No ,rl sn ,d " wbnt WIIS ItT" c llde ntly been on glDn lly "hlte It w n~ and umLlt li w, th n tipoon, bu ~ th lLL ovc r lhe buh,nrk" " nto11l1l1-( the cll'llr lookpd fll r ILbe nl from th e 8en, a n.l th e n 1 eve r hellrd ur <lrc. me,j o f "Fo~r h II I1e1r ed weight, or rALbe r close nnd firm , ye t very e lnetl c. (Oil co uld n' t ho foo led luto beh evlIIg OblUa When II. pllragraphlet geta oft w1\ter "blch In) benenth U8 ,11 Ih o \l en l nsh r.reand work ed nlong th e cli lf.i S trlll ght "I' ollL o f the '''Ite r , not o, e r " rcphed tb e old man , Hlowlv, R" " fbe vllnl o f both Wllrp nnd woof wns LhlLt F " urLh o f J ul y had come Then 1\ Jok e on all Em peror tbe humorlet wOlld crful tmmlpllreney 1\ hl ch belmll;H lIlti lVlwrll\ e r there II Ai! 11 unrle plnc!' one th n'C fee t 1\ \I lIy f rom me, rose t" 0 pellt, h o u~ tled tho lea ther bag, "blch nil d ouble COnSIStlDg o f LIYO flo e Lhrclul. th e 11 01111111 " e nt IIl W Lbo buck yord to ha~ h IH PII/UlII cut olf. The head gOea to lho Indlon OC\! IIII o f Ih l' Oll1gllle.'!C went o , er til search drll'Pll1g nrm " 1 h ere " "" ne ver Il till S Lune h e bnu been boldmg ' Loole throll c luhs ove r t h e fe li ce lLnd kn ock II WIth thl' pIgtail " Ah I h ere'K thea, couDlo[ II A IIO rt hilt oot ,"I opr tlln ~ cou l.l "6 hu<l , nnd "ptllHh, ne\ er n blL o f 1I0lse, but fur tU Il at tbese Sir," h e contlnue.I , 8S h e took tWi sted togethc r Tho 'nof wos HI ogle couple of hornM off 'fho hr. t one bit Mn HENRY rtf STAN'J.EY 18 JIOW on the wnrl' co ntalneu nwc ty tnreads to dev il fuh, I fllu cy Bll t ho " nbolltll Lhe Kk I Pl'f r 1!ot wll.l to seo th e hlrd s lind e/ rops of Wil le r filII I nl? bac k In 1.0 the !!en out three or four hro wnlSh gray thlllg. , the In cb , the ,, ()tJ f or we ft on ly fo rLy Lbe w\I1dQI\ , 1I1I t! th e nex L on e bllnged hIS wny 1tI I'.anzlbar,uth .. commlNion . h bCl ng e noll gh UI kill 11 \\I nll kilO" Ihere W[L!l 1\ prl 1.C lIellr hy IInti n ot bllt [1I ghl'( allli hl!!h cr th oi'll awful rath e r hk c sma ll tea Mucel1l 11\ shnre, four Th e hneDe8tl of th cllO mRt... rllli s tbe on Lh e l",xL hou e, !Loll Lhe from th e KIng of the~lglaD8 tq rearellt tllm aflerwllrd '" be nbl e to fin!! It, IIml1\{ter B day or t" o tilln gs Cllm C "I' out o [ the wRle r IL clellr nnd m c .." UrlO " three lIIehelllll diameter, 'Ifter th e maoner o{ cotl.O n yllrn " tUl C'JW 8 h o rn ~ sLu ck t'ghler Lblln evcr !laDLza the h,therto ull8ucceMful Help It drvil lI , h Lhcy m nil bv th ll t he offerl'd t"cnty d ol/ars to lIuy oll e eight feet nn,1 th e n Lhey tllrneu the m· aud then Inolbe r, looklDg like the dark nbo ut Lblrty banka LD the pound The C fle~ o f 'giL out I" we re ngalll rCMo rtcd Expe(htlOn Mmt' T" o ~ ked Hall" IifLlng hllll "h o Cll lllci d lsco, e r an rutrnoce 801vps and br nt towllrllmc beak of II large bird- bard, horny lind subsequenL e xamLDatloll of a g rellt vnn to wlLhouL ellect, aDd theu the womnll TUE mlln who walb , t Th e 411111' 11'11" lLu~hored ILnd th e re '1 glL\ C n yell , 1\1\\1 Jumped b ack , fo r . hllrp e ty of Ulummv cloth sh o wed thnt Lh e wa tch ed nt Lh e fronl uoor tlll sbe I\BW It hours on a _t retch is COIIl81delred LI <t",u w ."hl t Ihey wns l1 0thlllg dOIng , except Lhllt th o t l\l\Y seemecJ 'UI If t h ey' ll nlmo.t Lou ch I wok th e m In Illy hllndmlu examined disparity between tbe warp and " oM boy cO ll1 e nlong, lind . he open ed It !Lnu bu l no one 8eems to d ll e .. wele lif ter pcnrl oyste r anu corAl, 1110 I was scnrcel oUL 01 my so oses w,th thrm for tbe bllby that yella 8UaJI!,Q", belonged to the 'YBtem o f mllnllfncnuro Cried out road .)\It the ut'. rlpt",n o r "hntevc r Lhey cCJ uld find undcrn enth t('rror, IlU(/ , lIl. tenu of tllrmng to tho "Ob I boy I tb ere s Il tP.rrlblo cow \11 for Beventeen beurs. " \Vh nt' s tb e 017.0 of that, Sir , do you 1I0d t hat the warp hod gonerally lwlce hi '~ lHl HIIII ", "ho h lld so lI e men UHeli to go prospectm g, Iwd ri gh t, "hl ch lI \1 uld hll \ O led me t<l the Yllldl Prop Lhe I1nte Ol,on Bnu get Qu t ltV 18 II baby a njptl"IJ.«.J'1!Ii':"·~:l;<;~~;~~i~ 'I he re IlIll ' L 110 one dny I got IClI\ c, ami w ok a little uroar\ eug!', IIl1d 80 on up to lhl' beach , I reckon ?" l!Iud the old milO, wlllclJlng me o r titrl ce ODd noL IICldom four tlln u" the our number or threllda ID on Inch tbat tbe all t h e boys nod ptJliee yeu can and mln erll11 We hear 01 why d oo~ not the) clIII th IIIg. b nmboo bont- we'll a lot of 'I'm nbon rei, . prung til Lbe Ie fL , IUld tb ere 1 W,L" Klnlld nuenu \ elr, WI [ turoed O~lilr the beak drive he r out, and I'll gIve you a whole and ' baby mine" I!O {"IQU.-II" woof had " thID g by r rIght unm"? Peo ple would pnoKc d one IlI sld e Lh o olhcr - lod we nt 1111011 n h'l oh hoU, lb e rock beh,nd m e shaped quarte r of a dolla r I Hurry lip, for she we are becomi ng " Three to four In obe. ae rOllll, by IleVeD Know wh",t they ,,"ore tnlkID g nbo ut ouLto seo \\bllt 1 coul d d o Rtt\lpcry IlIl gl lll:~, lind sL ru'ght below the to OIp;bt from root t o l?()Iot " Natloos Without tire. loob as If she WILS gcttmg relluy to come gem18 of the thing. then I told you I'el lIeH'r @CCIi une, ' 1 ro " cd TIght 11[1 tb e b8Y 1.0 tbe onu, Rtl I, g reen wuter, ' looking ILS bellutlful " Rlgb t you nre, If-four by eight, According to PlulY, fire '\l'8 n loog r1fZhtlU here I ' A ''''MAN" in New erk.,- .a~ didn't I. IIfY" lind found Il nArrow 1 tUo blL o f wnle r Ill! you cll n flln cy, nud those two hnrrr b le that's It Not II nice tblng to have t Ime unknown to IIOme of the an Cie nt rhe boy" hUOIpe{I" tbe dangerous "YIII," I ropli ed thllt l nok alum rOllnd n Blccp ruck lind JUnI " " n\ Ing li nd c ree JlIII g nearer nnd buneellU your ile,h, and 8Uc\[lng you to Egyptlnu8, aDd wbeu Tbales, tbe cele anImal out In thirty I!Ccolldd, rece Ived when her buaband Ie .. lItUe druak he kick s b er, and tb.t "hen he t • . , II But 1 b'l\ e-IID11 mn) t he Lo r.l J; rnn t then urtlUgb t m e 10to w,de wllter again uc<u cr hrated lL~trenomer, sbowed It to the m, hIS pay, and lhe woman ga'o up !lutn~ druuk 8be klcka him i and ahe adda ~ pieces" ) may Dover i!EC Dnotber I" 1 hndu' t gODe fllr III It when a chllp "If oo ce th ey t ouchcd me, ) W88 n .. Why, whal \8 It ? And wbat nre thoy wero ab ·olutely ID rapture The down town {or fear s bo might ba\e a she does moet IIf the KIcking. , And there Wl1!I not the KmnllcKt doubt h lll letllU o frolll tho . b ore !!O I rl\n Ill , .lead Illnn-I L:n oll Lhnt \\ e ll enoLigh 1 , Lhese ' ' 1I0d 1 took up tbe I~ rny Mocer8 P'HSlan!, PbOlDlclans, G reeks nnd BeV- " nervous 8pell " A STO RY la goiD~ the roqnd, to &hi tbat Hans meant what be KiWI from th e Rnel found h o "as OD e of those Oe rll1 8nS d on t tliinle I Khould tlllve u.,en Kcnrod W ~:...-----" TII"'t'8 the creature'! beak, ",nd Lhose eral otber natIOns acknowledge tbllt ejfep.~ that Gambe\ta'. father ,once iOId bottom of bls b eart It IVIUl IOIPOi\l!lblo II ho "I>cud all lhmr time 1\1 gcttlng birds dIe' fit cn ml! stra IItht, hy d r"wOIDg, or nre tbe thlLlgB on hIS arm8 thllt be 1>oIds tb61 r ane stors were wlthlJut the use of IIIgh.Toned Seats. orallge$ Well, .lid what" of I~J ujda to ml"take th e enrneslne8tl of I\I~ word. , aotl b61181.8 nnd flo" c rs IUlll \II _ccto! IIny r ~ ... u lllr Hellmlln'S chance, but w be on bY-8ort of su ctIOn, 10U knolV, 81r" fi re lind tbe ClnneBll COllles8 th o 8a mo Thc lugh est llremlUm ove r paid In !!On fell 80 low lUI to become a ltatamau. and, besldcs, be wns m genora I n \ or y Th oro'. 101.8 of '\lm about t ho Isllmd, RIr , lIrll" n IlIlO Lhe " nlt' r by Lhose horrible "By Jove I" I exelalOl ~ld uf 'their progeDltor8 Plutnrch and Lhl s country for 1\ slUgle Bellt nt lL pub- must ILIK bonorahle father who auld orreverent, 00<1 fenrlDg mllll , ne ver UO!I1l~ norl they go pretty nigh ol! Lhmr hend. c lammy nrm K u"l pecked to pI eces So mehow, until tben I bad listened to othcr (IDClent writers 81>Pole of naholls hc e ll tertlunm ent 18 I\Bld W hllve bee n words wluch h e had be tte r h n vo le ft If you "how the m a bee tle thnL 18 out of " lmoRt before I" n" de"d hy th e crellture the story wLlhout eXllctly 1beh~v ln g It.. wbo, nt lbo t ,me thoy wroto, knew not t650, !rIven by .Tnmes Watl!On, of the lLuges bear the blame Y alone, nor mnkilig Il Joke of roll~101l R EPO RTS from ",I most every poiDt of the common 00 matte r how Ijgl y tbe they be loo!,,~u to - ll took tire hear t out certnlll allownnce for 81ulor exug~ er of Ih e li se of lire nr hllli Just learned It Henry HouBe, for chOice of tcellt at a I saw at once thnt the ro m us l be a brut" nlay I ne ' e r co uld"' sco 110 of mc, "Ir, I d OIl ' t elcnv nLlOn had h DfZered ID my D31nu, bllt Ill! I FacLl! of Lhe . alll O klnel are al80 aLtesteu performance of "Hamlet' LD elOClOnatl the wheat-growing regIOn of t tie West yarn worth hORrlng, bllt Hnn s " 1\.q very rellso n In such gOings on but I bnd " I ke pt bncklng clOKe nglun8t t be held tbuo reILC8 It suddenly flubed by I!Bve ral modern nlltion. Th e Inhab LD ,f ebruary, 1865, fo r tbe benefit of anu Northwest shoW' the willter "heat unwilling to tell It uotlUed bofore th ey we re wnmlorful soh rock cdglU g OllllY 8S fLlrJU!ovcr I could, upon me what manner of crenture It ltanlil of the Marll\lIl. llInds, whIch were "oldlllrs' {amlh~s 'lhe rece ipts wore crop t o be unusually good, Ita prellOnt "I go all a c rIlwl wben I tblDk .,f It, IIbout te lhng tbln[!" that other people wh e:1 up Cllme tb e bellKt lto!rlf, and [ mUHt have becn 10 life, thedned rema1DS dUlcovered ID 11>5 /, bad no Id ea o[ fire $6,091, Illld IIOme of the most d,sLm- fine cond,tIon belDl!: attributed 10 the even 0011' -and It '8 Clgh t ycars slII cr I L would "uot to keep w tbem8oh e8 , HaOlC co uld seo hl 8 c ruel brlLk, IIUU the fri ght of wDlch were !!O terri ble Never was utoDl8hmont. greal4lr than [tUlshet! Clt,zens of the Stato wok part, b eavv 8nOW8 of ~he put I!6UOn, which happened " d " I n8 UI I' ) were wild to ge t holU o f that WI) fulluok of hlJO as he puL h l,8 nrms c loser " Wh en we got the brute on board," t b eus whon tbey SIIW ,t on the desert "II but the threR femllie chllrllcters II/Torded complete proteotlon. .. Never mInd thu t," I urge t B!ioul<1 be g lnd to let alonc &I, after tolV'lrd me Wltb IInoth e r Rcrellm-for sRul Hlln8, "I cut tboee off blm I Magell an ,n ono of LheLf 1 ~llInd. At bell1g IImlLleurs LIeutenant Go\'ernor IN order to make a man feel lot home can't burt you nolY, you kno" , aud IVO hllt11l httl e chaL, J a~k cd IBm If be'd 1 WIIS off IIIV bflnci WILh frlght-l turoed doubted If tbem 118 dlulI'tilCe blm would wbon people in J~ nj!;laud nrc di Rputlll g dropped IIc ross IIny C&fe~ o r openi ngs and made-a s pn ng nt thc willd hole beheve the b'gne8tl of blm If It weren't first they helie"ed Ll wnM ~ome kmd of C hllrlc8 And erl!On "ns the Hamlet, ?oil'll In YOllr IIOclety, dr",w blm ont i tbat II, 1I00msi Lhllt fixed to and fed upon wood Thomns Barry, n ow of the BostOIl tboll lead blm to talk on '" Bub)ect he la fa·"~·\rl I' abo"t tbe Blr.e o f the erelltu re , It's worlll IIbout the re Eloweve r I rCllched It I did no t kno'l'l , for tbem " The IDbabltants of Lbe Phlhppwe and ter the Opbella, 1I0d h e r hU8bliod the wlhar with ,," VIIU methmg t{) h ea r a story from 1L fello" " I dare 81ly not-1 doo'~ think I did" Canary IsIIIDds we re form erly eq uallY stage manllger 'Oh , ye-,' h e S.'l y ~ , 'ltllte wI1BI1 g bullt wa~ my only cll1\lI co, uu,I !!OmcTlcoefAI fol' JonllY It i. told of a Glugo" bUlle ' 't.mark. " -110 bas lICon ono " , I here'. n Illrge one nol fllr of! I pll8l!cd h ow J did It Up Lwcot, Aweep fasillon , lan8wered, 8t,lI starlOI! "t the horrid Ignorant Africa presento!, even In ollr Ll1HI's concerls brougbtllt "Ilr'OnS times when VisitIng Pana lUI one of & d~m.. h"w , •• Seon itf Ah, lIod felt IL, t{)O '" I ~ oill y IlLllt IlI ght Rnd 8h ould hn\ e gone but r cou ld n ol get far- It WAS too nllr- beRk IInu stroog, tough Auckers, ",nd day, tribes In tb,s del)lorablo ~ ta te '650, $625, aod le_r 8ums Lhe hlgb- t'OIl from Guo", to Loula Pl1~c PllrJKltIA nd Hllns drew hunself togethe r With Ill , ollly f hodll'tgoL nny I!;UJI, a nd there row, and, @ '1ueezo and I'udli 1li! 1 Inlght, rcah zlOg M I gazed, the e[DrmOUI lKlwer est sum bemg p1\ld ID Providence, R I the Ki'llg Mid, when aho"ing the- Im"r'' '''/ Ad udder, of the sJlIder-hke creatldre, wIth Its 1V1l~ somolbmg 'luee r 100kIDg about It , 1 coul d Jlot go t on through bls library, wbere he had .. Felt It ? By Jove, you ought to uuL l sbllll be rou 1111 there RglLln SOOI1 ' AN importaDt dIscovery of '" test for , Ever so fllr 1\bo"o me I could @ee the elgbt glganL'c arms covered witb thOll8 W llIIN 1\ Indy hy ",ccldent discovers of the E Il fl:1I8b cl&llIClll,An fmmeliL ow the nghtll o[ It tben I" dllmond8 hM been made by ProfelltlOr : ". Sholl you? thmks] 'Theu I ' ll Hky through the opeDlng lit the top of dr-IIMu I LII· trument8 .. You will know Milton ••.., II thl\~ COIIIl "None better Look b e ro, Sir," be Just 1(0 nntl look round first ' Crookcs, of Londoo, tbe full th",t hor ,Pliotographer has put her PIC.. WeJl, Haus 1,ou hid aD I18C&p4Il" tho h ole, Ilnd Home bi ll! o{ graAl! and leaf II Oh, blf'ls you, yllll; blell)'Ol1llllt'rllbly de ontlnued, .. I f you WIlDt!> the yllrn you of which have not yet been mllde ture In hIS abow CUll, she goes home and " Be told me wb e re It YiRS, nnd away '1'1"11' IIIg abon t ngaln.t tire li ght , ever eo IIIIld lit 1M lUI gave bct the relic. sh",l1 bave It, but I RlD't fond of telling r went, thlnklDg 1 was 8ure of tbe pretty Be find s tbllt rough diamonds IIIIlkes '" terrtble time oveiit,.hut doellD't said the balhe,cheerfully, dell(h~nd "(I!'OInL U Indeed had ~and(ftlvera man I was n't thtnklllg of sucn sometblnlf .had been mentlol!~ ; tb e opecisl order It. to be taken out It to anybodv. Tbere's beo n lI01I:.e...who twenty dallarA rowllrd __ tblnlt8, but I took notice of tbem {or all couee to thank the Lod for saving him emit an InteD8C blue hght wben subdid kno,.. It Tee, Your 1Ia]-"\l r a cc ru" n bave doubteil wbether It were all trut', "Tbe opeulng Will! not altlfgc one, but that, and cnn Heo them now, If 18but my from a horrible death I had that day Jected to the action of ele ctriCity 10 a A COAL mine near Wat teneheid. In MlltoQ; .ery Well [&.alton I, ill hell, 81r," IIDd "heD a cbap hIlS blld III! ( 101!B a fth n ve tube from wh,ch m08t of the ",if Is ns IIDOn lIS I ran the b aRt 'n~lde I could eyes, )U!\t as they wero groWing tbon, when tbo dovil·fieh gothold of me" Germany,ls now lighted by electricity place In the nellhborbood of Gl ,. aU bit deU 1 bad IIOmebo t goes age n hIm to ljOe tbat It Wile a l\l~ [llilce, anli no wben [ dhl not thlllk [ should ever IlOO Alld the old fellow re~'etontly lifted eIhaUllted. DiamoDd.. placed amonp: at a cost of abclat live centa (or each we're jnAt buU~inl Ilaqbifj.t ,( I thlllk he have folka dISbelieve what pretty rugh hIs cap 118 he looked u I; to the deep-blue other :gems eal\ tb LIS be el\8l1y mi stake about It b ellig the one we sky or grllS$ agalD, there." <\ for It "hght per hour him hia Ufe " dlatlnlwahed\ " I suppose I bad bnen in that nole .ky above U8 " I quite undereUwd t bat, Hall ~, but wanted There ,.,ero n ests stuck on tbe 1 pl~uty
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lis M a terial progress for th e In s t I t o n yoars - a st a tement of fa c t s By , William R Old. Esq. Secrotary of tho Portl and Board of Trade. A v alua blo addition to any library. Price 25c •• postpaid Address D H, STEARNS & CO .. Book PUb 'S •• Portiand.Oregon
YORK SUN. II X \ " 1 "1"1 ' 1 "I Ir~ t h.t.t " (011 v lI m u rd f I f t ~ III i t XIl '" Hilt! ~ t Il th , • ' I II-e ,f I r\lll l! I ht ll1 U~l 11I " c t li l' HI( tlm c t II1 \HTllblv tnr lll d 1 )( ~c by I h e J ure r· Hut I I r'~ tllIC f I" I) IIch" I, II Ihe -I (I t
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10 Spruce St.reet., Ne'W York.
ThoS8 AlI'rol Co," •
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hlo ! /l1I6 ~~~"Ion 'rwn ArttC'J .. Two.....u •• .. • I .. 1 ·1 I u... or rl.l"l" Th....... ..... 8MUoa \ lH I",,( t 10 PUIj , 01 ..... 11"1.. T ... 0; Ib t:o. .U~. J ohll ll . Ulld j ilOU o,' iI", IIIAIO ofOblo. kill. Wllrr n -ita dllinti(· t IIr1l n,,,,I,..,/ ~y th, O.IIUO! A""m1)ly nf 1M '"le,uV1,,'u(tllrc ,filth (l l Ih <l n' ~I1\ · . I ur k'0. IIg (I ' I"'..... (,I 11,<1 I<l o"dl H "uso con Irrrllll5 trlln J)llIllt· I thcn·11I 'I'hllt Jlrol" \tiolJs 10 /till lid lhe nt 'cl o 'k "III'IItIlII"" u( t h~ Jooilllt of Ohh,. Ilu 8U • \I". mit .... ,1 l(l Ih,1 o]("' lO," ul tJw 81610, .j!, Iho I . A pnl. lUll! s ,,,,d 1'1"·.",ly "r O!·'r, A. n. 1 ,0. 8 bl,,011l . • (oliow" ,()owiL : Tlml etll," · ~wo of Articlo . 1 t \\' 0 , SI',-= I iOIl (J il t] ur A I'll c lt) tbree. unri • l~C- " ri' " ' III lle o , 11(01) (oll r o( Arlldo lUll, be II() BWUllded!ls Itn!-(d r up· 10 re,d "" fulllJwd: Iit tlo 1I !,woI' and ArtT I CL I'~ n. t (.i ud's O' I'l \Ut t ~ Y.(,TICI~~ , ~\ · ItUlOrs nile! tl"]lrC'zWntlllf vee
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tho Ga'~ oily, ,eat.erday. . 'I'll -Walter Dakihl, baa concluded ~ 11: p. IT\ , II. ~ t go to ..,bool at W O. ~'P"~ ~:CJ6 p. m., No. I -lir. W. E. Ao~a;son .... ND - """'-,_"",,l1li -' ...., ..~~ p·dDl" Q.l ·'D- ' ~ null~ !) IlCA "top. d inci nDati Illst Frida aud .t I1I1J Nij·•• IIII(! tel w ~ oy. G t I W'oodL. 0 0 811llC 'II for" hull lit· t'h ,t'tNl Uh.' l1l1 ln lly hy tho ,·lcctu rtt I i n the r l l l\,\,th'c t',.uutic!S o r tl i~t ri l'tg, nl,. IL ub of carriage trimming and .Ed~u bl< \ ~ lun t ill "" l'r,· t' r ilJ,·t! hy I.lW ; ( hei r tl ' rlll~ (If I\lg, . vtlh' o ~h 11 ('IJIUII\. ' W' I· l ilt the ' L'ul·atluy tl tlx t 1 Ar p;"'rn rt·d I II ,In "nd. urbk h'K itl bL't.t~r h l )'l11 ,m rl ut I"w~r rnleo (h n ll lilly Cit Jl\J\I Ii. · . • 708 • . • (I(l l' r Ih,' Or .. ' . 1, TIIl. lr of. J nnu:\ry t ht,ro· ( Ul o n t HI till' " ,\lUl l y , . -Mr. Frank 0 1. pllt lOllt ut · aller, .,"ll ClOlllill l'" [I'u yc:l.r:!. ohlld Xenia, ARTl r' U: Ill: I s Ul' rali lldeti I.y uay last. -Exceedi ~f:.f' . 1 Thu 11:\:t·'·Ulh · ...• llopart rncnt ioll ill r Oll :. L DC !) Uu \ L'r n"r. I.U'U h ·fHlllt· nUVI UIIlllltUs,.Uae t "OO Buc'keye , " fI l.' t'. ~\It ro w.r." ur Slal ...•. A uditor, 'rrelL"' 1 _ __ )11 1':.\1 h.KS 11'1(--Uayelit'. , -Mr. D . R. Ebright' wus thu u n' r and Au.u rl1l ,!·t ic lh·r.d, wh sha ll 110 t t'lu ..4. t!u lJ,' di U 1L" :'"('l4 or tho Stu to. u l t h o -Mi8808 Minnie l)odsOD and willillg victim to t\ V ry agr eabl . . IiECht.' phwc p ( \:o(in~ for 11I1'1Il1h' rH u f I h' GCllrrll l 1411 Wri~ht havo been visiting in priso party hLllt w k. It WIIS . Tho. I~ I : liS a spark . .b ,emllly , BIllI nl" tl:"c. l'r~scrlbcd by Illw· 1 Oj ncitinah. tho anniversury , 01 Mr. nlll.l Mrl!. !tng dlndom to ill Lh. l' IJro). 1 ArtTIC J.Io. X . , -':',Mr. and Mrs. Thomn P. Fot· Ebl'ight's buppy w dllillg dllY .· IIlit 01 God . .1 I I 8&, ' I Tllwn. loil' l'llI ·C'·' slmll be d cclo" l urn UC8l1 . t o fl ll lIl ;' ,ir"'t " l olHiny ' '( .\ pril. 611l1unlly. " ;' tor arrived home (rom Oiuoiolillti - 'Ve take pleusut'e ill lInnOIlIl ' !Jonrts l\round idu, whi ch tilt' ' 11I .Ili lit,d e lc\', n r." ur th' li r rt' ~ . ~l' l lvo uing, even at tLtieloto dtlY, tho IIUp' fcel 08 last wook. u i rht w eI' cllwlI .I.1 1~~. n u d ... 1I:,1l h"l /1 thei r u lllCl'5 (or g ,Hl l' \· ...·~Ir ( n .tf ll I hI' ~ l lJJl{t\ IY 1I\l~t. su etCi.,ulng -Farmors, Mil and exam ine the tillitl ot onr frilm d l sono V . Illl purents wl u) he ir ...·It·\ dOli , (u h l \I111~if chcl,r 'H~('Cl'HmJnt --) A L ~ 0 , (- by relid: Improved Buokeye Plow, at. Jnlnee uDd Mi JeDo' Rntlifie, Tho hap allll th illk ut are '1""lIlic,l. ~:< " " I' ~ I \\' lIshl !, lrustc,<,., \\' li o ~1I.11I be i · I \'~I· h.·\ hy til lualiUed ch....~ t. a J oh i , -Elo.v.alit'll . ev 000 in n iWhmooil l ~a, ttlt their tears ON ill IIIf' "'lI " cl',.1 l()wn "'ht p.~ of t he ·uuo. \ . .:::]f'C8 rs. J n 'E.. ' tiT Ililltl, 011 th ~, tll ot' Jd 100nt ll, ty thc tril:kclI ' UII II ... 1;,... , ~I , ,"JIIY " f A\lrtl. A . V . I , 0, t~ellf l .4 AbYI,~he l:~ecl' tllrY'dA'jllle ', Go I'~O W ollcy visited Le 1 1(). May they lin ) IUllg tu ollJ' uy - .' J UI1l' tn :o.t.' n 'c fllr I h e I rill o( ono yenor, ono , aN a • lue' ral! '(J ren '110 l t d I . . t I10 "111 tv fur tWit \·C. llt.... n ll,l u no (o r th ~o, y carsi T '110 M • Ab' a un ~)' , t 10 SIVoctg () nlllt I'l Ill Unl' . ! su corufnl't· . ",,,I "" lilU 11",,1 )I ollllay of April 'II CIIch 1: ~n" d· IUIll " ok reclt d -Mrs. J uno D . aDd Mi aD. A . -Dllvid r . F ulll'l' (\: Hrutlil!r tlrf' II I ,'f'ur tl l f' r~ 'arl c r ilUll T rU.5 Wl' shuH be ~Iect l'd ,. ,[~e)t' :arrl ditl{tuu f.ur ;1 All\ry Stout l\rriv o, 1 home froul Kun slis so ilin g t!Jo b ·,; t livl1 cc ut cigu l' in C I l'lHll l c i n hold ti ll' odic ffJr th r~ y ears {r u ill t h o II 10 1~ 1l0 r r a u to .1\ tc lurn a "' t I t k .1 · . rull' Hilt! dtlll til , I ){",,, I,,)' Ill'" .'Il·(·ce,linlot hi. I'lectiull, aud I. tI '\ II . ' . \ A Y us wee • I allu otlt ' I' cl~ar" 118 CIUlilP In iO\ll"~ bUSU lll . 1Ulltli 101. 51\l'"e",' or Is '1UlIlttl Oti. 1"ll'oOd~y 0 11 dw illi Il tl I!l" ' .At " Llzzlc 'V '11 Ii dBlu ' " O' tlUI' n ' tOIVI ' .on, '1' It ey III u Itavo II Illl'ge (l .1 ou IVI . II Il gftles pl'l'purtl un dcl' til 11IV '1 VOID! [I' n.\ LLOT. E IIlb .r('~ 0 puem , .01lt.l.l'C~ The 1111.,1 pring Wug l)mr at \'ory low s lock of pipciI, ciglli' cIIBoa, puc!'c.t · '1 I I At M itt ('1. ."·t1,\,, thu volCrs in fnvor of 11 Rooms, Two _Doors North of theijPost·Office, IIIF lIrklltl~n the 1 eI,lI;llIns, Al u· prlC sat Ja's R. Bl\yslit's. IIIl\Lch snf'c8, clc., etc.; iu fact, eve. 1111 tId lUI W 10 Illot I the lId"l'ti"" "i II," nlllclllllllen L III Suoliull ' urnt~ co l\l med lhe J (,ys <.f --Mr. H ove H ollanu's no\v rything pcrtll ioing to t ho b118 i ncs~ golo!'i liS '·H'~I1'''L 0 1 bl 's~ctl lind. tw" , .\rLiul,' IWO.• hull 11111'0 pIli cd upon " .,lInts Ihe wll .. l . "A lii. n <lll.' c n~ to W .\ YN E~VILL I••,. OHIO. Y 8woet pl'um· 'Ilheir /lCOtnp cteuess. . . huuse is p;oi ug up ra pidly. ITe cun be found l\t tll ci r sturo, and III i cs lhc 8 1 .'tOI'tilin t wO, A rlicl two. r OIlKlllut lOIi. 0 Lr ~eC~~8 WUB tl~ II enjoyed. after even bours 1Io hand himsolt. prices to 8U¥ the times. Dv lIut cluuds lhnt away. and th o , \\ . ;" ,,,,,I Ih,,,,,, who ,Iu 1I 0L (""or Iho I ~======~~=====================~ wblch .lltoColl trl butor.wn rcud Ly --Go to Jamcs R. H l1ysli t's for t'urget the plnc, Nu. Hi MI\i n St., unr Vllth arc glouruily U\' I' .00"pli,,,, nf !!:Iill !"I1ClltI IllCl't 8hl111 hal'e . d pllle"ll "1"111 Iholr bnllollt tho 1V0nls, ~ the .c.d.tore, S. K. MlChenor and tile new C ham pioll Harvestin g Ma· th e old drug sloru furwl!rly OCC It . turoll~h our WIthCl\1I glury, " .\ C(O'l'llilutiOIl. ,",'nllmon LlU~U ::IccLlul1 LWO. J\rti~le t WII ' sar~ I oklUIU\) nf ;·, !h u who fill'or Ihe LoUIsa JunIlElY · 8. B. Oook read ohin Elll, the b 8t in th e O1l1rket. pied by A. Dnll. to ll ilO who am th l'C Ill:' ~;~;:lil l~~Vtl°fl'l~~~~iO::l101~IOi h~~~t~l:ilo~ltl~~ 1 - -I' • .II•• n 11<. • -M r. Frallk Kendall bus a.rri ved recti n Wid t Tho Ager, ~ par ely on Th e Rl\vcu. J .W'.H. w' lrI L~ , " Anwndmc nt t e lio n OI1C~ Ar tl- , . ~he election of o~cers r08~lted homo frum Kansss City, looking A Bony l'IA.'r II li:u. -'~ e hav e du lhr\.oC uf ' ftst ibU tion. 1 0.'1 ;" UllP t h~ Without Dosing; The Better Way as !ollows: E.'toontlve O'on.lUll ttce, well afeor bis ,,'estorn sojonrn. cuse of .I'oal botly "llutC!Jllig tu ro o FOREIGN !ND DOUESTW who ,I,) '1I0L f'lI'ur lho nrloptiou (If lIIlill fi lllollllilionI . hnll hul'o ('Ill1cetl upon Lhul r Elwood Ohandler, J . EdWIll Jao· -Borace I.inder is prevu rinff to POl't th iS lVeok, but wh ethe r tho bull,lIs Ihow ....ds. "Am IIdmcnt lu eclioll H8!Ir ' )'l~ Dey, Mary E. DOtlelWQrtIJ aod nan· boild 1\ Ilew house neur his mot~cr' " sLi ff" W&S l'et!lIl'rectcd ill thid COUll· ont' A rt klc t hroe, r . . on litut-iOIl, No; " . Dah Kelly. .'s just belo\~ tbo lower tull . ty, d po uen t sa ith not. Bn,1' th" wh" (llI'IIr Ihe mlopLion of ee· lillll ('lUr, o\rti ~l ~ tf'll. HI,all 110" 0 pI ,I P~sidellt, Ance Frame. gato l!it1. \ N lttl,all ColI~tt ' iv~il "';Iveu .milcs. ? cccused, npun llH'i r l.llLllota th o \~I) rils, Arnond· Vloe Pres., . .A. BroWlI. -Tbe Julia A. Hunt Company W(:j~t uf town In tl~o dll'ect lon uf Judge lll li t 1lH'11 t I IJ • 'ctl"n four. A.rtlulu ten, uf Cun .. s ltlutio ll. Y ' f): I, Ilud til who do Hot S ecreta l'YI Georg" R. Th orp. open an ongageJllent hero tb e Uurveysbllrg. H o IS a \\1011 to do $ l,()U ,I) G. {u"o r th t.· Uri fll)t ,un or ~id nmCI U]1I1(,lI t Tbe programme for next me ting l Ot. u· 0 1 Muy. Give tbem 8 heal' ty farmer, /lud is d il!poscd to accollI ' Por ry Snid r "hnll 11\i1l·",1 "1'0" wor\1s.lI u...\,\'\lUl' l1cin h nc ro , Ihulr uctitmbull,'I. (our, lila Arwus llllDOl1l1Ccd alld the ooi allld· welcome. lUodnto u lUUU , 0 \' 0 11 t<hollg ll he bu kind [lnd S. H. ticle lell, or 'un:nhut lol1, ~ o. tI i~orded to we t a~ ,tb reaidello~ of - OUI' shawls fU'O going offnico bo u strl1n~e r . .. Onll llVt,lUlIl g luot Illonts agllinst d J A~!l;;' E. I'mA l, . SldwclI Tavlor, o\'on lllg, Iy. Every one lVi8hiD~ to l ee tIt /II I\' k, all Indlvldll'l\ lluku vwn to 50. Slwlk"r of lhe )Iou"" ~f ~1,re!o!' ~'~~lIvc 4th meuU. 17th. i bCJuld cull oarly Cadwallad er him, oulled at lI iB IWl1so Slid usked Stato 1' 8. Hugh JAM !': \\ . Wf.:o; ~ . Pre.lel,·lIl pro lem of Ihe 'cllulc. . ('/EO, R. TuoRP, Sec, JlInll y & E verly.' ' hitll fu r ~oml! Ilay Il~d com for Il 101lso<1 in $ 1 00 "-JJ:.~/U I.'UUl l!lI Pa, 01 Aprll I:!. I iu. --AllIO, Agont for the--A n hooestindifforence to many h ~I' 0 '''III,c:h ho IlIld h Itched ~ suurt . , . UrOT,m RT \T ~ 0 1' A MF!lU f'A, O lll(1 t TUIll Frumdl! Socilli mot at tho prev aili0li)coillplaints is the I' nIt d'fltUIlCO tram the hUllSO. III tho W L V' .. . t) m,,~ of 111. 1l('rt!l.!Iry of 1I1IO. 'd f S'd II'"~I\y Ior on ~e II of using r. Bnll'8 Balt imore P ills. WOOuS. ., U /· I teSI ~nce 0 I we '~It lOut heSl"t~t/llg a me.· Gross S IIlldIIp:IllIB R S. I . . lillOl1 13 BrII~" sPcretary uf BtlltO or eveulng of tht) 17th Instant, With For Bale by all droggists. Price me nt, Mr. Coll ett tll'li h im ltD abull ' .1 ' d () Iha ~ I "h' ,If hi'J. do IlI'r ,lIy 'rllfy, Ihat an attendaneli of about tifty. Tbe 25 c IIts. dallco of fe ·d fur the ullimuL Th o· c JI~C W . va Ihe (urci.'Uing i R 1\ true <-'(lP (If l\ juint ft '*" MIlIDZOrN~ · AB.Oll.prrr' 05 A M \ (,luI;'m 11.1S.'1~1 hy th" cnerul A_ n,hly .~ Body and Foot PISStSf8 Presi~ nt, Alico F I'!'llle"ou!led the -Our n to lol of Bilk halldker- Il'ulIgcr to k t~o pru\' o~ i dO\' a,,~ de t 111°; I~oroo~:ure'; . [Irs I IIf till' SlatQo( 6 hl ... 011 Ih· 1 ~ l h (U.~ of ~ AND Cilliwuu, AI,ril. A. D. 11tl1l. Ink,' " fru,n !I,u oril{... 81 meetlDg to order oy rl udln ~ t!Je ohieb; IIro adn: il' d jo r Lheir 'uallt!! pll rtc~. I~ a Ilttlo willI. a turcd , 147. ~ ,Absorption Salt ro Is fill'tl 1 1\ l\.'; ~ 0111", . 5th chapter .of J uu. Tho nJlnutes aud cnCapnl'81, judgi ng fr m tht' hUII~ workmg ~or Mr',Collen, WPli t E van Ch"It,,,ro,~th-ti :I( lOB ~ FAR SU PERIOR I n i ... li!n"ny thereof, J hn,'o of lust m~otlD~ ",orc then I'cad, and qUlllltity we hav Id. Clldwalla out luto ODe of t~u ficld~ tor th o Sll".~mllltl'r Abram II. hero:unlll . ulJ...·rilo. d III)' m,lIle IIl1d ~ Medicated Foot Baths. [E&,U.] ,,11\ col Illy unlulul sCIII. ot. " hu,,: t he 6xercUieil LDtroouood by Mary der Jann~ & ~ver l y. Elll'p.ose ot teeci1l1g 80m . enttlo. amount 01 1I11. tl .o 12lh ,Ill\, o( April. A. II . JaDDe, readiug.A Legend or S",illt. • .2-Dr. V. ....... Sough, h .. I\nd [he Ii \d < bUVI elli;d to) . n . r J amoo S. . . 11m." _ FranClSOO. N ettlo BrowD. rga"d' The MrA. J RlIlltiall. l\nd Drs'. Llllccli ,,".here tho Btml.lgcr bad IS . horse fay~tte . Ru~ ~~ri ~l StL dd MOu,sl.. D()I~a and Dnkin. nttond4'd tho I cturo h~ tclled. ~OI~II\tb~ b Igg);d the J essc rto·lI. R l . n t,.o~~.u. L eo 81!lle a y ure. A,nllle J ose ph Cook in Lolmll oll. MOlltillY Illr" 1I1l\1I t wug t e woo go Glls tin ct II I " r e, __ , urWO I I{ S A'I' n . l' IBn. II .Pro......... ~ Fn l'llIlS reCited The HOlDeless l oar. evoni ug. Mr. Cook had a fllllll oUH('. ov er tu th o strnngCI' llild deo whut I e' M D I' I J ,,.rol,oMJltg lUI AOirndm"nt fo 8c!elloDlt mJlo TII/I"_"....".,.. toW ""-"'110; ........ "",eo. lluJ l'oUo ....... 0 - . ",JUelll F .... After reCe8!!, the Contributor was J d S· I I r· ' t ho lVas d uing. As soon as tbo r.o 1~1~1 .' . t I' litI ~ c N ' ~b ...,c nnd t'l n, Ar. r.. lo I'our, or tbo LEBANON &. MORROW--u d b tb eli'to S K M' h - n i{0 !Tilt I 138 r n CU .. I ' d L d I .' 1.1 lB. .1'11 1)0 a till S lL' . (''''',UI," loll, K(,ClrgllJ,lz;.'g 'he la. I ' .fy.. It. ..IetiOIl. Gild X_I rea y. 0 I re, . . Ie enel' long I' hold Of) lIrt in th o old build . Ilrt. man IVU!l 0 s~r ve ,t It!' stran· tiOIll\\ nllllk II f i Il nuti ; doll' r. dld. r , of l ilt' IStall'. COli dlllo .. ,,' n ... .If.. " ..... ..u0 and ~~ISU J~nne.y. in and tho Co mllli ssioners aro 15 1' uro~e milc h x Ited IIIl.t l rull to, Morris Cudwall der Vol. A . . . - .4 fu ll ' '' I.'P ly " I ull Iotli"l". ill ~'y ~;"l" ',,'elll 1I'0n,I,",,,,,,, WIlham 1!rtune aod Milry Bllt· g, . . . wueu lum lit the ,;alO tllDC' pr ~ . . r.,. ,t J.o'", /rrt/I", IAr C, nm.l A ffmltHy 1)/ ,,·,11 lit all 1'111'" t.u r,,,, ",! 'I " "~h ' .ll1loll.h. h i' kn('l.,n by .d. . lnJ',",."tbltlbe", t. 00 te tb . d d ' t . ~ now lIei{otll\hn~ Willi the Lebanon I d' t ~ t I • IJ t I Ik d Clark, Marth n A. Clurk. IllS Wi fe, 110. ,'>I.,I~ ,,! 01,;'; lth'I·.,.UftJ,. of ull llie , "'"lit. 'ull :lnll UK" "';"" .t.•·k lind lellrn d IM " e Iltat att.ut. tlJI YOUI' 1 Of a d ult o r both 11.111 l b_\. C&U .". . .# 1tN4I. by lb. Dlt at nnw . w~r\l appoJD t I OIS IOI' auth oritie8 for th e Pu blio Hull fur ell II1.g a I c~u 00 .a .' a n Will iam R ]J'lxtar alII I Cor neli us : 'h ll' ''<I.,':CU~tl l '' I'D " I,,,,,.,, OIlt'urrin!! I'rU'C8 \Jcf.\r ' llU ruhu.\II::c1 •.,vl,,'ru. drup, bu t tI,.lean bl act.d on In ala,. ..... &at. ensutng mouth. Programmc t assuming a bell Igerl\1J t attltll!l o. W If f I t I ' d I lloel<"" ' 1''''1', I'ro'r","i ",," 10 nrncnd 1110 . , raet n' l IJl(1 ~rm.uenl maun4l!.. h i thlll 110(.r.tile -. t' b cour purpo cs. . '1'/ L ,l b .1 t o ; oree O,llre ; lmOllli c tUIU ! 'ull, 1Il lli ' O il (,I <I .~ 1'11 0 o( hlo Ix: subF 0 j ' 'r 1:1 r HANIVElll'AD 00.'8 IlBJUCDIU. or Dex~ mee 109 wos t ell IUlI10UII· M. J nr rl r 'l 10 ulreu mlln ecalUo someW ,HI 9644 111,11 d III Ihe (.1., t , . i lh ' !lIllie on Uw • ~ COO, Ilnd the Social adjourned to - r. v hll . " eer .nn ,nml y arc a larlilod nnd backed out of tue '. , ' . "IIII;d 'I'lIc_dlly"Or"b,·lul,er.< A. D. '18m, RlI meet at the hOlUe of Levi Cuok on now I cuted 111 their new hOIlJ ', woods with th o struotl'C/· followina A CAItI I' '[';;;1 K'I ' -=:-[ b ' l If :,.11:''' 5. 10 W !' : '1'11"1 ~" liQII8 9 nntl:; o( ' . 0\ ttnnool'la Te . , 1 r· t. . ' . .., ." , I) • II lJ la OTIII I, 'I, nlll h.1 "JudJc!ul," be IIDWllW,d Flfth·dayeveJllIIg, 5th month lijt III t>, 111l0S O. uy 11>1 him cl osoly , miLking s trallge mo· of tbo lUl! lIlhol'S of llnrrill Guard s. M,.t- lIJ Lc nllli Hn,l 'I> follows: 1879. G&o. R. TUOR}, S e, ' olass luck mak o th~m 1I 0v~r hll vo tio lls with his hl\lId s iu rntu er ol oso Co. Ii w . the II l1dersi' ril ed tJ~~ ir(:j ~t.'-r:IOS:l. 'rhe l:iIUlu slull! b di\'i<)cd , COIlSI:> to rOI1I'tJt I .,V lllg thOlr host:! . . I , ,,. d ,r: ' ~ 'It , [" 11111" (. 111111 0 111 .1,11. dl>l"o l ~. ui w lll~h I"or ... ft5 0 ent s, f r·· d i b PI'UXlDllty tu t 10 ulre man s IIICO. to I' tllrn tha nks t ,\ th o peo plll of Ihe cuunty (If J( "",il:oo shull con~ litul e t IJ S.Ullit.. ,,,, nnd r{V our plmph let.. ··W.. ur • [, .w. ... ~lvtJ\tr esllOdOlf InlonoA,I... SllA.W'S Ru ilruad L'lll 'l lllent min. 0 lion s IcrCIl out. . Ju st l\~ soon as t ho latter was II reo Waylles ville and Yi oinity fo r th bi /, 'J" i'.. \\I ,kh d":rll'l~ ~huil lK· of. IQllI llI1ct 'c lId 'Cf."MO.f4II4f,... 4 ".J.,., PI"P" .r,A. ".". ,I 0 e. t I b' 0 I t tl I ti' f I I . b '. . II r. II'JtV blllllltl.J by COll nt y I Ill,·., "",I I 1 din C Il1. T M'lk ufactll red by E. SlJaw & 00., H iclt· ur r por e~ w 10 . r Ilg.1 Ie spee tab (: lritanco rum W loro tI e generolls Cun lr) utlOns to th o hil ld 1":01'1 ,\i;'t't·ict8. (olhu Ihan snfd rounly of I g ouee l ea or 1 I " . .K.t~ I fr•• 'MI . rem~ an lent byman, pqst-p.tJd, on,~ monel , ' I nd .. lias uttained s popnlllr ' anno ll o~cwellt .0/ hal plnedB III t~ o IlVr~o WII S h itcbl!~ . tho ~trn~gor ' 101' the purchas.e a !lag 1'11 1' th e :l:~~lil~oll .• holl. "'i,ll ?u ~ ulvlsion c;.(.c~un. nlpl of price, "I.cepl tb. SaIl. wbtch 1, HDl br 4Iltpre.. a\ PUI't'l l_. r '. ISptON . ity nnequaled by lIuy linltullot vel' sho pe ot 1\11 bOlf to Mr. J oh n Well ! "'hc~lod alld 1'l\1I ~V lt'l nl nll g ht ~o l apa n y . alld eSI> cillily. to MC8SI'S, ill'pi,1.r~(tJ~~r.I~~'~ '~~~~ 1~Y'";I~II"~, :~!I~'~r _ 0 Tu H ' E- Con, ultatlon I"'~I ~d ..lid,. at oar OmCI, or before i11trodoced t the pnb\'o It l o lt:tnOllts, last week. was, we aru !tu 111:1 hOrd(\. willch he bbcrnttJc , Cy rl1 ~ Sll1l tll a nd kt. H . Keliy,wh nse ] 10 11 11 " -n, Ilt ell' "hull bc'ell~·I,·!1 IJy Ihe b, maU, Ih'Su~ fUu d --"'ptJOQ o r YOW' c...... l ne has beeu in I1se fOI~ 11 0 e tl a n' fif so rry .to say. mistakell ; so we 1'0' lund aftol' throw iil~ th o corpse i ntH U(JI·tS CUI,tl'i l)lite 80 !tll'g IY to tl ,1) l" ~ J,or~}'~t~ f . ..... I'l'Cfli""IY! ut !l.ft sl 0f C INC INN A T I n. pubrl. I. "'t'JWI'O 1'f1141~. <JgOiIWf t lAllalltJrw alld ,pu"u, ... "'......,. 1 I' IIliB ' . b Ilggy, JUIfI . PCd 'III IIIIIlSO ' If II11 CI SlI eee!!" (I I' tI Ie llr!~A e rt.1 k· 'lill . ..., C',lIrI', " Unl h (," I' lcrut (Or Well YCUl"iI' ia ell ti rely IreeI Irom. gro tfully t tL ke.i t nil ba cl'' . '1 111-\, Ihe '''",rlet, 1\(111 T(" I,1i1l1: Ihort'ill. Cau r l ~ . • :: ::.:
'" I
·E .,
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lD..d.e ..
Jaco b Schwartz.
D an ' ure DyAU
White Bronze '
r:m:d , .:=:
B<Id_. w.,..•
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D ElI(JR;CPXIVE PUCE £U1'1 • I, all d , -8; Torl'Y i8. selling fl onr bill" gal' R espcct full l,f ('",,,,non l'k'l~j.JIIll'" ,1.1111.'1\1",~"IIrld one or DKIII~l\O' 6nt~ werll IS,• 1~8 pure 'yb utnlll.ea . , '1 .c his d8teod n d·(·w OlliS dwith' 11 ' .y , , , m"r" of lites· e l'y by ,·ounl,· of • , R',' IncipIent dl.tun, ftl . is universally likod li nd u'gh ly ro. 109 tbe branu 01 n. & J . Clolll cntij ' l \\ liP. a ll .souo 1811ppcurc . p J. A . Kearn ey, Capt. C!Jln d g. Ihe ,1t .. rICI, !IS ,'fl II OM muy t... IH"()\,I,lOO lJ RIIOULAR I'A~.<IO; .lo..gell Chill, Ind Peur. flt a. 81'ECIAL I'Al)-43.00 i Oh ron l. Ll n r ond 8 1. .... COlli mendeu w\lore"er 1·1·lt" '''uccd lind madc by thut cl\publo mi li eI', to tillS Wl'ltil!", he hil S Hot beeH J . J. MUBller, Fi I'ot Licl/ t. hly Iftwl alld .:lU rc· t1 ,.·n Cllle ,· .slttin.!; Ilea 1l\,ordBf&, .,td ""Iaria . ' el'ally. u . Jolin ET f N a 0110 · IIllS '.vC'lIU a bl 0 I )!'reoiil ~lri,·t. IlI ny uC lIII ld t.t Ihe HUlle lillie in 8PL1UI!i 8£ IJI'·-4$,00 . £.1.",,,,, Spl.e.. &Il4 LI., Sold by.. druggist gOll . ay I or.T 111' 8 "tUml'1y fl our r,lI, cur tI O. ;- . (',lI·h • No. 1.80 lUlliu tl'cot, ., r atKt Ohlll Oake. INFA.'IT PAI>-tUO; PrI ••• ,I •• In4 CU .. or ' -[Fountaio Oity St~ndard. is warrantod equlIl to allY BlJ ur til li llu out from qual'ter. tu.e Hclr g lOll8 :Not lcu • , ~"" 5. ,I" . ~II"lri('\ tI.e";, shull be . Oliolera Inr. ot b1Jl aDd 8um.. lDe r Clwplaiula. . . rna?e l\nywhere all th o .Little Ali doad . botly \VIlS obtallIed . but It IS _ . , " . . :t'~t~,~~ ~~oll~~"I~I~t:;f""Ir.~.L ,\t,'ft~.~fco"::~~ Botw~II,~~Jr.rth. AaxlU. rt ti rOf N.r_ !certaen tha t a g ra vo has bee n rob · { Qn_lkeSr Qud"rt(!vl y tI\ O \I\: ek~ I by ",II 11\ Ih. dlslri!'L courls III h~'cb dis- """"'A 0 f G )d (O {r · I'" "" TOE scll ool '10 DI'str'ct N o 10 Ilml. By all mca ns tl'y It. noDY PLASTI!lJlll..aOo. ,",us ... d Cln:aIIU,; I . I d L Th raUl lI e x\ IIt UI' ay Im'l . hull 100 hdd nlld I....... 11 re,'civll . •,., "I' 0 00 "eu "11 ' • \Y O.,,00 closed ou ·F rid ay, tir e 1 tb . Tire -Whell YOlt lire in th o city, g o )c. so mO\v er~. . c tI'B nger wus l -Elder P "v .nwin of Ilidi. such rOIllI"" "!<1\\10n ;'" mlly bu p''O\'ltlcd by ' RoJ I S~", dwlchco.fu r Tell 0 III •. . BOOT I, paJr-600. } ~~t~lritio:!:ro~fl8' r~. tuGviul palQ.J. afternoon \\'us spo .... ill literary ex l\ud g et n l'Iood Aqll ure menl for ')5 eVldelitly Jnl1klllg b s way to BomB · ' 11 . I: I n' . , 11Il\' DI.l r,,·1 (Uurls _""II 110 Iwld in "llI'h 81"'0111/ R COC l'tlU1I n '"Hu fur L.u""•. n"K' Au, mlry t. r CoI~.. . ." . . t fI '" I ~ CI d . k' C·- ' wed ictll cull E'!;o Ho see ms to ha vo ana, WI prellc I III t IC 1\ pll ~ t Cia. (·!.llIllr II I 1"",1 ""'',. L'n-r), yellr. 'I'be II "~U II",J " oukll!'!c. on re,l ("r frc,· or . h"rge. t .!JSOUPTION SA.I.T-I Siak b . ..... b •• numb-' erolses, 'Wlltch were coudnctcd by IO?UlB I~ ~n. cy I' 1a WIC ' s I!I ' II t I . " f ., I . d Oll Tue duy A fir) I 29 ut 13 o'duck fiOlll'lll A .. ~ mlily IIII1Y Inen:n . Ibe IIUUl' HENLEY &; OBAD W leI(, 1'rol'·... INX, 160.; IS boX'. , tL!S. } 01 uc.rJD1lUe• • the echola l's in a very alilo ulJd ef· CIUIIUt! DlilIlI g R UOIllS, 180 MUIn us li S po\\ er a specc I vOly su ' 1. All ' ·j1 't 'd ' 1Il'r of d"' rICt ,·~ur.1 J",Ii;"S 10 Ihroc. .ln • etc:. . I' t· t TI . t '1\ d dUlll y botween tho t lOi C he cn\1 cli IJ.A!. nTC I \1 C • I UIlY <la,lrlCL or 11I. ll'Irl ~. IIn<l " O:'Y pro\',de Fir frA[U""mnn.tlon Il0.l10 dlll. alle. rlacbell fi Cl.ent mIlUIIOI'; atter wllob tli ey S leo . 10 pruprto ors WI ' II C II r p ., . • I -Dil'illo cI'vicc ii, tlt o Epi sco- fo r I"" illS n J lI rI ~C 1"() /'·"'p<.n·. 10 hold I I. ,., ~Ll~l~~ 11J~i~~.! u Auau..uull, conl UU ou~ l'uo. esao ted thoir tcacher Mrs H D t hair best to plcase ull wliu 8." bmit ull lUI'. a (,t t lUI' , ~eu 10 1' Illit IOrao , I 0 1 I 'TI J ~ 11 ', ' !Jllrt l\'h~ n('\" 'r IIl'('"", ·,ry I", rea' un , . . . , . . . I , ,1 , I ... d ' .. , and the tilUc ho W:\t! d iscovo l'od by pa IlIrc I evory IIII'~ :t.y t! \'C"· oi III~ ('lIlmc. ,hEqunh li('nlhlll, nlN:ncc, or HOI.IIIA""'.VI':R PAn co., lzur. wltl!!\ halldsome ca kc tund, t lem c vcs to t IC II lell CI IlICI CIIlS. II c• I ' d · . tl . d At ' ing ut 7! u'c l!Jck nnd c ver\, SIlIl,) II)' s:c k n,·,.. u( ""y jll,lg!'. I,'o<.\lloc nn,o llnt of B. E . Cor , 4fA. and EI'It S/, .• C!"d"ftoK. o~ fruitdi sbes a lld a pail' of vuscs, in -PI'. F rtlollk B H orlll el alld wifo : ,ll IIre t Tillan Idll 11.0 \1 00 S. It I , lit 10* AM 'Ilid 71. f'M '011 II~X t 1'1"dY ollu\\!·f<l U jll(II!!,' r'\() IrlU(lore n:oy \Je t k I' th ' I . d t d ·t S . V 11 I k , u cvon s IC ma 0 Il ~ oscape w 1'1 . . . -, If ' • I (r 1io'1<'<I r! m I ,.. ' Iolnrv nf nny Juugo , SELLER S &; CO .• Agent., WaynoRvillo. o Te,n a it edlr ovo jt;1l es ce m. mo; oL u PII' lllg I a cy, II~.~ w~.~ ', out boin g d e ~ctod. Th o neighbor. S.l1l1da y 0,'(1I1 ill g. tho sub.iect of th o ~l'lio.'(I' clef,lul Lm lli<t •.11"1' ilCc~}li IY .of lin I'· ~~~d• .J~~';;'O.Ioli-illli~;"j"j. D Ie a \ e n IInco 0 spectators was aDu t uo r. l a~ lung Ollt UI S Bu, u' l l d' 'd bl . d roctOI" MSC tlO!)1I wil l ltu Tho Chri s. nl-: I ,e pro I,' n l l""~ JUt gc. , 0 li llles of '·- 1 d tl . It" We ale · sorlY . to Ioso tl.100 IStt001181dera dyexeroltlc IJver l . • .' . > Iroldll,g ('cn,IIl"" "lrUM UII!I 1I1. lriel COUrt3 WAYNESVU"LE, OUIO .qUI.." arge, £In Ie occuslon pro· go uere. bt tL I tutn Hlld the Inijdol JI\ th iS 11'I!scilt ~hnll bo fi x ' d I,," u\\' bl' l Ihu Oenl'ml As- ' I ( I' . b II tt D ' t' b t . ue IDa or, all no Oil , uOso IV 10 I . .. .. I I . . . d . n orm. ". OU.t"",. r. ,111,1 tllc public gon.U 'd al I t ad d Jlounc eCI C y P OIlSall y a . 10 r. fiS a 01 Izen, u we II nl te l b ' d f' d ' I '1/ Life ·' H'''' .I Y Olny nlll h .17", Ihe j\l f<'O of ,,,,,I orMly tllllt tit hi, old ot ,d I · . OCCA8IONAL. witb bi s multitud o of Ir iends !Jere lay~ urlo rl.ou a ~ecent y . WI . _. co u r!~. rr' per!il'rly 10 fix Wo II m rs (,f Ihe to rop~ir n' '0 tit pr_!""c _ _ ~"' _ _ . . . , . ! boglll t:> eXlllntne their graves N I k ~ I' I . , llOl,lIng of !.H.d ~ntlrI8. I . In \vIslllllg lor hlln IIbulldant pros, ['IT ' I ' J ' I ow ou· Ollt 0 1' U III e SP I'IUg At .lIill rlQNi()Il Iho lIesiring t<> , & D Tr1? 1i' 'Ii' 'D, rhe Death.Rate of perity in his /lOW fi eld 01 labor. - n I ml lJgton ournu. w~ath. or: tho 11 rch moo n is ont YOI.c in fovnro! I I!i" otnen'II1I ~lIt, 8111\11 buve 1 . , ~ ~ ~~ oa tr Lt tt' be f rfull of tlo . plucell IIp<1l1 Iholr bull olS I,he word'!, "Ju· A.. d PUlnt alld trim them in tho moot 8atl •. alanD~:g":u,/a'OOr!::o ~f~if!"beiD~i:'8e .. -Our slIles ill Willi paper have R OnUERY.- A man named Speak. I \1 II}' . did ol COllsLituti onol OlUClldmellt, Yes ;" fnctory and f.. oh l 1101010 >ty lo. Ho gUllron. -.. fi . u passe.d our mos t 8U.DgUIll~ · ·· . d H I I-_ - "."d thl" ',tl ers \\ ho do \lot favor I ho udO{):- I Wo. bonc. t w urk untl durubility ' th e b , All in .. eedof f1f"''1~. without any renoona Ie oallse. al S ~ ex e~ oLlme own to ' ~rve~sbu rg, (~!l t B RTl18 lion of FU~{l /lrn~nrlnll'nl . IIllly hn,';o pl~ced Iltllll tho moot work fu r tho le...t I'n ono . .a1lBth. resulting !fcllera lly from tho mo"t peotstJOllS, III 0011S0q uonce of uur 'flll/rsduy, trom 8prlng tield , t o VI S" . . upon. I h~lr b,,\lOlS Iho wor18. " J"'I I ~IBI altY8torillg aL hi •• hop. )07 !n8igqifliiaut origin. At this seMOn of the 81 ''''el'ior aSS01·tment and tbe e~ h' ·t·" /., . J l~ H RFOR I , ~ollshl\ltlonHI II1\10ndill ilL, No; ulld If n ..... . " ..... eapecU/JI'. II cold i8 Ruch u common lr . .. . W' llt 18 WI e, lormor y lul8S oe \ony· .A ' D.-- , . ~uhkogoll. Mioh'J(""" mlljorityof 1111 Ihu VOl l'" CllloI. nt'.aill cleo· ....·.. f W·· . ·_ . ·. ··. . . · ··. ···. . · ·........ _·· thlog that In< ~c hllrry of cycry day Ii!o t1'emely low PI'ICCS It IS selllllg for . bnrn of thc furmer pineo uud to April 10, 1879, the ,Cu of W. M. Harford, Ilc~n he i!1 ("'·01' of "lIit! 'mnelldllll'lIt, 11"", : 1.1 ~ D we ...... apt to o90rkIOk !l,e dangel'1lllUend. \V e helll'tily thunk our maoy fri ollds I whom htl hud 0111 beeu' IUlu'l'icd of 11 "on. SII'U .~cll"ns llll'l'e IIlId Ii,e· h erein 5p,ccl. I """, ' ~ ~~ ~ ~ illg_it aud oftea Snd'wo I"to t llllt a Fe"or d f l . ' l'b I I Y fied , sbnll he lind rOIl.1I11l1 ' Ih ~ IlCcllOns ___ ' Cl~ Luog trolJble l,na al'8 ·Jy'IICLin. Thou8- an clls~omel·.s Ul' tuell' I oru pnt· i fi ve months. That ni g ht wh il c Iy. A ]) V Ell tJ8EA(ENT8. so l1u" .I '~rt'r1 . 11l the Bnill judi..;.. 1n~'liclo ot I hnvo ••800il11 0<1 wi ~h m o ill hUM ino"" Mr. should cnll 00 1II141101e thoir II yea In Ubi evory" Will • I'unage III till S d exurtmeut. Cad· Iing Ileaccful\y beside hi s wife , Mr • Ih!" ('OI~"~lIl1l1n n II~fOilsIh"Ilorcc .11110and of O!uo: ilnd J.OElN ENOi.E, who iH" ~",·.·'u"tc·of tho I . )Vllr 80\(1 orl ~ tnol sec hve shllll "U ~ ter. whUo hud Bo..cboe'. Oot.non Syrup walll\der, Janney Eve1'ly, SpIJllkor was chloroformed and E \Je rcpcaIL-d. ])"t""ical G,(rdllu. al W ... hin gtun. DIO .• be4;n takell, ft oure would bave resulted, M G M M D Id f H ' bl d I' Cl!1000 b' t h .d JAMES E. NEAL, lind thoroughly uC(juui ll with Iho bu. i. and a IIU''!u bill from", doctor been ,,\·oided. r. • • 0 olla , 0 ar' l ru lC a ,., . , IS \vU C flU Ho l7llJJS, d ec'd. Speaker o( tho }Iou",. of IIc\Jr_ nu,tivcs. ncllS ill nl\ its dCl'urtmonu.. W . h,,,·o 1\ OORWIN. OB10. For &11 dlJlCUCI 01 tho Throat .nd LIi]".' voysbnrgh, the popull\f agent Of \80me keys. No clue t o the I'obbor, boen nppointod /lnd ' JAD EZ W. F ITCH, IlIrlfo 8tock nnd " Uluoh gr...,lor lind \Jetter :Boooboo·.u,ernl\Ull!\yrup h.1 proven lud,f J obn Chnrc\e Cilloinnllti was PilI" but sl1spicions ara rito aud freely of tbe E. tt.oo of .Prosirlrt!t of Ihe Scnato. v"rlot.y thBn luot year. including II ~took of R1r I1iShoSL O..h Prloe always paid for to Uoe !l'roato.t tJlscovory .of It~ kind In . ,V to s Bort Of lIIusical odntes t hOl'o expl'essed that tho J' ob wus dooe at JOHN nOLnlE ol'W"rron OUllllty. Adopted AprIl 10, l!l,O. ,Bollrbon, '~lL, lind NoisOLlu Rooo. . 11 kA I N. }'LAX ·SEED to loull un tho boal nfcry DI'U/lKi"t III tb,. ooulltry " " . I decoRsod. All ordors nlldro.o.d to .130NNl':lt & EN. 'of 10rlD s. . 718.9m of it..! wOIIderlulcffccL. Ovcr oot. day of last week, wltll the bOlllc. Dilled till" 8th • A '1 AD 1879 UN ITED STATES OF AMv.meA (lmo, } Xeni a. Ohio. will reO!"ivn l,rOml'" lit. . 01 prt. . . . f OOkc of Ihe Seeretnr" 0 I i3tute. I I 8Oldla.n )'ear without II iin· s peoilli agent of t ho Ohaso Orgu.1I 8 W ROGERS ~oll lio" . . b,ll bo in ,Vnyno.vill o with " . d b MAS .1 DIIATR 011 AN OLD RESIDKN'P. -Mr. .. . ". J, UiltOIl nAmes, Secretary o( Stat·o of \olld ul Flow ers j\l~t 118 8UU " " . II,,, WOII U,er Authors and· Composers. 00., rt!pl't:.~el/te y r, , OWUl'u D . I S d d l ' II Ihe Soole o( Ohio; do hCl'Cby CCrtlfy, Ihat will )lcl'lnlt, and durin!! Ihu >COS0 11 will 1Jicl:en8, lIandel ut Xeuia: .Mr. MoDonald repre· an 10 tump, an age . all II g I Y the foregoing is It trill' ('op)'o' 11 jOint res- givo tho Irudo in thi . pIneo my pOI',,'ulil II~. Or"all, esteem.ed gontlemlln, d IOd afte,'r.a i!."'7W);tor B aily' . (i8c'd. olutlon pAA'lC(OI by tho Orn~nli AssemAhlYof t.Cll tiqll. E. DONNER., . Tennyson, I(aydn,' · . sellts til "... Oluug"u & W"rr~ll .. I II I h IbcStatcof hlo,onthe J('lbday<lf pr'iJ, SO()u, ' A[o2art, . pncllnlOnlll , and after a . trial of ,both urgau s ong I III'.8S at tie ome ot IllS Tho beon IIppomted nnd A. D. 18;9, Ink~n frOIll t.ho Oliginnl rolls - - - - - -B ·-o-ok--";a·"Ar t-.'n-glu- ~ cenl 'yeRl's'III ' 11 d"y, ut tue hOIIl", brotl. er ·Jun'lls,' ne~r Mt . Holly last ~\l.lIne'l " of tho E<!tnte 01 tiled in this ~mcr. . . "" " .sh ake~pem·e, B eetli.ov/Jw . . • , l l"lrlcll· lost"d ·' ., .. u . " " . ',MuOn ar ' .. '" '" F d A I 18 1879 d 75 III Inte of W 1'!lIl ,Oolillty. III IQs[lmony whereof. ' I havo .....'"Kn.... o. J . \n'l'p g I It of MI~ Amos Hm'ni8h, .Mr. McDon· II lIy . prl , , s g e . doecMod. ' hel'l'unlo Rllll81lri\)(od Illf. nnme ond L ongfellow, B ach, . ' Oompa ·t. Suh8i.ftnllnl, Ecunomi,ml ll nd C 11 ~ i I " Frld&y\and: wa aid Bud iris orrrUlJ came off viotor. ~eure, 8 months aDd 1 day. HIS Datod this Sd (SlIAL] affixod my nlnriol 8Cn. nt Colum· . lV8~ e1'. B Y l'on. IIlftlln.gccl, i.Tn arlnatcrd to rattll age ious and the O~i;UII .sold to Mr. tllneml took place on Monday, aod t~7~. the l1~~I£TbtDfm1Ft.· D. wor k woll nnd g;'· o .full n tl llUt l ~ul l'ortrlLits of the abO"e, mounl.tld : lO WO' vloimcd . Tbo.EII 01\ Ioli'ok cllrd·board, ",li b red border 88n& ~.!!!!!~!!!!!~~--:.-:.-+~~': ~:'."~ ' We .m jgbt' add t hat the W~8 llttended by a 's!ge number of .Secretary of SUite: inc.l1lld Loi 'o,' complele, br m"",·po8t·pn hl. at li'ive Oon .. o.~h. or Ii' gb ~ W al'l'~1 Ol·guu .ii,l:' very. neigh orB •• Mr. ~t~mp W8ij one ~f Publlo Sales. 8Cl of 'I'woh . for Fifty O."U. L(be""t ""'Iutll ng OOI·c rllO,· IIUIIII' lito IIl1perior"i llstl'UIrieilt Ilud its agellt I ~he woalthl cst "'reSidents of tl1l8 V8; . , , (~"t.l ho xing) III tho CQll1nl l8S ln n ~ to A~ent . . They a.1i III,. bot O~ l<6S-0 ery!'ods udmlres them . We .re . Mr. MeDollal i, a pui it.o aud r~lillul~ lI.e tlbo rhoqd. fie wos. nover m,ur- A.~~ ~~lI\;~ 11I'Icu 01' ,,1,0 h v. ,llJunc~Ol'1ll'ot IhQIArgul .atlt 'y,and ~:r:~~~~~ gentlemlln ,· who W h{)pe Will /' ' l.~le . ._ ____ _ ~I\id JOHLioo H'5t-solllug Ftftma.. MOUldings, MlrrorJI. 4·:. Oh''Il1l10d. ·,IC•• In &bo ina,ket. Our lIe w .. were out 0/1 coiv" Ibo patronage ' of dna mll~ ic': WUBA'l' is. in sp Oli conditiou 11\ ~h o nbof.,'o o 31 G c~t~I I ,gIlU Is DUW ro.dy, , 'lIOiI ",III be ,oD , "11 . I l' "'d peapJe, . . ' t b'IS lI(lIg't,",or . h \.. h00 d, "OU OlU\ limed OOU. . II Y" C III", 1n ulauk A.M. LEFF~h-& 0 ., n"p\l~atiOIl. BA¥RD.Ir: aO'LDSl1BlN, • • r SprhIIlSultl,'. Oblo. 714 . Q1e~el.nd,' Oblo. • • ' \I. •
.ID ·
I· S-AAC---'lITOOD -
W. .or·
Tim 11A11GAZR'I'I'B.
mOil aad little children, the hna· band belli do. llil wife'. ~I'&vc. tbe ~~~~-."""I""'--ii-u~~---~- llDother wbose baby Blipped but 0.
-An editorial ink llinging blUl
m8 PApiB~;;;c;;;,
bro k e n out bore. No dllUla~o . ~~htl Oll~t IIou8e <jUQSll.OD. is 8gltatlllg th" uUllty omWIS8101I. e rll jU8t 110W. They think thut by rail tho peopl . will c u oclude .to .tn x themsb)v to r u new, bUi ldin g. hence pr 1'. (j. t l'opalr the old o!le so t1lllt It Will h o ld tog, th er u nhi an othc r VOlo (J~II be tuken, GOIl\U MA -1.'he I'.u WM I ~ over, ~UTI(I~". Nu . ~ro, ItQ IS hupp!. I.e "C 'I :' -~,o ro Ml11s 11m t; Oincill'U t4:401l1U' :!DO.,1l
littlo whilo IIgo from hor breWit to "d_IAc-""clC)lIDiuoo~e~"'!I~I:~ .Ieop in tbis c o ld earth ou which ...... 1rtM:.. aay "" an .,,;-t•• I, • • lVl'lW'i·OBK. s ho stands come to toll thoir dead thnt He hnlh urisen' tbat there is (F'cir tho a ..oILIAl.] indeed aooth or worid where. they Each '0 0 11 B UlltM Beauty. shall meet a gain . llY AIUIIK JII. 1'"(~1II1~ W may not b Mo ravilln s 1I0r How 8wOOt tllO breath 01 balmy Sprh'lI Episeopulin nd, 11 0r m e TObors of' any J llolV down upon tho bu~y world I e hnrc h which obsorves' tho duy _ Wh . .. tr '0 OD d bUMh ntl ftowera Dwoko oiut tbero UI' 1'0411 oj' U9 who do Dot • pAIn! so metimes keep o ur .Eu s t e l- lOOfll · Tu Lull(llhoir ne'lan,ulrourtl,eirtondor in g . Whou the fraud n nd wrc t c h .
- lho N_unnul School h~8 as L~\~~: ~:d
5 ::i 3"' In
Whil e ~:;~..:k" '''Ilhjoy 81'oci8i nlrillgoll thoir t oo hard n pru hl o lll fo r 0 8 to re c o il - Inrgu UII UllCI~dllllce IIH CIUI be .IlC- ~Iorr... w I Ii:UOlllU ~ : 17uw Alld nil th e h11l8. th wood. Rn(l pluins rll- ril o with (:lod's goudncss; w h e n o ur cO lum odutod III tht: prCdcut build- ~"r~' iu l 'i :'~JUI '1 )-"iccd tll~ livo- lol'" - o r IIllf d 8 IlipS ' XCIIIII I G:,,_" 01 111:.. 11101 , o duy. OWIl PUIU aro 1I10l'e ings . • u rai scd to buy _I(C"~;~"O I AtIIl tlll'l' thoro como .11 o'er ti,e lund t 1Inll W cn ll b,elLr _ o r w I1011 w e, t OOl ! Ontu:S 0 hilS huo It 7 :2UIIOI tlO :3Sn 1'7:25pin The S umm or·. fervenl.mllo. go to the Gud II Acre wo kn uw 01, s tn[ld 0 1' c"lu r s l'ur tl lo ll " rl·'I~ A,rl"'e A d f I I 1 J' I I ... " v ~ '~n :h~,:.,'andc O.~B u::~~~~H ",y Ilnd stano b es it.lo a littlo green h il. G lIllrd ij _ ,: .. pr t ·!)iI.1I1I 1I :~HJlIO 7:5!pa The Ileld. were fu ll of nb ol··~t bloom. l oc k which hus m Ol' II1 c nnillg t o u ___ _ _ _ . _ _ 1>r"'1! ti , U I_II"". 1:::::i!'P I!, !:I ~ •• plU ___ Al1d;:"~'f~~n~~e<""jhll"'nlCdIKdonwlthrlob t~an all tJ,o~rcl\tc[lrth besille •.w c ! 'PHCll/. N0 1'1 0 RS. x~,~i~" " t ,;::,s . m!- IO:30 t 7:aopm O ) O:5Sp
Tho fureftLM donl!le with 5laudo unJ lull of l
ndorouo Dower.. AI·.d '··.rd. wh ~ lIOn"" f . IlII " ~ II u ~ 0 " 0 pr~'8!l ... \I tho m~rninlf hOl\lo. . Aud then IIOro.. the buy hllla A C • ru dd,. llgbiAIDe utumne Tile urcharda fined wi!.h of looked thograln.flelds bright. Boauty uud pleniy overywhero; whilo from ......, ~ t III' ? t il! enlnlr 1'OC8 • .-d Wnt furowoll of birds nnd tl€lrOllt, .. loth kill !.he Bow.
~ ~~ SIO"~~O CrII.
Alldc:l'~~}",~~~lAlbo~~~. camoou aDd "1IilI. Then c1uwnM .11 0'0J' tho frozon Loud Tho uri,At white winl.or dIlY'. Hu rrying UI "II "round IIgnill T l,o "'.rm bright hearth-fire'. bluo . How d~ar lho bye... hi"h blo.."," j, fri ood. hipo tru ·1 lIiodi II' overy loviolr III ul to fri ends lIod
)t6mo 808W.
AhJ aurely eyery oarncsl I:cn rl Jflvel thanks for wint4'r too .• }'or Goo, who rll leli t h o
Itl wu18
slog n pron
t)Ur 80 111 8 ~ to wilich - - -
n o mun ClIlI g i vo IV orUM t u H i m I tl t S ' . ), . I t W 10 on .n. prlllg m u rllln g,olg I . d eCll COll tUI'l S IIgt•• rose nn gavo t o the worlu and to us 11 h e r oart r wllere a \l WrOll"8 s holl bo righte d . , ... . ' and -Irom which n o friend s ball ov· er go IlIVay '-[N Y Tribuno . . , . ,
- .. -
A1ri yc
Lolltl'''1 7 :.) ~a ", II :1!7,,'m ' 8:40pm 11 :6:Jp Col" ",I.'. 0: IO" 1lI 12:·. U" m !I :·lOpm )·2:r.OIl N" wu,k \ n 5:1 . ... 1:"lall m n . UU~ if Co. lwo'II II .U[, .•", :! :li311111 a:wIL "161110 ";0 ~:OOlUn 5.:nsl,m 6 :115~ Pi I " UO m .,';.(' 7 ~lr;.j r m 770 II t IS')Ulr" 11"·'J: 3;-5a um • •g ~ :. aJlol . :.' . ,0 • :" p R.lli", '" 7 ',10.", 7'ar,p Wa.h ' ln ~::'7 .•m .J);Olp f'h illld'" 3 :5111' 10 7:: 15dm 1:20p N . York , 6:-15plb 10: 15alO 1O:1a l) )lOMIOII 4:211PIII /'::lIl II!R 8 ;001\ •
Or- L, 0 , ,,,,,,buru" Allernlhe "',... p. ____ A " ' mod " lI.ed .. IIIItTY.L'I\, E \' "'11" ..,." . " III" "rlmle pl'lleLic o. lind DO ve r Ca lilDS to rad.icll ll y CURD It .. R V "I" TI S M. . ' Dro ~.y, Er)·sIJlIlI.s , Sorufn lll , fl eeollrlILry ,' YI' 11111 •• Gravel, "!, . lind all di.c"... III "hleh ll", bl ,,~d •• IIDllhcated, I. now of· fer.d Lo Ih. p"I .I,c. OF INTEIlEST TO T1tAVELltR8 GOrNO Sold Iov . 11 J?rugglst aDd ( wholo W E8'r.-The Agonti! of the direct ulll yJ !,;. T IIK W Uo. !toch •• ur, • PI1U · H all d l e R OUt 0 are I. O. \101 ~:tfj,_____ an d \)Opnrar ~, N . , . .~
T .. E " '0111 , 0'" OAI,,1I.
-J:;.'. ~ro":1l
cUllesHof tlJi s disjointcd world g.'ow
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high Y grutitierl tho r eCc i p t of TO CONSUMPTIVES. numerous COIUI) 1m ntury 1ctters Tho .. d'·crl i8t r, ha" illg b" en I,.rmllllonll)' r I fr m p rso ns tickcted by thut liUG (·" .. d 0 (1 .. ( ure. 1I ui.c" •• Ool, ulII l',i,, ". '.' . 01' '1 I l' 11 ' . UI' " sl mi lle remud,., i. " " xl",,. ' " Dlllke t.UIS spnn~ t ,ese t Ie 0 o Wing, ki,o"," to hi. r••\l o ..; .• lIn"rc r. the mUIlU , of I r o m t u' · o, O.DBo I n B rOId " \V I10 f u l" '\ C'lro . 'I'4) R. II \V I10 .\j. ·~ ir o ill be will 8c nd Ii mcrly r eSided at o r n Cllr O db o ru "01')' of th~ P"'8e rlpU H " ~I :!ccl , (fl,'o of allY ' k . I'' It'hll rg \•• > ",H.b the tJir . . l;llH us for f r l ' ll'Ir!lI rr 01 110, sJ.lca s for It80 I . "",I I"i ll): th o ' "010, whi ch Ihey • ill lilll! ~ LI'I"rLKTOH O OL. AJ.lril 12,'79. uro Ollro for <:'"'I"lIIl'lion, A.thuu. , BrulI' " chi: I', ....... PIlr1 lc. 'i.; hlllg thl !'r.i,·ril.lIOIl ]•' . M. llDWE'U., will 1'1.11' 0 ".hl,,·.s. E. A. " 'I L.'II N . 191 r ellll . t .• I" i II 'I m.llu '~ ", :I' .Y. 1 ' 1I 8 IJ. Ag 'l~ t (171 f.!(III I It t R 111111,
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pllhJla that II will oonlln". to ",ulnelha ~Applen l'I).ull s U.a'tN! ho .1 ul rod. JD .I,hontlvery .octlo" or 1l011lltry U,e,'o arc Pl'rao"', l'uIlIldT knoll"n",hohnrabC)(l llrCllOredll-om&larmhIJIIlIIl even dOI IJCr3ttl dlscl\ es or Lbo hmg-8, 1J y ita tI . o. All wh.ob ••o LrlodII,aeku"II' IN\A'eIt.. "perIOl·lty. and ,.hero It.nlrtuCIftI'CknoWn.l1ool.le N"......_ .I AI 10 11' ....1 medici no Iu olnl.lul ll1'T<!lle •• U,. dlaLI'IlIS alul oulf.rlllS' IloolIUnr 10 IlIIlmo"ary .lfee. Clumuy
41wnYII ntrorl1. In.
Itllnt roUer, .tlil por(orlll' ""1'1.1 CIII • • o( III, mll,lcrvarlllc."rhrouchlnlcll,,,,,"cr,IO "ull n ..he more (ormlolnol. ,US.4101 o( lhe IUII ~' •
A. uonrcguurJ toc~lIdrclI, .lUlcl lh 011.11'0 ... Ing <111M I!II II'lIk'h L..e, UII' 1'1"0",1 1111 'hCSlOI CblhlbDOd,1t I. iIlYILI"IOI,I. ; (or, O, llll lhuCll), uac. lIIul,lllldca lU'e reseu.ri &U~ nllIlot'lllllu hOAltlt.
~Q nHnily bhou llJ be
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~ ~"~ : llIr lO ~ SI,,··I;' M 17 :25. OJ f 10:10" ,\"i, . \' Hl' rg-, 7::;2.11lI 11 :("11111 XCIIi., :2;;"n 12(0)C - ).. .. v.·-. - - ' X ' 'I ' I2 ;~','~,.e '~"P lll I :15'p
TbCnll'utaUoDllhMoltalued.lnooolld<iluol""" ourolll durlns 1tho ..1rollJ'VOIIOll8 halr""ntorr,IB a luhAillroduced fficlon' IIIIIUrftnoo 10 1110 tilo
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1'. O. I'c:r tOM.
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0 J CAVER & CO L II ~~ r.. • " owe 1"' la~s, :
.. tr: Pra.eUcnl aDll Au.'vtlr-nJ Chrnll ,.,a. truo alld ju.I, lJI/ !I(OII , U/lio: t":.. ~,, rn 16:15. SOW ny ALL 11"1'(;<;(;"1'5 I:VEItVWIl t:lU:' Alld e"or, d"y UIIIL brought u.o griof Lro'l blol ••nll" ton. 1 trll t, DE4R Sm: -~Vc' 1I~'ri\,t;!l~ ill D CII' I will rn. 11 ( ~'r.o ) Lbp rceip" r:r a .I mpl . I '~'''v,~' :1.0Il pn, I :OUPTI! G::I;'plD 8:004 IT. HOIlI'!, Nov ..:!Il. I 78. THE 10" v r ou the O\' ClllIlg " I tlte ,I U. IIIl1 k· \' , IIn"' L!! fl " ... til ....'i ll r.·III~'e T X. I) .ell. '1011 .Illg the tl'l!J . .III n Ilout six . ty 1II III r s. " ' IIL" I I''.." ' . I'I "'I. I' I. E" ",L,·". I· · pII· t " pm : ~: u U " r:~'I'', '." nIl!I IIl n,,:" .. . :\·,ri, ["' ur th o GlIlIaLte.) l ' I 1.. ",111> ll.e . klll ," II, c·le RI· al.d I.. aUII(ul ' 1" I 'd • 0 2 . r;~pil W o Dint f e cue CuttHCCtl008, nile 141"'0 iU " t1U Cl i OIPI lu r pr~ .du c illl! I~ Iuxllrillu; I"J:' .iI~1I 1:(1 pm 10 : 101 L D o tbe DC!It. You lUar. ll hnd 110 troub1~ what \'er, A c com· g ..... wlh of Oil "b,dd hon, 1 or . n"'~l h I ~t'II" 1 I. I ~ !jl( jl' lIl 5:5.5pw 1 ·~.. 55p . . F J \ II I I I :J •• • .0101 ': . '"11 "oop rn odBtious wer firs t c lus. or I!CC', I i ~ ,.~ ..t!l. 'JIll' (Hi III.: Cl'~lt :Ia w p . Ht: u. l· IIIc..'h~" j .:W.tllI <to I Try not to II'r01\' weary I. ti I" d ' I \ 'Iodell &. Cu , .O Anu t . ,~ . \ . L--_---~ Of l.oilioA' all tho eIleY-' t 110 . uClltl t v t .. ll<le ttl,!" II!; t u .a l·.. . M~ridenJ CUlln. C. '. .I.i._ Life ""Y ~rc tT. all dro.. r)', CUOIC W~st, we wi h tel lIy lhut Ell RO RS OF YO U 1'1:1. XCll i!, · ,,: iO,lW tl:L. O,hlOpm 13:.2.; " Bul d o !.he 1ll' t yuu In ny . r,,"e . I I .\ t 1IUY cun S:1 Ve t ln.a nnl 11I 1.IIl'Y Jy .1 (I~:" ·II.~ M.\N who .u ll" r,,1 (U" "II ' . Curwill !I Jliiam I ~; , I 4:,12., Pre•• 1111 boldly I bcc ur iug li ckl'ld viu l ' ull DU lldl· f"", ~ " '''''"u. !I F:)! ILIT )' , PIl EIUT\ HE \I •. " v ~ :1 :lII ,m 1:2 P.m r. ::(~pm 1 :1010 "'holl~h tho world lrent you I·.. ldll', J1nntc P F!C .\Y,IU ,d :d J , h c \ ' frdl& tor \,,(hlla ,.,, : h,- L nl' llln tllU07aru 2:otPm 7:O?prn 5 .CI_~ Of hOJ>6 th ere I. ah,ijyt • rR y • v • llil!lc ' Clioli . wi ll 1'01' till' ""kl' of :un'criug hu · Cinrin', i'IJl : lOli m 3:0Ppm :0011 111 6':«ou p, un t Illld do tho be.;~ you mil ) . J u Ut 8 trnly . IJl loilr,,. !l ufrl!! ln l,l1"bfl n'-cdi t, t h" r,' J.ullil'\·' le 7.4ppwl '2 ::i51IDl 1140n
\V .~J. ~ Il . ll uli S l IS . CIJ".·.nlldincl iolf f4 Jr m tlkiltl( Ihe :-ilU t ll! .' ,;'c1go n" t on~ mother. t' • Icm e( h by "' hidl he ,,"' IH; I' ur,' " ~uf1tre r .. 1 · tn ~mL<lr Ihllt e" olt IOn brolh. r: bl 1 iu e inlUrllllll iV Il ),(·"I'cc t l!lj.t ... i. l, i,," ' ''I",,/il "y Ih.· ,,,h·,·. li 'ur ·. "' I,.,.i. tt " \JIlt ." nlll .. ha L t" e mUDY . uy ; th e uJVUlllll!;' of th o IJan · H u llulu en ee c .• " UO ~ o by lI~ll ,, ·-.ill~ ill p' rle"1 Toil ou I ...,,1 du lhe be.t you lO lly. l{u ut tl-i ts 'JlL icl! till'G, tl.rollg11 cu rs eoulld, nee. J Il I:I :l' H. (I(H Ir:", 4n Ct'dnr ~t ree t. 1\ ,.\\ Y Irk. In t.ho 'I'riot("timo.wnr m IIl1d bclllhli llud 8V1GIllJ ld ly C( j u i l'l'cd tm ill III lbc 4ull J) comber IIjtht; ~ llfl llit' d with e l' (' rv IWI ,liltl l 'e Ihat PIL (nllt.ln.... or ~IOIl~ • •Il. <h" .. At auy tim , in .ny way. ~C8 " ' BLOOD I",nllltu •. • Io tl ,II It momLcr lIllo: dlJ ,UI hel.t yuu muy. wi I i rll!llro I he a:Jf tY. ur IJI'o[JlOt o die a.e_ nl ' he Ji ECTUM 'lulc;' l. " rod n,... ~he ' co m 1!11·t uf /I ~cn·~ '.. Ill u bt:: J~I' II :' tu ·.ed 1)\ u ,iml l" nll.I ""Jlhi,,); fI.!!,. .II· Alld ",honld your life · OI I bY u d urc ·l · ,· fa " btUIII 8111!; lI r Ctl II 'Ilig E II \ . t or 111111' II.''''' ,1'"1. J ~' ,\A,ltl nER ,\ rn. Be a lot CliD8lant 8rrlfo. It m moor, y" n will ..... ~ 60 lit 0 \'1 IIpon F. AI. CALOWh:!.", 1 : ~8e llge l' 71 0 I' 1 2-2 AIl Ii >' 1 . ' :-;e l\' Y •. k. Bear !.hit in mind , lIod du lJ,U Wi t Agent, Ul.lyt OIl, Ohiu , o r W. L. _ ______ _ ___ YOIl may. .. 'Uri en, Gell ' rul Put\oe ugb r A~cn t, CONSUM P TION HAnVXYlnolW. April. 18~O. No. 219 Nurth JJ i;;h stl'cu l,Colulll' As n .. S x1t ... bUll, Ohio. All Duoale, that L ead to It. such 1Irre • I as Conghs , Colda, Dronchitu, It bt &0 ~ b h f 0. Os Friday lIlurning 01 lu ; t we e k,/ . and All Di soRsos of the dO' at'thWll.o o,0!1l Hoory . Da·weon, wlto bud aved his Lung-B. cured by
, "\
1IJa~t~ xct.!llt !'-\U Udl(.\',
*n dh
l'ull ", ,11I p"."i ng lltOot" " " ~ ;o;1l}O i,ill)( CICI'- Ih ro"gh frum O~"",I.ti Iv I'i ll.j l~ h.
Phil,llh' II,h ltt nnd N . 1'. -,u"ll't., f." !Ja h i
I'· so.
ork. , witl lo nt dlllllt:'c .
,ro , \I'lIsb inglo" CIL), ''''~ Uo,tll ll. hnve liu one ohauge I.y till. 1I0ule. Ha '8 1\111'&" as 10 .. AS 1\,. Anl oth "' ''''Ule~ . ~,'. L. O' Ultl E1>I. (l eo'l I" '" Tiokol AIl<nl. IJ. \\' 0 ,\ L In\ ' ELI ____G_..n_ . " r_._I_M~ILIIlL f't-J!_o-r.-----_
:~:"t~~E~~:to k~~\r::~ lil:~!lt: bnt~e .. alld c~gB, .iu OXpC~l:ltioll uf~ALLEN:S LUNG ~ALSAlYI!
b k 'to tb b · ' , f th Id nn lIIcrcaso III prlCO, I1S :Bus t·r up- l it • • l.t·o"lnc k",,,, II lInd IIjl J>IOci,,"·c1 ill ",·,·r.y ,nc e cgllJn.H1g 0 e WO~ , proached etarted witlj IIJ o m to 'ill ' l lo\\,u "lid vill .~.· . hr...~houl II'e lnite.d fbe Pugan Egyptlao and Porslall. - I b I ' d ,1 . ' nllil 1.,1101111, II 01 Cil oocla. lIuno!>.·d. I1d Norsemen k th' f Clunatl, acco uLJJUOIed Y liS ling I 01 " 'o"':O ll d. , .. 1",1(1 .. "'" nllllunih .uld : h' oowmg 110 I1Ig 0 ter. 'lVhan th uy a l'rh' -d i n tbu city nnJ 11",u,nl .,j . of .dlll • • 3 , • • ,i ly tu i.. 1111 d f o .or 0 . eac ot h er, a!1 had yes ho tied his Il o r s l) /lnd went illto a e'l'lIllI e~ JI" W' r III b"l\l iloS Ihe di " '. , c8 II ,. anll l(Ioolhgellce t o se IU tho bud· , . ft' f rN-' III IIIl II.Io·... C, r. dill of the S r'o n 1 y 0 I restaul'ant fo r IL ' lIp u l cu cC; II rer l II i.l,rtrm lc,," to (he mn!!! delicate' ellilel . tb ~n I t i P 11 gt'I' ~ prop ledc 1 refrcijhing tit in.s e l ves they l't' tuflIcd I It I'on,,, ill' 110 opium ill ""), forln_ .. o . a rump 1 110 over cat I; t t i l l ., . tI I . d t' .J ~- !li"'cl ion •• C'·Q Ulp. II!· e"c b I,nltlr.. nDd IlDgularly eno u g b, tbey each °b Lie p a ce "". loru. IUY , I,. I~ It i•• old by Ilicelicille de.lor. 1>('" crul1 .... set npllrt a dny in April to r e-oice t eloNo! b ot ',mnglll" th o ll' ~ urprl ao .2!..4:...._4w ~_ _ _ _ ______ iu that victory. It was whou they dl scu\lonl Ill/It A .J EW m, -s truggling wit b Orrnuzd : it wo.~ horse and \V~on ~ore lIut to 'a , 1,10 •• oIth .ro d If you .lre " i.l.oII. i, you .-nll the BUD destr in D rk , - Bcen. L e avlll g Ilid dallghter h c ".'11 1001' I O'!. ~O ':'O ~· . bl! J " '" ...·,,1. i l, OUI · y . g . a ne88 . It proceeded to sell l'c h IIrlll c.lllt i lili CU "1111 ,' ,111 "~" ' ''' II It!· "-1I11l Sel e.s Liver . WWI Oestre brmglllg lifo from nil· '1I . I ' 11 " pm.. 1 b," "" 11" UI' tho IQUI""" II I1U l,u~ 1' der the 8now; but wbato e r fantas . llull ate· '~It IOIH Pll Ccl:.II . I c· I!,C Lnw. l~ III ~nnd o ,,'?r h.v, r.·!i,·r ill /: Co.. fc shape tI 0 b I' f V d . turned to hiS dllu "h tcr; bro u g ht he r III . ,I)",. "nol Otlll <lI pnllllu . I he)' I.roel." eo II I I e Ie aS8ume , It was h ome ulld t be n ext dilY Cl) lItillll l'd hell II. )· "cll,, 1l III II,,· IlI or, P'''"'''' •• 11,,081, alwI1Y8 prompte d by tbat s upreme. h' I l' I d " i "0. .",,1 i"' p"rl , i~ol' 10 II", wll" lo . y- t. m yet f<leblo hopo ill tho o ul of th o IS SOIll'C I, .W 110 I pruve IIIII IC II C· Prie: :J:. <.~"... H. R. SEL I.EI\. ~ CO .. I tl • I. ' 1'" I celst ul Iltl In thOdulJUrl,8 he t.' II I,d 1',,,1' 1'. , 1'1I1.lJul',! h. I'll . puor lea lOll, gropmg lIS 110 ong , b t tJ :l b If " Ihr tho trutb. - IWlum 1 um dena. \~ago\l, 11 Ie cgg~ !llll ~ ~I " G I lA VE n UDum, f'41 GWI'. it 8ha11 Dot be furev er 1 too ' hull " e re goue, M UlIA L ,- It dll~SIl t Th" ",,,.t <lIc"" •• r,,1 !lrOl'· . robber of the live " U' • H moet alwlIYs pny lO hold yo ur pru· l d" y i. D• . r,lNI1 ~:y, III' 111 .11 118 IIf hi. aglll, . d noe for h igh e!" l'l'iced ,-[MlItiUII ' Blood Scar~her he hn rubberl Ih" l!m"e d ' of ~c" ros " ho We l'e d ,IllS uf ~c,of"I". "011 ' ' Oue aecont lIf tho Holy Gho t V the h (' die s worl tl huth 1I0\'or los t' Bllgunr. . ' ulll l,tion . ~Io,, " m '!' i.,": , ~1 ' lcu";,, 1 d! ,'11 •• . ' ." . . . . Ii S Fll rlU l ll1 l1 l1H . f UnV l r :ol. P. I'~d1JJ(· In.B , ' d I H UIY G h ost 80 1ll e l1111 1\ THEJo lllIW lIlg I~ til ' .Jury f'Jr t il ' ,'o.W@i'lrO UII t I "ulld ,,·., FU"er 11 1111 A~ np , tlllll O.. u.nol Do lipo ktl very IJlu,ill w o rd til lh~so Dist r ict O u urt, whi c h c u n VCl jllt\ It illir 'I'". loinI'd i8 Ihe lif~. ~~,d Dr Lln~1I1'1l1,10 t h ro UJlh nt.lIrl! nnd t h o'11llili M· y 12th' sey 8 Blood. Searche r I'; I" e Iot' .'" life
th~l r
=,. .
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und UtJ(!ctl.IIIISO! l"~II' .uwn11I1n luli heart s, 1 h oro 18 u o tlllil/: m Ul'e I'll, t! f· tI tl ' Id " d 1 . ' ': ~C lall li S W()I' .~\.' II Illl'O 111 U hte b oyu nd u e n t h, which cXl're6B' cd it.!ult' ill tb e foa Ht of SJ.lring.'V . II f bl vJ It " 11' o u l e 1\ (, oue 0 I~ ~r" . •. PligUII, Turk, J cw, or C lIr lstlllO, 01 lllly Ugo. It is ouly a mnll ill (l if. . {crent dress, W ItiJ IL mothor or c lllld, 8~lIIehody .wh~ Ipves him; utili wi th Ill S dCl1d bUrler! uud er th o ea rth , . " lln.d With tlillt h o rrlb.le d o u bt III IllS I1)llld that he too, gowg down so me dllY Il8 h e must t o tho grava, will ' be d I. d i d fl111 d uo tlling yon - uut cut 11111 cortupt ion ' . • 'On til that Easter D ay when Christ arose, tbere Wa.8110 logic nor i proofunlen r t I rewove tl18.t rea· eonable dOllbt from ~Dy man's wind. Why, tben, should not tbe . day be keptW Wbat doe8 it mattor to what sect we b~lon~,. or iI' we b e long t o auy? T bere IS not a mnn nmong DS who will not die; and if Christ be not ri8en tbe . t h re .1SlIo a mnn w 0 , eBn hClpe to rise a g llin, 'W hy 1I0t Wilke real to oUNle lv08 this one so' 9 Premo hope by 11 m b ois, by prayers,
I IHC:i Cr ,·,' r.
God that he has mllde th e m im· d iti o ll tli i rrgs p e rtnining t o t~ill mortal. , rond , and 111\ Brrangoment ""llIch Among 1\11. the supet: b and sig· will iP811rC it" early c6 mpietion. . nifis:ant ceremonials with which tbe . I ' F BEE SBADE, mIDDLESEX II C0., V.0\ .. d ay i B ce Ie b rute d t IITong IlOUt Cb rls· t en d 0", tl lero 18 ' l' b H d D B II' none W 110 so avmg use r. II 8 Ba b y touches liS or seems . so fitting Il8 Syrup in my family with the great· tbat of tho Morav ians. On Easter est degree ot satisfaction I no bes . mo.rniog before. day the whole COUl' it.tln~ly. recommend it ~ tbe hnot ~ ""P monity assemble in the graveyard, reme 1 that 1 'know 0 ' for ohil. or God's, ~ere, a8 t he;! eRlI it, : and dten. TRoM48 Y. L~WBOIil. b ' " t b tb • b . b · .I! .w un t e ' urat .en lD ouc e!l e , eartb tb9Y all, to tJ,ae Roulld of .ioy, TU ERIl is another ecaUl'ble for oU8"mu8io. brenk fQrth' iu t~inmpb- .tbe l!08t·office-now 10 progre8S. Let Milt bYlIliia to the rieeo OhriBt. Old' the bes t f~l\ow Will, . ' .• . ' .
ONLY $600.
: ~~I~~/~i~~,O:nd OOVOl' !· PlokloDisl1.. , 1 Pate~t~yr.lJ)1~lttlhor 1 ~arge·l' r\ll~ Bowl IIod Dover 1(Large 11re8orl's D,.hW;i\h 13unlor 'and Lllmp. Ob' Imney oomp Iete ,
48 PieGeL
All nllo n: it. Boil, \ I))~. lUI l"ul.'d und 118 \·li.t'liut IlI lId., ita rm.a ami la rwer8 cnn "e 1 ~. rlJ.d in l!te;. 1: KAN A }'A.ItM P R, 1111 .IIlM- nlgc 'e~~ly pOI,. r. 15 'yur.
hle Ver\' COUlllv. St' UL " I II II .!' add,c-,' 1:l w ~ " ro r riU c e nUl·. Sli m. pie co ry OC III J Add, e •• UUOSO;\ 6; J.: WIN lot , Turekli, J{~n l' n!l. I leu r uPlI moro" uli f\r," ~Rs froO! " (l ll r )'Ili'\ r t t l rl t I r on rei), I-'~ Otl "h n from fllI ·nther Quurc,'f!I -Ril·hard B. "~ Vun8 . 'ol uml,innfl
I,;u .. Ohill . It give. jusl whut IlIu. e
01 ".
\\ tltllill~ t f'l mo,fO " e .~ lvaut' o knOR" _ ~ " III .
lid OhMI... , Orango
qo ..
Now York.
' I"di. T 10 he. 1 arl J\tura l pa ller in Ih. \, ,'StOII\ cllun try - ' p oJ; Hili l'rogrc.~s. A feul'h'RS. oult.poke.. otlrl1nl - LnwHmc'-l JOll l" "i. Oll r K.. n.ll~ frl'IId . Hhou lll I 01 11111 t: h pride in the hl J oliarJlct.f.'r or their
'lili C Agd culluru l p I~r -~ ll\iOunl Live " lOok ,lollrll " l. 1L hAft nlokl,. IlIkell A hl~ h .m u n ~ rt;!,r i."ullw I .tOUrllllls.-N V . 1'ribuue A "'tt rlh," le n'nrit-r Qf llie b ret\t, W c~ t. -Ph il u del~l u Pr4Clicni PArmer .
W s refer t ' Q~ll'ottlll ~~,:\ll,OO M"~nio BankO. _~nd'1otheo~.mlefnldo·.I_}I.eDoy, - . . " ruu .11 of the aboyo flOOd- will be OII~ful1, pa~ked. aM §hlp(!,etl to .D:r_ ~ddre lin reo col pt of 13,00.. Bend mf)Dey hy P.O. 01'der, u p"*, N. Y. dralt. III' NtrleWred lettel', ~ . GLASS SUPPli¥ 00., ' Pe ' tI ~ 10 ' l'Ha.bIlnr~~, ' 'H~':. WUI De -P 1 IBent. Ia""._, III.
0 '" 0
IIGhildrsn's Blow POdB 81 'I Adjusted orr8movadlr.. t~nHy.
t~,,.'1 ' )
'l'bere I. a 'curious .Iory about IOnIa DAti..
.Inea which are advertiSed now~ days • ..,.d bave oDly recenUy bHn put upoo cbe market_ Or. Underbill. Ibe well-known
£l'tlpe-grower of Croton POlDt, wed In 1871. Some of hJ. hel .. eotertaloed .emperaJltle views or such e wb'emO kiDd . lh. t lbcy wen unwllliDg to nllow the sloek of Wl n~ lhen OIl band to be sold or any moro to be made. Tba grapes have IOlDecim •• beeD sem I co markel. and sometime. len 10 dect\y upon the vines_ Il ls only now tI,.t the olhar b ..l.. bav••ucceedcd In amlngioll for. settlemen, of the .,.\al. IIlld tbo SliIo of the ",n... cn hand, Among these I. a wlnc of the viOl."", of 1B6t. described ...... Swcel UnIon Pon, bUI 5Uii".Uni tho Imperio I Tokay 100.. than any other Europe..,. wIne, and belnll ~,!li{. unlike any olber wiDe of AmencaD _ lis purily, nile and mellowness aro ~nuui...ble, and bolh physIcian. enll WIDe-lancie.. bave a specl&[ Inlerell In It as lb. oldest natlo. wine now ."""n ibl. In nnr con·
" The l Viloo¥ & White Organ Inatrl.cto:-" i t. the BES'X' and CHEAPl:"::~T
iu the market I
Sf:nd For n lWJlraJtitl CaI'1/oou"
TilE ORE"'"
10 n ro""in CUI'\: for 'it " '11",1 1'.ile8, Il IlJ all Bowels. II h". oc rn prescri be in Ev""v ~' rm Clf I.h'e r t' olllp lo illt, ';' ilh l·r.eLSUtCdlll, and l) cl' 1I u"etl In' hu ud r dB ilh Ihe 81\1110 ro· . ,,11. III 11... I;"!..ia "ud I Igoolion. II ro IIW ,' C' lli lio"s AocullIulo iO ll 8, Co. tl"ollc -•• ,""1 ,,,,,,,, .Ji , ell.<8 nri&1 C"OIll ImpII,ili c8
f'u!>lbbod . in a 8en lod En.elope. \'riee . il ce1l18. A l,r~I."" o. I • • • • 'ur~. (nn' .... "' .... Rndleul (J .. re o( ...... 1.101 " ' .. nl",,,... or Spor mR10 l'rbu'll . illd ucod Ily s,l·lr. .A.l lu ~c. 111 volulltary Emi.-IOIl •• I mpIIlell cy , Oe loi lil )' _ "",l lmpodllllcll l. "0 ~Inll'illilo g"II' cmll)' ; COII, un. Vlioll, t:l'lle,sy IIl1d I'i .... : JU,;1
O rg... n l'l . Lt'O l" n rhm .l - t.
used by this Company.
11Il. A. UPfIAM'
itLI) 1
The most p opula r Organs of the day!
Ju l 'O\n::r. t"oQ1bIDOO with l'UU.\TY C;;' TC :, E, tn DUilABlLlTYanci JI'D08II,
invented and EKGlusi~zly
~Il R E
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
~~~~~~=:~~~k~.1: :WHUUR &WilSON: a..t 8 0.8 8
The !lbove lpeaks for 11Ie1f, but we would thls Is the pure Juko of tbe grape. nelther ~, lirpmYd nor walend .. Ibuh ,;"I<l h\'1I 11 PrU~l!iBI'1 , I pcrhoUI". 0" IlO IIEIIT,J 01 L\· p:nIl'EI.L, M.D .. Au . h ... been ripened and mcllowL-d by nge, and 1'0r,..,,,de:1 lo r nwn whon I , I.~ i•• en. In tloo Ihor .... lloe "O rcen Bllok." , ·c. 1'"'pli \, I.,,. . ,I . U '1IA M, ~I.I) . . 'rhe world ""lIu'"led IIull,or, In th is lId for medicinal or sneram.n(al purposes It to No :J ~ E". l '" SI., No"' York. mira llle l.ecIUI·e. " Ieady I' rO\'c, fr.JIII hi. unsurpalSee!. It enD be obtalncd from mos' OW l. o. "" ri,,,lI'O 111I.t Ihc II wf,, 1 cnl"O'lur ll of the leRdlng Oruggbls Ihroughout tho II IJI!IB"N l!I cc."r S.· lf-AI ,""" tII~v h",·OCr L.. "I\\, " ' I\ If) . Uollee! Sinle•• nod al wholcs:lle from Ibo CALCINED GNESIA' ,·.d !fi ll". UI IlIo <II ,· in,·: "lid wi ll",ul <I"ng., .. • Oil ' "''',.; iell l ol'u", ' iulI • . j,ulI~ic",IIISlrll ""' IIt" . . IlIlderslgnee! .... ho will forward descrlptlvr F"e ll Fl it" '\' rl!E~iI .\ t .\IEDAI. S rillg " or LorJi,1l.: \luintlll~ 0111 II ",,, elc 111' 1 pampblel, free o f chorce, DR appllCAllon. A,...o " ,. I oll r. III once ccr~dllll lld cll<'clukl. 1;,. wlli ch Respeclfull y. cte_, )1010 ngrcoc!\hll! t~J r he to:: Ic. Ilud ~ nH, lll!r c\'t~ ry 811 f1'c rCr. nO nHlLLt' r w hat lIi R ClII'u.llLiou oIU8U ' hll ll "MI~r . Ilgllu_ h.. mill' 'uo, mIll' Cllro him.olf oho"p\l' , poi""lely Wilson Mrg. Co. B. F. B. THURBER For ~" I o illllo"I'rlllJlcul S ". ped noitl~. at noli r"c1 icll lh-. . 182 WEST FUURTH STREET. Willi Dtoad_:l. RI<Jd, aJ HIKhM ShwtI(, D, IIgg l. Li' IIn .1 Cllllnl " Sto,e·. lInd by IJrThls- r,,'rlll re will I'ro.'o " boon 10 CCNCINNArr. ~ 'I".I. II I . BAND, .Ir., Ihou. and •• nd thoulIRn d • . N uw·Yoaat. 7~4 ~i m_.___ ' !,~I~e_II'_h_i"_._ . SUllt, IIl1dor . ell l. III ... vl.l n oll"olopo (0 I otly Alldrcss. on reocipt of si x ccnLll. or t .. o R.%C'B:AR.D.' HA NDA LL, EBRIG HT & 00., l'O~~a~e::"I'r.ur81~ubIi8hrr • • Impm4 Portable Agent\! . . nil. U: 1' ",""'" Oelon li nd Ohllmoll1ile The C1l1verwell Medica.l Co ., ~--,...."''''-',"~ ~ Pill. IIro 1''''l'ared .>pl'o';' ly 10 cure I k oS. Ann !II. New ".r", ". O. B ... oIt5 l!i8 , HOlldllCho, Ne"·OU< IIO.,, I '. pIO.oIlC' " " lid :a:::::;:.r.;Mlc:aIOi!~&1IoE_ _"'_ _ ... ill cnre 1111V "I\. e. Ollleo; 10(i N. ElItAW ' Ireel. 1I.ll[",ore , }Id. Prke. 500., poslBge PBUYERRS. I'RO"I!BIIl!I. Iree, "lid sold hy all DrlIg~.I. B~nk, Rnd oountry .Icrc.. It . loronce-Howard Blllli. 'For . i u ~ lng .pellB, . ·SSOU will he pilid more. S"ld loy J . gllnd • . fl lft , dll7.illl· •• . palpi for II Ct)Mo diRt Bup tBtiOl1 llncl low ,. plrll8, biller. wi ll nol CUre rely on 1101' utllers.' or help .' Open Menlill
Ph ~'8 i(Ud
Inl'lIfl llCit.y . &c .-Hy
a co.
8 w~:;~~·:s& 8
nA"CH~: 1.0 I!'s
CELElmA.TED RA lR on .:, bpst ill tho wo rld . The invenl.o r h"s n.o,1 thl' .plon<lid hai r dye for 1-"1Iy )'0 . .8 with "elle61 10 Ihe hair . ..nd no iujur, 10 hi. hc. lth; I,rouf IIlf1til ls the only (rue "lid perCect d)'e, hormles., roliaule and IIIsIAnlanoous ,' No di6a\lJlllinI106nt~ , 00 ridiculous Ill'''': ,"",edie. the elre·d .• of had dyu.;leaveA Lh e hilr solt an d heaullful, black o~ brown . :>old "lid properly ngplicd &1 BolTon ELOIl'S wig I. ol.orv. Uo, 16 Bond Iroo', !lew Yor~ • ._ . . ...:.__ 1M ) .
a~d .artl~a W.... hingto~,
L IN ei @ \~ ~
B. E. L¥!1l.!~~ I ·"'&LL ' . _~~_.. 'Ool!· n for Fifloon O~n'B . wo will H nd b. 1111\11, 1'081'Pllid.1\ l'oallliCul Oil P~rlra" ot either of tb . ahove emillent per~o",; a pAIr ror ' OCIlIo, Or B lilt lor SO'Veoty PI..., Ceb~. Tbo.e I"U nol inlerlor (1I1nl)'11)'\..~ reAlly I1DII Portraits, Jlrooollnued by goOd ,judgu to. \,Ie p rfeclliken~uo8 , LIllen.1 Ilfda,n.menl~ 10 Agonls, W ' wuuld ~a~ . to all Who .... 10· ~ro8tod h. Ihe o. le of M6uldl0W\. JI''''III.~ • Mlrror~_ 'h ro",o~, etc.;. lha' t\oem mO Il~y [0 ""nd fCI. OU I' .new cat&loS\le. wblcb we ¥end Cr\!6 .on , .p~l1..&Ioll... - , '. JlAYRD ~,GOLD8TBur. . . OLII'.",,"n, 0.10.
88888 8' S88
S' k H Ie ea
NEVER OtDEL 8 8 A:~!y~~w,~!!~~ 8
I. a
au .
1."hC Cllr\'8 of ublo «:ontril,tllor".- Osngo
90 1
The Most Extensivo Ms-nufact<Jry of Reed Organ,a
L'OI re ~ pl)l\d l!n
Hi d.
H. n uhbrtrcl. II tl ltl ptJcu . 0 .. of Ihe Blood .
" 'I1,Vile ,.~ys: :010·.1.11111 phY'!"ilO " " d.d nre.I",)' JJ. rhu I " It.- d)' '''~ " r "'III ' IIIII I' l"." . By .. he ".c ,I •• Dr LlndseY '1I Blood Searcher slo.· w"s Il lllu ilt oll rcolU red '" loe,l th ' ,I. F 13,'''0 1.• . I·"illo,. Clell l'c l-"ek l' i1l e, Ohi.,. ""y.: '~J)' S (HI " .. _ •• fi llel .·.1 ... ith J. B L i n ·<cr,,"u h.o( .he w"r.1 (II rm , ," .d l'r "'OII",·cd ,t m Od e rcl\\V , 1\ .,' I iIlCll r.•hlo hY·" ,·crll l "h, . ieiR ".. Fl I~ I;'.,. 11, St'JIItull hurongh .F rllil klill / " '" '""," Ity Iho uso "I' I)r Lil"l, cy'o 13 10,,11 J Olin Slvi nk Tllrtl cc rcck , Seolr h. ,·.' ,\ Tllmor I:", will l;"" III )' 1..... <1 H L D I T tl 'co k " ... eUUlI' I"ld ), ell •• •1 U)' Iho ".~ lor Do. ' . u n lo.m, ur eel. L i ll\.l t e"'~ Blood . :hll r clu' r . ~ . , ' llncr . J a s. Van H o rn D eerhcl u l·ill .l lU rgh. C h esterfi e ld Myer WaYIi O 130lls, Pi"' plcs on file.' , S"I( 11holl m . . 0 1,1 J W 0II M ' so." ~. III1lI nl.1 ell"'IIle!> U". E rul' f.lolI . ot" nl'· RUles. I OSl\'O aS~ lo.l penl' I\I, oMII~lcll'h'"IIl" H1 "'''I S "'' r('),o r l. J ose ph J essup Mass ie ,,; . u S.· . IhAI Ollr ''''1111' i. 011 Lbo h" L~m . 01 Ih. wl·npl""· F,or .,, 1.-, 1.)'.'~11 Tl~u'('!,~ls. TBK Lebanon Coullcil have v o t l!d R . £1'- S~ I.LI ~I\~I '" lt o'I', . • I'OP r. . In,. '"r;: I. II. t hemselvcs threa dollars a (Iny (or For .ale hy J . SAN D • W" ), II."l'ille; . t·.r • d f I' t· T'-' SIt 109 1111 JlI ges 0 0 ec Ions ulS - -"" C:OMFI,ETIf !lilT 0 ... .,INE @mackB a little of th e slllary-grab. CRYSTAL FLIN'r How niodest of th os o gen tl o lDou I T ow lis hif trustccs Ilre n II o weIi b lit . the s mlL l 811m of $1,50 per day by or t8 pmcBS, FOR th e state, nnd 8it fro w 6 A. to 10 or 12 p, M. whilo his dignity, ' thA councl'lm':ll, S"I'\'OS 1eBs thlln In ardor Lo intrnduue ~hi. IIOw li no of u U U bOllutifulllud vulullblo GLASSWARE to half thut time.-[ M l1so n ~_nguurd. the oonsumor. IVO lu .. ko f.ho .. bovo un oqulll. ..... . od oll'or for tb" nux t ninety dlly~: T M'laml. V a II a y R n l' I wllyW e 11 t 120 bl llltl·AlT. PIUOK BE 'I tiO into th e "l\l1d s o f a r cceiver last 12 l~no:tpl"lO. 1 00 Sc: tul'u:IY; Mr, Nathnll Keever be· I:) lllc1h'idunl S~1t Oell.n 75 in ,., ('h ()~ ('n IlS tho r ccciv cr, Grnd. I Lllrge Sillt Cell'tr . \l,'j J to I H If. G 11 \V P tch 1 2;' 8crmone. floweNi or anth ems, o r any nally tl. o hifnirs are ~s8uming Shape. 1 TI:II'O~e:; G11~~or' er 76 sign of joy? Surcly mankind can S Olin wc h o pe t o 'bo Ilb10 to au- 1 Cream Pit"hor 40 afford ono day il) the year to thank nOIlIlC\\ IIIl e lll i re ly 8uti~li1ctory con. 1 SOlfur Dowl und Oover 40 G ('orgc 8, 81110 A 0 U wm 'l I . - U .1, T. V . SpUU\!U A . F. l'echll'B
Cr .
. Rcad of, pmcu," '1:101' "iUor~ build. nlld u ~o Ho p lJillertl, u p. s t rr ngthcns Il ud WA.JlIl.A NTIm BEST A.N IJ CH MAJ·RST. enres eonti lluullyfrom FARMERS AND STOOK-MEN h... llhy and'I'Y.' tb . 6... 1 dus • .' Bava IiO I",r ""nt, b1 IlTlodlog loed. •I. ~dlcs. do YOll 'FlLir Aki n, ' rosy A8lIALL CUliroll IIILL IN EVERY Vll.LAG. AN lJroWN. w'n ' 10 he Blrong, checks nnd tho s weelheultbyood be.ntifu)? 'est b'ealL in Hop ult.~ Oedar F.~ow.L~.rcll l 8Tl. 1'hcn USft llop bitlers. I Uri.' _ 1m IILId PIor\'1' IWLr Wl'1'II ova .. 9!1!!! IIIWo. ODIT ~n. powor. J_ W_ STOWS . ' Thc appo 'Kieln , and uriM· 1 ctt~= ~W~¥;~Qi ~"~611. tizer, atomacb, IJhod ry compl,llnl. 01 1111 on :&r.rwhoal, meal or (oed. J_biiilllT. nod Ih'er rOrulalOr- k In d . pcrm.nenl ly DaD."II. R.R, Ble.. ChlC&ItI, JaD.!III 18Tl. !:lop bilte .... ourcd "y !:lop Ll tLO ... .' WI 4rii1ai 4 !'ClII Dr lII.U. rD IOva ii ova I M-lJiob Iiono. au run Iomr V'r'! aau. 'OIQrgYlDe , Lo,,n onl·atomach . sick IIIctor)'. IWWABDB a. co. Yllr., EdlLOrs, b.nk . IIl1d dizr.iOba.!!!P"II!I, nLHJluch SB Ptb l8'I8. , ra 11110\ L.die. need benrlllohe n ~a8.HollbIUer,ollre& !p1tIIIIILI .~ JlOtnl O. A ' OR I , Hop bitter. daily , ' • ' d OIdK1ller ~ • Me ",t. b " ,ew 08eo. ' . . MIU.r lorT.Do" .. Oo;,• ' Ulld "Oll will he 8t ro ng
.".1 .Ile,. _, 0' .......
'Hop hltte .. h&s re - 'Tllke Hop hlt.torR I. O. BIOJLlBI)i""i Co., to"") 10 IIObricly lind Ihree limes a day ana Bc"""... o. . Ild,perCuot wreck8 'O U will bM'O no doc· 6n1a E1tft1a11. . . . . ~ 0.. iwliIir. .. III IDtempe~nt;'Il'.' tor bills to pay.'
., .......
W. call the attentioll of our readorS to lome ijPor_t/&nt matter if! i1iii188ue, name .... the pro '08ed n "r; aID8Dd~e:t8 to 'be Oorill~ituUoni '
, .. W, nIIW • 9tot .. for. 'rna,.
a 1lUIII'ber .AI!J ....... ott 1M ~ ...... to tro 1II0re Illd mont coawaoa. It Ii lOt pt18lallf. to II&tr
PEOPLE make too mnch fll a1tOllltber orer these athletic cJ:hlbltJonll. Tn hi' grea~t matoTt O'~ry didn' t "aUt far byllOVt'D milE'll a a "ellk woolao up on ~Qrth HllIliid whil e ebe wa. trying to Ilillieh lhe shatle of II rlbbon,- Oil
m BEft _AL BOOD.
CldII.fJ THE CHURCH OFFERING, ~1"L t~i ill tno out.akirta or DeII"r w.. the wildon lit IIIr db_). h .. I'" _ uno......41...... 1 <01the (lther day of a tramp'. atteJltloo to 1,.;lIoa 01 ~lu~J I r ICIII_.................. h~. ,........ • " ••11... II tJlori. '01,1. 113 HkIrI", oor. I ... howe"" bcctau I' I., In a1ml)ll\ joJrI!. Eveo thcee ftpboJlde Inary liBYan, 'I( .11 III An,b .., FUn., ....,.... ' 1.,,,, •• I"'f' ner, lae&anClt', .,'18c1al, &he ~.ult of an ~rin or hUmor tiun o( weet @ra"l1 baD' •• ~ AD'..... , .., Ott""''"at &A-..T• • I-!/ Dtrrl~'" uti o'bot' ....'h... I.llbourh HId "."r!..... ~~ d,eing, aDd artl80lall" uever agt\!tlt~:'f;t::ell. Tit:,~~ld~! ebleDy for the purpo , nn tl Ill\rijley, THEIly.-II-re-fo-r-~y-.four Am riclln firma for lb. . . . . . . .. "n1Nri, tti_ I.r~ nu"",,,,,,r ... fine Antb.,.nl' nnd," U 010 or u.• •, ... ltt .... able for a01lenllh or lil1le. It trOllllell of lho aft\ltnoon a Irams put 10 ,.hlch 1_ neilber ~'ltt r nor e1¥OO~, doing bu InCl\8 In .rapn.u. !toob lor .n Obol,. haft prof--Ioaal reuoall-r:1!"" DlI.· I\a a'pnnaran II IIml uked polite 'I' II be bl\~ the moat nn ... ·I ~r of nil /!.l\Vorlng r~ .. ·.1".,1 tabD Q _ _lor dylog the r ban; but couli{b;I>ermIHcd to oQOi (or hrmMl\I ~ U;, 'omparati'ff!)r few other leave!! "As ' lAN." GellertU Hrant qUllltly Eallr lDB1e' Euter CUOII! Euter !lt~elDB! other women hue ao eJrcuMl for i~ a uaed. PerbllPlt I ought notto e.xcopt TbeyimqllMl, oC cQune, that It IUId, to riMe of !!Onl" the 8"oot bllf, 'l'lllch Is populllr In rice a.ked the A;lDg of lam if he would reo l!eod I.' " .." their beautv, or modltlCII lb ir hOllleli· .. I have tbo iog(edleot~ ,.II\h me," he IIlId olher puddlllWS, "lid rlainly 61gn And accept" p08ition ia his nut ..t,ootll• •ud low.huee have 0Ma, whl b·U cer!alnly doeA not. 'The Mid, tliBJ,la),ing A oobbl e~tolle about the Impllft! one or th ~IIOBL plollll\nt and Oablnet Tho King rolled hili eyes round .. "PJl8~H.ct ...... rt. of eRect Indeed is quite lh conbary, Na· Blze of an IIpple. OIquleito lIavon, hut" 0 1,1 tbe oth r hand toward thc Genoral In an Incredulous ture .1s very likely undontanll lhe 'rbo Indv very nlltuTRllylool!:od At him wbllt a waIte thcre liS of tho fl.avorlng mRQnor, and, hllogiug bl" "Jaolr!oo'll and ullwn .hou1d be hUll prlncil'lllII of Ar. Although hc urprlt . propenles o( ,moll, fllruond, Ilnd laurel Dc t" to tho o~her side o( hIli mou~IIJ ruay uot makQ all lVOII\ II handsome. ~~ .• You CIIII' ( 1I18k FQ UP lit of Uld len" s, 0 r chly ~ hllrgO(I With tho 81\1t1' .• I gucllS 111m wall ellollgh all ClOuntry IIIId on moun· j;\In raUy furnil!llc8 thoul Willi olll\llt'x. nl 'k, CAli you?" she 1\I'l'nred nee of bilter allll()udl<, I!O much used SIIIDI." - J,('WMloII G~tflc _'m~~nd' .J.) ....a -h A thlD". lOO, erllll and hair to m .. teh And wh u " h, yes, lIIud~m 1'lm 'II wbal "0 ill most )11 wbclIs. Of courso, such a wv - ... 0 ~ "" they blrsch tht'lf hair, they Iuuder CAli a soup stolle. lea vee mu t ba ullCld, "ith ca ution but "....,n~b. . . . .d Ra~"~1 the lhort.wa1klogc:ostume Ie horrid, ju l re$thctl ally, wronging IIlIture and thelll' " Well, [ shoulll like to se you do It." ust tbe spirit III well A" f' , JJ v tho of rheumlll l m, the jolnl. look a h~ feet. • BclV08 at tbe M Ol time. The ""cuhar ahe forlh"l!.h IJIlld Ull a fire \D the "( 0 ld readily be 1111 U8 on ..... Ulll&1 '! heao wogflevou8lydl.torlod,lIad Brl'l'oe aDd wide braoeleta of bla k bue of tbe hair wh ich i. now thoJ'~fashion ..nd lhe trnml' cOUlDlenced o""ra. 0 Ie u d mlll~, ell er l.meUm •••• um e I\U ..huoll grol •• 'IU ~ do:· r . f" green or Ilr)" n a t ca or l llb10 spoon- lor Dill 1. 1'0 ","veol . uoh ruu lll by 11 .Iw enalllel are worn byladiee lQ mA\c tbei r with 3 cortRiu la 18 I\lmo t IIhmvsllo, 1: Ii lied lho 8to" Jlnn Wll~ 'II'~ter, rulll( the flllvorlug liCJuld IIl1ed. neo! pie nod ognleablo woaoo .... rtaloly tbe baDd, aud &1l1li10011: tair. becoming, becnu It 18 unol1turBl It nnd after It COm mence to boll, 'ery tho m"dt u!oful and harmle~6 o f all pari 01 'nldonl A teudency t<> rheumatio Tuaa,bf8 Increue In (aTW, oluch to IId"6rtlI!C8 un,1 emphubcK Ih arllfi QI- en rFfully d OJlO~llod thtl stonilln 91'1111 In leaus for Ollyoring Ls common ~vflnga. .Ilmont':, mDy be ou o... IIIlI y com bated OLIVER DITSON , CO., Boston, the delight. of every old colored wOmll'l lIhty, lIud oOIl"e." an unfRVorBble iOl' tho. watur b f When eucunlher8 aN) !!Curco lb!'!!O IUO "ith no. le·ler·. I:!lomneh U,Uon,,, medl u •• D I _ .. Ile.. II. So DI_ • , .... . tb I d .• '1 ~hnll hll\'O lu trou le10u or a clue ... lIb tb o "r•• lIllo or n 10011 no.1 l UG' IU ....o ••• ,. mn.....ut .. nn•. UI, e aD • pre8!Ion of tb penson "ho lIuopl It I I " h d hi" II perfect ~ lIb8titUte In aladHorllDythlUg c~&Sr,, 1 car •• r 01 unbollorl cd I,opul. rlty, A L '" again ~ the defacemenl o( No woman 10 civlli za li Dolor her h:m Itt e ~cn~onll. g, e 0!3 1 , lin t 0 lIuy 10 which the flavor is de lied Tho AU<l 01 sRll,halic prol .... on.1 lodoroewfol. 'IIatural KeIIery ooght_ to apply to mill' blue, her no red, her cheelclt gret'u, or ' IMstencd to g.t him an olllon, a pi ce tute is not only h\(e ~bnt uf rncum\)crs. II rflUOVe8 Irom Ibe blood Iho88 IlIh.Ull'. guided women who bIldauh 1,h elf chllt'h her tootb bldck. nut If she did ~h mellt, llnd II tolDRlo These we~e eS e- bu~ identlcal- a CUt:1Cl1l8 IIIslnncc f tl I.<>ry Iwpurillu "bleb 1'8Lbologl.1.II al8l~o 'h d d d 1'I fully , ut lip and pu~ III to boll nlollg 0 10 ' on Iy I rouge a'll POll' fir. "'. woul bo II IlUg very Illuch 1,,0 tlO U II At . In a b rt time 8 dell. CUIII'O I.at1ou 0 r navon Ifl WI did C Y .fferell~ lUI t h u u~ e 0 I r \leum.1 ISill, ftD,I no, I .. KJII8INO by teJerraph." "aye .he womoo wbo dyeH h er hnlf ,,€ lIow- 1I cW'IO I U Il'nc' a OUfll. OU w.. : ure a red. Tllo fanrilles AgnlD, Ih e you lI~ loa"e8 of !,,, .. fleA Ibe Iole ~ Urtehl. bul cnrlcbu ii, ' Ba n" t •• i f d d 11 II h ,. II I .., r P ~ P P b h k I'rODlOIIII~ Vigor by lerlillti og 11.8 lourae. NOfW ve LUi, , , ef, sane" way., 01\, cilhon!, rope Rut ue. • co,,' Illd' taeted it nod WM lIehghted "ntb cucum erA avo 11 ~Ilrl IIlg IkenlllJ.' III DI~ el \l o lI~ tbe 8ellou 01 the bo\\ e I lpad:iog. It ' i" perfecUy hllrm1€~., Iliur I IIpt to gl\'e IIlI unllrepo e lUg tho'nll\'or . Tho fell weatdownanuato. the 'I\'ay of flavor 10 thnt of thll frUit "nd lhe .ecrCIlOh of Ihe bile aro alde.1 by pa~SIIIally innocent, and free from notion of th o \If Mer, 'Ih man or WII' Illlli hi hosteKS lmmetlultol), added what Tbe !!lime OIl\ybe affi rmed of CR rru~ \01'". It, nod Illlnl'eis lhe Icldnc,a Bud bladder 10 aDy daunr of diphtherial coutagion " mall of good 1.1181(\ l1-11d !!eOIlO who !!et' lt \\'88 1\ ct'!8IIry 10 mllke II substantial whil e III mOBt gllrdellls lhero! I" II I'ronl' a r.t;ulnr sud arllVO v e rlorlllln~e 01 th eir ~ EY'Ir.'(1E, who ie one or&hc best assoelate It ",itb rainted 1,)'e\)ro" 8, menl When he left ho ealll be could glOIlS wa let of oolory Ilavor In lhe 1"". lIolls. It 18 b~.ld <l n Iboroughl,! relln dl'fllOd womell of the 8tAge, hIlS all of painted cheek"s, and otber fnlre lhong-, 'et plenty of so up stones on his 'il'8Y, and 88elloco.ol ho t'J:tornal ~Clli c. nlld t.h~lr ble r. mc1r lor, .ud me.uI of I'r•• eollng, .tier costumo' mado ill thill couotrv} Hud splrltllal not Ie thau mato rl al i( ~ "'ollid lei \ 0 tblt\. 000 With her 118 an p:uliall} b lancned fQO t.,lnlks l::'<:orc. I' <r lotl w _"v__o_r_s._ _,,--,,-_-,-_ gl!urally under her Oll'ft aupervlslon the hlllr dyers knew ,,'bl\t men of the Ie. f I . d of celery cut uJllnto u up wben LlIe A Wor" Ie ..... (orp .. leal (n Inqwry-Whielt h UJO ~enideotly \blllk American flI!bl on8 'll'orlll meant hy soyl ng, .. he IS lbe eVlllence 0 10~ SIDCl're y he appreCiate ollund08 WQU d '1'01' It eq ul\l!v \\ell or In~l.ft'" 01 r.,,"fdIDt; obellly 81 IlD ab bost ],IUIUlt!ll t for Jlnn , B"d 115 good .. torelgn ODell. 80rlol womon who Ileachetl he r hai r," her IClnllne~a ho ,!as firmly \.'O.o~lOced botl~r, 'J.'he r 10/1\'1' Ilf ~008D- normal ~oodltloo. maoy "fople bave or Beast ?-t1Il~ i)! tho nmnvcr, nt· Tn broide~ "10\'"86 ..... no they ,,"olll,1 Ihu.k k,IiI<O bcofor ~hi'y that ell ha,dhcotDlQ httohvol Id hlon 01 f 1\ berries u~dcd 10 ttled frull gIVl'" 1\ roo eoul'y cOD"derod 1\ .1 nn eVldouco 01 I rt'Mur 1\ nlg ~ e 0 or lue· Ihal reduoes fat Is testell by two gonerations: tho ~ ucoeu, use t ey.. IIr rnuu d to be so Il'rI I 'It d I rosIIt'r 0 81'or nn d n sre"ncr co Ior ,""~ htnllh, nud nlly D"tIlL ~ band lIr LlIl' elr IIm.tnpe. H,' I\ .~ne I d "Irt 'fbe 101\ r tl II tb crlllorti III olloe IUlpocled or b elDl: In MEXICAN IIUIHANli LINIvery U&/1 upon the hand; the presclIL l LI '11 I I I Ibn I I I rl'ti P e8 on ... ~ '01< 0 16 0 ....' r· J,moo! 8tArlln~ to reUOII Irom Ib t IlIlse lOll'" OIlalo tyles of dreNed or uodre !MIlI Hili Ding or 0 Witch. " Ie Irf'r II III , r I ql I !IIg currlln I. gll'e a so rt o( Inlerml'rtillte I,osltlon tbl\llnt II 'III evidence of b'Allh, It MI<:N 1'. Tho reason is sh,,· , '''''''l(lnl I' I b I I .' d re'I ~ not ."rprlllog Ibat Ihey rbould. ~ kid.II»ia, . delicat Ind cafe au loti shadeR Tho :::lt, PctorsbuTJr 001 ulllnrlll ,,fa .. UOII', VI'" I link lhr mORI Ilnd lh I Rvor ~t \\ rr n ' 80 , cu rrnol.8 Oil very 1110 . It penetrntes evory Horc, 8nd tints, are lo1lDltely to be preferr d ICllg" "II) S. I: :lrly llItit mon tb n 'H,man I OlllOn 1I1l,I'the lomMO lI\lultlllll\(' olll,le Urllnge, Cltroll. "1011 lomon I ~ avl's illlnllrt oOI"rl\lIy. f~1l 1"10 Ib~ uror 01 ' ''PPol iug "ollull, 01' I"", ('mISS, to the THE moat wortb lc~ o( all family nnmell t\hrnfen a I gIIlllJel'K \111 M hurD e,1 II l ery ~o"d pialI' (If "(1111 ' wilhonl the 1\ flOHJfIll K. e'l"" 1.0 ItbllL of lhe frUI t and thtll "\lI~entl'.uelSln!: Ilfol,ertl e.ol\l'&lIle lcry bono, IIIl11 drhcli out nil 1110 IIIlht' ,,11"110 I rock"" rlnll cOlJlbmcd. aud I'Owe"hllt dillerell~ ~~r~~~~~~u.'i.c~)~:~I·~~U"j~e.::~:~g~'~:~,ecv~~. lre&llurclI are indol nt fODlales. 1f II I\" a witch by I.he 1_ Intialllllmtoryaml morbid mnt"Ho 11:~~ nothing of dOlllO!ll c dutic~ o[ Wrst h evo, ill lit 'o \crunlt' llt of GruolllHlly Ib,' tri CK bpgan to dB",n fruOl botb. A fO'YI~i\II\'C8 uddcd to jllOS, fr~nI tho raltoMI lIul~. lhat 10 uodue ,I. tel'. It" goes to the root" of beyond tile parlor or tho boudOir, she Is No' gorod. IllleeOl thll~ tho wret<he,1 upoo her IIO U If lOU 1\I1l1 t W make that Dr blll le,llu thedml ~I u eri tn bllk~ wllb 1'00,11')11 01161. UDI IIollng obultv \I 1101 llm troublo, n lid novllr falls to not ~ helpmate fur a man, but an lu· WOlllMn, who wUlhe "Idow "f 111!01li1Cr. lad\ m~d. YOll h3'8 ullly 10 lI~k bl't for ri C, or forme lato crUftl . o r I'''' ~(', 1\ h." ltlt, but A morbid I "ndll1oo, Ii II 'lull. umbranl'e upon hili eJ:ertions. 118.1 tbe rel'u tallou of b CIII "; U .or ~er<'" , 1101' 1",, " I)f her l!O U '~Io lle Impar L1111 ndmlrable lind ulll1o-( 111110.1 ., n,llur ll l I"r II! 10 ftrrl •• ftt tb. OJlI' O CIII'O III double !Iulck time. TBur women IIhould not carn them - ' nud witch, IIl11l strove Lo I'rtlllltlte thi. __ I I ltbff' holllJlI~ I, III ~ort, leII"" Art' u'JI .11. I un· III I. II , 'fhleh il o".talned b,! IlX !fllve with tbeLf chin rotrudio ant! delu 1011 by elt)ry mOllO. III her po"n Zulu Skill lu Wllf. hilI! -u mlldl u~.1 for (,1l'''lIll1g I'ur ~~~I":~" ~(~a~bi~rYc~~,o':i <~otr~~;I;~~':~' tbeir !pi:nal oolumm c:rvlng h~e the The pea ROlli 01 tbo whole lIC1 ghborlOl= I~'l!t'" n Iht'y IDlght be, luurlably followed by All Inll'rovenleol or h r ) u\\(lc" ' 'i ,. f\. Til ,eo_ .1 -== IIItreu$llh, I,)irila, l\u41 phJHlcal uowrort.a bowl of It "~D while stout women dl tnet lu\d ' Uo.1I R dread should avoid th 'mllll\!8t chair ill th e of IiIllICblo[ IhuL th€y ~n tlenvored ' I'en I hr Illllllllrv skill dl ~l'luye,1 UI' lb,· 1 Uoo...... "ana Allao'l AuU·Fat will .. du e 1\ lit penoo • houae. to IIntieiputc hl'r wl.lle., 1\1111 , althougb Zulus .. mor commo n ~bllJl might be I JiK~ ZOI I: lind CODllIllnn clllY wtll CIt'IUI Irom two to liv. !'oundl ft Ir •• k !Sold by x..uuoa I. Ilk. . laml.a.codle l",h l au I\bo!oluLe p"ul)(l r, 8b hl'ed ,"crY com. \ 8uPlloHc.1 IImollg the WlHrlors uf Soulh- I marble Oruggi.I"_ _ _ Pl.."" ID .. "ID~o" o ."ulDm ...'.nlll"; lOllabl)' 011 tho rolltribll'lon~ "pun lo rll Arriell, M'"lle of \\0080 tlJ:plOlld I ·o~· t·t'll IS 11 most, eOIl\'elupn !. IIml cr· IT I ~ A.TON ISIIIS U w,llo .. b.1 r"IIId,ty rDtfUDIIU IDoeellolPIb.llr IAneoutly made to her Therl! were I de~er\e., wider relcbnty I d T., """'0 .Dd1110 .IGrethelr ...U1 ,,10.111. lb...... I I. I () ( tball I tul'Y are fcetivc III io(ector. UI cero,," · .ore. ' 00" eruplh. WR'n I..... TII_l.. l ... oalb".t~.~.u:al""t~.par, • • mallYJlOlrljonfln .Ilc dll.rlot Hullenll!; I.OY llllltlllll\ na 0 lI e lDo~1 re ToclIlordrab,tulkcll'iIIol\ b,.. k nnrlR curell bl U7:SR"\, '~ C,IIIIlOI.l II.,. , nn Tb_lhal .... 1" bUIUu ..1 oal opIo from epileps), nlld II W8~ pe'pularJy be mllrk"hle of these unlaugbt Oenerll18 btlle (opperlU! .,.,erD .... autldole to uube.llbycoudllloDS of -OOl'rltf. Jie,'er\ that Ibtl wlteh h ad tbull 1'"11 wu n Un'luu hler !lRmed fllUS Arrl I I H\IOS IUlt ;-~ g ly c nil e "II I II the .k,D wblob" prolerrfd by J,1I1"""III' to LUlIE BUJl.LJ:\', Il plucky teacher:lt isbed thelll lor oflt'n d lo" her III t'OOIe cancr fnr rullOY years the firm f .. end uf I ' I ft I'L -h _I every nther l"fl,arMlion CODIOIOlnjf Ib ~ . " . Rolla, Mo., punished tbree boy. to ,ee t:' D L ' r b . I R be c eaolSO ant tlO eo IIIIOS, I bolle elemeol. I ti l uadoubudly the hn •• t All "oout tbe lion 011.,'11.. , Jtf'.onrof!orlf. ProdtlC:t., chi th e !Icb J TI woy. I r , 1\ JIIgstolie 8 at er'ID' 1\1", 0 rt F&A fII FIlS may be cleaned by dipping ao'iseptic 4ud purlner ."taol. It aO I4 like La " , . ""d It _ r uo pl(' Ire ,1\1'11 In ,he K \N ,,~ h 'II' 0 w. . .e!....!g bl 00. Ie One of thlliC epllepllc 8uficrere, .1 girl lJ 1I,It I" their youl.h Tltu ~ and Ill S lhem Inlo ho~ wat J' I Dry by hUlllg to cberm on I'UrOlenLeruphona.ft od hua·.o r \ lUI Ell "I u rw- c::o Vi ~ klr 111 III '~h ynT 1'0. 1.. ~:~Ilg~t ':i~ti~;"u!ul~ ~~i'~~u;]:dy from 1\ dl!L.nt villsge bel!Oug hl bOlI1C I cider brother, (,hn tUIIl, were tbo I('rror A f I ed I Ie lie been .uccuafullr uud lor rbellRlftU.fll And .,.111 ~ mOlltb. :.oc Atldre.. nCDSON &: ... \\ I'SO "" peMooanlII to burn the witch Itud 00 reo of llor whol!! 'o untry, lIover IHlJlpy ex· I I IlIT 0 g l'i e f 6!O' n g tm 'IDI I "ort tbr 81. All Drul!gl ... aelllL. Topo ka KJUI '" appeared in COllrt, managed hu own ItIIlIMI her frOID her 8ulleri~ ~ At all : cl'nLwbHI mailing Incurl!lo n upon t 'le 111m. Wilier WI resloreJ'ulIty crapt'o ----nft, mllde an able 1,lelI, lind won the bl rh d d g f '[ 1 ,"rru uOlllU~trtl>C~ or the Dutch alld (REA'I of IIlrtnr Tubbrd u)lon 1l00 Ird Pnlua of tbe M..on &: lIamltn Urgans CI 8tIMlm y n ea men RII elllor 0 .'e ' . I h k d I I I II II r8 10no.whaL more lbo" Ibo •• 01 the poor "I Ii ages I~ WI\.!! rCl!Olvc(1 to ... ungui8b Enr,h.1t snlt r. On on occaMlon, hnl' w !te "I g 0le8 c e~! t lem we, eel orlC oD • mad . but th e, Are nol I""ob ""..... Y In nil dilferea~ shades I'rOmi!t'8 the lIOurCIl 01 mIschief. The) proceeded III~ been robbed of .. II hIS cattle, by 111 c.;OCKROA B ES wl~ flee the palnl. mor. wh,le Iheq".lIly II .. SOUYAul" nor to ~ the prevllling oolor, both here aod to h er hut., ",hleh they fOllnt! fR et. Illef enemy, Berc.llri (clllled Nlcbo13 s will oh hn" been \1/Mhell In cool nlum Tb,. I, •• heen .0 tbor,,"~h)Yl'rO\'ed lov tbe ~ Par la, thll _no Thel nre made eoed up. 'l'bey broke H oppn , ,Ii !lCO I • by th o Dutch), 'l'ILua made a ft'lgned wRl er \ result s aL all gr."1 worhl'l U"OI\lIO~' lor un ~h"l I~ 10 no lon:er ~ 'ltu.. t1on 011, with knilrplaJted lIki]'t. basque or ered the wretched W01oau. chnrged her atlompt to rerOYer tho booty, nnd drew 'i'lIh tomato i~ 1\ ~'iI'erIul Ilpement, JlOlonal!le. They have & garn iture of "ith the crime and than nailed IIp th 00, I\S If hopel e~8 of ellece~. n 'lt rlur· lllltl181l wonderf .. lly'T~ecliv8 curatlvo A~ II Il'tlce . ,bf) are t.b. 0 eal e. organo ribboo., and brl~ht-colOred .i1b are window alld t1~r to prevent her C 'a l'll. In g lhlllllgM be mllde n forced , march of "gent lor liver autl ~idney n[ccll'\I1' 0 em. ueed .. piploglan facln",. By thIS time O\l'r 111'(, hllndr d men hllll i clIl.raonhnary Hpet>d, th e It 18 010 n 'horoug~('medy for dy s Tho CJ!:~~raled I. till 014 IoUlbl. eo."..traW L1" Vl'l'ID'a SOlora. ul!emblcd arollnd lht' hilt, nnd IImi(1 1 ocmy's ca ll1V. nnd bv IlIlndlDg baH n pep la. .. MATCIIU'.8II" Jo I.... II I••• b ...... lflo .. beou... their J"er~ I\url ~hollt ~ "r ex ult-atlOn It dUla n mcn I !iron \'o}ley Into the atdo l'U"lIJI\t;luogusedacbuireadlsagrecll" Wood Tng Plug t~~rJl~~~~t~~I:r:f 1~lt,'I~."'fr." m. N!~ firt', and tbo wholo crolld re· of dro, c Ule pa me strIck en orowd ble odor. The tuoks Mould be I'mpLlcd 1'0DACCO D~~~~".wr~t:I~I: :::~. tor auklo . • . mained untli It tVII8 'p"te conaumerl. ou l on the other, cloi!C to where hi ~nd '11'11 hed , Ihe f alhllJll Ilut Into .. bn!; TOE I'I Ol'1Rl!n 1'on" co COMPA!f T
If you are Interested
W811 011
¥_I:::;:::'~b~I.!I':'lt~~~~! •.::;.". 1111410,
IT IS l'lILL WRIGHT AND STBENGnl and expose, I 10 Ihe b tof the puu I r New York. BOBIM, And Chicago, '!'be ma,k.1 I. DO<J<I"" ..lUI I ~""n ee veral hours O LUIl au,l 0101 •• re .. !ten overlo(,ltod trtUNI t .Yfl. wbleb III .dull rared "nil ••u. atld realn cr,wt wo-" flint "',1. To keep I!Ilcds fTrlm e depredatIOns 1\ ro lor .o,-Iooglh or 11m. ClI U. " SA VI! liONEl'. AND Bur TIn f mice, mIx ~' of caml.ll(,r. Irr\lo~ loo 01 Ih I. ung or no lOO hroolc 0 ~ D1.e pi t rotu1l1 a'ord.oIo"J1 ..""'4n 011 'l'h•• "b ' c " phor ploccd f:~~':k8 (I~J~r~:rA w "fOvenL mire Ihroat Dbea.e. ")trown', BronDi",,! Trueh,," ~~~.::t iln;us.i::':~~PJ:1JIu'f·: ~r.oer DO. . . " art 80 tllootual Cooo .. RBMlIlJY. 25 'eou II AJt£ liT TBII A.d tr ..., _DOl Ita.., or. t1 '0 &II La I t 1) ht froDl dOlDglhem hlJ1I.r A,,!':NTS aodolbcrI mM' fiDd MlBB JOllIE IUJru aUteen eara-o( A IIr' 0 allg cr. THE two beat bedge ts for general luleroulo lhern (0 Lhe advertl."em,w.'o"tUIO'If.O Pennlylvanla aalt llanut'l Ocl .. age hI! been appoloted Greek tUtol 10 A .... ldo'll'1Iv n~ 10 S prlllg6eld, Ma ~ , purposes are the IlslIgeoraugeand honey DomestiC At.oul·ug C.. ia I"otber coluhln, an illinois oollege. S he Is proticieot 10 hu recently dl ecover d lh whoreabouts locu ~t. Tbe former does belte r Greek, French, Latio and German, but of 1\ long·lo t daughler, loll'n froDl h r forther So uth , nd t!i.e lailer furtber .. on Poeuell .. 611110, Dull DurblJll T.b.ct ••• cant't make bread or IIOW Oil a .blft 011\' when an inlaot, twenlY·:IOveo yean ugo. North. Cnll''- JI\ ,,"00'0 Re.~ e..-eel NaY, Tnh.r~o tollln l\im'ple Uuited Statel.-Bockland The Union tells the fomant! Blory : TOE 811rlcuI1l,lral dies of the lto First Established I Most Successful I QnI~WI'. Seeml odd, consider log Ihe 18 The lady I ~ 0 olltlve o( Bartlord mllns wt're opt'oed or c eed , tb e IIIl!er TnEIR IN8TR U HltliT8 h... ..laD4ord .. I•• a born Bahr -Pllilatklphill Bulletrn. Countv, noecU cuL, and wellt with h er !181101ly Ihree fee t at e top, Clght~en lu .n,b. OS! of the LoDdon .mueements Is b" band After her mllrri8~e to Western In ches lit hottom. e lo"or portion LEADtNG MARKETS OF THE WORLD I colot <!aOcell, where all th I.dlu al" New Vorlc, which WM t en almost n IUUI flileriwllb stone grovel, a In),er I!II EA(1RTOWlllTOIliELLJlllr4IlrJ(:L'.. E •• ry~ ... ",,,,,,,,."llOd" tbonllll£.rlll ...... r in dre ~. of ooe shade, I~ted bv wildcrnel!l! Her firsl clu lJ , a girl, WILlI 01 plU~ leh\f8 or "1110 f,lIno theo the "'1~1~.~:lo;~,E~~I~~ij,S::~'~~\:I:t~j~:.;:.m!r tJ! ...o~tl. ••• an~Qd mentlon-d In tWh_ InVI" born there, aall 8be WIIS on b tl r way to enrth rel'lnced film. Imlllllllllrge rope on.1I "'''r.lrl Thl.I • •• _ opportunllr lor •••" .. t"-he hn-t ~~ ~ ~ j ' b i b d ft I I l l I I f I f o.JI,o""hl.~I.'I'.lrI ••o"."Hho.lrlo~l n,,' "' OVER 80,000 taUon. Of ~uree abe eelee~ the sbade re 010 er IUS on n or II' eml'omry 0 WI Ie", or 1\ au. e 0 po es 11'88 «rtl \1 ,II. I. r po"l, u,.,.I. Ir mOlt berotDl/!!io. hel'l!lllf but the ne xt IIO par"htlont Wh en thle infant t "118 stolen plnl~'II\F.t thclbotk.m, b k M" .... _I. _ '. _ "_ n._ .~~ _ ;. H:.~~I!S~~, -~':I·'" ~:-';"d~~'i..~',f':' "" ••1•• , l i f "oolor party" 'unt cao lIave revenge, rom er aur ng II ong • age JOllrn Y 'A aM . Rr; 01!O III Y Y oeplllg no __ S.. "l lor •• 1410guo. and thus wUl i'r flr\ the rounds She hilS never !flen the child "Inee, Accollnt or farm opt tion8, pllylOg no D~ though 8he hu r cenlly dl8CO\ererl Iha t aHeDtion til the mllX thal" a 8tltch Ie THE NEW YORK I SUN. T BE balr of the mummy recen~I'I' eJ: sbe is now Iivln 10 Wi COlllll n, ,wd tlmll !8V\!8 nine," aU wing fencfs to re a.minedbyJo'r'mlr Bucklaud,wl! fouod mllrried. maIO unrepalfed tU slrange cattle ,'AIL'. 113<1• • "'oolh ....... r •• r 808'ON, MA." L . '·ball-.l'" 'h t h ' d I lVll8ted Tenderness. W'~ •• 8 PA......... • ..... I. r·.1... rr to .... e- In ·• e way com moo 0 Jt I\nN>Rrs tDllt the C II sto en are fouod 'bllzlng i n e meRd~w, gralD •..J!A~yy ~., 1'h .... _ . 'VI 11 I of cl Id 0 d 9 Tilt: . " . baa !bll larr-t clreulaUoo aDd. I. Ibe m odem youo" 1a d leB. e mummy, by a man who carried th Indy fifte\!o 1011 I!O mel II !!Orr w Iln field., or rowelDg 0 the frUit trees, eb '1"'0' ."d .. ""I 1111....11 •• paper 10 lb. U.Il ... howenr. didn t wrar striped stooklngs, miles by private conveyllnc to lDeot need is IIslung for love and pity, le it planting fnll ~ trees it.hout giving the 8',;,'U.: W':':KLlr IIVIII, ... »bl"eollr Ibe....,. 80 our girlacaa coo&ratulate themehea the atllge and "hOOl ~be h8~ alway nn. meloDcholy HIIIt theso holy !lflec· trees Lhe attontlon qUJred to mnke ,I., 1.",lIr llA .. r 'Ipan baving more Ityle than the dried· 8U8peetid. He .tole tbe elJlld With tbe llOn~ ore gIven t.o .he dO!rll? The New them pro(i\.8blf', y otbrr formR 1 W. E!lOLANO Pnbll.h.r N. T Ullr up old maltia of six tholl~nd yel\J'1! ago. In.eo\loD of Mllplmg hor nil blij own, Yo rk l1om~ .lour 110 1 leferrlDg to the of neglect - NorrwWvi7l HwaU. and placed ber, by the Iud of I\U aeooUl ' fMhlOn or making pets of dOgll, Hnys THt: mOBllY }l8rtt o( the mcadow CUPrD IIWAu,oWKJ). phce, with 0 faollly in P on nsylVAnia. The amounL o[ lu.xurious tenderul'8s 8hould be well mauned with gl)od, well· , WJI.BOn WDVUD T'oll>u do, ... I " .. ,,,lal.1 deeigoing to rechum her wbPI] he <.'o llid thllt Id be~tOIl cd 011 tbe!!e worthlell8 crell' rottod stable dung ill the outumn. nod ~ f .... cro'"' lei diDO la, do ~ WIthout 8uspicion turlll! bv 80010 of Oll r "ealthy cltit.en8 If prllotl~.bltl, tho .......Istould be fed ofl W"I. Jofllaltt III "oo.f ...... ~~ tho time never came wben he I~ so n61uDl . 'h I JIg fII! tII '-~. !I'floeltt ... '"'''' _ ,Ibe b"r. But .m II I mO KI 1111 ,-""" tbe following sprin. with sheep. Nitmte t~~,b1!:.~~~~eb~ 1 dared do It, and the little girl grew up 1I11",lble o[ soda !!Own on themOBllY parla of the III tb...Ln" J ~IDobed him ur as the adopted chIld of th e famIl y, Jt iK nol fit all uucommon Lu eo II. field "III al80 kIll ~e mOBll,lInd is an e.x· JJblbee ••• dIDUlecup finally ml\rrlfld the younger hrother of CarriAge, With ~II'O men upon the box, cellent manure f • th o grus. hilt thiS or m,wtoo J plllD.... IDd ...... blm . the muter or the hout<C aud rem,,~ed to drlvlllg throngh the Park 111>011 1\ 1,IelUl- 8hou ld not be IIO\\D nt the rate 01 more ~~~\":t!~:l"JO:: J~~:~ blm ' WII!COn8ID, where IIhe I~ pro~Pcrolls And nnt morRlng. WIth onl1 a dog, or per· than ono and 1\ htt11 cwL ocraere. ~""'lIel,l .... "lila I'.~d ..... : hupllY, llIlp' ,l p'lIr of. them, 1081de, !.aklng.n To fry be~I's hwr: Cut the In cr 10 :~I"b';:.t~~:':~'h~ ~:~... ComDlIIDlcalJ.On hila bron csI. lbhKilcd HDlll of frOl!h Tbey ha ve bad their elices nb3ut two-~l1U'd1 of an inch thick' -LtItJ~ 11..1 for SOUlO monthA 11011' between tho hlllb, lholr lo~k " hll\'e been dres!fld, and soalr III cold ,vllterabout quarler of a~ TKKd Ilr6 ten glrilin a PenDsylvanl8 molher llnd dllughtt!r, and pholo~ruph 8 If thcy ar~ \ ery shaggy dogs, such lUI hour, have ready some butter 10 the MASON' HAMLIN CABINET ORG&NS. Iamill whoae "Christian" Darnel are exchanged which would leave no ,\oubt t,ootllcs. S kye terriers, etc., frellh nil· spider when hot Jut in Ihe liver' &ell' theM. Emma Angelina Adlcl, Lovinll 01 Lhll relllLlonHhlp, if IIny had eXIHted .008 are 10 the bra~d or nurl lof thel~ son ",ith ealL, ~pper, IInli an ~nion ~reoa Cornelia. Alice Ellen Amallda, before. topknot~, Ilod IlOiUl~ Iy .u tmy c ualer 0 chopped fine, du~, a little flour over the 'fonilla SU88Dna Corlll~ Fraocina Te· 'fhel prol'Ol!O 10 hl\vo a meetlllg 8000, fre8~1 bloll8Om~ I ~ tlell In the !!limo he· top, cover tl b tl to k eep slellm In WI lara Oeuoillia, Perllnla "ibylla Agnell, near the ecene 01 their t ragic partlllg, commg flUltenlllgll much 88 ~bltl ' add 11 little waler Eflibulia Eliu, Aonle OliVl1l more thRn a quartor of 1\ CtlnLmy nl,-o A Bieek, ahort-halred dog I~ carerully wbile cooking. toll~eep from getting dry VJt'II da Cora Jorlne and Mary Whalll meetlOg It Will be! I blollketed, and perhllps stocklDge~ abo, (do not let It blllll) , when brown, turn ..lJtDa 2'b1l IDdutDl~ Wltb crocheted comfortA, the hlce of lIn the other aide ,put 011 R little more la that f_1 y i., "Fetch 00 anot.her TIl T Leu t. "hleb only the fortuolLte fe ... amoog' IIIlt ""pper an lour' when llone take fL" • eery I chlltlren are able to P088e!8. the linr out ou alPlat~r. pllt In about a WOllD were oe,or cut out (or proA. Weatern man lately called at the teaeup of Aweet milk ' if not thick faaiOaal bue-baU playen. A deter. Obicago Tribune office to ahow the edit.- Introduction of Wbeat Into AlIlerlel, eoough, add a I ttle 1;loro flour, wet m\Dt4 wOlDln cau do almoet I111lthing, 018 a patent COl'IICt that he l!IIid was Prior to the di>sooveryof thie conti· wltb milk until you get It about the but!llie eaa't .Ude in 00 the home base. bound 10 revoluti<loiz8 "ocitltf "You neot by Oelumbus, there """, no cerelll thickoolll ~f' bee grllvy pour over the ~ her lhin., .praIo her eouIder, pilL !!ee," he said, .. It's ,uet the 8lUllO fII! .he to America approaching 10 nature the liver, and serve. Tbl8 iKthe Swecllah th . . SDpn out of Jolot, and then I[Ot urdlnary conet 10 all ItII ~_nbnl I'ar· wheRt plaot. lt WI! not uoiU 1680 thM way of oooklol! 1 AGENTS WANTEO FOR THE up IIDilliig U .weetly &8 if she were eat.- tlculan. Dut there arc !!everal attacb· wheaL found it! way iOlo MeJ:ico, and CUltE for felon When a fingor prlclre I~ IMI. . . . t.elfy wblle waitlog for her mentlll!ot round In tbo ordlOllry cor80t, theu ooly by chlluce. A slave of I! though there Ilre a thorn in It, and _ fellow to &ate her to the clren 8. - and wbleh forlll tile par~lClllar charm of Cortez foulld a few grains of "heat In. throbsilitolerably, "hon beld downward BlMit. GtJ:dU. my ~tent im~oved c~reet-" The Ab· plln'CI of nco aud .howed l.bem te hill. and yet there i~ no uternlll sign of OF THE 1I00t Frleod called, R.II I poe~lcally mlll!tor, who ordered them to be planted. ml!cbie'! the p.tlbahllUleI lue thllt a Tbe .r8\ Interet I In the l"fllliu. bi N'or, of our try makcI Iht.\ It!l1Inj buok ever 1mb call It.. Round the enlml !!eetlon of The reijult showed thnt wheat would felon 18 in proepeCl. Go at ooce to tbe f'oan IltI,oo PrlC@tTflducerd3..'pareeot 'til thc molt Gom .. tbe conoet there eJ:tonds, :18 YOll Will thrlvo woll on MeJ:icao l!OiI, and to-day buteher's and proocure 60meoftbe.plnlli; lU.",1')' of tTle U 8 o\'ur PT1l11llht:!d &ud rur I""tt fm lN APfl" and 1M: "h,U ."11,, PO "fin - , a h,lDged clamp-II IlUnOIl/j lind yet ono of the linest wheat valleys ID the marrow of a helD[ creature. Tllke a hX Add,... NATIOHAJ. Pl.'IL1IHUHI 00.. J1hlla,lelrhla P .... verI BlmJlle arrllllp;ement of powerful world ie ncar the liUlcan Capital. pltClO, 1IIt~ about t1¥O Inches in length, spnngs, I!O arranged tba .. the prJaure From MeJ:icQ the ceraal found ih way and, haYing cut It open lengthwlee, the'yeJ:~rt can be graduated Rt pleasnre, to l'oru. Mllria D'EacobM wife of Don wrap It ar'llllod the aJJected floger, cov. IIIId .. lostantaneously, elIerted or reo Diego de Ohn.uvres, carrl;;i a lew gralol erlng, of colUI'I!II, " 'ith cloth. IIi a few lDOyeeI. ~b~ oomprO!lIIon varlee from to Lima "hicb were plBnted, tbe eotlre hOUri ch~e the piece of marrow for a thatof a timid aDd unaccuatomoo. friend product being uaed for seed for leveral frellb one, \ and c:ontinue to kcep the ,f 101t wllnt ' tt> !fl11 the farm, ad'eril!MI the fact, IIIId k:. it b8' whoee muscle ielmperfectlJ ~eveloped, 8uCCllMivc crove. At Qulto,ln Ecuador, flngere en::.ect until all pain h&8 CC&IMld or who hI! a boll on tbo Inllde of hUI a monk of tlio Order of t. Francia, hy aDd there III 110 dl8COm(ort when the j. or $1'0 CIIIIb w~ will Inee" a !MITell-line adYllrtlltement one week ID a Uat. of a elbow, up to that e.xerted. by a Hercolelj tbe 01 Frny Iodosl RiJ:I, inlro· IDIr.lOW ia 'remo"ed, Tbe fioger "III weekly newep'p8r., or four Iioell in a dlfl'etent list of 887 papen, or teD ~ wh~D eagaged 10 strangbng a boa-coq· dut;ed tho new cereal,Mnd It is eald that l09t BtraDgel:r whito .nd porou~, but the 'Weeks in a choice of olth~r or (our !Ie~~t.e and dlstlnct II.~ oooWning tYftm'~'O Stricter; pn theJICAle they are mar~ed, the Jar which rontajued tho flOOds eure il comple!4l} , This remedy ollght yop _, ftl?m 0 8 UP. to A~ 11, tbo plllDled is tihll preeerved by tho ~onta to bocome pr'iitelJlIltinal, It l~ netl to 100 papere (lIleh, or four lioes 000 w~k in all lour ot the Ima11 ~l,I,rP~',9P.!~'1I1"': equivalent. tn (l(I~!O~1I 1Ieing gtno, I!O of Quito. Wheat ,,&8 introduood into better tliaD h 'Iurgeon's knife, ')ne 'weok in all eix list.. «>mbiDed, being mo,re thaD ljOOO ....~n. ",:' tJiat the youogJaCly CAn !let he, COrll8t .the preeent limit! of ~be United State. morll ell'ectJial. Ji~" 01 pt\pera by States throughout tbe Uaited States aDd Vllll8Q8. I 10 All ~ aque:ez! her precl!flly I!O much oontempol'RnooUlly with tho eettlefnent ~~~~~~~ aod no mo~, when hI! dilClOverod of our coun~ry by the EngJi.h Ilnd the .:en~ for our tOO-page pamphlet. AdCl_ GBO. P. BoW&LL 4\ 00., by ea~rlment-.. she can I!IIAIly do- Dutch. llirerUaiag Bureall, j.O Spruce Street, New Yor)•I _ biVotlled'.hllwi!DI power. Thu ~ if a WOIDl1) ti .. no loye" or her admirer A ~UUIIBR of English ~.,"'t.lemen han hi aoae to ~e lodle, or to _ Aooj!)er, aanually heen in ~e hahlt' of pl'tl5flntlng or 1_ out of t.oWD,~ abe. hai to do II to to the poorer c l ' " In their nelgbbor_ lady friend wh pill oa h" autol1l_ 00*",' l4!och the bood a variety of ftoll'.eNceda and-.. few altrlking r_ iprlq, ~cI, wUba IHleueidie of the orllamental abade ot fruit tJoeei!. ' The goldsby, • .111_ 1iI~tIon, r~l Ute a.ot one. '1'eIu1t II that tilel have euoouraged ajlllllll-no, tae tute lor the cultintioti of flowen, -and friend A LIWt poebt-book lufteD ~e Nlolt dieaJl~anOl! of man}' vill~fI h .. 1Ieen .,l1-ao, the 7. aJ!f lady: • father v.ya "a ,*",-. . . ~, ,"?"tlerlullylmproTed. po-l'Ihlwl~.
".d,'e_ "lleIILn~.alo"ITlIl...... U. 'I'b.lltUul\l wit\lD Ibe Io ..... 'ul.. Q,lIlUeplu04.,.dlln .. f1Ieft4fr"lI. ,., ...
The Hum of 21 roubles :1Ild !lO cOIJeek (nearly ' Ill 60) Will! colte 1 d and of, tered to Ibe ruml policeman 11~ II bnbo to lICouro his 811ence . Dub be reJc Icd ,t and 80 Lhls I rrible trJl 'edy cam to Ioght,
mllin body lay ,n ,mbu eh. Tbo moon hn(1 hy tbl8 hrn ru,en nnd the fir of th con III d IDllrk-men W88 £0 deadly thlltouly Ucrendn' ·lllmlWJr h'III Chi Cllldh danti I vII' n rew ' vf th r '" A"." ~.. pe , ell 1 g ,,0 the btol~n calli and all .\.helf own III the hauds of tbe AIn aner party. n nnoth roc IU!lt)n, in I he bOAI. of a !!e \ere "buRh fi gh,," "'ltU~ und Bereod sud tlenly Cl\lIIe race 10 lacl' Doth nne. I"ere Instnotly leyeled alld eacb lH!illg tile be t mlt rka men of hl8 tribe, the death 01 both appeorerl certain. but a\ tbllt Ulomont a 8trny bulil't came rU 8b ,ng botween lhem and reooived lhe two bullet, whereupon lhe superstitiOUS wornor n~ oneo WIthdrAW from thn combat, Anoth er of Afrocllller'" reo corded ex 11101 111 \\'l\!Ito 8"lm nt mldDlght, l\'lt h hiS "'un on IU8 ftbouille r, to lin 181anll b in tbo Orang Rlv r, whero be I\w.ited Lbe comlllg of n hlppopotalDus, whose Iliff he bad mnrked, IInJ laid tbe monster r\eatl wHh a . lOgle 8110t JII l'l!.A It orened JUI hllge JRWH 1(1 M elze him
... ._ ..""
Tremont Strcct,ODDosllolaltham 811'6et,
U. S.
WHOLE NUMBER 737. aTE.u.IN9 . _ ......1198 TIDI
-.,-IIr IIIOLL. . . .
W II AT 8 pnllol'al/le Meet her by electrtc 1I~'nL,-.I' fH AT hot old desert IluHa Burn bllrd -Ne, TBP. ( Ilow malie a bad he wenL tAl ~Leal II eq UMh gourd A fTER the now dog law h.. com pleted thoro Will bo rell(n o( tUrler -P,ro'l It W OUL!> I WHO Il boy agam-kn • • where lilt'ro 8 ono 01 tbe be8t melon patchea-yum yum I-DIILo 'lll l! el!l! and /low of the Lied refe~ on!lb to r larrlPd men who 11'0 out ellrly ILII 0 lie In late -New Yor.!: Fxpreu GIIEATNI!8II may procure a man II tomb good lle~~ an epltah-but slalDJlII ruu s tbo thlDg t.brougb me -Otoego R eoor l I IRE vine dou lIot cling more clollely II.l Lbe etal ,,"rt oak til lin B blue ailt bathwg 8Ult does to the .. iOnlaLed balher HE tIVI8te<\ a mule II tall" Is the SIm ple bUL loOI AI\'(' epitaph 00 II WlII- , ousm farmer tombstone WII LllllUlked bill mother",here ltara' ClIme froUl Her reply w.. "'MYII!JD, I do not know II Woll I do ' h. ~id, tho muo n IlAld em" \ l:lOLlIIM "Then! I, De refllrllto II
II. . . ~eodl _ ",1.1.1&"'11 Amuad bJ •• lIk •• Ielb-.,r-
Sho calh b" 11111. I''''pkla I 1101 Ileca ....
,1•••~~·'i..,.10 n~ I
dog opencLh bls molll.b and laughetb bilL verily he 18 .mleted wiQl tbe heal - Wn/trloo ObM:rver AD~ m&n. 18 like unLo lbe dog -Lo ,,8111114 (JoIIIVrTHE
IIlI\ltHhlUL all orgall WlwlI ) ou say vou hU Le 111(' dlr l ngI- I UI I II nL" 68 11 th(\L I htllc'd you 111111 lefY ~m t c flll IUlI-ftnd '0 I!O rry ' U' lire gUlng aWRY 1 ueulf you 1016 Il;C tWlnlllg 1M IIrlll IhOUL i ll y II ell-.tay olllvUllly whaL ~IIKleY I II I dUlle b e lll~ ,cal"' I!OaL (or lilly ulllrtul or gho_t either 1 hilL Id n~ht .. nd I <lIeE'f, rwnrrl ce lie unly re\\nrd ~ WIIL .I e Illlght hUH ISI\IJ III rc Itt" ,( he 1161sr kn ew Il~ her i1I'H \I e re fur IIlc 1110 II('IIL ~ /lectulll1y st'1l1e I A few mCtnln ij lule r Puul (;beney. c lLy frlClHl WM nliL eUf] rl lIe,lnL h " re turn thollgh he w lUl uL hiM brlogl III b Ick 68 brule th e chler of \11 6 Lor
The relllllllllicr (lr the Illlernv to !';uo "ry dlhgently .IIJ ree lI ed c1evp rly thoul(lI th e re \\ \8 I _11111 V "~l L bu rning III her eyo~ wllch nrglled 111 for
~ tlldl~d
A J P. WF.I E& ad vertl1le8 that be hU IIOlne preolou8 ~tone for dllpoaal act- I dlDg that they 8p,arklo like we lears of Il 10unJ! WIdow 0, ye teau-Com
me CUll AJceri Itr J wo t
h .lIh ,
'wu bOlif.
",,1"'1' 11 hOGlb( ~ ,"
Two 1"'1, 01 IIplln IU pea.. b Ida wo Ilille IIUa.ctl-lum-1ulU - /it Lou" TI ....-J•• ntoJ
AN I'dlLOr bemg uked Do hoga II/,Y ' l1li) ~ a great many do not They take tho (lkper !!everal :rears alld then havc the I iiirni'i'Iloter Aen d It bacrmarked re lll !!!'d - B08lo, Pod l\hllTl N K.-I.NNER and Jane Huckleberry bll\ e )uat been married 10 In dllln 1_ ...A lld wby 8bonldn t tbe~? bn't Lhls the time to Kannor Hue le~rry crop' - Bo.ton TMrutCrrpt II' you wallt a fug do~ madam, what IK I: pug t 8&1, a dog fanoler to It. would be purcbaeer, thl8 here ODe 8 the dog why, hiS nullO 18 JUllt a turn III .. lnerll6L1 at"oon bill eal'll all the
ClIrl,10'8 Fcc t IIlrlclll~~ Ihe I ghh,1'1I of I h (l l1ll~ urh I Ihe ceci nLrlc F.nghsh c .... lylsL nnd "r le r of dr n.1 ( Ills I filII, 1010 to P; II II HIIL hlA I'CClIhnnLlcs Some o[ tllI ~ gt II' 18 th II" r< ported fh) tell U8 how h kept I I " I, )N«' wlllcI ho nlwn)s groollled IIIIll RC lf III I sUIMc 011 0. piece of \I lisle grou ud II1110ng do Ilk C) S, cows alld gCOllO How he h 18 been seCII to rllsh out upon IlII org III grlDd cr \\ ho " n8 disturb ng IllS medl t ILIOIIS 11111 8C11.111g 111m by the col Illr d e lKl~lt hllll oml III~ IUstrulll lit of torLuro upon the dOl rstep of a n~l g hbor who had made hllnscll COll811lCIIOU9 by " nt ang ID [ovor of LlIIS nOIsy nllllllt llCe Ho. he bItt< rly CO lli 1.1 Illcd of IllS nClghbor 8 fowl s wh" ,lulIM lIO' c r h ILeh In pence, lIor leL 111m HolY 110 one day foulld III00seII ahort of tI reopenco to pay h .. omlllbu8 flirt' \I herollpon tho IU8PICIOll8 conductor scnt \ boy horno With 111m to lDllko slIre of not belllg bilked out of IllS Inwflll dlles. And how tho CIIndy \\(1/11110 hnn! by hl8 hOllsc found 111m an excellent ell ... tom or ror her WIrel! \\I th wllleh ho WAS wont to flll IIIKCl\pIlClOII~ IK.ckcllI for tho bencfl t of tho I."'ur 1I rchlllK whom I e e n countoreellll hiS II IlkR
w. t IOked
UI out. on 'b o but1 UlroD, AI the,. tr•• ~ p and down
'*t k\je:tl~~ ~~~ ~'I!{ou:crn'~:~!"k ..
- ~1"",'1w~ ~wl<1ol
A (mel!! eRn alway. e.l.Lract a lIlJ.y cem piCOt) from a pocket-book that was n~ver kllown 00 shed half lblll amount (or 1\ legItimate uOPlLld blll-Elnllf(1 (tn" IIr
Am IISl'HES are continually losing val ullble dlalUooJs whde ('(hto... Wh'~AO flghl ~tr"ll!I:ht along and ne er bot er tb o " orld by IInnounolng that they Ii ve been robl cd, -E.Ll'rtu I TIlE~ wore dowo on tbe Je"",, beach t othur day, and had a faUing oul4 a\)j),~ olams or IlOhuCil we call t 18:1: whi,oII At Irngth Ned W"IO &ggFienCi that 1!p -aid In II threafoDlog toDe 'Nllw, Bar Y ~It' And I:!aruegllt -New.
WhIm IIOhool cloKe.1 for the dn) the glrl~ 80ckeelRrolllld hte With many ex I rellilionsuf Hympalhy h WR8 1M) go< U III I nobl" III you dear uc Lo take all the "Illme IlDd the punishment exchlllllcd M .. y And hnw rldlculoll~ h"IOt ked IlOlIml 1I1~ tho httle hun I of ,llIdy ..dded Kitty I 11111 811re ho 1I111 " ~ Lhlllk ~erv little of IIIUllIClf u.d II- fvr lilt' J hllte hlln I !:lv do I 8111.1 A Ie 1\1 lIer 'and l.Ould BIt lip 1111 IIIgh~ II IlIIve t lIllO to desplI!C hlln Dill L be fool.1 IlIlorruplcd Sue WIth Il fla~h nf nnlter 1 thtnk he WRS , - -- very klllu an<I Il;ell rUU8 to let us off Illi AT tho stcnmhont CXJlI1I61011 at I like uRslly lUI he d,,1 for we were wrong alld MIlIlIt tonkn 1\ mIll who I It out 10 Ule he right wreck III 110< I' Hue ~ 1,'1 III n \!l! 1I nil' A J. though' It belongc<i to a geuLle Indy 1\ ho n LUI ce I"lc'o 181y 1II1Jllorcc1lllm mall 8 code of honor never to strike a I<J Lry nlld Mvohcr dlg TllIshonfu!« \ woman? aDKwored l\fllY With II !lUee. to 10 AII, III mOIllOll t InLer ~hc Jlfllntrll t l .. The truth Is," rephed Sue he fixed a g( nLlentan \\ ho hlllf In the \\ .ter 111111 the penRI~y I!O IIOvero alld IInrelelltlng h IIf out" 11& I;hngllig UcHldo the (' 111) 1 that he sup~ no olle wOllld dlMbey ncor to n Islf~o I"CCC of tho ,neck Ihnt and when be was forced to fulfill tho was Routtng ID the VIClIll t y 01111 rc law bo punIshed one girl In flllce of quested her rellCuor to 1111\ e 111m tQO a8 foor aDd aft It Wtl.ll neither 0 you I ho WtlK hor husbnni! Ho IIn8 fI hed Ollt tbmk you aught to be IIIltlsfied SUPPOfC bll t tho do~ WB8 not reeo, crcd we Jet the subject drop (So be It But I f he remaID8 at tbe On of the iDstitution. of LoDdoD Is schoolhouse Jale .gam 10 Dlgh~ 8hllO t the oharwoman or ohorewoman DOOI we baunt hi m" a woman fall III a eervant, doea the ey. , YOI' '1III1d ~ue "Rnd IL 18 IllV turn .ltIh~ of a IlCllmatreBII give 1I'a)" Ia tho to bo the gbost Tbere 18 Jolly fUll lD wife or Wldv\'l' of an artiaan or laborer tha\." overtakoll by Adver81ty, ~e falla Into Meanwblle PRul Ohenoy Willi agnln the greo.t Rfmy of clianrQmen Solhe writlDIf to hiM city chum (\I\d In con are trustworthy and are employed lor eluBion he oald I Y,elIrB IU the 88nj~ family alld take care , r have hft<J R IlIlrd dllY 11J0 I;lfla of tho houllO Their p8yli frQIJI fifty to ,,\lrcl unll,ulllI, provokilil, and lb. _nll&,J, iAn \leIlta Ii dV. wlWa food;
"61.' of,lrl no. doe • Ian Iweut JOUDK wau
Tn e trup
Wber., th
An t fIOll. ft
"zelnl 'ouola'n
will luppl,
or alit er. an I her cowlns and ber
ut e;
- t
ltol f}k<I E rho g.
I IlIIEr. g rls of the Me,hlXllst pel'l!ua slo n I I v I g met t.ogelhor concluded to pray for Ihe welfs.e or thelf lovtlrs but tbe IlrdL o lle IlIIeI 1I0t 1(000 ver, fo.r along In her I" tltlOlI when It Willi dllcovere,' Lhllt thev were all engaged to the IIIImo III lin 1 he religIOUS eserCl1!etl 1I'e~ at once termlllated -Ijl fhtlu Tun-,. l ourtllli Til Clllllulate theen\,re COlt of a trip Lo the Lop of Mouot Washington }Ol{ hnve merp\y to "ummlt up,' remark. 1\ wItty nultvldual We presume lu)w ever IL "'Hulli anlwer the !lame purJ19118 to foot It up -Ch,cago eb,/tl,ll!f'tolal ~ftl 1'1l'/ller
W liEN" lOme yeat'll .KO aD ~mlnel!t AUStrllliBII waslDapecLlng ID thAt ooug L-y a lunaLlo ..,Ium, mlaerabl, de fectl ve III constructioo and appoint,; ment he IU'ked what w.. tbe ,,~IAI feature in the lonacy of a certalo 'Patleut. He thfub h, II In beU ~J:' Wall the repl" 'If tbat. I!ll ~I, I!'" )lllllnn," WII8 ille rejolnller "J thlDi'be .h .. '1\ ve.,. .Ilbtjt&nnal Iillli' fot 1t.,I,.. ~~Il
" o
- .t
II lin lin " t HI·pl. 11, -- I....llihll B\'~rl 1'1 lI,ot . ~\) !vr Lattl • • i~ml Railruad. hi III\'t \1 art. I P :J'IORIt III I ,'~ R ~""l\V\l" " 1r. J uhn . ol'lnn n ' ' nl'. ill 8oIltl"'rn l~'I'r .••• t; : ~I1 ... 11\ . 't•. !1 ~. !lin l. t ,,"('rk . ....\ LIMt U:.,'I .. '''' N·,. 1 1 I r' :1 'j).. 1'1' , r,1. •J II rII~ OoluD.bu ••\ (K'om. (N7 I" m " 1'; I ' " IfI'h,El'lt.," )\l'JHl'. H1 ,,7 lJ ult ili lith' J'(I ', . Frtllght ond M O" ~O:~ II . III ...·'L 1;1 - ~{j . !l T. n, Hili, rt 1'('1I1fll('il , Wl'STW 111' Ho'llIn. t o O:I\·t"" Insl Fridllv ' 1'ac.i.llaEs p,,·.t<1 U:;;7 II. HI .. - - MiFR xl ul·.r 11 :1 ," 0' lill h t'{, 11 \'i~ J FM~Li :;,\1" . 111 .. In '",,,,Ii ACC'~tn: . I .:~ p. Ill .. itin!! in (-:1'1'('\1 " ClIlI ll h · . i"olnn-t:i.E'p,...""t G:tI() " . Ill.. • 10 -- MisR lela R"I!'I'fI. " f X I, .. ill , iR t 'TcilJM and AI». , :-lii II. tn .. }io. 14 n 1l;Il('. I of ~ l iRfI NC'lIi l' 1' .. i"t1.. t on . 11l"1.I.· ¥1lr~ in " ,I" n"l .t.op' u']{' 11 (\'~ II." ' :1 .,,"t "od ....·.4 "" .l 111 - :>" II' III .y I'NIlrl1l'cl ""y", ..II. to Ci llrillllil ti 1",,,llIv mnrn illj.". N'O'el.(I.7 ".n rl l O r llu ilhily. Jll1nthrl'l -- Mr. allll, ,, 1 E. El liott nrl'i"I',1 d.Uy, u rl'l, 811I1d,,~'". ' t: 1-1",1<".. hOIll!' fro m til " 'V ~8t nil M oil ny. )11>11 .8 IIINO RASor : AN QIo» ~. ' G,IH, 0" " AIl IIIi :~-, I'. -u. I "!I I c() .. I;· ~ t \'c rll r MAns (l/IIND "'FST: li lt' . . IIICJnirC' ri t 110 1' I .~t , !TiN'. loce 011 '1 ::111 r . ~ . "" II !.~; r . " ·- ~Ir . 11:111 ~!J'~ . Cllnrl 11 Wil ~f) ll . A. L . Jo'Altn . I ' . ~1. of X lIin " i ito,l h" r IIl~t w(,(·I;. ______ ~ - - - -' - If. E. O. Jl\ cll h~ . of Mt. Airv . d Jb.:p BL-I AN ~l"~h:'I' I NU 1·: KIIIAV.i has heoll vipi li"V' l oiR f'ril'," I~ hcr~ . · , I!""'r1I E~KN1BD .-()n Fnt!llY v 1l 111~ nr - Mr. Willil' N III 11 . of Slldr'!!. " tl118 w >ok, lloe lI oli . •Iam ·s fi'.lld. i ~ "illi ti /! l i ~ 1i ]c'n AO··.IIlA. ' lind ~r. J. L M I) U II~~, 1{l'~ Il \tI,' nll - ~Ir . Zoclo . Tayl or, (Ir (1: nl.il1 Illllldldutc .' <1r H(\ l' re~CIIII\tI ~'l tLllt! . nn1i. ViRi ('rI Tl'lnti .('~ b 1'(1 IU'It "'''1'1, . SC.ulltor, wtll ad ~lr ·s.s tho 'I LI~lln ~ ut I -- ~Ir W . f:i . 11onn e\'il lo hns tI~ ld pluc Ilull VICIIHty !U Wayn es IbO\1l!ht himR If n hmll(\ 111111 h\1~:!.v . . Ville. --M . f .non IT. SIiuRmnn "0· REAV~' WIIKA~V;;'l.D.~ 11'. Jns tnrneu ~o St. J oseph, .:fo., IIl!!I F:ri . 1 M. Ohenowoth r POfts the hl'nviest dnf· ~. . I wb4!at ,Ield of til , BCRPOII . From - 1,111' ('II Flo~~ee ~nv ~R nnd 10llrtlcrlle ho hnn -cst ,11 88 hu ~hel9 I FI ta'Voo lley VISited Xelllll I'lst 1 til' 47 butlhol" to tho /lefe. 'rlla.' wce k . . variety WIlS tbe FlIlIy., and it wns -:- ~fls~ Rol1(1 TIrnwn retl1rns tn h~r drilled 0 11 tobllccv grollllu. Thero pnsl tl ,)!] Hl th o Morrow 8chool tl\l8 ) was 11 0 ~mut or ehcllt in th wholo wenk. lot and the alDount of'sced Buwn - Mr. A .•T. ThorPCi8 p nH.ill g Il P w~ It bl1shel8 per nol·e. nn ir~n fence around hi s It'gnnt Oall aoy of our rendors mntch premises. tbe abov\) , - And now Willie Allen is driv · eli ng und sneezing with hay fevor. P·B/.IO LUlRARv.- Mr. amnol Who next? Scott, of Day II, is in town solic it· --Mr. Horaco Challdler is reo ing subecripti us to a public li brary_ cO" erin~ from a severe ntlnck of: The shares are 1 eneIL, Illid th o li- bilious fo\'cr.
T II t6, 1,; 18 ANI I , "
SIlO .
- ..
- J.hilS J{ elly O'Nenll, Leb·· nllon, bcon elected Esrl' Grand01Com mllllder of Ohio . . - Messrs. J. W ils. Edwllr(1 nnd W il!. ltUB8l1m nttended the Fair Ilt I., Snbllln l~lst w ek. ~~~~~~~ ~&~~ lUlU) ~'i.i9\1W~@ - J uhn Unnt eomcs here Sept. ' g ~~~~ ~ ~~ 5 for one night, whell sho and her Da. HOUGH'S SnT IENT. -TI,e troupe ",ill piny the l,)earl 01 Savoy. . • -Mrs. W hite and her Iiltnghter, A ,. ~dl (I Il:rcntly crowded state of our eoluulns ~nd tho length of Dr. ilou~II'B tnte Mrs. Minnie Brooks, 01 New York k IUlllrovad by B ment precl udes Lhe practi onhili ty 01 City, ore guests of Mrs. Dr. Alfred ( \W fl'III ' l< I ~ l c( 1 11'111 put onr publishing it this week. Dr. J nes. ~tJ ill g"uJ "rlier. Hough hns not nsked us to do eo, -The Rev. L. F. Van Cleve it ie true, b,nt we like to show fnir an eloquent sermon to the proscnt 'It tho «'"ir tln,1 rouoh'i n fT til " "kll. >It nnmhor o f play unasked, and next week will ts Tem plur in Lnncnster on "O~Q8 1111 loin!} ~llo_ r.JOST lCANU::;O .UIi:, will ra" ' j \'\l Ii lay ' the wholo tbing y la!>l. before our readers. -The U v'd J 01111 Vall leve preached in Ihe 111. E . CllIlrch IIll t I ~i.£"D..I. l ~ch.. TBE Surveyo1'll an SnndllY. Mr. Van Ulcve is a very eil. were yesterday . able preacher. H,~b atree&, . between MnlU . ~ud -Mr. John E. Brown has put eleg~nt up n telephone Ii 110 between li is ThIrd, arrauglllg for tlte grad I aDd ~ttihg in passable order mother's house and that of Mr. thac Imp~rtnnt tboroughfu~e. We George Witcraft. h••••' wlde·aWRkt'J COUIIOII, who -Miss M'lry Q. Brown hM Intc· an bouod to the town ndded a lrandso me ClJnopy over brAry is &00 nsi nro tol pel'mitted 10 vol UIll es. Onlyllubaeribcrs to have \1se of the books, nud all the books nro of 8tan lard excellence. The plan is n good one, and we hope ollr citizclllJ will cuciJllrnge Mr. Scott.
m ' ,~~~~~~~
"0 ' A
~&~~~ &~D' pE1mS!~
li:il~ '
and other Attractions.
,! ;f{OU G «:»1
. . ,a
time track. Numbers
TROTTING AND RUNNING every day on our
of Fast Trotters are expected.
• TUAT was a quiet little wedding Bo(l a favored company that looked upoo the union of M~. Tht'mas E. Stanton, of Corwin, and Miea Jennie Scbenck, the estimable dnngh. ter of J3. G. Schenck, at his rosidence on Thursday evcning Il18t. The -happy couple leR' the next mor;iDg for ' tbeir new home in
~7'~r'f:~J~fo'roo: th!~~s
of a -[Franklin Chrooicle.
-Go to .1:'. lSellers' corner·stol·C f. r hardwnro and groceries. Stnn · Jey is as polite a snlesllInu as you will find anywbere. - .Mind that Burry Printz is agent fJt the Cincillnnti Conllller-I einl, Times an? Enquirer, and leuve your orders WIth 111m. -Mr. Kendall, a special reporter for the Ci neinnnti Commercial, WIlS
~h~e ~:l.~~~~~~~ni!~lvestigatilig
1" rSollll l.
t~.I£O. W.
-If ,Oil wnllt the lute sty le of II ( ' -Look ouHor Jlliia Ront, Sopt. Roady ·Made 01 thing, we 1.IU~·c I'e6, in the Pcnl'l of Savoy, one of ceh'cd the -seenna lut of filii gOIJri H. . , RAUl began to fall bere laatSun . M~gi;!-ie Mitchell's best IJlays. All· We oresclling thorn ttt 0/(" 1J'riccs , " ~---day alternoon, and continned witb- mISSion 85 nnd 50 cents. and ~ol~e evon lCI!II. FUllkoy & ---StTOOItSI!OWi Tuout ceesation all nightnud nextdtlY. - M~ssrs. Cllas. F:os t nnd ~hIlS · I MIS8 I1dlll e. . ' ~-. -A The river rose rap i9ly, augmented Yonso, I!l company wl~h tll,e Misses -Lost. Sundny c,·, An.gnst I . : ~- ' N uw i 1·1,. linto III I.y In )' ,.... by raiDS up about Xenia on Sat. Flo. Elliott and Cam ) ol\se, 01 117th, on North or Malll St., Lo· .: ' . t) \ a' urday and cornfields in the bottows lLebaool1, visitcd in towu lust Fri- tweell Ihe Meth mlist ' hurch 01111 ,;:. .: ' were ~ubmerged. It WIIS tho most dny. .. Th orpe's hOllso. or ill !he AI ~lrolli ~t 'IiifI f t U, ii""'IiIl 'ill? ~ . ~ Alopious rniD of the seusol1. -Mr. and Mrs. Phll,p ilawke, Church, n g III Ol'n nmc llt III tho ~~~'~~~~~~ ~aID! ~a~~g . S. S. Haioes, A. B. Silloa, Elnol' shnpe of nn nllchor. A liheral r . . OtlB.excelient .town Coullcil is Bailyalld A. T. Sabin ure takillg ward will be pnid if left nt the ci · AND ( baYing large drain tile put in lit the in the Stnte ·Fair nt Culllml.lUs to- gl\r·at~l'e of D. P. Fetter & 13r(l. , ' .. ' , , eroeaings of Bev~~nl of our streets. UalV. . ' . 16 Malll st~·cot. . 'iifi' i}.7 "W1. ~ ~ r;~ r,~' jt ~ ""w 1""·puTc.1 to furtli "" "II tllO I"'fit vHril,tI,·. vi - They put .them In ut the south --Amollgthehstof lectllrersfor - The Cosh Trude Palnce I,os ~ ~'q . lJlJ ~ ~@ ~ eo':-. .,ilJ. ill, ~~ ~ ~ . . cr088ing ,ot Fourth uod North next. fllll and winter's COUI'80, we , DOW on exhibition the lm'gest nnd • ~ ()1"1' streets lut week, and are nrepnring mny mention ns alrendy aecnred best slock of boots anI! shoes cver 1'~,.p"Y"1 to cl u UIlII. rtnkln g \n "" u'ur . ty lu u".) ut I" .... er r uwe Ullin . ny ".t;,hli. h. l' \ 10 . ~ r tl f R S I 1 C · I 'b't d' tl· t . I",,,n t In t h e' '·oullly . '~()lj to fix others in tho snme way. Ie namo 0 - 00. c my er ~ 01- shoe ex II store. Ie III The liS trade conn yofortltiany Clly Al II i ' .' lux. slal'(J1J J)' 0 R l' II E 1! 9 . ... u Vllr ut.i~... f ~ho moat "1'1"\I\'c,1 1115 PURL.-Mr. John Ever· -Mr. Steplren Cook has jllot hnd establishm cnt has increased every j •Lan as to say that he ro- u very handsome phrotull mnde at lyear until they ordor direct from -AT-~ I~ T ceiyed 1115 for the pearl he fouod tire shops of P. Eberly. It is II the Inrge nJllflufuetnrers, thereby . - I J EA LltIl I l f J~l PLE!\ II~~TS laat spring. Mr. 1. H. Halris was, fine n1fair and very creditaulo one pl'ulit. Th e result is, .. usual, the purchaser, and it is the builder. they nre now !lellillg more gOOds 'ft!r. ft6 C.. FJIlEU'N !ND DOMESTIC said the pearl is really worth over -Tho celebl'llted humorolls lec· Iha~ ~ny thl'co hons~8. G~ and see '" or. "ents, • ' . 'II? ' If00, npw. turer, Todd Ford, hRS beeu Oil · the, r Immense 8tock received 11I8t 1_ ' • 1lIi' 't..1l , gaged to deliver one of' his inim- w~ek: .Yon will ii.nd F.unkey & LUcluding Coffee, Tea or Milk, ~a;~hi!)~Q ~AllTRR DmATu81J has becn np· itable lectu res hero the early part MISBl ldlllc aud thClr active clerk, . _ ,." 1 . • _. -A ~DIIOu. tautly on hftnd : nud ll,o hiliheat "rluo paitl fu.· polt~tc:d ~T.dlan Of tb~ c8,ta.te ~f of noxt nipnth. · Mr. Halsey, busy from morning un· .~ TJ .-en. ' . -Ii"" th. e bem of the late CaptalU -Air. John FlllliB,O' Oskaloosa, til 9 o'clock in tho evening. We 01 NOI N N ATI ll~l, I~stead of ,the P C1'8fJ lIa, ns sla· Iowa, it! visitiug hi8 mnny old wonld recommend everybody who 10 1l18t Star. Mrs. Hoel fricnds io Harveysburg aud this wants to bny goods lit city. prices TU·1UI' 1S tbe .guaf(han of the persolls of place. They ore 1111 delighted to or Ic~s, to call at the Palace. ~!\&,,!\ ~Q( ~Q)~~~ ' ~".IIL~" the 4eI1'll.- [~tat. sec him once moro. . 1) . ', . . . -Williel\nd Huwnrd Mnniugton BUSINESS OARDS. No. 180 lUaLItl Streot. --)nJ'l AIKUS IN(--B10 TOMATO. - Mnster J OhlllllO retnmed to the Soldiers' Orphnns' Jones, SOli of Mr. Nathan Jones, nome, Xenia, yesterday, after a DR. 80 KE, Det ...eon Fulirth nndFifth: -' brongh& us a, the otllOr dny, vllcnl ion of severa.l wceks spent - - ) 0(- the ,veight of which wn8 2t pounds. with their Inther here. ' l'HYSro ' ~lEDIOAL a:w- A Oup of Good Ouffee 'lnd Two Nlco It was large for a atew for -E. D. Leo wns cnllcd away on PHYSICIAN & ACCOUCHEUR. BIg" · Il wl:ole ·famlly .. th e l!)tll iust., to the bedside of his Ollice. oppoBit-c H"mmell Honee, If"!!O IIlId PaoKUlfOoil cared. (or froo."f ohargo. I' . . 0 >• ! sick lr.tllCr, at Castino, Ohio, whose .. \V.. , ......lII e. HENLEY & PUAIlWlOK, Prol,·re. 11 ,t;BLIO SALE.- -Do not forget that death occ.urrcd. tho 20th illst., aged 1I.1 6 aale of tho fnrm of the lute seventy·six years and 9. months .' •• , . .,.... . . Jobu Jr., 2 milesllorth :-Dr. S. J . Wuy hu; aD OJ/iceaml R eai1671cc, Tlu:.,.d St., . nrFAR. SUPER.IOR. Waynesville, on tb e JJcllbrook 8111tO of delltal rOOIllS, and he is W AYN~SV:ILLE. . , ' . ,. '.f' rOad,.:-v1ll tnke plncp on Satllrday ulways l.I8pPY to welcome bis --~ , TO. ANY o(•.$lnl . week" between the, Iwurs frie nds to hi~ ne\\' qUlll'tcl'S, wheth. . ROBEal.' F. FURNAS, 01 l~&Qd 4 0 clock 1'. M. CI' they COlnG Oll business or just ~o 1I0)d<EOPATHIO . , sec bow nicely he is fixed. daB lOBI fPOm the Xenia S-un. Ilnd see him. oOfoo holU'i from 0" to 1t~ Uf, 2;V'to fever is prevail · ~We received seventy·two cnses 61'l;in 2 d . S h H . last .veek from tlre . ';...U',;r~::~Lo~ :;;~~:.nk, ,conWtl!i',DUS lorm iil of uew Tlre slllne \i09 . •• ~""'IIP.~IUt§:.JI5lJf.SI.Ul4I-W-\!l~IilI.lo._Ia..:.j~~ going ont~ !!nily, _~_an would - J!MES \VU!iNES 7 nk it.would filf fitho PIl'nce,~wt.eD · · U'. • ' .' ., , r . - lo,;OPA.TIIU) t100 r tm~e6 cascII lis svme houses.. • l iUIIllljDI. InlJ a 111.1$0 f[,~o lrilo . of Brjok, o tiveb Ollr Il nu 8(J lias th o cawwit11 to .re' ' II t , l ' I d~· . y ' 011100II 1 . t' f ' H . '.D I bo ~olil lolV, ~ltho. wholeilaJq 01' once try , !:l 11! ,.uly r \'e Ill' e OtH an ii( nt ·tll.' In Out loor Oil II 0 llrrl ~ all c, will (urnibh nllltorial GJlI\l do 'I\AJ' hn • l41'f)~ blmdtclJ . . FunkllY ~ Mis. . lQ~lu ttl. , \V'Q,u" .. III", Uhlo. Mi~Oll worJ<. Ill! luw M x Sold by.all r-> ."l' . . om· houu. 'Il·2to II 1 ·2~ \ 1 to 21- " speoialty. 00 "!);Ui:B~iHIiiiii~" net I>.ll.; 7 ill'S l·:~. . '. $20.· ,J
l'. cr'B.l \Q8 00 __ jl,L_.. .. IT E STANTON CORWIN
-.:. __
E()'I'11 II .\ 1) [ AND
IC1 I:r I IH :\ I
w~k s
li\lllll7l1lm~ BAftM~
M.I~.!'~e u.... DR E F DAKIN
; , , (
I. .
' Good Times Prices.
aHJ 't~(H[JE8
S, G M ZELL" SOl .' -AlIo,Agontfortb~ ,: Jf . U B _I cr 11 Jl B . Wh· · .B '
M ' O...
. ronze YO lte UMIITS STONE,
.p.I C',I 'U 11E)i-,'.FL181 A.(MI'1S, ~" ~'" C•
: ...,. ~
'1'1 II II
-- ·
BEST DINNER '!i,.Jacob Schwartz.
tu : ~nving
,"0',' ..'•• "
,~ ",. I"
c1.. e r....,a '. li6- : ,"
TDR 1101 GJZR'l'PR.
TilE Allonlal Normal In Konla Oollege cll.l8cd on Frida, ovening I witllll social and rounion. recnll,
Harvey,h.IlL"' •
Fayette, Clinton, Olarlce, Flli rli eltl:, Dardin, Botler, Warren, lla(TI i it n nnd MOlltgome1'1 counti08 were I·e prcsented. It WI18 a compoll y or bright happy, promising teac her8. The n xt IIQ sion of til ull ege will begin September 2.
- ....L~le .~'. Hllfvey, o~ RpolIs, IS VISltlOg. ber cO,!StO, LIZZIe L. Hnrvo!, of thiS plac~. . '. . -The Ro~nlon at BlckorYVllle, ou SaturdllY, Willi a decided 8UCOOllfl, e ..._ - - the program boinf earri&(l out with BALLOU's ,Mog nlline fOI' Septem. tbe exception ,0 "Report from be r hus boe n receiv od, and is liS Hllrveysburg School." Mrs. Bni" uSllal Btllfl'e~ full of g l)od reading gaea' addresa W88 at'ter her own for tile flllOity circlc . 15 ccntll for stylc. Mr. H. Burgess,- made an ngle llulDbe r, or $.1;50 0. y el~r. extemporo 8peech, which a number & TIII~ot, 23 Bowley St., oOD8iderod the 008t of tbe exercises. B ost o n, Mass . But so far 118 we ean learn tbe ma. ,TIIR ncw bu i noss huuse of the jurity unite ill "awarding the palmI S· lib B I . 'dl to the poem, by W. O. M cO une. e ro t lo rs .IS rnpt Y. n p· We truat tbis gentleman's scruplcs prollcillng cO~rl('tl.OIl. .It Will b e may be overruled, und .tbe produc. t~ e tlll cst hU SIlI <'89 b lock 10 ~Ilyn e • 1io n givel! to tho public instead ~f v t1.1 c. Tho m Ullsu ru root lB uow b e iug selfisbly kept from tlloeo who gOlllg o n_._ _ _ _ __
couldu't bo there. Mrs. Burgess wwi presented with u,n uleglliit sil· ver pitcher and gohlet, by the pu· pils ' of the llickoryvillc, Leisure· urooom Bnd HarveYBburg 8chools. - MiB8 Ella McDonald is vi&iting at Waahingtoll C. H. -F. D. Dakin visiOOd in Wil · mingtoD last Sunday: • GUBeS Wuo. .
EXOOItBION TO CmOAao, SIU'TEY· HBB 4'f11, 1 8 79.-Atten t ioll is di· rected t o the p osterS ad vertisillg an Excursion to Cbicago, over tho popular and direot Pan· Handle Ronte. Train willleBve Corwin, 9:68 A. II. on Thnlllday, September 4th, Mud arrive at Cbicago at 7: 00 o'clock next mornin g. Witb 11 view to give persons of limited means an opportunity to vif!it Chi· cago, and rriends and relatives in the north·weet, the faro for th e round trip from Corwin bas boon fixed Ilt 87,00 witb proportionately lo w rlltee from tall &rincipal poin~ . 1 d h 01 ' 10 Oentrll an o ut crn 110 . Ticketll wilt- be good to r eturn by any r egulal· train fo r ten days . F or furth er ~rticulars call on C. C. Haines, Ticke t Agent, L. M. Div. P. c. & St. L. R. R. at Corwi ll , and in o rder to obtain t ho advLlIl tages of tbe tlhortest alld q ui ckes t r o ute, 'see t hat yonr Excnrsion Tickots read via Pittsbnrg, Cinoill' 'Iati and St. Louis Railway.
,......iii... •
1870, i81ln event
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nd cenl. in RLrt lllp, HORSE Sc" rcurrency fur a Uow i :![,
HOlt E nOOK . II Iren l. "II ,lIsooo.o . h. d 36 Ingr/l,·ing. 8howln¥ po. llionB 1UI" luned I,,' sick hOl'llel. II lahl,· 01 do,e • •• I ~e collee· tl 011 r \' 'L n,,, • 'LE lIE,-
n e •• relDNl •• , wllirh arl t bo tole u[t('lIf'n l t of lb. Oure b7' AlJ_or l, Uo n Dppoutll O p •• w..1 p." ,,,d .III... j .., "" III.HI,f. ·.1I Ill, ..... .'Irl..., '''''. ./G . .. . . . 1)1. ••4 . ...1 6' ••• ,. o. LI ..: . atld Il l, . wI U·knowQ t lC \ lh L n." rI,. _" fd ~i"""lbo"l lb. I'lIIn.n lIu n.o 1",.. 4 4>,..<11, • • 4l1li1••<11, 10 PAD lftuf'U" PrOlll1" " ...1 IJ~ <fjle I"Jf_WfJO .. /.heSV.loIm, a,,,f ..0_ Oe........ ~ n o .... al
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)lollo<l lr.... · 1 1'11U!l'<l "1'011 lhoi r. ballot! tho words, lor Qui n I no. 'rile bc.t .. "OWTl 'I'b . .. m.dl .. ... bl'm.II . !lOol·~.loI. on r.. " Am"llf\IUI!nL to !;ocUon two. Artlclo two. 16mcdl for ~ll disc - 8 ' llua.:!l by M alcto lpl o( prlet!., ...cep t,lbe Salt. wMelt 1I 6ell t by ot n til,u lion , No;" tbOM . rho r4vor tbo .. p .....'»un:b .... "·PO""· I uti liu n or lion ona, A:rtlclo tbreo. aria Poisonin g , boiJJ~ (I PfOVO;o1 n,ultatlQl\f'''j and ..11,1,,4 .. onr om,o, or ohu/I havo )Inccd upon their bnllol8 tho tive WI well WI n ooIW.o. curo for by m.lI, ,..1.. 1111 aOlcrlp,lou of your ..... I ~vo"l... Alllen,lmonL til Sc~t!.)n onc Art!. "'''1'11&11. I. IQrlllltlV """/O",1l .Igal." cI. Lh;"'o f Co nsti tution, Y e!lj " nnd thOM FEVE~ AND /Ilt ll"/lo,.. "'~ 'JI.rl~ .. " rllel... who ,Iv ' 1I0t f.vor tho 8IloJldon of Mid .. on "'Imenl sbnll 1'11lCCI1 lipan tl~elr :" , ~ . =0.'4'( ' ''' D ESORII'TII·e PRIeD LlST: I ballnt. 'h" word .. "Amendmont .to Scall 1I AI :'t 't1 f REGULA.R I'Af).4t.IIO, Ind l,\o.1 ~I ••a ... nut on~. Arliclo lh ree, of Oontlll;U~IO O, N\l;"!1'2 .Ii' · _. ~. \ .: .~ ~ •
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SI'EOIA I.l'A\}-iJ L?l"·~:,.,., ~.' :;~1.~'."."· ' tlll lI r'" If. Ar llclo ten. Hhlln' . ha,:? 1'1ftCCd Dumb Ag!!e, ~ ~·u c ake" SI'I,E I:N IIEI,T~ .oo· EIII ....e<l S.plttu .,01 u. - "l - III their hlLllo18 the WIJTtb. Amcnd- R em I "t "" n • l -·. ',,". ' nlt~ent I . . .r ~lld Chili CIIU. 1I 1l"1Il. ttt tif'cH~1II four, Article ta n, or on~ • v .. , ,..-, \. tNWAli'r PAlHlbl, 1'T•• on , I\·• •nd n5 u' " .' 81Illlli,," . Y t";" nnd lbose ""00 do n ot Fevers, K I ,il e 11 'OloOI:13e, ~~~'8,~~?!f,w.~m a Sun.· f •• ur lh e IIIlllpll.,n o f Mid omendmont Llyer :ll'lli Bowol ofll~18int, Au",lllar1 '1 lor :i... ... ..11 I"..e pluceLi uPOll Ihe\Jr b411oll! tho I ~' C.. • .... nonT I'I.UTlms-fOc. ~~br.'!'!,f::.,'I~~~I.~ ~ wortl~. " AUlet\llmc!'t tp Scc~lo,I,' tour, Ar· OYGpeps a ail.. c ner~ .. eFOOT" p.I~ . } oil Irolen,,", au4,.. ticle len, of CoUSUlUtIOIl. n. bil lt:/'l tb~ boct g'J!:~ t1 Y(l~~c for ",•• h 'lf PAlo.. I JAYE.8 E. NEAL. Dc!:'l" "" N.", ." '»1 ' 0 26 ~' n'h } AIUIU.,.,. J,0r Id.. Spenltcr or tbe JiOUlMI of ReJilrellCllltllh'C6, per b~~: ·LC·.:.:i.;··~jr : lft;i~ t:\, M'Jl ~ ~~~n~':P6G~x~.~~i:i5~ ~Io.~ b ~1'I'ut"i~~~!:' I J AlfF.E3 W. OWE NS. ~"TC. cr : ." ~ l ~"r·.·~a L7 ",UNll.9B i'L(X& OO,. tic. 'I Prellhl eot pro I>I:r.u lor tho ~.. r • an \'i O<lGli>TCo...,t.f1uv. ~{ ' k E' IJltilllll.'- rvJ I'., /",'.A.. lnlnrmall ... ,10 .11" .... •...h.d n._ •. ' Auril 12. 1879. " b t l' l lt. A ()\J ItO I' ~~ r bo,' l" J;. 1L1 10:lt E1U::~ O U ('1 •••l it" ~j. , Il. f Ulflun 8UTES A;;;[9AI. IDmO, } I'~'~~~ tJ'd~"'. •••u.w.<a• • I U ur . ~4u-':'~ -.,.,..... HOI .MAN W.I"VCR PA,D CO.. ORlce of the 8ecrotaryof IIlal.e. . .1 , . wt:~, : . ' ~ .:;~ ,'• . , ,' I,.in" ,ut. O.
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ty of Parks and Boulevard8. Othera will ,improve tbo opportunity to visit friends Ilnd relativ08 in th c north·".....t. To "his clas8 it will "" , be important to remember that by R t k h P H dl ta iug t e an· an 0 - oue, rompt connectionB wilr bo made ,., outg"ingtraiuB on allUues leadJ v d ~ ing westward or nortilwllr Irom Chicago.
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HOW . . . .,., HOW RUTOR.D.
"OUlL FJR T Pu'EMt UM MEDALS oren to visitors dnring the WB()k ,. A\\'AltDIIl! Moro rtgree~bl. te Ihe b,oto. !>nd o the Ohio State Fafr. O ' c'nnnti and dOle Iban other Magnesia. Th . P'ttsb e 1 urg, In I . . Po. laleln Government S\o\61pod BottleBat B~. Lonia Railway .Company,-Pan DruggI818' and Country torus . aod by Handle ~tltel will sell excursion . T .... Dl18BAND, ....., ])hll,!dolphlil. tl'cke'" to 00 umbua and return, ... Au,c": 95th to"Q , 9tb a,t. low ' rates. ... ~ I" II I ~terl' al)'l ,~a vI s or spec· l~in· .tn~men~ a~d apply. ... .. ... ~ or , o.e~., •. . . , ,... . ()btUa aail 'Prevquted. Tb1, baaa ottbe ' Weo~, tbo (ClundaIIoD,for fall. &0 atWk
__ '--''''''~'.
mcmheMl efCi:Wd te eB4'h hOUIM! coDCulTing 1 therein), Tbatl' pro\lOllition ~ ame/ld the • '" , U n,ryw"""". CoNlD I . MJLNVBACrVMZD ~r (!ulllltituUou of the SlAte uf Obio be sub- OIIIor UloJld. Ill'" .I.:t'J.'~ '~TII:" ~~~~'n~~t.1OK~ mlltcdtutbo elecloMlofthe8&At.e,untbc tbe ehl''''''"'. 1·h.wOYIIOOC'', .... IIl.v.'' g..a. lK.'COnd Tucaday ot October) A. D. J879, lIS Iu. buJ<. I'TIIID ' . .....1 t1I.M 1"',ooL All ~ "'It•• folln,.,1, to wit: That teetioJlII 3 aJld I> of o1 .. L ~1,,",1""'1>eo> . •••IHI ..." .... Il'lol pn,·. b), nrl lc10 4~ f/lUtled .. Judicial," be aweDdecl lIVIID1.'HIIIlIU; CO•• 3:> \,,,,,,1... ",. ::"... ':' . . Stoa ftr 83mpleIJartfg 30d Price LiaIa. " , tiO O! to 00 and I'CIId as {olkl",.: :<l;;r,LELl~ ,\: CU .• A ~," "". \, "l "e.1 I!:o , SIIICT[OIf a. The Slate tiball be dlTldild .- ~ ... -.... • •.- .......... __ •.. ... - - - , ~- - - - Illto nino coolmon pleno du.tJict..., 01 wbkh D.X~n.' Ihocounly of llilllUlon sluilll conotit.uto 1fmp00n4'ad&\1J .£~J' t7 J.. OJ 0118\ ... bieh diatrlcts allaU be of compact lerntory. boonded by county U"-o and
Ju. ' puhU. bed , an .. edil io n of Dr. Calverwell'.Cel.bratedEl. ..yon the "'010.. ,. oun" ( wllhout 'of SpermaUorhwlL or Setnlnal . 1nyolumary Semlaa! · Lo~8e. . lmpolenc:y, Menlttl and Phy lcallncap.lcit,.. Ja'pedlmenla 1.0 Marrlaga. etc.; allO. COD· .umpLloo, Ep,lopsy .nd fl118. Indue d by .olf' III;'~\ Once or .elt'lal r Lra"-ano ,le. u.... co, In a sc.les envelope, ollly ~Ix s CleIlT'b;;- Celebrated nuthor ~'D Ihl. admlra~lo • &'1... clearl)' demonstrate., fl'Om a Iblrly Y. /lrs·lucc",. ful praoLice. 'Ilal tbe alar.ming eons01luencea or 8olf·"buse rna. he l'tIdlcn ii v co red wlthoat tbe dangerous uia ot.lntern'l medicine or tho "ppllcatiob of the knlfo ;-d ft · p1 polnLing 00 our& a 0Il e e f8,m . c, cerlnlo. out" 011,1 . 010 Ly muns 0 wh'oh every BUrreror, no mnll.c r .. hat hi. condllioD "'''1 \J •• mlly aura him self cheapl" private. Iy and rndically. : . . . . Tills Leclure shouM bO' ID tbe lo. ndB of ovary youtb . nd every IIIJtn In Ih. laud. Sent uRder eeal, III a plAin en<olopo. te any aildrea8. poet-paid. 1111 taealpt of .1, Dente Or two ~8lage . Lamp. . Addre8. the P"I,U.ho.,.. The (lulverwell .edical (lo ., •• A_ 8.. New V_, p. O....... 11800
~ ... .,..: ....~r =~ .. ~' _ .-,....
h Is Natu re'. Own romod,v. ftnd contaIns 11 0 nftu! OU8 drug~. If yu u Are 0 bAd off uootlo be 'lblo lo u t a Craaker wit.hout dl. lr, ••• tr.v Dr. HoushtOD·. Pep.ln, and you will not he di. App>io .... d. Be our. yo u gol Dr. Boushton·. Pepllln, l ntl la ke no buc Imllulons. 30ld hy Ali Dnlggl.18. J . H . EATQIf, Proprietor, Phll~delph la, I'A. BRENT OOOIJ, CO .• 0.,,'1 A~·tl. 0010 STATB FAIB.-. The Ol'io 729·3m Ne,,· Yorlc. State Fair for 1879 will be heldOfat MAN H 00 0 •. the cit1 of Colnmbns, on M o nday, 'tuesday, Wednesduy, Thursday and Friday, Aug. 25th.2Gth. 27th, 28th, "D " 20tll, and the Ohio State .. u ...l Board of Ag.·jcultu.v, uDd_r whoso auspices the Fair i8 beld will -bl·og undone "A mn e I·· a leave . no' .. <. . . "". ~ , [\d anu InStructive exhIbition. the people remember there is but one State Fllir, and for the . '11 be IIe Id a t -h preseut year It WI ,e city of Colnmbus on the daYB and . bo .' '. ed I t · datca a ve m ention. If! a State institution, conducted in the for the prointerests the ' fofh Ipeople, ' • d t' motlon 6 t 0 egltlmato pro n~ 1':0 industries of the Stato, and It IS therefore to thc interests ot the in· ' . I • th dU8triai c BSBCS to patronize e State Fair. The UolnmhuB Hospital (or ID'I~b .~-, . f I sane (tbe UU'gest OSplwu 0 t Ie kind in the world), the Obio Pen· itentiary, 'Asyl nm lor _ Imbecile b Yonth,A8ylnmtorDeafand D nm, and the 8()veral other State Institu· tionf! located at Oolumbus, will be
.....,- -
lk It Ill'lll1lwrl r,y fA. GfW(ft., .At_Illy rI lire Stol. rrJ OIt io (three-lifUI8 of all tho
(l ~
.;'!'I ":i.H.:. 3"..;m::~~!'i"iiV:
The Most Extensi va Manufactory of Reed Organs
8~td.lJ)'n! '1JI \f.Jt :~tD.''',(l:JI 'Pdln Tf ~ I'• • rp , " b,Du •• II ~~~ICIt"'CO .•3U W O'... I.r SL.Jo/awY""'.D-,....,.~
• ~-!!'''''CR'''''ftU ,cUII~ WMMiAIWIn'BI THE
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M O i l : • ..... ~...... - ,.... - - or Ihe lllto of Ohio, on the 1201 dny of '._ ... '~n' l, A. D. 1519. Inken fro u." o'l 'bo orl"l/lal . lWodIcc b. fuU. . .•.•. . . .•.•' k .A on 0 • , . . ....... ..., ..... _ .. lfllo.lh· . • ro I flIod In th Is olllco. . f .;,'','',. T............ ~ :~"!-I:!I~.~~~.~.. 1.\ lestilnony U.ereof. I huvo .r..... Ad.... , , - ...,100" III'rUUlll" 8ubl!Cl'il>cd lily nmlle "nd r ... h.... II' ....... c,I...., ....... _ , "!; [.e.\I,)"mXC<i l1Iy om"I~1 ..... c..,•••, ••11... c-....... eo.I_ ... lAo• • I f ~lA."tII ',hll"· \ IJ • c..,t' 1.. I"joo4Uo.. ulOlI.nlt'. !.... '.... I··tIol....·.. bU 8. Iho J ~tJI lillY 0 pr • . ' . . WIT U of .'Pm'd a. filql. l,& •• it u ...... H. 1.&.. of. am" .., 187U. MIL'rON lllA ltN}; , DYllpeplln, Con. Upallon. Liver Lo.. or DI"...~n.b" or .... ' I~..... ..... I.".. · • """""~~ 81 .. " CO_pllll1", Ihd'lIeJltlo. . ::l~~·~'r.::::J:i;Eit::-...:i.11i?!!= DebllUy, Ae.. 'YHE PRIVATa MEDICAL ADVIUII' f SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION,. wbun you can I'e relie"ed aod oured by th. d a-I _~ U80 of tbat oid raliahle fEata bll8bod 1850) Propo"l ujf au Ampu me"', fO...",1 0 _ -medy. Tb...,., . . . I'h, ... Article :'--'" of ,be &"
AnKnl W II,. B J ab . Vt " Eno8bu rgh A(0",,118
AI!Aru. 81....1,
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T"'''' only 2J't ""cnt I ~g .., ....
A. GUERE. N'.. II!, D Y
unUl 1018 luCOO&'tO r 8 qu... '''Na ... berlc.... ca.ea FI .... n' Aeo FOU~l OF B,UIWIT. •• kllowl l{ed to be De),oll 'he A~ !!Illd cl ctlon tile v,?jonl In favor of Reae:h or III Ie: De. hBve beell thQ Moptlon of tho Dmondment to Scctlon ".'Wed allder .be MUd Aetlon I lWO, Artlcio two, &hon bn,'o l,lneod upon or U'CIle Re ... cdle. AllOtle. ti, Ir bil\lolo tho wor<b, "Amendment to . Scr.lion I wO Article two of ConsUlutl on. U e•• • ..,.... • •• nq 10. on, pomphl t . "N". vJ. s' '" utili 'thO!lO who do not 8bfavor tU:f '.","' La" ,"YiOI( U: le nd t d t utorm ..ti rm I • 11' hotho
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f"1n)\loy lh,' qlll, ~ ll ' ,.1,/1 CllUlLJuati..n. \l r 'PII __ u\'llw..l..~~, oro pllrtlh alM'llJ III nd. ...ueftd n ,tlJlldan" l u _n (\UttJ1,Cl'l4 ("Jt Ute n low, IUII I n :' If.tnh'A.d by t bclu,.,. L-eUlt; tbe 1U0II t. rom illdo I nlftrun o ttc. 110 fou nt in' auy couutry. Nu uWJ.I'IJ.wul ,1 f,unWaMb. ParW u w\Uloul.t'SArOilJ~ Uu. , muu&rklLl.IkJ hUUU IOOllbi. 0 HU U()~ WooDK " , ..0., ClUUbrJdg\!&,IOr1, ".,.,
An tCltlllW.h.L./ro.'...b .fp.fll1hqf ' .. cu. .....
HAve HOTH PlP;; A~
d but can be acted on tn _/a ,. .....,...."t· io bCllrt the on1oo (or "hreo )t(tAJ'S f rom tlJo 1101 """n.nen' m,,".~bJ .h. IIHL. " M nnrIny n OIt succeeding .."c II ,election .~ IV.rJR I'AD ClO.'lt RIUntDU:S. I . '·Ul " . , Alld
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~ooha~ed~oa~~llrc:tt~:it:::::de~~: t;,a~tl !:i':l'o.)~~u~~: ' ~~~~'n !,?o An~~"I!~~.~,. BOOKS~: MIL~loC!~ ~11'~t[gI';"~~·biru~o CCrln~:nr r~~~~ n~r:~~lt~rt" g:~~~·.~'~·tl . a.l!~.;(;! ..'n"Arest w • • nply to V·'l·t M any WI·11 go 811 I OhiC"i!With its palatial hotels,bus· . I k d·d to Ul6B8 OC 8 Iln 'd resl Le DOe8 k . h I tllke a p oaSUI'O neon a e t 10I · . igan· to aUan d I\. setlSIOll 0 tIe of Trlldo, the greatest grain market in the \Vod (l; to inspect the admirably constructed nnd exton· Sive stock yards·, to enJ'oy the be an·
TbA pN'W\ lJutlon- " I Il ll" 1t ~11 ~ ho.\ o . wor-Jd.wtdAo I"OputatiOli (fir llwrol~bllMt4 of orm"'nu:t1oo e1abt'r~h' l1u', h ill t \ . I") till 'bAUical a.ud DlUAc&1 d t.l1 . Tb"1 ~JI~ UIUlw,oh'eI to l he )Jwdcal (' rl t.l n Ctllt AT', T.t'I\t.\r. thei r fouba(antia quaUUt:II AN lI ucl1 Uua\ UUt) ,... W uuUulliO"'onl qt UJo orilluuy t9r IU (~ M (I,· h ~1 nw..lJUl4I Me) l&rgl'l), ..oJd.
8 or, .t 03 1 SEC. I Tho FlxeeuU"o Depo.rtment slull\ 8 No. 8 .~ Body and Foot Plasters con"lsL 'of n OO" crnM, Lleutennn.Wov8 GEO. WOODS & CO,IS UPRIGHT PIANOS POSSESg :"is ' crnor &.'Cl'\1tnry of Stille. Audltor, freas· 8 COMPLETE ~ Ahsoflltion Salt urer 'atll) Altorney.c. cn"r3l, " 'ho shnll PERFECT AND T . nc· x:lTu]>l ,·d . 1.1,·(" lig'th R Jjdil.y, >< 'hooell by the el nf Ilho .8tol{', .I)~ tho 8 8 t d r t Baths. pluco of voU ng for Dlembel'll ot· Ihe Genen, l -A)IOA [ 0:-<1] L' . IIl i('ld - Ilalily urTon, tt,nd the "" m8ulel1 e rOO A eml>ly, tuld at limo prcacJdbod l>y law. , HEm iETa DOT or QIDU, 8 l:h'iln,,;ul ad I 1'.1 ;' (: 1. C it ' -' k J~ 'I" 1 L\il l ~ Aut ion. 1 <I.A.RTICLE X. • Ii 8 ~ .1 I jJt U RUANS G.lW. W )()j)t) & O().',· ... VU'I:! ~a"l boon 110, rl,•• S£('. 'I. Township officors sl.~11 ho .. cle AGENTS WANT.ED 8 on th e f\1'I!t Mondor. of Apri l, ,annllolly, hy 8 . .' Ilfl rtl ~" ~ or tbe lr rC61'l'Clh'u I lua:n ck I)' .. 10W ".hl l'!!, ami aluIU hold t hei r .cur 8 8 Ib ... lw•• ,gnn.. ')lIe yellr fr)'lIllh u Monolur nol~ L 8\1cc,eo.h u/: , Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co, ,,»'" Awl11rC' P llNtuulluJ rllr llldr Un.)llt. rarlot.y "If Mu. ir,,1 !':ffOO IH, ne thei r elt'ell nn\l ul1li Ihetr etlooet!8Q , H<>- nrc 'l"hIlO ·(t, cXCPl>t TOW I Trtllltecs, 8 182 WESr STREET. 8, o"'.. ,"".1' __ _ J ' .. ohall be al....,tOO. IliOd I o. ....... _____ .. _,m. I the towoohlps 1lf tbe Slate!, Cbl_,. Oo..dlllo .. ", B eall/...... .Afnnllft' ""'.1>- on Ihe first MOlldAY of April, A. 1>. 111 , 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I one fur tho lerm of one yCtir. ono I ARTICLE 10.
Tn Excursioll to Chi~o, via Ibo age of a hor~ • . Wltl;'.'lIr~r.~:",~~,g :h~:~ Pall·Handle Ronte, on Tbnrsday, log t.celh af each year. Ilnd a I .~e ~ onounl Septelpber
,.- ug UB ~ • ,LlO WI 0 0 E dwIlTd R. Prin tz, of 11 lIOn. CLARK.- Nellr Clio, AUlfUlt Hi, l B711, Lil. wife uf Ed. Clark. of " lIOn. -- -
° "1
1 1
afior, and conUnue t...·o )'ean.
, .....
. Ul(R 110 IGUl PIO ~~: tr:~:~~?i;::ov~l~Y~~ 8'HUlIR &-llSON's· I
.B 1 R 7' II S .
& l-'AnL()RORGA~ • .
' I eel~",
New" ~a"(lrti~emeIt~.
(lhrce.!\f~~~ IlllIlh
• I'll
tI •• 01 'be
~r·R ~ lN"""T·Z~ A ~ t 'J2~ 1 879 I ~ f f
8 & u 1luoI... ,,· ~ 4&tt.rnbllI pf 8 lila Slak 11/ O/\io illo mem· 8 I ctcd to concurring Lh ThAi l,roJlO8\tlolII to, amend tho oltltitu t'OIl f tit 8tato Ohio, be auu. 8 mltLcti 10 the of tht *It4te. on tJJ. IICCOml TueiIdAy of OclolMlr. A.. n. 187.0, folluws. t.g.wIL : 'thai Secu , .. of 8 two etla n one of e 011-. nIld I:looe, to rund follow" • 8 I AnTIOLlt IL 2. nnlol'll (lnll ~1~l'HIlnt4t.lvas 8 ~hrtll I", cl~cted blonnially by tho ulool.01'9 In Iho rl!spccU,'o counUcl or dtlrtt'l8, a 8
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 : . 8 8 8 8 8I 8I ,
.'...... of "rd~l .. ,.... or tI.,,, Cloalllua8&Rle or Db.,.
Without Dosing " Tho Better Way I
B URai,A s hroke in to Compton's IOllrkot .h o ll c las t n ig h t nnel got away with ubout $5 in cils h t hut wu s in th o m o n oy dl'aw e r. . _- - COUNTERFEIT trad e d o lla rs are SAid te b o ch'e llln ting extellsivoly uv e r in Mon tg mery connty. • • • . SCIIOOL b ogillB in Di tdct :NP. 5, next Monduy; Mr. J oh n O.l"lllkin· burg, maste r of co re rn~ ni es. . . . . ._ -'--TilE Warren COllnty Fuir b egins Sept. 161h u ud lus ts fu ur uay s. Let 1 everybody tl1ro Qut. .. .... - -- CeoLKsA is OInking sud rtLvnglll! am?ng BOUlO (Jf til e h cne rys in this reg io n. • ..._ - - DO ~'T fail t o Iltte ll d the State Fair at ColOlubus this 'week. .....__- - TUE Gipsies camped b e lo w t o wn IR8t week.
l\aor¢jun! .:;:;~~ .._
Cure ,
Co _,
87 Isrkei St:.'II 1'1.:... m WlllllfaVr ..........,.- -
----------------1WILCOX EWH ITE .CheIlry Peotoral
'l'B&, '
lie.. be further divided lri~ aolM1l~';' \J It\ each of wblch, and ln l..-k! ~ 01 Hamilton, thero ,ball be elec:tecI ' tbe }o'or DJJWowua of l b.· ~)ectoh U,crcof. rnpcctlvcly, at J one Judge of U,e court of com mon pIe... for I [~e~la!:~~p~~WI r:r~~~nCo ~~MI':;y ~~: 'l'lU"Oot 111111 Lung', 0 III .• I I t' 01 Beady ...... n morc of UIC80 juu~ 1\ evc'1.oCO\ln~' the dJ!ilrlct, 88 often 08 rna)' Jl ro~ <led[ by I..w aud more Hum ono COuf,t or SilL ng . nuoh IIU Co u p:hs , Cold .. , lh reol mny Qo held at tbe Mmll timc lil WA.llR~NT1!D nEST AND CIiRAPl!8T. cqc h district. '. 1-'\ be FARM1IIRS AND STOOK·MEN \Vhooplng , Cougb, 8110 6. In roch (lI. trict thero • au Bay. ao par cent., bJll"lodlOjf moo. . \crted, by Ihe rlcctOrll at Itl.rgc of tiIlch A BllALLOUSTOJlII1LLtN EVllRY VlLtAnB d" ulct, one Judge of lhe dl. lrlct court, by ",Ii m the di strlut (()lltl l io &loeb d.i& AND TOWN. Urono hlLis a AathlDo, Irld ~h;'U bt> held nod loe shall """"Ivo .:.; wbal 'be,. -~ ... such com pm!lllt.lOll 8a mDy be pnwidro by I tID aLIA» ~il:n.~owiiO l'CIllm. lnw. Dislnel courl, shnll 1>c held III ouch OnI1+""'.. power. r Otf.0w~ol!Ji. Rml CouHumpL,on. ~nl" . · at Ic·P....' onQ\'~"" Vel.r. Thc I CIty ........ '~ID ·'.",W{~n I' .. ' w...., ~ ,.,. ua """ • ' Genem\ A ~mbJy may inen.'88I.' tho nUlIIYO:' »DIG IIlLL .. . • I'''tnllo" II hn""la mc,l,h, <o" "C' I" "'''''' ", ber of di.b1rlCt cour~ judges to ~hroo,. ln IlII eI . . .h.." meal or leed. I. UIUIT~i'rop. UI(I11' oUou. cu res II hn. I'rod u " 01 Ihu ~~'ll~~.t~~t ~rl~~~!Je;;. a:!~ roror,~i I ~W!t;,"li'~"lfJi· In<Lli¥fccnlllry. 18 R . "OI>'1" "L lIoo" nUl '" 10 U,. nny court " 'h('nc\'er lIeceMlllf)' by reo8On M·lnch oteuo. IIu nIIl (Ollt ,..... VfItJ satt. 11lI~lInllldULIYIII CO"III111. I.. rCllll>o Lhe h"I'picHL of tbe fnilnre. dieqnallficatioD. elltt.llce. or 1Ktor7. BDW AIWB of; 00. rel ulll! 111M elln htl d.ol",,1. lu nlm08t evcry elcknftIB of any jllllgr, .nd tho DlOOunt of I m"""Jltorcb ~.~. &cellon o( o.o""try Ihe'" n,,, 1'0'"""' ,I\I,!tllel, pnl' 0110"'00 n judI!" pro t empore mD)' be !l'8"Jr.L"J~ 0 A "Y.lJOL~ In'o .. n,whnhll\.o'''.c. lorullli.o'n nl..... lingnmi deducted from the ftoIary '01. un)' judge MIUe, lor T. DoLy .to cO: wboec dcffult cantte8 the I\llC:tllBltyof hAy· _ ' ovon 1I.01'0rlll<l ,1130.,."" r lI .., lun~., !.ly I.. II~~., log U,e pro.l£mpore Judge. ' The UIUeII ot 1. O. BIOHABDs It: Co., Ohlql'i'O, m. All whnhll"o L"I", I 'I.:I '·~""" I ·.I""il "••lvvrlol',l) , boldlng conI man plrDll and diat.rict courta lIUlW.... Op · anll whoro iUl .;'1"0" "" ' 1. .... " ,,, , "" " " " II .• II:oteo ahall lie nlny fillednll{horin b,·law. bul Genel'ftl AIr Grala 1lInaIo.. 8_ £IUIIDM. Oonl ~.... lUI to whnt ."",II"h,e I" "''' I.I"y I.. , .I.'vu II,,, 01 ,.,. 6('mb\y the tllo tudges ol I!Oid , courts. respcrtlvely. 10 b t.!ic tlmell of tbo 'I'~~ GU...T. Ir...o nl"l . nITorl"1t 1""'IIIiIIl I.. 1·.. 1",,,,,,.,> "I ,..c· dlll!llrins to ,L" 111 0 " . ' l 'III:IIl'Y 1'1 :(1 ",.,1. ,11 111.) .' 1111", .1 . " I 1. va" In favor of thlsarunndm6n' " '-'1 '-"0 Alnlll n: Htl f, nll~l P I"', iWIII <4 ' :'1 1111 • 111'1 ~ II I lilt 'I pl;'ccd upon their bal1018 tho ~;. ·~u. maol,·,·,·u'\ctlo, ,,II"·""'·',,,, I .. I,,,,,I," ,. , .. r I dlc.lBl conslJtlltlonRl aUlcoorpelll, 'Vee;" . Iho ", n,' u r""" "I,,I,I,' .1•. "" .•,. ",' ,I,. I,,,, ,,. I and the volera ",100 do not f.,VOf the adopA . r.,r'·~II" "' II· " lul.I,·,·u. ... " I,'" d ' I,. tion of Mid nmeoo~nt, mllY hBvo I,IDOC..! In~ ,11. ,'" ' lIhi, h 1.0"'111" ri ll"," . ,.,1' I", 1..1 npon their blillota the worda, "JudlclDl con8tllutionnl .nmendmmt, No;" a"d 1f '1I • (;1011011"",,1, It I. ;" ,·"1,,,,101.· , 1'... , I,) ". I.. '''.... " ,'. majority of 1111 tho "olea CJISII. at aald clcc· . mllllll",I". ",." ,.",,,·,,",1.n,1 ",·,~, ..."01 I" '''',mh. tJon be In favor of Mid ame:ooment, U.en Suuerlor to aU Others. ' Till. ,"", Iwl"u ~ld"n r, ;"",1. ;,t " ·'''·y t ' ",I. :I n eald IOCtiOns tJu'ce nn" flye herein ,er,ccl. _ " tli.. cll rco It i' ""1",;,,,11) I' '''''' '''''''U a'o I.." roo I fled sholl bo Ilnd constitute the eectlolVl () T LO"UE .0 ~ombered III tho Mid' judiciolllrtlele of Sf-oND FOR A Au . , IO,\I'kat,l u t", I," (. "I;" U.,,.. :O;u 'a, ,,lly ~h""hl 10" tho ConstttuUon or Ibe 8tate (of 01010: nnU wilho", il. "".I ,I,uoc .. I". I,... u .. " ,' " IIxc,l " Bald oriltinDl lI(.'CUona throe fUtd live alwll Ill! , ,U , be re~ed. ' '. 8" "" 86 Cllumbcra I uovcrwlli. . JAMml ~. · NEAL, . NEW YO~c.n;;. l;;"'IIIC1Jt I'hy.lulnu ~ ""' ","lIn", llo ' <c.,,,,'''' Spuker of tho HoU/l8. ... 1IA!, pfc3entatlvea. - -- ' . I""<crille il. ~II" t:lcr~y'm'" '''LCII "'""""".",, j /I J AllKZ W. FI'l'CH, I /'row LIluu' k!.lOwlcdj;u "riIHlrcd •. President of the .SoDat.o. '" " 1101\' I"'''''tlca Adopted April 10, ,1879. ~':t'.t\! rR~rAH);f) Ill;
__, Con.:n. U. S. ~
-1'- MILLS GRIST and FEED I '.1:.
=iirilin' " ft••
.h" ·",,.
"Children's mowP6~als,!f1 I or ram ven 111stan~ly I Atlj5st~d .rny~ntsd and Elclushaly usud by thisCompany.
The 11l0:-.;t p opular Q -gan of the day!
~~I'J g::1• OfIIee of U,e --.~~ 01 ,
.' rot..
& ... L..... done · wtlll 1)tIIl
I~tlcal aad An l ~l)&;hm ' tlhllill ll"lI'.
SOW) I:lY ALL lIlWU\J U;'~ 1':VI',II~' lVl li'" U::'
' '1>:0 _ J. G. D. SIEGERT & SONS' ','
AUWg~pMAIU!r4, ,~roft~~:~~
000 COPIES PB& ·HOUJt An, k ind of d,r,
..,u. bo prlnlb.t "P""
• - .
. -Anarilcl.. ofover--
I',por, or!..,:,.
,./ '
. . .
• IA r- f1' EoTmu ~ .... -ooto; n.uwat ... 4' 1... " ........ 001-. I' "O !'llCktl\lIorJlllx<w, arill~. 1lt l"'~ed WI~IlQ& SA.VIEAI;)~"",,>,,: ..I...,u B, ·AI.. lI):b" ..... lII.Ii,I.WJe.... clorGYlUet~ Aunda:y. I It., bilC:nWlO ,I~proVcb... I.ht1lJti'd,'!I1l!"' 'II ~ ell
,:,,~;J ~If.,~~~1,...·i~D\
st. fl.oatJ tor tIIl .....
nouII,I\\' iI~u r ;ti1l.b,m~.I,.n , rt'''l'nt
1:. 'Jl ,~'I: • ~~'!.'I:t,. r:~~ tI,+:!.",,:" tt'.UfP~\lC);' .• I _'" .l -.--' ...,......~ _ " t
...""<lul,,,,""n". mlMloInari!'8> .0110111.... · \ 41~'."'~~. 0' ~rculcnlCll or IIOnl~ on"" mOlliemlo
::I -
Ittu, ,", u' tuu ",'7Il 11""."'Otl. d~!. . .d lbe!!. mOIl .... ti (" tiU) Dledll.... t dllCOVtrt 0" 'be£1lfO • "9ulrdl' voro. by q\laOf])liOD" JI" tor !'Ut llli flW ' ~'I!rqil' : Dl0 or xtraord rt t('If(Utrii. .iI,ttJht}f)ll'.",il1I~thr e.. A'....J ,OG ,.. ror tll"' !£ ~ II J!ln }'I,,' . .. \1 lll.k.· no Ollt f; Ihs II,.
~1'kI.·1 ' tt! l
'!'be 8ltnrubu~ llltdwara ('A'., Of tJi. T~tlllt • • I: " 'Ou ~ 'Pa(1Y.fWTapb ptUclUifiOO l-.tnna rut.· lI1_ jItIlt", '1IIu.;r.e~.~. Wn>va not w wi llooull -lorll,Q{¥) l\ ),OI(f ." · " • • .Bcw" t~qn.(\r ~~ rk l r.lm J llf (,,1,1' ntJd~ lthJI1-, '. , . t , ,.. •
",,..•pr,llIlnI', ' • ". •• ~ I".~ ~"VI
'.It.\ I' ll • 11\ . ,
UN1r\~ 't,., ,,.-,~.,t. I " '~"n ' , t l ,
g .
Wl!Ai. AliP"~ ' 9-
-r::~~:::'i~r;~'[~~~D~b~~:~~~~~~;';f rrr~'1~~~~~ijii;~~~~i cI7trPOPItIa;
...mIuT"(fmo. ~ Aca,lC1U.lOI, l'ubUo aod . dlArrh«:a And revttl' am.1ngut!o
""" ' (1.
' bull, tho lilh ~ of .A111:I!L A- D.. . ftlI " ... Xa.t BilIIple, Bapldalld Eoo-'(8&&1.] 1870. IIffixed n1):.Y1JjluN offiolol f!liDA~ , .. Colum· ·"CJIIMtr-.J,.lnaoommou C"P7 G rn-. " -i .. . _ cal Pro- JIlt dllOOvere4........ ~ Secritm.')' lol .Stale. . 1'~ 1IfOau-J11n.u.....rullloelnOoT. I U Impro.~ 1110 .nppolUo an,l _ -
BES ,!; lUld CliEAP~~ in t he market t '
t, . d_ --'-... 01 State 01 I MII ten De ~ ",,0_ _ 1' • the, SlAte of Ohlo, do.hllnblr,' oer~, that , olnUon"'-n.o the fOl'lllOll1lf,l.bvt"A a ~.~~iIf· ";toIol'_ ~~I.-mblyol th~ 8t1I:cl"Obto; OO"tbe lWl~~_."~ A. ·D: 1879. taken fJOm tbII""' ......., : flIed In. U,II office: . - '''''?~ ,., " , ' In WtJUruony 'Wn~~, l ' have. . lIe,Rlunto' liuliec'rlbod roy ~ I!Dcl
- - -.
,. J.')h) W ilco:il: IiL White O!'gaU: .lnsh·uc·tor" :h: tb..
f""1';;r~:~,y.'~r~ Dr. J, C. AY~R & CO., lowell MiI~S'1 "'wor~ 'W'~:'I.r _ .:
',, '
I ~'
' D .;:t.'Pp'h VlJlclnt\8 rul" ctHJl'Ol;.tJt or lh~ ' ." I I--.....~ ' " . .. I Ii IfIIl'( I"'~ Kl .....~"'.. 1l.1••ru I , 0
I InJi1llllir ~l\lhY l lh .llJlltdr
W I:J, fJl;t.r.J ' .
l'rtu 'Jf-~ 1 gr~~A'rwn.r':,la' .1. ''' . II A' · (H)~ . -',' ~'\ lIi
. . "UroU,l .. ~., I i-llu U~~ - _!
YI ' r~. ".,' I'" .'
.. •
~ilrm ~ uraen
, Till 0 ,r.AT Vltn£TAI LII
('lIln n~~tro) r 111111 ~ llellfle for Inftam m"lI on IlIld \lIIII Ori hll g(\!!.
PIll m, f rc
Sold bv aU On !J9,,/4
Lay the Axe
to the Root If YOIl would delllroy the can· kerlllg WOl m. }o'or Imy externalllllu, sore, wound or lnme· II C:I.'4 of llIllli or IItlllst, use only Ill' X1C I\N MU~TANU LINIMEN I It IlcllotraWs nil muscle nllel fl esh to the very bono, expelling all inftammation, 8orones.'1nud Imln. aud healing th o dl~casoll I)ilrt B!I 110 oLher LllIllIlllllt ever dill or can. So 8alth tho experience of two gOlltlllltaOIlS of snlferent, Bllet 8D w.1l YOli SIIY when lOU have trled tho \I Mustaug." l'ol801l[ug From Ihe 1 8e
Trim Your LaWDS Con81uDtly - I AWII always be cut before IL ft" I eart\ to need The c uttlD gs !Ire th.1I too s hort to mke alld" III mnke IL dre!!l! Iug for ~h e 80d which Will be 1\ decided bellefit to It The mow er cannot be u.ed too frpquently from t'arlv In the sI'rl og until Lbe IS8t thin g ID the fa ll 111 fact wheoe, e r the ground 18 n( L fro7.en It shou ld be used It I ~R"t o nce IL wfe k 'lhe roll er . houlrl .180 fl~ 1I be ulled e8pt'o l\\lIy In th e 8 Jlrtl " 8 M ~O( r 88 the fr08t 1 80 U ~ of th"groulld lind IgH III after h eavy ral1l 8 fh e IlrtlK8shouilue tmnmed oCClu!lonlLlIy nround tl e trecM lnd bushe" and nlong th e ~dge~ of Plltlts Slid flower bed. and when \ e r tI 0 mowe r Will 1I0t r ench The orullIAry sheep shears IS L blul dy tool for thIS
lIow Slttlllg Dull Got Ills Tlllt!. ' OH IUII1 MIII~r "PP Ikmg of S ittIng Bl1l1 thu s ~xllllnK how hI. S IOUX hIgh I eM (lim e I y Ill S r nme the key to the conun dr um I 'v ng btllln Iml urted to 111m by the I Hit Ln K the mKeh eM \n In tlta n 1M I eVll r I UI . rijd WIth a I.. tlnc liv e na m e >mltl M r Jlhller I1ntll ho b l\ll dUlle 80 n eU 1111{ note wo rthr and whICh re veal " a marked trait 0 char acter Wh en S lttmg Bull w \ < a youllg man he WaS "hot to th o legs tn battle and disabled but he 811t bo lt uprIght on the j!rotlnd MId cOll tln uec.l to ligbt with the llerce neJlll of" wounll ed bufl1llo bu" aDd It WIU! IbiS III clc.l cnt whlllh drew from tbe tnbe the appe ll ation o f I::ht llllg null I T wa_ very thoullhtleMM to 8&y the IcUt III Dr I n llllag" to go ove r alld mill thll CircuS bll"lnelll< III E ng lan I lIIanu facturp elllll wIlen ..""~Iculture ." , n erce IIl1d e vuryth IIg 61'16 bad ctlll\led 10 Pill -GroI~IWIO/l Orumbk:r
THE IINDIANA UNiVERSITY, BloomlDltoB, Monroe Connty In•. I
Tn-.r.r. '-'0" FA.. "T.:t:OIlIUlEII.
II .,. . . . . . . tlG.
r.. n"._ •
r.H-.I.. tll rIoU.
III.'....' I •
he. Smith- Organ Co. FIrat Eatabhshed-I - Most Successful! 'fnK UI. 1 h;TfU l\I K;;:;j un • I
.la vaJUft
OVER MO , ()()O ....Sco
lruru, ", .. 11iI'
Tremont Street OPPOSIlU Waltham Slloot l
PERSIONS TI ou. "u I" of !ll;, II
,," I
• I' .... u f' b
I ,cI .... ~ n r 1,.,nh
IlL . F.~...Itl'I •
W ... hl • • _.. N
Military Institute OIdll& iii 11I.vy1lt....11.'. . _.......
_n" .a'
..,"" 8"...- I" 8" ot ...... U ... '" "or o..latOCa. .Le .dAr. . II1JOa Jl It wrt..a ciao .. F"....... Ftukllol 00.
__ a. """'....
SAPONIFIER 11 tb. Old BA1Iabl, ConOlllmr.ted L,.
Who\ SelIre8 • WomlUl. [P om Puck)
'W:: lo I I\toOll flAn ), lilg OA {or w akl Jt DlUd ~n and 10 leL tiOn p ...Jeld7
Nottce a " omall when sh e recClVc@ II IS roLL WlilGJJT AND STHKNGTII t ~ 1 grt lll H. w it dOC8 seare h e r I hc TI (! ITrnn.,kcL II Ooodcd " I (a<Mlalh...l ) Co t rc lI ble8 I ke II dIsh of Jolly lind tmh,-.I Lyo wild ,,, H I le rai.ed wlUl IIl\ L N' and fllf'&ke 100/ I IIngllles 1111 IOrts of thmga H or hus. SA VB "OHliY AND BUY TI16 11\11.1 IIII~ f lUell down tho hotch" ny 01 It II \ tr dJ(l u !l~ Her Jo hnoy bas !lone ont Mlhng n Id Is drowlled lIer s Is ter M 1T\' hns booll scolded to d eath Noth ),j\u t Il Y1rrE Ing ~I ort of 1I fatal nccl(lc nt qu ,Lo filb l\!JllllylvanlR "nIt Manurl( 00 , ..., LPU'" the b II of he r IDllIglll Ltlon Wh en she finally sl1mmons coumga to tcnr opell th e em elope abe finds n m CS!!I\go fr01ll h er lu"b 111<.1 \I urnmg her that h a Will 1 nn g ' CI Atome r home to dlll ncr IIlId 81 C I lIucd la tc ly co ils b er c1l1 ldrOIl togethe r I lid IlL!!Ln ot41 th orn noL to Ask tIl ItC ror m.apbe rrl es nB there 8 Jns t cn gl 10 go around nnd give the VI sitor II fe v cxtrn
'tlghfhlg Lor1l 81~ In nnl!l!la.
o (l
l'urpol!e An WI." nn pnpe r g l\ (" nn accoull t 0 f a It f 1!Ie Idea th at fre )lIOllt eu!tll IS exl~ns~ve BeSIde. belD g the olll~ pi ~' C fl )CI't.~ Ilenrlhsa bc tpol "llIch WHY to mILIIIlILl D n perfect 11\ vn It w II If. r r I n ICllt hlll cnt of troops 011 th e be found to be the cheapcKt III tb e end 'I I to retrnce thetr steps. They rll aggregnte labor lIod tIm e rl.'qu \rcd "cll il I 80 thick on th e 8OIdle1'8 fnc es, to :ut eve ry week 1\1 o rdlllllry wenthPr I " f rm . ngd muskets that th o mnJor " tWIce a week whe n the rKIII< I" Ir \ II lu d c~pcrntl oll ord ererl firin g lit ~~owllIg IUXUflILlltly In wnrm ,:et tlCn tl e , f r hILlf nn hour hut thl8l'ror\uce d ""n" WIll be lelll! tilt'" when cut rvPry J I flect, Rndi 1\ mnrch unck WRS ordered thrt'c or fnur weekK In tile rUrtlle r II < Hvn rm covered an areao(tJ Ir ty hv. earoe after gOlllg over th e groulld WIth "JURre 'Cl'8ta....",~~~~~= tbe mo wer tbe work 18 filll . hed und '" wllh very 1ttt.le labor 10 the IlIt te r tlt e grllllll must be repeatedly cut a mI rake.1 alternately until an even CUtl8 obtallled nnd It WIll 1I0t tben have agood SI>I,elLr • r I. cl... It ,.,mo ••• tho •• u... or !lD Ce rhe lawn 8hould neve r Deet! ., on or of an Iu. r.ln .tlon or tho In 10" " h ob ",. u. ally .d'g•• tlon or " I a TIl k 0 II r th c f r. toueIling w It) , I r. I on of tho bll. Wh. n It /lOIM .... c leaning III the 8prnlg If the c u tttn ll~1. 1 " I. I c I do.. nol grll" and vlol.nll,., ,. u are e ven lung enough to g Ithor wIth. . M I II pro luco. grn Inol and n.l ural . lToeb rake, It I" certain tbll t the work WIlli not cry nl k. th 1 0 or" drlUlU. purgative on I I'" r uf ... . lIng d gullnn nullfi ftft tb llllo done at tbe prope r t im e Irr In ng <ond t Or. of th o mu.on. n "mb .... n __ .... _ It".... of II " 01 1 ch a n l ul•• tI ••1 •• nal wlloh I r I • ft r I ~ ,,10...o~ .noh ally Iy •• Icry Mill< F.Nl)lfOT III the /I " I t.. fl . ~ I . e",m r.u'.~ . n IlIr•• II. n" I I 1 I f l . Ine.lly p r•• hd "h IOlnm. I ol lie l'orl e ."VH ~I rile t \\ t 1\\lI;K ro m I I Ir~ Ij II nl bill ,"uDb.r &to bul ~ Mr~ U"lhllau to-dl1Y I uad got 110 m" I WUIt~ bIlL.' ""
"I kll e ....
Bw'oll 1'ra I'cr'Jl_' _ __ gra~.s h o uld
CU llllr d <1110 to catlllS J Jre8!!ed heer WNO rt'po r ec.l IU I ~ D1brl gepOrt allli It I'll rill S 11111 Ie ' ''~ te ru ay showed thM tho 1>OI ~o n o u ~ pn~\ t" <If th e lIIeat h il i b e ll r. L In 114)\ er d rr tlfO fall1ll1cR On I"I l turuav fllt e rJIlll n lit J 0 cluck the flllllll y (If H H IIrftlltlt on Vlllllp:e street con -Is hng 01 hu sblLnd Wlfo and liv e chIldre n lite o f LI 0 I rfl\lled beef al U two ho u rs In te r "Nt' 1111 "'lklm Kick T he 8yllp tom. were v 01 n L VUlll lt IIIg lind purging ILCCo lllp lUl led bv ab lomlual pllIM 1 hellO CR""S n re bUL ty pes o f those occ urnllil III h ve o r . Ix other fILlnlite8 nr A I Ituke 1\ ho atteodetl tho fnnul v abovo melltlolled has oXAmled pleccs f Lho lI ent nl\ll rcachCl! tho Kam e COlloIU"IOO rega rdlllg the II ,ture of t h o IHllson lUI thn t nn n\luuccd by l) ro ("lIlIOr Wood of H Ln tnl Oollege wh o made 1\ ch emlCII I JlIlIlIYRI' of \lO me 8 1n II ,rly nllected O1e Lt two yP H . ago Tho Profrlll'Or found lead an 1 1111 uDuoually lar~e (I u ull tt ty of I!Illt peter III tho "peelm clI8 bllt nettb e r of thl'sc III g rclhentA! WIll! "Of 8uffi Clent a01 Ullt t" cltuse tlt e sY01pto ms tlllLt IIlVartahly f( I I )WPr\ 11[ 0 11 catlllg Ihe bc~f He CO il e luded t herefore t huL LI C POll\OlIoultpf fectA! "Ie rc bh o result o f t he Imp H e co n d iLl on whi ch tbl' meat had rellched be fore It wa! ('.ll1I1I(>d o r I'rel!Me I In tho cost's ID queKtlOn tllll enec t~ mU8t be t raced to the 8ame cau: e fo r the '111111 li Ly of I!ILlt ~te r fuuud 10 not Kurroullded by any lead o r till fOIl ut 1111 The Il fC~' csom tn ed I y Dr C IRrke "pi eILr . 1 !\htly yellO\\, Rnd bnve II bad odur which lifter tbe meat b88 been c n L LOd removed from the Ice a few hou r. be r.omes u8u8elltlog or the C 18e. of KICk neM that are reported a I Rrt arr du e to eating can lied beef whll .. the r e8t co me from bee f that h lld beeo only pre_ u
Hect -t:t vllml ClLMCH o f
A few allllll cllfloll ~ of I his lIre IlllrllUOIl ,,11\ I. \IIun rrllt kleK, Ulll, 81111hl\lll, I'hllllll K or blol ~h e8 Oil 11111 rn. r, 1\ 11(1 "lI(lflr 1h e rom 1111Ix\on ,llllr 111.1 ~llr tor 110ft. (,lIll1lt I\lId blllllUfJ IUIf Iho Mkln It hn~ nil ellllni I'rlt fl 'i0 fl. Sent by lII a l1, )111" 1 , til ~)r iii rrnb
.................. N . . . . !'InY (I:I'R""'I"
.... oll...-e I IRt...
RE PO RT El\ .
AH D •
8. ----:-"_ WHOLE NUMBER 73-=-
el!l Tn:r. • ·..... s:..: .. BO ... T. CU.A I ~,
(Orr II
Wball •. ,.... ,. You
f'OtU ~l
,. lOli h~ rrl1 dhlo" III I h,t'6.
" I..... l'l t
lDill 'h~ HnIWIUl la'll wf\e k : tb ~1 ...1f1
Tb,,, you W It' w Ulinw: QVtl. "\It dJdo" 111 bu. 8O' IU ."
J male hy th e n tl la1w i<-;
And " ' lIltlll fUJlh Iht rti wu ror berth. '
'Tw.. "hw... 1 Il ktt ~ IIAtlit', l'tn mlgh'y HIIlI II., m ooL JOu, Will: Wbtre alf! I OU sol llg T"
"Good 110 1m I. I' , e MO~ to mML
&I, oou.l1D, hllrl e 7 Jl ll rriJ, To-.DJolTOw . li e a nd I luue IILa.nued
... Unl. I rip
t~c lht'
Throltlb S • •llW l'laml 00 foot j J bftpt Wetn haT~ lU1lle df)U!Dl weather.1I 1f "Tab thlTel hold ,OUl' ha'i It blo ... .f
TNj bow tbll,te:uae r ta.M1
l'm neTer RUtck. ; t"hAtley '"
Thonah e't'u1
he ~
Who'. wlih 70u, WUl7" +I
I' m lta,elJnaw ll_
iI,. I ter and m, mother; Tbel.'nt both ·~lo. . 1 calU' OD d ock;
11. clOl&e f-OOUlb lO.:wotbe.r
Down thNT. TDNe th ••• doa' \ eire lilli' FOt' 1'.,11111.1\011 , b"'!)M 'ew I WbH1'!!d1d JfllI II10P III Londoo' W. Wtn IlQVI,ln; U lb, lA.o&ham,"
"You . ('ret Wh,,10 wu L
Bot thea
1001), gUI Ihere 8uuda,
At brsklan
l lUlt •• nd
"'COlI •• ,
Th, .h em oou nf MOlld.,. · And 1 I wltlllll the ,.hllr1 ....Jou ro IIUlt
\J' .. , .
''t' IUJ,'r1eI1 ;
Such II, .. : ,",'H \ , '" " " ~u ch roar ebeebl t;uch j ll 111 111 IIwlt t.. 1M ."eeU,1 I only a;I_ bt r Iwi , allt.lthe.uDon' 1 1I11I;h- 'lwua la dlilLaDt"tI ;
Bill, W\II, til, W)' , I If' U ,OU wbal. III ,JI '"1 lill
1 1' ): I' h) UU6
I oe',r l;elure _ t, lIyf'S upon It. £1rllO rea1l1 ,.dt nd ld. But pabaw ! - J c:oukl u't •• 11/ and 10 M,.lholl -lhod ,i _lulU enfled. I dDtI ' t H IJ"I)(M he'll ner ko ow Ho .. I, IIllrftO;er, Ju,. ber," II
Who ... Ih .. Fred'" .. Ab I that'. jud It.
J oouJdn', ,'CD 4.I.Icot'"
Uer name, or aU1thlol. l all About hu. J)rok t!:n -hf18 rted, 1M" ., ....n" any UN
To ltft lOOt!" 1.tllled. ADd but Jam, dbDoUMlbte." .. All l or In unkDo'l'a charmer I You 're ..fI. Uly boy. 1A1'lIlfOll .bAft: the JIM it aNwlll"; t:»lmu; Ot fo ....n', If rUIi like. The Tie.
X" make ,0ur h:-tllh nU)'. Wd"re dnnrl"5 onr to Fnulet, In han An 110....11&11 be • • 1...1oU.. 8M1 tbenll' . the towu, and, Juat lhla.w. 1'''' pan ..ILI..lllpplulllI II: ADd ltw., ""lOad, lOll _ tbt rpI_ • • Aftd _ u t· lien, WW, .top. mlauLiI llo,"", ... tbal ! ...... IITJO. . Wllb rei! ftO .... ID bet boD.ttl
[ dod..,lllN-l- ,_t.· I'. WI ••• y _h " _ It.. know. I "Mllutt l lJ [bad GIll, .1l1~"'1 mlMod bet? a - I ........ ..,.,... I"' BJghlu 4 Hogs No.1, 2, Bilid IIloud , " 'ad noticed Bnd much dil!(lupsed bororl! 81'1) be th ought , andmontha ,'" n'a MIIgazine givee the follow10..",,, McMiIla worked bave re-entere d tbe bllll-roo j but, wiLI, out r:hnnges twelve hi' biograph y of the Scottish poot', I Alwaye bave good W l'O ow hAppen you tlo Isere. th l'be, catllllLro or lnell!! runsciow traoo of 'lliiry: 'he WII8 a nUI'I!C·mnid W Oftvin if :\Ii I!." Ashley thinks of remaini ng on Ib e Imin wheo she r..amo Itllding in at IlIlIt. nam:ilt.on'IIlOD Alell.Qnder, born in July! IODle OIJIOI'II nre not . 1" ahrulld towllrrl" ly oMl ''''IDO -'ordon 'aptain 1786; and ahe &IlW him tbrough eevcrn glance &8 tbe don't lICom to hOlv rapid II gllve lady Thu he r. 8talO8 of In'ancy before Icu\' ing bit the Ilrec i8ll momeDt., CAr, her caught toue the in nl, constrai YOIl have enrth " HeleD, where upon ho~. Her fa~ber was a Milor in a to use toWlIrd a pale, dowl1 IIgai n. oo~n hidin~ your.elf T l ' I'e been I"uk- th n looked revenue cut.ter, stntione d al ampbcll . IIML by himself. whole .. England Lo g reLllrniu of ("Iked Hhe " M thi nnd Ce", ing for you these thrrc .IIII1 town/"e nr tbe lIOuthcru end of antire. lime ago, Poor H"len has the depot Mid the IIlght littlo 80010 une-" She lind epent IIOme of ber early years at key wmtld he jnmmc.I , 's fllther bt'r siIIlce ully wonderf nltNcd inter· Hhe I" ,. I. ce rluinly nut yours Loch Bauza, in the family of the Rev. If you have nOL !leell our rnny S. ,~ l!Cuta ne.lertn ••"".. rUvlcei frigidly. "Jll r. Maclcal1l"- ar· ,Iflilh . 1 darc ~ay, Dllvi.d Campbe ll, a relation of hcr pulling out of Ihe stnl , you Ev~, e'" Valentin Illst ~iDce hpr resting a genlic.rnan l'allf1itig_ be left Durnil on May H, no motl\er. through Ihe .i ride night I:5bc . 11010 hrr know bllrdly woult! H.triAc But ber 101'er, looking " wbere she speDt the doubt for th at II si ngle chllnce no I prelty, 18tber didered c'lII be to uscd on that she hnd toniMb(\ll, plnced 1\ rl elJlillillg haud stup oR'hefor e daylight, [ " heliovo. eOu!!,! IIPrs. S'c if ony body lu~,,~~wn to down l beautifu t wos the i8, and Willi, "t;he "Will " My dear girl I IIo8UrO you you ' re the les cntit ch whi tick!'t ted IDterrup ho n," Mee el'N baw miatllken! Look berr t"- pi ck lng "I' wowan ~ on th wood·IXllt. gmvel;y. ber program me. Somebo dy h.d. Be tbeyT You t ' dOIl diller, Lastee Ab, " and ·hlnl from rud~ly It t5be anAtcbed looking mlln, lm t tbere bi. CIlI'll - a sorL WAR gone behind IIOmp0aptaln a 'd l over, lK'e Mi!lll Asbley . '"::n arb ara. Iioward WIUIOlulC.IUg opp.>PIte body-O ower or OOrdOD, WIUI it.-wlUl put up with lIIight he not opinion or be wtuld wiLli a ~t raoger but ju.t introduc ed . To bardly of Jour Howard , as be d"wn, but thnt th e victor Mi8/! for ber i1te ' J bave girls two e o tb acrOS8, and fro, and him afterwnr d_ ix !!ents , too." neared aDd wuched escb uther-t. be did_ IlcnDw 1\IilUl Howardno' Icoow hOIl of the cnr were nCCI'l'i d do y evldeDtl you Bul " yellow Lhe whiU!, the and black dre&!! hia MI88 Ashley '. engagem ent wu broken only- one mnn unci bair nod the rave n. !!CU I. It didn't. mak e her. " ilt ' J not did Gordoll ofl'. cndell, were ~ures U,e when 8, auL th~ rcot 01 118 W ro ' t !'" ' n-' elen aaUI'D terce J)""u " Oh, e.J<Cuse me; indtb..ed only Bolli' d 'n .,n I tn n .cnt·, lh~5e ix h women " Would II man jilt " I IIlInt a few IJuiet wordA. 1 have there 11'8 8 nny kry now, ell lOV he womlln he loved-t r eve he conthe into Come e. IU' spolo!!y to mnk The llIan on .h e T" world the in lllC e all than &tter eft". th terrace, tbe to IIfI natory or 011 one naceB, the be waiting ror RO me \"I'th cg mlnci and 'oined J "Hands 1 wl' llke(1 , II doar !" him , 'od .-~ .han "ncl uf !e nlomnn' • ellcbaDl '''',d inanne ' an , cillilned is-a."ia I' ~ She beBI "'IN · " ~ , " he took it then tbe onc.e. Perhnp places and purpol!8lell8 ate ..... bowie·kn ife nnrl would bowed haugb tily. , .~ II fair unknow n Mi d , in a voico . tbAII lower . 1.0 th e conllC rva .....~. .. G OlD ry nnu W8 fight, for be wnlked up nml beCorp, and with" t rem or in ita dh. nandAAid : till 1 rl'joln yon !" sbe comman ded, Gordon, aptain b er very d rClll! f rom h' this . ., k',nw You ee," ~ui . 18 con· urawlDK " My rri end, ean't you T" I LI t ..ct swept on. thi.lICaL7" 1 ?.'1nli~~~lICy." But.he found bim wailing, IVhOllllt " No-can 't do it.-l'm among enter tlf 'nded , length eb oondeac( " 1:10 WII 8 npglectl og Mi ls Asblty ,. and camp-m eeting at Pewakoy the flllllS and orange tre_lou lHrinl; aL , a ycar ago to· the nt.enD ceaDd chattin!!: wiLh IIDOth r flirting. with MillS Howard ' My fri p.nd , ca D you J auw it mYlMllr. J girl he wu, Lbougb reDdorin g instant night, J know, for 1l~~l~tt~:'~~1:=:t~~if.!'jf:f.~~ for tba latter, thislICaLY" n8ked the cared he thllt d imagine ":: which gesture elen'. H to ience ohed hog. /lecona tbe for former tbe hade him follow her w the rartbe r ent!. LuL int ended \.0 marry " No, air, I can" .. alrl" of ber mouey." h the l!ake II' ' ' d'i gian, " If that bad been truth, would tbe Th ere beh I came la, s e D , .le ed r ply. min 1.0 olfer 1.0 now be life fact', one deai re of hig meL bim and looked bim full in tbe Hog No. 8 pretende d to bt• •PIUl~!,1 full i n the eyes, witb her own llubiDg f""lICd. Hogtl No. 4, ft "n "purned the love abe ooD temptuo ll81y, ant! Inking from her her in h r povprty I' C' th Il ttl .~,. wrre PI '" weAltb r he in g, rin tin ger be r diamond engagem ent :"'::"~.'""!'._ " H i. one desire!" sh e repeated [alnt. lOe~tilig aL I'ctOl'key, IlIIt It eilently iuto bis han e!. re l sfl'o m to be crefo th . bf,l;lln figure laet Lbe IIDd Iy, ed. He looked wonderf ully mystifi "':1J~r;~~~~~=:::drlf.~l~ A t it~ close, Gordon offered bis part- 1'br wooo·box lOall " Helen, whllt jetlt ie thi. 1" t!lI= d':~~.;f "':~nr~~ Rnd one, instructi walking still through but. " No jeet wbateve.r," In a Lone of ice. ner hie arm. 1.0 take It, bnt lICemed to think u " laaw you returnin g from your mnon· Lr his side, Rhe declined a ehe at last for hog o. ii, ~'bo entreatio hie 1.0 YIelding Millll with ligbt atrp ll rouud the terrace promised to grant him a futllre inter · eat-looki ng one of the Ro"ard ." view. 'be tben glided from bia lide, I,r tended to be faet face Wat.ohing flim sbe e&W hla him by the ehou Mi Howllrd approac hed bim. and chan¥e, and read ill hie COllfuelo n only But, cold lind uDappre ciative of her aw ful ehnke, Illy convICted flllelt.,. "Call I hlll'e half •...- ~.-.,... grown to be or Thal he IIt.oOd bil~r1y cuning the fascinat ions as he had "No, lIirl" I!hout unap110 him round neyer had ShA late. momeDt ary weaknoll!! whose error he All ber archnell8, "I replUen t a whole 8IIW 1.0 the full now; that thlsclilv alrou8 I'reciativ e lUI to-night . d It.aelf in vaiD my woy to l'et.osJc y to aenae of honor forbarle the BlIteDuatlon all her ewectll6811 eJ:pl!nde pation; ana "Now you look a truth ooul4 have suppUed ; tbllt. be UPOIl his grave prtlOecu to punl"h him lit wood·box man, aft he 5co rned 18 cowardl y to lay the bla1lle Clqued, and boping pointed attentioDS IICCUred twe torrihle wbere reall,. It waa doe, upon the ud. ut, 8he Lurned her engaged that bodYj" I don't rCrlfCl!iCln t eorl11l11l01111 tllr~ wboee wllea and bland- t.o,.hi8 friend Vallie, and 0
Detttnr Oil Saratog a F1Uu!rala. ("Ell I'er'hu tD ' h Cll~
arat.oga is a wicked. worldly plAcc. Everybo dy HirlA, gambleti, and diMipntea. There lire Jleventeen Uatbolic i;>rieslCl "'ho alwaye May at the old fa shioned Amer· ican HOlel hore. They, even, hue their ",incs at dinner, attend ~e hop!!, flirt wiLh the preLty shop ~rlll, IlUd bet Rt the racoa. At 6 o'clock In tho aftornoo n 1 of len go d,o wn 1.0 the bllCk balcollY of the America n Botel, and lOe these s'lI'en· teen prieata sittinl In a long row, with their chain tippeC1 bcIek, engaged in crtlcklng jQkea, while they imoke their Ihort pipes, or tab IOUII' from the 8IIme big tin box. To abow the memben of
onoe ~
\ell: 'tDlng-l IOlli-D g-Dg, dint' dongIIg- ng, ding- i)eD«-I II-lIg-- -" "I'll IIet the age II onr tWllntyl" Mid Hr. Traven, breakiD8 the 1I010IIIll 1Itll1· De8.
, " Two to o~e It',nDder ,we\lt1.-flve I" ""ponde d. Hr. Belmoot., religiou&ly. Keene j " "I' m DO better," I&Id never 11011 what I eaa't dell,erj but. ru 1-_'" rille on. , hundred to Afty that it'. I womaul " "Toenl " reepollded _veraJ and then aU the brokell, . t aiUl
" hit'l-oJi e, .wekA'!MJ and beD. • tollllll thelhe came to to ~~~~~~~I::illietened BelmoD t paid hla bet l1li4 Mid: 'Now
'~,~a~D:d~~~c~~~! p.YI~DOt!t~~;;,~~~~~~m~~~~~id~lI~ir ;m~t.l_o~nNiu~IHn~u~~~jn~ might,.
ODe for a lkIbI for " 1JOIIIIL for a beU 'and t ..o The IIIIPIDeDe. Then _ . a IIIOmeDiI, allence, aul! the bell rang 011&: "ODe-t wo I" '. " K~ne'. r:~ hI" .Id Trave.... "l knew aheuld," .id Keene; and then he wbj~red to Betmen~, "M, co.chma n board. U the lui. and be not t.old me the IIWI', ,,1,* lIad t"eDt,. .. inu_1fIO o I ball a 111ft]IOint," flo, .. qanaJ, J[-.ue had __ "Ileal to
deli1'Or. . -.,.-- --.-- -'--
OoMf(lft u
~uiclc (loch ..l .. 111>1.... ) rowly he lICannod each UnlID1J8red Black and tween the a oereplo; :r caUed fori" TUE each brilliant butler6y emergin g from you didD t IISYthirty i. a well-known fact that the Whilo the CivIl Service BefonD eli and It the Gor· before then IIeCOnd, which ill ub!ltrftd 'COlD It wtlsn't greel1 ·~.I bettin to the s. chrysali have though domino· goMips ber of ing, !!" maliciou s elnnderin Oongre. s agree m diminish of year. ·,E!<.me o£ ojlr time this don lAid, r_nUnU ,.. II You are glad ; Patientl y,he waIted for tbe intervie w man on tbe high rood 1.0 blazet hlld all Cltu5ed about than world this In our of trouble mor d1fierent mean.. the effiCllCY have already engaged in t~i8 of an (lSeUIIII 10 canool an enga~ement tbillair unkn owD hlld promieoo j and ae the BOAt, the other refusiDg w sit bel!ide almost My other cause. Tbo liq uor bl dlploma ticservlc eaBroad , foreign DAtiDne citlzena _ __ or which you havo f rown well,.v.!· wore them· him. ·A-f te r-8-miou~ h llhared- it ",ith tm.ffi o hall been U8ll ilcd again and "!,'llin, are iDcreasing that 8C"iee.. Thus ' wo feetl'fit • es (cativrti tbo and ghL ni tbe THE JILTED Wl' E. " Perbaps 110," negligen tly IIrrangil lg IlCI"'e' awn, an ,1 no sign could ho re two boye and sevcmll58tchcle, and look· but it is very doubtfu l if this traffic, 110 zhao [or,. momcut sad a be mUst there IT that Egrpt are 110 badly Situated in he r bracelet . Thu, as the baDd st.ruck cognize. trace find of the black in~over 1.0 mp. be kindly !:lid: really docs as much harm i. no Amedca n repl'OIMlntative there luet to Bland around II neWilp"ll8r effice aud' ed, decri mucb AT 'lIf. t. in' !'Oear erllhooL hll,VlD'-y bastily. 'Mucb obliged for u[l &pLn, Me turned domino" IIA quitted in biLtorc t lUI that ChUi8 of people, only too lorge, moment , when a naturahz ed reflect -that be III innocen tly ng Iron rendy . t5oo u's YO'u r wife gitll to who are continua lly BOck-ing opportu- at this n Is putDn trW for having ghot the edit.or witb a ij llhje t fllr 80me foel· me, I must. not lose anot.he~ dance. I America "u St. Valentin o's Evc, and the 11'111 look "I' your other proae.nt~ , and poiiltme nt lbo whole sceDe. gin bC&t the of " Fool th at I 10811 IAl trust !.be word of sleep 1'1.1 paM ove.r so me awaUer." nitiee 1.0 vilify their Dcighoo n ond 1.0 down a minon of the eJ:·Khed lvc. For- ilh remarQ . nlghtof the fancy ball at Ashley Lodge. return t.hem to vou t.o·morrow. You t.o .. G Jlln:N-STREET!" called nut. the on· lilly woma1ll" he 8IIid Lo himl!6lf, amid mortal man ever tried nli.n their chartlcle t8 in tho aight of all tllnately , Jlldge Batcheld er, of Allmny \ To and fro ruehed brigands and ancient II. QU.AJI. do tbe I!IImePerbaptl'" Could the secreta of Ie Il member of the Mued Tribuna ductor. "Green 'l treat, ell 1" ejaculat ed s. friend I'ufl ~ of bis morning cigar j and aa, the tlloir Romana , cavalier and monaroh e, ID will betweeD .. IR all to be at an eDd, then, various pcl'1lOns be read it would be by oil nationll le tho Su preme an illdividu nl iD corner of tbo'tcar; &llxlolls ~aroh of the tspecial queen or us T Helen, is this decision irrevoca ble Y" thruu ~ b the o]len window, be 8IIW the drink-pi t pt'lIII&nt, heathen p:&dQIllI8 or ScOteh he questiun ed, bia voice hoane, his .face poatman approac hing under the weight What 001' Bo,11 and ~'hrlJ are Bea41ng . found t.hat mllny a pel'1!On haa been Cou rt for tbe trial of '1.11 foreign CIIlICII in " all rigbt (hill!), jUIlt'1 Ileve driven to suicide, and maDY a bappy EgYJlt, and it III to be hoped that strict o( Green (ble!) 8 any otber mnD." !8umor Anuneoa . 1 1IUIIIII, preferre d by nineteen th century white, All he lU'rllJltod ber moveme nt to- of bage whose dimengi onltold tbtir con· the justlco will be awarded to OUI' fellow I ever "A YOllTH to fortuDe lind w lame . taste, "hile the belle of tbo room, HeleD wal'lls the door. "That I have beeD tell1H, he coutinue d, savagely , " J[detinll Tbe fluby newspap el'H that are IIOld home broken up, on accollnt of who, baving citiz.en lit Oairo. But we have dther unkDowll II recontly leCt. plowing , ~lIDd any of this those Lo br oat agaiD afl t pnbse mYlIClf vile lend at.ories the Rnd stands, ne~'. t.he Asbley, swod uDclaimed. upon guilty of <iiAretlLlect of l!8e ming dis· liq uor deaier'f or It! . that are IIII,..keo .oout more no bueilltl88 of their own, employ their countrym en in ~nia, but no on8ul applied to a whole8ll10 Thero "ero IDltIals IICrat.ched OD her loyalty, 1 own. That I bitterly repent Colly , I shall delMlrve all r get from grin- licntlon, are not, however, the- whole of time in prying into and misinter preting th ere, nnd It is a matter of annety thllt tlie poeition of buug·clr lvcr. He t"f&s pl'O!ram meoppo tite that valse- inl tl llls ib, and tbllt never agaiD .hall you have Confoun d tbe idiotic bDllb!" lUI the pack· eecretJy ing immedia tely after the eJ:teDl!ive Incen- aetonlsh ed to find tb ere Wil no barlje,s • that "ere eora"led UPOD It in a good cause for such complai nt, J 8wear_ Be ning servant deposite d hy hi, eide kable. tho mil!Chiev ou. reaoing that rail iDto tbe acLion of otbera. A case illustrat A LADY pUlMl K 'In horaeha cli-A diary fire which halt deltroye d nearly t.he aaes Inrge, and small, and unmista handa of our boys and girl.. The Lhtl r ft ulta of this gOMiping habit Will many other places, bigber or lower- j Det.-be mercifu l!' the The fire i8 t.ho OD:Y jllace for such librarie e-tbe public Iibmriu , the SUD- announ ced in the Al!IIOCl a~il Preae di ... wbolo of thll City of Berajevo property French mao eJ:olaim K: "What amag61 . ".. H. G." ,standin g for Hollis Gordon j Norwich , WM pillaged by a moh, althou gh the fitlent Rogel I" An Englishm aD ctfe8 Invulnn tarily abe rllised ber CyM to rubbisb! " and shll was IlDgaged to him for more daY'lIChool librari es-furn ish them with pntchee of last week, dated Killingl y, military hlld arrested a large number of out: , . Myh'oy!, what a ~uperb 'drae-7" oned and implorin g. In· Eut word, imp&l!l!i of tbe bio, of Ley, aclion ZibeSind " thl' lise auit tliey Conn,: to &II t; bout A tbo rending of l den dance. great a P"BiDg 0 tban a~ in , lind the crimllOn crub, the pillngen . In the neighbo ring dill- An Amerlco n ojll01l1atel; "That'a a Her ulentin e thie year be had "tantfy thy fell u her vcry tlrt'M trem- there foil from among emboMed en· it, i, extreme ly hurtful t.o them. The attncked his ~I oping wife with Ii .j her fllce, velope@ a plaill square Olle, and he etntil!ti cs thnt our lihrniefi givc ua, 8how· and bent her llooUt the bead eo ber re- tricta of 1'urkey, Roumel la Ilnd Bulgaria , peeler of 1\ sllddle. " pled~ himself to be-bl.. wifl' before f\oocted IDto I,er mind her Il~il The where the name of America is bardly W,n:N Ii~tl e WlIlIhiu gton reul/irke d 1.0 thie year abould elapse, she had prom- bled. Then the word8, .. My 100npy - breathle8l\Iy rflad the writing whoilc ing the gren t exec&! of novelll over 1111 co\'cry is consider ed impoaeible, thrust 1.0 the enu8C ie belicl'cel to have been j eAlousy known since Mr. Schuyle r hall left those his pa " f cannot t~lIa lie," the" 'cUd prelLy cho.rllcte rs he knew eo well :bookR other c1/1.'!I!CH Ised herM!li to him but Wl ahort days genius wh.h 'IIIIWbWa' , the meel 60atiu~ towluds the and, !" for necdlcMly excited bygoMip ing Ilcighbors. rcgion~, the aituation i8 mucb disturbe d, gentlem an tUfOed food mODey us my If " ago. the owillg 1.0 bllnda of Turkiab IIOldiera hav- ment lind of lind ODn lace i. Here 80mbre ." the MW I\rl'1llllCd From abe m, wlla miMe.1 He cetion. eye bllll·roo black ~illhted far clear, , Ber the tbe 120'cloc le, outMlde the gat.el! at Asbley brary one boy m05L Berloua crimes known 1.0 th e law ing become brigands. Further Weat, a rll8cal," he eJ:clnimerl, " another face preeentl y j and then, in silver stal'8 of "Night " ptu;sing the body of Alhania ns bad croMed the IlI!t one yet." of t inDocen pel'1!OD on" su ed in from committ novels t.wo turned door. and Lodge." she !!, hundred ene wearinell took very heart Half an hour latter Gordon was IIlv· month ~t DOd .. girl one hundred lind olli' nM clRimed by tbe gOMilJY ncil;hbo)'1l. Servian front.ier and had an engagem ent "My( wll11t a teep bill ! And ~e With aD effort . bo free.1 her hallds, the ilappilte81 and the IIgbt, and with se ve rill valenthllt to aDswer personal trailing s hi. ng i bead_ draperie her thOfIB trn or eleven w ..etcheR packed jn rllilled twelve 10 the &lime timo. Think of tho The husband , led 00 by bind jllnlou"y with the Servlanl!, In which lind her long, cllU!l!ical be would lL tbBt the poor, staggctm,!! " My hope ift that I may never eee you' tine ; and, clnsped in bllr lover'. arms, conditio n of tbcl!6 children '. mind" at due to t.heae IICBDdal·moDgcl'll, murdon A IbahiRn8 were killed. around her, went out int.o the nigbt. A mu- onc lV~ gon for ever!" penitent . Helen lellrned the true alls"er tbe eDd of such II carnivlI'l of scneatioll1lt his wife. It is " 8IId commen tary un nccel!Bllry 10 150 back W the\!8 of eLAto hone '~lD hllrd ly draw !" "Wretc his? Be had given ber IIOme violete- ber mor_tb at we part here to rath Rnd SoblcHki, 1.0 find A ~imilRr are all ChrisLllIllll, ilium, goin' 1.0 And he answere d bi.,terly, "That i.e the q ueation she hlld sHed of the Even no booQ of positivel y immoral 'be ChrietiAD spirit whicb ie 8uppolled tllVoril4! 1I0wera --glvtn them with lov· bi storical Them plainly flowcrs a yellr before. camp meetill'. " characte r are admitted int.o the pubUc exist in this lIineteen th century thllt of Ibinga in that 8plendid Rnd the in8 lI'ords and klMet! jUKt before the will do. You have now 8poken the by enSion." IN rel,ly to a pc~n whu aaked bim librarie., it is clellr thd the provisio n of people abould allow their unbridled Europe' ln rcniMul a, su rrounded , an~ ball bad commen ced-Juft t before the enough for liven my compreh nn in· Adrintic , ille .£gelln, the lIfumorn 10 much mellLAI eXI:ilement f'Or our tonguCII 1.0 bring A bruLAI death to thoderiv atiolloft be word" TCstaurant," witton 's ::anlage had rolled up. Immora l J,ongeYllJ. is do,i ng them great nocen t pe/'!!OD and another penen to the the Black Sea. * people young Bayard Taylor replied, jokhlllly , with a * cling· little the took e icallyeh Mechan r ctndn na,i Ou."• . J ~allows. Tbe murdere r will probably 1'ime crept 00, and change outran twinkle til hl Reye, "RestAn rant dDmage. merry ing Bowere one by one In her lingers, from FA"ln Forren' s SUnglne ss. Innate depravit y, derived ftmiled and cried and olll of lihrariaDII In be h.\lng, aDd it I. a pity that the Arne conventi SlIriD!,! Inte bim. The frOID res '&. thing,' and taurus, dllrived is her on D llantatio n l. ' foollab old with the ' EdwiD }'orre.t. Wall II fearfully st.iogy 'a bull'-a bully t hiu~." Aeh ley rcr8uade d her father 1.0 Adom'" 'all, is, we SUppollC, the!On Boet.on discul!8Cd tbia mntter ve~ pUDl8hment enn not be me~d out 1.0 the Helen not," me lovoa m_be loves Be II Ilpa, .... hy mon do not die, lUI for moral effect earnestl y allll tried to reach IIOme pmct!· gollliplwho virtually CllulICd tbemurd~red and cloee man. - A t ODe BostOD engugo. abroad. her NISHED failure i& a' .ery tnke "ALP·FI A the to fell dowon the one One by printed Aehley Looge Willi clol!Bll, ond rumors they ough t to. Tho other day we cal conclusion!!. One radical sl1g/lCClI.ion woman's death by their lal.mcat luDs. ment bis IIhare of tho roceipta was '4,000. melaDcboly object 1.0 look' Ufl!lb. l"\Ve gronnd, one by one thel r fragranc e the quiet couDtry of Iln DCCollntof II mlln in Indiana who lived Wal tbat a city or wwn hu. no nght 1.0 They will be held directly respolleibiB Tho\1gh the mouagem ent bad 10At mODey alwaYI turn our eyes at tb.e &J)prOa~of Int.o vaguely came B, dnank /looted Into darkneM tax the people for tbc furnlabi ug of mere by the Oreat Judge for the crime with en it, he exacted the laat penny. The tbe YOUDIt man wbo parts hil ~ir In 'he the ebockd that shook clt.ies 01 mer· 108 years, and .. I that. time ,~ Be IO'etl me-he lovea me not I" and wn, and fllllures ,,·hi ky lind chewed tobacco. That "'&II- amusem ent to anybody , add that there- the commil'ftioD 0' whioh the husband ill money Will banded over to bim, a few middle -lIld cArrioa,a cane which. ¥ a overtbro t.owera cantile her from 811pped For II! tbe laa~ bl~m meant ruin to theu8llndK. of broken It story of II life wi th a bad moral. a fence·ra i! and a ,,"wfore no fiction that ie not clearly educa- eb&rfSed. Were it pDNlible 1.0 try and odd dollan being in roll. of twenty·f ive hand, and the bitter lut word waa ~at and of milllon8ireJI madt' paupers. tht !\like of the mornl IC880n he should tional in ita characte r sbould find room convict them hy an earthly tribunlll , U cent pieces, and he left the box-oftice. crOM between banIcK, atruck clock pie at un- HAlf _n hour IIfterwarde ho returned etided In a IIOb, the eta hunrlred and tblrtY'f!B.,en dllga upon the sheh'CJ1 of Ule pubJoic HbrariCJI. aCcCellOriea to this mumer! it would And then came reliable Intellige nce have died early instead of dilating the bal( bour after midnigh t, and died abroad such immornl lengtb. And here is an Another propositioD wu that BChool doubted ly furnish II wbOl cllOme and with one or thelle rolle, lind taking a go 1.0 the pound," WRa t.he heading,ottan Ashloy nry end-He tbe of of murmur Helen's ear ('augllt the account from the London Loned of the children (nnd tbc rest.riction need not be much-ne eded warning to other gOl!l!ipa of piece of a1lver from It, Mid 1.0 t.he tron&- :articlc lu ~he Raper ~be otber mornin!;. Iflft hie ooly child II beggar. ,uiccre- of nne voice, at leut, tbe one and round 8gllin, R ov. Cunon Beadan, of SWheha m, who limited 1.0 children at !!Chool) should not the poMible result of th eir mnlicious urer, m hie own pecnliar pompou s "S"ko. alive,' exclaIm ed MI'iI, de Flu· clime Eve e'A Val8ntln So a amid 102, hnving be nllowed to take more thaD one story II Ilanden. Abe would have recogniz ed manner : tbe ball given 110 8uc~flllly as died recently nt the Age of key, wben 8he read it, .. no wonder tbuuaan d-the one who!e fllinteRt and Imi· belln hcalth)' nil hi. life, '"we a ~light week. Thllt rule ought w beimmc diately being . "1'hi, quarter, air, which you gave dogs eRn awim , if they'ro Ill! light ) as WIUI year last J..odge Ashley up kept who ; ebecoul d bave .worn to lUIywbere. mnnhood eArly i.n the IlII iIlneSll in Improve good'" mc, is not t adopted nnd rigirlly c:nforood t&t.ed, with variatioD8 and Olnclal Salarlea . tbntl" Captain Gordon Wall laugbin g and Lhe prncti ce of shooting till nin ety-four, public libraries. It is simply debauch · .. What'e the mdter with it?" Mired I B<»toa 'hahllcript.1 by ambitio us Mrll. LIIngwD , Boy: "What are yilll crying for, head· m&ti8JII, bfndlng ovor his compan ion as they meDtal what.rhu~ knew tly. r nC"er cu a who rer, mona tbere treallu for any young penon 1.0 read And HeleD Ashley Wall now Official Alarl.. are very low in Ocr- tb e Sally 7" Girl: "'Cos [ got thll tD<J!oh' pUlled, 110 cloll8 to Helen, that had Ahe governellll where Ahe h&d onoe been ache, or indigesti on waR; ate henrtily at ery " It b.. worn smoot.h, lir, and the peo- IIche." Boy : "You P:Q round 1.0 my one Dovel a weak. many compare d -"lth thOflO io Englnud . billcuit8 between than not drawn her white robe cloeer round often aDd it." take melli, 1.0 every refuee h"nk . The eDtire SIIlary of tho imperiRI chun- ple at the grllndm otber. 'She 'ull show ver what drinker" her, and shrank farther Into the shadow mistreM The tl'llBllure r who wu a good dell I of Lo do; she kno"" how to take hen., out .. How confusin g tbeee things are!" me"lsj who was /l'a modorat e celler, Prince Biemarck. from all o;ou rcCJI The" Atbenllm·m " on Fr~lIn. of tbe trees, tbey might have t.oucbed. one domine obeerveii to another, stand· lind" wns to the last extremi ty fond of new bright a Forrest Mr. and chancell or a wag. handed put 'em hRnk ",·ltpnpvp r .he ",al,l"'." Barbara : Howard bad a white fleecy ing in a corner and quietly regardin g. In rC'-i ewing Mr_J ohn Bigelow's edi· both u PrulI!!lan minister sweet things!' "To the lut his comthe worn piece, and with an' Worka," of t.he empire, is only M ,()()() marke quarter, took and Life in's show· "Frnllkl of never ahawl drawn over her black lace coetume tion tint, two in theee ruddy sell t WBtl just wouldn' plexion hlle "I " Wbo Is it t hllt Gordon Story of a PrlllOn Jleyolt. ('18,600). The highest aalnry of aPril&- the word, 0' "NI,ht, " and arranged coquetti shly p8Med? A lady, by the foot." lUg the parchme nt-Iikll appearan ce eo tht' Athmreum lIaY'!: "Benjam in Frankdollars," slipped it illto of elan cabinet milli ~ter is 86,000 marQ. ebi llinga for five limn fifty y8IU1I ago & revol at plpCB . More "'h08ll ." mcn 8g~ few old the of of one is o~n her ~Iden balr, of niment lin swry Accompa tbe nn night often puzzled a That " Can't make Ollt.," with Pensions are on the aame moderJ\t~ ~cAle. hill pocket. owll, · ~{nllll., prillClD Ullillled worthy Charlcllt the thougbt is which Londen in She was clinging to her compani on'a moral ce n bad r~l!iclc a 11'88 hRs y quarter 10nllCvit This 8mooth domino. the s prinei. Forrest and II:lanco after Lbe slight, black nA thAt n 8'1uad of madne proportio lIuch IIrm, much closer than there waa any e- She blUl mV8tified me once or twice we fen r hRs balAnced the good innu('nc e of cOlllm~mor8 Ii on. WboeverwAlk8dowII They are settlpd on analagou Bost.on. over all govern tbe English kDowD from the NII\'y Yard hnd 1.0 be called ~n .trnnge a is ntCMtit y 1.0 do, and ber bewlrde ring ree~ will !;Co a medallio n ID plee 1.0 tboae wbicb That et. \'nn tion8. 'rn minietrn his of tbc pension this evening!' 1.0 quell it. lIlajor W8iJlwrlg~t, the o( a houee tho~e with these word! ehil-Bervlce pension syetem, mcn live to good ey ..~ "ere guing iDt.o hip. IJteUme of a Locomo lne. TheD! on Budden t.hough t, quitting his dcprnvil,y which mRkefi ought to ehorte n front.rt cd on it: • Lived here Bcnjllmi n .. moU1ltiDS 1.0 a, DlJIny eigbtieth ll of the comman ding officer, marched his men muoh He wU' IOokiQg the re90rM! of bored, IlISt not ices inKr l dOllS prnc hOT!l(l whol!(! "go, iron old to, Tho Hollis weDt up 1.0 tbe inCOlI;ni rocci ved Ilt the into the dinin$.r oom, in one end of ~hollld not be Fmllk lin, printor, phllollOpbet and ataW... "'Iary whlcb W8S being men but gave a atart III! the lOuaic changcd frieDd, bones. and 'uch desh of ]j\·e!!. hortle their the tbtlo longer and asked her Lo dan~e. th e cOI1,V~ct8 hnd gathere.d , with In the 'Ime of reLireme nt as thcro bRYD been The which 1790.' died nt& 1706, i. ive horn monume ittl finale. tall mnn, 10comoL a with ed of life encourag by ordinary She started slightly , but. acceptod lIlee and -oth r woapon uuch aR vea, portrai~ 01 yea.n spent iD the eervlce of the SLAte. a Irni GlIlIery Por.trnit i parta "'fhat· can't he tbe VaIlIB r' Belen NntionA smaller the ·of Some yean. the j and they Mood side byelde in the ' Ten yean are added to the record of thirtr renewal every su monthsj the they could reacb, They 1I.'N0re $hey of thOllB IImung hlllgs hrard bim eay aa he ~t.opped 1.0 look at 16 bow. ranklin ' }lli. Inentab Dnt Sad where miscond uct reqUIre quadrlll e juet forming . the wou Id 'die ratber thlln eurrende r. 'The hi - "atch. worthies whOl!e m!morietl we delight to service in all caececensure. , (VIr,llnl.,N •• _) Ohron '<I •• ] But where botler tubes lut be years, and Dud .. Have you ever been at a thing of bu not called for ODuld thlltifhe major ordeted hie men to load, boldinQ thougb1 It ie, and over I" probable ie It ,j By Jo,e. aDd ooilers, honur; tires, upon yoanj sii 8tepped y ules A 8mllll boy yestorda commeo ced the Aillry exceeds 12,000 marka (f3,000) crank s from six 1.0 ecven yean; the u]l the bu 1I0ts .to view; 'hen IA) lake ,,101. hilD1lClf find would he world this MI. Howard laugbed 90r'1 low and this kind before 7" Gordon revieit hhl of blt'of plank Rnd had the bottom • ,the the I:iaIf of .uch exec.. Is I!,~en fire-hexe wry ~NltJy. " And we are nlentlne a, his examina tion. ulea, and other . parlA! Tben t.akidk out hie watch,)l e gav4 nail projecti ng ... much !esJl,CCted in this ooun~ u,in only account. Dr. Falk, the retmng Bide framea, lln whl~b IA) mUll Into minul.ef ,. ~ot a mulred j but I waa at a fan oJ foot pllnctur ed by II oplntbree Though . convicbi . ' . -Iii birth. hIS vantl\ge of ad ·thnt great JOU and I-how com ill I But do JOU A yM.... thia therefro m. Be hlid heArd t hat a nail ions may dlffor aa to th1! OOUDtry "hich minietcr of public worb and educatio n, thirty thel. q8a~... For tbe. flnlt DIliJule mean-to ..y JOu had II prior engage· ball a Jear ago: at a hoUle in a broken part can be repaired ; and to wound in th.e foot eaut!ed lockjR~' nnd i. elite red the service of the SLA~ in IM7. that It Jet "ere joell and lIecmtio n.; 'lbe nelgbbo rhood, too-Aah le:r Lodge." honor, there 1'eIl1 m08t ive tbe locomot him dOlle ment. and forgot It?'" whole the n condem Mt e does not a di't!ulle d one lockjaw caused d.cath'. ~e tberefor an opPfl1'lllv,! i1l1nc leH 0.0 l1 He. hu conecqu ently thirty-t~reo yelln minute reeqWl1 next '''rI~a -thathh hone il\e a ",ben .. Wu I IIl1:ely. t.o rememb er it "Ith That her voice WIA that indi~pnta While, p; o ab' b~ mo,&' down on t,be edg., of the eidewllik nnd pubUc ecrvlce plua ten, HlsllUlIIry u · to the junk of and tbe last, mbln" perK~I1J)j manJ not 111I8r'1 the Iodecdl. both. in only ill popnl8~ animal .,.onlby my lidt?" ,and Helen Inolon- there waa no dou"t.; whole ilie , Gordon M" In tbe conB.idered hLmeclf a .soner. ," ~mnIY," lIOns who hi" wdUen in IiIIgUala addre. JDlilllter wu 36,000 mark .. wbioh be- breab a I eeh, fat, and booea, "hich \hey benD to albie out lit th Mme, the "ere ments :~ her n ' G ha!ld her pflllllCld taray worth the on, "I've j,:Ot Illr It Brat. figure-g raceful, but not qnite 8IIid he to a comparu tho Il)Ck~R"' r in all Englillh-~ding peno.. moredlr ectly eomell reduced w 24,000 for the purpol8 amoUD~ to a very email in thll eoclinjJ 'In •• jMlniMt ricken nlllb. thru lip the terrace stepe theJ die; I'll be tl)Ok with of CIItilnatlng hls ,pen8ion, which will be orbluia OMDn~ Ilf MAjor W'1i1f!' \hI eClfhllw way tile anilllOn "aa , -flDd Fral\klin Jlot tllan does ah from ber i!gbt., and ,Jae ftload there alone natural. hon&-f1e where , Ii a mlnlt,~bcn ('II die. I'd like to bad a IITgllr circle 01 ~n \baa thl f2.80 of chi, amount, or little over IllD country More jlugled, more intereete d, be .... "riah" I*ked. p bJ ........ "..... .. . .a'" In ill.. iDOonllght, with the _~ 1111 waJ ,fA) &be butdatr'.IIwDNea. t l've JO_t W die IIDd h·" 'melthl" fin Jaalf, ,Is., 1:8,200 maru (18.300), . . turned to bl' talk. "Bom. 'one 1 memom Of hii Ilft.Il t.rold Yiole...t ber fee&. I'." lp cau'Uae I HeaVID to abtenGllaad' been ml1ch IMt ,ear, e,vldenQ ,. Ulue the MJ.e
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4IIC" ILtr$I'"
~ .. II ....... t n , - O nlnllt fb il a
" U".un .... u " U HrcwuhuJ • 1
The Smith Organ Co. First E'stabllsh ed l
Most successfull
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I "tI. •....... ,..
III 1 H .. t \\ I..
ou ~ • ...... , •• • • , , . "
Tlemon! Street oPPosl!eWaltliamS l l e~t BOSTON. MASS
i Military Institute
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4 tl tt tt AND HA RV EY SB UR G RE PO RT ER . r~lI:
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3, I 79.
o Rurn8' IIIghl ll fld Mary
lIogs No
liT A 111111
()lI1 Til . . . . " ' U ' IlHAT
All vSlcb(llltened baby J, a DIIII4&I..I,III·
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uld J t)
Her bro h r IVa. young ter to 1Ilr MllcPhe J1!O n to TilE Oorman do mix things up who, waI a .hlp carpente r null IR the to a maD as herr refer autllmn Mnrl' ACCO inpnnt ed hIm to TilE po tage ~tamp lrnowil Its pla.ce hnd she home VID~ len Deforo enock. afl~ r It btU been licked OIJI;O take a plnoo lD Oh...gow at Bgret'd o TEMI'ORA 0 more iCf'I_ P uc1 iven g then bad sbo t tha 80 mwne Mai:t l yc got t t blul - Jwftat~r &prw ou ) Burns, "llh 8II1hog of Juen the up nn mno coultl h lye 11 II Ife If be E\ wIllJng ull . belen have mny .bo tb ough elt etlort lIut 1\ IttJ!II he wou't mnld Ind. coil unly lofL e h berore 111m marr, to gOIl~ eve r butt lIer nlllk ? the r e DOES broth ber 8upper, ntice appre Ancr hlB oe."& nd fl l blm rsed nu kel't cI IIU Will Reo the uot Mury If nud ' ill Doos, e fI, me beca r"o to one Its IInder tlHnly h OIl CKugbt 11 {over, wluch bum ed h ~ r 111 a responde d Mr Belmont, religiOUS" I A MAN >vhf Il!IJI ,,11 111 tcmpered and (ew dnys to the grave Bt'fore the boy 1m nD better said Illn K eene Sickened llicPliel'!t()n h nd • n~rccd to De ' er se ll what I CIIIl t d clt I ~r bu L I' ll I!COldln~ II I Ie CllII. h~r th WOIll IU1 of the pUrCh tl80 a IRIT 10 tho lu rk vnrd nnd IL rlllk one hundred to fifty thRt It 8 B Ire au ' J fll\ TIT!' YIIUUI!" ma n who prides hi lll elf 15 hkely enongb thnl th e pureh ''''' of t he womnn l r ID bllr, wlllcb \ft regIstered on O""bor 121h llt"e n I r esponded lIOveral , oloos upoo looki ng hJ1rU C ubould btll 1786 may have been completed hctwce n nn d Lhe n all the broL:cCII ent &1111 nod Illlnd that tho . pruce I ~ over g ree n ber d e4th find ber fun rnl It ' "'' III lt ~te n ed to the tolhng bell AB th c bell • Ob 'sheanld , I Ihlnk BOdo. water took th 11Int ane! mORt ( orOOmly conc luded befure the ClIme to the age Ilod 8Lruck tlurt y-one U I!Odn ilcH) u&' No" -oda. dIme on tb barvest fie ld of 10Ye (hncrnl and R Ul ere agrrertt nt to IHt/'- LlelmollL paid his bet and Mid rna hll1I chllllC 18 nOl likely 10 hnve been compl e ted for Keenr Tbe \leU stn Eee O DC fo r a THE qU( ijtlOD OOW la un~ tiO much a 8t1 pellltiftio ue Hl ghl auder wh ile the 'IfJI,II and two f or a wom.n x man \I b ere l!bnll we r us tlOate, Jill whe re wIli , of by l!!!Iue the nnd III g lYin bOy or MnT)' Wi18 Then CJlme 11 moment 8 Sile nce Rnd th e wOlloy come (r.OJ to gilt bnck f of thll tho be ll mn g out " u the detel- UIl O rt.aUJ I tJunk the eVldenco AN editor In RJleaklng of a new book, eIIOm n3 dentlt Mury', to bUllal pomt.ll • One- til 0 I , Jen t tbat l!lIy! " It 18 beunlJ to !!ell " of tory The 12 where about Octobor K, cnc ~ got IL l Mid Trn\ crR. what tbey ulud all book! (or, geu tally 1 In l\lury 'Io the 1I1l11l0rOOl verses, 1 kncIY I . hould Slud Krene .nd ENE HCc ltahe)O tnM61l tl\.I len~ H ven " 1\ ns glv 0 by lir~ Btl ntK to lh pn he II hl 'pc red to Belm ottl 'I y ProfeSllO r- • fto,. do you know tbat one nt spc hilt! s 1Ifr MoD lflrm ld Burn coo, htn n n hon rrl . At the h Dtl tiC nod ho you kttow anythlu! ! ? ' 8eDlOr- " I don't opt hnrvrs of dn,. 10 the u Bunl \l orlc 1.,ld me th e man. wlCe h 2d di ed no t know t But lUI twenty mtoute ago II ad " SlIre 1101111 pnrentlr. In eltll lIe nt eplrl l1l A NORTH C AUOLI YA man has an In to Rl'l'cnred he tbe tWIIIgh~ d eepcoed So aJl ueual, Keene had !.he wb en t to teteaUoJli of tweD~l1even dalllbat nd li g llltn e m grow' v .y 811 0 nboutl!O deliver t had a rt6ti~ . .te 10 tea bMll lie ten lM.ynrrl b the ,ellgth mIucl ercd olli In to lWa. to which bts wlrc 10 h er l\n"loI Y rol BetnrnlD8' to the .ldelle Ares. AN agrlcul~ura1 ~Jtet ...1I-111 11U' JO'1'cd hml, cntreAtlllg Ium III \ 1\111 t4 ( N T Coauntrda l .Ad..,III., 1 II dl)lng wondon for P'N., ,... beet turn rc to obften e tbl\l. fru~1 hau,;at In l nnd The awful roport.ll of mcendlll r1" fuu dead beal. II playing the m1liohlef 10 tWI IUd to ~e hr iii On UCtDg 1I1:1IIn mu nlen, revoll8, dCllCrtJ DI, pil1u\lt, d to do 80 he I'rutlltl'Cd neD of cholera outbreU ., ",blc1i are countlY ftgl\lD rog" ~ cr~ IllIIIJ!I9r SOIllB poet he r( r "h cd (iOntl,IUln co, but stili remu~n daUl reulyed from. Eulem EutOl".'l 100. striding up IUId dDw n slow ly co n llIow that tha, pon.u. of &be Old lff"~ r _ IlOCieT' 1t" 0..- illlp ...... . It Ia \leciauee they ('aa't paint y the eky, "bleh WOK KlIlgulntl and I ~ to ~ retll :t lae~ 1I1Cl1. Burn. lafut _ L _ ~ ' ·__ "-'.' aI. ~.Jiair JluCt Cllltoma of' Ch. Tn DIaD ",bo of st",.,." utl-clyi Agel, and th&~ the American OOleJ'Do churcll plate 16. bellu.'lf!l 1 planet !MDt ,.-ould do ..ell UrlI
bal It t Ir)l"
.,ta, ..
Tilt JIL1tI lIOH
. .,
( " ns ~ t \ RI. IItln~ _ ~ 10 1111 I th e IIH:ht o f th e fit c\ lmll At I . h te \ I. I!(c 10 ROll Ir . ru he I b tl !:n ,,,I . nil ! flO Clrnt III u\\nllt.~ r~ nnd ItHHU\r \: h " H ODlKI1t' a li X I 1I 1 ~ "( a rc h 1)( t he ('~t (1(' 11\ 1 q lI r fli ur p('Mllnt ho ,Ih o I I!" line;< IT :-lc lleh Ins",e prefc r,. I hy I t1\otcrn th u nlUr) I.>IKte wlttl. Ihe he d rol tit e r Ol nt lI e lr n " . hl (' I .1 I tl lI. IJllOI Cd 1 he rr "er .111 11111 . MI r"lc ited )II her prog rslIllIH (1 1 !,"K lte tlat lal .1 - Inltl d . titnt \l oro ~cm wl t' d otl'''" . t n" good IIIUOY n lltH I,iac,,' hl ~hc r ,r In \\ er<Inltitn r I r HIOIII ~ (ord on B ( \lut! Khe 1\ nft c u!;nge.1 tn Itt 01 fllr mo re Ibnn n 1'" 0.1II!! linnet' Ih IM h p hK I n~r ,"l r nllllt Iletlc(" \ 1I100"C'iI t he-h ' , wlf. bolo n Hhoul l rill!, "' . he blul l,rOl\l tbl s l!let! iln.... tr t J htln hott tf'n . h, ri ,Ia v_
,, "r
lIer rlrtt r fnr Rooth. r fl" pre"cnll y IIlId then Itt Ver) ho HI \l Cnrtnrs' .h e turned lrom lbe 111'1'1 lilt''''' nn I the It gl l a llli \I Ith iter I. tt~ cI ",",cal rlrnpe rll s Lrtt lltl g llroUDtt h or 'Hill lOut Into Ii e II"ht He hn rl g" ell iter HO l11e "olcld- h er (1I1 0 tllf' fl o\l Cr"-'lIH n thelll wuh 11) \ lUg "orol. II1d kl ""''' ) n-t hrfo n lilt h"ll hRd e,l11lllen cerl - Ju . t twl. rt til(
nrrlage 11l1I1 rolled "I' Mec bl\tJ\cnlly Hh. «'ok the Ittlle c ltD ~
J.anltton s
Ittg flown. ,ne I,y onr In her fin grr. '''th th e e lrl fooll.h In ,l\ lItn tlClII Oil h e r 11('8 l:I e IOIeR mC- II c lovc ~ me not Oue b) ono IIt ~ n)\yer ~ Idl to lhe jtrOUlld on~ 'lY on. Ih~tr Ir lp:rnnt C Hooted Into ,lnrkneo;lO< H e IO. ~H me- he 10' eH me not I llOd from hrr Ah th~ I .. t bl"" "ttt hond lind tit" hltlN a~l \l o rd ~tlllerillt n Hoh th~ Klltlle clork ~tru ( k tI c hllif h,,"lr uf ~1 r Ittldntgh t Rnol Belen" c If rall " ht the murtllllr 01
."\,p.c d
tc~. -.
e ' flto t lit Irll.t lht
"fi_ o n~
.he wO\lll hR' " rcco!!tI" I I\mll R th ,uHa,,,I- ll. r (ln r "h 1 r fnl nteot to ne sh" COlli. hn\< ""orll to anvwhr rr art.rtttl (, o r 1011 WI~8 IRu ghlng lind h pndlug OHr I". c, ntpattl lit "" lh ey pU'"eol M elMO tn H ele n Ihnt hs,l . he It l drawn her whlll' mhe rl oftO r roUllri hr r snd shmnk fnrther IOlo th e shl\dn'l or th e trfeo thrv ml ~hl bRVtl touched Barbarll Howard bad II wltlte fleecy .hawl ,iro" n (lvpr hrr hlHCk In( e co.tump of NIJ!'hl lind arrut l!cri cfl~\IelLl"hly upon ber Jl:oldeo lUll r "he WII" ehngln!,: 10 hor CU tll pntl Ion " nr 11 much cloKer lh lll thrre W811 1\1\\ nr ca... 1t y to rio nn,1 her h"\1 I Ide II II g f'\ P'4 wprf ga1.1n~ IlItu hl P [I e 118" 10 k.n/( t. e rt ' cr•• 0 R .tllrl J\R lh~ IlU " IC hul
It,.< Ii .lIr
1 hilt elllt h, Hr I htlll RMY hi watch
t 1\ ..
Helrn h. _tol'l"11 tn I 'ok lit
he lhl 'RI RC I
thollgh It IH nlld m e r I Hownrrl lau~hell ' c ry I"" Rnd
By love ~h8t!
A nd we are valenltn es vrry Hwr"lly Y(\\1 uod I-how comiC I But do you mrno to sny you had R prior engage
m"nt Rnd rorgot I~ 1" Wl\.~ I likely til rem ember It WIth YOII hy my sldrY' ond Helen IDvolun tar Iy pr~RCd her hl\Od on her helICt thl n "l' the terrAce MIRra they pnssed he tn ber Klgbt, snd ~he Mlood lhere alone a~HI
thr moonllg bt with the l!Oa!'c
ter"d violets a t her feet .\ll~s Asb ley's abeence had been much L
IUid pI'&-
~,:\aad tAl
tor ~~M
but we o f the IRlId Rre fuil 01 th em luF llIlil llll Mh", I co re mony Cllll e.1 Iheg reell coH n !tIlIC., wh ich 10 ub !IP rved Iboul lb •• tim e "f HK r ;;Ltt10 o[ ollr Cltl zellS lttlle nlrcl\d \ IIJ!IJ!"!! III thl. fe. IIVlt, I r lIIu -L be II "K I In '"'' Ilt hr II m BIl li e " ol''' l'c r ulhce nnd l< Ktsnd I\rOU II I rdl ~d th ut I, '" IlI lIUt e llLh f tlrt Jls lltn c the c.ltl()r II \Lh I " ttl J<o t I r'lO lII e fool ,"h rentt\r k.
I', l1'u .. BI
MURDER MOST FOlJL! W&f11 c1vH e tllo Scono of Anoth el Gha ~tl TrBsody
lilli ,
'.lil t!
n !! I "~l , I k
J] III tsoc ll IiIHt \1 «(
ft" illdere lIorror Om clone 1
- ~t l~1l ~1 '!!l " I
Tho tr Itrcfly ut K, ldeto hl\8 nut PoWIl dim 111 the lUiOds of ou r people, uno yet 1ne8uI\ the om Inuillty " 1\8 plunged \lito n gul f IlUrl UI nn.1 II\~ lu i IIlJst ry ut the dUlCovery of t hree deud lIud d eeo lU po Ing It R III u lill ie hOllse 4'lgh t on tile mnl n thoroughfnre II ollr \ J11 ~ ge, c1v 0 to II Igil bUls, UIIU dJrl'Ctly 011 tllo Bldownlk In tl\l 8 httlo 11('111 fo r IIcurly n Y('Qr has Uvea 1II Ii IJ1PY conlel1 tm n~, ns Inr as" IS kn oll 1\ AIl'S Moille IJulte and her 8011 Wll ho E An dersun 11 1>OY IIj 0111 n \,110 IVI t lVO vears luls worked I II the Gm.. Ho ofhco tIt &hIS Iliac) nnd contrlbuted I ward hiS lUothCl'S SliPP rt Mrs lint wll o lnl\ld eU IHlwo
was Crntg, WII U. Au erllon,
8UI IDE I<' ~JlIJK Whell cOlld u ~li Ulll pel's tlllill l oao'lcd I'ln ll\\ Ill e Illst nigh t, u cru \\d vi I'Cl1pl ~ UII IUnl lt! IIl,ont tire old Wilt, r tarlk, IIlId It \\ lUI U 1\ cove red that W il il u E AmI " '01111 doud body Wll8 ly 1 I g \\ I tI" 11 Llro III 0'10,,111 0 A VI loL Will! l~ lrig U C II
.coonrl iD or near 0 1110111111\11 l U lin lOBllUO IeJlum, emu two y nrs ago sbe tame he e to kcop honae tor hllr boy T hey hud kll1d Irl lids \\ ho ClIICOII IIgod Bll U 18100 thern Illld W lUIO, abolludll1g III thc vig r vi youth t\lId Inll f ml llcTllet, could nut be cu1J ed a wiltl or bnd boy Be wus gOI crOll8 to II. t lult Ilnd hlB cmplo,} ors hcre could hllu 11 0 I181'IOUs ch mgo ngUlll8t hun In any rospcct H UI mother on h!;l Ic.otllrn to thl8 pillct: aftol many yeal B, wail stIli belllltlrlli and ntlrnctJ\ 0, but, although here III Ihe Sllllle ~lace WIth hor first husband, ClllI lIeted bCr8el f v.l th strwt VlOlJll c t.> appearrug bnt \ elY hul e JI) pll LlIc , and gOlllft IOto no SUC10ty ilut thut of hcr rc utI ves Her ugo "ns JlI O\) .hly Hurt) fi ve .> CIlI S The hUni ly of MI Halto \vus III creasoo, 1\ few weeks Rgo,by tlieur nvol of her SIster, !lIlU t IIttl e ~Iter Mr OlclnontllllJ Wo(\ks !LIl U , yrtl e, 01 ClIlornn lltl, who CIlIUO lip to bUhld n I< \\ weeks ItI tbu conn try 'n o !tItle g u l "as Ub,iut ,wol ve l enl's olu lh e b \l~ lJ lid 18 8. H W ceks now III 1ho Cit} M} rt lO'8 1I11IUC \\ as Shll w, she Le lug Weoks tep ... nug htci M rs W eeks wns the d,VOICCJ Wife of Stopll<lIl Wceks nt presel1t elllployed on the tux uupll cut o I II the Oounty Audltur'8 ofh ce She bad been tWice mllrrlcu, fil3t to II lIr Curr, luther of tho Dlurd ofod , flrl , anu thou to Stephen W eeks » cr rolutl yes the OruIgs, IIvo 1Il Iodmlla About n leu.r ago Mrs Weeks procllred u d,volce Irom hel hU8buud 011 the grvulld of iUlluru to Bupport IllS tal/Il ly OcJO'lJojJun donce bad bocu kept II P lHlt\~ cou them 811l0e th It tllne hi!" ever und there Wli S a I 10SJlcct ot the il 11\ III g to~ether 11';11 II
J) R A 0 orB:)1\ WU8 IU 1 Olll Cll1nnt l ye~I"lu ll y !lUO \~III h LI 0 011 OXnllIUUdlUil I1p II Ill S lill val Ue prot ts clllm) l,.tuornllco 01 the nfflllT Ilnd hat ho ellll I'r vo 111 8 whcteahout8 I r tUI! lust tlll duyt; I He Bays W lito ~po It lln l fitlv I1Ight II ILh It III ut tire (, IIt IIOllil III IIIClI1 I1Ut, lind In 110 \I lly IIlt l IlIlIteJ th nt ho ClIl r lcd 1!1Ich a gbllst ly sccr t • Wo hope III onr nl'xt to g 10 II 11I1~e l r pOIt. I t l 18 d reaMnl (JC( IIr rellCU, mClllltll1l 1..:1.8 I vjJ!I that nit rouy appear III the IImd dollln~ veil lit rnystory \\ hl eh It rn~cJlt cllsbrouus the umbIlical t1ctd
A II eJlClllll1gc hns ( mprl d ollie IIlterelltlllg 8tl\tl lIC:3 r l:lgll rd IIIg DPlkos 111 OhiO Jt I (ll'tmr~ tbat noarly hllif tite U0I1I1 II(;8 II tho Stllte r p"r t 110 III rI I' h \\ hnt~v ~ I Other eOlllltlcB h a ve 111 \Uad t! olily 1101011111 I Vulle) lR IlIrthl be6tsl1 l'plt ~ d t\lll 111 1 plkl .. al d tll1 ~ Ild vflnt go 1 ~ llh III ti l: vfl lne 01 land hnll II crl!lls«i th e \\ ollith ( f 11Irlll ~ (Ir b I l l1d Ihe II c st r~e lull u\\ IIlg I~ tin: dl Itnlm tlOn of tllrllprlcs III tho Mlu ml V II lov a~ ropor leu 287 nlllQ 13utlol ~ ] 50 MOil tgumCI y WRlI On 550 Olorm li t 137 :JOJj CIr II tOil Pl eblo 639 At 1111111 a96 ] 83 " G recllo 216 " Ololko C hnm pa lgn aGO " Dill ko 5:16 " 120 " 2S0 "
fll .
Liver Bulb
lIlee SU lldRY !lIst
E~n N~
SUFFE H A UA Y ! , \:' t 'l'fT
Oytlip c I>" jll
Ucllglotll; Notice!!.
E ldor
R 131f,tga wil l preach I I
the lhptlst Ohurch Ile xt f:)\ltu rduy II.IIU Bunda) ~lt th e 118UIII hUU!'B
Vuliuy, o
o o
o o
(tl) .
September 10. with Imposing Oeremoniee. Grand Military Parade. TIle Oity Profnaely aDd Hondsomely Deeorotod. Ohio Nationol Guard
................ tr
& il DIMXMC by 1M (JtfIII!ml~ rI 1M SlnJ.e Q/ O/lio (Uti'll om,. of all tile
Dlomoont oreated to each boWlO ~ thoroln), Timt a l,ro~ltllln to abnd Lbi CoI\BIIllltwn of he Hta1u Ohio be eobml ~Ied to tho eluctoTII of tI,o Slate. on lhII eooond TuClidJly of October. A. D. IBI9. • follow8, w wit : That IOC)tioJll!l S and 6 of nrtlcl o 4~ entitled" Judicial," bo llmended 110 lIS to ue and I'CIld WI follows : BKCTIOlt S. The Blalo e.hllU be divided Inw uilio common pli>n8 dl ~ trlctlo, of whlt-h the county IIf Hnmil lon .hilll constltule ono. which d!llt.lel " lllooll be o( cumJlllnf boUIiUlod by county Ihl ..... alld "" hI el lstricts. olher than MJd l'Ounty OJ H amilton . shalt, wlthont division 01 counliCll, be furth er divided Into sulHLlvIHI01lfl1 In ~nch of which. and In III1id OOlInly 01 H amilton. then' sha ll be el ceWd by LIIIt , (·tocto... tu oroo1. mopccllvely. nt ICR8L cmi!' J u<Iso of the conrt .. f rommon pleu 'er
BIBho», and Other Dietillgllishcd {lueals. The Reventh Oincionati ~xpotlition will be opened to tho. pt1b1i~ on Septel1Jber 10, wi~h liPl?rorpmte .ceremonics, uud will ill .. ite pntronage fur one mouth . 1u p~illt 01' IlttrnetivenoS8 the di sJ!ll1Y wlll bo socond to Ilone over holu in A merion. Ih the extont and variety of exhibits it will be secood uniy tv &lIB World's ExpoRitivn. ut Phila. dcl'ph.iu, iu 1876_ The EXpuB itic'l1 bUIlding WIl8 erected exprc8sly fur tla", Imrpoee, ond its cost 01 (.v('r cno ruilliolJ dollar8 fairly rcprese nts the lil1erul ideal! 01 tllVSO proiliutillg th u .oll tel·pi·ise. lind is a j!1II1l'llOtco tllnt
terri Wry.
tlllCt:cSij tlll
LBBlimOI!, 01110
tua district, ond residing therein. Coorlil of OOUllllon pleOl! shnlt be held by 'one or ruoro of tbeiIc juugcs in every county of th o dl!l.rlet, as ofum DB DUly be provided I, by law nnd morc than on~ colirL or slUiog thereoi may be hcld at LIla sruno lime 10
eitel, dlstlict. thro. 6. In pach dllllrict there IIboll be e lected, hy tbe ('leeto nt ot lo rj;c Of IAlcb d " lrlct, onp jllc\"~ of Ih~ di61ricL court. by wbom the d l"lri ct 1'Ut111ll 10 !!lIW diutrlc l .hlll1 00 hetd . und h" llI.ull ~ive such Cllt n p t' H8Ilbo n ns 111nr be 1H'\I',rkk'd1w Il\ w DiKln ct courlS . Iml Lt, hrhl III l'Il.of,
SnPTEMBER tG, 17, 18 AND 19, 1879.
So)'tOIl1 hor 1 () I tho OlJio Nat,i 1101 Guru'de, th~ I merrhllllts an Q oil eocicti,,~ 01 Cill cinnoti will pnrticipnte ill tile grand pfoce8tlion. The city will IJO goyly beyollcl prl'oodcnt.
cou nty ul l ~ u8 t 011ce cwry Y\1". 1'he (; l1(' rn\ ASl!Cmbty III n........ Ih~ nUIDher 01 d i&lri ct ('()\tr~ jud ........ '0 110.,..,. In fiUY dlS. ri~t or dis t ric' x, UlI(' mul' l 'l'O'iido for hllYllIg n Jull ...", pro 4-I"I!QfW!, 0 holel nny court "lH" novl~ r l1('~ry hy YCn8tJ1).. of O,e 1",luro. •hr.qllnlitK-t!liun. oI .... 1W'C or
i:~1~~~~~~::'~~~c~!~~;!~!~t l ~~~' ~ ' ' :,-~-~!) ~~~~ ~:~~.~ ij.t ~J~~ ¥~'s1t}i.~~~. e ~~tf~t' ._ ~~~~'J
FL 'nAt H'ATt
gcd at tho fnmooB hill -top resurts Mild ~t tho _Z,lOlogicnl Gorde.ll1. It 18 eVldollt thllt th o stTlllIgcra Vi8i ting Oinci nnati 011 SoptOIll ber 10th will choerfully rccognize tho claim that, 80 fnr us ottmctioll8 are 8Ouoerned, the" Paris 01 Amorica" la no l\nsuitoblc appellntioo for the Queen Oity of the Wcst. Tho Pittsborg, Oincinnati & St. LOlli8 Roilway COlnpnnY'--Pll o- 1 Daudlo R uutc - ,JI'ill eOll1lUCnCO tllo 8~le of CXCUI'BiUIl tiekots to Oi ncill · 118ti nml retnrn 011 SO}JtCIIl hor Gth, and continoo ' ()r Illl traills until the otOIC of tho EltpollilliolJ, October ' 10t.h. Apply to oeare8t Agent fur time-tahles nlld excnrsioll ratcs, or to _O, 0: lJaiocs, Agcnt p, O. & St. L. Ry. DeJlut, lit CUl'\viu O. An impudent
n~ Llil' 1" 'li,' IIn,l mllo'vl'l!,! L!a ,· !ai:!h" H~ IIl l1 n l l\!O' (I f \' U ~CH a H lacin g ~lJ c :11 0 ''1' 11 i\ U::;U ~ t E. \V ii I I uc,·j \ C "
h.a:i.::n.. 1c1.. fROTTING AND RUNNING every day on our elegant tinle track. Numbers of Fast Trotters are expected.
~ -="" -_--0=0-:--:
DB.. H 0 K E ', l'U W IO
WHbout DoI'.ng; The Better Way -.
m: m«.: A I.
IPII YSICI AN & Al~( ;O urI! El \
HO. -!I\II-AN'
J... l~ R e.eid dttCe, 21.;'..d
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S O " ~U.;n Exc 1 11)1'( HUUTI>8 I I.I. U9TUA'r8 11 ia tlaeti tleofu VOIIlIllOis· 1 "Aued by tho Pell llsylvlLll iu' Railway ' .1 ' I' 1 OtllIlpllnY·l\l1ulul· wllol Wlllll'ui lld,,\,tod t u tho cOIII·tosy of W, L•., O'Bl'ien, Et!~_. tho ·Ievel· wc;;t U,'II 1' n \
U~\:II't lIt ,,'0
lin 1m , -The VClltllll U II UIlt.llllltly illulltrutea Ulld ucscri bl·ti I the 'm llIlY Illid v"l'iElcJ lLttl'uctiu tl 8 vf tlltl 1'l!\l1ISyh-;1I1iu HuilruII,I, \ itla : ill! grlllld IIIV\lutain 'OIlOI'Y "lid i~s!
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g~~..Clu~: b~.!b~~~tI:t'! ~ .:~~t~~
~~at....-lDarket of tho cnBt~rn world h Id ttl" t' f tl aa.II\:co e
118 Junc
Ion 0 10 ola,o and Ohm Rfvcrs\ in Uns8ill, n summer p • every Ii r " ndrcds oj' yol\1'8. Here the nnti~ntl of Europe· . un d ' ~· ·1 I tIlelr ' , prod lIcta 81U meot WIt _.. 0 k 01 l' for tnouO. , 08Saq, linc80. urk' • H Bnd' Peraiot) meet thc''(lormhn IIl1d ·tho G. reo k wit II every variety 0 r merchl1ndise that mllnkind em' from snpplll'res to grl'odstOIICB ItOY8 I , , tea. opium, for, t'lOd, tonls and tab, d lll8t 1 ut t I t , cd rlOB, an ) no el\8 ' m 1& C J C A
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T~t~~r, S~lL Id~~ulII~.~~~d II t I' "I
I'l..- .
,mj:w rill , u cers. NI' llra lg ; lI, I'ain in tho Bon 'S ' id~• • AlIltI Femalo C , " I. ." 'V en kness. L!' rlhty. ,<lllcorrhCl.ln, nl'l ~ lOg from illtcrn:tl ui cerati oll. nllt l t;tcr illu ~ t:lc urin \ u.,'lSdisuns·. ::iyphlli Lic nUll ,,I D lJ . ,. . t' cases, ro\;sy. YSP° \,SIlL. LlllaCla IO n.
.iag~.~fi ~n.nH~~~~'.lc~ LI ••• and
IlIlI""I""• • ndKal_rl.. IlP1J!:I!NBIt:LT-4f .~Il!nI.llf.dSpl_aud Llv. """och
. er.n,I CbIllCalio.and Curn 01 llUANT PAD-fUOI 1'1'0'0''"'0 Cbolo l. 'n' aOO 8urn-
",... a..mpl,'h...
Au.nt.rt 'or Nt,. lOllY l'LA8TIl1lI-4O!1. } ~.nd••Clrcnl.lI..
G IHlml1)" ility. and Blood. This SnTsnparilln. is
l'uri fy illg the
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ArnlCa · Li· nlme t
I Ali<I on Lho t1rsL Mouday of
A.~rllin 'ellCb
v a.:
In hoi.' ~ho 011100 for Ihroo y ....." rrom 'ho ' MllndnYllcxtsuccoodillgbiselcction,lIDd uuti! hla SUCCCl!SOr ls qUalU\ed. FOR~[ OF BALLOT.I ' tI f AL . "id cloeUon 10 votors II ,nVor 0 tho "dul,Udn vf tho alllendment to SeoUon
two A.~lcle tl\''', .-.l101l bl1vo "tace.1 upon tudr b"Uols tho wor<I •• "Amendment to SecUon two. Articlo two, of Conat!l.uUoD. I Yus '" lind thnso who do Dot f.vor the I1doption of said alDondmont altalll h!:.? . p laCed tiltOn thclr ballols tho WO"... . , "Amondmont to ScoUOD two, Artlole!'wo, . of No ;" thosu Jl\'ho fnvof thCl , adorUon SectionuJIOn one,tboir Arflllle 1hrce. 81.,,11 h.voof(lllU:cd ,ballOlll the wortls .. Amendmont to Scotlon one · ArtI. ole lll~. of Con~tltlltion,-~ Y0II;" aDdf thO/lO . .~ • Id who .In not fav or tho uuoption 0 ItO umollllm onL 8hl111 have place<.\ u/:n LIlelr btl 'I wor"., ... .. Alllell'IIDoot 0 ........... n 0 1".10 ..uu....... 0110 Article throe, of Conslltution. No;" - - - - nnd' tht>llo who fi.IVor tho ruloplioD of ·fIec.
R ",
Cast'o'r ' 01"1 PI-lIs, BRI CK FO It SA
Burdsall's Arnica Liniment
to '
11 1)1 D"F" n T '. .
I year th erc(lfte!J, Olle '1'rIlSteD aha I be eI~tcd
1I0u havo plilcecl upon luur u,ch Artlclo bnltols ten. I.ho shl111 words. .. Ainendmont to Sel'tlon rour. Article ~n. of (Jonetltutlon. Yes; " aud UJUtIO who do not favor Iho nuoption of snId IlI1>6ndtueut ehml havo plaetod upon tho~ bnllota tho word., "Amcndmellt to Section fo url A .. tJolo tell. 0' Constitution. No." .-.
0/11 (lY nell.
011 th e fil'9t Montlny o( April. A.. O. 1ll!!O,
S ick H ead ach e.
Door': N01'th of th" Post"":ffi·"e, ~
y'cjrt"'I!'rlllll L10
tliclr 0 celiOIl. un II untIl Iholr. 8U<lC1llltOlS
m"U"\.,'Y .... l'~Vlllf' .; \
hAI' " .... ~ w.
' ~::~~or;~~r;~3 t~~~lfo~on:.!eoa:~~~
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... -
~1 ",,·i,, 1 11'·.. ·1 ";,'" J~ "'III f" r 1.",li ,·" 11.,,,JOOT" vpgntnbltl nltcrilth'es - tiLillilJ'l'il\. ~Inll- Wolg p " ",1 P,,, ,k "f!r. ,·"".1 f ..r r... ·, · "f ", •." .",.. ' <iO'nil e, y,·llow Puck - . w ill. Ll w [otli,lc.s II I'::' U ':Y .'. ell A» ,I IC IC 1'1''''''' . ' t.,~J,';l,0~.::~i.ii~ ~~C.~b~r,Ia~~,:.;;~m~t of ]·otl\:;.qium an.l lroll . nlill is tho I,,~st . , •• ' 0 1 0. ellicacio"8 nlt"li ci n~ y..t l",n\\I1 ' for N(,.... ]'l"l.', OJ "or 1••,,.,..ln'nrmallon .. 'o dl ...... , ..e,bed tho tliHI"',~CH it iH illtellllcd I" CI.lrCo SUCC I'..'!!OHS · "" . 1 - - b U l' d I~ A · XlI.l.ltJt1&' cUUlull our lllUl f\ I I .\, r " 01l8 Il,'I: Ilulel.y It~J1,i l! cd I I1141 S . S. iCi1l1'8. . - ycr ' 0, s ee - PiI.L· .t.l'~~, u . Jw ingretlient.~ Urt· SO Hkilflllly com- lI"i ...., huld d Iwo ,'e "laili 1I0t". 11\·,,1.· I.." IIIC cbrnted rcmedies frvm Amel'ien HOLMA" I.IVER PAD CO. ,biucd. Utat th e full ult.:raLivu .·n~ct uf ~,I,;m 1'0, , IIH.)I) ~ .,ch . nil;)' .. hid, I " "' ,I " It· ~ o~~~rn wel'O di splayed ill BII el('gullt Bn· t:. 8 . C"". /l1td Itl'" St•. , 1' ....."""1.. ·0. cllch is nssurt'd. IIUe! whilc it i ~ 5 III He!. I' ·I' r ll " " ·;U(II . I... ;~ . .,,,1 a'e tI,,,,: .. I " U . ji. za'iLr. !A'hore tile Doctlil' .laill18clf (IS to be hurml~8!I ~V('11 to cl.illln!ll. i~ is YI'II" frulI' d"l e. will. i ll" ' O"L nl t' p ·''' '·II~., '!l ~ -'. ~J ._;.' !) ~LiI1 ~o e/feo ~lIal nato Pllr!lO Ollt fl'OII1 \hc PI,.".,;,· lIIul,oI,I, ; "I.d el, .. I cI~iUl a"... · mi~ht sometimes be Be('o. They "YHLCIR Lhoso i'liruritll ·g 11 11<1 cQI'I'llJ ,tiIJUJl ~ill l . h · '-UIII·O ,,~ .. il1f( o d'l .oOLc" 011 ,coounl l ~ ", ~ ~ ~ arc.kl!owlillUd taken Ol~ ~tepJ1e!\ of. nn. o. u"."'''>'. Cule.'Y nnd h" molllile which dove lop into 1'U:ltllsUIU IJ .lis . .",' . " f .. "'''''''h ".1' e"V"I~'),L '1.' I'll.IlU rc .. 1 c.,' iII:1I"'-.U . ·1 :.f:. 1I;11 D 1 ' ~l! 'U ' at., ~UlJl e~ ~ IIV .. 11 tl 't . t tI ~ The reputuLioli it enjoys is t1~l'h' ecl .1110 "ltcmpl ..1 ~n b. c" o.'ou. t" . him 10 '~<'!:; ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ..u811\ a~ \VI) as !e 1'ra1rlCS o. Ie PI\I" IIro ,"I·,,".oII o')lIu.~ ly In Curt) . Iok from its cures. and tile cOllfidcnco wldch m'·. "M the e~!I , ••d". ~tI()1I yf Pll id 1I·'a... [ West and are an ~ffuctOIlI anta:iote Hondllcho, Norruu.llo,", iSlul·pl.o, . IlC.....Dd nrotninp.nt I,hi'aidau" all over tia I COIID- C,,·o )hl. I\I'lIee.' " ........... lu p" ..i". "h" 'd' I .vo -I' I wtll ellro .. IIV e"'o. Olllee, JUb N. En&aw tr" ·.·.L • '. ''''ltl L olher.'\'\,. ,.ko '~ho' ,"/lII.fAr til pnl,) . Iior t I IU 1~~U8qa tilt , \'II t le , Streol, \l"ltl ... oru. Md. P.·ico .~Oc .. IIO"lAge y.repose 1D .. rro~1t _~IJl'xpt:rlCliotl lICIu. ' . IIEUNIl ,\ 1.11 'iWEN . Bourts 01 tbo North III well ns the I""" . li nd . otd lIy uti Drug!!;.I. ",,,I counlr)" 01 101 us~f"llIess. W" )"!l c" IlT,· .JUI;' I l:'i!l. r.1.~.~. "f'~ , ':r:.j".' L 7 ~\ Certiiicat.c8I1tl.t~RtiDg its\' il'luOfl have __ . ______ • _ ...:. _ .' ." VIr U• a olld c A b·.·IlS Ot' tllO WcstC1U' SIoO.08. Itul~rcuee-Ho .. ~rd Bank. Buill· co.:lincnt.-"[LiticQ!n (111.) Timcs. Dl.o rc.lld. aoculOlllnted . Ilnd ana cOllat.auUy being Jj . ~ .... ~ - ' _Ll., ,,...,,.,,,!!.::J. ~~ ~ ~ -~-nURUSALL~S received. and lIB IIUlny of lhcllO cIIMeB.... .a. jlablicly known, they fum.isL conl'illciDG Il ,\ TC'H I,: 1.0 II':{ OF.i.EIIH .\ 'I'htl It ,' I D AI'e prepare,1 to, "" Uml crl"k;ng it> I,,· llo!. sl.), I<· II 1H111t 1 ", ur I'IIte" 'hulllln~ ... a"Ii".h. d . TUB open.-uir bau d coocert rew evitlence of tho superiority of th is S~r· , ... mOllt iI. iho IIOUlIty. . ' . ';\It; , I. I· . Bt d n, . !lY E . ,; Ii &: ill t.fle \,'orJd. 1' 1"" illv~II1tI I' )a.II~ U11 tne peoplo ont IIgUlll ·. a or lIy . . , SApIll'llill over C\'cr" odl Pt nit \'alivr lI ~ed 'hi ' -"Ieudi" hill r/II.' a (fOr (, rL, "u\'t! - -- - ---.- - - -- - -. oven!ng. The nigM WU8 radiapt ' . E!,;T'" 1.1,[ 'IIED 3 .,\,g"118. m~dicinc. So gCI\~i·il."y i. iu SIlI,,·ri- with 1I0liolltto \111' boi l / .uelo "lilljllty .... hi. COl'fOIlNTRATBD L~~. 'th d s·""" and everbody onty to mly odler melilcl!, o 1;110\\11 . ~hal hcnl~h : Ill'Uuf IlIn , ' \I [s \)1" orllv Lruo alld WI w()Ou al! .... a, e, lt ' e IIII1M bo ."I,,·n hoI tn canf"u,l<I wo n~ed do Ill'> morc thn,:, ,tt;> ~S~\lI'O the. v rfl'OL II~o. I,"rm~o.~, rciilhto ' .nd 1110","_ Th e III1I1t1r-il(!! ocllltl" ju. t 1111 ;"1,('<\ h!!.!!weot home happypublic that the b st qUlliltlCS I ~ hps ever .IRueou8, No di8al'polnt..ent~, no tld,lo ..leu8 Sun;.;.-CoAT~". ·I';"TCI. . ... IIIIl II IlIrll HllU kitn IIC IIrick. "hi" h will , . i," ~ •. . posses~ed aJ'!l8triotly mdin'taiuC!d. tln !j!; rtlntOdl.08 ~!l u e(ftl(ltl of hlid dyoll ;PUll" 9r, o£".~ • It"". l." ,,,I,ll(1'.\'. nil.lll'r \\'iI ,.1,'",,1 0 ·..r ' .... tnil: 1I11t1 Sick heAdaehes Incessaot1y d18- wilh .1\~,. t)1 Ihl). t,ornl!,iuno 111]1,)" lon" ~elLr . l'II"I'"a&D 11\" • leave_ thtl ~ "Ir ,ofl and l)CjauLI(lIh blAOk CI. Pllriry ~ho blooll alld rCII",. "I" Ihe ",,·. Iem . ;.1\1 furni.. h· mM.,.I.,t IIn el ,1" " II kit ..'I. " f bl'Own. Sold ond properly allrllcd at" B....olI All o•• v mOLhnd of t ilkllll: Oll~tnr Oil. FUll. ~h',," \\," ' )1 , II" II'" II~ OMn \10.1'11\11· Oi~l orn~ ";.'t ·mu,·ny. Lot .such IISC. ~'Si:Jllcrs' ill): IllI' ""1111' of MII'ClI or 1!lher 1.11I11II"h". Dr f e AVER & en L "'II ' It! S trM" with .. Iiich Lill' ,nulrk,' i~ I hre~ IOII . 'i :~o'" b1 ••• .l "" ~ow" ,. a" I "LOII'~ wig ~lIuior,. No.' HI BODd B~ce\ 1'\11" ,\ru 0'1'1,,1.1.. ,'11 ol·dillor." · ~ u _ o ,.f Oil II ~ Iwciul i. ('0 lJllrrul .-j ...'rll with til" 'r r. · I~ Il" 2" boy , ~ . ~fooIl.'" ~,.,-, • •.lI. J. , 'old by ull1Jru!i~ i .I . . .. ". LIvcr I It, oc. II ". ':, uti nn!!!!!I", _ . . ·/li· oOl IOLD Dr ALL aaooulu, I:vala"''''liu. Now J or'k . . Hii ';11/ . ;!\~O . ..... U. D ARn"~H ,,> La.,;. tbr"... ln" olr . .~:r!f1:~u':::l:...'"d r.. } Auxlll", 'or Cold.. ubi ..,
ILro qunlil1e, l. except Township TrWltee., who . I,nt( be clcctod by Lho qnolia..d e1ocl,. In tho 8cvcru1 townships of tho Slate.
, (___
._ h~~t ~._- .'0 x: ~~
Rooms i
, ---
r'I · '. f~' :"r'" , i.I'\"'! '
tHO 1\11,111 Street, •
I .As9omIJly. rul .... n. • mu presc
1 N(
~~·'-~~·;I'.;'(f'.-: · '!..:
D.EIt.K~ G'~ "OU'IS'
"'111..... ~ 1t:~-ut Eil,..!IIt:!ib..e r
I urer and Aetomey-Gl'n"rnl. who
'~ choson by tho oloclo" of the State. at Lho 1'1 (l00fVot\Il~lorlllelllber8 0(tho OeIlClrn) ·
~~. ' ~. U -' B CtD'\ '\1 ' ~ .. m'm !lj~~~J "'~ ~"IJ ;.~~ .' ....~ ~ J'.:.' --- - - " .. . . "
'r '.'11 ~....... ..'" l EU. 0 " t 1 ·i< I , - ~ ~ ~iL I
Tho Exccutivc DePMtmentah(l1t eonsl8L o f n Oovernor. Lleutounnt-Govornor. Sccrelory of State. Auditor, TrenaSite. I .
l " SO
.. tl
· .tn-.t' . . .~~,
~::~, l!~d ~r;!t~~~~t':o O;cl:;.'Ur.T ~ere-
\'T I) . I SEe" I. .TOWI1"hl"omcer98hn.l1beo~tctt ARTIClE x.. \ .. AND {;H :\l l'l () I'I I'. Vt!..1·'1>\ Y KIN I .-" --- - ---- - --- - olllho.nrst Monday 01 April, 4IlrtwLlIy. by n:l ' "'1 ii;\', ..: !~ tho 'Iu.lilled electors oJ tberl'resilt!ctlve .Wwn.u i" ~ Dlul s\aaU h ol.1 Iholr offtlle3 'or . ~ I lIt ·--'1 l
I~~~c~ 8~,~~c~~~:le~rce ~::h,!IT::"Bl~:;n:e~: Y
}' I . ' 11 li t I\'ut , 1f1i O 1).1 11 ~ I r-
U~ Z Il1 '!j":-- ill'· ·· ;- .' c: , lJ~ II. i~ It Il ' iii ~ . ill 'I" ~ ti'40 dL
- -..•, , .•, '111"--
I Shl111 bo elec ted biennially by the eleeto .. in tho I'IllI pccllve countic8 or dl.tricllr ••t a
-, ~-...,
.!.. - .• ".., J -
be 110 ARTIOL E IL ". BBoTION 2 . SClllltol'8ond Rcpn!lClltaitvee
8"'•-(11:" ('I~ G'I1' W B . /IIrii[ 'It I', ' ~I' j~ ,~,
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11 '1
prop(lllltlOIl8 to amend
two, Bootlon on e 0'
\ - '\.'f-r-~
',. ,
lid' rP nc a Jllg C,ouee
ccrnLI0I18 0 t 1° 1 Lim. Stomnch, J\idn~y8" I.u II f.,'I! . Pimpl 'So PIiRtul.,s, ~
. . :. . _.-' .1.J -
-- - -- .- - --_• . --- ' - - - - - - --
n v's Fire, Er upti ons !l ll, l 1'~I" ll'Livo1 di sens "s of thcl k' UI . f I
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v" ri"I''''' u f - - .
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Gee d . . 1&1~: ~ !'lO.£3 1
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For Scroful n. aw l all f I d' J" scro II OI lS 1S(· a sl' ~. . n; I- , 1",1:13. Rose, or St . Aniho' l
Dlf80BIPrrY/l PIUOS Lzsr, UGULA.R PAD-U ~ In I \ \ II II t
tit. 8I4to oj O/lio ( f\fLha of all tho memIlers eJected te oach Boue ' concurrlng
-=-'/ •
A r,. 11 '" ,,,h · .. f ..1' "fl i l'I,'" h Ii." " ' tlI •• ; :, .,, ' ,:1 ,',;" ,.• I,, · 1.. ,, ·. ,1 " L,·· '·., ....... .', 1,- i " ' ,," '1 . 1 ", II,.".) ,.\·""i",· - I·" : ... ,, 1 I. 1".1.... I,u. ,·h .... 1k<i •. :,.·.·L.
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::e...~ = ~:.,.=:
AI.". "II .. II ri'· li" " f Iho lIl u.l "1'1,'tovud
J\ N Y <-"I.·ON I'~ .
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M .II '!/IIH, .. IU ...~' I" _II /JiA .....,.. "...r.iuodS' ... t • • .Ildl"t. . . . tU!knoWtl ract tb llt IM! Arly aU u;
tnm"yexcolic.nthuteltl IlJulIgtileli ll l' IIAN IVEKI'A.DCO.·SREJIlEDU!:II. .whun: hcalt h nm} lJic:h:IU1'1.l CIIII h,, ' NumberleHliCR6eM, " ·'"RII,. fuund fur the guillg, The uuuk 111- 1 knO_led"ea to be De>'ond U10 Reach 01 M ...·.Uelne. bave been 80r-;ivcs BII imn le llS() 1I1110 Ull t'uf ",vea underlbe "lid ActiOD vulunbl o illf'U)' lIll\tilln rCf< Jil!c ting: tlall ! ' o l t h _ Rcu..,dl". Alone. vuriuus t!'lmm e l' l'I.ltlVl'ts 11111.1 ex c lI ~' \; 1/ q."HoIH. Mpd I Qf Qur pamphlet, UNat!i01l8 tllcrllto, \\ iUI ratotl uf H . H. r taN'. La_," .nolu... ..e ... "d . 1f 1,,'MmoIiOD .nllltU' ....... lIftvoo'w""/pt ••'..,lMt...... In reo h<ltcl fllro, .!Dllpa, &c., nil of "V. K.ned treo. . which no tl'lh'cler or on ' \lV'iceti n': n ...mOdlilare_·",,,,oI'.I>OlII-p!&ld. oUe"'. ., :~'8~~II~·.:I:::~Hb~'iH~blt:b I• •• lIl br to tl'llvc\sboulJ bo withuut. ~ TI . N I.JNIll N ovoouoU F Aill. Ie
"'nl .. M,., Wnr n ... III~ , Oltl.. om"" I,,, ,,r •. 7 1-21.. ~ l-:J .\. ~I • t to
.......... .............. ~ u •• TWo" Ana.......... .......
)eft[othectl'ft io u. v : tOriVll d
t u Illy In yonr
' l\~S
",Thite B . I":. ze V ,
G 1 .Offiu )1. \J - d,"'ro Soulh of I I "1·. i. l 1allk.
bUI. tho 11th dllY. of AI'r!~~ D. 1879. JdILTOtl BARN1'E, 8ecretllry of Stale.
II.~ li m ,
N u w i.
omo.} Btnte.
ENT ,T E srrANTON CORWIN 'rullL tho (R ' . . . ' J a~~1~1~~~~fel!?~~ 0 IiUM·ENT i) • c.u II \,0".1 A,ljlc1e three. and ll( )rl~ 'l I I rj \ })' 1 A N~D ~~O l'rl' COAL I~o~uroa'?~o~~~I~ wit, lIIJIeoded .. ', ) ~
~i\ :!J
ND, _ . ON .\ .\1.
~)l Q)
.~" , ~'~~NAS,
~11I"ohuur. fr ulu UM to It }:
- . . . . . :.' -'.,
Oat ce of Ihe SooMlUtry 0 1, Milton Bames, Bcr.retnry 01 Bta\_ 01 thc Stalo of Ohio, do he ... by certify, lhIL& tho Corcgolntl 1. 0 I.n,o ropy of 0 jolnt!Solullon pnmM'tl by t he Oen enll A mbly 01 tho SUlto of Ohio. on the lOCh duyof April. A. D. 1879. to ken trow Ute original. i'olls flied In tlllMomoc_ In letIUmOllY whC1'OOf, t haveberenpto 8ubarribcd my DtIDIe IIDII (UAL] nftlll:ed my orne",1 -:I. AI; Colt1Dl-
"BL CK IA o 0 •I"~
.'IHn:I.a~ aU D lt~nJI,l;·I'Jr. ,
D~ I( IN
u'/flot! cc?ul \\' A Y N 1':S \' 1I,.,1. K
Oi" • o!'P"';lu·\I " ",In,.1I }[ ' lI"". " ' "In ~!t..~. (~n"'h.l/lr. Olt'''.
. ~.\ Lr.1I
Jacob Schwartz.
lf 08 INE880ARDS.
jwJ b",', iliad til,. HIOOtlut of '
judb'C rro 1 ~",}'If" may be d,.,jurlOO ( rolOl Ill e on lllry 0 uny juugo , w i f, o.;c ,h·fn llit nl1l!oC 'H llu~ lIU'l~icy of hctv~ inH thu I'I'D 11'1111"' '''' JII(I~'t'. 'fb" tlu'Qa of liold ing ~O "'lU •• n I 'lr uo ,,"d cllMl rirt ('011 rIa " h nll hu tIJ.... d hl' n"'. 1.,,1 th u Clonerol A8ticUl lJly Dllly nlllitori w I Ite judI"'" of t<nicl PUU.lff. " ·51",,· l\ w ly. l u fi x tI, e I IU Il'S of tltu )'o lttlnl( or 5l1i.1 l',)un •. A l sul<1 pterl l"n til<' ,"otero d.,,!l rlnR to vo le in (avor of II, i. oJnemln w n t.. . hull havo VinCI'<! upon Ihelr I.ouIIOIB Ihe worr18. .. Judicial constit utionn \ Dn lelM.lrn~ ' I '.' 'Ye!;n 01111 Ihc "olelll who do not (uyur eh .. Il~ 'WI. ti on o( ""i<1 nm'·I><.i m pul . mny h ftVl' 1,101"'.1 u)Jon IIwlr \JUllo la Ihe wonl. , .. J",rtloi~ 1 C01l8titutJoTUll u01cndlllenl, No ;•• nlK.1 t ~ JnILjority o( nil the " 0Ie8 CMt nl IiII I,I rloc· linn 00 in fomr of "'lid olJw lltlm r-nJ , tlwn wid secti ons t hn:-e n nd Rve Ju.;reiu II (X.'Ci· /lcd, shull be nn,l consUr:utl! the ..,ctlul18 so numbered In the snl<.l juetl"'sl Orll e,," 0( tltu ('ontllltulion of Ihe Stntc of Ohio : and I<8ld origin"1 _tiOIlS Ihroo und fiye shall Lc repealed. JAMES E . NEAL. Speakcr o.f tho nou,", o( ltepJ'Cl!CnlAtiveII_ JA.DEZ W . FITCH, pay allow('(\
UNIT!!;" 9rATI!8 OF
' gN D 'FOR l'ItE:tll M LIST. I
or UIlY
fi lrknt't'CH
r reaul~nt of lbel Adopted April 10, 1879.
Regiment Band, of Dayton.
1.~DICZlrA:r. ADIlOJlP'l'TVlI JIMES W IU INES, M. D., t ~~~:I; J, I~ ~ ~o;:,c~~ ~~~ :~~~~h~p~~: I :~ Body and Plasters p , I ~L: of vCI':.cily tltl~t ho will not e1ui11l ~ AhsorpUon Salt UlII"" ~ ,1"u,.. g"u lh " f U .. r.i,· nnuk , ' • 1 i n.
·D Y,
By the Knights Templar cr
Cure b, lbaaritian!
. ' IoW 1]1IIC! - 1.1 " y 1Icr. an d hor b rllt ber' III IIl1tehed it, nod hostily follulI'i n~. ~"rd )·u...... bl'tu and 'Jnall url t.lrc tll'e . ......." uo ~ the fl'Il:;I~nls i IItl) the 00111" 1" 8 1, er. -
t lrJlr.
pl'Me llt
~-;l,IJi"g, la c 1I1 'i TOIchtl her :',-.1 ~!:d;stl\~~:il~'~~~~ Icll~ I:~~. ;;~::
and other AttractIons.
~~~Ulj:~d ~[I~~~~c;ll~~~,~:~~/t:~r
ill ~(J\.,J
tWme, und a gllllllcOII'U, hushaod of olle oS the ladies Illld u bruther ill-luw of the other, were am"ng the pU88cll gcr~ 011 the Short liue 'ruin from Dayton Yellterday after · 110011. The "masher" at ODce set to work lu flirt w-th Lhe YU9m, Judy, and 8Dlirkcd and r;rioned aod dispillyed his card nntil the y OttD g lnd J)awrally looked toward h im to ob· eorvo what peculiar phuee of dam · fooli.;bll088 hod otlllcked him. Bod porha 8 Itlll.:u SYOll)lIthoticully ",tletl ell" noted ijlat it WIl8 -an old ailwunt ovolviog different develon.. .. WNltS. Tlte Ulilblaur wHl heap nnlltlltlmn8 on thllt 8111ile wlI('1I ho •
B:EAU ' F'il" FftUH ,' .-. ...II. U
will he !!rcatly CU oy a
i III pl'\J \
oue of tl.H.: m ynUlIg
~IU· n· III , " all.1 \ 'lIt
of'Frnnkl in , Ohiv, ti l\! SUII vI' u Mctla uJist lII illi d· tt! ~ therr, who iIll3 ... i" ('8 11; 1lI1'l·\t !I ll I irrcsi stuhl~ Adlln is , two 1:llli cs, R i ~ · tCM,
llo'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
.1C1ar7 01 1110 1I&Me.
to. Escort President Buyes, Gov_
the ExpositiolJ will be
........... J'I_A...... ·...... . .
JA'fEB "'. ,.....A". .I..t .Il# J.',£,I M 01. IWprcseIlW~VCiIL JAMES W. OWENS,
Speakcr of the
President pro tcm of the Souato. I'ru!soc\
April 12, 1879.
OnIO,} ,
Otllco of tbe Secretary of l:Itate, r I. Mitton Dames, Sooretllry or Btate of tho State of Oblo. do beNby, certify/' thai the fOI'll~l"g iH .. true COp1 Of • JaIA' IWo olutioD lSlUISCd by .tbo Gj!nertU ~bl,. of tho State of Ohio. on Ute- 12th, 'da¥ or A. D.1879. 't aken from the cirllltlal
thla office.. • . ' j 1'0111 lIledInIn leIUmonl thereof,
J haft
bereunto lUl*rlbed~ nama MCI [saAL] amx.ed my oftIdal .at (Joltuabn.. the 12th I!AY__of '&proM ,A, Do. l8'l9. IIILTQN BAkN. ,
~1"( . .....
, A (loon pracUce adopted bJ 1011.'. \ fanuel'l 10 coecape &he raTag8 of ,'"IAI'."''n... ] corn nt-worm, and JJbleb Ie applicable When the number ""pft'lM!nh~ any to Iny placewberetblelnleotJe trouble· g" fin yt'ar I.. ev nand exautly dh 181ble Bathe for )'arnll'I'II.-()n grt'/lt re,,· 5Omt', ie the adoption 01 tbe fo\lowlug N IsJl A l'i'rtl are malting prepsratioll' by thMII1 lhat ytAr 18 the middle one of Wbeat, clover, rn , barlpy Ihr 0 d lind 11' t summeB. n ... hy fafln '" become Mllft atHl old r0111l1 II , ... A "tulnu ru del! '1'h wheat 18 l!(I!rD lin '11'011 mvert d When the nltl11l)(lr rel'fC ntlng lhe bt>fore their time, is Crom th\llr IK ek oC A N 101 eddlng flU !; rcad s lhuA, .. l y II r I odd and (ltvl tble by thr e, thNl b llthl Qf{ and thOrolll!; Ulu lIC lIlKr exer clover 1IOd, pnlverlle<1 wllh A ba reM II no~ r I lit I av t IIl1i'nt." barrow or ~wo·hone c ultl\'Ator p8IIIITH 11II Ar cnougb IIi h men to li e- thAt YeAr i8 ilIa mIddle of a trtnd o C dry CISC. Tho Ilrof~ ioual mall wh o I. fll· IlIg scveral hDlOl; tho clove r procedm!; tlgued to bOd y, _b til roSLc re hi s ee pt "II til I!II rille S womall can mllk e alld hot eumm I'll F or eltample, 1860 Ie even lind d" 181- WlUlted onergie.. "iLh cold water, aud the cll rn 18 well top·drOllll d In autumn TH I noomtnR fl~hlon8 will glvc IlO bl~ by tb ree, nnd the prev8iltn~ ' hara\)· tb e n lM! o f dumb·bell., wblch, no mat.- with manurp, whlcb 18 tUrtt d under '" ty tiN' rM11 uridy of hlgb co lofIJ Icrl@tlc of the Lltree Y6lln! 1 o!l, 1 GO, ter what a DIan'. occupatlOlI may be ,uth Lbe clover jUlt befor planting, lIRA11'arUllllty I Abown for blue 180 t " Ill " cL, or\\ cln nd Id,ftnu " gil III , .tr/llghten ont the mu ~ol es alld brtng the barley ypar mAy be Iprlng wbeat, or lIlbe "lifton, t bac\~6 of lhl 8 dye arc , 63 18 odd Illld dll181blo bT. time, 811d them all in to IIchon 18 nothing else d()(,8, reae, but moat farmere who adopt tn 18 IICC11plcd o' er) budy rt'tIle mbc-nt 1862 I 63 and But tbe rarmer, whun he 18 fatl!'ued, COUrtlO obJecL to OlltA. wbaL docs bo "o T In IIInA ClI8I'8 out of I'ARI MgIrl! ar('1 " esrlllg long 1I11110r 18111 n. lmght , ho t and dry 8Ummel'!l., Prof Jo' H tol r, oC tbe Bussy lu ltec\ttlllA 11\ polka dot M tln , tl~ d lit IO()8(1 r llklng no.' ft rnllge of 1\' t'lIt' ",, \e n tPIt he .toka h .. recul.e ratlon III lDactiV. . tltutl oll , mllde 1\ ~borou~b nl1nlY818 oC yen", o\l'r "hldl my o\\n 1)(,1'I,,, II I\l o h,*, r Ity He gO(" to brd Without a bath, pumpklDM 8nd 'q uatlbOll In ISi7 Th e kno A. rew 1I11111l1iltious or Ihls 1'O(KIT~ sr not . o fs shl(""lbl~ RII ,nt l<1l1. cxt~nd. nlul ftpl'l\ln" tl ... rulc8 and be ns IllS da) ' . work WI thout a average of hl8 IUlAlY81K of tbe wholll prll'Jl8rntlUIJ ,,111 rt'ItIOl /'tecnce a week, hko Aunt C hloe, pumpkin 18 Rbout 10 to 12 per cenL of forlOerly , lIltO I rgo bro"rhpM IIr,· thilliii' In. t ,,111' 11 lhe "N Rn.1 cold nll"l. I\I'r~ b\th kl clI, hln, SUllburn, IIllIIlllea I " ~.l - ".~ 1 ~5!l - 'H1 1 b '.- 1>7. 1 ~7 1 - i ,j hc h ll8l1 .. olarlll' u p tlm'l," by UJRktllg dry subMtaU C Jt ba." large percent 06 the paet age of wat{lr but 1I0t more Ullin Iho or WeIcht H (III t be rll~e, and TOR fll vortte hml81 Oowe", arc IIrtmgr AmI I 77- ,9 "hlle lh ~ dty nlul hnt hlDllMl lf clean And WhllllKtrue" f the farm e r, 18, In turlllp or Codder co rn a ud It IH comparn ",hlle IIltR(". hllp, of th e \nll pr II n.1 rle tnad. "rr(\ I i\~- ~!I. I 62- '(i4 Hitl - 71 rt'utlr ( tbo cOlDpl !lxloll clel\r and IRH 76 Rltd Without c laiming Ihnt large part tru e oC th c· :f.Lfln e rlIlC To tlvely rl h In aibumllloid '1'1118 vegematls lind ral r. }'or Honc nlnll" DDd 110 "11I{:1t' ) en r broh loot'(' fmlll 11,, - I rry tllke a bath rr'lutreH tim e Rlld trollble table I. all ImportsLOt lIuzlllary In pro A \I V IAN "Itb IlpRlr 01 ~hll bhy h o~e unlH IIf ..... n..JI\. I ftnrlr><si, m Itnlnln 1:50 d oe~ e, erythln g e ltIC that I ~ o C, allis duclIIg milk, but 80 mc d""ymen ha' ~ br.mtJr] lug Ihl\ 111111 It hu DO tan nt'Hr be cOllnn crd thl\L ~h o rt th llt RlIlhe ma rkedlv w~~ o r dl) " Unt 11 sbould not be taken "h~u o ne 18 ell got II prejudice ag"lJlst It, Crom the ("Iual. I'rlce &11 cents. ~eDt ,Ircs_ lire noL '"lgar men< of the p~'l t\l r nty ""IO n 1 ell"' fnll tremely fati g ued nt night But In the eO~r t of the !leeds when gl Vlln In lOO hy 111011 , l'O"" lll\ld, rUI ';5 d 8 " Ja ck YOllr "lIe IS not 80 Jlf'l1sl~e a8 Accumtl'h \\ltlttO l!O me"elo rdrYI't'flod morlJlog.after 1\ DlgbL'.rI'M , wlll\L i ~ la rg\l Ii quantity The seed. hllve 1\ .be utlPd 10 be ' , ' 0 . he hR~ I,·ft thllt ."gl\lnal"1' • !IOthlllno Ifr, "et ) ClIr mo re IU\lgoratlng? t;,,1l .hould al dIUretiC eO~ct OltCrn tlllg 00 t he kldue) 8, "ddrr~ ' oft aud turued l!.xpen~l\e" flll1 ~ In \\hnt &hollid Ii n l o heen n c1rv wny~ be ad Li e.' and "Ilh Ir~sh drawn Rnd thl 8 bM I'QItle th ln8 le_lIod the A SA1' FRAN C; I ~(,() WOOlAII I .dll! he r Jl<'nnd . nor lin) 'rry dry , ('ar to "hut water on" hR. no n~" l t" gil to tbc l!Ca Ou" of "u' k, but If II .lIIall porLlOllol JOHN I' lii:N~Y rUPRAN & CO 81de for IICJI b HtbtU g ,\ _""nge, o r tllwe l t11 ~ reeds 18 rem o\ et'. tbe aall!:er I ~ hU 8bRud her dllrilfM b('cslIf(, hI gener hl' l'Ol hrtl CII ll v \\ II S R 'let Il{'floti .! I (1111 1'1(1 l' lll' r, N, f. 1 he Illlllll",r I I 10 odd RIIlI,I" I~,\'I(' hlltb n"ree~ With mllny lJ('() ple mucb wbolly a,olded \Ild p roba bly the lil ly comCI Just before d"wII fan y fatih lOnsble tl rc88f" RI P ma ,le I" three. Rnd, If there 188m utlng to Ill\ titftn the Imm er. 'O D o f the hody CllJ!tlS of InJ 1\ ry llfn e bee n orC!Ullolled ... Ith the fan walot In Ca, or many yeaMl throtv, thllt yoo r ought Lo 1* the nlld 10 IItauk tull But fihaL 18 very 8II\1s Crom Ceed ing more t han th e due I'ro rll\I!Y pll uud s oC ago, and BO becoml DIT tn .Ipnder Ugurps die one In a triad of hot nnd dn . ltllI· factor) -e'pl.dally aftn one b.'comes ,)()rLtOIl of derd. CBAl STENnW robes lire genl'rlllly Blip- men< I Rm 10u klD(I: fOf\\ nrtl. therdorl', 8ccmt(Jmell to I lr- I ~ the hi D ollth tub, l'uuIl'klnS fl'd to eAch co w J'l'r day Will \11t h mllrh confidellce to a goo.1 slimmer In "hi hone ml\y s it anti With a mug, IDcre81!6 th e YIe ld, lind IIl1l'rove the plt'mented by 1\ 8Reb of wOlte "I\tlD or whi le ~ros grll lD ribbon Ilbont algit In 1880, folloll('d by two 8101IIar 1100d or pitche r, pour Ihe over tb e quahty of LIte QjI'lk , but mor( thftlt thi S THE TEMPLE IS for SINGING CLASSES one- In IS I And 1882, and for the .kn sbouldcrt The lar en siJ;e oC tbe8ll tube should not 00 g l'ven They IIr .. 1\ verv IDch.wide. of (,lfry Int ~rest ID th e rOllnt r) I shollid be c boKe n, and tb l\ mllterlAI cbcapCood , . lncll lt requlres,ery lillie hl THE TeMPLE 15 for CONVENTIONS. TU E promeuad e mode l8 8rt' 110 full e.,rnr<tl v hope my e:J'pectallon mlly not sbould be . trong lind well rut toge tbe r bo r 10 produoo them Frum two to three Iha~ hoop ~ktrt8 art' once mo re f8 11hlon8 THE Tl'MPLE Is for CHOIRS. be dIJ!llpl,:?~e~ _ __ _ Zin c 18 tb e bes t Those fJ tID are Dot leOS may be gro" II, Willt a good vield ble 'fhe dress . k lr t II! cut to J It ~t Ct " ~orth buying A good l ln C tub co t of co rD , per acre, requiring little mar,' Rln,,11l ropytl.OO. cape lhe ground ho Should Not ha a Wife. Ilbom 16 r.o \[ In ,IIlI1Y lhle It \\111 than placlOg!.he _ d . at ,h.tancP8 of HmH colored t'mhrOldered ""LID and Rill' Ihat """'ftl1 • ~all In be B WIC" need to be tallon once a yellr probabiy to lwenty Ceet Apa.rt, In alterllate rows IIf 'atln rIbbon. Will he th e trimming th tl "ho tblnk. mort' of ht'r .l lk dre..... thnn the Llnllm lth to bll' 6 ,uOlallleakage In co rn , alter Usl' CQ,rn IS III' The cultl· comlDg M'Rscn for n c h 1! llh Rnd otiter b ~ r chtldren Rnd \ 1' ltA he r nu"",ry no the bottom .topped, Imlnll Ind eed , lh~ vatl on of the corn WIll be 8uffi c lent at heavy fabrt Cil ohentr thnn on ce B day' HIlA thnt wo- owner hM tb e hapvy fac ulty of dOIng ton tllln to tbe pUllllpkln I.' rop. lind lhl. • WHOSO findetb a wife findetb a ma n A ra il to he II ... ife "ho nl'8 for II hi. O1'n tink e ring To be al>l e to tJOde r Will often be worth as much as 10 to 15 good thlnr II 8IIYB ::SOlomon If all AC Cuhmt' re Bha",1 when hrr hu.bllnd. bllllln8 and pol.8 IInrl PROII, I~ Rn Rceom bUllh I ~ o C corn JIIllr IIcre Tbld ClOp 18 c'Ounte may be belteved he pfllctlce d nolca are h"lng protl'.INI T HRI that "'0- pit hmenl well "orth th e trouble o C spproprlate to th .. whoh country I\nd ... bAt be preAched mlln 1\ CII 11 to hI' • Wlfp "ho Alta reading ' boYlla llci g irl. Le acq uirl', and til e too l8 Will W II re pay tin e atle ntlon ~nen to THE Inclnnati g irls co mplaIn tbat the hlat n ov(' 1 "hilt· tit" hUBband .Ulnd. ne~e8Sftry for the wo,k lUI' few and In It Pumpilns an' a good fattening Cood tbe coal smoke spoils tbelr complt'zlon1!, htlore th~ SIAH VDIII II trvlng to pin to- espenslve Ualr rnltt.ens arc tlxcellenl for cattlej sb e~ p and hog. 1 bey arc but then the yOllng Olen are f'lUllly gethcr II huttonlo,," .hlrt howm Has fllr producmg II Crlc tl on 'In tb ~ skin a g(IQd lOad lor pigt!, se rvlUg 10 cou t.bllt "omAn n rnll to he 11 "'If. "ho ex· after a batb but th e batb tow l wblch tra ' t the beatIng etrect of co rn They IIOOted there IA.PORTEn blllck grenadlDe ,Ire_I for p<'rll hc r to 5 "1111011' dilULed ISOC IlUge 81'ze of bllllVY quall ty' ln cot.- Ilre CASllf kept from frec:t1ng, aDd may e vening ... ear are nil mounted on "aIltln corr~t' , SOggT bread , amokl' t(la nnd watery too 111 preferable fo r eve ry dllv u"" It be f~ d lUto euld well ther 'rhoy "re foundatIon Bnd ,.hlle laC{) 18 nsed for potatocs . IZ dll,.e In lei en ? llna ehc a co.;'" Cram 20 tu ~O cf' nttl A I)Str oC cbeaply gathered and stored, costing cnll to be a "' Ife wbo Illrll With every hlllr mltLen. COS.... , I r,o It 10 1\ Cll8 mU8b IIl8II tban 1I~'y TO<lt cro p, IlccordlDg Lrlmmlng tbem man .b~ meets and rese rl fS hcr fro ... ns tem III scme pnrt.8 oC(Je rml\uy for tb e Do DTLEt\8 hoop 8ir.lrlt! "ill \)(l very for her bome fireSIde? .Flu .he a clIII to head of tbe houechold to pay tbe family to v/llue =~~~~~!!!!!!!!~ OLIVER DITSON & CO., BOSrON, popular beCore ule c'oee o C the WlOter THERE are III!vcfIIl ,.a,.s of speaking oJ . . DI . . . . . CJe... I!IlJIson Those ouw pretlPnted to the be a Wife wbo comea down to brl'skCut pb1SIOIaD a cer tain l um pcr annum to of tbe wea1.her : •• Delightful" aurl C. B. DU. . . . (...... In aoomlnable curl l'opel1l, a IOI'ed dre.... keep tbe Camlly well It 1M a good plAn ... .,....,._ I m C.t..llt PWJct. beau momle are ratber emllll .. abominable" nre two '.IIY8 and' ru;.mg gown, RIIII shoes do,vn I\t tha h~el T The doctor droP<' ID now and thell uks A PR£YEl\IIN II of fa bion ilL tbe pm... 8M ,she a CSJII to be a Wi fe wbose hu&- about tbe cheland eantlary bablla~f the tonlAh IDg " and" JU8t 18 I tbought" are e ut moment I~ fo r Japanese ornamented bAnd slave wOlghs OIlught ID the b.lance Vinous membe rs of tho Camlly ADd so t'lfO othe r. TC Il\crrbndy' s opill1on of pa~r naplllnp The,. are ulled at the "'tLh her next door ne lghber·. damuk bM It ID hiS power to apply LIte uunt;e tbl" wtl8Lher ",eN, written dow n. Rnd all (aebionable aflerooon telLl! curlalD onchet corp!'t? HAl .he a call of prevention It 18 'I ulte true that If tbe OpllllOOS w'lfe collected Into a I BUTTONE D boots are worn on ly on to be a wire wlto wOllld take .dvllntago pee it'took half tbe trou ble to keep In ... ea th er report, Rn,1 IIny DIan 1\ 18 to she street 1II1d for the promenaJe Faile,. of a mome nt ot conjugal weakncl!!l to heartb that U,ey lake In order to get read It, Ibat mlln would be the Wll dl'st colored I.. d Uppe rs and Mndal ar" exlort monoy or eznct a promllC ' Hal well wben ou ee III the re would be com klDd of A lunaLtc III two mlDutes, rllil worD Wllh e leg ant dlnnllr or e vcDlng she a call to be a WIfe ... ho takes 1\ JOllr· parallve ly IIUle dlI!C1Il!e A nd one oC road time, IC b ~ dIdn ' t commIt SUICId e lollette!! ney for pl~Mljre, leRv IDg be r hllsbnnd to thelMlllAnltari:" troublllll" 18 the datly ooner a c101le oftlcr, attd have In eye b h " - ·· A YOUSG lady "raduaLe may, In lifter t0111D SEN ATOR MAXEY, of TeuA, hM A nlre when at home to eenRrIl.8 and chi ld ren? worDIng at, w Ich 'OIUOn hecomu A lorget the title 01 ber e8lll\Y, bu~ Rill she a cn'B to be a WI fe to whom a luzury 'rhe tim e ronsumpd In takIDg home.tend .lt Parll!, In that State 1 hc Me will alway. remember bow ber wblte good husband's 10 loty la no t LIte reat-- It, 18 qUickly millie u p by tbe st l'llultb rcllldoncc i1I!eIC IS large and hand 80DlI' II pcby " d1'l!lll '11'18 made and trimmed etJ~ of earthly bleMIDge, an" a hOu! full and viu;or 1& IrnparlA. ADd il one can· and 18 embowered With royal oaks aM lIEN HIETTA cloth la stili tbe standard of rtlf!y children J l8 heat l~rDlshlD and not affurd tbe },lItb tub, UI!C a large mBlly treca o f amaller gro ... th Back 0\ rctIJeat. adornment. g bum that Will hold at 11I8IIt six quar .... the 11111111110n streIch orchnrds of applca, material for deep mourDlDg drellHlll all But hue the tub If vou can One bad pellches. pearl! and pome!:rtl natea, and \II the year around . :M:UlaD_ relll'mble8 P the bomhazlne, lUId tamiee cloth IS lake Wante d to Stop t1Ie Interellt. better go witbout a unda,. Ult than a his gnrtlcn~ thlt ty dlOerent kind! of 1.1""1 N,_, J bath tub. Cold water w111 do more ror vcget~bl<l& IIl1l no." growing. cloeely woven dt'laint'. -~~~ Damel Webster onoo dtnl'd Wltb An the religion and morals of most pereons • Yan' iDhumanltJ to "oman makel couniJ_ thonllllnd, of poor eeam tr8lell old Boston merchant, aod when tboy th&n wlli the S nndl!.y IMlrmon And hke I. rhoumallem E..n It lb. out•• I, the .rdl ame to the wIDe a du str old bottle wn~ obedlenoo to tbe nltb commlUldment, nary r~med le . aro frefJuenU,. I lO tU~ rlf ll to copt work for a doUar " 1'Peelr. refull,. dccanted by John .nd pIIIIIcd let 7 0ur a(:quAIDLanoo "'\tl\ it be lllti . Itb II Tb .. I ... ore " .. tlculorly lb. c... 'Ie Dew drea ~odela Ibow Il ''hl~ the hoet. TAking the bottle, he ~ured male 10 tha~ youJ'daye may be long III wben • tond.n ol to It .. mborll~d ".bould ~ &0 &he FreDch ~UIDt', w " wrnbaUtd b.for. It ~mel Clhrouh~ When Mr. Webeler's glUII and banded It to the land b .. beeD 10 popular. The prlll_ form lbo ftnt 1"lnl'" oro f... , ..eou .... oh.uld be had m Then ponflng Ollt another glue FleW people mo", from ~nout.tllde in. I. .WI given, but IOnaiderably chlUl~ to 1I.,tottor·, Sloma. h mil.... • do)'uron, from Ita onginal sbape, It. ts more am· for himself he bold It to the hght and l)!fotl!!n, bow to determine the npeness "b lch oom r .l. rrom lb. blood tho. Irnlatin" pie In (ullneae. llid And the perfection of 1\ watermclon In prinCiple. "hu:-h, by contact, cau.. ~nft II Ho" do you hke It, ?fIr Webster" Quine. are frequently Uladeln the horh. and fain to 1h. mu. elu and Joi at. POIIODOU' WHJT~ Spanish lace _rCa Are WOlD .. I think It a fine s pe cimen of old cultural JOllrnll1B .... to the mean.. to be mediCines "bleh &IIi! uLluaUy admlnutered for In a variety of ... aYI, lhey IMlrV8 a8 a ba, "bleh. In a .lIgbt ...rdo.., ulw.d to arrt ve at A reliable ru Ie for 1ICt.- Ihl. moe' becom~ng veil lor Use bead durin\! port" " Now. can you guellS ..hat It cost tltog thIS que8t10n Wlthm a few day ", ",a,. lonulnato II b,. d" lro,l n!: 1If. " .. U, Ihould evening .tro ll~, or when on the plana b. avold.d lod thl • •• f. Ind more .rr.ell .....dl1li18 a corre8poodeDt DC th e Co'mtr!/ r.rn lome uled lMlttld Thou dlporder- of t ho t hey are draped Around the .boulders as me T' Mid the hOHt Hurch not ." MId Mr W ebs ter, .] tl~mall, I bav$! seen directIOn" given to bowel! IUlnach and h,. er ,.hu::h frequent1, Ie a fichu &carf, aud Usey are bunched np only know thl\t It I rz cell ent.." reach & 'correct conclu810n on the sub compnny rheumatio and gfl ut, allml'.lnt-e are In 1IlllA8hell ove r 81 1k o f plalO color ' Wrll , uo" I ran te ll ~ou fu r I marle jeeL, by prelllJlog the melou and notlDg V8fllbly remoyed by ,hi. tlullent bntAOID Hoop .k1rl8 are to he retmrrected correch"e Not the particular onlll! tbat have been .. rareful C8tlmRIf' the other dn~ WheD tbe mADner in whIch It em lt.8 Il crack .:-'!;ui::.. :-:,:-,,·.-=W =_-:.:-l".. "-._ ---. burled, you koow. but the general pnn I nrld the Jntrre. t 10 the firtlt prtce I find hog so und under tbe Ojl8ratlOn 'l'he~t' bonntworklDsmtDOf the country,mlloJ ciple And we are glad oC It Any thA t \I copL me Ihe £11m of "ne do l nr and rOllttlts are to be obtllned Rf\er BOllle !I( Tho "hom ba'ullar" and iocr•• llog Camlh" to twrnl. ce nls per ~I"I!I" eX)lenence In JlldlllligOC it!! pecultarlty tblng looks good on a pretty WomKn Ouod ~ rnrlt1n H! 'on d on' l "I\y ro." unde r prCMure Con tild e rlng t.he V8 st .upport , haT' e been tbe cble f . uWercn frum the but the sttonuated olallll nped amplitude «relt AnAnei lt )1rt'II.ure uod., "bi~h w" bay, la", fc.. , .. " Dlmln ..h.d of lOme kInd and notblDg thIM Kld e of tll\ld llr \\ r'~ter, li nd then drnuung III. qnantltlee of tbls deliCIOUS fruit con. I• ...,r.d f<or cotton a.nswer. the purf'O.e 1'0 wel l RB gill"" hp pr I!('nt~" It . ga ID "Itli the sumed aLthe North, after Hblpment from wagel! h."fi noL been l uentled hy • C'O nf'8Il0odrrmltrk: the section8 where tbe VlnB flounaheR. In« d.m,nution In prlco of ... ry Ibloe "hlob hoop aklJ'ts " Fi ll It up agalll as I'OOn 28 you can, but where tbe frUit IS "'waY4 picked In thr wnrkin gm aD need. Rtnt' l fuel. food , and IT IS remarked In th e world nf hl!!b I want to .top thllt confounded In an Immature state In order to bellr trlln s clotlllllg art ehuper but then d o n ot con for toned dreealDg Ulltt an effort l ~ belllg ,II hi! net!lIlIitll! It iA lIometnnel ne· porlalton well, It 18 rcally a sertOU~ mat.- ,lIluttl made by HOme en terprt slDg foreign cor terelt II cello r,. fur hun to tmr1oy .. la",er or a pb, .. • ter to be able to know certalllly whell Clin t 1ftl the fee u Ura of ph" it" l"nJ Inti 1."1"1 rl!Bpolldcnt.8 to brlur prominently beCore A. .arvelona Swamp. buying 1\ melun (IurchlU!O on the street are u high u tbel" ".re In "Ilu ah tim" tbe f88hlonableH of America IMlve ral new (8r.('''lnl Ill •• \ )C!nn ) I'ret PI ... J or at a delller'8.Land, whf'tber one 18 sc '\ et cheAp uled'c\n~,. an .1 nec.... ,., III ehe.p PariSIAn modl s Le. 811 IflAder of modpa r W Blanding, one of the Comml&- CUrtog a ripe III Ion or not In mne rrnb or fael Cbup medicinel not neee.Row thiS .cbt'me Will work time. of Blont'rs Rppolnted by the Go,ernor to Uri" J'"~,r me.liclne! It mud btl ob1'1oal to cou ree, ... 111 tell tbe result Ne~ IdeM nppr.llIe th l' ""It land. III our ccuntry, cue. out of ten th e chllDce IH thAt your flV,.ry UlIr'll1geut IJlH!O n thAI mtdi<'lUu ('am· melon IS ooly haH rtpe, alld there Core lind RrtlStlC mnovatlon8 WIll not go bUB 1;1' c., to UI nn tntercatlng account of puundt(l nntl put "II' _t whnlrule un he l old at beggIng let thpm e manate from whe re "natuflll cu n o"l ty ".ILed by the Com- Dot a grellt aCllu181t101t forJour dese rt murh lower rate tbAO when retaned frnID the Now lot me gIve YOll RU your read doctor', rill bait!! Dr Plerco' , Gulden MlJfh lhey may mll!lllOIlOni dunng thear trlr In the PtANO draperlCl! bave JapanCtl6 or course of tllI·tr I!Cll rch for ani czamlnA- erR an \Dfalh ble sign b,. wblc h to know ell Dilt"O\ ery .nd Plea ..nt rurgJt.the Pelle-til complete.l, ret~ t ored r~r!lnn. who h.d Ipen' Chmese dCBlgn M, Illld n ch embroidery tton of t ht' nb'I\ r Il\nde III tbe norUs· a fully ripen ed melon When the melon hATe hond,.d. of doll... In .. Inly ... IlIDg r.h., figures In that capacity Nothlog 18 en, tNn p"rt of lh~ countv, thcy came beglDS 10 change color \IIalde, and It~ from p,. •• t. r.racLIt!oner, Ind aU at a "try too dingy, prOVIded Its deslgo be good uJIOn II lMgc ~fI\ct of qllai-Ing bog land eeed8 to turn black. a small black speck. ,lIlbl expondl Uri. r;ood8 are pS8I'Cd off on tbe IIDltlated 18 Ruumng In \I norlhwest "lid BOuthenet &calo or bli..wr begl"" to appear on the CAN JliIOtlll lJIB.AB I I "'!II'U T'lo4 0 RI!! a",1 thr lr Florentl nc V enetmn , Roman or Tuscan , direction \\n8 a hne 01 mounds from SIX outer eutlcle or find These are multi wblch come d trfe t Crom Pa.n ~ . nOli RP- to three hundred feet to dlameter at the phed and enlarges as the frUit maturee S uc«.ullul T~atmlmt, t!lhted "nd puhl u-h l"d I ~ o F. Newton, M D, C,nelnnaU, Ohl! 1:'1 J .,. 1 A rtpe melon will "how them t.blckly pear, Without reRlIy belD~ old Thel!O ha&', lind from IIfte (ln to thirty feet iu ufJd The ftuChc)f of 1M, work hili nl lcUlpl('li lIudacou s ImI tations of oln tapestry are high, of a comcnl form, the . Iope bent BOwn over tbe 8urface A partIal de- t o ttlUl the true Origin , Prog r cJ I' IIntl t"Ylu l ll In. '01!ftl.~~~~I ~~~" II~ ~"f~~.Cl.~~!!I;'1 ~?.I~r.~",::t· lI .. , i t .,.. aU ... "",t t .. ~ I1I1U: lit lut.. /t.... • t.nrl ~ 11 111 , hhndly accepted by those who lire In IIhout fo rtI lhe degrecs These mounds velopment on'y IDdicaLo>s half rtpened of Ca ncerous Dhle,uet togcl htn With th a pr lK' r tit .. t r.. &:ul a r 1 ti l 11 ... j. nil , 1111 , II. 4u t-o _r l 10 111/11«. IW!lnch of .. old al1d rare" goodr we re II . hnkm g bog to Ihear summits, frUit A full crop of hllsters revea la trelilmunt Ita rl.,I UlI thAt lbellfl Du· ... J'." If &nth .,,('". 1 h .. u .. ,.,f ... here "88 round n c rrculAr op<' nmg SIS 1t.8 perfects rlpent'1II Wben hundred • pnJ)tcrly trcn.t~, an curllble To rn"~ "h lrh TArrant's Srl1zH .\IInh·nt RepalfDaDCt! tor Work t1Ial fa Ne'er to clgh l foot m Lllllmcter, filled \\ Ith clear, of meloDs are titre ... n I\long the 8Idewali-, proi llc iti on be 1ntroducbll! OVl'r 70 letleu ,,"U f'1I ,,.,.u t e. ,,.,, I.r ll.. and ( 4 II'" I "11' II I "u nll , (rom . 1... him by hi. funner Pallent , who w"rl! "' neu 1)0De. cold wuter lind of unknown d epth , a ,.ou "ill have 10 look pretty sbarply to to ree ted with Cancerous DU! C!R 'CI and Tumurs 601 D BT AI L OR t:i tH 6TS pole e ig ht fe~t 100Ig bt>wg thear onl,. 6nd one thllt ezhlbll8 a 8atlofBctory "bu bay, aokao"ltllJ,ed tbat. the, rQwulIlau (. 'nel""".1~ . .... "cI., The American gI rl Will do 1l11) tIling nleAn ~ of t~. tlt1g the latter Most Sin· "escutcheon," to borrow a terl!! from p.rmaD •• t1, carodl_. ______ But It 18 not Calhog when under heaven before she Will engnge In gular of nil, a few feet Irom Usese ,.e1l8, M. GuenoD To DIV&LOP U'ULTRY .,.0 H .. wo~lU u , Ac· domel!t\c IM!rvlce S be h"" no t tho upon dlgglnll from ~Iztecn to twenty· round, and by follo"lng lhls ~ulde you TION Imon, Ih. organ. oC fileeretlon, dlgetltioD, .Ughlcat ambition to aetoDlsh people four InChOS,l1 r;olu.l hody of ICO was found. ma,. walk away wllh your melon ...Itb and ••• cullOP, I&ko D. MUTT. VIO.TARL. First Established 1 Most Successful I Wlth ... hat ~trA. Whitney terma a Wbo can glle us Iln explanation of thl. the most enttre confidence. The bllBter LI'" PILUi, ' ''hlch healthfully .t,m"I.I. lb. I, only to be leen ulJOn claIM! IDspee II .. " ,I .. Wno and ""ul.rhy 10 lb. hvor, "heavenly lr.lnd of houlM!work ' !-the phenomenon T TlIZIR IN8TnU~Iy.~." .. f''' uandArd .,..ll111 tion, but I. plainly Vl81 ble wben tllat 18 oounttraata tCJldeney to (:08U"eoe,,,, and purif,. I... 11 lit" WIU se.t type, she will eland bc-hlnd II - - -- - -the bhltlfl Their catbartlo action 'I unaccum gIven Boles of Health. counter , .he will rUID her fyes and hcr I LEADING MARKETS OF THE WORLD' pR"u!!1 b,. grlp1Dg and 11 ntl"er \: lolent and temper on A I!CW tn~ ma chine , .he Will Ift ..l no " •• ",r'p' I E""r),whrrf' n'C' J,: II!r. 1'11 "" Ih,.IINr..r IN H . . . . . . r ..... l ...... abrurlt but ,,1"1,1 ".dual anti natural 1 heae TI.:''': eopy Impol!llible c\urogrnphy. bill !!,O Into Ho... eTcrythtOg changeB! Tobacco TUIR 18 tbe 1!eRllOn to c,mHlder tbe rlllll ftro or lb. gr •• tellt Illlilln co In ovtroom· the sheltered And bealthful life 01 UJ!Cd to dc~troy the teeth, now It preser- economy oC ralslng pumpktll8. It crop lUg 8uofulnul tOlDon aOll tlTupth-e l11at.dlelll OVER '"'o.O()O domestic work .he Will not, Rnd one ve. thrm the .horl ' Ighted penwln g""" thnt bB8 been estimated too hgblly hy AII Drugg"l...II It .....- ."~tDwl':r;.II\I~ o\.('!:tr~~;" I 1Ilfllllnl l) potent reallOn I. hccau"" there 1< In the Mronger .Ir;htf'd III; he grew old, now hI. daIrymen generally O!'rli l Tone AlDer.Qan Cabinet or Parlor 0'111." avertlge American home, not Hufhclent v .. lon I~ .hortpnerl ''It.II hi. days , drlnlr. ~n I ' flt " f III lal o({u GREATER neatneM about dwelltngA regulArtty Le tn.u re sYHt.e m A girl mn v u "C'd UJ he hurt CuI at menlA. now it II would be an ImprovI'm"nt to nearly all maker hu ever lIuex'tlflilod In bearing off tho bl«hc!lt h onnrs Ilt nny WOTld" Ezpollitlon, lJe perCectly wllhng to "ork from slln t.o naillre's r~medv . therefore dnnk! And Carm reSIdence., even amoogthe thrifty. "hor. thoy Mm. In compet,tlon "Itb Ih. b•• , Run , but It 18 dlsCourAglng to have one'. 110 1\1' mi ght ~o on with an Illmo.t endleM inlelhgenl, rich and mODey maklDg A Europl!:~D mmkerlf, and tbl. II tbe Mllon .. BOSTON. MASS. work never done. nl'ver co ndensed In to 1t.1 of the rt ghtnhouta of nO<'I()rR And very few farm plt\(~A'8 are germs of neal- Hamlin Organ Co ,who h."e taken first medal. eertaln defimte hours, leB' 109 the lime S<' I( ntl"t.. We .hall not he much amaud nel!ll There Are too many half deca,ed or high eat bonorl at tlvu,luab EI("O!lJIbon for taatll to be hero"n. mfttteroC rt'hnhlc "hen " e hear B.W(I undoubtedly shall .truetureA, or boards lYing on tbe twelve yeara, .ndiDS "Ith tbe Pari. Expolthon oertatnsty The Mles"oman" ho goc> " If "e IIII' IOll g cnollgh that the ool! p:round. or burdocks, or the lack of a thlLi !tlar, wbe" tbo, were .wardtd the bighed ,old modal II tho Old Be} CoDaOamW Ly. worlt: at Ijght and 'eaHs It at 81. filtll. correct, hellith y mAnner of walkIng 18 n lawn and BOme shrubbery In th~ d efiDlLe buslnOllllhouJ1I" dlf!nllv u)lon th~ hHntl. With the fe~t ID the air, TH. cordial reooptlon that Dr F Wllhon'. PABTUREB ·whlcb lire not clollely AnU Porlodl. or I·.... ADU Aguo Toni. h.. and Independence dear to the heart of thal w"Ie< .I ... uld n~\er he drtlnk esrept woman II be IICllld lrt g hoI and th en half a plllt grazed lend up Beed 8talks carly In r_l .. d a' th' band. of tho mcdlo.t prof.. • tI~~C~~".I~J=(Tgl'I!~I~~~ ~':.c.~,;. tor uu\kJ 'l61 summer, thc ripening of whi ch uhllusls IT I~ FUll IVUGIIT AND STRENGTII .Ion In Loa,oIlO1l corl •• nly rro ... tbal .t I. To work In dWDlte honn 16 pl~BRRnt.. At R drRUl!'hl thl\t food .hould be swal· 1 ti n mark: .. t 1" ll00dro w1th (lJ()oo<Ca l1ed t unr- tI To be called on lit any times and at all lowed " 'ltlIOnl mll"llCntlon that te fest tbe 8011, aod p'aotl', lUld preve nls the an OIcollont, .n~ that th o o,,,",,,,oll.on I f ll l ......t t)'8 "hlch I" "dulll rated wlLb .."IL Mud .f II, '.lnbhohod by ItII prop ... lor. , Wh •• h'ck, r'f'I'I 1n m ad 100" t '1It1.\'f: ,0011 Bnimab from rpacblDg the fine grass be· tlmel, to be .ummoned from An nnfin III the mght tlm p I. the moet dllngerous P,nl.,. Co of N." Orleon., ... ndo,· od by ~AVE JlQNIiI. AND BUY THK IlIled pleee of work to hegtn 8nnthrr to tiling a I'<,,,,,.n rRn do, Bnd thl\t to he neath By pUKing the renper l!et teu th.m Altolnlt Oh. II, . and Fo"r. Dnmh be at the beck and can of thp Inrltnn Ilntl.t t'nl'HP commpndKbl" an<l the only or tweh e incbeK blltb, mer lhe pOKture Chili. and onlu.:ed Iploon Lho" I. no b.tter tlOnl of a half doun ml'mh". of t he .ur~ roRd til wealth WI' OIU8t admIt, l1li 800n 8S tbell8 sLalks Ilre tbrown up, ",mo,ly In II" world For IAI. b, all drul _ _ _ _-'11"-_ _ f~YI IDvolvee a certain f" rltn!; o f fir boweve r, tbat 101\ are noL Hurc o[ lhlalast all tbe above mentioned had eflect!! are JI't. MAI>KU\ TilE ' prevented, Rnd a hand 0011', even 8ur .rad.tloD, and It 18 no wonrler lIlnl the change ever coming about.. Pennsylvanla Bait lII[anurg Co.. TIITU IT 711•• • For Tbr."l DI ...... , Coldl ft\ce DC green herbage IS prellen ted to tho _ .... uun.1'JIUo ~~ter c .... of working wom en "III nut and C-ougbl , II Bao1r!lf I SaOJl' CBI ..U, Taocnu" 1)lace &hemeehea ln "lloh a posilion OLII ,\ nnt ~arab 1'leld8, a negro woo eve A HEAVY 10M ID the decay of out- han pr<lfl<d ' hill olli ..., " , . t'ut .r maDl Of couree family hfe can nut be man nC Blue Bridge, Ky., firmly be ,.a.. 26 coall "boa. made to tun WIth LIte punclullltLy of A heved that sbe mu et dIe be burled, lind bUlldlngB, roofs, gatCl!, and fencea and -'-:N"""-yY- 1'nh&."... ourt:b-etreet bU81neM hOllie, bUl there fllIe again on tbe third day, ID order tool8 "ould be rreventcrl In a cheap C'1nt. '""IlOfta',,-B-""-"'S-.-.... .... certain K'lneral I....s of tlm~~ nnd tbat her race maf be benofired 'rbe way by the U8(l 0 crnde petroleum. It 18 more effectual tban paint, as It enters ~, that can be obBe"'ed and thllt accommodating boy~ of ber neigbbor. pores of tbe wood freely Ilnc! dOCK .111 Y8ry matertally contrtbute Le the bnod gave her chlorolorm, and left ber the not COllt over a tenth 811 mucb It IS of the ,ued problem of sen Ing In a graveyard, 80 that "hen Ibe awoke rapIdly pnt on With a wbltewaeh brusb . . . 0 1III_" _lUI _ tA. _ _ _ __ _ Bhe thougbt tbat the dellred mIracle by a common laborer, only care reo Ll4.H'l~1filttl cbued a book agent over had heen wroughl S be i. now waiting q uired being to caUIIl the wood W Mak "'e o&her day. tryin, to for Lbe gOod retult In III much of the 0\1 all praotlcable, and at. him , bnt faJled . ThISIIl/ En rlnge are worn ver1 B';nall and to 8pIII.~ little 18 may be convll,llleo t on thllllfouDd. ~~~;....._ .. 1piD defeated • 01Q18 to the __ r. 11{e~
ui Ranei." for l\e lair.
WNtJler 'I1IMr,.
18 _ .., ' • A
Cincinnati BUlin... Hou....
Upham's Freckle Tan & Pimple BANISHEft.
.0,000 Maul. url I " un l I II*,' II -el.,,. IUif.,t'tom •'('I " ,,,.,. al ii ".-n, 1.. n I. III".... dl rMt _Ie ,tt_ W i ll b it,
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to \\ U-r :tlaJlland Uru td .
THE'INDIANA uNIVERsrI1 • Bloooo[1oll Monroe ConntY
_ ... 1_""" _-... _ ...
- -- - - - --
The Smith Organ Co.
Tremont Strcct,oDPOSllC Waltuam Street,
For Ten Cents: One hundred page Pamphlet with u.ts of and Advertising Ratn. For Ten Dollars: Four Une. Inserted one week in Three hundred and Fifty Newspaper••
10 Spruce St., ~':::HSIoii8 If.Y. a' ..... " ...,. tMr"N't
Lay the Axe to the Root If Joa wOl114 delltrol the eaker!.., worm. For &IlJ ex~r aal pala, lOre. woand or lamenea of mao or beut, use oolJ .KXDllN .UHT,UQ WI.iNT. Ii penetrateiaU millele anelllelh to the TerJ bone, expelling all InliammaUoa, loreaell and pain, aoel beallos
tbe dlseued part as no otber Uniment 8ftr did or can. So glth &be ~erlence or two genera&loDl of 8otreren, anel 10 wtllJoa 8&y wben yoa haft tried &be II .IUIUng."
. . . . 'T ......
A MIItI-llallllc rl1l) nlll_1I1I I ho rnt R IdC/l'lell .llIlIghte r hl\ll f(lllnd IJ(\ ) " U rr onrml" r wllll l ylll SIll II wh e n FItrllllg Unllrr th ' I::I I !trlc Ug1Jt 1 lIanl:lug female s. Iwr f Ith, r a llol lh81 III wa." genU 'UIIII l" _,\f I 'T • I 1 nn Inn "f1_' ~~d\~;~ It Oil my h" ~rT l Oh )011 "til I II I , _"" 0' I " ' I " f 1\ ralt h /Iud dl tloll A burj!lar "h o "1\8 cu n VII Ip,1 \I W " hw rec~l\~ recollec ll on hUI olle IL II a" " ,c ' crc "10\\ I .. lI. e rb"rll r. A 1It1 _ho turn, I I" lu u her face I h e plcctrl e light fever bae struck 1Y0Ullln h8K L e n han~ed III ~ho Unll rd ford I08t lilurd Iy tee m. I" II IH ~, S AUO IJ1 1CAl huw H r fen lh ey r!'lllly I.n ~d th e g irl Hill he UIIUtil t I I r III III I! ar • • ROll SllnttO!;1I It hllg turued Dlgh ti ntoday tlltC' I he ~n 1I0ws ho\\ ever hM Iw e 11 o lle of th e D!lld(>Ml mil' II C ff I "". Ihnl I If . he \lH~ thOlr ",". Hllrr) ~ nfrcrc,1 th ~" c' I .l,u'l: fact! fUl1n.1 II hldlllg "" U nllll th ore I~ no eud to tile aUott':d busy 111 ""glllnti \\ I ~h fCIO ~le CI .nlllllli. A e ' e r burg illred If we IIlIly lit I' ~ II 11 •• 1 I hnld that rl rl allao ..... abound. lhe 1110.l hi knc\\ lh It . n 10. \11'; HIIIIl CII 11 1I(c 011 h i" b rf'ad "boulde r lIue f r fun Rn. 1 fllvollty Wh",.., (I:a II , l'If!!IO thatwheo Rnd uo tllblv 'Jf lI te th o I x I ullon o f a Hut U ~ o f , CUlHCIU li t Aml'rl Cl IIl ~ rJI We Ih 1, 1 roate o U. on the rounda he 108t nil 100 tllid to Il\ c for li ll. UCII 111) dllrhng prcclOul! one, La't IIll1bt lho ~rea\) court MUld the WOUllin III W nd.worlh Pri so n 1111 I u ~. H e \\ 1\8 first ub-erve.1 wb Crt h. hUl( h t Of I '" tu I ton I h e .IMY of Pllft"'g Clime 18 It I rue Lilli YU II 101 (\ lII e 1 Oh @ SI hll ico nl r. In the re"r of tllfl hotel were II1Y belll!:! the thml woman 111 a yenr not hnv e "e~ 1I lIy " )oun~ III h II I ::Slgnnr Corn' nl and hI" .Inllj:hlrr lI ero t ho e . " ee t " orol. "" CC Illon ' 1 h nlrl ,,11 ~)", " 'IInt' t ,let,. IIghte'l wllh ('I!'Ilnc hgh tl! , of tbree More tllllll n d07Aln lIomsn hllve KutrHed \\81t 10 Iter I.u c le 1I11t1 1111111 11\ I Ut"" A fClll~h ~ I " \,. a ~atn pN'l en" lu Mlltl fllr . III1I1V Ilaly, l'('fh~I' H nClerlu she \\a_ Hu"blll j! nuw Ilo ou ","1(1 • 1I1I"le pOll r I btl trees on d cnlh und.c r Queen Vlcloroa, mllny IIf who lYM relldl"!!11I IIH hr;l. n " h'\1I1 "hc' t' ,.n trr I~ I £"In tit. ~ be retllrn YeK, Hurn It •• trll c ' tho !;wJl nu. l", ked lI"f lhey were hned the m be1l11; pbenomeDal crlmlll"l s In 0 clock lit IIlgltl, lind I,h" Ih p ". ~ r Ch I I IN 11",, 1 Harry . Iood WIth III. mothe r nntl fll H en \rll "Ie"" ynll hE' murtllured \\lIh >llIrr The" rd CBIlIO ollt and April 1845 " e beli e ve, !:!arJ'b I "('10 .1 11 bclO~ opel1 bccallle .urlden" I''', rp (I llu r, tllklll g 11'1I"l t,f lhe trBv AI(O r. (h. I res-" '''g her muru • lotie ly tll hI " heRrl c lllrpcd "",I lht lillie ",Iv r- mlllel'l! WIll! hRU gf d at Taunton fur lh e pOl1lO 1I mall ~u\ lIdllJ g on tlw lhr e~hhrtll I h ~ r poor boy S ~)I" "ere fill •• 1 WIt' Lellrij II" 110.1 k' 'I!itlt her pllS1!lOnatel y buz7. ellllmOIl!; tile flJlla j!e IIIg \Vi Lh nr8t'Dl C o f ber nl(l~her brolher chamoor It need har Ily be n on • • kill Iltnnrn took 111. hand to lnd hUll f",o Anti h uro let 11 K 1011' · thcm 111 the fu' I h tl iog hl III' IIIt(,1I61' th t'tthe colQr huban,1 uud IlhglllDlRt.c !!On In Aprtl, thllt th e fir st ~hlllg 8hl' d il l Wit . III 11'('11 n p" o f Lh eIT I. I e "f 1110>L ddlillt. ly tlntu I tlr catoe 184!1, "holh ... \I boo 11 . I"\labl ... 8rllh ThoDl II8 II.. hnlll!ed nt sc re.o.m 1I,.r tbat, whell lhr tr .nger tolol Thai c: h:u n 1~ not.-t th e nUrillug blrd IIntc\Pllr IIlId bolrl OlllmOI1 parkl(d Ulou c~61er, for bea llng Ollt thl br 1111 ' hl'r ho would not hurt h or ~he wI~h tb r Dun I loo k 1<0 t;loomv Harry, Ilplir ' 01 lhM ,. ... '*'1 ron n l a n~ of _itcha How Mucb a lIlonagerle Costa. ilk a I" ~ 0 .. r bo hflj:hlf l! glllJj!ht uf her mld~rCl'" \11 1.1\,1 \\ oman uf u ual domhtv of b or fleX, " ro (\ml ll th.\ .hu wbb ,I ' I ahllll "ur Iy como hllck And blu , " , rn:tde wi thout a w!t1"'t ~lJ metlme-Inolr e.1 I WllI-1<O til)n't weI'" It mA V be IDtcrrsllng t.o 11 hlfge clMa IlIllue It -h 'U"lV Itko II pun of mot! R~xt;Y~:Je, with a SLo{l "he weot to ~ouder Thereu~\I . allpe~lr.rn dear bruther' of rClld ers to \rnOlY lne~ whnt a mcnnserie "Uluk . hlldolVod IlgoinH 1\ " I \Val 'lhe glillowl \II an ungoyernabl 1he mlllllV ff ll. w hrll . l"d n".v 10" would cost l hc m fh e re arc, no doubt, " hK du \\ ~ II Pre f1.Ltln· hlthf'r ihhber. UDj:\e the allOt, who t~ ,,1 fIIID !lIe,Lhng 81ld biltDg 10 _ae clanced, '\etperatefy' tl at It · WII8 with dlf.. Datural cudoal\') to tl'lIrS, nn,llrll\d tu . ulli e 'lh \I dl lJ tIII)8 the Detroit free Prt~ many deeerv I!ho'l~ II IIPII th . ch.ld ~~'~~IQJtIt1f~~,.Ji'lij~~ It HI8I d l r ring un hor fillllcr he M I I JOg people In th" country wbo would II hll e bllll k ~IIh o u e\l.e pre.1l dQt:lgll ~Ity twt) stout warden could force gentlem",u ".nteil TlJe \U rn"lrr,"(t1 Keel) It ofar untIl YO II find anuther hk o t.o "d<! n u ge r or hyena to their Itst (I'uuml II ilJllc u"y Itlco II ttl A h!'r up tbe ladder, add ber scream" of war cnll bln1 by l1li ha,.h n IUlIUo, that l ove~ YOII murc thnn I oi l> then of houl\(' hold pc tft If Ih ey only know cIl,ar 1111\ 1II1I1I ~ Il1 l/utl~ ml\c~~ .baOO1\' aoge r and terror continued unhl the politely remarked thaL he II It! ,""de IlI1 tllro\l It away I' "hore th I!C ductle crcnlures co uld be I. "'~lIth It ke a Mlrpuk of ~ll pIllDt. bolt WIIH drAlVn On the 2ht of Augu st unfortunale mlsl41ke thllll .. llIti !llit Four v~an m\, sed lind IHo,.ghl Oll ob lUln cd IIn.1 IIhnt tho eXl'cme would Youn !; I dI CK II1H.lllll tl\r1ly 1M19 their of tbe 811 me yeM, Mary Ann Geert ng Into the wr\log h fJ u fIe, ftlld Ih nt hI' tIDue.1 ml.forlun e 10 th o rLlOrucH FIT.t be f nglftn.lllu<'8 a lArge lrade III WIld 1'lrII""I. 11.1 e,cn p" the b-Igh Tbh WIUI bllng in front of Lowe! JaIl for hav trusted he h"d c,w!t'd no Ih c""v " 'Pll eI' Rlllmni. 1I11t1 Ih ~) nr rather cheaper ~a , e them a qU~ l) r look \I could lM'.e lug pOisoned ber bu~band and two 8011., 10 RO IDqUlry how bo bad Slt l In h~ rl' lhelr h011l1l1 1Y1I~ bllrned III th o frou nd the fnrm f' r lo"t h " h a' il finlllly tlwre th nn In 11118 cou n try Stili, th e their ha ll .l. II:! wh He as m.qb16 wbile Be !III to ge' the burlRI allowanoo from plied WILh SImple dlrectnrl!!!, Tbrolll1h ,h td It WI\Ij fuulld un !!etlhng up hl ij unha lllhnrss o ( g.ulng th em h e re morc 1!.l'1f f,\ rro \\('111 11110 1\ ~ h.t blllck tbo [rlendly soclely to whIch lhoy be- tho kltcbe n window8," Up"11 Ibe HIll 1 tll!1Jl1 , that IICll rcely anythmg WIUl left Ihnn mnle 8 IIp th e olrrercllcP Don t lhllt lh elr ff" ture" \I e re unt: J1:lIlzable longed tW~1 days later Rebt'cca IIll1h of wluoh "ere fOllnd hI. ~hll)l' I u n I fllr lho \\I tl" .. Hlld tbey fillallv " ~ I\l til expecl to get enoke. I\nd ~uch thlnge hy In III Illy c,"p. 1 ~'I" t"o pal or banda .u!fered &t Devl ~e8 for tho murrle r of IldQruLJon for III ~ (eellnga ob, lou Hly IIrC tht, lIy II h em th tl\ lunk "I'Krtn en tA mnll the, d ISlike 10 he Btnmpcd by the "hl ch Jl1 d~ ". 1' from tlte", ;-tIIere mal e her babv, aged four week. Hu ~ bow e luded the I\wkwar,1 rlu c~t1on \\ hy be liar ry fOlln I ~ lerk.h lp 011 a ~mull aetne clerk and the cle rk ge nemlly IIId fc n11l1~ "hIlA l" o lie u f fervent piety bad provoked much bad tu kelJ bIB 6b ,Ilff: ~nd lbe e If ;[Ilu rv feels I'm bnrrol!l<Cd \fhcn th e paciage ". Ihl e u11d er tbe pRraeol 8y mpalhy fo r her, hm Rfter be r (O\lVIC invII"oJ guest IlIld b" In~ o htntnrv , III ~1Il1 Hi t:IIILD. A tI ge r or a lion can [,0 me nwl youn!! llidlel 'IIh~ 101 a lIbll e lettN" <lIm~ rvjt ula rlv bresh open t\OD abe broke down Bnd confE'BAed tbll> entertBmcr parted ut th!' front dOQr WIth from HIRnca they " pule o In Illowlng hnd fur f,400 eaeb '150 gell! a very good WAyS "I\lch Ih em at the s he had pulllOned h er .even other child Dl11tul\l 8alutl\t one lI \1d nl'l'"r nlry 1111 torms of he r OOlllltl(1I1 hom e IOd of her arll cle of II'f, pnrd although 1100 WIll S ~at Cli \Vere'lulck to ava , I ble Civility. bow rell FInAlly, on LI,e Illth of Novombt>r Lite best of term ~ rlllb e r A grellt love fur h er ThOll aft e r b\l\ lin InfeTlor kllld blnck pnnthers oos t "f Ih e opporl Ulllty t.o thrt thQ M.nall1~ lYere hIIoolI~'1 beforQ, e\ er ot tho h. Ht "u trllllilh ....lI" fM I e .750 douued hger8 , 0 010 as hIgh aa electri C ahndow 1 bey f\ lllne tbe le tter. caOle les" freflucDtly , HorlMlmonger Lane Tad Mr~ Mlln forthWIth s um1l\0n~11 IIni! IV Ihrlll oI ~ 1111 now II WRII nenrly a YPllr "Ince tb ey $1 50t), Dnd economy \\ lIuld suggest a hfi lco lIlC' 111 nil dlr cdo ('OllWIlY lDelAnUy 10000yl Illug wlUlliaulle<i in blnck [Ialtn aud a noullced the pfoceedlog" HIl,1 d( oc rlil( ~ IIIH rm g IIne"tlll nt \U IInlmal. of 1\18 h llnd.onll beaux held t hlld bearn IInythwli: frOID her th o pillce ilL once We dOD L he nnd hN h uaban.1 the flllllures of II the mnll "ho cllllt.II 'I" Illng lace \ell • « '* * ill clAM Il lynx ID Bnglnnd oos14 $6O,..but hlk llbout IlIrtlDg on t rIlWI'S h ere I ehwk hand" 011 lho drop Dlcken 8 Il\te " It WHO then dlK/lIl\Nld Ih llt th ey ron be had f l)r nOlhlllg In Onnad,n rlfth n' e lluo parLy, I UK' the f~l1 ow I wllnt 10 !leO I , TIJ6RIlt\JIlel'r 'Pi1Ul n lelnd good naturr.1 \\ rote»f lhe CIl:eCU~IOn, memorahle to Samuel Taylor WRR both tlte nlln ll uf 111\ tuaw thl. day. that' a 81giJtl!O \lIoo n IVllbly prnsecutor an tI th e pfll. rcutrli " fn~L ros\:>y I /lAVe a couple One hl1ndr('d nn" LIVcmy ftve ddUan \Dllk 8trHD~ coropA r d c rtt'd F rE'd '"nncr. Wlf. "..1\ gO l a pola r benr nnd t50 a bro\\ n Urrrv IIhd crum f ~ Cif Ilttlng In awful88 Lbe W1ckeduelll lind leVIty Ilf whIch may have partly s u~ ge.l"d Ih o Rhe sLoOlI brfore Lhe duor of her hILI. of IIckct.t for the opera JOU mlt!!t coml' \\ hlte colin);, lind wltb II ge_luro of wltb me Everybody IB rllvlO g nbout bear I bro"u bear ISl"st AS Mhar.cto ry th e dHrknp.H under an fetTlC light imulelJl!f1 crowd could be Imagln cd defont;O sel "I' at tho trial, whero IL IV .. , M th e othen! nn d milch cbllftper, elotlll w.Lh u bea ull ul bopde oung lariy ID "r "IIIlI ur iJy uo man, IIn.1 prE'fle nt ed bv no htath on lIOught to bo ehowlI that Impli ll ence, orde red Lbo old urgan grtll h~r Surely YOIl would not (m~e II chanco co t $[10 hll L) v II CllII got plenty of tbem whIte 1II1181111 .ler lind the 1I1110 t 'OlwurIJ.p g rl tn t" IIIIC Blancn Oo rrenl ?' * * * * twlie\td hIm self to hn ~ettln l: IlItO hI " Innd under \JI" 8U O It WUh II good wblle laa ~Iight before There Will! DO moro emotIon no more OW., hou se '.Ithout Il Iftt h kpy ~II _ 1I111oca Oorren I I Tloll Hnrry 111 11\ A mCrlCIi OIl ling around grocen es aDd lea vo her door Inllclllg poittH s , s e ta Il good wolf lhe good old Dlatler~f JDo~e" be- pity, DO more thought that two lIumor "181~r d~JlO.ed Ihat her iJro t h~r Irvr I fhey turu cd t.o UOO} "ht'n hWe amnTAlmcnt Yes, the now 1'[1 01 a donna )on nlth ulIgh mnny pep;onB Cl4n ge~ 'lbem ~n n t.o su.pect how the wlllked young tal souls hlul Kooe to Judgment, DU wiLb h"neH lind her motb~r 1\ hl'n he Harry Thonlll Bpoko Ul) Co me " hc" l'e r - III f,,,1., tl'Jey lIave biird work f'l\'n< s were mnldll' more rfstralJ\t 10 any of tho pre vIous ",as It Luton, II and qUII'L, liS ~ hA Ob, mOlher, re tho IItlie \prll H ow kllow And hore we are now I:ecplllg the wolf from tbo door Aard dllughterd unde r ob ceoltle~, tban If ~be Dume of Ch nMt JudlcloWlly added He W\IK In t he habI t II1In ami pAle ~ bo looks I A ud mother nn-vo u shllLl flOe her I ' Wlthollt a "ord more Rarry sutr.. red \folve cost as much as 1600, no doubt first one to 8I1SpeC' bt\d neve r been IIt'.. rd ill thiH world of coming homo late, and f/;' lun g .be loob 1\ ke LllI\tI I and tbere were no belief among man , througb the window, thougb ~ h t"hd 1101. !lIn. Thorne turned quickly How lIimflelf 10 be led lutO the OJ e ra house bCCIl\JiO tlIO) aro so Aord to get l'eter8, of MlldlllOn-a_ As one ID • dream, he tool!: bls seat Monkeys cost f rom 12 up to tooo Of around Bhe puw "be.1liiy tbnt he eame la ehoelcM on tho 00 bu t tbat they pert~h h ke tbe beASU! " ~trange thaL Bbe bad not notl cerl It b ClltlO1l1l /:lhe alllO d ec lared tbat h~ \\A S fho hule j!lrl.lltl look hke he r B anCA a prlmll doutta I Wbat co uld u COllrtlC for Ihe lutt er prt ce a regular 11115 on Lbo bot fort' Darwtn call Ie h nd A 7--Cbm .tIU OOlt I IUle • dr('II.' 101811 PerO III • Pll.1IoL • queer n~ tlmea," aod Bturcd vacuntly <l e,d daughter WIth tean In ber eyes mean ? ' RhOut him , bllt A lOCAl policem811 bClpg He had not long 1.<, wnlt Th~ curtaID ,eu . 000 B BUl'lllllld go~ ou e of th~ sbe 1!llW a lit" of II "ho drew the d\lld towards hrr k A In the New Yor A,erClW'!/ ~ appealed lo ff)r corrOOOraUfl\l the KLar .. WhaL Ie YOllr Dnmo, my cblld ?' ~he roeo, I\nd r&vPllled tu bla startled gUA righ t s tnp!' Kanga roos CO!l t from ~ then four feel and f Inte. tbe following cu~ou. alJd fatal CIl" IIIIf, dtIClartd that, 10 his experlcn~e Every all a l'ar8l101 OI ..nca-bIA 1I110cII-on tbo stage and to aOO 1'1' d tbe m 00 bop Isked cumltanoe .. attendtng a ladr who bad "he )lrtwner only ~tl\red nnLIII) w u ld be 'Ob, IJIZZle I fairly ablue wltb J "'ohl Tho bolJ.."4l fallHh need~ An elepbant, nnd .. HlanCA Co rreOl, II'lIdam " Illc ."'-IIl to kdbw that one lhree . tonce Slmmous ~" sbe _ ......._ _ been t'reBenbed a box of PIUS by her find a plthllu bnu A, nfter II hlc h hc .. IBahe Jour child r' Mn Thorn shook Wltb tbuoder of applal18C phlslClan It Ie really terrible to find ~l\8ed to Btare hf tnS' pro\-IlI,ly olb er LIzzie dldn t 'lq~1 Rarry devoured hi gh 1111 be bought (or the tnfle o f next Ulq Ulred of Lbe organ grinder who "blch greeted ber out 1I1most every day IOnlO no" danger 11'18 eugAged Tho "itO6/!, howevor , .1,'. tWlHI lor) elel'hant coet8$1~, lip clo e, look< il her e'fery feature But hie heart ga"e c'idtlltly ..lUI In the IMt lta~ of cou to whIch we aro exposed If tbore IS a were too mucll for th nry, ftnd fOll r a gre&~ throb all be 1I0ho~ ou one len II cottage elephllnt CDllIa $(; (I, wIllIe any Ind commenced thLDg winch )l!lople bne hitherto cop" months' hHrd lablof wll doub\lr". In1 II Ahem-ahe. !let fill~ • p, Cllrc~t o~ iOld. It. aDlO\lllt of shanty elephnnt!!, for p~rlor "'. aD ~ boygM 300 NOl[ e II Oh lI t t w ih• .AD, laU . .16ttl=Z~ ftfld,.odi.rL1Dt.o,:i~,!!II"""ia, .. 1I.....~D"o...0o1la,.e&.b ...lI,.laLbc~lItr.n.. ~~.r~ U\lun ~Ie burglnrlolt ~an1uel CO,llI tQ Innndii li.. ~ anulild aCi.iiiNl/("'II'Il~~ 11Ie, parted I DII ewJ at (IDee no desire to create a panic among my lD lii!lM>r'~~~-te'I'~~{d-\t~,.;;.ri~:rr:'i'\';:",!".~ -.-~... II Yeti M that moment Birry faucied be no~ be Indulged lD unlea the purchaaer fflcuds wbo h., e theIr portnble PIU- LlDguIHblng lie tween l e boUl!t\1f b.tdlyllnll;bef\ Lhll ' causht the Iln!U" e1e For a moment blUJ a good bank aCCflunt. A very or- IIIld bux",," but for tltelr benefit I 1YIsh to JD Luton . . . . . wbeD be feU to tbe «roUD" !hnary r\tjnoet:ro CO!Its ,2,000, whUo a II Yee Llule," lDterlUpled bor IDd pap ooo'fulalvely, )'lU1Dfr Thorne arrlnd on the _no, ha . " her form tbem "bat reoenlJy befell a Indy " Fatal Urealll. I'rol ly det!lrRhle artIcle COlO'8 to o~er mother' "1 '11'88 88king you "bere Is bu~only for a momeot tlton she " cnt lttod blm up, but It WIUI found thAUde In England, WIth "bom I ha' e been f5,000 A perean mu st hllve tbe rblOo ounl!: 111 r SI01mone '" on 1Yltb hl'r dellgbtful mU81r Ollthertu e E Dllvl eR Lh .. "If I f H enry w...'odlncL mllny ~ ears a cqu310lcd A phYSICllln " Wby, bere he " , mamma bohhllg He Wll8 rlgbt tlbc bad seen and recog to Indulge ID 1\ rillnoee ros. Now go EJ Da,"", JI ,Iell'etlvr IIf ;.l e w Yurk Wild 11'&11 BIanCA's grlef.m oolng told Ind prOSCribed for her t\\enty four pilLs, l ab ead lind mRke vour IIIllcct lOD8. II YOII mv parasol" ~ud U1en LIZZIe, before tbat 'uldo lUI doad Ho had been her Illzed blm e.~ch cUIIIA llllll g two grnms of OXIde of who In ed a. 250 " '(S l T .. t' lIly '!)urlh Ju>t before tno curtain foil 011 lh e 1'3y~ ) Ol1r m oney Dud lIIkC6 }our cbOlce • ~be lowe red h r 1>llrsHIlI, run her hand. el h rr n t\\ e nty fonrtb of II grnlo of mu .llerl hnd heen mud e I er> IJPn. 11 8 III onlv friond aud protecwr from earliest - - I1ve r h er c rimI' Lo s trlllsbten thelD out, rlate of morphm and a • 8ulhclen cy' of rcadlllg the Itcro unts ul JI[,. H ull ~ fp.n,em"rance The 0 d mall W". buned llUlt ucl Ihrry fE'lt a hl$ht touch 00 IllS !USM Hud Make UI" \011 Mr 8 110111011. sat up straight an,1 t" ntf c n llVCI tlb lt 11 by Ihe tnwn authOritIes Bud thtn tbe shoulder Turulog 'Iulekh t he Haw a L or g UlllIn tbe pIlle beIDg coated murd e r hy ChlUlllue o.x,ll ndllnc 1l1 ~ 11I , A :'> ~\\ 1:::0 I.nd sclll 'ol I~nc bcr o f no 100)k d at th e BlarO /lll If btl bnrt been c~trao 11 d" btr Y" hll I f Lhe "I l'"II r uf n KIIU. 'I\lesllon Aro!O AS 10 \\ bRt WB S to be dono hoy who pMSed h'ill a card, OU wlllcll ",th Silver m the Wlual mnnn or Tho aIKHlt thr. e wepks Jlgo ,,It.k lll g 10 uri WIUI wTltlen ID [I deli cate bund wbl ch It t ie ce ll brtw whell he cllught t " o of looktng at tbeul ulltbe evelllllg wltb Ibo poor chIld pIlls \l c rr dehvered to lhe lady In nn or dt'lIly nnd f1l11 0\ lug that en m .. body lVII ' IIIcr r('so r til hCllr 11 111 1111 l tl I 1!01IJ.1 /I L t.l\o I hili pupil - fightlo g u:!t'd to >end ~hem to Ton IDIIIU tcs nfterwnrd r eaw llll • ohe mllst b(' . cut to, lbe l'0or houlfe,' ho recogn Ized at unr.e dmnrv pIli hox, but hemg 10 the n\l !'!!C ry III h e r bedroolD abe cIIII~ht up he r hI (\l11l1(> r I dJ I ~ Itlcc lit e I .. t f"IV cu Jl.1I1 • r hy WIll Mr 1 horn e follow thi S little "ed lhr lr 100<1 ~'()IIS l fit l''' of bread anti jJarru<Olup fI,;alP ODe of Albert Bllu nnd Itnl In!; no pocket III her df( "', tI c (lilli, and "PrRUI( th"'"l!h Ih e WIll wnwr he ll.S 8nck r tl /l lI l f.f II bntlt they &IIld A mo ul1lk lIr purrldgr sc n t til tb ulO \0 K 1II0ns' hBnd~ h e ld lhe j1arlU!()l • M ust ~ bo go to th I'oor hone e runl h 1>0) for the JIIIkc of 1111 lotervlew Wllh bowI, wltb tIVO KJlOO I\ ~ o r uf meat and lDent afterward "s LiZlle's mother pln ced the box I n her bo!!Om most pro II- I 'IV "utle rln g IIIJltrl C~ of wh i,h KI1f' dllrl Lilt WII.te I II" Blanca?" IT ." "I ,10,1 Ih, 'l Ullt) th. IIJliJIln nbly next tho 5kln Tho unfurtun .te 011 Ilw 8 th 111.1 er 1" alKod Harry \~Ilprehnllllllry rXltnllnllUn" Il c llf) Fred Uro-bv mu st lun c thought hl 8 potatoes .ent up ""h bUl anI' pilito lind leaned lorlYnrd to 8peak 110 her famIly Indy dill not 8u.prot the dendly peril POllt \lII H 111 II II ,h Klrl.!ll ~ t1 101 til [\ dIU I " J nm Ilfrilld 110 my boy \ ~ntfc .\lId furk for ellch C)" m('(1 of clor(rYmftn Dr Potte r, I h earel a hI' W D8v.eH, hll " b~n.1 .. f tht' d~lIo" 111111 'iu ~~ J usl (IIr • aile ,,' Id lv w. Lh I h~ \lllI ch aIValled he r ]n less Ih1\n an Ub, OIl thor don t fiend be r I he re V frlond InKaUe lo r be ,elzed III" hnt, aod " ar tl •• cUMlomlllY \\ he ll 1\\0 JIICIe Mund ffl.m unde r the l)ar&l101 something hOllr II IIIJ l c rc explOSIon occ urre d her t.e8tlhed Ibllt h e reac h ed IH lIIe III IIb,)ut Klogh ' , XCI pllOIl Ih nt I'C u e o ft ell r(1 ~ slarled After tho bo) , WIthout. wurd of Ke<lII h e r 111 L Ilhe'8 plAce I" tl\r~ , rc· ori 10 l'u g "1 8 t\ ('~ 111 I!t'ttlc Olent hke thl8 11 0 clock 011 the CHIIJlnllof Jul) .!(I,allo! lrc"l'!crifur t' \ ( 1 n 1( "''''J unOlll1l unde rclolhes "ere redu ced to a !IIIder, Farmer Tborno at lhl ~ 010 t'xplaDRl\on or ezc l\ sc C. 10 " nn them Scnkch I yu- - I' IIDd a 8woot VO"'I' nnd \D" fel\ dnys she dIed euf]ertns lho un.lrefli\{)d an I lay down 00 11111111' . 1ll 1" A rrl\ Ing bt'hllld tho SCl'DeS be \\ 1\1; uf pNw na l C fl CI At'" tUJlc r t\ 1 ~(: '1\' Ih S \\ SO l1 lost ment aud IIarr) turned 10 blm (h r. brcllH tll brea t 110 Llmt lhvrr Il8ud" 81 chldlDg" 1J0n ' t AlbertI Wbat wou ld tbe wlDdllw. of Lh" ex le nnOli roOlll II c Willi\( lh c 1IIIIII s tN In h •• rCIIIsrks wft8 1lI00t oxcruCIn II ng ngony farmer " large bellrt bad alreA'ly ~onR uoh ered IDto l\ pretty rooOl nnd round IW dt loll Ch An exchlloge I:t'v(>ij the fol mother say 1 II nught to be known tbat oX ldr of bad bar,lly fall en IIKleel' he fo.o ~lr " d\lclhll!; "I ,," th, IU'I:' to lh" hUn nud I "ut to the little st rllnger, and he declde.1 IlIm l!Olf faoo to face WIth BlallCA !'iOY;, Il 18 IIIlfe tIl "M, Judgmg ffllm .t1>rr I,rlng red uced hv con tnet \fllh Harry Dl} dear broth er I ' she c ned I ""'IIJ~ Ilmu~11Ig n(~'fI un of the \l1\y 111 On c II wh" waK In Lh~ I cd "Itft I". o f lhe (leer hIl' I IIh 11 Lhl,t ," "Ihy 8ltO\re lit Ollce to "dopt h e r lind LhuR 111 LII whIch II RI"~IRn :-;Olomon treated fish Ihe rows all row o of ))fl, ... ul., thai 01 f'r Ha\ o H gr lAhle e XI rne t&, 18 10 tbo hnblt of ex .... Ife IIrOUfle I hIm tt y s'y" g II 'Ir~ up ' l\e' cr 111111 1 IIl r lu t Ihru Y ,e's place she \\"1\8 IDHlnll('d III lIl(, IU9hlng lo",ard hIm Joyously "h" caDle 10 bl uw8 Be kne" Igbt hllndl ed beautIful }ouog \Julle@ woruen you forgotten yl1lJr lillIe slstert ' plotl11l g It '" really AS well tltnt pel)ple DavleK hll" JIIDll'e.1 OIN th. I 01(0' Y , vOllr hefl 11 the. {'rp. " Tborne fRlntlv lu rllch lD fI would be o f no 11 80 what from tbe Umted SLate8 Hotel bave the thRl , Forgotten VOII, Blnnca? ( tblDl: It 18 ThlH \\1\Il nbollt .l ll 11\ Ht g .t up Jlud Y CIII'tI pM8l'd q llIel Iy nway , and Blallca you who have for",'Ottell IDe It i. a yoar eHr "here th e hea rllr" "ere two \\emc n po .... der dll 1Jf] their ,,"'eet p!'llchy sh I11ld hI' mad e nllare of tho dllngcr threw npt'll Lhe l.hml 8 of Ih e Wlu do \\ A ( I R1 A IN V:l"" ~ lIul) ,,110 IVaR a hi Ilt el run In orde r thllt Ihey mny hllle llo I elll,,'lllIllld 1/1 It e r bummer outfit grew Into Il "msome malden Admirers KIDec we bave recolved a 1I0e from you I ' who "ere aurAlog one anotber at the cbeeks bv handllOme mual.llch es evrry IIOnellr wblch ho waH Iym g AM he dId Iron fIIom' 11I1II t for the ir 1'dl boxc" It 8he blld mllny but none were more de rcphed Harry reproachfully rate of olle hUDllred and twont) word_ a D1r,ht,and all on Bcco unt !If tile .. It'ctnc \l on ld hI' IOtc r06t11lg to !clentlfic stu- 80metluog p8lll!l!d I Y olose 10 Itl" filet' . Ufl) I@ed h er p"re llls the uthe r dny by volAld tban her adopted brolber te, and "lro-wtJro ollly prevented light Tllii! 18 "hy r am \II favor of thl H d entJ! 10 know If pIli. of tillS unturc arc He gilL ollt Illl tho hllicoltv AlIII >II 'V I,," Jl HkIU !! "I v sbu " M uollk e George A )C4r l Wby, BArry, I wrole ro Wh cn tll .. y gn' e It up One winter a fllncy fAIf gIVen In pel\tedly unltl we left It.&ly, And SllIce from tean n ~ o ne nnoth e r " faces by the ne w hght H UlltS eentllnentnl Jouujt hnbl ( tu e~plode lifter they are slYnl WIfe lylug under the halc ,"y • ryllll' WIIlIh lu gh ,. s be wid Ilw lIl !'eCIII! •• II e URd uo hWe thc VI lage nod BlIlncahallm charlt\l the arrlvlUg ID En~land papll hS 8 vlRlted ~troul! Ilflll of tho pailI!(' • Y ou mllst ladies III 08nKIDLt their molhers 1 IO\\NI I nm not nhle to gilD any Infor- II Murder H I) c1~c e nd ~d Inlo lh .. Y f1o\\or boblo A regular clu'omer ..aoh t"o old VIllage liome but could I- liro be lo~k cd 111 one lllIti tbe ~a lD e c dlluntll hope to hve t.o ee the when EdIson mAti> n on 11m poInt but 1 can 6tnt.c WIth hi. brolher In law nort np' rOdc hed (,al yet mgbt Wll5 I~ tllil dark gentleman Rbout notbin~ of you Oh, Harrv why did you have kl_ d el\ch other lhl wa s wtli I'ut up an electrtc hght ID every th"t • x l'loolOn' h.I\ o fre'lu ently oc- hi" IVlfe wh o WII. tnlklllg 11l1U\' Helllly Mn \lAlIl Ell S HOI F.5, "f thlA cit., forty 1"lIr~ of Age, who 1'Alche.1 her you hIde Joufl!llif frow mo ? Dut do tnvanubl y th I!t'utollce of the IIC" parlor More electrIC hllb t8 are neE'ded curred 11\ co pll1 ~ nIRdo IHth Tbetr ) ~uuge.1 child wa. hy hN Aldt wHY marn ed 0 11 W ~ to ftUM 'Vllb 1111 mLPn8e ga ze. tell mc of my dnrllng mot.ber u she mar;18Lrtltc In everv OMeo f femllie broils No well rt' famIly should bA the rxtrt(t ef w in. ) nll1 th e uXlde "f Tbe c1l1ld saId tbat hE'r muth e l .",klllg !1' unIO HIlle uf MllwIIllkfe, W" Tbf' lut nl~htof the IIftRtr W_K III be well ? l)ot'A .he eVl'r tli 10k of me ?' she wluci. "a8 brollght before hlll1 H e WIthout lhom Wboa CupId did MiM JtJI.lo Hal. ~Iher "n,1 cro os'"e III 011 of elOIC. 10 her III come With h or hut! • lImc ' l ov(' r IS ht rlKln g Q\ Ut lUtJ II Olll, \.he gala Dlgbt, and A play wM III be per rAttled on not wailing for Il rE'plv knew thllt al~hollsh kl"81 "11 one anotber - -- - - - - - f,," Ih e rc are I!( m{ 1'.11" "hlc h IIro the balcony rUII III d Ihey "o,h Itlld formed Now It hBppened tbat tbe 1_" habIt "Itlt male RU!!lllan. It 18110t An Expeusive ILuxury. AI~~hllr,.;rn~~tlc~1 b ~:~~l~~:e.knt WIll she be gllld t o Kee me I " l10 llllng IO li rc or Ie"" Ihlln I"ferual ilia Jump'ed togel hcr \I r. IJ,\ lie. becllme If'IIdIDg ubllfacter of tbo play "8S 110 I!O w1th the women of 1I1uftco\ y , least - /It.. l ork p"",,, If ' ~ «(1' ". " AI"I, rlII61 1 Poor Harry e face 6usbed tilin e_ Kn.1 p. o pl~ \11th 'uicn,,\( lem IICnslbl~ Abr,lIt Ii 0 clock I:)he Ihell t .Id Italtlln danOlng girl, .md t110 l"rt 'PiAK (1I 1l be~t matcrlll i (ur 11 church 18 can "We occupy email and hum"le ~u8r of all wILh th~ fiebw" es The "omen Englnnd I~ 111 dIscover t hat lIer 7.ulll 1" rnm cnlt! and u"d cf11l1n od c. mstllu ber thJ't, willi e MIP.I'plnll, -he gIven to BIRncn terri uow, Billnca-mademOlselle,' he "ero hurTlcd off rRtled fllr R t.IDe louder .. lIr 'I! a "ostl~ luxllry T oe London t1\ 11M fflr ,,.hom thc) arc prt>o<: n bcd, thougbt lIhe hcard tho hhlll i••hllk. nnd VIIS \\' 0 8.W II Duml'" r uf men lit ~ho The dark BtrAnger Will< there A S usual stammero:\ • If you could pullll' WIth than ever prete8tl'd thl\t they would BrollonlMl cRlImates tbal provldlllg tb e 8hl'ldd be care ful 10 take lhem 10 dreamlllg lhat .ho mu.t " ,enpe frllm e lf CU. III"t S.\tu"b\), k • • p WId e awnke He "1Iu:bed the pillY wltb unuisgulfled us,-I, that IP, sht-" die woner tlilln sn . lhls IJllmlllatlDg war e1eRed IlOW It \1111 C08t th e govern 81 c lnrl,d 81'ol~ \lhero uo ODe bUL th elD bllrglftr~, Bhe hud Jumped Hlle WM rn dunu" th e lllO hi IIr ~ perfu rmllll ce, wbo dlllgust unlll BianCA entered wltb ber BlanUa'd merry VOI CII Interrnl'ted the HI gil of recooolli.\ItIJD and then , after mont by tbe hme ber Ilroo\>. arA re ~rhc. CAn be IIIJured III the event of the Llrelv paralY7Ald bel o w th~ WIII "t Shll COli t pot!!! I hl ~ kecI LhOlr eyes open III tambourme ID her hRnd He etared .onflll'Cfl speech 1\ fe w hourH' confinemenl called tbe turned, bet'Pi~J1 £4000.000 lind £5000, explOSIon dId well for the IIr8t ten day_, bULllfter churl h ftv mlnutc~ l\rlU r Ih~ SCtWOUbll-for ... "rd In ~reat surprtse ISbo Mnp; a 1m well Il!!ell ttl an humbl. hfo, lUIIE'r Rnd IDfllrmed lum Illat the v had 000 ward Muk, aud dIed 011 th e mornlDg uf ~w If Stafford N"tLhcole etat'" thllt I Trnellng WDrera. "lid, plaintIve melody, "nd began Il \:Inrry 1 havl' not forgutten Ibe hfo klJ\80 ol They wore tnformed that they K\l1oo the beginuiuj{ \If lbel1>repent ~ellr Augu!t 8 A liAR1 rOl1D " umun p.~tted bet fant.naIH) dau'X' 1 her e bav~ been tuvehng wagerR, and YUll1 l/ood 1'8renls rllliCuoo mo Irom 1 mllbt ropellt the k18~ publicly In tbe open £280,000 IU ~pecle bave lH!en con~lI:Ufd fflend Hsevt U ypur old )ouog"ter un the At tblK the etrangor leaped t.o bl8 feet aID Bll\nC\\ Thorne, lind a tambourine mnrket.-plsoo A omdl fine wu lAkeD to &uth Afrtca and al80 .t:800,COO 10 none of lho 11'",1 81Dglllar of .ueb W8I\ PraYIDg generlilo. hand aud Halt! r Mhould h1le to htlH from ea~h, and they were compelled, In long tlllle bill . The actulIl ffty menl8 that nf!lfr Whalloy, Iln IrIHh gentie ' Wllb II luw cry All eyes were Immedl glTl stIll ' A war COrre"I)I)n.lent-or ral her It ouch;. I1ttl A boy 11 8 )nu nre lIe looked atelv turued in 11\8 directIOn, And be fell The two weeks tbat Blanca romalned tbo mld sl uf tbelr s l.teu In lrade to of tbe veM nrc !('t d own at £. ,HO,ClOO, nll'" (Knti IIbo, we behove edIted Ben would be more correct to ~ay • 'Hll rr .,f up 101.0 her tllce IIl1l1 re l,hed Welt lnhllllon'. " .. rkP) \\,h .. for A very cons\l1 blck ID bii seat 8A wblle as marble In London ~be Willi a coDatalot vl~ltor at kl l!!! each other throo tllll(>8 Ami thoro prior to Marcb 31 at £1 500 e r ble " "!Ifr £~o 000 It \\n 8 .9 Iti, .~ t WHr remloI8cencr. _ for lhl' Pll1ladelphla I gll c-, Vull clln I don I huhe, oOoti bss Early tbe nut momUlg. the Thomes the Tborne's hOIl88, and the day befol(, 000 To tbc.e M UlliS s hollid be added I'neb Oa. SIlv8 thnt Ihe Suuth "pot IO llrl' 10"" th e I'" t te rn of me were 8Urprtlled by II VISIt from the etrlln ahe WI\8 to leave for Italy agllID, I'laced unll'lllldl\ted clRlms , current eX1OCOfle8 out UII MOlllluy tbe 22d uf Sfl(1teruber \ "1 cUlI.1I Trlllli. Lbl 1 1 n the uoo I li) l. Illy Id88 16 ever li 88 t"wlIlk\ltttnople and back • pr lyIDg geDerlllK ' th,," thp Norllt ger HI word. w~re IIbrupt "Dd t.o the In rtf", Tborne. hand a deed for theIT Alld the cost of retransportllhon of the fbat boy WIUI a trlle I hllollOpher, who sellt JOto the field Uponlhl. "ulhonty fretl llglllll ID one year rhl~ wager, hl) \I " I t I'm Ill, by Mllmle Now poInt lOAt farm She would bellr no objectIon wben he 108t hl8 kite thougbt be would tfllOp. we would bll perKulided lllnt Lhe OJ II e\l r "lumHlenl 1.1l0t 1Ylthout a pre Mill:.".. rlon' l )vlI Itlll1k )ou're too "Partlon my Intruelon 81f, and nor reool\e Any thllnkH As the lale8t '''Rpatcbl'llsho'' tbat th e cudellt :lOme years ago a baron"t of federucy. be.. h~hter. w. re r<>ioglou cry Ilbout It but lIl.medllllely aftn con Irp"It ' If Ih . rl " "" the 111" 1 hIt of on madam I 11m All ltahan cOInpoo!l!r "It IS onl" a 811gbt recompensl) for c\udt'd n(lt \.0 and went home wblstllng vIctor,. of Ihc Lng-heb IR not yet COlli IIl1d devnuL h I~ fllhue" uf Lt,ng travehog for my beAlth At tbe fair your k IDdne8s, mother, dllar Mhe saId When 8IIl:e,1 .f he wa~n t MOrrv 10 101le plete, and there are IIOverAI remallllng good fortune BIT Henry Llddel. laId Ii .tr('et tbllt before the bliUlool Ih n WII.I t h 11M"'""''' V II r umlre "1', ) 1.1 11 wou Id cUD~lderable wlIger that he would go to .OIlX Itllli 10 J\ dlUrch _o.llIble li nd I':~t hot nigbt I saw Jour dllugbter perform I shudder now wben ( tlllnk of what hI" trl'lIl!uru hll rephed ernelll! he knel'led by the betlR.d" 811':1 'Yee hut 1 prcont.or~ bRn.l. dlKpo.lIld to caUde 1 a wonderful song lind danoo will YOIl mIght have hapPE'Ded to me hll<! It Dot call t (001 IIway ruuch tllne In beIng further trouble, there douhtlellH WIll be Lapland, brlDg home two femllle. or tbat engaged \0 th e mnKt ticvout pr.yl'r It'll Ct?lIt"i np)~\C rOI tb om wll me where ebe lellrned It?" l AN 1011 "C, till "hull of 1110 · ' been for vou Yuu will be gilld to have RUrr) 1 m Jlldt gOing 10 make n new one a longer contlnlll<tioD of ]'ostllltlE'8 thall countrv and two relOdllt'rs ID II gIven Whtle 018 words werl' audlbl", It could fbe farmer BlAred at ble wlfo but tbe dear old home AgalD, And when and I Kue... b.lter onl''' A greAt manv W811 anllclpllleJI L, the l= noptll~t "hen tim" He performed the Journ(ly and be !!COn lhllt he "'II~ nn much affected n~k. d 11 telt IV "II walllcd.o eOLlrl! nNlber Kpoke for Il moment 11('\1 .. I tit( I b u l .~ rK.) h, r Ob )es, Harry marrlea It will lie II pretty \llllce f"lIllrown mrn haven t lellrned that mRklDg lIs e811m81~ . E"ghLDd, IDdeed effected bl" purpose 10 every real'ect -WII~ literally wr~811l0g In prayer The Lllpland wumen hvcd wltb hIm 'Well rE'ally, 81r," he at longth re for 1118 WlfAt" 8be murmured, 111 II le.!!On yel I ell ll HUlHC\\rcely Whl'n thflY hRVtI ppllt thClr mftv 00 happy If Rhe gets out of thl8 abullt II year but de.mng to go bAck He remKI1'l'd nil 1111\ kuet's for n full .'r "R " th~f(I'I) ,)lIed, "I can hardly tell vou tbat HI eCArcely audIble vOIce mIlk nn tlte ground they "t dowlI Cl081' "IU wltbnutl'xpendmg O1ore tban 125, to their own cOllmry the baronet furll hllif hour Lee lind Jllek.nn "~re mell IInyth11l j! ( 18 t',ce pt the bull' \ Oil lIad 8nCB dance<l tbat WAY, and Yng thllt "lIfy cbllol , Hllrry WIll nevol Dlnrry by the wet "\lOL aurl dilute lhe lost lac 000 000 lo f30 000 000 I It, frllm' IOstantly of l'myM ID tho f.llie"t lII'J1!1(' of tbe LeLte r clo"" II I~hed them WIth meaU8 and money lII)nlf, whpn sbe firot ClIme to ue, wblch oow " was the reply 1(,lIl OIIlU Wllh tbelr bfluy tear. If word Bragg Wft" bJlptlzeri \0 the pr"8- - hut hI" mOllth I~ ntgb on to DIne years ago" "Never marry, mother I Wby IIOt? ID.lenti of thIS rfpllllng Ihey "oulrl lin fllrll" r wh o h Wl Iltloll 1I1kmg J ERURAI EM IS bt'comlllg d~lly 1II01'll eUII' of hlK I\rOlY Ewell bCUIIIIIII n de Tbfs Terrible Sballe 8tA1l'J' , rhell abe 18 not ",'ur daugbter? , BecaU!!!! be love. a Illdy 110 far I\OOV& onlv .leurry nround they ,\\ould 8non veut Chrlijtllln Al be rt S ,Inrv l .. hl1l1Ol1 • Ity bt",,,hrM til Inllkl h.1I IlCcotlote crIed tbe stranger, In p;reat exoltemAllt hIm ID life that he hu not the courage lin I :lIIother Ill1ti II bl ,'grr C()W "BIting Tbe edItor of tbo WhItehall Til/It. and more OermRn, HIlII thllt lallllu8ge never went tnlo \I battle wltllont gOlllg 1lll11lllCC r )r tho y(nr I ~ ~\lrprl sed , JUs at 1M v~ry generally opnlcPn thrre I he Ob, no I Sbe I~ An adopted cblJ.l to uk her hllnd \D marTlftge ' to he mll~ell Uon t ekulk OOC8U"e It claIms that a CltlUn of IVblteball told German ..ettJE'rs 8rt! botb Jew and Ch" ... down on h,s knees tu tbe Lurd nf HORtA the prc •• nl tlll1' 10 lin I that b l) hUB 111 although we 10vII ber A8 though sbe hlld blm tbefo\lo"logreUable makeetory He BIRnC8 mftde 110 repl v th(lugh .he won t PRY _ _ __ Hordfm WI\II a devout ano prRyer lovIDg ~ e8u> tlll.urc for e )(LfI1~ than 1~1l tit been born to UB .. (tbo Wblteballer) "ent out In the woods tlall, Ullrt rpccntly A mngazlDe, to lip' knew by tb e dear motber's tell t lile who hOI~rd IOnllUY cUU1~8 to bell ldc~, th. For Hea,en s wo, Ifill me All you the lad y "a8 Be Ongbt tAl Uuo Known ., Stith In'." "Itb ID umbrella, wbicbtbe laId on tbe pegr once III ~hree month_, ha~ bet II mall ) ouug IIldltls w ~re ~uch charmlDg com I ~fI" R.r"" III• • I~ ) know oonoorning ber? grua wblle fiehi"ll A ahower comlngup, 8tarted f!1 vlttg an account or. all tbat Ie That D1ght Harry n\ll'nded tbOlr gllllllt A RECENT estlmnte gtve. til lhe 1'"lly th ,t h e entirely (Ilrgot to hOe blK IIIwrcstmg II dowu JD Il1dea," aud bear I bus en I reat.ed , the fllrmer relllied back t.o her botel be attempted to hOISt lobo mgt whlcb "Do you know thnt 8 burt~d Cburcb of Rome about onc ocl'e nth ,f potllto /,l\tCIl tlte ilCcolld limo. lind tb ot the 8tory Wbon he hlld fiDl8bed, the , Wby don't you gel married Harry 7" up 11\ lbnt cemetery?' !!IlId Iln elderly Itrongly resl.ted bla effol'te. FlDalh', a IIIg e.peClal reference to tbe arebroologl "'be populatIon of tbe carth to 1 crop WI I be IL Ilend faIlure cal researcb6\! made In tbe district det.crmlncd 11ft I\eDt It to oxpan8l0n, IIlAn gralped bIB hAnd, wlllio toe tellr~ ebe IU!ked him blUJItly lady j's&!enger to 1\ ~llroad comlu lor taotlsm between a t,.,clfUl aDd a 11m The oonduot.on of tbl' periolhcal wll\ when som thing dro~ped Lo the !fOund Ilreamed down blS"cbeeks. The poor fellow fhtahed and tben POllltlDg t.o II rcsttng place for the deal teeDLb and t.o ObrlStlanlty &I a I~ holt 11 "1\Ir Tbome,' be Mid. "the gul IS paled tbat the eaB were wlm.lng JlIIIL II No In_pectlo proved tliat tll" I1U1lirellA had pay pnrtlcular attenhon to the varlOUK little j eM tban tbree-t.cntha. Ano the r m~t polllt .. 1\11 to topo~ral'by In aud been .wallowed by 1\ b\ anul\, Hnd my dlloughter 1 can prove Itl" ho con .. Your mother lold me vou loved a ma'am, I don't.' .. HolY Ions bave you autbonty places the whole num ber fir ttIlU4ld, notICIng tbe look of IDcreduhly lady above you ID the iOefal aeale," .he been conducterlng on thle road T" the forCIble Ipreadlo6: of Itt, I~l nbs around tbe Holy CIty l\fr frollope, Cathohca at 216,800, 000, of wblch nllm 10 ODO of bls n0\1eI8, deplete blo charaeblld splIt tbe" mrplnt" from .tem to on Ule facoa of bls bearen. "Fifteen continuedJ~uot n(;ticmg bl8 embarraas- II About; four yea... ma'am" II Well ber Io;urope b .. 15 1441000, !\ n11'rt. J\ .tern ::Now, let UI hoar 110 aiON abo" \Ore enjoying l\ pIcnIc near JerUAAlom, leA~ ago my httle was stolen ment "" "QY don't you tell bllr of your U I'd been four yean on lbll road, 1 61,400,000, AIIR !I,I.!ill°°° A (rtf''& 1,6011, ",bllt ~"rll od y III Lbo City I ~ \) ad,,~. and It IK quite on \00 CArds that tbe that l.o&ke Champlain water 1IWtie. fJolD me The name, too, IS 'be same- love? 'Notbing ventuf', nothIng,' found out Iutbln' or other r Ih'd I~ beautl t ul, .ultlllO \k ~bo I,.y in wbtlll . llount of Olives hu been marked dowD 000, and Au.tralla 00IJ,000 ----~----~ ----_ \ J!\anea Oorrenl My daugbter iR found vou kno" " bate to be 10 i8nurant," aDd an nprl!lJ.he wllI . ,"IIII\ blJr&f9 you, 11\J~ b \lr lUti 11\ tbe alte of lager beer garden, for, FA~a for brldHI glftR -are or 'ilk or .t Iastl" Still no repl y lion of utreme dl.uet ItO Ie 01 er It"r 11 wouldn't be ufo t.o call a man a , lIead on ODe ~tde, and fllly S • })t!ar1il I Harry," 8he wbilJ16re4, IUppiu,g bllT face . . Ibt pu' do_ ber pl1ruol wltb 'AtlD decorated with a 11l11111~g bYllqme where (nrmanl are, IlIler Alld gardens pllrallelu,ram \0 Saa b'rauo1l!CO • Great ",lUI the e;r;cltemt!nt iu t.Ile vIII uev~r thuughtl Do 1 look ,(ert ball fi 'mUlt lOOn foUow c:elebl'llted artlst ~ • l.p ",heD it W8H known that farmer band In h18, 'I w~ .. r your rlnl••till I a dlud.
ami Grow lot.
y8rn~ for thp ~iJ'(l8ia41.
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(F....m tI,,, 'ill.lnnutl (IUlII.rrui.ll Ur. 11011""·,, • Prol'l,lr Time.'
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L,UI. _Mel Il'atlroaf. .IoUltNQ 1\11 "IM IN R.'M'l W" III), Bo"th~'n R IJ.l...,., .. II:~O ~ . Ill .. !:oI".
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tIolqmbu • •\ QMom. 11:4.1 " . m.. No. /I Nlpt Illp....... 1 ()~ p. '" No>. 7 .nIcht allli Ane.. 10:611 u. 111 ., Nu. ta WIIIITWAIID 110
tIh",. t! r . dIllIn IIbe CCl,r(\h •..: 114.\" 01' .•..lut n\l c' Il"~1I l,,,I.Hi;III h,,"1t 0" It- ~hnut ~ \' , ___-..-+-....... Or h\A"mll "IIKlO"', : 11 11 1 "'~ II •• (.·, , 110 0 Itl,o,' Lhe 1'0010,' .... ~ IO",' lo lI. I .. ~II 1,«
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1111"•• hkely 1 1~"t ""YOOlO . , eith," "O'oro•• •·oll d l. hi. C,, " n 'Cll II ~ un""" . _' I \ nl\t~~ Or u t !l\ r" lifO . cfl u .( idcred hi m \\ 1 b n . TI le Oo c t o r fl'l. IW I. \ tI HOt.. l i, otl ,.,: 'u) lId r ll h -M r. J ohn A, Fu ukcy "i8ited rorm ,d.I .le 11,·. 1~. If) ", ake 111 '" " 1"''b eLfur ' 11 ,,<1"1'" d In hi • .te",!; " ·i. 1';" or II," re- I 1 d th · _,hl\ flPt of th e ir I'U\ '1 . h u LrN l Or m !l l k e PO l' t 6r ... t \\ r ilt o u, I 'l! fn ' ~ II OUII u n I.h\l d, o f ' _, 10 city y ste r lIy. The .rlell I. "-'u ab.u,,1 to 10,· cUlvrtnined 'u,' tho Inl~edy .• lI d lJ""e" ,vlclo' "" '" Dr: ~ '1 ' -MI'II. Klltc McComns visited .. 1I,0mI ou t.d I"rI .I"oakl"s I du so" dnlll,· fi r.. l ..,. " ",.,,'•• He I_• '··po"·' . l'"b · Ic '" r I I•• t ' dl th". d . Newt',wn htbt \fcck. C' r rllc Y lUI n \ . ' t:! ,)'; .n~ 111 1! . ~ lU g th. , T he Ih .' AL Cl \wtfd p;"ll l e lll'\I il'l .llI d l a r '0 1
Wil mington.
ti Dy
OlltJrll de plU' I It~ 1'I
I,UI IC IIU\I f' d I\ 1UJ
Fu rUl ur , Miu Allr n tJi d nol 1. 1 t h l ~ iuh' r I "".ow I UY -1 1\1 ':\,": 111 lu,.k irunwli i"tci r: ' . 11 .' ft}' tI ~)IU tt C' d. rOt ~ h o WII ,hl' U Ih 'ro u~h : '
t81>o",,' on algoal. ~O'I S .tld .'i Ofl!t . lId l' 4'''lld 10 weMI • • 10 .halt be ("'IIl'ie :! TilE r L" l' 1 0 UH T&fl T rut. n Olln u. 1111L hi' hn,tls ,tTl n l o lir d iz.j t.t h ,t It l lluh, " 1I1I1U\ earry mail. ' . . I . 6,lulll;crlm ,n"ely. No'8 1, n. 1 An,l 10 rno (\ uily. All o\.her, ,Tb a L,'"· c;t' l linu ." ~ J.I JI " ' lI 011 1,' ill tho J).lctClr'8 W h Ol1 he narnt1 1 0 ln o f r" ,', j{, ll.! ~ I "'''''pl IlI1ru.y. . C, ' _ 1I .\I NK 8. ~1,'l~ tlI KltIP II ' II H Ilh~gctl~crlikct..' Ihlll ' ltH rub.l flhll\\ . ~1J1 ll o l\ ~ 1t ' 1I1I i,1 u~t ~:~' l llc:~~~ n Ua. ' ,: Z~,lIrfl rill~IlI IlI" \\ ~ \ ~u!' \' l ll e , .kIlC W Ih c \~ ,,11. tlll' r CI'I l'l II tlt·1 "' ,, " " ().HI or ·II .11 ,
I., C.11Il 1I~{. C"p\a I1l1I oc" , pi'4tnl Inti ...' in ~ t. IIII ,· h.,·~ lall"l1 frnm 1,1. ~r"' I ' . • h ~1I he la. Ihe Comall',cl.1 ul ' .. (da. all(le r Iho W"O $1,01 lI.r"UlI" III hO~'I. I, II 1101" , .,'1 h;»f\J fulmiou Ltu ~ . IP" J.; ' p" lm' -l d uhllu. tUn\ I"\llU lulc .' ~1 cui l,l t! h.l ·ut: o Ihhi tho IIi (\.1 "I\~ r... "" IIr. IJ''''/lh. 811'IIIg hid ' . .. 1011 " C Ihe 10111101 1.1',ug ... ,111 n'"lhem. tl..,,! I ' olslun u,!hnPIJY1."1;' <1.1 "' KII,I"ro Al lh .."S" .Io.~ "1". . 'h" O· lrl i,, '8 h. IIlI. '"I th h ",J II' ~lI ghc. h ll v ~ 1, r.h _pee l d r" m l d d. "our c . [ nUL th-.! mu"."\Q] n~ x' h 8 . till ~e l .. l P" , ha p,. . 1 ,'u nu OI h~ flnltl III h"" . f lHrl led Qr (' lllI v i n .. ~, d lh· '\'.,itlll' ... odd Ih.1 I'r. lIollgh', ~ lt l " IHJ 111 cite uu -y IChu t,.lc u ne . ~nm e por a t hm . or ti lls i''' 't y·... n rtl t·lul J .,,·,lIg dJ "ct.n nd ut hc ' !& h,d i,"o, t r I'l' r o ll c t.., di e \.'O IIlI\lCliO I "~ u f ' ~h(! U'ril ~' r " h h ll", Cftll ' , tla m .. ntl lo me n o t ice III hl ~ h u n !l~. It m "" lI o t ' Ie hlMd Ul i' sable . hI' ''' 'c r. 10 n ' mnrk fn th OUlae L.
I--w--=--.... ..... ~
wurk.., d "ha t 11u! W l"ll~r r
k <.I
Fluid Extract
, DeNU •
--MillS lolli Zell is teuching "Ie 10 Ikrlu g .1 '~lIt Ibe l{ o.I'r" gc'I~' ,' Ur.Huugh the 10 tie,· •• nt lo~ h~~ 10 c:~",, ;o h ';"I' ~ u:~' .chool in District No, 9. ma •• 8 Sri,' " 'U I In ,. \<I,.men!. . L "Idelt time Ih. ,uliun inl; c,'n•• •" ' i" ~ -Mr. J ohn Illllsey was quite ill JUn lce .I.< I< I HU1 0 S : lOch pl. ce: lAst week, bllt ia 1I0W bctter. Dr. Hough . aY8 lhis ~.IIII ( m . n ""-M SQ- Doc' IOI -is. lh. r. nl')' Il l> i,.ivn III pu uli.: 1'0' l'l I' crll,cI" J l,eaOl u>. hI' Jid II0t O:J"r n.. old nl'! n' -Fresh oytlter8, 011 Saturday l Dr. \1 :. ) orn·... 1\ ,.. ,,1\111" 10 torrec' hlni Wrll<r-I kuow or nO lle. morning at Farr & White8. ~olO()dy p r et~ud; 10 dcny tllftL Ur. lI uugh l'octo.-II'''ut I. Ihe "plulon? A SPECIFIC REMEDY 11~or all H ' S S Ha' s nd w'fc , utroude,cd himsclf 10 the ~"Iho ri lic. ul,on Wriler-The p,evll il inll 0l,iuioll i. tI",I' , • -:- (1 t1 . , • • .1I1e D I his a.. h·~1 homo rrom Kildcro, .... lk.rh'l: in ~ " " .hol t:n"tI,in lIod . vllited the E"poslhon yest~rdIlY, bll ? ~n l:u r.. ' S4uit~ M.nlugt.. n was not lIou' o,- Well, .h. n. lei Ih,'m b"n!( mo. -Geo~ Clell v('r suld IllS venrl crluc,aed for no~ Itcur'"g Dr . li o u &b·~ . "0,1: . Wril e, -N o. Uoclor. b. uslng.Iu.·, "ot Der. 11"0 F' d tl " I,ut f, . nol Ntltl1t1ull bim unoler arr"1\ uuUI ••••~,lIy follo w••• h II preuy lOell uw" , lur v. I~ ano ler, ,:"eor~c. hu hmd comptet.d I,r. u an,lnatiOIl,IUI,pm!ll'h ""od .hlll )·~u '~e ,. lIetillg III . elf-do ell.e. or -Horace Linder bus IHuit IJlrn u a. al'er Ihe haal, "lid •••v 1"lor","1e U D! . Iu Ih. M.llm. G.... " . ... July :III'!, thol \tery COBY cottage, just below thc Inarioll ( lu- c all ,·i1 ) ur Ihe·da ..· ann doy afi. , ~' r~l ut did ind.e<ll · ~rut ••~· "goill.LthlO 'i,,' hJ t II, t lbe Iragedy. It was goneroUy I'rul""d ol,ou t "'l'ld mllnll'" '" IVb,. h l_h•• lIwfulllfT. .. Ir. III,ILID I o 0 ga c. Ih.~ l1Ior. 1..,1"'011 < coul,1 I" . pr' '<lured aud bioun Jlcrmlupd ", take , I; own uh ,u ... . . _ " --MI'II. Dr. James W . Haines th., Lh. witn~ .. co .hould b . rl".eh l!1~ m i n . Thero loel. up I... 1I•• t 'im", b",, " no "\tempt • IaI\8 gOlle to N cw York 011 a visit to ed-quutiolled indled-,md uul Ir~ I, t " t!' .. "t " fll l!. r. CIlIlOVlpto ~ x mill Olioli. or to For Dchllity, L081 of Memory. . Dr_Hougb "ae , ",lIh 1Il."oh- a ~ tu e o\o III. I,rnenro .mpor"'lIt tu.ti'" ouy •• Id to be II ' Inrli 8 (10 8 itio~1 to Exertion or BURin1ler re )1.\t ·Ives. No on.l,.d e.... r "dete,mlllj,d btl"',. h""d •• il"Lle (lO r Iho "5k"",; .nd of o" ,,,.~. n D O 'R C L P' .• d Trollhlf.'d T -- ue ev. • , Hluur an tbal Dr_B uugh , "oulol 1.11 .. viclim 10 e"1' &11 d all w re uo"io... ly 'wwting fur th e YOr- en. h. Sholtneu 1' 1 h off Tlrel\th, Di DI his sou Leoll .,ieited the E"p 81 . IiIill Hud '. je.l o""r ," nlld VU 0'" c. " prove diul.' 11'11 _. '0\\(1' ~s o. leaeo. mnells . 11: •. Ihali lre C"ptft iu', joaloul. < bud IlI'en " lnRliOn SBturd"y. Augu. t 10, Bt I.he roqncML or VISion, P~ III In th e Blick, Cbeet, t 100 118 wec... . Il.'~d &/;oln" him ." Capluln Hoel', r\'li- of J 'UI~i r.o Munin!!!..... , thr ",ril.r nr'coDlPu- III IIU Hurt. JRll sh or Blood to the -Mr. John D. FurDus and MISS ~~ ne? UI!OU ,!.e ,ubjoct or hi. dome. llc ~n tiled ~.m lo.S,Jriugbertt . toubtd " Ele~lI uru Heao, Pale CouutuDIlDCC aud Dry Lizzie rtlrnas have ontered AhalDi lellc, ' ~ ,. uu ...e'.llIycom m ~n" ·d upOn . IIttl Allen.• ~dd,u on.I, le!bn,ony un der "nlb' ISk' Yen bl ~ mOlllhllmn. " ••oe,n'o. h. re would A t till S (un u sh r peo'eJ ,..1t. 1. 1•• beforo 111 Va II ey CoIl ege: ever 6USpcCI r,olll all)' ~ord or hi. Ihut hi, le. tifl. d 1", parllcul.rizinlC whM , h..... ". If these 8)'mptom8 are III\0wed to -Aaron Wrlgbt was the pnr· !.o,,' o Wftl uO I"Ii~. lried LO riJ ~ko II. Thern when . ho I""ked . by Cal' Rwl', order_ gn on. vcry r~ qllontly EIJileptie Fits clluer of the Joflll Holmcs fUI'm " auondoal Illd 'DCUIHNVcrubl" provf 01 U."'l/"h the hule in tho door; "01,,,"10" I alld ConSllmlfUon follow _ Wheo Ibe ' ibis tllllt thoro w... 11 . truggl •• Bnd rub fiec1 bor I ' iii d I at • 45 'per acre. . TIIlt rUL " O AT _ r iUT. I'r e.iou~ AlAltemellt thM ' WREN CaplAllu const tllLlon \l.coome. a eate t ro -Mrs. Sarah Jane Mlsmcr, of When Dr. 1I0ugh o"",e hnme on Ihe rallli Hoel turn ed 1.0 b.r and .niol. "Nur., I 11m quires the 1IIt1 of an invigorating Philadelphia, is visiting Mr. and Prld"y mornl"g .IId rel"ted hi. "LOn , b., peo- .hut I" tI, eno ... aa no pi"!ol in lois hOlld: Un- medicine to IItreagthen and tone.p JI R H \I d pie j.;ave i",nmodl.l u o,,,d oll "" _ 'I'h oy kilO'" III ,,It.rword•. the ..nlar "' U Dot awaro tile ay.&em , blob N. oovo 0 an . or O.p~"" Huel'a uuh.p py d ro m • • tlc re i. tIt"t '8cJuiro Munington f"iled by nil oyer. • .( -Mra. T. P. Fetter's p(:t . parot 110111. Ihough norioy on.v "'ord or hi. ; Ihey .IJJhl.l.o Inolud e th,.. He aokllo •.-Jedgc. . ;a died last week and sbe sent its kue'\' or 101. h...11 tempe r "fld bil quick ro- however. th.l.he reitel'l1ted Ibe . tulelnen!. 11 ~ 'd .onlment of wrong ; Blld pul,lie Iympllhy. IlJO before publioh.d t .. leo ill tho wiclted ' 1 taAI 0~m 1at. body to 'Ie whleh up to tlIIII ~Iln e bnd vArll lnti'd betweell Miami Grt~ tie . nnd i' 18 not yet tOo, H -Mr. J ohn O. Ridge put up au lbe b". b""d and ... Ire, pulled down Iho 101lle flcc_nry to Dr. Hough'. peKeo of mind. to DOES 1 EVERY CASE. elegant npright piano foite for h ia In f....or of the laltor. 'fbi. did D OL cbugo (""ten the At. tom cat whb anotber Ollih. ·ti dd ht I t k "ntillho .nernoon. /1' 0 ",quul "ft!. nRBPONBIO(r.tTY. WI e an aug er, aa wee • AI wU4lboullht. completed. -Miss 31nFgie Carr, of Alld tlr, nA_ HO'"·. rl,' m. . hu?:·bt!;':!.~deco{~!~t'i:h ~~~n~~~,:idn~ . 8On.lndiauit, .is villilingthll family hwouldbe l nta'e'tilllC."l1edlf~ lnglrrl"· '"uhdr~.""n. i bl _ Thl. msrh nvebocnth e rs UN' EQUALLED or Mr. Benry Upp, her nnclo. DIIClUr wuuld, a. he In.imuel. puLlil h Ihe ." 0. but it i. niH" true t}",t exrr . ion-Messl'8. <Jurt. and Roll. Sabill nom". uf Irl. 'Ia'lle' Ii.t or 'IrO ' I.•• t vi . .. ul ',u I' be. .. 1I•• de for "bl. h rel p~ lI.i bilit)' D_ n d tllen.· who are, h'lrel)" c" .. L or hi - .... . ""urloo-nll]', ""'ODg'1rt Rnd url'~rI; yel By IInJ rl'merly known . It itt !}I'e · and J0110 ~ed, of n'iiroi,ngtoll, Ihouc~oce 'uch a lill .II uloi ""d d.. "hU • • • lh. kind oirer W08 d",·I1 .. pd. o V~n " ,oulCl, "crihed hV tile most emlnoo~ IJllysi "iailed Mr. George Myer'a tumily wuuld he pnJolpll,r . uPI,ltmeUlad I,y 'be ,lITe'cd per,onoUy anollcl'. lIy_ Could it b<- (lint IIt~ VI!! ' " worhl, In last Sondi!o' H"mel or a 1ar,. dn .. oJ' alii_en. ,,100 arc po....lble it ".... deollnf;d tltroul;I.h te'lf of ' happy to I.e ihcludtJ in Ihe CU"@:o,,' 01 (u"lter di, l"i:I<l{ul d ~,'e l cpru~ uta ? I',ri,!> Rh • -The on. W• H • S to k-es Lro k'c Ibo .. b. Pllp,ubef •• 'Iow I'tioclpled ' •• 'he lI'iok.d Ihou~ ht. enma'1Rm.&he 8lnal! bono of his Icft log. a few '",alignera,' und .. 'Inr, mou. """,,n• .' Th,. 1.ll<or ore, r.rlh.rmu",. not B,'erM e 10 Ih.. T>l1 nocon Il.LOSTnATRD. Sr.erma1:orrlima . day8 ago, whi Ie wvvillg some tiD)' 'wld . boulders' 01 lite (o,mer. Th ry N'",I Dr UOII!!h '\0('10 not 'orgot Ihllt 110 figur r l' t" ber about hia lInrn. Ibom. lude d, and reecivu Ih.m ft. '0 mllcl I'd in Ih.o .~oll(·e O"zette, ,inri ho cha~~•• I1... Neuralgla, -His Honor, Muvor George W. ftddl,iooo l .,vidtoce. rrom tb", Ilde, Ih.1 r.'p"hI,b.hly or Ih ol dobut "pou b.. '1'''' N,rvOllSlle8S,., J Iheir 10ltinrla are In,e .nd Iheil' d,dUO'lloH .• •e ulI.u ·l,ore. Thl" i. jn-I ~bo ~t ". trUt' McGuire. of Flushing, Ohio , and alld ooD"leli DR found ond j1l8l. ,,0 hiA ~tllle mDnl. that I.!,.... WII~" plol llO!" DyspenIHa . Mr. J olan F. W right, or SprilJgbo WheD ho pubU. h,," l,i8 1111 of .dherenl-. noc~ b,. Ihe p"0l'lo. 10,. _nfm'.a. t& nln ,.....6 , ro , were in' town yeat rday. II mlgbL be ... ,,11 10 laoh,l1u Ihe I1Mno. or Ihe M.m • . They b.1I oothlng .I,awver '0 ~o t . ~'U"e8UOni , . parlie. wbo ha\'e. ARt be paI l'. oO"~I'.d ,.o ..... 11· wuh ".. {t- Wn" 'In",,,,,,,,,, Ir.nn -TO'PCt"- 1" ... ~. ~ - :Mr. J ub\! EdwBrd! Bnl! IU! him Ibelr induenee, "W wAnllo know wl,o Ibo oity d..III •• II"d for ...-.. deil fnom tl.oro OBStipatlOn l dlln~hter Mary, Bod the Misses Ma· b". d.,cllnded 10 lo~' In the dOI'II,. or lhra by 1\ I'.rty unknown to W.yne vill . \kOplo; - - -A -h P _ rr Upp and· Carrie M. Thom"solJ my. Ibal thoy mD, I'e brtlDlled Imo"R"1 ((,r ." at IllIlJIt U,at h•• all 0101111' been th.. opin· AC es, • .. .. ere.. Dar~ Ibo Uoalnr 00 fl l'or u. Y I of II h 0 H h b G I D ill sp~ut last Friday 10 WllmJIIgton. Dr. Hougb's remA,k, '11 i. , Im ply " . ad .:;"rd ~\i.wP(;:~"; u~l'tI. oug 0 'lOft(lO to eDera 'tb lY, -TIle Largest Sea Lious in the re.Ii •• lion of the racllhat h,f.mooa -p.,aon. DREW SW!i:2·''. Kidney Diseases, world can be seen sportin" in their began more IbAn a yenr aj,lO ."', Inj"'. 0' • • • . '" . nd.1 I , t uled Or "h,,", d ''' ~ ... ,·II- ~ II0~-" Obit.nry. Liver n\AJ..tmplaint I wroughllron tanka, Wllh Old Jobn Loculi.rille. of 'aplainR"el. ol "bu. edeull, RobiuBOn'a Big Show, which exhib- . c .~d Ihey If? lb. Bulhu.. " I. hu,lrd h.·k Rebecca O. Harris died at tlie Nervous Debility, ita here 011 Tucsday, Scpo 28d. Inlo 'IAI 8"thor. teelh. nnd Gud At'11 dd mlghl._ ha.e morcy UpOD ble ao"l. residence of her Son, I. H. Harris, Epilepsy,. - G enera I G ar fi e Id WI a ress T d S t 9tl t 19 0' c IoeIi our citizens on the 24tb. He is ODC oa. aouca .,,, Til'. )1,0)1, g .IUTU. on nee ny, cp . ·~I a Head Troubles TUE~D f\Y, I. Dr. Hough 's r.rolol!"ur 10 hi. Yoln- M. ·She had been ) I for ncarty P I " I fi k ot the neet ape a el'll in t Ie coun· mion,," ell'urt. and ft'h ch he " 10 the five weeks, the immediate call80 uf ara Y818" try, and there will be a big limo Lehonoo Oneue, he decllrod h" del."min death being, pl'ob"bly, nenralgla of GIBoeral lU Health" he com= to Waynesvl'lle .lioo IIot 10 "noliee the IIIlcmpcn'le com , Wl.en u .· A ''''. .G ' I I' ' t menta" of Iba' ohM cnr. ,·ur. 1 pN,ducdon _- the heart. 8ho WIlS the dnnghter Spm' al DIS'e'.ases, - M ISS lillie ause WI IlSSIS TI,u he h.. done .0 mnllifeo'a at lens I A of John and Sarnh Jennin~ ano' her sister, MisB M. Lizzic Guuse, In •• mbl.nce of good t~Rte nil hi. pari. Y"I II'US born ill Gloucester Oo~n'y SCiaticaJ 50 DENS OF ANIMALS, 50 ND PONIES, u~', ber duties nt MillmiI d'V nlley Colone Pllgh •• "erllhlt. wilh .11 lime he N OW J d 180"" Deafness, d had takenl 10 1.1,0, .nd I,rlo~ lurtbthe. he could crsO y, t c 0b cr 2 n, ~. eg~. Bot II ~~ung. a lea ar~ . 1\ • quole according to Ihe lext I or"r. 101m. pla- She wus the fifth child iu B family D Ii mlrably qDallfled lor the posltluns clng his •• lrnC'ft In Ihe order or 11,01, dille of eeven children, and' WIlE" ODe of eo Del they aasume olld pul,lioallon, ."d m. ollon Ihe cln:llm· . f W Lumbago " · II.u ••• under wblch tbey "cre prcpn l'l.' ~ an~ the pwuecr Illotlwrs 0 nrrcn - W. W. Ruach, a farmer lIear modo public. nUl thi s he could nol .nOrd connty her parents hnving cowe to .c!'-~f.lT" S»'aily Driven in Ha.rness I Monroe, had five hundred and fitty- 10 do Here are bl. extr.ets: Wayne'sville in 1807. Nirv~ Complaints I fonr bushela of Fultz wheat on 'Then Ihe Cnplnln trok hi. pl. tftl I,y th.· III 1823 she was united in martwclve aores this year. Thi8 is th o m"ule. And commencod hratlllg tho DOCIO' , t J' narrls, ' by W'110m Fe--Ie Complam'tB. THE ELEGANTLY·APPOINTED, CLASSICI AND STRICTLY MO~AL CIRCUS' 'eJ on the hClltl. He struck llim Ih,ec Or fUll r rtage 0 ames lUlU --- ---peat avcrage yl d that hilS come times. no pistol w."t of!' again and ohol she- hnd Bcven ch ildren only three J" to our knowledp:e.-[l:!tRr. tho Oapl.ln.'-lAlloml (Jnlette. of whom survive Iter' Soon after Headscflo. I"in In the Shoulder8, Is fllr in advlIDCC of every competitor in the strife for superiority, lind contllins In ils granll Quin tupi e Troupe -Justice J Wilson Edwards de, say. At: Ihe privllIe Inquest at Springboro sbe mar ringe, . ' IIDSban d re- Cou£!h. Dizzil'iesl, . Sour Stomach of IliuRtrioll8 ArtiS~8, lhe proml nud bonore,l· numCij of SIIe all d )Jer ~ . FflED BAUCLAY, wbose ski lled unu fill ished pl.'rforl1lunc II ure .!Llikc the pride lind croulati oll of tho ' serve8g~eat pral~e for tho prompt 'I lhln k Dr_ Hough Rhot him.'-[Mi»lIIi moveu to CClltervillc , Ohio, whcre B.ruption8, Ba.ifTGste 10 the Mouth, and efficleut scrvlce he rendered, 10 Gnette . . tlte latter engnged in mcrcant ile Pnlpitntion of r lie Hellrt, Pain in dllril ' ~ gl'vund und lufty protession. O. SLO~) AN, th o ccll!bratoo chnrlletor \Llld sceni c el]lI cB trian. J. various ways in tbe late trageuy At 0110 Inle,vlew 8he FBY' : ·r ltredLOpart . d I I . d lhe region of \lie Kidneys, and a HILEY, tltellllln of Illlln)' forms, und wondorful nllntorlli CIII pllradox_ VIOLETTA . tlt o \"I yin g Quee n of . ' . tbem ,' &0 . A~nih .b c.a~· , : 'I IcCt the room pursUIts all W lere 10 remallle nl\ ; 1 d h ' f 1 troo ble. He has proved hlmself.u Iboroughly rrightened.' nu~ Dolnl/hataDd. til tbo Bumm er of 1844, at whiob t lousen ot en paID II symptoms, tlt e Air, ill hOI' thrilling ulld bountiful creution!' of intrepid grncc. MADAME VEHNON, tho uutllltlel!t1 clear headed and cllpable puulic IIIA' l1er rrlght .•he ,.,_8: t.ime tltey returned to Wnyncaville Grc tile o{fsprl.ngs of Dyspepsia. ulld during Liull Enchantre8cl. .GEOHGE DON ALDSON, tlto extradori lllll'y l'lIrisillll SnmpslJ lI_ .1 . WI L· be retain ed 'I wenl hack Immed,alel•. ' Acc. I . f . -11 SON, the Grnll d Eqllllstrinn of the Ilay. LEWIS WIJ,LI A~lS. ill his 11 0llu e 'cript aut c ntltlo, l "The Se rv alit, and. slould I The Miami O,aetlc repo ..l! her .1 •• ,ing n the spl'lng 0 11l4:9 Ihl: husband Cherokee Chi ef und his Wnpiti." HUDOLPH & HOMANOFF, tho rUfll OUS HII Bl!iull Athlotcs and Trnwherc he will do Buch go~ work. tho t HUR, the O.plaln hn~ bo,:n s~ot thr": died, lind ill 1855 th e subj ect of .D peze Specialists. JOHN LA Wl'ON, tlte most bnlDor(ln~ Ilud unexceptional Olown of the dllY. MARKS -Mr. George Cleaver IS Ii com, Ihe h~ ",.t, U,cre w• • no pltlol In h" h. n~ I this sketch again returnod to 0011 Invogorates the Stomach, .FAMILY, equestriuns uud gCLlerul performers ; the grout IDllrvcls of the prufossion, /1111.1 pusitive ly with· petent . ~el~graph operRtor, und ~e ~Y~~~yld~~1 :::ldbn~Jrh~tcdi~l~~~~hi~':n~-;; tel'vill e and remained thero . until out e'luals, PERFORMING DOGS AND MONKEYS evincing 11 pcrfectlOn of trailliflg Ititherl o unlltdoubt If bls eq ual can be fODnd In p"per. who .ald ' Ma, 28J : 'The OoptlOin ubout two mout hs prior to her one of a hundred country offices. gruapcd L;,o pi.toJ by the barrel end "lid ho- death . And .tiwllllltel the tMpld Liver tempted. M DLLE. OHH1STINE, the bOllntiful and brilliaLlt tight-rope Duneer. Thrce moro "FOOLS, t doing gan clubJ,ing Ih e hc.d; in 80 t II ea ~tb y ao-' llF THE FAMILY," WM. ASHE, A.RCHIE C..\.MPBE1L Ilnd F. HOllINSON: ' At t l.uO I' lIg'I t0t tl10 Ia.te exci'te men, he . bot Ibe ,!II Doctor anotber on load into his rig bl She. was an early member of B owe_i 8, d an K'd I neys 0 George had to send from 1,000 to bre .. I, killing him Rlmoat III3tonlly.' This what is commonly known IlS tlte ~Ion, I~ clean.ln~ tbe blood of ~11 2000 words every night to all the I .. m. ~dlto.r. who. bRRbeeD lodustriou 81., col. Old Scbool Baptist Chnrch having ImpurllIeR, .n4 Im.,ar~lng_ oe" hfeIt d b rd 't 'th t hl·.Ung h" ·m •• n wilne........ he uofortu. ..' aod vigor to ttlO wltole .ystem. CI y papel'll, an , e I I I WI on nuely 8tyl •• her. also gave a. hi. opinion. ~Qet;' Jl ~ommullleu.nt of that orglln- A 8iDgle trial will be quite sulli. a b.lunder. Bnng 00 your veteran M"y 28: ·It 10 preslIIDBble Ibut any eOUrl of l2:atlOn lor over fifty yeal's She i t t I tb • b i' t' would acqul~bim [meJ. ft. Ibo CBp · d d'~ ..,'. e eo O.OODV l~qe emos •. e8.a log A d ' . tel T k . the we ird ,WI' Id. wonders ' ope rators that will beat bim if you justice taln'. IntenllooA al'<! unqueolloned.' nut yet W88 u.. evote WII~I an aue~tlO~ate of its valuable lremedl.1 qnalitiel. rrange In 11 series 0 rysta an s, oiled wllh of O con n. LakecaD. lIter, July 23. he ·prote."" against Ihe 'In- mother aDd a conslsteut chrl8talD. and River, including in ils countless specialties n school of formidahle) SEA LIONS -fbe ·L ebanon Star of la8t week lipid' proLeeding. , aDd a.ks 'What IB law H. (rom lhe froz en Oceulls of Arctl'c Z orle. '['hey co~t oVl'r ,3f',(10{) a'·ld T f I f M II . t k £1\0 ~ ~ sa V 8 tbo followiJ~1 kind and Amps- for t' J N 'h fl • h i t rEI HE unera 0 ra. arrls 00 500 d f F I F ' I d ' I CROCthetic worde: aniel R. nder· 0 ..... e rB. pArRl!"rftp • par ° enn- I I Tt d f f ' consume poun 's o r e s I JS I BI y. AF"RICAN _ ora Alleo', teslln,ony 00 Ihe dRY or the trR pace BB,t IIlrs ny a ternoon rom Or SilD Bottle, J'or $5. ODI[ ES . . -' Ii . N'I MARl lIOn, who W88 accused of complicity ~edy, "od .IIV one "ho rofol'8/" lb. publiah- the M. E. Church. Tbe Rev. Mr. 0/' ~, .lust Import!!11 I·om the river I e. . ill the triple mlll'der at Waynes· of od question. reporlat ihRt time will f1ndlh.lno course Tt · t· ~L' ran kl'III preac led . -NUS LEOPARDUS, or Sea L eopa rd, rare woo. at aiL Yet hecau.e lomp80n o. I Delivered tel ~ny address (ree from. ville, WI18 in tow n last S at\lrday. Ele.oora Allen .ay., '1'he pistol w.ot 011'1the fllnel'Ul dlllconrBe from tbe text, observaUoo. singular spp.cim e ns of sea monsters. He seemed much broken. and saiu .goln and .bot Ibo Caplain,' i. no evideoco "Blessed are tht! desd who die iu uPa. tlenta" mlay consult by letter that 8iDce the dcath of his hoy he that tbe plRlol wa. TII.N In Oapt.ln Hoel'R tl L d' 'tl . ·· t f' .. b " tl b' hRn.l. It mljtbt hRV. gone olr tho thi ..d lim. Ie or, yea, sal I f!lY Spill, or recC1\,lDg t e 1"1118 .tten 00.. y :ro:dL .~ maWI] ~. 'm9J ~ '»ilm ~_ f.rr' ,' W,~''\.'rr'._~_,\ ~.LI"Ili'! ,11 t!iJ) _. 1~ " 1i'1I, "t1!iI.11 Ii had nothing to live for. W hile in 0,·. Ho"gh's hond. they do rest from their labors and calling. ,... A M~ ~~"A£'1I ~ ~~!i:l!.~£~ .t~~~~~~~1 {j; here be was taken sick and bud to In hi. cap"ci'y a. ~ ne"spmpel man . the their wOI'ks do follow tbem." A Competent P YSllllanl attend to «0 to bed, The ordeal through ,,:rl.'er. In \l?mpo"y wilh Capt_ I.. D. Goujlh, I ge and attentive congregation oorrespondent.. All . letters .lIould Embractls the tolloWIng rare Zoological and Ornithological Specimolls: ,.• ,"".d Ibo .l'0ung WOmB" In 'Iuest,ou. nt the ~r b dd d.·... · I I. I d d t \\' h IC I ue III passe was 00 !DUCu borne nr Perry Lukell", E.q . in Springboro. ltstened to the reverend gentle. e a rene "", for bim. He recovered 8\lfficiently on Friday, July 51h , It which time, .In tbo man's ahlediscourBe; At the close, . ' . ~PLENDID to be removed to Waynesville du o r:~·::i~t:Of Mr. nnd lrlro. Lukeus. M,s. AI- an opportunity to take -a last look 0 -1 . . -1 ~ .ing t~e night. There are m~uy 'There w ..... t,uggle. I tri6d to pa,t at the face of one of onr oldest and ' , good worda for Dan, DOW that even Ihem, ftod .ucceed.d once io turDing Ibe most esteemed citizens WIlS given, D~"" (J.... . . , Individuals of every known species In the h erd, aggregating a weight 50.000 pounds. the ailadow of CapLniD half way round . . WIIKH CaplAlill wtll'ch all I'mproved', and tllen tile ;.. , ,v · .8\ls~ieion. docsI not -Hoel t urned t.o me Gnd Bald, NOl'a. I 'm attach whIm. e has a ways .bot I" 1 SA id. "Are you Y" and rno away. funeral cortege moved to Millmi P HILAD.1E.LP RIA, PA, boon a feDllroUS, kind -hearted and thoroughly rrigbtened.' . Cemetery, where all tbat was mOf. I Sbe fu~her ataled thaI· ""0<. Oaptain Ho . hODOra b e man, an d th ere. IS mnc I el ...ld 'Nora, I'm Ibot,' Ibere was DO pia- tal of the beloved Motber W68 laid - -'Th I .ympathy eJ>pre8tled for 111m. We 101 In hia haod. Y.t Dr_ Hongh mi.quotes away to its Illst earthly rest. e arges& of all Birds: the ~recirhell on exhibition s tanding 1~ feet high and cost '5,000. hope that the alleviating hand of ["belher m.1ic~ously 0< nol ho know •• -and Tbe nail . bearers were !dessrs .... I. THE GRUT AFRICAN ·ELAND, the nlQs.~ benutifu' as well AS larges t of the animal I.rihe. • '1 0 f"lorge tfu I· 1011. tbe ...uolug &der can herr·ropeated o'when' ' p rA. e D. n 'Cadwallader, " ~.. - D rove 0 f 0 ImmULIVO " . I.:HE'I'LAND PONIE , .And .th e great Austrilimn . --BI R 'D , time WI' 11 tb fO"': a vel lb. Jqdgel "'ord '.f&c 1".\Oad or Jacob Randall, . ,.. . -~ Iarge ., .l ~ 1ItII0Mrtliebitlercup or BOrrow -aYer:rlmportAotpoint. She dldnotaa1. O. It Woollcy, Well. O. CorDell,S tb · h · . t SHOW. ." .' . ' he baa drained • 'A""WIISN . .. Oapc&la HDelHoel ...ld "I alll "No",; oho,," 100 t.l1'REET , P'.1.£1 .4RADE ·will . ,ake place between . the hl'urs 9f 8 " hat C'pula •• Id. I'm.• George W·• S'd I es an d D, ~W Sweet. > ri tt · 't . . A GRAND .;:I and .1·0 A.III. 1, he p ,botl" lher. wao 11(\ piat ,l In hi. habd!~· 18 ~ S Grand RetinUe will be led by the Golde 0 f . ou are billious YOIl will find ADd then Ihh!' 1'.,,011 ub. trlumpb.nIlY. A OAnn.-We tMlUt'Il to' wuder our -Hio· h bot'" 1 , . . ' , n ar 0'f th e Co nqueror, d ra~n 'by a d rove 0 t ELE-, .6 relief by ' naill2 "Sellers' 'Wbu hu~ "II Idlo~ "!ouhl expect allythlo& o~ro thaoka 1>0 all.....y ftleu<Jafortheir S 0*1 eac To PHANTS. Do not fatl . to see It., 1 WO EXHIBITIONS DAILY. nlll- II S Id b ~ II d t' wm he be k,nd ,."oagb 10 reflect 11Indl.o.. and aympathy ~.rlng ODr latll be--', , i . . . • ' . .,... .n... . 0 1 rug thai_YeO thougb WI. g,rl had Uled the reaulDOot. I. H. BAJUU8 «31111 WWl1D'G'WItlmlllllll ,1t Do 1'8 0 t I d 7 P;. 4.1_:.. ' . '
ft.. •••' ~.
'BUflRU "
Aquarium, Animal Conservatory and. Str,ictly Mo.raf Circus: WAYNESVILLE, SEPTE:nOER 2:'.
D&HUQlf:rn 6 XBJtB>Jl1tJlQ)m,t SHETLA
A Black African Ostrich
ee at Ero
IDI~ ohrbaD'-tbaHiIe ml- Sept. 1~. 1870.
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--Mi~s Ailiro O. 1\ l'urlwy nilli 'Y l'eni. Eglin ure \'illitill g ill ( in. Cl lllliiti . - - ~Ir. GlIrd CIi J Wrill ht. MI'. FrulI~ .l-~ u p~iIl S, t\ll ~ M:lY Wril:!ilt, lire n Bl tlll g III tho CI II·. - - MI'. Jus ph Harl'iK, " I' Illillu i , ull ell l](·d the l'u llol'IIl (.j' IllS 1II'\'d ttluth e~ ill this \1,1 II CO. Ili st Thlll·8IhIY. -- Mrs. Ofl ur cs E. ,ra c(o h~ , M iSR An.ll ie lI oighway a lld M r. J ohll ~~lghW llY uro allellJ illl; lh e Expo. Bltll) lI. -Mr. Seth W. Btowl1 "'8S lInD!' p;er"II~ I'y . sick; Illst wcok, fr om in . lIamwntlOu of the bowels but he is now mendiug slowly. ' - Mr. Thom aR J . Browne and Ilis daughters, MI ~e8 Alluie a Nti Mary. Illnde a plellsunL excursion into Clarke county' lust \\'{'ek. -Th'e BiggeBt and Ecst Show in the World I is the lun g uage lI ~ed to describe Old JulllI Rubin Boll'~ Great World's Expos iti on, which exhibit. here on TueBday, Scpo 23. - Judge Keys would bave fouud
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MONUMENTS" R ev. C. L. Piudirl1ud wile of th is cal:r,er 10 Iliai lltl1irr that chlll'aeter, Printed tilQ<ou. roran id elcclioll .. ill IH' / ' , , , vWage. ' wh:(;u, if rnuill tlli ll d lor a long pnll'idcd for anid . oumia3100 I,)' lb.· OO ln ' ONUMENT ' . . term o f) ears, beCI'ules tu it pOSB ' liti S iOOcNl or Mid COUOly io the foll uwiul! • - - To IIOW prep"red t.u (urlll.h nil lho be.t '"flo L••• of- . The Corse of Americans is 1m· d t' 1\ ' . furm: . CM' I'- f a111 f , UD ew uc le,'e It. Foil 'I' AX . F " '1r " H J petnosityl Wecan uot~ onny thlll g We huve hl'OIl thillk ing l'ft hiss ub· A""" fT·I'u . Or ull' ( lIIg voll rl " uSc . --AI .u, A~on ~ ~ortb<;r:noderately. We oon't luka time jod ill vil::'~ of tha sh ..,wlI which A nd Rlo,·lor. d"Hi ring to vote for . Rid 'I'u t o eat or drink. WIlen tho seaso n '1I n\'e Ilentl 60 well Ildvcrtt·sc.rl t' O ... 11 1 ..",0 from Ibelr licl<ol.8lho word. ·Ag. ,\.1"". ull vllrioLi • of th o most approvod u ;V alos t TU I,' " ud E luc Lor~ tles iriu !! '0 vnlo of social gatherings comcs on in tho 0 cuIU'llllt! Ihe p"st t,,·u woekd, "llaw.L •• id 1'.. will ora. e froUl LiukI Winter,. we rush fro.m o no to. an· alld we I1m'e l )U~ "cd thl'fJu..h !l 1 ~n g .141 Ih ...."rde ' I"or '1'3> .' -AT... And BILl': Commi,. lonerB fUriher mal(c other, Dlllht after IIlgb t, ontl I we list ul lIum es wh ic h hllv hud a kllOw" Lo ElooUlr8. thaL il l. thei r pur. AGRICULTlJl~AL lJeeome tired out and the system is placll in the kn uwl edgo of lhe peo· pOlO lIlId inleoli .. o. IhaLII,. CO!! of ... id im. , IMPLEMENTS Good Times Prices run down. Iu Summer we fly to le 118 sh')\\' n1 ell, sill ce- we wore \lrovolllolIl . hali ill no ",·.n' e xc('o ,1 II," BUU' &TFAR SUPERIOR . I d ' d l ' of l:!C\·ODLy nve Tholl"" .. d Oollnrs ($75,000) . I t Ie ~utcr l~g p aces an I e away lIY:I. ll uw fl:w 1'0 111 IIi II who ure N ATH AN K E 1::\1 I:: R. onr tlmo 10 ln~ur". .w~nd er nh l.: lo ll1llillla.ill lh.:il' J.llllr. ·~ 1l ll lOlig WM . 1' . MOU NT. t!tat we become 'b llze. ~n tDlddl e Ij hUW III C II~ dllr iug II h'l'Il1 of SlIY, COI1l Il\I"in~.~~~I.;r ~·;n~~ ~~'; Dty . life. Thcn wo try tnlldlclnes to reo Iwollt." fh'e yCllr~. We \:1\11 CoU llt JASI 'Elt M. •lflI INSO:; . . trl\·Olt"S::'.LT : . --I"IIt1 :or hUilly 1111 h ,'IHi . nnrl h u l d~hca.t. ll ri l'c (iai d for - l'h.·rin·. W .rr.1I COllnty. Ohio. cnperute, lI~d o ll~n r~o rt to U~I' UII tl .ll fill gcrs of I' m Id'l 111111\1. ull fortnnato 8tlmuilltion \D tho vam 0 1 tlri l! clllS ",1 1lI ' c ~ p(:cj lll Pl'o""ICe - - - llope of wooing bllek onr youthful is elltcl'tllilllllCllL " .. tho pevple in Ayer's Cathartic Pills, LEBANON &. energies. E.very European sees lllrffo cruwri" hy unt du,.r 8h.l\va. For .u Lbo purpo.oa of .. Fnmilr Phy,sic. ! ... and fOr CUrlJl!!: Costlvone.s Jnundico, A filII .uprly "f ,,1\ K~t1 I " In In y li ll~ Illill. As tbrngs are., tho best rem· '1'11('8e Utl illel! cOlllprise--i:lpc lid In<lilfo.tion, Foul BLom ..oh, DreaLb. wi ll III " " limeo Ua fOlund at ""oh ()jjtnhli.h. -~ BbeuwutilIll. r O . ll"'o •... k KII d I"u", wuy, wh en tlle p IlyBlcaI powers ,,"". tu nUllo tire II a 111 0 or tire u 'w 0 Id Be"d"cbo, ~pt. on. Eryl.polns. !lnd Bbu DI1Ieno08, BU. · ",,·n t. "il"" d ·ltlI"U"o. p:in to d~IiDe, is the PBBUVIAN IIInll . wilO iRnlliverdnlly rccugnized 1~:~::rri;~~O~:1';~~~;,~0Ftft~. prwC<! b.rnrc IIIII·ol.....I II!( ul~ where. - -- ) : ".: A I ~: I(S 1 / / ( SYRUP, wh~eb bas for ~anr y~ars by th o so ln·i. IJI~et which !r cuds this tor 1'W'1fy~ tho Blood, IleenusedtnexaotlythlsdtrectlOn. al.ti cle. Are the nlO<\t. ef· lJ 08 INESSCARDS. • fCcli _-====='= ==== It i8 the best t01"'0 known to man Wh oll we 8 11 " Ol d .J oltll It·.bin· . I yu 11IlJ. cun1!c· --==~ and trw least injurious. ItreBtores ~un will oxhil,(t his Gront World's 3i.~c~)~';~ ~~'·':tl~~; 1· --FOR T g E nrc mild. bnt cj: wasting energies, atrengthen8 the Ex p,)siti oll ill WlIyll cs v i lie 01 1 Tues· I~stem ~gniust t~le iusidious mala· dllY , S~ptemhel' :1:JrI.' Y;ll IlltV(l saiJ rcetu,,~ in t".cir BEST ·D I N N E R '. .11611 whtch ate wduced by weak· thnt 011 that dtty ot Jllhilee tho poo· ~l:r~~~i.II~~~~I; 1l1!88, nnd boilds .np the sYBtem plo of this part uf th e '~U1· ld . will un ci without pain. . - -- ) " 1. 8 0 , ( _ __ properly and effectively. Sold by lignin have an oppol'tnlllt,Y 01 800, Altl,ongh gc nllo For ~6 Oents, ..... --cl.. ~"I!IY\\~.r. "W_' ~_~ dealors geuert.lly. ing the gOllltine Uld J ohn Rnbillsou i,n thcirope:nI,liloho, I ~ .......... ~ ~ - IIU~~-.;::;;;;; .... -.::. . J 1 L 1CY nrc sU 81 ' 4P. T Milk I N ATOIlIC'S TRIUMPIJ.--Natllre, in Show, nlwllJtI ~ood, all now urger mOSLthorough and . Including COuee, Eta or • i scn.rching ellll111.... 1 'll aDd betler than eVI·r. ber luxuriance, has cloth ed thebl s . ; ti c medicine tllat can be employ .t! : cleans· , - -0 0 TO 1'11.-.nd dalce with horb and shrub, A Gau:r Lrl'l.:RAllr WOltK.-A ing ehe stomach and bowel., nnd. even the l .L whose oceult natures merely ro- work that every luycl' 01' good liter· ' blOod. In 8101111 doses o~ one p.1l a t!"1, C INC INN AT I . th e earnes t appI'leat'10n of tb".. ature \Vunt8 .ut .c~lIijtnllt C~ IIHIIall d :' they ,UmllIRw thehealth. dlgcsl1ve orgllns aut! ' qmre promote vi rous . lCientific and inqllirlDg mind to reo bcco.lIse, whllo It 188uperll1tlvoty at. , Ana's !>PILLS have been known for nlilUllllUl~ aRAM~ Teal their curative properties, fOriD tractive and interestillg in itec\f, it more thnn tlqllarterof R ccntu~y, and bn~c AlI&~& ~~ !lQ~B~l) Rooms, Two Doors North of the Post-Office, tbe vegetable world a kindly provo 'B I1lsu a key aud index to all other oblaiood a world-wille reputation fo~ tbe.'r 'ng tn~ nil I , . I' bl' , .,irtues. They correct d •• elLSed actIOn m id ence h118 pIaced heal I ~ good Euglish Itel'ature, 01111 IlIg the lleveral a•• imitative orgnns of the _ _ W t\ YNESVILLE, OHIO. No. 180 1'11\111 Street, nations. Tho only specifics for one to Bee Imd jud~o fur himBelf body and are 10 composed fhllt ob.truc. B~t wo.n Fourth .utlll1lfth . . any disoase yet discovered are veg· whtlt l\\1thOl'8 lIud buoks aro most tions' within their !'ange eRn ral'ely with· - -)0(- - etable in their nature, and while dceirablo for him til read- - f; nch is stnnd or entlc IhelU. Not. only do they . . I be accetted as the d' . t' I ' cure Ihe evory-dny complnmtB of t'Very· m'" A Oup of 000(1 0011';;(, and Two NIce qUJllIne las on the, ncw Acrn ~ e 11 1~n u ,-, ham· 100l1y. b.uL alao formi,lalole nnd tlonger"u. Rull !:lu"d",iotlC" fo r TOil Oenl1l. only remedy for one c aS8, the ex· ber 8 CycloJlcdra ul bn~1r 8 1r Liter· , \iSl!" SCS thnt hllvu bafllct! tho best of Sp"cial Rocepti .. " Roo'll (,)r Ladi.o. no g. tract of the buchu plllnt is rapidly atUI'Il. III iltl n.:arly a,flOG paget! it humllll skill. WhiloJ they producc pow,.... gago and l'lWkllj{eR oored fo'r free of oh.rlf". taking its plac.e as a 80vercign re.m· gives hiogl'uphiCti of t.ll 1I 0 te d BI·it· ful clfee18, they are. a~ tho snn~e time, tho HENLEY & CITADWIOK. Prop'rI!. --.-~ UCCJt8S0 IUl TO- - e~ for other of those ills . whtch '81't and A morielln 1I11thol'tI t'ru tll cnr. 8nf~st n",~ best I.,h)",c for ~1l)ltIrcn. 1J)' . Ilum',1UI't TlIe t y pe nt:L1onpurgallves, llH'V f;T'pe much Ie.. ~YE a ICt . of. dill ' I)jest• timos to th e pr<;JScllt, '~' .ItIII thlllr tbM aperlelll tho common and nHer ease to ""Inch It IS reme~lal 1~ a choice nnd characteristic 8ell!ctlUllB !!,ivopain whcntho nOI iuliame'\. IlATCHELOR 'S ·C&LE RRATED Il A1R broad one, anr! its maDlfostatJo?B from their w ritillgs, thus bei "g a They rcllcl. the "ilal fountoins or' ll.le 1Ilom.1. !JY E. bo.t in .he ",ortd. The ID.,enl.or hns are legion, bot it may be stated \II cotl(:entrnlioll 'of the bost product.• and .trcllglhcn the .ystem by fl'ecwg It ,,,ed Lhi. "plcDdid hair dy. for ' fC'lttJ ,..oro I th t 11 d ' easea of . I ' b from the elements of wellkness. with hencfh.o the hair, IUld no bij ur, to hi. geuer~ torms a a 18 d iOllS of ulodern mteHeet. tiS p." . AIIllpted to all R~el and conditions in hcahh; proof .h.t It i. tbe 0111, 'rlle and the nrlOary .organs, ~hethllr cause j litlhed in eight haudy and henut.llnl a\l climnws, conminrng neither calomol perfecl dyo. hll rroles8 , re!iah\~.. !!n<llll,~n. by climate, irregularity, orself.gcD- 16mo volulDeB, at I)ricos so low as Dor any delo.lorioll! drug, the,n Pills mn)' 'a080U•. No di"ppoin'''~t~.lrtO rflrid61Ot.8 AND ; rellleolio. thc eifocls of bad. d.vM;. at once to tl Ie 0 pe. r· . to Boem really astonishing to most be til ken ~Itb 8afe ty byany body. The tr t1ll18 erated, su b mit leave" 1\", htlr 80ft and l",a.ul~uI , bl.ok or · f't ower Belmbold's b . . sugllr-CoRunl' pres~rves tacm ever fresh, S d I " :" 11 d t" t a ton 0 I S P • . , .' book nyers, VtZ.: lD pllper, com· and 'Dllkes them plCtll!l\Dt to take; white brown. old UII proper y-.. pl' a ".",·u Buchu. lor all such complalDts, ~8 plete, $2.00; cloth, $3.00; half mo· being purely vegetable, no harm eun ari80 ~L~:'to~~g lacwr,. No. 16 Boud 1~~e,. the result of long re~earch, and tS rocco, $4.75; half mor<'Cco, the four from their use in any (luantit)" ., . . aeknowledged supertor to all other' volume editiou, $3.75. From these PIIK1· .. HJ<D BY A TTACHMhJNT., Aro prcpnrcd to do Undertnklllg 10 bettor tityle uud ut lower rutes thun ooy' e~tnbll h· 708 . preparations. low rlltcs a disconnt of 10 per ceot. Dr. J. C. AVER & CO'llowell,1Y'Iass" Willinm W"toon, l'lllintlff, Before 'Ira mont in thc county . . . Half tbe l'lls of.human life pro- is a.llowed when ord.erc . d iu clubs 101.f:TYtI~~a~)I,Mal~'k""k~mi~v~i::Ju;. It '.inot Kimbrou1!h,J. CONCIlN~ATBD • WilIi",n t.cwIlrt, pelolulIt·ll'· Kuala eeed from a torpid and . di80rdered 0f fi ve or more. It IS not so Id 'l'p"!,f WarreD Ii 8ubmitto them no longer dealers or 8geuts, but only. to .buy· DR HOKE 00..0)110.' astor .. Pills, The undqrsigned has just IInillh a bum. vb~rl' us II 1'8' Liver Pills" will el'll direcL, I>y tire publi8hers, ' the • ' O n the 264h dllyof Augu.U, A.D. 1810, SUQAR'COOUU. TASTEL ESS. iOllll Illrfj'Utine k.i1n of Bdck, whluh will w lee e American Book ExchaD~ 65 PJlYSIO'lIKDluAL eaid IlIIdoo I..uod an ' ord•.,·o, ~ttae~lI\_' . Pl.. 1I !'1 '> I~ rs ~ II"", , be ~ol<1 low. oithur "·hole",,l. "r rOL uil ; Rlld • . ' '~ II eure you quickly. 25c • .per bOlt: Be~ kman s t ree t , N Y ' '10 PHISI'CIAN & ACCOT:i!9!,HEUR iD the' aOO.,o "tiOD, tor \be ''Q~ of HID. Purif" tbe blood . lId reUOYlLt ihl! a,·slem.· '111urn"· b DI.""r a an d d0 aII kl'> nuo" 0 f . ew .~ or WJ . . It! • teen Dollan Imd Twet!t1·ft" I\Ce1i~, '10;93. An CRSY Uloil.od or Illking <i.stor Oit'..F')~I· MlI" " " . wQrk, 1l8 10 ... "" OtUl oodon~. O~"Wrnd EVSRYBODY ill either to the will &end 8pe.Qi~eu p~ges. \.te., fl'ee, .0IBae, oppoelw Hamlooll Houao, • ~lLLI~lI[ W~T,BON. ·. Pili, ure "IlQal 10 liB ordluary do~c 'nl OJ \' It Rpeolalty. 00 1l1ll'rt\1 cistern ftlt~ret. Sold by all D''lIgglal ~ '' . Hti Ow $20. . M . O. DAIU3YSa:m~. Fair or tho E:lp~~tioo. _ . 00 request. 111 ... __ el, YlUe, ."Ie, Hlineyabu.rg, sept. 1st; I~;
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. Ow J UliN I~UIII~~ ON. -: A Iuw PROOLAMATION I aco b Sohwartz. IIUIII I'S 111'0 118[ II I).,( llIs lrod. III u\'\'ry i E LEOTION NOTICE. I ~~c , fvr ~~"1 J.lccillll lli lit ~r ehur. \ __ - -UflAtk't U'-ncter, whi ch at~c hc~ tu til ' 11' \-,0 ' WuaUA '. Tbe pre .. 01 (' OIlrL 110.080 of cssur illld B 1'1' 1Y lew. \\7 C can Warrell t)'. Ohio. has I,e,·" pn'"Uuuu,'cj •••• le'I. an, h• '''''·C'.''' • ,eu.i,," .uf nd 11 D FOJtEIIIN !ND DOMESTI(! uII rCIIIUli1 I)~D _8.ollie. I1Ultlt:8 ill a lI ,un IHou d,' cd the•...coaO""I·t t of the walk!! ol h I' . With a te !l1 PUmI'Y I "uilding~ul b new Coll rl 110"_" will eic",.d ntltori ety, which hl\l'e ).lllsijed ul- ,T{'u Tb"u•.,nd .o0:llI r. <* 111.111,0). tl"!rorore, 'ftfI? 8l .'II!.. B st nt of ullr kll \lwlt'dl1e since Ibo EleCl hr. 0 1 W'mon Oo".. I\' are h"rol,y ~ W ~ 11111 .' .., lIotllJed "",t Ih ..." will he •• I"niLle(1 to tb IIi. twellty 'elll's Illll). Why/ Be~IIU8e w be . ep!r.leJ,· .ol. d UJl()11 .nd deeld d loy ~...... tlley. tlid IItlt IIlllillt~1I l he1 r rep' Ibern u pYO" ided loy I..... M Ibe'llnllulll OQ· ~ ~gO.~'!!>~ utpt lUll.. Tr they were l otetf lut wltor £Ioulioll 10 be held in thc OOUnLt; 011 I
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p' rca ent at tho (l'air un,1 reoeiving the hi !!hr.lIl. lIu mhel' "f votes as being the MOST lI AN[)SO M t;;, will rut!dvc "
...,.a,-tch. a:n..d.
" ••. .
}.I~ r il: l.;:
II t " l'~ 1 1111 I II 1', 'i
l·clll lI. h·1 dUll.! I'llt ill gllod order.
a -.:1 't;i£-.:1I. ....~I.c1.
blll: 1I I ..
~uhl all\. t illlf· I . ~· ~. rd ·,1 I
,\ "Jet
SEPTEMBER 16, t?, 18 AND 19, 18?9.
111111 .\ TtOI'IIUY 4(;C · Ih.'lId l
, II "" n 1. \' 1hI: ,,It' ' ' bd'''( of lU!J ~ r llh". al t' , I,la•• ' ..( ·:~) tillg fur IoI"IUil('I " o f .,I a' I ~' I ,," I
~u~~i~~r~:~i::le8~fLQII~~r~~~~j ~~~~~ji~ ~~~~ ~~~~2~~~ ~~ . ~~~ ~'j1';;jJ. U '~j~~~~"~ ~ ~~~t~I~::I~;~~~.ri!.~~ie ~~Ill~~ I FT.l&U.I.e ·~R. AT B'A""...~L IlIljJlOV.:d will be ~rently B,VA · UTIFcU/ F'OUXIpAIR an~ ~th;r ~~tracti~~~. -Hon. L . O. B ouck, oil ly Re. by a .Il . II .&
n SOt.l;·;
~'t' l ' Hthl'l' Ilornl'".tllon 'l: A u ..' .Iat.,. . t:~ .. " 'I'" ,. ftf i'\rUC"'h' r~,o, ~('-&: ' f! • 'If r. h.l..- T.u·.·.·. " lI l l "' ~C· ,tt.... I'htt .. ur- .\ 1' 411 ~.·" n "I C It' 'UU , tf .. , .. tJIU I ,)! t,1,.. lUte H" or (If',;o.:
M. I
publicun Congres8lt11111 frulII Ten· lIe*see, an ablo m8n and u fiuo orll· speak hero with Garfi cl d, tor, on the 24th. Dou't fail to cOllie and hear theBe uotml sllltcemon . -Mr. William Rogers 8urprised hiB fri onds by IIppcuri 1Ij!; un unr streets last Friday. H e was Sll p· ported, it is truo, by Iriij 60 11 J. M., bat fow if any of uur citizens ever hoped to see him on bis leet again after his Inte stroko of paralysi8. -Dodaoa's new cluthing storo Jltnow complete und tilled witiJ 11 largo and tine sLock of uow good s. Mr; Dodson has a room filty feet deep and 01 proporti ouate wid th, making one 01 the brightest, p ret tic@t and airicet busi ne8S h OIi ACS ill tbwn. The work rou m is I;olrint\ aDd detached from Ih c ma in ollild · ing, and altogether. it is OIlC of th e lim lIIerchllnt lail oriliK establish· men .. in 8.ny cOlllltry town ill th e west' Go andl eee the· new store and 81'1 ndid new stock. -Thunday evelling ofl nst' week was the cC8si on of 1\ mOdt enjoya· 1>le and'informal gutilel'inll': Gf mem~ bel'll ond fri ends nil the M. E. Parlonage, as aD expression of good will und esteem to the Rev. L. F. ' Btay V ao CI eve Iln d faml'ly. T hOlr with III bas beon brief bnt plceant &tid protitar.\)Je, and on tbe evo of • d epllr t il d th elf IIro or a new lome an other dutiea many will wish for th\l1ft good gift. Amon rl\OIQ preBent were noticed Rev,
SENf\TE JOINT RESOLUTION, P"",u'Min« on ADINHhu ....II . t o (~e"' f1oDJI Throo Ilud f"lwt', .\r.' ,'h' e--u u ..,. ur tbo C'(UI",.f'u1JOD , Ih·fJ r :':'lU) !l. h .a;- l lJ u .Jud~el .. r,. of III(' S U.' ('.
il lI".Jlr<tl Ii!) lit. Gl'Tlrrtli " ,,,,/lUg oj Oh io ( l ;,n ' l~lIf1 h ~ ul 011 1110 rUl'JIIbcrs t ' cct vu tu CUI JI hlluse conc u rring !! 1t' l l,ln ), Tha t n Jl r') l'~hion tll lunc nd tho ~ nll:oultu ti uH elf i h ~ Htnt~ fir Ohio he s uJ.>. milletl It) lho d\!('l or8 (d tlil.' ~ I t.e, o n tho
,,,, St",. 't.
::"I "'lI lld
of Octobe r, A D, 1570,
full, \\ H. lu lI'it : Thllt £",·t.on6 ~ on<l 6 01. urI ic Jc ,I. t'ulhlt"ll ., Jl1t1i 'inl,1! lx· UW( udetl I,U " " 10 1 )(' nlllt l'I!J.d It. follows: "'CCTION 3. Th' Siale "1",11 be dlvidrd inlo nilio ('Omn'UII 1'11'11' dl."If·tll. at which II,: rOil OIl' of J lllrnillcIO sLnll rOlisl itulU ",j('. wldel, lli. lriel' 81.. 111 be of rOllll'IIet h ' " i(l.ry. 100 11 !ld,·t! by COII!l'Y li nes. 11 1111 " itl t1iMriel.~ . o t h~ r thon 8lli t.\ cOllnty ot 111111111,"11 .•hull. ",lI hollt cli"i.hlll cI COlin· .i"•. Ill' (II"llt'r .livilk·d Int,o sub-oUvi"lons, in """h or ·which. ond In ,",Icl rHun .y oC 1llIllIillon. Ihtll' ullU lI be eJcct!:d I'Y Iho ell-ClOt'S thrr('()r. rl'>lll" !i"lly. 11\ Irasl 0110 judge of tl,e ('( .un .. r '·I n.IDOIl plcns tor •he ti islrlct., IIn<l le."lim: tllI·l'\·ill. . urUt pCl'O IlIlIlOIl pice •• hall be h..rt! loy one or IllOI'e ( t hese jlldg~. III "cry t'O llIlly at I he dlbt ric!., I\lj OC tell as 11111)' be 1)!'C",dcd I,y IlIwJ nnd more limn one lllllr(. or sllling ,"rreol mlly be h eld ut thu tilllllO .ime In ,·,.eil tl l"tric't, ~F.l' 5. Til eM ir dlMrlct Ihere sholl b<~ . '" l'1etl. by tht' .'lc(·Wrs II I III!')!O or sudJ tIl : trWl, OIl(' Jud ~f' ,)£ llw dh.: lri t ('ourt, I j' ",hlllD Ihe d. ·triet rO" rI' in S1,cb dJ:t. !riel .h,,11 be Iwl.l. lind It,· . 1", 11 n...",h ·o Ftl ch "U lll l"'nsntlo li us HIlly h l·-P l'o\·itlt,c.1 by Inw ]) i~ lrJl 't ('ourts ~hull 1.". ' b l,ld i ll euch
tit 1(,lIst o nl'l~ ("'( 'ry Y"lIr, Thu Ill'rnl A ~"'(,lTIbh' Ulur l1u:n'U:>'1! Illt'! nuUl ..
j ' (/ u nt \. ( I
L 'r
vi' dib(rret court 'j Ull~l'll to 11 1I'Ce. in ' dl su i<: L or d i~ lr ir t ."I. Ullt] ma,)' p rovido htl\' n g n jn.l!!'c ] 1l'{J ItI"I"'''. 10 bold
1IT1\' t;OIl J'l
11 f'( ·..·.~tl ry
by rf'n....cuu
oi'1hc fllI lurc. (h squuJiticntiun, ob-;('ncc, or :--tt·I,Il ..·ss of IIny j Ud gl\ I\m.\ 'h e IIIU('IU ot of
pay ullowru II judge J.lIU .1>001>oro mny be t\ ...lI ud r d (J"(lnl lhe suinT), I '.l.n y judge \\'J,U~U dC (~ t ult (llU. sca 1110 1I (:l'l~l ty at bnv-
illJ,! the JlJO I lIIpO fC jutlSZ('. Thl! times of ] Iol d ~ n g ('(t fl l . n Ul I jll( 'O.\f .und ui!:; jJ'lc t courtB . hn\i he 1i~1'<I h,· II\\'.
!Jilt the GcnemlAll>I' II,h!y ",uy nuihorize t"~ j\ul!!"" ol !!lilt!. to tix tile IUlll'!! of the I,old illl; of hllid COlii'll<. Al ",)i<l eit-cU(Jn the voters dNliring to ,'ole in fnvor of th is Rill ndmelll., shnll brtvO \lIMr<l "ron th",lr Lul\ ots the word", "Ju· didn l ('o nstitutional llJU Cndlllcn t. Yes;" nlld (he "olers who do I\ot fnvor tho "dopt ic,n of I'8ld BI11(·tk1ml'nt. may hllVOp18c«i lI\,on lheir bullots the words, .. Judicial "onstllutionol nmendmcnt. No;" and 11111 moJorlty of nit tho vot('S cr18t nt Mid clt'Clion be in (8\'or of SIlld am~ndnl(!llt, t.hen Mid scctions thl'l'O lind five I"'rein .p"cl ~ .lied. • holl be olld cu, ..tilUIC lhc ",.. e{iolt8 .0 numhered in the &Iill judicilllllrtlcle at the ('onsututioll of the Slnlc or Ohio: and snit! originnl oections' three .Gnd five shall "e "'l"=n1o:d. . JAMES E. -NEAL, Speaker o f the HOUBe 01 Rcprel!illJtativeI, JABEZ W . FITCH, Prei!itien l of the SeIl4te, .~ d ort~d April 10. 1879. . r "TF.1J STATES or AM1!IIICA , omo. } Oflico o f the Sec.l'tl8ry of Slate. I Milton nnmes, Secretary ol Slate ol ' t 1,,: H'"I~ of Oh io. do hereby ocrtlfy, fuM \ 100 10""I;Oil)l; is II true oopyo! a )clot ~ ,.I .. I \" n 1111"" "~1 uy the GCtlcrru. A8I!embly Of t hI' S"' I ~ of Ohio, on the 10th duyof APril, j, II. l800. tuken from the or\glnal rou. bl<ll ill thl. office. In t~8tilllony whereof, I have herennlo subtlcrlbcd my. name and (L~.\I.J uffixod my olllriul tICal. at Coluw. bu~. tile ll ih tlllY of Ap_ r lU. D. , . Ul" • • r"'1'~c t ivl'ly.
~U!.J1llitt1l.~. Ballw'~IJ1e;tl1l~el"~ I
o· Q
BRiCK FOR SALE. _ . . .
.__. . Score~ or Sta~e.
;~~Si!!;~~~·gf":.1 !;.":l~o.:'.r.=!.o~,,'1:"
.... Olltl<>r ul m.~ l,,1 dl"'O'.'~ DC Ibo.,.. 1'9"'0,,_ J'\oq U1 rt: .. l:u.rt!.u,ablO·rp ( D. "ll\l f""1H'J11~a .... ~b r.~"a , q[ "'fiji. Uhr ~... " ~
"I'" •
J~~.Ot~ . ~!' \1,~••til.~\IIIJ.~1~'r1o\ hO '0011., I'" ri,'l" 1 't ,.'lI~ by I)'''~I''
tt: ."o~J I'~
. ' . ( \.' I
r , f'.V'...,.. t" ,.1 0 ~
,~\.:-..Th~~ ".::...' ~_
From Rom ..llee to Reality.
80" TO Rf,fVME AN Of fER.
III '" 111111001 $11& 16 mml BEl'llBI 11
ormllD RI ....,p "allaH,
1111119 L 0 EltRSOI'S IIlr M~t nl IlOOt I.. kol. I .".r 10 Ibdl.n. I'" I. ) Jon,n.1 I " - -... --r I ... Id rh r JormOIl burrll 104)h WIlh d lil' Ye temllY, In comlog up tbe road 1 ,..... .::~': : - :.. ~, ::....'::~.. ftl\\lr nn the famlli"f\ltf~ of certalo 11'110 eo a ecene 'II'hicb, to .... lIilftl '" i\f bo h h I tity l~ o( dt'll log IInu the blilbop" bl\\O nllm ," could 110 bl\~ba ..e II melAocholy, , lime tim e AgO. r I a u ere, t 0 I\(HI~ bt In re"ula'I Ibl mlltl r limon" NlIt~r 01 t411 l,ondon Trr ''', ofli rl',1 111'0 a ~ d f dd ,. ' th oug II romBollC 8!llIlCL There '11'118 II guln eAJ! (or Ih e be~~ leiter r~f1181"g 1\ the YOlllI1! 6n lC ~llIlIl ~ 11 ' lhlerWar.1 Imdn1 (llllll'lo "IIORn the trAID He "11>1 proJlQlIII1 fur marrlAjto J he price WIIK !llIn('{\ 1t1 lbe &lvnl Lb oth r 1\ plelWlnt. Inl Illgen t AI'llIlIHIIlr; YOIIIII{ IIwarded 10 • Po rllR " ",bol!(\ I~ lte r 18 nl ~hl BIIy lhl' Ii i f flk 7"/",,,, , II,,' 111" 11, "Ilh 1I\ldon e~ O( A fArm ~rA'nlllg given below with I'(v' rll l oth <8 o f II Ilk BI~hol' c pr I\!I I hllllHl'IC hl ghh Ibs lind A flllr rducsllOll ~bo wal A" '1I1r nlllllrl' plell d "'Lh rtHludi rlllno e H o III\ld lhnt l\,. M(lII.1 11,,1/(1 the dllY lh~ " lflq( Ul IlI Ih ey \'I \lro o,,~ mined by th VflCJlth O<l(I. llnlllH rON 1U1r! If Lh MalOti! cOllld nu t !(!'L 1I10llg h r III Ihtl fllbl ecl NeM o f e"d e ntly far @lIf'I' rl Qr l rnl nt og to hrr " lli rdy (- cor t., ) m r I'r - - - ( 11m "Iy t!Or ry I 1I'ltblllll round .Iul I'~ the ) hlld beller she wa~ .1110 of th e lu\elu oL lind bright Apl'rec lllte vou Immen~f lv . hUL I CAn llot g() home j hey illig folll1l r mllos trlllcd " Il r~ hv th tltt Nrlm{111 01 est nntl gll)f@1 b rllnettes on e O\a) m eet I(IVt' tIIlIR -ket .. lthoIlL th e ge m \lIth h i m. bitt all to no Ilurpo If wh ich h r I~ Lh r hrut! III year~ o f 10 ll g ('xtended j.llln Ll! ~he POR rIA you mil t wlIlI~ let mc II),OW yOIl how \\ blllllrr IIIgu lIl ent . hnl e ) II I 111 /1. 1" 1"ul II blll1dbn L{1\ ul~II'IL conLHlfulllI g /101 1/, I 1/1"1 ' - III deoltllll1g Lh e to do It," @aloh".111111 h. g" ~ 0 11 the f t I: II I I 1ler ~ UlllnlPr lI. II " ul ... r cll re u l y h Ollor or all olf< r frOIll )OU I 8111 clln floor" Ith II o~e hlindre,1 nlld I'lg'ILy ' :1" Ie cr ll u ~ ~c llrfll pl r "r. rllpl)('d III III embrolll"rt li blS o f II .tnll nrrl I" ..... 11 111 JIIHltce to Illy )1I<lg throe lIullod hlondu th e balld @trll ck u. , 'r~' re l'rN{l I~t nl"e I \\\ rkIIl1ln . tllI' ... r' t.l'" ~llr A_ 10 ourelv m!'111 Ih lil I o nlv rerll . uclt A O llt he Billo DOllubP Aod 11" 11) tbey , luI I d h e.. I lie I f;" n,\ \ (Tire h ft " hetll hrr rnll a 'a u", 1 hAI!'lIlC" pl"rl,uchll nothr r 1),l\ln Ihe h llll l\h,led tilt' 1I '~hnp .... 1 ~II'~ ;rollfr ~~~N II ul:" >re li \~II 'n\:,,~,r l "hs"IMrsl "" ""n~t"\ ' I' rthrE' I,r Ih P I 'II RA"I" thr billutl(' thr tlP~ 01 Itlf IIlI i!c r 1111I1nI Y ' O lht'fM \lh ll ~lh~lnl\ t; l\~ 8 1~ I I.h'l nll \.I. IIlIuallhr n" 8~fllll ll(,0 1l' I am II a ttMollh) yuurcotler bUllllu~L toucb r .lh l8 n nuLbero\\n ~n rrud " lnl r I I j: . 1 I ,," c hcl. arl l with \\h, ch II", n~"rthllr.8 lil! rt lll( II "y rt'g let II I betwee n Ibem Ihl" WlIl! Ih " cbllrch _ I II~ III n t y I""11'.11 I ~ pRllllllg ) 0 11 18 lIlethod-Ihe I'rl e~tly 1111 1 rcoH(1 Rr",S I II I '1>('1: II II n l!r col ~ ACu I I IIH,.!{t \1I1111 ~ IIII I V Il0 • ..e..."'8 I .e rllt' If Oil I h .. lIe~e"' "~ " f 111t C I tr'fl1 Ij:1I II ' ", 11II~llII\ ' 1°f \ ~ad II 11IL'rIIllB~r 1<1 Ih (' BPM huN' Ilr ')1\ II on ly c'IIIHlted hy III "reRt IlIIn", I I ~<>on I" I rr IIlI>! I oll g I,t 'II t'lth(' ~II'b"Jee " co "11 < I II\.' " fn oun I " \ ~ I I '" engt h • " " I t. OLIVER DITSON 11111' In .nt l~t,... , . nm"n g thr rllr,,1 <ono" rr ~ n ll hSH hll" tnl contrll ctlOlI o f the II rrll NllIl Ih ( " I "" bl (' II 0 bl " "I n ('m il l" ,'r I l cn lIlI. llIll'OSSI II F-A" 1\1'1 ro :ul\llll p .'II I .. t. o Ihn co!:h UN "eOIl Ih(m l!l ra 1111111) d elfn, cu p~. " ".' ' II" " C II n ..... " .. ' "sun I , ) ' 1(,111 .f I!' III!: fr.m h '""! I I ue brnk rmll n honne" cs ll e. 1 I o ur ~ fi end " , N hll . lIAIl I nr l er Nt. I rr<{ln lh ullt' Ar m I'ncmlrd th o 11111 _ ~ '. ". n " ., I . ' II •• • I M38'0Ia.ll N Y hOIl I<pnlit ~\llln!{ T h e ,r Wf\>! nol a bUIld t1lllDk lOU A :s \I form I ht hl(liltfle wa ' II .. h .. 1 t PI" pnl Hr.. Itllllo " " ~" 'O D" M • , •• \!oo: 1he ~ 1I 'U. t.V ,. lli llPII \lll hCI1 11I~ ln "gl\l AA ' r lh(\ olleruomcdlibvIO I " <arMr - - - l ohuKlk vo llr "U'r " ,1\ II nrl hcrd'iI'o k luo l!c tlll kc lI . 1I1l "":~~:li·.~~~r~:': ~IJ~,J: ~"':;,lt: ~ . r~~~.'v'::: •• ". ', ' :;- ' : . anJ I csnnotNlllllor"fuAlto) o u th! frl c .lI! Rn\\"rlll n t ll rn'l ... . 1< thrl I'II IR II (III II II I\\ r thclUlIl'lrywlli cO IlIl l.ed 1 br pnllnwrlll " "" lhe Ih o 1' ) I' IOS I It se lf tr) lUll: III fathom Ihe 11 I!O vaill o lind cdlt'e m n eepI Y!PIINlbl.. LllI houl']., ,,[ th l' " UIII I o lln li II IU "n 'He lt'cb l1lcall)c ~\led \\I IIIwPl1onth;t drl'Rrvfheton~ Irbl·tb· lhO"IOPPI~g I Ufthefrreale.t (~lmrhm~lIllhatclln he l r'"1111 Ifllll lh c) IInlllh~ rll KllIISIIlj': ~"f, !, ·I! ~:· ,~·~=",O;:I·;~·; _"~f.;.~~~ Iny fJ ld pro eI IInlll Ihl' lOUIILtng I',ur o. It' " " C an I I groom II' paid 10 s w.. mall ISII1 H ' "nabl. 10 He "leru like ~lrRII," t1 o" I~J I.k ('l h l' ,~,"I) I If I. • I IIlI_be.1 " er!!OlI ' wh .. ,,"orr lill Ie IlIn; " ft O her I, bl. ne\l humf tHy ept lb e olf~r \ftl AI n1l18.1' t. hl~ BO lli ~u'l!o llel1 \V II" 1111 ~.;1' ~I ~:'.tIl" "' on ' .. II ,. I h rOlln d dall dOl! o f Ih c chllrth IIld "" .r " .... , I • 1I "' u.~1r I I md <" hnck Oil Ihe pl&IIIA h ullhe re "o I 'C f ,.. l cd d .lOlir I' r Ol><lM IOl1ors m e uul .~ l1 g " I T·" 1&'" I "'1 fI" .. I .... 1 lUllI t IUl( I IlC fon t. b e ro II ~ Ior 1\ 1,:1,,1\ wlllbe lu~Inthecen.u. Blrth- Sll bllll uo un cw meet l Itl m llti es pect Bn I ,.tee ru cllnnol gl , er illc to ~III[Cr! af hv lh e l" lm 81111 le IlI nl ~IO~ I r u,· I,, " 1• • m. hl.rn.. om .. uI E' ''' ... ''.... , '1 u 'n tw tbe I-l or lun e sIml 11lliy ",II ::': \brl'llurli kt IrailldI M ppellrndth'\ er f{,I tt on I ,,"hIl C • mrl' l'Ule lo,II' , III10 1 :11 e d" c lllll t 111 oll,gy " a · u n. 1 :1 ( T I: ')UT IIotbe llken 1heo leet. l ... rr otth ' \ I .Orl Z') I IVl ulles fi way WI nO I "' l r n L" eN lc li n uop nun lit ti&I, II W r ) j IU'·ear.... "' .... Yer.. r' ~ uf pCCLlII g team It .eemed lik e IUtlllltr n l to N lutu .. 1'"n1 ~ hIlI P I t - • - -- - - - -to TUll r I "hl ch I A darl: 1(' Ibl' pnor girl 1\ - 1I 000r anti fn l'nd sh lp )(111 " aln , -H b ce ' tillS y eAr IVI'-' tlle II rei Ie_I o f de , o llon to her IIna- ked obed l nee aod lov" yOIl w. 11 " hl l!J1lng Cblldrrn 0 0 0" 11'11 1 .1111 ' ( 1(''' he hu sbAnd-lIn.l" lIe'r. p on" O n bel never Will fr om \r Tl "l'f, -A few er tblll eec ured 1 I nl! A porcnt "hn d nn t knnw h o" 10 I ' It " 0 , td I UJ I I lifted ri o wn from till' cAr .ICp~ . he ~'Il'f\I\e beh~H Ihlll Ih oll gh I an '"l I blld (h L h I Firs t Esbbhsheo( Most Successful preJlllrntlon " ,II l !'ntO Te Irer HI I rOll ov Plo('CIA ):11 " ''' Rro un.1 In lhl IItmn.t .ii' may a cce pl your nilI" (11 Ill RrrUI t;e I hlll(' 1I 1 1:0H , n n "l Ol l " II'plll g , I ~gl'Dts III I tllkeun IIgI ll.lIl t urHI tigurP. s1II1 Ihplt II II k h I I hi h" Il Plnl on ul lUv f rl f In h an n"I~"" I oughL In ,"rreniN th e 'tiro nf Ih nl Tl' F, l n I .,nl " I NT I ..• • • •• 1. d"I.. ItIfP, tlln, .lIl1hu rn , (!lmplpR lb I8dllly", lI bl t r ust<>dlolhr l' lt umua IIBlllle Il!t'lcllng~8nce ~ 11 r I chilrl tnl'UllI", ,, rper<!< 1I1 !:i p (lrtSlIlf ll l . 111_ bl h th t it I.... lhl1l'nwI Jl1fi,lrI fbfrcIl r(' pwh 11Illllt\i )n nn!! mRn ~ fRcr downwhllh I\~rl e , en IlIlInle ntln:~1\ v flll" ln t l(l l oncc Ihlll gh t II \1ft . ll P r"".IrY In laoh lEADING MARKETS OF THEWORlDl 1 or ott f. on r IICI',80 Ahly Lhrf'(' nlllilnn fll rmer~ In Ih" (oun VI~'I'O h le ll C ~nrRI wbre .l 'PIIOl\n g til' ~ 1'011 0 f ' " l' "" wor );{ A'~I:,:"~""I ~ Ihrlr dng" lrallllllg IhpllI r\l r Iht' hl'll ~. " oj . . . 1. rl"F.IIT I!II r .. nde( thn rOlltJIl ex loD d ear Ir~ and )OU ,,!II Ole tbe ub) ed lon to >\,I I'b I. ~I I fnl y rII'e rr:lO UtWn 8 )(I' OH " The. kll u\\ n n' Ihnt Ih l' "IIIp . 1 (. I,] T U " Bnd rnlr. F(lr R(l n~II'og a'ld ~mploYlu gp"rr'l lI l AHil. tallce"he n Ihe j lhO ride d t he IIlsI'" Milk 1010 III , I ha' ~ t he III h~8t l\IiIJIOO " f y"u rr nCH r ooll H'd U )~ llIe n IH e lh uglll OVJl.l1 ~o.OOO ""'ollnd be ,o,..,nd ,I,r IHllIKllnd t40bb!>I ... lo ucI Ibe scpn c l iid chn rllclrr /l Id ,, )rl" 11111 f"lh " 'lire th ol IL n M "llIp 10 \ a.". . . . " ' lJ I II, be.. nUryl1lg till! .1Ilnlllla8 no e' '" '.; " .. ol_~_. ,n-._ , · k •• ' II"". ... .··, !-~.·. t''' Il··" I P r! 1 o"" 1I rl'n t s SPII t r~lrlllllr fOlcc I Itl' o"n m(1 1l ne b , lyl K~1rV ao d VI 81bl y CI3\.(1 th c 1'... ,LlOn \1 11111.1J ... ul e r I 10 I~nch Ih em 10 8l 1lr~ or Blup at 1111 .. ,,f'qol.
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The Smith Organ Co
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I T I' CURED ".:'l't~ E! \ ;.. ~".."
Cincinnati BU11ne11 HouUI.
Upham's Freckle Tan & PI'miile BAN ISH ER IIPllllra llnn~
F..n,.h__ ...
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I dthe hundred o r mo re spcc illto ,. upn" m~ bllt I tR IIII II aCel' ,,1 yo nr " nrd IIl1d 1'"11 . Iclld. t. lh e v XII'" 1Ir<• • lfn,,' . ,I.. I b1 min, 1'0 I 1'lIhl. fOI ;j, ttl!10 hlld ,rnnd e,1 lO Ih e pllltform o II' I olfe r I hilI I' Ih e MIIICrrr n""I\r1\lI ce uf n ~" Ihnl un NI'l Ie IS be ll r tlln n Ih ! lherenret.erlJllllh(nnclu. s lI ch ul'o o all oc of II my cMerm IVIII I" 01111:\ cu re'" belwr ,110 "bloll I OIlDOSl\C II Addrull 118 [ nllt uilurl' I" .. ~Lock nnd .11''1'' rl I"h'"'e n g n un A 8ld.ll g \ -t't UMbope t 81 tbe 1""' I fl'lI r nIl ' r fu ' N mal C311 ~l' If dUll" nnd horsu C311 hI' Ihlls r dllrnt .. ,1 _ _ _ BOST MASS, I JOHN I' HElm rlJ~ ~AN & CO a llL crop" "hrr~ speCia l tlge n u. mll s~ n C- 1 il'r"lI(' ngrr. fro"; ~hlll far i"n~dbome yo u I'f FraHm "llhIJUL pIIIll. hOlent "hnl •• Ihrer II. be c l1ll'l o ved and Ihe 1\ or\.; WIll nS y rellc b J 8 11 r l('e nt. 0 1 10, ' I de. lft to thallI. ,ou lo r Ilr ll h ooM Oll r chIldren" hll II mahft lIecr SII rv Iu )i. T. I 1 hl' "peellli Bn'J IlIh nt iii1\ l'II U auu I 6 Ir"'0 IDlly I!OOII be you bl" 0 .tlm ... me hilt "o ulo n o tl'0~1 sap an d pnu nuJ ''••I em ? H n\ e III<'y Ie· I b e d one A8 never I",fore " mce r . "llicoll ccl (nc Isnlld Ii g lll eK re Mil c ·dd t j"C(l t.r tbl\ldc I ~y b,e'l hi ) Acce pt yo ur <I/fe r bec" U!" I lu' e IOt('lhgenlc ' IfH'O thrv co ltlrrhcDrls?I IRtlllb t fl lh c g rtmth of th c_6 "ro p' sn.1 11 rI Ir 110 SIUI r(IlIY) ~rRn~ porIC 10 th e YIlII tiKI "ell a. n "Iwl" til relill ce I A re th ey lo" e r In the 1CJ\l eof 1~ ll1g? II ~ Olft '" ~ I.n l CI I.cnrd ru Any 0 I' I l>Co l' II) I!IIV VOII e~rn 10 II b,t/r naif ' f rult, meal lrftn~ I'Orlatioo lIoll CIporLa I rec c.... . ( " U t' O"1 and tb e Sbll'plDg of Il\ c oto, k to Ii(lll i • PUIS r • U \I e \I ' re 10 bllllg lip 1I .... lher clllld I nl; a nd J uwber booe" ltI'eti wa I 'he J)el' lInpd Chall ongr. ~ o dear mlll hN .sys I IIlIl.tO I 1 " e wuul.1 oe, e r "blp II I he , arr IIeAnu ~ !Iud o lh e r IlI dll trlt 8 Ih at are I he recen~ Ce nUlDlJISI CtllehrRtlon o f P OO R POll \ WI8I' hut 1\ h L1I1! 100 lat lnstell d of bf~'OmIOI!' nf g rM~ 1m portaoce " ,ll 01. 0 ~he ca pture u f ISlo n v PUlllt rccall8 lin JJ ~l I I I __ I I Gou do 109 g(I httluor clllldre ll that tho \ ret~I" Ib e ' pee",1 AU~I1l1on o f till ' RllccdO\{' of o ne II f ~hr .lOrlDlOg plrly h r I' r- II ,ec Ilb"~ II Ilfo1lO ..... I mos t be 'll'hippc!<l to goo,lne"", He hn ' l anClI1 nlld Ih e rrudll c t of Ihe~p !f1olt.. olon e l colL nlte llurrl. (1o,er nor of 1"'1 Ie Lrlu.tb~o'll WI f lelvle Al'pro- l done !\O mllcli f artN-m Ihnl OHn IIh'l)' II ' I k -J C AI O n. t I~ ' !lle~t c<l mp mont ynll • LI tt L I I ,., .orm _, H \11 uable ,W)UIlC I w Iltc " e nlu c IY 11 e \\ IiS R br,,\e lIIan and COU Id poll!! Ibl v h live nnll I lIle J heg to s , IL IllI n. . tIlrllIrelI IIrIClnn- III III e I ~ n'lJ~ ru Ie I I • a I , e e l 1\ xee p ons 0 cen @u e BOII ~1l0 " 1\ VlllIt dille retll o from I AcqUIrC< 1\ reputatloll 10 hIS adopl.ed I II I I· y ·h tiJOtltl o r fo rmer tear Hercwfore lh e~c S lllle of .. alll llfullndlall fighl e r i ure you'f In n , nlcen t I nt Ul"o'I' tI th lJl rulp Mnn, c hIldren lire of ouc h I~V l e .. 0 Illy ow n (emerlt8 It 18 my Ie I t II I bl L Ih II HlI tl 8 Lt Cl!' h n' e lel'O gro Iv err" neo u' l \\ bile he WM ( ,o, e rnor ISO m ~ rello" I I th f I I u: qUI\ I ) III I (lWDlA~eS ClIlflO\<II rt ' lI lId lURdeqllllw fhen tb e I ~" Ilfovlded f!(' n Lhlln a cha ll e n"e on account o( an Ie at m Y reI 11. %\ Qd your " elrli~! I or reck lcfI:! or deceit ful . or permullcntl) b mlfrlngll 18 t C leaL 80 mOMl UOtlt! till I I \VI •. I I' I " , I k H I ug V IIpplOg ml\ .. c~ e ll ureD 16 r ur no ~p. cll\l A8I! ISlllnco III pro \lrrll g 01 eose whIch he .m~lDed t:!eott h,,11 thew fnct.., fllld WM IlO ~(\Il Hnclcd tUllt co\OmlL~d Agalnel IllS ( th e challenger oj r=,Lllrn CAn lila YOI~ e ~\ e me to WhI p pin g mftkea them hale Ihclr pArenl s. ' codfisb, ( oal 0. 1 and m lnllll( " " ' ('I ll acrd honnr 1he old !\O ldl e r d id no~ DOlh '!' • yon,. Mln CC re ) Ill" OMI NO Whl pp.n g makel home dl l.n.leflllOll l b e 6am \lllChedn le" It Tbe fello w .. ho had K'veu ubll e I CIIn h nruly lill Y "helher I alii more nUlkes th e boys rull n\\I<\ lIlnkrs Ihe I educRtlon a CI488 fo r Il..!elf ? I noLI' e of III IDtell t ioD to • calf oul" 3Urprttltlll pleased or pawed b) Ihl s girls l!Cek hn pplne nnyw herc and IIn\ "It COllll'~ und c r lhe brunch lIf lh Governor W IUI much sODoyed tit hIS moot flntterln g ("p reYlo n of vour feel bo1\' Whlpplllg is burbarou- Don I CUl l 8tatl gUCl',' '' hlch e ruhlscl's cd nc~ "I len t coo tempL AflAl.r waHlOg l!fJ~ era l 1111gB {or mo urprll!O 1ft do mtnBI1L 11' ben whip L1on, cburch ,,,('boo) ~, Ilbrarl (,jl 116\\ 8 day" h sougbt. the Governor ror 1\0 ex I think of my own uliwortblOekt pl~M ---- -1'"1' no. \\ lJ;e~, t\ea lth d eh t nu ll ftxR pl fl ORLloo. Rnd the lollotllng COO'CrM lire "hen T reflect thnloDe ,..boflO o pln TIH Will ow Ohv('r MIlY~ ~h(' '" d(M'r ~Ion It ",II he collo ted nlmost I'll Lion took pillcr 100 1 VAllie eo mueb ('aYft me Ihe ' Ii~ of hB\ IlIg h~ r face 6ugrS\I''' 0111·,,<1 l!foly Lhwug h ~1( clILl ngontv A" ",II l .o ve rnlJrN:n Lt. yollrecel~t, l a,hal greRtr~L COllllhmrnL Inbl8 llO \fer bil L nge 8 tam l'" ..... ,t 11"111 occIl810nllll v I II IHO ~I clIl l " 1 IltJ~ tIC. 1""'pefl"1ll le nge frum ole " I'allll~ hnBlly predominAnt when I reel nre.:ccrl hy men ! " 1'11.-11"'/011 P Ol' ~l ell "WIlla llv .hlln allli dpRr 1Il ll 10lHIII \' Ollr. hllll ~nge " "" .1 1'1I' e rr.I"1f Ibnt lilY MO lIt.m e ott; In re Lurn aro LbOIle art III th e hllblt o f Itrkrng '~"I II~' H n" 1.."" thev bl'l' lI lnlirdp.l lo" • Rllt I hs 'P re~I'I\PlI nrltbtr "lid I of ClItl'l' 01 lind nol F'lJ r.; " o me.f . lllml'p no~ p re Illg their hI' \( Ihe m fo re'" I ,It knnwleri~lIIrnt nil( An R[. e llln ce "f I I cauJlll preroe DI <fI KaNKI'Dtm cllt o r *,v('ln lh fl \\ 1.10 1\ c rlRlo l ~ d ()(lll ll t wllnLllI l!tl By fHlU m I1Itor~ ur I@c b~ .j, I'llt Ir' It I II nhllpplll(,8fI 1 CIIU no~ olr, r you ,I ross hd, ..d doon hl' 1- " fir I nr~ / nmll/rrrlni .. f tbo Ulllt~d l a l p" IIll\r~hRI . III Ih l' j I pretium I' nlll , Kif " " I hllvo I' llt I III excbllog<! for gold allli 1 h ope you A.rll"', ll~< P ~ ral .ltstn t~ n IIlter ' Will lee l In thl. ~hll~ I am now aCLln g F I 1 500 0041 bl " Vh ' r II b n' f lJotb for your lIapplne lind my 0\\0 n ~l'IU 'I8, mArrl"S~A I... ore!' \\1 r IIpCt'" ' nry Alld \ u . u (IIII\'fIe yU II lI.tend 10 IIC V I ~r g irl. Nil" )11 0 1 tlltn\; of Lltst " lid M ~M when \\ III It be lel teu ? ' r('pt ? 011 f!II mo~t tnl f, ARMITl:l I IItIchm.pU.. "'Ilt I'6venLl h lI~lIred. u f Ther WI ll be un p IllIudred nn I fift~ ( If tllllr~c I do 11,,1 Vou mUllt conhlder YOllrflOlf "crateh I tbOlll!ll DdB morp lind yet II (rHo " wil l 8UI rvlJlOrM, 'lOP or mIJre II' eBcb I'!t.a~ . Wbat lSot 110061'1 Illy dllllleuge 7 1 ed ,' old mao, for th e ' fi llv ' Kt.ake@ 110 JP;O&IlO mllk e BO a 01 hlm l!Clf abo n!' A It ou rd lDll to II Hl7e f h e ~upe rV\ !!Ore I. JL Impo Ibl" lblll YOIJ O o ' erDu, rB' 88 111m coocernoo 1 be IIdd. hav ... I prel ty fR~t ,,'thollt five grA lOS (If Reo dIStflC[" will be ro rmed an,1 :tllnoulI(,l'O S colt hroll~bt "1'111 tb" army , oe' I.n" I hffio beavy lI!(aID'~ yo u fro m Lhe tlWP beblnd II, and think therlll~ lIOt " " lb e r about lbll mlJd lu I) f UctQber Imd l b I " (ombsl " YOII t!r~t. eDte rco bul AIIIC(l tbllt dnrk woro&n III creatIOn sppoIDtm en ts ",II p robA bly he made a l 1.10 ",Ib you • horlle , C hArlie, bAS "on hi . trlRI wllh ."",===== he meeLlut; u l (ougrc8~ III December I be n I 118\ e no mell1l8 o · Mll efecHOtl I mn III Lbe c;aoter YOll lITe '1" ll0 out of WIle - - tor•• _.IUlIDa.. Jo h.Doa rYlhe II~ f\I l\o r~ ",lInppo .llt l!' ftbllttopo! Lyollllcoward I thebettlllg wfully s~rr' bilL better P,.bably ••••• DoubU . ..... ban all lu r b Chum mlor. 1 h e " I r ciRt agenl. r osl me II o wsrd exclllimed thf' I". II lI ext hme. YOU kil O,," r...~ 10 .om ••• u.t tho dl. ogrulblo" , III be ler l Ii I' Ol'ct',Sll v ' N1UlrCll I (.O\..,oor hllrslln\[ mto II beuLy laugh 1) H ARf( \\\ 1\ II ,onn · IWbl<hll" dl" rd'rrel·bl or ~.ngu.d lit"'ll""· H w I1 P t d 11' s= n t' • a"ne' ! 0 e a.ln oonAlp'" on, 0" \U~n rnllnw rHln ," " II e rp I Ifu, aWAV 8D YOll un Y PORt 10 ll r IIInnt"1 "IIre'of rb,sl~-I III-AD "A. . IU. " • • ,1110, . oron ... . n Ih. ~Ietn.t' of Ih. 'l'llr od I«' 8 It " r Mil l !'vt'ryboriv plot' Will . ft y I ~ n " . ~ ~- n, orgln ~1£.. ltd a IOn. ollon II.f I"OD guho. 'D I sUI I lit!( nbUUl tHte cn o r t\\ Cllly 1!C1 IS un I n h ' "'. . Ih. h.I,1 ro.lti .. bolda. h., a IDOl or ",Ppellle, l llou88nd Il ndlbll"' lIIl h ~ clJ lI"lrl An,llbR I \\s. thepml"f It The American yuung I. d, wiso he ulreme lhl" lalb"h ""lo. or lb. unno aro be requlr .1 til m mp le le lh(' rr Iflb",Iteved Ilhe bad got a bristle o{ her tootb .m~n l Ib, . ,mplomo whlob aDnounco a por dU rin " tbo mnllth f r UDn PI~II II • IJr u Hb fixed 10 her throat "'(It \\ Lrtltl and .mlon or .illollol1 of Ih. bll. Tb, romedy " '. IU e I \ h 1 h e Hermlln ea,alry 1'18101. " or rrmod e. ror Ih •• bon 10 n Oltotlor. SUl ID III t IIe Cit) 8r rO lltlD erl t'l the fir sL IWO e wellp"n whIch I< 1.<, replace th e "'urII(' thou gh there WM 00 b .18lle Iherll . ob nil." admln by medl. al m•• wf'Oke 0 1 lh e smr monl h I hr rel'o rll! I olti smooth bore csvalry IlIsLoI ID the ~III Hhe was pefbullded by hfOr doc Lnr. pronounr.d par. and "hol.lo me h, Ihem , ""'" rQn: l' , n aM rlll'lldy R.' 1O.nllplp,j (,o rmlln IlrulY b n! at leogth been filially rllM that h e had elrtfllcled It Rf ter ~Dd pnpul., .... oompreboDlI •• rlml ly lne,h _ de, Id pri UIlf)1I The ar m selected IS . re I willcb sh l' r('CIlvereo 8lI rlll'ldly On O.D' onol IJ' .peCl fia pr.... "" and ,em o 'y A IIUlll8D oatll'l),. I Il I..' r wh ich WIll bedlsttn glllMhfd a. tboolhe r hand thereare \l'ry .. oll al ror chili. and r.,e. and bllOUI remi ll enil I 'h!' r('wlver mudel 1878" None of I lcftte!l calleS thllugh none I~ q uoted b) Ihrnughout AlDerlcl , Inti 10 n w.d. OI' .uL In n e trlw rd,nll ry ~lury nf " hUUlK1I I lhe nc " r,e a I f I tbl " " rltt' r 10 .. bl cb mer" frt ght r,,"'go . oull trl, . [)\!Ord ... ,n lh. " omlth plt'ctrt t baL le ry I~ 1,,1,1 hy thr 13{11"lo" rill n re vo ver. 0 Orlglr" d I .n ~ \>ow.l • • 1 ",.11 ... "YO, or. ..... dI 1 ( ;annd 8) Ad, er" r leslgn hn' e h re n ChO&l"II, hut tbe Jll8tol ' Irecle Lo L Ie expected 8ufferlng uf a rooted •• II. wltb Ibll popular Ind limo honnred 1 PAIIILY IIEDIVlIIR Ton n'~ aULD I nu opted hR . heen coO" trucled M th" j dleeued pnrl h8H cllulM'd R po"orful ntodl<ino .ltLIO~ S urnrNO n flAMI " lUI ~~~' Il\lIe le~ "f y<,t\f\"f II!;C "\If (Tt' rmalllllfll.ntry rlOc or the model 18;1 buL Ml ulnry revolullon In the on oe8ll ) th:C~~~~~c, ~I"nhA ;"'0t!eJdr~ I 11'8' by tile ndaptatlOn of dlrrert"nl parI..! .1It1on of tht' dl&eased orgBn Dr D~;:':';(Aln~ .';;~,~~':.o!~~~:'~'i!'uN~. ~h:nm we 'u bl t ,, ~ W W It oclor. or IICvera l OX IstIO\[ weapo0 8 Some onr Ullrpenter -If we mlRlIIke oulr-ID his mln .. te,e I 1'... nl, .. 1II do .. oil In r.momhor n o~~ : u e h" • r rlUIDe, II t e r~ dId I'rtllC I~ esp re8l!Cd by ( .erman papere tbllt • lIIeot.1I1 l'h Y.lologv, ' Rlve~ a e8l\O of Ihlo f • • t and ke.p a medic... ..hleb •••• d 10 1 l1li 0 e lilly IIrga,,,r, comp IIlnL sitch 8 re vnlvpr .hould hllVp. beeo tbe complete abllOrplJon of 80me vory mon , h, .. In III" hOIliO reldy ror on, ernrr \ BAL" FOR IVERV WO IIND 011 '~ 'II'e rd ev~ ;)ll('d " o nderful Ilec lrflC 81 IIdopted ID ~I(ad 01 olle of 8uch well daogerous tumor. 10 1\ ,pry f.... hours gen. , Th. aal,am ~"roo,"e. a tend.n" 10 ,lAS AS" BRUITI ~ II I "'<{1m" tn .~ II l>(Or eel kllown weApon s ItS Iht" Oreli!6 or Lowe under the IDflue nl."e o f me re terror at tb e C<ln, "mpllon ,(ron.hlono .... k IDd h•• I• •••• ) tol Ih I I II h bl h t. r t.b f lh I lung .. rflmedit" P" u(ul lind ... thmlUlc bruth persll I I f tl VI. e II t~r especla y as II g prOMpec 0 e pain 0 e "U rgl ca In~ bin Ihn boor-.n ... and cu r" III brond".1 THEOLDEST&BESTUNIMENT t L n 1111 I ~M I o ....ell.'I(' . hO k ' P ICJ; roput.aIlOll havloj!' .t I. st ilted by the nperatloo-It 11'88 before Ih e days o{ And lro ch.. 1 IIlIlQmmlllon U IOU hove a E' En 11 lOr. " A!lHtlCA ~:~bugi 6 lenc" CAnnol • II ~ harl M Jl"fld~b" II ( (/ "I_ b pell IlIrgely lI!IOd by chloroforlll-whlchhlldbeellile lermined GOugh .. 0 .1 eo dy In,l oft.u All D,uR b d ler nor ClIO any une P acC 110 Ibe HllfIII'" " Lruol'" ,lurlnK Lbe late war 00 to remove It Hele was a Cllse wh e re «I .... 011 ,t SALES LARGER THAN EVER ) 8~ In plllll of late. ""th ~er~ h By havllIg been 111110 la~\v cbollen 18 the IIttentlOo- Aod flttentlOo of 110 boperul l 1IIl! lilli' e ,. IP ClIO IleU' " • IIrp I ..eapon lor t.he armllmeDt of the whole Ilod-produced Ihr "PPOSlte eflect III ock throug h Ii leon or Iw onlf peop le of Ih e RUl'lllall police 10 II recent nllOl Ihnl whIch III tbe AmerlClln yonDg ~n 8 lind !!he po_s'R Il th! Mllrac nl th c ~,r'3i! J1(il,'my J"", .111 tb" 8801(1 lady 8 CRl!C! aLtl otlon of the dllllpolldeot lOr: a magll"t rrvoher I. al80 very favo rabll repor~d ilDd had prodllcpd - tbe very JIIIme ef I ~he IIttemplAl to p. ck lip II kill fe lhe UPOIl 0 1 the hllell u the oew feet IOdeed wblch Il reroml"'lon of at bade 911;11 lUlll' Inll f'll hand aDlI a (.ernlAn pl8tol but littl e 18 lteDerlllly lenltoo, "hen tlccomplIlIIed bv th e bOl'e r,aper 0 ne he~ W~ lung ~uppended kDOWII lit preseDt, bul 18 the Lowe re- of Cllre, h"d III lbal cue produced rom ODe 11 er ogen he CliO not. volvor 15 affectIve lit II rllDl!e of over ",%F$.1I'l' ProDla ... 30 DA7.. .u UndIlrWro••c1 Strum, .Irop IUlY h g hl IIrll c le of sll'el she mBY 200 m etere IIDd can be eaSily fired What $10 h .. done '" II III II,..t b,I,S'U PICtr up A negro, wbile dlgglDg a well 0 0 Mr A amoDllI aDdU1"'._."oraD_to A.. b t twe I ve I [ mt'~• 1\ IDlnute. the rl!volver, mat. il()(Jk .peclilatton. Paml bleu oon Ul m 'IE' ou.tat f~ iSH A W • 00 A UClnT.t. . . . n or rn eflll S A rOOlll , II pe rcoptlble model 1578 ' must h mllst be concluded Jobn Waltcr'e place near AlbRoy Ga ing lwo unrrrmr rule:. ~ r 'Ut:ce~ . mailed (ree mHUeJ1Ct' !!e17.e.... 11 others 1111<1 willIe b e 8 remllrkA bly forllllrl"bl" wt'Al'on I begao euddenly yelhog out at. the top of '" aDI p.r. an UIHJ n Al I hea ltu l\ _ __ ome are Alfectt'd to . leeplIIe • • o~h e ,. hll VOIce for tbe bucket to be let dowo Add... . A ~ I MI h'JN • CO whichwu q Ulckly done,and the darh ,,~ >.re II I 811d fldgeLv tIll th ey le.vr ~ I tiro"'ng His Owo comll. • V Each. "". I lac•• N •• Vo," JO •• w I drawn up to the top of tho well trembllog . Iell pmg bllbe ..... i11 \",ke tip wltb a \ It 1M nnt orten tbllt u mAli huy" hI" T M J) l10s '401' elr e! nn l tr Ohi o BOUT ~ rg.n' tbl!1 fad liconciu i,.e M. lon JUCEI T-', , , _ • •_ _. . . . . . ._ I At h,er lIr.proach bllt With S .t",ke of own cofllD aDd more lIfJldom stili that and paotlDg, With eyes u wblte a8 cotLon k. AlI.mhn Organa have ta ktl1 the I'glattl" lIe r ham , oh(' en n 1\1 once conx It lu h e rAIl'6H a tree rl[ to 'brovlde Ihe Ind bIg &\I lIIucera. In vCBlIgnlwn ro- h o n ll r~ I" «I t.ry World, E.rh, b.t1O I J r I ef/o. -llIA mbcr IRRa ID I b WOllt I for making lIe coffin Ilt 8uc b a naled a Iwlft undergroun.l Itresm !It r. an I no other Ulri CA' urSRn I It! taken nlmA ' R I!Il 11ft KU Jeel 10 h~r III r(frll~ ((til' hM bee n fOllod III 'Veot Vir rualllog along underneath thl! .pot" her~ thl h ghe!t a"lfLl At u 'I' ,cit the negro had been dlggllll!: There Willi NIICOl"e, lind a pel dog IJf lhe h OIl~ehold 1:' n III rh e "tory IS lold of oDe ell tam II ~ 4~D COLIJ. - rho!" wh o aro tlurfer "III be for hour~ lit h or feel :1ft mlltlon '"'to nl' burted IRIIL wtl'k at MouDd8~tllt only .. thin cruet of oarlh bet", cen tbe IDKCOtJG I, n Cough!, Uohb II Ilu() nl'!!1 Soro Jl{e.....'" Tho1 'aDdl of Bo1dlen •• 4 h.t" -.oegro aod tbe stream and It 8uddenl! II' "" 10 death "rt.c le. "h ,c b "h~ 1111rlv fi h f Thrf'lfH 4kc "hUll hi 1ry Baows 8 DR( SC IfUL titled Pon,lnft. dale back to dt.cb.,.. or ct.. , .. 'Fer. , ~"rttn . til • • ,h. IIl't'e become magne~Ize.1 I ,. \ (' yeo. r. ago e rom began to give 'll'tI) Tho darky co uld TROOIt-:ft 2~ cellt. a bu. 7VM1C",.Ud Add N'~~~~t~m.t 1.11:• • • ·,e" OrleanR to Mo und.vllle to make flee .b" ", rtG I It cr., ", a.uJ J r I "Bod hear lhe w8ter fU llluog below PO Dr......... W . . ~. . . . . D.b 1m hom~ and brought With hIm two C• • 1111 I P.lon\ 11 •• 1 1l111£.D... keep 1.lO u "'_led (oro1i"I1",,' ,boa rUE Wil e "nd <I IN o f lhl' 1I11oe e Pt'ed~ of II mahogany like Irl'c Ihat him He escaped Without lII)ury hilt andI 'ON . hou from running 0 \ Ir Sold by I t 01 AGEN~ lillI' (.., Ohuu (CIt .11 ,_ hll tool. 1II0tr 10 the "ater and were 1M" ~m ba8ll"dor IIttended a recepLltlo g l' eu nOllnshed Ilenr IllS former home ma., mor It" or and blrdware dlillen In Lon ri on III lheor honor the OthN day I fb". e he I'llIOl.etl, remllrklng to hlO ~ n<l Ihe QIle<'11 MY" that tbr two larile. I r.nllly thllt he woulr\ ha~ e hI. co r Thooght He'd Get Tnt Rtod. For the Preparing of Estimates no Charge Is Made, " ore I<ll.Irl.8 exceedmgly hM kIlt fin mll,le from tbr troo Olle 01 theoe A omall boy wIth" bIg cent. In h,. !,1!llllogs 0 1 .ome rrd mRwflal allernal !!Ceds dle.1 but the .. ~oer flourl8hed ano haod Mood beforp II Mlchlgnn ftHnlle Ing "'tth I"'rll<lll " wltb R "lIltern of <lllrk grew I mm I .h ..ol It becsmp II 1\81'- r;rocery (or a long tlm~ yc"te rrl~v l>(O r ro bille g rl'!' n nnd "hilI' Th e t\\( r 111110: lind finAlly III the courlle of t hirty maklDl!" up hI" mmd Ln entrr "hOD <lre_ " <, r of hrocad.. 8Il metl1lng III y~Rr8 grew to he a tine Ire.. About alked what h e de8lred . he mqlllrerl A Mp1 nf Ill. ad ... ,,.,. n... • . ", Utfl r'I~I' th" "p&efllh. MnrllUlm ea& .. an C'JCeQpr ud lll. tiral" it Ih!' r",m of IItrg(' loose Jla ll'lo~ wltb I etgbt mnnth. agA R IIIIvere wlDd storm If I boy,hollld C.f)me he rp Rnd get. t" "rl'lf" .htln'" , I h J: to t' "'h ., .. arpllca t'ln (fi r Ihll! flllt m •• fit thfll CfII' \ttl. ,.. In ..d,., 1I1 e • .."".. lo" \It "hit he tnntll " "hil t 'h. gil 10 rt h" can dMllllllal.f! _e mf .om ef' "ml!: btlogm!; - II'''''' of l'llrplr ~h hlack I pR@."d 'Hl'r ~I (llln 1 0\"llh~ Rntl Captllio trualed f<lr II Itlck or gllm ho" milch hrocAdo. With II pla'lue .. ( m"gll.ti cent foIL11tl found hl s lr<" hll1ll'ro~tralf' HI' [ W011ld It hr?' ( ~~: tl':ItO~:;!"I~ J. ~m~ ..:~1,. '!!.~ tn n ~ 1 " I hi " "blfh he ,. "I. tt> I I1\\l t ' ' ' r fnrUi I. th ," -III e • ' " r "rl " ((If him IU C" • HI' of t'lIlbroloery OOt"O('1I Ihe . holll,l el"ll 1 he 1 111. I . t drlpd Mawr,l 11110 IlImbeJ and oo~ r l'n t., .... Ihe re p" " ,II II. r II m " ' hI' If\lWlt!t" 1'-'" " ." w,1I he th" .... t. rn h. P upon w Ih nth. limit. ",h r:h b. prpH.d..,.. s l()/lves of ,111 C wc rl' bnrtl e rerl " Ith II !!I'nl III 1\ Plltl!bllrg hrm In a . hon Ano If Abo" shnuld rnml' hrrr WIth S.nd 10 ce nt. (Of 100 "'•• I\A m llhl.' At{ ItIN htVa\1 baml Qr lIIa~uuh8 l1li1111 rsquI8 I lime Jl WIUI r('tllrn orl to hIm In lh.1 form the r-l,h how mu ch wOllld It be? !lely emhrnule rcd With "hl~ "I()ck~aod u f II hcnulfrlll colli n 1I0d for four " lu ~ ~ the SIIOle" 1I, IYf'r folla\(t' lht' Ih e r bad s hBnel nr mllnlh" It WRJll'rellCrvetilll hu'lreoldt'nce 'Thrn I gll c~" I ' lI get lru.ll'eI qlllc lly ConontraW L,. pale 111811ve MilO I'mbrOl dered 'II'IUI About two wee lrH ag<l hI' cODtracled II remArked Lhe fillRll cler aft hc sltpped the 1I1~ Il!!e rmlllgl. rI "'Ih 1\ h~tll' gold ~lcknet!8 thaL culmtnRted III his death , cent. down mLo 1118 pocket the !tlftlr WM llrawo tl j:hlly bRc k aod lind his delllre belr.1t flllfilled , he WM -Sa'" Dt .... I&ltlu:n"·tiiii;ii~~~~~ij' Boft and Toll., I!OItp _Ia-_"!D~Ib:r::m _. Dnrloi the First blx DaYII. It.iltened WIth pomatum, It w"e arrlloged laId 8way io Ihe colli 0 that he nltlnled IT IS 1'IJtL "'.,OHT AND sr"UGTIl (PhilAde l phiA P' ''II! I The mark.~" . _... , 1_114) OoD""" n a CttrlOIl I.IIII -tlhll~d proluberance thl rLy Bve years ago Wllhe .II.Itl'd 10, aod .lemmy Rged II IralM! I,. wble'" tl ~ult_ied "Itl> ..It and a\.c.he be. k. edged WIth beAds IIlId tin NEWSPAPER ADVERTI81NC "Two ladIC!s of thlecity "rre rp. ~ "tI, were pl8YtUg togetber Ooe of lhen:: min tIM """'., "VIh . , . Ofl Orl18men • oroameotal 1'1118 ~e re s.. PI' MON": AND aur na One In Iv 1\ ho h~d \\IJlJI minutely eIamlniog a lIy "I won r ....iced.. tI IIOrt or comb Ind Ted cliAculII!log 8 party lid y.. lIOw "owen< were worn at been there gave glowtng MCCOUIII - o( Ih~ .I.. r how God made blm I" be CJ:olBlmed God don't makl' filet! u carpenters vanOUA C\lstu mes worn ' Ye." rll)'" " ' d ald. the otber, • J 5UpJX!1Ie the .Id "f II.e mlLke thlll~, " ubllerved t.he other boy Gud Mye, let there be IIle@, arid tbere city were tbere '" Wae Itr r~nll! I Ii IIIrrator • Who bRd It 00 1 ' I I~ IIle~"
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Survival of the Fittest.
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AInorlcan MOIDGal COllJD. I !"~~(~'~ !,~C;~r.!;-:~ ~d~". I
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FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKINi. ,----trt"""I•• ..
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X X.--NUMBER 14.
mJ II . (111 ... .. , I)
I Hilla "
bro wn
Th e In. 111 {II pl. uh h a.n ll W",th (ru lt •• 0 ll'f'odluX down
th 8t1J!g&.lInll , xn el brRlo w Iho pn ~e on 8T.lNDDe tJm)EB TUB N~. her A 'He .......... aa......:F ilia 1iIrUW'a , Ally nJ)( " n ul,1 he d e bghtcd to re lAUe ... ""'. Ro." eon e "" ch II Il rCII(' It( " n " h o,t !la.y iD July, 1860, , Do YOll t link he \\\)u ldY" ruolccd l>b f:ll el'!!ltr, HIClllltly And then Ite " ellt m Ull WI\3 mO'l'tog hl8 CRttle to rnneh further north, ncar R\\ t) (front 8turlli fellow I" rl ed Ibyl, and pn IDg down tho banb Hpiteflllly , ant 8ho trtl'pccl hllck to her hl8 h erd becnml'l mill8d ~Ith that wero graztn~ 111 tho vai[le:r?~~~!~:fI~Il.lf~~~ tllb le" I lIever .... IV Auch n goOI!C," 81",1 rAl ura lOme of them faIled to HUrrlng ton who had tlnco ftl te~ of her T ho next dllY about aboot IL OWI11\t home
Tho Low or Matrtmony. A row dA)K
oom oHhemlt\n)gD~ .~reeU"
• .. Oh 1 hli' e.Jtt rn g1"~ .C JCD-Imd. be pllI mako ~
JrQmd ",, 1ll,UeaAI m Ot11 1,,& f lte awl.: , n..l l", rlae , .A11 l11 11 t e ' '''IUn- . III1Ul1~ \\ lib Y hHIlt'I'iu-.
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ynrll~ for the Rir(\~jo . DJD I..; l'nOPOSEI
.. I cou ldn too I L IlIlI d Martyn Ellenl Ie, W'ltb A shudder '.Pooh" snld (,uy RAmjlS. It was jll"t th o 8<'ductl'o hollr befo re the gas J L. "n) LIghted nd 1Vindnw lJh nds Rre pull li [10" n- tbe d elicIous t\\ibgbt, wh n gm t fir ~~blne hke burn lDj,t Il\IlI!il68 of mby, nnd peoplo Blthng 1l('f!lde them grow mild ly confido nt llu~ It WftllSDowln g a IIttlo o u tside, IlI1 t illt l)o t ter, for th clICk of tho crY3tnU.1.od pcllrla ogmnst lb glllllll fill ed up tho I!l lenee, lind mllde tho cO~y "armth of tho Toom lu xunou81y delightful Anli Mnrtyn EUonlie'1I pleollllnt brown eYell, fi xed full on tho fire, 1II\w-no one CRn t ell \\hat or how m~ch tth ey snw I " uppose sbe.bould y 'no,' /I bo bUnlt ou t, l!eemlngly ap~ in nOLlllng aL all " UppOIi(' she ihouldD't," oOl!erved Guy, dryly " I tell WI eJ:llcUy lIko Yourfrlendl amlin, I t'a n OLh who under tbe
Chrl8tmas prescnt of It to h, r little t>llI ck 0) d cOlllml And ho Inld tho d oll, ruJU" 'liP: 011 1\ IOfn nnrl \l e nL to hod , MlI1klllg tnll) dream la nd JU8\ abilllL the 11111\ thllt FlIlI n ) e len \\ n8 tnklll ~ tllphnlr pllI.nllL of ber magDlfie Cllt golden blur bt fllre I ho dr t'J!lng bureau mit e r 0 11 11 apnrflll' lit " Why , fanny, "hltt (Ills you r ' rleel DOTII, hor eldQ8t 1lI11ttlr ~. You' fe orvInll " '(' I'm 10 tired," gUIlt Ily conlC1\l!Cd po!lr Fanny AmI ahe " pt h( l1'e1f to . Iee r , thlllk Ing how fooh ~h .be hArI hOC' II , IUId tha t of COUI'I!e MArt)n E llel1'lt <lldl1 't. lire lL .tTfll¥ about her " rhy \!llo uld he? 'Mr Ellerslie r05C the Iloxt mflrlllll~ full o f 1118 momentO)18 rC1lOh , Hnd III .. I, such 11 tm l t that the ver) Iandl Hd \ Uttle boy,lICoU1g hIm go ~t wltb ft hi'; doll, ncntlyenCIIllCd 10 her pllllk'I><'nrd bo~ IInd ~r llls :trill, Jceted, Imlfa ll e l) ( h Illy eyo, whata-'InIcl I' Th e bl lckoi!)ed httle COU "In lIdnllti cd blll1 ' e , CQU \I} Fanny wnK ~tho m\lwou lcl he walk Into til parlo r ? 0
And our hero, before b e bad m nde up hIS mmd 10 what terms to . tow hiS gift, found blmllOlf bowlOg to A fa1T hended .. l8lon LD 1\ sunny h ttljl room, surrounded by hC1\ds of ou t ftOll'l'J'II. "Bo,., do YOll dOl Mr Ellorslie?" stu d
Fnnny, colo r ng an smi Hog," I 8m makml! boqueta, you Ie for to-night." 'r. EXJlctlv 80," 81ml Murtyn, And then h ro/lectea how muoh more Dtlproprillte a rem"rkhemlghtbllvcmnde,And turned very red " Pray .It down," tIIIid Fanny , "I-I-tho filet is, Mias len" 11ll1d lIJr E Jlel'l!ho, plunmng III sbee r desl'e mDb I t.IQn IIItO tho m idst of blK 8U Joct" bA' e cnUed-I hllpe ),OU W\ln't be lexed -you bav on ly to lAy 10 If you don' t like It," jfanl)ydroppcd her spn gofhl'lIotropc, and looked lD 8Urpn8C. " I t of llIuch ~OllI!eQu<cn l)c,"
ItJII the mOil t.hun Slid tho h erdsmlln knew tried to e"plnID, bllt th c~ told in c ut 1\ sh ort }l o ofl~ red 10 tnrl\ u' or nil the cuttlo not 1118 own , bllt lhay la ughed d Lhtl propot!ltt(tn, and hinted thKI they u811nlly conl)lICa~d the ,vhole ):Jerd "nd I, f t the dif blUlgtng on "lrc". I a WITIlln g to otbljw In hlCe ClI1!C8 rhe )'Oor folrow M'Dft completel overcomo 1 hey co~ulted Apllrt fo n fow momc lI tlI alld then told him If b e had ony explR ll aL!On t mal:e or, buBmeM to do lhc) " ,.uhi allow hIm ten mmutca to do i'O Ind der 1I11lnm Ae turned to the oll gh fues a nd commr ncccl "Bo'\ lillY of yPl! h",o \\I\r 1" 'J wo or lhm nudd(}d "1101. m!lny o f VOll hllve clllldrcllT" Th ~y 1I0ddcd -snm .. I b 11 r know II ho I 11m Lltlkmg to, and you'll h enr m ," lind he conllllli d "( no,er stoic nn~ cnttlo , T hRve lived In tblll!C pnrl li O,"l'r thre yean\. I came from ]\0" Jillmpfthlr , 1 fUlled 10 tho filII of '67, during the POOI C, I h ~\ e been \!.1\ IIlg , I hnv e no home h ere, my fnmtly ~nlfll n EngL, fo r I gu fmm 1,1ace V> 1, I It e, th rlle luthc8 I wlllIr nro 10ll gh, MIl< 1 Rill n IInr<l -ioolong cuAt omer, but tJlIS I n counlry dnYli ~c m like monlhe t o nw Illd IlInnth. like' yeRl'S , mnmed mco , H. ll kllOw thnt but for tho l ctters I h II d I I f rom tOll1o-( hrre e pu c out n lnll( ful Il f \\dl,\flm em eloptlll and letlcl'll front hIS wlfe)-] 8houidgotdllCOumged 1hi ' f d eb,• •~ ~ire DIe pnlC pllr.o my e ...., '~t re lire th e recc lptK ( a nd he unIolde • l ette" of ocknv\\ledgem nt) I exvelltcd 10 IIcll Ollt and ~o home in ~ovembcr I "' ood 0 Id Jlero IS t I ~ estnment my g moth er gll, e 111 • til r i. my little glrl'_ pIc t ure" IIlId h 'kl d It ttDd rly and "ntl nll oel " 011', ml'l1, If )'till havo dC't Id d to !;llIml' for what lnm mnocen of, ... nel th homo, Rnd ns'lll uel> Ill! you can rrom Ih e c1Itti wh n I' m deAd, ( nn L YOIl I<Ond IIIlI! the ,.Iue? 1>fy fnnllly WIll med 11." Hold OQ, now
on Fonll~ 's fOlr fllcc Jt at b SI, th r ll , the pro pllSll l llJle h ul un tlCl lJU ted 150 f0 1l1; Aud nn<lOu 81\ " ot o r mu ch colI' clluen cr Oh M r Ell. roh e l" she r~l'rll lo" 1\ I'r"nc hflfll) \\ nlll,1 \tHI ,Irr f,lr II I' It r fieIJIlill cit:d 'I"I1 t.! . ,h)l\l o lI'" 111 th rmlJftr rfl>l8I11C1I t of Ih e 111"'111 1ft, tlmt Ito hllf!1I L "\t 11 1I11111ffi till ~ dl UlITC for It t' Ilt ll tenl'!! .purkl ro IlItO Fllllnv'~ e) I'R " WhcII ) OU knOll th It I
J nllny , t It I
n'LMY t hnl " I beg pnrdnn You e xpect gOlDg to propose to you , thllt R
, ruu nrc n he lrll !o\s mlscrcn ul, ' Ell elshc olNI out hnlf Inll ~hlllg, hllif lOl l 01h lit A< he "I'rllllj: I" hI fpe t lind 10 8l'e,1 Ih o rrllllulllt ,If III , r lgllr lilt" tlw 1tN' ' Illd I . hll ll ""1 "1<1(' an, 11IOr(' \~ortl ~ Il[wm \u\1 - IIIlI. S,\t Indrcrl, Yu l1 ' l1 I'" r"lII111 \I, th~ fll lr "Ilh II\P' \\ he r(' FlIIIII\ (,I ell Il os 0 ' Im' lll Not If 1 kno w Itl fh e mon el 1lIl1lkr t IS mther lig ht \\ Ith 111(' jlls t III pr<N III lind thr 'e fA11I I fil l I'!! nrr 110 he ll er Ih,, " 0 de n of rob bt... \\ he re II defrn d~ "" ) ollng 1n III I!; l o ncc rnctl " Allri 'I nrt}1l Elle r.1t \I,,"lonI1l8 \1 ny IIlolIC I hr hnll I\ lIft 11 11 R !;httc r \I nh gll~ Itg hlslIlI') fr"lI ront"llh 1I(l lI r11' \\h e n h e lIot Ih crc Ih ~ prclly frlllllllnl ~I'R rk s IlIrked cnd l "" hll,d her 1,,!.le " I'll IIlli en, I\RS nil Rm tirR nnd dll11plc!!, 1\ h lle Ih o Ihrong: of vl Cllm_ ebbed und lI o \\t!d around t hcm It
'Mr Ellersh o founel hlmeelf greoted With IlCClftmll110ns. 'You \1111 take 11 share, Mr Eller&h e?" , Po pl cn8C r nt , o ur nnme dO\ln hore. M r ) lIer.lte thNe lire onl) If'n hlnnks le ft Oh Mr I II ,,",hc YOII nrr the ..ery "n o \\ e arc II IIltmg for I',,' ke pt !even for? Oll -MC I ('II IS KI\\ II) S n IlI cky num
lx-r '
h.\ c ,
A ll d . ho run 11110 Iho Mrlll Aof our 118toll .. he, 1 hrJ'(l " h ~ 1I ho II 1111 do \\ n Ihe doo r .tr l" ho "I ~ Hil f'1I A" 1J:lt l ' Hung nun, hu" Iud wlt en It e M(lIr(r " kll<w 1II IIIoc if Anti , IS fnl e Willi 1(1 1""(1 It lh" fif1!t Jl! r"'J11I!!o 111(11111"1 \\1t 011l h~ tll mh let! "" " t, lI' II ITII." II , II ," MI, I ( , "' " \\ hflt. "1" 11,," I 'pcllk "" IhIHI,' ","01 I II, flil ll, ,n""lng 111 IIrnt lhr""gh th IL of IllS } rlt 11<1 "' he ~ cnbn ~1 d \() he III) \I Ifr ' \\ ]w 1,ll h c di"ne FUIIII), the fllr es t of h r r I'CX 1 ' " Of '''II n;,.', \I ho ~I he Rhoul d I t be Y, , But I tho ug h t )011 cOlllrill t screIV your lOll rnge III' to th e IlrOIlOHlJlg mArk 1" I cI)(1 n t )'ro\looe " Ouy Barnes 8L1trcd "You--duln t.--propoll<' ? fhen hO\. eo .. I,1 . ho hn' e net cph II vo u ?' I hil t', jll"L \I 1.. )( L( ' II texndl) • "m prt'holld m\ lIClf " !!J\\(I t h. 11II7.lded I"" r \\ 0 lire rngAgNI - Ihllt IS hut I ClID t fo r th r life of Dl C rememher" hen or ho\\ 1 pro po.ecl " Hu t of cou rse VOII propoll<' d,' "rr81.trd G Il Y " I'eo pl o dWII) s do geL IL littl e lIurTleei YOII kno\\ " Do th ev 7 Weil 1 slI ppose t hnt II lS th e ellSC "I th me Bllt I don't relllem I>l rOh 11011 t br "" eh a 111111" G u v B lllleH Implil ellth I "Ish I could r""lmhr r j,, - I \\ hil I I 11/\111, though, ol~<I' Tl l'd Mr I lit .,.11, Alld OHII Ift e r he \\ II~ c1ul ~ III filII tI he II c ' or ('ould q UI to r('cII II "hethe r ho pTtlI'''llCd or not HilL nH lo ng a dear h v t ie runny WIlli nil IllS 01\ 11 wbnt dul .t !Ignlfy?
man Ilr h I he Cl I.1 IIllln
T,(, UI !'\ ll1 fW nr
\\ oolt:"n ru:,r
I'ILl fl nUl n ' l LI'I(lr ll t" hr m~lIk e," "nlr\
aL~ n ce.
Foreman-No Second I II rY lnaln",:"·~'o l bu L I 6I'cm to eqUAlly dlVldecl thllt cquh ,lleht doubt! lind nu,.h'" · •. Oll er tll 1111 rd Ju rv ~na Il-IJI\)o t finlllg too and t rus t to t'reJ'fj<lIeJlce. Foreman-Aro agreed on thllt , gentle meu 1 The Rest-Ag~ Foreman-WhAt eall It he, thcn ? Belt two 0 t of \h~, 01 ,"dd pn d nth 7 eond J u ryma~-Wouldll ' t ouddr ll denth , 111 a or hfe or den th , ben li ttle too .U lrnnlll ~y ~ I hml J 'Ve CH n' t an d I " an Th e
J IlJryn~a"~I\'ol1 t'OlI/pa.
....," .•,,4/'"'. lCelllg, nft ernll ,
,. recom lI1e lld ge ntlemen i·'o~;n;i;:""::Th;";ln That II It IL or f recomme nded to
tnr drul'l'llI J,: rl nI\ n " II 11 tru nk th o~ Y')l1 u ~t~ r h. IIlV "If( "f "1 rc rl ~ \' Rh" HI, lilt oI ~ I "rd rxcllllllll II Iho '''Im I II It ~ 1 ~f.!lIlnlll' tv lUll h Ollt ll me HI dt' !'Iume dlrc CIIOIl t Wh II dI ll" II .. pr IlIklll' mpnn ?" MId t hp IflRI hll ·<l lllnll ,lrol'l'lng th~ nl g lind tltrolllll1 j.! the (,,101 Ie 011 the hed ' l'p lll lll ) (I ur"'c h r l'C 111 M t,lII lIn lI - IN hI' my lIat rnl " If~ nn I I \ {llllll hr III tt r 8('(' If we eR n t 111111 c '" rt r I'lIl)!elllenl8 In rq mnl to It (H tlIl11 , ' ).lUU ) thl In "'t t cl ili nn of de hrll ultd
\' li to
th III ~
' ''' rl r \ r r lp g:u Win 1111 ' tro fer ) {' r 1t\1~III C~' 0114 ' llmnn IIIl m\ ~ I ( tilt dN "WIIII, ,It h "tll('r I'"tt\ tolcrnlo le \\ ~ II,
un llorl" . thlngl Mfcn<r tol cf u .. ' I ) 11111'1, "'flrI I he \\ ,1I110 n, 1\ hon ycr 1\ 11' )UIIII,.{ ) I " 1I1' n prell) I"t)lIlHe ~ rt of f. ll cr hut II W ,II' r hcllmllt l7. Clllch vcr nlld rure (, ud I ,llIlt n "flIlLr"r rht'lInJ OI1 Z! (\ 111111 n .1I ) 011 ~ bow llll f;g<llllt IJi ij ''''I lh. 1111 d II, I "" Chll ll l!;C tl Illy '11 b 1tHl L ( m" 8lght' rr 10 II ramhl e III the hl\\ ,n l l'll tu fll" kSIOII( , :!lwl Ihn ~C()nn hll ' hllntl ' Ue It"' oI~ d linn .1 0 II," lVllI "Ill ,Ie m.. plJ\\Hfll1 Pe iiI' £1. 1cl "Ill " "hjCeL 10 bo Ill st \I III \\ IL_ II t It n de. d "hen ) c r 1111' rru!ll dUI onHt Il 1 \l Oll I thn nr L of III Irr, 111 her" el r. d /' I lIhhr r . hHll lt," 11,,1.1 the flr_thll"bnllu 1\
n vel tomed A boy of l!even yeul'll up 111 the tombs for tbeft Thlll 16 lho ) o ungest prl;w.,n r on tho record-bu t IIhat II orCllriful 61 trlolel Look nl60I,t the mother or elgli t . S1J( ~elcin g protec\1on f tbc poh ce from ' iho VIolen ce of n !'On "ho bcftt b r bnb,ttIRlly, and "US t here fore llOtl[ld OH' r to keep th pell ce' Anothtor fellture 111 l!ent~ T11 1 m UlCr) 18 tho IIIHtory of t h~ onc~ .. res pee til bin \\ Oll1 l1n ' "ho ,he" III n ce llllr uml' WIIM lJ un ,I ID the Potter's .F lelel FOllr lIlontll B Ilfh r th lMt rnllullliun of u W~ tehed co tb e dcccaoed bl-CJltllC t]l r(\u gh the d(,11 th of II rcla ll vc, nn nhject (jf InIJ>Orlllll c~ She " ould hn' c hee n tho belT of II Iltrgo estllto hod he r IIf bee n prolonged to 111 0 pre!ICnL tIm , bu t Ritch wos tho ~ lIo1 n f be IUty IUld edu ca tIOn Bud refineme nl lncld n Ll! like thel'C ol)(!JI!!lo nlllh ' U 1\I 0 befo re U8 th,IUugh I he polt ce rcportH " u L Somethin g Abont Tramp8. how Ii tlle c!I\ I\e Ioww or those "h!t h 1110 ' . \\ 'I IIrk ~"" "lIhltahes a chllp- h R' C 11 0 Tl'co rd I Whe re oll e IIIRy ho k'r o n trAmp", Rnn J!\I, nil IntCTI'Sl101l mude puhhc there aT( hunorcd. IllIIt III ton IPIY "I t h nn 1Il1 ~ llt ge llL , nl(obnncl, src IIc \ or bCJlTd of ou~tlf their ,mm rdllto from willch " e ex Imel t he folloll lOp CI rcle What II .tmnge fentllro 111 tho 1)0 Ihe trAmrMenrr, fircll rm sY' chrolllcle of Crlnte I tTl ,t WOmAn (Eltm , E ' rry orglln l7.c d blind hilS A lender beth ~lunke r ) , not mcrely thnt Ilhe 18 1\ Till. IS d onc more fo r the pllTJltlSC' of confirmed kl optomll lllnc, but tltnt hor ~I"n.tlni un HII e' ell fflol lll~ " Ith une Ipcctnltv l K surgeons' IlnplomrntH l'lt o nllo l he r Otherwll'C, "II( II Clllll ptrrg out, boe II P"flS IOU for robbllDg the ol!it K rof thr dutlrM o f 'lim pin g Itfe nnd who thl9 profCl!l!lUn , " hlch mRV ocr llunh bo .hollid prr form tlle m " ntlld be th o ehllmcd liS un orlglOJl I fClltllre \U crt me Clln"c of II Irrt aL tl t'rtl ~ f \\ rllng ilng rh e 1 hl H leads to tho rClI1l1rk thnt kit pto ICIl(ir r ' " rh ,'" ro , lind eltrrO: lsth e mnnoge- mun", 10 rulber 011 Ih e ,"c remle I'horo lIIellt o f IIn lllr- 1 h .. ~, IIho rc fu M to arc \10 mllny pr tty (tlln g. \\ b lch c ' CI') oh('.y hIm lire Iln IIIrd lilt, Iy dl-nll",<." one CIIIIll\,t ullurel to l'urcltllllO tllHt r;n me r rnm the "11111 IIl1ll l~f L III r ICldle I h(,11 other '\II) I. pfll e lleed , IIlIel IIDI, n th " 0\\ II ClI110~ J he Ie IIrlt r IS It !>" ,)" IIrnl co, huhl t hreom " 90 Ctlt:lbh. hed th ,t IL nnd so meLlmes other" of t h p h Ing carry mn} 4. 11\1111 the Iluhl e r fUlmen f U nl HJIIIt" fi rCII rill S Thr ' 1 Ild~ UIICVCS" ure 80 1I11mCr"II R , Wh nll workIng In nil) locu ilty elo thu t S le \\ lIrt' nnd othe r fll 8111un 11,10 tho Inllllps liCit hn,c II Inllgllllgc of slglIS stmrHemploy cle w 11\ s but the IlI lfr r klHllln to Ih e frllte rnltv"' el'1\ "t Ill tnllk, thelrdel'l edlltlOU! \\' he n , I rom DI) oxpe Ti ence 1\ Ith Ihcm I d e tocLct l, thcy /lrc rendy to pliy fur t hc l r om "hie to !!II) thnL they h ave So me of plund er, a nd n. th ey ~J1 n p len d ' guod the " lg II S lire kno\\ n to the IlI AJorl ty of flumly' nnd " rCKptet.III~lr eO Il\1 ~C I I(' n.," he they Ocr It IHl1lI!CS lor 1m re kleptolllllnil t romps but every gnn milli S, Irish or AmCrIClIIl", hav e certnlO ICcret Ig n. tbat UD I) mem bers of Ihelr Men Drlfon:llllte 80"t!II. own gllllg kno" th e Incnnlng 0(" "If YOlllLre \\ II Illig, 1 would hke yotl II In Yokohllma," wrlte8 R mlll!!lonll'7, to show or dellCTlbe A few of them to "I "lIB surprlaed at "colng a IIntl\ e 10 me" Europoan dresllluth bnght metA l h e but,n aDllwor to tillS qllestlon, Loll18 ex tOll 8, harnes.'<Cd to an elegant twoplnmed tho cabnllstlc 11Inguage of tho ow hee led cllrrlnge, be pollte l) olrered his tmmp. m gcne ral A few of the lend He n IcC! He \\ a. 11 gill n ck.ll ft. I' erf01111 IDg Blgns ure 8 S follow. m ~ II douhl e flln ctlon , thllt of horl!C "nd _ I I I -Gooclfort\\ e n tytl\ o dn, or It was dlKllgrecable to me to cent. employ " fellow mnn 111 nn eq UIne CJ\ I6r-Crlb en. y to c rack, carolCl!ll pft Clty , but 1 cOllld nut h elp It, for In Yoke,hllma, a8 well 8. In TokiO Rnd peoplc Yeddo, there \\ Ill! noL to he fOlllld R "InI1:IO oOo - Don't both e r them hocllC "I th drl\ cr In Lhe enpltRI of la lJ c::::; -- A n ofi"or i1\es here r)- WIII rcfuso, but COI\X, "nd you pan , I 11m to ld, th e number of gmrlek ,\Ill get. ehns IS about right) tboulland Amung the m arc pefflon8 be longing to the noX - Look out for the dog B-A ba rk e r, bllt 1I0t II bIte r, (m ellll bIlity ("lm llIlfY ), II horn po'crty hal! rePalnnqUlnr, Ing tho e lo~, liS ITlltnp. li re gC llclO lI ) du celi to tillS tndu stry afrnld of thl " 11 111111111 ) winch were formrrlv usod, are not now II ( " HltlIcI,lIlt )-i:;"tne tlllng to cnt .ern The Government hM" monopoly gil e ll II t Lit., dour of Ih c gmrtck.hR8, nnd • great d eal of AMWIll be 8I'C II ,lhc "b'ne 8111n.- nre mon cy 18 BPOl1t for tho tnventlon and \1 "1 ful 10 thll"" "ho ,re "III IIYS brtllg lllg 1ml,ro' eme n t of the IIghtC1\t carriage up th o rear Br."I('" t hel't , th ('T~ lITo Ha p pily for th o ~mnc1t8hu, tho streets .Igns tIlR t lIIelt e li e "llIch nrc 1 ho I r~t of the JnpnnclIlI CItIes are nry emooth, rOlld8 to follow; nnd Inlllly othcr tllll g8 and the \\l1ce llng of II lIght eRrrJa!;!' IS AppJlrcn t ly not hord As a rule, bu tone pcn!On \I f!CRted.n the carnage, t hough Sho W88n't Poetic. IIOnlCllmeA tbere are two, ana ID mre PRul prol?0!!Cs to hIS IRtest flal1l e n CRKeS a whole fllmlly II dra'l\'1l ht a gin httle ]l1l1l1t III • "I t1.c rlAnd ricksha. ' " 'Vhllt 1$ t herc m SWltzeri rmd 7" Mk8 DEVOR E manlllge .. man IS gen erR lIy t ho IiPKe n lUlI B (AIr " 'Vh It 10 thore m "Itzerlnml? ' greeted by hI S swectheart With, "~'ly echoeH her lover, why there 18 tho most darling, 10 It you 1" B~! after marriage w~d ' rful ~Cl l\ e r)' In th \\"rlo - h,f ly 8lte gOllol'lllly rushee to the front door mount.un pellkR tlppod \\ Ilh rosy klH lI\, and shouUl, "Hugh B;jinryl Wipe your tlml \ ~ r luruu ~ vlI l ~8, IIIId elec plllg InkPo, bootal" li ck" 110 nlorc thAn tho lAId n mon "I th "llIg h II rt, III TeuD glU", RII II ellrn Ing tn e CII.tomAry hrnce or PI"luls In h IM l'<' lt 1018 lillY IllS CRttle hert IIlId I t hm' go ' I h e> .ltel 1111(1 \I h r ll th o mo ney wns 1',,101 "' ('T ntlf l the IlIlIn nhc>lI t to ~lII rl he ' JlI H ll~' \\('lI k \0 ~t lOll Th 10 109 stTlltn nf 10 01''" IIl1d f. lI r- bC III!i' nway from 1t'"I 11 IIn,lt r Hlldl trvtng Clr( UI11BtDlI Ce_, th e ""dd en dtl" e rcnull f rum denLh, bad r,) mhlll('eI to TI~ ud er 111m helple os n chili li e "link to th e g ro und comp lef Iy O\ p.r(HIIU' An h o u r I ,to r , however, It ~ Itf( nil ht,,,,,hlllk for the " pnrest MU j: lll J! ",,"tp Alfd n" the y sho('Ol< hou,l. 011 ,1 h id l hllll ~, ~" I I I Ihey loo ked the Ittl " Plcst b ",d , f nt, II ( C' ~ r 811 1\
What It t
\ ,.
\I ell, dcn, ' cord ill tb de 'omnn K min e Out . I fn c, 11111, ' "'~Id the \\oman Aln t \N g \\ lII e to glle me no ailllm ?' n. kc(1 0 /1 11 law d on' mention dat," lAid tb o ~.;pw.
ruo lel\byou " 11 Inw dn ll t m II 1.1 on ~f I'll gil l' It te l') ou " nall,"1 pl ekcl l up t be Hsh, m n his hll gCl1lthrou~1t Ita glilS,H nO plUllledo ULlllto t il strret Too (l c \f'r to LITe. ICh.,n},., • Jnn rr\. \ 1
Com to Be FannJ.
1t ~o n
Tr ..... ll!, I
W ondell Holmea Informs ua
tour m 'fTl IIJ!" 1\ "III ? Wnn t 11 ,1 01ll1n. "III ,l ilt . 110 1Il0rmd me ? A II"" er II ' q Ue"""" 11< 1'1 Irely 1" Rnd III
"'nll1 1
About SIX yellT!! ago n rerl.nln J,lromi nont Illnn tll od In n ne lghbo rmg' Illngr, leRvll1g n. tire Oll ly BUrl" ur. of tlr p hI gh Iy rt'sprct.ll hl c stOt I.: rcprC'!lClIt r d hr 1118 fllm ll " hlft mot he r .ged about ntn ety, and nn ," ' nltd slstn ugcw. ol l(II,t tlllrty I h~rc RIOlO ~unlle'ell\lrn hlo fI{',o nd '\Ifo, lI"nrnllIRhnlltfurt } v (" r~of "j:e flte el Ct C' ,"rei le ft III ~ mnthe r . I- tr r mel '\Ifo ' ''mf rl til) \\ ~ II nfT In II fllr~ ho mr I hi " "I'rtll g Iha \\ I fe' tnrnrd th e ogecl 1111 ther 11",1 \III "ltd ... IN uu t of dool'll M IIIIIIII ~, "" t.ho nld Indy "88 fllml l 1I\r1~ klluI> II by the Hllft gcl'8, Blld' LIIIbill, ' th e dl\ughl c r, " e re both on the , ry vergo of the grave, Mammy from ole! a~c, ] lithIC rrom t.he rn'n ~eB or co n 8u mpt lOn T hC'y " ere be lo vNl h) 1111 of th e vHI II~r", on RCr!II lnt of Ihelr pUrity of h lllr t IIIHI benutlfu l ehar:uli'r. The k ln rl hrllr ted n(,l gh b"rsl!Ccurccl Rn IIp pr r room for the U\ In II hOUflC near th. \r "Id home RIIO ennt rlhllled arllel •• of f\\T1lI tu n (I"" I IIwd h 1110 nnd an, t ill nil ,1.0 \I h it h "".. r.ll llid slI J!ge8t. 10 mil ko ftB cillll fo rtnlti r 11M pOAAl hlo thp fr " rOlO llIn I " I!: ,Ia\ 8 1'1 Ill ch Ihpy mIgh t h aH nn ~n rlh I 'Ing 111 ... paTllt.ll bella III tho IIIlmo room Lit o lo.t dRvs w re I'lIl!1!Cd h I mothe r Hnd siste r · The \I 18h 01 earl. wns t.hat t.hey nllght e nt er thr dnrk ' " I T.lbble could not be ley tngethpr IO(,,'cd, buL Mammy " Quid In_lot nn beIng tAk en mer to Llbhle 'ft bl-d e l rTV lillie "htlp to aMUrtl hCl'1le lf t hot her daughter WnB !tlll allT~ The con \ c rsn !tons of th e two "ere most aftcrllng, th~i wrre of rcolgnll t lOn , ho pe ADd ntll tUII lovr One ni ght "hllo MnOlmy Wllft Asloep Llbblc breAthed her IMt. W hcn the old Ineh A\Vok~, he r tirst quell 110" \\ 08 co n cern in g h8l' rlnllghter \\ he n tolel . htl WIIS dead she l\.\lcI , I m 11'1 j:lld . he IS o u t of pnll1 I Wish now thnt I CIIUItI go to slcop lind not \\oke ' And her wleh W8B gratified for, c!o", ng h r C\ C8 In pence ful slum\)('r .he l!<H IO pAl!Iled 11110 thllt Rlrc p whIc h know. no wlIk tng A alllgie fun ernl ocrmon wu! pronounced over mother Rnd daughter
rrJ1~ c llllj:lv
n Il'(' h nd <,nlOO
1111 ,,101
of hi! he fllr, Ilt t Wllr IIlfr went ull 1111.0 tho \\ur \\llh hut IIll ri t l'r, bu t, tHlll c rgollll(u ell 11 Ij:t 1'"ltllllelh de scrlcd h1l11 \nd ~ mh r U I I tin e lH lln C lfill t um C\iIJ"r nll li 11 0 \\ Aflc r .n Il)ng tl tlllll, h" I O Il1 f"~ hark to t 1If' -If' I1 ('" of 1118 clllldh, od \ fIN IIUlk I III( a j.! rl'H l many III q lltrl e. hr Irllmt ,I lit ,I III" \\ .fc had 111 Hrl cd II ~ 1111 und Ihnl ,,111.: nlHl hrr litisb lml \\ Uli II \ 11l~ dll\\ n nn t.' r nnll-Ktn t' t l\rrl\llIg III II" ,I . 11(111111'11 hnll l!{', th e old 1111111 ""11" IIh rh l ll lll ll ll ; 1II hllbbl ed up the IIfl rrv" "1<'/'& UI"I fdlllgnlll't tho d oo r, "h I< II ) \( <ling to the " r igh t of III bOlh , opcne,l " Ittlfl gll('or the "Ill dill \\ II" A 1 til IK) II Y II 0 1111111 NClIr the f\r~ l'llI re TIIhl,ln!,; II fidd lc \\ Ith • g rell~y
ll ~
rt, (,.{ In t}ll (" 11\ rr01ll~t
[ ~ 'I"t.I':U "
1t tJl •
~e rllC rioUl
t btn.
T o lIfIa fUDD,. man '
II will n ot mAtler tn'f!-G od h,e. Wh e n dl'lM.'I grnw
"1 111 " ~
J( nil 61'11 IJO.M wltb ht!f'(II.:M fOr e &.1110\ )'ou aJwn)'s 10 \: 0 m ! Wild III rill. lila, .w eep lIu hC!Utl'd 0 er,
11. "UI not math:r c.,('r. wcarl b eatt wW .... re nomnre \ha\ you 10TO t UTCTer
Jlul.balll b .... TOU UShU, "......1 Abou my Jowlr I .. ('III"U
8haJi know you " ~ .hot f' In)' hu .() t:Jwee, 80 ••n or ruemory letlilS ADd If .. be n dODe wUh ur"", care,
y~~~ef:n~l~:\d:e\~lef~::;htru, I " know ,ou lo'ted
a'" r
" n EAT~ the 1\ arid "-" tramp tllIngs-Hllnrl organs A PI II ha nd-H Ired mnn on /I drunk IT mAkes cn, ) 80re to I!e!) Intellect emir I'u , Fit rv nnrl pellre o r fit lenst rle ee, go I,,~c ther J II F. I '"~('!t IllIng 10 tbe \lo rlrl b " lIor l hCll8t sto rlll \ 8C Il UO~ fit of bror Tlre l v e_e r geta stue k "" lh bRr i1 tAk e~ B .ho rp mlln to cut s swell ollr of hl < hest gI rl - N,," York ,\I(J.11 IT'S 0 gn me of bluff when you try to ~" Ic 0 (,rrelpll e - lI ~w York 11'1:1<8 As IIIlCI nL "By of rockmg Il m a n to slcr p, \I [Ill 8tonlng hllll to death I t' thero hnd been 1\ JAr In Lot'a fuoulv hI ITllght Ilfll O um ed hl ~ wt. A ooon nnmo 16 rnth er to be c hol!eo than gren t riches, a" the book keepor rem nrked , whon h e adol'led IllS omploy r', aut ograph Mn , punom); \VIII not come to th l. coun try IIHor 1111 Y ct II ho dId come \\ 0 sup pose Ite " o nlll come" ,,{tor all" he could get ('nAN KY
lI e I a fb.tI1 ~ he' •• dArling
U~~)~ ~~~!~fJ'~ ~~~ !!'fJ!t On tbur1,I.!! "whUe
Such • lAdy kllt.. u ",cJl d _ 80m "PROP TICII," I!ll~ 8 li n ellchlUl ge, "predlcls thnt tho h"ttcs t t>v fnr IS yet to cume" 'Ib It 18 what our prellcher
8IIY. , too
agei! , mUllt con a hlgh-waiA!r mark of Rlld oCClllllonnlly surpBl!ll him ot 811 tWled wi th hIS pfo felOlllOIlu.J olin rIo 111 thts line, bo 18 eltpceted to flClItler Jcs18 arouni! blm ID lll~ dutly wnlk And COnVCI'811tl on, to write neaLly turn('d c(lIgrams for young Ind ies' a lbum, Ulld Lo IIClDtillote lit I!OCia l en ter talllments (f h e I~ 10' Hed out to dUl ne r It UI 1\ tnel~ unde rsta nding tltn t he .h all pRy fo r the mea] hy hIS hum or, lind \I I" It ~CI\ p. blm ta go plentifully p ru 'Ided 1\ I th a stock uf ... Iemoore pUliS Anti co nundruma to be dl~pe \J llCd lit apI'TUl'rtl1tc IDtervl" '" H I,e due. not fee l li p 10 t ho murk hI. h Ullt Will I'robllhly spur up hi S lIuggmg energ lell WIth tho r~01 ll rk thllt he 18 unu8ually dull, ur '!<l ine othe r pleaolO g remmde r of hl8 brenc h of Im ph ed contract A f ellrful wa rning agulDMt th e SOCIa l pe rils or a humnrt ot '8 Cl\ree r 18 conveyed ID th e nll ccclole of tho gen t leman "ho habi tulIll y Cll rn eo hl 8 d1lln flTfl by hl n ,nt, IIl1d nn un c ocrnRlnn of tempora ry IIbsclltnlll\ll~dll ~"', " rut ret ,,1I('d III II It(' II Ke uf IllS d ll tl O- til 1<fIr.lety by the f" lI ol\ IIl l! me ... In gl, ,"·llI e red tn an ouolble tone by tho dnll gh to r of the hostes., , l>!lImmA 8 CO lliI'll nt~n t 8 to IIfr ~ TJl nei , h p " l ah e~ to know wh on be III gomg to beg in to Le fUIIDyl "
TO BOil of a colTe and eplce wulLllked at AC\1oo1 wb ero com c c,me from , and the reply w1Ul U Father IAld I mU8D't tell, and ho'lIliclt. mo 1f 1 do" FIRST lad (spItefully) "Your mother's got red haIr" Second IJld t n rgumWltAtJvely) .. W e ll, my m"titer s I.tUIr IS he r own, and your motber bUJ S bers."
Joh n )lllrrctier I" ,I" III red to hAve be e n rn IBte r of fll C langung,>. 1\ he n he wu" o nly Illne ) cnr~ uf nKe In hlft "Ic' ruth I r he I'"hlt hNl n ICArnrl1 le LIPT In I Aim KIII I (ranRlntto the rrtlv ~ l . of Rnhhl Br lllA IIIIII " from tlte !lchrol\ IIHO the ErCllch Four Hnr, la t( r the fll me of hi. lellrnllll! li nn" TItIII!;' IIllrAC 1P1l thr n" ll r of lite KIng of )'ru"'llI, \\ ho !<e ll I f"r Itlln to co urt Whrn pl\h.~ 'lIg tbrOll gh H 1110 on 1111 Journ ey, ho !!I, dl Htlll!,;lI lRhed hllll If 111 hIM co m erS" "OII \\Ilh Ihe proft l<SO l'II of the nnl\ el1'lty tlmt th r~ oflcrcel him lite degree nf noclor In ~ I IlIln"" \' hv Tho IIh olo uOl verslty 1\M d ' hj:ll cd nnd om ".eel With h " " II fi nd knu"lccl ge, llIId on Ill s II TTl' AI at ficrlll.thcKlll g hQnrlrt c1 lurn WIth peculiAr mllrk- n( "1~ln r tlon, d rc l:\rIII/I: th"t .,erh IIbllltl p~ prnpc rly cult" nt d IIIlgh L cxu lt UlTre lt e r III te n r Cll rA 10 bc th e gront<.1 "llllstrr of :;tnicl III r.llm]J~ bll t the ~ ,ullg 1'111 1 Moplte r I,"~ n"l tlo.zlon \\/Ih NUl h rrn" I'~ C I.< Rnd rt' turned In Ii Ill e to l'urHlIe hi ' .t urll es .& Scoteh Coort8hlp. lit. hc 11th 1I11f,.rlu nAlrh g"'o way In It IA nlOpt ~ 11 t h yc Ir li nd I ft(' r ItDger tn g A Rh y ) oung mon or !:leotilind fo r f"r elghtcell mOll lh . hc dIed alluthcr fo ur\(ell ) ellrS hlld wooed the 18 "~ I C o f illustratIon of th o e~!lrel\5lOn, ' too hI. he nrt One OIght JamI e! fer that clever to live long" \\ 11" the )ollng man ti name, ca led to flee ,lrnme, nnd " .. " terrIble loo k nhou t hi . rye8-J ust 0" there Ie ftOme Ono } 10 Thllt "118 Ahfll)'K lit nnk. tltnt."hen they've !Oode lip thei r mtnrl s ' l~ ) .ead; (l t J All Allegh cn) Vh) BICIHII, "hn, III hili 10 POP the queRtwn And ,lIIml e Clime \lH y,18 t\ grent n llg, tells a Ktury of a 111 nnd fIIl t dO\ln J!y the fire jus L 1l!! b e North Shle gentlemAn 1\110 ror y e~1'l! hM hnd done overy Th csdoy nnd Frldllv Kullcrod rrom penodlCA I attach of IVhnt nig ht for fourteen yell ra, lind he talked III mClhen l purlance 18 kllown a" .u pt'rnr- of the weather, and the caule, and the bllal nouralg la QUlnIDe pro\Cd uf 110 cropt!, And the dock market, 1 "1111 gumg effcct, lind tbe 8u/lorer WI\B Almost crnzed 10 l!1Iy-but no! they dIdn't about with pOIll A kmd hearted old lady thtl\.. And fina Iy, Jamlo IBId " I've known vou for" long IJmo " I" 109 I1l the neIghborhood of the patIent "Yes, Jamie " Mid she Informed him tba\ If he would cut tbe " And-J've lhougbt I'd always 1Il'e to affected ner ve WIth II paIr of 8CISIIOTfI or" kOlle It would gIve htm no furth e r know you, JenOle " " Y -C-M -J nnue " trouble It 80 }lII)lpe ns titllt the ftuper "A nd 80 I've bou~ht.--alot-JenDle" orblull nH' C 18 tlt e IIno wille h eont ro ls " Y e s-J IVm I-e ' the actloll of t he eye hd. llncl It furth e r " 8o-tbnt-"hcn- -" bRpl'ens thnt wh on a man 18 JO b~ 1I0r " Y e!--J RI1ue-yCB." thl ll n e ne hecomCK pllral~zed, lind I t IS " Wo're dead we cen lay our bones to thlK t hat g l\ C8 II drunkrn pcr80 n s uch II eomlcn l exp rellSlOn about the eycs Ihe ge ther" fhe r001 had gone Ilnd bought a lot In neuTl lg l1I ]llltlont no IlOOncr b( ard whRt he Hupposcd the welcome ne\\ s from the a g mveyard, but JenOle Willi 001. dillold Indy thlln he rC)'lI lre<i tn hl ~ c\Of!Ct cOllmged She knell' her man well anel '\tth IL Jock knife pllrted In t'\Il1n fourteen year1l we ougbt ro-aDd th o "Oellehnl? ne r ve nnd ho 1I0W !lree t. 10 .he SAId, geotly j JRlIli C" hI . frl e lHI ~ With III ~ TI ght 0) e u. 801I('r 118 H )I f'~, Jcnmc" 1\ QU llke r III "qulTte rl) IIII Ctlllg Knd , Don't vuu thll'k 't"'\lttld be to the lefl In 1I hI ghl y Ill IO",CIIl('d co nlhllon It lIOW only cu~t.s half ,I~ lIIue h R8 It III)' Ollr bone8 wgc thor whIle we're yct IIll\e1" formerly dId to go un II belllier
A MAN "ho smokes nllyUllng but five cent Clglll'I! lit tho preSEl nt Lllnc, Ul looked upon /tIl a SUSpICIOUS charac te r -011 Oily Demo!. " A TAIL thRt IS toUed ," remarked the gate keeper when he ca ugh t a hol'110 by £be conclullon, whil e ho mnde t he nder pay the fare -SUuben"Ule HeraJd
-_ .
.Y 1.11 LA
mu.t n f th ol!e ... ho have over gllDl d II ropllintio ll (or "It, or mnde th fie '(lIlIIIIIA II"" of one of thll/lO pre ternuturn ll.. !\Olemn lind fune mll ook tng III 0 1\ III "'IIH "llIme IIveH arc m.ldo rnl@crnble h\ t1Hl CII118CIOUSDC!\lI that the publi c IrlO k. 10 th e m for II diurnal dol!C of dlly gIllBh.... In tho of jokC8, tbe atate
~h Ell c r~ II ~1 Mr I:ll crsh el don't, pmy, spend nil ~01lT mone, IInhl YOII' ,O t/lkcn n shAro 10 IhlS mAmmoth doll, wltb 1\ trunk filII of c l ot h e~ , And thll8 our h ern " "" flun S hither and yon on the \\ Iyes o f thr fll lr drnwIng nearer hOI\ (', cr, IIlthrl e ry sllhsc npt lOn, to th Iltb le OHr "hldl -hollr the bille slll n< of Fnnllv ('1011 8 OH" But" he ll he ~Clt t he ro he WIIS smltk'n "Itb n ~uclo e ll -ll c l1 c~ Fllnny Illctked \\ onllcnngly III' .. It' s II hllo e' CIlIIl11, ' he h nt.nrded "Is It?" ""ked FlIlIlIY " Why, I thnught II \\IIK' lI o""lgl' Reportorial Enterprl8e. ' So lt I ~I ~lIci o u r hl'rn g rO\\1n g , cry There hAd been a rCA rful murdcr 10 I'I'd nnn u l rr t u rtlln.:; "It h hI" e ll ~, ,, 1\ the country, and the edItor !!ent dOI\ n cmo /(ln Vell( tU1I1 IIn .k ( for whI ch h e 1m an onttl rpTIJIlDg re~rto r to form IL m 'r\mld) hllrl to I'") n 11(1\ en I ~ II) '1 theory and If pollB lble, get nh e 1<1 of -1 mCll II It 1"11 t I' ' c ry hnc evening" the }lOhce JO Rrre.tlng lho murdore r "Oh I ' M id 1'/IIln) Three day. In te r the rcporter roturn ed 'Yc." ""Ill Mr Ellergll r, fe,' hng and rcpor k'eI progress ncutely thllt he h.ld mmlc I' donkcy of " W ell, "nd 80 the tbree omoon! Irm cd 111 m!\C1f thom!lelvllII lind !let off With III C, und An d then h e ,,"rllt AWn)', IInrl dlnn t about 11 o'clock we ronch ed the Apot ~ce FOllll' (,le ll IIg" lII 111 th e II hl,le (lve nwhore the SIlSPIClOtlll-looklllg J?Cn!O lI hlld 1l1g- l'rn hn l.I\ hI' 111-(' KIJ(' \\ II" the only been In the habit of 100te nng nbollt pel'fiOlI m th o " h .. lr ronlll thll t he ell rt' <l1I Suddenly, al we turned A corn er, " e nlj; ~ aho u t l\C6I l1g li t 11 11 Bllt!!O IInklml most ran agllln.t 1\ pille and hllJ!>!lIrd 1" fnle 101m 11 lind 10' rr!!. lookmg mlln IlnSWerlll~ to t ho d .~c rtl''' IU Rt "" he \\11 " rd~ln~ III . woy nllt 01 tlO Il I bad reco l\ cd T ha LS tb e nllllll A Hardened Parcnt. .l Wopderful ,,"eDe. t hr plo!r 11\ a Hr\ ,it"IHrtlecl nnd <I e I crled rhe wretch BllIrted to /I) , but JlC ten fm m(, of II1ll1d, thore " "M R rU Rh was IDstantly eeellred, bound II lid ChArles r S Ullth of New "'tn,l "" r, 11<.· TMk Sun lind n flutte r! lind he hell rd IllS owo name drrtgge d to tho statIOn, the Commut,m lre Mti , forged a notc, fl eel from hllnt r 11 1111 An unu Bunlscene for Europe, thAt of C Illcd 10 nl the noleB of the humAn questioned hIm, and-let him go He beca lll e II rock Ie.,. wond(' re r At le lll: th the SlIn not eettlD/>, bUL shin JOg through he r~1\0 1 I cd to refo rm , and rlnnOC'iI Il! Iy the whole IUgh t, IJ to be wltne_d rrom II IInu t wasn't the mlUll" , Whllt 18 It?" h· d e manded, vIIguely vlslttld hIS old hOllie, hil t hlo er or the summit of I\Iount AaTAx 10 FlO "Well, when you found thllt YOIl hod al nrtflg aro llnli hl\11 dercd hIm a l\lI) , And dedAred I III _h 10 IRnd near Tomeo, at Iuty silt degreea been IDstrumental JO CRusmg tho arrest "You ' ve Ilml'n t he bIg dolll" Cried of an IDnocent man, what dId you do sec no moro of h I" IInlll Ih C' Itfo no rth lat.tude E"ery ye"r, on June IIt t lo S ibyl Percy, dllll Ctng up to him, then?" 11118 o ut of It Chnrl eR 1\ IS Inll' ly 29, a multitude or people' of dllferent nml illytng In hl ~ firmA the buge WIl.'tcn strl ( ~~1\ c1 (l ',n hv ~ nMllnlph o n At "lIl1k IIJ\tlOnl \lSlt that mountalO to 1VltnCI!8 "8ectlred him &II a IU bscnber to the bllJJIH,r k, }'II , nnll He , l1Cllrge ] h e ller. the lI)tcrestmg lI!l8ctRclo.. Accord1llg to nhommat!on, WI th Ill! flossy yellow ourls DaDlr." to 1\ hUIII be tolt! hl8 ' I o r~, !!I' nt th ~ tliii report8 of tbe F mn Journals, tbll nnr! Impo m g )'llIk and "llIte complex n e \\ ~-to In K rlltll cr, \\ ho rle cltll ed h ITe , year thel'fl'Mere on Mount "aVAX nbl/llt 1011 , "llIle 8Omebod v clse brollgh t the big A BuSTIO bridegroom wall oompli. Rnd I\C 111m 'I he olarg, IlInll t e~ three hundred travel~ra. Three of theeo {rullk lIod httle bllnclbox mented by ODe of his acqtllllI1tanoee on "It's Ju st lik e trn,oltng WIth n ,,,f(:," tbo ohanniJlg appearanoe of bIB bnde, grllllhcd " In dOl i'. 111\111" rei nt, ullrl ",ere E ngllshmon, two Frenchmen, one take pity 011 thr pour, <II IIlg boy -eo WAS a RUllIian The re we re I!eHml GerI:lld Ibyl InJi!Chle\ OU Iy ...,--"8ho IwI the most lovely color I h ...o Antl '1I , But\\hllt the-aheml whllt 11m t 10 Luke .ln r 11 32 " \lllI ch 1''',.''11,\0 le ll Ihe v · ·_·......_D -: antl Uld 8\VedeA, and the liver IIOOD," remarked the fnend. I'Yel, ' Ott, . lrpot lh) 81 ptll· IlIku. (nIl, WREN in doubt bo.tO ao~ don't act (llImbr~ "f th e f'1'Odlj!:tI ' II hUI rlt err Tbe Go~emmel\t of do with In" Asked ou r bewildered hero It ought to be Bood," ponslvely reJlhed f.J' ~ PI__ Ii' II ~ '(I~. (1m 1,,,,/11. ) I Ik~ 111 1,\ atall .ltll t let thing. IOrt 0 work and 1\11. I C) IIn ~\\ er, c.J(~e ]! t t he 11\'IU" ~t Iv r('1 I . GlTe It to IOmebo<iy," lAid Ibyl , Iftuo" erecting on MOUDt &lIe Broom; "~e paid a dot1ar I(lf josh 80nWII h 'rl' Idl or~ th ere IIIl .. ho p If) /.I llY you lAy low and .keelJ a ~ .. wateb "araly hoping he would act promptly on wa rt! the reDlrun~ "ben (;hllllr < \, " " for th. accommodation of InUe bit of it in a ..noer." OUt.,i_&y_ 7'iIIUI~ \ 1.1(111):, , ~" delld ,
BYf'~ .& l'ID
Failing Asleep Together.
Rnrk I \I k , Hu"lt" I
(l 1 ~tI.
VUUOI &tid do '" .l tI. l1url d o e,. The olde.r W(\ au~! the t~ tffr we 11:00'" Tbat aI . wo mn t lJ " ' tJ an ti clo', 1111 ... I'c.luJ" __4.;j~ube ,,) 'U, llDTJld.
A Y"l1l' O lad yup lD Berhill re ca unty, 1I1u88., wtUl 8tung on t he Itp by 1\ bee, t he other day W congrlltuilito thllt bee OD knowtllg JUBt wh ere thc ho uey 11'1\.8 00""
Two t.:ntbi with hilL ...111810 thought.. T .. o beaN 111 .1 bill . "d coo lie Nil I l a m oor !'Juga r p,lum WhrM,uaupJul1l laoo T C mcu~I "" ANCF.A nltC l'!i r.nllC~ The man who I ~ on tho tr~ln tllln ks It tnrnert to , long lit o,cry 8LUlon , Dot 60 tbe one who 18 11 !.Ioc k owuy lind co nllng mpldly towards It when tho be ll rlllg!!. • HI LI , you Y O lln~ 8<'omp, U you ha.1 your iJI8t duc ) Oil d ge t , good \\ hIppm g , ' l Icno\l It dlldd~ 1m L LIIIII "m__w. l..-a lwILYII pnld \\ hI n due' I be fathor trcmhleel lest III hopeful lIOn Ibonld br . n8 tched fr om hml Til E A Ibony Jortr-II(JI lI(h lI!e~ [1O\lple to drink whleky only tn months !lIMI hl\lo a" K" In th Clr 11 8mc~ If th e Jourlill', ad\lCe .. 88 carnetl out to tbe leIter the "onlllli drunk \l ould t(lke pillce In Oek tober Til Po RE Will he five "u l"III,8 III noxt Februllrv T Ili nE of Ill' much 8 UlldRY OIght bh>ll! III tho shortC'Ht mon th But then thl" \\ 011 L h I.. pen lIgUl1l In forty y rol'!! Lc t the old gClltleman remember thl and be hOl'ofll1 when ho 18). 10 the .. \lite r coal Hupply OLD ge ntleman "I shAll report you, young mnn ~Wby dIdn't you stop lhe ClLr before? nore 1 ha..e been r llnDJOft after your cer more thon a block Conductor "All nght, gu' 'nor, I'm lOrry, but I Ain't like 1\ periater, eyee all
over" CONKLUIO 18 Ahead of the paragrapbone respect. H IS name won't rhyme With anythlD~lD the Englillh 1mgUllge - OinCl1lnaJl So.turdtJy N'IJI&I. eTll ID
Tb.... .... an unrl,bl DWl Millet!
Who nn fro iD 1hc g Ull of • OJ~ton klDa, Up hI, h..l. ft. .. And he "".. hod from n ew Nomon to \.be .. eould he on cilD,. -~ ""1WIIIlt 2'Iow
W R;;N a wOlDlln carefully elides Ol1t of bed In the dead of nlgbt, and by the pale hgh t of the moon goea through her husband. pockel!!, "hy doea abe &lway. trike the Imall ch llnge aod leave the bills f Aoswer-Becaul!6 she doeao>t.j'ueJ: lUE MELONCHOLY DAZE. The IelJMlO of lhe Jill'
lOOn undoubledl, be ....... fU:;'\"II~ 81.. ODd.t:::\. And Dobby A~ f;~' ta,
80d lor ,
In a r.h M J1 grawe-Jard DO.- be U__
..... ,...
Butuml .~on, IOC)D aUcaa_ Wba'8oooiId AdY. DIjIIODlb JetTil. ~...;.~ ':
- .."-""
'MONOGRAMS In Ja~ deelllll on note paper are very much 1IiecL An other desIgn 18 a long bat in a.i.l'f~ lIlt or bronze, from which &ftl lnapended th~ Jettenl of the nam~ in lJiIalIllledalllolI'Card. of IDYl~tIOI\ll to pU\iell , out-door IpON &ftl to be ,lndu~ in Ihould' be&r a -t-Of-arDl.f fonied CI boWl,
arrow.. tarpt,
oaR ' lIud other lmplellie n Cii 'of Ilke. deICiripboai Eor.Jaebdlitl~&be Ira 'l~tl()110 1Iho1ll loh' uh& .... yrlvate ~ ~r.
.·C. . .
l l nltm ".lI nltf'. ' ·'·""""ftl. luall. {1111~ I'mfr '1 h', 1.,..1111 11 (..1 ' ''"\\ II,'r ,. " ' cr ,u,,) I'"n< I) w till ~ \ ,IH11 ,,"I II,." 111"1,1,,]. ,, / " " "11'" 11 '<' ~L.n -- p, L, chlwhl y Itl lIhuut Iu - ~ "trlRy Ohm', M OII,ItI)' IIIl-\ itt. I To tho Qualifi e d El e ctors of ~ .!" I"" . 'h ,,~huJ \lll r ~1I','~III<'Ir" dry rn~ III lI \ ' tu ArkllIlSlIS. --C"s h Itll 01 ' i UIt .,t ~I Comus' l Wnrr D Co unty 1.ILtle...M~ami RallrQAd ~",I " ,II IJ",,·. ,Wr\"' I'" I;U t">r"ol~ -- MI'.o :r,I'O htl""11 vI,;,l·, 1 III h i., 'k~fll\lh hO~. _ _ . \\ t h"' ,. h 'Hl~lon~t mnt lful, ~ ~ "n' ''' I ,' htll\ n In t " . . k . M J ~ . . 11It'flth)'pllw,l"tnlld),ut.h" , II J,t. ilH tll » KtJ J(N lI M . ! It \I ~ " P \ 1,,' \1111 " ' r . .. uJI'8" trll'oJh' h'lpr""" ~b'· o.I"ln~ -- r .1' fl~ Ildllle u n d \\ ,1.: 1.",11,11 \\'''I ~ hd ' l" ,I .. ",,,,,I ,,1111,< 84'tuth.. ru }~' .rU''' 'ioIlt, c: 1\ ~ltl n 111 No, n whl\ t,,'OUd \l n\ 1I1t1 .lId III Lh uIlIIl'1'Ilolol. - Mr F,"l1k 1{ ' 1lI1111l IISltt'd 111 0 Illld ~hss 11.\n J. ""klll,1t 1 IlI ititlg 1l nf 1.~I,h"Jl QIl, tI,'", "' Ih,' _,' ,'1 .. 1 110""' 1 u 't .l L111.t ' 1 "1\", "" I nnd,.(1f,>I)d .1111 II iwillt' to lit., IlOO" ... bv fOf J£ pu a ILIO l1 III t' 11 .·\,1; ~ IU)'.' x V SI t'1011 \)111 ". ' I'll ,. 'u"I ' " "'It IIr,·,,II" t H ' " 11 1111 1111'1 fII r n1urnllut' ,\ (14 om 0 7 l11 In t ",.I ~II >(' 111'''''1''' .. "' ,," r "hu r< lo. IlItb"o Mr J llilll A HIII "nv I I ·It'.111I J '1'1 ' \\ "",,, C,,"II \ Olt,,, 1111 :N' g h t EX I,n';.10:1 1 l' 11\ 1I",!t " ".".o,h""" ,"," ~,, f.,. .he JlIt·H ,lI . . '.' - Hunutu r J u h n A ' II rt U Il II l' 1 }"'Ntigbt nllJ A (W . 10:-.fl I' In, " ',.,.. " ,,,",1,,, ,,",, h"I'\" I O.~ lhlllll,.". '111l1t 111111. t ,lIl , lI n dll). " ,. \\ 11\ sp uk In t ho L ul)llt lUII () I'~I ,I ' UNit al Ortuhcr II. I, i l) , \ thw It U H('t;.N1l ",,,.111 '"" "",I " .I~r, , "f .mlA' " ,,,,,It,," ,,, - MI. ,vll f il . (Il)llIrll. ( ,lnO ' 1I ,liOIl uunth ell' lIlI wol Octultu I : U"""II 'h Ii """"" ,.1, 11,,\1. " ,,~ \11t\r" t )(\t lll \,.1Irt.\ l'll"l~~r utlel wt t r~\1lod.. tn· 11 1tl t (II II'" k r) I Iii l, l ,., I d J I'l LlllIl 11.1 1' IlIIl !ttlll \ . U p"elftr \>:xI" "L<><j :l ',7. 11\ \ N .. ~ ," lh",, . ' ''r "' '''' 0' ." r... l ,Vltil I - - Mr. S W. U ,IU'CI I:I I .IIIJI ........ .! .1 " d l'll"t )\JUt lJul h, I:ot f,' r 1111 f ,l m \ lUg IIllt F Q t. (.Jm fl Itl U 111. ~ \ It '1 CA IUIlIOL, II!; ,ve,,· t L 1. C) \J", urtKl 'Q"trll ,~ I,rro bl) Lllr.I(I( ,1 1I 11i! - l, 18>< ItllI ~.J: t. o . l! UnIlUII , S ~C UIl U stllry: t o ~I ,c bll kill ' 1_ ul ,I" , '" IlIol"n II Arro rn . I:! r,~ I' '" N" 4 " hU",,1 r UHH' tl h u t. \\0 ' IR\1l h u.d " :luI 1h:n l vhH t 'n1J~ ll !s ,lurlltt J ulln cl1 td II I I l 'UI ( .p\ I It S(tlt t,( I h. S t III I tJlII ., Clnc muah l: \1l'cd!o1 (, Of, l' III 1 N i l 10 cr" I" of 1"", 11 .. ,10, ' ''rn. ,~ n ,., •.1).,." , • • .' I Iit S ]I l'Hill IIlI IlI g II " 't' Hili Fr igb t s"d A , 0 , I i I' 1\1 1'1 .. I~ , r III lin MI 1 lilt',vi \ l'\1\Ig 1I11u . 1 f HIIII I Y ltIllklltg ur Ile r dCKlfUIllc cilllll).;"" ' '".,'f LII' " ,. ~rolO ' c""" f, r ,It " .kful ll~"" n'thr s,u" ,II"" II " " \ .. . \1 " " ' " " i:ltOPB o n ",IJo,·tu,\ if ~l !"IHIl " f\,1 IhJ t ,.t" l' 1'"1111f \ " 1I, II L I",u/(h lllll ll ynulw.rd '1 :;II CULh \'EX I'O ltlU~I Y~.I~r".I " -rho Mnrl&LyObc l C ll ui'd ) v,,, I" .. ", ,, , '11" '>1, ," ," 1"1111 ,f No'e 3 ImJ :, l.'u..,t. lind X u 8 . anti JO \\ eftt "nlt uUOII. OI lI d ,1t"'Oler. m or .... k.. U. , vut " . - Mr. \YII ltc r Dn kll . , n l 1.1111111111, U()tnlmll.v WIll U I)~'II III tlt e IWllllti lhu Sir." " I Oh". ""'1 nu.1I \J "'1 l 1 1 1 ( IU' \1"\nH S I " ( , 1' :,\1\.11\ 1 "f t h e ~ 1.hl('" N,,'~ t , n 'j HlHl 10 run 11 'I l ~ All nt hf'r.. ,,1\\ ", :'1 h ll \I' t h ~ C' HI )II.lIhl1 )!, IUI\UCII f1CS t)f " cl1" ly. l~ X c J't ~ \IIH111 \ " (' L 11 \ 1 s t-h 1''' ''' r(}u. I",1 hI", 11111 th .. rOlll fortt1lg prl.,1 18 \'llllg !: ~ ~~I1lI (' III I 11'I I'I "Ctl l till ElIghsil SOCI~'lty UrUtl ," , • F UI I' ur Uh. " ',","" r'l""'"ll ,"thc l:.,rd · - ",r J. v m C \. 11 .1 11 11, 11111' ) J,\ ' rY.ll' \-V ,lllut , II t, " 1'>/.lo f"II. )w 0 ... A,lIlTn"or 1,,, " r 0 1,0 MAI LS lJU IN. ~AS I. \. ,t u r"", IlIw" " ·r.m l,,,l, " c,"clIutl Ul' n l tc nded tll u EXl u' lt lllil I c. lu rl llll Iud by "Till) l '('lJI,II Oll ," lt tl~lln et! 0 10"" n' lo illl , " ,,,,,110', , " ",\r (,II I"'''''''' ""U l)O ul""" lh, ... ,,1 In 'u I Mr ~t II r I l ' Il k I I I • I ( ' .1 II I ' • ",,\1. 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I ,r a" rnl ul",n .. t(\r 111 \ ) rf\t, lro (l11 oe l1 hlr\! fr II U \\ u Jcu 0 ~l C()J III d 1\ H... lahn \)i \.hc Int o '1 01 ~D O OO Mi\1I 8:UO.N Ell o f WIlTT'O n f.11I~hl~'8 111.,)r'~'h;:.OIl'''Ir:;'''I\ L''"Ur ll \tho.hfOro,nl ,n.rnu llll t) borcl"r "nd pel\"" lie F D k I ClltI \\ ILllllti or dfoli lllterli l o,.' ~ til ~~I" r". II\!u n'C DlllEC'rok of II~ "" . " ':tl' II J\ , " ~ r"ut ra m ' ~' ~ I UIJ 3ml ."'lUr,lv ll'OIlhor .""nnd 'h ~ worth tn •I. III') II III all[ ~ on, II 'HS llt C"" SlIlI ll't IO JI . " n l'l lIln) C, II n' y. Oluo .J _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ c .. "",tI ln ll II yl" r t lleH". o" mlou hubILrIl"'" " f W RYII"."lIo Wb ••• y y""d 01 lllllttllhal, Mu, lira V ISltlll~ IJr t;l'I ,t ~O, 1 j [l:ngcu 10) uurs und 011 )).-1 ... t A.....M 01 n~,, 1 E, llll. f 'r IIlI\Clr"".I, nl" ''' I'' ' \l r ••• ~f ' III''''g''IO",l E 10'. Vakili L' 111 ICle.'urc..k T" .... " .lu p.W"r .. 1I '''11 111) 01". lllUO' " hlll ,,, II tit,·) bo b"m"I,,',l frnm II... - 11 "",)d !tile o f hd,es' h Ollt alld ~ nHlllt lt. .1' vr ",In,u tittle a 1" !Jl'd , tlUl \) " " " t A·, ••• r •• r /(,,"1 1.-."" (, r Al oR' 'Ioom, OOhOll ll . .. . ", whell ' " ul Itl'r rClJ llve ry hlll1 h uen ,IIJlllld " lI 0,. fi,Ic11 ,,,,,,<h'l' W"rr. " !;.""" , Ill" " . • , • ,,, r,h - 011.' St,lI w~ ""' t ,,~t d"';,,,ur. f.1r II," .I,n",' Sl u uluco IlI tl tllil( [!;lllture, bCtl t 'lliult c d , ,uld Ilt u ugh III~ \V .IS 8\\ cc t II l1 d , llll ' ]I" lr" t ,\ .",.<,'r " I H,,01 ~ ., .. " fOIl r''''.e " I r elnp"rU II'" ",,,. 1 11 11" . . III """I, I}, ult \Jl1 p III Kuys'. L IJ I I I , ",kll" I , wn.I,,1' W"rh " C,,,,,,) 0 1010· I - - -) II AI ii I< , 11" ( - - • uuII.v 1"0,,"1 0' " " " l he land , And I . m - (~c()r!(oOuurlllld Ad'i :\1111111) 17.Z'U SIlII I s l.o \\ l1 n rtll ,cr II C, I 0,10' 1l,.lr" I A.' .."r, f It l' tI ~""" Inr i 0 ) et H lll!b~CIIlIIUTl'b l g llldt" tltu 11I 1J\ II rlnlll""". III I'WIlrr.IIC,.""" Oh , u"nnJ, ,,l ll,,.tthc Rn gol.ol . b" lllo ler o'tI,, >(d or, " OW "" lIo~'r .. " to lu U\,<111 Il o ro ctubc r 6tll. \{tCel\~ 0 1 Itu l.l e 111111 p ll\ISetl aWlly "1I1111~ tlS VIIO D.. lrll t A" ,.M"r " f n .,, 1 E.'JI', 1M ADA C MURRAY u " " ~ r.nllo rdlly.ofo ur tl o ll\ o rnno~ fr"l11 tl, UIII h"ttd hllllllJly I J I b I I T1 " ", tll" uT,,,, ,,. I,, 1' \Y u, r,,,G.. ,,,,.) 01"" A s CO ll Ytlln cc \V Ol il llrto n II". Ioll ghllll'f' \J rOP " (. II - A IIU 'lI u ur of \l lIr Qnll k el y 1111 Utt ClIlldClu lld ) li t u u ut 10\ I j Oli O1'1 .. lrl( t A..e.,.or " r 1/('11 1 1:'l lIl., for ,.. 'I u Ie ("H"tr. d I.) mo. l1 .lIgb l"l" fure. f .1 "llIlt ' FIIJuy ~\ (,l lllI~ . M".. lo T (I"" .h'l' Wllr r,·" ,," nl, n l.. , ltl, III t hc 'Iny . Til l': " ,rp,:-';; I,,"t} IIl-h,,~nr-of C.'rnA lI" rll!lId~ IIro IIUOllulIIg \ CUlly Al e u The tUli ula l SCI v,eUd \\ o re h old III Oll e OI' lrtr t A"",'."r '" ){" ,I £ ,'"to f" , 1~ll ~ .1I. 7C • A K . I.o) . b ,r l,,,II1Y "'n. II Irrono.l AU c... trng at Hl c hlllUnd S 1\1 ' 1' 1 I SIt ~ .. I,·", 1'" " n'Io ,1' " lIrr, ,, ""11\\ Oh,,, ... . 1 t, ~~, .... -1 J Mr. Kot.o) \\ M lttlr:CII ef.mpl,."lv Iov our. - Fo r tIll) best l30ut o r Sh ue III t tlr) 8 U llir<: l UII I uy a t u r I 0". DI. lrlll A•••'''''t of )l ,"1 E ..... ', f', r 'f 1l1l" II,v To"dl.·. 1,.OUO y' (\I1CR 1m.e••1, bOl ng sl " M of tho nUl gh b"r·. III k t t K' nUUII, lit \I Itl c h I I IIt U I he ctl dl c c \I I T u, t lotrcck 'J v \\ " .1,,1'. \\ urN " C""n ty - - - ) 10. r, B (' • ( - - "holl Ih. g lle.... um ved Sho W1" >Cll t for : IC I ~ltlr (), g o 0 Cy B, O 'J l'U8 tt~ com p l .t l' ly filled Il lt h In cll tl tl n ll J Oli ,I' . . . . .~ ~ _~ f"WI ___ ~_~ tuoom. home Iollsg,"o l"'r uq"I!4l " POII t lt uCo rll e lllluuse c t 1'1 Itl!t C I I 'l el O"c O,-ln,l A .. "rnl n ,," Il-;'lnle for . . . . . . . . . . . ~~ . . . - .,~~~ . . . ~ ~ Carll Irotll 1. II. Slit toll. nrr. vlIlg. 1' 1'00 lho yur d filII of bUK~''''' ,,,"I i -Mr8 S D Evcrly nlld MII Y I IZe lt8 10) v " I I ar t 'lIh n T,.\\"<I,,I' Wllrrell 'IIII I} Ollt" Eu's O .u fl M' K· - ID )Ollr ' •• or last ORrr",!! . nuJ gO '" K 1JI t.. , llie I",,,>e '<> .c, IllLvu r e lllrnetl frum u V' tl lt u fl lc .ut eJ III tl .e pre~cn\'~d b llr ll!1 f ile I)",ro' I A." " '" " f n elll F,'"IC for Yo ook. Mr. Ikrr) hi ll I"•." ~ oanl currectlll g tJ,a oro".! of r"lllt! Vf.,. lI od Ir l'IIi1. P •• ' III Lr I ' III ~er Y Ice 01 thc Ch lIrc h II I'h'r \1 II IC Io W", no T., ,, " .1,,1' \I urI"<" G""" I. Ollln <'O lD e m•• lnk". ""'~ h. d b"cn \lubU.hed ill 011 101.0 Iho } .. , J , . he " "" .tll1 III ' " M ll rl' n G l celtficld, 1lid lalill. tlt c r uU111111 8 0 1 t b ~ y o un g 111111 1 0.,,, n "ln e~ A' ...... 'r " I ~l' nl F."nto f" r "oll"ool, on Wllh Iho IILI O lmocd) al yollr II<'d \.Oi«'olullgtIlLI"""l'relld"' "lhflDoo .k,,,, - Mr nuu M rs. S. L arl\\ l lglll I I I I I d d 1' ''' ,"III II!)I'''' r O\\II.IIlI', WOI rnll ounLy, 1'1'100 Nuw r WIll nu.k...,me c(Orr", h II 'If fru ,t. onJ lin other guod tI'.'!'g. r"'Jul red 10 UUU Suus 8po nt SOVer"' ua \ s uf 11\81 ove Y Kl r w 10 ID P"SSO awny 0 1,10 her . lOlemenL ~1I11 d, d no' •• 0 'V,lIIO <lu. ,""kQ lip II STu lld ,hillier II," g uc.1.: pre.... . J III Itlu's earl v m orm ng weru cxvuMcd And you ".11 olon. nt " """ 1110 ' ''"0 nn,1 m'g cllmp m 'llng, .h~ nl thAt tllno JX.rng clll " or~ "0 ' "How. TIll R o' ' " h" Th'ltnp" \\ cc k In C lll Clllnutl tu view }{'a ir 6 10wers wero struw plac,,-, of..", lI,d ,,,.t yf'ur h.llot.!f for nnn in .:!pring/leld "1~ttl1l/f' "lid mor", ,t I. ovur Oon UIIJ wife of l'rnnkhll. M.. P . ler Meo· --Do n't forg c t Geo rge Obcr lin d d d r. bl f I "/(1110° ' I he IJrOl"".,tinn til nlll oll11 S.rt' (ln :ld a yoar Oh.cll_he It .... IIOOn lIl li' 10 ' I~uk to ler U n! D ll..r. .. d 111 ,.,. L.. u nlld Ad.1 tb Id t t t) a rOll1l .1ItE\Pl elll80 l ie \lUll ,, ( Arltelc T" o. ""l,on I' l ul A rlwlo Thr~e. 111m It _m. lhal h.JlOQrd.ho wo~ld on daugh tor, M... D.vl , M.. Cr)dor 10[ .... a IJ Urtuy, ~ t' av o n es ty and " h ortlle88 01 her hfo, \lllIl c S""tlOu4th of AruoloTwo f l!o oColI .t" " . WO 0 l bor tlliu m .Iop oft' Ilt Wn)'ne,v\Uo on IL .;.rUmr hlllr,.,.• • \1 or 1) 1V101I M.II, ... lid· ncxt MUllduy evelllD g . IIpOU th e culli n lid Illy 11 cruss UItU Iton of the St.:Ile nf Ol"n r.I,; I\ O to 01"" ohort " It . and 1111 blll'p"""d .1,0 migh t Le Hey. wilo alld thr ee ,l ulIghwrs, \VIII K d""y --Tlt e tu u n test man on thc s t llg ' I I I tinn -, pubm.ltR 10 )"" by )"101 r ••oIUl lon ~ \.V \ YN L'SVILL L' 01110 al Ur. Dl!rryhl/l's 'I'hen )Jro a tu ke. IInr) d'lU llhlcr, U E Kel..,y J c",", K el . y. 18 Geurge Ob~r. Go alld h uar II wr.,ut I oxqn lEllt e y "ro ng It III of thc R," " ,Olind IIflu.e of Hep rr'e" tntt ... 1IoIi# ! x.. ~", oxceplw n 1<, "blJt w ,," ,""d in lh~ c"n"n. ,... Harry K. I. y. MI. _ Emmn nnd N~lh 6 I white bl oollls. b) r ••"lnl' n ",101' ...,1 AI'" I U 1 ~7n T hn,. - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - O1al of Sopt. Th e t ruLh of Ihllt Ie lhl. lb. Kelacy, J A IIn,l w,fe. ill .... J annto 11111, lI e xt nlullday Dlght. At tlie g rave in Mlami CCIII Ct C' y " I y"" ,!t <lrtllll t.o ·v,.l o '" fll".r of Ih reporter, 8COID g li:llu'i nnme IIl 1l'eEn(/ut r- Boo~b , MlU'OnAllell"tld"" e. J " lDC8 P upo' - Mr.l~obertM os ll er, nnd flimil y M P d d h t I ' Alii "dmrll,...hllll I"" , "1,,.,1 II\,OO) Ollr III ur ra t 0 po rtion u tI C h.. II"I. , h, ,\o'rll. • All .. ",ltll.n ' . t., S~"ltOIl fr, calloe! 1.0 lICe If wo ooDl d 8 J• • rum "ny no IUld ""/" , F.rIltllc MuOlnde IIn(1 .. ,,". of Card,ng,on Murrow CIJnnty nit 1 r Infurm"tlon H e 1"lkod w.lh me. not Ella. Albert Brll( Alld \\ Ifo. M... Abnu I' hI' S I v,ce pr(!scnbed lor the gfll~ eSld e , T" n Artl clo T" o, " f (''' 'l> lilllt'''" y •• ," IIDd .. mong other thln jt1l he ..i <1 nw If 1 [,rllgh. hft8 hlUCII Llllltrl nnd dutlgh to.r vIs Itin g liB purcnts III t IS Jl acc und theu ull thu\ WIIS mortlll "I' th e 1'"lIllI,,",O ,,1,0 do 'Hl l r II' ·r Ihe II~"I'I II '" of , know bo.. It "",,,. that WHit" •• 1I.d lOt Mr. L"b.\j TAvl"l' altd w,fo J o""pb lluruellUld - M ISSCS Lullra Kinn o) , und I d d I I Am, nrlme" .10,,11 hll YO plnro d UpoD of L,mdou WCI(' ~r y en was' ,It to Ull ng c wIlh l lhclr ba ll "L~ Ihe Wortl" 'Am"n ,)nrollt ". B 'a to HCf\ 1f Ell .. w ,," Lhere 1 t" ld him ~.f", F",,,k DurnoL lI"iI \vlf.. , Mrs l TIlly Emilia J oncs ~8 U00K88U lt 8 TO - - that W,U,. kuow W. woro «"III\llllle,I, "lUI ' m 8Joy. Mi._ H ottl e IIlId , unlo Orosi." f M 'Id D k I' k Its kllldre d dus~. g.'cho n Tw o Arl lOlo f"n , Qf "".l1lull"". tbal Ell .. would Ito to 8e I, r If &00 "'9.PP" " Mr Wilho Oro.1 v. lit .. HlllellI Sil ver. M... g u csts 0 ISS a D lU t I'S wee The paW bearuB wero Me sre J • N,, " Tho..., ,, h" f," 'or l it o n,lnpu nn of olf. A 8UI< DID WIl IlN 'rll "". ""'0". Tho Laura 811.IIr, Wllllo SIlver, M" ro Sll vor. -J. R. Hllys ht bas d o ne Rom p E J J A K ' W il ~~o tl(ln Ono Arllole Th ree . •hllll bnve reporl.Or I. re IlO"S lbl o ror tho ol"mgo, aud W olhngton Uvor, Mr. Albert t.aoy_, Will· ve ry e logant wOlk 10 th e carrillge • anu cy. • • carney . pl.".d "POll the.. bollot" t ho wor"_. ' A", . ....o oommented Oil ,t our 0lv08 wh ml we ter TnyY"., Alh llOn Taylor Wm MuTtoy I 1 ,1 0 1\ d Allell, G. E • .Randall, J . J M osll endment tn eecllon Oue, A rUd. Tltr.,." of a lin exnmtna It. tlr and E. L. Allon. oo" .Utut lllD, Yoo ." Illl d Lho 0 who <1 0 nob """d tho paper. though I Qdrn'~ I d Id not lind wifo. Milia J onnl o Bcrrylllll Mr~ Alvy lIIe, nWly thiDt it I\OM O..IO. Drn. d",uy alld dl\ul\'hla r M, •• "';""0Oh.m. - - Mr. W H. W oodruff o t XCllia ' f.vor th •• doptlon of '''Id Am.ndm~n L I do rogro~ "" mu ch lubhoity t or m)' l"'..... tho MI Nllo ~rrd AUI 11010, M\'lI. IIttoDdcd the Illne ra l of h,e eou Bi D Mto Honl' ~1\{\Jl hue I,hleed upon th o.r b,,/l oUr th. ml~'Ilftn Iltf!,WjI\ 0. 'IIiii' an lI:1l~o.. Dl I ~,n l 'l! a,wMiti daughter, but 'truth 00 Jupt l 'd mluld RO~cokdor."Dd dangh t.or, Mrtt J.rne. and M .. ' Mis8 Llzzio adwa ll ade r, last Sun word., "Amendment I" 8ccti~n OnB. Artl ~r ~~-~~@l~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ '~@I,- ~<15~ ~ !hi. exp)=8t1on. alD08 !.bore I. 80 milch ~ . 010 Tltree. of Oonolllul ,on, No ." all,I LhOl'll .. tl"l1lll Wd OD !.bo artlclo by u,. other p.. rty day. , The marriage of Mr J ames who favor tl,e n<fupl lOll ,)f ",lwn FOllr . Alit> Corwlu. -Mr. W m. Anderson, of N cw Smith and MIS8 Aunie Marlatt to k Arllcl T on, Mall hal' pl .. eod upon 111O.r • "ceo motto m. to btl, ' Lot t l... tru!.b be told, though tho he Yon. ' . U' - ,-, ,- k I h " f 'I d I I h "d f b h d' hftllo1.8 th e word•• "Amand,. lit 10 ScctJ on Kits. L. R , U'l"I'oN. -~tr. ,Eliu Ke" vlahtd tho ... o r , IIiB een VISI Ing I\S m t lor, p ace at t e reel e Dce 0 t e rl e 8 F our. A"l'tlolo T~p , yf Con8ti tut lon. Y08 t ~..eWul...S~pt...2ll. l~ W "'lICk M , MarthI' AndeJ'8C>O HI 'hiS lallie r, 1111'1 Af&rla~~ \\lId tllc.yh". .. tJM "" . tlon nf Ing her mo~n .. Eliz~ K.:~. relurn~dio T L Pe ke of Lo d tb t>~-2dk' 1.1 ~.'Jlb··' >c. rmMmr.;ot.8i11C;e:-w~ol'(~• •~'~'~m~cn~m~o~n~r.oi+----~~.l!~,jl~.Jl~..§.~~~~~~e 'I' d Ia\ fn~r:~B~11' rrallJ'd~o ~~iw hc. born ttr Kon~\l"1c"'. IlL!\' wC k. r.. I r 1,.. n lJn, e ..""Y. A 108 , 0 ~ roo"" 10 Suction F our, Articla T en of Conetltntion , Aro p1'llparod to db Und.;t.k.n~ in beLtor . tyl o Ilnd at Jower ra~ d~:I!~, ~~:;e!pO~cd\O~~~:~~o ~':'~del \\ r' . - tr Will M\\\Tcll n. ,",sIU"g lIQme mo 8 s very p ell8slll ViSit to r the preaeuce of a select Il8selJlbly. , Nn" 1Il0ntlll thocolll,ly tl~.d I .. ~It. ltloO<ly hAtchet. ""10010 . Lhil loll fri end . In Cor.. ln. Bnbdny E. F Dnkin and frien d's in t!Jj~ The affair p8Sl5ed pleasantly and I AI ." "t the Mm c t,m e nnd plnc,," RIo..... Fe~=~~~~==~~==~~==~==~=~~~==,",!!!~~ I ' AII " alI m". .lIl!rol I I I .!.~I r Kend All 'I'l\ylor 11",1I flt ..I "lyC Ira. e e I IIIt! eok tl. co b . 6"1 't ' ",· e t CII ' ~ro)lll .n· d r••n.l }""r bll ll"t. Inr fr r. "'''IlI" tI,e @lt' 1I\Uou l )I l l(tO \e ,p !WWlue nllllg""emil!y· tloll In nlll N,d OU,," 1'1 roo M d .\""! " O·l'llV t ,,~ r. . work.... hore l)" '1 AnaefPOn ",.18 c mployed, mova" ,1 bnck horo 'I' l'. Y o~cll p y" JI.. r~ of At tllc 1I0minutl lln ~or Runl d • t t ' t' t A I L' r Ic' _ ___ _ _ I' 1 I . I a rle. lh~ ell t::\m~ m. " ~. ~ r.o .. lhnd . And re. Iho . chIYe , I' ~ .. cr our wurmoll 4~01lgrs U.11 I o ns 0 IV. . III r Ol ll r n t '0 0 11 ', tn Llon of ,·r., 1\ lit' III/( Q olin_ O[(\lln' t Of' - , IIIArk 01 Mr Alf,.d \) Le" k III eollOoellon -~I.~lIleo ,,~ .. " InB ~ un,I",. • • n,1 II h"" E s lutc A sscs~ur, h c ld h e re Ills t Snt onr young frio p d s, aDd mny the th. S","I,· (, I Oh,o r.I., ,, , I." th e reorjlU nl ]) " f WILLIAM H H O t::L dlh ctl ,<'<l. \ th r.,,'lh . hnv. been exr lnrl ,I t... lIl~u'''g~ Ilf oo me ~ pu lrll. 1\\lllIn llc• . lout If'ero It "" 110 n rd llY Mr. A III us II art.8oe k IVlla 10 \ 01 Ytrio of Bliso l.leace nncl II np. ."L'on uf tI,. J ".I.e"lry ,·f Ilr o 81,,1•• 1/ OhIO " . .' f·If.lltrel thorn to rny od<1r."... S~ndt\ ,kv. t lo.. 0, ,01. 0 h. 11r. lIly" ' erloU8 midn l): ht effo rt Le, n modo to . lop Il ' t d ·tl t . b fi' 'I' . " t.d to ' '' .. I) JI!Ult re!\O lutlOlI of tho OJ/I(} (t.1ld ffJ rl nrr 1'1. St E U MAR:cHi, rrde ,hou).;lrl ,. h., o Iooen lIIade I).hee n -Mr 01",,108 H'li" •• v,. ,I, dlb. EspoII. 0011111111. C ~ I lU ll any ('ppoalflg plneB~ 0 thClrs o rever. ho COLI enn le nlld H " " ",, of n erre'entntu •• loy " i\.lmlJl,. l rn lnr W R Hllel', Llnte Pl'llllkl1"or~hn m.,burll o lld 11,1- " ,", . De 1'011 1.81 Thq rsd" cundidute III the fi e ld . grntulatious btling c,ver, the gl1es t s ' r • ..,I",."" odop,.rl '\ 1',,1 to IH70 ,,\ AYNESVILLE. A II ~ ~_K ,n 'VU'O WII ~,w '" t \lClh e W,II II ,.en hOYl ng, eM''' •'h It - MI R ••,,100 Thollll,·o n . 1' llr ,1 hor brolh· - Mr Thomu8 Smith of 1ll10p wero inVited to the dllUtl lT 100 111 I AI .II, Ll 01, rthll' Ih . ' 01\''''' de " In!! t ~ "lid 11 0 c 'p,I.1 ri.k. rl \ 011' ~lor1 Ioh",01o"e "b..ed " p"n,lro fRcLof . .. ,M , SRlIluelThomplII lI,'ntb"plaeo .ln5& III' ",' b I ) ., . ,nleln f.\\'or o' th'- " "'OIl ,lm onl Ir 1Jh nTe j ROBERT F L" l'NA ' hol'8l: ha,.I,,!! r. turlled homo rrom ~'n' n k hn week eaton, IDOLS, arrlveu ero £ll;t where bouutiful n!plI.8t \\I\SlO W" lt ' 1,I"rNllIl'nn thl',r 1",\1 "to t ho " lira •.. " HIt' 1 .. , COli ~IIU ' he bu. "' .... a ,tl,. 1 to ,t. rorme, OWII.r on Yallkee SII'I CI. 8ml -Mr Goorgc Sl,lo. nlld f.",iI. ut.cuded Friday 011 a VlSlt t o hi8 old h ome iDg and all did: ' bonor t o tho fcs. i 0'01 Cnn<h, .. L,on. 1 Arn en,lm e"I, " e. " nn,1 11"~I(E() I'A'rIIlO \Vlt ho u ~ (.pe~8' 1 h,' I".t tlolLl 1I0~ lin 'lou l'I""d~ '1'110 oJ,v n'ght. 11111 ,I,c EI I'os'"o" on Mond. , nnd t'r,unds, nil ot \\ b om were do tiYI'tl08 GAil th o v,,, r. "I", J o not f,wor Ih. "d" ptlun of , a SW Q "" :'h~~:: I~';;: ~;' .. 0; 0:, ~~k'cd y~~,~ Mond RY DigIti Mr fl R ADlI.rtIOn cRrrl.. -~Ir E L Binkley vl. lled ,ho DIl. lon l' h .• t· Il I k • \"Rhl ll n,eo ilmelll "'" hll' o plll r,..1 " pon th e.. ., " y: . .. w.~h hun " '1)of. ovor th e ""II.IU'08 o( I.,. fnlr last Frld'IY Ho "leo clo· tl R conlrlLet Ig teu to Bce 11m. e 00 S I\S AR ' I I I .. II lIu. 110 0 \\ rrl- J ud,olal c"u.lI\utlllU.l 1 Olhuo IlO u .. frolll I " ~ Lu II }& A 't. :! ;~ til , I, uld t ry \0 aliI ",!, 01., onttl ' on PCO t" r ,. .. I I I I • II t i d ts I ' Ii DO OII<IO·. Btr"11111 r Ie , I d Ir: }u nr"' clf "di Rt lOU nit uL Iho I IUfEIIIC · S Wh " ," pIO''''!I. 3] e, r. Kn,"h" FloWhcr ,h,,' Or n .. II or" ,re liD" muc' Dr ry n I'ropo young all ever au ro p o r liS 11m ... ~ ~ .:" , . Am ondm ent . ·0" ,, 1' 'I b Dtu . ... ... u. , .. 1)1118081 0 fF' osl er Uill III I C '.~ ' All"I h 0 '1 'n .. loe" nf ,I"' ir rr'''ootl\ o Olli " "d " ,I II I, nf ll li n I" DlO ll k. uillt ~ I)IO()IU I" el pl l1 l11 thra 4111110n n 1'0 WOR n II •• 2'Id ' 25110 "I wu ruo" (1 r. ,lIr", 1' 1y Ive ll. 109 t"o • "Ot M"' , II I ...., I , -onI dlltYlI1 '" h 'he 'W olks" 0 r I I ,. uc'nt~ I \U ur l t1'Ie 0 1011 1\ \ odr 1'1 "Ln Lim o ..u. , 2.1 I . -"-' l , l!91 h ~ ,It nn,1 ~, st or Au W owcre~a\l I .-1 t omcc t o uro Id ell 10 01' I' u str"t"'lled Irll lil tll o ' " ' I 1\, II' "I" "" ,e.. Ly d I" rl IIMl 10 \Y .... Wl'IlIlt\ II.I.H, ' .... 0. I I I I ' ~ "'" V r-o fU ~!J otiC H 191110 ..(F HIU rn ft"t-':I"C 'I I'I\ ~torl'er ' ~u "' t, n IHJ Scpt ht. ~ while 'Ir hOQll ln k('r LelJR.nou. II h ~ 01 '\ D tlll \ ,If rk or Co'I uri !t .... r "'" l t COllnt) wllh hmlr l htlf ' 11 .1 work \\ " !nl ll 1t1nkt IlIiI nanl h 0," . rO" OI mate ""cOIrA ll",1 /). " ccllpl.,I' and eetlillable rl e nd , Mr J o hn Ar· ue uuse t o t " Ii Illg J'Il l'.J E~~ ,,' II ll"L:S, I'lrJ I) , I' ~ m. II ".;"\\ lit I ' '' r pcc.:l ul )l1l \ ItC t j.o r tn <J nntfo!' • be~ tvIC, III< p"Il Ij"nk_ nf ... 1.1 ..lee", n Iho (1)\1" .... . \1'... I". hcd th" ~ tr:t g'o 1 u'.(\1I1111,;1" - The Norm,,1 Schllill l. nouri.I,".){. till. cher dll tho Bt r~ot ono tin.) lust all d u D emocrntlCl str(,llm er, un n::; " ' ~ nll ",h.r II I ",\\tnhl o 1"'rO,," " t" IfO r,.. "" p,orl ,cllln,. " I\lclr "C ",. 11 I, co $r, OU l fi~ Tho ,1~ l(>c" ve • • It wo uld . co m, ,,, II I.avu 'CUl'llll WILl"neHVlll o I r pro.onted by 0 w e e k. Mr Alch o r ' hIlS I c CllvL'1'od t h e llUlll es of Ewillrr /llld H,el', I~ J .I<\Of" "l lllI n \l.ud fnr ,:',,\,) C'I,,"r·Ly V\7 • 7 .. " "A" II.. frq· I n ,u , 'ompl" ", of lr ",I lin, •• ,.; ,,10 I.O geekllnothor 8eo nt, "",llh 'l th" lilly M Tlr nrnl",oIlHlId R",y J ,lmOll ll m.Lh _,, 1 ., I I T I l ·'t'm'''''·''rn'c,"c. l 11 V" " ""'0 ""l b RCIt IlIl\O I II • JJ H II corlv li ml 'he ri ght 011' . II II. c de\u nl ." h - Y" ur old ClLl7.00, S W Drown. r •• irom IllS r eceD t paralytiC stroke, SUS ponded t rfnn tire Qu eo n Cit) . rere , II ' "r /llIJgu\lllu • ", . I. III n ~ I) I'll L E I r . . on. ro rllnnd. ~I ~"II'~ < ~2 I " of ev,' rybod, 51ug m~u 111 LobaDOIl and ",e trllst he m,IY rtl UiUIli wlth Bakery t o C. D. Wo oHey'B cnTl, o r I l?".".ru 1 0 1 " 'I omen 2 c1"" r~ Rlillth nf 1I ,n,. U.. "k , _ _ _ _"""!'__"!"'_ _;;.;.;,;;,;._...;,;;,;...;.. I I t t Eo h d I; f M 11 r " , k l t n " Hi I ~I.I. 1>1,., \"",.ar •• lllr. Oblo. c r u g TU EJuII'()1 Hnv es & \lhcclor OIu k ,," I ns a ..?lI 11lI&YM • 'Id ' '11 I' tLth.werE e. t Ie ani lwur ' I b r I H n,o. lt.on Otlloo lt our., 7 J·Jto U 1·2 , ~I. I .o'! I·!;) 1 1ns~l,nr'J A Y);;,l h TIn \Vur rcn Oounty To ' olt er~' AIII1OCIR' -.1' Ull key 18S1 lIlC \VI t liS J.\,uwu un vans, w 10 Ie tiC e ss Hllr/,m !I I'" 7 \.0 II . & 1 or a III *;JO R ,loy ,n In. l II I\IId(\ \ l\cnll'l; alld cl.< Lcd offi cer; " . rnll ow, (or 'he ell@ulll/; yell r U OII WIll hohllt. uext """" Oll III Frunkh .. day reco lvc and hm 0 on sal e th e n sinon IUld bUllnur pllinte r ami vel M"" io 7 ~ 1_ _ _ _ yourowlI loc.. \it, Nil g y I'r•• ldelll, S l I 'ooko oIlSnturdo. , Ootoborll , bo KllInln llt l° I fld ' I k II f l n. • "' I (jb r'8k Worn.lldo,," R•l. m ti rst ot 0 11 lOB C UI\ ' S, U 0 t 10 ~Dtllo gOlll 1l8 g~nerally \" 00 rrc.,d~lll. In,,,, . A I\ oll rncy o·olt.. k, with tll o follOWing progrAmme Tllrtl. rc.i 11'0 · U "ell R" m Oil I1 00 n. S Ul't 'l' A P ollook. of r.1i.m •• lmrg- Intest etyle, direct frOID n largo IUIl ,oll l'II\ t' r') MEIHUAL III·~~. mor" ,h ll l1 ' " Sccro/ll t. , ,I 1 MO"hcr 1 ro " u" rOE 1t " "d,L11 ~oma WILY" of T o.ohlDg N"Lurtll SCI.nco manufucturc r. The Bumc IV III bo TIl Io: thr ee l>olice m ll n a t II 1\ lll~ W ny n o " 14 w. J) (n " 111,," "t . , ",.11 .. 100. ' N" 0110 • 1111 h.1/ In M" .. h. 1 J J Alooher I,n Comm Q.n S. bon", , I f i b ' . d' W".il in )j'ton " II 1. ,,, I', LI mfl<ll ,. r"~ 1 "" V" ne cnn do II" "o,k ~' r1!t A.... tonl . J nlllos " K. "rllOv 1 M.." IItary E ' tovcn ~, of Lob"DOII, 'Tho SU d Ilt the pri ce 0 th" c uth lind nrg I"CIllC trte lit VII III t o III CV l llt 0 d I nil . 11 11 IIIl1k o frulII ~o cl 8 10 1\2 '" hll .. r II" SocOI,<1 A." lallt J II 1I0.rl"u De,mty uf tb~ S ..h ""l·room' tril11lDlli g PtlC08 nre all fo ll owo ' 6glttlll g , A t ICD~th thl'), hulo! n f \ •• y on IInccr"!y 'Onnhtl offi OffioO, OPPO!H Ihmlnell I I ,II" I do, " ttn)( 'oll r e' c nlll g_ n\lfl "I1aro I,m, I" 11, 0 lDl nl1 l ". ~~h odr,rr n rde: rIy. n c00 k0 rrof ~)TI'( s n1111~ fl f Mi urn1 VKll uy I , . II ItffCn l'U n" , III, tl 1I !f; t. 110... 'Y itJlllln ttlrf' t!1 \\ ,,) ..... ,.iU (" "11 1,.) L I I,"<. C , . 51.) 00 -! no 501l (lon 700 (J <I cOIl ~ lIl tllt l "n aD r Ctiu lvut! IItU" "f Su tembor A D 1 ~10 _ _ ____ ' ,. , OJ , " , CO. I• ' ''.'' \lul I''''Ii I0 In I" It , """
" f ' Yll t r""
If U l\ lIl: U 11 B
'}'I1E TOO])) ES I
Rooms, T
Doors Nort h f the Pos·tOmce
I ,
R E F DAKI N n I'"
J rl JI
\.to "' UB'" Oll
DR HIfIt'KE ''11' ,I PI] YS rCIAN AC(' l 'IJ
In Ollf, n
ot n ]i~ 1tnTiu ,11
th e Prc:nll IOOllege 'Tho Study of N lltnra l HII~ tory
donI .. ... " " h nel. tllo"ppu lut the d .jforo u~ our Seh""I. , c"nll"'U~r8, "Ilid. " ro "" (0111"' 0 S"-pl. nRmp'un RO\lD oll uf,ESrfUllV, OnmmllLee l\ M o l( It.." , J '8omo Eduun u unul Pr" bl, fil e ' 11 ll llrla u, L H K e llv. J A K cn rno). C. Disc u8II1I.m o f olloh wpm by th" i\ ,.WOU' · C ,rJ er twu FlIlnDCl -O f: !llO ndnll, flltll ,) A Drown. - - - -- -- - J 0 · al~. 0 E Jaouh • • Mll tthow Sale, R HA!L\IIi:LL Hou8K-LI~ t or 81 rlvnl s E'l\nR for'lnwQAk od 'I' dny ' vc l Ell ro l hn~ ~l c mbc rs-l.eorI:C Ihwk,·. MI\ .I~ ~ e Ing UC8 e I .lonOordoll.J Mosher, L H Kalil. J nUlC. 109. Sop' 30' A Kel\rtI'v .101 ... 1I1",, (cw-t Hon Jamos Scott, Samuel Ilona , QII motIOn of Lc vl H J("II, Lh e nam . of Nntban Keevor rr F Thompeon C tI,o orgMm nLtun ""s cbanged 10 'I bo Young E Sal s seI' Leh8noD Ho L' C , )I'l);.\~:~:~I~fanl.l~~:"~:n Kearno), mo. lIn:: Houk,1 Te~nes8oe; r FroD. JObn A ndJollrDcd \.0 meet on Wcdncsdn, o,onlllg 10IaCl\lo'.on, D .1 LaymaD, W L il U 0 Oclol"" l at. ftL 10 clock _hBrp I'tfnth cw8, Dayton ; Hon Jam es E All Uopul,hcn ns nra c .rn•• lI y iuv,to<l 1.0 Campbe ll H milton J at Kirk bo rros" uL D Y WI'l1 tc,liE J ... '~r eat. WIII K en'
_ _
T IU~lU. lOlh cC lllclllll"lt Es po. ,t,oll's.o
rtck , Stlmue l Wnlker, Jeff Hllele
hoa't, luot " hll8 h.<11 d.c.ded not to r"" IIHnuut JOllD MeN em nn Wilming ft", _peellli ' '''''ilion '''"11 1'ha Ex posit",, , ' , i. o ll ronl 8uceo'8" .. "duo 0110 8hoJuld OIu.t l to n , A L Antturu, ChnricBDu<lley, lir e "p l'''r~uu'', \0' " '" I"cl ,ho ... 1 coll ccl'OIl' Hnrv c) shu rg, W. F McKay, LuUl "f "rc ,,11\1 1'. ,,,,I.flll " \oJeol. ," u l" I ","", ber lOD , Cburles Darlington, Jeff 1;<foro ILs doors .1 0'" On Oe,,,I,, r " 'h iII cCl u rc Xenln MAnl v Coentb J no. \1 L 0 H"" , , . J ' ____---....:..-:;;:". DRUCIL8C, South Solon, Wortb Mer· , II .J tt I I I 1 lCchgiuu~ Not.!celj. II , II( mil Ip O IB, M188CS,C e pUu __ I Mu,y Th oma. Le hllnoll G Wool - J: I,I"r lamo> MII,Lllld"lo w,lI proll"h .n I lcy, EIINwo, th Mathews, Tho8 Man lh. fl "I",.tOhuroh a ll Sat ....l"y lI oxtllt 2 1l1l gton, NonlJ llowm"n , Em Glcnn, " o't\lI(lk I' M. "nd SUll!l.y iolluwllIg at hll if W"yuc al' lll o 1",· 1 IU A !of - 1 1.0 He,"1 C L 1',n n. r purposcs I~ T i l to.clt Il DILle CII .. for adul ts on ThurMln) IlIi: muss IOcetlllg RI Yorti sol , elllngs at j o'uILlok. hC{llItnltlg to'lIIom,,, lo r IIIHt W OtlIlOSU.lY wus a flLllllre III 0 ' 01111'10 Durtlllr lho mOlllh of Oc\.Oh,r 80mOI CSI)ec tB, \)\llIl"totiloiunbtl lh08e 01.....,,,, ".11 bo " . Id at lhll R ector'. t G ,_. lid'"' '.turl) An pun",,,. ole••rouM o( oe.rohlll g ,ty 0 TeD ulll lu to uO preseDt. ~hu Qu" pturud ""Ult r. ly on,1 mwlll KIlll tl) Vol. L. U. H o uk of Tellnessee, ,,11\ t1oUM"~ h\\ llU,l 10 ~ttolld howeve r, and J udg~ W eijt s lIa ke to -Hlck~l l o YUllrly ~h O t"' b I. now III . '8 I .- H .,011 III Ibel.molld Al llio Ursl Dloctln g. 1\ nlgo Clowd 1I1 the hull, Rnd o n . ep' 8tlea " . r'" .." .,,,.rl 1' 01\\ the foll owlnl: Julltce S cott addressed the multi· 'i ,"rly Me" tn~. Plnllld"l phlo Now "\ (O rk tude 0 11 th o Bbed The Bund mado good m USIC, III;d bllt for tbe &IIawers IIrl f tUldru.. wcro Lhan Inllde cuol Iwutlle r whi c h Illad e an ou t. \'1 lIobert. Fuma ~ homlll Fou lk s 0lllllel d r :c..lok , J'. Jo r'b Scbollold, ~d JILcob oor IlLtalr IInprudullt, tlao IIIcetlllg l'Iammar. would have been a Sl\ccess anyhow. = :::;:===:::;:.::::::::: 4S it \vIIS. tho II,lBllagers clid tbolr .~ .... tl b E ' Y , ...- 08 ....... ny WIlS uno lor I~ X' pa rt nobly, a lld the 11I·luck was ition day for WaYl,lo8y llIe. Irom uo fault 0 1 theIrs Cll y.i!\,Q tick\l~e wcre sold at _~ ~ OurWil1lSt&tiUU, S OUO!JL bog~u on Monda, .r
~~tII~~':e( O:~:d n~PO~~~t1I~lI~r~},hD.,::r.lllt~
9,(J O, 10,lifl,1 2,tlO, $ 15.00.
, p
I mnch II th c a88ewbly s e mel' to - l\Jr Gurdun J. Wligl lt lind be dllllittl lIIto two "('u rl v NIllIll 1 IllS duu"h tcr M 1118 N l\U WTI g ht I fuet'u tl~ t' ) louve them tu thll tl ",
JA ~l'rR
,I O HN fiO~ ,
Notlllll" 1rkl
III om
\ mnkl llg ( \-
,,, o!le nd hd~ ,' 11""ne.' pll".. "t II n,1 ; t"cth it oll1l," blc n. ,"). ,.1 ' 011 11',,,,, to I ""~ nil Lh, Ih " pit",,#: \i" oln ••• I.e·
Shr r,tI WOI rr II C'" 0
"011 ' .fll.1,) t ho pu l. l l c J'ontlll ,( ,n tlr lltl .l r Cfll'4 l1nl' WI) '''''.' '''I .o "rll~I ".rt"ulll rs n'l lt rm . r....,·
'llDROOLA'tfUfrATION I ... ......
Itlft II c lO to r l'htlild e lphiu las t l ~elV('B !I\omenw e roktl kcl ll lth W c dn es day CYOlllng MI 88 Wrtght III un h o ur lind scve n \\ 0 \1 '1 Icd •.' 1 ECTION NOTlO'" .n mplc. ~ urlh Si, nl,o rr. o YOII OlIO thon wtll tako II. (turse of ill strllotlOn in _ L , .I: J!. ~ 1I 1.e up ""'! mlt ..1 for vo"no.lf Arld,e.&c I' S ~'I ~J E -l. En lt!.E S II NSIlN&OO 1'0rtI0l",.Mo tl,o L'htlutlelvlllll sch oo l of Orato ry, 1 1l11 ' AI .~8 ,--.u re .u n ry , WII"n r. ... The proselll COII. t lions. or nudlllso\JlIrouch c IIll1l8Iculs:udlUB. jS eIlI R \1 iii scll s tock Il nd chuttels W'''.II Com ty OhIO. ul . lo ee " ;orO I1\1U llc.d SI~TH W BROWN. Tltls amlaulo lind t'Btllnuble young 011 Sa)ltlli tl ) Oc t. 11 ,It h e r fllrtn l rul," 'e nnd ,100 e' . C'1Il1I or 1\ lie" Oroll l • DI-VGGI"l'. 1.::, I I ' , Ho,," ,~ .h, ",u,1 110' c·. orl nnd tl, o cus ~ of . .. ATTORNEy AT LAW, laJy wlil be grcatly missed by ht!1 Illelll 11I1'1·ck. °f~llIIllt~g ut 10. . : Ioud'hng . ,,,h n~ w 00111 ' 1I0".c w,lI . xc , ed N(I S EAS r MAI ~ S 'l ltEKT AN I ) j'()TAR 1" r UELle. faullly olld aS~OCl&LtC8, lind t heir E. 1•. Schll eu y w,ll sell IllS I ll , !h"u8"ml Dollw (~ ~II 11110). thtr.rore WA \ NESVILLE best WlsII l'S follow h e r lor ull' so ,ts 1hollsehold gou-ls .0 11 bSotnrday aftcr ~he 1' , lecl " r. of Wll rre n Von" ~' "rc hcroln To r ' 0, l.nnA NON, 0 1110 Jl oLIHed !hllt thero \\ 111 he fmlllnILtc.t1 to th 01, .t-rel'U)t'apllU1U' oompounded ut uH h u ur~ hy Dt prosp(:rlty lIll,1 pl CdSllrOS In th e 11 0011 ul IIIIS w e ek. eglnrllll g ut 1 to lou , epBrnLelv ' o .... d IIpOli "lid deCided I y an oxpor.en oed DfU8g •• t;. 057 Ql1al.or C ity. , n'(·l oc k , il h u nt of Sidcs' ware· Ihum " 0 p,o\ldcd III hi .. , n\ the "nn unl 0:,. \·VI II 111111 T 1>. toloor F.lcct,oll to be hold III Ih e Ooun~, on -. u\!. lfy, 0 t WII 1lI111g , I,OU, CH tho ~.oonll lucBdn y ~o \\ II -Ih. 14 m 1> ,\ Y , • OF OOIOJlEH. A /l 1 ~7~ ~h.'lu . lIn 1l 08 t UII, hus brought Illllt Iur $.!O 000 \ D ' - -; . T d dl r, t D S S B d ttl A I A/! l, ~, CII IOCI UtlC luoctlllg was \.0 Ihe I","ey of blltldln" n Oou t H I Ite ..n ~r81gn o 'R " JU"t .nt.b~i! burn· Uglllll B r. . . oy 0 Ie Sl1 l11e hel d In Vud\\ .lIadel's 11 all, las t anti fo • .,,,d County 0 r o\lSO D intf slargo fino kiln af Brick. which wUI place aJluglllg th"t tl,e Dr. sed u( cu l ' d 1:1 J I A Pr\n',(1 t,ckct. for . .. ,,1 . h c'lOn • 11 I e bC 80ldlow,olth erwhole8al.orretnlJ "hd III I! w~fo .MI S. Mnl E. llerr Tho' rl ny evcnlllg L 0,11. ,u 10 • provld,,1 for -O'U . ,,\om,sslOn I," U..."Con: .,.,.1\ (arn l"h mnt<l r ... 1 IIlId '\0 nll ~1Il,h of J I' OlD Y II I' Y I I'IJucMuhun nllt! J. E. C llmpbe ll, ""."011"" of " \\d COlln' l 'u lh e foll u.oIDS' ?I".on wo.k "L- lo" ItK c""bc don. Ci.tcm. 01111111 SIIYS' 1. Uyl IS 011 0 0 e ddt, 10 8t to S enator uti fO'1Il R . " eomlly IiO Burrel OJ,lem flltor. r, lite oldest alltl m ost rt.>s poctoll Cltl- lIl1 Inc r" , FUIlT A' ! .20. !If 0 DARBYSHml~ f tl' t .• tl bl dn;Bscd tho \lOOp ltl A"A I''-T I _x Fo, 1\"'\oI"'glJo,,. , 11" ,,80 I zells 0 li S COUll y. IIlIu IC 1111 Ie f b ]' I I f I I AIIII Ele, ' ors lI ,s lr",!: 10 , oto for oo.d '1'". FOR TlIE ro IISC t o C 1l."Ye lim gill ty 0 t Ill r TIlK secret 0 1 lo ng lite 18 t o k cop ,\\II.r",. from II\e" tlcket.lh o ""'US ' All'.
chllrgcs Illude ngu llls t 111m Ullttl the hv e r }Jcrleclly hea rtily which IS aln. ' I '" I\"~ FI"clo r. do.,rlll .! 10 , ,, te thoy hcar the Pl'Ool. As the CIISO b t l ' h d b ' o nl" ngll ' " 01."d1 .. ".t1 cII.' efromthuII t,ck . , es uccomv IS e y uSLllg Jot. tho """I . (l'lIr 1 " . IS now tn COlll't, n o doubt all th o I" Sollol R' Li ver Pills" And 8nul ('omllll ",011 ' " rurthcr mlLk e fucts w,1I be blought out. M oa ll' \ l _ _ . KilO"II "', 8",,1 Elect.,, " ~h.t ,t .. lh.II I'"r· wllile let tile pllbllc wlthh uld Its L AST 1'1I1IrsCIlIy tl lele was.. a bl'~ex P°"' nnd IIllelOl,,," 'hnt lhc cO.1 of M""I lin , p'O ' O"'.II~ . luLlI", no e.enl ,cee,1 th e .11111 Judgmcnt." portlltlo n of vi slto~ Irow tI llS p aco of S., cnt~ five I hnu.,,"ol Dnllllra ($7:'.1100 ) -Yesterda"Df~(lrnooI1Mr Frallk tutltcExpoaitioll . NAIH,AN l{ F.f.':' Eft. C · "d M Id F d f • l WM J MOUNI :,;. Ul l1tnJnIllg5 au . IB8 U ur I) PE RtlY LtiKENS . Morro w, a ro malltw cOllpl" bCllt 0 11 "IlIfl\lIihlo" is tho verdICt of tho Oomn" •• lonrre of Wa r,c lI COlluLv . n Til T1n:rDatTllnollY, were marricd III tlt c aflltcted when ret(lrrHl~ to tho J AS I'EJl." hM ,Jn~JTN::;O N". C INC INN AT I I I 1Gb H ollse b y merlls 0 f "S 0 II ElrEI'L Ivcr III R. " '" crlf, n "rrCII Oounly. 01110 pllr or 0 tie l Bon _____ _ _ _ 'Sq ullc Marc hunt. They hud (JUl te a Ilarro w osc!LJ)o, flOlll an OVOI' zeal FI/!81' - ll'uBt~f the SOUSOII, Ins t • ~ D~Df(l ~ 08 IHl:lsday night I1A1 0 BELOIl'" OEI.EIlIlA IR the train und Intended tu urreBt ·E. b 5t III the "orld 't1l9 Invontor h, s l I b 0' " I d N01'l",-,x.. L' \\sod thl. splcndld hnlr dyo fo.~ f'\f~) 10ll' H N 180 nl Ln S t Icm \\' 011 mCIODatl was resc Ie , with hellofil 'o tho bolt , \lnd no IIIJuryAo hi. o. R troet, hut ut Oheatcr Park the cQuple left All [IIlrtlOIJ8 ore hereb. lIollned not to pur henhh , proQ( t1IfiL ,118 tho 011 1, truo "lid the traiu ulI""'rceivcd and proeeed· ObMC,Ir trnd. rot a lI"tO cxo~utod h y llIe t o pe rfect d,o. h~rnile8 " rellnulo alld IlIat.n· Botwoon Fourtb and F.rl!. 1'1tl Gb ~r. V Dllnc. n for T",o Hundred Doll,,,", l"nool18 No t1lsnppolntmollt". no rid,onloue - -)0(- od in hot Ill8to to I~ I Bon , dntcd Joly 5, 1879. and I,"yablo 81" monlu8 "nlg. remedlos the olfcct" or Ionrl dVOij ,orA. Clip of G'lfld Oel1'oo ,\lid Two N! ce wbere, in Iln ama.zingly short time, o.l ~r Oa l~, as Ihe l anUl WPI ohlahled {hrough lon vos I" l'nlr ~ ofl MId hOMILiful , blnok Or Roll and" l oho~ for Ton Ocnt~ . the two ,,.ere mad e one.-(Olucin. fraud t lIa I IDleull' to rcsl ~t i'~ colleotlon . browlI. old li nd I, rol' W,YAfll,lIed III n ITt n SpOUJAI Recuptlull R,lnlll fur Lu(\to' nug. 'unti Times, Sap. 10. i':lorl~mhcr ,,(I.' 1I!71 ' j\ r.A.\VRE~O}J &loil'S wig l"cl.oty , u I , Dond S ~rool, g'lIo I.ud Packlll{C8 tllIrnil fur (ruc I)f "h I1gl' • ,.... 0 ~ );Io"oYQt k. lt~ 1 JIE 'LEY ~ OHA() WfOK , l'r(.t"r~
BEST DINNER! I For 9& Cents, IucludingColt'.ee,TeaorMl'lk,
o o
a AftM
~!\l\'\!\ \\(\\!i !\'UQl!8!\~1) ~(QI!0lD)
Fluid Extract
- , - --- A 1'1"1.& "'N'~ ,IOURN \I for OctOber gIYC~ lho ""COlli] m ....' lhn ent of M... Edwsrdes', brlllinllt 1I0vol, 'Yivilln lhe Dllllut)·,' lind " C"nLmunUcn of ThrSeRmy Sldo.' by M.... r~ DOMnt "nd R,ce TI,o thml of Korl 8I1nd'$ p"llo r. on 'R ...... "n Oo"op,roOiOo' "PI'OR • wh.u" oono1111108 tho 8 d 8 Other ..hIe IIrth'\ 1((1 tc""ud" fillm/( l\ ~""rrilh,p: nnntl",!:, of ,. h111'!~ oxoo~leril>n'Llgu"\l)o. , I K )petit'. A 4.(Jpluw.n &, 0" Mil Drol.d"..y, N. Y.
~1I ,u1l (l .'ZE1\1'~ .
,~ ':!': :;~~~~~~~~: "l": ~ ~y A~nar¢IDn ! :S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 :8
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I II, h it " 1'1 ' tl l.l .., IIIhl li n t, '" ' Without Dosing' The Better Way 111('. '~II, ~ ul1 It ill Ill ul II h n~ If,(1 \ I ulllvo rtl ni \. 111'\\'\ ' Ig·' It! I ~ \K~ I nl '"lI l"tlll~II' h, II, 'h''',,~ a ' " ,"rhlll! CI'te llll r ~ Ih Jt CU11tIl\l I~ 7," ~" \llh II I II ", " " ,h,M I" III IIr IHW>lIt ' \ ,101, .. ,,,,I.,,, '1, . 1,1' III , I II I ,n ~l'ell u l lJI ull hili clt'llI ILll, 1 Ill ,'lll I"" \ t\llll ~11 ,\ lu ~1 . 11 "i ,~ 1. tUnl t ) pc, lt a lld ~"III~ 1 1'"llI lc ti "" go J pupcr, .11111 I III Itly Ili l I TO CON3U dl P r IVES. s trulIg ly b ltl Hld III cilltl" Illdl 11111 II .. "I., rl - , h " "" " " "" ,' I.
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'" 8 PERFECT--I~-8 ' AND CDMPIJETE8 8 --A~ I\tlTa au' D r 01l1'I~Wl!'.~I11 8 8 \""VmI Iii iii.. 'Ii Y ' ~
AbsorptIon Salt I ."".J,cat"dJ- (ICIoot Baths.
,,.u •• ,, . f, ...
((LlR &I ILSOH 8 sWH S 8 No• 8 8
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AD VE NTI ' h1ll1L \' J S.
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Rcr tl l!l c e lli " 111 tl Ln 111 p 8 u r c.:U l r OIl UY fu r I lit! '"
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COh~ l Y 11141 Oh I "HHII I
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11 0 00 I hill 1111 cr Mo" " c" " For "ft l. ,,, I . OTe run",,1 HllIllIl'"d I\o ltle " at D ltl ggl " l " fwd Coulltn St!lrel" nlll t 1)\
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T . oI. ""filH4ND,"r, l'b.l n.loll.llI ll
S...o llOpcr eont, b",lulll'lII: /.ed
ASliALL Ct.STOII IIlIL INllVERY VILI.AOll AN UTOIYN ......... WI••'Ulor aa'o.tlbe ta. el!d.r li''!!!!.JowlI.-lII. ,en UIl7 no CLU l!l'IlCm Jl.IJI,fwml O1JIIlIU DlCIIIIILL.
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N Ineb 01000 . "Iorl
&0 co. C""lPl1Ir1r m.KDWABD8 limh 11th 18'111.
Burdsall's Arnica Liniment !JI~lImlif"~,if9.
0 A wllh a "l o f tbo I t , ,"elo u. Iml tntln ll~ bMr )f1ll.Hot 'P. Doty &0 (10' Inl! th tl llll lYlU o r ,\.qllCIt or lithe r 1.1 1I1II1. n l~, 1. O. R ICHARDS& 00. , '~oo.go Ill. \\'I~h whl oh d, n.lit! k. I I ~ 11IfcCUI,I. Hu ld t,y !;lIt .... a ut ' All l)'U l;:!-,IK" 1Jh 610 Gralll lllova\t)t'i; n., £ 00& o.,ro sb.n........
The IhO ~t .1) '.)l~ 1.:<.L' Or gml <: 0' the:, cay! J AMF.8 To: l" R:A L.
I",nkcr o f Ih o }Iou "" or
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J All liZ W }lI n r, Pr l",' U li t uf t ue 0011 ,lo AU(lptcd A " rl t 10 1~79
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tmprmtl Portable
Blf:W ~td3 ' SI Ii
rlJ' f'\IV~t6'U1 U h' tJ
Saperior to aU Others, 1
Dr Cll lve rw c ll s C e l e brnte dElB
tlU c h u8 IlU" UI OI.; \II!) II~ \.ll t I luill \ lw an y " t el !lI d !l 1)lI ( \\ 111 ~C1Hl I " IIhuI C ! lI i) t ht I r ndd l(,..l"('" I\t 0411 C 11 .,1 ' 1 III t.hum \\ lllin~ "t' "t h c ~ ("O lltl\ O lll1 t l ll ll l C r Hl '" fl c i. No n 1 ' llI pOl He,
a re wb e "ho
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110\\, 1 ...... IIOW 1l":"T4HtI!D. I II t. JIll' 11 .. 11,,11 Il Il C\' O l1tlO Ii
: 'C h ll ~ron's
Otn n l Olll" o f Ihl f\(~ ttl " ry o f Sta l" I J Mol l on 11 ' rt1f"1 f:kC rt Inr) of Sllli e 0( Ull' fitol! of Oh IO. do h. " by C)('r ll f~ , tll\l~
e"I TF.D ~T \T Rg OF J\ "lY. 1 t( 4\
I lo u f" re (;Om!; ' " Il t r1U! cop ' 0 1 n 101111 """
( \) ll lon
rn"",u by t h o Oelll ro l
till StOll
A!ll!C rnbl> of
Oh ,o, (HI 110. I(ltt l 1111)' of
II I ~;{I t il ken from Iho on g ln ,,1 rolls 1,10 d III th l" ~ Itt.e I
t f' !iI1IU01H
In fl unto "" ',l.~ n l t\'d nn n o1.11(, nnd o III <(ll "') (lffldlll sen) , 01 (;01\111' hll " t h o Il l h d o\ of Ap r il " D 1~7!l MIL ION IlA!lN J f; s..c III' Y of fUntc
UNRIVAlLED i,' Q~ f\ UT'f. I .1':0." W ..e V , hi<:.o I
l l c<J :'\{ lll~\.1. uct.o
B E ST R.nd CHEAPE iu t.h o metrltet I I·nd Fb, I1",,/r ./., j
oney >"\6 Cent
AGU E RF.N1E D Y HT 'l'm~ ,\,'07\."\,.., .
Tho SInIDn! Cl8SS 808son.
HI' Frau A 1)"lor In Harptr' IAf(lga-
"'"f,A wntea .. (olloWR Journ '1 of 8t'v III I "ceh
dtlrohon In tho Lon tnr stnla 1'(l\lnl({llhc fn et thnt In t.he e l os of 0' orl I rul' I XIII) I he flI\rll~lIlllr IOCA I1(m "hurl' ho hoe 11\kcn mot I tho (oelll otlnlott 11 (h o 1l11fl1 ~ II ee nlro of iJl oortl"" 1111 the lIex t 10 \\ 11 18 Ibo IIntlJlOd o[ nil th It I ~ good grr It and proeperolll!. The nnllH alld thu mAn who CIUllO down 11\ -16 II" n I!Oltl ll' r remlllnmg IJl ~ho e thrllllgh It" Mht l t.h' ed era un rcpllbh( Rnd <,or RII rC h oltl tb m el'h 1181\ Irrrtl II r . tocrnq llnd bow, or I<lIIdh tholr f'(' III1I1H' nt~ to ward Int er OCCIlPI1lI1! of It HI ",,,t t hr '
.u .... " _
Wounds [S
In the lIeart. r " ....
Wounds ID the hllllrt Rro commonly @upposed '-<> bo lD8tnntaneousl\ [atAl, bot IUch 18 not tho CRI!O Indeed It 18 DoL po Iblc except by !!ollie extreme violenco IU'eb l1li tl y nBIUlte cXl'loslOn ll, 10 blot Ollt a human hfe 10 tn ntly . K eper Good'a pIstol 0011 " cnt rIg h t through the heart of Barr !;t, tho tog IJIg conVICt, yet he Itved four mlJlUIClI. }'ort.ello a IUlIfe eleft tho h e \(t of Boluneh r rom pletely In t1l am bu t be did not f III d elld II pon tho spot Tbe IDsttocL of r<elf proI!fl"atloo 1'1'nullnecl nnd von that horrId woond had not doprh od h 1111 of tho Itren~th to obey It. Be ron fil'llt toward a netghbonl'lg drug sture, th II turned AIld Iln down Fulton Btreet, nnd hnd reached a point mBny feeL-d18tnnHrum the llpot where h e "8e stabbed and foil Ilnd expU'ed 80 0 nnuell who WI\H Btabbed by Ntchol .., ut N)RCk, Jul) 3 though hI heart WIIM ncln Illy ellt III L" o by tlie 8troke, non I'('~cnl l [ee t lifter tho wound "8a InflIcted A plllll tur o [ Lho heart 18 nece AAnly fnla l llut lbe vlchm 18 oft.en eonSCHlIlS fnr t"41 or threo mlllulcs, lhoullhgen mil) "l thoutlllUI h power of mollon or of speec h III' 0 tho I111 • • hO\\ 8 thllt. tho fil'llLcrJ of agon) brtllD enn !Ict C'l'n artl! r Ih hea rt 1ft defltroyed On th e other hn nd the he. rt untlDuea to ('!terrI FIC Its rl ncllon s IIfl e r tbe brnln hM cCH!lCd nil ndlOI1 8 M In CMC of death from 60' Ne blo\\" UII the le NI I The be.ut!! of cn111 IDlIlij "ho h" e b ee n hnnged g nE'rally kel'p up tho If pull!l\ tlonsfort"eh e or fifteen ITllnlt,," HI thougb It te reneonably <e rt lin "hen the .neck 18 broken lllnt the) enn reef' 1vc no nenOIl" Ilnpulee from the brom cIllr tng tbnt tIme The conHnlled ""orklng of the org!lQ 16 Rttnbul.nblc to n re61dl In of nervous forco In the CIISC of "",n n 1I00malll, thIS 18 .llfllClent t.o kcrp th" beart pulB1lung for hours nfter It hA S been tallen out. or the body I he cum m on nOllon that th o h eart Ie a deliCAte organ 18" mIstAke It 18 on tbp con trary, one o f the most robliN' It . mUl!Cular strength IS cnormUII Anti lle toleranco of d'SCRIIC IS IKlm cllung mnn 1'1 ous llien a nrl " 1m en "l ose hcn r~ ha, e heen dl scnactl from c1llldhood 801lle lllll(,8 attaln " r pe old ngr nud m a nr pN 1'10 with heart dIsease Iii c for ye 11'11 III nln ORt momentary oxpecl.nlton o f sudde n tl cliLh and then dI e of !lOme olh e r II nln'h Only II very fe" of thp mnny cIl '" 11<1'" to whlcb the heart IS It Iblc lire lilt \ .tallly ADd lpecdtly fatal Most of Lhem c ~en at tbe orll"Dlc ciI IlCR!C' nro 'lllltr cum Jlatlhle WIth long ltfc \ 8 to th I fun c tlonal dieeaac. or dornngement IIf th~ heart'. action WIthout aClulIllC1!IOn, th ey are devoId of dange r though tbclr mnnlflllltation s are commonly more tll'q Ulet 1111 Ulan thOle of aenollll orgaOle dl.eAse He Wu Born So. A little fell ow barefooted ral!sed 8nd bnght., who was IIHltcted \I Itb th e 10... IIf bll palate, "88 se re 1II11l/! lit the top of hit vOIce Hnnklebo>rr €" ",t tb , "t!! a tW81tl' ,,",'ben In thl' 0PI,081Ie rilTc<110n anotber boy bcLt(>f drell/;( d nnl r " . ><.,. lng apparent llu.tne.... el r rg' 011'0 111111(. Ing a palate sboul ed It. nkl<i rr rllS lIt thente a t\\ IIrt '1 hr h ",I I I ill' ur dreamlDg of Bueh n cUlne,dl'n ce "ailed for the repealer t. co me up to bIOI "h n bmthng wltb r'l;"l' be ehook bl8 hot In the IeCOnd lad. fll cp demlmdlDg Who !lne btu monklllg1 I hlllllt monkmg anypod~ re pb ed the otrender In BII6Xl'Ianntory toOl' I w'lzbom Itho' • Stho wuz T !,(,SJIIlDllcd hI. nAAlHIt nt, whoee wnr.tb lIlemed to have tllrn~d to .,..mpathr, 'Hunkleberrtl'~ KIt thentl • twart l And WIth t.hll unrl"I'I!t.~n(h ng Ih e two baY' went up the slreet . 1 011 t III~ '" Lh imperfccLenllncmtlOn apptron llyh 'PI y ill tb e lhought tha, the, \\( re hu m so aDd thAt no iierieion Will! IIltc nde<1 In the eorneponding (aulte of their uroc1arua
BOSTON Itt .... n.flt Co
r.: fb",t.tI 5t
:2!II,..... , I ,
anew Tho .'gOlficRnt tnlt 111. (; 1 I (Gonf to Texn .) In"c rlhed on Ih r h(lilrll boar of An In\ o hl'd mer III. I Ire nc cepled ae jlr""a facl~ (" tdc ne t h It be too, blUl bolted Il mu ~ t noL 00 IIlfe rred from Ihl8 Ihllt nil .. hn hnHl IU llto,1 wIthin the d omnln of thr Lo nr "tnr IIro to be suspecled uf fill II Clal 8h rt CO lli IngJI. fhrollgh (hc 11 nhenl n III) crill rt I portIons of th e . t n t~ mnn, " I III ... nn larmere and me rch.nts IIr~ ( I I "I ba, e mlgrnle .1 (rom t ip ( ros t l In d . , ( rr~l o n MinneeoLa And \\ " lo ",hleb at lhe worst knOll hilt n fI'll Clay of cold nud 'no\\ In the COlin;(' of 1\ twelvemontb neh mrn hn' r I tlllt np a conditIon of I!O let v 0 (" lI t h (he , nro Jus tly prond Blld Je/lloll~ Ic~t the 8 11l ~ of l be frontlcr which h nH~ too often III",I\' tbe name of Texas a IlJ nonl III of lallles&ntell, be brougbt to theIr tl oo", In UIO eotlR~e homeR of 611c11 Clt lC. n- ()ull ns Austtn Houston nn I th ~ m/'IT 1",11. of tbe W este rn Gulf , uh e (on II 1'(\'An ce SUtJlt WIll find I\OI\lI red nho ll t II r. nr rent ltte rRture o( thr I HI ,rld. L,brsrtlJ!l " III be (ollnd rCl'lptr \I Ith th o more erudIte form of pnlllt< It I I .n I the d8ugbtl'l'1! of th A ("11111) " " trrult n fri end to I'I'lec ltou fro m the n( \\."t operAtiC r.ompoOltlOIl"of t he In pomt o[ fru;b ion II e cu.,tllnU" f tho ladl Cl! conform ~ull e nl! clolK' h t I he edIcts of the' tl)r l lll,.. "" d" th ost of Ihrlr metropoh tanlill!ters. The " r hh "I Jckell ahelves of th e merchAnt In II flng III' parel prove thllt Ib fine~t pro 1111 lIOI S oftheloomnro Inqmt IIsl\c ll\c do nlllUd bore na the Ea!~
r~ II'
GEO. D. WINCHELL n ... ~' .... l .. IlU. K or
Japanned, Stamped r msr
PI t'I flY
FOWLE cfI. 80N8.
And Plain
UAJl llt!m :oi' A f XUK. D0 91 0S )J. \ ~!:I.
TIN COODS, No. 123 Walnut St., Hnntlng (or & Word. An anecdote of Moore the 1mb poot 8ho" 8 ho" much IHl oa B wnler who d oes good work ,lin tak to put tho right " Qrd III tho f1 g h~ place Moore was on n VISit to a ht mry frl ood In Frnncc lind wbllo therr "rote II short poe m Uno dl\), whtlo th o g u e81 1\118 engnge.1 ID hIS hte mry Inbor the two took a stro ll Into an adj acent \l ood amllh o hos t IIOOn perce" cd that 1118 CUlII!' til IOU "US g" en u p to Ius own thou hts he IIR8 ~ol r nt nnd ub trocted nulJClI1g ne lth r hI S fn enll ann cnlCrlutn r nor th surround III !! bCllute e [tbe lIn d apc 1:\) nnd b) ho bcgnn v, g naw Iho fin gcr tepa of IllS glo\c I Ulllllg lind lllltch wg l>u'\IIod l(Il Uy, IIl1d \I hen tillS hnd gOllo 0 11 fo r" IOll g tllnc IllS fr elln ' en Lured to IUik hllll what was lhe troubl e J 11 te ll lOU ft lId Al oo rc I h,no lef t. lit 1101110 011 Illy tallie I poeOl III "Iuch IS a " orrl I d no t lik e l'he lin e 18 perfl'd !!li ve thllt one wurd 111Id time wurJ II! ptrfcCL 1111\0 Its IllfcCLlUIl fhus it i li nd ho repea ~ll Iho hn e, lind u krcl ht Crllllld If ho co uld h c lp hun It Will! n d hca t POIUt.. 1 he Inemi &.'l" tit ne d snw whoro "n.l how t.lw I rcsc llt word prred Ju st tho 8hghtt'SL I ul;iIlhlu ln t tl u e X'l t1l81to hu rmullY of tho cndence but h could no l. HUl'ply Lhe
)fA s t l \ L'1't: REO nt
DR. S. C .
H: RA~[,
NW ~r riflh andElm SIX CinCInnati t;lI l1ll1g and Cltrlng fOllrler' -llle fU.t"N e IfI J '01 I. olle I hAt menU not u nly Ii fillin g lire pur Itlon n f grou nd IIIU.I " roll cu llllre 'IIt It c\lI ~ fur Kpecllcl ellr 111 harYl's tllls I\l\ll (,Hr ln ~ fur wlntli r u (1) th'8 collnt ry 11II1ot the perfec t cur 11Ig of ("tiller ( or" I,a "orne" II Itrilfti c ulL "JHlrlttloD tl) IIIIUlY furmor. Fe. n Ie c uI tlvllt"r~ wh" gl\O c()u~"l rtlil u aLten lton Lo Ih e cro p 1r0 IlCl!H1tllllg In ,uloplo Iho en"J1n go Hw~t~ llI • f I'rl'er vllIA' fod (Ie r "h"'h hl8 hilt (ew l''tl'c rllfl entNH III till" COUll I ry H e re 01 I 111 thud 1m Jlrn\(,IIl(,lIt~ tre hI IIIC lII afie f"'lIl se:u;on lu
t(C-I\ -HlQ
I he din r rlty or c llrlng 111(1 '11'1111': rn
l I I~
IInm llure Hll\.t<4: t 0111 " I1Inny
Intu nllowlII!l; tlt!,1 r fOllll" CUI II I. I e Uri c . 11 e I 0 r 'l' hdore c utt,, )! hn'H vcr I" 110 o~ cc ptl UII til. th e r f 1rI1!;U urll'" "' (J rc~p(>c l hu t IIII'I L to iI! \ lIt f' r bH L " "lIl tA l,,(on It I" Ollt "f llt "'n he m cn t III oIY "~ h"" . 1 0\\ n thut fOlloler d"~r,,,rcl(1rl III I II l W IY " by "t ~nlling III thl' fi~ I " \ z II, tJr. le'8flle,1 pro l.or lUll (If nlhumlll Id '1I 1111 1)\ I \ I III r • hJ'c r('nl!(' I dl'l . llhlilty 11011 t.o the c rol K "tan,lollJ! 111111 nil tl e ,nrd 11'"0 form (1 d U Lhllt the ~ t8Ik" grr 1\ ~ InlllhllL thty IIro . roubl(li\uDlc to hlln III' alld Ifr 1,,11 Ir to fill Rlld 1 (l1~1' un Irr Ht ITInR I urlh erm. rl' eMly cut fo 1,Ior I" 111 Itllt' l f a comll e h rntte 11 n ch "'Iu udl III albllnlln lis to nUlk" gOOlI lood wlti ouL mlx"l~ WIth oLh~r millen 1\1. an,1 Illst hUI hv nil melln . Ie 8L1m portAnt thl' ~lI rly cut (rup Iccor<\ , "I! 10 tho experoc nce 01 \ h.},t f l'rrlcttt II oulth alon CHillieR I.,•• exhllu ~ t ' OI1 t he 1IOt\ l'hl'rcrnre tbe lid VII e 10 • tn fodder COrt lJt (JT~ It I" lit uf hloOlIl lit A J.ndy in Want or a .. ,Ing HU8b!llld. Corn fur fuclder.h uill he hllrvcAle.1 M r , U l II ofT: 8C1 011.1 hou se surgeon ,hen I t I" ,I ry .lIId HI fnor wenther If n~Gllv M H "J' l t ti IAnl un re lnlesthe flOMIU blclctILOO(lltlll - llOck8nnd t,"d folio IIll; " Id l'nt III Ihr l.allcet A "ell Inltl cllrp,l when II.. li ght I h IV" ~be l drc!!.... l nn ll iliokr (cmll/' "lIb a le r (,IL II C rllllllr' H~l e l"or ~tllc kH AR strODg!' r~ ncl lokI I t l!Oe mr t '" '0' I "Ir Rt ,10 111 IIllt) CI ro 'om fr ,I and requ eMc I til It Ih p lilt f\ ow Ollg ht t r-nWIIl~ to Ih e 1111 111 tIt} uf wu te r It be a p,,",lo 0' c ns tho .ubJcct upun « 111:\111 . !!O lb ,t It r.lln Ie <"Hod In "hlcb sbe IIlshed La Mpcnk was to lise 1IIIIk 1\ Lhuut d" grr u f heallns nllmer ber u"n " ords II dellcale nne A 11M t1rvl C " h " c bee II II J I cd til ns... t ) olm g II omnn II rclntll e or fri end of III the u l (rllllC U \ n IIIgCllllltlS ph," I:crs " I" e ntItl ed to mh r nt I!Umc proJ>" PTllctlscd In stIne Kr( tl OI " CU Il"'S~ of erb) If married but bc,"~ s lI1gle, Lh ore d rlvlo g ,1"0 cr. lo hed sllckR lIlto tbe 1\1 8 n ru_peet of Io cr IO~lIlg It As no g roulJd nnd 111 the cro tch es laytllg a IUltab e hn ~ltllnd r;cem cd lik"'), to nJ>" pole again t. whIch th~ foddu 18 Htacked ~nr al c w.~ tlC. ,roU8 of hndlllg eome to c ure The co rn 1M 'pIled on untIl dYIng mlln of \I hnt p" ItlOn It matr nbout fiftoon Inches tl"ek The ends tored not to \\hom she mlghL be form are le ft open for a free cJrculatlO"\ of ally Olarrle d "nd IlO obtalll the property air Wben UIO fodder 18 'Iul te dry It 18 "hlle lit the salllo t,me th61111k mIght ~ boumltn bundles nnd housed or .I.ncred .Iender Rnd s< n br ken fill' they had Mauv fllrm ers ad~ocat.e the followlIIg notllccn "blc to OIanngc III Fruncc wbere method ngalD8( th e \I h olllSfllc "tly or .he Ill ctl and Ihey hud uccordmgJy !\(lnt c utLlng fodder WIth II rOllpllltr IDaClllOe over to a Lontlon h ospl\.l\l where they 8n.1 gllthertnglt hke hay wTth rakcM hoped fIr 8ueee,," J \\n. rrqncsted to • Cnt Lh ft slockR wltb a cllmmon l'Aht find Kli Ch I dVlIIg man sut\ubl e for tho cn rn culter IVllh Ihe corn (utler ill ohJect J f he were" "dl wer nnd had tbe f1j!'ht h 1IId an I the r nt corn nn ollllrlrOIl thev \\oul<l "'like IlOml' pro- <IN tbe left urm lind WIthout droPplllg VISlun for tI I' I hold ren I need not tlwell It. I I th o g r IIIl1U form 10(; crrel snug ullOn I he n n~I" r !,!" rn tl Hueh It req uest .bl ek. By 111I ~ nrran~cmcnt I L 18 con It " oull be c nr" n. tn kno" If the same t.e tier! thal th" fo Iler WIll tlry well liS atte mpl hns been mndo Ill. other London It stRn d . lind m 'y he nllowed lo re molll boepll" ls Rh wlIlll'r NOL a few of our be~t farmerK bUIld An IIIHntlon In WaltzIng. IlOme IIOrt o f a rn ck .n prefc rt'n ce 10 .tor 0 11\ e Lq; n n one of h er letters log thOlrfO Id er lit II b Ifll c~cn wht'll 'Hl tcs I hCllrd .. f B rotber amusing they h I\ e pll'nty f "p"Ce MCnlli!ll they reph glHn Ih~ ul h"r " , ('nlllg Ilt Il bllll behe\!' IL Wlllllot Ir 1' out \nd c rumble I V an A mercclIll flfl III J onrlnn IIOc letv up to the KaOle p"tellL \n OhIO far \\ I ( hlld Itr lVN l ,fr .m tl e bull mer of I!Oml! twenl) yel\r~ o r mure ex roo m H e r mOIl H ijllUK< lu cnlly 'hs- p'lrIence III Ih o !Dlltter nL haml IftN cn'Ned h e r tn n ron ow nnokwlth n en Lrymg VIHIOII' \\11>" uf Mtllckmg rodde r tlemlln who hnd 1m nrm /lrOlln I ~Ier prefe~ Lhe flllluWlIIg tAl nil rno leM n~ \\ lIKt "hole she rctlt.ed the t 'llS of he r non .. bllt lho lllltt. IIro eXI (),;eu to Ule pretL) louie fillgr". on 1118 manly weather nn,1 J\ IlIrl'or .. tU(nllty (1\11 bc 8h mlder Dllughte r \I hat H all thlsl pI8(,'(>d cl()se hy th e fecd lllg plllce li e I'~cl Ill ' d Ibe lTut , III n 1 I The dRugh puts fifty . huck. of on~ hUIl,lr•• 1 lllll~ lor Ir , wcd u)' clIlll h lind rep led ellch III IIsLuck A fpw . llck. lire )tl lcc I • Mllmmll 1110\\ me to IlIlr tlllce upllln (III thc grollnd to r011!8 lip thr celltre of to y ou I bad prollll!ICd him Il.-drutce,.. t!!..e "I.nck In order II sheri rlllll from Lh e but I was eo hre.1 till t 1 cou ldn t keep uWi tllroughou~ tFe en He "talk Th e my word nnd r m JII KIt un IDg hun a 8lt- Ktaek IS made (If such dlamewr R8 '0 al tIns still woltz. Instelld 'f low tbe \!lJls of the bundl es tAl IIII' aud thus keep up the centre, 1\ 8"l gle row of bundleR on1y form lUI! the CIrcle Tho II No .. MId the TexlUI lawyer lUI he finlRhlllg of the .tack I")!J form ' 1m Ill" placed 8 coupl o f looded D mnger. liD II ILn orcllnllry 100 1,,11 _hock "" I WI'II the table before hIm, lhe fnet Iii It thl~ Ll~d with 1\ hun J If 1\ 811 IV Ill' HIe t Wttn cee 18 a dcspemte man WIll not deter IO rm olellr. CIr II I CIIVY rtllh , II I "tlre me f rom wing him .uch 'l uestlOnl u I I.-oune 1MlIomelllllllly remover! Ilnd t may deem proper .. Jln end untIl fed
\) 0
Most Successful I
T lI l: l n I NtlTaUM1I:N"T'"Ht" . . . 1 uclard ula. In "II 1 It
TIU 811H H J UU,
lUlr'''''.f.fKO,h 1..' IlII
b• •
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'::;:.~:;.~!;;il:;:'u";'~ I ~~~~.~~-~ • I3';000:000 Ae'i Es Tn
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, I n th. Fa MU JI
....... 0.11. _d ......
Of.1I ch rnmo duelS
the t.ut eon IU ,bt. b)' II . or I "",y
r eAourt't!I of m,dicIDf!
There II ho 'eYer a
remody "hloh <omph t Iy rClCCI II 0 .1 or Ih. I,.ttm In Iny Ind I. of 11,., "arion. phaull Thll cel.b,'led ,1>.\ or od . I. "8.lnblo .n ooD,,,,,.IUon and I Dol onl)' .m DC u. lUI perf•• \)Yllr, a th~ ~ Ihu ".nnol b"",o1I •• leI
wllh Iratb of qui DII..... t. b•• id..
deren, • •, .. in.t III
pi , .Iqu. "lib
1I 00t.".r . Slornach mo.t m•• n. 01 ria II It et}do". th. ount of .lI<mlna "bleb
enabl.. It- to encou er m I . mlt C InOuene,.
wllhout pr~udl'" to .,lIb Penon, ,boul 10 or 11YIDC la ,"liD COUDtrl.. , or porLi OD.
or oar own ,.bef, flll,mlttenl or reauUell&
r.. ,n p"nll .~ aot omit 10 lay In a .amclent lupply ot tle gnat. P,••• "tIYfil hollt t.o
aDd di ll orden
tb, llolII",h bow.1I Old II ... common to .ucb 1•••Ull,.
I" former to find 50 ror cont
If" • common occnrrence
l b. fi.ld I .n Is n J ou • 1ttlIlIUlllipp' I AIAhama struck tiown W Ih S"amp Feyer Ohlll " n.od Fenr or Du u Ague JUlLt dariD, • bUliett t. m. ot BumlOer No" 1t'1 are glad t l H f II flt tbeplDDtCrt 8 UO eeod In cu r "'Ive e ,,,,,or lobo d II lie In "tew lAna
d,yo by tho n•••{ Dr F W.lhofl.
~n l
Perlo lie or Peter I II ,1 A,nu ToOio which .Iold
by "It ~rut:ll
,t. lhrough Ih. COl ol,y
FIrst Eat.blr.hed I
o 0"
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